Rúhavé mená




Rúhavé mená

"A v Duchu ma priviedol na púšť; a uvidel som ženu, ktorá sedela na šelme v šarlátovej farbe, plná rúhavých mien,…" To je veľký rozdiel, medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Čo to je? A tak, ona bola matka smilníc. Všetci to vieme. No, čo to je? Nemusíte byť… Nuž, tak veru. Na to by bola treba rímsko-katolícka cirkev, ale ona je plná rúhavých mien: metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni a všetci ostatní, sami sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími – rúhavé mená. Je veľký rozdiel medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Nazývajú sa cirkvou Božou a prezentujú sa pred svetom pri kartových hrách, pijú a vyvádzajú, večierky a všetko možné, až sa to dostáva do bodu, kde… Je len jedna cirkev. Do nej ste narodení. Do nej neprichádzate, dokiaľ nie ste obmytí Krvou Baránka a zapečatení Duchom Svätým.

Čo za rozdiel medzi výrazmi „mená rúhania“ a „rúhavé mená.“ Rozumiete tomu? Mne to došlo dnes ráno, keď som to čítal, ako som sem išiel. Niečo mi jednoducho povedalo, „ Choď do svojej izby; zober si Diaglott.“ No, to je len poslušnosť, to je všetko. Vstúpil som, vybral som Zjavenie 17. Pomyslel som si, „Prečo chceš, aby som si toto prečítal?“ Začal som čítať. Len čo som na to natrafil, „Tu to je.“ Mám ceruzku a zapísal som si to. Povedal som, „Tu to je.“

Nuž, kritizujú ma za to, že karhám organizácie. To sú tie rúhavé mená, ktoré sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími a cirkvami Krista a cirkvami metodistov a cirkvami… Sú to lóže, nie cirkvi. Jedna jediná Cirkev je Cirkev Pána Ježiša Krista. A čo to je? Tajomné telo Ježiša Krista v účinkovaní na zemi, tvorené z členov patriacich do akéhokoľvek z týchto zhromaždení, oni tvoria Kristovo telo. Musíte sa do neho narodiť; nepripájate sa do toho. A pripojiť sa do nej je už samo o sebe rúhavé meno.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Toto je pre mňa trochu prekvapenie. Pôvodne som tu dnes nemal byť; ale dnes večer máme komúniu, tak som si pomyslel, že by som sa tu predsa zastavil. Zavolal som bratovi Nevillovi a on povedal, „No, keď teda ideš,“ povedal, „prečo by si aspoň na chvíľu nešiel niečo povedať.“

 A pomyslel som si, „No, ak by som prišiel, bolo by to možné, nekázal by som, len trochu prehovoril k cirkvi o záležitostiach, ktoré si myslím, že by ju posilnili.“

2Práve sme sa vrátili z našej jesennej poľovačky (ja a bratia, ktorí tu sú), mali sme veľkolepý čas. Sme veľmi vďační. Všetci sme sa nasýtili a ulovili sme zver, na ktorú sme poľovali. A náš pastor a ja vieme, že tá zverina je veľmi, veľmi dobrá. Mali sme jedného pekného jeleňa. Ja som dostal medveďa a dvoch jeleňov.

 A tak, ako sa vraciame, toto je čas, kedy mám hovoriť o siedmich posledných pečatiach. No, oni nepripravili cirkev. A je niečo, čo tomu zabráni… Myslím, že v tomto meste je to trochu ťažšie, vzhľadom na nedostatok miesta na parkovanie pre toľko ľudí, koľko sa do zboru zmestí.

3Chceli by sme tu novú budovu a už máme našetrenú slušnú sumu peňazí, aby sme mohli postaviť väčšiu cirkev. Ale keď máme tieto zhromaždenia, rozumiete, ako to chodí. Je to škoda; ľudia tam stoja pri stenách, vonku v daždi, je to až hrozné. A dokonca aj mne sa dostáva kritika od priateľov, ktorí hovoria, „Brat Branham, vyzerá to ako v...“

 Môj doktor mi povedal, „Predsa by si mohol zohnať nejaké miesto, aby… Je mi to ľúto,“ povedal, „…aby sa tam zmestili.“

 Zdravotná sestra, ktorá bola z vedľajších dverí, povedala, „No, prišla som sem jedno ráno o piatej. Ty si tu už mal byť,“ a povedala, „ľudia sa tam začínajú schádzať už o piatej a ty tam máš byť o pol desiatej.“ A tak vidíte? Je to ťažké.

4A tak chceme zbor, ktorý má nejaký priestor, kde si môže každý sadnúť. A myslíme si, že žijeme v posledných dňoch – veríme, že tam boli… mali by sme vyučovať cirkev vo veciach, ktoré sa začínajú formovať: veci, ktoré boli prorokované, niektoré z nich už po tisíce rokov; a už aspoň dvadsaťpäť a tridsať rokov to bolo cirkvi prorokované, že sa to stane. A tak, mali by sme to tu prerobiť, ale nemáme tu dosť miesta.

 A tak, dnes ráno by som… včera som si vybavovali, hovory a podobne a ešte mi nejaké zostávajú na dnešné popoludnie, a tak ďalej. A mal som nejakých ľudí, ktorí chceli prísť: milý mladý muž, ktorý mal nervové zrútenie, kazateľ, jeden brat na misijnom poli; a takí podobní; jeden brat z Nórska. A mali sme rozhovory v zadnej časti miestnosti a povedal som, „No, budeme musieť ustúpiť.“

 A brat Neville povedal, „No, pôjdeme a povieme pár slov, aby sme trochu posilnili cirkev.“

5Jedna z prvých vecí, ktoré by som chcel povedať… Napísal som tu na papier pár vecí, ktoré som chcel povedať, keď prídem do zboru. Jedna vec, ktorú som si zapísal, bola ohľadom odchodu nášho drahého brata Taylora, zatiaľ čo sme boli preč.

 Brat Taylor chodil do tohto zboru veľa rokov. Všetci z nás ho iste poznali. Ale ak sú tu nejakí, čo sú tu cudzí, bol to drahý starý gentleman, ktorý vám vždy vedel nájsť stoličku, aby ste si mohli sadnúť, to bol brat Taylor. Naposledy, čo som ho videl, aspoň doteraz, dokiaľ ho uvidím ako mladého človeka, stál tam pri dverách asi pred tromi-štyrmi nedeľami. Povedal, „Chcel by som nejaké knihy, brat Branham. Chcel by som rozdávať tie materiály.“

6A tak sme… Viem, že mal cukrovku a potom upadol do kómy a ne… nevedel, že mal cukrovku, a zomrel. Nie, on nikdy nezomrel; len odišiel, aby bol s Pánom Ježišom.

 A on bol verný, ohromný brat, vždy myslel na druhých. A tešilo ho, keď sa mu podarilo nájsť niekomu miesto, aby si sadol, keď prišiel do zboru. A viete, možno, keď prejdeme na druhú stranu, nebolo by milé, keby sme tam videli brata Taylora, ako nám tam nájde miesto, aby sme si sadli?

 Myslím, že na pamiatku brata Taylora… Nerozprával som sa s bratom Nevillom na jeho pohrebe, ale chcel by som vyjadriť svoje ocenenie pre jeho vdovu, sestru Taylorovú, ak tu dnes ráno je. Nech je požehnané jej oddané srdce.

 Brat Taylor raz povedal, „Poď sem. Mám tu vykopané malé jazero. Dal som do neho nejaké ryby, aby sme sem mohli chodiť chytať.“ Vždy myslel na niekoho druhého a preto bol Niekto, kto na neho myslel; to bol Kristus, ktorý mu dal spasenie. Myslím, že na jeho pamiatku pre túto cirkev, ako sa tu dnes ako telo zhromažďuje, povstaňme spolu na svoje nohy a skloňme svoje hlavy pred Bohom.

7Náš Nebeský Otče, my ako ľudské bytosti dnes ráno a tí, ktorí prichádzajú na miesto uctievania… Tvoja veľká ruka sa pohybovala medzi nami a vzala od nás jedného z našich vzácnych bratov, ktorého milujeme, a vieme, že aj Ty si ho miloval. A ty máš za všetkým týmto Svoj zámer, Pane, ináč by sa to takto nestalo, vediac, že Biblia nám hovorí, že všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha; a tak sa to stalo.

 A my sa rozhliadame po tomto svete a nachádzame prírodu, ako k nám každým spôsobom hovorí, že hrob sa ho nemôže zmocniť, lebo on na zemi slúžil účelu, na ktorý si ho Ty sem poslal. Bol dobrým oddaným bratom. 

 Zisťujeme, že v botanickom živote a v živote slnka, ktoré ráno vychádza, aby nám dalo svetlo… A v strede dňa je v strednom veku a potom večer opäť zomiera, a hneď v to ráno vychádza čerstvé a nové, lebo to slúži Božiemu účelu.

 Vidíme, ako kvitnú kvety a okrášľujú zem, ozdobujú pohrebné chodby a svadobné haly, slúžia svojmu účelu: otvárajú svoje srdcia a zdarma rozdávajú med pre včely, dávajú vôňu okoloidúcemu; dávajú všetko, čo majú, pre svoju službu Bohu, potom skláňajú svoju malú hlavu. Ale keď prichádza jar, opäť vychádzajú, lebo slúžia Božiemu účelu.

8Potom v tvári celej prírody a Biblie, zasľúbenia a Ducha Svätého, môžeme sa šťastne radovať vo svojich srdciach a vedieť, že náš brat Taylor, Pane, rovnako slúžil Božiemu účelu. A povedať, že on viac nepovstane, by znamenalo zapierať našu Bibliu, nášho Boha a všetko, čo nám Boh dal, aby sme na to hľadeli a vedeli, že existuje vzkriesenie. A tak my sa tešíme na ten čas, kedy ho opäť uvidíme, keď bude mladý a zdravý a nikdy viac nebude chorý a nezostarne.

 Požehnaj jeho drahú manželku, jeho oddanú spoločníčku. Ako nám len budú chýbať, Pane, ako sme ich vídavali, ako spolu chodili okolo rybníka a sedávali tam na lavičkách, chodili na ryby a zhovárali sa a ako boli spolu tak milí.

 A teraz vieme, že prichádza deň, kedy budú hrdinovia viery pochodovať pod veľkým oblúkom triumfu a anjeli s piesňami naplnia oblohu. Opäť ich na tom mieste uvidíme.

 A dovtedy nám daj, Pane, odvahu. Požehnaj nás a pomôž nám. Brat Taylor nám bude dlho chýbať a každému, kto príde do tohto zboru, ako on stával pri dverách a hľadal miesto pre každého, kto chcel prísť vypočuť si Slovo Božie, aby si v ľahkosti sadol a odpočíval.

 A keď nedávno odišiel, Pane, modlil som sa, aby ten veľký archanjel Boží stál pri dverách, aby aj jemu našiel miesto, Pane, aby si mohol sadnúť. Lebo v Biblii je napísané, „Milostiví obdržia milosť.“ Kým ho neuvidíme, Pane, nech spomienky na neho zotrvajú v našich srdciach, až dokiaľ sa jedného dňa stretneme na tej druhej zemi. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

9Dlho bude medzi nami chýbať a medzi cudzincami, a tak ďalej, ktorí prídu do našej cirkvi alebo našej budovy, aby tu uctievali. Nech jeho duša odpočíva pred Bohom až do toho dňa. Jedného dňa každý jeden z nás pôjde, jeden po druhom, až dokiaľ sa tam razom nedostaneme. A zatiaľ teraz, pokiaľ máme čas a môžeme, pripravme sa na ten čas príchodu; lebo nevieme, kedy to bude. Nevieme, kto bude nasledovať. Žime takým spôsobom pre ten deň, aby, keď raz príde, bude to pre nás a budeme pripravení.

10No, chcel by som teraz niečo oznámiť. Čoskoro, no, možno… Nerozprával som o tom s dôverníkmi odvtedy, čo som sa vrátil, čo sa týka tejto cirkevnej budovy tu alebo toho, čo musíme urobiť, aby sme mohli mať budovu, kde budeme mať zhromaždenia. A potom budem pokračovať (prepáčte) so siedmimi pečaťami. A potom tam je sedem čiaš a mnoho vecí, do ktorých by sme sa hneď mali dostať.

 A tak, budúcu nedeľu ráno mám byť v Elizabethtowne, Kentucky, s bratom L. G. Hooverom na zasväcovacej bohoslužbe. Má to byť na zasvätenie novej modlitebne alebo modlitebne, ktorú kúpili v Elizabethtowne, Kentucky: dolu 62-kou až do Elizabethtownu alebo… myslím 31-kou, dolu popri mýte. Hneď ako sa odbáča do Elizabethtownu. Je to asi hodina; je to tam asi tridsaťpäť, štyridsať míľ. Asi štyridsať míľ po ceste 31 a potom asi tridsaťpäť míľ tou druhou cestou popri mýte. Je to na Mulberry Street. Zasväcovacie zhromaždenie…

 Brat Hoover bude mávať pravidelne o desiatej nedeľnú školu a ja mám kázať na zasväcovacej službe od jedenásteho do dvanásteho, túto budúcu nedeľu, 11. novembra.

11Vonku na nástenke je to pripnuté, bude to v… Odtiaľ sa tam dostanete. Je to na Mulberry Street, ale ide sa tam smerom na… Je to tam na nástenke pred budovou.

 Potom 22. novembra mám byť v Shreveporte, Louisiana, 22., 23., 24., 25. a 26. - päť dní, sa mi zdá, v Shreveporte, Louisiana v Life Tabernacle. To bude s bratom Mooreom. Oslavujú svoje zlaté jubileum. Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, 22. tohto mesiaca padli v Shreveporte, Louisiana letničné požehnania. Päťdesiat rokov, prvé letničné posolstvo, ktoré bolo kázané, a Duch Svätý, ktorý padol v Louisiane. Majú na to pamätník a toto je to zlaté jubileum. Mám na tomto jubileu hovoriť, päť večerov s bratom Mooreom v Shreveporte, Life Tabernacle.

12Ak tam v tej oblasti máte nejakých priateľov, ktorým by ste mohli napísať alebo niečo, radi by sme ich tam mali. Povedzte im o zhromaždeniach, ktoré tam majú byť.

 A Life Tabernacle, ak tam niekto už bol s bratom Mooreom, on je ohromný človek. A je tam ohromná skupina ľudí. Tí starí južania, ťažko ich prekonáte. A tak, Life Tabernacle, ktokoľvek v oblasti Shreveportu vám môže povedať, kde to je. Shreveport je asi dvesto tisíc ľudí. Je to príjemné mesto s dostatkom ubytovania, takže…

 A tá modlitebňa je väčšia, veľmi veľká. Má poschodia, balkóny, hlavné poschodie, a potom ešte jedno ďalšie; a je tam dostatok priestoru, priamo od mestského auditória, ktoré usadí päť tisíc ľudí – priamo oproti mestskému auditóriu.

13A reverend Jack. T. Moore z Life Tabernacle v Shreveporte, Louisiana, a to sa začína 22. Bude to od štvrtka do nedele: štvrtok, piatok, sobota, nedeľa... pardon, štyri dni, nie päť. To bude 22., 23., 24. a 25. (myslím, že tak to je) novembra.

 A potom zistíme, ako sa nám darí tu s našou cirkvou, ako sme pokročili s touto budovou cirkvi. Dodávatelia nám hovoria, že tam vedia zavolať dosť ľudí na to, aby to mali za desať dní takmer hotové, takže potom tam môžeme ísť, vidíte, hneď nato. Len čakajú, kým mesto podpíše… Viete, potrebujeme tu veľké parkovisko a veľa tohto; a, ó, je v tom množstvo vecí, keď sa začína s niečím takým, ako stavať budovu.

14Ale rád by som sa dostal späť do zboru pred tým, ako pôjdem opäť na misijné pole. Teraz som dostal hovor z Tanganiky v Ugande a tam z tej oblasti. Jozef naplánoval začiatok tých zhromaždení na február.

 A keď som sem včera prišiel, boli nejakí bratia a sestra Thomsová a tí zo zahraničia sem prišli, našiel som si pri dverách poznámku alebo skôr pozvanie zo zhromaždenia dolu v Južnej Afrike. A tak im chcem odpísať, aby som to s nimi dohodol. Možno, zatiaľ čo budem tak ďaleko, môžem zájsť dolu do Južnej Afriky, možno v druhej polovici februára alebo v marci, niekedy v tom čase.

 Máme nádej, že sa nám podarí zbor dokončiť, aby som mohol mať tieto cirkevné veky hotové aspoň do zimy, ak to bude možné. Ak nie alebo ak sa budem musieť odtiaľ vrátiť, ak Pán Ježiš počká...

15Včera som počúval – myslím, že to bolo predvčerom – na páske. Zdalo sa mi, že to tu dnes ráno hralo. Jeden brat z juhu mal… Jeho matka prišla na zhromaždenie; mala na prsníku zhubný nádor a bola na prahu smrti. A Duch Svätý na jednom z nedávnych zhromaždení v Southern Pines, myslím, že tam to bolo, jej povedal o jej zhubnom nádore, a kým je, odkiaľ pochádza, odkiaľ prišla; a povedal, že mala chlapca, ktorý bol odpadlíkom, a že bude mať nehodu a bude obvinený z vraždy a veľa ďalších vecí.

 A tento chlapík… Všetko sa to stalo presne tak… A jej zhubná rakovina – alebo ten zhubný výrastok ju opustil (pričom zhubný výrastok je rakovina, to viete). A tak ju to opustilo a ten chlapec bol obvinený z vraždy a všetko bolo presne tak, ako to povedal Duch Svätý. A bol vedený ku Kristovi – znovu. A urobil z toho pásku a počul som, ako to hralo. Či ste sa tešili z tej starej južnej reči? Povedal, „Tu dolu v severnej Karolíne…,“ povedal. Ó, mám to rád, mám rád tých starých južanov. A Pán ho ďalej žehnal. On povedal, „Viem, že nehovoríš, že kážeš náuku, brat Branham, len k tvojmu zhromaždeniu,“ povedal, „my sme časťou tvojho zhromaždenia.“ To bolo od neho milé.

16No, je fotka… myslím, že to je ešte dnes na nástenke. Ak nie, Billy to tam zavesí. Keď som ešte začínal kázať, mnohokrát ľudia hovorievali, „Ty si to len predstavuješ, že vidíš to svetlo, brat Branham.“

 Asi ledva… myslím, že nejaké možno ešte zostali, vy starší si to ešte môžete pamätať, pred tým, ako to bolo odfotené. Je tu niekto, kto si pamätá, že som to hovoril, veľmi dávno? Pozrite! Asi štyri alebo päť rúk: tu sestra Spencerová a brat a sestra Slaughterovci, jeden brat tu a ešte jeden tam. Zostalo tu ešte asi päť alebo šesť starších ľudí.

17No, po chvíli, objektív tej kamery zachytil ten obraz. A tak to išlo do Washingtonu, DC, a prešlo to výskumníkmi a vrátilo sa to, žiadna dvojitá expozícia, nič také. Povedal, „To svetlo zasiahlo objektív.“ To bol George J. Lacy. Máte tam jeho podpis, môžete sa pozrieť.

 Nuž, veľakrát sa obzriete a poviete, „Nad tou osobou je tmavý tieň. Je zatienená na smrť. Mnoho ľudí ma to počulo mnohokrát povedať (vidíte), mnohokrát. A tam to náhodou tá kamera zachytila. A tak to tu máme.

 Jedna pani prišla ku istej sestre a povedala jej o zhromaždení v Karolíne, kde sme mali to nádherné zhromaždenie na Southern Pines… A tam tá pani zomierala na rakovinu oboch prsníkov. A doktori to už vzdali, boli si istí, že zomrie. A tá pani sa načiahla a vzala svoju fotku, ako som jej povedal, aby urobila, kým bola a odkiaľ prišla; a povedala, „Je nad tebou tmavý tieň. Si pod tieňom smrti.“ A tá pani to práve odfotila a tak to je na… Ten objektív fotoaparátu zachytil tieň smrti.

18Videl niekto z vás tých „Desať prikázaní“, kde bol ten anjel smrti, ako sa tam vkradol, ten tmavý, pochmúrne vyzerajúci tieň? Je to na fotke. A myslím, že je to momentálne tam na nástenke. Ak nie, Billy ma počuje, poviem mu, aby to dal na nástenku. A je tam šípka, ktorá ukazuje na tú osobu. A tá osoba… Ten tieň opustil tú ženu a… Bola zázračne uzdravená. Ale je to tam akoby kapucňa alebo kúdol tmavého dymu nahromadený nad tou ženou a vychádza to akoby z tej rakoviny. Je to samozrejme ten tieň, kde smrť vychádza z tej rakoviny.

 No, bez ohľadu na to, koľko sa snažíte ľuďom povedať pravdu, vždy bude niekto, kto bude podozrievať, že to nie je pravda. A ak budete vždy hovoriť pravdu, potom budete vždy vedieť, že ste na tom správne.

19Mám priateľa, ktorý je rančerom na západe. A ochranári prírody zaplatili okolo štyri tisíc dolárov za snežný skúter, aby mohli spočítať stáda losov, ktoré zostali v údolí Troublesome. Pán Jeffries, ktorý sedával tu v zbore, priviedol som ho ku Kristovi – bol úplný ateista. A už som vám hovoril ten príbeh o tom, ako sme spolu jazdievali. Neveril v nič, čo sa i len mierne odlišovalo od Darwinovej evolúcie, a to dieťa, panensky narodené, považoval to za nezmysel. A nedávno sme spolu táborili, a práve tam prijal Krista.

 A tak mu tento človek povedal, „No, nemusíš kupovať ten snežný skúter.“ Povedal, „Poviem ti presný počet losov, ktorí sa tam nachádzajú.“ Povedal, „Je ich devätnásť.“ Povedal, „Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden ale dvoch som zabil.“ Tak sa rozprával s horárom. Totižto nemáte povolené zabiť viac ako jedného. A tak on povedal, „Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden a dvoch z nich som zabil. Zostáva ich devätnásť.“

 A povedal, „Áno, Jeff, viem, že dvoch z nich si zabil.“

 On povedal, „Pravda, zabil!“

 A tak zobrali ten snežný skúter a vyšli tam a bolo tam presne devätnásť losov. On povedal, „Billy, len povedz tomu človeku pravdu; on tomu nebude veriť.“ A tak to jednoducho chodí. Môžete ľuďom hovoriť pravdu a oni jednako… Bolo už toľko neporozumenia a klamania ohľadom vecí, až oni neveria, že im hovoríte pravdu, keď im ju práve hovoríte. Vidíte?

20Ale sme nadovšetko vďační, že máme nebeského Otca, ktorý potvrdzuje tú pravdu s potvrdením. Je to pravda. A tak, ak toto má byť môj posledný deň na zemi, dokonca aj vedecký výskum a všetky dôkazy potvrdili, že to, čo som povedal, je pravda, všetky tieto veci. Tak veru; je to pravda. A tak to pravdepodobne bude na nástenke. Billy, si tam v tej miestnosti? Máš v ruke tú fotku? Ak áno, tak ju sem, prosím, prines, aby sme to tu mohli vyvesiť, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. No, ja neviem, asi to bude na nástenke.

 A tu je tá fotka. Tipujem, že to asi nevidíte, ale tu sa dá vidieť tá kapucňa tieňu smrti nad hlavou tej ženy. A tu je o tom krátky text, kde to tá pani odfotila, aby videla, či sa to naozaj tak stalo; a je to priamo tam. Je to kapucňa tieňa smrti. Pozrite sa na to tu. Myslím, že už sa vám to dalo vidieť. Brat Neville?

 A tak Billy to pravdepodobne vyvesí na nástenku. Ak môžeš, Billy, tak choď pre to a vyves to tu dopredu na nástenku, aby to každý videl, keď bude odchádzať. On alebo Doc, jeden z vás. No, len som myslel, že možno by vám to dalo trochu svetla, ale je tu príliš temno na taký typ fotky. Ale budeme to tu mať, takže to môžete vidieť, ako budete odchádzať. No, majte na pamäti všetky tie oznámenia.

21No, dnes ráno som myslel, že možno by som len krátko hovoril na niečo, čo by povzbudilo cirkev, niečo, čo by vám dalo trochu viac….

 [Brat Edgar sa pýta brata Branhama, či by potreboval bodové osvetlenie.] Áno, Doc, ak môžeš. Môže to byť dobré. Chcem to tu použiť. Niektorí to minulý týždeň nepotrebovali, a tak sme si mysleli, že možno by nám to na dnes trochu pomohlo. A chcel som o tom hovoriť, lebo sa to vzťahovalo na jeden sen, ktorý mala istá sestra.

22Zaujímalo by ma, či je tu dnes ráno sestra Shepherdová. Nedávno som ju stretol. A prvýkrát, čo som tú ženu videl. V skutočnosti som ani nevedel, kto to je. Povedal by som, že nie je… Áno. Prekážalo by ti to nejako, keby som spomenul ten sen, sestra Shepherdová, neprekážalo by ti to, že nie? V poriadku, je to dobré. Ale predtým, ako sa k tomu dostaneme, skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

23Drahý Nebeský Otče, Tebe vzdávame všetku chválu za Tvoju dobrotu a milosť. A teraz nás utíš, Pane, aby sme mohli študovať Slovo živého Boha, ako k nám prichádza prostredníctvom videnia a je potvrdené Duchom Svätým a podložené Bibliou. A tak sa modlíme, aby si nám dal lepšie porozumenie, aby sme vedeli, o čo to ide v týchto posledných dňoch, a aby sme videli zlé mocnosti, ktoré sa okolo nás usádzajú. Ten boj, ten posledný boj sa práve blíži. Pomôž nám, Pane. Ako skutoční a silní bojovníci, nech len držíme štít viery so Slovom Božím, mečom a nech sa hýbeme vpred. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

24No, ako rozmýšľam o tom, ako sa hýbeme vpred, ako sme zoradení do bojového šíku, pripravení do akcie, skutočný boj viery.

 Sestra Shepherdová a tu brat Shepherd, ktorí sú našimi veľmi drahými priateľmi a ktorí prišli do tejto modlitebne… Oni sú drahé deti Božie. A táto sestra Shepherdová… Keď som si vyberal poštu (tú, na ktorú môže aj Billy odpovedať, niekto tam len povedal, „Pošli mi toľko a toľko modlitebných stužiek.“ A ja sa za nich modlím; on ich len pošle naspäť. Ale keď to je osobný list, tak na to musím sám odpovedať. Vidíte?)… A tak som si vybral svoju osobnú poštu. A bral som si ju domov a prečítal som, bolo tam napísané, „Od sestry Shepherdovej.“ A bol to sen, ktorý mala pred niekoľkými mesiacmi. A dlho tomu nevedela porozumieť až do času asi pred dvomi alebo tromi týždňami, kde som učil na tému siedmich cirkevných vekov a siedmich ovocí – 2. Petra, ako máme (2. Petra 1) – pridať ku našej viere.

25Najprv: ako základ je viera. Druhá vec: pridajte ku svojej viere cnosť; ku cnosti známosť; ku známosti zdržanlivosť, trpezlivosť; ku trpezlivosti pobožnosť; a ku pobožnosti bratskú lásku – bratská láska; a potom nech je láska štítovým kameňom – všetkých týchto sedem vecí. Sedem cirkevných vekov a všetko je to Duchom Svätým spojené dohromady.

 No, to je to, čo je treba, aby sa človek stal sluhom Kristovým. Kristus buduje Svoju cirkev v siedmich cirkevných vekoch, Jeho nevesta, osoba, žena, cirkev. Sedem cirkevných vekov zbudujú a tvoria nevestu: niektorú z tohto veku, niektorú z tamtoho veku a niektorú až z tamtoho veku a všetko sa to vytvaruje ako do pyramídy.

26Ako Enoch, ktorý postavil pyramídy, že veríme… A náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy navrch položený, lebo náhlavný Kameň bol odmietnutý.

 A berieme to teraz nie ako náuku, ale na to, aby sme porozumeli, len pre cirkev, ktorá je tu, že…

 Boh je zdokonalený v troch. Je zdokonalený v Otcovi, Synovi a Duchu Svätom, troch úradoch jedného Boha. Je zdokonalený v ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým; potom sú to dokonalé skutky milosti. Je zdokonalený v troch príchodoch: prvý je na to, aby vykúpil Svoju nevestu, druhý na to, aby prijal Svoju nevestu, a tretí je v miléniu so Svojou nevestou. Všetko je zdokonalené v troch. A sedem je Božie meno uctievania; Boh je uctievaný v sedmičke, kompletnosť. Zdokonalený a kompletný.

 Ale to zvláštne bolo (nechcem to tu rozvádzať, len vám niečo ukázať), ten posledný jeleň, ktorého som dostal, mal päť znamienok na jednej strane a tri na druhej (vidíte): milosť a dokonalosť.

27No, všimnite si tu, že Kristus… Boh napísal tri Biblie. Prvá Biblia bola v nebi, nazývaná zverokruh. No, ak nepoznáte knihu Jóba, len na to zabudnite, lebo práve Jób to vysvetľuje: ako keď sa pozrel hore a vymenoval tie veci na nebi.

 A všimnite si, že v zverokruhu, s čím sa to začína? Tá prvá vec v zverokruhu je Panna, posledné znamenie zverokruhu je lev: prvý príchod Kristov skrze pannu, druhý príchod, lev, lev z pokolenia Júdovho.

28Enoch v tom čase dokončil tú pyramídu. A bolo by to… Samozrejme, nemáme čas na to, aby sme to podložili a ukázali, ako v tej pyramíde prechádzajú tie komory, a tak ďalej. Hovorí to priamo do dnešného času konca. Dnes sme podľa ich merania v kráľovej komnate. Ale ten náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy na pyramídu položený. Architektonicky a murársky to sedí dokonale, až dokonca tá malá britva… A dnes sa nevie, ako to oni kedy mohli postaviť, nerozumejú…. Mohla by nejaká britva prejsť cez okraje, kde by bola tá malta, lenže žiadna malta tam nebola. Je to dokonale pospájané.

 A tak to je, keď sa Kristus a Jeho cirkev stávajú jedno. Nie je medzi tým žiadna malta; nič nie je medzi tým, len Boh a tá osoba – Boh, Kristus a tá osoba.

29No, ale ten náhlavný kameň, oni ho nikdy nenašli. Poznáte ten „Stone of Scone“, ktorý majú v Anglicku, kde ordinujú kráľov alebo ich tam korunujú, a tak ďalej? Ale ten náhlavný kameň…

 Dobre sa pozrite na americkú dolárovú bankovku; uvidíte to na americkej dolárovej bankovke. Na jednej strane, na ľavej, je americká pečať, orol s kopijami v ruke. Na druhej strane… Toto sa nazýva pečať Spojených Štátov. Ale na druhej strane je pyramída a nad tým je veľké oko. A pod tým sa hovorí, „Veľká Pečať.“ Prečo by to bola Veľká Pečať v tomto národe, dokonca nad pečaťou nášho vlastného národa? Vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, čo vy kedy robíte, Boh to jednako tak isto dáva najavo, vidíte. On spôsobuje, že hriešnik o tom vypovie; On spôsobuje, že národy o tom vypovedia; všetko musí hovoriť o Ňom, či tomu chcete veriť alebo nie. Je to priamo tam.

 No, všimnite si teraz, je v tom oko – je to oko Božie. A to zavŕšenie neodišlo, tá Náhlavná Pečať, ona bola odmietnutá, čo bol Syn Boží, ten Základný Kameň budovy, Hlavná Pečať pyramídy a všetko toto.

30No, nerád… Niekedy sa tieto veci nahrávajú a dostane sa to medzi bratov do cirkví – do ďalších cirkví. A keď sa to tak robí, niekedy z toho tí bratia dostanú nesprávny dojem, keď o nich niečo hovorím. Ale tak to nie je. Ak by ste len mohli počúvať a rozumieť (vidíte?), nehovorím proti nijakému bratovi, lebo sa to bratom nepatrí, aby hovorili jeden proti druhému. Mali by sme hovoriť jeden za druhého, nie jeden proti druhému. Ale keď niekedy hovorím o istých organizáciách ako presbyteriáni, metodisti, a tak ďalej, a oni povedia, „Vidíte, on je proti tomu.“ Nie som proti žiadnemu bratovi, ktorý sa tam nachádza, alebo sestre. Ten systém, ktorý oddeľuje bratstvo, je to, o čom hovorím. Božie deti sú jednou rodinou a nie jednotlivými skupinami.

31A niektorí z nich povedia, „Nebudem s tým mať nič spoločné, lebo to sú presbyteriáni a ja som metodista,“ vidíte. No, to nie je… Rozumiete, je to ten systém tej organizácie, ktorá narúša bratstvo, vidíte. No, to…

 Ako som povedal: Ak by ste išli dolu riekou v starom poloderavom člne a snažili by ste sa s tým prejsť vodopád, a ja, keďže viem, že by to nefungovalo, by som na vás nekričal, ani sa vás nesnažil napomenúť... rýchlo by som sa vás snažil dostať z toho člnu (rozumiete?); lebo je to ten čln, ktorý sa zlomí, a vy zostanete sami vo vode. A tak to nie je osobne na toho brata v tom člne, ale len ho varujem pred tým, čo sa chystá stať.

 Nuž, všetky tieto systémy, ktoré ľudia úspešne vytvorili, musia padnúť. Musí prísť… Musíme sa dostať do jednoty, bratstva. To je môj životný cieľ, zjednotiť sa a nie rozdeliť organizáciu, len nechať, aby pustili svoje idey a boli bratmi každému znovuzrodenému kresťanovi. To je tá idea; to je to, na čom stojím.

32No, ak by si to len tí bratia mohli všimnúť. Mnohí z našich bratov, dokonca aj v okruhoch plného Evanjelia, oni neveria, že baptisti a metodisti a luteráni, že by vôbec mali nejakú šancu. Aj keď jednako môžu mať pravdu, ja s tým nesúhlasím. Verím, že ten vek, z luteránskeho veku, a tento vek, ktorý tu bol spomínaný, myslím, že sardský vek, potom filadelfský vek pre metodistov a potom letniční, laodicejský vek… Verím, že toto sú veky a Boh má v každom tom veku svojich vyvolených ľudí. A v Židom 11 sa hovorí, že bez nás oni nie sú dokonalí. Ale cirkev je stále v menšine, až to prichádza do letničného veku.

33No, ten dôvod, prečo to hovorím, je, aby ste mohli mať obraz o tom, o čom táto sestra snívala. A jej sen je istotne prirovnaním ku tomu, čo som učil a stále učím.

 Všimnite si, no, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa spomínajú v 1. Petra 6. a 7. verši, hovoria, že to je skrze vieru, to je prvoradé. No, hovorievam, že ľudia tvrdia, že majú tieto cnosti bez toho, že by boli znovuzrodení. A uznávam, že som urobil nevhodný komentár, keď som povedal, že to je akoby chcel drozd na seba dať pávie perie a urobiť zo seba páva; nedokáže to. Musí mu narásť prirodzené perie. Jeho vnútro musí vydať to perie.

34Vždy som bol obviňovaný z toho, že príliš tvrdo hovorím o sestrách, keď im hovorím o strihaní si vlasov a manikúre, maľovaní tváre a podobne. Vždy sa to ku mne dostávalo, že som príliš tvrdý. Nie je to pre to, že by som mal niečo proti nim. Nehovorím, že tá žena nie je dobrou ženou, že ona je pouličná prostitútka alebo niečo. To nie je môj prístup. Ale je to takto: keď si na seba dáva toľko toho umelého, to ukazuje, že aj vo vnútri je veľa umelého (rozumiete?), kde by to malo byť naplnené Kristom. Lebo vonkajšok vždy vyjadruje to, čo sa nachádza vo vnútri. „Podľa ich ovocia ich spoznáte.“ Vidíte? A tam, kde by mal byť Kristus a starosť pre Boha a pre iné veci, namiesto toho je tam nejaká umelá okázalosť a podobne, zelené viečka a všetko to neľudsky vyzerajúce… Ja za tým nestojím; a verím, že rovnako ani Biblia. Ja mám rád, keď sme všetci tým, čím sme.

35Všimnite si, ak ona nemá žiadne nechty a chce si na seba nejaké dať, ak nemá žiadne zuby a nejaké potrebuje, nemá ruku a potrebuje ju, nemá vlasy a potrebuje ich, keď nemáte tieto veci, je to niečo iné. Ale keď si dáte vytiahnuť svoje prirodzené zdravé zuby, lebo nie sú tak žiarivé, ako by mali byť, potom konáte zle. Ak máte červené vlasy a chcete čierne a idete niekde, aby ste si to zafarbili na čiernu, len preto, že… Konáte zle. Áno, myslím si to. Ale to hlavné…. Nie je na to žiadne miesto Písma, len to ohľadom strihania vlasov, na to je miesto Písma, mnoho takých. A tak sa chceme dostatočne ubezpečiť, že to, čo robíme, je správne.

36No, tu naša sestra, ktorej sa to snívalo… Najprv bola rozrušená: „Aký to má význam pokračovať a pretĺkať sa životom, ak Boh od nás vyžaduje, aby sme prijali Ducha Svätého, a my ho nemáme?“

 No, nemyslím si… Možno to tu nenahrávajú, ale ak áno, tak je to len pre túto cirkev. No, ak by sa to dostalo nejakému bratovi do rúk a vy by ste to počuli, pamätajte, že toto učím len svoju vlastnú cirkev. Vždy ste pred svojím zhromaždením… Prejdite si tie pásky a ak nechcete, aby to vaše zhromaždenie počulo, nepúšťajte im to. Ale toto sa snažím povedať len tejto jednej malej skupine tu a ja spoločne s bratom Nevillom s pomocou Ducha Svätého sa budeme snažiť ich viesť a vyučovať.

37No, môžu byť nejaké veci, s ktorými môžete dosť nesúhlasiť. Je to podobne, ako to vždy spomínam, s jedením pečeného kuraťa: keď narazíte na kosť, neodhodíte celé kura, odhodíte len tú kosť. Vždy to tak robte. Keď jete čerešňový koláč a narazíte na kôstku, neodhodíte celý koláč, vyhodíte len tú kôstku. A tak vždy robte to isté počas toho, ako toto počúvate.

 Verím, že ten dôvod, prečo je dnes tak veľa zamiešania ohľadom Ducha Svätého, je to, že to nie je správne vyučované. Myslím, že dnes sa krst učí… oni len povedia, „ten krst,“ ale potom… Ako vy poviete, „automobil.“ No, máme tu v zbore viacerých mechanikov, ja sa v tom ani trochu nevyznám, takže ak urobím chybu, bratia, majte na pamäti, že nie som žiaden mechanik.

 Musia tam byť cievky, zástrčky, zásuvky a ventily, všetko, z čoho sa automobil skladá. A keď hovoríte o krste Duchom Svätým, je veľa vecí, ktoré s tým idú. Ide s tým veľa vecí. A tu je to, čo si ja myslím, že Boh teraz dokazuje, a síce, že Duch Svätý je tu.

38No, Peter povedal, že najprv je tam viera. Pozorne to teraz sledujte. Budeme toto na chvíľu preberať. Viera, no, to je prvé. A pridajte ku svojej viere cnosť; ku svojej cnosti známosť; ku známosti zdržanlivosť; ku zdržanlivosti trpezlivosť; ku trpezlivosti pobožnosť; ku pobožnosti bratskú lásku, bratskú priazeň a potom lásku. A každý vie, že láska je Boh. Boh je láska.

 A ako to odtiaľto ide k siedmim cirkevným vekom, Boh si v siedmich cirkevných vekoch buduje Nevestu pre Krista. Skrze Filadelfiu, Tyatíru a Pergam a Smyrnu, Efezus, cirkevný vek, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, „Ak by ženích prišiel pri prvej alebo siedmej stráži, všetky tie panny sa prebudili.“ Oni sa prebudili, panny z Efezu, Smyrny, Pergamu, Tyatíry, Sárd, Filadelfie a Laodicei. Všimli ste si to? Až v siedmom veku On prišiel a zobudil tie spiace panny. To ich všetky prináša späť sem, lebo počas tých rokov a vekov On budoval Nevestu, zrodil Nevestu, počal Nevestu na zemi pre Krista. A tak isto, ako počal Nevestu, počal aj jednotlivcov.

39No, toto hovorím len ako pozadie, aby ste vedeli, kedy budem hovoriť o tom sne, ktorý mala tá sestra.

 No, tieto veci musia byť v kresťanovi absolútom pred tým, ako ho Duch Svätý zapečatí, pred tým, ako sa to dá dohromady a vytvorí to jeden celok.

 Teraz ten sen našej sestry. Obávala sa, či má naozaj Ducha Svätého alebo nie. Keď si ľahla na manželskú posteľ, kde jej muž čítal noviny (a majú aj malých, ako aj ja, vždy je okolo nich veľa hluku a podobne), a tak počas toho zaspala asi na desať alebo pätnásť minút; a mala sen. Nikdy tomu nemohla porozumieť, dokonca to trvalo vyše roka, až kým bolo toto posolstvo kázané. A zatiaľ čo som vyučoval, všetko jej to klaplo.

        A snívalo sa jej, že sa modlila. Najprv chodila hore dolu, pred tým, ako mala ten sen, stískala ruky a premýšľala, „Pane, či mám naozaj Ducha Svätého? Mohol by si mi to dokázať? Niektorí hovoria, že to preto, lebo som kričala alebo hovorila v jazykoch. (A my v to všetko veríme.) Ale či ho skutočne mám?“

40Ja verím vo všetky tie veci, tie cnosti: hovorenie v jazykoch, kričanie a všetky druhy demonštrácie. Verím v každý kúsok toho. Ale ak tam chýba Toto, tak niečo nie je v poriadku. Vidíte? Máte len škrupinu.

 Dávajte pozor, ona mala ohľadne toho obavy, tak si len ľahla na posteľ, kde si jej manžel čítal a zaspala. A snívalo sa jej, že stála hore na nejakom vrchu. A na tomto vrchu.. Najlepší… Nemám tu ten papier, ale myslím, že tam bolo niečo také, že sa jej snívalo, že videla skalnatú schránku, akoby taký blok, ktorý ležal na vrchu tej hory. A jej manžel bol hneď za ňou. A videla, ako tam stojí nejaký veľký muž v pracovnom odeve s vyhrnutými rukávmi a ako vylieval na vrchu tej hory do tej nádoby alebo schránky obrovské množstvo tej najčistejšej vody, akú videla. Ten skalnatý blok bol na vrchu tej hory.

 A tá nádoba zo skaly tú vodu neudržala; tak sa odtiaľ vyliala a zmiatla so sebou všetko smetie a zbytočnosti, všetko, čo na tom vrchu bolo, a lialo sa to dolu. A prešlo to popri jej nohách a ona stála priamo v tom; jedine to na nej nedržalo. A potom sa spýtala, prečo to tá nádoba nevedela udržať, a ten človek povedal, „To nie je voda. To je Duch Svätý,“ a povedal, „nič Ho neudrží.“

41A povedal, „Potom sa vrátil a priniesol ďalšie veľké vedro – a bolo plné medu – a vylial tam ten med a povedal, ‘Toto to udrží.‘“ A ona si myslela, že ten kamenný blok sa rozletí a ten med vyleje, ale nestalo sa to. Nakoniec to držalo pohromade a udržalo sa to.

 Obrátila sa a zišla z toho vrchu dolu. A ako išla dolu, zastavila sa pod ním a pozrela sa späť. Videla päť prúdov tejto čistej, kryštálovej vody, ktorá nebola znečistená vecami, cez ktoré prešla, bola neustále číra a čistá, plynulo tiekla. Potom sa spomalila; a takmer sa vytratila. Bola zvedavá, či sa niekedy dostane na spodok hory – tých päť prúdov – a potom sa zobudila. Myslím, že približne takto nejako to bolo, je to tak, sestra Shepherdová?

42No, len čo som vzal ten list a otvoril ho, ešte pred tým, ako som ho prečítal, videl som jej sen. To je spôsob, ako sa sny vykladajú. Mnohí z vás prišli ku mne so snami a hovorili ste o snoch. Ja poviem, „Počkaj chvíľu. Nepovedal si mi ho celý.“ (Vidíte?); tak sa zamýšľate a uchytávate to. A ak im neviete povedať, o čom sa im snívalo, ako budú vedieť, či je ten výklad pravdivý alebo nie? Vidíte? Musíte ten sen vidieť. Videnie musí ukázať ten sen. A keď vidíte ten sen, ktorý sa danej osobe sníval a môžete jej to povedať pred tým, ako vám to povie, potom viete ten výklad.

43A myslím, že je to tiež napísané v Písme. Raz Daniel (nebol to on?) povedal… Áno, myslím… Práve mi to napadlo, hej. Ale vždy ten sen vidíte, ak je ten výklad správny. Nejaká osoba vám začne hovoriť o sne, vy ju len zastavte a povedzte, „Počkaj na chvíľu. Potom to bolo tak-a-tak, plus toto a toto a tak a tak.“

 A potom poviete, „Presne tak to bolo,“ vidíte.

 Nedávno sa mi jeden človek snažil povedať o jednom sne, ktorý mal. Povedal, „Nuž,“ povedal…

 Povedal som, „Nuž, brat, prečo si vynechal tú ďalšiu časť?“

 On povedal, „Akú druhú časť?“

 Povedal som, „Snívalo sa ti, že si vyhodil skalu do vzduchu a ja som do toho strelil a niečo z toho mi trafilo do oka.“

 On povedal, „To je dokonalá pravda, brat Branham.“

 A oni z toho včera tú druhú časť vynechali. Takže vidíte. Prečo len… Povedzte o tom celú pravdu. Ale viete, vždy to zjavuje späť ku… povie vám váš sen, čo sa vám snívalo. Potom viete, že to je pravda.

44No, toto je výklad toho jej sna. Ona mala obavy ohľadom Ducha Svätého až do takej miery, že na vrchu tej hory videla „skalnatú nádobu,“ to bola skala, a tá nádoba zo skaly znamená „skalopevné vyznanie.“ No, presne ako Ježiš povedal v Písme, On povedal… Peter povedal. Ježiš povedal, „Kto, hovoria ľudia, že Ja, Syn človeka, som?“

 Jeden povedal, „Že si Eliáš,“ a Mojžiš, a tak ďalej.

 A On povedal, „Ale čo hovoríte vy, že kto som Ja?“

 On povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

45No, niektorí ľudia hovoria… Katolícka cirkev hovorí, rímskokatolícka cirkev hovorí, že tá skala, ako Ježiš povedal, „Na tejto skale si vybudujem Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu,“… Povedali, že to bolo ohľadom Petra, a Peter bol tou skalou, pretože „Peter“ znamená „malý kameň.“ „A na tomto malom kameni postavím Svoju cirkev.“ A na Petrovi – apoštolská postupnosť – postavili cirkev.

 A zase protestantská cirkev hovorí, „Nie je to tak, On tú cirkev postavil na Samom Sebe.“

 No, nie, že by som chcel protirečiť, ale podľa toho, ako to ja vidím, oba názory sú nesprávne, pretože On ju nikdy nepostavil na Petrovi ani na Sebe; ale bolo to na základe Petrovho zjavenia o tom, kým On bol. Rozumiete? „A vy čo hovoríte o mne, že kto som ja?“

 „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

 „Požehnaný si, Šimone, syn Jonášov: telo a krv ti toto nezjavili (ako nejaké semináre, vidíte); ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti toto zjavil. Ty si Peter a na tejto skale (skale vyznania, na tomto zjavení) vybudujem Svoju cirkev.“

 A to bolo...

46Každý cirkevný vek mal toto skalopevné vyznanie až po dnešné skalopevné vyznanie Laodicei. Ale vy nemôžete vytvoriť svätú cirkev. Nie je nič také ako svätá cirkev alebo svätá organizácia. Duch Svätý v nej môže byť kázaný, ale nachádzate tam dobrých, zlých, odpadlíkov, ľahostajných, všetky možné druhy. A tak organizácia nikdy neudrží… Nemôžete povedať, „My to máme; nikto z ostatných to nemá.“ Nie veru! Duch Svätý je vyliaty na jednotlivcov. Je to všetko individuálne.

