Boh má čas a dôvod pre ten čas, aby vyplnil všetky Svoje diela. Boh vie presne, čo ide urobiť. My nevieme. My to len musíme prijať tak, ako nám to On dáva, ale On vie a neexistuje nič, čo by mohlo ísť nesprávne s tým, čo On naplánoval urobiť. Všetko to musí prísť. Niekedy to musí byť drsné a musí to ísť cez ťažké veci, aby to priviedlo tú skutočnú, pravdivú povahu tej veci. Viete, dážď sa rodí v búrlivom, drsnom, blýskajúcom sa oblaku na oblohe s hromobitím. A ak by sme nemali dážď, nežili by sme. Ale vidíte, čo je potrebné, aby prišiel dážď? Hrom, blesky, blýskanie sa, hnev. A z toho prichádza dážď. Semeno musí zomrieť, zhniť, porušiť sa, páchnuť a ísť späť do prachu zeme, aby priviedlo nový život.
Je potrebné udieranie zlata, ustavičné prevracanie tam a späť, tam a späť, a udieranie, až kým nie je z toho vzatá všetká špina. Nie len preto, že sa leskne, pretože pyrit železitý, ktorý je známy ako zlato bláznov, sa leskne ako skutočné zlato. Ale dajte tie dve k sebe. Položte ich každé na jednu stranu a sotva môžete vidieť rozdiel. Ale dajte ich k sebe, a potom to uvidíte. A ten zlatotepec to musí stále udierať, až kým tam nevidí v tom zlate odrážať sa jeho vlastný obraz.
A Boh určuje čas a účel pre všetko, čo robí. Nič sa nedeje len tak náhodou pre tých, ktorí milujú Pána a sú povolaní podľa Jeho povolania. Rozumiete? Sme predurčení. A všetko pre to pôsobí správne, lebo On nemôže klamať. A On povedal, že to tak je, že všetko má svoj čas, svoje obdobie a svoj spôsob. A Boh je za každým tým pohybom. A niekedy si myslíte, že všetko ide zle. Je to na nás. Tie veci sú na nás položené, skúšky a udivenia. Je to testovanie, aby videl, ako budeme na tú akciu reagovať.
1 Ďakujem ti, brat Neville [Brat Neville hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Povedal som bratovi Nevillovi, „Si si istý, že nemáš dnes ráno na sebe ani trochu pomazania?“
2 Prišiel som modliť sa za chorých. Boli tu niektorí ľudia, ktorí sa zhromaždili v tom, čo my... na to skoré ranné nedeľné zhromaždenie. To, čo tu musím zdôrazniť, je doviesť ich do toho, aby prišli sem do cirkvi. Vždy si myslím, že je lepšie modliť sa za chorých, keď sme v cirkvi. Neviem. Páči sa mi to v cirkvi a prísť sem, kde sú ľudia zhromaždení a modlia sa tu.
3 A tak, bolo tam jedno malé dievča, veľmi pekné dievča, no, a myslím, že ona tu teraz niekde sedí, ak tí ľudia nešli domov. Ó, vidím ju. A to je skutočne krásne dievča. Ona je veľmi chorá. A počúvali sme, keď sme počuli posolstvo v jazykoch a výklad, ktorý nasledoval. A počúvali sme to a mysleli sme si, že rozumieme, že tam je niečo povedané o tom malom dievčati. A čakali sme, aby sme videli, či Pán dá nejaké posolstvo, čo tam treba povedať. Ale myslím si, že to malé dievča je už teraz v poriadku a ona bude zdravá. A tak...
4 A bola tam jedna pani, ktorá takisto stratila zrak a my sme sa za ňu modlili. A nejaký človek v sanitke, ktorý tam bol, bol kazateľ. A nemyslím si, že on vážil viac ako tridsaťpäť libier alebo štyridsať. Bol veľmi, veľmi... A tak som tam prišiel, aby som sa za nich modlil.
5 A ten dôvod, prečo som tak trochu váhal, bol, že mi vypadla výplň zo zuba. A dnes ráno tak trochu pískam, mám tu také malé miesto po tom zube tu vpredu. A oni mi teraz hovoria, že si ich musím dať opraviť a nechať si spraviť korunky. A tak sa tento starý vek vkráda, to je to jediné, čo viem. A mal som v tom druhom výplň, asi tak polovicu, a keď som začal hovoriť, môžete to cítiť, ten vzduch sa cez to pretláča, viete, čo mám na mysli, rovno cez vaše pery. A to robí, že tak trochu šušlete.
6 Sme naozaj privilegovaní ľudia, že môžeme byť dnes ráno nažive a byť schopní prísť do cirkvi teraz pri sklonku Vianoc, a očakávame na tú oslavu, ktorú budú mať. Čo dúfam, že... Je tu dnes ráno naozaj veľa detí, tak radšej budem ticho. Rozumiete? A my dospelí niekedy hovoríme veci, ktoré by deti ani nemali počuť, viete.
7 Ale myslím, že cirkev tu má nejaké malé darčeky pre tieto dietky, ktoré potom rozdajú. A tak ja som sa tam vzadu na to trochu pozeral. Ó, chcite len zostať. Po nedeľnej škole len vyčkajte, pretože si myslím, že tam majú nejaké malé darčeky pre tých maličkých, ktoré dnes ráno rozdajú. A keď ja... Vy, maličkí, pamätajte si, zatiaľ čo toto robíme, chcem to urobiť jasným, že to nie je žiaden Santa Claus, pretože to je len nejaký príbeh, o ktorom jedného dňa zistíte, že na tom nič nie je. Ale to je od Ježiša Krista, ktorý je pravdou všetkých právd, viete, Syn Boží. A my vám dnes ráno dávame tento maličký darček, pretože to vám má dať vedieť, že Boh raz daroval ten najväčší dar, ktorý kedy mohol byť ľudskej rase darovaný: Svojho Syna. A my máme skutočne nedostatočný spôsob, ako to vyjadriť. A nedokážeme dať nič, čo by sa s tým mohlo porovnať. Ale len ako smrteľníci, jeden druhému to darujeme.
8 Tak chcel som čakať až do nasledujúcej nedele. A jednako asi počkám na niečo, čo by som chcel povedať. Niečo sme sa dozvedeli tam doma, to bolo videnie a ja to musím nasledovať. A je to tak trochu... Je to tak trochu zdanlivo drsné, ale my si nikdy nechceme myslieť, že to, čo Boh hovorí, je drsné. Jeho bremená sú ľahké.
9 A nasledujúcu nedeľu, ak bude Boh chcieť, budeme tu mať zhromaždenie, ktoré bude tesne pred novým rokom, ak bude Pán chcieť, aby sme mali túto bohoslužbu. A chceme mať ranné zhromaždenie, modliť sa za chorých a možno službu krstu. A potom som myslel, že to dáme vedieť našim priateľom, aby tak mohli prísť. Potom budeme mať nedeľu ráno a nedeľu večer. A potom ľudia, ktorí chcú zostať na nový rok, potom budeme mať... Bude tentokrát modlitebné zhromaždenie? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Áno.“ – pozn.prekl.]
10 Bude tu niekoľko kazateľov, oni budú hovoriť na nový rok večer až rovno do polnoci. A my pozývame týchto kazateľov, aby prišli a hovorili. Ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem byť jedným z nich, ktorí niečo povedia, ten novoročný večer.
11 A potom na ďalšiu nedeľu, myslel som, že by som priniesol určité veci v línii, ktorá sa deje a ktorá sa diala, aby som ukázal, ako Boh koná so svojimi ľuďmi, a priviedol to rovno do vyvrcholenia tu v cirkvi.
12 A mnohí z vás sa zamýšľajú, ako je to s touto záležitosťou ohľadom daní, cez ktorú sme išli. Je to uzavreté. A tak vám tiež chcem povedať, ako sa to dialo. A tak si myslím, že musel by som to znovu hovoriť na ďalšiu nedeľu, tak počkám až do ďalšej nedele. A budem sa dnes ráno snažiť ku vám trochu hovoriť zo Slova. A na ďalšiu nedeľu sa pokúsim, ak bude Boh chcieť, povedať vám, ako to všetko išlo, a poviem vám o každej jednej veci, ktorú Pán povedal, a budete môcť vidieť, ako to trafilo presne každé miesto a trafilo sa to úplne presne do bodky. Rozumiete? On nehovorí nič nesprávne.
13 Ale jedna vec, ktorú by som chcel dnes ráno povedať, ktorú pravdepodobne nepoviem až do ďalšej nedele a to je niečo ohľadom toho, čo sa stalo včera. Trošku som váhal, či dnes ráno prídem, pretože obyčajne som taký roztrhaný, že sa tak vôbec necítim. Ale tým, že som tu, dobre, budem sa snažiť najlepšie, ako budem vedieť.
14 Predvčerom som mal návštevu brata a sestru Sothmannových, ako ich tu poznáte, on je jeden z dôverníkov v cirkvi a jeho manželka, oni prišli navštíviť mňa a moju manželku. A hovorili sme o tých nadchádzajúcich zhromaždeniach vo Phoenixe a naokolo, či to bude vôľa Pánova. A myslím, že sme boli hore asi do desať tridsať a ja som išiel do postele okolo jedenástej.
15 A niekedy okolo polnoci sa mi sníval sen. A v tomto sne som videl niekoho, kto mal byť môj otec, bol to veľký obrovský muž, on reprezentoval, symbolicky hovoriac, môjho otca. Videl som nejakú ženu, ktorá nevyzerala ako moja matka, ale pritom to mala byť moja matka. A tento muž, ktorý mal byť ako otec, manžel tejto ženy, s ňou veľmi kruto zaobchádzal. Až tak, že mal jeden veľký drevený klát. A on ju takto držal a udrel ju týmto dreveným klátom a ona spadla až k zemi. A potom po chvíli sa znovu zdvihla. A on sa prechádzal okolo a mienil ju znovu udrieť a on ju znovu udrel. A ja som stál obďaleč a pozoroval to.
16 Nakoniec som toho mal už po krk. A ja som bol omnoho nižší ako tento muž, ktorý mal byť ako môj otec. A tak som k nemu pristúpil a ukázal som prstom pred jeho tvárou a povedal, „Nie že ju ešte udrieš!“ Rozumiete? A keď som to urobil, niečo sa začalo diať. Ruky mi začali pulzovať a mne narástli veľké, mocné svaly. Nikdy som nevidel také svaly. A tak som toho muža chytil za golier a povedal som mu, „Neopováž sa ju znovu udrieť! Ak to urobíš, budeš mať dočinenia so mnou, ak ju znovu udrieš.“ A ten človek sa ma zľakol a nechal ju na pokoji. Prebudil som sa.
17 Tak, ako som tam ležal, po chvíli, samozrejme, prišiel výklad. Tá žena, to bola samozrejme, symbolicky povedané, cirkev, ktorá je určitým druhom matky. Ten otec je tá denominácia nad ňou, ktorá dominuje nad cirkvou, tak ako manžel nad manželkou. A to sú tieto denominácie, ktoré udierajú cirkev a nedovolia jej ani postaviť sa na nohy. Práve vtedy a zakaždým, keď sa ona snaží postaviť alebo niečo urobiť, tí ľudia tam, tak tá denominácia ju znovu zrazí dolu. A to jednoducho znamená nasadiť si svaly viery a len ďalej hroziť svojím prstom a hovoriť, „Máš dočinenia so mnou, rozumieš?“ Pretože tam sú niektorí ľudia, ktorí patria Bohu. A to bolo v poriadku. O tom...
18 Myslím, že sme boli hore dve alebo tri hodiny. A jedna z mojich dcér, Rebeka, ktorá je tam, ona pracuje v metodistickej nemocnici v Louisville.. To je taká amatérska forma tréningu sestričiek. Nazývajú to „cukríkové preväzovanie“ alebo tak nejako. A ona bola... Oni ju zavolali, aby prišla v to ráno, a to je to, čo ma prebudilo. A bolo veľmi skoro a ona ešte s jednou spolužiačkou boli tu, pracujú tu spolu a išiel som ich odviezť do Louisville. Mali tam byť na desiatu hodinu. A manželka sa čudovala prečo sa nemôže dostať do spálne. Mal som zamknuté.
19 Tak ja mám mnoho vecí, ktoré sa mi v živote stali, ale nemal som nič takéto. Vošiel som do tranzu. Nepoznám ten výklad. Nemal som ešte nič takéto vo svojom živote. Ale ako to bolo predo mnou, zdá sa, že som si uvedomil, že to bolo videnie, a ja som bol vo videní. A hovoril som ku svojmu synovi Jozefovi, ktorý v tom čase nebol v izbe. Ale nejako, ako ma to zasiahlo, hovoril som ku Jozefovi.
20A pozrel som sa hore. A stálo predo mnou niečo v tvare pyramídy, boli to malé, maličké vtáčiky asi 1,5cm dlhé. Oni boli hore na konároch, takto nejako asi tri alebo štyri. Na ďalšej vetve ich bolo možno osem alebo desať a dolu na spodku ich bolo možno pätnásť alebo dvadsať.
21 A to boli malí bojovníci, pretože ich perie bolo obité a vyzeralo to, že oni sa snažia ku mne hovoriť, niečo mi hovorili. A ja som bol na západe, vyzeralo to byť niekde okolo Tucsonu, v Arizone. A tie vtáčiky sa dívali na východ. A ja som pozorne počúval. Oni sa mi snažili povedať, vyzeralo to, že sa mi snažia niečo povedať. A oni mali malé pierka, oni boli celé obité, potrhané a tak. Oni boli poriadne zničení bojom. A potom zrazu jeden vtáčik začal zaujímať miesto toho druhého a začali takto skákať. A potom tieto malé vtáčiky veľmi rýchle odišli a leteli smerom na východ.
22 A keď odišli, prišli odtiaľ väčšie vtáky, niečo ako holubice so špicatými krídlami. A oni prišli v kŕdli a veľmi rýchlo, rýchlejšie ako tie malé vtáčiky, ktoré odleteli na východ.
23 A ja stále vo svojom... Tie dve vedomia sú pri sebe, ja som vedel, že stojím tu, a vedel som, že stojím tiež niekde inde. Rozumiete? A pomyslel som si, „Tak toto je videnie a ja musím zistiť, čo to znamená.“
24 A hneď, ako sa objavila tá druhá skupina vtákov, díval som sa na západ. A to vyzeralo byť v tvare pyramídy, ako dvaja na každej strane, jeden na vrchu, prišlo tam päť najmocnejších anjelov, akých som kedy vo svojom živote videl. Prišli takou ohromnou rýchlosťou, akú som ešte nevidel. Mali vzadu hlavy a mali špicaté krídla a prileteli veľmi rýchlo a moc Božia ma zasiahla takým spôsobom, až ma to zodvihlo zo zeme až celú cestu odtiaľto zdola hore.
Mohol som počuť Jozefa, ako stále hovorí.
25 A zdalo sa, že je to niečo ako prekračovanie hranice zvuku, keď vyšlo to veľké burácanie tam v diaľke na juhu. A keď som bol zodvihnutý... A to bola taká ohromná rýchlosť tých anjelov! A nedokážem ich teraz vidieť, ako oni prichádzali v tom tvare ako to a jednoducho prileteli rovno až ku mne.
26 Ja teraz nesnívam. Nie. Bol som rovno tam, bol som celkom bdelý tak, ako som práve teraz. Rozumiete?
27 Ale tu to prichádza. A oni boli tak ohromne rýchli, až som si pomyslel, keď to zodvihlo... Ja som počul tú explóziu, bol to taký výbuch, ktorý sa rozľahol, ako keď sa prelamuje bariéra zvuku. A keď sa to stalo, pomyslel som si, „Tak toto musí znamenať, že budem zabitý pri nejakom výbuchu.“ A... A ja som len... Zatiaľ čo som o tých veciach premýšľal, pomyslel som si, „Nie, to by nemohlo byť to. Pretože ak by to bol výbuch, to by tiež zasiahlo Jozefa. Pretože on tu je a stále hovorí a myslí si, že ja som tam. Počujem ho. To nebolo to.“
28 Tak toto je stále vo videní. To nebolo... Rozumiete? Bolo to vo videní.
29 A potom zrazu, ako som si uvedomil, že som bol... Oni boli okolo mňa. Nemohol som ich vidieť, ale bolo to privedené do tejto konštelácie pyramídy, ktorú tvorili, a vo vnútri tejto konštelácie týchto anjelov, bolo ich päť. A pomyslel som si, „Tak, keby to bol smrtiaci anjel, bol by jeden. Päť, to by bola milosť.“ Premýšľal som o tom. Pomyslel som si, „Ó! Oni prichádzajú s mojím posolstvom. To je moje druhé vyvrcholenie. Oni prichádzajú, aby mi priniesli posolstvo od Pána.“ A ja som vykríkol z celej svojej sily tak hlasno, ako som len mohol, „Ó, Ježišu, čo chceš, aby som robil?“ A keď som vykríkol, to odo mňa odišlo.
30 Tak od vtedy som sa necítil dobre. Rozumiete? Bol som celý deň, včera, musel som zostať doma, cítil som sa takmer bez seba. Nedokážem si zachovať svoju myseľ jasnú. A tá Sláva a Moc Pánova! Celkom som onemel, keď ma to opustilo. Snažil som sa trieť si ruky. A pomyslel som si, „Lapám po dychu.“ A chodil som dokola a chodil som po podlahe tam a späť. Pomyslel som si, „Čo to znamená, Pane? Čo to len znamená?“ Potom som sa zastavil. Povedal som, „Pane, Bože, tvoj sluha je... Ja, ja to jednoducho nerozumiem. Prečo? Čo to bolo? Dáš mi to poznať, Pane?“ No, keď...
31 A nedokážem vám to vysvetliť, keď poviem, „Moc Pánova.“ Nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. To nie je to, čo tu cítite a tie požehnania. To sú požehnania Pánove. Toto je niečo posvätné! Ó! To je niečo poza čokoľvek, čo by si mohla smrteľná bytosť čo i len predstaviť. Rozumiete? A trápilo ma to skutočne. To ne... To nie je požehnanie. To je veľké bremeno. Ste obťažení. Rozumiete? To je to. Ak by ste len mohli...
32 Ak by som len mal nejaký spôsob, ako by som dokázal ľuďom povedať, čo to bolo, alebo čo to je... Aký bol z toho pocit! To nie je len, ako sedieť tu a radovať sa. To je niečo, že až každý nerv vo vás len... To je poza strachom. To je poza tým byť vystrašený. To je svätá úctivosť. Ja... Nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Dokonca až môj celý chrbát, hore a dolu po chrbtici, až cez moje prsty hore a dolu, až po moje prsty na nohách, celá moja bytosť bola nemá, ako by ste boli niekde vzatí zo sveta. A to ma postupne opúšťalo a ja som povedal Pánovi, „Dáš mi to len poznať, ó, Bože?“
33 Hádam to najbližšie k tomu, čo bolo asi tak silné, bolo, keď som bol v Zűrichu vo Švajčiarsku, zase keď mi On ukázal toho nemeckého orla, ako pozoruje toho anglického jazdca, ako prechádza dolu cez Afriku. A on povedal, „Všetci zhrešili a chýba im sláva.“
34 A ja som volal k Pánovi, aby mi pomohol. A chcel som, aby mi dal výklad, pretože som sa zamýšľal, čo to znamená, či to znamená, že ja odídem, že budem zabitý. A ak to bolo to, tak by som o tom svojej rodine nepovedal nič. Ak je to môj čas, čas ísť domov, tak potom pôjdem jednoducho domov a to je všetko. Ale ak je to to, čo to znamená, nechcem to povedať svojej rodine, nechcem, aby o tom niečo vedeli. Nech sa to len stane, a to bude všetko.
35 Povedal som, „Pane, pomôž mi. Nechcem to povedať rodine, ak si Ty... Ak je toto moje zavolanie domov, dobre, potom pôjdem,“ povedal som. A viete, ste...
36 Poviete, „Tak potom, prečo si nemyslel na to, čo si povedal v tom videní, čo povedalo to videnie.“
37 Ale v takýchto chvíľach nedokážete myslieť na také veci. Vy... Jednoducho neviem. A pomyslel som si, bol som rozrušený. Vy ani neviete, ako myslieť. Nedokážete myslieť.
38 Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, ak to znamená, že tá explózia ma vezme, no, nech to teraz viem a nepoviem o tom nič. Nech Tvoja Sláva a Moc na mňa znovu príde a nech ma znovu zodvihne. Alebo nech Tvoja Sláva príde na mňa, a potom budem vedieť, čo to znamená, že to znamenalo to, a ja si to ponechám pre seba.“ A nič sa nestalo.
39 Tak potom som povedal, „Potom, Pane, ak to znamená, že Ty pošleš Svojich poslov pre moje poverenie, potom nech znovu zostúpi Tvoja Moc.“ A to ma takmer vzalo z tej miestnosti!
40 Hoci som potom prišiel ku sebe a mal som v ruke Bibliu, potom viete, prosil som Boha, aby mi pomohol. A keď som prišiel k sebe, On mi ukázal niečo v Písme, čo sa týkalo presne toho, bolo to rovno tam. A ja som si pomyslel, „Môže to byť práve to? Ako som to urobil?“ A, ó, ľudia, ja tieto veci nedokážem vysvetliť. Je to poza čokoľvek, čo poznám. Rozumiete?
41 Moja manželka je veľmi nezvyčajnou ženou, jedna z najlepších na svete. Ale v tej chvíli som jej nič o tom nepovedal. Išiel som ďalej. Ona vedela, že sa niečo stalo. Tak keď som jej to povedal, ona povedala, „Vieš, Bill, ja ťa vidím a počujem v mnohých tých veciach.“ Povedala, „Vieš, že ti verím z celého svojho srdca,“ povedala. Povedala, „Ale na tomto naozaj niečo bolo.“
42 Zdá sa, že ma to tak otriaslo, ten výbuch a ten náhly príchod tých anjelov, ako tvorili tú zostavu. Tak nejako som tu tú pyramídu nakreslil, ako asi oni vyzerali. Najprv to vyzeralo tak trochu... Bolo to v diaľke, vyzerali, akoby boli vo farbe holubíc. A oni prichádzali odtiaľto. A oni vyzerali takto, jeden, druhý, tretí, štvrtý, a potom jeden rovno na vrchu, vidíte, čo tvorilo päť. A oni prišli takou rýchlosťou! Neexistuje nič, žiadne prúdové lietadlá ani nič, čo by sa s tým mohlo porovnať.
43 A môžem ich len vidieť, a svoje hlavy mali takto trochu otočené nabok. Tri krídla mali takéto špičky, boli v plnej zbroji a tu prichádzajú tak, „Fjúú!“ Takto. Takto len prišli a len ma vzali do tejto pyramídy, tej zostavy, ktorú tvorili. A videl som, že som zodvihnutý zo zeme. Myslel som si, že možno... Počul som v diaľke také burácanie, „Húúúm!“ Niečo ako lietadlo, keď prekračuje zvukovú bariéru, počuli ste, ako sa to deje, tak ako zaburácanie v diaľke.
44 Pomyslel som si, „Toto môže teraz znamenať, keď ma teraz toto videnie opustí, že ja budem zabitý pri nejakej explózii alebo niečom takom.“ Pomyslel som si, „Tu som. Som zodvihnutý. Som... Oni, oni sú niekde tu. Ja som v tomto, v tejto pyramíde týchto anjelov tu. Ale ja neviem. Možno ma Pán prichádza vziať Domov.“
Potom som počul Jozefa dolu, ako mi hovorí, „Ocko?“
Pomyslel som si, „Nie, ak by to bolo to, to by vzalo aj jeho.“
45 Potom niečo povedalo, „Ty...“ Pamätajte, ja očakávam, očakávam na posolstvo, na ktoré som sa vždy tešil, to niečo.
46 A to videnie jedného dňa, viete, ako som to tu mal prednedávnom, ktoré mi hovorilo o tom, čo sa stane, ako som kázal zo slnka do tohoto miesta. A on potom povedal, „Pamätaj teraz, to druhé vyvrcholenie má ešte prísť.“
Pomyslel som si, „Bude posolstvo.“
47 Pamätáte si moje posolstvo tu? Otvorenie toho vrcholového kameňa, kde tých sedem hlasov a pečatí, ktoré dokonca ani nie sú zapísané v Slove Božom. Pamätáte? A to ma vzalo do tej pyramídy.
48 A Junior Jackson, ak si tu, ten sen, ktorý si mi dal prednedávnom. Nepoviem to dnes ráno. Bol si tak... Boh to dal tak dokonale. A prepáč mi, že som ti nedal ten výklad, pretože som videl niečo sa pohybovať.
J. T. to isté, rozumiete. Vedel som.
A sestra Collins, presne tak isto. Rozumiete?
A šiesti z nich, to viedlo rovno do tej istej veci.
49 A potom to videnie, ktoré som vám všetkým povedal pred rokmi, to sa jedného dňa stalo. To sa malo stať.
50 A je to tam, leží to rovno tam, všetko tam presne tak leží. To je jednoducho niečo, čo sa pohybuje. Ja neviem, čo to je. Bože, pomôž mi, to je mojou modlitbou.
Modlime sa.
51 Nebeský Otče, my sme len smrteľníci a stojíme tu dnes ráno. A, Pane, ty si ma poslal k tomuto malému stádočku a tejto cirkvi. A ja som na svojom konci. Ja neviem, ako, čo, kde prichádza. Ale ja viem túto jednu vec, že Ty si povedal, že Ty, „Urobíš všetko, aby spolupôsobilo na dobré pre tých, ktorí Ťa milujú a sú povolaní podľa Tvojho účelu.“ Modlím sa k Tebe, Bože, aby Tvoja veľká ruka milosrdenstva bola na nás.
52 My v pravde vieme, že Ty si Bohom. A vieme, že Ty nie si taký, ktorý žil len vo dňoch, ktoré prešli, ale Ty tiež žiješ dnes. Ty si bol vždy Bohom. A Ty vždy budeš Bohom. Ty si bol Bohom pred časom a budeš Bohom, keď nebude už viac času. Ty budeš stále Bohom.
53 A my sme v Tvojich rukách, Pane. My sme len hlinou. A Ty si ten tvarovateľ, hrnčiar. Vyformuj naše životy, Pane, tým spôsobom, aby sme vydali tú najlepšiu službu, aby sme Ťa poctili. Udeľ to, Otče. My sme jednoducho v Tvojich rukách.
54 My sme nemali žiaden spôsob, ako by sme sa sem priviedli, ani nevieme, ako vyjdeme von. Pane, Ty nám dávaš život a Ty si nám ho dal. My vydávame svoje životy späť k Tebe a Ty nám tak dávaš na výmenu večný život. Naša viera to vdychuje rovno do našej bytosti. A my Ťa za toto milujeme, pretože vieme, že jedného dňa Ťa uvidíme a Ty budeš vo Svojej sláve. A my sa budeme dívať na Neho. A túžime počuť tie slová, „Dobre si vykonal, môj dobrý a verný sluha. Vstúp do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre teba pripravená pred založením sveta.“ Do toho času, ó, Bože, keď sa všetci stretneme, veď nás.
Sme Tvojimi sluhami a prosíme o odpustenie našich hriechov.
55 Tieto mocné videnia, Pane, je to príliš mnoho pre tvojho sluhu. Ja neviem, čo robiť. Ja len viem, že prichádzajú. A ja môžem len povedať, čo som videl a čo bolo povedané. A niekedy ma to desí, Pane. A ja sa zamýšľam, čo robiť.
56 Potom beriem Bibliu a čítam tam, ako sa Izaiáš musel cítiť v ten deň v chráme, keď videl tých anjelov, tie krídla cez ich nohy. Niet divu, že vykríkol, „Beda mi, lebo moje oči uvideli Slávu Pánovu.“
57 A to bolo vtedy, keď prorok vykríkol, a potom bol očistený v tom chráme, keď ten anjel vzal kliešte a vzal uhoľ ohňa, a priložil to k jeho perám, potom, ako vyznal, že bol človekom nečistých rtov a že žije medzi nečistými ľuďmi. A pritom bol prorokom. Ten anjel vzal kliešte a priložil horiaci uhlík na jeho pery a očistil ho a povedal, „Teraz choď, prorokuj.“
Pane, Bože, Izaiáš vykríkol, „Tu som, Pane. Pošli ma.“
58 Keď on povedal, „Kto za nás pôjde?“ Pred tú bezbožnú a cudzoložnú generáciu!
59 Ó, Bože, nech sa to znovu zopakuje. Nech to znovu príde, ó, Pane. Pošli Svätého Ducha s očisťujúcim ohňom. Lebo vyznávam, že som nečistých rtov a prebývam na tejto zemi tu s nečistými ľuďmi. A my sme Tvojich očiach, Pane, nečistí. Ale, ó, pošli očisťujúcu moc Ducha Svätého! Očisti nás, ó, Pane. Očisti Svojho sluhu, Pane.
60 A potom prehovor, Pane. Tvoj sluha počúva. Túžim počuť ten Hlas. Som Tvoj. Použi ma, Pane, ako to Ty vidíš vhodné, zatiaľ čo sa kladiem na Tvoj oltár. Nech ma Duch Svätý očistí, Pane, a pomaže a vyšle, Pane, ak chceš, aby niekto išiel, ak je toto tá hodina a toto ten čas.
61 Ja neviem, Pane, ja len viem, že som videl tých anjelov. A Ty vieš, že tie veci sú presne pravdou. Ja sa modlím, Pane, „Beda mi,“ tak pomôž mi.
62 A teraz požehnaj týchto ľudí. A my sme tu dnes práve na sklonku tohto času osláv narodenia nášho Pána. Modlíme sa, aby si nám pomohol.
63 A dnes ráno, tvoj sluha, náš brat Neville, cítil, že by to možno mal byť čas, kedy si on na chvíľu odpočinie, a že možno ja by som mal hovoriť. A tak sa modlím, aby si mi Ty teraz pomohol.
64 Sú tu, Pane, takí a všetci z nás sme v potrebe na Teba. Tak sa teraz modlíme, aby si nás požehnal, ako budeme čítať Tvoje Slovo a na chvíľu rozjímať. Nech Tvoj Duch príde na nás, Pane. A očisti nás a zapáľ nás ohňom, s Duchom Svätým, s posolstvom Boha, čerstvo od oltára, aby sme zatriasli ten zomierajúci svet predtým, ako príde ten veľký, večný Boh. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene, Jeho drahého Syna a nášho Spasiteľa. Amen.
65 Teraz by som chcel obrátiť vašu pozornosť na niektoré miesta Písma tu a tých pár poznámok, ktoré som si zapísal.
66 A myslím, že Doc alebo Billy, jeden z nich mi povedal, že by chceli skončiť trošku skôr kvôli malým deťom. Majú pre nich nejaké darčeky.
67 Vy, malé deti, ktoré ste práve vyšli z nedeľnej škôlky, len tu vydržte na chvíľu. To, čo tu povieme, môže byť pre vás trochu hlboké, ale len seďte ticho s ockom a mamou len krátky čas. Chcem ku nim hovoriť.
68 V Knihe Žalmov, osemdesiaty deviaty Žalm, chcem z neho prečítať jeden alebo dva verše z osemdesiateho deviateho Žalmu. Skúsim prečítať 50., 51. a 52. verš, zo Žalmu 89.
69 No, môžete počuť dobre vy tam vzadu? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Tak ja... Čo je... Sú všetky tieto mikrofóny zapojené? [Niekto hovorí, „Neviem.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je lepší tento alebo tento? Tento? Tento? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tieto dva na boku sú zapojené.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Tento tu? Tieto tu dva? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tento, tento a tento.“ – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.
70 Tak ja neviem, či toto budete nahrávať, alebo nie. Je to tak trochu neočakávaná udalosť dnes ráno.
71 Ale nezabudnite teraz, pozháňajte všetkých svojich priateľov. A chcem, aby ste si boli istí, aby ste sa pokúsili prísť na zhromaždenie nasledujúcu nedeľu.
72 Nazdávam sa, že čoskoro budeme mať dokončenú zborovú budovu. Potom sa kvôli tomuto vrátim a budem kázať tých Sedem Pečatí, ak to bude vôľa Božia, tu z Písma.
73 V Knihe Žalmov, 89. kapitola počnúc od 51. verša, počúvajte pozorne teraz čítanie Slova.
Rozpomeň sa, Pane, na potupu svojich služobníkov, ktorú nosím vo svojom lone od všetkých veľkých národov, [V angličtine „všetkých veľkých ľudí.“ – pozn.prekl.]
ako potupujú tvoji nepriatelia, Hospodine, ako potupujú šľapaje tvojho pomazaného.
Nech je požehnaný Pán na veky. Amen a amen.
74 Chcel by som ku vám na chvíľu hovoriť... Chcem, aby ste si to najprv poznačili a čítali znovu a znovu, skutočne dôkladne. Možno to bude dobre prečítať teraz ešte raz. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.
Pamätaj, Pane, na pohanenie tvojich sluhov, ako nosím vo svojej hrudi pohanenie od všetkých mocných ľudí,
ktorými hanili tvoji nepriatelia, ó, Pane, ktorými hanili kroky tvojho pomazaného.
Nech je požehnaný Pán na veky. Amen a amen.
[Podľa angl. prekladu Kráľa Jakuba – pozn.prekl.]
75 Študujte to pozorne, ako to tu Dávid hovoril. Chcem to použiť ako text. Je to veľmi zvláštne použiť to ako vianočný text, ale minulú nedeľu som kázal na zvláštny text. Zabudol som teraz, čo to bolo. Bolo to... [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Svet sa rozpadá.“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Svet sa rozpadá.“ – pozn.prekl.] Rozpadanie sa, svet sa rozpadá.
76 A teraz by som chcel na túto nedeľu použiť tento text. Pohanenie kvôli Slovu. Tak dovoľte mi to znovu zopakovať, naozaj dôkladne. Pohanenie kvôli Slovu (Pohanenie pre príčinu Slova).
77 Boh má čas a dôvod pre ten čas, aby vyplnil všetky Svoje diela. Boh vie presne, čo ide urobiť. My nevieme. My to len musíme prijať tak, ako nám to On dáva, ale On vie a neexistuje nič, čo by mohlo ísť nesprávne s tým, čo On naplánoval urobiť. Všetko to musí prísť. Niekedy to musí byť drsné a musí to ísť cez ťažké veci, aby to priviedlo tú skutočnú, pravdivú povahu tej veci.
78 Viete, dážď sa rodí v búrlivom, drsnom, blýskajúcom sa oblaku na oblohe s hromobitím. A ak by sme nemali dážď, nežili by sme. Ale vidíte, čo je potrebné, aby prišiel dážď? Hrom, blesky, blýskanie sa, hnev. A z toho prichádza dážď.
79 Semeno musí zomrieť, zhniť, porušiť sa, páchnuť a ísť späť do prachu zeme, aby priviedlo nový život.
80 Je potrebné udieranie zlata, ustavičné prevracanie tam a späť, tam a späť, a udieranie, až kým nie je z toho vzatá všetká špina. Nie len preto, že sa leskne, pretože pyrit železitý, ktorý je známy ako zlato bláznov, sa leskne ako skutočné zlato. Ale dajte tie dve k sebe. Položte ich každé na jednu stranu a sotva môžete vidieť rozdiel. Ale dajte ich k sebe, a potom to uvidíte. A ten zlatotepec to musí stále udierať, až kým tam nevidí v tom zlate odrážať sa jeho vlastný obraz.
81 A Boh určuje čas a účel pre všetko, čo robí. Nič sa nedeje len tak náhodou pre tých, ktorí milujú Pána a sú povolaní podľa Jeho povolania. Rozumiete? Sme predurčení. A všetko pre to pôsobí správne, lebo On nemôže klamať. A On povedal, že to tak je, že všetko má svoj čas, svoje obdobie a svoj spôsob. A Boh je za každým tým pohybom. A niekedy si myslíte, že všetko ide zle. Je to na nás. Tie veci sú na nás položené, skúšky a udivenia. Je to testovanie, aby videl, ako budeme na tú akciu reagovať.
82 Pred nejakým časom hore vo Vermonte, brat Fred a ja sme išli na jednu stranu New Yorku naprieč jazeru Champlain a dostali sme sa až k New Yorku. A vyšiel som hore na vrch, kde som zvykol poľovať tam na Hurikánovej hore. A tam som si spomenul, ako som bol vtedy stratený a ako ma Boh priviedol naspäť len cez Jeho Svätého Ducha cez búrku. Pričom ja by som tam zomrel, zahynul a tak isto moja žena a Billy, tam v tom malom tábore na míle ďaleko. A On ma otočil.
83 A bolo tam trochu snehu, ktorý sme odhrnuli, aby sme sa dostali do tábora, bolo to skoro na jar a ja som tam stál a hovoril s bratom Fredom. A Duch Svätý povedal, „Choď a buď sám.“ A tak som odišiel do húštiny na také malé miesto na chvíľu. On mi povedal, „Je pre teba pripravená pasca. Buď teraz opatrný.“ Ale On mi nepovedal čo a ako. Vrátil som sa a povedal som to bratovi Fredovi.
84 V ten večer som išiel na zhromaždenie a oznámil som to tým ľuďom v auditóriu. A na ďalší večer sa to stalo a stál som tam, keď mi to On povedal. Bolo to ohľadne nejakých posmievačov, keď On povedal, „Sú v tvojich rukách. Nalož s nimi. Čokoľvek povieš, to sa ihneď teraz stane.“
85 Tu to máte. Bol to niekto neúctivý, bezbožný a oni si robili žarty a vysmievali sa rovno v zhromaždení, jeden mladý muž a mladá žena. A on ju tam obchytkával a boli vnútri a upútavali každého pozornosť, zatiaľ čo ja som sa snažil kázať. A on jej zaklonil hlavu a položil sa na ňu a takto jej zaklonil hlavu a snažil sa ju bozkať, a toto robili na zhromaždení a upútavali pozornosť.
86 A Duch Svätý povedal, „Teraz sú v tvojich rukách. Čo s nimi urobíš?“
87 Nastalo také sväté utíšenie. Každý sedel úplne ticho. A ja som si pomyslel, „Ó, Bože, čo mám robiť?“
88 Potom som si spomenul, že dva dni predtým ma Duch Svätý varoval. Povedal som, „Odpúšťam vám.“ A to bolo to, čo On chcel, aby som povedal. Rozumiete?
89 Pretože napokon ja som bol vinný, možno nie toho, ale vinný. „A vinný v mále je vinný v celom.“
90 Tak som povedal, „Odpúšťam vám.“ A sú tu teraz svedkovia, ktorí tam boli. A potom spadol Duch Svätý.
91 Tak vidíte, ja verím, že všetky tieto veci majú určitý význam. Čo urobíš s tou mocou? Akú budeš mať reakciu na akciu? Niečo, čo prichádza ako nejaká akcia, a ako ty potom zareaguješ na tú akciu? Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Čo by ste robili? A možno všetko toto sa dopracovalo do toho, kde sme teraz. Ja neviem, neviem povedať. Ale vždy bol nejaký spôsob.
92 A pamätajte, pohanenie Slova. Slovo vždy nieslo pohanenie. Cez celé veky, Božie pomazané Slovo bolo vždy pohanené. A to je ten dôvod, prečo je to tak ťažké pre ľudí, ktorí nerozumejú, vedieť, ako akceptovať to pohanenie.
93 Pamätáte si, ako sa vracali učeníci a radovali sa, pretože videli, že boli učinení hodnými niesť pohanenie Jeho Mena? On povedal, „Všetci, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristovi, ponesú prenasledovanie“, pohanenie Slova.
94 Vy vždy musíte vytrvať v tomto pohanení, aby ste boli pretestovaní, aby ste videli. Každý, kto prichádza ku Kristovi, musí byť najprv káznený ako dieťa, kvôli tomu účelu, pre ktorý vás Boh ustanovil. A pamätajte, ak len dokážete vydržať ticho! Pamätajte, ak vás On ku tomuto povolal, neexistuje nič, čo by to zadržalo od vyplnenia sa. V pekle neexistuje dostatok diablov, aby zadržali Slovo Božie od prejavenia sa. Narodili ste sa pre určitý účel a nikto nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Môžete mať napodobňovateľov, všetko možné, ale oni nikdy nezaujmú vaše miesto. Správne. Božie Slovo bude triumfovať. Ono nemôže zlyhať. To je to, kde by mal každý Kresťan stáť vediac toto. A skúšky prídu a zdá sa, že to príde na vás z každej strany. Ale pamätajte, Boh má určitý zámer, a to bude všetko spolu pôsobiť na dobré.
95 Pripomeňme si teraz zopár udalostí, kedy sa vyplnilo Božie Slovo, a tých, ktorí niesli Slovo vo svojom veku.
96 Prednedávnom som cítil vo svojom duchu, že niekto ma kritizuje. Mohlo to byť medzi tými ľuďmi, ku ktorým idú pásky. Vždy sa veľmi odvolávam na to, aby ste sa vrátili a videli tie predobrazy v Biblii v tom, čo chcem povedať. Nuž, robím to za určitým účelom. Biblia hovorí, že tieto veci boli napísané, aby sme sa mohli na ne dívať. A to je jediný spôsob, ako bez vzdelania, jediný spôsob, ako to dokážem robiť, je spätne sa na to odvolať a povedať, „Vidíte, kde toto stojí, čo sa pri tom stalo a kde sa toto stalo.“ Rozumiete? A potom tam jednoducho umiestňujete seba.
97 Tak, ako som prednedávnom kázal o jednom malo chlapcovi, ktorý bol na lodi, viete, a ten starý kapitán zomieral. Bol chorý. A on sa opýtal, či nie je niekde na palube Biblia. Oni našli jedného malého chlapca, ktorý mal Bibliu, a on prišiel a prečítal Izaiáša 53:5. „On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti.“ A on povedal, „Dovoľte... Dovoľte mi povedať vám tu, kapitán, tak, ako mi to zvykla čítať moja mama.“ Povedal, „Toto je spôsob, akým mi to ona čítala, 'On bol zranený pre neprávosti Willie Pruitta. A On bol zdrtený pre Willie Pruitta. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré On urobil, boli pre Willie Pruitta.'“ Tak sa volal. Ten starý kapitán povedal, „To sa mi páči. Mohol by si tam čítať moje meno?“
98 On povedal, „Pokúsim sa.“ A povedal, „On bol zranený pre prestúpenia Johna Quartza. On bol zdrtený pre neprávosti Johna Quartza. A Jeho ranami je John Quartz uzdravený.“
On povedal, „Vidím to.“ A Pán ho uzdravil. Vidíte?
99 Čítajte v tom svoje meno. On bol zranený pre prestúpenia Williama Branhama. On bol zdrtený pre neprávosti Williama Branhama. On to urobil pre mňa a On to urobil pre teba. Čítaj v tom svoje meno.
100 To je ten spôsob, ako rád prinášam Písma mojim ľuďom, to je to, čo On urobil pre niekoho ďalšieho, ktorý Ho poslúchol. To, čo On urobil pre niekoho iného, kto bol verný tejto veci, a to čo On urobil pre niekoho iného, ktorý bol neverný tejto veci, potom tam čítajte svoje meno. Ak by ste boli tam, aký postoj by ste zaujali? A pamätajte, máte dnes to privilégium zaujať ten istý druh stanoviska.
101 Keď Noe pri pohanení Slova, ktoré k nemu Boh prehovoril, Noe tam mal pohanenie. Noe žil vo vedeckom veku, kde existovali vedecké pokroky, pri ktorých boli schopní vyrobiť niečo, čo bolo vyspelejšie ako čokoľvek, čo môžeme my vyrobiť dnes. Boli bystrejší, viac inteligentní. Ich veda bola oveľa pokročilejšia ako naša. A pamätajte len, on musel obstáť v pohanení Slova, ktoré kázal stodvadsať rokov pred tvárami posmievačov. Ich veľké vedecké spôsoby im dokázali, že tam na oblohe žiaden dážď neexistuje. Ale jednako Noe počul Slovo Pánovo, a to bolo v protiklade s ich koncepciou toho. Tak pretým, ako mohol byť jeho život zachránený, on musel stáť pred tvárou týchto posmievačov a niesť pohanenie, ktorým ho hanili.
102 Ó, niet pochýb, že museli cítiť ľútosť nad tým starým biednym kazateľom. Oni ho nemuseli niekam odstrániť alebo niečo, pretože možno v tom dni nebolo mnoho domov takého typu. On bol neškodným. On nešiel nikomu ublížiť, tak oni ho len nechali tak, samého. „Len choďte, ten starý fanatik tam hore, tam na tej strane kopca stavia loď na mieste, kde nie je žiadna voda. Ó, ten úbožiak! Ale...“ a povedali, „Odkiaľ zoženieš vodu, na ktorej by sa tvoj čln plavil, Noe?“
„Príde dolu z neba.“
103 „Nezmysel. Dokážeme vystreľovať na mesiac a ku hviezdam s radarom,“ čokoľvek oni vtedy mali. „Nie je tam hore žiaden dážď.“
Ale on povedal, „Boh povedal, že tam nejaký dá.“
„Ako to urobí?“
104 „To je Jeho vec. Jediné, čo mám robiť ja, je varovať vás, aby ste sa odtiaľto dostali preč.“
105 Je to to isté teraz. „Odkiaľ príde ten oheň?“ Brat, dnes je to trochu jasnejšie, ako to bolo v čase Noeho. My už vidíme, kde On je. To je rovno pripravené zasiahnuť, to je všetko. Veda už... Tentokrát neexistuje žiadna výhovorka, vôbec žiadna, pretože veda to už dokonca zistila. Tak veru.
106 A tak teraz zisťujeme, že to veru niečo bolo. A tak oni nad tým starým kazateľom cítili ľútosť a nechali ho len tak. Bola to možno pre tých ľudí zvláštna vec pomyslieť na to, že človek, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že je inteligentný a že verí, že Boh Stvoriteľ neba a zeme by urobil niečo také, alebo povedal o niečom, čo urobí, čo by bolo v protiklade k ich spôsobu myslenia, ktoré oni mali. Možno ste to neporozumeli. Pozrite. Bol... Oni si mysleli, že pomocou svojej vedy môžu dokázať každú prirodzenú vec. Či to len nie je ten druh sveta, v ktorom my dnes žijeme? Intelektuálny, vzdelaný svet plný vedy! A čokoľvek, čo mohli dokázať, že je nesprávne... Boh je..., „Žiaden Boh by nikdy nemohol povedať niečo, čo by mohlo byť vedecky dokázané, že to tam nie je.“
107 A tak oni majú tú istú ideu i dnes. Ak vám lekár povie, že máte rakovinu a že musíte zomrieť a že veda dokazuje, že máte rakovinu, a že je to v pokročilom štádiu, je to hlúpe myslieť si niečo iné, pretože idete zomrieť, to je všetko. Veda hovorí, že idete zomrieť. Oni vás vyšetrili a to je všetko. Zomriete.“ A oni si myslia, že je to bláznovstvo, ak sa snažíte povedať, že Boh zasľúbil niečo urobiť. Vidíte, je to tak, ako to bolo, vy musíte zniesť to pohanenie.
