Pane, je toto znak konca?



On videl ten štítový kameň odvalený, pri čom veľa ľudí ani nevie, že je sedem pečatí, ktoré majú byť zjavené. Čítal som knihy mnohých mužov o Zjavení, nikdy som nepočul, že by o tom hovorili. Oni to preskočili. Ale bolo vám to povedané, že to tam je. Ja neviem, čo to je. Mohlo by to byť to? Bože buď nám milostivý. Ak je to to, nachádzame sa vo vážnej hodine. Pozrite. Ak je to tak, a to tajomstvo je skončené, ktoré bolo napísané na týchto skalách, som rád, že sedím v zbore so zbožnými ľuďmi, ktorým Boh môže dať sen. Som rád, že môžem predstaviť týmto mužom a ženám, ktorí chodia do Juniorovho zboru, a do tohoto zboru, do brata Nevilleho a iných, že sú ľudia, ktorí tu sedia v tomto zhromaždení ... A Biblia povedala: "Oni budú snívať sny v tých posledných dňoch." A je to tu, a hľaďte na to. Pasuje to so Slovom.

Nevediac nič o tom, rozľahol sa výbuch a tu prišlo z večnosti sedem anjelov. Povedal som: Pane, čo mi dáš vykonať". Nebolo mi povedané. Možno musím najprv odísť a zistiť. Neviem. Možno to ani nebude to, neviem. Ja len hovorím: "Čo ak to je?" Ak je to podľa Písma, znie to veľmi blízko ako to. Nemyslíte si to?

Pozrite, potom ... pozrite, ten štítový kameň nebol vyložený, vidíte. "Choď na západ, a príď naspäť." Alebo je to toto? Ak týchto sedem anjelov v tejto zostave, v ktorej prišli ku mne ... Keď vás stretnem v deň vzkriesenia, budete vidieť že neklamem, Boh je môj svedok.

Alebo je toto ten druhý vrcholný bod, o ktorom som hovoril jedného dňa? Bude dané cirkvi niečo na javo? Neviem. Mohol by som pri tom chvíľu zostať, ale posuniem sa ďalej.

Mohlo by to byť to? Ten mocný hrom, alebo ten siedmy anjel v tej sedmovej zostave, zostava siedmeho časového úseku; vo forme pyramídy, traja po stranách, a jeden na vrchu, a oni prišli z večnosti. Mohlo by to byť? Je toto to tajomstvo tých hromov, ktoré prinesie naspäť ten štítový kameň?

Viete, tá pyramída nebola zavŕšená. Ten štítový kameň musí ešte prísť. On bol odmietnutý. Mohlo by to byť, bratia, sestry?

Alebo je toto to tretie potiahnutie, o ktorom mi On povedal pred tromi, alebo štyrmi rokmi?

Prvé potiahnutie - pamätáte sa čo sa stalo? Snažil som sa to vysvetliť. On povedal: Nerob to."

Druhé potiahnutie - On povedal: "Nesnaž sa ... " a ja som jednako potiahol. Pamätáte si to? Všetci si pamätáte. Je to na páske, a všade.

Potom On povedal: "No prichádza tretie potiahnutie, ale nesnaž sa to vysvetliť."

Vidíte ako som pristúpil dnes večer ku tomu? Neviem. Ale cítim sa zaviazaný ku svojmu zboru povedať niečo. Urobte si svoj vlastný úsudok.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Dobrý večer, moji drahí priatelia. Som tak rád, že som tu znovu dnes večer v službe Pána, nášho Boha. (Toto je ten zapnutý mikrofón? Ó, áno, v poriadku.) Dnes ráno som vás držal tak dlho, že cítim, že sa musím teraz večer skutočne poponáhľať. Ó, bolo to hrozné, museli ste stáť, a teraz je to tak isto. Tak, už to nebude dlho trvať a budeme mať pre vás viacej miesta - len čo bude modlitebňa dokončená.

2No, neplánujeme tu byť dnes večer príliš dlho. Ale zajtra večer plánujeme zostať trochu dlhšie. Zajtra večer, ak niekto z vás môže prísť zajtra večer, aha, očakávame, že prežijeme krásne chvíle v Pánovi. Zajtra večer tu budú niektorí vzácni mužovia. Všetci máme čas ... [Brat brata Branhama, Edgar Branham, hovorí: "Ó, počkaj, drahý! Mal som ťa o niečo poprosiť. Zabudol som ti to povedať. Ale mnohí ľudia tu hovorili, že sa stále ponáhľaš, aby si dokončil kázanie. Ale zajtra máš k dispozícii všetok čas, od siedmej do dvanástej, ak ho len budeš chcieť využiť. No, to je to, čo tu ľudia chceli, aby som ťa požiadal. Tak teraz im to vysvetli, ak to tak nemyslíš." – pozn.prekl.] Zajtra večer o polnoci budeme mať večeru Pánovu. Som si istý, že radi budete mať ... pri tom. Zatiaľ čo ostatní hulákajú a vykrikujú, strieľajú, a pijú, a tak ďalej, my sa budeme práve s úctou skláňať pred Bohom a prijímať večeru Pánovu, a začínať rok vyjadrením svojej lásky k Bohu, v posvätení sa Mu.

3A zajtra večer tu bude niekoľko znamenitých kazateľov - naozaj dosť. Je tu niekoľko vzácnych ... je tu brat z Georgie - brat Palmer, znamenitý rečník. Brat Junior Jackson tu bude zajtra večer, brat Beeler, brat Neville. Ó! A ďalší a ďalší - znamenití mužovia Boží, ktorí tu budú. Brat Wilbur (Willard) Collins, a všetci tí bratia, ktorí zvestujú také veľké posolstvá - a možno prídu i iní. A tak zajtra večer očakávame krásne chvíle.

4No, moja žena povedala: "Nehovor to," ale ja to jednako musím povedať. Prepáčte, že som dnes ráno povedal, "empire" namiesto "umpire" [empire - vláda, umpire – sudca. – pozn.prekl.] [Brat Branham sa smeje i so zhromaždením. – pozn.prekl.] Billy, ktorý sedel tam vzadu, povedal: "On tak hovorí."

Povedal som: "Vláda. On musí mať vládu." Chcel som povedať vykonávať sudcu. Páči sa mi, ako hovoria o Holanďanoch, viete: "Neposudzujte ma podľa toho čo hovorím, ale podľa toho čo chcem povedať." Povedal som: "Myslím, že za všetky tie roky mi rozumejú."

5Viete toto je okolo ... toto je tridsať rokov, čo stojím za touto kazateľňou. Tridsať rokov v tejto modlitebni. Za ten čas ma už musíte poznať, však? Ó! Moje vzdelanie je skutočne ohraničené. Ale ja - ja neviem rozprávať, ale robím pre Pána verný hluk.

6A brat, myslím, že to bol Dr. Lamsa, prekladateľ Lamsovej Biblii, to bolo v preklade, povedal ... Raz som hovoril, a nevedel som, že on tam bol, a on sa vrátil a rozprával o Urím a Thumím. Keď hovoril o tom svetle a povedal: "Čo sa deje dnes s tými ľuďmi?" A ja som povedal ... On povedal: "Dôvod, že ľudia, tí prekladatelia, nemôžu správne preložiť Bibliu, lebo tí prekladatelia sa snažia prekladať ju spisovným Hebrejským jazykom; a Ježiš hovoril jazykom jednoduchej vrstvy ľudí, tak ako hovorili ľudia na ulici."

7Vy viete, že v ev. Lukáša je miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí: "Obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali." On hovoril ich jazykom. Dúfam, že je to znovu tak. Sme šťastní za Pána.

No viem ... Vidím stáť tie dámy. Je to dosť zle vidieť stáť mužov, nehovoriac už o tých dievčatách a chlapcoch a paniach a tak ďalej, stáť okolo stien - a malé deti. Ale nemáme proste dostatok miesta na sedenie. A tak sa modlíme, aby nabudúce, keď budeme mať zhromaždenia, po tomto týždni, po tomto čase ...

8Viete, tá ďalšia vec, pokiaľ vieme, je týchto sedem pečatí. A keď Pán dá, začneme s nimi hneď akonáhle bude prestavaná modlitebňa, aby sme sa tu mohli spratať. Prídeme na nové posvätenie, a možno jeden alebo dva a možno tri týždne budeme mať zhromaždenia niekde inde, no - prichádzame ku tým siedmym pečatiam. Tak, v tom čase očakávame ohromné chvíle v Pánovi. A budeme ...

Vy všetci, ktorí ste pomimo mesta, pošleme vám kartu a všetko, a dáme vám vedieť presne ten čas, možno týždeň alebo dva dopredu.

Ten podnikateľ, ako som porozumel Billyho, dnes povedal, že to bude hotové 10. februára. No, ak to on dokončí desiateho, my začneme potom okolo 15. Tak, hneď, len čo oni skončia, my hneď začneme.