 A tak tá skala… Letničná cirkev neskoršieho dňa, ktorá prijala Ducha Svätého, ktorého oni prijali na počiatku… Počas všetkých vekov oni prijali Ducha Svätého, ale nie v takej miere, ako to máme my dnes; lebo je to prinavrátenie počiatku. Keď si vezmeme svietniky, Alfa a Omega, ako zapálili prvú sviecu: ona išla vyššie a vyššie, a bola čoraz viac nejasnejšia a potom sa vrátila na počiatok, a tak ďalej. Vidíte?

47Ale teraz v tomto cirkevnom veku je do cirkvi vyliate posolstvo. Ale samotné telo cirkvi ako celok… Ako táto modlitebňa, môžeme povedať; to je to, kde tá sestra chodí do cirkvi. Táto modlitebňa nie je modlitebňou (stánkom) Ducha Svätého. Nie je nič také. Jednotlivci, ktorí prichádzajú do tejto cirkvi, sú modlitebňami (stánkami) Ducha Svätého. Oni sú stánkami, ktoré obsahujú Ducha Svätého, nie je to cirkev ako skupina. Preto to vyteká.

 Ale tento človek, ktorý vylieval tú vodu, posol pre cirkev, vylieval posolstvo do cirkvi… Ale čo tá voda robila? Zmývala všetok odpad, ktorý v cirkvi bol. To je to, čo robí Duch Svätý: vyplavuje to preč.

 No, ten med reprezentoval bratskú lásku, bratskú láskavosť, čo je tento vek. Práve som vám dohovoril o bratskej láske, o veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

48No, môžete povedať, „Pozri, ja jednoducho nemám veľmi rád brata Nevilla,“ alebo, „vieš, toho brata Jonesa nemám moc rád; nemám rád brata takého a takého,“ alebo niečo také. Ale počkaj, kým sa mu niečo stane; brat, tvoje srdce bude zlomené. Takmer ťa to zabíja. Môžeme obdržať bratskú lásku a cítenie jeden pre druhého. Ale udržovať tak skupinu ľudí…

 Prečo sa o toho brata trápiš? Lebo si tu s ním lámal chlieb na oltári, ako to budete dnes večer; mal si s ním obecenstvo; podával si si s ním ruky; chválil si s ním. On je tvoj brat. A môže urobiť niečo telesné, s čím sa nezhoduješ, a preto sa mu trochu (nemal by si to tak robiť, ale jednako to robíš) – trochu sa mu akoby vyhýbaš. Ale v hĺbke tvojho srdca, ak by sa tomu bratovi alebo sestre niečo stalo, takmer by ťa to zabilo.

 Ja som starý človek. Raz som bol mladý, ale teraz som starý. Vidím to po celý čas. Počul som, ako ľudia hovorili, „Vieš čo, už s ním nikdy nebudem mať nič spoločné.“ A hneď nato sa tomu človeku niečo stalo, takmer ich to zabilo; on si pomyslel, „Ó, Bože, ja nechám môjho vzácneho brata odísť bez toho, aby som s ním bol spriatelený (vidíte?).“ Vidíte, je to bratská láska. Vyzerá, akoby sa v tom nevedel udržať, ale on sa udrží. Ten med, on drží.

49A tak, bolo to až také, že ako prišla dolu pod ten vrch… Tá chválebná Voda sa rútila dolu kopcom v piatich prúdoch. A päť je číslo milosti: J-e-ž-i-š, v-i-e-r-a, m-i-l-o-s-ť, vidíte. Päť je číslo milosti. Päť prúdov tam vytekalo z toho koryta na vrchu. A každý jeden z týchto vekov mal to skalopevné vyznanie. Svätí spali, čakali, čakali, čakali, čakali na príchod tohto veku, ale čoskoro Duch Svätý, ktorý bol vyliaty z Krista, príde a zapečatí cirkev a potom tá cirkev bude vytrhnutá. Bude to kompletný celok Boží, Nevesta pre Krista, ktorý bude hlavou všetkých vecí. Či ma teraz sledujete?

 No, ona bola zvedavá, či… No, v jej sne bola zvedavá, či sa tieto malé prúdy niekedy dostanú dolu. Začínalo to vyschýnať. A keďže ona sama… No, toto je to, čo chcem, aby ste teraz porozumeli. Ona sa zaujímala sama o seba. Či naozaj mala Ducha Svätého?

50Viete, pred pár dňami som sa snažil vyhnúť tomu, aby som toto povedal, keďže som si pritom myslel, že cirkev bude dostatočne duchovná na to, aby to porozumela (a možno bude lepšie, ak sa teraz to nahrávanie vypne, lebo nechcem, aby sa to dostalo von medzi bratov); ale môžete hovoriť v jazykoch, môžete vykrikovať, môžete tancovať, môžete vyháňať diablov, robiť čokoľvek chcete, a stále nemať Ducha Svätého.

 Či sa tí učeníci nevrátili s tým, že sa radovali a kričali, lebo diabli im boli poddaní? A Ježiš… Priamo uprostred nich bol Judáš? Či nepovedal Ježiš, že v tom dni mnohí prídu, že „mnohí ku mne prídu a povedia, ‘Pane, či som nevyháňal diablov a v Tvojom Mene nečinil mocné skutky,‘ a Ja im na to poviem, ‘Odíďte odo mňa, vy činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.‘“ Tieto veci nie sú náznakom Ducha Svätého. Podľa ich ovocia ich spoznáte.

51No, poviete, „Brat Branham, mali by sme hovoriť v jazykoch?“ Samozrejme, to sú dary Božie. Ale tie dary Božie, bez týchto cností v nich to je len kameň úrazu pre neveriacich. Boh také neprijíma. Toto musí byť na prvom mieste. A keď máte vieru, cnosť, známosť, zdržanlivosť, trpezlivosť, zbožnosť a bratskú lásku, potom prichádza Duch Svätý a zapečaťuje vás ako jeden celok, rovnako, ako zapečaťuje cirkevné veky ako jeden celok. A ten spôsob, ako On tvorí Svoju Nevestu, je ten istý spôsob, akým tvorí Svojho jednotlivca: sú učinení z toho istého materiálu, rovnako, ako Eva bola stvorená z Adama, rebro z jeho boku. Toto sú veci, ktoré musíte mať na prvom mieste. Nemôžete ich napodobňovať; nemôžete ich imitovať; musia byť poslané a zrodené od Boha. Napodobňovanie spôsobuje len zamiešanie.

 Je to, ako som povedal: Viete si predstaviť, že by ste videli jastraba, ako sedí s holubím pierkom vo svojich krídlach a hovorí, „Vidíte, som holubica.“ On nie je holubicou, on je jastrabom, supom.

 Viete si predstaviť drozda s pávím pierkom vo svojich krídlach, ako hovorí, „Vidíte…?“ To je len niečo, čo si tam sám strčil. Ale musí to vychádzať zvnútra von a len vtedy to produkuje kresťanstvo. Bože, skrze moc Ducha Svätého...

52A naša sestra mala problémy, keď sa dostala na dno. Všetci vieme, aká dobročinná je sestra Shepherdová… Jej dom je vždy otvorený. Ona a brat… Je mi jedno, či to je bezdomovec, žobrák, alebo kýmkoľvek ten človek je, oni ho nakŕmia a urobia čokoľvek môžu, aby mu spolu pomohli. Ó, Boh to prijal, jej základnú časť. A tu je…

 No, porozumejte túto lekciu: Tu je presne to, čo je dnes problém s… (Na toto by ste to mohli zapínať.) Tu je problém, ktorý sa nachádza v Branhamovej modlitebni. Vidíte? Jestvujú dva rôzne druhy viery; existujú dva rôzne druhy cnosti, ako som to nedávno spomínal; dva rôzne druhy známosti; dva rôzne druhy zdržanlivosti. Niekto si myslí, že to je nejaká prohibícia, zákaz. To nie je ten druh zdržanlivosti, o ktorej Boh hovorí. Je to tá bezbožná neovládateľná zlosť, ktorú máte, a všetko k tomu podobné – drzosť a neustále naťahovanie sa.

53Trpezlivosť, a tak ďalej, existuje napodobenina, pretvárka za prirodzene darovanú vieru, prirodzene darovanú cnosť. Existuje prirodzene darovaná zdržanlivosť. Všetky tieto veci sú prirodzene dané.

 A najväčšia časť našej viery je mentálna viera. Počúvanie Slova nás privádza do mentálneho rozpoznania Boha. A ak to skutočne prichádza zhora, ó, brat, ak to niekedy takto zasiahne, jestvuje skutočne zbožná, duchovná viera. A čo tá viera potom robí? Tá viera rozpoznáva len Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, ona rozpoznáva len Slovo, lebo „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. (A to Slovo je stále Bohom.) A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

 A keď sa to samotné Slovo vylieva do našej viery, naša mentálna viera sa stáva duchovným zjavením… „A na tomto základe postavím Svoju cirkev,“ vidíte, nie na mentálnom poňatí o tom, že sa treba pridať do cirkvi, alebo na mentálnom poňatí niečoho iného, ale na zjavení. A keď sa tie prúdy milosti vylievajú do tejto mentálnej viery, ktorú máte, potom na tomto, na duchovnom zjavení „postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu,“ vidíte. To ukazuje, že oni budú proti nej, ale nikdy ju nepremôžu. Ó, čo za chválebná vec.

54No, vidíte, táto viera, týchto päť prúdov… Mal som tu kúsok kriedy, ale asi sa nám to tu nepodarí znázorniť. Každopádne tých päť prúdov, ktoré tečú dolu, to všetko miešajú dohromady. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý vytvoril Efezskú cirkev. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý dal zrodenie Smyrnenskej cirkvi. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý stvoril Pergamskú cirkev a Tyatírsku cirkev vo vekoch temnoty. Je to aj teraz Duch Svätý, ktorý vybudoval tú Nevestu, vyvolených, ktorí sú vytiahnutí zo všetkých tých organizačných systémov, ktoré počas vekov existovali. A je vyvolená predurčená Nevesta Ježiša Krista, ktorú Duch Svätý vyvolal, tí vyvolení. A je tu Duch Svätý v tomto veku, tamtom veku, tamtom, tamtom, tamtom, tamtom, a tak ďalej; celý čas Duch Svätý.

 A teraz ako jednotlivci, tieto cnosti a podobne (naša známosť a zdržanlivosť) – sú pridané ku našej viere, a keď prichádza Štítový Kameň, Duch Svätý to spája dohromady. Z toho je krst Duchom Svätým. Preto je toho dnes tak málo.

55Pozrime sa sem. Mám tu zapísané nejaké poznámky. Venujme tomu pozornosť. Mám tu nakreslený obrázok jej sna, ale odtiaľto to asi nevidíte.

 No, čo to teda pochádza od Ducha Svätého? On ti potom dáva nadprirodzenú vieru, duchovnú vieru, to je tu dole. Potom to jediné, čo tá duchovná viera rozpoznáva, je Slovo. To, čo hovorí ktokoľvek iný, nič neznamená. Ona pozná len Slovo. Ak niekto povie, „Dni zázrakov už pominuli,“ tá viera pozná len Slovo.

 Niekto povie, „Nie je nič také ako krst Duchom Svätým.“ Tá viera pozná len Slovo. To je skutočná duchovná viera. Vidíte? Tak veru. To jediné, čo pozná, je Slovo.

 Takže to je prvá vec. Prvé, čo sa k vám dostane, je vaša mentálna viera, prichádza k vám Duch Svätý, vstupuje do vašej mentálnej viery a pretvára ju na duchovnú vieru a jediné, čo tá duchovná viera rozpoznáva, je Slovo.

56A tá druhá a tretia: Potom budete mať duchovné… budete mať Ducha Svätého a On do vás zapečatí všetky tieto veci, pokryje ich. Od vašej viery až po Ducha Svätého ste zapečatení v Kristovi; potom sa stávate jedno. Amen! [„Môžeš to dať nabok. Je to ťažké na ruky.“] Stávate sa jedným. Vidíte, ty a Kristus žijete spolu. „V tom dni budete vedieť, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec je vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ A to je potom zapečatený celok Pána Boha. Prečo? A potom sú oni potvrdení a umiestnení. Keď sa to deje, stávajú sa potvrdenými synmi a dcérami Božími.

57Pamätáte si, ako je to napísané v Evanjeliu Matúša, v 17. kapitole, od prvého do piateho verša, o Ježišovi na Hore Premenenia? Určite ste počuli tú kázeň, „Toho počúvajte,“ ktorú som tu asi pred rokom kázal, dosť sa to rozšírilo, „Toho počúvajte.“ Umiestnenie syna v Efežanom 1:5 tiež hovorí: „Boh nás predurčil na adopciu synov.“

 Vidíte, rodina… Keď je do nej syn narodený, potom je to syn. Ale ten syn mal svojich učiteľov, ktorí ho vychovávali. A ak z toho syna nikdy nevyrástol ten správny typ človeka, v takom prípade sa nestal dedičom. Ale ak to bol ten správny syn, taký, ktorý poslúchal svojho otca, potom bol adoptovaný alebo umiestnený na určitú pozíciu. Stal sa dedičom toho, čo vlastnil jeho otec.

 A to je to, čo Boh robil na Hore Premenenia. Keď vzal Svojho vlastného Syna, potom, ako dokázal, že On bol tým pravým Synom (vidíte), a obstál vo všetkých pokušeniach, vzal Ho na Horu Premenenia a zatienil Ho.

58V Starom Zákone vzali syna, obliekli ho do krásneho rúcha a postavili ho na verejnosť. A prebiehala tam ceremónia, kde im dávali pozíciu, my tomu hovoríme adoptovanie. Tu v Galaťanom, myslím, že Pavol to spomína ako adoptovanie synov.

 A tak tým, že adoptovali syna… Kazatelia tomu „umiestňovaniu syna“ budú rozumieť, rovnako ako aj čitatelia Biblie. Inak povedané, syn sa stal synom, keď sa narodil.

 Práve tu urobili letniční ľudia chybu. Keď sme narodení do rodiny skrze Ducha Svätého, to je v poriadku, ale stále musíme byť tým správnym druhom detí, ktorí sú vyučovaní tým správnym učiteľom.

59Na druhej strane, ak si človek v tom čase zaumienil, že chce, aby bol jeho syn tým správnym druhom syna, zaobstaral pre neho toho najlepšieho učiteľa, akého vedel nájsť; lebo chcel, aby bol jeho syn taký ako jeho otec. Takže zaobstaral toho najlepšieho učiteľa.

 No, ak sa človek zamyslel nad tým najlepším učiteľom, čo takto Boh, náš Otec? On nikdy nezháňal biskupov, kardinálov a kňazov; zohnal Ducha Svätého, aby bol naším Učiteľom. A Duch Svätý je náš Učiteľ. A On je v cirkvi a nesie Otcovi správy.

  A potom, čo ak Otec… ten Učiteľ príde a povie, „No, Otče...“ No, On sa nebude snažiť nájsť učiteľa, ktorému ide len o to, aby si mohol niečo pripísať k dobru, ako tomu hovoríme; povedať, „Ó, ak tomu Otcovi niečo poviem… Ten chlapec je jednako darebák, ale ak jeho Otcovi poviem niečo dobré, možno mi zvýši plat.“ To nie je ten správny druh učiteľa. Správny učiteľ je čestný, hovorí pravdu. A Duch Svätý hovorí pravdu, keď ohľadom nás pristupuje k Bohu. Tak je.

60A tak prichádza. Čo si myslíte? Dnes by sa hanbil povedať, „Tvoje dcéry si všetky strihajú vlasy a Ty si im povedal, aby to nerobili. Tvoji synovia majú také organizačné myslenie, jednoducho sa nevedia povzniesť jeden nad druhého. A vymieňajú toto za tamto a toto za tamto.“ Ako by sa hanbil niečo také povedať. Ale naopak, akú radosť musí mať, keď môže prísť a povedať, „Ó, toto je skutočný syn. Je presne ako jeho Otec.“ Ako rád musí niečo také hovoriť.

 Potom sa Otec hrdo nadchne a povie, „Toto je Môj syn.“

 To je presne to, čo Boh urobil na Hore Premenenia. Všimnite si, zjavil sa tam Mojžiš a Eliáš. A Peter bol celý nadchnutý z toho, že sa stalo niečo nadprirodzené, a v tom vzrušení povedal, „Postavme tri stánky: jeden pre Teba, jeden pre Mojžiša a jeden pre Eliáša.“

 A zatiaľ čo hovoril, Boh ho umlčal. Povedal, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo. Toho počúvajte,“ vidíte. Boh sa postavil do úzadia a… „Toto je môj Syn.“

61Mojžiš predstavoval zákon. Proroci predstavovali Jeho spravodlivosť. Nemohli by sme žiť podľa Jeho zákona. Nemohli by sme žiť podľa Jeho spravodlivosti. Ja neprosím o žiadnu spravodlivosť; dožadujem sa milosti, nie spravodlivosti. Nedokážem dodržiavať Jeho zákon a nemôžem dodržať Jeho spravodlivosť; ale potrebujem Jeho milosť. A Boh povedal, že v Ňom sa zlúčil zákon so spravodlivosťou. „On je Môj milovaný Syn. Toho počúvajte! Je to On, On je ten pravý.“

 No, v Starom Zákone, keď bol ten syn adoptovaný alebo umiestnený do rodiny, jeho meno bolo v papieroch rovnako platné ako meno jeho otca. Tak veru! Vtedy nemali… V tých časoch mali prsteň, ktorý slúžil ako znamenie, pečať; naslinili ho [Brat Branham buchne päsťou na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.], zapečatili ho. To bola pečať. Bola to… On nosil prsteň svojho otca, jeho pečať; a tá bola rovnako platná ako tá jeho otca.

 Keď bol Ježiš poslušný, Ježiš Bohu, Boh Ho umiestnil do pozície: „Toto je On.“

 No, keď sa jeden člen narodí do Ducha Svätého, do rodiny Božej, a ukáže sa, že sa v ňom nachádzajú tieto cnosti, že Boh v jeho vnútri vidí cnosť, vedomosť, známosť, trpezlivosť, bratskú lásku a pobožnosť, potom ho Boh zapečaťuje a umiestňuje. A tam môžete vidieť synov a dcéry Božie.

62Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, „Nezarmucujte Ducha Svätého, ktorým ste aj zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.“ No, niektorí z vás baptistov, ktorí sa chcú dostať do večného bezpečia, ak sa niekedy dostanete do toho štádia, budem tam s vami stáť v tom večnom bezpečí, ak sa dostanete na to miesto. Ale aby niekto povedal, „Stal som sa členom baptistickej cirkvi“, „Som presbyterián“, „Mám večnú bezpečnosť“, to ste na omyle. Váš vlastný život dokazuje, že to nemáte. Pokiaľ to tam je a Boh si vás adoptoval a zapečatil vás do Ducha Svätého a do Jeho kráľovstva, nijako sa odtiaľ už nedostanete. Ste vo večnom bezpečí. „Nezarmucujte Božieho Ducha Svätého, ktorým ste vy aj vaše Božské cnosti zapečatené až do dňa vykúpenia.“

63Verím, že existuje Nevesta, ktorá je predurčená. Verím, že Boh povedal, že bude mať Cirkev bez vrásky a poškvrny. Verím v predurčenie: že Nevesta je predurčená; ona tam musí byť. Dúfam, že som jej časťou. To je… vidíte. Som v nej. A je to na mne, aby som si dal do poriadku svoje vlastné spasenie s Bohom, až dokiaľ tieto veci nie sú Bohom schválené a zapečatené do kráľovstva Božieho. To je Duch Svätý. To sú skutočné skutky Božie. Je to zapečatené až do dňa vykúpenia.

 To bol jej sen. Myslím, že to bolo nádherné.

64A tak preto, keď to ona robí, keď sa tá cirkev dostane do toho miesta, alebo ten jednotlivec… Tá cirkev tam bude. Dovoľte mi, nech to poviem naozaj jasne, aby ste to porozumeli: cirkvi je predurčené, aby tam bola. Ja s ňou chcem byť, ale jediný spôsob, akým s ňou budem, je, že budem jej časťou.

 Ako sa stanem jej časťou? Tým, že v nej budem. Ako sa do nej dostanem? Skrze krst, skrze Ducha. 1. Korinťanom 12, „Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela,“ jedno Telo, pokrstení do Neho.

65Ale nemôžete dať toto celé dokopy len tým, že poviete, „Hovoril som v jazykoch. Už to mám.“ Potom odtiaľto odídete, nahnevaný, nadávate a začnete vyvádzať, a tak ďalej, to je, ako keď si sojka dáva pávie perie. Nedá sa to tak. Váš vlastný život je dôkazom, že to tak nie je. Ale keď vo vás tieto veci skrze Boha pôsobia, potom ste zapečatení. Nie je na tom žiadna pretvárka. Jednoducho ste samým sebou. Práve vtedy sa manifestujú všetky videnia, dokonalé skutky Ducha Svätého. Prečo je to tak? Ty a Kristus ste sa stali jedno (dúfam, že to rozumiete), ty a Kristus si sa stal jedným.

 Mal som tu ešte niečo, čo som si tu zapísal, počas toho, ako som nad tým uvažoval. Prináša nás to do miesta života, potom máte večný život.

66Ešte tu mám aj grécky slovník, The Emphatic Diaglott. Skúmal som tam nedávno nejaké slová.

 A v Jánovi 14 alebo v Jánovi 3:16 nachádzame miesto, kde sa hovorí, „mať večný život“; a na inom mieste sa tiež hovorí, „mať večný život.“ Ale v hebrejskej verzii sa hovorí, „život bez konca.“ Ale v gréckej je to slovo „ainioan.“ Takmer ako „aeon.“ Aeon je priestor, ktorý sa nedá.. Je to číslo, ktoré je nevyčísliteľné. Ide to poza milióny, miliardy a trilióny. Ale toto je aionion času: večný život. A k tomu anglické slovo je „eternal“ [„večný“ - pozn.prekl.] Poznáme to ako niečo večné, aionion, alebo život bez konca.

 A keď máte život bez konca, ako môžete zahynúť? Stali ste sa časťou večnosti a existuje len jedna večnosť. Satan nie je večný. Nie veru! On sa stal satanom. Peklo nie je večné. Peklo bolo stvorené; nie je to večné. A tieto telá nie sú večné; oni boli stvorené. Ale Duch Boží je večný. Nikdy nemal počiatok a nikdy nebude mať koniec. A ten jediný spôsob, ako môžeme mať večný život (z toho gréckeho slova „zoe,“ čo znamená „Boží vlastný život“), stali sme sa časťou Božou, keď sme sa stali synmi a dcérami Božími a máme aionion život. A tak tá časť, ktorá žije, my, tá rozpoznáva toto Slovo odtiaľto potiaľto, rozpoznáva to aionion života, život bez konca. Je to Boží vlastný život v nás. Amen.

67Nedávno som mal na svojej ceste rozhovor s jedným svedkom Jehovovým. Nič proti kohokoľvek viere. Máme tu veľa obrátených, ktorí tu sedia, od svedkov Jehovových. Jeden z dôverníkov v našej cirkvi je svedok Jehovov – alebo teda bol, potom bol spasený, on a jeho rodina. Jeho otec bol prednášajúcim, brat Wood a ostatní. Všetci jeho bratia a sestry, takmer všetci z nich prišli a prijali Ducha Svätého, kvôli videniam, cez ktoré im Boh hovoril, čo robili a čo… rozumiete. Tak sa to stalo.

68Ale kniha svedkov Jehovových hovorí, že dych, ktorým dýchajú, je duša. To nemôže byť pravda. Dych, ktorý máš, nie je tvoja duša. Ak by to tak bolo, raz by ste boli jedným druhom duše; druhýkrát by ste boli niekým iným, kto tú dušu vdýchol. Pozrite sa, kde by ste boli. No, dych je vietor a vietor je to, čo vdychujete do svojich nozdier.

 Oni k tomu berú to miesto Písma, „A Boh vdýchol dych do ich nozdier a stali sa živou dušou.“ Ale chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak bol človekom, čo za vzduch to potom dýchal pred tým, ako Boh do neho vdýchol dych života? Vidíte? Čo za dych… On dýchal, bol živou ľudskou bytosťou. Čiže ak by to tak bolo, potom by bolo každé zviera živou dušou, lebo dýchajú ľudskú dušu a našu dušu a všetko dokopy. Potom by Ježiš nikdy nemusel zomrieť; zvieracia obeť by stačila, rozumiete. A tak, brat, ten argument neobstojí.

        Ale to, čo Boh urobil, bolo, že vdýchol Dych večného života (Amen!), potom sa stal živou dušou, dušou, ktorá nezomiera. Teraz dávajte pozor. Teraz vás po lakte ponorím do medu. Všimnite si, On vdýchol Dych večného života do jeho nozdier. A on sa stal večnou dušou, lebo Boh vdýchol (nie to, čo urobila príroda, ale to, čo urobil Boh) – vdýchol Dych života do jeho nozdier a on sa stal živou dušou.

69Potom mi poviete, „Adam zomrel, brat Branham.“ Ale pamätajte na to, že pred tým, ako Adam zomrel, bol mal baránka, ktorý ho vykúpil. Haleluja! Tí, ktorých On predzvedel, tých aj povolal. Mal baránka, ktorý ich vykúpil.

 On bol predobrazom. Adam upadol. Potom bol pre Adama zaobstaraný ten baránok, lebo už predtým do jeho nozdier vstúpil Dych večného Boha; a on sa stal živou dušou. Bol synom Božím. Nie jeho dych, ako to africké slovo (neviem teraz z hlavy, aké bolo to grécke slovo, ale…) - to africké slovo volajú niečo ako „amoyah,“ čo znamená „vietor, neviditeľná sila.“ Zvieratá dýchajú amoyah. Hriešnici dýchajú amoyah.

70Prečo by sme potom zápasili pre večný život, keď nám bol ten večný život už vdýchnutý do našich nozdier. Prečo by sme zápasili o večný život? To dáva spätný zápal, brat. Nefunguje to tak. Ale Boh vdýchol vzduch večného života konkrétne na Adama a on sa stal večnou osobou s Bohom. Mal moc ako Boh: on bol Boh-amatér. Bol bohom na zemi, nie Bohom neba, ale bohom na zemi.

 A jedného dňa sa synovia Boží opäť stanú bohmi. Ježiš tak povedal, „Či nie je vo vašom zákone napísané, ‘Vy ste bohovia‘? Keď tak môžete nazývať tých, ktorých On nazval bohmi, ktorých navštívil Boh, ako môžete za to odsudzovať Mňa, keď poviem, že som Synom Božím?“ Teraz sa dostávame do niečoho hlbokého. Sledujte, ako to rozoberáme.

71No, tu ich máme. On je synom Božím, ale robí chybu. Vie, že niečo nerobí správne. Ale pamätajte, Adam nebol zvedený. Biblia tak hovorí, 1. Timoteovi 3, „Adam nebol zvedený, ale bola to žena, ktorá ho zviedla, ona bola v prestúpení.“ Adam vykročil s Evou, lebo to bola jeho žena. Tak isto Kristus, On nebol zvedený satanom, ale vstúpil do smrti so Svojou Nevestou. Išiel, aby bol s Nevestou, aby mohol vykúpiť Cirkev.

 Adam vedel, že bol na omyle, tak len vyšiel s Evou. Ale bol tam pre nich zaobstaraný baránok, ktorý svedčil o tom, že boli vykúpení. A dnes tieto baránky, ktoré boli predzvedené Bohom a ktorých Boh povolal, existuje Vykupiteľ. „Nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, pokiaľ ho prv Môj Otec nepotiahne; a všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu.“ Je to tak?

 A tak existuje Baránok, poskytnutý od založenia sveta, kde sú ich mená zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života. Bol zaobstaraný Baránok, aby pre každého jedného vyšliapal cestu milosti, aby mohli ísť do vzkriesenia. Poskytnutý Baránok, Adamov Baránok.

72Všimnite si, že Adam mal poskytnutého baránka. To je dnešná cirkev. Nemyslím tým cirkvi. Viete čo? Nehovorím to svätokrádežne, a už vôbec nechcem nikomu zraniť city. Nie som tu na to, aby som to robil, lebo už som vysvetlil, čo mám na mysli; som tu, aby som pomohol. Ale to, čo sa snažím urobiť… Viete čo? Tieto cirkvi v skutočnosti ani nie sú cirkvi. Jestvuje len jedna cirkev. Tamto sú len lóže; oni sú len lóžami. Nemám nič… je to v poriadku, ale chcem vám to za pár minút dokázať, že sú to len lóže. Patríte do metodistickej lóže, do presbyteriánskej lóže alebo letničnej lóže, a tam to hasne. Vidíte? Lóže! Rozumiete? Nemôžete… Vidíte, cirkvi sú v skutočnosti len lóžami, kde sa stretávajú ľudia s rovnakými ideami. Ale cirkev je len jedna. A do tej cirkvi sa nemôžete pripojiť; ste do nej narodení. A keď ste do nej narodení, stávate sa jej členom.

 Rovnako ako rodina. Ja som v Branhamovej rodine vyše päťdesiattri rokov; ale nikto ma nikdy nepožiadal, aby som sa k nej pripojil. Prečo? Ja sa nemusím pripojiť k rodine. Ja som sa narodil ako Branham. A rovnako ste aj vy narodení do Cirkvi. No, tieto ďalšie sú len lóže. Napadlo vám to niekedy? Tak veru!

73Raz som kosil trávu, trochu som rozmýšľal a spomenul som si na túto veľkú svätú katolícku cirkev, ako to nazývajú. A len som si pracoval, ďalej kosil a zrazu ma niečo zastavilo, „Nehovor tomu tak.“ A pozrel som sa dookola. Išiel som pokračovať v kosení a zase ma to zastavilo, „Nenazývaj ich tak.“ Niečo povedalo, „Sú to len lóže ako všetky ostatné. Oni nie sú cirkev. Je len jedna jediná Cirkev.“ Vidíte? Oni sú členmi lóže, lebo sa môžete pripojiť do lóže, ale nemôžete sa pripojiť do cirkvi. Do Cirkvi sa narodíte. Stávate sa jej členom skrze nové narodenie, až potom ste členom rodiny, bratom alebo sestrou.

74No, dovoľte mi, aby som vám prečítal niečo z Emphatic Diaglott, zo Zjavenia 17:3, v Apokalypse Emphatic Diaglott tu, len to sledujte, ako je to opísané a ako nádherné je to s tým porovnané: Zjavenie 16 … 17. V poriadku! No, prečítajme si tu niečo na chvíľu. Dobre to počúvajte. Zjavenie 17:3:

A jeden z tých siedmich anjelov majúc sedem čiaš a on prehovoril ku mne [to čítam zo slovníka] a mal… Poď, ukážem ti súd tej veľkej smilnice, ktorá sedí na mnohých vodách: (Všetci vieme, že je to Vatikán.)

75Tu máme časopis „Náš nedeľný návštevník“ z katolíckej cirkvi, ktorý nám presne hovorí, čo to je, vidíte. A odpoveď na to bola, „Ale počkaj chvíľu.“ Povedal, „Bolo veľa mien,“ povedal, „ktoré by mohli znamenať 666.“

 Povedal som, „Ale počkaj chvíľu!“

 On povedal, „Tvoje meno môže byť 666..“

 Ale ja som povedal, „Ale ja nesedím na siedmich vrchoch a nevládnem svetu,“ vidíte. Rozumiete, tak to je.

…ukážem súd tej veľkej smilnice, ktorá sedí na mnohých vodách; (Vody, Zjavenie 17:15, sú veľké množstvá ľudí.)

S ktorými králi zeme páchali cudzoložstvá a obyvatelia zeme sa opili vínom jej cudzoložstiev.

        Teraz sledujte!

A on ma v Duchu priviedol na púšť (Toto je Emphatic Diaglott); a uvidel som ženu, ako sedela na šelme odiatej v šarláte, plná rúhavých mien,…

 A teraz vo verzii kráľa Jakuba sa hovorí, „…plná mien rúhania.“ (Len chvíľu. Za chvíľu sa sem dostaneme. Zjavenie 3.) V poriadku, tu to je. V poriadku, Zjavenie, myslel som 17, nie 7, ale 17. Teraz počúvajte tento 3. verš:

A v duchu ma odviedol na púšť: a uvidel som ženu, ktorá sedela na šelme odiatej v šarláte, plná mien rúhania,…

 Tak je to v angličtine podané, ale v originálnej gréčtine z Diaglottu sa to hovorí takto. Počúvajte, Zjavenie 17:3:

A v Duchu ma priviedol na púšť; a uvidel som ženu, ktorá sedela na šelme v šarlátovej farbe, plná rúhavých mien,…

 To je veľký rozdiel, medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Čo to je?

76A tak, ona bola matka smilníc. Všetci to vieme. No, čo to je? Nemusíte byť… Nuž, tak veru. Na to by bola treba rímsko-katolícka cirkev, ale ona je plná rúhavých mien: metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni a všetci ostatní, sami sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími – rúhavé mená. Je veľký rozdiel medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Nazývajú sa cirkvou Božou a prezentujú sa pred svetom pri kartových hrách, pijú a vyvádzajú, večierky a všetko možné, až sa to dostáva do bodu, kde… Je len jedna cirkev. Do nej ste narodení. Do nej neprichádzate, dokiaľ nie ste obmytí Krvou Baránka a zapečatení Duchom Svätým.

77Čo za rozdiel medzi výrazmi „mená rúhania“ a „rúhavé mená.“ Rozumiete tomu? Mne to došlo dnes ráno, keď som to čítal, ako som sem išiel. Niečo mi jednoducho povedalo, „ Choď do svojej izby; zober si Diaglott.“ No, to je len poslušnosť, to je všetko. Vstúpil som, vybral som Zjavenie 17. Pomyslel som si, „Prečo chceš, aby som si toto prečítal?“ Začal som čítať. Len čo som na to natrafil, „Tu to je.“ Mám ceruzku a zapísal som si to. Povedal som, „Tu to je.“

78Nuž, kritizujú ma za to, že karhám organizácie. To sú tie rúhavé mená, ktoré sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími a cirkvami Krista a cirkvami metodistov a cirkvami… Sú to lóže, nie cirkvi. Jedna jediná Cirkev je Cirkev Pána Ježiša Krista. A čo to je? Tajomné telo Ježiša Krista v účinkovaní na zemi, tvorené z členov patriacich do akéhokoľvek z týchto zhromaždení, oni tvoria Kristovo telo. Musíte sa do neho narodiť; nepripájate sa do toho. A pripojiť sa do nej je už samo o sebe rúhavé meno.

79Táto žena, jej moc… Teraz dokonca vidíte, ako chcú zobrať všetkých ľudí, ktorí majú odlišné idei o náboženstve, a poslať ich na Aljašku. Videli ste to. Všetky naše divné náuky… A čo to je? Rada, Svetová Rada Cirkví. A katolícka cirkev sa teraz snaží zasahovať vo Vatikáne, snažia sa tam… Všetci títo biskupi a podobne sa snažia dospieť k dohode, aby mohli spolu bojovať proti komunizmu. Svet bojuje proti komunizmu, ale len sa tým pridáva ku katolicizmu.

80Dnes to je tak, ako to je: sme tu, ako som už povedal, „Sme takmer v bankrote. Požičiavame si a míňame peniaze na daniach, ktoré sa budú platiť o štrnásť rokov.“ Až tak ďaleko sme zašli. Kto vlastní svetové peniaze? Katolícka cirkev. Ako by to mohlo byť požičané Spojeným Štátom? Aby si nechali svoj tabak, whisky a ostatné firmy. Istotne si to požičajú… Keď to urobia, predajú svoje prvorodenstvo priamo rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi. My sa len zlučujeme. Sledujte to, ako to je jasné, jasnejšie ako čítanie novín; tu to je.

81Sú to metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, a tak ďalej, nazývajú sa Božími cirkvami. Katolíci, a tak ďalej, je to moc šelmy plnej rúhavých mien. Nazývajú sa, „Ja som...“

 Nedávno som tu išiel do nemocnice, aby som sa pomodlil za jednu osobu. Povedal som, „Pôjdeme...“ Bola to moja mama. Povedal som, „Pomodlíme sa za mamu.“

 A tá pani povedala, „Zastrite tú záclonu.“

 Povedal som, „Nie ste kresťanka?“

 Ona povedala, „My sme metodisti.“

 Povedal som, „Ďakujem. Myslel som si, že ste možno veriaca.“ A tak som len okolo seba pozastieral tie záclony, vidíte? Ak nie ste kresťanom, to je niečo iné, ale povedať, „My sme metodisti.“ Čo za rúhanie!

82Šelma, cirkvi, takzvané cirkvi, oni v skutočnosti nie sú cirkvami. Chcem sa uistiť, že sa toto nahráva. Oni nie sú cirkvi; sú to lóže. Ľudia sa k nim pripájajú, ale k cirkvi živého Boha, sa nedá pripojiť. Do nej ste narodení skrze krst Duchom Svätým. A keď ste pokrstení Duchom Svätým, tieto cnosti sú vo vás skrze Ducha Svätého zapečatené; a preto, „Ten, ktorý je narodený z Boha nepácha hriech.“ Nemôže. Tu to máte. Ó! Mohli by sme takto pokračovať celý deň, či nie?

83Cirkev je tajomným telom Krista, zrodená z dychu Božieho. Či ste to porozumeli? Cirkev Božia je zrodená z dychu Božieho. Boh duchovne vydýchol Adama zo Svojich nozdier a on sa stal živou dušou. Či ste vedeli, že letniční alebo tá pravdivá letničná cirkev je zrodená z dychu Božieho?

 Dovoľte, nech vám na chvíľu niečo prečítam, čo sa toho týka. Za chvíľu to uvidíte. Myslím, že to je sv. Ján, pozrieme sa tam a zistíme, či to je cirkev Božia alebo nie. Sv. Ján… Moment, myslím, že to je asi 16, 19, 20. V poriadku. Tu, myslím, že už to tu máme. V poriadku. Dovoľte, nech vám to prečítam a zistím, či je cirkev zrodená z dychu Božieho, ako bol aj Adam na počiatku, alebo nie. Sledujte.

A keď bol večer toho dňa, prvého dňa týždňa, a dvere, kde boli učeníci shromaždení, boli zamknuté zo strachu pred Židmi, prišiel Ježiš a zastal si do prostredku a povedal im: Pokoj vám!

A keď to povedal, ukázal im svoje ruky aj svoj bok. A tak zaradovali sa učeníci, keď videli Pána.

Vtedy im zase povedal Ježiš: Pokoj vám! Ako mňa poslal Otec, tak i ja posielam vás.

 Sledujte! Ten Otec, ktorý Ho poslal, išiel v Ňom. A keď Ježiš posiela Svojho učeníka, On ide v Ňom. Ten istý je poslaný.

A keď to povedal, dýchnul na nich a povedal im: Prijmite Svätého Ducha! (Cirkev zrodená z dychu Božieho.)

84Keď je táto postava vymodelovaná do toho správneho stavu, Boh do nej dýchne a ona prijíma Ducha Svätého. Potom sa stávate synom Božím. Môžete sa pripojiť, do čoho chcete, jednako ste narodení do cirkvi živého Boha, zrodení z dychu Božieho. Boh do vás vdýchol a povedal, „Príjmite [Brat Branham vydáva zvuk dýchania.] Ducha Svätého.“ Ó, tu to máte. Nie „Príďte sem a pripojte sa, podpíšte sa tu svojím menom,“ a majte polievkové večierky a všetko, čo s tým ide. Vy sa pripájate do lóže. Môžete sa pridať do metodistickej lóže, baptistickej lóže, presbyteriánskej lóže, katolíckej lóže alebo letničnej lóže, do čohokoľvek sa chcete pripojiť, pripájate sa len do lóže. Ale keď sa stávate dieťaťom Božím, ste zrodení z dychu Božieho. Amen! A bude lepšie, keď to už tak necháme. V poriadku.

85Boží život je potom tiež vo vás. Ježiš povedal, (len na chvíľu) – Ježiš povedal, „Ja som vinič, vy ste letorasty.“ Pozrite. Čo bol ich problém s Ježišom? Ich problém s Ježišom bol, že On bol človek, ktorý sa robil Bohom. On bol Bohom. Boh bol v Kristovi, vidíte. A On im povedal, „Nehľaďte na Mňa. To nie som Ja; je to môj Otec a On prebýva vo Mne,“ vidíte.

 Viete, oni sa pozerali na to malé telo, ktoré porodila Mária. To nebol Boh; to bol Syn Boží, ale v tom tele sa nachádzal Boh. To bol Boh. On povedal, „Ak Ja nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Ma odsúďte. Ale ktorý z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu (nevery v Slovo)? Ktoré Slovo, ktoré o Mne povedal Boh, nebolo vyplnené? Hriechom je nevera. Ktorý z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Tým hriechom je nevera. Ukážte mi. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak činím… keď už nemôžete veriť Mne, verte skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo ony o Mne svedčia.“ Inak povedané, „Otec je vo Mne a On svedčí o Samom Sebe,“ lebo Boh bol v Kristovi, zmieriac svet so Sebou. Rozumiete? No, ten istý život, ktorý je vo viniči, je tiež v letoraste. Ako sa môžete do toho pripojiť? To sa nedá.

86Nedávno som na dvore brata Sharrita v Arizone videl strom, ktorý mal na sebe deväť rôznych citrusových druhov ovocia. Čo to bolo? Bol to pomarančový strom, druhu pupen, ale mal na sebe citrón, mandarínku, tangerínku a grep; malo to viacero druhov. A ja som tam stál, hľadel na ten strom a povedal, „Brat Sharrit, chceš mi povedať, že tento strom je pomaranč?“

 On povedal, „Jasné.“

 Povedal som, „Ale ako to?“ Povedal som, „Vidím tu grep, mandarínku a tangerínku a citrón a všetky tieto druhy ovocia. Ako sa to tam dostalo?“

  On povedal, „No, vieš, oni sú tam vštepené.“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „ale chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Keď si teraz odtrhneš grep a citrón, čo tam bude na budúci rok? Splodí to potom pomaranč alebo čo?“

 „Ó, nie!“ Povedal, „Splodí to citrón!“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „ďakujem.“

87Nemôžete to robiť. Nemôžete sa pripojiť. Ale on povedal, že každý rok, ako ten strom starne, vyženie nový konár a ten plodí pomaranče, ak on sám vydá ten letorast.

 A tak to, čo sme sa my snažili dosiahnuť, je pripojiť sa a stať sa Jeho členmi, a potom žijeme pod menom kresťanstva; lebo sme (jednoducho povedané) - „My sme citrusový strom,“ kresťanská cirkev. Ale keď vinič vydáva vinič, bude to presne ako ten prvý vinič, ktorý to vydal. Ak pri tom prvom viniči, ktorý to vydal, bola napísaná kniha Skutkov, ak niekedy potom vypukne ďalší vinič, bude písať knihu Skutkov. Tak veru.

88A tak vy sa len pripájate do lóží. Ale keď ste zrodení z viniča, máte ovocie; tak veru. Máte ovocie, ale čo s ním robíte? Máte formu pobožnosti, ale zapierate jej moc. Zapierate znamenia; zapierate divy; zapierate Ducha Svätého. Zapierate hovorenie v jazykoch; zapierate videnia; zapierate proroctvá. Zapierate uzdravovanie a jednako sa tak nazývate. Niet divu, že Duch Svätý povedal, „Moc skupín ľudí plných rúhavých mien (istotne!), ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi s formou pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc. Takých sa stráň, lebo toto je tá sorta ľudí, ktorí vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené rôznymi žiadosťami.“

 Všetky možné organizácie, cirkev je tak plná tejto spoločnosti a tamtej spoločnosti. Ale čo takto spoločnosť Ježiša Krista? Vidíte? Máme všetky tieto ostatné veci, ale tým len nakladáme na cirkev bremeno. To je všetko.

89Nikdy sa nemôžete do cirkvi pripojiť; pripájate sa do lóže. Ste členom lóže, skupiny ľudí, rovnako, ako je to v lóži. „My veríme v toto; my máme svoje ustanovenia, vlastné diskrétnosti, a tak ďalej.“ Presne toto robíte, keď sa pripájate do takzvanej cirkvi, ale nemôžete sa pridať do tej skutočnej cirkvi. Pridali ste sa len do lóže plnej členov, ale nie do cirkvi, lebo do tej cirkvi sa narodíte. A ten samotný vinič… Sledujte na chvíľu. Už zakončím. Až za chvíľu.

 Všimnite si! Prepáčte, nechcel som to tak povedať. Pozerajte! Ak Boh spojil túto Nevestu s tým Duchom, potom to spája toho jednotlivca s tým Duchom. Vidíte? Potom ste narodení do toho Kráľovstva a potom práve ten život, ktorý bol v tejto cirkvi, je aj v tamtej cirkvi a v tamtej a tamtej a tamtej. A samotný ten život, ktorý bol v šupke, vo viniči, Sám Ježiš sa nachádza v každom členovi, ktorého On vydal. Sláva! „To isté, čo Ja činím, tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Tam sa nachádza ten pravdivý člen tela Kristovho; nie je k tomu pripojené žiadne meno. Tie skutky toho jednotlivca dokazujú, odkiaľ prichádza. Jeho život svedčí o tom, kým je.

 „Si…? Člen čoho? Do akého tela patríš?“

 „Do tela Kristovho!“

 „No, a kedy si sa do neho pripojil?“

 Ja som sa do neho nepripojil; ja som sa do neho narodil,“ vidíte. „Ja som sa do neho narodil.“

 Nemusíte im to hovoriť. Oni vedia, čo sa stalo. „Ako môžete zapáliť sviečku a postaviť na ňu nádobu?“ Tak On povedal. Vidíte? Nie veru!

90Keď sa narodíte do toho kráľovstva Božieho, potom ten život, ten istý život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi… Potom máte záujem o duše. Potom nemusíte prosiť ľudí, aby prišli k oltáru. Nemusíte nikoho prosiť, aby prišiel, či by sa niekto nenašiel pri oltári. Tieto veci potom plynú automaticky, lebo je to vo vás zapečatené. Ste jednotkou Boha. Ste zapečatení s Duchom Svätým.

 A ináč, viete, čo znamená Duch Svätý? To neznamená, že som vyskakoval a vykrikoval alebo mal nejaké zvláštne pocity. To je všetko v poriadku. Veľakrát som vyskakoval, vykrikoval a mal zvláštne pocity. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Verím, že Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Istotne! Vykladal som. Tak veru! V to verím tiež. Ale to nie je o tom. To nie je to, o čom hovorím. Môže tam niekde niečo pretekať. V tvojej trpezlivosti môže byť nejaká medzera. Nech ťa len niekto udrie na jedno líce na tvári. Či mu obrátiš aj to druhé? Ale povieš, „Ten špinavý pokrytec.“ Potom tam niekde niečo preteká. Radšej to necháme tak. V poriadku. Ale viete, čo mám na mysli. Ale keď ste do toho tela Kristovho zapečatení, potom ste naplnení Duchom a stávate sa synom Božím.

91Ó, keby som len mal desať minút, aby som tu mohol niečo prečítať, ale… Vydržali by ste so mnou ešte ďalších desať minút? Chcem niečo prečítať. Už len kúsok. Pravdupovediac, toto jedlo nám neprihorí; to vás uisťujem (vidíte), ak toto ešte na pár minút prečítame. Je to jednoducho príliš dobré na to, aby sme to len tak nechali. Mám len pár vecí, ktoré mi prichádzajú na myseľ a chcem ich povedať.

 Otvorme si sv. Jána, 3. kapitolu, hovorí sa tam o večnom živote. Skúsme sa dozvedieť, čo sa tu hovorí o probléme večného života – Božieho života. No, sledujte tu.

A bol istý človek z farizejov, ktorému bolo meno Nikodém, židovské knieža.

Ten prišiel k Ježišovi vnoci a povedal mu: Rabbi, vieme, že si prišiel od Boha jako učiteľ, lebo nikto nemôže činiť divy, ktoré ty činíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.

 No, ten súd Sanhedrinu rozpoznal, že On bol Syn Boží. Oni o tom vedeli. Tu bol ich panovník, ktorý Mu hovoril, „Vieme, že si Učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo v Tebe prúdi vlastný Boží život,“ vidíte. „Vieme, že tvoje učenie nie je z Teba samého; je to z Boha, lebo Boh ho dokazuje,“ vidíte. „Prúdi cez Teba Boží život.“

92Teraz sledujte!

Ježiš mu odpovedal: Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že ak sa niekto nenarodí z vody a z Ducha, nemôže vojsť do kráľovstva Božieho.

 Ó, „Jedine, ak sa pripojíš do mojej cirkvi“? Ó! Vidíte, ako im to uchádza?