108 Oni hovoria, ak vám tu lekár povie, „My sme sa cez to pozreli a tá rakovina je pokročilá. Otvorili sme vás. Je po celom vašom tele a cez celé vaše srdce, cez vaše pľúca, vašu pečeň, všetko. Je to nemožné.“
A tak vidíte, keď poviete, „Ale on jednako ide žiť.“
Oni povedia, „No, chudák, nechajme ho len tak.“
109 Pamätám si ten večer. Bill Hall, brat Hall, dole z cirkvi v Milltowne, mnohí z vás si pamätajú ten prípad. A keď on... Zavolali ma. Moja žena, moja svokra a ja sme tam išli. On sa oženil s dievčaťom, ktoré bolo sestrou, myslím, Georgea Coppa, ktorý bol starostom mesta alebo sudcom tu. Jeho... To bol jeho švagor. Oni ho sem priviedli, aby zomrel. Lekár v Milltowne, lekár v New Albany vyšetrili jeho prípad a určili diagnózu, rakovina pečene. A tak som išiel pani Hallovú navštíviť. A on mal žltačku a bol celý žltý. A povedal som, „No, vyzerá to, že zomrie.“ A povedal som...
110 Ona povedala, „Brat Bill, je nejaký spôsob mať... Môžeš niečo počuť od Boha?“
Povedal som, „Ja neviem, sestra Hall. Môžem sa modliť.“
111 Modlil som sa. A vrátil som sa domov a Pán mi nič nepovedal. A potom som tam išiel znovu na ďalší deň a znovu sa modlil. A ona povedala, „Poznáš nejakého dobrého lekára?“
112 Povedal som, „No, náš rodinný lekár je doktor Sam Adair, tu dolu v Jeffersonville. On je, on je... Jeho otec bol naším rodinným lekárom. Mladý Sam a ja sme vždy boli dôverní priatelia a chodili sme do školy asi v tom istom čase a boli sme spolu vychovávaní. Vždy ideme k nemu, keď niečo nie je v poriadku.“
Ona povedala, „Rada by som vedela, či by sa nemohol prísť pozrieť na na Billa Halla,“ na jej manžela.
Povedal som, „Opýtam sa ho.“
113 No a Sam mi povedal, „Billy, ak lekár povedal, že má rakovinu,“ povedal, „jedinú vec, ktorú môžem urobiť, je poslať ho k niekomu, kto je chytrejší ako ja, ku špecialistovi. A vezmeme röntgen a neuvalíme už naňho ďalšie ťažkosti.“
114 Poslali sme ho do New Albany a získali röntgen od lekára, ktorý tam bol. Vzali sme ho do Louisville a vyšetrili ho, vzali ho do sanitky a priviezli späť.
115 Tak, samozrejme, on nepovedal pani Hallovej, aký má problém, tak volal mne. Povedal, „On zomrie,“ povedal, „tvoj priateľ kazateľ.“ Povedal, „Špecialista v Louisville mi práve volal a povedal, 'Diagnóza, ktorú určili lekári dole v Milltown a lekár v New Albany, bola správne určená diagnóza.'“ A povedal, „Je to rakovina pečene a je v pokročilom štádiu. A, Billy, my nemôžme vyrezať tomu mužovi pečeň a nechať ho žiť.“ Povedal, „On zomrie. Ak je kazateľom, mal by byť pripravený.“
116 Povedal som, „O to tu teraz nejde. Ale on nemá viac ako päťdesiatpäť rokov, a tak stále má ešte mnoho času života, aby kázal.“ A povedal, „No, ale ak ide zomrieť, tak je to potom vybavené. Ďakujem ti, doktor Sam.“
117 A tak som išiel dolu a zavolal pani Hallovú a povedal som jej. Povedal som, „Pani Hallová, Sam povedal, že tá diagnóza v Louisville bola rovnaká ako v New Albany a Milltowne. Ten muž zomiera. Brat Hall zomrie. Má rakovinu pečene a je to už v pokročilom štádiu.“
118 A tak ona začala plakať. A ja som sa otočil a modlil sa s ním. A on bol vtedy tak mimo seba, že ani nevedel, že ja som v tej miestnosti.
119 A tak som sa vrátil. A mnoho ľudí prichádzalo v tých dňoch ku nám do domu. Nikto iný na poli nebol. Nebolo to vtedy tak veľmi kontaminované a ľudia prichádzali zovšadiaľ.
120 Chcel som si trocha odpočinúť. Tak som si ľahol a potom vstal skoro asi o dve tridsať, o tretej hodine. Brat Wood ešte nebol na trati. A pozrel som sa na príjazdovú cestu a nebol tam nikto, a tak som si vzal svoj starý klobúk, vbehol som do svojej pracovne, vzal svoju pušku, dvadsať dvojku. A tak, chcel som ísť von a poľovať na veveričky asi do ôsmej hodiny ráno, a potom si niekde ľahnúť pod strom a trochu si odpočinúť. Nemohol by som to mať doma.
121 Vzal som si klobúk a začal som prechádzať cez izbu. A tam na stene viselo jablko. A to jablko bolo celkom skazené. Bolo prežrané červami a hrčavé a celé fľakaté. A pomyslel som si, „Kvôli čomu Méda zavesila na stenu také jablko?“
122 A potom som si znovu všimol, že to nevisí na stene. Ono viselo vo vzduchu. Strhol som svoj starý klobúk, položil pušku do rohu a padol som na kolená. Povedal som, „Pane, čo chceš oznámiť svojmu sluhovi?“
123 Zrazu dolu zostúpilo ďalšie a potom ďalšie, až tam boli štyri alebo päť jabĺk (Zabudol som teraz, koľko ich bolo) a viseli tam. Potom jedno veľké krásne jablko s pruhmi, bolo to veľmi veľké zdravo vyzerajúce jablko, znieslo sa dolu a odkoplo tie ostatné prežrane vyzerajúce jablká. A on povedal, „Vstaň. Postav sa na svoje nohy.“ Povedal, „Choď a povedz Billymu Hallovi, že nezomrie. Bude žiť.“
124 Ó, bežal som tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol, a povedal som, „Pani Hallová, mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On bude žiť,“ a on ma počul. A on sa snažil plakať, ale nedokázal viac hovoriť.
125 Vrátil som sa a zavolal som Sama. A povedal som, „Sam, náš brat bude žiť.“
Povedal, „Ako môže takto žiť?“
126 Povedal som, „To nie je na mne, aby som si to domyslel. Boh tak povedal. Tým je to vybavené.“
127 A on dnes žije. To bolo asi pred desiatimi rokmi. Je silný a zdravý. Jeho žena už od vtedy zomrela. On sa znovu oženil.
128 Ako sa to stalo Georgeovi Wrightovi a mnohým ďalším, o ktorých by sme mohli povedať, ktorých by sme mohli menovať? Čo je to? To je niesť pohanenie. Oni sa smiali a robili si žarty.
129Pamätám si to ešte pred potopou v tridsiatom siedmom roku. Pracoval som tam pre Fall City Transfer Company (Mestská prepravná spoločnosť.) Hovoril som im o tom, že tam bude tridsaťdva stôp vody, myslím, že toľko, na ulici Spring. Vysmiali sa mi. Povedali, „Biedny Billy. Zdá sa mi, že on... To decko!“ Bol som vtedy ešte len chlapec. On povedal, „Billy je dobré dieťa. Je to hanba, že zostal celý zamiešaný.“ Nebol som zamiešaný. Bol som pokrstený do vnútra a nie zamiešaný. Bol som „vo vnútri.“ A to sa stalo presne tak.
130 Odkedy hovorím, všimol som si sestru Hattie Wright, myslím, že sedí tam vzadu. Ona si pamätá ten prípad Billyho Halla. Mnohí! Koľkí sú tu dnes ráno prítomní, ktorí si pamätajú ten prípad? Ó! Iste. Sú tu mnohí z vás.
131 A tak oni nad nami cítia ľútosť, cítia ľútosť nad kýmkoľvek, kto sa snaží držať Slova v tých dňoch posmievačov. Ale pamätajte, to pohanenie musí prísť. Vždy to tak bolo. Oni si museli myslieť práve tak, ako to bolo vtedy, že Boh potom, ako je niečo vedecky dokázané, že Boh nevypovie niečo, čo bude proti vede. Ale to je to, čo Ho robí Bohom. Ak by On postupoval len podľa vedy, to by nebolo nič viac ako len to, čo dokáže dosiahnuť človek. Ale On je Boh. On je Stvoriteľom vedy. On môže urobiť to, čo si praje.
132 Oni si museli pomyslieť, „Úbohý, biedny Noe, no, nechajme toho starého chlapíka osamote. On míňa všetku tú zábavu, ktorú máme my v týchto dňoch, a tak nechajme ho len tak.“ Je to podobne aj teraz.
133 Ale chcem tu teraz povedať ešte inú vec. My sa dívame späť a obdivujeme jeho vieru. Ale som zvedavý, že ak by sme žili v tom dni, či by sme zaujali ten istý postoj, aký zaujal Noe. Boli by sme schopní byť ochotnými vydržať to pohanenie, ktoré išlo s pravdou? Keď všetky tie milióny tam, ktoré boli vtedy vo svete, bol tam jediný Noe a jeho rodina, ktorí stáli za pravdou. Pomysleli ste na to? Len ten muž a jeho traja synovia a jeho nevesty a jeho manželka boli tí jediní, ktorí stáli za pravdou. Ale oni mali TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. My sa dívame späť a obdivujeme ho. Mohli by sme znova tak myslieť?
Musím sa poponáhľať kvôli darčekom pre tieto deti.
134 Abrahám, práve to slovo Abrahám znamená „Otec množstva.“ On ho urobil „Otcom národov.“
135 Tak Abrahám počul Slovo Božie. Abrahám bol prorokom a on počul Slovo Božie. A my obdivujeme Abraháma pre jeho držanie sa Božieho Slova, ako sa oddelil od svojho príbuzenstva, aké to bolo tvrdé pre Abraháma. On tam bol vychovaný. Prišiel z Bábelu a išiel tam dolu do zeme Sineár a Chaldejov, tam v meste Úr, kde všetci jeho spoločníci, jeho ľudia, a oni všetci, s ktorými chodil do cirkvi a všetko to. Ale Boh povedal, „Oddeľ sa.“ Ó! Čo za hrozná vec to bola opustiť to, čo mu bolo drahé, všetko, čo bolo pre neho skutočné, čo mu bolo drahé. A Boh mu povedal, „Oddeľ sa!“
136 A Boh mu dal veľmi zvláštnu vec. „Budeš mať dieťa so svojou ženou.“ On mal sedemdesiatpäť a ona mala šesťdesiatpäť. Jej už prestalo bývať, ako býva ženám, ako je poriadok pre ženy rodiť deti po tie roky. A tu potom, ako žili spolu, odkedy ona bola dievčaťom, pretože ona bola jeho polovičnou sestrou, a ako by kedy mohol splodiť dieťa? A viete si teraz predstaviť, ako Abrahám ide von medzi svojich spoločníkov a hovorí, „Sára a ja budeme mať dieťa“? Viete si to predstaviť?
137 A tak ľudia povedali, „Ten úbožiak, niečo nedobré sa s ním stalo.“
138 Je to pohanenie, ale Abrahám sa toho držal. A keď mal sto rokov, vôbec sa nezapotácal v zasľúbení Božom. Stále obstál pri pohanení, iste, a držal sa toho.
139 Všimli ste si tu ten rozdiel? Sára sa snažila dať Abrahámovi, vlastne, dať Bohu trochu pomoci skrze samú seba. Ona si pomyslela, viete, niečo, čo bolo iné, ako to, čo Boh zasľúbil „No, vieš, ja som už starou ženou a Hagar, ktorá je tu, je krásna žena. Abrahámovi nebude vadiť, keď si ju tiež vezme. A tak vieš, to pomôže Bohu. To pomôže Bohu, pretože Hagar tu má možno len dvadsať rokov. Ona je mojou slúžkou. A vieš, čo urobím? Dám ju svojmu manželovi za ženu.“ (Pretože polygamia bola legálna.) A tak On povedal... [Ona povedala – pozn.prekl.] „Ja mu ju dám a ona bude mať dieťa s mojím manželom, a potom ja si to dieťa vezmem. A to bude to, čo Boh zasľúbil.“
140Vidíte, my sa vždy snažíme niečo urobiť; nedokážeme na Neho čakať. Musíme niečo urobiť sami. Mohlo to byť v poriadku. Ona mohla byť pekná. Mohlo to vyzerať veľmi dobre, ale to nebolo podľa Slova. Boh povedal Abrahámovi, „To dieťa bude cez Sáru.“
141 Pamätáte si, čo On povedal o tom malom stádočku? „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude za príchodu Syna človeka, kedy málo, len osem duší, bolo spasených,“ tie slová nemôžu zlyhať, tak to pozorne pozorujme a zostaňme so Slovom. V poriadku. Vidíte?
142 Ľudia sa vždy snažia niečo vyprodukovať, aby zaujali miesto Božej Stvoriteľskej vôle. Vidíte, ako som často povedal, a už predtým, možno pred cirkvou, viete, nemohli by ste sa opýtať ovce, „Vyprodukuješ mi trochu vlny?“ Nie, ona to nemôže. No, koza nedokáže vyprodukovať vlnu, pretože jej prirodzenosť jej to nedovolí. Nezáleží na tom, koľko sa pokúsite uviazať ovčiu vlnu na kozu, to nebude fungovať. Koza nedokáže vyprodukovať vlnu a ovca neprodukuje srsť. Ale ona má vlnu, lebo je ovcou. To je to, čo ju tým činí. Ona to nevyrába.
143 My nemáme vyrábať ovocie Ducha. My máme niesť ovocie Ducha. Jabloň nevyrába jablká, ona to nesie, pretože je jabloňou.
144 A ak sa snažíme niečo vyrobiť, „Ja tej veci pomôžem. Budem študovať desať rokov v seminári. Naučím sa toto, to alebo tamto a získam svoj titul bakalára a svoj doktorský titul. Sám pomôžem Pánovi.“ To nebude fungovať.
145Boh skrze predurčenie povoláva, koho chce. On dáva Kráľovstvo každému, komu ho On zatúži dať. Naučili sme sa to na príklade Nabuchodonozora.
146 Naučili sme sa to cez Jeremiáša. Keď mu to Boh povedal skrze Slovo Pánovo, že bude čas, kedy Izrael bude odvedený do Babylona na sedemdesiat rokov. A tu prichádza iný prorok. On mu už povedal, „Tak budeš mať prorokov, ktorí povstanú. A budeš ich mať dolu v Babylone, oni povstanú, budú snívať sny a budú proroci a oni budú prorokovať v protiklade k tomuto. Ale povedz ľuďom, aby týchto ľudí nepočúvali.“
147 A tu hore prichádza človek, ktorý je jedným z prorokov, volá sa Chananiáš, a keď tam stál Jeremiáš s jarmom uviazaným na krku, tu prichádza Chananiáš a hovorí, „Tak hovorí Pán. Za plné dva roky všetky nádoby Pánove,“ tak fundamentálne sa to zdalo veľmi dobré, „Boh svojich ľudí požehná. On privedie všetko presne tak, behom dvoch rokov.“
148 Biblia hovorí, že dokonca Jeremiáš povedal, „Amen. Amen. Chananiáš, nech len Pán vyplní tvoje slová. Ale pomyslime na niečo, Chananiáš. Boli už pred nami proroci a oni prorokovali proti veľkým národom, vojny, a tak ďalej. Ale pamätaj, prorok sa pozná podľa jeho proroctva, keď sa zamanifestuje.“ Vidíte?
149 Potom povstal Chananiáš, chytil jarmo na Jeremiášovom krku pred všetkými tými kňazmi a zhromaždením, bolo tam možno milión a pol ľudí. A strhol to jarmo, ktoré Boh položil na Jeremiášov krk na znamenie, a rozlámal ho na kusy a hodil ho k nohám a bol nadšený a povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán. Za dva roky budú späť.“
150 Jeremiáš sa na neho len pozrel. Bolo to v protiklade k Slovu, a tak len odišiel preč. A Boh povedal, „Vráť sa a povedz mu,“ povedal, „Ja som k nemu vôbec nehovoril.“
151 On bol iba nadšený. On iba vyjadril svoj vlastný dojem. Vidíte? On vôbec nečakal, kým by to skutočnosti videl a vedel by, že to nebol on, ale že to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril. On sa vrátil a bol celý nadšený. Ak...
152 Nachádzame to dnes po celej krajine. Jedna z našich pások bola nedávno prehrávaná v jednom dome, kde bola skupina kazateľov, a oni zostali presvedčení o pravde a išli sa dať pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista. A v tej miestnosti povstal nejaký človek, prehovoril v jazykoch a povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán. Držte sa toho, čo máte. Len choďte ďalej, pokračujte a Ja vás požehnám.“
153 Oni povedali, „No, ak to Pán povedal, tak to je hádam to.“ Vidíte? Nie je to preskúmané so Slovom. To musí najprv vziať Slovo. Tu to máte. Bolo to v protiklade k Slovu.
154 Tak tu sa vracia Jeremiáš, ten pomazaný prorok. Boh mu povedal, „Ja viem, že Chananiáš polámal to drevené jarmo z tvojho krku, ktoré som tam Ja položil, ale Ja teraz urobím jarmo zo železa.“ Povedal, „Všetky tieto národy, ktoré išli dolu, aby slúžili Nabuchodonozorovi, môjmu sluhovi,“ a on bol pohan. Vidíte? A Izrael, zachovávali všetky svoje obete, ale oni neboli... Vidíte?
155 Boh dal zasľúbenie, že ich požehná, ale tie požehnania sú pod podmienkami. A vy musíte splniť tie podmienky, aby ste to uviedli do chodu.
156 Ako som tu prednedávnom sedel, bolo tu jedno milé malé dievča. Najprv som preskúmaval celú tú rodinu, aby som videl, či tam nie je niečo nesprávne. Boh uzdraví, ale je to pod podmienkami. Rozumiete? Jediná vec, ktorú som našiel, bola, že tá matka sa obávala vziať lieky. Povedal som, „Nemysli si to, sestra. Vyhoď si to z hlavy. Choď len rovno vpred s tým dieťaťom. Daj mu tie lieky. Boh to dá najavo.“ Vidíte?
157 Ale tá vec je nájsť to, zistiť to. A potom, ak je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, tak je dobre.
158 Nachádzame tu teraz týchto ľudí, že oni sa snažili niečo vyrobiť, Hagar a Sára, aby pomohli Abrahámovi, aby pomohli Bohu vyplniť Jeho zasľúbenie. Nemôžete to robiť. Neexistuje vôbec žiaden spôsob, ako by sa to dalo. Je to proti všetkému. Božie Slovo sa ide každopádne stať. Vy len musíte stáť rovno na tom Slove a hovoriť, „Je to takto,“ a zachovať to Slovo. Teraz pozorujte, vyrobiť niečo, aby to zaujalo miesto Jeho Slova!
159 Možno tak isto Abrahámovi priatelia, ak ste si kedy všimli, možno tam prišli Abrahámovi priatelia a povedali, „Dobre, otec národov, koľko detí máš teraz?“ Keď mal sto rokov. „Povedz nám, otče národov, otec množstva, koľko detí máš teraz?“ Posmievači!
160 Či ste neuvideli ten čas, či sme to neuvideli, keď sa niekedy za niečo modlíme a to sa nestane?
161 „Tu sedí nejaký starý človek,“ hovoria. „Je slepý. Je hluchý. Je nemý. Je chorý. Urobil toto. Choďte tam a uzdravte ho, vy, Božskí uzdravovatelia. Uveríme tomu.“
162 Či si oni uvedomujú, že to je ten istý diabol, ktorý povedal, „Zostúp z kríža a uverím ti. Obráť tieto kamene na chlieb a uverím tomu“? Vidíte? Ten istý diabol, ktorý sa snažil položiť handru okolo Pánových očí a udierať ho po hlave palicou a hovoril, „No, ak si prorok, povedz nám, kto ťa udrel, a my ti uveríme.“
163 No, vy viete, že On vedel, kto ho udrel. On mohol premeniť tie kamene na chlieb. Alebo On mohol zostúpiť z kríža. Ale kde by sme boli my dnes, ak by to bol urobil? Vidíte? Oni nepoznajú program Boží. Vy musíte zistiť, čo Boh zasľúbil.
Musím sa poponáhľať.
164 Tak oni mohli povedať, „Otče národov, my sme ťa počuli pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi, ako si povedal, že budeš mať so Sárou dieťa a že z toho prídu národy, národy ľudí. Tak koľko detí máš teraz v tomto čase, otče národov?“ Ach! Vidíte? To je ten istý kritický duch, ktorý kritizuje.
165 Čo urobil Abrahám? Bolo povedané, „On sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení v nevere.“
„No, tu si sa modlil za toho a toho a neuzdravil sa.“
166 Na tom nezáleží. Ak by som sa modlil dnes večer za desaťtisíc ľudí, a zajtra ráno ich desaťtisíc zomrie, tak zajtra večer budem stále pomazávať chorých a modliť sa za nich. Boh tak povedal. Toto vôbec nezastavuje. Boh to zasľúbil. Verím tomu. Istotne. Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel, čo oni hovoria. Ale oni sa budú posmievať. To je to pohanenie Slova.
167 Ako Abrahám stál na Božom Slove, nakoniec sa ono vyplnilo. Ó!
168 Pozorujte to posmievačstvo kvôli neplodnosti. Tým, že sa posmievali a najprv hanili tú neplodnosť. Oni... Ona musela vydržať všetko to pohanenie za to, že bola po všetky tie roky neplodná. Ona mala takmer sto rokov. Mala deväťdesiat, so Slovom Božím, ktoré povedalo, že ona bude tiež kňažná, matka toho dieťaťa. A ona a Abrahám neplodní, telá oboch boli akoby mŕtve, ale jednako nikdy nepochybovali v to Slovo, ani trochu. Ale museli to najprv vydržať. A potom, Haleluja, Boh zachoval svoje Slovo v tej temnej hodine: Izák sa narodil. „A jeho semena bude ako piesku na mori alebo ako hviezd na mori.” Rozumiete? Boh vždy odpovie na Svoje Slovo. Áno. Najprv neplodnosť, potom Izák.
169 Zachariáš a Alžbeta podobne. Ten starý muž a stará žena, oni sa stále držali. A keď tam prišiel Zachariáš a mohol napísať na tú tabuľku a povedať, „Stretol ma anjel a povedal mi, že budem mať s Alžbetou, mojou starou ženou tu dieťa. Nemôžem viac hovoriť. Som nemý. Budem nemý, až kým sa nenarodí to dieťa. Ale prichádza dieťa a ono bude prorokom Najvyššieho. On predstaví rannú Hviezdu. On je predchodcom Mesiáša.“ Ako to vôbec mohlo byť?
170 Niekto povedal, „Biedny úbožiak. Ó, myslím si, že on je tak trochu na hlavu, viete. Je tam, je tam trochu niečo také. Ale pozrite tu na starú Alžbetu, má okolo osemdesiat. A pozrite, pozrite na Zachariáša, aký je starý a trasie sa, a potom hovorí takúto vec. No, biedny úbožiak.“
171 Ale on mal Slovo Pánovo. Také pohanenie, až sa ona ukryla na niekoľko dní. Ale on zostal so Slovom. Ó!
172 Odmietnuť popularitu, odmietnuť populárny názor, odmietnuť vyleštenia dňa a štýlov a vecí toho svojho dňa. Oni to odmietli, oni odmietli kráčať s davom neveriacich. Oni odmietli veci sveta. Museli to urobiť, aby zostali s Božím Slovom, museli to urobiť.
173 Tak isto je to dnes. Vy sa oddeľujete od všetkého, okrem vás a Boha. To nie je to, čo robí cirkev. To je to, čo vy robíte s Bohom. Rozumiete? To si ty ako jednotlivec. Áno.
174 Ale pozrite, čo mu dal Boh. Keď Sám Ježiš prišiel, Zachariáš bol preč a Alžbeta tiež. Ale keď ich syn prišiel na púšti s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Ježiš povedal, „Nikdy nebol taký človek narodený zo ženy, veľký ako on.“ Amen. Čo? Ona strpela pohanenie neplodnosti. Zostala na Slove a porodila takého syna.
175 Tak ako Sára za dávna, ako Abrahám za dávna, tá stará dvojica, ona sa toho držala. Pozrite, väčšina z tých, ktorí sa narodili, je ich ako piesku mora, neexistuje taká rasa ľudí na svete, ktorých je tak mnoho ako Židov. Ako piesku mora alebo hviezd neba. Čo sa stalo? Stalo sa to cez menšinu, jedno dieťa.
176 Teraz vidíte, kam mierim. Jedno dieťa, to je všetko, čo bolo potrebné. Bolo potrebné jedno dieťa, aby zatriaslo národmi a poukázalo na Mesiáša. Bol potrebný jeden poslušný. To je pravda. Boh potrebuje len jedného človeka. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje, niekde, kde On môže mať hlas. To je všetko, čo On chce, dostať jedného človeka pod kontrolu. Ó, ako to On miluje, uchopiť jedného človeka!
177 On mal raz Noeho. Raz mal Mojžiša. Mal Jeremiáša. Mal Eliáša. Mal Elizea. Mal Jána. On mal... Mal Samsona. Pokiaľ môže dostať jedného človeka pod kontrolu, to je Jeho hlas. On môže cez neho hovoriť. Môže odsúdiť svet. Ó!
178 Ako On žízni a snaží sa, aby dostal človeka pod svoju kontrolu. „Aby som mohol cez neho hovoriť. Môžem dať na známosť Môj hlas. Hoci on bude trpieť pohanenie, ale Ja dám na známosť Môj hlas.“ Vidíte? Ó, áno.
179 Najprv neplodnosť. Museli byť neplodní, museli strpieť pohanenie neplodnosti. Sára to musela strpieť. Tak isto Zachariáš a Alžbeta to museli strpieť.
180 Pozrite dnes. Teraz tu niečo poviem. Pozrite dnes na deti smilnice. Ona zabrala národy pod politické panovanie, denominácie, tá smilnica a jej dcéry. Pozrite na tú generáciu denominácií, aká povstala, a ako málo je tých spravodlivých. Nič sa nebojte. Zostaňte so Slovom. To je všetko v poriadku.
181 Môžete byť vysmievaní, nazvaní náboženskými fanatikmi. Môžu vás nazvať všetkými druhmi zlých mien. Ale zostaňte rovno tam, to je Slovo, pohanenie Slova, tá vec, ktorú oni o vás povedia.
182 Jeden mladý človek, možno je dnes ráno tu. Je to môj priateľ, Jim Pool, mladý Jim, jeho ľudia. Jedného dňa sa ho niečo opýtali, no, on tu bol pokrstený a niekto mu povedal, „Ak sa chceš pokrstiť v nejakej cirkvi, prečo nejdeš do nejakej veľkej cirkvi niečoho takého?“ Vidíte? Ale on uvidel svetlo. To bolo to. Rozumiete?
183 „Viac je detí od tej nespravodlivej ako tej spravodlivej.“ Áno. V poriadku. Ako ich je málo od tej spravodlivej! Pozrite, aká malá hŕstka to bola vo dňoch Noeho. Vidíte? Pozrite, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. Ako málo je tých od spravodlivej!
184 Koľko veľa detí má smilnica! Ona rodí deti akýmkoľvek starým spôsobom, ale to sú všetko bastardské deti. Smilnica rodí smilnicu. Pes zrodí psa.
185 A Kristus zrodí pomazaných. Biblia rodí spravodlivého, tak musíme zniesť tú myšlienku toho, že sme len malá skupina. Aká milostivá vec je to!
186 Pozrite sa na tú veľkú Efezkú cirkev, bolo ich tam len dvanásť. Áno. Pozrite, akú skupinu máme dnes po ich strane. Áno.
Vo dňoch Noeho bolo len osem duší.
187 Vo dňoch Lota ich bolo len päť, nie, štyria. Lot a jeho žena a jeho dve dcéry. A ona sa obrátila na kamenný stĺp, potom, ako vyšla, pretože sa obzrela späť. V skutočnosti v tom dni vyšli len traja.
188 A Ježiš povedal, ako bolo v tých dňoch.“ Patrí sa nám bdieť a byť opatrní. Ako málo je tých spravodlivých! Ale tak ako vždy, tí posmievači musia prinášať pohanenie. Neplodnosť... Najprv obstáť v pohanení neplodnosti. Ó!
189 Musím sa len poponáhľať. Som... Ja nie... Chcem pomôcť týmto malým deťom. Vydržte to ešte so mnou chvíľu.
190 Ľudia sú takí istí ako vždy. Teraz tu chcem niečo znovu povedať. A chcem, aby ste... A ja neviem, či je toto nahrávané alebo nie. Ale ak je to na páske, chcem, aby ste ma počúvali, vy, pri páskach. Nemiňte to, ale študujte to. Človek je teraz taký, aký bol vždy. On chváli Boha za to, čo on robil, díva sa dopredu na to, čo on bude robiť, a ignoruje to, čo práve urobil a čo práve robí. Chváli Boha za to, čo urobil, díva sa dopredu na to, čo bude robiť, ale ignoruje to, čo Boh robí, a v tom míňa celú tú vec. Dúfam, že to porozumejú. Vidíte? Ignoruje to, čo on robí! Človek vie, čo On urobil, a pozná to zasľúbenie, čo bude robiť, ale míňa vidieť to, čo On robí.
191 Ó, vy, letniční, či nie ste práve príkladom toho! Vy vyhliadate niečo, čo sa má stať ako vždy, a to sa stalo rovno pri vás a vy o tom neviete. „Ako často ich chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje kuriatka, ale nechceli ste.“ Vy ste viac zmýšľali o svojich tradíciách a denomináciách ako o Jeho Slove a Jeho Duchu. Áno.
192 Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu! (Pritom, ako zakončujeme) Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu a Jozefa kvôli Jeho Slovu. Je čas Vianoc. Plánoval som to trochu podržať, ale budete z toho počuť mnoho v rádiu a medzi pastormi, a tak ďalej. Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu a Jozefa, držať sa Božieho Slova zasľúbenia. Pamätajte si teraz. A tí posmievači zodvihli svoje brvy, keď videli malú Máriu, ako ide okolo, a videli Jozefa. „Ideš sa oženiť s prostitútkou.“ Vidíte? A pamätaj, brat, cudzoložstvo znamenalo v tých dňoch smrť. „A teraz ty ju chrániš od toho, aby nebola zabitá. Ona sa chce stať cez teba matkou.“ Ale pamätajte, po celý čas Boh s nimi konal, a to bolo podľa Jeho Slova. A tí ľudia o tom nevedeli. Vidíte?
193 „Panna počne dieťa,“ Jozef to vedel. Mária to vedela, pretože potom, ako to Slovo bolo napísané, bol tam anjel, ktorý k nim hovoril, potvrdzoval to a manifestoval práve to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané, že sa ide stať. Nesnívajte teraz. Myslite. Duch Svätý prišiel dolu na zem a vôbec nehovoril k celému zhromaždeniu. On hovoril ku nim.
194 Jozef sa pozrel. A predtým, ako ho navštívil anjel, povedal, „Dobre teraz, ja ju milujem. Ale som spravodlivým človekom. Nemôžem sa oženiť s takouto ženou.“
195 A vo sne sa mu zjavil anjel Pánov a povedal mu, „Jozef, synu Dávidov, neboj sa vziať si Máriu, tvoju manželku, pretože to, čo je v nej počaté, je zo Svätého Ducha. Ó! Čo za útecha! Vidíte?
196 A Mária na svojej ceste ku studni, tá mladá panna, mala asi sedemnásť rokov, osemnásť, a vydávala sa za muža, ktorý bol už pretým ženatý a mal štyri deti, starý muž. A ona bola... Milovala ho a ona nevedela prečo. A on miloval ju a nevedel prečo. A tak tu prichádzali ku studni, aby si nabrali vodu. A popri všetkom tom študovaní tých vecí, a to, o čom rozmýšľala ohľadne Písem, niet o tom pochýb, a potom sa pred ňou zablysklo to svetlo. Keď sa zablysklo to svetlo, stál tam anjel.
197 Som zvedavý, ako sa tak asi Mária cítila? Pomysleli ste niekedy na to? Rád by som vedel, či sa cítila tak vystrašene ako ja včera.
198 „Zdravas Mária!“ Zdravas znamená, „Zastav sa. 'Daj teraz pozor, čo ti idem povedať. Požehnaná si medzi ženami, pretože si našla priazeň u Boha a budeš mať dieťa. Nepoznajúc muža, ale budeš mať dieťa. A tvoja sesternica Alžbeta je tiež stará a tak isto počne a bude mať dieťa. A udejú sa tieto znamenia.'“
Ona povedala, „Ako sa to stane, keď nepoznám muža?“
199 On povedal, „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni. To Sväté, čo sa v tebe narodí, bude nazvané Syn Boží.“
200 Nech tí posmievači hovoria, čo len chcú. Ona to vedela. Ona vedela, že to tak bude, pretože to tak povedal Boh.
201 Ako sa asi musela cítiť v ten deň požehnania detí alebo pri tom obrezaní dieťaťa, keď tam išla hore s týmto malým dieťaťom v náručí, asi takto. A všetky ženy si od nej držali odstup, všetky mali pekné vyšívané odevy, aby dali požehnať svoje bábätká a dali ich obrezať, a takmer všetky z nich ťahali za sebou baránka. Ale ona mala dve hrdličky na očistenie, kvôli svojmu očisteniu. To malé dieťa bolo zabalené v plienkach, a to bolo vyrobené z kúska kože z jarma, ktoré mal vôl na chrbte a mal tým obalený chrbát. A to bola tá látka, ktorá tam bola v maštali. Oni pre Neho nemali nič. Boli príliš chudobní. A ona tu stála.
202 Niet pochýb, že všetky ženy si od tej malej panny držali odstup. Povedali, „Vidíte, ona má nelegitímne dieťa.“ Vidíte, ako Boh robí, že veci vyzerajú radikálne. Ó! On len naťahuje cez satanove oči vlnu.
„Aké špinavé! Aké nečisté! Cudzoložstvo. To je to, v čom je. Je to cudzoložnica.“ To nezastavilo tlkot v srdci mladej Márie. Oni si od Neho držali odstup.
203 A ľudia robia stále tú istú vec, nazývajú ho „Náboženský fanatik alebo blázon,“ alebo niečo také.
Mária vedela, koho dieťa to je. Ona len išla ďalej tak ako dovtedy.
204 Ó, ale či si nemali všimnúť, keď Simeon, ktorý tam sedel vzadu v tej miestnosti, ktorý predtým dostal zasľúbenie? On vyšiel a prorokoval. Povedal, „Pán sa mi ukázal.“ A povedal, „Neuvidím smrť...“ A on mal okolo osemdesiat, tak nejako. „Neuvidím smrť skôr, ako uvidím Jeho spasenie.“
205 „Ó, Simeon, si starý, synu. Tvoje, tvoje... Tento starček to má trošku v hlave, viete, on je trochu... Nechajte ho tak. Je neškodný. Nikomu neublíži.“
206 Ale Simeon mal Slovo Pánovo a povedal, „Videl som, ako na mňa zostupuje Duch Svätý. Stál som a díval som sa na Neho. Povedal mi, 'Simeon, ty si spravodlivý muž. A ty nebudeš... Urobím ťa tam svedectvom.'“ Aha. To je všetko.
„Kvôli čomu to ideš urobiť, Pane?“
„To je Moja vec.“
207 Môj názor je, že On chcel na nich v tom dni istotne zhrnúť uhlie. „Mali ste svedka. Prečo ste to nepočúvli?“
208Bola tam stará slepá Anna, sedela v chráme a modlila sa. Pán jej zjavil, „Simeon má pravdu.“ Amen. Ona nedokázala rozoznať denné svetlo od noci, ale dokázala vidieť ďalej ako mnoho ľudí dnes s dobrými očami. Ona uvidela v Duchu, že príchod Mesiáša je na blízku a Duch sa pohyboval v jej srdci.
209Vidíte, aká maličká tam bola cirkev? Zachariáš, Alžbeta, Mária, Ján, Anna a Simeon, šiesti z miliónov. Tak ako vo dňoch Noeho. Šiesti. Boh konal s každým jedným z nich. Oni boli všetci v harmónii. Všetci sa zišli spolu. Amen.
210Starý Simeon tu. A tu prichádza to malé dieťa. On o tom nikdy predtým nič nepočul. Tu je teraz to dieťa. A potom Simeon vchádza do tej miestnosti a prichádza na neho Duch a hovorí, „Pohni sa, Simeon.“
211 A tak tu ide, kráča nevediac, kam ide. Tak ako Abrahám, on niečo hľadal. Nevedel, kde to je, ale hýbal sa vpred. Po chvíli sa zastavil. A Duch Svätý mu musel povedať, „Tu On je.“
212On sa načiahol a vzal z rúk Márie to dieťa do svojich rúk. Pozrel hore a povedal, „Pane, dovoľ teraz svojmu služobníkovi odísť z tohoto života v pokoji. Moje oči hľadia na Tvoje spasenie.“ Tá vec, z ktorej si každý robil žarty, ktorej sa tie ženy stránili, Simeon povedal, „To je Tvoje spasenie, Pane.“
213 A asi v tom čase tu prichádza jedna stará slepá žena, prediera si cestu, potáca sa tu a ide cez to publikum a prichádza k Nemu a ona tiež zaprorokovala, lebo ona na Neho čakala. Povedala Márii, „Meč prebodne tvoje srdce, ale to zjaví myšlienky mnohých sŕdc.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo?
214A tak teraz hádam niektoré z tých žien povedali, „Vidíte to? Vidíte, aká trieda ľudí to je? Tu to máte, vidíte? To je to. Vidíte, čo to je? Ten starec s porušenou hlavou. A on stojí tam pred tým prostitútskym dievčaťom a snaží sa povedať takúto vec. Tu to máte. To je nelegitímne dieťa. Pozrite na starú Annu, ako tu sedí, vyhladovaná na smrť a takto sa správa. Ona nebude mať takú zábavu, akú máme my. Ale tu to vidíte. Mohla by patriť do všetkých spoločenstiev v našej krajine. Vyšla z celkom dobrej rodiny a mohla by tam patriť. Ale vidíte ju tu. Vidíte, ako sa tá skupina dáva dohromady?“ Ó, áno. Amen.
215Ta istá vec je dnes. Sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi a sme pozdvihnutí skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Istotne. Tak veru.
216Ó, máme ešte trochu času? Musím niečo povedať. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl]
217Mám tu ešte jeden typ, na ktorý sa dívam, v tom čase, kedy Slovo bolo prejavené, tí múdri muži.
218Prial by som si, keby som mal čas, Fred, aby si to mohol prečítať. Máš to vo vrecku? [Brat Fred Sothmann hovorí, „Áno.“] Hádam to mnohí z vás videli v časopise.
219Tá vec, ktorú Duch Svätý hovoril tu pri rieke pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, oni to práve vykopali. Deviateho decembra to dokázali skrze astronómiu, ako Jupiter a tie hviezdy boli spolu v konštelácii!
220Majúc starý astronomický kalen... Značky toho, ktoré práve vykopali. To je presne ten čas, kedy prišla táto konštelácia, pri konštelácii týchto hviezd, a vrhlo to práve rovno smerom k Babylonu a tí mudrci to priniesli. Pamätáte si? Oni prekročili svoje obežné dráhy a zniesli sa nižšie miliardy svetelných rokov od seba. A tí židovskí mudrci, ktorí boli v Babylone, uvideli, ako to prichádza do konštelácie, tie hviezdy. Tri z nich sa pohli spolu a utvorili jednu rannú hviezdu. A oni vedeli skrze Slovo Božie, že to bol ten čas, kedy tie hviezdy prídu spolu, že vtedy bude Mesiáš na zemi.
221To je ten dôvod, prečo sa dali na cestu. „Kde On je, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Kde On je? Niekde! Pretože, keď sa zišli tie hviezdy, kým sa tie ich nebeské telesá nestali týmto jedným nebeským telesom tu, keď sa tie tri pohli spolu, Mesiáš musí byť na zemi.“ A keď sa pohli v ich smere, tí mužovia vedeli, že Mesiáš je na zemi.
222 Oni boli odborníkmi vo svojej oblasti. Boli to veľkí ľudia. Boli to majstri vo svojom obore, náboženskej vedy. Oni pozorovali tú náboženskú stranu toho. A oni uvideli, ako sa tam pohli tie hviezdy, Jupiter a Sargas, a oni sa pohli do svojej línie. A oni povedali, „My vieme, že niekde je Mesiáš. Tak On musí byť v Jeruzaleme, pretože to je to hlavné mesto náboženstva sveta, náboženstvo Mesiáša. To je ich hlavný stan. To je ten denominačný hlavný stan. To je to, kde sedí tá veľká klerikálna skupina.“
223A tak išli na ťavách dva roky dolu cez rieku Tigris a cez močiare a džungle a putovali a vošli do mesta a ich srdcia boli naplnené radosťou.
224 Oni poznali, kedy tie hviezdy viseli na oblohe. A toto je to, že dokonca astronómovia dnes hovoria, „Ak by v skutočnosti tie hviezdy prišli znovu do takého miesta, to by pre nich vytvorilo jednu hviezdu od toho miesta, kde stáli a dívali sa.“ Ale oni museli stáť na takom mieste, aby to videli. Amen. Amen.
225 Záleží, kde stojíte. Záleží, na čo sa dívaš. Aha. Áno.
226 Tak oni to videli a nasledovali to a boli rovno v jednej línii. Nezáleží na tom, kde sa dostali, bolo to s nimi v jednej línii. To ich viedlo. Vidíte?
227 To je ten spôsob, ako musíte dostať všetky Písma do jednej línie, všetko, a potom zostať v tej línii s Písmom. To je jediný spôsob. To vás povedie rovno k Nemu. Istotne povedie.
228 Teraz si všimnite. Oni tu prichádzajú a volajú, „Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov?“ Tá hviezda ich viedla rovno do Jeruzalema, rovno do toho hlavného denominačného stanu. Ale keď sa za ňou obzreli, tá hviezda ich opustila. Tak vošli do mesta, prešli hore dolu ulicami a mysleli si, že mesto bude plné radosti Božej. Prechodili hore dolu ulicami s radosťou a išli a vykrikovali, „Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme Jeho hviezdu, keď sme boli na východe, a prišli sme sa mu pokloniť.“
229Pamätajte, tá hviezda išla smerom na západ. Oni boli ma východe. „Smerujeme k východu a ideme stále ďalej. Veď nás do...“ Vidíte? Oni boli absolútne... Boli... No, Babylon a India ležia východne od Palestíny, trochu na juhovýchod. A oni išli smerom na západ. „Vedení smerom na západ,“ poznáte tú pieseň, „Stále ideme vpred. Veď nás ku tomu dokonalému svetlu.“ Vidíte? Oni... Tí múdri muži prichádzali na západ. Opúšťali východ, išli na západ a uvideli tú hviezdu. Tak ak by boli na západe a dívali sa späť, neuvideli by to. Rozumiete?
230 Potom, keď sa tam dostali, to ich viedlo rovno tam a potom ich to opustilo. Pomysleli si, „Tu to je. Tá hviezda odišla, tak tu to je. Sú v meste. A tak, ó,“ povedali, „každý bude spievať a bude šťastný. Sláva Božia sa všade rozsvietila. Tak tu sme a vieme, že naše... Vieme, že náš úspech, ako sme pozorovali tú konšteláciu... Nikto, žiaden majster tam nemohol ísť a dať tie hviezdy dohromady. A my vieme, že keď tie hviezdy prišli do toho nebeského telesa, to je ten čas, kedy je Mesiáš na zemi. Mesiáš je na zemi.“
231A každých niekoľko stoviek rokov tá konštelácia znovu prechádza, vidíte, a vtedy prichádza na zem dar. Všimnite si.
232„Mesiáš je na zemi, keď sa tá skupina hviezd dá dokopy.“ A oni vedeli, že On tam je, tak išli do toho hlavného stanu náboženstva a prechádzali tam a hovorili a chodili na týchto ťavách hore dolu ulicami. „Kde je? Kde je? Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu. On je niekde tu. Kde je? Kde je? Kde je?“ Hmm, čo za pohanenie!
233 Išli k najvyššiemu kňazovi. Mohol povedať, „Čo sa s vami deje, chlapci? Och, vy banda fanatikov!“ Vidíte? Čo za pohanenie na základe ich vedeckého úspechu! Skrze moc Božiu oni uvideli Jeho hviezdu. A boli to múdri muži, chytrí. Oni boli na poli náboženskej vedy. A Oni vedeli, že keď sa tam tie hviezdy objavia, Mesiáš niekde bude. A tu na tom mieste, kde o tom mali niečo vedieť, nevedeli o tom nič.
234Viem si predstaviť, že deti, ktoré tam stáli na ulici, hovorili, „Pozrite sa na to. Banda fanatikov. Počujete ich, ako spievajú, 'Kde On je, ten narodený Kráľ Židov?' Oni nevedia, že Herodes je tam dolu. Oni nepoznajú biskupa takého a takého.“ Ó.
235„Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme Jeho hviezdu na východe.“
236 Oni povedali, „Poďte sem, vy, všetci múdri muži, ktorí ste tu na okolo.“ Aha. „Poďte sem. Videl niekto z vás niekde nejakú hviezdu?“
„Ó, nikdy som niečo také nevidel.“
237„Vy všetci astronómovia, poďte sem. Videli ste niekto nejakú hviezdu?“
„Nie. Nie.“
„Videli ste nejaký druh takého tajomného znamenia?“
„Nie. Nevidíme nič také. Nie.“
238 A stále to nevidia. Je to to isté. Oni nevidia nič. Nedokážu to vidieť.
„Ó, zvolajme kazateľov. Tak ako vy všetci?“
„Nie. Nevideli sme žiadnu hviezdu.“
239„Tak čo vy, chlapci, ktorí tam strážite čas hore na múroch? Vy pozorujete hviezdy. Poznáte každú... Poznáte každú konšteláciu na oblohe. Poznáte každú hviezdu. Videli ste niečo?“
„Nie. Nevideli sme nič.“ Ale to tam bolo.
240 Sláva Bohu! Ó! Môžete to vidieť? Je to tam teraz a oni to nedokážu vidieť. To prebieha rovno okolo nich a oni to nedokážu vidieť.
241„Nie. Nič sme nevideli. Ó, išiel som tam. Nič som nevidel.“ Istotne. Ty nevidíš. Si príliš slepý. Nie je to pre teba, aby si to videl. Vidíte? Ak si tak slepý, potom to istotne neuvidíš.
242Je to len pre tých, ktorým to Boh zjaví. To sú tí, ktorí to vidia. Vždy to tak bolo. Iste.
243Bol to Noe, ktorý mohol vidieť dážď tam na oblohe, viete, ale tí ostatní z nich to nemohli vidieť. Rozumiete? Oni tam ten dážď nevideli, ale Noe ho videl.
244 Bol to Abrahám, ktorý videl, ako Sára drží dieťa. To je pravda. Nie tí posmievači, ktorí hovorili, „Otče národov, koľko detí máš teraz?“
245Ako by sme mohli prejsť cez celú Bibliu, tých praotcov a prorokov, cez nich všetkých. „Viera je podstata vecí, ktoré sa nevidia,“ oni vedeli, že Slovo to vypovedalo, a tam to je. Tu je ten dôkaz toho. Oni to vidia. Všimnite si teraz. Ó!