9Stará sestra Kiddová mi volala pred chvíľou a skoro plakala. Povedala: "Brat Branham, tak sme sa snažili naštartovať to staré auto a nechcelo naštartovať." Povedala: "Pomodli sa, aby naštartovalo, a ja zajtra prídem." A povedala: "Som zvedavá či nájdem miesto na státie?"

Povedal som: "Netráp sa. Budeme mať pre teba miesto, sestra Kiddová, len čo tu prídeš."

Ona povedala: "Požehnané tvoje srdce." Povedala: "Vieš, ak budeš mať zhromaždenie až do dvanástej, ja nechcem odísť o dvanástej ..."

Viete, ona a brat Kidd, majú okolo osemdesiat päť rokov, a oni sú stále v službe. Viete čo robia? Oni majú magnetofón. A teraz berú moje posolstvá a chodia z nemocnice do nemocnice, z domu do domu, púšťajú tam tie pásky. To ukazuje, že sa nevzdávajú! To nie je dôchodok. To je držanie sa viery až do konca, zomieranie s mečom v ruke. To je cesta hodná nasledovania. To je cesta, po ktorej chcem ísť.

A potom ona povedala: "Vieš, ak vyjdem na diaľnicu okolo dvanástej," povedala: "a po dvanástej hodine v noci, snažiac sa dostať domov ... a všetci tí opití diabli, "povedala, "šoférujú," povedala, "jazdia všade, pijú ... " Povedala: "Tí démoni jazdia všade," povedala, "Bola by som vyľakaná na smrť."

Brat Pat, ona je skutočne ... starenka ... Koľkí poznáte sestru Kiddovú? Ona je taká sväto vyzerajúca osoba.

10Viete ... a predstavte si len, roky pred tým, ako som sa narodil (a ja som starý človek), ona bývala tam hore v tých horách - ona a brat Kidd. Ona celý deň prala na pracej doske, aby zarobila pätnásť alebo dvadsať centov za svoje pranie, aby ho večer mohla poslať niekde kázať - do tých baní tam v Kentucky, kde vás niekto musel chrániť s puškou, aby ste vyšli hore na ten vrch, kde ste išli kázať. Ó! Potom si myslím:

"Či ja mám odísť domov do neba

na kvetnatej posteli, bez ťažkostí,

Zatiaľ čo druhí bojovali, aby vydobyli tú odmenu

a plavili sa cez krvavé moria?

Ak mám vládnuť musím bojovať;

Dodaj mi odvahy, Pane ...

A ja chcem, aby ma On podoprel svojím Slovom. To je to čo chcem dnes večer.

No, predpokladám, že magnetofóny sú zapnuté. Ó, áno - prepáčte. Nejaká sestra tu mala dnes ráno dieťa a chcela ho dať posvätiť, a ja som jej povedal, že by sme to dnes večer urobili. A teraz ... a zajtra večer budeme mať posvätenie detí, uzdravovacie zhromaždenie, všetko čo budeme môcť. Budeme mať dosť času. A tak ak je tu tá sestra, má tu svoje malé ...

A myslím, že tu máme nejakých ľudí z ďaleka, a boli tu dnes ráno na osobný rozhovor, a ... kvôli niečomu. A oni predpokladali, že sa tam stretnú dnes ráno, a Billy ich musel nechať čakať do večera. A nemohol ich nikde nájsť, vidíte, dnes večer. Ak si tu, sestra ... Bol som tam vzadu nejaký čas, čakal som, a vyzeral, či nájdu tú pani. Boli tam myslím dvaja, ktorí boli na osobnom rozhovore, z pomimo tohoto kraju. Tak, veríme, ak som vás obišiel, budem môcť ... len čo budem môcť, možno zajtra večer, keď tu prídem.

No verím ... ide tu tá pani s tým deckom ... modré dupačky? Dupačky. Méda, nechcel som to povedať, drahá - čokoľvek to je. Vyzerá to ako šaty či niečo. Dupačky. Koľkí vedia čo sú to dupačky? Aha, naozaj. Podľa mňa je to nejaká kombinéza. Aha, to je malé dieťa z Dallasu. Ó, to je pekné. Brat, mohol by si podísť sem? Dovoľte. [Brat Branham odchádza spoza mikrofónu a ide trochu nabok od kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.]

Dobre, dobre, páči sa mi tam tá malá stužka. Ako sa volá? [Otec hovorí: "Rebeka Lynn." – pozn.prekl.] Rebeka Lynn, L-y-n-n. A aké - aké je teraz tvoje priezvisko? Staytonová. Rebeka Lynn Staytonová. Dobre som to povedal? Môžem ju zobrať? ["Samozrejme."] Viem, že je to ťažko, vzdať sa niečoho takého. Či nie je milá? Tu je pekné milé dievčatko. Rebeka Lynn Staytonová.

Táto rodina prešla cez mnohé. Táto mladá pani tu, a jej muž, len nedávno boli obaja spasení a poznali Pána. A teraz, v ich zväzku, Boh im dal túto nádhernú, malú Rebeku, a oni ju prinášajú Pánovi.

No, mnohí ľudia, oni vyžadujú krstenie nemluvniat, v Metodistickej cirkvi a v mnohých ďalších, a oni ich fŕkajú vodou, keď sú nemluvňatá. No, to je v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka. Ale my sa vždy snažíme trvať presne na tom, čo hovorí Biblia. A v Biblii nikdy nebolo niečo také, ako krst nemluvniat; nikde cez celú históriu, až do rannej Katolíckej cirkvi, pokiaľ vieme, ktorá bola ... pokiaľ ide o Evanjelium.

[Nemluvňa vykríklo: "Ba!" – pozn.prekl.] Tak, ono takto hovorí: "Amen." Tak, vidíte, potrebujete mať výklad.

Tak, ale v Biblii, oni prinášali malé deti ku Ježišovi, aby ich On mohol žehnať. A On kládol na ne svoje ruky a žehnal ich. A to - my v tom stále pokračujeme. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

Náš Nebeský Otče, táto mladá žena a mladý muž prišli dnes večer s touto milou, malou Rebekou, ktorá im bola daná do ich opatery, aby ju vychovávali v napomínaní Božom. A oni ju priniesli dnes večer, aby ju predložili Pánovi. A keď ju matka dala zo svojho náručia do môjho, ja ju potom dávam zo svojho náručia do Tvojho, túto malú Rebeku. Bože, buď s ňou a žehnaj ju. Žehnaj jej otca a matku. Nech oni všetci žijú verný, dlhý život, a ak to bude možné, nech vidia príchod Pána Ježiša. Nech toto dieťa vyrastá v známosti Pánovej. A nech, ak bude nejaké zajtra, nech ona bude Tvojím veľkým svedkom. Udeľ toho, Pane. No, keby si Ty bol tu na zemi, tieto ženy i muži by prinášali svoje deti ku Tebe. Ale my, služobníci Evanjelia, sme Tvoji poslanci. Tak, my dávame Tebe toto dieťa do životnej služby v Tvojom Kráľovstve, v mene Tvojho Syna, Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Buď požehnaná, malá Rebeka! Aká milá! Nech vás Boh oboch žehná, i to dieťa, a dá vám dlhý, šťastný život v službe Božej.

Poď bližšie. Neviem či som dosť silný, alebo nie. Toto je celý chlapec. Ako sa volá? [Matka hovorí: "Stanley Victor." – pozn.prekl.] Stan- ... ["Stanley."] Stanley Victor ... ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. Cleveland, Cleveland, malý Stanley. Aké pekné, milé meno, a aký pekný, milý chlapec! "No myslím že vstanem." [Ten malý chlapec sa postavil.] "Myslím, že budem len stáť." Pekný chlapec. Oh ...? ... Toto nepraktikujeme. Robíme len toto, viete, a v tom nie je žiadny formalizmus. To je dobre. On je naozaj milý chlapček. A zabudol som jeho priezvisko. Myslím, že to nevyslovujem správne. ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. No dobre. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Nebeský Otče, tento pár prináša toto dieťa, malého Stanleyho Clevelanda, aby bol posvätený pre Pána Ježiša. A pastor tu tohoto zboru, a ja, stojíme spolu v jednote v práci Pánovej, dávame Tebe toto dieťa do životnej služby. Ty si ho dal matke a otcovi; a oni ho teraz dali mne, na moje ramená; a ja ho kladiem zo svojich ramien do Tvojich. Bože, žehnaj jeho otca a matku. Žehnaj tohoto maličkého chlapca, a nech môžu všetci dlho žiť šťastný život v službe pre Teba. Nech je to dieťa vychovávané v napomínaní Božom, aby Mu slúžilo, a bálo sa Ho, a milovalo Ho, po všetky dni svojho života. No, oni Tebe prinášali deti, aby si ich žehnal; a my majúc svoje ruky na tom decku, žehnáme ho v mene Pánovom. A nech žije dlhý, šťastný život v zdraví a sile, v Tvojej službe. V mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malý Stanley. Máš pekného chlapca.