Ježiš mu odpovedal: Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že ak sa niekto nenarodí z vody a z Ducha, nemôže vojsť do kráľovstva Božieho.

Čo sa narodilo z tela, je telo, a čo sa narodilo z Ducha, je Duch.

Nediv sa, že som ti povedal: Musíte sa narodiť znova.

Vietor, kam chce, tam veje, (Vidíte? Znovu to tam je. Vracia sa to tam.) Vietor, kam chce, tam veje, a čuješ jeho zvuk, ale nevieš, odkiaľ prichádza a kam ide; tak je to s každým, kto sa narodil z Ducha.

 A Nikodém odpovedal a riekol mu: Jako sa to môže stať?

Ježiš odpovedal a riekol mu: Veď si ty učiteľ Izraelov a toho nevieš? (Pozrite sa, tento brat, DD, PhD, LLD, vidíte) … a toho nevieš?

Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že čo vieme, hovoríme, a čo sme videli, svedčíme, ale neprijímate nášho svedoctva. („My poznáme tieto veci. Videli sme ich; poznáme ich, a ty neprijímaš naše svedectvo“. Cirkevný pripájač, vidíte.)

Ak som vám povedal zemské veci, a neveríte, jako potom, ak vám poviem nebeské, uveríte?! (No, počúvajte toto. Sledujte!)

A nikto nevstúpil hore do neba, iba ten, ktorý sostúpil z neba - Syn človeka, ktorý je v nebi.

 Skúste na toto prísť.

93Viete, On raz povedal, „Čo si myslíte o Kristovi? Koho je On Syn?“

 Oni povedali, „Syn Dávidov.“

 On povedal, „Prečo mu potom Dávid v Duchu povedal, 'Povedal Pán môjmu pánovi, seď po mojej pravici‘?“ Ako môže On byť Jeho Pánom a zároveň aj Jeho Synom? Nikto sa Ho už viac nič nepýtal.

 V Zjavení povedal, „Ja som koreň a potomok Dávidov,“ vidíte. „Ja som vinič a tiež letorast. Ja som počiatok. Ja som bol pred samotným počiatkom; Ja som bol počiatkom a Ja som bol aj Jeho potomkom.“

 No, tu On hovorí, „Nikto nikdy nezostúpil z neba, okrem Syna človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.“

 Jedna pani sa ma raz niečo opýtala a povedala, „Odpovedz mi na toto.“

 Povedala, „Ku komu sa Ježiš modlil v Getsemanskej záhrade?“

 Povedal som, „O kom to hovoril, keď povedal, 'Žiaden človek nevystúpil do neba, jedine ten, ktorý zostúpil do neba, a to je Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.‘?“

94Tu On je, stojí na balkóne a rozpráva sa s Nikodémom a hovorí, „Som v nebi.“ Je to tak? Necháme to na dnes večer, čo na to hovoríte? Už začína byť neskoro. Ó! Rozmýšľajme nad tým aspoň trochu dnes popoludní.

 Ako sa dostanete do cirkvi? Narodením! Akým spôsobom? Dychom Božím!

 Dýchaj na mňa, dýchaj na mňa;

 Duch živého Boha, dýchaj na mňa.

 To je mojou modlitbou. Nech len Duch Svätý dýcha. Ó, ten Dych Boží. Čo to je? Zapečatený v Kráľovstve Božom, vediac, že v tej chvíli, keď som po prvýkrát vyznal, „Verím v Ježiša Krista.“… Áno.

95Potom ku svojej viere pridávam známosť, Božskú cnosť. Potom ku svojej cnosti pridávam známosť Slova. Ku svojej známosti pridávam zdržanlivosť, sebakontrolu. Mám to rád, „V mojej krajine od Teba… Korunuj moju dušu sebakontrolou… od mora ku žiarivému moru.“ Trpezlivosť. Ó! Testovaný: neboj sa, satan ti ich pridá.

 Teraz sa šplhám po rebríku, vidíte. Pridal som cnosť, známosť, zdržanlivosť; teraz som pridal trpezlivosť. Ale stále nemám Ducha Svätého. Potom, ako som pridal trpezlivosť, som pridal pobožnosť. Viete, čo to je? Ako Boh. To som pridal. Nesprávaj sa neslušne; správaj sa, ako sa patrí kresťanskému džentlmenovi. Nech to nie je pretvárka. Niečo je vo mne, tá láska Božia vo mne vrie… Vidíte? Nehovorte, „No, možno by som to aj vedel urobiť, ale radšej to nechám tak.“ Vidíte? Ó! Jednako to tam je. Je to narodenie. Bol som do tohto zrodený, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto a potom do lásky Božej, Kristus prichádza a všetko to vo mne zapečaťuje pre Jeho službu. Rozumiete?

96Čo potom On robí, keď ti dá Ducha Svätého? Ukladá ťa na oddelené miesto, označuje ťa. Potom si inou osobou. Už nie si viac zo sveta (vidíte), si inak odiaty. Je to iný odev. Nie toto vonkajšie oblečenie. Nie veru! Nemusíte byť výstrední a podivní, s obráteným golierom ako na nejakú ceremóniu. Nie veru! Tak sa to nerobí. Telesne sa obliekate… Počíta sa ten duchovný odev. Svadobný odev, ktorý bol na vás daný. Akí potom ste? Takí, aký bol Ježiš.

97Sledujte, On bol zatônený, a bol pred ich očami premenený. A Jeho odev žiaril ako slnko. Tam bol Ježiš, Boh, a On umiestňoval Svojho vlastného Syna. A potom prišiel Mojžiš. Po ňom prišiel Eliáš. A Peter povedal, „Viete, je dobré tu byť.“ Vidíte, aký je človek? Ó, stane sa niečo nadprirodzené… Povedal, „Postavme tri modlitebne. Postavme jednu pre Mojžiša, jednu pre Eliáša a jednu pre Teba.“

 A ešte ani len nedohovoril, Boh celú tú vec zastavil a povedal, „Toto je môj milovaný Syn. On dodržal všetko, čo som vyžadoval od Mojžiša, cez Neho som vydal zákon a spravodlivosť skrze prorokov. Jeho počúvajte. Ja teraz odstúpim zo scény. Len Ho počúvajte. Toho počúvajte.“ Ó, čo za nádhernú vec!

98A keď sme splnili tieto požiadavky a stali sme sa plnými Božích cností a Božích vecí, potom prichádza Duch Svätý a zapečaťuje nás do Kráľovstva. Nebojte sa. Každý bude vedieť, že to máte. Nebudete musieť hovoriť, „Ó, chvála Bohu, ja viem, že to mám; hovoril som v jazykoch. Sláva Bohu, viem, že to mám; raz som kedysi tancoval v Duchu.“ Nebudete o tom musieť ani ceknúť; každému bude jasné, že to máte. Nebojte sa; ono to bude svedčiť samé o sebe. On to dá ľuďom vedieť.

99Nech vás Boh žehná. Som tak rád, že som tu dnes ráno s vami a máme toto obecenstvo. Počúvajte! Náš zbor je tak malý, stále nemáme dostatok miesta pre všetkých ľudí, ktorí sem chodia. Nie sme žiadna organizácia. Veríme a máme obecenstvo s každou organizáciou. Ale sem prichádzate, lebo sem chcete chodiť. A milujeme vás a chceme, aby každá organizácia, každá jedna osoba…

 Verím, že vo všetkých tých organizáciách sa nájdu ľudia, ktorí sú kresťania. Sú to bratia a sestry v Kristovi. A tak preto nemáme žiadne záväzky, nič, čo potrebujete splniť, aby ste sa k nám mohli pridať, nič iné, len byť Kresťanom.

100Ako zvykol Howard Cadle hovoriť, „Nemáme žiaden zákon okrem lásky, žiadnu knihu okrem Biblie, žiadne vyznanie okrem Krista.“ Tak veru. Príďte a navštívte nás. Sme radi, že… Veríme v plné Evanjelium, každý kúsok Slova. Veríme to presne tak ako… Nič ku tomu nepridávame a nič od toho neodoberáme, žiadne organizačné veci. Nechávame to tak, ako to je. To je celé. A vždy sme radi, keď vás môžeme privítať. Príďte ku nám, keď budete môcť. Modlíme sa za chorých. Veríme vo všetko, čo Biblia hovorí, aby sme robili. Nechávame svoje slabosti zabudnuté vzadu a tlačíme sa vpred k cene horného povolania.“

101A ešte jedna vec. Dovolíte mi, aby som to povedal? Predvčerom ráno… Na nástenke si môžete všimnúť videnie. Mal som videnie. Bolo to asi o piatej ráno, moja žena vie presnejšie, alebo šesť. Zobudil som sa. Zobudili sme sa, aby sme pripravili deti do školy. Raz za čas sa mi to takto stáva; všetci viete, ako to je, nikdy to nezlyháva. Je to úplne dokonalé, nikdy to nezlyháva.

 A myslel som si, že som tým najšťastnejším človekom, akého som kedy videl. Stál som v slnku, „s-u-n“, a kázal som Evanjelium veľkému obrovskému publiku (len som chcel zistiť, či sa to nahrávalo), bolo to veľké publikum. A ľudia sedeli v lese a žiarili na nich slnečné lúče, len tu a tam, dostávalo sa tam Slovo.

102A ako zvyčajne som kázal príliš dlho. Kázal som tak dlho, až publikum fyzicky vyhladlo. A niektorí z nich sa až tak unavili, že sa išli von najesť, začali vychádzať von. Povedal som, „Nerobte to, nie.“

 Mal som dva vrcholy, ku ktorým som sa chcel vo svojej kázni dostať. Pán mi to tak dal. A každý kazateľ vie, aké to je, keď vám Boh niečo udelí, vy len horíte, aby ste to dali ľuďom vedieť. A tak ja som len kázal, (Charlie), tak tvrdo, ako som len mohol, prestieral som to pred nich a hovoril som, „Všetky tieto veľké veci… toto, čo Boh robí, pozerajte na to. On rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca. Čo to je? Slovo,“ a tak som pokračoval.

103Ó, keby som si len pamätal, čo som vtedy hovoril, čo bol môj text. Vôbec si to neviem spomenúť. Ale len som kázal a kázal a sledoval som sa pri tom. A potom, keď som tam stál a sledoval sa, ako kážem… A kázal som o tom, „ktorí to nebudú mať, ktorí to minú.“ A po chvíli som zvýšil hlas a pomyslel som si, „Sláva Bohu!.“ Povedal som, „Pozrite na tieto nádherné veci a toto...“

 Priamo nato som si všimol, že ľudia akoby telesne vyhladli. Už dostali dostatok toho duchovného, takže začali odchádzať a niektorí z nich [Brat Branham ich napodobňuje a zíva – pozn.prekl.] začali odchádzať. Pomyslel som si, „Čo sa to tu so všetkými deje?“A pozrel som sa a boli tam nejaké mladé páry, ktoré išli po mojom boku, a zastavil som sa; povedal som, „Moment, priatelia, len chvíľku. Buďte späť pred tým, ako padnú večerné tiene.“ Vidíte? Povedal som, „Vráťte sa.“ Ale dovoľte, nech sa dostanem do toho prvého vyvrcholenia. „Odkiaľ pochádzajú všetky tieto veci, ktoré som vám ukázal? Odkiaľ sú?“ Povedal som, „Tu ich máte. Oni sú v Slove Božom. Sú 'TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,‘ Jeho zasľúbenie, lebo, povedal som, „Všetci mi vydávate svedectvo, svedčíte, že moje poverenie je 'zostať so Slovom.'“ Povedal som, „Čo sa to s vami deje? Či nedokážete porozumieť Slovu? Musíte tomu rozumieť.“

 A niekto povedal, „Človeče, mám chuť na nejaké sušienky alebo niečo...“ a tak podobne.

104Nuž, len som si pomyslel, „No, sláva Bohu. Ak chcú sušienky, nech si pre ne idú.“ A tak som sa obrátil; pomyslel som si, „Ó, ale viete čo? Tiene za chvíľu padnú. Hneď za chvíľu.“ A povedal som, „A tak dnes večer, keď sa to zhromaždenie opäť zíde… Potom som im predstavil to vyvrcholenie a povedal im, že veci, ktoré ma videli robiť, sa nachádzajú v Slove Božom a nie v nejakej mýtickej knihe alebo organizácii, nachádza sa to v Slove (vidíte), každý kúsok z toho je v Slove, lebo ja som do toho poverený.“ Pomyslel som si, „Viete, všetci sa do dnešného večera vrátia. Takže urobím toto: podám im trochu z pozadia.“ Viete, ako to robievam s týmito cirkevnými vekmi a podobne, poviem to, čo som povedal pred tým. „Dám tomu pozadie na základe Slova, a potom tento veľkolepý ohromný vrchol...“ Povedal som, „Čo za čas to bude! Chvála Bohu.“ Videl som sa, ako som sa pri tom zmenšoval a počul som, „Chvála Bohu.“ Videl som sa vytrácať, ako som tam stál.

105No, tu je toho výklad, vidíte. Tá prvá vec, ktorú som urobil: Tie veci, ktoré sa stali, boli pre ľudí tajomné – aspoň pre väčšinu z nich. Nehovorím o „ľuďoch plného evanjelia“ a „svätých Božích“, mám na mysli väčšinu ľudí. A nikdy by ste nemali hľadieť na svet, „kozmos“, ako na niekoho, pre koho je Božie posolstvo. Keď tam prídete, hovoríte…

 Ako brat Boze povedal, „Vždy som...“ Povedal, „Pred rokmi som mal sen, že Boh ma pošle do Chicaga a zatrasie Chicagom na slávu Božiu.“

 Povedal som, „Jozef, On to už urobil.“

 „Ako to?“ odpovedal, „Od čias Moodyho neboli zatrasení.“

 Povedal som, „Hovorím o cirkvi. To ostatné je len potravou pre delá. Je to len prach zeme; tá skupina, ktorá prepĺňa ulice, namaľované Jezábele a podobne...“ Povedal som, „To je tam vonku. Tie veľké lóže a podobne, to všetko sa rozpadne a zostane to upadnuté na uliciach.“ Povedal som, „On hovorí o cirkvi. Cirkev uvidela zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ako bolo zamanifestované, a oni to rozpoznali. Možno ich v Chicagu nie je ani pätnásť. Možno z tejto generácie v Chicagu ich nie je ani desať.“

 Zamysleli ste sa nad tým niekedy?

106Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude i vo dňoch Syna človeka, kde bolo spasených osem duší. Koľko ich vyšlo zo Sodomy? Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? Pochybujem, že ich tam bola vôbec hŕstka.

 „Ale cirkev sama osebe prijala otrasenie. Oni to rozpoznali. Oni poznali Slovo. Videli Slovo, keď bolo zmaterializované a uchytili to. No, pozrite sa na to na chvíľu.“

 No, a toto prvé posolstvo, keď to uvideli, všetci sa na to zhromaždili; povedali, „Ó, sláva Bohu. Ó, ak by som len mohol toto alebo tamto,“ a potom odchádzajú v rovnakom stave, v akom boli, keď prišli. A teraz si myslia, „No, ja neviem. Kam by sme sa mali pripojiť? Ak nebudem chodiť s týmto, tak to bude takto; odtiaľ ma vykopnú, tam zase nemám čo robiť.“

107A bratia si sadnú a povedia, „No, čo by som robil, ak…?“ Vidíte? Nezastavia sa ani na toľko, aby rozpoznali, že to je Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, že sa zamanifestuje, oni len odchádzajú. Ale neobávajte sa, tie tiene sa už blížia.

 Keď sa vrátim na misijné pole… Pamätáte si to posolstvo, ktoré mi nedávno dal, keď som zakladal ten základný kameň. Presne tak, On povedal, „Rob tú prácu...“ Povedal, „Keď opustíš toto videnie, prečítaj si 2. Timoteovi 4.“ Viete, že to leží priamo v tom základnom kameni – pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi. Povedal, „Vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu. Plne dokáž svoju službu, lebo príde čas, keď nebudú môcť zniesť zdravú náuku; ale budú si zhromažďovať vlastných učiteľov podľa vlastných žiadostí, majúc svrbľavé uši, odvracajúc sa od pravdy k bájkam.“ Je to tak, od slova do slova.

108Ale pamätáte si vtedy, keď som to nedávno celé nedočítal. Tých vyše tridsať rokov, ktoré som kázal v tejto modlitebni, nikdy som nešiel ďalej a ani neviem prečo. Často som sa divil, až dokiaľ som videl, ako Ježiš vzal zvitok a začal čítať a prečítal polovicu proroctva, potom sa zastavil a povedal (tam v Kafarnaume), On povedal, „A dnes sa toto proroctvo vyplnilo.“ Prečo nečítal ďalej? To, čo bolo ďalej, sa vzťahuje na Jeho druhý príchod.

 A vtedy som to čítal, pričom som nevedel… Zodvihol som to a tam to ležalo predo mnou v Southern Pines, v Južnej Kalifornii. V to ráno, ako som tam stál a hovoril s Josephom Bozem, oprel som sa o bok auta [Brat Branham luskne prstom – pozn.prekl.], zasiahol som to. Pavol povedal, „Všetci sa proti mne obrátili. Nikto so mnou nestojí. Démas ma opustil, lebo si zamiloval tento svet. A teraz (pozrite!) A kotlár mi vykonal veľa zlého.“

109Pozrite sa, čo si musel Démas myslieť. „No, veď ja som videl Pavla, ako kázal Evanjelium a uzdravoval chorých; a tu sedí a trpí, musí chodiť s lekárom, Lukáš, celý čas s ním chodí, berie so sebou lekára, človek, ktorý káže božské… No, videl som, ako jedného muža oslepil; povedal, 'Nech ťa Pán potresce a budeš slepý‘; a potom nechá kotlára, aby ho vyhnal zo zhromaždenia. Myslím, že najskôr stratil svoju moc oslepovať ľudí. Najskôr stratil aj moc ku božskému uzdravovaniu. Boh sa proti nemu obrátil.“

110Nemyslím si, že Démas odišiel do sveta, lebo bol…. Ak poznáte históriu, viete, že mal veľkú bohatú rodinu; a chcel ísť so zvyškom davu.

        Ale Pavol, úbohý Pavol, čo to bolo? Boh vždy dovolí, že služba sa dostane do takého stavu, a potom ju korunuje. On nechal Ježiša, aby sa dostal do takého miesta (pozrite sa na to!), keď mohol kriesiť mŕtvych, keď mohol robiť čokoľvek chcel, vtedy dovolil rímskemu vojakovi, aby Mu vytrhával bradu z tváre a [Brat Branham napodobňuje zvuk pľuvania.] napľuť na Jeho tvár. Udierali Ho a dali Mu na tvár handru a povedali, „No, hovorí sa, že si prorok...“ Všetci tam dookola stáli s trstinami a udierali Ho do hlavy a hovorili, „Povedz nám, ktorý z nás Ťa udrel.“ On vedel, ktorý to bol, kto Ho udrel. Istotne to vedel! Vidíte? Ale Jeho služba sa pripravovala na korunováciu. Vždy sa to dostáva do toho bodu, kde sa zdá, že to je úplne, úplne slabé a takmer je to celkom preč, ale práve vtedy to Boh korunuje. Ó, Pane, nech sa tak stane. Nech sa tak stane, Pane. Skloňme naše hlavy.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho

        Lebo On prv miloval mňa (teraz Ho uctievajte, máme za sebou tvrdé vyučovanie!)

        A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

 Zdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.

 Milujem Ho, (Teraz buďme v Duchu, vidíte!)

        Milujem Ho, lebo On prv miloval mňa, …

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. This is kind of a--a surprise to me. I wasn't supposed to be here today. But, tonight is communion night, and I--and I thought I would drop down this morning. And I called Brother Neville, and he said, "Well, now, if you're coming down," said, "why not just speak for us a little bit?"

2And I thought, well, if I did come down, and it was possible, I would not be preaching, but would just like to talk to the church a little while on matters that, you know, that I think would strengthen the church.

3 We have just returned from our--from our fall hunting trip, the brothers and I, here, and we had a glorious time. We--we are very grateful, all of us filled up, and--and got our game that we were hunting for. And--and our pastor and I knows that venison is very, very good. And so we had some fine deer. And I got a bear and two deer. And we come back.

4And this is suppose to be the time that I'm to speak on those seven last Seals. And they didn't get the church ready. And there is something, hindrance, that's caused it. That, I think the city is giving us a rough way, because of not adequate parking room for the amount of people that we're... that the church will hold.

5 We want a new church put up here, and we've got a good part of the money already designated, and--and to make a--a bigger church. But when we had these services, why, you understand what it is. It's such a pitiful thing. The people are around the walls, out in the rain, and--and--and it's just awful. And even criticism comes from friends of mine. Said, "Brother Branham, looks like they..." Doctor friend of mine, said, "Look like you could get some place." Said, "I feel sorry, as they'd pass by."

6A nurse next door to me, said, "Why, I come by there one morning at five o'clock. You was supposed to be there..." And said, "The people were already gathering around that church down there, at five o'clock in the morning. You was to be there at nine-thirty." So, see, and it makes it hard.

7 And we want a church that's got some room, and where everybody can set down. And we think we're living in the last days, believe that. That where the... We should be teaching the Church of--of--of these things, that shaping up, the things that's been prophesied, some of them, thousands of years. And for at least twenty-five and thirty years, right from this church, that's been prophesied, would come to pass. And now we have it coming right to pass. So we ought to be renewing these things, but we don't have adequate room. So this morning...

8I'd making my calls and things, yesterday, and I got some more to make, this afternoon, and so forth. And then I had some people that wanted to come in, a lovely young fellow, that's just nervous break, a minister brother in the field. And several like that, and a brother from Norway. And--and we had the little interviews back in the back room. And I said, "Well, now, we'll just step out."

9And Brother Neville said, "Well, we'd come out and say a few words to strengthen the Church a little." The fir-...

10 One of the first things that I want to say. I wrote down some things here on paper, that, when I come to the church, I wanted to say. One thing I had wrote here was concerning the passing of our gracious Brother Taylor while we were gone.

11Brother Taylor had been coming to this church for years and years. All of us knew him, I'm sure. But if there'd be some strangers here, it was that precious old gentleman that always found you a seat, to set down. Brother Taylor, last time I saw him now, until I see him a young man, he was standing there at the door about three or four Sundays ago. He said, "I'd like to have some books, Brother Branham. I'd like to distribute these books." So we, he...

12 What I understand, he had diabetes and went into a coma, and didn't... not knowing he had the diabetes. And--and was... He died. He never died. He just went to be with the Lord Jesus.

13And he was a faithful, wonderful brother, always mindful of other people. And his delight was to try to find somebody a place to set down, when they come to church. And you know, maybe, when we cross over the Bar, wouldn't it be nice to see Brother Taylor there, find us a place to set down, on the other side?

14I think, in commemoration of Brother Taylor... I wasn't here to speak it with Brother Neville, at his funeral, but I want to say a word of my appreciations, to his widow. Sister Taylor, I suppose, is here somewhere this morning, bless her loyal heart!

15Brother Taylor, one day he said, "Come up and see me. I got a little lake dug up there, put some fish in it, so you'd come up and fish." Always mindful of somebody else. And there was Somebody was mindful of him, that was Christ, to give him salvation.

16I think, in commemoration, yet, for this church, as it gathers as a body this morning, let us stand together, bow our heads before God.

17 Our Heavenly Father, we as human beings this morning, and the--the comers to this place of worship... Thy great hand has moved among us and taken from us one of our precious brothers who we love, and know that Thou did love him. And You had a reason for all this, Lord, or it would not have happened in this way, knowing that our Bible tells us, that, "All things work together for good to them that love God." And that he did.

18And we look around, in the world, and we find nature in every way speaking to us, that the grave cannot hold him, for on earth he served the purpose that You sent him here to do. He was a good, loyal brother.

19We find that in the life of botany life, and in the life of the sun that rises of a morning to give us light. And in the middle of the day it becomes at middle age. And then evening it dies again, only to rise again the next morning, fresh and new, because it served God's purpose.

20We see the flowers as they bloom and beautify the earth and decorate the funeral halls, and the wedding places, and serves the purpose; opening up its heart and giving out, freely, honey to the bee, and perfume to the passer, beauty to the seeker. Gives all it has, in a service for God, then it bows its little head. But when spring comes around, it rises again, because it served God's purpose.

21 Then in the face of all nature, and the Bible, the promise, and the Holy Spirit, we can gladly rejoice in our heart, to know that our Brother Taylor, likewise, Lord, served God's purpose. And to say that he would not rise again would be to deny our Bible, our God, and all things that God has given us to look at, to know that there is a resurrection. So we are looking forward to the time when we shall see him again, when he is young and healthy and never no more to be sick or get old.

22Bless his precious wife, that loyal companion of his. How that we will miss them, long, Lord, as we see them going together out to the pond, and setting on the little benches out there, fishing, and talking, and how they were real sweethearts together.

23And now we know that there is the great Day coming, when the heroes of faith will march under the great arch of triumph, and the Angels of... with anthems will fill the air. We'll see them again in that place.

24Until then, Lord, give us courage. Bless us and help us. We'll long miss Brother Taylor, and everyone that comes to this church, while he would stand at the door and find a place for the comer to hear the Word of God, to set down in ease and rest.

25The other day when he passed over, Lord, I prayed that the great Archangel of God stood there at the door, to find him a place, too, Lord, and he could set down. For it is written in the Bible, "The merciful shall obtain mercy." Until we see him, Lord, may the memories continue sweet in our hearts, until some day when we meet again in the other Land. Through Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

26 He will be long missed among us and amidst strangers, and so forth, that come to our church, or our building here, to worship. May his soul rest in peace before God, till that Day.

27Some day, too, each one of us will go, one by one, till we drop down along the line like that. Let us now, while we have time, and can, let's prepare ourselves for that time coming; for we don't know when it will be. We don't know who will be next. Let us live so, that at each day, that if it should ever come, it will be for us, we'll be ready.

28 Now, I would like to make announcements. Now, soon, perhaps, maybe, I haven't talked with the trustees since coming back, concerning the condition of building the--the church here, or what we have to do next, getting our church so we can have our meeting. Then I will continue on, pardon me, with the--the Seven Seals, and then the Seven Vials, and many things yet that we should be getting into, right away.

29And now, next Sunday morning, there, I am to be at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, with Brother L. G. Hoover, to a--a dedicational service. And that's to dedicate a new tabernacle, or a tabernacle that they have bought at Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Right down 62 till you come to Elizabethtown, or right down, I mean, 31, or down the turnpike. Just at the turnoff, takes you to Elizabethtown. It's about an hour. It's about thirty-five, forty miles down there. I think, about forty miles, by the way the... of 31, and about thirty-five miles, or something, other way, down by the turnpike. It's on Mulberry Street.

30The dedicational service. Brother Hoover will have the regular Sunday school at ten o'clock. And I'm to preach the dedicational service, from eleven until twelve, this next coming Sunday, November the eleventh.

31 On the bulletin board out there, is the--the news item of it. And it'll be at... You can find your way from right there. It's on Mulberry Street. Or they--they give the directions on the... It's on the bulletin board out there in the front of the church.

32Then, on--on November the--the twenty-second, I--I am to be at Shreveport, Louisiana, the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and--and twenty-six. Five days, I think, at Shreveport, Louisiana, at Life Tabernacle. That's with Brother Moore. They are celebrating their golden jubilee. The pentecostal blessing fell in Shreveport, Louisiana, fifty years ago, the twenty-second of this month. Fifty years, the first pentecostal message was preached. And fell, the Holy Ghost fell, in Louisiana. And they got a memorial to that, and this is the golden jubilee. And I'm to speak this jubilee, five nights, with Brother Moore, at Shreveport, Life Tabernacle.

33 You got any friends in and around there, why, that you want to write to, or something, would be glad to have them out. And just tell them about the meetings coming up.

34And the Life Tabernacle, if anybody has ever been there with Brother Moore, he's a wonderful man. And there's a wonderful bunch of people, those old Southerners. You just can't hardly beat them. And so, the Life Tabernacle, anyone around Shreveport can tell you where it's at. Shreveport is about two hundred thousand people. And it's a nice city, and plenty of accommodations. So...

35And the tabernacle is a large tabernacle, very large tabernacle. It's got upstairs, and balconies, and main floors, and then a floor beyond that. And there's just plenty of room. And right straight across from the city auditorium that seats five thousand. Just--just like crossing the street here, to the city auditorium.

36 And Rev. Jack T. Moore, or--or either the Life Tabernacle at Shreveport, Louisiana. That begins on the twenty-second. That will be Wed-... Thursday through Sunday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, four days instead of five. I'm sorry. That be the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, and twenty-fifth. I think that's the way it is, of--of November.

37And then, we'll find out then what about, what we've done about the church here, to find out how the church has progressed about getting its building. The contractors tell us they can put enough men on it, till about ten days they can almost have it so we can go under it, see, right quick. And they're just waiting for the city to sign. You know, and we have to have so much parking space, and so much this. And, oh, my, it's a bunch of red tape to get into, to start building anything. But I would like to get to the church before I get back to the field again.

38 Now I got a call to Tanganyika, Uganda, and through there. Joseph has the meetings set up to begin in February.

39And yesterday, when I come in, there was some brothers, and Sister Thoms and them, from overseas, had come in. And had... I found a note laying on my door, or--or an invitation from an--an association down in South Africa. So I'm writing in to them, to find out just what can be done. Maybe, while I'm that far, I can drop on down in South Africa, maybe, in the last part of February and March, along in that time.

40And we hope to get the church up, so I can get these Church Ages in, before--before the winter sets in, if possible. If I don't, or when I have to come back from over there, if the Lord Jesus tarries.

41 I was listening yesterday when I was taking, believe it was day before yesterday, of a tape. I thought I heard it playing out here this morning. Some little Southern brother had... His mother had come into the meeting. She had a malignancy on her breast, and she was shadowed to death. And the Holy Spirit, in one of the recent meetings, at the Southern Pines, I believe it was, or somewhere, told her, said about her malignancy, and who she was, and where she come from. And said she had a boy that was a backslider, and he was going to have an accident, and be for manslaughter. And a whole lot of things like that. And this fellow...

42It all happened just the way. And her malignant cancer, or malignant growth, rather, left her. Which is, malignant growth is a cancer, you know. So then it--it left her. And the boy was up for manslaughter, and everything just the way the Holy Spirit said it. And he was led to Christ, back again. And he made a tape of it, and I--I heard it playing. Did you enjoy that little, old Southern talk? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said, "Down here in North Carolin'er," he said. Oh, I just love that, them old Southern people. And he had... The Lord just blessed him on. He said, "I know you say you don't preach doctrine, Brother Branham; only to your congregation." Said, "We're part of your congregation." So that was right cute in him, to say that.

43 And now there is a picture, I think, maybe, it's on the bulletin board this morning. If it's not, Billy will put it on there. Of many times it's been said, when I first started speaking, that they said, "You just imagine, Brother Branham, that you see that Light, that Light." There's probably, hardly...

44There might be some left here, the old-timers that remembers back, before the pictures was ever taken of It. Is there any here that remembers me saying that, way long time ago? Look. Just about four or five hands. Sister Spencer here, and Brother and Sister Slaughter, and--and brother here, and brother over there. They're just about five or six of the old-timers left.

45 Well, now, after while, the mechanical eye of that camera caught that picture. So it went to Washington, D.C. and went through the examiners, and come back, "Not no double exposure or nothing." Said, "The Light struck the lens." That's George J. Lacy. You got his name signed. See?

46Well, then, many times you hear, look out and say, "There is a dark shadow over this person. It's shadowed to death." How many has heard me say that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Many times, see, many time. Well, it happened to be that the camera caught that. And so we got that here.

47The lady that come to a sister and had told her, in the meeting in--in Carolina, where we had such a wonderful meeting at Southern Pines. And there, the lady was dying with cancer on both breasts. And the doctors had give her up to die. And the lady just reached down and took her picture, just as I told her who she was, and where she come from. And I said, "There is a dark shadow over you. You're shadowed to death." And the lady just snaps the picture of this. And there it is on the mechanical eye of the camera, gets the shadow of death.

48 If any you all seen The Ten Commandments, and saw the death angel, how it swept in, that dark, gloomy-looking shadow, it's on this picture. And I think it's on the bulletin board now. If it's not, Billy can hear me, why, have him put it on the bulletin board. And it's got the arrow pointing to the person. And the person, the shadow left the woman, and was miraculously healed. But there is like a hood, a dark smoke gathered around and hooded over the lady, and hanging off on that cancer like that, coming from there. Course, that's the shadow where death is pouring in, too, from the cancer.

49Well, no matter how much you try to tell people Truth, there is somebody going to be suspicious that It isn't Truth. And if you always tell the Truth, then you know you're--you're right.

50 I have a friend that's a--a rancher, up in the West. And--and the conservation paid about four thousand dollars for a snowmobile, to count the herd of elk that was left back over off the Troublesome Valley. Mr. Jeffries who set here in the church, I led him to Christ, a complete infidel. And you've heard me tell the story of us riding together. And he didn't believe in nothing but the ethics of Darwin. "And that Baby, virgin-born, was nonsense." And we camped the other night right where he accepted Christ.

51And so then this man told them. He said, "Now, you don't have to buy that automobile, that snowmobile." Said, "I'll tell you exactly how many elk is up there." Said, "There is nineteen." Said, "There was twenty-... There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them." And he was talking to the game warden. Not suppose to kill but one. So he said, "There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them. Leaves nineteen."

And he said, "Yes, Jeff, I know you killed two of them."

He said, "I did."

52Well, they took the snowmobile, went up there, there was nineteen head of elk. He said, "Billy, just tell a man the truth; he won't believe it."

53So that's just about the way it is. You can tell people the Truth, and yet they... There's been so much misunderstanding and--and lying about things until they don't believe that you're telling the Truth when you're telling them the Truth. You see?

54 But we're so thankful that we have a Heavenly Father Who confirms that Truth with a confirmation. It's true. So then if this shall be my last day on earth, the... even the scientific research and proofs has proved that I have told the Truth about these things. That's right. It's Truth. So it'll probably be on the bulletin board. Billy, are you in the room there? You got it in your hand, the picture? And if you have, well, bring it out here, then you can set it up here, they'd probably see it. Well, I don't know. There'd be a light on the--on the board.

55And here is the--here is the picture right here. I guess you can't see it. But right here you can see that hooded shadow of death over that woman's head. And here is the write-up about it back here, where the lady took the picture, and to see if it actually showed. And there it is, on--on there. It's a hooded shadow of death.

56[Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] See the woman, one right there?

You seen it, I guess, Brother Neville, didn't you? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Uh-huh.

57So, Billy will probably put it on the bulletin board, if you will, Billy. Come, get it, and take it around the front and put it on the board, so everybody can see it as they go out. He or Doc, either one. Now I thought, maybe, it could show plain enough that you could see it, but there is too much dark for that type of picture. But he'll have it out there, so you can see it, as they goes out.

Now, remember all the announcements.

58 And now, this morning, I thought maybe that we would speak a little bit on something to encourage the church, something that would give you more.

59[Brother Doc Branham says to Brother Branham, "Want that spot?"--Ed.] What say? ["Want that spot on it?"] Yes, Doc, if you will. It might be good.

60I want to use this here. I had... Some of them didn't have it to put on, for last week, so we thought maybe that it would give a little better for today. I wanted to talk on it, because it pertained to a--a dream a sister had.

61 I wonder if Sister Shepherd is in the church this morning. I met her the other night. And the first time I had seen the woman, actually, I didn't even know who she was. Is she? I guess she's not. Yes. Would you mind, would it be anything out of the way, if I referred to that dream, Sister Shephard? You wouldn't mind, would you? All right. It's all right.

And before we approach that, let's bow our heads now again.

62 Gracious Heavenly Father, to Thee we give praise for all Thy goodness and mercy. And now, quieten us down, Lord, that we might study the Word of the living God, as It comes to us through vision and is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, backed up by the Bible. So we pray that You'll give us understanding, that we might know what to do in these last days as we see the evil powers settling around us now. The battle, the final battle is just about to be fought. Help us, Lord. As real warriors, strong, let us keep the shield of Faith up, with the Word of God, the Sword, and move forward. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

63 Now, thinking of moving forward, a battle, like a--a battle set in array, ready to go into action, a--a real battle, to fight the fight of faith.

64Sister Shepherd here, and Brother Shepherd, who are very gracious friends of ours, and who come to this tabernacle. And they are precious children of God. And--and this Sister Shepherd, when I was picking up my mail, the kind that Billy can answer, just somebody say, "Send me so many prayer clothes." And I pray over them. He just answers them back. But when it's an individual letter, I have to answer it myself, you see. So I picked up my individual mail, and so I was taking it home. And I was reading in there, it said, "From Sister Shepherd." And it was a dream that she had had, of--of some months ago. And she never could get it just right until two or three Sundays ago, when I taught on this--this Seven Church Ages and--and the--the seven fruits, Second Peter, how it takes, Second Peter 1, "To add to our faith." See?

65 First, foundationally, is Faith. Second, add to your faith, virtue; to your virtue, knowledge; from knowledge, temperance; from temperance, patience; to patience, godliness; and from godliness, brotherly love, brotherly kindness; and then love, being the capstone. Seven of those things. Seven church ages, see, and seven stars of the church ages, and all of it is tempered together by the Holy Spirit.

66Now, that's what it takes to become a servant of Christ. Christ builds His Church in seven church ages; His Bride, a Person, woman, Church. Seven church ages constitute and make the Bride. Some out of this age, and some out of that age, and some out of that age, and all together, and shaping it like a pyramid.

67 Like Enoch, who built the pyramids, that we believe. And the capstone never was put on top of them, because the headstone was rejected. And we taken now, not as Doctrine, but as to understand, just for the church here. That these...

68God makes Hisself perfect in three. He makes Hisself perfect in "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," three offices of one God. He makes Hisself perfect in "justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost," come perfect, works of grace. He makes Himself perfected in three comings: first time, to redeem His Bride; second time, to receive His Bride; third time, in the Millennium with His Bride. And everything is perfected in three's. And seven is the worship number of God. God is worshipped in seven, completed, now perfected and completed.

69And the strange thing was, not to bring this in, but just to show you, the last deer that I got had five points on one side and three on the other; see, grace and perfection.

70 Now notice on this, that Christ. God wrote three Bibles. The first Bible was in the sky, called the zodiac. Now, if you don't know the Book of Job, just forget about it, 'cause, because Job is the one explains it, how that he looked up and he named those things in the sky.

71And notice, in the zodiac, what did it start off with? The first thing in the zodiac is the virgin. The last thing in the zodiac is Leo the lion. The first coming of Christ, through the virgin. The second Coming, Leo the lion, the Lion of the tribe of Juda.

72 Then Enoch completed in his day, or back in that day, the pyramid. And it would... Course, we haven't got time to background it and show how that that pyramid come up through the chambers and so forth. It speaks right straight to the end time now. They're in the king's chamber now, by the measurement. But the headstone never was put on the pyramid. And that sets perfect, architecturally, or--or masonry. Until, even a... the little thin razor blade... They don't know how they ever built it, don't understand it, could ever a razor blade slice along the sides where that mortar should be. And there's no mortar in it. It's just perfected, put together.

73So that's what it is when Christ and the Church becomes one. There no mortar between. There's nothing between; just God and the person. God, Christ, and the person.

74 Now, but, the headstone, they've never found it. You know the Stone of Scone they have in England, to ordain the kings, or to--to crown them, and so forth. But the headstone...

75Notice on American dollar bill. You'll see if... on the American dollar bill, on the one side, the left side. Is the American seal, an eagle with the... of spears in his hand, on the second side, this is called the seal "of the United States." But on the next side is the pyramid and, above it, a great eye, and under here it says, "The great seal." Why would it be "The great seal" in this nation, even above the seal of our nation? See?

76No matter what you ever do, God makes it speak just the same. See? He makes the sinner speak of it. He makes the nation speak of it. Everything has to speak of Him. Whether you--you want to believe It or not, It's right there.

77Now, notice, there's an eye in that, the eye of God. And because that the cap didn't come off, the Head Seal, because It was rejected, which was the Son of God; the Cornerstone of the building, the Head Seal of the pyramid, and all this now. Now I'm... I don't like to...

78 Sometimes they tape these things, and it gets out amongst brethren in churches, of other churches. And when they do that, then the brethren sometime gets the wrong impression, that I'm saying something about brethren. But I'm not. I... If you could just listen and understand, see, I am not speaking against any brother. Cause, that's not becoming to brethren, to speak against each other. We should speak for one another, not against each other.

79But when I speak sometime of certain organization, like Presbyterian, Methodist, or so forth, they say, "See, he's against it." I'm not against the brother in there, or the sister in there. The system that's separating brotherhood is what I speak against. God's children are one family, and not--and not different groups.

80 And some of them say, "I'll have nothing to do with it, because that's Presbyterian. And I'm Methodist." See? Now, that isn't. See? It's the system of that organization that breaks up that brotherhood. See?

81Now, that, like I've said, if you were going down the river in an old shaggy-looking boat, was going to try to make the falls, and I know that that isn't going to work, well, then, I'm not screaming, rebuking you. I'm trying to get you out of that boat. See? Because, it's the boat that's going to break up, and--and--and you'll be left, setting alone, in the water. So--so it's not--it's not the brother in the boat, but I'm hollering at the brother to show him what's fixing to happen.

82Well, all these systems, that men has made in their achievement has got to break up. That's all. They have to come... We have to come to unity, to brotherhood. That's been my purpose of life is to try to unite and not break up an organization, but let them drop their ideas, and be brothers to every born-again Christian. You see? That, that's the idea. That's where I've stood, well, now, if the brethren would notice it. I...

83 Many of our brethren, even in our Full Gospel ranks, they do not believe that the Baptist and Methodists, and the Lutheran and them, have a chance. But, now, they may be right. But I don't agree with that. I believe that... the age here, of the Lutheran Age, in this age here which was called, I believe, the Sardis Age. And then the Philadelphian Age, for the Methodists. And then the Pentecostal, Laodicean Age. I believe those are ages. And God, in each one of those ages, took an elected people. And in that, as Hebrews 11 says, that, "Them without us is not made perfect." See? But now the Church has come from this, coming in a minority all the time, till It's down into the Pentecostal age.

84 Now, the reason I'm saying this, that you might get an idea on what the sister dreamed. And her dream is certainly comparison to what I been teaching.

85Notice now here, now, all these things that First Peter the 6th and 7th verse tells you, brought by your faith, that's first. Now, I say that people claim to have these virtues without even being born again. And I believe I made a rude remark and said, "It's like a blackbird trying to put peacock feathers in himself, and make hisself a peacock." He can't do it. There has to be a natural feather growed from him. The inside of him has to put that feather out.

86 And always, and I've always been accused of being hard on our sisters, about wearing bobbed hair, and manicure all over their face, and stuff. I've always been accused of being hard on our sisters. It--it isn't that I got anything against that. I don't say the woman isn't a good woman, that she's some streetwalker or something. That isn't my attitude. But, it's this, when she puts so much artificial on the outside, shows there's a lot of artificial on the inside, see, where ought to be filled up with Christ. Because, the outside always expresses what's on the inside. "By their fruits you know them." You see? And where Christ ought to be in there, and to care for the God, and to care for other things instead of so much artificial pomp, and you know, green eyelids, and unhuman-looking, and all that kind of stuff. I just don't go for it, and I don't believe the Bible does either, so I like to be just what we are.

87 Notice, now, if she hasn't got any finger nails, and wants to put some on; if she hasn't got any teeth, and needs some; haven't got an arm, and you need one; haven't got hair, and you need some; you haven't got these things, that's different. But when you pull out your real good teeth, because they're just not as bright as they should be, then you done wrong. If you've got red hair, and you want black, and you go down here and color it black, just because; you done wrong. Yeah, I think so. But the main thing... There's no Scripture for that. Only, to bob your hair, there is Scripture for that, yeah, have plenty of that, so then we want to make sure that that's right, now.

88 Now, our sister, in dreaming, she dreamed that she... Well, first, she was disturbed. "What's the use of going on, and trying to struggle through life, if God requires us to receive the Holy Ghost and we don't have It?" Now, I don't think...

89They may be taping this. But if they don't... If they do, it's for the church alone. See? Now, and if some brother would get a hold of this, and you hear my voice, brother, on this, remember, I'm just teaching to my church. You always, before your congregation, examine the--the tapes, and if you don't want your congregation to hear them, don't let them hear them. But I'm just trying to say to this little group here, that--that Brother Neville and I, by the Holy Spirit, is trying to--to pastor and to teach them.

90 Now, there is some of these Things you might miserably disagree with. So if there is, just like I always said about eating fried chicken, "When you hit the bone, you don't throw the chicken away. You throw the bone away." So always do that. "Eating cherry pie, and you run into a seed, you wouldn't throw the pie away. You just throw the seed away." So you do the same thing in listening to This.

91Now, I--I believe that--that the--the reason that there is so much confusion today, about the Holy Spirit, it's not correctly taught. I believe that the baptism is taught... and just say "the baptism."

92But then be like you say "automobile." But now I've got several mechanics in this church, and I don't know one thing about it. So if I make a mistake, brethren, I'm... Remember, I'm not a mechanic. There has to be coils, and plugs, and points, and valves, and everything else, that makes the automobile.

93And when you talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there's a lot goes with That. Huh? See? There's a lot goes with That. And here is what I think that God is proving: the Holy Spirit is here. See?

94 Now, Peter said, first, "Faith." Now watch it real close now. We're going to teach this for a few minutes. Faith, now, is your first. And add to your faith, virtue; to your virtue, knowledge; to your knowledge, temperance; to your temperance, patience; to your patience, godliness; to your godliness, brotherly love, brotherly kindness; and then love. And anyone knows that love is God. "God is love." See?

95Now, that then, from this, and then bringing this into the seven church ages. God is building, in seven church ages, a Bride for Christ; through the Philadelphian, Thyatirean, and Pergamos, and Smyrnaean, and Ephesus. A church age, that Jesus said, "If the--if the Bridegroom come in the first watch or the seventh watch, all these virgins awakened." They were. They awoke, the virgins of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Did you notice that? It was the seventh age, that when He came and woke up those sleeping virgins. That brings them all the way back down to here. See? For, in this, through the years, ages, He has built a Bride, born a Bride, begotten a Bride on earth for Christ. And the same way that He begets this Bride, He has begot individuals.

96 Now I'm backgrounding this, so that you will see when the sister's dream is being told.

97Now, these things here absolutely must be in the Christian before the Holy Ghost ever seals them, before this comes down on top and makes a complete unit.

98Now, our sister's dream now. She was worried whether she had the Holy Ghost or not, when she laid down across the duofold where her husband was reading a paper. And she has got little ones, as I have, and they're always making a noise and things. And so, in this, she fell asleep for approximately ten minutes, or fifteen. And she dreamed. And she never could understand it, or get it all together, from a year ago, almost, until this Message was taught. Then, while I was teaching It, it all come back to her. And she dreamed that she was praying.

99She was walking the floor, first, before she dreamed, and wringing her hands, and thinking, "Lord, have I got the Holy Ghost? Can You prove to me. Some says, 'Because that--that I shouted.' Or some said, 'Because I spoke with tongues.' And we believe in all that. But have I really got It?"

100 I believe in all those things, those virtues, speaking in tongues, and shouting, and all kinds of demonstration. I believe in every bit of it. But if it's there without This, there is something wrong. See? Now, see, you see, you--you got a shell. Notice.

101And she was worried about it, so she just laid down across the duofold where her husband was reading, and she went to sleep.

102And she dreamed she was up on a mountain. And in this mountain, the best... I haven't got the paper before me, but I think it's like this. She dreamed that she saw a--a rock box, like--like a--a framework, setting right in top of this mountain. And her husband was just behind her. And she saw a large man standing there, with work clothes on, sleeves rolled up, bailing the most pure water that she ever seen, and pouring into this box, this rock box setting in top of the mountain. And the rock box would not hold the water. And it rolled right out of there, and just boiled up all the trash and sticks, and everything in there, and boiled it out and rolled down the mountain. And it rolled over her feet, and she was standing right in that stuff, only it didn't stick to her.

103 And--and then she asked why the box didn't hold it, and the man said, "That is not water. That's the Holy Ghost, and," said, "nothing will hold It." And said, then he went back and got another big bucket, and it was full of honey, and poured the honey into there, said, "Now it will hold this." And she thought that the box, was a rock box, was going to burst out and spill the honey, but it didn't. It finally stuck together and held it.