„Naši mudrci tú hviezdu nevidia. Nič na tom nie je.“
246Prečo? V skutočnosti, keď sa dívali, a oni tam išli s takou skupinou, tak tá hviezda odišla.
247To isté je dnes. To je to, čo zhasína mnohé svetlá, veru tak, to je to, že ľudia sa spriahnu s takou skupinou, ktorá tomu od počiatku vôbec neverí. A ako budeme mať zjednotenie cirkví? „Ako budeme kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodneme?“ Ako budeme mať obecenstvo tohoto tu po celom svete, všetky cirkvi a spojené cirkvi sveta? Ako sa ideme spolu zjednotiť, keď sa od seba líšime na milióny míľ? Vidíte? Ako to dokážeme? Evanjelikáli s niekým a toto a tamto a zase to, a to všetko spolu, a pritom sa zjednocujú spolu s takou bandou porušenia.
248Boh ide mať manželku, ktorá je čistá, svätá, nescudzoložená, ktorá zostáva s Jeho Slovom. V poriadku.
249 Ježišove pohanenie pre Slovo. (A potom za chvíľu zakončíme.) Ježiš bol kvôli Slovu pohanený. Pozrite sem. Ako mohol vydržať to pohanenie, keď On bol Božským stelesneným Bohom? On bol Boh, Boh Sám učinený telom.
250Tak vy viete, že Biblia tak hovorí. „Dotýkali sme sa Ho. Anjeli Ho videli.“ Pomyslite len na to. Verím, že Timotej tu to takto nejako hovorí, že, „Bez pochybnosti veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, lebo Boh bol prejavený v tele, videný anjelmi.“
251Anjeli boli pri Jeho narodení. Ako sa tí anjeli museli dívať dolu a radovať sa, keď sa pozreli dolu do tej maštale a videli stelesneného Boha. Amen. Niet divu, že začali kričať, „Dnes sa vám v meste Dávidovom narodil Kristus, Spasiteľ. Anjeli sa radovali a mávali svojimi veľkými krídlami spolu nad vrchmi Judey a spievali, „Sláva Bohu na výsostiach, pokoj na zemi a v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Oni videli Božie Slovo, nad ktorým bdeli, aby Ho videli prejavené. A tam to bolo.
252Tak satan tomu neveril, viete. On povedal, „Ak si...“
Anjel povedal, „On je.“ To je ten rozdiel.
„Ak si Ty, tak urob to a to. Nech ťa to vidíme urobiť.“
Ale anjel povedal, „On je tam.“
253Tí mudrci so všetkou svojou náboženskou vedou povedali, „On je tam.“ Amen.
254To je ten dôvod, prečo dnes archeológovia a podobne vykopávajú tieto veci, ktoré boli pred rokmi prorokované, že sa stanú. A tu to majú, vykopávajú to. Oni dokonca nikdy...
255Neexistuje žiadna história, ktorá kedy povedala, že Pontský Pilát bol kedy na zemi. Vedeli ste to? Niektoré z vás deti, ktoré chodia do školy, povedzte mi niečo z histórie, kde sa hovorí, že bol Pontský Pilát. A neveriaci sa tomu posmievajú a robia z toho žarty a hovoria, „Nikdy neexistoval žiaden rímsky vládca, ktorý sa volal, žiaden panovník, ktorý sa volal Pontský Pilát.“ Ale asi pred šiestimi týždňami vykopali jeden uholný kameň s nápisom, „Pontský Pilát, panovník.“ Ó! Aký nezmysel!
256Oni povedali, „Nikdy v histórii nebol žiaden Ramzes, žiaden Ramzes nad Egyptom.“ Ale vykopali kameň, tí archeológovia, a tam bolo, Ramzes II. Všimnite si.
257A oni hovoria, že tie múry nikdy nepadli. Archeológovia len kopali a kopali, a viete, prvé, čo zistíte, je, že vykopali tam dolu, kde tie múry v Jerichu padli, viete, keď zaznela trúba. Hovoria, „To bol iba mýt, nejaká pieseň, ktorú tam vtedy niekto spieval.“ Áno. Posmievači to hovoria, „To bol iba mýt, nikdy nebolo žiadnej takej veci, ako že múry padli a Jozue zatrúbil na trúbu a vybehol na múry a oni zišli dolu. Nikdy nič také nebolo.“ A nejaký veľký kresťanský archeológ len stále kopal, pretože on vedel, že to tak musí byť. A on kopal niečo okolo tridsať stôp pod všetkým tým ostatným. A tam boli tie múry nakopené rovno jedno na druhom, presne tak, ako hovorilo Slovo.
258Hovoria, „Nikdy nebolo niečo také ako Dávid, ktorý hral na nejaký nástroj, na strunovú harfu, pretože strunová hudba bola známa až od pätnásteho storočia.“ Povedali, „Nikdy nič také nebolo.“ A jeden kresťanský archeológ to vykopal dolu v Egypte. Pred štyrmi tisícami rokov mali strunové nástroje. Amen. Ó!
259Hovoria, čo sa týka tých hebrejských detí, ako robili kamene a také veci zo slamy, „Nič také nebolo.“ A archeológovia tam kopali. Čo našli? To je veda. Čo našli? Múry mesta, ktoré stavali Hebreji, tá prvá vrstva kameňov bola dlhá slama, tá druhá vrstva bola nakopená z malých kúskov posekanej slamy a tá tretia nemala v sebe vôbec žiadnu slamu. Ó!
Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí,
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
260 Tak veru. To prišlo až rovno k nám, brat, sestra. Prečo to je? Za posledných niekoľko rokov ten filmový svet neurobil nič také, ako urobil teraz. Na plátna prichádza príbeh Desiatich prikázaní od Cecila DeMilla. Na plátno prichádza život Ježiša Krista cez Ben Hura. Na plátno prichádza veľký rybár, obrátenie Petra. A všetky tieto náboženské filmy, ktoré filmový priemysel odmietol a pošpinil a potrhal. Ale Boh vo svojej veľkej moci to jednako mocne preukázal. Presne tak isto.
261Práve teraz tie veci, ktoré boli pred pár rokmi povedané, taký biedny, malý, pokorný sluha ako ja, veci od Boha. Povedal som, „Je tam svetlo, ktoré tam stálo a hovorilo so mnou a povedalo mi tie veci, ktoré mám urobiť.“ Ľudia sa tomu smiali a hovorili, „On je tak trochu na hlavu.“ Tam je to na fotke. Veda to zachytila. Je to tam. Je to pravda.
Povedal som, „Tá žena je zatienená na smrť.“
262Ľudia povedali, „Niečo ako tieň, to je nezmysel. On si to len predstavuje vo svojej mysli.“
263A tam je to odfotené. Boh spôsobí, že skaly budú kričať. On je schopný urobiť to, čo chce urobiť.
264Ježišove pohanenie pre Slovo. Božský Syn Boží tam stál, Emanuel, čo za pohanenie! Nechal, aby Ho ten neveriaci hriešnik zviazal, pľul Mu do tváre, trhal Mu kusy brady a On sa neopovážil s tým nič urobiť. Pohanenie Slova, aha, čo? Aby to vyplnilo Slovo Otca. Ó. Ale pamätajte, On musí obstáť v pohanení smrti. Boh, ktorý nemôže zomrieť, a Ten jediný, ktorý mohol zomrieť, aby spasil hriešnika. Nikto druhý, žiadna druhá osoba alebo tretia osoba to nemohla urobiť. Boh Sám je ten jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť. A tu On bol.
265Povedal, „Žiaden človek nevystúpil hore, iba Ten, ktorý zostúpil dole, Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.“ Amen.
266Oni povedali, „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti.“
„A sú mŕtvi,“ On povedal.
„A Ty hovoríš, že Ty si Chlieb Života?“
267On povedal, „Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM. Ja som ten Chlieb Života. Ja som ten JA SOM.“
268Oni povedali, „Nemáš ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?“
269On povedal, „Predtým, ako Abrahám bol, JA SOM.“ A potom nechal, aby Ho hriešnici zviazali, denominačná cirkev Ho zviazala.
270Pamätajte, v posledných dňoch táto bohatá Laodicejská cirkev, oni Ho dokonca vystrčili von z cirkvi. Vidíte, kde je to teraz? Dokážete vidieť, prečo tak kričím proti tomu systému? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
271Prečo Ježiš nechal, aby Ho hriešnici zviazali? To malo naplniť Slovo, priniesť pohanenie Bohu, ako zomieral. Boh musel zomrieť. On musel byť telom, aby zomrel. A Ježiš to vedel. On im o tom povedal. On povedal, „Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu pozdvihnem.“ Nie niekto iný ho pozdvihne. „Ja ho pozdvihnem. Vo troch dňoch, ja ho znovu naspäť pozdvihnem. Vy to zničte a Ja to pozdvihnem. Tak, ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak musí byť Syn človeka v srdci zeme.“ A oni to ani nerozumeli. Vidíte? Pohanenie pre Slovo, On Ním bol.
272Tak On bol vysmievaný až na smrť, aby znovu povstal do večného života. On musel byť najprv vydaný smrti, aby mohol povstať do večného života a priniesť každú ďalšie ľudskú bytosť (Ktorá bola na Jeho podobu) do večného života, každá, ktorá to prijme. Vidíte? On sa stal človekom, stal sa príbuzným Vykupiteľom a musel zniesť pohanenie všetkého toho posmievania a robenia si žartov, práve tak ako Jeho spolusluhovia, ktorí boli pred Ním. Tak ako Mojžiš, tak ako Noe, tak ako všetci ostatní z nich zniesli ten posmech, On musel zniesť ten posmech. Prečo? On mal Slovo a On bol Slovom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa mu vysmiali viac ako kedy predtým. On bol Božský a bol samotným Slovom. Haleluja! To je to, čo Ho tvorilo.
273Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci.“ Povedal, „Staviate hroby prorokom a ste jednými z tých, ktorí ich tam vložili. Oni prichádzali so Slovom Božím a vy ste im neverili. Vy ste vinní za každého jedného z nich.“
274Ak bude Boh chcieť, vo Phoenixe sa dotknem jedného Slova. Idem obžalovať túto generáciu za zabitie Ježiša Krista, že Ho znovu nanovo ukrižovali. Idem priniesť obžalobu pred tú kazateľskú asociáciu, ak bude Boh chcieť. Oni sú vinní Krvi Ježiša Krista, pretože Ho nanovo ukrižovali. Tak veru. Celé to obžalovať!
275Peter ich obžaloval na deň Letníc. Povedal, „Vy ste rukami bezbožných ukrižovali Knieža Života, ktorého Boh vzkriesil. Sme tomu svedkami.“ On priniesol obžalobu.
276Idem vziať Božie Slovo a obžalovať každú denomináciu, ktorá existuje a každého človeka na tvári zeme, ktorý je vinný Krvi Ježiša Krista. Nech mi Boh pomôže, aby som bol v tom dni Jeho obhajcom. Amen. Áno.
277Ó, posmievači si z Neho robili žarty. Hanili Ho. A On zostal rovno s tým. Amen. Ó, pozorujte, čo urobil. On bol Syn Boží, strpel smrť, aby mohol usmrtiť hriech. Musel to urobiť. To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to mohlo byť usmrtené. A On toto urobil a obstál v tom tak ako všetci ostatní z nich.
278Pretože všetci z tých, ktorí boli pred Ním, mali miniatúrne Slovo Božie. Pretože Ježiš tak povedal. „Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku prorokom. A ktorí z nich,“ povedal, „z vašich otcov, vaše organizované náboženstvo, Ho neukameňovali a neusmrtili? Ktorý z nich prijal prorokov? Vy potom staviate ich náhrobky, potom, keď sú preč.“ Povedal, „Vy ste vinní toho, že ste ich tam položili.“
279Potom im povedal to podobenstvo o tej vinici a ako prišli tí sluhovia. Oni s nimi zle zaobchádzali a nakoniec povedali, „A teraz toho syna zabijeme, pretože on je dedičom.“ Vidíte? Ó, oni sa rozhnevali, keď to videli. Vidíte?
280Ale on musel obstáť v tom pohanení. A tu bol zviazaný, vedený na smrť, aby bol usmrtený, aby priviedol naspäť večný život. Sláva Bohu! Ó, ako Ho milujem! Priviesť späť večný život a pozdvihnúť každého syna Božieho zo všetkých vekov, ktorý stál so Slovom a vydržal pohanenie. To je pravda.
281Ak by On neprišiel, Noe by nemohol povstať. Ak by On neprišiel, Eliáš by nemohol povstať. Ak by On neprišiel, Noe by nikdy nepovstal. Ak On mohol... Ak by On neprišiel. Pretože On bol tým predurčeným Baránkom, ktorý prišiel, aby vzal na Seba pohanenie a zomrel smrťou pre každé Božie Slovo, ktoré bolo vypovedané, za ktorým stáli všetci títo spravodliví muži. On tým musel byť. Nikto iný to nedokázal. Boh Sám, a On prišiel a zaujal to miesto, aby mohol vykúpiť a dať večný život každému synovi Božiemu, ktorý stál za tým istým Slovom a strpel pohanenie. Každý Boží syn počas všetkých vekov, ktorý obstál v pohanení, nebol nikto, kto by ho mohol vykúpiť, ale skrze vieru On videl toho prichádzajúceho Vykupiteľa.
282Jób Ho videl. Jób tam stál a oni hovorili, „Ó, ty si tajný hriešnik. Boh s tebou tak zle zaobchádza, pretože ty si tajný hriešnik.“
283On povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. A v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na zemi. A hoci by kožné červy zničili toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“
284Jeho manželka povedala, „Prečo Ho neprekľaješ a nezomrieš?“ Povedala, „Vyzeráš ako mizerná troska.“
285On povedal, „Ty hovoríš ako bláznivá žena.“ Amen, tam on bol. „Ja viem, že On žije a On sa postaví v posledný deň.“
286Ak by Ježiš nebol prišiel, Jób by nemohol byť vykúpený, pretože On bol Baránkom zabitým spred založeným sveta. On poznal Svoje miesto. On poznal Svoju pozíciu.
287To je ten dôvod, keď Mária rozpoznala tú pozíciu, v ten deň z toho vyšla. On povedal, „Ak ja... Ak by si tu býval bol, môj brat by nebol zomrel.“
On povedal, „Tvoj brat znovu povstane.“
Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane, po vzkriesení. On bol dobrým chlapcom.“
Ježiš povedal, „Ale Ja som to Vzkriesenie. Veríš tomu?“
288Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane, verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“
On povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“ Ó! Tu to máte. Vidíte?
289Ona to rozpoznala, tá drobná žena to nielen hovorila. Z nej bolo vyhnaných sedem diablov. Ona poznala moc Božiu, ktorá dokáže vziať pýchu a stres a všetko od nej preč, ktorá dokáže vziať preč toho nepatrného, sebeckého, vzdelaného ducha z nej a učiniť ju novým stvorením. On z nej vyhnal sedem démonov. Tie ženy vedeli, kým On je, tie, ktoré Ho prijali.
290Ony vedeli, čo On pre nich môže urobiť. Takisto to vedia aj dnes. Len to prijať. To je tá ďalšia vec.
291Tu On je. Ona to povedala. A On... Viete, čo sa stalo. Ó!
292Všetci, ktorí budu trpieť pre to isté Slovo, On pre tú príčinu za nich zomrel. On bol ten jediný, ktorý mohol zomrieť, aby to urobil, pretože On bol Slovom. On bol Slovom a to Slovo bolo manifestované. Všetci ostatní mali také malé namočenia, ale tu On bol ako plnosť Boha neba. Takým istým je On dnes. Židom 13:8, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Počúvajte.
293Už skutočne zakončujem. Musím to urobiť, jednoducho musím. Už som prekročil čas.
294 On nikdy nenapísal ani jedno slovo, že? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Nie.“ – pozn.prekl.] Nikdy nenapísal žiadne slovo. Prečo? On bol Slovom. On bol tými Slovami, ktoré boli napísané, a On bol manifestáciou toho Slova. Sláva! Teraz sa cítim dobre. On bol Slovom. On nemusel nič napísať. On bol Slovom, tým napísaným Slovom, ktoré bolo prejavené. Sláva Bohu! On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. On je Slovom, Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.
Poviete, „Je to pravda, brat Branham?“
295 Sledujte, ako tam Jehova stál a ako tam vtedy vyfúkol taký pruh cez tie vlny a urobil pre Izrael cestu, aby mohli prejsť.
296 Pozorujte Jehovu v tele, ako hovorí, „Utíš sa.“ Keď tie vlny narážali na breh počas tej búrky a diabol tam takto všade striehol, On povedal, „Ticho, utíš sa.“ A to Ho poslúchlo, tie vetry a všetko to. On bol Jehova. Amen.
297 Ten Jehova tam mohol stáť a fŕkať im tam pár kvapiek, aby to padalo na zem, a stalo sa to chlebom, aby to nakŕmilo ľudí.
298 On tam stál a vzal päť rýb alebo chleby a dve ryby a nasýtil päťtisíc.
299 On bol Slovom. Amen. Amen. On je Slovom a On vždy bude Slovom. A čo sa týka mňa a môjho domu, my budeme slúžiť Slovu.
Ó, chcem Ho vidieť, chcem sa pozrieť na Jeho tvár.
Spievať tam navždy o Jeho spasiteľnej milosti,
Na uliciach slávy nechajte ma pozdvihnúť svoj hlas,
Keď sú starosti minulosťou a sme konečne doma
navždy sa radujúc.
300 Ó, áno. Niesť pohanenie Slova. Existuje pohanenie, ktoré ide so Slovom. Zostaňte rovno so Slovom a neste to pohanenie.
Modlime sa.
301 Ježišu, ako som v ten večer, Pane, kričal, „Ó, Ježišu, čo chceš, aby som robil? Čo mám robiť, Pane, keď vidím tieto veci, a vidím tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, čo mám robiť, Pane? Čo mám robiť?“
302Modlím sa tu za moju malú cirkev, Pane. Myslím na tých malých vtáčikov v tom videní, tie veci, ktoré sa stali, a tie ďalšie vtáky, ktoré boli veľké. Ale tam ich boli tri vrstvy, Pane. Ale keď tam vstúpili tí anjeli, nezostali tam žiadne vtáky. Tí malí poslovia boli ohromní, Pane, ale verím, že niečo je pripravené sa stať. Nech je to tak, Pane. Formuj nás a učiň nás podľa Tvojho spôsobu. My sme hlinou a Ty si hrnčiarom.
303 V tento vianočný večer, Pane, sme ti vďační za ten Boží dar, ktorý nám Boh dáva. Hoci toto je nejaká povera dňa (Ako to veríme vo svojich srdciach), že ľudia sa to snažia urobiť nejakou omšou, Kristovou omšou, ale my neprichádzame v tom spôsobe nejakého Santa Clausa a vianočných stromčekov a dekorácií. Ale my prichádzame v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme uctili Boha nebies, ktorý sa stelesnil, stal sa telom, aké máme my, a prebýval medzi nami, aby nás vykúpil a strpel pohanenie toho Mena, strpel pohanenie kríža, aby nechal svetskú inštitúciu usmrtiť Emanuela, aby nám On mohol priviesť večný život.
304 Kým sme, Pane? Kým sme my, aby sme sa stránili nejakého pohanenia? Bože, učiň nás šľachetnými vojakmi. Porúčam tieto slová Tebe, Otče. Možno boli polámané, ako som slabý a unavený. Ale, Otče, odplať týchto ľudí za to, že sedeli a počúvali. A nech moc, ktorá priviedla nášho Pána a predstavila nám Ho tu ako Spasiteľa v týchto posledných dňoch, nech to môže oživiť každého Ducha tu, Pane, k tomu blízkemu príchodu Pána Ježiša. Nech je to tak, Otče.
305 Uzdrav nemocných a postihnutých, ktorí sú medzi nami. Zviaž zlomených srdcom. Pane, my sme... Prešli sme cez tak mnoho, moje srdce má toľko rán, Pane, z tých ťažkých bojov. Som starým veteránom. Pomôž mi, Pane. Potrebujem Tvoju pomoc. Možno všetok tento tréning bol za určitým účelom. Spolieham, že bol, Pane. Pomôž mi, ó, Bože. A pomôž tomuto zboru. A požehnaj nás spolu.
306 Požehnaj malé deti. Myslím na mnohé dnes, ktoré sú malé a chudobné, maličkí, ktorí tam nedostanú nič. Modlím sa, aby si bol s nimi a pomohol im. Daj im večný život, Pane. To je to veľké. To je ten vianočný dar, ktorý chceme, to je Život Ježiša Krista, aby panoval a vládol v mojom srdci. To je to, čo chcem, Pane.
307 Požehnaj nás teraz spolu. Porúčame tieto slová Tebe. Nech padnú, kdekoľvek môžu, Pane. Kdekoľvek je otvorené srdce, nech to prinesie veľký čas spasenia v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
308 Každý, kto... Koľkí Ho milujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Či sa máme jednako tak ponáhľať? Ó, ako Ho milujem! Milujem Ho. „Pane, čo chceš, aby som robil?“
309 Nezabudnite na službu dnes večer. Viete, čo teraz znamenajú Vianoce? Ó, toto je môj vianočný dar. Toto je to Slovo. Pane, ak sa len môžem sám dať, ak sa len môžem dať nabok z cesty, aby to tak Tvoje Slovo mohlo vyjadriť, ono samo cez toto tu, to je tá najväčšia vec, o ktorej viem.
310 Tak myslím, že teraz tam majú nejaké veci, ktoré chcú dať deťom. A teraz odovzdávam späť službu bratovi Nevillovi. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Brat Neville.
1 Thank you, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.]
I said to Brother Neville, "You sure you haven't got a little bit of anointing this morning?"
2I come down to pray for the sick. There was some people gather in what we... of an early Sunday morning. What I have to catch there, I just have them come here at the church. I--I always think it's better to pray for the sick around church. I don't know. I like church, and to come down here where the congregation, the people out here praying.
3And there was a little girl back there, the prettiest little girl, why, I think she is sitting somewhere out here now, if the people didn't go home. Oh, I see now. And that's the prettiest little thing. And she is very sick. And we was listening, when we heard the message of tongues and interpretation go forward. And we was listening, and we thought we understood that something was said about a little girl. And we were waiting to see if the Lord gave a message, what to say in there. But I think the little girl is all right now, and is going to be well. And so...
4 And there was a lady that had lost her sight, also, and we was praying for her. And some man in an ambulance out there, a minister. I don't guess the man would have weighed thirty-five pounds, or forty. Just--just very, very... And so I come down to pray for them.
5And the reason I was kind of hesitant, a lot, a filling dropped out of my tooth. And I'm whistling to myself, this morning, across that place out of my tooth there, in front there. And they tell me now I got to have them ground off, and caps put over them. And so this old age just creeping up, is the only thing I know. And I had a filling in that one, and kind of half of it, and when I started to speak, you can feel it, the wind kind of push out, you--you know what I mean, out across your lips. And it makes you kind of lisp, like.
6 We are indeed a privileged people to be alive this morning, and to be able to come to church, and on this eve of Christmas, waiting for the celebration that they have. Which, I--I hope I... There's too many kids here this morning, so I'll just keep still. See? And we adults, sometimes, we speak things that kids shouldn't even hear, you know.
7But, I think the church has got a little present here for the little kiddies, after while. I was just looking it over, back there. Oh, you want to stay. After Sunday school, you just hold on, see, 'cause I--I think they got some presents back there for the little fellows, to give out this morning. And when I... You little fellows, remember, while we're doing this, I want to make this clear, it's not Santa Claus, 'cause that's a story that some day you'll learn it's nothing to it. But it's from Jesus Christ, the Truth of all truths, you see, the Son of God. And we're giving you this little present, this morning, because it's letting you know that one time God gave the greatest present could ever be give to the human race: His Son. And we have a poor way, expressing it. And there's nothing we can give to compare with that. But just as mortals, one to another, we do that.
8 Now, I was going to wait till next Sunday. And I probably will, anyhow, upon something that I wanted to say. And something has been--been made known to us, up home, of a vision, that I must follow it out. And it's kind of a... It's kind of, seemingly, would be kind of rough, but we never want to think that what God says is rough. His--His burdens are light.
9And beings that next Sunday, God willing, we're going to have a--a service here that's just before New Year's Eve, if the Lord be pleased with us to have this service. And we want to have a morning service, prayer for the sick, and perhaps a baptismal service. Then I thought, advertise it out to our friends, that they could come in. Then we'll have Sunday morning and Sunday night. And then the people want to stay over for New Year's, then we have a... Going to have the Watch, this time? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.]
10 There will be several ministers here, will be speaking New Year's night, plumb until midnight. And--and we invite such ministers to come and speak. The Lord willing, I want to be one of them that has something to say on New Year's night.
11And then next Sunday, I thought I would bring up a line of things that's being done, that's been done, show how God is dealing with His people, and bring it right up into a--a climax here at the church.
12And many of you are wondering about this income tax affair that we been going through with. It's settled. And so I want to tell you how that happened, also. And I think, it would be, to have to tell it over again, next Sunday, so I'll just wait till next Sunday. And try to speak to you a little bit, this morning, out of the Word. See? And next Sunday, I will--will try to, if God willing, to tell you how it all come about, and bring to you each one of the things that the Lord said, and watch it hit just exactly to its spot, just placed exactly to the spot. See? He does not tell anything wrong.
13 But, now, one thing that I wish to say this morning, that I probably won't, will not next Sunday, is concerning something that happened yesterday. I was a little reluctant on coming in this morning, because I really kind of torn up, so that I--I don't feel much like it. But being that I'm here, well, I'll try the best that I can.
14 Night before last, I had company, Brother and Sister Sothmann, as we know here, one of the trustees of the church, and his wife, came up to visit wife and I. And we were speaking on the oncoming meetings in Phoenix and around, if it be the will of the Lord. And we were up till about ten-thirty, I guess, and I went to bed somewhere around eleven.
15And some time in the night, I dreamed a dream. And in this dream I seen someone that was supposed to be my father; a great, huge man, just representing, figuratively speaking, my father. I seen a woman, didn't look like my mother; but, yet, she was supposed to be my mother. And this man that was supposed to be like the father, the husband of this woman, was cruelly mistreating her. Insomuch, that, he had a great chunk of wood. And he would hold her up like this and strike her with this chunk of wood, and she would fall out and go down. And then--and then, after while, she would get back up again. And he would walk around, take a notion to strike her again, he'd strike her again. And I was standing off at a distance, watching it.
16 Finally, I just got fed up on it. And I was way smaller than this man, was supposed to be like my father. So I walked up to him and put my finger in his face. I said, "Don't strike her again." See? And when I did, something begin to happen. My arms begin to pulsate, and I got great, big brawny muscles. I never seen such muscles. And I just took the man by the collar, and I said, "Don't strike her again. If you do, you'll have to deal with me if you strike her again." And the man got scared of me, and left her alone. I woke up.
17Well, laying there, just in a moment, course, the interpretation of that come. That was, of course, the woman, figuratively speaking, is the Church, which is kind of the mother. The father is the denomination over her, that dominates over the Church, like the husband over the wife. And it's these denominations striking that Church, and don't even let Her get on Her feet like that. Just, every time She tries to get up or do something, they, the people in there, the denomination strikes Her down. And it just means to put some--some faith muscles out here to keep sticking my finger out there, and saying, "You're dealing with me. See?" Cause, there's some people in there that belongs to God. And that was all right. About...
18 We had been up about two hours, or three, I guess. And my daughter, one of them, Rebekah, back there, she works at the Methodist Hospital in Louisville. Is, oh, that amateur form of nurse training. It's "candy stripers," they call them, or something like that. And she was, she... They called her to come over that morning, and that's what got me up. And it was early, and she, with some other little school colleague here, they--they work there together, and was going to take them over to Louisville. They had to be there at ten o'clock. And the wife wondered why she couldn't get in the bedroom. I had it locked.
19 Now, I have had many things to happen in my life, but I never had anything like that. I went into a trance. I don't know the interpretation. I've never had anything like it in my life. But, before me, it seemingly that I realized that it was a vision, and I was in the vision. But I was talking to my son, Joseph. Which, he was not in the room at the time. But somehow, just as it struck me, I was talking to Joseph.
20And I--I looked up. And kind of in the shape of a pyramid, standing before me, was little, small birds, something like a half-inch long. They were, up at the top, on the limbs, there was now, you... say, three or four. Then, next, next limb had maybe eight or ten. And down at the bottom, had fifteen or twenty.
21 And they were little warriors, because their feathers was beaten, and looked like they were trying to talk to me, saying something. And I was in the West, seemingly around Tucson, Arizona. And the birds were looking East. And I was listening close. Was trying to say, looked like they were trying to tell me something. And they had little feathers, was all been beat up, and things. They were pretty well battle-scarred. Then, all of a sudden, one bird begin to take the other one's place, jumping like that. And the--the little birds swiftly left, flying eastward.
22And when they did, from that came a larger bird, more like doves, with a pointed wings. And--and--and they come in a swarm, and swiftly, more swift than what the little birds was, flew eastward.
23 And I still in my... the two consciences together, I knowed I was standing here, and I knowed I was somewhere else. See? And I thought, "Now, this is vision, and I must learn what this means."
24And no more than the second group of birds come by, I looked to the West. And looked like in the form of a pyramid, like two on each side, with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever seen in my life. Such a terrific speed, I never seen. Their heads back, and Their pointed wings, just sailing quickly! And the power of Almighty God struck me, in such a way, till It lifted me plumb from the ground, all the way from the ground, up.
I could hear Joseph still speaking.
25And sound like the sound barrier breaking, that--that a great roar went off, way in the distance, to the South. And when I was lifted up... And there was such a terrific speed of the Angels! And I--I can just see Them right now, see, as--as They were coming, in that shape like that, just sweeping right into me.
26I'm not dreaming, now. No. I was right there, wide awake as I am now. See?
27 But here It come. And They were so terrifically fast, till I thought, when It lifted up... I heard that explosion, like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound barrier. And when it did, I thought, "Well, this must mean that I'm fixing to be killed, see, in a blast of some sort." And--and I just... While I thought on those things, I thought, "No, it wouldn't be that. Because, if it was a blast, it would have got Joseph, too. Cause, there he is, still talking, thinking I'm there. I can hear him. It wasn't that."
28Now, this is all still in the vision. It wasn't... See? It was in the vision.
29And then, all at once, as I realized I had been... They were around me. I couldn't see Them, but I had been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of Them, inside this constellation of--of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, death Angel would will be one. Five would be grace." I was thinking that. I thought, "Oh! It's--It's coming with my Message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the Message from the Lord." And I screamed out with all my might, as loud as I could, "O Jesus, what would You have me do?" And when I did, It just--just went away from me.
30 I--I--I haven't felt just right, since. See? I was, all day yesterday, I had to stay in the house, almost feeling beside myself. I can't make my mind get clear. And the glory and power of the Lord! I was numb all over, when It left me. I was trying to rub my hands. And I thought, "I can't catch my breath." And I walked around, and through the floor, and back and forth. I thought, "What does it mean, Lord? What does it mean?" Then, I stopped. I said, "Lord God, Your servant is... I--I just cannot understand. Why? What was that? Make it known, Lord?" Well, when the...
31 I can't tell you about, when I say, "Power of the Lord." There's no way to explain that. It isn't what you feel here, and the blessings. That's the blessings of the Lord. This is a sacred! Oh, my! It's--it's beyond anything that a mortal could even imagine. See? And it--and it was bothering me, real bad. It don't... It isn't a blessing. It's a bother. You're troubled. See? That it is. If you could only...
32If I could only get some way that I could tell the people what that was, or what it... what the feeling of it was! It, it isn't just like sitting here, want to rejoice. It's--it's something that every nerve in you just... It's beyond scare. It's beyond frightened. It's a holy reverence. Of... I... There's no way to explain it. Even, till, my entire back, up-and-down my spine, through my fingers, up-and-down on my feet and toes, my whole being was just numbed, see, just like you had--you had went out of the world, somewhere. And--and it was leaving me, gradually, and I said to the--to the Lord, "Will You just let me know, O God?"
33I guess, that, close that ever come of being that strong again, was when I was in Zurich, Switzerland, that time when He show me that German Eagle watching that English horse-rider come down through Africa. And He said, "All have sinned and come short of the glory."
34 And I was crying out to the Lord, to help me. And I--I want Him to give me the interpretation, because I wondered if it meant--if it meant that I was going to go away, I was going to be killed. And if it was, I wasn't going to say nothing to the family about it. It's my time to go Home, why, I'll just go Home, that's all of it. But if--if that's what it meant, I didn't want to tell the family, didn't want them to know nothing about it. Just let it be done, and that--that would be all of it.
35I said, "Lord, help me. I don't want to tell the family, if--if You're... This, it's my call Home, well, I'll--I'll be going, you see," I said. And, you know, you're...
36You say, "Well, why didn't you think about what you said in the vision, what the vision said?"
37 But you can't think of things like that then. You... I can't, anyhow. And I thought. I was just troubled, upset. You don't know how to think. You can't think.
38I said, "Heavenly Father, if that meant that--that an explosion was going to take me, well, let me know now, so I'll say nothing about it. Let Your glory and power come upon me again, and lift me up again. Or, let Your glory come upon me, and then I'll--I'll know then that it meant--it meant that, and so I can keep it to myself." And nothing happened.
39So then I said, "Then, Lord, if it meant that You're going to send Your Messengers for my commission, then let Thy power come again." It like took me out of the room!
40Though, I--I've come to myself, with my Bible in my hand, then, see, and asking God to help me. And when I did, He--He showed me something in the Scripture, pertained right to it, right there. And I thought, "Could that actually be that? How did I do that?" And, oh, I--I can't explain these things, folks. It's beyond anything I know about. See?
41 My wife is a very odd woman; one of the best in the world. But, a little while, I didn't say nothing about it. I went ahead. She knew there was something happened. So when I told her, she said, "You know, Bill, I see you and hear you, in many of those things." Said, "You know I believe you with all my heart," she said. She said, "But that really had something."
42It just seemingly, just shakes me, that blasting and that swift coming of those Angels like that, five of them together, in a--a constellation of Them. Like, kind of like--like I had that pyramid drawed here, see, They looked to be. First, it looked like, kind of a... in the distance, They looked kind of like that color of doves. And they were in--in coming from this way. And they, look like: one, two; three, four; and then one right at the top, see, making five. And they come with such a speed! There is nothing, no jets, no nothing else can compare with that.
43 And I can just see Them, and Their heads kind of turned side-ways. Those wings tipped back, full-armored, and here They come, so "Whew!" Like that. Just come right down, and just took me right into this pyramid of the constellation of Them. I seen I was off, up off the ground. I thought maybe... I heard, way in the distance, that roar, "Whoom!" Like a--a--a plane when it crosses the sound barrier, you've heard it happen like that, just like a distant roar.
44I thought, "This may mean now, when now this vision leaves me, that I'm going to be killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am. I'm lifted up. I'm... They, They're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this, this pyramid of Angels here. But, I--I don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me Home."
Then I heard Joseph down there, saying, "Daddy?"
Thought, "No, if that's it, it would have took him, too."
45Then Something said, "You..." Remember, I'm waiting, watching for a Message that I always looked forward to, something.
46 And the vision, the other day, you know, as I had here not long ago, telling me about what was going to happen; how I was preaching in, from the sun, into this place. And--and then He said, "Now remember, the second climax is yet to come."
I thought, "There will be a Message."
47Remember my Message here? The opening of that capstone, where, those seven voices and seals that's not even wrote in the Word of God. Remember? And it took me into that pyramid.
48And Junie Jackson, if you're here, that dream that you give me not long ago. I won't tell it this morning. You were so... God was so perfectly. And excuse me for not giving you the interpretation; 'cause, I seen something moving.
J. T., same thing, see. And I--I--I knew that.
And Sister Collins, exactly the same. See?
And six of those, leading right straight to the same thing.
49And then the vision that I told you all, years ago, it happened just the other day. See? That would happen.
50And there it is, laying right, everything laying right out there. It's just something moving. I don't know what it is. God help me; my prayer.
Let us pray.
51 Heavenly Father, we are--we are just mortals, and here we stand this morning. And, Lord, You've sent me to lead this little flock and this church. And I'm at my end. I don't know which way, what, where, is coming. But I know this one thing, that, You said You'd "make everything work together for good" to them that loved You and are called according to Your purpose. I pray Thee, God, that Thy great hand of mercy will be upon us.
52We truly know that Thou art God. And we know that Thou art not one who lived in a days gone by, but You live yet today. You always was God. You always will be God. You were God before time, and You'll be God when there is no more time. You'll still be God.
53And we are in Thy hands, Lord. We are just clay. And Thou art the Molder, the Potter. Shape our lives, Lord, in the way that would get the best service to honor Thee. Grant it, Father. We are just in Thy hands.
54 We had no way of bringing ourselves here, or we do not know how we shall go out. The Lord, You give to us life, and You have. We give our lives back to You, and, in so, You have give us, in exchange, Eternal Life. Our faith breathes that into our very being. And we love Thee for this, because we know that some day we'll see You, and You'll be in Your glory. And we'll look upon Him. And we long to hear those words, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Until that time, O God, when we all meet, lead us.
We are Your servants, and we ask forgiveness of our sins.
55These mighty visions, Lord, is too much for Your servant. I don't know what to do. I--I just know they come. And I can only say what I seen, and what it was said. And sometimes it scares me, Lord. And I--I wonder what to do.
56Then I take the Bible and read in there how Isaiah must have felt that day in the temple, when he seen those Angels, the wings over Their feet. No wonder he cried out, "Woe is me, for mine eyes has seen the glory of the Lord."
57And it was then the prophet cried out: after he had been cleansed in the temple, when the Angel took the tongs and got a coal of Fire and laid it upon his lips; after he confessed that he was a man of unclean lips, and living with, among unclean people. Yet, he was a prophet. The Angel took the tongs and put the coal of Fire upon his lips and cleansed him, and said, "Now go, prophesy."
Lord God, Isaiah cried out, "Here am I, Lord. Send me."
58 When, He said, "Who will go for us?" For that wicked and adulterous generation!
59O God, let it repeat again. Let it come again, O Lord. Send the Holy Spirit with cleansing Fire. For, I confess, I am an unclean lips, and dwell in this earth here with unclean people. And we're unclean in Thy sight, Lord. But, oh, send the cleansing power, the Holy Spirit! Cleanse us, O Lord. Cleanse Thy servant, Lord.
60And then speak, Lord. Your servant is listening. I'm longing to hear that Voice. I'm Yours. Use me, Lord, as You see fit, while I lay myself upon Your altar. Let the Holy Spirit cleanse me, Lord; and anoint and send forth, Lord, if You want someone to go, if this is the hour and this is the time.
61I--I don't know, Lord. I--I just know that I seen those Angels. And Thou knowest them things to be exactly the Truth. And I pray, Lord, "Woe is me," so help me.
62 And now bless this people. And we're here today, just before the eve of this celebration time of the birth of our Lord. We pray that You'll help us.
63And this morning, Your servant, our Brother Neville, has felt that maybe it would be a time that he should just rest a few moments, and maybe I should speak. And I--I pray that You'll help me now.
64There is those here, Lord, and all of us, are in need of You. So we pray now that You'll bless us as we read Your Word and mediate for a little while. Let Thy Spirit come upon us, Lord. And cleanse us and set us on Fire, with the Holy Spirit, with the Message of God, fresh from the altar, to shake a dying world, before the approach of the great Eternal God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, His dear Son, and our Saviour. Amen.
65 Now I wish to call your attention to some Scripture here, and a few notes, that I have jotted down.
66And I believe, Doc, Billy, or one of them told me, that want to let out a little bit early, on account of the kiddies. They got some presents for it.
67You little fellows that just got out of your Sunday school, you--you just stick around, just a little while. What we say from here may be a little deep for you, but you--but you just sit still with mama and papa, for a few minutes. I want to talk to them.
68 Now, over in the Psalms, the 89th Psalm, I want to read a verse or two, of the 89th Psalm. I'm going to try to read the 50th, 51st, and 52nd verses of Psalms 89.
69Now, can you hear all the way back in the back, all right? If you can, raise up your hands. So I... Which is the... Is all these mikes alive? [Someone says, "I don't know."--Ed.] Is this one better, or this one? This one? This one? ["These two on the side are alive."] Right here, these two on the side? ["This one, this one, and this one."] All right.
70Now, I don't know whether they're going to tape this or not. It's just kind of an unexpected event this morning.
71But don't forget now, have all your friends. And I--I want you be sure, nearly, try to attend next Sunday's meeting.
72They'll soon have the church finished out here, I suppose. I'll--I'll be back then for this, preach those Seven Seals, if it be the will of God, out of the Scripture here.
73 In the Book of the Psalms, the 89th chapter, begin with the 51st. Listen close to the reading of the Word now.
Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;
Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
74I would like to speak to you for a few moments on... I want you to mark that, first, and read that over and over, real good. Maybe it bear reading again right now. Listen close now. See?
Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;
Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
Blessed be the LORD evermore. Amen, and Amen.
75 Study It close, as David spoke it. I want to use for a text. It's very strange, if a Christmas text again; but as I preached last Sunday on a strange text. I forget what it was now. It was the... [A brother says, "The World Falling Apart."--Ed.] Pardon? ["The World Falling Apart."] The falling: The World Falling Apart.
76Now I want to use for a text, this Sunday: The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word. Now let me repeat it again, real good. The... The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word.
77 God has a time, and a reason for that time, to fulfill all His works. God knows just exactly what He's going to do. We don't. We just had to receive it as He gives it to us. But, He knows, and there's nothing going to go wrong with what He--He has planned to do. It's all has to come about. There has to be, sometimes, rugged and hard things, to only bring out the real, true nature of the object.
78You know, rain is born in a jagged, ragged, lightning strode, thundering skies. And if we didn't have rain, we wouldn't live. But you see what it takes, to bring rain? Thunder, lightning, flashing, anger. And out of there comes rain.
79A seed must die, rot, corrupt, smell, and go back to the dust of the earth, in order to bring forth new life.
80It takes the pounding of gold, turned over and over, back and forth, and pounded until all the dross is taken out of it. Not because it shines, 'cause iron pyrite, what is known as fool's gold, shines like real gold. But, you put the two together. You set them out to one side, you can hardly tell them apart. But put them together, you can tell it. And the beater always has to beat till he--he sees his own image reflecting in the gold.
81 And God sets a time and has a purpose for everything that He does. There is nothing happens just accidentally to those who love the Lord and are called according to His calling. See? We are predestinated. And everything works just right, for that, because He cannot lie. And He said that was so, that everything has its time, its season, and it has its way. And God is behind every move. And sometimes you think that everything is going wrong. It's up to us. Those things are put upon us, trials and wonderings. It's testing, to see how we will react on an action.
82 Some time ago in, up in Vermont, Brother Fred and I went over on the New York side, across the Lake Champlain, and we had got over on the New York side. And I went up in the mountain where that, up on the Hurricane Mountain, where I used to hunt. And there I remember when I was lost, and how that God led me back, just by the Holy Spirit alone, through a storm. That, I would have died, perished, and so would my wife and Billy, down in a little camp miles away. And I was turned around.
83And there was just a little snow we pulled through, to get into the camp, early in the spring, and I was standing there talking to Brother Fred. And the Holy Spirit said, "Go out to yourself." And I moved out into the bush a little while, place. He told me, "There is a trap set for you. Be careful now." But He didn't tell me how, what. I come back and told Brother Fred.
84 Went to the church that night in the auditorium, announced it to the people. And the next night it happened, and then standing there when He told me. Upon some mockers, He said, "It's in your hands. Do with them. Whatever you say, will happen right now."
85There you are. Or, somebody irreverent, ungodly, and they were making fun and scoffing at the meeting, a young man and a young woman. And he was trying to vulgar love-make with her in the building; and everybody's attention, while I was trying to preach. And pull her head back and climb up in her lap, and throw her head back and try to kiss her, and going on like that in the meeting, drawing the attention.
86And the Holy Spirit said, "Now he's... They are in your hands. What will you do with them?"
87There was a holy hush. Everybody set deathly quiet. And I thought, "O God, what must I do?"
88Then I remember, if it hadn't been the warning of the Holy Spirit, two days before. I said, "I'll forgive you." Now, that was what He wanted me to say. See?
89Because, after all, I--I been guilty, maybe not of that, but guilty. "And guilty of the least is of the whole."
90So I said, "I forgive you." And there is witnesses sitting here now, was there then. Then the Holy Spirit fell through.
91 Now, you see, I believe that all these things had a meaning. What would you do with a power? How would you, see, the reaction of an action? Something that is come as an act, then how do you react to that action? Do you understand what I mean? What would you do? And maybe all this has worked up to where we're at now. I don't know. I--I just can't say. But there's always been some way.
92And remember that, the reproach of--of the Word. Has... The Word has always bore a reproach. All through the ages, God's anointed Word has always been reproached. And that's the reason it's so hard for people who doesn't understand, would know how to accept that reproach.
93 Can you remember the disciples returning back and rejoicing because they figured that they were counted worthy to stand the reproach of His Name? He said, "All that live godly in Christ shall bear a persecution," the reproach of the Word.
94You always have to stand this reproach in order to give your testing, to see. Every man that comes to Christ must first be child-trained, for the--for the purpose that God has ordained you for. And remember, if you can just keep quiet! Remember, if He has called you for this, there is nothing that can keep it from happening. There's not enough devils in torment, but what God's Word will be made manifest. You're born for a purpose, and nobody can take your place. You might have impersonators, everything else, but they'll never take your place. Right. God's Word will triumph. It cannot fail. There is where every Christian ought, to stand, knowing that--that. And trials will come up, and seem every way, to you. But remember, God has a purpose, and it all will work right.
95 Now let's just call back a--a few of the events of God's Word being fulfilled, and those who packed the Word in their age.
96I--I felt in the Spirit, not long ago, that someone was criticizing me. It might have been in the tape land. Of always referring so much, go back and pick up Bible characters on what I'm saying. Well, I do that for a purpose. The Bible said these things are written that we might look at them. And that's the only way, without an education, the only way I can do, is refer back and say, "You see where this stand, what happened by it, where this one taken place." See? And then you just place yourself in there.
97 Like I was preaching, not long ago, on the little boy out on the ship, you know, and--and the old captain was dying. He was sick. And he asked if there wasn't a Bible on board. And they caught the little boy that had the Bible, and he come and read Isaiah 53:5. "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity." And he said, "Let the... Let me tell you, captain, how that my mother used to read it." Said, "Here is the way she wrote it. 'He was wounded for Willie Pruitt's iniquity. And He was chastised for Willie Pruitt. And all these things that He was done, was for Willie Pruitt.'" That was his name.
The old captain said, "I like that. Could you read my name in it?"
98He said, "I'll try." And he said, "He was wounded for John Quartz' transgressions. He was bruised for John Quartz' iniquity. And with His stripes John Quartz' was healed."
He said, "I see it." And the Lord healed him. See?
99Read your name in it. He was wounded for William Branham's transgressions. He was bruised for William Branham's iniquity. He did that for me, and He did that for you. Read your name into it.
100 Well, that's the way I like to bring the Scriptures to my--my people, is what He did for somebody else that obeyed Him. What He did to somebody else that was true to the Cause, and what He did to somebody else that was untrue for the Cause, then you read your name in it. If you'd have been there, what stand would you have took? And remember, you got the privilege, today, to take the same kind of stand.