Teraz, chcem požiadať o malú láskavosť tento drobný ľud a dospievajúcich, a viem, že je to ťažko. Vy nedokážete obstáť príliš dlho, pretože vám tŕpnu nohy. Ale dnes večer pristupujem ku niečomu, ku čomu som nikdy predtým nepristúpil. A je niečo o čom chcem hovoriť, nikdy som nemyslel, že budem hovoriť o niečom takomto.

11Preto som dnes ráno nechcel umiestniť ten čas pred posolstvo. Nikdy som nehovoril o mojom Absolúte - a nemyslím, že niekedy budem. Dúfam, že nikdy. On je tak ohromný. Ale dnes večer budem hovoriť o niečom, čo neviem. A teraz, je to divná vec pre kazateľa povedať, že bude hovoriť o niečom, o čom nevie. Ale ja sa odvažujem, podľa svojho najlepšieho poznania, aby tento zbor mohol porozumieť. A v žiadnom prípade nezatajím pred vami nič, čo je užitočné.

12A potom táto páska ... Predpokladám, že tí chlapci nahrávajú. A ak sa stane, že sa vám dostane tá páska (ktokoľvek bude počúvať tú pásku), pamätajte, ak je vám niečo nejasné, nehovorte nič, iba to, čo je na páske! Nehovorte niečo iné, než to čo je na páske. Tak mnohí píšu ohľadne "Semena Hada" a hovoria, že som povedal tak a tak. Vypočul som si znovu tú pásku - ja som to tak nepovedal. Vidíte, ľudia nesprávne posudzujú tie veci.

Viete, Ježiš, raz po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, kráčal po brehu jazera s apoštolmi. A Ján bol opretý na jeho hrudi, a oni povedali: "Čo sa stane s týmto mužom?"

Ježiš povedal: "Čo vás do toho ak on zostane, až kým Ja neprídem?" A roznieslo sa, že Ján bude žiť tak dlho až uvidí príchod Ježiša.

A Písmo povedalo: "Ale, On to tak nepovedal." Vidíte, On to nepovedal. On len povedal: "Čo teba do toho, ak on zostane dokiaľ neprídem?" Ale On nepovedal, že nezomrie. Ale, neporozumenie - to je tak ľahko.

13A teraz, to nie, že ja niekoho odsudzujem, že to robí, pretože ja sám to robím, a všetci ľudia to robia. Ak apoštolovia, ktorí chodili s naším Pánom, Ho zle porozumeli ... A oni Ho jasne neporozumeli. Nakoniec konečne povedali: "Aha, teraz rozumieme! Teraz veríme. A sme si istí, že nikto Ti nemusí nič povedať, pretože vieš všetko."

14A Ježiš povedal: "Teraz veríte? Po celom tom čase, vy nakoniec ... nakoniec ste pochopili, že veríte?"

A to je proste ľudské, a my sme všetci ľudia. Tak sme sklonní nesprávne to pochopiť. Ale ak to pre vás bude trochu nejasné, vypočujte si znovu pásku. Počúvajte potom pozorne. No som si istý, že vám to Duch Svätý zjaví.

15Potom, vy mládenci, keby ste zadržali svoje amen - deti, počkajte len za chvíľu; pretože chcem, aby to bolo ozaj zrozumené, pretože mnohí nebudú mať tú pásku. A tak chcem, aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete. A pristúpme ku tomu, povedzme za tridsať päť alebo štyridsať minút, s takou vážnosťou s akou len vieme podísť, pretože toto je pre mňa ohromný čas. Práve tu sa niečo stalo, že neviem čo robiť. A stojím v najväčšej tiesni, v akej som kedy stál, počas svojej služby, pokiaľ viem. A tak skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, prv ako pristúpime do Slova.

16Nebeský Otče, potom ... pred nejakým časom som kázal na tému o trúfalosti. A trúfať si to je odvážiť sa bez autority. A možno dnes večer, Pane, som sa podujal vyložil niečo týmto ľuďom, nemajúc o tom videnie. A preto, Pane, zastav ma na tom, čo nemá byť povedané. Zavri moje ústa, Pane.

Ty si zavrel ústa levom v tej jame s Danielom, že mu nemohli ublížiť. Pane, prosím, že ak by som sa ja snažil vyložiť niečo zle, Ty máš stále moc zavrieť moje ústa. Ale ak je to pravda, potom, Pane, požehnaj to a podaj to ďalej. Ty poznáš tie okolnosti a vieš čo je práve nablízku. A preto prichádzam za kazateľňu, až do tejto poslednej chvíli, aby som sa snažil vyložiť tieto veci. Prosím aby si nám pomohol.

17Žehnaj tento malý zbor, túto skupinu, ktorá prichádza sem pod túto strechu, tých ktorí spolu s nami dočasne prebývajú v tomto meste - ktorí tu prichádzajú z mnohých štátov. Ó, keď padajú tie večerné tiene, sme tak šťastní, že máme miesto kde môžeme prísť. Keď tento svet je tak zmätený a nevedia kde stoja, my sme radi, že "meno Pánovo je mocnou vežou, a že spravodliví pobežia do neho a sú bezpeční." Nie tak mnoho slov, ale zjavenie.

18Tak, prosíme, Otče, keď prichádzajú večerné svetlá, pri zapadaní slnka ... A my veríme, že toto je ten čas v ktorom žijeme - zapadanie slnka. A my Ti najvelebnejšie ďakujeme, Pane, z celých svojich sŕdc, za tie veci, ktoré si pre nás vykonal. Pane, za celý ten čas Ti ďakujem za tie videnia, ktoré si dával ... každé jedno z nich tak dokonale. A s každým výkladom snu bolo presne tak isto. Tak vieme, že to môžeš byť jedine Ty, Pane, pretože my sme smrteľní - všetci narodení v hriechu, a nie je v nás nič dobrého.

19Ale keď si pomyslíme, že Ty môžeš zobrať takúto vec, akou je ľudská bytosť, a umyť ich vodou Slova, a krvou Kristovou; a vystrieť Svoju ruku až tak, že tá osoba nepoužíva svoje vlastné myslenie, ale necháva, že myseľ Kristova, ktorý pozná všetky veci, vstupuje dovnútra a hovorí, a používa nejaký príbytok. Ďakujem Ti, Otče.

Teraz žehnáme Tvoje sväté meno. A žehnáme v Tvojom mene túto malú skupinu dnes večer. Žehnáme pastora, brata Nevilleho, Božieho chrabrého sluhu. Žehnáme diakonov, starších, a každého člena tela Kristovho, tu i po celom svete, v mene Pána Ježiša.

20Ó, keď vidíme túto temnosť, zašpinené, strašné, tiene padať na tvár Kresťanstva, vieme, že čas sa približuje. Bude vytrhnutie a cirkev bude vzatá hore. Pane, daj nám pochodovať, dívajúc sa na autora a dokončiteľa, Krista. Udeľ toho, Pane. A keď teraz kráčame vpred, v mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme sa chopili týchto vecí, ktoré boli položené na naše srdcia, modlíme sa, aby si bol s nami a pomohol nám, a zobral z toho chválu, Pane, pretože sa Ti porúčame, s Tvojim Slovom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

No, ak máte tužku a papier, chcem aby ste si zapisovali niektoré veci, alebo čokoľvek čo chcete. Len to majte pripravené. A potom pri tej páske, tiež, ak si chcete poznačiť miesta Písma - kedykoľvek - pretože verím, že to je Písmo, ktoré sa ráta.

21No, chceme dnes večer čítať text, či čítať Písmo, z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista. Ja verím, že toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ako je napísané v tejto knihe. A každé iné zjavenie, ktoré by bolo v rozpore s týmto zjavením je zlé. Verím, že to prinesie znovu citovanie. Každé zjavenie, ktoré nebude pasovať s týmto zjavením a neprinesie toto zjavenie do svetla, je falošné zjavenie. To musí byť podľa Písma.

22No, v desiatej kapitole knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, chcem čítať niekoľko prvých veršov, prvých sedem veršov 1 - 7. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, a modlite sa za mňa.

A videl som iného anjela silného, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár ... ako slnce, a jeho nohy ako ohnivé stĺpy,

a vo svojej ruke mal otvorenú knižku. A svoju pravú nohu položil na more a ľavú na zem

a skríkol veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. A keď skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy.

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať. Ale som počul hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať to čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!

A anjel, ktorého som videl stáť na mori a na zemi, pozdvihol svoju pravú ruku k nebu

a prisahal na živého na veky vekov, ktorý stvoril nebo i to, čo je v ňom, a zem i to, čo je na nej, a more i to, čo je v ňom, že už viac nebude času,

ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

A môj text (ak to tak môžem nazvať) dnes večer je: "Je toto znak konca, vážený?"

23Všetci vieme, že žijeme v slávnom čase pre cirkev, ale v strašnom čase pre neveriaceho. A žijeme v jednom z najnebezpečnejších časov zo všetkých - ktoré boli odkedy začal svet. Žiadny prorok, žiadny apoštol, nikdy v žiadnom čase, nikto nežil nikdy v takomto čase, ako my žijeme teraz. Toto je koniec.