104She turned and went down the mountain. Going down the mountain, she stopped at the bottom of the mountain and looked back. She saw five streams of this pure, crystal water, not contaminated by the things that it had went through, still pure and clear, coming swiftly. Then it slowed up. Then, almost fading out, and she was wondering would it ever reach the bottom of the mountain, five streams. And she woke up.

105I think that's just about close to being right, isn't it, Sister Shepherd?

106 Now, no more than I picked up the letter and opened it, before I read it, I saw her dream.

107That's the way dreams are interpreted. Now, many of you has come to me with dreams, and--and say things to me about dreams. I say, "Wait a minute. You never told it all." See? And go back and pick it up. Then if you can't tell what you dreamed, how you know the interpretation is right or not? See? You've got to, you've got to see the dream. A vision has to show the dream. And when you see the dream that the person dreamed, and can tell them before they tell you, then you know the interpretation.

108 Well, I believe that's in the Scripture, also, Daniel, one time. Wasn't that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said... Yeah. I believe I just happened to think of that then. See?

109But you always see the dream, now, if the interpretation is right. A person start telling you a dream, you can just stop them, say, "Wait a minute. And it was so-and-so. It was so-and-so, plus so-and-so."

And then you say, "That's exactly right." See?

110A man, the other day, was trying to tell me a dream that he dreamed. He said, "Well," he said...

I said, "Now, brother, why did you leave out that other part?"

He said, "What other part?"

111I said, "You dreamed that you threw a rock up in the air, and I shot at it and got some in my eye."

112He said, "That's exactly the truth, Brother Branham." And they just picked the last part of it out, yesterday. Uh-huh.

113So there you are. See? See? Why? You don't tell the truth of it, but, you see, It always reveals back, what, tells you your dream, what you dreamed. Then you know it's right.

114 Now, here is interpretation of her dream. She was bothered about the Holy Spirit. Now, insomuch that she seen the box on top of the mountain, was the rock. Rock box, is rock, "confession." Now, like Jesus said in the Scripture. He said, Peter said... "Who," Jesus said, "who does men say I, the Son of man, am?"

"One said Thou art 'Elias,' and 'Moses,' and so forth."

And He said, "But Who do you say I am?"

He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

115 Now, some people say now, the Catholic church says, the Roman Catholic church says, that His con-... "What the rock was, that Jesus said, 'Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against It.'" They said, "It was upon Peter. And Peter was that rock, 'cause Peter means 'little stone.' 'Upon this little stone I'll build My Church.'" And upon Peter, they, apostolic succession, they built the church.

116Then the Protestant church says, "That's wrong. That, it was upon Himself He built the Church."

117Now, not to be disagreeable, but, I, to my way of seeing it, it's both wrong. Because, He never built It upon Peter, neither did He build It upon Himself, but it's upon Peter's revelation of Who He was. See?

"Who does man say, I the Son of man?"

"Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."

118"Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you," some seminary, see, "but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed to you. Thou art Peter. Upon this rock of confession, upon this revelation, I'll build My Church."

119 And that's been, each church age has had that rock confession, on up to this rock confession of the Laodicea.

120And, now, you cannnot make a holy church. There is no such a thing as a holy church or holy organization. The Holy Spirit can be preached in it, but in there you find good and bad, renegades, indifferent, and everything else. So an organization will not hold. You can't say, "We got It. None of the rest of them has It." No, sir. The Holy Spirit is poured out on individuals. It's the individual.

121So, therefore, the rock, this latter-day, pentecostal Church which has received the Holy Spirit, they did at the first. All down through the ages, they receive the Holy Spirit, but not in the measure that they have It now, 'cause it's a restoration of the first. As we take the candlesticks, Alpha and Omega, how they lit the first candle; it went higher and higher, and got dimmer and dimmer; then come back again. See? First and last, and so forth.

122 Now, but in this church age, the Message is being poured into the church. But the church body, itself, in altogether like the...

123This tabernacle, we'll say. (That's where she comes to church.) This tabernacle is not a Holy Ghost tabernacle. There is no such a thing. Individuals that come into this church is Holy Ghost tabernacles. They are tabernacles that contain the Holy Ghost, but not the church in the body, a group. Therefore, It runs out.

124But, what, this man who was pouring the water, the messenger to the church, pouring the Message into the church, but what was the water doing? It was boiling out all the trash that was in it. That's what the Holy Spirit does, boils it up, now.

125Now, the honey represented brotherly love, brotherly kindness, which is this age. I just got through telling, see, of brotherly kindness, the age that we live in now.

126 Now, you might say, "Look, I--I--I sure don't like Brother Neville." Or, "I sure don't like Brother Jones. I don't like Brother So-and-so," and something like that. But just let something happen to him, brother, your heart is broke. It just nearly killed you. See? We can obtain brotherly kindness and feeling for one another. See? But to maintain in a group of people...

127Why do you care for that brother? Because you've broke bread with him here at the altar, as you will tonight. You fellowship with him. You shook his hands. You worship with him. He's your brother. And he might do something in the flesh, that you would disagree with, because you just kind of stay, (which you oughtn't to do), but shun him a little. But in the bottom of your heart, if something happened to that brother, it would just nearly kill you, or that sister.

128I--I'm an old man. I was once young, and now I'm old. I've seen it, down through the age, do that. Hear people say, "I just won't have no more to do with him." And something happen to that man, it nearly kills him. He thinks, "O God, I let my precious brother go, without making friends with him." You see? See? See? It's brotherly love. It looks like it won't stick, but it does stick. The honey, it sticks.

129 Now, insomuch that she come from there, down the hill, to the bottom of the hill, now, this glorious water was gushing over hills, in five streams. Now, five is the number of grace; J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, g-r-a-c-e. See? Five is the number of grace. Five streams was pouring from up here at the trough, down through here.

130Each one of these ages had that rock confession. The saints are sleeping, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, see, on till this age. But soon the Holy Ghost, being poured out from Christ, will come and will seal up the Church. Then the Church will be raptured. It'll be a complete unit of God, a Bride for Christ, who will be the Head of all things. You follow me now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

131Now, she was wondering. Now, in her dream, she was wondering, "Would this little stream... Would this little stream ever get to the bottom? See? It was drying up. Now, being that, she herself. Now here is what I want you to get to now. She herself was wondering about her own self. Did she "have the Holy Ghost"?

132 Now, I shunned saying this, a few days ago, thinking that the church would be spiritual enough to catch it. And maybe I better turn this tape off right now, but 'cause I don't want it get out amongst brethren. But you could speak with tongues, you could shout, you could dance, you could cast out devils, do anything you want to, and still not have the Holy Ghost.

133Didn't them disciples come back, rejoicing and shouting because the devils was subject unto them, and Jesus... right among them was Judas? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

134Did not Jesus say, "In that day," when He come, that, "many will come to Me and say, 'Lord, have not I cast out devils, and in Your Name done mighty works?' And I'll say, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I didn't know you.'" Those things are not indications of the Holy Spirit.

"By their fruit you shall know them."

135 Now you say, "Brother Branham, do we, should we speak with tongues?" Absolutely. That's gifts of God. But those gifts of God, without these virtues in them, makes a stumble block to the unbeliever. It's not accepted by God.

136This has to be first. And when you have faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly love, then the Holy Ghost comes down and seals you as a unit, the same as He seals the church ages as a unit. The way He makes His Bride is the way He makes His individual; made out of same material, like Eve was made out of Adam, a rib from the side. Here is the things that you have to have first. You can't impersonate them. You can't imitate them. They've got to be God-sent and God-born. Imitation only causes confusion.

137It's like I said. Could you imagine seeing a buzzard setting there with a dove feather stuck in his wings, say, "See, I'm a dove!" He's not a dove. He's a buzzard, vulture. Could you imagine a black bird with a peacock feather in his wings, and saying, "See!"? That's something that he stuck in.

138But it has to come from the inside out, and it produces Christianity; God, by the power of the Holy Spirit!

139 Our sister had her feet wet when she got to the bottom. All of us know Sister Shepherd to be charitable. Her house is open. Her and brother, I don't care if it's a bum, beggar, whatever it is, they'll feed him, do anything they can to help him along. Oh! God accepted that, her foundation part.

140And here's, now, get this lesson. Here is what's wrong with the--with the... I turn on for this. Here is what's wrong with the Branham Tabernacle. You see, there is two different kinds of faith. There is two different kinds of virtue, as I had it the other day. Two different kinds of knowledge. Two different kinds of temperance.

141One thinks it's prohibition, they got. That ain't the kind of temperance that God is talking about. It's that ungodly, uncontrollable temper you got, and things of that side, fast back, fuss.

142 Patience, and so forth, there's a mockery of it, a pretending to be; a nature-given faith; a nature-given virtue. There's a nature-given temperance. All these things are nature given.

143And the biggest part of our faith is mental faith. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] By hearing the Word, it brings us to a mental recognition of God.

144But if This, coming from Above, oh, brother, if It ever strikes this, there is a godly spiritual faith. Then what does that faith do? That faith recognizes only the Word. No matter what anything else says, it only recognizes the Word, because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word is still God. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And when the Word Itself is pouring into our faith, our mental faith becomes a spiritual revelation.

145"And upon this foundation I'll build My Church." See? Not upon a mental conception of church joining, a mental conception of That; but upon the revelation, when them streams of grace has poured into that mental faith that you've got. Then, upon this, a spiritual revelation, "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." See? That shows they would be against It, but it'll never prevail. Oh, what a glorious thing! Now see the faith. These five streams...

I had a piece of chalk here, but I guess he never brought it out.

146 But the five streams you see coming down through here, tempers this together. It has been the Holy Spirit that made the Ephesus church. It was the Holy Spirit that birthed the Smyrnaean church. The Holy Spirit that give the Pergamos church, and the Thyatira church, in the Dark Ages. It's the Holy Spirit that's built that Bride, the Elect that's pulled out of all the organization systems down through the ages, like that. There's an Elected, a predestinated Bride of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit has called out the Elect. And it's been the Holy Ghost in this age, that age, that age, that, that, that, that, on up to the top, the Holy Spirit.

147And now as in the individuals, these virtues and things, are knowledge and temperance, is added to our faith. Then when the Capstone comes, the Holy Spirit cements It together. There is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's why it's so short today.

148 Me see here, I got some texts wrote down here. Let's see. I had a picture drawed here, for her dream. See? You can't see it from there.

149Now, coming from the Holy Spirit, what is come? Then He will give to you, supernatural faith, spiritual faith, that here at the bottom. Then that spiritual faith recognizes only the Word. No matter what anybody else says, it don't--it don't do no good. That only knows the Word. If somebody say, "The days of miracles is past." That faith only knows the Word. Somebody says, "There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost." That faith only knows the Word. That's real, spiritual faith, you see. That's right. See? It only knows the Word.

150 Then, that was number one. Number one, coming to you, your mental faith right here, comes the Holy Spirit coming down into your mental faith, making it a spiritual faith. Then the spiritual faith only recognizes the Word now.

151And number two, three. Then you'll have spiritual, you'll be have the Holy Spirit, and will seal all these things into you, as that Holy Spirit covers this. From your faith, up to the Holy Spirit, seals you in with Christ. Then you become One. Amen. (Get this thing out of my way; it's hard on your arms.) You become one. See, you and Christ live together. "At that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." See? Then that's a sealed unit of the Lord God now.

152And then they are vindicated and placed. When that time takes place, they become vindicated sons and daughters of God.

153 Do you remember, over in the Book of Matthew, the 17th chapter, the 1st to the 5th verse, Jesus on Mount Transfiguration?

154You've heard Hear Ye Him. The sermon I just, here about a year ago, preached, become so popular, Hear Ye Him. The placing of a son, in Ephesians 1:5 also, "God has predestinated us unto adoption of sons."

155See, a family, when a son is born into it, it's a son then. But that son had tutors to raise it. And if that son never did come to--to be the right kind of a son, he never become heir. But if he was the right son, and the son that would obey his father, then that son was adopted, or placed positionally. He become heir of what the father had.

156And that's what God was doing on Mount Transfiguration. When He took His Own Son, after He had been proven to be the right Son, see, and had stood all temptations, He took Him up on Mount Transfiguration and overshadowed Him.

157 You know, in the Old Testament, they took a son, dressed him in a nice, pretty garment, and set him out before the public. And they had a ceremony of placing, or we call it adopting. In Galatians there, I kind of think Paul refers to it as adopting sons. Now, but, placing a son, ministers will understand, and spiritual, Bible readers, of placing this son. In other words, the son was a son when he was born.

158There is where our Pentecostal people made their mistake. Being born into the family, by the Holy Ghost, that's right, but then we must be the right kind of children, tutored by the right Tutor. See?

159 Now, if a man, back in the old age, thought of his son, he wanted him to be a right kind of a son, he got the best tutor he could find, the best teacher, 'cause he wanted his son to come up to be like his daddy. See? So he got the right tutor.

160Now, if a man on earth would think of the best tutor, how about God, our Father? Now, He never got bishops, and cardinals, and priests. He got the Holy Ghost to be our Tutor. And the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. And He--He's in the Church, and He takes message to the Father.

161And then what if the father of the tutor come up and said, "Well, Father..." Now, he ain't going to get some kind of tutor that wants a straw in his hat, you know, a feather, we call it. Say, "Oh, if I tell the father something about... That little boy is a renegade, anyhow, but if I--if I tell the father, the father might give me a raise." That ain't the right kind of a tutor. A right kind of a tutor is honest, tell the truth.

162 And the Holy Ghost tells the Truth when He comes before God, to us. Yeah. So He comes up. What do you think? He'd blush today to say, "Your daughters are all cutting their hair, and You told them not to. Your sons are so organized-minded, they just simply can't see one to the other. That's right. And they're adopting this for This, and this for That." How He must blush! But how that Tutor would love to come and say, "Oh, my! That son is a real son. He is just like the Father." Oh, how He'd love to say that! See?

Then the Father swells out in pride, say, "This is My son!"

163That's exactly what God did on Mount Transfiguration. Notice, there appeared Moses and Elijah. And Peter, all excited; the supernatural was done. Peter got excited, said, "Let's build three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elias."

164While he was yet speaking, God shut him up. He said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him." See? God put Hisself in the background, and, "This is My Son."

165 Moses represented the law. The prophets represented His justice. We could not live by His law. We could not live by His justice. I don't ask justice. I want mercy, not justice. I can't keep His law, and I can't meet His justice. But I need His mercy. And God said the law and justice has been met in Him. "He's My beloved Son. Hear ye Him. That's Him. That's the One."

166Now, in the Old Testament when that son was adopted, or placed into the family, his name was just as good on the check as his daddy's was. Yes, sir. They didn't have a... They had a ring, them days, a--a sign, signet. And they'd... [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound and hits the pulpit--Ed.] Spit on it, place it, there was a signet. That was just as... He wore his daddy's ring, his signet. And that was just as good as his daddy's.

167Now, when Jesus had been obedient, Jesus to God, God placed Him positionally, "This is Him."

168Now, when the member is born by the Holy Ghost into the family of God and has proven to have these virtues in him, that God can see virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, and godliness, in him, then God seals him, or places him. And, there, that's when you see the sons and daughters of God.

169 Then, Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the Day of your redemption." Now, some of you Baptists that wants to go on Eternal security, now, if you'll come to that stage, I'll stand with you. It's Eternal security if you'll come to that place.

170But just to say, anybody says, "I've joined the Baptist church. I'm a Presbyterian. I got Eternity security." That's wrong. Your own life proves you haven't got It, until This is there.

171And God has adopted you and sealed you by the Holy Ghost into His Kingdom, then there is no getting out of it. You are Eternally secure. Believe. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby all you and your godly virtues are sealed until the Day of redemption."

172 I believe there is a Bride that's predestinated. I believe God said He would have "a Church without spot or wrinkle." I believe in predestination, that the Bride is predestinated. She's got to be There. I hope I'm with Her. That, see, I'm with Her. Now it's up to me to work out my own salvation with God, until these things are approved of God, and then sealed into the Kingdom of God. There is the Holy Spirit. There is the genuine works of God. "It's sealed until the Day of redemption."

That was her dream. I thought it was beautiful.

173 Now, therefore, when She does that, when that Church comes to this place, or the individual, the Church is going to be There. Let me say it real good so you get it. The Church is predestinated to be There. I want to be with It, but the only way I'll be with It, is to be part of It. How do I become part of It? By being in It. How do I get in It? By a baptism, by one Spirit. First Corinthians 12, "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body." One Body; baptized into It.

174 But you can't stick these little things, say, "I spoke with tongues. I got It." You go out here, and angry, and swear, and carry on. See? That's putting peacock feathers in a--in a jay bird. See? You can't do it. Your own life proves that it's not.

175But when these things are operating in you, by God, then you're sealed. Then there's no put-on about it. You're just yourself. That's when visions, perfect, Holy Spirit, works of God, everything, is made manifest, because (why?) you and Christ become one. I hope that's understood. You and Christ become one.

176I had something else I had wrote down here, I wanted to think of. Brings us to the place of Life. Then you become... have Eternal Life.

177 Now, I got the Greek lexicon here, The Emphatic Diaglott. I studied the other day on a word.

178Now, in John 14, or John 3:16, we find, one place says, "have everlasting Life." Another place it says, "have Eternal Life." But in the Greek, in the Greek version... In the Hebrew, it says, "Life without end." In the Greek word, has a-i-n-i-o-a-n.

179Almost like "aeon." Aeon is "a space" that can't be, is a number that can't be numbered. It's beyond millions, trillions, billion.

180But this is aionios of time, Eternal Life. And the English word for it is Eternal. We know it as Eternal, aionios, or "Life without end." See? And if you've got Life without end, how can you perish? You have become a part of the Eternal. And there's only one thing Eternal.

181Satan is not Eternal. No. He--he become Satan. Hell is not Eternal. Hell was created. It's not Eternal. And these bodies are not Eternal. They were created.

182But the Spirit of God is Eternal. It never had a beginning, or It never has an end. And the only way we can have Eternal Life, from that Greek word, Zoe, which means, "God's Own Life," we have, we become a part of God when we become sons and daughters of God, and we have aionios Life. So the part that lives, us, that recognizes this Word, from here to there, that recognizes, is aionios Life, "Life without end." It's God's Own Life in us. Amen. Whew!

183 The other day, on the trip, I had a discussion, the Jehovah Witness. Now, no disregard to anybody's belief. We got plenty of them converts setting here, from Jehovah Witness. One of our trustees of the church was Jehovah Witness, was, and was saved, him and his family. His father was a reader; Brother Woods and them. All of his brothers and sisters now, about all of them has come in, received the Holy Ghost, because of the visions of God tell them what they did. And what they... See? That done it.

184 Now, but here, Jehovah Witness in their book, it says that the breath that you breathe is the soul. Now, that cannot be right. The breath that you breathe is not soul. If it is, you're--you're one time you're one kind of soul, next time you're somebody else, has breathed that soul. Look where you'd be. Now, the breath is wind, and wind is what you breathe into your nostrils.

185Now, they take the Scripture from back, "And God breathed Breath into his nostrils, and he became a living soul." Now, I want to ask you something. If he was a man, what kind of a breath was he breathing before God breathed His Breath of Life into him? See? What kind of breath? He was a breathing, living man. Well, then, if that be so, then every animal is a living soul, 'cause they breathe a human soul, and our soul, and all together. Then Jesus wouldn't have had to die. The animal sacrifice would have been sufficient. See? So, brother, the argument don't stand.

186But what God did, He breathed the Breath of Eternal Life, amen, then he become a living soul, a soul that can't die. Now watch now. We're going to get into honey, plumb to your elbows. Notice. "Breathed the Breath of Eternal Life into his nostrils, and he became an Eternal soul." Cause, God breathed, not what nature done, but what God did, breathed the Breath of Life into his nostrils, and he become a living soul.

Then you say to me, "Adam died, Brother Branham."

187 But remember, before Adam died, he had a lamb that redeemed him. Hallelujah! "Those who He foreknew, He has called." He got a lamb to redeem them. He was a type. Adam fell. Then the lamb was provided for Adam, because already in his nostrils had become the Breath of the Eternal God, and he become a living soul. He was a son of God.

188Not his breath, as the African word. I don't know what the Greek word is for it, right now. But the African word, they call amoyah, which means, "the wind; an unseen force." Animals breathe amoyah. Sinners breathe amoyah.

189 Then why would we struggle for Eternal Life, if that's the Eternal soul breathed into us by breath? Why would we struggle for Eternal Life? It backfires, brother. See? It--it--it just can't do it.

190But, God, specially upon Adam, breathed the Breath of Eternal Life, and he become an Eternal person with God. He had power like God. He was an amateur god. He was god of the earth; not God of Heaven, now. God of the earth!

191And some day the sons of God will again become gods. Jesus said so. "Is not it written in your law, 'Ye are gods'? Then if you can call those who He called god, who God visited, how can you condemn Me, say, when I say I'm the Son of God?" See? Now we're getting into something deep. Now watch this when we drive it down.

192 Now, here they are. He is now a son of God, but he makes a mistake. He knows he's doing wrong. Now remember, Adam was not deceived. The Bible said so. First Timothy 3. "Adam was not deceived, but the woman was the deceived, was in the transgression." Adam walked with Eve, because it was his wife.

193Same as Christ, not deceived by Satan, but walked into the death with the Bride. He went to be with the Bride, so He could redeem the Church.

194Adam knowed he was wrong, so he just walked out with Eve. See? But there was a lamb provided for them, that they were redeemed.

195And these lambs, today, that were foreknown by God, and God has called, there is a Redeemer. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So there is a provided Lamb, from the foundation of the world, where their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life. A Lamb was provided, to make a way of grace for every one of them to go in the resurrection, a provided Lamb; Adam's lamb, now notice, as Adam had a provided lamb.

196 Now, that's the Church today. I don't mean the--the church. You know what?

197I don't say this to be sacrilegious, and I don't mean it to hurt anybody's feelings. I'm not here to do that, as I've already explained myself. I'm here to help, but what I'm trying to do.

198You know what? Actually, these churches are not churches. There's only one Church. These are lodges. See? They are lodges. I ain't got nothing... It's all right. But I--I want to prove that to you, in a few minutes, that they are merely lodges. You belong to the Methodist lodge, to the Presbyterian lodge, or to the Pentecostal lodge, as far as that goes. Yes, sir. See? Lodges! See? You cannot... See? Churches are actually lodges where people with the same idea drift together.

199But the Church is One. And you cannot join the Church. You are born in It. And when you're born in It, you're a member of It.

200Just like my family. I been in the Branham family for fifty-three years. They never did ask me to join the family. Why? I don't have to join the family. I was born a Branham.

201And you are born in the Church. Now, these others are lodges. Did you ever think of that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir.

202 One day I was mowing grass, and I was thinking about, well, "The great holy Catholic church," they call it. I was going along like that, mowing.

203And Something stopped me, just as stiff, said, "Don't call that That." I looked around. I started mowing on. Again It stopped me, said, "Don't call them That." Said, "They are a lodge, like others. They are not Church. There's one Church." See? They are members of a lodge, 'cause you can join a lodge. But you can't join the Church. The Church, you are born in It. You become a member of It by new Birth, then a member of the Family, a brother or sister in It.

204 Now let me just read you out of The Emphatic Diaglott here, something, of Revelation 17:3, and the Apocalypse of The Emphatic Diaglott here. And just watch this, how this reads, and how--how beautifully it just compares with that. Revelation 16, 17. All right. Now let's read here just a minute. Listen to this, real close, Revelation 17:3.

And one of THOSE SEVEN Angels having... SEVEN Bowls came and spoke to me,...

205I'm reading you, out of The Lexicon. "Having..."

... "Come, I will show thee the JUDGMENT of THAT GREAT WHORE, who SETTETH upon Many Waters;

206 And we all know that's the Vatican. Here we got Our Sunday Visitor in there, from the Catholic church, telling us just exactly what it is. See?

207And this answer to it, said, "But wait a minute." Said, "There's been all kinds of names," said, "would make six hundred and sixty-six."

I said, "But just a minute."

Said, "Your name might make six hundred..."

208"But," I said, "I don't set on seven hills, ruling the world, though, you see." Uh-huh! See? That's right. See?

209[Brother Branham reads Revelation 17:1 from The Emphatic Diaglott--Ed.]

... show thee the JUDGMENT of THE GREAT WHORE, that SET upon Many Waters;

210Waters, Revelation 17:15, is "thickness and multitudes of people." See?

with whom the KINGS of the EARTH have committed fornications, and the INHABITANTS of the EARTH have been made drunk with the WINE of the... her FORNICATION."

211Now what?

And he conducted me, in the Spirit, into a Desert;...

212The Emphatic Diaglott now. See?

... and I saw a Woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of Blasphemous Names,...

213Now, in the King James, says, "full of names of blasphemy." Just a moment, and I'll get it here, just a minute. Revelations, the 3rd. All right, here it is. All right. Revelation, I meant 17, not 7; 17, now listen at the 3rd verse.

And he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,...

214That's the way the English give it. But the original Greek from The Diaglott reads it like this, in Revelation 17:3. Listen.

And he conducted me, in the Spirit, into a Desert; and I saw a Woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured Beast--Beast, full of Blasphemous Names,...

215That's a lot different, from "names of blasphemy" to "blasphemous names." What is it? And we... Now, she was:


216 We all know that. But what is it? [Someone says, "The Roman Catholic church."--Ed.] You don't have to be... Well, that's right, that would take the Roman Catholic church. But she is "full of blasphemous names," Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, all calling themselves, "churches of God." Blasphemous names! Lot of difference between "names of blasphemy" and "blasphemous names." Call themselves, "the Church of God," and representing themselves before the world; and card parties, and drinking, and carrying on, and soup suppers, and everything else, and all kind of stuff go.

217There's only one Church. You're born into It. You don't come in There until you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb and sealed away by the Holy Ghost.

218 What a difference between "names of blasphemy" and "blasphemous names." Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

219I caught that this morning when I was reading here, the coming down. Something just told me, "Go into your room. Pick up The Diaglott."

220Well, it's just obedience. That's all. Walked in. And I picked out Revelation 17. I thought, "Why do You want me to read this for?" I started reading. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] Soon as I struck it, "There it is." I got a pencil and wrote it down. I said, "There it is."

221 Now, they hollering about me kicking against organizations. It's those blasphemous names, that call themselves, "churches of God, and churches of Christ, and churches of Methodist, and churches." It's lodges, not churches.

222One Church, that's the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what is It? The mystical Body of Jesus Christ in operation on earth, made up of a member of any of these congregations, that would be a member of Christ's Body. You have to be born into It, not joined into It.

223 And to join in it, is blasphemous names, this woman. This woman, her power!

224And you see right now where they're going to take all the people that's got odd ideas about religion, and send to Alaska. You've seen that. All of our odd beliefs.

225And what is it? The council, the World Council of Churches and the Catholic has their big to-do going on in the Vatican now, over there, to where they're trying. And all these bishops, and so forth, they're trying to come to an agreement, to fight communism. The world fighting communism, and only joining up with Catholicism.

226 It's just like it is today. Here we are, as I said. We're go... We're almost bankrupt. We're borrowing, spending money now, on taxes that'll be paid fourteen years from today. That's how far we are gone. Who has got the money of the world? The Catholic church. How would it be loaned to the United States? To keep these tobacco and whiskey companies and things. Sure, they'll borrow it from them. When they do, they sell their birthrights, right out, to the Roman Catholic church. We consolidate. Watch this, just plain, plainer than reading a newspaper. Here it is. See?

227 They're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and so forth, calling themselves, "the Church of God." Catholic and all that kind of stuff is this beast power full of blasphemous names. Calling yourself, "I'm..." I said...

228I went to the hospital here, not long ago, was going to pray for a person. I said, "We're going to..." It was my mother. I said, "We're going to have prayer for mother."

And the lady said, "Draw that curtain."

I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodists."

229I said, "Thank you. I thought maybe you was a believer." I just pulled the curtain around on me. See? So, if you're not a Christian, that's different. See?

230 But, "We are Methodists," that's blasphemy. The beast, churches, called churches, they are not churches. Let me be sure that's on record. Yeah. They are not churches. They are lodges. People join them.

231But you cannot join the Church of the living God. You're born into It, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when you're baptized with the Holy Ghost, these virtues are sealed in you, by the Holy Ghost, and therefore, "He that's born of God does not commit sin." "Cannot." There you are. Oh, my!

We just talk all day, couldn't we?

232 The Church is the mystical Body of Christ, born of the Breath of God. Oooh! Did you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Church of God is born of the Breath of God. God breathed Breath into the nostrils, spiritually, of Adam, and he became a living soul. Did you know the pentecostals, or the true pentecostal Church, is born of the Breath of God? ["Amen."]

233Let me read you something, just a minute that's on it. Let me see, just a minute. Saint John, I believe, where I'm going to. We'll find out whether the Church of God is, or not. Saint John, let's see, I believe that's about 16, 19; 20. All right. Here I believe we'll have it, right here. All right. Let me read you, and see whether the Church is born of the Breath of God, or not, like Adam was in the beginning. Watch.

And the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut and the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

And when he had so said, he showed... them his hands and his side. Where... Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. And Jesus...

And then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me,... so send I you.

234Watch. The Father that sent Him went in Him. And Jesus, when He sends a disciple, He goes in him. Same One sent; God.

And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said... Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

235 Church, born of the Breath of God! When this stature has molded itself up there, in condition, God's Breath breathes upon them, "Receive the Holy Ghost," then you are a son of God. You can join anything you want to, but you're born into the Church of the living God, born by the Breath of God. God breathed upon them, and said, "Receive ye," whew, "the Holy Ghost." Oh, my! There you are.

236Not, "Come and join, put your name on there." And with your soup suppers and all goes with it, you join a lodge. You can join a Methodist lodge, Baptist lodge, Presbyterian lodge, Catholic lodge, or a Pentecostal lodge, anything you want to join, but you're joining a lodge.

237But when you become a child of God, you are born by the Breath of God. Amen. Better leave it alone, right there now. All right.

238 God's Life is also then in you, Jesus said. Just a minute. Jesus said, "I am the Vine. Ye are the branch."

239Now look. What was their fuss with Jesus? Their fuss with Jesus, because He was a Man making Himself God. He was God. God was in Christ. See? And He told them. He said, "And don't look at Me. It's not Me. It's My Father, and He dwells in Me." Oh! See?

240Now, they was looking at that little body that was born of Mary. See? That wasn't God. That was the Son of God, but God was in that Body. It was God. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then condemn Me. But which one of you can condemn Me of sin, unbelief of the Word? Which Word has God spoke that hasn't been fulfilled in Me?" Sin is unbelief. "Which one of you accuse Me of sin?" Sin is unbelief. "Show Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if I do the works of My... Though you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, for they testify." Otherwise, "The Father is in Me, testifying of Himself." Cause, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241Well, now, the same Life that's in the Vine is also in the branch. How you going to join in That? It can't.

242 I seen a tree not long ago, in Brother Sharrit's yard in Arizona, had nine different citrus fruits on it. What was it? It was a--it was a orange tree, a navel orange. But it had a--it had a--a lemon, a tangerine, a tangelo, and a grapefruit. It had all kinds. I stood, looked at that tree. And I said, "Brother Sharrit, you mean to tell me that that tree is an orange tree?"

He said, "Sure."

243And I said, "Well, how? How come?" I said, "I see a grapefruit here, and a tangerine here, tangelo here, and a lemon here, and all these other fruits. How does it come?"

He said, "Well, you see, they are grafted in."

244"Oh!" I said, "Well, I want to ask you something. Now, you pick this grapefruit and lemon off. Now, next year, it will what? It will come forth then with an orange out of that."

"Oh, no." Said, "It'll come forth with a lemon on it. See?"

"Oh," I said, "thank thee." See?

You can't do that. You can't join in.

245 "But," he said, "every time that that tree gets a year older and puts out a new branch, it comes forth with oranges, if the vine itself puts out the branch."

246And what we've tried to do is be joined members into Him, and we live under the name of Christianity. Because, we are, as it's in a common way of saying we're the citrus fruit, the Christian Church.

247But when the Vine Itself puts forth a vine, it'll be like the first Vine It put forth. If the first Vine It put forth, they wrote a Book of Acts behind It; if It every puts forth another one, It'll write a book of acts behind It. Right.

248 So, you're only joining lodges. But when you're born out of the Vine... You got a fruit. That's right. You got a fruit, but what do you do with it? "You have a form of godliness, and deny the power thereof." You deny signs. You deny wonders. You deny the Holy Ghost. You deny speaking in tongues. You deny visions. You deny prophecies. You deny healing. And, yet, "Call yourself a name." No wonder the Holy Ghost said, "A power, of a groups of people, full of blasphemous names, sure, calling themselves, 'Christians.'" "With forms of godliness, but denying the power thereof. From such turn away, for this is the sort that leads silly women laden with divers lusts."

249All kinds of organization! The church is packing so much, with this kind of a society, and that kind of society. What about the society of Jesus Christ? See? We have all these other things, and we've burdened the church down. Now there you are.

You never can join a Church.

250 You join a lodge. You're a member of a lodge, of a group of people, just like a lodge is. "We believe in this. We have our orders. We have our secrecy, and so forth." You do the same way, only you join a so-called church.

251But you cannot join Church. You joined the lodge of members, but not a Church, for you are born into that Church and the Vine Itself.

252Now wait a minute. Watch. I'll close, after while. Notice. Excuse me. I--I didn't mean to say that. Watch. Look.

253If God tempered this Bride together with that Spirit, then It tempers the individual together with that Spirit, see, then you are born into that Kingdom. And then the very Life that was in this Church, is in that Church, and That, That, That, That. And the very Life that was in the hull, the Vine, Jesus, is in the member that He has put forth. Glory! "With the same things that I do, the works that I do, shall you do also." There is the true member of the Body of Christ, no kind of a name tacked onto It. The very works of that individual proves where he come from. His life testifies what he is.

254"Are you what member? What body you belong to?" The Body of Christ. "Well, where did you join It?" I didn't. I was born in It. See? I was born in It.

255You don't have to tell them. They know what's happened. "You, how can you light a candle and put a bushel over it?" He said. See? No, no.

256 When you're born into that Kingdom of God, then the Life, the very Life that was in Jesus. Then you're interested in souls. Then you don't have to beg people, come to the altar. You don't have to beg for somebody, come seek with those who are at the altar. Yeah. The--the--the--the things just automatically flow, because It's sealed up in you. You are a unit of God. You're sealed with the Holy Ghost.

Now do you know what "the Holy Ghost" means?

257It don't mean, "I jumped up and shouted. I had a strange feeling." Them is all right. I've jumped up and shouted, and had strange feeling. "I spoke in tongues." I believe the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues. Sure. "I've interpreted." Yes, sir. I believe that, too. But that ain't It. That isn't what I'm talking about. There can be a leak up here somewhere. There can be a leak here, in your patience.

258Let somebody smite you on one side, the face, do you turn the other one? But you say, "That dirty hypocrite!" Then there's a leak, somewhere, sprung. We better leave that alone. All right. But you know what I mean.

259But when you're sealed into the Body of Christ, then you are Spirit-filled, and you're a son of God.

260 Oh, I wish I just had about ten minutes, to read something here. [Congregation says, "Go ahead. Read it, brother."--Ed.] But would you bear with me another ten minutes? ["Yes."] I want to read something, just a little bit. Now, honestly, the beans won't burn. I'll just assure you, see, if we'll just read this just for a few minutes. It's just too good to let go. I just got a couple things here, just comes on my mind, that I would like to say.

261Let's turn to Saint John, the 3rd chapter, talking about Life Eternal. Let's just find out what It says here about this Eternal Life problem, God's Life. Now, now watch here.

There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:

The same came therefore to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God:... no man can do these miracles... except God be with him.

262Now, they, them Sanhedrin courts, they recognized that He was the Son of God. They knowed it. Here was their ruler right here, telling Him, "We know that You're a Teacher comes from God, because the very Life of God is flowing through You." See? "We know that Your teach is not of Your Own. It's of God, because God is proving It." See? "The Life of God is flowing right through You." Now watch.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily,... I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

263 Oh, my! "Unless you join my church"? Oh! See how they get It off? See? See?

Jesus, then Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and... Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

That which is born of... flesh is flesh; and that which is born of... Spirit is spirit.

Marvel not that I say unto you, You must be born again.

The wind blows where it listeth,... (See, right back again, see, coming back, see.)

The wind blows where it listeth,... thou canst not hear the sound... can hear the sound thereof, but can not tell from whence it come, or where it goeth: so is every one... is born of the Spirit.

Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and know not these things?

264Look at there, brother, a--a D.D., Ph.D., double-L.D., see, "And know not these things?"

Verily,... I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that which we have seen; and you receive not our witness.

265"We know these things. We seen them. We know It, and you don't even receive our witness." Church-joiner! See?

If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you... heavenly things?

266Now listen at this here. Watch.

And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that come down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

267Figure that one out.

268 You know, one time, He said, "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?"

They said, "The Son of David."

269He said, "Then why did David, in the Spirit, say to Him, 'The Lord said unto my Lord, "Set Thou on My right hand"'? How could He be His Lord and His Son?" No man asked Him anything else.

270In Revelation, He said, "I am the Root and the Offspring of David." See? "I am the Vine and the Branch. I'm the beginning. I was before the beginning. I was the beginning, and--and I was the Offspring of Him, too."

271Now, here He said, "No man has come down from Heaven, but the Son of man which now is in Heaven."

272A lady asked me, one time, a question. I said, "Answer this one for me."

Said, "Who did Jesus pray to, in the garden of Gethsemane?"

273I said, "Who was He talking about when He said, 'No man has ascended to Heaven, but He that come down from Heaven, even the Son of man which is in... which now is in Heaven'? Who?"

274 Here He is, standing right here on a housetop, talking to Nicodemus, and said, "I'm in Heaven." That right? [Congregation says, "That's right."--Ed.] Let's leave that till tonight. What do you say? ["Amen."] It's getting too late. Oh, my! Let you ponder over that a little while, this afternoon.

275How do you get in the Church? [Congregation says, "Born."--Ed.] Born. What by? The Breath of God.

Breathe on me,

Breathe on me;

Spirit of the living God,

Breathe on me.

276That's my prayer: just let the Holy Spirit breathe. Oh, my! For, the Breath of God, what is It? Sealed away in the Kingdom of God, knowing that, when I first confessed, I believe Jesus Christ. Yeah.

Then, to my Faith, I add virtue, godly virtue.

Then to my virtue, I add knowledge of the Word.

277 To my knowledge, I add temperance, self-control. I like that. "My country 'tis of thee, crown my soul with self-control, from sea to shining sea." See?

278Patience. Oh, my! Tested. Don't you worry; Satan will count them for you. I'm climbing up the ladder now. See? I've added virtue, knowledge, temperance, now I've got to add patience. I still ain't got the Holy Ghost.

279Then after I add patience, I add godliness. You know what that is? Like God. I add that. Don't misbehave myself. Go like a Christian gentleman ought to. Let that not be a put-on. Something in me, the love of God, just boiling. See? See? Not say, "Uh-uh-uh-uh, boy, I could do it, but maybe I better not." See? Huh-uh. Huh-uh. It's there, anyhow.

280It's a Birth. I been birthed into this, into this, into this, into this, into this, into this, into this. And then the love of God, Christ, comes down and seals all that up in me, for service. See?

281 Then what does He do when He gives me the Holy Ghost? He sets you out in a separate place to yourself, marks you. See? You're a different person then. You're not of the world, no more. See? You're clothed different. You're dressed different. Not this outside dress. No, no. You don't have to be odd and peculiar, and collar turned around, and a long ceremony, like. No, no. You don't do that. You dress, physically, like this. It's the spiritual dress that counts. The wedding garment has been put on you. What are you?

282 Like Jesus, watch, He was overshadowed, and He was transfigured there before them, and His raiment shined like the sun. There He was, Jesus, God placing His Own Son. See? And then up come Moses. Then up come Elijah. And Peter said, "You know, it's--it's a good thing to be here." See how man gets? Yeah. Oh, the supernatural done! Said, "Let us build three tabernacles. Let's build one for Moses, and one for Elijah, and one for You."

283And before he got through speaking, God just shut the whole thing up, said, "This is My beloved Son. In all these things that I required of Moses, and put the law out by Moses; the justice by the prophets; He has met it all. Hear ye Him. I'll step out of the picture now. Just hear Him. Just hear Him." Oh, my! What a beautiful thing!

284 Then, when we have met these qualifications, and become full of the virtues of God and the things of God, then the Holy Spirit comes down and seals us into the Kingdom. Don't worry. Everybody will know you got It. You won't have to say, "Well, glory to God, I know I got It. I spoke with tongues. Glory to God, I know I got It. I danced in the Spirit once." You won't have to say a word about it. Everybody will know you got It. Don't you worry. Yeah. It'll testify for Itself. He will let it be known among men.

285 God bless you. So glad to be here with you this morning, have this time of fellowship. Listen, our little church is small, and yet we don't have enough room for the people who come here. We are not an organization. We believe and have fellowship with every organization. You just come here because that you want to come. And you, we love you. And we want every organization, every person...

286I believe that there is people in all them organizations are Christians. They are brothers and sisters in Christ.

287 So, therefore, we have no strings, nothing to join, nothing to do but just be a Christian. As E. Howard Cadle used to say, "We have no law but love, no book but the Bible, no creed but Christ." That's right. Come and visit with us. We're happy to. We believe the Full Gospel, every bit of the Word. We believe just exactly the way. We don't add one thing to It, take anything away from It, add any organization stuff to It. We just leave It just the way It is. That's it. And we're always glad to receive you. You come and be with us when you can. We pray for the sick. We believe everything the Bible says do. We are "forgetting our weaknesses, behind, and we're pressing towards the mark of the high Calling."

288 Now, one thing more. Will you permit it to be said? Day before yesterday morning... You'll notice on the--the board out there, a vision. I had a vision. It was about five o'clock, as my wife back there knows, or six. I had woke up. We got up to get the children ready to go to school.

289I just have these, now and then. And you all know, every one of you here, that they never fail. They, they are absolutely perfect. See? They never fail.

290And I thought that I was the happiest person I ever seen. I was standing in the sun, s-u-n, and was--and was preaching the Gospel to a large, mammoth congregation.

291[Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just wanted to see if it was being taped.

292A--a large, mammoth congregation, and they were setting in a forest. And streaks of the sun was shining down on them, just here and there, getting It, getting the Word.

293 And I'm, as usual, always too long, too late, preach too long. And I preached so long, until the congregation become hungry for physical food. And they, some of them, got tired. So they just got up, went out to get them some food, started going out.

I said, "Don't. Don't."

294I had two climaxes I wanted to meet, I wanted to meet, in my sermon. And the Lord had give it to me. And any preacher knows, when you really know it's God has give it to you, you just burning to tell the people.

295And I was just preaching, Charlie, just as hard as I could preach, just laying it on, you know, and say, "All these great things, this what God is doing. Look at this. He discerns the thoughts of the heart. What is It? The Word." And go like that. And, oh, I wish I could remember what I would say and what my text was. I can't think of it. See? But I was just preaching away.

296 And I was watching myself do it. And then when I was standing there, looking, and watching myself preach It.

297And I was just preaching, to-who-wouldn't-have-it. And after a bit, I raised up, you know, and I thought, "Glory to God!" I said, "Look at these wonderful things, and this, that!"

298Directly, I noticed the people begin to get like they was physically hungry. And so they had enough spiritual, so they started walking away. And some of them... [Brother Branham yawns--Ed.] Started walking away.

I thought, "What's the matter with everybody?"

299And--and I looked, and here some young couples going along, to my side. I thought... I said, "Just a minute, friend! Just a minute! You'll be back again when the evening shadows fall." See? I said, "You'll be back again. But let me give you this first climax. Where does all these things come from, that I've showed you? Where are they from?" I said, "Here they are. They are in the Word of God. They are THUS SAITH THE LORD, His promise. Cause," I said, "all of you bear me record, witness this, that my commission is, 'Stay with the Word.'" I said, "What's the matter with all of you? Can't you understand the Word? You must understand It."

300And some of them said, "Man, I'd like to have some biscuits," and so like that.

301 Well, I just thought, "Well, glory to God! If they want biscuits, let them go get them."

302So I--I turned around. I thought, "Oh, but, you know what? The shadows is going to fall, after while, right away." I said, "Then, tonight, when that congregation gathers in again, I'll put the climax to them, and told them that the things that they have seen me do is found in the Word of God, not in some mythical book or some organization. It's found in the Word. See? Every bit of it, in the Word, 'cause I'm commissioned to That."

303I thought, "You know, they'll, every one, be back tonight, so here is what I'll do. I'll background, kind of background." You know the way I do it on these church ages and things, say what I said before. "I'll background it, on the Word, and then this great, marvelous climax." I said, "What a time it'll be! Praise be to God!" And I seen myself getting real little, and heard that, "Praise be to God." I seen myself fading up like that. And here I was, standing there.

304 Now, here is the interpretation thereof. See? The first thing that I have done, the things that's been done, has been mystical to the people, most of them. I don't mean the Full Gospel and saints of God, but, I mean, in most the people. And you never want to look at the world, kosmos, as the Message of God. When you go and you say...

305Like Boze said, "I've always..." Said, "I had a dream, years ago, that the--the God would send me to Chicago and shake Chicago for the glory of God."

I said, "Joseph, He has already done it."

"Why," he said, "they haven't been shaken since Moody."

306I said, "That? I'm talking about the Church. That's cannon fodder out there. That's just dust of the earth, that bunch cramming through the streets, painted Jezebels and everything." I said, "That's out there. Them big old lodges and things will crumble and fall into the streets there." I said, "He is talking about the Church. The Church that seen the revelation of Jesus Christ made manifest, and they recognize It. They may not be fifteen out of Chicago. There may not be ten in this generation, out of the whole city of Chicago, come forth."

307 Did you ever think of that? "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls were saved." Uh-huh. How many come out of Sodom? See what I mean? I doubt being a handful. See?

308But the Church Itself has received the shaking. They've recognized it. They knowed the Word. They seen the Word when It was being materialized, and they caught It. Now look at that for a minute, now.

309And this first Message, when they'd see It, everybody rallied for It, said, "Oh, glory to God! Oh, if I could see this, that, and the other." And they go right away, the same way they come in. See?

310 And now they think, "Well, I don't know. Where would you join? If I don't come to this, it'll be this way. And I'll be kicked out, over here, and I won't have nothing to here." Brethren set down and say, "Well, what would I do if I...?" See there? They won't stop long enough to recognize It's the Word that God promised, being manifested. See? And they walked away.

311But, don't worry, the shadows are close at hand, see, when I return to the field.

312You remember, the other night, of the Message that He give me back there when I was laying the corner stone? Just exactly. Said, "Do the work..." Said, "When you come out of this vision, read Second Timothy 4." You know, it's laying right there in the cornerstone, thirty-three years ago.

313Said, "Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry. For the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap teachers, having itching ears; turn from fable... from Truth unto fables." If that hasn't been, just word by word! [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

314 But, remember, then, the other night, when I never did read the rest of it. The thirty-something years that I've preached in this tabernacle, never one time did I ever go any farther than that, and I don't know why.

315I often wonder, till, one day, I seen where Jesus picked up the Scroll and begin to read, and read half of the prophecy, and stopped, and said. There in Capernaum, He said, "And this day, this prophecy is fulfilled." Why didn't He read the rest of it? It pertains to His second Coming. See?

316And there I had read that, not knowing. I picked up that, and there it was, right before me, at Southern Pines, South Carolina. That morning, standing out there, talking to Joseph Boze, leaned up against the side of a car, I struck it. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] Paul said, "I... All men has turned against me. There's no man with me. Demas has forsaken me; loving this present world. And I now..." Look. "And the coppersmith done me much harm."

317 Look what Demas must have thought. "Why, I seen Paul preach the Gospel and heal the sick. And here he sets, suffering, himself, carrying a doctor along with him, Luke. All time he goes, taking a doctor with him, a man preaching Divine. Why, I seen him smite a man blind. Said, 'The Lord rebuke thee, and you'll be blind for a season.' And let the coppersmith run him out of a meeting. I guess he lost his power to smite men blind. Alas, he lost his power of Divine healing. God has turned against him."

318 I don't think Demas went out into the world, 'cause Demas was of a... You know his history. He was of a big, rich family. And he wanted to go with the rest of the crowd.