101 When, Noah, on the reproach of the Word that God spoke to him. Noah, there was a reproach. Noah lived in a scientific age, where there was a scientific achievements that they were able to manufacture, that were beyond anything that we've manufactured today. They were brighter, more intelligent. Their science was far advanced, to ours. And just remember, he had to stand the reproach of the Word that he preached, a hundred and twenty years, in the face of scoffers. Their great scientific ways proved to them that there was no rain in the skies. But, yet, Noah had heard the Word of the Lord, and It was contrary to their conception of It. So, before his life could be saved, he must stand in the face and bear the reproach that these scoffers reproached him by.
102 Oh, there's no doubt, they must have felt sorry for the poor old preacher. They didn't have him put away or anything, because maybe there wasn't many houses of that type in that day. He was harmless. He wasn't going to hurt nobody, so they just let him alone. "Go ahead, the old fanatic up there on the side of that hill, building a ship way out here where there's no water. Oh, well, poor old fellow! But," and saying, "where you going to get your water, to float your boat, Noah?"
"It's coming down out of the skies."
103"Nonsense. We can shoot the moon and the stars, with radar," whatever they had. "There is no rain up there."
But he said, "God said He was going to put some up there."
"How is He going to do it?"
104"That's His business. Only thing I'm supposed to do is warn you to get out of here."
105It's just about the same now. "Where is the fire coming from?" Brother, it's a little plainer today than it was for Noah's time. We already see where it's at. Just ready to strike off, that's all. Science has already... There's no excuse this time, at all, 'cause science has already found it. Yes, sir.
106 So now we find out that it was quite a thing. So they felt sorry for the poor old preacher, and just let him go. It was a strange thing, maybe, to them people, to think that a man that was supposed to be intelligent, and would believe that God, the Creator of heavens and earth, would do something, or say something that He was going to do, which was contrary of their way of thinking, what they had. Maybe you didn't get it. Look. Was... They thought that they could prove every natural thing by their science. If that isn't the kind of a world we're living in today, an intellectual, educational world full of science! And anything that they could prove, that was wrong, God's, "No God could ever speak anything that (was) could be scientifically proven that it wasn't there."
107 Now, they have the same idea today. If your doctor says that you have cancer, you got to die, and the science proves that you got cancer, and it's in an advance stage, it's silly to think anything different, because you're going to die; that's all. Science says you're going to die. They've examined you, and that's all of it. You're going to die." And they think it's crazy if you try to say that God promised to do it. See, like it was, you have to stand that reproach.
108They say, if the doctor says here, "We looked through, and the cancer is advanced. We've opened you up. It's all through your body, and through your heart, through your lungs, through your liver, all over. It's impossible."
So, you see, when you say, "But he is going to live, anyhow."
They say, "Well, poor fellow, just let him alone."
109 I remember the night. Bill Hall, Brother Hall down at the Milltown church, many of you remember the case. And when he... They called me out. My wife, mother-in-law and I, went out here. He married a girl that was a sister, I believe, to George Cupp, was the mayor of the city, or the judge here. His... That was his brother-in-law. They brought him up here to die. The doctor in Milltown, the doctor in New Albany, diagnosed his case as cancer of the liver. So I went down to see Mrs. Hall. And he had took jaundice, and he was yellow all over. And I said, "Well, I suppose he's going to die." And I said...
110She said, "Brother Bill, is there any way that have... Can you hear from God?"
I said, "I--I don't know, Sister Hall. I can pray."
111I prayed. And I went back home, and the Lord said nothing to me. Then I went back, the next day, and I prayed again.
And she said, "Do you know any good doctor?"
112I said, "Well, our family doctor is Dr. Sam Adair, down here in Jeffersonville. He's--he's--he's... His father was our family doctor. Young Sam and I have always been bosom friends, and--and we went to school about the same time, had been raised up together. We always go to him when anything is wrong."
She said, "Wonder if he'd come look at Bill Hall?" her husband.
I said, "I'll ask him."
113 Well, Sam said to me, he said, "Billy, if the doctor said he had cancer," said, "the only one thing me do, I'll send him to somebody that's smarter than I am, to a specialist. And we'll take the x-rays; and we won't put him under any more trouble."
114We sent to New Albany and got the x-rays from the doctor down there. Took him to Louisville and examined him, took him over in an ambulance, and brought him back.
115Well, of course, he wouldn't say to Mrs. Hall what was his trouble, so he called me. He said, "He's going to die," said, "your preacher friend." Said, "The specialist in Louisville has just called me, and said, 'The diagnosis the doctors give in--in... down in Milltown; and the doctor, New Albany; gave the right kind of a diagnosis.'" And said, "It is cancer of the liver, and it's advanced. And, Billy, we can't cut the man's liver out, and him live." Said, "He's going to die. And if he's a preacher, he ought to be ready."
116 I said, "That's not the question. But he isn't over about fifty-five years old, so he's still got plenty of life in him yet, to preach." And I said, "Well, if he's going to die, that settles it then. Thank you, Dr. Sam."
117And I went down and called Mrs. Hall out, and I told her. I said, "Mrs. Hall, Sam said that the diagnosis of Louisville there was the same as it was in New Albany and Milltown. The man is dying. Brother Hall is going to die. And he's got cancer in the liver, and it's advanced."
118And so she started crying. I turned around, prayed with him. And he was so beyond himself, then, till he didn't know that I was in the room.
119So, I come back. And a lot of people was come at the house, in those days. There was nobody else on the field. It hadn't been contaminated with so much, and the people was coming from everywhere.
120 I wanted to rest a little. So I slipped in, got up early, about two-thirty, or three o'clock. Brother Woods hadn't moved up in the lane yet. And I looked out on the runway, and there was no, nobody out there, so I got my old hat and slipped into the den room, and got my.22 rifle. I was going to go out and squirrel hunt, till it got up to about eight o'clock, and then lay down by a tree somewhere and get me a little sleep. You couldn't get it around home.
121I got my hat and started through the room. Hanging on the wall was an apple. And it was the--the most contaminated apple. It was worm-eaten, and it was knotty, and it was scabby all over. And I thought, "What did Meda hang that on the wall for?"
122And I noticed, again, and it wasn't on the wall. It was hanging out in the air. I jerked off my old hat, set the rifle in the corner, and fell on my knees. I said, "Lord, what would You have Your servant know?"
123 Down come another one, down come another one, till about four or five apples (I forget now just which it was) hung there. Then a great big, pretty apple, stripes in it; just a very big, healthy-looking apple, come down and chomped up those other scavenged-looking apples. And He said, "Rise. Stand on your feet." Said, "Go, tell Bill Hall, he's not going to die. He's going to live."
124Oh, I run as quick as I could, and I said, "Mrs. Hall, I got THUS SAITH THE LORD. He's going to live." And he heard me. And he was trying to cry, and he couldn't speak no more.
125I come back and called Sam. And I said, "Sam, our--our brother is going to live."
He said, "How can he live like that?"
126I said, "That's not for me to figure out. God said so. That settles it."
127He's living today. That's been about ten years ago. Just strong and healthy. His wife has died since then. He's remarried again.
128How is it going to happen to George Wright, and many more might we say, that we could call? What is it? It's to stand the reproach. They laugh and make fun.
129 I remember when 'fore the '37 flood. I stood there with the Falls City Transfer Company, and was telling them about, there was going to be thirty-two feet of water, I believe it was, on Spring Street. They laughed at me. They said, "Poor Billy. I guess he... That kid!" I was just a boy then. He said, "Billy is a good kid. It's a shame he got all mixed up." I wasn't mixed up. I had been baptized in, not mixed up. I was just "in." And it happened just that way.
130Since I been speaking, I noticed Sister Hattie Wright, I believe, sitting back there. She remembers that case of about Bill Hall. Many! How many is here, present this morning, remembers the case? Oh, my! Sure. There is many of you.
131 Now, they feel sorry for us, feel sorry for anybody that tries to hold to the Word, in the days of scoffers. But, remember, the reproach must come. It's always been that way. They must have thought, as they did then, that God, after anything was scientifically proven, that God wouldn't speak anything that was against science. Well, that's what makes Him God. If He would have just went according to science, then it wouldn't be no more than just what man could achieve. But, He is God. He's the--He's the Creator of science. He can do what He wishes to.
132They must have thought, "Poor old Noah, well, let the old fellow alone. He's missing all the fun that we're having in these days, so just let him alone." It's about the same now.
133 But, now, I want to say another thing right here. Now, we look back and admire his faith. But I wonder, if we lived in that day, would we have took the same stand that Noah took? Would we be able and willing to stand the reproach that went with the Truth? When, of all the millions there was in the world then, there was only Noah and his family that stood for that Truth. Did you think of it? Just that man and his three sons, and his daughter-in-laws, his wife, was the only one that stood for that Truth. But they had THUS SAITH THE LORD. We look back and admire him. Could we think it again?
I got to hurry because of these kiddies' presents.
134Abraham, the very word Abraham means "father of many," make him "a father of nations."
135Now, Abraham heard the Word of God. Abraham was a prophet, and he heard the Word of God. And we admire Abraham for his holding to God's Word; how that he separated himself from his kinfolks; how hard it was for Abraham. He was brought up there. Come down from Babel, and--and was down there in the land of the Shinar and the--the--the Chaldeans, in the city of Ur, where all of his associates, his people, and those he went to church with, and everything. But God said, "Separate yourself." Oh, my! What a horrible thing that was, to leave all that he held dear, everything that was real to him, that he held dear. And God told him, "Separate yourself."
136 And give him a very odd thing. "You're going to have a baby by your wife." And he was seventy-five, and she was sixty-five. It ceased to be with her as women, as of the order of women was going to bring children, for years. And here, after living with her since she was a girl, because she was his half sister, and then how could he ever bring that child? And now could you imagine of Abraham going out amongst his associates, and saying, "We're going to have a baby, Sarah and I"? Could you imagine that?
137Why, the people said, "The poor old fellow, there is something wrong with him."
138It's a reproach, but Abraham held onto it. And when he was a hundred years old, he never staggered at the promise of God. He still stood the reproach, sure, holding onto it.
139 You notice the difference in there? Sarah tried to give Abraham, or give God, rather, a little bit of help, by herself. She thought, you know, that, otherwise than what God promised. "Now, you know, I'm an old woman, but Hagar here is a beautiful woman. Abraham won't mind marrying her, too. So, you know, that'll--that'll help God. That'll help God, 'cause Hagar, here, she is probably only twenty years old. She is my maid. And you know what I'll do? I'll give her to my husband, for a wife," 'cause polygamy was legal. So he said... "I'll give her, and she'll have a baby by my husband, and then I'll take the baby. And that's the one, God promised."
140You see, we always try to do something; can't wait for Him. We got to do something, ourself. Might have been all right. She might have been pretty. It might look very good, but it wasn't according to the Word. God told Abraham, "The baby was coming by Sarah."
141Remember what He said about the little Flock? "These signs will follow them that believe." "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein a few, even eight souls, were saved." Those Words can't fail, so let's watch ourselves closely and stay with the Word. All right. See?
142 The people are always trying to manufacture something, to take the place of God's creative will. You see, as I've often said, and maybe before the church, before, you know, you could not ask the sheep, "Will you manufacture me some wool?" No, he can't do that. Now, a goat cannot manufacture wool, because his nature won't let him. No matter how much you'd try to tie a sheep wool on a goat, it won't work. The goat cannot manufacture wool, and a sheep does not manufacture hair. But he has wool because he is a sheep. That's what makes him. He don't manufacture.
143We're not supposed to manufacture the fruits of the Spirit. We're supposed to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Apple tree don't manufacture apples; it just bears it because it's an apple tree.
144And if we try to manufacture anything, "I'll help the Cause. I'll study for ten years in the seminary. I'll learn this, that, or the other, and get my Bachelor of Art and my Doctor's degree. I'll help the Lord, alone." It won't work.
145 God, by predestination, calls who He will. He gives the Kingdom to ever who He desires to give It to. We learned that by Nebuchadnezzar.
146We learned that by--by Jeremiah. When God told him that by the Word of the Lord, that there was going to be a time that Israel was going to be carried away into Babylon for seventy years. Here come another prophet up. He already told him, said, "Now, you'll have prophets, will rise up. And you'll have them down there in Babylon, that'll rise up, and dreamers and prophets, that'll prophesy contrary to This. But tell the people not to listen to those people."
147And up come a man by the name of--of one of the prophets, Hananiah, and when Jeremiah was standing there with a yoke over his neck. Up come Hananiah, said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. In two full years, all the vessels of the Lord..." Now, fundamentally, it seemed very good. "God is going to bless His people. He is going to bring back everything just exactly, in two years."
148And the Bible said, even the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen. Amen. Hananiah, may the Lord make your words come to pass. But let us think of something, Hananiah. There has been prophets before us, and they prophesied against great nations of war, and so forth. But, remember, the prophet is known after his prophecy has been made manifest." See?
149 Then Hananiah come up, grabbed the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck, before all the priests and the congregation, maybe a million and a half people. And took that yoke that God had put upon Jeremiah's neck, for a sign, and broke it to pieces, and throwed it on his feet, just enthused, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. In two years, they'll be back."
150Jeremiah just looked at him. It was contrary to the Word, so he just walked away. And God said, "Go back and tell him," said, "I never spoke to him."
151He was just enthused. He took his own impression. See? He never waited till actually he saw it and knowed it wasn't him, that it was God saying it. He went back, all enthused. If...
152 We find it, cross the country, today. One of our tapes was being played recently in a home, where a group of ministers was right then convinced, and was coming to be baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ. And a man rose up in the room, who spoke in tongues and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Hold on to what you got. Just keep on, going on, and I'll bless you."
153They said, "Well, if the Lord said that, I guess that's it." You see, it isn't examined with the Word. It's got to take the Word, first. There you are. It was contrary to the Word.
154Here come Jeremiah back, that anointed prophet. God told him, said, "I know Hananiah broke that wooden yoke over your neck, that I put, but I'm going to make one out of iron." He said, "And all these nations that has went down to serve Nebuchadnezzar, my servant," and he was a heathen. See? And Israel, keeping all their sacrifices, but they wasn't... See?
155God made a promise, that He would bless, but them blessings are under conditions. And you've got to meet those conditions, to make that work.
156 Sitting, a while ago, with a little, sweet girl here. First, I combed that family through, to see if there was anything wrong. God will heal, but it's under conditions. See? Only thing I found, was, the mother afraid it was wrong to take medicine. I said, "Don't you think that, sister. Get that out of your mind. Go right ahead with the child. Give it the medicine. God will make that known." See?
157Now, but, the thing is, find, know. And then, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, okay.
158 Now we find out here that, these people, they was trying to manufacture something; Hagar and--and Sarah, to help Abraham, help God to make His promise come true. You can't do that. There's no way, at all, of doing it. It's--it's against everything. God's Word is going to happen, anyhow. You've just got to stand right on the Word, and say, "It's this way," and keep the Word. Now, watch, to manufacture something to take the place of His Word!
159Maybe Abraham's friends, too, if we ever noticed, maybe Abraham's friends come by and said, "Well, father of nations, how many children you have now?" When he was a hundred years old. "Say, father of nations, father of many, how many children do you have now?" Scoffers!
160 Now, haven't you seen the time? Haven't we seen it, when sometimes that we prayed for something, it didn't happen?
161"Here sits an old man," they say. "He's blind. He's deaf. He's dumb. He's sick. He's done this. Go over there and heal him, you Divine healers. We'll believe it."
162Do they realize it's that same Devil that said, "Come off the cross, and I'll believe You. Turn these stones into bread, and I'll believe it"? See? That same Devil that tied a rag around our Lord's eyes, and hit Him on the head with a stick, and said, "Now, if You're a prophet, tell us who hit You, and we'll believe You."
163Well, you knowed He knowed who hit Him. He could have turned those stones to bread. Or, He could have come off the cross. But what would we be today if He had? See? They don't know the program of God. You must find out what God has promised.
Now I must hurry.
164 Now, now they might have said, "Father of nations, we heard you, twenty-five years ago, say you was going to have a child by Sarah, and out of that was going to come nations of people. Just how many children do you have at this time, father of nations?" Huh! See? That's that same old critical spirit that would criticize.
165What did Abraham? Said, "He staggered not at the promise, of unbelief."
"Why, here you prayed for So-and-so, and they didn't get well."
166That doesn't matter. If I pray for ten thousand tonight, and ten thousand die in the morning, tomorrow night I'm still anointing the sick and praying for them. God said so. Doesn't stop it, a bit. God promised it. I believe it. Certainly. Don't make any difference what they say, still. But, they'll scoff. That's the reproach of the Word.
167Abraham, standing on God's Word, finally It was fulfilled. Oh, my!
168 Watch the scoff-ness of barrenness. Being scoffed, and the reproach of barrenness, first. They had... She had to stand the reproach of being barren for all those years. She was nearly a hundred years old. She was ninety, with the Word of God that said she would also be princess, a mother of this child. And she and Abraham, barren, both of their--their bodies as well as dead, but yet they never doubted that Word, one bit. But they had to stand that, first. And then, hallelujah, God kept His Word, in that dark hour: Isaac was born. "And his seed is like the sands of the sea or the stars of Heaven." See? God always answers His Word. Yes. Bareness first, then Isaac.
169 Zacharias and Elisabeth, likewise, that old man and old woman, still holding on. And when Zacharias come up there, and could write out on his slate, and said, "An Angel met me, told me I'd bring forth a child by Elisabeth, my old wife here. I can't talk no more. I'm dumb. I will be dumb till the day the baby is born. But there's coming a baby, and he's going to be the prophet of the Highest. He'll introduce the Morning Star. He's a forerunner of the Messiah." How could it ever be?
170Some said, "Poor old fellow. Oh, I--I guess he's kind of got a little bit off at his head, you know. There's a little something. But look at old Elisabeth out there, around eighty. And look--look--look at Zacharias, way old and shaking, and then he's going to say such a thing as that. Well, poor old fellow."
171But he had the Word of the Lord. Such a reproach, till she hid herself for several days. But he stayed with the Word. Oh, my!
172 Refusing popularity, refusing popular opinion, refused the polish of the day, and the styles and things of their day. They refused it. They refused to walk with the crowd of unbelievers. They refused the things of the world. They had to do it, to stay with God's Word. They had to do it.
173So is it today. You separate yourself from everything but you and God. It's not what the church does. It's what you do with God. See? It's you, as an individual. Yes.
174 But look what God gave him. When Jesus Himself come, Zacharias was gone, Elisabeth, too. But when their son came in the wilderness, with THUS SAITH THE LORD, Jesus said, "There never was a man born of a woman as great as he is." Amen. What? She suffered the reproach of barrenness. She stayed on the Word, and delivered such a son.
175Like Sarah of old, like Abraham of old, the old couples held onto it. Look, most that was ever born, like the sands of the sea, there's not a race of people in the world as many as the Jews. Like the sands of the seas or the stars of the sky. What happened? It happened in the minority, one child.
176Now you see where I'm going. One child, that's all it took. It took one child to shake the nations and point to the Messiah. Took one, obedient. That's right. God just needs one man. That's all He needs, somewhere He can have a voice. That's all He wants, to get one man in His control. Oh, how He loves to get one man!
177 He got a Noah, one time. He got a--He got a Moses, one time. He got a--a Jeremiah. He got a--a Elijah. He got an Elisha. He got a John. He--He gets... He got a Samson. As long as He can get one man in His control, that's His Voice. He can speak through it. He can condemn the world. Oh, my!
178How He hungers and climbs, to get a man in His control, "That I can speak through him. I can let My Voice be known. Though he'll stand a reproach, but I'll make My Voice known." See? Oh, yes.
179Barrenness, first. Have to be bare, have to stand the reproach of barrenness. Sarah had to stand it. So did Zacharias and Elisabeth have to stand it.
180 Look, today. Now I'm going to say something. Look today at the children of the harlot. She has taken nations under the political rule of denomination, the harlot and her daughters. Look what a generation of denominations raised up, and how few are the righteous. Don't you worry. Stay with the Word. It's all right.
181You may be scoffed at, called holy-roller. You might be called all, any kind of a bad name. But, stay right there, It's the Word, the reproach of the Word, the thing that they'll say about you.
182 A young fellow, he may be here this morning. He's a friend of mine; Jim Poole, young Jim, his--his people. He was asked the other day. Well, he was baptized here. Someone said to him, said, "If you was going to be baptized in a church, why didn't you get a big church, something?" See? But he saw the Light. That was it. See?
183"More are the children of the unrighteous than there is of the righteous." Yeah. All right. How few are they, of the righteous! Look what a little handful there was in the day of Noah. See? Look what it was in the days of Sodom. See? How few are the righteous!
184How many children the harlot has! She just brings children any old way, but they're all bastard children. The harlot brings forth the harlot. The dog brings forth the dog.
185And the Christ brings forth the anointed. The Bible brings forth the righteous, so we have to stand the thought of being a little bunch. What a gracious thing it is!
186 Look at the great Ephesian church, there was only twelve in it. Yeah. Look what a group we have today, the side of them. Yeah.
There was only eight souls in the days of Noah.
187There was only five in the days of Lot, no, four; Lot and his wife, his two daughters. And she turned to a pillar of stone after she got out, by looking back. Actually, three come out in that day.
188And Jesus said, "As it was in them days." Behooves us to watch and be careful. How few are the righteous! But, as ever, the scoffers must reproach. The barre-... Stand the reproach of barrenness, first. My!
189I just got to hurry. I'm... I don't... Want to help get these kiddies. Just bear with me a little bit. See?
190 Men are always the same as ever. Now I'm going to say something again. And I want you... And I don't know whether it's being taped, or not. But if it is on tape, I want you to listen at me, you on the tape. Don't you miss it, but study it. Man now is like he's always been. He's praising God for what He's done; looking forward to what He will do; and ignoring what He has done and is doing. He praises God for what He has done; he looks forward to what He will do; but he ignores what God is doing, and there he misses the whole thing. I hope they get it. See? Ignoring what He is doing! He knows what He has done; and he knows the promise what He will do; but he fails to see what He's doing.
191Oh, you Pentecostals, if you're not example of that! You're looking forward for something to happen: as always, happened right under you, and you don't know it. "How oft would He have hovered you, as a hen does her brood, but you would not." You thought more of your traditions and denominations than you did of His Word and His Spirit. Yes.
192 What a reproach to Mary! (As we're closing.) What a reproach to Mary and Joseph, for His Word. It's Christmas time. I was planning on holding just a little bit, but you'll hear much of it on radio and among the pastors, and so forth. What a reproach for Mary and Joseph, to hold to God's Word of promise. Remember, now. And the scorn, that lifted up eyebrow, when they seen little Mary go by, seeing Joseph. "You are marrying a prostitute." See? And remember, brother, adultery was death in them days. "Now, you keep her from getting killed. She is to be mother by you." And, but, remember, all the time, God was dealing with them, and it was according to the Word. And they didn't know it. See?
193"A virgin shall bear a child." Joseph knowed that. Mary knowed that, because, after the Word was written, there was an Angel talking to them, vindicating, or manifesting the very Word that was written, that was going to happen. Don't dream now. Think. The Holy Spirit come down to the earth; never spoke to the whole congregation. He spoke to them.
194 Joseph looked. And before the Angel had visit him, he said, "Well, now, I love her. But, I'm a righteous man. I can't marry a woman like that."
195And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, in a dream, and said, "Joseph, thou son of David, don't fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." Oh, my! What a comfort! See?
196And, Mary, on her road to the well. The little virgin, about seventeen years old, eighteen, marrying a man had been married before and had four children; an old man. And she was... She loved him, and--and she didn't know why. And he loved her, and he didn't know why. And here they was, coming, going to the well, to get some water. And all the studying upon the things that she--she was thinking of, the Scriptures, no doubt, and then a Light flashed before her. When that Light flashed, there stood an Angel.
197 Wonder how little Mary felt? Did you ever think of that? I wonder if she felt as scared as I did yesterday.
198"Hail, Mary!" Hail means "stop." "Pay attention to what I'm going to tell you. Blessed art thou amongst the women, for you found favor with God, and you're going to bear a Child. Knowing no man, but you're going to have a Child. And your cousin Elisabeth, being old, too, she has conceived also, and is going to bear a child. And these signs will be done."
She said, "How will these be, know, seeing I know not a man?"
199He said, "The Holy Ghost is going to overshadow you. That Holy Thing that will be born to you will be called the Son of God."
200Let the scoffers say what they want to. She knowed it. She knowed it would be, because God said so.
201 Now, how she must have felt, that day of the dedication, or the coming for the circumcision of the Baby, when there she was walking up with this little Baby in her arms, like that. And all the women keeping their distance, all with fine needle work, to dedicate their babies and have them circumcised, and nearly all of them pulling a lamb. But she had two turtledoves, cleansing for her own purification. The little Baby wrapped in swaddling cloth, made out of the yoke off of the back of an ox's neck, yoke, the wrapping on the back of an ox. That was just swaddling cloth in the manger. They had nothing for Him. They was too poor. And here she stood.
202 No doubt, all the women kept their distance from the little virgin. Said, "You see, she's got an illegitimate child." See how God makes things so radical-looking. Oh, my! He just pulls the wool right over Satan's eyes. "How filthy! How dirty! Adultery. That's what she is. She's an adulteress." That didn't stop that beat in little Mary's heart. They kept their distance from Him.
203They're still doing the same thing, call Him now, "Holy-roller, or fanatic," or something.
Mary knew Whose Baby that was. She just kept on, just the same.
204 But, oh, shouldn't they have noticed when, Simeon, sitting back in the room, he had been promised? He went around, prophesying. He said, "The Lord appeared to me." And said, "I'll not see death..." And he was eighty- something then. "I'm not going to see death before I see His salvation."
205"Oh, Simeon, you're old, son. Your--your... Old fellow has kind of got his head, you know, he's a little... Just let him alone. He's harmless. He won't hurt nobody."
206But Simeon had the Word of the Lord, said, "I saw the Spirit of God descend upon me. I stood and looked at Him. He told me, 'Simeon, you been a righteous man. And you're not going... I'm going to make you a testimony out there.'" Uh-huh. That's all.
"What are You going to do that for, Lord?"
"That's My business."
207My opinion is, that He can sure pour the coal to them, on that Day. "You had a witness. Why didn't you listen to it?"
208 There is old blind Ann, sitting in the temple, praying. The Lord revealed to her, "Simeon is right." Amen. She couldn't see daylight from dark, but she could see farther than many people today that's got good eyes. She saw, in the Spirit, the coming Messiah was at hand, the Spirit moving in her heart.
209See what a little bitty Church there was? Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary, John, Ann, and Simeon; six out of the millions. Like in the days of Noah. Six of them. God dealt with every one of them. They was all in harmony. They all got together. Amen.
210 Here, old Simeon. Here come the little Baby in. He had never heard nothing about it. Here is the Baby. And then Simeon set in his room, and the Spirit come on him, said, "Move out, Simeon."
211Here he went, walking, not know where he was going. Like Abraham, he was seeking something. He didn't know where it was at, but he kept moving. After while, he stopped. And the Holy Spirit must have said to him, "There He is."
212He reached over, in Mary's arms, took up the Baby in his arms. Looked up and said, "Lord, let Thy servant now depart from this life in peace. My eyes is looking at Your salvation." The thing that everybody was making fun of, what the women was shunning, Simeon said, "It's Your salvation, Lord."
213And about that time, here come an old blind woman, winding her way around, staggering around through the audience. And she come up to Him, and she also prophesied, for she was looking for Him. He told Mary, "A sword will pierce your heart, but It will reveal the thoughts of many hearts." See? What was it?
214 Now, I guess, some of them women said, "Now see that! You see what kind of class it is? There you are. See? That's it. See where it is? That old man, cracked in the head. There he is over there, standing before that prostitute girl, trying to say a thing like that. There you are. That illegitimate Child. Look at that old Ann, sits down here, starving herself to death, and going on like that. She will not have any fun like we do. But, there you are, see. She could belong to all the societies of the country here. She come out of a pretty good family, see, and she could belong there. But there she is. See how that bunch gets together?" Oh, yes. Amen.
215Same thing today. "Sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, being lifted up by the Holy Spirit." Sure. Yes, sir.
216Oh, have we got just a little bit more time? I got to say something. [Congregation says, "Yes."--Ed.]
217I got another character here, I'm looking at, at that time when the Word was being made manifest, the wise men.
218Wish I had time, Fred, for you to read that. You got it in your pocket? [Brother Fred Sothmann says, "Yes."--Ed.] I guess many of you seen it in the magazine.
219The thing that the Holy Spirit spoke down here at the river, thirty-three years ago, they just dug it up. December the 9th, proving it, of that astronomy, how that--that Jupiter and them stars, in their constell'!
220 They got an old astronomy cale-... markings of it, they've dug up. That is exactly that time this constell' came in, in the constellation of these stars, and throwed right down towards Babylon, and the wise men brought it down. Remember? They crossed their orbits, low swung, billions of light years apart again. And those Jewish wise men that was up at Babylon, they seen that constell' come into that constellation, them stars. Three of them move in, together, and make that one morning star. And they knowed that by the Word of God, that that was the time, when them stars come together, that the Messiah was to be on earth.
221That's the reason they started. "Where is He, born King of the Jews? Where is He? Somewhere! For, when those stars come in, till their celestial bodies become into this one great celestial body here, when them three's moves together, Messiah will be on earth in that time." And when they moved into their orbits, them men knowed that the Messiah was on earth.
222 They were masters in their field. They were great men. They were masters in their field of religious science. They was watching religious side of it. And they seen those stars move out yonder, Jupiter and Sargas, and then move into their--their line. And they said, "We know that Messiah is somewhere. So, He must be in Jerusalem, because that's the head place for the religion of the world, of the religion of the Messiah. That's their headquarters. That's the denominational headquarters. That's where the great ecclesiastical group sits."
223And on camels they went, two years, down across the Tigris River, and through the swamps and jungles, journeying, going to the city, hearts filled with joy.
224They knowed when that stars was hanging in there. And this, even the astronomers say, today, "If they actually, them stars, come into that place again, it would make one star, from where they were standing, looking." But they had to be standing from that place, to see it. Amen. Amen.
225Depends on where you're standing. Depends on what you're looking at. Uh-huh. Yeah.
226 So they seen it, and they followed it, and they was right in line. No matter where they got, it was right in line with them. It led them. See?
227That's the way you got to get all the Scriptures lined up, everything, then stay in that line with the Scriptures. That's the only way. It'll lead you right straight to Him. Certainly will.
228Now notice. Here they come, crying, "Where is He, born King of the Jews?" Into Jerusalem, the Star led them right there, right straight to the denominational headquarters. But when they turned aside for it, the Star left them. Into the city they went, up-and-down the street. They thought the city would be full of joy of God. Up-and-down the street, with joy, they went, screaming, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star when we was in the East, and we've come to worship Him."
229Remember, the Star, they went westward. They were in the East. "Westward leading, still proceeding. Lead us to..." See? They were absolutely... They were... Well, Babylon and India lies East of Palestine, kind of southeast. And they were going westward. "Westward lead," you know the song, "still proceeding. Guide us to that perfect Light." See? They... wise men was coming west. Leaving the East, going west, and they seen that Star. Now, if they was in the West, looking backwards, they didn't see It. See?
230 They, when they got there, it guided them right there, then It left them. They thought, "Here it is. The Star has left, so here it is. They're in the city. So, oh, my," they said, "everybody is just singing and happy. The glory of God has lit up everything. So, here we are. We know that our--we know that our achievement, as we watched that constell'. No one, no master, could come up there and pull them stars together. And we know, when that--when that stars come into that heavenly body, that's the time the Messiah is on the earth. Messiah is on the earth."
231And ever so many hundred years, they pass their constell' again, you see, and then there's a gift comes to the earth. Notice.
232 "Messiah is on the earth, when that--when that group of stars got together." And they knowed He was there, so they went to the headquarters of religion, and begin going, saying, up-and-down the street they went, these camels. "Where is He? Where is He? Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star in the East. He's here somewhere. Where is He? Where is He? Where is He?" Huh! What a reproach!
233They went to the chief priest. He said, might have said, "What's the matter with you fellows? Why, you bunch of fanatics!" See? What a reproach, upon their scientific achievement! By the power of God, they seen His Star. And they were wise men, smart. They were in the field of religious science. And they knowed, when them stars got there, Messiah was somewhere. And here, the place that should have knowed it, knowed nothing about It.
234 I'd imagine, the kids stand on the street, said, "Look at that. That's a bunch of fanatics. Listen at them, singing, 'Where is He, born King of the Jew?' They don't know that Herod is king down here. They don't know Bishop So." Oh, my!
235"Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star in the East."
236They say, "Come here, all you wise men here, around here." Uh-huh. "Come here. Do you all see any Star anywhere?"
"Oh, I never seen anything like That."
237"All you astronomers come here. Did you all see any Star anywhere?"
"No. No."
"Have you seen anything like any kind of a mysterious sign?"
"No. We don't see nothing like that. No."
238Don't yet, either. Same thing. They don't see nothing. They can't see It.
"Uh, let's call in the--the ministers. What about you all?"
"No. We never seen no Star."
239"Well, what about you guys that keep time, out here on the wall? You watch the stars. You know ever... You know where every constell' there is in the heavens. You know every star. Did you see anything?"
"Nope. We ain't seen a thing." But It was there.
240 Glory to God! Oh, my! Can't you see It? It's there now, and they can't see It. It's going on, right around them, and they can't see It.
241"No. We didn't see nothing. Oh, I went over there. I didn't see nothing." Sure. You don't. Just too blind. It's not for you to see It. See? If you're that blind, why, sure, you won't see It.
242It's just to those who God will reveal It to. That's the one who sees It. Always been that way. Sure.
243 It was Noah that could see the rain up in the skies, you know, but the rest of them couldn't do it. See? They didn't see the rain up there, but Noah see it.
244It was Abraham that seen Sarah holding the baby. That's right. Not the scoffers that said, "Father of nations, how many children have you got now?"
245How we could come on down through the Bible, the sages and prophets, all the way through! "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." They know the Word spoke it, and there it is. Here is the evidence of it. They see it. Now notice. Oh, my!
"Our wise men don't see that Star. There's nothing to It."
246 Why? Actually, when they were looking, and they went in with such a group, the Star went out.
247Same thing today. That's what puts a many a Light out, that's right, is getting hooked up with such a group as that, that don't even believe It, in the first place. And how we going to have a--a union of churches? "How we going to walk together except we be agreed?" How is the fellowship of the... of this here, world-wide, all the--the churches, the united churches of the world? How we going to unite together, when we are millions of miles apart? See? How we going to do it? The Evangelicals with us, and this, and that, and that, and all together, and yet united together with such a bunch of corruption.
248God is getting a Wife that's pure, holy, unadulterated, stays with His Word. All right.
249 Jesus' reproach for the Word. (Then we'll stop, in just a minute.) Jesus was reproached for the Word. Look here. How could He stand the reproach, when He was the Divine, incarnate God? He was God, Himself, made flesh.
250Now, you know the Bible said so. "We handled Him. Angels saw Him." Just think of that. I believe Timothy puts it something like that. See? That, "Without contradiction great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels."
251Angels was at His birth. How the Angels must have looked down and rejoiced, when they looked down on the manger and seen God incarnate. Amen. It ain't no wonder they begin to scream, "Today, in the city of David, is born Christ the Saviour." Angels rejoiced, and they swung their big wings together, and over the hills of Judaea, they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to man." They seen God's Word, that they watched over It, to see It manifested. And there It was.
252 Now, Satan didn't believe that, you know. He said, "If Thou be..."
The Angel said, "He is." That's the difference.
"If Thou be, do so-and-so. Let us see You do it."
But the Angel said, "He's there."
253The wise men with their religious science, said, "He's there." Amen.
254That's the reason archaeologists and everything today are digging up these things, that's been prophesied a few years ago, that would come to pass. And here they are, digging up. They never even...
255 There's no history that ever said that Pontius Pilate was ever on earth. Did you know that? Some of you school kids tell me whereabouts in history that said there's Pontius Pilate. And unbelievers scoffs at it and make fun of it, said, "There never was a--a Roman emperor named, a--a governor named, Pontius Pilate." But about six weeks ago, they dug up the cornerstone: Pontius Pilate, governor. Oh, my! Such nonsense!
256They said, "There never was a Rameses in history, Rameses over Egypt." But they dug up a stone, archaeology: The Rameses, the second. Notice.
257And they said that them walls never did fall down. Archaeologists was digging around, and, first thing you know, they dug up, way down in where the walls fell down in Jericho, you know, when the trumpet sounded. They said, "That was just a myth, a song somebody said, sang back there." Yeah. The scoffer says that. "That was just a myth. There never was no such thing as the walls falling, and Joshua blasting a trumpet, and run up to the walls and they went down. There never was such a thing." And some great Christian archaeologist just kept digging, 'cause he knowed it had to be so. He dug thirty-some odd feet, below where the rest of them was. There was the walls, piled right on top of one another, just as the Word said.
258 They said, "There wasn't such a thing as David ever playing on his instrument, a string harp, 'cause string music wasn't known till the fifteenth century." Said, "There never was such a thing." Christian archaeologists dug up, down in Egypt. Four thousand years ago, they had string instruments. Amen. Oh, my!
259They said, about the Hebrew children making them stones and things like that, out of straw, "There wasn't such a thing." Archaeologists went to digging on there. What did they find? That's science. What did they find? The walls of the city that the Hebrews built, the first layer of stones was long straws; the second was chopped up in little bitty pieces of stubbles; and the third had no straw in it, at all. Oh, my!
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the prophets foretold.
260 Yes, sir. It's all moved right up to us, brother, sister. Why is it? In the last few years, never has the movie world ever done what it's done. On the screen comes a story of The Ten Commandments by Cecil DeMille's. On the screen come the life of Jesus Christ through Ben Hur. On the screen comes The Big Fisherman, the conversion of Peter. And all these religious plays, which the movies has refused, and dirtied, and torn away. But, God, in His mighty power, blast it forth, just the same.
261 Right now, those things that had been said a few years ago, a poor, little humble servant, myself, of God. I said, "There is a Light that stood and talked to me, and told me the things to do." People laughed and said, "He's a little bit off at the head." There's a picture of It. Science took It. It's there. It's the Truth.
I said, "The woman is shadowed to death."
262They said, "As shadow, now, that's nonsense. He just makes that up in his mind."
263There's the picture of it. God will make the rocks cry out. He is able to do what He wants to.
264 Jesus, the reproach for the Word. The Divine Son of God standing there, Emmanuel, what a reproach! Let the unbelieving sinner bind Him, spit in His face, and jerk handfuls of beard out, and dare Him to do anything about it. The reproach for the Word! Uh-huh. What? To fulfill the Father's Word. Oh! But, remember, He must stand the reproach of death. God, Who cannot die, and the only One that could die to save a sinner. No one else, no second person or third person, could do it. God Himself is the only One can do it. And here He was.
265He said, "There's no man hath ascended up but He that descended down, even the Son of man which now is in Heaven." Amen.
266They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness.
"And they're dead," He said.
"And You say that You're the Bread of Life?"
267He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM. I'm the Bread of Life. I am the I AM."
268They said, "You're not fifty years old, and say that You 'saw Abraham'?"
269He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And then let sinners bind Him, the denominational church, bind Him.
270 Remember, in the last day, this rich Laodicean church, they put Him out, even, of the church. You see where it's at now? Can you see why I'm crying out against that system? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
271Why did Jesus let sinners bind Him? It was to fulfill the Word, bring a reproach to God, dying. God had to die. He had to be flesh, in order to die. And Jesus knew that. He told them about it. He said, "Destroy this temple; I'll raise it up again." Not somebody else raise it. "I'll raise it up. In three days, I'll bring it right back again. You destroy it; I'll raise it up. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and nights, so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth." And they didn't even understand it. See? A reproach for the Word, He--He was.
272 Now, scoffed unto death, to raise again to Eternal Life. He first had to be put to death, so He could raise to Eternal Life, and bring every other human being (that was in His form) to Eternal Life, that would accept It. See? He become human, become a kinsman Redeemer, and had to stand the reproach of all the scoffing, and all the making fun of, just like His fellow servants did before Him. Like Moses, like Noah, like all the rest of them stood that scoffing, He had to stand the scoffing. Why? He had the Word, and He was the Word. That's the reason they scoffed Him more than ever. He was Divine and the Word Itself. Hallelujah! That's what made Him.
273 Jesus said, "You hypocrites." Said, "You build the tombs of the prophets, and you're the one that put them in there. They come with the Word of God, and you didn't believe them. You're guilty of every one of them."
274At Phoenix, God willing, I hit a word the other day. I'm going to indict this generation for killing Jesus Christ, crucifying Him afresh. I'm going to bring an indictment before that ministerial association, God willing. They are guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ, for crucifying Him afresh. Yes, sir. Indict the whole!
275Peter indicted them, on the Day of Pentecost. He said, "You with wicked hands have crucified the Prince of Life, Who God raised up. We are witnesses." He brought an indictment.
276I'm going to take the Word of God, indict every denomination there is, and every man on the face of the earth, that's guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ. God help me to be His attorney at that day. Amen. Yes.
277 Oh, scoffers made fun of Him. They reproached Him. He stayed right with It. Amen. Oh! Watch what He did. He was the Son of God, suffered death in order to put sin to death. He had to do that. The... That's the only way it could be put to death. And He did this, and stood it, 'cause all the rest of them did.
278Because, all of them back there had the miniature Word of God. Cause, Jesus said so. "The--the Word of the Lord came to the prophets. And which one of them," He said, "that your fathers, your organized religion, didn't stone and put to death? Which one of them received the prophets? Then you build their tomb after they're gone." Said, "You're the guilty of putting them in there."
279Then He give them the parable about the vineyard let out, and servants come. They mistreated them, then finally said, "Now we'll kill the son, because he's the heir." See? Oh, they got angry when they seen that. See?
280 But He had to stand the reproach. And here He has Hisself bound, lead up to death, in order to be put to death, to bring back Eternal Life. Glory to God! Oh, how I love Him! Bring back Eternal Life and raise up every son of God, down through the age, that stood with that Word and took the reproach. That's right.
281If He hadn't come, Noah couldn't raise. If He hadn't come, Elijah couldn't come back. If He hadn't come, Noah would never raise. If He could... if He hadn't come. Cause, He was that predestinated Lamb, that come to take the reproach upon Himself, and die the death for every Word of God that had been spoke, and these righteous men has stood for. He had to be. No one else could do it. God Himself, and He come and took the place, that He might redeem and give Eternal Life to every son of God that has stood for the same Word and would suffer the reproach. Every son of God, down through the age, that would stand the reproach, there was no one could redeem him, but by faith he saw that Redeemer coming.
282 Job saw Him. Job stood back there, and they said, "Oh, you're a secret sinner. God is just mistreating you, 'cause you're a secret sinner."
283He said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. At the last days He will stand on earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet, in my flesh I'll see God."
284He wife said, "Why don't you curse Him and die?" Said, "You look like a miserable wretch."
285He said, "You talk like a foolish woman." Amen. There He was. "I know He lives, and He will stand at the last Day."
286 If Jesus hadn't come, Job couldn't have been redeemed, 'cause He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He knowed His place. He knowed His position.
287That's the reason, Mary recognized that position, that day when she come out of there. He said, "If I... You'd have been here, my brother would not died."
He said, "Thy brother shall rise again."
Said, "Yes, Lord, in the resurrection. He was a good boy."
Jesus said, "But I AM that resurrection. Believest thou this?"
288She said, "Yeah, Lord, I believe that You are the Son of God that was to come into the world."
He said, "Where have you buried him?" Oh! There you are. See?
289 She recognized it. That little woman wasn't saying that. She had seven devils cast out of her. She knowed the power of God, that could take pride and stress and everything, away from her, that could take that little, selfish high-school spirit out of her, and could make her a new creature. He cast seven devils out. Them women knowed what He was, who accepted Him.
290They know what He could do for them. So do they today, too. Just accept it. That's the next thing.
291There He is. She said that. And He... You know what taken place. Oh!
292All that would suffer for the same Word, He died for that cause. He was the only One that could die, to do it, for He was the Word. He was the Word, the Word made manifest. All the other had had little dips, but here was the fullness of God, Heaven. The same He is today. Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Listen.
293I'm closing, really. I'm going to do it, just have to. I'm way past time.
294 He never wrote one word. Did He? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Never wrote a word. Why? He was the Word. He was what the Words that had been wrote, He was the manifestation of that Word. Glory. Glory! Whew! Now I feel good. He was the Word. He didn't have to write nothing. He was the Word, Its written Word, made manifest. Glory to God! He's the same today, yesterday, today and forever. He is the Word, Word made manifest.
You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?"
295Watch Jehovah stand back there and blow a streak across them waves like yonder, and make a road for Israel to walk through.
296Watch Jehovah in flesh, say, "Peace, be still." When the waves was beating the banks, in the storm, and the Devil licking on everything, like that. He said, "Peace, be still." And it obeyed Him; the winds and all. He was Jehovah. Amen.
297 That Jehovah that could stand yonder and sprinkle a few dewdrops out, let it fall to the earth and be made bread, to feed a people.
298He stood and took five fish, or biscuits and two fish, and fed five thousand.
299He was the Word. Amen. Amen. He's the Word, and He ever will be the Word. And for me and my house, we'll serve the Word.
Oh, I want to see Him, want to look upon His face,
There sing forever of His saving grace;
On the streets of Glory, let me lift my voice;
When cares all past, and home at last, ever to rejoice.
300Oh, my! Yes. Bear the reproach of the Word. There's a reproach goes with the Word. Stay right with the Word, and bear the reproach.
Let's pray.
301 Jesus, as the other night, Lord, I cried, "O Jesus, what will You have me do? What can I do, Lord? Seeing these things, and knowing the hour that we're living, what can I do, Lord? What can I do?"
302I pray for my little church here, Lord. I think of the little birds in the vision, the things that has been; and the other birds, which were great things. But there were three decks of them, Lord. But when them Angels stepped in, there was no birds left. The little messengers has been wonderful, Lord, but I believe that there is something just fixing to take place. Let it be, Lord. Mold us and make us after Your way. We are--we are the clay. You are the Potter.
303 On this Christmas eve, Lord, we're grateful for the gift of God, for God giving to us. Though this be some, as we believe in our hearts, some pagan superstition of a day that they have tried to mold it and make it be like a--a mass, Christ mass, but we are not coming in that way of Santa Claus and Christmas trees and--and decorations. But we are coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to worship the God of Heaven, that was made incarnate, flesh like us, and dwelt among us, to redeem us; and suffered the reproach of the Name, suffered the reproach of the cross, to let a worldly institution put Emmanuel to death, in order He could bring us to Eternal Life.
304Who are we, Lord? Who are we, that we should shun any reproach? God, make us gallant soldiers. I commit these words to You, Father. They might been broken up; tired and weary as I am. But, Father, reward these people for sitting and listening. And may the power that brought up our Lord, and presented Him to us here for a Saviour, in this last days, may it quicken every spirit in here, Lord, to the nearness of the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May it be so, Father.
305 Heal the sick and afflicted that's among us. Bind up the brokenhearted. Lord, we're... We've went through so much, my heart has got so many scars on it, Lord, from hard battles. I'm an old veteran. Help me, Lord. I need Your help. Maybe all this training has been for a purpose. I trust it has been, Lord. Help me, O God. And help this church. And bless us, together.