Je to napísané na oblohe. Je to napísané na tvári zeme. Je to napísané v každých novinách. Toto je koniec - ak dokážete čítať ten nápis. Tí proroci žili v čase, keď ten nápis bol na stene pre ten národ; ale my žijeme, keď ten nápis pre tento čas je na stene. Pre všetky národy, zem, pre všetko - čas je na konci. Tak my musíme pozorovať Písma, aby sme prišli na to v ktorej hodine žijeme.

Vždy, skutočný prorok Boží pôjde do Písma. Preto, on má absolút, že to tak bude. V Starom Zákone, keď proroci niečo povedali, tam stále niekde bol prorok so Slovom, ktorý stál na Slove. On pozoroval na videnia od Boha, a ak jeho videnie bolo nezhodné s tým Slovom, potom jeho videnie bolo nesprávne. To je Boží spôsob, ako On dáva Svoje Slovo Svojmu ľudu.

24(Počujete ma dobre tam vzadu?) Ja proste neviem kde začať. No, bolo to pre mňa veľké privilégium vedieť, že táto modlitebňa bola mojím prvým zborom. To je slávna vec. Nikdy nezabudnem - hoci by Ježiš predlieval, a ja by som žil sto rokov - budem pamätať ten deň, keď som kládol ten uholný kameň, a to videnie, ktoré mi On dal v to ráno o tej modlitebni. Všetci z vás si to pamätajú. Je to napísané v tých knihách. A vyplnilo sa to presne do písmena. Ani jedno písmeno z toho sa neminulo cieľa.

25A teraz, ja neverím, žeby niečo z toho, čo On hovoril, po všetky tie roky môjho života, to čo som povedal ľuďom, žeby sa niečo nevyplnilo. A mnohí ľudia prišli so snami, ktoré mi On dal, z Jeho milosti, vyložiť tým ľuďom. A mnohí prišli so snami a s problémami, ktoré som nebol schopný vyložiť. Ale ja som sa nesnažil predstaviť vám ľuďom nejaký trik, že mám všetky tie odpovede. Snažil som sa byť čestný a povedať vám to, čo bola pravda, a ja som vám to mohol povedať, len tak, ako mi to On povedal. Keď to prišlo ku mne, potom som vám to mohol povedať.

26A chcem vás varovať. V tomto dni v ktorom žijeme, je mnoho ... Nie žeby som chcel povedať niečo zlé na ľudí, ale keď vidíte nejakú osobu, ktorá má odpoveď na všetko, to je nezhodné so Slovom.

Ježiš povedal: "Bolo mnoho malomocných vo dňoch Eliáša, ale len jeden bol uzdravený." Za tie mnohé roky, osemdesiat alebo viac, keď žil Eliáš, a jeden malomocný bol uzdravený. Mnoho vdov za dní Elizeusa, ale on bol poslaný len ku jednej.

A zisťujeme, že je mnoho vecí, ktoré Boh činí, ktoré nezjavuje Svojím sluhom, a žiadny sluha nie je väčší ako jeho Pán. A potom, Boh sa s nikým nebude deliť o Svoju chválu. On je Boh. A keď sa sluha stane ... príde na miesto, že sa snaží zaujať miesto Boha, potom Boh berie jeho život, a dáva ho niekde preč či niečo. Musíme na to pamätať.

27No, v týchto videniach a výkladoch, ja nemôžem povedať výklad nejakého snu, až kým ho presne neuvidím, vo videní, čo to bol za sen. A mnohí z vás viete, že ste mi povedali svoj sen, a nepovedali ste ho ani celý. A keď som videl ten sen, ako prišiel ku mne, ja som sa otočil a povedal som vám, že toho tam bolo viacej čo ste vynechali, a potom som vám povedal čo ste vynechali. Vy viete že je to pravda. Ak je to tak, povedzte: "Amen." Tie veci, ktoré ste mi nepovedali. A tak, vidíte, ak ... Ako povedal Nabuchodonozor: "Ak mi nemôžete povedať čo sa mi snívalo, potom ako budem vedieť, že máte výklad toho snu."

28Ale všetky tieto dojmy, my ich nemôžeme zobrať a povedať: "Tak hovorí Pán." To nemôžeme robiť. Musíme mať priamy hlas, odpoveď od Boha, prv ako môžeme povedať, že to je Boh. Nie nejaký dojem, nie senzáciu, nezáleží ako veľmi to pulzuje. Môžete povedať: "Verím, že to bude takto"; ale keď hovoríte, "Tak hovorí Pán," to nie ste vy. Pozorujte pódium. Videli ste niekedy že by to sklamalo? "Tak hovorí Pán" je dokonalé, nikdy nesklamalo. A pokiaľ je to "Tak hovorí Pán", nemôže to sklamať.

29Ale potiaľto ma On chránil, pretože som očakával na Neho. Nestaral som sa hľadať populárnosť, alebo márnu ľudskú chválu. Snažil som sa, ako som najlepšie vedel, aby som žil pokorne, a žil takým životom, o ktorom myslím, že kresťan má žiť. A nebol som schopný robiť to sám od seba, ale On to robil až do tohoto dňa. Ako hovorím, že On je ten, ktorý ma viedol.

30Mnoho vecí by mohlo byť takto povedané, ale zabralo by to príliš veľa času. Ale všetci ste si vedomí týchto vecí. A jediný dôvod prečo som chcel, aby ste pred chvíľou povedali: "Amen" - vy ľudia, ktorí ste mi povedali sny, potom som vám povedal, čo ste vynechali - pretože toto posolstvo bude nahraté. Ľudia zo všetkých národov budú toto počúvať, a keď oni budú počuť to "Amen", potom oni budú vedieť, že sú tam hlasy, ktoré sedeli pri tejto službe, ktoré nepovedia niečo zlé, alebo nepovedia "Amen" niekomu, kto hovorí niečo zle. "Amen" znamená "Nech je tak." To je potvrdenie toho.

No, po celý svoj život, od malého chlapca, bolo niečo čo ma trápilo. Mal som veľmi divný život, ťažký do porozumenia. Dokonca moja žena si škrabe hlavu a hovorí: "Billy, myslím, že ti nikto nerozumie."

Povedal som: "Ja sám sebe nerozumiem," pretože som podriadil ... poveril som sa Kristovi pred mnohými rokmi. On ma vedie. Nesnažím sa tomu rozumieť; idem len tam kde ma On vedie, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

31A som vďačný za vynikajúcu ženu a deti, a za svoju ženu a deti, ktorí mi dôverujú, že im nepoviem nič zlého - že mi veria. Zakaždým, keď im niečo poviem, oni sa toho držia. Oni vedia, že by som im nepovedal nič zlého. A či by som potom povedal, nejakému Božiemu decku niečo zlé? Nie vedome. Nie veru. Boh chce, aby Jeho deti boli správne cvičené, a aby som bol čestný pri nich a verný. A On to bude žehnať, verím.

32No, po celej tej ceste sa stali veci, ktoré som nemohol porozumieť. A jedna z vecí, ktorú som nemohol porozumieť bola, keď som bol dieťa a prichádzali ku mne tie videnia. A ja som ich videl a rozprával svojím rodičom tie veci, ktoré sa mali stať. Oni si mysleli, že som bol nervózny. Ale zvláštne, že sa to stalo presne tak, ako to tam bolo povedané.

Vy poviete: "To bolo pred tvojím obrátením?"

Áno. Biblia hovorí: "Dary a povolania sú neodvolateľné - bez pokánia". Vy ste narodený na tento svet kvôli nejakému účelu, a vy ne ... Vaše pokánie neprináša dary. Oni sú vám predurčené.

No, po tej ceste ... A keď som bol malý chlapec, mojou túžbou bolo ... Bol som nespokojný v tej krajine, v ktorej som žil. Túžil som, nejako, ísť na západ.

33A bol som operovaný, keď som bol postrelený, keď som bol malý chlapec. A keď som sa dostal spod tej prvej narkózy, myslel som, že som bol v mukách - padajúc dole. Ten éter ma zbavil vedomia. Myslím, že osem hodín som bol v bezvedomí. Mali veľkú operáciu, bez penicilínu, bez transfúzii krvi. Mal som prestrelené z pušky takmer obe nohy. Malému priateľovi vystrelila puška.

A potom, asi sedem mesiacov neskoršie som bol pod inou narkózou. A keď som sa dostal spod tej narkózy myslel som si, že stojím na západnej prérii, a veľký zlatý kríž na oblohe, a chvála Božia vyžarovala z neho, a ja som tam takto stál.