319But, Paul, poor little Paul. What was it? God always let's a ministry get like that, and then crowns it.

320He let Jesus get to a place. Look at there. When He could raise the dead, when He could do anything He wanted to; and let a Roman soldier jerk beard out of His face, and spit in His face. [Brother Branham make a spitting sound--Ed.] Hit Him on... Put a rag around His face, and said, "Now, You know, they tell me You are a Prophet." All of them stood around with the reeds, and hit Him on the head. [Brother Branham make a hitting sound.] Said, "Now tell us which one hit You." He knowed which one hit Him. Uh-huh. Sure. He did. See? But His ministry was fixing to be crowned.

321It always gets that spot where it seems like it's real, real weak, just about gone, then God crowns it.

O Lord, let it happen. Let it happen, Lord.

Let's bow our heads.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first...

Now worship Him. We've had a hard teaching.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

322Let's raise up our hands now to Him. "I..." Now be in the Spirit, see, "I love Him."

... I love Him

Because He first loved me.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Toto je pre mňa trochu prekvapenie. Pôvodne som tu dnes nemal byť; ale dnes večer máme komúniu, tak som si pomyslel, že by som sa tu predsa zastavil. Zavolal som bratovi Nevillovi a on povedal, „No, keď teda ideš,“ povedal, „prečo by si aspoň na chvíľu nešiel niečo povedať.“

 A pomyslel som si, „No, ak by som prišiel, bolo by to možné, nekázal by som, len trochu prehovoril k cirkvi o záležitostiach, ktoré si myslím, že by ju posilnili.“

2Práve sme sa vrátili z našej jesennej poľovačky (ja a bratia, ktorí tu sú), mali sme veľkolepý čas. Sme veľmi vďační. Všetci sme sa nasýtili a ulovili sme zver, na ktorú sme poľovali. A náš pastor a ja vieme, že tá zverina je veľmi, veľmi dobrá. Mali sme jedného pekného jeleňa. Ja som dostal medveďa a dvoch jeleňov.

 A tak, ako sa vraciame, toto je čas, kedy mám hovoriť o siedmich posledných pečatiach. No, oni nepripravili cirkev. A je niečo, čo tomu zabráni… Myslím, že v tomto meste je to trochu ťažšie, vzhľadom na nedostatok miesta na parkovanie pre toľko ľudí, koľko sa do zboru zmestí.

3Chceli by sme tu novú budovu a už máme našetrenú slušnú sumu peňazí, aby sme mohli postaviť väčšiu cirkev. Ale keď máme tieto zhromaždenia, rozumiete, ako to chodí. Je to škoda; ľudia tam stoja pri stenách, vonku v daždi, je to až hrozné. A dokonca aj mne sa dostáva kritika od priateľov, ktorí hovoria, „Brat Branham, vyzerá to ako v...“

 Môj doktor mi povedal, „Predsa by si mohol zohnať nejaké miesto, aby… Je mi to ľúto,“ povedal, „…aby sa tam zmestili.“

 Zdravotná sestra, ktorá bola z vedľajších dverí, povedala, „No, prišla som sem jedno ráno o piatej. Ty si tu už mal byť,“ a povedala, „ľudia sa tam začínajú schádzať už o piatej a ty tam máš byť o pol desiatej.“ A tak vidíte? Je to ťažké.

4A tak chceme zbor, ktorý má nejaký priestor, kde si môže každý sadnúť. A myslíme si, že žijeme v posledných dňoch – veríme, že tam boli… mali by sme vyučovať cirkev vo veciach, ktoré sa začínajú formovať: veci, ktoré boli prorokované, niektoré z nich už po tisíce rokov; a už aspoň dvadsaťpäť a tridsať rokov to bolo cirkvi prorokované, že sa to stane. A tak, mali by sme to tu prerobiť, ale nemáme tu dosť miesta.

 A tak, dnes ráno by som… včera som si vybavovali, hovory a podobne a ešte mi nejaké zostávajú na dnešné popoludnie, a tak ďalej. A mal som nejakých ľudí, ktorí chceli prísť: milý mladý muž, ktorý mal nervové zrútenie, kazateľ, jeden brat na misijnom poli; a takí podobní; jeden brat z Nórska. A mali sme rozhovory v zadnej časti miestnosti a povedal som, „No, budeme musieť ustúpiť.“

 A brat Neville povedal, „No, pôjdeme a povieme pár slov, aby sme trochu posilnili cirkev.“

5Jedna z prvých vecí, ktoré by som chcel povedať… Napísal som tu na papier pár vecí, ktoré som chcel povedať, keď prídem do zboru. Jedna vec, ktorú som si zapísal, bola ohľadom odchodu nášho drahého brata Taylora, zatiaľ čo sme boli preč.

 Brat Taylor chodil do tohto zboru veľa rokov. Všetci z nás ho iste poznali. Ale ak sú tu nejakí, čo sú tu cudzí, bol to drahý starý gentleman, ktorý vám vždy vedel nájsť stoličku, aby ste si mohli sadnúť, to bol brat Taylor. Naposledy, čo som ho videl, aspoň doteraz, dokiaľ ho uvidím ako mladého človeka, stál tam pri dverách asi pred tromi-štyrmi nedeľami. Povedal, „Chcel by som nejaké knihy, brat Branham. Chcel by som rozdávať tie materiály.“

6A tak sme… Viem, že mal cukrovku a potom upadol do kómy a ne… nevedel, že mal cukrovku, a zomrel. Nie, on nikdy nezomrel; len odišiel, aby bol s Pánom Ježišom.

 A on bol verný, ohromný brat, vždy myslel na druhých. A tešilo ho, keď sa mu podarilo nájsť niekomu miesto, aby si sadol, keď prišiel do zboru. A viete, možno, keď prejdeme na druhú stranu, nebolo by milé, keby sme tam videli brata Taylora, ako nám tam nájde miesto, aby sme si sadli?

 Myslím, že na pamiatku brata Taylora… Nerozprával som sa s bratom Nevillom na jeho pohrebe, ale chcel by som vyjadriť svoje ocenenie pre jeho vdovu, sestru Taylorovú, ak tu dnes ráno je. Nech je požehnané jej oddané srdce.

 Brat Taylor raz povedal, „Poď sem. Mám tu vykopané malé jazero. Dal som do neho nejaké ryby, aby sme sem mohli chodiť chytať.“ Vždy myslel na niekoho druhého a preto bol Niekto, kto na neho myslel; to bol Kristus, ktorý mu dal spasenie. Myslím, že na jeho pamiatku pre túto cirkev, ako sa tu dnes ako telo zhromažďuje, povstaňme spolu na svoje nohy a skloňme svoje hlavy pred Bohom.

7Náš Nebeský Otče, my ako ľudské bytosti dnes ráno a tí, ktorí prichádzajú na miesto uctievania… Tvoja veľká ruka sa pohybovala medzi nami a vzala od nás jedného z našich vzácnych bratov, ktorého milujeme, a vieme, že aj Ty si ho miloval. A ty máš za všetkým týmto Svoj zámer, Pane, ináč by sa to takto nestalo, vediac, že Biblia nám hovorí, že všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha; a tak sa to stalo.

 A my sa rozhliadame po tomto svete a nachádzame prírodu, ako k nám každým spôsobom hovorí, že hrob sa ho nemôže zmocniť, lebo on na zemi slúžil účelu, na ktorý si ho Ty sem poslal. Bol dobrým oddaným bratom. 

 Zisťujeme, že v botanickom živote a v živote slnka, ktoré ráno vychádza, aby nám dalo svetlo… A v strede dňa je v strednom veku a potom večer opäť zomiera, a hneď v to ráno vychádza čerstvé a nové, lebo to slúži Božiemu účelu.

 Vidíme, ako kvitnú kvety a okrášľujú zem, ozdobujú pohrebné chodby a svadobné haly, slúžia svojmu účelu: otvárajú svoje srdcia a zdarma rozdávajú med pre včely, dávajú vôňu okoloidúcemu; dávajú všetko, čo majú, pre svoju službu Bohu, potom skláňajú svoju malú hlavu. Ale keď prichádza jar, opäť vychádzajú, lebo slúžia Božiemu účelu.

8Potom v tvári celej prírody a Biblie, zasľúbenia a Ducha Svätého, môžeme sa šťastne radovať vo svojich srdciach a vedieť, že náš brat Taylor, Pane, rovnako slúžil Božiemu účelu. A povedať, že on viac nepovstane, by znamenalo zapierať našu Bibliu, nášho Boha a všetko, čo nám Boh dal, aby sme na to hľadeli a vedeli, že existuje vzkriesenie. A tak my sa tešíme na ten čas, kedy ho opäť uvidíme, keď bude mladý a zdravý a nikdy viac nebude chorý a nezostarne.

 Požehnaj jeho drahú manželku, jeho oddanú spoločníčku. Ako nám len budú chýbať, Pane, ako sme ich vídavali, ako spolu chodili okolo rybníka a sedávali tam na lavičkách, chodili na ryby a zhovárali sa a ako boli spolu tak milí.

 A teraz vieme, že prichádza deň, kedy budú hrdinovia viery pochodovať pod veľkým oblúkom triumfu a anjeli s piesňami naplnia oblohu. Opäť ich na tom mieste uvidíme.

 A dovtedy nám daj, Pane, odvahu. Požehnaj nás a pomôž nám. Brat Taylor nám bude dlho chýbať a každému, kto príde do tohto zboru, ako on stával pri dverách a hľadal miesto pre každého, kto chcel prísť vypočuť si Slovo Božie, aby si v ľahkosti sadol a odpočíval.

 A keď nedávno odišiel, Pane, modlil som sa, aby ten veľký archanjel Boží stál pri dverách, aby aj jemu našiel miesto, Pane, aby si mohol sadnúť. Lebo v Biblii je napísané, „Milostiví obdržia milosť.“ Kým ho neuvidíme, Pane, nech spomienky na neho zotrvajú v našich srdciach, až dokiaľ sa jedného dňa stretneme na tej druhej zemi. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

9Dlho bude medzi nami chýbať a medzi cudzincami, a tak ďalej, ktorí prídu do našej cirkvi alebo našej budovy, aby tu uctievali. Nech jeho duša odpočíva pred Bohom až do toho dňa. Jedného dňa každý jeden z nás pôjde, jeden po druhom, až dokiaľ sa tam razom nedostaneme. A zatiaľ teraz, pokiaľ máme čas a môžeme, pripravme sa na ten čas príchodu; lebo nevieme, kedy to bude. Nevieme, kto bude nasledovať. Žime takým spôsobom pre ten deň, aby, keď raz príde, bude to pre nás a budeme pripravení.

10No, chcel by som teraz niečo oznámiť. Čoskoro, no, možno… Nerozprával som o tom s dôverníkmi odvtedy, čo som sa vrátil, čo sa týka tejto cirkevnej budovy tu alebo toho, čo musíme urobiť, aby sme mohli mať budovu, kde budeme mať zhromaždenia. A potom budem pokračovať (prepáčte) so siedmimi pečaťami. A potom tam je sedem čiaš a mnoho vecí, do ktorých by sme sa hneď mali dostať.

 A tak, budúcu nedeľu ráno mám byť v Elizabethtowne, Kentucky, s bratom L. G. Hooverom na zasväcovacej bohoslužbe. Má to byť na zasvätenie novej modlitebne alebo modlitebne, ktorú kúpili v Elizabethtowne, Kentucky: dolu 62-kou až do Elizabethtownu alebo… myslím 31-kou, dolu popri mýte. Hneď ako sa odbáča do Elizabethtownu. Je to asi hodina; je to tam asi tridsaťpäť, štyridsať míľ. Asi štyridsať míľ po ceste 31 a potom asi tridsaťpäť míľ tou druhou cestou popri mýte. Je to na Mulberry Street. Zasväcovacie zhromaždenie…

 Brat Hoover bude mávať pravidelne o desiatej nedeľnú školu a ja mám kázať na zasväcovacej službe od jedenásteho do dvanásteho, túto budúcu nedeľu, 11. novembra.

11Vonku na nástenke je to pripnuté, bude to v… Odtiaľ sa tam dostanete. Je to na Mulberry Street, ale ide sa tam smerom na… Je to tam na nástenke pred budovou.

 Potom 22. novembra mám byť v Shreveporte, Louisiana, 22., 23., 24., 25. a 26. - päť dní, sa mi zdá, v Shreveporte, Louisiana v Life Tabernacle. To bude s bratom Mooreom. Oslavujú svoje zlaté jubileum. Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, 22. tohto mesiaca padli v Shreveporte, Louisiana letničné požehnania. Päťdesiat rokov, prvé letničné posolstvo, ktoré bolo kázané, a Duch Svätý, ktorý padol v Louisiane. Majú na to pamätník a toto je to zlaté jubileum. Mám na tomto jubileu hovoriť, päť večerov s bratom Mooreom v Shreveporte, Life Tabernacle.

12Ak tam v tej oblasti máte nejakých priateľov, ktorým by ste mohli napísať alebo niečo, radi by sme ich tam mali. Povedzte im o zhromaždeniach, ktoré tam majú byť.

 A Life Tabernacle, ak tam niekto už bol s bratom Mooreom, on je ohromný človek. A je tam ohromná skupina ľudí. Tí starí južania, ťažko ich prekonáte. A tak, Life Tabernacle, ktokoľvek v oblasti Shreveportu vám môže povedať, kde to je. Shreveport je asi dvesto tisíc ľudí. Je to príjemné mesto s dostatkom ubytovania, takže…

 A tá modlitebňa je väčšia, veľmi veľká. Má poschodia, balkóny, hlavné poschodie, a potom ešte jedno ďalšie; a je tam dostatok priestoru, priamo od mestského auditória, ktoré usadí päť tisíc ľudí – priamo oproti mestskému auditóriu.

13A reverend Jack. T. Moore z Life Tabernacle v Shreveporte, Louisiana, a to sa začína 22. Bude to od štvrtka do nedele: štvrtok, piatok, sobota, nedeľa... pardon, štyri dni, nie päť. To bude 22., 23., 24. a 25. (myslím, že tak to je) novembra.

 A potom zistíme, ako sa nám darí tu s našou cirkvou, ako sme pokročili s touto budovou cirkvi. Dodávatelia nám hovoria, že tam vedia zavolať dosť ľudí na to, aby to mali za desať dní takmer hotové, takže potom tam môžeme ísť, vidíte, hneď nato. Len čakajú, kým mesto podpíše… Viete, potrebujeme tu veľké parkovisko a veľa tohto; a, ó, je v tom množstvo vecí, keď sa začína s niečím takým, ako stavať budovu.

14Ale rád by som sa dostal späť do zboru pred tým, ako pôjdem opäť na misijné pole. Teraz som dostal hovor z Tanganiky v Ugande a tam z tej oblasti. Jozef naplánoval začiatok tých zhromaždení na február.

 A keď som sem včera prišiel, boli nejakí bratia a sestra Thomsová a tí zo zahraničia sem prišli, našiel som si pri dverách poznámku alebo skôr pozvanie zo zhromaždenia dolu v Južnej Afrike. A tak im chcem odpísať, aby som to s nimi dohodol. Možno, zatiaľ čo budem tak ďaleko, môžem zájsť dolu do Južnej Afriky, možno v druhej polovici februára alebo v marci, niekedy v tom čase.

 Máme nádej, že sa nám podarí zbor dokončiť, aby som mohol mať tieto cirkevné veky hotové aspoň do zimy, ak to bude možné. Ak nie alebo ak sa budem musieť odtiaľ vrátiť, ak Pán Ježiš počká...

15Včera som počúval – myslím, že to bolo predvčerom – na páske. Zdalo sa mi, že to tu dnes ráno hralo. Jeden brat z juhu mal… Jeho matka prišla na zhromaždenie; mala na prsníku zhubný nádor a bola na prahu smrti. A Duch Svätý na jednom z nedávnych zhromaždení v Southern Pines, myslím, že tam to bolo, jej povedal o jej zhubnom nádore, a kým je, odkiaľ pochádza, odkiaľ prišla; a povedal, že mala chlapca, ktorý bol odpadlíkom, a že bude mať nehodu a bude obvinený z vraždy a veľa ďalších vecí.

 A tento chlapík… Všetko sa to stalo presne tak… A jej zhubná rakovina – alebo ten zhubný výrastok ju opustil (pričom zhubný výrastok je rakovina, to viete). A tak ju to opustilo a ten chlapec bol obvinený z vraždy a všetko bolo presne tak, ako to povedal Duch Svätý. A bol vedený ku Kristovi – znovu. A urobil z toho pásku a počul som, ako to hralo. Či ste sa tešili z tej starej južnej reči? Povedal, „Tu dolu v severnej Karolíne…,“ povedal. Ó, mám to rád, mám rád tých starých južanov. A Pán ho ďalej žehnal. On povedal, „Viem, že nehovoríš, že kážeš náuku, brat Branham, len k tvojmu zhromaždeniu,“ povedal, „my sme časťou tvojho zhromaždenia.“ To bolo od neho milé.

16No, je fotka… myslím, že to je ešte dnes na nástenke. Ak nie, Billy to tam zavesí. Keď som ešte začínal kázať, mnohokrát ľudia hovorievali, „Ty si to len predstavuješ, že vidíš to svetlo, brat Branham.“

 Asi ledva… myslím, že nejaké možno ešte zostali, vy starší si to ešte môžete pamätať, pred tým, ako to bolo odfotené. Je tu niekto, kto si pamätá, že som to hovoril, veľmi dávno? Pozrite! Asi štyri alebo päť rúk: tu sestra Spencerová a brat a sestra Slaughterovci, jeden brat tu a ešte jeden tam. Zostalo tu ešte asi päť alebo šesť starších ľudí.

17No, po chvíli, objektív tej kamery zachytil ten obraz. A tak to išlo do Washingtonu, DC, a prešlo to výskumníkmi a vrátilo sa to, žiadna dvojitá expozícia, nič také. Povedal, „To svetlo zasiahlo objektív.“ To bol George J. Lacy. Máte tam jeho podpis, môžete sa pozrieť.

 Nuž, veľakrát sa obzriete a poviete, „Nad tou osobou je tmavý tieň. Je zatienená na smrť. Mnoho ľudí ma to počulo mnohokrát povedať (vidíte), mnohokrát. A tam to náhodou tá kamera zachytila. A tak to tu máme.

 Jedna pani prišla ku istej sestre a povedala jej o zhromaždení v Karolíne, kde sme mali to nádherné zhromaždenie na Southern Pines… A tam tá pani zomierala na rakovinu oboch prsníkov. A doktori to už vzdali, boli si istí, že zomrie. A tá pani sa načiahla a vzala svoju fotku, ako som jej povedal, aby urobila, kým bola a odkiaľ prišla; a povedala, „Je nad tebou tmavý tieň. Si pod tieňom smrti.“ A tá pani to práve odfotila a tak to je na… Ten objektív fotoaparátu zachytil tieň smrti.

18Videl niekto z vás tých „Desať prikázaní“, kde bol ten anjel smrti, ako sa tam vkradol, ten tmavý, pochmúrne vyzerajúci tieň? Je to na fotke. A myslím, že je to momentálne tam na nástenke. Ak nie, Billy ma počuje, poviem mu, aby to dal na nástenku. A je tam šípka, ktorá ukazuje na tú osobu. A tá osoba… Ten tieň opustil tú ženu a… Bola zázračne uzdravená. Ale je to tam akoby kapucňa alebo kúdol tmavého dymu nahromadený nad tou ženou a vychádza to akoby z tej rakoviny. Je to samozrejme ten tieň, kde smrť vychádza z tej rakoviny.

 No, bez ohľadu na to, koľko sa snažíte ľuďom povedať pravdu, vždy bude niekto, kto bude podozrievať, že to nie je pravda. A ak budete vždy hovoriť pravdu, potom budete vždy vedieť, že ste na tom správne.

19Mám priateľa, ktorý je rančerom na západe. A ochranári prírody zaplatili okolo štyri tisíc dolárov za snežný skúter, aby mohli spočítať stáda losov, ktoré zostali v údolí Troublesome. Pán Jeffries, ktorý sedával tu v zbore, priviedol som ho ku Kristovi – bol úplný ateista. A už som vám hovoril ten príbeh o tom, ako sme spolu jazdievali. Neveril v nič, čo sa i len mierne odlišovalo od Darwinovej evolúcie, a to dieťa, panensky narodené, považoval to za nezmysel. A nedávno sme spolu táborili, a práve tam prijal Krista.

 A tak mu tento človek povedal, „No, nemusíš kupovať ten snežný skúter.“ Povedal, „Poviem ti presný počet losov, ktorí sa tam nachádzajú.“ Povedal, „Je ich devätnásť.“ Povedal, „Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden ale dvoch som zabil.“ Tak sa rozprával s horárom. Totižto nemáte povolené zabiť viac ako jedného. A tak on povedal, „Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden a dvoch z nich som zabil. Zostáva ich devätnásť.“

 A povedal, „Áno, Jeff, viem, že dvoch z nich si zabil.“

 On povedal, „Pravda, zabil!“

 A tak zobrali ten snežný skúter a vyšli tam a bolo tam presne devätnásť losov. On povedal, „Billy, len povedz tomu človeku pravdu; on tomu nebude veriť.“ A tak to jednoducho chodí. Môžete ľuďom hovoriť pravdu a oni jednako… Bolo už toľko neporozumenia a klamania ohľadom vecí, až oni neveria, že im hovoríte pravdu, keď im ju práve hovoríte. Vidíte?

20Ale sme nadovšetko vďační, že máme nebeského Otca, ktorý potvrdzuje tú pravdu s potvrdením. Je to pravda. A tak, ak toto má byť môj posledný deň na zemi, dokonca aj vedecký výskum a všetky dôkazy potvrdili, že to, čo som povedal, je pravda, všetky tieto veci. Tak veru; je to pravda. A tak to pravdepodobne bude na nástenke. Billy, si tam v tej miestnosti? Máš v ruke tú fotku? Ak áno, tak ju sem, prosím, prines, aby sme to tu mohli vyvesiť, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. No, ja neviem, asi to bude na nástenke.

 A tu je tá fotka. Tipujem, že to asi nevidíte, ale tu sa dá vidieť tá kapucňa tieňu smrti nad hlavou tej ženy. A tu je o tom krátky text, kde to tá pani odfotila, aby videla, či sa to naozaj tak stalo; a je to priamo tam. Je to kapucňa tieňa smrti. Pozrite sa na to tu. Myslím, že už sa vám to dalo vidieť. Brat Neville?

 A tak Billy to pravdepodobne vyvesí na nástenku. Ak môžeš, Billy, tak choď pre to a vyves to tu dopredu na nástenku, aby to každý videl, keď bude odchádzať. On alebo Doc, jeden z vás. No, len som myslel, že možno by vám to dalo trochu svetla, ale je tu príliš temno na taký typ fotky. Ale budeme to tu mať, takže to môžete vidieť, ako budete odchádzať. No, majte na pamäti všetky tie oznámenia.

21No, dnes ráno som myslel, že možno by som len krátko hovoril na niečo, čo by povzbudilo cirkev, niečo, čo by vám dalo trochu viac….

 [Brat Edgar sa pýta brata Branhama, či by potreboval bodové osvetlenie.] Áno, Doc, ak môžeš. Môže to byť dobré. Chcem to tu použiť. Niektorí to minulý týždeň nepotrebovali, a tak sme si mysleli, že možno by nám to na dnes trochu pomohlo. A chcel som o tom hovoriť, lebo sa to vzťahovalo na jeden sen, ktorý mala istá sestra.

22Zaujímalo by ma, či je tu dnes ráno sestra Shepherdová. Nedávno som ju stretol. A prvýkrát, čo som tú ženu videl. V skutočnosti som ani nevedel, kto to je. Povedal by som, že nie je… Áno. Prekážalo by ti to nejako, keby som spomenul ten sen, sestra Shepherdová, neprekážalo by ti to, že nie? V poriadku, je to dobré. Ale predtým, ako sa k tomu dostaneme, skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

23Drahý Nebeský Otče, Tebe vzdávame všetku chválu za Tvoju dobrotu a milosť. A teraz nás utíš, Pane, aby sme mohli študovať Slovo živého Boha, ako k nám prichádza prostredníctvom videnia a je potvrdené Duchom Svätým a podložené Bibliou. A tak sa modlíme, aby si nám dal lepšie porozumenie, aby sme vedeli, o čo to ide v týchto posledných dňoch, a aby sme videli zlé mocnosti, ktoré sa okolo nás usádzajú. Ten boj, ten posledný boj sa práve blíži. Pomôž nám, Pane. Ako skutoční a silní bojovníci, nech len držíme štít viery so Slovom Božím, mečom a nech sa hýbeme vpred. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

24No, ako rozmýšľam o tom, ako sa hýbeme vpred, ako sme zoradení do bojového šíku, pripravení do akcie, skutočný boj viery.

 Sestra Shepherdová a tu brat Shepherd, ktorí sú našimi veľmi drahými priateľmi a ktorí prišli do tejto modlitebne… Oni sú drahé deti Božie. A táto sestra Shepherdová… Keď som si vyberal poštu (tú, na ktorú môže aj Billy odpovedať, niekto tam len povedal, „Pošli mi toľko a toľko modlitebných stužiek.“ A ja sa za nich modlím; on ich len pošle naspäť. Ale keď to je osobný list, tak na to musím sám odpovedať. Vidíte?)… A tak som si vybral svoju osobnú poštu. A bral som si ju domov a prečítal som, bolo tam napísané, „Od sestry Shepherdovej.“ A bol to sen, ktorý mala pred niekoľkými mesiacmi. A dlho tomu nevedela porozumieť až do času asi pred dvomi alebo tromi týždňami, kde som učil na tému siedmich cirkevných vekov a siedmich ovocí – 2. Petra, ako máme (2. Petra 1) – pridať ku našej viere.

25Najprv: ako základ je viera. Druhá vec: pridajte ku svojej viere cnosť; ku cnosti známosť; ku známosti zdržanlivosť, trpezlivosť; ku trpezlivosti pobožnosť; a ku pobožnosti bratskú lásku – bratská láska; a potom nech je láska štítovým kameňom – všetkých týchto sedem vecí. Sedem cirkevných vekov a všetko je to Duchom Svätým spojené dohromady.

 No, to je to, čo je treba, aby sa človek stal sluhom Kristovým. Kristus buduje Svoju cirkev v siedmich cirkevných vekoch, Jeho nevesta, osoba, žena, cirkev. Sedem cirkevných vekov zbudujú a tvoria nevestu: niektorú z tohto veku, niektorú z tamtoho veku a niektorú až z tamtoho veku a všetko sa to vytvaruje ako do pyramídy.

26Ako Enoch, ktorý postavil pyramídy, že veríme… A náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy navrch položený, lebo náhlavný Kameň bol odmietnutý.

 A berieme to teraz nie ako náuku, ale na to, aby sme porozumeli, len pre cirkev, ktorá je tu, že…

 Boh je zdokonalený v troch. Je zdokonalený v Otcovi, Synovi a Duchu Svätom, troch úradoch jedného Boha. Je zdokonalený v ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým; potom sú to dokonalé skutky milosti. Je zdokonalený v troch príchodoch: prvý je na to, aby vykúpil Svoju nevestu, druhý na to, aby prijal Svoju nevestu, a tretí je v miléniu so Svojou nevestou. Všetko je zdokonalené v troch. A sedem je Božie meno uctievania; Boh je uctievaný v sedmičke, kompletnosť. Zdokonalený a kompletný.

 Ale to zvláštne bolo (nechcem to tu rozvádzať, len vám niečo ukázať), ten posledný jeleň, ktorého som dostal, mal päť znamienok na jednej strane a tri na druhej (vidíte): milosť a dokonalosť.

27No, všimnite si tu, že Kristus… Boh napísal tri Biblie. Prvá Biblia bola v nebi, nazývaná zverokruh. No, ak nepoznáte knihu Jóba, len na to zabudnite, lebo práve Jób to vysvetľuje: ako keď sa pozrel hore a vymenoval tie veci na nebi.

 A všimnite si, že v zverokruhu, s čím sa to začína? Tá prvá vec v zverokruhu je Panna, posledné znamenie zverokruhu je lev: prvý príchod Kristov skrze pannu, druhý príchod, lev, lev z pokolenia Júdovho.

28Enoch v tom čase dokončil tú pyramídu. A bolo by to… Samozrejme, nemáme čas na to, aby sme to podložili a ukázali, ako v tej pyramíde prechádzajú tie komory, a tak ďalej. Hovorí to priamo do dnešného času konca. Dnes sme podľa ich merania v kráľovej komnate. Ale ten náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy na pyramídu položený. Architektonicky a murársky to sedí dokonale, až dokonca tá malá britva… A dnes sa nevie, ako to oni kedy mohli postaviť, nerozumejú…. Mohla by nejaká britva prejsť cez okraje, kde by bola tá malta, lenže žiadna malta tam nebola. Je to dokonale pospájané.

 A tak to je, keď sa Kristus a Jeho cirkev stávajú jedno. Nie je medzi tým žiadna malta; nič nie je medzi tým, len Boh a tá osoba – Boh, Kristus a tá osoba.

29No, ale ten náhlavný kameň, oni ho nikdy nenašli. Poznáte ten „Stone of Scone“, ktorý majú v Anglicku, kde ordinujú kráľov alebo ich tam korunujú, a tak ďalej? Ale ten náhlavný kameň…

 Dobre sa pozrite na americkú dolárovú bankovku; uvidíte to na americkej dolárovej bankovke. Na jednej strane, na ľavej, je americká pečať, orol s kopijami v ruke. Na druhej strane… Toto sa nazýva pečať Spojených Štátov. Ale na druhej strane je pyramída a nad tým je veľké oko. A pod tým sa hovorí, „Veľká Pečať.“ Prečo by to bola Veľká Pečať v tomto národe, dokonca nad pečaťou nášho vlastného národa? Vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, čo vy kedy robíte, Boh to jednako tak isto dáva najavo, vidíte. On spôsobuje, že hriešnik o tom vypovie; On spôsobuje, že národy o tom vypovedia; všetko musí hovoriť o Ňom, či tomu chcete veriť alebo nie. Je to priamo tam.

 No, všimnite si teraz, je v tom oko – je to oko Božie. A to zavŕšenie neodišlo, tá Náhlavná Pečať, ona bola odmietnutá, čo bol Syn Boží, ten Základný Kameň budovy, Hlavná Pečať pyramídy a všetko toto.

30No, nerád… Niekedy sa tieto veci nahrávajú a dostane sa to medzi bratov do cirkví – do ďalších cirkví. A keď sa to tak robí, niekedy z toho tí bratia dostanú nesprávny dojem, keď o nich niečo hovorím. Ale tak to nie je. Ak by ste len mohli počúvať a rozumieť (vidíte?), nehovorím proti nijakému bratovi, lebo sa to bratom nepatrí, aby hovorili jeden proti druhému. Mali by sme hovoriť jeden za druhého, nie jeden proti druhému. Ale keď niekedy hovorím o istých organizáciách ako presbyteriáni, metodisti, a tak ďalej, a oni povedia, „Vidíte, on je proti tomu.“ Nie som proti žiadnemu bratovi, ktorý sa tam nachádza, alebo sestre. Ten systém, ktorý oddeľuje bratstvo, je to, o čom hovorím. Božie deti sú jednou rodinou a nie jednotlivými skupinami.

31A niektorí z nich povedia, „Nebudem s tým mať nič spoločné, lebo to sú presbyteriáni a ja som metodista,“ vidíte. No, to nie je… Rozumiete, je to ten systém tej organizácie, ktorá narúša bratstvo, vidíte. No, to…

 Ako som povedal: Ak by ste išli dolu riekou v starom poloderavom člne a snažili by ste sa s tým prejsť vodopád, a ja, keďže viem, že by to nefungovalo, by som na vás nekričal, ani sa vás nesnažil napomenúť... rýchlo by som sa vás snažil dostať z toho člnu (rozumiete?); lebo je to ten čln, ktorý sa zlomí, a vy zostanete sami vo vode. A tak to nie je osobne na toho brata v tom člne, ale len ho varujem pred tým, čo sa chystá stať.

 Nuž, všetky tieto systémy, ktoré ľudia úspešne vytvorili, musia padnúť. Musí prísť… Musíme sa dostať do jednoty, bratstva. To je môj životný cieľ, zjednotiť sa a nie rozdeliť organizáciu, len nechať, aby pustili svoje idey a boli bratmi každému znovuzrodenému kresťanovi. To je tá idea; to je to, na čom stojím.

32No, ak by si to len tí bratia mohli všimnúť. Mnohí z našich bratov, dokonca aj v okruhoch plného Evanjelia, oni neveria, že baptisti a metodisti a luteráni, že by vôbec mali nejakú šancu. Aj keď jednako môžu mať pravdu, ja s tým nesúhlasím. Verím, že ten vek, z luteránskeho veku, a tento vek, ktorý tu bol spomínaný, myslím, že sardský vek, potom filadelfský vek pre metodistov a potom letniční, laodicejský vek… Verím, že toto sú veky a Boh má v každom tom veku svojich vyvolených ľudí. A v Židom 11 sa hovorí, že bez nás oni nie sú dokonalí. Ale cirkev je stále v menšine, až to prichádza do letničného veku.

33No, ten dôvod, prečo to hovorím, je, aby ste mohli mať obraz o tom, o čom táto sestra snívala. A jej sen je istotne prirovnaním ku tomu, čo som učil a stále učím.

 Všimnite si, no, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa spomínajú v 1. Petra 6. a 7. verši, hovoria, že to je skrze vieru, to je prvoradé. No, hovorievam, že ľudia tvrdia, že majú tieto cnosti bez toho, že by boli znovuzrodení. A uznávam, že som urobil nevhodný komentár, keď som povedal, že to je akoby chcel drozd na seba dať pávie perie a urobiť zo seba páva; nedokáže to. Musí mu narásť prirodzené perie. Jeho vnútro musí vydať to perie.

34Vždy som bol obviňovaný z toho, že príliš tvrdo hovorím o sestrách, keď im hovorím o strihaní si vlasov a manikúre, maľovaní tváre a podobne. Vždy sa to ku mne dostávalo, že som príliš tvrdý. Nie je to pre to, že by som mal niečo proti nim. Nehovorím, že tá žena nie je dobrou ženou, že ona je pouličná prostitútka alebo niečo. To nie je môj prístup. Ale je to takto: keď si na seba dáva toľko toho umelého, to ukazuje, že aj vo vnútri je veľa umelého (rozumiete?), kde by to malo byť naplnené Kristom. Lebo vonkajšok vždy vyjadruje to, čo sa nachádza vo vnútri. „Podľa ich ovocia ich spoznáte.“ Vidíte? A tam, kde by mal byť Kristus a starosť pre Boha a pre iné veci, namiesto toho je tam nejaká umelá okázalosť a podobne, zelené viečka a všetko to neľudsky vyzerajúce… Ja za tým nestojím; a verím, že rovnako ani Biblia. Ja mám rád, keď sme všetci tým, čím sme.

35Všimnite si, ak ona nemá žiadne nechty a chce si na seba nejaké dať, ak nemá žiadne zuby a nejaké potrebuje, nemá ruku a potrebuje ju, nemá vlasy a potrebuje ich, keď nemáte tieto veci, je to niečo iné. Ale keď si dáte vytiahnuť svoje prirodzené zdravé zuby, lebo nie sú tak žiarivé, ako by mali byť, potom konáte zle. Ak máte červené vlasy a chcete čierne a idete niekde, aby ste si to zafarbili na čiernu, len preto, že… Konáte zle. Áno, myslím si to. Ale to hlavné…. Nie je na to žiadne miesto Písma, len to ohľadom strihania vlasov, na to je miesto Písma, mnoho takých. A tak sa chceme dostatočne ubezpečiť, že to, čo robíme, je správne.

36No, tu naša sestra, ktorej sa to snívalo… Najprv bola rozrušená: „Aký to má význam pokračovať a pretĺkať sa životom, ak Boh od nás vyžaduje, aby sme prijali Ducha Svätého, a my ho nemáme?“

 No, nemyslím si… Možno to tu nenahrávajú, ale ak áno, tak je to len pre túto cirkev. No, ak by sa to dostalo nejakému bratovi do rúk a vy by ste to počuli, pamätajte, že toto učím len svoju vlastnú cirkev. Vždy ste pred svojím zhromaždením… Prejdite si tie pásky a ak nechcete, aby to vaše zhromaždenie počulo, nepúšťajte im to. Ale toto sa snažím povedať len tejto jednej malej skupine tu a ja spoločne s bratom Nevillom s pomocou Ducha Svätého sa budeme snažiť ich viesť a vyučovať.

37No, môžu byť nejaké veci, s ktorými môžete dosť nesúhlasiť. Je to podobne, ako to vždy spomínam, s jedením pečeného kuraťa: keď narazíte na kosť, neodhodíte celé kura, odhodíte len tú kosť. Vždy to tak robte. Keď jete čerešňový koláč a narazíte na kôstku, neodhodíte celý koláč, vyhodíte len tú kôstku. A tak vždy robte to isté počas toho, ako toto počúvate.

 Verím, že ten dôvod, prečo je dnes tak veľa zamiešania ohľadom Ducha Svätého, je to, že to nie je správne vyučované. Myslím, že dnes sa krst učí… oni len povedia, „ten krst,“ ale potom… Ako vy poviete, „automobil.“ No, máme tu v zbore viacerých mechanikov, ja sa v tom ani trochu nevyznám, takže ak urobím chybu, bratia, majte na pamäti, že nie som žiaden mechanik.

 Musia tam byť cievky, zástrčky, zásuvky a ventily, všetko, z čoho sa automobil skladá. A keď hovoríte o krste Duchom Svätým, je veľa vecí, ktoré s tým idú. Ide s tým veľa vecí. A tu je to, čo si ja myslím, že Boh teraz dokazuje, a síce, že Duch Svätý je tu.

38No, Peter povedal, že najprv je tam viera. Pozorne to teraz sledujte. Budeme toto na chvíľu preberať. Viera, no, to je prvé. A pridajte ku svojej viere cnosť; ku svojej cnosti známosť; ku známosti zdržanlivosť; ku zdržanlivosti trpezlivosť; ku trpezlivosti pobožnosť; ku pobožnosti bratskú lásku, bratskú priazeň a potom lásku. A každý vie, že láska je Boh. Boh je láska.

 A ako to odtiaľto ide k siedmim cirkevným vekom, Boh si v siedmich cirkevných vekoch buduje Nevestu pre Krista. Skrze Filadelfiu, Tyatíru a Pergam a Smyrnu, Efezus, cirkevný vek, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, „Ak by ženích prišiel pri prvej alebo siedmej stráži, všetky tie panny sa prebudili.“ Oni sa prebudili, panny z Efezu, Smyrny, Pergamu, Tyatíry, Sárd, Filadelfie a Laodicei. Všimli ste si to? Až v siedmom veku On prišiel a zobudil tie spiace panny. To ich všetky prináša späť sem, lebo počas tých rokov a vekov On budoval Nevestu, zrodil Nevestu, počal Nevestu na zemi pre Krista. A tak isto, ako počal Nevestu, počal aj jednotlivcov.

39No, toto hovorím len ako pozadie, aby ste vedeli, kedy budem hovoriť o tom sne, ktorý mala tá sestra.

 No, tieto veci musia byť v kresťanovi absolútom pred tým, ako ho Duch Svätý zapečatí, pred tým, ako sa to dá dohromady a vytvorí to jeden celok.

 Teraz ten sen našej sestry. Obávala sa, či má naozaj Ducha Svätého alebo nie. Keď si ľahla na manželskú posteľ, kde jej muž čítal noviny (a majú aj malých, ako aj ja, vždy je okolo nich veľa hluku a podobne), a tak počas toho zaspala asi na desať alebo pätnásť minút; a mala sen. Nikdy tomu nemohla porozumieť, dokonca to trvalo vyše roka, až kým bolo toto posolstvo kázané. A zatiaľ čo som vyučoval, všetko jej to klaplo.

        A snívalo sa jej, že sa modlila. Najprv chodila hore dolu, pred tým, ako mala ten sen, stískala ruky a premýšľala, „Pane, či mám naozaj Ducha Svätého? Mohol by si mi to dokázať? Niektorí hovoria, že to preto, lebo som kričala alebo hovorila v jazykoch. (A my v to všetko veríme.) Ale či ho skutočne mám?“

40Ja verím vo všetky tie veci, tie cnosti: hovorenie v jazykoch, kričanie a všetky druhy demonštrácie. Verím v každý kúsok toho. Ale ak tam chýba Toto, tak niečo nie je v poriadku. Vidíte? Máte len škrupinu.

 Dávajte pozor, ona mala ohľadne toho obavy, tak si len ľahla na posteľ, kde si jej manžel čítal a zaspala. A snívalo sa jej, že stála hore na nejakom vrchu. A na tomto vrchu.. Najlepší… Nemám tu ten papier, ale myslím, že tam bolo niečo také, že sa jej snívalo, že videla skalnatú schránku, akoby taký blok, ktorý ležal na vrchu tej hory. A jej manžel bol hneď za ňou. A videla, ako tam stojí nejaký veľký muž v pracovnom odeve s vyhrnutými rukávmi a ako vylieval na vrchu tej hory do tej nádoby alebo schránky obrovské množstvo tej najčistejšej vody, akú videla. Ten skalnatý blok bol na vrchu tej hory.

 A tá nádoba zo skaly tú vodu neudržala; tak sa odtiaľ vyliala a zmiatla so sebou všetko smetie a zbytočnosti, všetko, čo na tom vrchu bolo, a lialo sa to dolu. A prešlo to popri jej nohách a ona stála priamo v tom; jedine to na nej nedržalo. A potom sa spýtala, prečo to tá nádoba nevedela udržať, a ten človek povedal, „To nie je voda. To je Duch Svätý,“ a povedal, „nič Ho neudrží.“

41A povedal, „Potom sa vrátil a priniesol ďalšie veľké vedro – a bolo plné medu – a vylial tam ten med a povedal, ‘Toto to udrží.‘“ A ona si myslela, že ten kamenný blok sa rozletí a ten med vyleje, ale nestalo sa to. Nakoniec to držalo pohromade a udržalo sa to.

 Obrátila sa a zišla z toho vrchu dolu. A ako išla dolu, zastavila sa pod ním a pozrela sa späť. Videla päť prúdov tejto čistej, kryštálovej vody, ktorá nebola znečistená vecami, cez ktoré prešla, bola neustále číra a čistá, plynulo tiekla. Potom sa spomalila; a takmer sa vytratila. Bola zvedavá, či sa niekedy dostane na spodok hory – tých päť prúdov – a potom sa zobudila. Myslím, že približne takto nejako to bolo, je to tak, sestra Shepherdová?

42No, len čo som vzal ten list a otvoril ho, ešte pred tým, ako som ho prečítal, videl som jej sen. To je spôsob, ako sa sny vykladajú. Mnohí z vás prišli ku mne so snami a hovorili ste o snoch. Ja poviem, „Počkaj chvíľu. Nepovedal si mi ho celý.“ (Vidíte?); tak sa zamýšľate a uchytávate to. A ak im neviete povedať, o čom sa im snívalo, ako budú vedieť, či je ten výklad pravdivý alebo nie? Vidíte? Musíte ten sen vidieť. Videnie musí ukázať ten sen. A keď vidíte ten sen, ktorý sa danej osobe sníval a môžete jej to povedať pred tým, ako vám to povie, potom viete ten výklad.

43A myslím, že je to tiež napísané v Písme. Raz Daniel (nebol to on?) povedal… Áno, myslím… Práve mi to napadlo, hej. Ale vždy ten sen vidíte, ak je ten výklad správny. Nejaká osoba vám začne hovoriť o sne, vy ju len zastavte a povedzte, „Počkaj na chvíľu. Potom to bolo tak-a-tak, plus toto a toto a tak a tak.“

 A potom poviete, „Presne tak to bolo,“ vidíte.

 Nedávno sa mi jeden človek snažil povedať o jednom sne, ktorý mal. Povedal, „Nuž,“ povedal…

 Povedal som, „Nuž, brat, prečo si vynechal tú ďalšiu časť?“

 On povedal, „Akú druhú časť?“

 Povedal som, „Snívalo sa ti, že si vyhodil skalu do vzduchu a ja som do toho strelil a niečo z toho mi trafilo do oka.“

 On povedal, „To je dokonalá pravda, brat Branham.“

 A oni z toho včera tú druhú časť vynechali. Takže vidíte. Prečo len… Povedzte o tom celú pravdu. Ale viete, vždy to zjavuje späť ku… povie vám váš sen, čo sa vám snívalo. Potom viete, že to je pravda.

44No, toto je výklad toho jej sna. Ona mala obavy ohľadom Ducha Svätého až do takej miery, že na vrchu tej hory videla „skalnatú nádobu,“ to bola skala, a tá nádoba zo skaly znamená „skalopevné vyznanie.“ No, presne ako Ježiš povedal v Písme, On povedal… Peter povedal. Ježiš povedal, „Kto, hovoria ľudia, že Ja, Syn človeka, som?“

 Jeden povedal, „Že si Eliáš,“ a Mojžiš, a tak ďalej.

 A On povedal, „Ale čo hovoríte vy, že kto som Ja?“

 On povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

45No, niektorí ľudia hovoria… Katolícka cirkev hovorí, rímskokatolícka cirkev hovorí, že tá skala, ako Ježiš povedal, „Na tejto skale si vybudujem Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu,“… Povedali, že to bolo ohľadom Petra, a Peter bol tou skalou, pretože „Peter“ znamená „malý kameň.“ „A na tomto malom kameni postavím Svoju cirkev.“ A na Petrovi – apoštolská postupnosť – postavili cirkev.

 A zase protestantská cirkev hovorí, „Nie je to tak, On tú cirkev postavil na Samom Sebe.“

 No, nie, že by som chcel protirečiť, ale podľa toho, ako to ja vidím, oba názory sú nesprávne, pretože On ju nikdy nepostavil na Petrovi ani na Sebe; ale bolo to na základe Petrovho zjavenia o tom, kým On bol. Rozumiete? „A vy čo hovoríte o mne, že kto som ja?“

 „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

 „Požehnaný si, Šimone, syn Jonášov: telo a krv ti toto nezjavili (ako nejaké semináre, vidíte); ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti toto zjavil. Ty si Peter a na tejto skale (skale vyznania, na tomto zjavení) vybudujem Svoju cirkev.“

 A to bolo...

46Každý cirkevný vek mal toto skalopevné vyznanie až po dnešné skalopevné vyznanie Laodicei. Ale vy nemôžete vytvoriť svätú cirkev. Nie je nič také ako svätá cirkev alebo svätá organizácia. Duch Svätý v nej môže byť kázaný, ale nachádzate tam dobrých, zlých, odpadlíkov, ľahostajných, všetky možné druhy. A tak organizácia nikdy neudrží… Nemôžete povedať, „My to máme; nikto z ostatných to nemá.“ Nie veru! Duch Svätý je vyliaty na jednotlivcov. Je to všetko individuálne.

 A tak tá skala… Letničná cirkev neskoršieho dňa, ktorá prijala Ducha Svätého, ktorého oni prijali na počiatku… Počas všetkých vekov oni prijali Ducha Svätého, ale nie v takej miere, ako to máme my dnes; lebo je to prinavrátenie počiatku. Keď si vezmeme svietniky, Alfa a Omega, ako zapálili prvú sviecu: ona išla vyššie a vyššie, a bola čoraz viac nejasnejšia a potom sa vrátila na počiatok, a tak ďalej. Vidíte?

47Ale teraz v tomto cirkevnom veku je do cirkvi vyliate posolstvo. Ale samotné telo cirkvi ako celok… Ako táto modlitebňa, môžeme povedať; to je to, kde tá sestra chodí do cirkvi. Táto modlitebňa nie je modlitebňou (stánkom) Ducha Svätého. Nie je nič také. Jednotlivci, ktorí prichádzajú do tejto cirkvi, sú modlitebňami (stánkami) Ducha Svätého. Oni sú stánkami, ktoré obsahujú Ducha Svätého, nie je to cirkev ako skupina. Preto to vyteká.

 Ale tento človek, ktorý vylieval tú vodu, posol pre cirkev, vylieval posolstvo do cirkvi… Ale čo tá voda robila? Zmývala všetok odpad, ktorý v cirkvi bol. To je to, čo robí Duch Svätý: vyplavuje to preč.