306Bless the little children. I'm thinking of many today, little, poor little fellows won't receive anything out there. And I--I pray that You'll be with them and help them. Give them Eternal Life, Lord. That's the great. That's the Christmas Gift that we want, is the Life of Jesus Christ to rule and reign in my heart. That's what I want, Lord.
307Bless us, together now. We commit these Words to You. Let them fall wherever they will, Lord. Wherever that ever hearts open, may they bring forth a great time of salvation, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
308 Ever who... How many love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Be in such a hurry about, anyhow? Oh, I love Him! I love Him. "Lord, what will Thou have me do?"
309Don't forget the services tonight. You know what Christmas means now? Oh, This is my Christmas gift. This is that Word. Lord, if I can just let myself, if I can just get myself out of the way so that Your Word can express It, Itself out through here, that's--that's the greatest thing I know of.
310Now I think they got some things they want to give to the children. Now I'll turn the service back to Brother Neville. God bless you.
Brother Neville.
1 Ďakujem ti, brat Neville [Brat Neville hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Povedal som bratovi Nevillovi, „Si si istý, že nemáš dnes ráno na sebe ani trochu pomazania?“
2 Prišiel som modliť sa za chorých. Boli tu niektorí ľudia, ktorí sa zhromaždili v tom, čo my... na to skoré ranné nedeľné zhromaždenie. To, čo tu musím zdôrazniť, je doviesť ich do toho, aby prišli sem do cirkvi. Vždy si myslím, že je lepšie modliť sa za chorých, keď sme v cirkvi. Neviem. Páči sa mi to v cirkvi a prísť sem, kde sú ľudia zhromaždení a modlia sa tu.
3 A tak, bolo tam jedno malé dievča, veľmi pekné dievča, no, a myslím, že ona tu teraz niekde sedí, ak tí ľudia nešli domov. Ó, vidím ju. A to je skutočne krásne dievča. Ona je veľmi chorá. A počúvali sme, keď sme počuli posolstvo v jazykoch a výklad, ktorý nasledoval. A počúvali sme to a mysleli sme si, že rozumieme, že tam je niečo povedané o tom malom dievčati. A čakali sme, aby sme videli, či Pán dá nejaké posolstvo, čo tam treba povedať. Ale myslím si, že to malé dievča je už teraz v poriadku a ona bude zdravá. A tak...
4 A bola tam jedna pani, ktorá takisto stratila zrak a my sme sa za ňu modlili. A nejaký človek v sanitke, ktorý tam bol, bol kazateľ. A nemyslím si, že on vážil viac ako tridsaťpäť libier alebo štyridsať. Bol veľmi, veľmi... A tak som tam prišiel, aby som sa za nich modlil.
5 A ten dôvod, prečo som tak trochu váhal, bol, že mi vypadla výplň zo zuba. A dnes ráno tak trochu pískam, mám tu také malé miesto po tom zube tu vpredu. A oni mi teraz hovoria, že si ich musím dať opraviť a nechať si spraviť korunky. A tak sa tento starý vek vkráda, to je to jediné, čo viem. A mal som v tom druhom výplň, asi tak polovicu, a keď som začal hovoriť, môžete to cítiť, ten vzduch sa cez to pretláča, viete, čo mám na mysli, rovno cez vaše pery. A to robí, že tak trochu šušlete.
6 Sme naozaj privilegovaní ľudia, že môžeme byť dnes ráno nažive a byť schopní prísť do cirkvi teraz pri sklonku Vianoc, a očakávame na tú oslavu, ktorú budú mať. Čo dúfam, že... Je tu dnes ráno naozaj veľa detí, tak radšej budem ticho. Rozumiete? A my dospelí niekedy hovoríme veci, ktoré by deti ani nemali počuť, viete.
7 Ale myslím, že cirkev tu má nejaké malé darčeky pre tieto dietky, ktoré potom rozdajú. A tak ja som sa tam vzadu na to trochu pozeral. Ó, chcite len zostať. Po nedeľnej škole len vyčkajte, pretože si myslím, že tam majú nejaké malé darčeky pre tých maličkých, ktoré dnes ráno rozdajú. A keď ja... Vy, maličkí, pamätajte si, zatiaľ čo toto robíme, chcem to urobiť jasným, že to nie je žiaden Santa Claus, pretože to je len nejaký príbeh, o ktorom jedného dňa zistíte, že na tom nič nie je. Ale to je od Ježiša Krista, ktorý je pravdou všetkých právd, viete, Syn Boží. A my vám dnes ráno dávame tento maličký darček, pretože to vám má dať vedieť, že Boh raz daroval ten najväčší dar, ktorý kedy mohol byť ľudskej rase darovaný: Svojho Syna. A my máme skutočne nedostatočný spôsob, ako to vyjadriť. A nedokážeme dať nič, čo by sa s tým mohlo porovnať. Ale len ako smrteľníci, jeden druhému to darujeme.
8 Tak chcel som čakať až do nasledujúcej nedele. A jednako asi počkám na niečo, čo by som chcel povedať. Niečo sme sa dozvedeli tam doma, to bolo videnie a ja to musím nasledovať. A je to tak trochu... Je to tak trochu zdanlivo drsné, ale my si nikdy nechceme myslieť, že to, čo Boh hovorí, je drsné. Jeho bremená sú ľahké.
9 A nasledujúcu nedeľu, ak bude Boh chcieť, budeme tu mať zhromaždenie, ktoré bude tesne pred novým rokom, ak bude Pán chcieť, aby sme mali túto bohoslužbu. A chceme mať ranné zhromaždenie, modliť sa za chorých a možno službu krstu. A potom som myslel, že to dáme vedieť našim priateľom, aby tak mohli prísť. Potom budeme mať nedeľu ráno a nedeľu večer. A potom ľudia, ktorí chcú zostať na nový rok, potom budeme mať... Bude tentokrát modlitebné zhromaždenie? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Áno.“ – pozn.prekl.]
10 Bude tu niekoľko kazateľov, oni budú hovoriť na nový rok večer až rovno do polnoci. A my pozývame týchto kazateľov, aby prišli a hovorili. Ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem byť jedným z nich, ktorí niečo povedia, ten novoročný večer.
11 A potom na ďalšiu nedeľu, myslel som, že by som priniesol určité veci v línii, ktorá sa deje a ktorá sa diala, aby som ukázal, ako Boh koná so svojimi ľuďmi, a priviedol to rovno do vyvrcholenia tu v cirkvi.
12 A mnohí z vás sa zamýšľajú, ako je to s touto záležitosťou ohľadom daní, cez ktorú sme išli. Je to uzavreté. A tak vám tiež chcem povedať, ako sa to dialo. A tak si myslím, že musel by som to znovu hovoriť na ďalšiu nedeľu, tak počkám až do ďalšej nedele. A budem sa dnes ráno snažiť ku vám trochu hovoriť zo Slova. A na ďalšiu nedeľu sa pokúsim, ak bude Boh chcieť, povedať vám, ako to všetko išlo, a poviem vám o každej jednej veci, ktorú Pán povedal, a budete môcť vidieť, ako to trafilo presne každé miesto a trafilo sa to úplne presne do bodky. Rozumiete? On nehovorí nič nesprávne.
13 Ale jedna vec, ktorú by som chcel dnes ráno povedať, ktorú pravdepodobne nepoviem až do ďalšej nedele a to je niečo ohľadom toho, čo sa stalo včera. Trošku som váhal, či dnes ráno prídem, pretože obyčajne som taký roztrhaný, že sa tak vôbec necítim. Ale tým, že som tu, dobre, budem sa snažiť najlepšie, ako budem vedieť.
14 Predvčerom som mal návštevu brata a sestru Sothmannových, ako ich tu poznáte, on je jeden z dôverníkov v cirkvi a jeho manželka, oni prišli navštíviť mňa a moju manželku. A hovorili sme o tých nadchádzajúcich zhromaždeniach vo Phoenixe a naokolo, či to bude vôľa Pánova. A myslím, že sme boli hore asi do desať tridsať a ja som išiel do postele okolo jedenástej.
15 A niekedy okolo polnoci sa mi sníval sen. A v tomto sne som videl niekoho, kto mal byť môj otec, bol to veľký obrovský muž, on reprezentoval, symbolicky hovoriac, môjho otca. Videl som nejakú ženu, ktorá nevyzerala ako moja matka, ale pritom to mala byť moja matka. A tento muž, ktorý mal byť ako otec, manžel tejto ženy, s ňou veľmi kruto zaobchádzal. Až tak, že mal jeden veľký drevený klát. A on ju takto držal a udrel ju týmto dreveným klátom a ona spadla až k zemi. A potom po chvíli sa znovu zdvihla. A on sa prechádzal okolo a mienil ju znovu udrieť a on ju znovu udrel. A ja som stál obďaleč a pozoroval to.
16 Nakoniec som toho mal už po krk. A ja som bol omnoho nižší ako tento muž, ktorý mal byť ako môj otec. A tak som k nemu pristúpil a ukázal som prstom pred jeho tvárou a povedal, „Nie že ju ešte udrieš!“ Rozumiete? A keď som to urobil, niečo sa začalo diať. Ruky mi začali pulzovať a mne narástli veľké, mocné svaly. Nikdy som nevidel také svaly. A tak som toho muža chytil za golier a povedal som mu, „Neopováž sa ju znovu udrieť! Ak to urobíš, budeš mať dočinenia so mnou, ak ju znovu udrieš.“ A ten človek sa ma zľakol a nechal ju na pokoji. Prebudil som sa.
17 Tak, ako som tam ležal, po chvíli, samozrejme, prišiel výklad. Tá žena, to bola samozrejme, symbolicky povedané, cirkev, ktorá je určitým druhom matky. Ten otec je tá denominácia nad ňou, ktorá dominuje nad cirkvou, tak ako manžel nad manželkou. A to sú tieto denominácie, ktoré udierajú cirkev a nedovolia jej ani postaviť sa na nohy. Práve vtedy a zakaždým, keď sa ona snaží postaviť alebo niečo urobiť, tí ľudia tam, tak tá denominácia ju znovu zrazí dolu. A to jednoducho znamená nasadiť si svaly viery a len ďalej hroziť svojím prstom a hovoriť, „Máš dočinenia so mnou, rozumieš?“ Pretože tam sú niektorí ľudia, ktorí patria Bohu. A to bolo v poriadku. O tom...
18 Myslím, že sme boli hore dve alebo tri hodiny. A jedna z mojich dcér, Rebeka, ktorá je tam, ona pracuje v metodistickej nemocnici v Louisville.. To je taká amatérska forma tréningu sestričiek. Nazývajú to „cukríkové preväzovanie“ alebo tak nejako. A ona bola... Oni ju zavolali, aby prišla v to ráno, a to je to, čo ma prebudilo. A bolo veľmi skoro a ona ešte s jednou spolužiačkou boli tu, pracujú tu spolu a išiel som ich odviezť do Louisville. Mali tam byť na desiatu hodinu. A manželka sa čudovala prečo sa nemôže dostať do spálne. Mal som zamknuté.
19 Tak ja mám mnoho vecí, ktoré sa mi v živote stali, ale nemal som nič takéto. Vošiel som do tranzu. Nepoznám ten výklad. Nemal som ešte nič takéto vo svojom živote. Ale ako to bolo predo mnou, zdá sa, že som si uvedomil, že to bolo videnie, a ja som bol vo videní. A hovoril som ku svojmu synovi Jozefovi, ktorý v tom čase nebol v izbe. Ale nejako, ako ma to zasiahlo, hovoril som ku Jozefovi.
20A pozrel som sa hore. A stálo predo mnou niečo v tvare pyramídy, boli to malé, maličké vtáčiky asi 1,5cm dlhé. Oni boli hore na konároch, takto nejako asi tri alebo štyri. Na ďalšej vetve ich bolo možno osem alebo desať a dolu na spodku ich bolo možno pätnásť alebo dvadsať.
21 A to boli malí bojovníci, pretože ich perie bolo obité a vyzeralo to, že oni sa snažia ku mne hovoriť, niečo mi hovorili. A ja som bol na západe, vyzeralo to byť niekde okolo Tucsonu, v Arizone. A tie vtáčiky sa dívali na východ. A ja som pozorne počúval. Oni sa mi snažili povedať, vyzeralo to, že sa mi snažia niečo povedať. A oni mali malé pierka, oni boli celé obité, potrhané a tak. Oni boli poriadne zničení bojom. A potom zrazu jeden vtáčik začal zaujímať miesto toho druhého a začali takto skákať. A potom tieto malé vtáčiky veľmi rýchle odišli a leteli smerom na východ.
22 A keď odišli, prišli odtiaľ väčšie vtáky, niečo ako holubice so špicatými krídlami. A oni prišli v kŕdli a veľmi rýchlo, rýchlejšie ako tie malé vtáčiky, ktoré odleteli na východ.
23 A ja stále vo svojom... Tie dve vedomia sú pri sebe, ja som vedel, že stojím tu, a vedel som, že stojím tiež niekde inde. Rozumiete? A pomyslel som si, „Tak toto je videnie a ja musím zistiť, čo to znamená.“
24 A hneď, ako sa objavila tá druhá skupina vtákov, díval som sa na západ. A to vyzeralo byť v tvare pyramídy, ako dvaja na každej strane, jeden na vrchu, prišlo tam päť najmocnejších anjelov, akých som kedy vo svojom živote videl. Prišli takou ohromnou rýchlosťou, akú som ešte nevidel. Mali vzadu hlavy a mali špicaté krídla a prileteli veľmi rýchlo a moc Božia ma zasiahla takým spôsobom, až ma to zodvihlo zo zeme až celú cestu odtiaľto zdola hore.
Mohol som počuť Jozefa, ako stále hovorí.
25 A zdalo sa, že je to niečo ako prekračovanie hranice zvuku, keď vyšlo to veľké burácanie tam v diaľke na juhu. A keď som bol zodvihnutý... A to bola taká ohromná rýchlosť tých anjelov! A nedokážem ich teraz vidieť, ako oni prichádzali v tom tvare ako to a jednoducho prileteli rovno až ku mne.
26 Ja teraz nesnívam. Nie. Bol som rovno tam, bol som celkom bdelý tak, ako som práve teraz. Rozumiete?
27 Ale tu to prichádza. A oni boli tak ohromne rýchli, až som si pomyslel, keď to zodvihlo... Ja som počul tú explóziu, bol to taký výbuch, ktorý sa rozľahol, ako keď sa prelamuje bariéra zvuku. A keď sa to stalo, pomyslel som si, „Tak toto musí znamenať, že budem zabitý pri nejakom výbuchu.“ A... A ja som len... Zatiaľ čo som o tých veciach premýšľal, pomyslel som si, „Nie, to by nemohlo byť to. Pretože ak by to bol výbuch, to by tiež zasiahlo Jozefa. Pretože on tu je a stále hovorí a myslí si, že ja som tam. Počujem ho. To nebolo to.“
28 Tak toto je stále vo videní. To nebolo... Rozumiete? Bolo to vo videní.
29 A potom zrazu, ako som si uvedomil, že som bol... Oni boli okolo mňa. Nemohol som ich vidieť, ale bolo to privedené do tejto konštelácie pyramídy, ktorú tvorili, a vo vnútri tejto konštelácie týchto anjelov, bolo ich päť. A pomyslel som si, „Tak, keby to bol smrtiaci anjel, bol by jeden. Päť, to by bola milosť.“ Premýšľal som o tom. Pomyslel som si, „Ó! Oni prichádzajú s mojím posolstvom. To je moje druhé vyvrcholenie. Oni prichádzajú, aby mi priniesli posolstvo od Pána.“ A ja som vykríkol z celej svojej sily tak hlasno, ako som len mohol, „Ó, Ježišu, čo chceš, aby som robil?“ A keď som vykríkol, to odo mňa odišlo.
30 Tak od vtedy som sa necítil dobre. Rozumiete? Bol som celý deň, včera, musel som zostať doma, cítil som sa takmer bez seba. Nedokážem si zachovať svoju myseľ jasnú. A tá Sláva a Moc Pánova! Celkom som onemel, keď ma to opustilo. Snažil som sa trieť si ruky. A pomyslel som si, „Lapám po dychu.“ A chodil som dokola a chodil som po podlahe tam a späť. Pomyslel som si, „Čo to znamená, Pane? Čo to len znamená?“ Potom som sa zastavil. Povedal som, „Pane, Bože, tvoj sluha je... Ja, ja to jednoducho nerozumiem. Prečo? Čo to bolo? Dáš mi to poznať, Pane?“ No, keď...
31 A nedokážem vám to vysvetliť, keď poviem, „Moc Pánova.“ Nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. To nie je to, čo tu cítite a tie požehnania. To sú požehnania Pánove. Toto je niečo posvätné! Ó! To je niečo poza čokoľvek, čo by si mohla smrteľná bytosť čo i len predstaviť. Rozumiete? A trápilo ma to skutočne. To ne... To nie je požehnanie. To je veľké bremeno. Ste obťažení. Rozumiete? To je to. Ak by ste len mohli...
32 Ak by som len mal nejaký spôsob, ako by som dokázal ľuďom povedať, čo to bolo, alebo čo to je... Aký bol z toho pocit! To nie je len, ako sedieť tu a radovať sa. To je niečo, že až každý nerv vo vás len... To je poza strachom. To je poza tým byť vystrašený. To je svätá úctivosť. Ja... Nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Dokonca až môj celý chrbát, hore a dolu po chrbtici, až cez moje prsty hore a dolu, až po moje prsty na nohách, celá moja bytosť bola nemá, ako by ste boli niekde vzatí zo sveta. A to ma postupne opúšťalo a ja som povedal Pánovi, „Dáš mi to len poznať, ó, Bože?“
33 Hádam to najbližšie k tomu, čo bolo asi tak silné, bolo, keď som bol v Zűrichu vo Švajčiarsku, zase keď mi On ukázal toho nemeckého orla, ako pozoruje toho anglického jazdca, ako prechádza dolu cez Afriku. A on povedal, „Všetci zhrešili a chýba im sláva.“
34 A ja som volal k Pánovi, aby mi pomohol. A chcel som, aby mi dal výklad, pretože som sa zamýšľal, čo to znamená, či to znamená, že ja odídem, že budem zabitý. A ak to bolo to, tak by som o tom svojej rodine nepovedal nič. Ak je to môj čas, čas ísť domov, tak potom pôjdem jednoducho domov a to je všetko. Ale ak je to to, čo to znamená, nechcem to povedať svojej rodine, nechcem, aby o tom niečo vedeli. Nech sa to len stane, a to bude všetko.
35 Povedal som, „Pane, pomôž mi. Nechcem to povedať rodine, ak si Ty... Ak je toto moje zavolanie domov, dobre, potom pôjdem,“ povedal som. A viete, ste...
36 Poviete, „Tak potom, prečo si nemyslel na to, čo si povedal v tom videní, čo povedalo to videnie.“
37 Ale v takýchto chvíľach nedokážete myslieť na také veci. Vy... Jednoducho neviem. A pomyslel som si, bol som rozrušený. Vy ani neviete, ako myslieť. Nedokážete myslieť.
38 Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, ak to znamená, že tá explózia ma vezme, no, nech to teraz viem a nepoviem o tom nič. Nech Tvoja Sláva a Moc na mňa znovu príde a nech ma znovu zodvihne. Alebo nech Tvoja Sláva príde na mňa, a potom budem vedieť, čo to znamená, že to znamenalo to, a ja si to ponechám pre seba.“ A nič sa nestalo.
39 Tak potom som povedal, „Potom, Pane, ak to znamená, že Ty pošleš Svojich poslov pre moje poverenie, potom nech znovu zostúpi Tvoja Moc.“ A to ma takmer vzalo z tej miestnosti!
40 Hoci som potom prišiel ku sebe a mal som v ruke Bibliu, potom viete, prosil som Boha, aby mi pomohol. A keď som prišiel k sebe, On mi ukázal niečo v Písme, čo sa týkalo presne toho, bolo to rovno tam. A ja som si pomyslel, „Môže to byť práve to? Ako som to urobil?“ A, ó, ľudia, ja tieto veci nedokážem vysvetliť. Je to poza čokoľvek, čo poznám. Rozumiete?
41 Moja manželka je veľmi nezvyčajnou ženou, jedna z najlepších na svete. Ale v tej chvíli som jej nič o tom nepovedal. Išiel som ďalej. Ona vedela, že sa niečo stalo. Tak keď som jej to povedal, ona povedala, „Vieš, Bill, ja ťa vidím a počujem v mnohých tých veciach.“ Povedala, „Vieš, že ti verím z celého svojho srdca,“ povedala. Povedala, „Ale na tomto naozaj niečo bolo.“
42 Zdá sa, že ma to tak otriaslo, ten výbuch a ten náhly príchod tých anjelov, ako tvorili tú zostavu. Tak nejako som tu tú pyramídu nakreslil, ako asi oni vyzerali. Najprv to vyzeralo tak trochu... Bolo to v diaľke, vyzerali, akoby boli vo farbe holubíc. A oni prichádzali odtiaľto. A oni vyzerali takto, jeden, druhý, tretí, štvrtý, a potom jeden rovno na vrchu, vidíte, čo tvorilo päť. A oni prišli takou rýchlosťou! Neexistuje nič, žiadne prúdové lietadlá ani nič, čo by sa s tým mohlo porovnať.
43 A môžem ich len vidieť, a svoje hlavy mali takto trochu otočené nabok. Tri krídla mali takéto špičky, boli v plnej zbroji a tu prichádzajú tak, „Fjúú!“ Takto. Takto len prišli a len ma vzali do tejto pyramídy, tej zostavy, ktorú tvorili. A videl som, že som zodvihnutý zo zeme. Myslel som si, že možno... Počul som v diaľke také burácanie, „Húúúm!“ Niečo ako lietadlo, keď prekračuje zvukovú bariéru, počuli ste, ako sa to deje, tak ako zaburácanie v diaľke.
44 Pomyslel som si, „Toto môže teraz znamenať, keď ma teraz toto videnie opustí, že ja budem zabitý pri nejakej explózii alebo niečom takom.“ Pomyslel som si, „Tu som. Som zodvihnutý. Som... Oni, oni sú niekde tu. Ja som v tomto, v tejto pyramíde týchto anjelov tu. Ale ja neviem. Možno ma Pán prichádza vziať Domov.“
Potom som počul Jozefa dolu, ako mi hovorí, „Ocko?“
Pomyslel som si, „Nie, ak by to bolo to, to by vzalo aj jeho.“
45 Potom niečo povedalo, „Ty...“ Pamätajte, ja očakávam, očakávam na posolstvo, na ktoré som sa vždy tešil, to niečo.
46 A to videnie jedného dňa, viete, ako som to tu mal prednedávnom, ktoré mi hovorilo o tom, čo sa stane, ako som kázal zo slnka do tohoto miesta. A on potom povedal, „Pamätaj teraz, to druhé vyvrcholenie má ešte prísť.“
Pomyslel som si, „Bude posolstvo.“
47 Pamätáte si moje posolstvo tu? Otvorenie toho vrcholového kameňa, kde tých sedem hlasov a pečatí, ktoré dokonca ani nie sú zapísané v Slove Božom. Pamätáte? A to ma vzalo do tej pyramídy.
48 A Junior Jackson, ak si tu, ten sen, ktorý si mi dal prednedávnom. Nepoviem to dnes ráno. Bol si tak... Boh to dal tak dokonale. A prepáč mi, že som ti nedal ten výklad, pretože som videl niečo sa pohybovať.
J. T. to isté, rozumiete. Vedel som.
A sestra Collins, presne tak isto. Rozumiete?
A šiesti z nich, to viedlo rovno do tej istej veci.
49 A potom to videnie, ktoré som vám všetkým povedal pred rokmi, to sa jedného dňa stalo. To sa malo stať.
50 A je to tam, leží to rovno tam, všetko tam presne tak leží. To je jednoducho niečo, čo sa pohybuje. Ja neviem, čo to je. Bože, pomôž mi, to je mojou modlitbou.
Modlime sa.
51 Nebeský Otče, my sme len smrteľníci a stojíme tu dnes ráno. A, Pane, ty si ma poslal k tomuto malému stádočku a tejto cirkvi. A ja som na svojom konci. Ja neviem, ako, čo, kde prichádza. Ale ja viem túto jednu vec, že Ty si povedal, že Ty, „Urobíš všetko, aby spolupôsobilo na dobré pre tých, ktorí Ťa milujú a sú povolaní podľa Tvojho účelu.“ Modlím sa k Tebe, Bože, aby Tvoja veľká ruka milosrdenstva bola na nás.
52 My v pravde vieme, že Ty si Bohom. A vieme, že Ty nie si taký, ktorý žil len vo dňoch, ktoré prešli, ale Ty tiež žiješ dnes. Ty si bol vždy Bohom. A Ty vždy budeš Bohom. Ty si bol Bohom pred časom a budeš Bohom, keď nebude už viac času. Ty budeš stále Bohom.
53 A my sme v Tvojich rukách, Pane. My sme len hlinou. A Ty si ten tvarovateľ, hrnčiar. Vyformuj naše životy, Pane, tým spôsobom, aby sme vydali tú najlepšiu službu, aby sme Ťa poctili. Udeľ to, Otče. My sme jednoducho v Tvojich rukách.
54 My sme nemali žiaden spôsob, ako by sme sa sem priviedli, ani nevieme, ako vyjdeme von. Pane, Ty nám dávaš život a Ty si nám ho dal. My vydávame svoje životy späť k Tebe a Ty nám tak dávaš na výmenu večný život. Naša viera to vdychuje rovno do našej bytosti. A my Ťa za toto milujeme, pretože vieme, že jedného dňa Ťa uvidíme a Ty budeš vo Svojej sláve. A my sa budeme dívať na Neho. A túžime počuť tie slová, „Dobre si vykonal, môj dobrý a verný sluha. Vstúp do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre teba pripravená pred založením sveta.“ Do toho času, ó, Bože, keď sa všetci stretneme, veď nás.
Sme Tvojimi sluhami a prosíme o odpustenie našich hriechov.
55 Tieto mocné videnia, Pane, je to príliš mnoho pre tvojho sluhu. Ja neviem, čo robiť. Ja len viem, že prichádzajú. A ja môžem len povedať, čo som videl a čo bolo povedané. A niekedy ma to desí, Pane. A ja sa zamýšľam, čo robiť.
56 Potom beriem Bibliu a čítam tam, ako sa Izaiáš musel cítiť v ten deň v chráme, keď videl tých anjelov, tie krídla cez ich nohy. Niet divu, že vykríkol, „Beda mi, lebo moje oči uvideli Slávu Pánovu.“
57 A to bolo vtedy, keď prorok vykríkol, a potom bol očistený v tom chráme, keď ten anjel vzal kliešte a vzal uhoľ ohňa, a priložil to k jeho perám, potom, ako vyznal, že bol človekom nečistých rtov a že žije medzi nečistými ľuďmi. A pritom bol prorokom. Ten anjel vzal kliešte a priložil horiaci uhlík na jeho pery a očistil ho a povedal, „Teraz choď, prorokuj.“
Pane, Bože, Izaiáš vykríkol, „Tu som, Pane. Pošli ma.“
58 Keď on povedal, „Kto za nás pôjde?“ Pred tú bezbožnú a cudzoložnú generáciu!
59 Ó, Bože, nech sa to znovu zopakuje. Nech to znovu príde, ó, Pane. Pošli Svätého Ducha s očisťujúcim ohňom. Lebo vyznávam, že som nečistých rtov a prebývam na tejto zemi tu s nečistými ľuďmi. A my sme Tvojich očiach, Pane, nečistí. Ale, ó, pošli očisťujúcu moc Ducha Svätého! Očisti nás, ó, Pane. Očisti Svojho sluhu, Pane.
60 A potom prehovor, Pane. Tvoj sluha počúva. Túžim počuť ten Hlas. Som Tvoj. Použi ma, Pane, ako to Ty vidíš vhodné, zatiaľ čo sa kladiem na Tvoj oltár. Nech ma Duch Svätý očistí, Pane, a pomaže a vyšle, Pane, ak chceš, aby niekto išiel, ak je toto tá hodina a toto ten čas.
61 Ja neviem, Pane, ja len viem, že som videl tých anjelov. A Ty vieš, že tie veci sú presne pravdou. Ja sa modlím, Pane, „Beda mi,“ tak pomôž mi.
62 A teraz požehnaj týchto ľudí. A my sme tu dnes práve na sklonku tohto času osláv narodenia nášho Pána. Modlíme sa, aby si nám pomohol.
63 A dnes ráno, tvoj sluha, náš brat Neville, cítil, že by to možno mal byť čas, kedy si on na chvíľu odpočinie, a že možno ja by som mal hovoriť. A tak sa modlím, aby si mi Ty teraz pomohol.
64 Sú tu, Pane, takí a všetci z nás sme v potrebe na Teba. Tak sa teraz modlíme, aby si nás požehnal, ako budeme čítať Tvoje Slovo a na chvíľu rozjímať. Nech Tvoj Duch príde na nás, Pane. A očisti nás a zapáľ nás ohňom, s Duchom Svätým, s posolstvom Boha, čerstvo od oltára, aby sme zatriasli ten zomierajúci svet predtým, ako príde ten veľký, večný Boh. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene, Jeho drahého Syna a nášho Spasiteľa. Amen.
65 Teraz by som chcel obrátiť vašu pozornosť na niektoré miesta Písma tu a tých pár poznámok, ktoré som si zapísal.
66 A myslím, že Doc alebo Billy, jeden z nich mi povedal, že by chceli skončiť trošku skôr kvôli malým deťom. Majú pre nich nejaké darčeky.
67 Vy, malé deti, ktoré ste práve vyšli z nedeľnej škôlky, len tu vydržte na chvíľu. To, čo tu povieme, môže byť pre vás trochu hlboké, ale len seďte ticho s ockom a mamou len krátky čas. Chcem ku nim hovoriť.
68 V Knihe Žalmov, osemdesiaty deviaty Žalm, chcem z neho prečítať jeden alebo dva verše z osemdesiateho deviateho Žalmu. Skúsim prečítať 50., 51. a 52. verš, zo Žalmu 89.
69 No, môžete počuť dobre vy tam vzadu? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Tak ja... Čo je... Sú všetky tieto mikrofóny zapojené? [Niekto hovorí, „Neviem.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je lepší tento alebo tento? Tento? Tento? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tieto dva na boku sú zapojené.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Tento tu? Tieto tu dva? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tento, tento a tento.“ – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.
70 Tak ja neviem, či toto budete nahrávať, alebo nie. Je to tak trochu neočakávaná udalosť dnes ráno.
71 Ale nezabudnite teraz, pozháňajte všetkých svojich priateľov. A chcem, aby ste si boli istí, aby ste sa pokúsili prísť na zhromaždenie nasledujúcu nedeľu.
72 Nazdávam sa, že čoskoro budeme mať dokončenú zborovú budovu. Potom sa kvôli tomuto vrátim a budem kázať tých Sedem Pečatí, ak to bude vôľa Božia, tu z Písma.
73 V Knihe Žalmov, 89. kapitola počnúc od 51. verša, počúvajte pozorne teraz čítanie Slova.
Rozpomeň sa, Pane, na potupu svojich služobníkov, ktorú nosím vo svojom lone od všetkých veľkých národov, [V angličtine „všetkých veľkých ľudí.“ – pozn.prekl.]
ako potupujú tvoji nepriatelia, Hospodine, ako potupujú šľapaje tvojho pomazaného.
Nech je požehnaný Pán na veky. Amen a amen.
74 Chcel by som ku vám na chvíľu hovoriť... Chcem, aby ste si to najprv poznačili a čítali znovu a znovu, skutočne dôkladne. Možno to bude dobre prečítať teraz ešte raz. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.
Pamätaj, Pane, na pohanenie tvojich sluhov, ako nosím vo svojej hrudi pohanenie od všetkých mocných ľudí,
ktorými hanili tvoji nepriatelia, ó, Pane, ktorými hanili kroky tvojho pomazaného.
Nech je požehnaný Pán na veky. Amen a amen.
[Podľa angl. prekladu Kráľa Jakuba – pozn.prekl.]
75 Študujte to pozorne, ako to tu Dávid hovoril. Chcem to použiť ako text. Je to veľmi zvláštne použiť to ako vianočný text, ale minulú nedeľu som kázal na zvláštny text. Zabudol som teraz, čo to bolo. Bolo to... [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Svet sa rozpadá.“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Svet sa rozpadá.“ – pozn.prekl.] Rozpadanie sa, svet sa rozpadá.
76 A teraz by som chcel na túto nedeľu použiť tento text. Pohanenie kvôli Slovu. Tak dovoľte mi to znovu zopakovať, naozaj dôkladne. Pohanenie kvôli Slovu (Pohanenie pre príčinu Slova).
77 Boh má čas a dôvod pre ten čas, aby vyplnil všetky Svoje diela. Boh vie presne, čo ide urobiť. My nevieme. My to len musíme prijať tak, ako nám to On dáva, ale On vie a neexistuje nič, čo by mohlo ísť nesprávne s tým, čo On naplánoval urobiť. Všetko to musí prísť. Niekedy to musí byť drsné a musí to ísť cez ťažké veci, aby to priviedlo tú skutočnú, pravdivú povahu tej veci.
78 Viete, dážď sa rodí v búrlivom, drsnom, blýskajúcom sa oblaku na oblohe s hromobitím. A ak by sme nemali dážď, nežili by sme. Ale vidíte, čo je potrebné, aby prišiel dážď? Hrom, blesky, blýskanie sa, hnev. A z toho prichádza dážď.
79 Semeno musí zomrieť, zhniť, porušiť sa, páchnuť a ísť späť do prachu zeme, aby priviedlo nový život.
80 Je potrebné udieranie zlata, ustavičné prevracanie tam a späť, tam a späť, a udieranie, až kým nie je z toho vzatá všetká špina. Nie len preto, že sa leskne, pretože pyrit železitý, ktorý je známy ako zlato bláznov, sa leskne ako skutočné zlato. Ale dajte tie dve k sebe. Položte ich každé na jednu stranu a sotva môžete vidieť rozdiel. Ale dajte ich k sebe, a potom to uvidíte. A ten zlatotepec to musí stále udierať, až kým tam nevidí v tom zlate odrážať sa jeho vlastný obraz.
81 A Boh určuje čas a účel pre všetko, čo robí. Nič sa nedeje len tak náhodou pre tých, ktorí milujú Pána a sú povolaní podľa Jeho povolania. Rozumiete? Sme predurčení. A všetko pre to pôsobí správne, lebo On nemôže klamať. A On povedal, že to tak je, že všetko má svoj čas, svoje obdobie a svoj spôsob. A Boh je za každým tým pohybom. A niekedy si myslíte, že všetko ide zle. Je to na nás. Tie veci sú na nás položené, skúšky a udivenia. Je to testovanie, aby videl, ako budeme na tú akciu reagovať.
82 Pred nejakým časom hore vo Vermonte, brat Fred a ja sme išli na jednu stranu New Yorku naprieč jazeru Champlain a dostali sme sa až k New Yorku. A vyšiel som hore na vrch, kde som zvykol poľovať tam na Hurikánovej hore. A tam som si spomenul, ako som bol vtedy stratený a ako ma Boh priviedol naspäť len cez Jeho Svätého Ducha cez búrku. Pričom ja by som tam zomrel, zahynul a tak isto moja žena a Billy, tam v tom malom tábore na míle ďaleko. A On ma otočil.
83 A bolo tam trochu snehu, ktorý sme odhrnuli, aby sme sa dostali do tábora, bolo to skoro na jar a ja som tam stál a hovoril s bratom Fredom. A Duch Svätý povedal, „Choď a buď sám.“ A tak som odišiel do húštiny na také malé miesto na chvíľu. On mi povedal, „Je pre teba pripravená pasca. Buď teraz opatrný.“ Ale On mi nepovedal čo a ako. Vrátil som sa a povedal som to bratovi Fredovi.
84 V ten večer som išiel na zhromaždenie a oznámil som to tým ľuďom v auditóriu. A na ďalší večer sa to stalo a stál som tam, keď mi to On povedal. Bolo to ohľadne nejakých posmievačov, keď On povedal, „Sú v tvojich rukách. Nalož s nimi. Čokoľvek povieš, to sa ihneď teraz stane.“
85 Tu to máte. Bol to niekto neúctivý, bezbožný a oni si robili žarty a vysmievali sa rovno v zhromaždení, jeden mladý muž a mladá žena. A on ju tam obchytkával a boli vnútri a upútavali každého pozornosť, zatiaľ čo ja som sa snažil kázať. A on jej zaklonil hlavu a položil sa na ňu a takto jej zaklonil hlavu a snažil sa ju bozkať, a toto robili na zhromaždení a upútavali pozornosť.
86 A Duch Svätý povedal, „Teraz sú v tvojich rukách. Čo s nimi urobíš?“
87 Nastalo také sväté utíšenie. Každý sedel úplne ticho. A ja som si pomyslel, „Ó, Bože, čo mám robiť?“
88 Potom som si spomenul, že dva dni predtým ma Duch Svätý varoval. Povedal som, „Odpúšťam vám.“ A to bolo to, čo On chcel, aby som povedal. Rozumiete?
89 Pretože napokon ja som bol vinný, možno nie toho, ale vinný. „A vinný v mále je vinný v celom.“
90 Tak som povedal, „Odpúšťam vám.“ A sú tu teraz svedkovia, ktorí tam boli. A potom spadol Duch Svätý.
91 Tak vidíte, ja verím, že všetky tieto veci majú určitý význam. Čo urobíš s tou mocou? Akú budeš mať reakciu na akciu? Niečo, čo prichádza ako nejaká akcia, a ako ty potom zareaguješ na tú akciu? Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Čo by ste robili? A možno všetko toto sa dopracovalo do toho, kde sme teraz. Ja neviem, neviem povedať. Ale vždy bol nejaký spôsob.
92 A pamätajte, pohanenie Slova. Slovo vždy nieslo pohanenie. Cez celé veky, Božie pomazané Slovo bolo vždy pohanené. A to je ten dôvod, prečo je to tak ťažké pre ľudí, ktorí nerozumejú, vedieť, ako akceptovať to pohanenie.
93 Pamätáte si, ako sa vracali učeníci a radovali sa, pretože videli, že boli učinení hodnými niesť pohanenie Jeho Mena? On povedal, „Všetci, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristovi, ponesú prenasledovanie“, pohanenie Slova.
94 Vy vždy musíte vytrvať v tomto pohanení, aby ste boli pretestovaní, aby ste videli. Každý, kto prichádza ku Kristovi, musí byť najprv káznený ako dieťa, kvôli tomu účelu, pre ktorý vás Boh ustanovil. A pamätajte, ak len dokážete vydržať ticho! Pamätajte, ak vás On ku tomuto povolal, neexistuje nič, čo by to zadržalo od vyplnenia sa. V pekle neexistuje dostatok diablov, aby zadržali Slovo Božie od prejavenia sa. Narodili ste sa pre určitý účel a nikto nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Môžete mať napodobňovateľov, všetko možné, ale oni nikdy nezaujmú vaše miesto. Správne. Božie Slovo bude triumfovať. Ono nemôže zlyhať. To je to, kde by mal každý Kresťan stáť vediac toto. A skúšky prídu a zdá sa, že to príde na vás z každej strany. Ale pamätajte, Boh má určitý zámer, a to bude všetko spolu pôsobiť na dobré.
95 Pripomeňme si teraz zopár udalostí, kedy sa vyplnilo Božie Slovo, a tých, ktorí niesli Slovo vo svojom veku.
96 Prednedávnom som cítil vo svojom duchu, že niekto ma kritizuje. Mohlo to byť medzi tými ľuďmi, ku ktorým idú pásky. Vždy sa veľmi odvolávam na to, aby ste sa vrátili a videli tie predobrazy v Biblii v tom, čo chcem povedať. Nuž, robím to za určitým účelom. Biblia hovorí, že tieto veci boli napísané, aby sme sa mohli na ne dívať. A to je jediný spôsob, ako bez vzdelania, jediný spôsob, ako to dokážem robiť, je spätne sa na to odvolať a povedať, „Vidíte, kde toto stojí, čo sa pri tom stalo a kde sa toto stalo.“ Rozumiete? A potom tam jednoducho umiestňujete seba.
97 Tak, ako som prednedávnom kázal o jednom malo chlapcovi, ktorý bol na lodi, viete, a ten starý kapitán zomieral. Bol chorý. A on sa opýtal, či nie je niekde na palube Biblia. Oni našli jedného malého chlapca, ktorý mal Bibliu, a on prišiel a prečítal Izaiáša 53:5. „On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti.“ A on povedal, „Dovoľte... Dovoľte mi povedať vám tu, kapitán, tak, ako mi to zvykla čítať moja mama.“ Povedal, „Toto je spôsob, akým mi to ona čítala, 'On bol zranený pre neprávosti Willie Pruitta. A On bol zdrtený pre Willie Pruitta. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré On urobil, boli pre Willie Pruitta.'“ Tak sa volal. Ten starý kapitán povedal, „To sa mi páči. Mohol by si tam čítať moje meno?“
98 On povedal, „Pokúsim sa.“ A povedal, „On bol zranený pre prestúpenia Johna Quartza. On bol zdrtený pre neprávosti Johna Quartza. A Jeho ranami je John Quartz uzdravený.“
On povedal, „Vidím to.“ A Pán ho uzdravil. Vidíte?
99 Čítajte v tom svoje meno. On bol zranený pre prestúpenia Williama Branhama. On bol zdrtený pre neprávosti Williama Branhama. On to urobil pre mňa a On to urobil pre teba. Čítaj v tom svoje meno.
100 To je ten spôsob, ako rád prinášam Písma mojim ľuďom, to je to, čo On urobil pre niekoho ďalšieho, ktorý Ho poslúchol. To, čo On urobil pre niekoho iného, kto bol verný tejto veci, a to čo On urobil pre niekoho iného, ktorý bol neverný tejto veci, potom tam čítajte svoje meno. Ak by ste boli tam, aký postoj by ste zaujali? A pamätajte, máte dnes to privilégium zaujať ten istý druh stanoviska.
101 Keď Noe pri pohanení Slova, ktoré k nemu Boh prehovoril, Noe tam mal pohanenie. Noe žil vo vedeckom veku, kde existovali vedecké pokroky, pri ktorých boli schopní vyrobiť niečo, čo bolo vyspelejšie ako čokoľvek, čo môžeme my vyrobiť dnes. Boli bystrejší, viac inteligentní. Ich veda bola oveľa pokročilejšia ako naša. A pamätajte len, on musel obstáť v pohanení Slova, ktoré kázal stodvadsať rokov pred tvárami posmievačov. Ich veľké vedecké spôsoby im dokázali, že tam na oblohe žiaden dážď neexistuje. Ale jednako Noe počul Slovo Pánovo, a to bolo v protiklade s ich koncepciou toho. Tak pretým, ako mohol byť jeho život zachránený, on musel stáť pred tvárou týchto posmievačov a niesť pohanenie, ktorým ho hanili.
102 Ó, niet pochýb, že museli cítiť ľútosť nad tým starým biednym kazateľom. Oni ho nemuseli niekam odstrániť alebo niečo, pretože možno v tom dni nebolo mnoho domov takého typu. On bol neškodným. On nešiel nikomu ublížiť, tak oni ho len nechali tak, samého. „Len choďte, ten starý fanatik tam hore, tam na tej strane kopca stavia loď na mieste, kde nie je žiadna voda. Ó, ten úbožiak! Ale...“ a povedali, „Odkiaľ zoženieš vodu, na ktorej by sa tvoj čln plavil, Noe?“
„Príde dolu z neba.“
103 „Nezmysel. Dokážeme vystreľovať na mesiac a ku hviezdam s radarom,“ čokoľvek oni vtedy mali. „Nie je tam hore žiaden dážď.“
Ale on povedal, „Boh povedal, že tam nejaký dá.“
„Ako to urobí?“
104 „To je Jeho vec. Jediné, čo mám robiť ja, je varovať vás, aby ste sa odtiaľto dostali preč.“
105 Je to to isté teraz. „Odkiaľ príde ten oheň?“ Brat, dnes je to trochu jasnejšie, ako to bolo v čase Noeho. My už vidíme, kde On je. To je rovno pripravené zasiahnuť, to je všetko. Veda už... Tentokrát neexistuje žiadna výhovorka, vôbec žiadna, pretože veda to už dokonca zistila. Tak veru.
106 A tak teraz zisťujeme, že to veru niečo bolo. A tak oni nad tým starým kazateľom cítili ľútosť a nechali ho len tak. Bola to možno pre tých ľudí zvláštna vec pomyslieť na to, že človek, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že je inteligentný a že verí, že Boh Stvoriteľ neba a zeme by urobil niečo také, alebo povedal o niečom, čo urobí, čo by bolo v protiklade k ich spôsobu myslenia, ktoré oni mali. Možno ste to neporozumeli. Pozrite. Bol... Oni si mysleli, že pomocou svojej vedy môžu dokázať každú prirodzenú vec. Či to len nie je ten druh sveta, v ktorom my dnes žijeme? Intelektuálny, vzdelaný svet plný vedy! A čokoľvek, čo mohli dokázať, že je nesprávne... Boh je..., „Žiaden Boh by nikdy nemohol povedať niečo, čo by mohlo byť vedecky dokázané, že to tam nie je.“
107 A tak oni majú tú istú ideu i dnes. Ak vám lekár povie, že máte rakovinu a že musíte zomrieť a že veda dokazuje, že máte rakovinu, a že je to v pokročilom štádiu, je to hlúpe myslieť si niečo iné, pretože idete zomrieť, to je všetko. Veda hovorí, že idete zomrieť. Oni vás vyšetrili a to je všetko. Zomriete.“ A oni si myslia, že je to bláznovstvo, ak sa snažíte povedať, že Boh zasľúbil niečo urobiť. Vidíte, je to tak, ako to bolo, vy musíte zniesť to pohanenie.
108 Oni hovoria, ak vám tu lekár povie, „My sme sa cez to pozreli a tá rakovina je pokročilá. Otvorili sme vás. Je po celom vašom tele a cez celé vaše srdce, cez vaše pľúca, vašu pečeň, všetko. Je to nemožné.“
A tak vidíte, keď poviete, „Ale on jednako ide žiť.“
Oni povedia, „No, chudák, nechajme ho len tak.“
109 Pamätám si ten večer. Bill Hall, brat Hall, dole z cirkvi v Milltowne, mnohí z vás si pamätajú ten prípad. A keď on... Zavolali ma. Moja žena, moja svokra a ja sme tam išli. On sa oženil s dievčaťom, ktoré bolo sestrou, myslím, Georgea Coppa, ktorý bol starostom mesta alebo sudcom tu. Jeho... To bol jeho švagor. Oni ho sem priviedli, aby zomrel. Lekár v Milltowne, lekár v New Albany vyšetrili jeho prípad a určili diagnózu, rakovina pečene. A tak som išiel pani Hallovú navštíviť. A on mal žltačku a bol celý žltý. A povedal som, „No, vyzerá to, že zomrie.“ A povedal som...