Keď to svetlo, ktoré teraz vidíte na tom obrázku, ktoré bolo vedeckým prieskumom potvrdené, že je nadprirodzenou existenciou ... Pre mňa to bolo to isté svetlo, ktoré zrazilo na zem sv. Pavla. To bolo to isté svetlo, ktoré cez noc viedlo deti Izraela. Všimli ste si, tu, tohoto anjela? On bol odiaty v oblaku. Vidíte, On cez deň bol oblakom.

34No, to isté svetlo, ako ... Ľudia nerozumejú, prv si mysleli, že to bolo nesprávne, že to len ja hovorím. Ale Duch Svätý spôsobil, že sa stalo, že tam mal vedecké prístroje a ľudí, na potvrdenie, a niekoľko krát to odfotili.

Povedal som: "Vidím osobu zatienenú na smrť." Je na nej čierny tieň. Pred niekoľkými týždňami, keď som bol v nejakom meste. A keď kážeme, nemáte fotiť, viete - kým kážu. A potom ... Keď to odfotili bolo tam to isté.

35Ale niekto mal fotoaparát. Povedal som tej panej, ktorá tam sedela, cudzia (bol som v Southern Pines), povedal som: "Nad tou a tou paňou je tieň", žene, ktorú som nikdy v živote nevidel. "Ty si práve prišla od doktora a ... dve rakoviny, každý na jednom prsníku, a ty si sa vzdala. Si zatienená na smrť čiernou kapucňou."

A niečo povedalo nejakej sestre, ktorá sedela vedľa, ktorá mala fotoaparát, povedalo: "Urob fotografiu." A ona to nechcela urobiť. Znovu: "Urob fotografiu", a ona stále nechcela. A potom to znovu prišlo, a ona zobrala fotoaparát a urobila tú fotku, a tam to je, vedecky. Je to tam na nástenke tieň čiernej kapucni.

Potom, keď tá žena uverila a bola prednesená modlitba, znovu bola urobená fotografia - bola čistá. Povedal som: "Ten tieň je preč." Tá pani žije z milosti Božej.

Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Ak vy budete hovoriť pravdu ... Možno sa budú z teba nejaký čas smiať, možno nejaký čas budeš nepochopený. Ale Boh to potvrdí, že to je pravda, ak len pri tom budeš stáť. Len sa toho drž. Môže to trvať roky, ako v prípade Abraháma i ďalších, ale On to stále bude potvrdzovať ako pravdu.

36Keď ten anjel tam ... a ja predpokladám, okrem mojej ženy, sú tu dnes večer ľudia, ktorí pred tridsiatimi rokmi stáli tam blízko, keď to zostúpilo. Je tu teraz niekto v tomto publiku, kto tam bol, keď ten anjel Pánov ... ktorý tam prvý krát pred ľuďmi prišiel dole nad rieku? Zodvihnite ruky. Áno, tu ich máte. Vidím pani Vilsonovú, že zodvihla ruku. Ona tam stála. Moja žena tam - ona tam bola.

37A neviem, kto je tu z tých ostatných, kto stál tam na brehu rieky, pred mnohými, mnohými ľuďmi, keď som krstil, o druhej popoludní. A rovno z jasnej oblohy, keď už týždeň nepršalo, tu On prichádzal s hrmotom. On povedal: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý Kristov príchod, ty si poslaný s posolstvom, aby si predišiel druhý Kristov príchod."

38Mnoho ľudí, z obchodníkov, z toho mesta, keď stáli tam na brehu, pýtali sa ma, čo to znamenalo. Povedal som: "To sa nestalo kvôli mne; to bolo kvôli vám. Ja verím." Potom to odišlo. A keď ten anjel odišiel, ak sa pamätáte, On ako odchádzal, išiel smerom na západ; rovno preč, hore ponad ten most, a odišiel smerom na západ.

Neskoršie som stretol nejakého astronóma, čo znamená mág (mudrc). A oni mi povedali o konštelácii hviezd, ktoré sa dostali spolu do určitej konštelácii, keď tí múdri mužovia v Babylone videli, dole cez Palestínu, tieto tri hviezdy v konštelácii. Mnoho krát ste ma počuli o tom hovoriť. Viete že dokázali, v týchto niekoľkých posledných týždňoch, že je to pravda?

39Brat Sothman, máš so sebou dnes večer tie noviny, kdekoľvek si? Je to v tých novinách - na strane z nedeľných novín, 9. decembra - že nejaký reportér tam odišiel, a oni prekopali všetky tieto veci. A my v skutočnosti teraz žijeme, je to dokázané, že tento nadchádzajúci rok je rok 1970. Sedem rokov ďalej, ako je dátum, a dokázali skrze vykopávky, že on je nesprávny. Je pozdejšie ako si myslíte!

Nejako som nevidel brata Freda. Brat Sothman, si tu? Máš so sebou tie noviny, brat Sothman? On má tie noviny. Možno zajtra večer vám to prečítam. Dnes večer nemáme čas.

40Tak, môžete vidieť a dávať pozor, presne. Títo mágovia (mudrci), Židovskí mágovia, hore v Babylone študovali hviezdy, uvideli tie hviezdy zapadnúť do svojej konštelácii. A keď to uvideli, oni vedeli, že Mesiáš je na zemi. Tu oni prišli do Jeruzalema spievajúc (dva roky cesty), "Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židovský?" Chodili hore dole po uliciach a ... Aha, Izrael sa im vysmial, táto banda fanatikov. Oni o tom nič nevedeli. Ale Mesiáš bol na zemi. A teraz, vy poznáte ako to bolo ďalej - čo oni povedali. No, budeme to čítať zajtra večer.

41No, prichádzame do tohoto, že tie videnia nesklamali, pretože oni sú od Boha. A po celej tej ceste ma niečo ťahalo, poťahovalo. Potom, keď mi tí mágovia povedali tieto veci, keď som bol len chlapec - správca zveriny, alebo myslím, že to bolo pred tým - o týchto veciach, a to ma vystrašilo, pretože som sa bál toho čo boli tí mágovia. Ale neskoršie som našiel, že tí mágovia v Biblii mali pravdu - pretože Boh to ohlasuje na nebi prv, ako to ohlasuje na zemi - pozorujúc tie nebeské telesá.

"Boh nehľadí na osoby v žiadnom národe," povedal Peter. No ... "Ale tí, ktorí sa Ho boja v každom národe sú Mu príjemní."

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... a zisťujeme ... Potom, snažil som sa vzdať tej myšlienky, ale ... Oh, zabralo by to hodiny, vojsť do toho - ako to stále išlo takto, išlo takto. Ale ja som sa toho bál. Tento mág mi povedal: "Ty nebudeš mať nikdy úspech na východe." Povedal: "Ty si sa narodil pod znakom." A povedal: "Ty ... ten znak, tá konštelácia ... Keď sa oni tam skrížili, v deň tvojho narodenia, oni sa nakláňali smerom na západ a ty musíš ísť smerom na západ."

Povedal som: "Zabudni na to." Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného. Ale jednako po celý čas som nemohol na to zabudnúť.

42Potom, keď som bol tam hore ten večer ohľadne týchto videní ... Nemohol som porozumieť. Môj baptistický brat mi povedal, že je to z diabla. Potom, keď sa ten anjel zjavil, On to ukázal presne v Písme a povedal ako to bolo vtedy, keď sa tí kňazi dohadovali o všetkom - nevedeli aké majú nosiť kabáty, šaty a tak ďalej, a dohadovali sa o svojich rozdieloch - tí mágovia nasledovali tú hviezdu ku Kristovi.

Keď tí kazatelia povedali, že Ježiš bol podvodník, Belzebub; diabol povstal a povedal: "My vieme kto si - Ten Svätý Boží. Prečo si prišiel trápiť nás pred časom?"

Keď Pavol a Sílas prichádzali a kázali evanjelium, veštica z ulici ... A tí kazatelia v tom kraji povedali: "Títo mužovia sú podvodníci. Oni rozbíjajú naše cirkvi," a tak ďalej, "obracajú svet hore nohami svojou skazenosťou."

Ale čo sa stalo? Táto magička, táto veštica, povedala: "Toto sú mužovia Boží, ktorí nám zvestujú cestu života."

A Pavol pokarhal toho ducha v nej. On nepotreboval žiadnu pomoc, aby niekto svedčil kto on je. Ježiš im stále hovoril, aby boli potichu. Ale to sa dialo, aby to ukázalo, že niekedy diabli vedia o Božích veciach viac ako kazatelia. Oni sa stávajú tak nábožensky poviazaní. Tak to bolo v Biblii, a Boh sa nemení.

43Jedného dňa, pred piatymi rokmi, vracal som sa dole cestou od brata Normana. Mal som tam práve zhromaždenie, a Pán Boh sa mi zjavil vo videní. A ja som sedel tu pred bránou svojho domu. Vyzeralo, že bude zlé počasie.

Mnohí z vás si budú pamätať to videnie. Je to napísané v mojej knihe videní. Zapisujem si ich, aby som si bol istý, že ich nezabudnem.