 No, ten med reprezentoval bratskú lásku, bratskú láskavosť, čo je tento vek. Práve som vám dohovoril o bratskej láske, o veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

48No, môžete povedať, „Pozri, ja jednoducho nemám veľmi rád brata Nevilla,“ alebo, „vieš, toho brata Jonesa nemám moc rád; nemám rád brata takého a takého,“ alebo niečo také. Ale počkaj, kým sa mu niečo stane; brat, tvoje srdce bude zlomené. Takmer ťa to zabíja. Môžeme obdržať bratskú lásku a cítenie jeden pre druhého. Ale udržovať tak skupinu ľudí…

 Prečo sa o toho brata trápiš? Lebo si tu s ním lámal chlieb na oltári, ako to budete dnes večer; mal si s ním obecenstvo; podával si si s ním ruky; chválil si s ním. On je tvoj brat. A môže urobiť niečo telesné, s čím sa nezhoduješ, a preto sa mu trochu (nemal by si to tak robiť, ale jednako to robíš) – trochu sa mu akoby vyhýbaš. Ale v hĺbke tvojho srdca, ak by sa tomu bratovi alebo sestre niečo stalo, takmer by ťa to zabilo.

 Ja som starý človek. Raz som bol mladý, ale teraz som starý. Vidím to po celý čas. Počul som, ako ľudia hovorili, „Vieš čo, už s ním nikdy nebudem mať nič spoločné.“ A hneď nato sa tomu človeku niečo stalo, takmer ich to zabilo; on si pomyslel, „Ó, Bože, ja nechám môjho vzácneho brata odísť bez toho, aby som s ním bol spriatelený (vidíte?).“ Vidíte, je to bratská láska. Vyzerá, akoby sa v tom nevedel udržať, ale on sa udrží. Ten med, on drží.

49A tak, bolo to až také, že ako prišla dolu pod ten vrch… Tá chválebná Voda sa rútila dolu kopcom v piatich prúdoch. A päť je číslo milosti: J-e-ž-i-š, v-i-e-r-a, m-i-l-o-s-ť, vidíte. Päť je číslo milosti. Päť prúdov tam vytekalo z toho koryta na vrchu. A každý jeden z týchto vekov mal to skalopevné vyznanie. Svätí spali, čakali, čakali, čakali, čakali na príchod tohto veku, ale čoskoro Duch Svätý, ktorý bol vyliaty z Krista, príde a zapečatí cirkev a potom tá cirkev bude vytrhnutá. Bude to kompletný celok Boží, Nevesta pre Krista, ktorý bude hlavou všetkých vecí. Či ma teraz sledujete?

 No, ona bola zvedavá, či… No, v jej sne bola zvedavá, či sa tieto malé prúdy niekedy dostanú dolu. Začínalo to vyschýnať. A keďže ona sama… No, toto je to, čo chcem, aby ste teraz porozumeli. Ona sa zaujímala sama o seba. Či naozaj mala Ducha Svätého?

50Viete, pred pár dňami som sa snažil vyhnúť tomu, aby som toto povedal, keďže som si pritom myslel, že cirkev bude dostatočne duchovná na to, aby to porozumela (a možno bude lepšie, ak sa teraz to nahrávanie vypne, lebo nechcem, aby sa to dostalo von medzi bratov); ale môžete hovoriť v jazykoch, môžete vykrikovať, môžete tancovať, môžete vyháňať diablov, robiť čokoľvek chcete, a stále nemať Ducha Svätého.

 Či sa tí učeníci nevrátili s tým, že sa radovali a kričali, lebo diabli im boli poddaní? A Ježiš… Priamo uprostred nich bol Judáš? Či nepovedal Ježiš, že v tom dni mnohí prídu, že „mnohí ku mne prídu a povedia, ‘Pane, či som nevyháňal diablov a v Tvojom Mene nečinil mocné skutky,‘ a Ja im na to poviem, ‘Odíďte odo mňa, vy činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.‘“ Tieto veci nie sú náznakom Ducha Svätého. Podľa ich ovocia ich spoznáte.

51No, poviete, „Brat Branham, mali by sme hovoriť v jazykoch?“ Samozrejme, to sú dary Božie. Ale tie dary Božie, bez týchto cností v nich to je len kameň úrazu pre neveriacich. Boh také neprijíma. Toto musí byť na prvom mieste. A keď máte vieru, cnosť, známosť, zdržanlivosť, trpezlivosť, zbožnosť a bratskú lásku, potom prichádza Duch Svätý a zapečaťuje vás ako jeden celok, rovnako, ako zapečaťuje cirkevné veky ako jeden celok. A ten spôsob, ako On tvorí Svoju Nevestu, je ten istý spôsob, akým tvorí Svojho jednotlivca: sú učinení z toho istého materiálu, rovnako, ako Eva bola stvorená z Adama, rebro z jeho boku. Toto sú veci, ktoré musíte mať na prvom mieste. Nemôžete ich napodobňovať; nemôžete ich imitovať; musia byť poslané a zrodené od Boha. Napodobňovanie spôsobuje len zamiešanie.

 Je to, ako som povedal: Viete si predstaviť, že by ste videli jastraba, ako sedí s holubím pierkom vo svojich krídlach a hovorí, „Vidíte, som holubica.“ On nie je holubicou, on je jastrabom, supom.

 Viete si predstaviť drozda s pávím pierkom vo svojich krídlach, ako hovorí, „Vidíte…?“ To je len niečo, čo si tam sám strčil. Ale musí to vychádzať zvnútra von a len vtedy to produkuje kresťanstvo. Bože, skrze moc Ducha Svätého...

52A naša sestra mala problémy, keď sa dostala na dno. Všetci vieme, aká dobročinná je sestra Shepherdová… Jej dom je vždy otvorený. Ona a brat… Je mi jedno, či to je bezdomovec, žobrák, alebo kýmkoľvek ten človek je, oni ho nakŕmia a urobia čokoľvek môžu, aby mu spolu pomohli. Ó, Boh to prijal, jej základnú časť. A tu je…

 No, porozumejte túto lekciu: Tu je presne to, čo je dnes problém s… (Na toto by ste to mohli zapínať.) Tu je problém, ktorý sa nachádza v Branhamovej modlitebni. Vidíte? Jestvujú dva rôzne druhy viery; existujú dva rôzne druhy cnosti, ako som to nedávno spomínal; dva rôzne druhy známosti; dva rôzne druhy zdržanlivosti. Niekto si myslí, že to je nejaká prohibícia, zákaz. To nie je ten druh zdržanlivosti, o ktorej Boh hovorí. Je to tá bezbožná neovládateľná zlosť, ktorú máte, a všetko k tomu podobné – drzosť a neustále naťahovanie sa.

53Trpezlivosť, a tak ďalej, existuje napodobenina, pretvárka za prirodzene darovanú vieru, prirodzene darovanú cnosť. Existuje prirodzene darovaná zdržanlivosť. Všetky tieto veci sú prirodzene dané.

 A najväčšia časť našej viery je mentálna viera. Počúvanie Slova nás privádza do mentálneho rozpoznania Boha. A ak to skutočne prichádza zhora, ó, brat, ak to niekedy takto zasiahne, jestvuje skutočne zbožná, duchovná viera. A čo tá viera potom robí? Tá viera rozpoznáva len Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, ona rozpoznáva len Slovo, lebo „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. (A to Slovo je stále Bohom.) A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

 A keď sa to samotné Slovo vylieva do našej viery, naša mentálna viera sa stáva duchovným zjavením… „A na tomto základe postavím Svoju cirkev,“ vidíte, nie na mentálnom poňatí o tom, že sa treba pridať do cirkvi, alebo na mentálnom poňatí niečoho iného, ale na zjavení. A keď sa tie prúdy milosti vylievajú do tejto mentálnej viery, ktorú máte, potom na tomto, na duchovnom zjavení „postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu,“ vidíte. To ukazuje, že oni budú proti nej, ale nikdy ju nepremôžu. Ó, čo za chválebná vec.

54No, vidíte, táto viera, týchto päť prúdov… Mal som tu kúsok kriedy, ale asi sa nám to tu nepodarí znázorniť. Každopádne tých päť prúdov, ktoré tečú dolu, to všetko miešajú dohromady. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý vytvoril Efezskú cirkev. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý dal zrodenie Smyrnenskej cirkvi. Bol to Duch Svätý, ktorý stvoril Pergamskú cirkev a Tyatírsku cirkev vo vekoch temnoty. Je to aj teraz Duch Svätý, ktorý vybudoval tú Nevestu, vyvolených, ktorí sú vytiahnutí zo všetkých tých organizačných systémov, ktoré počas vekov existovali. A je vyvolená predurčená Nevesta Ježiša Krista, ktorú Duch Svätý vyvolal, tí vyvolení. A je tu Duch Svätý v tomto veku, tamtom veku, tamtom, tamtom, tamtom, tamtom, a tak ďalej; celý čas Duch Svätý.

 A teraz ako jednotlivci, tieto cnosti a podobne (naša známosť a zdržanlivosť) – sú pridané ku našej viere, a keď prichádza Štítový Kameň, Duch Svätý to spája dohromady. Z toho je krst Duchom Svätým. Preto je toho dnes tak málo.

55Pozrime sa sem. Mám tu zapísané nejaké poznámky. Venujme tomu pozornosť. Mám tu nakreslený obrázok jej sna, ale odtiaľto to asi nevidíte.

 No, čo to teda pochádza od Ducha Svätého? On ti potom dáva nadprirodzenú vieru, duchovnú vieru, to je tu dole. Potom to jediné, čo tá duchovná viera rozpoznáva, je Slovo. To, čo hovorí ktokoľvek iný, nič neznamená. Ona pozná len Slovo. Ak niekto povie, „Dni zázrakov už pominuli,“ tá viera pozná len Slovo.

 Niekto povie, „Nie je nič také ako krst Duchom Svätým.“ Tá viera pozná len Slovo. To je skutočná duchovná viera. Vidíte? Tak veru. To jediné, čo pozná, je Slovo.

 Takže to je prvá vec. Prvé, čo sa k vám dostane, je vaša mentálna viera, prichádza k vám Duch Svätý, vstupuje do vašej mentálnej viery a pretvára ju na duchovnú vieru a jediné, čo tá duchovná viera rozpoznáva, je Slovo.

56A tá druhá a tretia: Potom budete mať duchovné… budete mať Ducha Svätého a On do vás zapečatí všetky tieto veci, pokryje ich. Od vašej viery až po Ducha Svätého ste zapečatení v Kristovi; potom sa stávate jedno. Amen! [„Môžeš to dať nabok. Je to ťažké na ruky.“] Stávate sa jedným. Vidíte, ty a Kristus žijete spolu. „V tom dni budete vedieť, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec je vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ A to je potom zapečatený celok Pána Boha. Prečo? A potom sú oni potvrdení a umiestnení. Keď sa to deje, stávajú sa potvrdenými synmi a dcérami Božími.

57Pamätáte si, ako je to napísané v Evanjeliu Matúša, v 17. kapitole, od prvého do piateho verša, o Ježišovi na Hore Premenenia? Určite ste počuli tú kázeň, „Toho počúvajte,“ ktorú som tu asi pred rokom kázal, dosť sa to rozšírilo, „Toho počúvajte.“ Umiestnenie syna v Efežanom 1:5 tiež hovorí: „Boh nás predurčil na adopciu synov.“

 Vidíte, rodina… Keď je do nej syn narodený, potom je to syn. Ale ten syn mal svojich učiteľov, ktorí ho vychovávali. A ak z toho syna nikdy nevyrástol ten správny typ človeka, v takom prípade sa nestal dedičom. Ale ak to bol ten správny syn, taký, ktorý poslúchal svojho otca, potom bol adoptovaný alebo umiestnený na určitú pozíciu. Stal sa dedičom toho, čo vlastnil jeho otec.

 A to je to, čo Boh robil na Hore Premenenia. Keď vzal Svojho vlastného Syna, potom, ako dokázal, že On bol tým pravým Synom (vidíte), a obstál vo všetkých pokušeniach, vzal Ho na Horu Premenenia a zatienil Ho.

58V Starom Zákone vzali syna, obliekli ho do krásneho rúcha a postavili ho na verejnosť. A prebiehala tam ceremónia, kde im dávali pozíciu, my tomu hovoríme adoptovanie. Tu v Galaťanom, myslím, že Pavol to spomína ako adoptovanie synov.

 A tak tým, že adoptovali syna… Kazatelia tomu „umiestňovaniu syna“ budú rozumieť, rovnako ako aj čitatelia Biblie. Inak povedané, syn sa stal synom, keď sa narodil.

 Práve tu urobili letniční ľudia chybu. Keď sme narodení do rodiny skrze Ducha Svätého, to je v poriadku, ale stále musíme byť tým správnym druhom detí, ktorí sú vyučovaní tým správnym učiteľom.

59Na druhej strane, ak si človek v tom čase zaumienil, že chce, aby bol jeho syn tým správnym druhom syna, zaobstaral pre neho toho najlepšieho učiteľa, akého vedel nájsť; lebo chcel, aby bol jeho syn taký ako jeho otec. Takže zaobstaral toho najlepšieho učiteľa.

 No, ak sa človek zamyslel nad tým najlepším učiteľom, čo takto Boh, náš Otec? On nikdy nezháňal biskupov, kardinálov a kňazov; zohnal Ducha Svätého, aby bol naším Učiteľom. A Duch Svätý je náš Učiteľ. A On je v cirkvi a nesie Otcovi správy.

  A potom, čo ak Otec… ten Učiteľ príde a povie, „No, Otče...“ No, On sa nebude snažiť nájsť učiteľa, ktorému ide len o to, aby si mohol niečo pripísať k dobru, ako tomu hovoríme; povedať, „Ó, ak tomu Otcovi niečo poviem… Ten chlapec je jednako darebák, ale ak jeho Otcovi poviem niečo dobré, možno mi zvýši plat.“ To nie je ten správny druh učiteľa. Správny učiteľ je čestný, hovorí pravdu. A Duch Svätý hovorí pravdu, keď ohľadom nás pristupuje k Bohu. Tak je.

60A tak prichádza. Čo si myslíte? Dnes by sa hanbil povedať, „Tvoje dcéry si všetky strihajú vlasy a Ty si im povedal, aby to nerobili. Tvoji synovia majú také organizačné myslenie, jednoducho sa nevedia povzniesť jeden nad druhého. A vymieňajú toto za tamto a toto za tamto.“ Ako by sa hanbil niečo také povedať. Ale naopak, akú radosť musí mať, keď môže prísť a povedať, „Ó, toto je skutočný syn. Je presne ako jeho Otec.“ Ako rád musí niečo také hovoriť.

 Potom sa Otec hrdo nadchne a povie, „Toto je Môj syn.“

 To je presne to, čo Boh urobil na Hore Premenenia. Všimnite si, zjavil sa tam Mojžiš a Eliáš. A Peter bol celý nadchnutý z toho, že sa stalo niečo nadprirodzené, a v tom vzrušení povedal, „Postavme tri stánky: jeden pre Teba, jeden pre Mojžiša a jeden pre Eliáša.“

 A zatiaľ čo hovoril, Boh ho umlčal. Povedal, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo. Toho počúvajte,“ vidíte. Boh sa postavil do úzadia a… „Toto je môj Syn.“

61Mojžiš predstavoval zákon. Proroci predstavovali Jeho spravodlivosť. Nemohli by sme žiť podľa Jeho zákona. Nemohli by sme žiť podľa Jeho spravodlivosti. Ja neprosím o žiadnu spravodlivosť; dožadujem sa milosti, nie spravodlivosti. Nedokážem dodržiavať Jeho zákon a nemôžem dodržať Jeho spravodlivosť; ale potrebujem Jeho milosť. A Boh povedal, že v Ňom sa zlúčil zákon so spravodlivosťou. „On je Môj milovaný Syn. Toho počúvajte! Je to On, On je ten pravý.“

 No, v Starom Zákone, keď bol ten syn adoptovaný alebo umiestnený do rodiny, jeho meno bolo v papieroch rovnako platné ako meno jeho otca. Tak veru! Vtedy nemali… V tých časoch mali prsteň, ktorý slúžil ako znamenie, pečať; naslinili ho [Brat Branham buchne päsťou na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.], zapečatili ho. To bola pečať. Bola to… On nosil prsteň svojho otca, jeho pečať; a tá bola rovnako platná ako tá jeho otca.

 Keď bol Ježiš poslušný, Ježiš Bohu, Boh Ho umiestnil do pozície: „Toto je On.“

 No, keď sa jeden člen narodí do Ducha Svätého, do rodiny Božej, a ukáže sa, že sa v ňom nachádzajú tieto cnosti, že Boh v jeho vnútri vidí cnosť, vedomosť, známosť, trpezlivosť, bratskú lásku a pobožnosť, potom ho Boh zapečaťuje a umiestňuje. A tam môžete vidieť synov a dcéry Božie.

62Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, „Nezarmucujte Ducha Svätého, ktorým ste aj zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.“ No, niektorí z vás baptistov, ktorí sa chcú dostať do večného bezpečia, ak sa niekedy dostanete do toho štádia, budem tam s vami stáť v tom večnom bezpečí, ak sa dostanete na to miesto. Ale aby niekto povedal, „Stal som sa členom baptistickej cirkvi“, „Som presbyterián“, „Mám večnú bezpečnosť“, to ste na omyle. Váš vlastný život dokazuje, že to nemáte. Pokiaľ to tam je a Boh si vás adoptoval a zapečatil vás do Ducha Svätého a do Jeho kráľovstva, nijako sa odtiaľ už nedostanete. Ste vo večnom bezpečí. „Nezarmucujte Božieho Ducha Svätého, ktorým ste vy aj vaše Božské cnosti zapečatené až do dňa vykúpenia.“

63Verím, že existuje Nevesta, ktorá je predurčená. Verím, že Boh povedal, že bude mať Cirkev bez vrásky a poškvrny. Verím v predurčenie: že Nevesta je predurčená; ona tam musí byť. Dúfam, že som jej časťou. To je… vidíte. Som v nej. A je to na mne, aby som si dal do poriadku svoje vlastné spasenie s Bohom, až dokiaľ tieto veci nie sú Bohom schválené a zapečatené do kráľovstva Božieho. To je Duch Svätý. To sú skutočné skutky Božie. Je to zapečatené až do dňa vykúpenia.

 To bol jej sen. Myslím, že to bolo nádherné.

64A tak preto, keď to ona robí, keď sa tá cirkev dostane do toho miesta, alebo ten jednotlivec… Tá cirkev tam bude. Dovoľte mi, nech to poviem naozaj jasne, aby ste to porozumeli: cirkvi je predurčené, aby tam bola. Ja s ňou chcem byť, ale jediný spôsob, akým s ňou budem, je, že budem jej časťou.

 Ako sa stanem jej časťou? Tým, že v nej budem. Ako sa do nej dostanem? Skrze krst, skrze Ducha. 1. Korinťanom 12, „Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela,“ jedno Telo, pokrstení do Neho.

65Ale nemôžete dať toto celé dokopy len tým, že poviete, „Hovoril som v jazykoch. Už to mám.“ Potom odtiaľto odídete, nahnevaný, nadávate a začnete vyvádzať, a tak ďalej, to je, ako keď si sojka dáva pávie perie. Nedá sa to tak. Váš vlastný život je dôkazom, že to tak nie je. Ale keď vo vás tieto veci skrze Boha pôsobia, potom ste zapečatení. Nie je na tom žiadna pretvárka. Jednoducho ste samým sebou. Práve vtedy sa manifestujú všetky videnia, dokonalé skutky Ducha Svätého. Prečo je to tak? Ty a Kristus ste sa stali jedno (dúfam, že to rozumiete), ty a Kristus si sa stal jedným.

 Mal som tu ešte niečo, čo som si tu zapísal, počas toho, ako som nad tým uvažoval. Prináša nás to do miesta života, potom máte večný život.

66Ešte tu mám aj grécky slovník, The Emphatic Diaglott. Skúmal som tam nedávno nejaké slová.

 A v Jánovi 14 alebo v Jánovi 3:16 nachádzame miesto, kde sa hovorí, „mať večný život“; a na inom mieste sa tiež hovorí, „mať večný život.“ Ale v hebrejskej verzii sa hovorí, „život bez konca.“ Ale v gréckej je to slovo „ainioan.“ Takmer ako „aeon.“ Aeon je priestor, ktorý sa nedá.. Je to číslo, ktoré je nevyčísliteľné. Ide to poza milióny, miliardy a trilióny. Ale toto je aionion času: večný život. A k tomu anglické slovo je „eternal“ [„večný“ - pozn.prekl.] Poznáme to ako niečo večné, aionion, alebo život bez konca.

 A keď máte život bez konca, ako môžete zahynúť? Stali ste sa časťou večnosti a existuje len jedna večnosť. Satan nie je večný. Nie veru! On sa stal satanom. Peklo nie je večné. Peklo bolo stvorené; nie je to večné. A tieto telá nie sú večné; oni boli stvorené. Ale Duch Boží je večný. Nikdy nemal počiatok a nikdy nebude mať koniec. A ten jediný spôsob, ako môžeme mať večný život (z toho gréckeho slova „zoe,“ čo znamená „Boží vlastný život“), stali sme sa časťou Božou, keď sme sa stali synmi a dcérami Božími a máme aionion život. A tak tá časť, ktorá žije, my, tá rozpoznáva toto Slovo odtiaľto potiaľto, rozpoznáva to aionion života, život bez konca. Je to Boží vlastný život v nás. Amen.

67Nedávno som mal na svojej ceste rozhovor s jedným svedkom Jehovovým. Nič proti kohokoľvek viere. Máme tu veľa obrátených, ktorí tu sedia, od svedkov Jehovových. Jeden z dôverníkov v našej cirkvi je svedok Jehovov – alebo teda bol, potom bol spasený, on a jeho rodina. Jeho otec bol prednášajúcim, brat Wood a ostatní. Všetci jeho bratia a sestry, takmer všetci z nich prišli a prijali Ducha Svätého, kvôli videniam, cez ktoré im Boh hovoril, čo robili a čo… rozumiete. Tak sa to stalo.

68Ale kniha svedkov Jehovových hovorí, že dych, ktorým dýchajú, je duša. To nemôže byť pravda. Dych, ktorý máš, nie je tvoja duša. Ak by to tak bolo, raz by ste boli jedným druhom duše; druhýkrát by ste boli niekým iným, kto tú dušu vdýchol. Pozrite sa, kde by ste boli. No, dych je vietor a vietor je to, čo vdychujete do svojich nozdier.

 Oni k tomu berú to miesto Písma, „A Boh vdýchol dych do ich nozdier a stali sa živou dušou.“ Ale chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak bol človekom, čo za vzduch to potom dýchal pred tým, ako Boh do neho vdýchol dych života? Vidíte? Čo za dych… On dýchal, bol živou ľudskou bytosťou. Čiže ak by to tak bolo, potom by bolo každé zviera živou dušou, lebo dýchajú ľudskú dušu a našu dušu a všetko dokopy. Potom by Ježiš nikdy nemusel zomrieť; zvieracia obeť by stačila, rozumiete. A tak, brat, ten argument neobstojí.

        Ale to, čo Boh urobil, bolo, že vdýchol Dych večného života (Amen!), potom sa stal živou dušou, dušou, ktorá nezomiera. Teraz dávajte pozor. Teraz vás po lakte ponorím do medu. Všimnite si, On vdýchol Dych večného života do jeho nozdier. A on sa stal večnou dušou, lebo Boh vdýchol (nie to, čo urobila príroda, ale to, čo urobil Boh) – vdýchol Dych života do jeho nozdier a on sa stal živou dušou.

69Potom mi poviete, „Adam zomrel, brat Branham.“ Ale pamätajte na to, že pred tým, ako Adam zomrel, bol mal baránka, ktorý ho vykúpil. Haleluja! Tí, ktorých On predzvedel, tých aj povolal. Mal baránka, ktorý ich vykúpil.

 On bol predobrazom. Adam upadol. Potom bol pre Adama zaobstaraný ten baránok, lebo už predtým do jeho nozdier vstúpil Dych večného Boha; a on sa stal živou dušou. Bol synom Božím. Nie jeho dych, ako to africké slovo (neviem teraz z hlavy, aké bolo to grécke slovo, ale…) - to africké slovo volajú niečo ako „amoyah,“ čo znamená „vietor, neviditeľná sila.“ Zvieratá dýchajú amoyah. Hriešnici dýchajú amoyah.

70Prečo by sme potom zápasili pre večný život, keď nám bol ten večný život už vdýchnutý do našich nozdier. Prečo by sme zápasili o večný život? To dáva spätný zápal, brat. Nefunguje to tak. Ale Boh vdýchol vzduch večného života konkrétne na Adama a on sa stal večnou osobou s Bohom. Mal moc ako Boh: on bol Boh-amatér. Bol bohom na zemi, nie Bohom neba, ale bohom na zemi.

 A jedného dňa sa synovia Boží opäť stanú bohmi. Ježiš tak povedal, „Či nie je vo vašom zákone napísané, ‘Vy ste bohovia‘? Keď tak môžete nazývať tých, ktorých On nazval bohmi, ktorých navštívil Boh, ako môžete za to odsudzovať Mňa, keď poviem, že som Synom Božím?“ Teraz sa dostávame do niečoho hlbokého. Sledujte, ako to rozoberáme.

71No, tu ich máme. On je synom Božím, ale robí chybu. Vie, že niečo nerobí správne. Ale pamätajte, Adam nebol zvedený. Biblia tak hovorí, 1. Timoteovi 3, „Adam nebol zvedený, ale bola to žena, ktorá ho zviedla, ona bola v prestúpení.“ Adam vykročil s Evou, lebo to bola jeho žena. Tak isto Kristus, On nebol zvedený satanom, ale vstúpil do smrti so Svojou Nevestou. Išiel, aby bol s Nevestou, aby mohol vykúpiť Cirkev.

 Adam vedel, že bol na omyle, tak len vyšiel s Evou. Ale bol tam pre nich zaobstaraný baránok, ktorý svedčil o tom, že boli vykúpení. A dnes tieto baránky, ktoré boli predzvedené Bohom a ktorých Boh povolal, existuje Vykupiteľ. „Nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, pokiaľ ho prv Môj Otec nepotiahne; a všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu.“ Je to tak?

 A tak existuje Baránok, poskytnutý od založenia sveta, kde sú ich mená zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života. Bol zaobstaraný Baránok, aby pre každého jedného vyšliapal cestu milosti, aby mohli ísť do vzkriesenia. Poskytnutý Baránok, Adamov Baránok.

72Všimnite si, že Adam mal poskytnutého baránka. To je dnešná cirkev. Nemyslím tým cirkvi. Viete čo? Nehovorím to svätokrádežne, a už vôbec nechcem nikomu zraniť city. Nie som tu na to, aby som to robil, lebo už som vysvetlil, čo mám na mysli; som tu, aby som pomohol. Ale to, čo sa snažím urobiť… Viete čo? Tieto cirkvi v skutočnosti ani nie sú cirkvi. Jestvuje len jedna cirkev. Tamto sú len lóže; oni sú len lóžami. Nemám nič… je to v poriadku, ale chcem vám to za pár minút dokázať, že sú to len lóže. Patríte do metodistickej lóže, do presbyteriánskej lóže alebo letničnej lóže, a tam to hasne. Vidíte? Lóže! Rozumiete? Nemôžete… Vidíte, cirkvi sú v skutočnosti len lóžami, kde sa stretávajú ľudia s rovnakými ideami. Ale cirkev je len jedna. A do tej cirkvi sa nemôžete pripojiť; ste do nej narodení. A keď ste do nej narodení, stávate sa jej členom.

 Rovnako ako rodina. Ja som v Branhamovej rodine vyše päťdesiattri rokov; ale nikto ma nikdy nepožiadal, aby som sa k nej pripojil. Prečo? Ja sa nemusím pripojiť k rodine. Ja som sa narodil ako Branham. A rovnako ste aj vy narodení do Cirkvi. No, tieto ďalšie sú len lóže. Napadlo vám to niekedy? Tak veru!

73Raz som kosil trávu, trochu som rozmýšľal a spomenul som si na túto veľkú svätú katolícku cirkev, ako to nazývajú. A len som si pracoval, ďalej kosil a zrazu ma niečo zastavilo, „Nehovor tomu tak.“ A pozrel som sa dookola. Išiel som pokračovať v kosení a zase ma to zastavilo, „Nenazývaj ich tak.“ Niečo povedalo, „Sú to len lóže ako všetky ostatné. Oni nie sú cirkev. Je len jedna jediná Cirkev.“ Vidíte? Oni sú členmi lóže, lebo sa môžete pripojiť do lóže, ale nemôžete sa pripojiť do cirkvi. Do Cirkvi sa narodíte. Stávate sa jej členom skrze nové narodenie, až potom ste členom rodiny, bratom alebo sestrou.

74No, dovoľte mi, aby som vám prečítal niečo z Emphatic Diaglott, zo Zjavenia 17:3, v Apokalypse Emphatic Diaglott tu, len to sledujte, ako je to opísané a ako nádherné je to s tým porovnané: Zjavenie 16 … 17. V poriadku! No, prečítajme si tu niečo na chvíľu. Dobre to počúvajte. Zjavenie 17:3:

A jeden z tých siedmich anjelov majúc sedem čiaš a on prehovoril ku mne [to čítam zo slovníka] a mal… Poď, ukážem ti súd tej veľkej smilnice, ktorá sedí na mnohých vodách: (Všetci vieme, že je to Vatikán.)

75Tu máme časopis „Náš nedeľný návštevník“ z katolíckej cirkvi, ktorý nám presne hovorí, čo to je, vidíte. A odpoveď na to bola, „Ale počkaj chvíľu.“ Povedal, „Bolo veľa mien,“ povedal, „ktoré by mohli znamenať 666.“

 Povedal som, „Ale počkaj chvíľu!“

 On povedal, „Tvoje meno môže byť 666..“

 Ale ja som povedal, „Ale ja nesedím na siedmich vrchoch a nevládnem svetu,“ vidíte. Rozumiete, tak to je.

…ukážem súd tej veľkej smilnice, ktorá sedí na mnohých vodách; (Vody, Zjavenie 17:15, sú veľké množstvá ľudí.)

S ktorými králi zeme páchali cudzoložstvá a obyvatelia zeme sa opili vínom jej cudzoložstiev.

        Teraz sledujte!

A on ma v Duchu priviedol na púšť (Toto je Emphatic Diaglott); a uvidel som ženu, ako sedela na šelme odiatej v šarláte, plná rúhavých mien,…

 A teraz vo verzii kráľa Jakuba sa hovorí, „…plná mien rúhania.“ (Len chvíľu. Za chvíľu sa sem dostaneme. Zjavenie 3.) V poriadku, tu to je. V poriadku, Zjavenie, myslel som 17, nie 7, ale 17. Teraz počúvajte tento 3. verš:

A v duchu ma odviedol na púšť: a uvidel som ženu, ktorá sedela na šelme odiatej v šarláte, plná mien rúhania,…

 Tak je to v angličtine podané, ale v originálnej gréčtine z Diaglottu sa to hovorí takto. Počúvajte, Zjavenie 17:3:

A v Duchu ma priviedol na púšť; a uvidel som ženu, ktorá sedela na šelme v šarlátovej farbe, plná rúhavých mien,…

 To je veľký rozdiel, medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Čo to je?

76A tak, ona bola matka smilníc. Všetci to vieme. No, čo to je? Nemusíte byť… Nuž, tak veru. Na to by bola treba rímsko-katolícka cirkev, ale ona je plná rúhavých mien: metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni a všetci ostatní, sami sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími – rúhavé mená. Je veľký rozdiel medzi „menami rúhania“ a „rúhavými menami.“ Nazývajú sa cirkvou Božou a prezentujú sa pred svetom pri kartových hrách, pijú a vyvádzajú, večierky a všetko možné, až sa to dostáva do bodu, kde… Je len jedna cirkev. Do nej ste narodení. Do nej neprichádzate, dokiaľ nie ste obmytí Krvou Baránka a zapečatení Duchom Svätým.

77Čo za rozdiel medzi výrazmi „mená rúhania“ a „rúhavé mená.“ Rozumiete tomu? Mne to došlo dnes ráno, keď som to čítal, ako som sem išiel. Niečo mi jednoducho povedalo, „ Choď do svojej izby; zober si Diaglott.“ No, to je len poslušnosť, to je všetko. Vstúpil som, vybral som Zjavenie 17. Pomyslel som si, „Prečo chceš, aby som si toto prečítal?“ Začal som čítať. Len čo som na to natrafil, „Tu to je.“ Mám ceruzku a zapísal som si to. Povedal som, „Tu to je.“

78Nuž, kritizujú ma za to, že karhám organizácie. To sú tie rúhavé mená, ktoré sa nazývajú cirkvami Božími a cirkvami Krista a cirkvami metodistov a cirkvami… Sú to lóže, nie cirkvi. Jedna jediná Cirkev je Cirkev Pána Ježiša Krista. A čo to je? Tajomné telo Ježiša Krista v účinkovaní na zemi, tvorené z členov patriacich do akéhokoľvek z týchto zhromaždení, oni tvoria Kristovo telo. Musíte sa do neho narodiť; nepripájate sa do toho. A pripojiť sa do nej je už samo o sebe rúhavé meno.

79Táto žena, jej moc… Teraz dokonca vidíte, ako chcú zobrať všetkých ľudí, ktorí majú odlišné idei o náboženstve, a poslať ich na Aljašku. Videli ste to. Všetky naše divné náuky… A čo to je? Rada, Svetová Rada Cirkví. A katolícka cirkev sa teraz snaží zasahovať vo Vatikáne, snažia sa tam… Všetci títo biskupi a podobne sa snažia dospieť k dohode, aby mohli spolu bojovať proti komunizmu. Svet bojuje proti komunizmu, ale len sa tým pridáva ku katolicizmu.

80Dnes to je tak, ako to je: sme tu, ako som už povedal, „Sme takmer v bankrote. Požičiavame si a míňame peniaze na daniach, ktoré sa budú platiť o štrnásť rokov.“ Až tak ďaleko sme zašli. Kto vlastní svetové peniaze? Katolícka cirkev. Ako by to mohlo byť požičané Spojeným Štátom? Aby si nechali svoj tabak, whisky a ostatné firmy. Istotne si to požičajú… Keď to urobia, predajú svoje prvorodenstvo priamo rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi. My sa len zlučujeme. Sledujte to, ako to je jasné, jasnejšie ako čítanie novín; tu to je.

81Sú to metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, a tak ďalej, nazývajú sa Božími cirkvami. Katolíci, a tak ďalej, je to moc šelmy plnej rúhavých mien. Nazývajú sa, „Ja som...“

 Nedávno som tu išiel do nemocnice, aby som sa pomodlil za jednu osobu. Povedal som, „Pôjdeme...“ Bola to moja mama. Povedal som, „Pomodlíme sa za mamu.“

 A tá pani povedala, „Zastrite tú záclonu.“

 Povedal som, „Nie ste kresťanka?“

 Ona povedala, „My sme metodisti.“

 Povedal som, „Ďakujem. Myslel som si, že ste možno veriaca.“ A tak som len okolo seba pozastieral tie záclony, vidíte? Ak nie ste kresťanom, to je niečo iné, ale povedať, „My sme metodisti.“ Čo za rúhanie!

82Šelma, cirkvi, takzvané cirkvi, oni v skutočnosti nie sú cirkvami. Chcem sa uistiť, že sa toto nahráva. Oni nie sú cirkvi; sú to lóže. Ľudia sa k nim pripájajú, ale k cirkvi živého Boha, sa nedá pripojiť. Do nej ste narodení skrze krst Duchom Svätým. A keď ste pokrstení Duchom Svätým, tieto cnosti sú vo vás skrze Ducha Svätého zapečatené; a preto, „Ten, ktorý je narodený z Boha nepácha hriech.“ Nemôže. Tu to máte. Ó! Mohli by sme takto pokračovať celý deň, či nie?

83Cirkev je tajomným telom Krista, zrodená z dychu Božieho. Či ste to porozumeli? Cirkev Božia je zrodená z dychu Božieho. Boh duchovne vydýchol Adama zo Svojich nozdier a on sa stal živou dušou. Či ste vedeli, že letniční alebo tá pravdivá letničná cirkev je zrodená z dychu Božieho?

 Dovoľte, nech vám na chvíľu niečo prečítam, čo sa toho týka. Za chvíľu to uvidíte. Myslím, že to je sv. Ján, pozrieme sa tam a zistíme, či to je cirkev Božia alebo nie. Sv. Ján… Moment, myslím, že to je asi 16, 19, 20. V poriadku. Tu, myslím, že už to tu máme. V poriadku. Dovoľte, nech vám to prečítam a zistím, či je cirkev zrodená z dychu Božieho, ako bol aj Adam na počiatku, alebo nie. Sledujte.

A keď bol večer toho dňa, prvého dňa týždňa, a dvere, kde boli učeníci shromaždení, boli zamknuté zo strachu pred Židmi, prišiel Ježiš a zastal si do prostredku a povedal im: Pokoj vám!

A keď to povedal, ukázal im svoje ruky aj svoj bok. A tak zaradovali sa učeníci, keď videli Pána.

Vtedy im zase povedal Ježiš: Pokoj vám! Ako mňa poslal Otec, tak i ja posielam vás.

 Sledujte! Ten Otec, ktorý Ho poslal, išiel v Ňom. A keď Ježiš posiela Svojho učeníka, On ide v Ňom. Ten istý je poslaný.

A keď to povedal, dýchnul na nich a povedal im: Prijmite Svätého Ducha! (Cirkev zrodená z dychu Božieho.)

84Keď je táto postava vymodelovaná do toho správneho stavu, Boh do nej dýchne a ona prijíma Ducha Svätého. Potom sa stávate synom Božím. Môžete sa pripojiť, do čoho chcete, jednako ste narodení do cirkvi živého Boha, zrodení z dychu Božieho. Boh do vás vdýchol a povedal, „Príjmite [Brat Branham vydáva zvuk dýchania.] Ducha Svätého.“ Ó, tu to máte. Nie „Príďte sem a pripojte sa, podpíšte sa tu svojím menom,“ a majte polievkové večierky a všetko, čo s tým ide. Vy sa pripájate do lóže. Môžete sa pridať do metodistickej lóže, baptistickej lóže, presbyteriánskej lóže, katolíckej lóže alebo letničnej lóže, do čohokoľvek sa chcete pripojiť, pripájate sa len do lóže. Ale keď sa stávate dieťaťom Božím, ste zrodení z dychu Božieho. Amen! A bude lepšie, keď to už tak necháme. V poriadku.

85Boží život je potom tiež vo vás. Ježiš povedal, (len na chvíľu) – Ježiš povedal, „Ja som vinič, vy ste letorasty.“ Pozrite. Čo bol ich problém s Ježišom? Ich problém s Ježišom bol, že On bol človek, ktorý sa robil Bohom. On bol Bohom. Boh bol v Kristovi, vidíte. A On im povedal, „Nehľaďte na Mňa. To nie som Ja; je to môj Otec a On prebýva vo Mne,“ vidíte.

 Viete, oni sa pozerali na to malé telo, ktoré porodila Mária. To nebol Boh; to bol Syn Boží, ale v tom tele sa nachádzal Boh. To bol Boh. On povedal, „Ak Ja nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Ma odsúďte. Ale ktorý z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu (nevery v Slovo)? Ktoré Slovo, ktoré o Mne povedal Boh, nebolo vyplnené? Hriechom je nevera. Ktorý z vás ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Tým hriechom je nevera. Ukážte mi. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak činím… keď už nemôžete veriť Mne, verte skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo ony o Mne svedčia.“ Inak povedané, „Otec je vo Mne a On svedčí o Samom Sebe,“ lebo Boh bol v Kristovi, zmieriac svet so Sebou. Rozumiete? No, ten istý život, ktorý je vo viniči, je tiež v letoraste. Ako sa môžete do toho pripojiť? To sa nedá.

86Nedávno som na dvore brata Sharrita v Arizone videl strom, ktorý mal na sebe deväť rôznych citrusových druhov ovocia. Čo to bolo? Bol to pomarančový strom, druhu pupen, ale mal na sebe citrón, mandarínku, tangerínku a grep; malo to viacero druhov. A ja som tam stál, hľadel na ten strom a povedal, „Brat Sharrit, chceš mi povedať, že tento strom je pomaranč?“

 On povedal, „Jasné.“

 Povedal som, „Ale ako to?“ Povedal som, „Vidím tu grep, mandarínku a tangerínku a citrón a všetky tieto druhy ovocia. Ako sa to tam dostalo?“

  On povedal, „No, vieš, oni sú tam vštepené.“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „ale chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Keď si teraz odtrhneš grep a citrón, čo tam bude na budúci rok? Splodí to potom pomaranč alebo čo?“

 „Ó, nie!“ Povedal, „Splodí to citrón!“

 „Ó,“ povedal som, „ďakujem.“

87Nemôžete to robiť. Nemôžete sa pripojiť. Ale on povedal, že každý rok, ako ten strom starne, vyženie nový konár a ten plodí pomaranče, ak on sám vydá ten letorast.

 A tak to, čo sme sa my snažili dosiahnuť, je pripojiť sa a stať sa Jeho členmi, a potom žijeme pod menom kresťanstva; lebo sme (jednoducho povedané) - „My sme citrusový strom,“ kresťanská cirkev. Ale keď vinič vydáva vinič, bude to presne ako ten prvý vinič, ktorý to vydal. Ak pri tom prvom viniči, ktorý to vydal, bola napísaná kniha Skutkov, ak niekedy potom vypukne ďalší vinič, bude písať knihu Skutkov. Tak veru.

88A tak vy sa len pripájate do lóží. Ale keď ste zrodení z viniča, máte ovocie; tak veru. Máte ovocie, ale čo s ním robíte? Máte formu pobožnosti, ale zapierate jej moc. Zapierate znamenia; zapierate divy; zapierate Ducha Svätého. Zapierate hovorenie v jazykoch; zapierate videnia; zapierate proroctvá. Zapierate uzdravovanie a jednako sa tak nazývate. Niet divu, že Duch Svätý povedal, „Moc skupín ľudí plných rúhavých mien (istotne!), ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi s formou pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc. Takých sa stráň, lebo toto je tá sorta ľudí, ktorí vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené rôznymi žiadosťami.“

 Všetky možné organizácie, cirkev je tak plná tejto spoločnosti a tamtej spoločnosti. Ale čo takto spoločnosť Ježiša Krista? Vidíte? Máme všetky tieto ostatné veci, ale tým len nakladáme na cirkev bremeno. To je všetko.

89Nikdy sa nemôžete do cirkvi pripojiť; pripájate sa do lóže. Ste členom lóže, skupiny ľudí, rovnako, ako je to v lóži. „My veríme v toto; my máme svoje ustanovenia, vlastné diskrétnosti, a tak ďalej.“ Presne toto robíte, keď sa pripájate do takzvanej cirkvi, ale nemôžete sa pridať do tej skutočnej cirkvi. Pridali ste sa len do lóže plnej členov, ale nie do cirkvi, lebo do tej cirkvi sa narodíte. A ten samotný vinič… Sledujte na chvíľu. Už zakončím. Až za chvíľu.

 Všimnite si! Prepáčte, nechcel som to tak povedať. Pozerajte! Ak Boh spojil túto Nevestu s tým Duchom, potom to spája toho jednotlivca s tým Duchom. Vidíte? Potom ste narodení do toho Kráľovstva a potom práve ten život, ktorý bol v tejto cirkvi, je aj v tamtej cirkvi a v tamtej a tamtej a tamtej. A samotný ten život, ktorý bol v šupke, vo viniči, Sám Ježiš sa nachádza v každom členovi, ktorého On vydal. Sláva! „To isté, čo Ja činím, tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Tam sa nachádza ten pravdivý člen tela Kristovho; nie je k tomu pripojené žiadne meno. Tie skutky toho jednotlivca dokazujú, odkiaľ prichádza. Jeho život svedčí o tom, kým je.

 „Si…? Člen čoho? Do akého tela patríš?“

 „Do tela Kristovho!“

 „No, a kedy si sa do neho pripojil?“

 Ja som sa do neho nepripojil; ja som sa do neho narodil,“ vidíte. „Ja som sa do neho narodil.“

 Nemusíte im to hovoriť. Oni vedia, čo sa stalo. „Ako môžete zapáliť sviečku a postaviť na ňu nádobu?“ Tak On povedal. Vidíte? Nie veru!

90Keď sa narodíte do toho kráľovstva Božieho, potom ten život, ten istý život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi… Potom máte záujem o duše. Potom nemusíte prosiť ľudí, aby prišli k oltáru. Nemusíte nikoho prosiť, aby prišiel, či by sa niekto nenašiel pri oltári. Tieto veci potom plynú automaticky, lebo je to vo vás zapečatené. Ste jednotkou Boha. Ste zapečatení s Duchom Svätým.

 A ináč, viete, čo znamená Duch Svätý? To neznamená, že som vyskakoval a vykrikoval alebo mal nejaké zvláštne pocity. To je všetko v poriadku. Veľakrát som vyskakoval, vykrikoval a mal zvláštne pocity. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Verím, že Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Istotne! Vykladal som. Tak veru! V to verím tiež. Ale to nie je o tom. To nie je to, o čom hovorím. Môže tam niekde niečo pretekať. V tvojej trpezlivosti môže byť nejaká medzera. Nech ťa len niekto udrie na jedno líce na tvári. Či mu obrátiš aj to druhé? Ale povieš, „Ten špinavý pokrytec.“ Potom tam niekde niečo preteká. Radšej to necháme tak. V poriadku. Ale viete, čo mám na mysli. Ale keď ste do toho tela Kristovho zapečatení, potom ste naplnení Duchom a stávate sa synom Božím.

91Ó, keby som len mal desať minút, aby som tu mohol niečo prečítať, ale… Vydržali by ste so mnou ešte ďalších desať minút? Chcem niečo prečítať. Už len kúsok. Pravdupovediac, toto jedlo nám neprihorí; to vás uisťujem (vidíte), ak toto ešte na pár minút prečítame. Je to jednoducho príliš dobré na to, aby sme to len tak nechali. Mám len pár vecí, ktoré mi prichádzajú na myseľ a chcem ich povedať.

 Otvorme si sv. Jána, 3. kapitolu, hovorí sa tam o večnom živote. Skúsme sa dozvedieť, čo sa tu hovorí o probléme večného života – Božieho života. No, sledujte tu.

A bol istý človek z farizejov, ktorému bolo meno Nikodém, židovské knieža.

Ten prišiel k Ježišovi vnoci a povedal mu: Rabbi, vieme, že si prišiel od Boha jako učiteľ, lebo nikto nemôže činiť divy, ktoré ty činíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.

 No, ten súd Sanhedrinu rozpoznal, že On bol Syn Boží. Oni o tom vedeli. Tu bol ich panovník, ktorý Mu hovoril, „Vieme, že si Učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo v Tebe prúdi vlastný Boží život,“ vidíte. „Vieme, že tvoje učenie nie je z Teba samého; je to z Boha, lebo Boh ho dokazuje,“ vidíte. „Prúdi cez Teba Boží život.“

92Teraz sledujte!

Ježiš mu odpovedal: Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že ak sa niekto nenarodí z vody a z Ducha, nemôže vojsť do kráľovstva Božieho.

 Ó, „Jedine, ak sa pripojíš do mojej cirkvi“? Ó! Vidíte, ako im to uchádza?

Ježiš mu odpovedal: Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že ak sa niekto nenarodí z vody a z Ducha, nemôže vojsť do kráľovstva Božieho.

Čo sa narodilo z tela, je telo, a čo sa narodilo z Ducha, je Duch.

Nediv sa, že som ti povedal: Musíte sa narodiť znova.

Vietor, kam chce, tam veje, (Vidíte? Znovu to tam je. Vracia sa to tam.) Vietor, kam chce, tam veje, a čuješ jeho zvuk, ale nevieš, odkiaľ prichádza a kam ide; tak je to s každým, kto sa narodil z Ducha.

 A Nikodém odpovedal a riekol mu: Jako sa to môže stať?

Ježiš odpovedal a riekol mu: Veď si ty učiteľ Izraelov a toho nevieš? (Pozrite sa, tento brat, DD, PhD, LLD, vidíte) … a toho nevieš?