110 Ona povedala, „Brat Bill, je nejaký spôsob mať... Môžeš niečo počuť od Boha?“
Povedal som, „Ja neviem, sestra Hall. Môžem sa modliť.“
111 Modlil som sa. A vrátil som sa domov a Pán mi nič nepovedal. A potom som tam išiel znovu na ďalší deň a znovu sa modlil. A ona povedala, „Poznáš nejakého dobrého lekára?“
112 Povedal som, „No, náš rodinný lekár je doktor Sam Adair, tu dolu v Jeffersonville. On je, on je... Jeho otec bol naším rodinným lekárom. Mladý Sam a ja sme vždy boli dôverní priatelia a chodili sme do školy asi v tom istom čase a boli sme spolu vychovávaní. Vždy ideme k nemu, keď niečo nie je v poriadku.“
Ona povedala, „Rada by som vedela, či by sa nemohol prísť pozrieť na na Billa Halla,“ na jej manžela.
Povedal som, „Opýtam sa ho.“
113 No a Sam mi povedal, „Billy, ak lekár povedal, že má rakovinu,“ povedal, „jedinú vec, ktorú môžem urobiť, je poslať ho k niekomu, kto je chytrejší ako ja, ku špecialistovi. A vezmeme röntgen a neuvalíme už naňho ďalšie ťažkosti.“
114 Poslali sme ho do New Albany a získali röntgen od lekára, ktorý tam bol. Vzali sme ho do Louisville a vyšetrili ho, vzali ho do sanitky a priviezli späť.
115 Tak, samozrejme, on nepovedal pani Hallovej, aký má problém, tak volal mne. Povedal, „On zomrie,“ povedal, „tvoj priateľ kazateľ.“ Povedal, „Špecialista v Louisville mi práve volal a povedal, 'Diagnóza, ktorú určili lekári dole v Milltown a lekár v New Albany, bola správne určená diagnóza.'“ A povedal, „Je to rakovina pečene a je v pokročilom štádiu. A, Billy, my nemôžme vyrezať tomu mužovi pečeň a nechať ho žiť.“ Povedal, „On zomrie. Ak je kazateľom, mal by byť pripravený.“
116 Povedal som, „O to tu teraz nejde. Ale on nemá viac ako päťdesiatpäť rokov, a tak stále má ešte mnoho času života, aby kázal.“ A povedal, „No, ale ak ide zomrieť, tak je to potom vybavené. Ďakujem ti, doktor Sam.“
117 A tak som išiel dolu a zavolal pani Hallovú a povedal som jej. Povedal som, „Pani Hallová, Sam povedal, že tá diagnóza v Louisville bola rovnaká ako v New Albany a Milltowne. Ten muž zomiera. Brat Hall zomrie. Má rakovinu pečene a je to už v pokročilom štádiu.“
118 A tak ona začala plakať. A ja som sa otočil a modlil sa s ním. A on bol vtedy tak mimo seba, že ani nevedel, že ja som v tej miestnosti.
119 A tak som sa vrátil. A mnoho ľudí prichádzalo v tých dňoch ku nám do domu. Nikto iný na poli nebol. Nebolo to vtedy tak veľmi kontaminované a ľudia prichádzali zovšadiaľ.
120 Chcel som si trocha odpočinúť. Tak som si ľahol a potom vstal skoro asi o dve tridsať, o tretej hodine. Brat Wood ešte nebol na trati. A pozrel som sa na príjazdovú cestu a nebol tam nikto, a tak som si vzal svoj starý klobúk, vbehol som do svojej pracovne, vzal svoju pušku, dvadsať dvojku. A tak, chcel som ísť von a poľovať na veveričky asi do ôsmej hodiny ráno, a potom si niekde ľahnúť pod strom a trochu si odpočinúť. Nemohol by som to mať doma.
121 Vzal som si klobúk a začal som prechádzať cez izbu. A tam na stene viselo jablko. A to jablko bolo celkom skazené. Bolo prežrané červami a hrčavé a celé fľakaté. A pomyslel som si, „Kvôli čomu Méda zavesila na stenu také jablko?“
122 A potom som si znovu všimol, že to nevisí na stene. Ono viselo vo vzduchu. Strhol som svoj starý klobúk, položil pušku do rohu a padol som na kolená. Povedal som, „Pane, čo chceš oznámiť svojmu sluhovi?“
123 Zrazu dolu zostúpilo ďalšie a potom ďalšie, až tam boli štyri alebo päť jabĺk (Zabudol som teraz, koľko ich bolo) a viseli tam. Potom jedno veľké krásne jablko s pruhmi, bolo to veľmi veľké zdravo vyzerajúce jablko, znieslo sa dolu a odkoplo tie ostatné prežrane vyzerajúce jablká. A on povedal, „Vstaň. Postav sa na svoje nohy.“ Povedal, „Choď a povedz Billymu Hallovi, že nezomrie. Bude žiť.“
124 Ó, bežal som tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol, a povedal som, „Pani Hallová, mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On bude žiť,“ a on ma počul. A on sa snažil plakať, ale nedokázal viac hovoriť.
125 Vrátil som sa a zavolal som Sama. A povedal som, „Sam, náš brat bude žiť.“
Povedal, „Ako môže takto žiť?“
126 Povedal som, „To nie je na mne, aby som si to domyslel. Boh tak povedal. Tým je to vybavené.“
127 A on dnes žije. To bolo asi pred desiatimi rokmi. Je silný a zdravý. Jeho žena už od vtedy zomrela. On sa znovu oženil.
128 Ako sa to stalo Georgeovi Wrightovi a mnohým ďalším, o ktorých by sme mohli povedať, ktorých by sme mohli menovať? Čo je to? To je niesť pohanenie. Oni sa smiali a robili si žarty.
129Pamätám si to ešte pred potopou v tridsiatom siedmom roku. Pracoval som tam pre Fall City Transfer Company (Mestská prepravná spoločnosť.) Hovoril som im o tom, že tam bude tridsaťdva stôp vody, myslím, že toľko, na ulici Spring. Vysmiali sa mi. Povedali, „Biedny Billy. Zdá sa mi, že on... To decko!“ Bol som vtedy ešte len chlapec. On povedal, „Billy je dobré dieťa. Je to hanba, že zostal celý zamiešaný.“ Nebol som zamiešaný. Bol som pokrstený do vnútra a nie zamiešaný. Bol som „vo vnútri.“ A to sa stalo presne tak.
130 Odkedy hovorím, všimol som si sestru Hattie Wright, myslím, že sedí tam vzadu. Ona si pamätá ten prípad Billyho Halla. Mnohí! Koľkí sú tu dnes ráno prítomní, ktorí si pamätajú ten prípad? Ó! Iste. Sú tu mnohí z vás.
131 A tak oni nad nami cítia ľútosť, cítia ľútosť nad kýmkoľvek, kto sa snaží držať Slova v tých dňoch posmievačov. Ale pamätajte, to pohanenie musí prísť. Vždy to tak bolo. Oni si museli myslieť práve tak, ako to bolo vtedy, že Boh potom, ako je niečo vedecky dokázané, že Boh nevypovie niečo, čo bude proti vede. Ale to je to, čo Ho robí Bohom. Ak by On postupoval len podľa vedy, to by nebolo nič viac ako len to, čo dokáže dosiahnuť človek. Ale On je Boh. On je Stvoriteľom vedy. On môže urobiť to, čo si praje.
132 Oni si museli pomyslieť, „Úbohý, biedny Noe, no, nechajme toho starého chlapíka osamote. On míňa všetku tú zábavu, ktorú máme my v týchto dňoch, a tak nechajme ho len tak.“ Je to podobne aj teraz.
133 Ale chcem tu teraz povedať ešte inú vec. My sa dívame späť a obdivujeme jeho vieru. Ale som zvedavý, že ak by sme žili v tom dni, či by sme zaujali ten istý postoj, aký zaujal Noe. Boli by sme schopní byť ochotnými vydržať to pohanenie, ktoré išlo s pravdou? Keď všetky tie milióny tam, ktoré boli vtedy vo svete, bol tam jediný Noe a jeho rodina, ktorí stáli za pravdou. Pomysleli ste na to? Len ten muž a jeho traja synovia a jeho nevesty a jeho manželka boli tí jediní, ktorí stáli za pravdou. Ale oni mali TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. My sa dívame späť a obdivujeme ho. Mohli by sme znova tak myslieť?
Musím sa poponáhľať kvôli darčekom pre tieto deti.
134 Abrahám, práve to slovo Abrahám znamená „Otec množstva.“ On ho urobil „Otcom národov.“
135 Tak Abrahám počul Slovo Božie. Abrahám bol prorokom a on počul Slovo Božie. A my obdivujeme Abraháma pre jeho držanie sa Božieho Slova, ako sa oddelil od svojho príbuzenstva, aké to bolo tvrdé pre Abraháma. On tam bol vychovaný. Prišiel z Bábelu a išiel tam dolu do zeme Sineár a Chaldejov, tam v meste Úr, kde všetci jeho spoločníci, jeho ľudia, a oni všetci, s ktorými chodil do cirkvi a všetko to. Ale Boh povedal, „Oddeľ sa.“ Ó! Čo za hrozná vec to bola opustiť to, čo mu bolo drahé, všetko, čo bolo pre neho skutočné, čo mu bolo drahé. A Boh mu povedal, „Oddeľ sa!“
136 A Boh mu dal veľmi zvláštnu vec. „Budeš mať dieťa so svojou ženou.“ On mal sedemdesiatpäť a ona mala šesťdesiatpäť. Jej už prestalo bývať, ako býva ženám, ako je poriadok pre ženy rodiť deti po tie roky. A tu potom, ako žili spolu, odkedy ona bola dievčaťom, pretože ona bola jeho polovičnou sestrou, a ako by kedy mohol splodiť dieťa? A viete si teraz predstaviť, ako Abrahám ide von medzi svojich spoločníkov a hovorí, „Sára a ja budeme mať dieťa“? Viete si to predstaviť?
137 A tak ľudia povedali, „Ten úbožiak, niečo nedobré sa s ním stalo.“
138 Je to pohanenie, ale Abrahám sa toho držal. A keď mal sto rokov, vôbec sa nezapotácal v zasľúbení Božom. Stále obstál pri pohanení, iste, a držal sa toho.
139 Všimli ste si tu ten rozdiel? Sára sa snažila dať Abrahámovi, vlastne, dať Bohu trochu pomoci skrze samú seba. Ona si pomyslela, viete, niečo, čo bolo iné, ako to, čo Boh zasľúbil „No, vieš, ja som už starou ženou a Hagar, ktorá je tu, je krásna žena. Abrahámovi nebude vadiť, keď si ju tiež vezme. A tak vieš, to pomôže Bohu. To pomôže Bohu, pretože Hagar tu má možno len dvadsať rokov. Ona je mojou slúžkou. A vieš, čo urobím? Dám ju svojmu manželovi za ženu.“ (Pretože polygamia bola legálna.) A tak On povedal... [Ona povedala – pozn.prekl.] „Ja mu ju dám a ona bude mať dieťa s mojím manželom, a potom ja si to dieťa vezmem. A to bude to, čo Boh zasľúbil.“
140Vidíte, my sa vždy snažíme niečo urobiť; nedokážeme na Neho čakať. Musíme niečo urobiť sami. Mohlo to byť v poriadku. Ona mohla byť pekná. Mohlo to vyzerať veľmi dobre, ale to nebolo podľa Slova. Boh povedal Abrahámovi, „To dieťa bude cez Sáru.“
141 Pamätáte si, čo On povedal o tom malom stádočku? „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude za príchodu Syna človeka, kedy málo, len osem duší, bolo spasených,“ tie slová nemôžu zlyhať, tak to pozorne pozorujme a zostaňme so Slovom. V poriadku. Vidíte?
142 Ľudia sa vždy snažia niečo vyprodukovať, aby zaujali miesto Božej Stvoriteľskej vôle. Vidíte, ako som často povedal, a už predtým, možno pred cirkvou, viete, nemohli by ste sa opýtať ovce, „Vyprodukuješ mi trochu vlny?“ Nie, ona to nemôže. No, koza nedokáže vyprodukovať vlnu, pretože jej prirodzenosť jej to nedovolí. Nezáleží na tom, koľko sa pokúsite uviazať ovčiu vlnu na kozu, to nebude fungovať. Koza nedokáže vyprodukovať vlnu a ovca neprodukuje srsť. Ale ona má vlnu, lebo je ovcou. To je to, čo ju tým činí. Ona to nevyrába.
143 My nemáme vyrábať ovocie Ducha. My máme niesť ovocie Ducha. Jabloň nevyrába jablká, ona to nesie, pretože je jabloňou.
144 A ak sa snažíme niečo vyrobiť, „Ja tej veci pomôžem. Budem študovať desať rokov v seminári. Naučím sa toto, to alebo tamto a získam svoj titul bakalára a svoj doktorský titul. Sám pomôžem Pánovi.“ To nebude fungovať.
145Boh skrze predurčenie povoláva, koho chce. On dáva Kráľovstvo každému, komu ho On zatúži dať. Naučili sme sa to na príklade Nabuchodonozora.
146 Naučili sme sa to cez Jeremiáša. Keď mu to Boh povedal skrze Slovo Pánovo, že bude čas, kedy Izrael bude odvedený do Babylona na sedemdesiat rokov. A tu prichádza iný prorok. On mu už povedal, „Tak budeš mať prorokov, ktorí povstanú. A budeš ich mať dolu v Babylone, oni povstanú, budú snívať sny a budú proroci a oni budú prorokovať v protiklade k tomuto. Ale povedz ľuďom, aby týchto ľudí nepočúvali.“
147 A tu hore prichádza človek, ktorý je jedným z prorokov, volá sa Chananiáš, a keď tam stál Jeremiáš s jarmom uviazaným na krku, tu prichádza Chananiáš a hovorí, „Tak hovorí Pán. Za plné dva roky všetky nádoby Pánove,“ tak fundamentálne sa to zdalo veľmi dobré, „Boh svojich ľudí požehná. On privedie všetko presne tak, behom dvoch rokov.“
148 Biblia hovorí, že dokonca Jeremiáš povedal, „Amen. Amen. Chananiáš, nech len Pán vyplní tvoje slová. Ale pomyslime na niečo, Chananiáš. Boli už pred nami proroci a oni prorokovali proti veľkým národom, vojny, a tak ďalej. Ale pamätaj, prorok sa pozná podľa jeho proroctva, keď sa zamanifestuje.“ Vidíte?
149 Potom povstal Chananiáš, chytil jarmo na Jeremiášovom krku pred všetkými tými kňazmi a zhromaždením, bolo tam možno milión a pol ľudí. A strhol to jarmo, ktoré Boh položil na Jeremiášov krk na znamenie, a rozlámal ho na kusy a hodil ho k nohám a bol nadšený a povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán. Za dva roky budú späť.“
150 Jeremiáš sa na neho len pozrel. Bolo to v protiklade k Slovu, a tak len odišiel preč. A Boh povedal, „Vráť sa a povedz mu,“ povedal, „Ja som k nemu vôbec nehovoril.“
151 On bol iba nadšený. On iba vyjadril svoj vlastný dojem. Vidíte? On vôbec nečakal, kým by to skutočnosti videl a vedel by, že to nebol on, ale že to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril. On sa vrátil a bol celý nadšený. Ak...
152 Nachádzame to dnes po celej krajine. Jedna z našich pások bola nedávno prehrávaná v jednom dome, kde bola skupina kazateľov, a oni zostali presvedčení o pravde a išli sa dať pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista. A v tej miestnosti povstal nejaký človek, prehovoril v jazykoch a povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán. Držte sa toho, čo máte. Len choďte ďalej, pokračujte a Ja vás požehnám.“
153 Oni povedali, „No, ak to Pán povedal, tak to je hádam to.“ Vidíte? Nie je to preskúmané so Slovom. To musí najprv vziať Slovo. Tu to máte. Bolo to v protiklade k Slovu.
154 Tak tu sa vracia Jeremiáš, ten pomazaný prorok. Boh mu povedal, „Ja viem, že Chananiáš polámal to drevené jarmo z tvojho krku, ktoré som tam Ja položil, ale Ja teraz urobím jarmo zo železa.“ Povedal, „Všetky tieto národy, ktoré išli dolu, aby slúžili Nabuchodonozorovi, môjmu sluhovi,“ a on bol pohan. Vidíte? A Izrael, zachovávali všetky svoje obete, ale oni neboli... Vidíte?
155 Boh dal zasľúbenie, že ich požehná, ale tie požehnania sú pod podmienkami. A vy musíte splniť tie podmienky, aby ste to uviedli do chodu.
156 Ako som tu prednedávnom sedel, bolo tu jedno milé malé dievča. Najprv som preskúmaval celú tú rodinu, aby som videl, či tam nie je niečo nesprávne. Boh uzdraví, ale je to pod podmienkami. Rozumiete? Jediná vec, ktorú som našiel, bola, že tá matka sa obávala vziať lieky. Povedal som, „Nemysli si to, sestra. Vyhoď si to z hlavy. Choď len rovno vpred s tým dieťaťom. Daj mu tie lieky. Boh to dá najavo.“ Vidíte?
157 Ale tá vec je nájsť to, zistiť to. A potom, ak je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, tak je dobre.
158 Nachádzame tu teraz týchto ľudí, že oni sa snažili niečo vyrobiť, Hagar a Sára, aby pomohli Abrahámovi, aby pomohli Bohu vyplniť Jeho zasľúbenie. Nemôžete to robiť. Neexistuje vôbec žiaden spôsob, ako by sa to dalo. Je to proti všetkému. Božie Slovo sa ide každopádne stať. Vy len musíte stáť rovno na tom Slove a hovoriť, „Je to takto,“ a zachovať to Slovo. Teraz pozorujte, vyrobiť niečo, aby to zaujalo miesto Jeho Slova!
159 Možno tak isto Abrahámovi priatelia, ak ste si kedy všimli, možno tam prišli Abrahámovi priatelia a povedali, „Dobre, otec národov, koľko detí máš teraz?“ Keď mal sto rokov. „Povedz nám, otče národov, otec množstva, koľko detí máš teraz?“ Posmievači!
160 Či ste neuvideli ten čas, či sme to neuvideli, keď sa niekedy za niečo modlíme a to sa nestane?
161 „Tu sedí nejaký starý človek,“ hovoria. „Je slepý. Je hluchý. Je nemý. Je chorý. Urobil toto. Choďte tam a uzdravte ho, vy, Božskí uzdravovatelia. Uveríme tomu.“
162 Či si oni uvedomujú, že to je ten istý diabol, ktorý povedal, „Zostúp z kríža a uverím ti. Obráť tieto kamene na chlieb a uverím tomu“? Vidíte? Ten istý diabol, ktorý sa snažil položiť handru okolo Pánových očí a udierať ho po hlave palicou a hovoril, „No, ak si prorok, povedz nám, kto ťa udrel, a my ti uveríme.“
163 No, vy viete, že On vedel, kto ho udrel. On mohol premeniť tie kamene na chlieb. Alebo On mohol zostúpiť z kríža. Ale kde by sme boli my dnes, ak by to bol urobil? Vidíte? Oni nepoznajú program Boží. Vy musíte zistiť, čo Boh zasľúbil.
Musím sa poponáhľať.
164 Tak oni mohli povedať, „Otče národov, my sme ťa počuli pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi, ako si povedal, že budeš mať so Sárou dieťa a že z toho prídu národy, národy ľudí. Tak koľko detí máš teraz v tomto čase, otče národov?“ Ach! Vidíte? To je ten istý kritický duch, ktorý kritizuje.
165 Čo urobil Abrahám? Bolo povedané, „On sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení v nevere.“
„No, tu si sa modlil za toho a toho a neuzdravil sa.“
166 Na tom nezáleží. Ak by som sa modlil dnes večer za desaťtisíc ľudí, a zajtra ráno ich desaťtisíc zomrie, tak zajtra večer budem stále pomazávať chorých a modliť sa za nich. Boh tak povedal. Toto vôbec nezastavuje. Boh to zasľúbil. Verím tomu. Istotne. Nerobí to žiaden rozdiel, čo oni hovoria. Ale oni sa budú posmievať. To je to pohanenie Slova.
167 Ako Abrahám stál na Božom Slove, nakoniec sa ono vyplnilo. Ó!
168 Pozorujte to posmievačstvo kvôli neplodnosti. Tým, že sa posmievali a najprv hanili tú neplodnosť. Oni... Ona musela vydržať všetko to pohanenie za to, že bola po všetky tie roky neplodná. Ona mala takmer sto rokov. Mala deväťdesiat, so Slovom Božím, ktoré povedalo, že ona bude tiež kňažná, matka toho dieťaťa. A ona a Abrahám neplodní, telá oboch boli akoby mŕtve, ale jednako nikdy nepochybovali v to Slovo, ani trochu. Ale museli to najprv vydržať. A potom, Haleluja, Boh zachoval svoje Slovo v tej temnej hodine: Izák sa narodil. „A jeho semena bude ako piesku na mori alebo ako hviezd na mori.” Rozumiete? Boh vždy odpovie na Svoje Slovo. Áno. Najprv neplodnosť, potom Izák.
169 Zachariáš a Alžbeta podobne. Ten starý muž a stará žena, oni sa stále držali. A keď tam prišiel Zachariáš a mohol napísať na tú tabuľku a povedať, „Stretol ma anjel a povedal mi, že budem mať s Alžbetou, mojou starou ženou tu dieťa. Nemôžem viac hovoriť. Som nemý. Budem nemý, až kým sa nenarodí to dieťa. Ale prichádza dieťa a ono bude prorokom Najvyššieho. On predstaví rannú Hviezdu. On je predchodcom Mesiáša.“ Ako to vôbec mohlo byť?
170 Niekto povedal, „Biedny úbožiak. Ó, myslím si, že on je tak trochu na hlavu, viete. Je tam, je tam trochu niečo také. Ale pozrite tu na starú Alžbetu, má okolo osemdesiat. A pozrite, pozrite na Zachariáša, aký je starý a trasie sa, a potom hovorí takúto vec. No, biedny úbožiak.“
171 Ale on mal Slovo Pánovo. Také pohanenie, až sa ona ukryla na niekoľko dní. Ale on zostal so Slovom. Ó!
172 Odmietnuť popularitu, odmietnuť populárny názor, odmietnuť vyleštenia dňa a štýlov a vecí toho svojho dňa. Oni to odmietli, oni odmietli kráčať s davom neveriacich. Oni odmietli veci sveta. Museli to urobiť, aby zostali s Božím Slovom, museli to urobiť.
173 Tak isto je to dnes. Vy sa oddeľujete od všetkého, okrem vás a Boha. To nie je to, čo robí cirkev. To je to, čo vy robíte s Bohom. Rozumiete? To si ty ako jednotlivec. Áno.
174 Ale pozrite, čo mu dal Boh. Keď Sám Ježiš prišiel, Zachariáš bol preč a Alžbeta tiež. Ale keď ich syn prišiel na púšti s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Ježiš povedal, „Nikdy nebol taký človek narodený zo ženy, veľký ako on.“ Amen. Čo? Ona strpela pohanenie neplodnosti. Zostala na Slove a porodila takého syna.
175 Tak ako Sára za dávna, ako Abrahám za dávna, tá stará dvojica, ona sa toho držala. Pozrite, väčšina z tých, ktorí sa narodili, je ich ako piesku mora, neexistuje taká rasa ľudí na svete, ktorých je tak mnoho ako Židov. Ako piesku mora alebo hviezd neba. Čo sa stalo? Stalo sa to cez menšinu, jedno dieťa.
176 Teraz vidíte, kam mierim. Jedno dieťa, to je všetko, čo bolo potrebné. Bolo potrebné jedno dieťa, aby zatriaslo národmi a poukázalo na Mesiáša. Bol potrebný jeden poslušný. To je pravda. Boh potrebuje len jedného človeka. To je všetko, čo On potrebuje, niekde, kde On môže mať hlas. To je všetko, čo On chce, dostať jedného človeka pod kontrolu. Ó, ako to On miluje, uchopiť jedného človeka!
177 On mal raz Noeho. Raz mal Mojžiša. Mal Jeremiáša. Mal Eliáša. Mal Elizea. Mal Jána. On mal... Mal Samsona. Pokiaľ môže dostať jedného človeka pod kontrolu, to je Jeho hlas. On môže cez neho hovoriť. Môže odsúdiť svet. Ó!
178 Ako On žízni a snaží sa, aby dostal človeka pod svoju kontrolu. „Aby som mohol cez neho hovoriť. Môžem dať na známosť Môj hlas. Hoci on bude trpieť pohanenie, ale Ja dám na známosť Môj hlas.“ Vidíte? Ó, áno.
179 Najprv neplodnosť. Museli byť neplodní, museli strpieť pohanenie neplodnosti. Sára to musela strpieť. Tak isto Zachariáš a Alžbeta to museli strpieť.
180 Pozrite dnes. Teraz tu niečo poviem. Pozrite dnes na deti smilnice. Ona zabrala národy pod politické panovanie, denominácie, tá smilnica a jej dcéry. Pozrite na tú generáciu denominácií, aká povstala, a ako málo je tých spravodlivých. Nič sa nebojte. Zostaňte so Slovom. To je všetko v poriadku.
181 Môžete byť vysmievaní, nazvaní náboženskými fanatikmi. Môžu vás nazvať všetkými druhmi zlých mien. Ale zostaňte rovno tam, to je Slovo, pohanenie Slova, tá vec, ktorú oni o vás povedia.
182 Jeden mladý človek, možno je dnes ráno tu. Je to môj priateľ, Jim Pool, mladý Jim, jeho ľudia. Jedného dňa sa ho niečo opýtali, no, on tu bol pokrstený a niekto mu povedal, „Ak sa chceš pokrstiť v nejakej cirkvi, prečo nejdeš do nejakej veľkej cirkvi niečoho takého?“ Vidíte? Ale on uvidel svetlo. To bolo to. Rozumiete?
183 „Viac je detí od tej nespravodlivej ako tej spravodlivej.“ Áno. V poriadku. Ako ich je málo od tej spravodlivej! Pozrite, aká malá hŕstka to bola vo dňoch Noeho. Vidíte? Pozrite, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. Ako málo je tých od spravodlivej!
184 Koľko veľa detí má smilnica! Ona rodí deti akýmkoľvek starým spôsobom, ale to sú všetko bastardské deti. Smilnica rodí smilnicu. Pes zrodí psa.
185 A Kristus zrodí pomazaných. Biblia rodí spravodlivého, tak musíme zniesť tú myšlienku toho, že sme len malá skupina. Aká milostivá vec je to!
186 Pozrite sa na tú veľkú Efezkú cirkev, bolo ich tam len dvanásť. Áno. Pozrite, akú skupinu máme dnes po ich strane. Áno.
Vo dňoch Noeho bolo len osem duší.
187 Vo dňoch Lota ich bolo len päť, nie, štyria. Lot a jeho žena a jeho dve dcéry. A ona sa obrátila na kamenný stĺp, potom, ako vyšla, pretože sa obzrela späť. V skutočnosti v tom dni vyšli len traja.
188 A Ježiš povedal, ako bolo v tých dňoch.“ Patrí sa nám bdieť a byť opatrní. Ako málo je tých spravodlivých! Ale tak ako vždy, tí posmievači musia prinášať pohanenie. Neplodnosť... Najprv obstáť v pohanení neplodnosti. Ó!
189 Musím sa len poponáhľať. Som... Ja nie... Chcem pomôcť týmto malým deťom. Vydržte to ešte so mnou chvíľu.
190 Ľudia sú takí istí ako vždy. Teraz tu chcem niečo znovu povedať. A chcem, aby ste... A ja neviem, či je toto nahrávané alebo nie. Ale ak je to na páske, chcem, aby ste ma počúvali, vy, pri páskach. Nemiňte to, ale študujte to. Človek je teraz taký, aký bol vždy. On chváli Boha za to, čo on robil, díva sa dopredu na to, čo on bude robiť, a ignoruje to, čo práve urobil a čo práve robí. Chváli Boha za to, čo urobil, díva sa dopredu na to, čo bude robiť, ale ignoruje to, čo Boh robí, a v tom míňa celú tú vec. Dúfam, že to porozumejú. Vidíte? Ignoruje to, čo on robí! Človek vie, čo On urobil, a pozná to zasľúbenie, čo bude robiť, ale míňa vidieť to, čo On robí.
191 Ó, vy, letniční, či nie ste práve príkladom toho! Vy vyhliadate niečo, čo sa má stať ako vždy, a to sa stalo rovno pri vás a vy o tom neviete. „Ako často ich chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje kuriatka, ale nechceli ste.“ Vy ste viac zmýšľali o svojich tradíciách a denomináciách ako o Jeho Slove a Jeho Duchu. Áno.
192 Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu! (Pritom, ako zakončujeme) Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu a Jozefa kvôli Jeho Slovu. Je čas Vianoc. Plánoval som to trochu podržať, ale budete z toho počuť mnoho v rádiu a medzi pastormi, a tak ďalej. Čo za pohanenie pre Máriu a Jozefa, držať sa Božieho Slova zasľúbenia. Pamätajte si teraz. A tí posmievači zodvihli svoje brvy, keď videli malú Máriu, ako ide okolo, a videli Jozefa. „Ideš sa oženiť s prostitútkou.“ Vidíte? A pamätaj, brat, cudzoložstvo znamenalo v tých dňoch smrť. „A teraz ty ju chrániš od toho, aby nebola zabitá. Ona sa chce stať cez teba matkou.“ Ale pamätajte, po celý čas Boh s nimi konal, a to bolo podľa Jeho Slova. A tí ľudia o tom nevedeli. Vidíte?
193 „Panna počne dieťa,“ Jozef to vedel. Mária to vedela, pretože potom, ako to Slovo bolo napísané, bol tam anjel, ktorý k nim hovoril, potvrdzoval to a manifestoval práve to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané, že sa ide stať. Nesnívajte teraz. Myslite. Duch Svätý prišiel dolu na zem a vôbec nehovoril k celému zhromaždeniu. On hovoril ku nim.
194 Jozef sa pozrel. A predtým, ako ho navštívil anjel, povedal, „Dobre teraz, ja ju milujem. Ale som spravodlivým človekom. Nemôžem sa oženiť s takouto ženou.“
195 A vo sne sa mu zjavil anjel Pánov a povedal mu, „Jozef, synu Dávidov, neboj sa vziať si Máriu, tvoju manželku, pretože to, čo je v nej počaté, je zo Svätého Ducha. Ó! Čo za útecha! Vidíte?
196 A Mária na svojej ceste ku studni, tá mladá panna, mala asi sedemnásť rokov, osemnásť, a vydávala sa za muža, ktorý bol už pretým ženatý a mal štyri deti, starý muž. A ona bola... Milovala ho a ona nevedela prečo. A on miloval ju a nevedel prečo. A tak tu prichádzali ku studni, aby si nabrali vodu. A popri všetkom tom študovaní tých vecí, a to, o čom rozmýšľala ohľadne Písem, niet o tom pochýb, a potom sa pred ňou zablysklo to svetlo. Keď sa zablysklo to svetlo, stál tam anjel.
197 Som zvedavý, ako sa tak asi Mária cítila? Pomysleli ste niekedy na to? Rád by som vedel, či sa cítila tak vystrašene ako ja včera.
198 „Zdravas Mária!“ Zdravas znamená, „Zastav sa. 'Daj teraz pozor, čo ti idem povedať. Požehnaná si medzi ženami, pretože si našla priazeň u Boha a budeš mať dieťa. Nepoznajúc muža, ale budeš mať dieťa. A tvoja sesternica Alžbeta je tiež stará a tak isto počne a bude mať dieťa. A udejú sa tieto znamenia.'“
Ona povedala, „Ako sa to stane, keď nepoznám muža?“
199 On povedal, „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni. To Sväté, čo sa v tebe narodí, bude nazvané Syn Boží.“
200 Nech tí posmievači hovoria, čo len chcú. Ona to vedela. Ona vedela, že to tak bude, pretože to tak povedal Boh.
201 Ako sa asi musela cítiť v ten deň požehnania detí alebo pri tom obrezaní dieťaťa, keď tam išla hore s týmto malým dieťaťom v náručí, asi takto. A všetky ženy si od nej držali odstup, všetky mali pekné vyšívané odevy, aby dali požehnať svoje bábätká a dali ich obrezať, a takmer všetky z nich ťahali za sebou baránka. Ale ona mala dve hrdličky na očistenie, kvôli svojmu očisteniu. To malé dieťa bolo zabalené v plienkach, a to bolo vyrobené z kúska kože z jarma, ktoré mal vôl na chrbte a mal tým obalený chrbát. A to bola tá látka, ktorá tam bola v maštali. Oni pre Neho nemali nič. Boli príliš chudobní. A ona tu stála.
202 Niet pochýb, že všetky ženy si od tej malej panny držali odstup. Povedali, „Vidíte, ona má nelegitímne dieťa.“ Vidíte, ako Boh robí, že veci vyzerajú radikálne. Ó! On len naťahuje cez satanove oči vlnu.
„Aké špinavé! Aké nečisté! Cudzoložstvo. To je to, v čom je. Je to cudzoložnica.“ To nezastavilo tlkot v srdci mladej Márie. Oni si od Neho držali odstup.
203 A ľudia robia stále tú istú vec, nazývajú ho „Náboženský fanatik alebo blázon,“ alebo niečo také.
Mária vedela, koho dieťa to je. Ona len išla ďalej tak ako dovtedy.
204 Ó, ale či si nemali všimnúť, keď Simeon, ktorý tam sedel vzadu v tej miestnosti, ktorý predtým dostal zasľúbenie? On vyšiel a prorokoval. Povedal, „Pán sa mi ukázal.“ A povedal, „Neuvidím smrť...“ A on mal okolo osemdesiat, tak nejako. „Neuvidím smrť skôr, ako uvidím Jeho spasenie.“
205 „Ó, Simeon, si starý, synu. Tvoje, tvoje... Tento starček to má trošku v hlave, viete, on je trochu... Nechajte ho tak. Je neškodný. Nikomu neublíži.“
206 Ale Simeon mal Slovo Pánovo a povedal, „Videl som, ako na mňa zostupuje Duch Svätý. Stál som a díval som sa na Neho. Povedal mi, 'Simeon, ty si spravodlivý muž. A ty nebudeš... Urobím ťa tam svedectvom.'“ Aha. To je všetko.
„Kvôli čomu to ideš urobiť, Pane?“
„To je Moja vec.“
207 Môj názor je, že On chcel na nich v tom dni istotne zhrnúť uhlie. „Mali ste svedka. Prečo ste to nepočúvli?“
208Bola tam stará slepá Anna, sedela v chráme a modlila sa. Pán jej zjavil, „Simeon má pravdu.“ Amen. Ona nedokázala rozoznať denné svetlo od noci, ale dokázala vidieť ďalej ako mnoho ľudí dnes s dobrými očami. Ona uvidela v Duchu, že príchod Mesiáša je na blízku a Duch sa pohyboval v jej srdci.
209Vidíte, aká maličká tam bola cirkev? Zachariáš, Alžbeta, Mária, Ján, Anna a Simeon, šiesti z miliónov. Tak ako vo dňoch Noeho. Šiesti. Boh konal s každým jedným z nich. Oni boli všetci v harmónii. Všetci sa zišli spolu. Amen.
210Starý Simeon tu. A tu prichádza to malé dieťa. On o tom nikdy predtým nič nepočul. Tu je teraz to dieťa. A potom Simeon vchádza do tej miestnosti a prichádza na neho Duch a hovorí, „Pohni sa, Simeon.“
211 A tak tu ide, kráča nevediac, kam ide. Tak ako Abrahám, on niečo hľadal. Nevedel, kde to je, ale hýbal sa vpred. Po chvíli sa zastavil. A Duch Svätý mu musel povedať, „Tu On je.“
212On sa načiahol a vzal z rúk Márie to dieťa do svojich rúk. Pozrel hore a povedal, „Pane, dovoľ teraz svojmu služobníkovi odísť z tohoto života v pokoji. Moje oči hľadia na Tvoje spasenie.“ Tá vec, z ktorej si každý robil žarty, ktorej sa tie ženy stránili, Simeon povedal, „To je Tvoje spasenie, Pane.“
213 A asi v tom čase tu prichádza jedna stará slepá žena, prediera si cestu, potáca sa tu a ide cez to publikum a prichádza k Nemu a ona tiež zaprorokovala, lebo ona na Neho čakala. Povedala Márii, „Meč prebodne tvoje srdce, ale to zjaví myšlienky mnohých sŕdc.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo?
214A tak teraz hádam niektoré z tých žien povedali, „Vidíte to? Vidíte, aká trieda ľudí to je? Tu to máte, vidíte? To je to. Vidíte, čo to je? Ten starec s porušenou hlavou. A on stojí tam pred tým prostitútskym dievčaťom a snaží sa povedať takúto vec. Tu to máte. To je nelegitímne dieťa. Pozrite na starú Annu, ako tu sedí, vyhladovaná na smrť a takto sa správa. Ona nebude mať takú zábavu, akú máme my. Ale tu to vidíte. Mohla by patriť do všetkých spoločenstiev v našej krajine. Vyšla z celkom dobrej rodiny a mohla by tam patriť. Ale vidíte ju tu. Vidíte, ako sa tá skupina dáva dohromady?“ Ó, áno. Amen.
215Ta istá vec je dnes. Sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi a sme pozdvihnutí skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Istotne. Tak veru.
216Ó, máme ešte trochu času? Musím niečo povedať. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl]
217Mám tu ešte jeden typ, na ktorý sa dívam, v tom čase, kedy Slovo bolo prejavené, tí múdri muži.
218Prial by som si, keby som mal čas, Fred, aby si to mohol prečítať. Máš to vo vrecku? [Brat Fred Sothmann hovorí, „Áno.“] Hádam to mnohí z vás videli v časopise.
219Tá vec, ktorú Duch Svätý hovoril tu pri rieke pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, oni to práve vykopali. Deviateho decembra to dokázali skrze astronómiu, ako Jupiter a tie hviezdy boli spolu v konštelácii!
220Majúc starý astronomický kalen... Značky toho, ktoré práve vykopali. To je presne ten čas, kedy prišla táto konštelácia, pri konštelácii týchto hviezd, a vrhlo to práve rovno smerom k Babylonu a tí mudrci to priniesli. Pamätáte si? Oni prekročili svoje obežné dráhy a zniesli sa nižšie miliardy svetelných rokov od seba. A tí židovskí mudrci, ktorí boli v Babylone, uvideli, ako to prichádza do konštelácie, tie hviezdy. Tri z nich sa pohli spolu a utvorili jednu rannú hviezdu. A oni vedeli skrze Slovo Božie, že to bol ten čas, kedy tie hviezdy prídu spolu, že vtedy bude Mesiáš na zemi.
221To je ten dôvod, prečo sa dali na cestu. „Kde On je, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Kde On je? Niekde! Pretože, keď sa zišli tie hviezdy, kým sa tie ich nebeské telesá nestali týmto jedným nebeským telesom tu, keď sa tie tri pohli spolu, Mesiáš musí byť na zemi.“ A keď sa pohli v ich smere, tí mužovia vedeli, že Mesiáš je na zemi.
222 Oni boli odborníkmi vo svojej oblasti. Boli to veľkí ľudia. Boli to majstri vo svojom obore, náboženskej vedy. Oni pozorovali tú náboženskú stranu toho. A oni uvideli, ako sa tam pohli tie hviezdy, Jupiter a Sargas, a oni sa pohli do svojej línie. A oni povedali, „My vieme, že niekde je Mesiáš. Tak On musí byť v Jeruzaleme, pretože to je to hlavné mesto náboženstva sveta, náboženstvo Mesiáša. To je ich hlavný stan. To je ten denominačný hlavný stan. To je to, kde sedí tá veľká klerikálna skupina.“
223A tak išli na ťavách dva roky dolu cez rieku Tigris a cez močiare a džungle a putovali a vošli do mesta a ich srdcia boli naplnené radosťou.
224 Oni poznali, kedy tie hviezdy viseli na oblohe. A toto je to, že dokonca astronómovia dnes hovoria, „Ak by v skutočnosti tie hviezdy prišli znovu do takého miesta, to by pre nich vytvorilo jednu hviezdu od toho miesta, kde stáli a dívali sa.“ Ale oni museli stáť na takom mieste, aby to videli. Amen. Amen.
225 Záleží, kde stojíte. Záleží, na čo sa dívaš. Aha. Áno.
226 Tak oni to videli a nasledovali to a boli rovno v jednej línii. Nezáleží na tom, kde sa dostali, bolo to s nimi v jednej línii. To ich viedlo. Vidíte?
227 To je ten spôsob, ako musíte dostať všetky Písma do jednej línie, všetko, a potom zostať v tej línii s Písmom. To je jediný spôsob. To vás povedie rovno k Nemu. Istotne povedie.
228 Teraz si všimnite. Oni tu prichádzajú a volajú, „Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov?“ Tá hviezda ich viedla rovno do Jeruzalema, rovno do toho hlavného denominačného stanu. Ale keď sa za ňou obzreli, tá hviezda ich opustila. Tak vošli do mesta, prešli hore dolu ulicami a mysleli si, že mesto bude plné radosti Božej. Prechodili hore dolu ulicami s radosťou a išli a vykrikovali, „Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme Jeho hviezdu, keď sme boli na východe, a prišli sme sa mu pokloniť.“
229Pamätajte, tá hviezda išla smerom na západ. Oni boli ma východe. „Smerujeme k východu a ideme stále ďalej. Veď nás do...“ Vidíte? Oni boli absolútne... Boli... No, Babylon a India ležia východne od Palestíny, trochu na juhovýchod. A oni išli smerom na západ. „Vedení smerom na západ,“ poznáte tú pieseň, „Stále ideme vpred. Veď nás ku tomu dokonalému svetlu.“ Vidíte? Oni... Tí múdri muži prichádzali na západ. Opúšťali východ, išli na západ a uvideli tú hviezdu. Tak ak by boli na západe a dívali sa späť, neuvideli by to. Rozumiete?
230 Potom, keď sa tam dostali, to ich viedlo rovno tam a potom ich to opustilo. Pomysleli si, „Tu to je. Tá hviezda odišla, tak tu to je. Sú v meste. A tak, ó,“ povedali, „každý bude spievať a bude šťastný. Sláva Božia sa všade rozsvietila. Tak tu sme a vieme, že naše... Vieme, že náš úspech, ako sme pozorovali tú konšteláciu... Nikto, žiaden majster tam nemohol ísť a dať tie hviezdy dohromady. A my vieme, že keď tie hviezdy prišli do toho nebeského telesa, to je ten čas, kedy je Mesiáš na zemi. Mesiáš je na zemi.“
231A každých niekoľko stoviek rokov tá konštelácia znovu prechádza, vidíte, a vtedy prichádza na zem dar. Všimnite si.
232„Mesiáš je na zemi, keď sa tá skupina hviezd dá dokopy.“ A oni vedeli, že On tam je, tak išli do toho hlavného stanu náboženstva a prechádzali tam a hovorili a chodili na týchto ťavách hore dolu ulicami. „Kde je? Kde je? Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu. On je niekde tu. Kde je? Kde je? Kde je?“ Hmm, čo za pohanenie!
233 Išli k najvyššiemu kňazovi. Mohol povedať, „Čo sa s vami deje, chlapci? Och, vy banda fanatikov!“ Vidíte? Čo za pohanenie na základe ich vedeckého úspechu! Skrze moc Božiu oni uvideli Jeho hviezdu. A boli to múdri muži, chytrí. Oni boli na poli náboženskej vedy. A Oni vedeli, že keď sa tam tie hviezdy objavia, Mesiáš niekde bude. A tu na tom mieste, kde o tom mali niečo vedieť, nevedeli o tom nič.
234Viem si predstaviť, že deti, ktoré tam stáli na ulici, hovorili, „Pozrite sa na to. Banda fanatikov. Počujete ich, ako spievajú, 'Kde On je, ten narodený Kráľ Židov?' Oni nevedia, že Herodes je tam dolu. Oni nepoznajú biskupa takého a takého.“ Ó.
235„Kde je On, ten narodený Kráľ Židov? Uvideli sme Jeho hviezdu na východe.“
236 Oni povedali, „Poďte sem, vy, všetci múdri muži, ktorí ste tu na okolo.“ Aha. „Poďte sem. Videl niekto z vás niekde nejakú hviezdu?“
„Ó, nikdy som niečo také nevidel.“
237„Vy všetci astronómovia, poďte sem. Videli ste niekto nejakú hviezdu?“
„Nie. Nie.“
„Videli ste nejaký druh takého tajomného znamenia?“
„Nie. Nevidíme nič také. Nie.“
238 A stále to nevidia. Je to to isté. Oni nevidia nič. Nedokážu to vidieť.
„Ó, zvolajme kazateľov. Tak ako vy všetci?“
„Nie. Nevideli sme žiadnu hviezdu.“
239„Tak čo vy, chlapci, ktorí tam strážite čas hore na múroch? Vy pozorujete hviezdy. Poznáte každú... Poznáte každú konšteláciu na oblohe. Poznáte každú hviezdu. Videli ste niečo?“
„Nie. Nevideli sme nič.“ Ale to tam bolo.
240 Sláva Bohu! Ó! Môžete to vidieť? Je to tam teraz a oni to nedokážu vidieť. To prebieha rovno okolo nich a oni to nedokážu vidieť.
241„Nie. Nič sme nevideli. Ó, išiel som tam. Nič som nevidel.“ Istotne. Ty nevidíš. Si príliš slepý. Nie je to pre teba, aby si to videl. Vidíte? Ak si tak slepý, potom to istotne neuvidíš.
242Je to len pre tých, ktorým to Boh zjaví. To sú tí, ktorí to vidia. Vždy to tak bolo. Iste.
243Bol to Noe, ktorý mohol vidieť dážď tam na oblohe, viete, ale tí ostatní z nich to nemohli vidieť. Rozumiete? Oni tam ten dážď nevideli, ale Noe ho videl.
244 Bol to Abrahám, ktorý videl, ako Sára drží dieťa. To je pravda. Nie tí posmievači, ktorí hovorili, „Otče národov, koľko detí máš teraz?“
245Ako by sme mohli prejsť cez celú Bibliu, tých praotcov a prorokov, cez nich všetkých. „Viera je podstata vecí, ktoré sa nevidia,“ oni vedeli, že Slovo to vypovedalo, a tam to je. Tu je ten dôkaz toho. Oni to vidia. Všimnite si teraz. Ó!
„Naši mudrci tú hviezdu nevidia. Nič na tom nie je.“
246Prečo? V skutočnosti, keď sa dívali, a oni tam išli s takou skupinou, tak tá hviezda odišla.
247To isté je dnes. To je to, čo zhasína mnohé svetlá, veru tak, to je to, že ľudia sa spriahnu s takou skupinou, ktorá tomu od počiatku vôbec neverí. A ako budeme mať zjednotenie cirkví? „Ako budeme kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodneme?“ Ako budeme mať obecenstvo tohoto tu po celom svete, všetky cirkvi a spojené cirkvi sveta? Ako sa ideme spolu zjednotiť, keď sa od seba líšime na milióny míľ? Vidíte? Ako to dokážeme? Evanjelikáli s niekým a toto a tamto a zase to, a to všetko spolu, a pritom sa zjednocujú spolu s takou bandou porušenia.
248Boh ide mať manželku, ktorá je čistá, svätá, nescudzoložená, ktorá zostáva s Jeho Slovom. V poriadku.