A v tom videní som videl, že niečo prechádzalo cez tú ulicu, a všade v mojom dvore ležali kamene. A tam boli rôzne grejdere a škrabače po celej tej ulici a stromy boli postínané a vyklčované. A ja som sa začal obracať do brány, a ona bola celá zablokovaná kameňmi. Vyšiel som, aby som povedal tomu človekovi: "Čo toto znamená?"

A on sa stal veľmi nepriateľský, obrátil sa chrbtom a povedal: "Takto je s vami kazateľmi."

Povedal som: "Ja som sa vás len opýtal, prečo toto robíte?" Prechádzate tu na moju stranu ulice. Prečo ste toto urobili?" A on ma skoro pleskol a ukázal mi chrbát.

Myslel som: "Len mu poviem, že nevie o čom hovorí."

A hlas prehovoril ku mne, povedal: "Nerob to. Ty si kazateľ."

Povedal som: "Veľmi správne."

44Otočil som sa, a po mojej pravej strane, ako som sedel pred bránou, bol starý prikrytý voz, ak viete čo ... Prikrytý voz, s konským záprahom. A vedľa kočišovho miesta sedela moja žena. Pozrel som sa dozadu, a moje deti sedeli tam vzadu. Vyštveral som sa na voz. Povedal som mojej žene: "Drahá, zniesol som všetko, čo som mohol."

Chytil som opraty a potiahol vedúceho koňa a vydali sme sa smerom na západ.. A hlas ku mne prehovoril: "Keď sa toto stane, potom choď na západ."

45Brat Wood, staviteľ tu v našom zbore, a starší ... Koľkí si teraz pamätajú to videnie? Pamätáte sa, ako som vám to rozprával? Skutočne. Je to zapísané na papieri. A povedal som bratovi Woodovi. On kúpil od cirkvi tento pozemok medzi tým tam. A on tam chcel stavať kamenný dom.

46Povedal som: "Nerob to, brat Wood, pretože oni ti z toho nedajú tvoje peniaze. Pravdepodobne, môžu ... " To bolo pred pár rokmi - pred piatimi rokmi. Povedal som: "Oni možno tu stadeto prenesú tento most, a tie kamene sú asi moje rozbité základy, a moje chodníky a iné veci, ktoré tam ležali.“ Namiesto kameňov, to boli kusy betónu. „A potom oni to tu položia, pretože oni povedali v novinách, že to sa snažia urobiť."

No, on to nestaval. Nakoniec sa oni rozhodli, asi o rok neskoršie, alebo o dva, že to prevedú z inokade. A tak tým sa to vybavilo, a tak som na to zabudol a nezaujímal som sa tým.

47No, tá divná vec sa stala asi pred rokom. Slúžil som raz večer dole u brata Juniora Jacksona, ktorý tu práve sedí, metodistický kazateľ, ktorý prijal Ducha Svätého, a bol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista, a je pastorom jedného z našich sesterských zborov.

Len aby som vám ukázal, ako Boh jedná s týmito ľuďmi ... Hovorím toto z celého svojho srdca: Nepoznám nijaké zhromaždenie na celom svete, zhromaždenie v celku, žiadne iné, kde by bol Duch Svätý, tak ako v tomto zhromaždení. Oni majú svoje rozdiely. Samozrejme oni nie sú tam kde by mali byť, nikto z nás, ale sú tak blízko toho, ako nikto iný koho poznám.

48No, aby som vám ukázal, vedel som čo sa stane, bratovi Jacksonovi sa sníval sen. Nemohol naň zabudnúť. A keď som odchádzal z jeho zboru, a on to proste nemohol vydržať. Ako dávno to bolo, brat Jackson?

[Brat Jackson hovorí: "Mal som ten sen vo februári 61. – pozn.prekl.]

Vo februári 61 sa mu sníval ten sen. A on prišiel ku mne a povedal: "Niečo mi leží na srdci, čo ti musím povedať, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Povedz, brat Jackson."

A on povedal: "Sníval sa mi sen," a tu to bolo! Ja som len potichu sedel, počúval a dával pozor. On povedal: "Snívalo sa mi, že bol veľmi veľký kopec, akoby niekde vonku v poli, kde bola tráva, alebo niečo." A povedal: "Hore na vrchu toho kopca, kde voda zmyla dole pôdu, tam hore na vrchu bola skala na vrchu toho kopca, ako vrcholec hory. To bola skala, bez trávy.

"A tam kde to voda obmyla, ona vyrezala nejaké nápisy na tých kameňoch a ty si tam stál a vykladal si tieto nápisy na týchto skalách." A povedal: "Všetci z nás (a on to takto povedal), bratia z Georgii, a zo všade, my sme tam všetci spolu stáli, počúvali sme ťa, ako si vykladal tie tajomné nápisy na týchto kameňoch, na tom vrchu."

49A povedal: "Potom si niečo zobral, akoby zo vzduchu, niečo ako sochor, či páčidlo," či nie, brat? Niečo také - nejaký sochor, riadne ostrý. A povedal: "Ako si to urobil neviem." A povedal: "Zasekol si to do vrchu tej hory, rozpáral dookola, a zložil si z nej čiapku. To bolo v tvare pyramídy. A ty si odtrhol dole z nej ten vrch."

(No, to bolo mesiace a mesiace a mesiace predtým, ako bolo kázané posolstvo o pyramíde.) A povedal: "Pod tým bola biela skala, granit. A ty si povedal: 'Slnko, alebo svetlo pred tým nikdy na ňu nezasvietilo. Dívajte sa na toto. Pozorujte to.' "

A to je pravda, pretože pri formovaní sveta, svet bol uformovaný prv ako bolo svetlo. Všetci to vieme. Boh sa vznášal nad vodami, a - na počiatku - On povedal, aby bolo svetlo. Prirodzene, tam zatiaľ v tom veku, keď prebiehalo formovanie, to svetlo na ten kameň nikdy nezasvietilo.

50A on povedal: "Hľaďte na toto. Svetlo nikdy predtým na to nezasvietilo." A keď všetci z nich prišli hore, povedal som im aby to pozorovali, a všetci z nich prišli hore, aby sa na to pozreli. Ale on povedal, že zatiaľ čo sa oni na to dívali, on sa pozeral kútikom oka (myslím, že tak to bolo) a pozoroval ma. A ja som sa prešmykol na jednu stranu a začal som ísť smerom na západ, smerom zapadajúceho slnka - vychádzal som na nejaký kopec, schádzal dole, vychádzal hore a schádzal dole, stával som sa menším a menším, a načisto som sa stratil z dohľadu.

51A on potom povedal, že keď som sa stratil z dohľadu, on povedal: "Potom tí bratia sa za chvíľu obrátili, a povedali: 'Či sa stratil? Kde odišiel?' " A povedal: "Niektorí odišli tým smerom, niektorí tým smerom, a niektorí iným. Ale veľmi málo zostalo a dívalo sa na to, čo som im povedal."

52No všimnite si, výklad toho snu, nič som mu z toho nevyložil, ani žiadny z týchto som nikomu z nich nevyložil. Ale som povedal: "Áno," a moje srdce sa chvelo. Dával som pozor. No, ten tajomný nápis ... Počkajte, na chvíľu to nechám.

53Nie tak dávno, brat Beeler ... Brat Beeler je obyčajne s nami. Si tu brat Beeler? Áno, tam vzadu. Billy povedal: "Brat Beeler je celý rozrušený. Mal zvláštny sen." Išiel som ku bratovi Beelerovi, a on povedal ... tam v jeho dome raz večer, keď som išiel niekde kvôli nejakým telefonátom.

54A on povedal: "Brat Branham, mal som zvláštny sen." Povedal: "Snívalo sa mi, že som išiel dole popri prameni vody smerom na západ. A po ľavej strane tam bola cesta, a ja som bol na tej ľavej strane, a išiel som po tej ceste smerom na západ, zdalo sa akoby som hľadal dobytok. A na pravej strane, všimol som si, potom keď som tam prišiel, tam si bol ty. A ty si bol obklopený veľkým stádom dobytka, a všade tam bolo veľa pastvy."

55A povedal: "Potom si vzal ten dobytok a začal si ho hnať naspäť hore popri tej rieke." A podľa všetkého som musel kývnuť na neho, aby strážil ten dobytok, a on povedal: "Teraz tomu dobytku bude ľahko. Viem, že oni pôjdu cestou najmenšieho odporu, ale brat Branham chce, aby zostali na pravej strane tej rieky. Tak ja pôjdem naspäť touto cestou, a budem sa starať, aby neprešli cez rieku na túto stranu, a držať ich na tej strane." Ale on si všimol, že ja som už neišiel za tým dobytkom, ale som odišiel na západ.

On povedal: "On musí pohľadať zatúlané."

56Ledva stačil porozprávať ten sen, videl som ho. A potom, všimnite si. On povedal, že som mu bol trochu podozrivý, a tak išiel naspäť aby sa pozrel. A povedal, že som prichádzal ku veľkému vrchu. A zrazu som zmizol, a on sa divil, že čo nebolo v poriadku. On zišiel dole, a potom po svojom boku mal malý potok, ktorý sa rozvetvoval doľava. (Myslím, že je to tak, brat Beeler. Áno.) A on si všimol, že po mojej strane boli ohromné vodopády. A potom, on si myslel, že som mohol spadnúť do tých vodopádov a zahynul.