Ameň, ameň ti hovorím, že čo vieme, hovoríme, a čo sme videli, svedčíme, ale neprijímate nášho svedoctva. („My poznáme tieto veci. Videli sme ich; poznáme ich, a ty neprijímaš naše svedectvo“. Cirkevný pripájač, vidíte.)

Ak som vám povedal zemské veci, a neveríte, jako potom, ak vám poviem nebeské, uveríte?! (No, počúvajte toto. Sledujte!)

A nikto nevstúpil hore do neba, iba ten, ktorý sostúpil z neba - Syn človeka, ktorý je v nebi.

 Skúste na toto prísť.

93Viete, On raz povedal, „Čo si myslíte o Kristovi? Koho je On Syn?“

 Oni povedali, „Syn Dávidov.“

 On povedal, „Prečo mu potom Dávid v Duchu povedal, 'Povedal Pán môjmu pánovi, seď po mojej pravici‘?“ Ako môže On byť Jeho Pánom a zároveň aj Jeho Synom? Nikto sa Ho už viac nič nepýtal.

 V Zjavení povedal, „Ja som koreň a potomok Dávidov,“ vidíte. „Ja som vinič a tiež letorast. Ja som počiatok. Ja som bol pred samotným počiatkom; Ja som bol počiatkom a Ja som bol aj Jeho potomkom.“

 No, tu On hovorí, „Nikto nikdy nezostúpil z neba, okrem Syna človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.“

 Jedna pani sa ma raz niečo opýtala a povedala, „Odpovedz mi na toto.“

 Povedala, „Ku komu sa Ježiš modlil v Getsemanskej záhrade?“

 Povedal som, „O kom to hovoril, keď povedal, 'Žiaden človek nevystúpil do neba, jedine ten, ktorý zostúpil do neba, a to je Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.‘?“

94Tu On je, stojí na balkóne a rozpráva sa s Nikodémom a hovorí, „Som v nebi.“ Je to tak? Necháme to na dnes večer, čo na to hovoríte? Už začína byť neskoro. Ó! Rozmýšľajme nad tým aspoň trochu dnes popoludní.

 Ako sa dostanete do cirkvi? Narodením! Akým spôsobom? Dychom Božím!

 Dýchaj na mňa, dýchaj na mňa;

 Duch živého Boha, dýchaj na mňa.

 To je mojou modlitbou. Nech len Duch Svätý dýcha. Ó, ten Dych Boží. Čo to je? Zapečatený v Kráľovstve Božom, vediac, že v tej chvíli, keď som po prvýkrát vyznal, „Verím v Ježiša Krista.“… Áno.

95Potom ku svojej viere pridávam známosť, Božskú cnosť. Potom ku svojej cnosti pridávam známosť Slova. Ku svojej známosti pridávam zdržanlivosť, sebakontrolu. Mám to rád, „V mojej krajine od Teba… Korunuj moju dušu sebakontrolou… od mora ku žiarivému moru.“ Trpezlivosť. Ó! Testovaný: neboj sa, satan ti ich pridá.

 Teraz sa šplhám po rebríku, vidíte. Pridal som cnosť, známosť, zdržanlivosť; teraz som pridal trpezlivosť. Ale stále nemám Ducha Svätého. Potom, ako som pridal trpezlivosť, som pridal pobožnosť. Viete, čo to je? Ako Boh. To som pridal. Nesprávaj sa neslušne; správaj sa, ako sa patrí kresťanskému džentlmenovi. Nech to nie je pretvárka. Niečo je vo mne, tá láska Božia vo mne vrie… Vidíte? Nehovorte, „No, možno by som to aj vedel urobiť, ale radšej to nechám tak.“ Vidíte? Ó! Jednako to tam je. Je to narodenie. Bol som do tohto zrodený, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto, do tohto a potom do lásky Božej, Kristus prichádza a všetko to vo mne zapečaťuje pre Jeho službu. Rozumiete?

96Čo potom On robí, keď ti dá Ducha Svätého? Ukladá ťa na oddelené miesto, označuje ťa. Potom si inou osobou. Už nie si viac zo sveta (vidíte), si inak odiaty. Je to iný odev. Nie toto vonkajšie oblečenie. Nie veru! Nemusíte byť výstrední a podivní, s obráteným golierom ako na nejakú ceremóniu. Nie veru! Tak sa to nerobí. Telesne sa obliekate… Počíta sa ten duchovný odev. Svadobný odev, ktorý bol na vás daný. Akí potom ste? Takí, aký bol Ježiš.

97Sledujte, On bol zatônený, a bol pred ich očami premenený. A Jeho odev žiaril ako slnko. Tam bol Ježiš, Boh, a On umiestňoval Svojho vlastného Syna. A potom prišiel Mojžiš. Po ňom prišiel Eliáš. A Peter povedal, „Viete, je dobré tu byť.“ Vidíte, aký je človek? Ó, stane sa niečo nadprirodzené… Povedal, „Postavme tri modlitebne. Postavme jednu pre Mojžiša, jednu pre Eliáša a jednu pre Teba.“

 A ešte ani len nedohovoril, Boh celú tú vec zastavil a povedal, „Toto je môj milovaný Syn. On dodržal všetko, čo som vyžadoval od Mojžiša, cez Neho som vydal zákon a spravodlivosť skrze prorokov. Jeho počúvajte. Ja teraz odstúpim zo scény. Len Ho počúvajte. Toho počúvajte.“ Ó, čo za nádhernú vec!

98A keď sme splnili tieto požiadavky a stali sme sa plnými Božích cností a Božích vecí, potom prichádza Duch Svätý a zapečaťuje nás do Kráľovstva. Nebojte sa. Každý bude vedieť, že to máte. Nebudete musieť hovoriť, „Ó, chvála Bohu, ja viem, že to mám; hovoril som v jazykoch. Sláva Bohu, viem, že to mám; raz som kedysi tancoval v Duchu.“ Nebudete o tom musieť ani ceknúť; každému bude jasné, že to máte. Nebojte sa; ono to bude svedčiť samé o sebe. On to dá ľuďom vedieť.

99Nech vás Boh žehná. Som tak rád, že som tu dnes ráno s vami a máme toto obecenstvo. Počúvajte! Náš zbor je tak malý, stále nemáme dostatok miesta pre všetkých ľudí, ktorí sem chodia. Nie sme žiadna organizácia. Veríme a máme obecenstvo s každou organizáciou. Ale sem prichádzate, lebo sem chcete chodiť. A milujeme vás a chceme, aby každá organizácia, každá jedna osoba…

 Verím, že vo všetkých tých organizáciách sa nájdu ľudia, ktorí sú kresťania. Sú to bratia a sestry v Kristovi. A tak preto nemáme žiadne záväzky, nič, čo potrebujete splniť, aby ste sa k nám mohli pridať, nič iné, len byť Kresťanom.

100Ako zvykol Howard Cadle hovoriť, „Nemáme žiaden zákon okrem lásky, žiadnu knihu okrem Biblie, žiadne vyznanie okrem Krista.“ Tak veru. Príďte a navštívte nás. Sme radi, že… Veríme v plné Evanjelium, každý kúsok Slova. Veríme to presne tak ako… Nič ku tomu nepridávame a nič od toho neodoberáme, žiadne organizačné veci. Nechávame to tak, ako to je. To je celé. A vždy sme radi, keď vás môžeme privítať. Príďte ku nám, keď budete môcť. Modlíme sa za chorých. Veríme vo všetko, čo Biblia hovorí, aby sme robili. Nechávame svoje slabosti zabudnuté vzadu a tlačíme sa vpred k cene horného povolania.“

101A ešte jedna vec. Dovolíte mi, aby som to povedal? Predvčerom ráno… Na nástenke si môžete všimnúť videnie. Mal som videnie. Bolo to asi o piatej ráno, moja žena vie presnejšie, alebo šesť. Zobudil som sa. Zobudili sme sa, aby sme pripravili deti do školy. Raz za čas sa mi to takto stáva; všetci viete, ako to je, nikdy to nezlyháva. Je to úplne dokonalé, nikdy to nezlyháva.

 A myslel som si, že som tým najšťastnejším človekom, akého som kedy videl. Stál som v slnku, „s-u-n“, a kázal som Evanjelium veľkému obrovskému publiku (len som chcel zistiť, či sa to nahrávalo), bolo to veľké publikum. A ľudia sedeli v lese a žiarili na nich slnečné lúče, len tu a tam, dostávalo sa tam Slovo.

102A ako zvyčajne som kázal príliš dlho. Kázal som tak dlho, až publikum fyzicky vyhladlo. A niektorí z nich sa až tak unavili, že sa išli von najesť, začali vychádzať von. Povedal som, „Nerobte to, nie.“

 Mal som dva vrcholy, ku ktorým som sa chcel vo svojej kázni dostať. Pán mi to tak dal. A každý kazateľ vie, aké to je, keď vám Boh niečo udelí, vy len horíte, aby ste to dali ľuďom vedieť. A tak ja som len kázal, (Charlie), tak tvrdo, ako som len mohol, prestieral som to pred nich a hovoril som, „Všetky tieto veľké veci… toto, čo Boh robí, pozerajte na to. On rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca. Čo to je? Slovo,“ a tak som pokračoval.

103Ó, keby som si len pamätal, čo som vtedy hovoril, čo bol môj text. Vôbec si to neviem spomenúť. Ale len som kázal a kázal a sledoval som sa pri tom. A potom, keď som tam stál a sledoval sa, ako kážem… A kázal som o tom, „ktorí to nebudú mať, ktorí to minú.“ A po chvíli som zvýšil hlas a pomyslel som si, „Sláva Bohu!.“ Povedal som, „Pozrite na tieto nádherné veci a toto...“

 Priamo nato som si všimol, že ľudia akoby telesne vyhladli. Už dostali dostatok toho duchovného, takže začali odchádzať a niektorí z nich [Brat Branham ich napodobňuje a zíva – pozn.prekl.] začali odchádzať. Pomyslel som si, „Čo sa to tu so všetkými deje?“A pozrel som sa a boli tam nejaké mladé páry, ktoré išli po mojom boku, a zastavil som sa; povedal som, „Moment, priatelia, len chvíľku. Buďte späť pred tým, ako padnú večerné tiene.“ Vidíte? Povedal som, „Vráťte sa.“ Ale dovoľte, nech sa dostanem do toho prvého vyvrcholenia. „Odkiaľ pochádzajú všetky tieto veci, ktoré som vám ukázal? Odkiaľ sú?“ Povedal som, „Tu ich máte. Oni sú v Slove Božom. Sú 'TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,‘ Jeho zasľúbenie, lebo, povedal som, „Všetci mi vydávate svedectvo, svedčíte, že moje poverenie je 'zostať so Slovom.'“ Povedal som, „Čo sa to s vami deje? Či nedokážete porozumieť Slovu? Musíte tomu rozumieť.“

 A niekto povedal, „Človeče, mám chuť na nejaké sušienky alebo niečo...“ a tak podobne.

104Nuž, len som si pomyslel, „No, sláva Bohu. Ak chcú sušienky, nech si pre ne idú.“ A tak som sa obrátil; pomyslel som si, „Ó, ale viete čo? Tiene za chvíľu padnú. Hneď za chvíľu.“ A povedal som, „A tak dnes večer, keď sa to zhromaždenie opäť zíde… Potom som im predstavil to vyvrcholenie a povedal im, že veci, ktoré ma videli robiť, sa nachádzajú v Slove Božom a nie v nejakej mýtickej knihe alebo organizácii, nachádza sa to v Slove (vidíte), každý kúsok z toho je v Slove, lebo ja som do toho poverený.“ Pomyslel som si, „Viete, všetci sa do dnešného večera vrátia. Takže urobím toto: podám im trochu z pozadia.“ Viete, ako to robievam s týmito cirkevnými vekmi a podobne, poviem to, čo som povedal pred tým. „Dám tomu pozadie na základe Slova, a potom tento veľkolepý ohromný vrchol...“ Povedal som, „Čo za čas to bude! Chvála Bohu.“ Videl som sa, ako som sa pri tom zmenšoval a počul som, „Chvála Bohu.“ Videl som sa vytrácať, ako som tam stál.

105No, tu je toho výklad, vidíte. Tá prvá vec, ktorú som urobil: Tie veci, ktoré sa stali, boli pre ľudí tajomné – aspoň pre väčšinu z nich. Nehovorím o „ľuďoch plného evanjelia“ a „svätých Božích“, mám na mysli väčšinu ľudí. A nikdy by ste nemali hľadieť na svet, „kozmos“, ako na niekoho, pre koho je Božie posolstvo. Keď tam prídete, hovoríte…

 Ako brat Boze povedal, „Vždy som...“ Povedal, „Pred rokmi som mal sen, že Boh ma pošle do Chicaga a zatrasie Chicagom na slávu Božiu.“

 Povedal som, „Jozef, On to už urobil.“

 „Ako to?“ odpovedal, „Od čias Moodyho neboli zatrasení.“

 Povedal som, „Hovorím o cirkvi. To ostatné je len potravou pre delá. Je to len prach zeme; tá skupina, ktorá prepĺňa ulice, namaľované Jezábele a podobne...“ Povedal som, „To je tam vonku. Tie veľké lóže a podobne, to všetko sa rozpadne a zostane to upadnuté na uliciach.“ Povedal som, „On hovorí o cirkvi. Cirkev uvidela zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ako bolo zamanifestované, a oni to rozpoznali. Možno ich v Chicagu nie je ani pätnásť. Možno z tejto generácie v Chicagu ich nie je ani desať.“

 Zamysleli ste sa nad tým niekedy?

106Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude i vo dňoch Syna človeka, kde bolo spasených osem duší. Koľko ich vyšlo zo Sodomy? Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? Pochybujem, že ich tam bola vôbec hŕstka.

 „Ale cirkev sama osebe prijala otrasenie. Oni to rozpoznali. Oni poznali Slovo. Videli Slovo, keď bolo zmaterializované a uchytili to. No, pozrite sa na to na chvíľu.“

 No, a toto prvé posolstvo, keď to uvideli, všetci sa na to zhromaždili; povedali, „Ó, sláva Bohu. Ó, ak by som len mohol toto alebo tamto,“ a potom odchádzajú v rovnakom stave, v akom boli, keď prišli. A teraz si myslia, „No, ja neviem. Kam by sme sa mali pripojiť? Ak nebudem chodiť s týmto, tak to bude takto; odtiaľ ma vykopnú, tam zase nemám čo robiť.“

107A bratia si sadnú a povedia, „No, čo by som robil, ak…?“ Vidíte? Nezastavia sa ani na toľko, aby rozpoznali, že to je Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, že sa zamanifestuje, oni len odchádzajú. Ale neobávajte sa, tie tiene sa už blížia.

 Keď sa vrátim na misijné pole… Pamätáte si to posolstvo, ktoré mi nedávno dal, keď som zakladal ten základný kameň. Presne tak, On povedal, „Rob tú prácu...“ Povedal, „Keď opustíš toto videnie, prečítaj si 2. Timoteovi 4.“ Viete, že to leží priamo v tom základnom kameni – pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi. Povedal, „Vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu. Plne dokáž svoju službu, lebo príde čas, keď nebudú môcť zniesť zdravú náuku; ale budú si zhromažďovať vlastných učiteľov podľa vlastných žiadostí, majúc svrbľavé uši, odvracajúc sa od pravdy k bájkam.“ Je to tak, od slova do slova.

108Ale pamätáte si vtedy, keď som to nedávno celé nedočítal. Tých vyše tridsať rokov, ktoré som kázal v tejto modlitebni, nikdy som nešiel ďalej a ani neviem prečo. Často som sa divil, až dokiaľ som videl, ako Ježiš vzal zvitok a začal čítať a prečítal polovicu proroctva, potom sa zastavil a povedal (tam v Kafarnaume), On povedal, „A dnes sa toto proroctvo vyplnilo.“ Prečo nečítal ďalej? To, čo bolo ďalej, sa vzťahuje na Jeho druhý príchod.

 A vtedy som to čítal, pričom som nevedel… Zodvihol som to a tam to ležalo predo mnou v Southern Pines, v Južnej Kalifornii. V to ráno, ako som tam stál a hovoril s Josephom Bozem, oprel som sa o bok auta [Brat Branham luskne prstom – pozn.prekl.], zasiahol som to. Pavol povedal, „Všetci sa proti mne obrátili. Nikto so mnou nestojí. Démas ma opustil, lebo si zamiloval tento svet. A teraz (pozrite!) A kotlár mi vykonal veľa zlého.“

109Pozrite sa, čo si musel Démas myslieť. „No, veď ja som videl Pavla, ako kázal Evanjelium a uzdravoval chorých; a tu sedí a trpí, musí chodiť s lekárom, Lukáš, celý čas s ním chodí, berie so sebou lekára, človek, ktorý káže božské… No, videl som, ako jedného muža oslepil; povedal, 'Nech ťa Pán potresce a budeš slepý‘; a potom nechá kotlára, aby ho vyhnal zo zhromaždenia. Myslím, že najskôr stratil svoju moc oslepovať ľudí. Najskôr stratil aj moc ku božskému uzdravovaniu. Boh sa proti nemu obrátil.“

110Nemyslím si, že Démas odišiel do sveta, lebo bol…. Ak poznáte históriu, viete, že mal veľkú bohatú rodinu; a chcel ísť so zvyškom davu.

        Ale Pavol, úbohý Pavol, čo to bolo? Boh vždy dovolí, že služba sa dostane do takého stavu, a potom ju korunuje. On nechal Ježiša, aby sa dostal do takého miesta (pozrite sa na to!), keď mohol kriesiť mŕtvych, keď mohol robiť čokoľvek chcel, vtedy dovolil rímskemu vojakovi, aby Mu vytrhával bradu z tváre a [Brat Branham napodobňuje zvuk pľuvania.] napľuť na Jeho tvár. Udierali Ho a dali Mu na tvár handru a povedali, „No, hovorí sa, že si prorok...“ Všetci tam dookola stáli s trstinami a udierali Ho do hlavy a hovorili, „Povedz nám, ktorý z nás Ťa udrel.“ On vedel, ktorý to bol, kto Ho udrel. Istotne to vedel! Vidíte? Ale Jeho služba sa pripravovala na korunováciu. Vždy sa to dostáva do toho bodu, kde sa zdá, že to je úplne, úplne slabé a takmer je to celkom preč, ale práve vtedy to Boh korunuje. Ó, Pane, nech sa tak stane. Nech sa tak stane, Pane. Skloňme naše hlavy.

 Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho

        Lebo On prv miloval mňa (teraz Ho uctievajte, máme za sebou tvrdé vyučovanie!)

        A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

 Zdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.

 Milujem Ho, (Teraz buďme v Duchu, vidíte!)

        Milujem Ho, lebo On prv miloval mňa, …

BLASPHEMOUS NAMES, 62-1104M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 117 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. This is kind of a--a surprise to me. I wasn't supposed to be here today. But, tonight is communion night, and I--and I thought I would drop down this morning. And I called Brother Neville, and he said, "Well, now, if you're coming down," said, "why not just speak for us a little bit?"

2And I thought, well, if I did come down, and it was possible, I would not be preaching, but would just like to talk to the church a little while on matters that, you know, that I think would strengthen the church.

3 We have just returned from our--from our fall hunting trip, the brothers and I, here, and we had a glorious time. We--we are very grateful, all of us filled up, and--and got our game that we were hunting for. And--and our pastor and I knows that venison is very, very good. And so we had some fine deer. And I got a bear and two deer. And we come back.

4And this is suppose to be the time that I'm to speak on those seven last Seals. And they didn't get the church ready. And there is something, hindrance, that's caused it. That, I think the city is giving us a rough way, because of not adequate parking room for the amount of people that we're... that the church will hold.

5 We want a new church put up here, and we've got a good part of the money already designated, and--and to make a--a bigger church. But when we had these services, why, you understand what it is. It's such a pitiful thing. The people are around the walls, out in the rain, and--and--and it's just awful. And even criticism comes from friends of mine. Said, "Brother Branham, looks like they..." Doctor friend of mine, said, "Look like you could get some place." Said, "I feel sorry, as they'd pass by."

6A nurse next door to me, said, "Why, I come by there one morning at five o'clock. You was supposed to be there..." And said, "The people were already gathering around that church down there, at five o'clock in the morning. You was to be there at nine-thirty." So, see, and it makes it hard.

7 And we want a church that's got some room, and where everybody can set down. And we think we're living in the last days, believe that. That where the... We should be teaching the Church of--of--of these things, that shaping up, the things that's been prophesied, some of them, thousands of years. And for at least twenty-five and thirty years, right from this church, that's been prophesied, would come to pass. And now we have it coming right to pass. So we ought to be renewing these things, but we don't have adequate room. So this morning...

8I'd making my calls and things, yesterday, and I got some more to make, this afternoon, and so forth. And then I had some people that wanted to come in, a lovely young fellow, that's just nervous break, a minister brother in the field. And several like that, and a brother from Norway. And--and we had the little interviews back in the back room. And I said, "Well, now, we'll just step out."

9And Brother Neville said, "Well, we'd come out and say a few words to strengthen the Church a little." The fir-...

10 One of the first things that I want to say. I wrote down some things here on paper, that, when I come to the church, I wanted to say. One thing I had wrote here was concerning the passing of our gracious Brother Taylor while we were gone.

11Brother Taylor had been coming to this church for years and years. All of us knew him, I'm sure. But if there'd be some strangers here, it was that precious old gentleman that always found you a seat, to set down. Brother Taylor, last time I saw him now, until I see him a young man, he was standing there at the door about three or four Sundays ago. He said, "I'd like to have some books, Brother Branham. I'd like to distribute these books." So we, he...

12 What I understand, he had diabetes and went into a coma, and didn't... not knowing he had the diabetes. And--and was... He died. He never died. He just went to be with the Lord Jesus.

13And he was a faithful, wonderful brother, always mindful of other people. And his delight was to try to find somebody a place to set down, when they come to church. And you know, maybe, when we cross over the Bar, wouldn't it be nice to see Brother Taylor there, find us a place to set down, on the other side?

14I think, in commemoration of Brother Taylor... I wasn't here to speak it with Brother Neville, at his funeral, but I want to say a word of my appreciations, to his widow. Sister Taylor, I suppose, is here somewhere this morning, bless her loyal heart!

15Brother Taylor, one day he said, "Come up and see me. I got a little lake dug up there, put some fish in it, so you'd come up and fish." Always mindful of somebody else. And there was Somebody was mindful of him, that was Christ, to give him salvation.

16I think, in commemoration, yet, for this church, as it gathers as a body this morning, let us stand together, bow our heads before God.

17 Our Heavenly Father, we as human beings this morning, and the--the comers to this place of worship... Thy great hand has moved among us and taken from us one of our precious brothers who we love, and know that Thou did love him. And You had a reason for all this, Lord, or it would not have happened in this way, knowing that our Bible tells us, that, "All things work together for good to them that love God." And that he did.

18And we look around, in the world, and we find nature in every way speaking to us, that the grave cannot hold him, for on earth he served the purpose that You sent him here to do. He was a good, loyal brother.

19We find that in the life of botany life, and in the life of the sun that rises of a morning to give us light. And in the middle of the day it becomes at middle age. And then evening it dies again, only to rise again the next morning, fresh and new, because it served God's purpose.

20We see the flowers as they bloom and beautify the earth and decorate the funeral halls, and the wedding places, and serves the purpose; opening up its heart and giving out, freely, honey to the bee, and perfume to the passer, beauty to the seeker. Gives all it has, in a service for God, then it bows its little head. But when spring comes around, it rises again, because it served God's purpose.

21 Then in the face of all nature, and the Bible, the promise, and the Holy Spirit, we can gladly rejoice in our heart, to know that our Brother Taylor, likewise, Lord, served God's purpose. And to say that he would not rise again would be to deny our Bible, our God, and all things that God has given us to look at, to know that there is a resurrection. So we are looking forward to the time when we shall see him again, when he is young and healthy and never no more to be sick or get old.

22Bless his precious wife, that loyal companion of his. How that we will miss them, long, Lord, as we see them going together out to the pond, and setting on the little benches out there, fishing, and talking, and how they were real sweethearts together.

23And now we know that there is the great Day coming, when the heroes of faith will march under the great arch of triumph, and the Angels of... with anthems will fill the air. We'll see them again in that place.

24Until then, Lord, give us courage. Bless us and help us. We'll long miss Brother Taylor, and everyone that comes to this church, while he would stand at the door and find a place for the comer to hear the Word of God, to set down in ease and rest.

25The other day when he passed over, Lord, I prayed that the great Archangel of God stood there at the door, to find him a place, too, Lord, and he could set down. For it is written in the Bible, "The merciful shall obtain mercy." Until we see him, Lord, may the memories continue sweet in our hearts, until some day when we meet again in the other Land. Through Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

26 He will be long missed among us and amidst strangers, and so forth, that come to our church, or our building here, to worship. May his soul rest in peace before God, till that Day.

27Some day, too, each one of us will go, one by one, till we drop down along the line like that. Let us now, while we have time, and can, let's prepare ourselves for that time coming; for we don't know when it will be. We don't know who will be next. Let us live so, that at each day, that if it should ever come, it will be for us, we'll be ready.

28 Now, I would like to make announcements. Now, soon, perhaps, maybe, I haven't talked with the trustees since coming back, concerning the condition of building the--the church here, or what we have to do next, getting our church so we can have our meeting. Then I will continue on, pardon me, with the--the Seven Seals, and then the Seven Vials, and many things yet that we should be getting into, right away.

29And now, next Sunday morning, there, I am to be at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, with Brother L. G. Hoover, to a--a dedicational service. And that's to dedicate a new tabernacle, or a tabernacle that they have bought at Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Right down 62 till you come to Elizabethtown, or right down, I mean, 31, or down the turnpike. Just at the turnoff, takes you to Elizabethtown. It's about an hour. It's about thirty-five, forty miles down there. I think, about forty miles, by the way the... of 31, and about thirty-five miles, or something, other way, down by the turnpike. It's on Mulberry Street.

30The dedicational service. Brother Hoover will have the regular Sunday school at ten o'clock. And I'm to preach the dedicational service, from eleven until twelve, this next coming Sunday, November the eleventh.

31 On the bulletin board out there, is the--the news item of it. And it'll be at... You can find your way from right there. It's on Mulberry Street. Or they--they give the directions on the... It's on the bulletin board out there in the front of the church.

32Then, on--on November the--the twenty-second, I--I am to be at Shreveport, Louisiana, the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and--and twenty-six. Five days, I think, at Shreveport, Louisiana, at Life Tabernacle. That's with Brother Moore. They are celebrating their golden jubilee. The pentecostal blessing fell in Shreveport, Louisiana, fifty years ago, the twenty-second of this month. Fifty years, the first pentecostal message was preached. And fell, the Holy Ghost fell, in Louisiana. And they got a memorial to that, and this is the golden jubilee. And I'm to speak this jubilee, five nights, with Brother Moore, at Shreveport, Life Tabernacle.

33 You got any friends in and around there, why, that you want to write to, or something, would be glad to have them out. And just tell them about the meetings coming up.

34And the Life Tabernacle, if anybody has ever been there with Brother Moore, he's a wonderful man. And there's a wonderful bunch of people, those old Southerners. You just can't hardly beat them. And so, the Life Tabernacle, anyone around Shreveport can tell you where it's at. Shreveport is about two hundred thousand people. And it's a nice city, and plenty of accommodations. So...

35And the tabernacle is a large tabernacle, very large tabernacle. It's got upstairs, and balconies, and main floors, and then a floor beyond that. And there's just plenty of room. And right straight across from the city auditorium that seats five thousand. Just--just like crossing the street here, to the city auditorium.

36 And Rev. Jack T. Moore, or--or either the Life Tabernacle at Shreveport, Louisiana. That begins on the twenty-second. That will be Wed-... Thursday through Sunday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, four days instead of five. I'm sorry. That be the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, and twenty-fifth. I think that's the way it is, of--of November.

37And then, we'll find out then what about, what we've done about the church here, to find out how the church has progressed about getting its building. The contractors tell us they can put enough men on it, till about ten days they can almost have it so we can go under it, see, right quick. And they're just waiting for the city to sign. You know, and we have to have so much parking space, and so much this. And, oh, my, it's a bunch of red tape to get into, to start building anything. But I would like to get to the church before I get back to the field again.

38 Now I got a call to Tanganyika, Uganda, and through there. Joseph has the meetings set up to begin in February.

39And yesterday, when I come in, there was some brothers, and Sister Thoms and them, from overseas, had come in. And had... I found a note laying on my door, or--or an invitation from an--an association down in South Africa. So I'm writing in to them, to find out just what can be done. Maybe, while I'm that far, I can drop on down in South Africa, maybe, in the last part of February and March, along in that time.

40And we hope to get the church up, so I can get these Church Ages in, before--before the winter sets in, if possible. If I don't, or when I have to come back from over there, if the Lord Jesus tarries.

41 I was listening yesterday when I was taking, believe it was day before yesterday, of a tape. I thought I heard it playing out here this morning. Some little Southern brother had... His mother had come into the meeting. She had a malignancy on her breast, and she was shadowed to death. And the Holy Spirit, in one of the recent meetings, at the Southern Pines, I believe it was, or somewhere, told her, said about her malignancy, and who she was, and where she come from. And said she had a boy that was a backslider, and he was going to have an accident, and be for manslaughter. And a whole lot of things like that. And this fellow...

42It all happened just the way. And her malignant cancer, or malignant growth, rather, left her. Which is, malignant growth is a cancer, you know. So then it--it left her. And the boy was up for manslaughter, and everything just the way the Holy Spirit said it. And he was led to Christ, back again. And he made a tape of it, and I--I heard it playing. Did you enjoy that little, old Southern talk? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said, "Down here in North Carolin'er," he said. Oh, I just love that, them old Southern people. And he had... The Lord just blessed him on. He said, "I know you say you don't preach doctrine, Brother Branham; only to your congregation." Said, "We're part of your congregation." So that was right cute in him, to say that.

43 And now there is a picture, I think, maybe, it's on the bulletin board this morning. If it's not, Billy will put it on there. Of many times it's been said, when I first started speaking, that they said, "You just imagine, Brother Branham, that you see that Light, that Light." There's probably, hardly...

44There might be some left here, the old-timers that remembers back, before the pictures was ever taken of It. Is there any here that remembers me saying that, way long time ago? Look. Just about four or five hands. Sister Spencer here, and Brother and Sister Slaughter, and--and brother here, and brother over there. They're just about five or six of the old-timers left.

45 Well, now, after while, the mechanical eye of that camera caught that picture. So it went to Washington, D.C. and went through the examiners, and come back, "Not no double exposure or nothing." Said, "The Light struck the lens." That's George J. Lacy. You got his name signed. See?

46Well, then, many times you hear, look out and say, "There is a dark shadow over this person. It's shadowed to death." How many has heard me say that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Many times, see, many time. Well, it happened to be that the camera caught that. And so we got that here.

47The lady that come to a sister and had told her, in the meeting in--in Carolina, where we had such a wonderful meeting at Southern Pines. And there, the lady was dying with cancer on both breasts. And the doctors had give her up to die. And the lady just reached down and took her picture, just as I told her who she was, and where she come from. And I said, "There is a dark shadow over you. You're shadowed to death." And the lady just snaps the picture of this. And there it is on the mechanical eye of the camera, gets the shadow of death.

48 If any you all seen The Ten Commandments, and saw the death angel, how it swept in, that dark, gloomy-looking shadow, it's on this picture. And I think it's on the bulletin board now. If it's not, Billy can hear me, why, have him put it on the bulletin board. And it's got the arrow pointing to the person. And the person, the shadow left the woman, and was miraculously healed. But there is like a hood, a dark smoke gathered around and hooded over the lady, and hanging off on that cancer like that, coming from there. Course, that's the shadow where death is pouring in, too, from the cancer.

49Well, no matter how much you try to tell people Truth, there is somebody going to be suspicious that It isn't Truth. And if you always tell the Truth, then you know you're--you're right.

50 I have a friend that's a--a rancher, up in the West. And--and the conservation paid about four thousand dollars for a snowmobile, to count the herd of elk that was left back over off the Troublesome Valley. Mr. Jeffries who set here in the church, I led him to Christ, a complete infidel. And you've heard me tell the story of us riding together. And he didn't believe in nothing but the ethics of Darwin. "And that Baby, virgin-born, was nonsense." And we camped the other night right where he accepted Christ.

51And so then this man told them. He said, "Now, you don't have to buy that automobile, that snowmobile." Said, "I'll tell you exactly how many elk is up there." Said, "There is nineteen." Said, "There was twenty-... There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them." And he was talking to the game warden. Not suppose to kill but one. So he said, "There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them. Leaves nineteen."

And he said, "Yes, Jeff, I know you killed two of them."

He said, "I did."

52Well, they took the snowmobile, went up there, there was nineteen head of elk. He said, "Billy, just tell a man the truth; he won't believe it."

53So that's just about the way it is. You can tell people the Truth, and yet they... There's been so much misunderstanding and--and lying about things until they don't believe that you're telling the Truth when you're telling them the Truth. You see?

54 But we're so thankful that we have a Heavenly Father Who confirms that Truth with a confirmation. It's true. So then if this shall be my last day on earth, the... even the scientific research and proofs has proved that I have told the Truth about these things. That's right. It's Truth. So it'll probably be on the bulletin board. Billy, are you in the room there? You got it in your hand, the picture? And if you have, well, bring it out here, then you can set it up here, they'd probably see it. Well, I don't know. There'd be a light on the--on the board.

55And here is the--here is the picture right here. I guess you can't see it. But right here you can see that hooded shadow of death over that woman's head. And here is the write-up about it back here, where the lady took the picture, and to see if it actually showed. And there it is, on--on there. It's a hooded shadow of death.

56[Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] See the woman, one right there?

You seen it, I guess, Brother Neville, didn't you? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Uh-huh.

57So, Billy will probably put it on the bulletin board, if you will, Billy. Come, get it, and take it around the front and put it on the board, so everybody can see it as they go out. He or Doc, either one. Now I thought, maybe, it could show plain enough that you could see it, but there is too much dark for that type of picture. But he'll have it out there, so you can see it, as they goes out.

Now, remember all the announcements.

58 And now, this morning, I thought maybe that we would speak a little bit on something to encourage the church, something that would give you more.

59[Brother Doc Branham says to Brother Branham, "Want that spot?"--Ed.] What say? ["Want that spot on it?"] Yes, Doc, if you will. It might be good.

60I want to use this here. I had... Some of them didn't have it to put on, for last week, so we thought maybe that it would give a little better for today. I wanted to talk on it, because it pertained to a--a dream a sister had.

61 I wonder if Sister Shepherd is in the church this morning. I met her the other night. And the first time I had seen the woman, actually, I didn't even know who she was. Is she? I guess she's not. Yes. Would you mind, would it be anything out of the way, if I referred to that dream, Sister Shephard? You wouldn't mind, would you? All right. It's all right.

And before we approach that, let's bow our heads now again.

62 Gracious Heavenly Father, to Thee we give praise for all Thy goodness and mercy. And now, quieten us down, Lord, that we might study the Word of the living God, as It comes to us through vision and is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, backed up by the Bible. So we pray that You'll give us understanding, that we might know what to do in these last days as we see the evil powers settling around us now. The battle, the final battle is just about to be fought. Help us, Lord. As real warriors, strong, let us keep the shield of Faith up, with the Word of God, the Sword, and move forward. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

63 Now, thinking of moving forward, a battle, like a--a battle set in array, ready to go into action, a--a real battle, to fight the fight of faith.

64Sister Shepherd here, and Brother Shepherd, who are very gracious friends of ours, and who come to this tabernacle. And they are precious children of God. And--and this Sister Shepherd, when I was picking up my mail, the kind that Billy can answer, just somebody say, "Send me so many prayer clothes." And I pray over them. He just answers them back. But when it's an individual letter, I have to answer it myself, you see. So I picked up my individual mail, and so I was taking it home. And I was reading in there, it said, "From Sister Shepherd." And it was a dream that she had had, of--of some months ago. And she never could get it just right until two or three Sundays ago, when I taught on this--this Seven Church Ages and--and the--the seven fruits, Second Peter, how it takes, Second Peter 1, "To add to our faith." See?

65 First, foundationally, is Faith. Second, add to your faith, virtue; to your virtue, knowledge; from knowledge, temperance; from temperance, patience; to patience, godliness; and from godliness, brotherly love, brotherly kindness; and then love, being the capstone. Seven of those things. Seven church ages, see, and seven stars of the church ages, and all of it is tempered together by the Holy Spirit.

66Now, that's what it takes to become a servant of Christ. Christ builds His Church in seven church ages; His Bride, a Person, woman, Church. Seven church ages constitute and make the Bride. Some out of this age, and some out of that age, and some out of that age, and all together, and shaping it like a pyramid.

67 Like Enoch, who built the pyramids, that we believe. And the capstone never was put on top of them, because the headstone was rejected. And we taken now, not as Doctrine, but as to understand, just for the church here. That these...

68God makes Hisself perfect in three. He makes Hisself perfect in "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," three offices of one God. He makes Hisself perfect in "justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost," come perfect, works of grace. He makes Himself perfected in three comings: first time, to redeem His Bride; second time, to receive His Bride; third time, in the Millennium with His Bride. And everything is perfected in three's. And seven is the worship number of God. God is worshipped in seven, completed, now perfected and completed.

69And the strange thing was, not to bring this in, but just to show you, the last deer that I got had five points on one side and three on the other; see, grace and perfection.

70 Now notice on this, that Christ. God wrote three Bibles. The first Bible was in the sky, called the zodiac. Now, if you don't know the Book of Job, just forget about it, 'cause, because Job is the one explains it, how that he looked up and he named those things in the sky.

71And notice, in the zodiac, what did it start off with? The first thing in the zodiac is the virgin. The last thing in the zodiac is Leo the lion. The first coming of Christ, through the virgin. The second Coming, Leo the lion, the Lion of the tribe of Juda.

72 Then Enoch completed in his day, or back in that day, the pyramid. And it would... Course, we haven't got time to background it and show how that that pyramid come up through the chambers and so forth. It speaks right straight to the end time now. They're in the king's chamber now, by the measurement. But the headstone never was put on the pyramid. And that sets perfect, architecturally, or--or masonry. Until, even a... the little thin razor blade... They don't know how they ever built it, don't understand it, could ever a razor blade slice along the sides where that mortar should be. And there's no mortar in it. It's just perfected, put together.

73So that's what it is when Christ and the Church becomes one. There no mortar between. There's nothing between; just God and the person. God, Christ, and the person.

74 Now, but, the headstone, they've never found it. You know the Stone of Scone they have in England, to ordain the kings, or to--to crown them, and so forth. But the headstone...

75Notice on American dollar bill. You'll see if... on the American dollar bill, on the one side, the left side. Is the American seal, an eagle with the... of spears in his hand, on the second side, this is called the seal "of the United States." But on the next side is the pyramid and, above it, a great eye, and under here it says, "The great seal." Why would it be "The great seal" in this nation, even above the seal of our nation? See?

76No matter what you ever do, God makes it speak just the same. See? He makes the sinner speak of it. He makes the nation speak of it. Everything has to speak of Him. Whether you--you want to believe It or not, It's right there.

77Now, notice, there's an eye in that, the eye of God. And because that the cap didn't come off, the Head Seal, because It was rejected, which was the Son of God; the Cornerstone of the building, the Head Seal of the pyramid, and all this now. Now I'm... I don't like to...

78 Sometimes they tape these things, and it gets out amongst brethren in churches, of other churches. And when they do that, then the brethren sometime gets the wrong impression, that I'm saying something about brethren. But I'm not. I... If you could just listen and understand, see, I am not speaking against any brother. Cause, that's not becoming to brethren, to speak against each other. We should speak for one another, not against each other.

79But when I speak sometime of certain organization, like Presbyterian, Methodist, or so forth, they say, "See, he's against it." I'm not against the brother in there, or the sister in there. The system that's separating brotherhood is what I speak against. God's children are one family, and not--and not different groups.

80 And some of them say, "I'll have nothing to do with it, because that's Presbyterian. And I'm Methodist." See? Now, that isn't. See? It's the system of that organization that breaks up that brotherhood. See?

81Now, that, like I've said, if you were going down the river in an old shaggy-looking boat, was going to try to make the falls, and I know that that isn't going to work, well, then, I'm not screaming, rebuking you. I'm trying to get you out of that boat. See? Because, it's the boat that's going to break up, and--and--and you'll be left, setting alone, in the water. So--so it's not--it's not the brother in the boat, but I'm hollering at the brother to show him what's fixing to happen.

82Well, all these systems, that men has made in their achievement has got to break up. That's all. They have to come... We have to come to unity, to brotherhood. That's been my purpose of life is to try to unite and not break up an organization, but let them drop their ideas, and be brothers to every born-again Christian. You see? That, that's the idea. That's where I've stood, well, now, if the brethren would notice it. I...

83 Many of our brethren, even in our Full Gospel ranks, they do not believe that the Baptist and Methodists, and the Lutheran and them, have a chance. But, now, they may be right. But I don't agree with that. I believe that... the age here, of the Lutheran Age, in this age here which was called, I believe, the Sardis Age. And then the Philadelphian Age, for the Methodists. And then the Pentecostal, Laodicean Age. I believe those are ages. And God, in each one of those ages, took an elected people. And in that, as Hebrews 11 says, that, "Them without us is not made perfect." See? But now the Church has come from this, coming in a minority all the time, till It's down into the Pentecostal age.

84 Now, the reason I'm saying this, that you might get an idea on what the sister dreamed. And her dream is certainly comparison to what I been teaching.

85Notice now here, now, all these things that First Peter the 6th and 7th verse tells you, brought by your faith, that's first. Now, I say that people claim to have these virtues without even being born again. And I believe I made a rude remark and said, "It's like a blackbird trying to put peacock feathers in himself, and make hisself a peacock." He can't do it. There has to be a natural feather growed from him. The inside of him has to put that feather out.

86 And always, and I've always been accused of being hard on our sisters, about wearing bobbed hair, and manicure all over their face, and stuff. I've always been accused of being hard on our sisters. It--it isn't that I got anything against that. I don't say the woman isn't a good woman, that she's some streetwalker or something. That isn't my attitude. But, it's this, when she puts so much artificial on the outside, shows there's a lot of artificial on the inside, see, where ought to be filled up with Christ. Because, the outside always expresses what's on the inside. "By their fruits you know them." You see? And where Christ ought to be in there, and to care for the God, and to care for other things instead of so much artificial pomp, and you know, green eyelids, and unhuman-looking, and all that kind of stuff. I just don't go for it, and I don't believe the Bible does either, so I like to be just what we are.

87 Notice, now, if she hasn't got any finger nails, and wants to put some on; if she hasn't got any teeth, and needs some; haven't got an arm, and you need one; haven't got hair, and you need some; you haven't got these things, that's different. But when you pull out your real good teeth, because they're just not as bright as they should be, then you done wrong. If you've got red hair, and you want black, and you go down here and color it black, just because; you done wrong. Yeah, I think so. But the main thing... There's no Scripture for that. Only, to bob your hair, there is Scripture for that, yeah, have plenty of that, so then we want to make sure that that's right, now.

88 Now, our sister, in dreaming, she dreamed that she... Well, first, she was disturbed. "What's the use of going on, and trying to struggle through life, if God requires us to receive the Holy Ghost and we don't have It?" Now, I don't think...

89They may be taping this. But if they don't... If they do, it's for the church alone. See? Now, and if some brother would get a hold of this, and you hear my voice, brother, on this, remember, I'm just teaching to my church. You always, before your congregation, examine the--the tapes, and if you don't want your congregation to hear them, don't let them hear them. But I'm just trying to say to this little group here, that--that Brother Neville and I, by the Holy Spirit, is trying to--to pastor and to teach them.

90 Now, there is some of these Things you might miserably disagree with. So if there is, just like I always said about eating fried chicken, "When you hit the bone, you don't throw the chicken away. You throw the bone away." So always do that. "Eating cherry pie, and you run into a seed, you wouldn't throw the pie away. You just throw the seed away." So you do the same thing in listening to This.

91Now, I--I believe that--that the--the reason that there is so much confusion today, about the Holy Spirit, it's not correctly taught. I believe that the baptism is taught... and just say "the baptism."

92But then be like you say "automobile." But now I've got several mechanics in this church, and I don't know one thing about it. So if I make a mistake, brethren, I'm... Remember, I'm not a mechanic. There has to be coils, and plugs, and points, and valves, and everything else, that makes the automobile.

93And when you talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there's a lot goes with That. Huh? See? There's a lot goes with That. And here is what I think that God is proving: the Holy Spirit is here. See?

94 Now, Peter said, first, "Faith." Now watch it real close now. We're going to teach this for a few minutes. Faith, now, is your first. And add to your faith, virtue; to your virtue, knowledge; to your knowledge, temperance; to your temperance, patience; to your patience, godliness; to your godliness, brotherly love, brotherly kindness; and then love. And anyone knows that love is God. "God is love." See?

95Now, that then, from this, and then bringing this into the seven church ages. God is building, in seven church ages, a Bride for Christ; through the Philadelphian, Thyatirean, and Pergamos, and Smyrnaean, and Ephesus. A church age, that Jesus said, "If the--if the Bridegroom come in the first watch or the seventh watch, all these virgins awakened." They were. They awoke, the virgins of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Did you notice that? It was the seventh age, that when He came and woke up those sleeping virgins. That brings them all the way back down to here. See? For, in this, through the years, ages, He has built a Bride, born a Bride, begotten a Bride on earth for Christ. And the same way that He begets this Bride, He has begot individuals.

96 Now I'm backgrounding this, so that you will see when the sister's dream is being told.

97Now, these things here absolutely must be in the Christian before the Holy Ghost ever seals them, before this comes down on top and makes a complete unit.

98Now, our sister's dream now. She was worried whether she had the Holy Ghost or not, when she laid down across the duofold where her husband was reading a paper. And she has got little ones, as I have, and they're always making a noise and things. And so, in this, she fell asleep for approximately ten minutes, or fifteen. And she dreamed. And she never could understand it, or get it all together, from a year ago, almost, until this Message was taught. Then, while I was teaching It, it all come back to her. And she dreamed that she was praying.

99She was walking the floor, first, before she dreamed, and wringing her hands, and thinking, "Lord, have I got the Holy Ghost? Can You prove to me. Some says, 'Because that--that I shouted.' Or some said, 'Because I spoke with tongues.' And we believe in all that. But have I really got It?"

100 I believe in all those things, those virtues, speaking in tongues, and shouting, and all kinds of demonstration. I believe in every bit of it. But if it's there without This, there is something wrong. See? Now, see, you see, you--you got a shell. Notice.

101And she was worried about it, so she just laid down across the duofold where her husband was reading, and she went to sleep.

102And she dreamed she was up on a mountain. And in this mountain, the best... I haven't got the paper before me, but I think it's like this. She dreamed that she saw a--a rock box, like--like a--a framework, setting right in top of this mountain. And her husband was just behind her. And she saw a large man standing there, with work clothes on, sleeves rolled up, bailing the most pure water that she ever seen, and pouring into this box, this rock box setting in top of the mountain. And the rock box would not hold the water. And it rolled right out of there, and just boiled up all the trash and sticks, and everything in there, and boiled it out and rolled down the mountain. And it rolled over her feet, and she was standing right in that stuff, only it didn't stick to her.

103 And--and then she asked why the box didn't hold it, and the man said, "That is not water. That's the Holy Ghost, and," said, "nothing will hold It." And said, then he went back and got another big bucket, and it was full of honey, and poured the honey into there, said, "Now it will hold this." And she thought that the box, was a rock box, was going to burst out and spill the honey, but it didn't. It finally stuck together and held it.

104She turned and went down the mountain. Going down the mountain, she stopped at the bottom of the mountain and looked back. She saw five streams of this pure, crystal water, not contaminated by the things that it had went through, still pure and clear, coming swiftly. Then it slowed up. Then, almost fading out, and she was wondering would it ever reach the bottom of the mountain, five streams. And she woke up.

105I think that's just about close to being right, isn't it, Sister Shepherd?

106 Now, no more than I picked up the letter and opened it, before I read it, I saw her dream.

107That's the way dreams are interpreted. Now, many of you has come to me with dreams, and--and say things to me about dreams. I say, "Wait a minute. You never told it all." See? And go back and pick it up. Then if you can't tell what you dreamed, how you know the interpretation is right or not? See? You've got to, you've got to see the dream. A vision has to show the dream. And when you see the dream that the person dreamed, and can tell them before they tell you, then you know the interpretation.