249 Ježišove pohanenie pre Slovo. (A potom za chvíľu zakončíme.) Ježiš bol kvôli Slovu pohanený. Pozrite sem. Ako mohol vydržať to pohanenie, keď On bol Božským stelesneným Bohom? On bol Boh, Boh Sám učinený telom.
250Tak vy viete, že Biblia tak hovorí. „Dotýkali sme sa Ho. Anjeli Ho videli.“ Pomyslite len na to. Verím, že Timotej tu to takto nejako hovorí, že, „Bez pochybnosti veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, lebo Boh bol prejavený v tele, videný anjelmi.“
251Anjeli boli pri Jeho narodení. Ako sa tí anjeli museli dívať dolu a radovať sa, keď sa pozreli dolu do tej maštale a videli stelesneného Boha. Amen. Niet divu, že začali kričať, „Dnes sa vám v meste Dávidovom narodil Kristus, Spasiteľ. Anjeli sa radovali a mávali svojimi veľkými krídlami spolu nad vrchmi Judey a spievali, „Sláva Bohu na výsostiach, pokoj na zemi a v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Oni videli Božie Slovo, nad ktorým bdeli, aby Ho videli prejavené. A tam to bolo.
252Tak satan tomu neveril, viete. On povedal, „Ak si...“
Anjel povedal, „On je.“ To je ten rozdiel.
„Ak si Ty, tak urob to a to. Nech ťa to vidíme urobiť.“
Ale anjel povedal, „On je tam.“
253Tí mudrci so všetkou svojou náboženskou vedou povedali, „On je tam.“ Amen.
254To je ten dôvod, prečo dnes archeológovia a podobne vykopávajú tieto veci, ktoré boli pred rokmi prorokované, že sa stanú. A tu to majú, vykopávajú to. Oni dokonca nikdy...
255Neexistuje žiadna história, ktorá kedy povedala, že Pontský Pilát bol kedy na zemi. Vedeli ste to? Niektoré z vás deti, ktoré chodia do školy, povedzte mi niečo z histórie, kde sa hovorí, že bol Pontský Pilát. A neveriaci sa tomu posmievajú a robia z toho žarty a hovoria, „Nikdy neexistoval žiaden rímsky vládca, ktorý sa volal, žiaden panovník, ktorý sa volal Pontský Pilát.“ Ale asi pred šiestimi týždňami vykopali jeden uholný kameň s nápisom, „Pontský Pilát, panovník.“ Ó! Aký nezmysel!
256Oni povedali, „Nikdy v histórii nebol žiaden Ramzes, žiaden Ramzes nad Egyptom.“ Ale vykopali kameň, tí archeológovia, a tam bolo, Ramzes II. Všimnite si.
257A oni hovoria, že tie múry nikdy nepadli. Archeológovia len kopali a kopali, a viete, prvé, čo zistíte, je, že vykopali tam dolu, kde tie múry v Jerichu padli, viete, keď zaznela trúba. Hovoria, „To bol iba mýt, nejaká pieseň, ktorú tam vtedy niekto spieval.“ Áno. Posmievači to hovoria, „To bol iba mýt, nikdy nebolo žiadnej takej veci, ako že múry padli a Jozue zatrúbil na trúbu a vybehol na múry a oni zišli dolu. Nikdy nič také nebolo.“ A nejaký veľký kresťanský archeológ len stále kopal, pretože on vedel, že to tak musí byť. A on kopal niečo okolo tridsať stôp pod všetkým tým ostatným. A tam boli tie múry nakopené rovno jedno na druhom, presne tak, ako hovorilo Slovo.
258Hovoria, „Nikdy nebolo niečo také ako Dávid, ktorý hral na nejaký nástroj, na strunovú harfu, pretože strunová hudba bola známa až od pätnásteho storočia.“ Povedali, „Nikdy nič také nebolo.“ A jeden kresťanský archeológ to vykopal dolu v Egypte. Pred štyrmi tisícami rokov mali strunové nástroje. Amen. Ó!
259Hovoria, čo sa týka tých hebrejských detí, ako robili kamene a také veci zo slamy, „Nič také nebolo.“ A archeológovia tam kopali. Čo našli? To je veda. Čo našli? Múry mesta, ktoré stavali Hebreji, tá prvá vrstva kameňov bola dlhá slama, tá druhá vrstva bola nakopená z malých kúskov posekanej slamy a tá tretia nemala v sebe vôbec žiadnu slamu. Ó!
Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí,
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
260 Tak veru. To prišlo až rovno k nám, brat, sestra. Prečo to je? Za posledných niekoľko rokov ten filmový svet neurobil nič také, ako urobil teraz. Na plátna prichádza príbeh Desiatich prikázaní od Cecila DeMilla. Na plátno prichádza život Ježiša Krista cez Ben Hura. Na plátno prichádza veľký rybár, obrátenie Petra. A všetky tieto náboženské filmy, ktoré filmový priemysel odmietol a pošpinil a potrhal. Ale Boh vo svojej veľkej moci to jednako mocne preukázal. Presne tak isto.
261Práve teraz tie veci, ktoré boli pred pár rokmi povedané, taký biedny, malý, pokorný sluha ako ja, veci od Boha. Povedal som, „Je tam svetlo, ktoré tam stálo a hovorilo so mnou a povedalo mi tie veci, ktoré mám urobiť.“ Ľudia sa tomu smiali a hovorili, „On je tak trochu na hlavu.“ Tam je to na fotke. Veda to zachytila. Je to tam. Je to pravda.
Povedal som, „Tá žena je zatienená na smrť.“
262Ľudia povedali, „Niečo ako tieň, to je nezmysel. On si to len predstavuje vo svojej mysli.“
263A tam je to odfotené. Boh spôsobí, že skaly budú kričať. On je schopný urobiť to, čo chce urobiť.
264Ježišove pohanenie pre Slovo. Božský Syn Boží tam stál, Emanuel, čo za pohanenie! Nechal, aby Ho ten neveriaci hriešnik zviazal, pľul Mu do tváre, trhal Mu kusy brady a On sa neopovážil s tým nič urobiť. Pohanenie Slova, aha, čo? Aby to vyplnilo Slovo Otca. Ó. Ale pamätajte, On musí obstáť v pohanení smrti. Boh, ktorý nemôže zomrieť, a Ten jediný, ktorý mohol zomrieť, aby spasil hriešnika. Nikto druhý, žiadna druhá osoba alebo tretia osoba to nemohla urobiť. Boh Sám je ten jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť. A tu On bol.
265Povedal, „Žiaden človek nevystúpil hore, iba Ten, ktorý zostúpil dole, Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v nebi.“ Amen.
266Oni povedali, „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti.“
„A sú mŕtvi,“ On povedal.
„A Ty hovoríš, že Ty si Chlieb Života?“
267On povedal, „Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM. Ja som ten Chlieb Života. Ja som ten JA SOM.“
268Oni povedali, „Nemáš ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?“
269On povedal, „Predtým, ako Abrahám bol, JA SOM.“ A potom nechal, aby Ho hriešnici zviazali, denominačná cirkev Ho zviazala.
270Pamätajte, v posledných dňoch táto bohatá Laodicejská cirkev, oni Ho dokonca vystrčili von z cirkvi. Vidíte, kde je to teraz? Dokážete vidieť, prečo tak kričím proti tomu systému? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]
271Prečo Ježiš nechal, aby Ho hriešnici zviazali? To malo naplniť Slovo, priniesť pohanenie Bohu, ako zomieral. Boh musel zomrieť. On musel byť telom, aby zomrel. A Ježiš to vedel. On im o tom povedal. On povedal, „Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu pozdvihnem.“ Nie niekto iný ho pozdvihne. „Ja ho pozdvihnem. Vo troch dňoch, ja ho znovu naspäť pozdvihnem. Vy to zničte a Ja to pozdvihnem. Tak, ako bol Jonáš v bruchu veľryby tri dni a tri noci, tak musí byť Syn človeka v srdci zeme.“ A oni to ani nerozumeli. Vidíte? Pohanenie pre Slovo, On Ním bol.
272Tak On bol vysmievaný až na smrť, aby znovu povstal do večného života. On musel byť najprv vydaný smrti, aby mohol povstať do večného života a priniesť každú ďalšie ľudskú bytosť (Ktorá bola na Jeho podobu) do večného života, každá, ktorá to prijme. Vidíte? On sa stal človekom, stal sa príbuzným Vykupiteľom a musel zniesť pohanenie všetkého toho posmievania a robenia si žartov, práve tak ako Jeho spolusluhovia, ktorí boli pred Ním. Tak ako Mojžiš, tak ako Noe, tak ako všetci ostatní z nich zniesli ten posmech, On musel zniesť ten posmech. Prečo? On mal Slovo a On bol Slovom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa mu vysmiali viac ako kedy predtým. On bol Božský a bol samotným Slovom. Haleluja! To je to, čo Ho tvorilo.
273Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci.“ Povedal, „Staviate hroby prorokom a ste jednými z tých, ktorí ich tam vložili. Oni prichádzali so Slovom Božím a vy ste im neverili. Vy ste vinní za každého jedného z nich.“
274Ak bude Boh chcieť, vo Phoenixe sa dotknem jedného Slova. Idem obžalovať túto generáciu za zabitie Ježiša Krista, že Ho znovu nanovo ukrižovali. Idem priniesť obžalobu pred tú kazateľskú asociáciu, ak bude Boh chcieť. Oni sú vinní Krvi Ježiša Krista, pretože Ho nanovo ukrižovali. Tak veru. Celé to obžalovať!
275Peter ich obžaloval na deň Letníc. Povedal, „Vy ste rukami bezbožných ukrižovali Knieža Života, ktorého Boh vzkriesil. Sme tomu svedkami.“ On priniesol obžalobu.
276Idem vziať Božie Slovo a obžalovať každú denomináciu, ktorá existuje a každého človeka na tvári zeme, ktorý je vinný Krvi Ježiša Krista. Nech mi Boh pomôže, aby som bol v tom dni Jeho obhajcom. Amen. Áno.
277Ó, posmievači si z Neho robili žarty. Hanili Ho. A On zostal rovno s tým. Amen. Ó, pozorujte, čo urobil. On bol Syn Boží, strpel smrť, aby mohol usmrtiť hriech. Musel to urobiť. To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to mohlo byť usmrtené. A On toto urobil a obstál v tom tak ako všetci ostatní z nich.
278Pretože všetci z tých, ktorí boli pred Ním, mali miniatúrne Slovo Božie. Pretože Ježiš tak povedal. „Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku prorokom. A ktorí z nich,“ povedal, „z vašich otcov, vaše organizované náboženstvo, Ho neukameňovali a neusmrtili? Ktorý z nich prijal prorokov? Vy potom staviate ich náhrobky, potom, keď sú preč.“ Povedal, „Vy ste vinní toho, že ste ich tam položili.“
279Potom im povedal to podobenstvo o tej vinici a ako prišli tí sluhovia. Oni s nimi zle zaobchádzali a nakoniec povedali, „A teraz toho syna zabijeme, pretože on je dedičom.“ Vidíte? Ó, oni sa rozhnevali, keď to videli. Vidíte?
280Ale on musel obstáť v tom pohanení. A tu bol zviazaný, vedený na smrť, aby bol usmrtený, aby priviedol naspäť večný život. Sláva Bohu! Ó, ako Ho milujem! Priviesť späť večný život a pozdvihnúť každého syna Božieho zo všetkých vekov, ktorý stál so Slovom a vydržal pohanenie. To je pravda.
281Ak by On neprišiel, Noe by nemohol povstať. Ak by On neprišiel, Eliáš by nemohol povstať. Ak by On neprišiel, Noe by nikdy nepovstal. Ak On mohol... Ak by On neprišiel. Pretože On bol tým predurčeným Baránkom, ktorý prišiel, aby vzal na Seba pohanenie a zomrel smrťou pre každé Božie Slovo, ktoré bolo vypovedané, za ktorým stáli všetci títo spravodliví muži. On tým musel byť. Nikto iný to nedokázal. Boh Sám, a On prišiel a zaujal to miesto, aby mohol vykúpiť a dať večný život každému synovi Božiemu, ktorý stál za tým istým Slovom a strpel pohanenie. Každý Boží syn počas všetkých vekov, ktorý obstál v pohanení, nebol nikto, kto by ho mohol vykúpiť, ale skrze vieru On videl toho prichádzajúceho Vykupiteľa.
282Jób Ho videl. Jób tam stál a oni hovorili, „Ó, ty si tajný hriešnik. Boh s tebou tak zle zaobchádza, pretože ty si tajný hriešnik.“
283On povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. A v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na zemi. A hoci by kožné červy zničili toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“
284Jeho manželka povedala, „Prečo Ho neprekľaješ a nezomrieš?“ Povedala, „Vyzeráš ako mizerná troska.“
285On povedal, „Ty hovoríš ako bláznivá žena.“ Amen, tam on bol. „Ja viem, že On žije a On sa postaví v posledný deň.“
286Ak by Ježiš nebol prišiel, Jób by nemohol byť vykúpený, pretože On bol Baránkom zabitým spred založeným sveta. On poznal Svoje miesto. On poznal Svoju pozíciu.
287To je ten dôvod, keď Mária rozpoznala tú pozíciu, v ten deň z toho vyšla. On povedal, „Ak ja... Ak by si tu býval bol, môj brat by nebol zomrel.“
On povedal, „Tvoj brat znovu povstane.“
Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane, po vzkriesení. On bol dobrým chlapcom.“
Ježiš povedal, „Ale Ja som to Vzkriesenie. Veríš tomu?“
288Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane, verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“
On povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“ Ó! Tu to máte. Vidíte?
289Ona to rozpoznala, tá drobná žena to nielen hovorila. Z nej bolo vyhnaných sedem diablov. Ona poznala moc Božiu, ktorá dokáže vziať pýchu a stres a všetko od nej preč, ktorá dokáže vziať preč toho nepatrného, sebeckého, vzdelaného ducha z nej a učiniť ju novým stvorením. On z nej vyhnal sedem démonov. Tie ženy vedeli, kým On je, tie, ktoré Ho prijali.
290Ony vedeli, čo On pre nich môže urobiť. Takisto to vedia aj dnes. Len to prijať. To je tá ďalšia vec.
291Tu On je. Ona to povedala. A On... Viete, čo sa stalo. Ó!
292Všetci, ktorí budu trpieť pre to isté Slovo, On pre tú príčinu za nich zomrel. On bol ten jediný, ktorý mohol zomrieť, aby to urobil, pretože On bol Slovom. On bol Slovom a to Slovo bolo manifestované. Všetci ostatní mali také malé namočenia, ale tu On bol ako plnosť Boha neba. Takým istým je On dnes. Židom 13:8, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Počúvajte.
293Už skutočne zakončujem. Musím to urobiť, jednoducho musím. Už som prekročil čas.
294 On nikdy nenapísal ani jedno slovo, že? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Nie.“ – pozn.prekl.] Nikdy nenapísal žiadne slovo. Prečo? On bol Slovom. On bol tými Slovami, ktoré boli napísané, a On bol manifestáciou toho Slova. Sláva! Teraz sa cítim dobre. On bol Slovom. On nemusel nič napísať. On bol Slovom, tým napísaným Slovom, ktoré bolo prejavené. Sláva Bohu! On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. On je Slovom, Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.
Poviete, „Je to pravda, brat Branham?“
295 Sledujte, ako tam Jehova stál a ako tam vtedy vyfúkol taký pruh cez tie vlny a urobil pre Izrael cestu, aby mohli prejsť.
296 Pozorujte Jehovu v tele, ako hovorí, „Utíš sa.“ Keď tie vlny narážali na breh počas tej búrky a diabol tam takto všade striehol, On povedal, „Ticho, utíš sa.“ A to Ho poslúchlo, tie vetry a všetko to. On bol Jehova. Amen.
297 Ten Jehova tam mohol stáť a fŕkať im tam pár kvapiek, aby to padalo na zem, a stalo sa to chlebom, aby to nakŕmilo ľudí.
298 On tam stál a vzal päť rýb alebo chleby a dve ryby a nasýtil päťtisíc.
299 On bol Slovom. Amen. Amen. On je Slovom a On vždy bude Slovom. A čo sa týka mňa a môjho domu, my budeme slúžiť Slovu.
Ó, chcem Ho vidieť, chcem sa pozrieť na Jeho tvár.
Spievať tam navždy o Jeho spasiteľnej milosti,
Na uliciach slávy nechajte ma pozdvihnúť svoj hlas,
Keď sú starosti minulosťou a sme konečne doma
navždy sa radujúc.
300 Ó, áno. Niesť pohanenie Slova. Existuje pohanenie, ktoré ide so Slovom. Zostaňte rovno so Slovom a neste to pohanenie.
Modlime sa.
301 Ježišu, ako som v ten večer, Pane, kričal, „Ó, Ježišu, čo chceš, aby som robil? Čo mám robiť, Pane, keď vidím tieto veci, a vidím tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, čo mám robiť, Pane? Čo mám robiť?“
302Modlím sa tu za moju malú cirkev, Pane. Myslím na tých malých vtáčikov v tom videní, tie veci, ktoré sa stali, a tie ďalšie vtáky, ktoré boli veľké. Ale tam ich boli tri vrstvy, Pane. Ale keď tam vstúpili tí anjeli, nezostali tam žiadne vtáky. Tí malí poslovia boli ohromní, Pane, ale verím, že niečo je pripravené sa stať. Nech je to tak, Pane. Formuj nás a učiň nás podľa Tvojho spôsobu. My sme hlinou a Ty si hrnčiarom.
303 V tento vianočný večer, Pane, sme ti vďační za ten Boží dar, ktorý nám Boh dáva. Hoci toto je nejaká povera dňa (Ako to veríme vo svojich srdciach), že ľudia sa to snažia urobiť nejakou omšou, Kristovou omšou, ale my neprichádzame v tom spôsobe nejakého Santa Clausa a vianočných stromčekov a dekorácií. Ale my prichádzame v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme uctili Boha nebies, ktorý sa stelesnil, stal sa telom, aké máme my, a prebýval medzi nami, aby nás vykúpil a strpel pohanenie toho Mena, strpel pohanenie kríža, aby nechal svetskú inštitúciu usmrtiť Emanuela, aby nám On mohol priviesť večný život.
304 Kým sme, Pane? Kým sme my, aby sme sa stránili nejakého pohanenia? Bože, učiň nás šľachetnými vojakmi. Porúčam tieto slová Tebe, Otče. Možno boli polámané, ako som slabý a unavený. Ale, Otče, odplať týchto ľudí za to, že sedeli a počúvali. A nech moc, ktorá priviedla nášho Pána a predstavila nám Ho tu ako Spasiteľa v týchto posledných dňoch, nech to môže oživiť každého Ducha tu, Pane, k tomu blízkemu príchodu Pána Ježiša. Nech je to tak, Otče.
305 Uzdrav nemocných a postihnutých, ktorí sú medzi nami. Zviaž zlomených srdcom. Pane, my sme... Prešli sme cez tak mnoho, moje srdce má toľko rán, Pane, z tých ťažkých bojov. Som starým veteránom. Pomôž mi, Pane. Potrebujem Tvoju pomoc. Možno všetok tento tréning bol za určitým účelom. Spolieham, že bol, Pane. Pomôž mi, ó, Bože. A pomôž tomuto zboru. A požehnaj nás spolu.
306 Požehnaj malé deti. Myslím na mnohé dnes, ktoré sú malé a chudobné, maličkí, ktorí tam nedostanú nič. Modlím sa, aby si bol s nimi a pomohol im. Daj im večný život, Pane. To je to veľké. To je ten vianočný dar, ktorý chceme, to je Život Ježiša Krista, aby panoval a vládol v mojom srdci. To je to, čo chcem, Pane.
307 Požehnaj nás teraz spolu. Porúčame tieto slová Tebe. Nech padnú, kdekoľvek môžu, Pane. Kdekoľvek je otvorené srdce, nech to prinesie veľký čas spasenia v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
308 Každý, kto... Koľkí Ho milujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Či sa máme jednako tak ponáhľať? Ó, ako Ho milujem! Milujem Ho. „Pane, čo chceš, aby som robil?“
309 Nezabudnite na službu dnes večer. Viete, čo teraz znamenajú Vianoce? Ó, toto je môj vianočný dar. Toto je to Slovo. Pane, ak sa len môžem sám dať, ak sa len môžem dať nabok z cesty, aby to tak Tvoje Slovo mohlo vyjadriť, ono samo cez toto tu, to je tá najväčšia vec, o ktorej viem.
310 Tak myslím, že teraz tam majú nejaké veci, ktoré chcú dať deťom. A teraz odovzdávam späť službu bratovi Nevillovi. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Brat Neville.
1 Thank you, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.]
I said to Brother Neville, "You sure you haven't got a little bit of anointing this morning?"
2I come down to pray for the sick. There was some people gather in what we... of an early Sunday morning. What I have to catch there, I just have them come here at the church. I--I always think it's better to pray for the sick around church. I don't know. I like church, and to come down here where the congregation, the people out here praying.
3And there was a little girl back there, the prettiest little girl, why, I think she is sitting somewhere out here now, if the people didn't go home. Oh, I see now. And that's the prettiest little thing. And she is very sick. And we was listening, when we heard the message of tongues and interpretation go forward. And we was listening, and we thought we understood that something was said about a little girl. And we were waiting to see if the Lord gave a message, what to say in there. But I think the little girl is all right now, and is going to be well. And so...
4 And there was a lady that had lost her sight, also, and we was praying for her. And some man in an ambulance out there, a minister. I don't guess the man would have weighed thirty-five pounds, or forty. Just--just very, very... And so I come down to pray for them.
5And the reason I was kind of hesitant, a lot, a filling dropped out of my tooth. And I'm whistling to myself, this morning, across that place out of my tooth there, in front there. And they tell me now I got to have them ground off, and caps put over them. And so this old age just creeping up, is the only thing I know. And I had a filling in that one, and kind of half of it, and when I started to speak, you can feel it, the wind kind of push out, you--you know what I mean, out across your lips. And it makes you kind of lisp, like.
6 We are indeed a privileged people to be alive this morning, and to be able to come to church, and on this eve of Christmas, waiting for the celebration that they have. Which, I--I hope I... There's too many kids here this morning, so I'll just keep still. See? And we adults, sometimes, we speak things that kids shouldn't even hear, you know.
7But, I think the church has got a little present here for the little kiddies, after while. I was just looking it over, back there. Oh, you want to stay. After Sunday school, you just hold on, see, 'cause I--I think they got some presents back there for the little fellows, to give out this morning. And when I... You little fellows, remember, while we're doing this, I want to make this clear, it's not Santa Claus, 'cause that's a story that some day you'll learn it's nothing to it. But it's from Jesus Christ, the Truth of all truths, you see, the Son of God. And we're giving you this little present, this morning, because it's letting you know that one time God gave the greatest present could ever be give to the human race: His Son. And we have a poor way, expressing it. And there's nothing we can give to compare with that. But just as mortals, one to another, we do that.
8 Now, I was going to wait till next Sunday. And I probably will, anyhow, upon something that I wanted to say. And something has been--been made known to us, up home, of a vision, that I must follow it out. And it's kind of a... It's kind of, seemingly, would be kind of rough, but we never want to think that what God says is rough. His--His burdens are light.
9And beings that next Sunday, God willing, we're going to have a--a service here that's just before New Year's Eve, if the Lord be pleased with us to have this service. And we want to have a morning service, prayer for the sick, and perhaps a baptismal service. Then I thought, advertise it out to our friends, that they could come in. Then we'll have Sunday morning and Sunday night. And then the people want to stay over for New Year's, then we have a... Going to have the Watch, this time? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.]
10 There will be several ministers here, will be speaking New Year's night, plumb until midnight. And--and we invite such ministers to come and speak. The Lord willing, I want to be one of them that has something to say on New Year's night.
11And then next Sunday, I thought I would bring up a line of things that's being done, that's been done, show how God is dealing with His people, and bring it right up into a--a climax here at the church.
12And many of you are wondering about this income tax affair that we been going through with. It's settled. And so I want to tell you how that happened, also. And I think, it would be, to have to tell it over again, next Sunday, so I'll just wait till next Sunday. And try to speak to you a little bit, this morning, out of the Word. See? And next Sunday, I will--will try to, if God willing, to tell you how it all come about, and bring to you each one of the things that the Lord said, and watch it hit just exactly to its spot, just placed exactly to the spot. See? He does not tell anything wrong.
13 But, now, one thing that I wish to say this morning, that I probably won't, will not next Sunday, is concerning something that happened yesterday. I was a little reluctant on coming in this morning, because I really kind of torn up, so that I--I don't feel much like it. But being that I'm here, well, I'll try the best that I can.
14 Night before last, I had company, Brother and Sister Sothmann, as we know here, one of the trustees of the church, and his wife, came up to visit wife and I. And we were speaking on the oncoming meetings in Phoenix and around, if it be the will of the Lord. And we were up till about ten-thirty, I guess, and I went to bed somewhere around eleven.
15And some time in the night, I dreamed a dream. And in this dream I seen someone that was supposed to be my father; a great, huge man, just representing, figuratively speaking, my father. I seen a woman, didn't look like my mother; but, yet, she was supposed to be my mother. And this man that was supposed to be like the father, the husband of this woman, was cruelly mistreating her. Insomuch, that, he had a great chunk of wood. And he would hold her up like this and strike her with this chunk of wood, and she would fall out and go down. And then--and then, after while, she would get back up again. And he would walk around, take a notion to strike her again, he'd strike her again. And I was standing off at a distance, watching it.
16 Finally, I just got fed up on it. And I was way smaller than this man, was supposed to be like my father. So I walked up to him and put my finger in his face. I said, "Don't strike her again." See? And when I did, something begin to happen. My arms begin to pulsate, and I got great, big brawny muscles. I never seen such muscles. And I just took the man by the collar, and I said, "Don't strike her again. If you do, you'll have to deal with me if you strike her again." And the man got scared of me, and left her alone. I woke up.
17Well, laying there, just in a moment, course, the interpretation of that come. That was, of course, the woman, figuratively speaking, is the Church, which is kind of the mother. The father is the denomination over her, that dominates over the Church, like the husband over the wife. And it's these denominations striking that Church, and don't even let Her get on Her feet like that. Just, every time She tries to get up or do something, they, the people in there, the denomination strikes Her down. And it just means to put some--some faith muscles out here to keep sticking my finger out there, and saying, "You're dealing with me. See?" Cause, there's some people in there that belongs to God. And that was all right. About...
18 We had been up about two hours, or three, I guess. And my daughter, one of them, Rebekah, back there, she works at the Methodist Hospital in Louisville. Is, oh, that amateur form of nurse training. It's "candy stripers," they call them, or something like that. And she was, she... They called her to come over that morning, and that's what got me up. And it was early, and she, with some other little school colleague here, they--they work there together, and was going to take them over to Louisville. They had to be there at ten o'clock. And the wife wondered why she couldn't get in the bedroom. I had it locked.
19 Now, I have had many things to happen in my life, but I never had anything like that. I went into a trance. I don't know the interpretation. I've never had anything like it in my life. But, before me, it seemingly that I realized that it was a vision, and I was in the vision. But I was talking to my son, Joseph. Which, he was not in the room at the time. But somehow, just as it struck me, I was talking to Joseph.
20And I--I looked up. And kind of in the shape of a pyramid, standing before me, was little, small birds, something like a half-inch long. They were, up at the top, on the limbs, there was now, you... say, three or four. Then, next, next limb had maybe eight or ten. And down at the bottom, had fifteen or twenty.
21 And they were little warriors, because their feathers was beaten, and looked like they were trying to talk to me, saying something. And I was in the West, seemingly around Tucson, Arizona. And the birds were looking East. And I was listening close. Was trying to say, looked like they were trying to tell me something. And they had little feathers, was all been beat up, and things. They were pretty well battle-scarred. Then, all of a sudden, one bird begin to take the other one's place, jumping like that. And the--the little birds swiftly left, flying eastward.
22And when they did, from that came a larger bird, more like doves, with a pointed wings. And--and--and they come in a swarm, and swiftly, more swift than what the little birds was, flew eastward.
23 And I still in my... the two consciences together, I knowed I was standing here, and I knowed I was somewhere else. See? And I thought, "Now, this is vision, and I must learn what this means."
24And no more than the second group of birds come by, I looked to the West. And looked like in the form of a pyramid, like two on each side, with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever seen in my life. Such a terrific speed, I never seen. Their heads back, and Their pointed wings, just sailing quickly! And the power of Almighty God struck me, in such a way, till It lifted me plumb from the ground, all the way from the ground, up.
I could hear Joseph still speaking.
25And sound like the sound barrier breaking, that--that a great roar went off, way in the distance, to the South. And when I was lifted up... And there was such a terrific speed of the Angels! And I--I can just see Them right now, see, as--as They were coming, in that shape like that, just sweeping right into me.
26I'm not dreaming, now. No. I was right there, wide awake as I am now. See?
27 But here It come. And They were so terrifically fast, till I thought, when It lifted up... I heard that explosion, like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound barrier. And when it did, I thought, "Well, this must mean that I'm fixing to be killed, see, in a blast of some sort." And--and I just... While I thought on those things, I thought, "No, it wouldn't be that. Because, if it was a blast, it would have got Joseph, too. Cause, there he is, still talking, thinking I'm there. I can hear him. It wasn't that."
28Now, this is all still in the vision. It wasn't... See? It was in the vision.
29And then, all at once, as I realized I had been... They were around me. I couldn't see Them, but I had been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of Them, inside this constellation of--of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, death Angel would will be one. Five would be grace." I was thinking that. I thought, "Oh! It's--It's coming with my Message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the Message from the Lord." And I screamed out with all my might, as loud as I could, "O Jesus, what would You have me do?" And when I did, It just--just went away from me.
30 I--I--I haven't felt just right, since. See? I was, all day yesterday, I had to stay in the house, almost feeling beside myself. I can't make my mind get clear. And the glory and power of the Lord! I was numb all over, when It left me. I was trying to rub my hands. And I thought, "I can't catch my breath." And I walked around, and through the floor, and back and forth. I thought, "What does it mean, Lord? What does it mean?" Then, I stopped. I said, "Lord God, Your servant is... I--I just cannot understand. Why? What was that? Make it known, Lord?" Well, when the...
31 I can't tell you about, when I say, "Power of the Lord." There's no way to explain that. It isn't what you feel here, and the blessings. That's the blessings of the Lord. This is a sacred! Oh, my! It's--it's beyond anything that a mortal could even imagine. See? And it--and it was bothering me, real bad. It don't... It isn't a blessing. It's a bother. You're troubled. See? That it is. If you could only...
32If I could only get some way that I could tell the people what that was, or what it... what the feeling of it was! It, it isn't just like sitting here, want to rejoice. It's--it's something that every nerve in you just... It's beyond scare. It's beyond frightened. It's a holy reverence. Of... I... There's no way to explain it. Even, till, my entire back, up-and-down my spine, through my fingers, up-and-down on my feet and toes, my whole being was just numbed, see, just like you had--you had went out of the world, somewhere. And--and it was leaving me, gradually, and I said to the--to the Lord, "Will You just let me know, O God?"
33I guess, that, close that ever come of being that strong again, was when I was in Zurich, Switzerland, that time when He show me that German Eagle watching that English horse-rider come down through Africa. And He said, "All have sinned and come short of the glory."
34 And I was crying out to the Lord, to help me. And I--I want Him to give me the interpretation, because I wondered if it meant--if it meant that I was going to go away, I was going to be killed. And if it was, I wasn't going to say nothing to the family about it. It's my time to go Home, why, I'll just go Home, that's all of it. But if--if that's what it meant, I didn't want to tell the family, didn't want them to know nothing about it. Just let it be done, and that--that would be all of it.
35I said, "Lord, help me. I don't want to tell the family, if--if You're... This, it's my call Home, well, I'll--I'll be going, you see," I said. And, you know, you're...
36You say, "Well, why didn't you think about what you said in the vision, what the vision said?"
37 But you can't think of things like that then. You... I can't, anyhow. And I thought. I was just troubled, upset. You don't know how to think. You can't think.
38I said, "Heavenly Father, if that meant that--that an explosion was going to take me, well, let me know now, so I'll say nothing about it. Let Your glory and power come upon me again, and lift me up again. Or, let Your glory come upon me, and then I'll--I'll know then that it meant--it meant that, and so I can keep it to myself." And nothing happened.
39So then I said, "Then, Lord, if it meant that You're going to send Your Messengers for my commission, then let Thy power come again." It like took me out of the room!
40Though, I--I've come to myself, with my Bible in my hand, then, see, and asking God to help me. And when I did, He--He showed me something in the Scripture, pertained right to it, right there. And I thought, "Could that actually be that? How did I do that?" And, oh, I--I can't explain these things, folks. It's beyond anything I know about. See?
41 My wife is a very odd woman; one of the best in the world. But, a little while, I didn't say nothing about it. I went ahead. She knew there was something happened. So when I told her, she said, "You know, Bill, I see you and hear you, in many of those things." Said, "You know I believe you with all my heart," she said. She said, "But that really had something."
42It just seemingly, just shakes me, that blasting and that swift coming of those Angels like that, five of them together, in a--a constellation of Them. Like, kind of like--like I had that pyramid drawed here, see, They looked to be. First, it looked like, kind of a... in the distance, They looked kind of like that color of doves. And they were in--in coming from this way. And they, look like: one, two; three, four; and then one right at the top, see, making five. And they come with such a speed! There is nothing, no jets, no nothing else can compare with that.
43 And I can just see Them, and Their heads kind of turned side-ways. Those wings tipped back, full-armored, and here They come, so "Whew!" Like that. Just come right down, and just took me right into this pyramid of the constellation of Them. I seen I was off, up off the ground. I thought maybe... I heard, way in the distance, that roar, "Whoom!" Like a--a--a plane when it crosses the sound barrier, you've heard it happen like that, just like a distant roar.
44I thought, "This may mean now, when now this vision leaves me, that I'm going to be killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am. I'm lifted up. I'm... They, They're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this, this pyramid of Angels here. But, I--I don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me Home."
Then I heard Joseph down there, saying, "Daddy?"
Thought, "No, if that's it, it would have took him, too."
45Then Something said, "You..." Remember, I'm waiting, watching for a Message that I always looked forward to, something.
46 And the vision, the other day, you know, as I had here not long ago, telling me about what was going to happen; how I was preaching in, from the sun, into this place. And--and then He said, "Now remember, the second climax is yet to come."
I thought, "There will be a Message."
47Remember my Message here? The opening of that capstone, where, those seven voices and seals that's not even wrote in the Word of God. Remember? And it took me into that pyramid.
48And Junie Jackson, if you're here, that dream that you give me not long ago. I won't tell it this morning. You were so... God was so perfectly. And excuse me for not giving you the interpretation; 'cause, I seen something moving.
J. T., same thing, see. And I--I--I knew that.
And Sister Collins, exactly the same. See?
And six of those, leading right straight to the same thing.
49And then the vision that I told you all, years ago, it happened just the other day. See? That would happen.
50And there it is, laying right, everything laying right out there. It's just something moving. I don't know what it is. God help me; my prayer.
Let us pray.
51 Heavenly Father, we are--we are just mortals, and here we stand this morning. And, Lord, You've sent me to lead this little flock and this church. And I'm at my end. I don't know which way, what, where, is coming. But I know this one thing, that, You said You'd "make everything work together for good" to them that loved You and are called according to Your purpose. I pray Thee, God, that Thy great hand of mercy will be upon us.
52We truly know that Thou art God. And we know that Thou art not one who lived in a days gone by, but You live yet today. You always was God. You always will be God. You were God before time, and You'll be God when there is no more time. You'll still be God.
53And we are in Thy hands, Lord. We are just clay. And Thou art the Molder, the Potter. Shape our lives, Lord, in the way that would get the best service to honor Thee. Grant it, Father. We are just in Thy hands.
54 We had no way of bringing ourselves here, or we do not know how we shall go out. The Lord, You give to us life, and You have. We give our lives back to You, and, in so, You have give us, in exchange, Eternal Life. Our faith breathes that into our very being. And we love Thee for this, because we know that some day we'll see You, and You'll be in Your glory. And we'll look upon Him. And we long to hear those words, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Until that time, O God, when we all meet, lead us.
We are Your servants, and we ask forgiveness of our sins.
55These mighty visions, Lord, is too much for Your servant. I don't know what to do. I--I just know they come. And I can only say what I seen, and what it was said. And sometimes it scares me, Lord. And I--I wonder what to do.
56Then I take the Bible and read in there how Isaiah must have felt that day in the temple, when he seen those Angels, the wings over Their feet. No wonder he cried out, "Woe is me, for mine eyes has seen the glory of the Lord."
57And it was then the prophet cried out: after he had been cleansed in the temple, when the Angel took the tongs and got a coal of Fire and laid it upon his lips; after he confessed that he was a man of unclean lips, and living with, among unclean people. Yet, he was a prophet. The Angel took the tongs and put the coal of Fire upon his lips and cleansed him, and said, "Now go, prophesy."
Lord God, Isaiah cried out, "Here am I, Lord. Send me."
58 When, He said, "Who will go for us?" For that wicked and adulterous generation!
59O God, let it repeat again. Let it come again, O Lord. Send the Holy Spirit with cleansing Fire. For, I confess, I am an unclean lips, and dwell in this earth here with unclean people. And we're unclean in Thy sight, Lord. But, oh, send the cleansing power, the Holy Spirit! Cleanse us, O Lord. Cleanse Thy servant, Lord.
60And then speak, Lord. Your servant is listening. I'm longing to hear that Voice. I'm Yours. Use me, Lord, as You see fit, while I lay myself upon Your altar. Let the Holy Spirit cleanse me, Lord; and anoint and send forth, Lord, if You want someone to go, if this is the hour and this is the time.
61I--I don't know, Lord. I--I just know that I seen those Angels. And Thou knowest them things to be exactly the Truth. And I pray, Lord, "Woe is me," so help me.
62 And now bless this people. And we're here today, just before the eve of this celebration time of the birth of our Lord. We pray that You'll help us.
63And this morning, Your servant, our Brother Neville, has felt that maybe it would be a time that he should just rest a few moments, and maybe I should speak. And I--I pray that You'll help me now.
64There is those here, Lord, and all of us, are in need of You. So we pray now that You'll bless us as we read Your Word and mediate for a little while. Let Thy Spirit come upon us, Lord. And cleanse us and set us on Fire, with the Holy Spirit, with the Message of God, fresh from the altar, to shake a dying world, before the approach of the great Eternal God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, His dear Son, and our Saviour. Amen.
65 Now I wish to call your attention to some Scripture here, and a few notes, that I have jotted down.
66And I believe, Doc, Billy, or one of them told me, that want to let out a little bit early, on account of the kiddies. They got some presents for it.
67You little fellows that just got out of your Sunday school, you--you just stick around, just a little while. What we say from here may be a little deep for you, but you--but you just sit still with mama and papa, for a few minutes. I want to talk to them.
68 Now, over in the Psalms, the 89th Psalm, I want to read a verse or two, of the 89th Psalm. I'm going to try to read the 50th, 51st, and 52nd verses of Psalms 89.
69Now, can you hear all the way back in the back, all right? If you can, raise up your hands. So I... Which is the... Is all these mikes alive? [Someone says, "I don't know."--Ed.] Is this one better, or this one? This one? This one? ["These two on the side are alive."] Right here, these two on the side? ["This one, this one, and this one."] All right.
70Now, I don't know whether they're going to tape this or not. It's just kind of an unexpected event this morning.
71But don't forget now, have all your friends. And I--I want you be sure, nearly, try to attend next Sunday's meeting.
72They'll soon have the church finished out here, I suppose. I'll--I'll be back then for this, preach those Seven Seals, if it be the will of God, out of the Scripture here.
73 In the Book of the Psalms, the 89th chapter, begin with the 51st. Listen close to the reading of the Word now.
Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;
Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
74I would like to speak to you for a few moments on... I want you to mark that, first, and read that over and over, real good. Maybe it bear reading again right now. Listen close now. See?
Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;
Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
Blessed be the LORD evermore. Amen, and Amen.
75 Study It close, as David spoke it. I want to use for a text. It's very strange, if a Christmas text again; but as I preached last Sunday on a strange text. I forget what it was now. It was the... [A brother says, "The World Falling Apart."--Ed.] Pardon? ["The World Falling Apart."] The falling: The World Falling Apart.
76Now I want to use for a text, this Sunday: The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word. Now let me repeat it again, real good. The... The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word.
77 God has a time, and a reason for that time, to fulfill all His works. God knows just exactly what He's going to do. We don't. We just had to receive it as He gives it to us. But, He knows, and there's nothing going to go wrong with what He--He has planned to do. It's all has to come about. There has to be, sometimes, rugged and hard things, to only bring out the real, true nature of the object.
78You know, rain is born in a jagged, ragged, lightning strode, thundering skies. And if we didn't have rain, we wouldn't live. But you see what it takes, to bring rain? Thunder, lightning, flashing, anger. And out of there comes rain.
79A seed must die, rot, corrupt, smell, and go back to the dust of the earth, in order to bring forth new life.
80It takes the pounding of gold, turned over and over, back and forth, and pounded until all the dross is taken out of it. Not because it shines, 'cause iron pyrite, what is known as fool's gold, shines like real gold. But, you put the two together. You set them out to one side, you can hardly tell them apart. But put them together, you can tell it. And the beater always has to beat till he--he sees his own image reflecting in the gold.
81 And God sets a time and has a purpose for everything that He does. There is nothing happens just accidentally to those who love the Lord and are called according to His calling. See? We are predestinated. And everything works just right, for that, because He cannot lie. And He said that was so, that everything has its time, its season, and it has its way. And God is behind every move. And sometimes you think that everything is going wrong. It's up to us. Those things are put upon us, trials and wonderings. It's testing, to see how we will react on an action.
82 Some time ago in, up in Vermont, Brother Fred and I went over on the New York side, across the Lake Champlain, and we had got over on the New York side. And I went up in the mountain where that, up on the Hurricane Mountain, where I used to hunt. And there I remember when I was lost, and how that God led me back, just by the Holy Spirit alone, through a storm. That, I would have died, perished, and so would my wife and Billy, down in a little camp miles away. And I was turned around.
83And there was just a little snow we pulled through, to get into the camp, early in the spring, and I was standing there talking to Brother Fred. And the Holy Spirit said, "Go out to yourself." And I moved out into the bush a little while, place. He told me, "There is a trap set for you. Be careful now." But He didn't tell me how, what. I come back and told Brother Fred.
84 Went to the church that night in the auditorium, announced it to the people. And the next night it happened, and then standing there when He told me. Upon some mockers, He said, "It's in your hands. Do with them. Whatever you say, will happen right now."
85There you are. Or, somebody irreverent, ungodly, and they were making fun and scoffing at the meeting, a young man and a young woman. And he was trying to vulgar love-make with her in the building; and everybody's attention, while I was trying to preach. And pull her head back and climb up in her lap, and throw her head back and try to kiss her, and going on like that in the meeting, drawing the attention.
86And the Holy Spirit said, "Now he's... They are in your hands. What will you do with them?"
87There was a holy hush. Everybody set deathly quiet. And I thought, "O God, what must I do?"
88Then I remember, if it hadn't been the warning of the Holy Spirit, two days before. I said, "I'll forgive you." Now, that was what He wanted me to say. See?
89Because, after all, I--I been guilty, maybe not of that, but guilty. "And guilty of the least is of the whole."
90So I said, "I forgive you." And there is witnesses sitting here now, was there then. Then the Holy Spirit fell through.
91 Now, you see, I believe that all these things had a meaning. What would you do with a power? How would you, see, the reaction of an action? Something that is come as an act, then how do you react to that action? Do you understand what I mean? What would you do? And maybe all this has worked up to where we're at now. I don't know. I--I just can't say. But there's always been some way.
92And remember that, the reproach of--of the Word. Has... The Word has always bore a reproach. All through the ages, God's anointed Word has always been reproached. And that's the reason it's so hard for people who doesn't understand, would know how to accept that reproach.
93 Can you remember the disciples returning back and rejoicing because they figured that they were counted worthy to stand the reproach of His Name? He said, "All that live godly in Christ shall bear a persecution," the reproach of the Word.
94You always have to stand this reproach in order to give your testing, to see. Every man that comes to Christ must first be child-trained, for the--for the purpose that God has ordained you for. And remember, if you can just keep quiet! Remember, if He has called you for this, there is nothing that can keep it from happening. There's not enough devils in torment, but what God's Word will be made manifest. You're born for a purpose, and nobody can take your place. You might have impersonators, everything else, but they'll never take your place. Right. God's Word will triumph. It cannot fail. There is where every Christian ought, to stand, knowing that--that. And trials will come up, and seem every way, to you. But remember, God has a purpose, and it all will work right.
95 Now let's just call back a--a few of the events of God's Word being fulfilled, and those who packed the Word in their age.
96I--I felt in the Spirit, not long ago, that someone was criticizing me. It might have been in the tape land. Of always referring so much, go back and pick up Bible characters on what I'm saying. Well, I do that for a purpose. The Bible said these things are written that we might look at them. And that's the only way, without an education, the only way I can do, is refer back and say, "You see where this stand, what happened by it, where this one taken place." See? And then you just place yourself in there.
97 Like I was preaching, not long ago, on the little boy out on the ship, you know, and--and the old captain was dying. He was sick. And he asked if there wasn't a Bible on board. And they caught the little boy that had the Bible, and he come and read Isaiah 53:5. "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity." And he said, "Let the... Let me tell you, captain, how that my mother used to read it." Said, "Here is the way she wrote it. 'He was wounded for Willie Pruitt's iniquity. And He was chastised for Willie Pruitt. And all these things that He was done, was for Willie Pruitt.'" That was his name.
The old captain said, "I like that. Could you read my name in it?"
98He said, "I'll try." And he said, "He was wounded for John Quartz' transgressions. He was bruised for John Quartz' iniquity. And with His stripes John Quartz' was healed."
He said, "I see it." And the Lord healed him. See?
99Read your name in it. He was wounded for William Branham's transgressions. He was bruised for William Branham's iniquity. He did that for me, and He did that for you. Read your name into it.
100 Well, that's the way I like to bring the Scriptures to my--my people, is what He did for somebody else that obeyed Him. What He did to somebody else that was true to the Cause, and what He did to somebody else that was untrue for the Cause, then you read your name in it. If you'd have been there, what stand would you have took? And remember, you got the privilege, today, to take the same kind of stand.
101 When, Noah, on the reproach of the Word that God spoke to him. Noah, there was a reproach. Noah lived in a scientific age, where there was a scientific achievements that they were able to manufacture, that were beyond anything that we've manufactured today. They were brighter, more intelligent. Their science was far advanced, to ours. And just remember, he had to stand the reproach of the Word that he preached, a hundred and twenty years, in the face of scoffers. Their great scientific ways proved to them that there was no rain in the skies. But, yet, Noah had heard the Word of the Lord, and It was contrary to their conception of It. So, before his life could be saved, he must stand in the face and bear the reproach that these scoffers reproached him by.
102 Oh, there's no doubt, they must have felt sorry for the poor old preacher. They didn't have him put away or anything, because maybe there wasn't many houses of that type in that day. He was harmless. He wasn't going to hurt nobody, so they just let him alone. "Go ahead, the old fanatic up there on the side of that hill, building a ship way out here where there's no water. Oh, well, poor old fellow! But," and saying, "where you going to get your water, to float your boat, Noah?"