Potom si všimol ... a on povedal, že sa díval dookola. On videl tie účinky tých vodopádov, ktoré stekali takto dole a vytvárali artézsku studňu vytryskujúcu; ale tie vody nedopadali naspäť na zem. On sa pozrel na druhú stranu toho malého prítoku, či malého potoku, a uvidel nejaké malé zvieratá s okrúhlymi ušami. Povedal: "Myslím, že jedno si vezmem." A prešiel na druhú stranu.

57Potom začal rozmýšľať o mne. A vyšiel na malý kopček, aby sa poobzeral a videl či tam bol nejaký malý, úzky výčnelok, po ktorom by som mohol prejsť okolo, ale povedal, že tam nič nebolo. A začal sa trápiť. Povedal: "Čo sa stalo nášmu bratovi? Som zvedavý, čo sa stalo bratovi Branhamovi?" A keď sa začal ľakať, povedal, že ma počul hovoriť. Stál som na vrchu nejakej hory, a povedal som bratovi Beelerovi výklad snu, ktorý som mu dal pred nedávnom. A povedal som mu, aby čakal na Pána, že jedného dňa ho stretnem na nejakom ostrove. A tu to bolo.

No, toto je výklad toho snu: Čo sa týka toho, že tá rieka bola široká, to bola rieka života. Ja som išiel popri nej smerom na západ, a tak isto on, pretože on bol na ceste. On bežal dole po tej ceste, a na tej druhej strane bolo mnoho trávy, ale mnoho húštiny, tŕnia a džungľa. Ale bolo tam mnoho trávy.

58Na tej ceste my hľadáme Pána, a pokrm od Pána - cez ťažkosti. Zháňanie toho dobytka to bol tento zbor, držanie ich na tej strane. Dobytok by bol v podstate išiel na tú hladkú cestu, denomináciu, keby mohli - tá cesta reprezentovala denomináciu. Ja som sa pustil s nimi naspäť hore tou cestou aby som dal pozor, aby neodišli do žiadnej denominácii.

59To že on videl stenu, ktorú nebolo možné nijako prejsť, ktorá ma držala od toho, aby som išiel na západ ... bola ten daňový prípad s vládou. Nikto nemohol porozumieť, ako som sa vôbec z toho dostal. To bola stena, ktorá ma blokovala. Ale Pán ma cez to previedol, a ja som z toho vyšiel. Stretnem ťa brat Beeler na tom ostrove.

60Tak, no potom, hneď za tým, brat Roy Robertson ... Brat Roy, si tu dnes večer? Áno, myslím ... tam na druhej strane. On mi zavolal, a on mal sen. A snívalo sa mu, že sme zháňali dobytok (No toto je tretí sen.) zháňali sme dobytok. A tam bola tráva po pás, mnoho paši. Všetci bratia sme boli spolu. A prišli sme na nejaké miesto obedovať, a brat Fred Sothman vstal a povedal: "Eliáš, ten veľký prorok, tu bude dnes na poludnie hovoriť." A potom, keď sme sa všetci najedli, každý odišiel preč, a on sa divil, prečo oni nepočkali, aby si vypočuli to, čo bude hovorené.

No, vidíte ako sa to presne pokrýva s bratom Jacksonom? Vidíte to presne ... to sa týka presne toho, čo povedal brat Beeler? Nikto nečakal, aby sa to dozvedel.

61Všimnite si, hneď po tom, sestra Collinsová (Si tu sestra Collinsová?) mala sen, že bola tu v zbore a tam mala byť nejaká svadba. A keď vošla uvidela prísť ženícha v dokonalosti. Ale nevesta nebola veľmi dokonalá; jednako to bola nevesta. No, to je cirkev.

A tam bolo niečo ako večera Pánova, alebo tu prebiehalo nejaké zhromaždenie - akoby bolo podávané jedlo. A akoby trochu vedľa nej, pretože brat Neville prisluhoval večeru v zbore, ale ona povedala, že to bol najlepší pokrm, aký kedy videla. Ona bola taká hladná, ale ona si myslela možno že - v tom sne - že on to nebude prisluhovať, a ona a brat Willard sa odišli najesť do Ranch House. A keď oni odišli, to svetlo na pravej strane zhaslo. Viete čo to je?

No, ten pokrm ... Nevesta nie je dokonalá; ale ženích je dokonalý. Nevesta nie je ešte dokonalá. Ale ten pokrm, ktorý bol podávaný to nebol doslovný pokrm. To je duchovný pokrm, ktorý ste mali po celý čas. Dovoľte mi zastaviť sa tu na chvíľu pri týchto štyroch snoch.

62Či sa nepamätáš, brat Fred Sothman, brat Banks Wood, keď sme boli tam v Arizone minulý rok, keď sme tam poľovali na divé prasce, a Pán prehovoril? Či nepoznáte tie veci, ktoré On presne vykonal, ukazujúc čo sa má stať, keď sme išli tou cestou? Ak je to tak, vy dvaja bratia povedzte "Amen." Nikdy sa to neminulo cieľa.

63A ja som videl vo videní ... Keď sme raz išli na aute, prišlo ku mne videnie Pánovo. A ja som sa pripravoval v tom čase, keď prídem domov, ísť za more. A keď som odišiel za more, no, videl som na tej lodi ... alebo na brehu mora, odkiaľ vyplávajú lode. A tam bol nejaký malý človek, a on povedal: "Pripravil som ti čln, brat Branham." A to bolo malilinké kanoe, asi jednu stopu dlhé, ale bolo snehobiele. A on mi povedal: "Toto je pre teba, aby si v ňom prešiel na druhú stranu."

"Ó," povedal som: "To nie je vystačujúce."

On povedal: "Ono pôjde štyridsať míľ na hodinu tam i naspäť." (To je z jedného brehu na druhý.)

64"Ale," povedal som: "To ma neprenesie na druhú stranu." A potom sa on pozrel dole, a povedal: "Choď tak, ako idú oni." A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bol brat Fred Sothman a brat Banks Wood sedeli v kanoe zafarbenom na zeleno, vzadu s nejakým campingovým vybavením, brat Banks s takto hore otočeným klobúkom, brat Fred so svojim zašpicateným vpredu. A On povedal: "Choď tak ako oni."

Povedal som: "Nie, nepôjdem."

A ten muž im povedal (ten malý človek), povedal: "Vy ste člnkári?"

Brat Banks povedal? "Áno."

Brat Fred povedal: "Áno."

Ale ja som povedal: "Nie sú. Ja som člnkár a ja viem, ja by som neišiel len kvôli tomu, a som si istý, že by som takto neišiel."

On povedal: "Prečo nejdeš s nimi? "

Povedal som: "Nie, nie." No, otočil som sa, a keď som sa otočil, ten malý človek v tom prístave sa premenil a bol z neho môj dobrý brat, brat Arganbright.

65A ja som išiel naspäť v tomto videní, a tam bola malá dlhá budova. A potom mi povedal hlas (všetci si to pamätáte, alebo mnohí z vás.), hlas mi povedal: "Dones do vnútra potravu. Uskladni ju vo vnútri. To je jediný spôsob ako ich tu udržať, dať im potravu." A ja som priniesol dovnútra ... priniesol do vnútra veľké sudy plné krásnej mrkvy a krásnej zeleniny a všetkého, čo som kedy videl.

Pamätáte si teraz to videnie? No, a ja som vám povedal neskoršie, čo to znamenalo. Ja som mal ísť do Zurichu, do švajčiarska, s bratom Arganbrightom na päť večerných zhromaždení. Povedal som bratom prv, ako sa to stalo: "Ja nepôjdem."

A bol som dole s bratom Welch Evantsom, tam dole, keď to ... Povedal som jeho výklad.

66Jednej noci, myslím že brat Welch prišiel a zobral ma (išli sme na ryby), a povedal, že mi volal brat Arganbright. Povedal som: "No dobre, tu to je. Oni sa chystajú zobrať ma preč." A mnoho krát (nie cez brata Minera - on je jeden z najlepších priateľov), ale niekedy, ak oni môžu len ... Keď si oni myslia, že budete kázať niečo, čo je proti ich náuke, oni hneď hovoria, že tam budete, aby ste tam dostali svojich priateľov.

67A oni povedali ... Brat Arganbright ma volal a povedal: "Brat Branham (len čo povedal Duch), príď. Vezmi so sebou svoju ženu, pretože nebudeš musieť mnoho kázať, pretože myslím, že ťa tam chcú len na jeden večer." A povedal: "Možno nebudeš musieť kázať ani ten jeden."

Povedal som: "Nie."