108 Well, I believe that's in the Scripture, also, Daniel, one time. Wasn't that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said... Yeah. I believe I just happened to think of that then. See?

109But you always see the dream, now, if the interpretation is right. A person start telling you a dream, you can just stop them, say, "Wait a minute. And it was so-and-so. It was so-and-so, plus so-and-so."

And then you say, "That's exactly right." See?

110A man, the other day, was trying to tell me a dream that he dreamed. He said, "Well," he said...

I said, "Now, brother, why did you leave out that other part?"

He said, "What other part?"

111I said, "You dreamed that you threw a rock up in the air, and I shot at it and got some in my eye."

112He said, "That's exactly the truth, Brother Branham." And they just picked the last part of it out, yesterday. Uh-huh.

113So there you are. See? See? Why? You don't tell the truth of it, but, you see, It always reveals back, what, tells you your dream, what you dreamed. Then you know it's right.

114 Now, here is interpretation of her dream. She was bothered about the Holy Spirit. Now, insomuch that she seen the box on top of the mountain, was the rock. Rock box, is rock, "confession." Now, like Jesus said in the Scripture. He said, Peter said... "Who," Jesus said, "who does men say I, the Son of man, am?"

"One said Thou art 'Elias,' and 'Moses,' and so forth."

And He said, "But Who do you say I am?"

He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

115 Now, some people say now, the Catholic church says, the Roman Catholic church says, that His con-... "What the rock was, that Jesus said, 'Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against It.'" They said, "It was upon Peter. And Peter was that rock, 'cause Peter means 'little stone.' 'Upon this little stone I'll build My Church.'" And upon Peter, they, apostolic succession, they built the church.

116Then the Protestant church says, "That's wrong. That, it was upon Himself He built the Church."

117Now, not to be disagreeable, but, I, to my way of seeing it, it's both wrong. Because, He never built It upon Peter, neither did He build It upon Himself, but it's upon Peter's revelation of Who He was. See?

"Who does man say, I the Son of man?"

"Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."

118"Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you," some seminary, see, "but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed to you. Thou art Peter. Upon this rock of confession, upon this revelation, I'll build My Church."

119 And that's been, each church age has had that rock confession, on up to this rock confession of the Laodicea.

120And, now, you cannnot make a holy church. There is no such a thing as a holy church or holy organization. The Holy Spirit can be preached in it, but in there you find good and bad, renegades, indifferent, and everything else. So an organization will not hold. You can't say, "We got It. None of the rest of them has It." No, sir. The Holy Spirit is poured out on individuals. It's the individual.

121So, therefore, the rock, this latter-day, pentecostal Church which has received the Holy Spirit, they did at the first. All down through the ages, they receive the Holy Spirit, but not in the measure that they have It now, 'cause it's a restoration of the first. As we take the candlesticks, Alpha and Omega, how they lit the first candle; it went higher and higher, and got dimmer and dimmer; then come back again. See? First and last, and so forth.

122 Now, but in this church age, the Message is being poured into the church. But the church body, itself, in altogether like the...

123This tabernacle, we'll say. (That's where she comes to church.) This tabernacle is not a Holy Ghost tabernacle. There is no such a thing. Individuals that come into this church is Holy Ghost tabernacles. They are tabernacles that contain the Holy Ghost, but not the church in the body, a group. Therefore, It runs out.

124But, what, this man who was pouring the water, the messenger to the church, pouring the Message into the church, but what was the water doing? It was boiling out all the trash that was in it. That's what the Holy Spirit does, boils it up, now.

125Now, the honey represented brotherly love, brotherly kindness, which is this age. I just got through telling, see, of brotherly kindness, the age that we live in now.

126 Now, you might say, "Look, I--I--I sure don't like Brother Neville." Or, "I sure don't like Brother Jones. I don't like Brother So-and-so," and something like that. But just let something happen to him, brother, your heart is broke. It just nearly killed you. See? We can obtain brotherly kindness and feeling for one another. See? But to maintain in a group of people...

127Why do you care for that brother? Because you've broke bread with him here at the altar, as you will tonight. You fellowship with him. You shook his hands. You worship with him. He's your brother. And he might do something in the flesh, that you would disagree with, because you just kind of stay, (which you oughtn't to do), but shun him a little. But in the bottom of your heart, if something happened to that brother, it would just nearly kill you, or that sister.

128I--I'm an old man. I was once young, and now I'm old. I've seen it, down through the age, do that. Hear people say, "I just won't have no more to do with him." And something happen to that man, it nearly kills him. He thinks, "O God, I let my precious brother go, without making friends with him." You see? See? See? It's brotherly love. It looks like it won't stick, but it does stick. The honey, it sticks.

129 Now, insomuch that she come from there, down the hill, to the bottom of the hill, now, this glorious water was gushing over hills, in five streams. Now, five is the number of grace; J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, g-r-a-c-e. See? Five is the number of grace. Five streams was pouring from up here at the trough, down through here.

130Each one of these ages had that rock confession. The saints are sleeping, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, see, on till this age. But soon the Holy Ghost, being poured out from Christ, will come and will seal up the Church. Then the Church will be raptured. It'll be a complete unit of God, a Bride for Christ, who will be the Head of all things. You follow me now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

131Now, she was wondering. Now, in her dream, she was wondering, "Would this little stream... Would this little stream ever get to the bottom? See? It was drying up. Now, being that, she herself. Now here is what I want you to get to now. She herself was wondering about her own self. Did she "have the Holy Ghost"?

132 Now, I shunned saying this, a few days ago, thinking that the church would be spiritual enough to catch it. And maybe I better turn this tape off right now, but 'cause I don't want it get out amongst brethren. But you could speak with tongues, you could shout, you could dance, you could cast out devils, do anything you want to, and still not have the Holy Ghost.

133Didn't them disciples come back, rejoicing and shouting because the devils was subject unto them, and Jesus... right among them was Judas? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

134Did not Jesus say, "In that day," when He come, that, "many will come to Me and say, 'Lord, have not I cast out devils, and in Your Name done mighty works?' And I'll say, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I didn't know you.'" Those things are not indications of the Holy Spirit.

"By their fruit you shall know them."

135 Now you say, "Brother Branham, do we, should we speak with tongues?" Absolutely. That's gifts of God. But those gifts of God, without these virtues in them, makes a stumble block to the unbeliever. It's not accepted by God.

136This has to be first. And when you have faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly love, then the Holy Ghost comes down and seals you as a unit, the same as He seals the church ages as a unit. The way He makes His Bride is the way He makes His individual; made out of same material, like Eve was made out of Adam, a rib from the side. Here is the things that you have to have first. You can't impersonate them. You can't imitate them. They've got to be God-sent and God-born. Imitation only causes confusion.

137It's like I said. Could you imagine seeing a buzzard setting there with a dove feather stuck in his wings, say, "See, I'm a dove!" He's not a dove. He's a buzzard, vulture. Could you imagine a black bird with a peacock feather in his wings, and saying, "See!"? That's something that he stuck in.

138But it has to come from the inside out, and it produces Christianity; God, by the power of the Holy Spirit!

139 Our sister had her feet wet when she got to the bottom. All of us know Sister Shepherd to be charitable. Her house is open. Her and brother, I don't care if it's a bum, beggar, whatever it is, they'll feed him, do anything they can to help him along. Oh! God accepted that, her foundation part.

140And here's, now, get this lesson. Here is what's wrong with the--with the... I turn on for this. Here is what's wrong with the Branham Tabernacle. You see, there is two different kinds of faith. There is two different kinds of virtue, as I had it the other day. Two different kinds of knowledge. Two different kinds of temperance.

141One thinks it's prohibition, they got. That ain't the kind of temperance that God is talking about. It's that ungodly, uncontrollable temper you got, and things of that side, fast back, fuss.

142 Patience, and so forth, there's a mockery of it, a pretending to be; a nature-given faith; a nature-given virtue. There's a nature-given temperance. All these things are nature given.

143And the biggest part of our faith is mental faith. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] By hearing the Word, it brings us to a mental recognition of God.

144But if This, coming from Above, oh, brother, if It ever strikes this, there is a godly spiritual faith. Then what does that faith do? That faith recognizes only the Word. No matter what anything else says, it only recognizes the Word, because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word is still God. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And when the Word Itself is pouring into our faith, our mental faith becomes a spiritual revelation.

145"And upon this foundation I'll build My Church." See? Not upon a mental conception of church joining, a mental conception of That; but upon the revelation, when them streams of grace has poured into that mental faith that you've got. Then, upon this, a spiritual revelation, "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." See? That shows they would be against It, but it'll never prevail. Oh, what a glorious thing! Now see the faith. These five streams...

I had a piece of chalk here, but I guess he never brought it out.

146 But the five streams you see coming down through here, tempers this together. It has been the Holy Spirit that made the Ephesus church. It was the Holy Spirit that birthed the Smyrnaean church. The Holy Spirit that give the Pergamos church, and the Thyatira church, in the Dark Ages. It's the Holy Spirit that's built that Bride, the Elect that's pulled out of all the organization systems down through the ages, like that. There's an Elected, a predestinated Bride of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit has called out the Elect. And it's been the Holy Ghost in this age, that age, that age, that, that, that, that, on up to the top, the Holy Spirit.

147And now as in the individuals, these virtues and things, are knowledge and temperance, is added to our faith. Then when the Capstone comes, the Holy Spirit cements It together. There is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's why it's so short today.

148 Me see here, I got some texts wrote down here. Let's see. I had a picture drawed here, for her dream. See? You can't see it from there.

149Now, coming from the Holy Spirit, what is come? Then He will give to you, supernatural faith, spiritual faith, that here at the bottom. Then that spiritual faith recognizes only the Word. No matter what anybody else says, it don't--it don't do no good. That only knows the Word. If somebody say, "The days of miracles is past." That faith only knows the Word. Somebody says, "There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost." That faith only knows the Word. That's real, spiritual faith, you see. That's right. See? It only knows the Word.

150 Then, that was number one. Number one, coming to you, your mental faith right here, comes the Holy Spirit coming down into your mental faith, making it a spiritual faith. Then the spiritual faith only recognizes the Word now.

151And number two, three. Then you'll have spiritual, you'll be have the Holy Spirit, and will seal all these things into you, as that Holy Spirit covers this. From your faith, up to the Holy Spirit, seals you in with Christ. Then you become One. Amen. (Get this thing out of my way; it's hard on your arms.) You become one. See, you and Christ live together. "At that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." See? Then that's a sealed unit of the Lord God now.

152And then they are vindicated and placed. When that time takes place, they become vindicated sons and daughters of God.

153 Do you remember, over in the Book of Matthew, the 17th chapter, the 1st to the 5th verse, Jesus on Mount Transfiguration?

154You've heard Hear Ye Him. The sermon I just, here about a year ago, preached, become so popular, Hear Ye Him. The placing of a son, in Ephesians 1:5 also, "God has predestinated us unto adoption of sons."

155See, a family, when a son is born into it, it's a son then. But that son had tutors to raise it. And if that son never did come to--to be the right kind of a son, he never become heir. But if he was the right son, and the son that would obey his father, then that son was adopted, or placed positionally. He become heir of what the father had.

156And that's what God was doing on Mount Transfiguration. When He took His Own Son, after He had been proven to be the right Son, see, and had stood all temptations, He took Him up on Mount Transfiguration and overshadowed Him.

157 You know, in the Old Testament, they took a son, dressed him in a nice, pretty garment, and set him out before the public. And they had a ceremony of placing, or we call it adopting. In Galatians there, I kind of think Paul refers to it as adopting sons. Now, but, placing a son, ministers will understand, and spiritual, Bible readers, of placing this son. In other words, the son was a son when he was born.

158There is where our Pentecostal people made their mistake. Being born into the family, by the Holy Ghost, that's right, but then we must be the right kind of children, tutored by the right Tutor. See?

159 Now, if a man, back in the old age, thought of his son, he wanted him to be a right kind of a son, he got the best tutor he could find, the best teacher, 'cause he wanted his son to come up to be like his daddy. See? So he got the right tutor.

160Now, if a man on earth would think of the best tutor, how about God, our Father? Now, He never got bishops, and cardinals, and priests. He got the Holy Ghost to be our Tutor. And the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. And He--He's in the Church, and He takes message to the Father.

161And then what if the father of the tutor come up and said, "Well, Father..." Now, he ain't going to get some kind of tutor that wants a straw in his hat, you know, a feather, we call it. Say, "Oh, if I tell the father something about... That little boy is a renegade, anyhow, but if I--if I tell the father, the father might give me a raise." That ain't the right kind of a tutor. A right kind of a tutor is honest, tell the truth.

162 And the Holy Ghost tells the Truth when He comes before God, to us. Yeah. So He comes up. What do you think? He'd blush today to say, "Your daughters are all cutting their hair, and You told them not to. Your sons are so organized-minded, they just simply can't see one to the other. That's right. And they're adopting this for This, and this for That." How He must blush! But how that Tutor would love to come and say, "Oh, my! That son is a real son. He is just like the Father." Oh, how He'd love to say that! See?

Then the Father swells out in pride, say, "This is My son!"

163That's exactly what God did on Mount Transfiguration. Notice, there appeared Moses and Elijah. And Peter, all excited; the supernatural was done. Peter got excited, said, "Let's build three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elias."

164While he was yet speaking, God shut him up. He said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him." See? God put Hisself in the background, and, "This is My Son."

165 Moses represented the law. The prophets represented His justice. We could not live by His law. We could not live by His justice. I don't ask justice. I want mercy, not justice. I can't keep His law, and I can't meet His justice. But I need His mercy. And God said the law and justice has been met in Him. "He's My beloved Son. Hear ye Him. That's Him. That's the One."

166Now, in the Old Testament when that son was adopted, or placed into the family, his name was just as good on the check as his daddy's was. Yes, sir. They didn't have a... They had a ring, them days, a--a sign, signet. And they'd... [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound and hits the pulpit--Ed.] Spit on it, place it, there was a signet. That was just as... He wore his daddy's ring, his signet. And that was just as good as his daddy's.

167Now, when Jesus had been obedient, Jesus to God, God placed Him positionally, "This is Him."

168Now, when the member is born by the Holy Ghost into the family of God and has proven to have these virtues in him, that God can see virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, and godliness, in him, then God seals him, or places him. And, there, that's when you see the sons and daughters of God.

169 Then, Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the Day of your redemption." Now, some of you Baptists that wants to go on Eternal security, now, if you'll come to that stage, I'll stand with you. It's Eternal security if you'll come to that place.

170But just to say, anybody says, "I've joined the Baptist church. I'm a Presbyterian. I got Eternity security." That's wrong. Your own life proves you haven't got It, until This is there.

171And God has adopted you and sealed you by the Holy Ghost into His Kingdom, then there is no getting out of it. You are Eternally secure. Believe. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby all you and your godly virtues are sealed until the Day of redemption."

172 I believe there is a Bride that's predestinated. I believe God said He would have "a Church without spot or wrinkle." I believe in predestination, that the Bride is predestinated. She's got to be There. I hope I'm with Her. That, see, I'm with Her. Now it's up to me to work out my own salvation with God, until these things are approved of God, and then sealed into the Kingdom of God. There is the Holy Spirit. There is the genuine works of God. "It's sealed until the Day of redemption."

That was her dream. I thought it was beautiful.

173 Now, therefore, when She does that, when that Church comes to this place, or the individual, the Church is going to be There. Let me say it real good so you get it. The Church is predestinated to be There. I want to be with It, but the only way I'll be with It, is to be part of It. How do I become part of It? By being in It. How do I get in It? By a baptism, by one Spirit. First Corinthians 12, "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body." One Body; baptized into It.

174 But you can't stick these little things, say, "I spoke with tongues. I got It." You go out here, and angry, and swear, and carry on. See? That's putting peacock feathers in a--in a jay bird. See? You can't do it. Your own life proves that it's not.

175But when these things are operating in you, by God, then you're sealed. Then there's no put-on about it. You're just yourself. That's when visions, perfect, Holy Spirit, works of God, everything, is made manifest, because (why?) you and Christ become one. I hope that's understood. You and Christ become one.

176I had something else I had wrote down here, I wanted to think of. Brings us to the place of Life. Then you become... have Eternal Life.

177 Now, I got the Greek lexicon here, The Emphatic Diaglott. I studied the other day on a word.

178Now, in John 14, or John 3:16, we find, one place says, "have everlasting Life." Another place it says, "have Eternal Life." But in the Greek, in the Greek version... In the Hebrew, it says, "Life without end." In the Greek word, has a-i-n-i-o-a-n.

179Almost like "aeon." Aeon is "a space" that can't be, is a number that can't be numbered. It's beyond millions, trillions, billion.

180But this is aionios of time, Eternal Life. And the English word for it is Eternal. We know it as Eternal, aionios, or "Life without end." See? And if you've got Life without end, how can you perish? You have become a part of the Eternal. And there's only one thing Eternal.

181Satan is not Eternal. No. He--he become Satan. Hell is not Eternal. Hell was created. It's not Eternal. And these bodies are not Eternal. They were created.

182But the Spirit of God is Eternal. It never had a beginning, or It never has an end. And the only way we can have Eternal Life, from that Greek word, Zoe, which means, "God's Own Life," we have, we become a part of God when we become sons and daughters of God, and we have aionios Life. So the part that lives, us, that recognizes this Word, from here to there, that recognizes, is aionios Life, "Life without end." It's God's Own Life in us. Amen. Whew!

183 The other day, on the trip, I had a discussion, the Jehovah Witness. Now, no disregard to anybody's belief. We got plenty of them converts setting here, from Jehovah Witness. One of our trustees of the church was Jehovah Witness, was, and was saved, him and his family. His father was a reader; Brother Woods and them. All of his brothers and sisters now, about all of them has come in, received the Holy Ghost, because of the visions of God tell them what they did. And what they... See? That done it.

184 Now, but here, Jehovah Witness in their book, it says that the breath that you breathe is the soul. Now, that cannot be right. The breath that you breathe is not soul. If it is, you're--you're one time you're one kind of soul, next time you're somebody else, has breathed that soul. Look where you'd be. Now, the breath is wind, and wind is what you breathe into your nostrils.

185Now, they take the Scripture from back, "And God breathed Breath into his nostrils, and he became a living soul." Now, I want to ask you something. If he was a man, what kind of a breath was he breathing before God breathed His Breath of Life into him? See? What kind of breath? He was a breathing, living man. Well, then, if that be so, then every animal is a living soul, 'cause they breathe a human soul, and our soul, and all together. Then Jesus wouldn't have had to die. The animal sacrifice would have been sufficient. See? So, brother, the argument don't stand.

186But what God did, He breathed the Breath of Eternal Life, amen, then he become a living soul, a soul that can't die. Now watch now. We're going to get into honey, plumb to your elbows. Notice. "Breathed the Breath of Eternal Life into his nostrils, and he became an Eternal soul." Cause, God breathed, not what nature done, but what God did, breathed the Breath of Life into his nostrils, and he become a living soul.

Then you say to me, "Adam died, Brother Branham."

187 But remember, before Adam died, he had a lamb that redeemed him. Hallelujah! "Those who He foreknew, He has called." He got a lamb to redeem them. He was a type. Adam fell. Then the lamb was provided for Adam, because already in his nostrils had become the Breath of the Eternal God, and he become a living soul. He was a son of God.

188Not his breath, as the African word. I don't know what the Greek word is for it, right now. But the African word, they call amoyah, which means, "the wind; an unseen force." Animals breathe amoyah. Sinners breathe amoyah.

189 Then why would we struggle for Eternal Life, if that's the Eternal soul breathed into us by breath? Why would we struggle for Eternal Life? It backfires, brother. See? It--it--it just can't do it.

190But, God, specially upon Adam, breathed the Breath of Eternal Life, and he become an Eternal person with God. He had power like God. He was an amateur god. He was god of the earth; not God of Heaven, now. God of the earth!

191And some day the sons of God will again become gods. Jesus said so. "Is not it written in your law, 'Ye are gods'? Then if you can call those who He called god, who God visited, how can you condemn Me, say, when I say I'm the Son of God?" See? Now we're getting into something deep. Now watch this when we drive it down.

192 Now, here they are. He is now a son of God, but he makes a mistake. He knows he's doing wrong. Now remember, Adam was not deceived. The Bible said so. First Timothy 3. "Adam was not deceived, but the woman was the deceived, was in the transgression." Adam walked with Eve, because it was his wife.

193Same as Christ, not deceived by Satan, but walked into the death with the Bride. He went to be with the Bride, so He could redeem the Church.

194Adam knowed he was wrong, so he just walked out with Eve. See? But there was a lamb provided for them, that they were redeemed.

195And these lambs, today, that were foreknown by God, and God has called, there is a Redeemer. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So there is a provided Lamb, from the foundation of the world, where their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life. A Lamb was provided, to make a way of grace for every one of them to go in the resurrection, a provided Lamb; Adam's lamb, now notice, as Adam had a provided lamb.

196 Now, that's the Church today. I don't mean the--the church. You know what?

197I don't say this to be sacrilegious, and I don't mean it to hurt anybody's feelings. I'm not here to do that, as I've already explained myself. I'm here to help, but what I'm trying to do.

198You know what? Actually, these churches are not churches. There's only one Church. These are lodges. See? They are lodges. I ain't got nothing... It's all right. But I--I want to prove that to you, in a few minutes, that they are merely lodges. You belong to the Methodist lodge, to the Presbyterian lodge, or to the Pentecostal lodge, as far as that goes. Yes, sir. See? Lodges! See? You cannot... See? Churches are actually lodges where people with the same idea drift together.

199But the Church is One. And you cannot join the Church. You are born in It. And when you're born in It, you're a member of It.

200Just like my family. I been in the Branham family for fifty-three years. They never did ask me to join the family. Why? I don't have to join the family. I was born a Branham.

201And you are born in the Church. Now, these others are lodges. Did you ever think of that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir.

202 One day I was mowing grass, and I was thinking about, well, "The great holy Catholic church," they call it. I was going along like that, mowing.

203And Something stopped me, just as stiff, said, "Don't call that That." I looked around. I started mowing on. Again It stopped me, said, "Don't call them That." Said, "They are a lodge, like others. They are not Church. There's one Church." See? They are members of a lodge, 'cause you can join a lodge. But you can't join the Church. The Church, you are born in It. You become a member of It by new Birth, then a member of the Family, a brother or sister in It.

204 Now let me just read you out of The Emphatic Diaglott here, something, of Revelation 17:3, and the Apocalypse of The Emphatic Diaglott here. And just watch this, how this reads, and how--how beautifully it just compares with that. Revelation 16, 17. All right. Now let's read here just a minute. Listen to this, real close, Revelation 17:3.

And one of THOSE SEVEN Angels having... SEVEN Bowls came and spoke to me,...

205I'm reading you, out of The Lexicon. "Having..."

... "Come, I will show thee the JUDGMENT of THAT GREAT WHORE, who SETTETH upon Many Waters;

206 And we all know that's the Vatican. Here we got Our Sunday Visitor in there, from the Catholic church, telling us just exactly what it is. See?

207And this answer to it, said, "But wait a minute." Said, "There's been all kinds of names," said, "would make six hundred and sixty-six."

I said, "But just a minute."

Said, "Your name might make six hundred..."

208"But," I said, "I don't set on seven hills, ruling the world, though, you see." Uh-huh! See? That's right. See?

209[Brother Branham reads Revelation 17:1 from The Emphatic Diaglott--Ed.]

... show thee the JUDGMENT of THE GREAT WHORE, that SET upon Many Waters;

210Waters, Revelation 17:15, is "thickness and multitudes of people." See?

with whom the KINGS of the EARTH have committed fornications, and the INHABITANTS of the EARTH have been made drunk with the WINE of the... her FORNICATION."

211Now what?

And he conducted me, in the Spirit, into a Desert;...

212The Emphatic Diaglott now. See?

... and I saw a Woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of Blasphemous Names,...

213Now, in the King James, says, "full of names of blasphemy." Just a moment, and I'll get it here, just a minute. Revelations, the 3rd. All right, here it is. All right. Revelation, I meant 17, not 7; 17, now listen at the 3rd verse.

And he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,...

214That's the way the English give it. But the original Greek from The Diaglott reads it like this, in Revelation 17:3. Listen.

And he conducted me, in the Spirit, into a Desert; and I saw a Woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured Beast--Beast, full of Blasphemous Names,...

215That's a lot different, from "names of blasphemy" to "blasphemous names." What is it? And we... Now, she was:


216 We all know that. But what is it? [Someone says, "The Roman Catholic church."--Ed.] You don't have to be... Well, that's right, that would take the Roman Catholic church. But she is "full of blasphemous names," Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, all calling themselves, "churches of God." Blasphemous names! Lot of difference between "names of blasphemy" and "blasphemous names." Call themselves, "the Church of God," and representing themselves before the world; and card parties, and drinking, and carrying on, and soup suppers, and everything else, and all kind of stuff go.

217There's only one Church. You're born into It. You don't come in There until you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb and sealed away by the Holy Ghost.

218 What a difference between "names of blasphemy" and "blasphemous names." Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

219I caught that this morning when I was reading here, the coming down. Something just told me, "Go into your room. Pick up The Diaglott."

220Well, it's just obedience. That's all. Walked in. And I picked out Revelation 17. I thought, "Why do You want me to read this for?" I started reading. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] Soon as I struck it, "There it is." I got a pencil and wrote it down. I said, "There it is."

221 Now, they hollering about me kicking against organizations. It's those blasphemous names, that call themselves, "churches of God, and churches of Christ, and churches of Methodist, and churches." It's lodges, not churches.

222One Church, that's the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what is It? The mystical Body of Jesus Christ in operation on earth, made up of a member of any of these congregations, that would be a member of Christ's Body. You have to be born into It, not joined into It.

223 And to join in it, is blasphemous names, this woman. This woman, her power!

224And you see right now where they're going to take all the people that's got odd ideas about religion, and send to Alaska. You've seen that. All of our odd beliefs.

225And what is it? The council, the World Council of Churches and the Catholic has their big to-do going on in the Vatican now, over there, to where they're trying. And all these bishops, and so forth, they're trying to come to an agreement, to fight communism. The world fighting communism, and only joining up with Catholicism.

226 It's just like it is today. Here we are, as I said. We're go... We're almost bankrupt. We're borrowing, spending money now, on taxes that'll be paid fourteen years from today. That's how far we are gone. Who has got the money of the world? The Catholic church. How would it be loaned to the United States? To keep these tobacco and whiskey companies and things. Sure, they'll borrow it from them. When they do, they sell their birthrights, right out, to the Roman Catholic church. We consolidate. Watch this, just plain, plainer than reading a newspaper. Here it is. See?

227 They're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and so forth, calling themselves, "the Church of God." Catholic and all that kind of stuff is this beast power full of blasphemous names. Calling yourself, "I'm..." I said...

228I went to the hospital here, not long ago, was going to pray for a person. I said, "We're going to..." It was my mother. I said, "We're going to have prayer for mother."

And the lady said, "Draw that curtain."

I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodists."

229I said, "Thank you. I thought maybe you was a believer." I just pulled the curtain around on me. See? So, if you're not a Christian, that's different. See?

230 But, "We are Methodists," that's blasphemy. The beast, churches, called churches, they are not churches. Let me be sure that's on record. Yeah. They are not churches. They are lodges. People join them.

231But you cannot join the Church of the living God. You're born into It, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when you're baptized with the Holy Ghost, these virtues are sealed in you, by the Holy Ghost, and therefore, "He that's born of God does not commit sin." "Cannot." There you are. Oh, my!

We just talk all day, couldn't we?

232 The Church is the mystical Body of Christ, born of the Breath of God. Oooh! Did you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Church of God is born of the Breath of God. God breathed Breath into the nostrils, spiritually, of Adam, and he became a living soul. Did you know the pentecostals, or the true pentecostal Church, is born of the Breath of God? ["Amen."]

233Let me read you something, just a minute that's on it. Let me see, just a minute. Saint John, I believe, where I'm going to. We'll find out whether the Church of God is, or not. Saint John, let's see, I believe that's about 16, 19; 20. All right. Here I believe we'll have it, right here. All right. Let me read you, and see whether the Church is born of the Breath of God, or not, like Adam was in the beginning. Watch.

And the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut and the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

And when he had so said, he showed... them his hands and his side. Where... Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. And Jesus...

And then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me,... so send I you.

234Watch. The Father that sent Him went in Him. And Jesus, when He sends a disciple, He goes in him. Same One sent; God.

And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said... Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

235 Church, born of the Breath of God! When this stature has molded itself up there, in condition, God's Breath breathes upon them, "Receive the Holy Ghost," then you are a son of God. You can join anything you want to, but you're born into the Church of the living God, born by the Breath of God. God breathed upon them, and said, "Receive ye," whew, "the Holy Ghost." Oh, my! There you are.

236Not, "Come and join, put your name on there." And with your soup suppers and all goes with it, you join a lodge. You can join a Methodist lodge, Baptist lodge, Presbyterian lodge, Catholic lodge, or a Pentecostal lodge, anything you want to join, but you're joining a lodge.

237But when you become a child of God, you are born by the Breath of God. Amen. Better leave it alone, right there now. All right.

238 God's Life is also then in you, Jesus said. Just a minute. Jesus said, "I am the Vine. Ye are the branch."

239Now look. What was their fuss with Jesus? Their fuss with Jesus, because He was a Man making Himself God. He was God. God was in Christ. See? And He told them. He said, "And don't look at Me. It's not Me. It's My Father, and He dwells in Me." Oh! See?

240Now, they was looking at that little body that was born of Mary. See? That wasn't God. That was the Son of God, but God was in that Body. It was God. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then condemn Me. But which one of you can condemn Me of sin, unbelief of the Word? Which Word has God spoke that hasn't been fulfilled in Me?" Sin is unbelief. "Which one of you accuse Me of sin?" Sin is unbelief. "Show Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if I do the works of My... Though you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, for they testify." Otherwise, "The Father is in Me, testifying of Himself." Cause, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241Well, now, the same Life that's in the Vine is also in the branch. How you going to join in That? It can't.

242 I seen a tree not long ago, in Brother Sharrit's yard in Arizona, had nine different citrus fruits on it. What was it? It was a--it was a orange tree, a navel orange. But it had a--it had a--a lemon, a tangerine, a tangelo, and a grapefruit. It had all kinds. I stood, looked at that tree. And I said, "Brother Sharrit, you mean to tell me that that tree is an orange tree?"

He said, "Sure."

243And I said, "Well, how? How come?" I said, "I see a grapefruit here, and a tangerine here, tangelo here, and a lemon here, and all these other fruits. How does it come?"

He said, "Well, you see, they are grafted in."

244"Oh!" I said, "Well, I want to ask you something. Now, you pick this grapefruit and lemon off. Now, next year, it will what? It will come forth then with an orange out of that."

"Oh, no." Said, "It'll come forth with a lemon on it. See?"

"Oh," I said, "thank thee." See?

You can't do that. You can't join in.

245 "But," he said, "every time that that tree gets a year older and puts out a new branch, it comes forth with oranges, if the vine itself puts out the branch."

246And what we've tried to do is be joined members into Him, and we live under the name of Christianity. Because, we are, as it's in a common way of saying we're the citrus fruit, the Christian Church.

247But when the Vine Itself puts forth a vine, it'll be like the first Vine It put forth. If the first Vine It put forth, they wrote a Book of Acts behind It; if It every puts forth another one, It'll write a book of acts behind It. Right.

248 So, you're only joining lodges. But when you're born out of the Vine... You got a fruit. That's right. You got a fruit, but what do you do with it? "You have a form of godliness, and deny the power thereof." You deny signs. You deny wonders. You deny the Holy Ghost. You deny speaking in tongues. You deny visions. You deny prophecies. You deny healing. And, yet, "Call yourself a name." No wonder the Holy Ghost said, "A power, of a groups of people, full of blasphemous names, sure, calling themselves, 'Christians.'" "With forms of godliness, but denying the power thereof. From such turn away, for this is the sort that leads silly women laden with divers lusts."

249All kinds of organization! The church is packing so much, with this kind of a society, and that kind of society. What about the society of Jesus Christ? See? We have all these other things, and we've burdened the church down. Now there you are.

You never can join a Church.

250 You join a lodge. You're a member of a lodge, of a group of people, just like a lodge is. "We believe in this. We have our orders. We have our secrecy, and so forth." You do the same way, only you join a so-called church.

251But you cannot join Church. You joined the lodge of members, but not a Church, for you are born into that Church and the Vine Itself.

252Now wait a minute. Watch. I'll close, after while. Notice. Excuse me. I--I didn't mean to say that. Watch. Look.

253If God tempered this Bride together with that Spirit, then It tempers the individual together with that Spirit, see, then you are born into that Kingdom. And then the very Life that was in this Church, is in that Church, and That, That, That, That. And the very Life that was in the hull, the Vine, Jesus, is in the member that He has put forth. Glory! "With the same things that I do, the works that I do, shall you do also." There is the true member of the Body of Christ, no kind of a name tacked onto It. The very works of that individual proves where he come from. His life testifies what he is.

254"Are you what member? What body you belong to?" The Body of Christ. "Well, where did you join It?" I didn't. I was born in It. See? I was born in It.

255You don't have to tell them. They know what's happened. "You, how can you light a candle and put a bushel over it?" He said. See? No, no.

256 When you're born into that Kingdom of God, then the Life, the very Life that was in Jesus. Then you're interested in souls. Then you don't have to beg people, come to the altar. You don't have to beg for somebody, come seek with those who are at the altar. Yeah. The--the--the--the things just automatically flow, because It's sealed up in you. You are a unit of God. You're sealed with the Holy Ghost.

Now do you know what "the Holy Ghost" means?

257It don't mean, "I jumped up and shouted. I had a strange feeling." Them is all right. I've jumped up and shouted, and had strange feeling. "I spoke in tongues." I believe the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues. Sure. "I've interpreted." Yes, sir. I believe that, too. But that ain't It. That isn't what I'm talking about. There can be a leak up here somewhere. There can be a leak here, in your patience.

258Let somebody smite you on one side, the face, do you turn the other one? But you say, "That dirty hypocrite!" Then there's a leak, somewhere, sprung. We better leave that alone. All right. But you know what I mean.

259But when you're sealed into the Body of Christ, then you are Spirit-filled, and you're a son of God.

260 Oh, I wish I just had about ten minutes, to read something here. [Congregation says, "Go ahead. Read it, brother."--Ed.] But would you bear with me another ten minutes? ["Yes."] I want to read something, just a little bit. Now, honestly, the beans won't burn. I'll just assure you, see, if we'll just read this just for a few minutes. It's just too good to let go. I just got a couple things here, just comes on my mind, that I would like to say.

261Let's turn to Saint John, the 3rd chapter, talking about Life Eternal. Let's just find out what It says here about this Eternal Life problem, God's Life. Now, now watch here.

There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:

The same came therefore to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God:... no man can do these miracles... except God be with him.

262Now, they, them Sanhedrin courts, they recognized that He was the Son of God. They knowed it. Here was their ruler right here, telling Him, "We know that You're a Teacher comes from God, because the very Life of God is flowing through You." See? "We know that Your teach is not of Your Own. It's of God, because God is proving It." See? "The Life of God is flowing right through You." Now watch.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily,... I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

263 Oh, my! "Unless you join my church"? Oh! See how they get It off? See? See?

Jesus, then Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and... Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

That which is born of... flesh is flesh; and that which is born of... Spirit is spirit.

Marvel not that I say unto you, You must be born again.

The wind blows where it listeth,... (See, right back again, see, coming back, see.)

The wind blows where it listeth,... thou canst not hear the sound... can hear the sound thereof, but can not tell from whence it come, or where it goeth: so is every one... is born of the Spirit.

Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and know not these things?

264Look at there, brother, a--a D.D., Ph.D., double-L.D., see, "And know not these things?"

Verily,... I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that which we have seen; and you receive not our witness.

265"We know these things. We seen them. We know It, and you don't even receive our witness." Church-joiner! See?

If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you... heavenly things?

266Now listen at this here. Watch.

And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that come down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

267Figure that one out.

268 You know, one time, He said, "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?"

They said, "The Son of David."

269He said, "Then why did David, in the Spirit, say to Him, 'The Lord said unto my Lord, "Set Thou on My right hand"'? How could He be His Lord and His Son?" No man asked Him anything else.

270In Revelation, He said, "I am the Root and the Offspring of David." See? "I am the Vine and the Branch. I'm the beginning. I was before the beginning. I was the beginning, and--and I was the Offspring of Him, too."

271Now, here He said, "No man has come down from Heaven, but the Son of man which now is in Heaven."

272A lady asked me, one time, a question. I said, "Answer this one for me."

Said, "Who did Jesus pray to, in the garden of Gethsemane?"

273I said, "Who was He talking about when He said, 'No man has ascended to Heaven, but He that come down from Heaven, even the Son of man which is in... which now is in Heaven'? Who?"

274 Here He is, standing right here on a housetop, talking to Nicodemus, and said, "I'm in Heaven." That right? [Congregation says, "That's right."--Ed.] Let's leave that till tonight. What do you say? ["Amen."] It's getting too late. Oh, my! Let you ponder over that a little while, this afternoon.

275How do you get in the Church? [Congregation says, "Born."--Ed.] Born. What by? The Breath of God.

Breathe on me,

Breathe on me;

Spirit of the living God,

Breathe on me.

276That's my prayer: just let the Holy Spirit breathe. Oh, my! For, the Breath of God, what is It? Sealed away in the Kingdom of God, knowing that, when I first confessed, I believe Jesus Christ. Yeah.

Then, to my Faith, I add virtue, godly virtue.

Then to my virtue, I add knowledge of the Word.

277 To my knowledge, I add temperance, self-control. I like that. "My country 'tis of thee, crown my soul with self-control, from sea to shining sea." See?

278Patience. Oh, my! Tested. Don't you worry; Satan will count them for you. I'm climbing up the ladder now. See? I've added virtue, knowledge, temperance, now I've got to add patience. I still ain't got the Holy Ghost.

279Then after I add patience, I add godliness. You know what that is? Like God. I add that. Don't misbehave myself. Go like a Christian gentleman ought to. Let that not be a put-on. Something in me, the love of God, just boiling. See? See? Not say, "Uh-uh-uh-uh, boy, I could do it, but maybe I better not." See? Huh-uh. Huh-uh. It's there, anyhow.

280It's a Birth. I been birthed into this, into this, into this, into this, into this, into this, into this. And then the love of God, Christ, comes down and seals all that up in me, for service. See?

281 Then what does He do when He gives me the Holy Ghost? He sets you out in a separate place to yourself, marks you. See? You're a different person then. You're not of the world, no more. See? You're clothed different. You're dressed different. Not this outside dress. No, no. You don't have to be odd and peculiar, and collar turned around, and a long ceremony, like. No, no. You don't do that. You dress, physically, like this. It's the spiritual dress that counts. The wedding garment has been put on you. What are you?

282 Like Jesus, watch, He was overshadowed, and He was transfigured there before them, and His raiment shined like the sun. There He was, Jesus, God placing His Own Son. See? And then up come Moses. Then up come Elijah. And Peter said, "You know, it's--it's a good thing to be here." See how man gets? Yeah. Oh, the supernatural done! Said, "Let us build three tabernacles. Let's build one for Moses, and one for Elijah, and one for You."

283And before he got through speaking, God just shut the whole thing up, said, "This is My beloved Son. In all these things that I required of Moses, and put the law out by Moses; the justice by the prophets; He has met it all. Hear ye Him. I'll step out of the picture now. Just hear Him. Just hear Him." Oh, my! What a beautiful thing!

284 Then, when we have met these qualifications, and become full of the virtues of God and the things of God, then the Holy Spirit comes down and seals us into the Kingdom. Don't worry. Everybody will know you got It. You won't have to say, "Well, glory to God, I know I got It. I spoke with tongues. Glory to God, I know I got It. I danced in the Spirit once." You won't have to say a word about it. Everybody will know you got It. Don't you worry. Yeah. It'll testify for Itself. He will let it be known among men.

285 God bless you. So glad to be here with you this morning, have this time of fellowship. Listen, our little church is small, and yet we don't have enough room for the people who come here. We are not an organization. We believe and have fellowship with every organization. You just come here because that you want to come. And you, we love you. And we want every organization, every person...

286I believe that there is people in all them organizations are Christians. They are brothers and sisters in Christ.

287 So, therefore, we have no strings, nothing to join, nothing to do but just be a Christian. As E. Howard Cadle used to say, "We have no law but love, no book but the Bible, no creed but Christ." That's right. Come and visit with us. We're happy to. We believe the Full Gospel, every bit of the Word. We believe just exactly the way. We don't add one thing to It, take anything away from It, add any organization stuff to It. We just leave It just the way It is. That's it. And we're always glad to receive you. You come and be with us when you can. We pray for the sick. We believe everything the Bible says do. We are "forgetting our weaknesses, behind, and we're pressing towards the mark of the high Calling."

288 Now, one thing more. Will you permit it to be said? Day before yesterday morning... You'll notice on the--the board out there, a vision. I had a vision. It was about five o'clock, as my wife back there knows, or six. I had woke up. We got up to get the children ready to go to school.

289I just have these, now and then. And you all know, every one of you here, that they never fail. They, they are absolutely perfect. See? They never fail.

290And I thought that I was the happiest person I ever seen. I was standing in the sun, s-u-n, and was--and was preaching the Gospel to a large, mammoth congregation.

291[Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just wanted to see if it was being taped.

292A--a large, mammoth congregation, and they were setting in a forest. And streaks of the sun was shining down on them, just here and there, getting It, getting the Word.

293 And I'm, as usual, always too long, too late, preach too long. And I preached so long, until the congregation become hungry for physical food. And they, some of them, got tired. So they just got up, went out to get them some food, started going out.

I said, "Don't. Don't."

294I had two climaxes I wanted to meet, I wanted to meet, in my sermon. And the Lord had give it to me. And any preacher knows, when you really know it's God has give it to you, you just burning to tell the people.

295And I was just preaching, Charlie, just as hard as I could preach, just laying it on, you know, and say, "All these great things, this what God is doing. Look at this. He discerns the thoughts of the heart. What is It? The Word." And go like that. And, oh, I wish I could remember what I would say and what my text was. I can't think of it. See? But I was just preaching away.

296 And I was watching myself do it. And then when I was standing there, looking, and watching myself preach It.

297And I was just preaching, to-who-wouldn't-have-it. And after a bit, I raised up, you know, and I thought, "Glory to God!" I said, "Look at these wonderful things, and this, that!"

298Directly, I noticed the people begin to get like they was physically hungry. And so they had enough spiritual, so they started walking away. And some of them... [Brother Branham yawns--Ed.] Started walking away.

I thought, "What's the matter with everybody?"

299And--and I looked, and here some young couples going along, to my side. I thought... I said, "Just a minute, friend! Just a minute! You'll be back again when the evening shadows fall." See? I said, "You'll be back again. But let me give you this first climax. Where does all these things come from, that I've showed you? Where are they from?" I said, "Here they are. They are in the Word of God. They are THUS SAITH THE LORD, His promise. Cause," I said, "all of you bear me record, witness this, that my commission is, 'Stay with the Word.'" I said, "What's the matter with all of you? Can't you understand the Word? You must understand It."

300And some of them said, "Man, I'd like to have some biscuits," and so like that.

301 Well, I just thought, "Well, glory to God! If they want biscuits, let them go get them."

302So I--I turned around. I thought, "Oh, but, you know what? The shadows is going to fall, after while, right away." I said, "Then, tonight, when that congregation gathers in again, I'll put the climax to them, and told them that the things that they have seen me do is found in the Word of God, not in some mythical book or some organization. It's found in the Word. See? Every bit of it, in the Word, 'cause I'm commissioned to That."

303I thought, "You know, they'll, every one, be back tonight, so here is what I'll do. I'll background, kind of background." You know the way I do it on these church ages and things, say what I said before. "I'll background it, on the Word, and then this great, marvelous climax." I said, "What a time it'll be! Praise be to God!" And I seen myself getting real little, and heard that, "Praise be to God." I seen myself fading up like that. And here I was, standing there.

304 Now, here is the interpretation thereof. See? The first thing that I have done, the things that's been done, has been mystical to the people, most of them. I don't mean the Full Gospel and saints of God, but, I mean, in most the people. And you never want to look at the world, kosmos, as the Message of God. When you go and you say...

305Like Boze said, "I've always..." Said, "I had a dream, years ago, that the--the God would send me to Chicago and shake Chicago for the glory of God."

I said, "Joseph, He has already done it."

"Why," he said, "they haven't been shaken since Moody."

306I said, "That? I'm talking about the Church. That's cannon fodder out there. That's just dust of the earth, that bunch cramming through the streets, painted Jezebels and everything." I said, "That's out there. Them big old lodges and things will crumble and fall into the streets there." I said, "He is talking about the Church. The Church that seen the revelation of Jesus Christ made manifest, and they recognize It. They may not be fifteen out of Chicago. There may not be ten in this generation, out of the whole city of Chicago, come forth."

307 Did you ever think of that? "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls were saved." Uh-huh. How many come out of Sodom? See what I mean? I doubt being a handful. See?

308But the Church Itself has received the shaking. They've recognized it. They knowed the Word. They seen the Word when It was being materialized, and they caught It. Now look at that for a minute, now.

309And this first Message, when they'd see It, everybody rallied for It, said, "Oh, glory to God! Oh, if I could see this, that, and the other." And they go right away, the same way they come in. See?

310 And now they think, "Well, I don't know. Where would you join? If I don't come to this, it'll be this way. And I'll be kicked out, over here, and I won't have nothing to here." Brethren set down and say, "Well, what would I do if I...?" See there? They won't stop long enough to recognize It's the Word that God promised, being manifested. See? And they walked away.

311But, don't worry, the shadows are close at hand, see, when I return to the field.

312You remember, the other night, of the Message that He give me back there when I was laying the corner stone? Just exactly. Said, "Do the work..." Said, "When you come out of this vision, read Second Timothy 4." You know, it's laying right there in the cornerstone, thirty-three years ago.

313Said, "Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry. For the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap teachers, having itching ears; turn from fable... from Truth unto fables." If that hasn't been, just word by word! [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

314 But, remember, then, the other night, when I never did read the rest of it. The thirty-something years that I've preached in this tabernacle, never one time did I ever go any farther than that, and I don't know why.

315I often wonder, till, one day, I seen where Jesus picked up the Scroll and begin to read, and read half of the prophecy, and stopped, and said. There in Capernaum, He said, "And this day, this prophecy is fulfilled." Why didn't He read the rest of it? It pertains to His second Coming. See?

316And there I had read that, not knowing. I picked up that, and there it was, right before me, at Southern Pines, South Carolina. That morning, standing out there, talking to Joseph Boze, leaned up against the side of a car, I struck it. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] Paul said, "I... All men has turned against me. There's no man with me. Demas has forsaken me; loving this present world. And I now..." Look. "And the coppersmith done me much harm."

317 Look what Demas must have thought. "Why, I seen Paul preach the Gospel and heal the sick. And here he sets, suffering, himself, carrying a doctor along with him, Luke. All time he goes, taking a doctor with him, a man preaching Divine. Why, I seen him smite a man blind. Said, 'The Lord rebuke thee, and you'll be blind for a season.' And let the coppersmith run him out of a meeting. I guess he lost his power to smite men blind. Alas, he lost his power of Divine healing. God has turned against him."

318 I don't think Demas went out into the world, 'cause Demas was of a... You know his history. He was of a big, rich family. And he wanted to go with the rest of the crowd.

319But, Paul, poor little Paul. What was it? God always let's a ministry get like that, and then crowns it.

320He let Jesus get to a place. Look at there. When He could raise the dead, when He could do anything He wanted to; and let a Roman soldier jerk beard out of His face, and spit in His face. [Brother Branham make a spitting sound--Ed.] Hit Him on... Put a rag around His face, and said, "Now, You know, they tell me You are a Prophet." All of them stood around with the reeds, and hit Him on the head. [Brother Branham make a hitting sound.] Said, "Now tell us which one hit You." He knowed which one hit Him. Uh-huh. Sure. He did. See? But His ministry was fixing to be crowned.

321It always gets that spot where it seems like it's real, real weak, just about gone, then God crowns it.

O Lord, let it happen. Let it happen, Lord.

Let's bow our heads.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first...

Now worship Him. We've had a hard teaching.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

322Let's raise up our hands now to Him. "I..." Now be in the Spirit, see, "I love Him."

... I love Him

Because He first loved me.