"It's coming down out of the skies."
103"Nonsense. We can shoot the moon and the stars, with radar," whatever they had. "There is no rain up there."
But he said, "God said He was going to put some up there."
"How is He going to do it?"
104"That's His business. Only thing I'm supposed to do is warn you to get out of here."
105It's just about the same now. "Where is the fire coming from?" Brother, it's a little plainer today than it was for Noah's time. We already see where it's at. Just ready to strike off, that's all. Science has already... There's no excuse this time, at all, 'cause science has already found it. Yes, sir.
106 So now we find out that it was quite a thing. So they felt sorry for the poor old preacher, and just let him go. It was a strange thing, maybe, to them people, to think that a man that was supposed to be intelligent, and would believe that God, the Creator of heavens and earth, would do something, or say something that He was going to do, which was contrary of their way of thinking, what they had. Maybe you didn't get it. Look. Was... They thought that they could prove every natural thing by their science. If that isn't the kind of a world we're living in today, an intellectual, educational world full of science! And anything that they could prove, that was wrong, God's, "No God could ever speak anything that (was) could be scientifically proven that it wasn't there."
107 Now, they have the same idea today. If your doctor says that you have cancer, you got to die, and the science proves that you got cancer, and it's in an advance stage, it's silly to think anything different, because you're going to die; that's all. Science says you're going to die. They've examined you, and that's all of it. You're going to die." And they think it's crazy if you try to say that God promised to do it. See, like it was, you have to stand that reproach.
108They say, if the doctor says here, "We looked through, and the cancer is advanced. We've opened you up. It's all through your body, and through your heart, through your lungs, through your liver, all over. It's impossible."
So, you see, when you say, "But he is going to live, anyhow."
They say, "Well, poor fellow, just let him alone."
109 I remember the night. Bill Hall, Brother Hall down at the Milltown church, many of you remember the case. And when he... They called me out. My wife, mother-in-law and I, went out here. He married a girl that was a sister, I believe, to George Cupp, was the mayor of the city, or the judge here. His... That was his brother-in-law. They brought him up here to die. The doctor in Milltown, the doctor in New Albany, diagnosed his case as cancer of the liver. So I went down to see Mrs. Hall. And he had took jaundice, and he was yellow all over. And I said, "Well, I suppose he's going to die." And I said...
110She said, "Brother Bill, is there any way that have... Can you hear from God?"
I said, "I--I don't know, Sister Hall. I can pray."
111I prayed. And I went back home, and the Lord said nothing to me. Then I went back, the next day, and I prayed again.
And she said, "Do you know any good doctor?"
112I said, "Well, our family doctor is Dr. Sam Adair, down here in Jeffersonville. He's--he's--he's... His father was our family doctor. Young Sam and I have always been bosom friends, and--and we went to school about the same time, had been raised up together. We always go to him when anything is wrong."
She said, "Wonder if he'd come look at Bill Hall?" her husband.
I said, "I'll ask him."
113 Well, Sam said to me, he said, "Billy, if the doctor said he had cancer," said, "the only one thing me do, I'll send him to somebody that's smarter than I am, to a specialist. And we'll take the x-rays; and we won't put him under any more trouble."
114We sent to New Albany and got the x-rays from the doctor down there. Took him to Louisville and examined him, took him over in an ambulance, and brought him back.
115Well, of course, he wouldn't say to Mrs. Hall what was his trouble, so he called me. He said, "He's going to die," said, "your preacher friend." Said, "The specialist in Louisville has just called me, and said, 'The diagnosis the doctors give in--in... down in Milltown; and the doctor, New Albany; gave the right kind of a diagnosis.'" And said, "It is cancer of the liver, and it's advanced. And, Billy, we can't cut the man's liver out, and him live." Said, "He's going to die. And if he's a preacher, he ought to be ready."
116 I said, "That's not the question. But he isn't over about fifty-five years old, so he's still got plenty of life in him yet, to preach." And I said, "Well, if he's going to die, that settles it then. Thank you, Dr. Sam."
117And I went down and called Mrs. Hall out, and I told her. I said, "Mrs. Hall, Sam said that the diagnosis of Louisville there was the same as it was in New Albany and Milltown. The man is dying. Brother Hall is going to die. And he's got cancer in the liver, and it's advanced."
118And so she started crying. I turned around, prayed with him. And he was so beyond himself, then, till he didn't know that I was in the room.
119So, I come back. And a lot of people was come at the house, in those days. There was nobody else on the field. It hadn't been contaminated with so much, and the people was coming from everywhere.
120 I wanted to rest a little. So I slipped in, got up early, about two-thirty, or three o'clock. Brother Woods hadn't moved up in the lane yet. And I looked out on the runway, and there was no, nobody out there, so I got my old hat and slipped into the den room, and got my.22 rifle. I was going to go out and squirrel hunt, till it got up to about eight o'clock, and then lay down by a tree somewhere and get me a little sleep. You couldn't get it around home.
121I got my hat and started through the room. Hanging on the wall was an apple. And it was the--the most contaminated apple. It was worm-eaten, and it was knotty, and it was scabby all over. And I thought, "What did Meda hang that on the wall for?"
122And I noticed, again, and it wasn't on the wall. It was hanging out in the air. I jerked off my old hat, set the rifle in the corner, and fell on my knees. I said, "Lord, what would You have Your servant know?"
123 Down come another one, down come another one, till about four or five apples (I forget now just which it was) hung there. Then a great big, pretty apple, stripes in it; just a very big, healthy-looking apple, come down and chomped up those other scavenged-looking apples. And He said, "Rise. Stand on your feet." Said, "Go, tell Bill Hall, he's not going to die. He's going to live."
124Oh, I run as quick as I could, and I said, "Mrs. Hall, I got THUS SAITH THE LORD. He's going to live." And he heard me. And he was trying to cry, and he couldn't speak no more.
125I come back and called Sam. And I said, "Sam, our--our brother is going to live."
He said, "How can he live like that?"
126I said, "That's not for me to figure out. God said so. That settles it."
127He's living today. That's been about ten years ago. Just strong and healthy. His wife has died since then. He's remarried again.
128How is it going to happen to George Wright, and many more might we say, that we could call? What is it? It's to stand the reproach. They laugh and make fun.
129 I remember when 'fore the '37 flood. I stood there with the Falls City Transfer Company, and was telling them about, there was going to be thirty-two feet of water, I believe it was, on Spring Street. They laughed at me. They said, "Poor Billy. I guess he... That kid!" I was just a boy then. He said, "Billy is a good kid. It's a shame he got all mixed up." I wasn't mixed up. I had been baptized in, not mixed up. I was just "in." And it happened just that way.
130Since I been speaking, I noticed Sister Hattie Wright, I believe, sitting back there. She remembers that case of about Bill Hall. Many! How many is here, present this morning, remembers the case? Oh, my! Sure. There is many of you.
131 Now, they feel sorry for us, feel sorry for anybody that tries to hold to the Word, in the days of scoffers. But, remember, the reproach must come. It's always been that way. They must have thought, as they did then, that God, after anything was scientifically proven, that God wouldn't speak anything that was against science. Well, that's what makes Him God. If He would have just went according to science, then it wouldn't be no more than just what man could achieve. But, He is God. He's the--He's the Creator of science. He can do what He wishes to.
132They must have thought, "Poor old Noah, well, let the old fellow alone. He's missing all the fun that we're having in these days, so just let him alone." It's about the same now.
133 But, now, I want to say another thing right here. Now, we look back and admire his faith. But I wonder, if we lived in that day, would we have took the same stand that Noah took? Would we be able and willing to stand the reproach that went with the Truth? When, of all the millions there was in the world then, there was only Noah and his family that stood for that Truth. Did you think of it? Just that man and his three sons, and his daughter-in-laws, his wife, was the only one that stood for that Truth. But they had THUS SAITH THE LORD. We look back and admire him. Could we think it again?
I got to hurry because of these kiddies' presents.
134Abraham, the very word Abraham means "father of many," make him "a father of nations."
135Now, Abraham heard the Word of God. Abraham was a prophet, and he heard the Word of God. And we admire Abraham for his holding to God's Word; how that he separated himself from his kinfolks; how hard it was for Abraham. He was brought up there. Come down from Babel, and--and was down there in the land of the Shinar and the--the--the Chaldeans, in the city of Ur, where all of his associates, his people, and those he went to church with, and everything. But God said, "Separate yourself." Oh, my! What a horrible thing that was, to leave all that he held dear, everything that was real to him, that he held dear. And God told him, "Separate yourself."
136 And give him a very odd thing. "You're going to have a baby by your wife." And he was seventy-five, and she was sixty-five. It ceased to be with her as women, as of the order of women was going to bring children, for years. And here, after living with her since she was a girl, because she was his half sister, and then how could he ever bring that child? And now could you imagine of Abraham going out amongst his associates, and saying, "We're going to have a baby, Sarah and I"? Could you imagine that?
137Why, the people said, "The poor old fellow, there is something wrong with him."
138It's a reproach, but Abraham held onto it. And when he was a hundred years old, he never staggered at the promise of God. He still stood the reproach, sure, holding onto it.
139 You notice the difference in there? Sarah tried to give Abraham, or give God, rather, a little bit of help, by herself. She thought, you know, that, otherwise than what God promised. "Now, you know, I'm an old woman, but Hagar here is a beautiful woman. Abraham won't mind marrying her, too. So, you know, that'll--that'll help God. That'll help God, 'cause Hagar, here, she is probably only twenty years old. She is my maid. And you know what I'll do? I'll give her to my husband, for a wife," 'cause polygamy was legal. So he said... "I'll give her, and she'll have a baby by my husband, and then I'll take the baby. And that's the one, God promised."
140You see, we always try to do something; can't wait for Him. We got to do something, ourself. Might have been all right. She might have been pretty. It might look very good, but it wasn't according to the Word. God told Abraham, "The baby was coming by Sarah."
141Remember what He said about the little Flock? "These signs will follow them that believe." "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein a few, even eight souls, were saved." Those Words can't fail, so let's watch ourselves closely and stay with the Word. All right. See?
142 The people are always trying to manufacture something, to take the place of God's creative will. You see, as I've often said, and maybe before the church, before, you know, you could not ask the sheep, "Will you manufacture me some wool?" No, he can't do that. Now, a goat cannot manufacture wool, because his nature won't let him. No matter how much you'd try to tie a sheep wool on a goat, it won't work. The goat cannot manufacture wool, and a sheep does not manufacture hair. But he has wool because he is a sheep. That's what makes him. He don't manufacture.
143We're not supposed to manufacture the fruits of the Spirit. We're supposed to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Apple tree don't manufacture apples; it just bears it because it's an apple tree.
144And if we try to manufacture anything, "I'll help the Cause. I'll study for ten years in the seminary. I'll learn this, that, or the other, and get my Bachelor of Art and my Doctor's degree. I'll help the Lord, alone." It won't work.
145 God, by predestination, calls who He will. He gives the Kingdom to ever who He desires to give It to. We learned that by Nebuchadnezzar.
146We learned that by--by Jeremiah. When God told him that by the Word of the Lord, that there was going to be a time that Israel was going to be carried away into Babylon for seventy years. Here come another prophet up. He already told him, said, "Now, you'll have prophets, will rise up. And you'll have them down there in Babylon, that'll rise up, and dreamers and prophets, that'll prophesy contrary to This. But tell the people not to listen to those people."
147And up come a man by the name of--of one of the prophets, Hananiah, and when Jeremiah was standing there with a yoke over his neck. Up come Hananiah, said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. In two full years, all the vessels of the Lord..." Now, fundamentally, it seemed very good. "God is going to bless His people. He is going to bring back everything just exactly, in two years."
148And the Bible said, even the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen. Amen. Hananiah, may the Lord make your words come to pass. But let us think of something, Hananiah. There has been prophets before us, and they prophesied against great nations of war, and so forth. But, remember, the prophet is known after his prophecy has been made manifest." See?
149 Then Hananiah come up, grabbed the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck, before all the priests and the congregation, maybe a million and a half people. And took that yoke that God had put upon Jeremiah's neck, for a sign, and broke it to pieces, and throwed it on his feet, just enthused, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. In two years, they'll be back."
150Jeremiah just looked at him. It was contrary to the Word, so he just walked away. And God said, "Go back and tell him," said, "I never spoke to him."
151He was just enthused. He took his own impression. See? He never waited till actually he saw it and knowed it wasn't him, that it was God saying it. He went back, all enthused. If...
152 We find it, cross the country, today. One of our tapes was being played recently in a home, where a group of ministers was right then convinced, and was coming to be baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ. And a man rose up in the room, who spoke in tongues and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Hold on to what you got. Just keep on, going on, and I'll bless you."
153They said, "Well, if the Lord said that, I guess that's it." You see, it isn't examined with the Word. It's got to take the Word, first. There you are. It was contrary to the Word.
154Here come Jeremiah back, that anointed prophet. God told him, said, "I know Hananiah broke that wooden yoke over your neck, that I put, but I'm going to make one out of iron." He said, "And all these nations that has went down to serve Nebuchadnezzar, my servant," and he was a heathen. See? And Israel, keeping all their sacrifices, but they wasn't... See?
155God made a promise, that He would bless, but them blessings are under conditions. And you've got to meet those conditions, to make that work.
156 Sitting, a while ago, with a little, sweet girl here. First, I combed that family through, to see if there was anything wrong. God will heal, but it's under conditions. See? Only thing I found, was, the mother afraid it was wrong to take medicine. I said, "Don't you think that, sister. Get that out of your mind. Go right ahead with the child. Give it the medicine. God will make that known." See?
157Now, but, the thing is, find, know. And then, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, okay.
158 Now we find out here that, these people, they was trying to manufacture something; Hagar and--and Sarah, to help Abraham, help God to make His promise come true. You can't do that. There's no way, at all, of doing it. It's--it's against everything. God's Word is going to happen, anyhow. You've just got to stand right on the Word, and say, "It's this way," and keep the Word. Now, watch, to manufacture something to take the place of His Word!
159Maybe Abraham's friends, too, if we ever noticed, maybe Abraham's friends come by and said, "Well, father of nations, how many children you have now?" When he was a hundred years old. "Say, father of nations, father of many, how many children do you have now?" Scoffers!
160 Now, haven't you seen the time? Haven't we seen it, when sometimes that we prayed for something, it didn't happen?
161"Here sits an old man," they say. "He's blind. He's deaf. He's dumb. He's sick. He's done this. Go over there and heal him, you Divine healers. We'll believe it."
162Do they realize it's that same Devil that said, "Come off the cross, and I'll believe You. Turn these stones into bread, and I'll believe it"? See? That same Devil that tied a rag around our Lord's eyes, and hit Him on the head with a stick, and said, "Now, if You're a prophet, tell us who hit You, and we'll believe You."
163Well, you knowed He knowed who hit Him. He could have turned those stones to bread. Or, He could have come off the cross. But what would we be today if He had? See? They don't know the program of God. You must find out what God has promised.
Now I must hurry.
164 Now, now they might have said, "Father of nations, we heard you, twenty-five years ago, say you was going to have a child by Sarah, and out of that was going to come nations of people. Just how many children do you have at this time, father of nations?" Huh! See? That's that same old critical spirit that would criticize.
165What did Abraham? Said, "He staggered not at the promise, of unbelief."
"Why, here you prayed for So-and-so, and they didn't get well."
166That doesn't matter. If I pray for ten thousand tonight, and ten thousand die in the morning, tomorrow night I'm still anointing the sick and praying for them. God said so. Doesn't stop it, a bit. God promised it. I believe it. Certainly. Don't make any difference what they say, still. But, they'll scoff. That's the reproach of the Word.
167Abraham, standing on God's Word, finally It was fulfilled. Oh, my!
168 Watch the scoff-ness of barrenness. Being scoffed, and the reproach of barrenness, first. They had... She had to stand the reproach of being barren for all those years. She was nearly a hundred years old. She was ninety, with the Word of God that said she would also be princess, a mother of this child. And she and Abraham, barren, both of their--their bodies as well as dead, but yet they never doubted that Word, one bit. But they had to stand that, first. And then, hallelujah, God kept His Word, in that dark hour: Isaac was born. "And his seed is like the sands of the sea or the stars of Heaven." See? God always answers His Word. Yes. Bareness first, then Isaac.
169 Zacharias and Elisabeth, likewise, that old man and old woman, still holding on. And when Zacharias come up there, and could write out on his slate, and said, "An Angel met me, told me I'd bring forth a child by Elisabeth, my old wife here. I can't talk no more. I'm dumb. I will be dumb till the day the baby is born. But there's coming a baby, and he's going to be the prophet of the Highest. He'll introduce the Morning Star. He's a forerunner of the Messiah." How could it ever be?
170Some said, "Poor old fellow. Oh, I--I guess he's kind of got a little bit off at his head, you know. There's a little something. But look at old Elisabeth out there, around eighty. And look--look--look at Zacharias, way old and shaking, and then he's going to say such a thing as that. Well, poor old fellow."
171But he had the Word of the Lord. Such a reproach, till she hid herself for several days. But he stayed with the Word. Oh, my!
172 Refusing popularity, refusing popular opinion, refused the polish of the day, and the styles and things of their day. They refused it. They refused to walk with the crowd of unbelievers. They refused the things of the world. They had to do it, to stay with God's Word. They had to do it.
173So is it today. You separate yourself from everything but you and God. It's not what the church does. It's what you do with God. See? It's you, as an individual. Yes.
174 But look what God gave him. When Jesus Himself come, Zacharias was gone, Elisabeth, too. But when their son came in the wilderness, with THUS SAITH THE LORD, Jesus said, "There never was a man born of a woman as great as he is." Amen. What? She suffered the reproach of barrenness. She stayed on the Word, and delivered such a son.
175Like Sarah of old, like Abraham of old, the old couples held onto it. Look, most that was ever born, like the sands of the sea, there's not a race of people in the world as many as the Jews. Like the sands of the seas or the stars of the sky. What happened? It happened in the minority, one child.
176Now you see where I'm going. One child, that's all it took. It took one child to shake the nations and point to the Messiah. Took one, obedient. That's right. God just needs one man. That's all He needs, somewhere He can have a voice. That's all He wants, to get one man in His control. Oh, how He loves to get one man!
177 He got a Noah, one time. He got a--He got a Moses, one time. He got a--a Jeremiah. He got a--a Elijah. He got an Elisha. He got a John. He--He gets... He got a Samson. As long as He can get one man in His control, that's His Voice. He can speak through it. He can condemn the world. Oh, my!
178How He hungers and climbs, to get a man in His control, "That I can speak through him. I can let My Voice be known. Though he'll stand a reproach, but I'll make My Voice known." See? Oh, yes.
179Barrenness, first. Have to be bare, have to stand the reproach of barrenness. Sarah had to stand it. So did Zacharias and Elisabeth have to stand it.
180 Look, today. Now I'm going to say something. Look today at the children of the harlot. She has taken nations under the political rule of denomination, the harlot and her daughters. Look what a generation of denominations raised up, and how few are the righteous. Don't you worry. Stay with the Word. It's all right.
181You may be scoffed at, called holy-roller. You might be called all, any kind of a bad name. But, stay right there, It's the Word, the reproach of the Word, the thing that they'll say about you.
182 A young fellow, he may be here this morning. He's a friend of mine; Jim Poole, young Jim, his--his people. He was asked the other day. Well, he was baptized here. Someone said to him, said, "If you was going to be baptized in a church, why didn't you get a big church, something?" See? But he saw the Light. That was it. See?
183"More are the children of the unrighteous than there is of the righteous." Yeah. All right. How few are they, of the righteous! Look what a little handful there was in the day of Noah. See? Look what it was in the days of Sodom. See? How few are the righteous!
184How many children the harlot has! She just brings children any old way, but they're all bastard children. The harlot brings forth the harlot. The dog brings forth the dog.
185And the Christ brings forth the anointed. The Bible brings forth the righteous, so we have to stand the thought of being a little bunch. What a gracious thing it is!
186 Look at the great Ephesian church, there was only twelve in it. Yeah. Look what a group we have today, the side of them. Yeah.
There was only eight souls in the days of Noah.
187There was only five in the days of Lot, no, four; Lot and his wife, his two daughters. And she turned to a pillar of stone after she got out, by looking back. Actually, three come out in that day.
188And Jesus said, "As it was in them days." Behooves us to watch and be careful. How few are the righteous! But, as ever, the scoffers must reproach. The barre-... Stand the reproach of barrenness, first. My!
189I just got to hurry. I'm... I don't... Want to help get these kiddies. Just bear with me a little bit. See?
190 Men are always the same as ever. Now I'm going to say something again. And I want you... And I don't know whether it's being taped, or not. But if it is on tape, I want you to listen at me, you on the tape. Don't you miss it, but study it. Man now is like he's always been. He's praising God for what He's done; looking forward to what He will do; and ignoring what He has done and is doing. He praises God for what He has done; he looks forward to what He will do; but he ignores what God is doing, and there he misses the whole thing. I hope they get it. See? Ignoring what He is doing! He knows what He has done; and he knows the promise what He will do; but he fails to see what He's doing.
191Oh, you Pentecostals, if you're not example of that! You're looking forward for something to happen: as always, happened right under you, and you don't know it. "How oft would He have hovered you, as a hen does her brood, but you would not." You thought more of your traditions and denominations than you did of His Word and His Spirit. Yes.
192 What a reproach to Mary! (As we're closing.) What a reproach to Mary and Joseph, for His Word. It's Christmas time. I was planning on holding just a little bit, but you'll hear much of it on radio and among the pastors, and so forth. What a reproach for Mary and Joseph, to hold to God's Word of promise. Remember, now. And the scorn, that lifted up eyebrow, when they seen little Mary go by, seeing Joseph. "You are marrying a prostitute." See? And remember, brother, adultery was death in them days. "Now, you keep her from getting killed. She is to be mother by you." And, but, remember, all the time, God was dealing with them, and it was according to the Word. And they didn't know it. See?
193"A virgin shall bear a child." Joseph knowed that. Mary knowed that, because, after the Word was written, there was an Angel talking to them, vindicating, or manifesting the very Word that was written, that was going to happen. Don't dream now. Think. The Holy Spirit come down to the earth; never spoke to the whole congregation. He spoke to them.
194 Joseph looked. And before the Angel had visit him, he said, "Well, now, I love her. But, I'm a righteous man. I can't marry a woman like that."
195And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, in a dream, and said, "Joseph, thou son of David, don't fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." Oh, my! What a comfort! See?
196And, Mary, on her road to the well. The little virgin, about seventeen years old, eighteen, marrying a man had been married before and had four children; an old man. And she was... She loved him, and--and she didn't know why. And he loved her, and he didn't know why. And here they was, coming, going to the well, to get some water. And all the studying upon the things that she--she was thinking of, the Scriptures, no doubt, and then a Light flashed before her. When that Light flashed, there stood an Angel.
197 Wonder how little Mary felt? Did you ever think of that? I wonder if she felt as scared as I did yesterday.
198"Hail, Mary!" Hail means "stop." "Pay attention to what I'm going to tell you. Blessed art thou amongst the women, for you found favor with God, and you're going to bear a Child. Knowing no man, but you're going to have a Child. And your cousin Elisabeth, being old, too, she has conceived also, and is going to bear a child. And these signs will be done."
She said, "How will these be, know, seeing I know not a man?"
199He said, "The Holy Ghost is going to overshadow you. That Holy Thing that will be born to you will be called the Son of God."
200Let the scoffers say what they want to. She knowed it. She knowed it would be, because God said so.
201 Now, how she must have felt, that day of the dedication, or the coming for the circumcision of the Baby, when there she was walking up with this little Baby in her arms, like that. And all the women keeping their distance, all with fine needle work, to dedicate their babies and have them circumcised, and nearly all of them pulling a lamb. But she had two turtledoves, cleansing for her own purification. The little Baby wrapped in swaddling cloth, made out of the yoke off of the back of an ox's neck, yoke, the wrapping on the back of an ox. That was just swaddling cloth in the manger. They had nothing for Him. They was too poor. And here she stood.
202 No doubt, all the women kept their distance from the little virgin. Said, "You see, she's got an illegitimate child." See how God makes things so radical-looking. Oh, my! He just pulls the wool right over Satan's eyes. "How filthy! How dirty! Adultery. That's what she is. She's an adulteress." That didn't stop that beat in little Mary's heart. They kept their distance from Him.
203They're still doing the same thing, call Him now, "Holy-roller, or fanatic," or something.
Mary knew Whose Baby that was. She just kept on, just the same.
204 But, oh, shouldn't they have noticed when, Simeon, sitting back in the room, he had been promised? He went around, prophesying. He said, "The Lord appeared to me." And said, "I'll not see death..." And he was eighty- something then. "I'm not going to see death before I see His salvation."
205"Oh, Simeon, you're old, son. Your--your... Old fellow has kind of got his head, you know, he's a little... Just let him alone. He's harmless. He won't hurt nobody."
206But Simeon had the Word of the Lord, said, "I saw the Spirit of God descend upon me. I stood and looked at Him. He told me, 'Simeon, you been a righteous man. And you're not going... I'm going to make you a testimony out there.'" Uh-huh. That's all.
"What are You going to do that for, Lord?"
"That's My business."
207My opinion is, that He can sure pour the coal to them, on that Day. "You had a witness. Why didn't you listen to it?"
208 There is old blind Ann, sitting in the temple, praying. The Lord revealed to her, "Simeon is right." Amen. She couldn't see daylight from dark, but she could see farther than many people today that's got good eyes. She saw, in the Spirit, the coming Messiah was at hand, the Spirit moving in her heart.
209See what a little bitty Church there was? Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary, John, Ann, and Simeon; six out of the millions. Like in the days of Noah. Six of them. God dealt with every one of them. They was all in harmony. They all got together. Amen.
210 Here, old Simeon. Here come the little Baby in. He had never heard nothing about it. Here is the Baby. And then Simeon set in his room, and the Spirit come on him, said, "Move out, Simeon."
211Here he went, walking, not know where he was going. Like Abraham, he was seeking something. He didn't know where it was at, but he kept moving. After while, he stopped. And the Holy Spirit must have said to him, "There He is."
212He reached over, in Mary's arms, took up the Baby in his arms. Looked up and said, "Lord, let Thy servant now depart from this life in peace. My eyes is looking at Your salvation." The thing that everybody was making fun of, what the women was shunning, Simeon said, "It's Your salvation, Lord."
213And about that time, here come an old blind woman, winding her way around, staggering around through the audience. And she come up to Him, and she also prophesied, for she was looking for Him. He told Mary, "A sword will pierce your heart, but It will reveal the thoughts of many hearts." See? What was it?
214 Now, I guess, some of them women said, "Now see that! You see what kind of class it is? There you are. See? That's it. See where it is? That old man, cracked in the head. There he is over there, standing before that prostitute girl, trying to say a thing like that. There you are. That illegitimate Child. Look at that old Ann, sits down here, starving herself to death, and going on like that. She will not have any fun like we do. But, there you are, see. She could belong to all the societies of the country here. She come out of a pretty good family, see, and she could belong there. But there she is. See how that bunch gets together?" Oh, yes. Amen.
215Same thing today. "Sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, being lifted up by the Holy Spirit." Sure. Yes, sir.
216Oh, have we got just a little bit more time? I got to say something. [Congregation says, "Yes."--Ed.]
217I got another character here, I'm looking at, at that time when the Word was being made manifest, the wise men.
218Wish I had time, Fred, for you to read that. You got it in your pocket? [Brother Fred Sothmann says, "Yes."--Ed.] I guess many of you seen it in the magazine.
219The thing that the Holy Spirit spoke down here at the river, thirty-three years ago, they just dug it up. December the 9th, proving it, of that astronomy, how that--that Jupiter and them stars, in their constell'!
220 They got an old astronomy cale-... markings of it, they've dug up. That is exactly that time this constell' came in, in the constellation of these stars, and throwed right down towards Babylon, and the wise men brought it down. Remember? They crossed their orbits, low swung, billions of light years apart again. And those Jewish wise men that was up at Babylon, they seen that constell' come into that constellation, them stars. Three of them move in, together, and make that one morning star. And they knowed that by the Word of God, that that was the time, when them stars come together, that the Messiah was to be on earth.
221That's the reason they started. "Where is He, born King of the Jews? Where is He? Somewhere! For, when those stars come in, till their celestial bodies become into this one great celestial body here, when them three's moves together, Messiah will be on earth in that time." And when they moved into their orbits, them men knowed that the Messiah was on earth.
222 They were masters in their field. They were great men. They were masters in their field of religious science. They was watching religious side of it. And they seen those stars move out yonder, Jupiter and Sargas, and then move into their--their line. And they said, "We know that Messiah is somewhere. So, He must be in Jerusalem, because that's the head place for the religion of the world, of the religion of the Messiah. That's their headquarters. That's the denominational headquarters. That's where the great ecclesiastical group sits."
223And on camels they went, two years, down across the Tigris River, and through the swamps and jungles, journeying, going to the city, hearts filled with joy.
224They knowed when that stars was hanging in there. And this, even the astronomers say, today, "If they actually, them stars, come into that place again, it would make one star, from where they were standing, looking." But they had to be standing from that place, to see it. Amen. Amen.
225Depends on where you're standing. Depends on what you're looking at. Uh-huh. Yeah.
226 So they seen it, and they followed it, and they was right in line. No matter where they got, it was right in line with them. It led them. See?
227That's the way you got to get all the Scriptures lined up, everything, then stay in that line with the Scriptures. That's the only way. It'll lead you right straight to Him. Certainly will.
228Now notice. Here they come, crying, "Where is He, born King of the Jews?" Into Jerusalem, the Star led them right there, right straight to the denominational headquarters. But when they turned aside for it, the Star left them. Into the city they went, up-and-down the street. They thought the city would be full of joy of God. Up-and-down the street, with joy, they went, screaming, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star when we was in the East, and we've come to worship Him."
229Remember, the Star, they went westward. They were in the East. "Westward leading, still proceeding. Lead us to..." See? They were absolutely... They were... Well, Babylon and India lies East of Palestine, kind of southeast. And they were going westward. "Westward lead," you know the song, "still proceeding. Guide us to that perfect Light." See? They... wise men was coming west. Leaving the East, going west, and they seen that Star. Now, if they was in the West, looking backwards, they didn't see It. See?
230 They, when they got there, it guided them right there, then It left them. They thought, "Here it is. The Star has left, so here it is. They're in the city. So, oh, my," they said, "everybody is just singing and happy. The glory of God has lit up everything. So, here we are. We know that our--we know that our achievement, as we watched that constell'. No one, no master, could come up there and pull them stars together. And we know, when that--when that stars come into that heavenly body, that's the time the Messiah is on the earth. Messiah is on the earth."
231And ever so many hundred years, they pass their constell' again, you see, and then there's a gift comes to the earth. Notice.
232 "Messiah is on the earth, when that--when that group of stars got together." And they knowed He was there, so they went to the headquarters of religion, and begin going, saying, up-and-down the street they went, these camels. "Where is He? Where is He? Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star in the East. He's here somewhere. Where is He? Where is He? Where is He?" Huh! What a reproach!
233They went to the chief priest. He said, might have said, "What's the matter with you fellows? Why, you bunch of fanatics!" See? What a reproach, upon their scientific achievement! By the power of God, they seen His Star. And they were wise men, smart. They were in the field of religious science. And they knowed, when them stars got there, Messiah was somewhere. And here, the place that should have knowed it, knowed nothing about It.
234 I'd imagine, the kids stand on the street, said, "Look at that. That's a bunch of fanatics. Listen at them, singing, 'Where is He, born King of the Jew?' They don't know that Herod is king down here. They don't know Bishop So." Oh, my!
235"Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We saw His Star in the East."
236They say, "Come here, all you wise men here, around here." Uh-huh. "Come here. Do you all see any Star anywhere?"
"Oh, I never seen anything like That."
237"All you astronomers come here. Did you all see any Star anywhere?"
"No. No."
"Have you seen anything like any kind of a mysterious sign?"
"No. We don't see nothing like that. No."
238Don't yet, either. Same thing. They don't see nothing. They can't see It.
"Uh, let's call in the--the ministers. What about you all?"
"No. We never seen no Star."
239"Well, what about you guys that keep time, out here on the wall? You watch the stars. You know ever... You know where every constell' there is in the heavens. You know every star. Did you see anything?"
"Nope. We ain't seen a thing." But It was there.
240 Glory to God! Oh, my! Can't you see It? It's there now, and they can't see It. It's going on, right around them, and they can't see It.
241"No. We didn't see nothing. Oh, I went over there. I didn't see nothing." Sure. You don't. Just too blind. It's not for you to see It. See? If you're that blind, why, sure, you won't see It.
242It's just to those who God will reveal It to. That's the one who sees It. Always been that way. Sure.
243 It was Noah that could see the rain up in the skies, you know, but the rest of them couldn't do it. See? They didn't see the rain up there, but Noah see it.
244It was Abraham that seen Sarah holding the baby. That's right. Not the scoffers that said, "Father of nations, how many children have you got now?"
245How we could come on down through the Bible, the sages and prophets, all the way through! "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." They know the Word spoke it, and there it is. Here is the evidence of it. They see it. Now notice. Oh, my!
"Our wise men don't see that Star. There's nothing to It."
246 Why? Actually, when they were looking, and they went in with such a group, the Star went out.
247Same thing today. That's what puts a many a Light out, that's right, is getting hooked up with such a group as that, that don't even believe It, in the first place. And how we going to have a--a union of churches? "How we going to walk together except we be agreed?" How is the fellowship of the... of this here, world-wide, all the--the churches, the united churches of the world? How we going to unite together, when we are millions of miles apart? See? How we going to do it? The Evangelicals with us, and this, and that, and that, and all together, and yet united together with such a bunch of corruption.
248God is getting a Wife that's pure, holy, unadulterated, stays with His Word. All right.
249 Jesus' reproach for the Word. (Then we'll stop, in just a minute.) Jesus was reproached for the Word. Look here. How could He stand the reproach, when He was the Divine, incarnate God? He was God, Himself, made flesh.
250Now, you know the Bible said so. "We handled Him. Angels saw Him." Just think of that. I believe Timothy puts it something like that. See? That, "Without contradiction great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels."
251Angels was at His birth. How the Angels must have looked down and rejoiced, when they looked down on the manger and seen God incarnate. Amen. It ain't no wonder they begin to scream, "Today, in the city of David, is born Christ the Saviour." Angels rejoiced, and they swung their big wings together, and over the hills of Judaea, they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to man." They seen God's Word, that they watched over It, to see It manifested. And there It was.
252 Now, Satan didn't believe that, you know. He said, "If Thou be..."
The Angel said, "He is." That's the difference.
"If Thou be, do so-and-so. Let us see You do it."
But the Angel said, "He's there."
253The wise men with their religious science, said, "He's there." Amen.
254That's the reason archaeologists and everything today are digging up these things, that's been prophesied a few years ago, that would come to pass. And here they are, digging up. They never even...
255 There's no history that ever said that Pontius Pilate was ever on earth. Did you know that? Some of you school kids tell me whereabouts in history that said there's Pontius Pilate. And unbelievers scoffs at it and make fun of it, said, "There never was a--a Roman emperor named, a--a governor named, Pontius Pilate." But about six weeks ago, they dug up the cornerstone: Pontius Pilate, governor. Oh, my! Such nonsense!
256They said, "There never was a Rameses in history, Rameses over Egypt." But they dug up a stone, archaeology: The Rameses, the second. Notice.
257And they said that them walls never did fall down. Archaeologists was digging around, and, first thing you know, they dug up, way down in where the walls fell down in Jericho, you know, when the trumpet sounded. They said, "That was just a myth, a song somebody said, sang back there." Yeah. The scoffer says that. "That was just a myth. There never was no such thing as the walls falling, and Joshua blasting a trumpet, and run up to the walls and they went down. There never was such a thing." And some great Christian archaeologist just kept digging, 'cause he knowed it had to be so. He dug thirty-some odd feet, below where the rest of them was. There was the walls, piled right on top of one another, just as the Word said.
258 They said, "There wasn't such a thing as David ever playing on his instrument, a string harp, 'cause string music wasn't known till the fifteenth century." Said, "There never was such a thing." Christian archaeologists dug up, down in Egypt. Four thousand years ago, they had string instruments. Amen. Oh, my!
259They said, about the Hebrew children making them stones and things like that, out of straw, "There wasn't such a thing." Archaeologists went to digging on there. What did they find? That's science. What did they find? The walls of the city that the Hebrews built, the first layer of stones was long straws; the second was chopped up in little bitty pieces of stubbles; and the third had no straw in it, at all. Oh, my!
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the prophets foretold.
260 Yes, sir. It's all moved right up to us, brother, sister. Why is it? In the last few years, never has the movie world ever done what it's done. On the screen comes a story of The Ten Commandments by Cecil DeMille's. On the screen come the life of Jesus Christ through Ben Hur. On the screen comes The Big Fisherman, the conversion of Peter. And all these religious plays, which the movies has refused, and dirtied, and torn away. But, God, in His mighty power, blast it forth, just the same.
261 Right now, those things that had been said a few years ago, a poor, little humble servant, myself, of God. I said, "There is a Light that stood and talked to me, and told me the things to do." People laughed and said, "He's a little bit off at the head." There's a picture of It. Science took It. It's there. It's the Truth.
I said, "The woman is shadowed to death."
262They said, "As shadow, now, that's nonsense. He just makes that up in his mind."
263There's the picture of it. God will make the rocks cry out. He is able to do what He wants to.
264 Jesus, the reproach for the Word. The Divine Son of God standing there, Emmanuel, what a reproach! Let the unbelieving sinner bind Him, spit in His face, and jerk handfuls of beard out, and dare Him to do anything about it. The reproach for the Word! Uh-huh. What? To fulfill the Father's Word. Oh! But, remember, He must stand the reproach of death. God, Who cannot die, and the only One that could die to save a sinner. No one else, no second person or third person, could do it. God Himself is the only One can do it. And here He was.
265He said, "There's no man hath ascended up but He that descended down, even the Son of man which now is in Heaven." Amen.
266They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness.
"And they're dead," He said.
"And You say that You're the Bread of Life?"
267He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM. I'm the Bread of Life. I am the I AM."
268They said, "You're not fifty years old, and say that You 'saw Abraham'?"
269He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And then let sinners bind Him, the denominational church, bind Him.
270 Remember, in the last day, this rich Laodicean church, they put Him out, even, of the church. You see where it's at now? Can you see why I'm crying out against that system? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
271Why did Jesus let sinners bind Him? It was to fulfill the Word, bring a reproach to God, dying. God had to die. He had to be flesh, in order to die. And Jesus knew that. He told them about it. He said, "Destroy this temple; I'll raise it up again." Not somebody else raise it. "I'll raise it up. In three days, I'll bring it right back again. You destroy it; I'll raise it up. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and nights, so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth." And they didn't even understand it. See? A reproach for the Word, He--He was.
272 Now, scoffed unto death, to raise again to Eternal Life. He first had to be put to death, so He could raise to Eternal Life, and bring every other human being (that was in His form) to Eternal Life, that would accept It. See? He become human, become a kinsman Redeemer, and had to stand the reproach of all the scoffing, and all the making fun of, just like His fellow servants did before Him. Like Moses, like Noah, like all the rest of them stood that scoffing, He had to stand the scoffing. Why? He had the Word, and He was the Word. That's the reason they scoffed Him more than ever. He was Divine and the Word Itself. Hallelujah! That's what made Him.
273 Jesus said, "You hypocrites." Said, "You build the tombs of the prophets, and you're the one that put them in there. They come with the Word of God, and you didn't believe them. You're guilty of every one of them."
274At Phoenix, God willing, I hit a word the other day. I'm going to indict this generation for killing Jesus Christ, crucifying Him afresh. I'm going to bring an indictment before that ministerial association, God willing. They are guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ, for crucifying Him afresh. Yes, sir. Indict the whole!
275Peter indicted them, on the Day of Pentecost. He said, "You with wicked hands have crucified the Prince of Life, Who God raised up. We are witnesses." He brought an indictment.
276I'm going to take the Word of God, indict every denomination there is, and every man on the face of the earth, that's guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ. God help me to be His attorney at that day. Amen. Yes.
277 Oh, scoffers made fun of Him. They reproached Him. He stayed right with It. Amen. Oh! Watch what He did. He was the Son of God, suffered death in order to put sin to death. He had to do that. The... That's the only way it could be put to death. And He did this, and stood it, 'cause all the rest of them did.
278Because, all of them back there had the miniature Word of God. Cause, Jesus said so. "The--the Word of the Lord came to the prophets. And which one of them," He said, "that your fathers, your organized religion, didn't stone and put to death? Which one of them received the prophets? Then you build their tomb after they're gone." Said, "You're the guilty of putting them in there."
279Then He give them the parable about the vineyard let out, and servants come. They mistreated them, then finally said, "Now we'll kill the son, because he's the heir." See? Oh, they got angry when they seen that. See?
280 But He had to stand the reproach. And here He has Hisself bound, lead up to death, in order to be put to death, to bring back Eternal Life. Glory to God! Oh, how I love Him! Bring back Eternal Life and raise up every son of God, down through the age, that stood with that Word and took the reproach. That's right.
281If He hadn't come, Noah couldn't raise. If He hadn't come, Elijah couldn't come back. If He hadn't come, Noah would never raise. If He could... if He hadn't come. Cause, He was that predestinated Lamb, that come to take the reproach upon Himself, and die the death for every Word of God that had been spoke, and these righteous men has stood for. He had to be. No one else could do it. God Himself, and He come and took the place, that He might redeem and give Eternal Life to every son of God that has stood for the same Word and would suffer the reproach. Every son of God, down through the age, that would stand the reproach, there was no one could redeem him, but by faith he saw that Redeemer coming.
282 Job saw Him. Job stood back there, and they said, "Oh, you're a secret sinner. God is just mistreating you, 'cause you're a secret sinner."
283He said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. At the last days He will stand on earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet, in my flesh I'll see God."
284He wife said, "Why don't you curse Him and die?" Said, "You look like a miserable wretch."
285He said, "You talk like a foolish woman." Amen. There He was. "I know He lives, and He will stand at the last Day."
286 If Jesus hadn't come, Job couldn't have been redeemed, 'cause He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He knowed His place. He knowed His position.
287That's the reason, Mary recognized that position, that day when she come out of there. He said, "If I... You'd have been here, my brother would not died."
He said, "Thy brother shall rise again."
Said, "Yes, Lord, in the resurrection. He was a good boy."
Jesus said, "But I AM that resurrection. Believest thou this?"
288She said, "Yeah, Lord, I believe that You are the Son of God that was to come into the world."
He said, "Where have you buried him?" Oh! There you are. See?
289 She recognized it. That little woman wasn't saying that. She had seven devils cast out of her. She knowed the power of God, that could take pride and stress and everything, away from her, that could take that little, selfish high-school spirit out of her, and could make her a new creature. He cast seven devils out. Them women knowed what He was, who accepted Him.
290They know what He could do for them. So do they today, too. Just accept it. That's the next thing.
291There He is. She said that. And He... You know what taken place. Oh!
292All that would suffer for the same Word, He died for that cause. He was the only One that could die, to do it, for He was the Word. He was the Word, the Word made manifest. All the other had had little dips, but here was the fullness of God, Heaven. The same He is today. Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Listen.
293I'm closing, really. I'm going to do it, just have to. I'm way past time.
294 He never wrote one word. Did He? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Never wrote a word. Why? He was the Word. He was what the Words that had been wrote, He was the manifestation of that Word. Glory. Glory! Whew! Now I feel good. He was the Word. He didn't have to write nothing. He was the Word, Its written Word, made manifest. Glory to God! He's the same today, yesterday, today and forever. He is the Word, Word made manifest.
You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?"
295Watch Jehovah stand back there and blow a streak across them waves like yonder, and make a road for Israel to walk through.
296Watch Jehovah in flesh, say, "Peace, be still." When the waves was beating the banks, in the storm, and the Devil licking on everything, like that. He said, "Peace, be still." And it obeyed Him; the winds and all. He was Jehovah. Amen.
297 That Jehovah that could stand yonder and sprinkle a few dewdrops out, let it fall to the earth and be made bread, to feed a people.
298He stood and took five fish, or biscuits and two fish, and fed five thousand.
299He was the Word. Amen. Amen. He's the Word, and He ever will be the Word. And for me and my house, we'll serve the Word.
Oh, I want to see Him, want to look upon His face,
There sing forever of His saving grace;
On the streets of Glory, let me lift my voice;
When cares all past, and home at last, ever to rejoice.
300Oh, my! Yes. Bear the reproach of the Word. There's a reproach goes with the Word. Stay right with the Word, and bear the reproach.
Let's pray.
301 Jesus, as the other night, Lord, I cried, "O Jesus, what will You have me do? What can I do, Lord? Seeing these things, and knowing the hour that we're living, what can I do, Lord? What can I do?"
302I pray for my little church here, Lord. I think of the little birds in the vision, the things that has been; and the other birds, which were great things. But there were three decks of them, Lord. But when them Angels stepped in, there was no birds left. The little messengers has been wonderful, Lord, but I believe that there is something just fixing to take place. Let it be, Lord. Mold us and make us after Your way. We are--we are the clay. You are the Potter.
303 On this Christmas eve, Lord, we're grateful for the gift of God, for God giving to us. Though this be some, as we believe in our hearts, some pagan superstition of a day that they have tried to mold it and make it be like a--a mass, Christ mass, but we are not coming in that way of Santa Claus and Christmas trees and--and decorations. But we are coming in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to worship the God of Heaven, that was made incarnate, flesh like us, and dwelt among us, to redeem us; and suffered the reproach of the Name, suffered the reproach of the cross, to let a worldly institution put Emmanuel to death, in order He could bring us to Eternal Life.
304Who are we, Lord? Who are we, that we should shun any reproach? God, make us gallant soldiers. I commit these words to You, Father. They might been broken up; tired and weary as I am. But, Father, reward these people for sitting and listening. And may the power that brought up our Lord, and presented Him to us here for a Saviour, in this last days, may it quicken every spirit in here, Lord, to the nearness of the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May it be so, Father.
305 Heal the sick and afflicted that's among us. Bind up the brokenhearted. Lord, we're... We've went through so much, my heart has got so many scars on it, Lord, from hard battles. I'm an old veteran. Help me, Lord. I need Your help. Maybe all this training has been for a purpose. I trust it has been, Lord. Help me, O God. And help this church. And bless us, together.
306Bless the little children. I'm thinking of many today, little, poor little fellows won't receive anything out there. And I--I pray that You'll be with them and help them. Give them Eternal Life, Lord. That's the great. That's the Christmas Gift that we want, is the Life of Jesus Christ to rule and reign in my heart. That's what I want, Lord.
307Bless us, together now. We commit these Words to You. Let them fall wherever they will, Lord. Wherever that ever hearts open, may they bring forth a great time of salvation, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
308 Ever who... How many love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Be in such a hurry about, anyhow? Oh, I love Him! I love Him. "Lord, what will Thou have me do?"
309Don't forget the services tonight. You know what Christmas means now? Oh, This is my Christmas gift. This is that Word. Lord, if I can just let myself, if I can just get myself out of the way so that Your Word can express It, Itself out through here, that's--that's the greatest thing I know of.
310Now I think they got some things they want to give to the children. Now I'll turn the service back to Brother Neville. God bless you.
Brother Neville.