"No," on povedal: "Príď, ty a tvoja žena, príďte všetci, viete. A ak prídete, vezmem vás na výlet. Moja žena a tvoja žena, a oni všetci, pôjdeme cez švajčiarsko a cez Palestínu." Povedal som: "Nie."

Mal som ten výklad. Povedal som bratovi Welchovi, či bratovi Fredovi a im: "Poviem vám ráno. Ale prv musí niečo povedať moja žena." A keď som jej zavolal, ona odmietla ísť. Povedal som: "Tu to je," vidíte.

No ten malý biely čln, to bolo to jedno zhromaždenie. To je v poriadku ísť niekde tu na brehu, na jedno zhromaždenie. Ale to nie je dostačujúce, hoci to bolo biele a dobré, volať ma za more.

68Brat Fred a brat ... tam (predstavovali v tom videní), oni predstavovali, ísť ako turisti, zo špásu. Ale ja sa nestarám robiť niečo také. A odmietnuť to, že oni boli člnkári - to znamenalo, že neboli kazatelia; ale ja som bol kazateľ. A potom tá potrava v tej malej dlhej budove ... Ja som neišiel za more, a vrátil som sa do tejto malej budovy, a nahrali sme tucty páskou, o pyramíde a všetko, aby ukázať ľuďom hodinu v ktorej žijeme.

No porovnajte ešte i toto s tými ostatnými, s tými snami. Toto bolo videnie. Tá potrava, tu to je. Toto je to miesto.

69Všimnite si, čo sa potom stalo? Potom hneď po tom ako prišlo to štvrté videnie (alebo štvrtý sen, ktorý mi povedali), prichádza brat Parnell. On je niekde tu. Aha tu. A Billy tu nebol, a ten človek bol zúfalý. On je z Bloomingtonu, myslím, alebo z Bedfordu? V Lafayette, má zhromaždenia. On mal sen, a on prišiel ku bratovi Woodovi a povedal: "Ja to proste nemôžem tak nechať. Musím to povedať. Musím to povedať bratovi Branhamovi. Mňa to trápi." A Boh vie, medzi nimi nebol ani jeden sen, prišli len jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť.

70Brat Parnell povedal: "Mal som zvláštny sen. Snívalo sa mi, že som mal mať tam hore zhromaždenie, a nejakým spôsobom ďalšie zhromaždenie bolo tu akoby v novom zbore." A povedal, že tento nový zbor, ako on povstal, že on sa divil prečo oni nespolupracovali medzi sebou, alebo niečo také. A povedal, že on tu stál, rozmýšľal: "No, keď som tu, len počkám, a budem navštevovať tie zhromaždenia."

71Povedal, že nejaký človek prechádzal cez tú budovu v hnedom obleku a s knihou. Myslím že písal. A on povedal bratovi Parnellovi, povedal: "Toto je zhromaždenie za zavrenými dvermi. Ono je len pre diakonov a starších. " No, cítil sa trochu zaskočený. Tak vyšiel von tými dvermi toho nového zboru, tej cirkvi, ktorá bola postavená, alebo tejto reparovanej - opravenej. A keď vyšiel von snežilo - bolo zlé počasie, zimný čas. A nikto z tých ľudí nevedel o tom nič.

72A keď vyšiel von dvermi, ja som tam stál a díval som sa smerom na západ. Povedal som: "Necíť sa zaskočený, brat Parnell. Ja ti ukážem čo máš robiť."

73Brat Parnell a všetci ostatní z nich vedia, že som im nepovedal žiadny výklad (To sa deje práve teraz.), jednako som to videl, keď to oni hovorili. Všimol si si, ako rýchlo som z tade odišiel, brat Parnell, aby som ti nemusel nič povedať? A odišiel som hore, nepovedal som nič bratovi Woodovi, ani nikomu inému. Nikomu. Len som to nechal, pretože som chcel vidieť do čoho to viedlo. Počuli ste ma povedať neskoršie: "Som utrápený"? To je to, čo to bolo.

74Potom, brat Parnell, on povedal, že som mu povedal: "Brat Parnell, vykroč, a prvé miesto na ktoré prídeš bude Cipora." (Cipora? Cipora, čo znamená spojovacia čiarka, alebo zastávka, alebo niečo.) Povedal som: "Nezostaň tam. Potom choď ďalej, a nájdeš nejakú starú ženu. A potom nezastaň tam. Znovu choď ďalej, nájdeš veľmi starú ženu. Nezastav sa tam." A po celý čas, kým som hovoril, kráčali sme po snehu.

75Povedal som: "Choď, až kým nenájdeš moju ženu. A keď nájdeš moju ženu, tam sa zastav." A povedal, že sa pozeral, a boli sme preč zo snehu na púšti, a ja som zmizol. A on sa pozrel naspäť a videl svoju ženu, ako pumpovala zo studni vodu, a nejaký kazateľ ju ťahal, aby ju odtiahol preč od tej pumpy. Ona ho pozorovala - a on sa zobudil.

76Tu je výklad tvojho snu (mohol som ti ho povedať ten večer, ale ja som sa len otočil preč): Pokiaľ ide o tú Ciporu a jednu starú ženu, a ďalšiu veľmi, veľmi starú ženu - to sú cirkvi, vidíš, a Cipora, bola v podstate Mojžišovou ženou, Cipora. A všimli sme si, že som mu povedal, aby sa pri nich nezastavoval. Bez ohľadu na to aké staré oni boli, to boli organizácie. Nezastavujte sa pri nich! Oni žili vo svojom čase. Ale keď on príde ku mojej žene - ktorou je moja cirkev, ku ktorej ma Ježiš Kristus poslal v tomto poslednom dni, a tu to je - zastav sa tam! A ja som odišiel na západ.

77Potom, sestra Štefánia ... ona tu možno nie je, pretože bola v nemocnici. Neviem. Je tu sestra Štefánia ...? Áno, tu je. Sestra Štefánia prišla do môjho domu, aby som sa modlil prv, ako odišla do nemocnice na operáciu, aby jej Boh pomohol a požehnal ju. A On to ozaj urobil.

A ona povedala: "Mala som zvláštny sen, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Áno?"

78A ona povedala: "Snívalo sa mi, že som bola na západe, a ..." (Toto je šiesty.) A povedala: "Snívalo sa mi, že som bola na západe, a to je vlnitý kraj. A keď som sa pozrela, tam na kopci stál veľmi starý človek s dlhou bielou bradou; a vlasy, ktoré ešte mal mu trčali dole cez tvár. A mal biely plášť - či niečo, rúcho." Povedala: "Vietor tým vial." (Myslím, že to takto hovorím dobre, sestra Štefánia.) A povedala: "Išla som bližšie. On stál na vrchu nejakej hory a díval sa smerom na východ." A povedala: "Divila som sa, kto je tento starý muž?" A prichádzala bližšie a bližšie. A keď prišla bližšie, poznala kto to bol. Bol to nesmrteľný Eliáš, prorok, stál tam a díval sa na východ.

79 Ona povedala: "Musím ho vidieť!" (Ona mala potrebu.) A vybehla hore na ten kopec a padla tam na zem, hovorila ku nemu v mene Eliáša, a povedala, že keď hovorila, počula hlas, ktorý povedal: "Čo chceš sestra Štefánia?" A to som bol ja.

80Tvoj sen sa vyplnil hneď tam, sestra Štefánia. Pretože hneď po tom, som odišiel do Louisville. To čo ona potrebovala to bola tá modlitba, vidíte. Ona sa z toho v nemocnici dostala v poriadku; a ten môj znak idúc smerom na západ, dívajúc sa smerom na východ, na moju čriedu.

81Všimnite si, keď ... ja som odišiel do Louisville, a keď som prišiel naspäť, vchádzal so do brány, a tam okolo mojej brány boli naťahané pne. Pán Goyne, tu z tej mestskej ulici, išiel práve po ulici. Povedal: "Billy, poď sem." Povedal: "Musíš presunúť svoju bránu a všetko ... plot, plotové kamene, a bránky."

Povedal som: Dobre, v poriadku, Billy. Presuniem to. Kedy?"

On povedal: "Poviem ti. Dám ti vedieť, kedy." Povedal: "Hneď prvého toho roku začnú na tom pracovať."

Povedal som: "V poriadku."

82A tak som vykročil smerom ku domu a žena povedala: "Musím ísť hneď teraz do obchodu." Išiel som dole ulicou a chlapec, Raymond Ring, ktorý je mestským inžinierom ... Stále som ho nazýval "Mud Ear" (Zablatené ucho), pretože keď sme boli ešte malé deti a plávali sme spolu, on kusom blata trafil nejakého chlapca do ucha, a my sme ho stále nazývali "Zablatené ucho". On býva rovno tu na ulici, asi druhý vchod odo mňa, poniže brata Wooda.

A tak som zavolal: Mud, poď sem na chvíľu."

On povedal: "Dobre Billy." On tam prišiel.

Povedal som: "Ten kolík, ktorý si zatĺkol ..."

On povedal: "Billy, oni pri tom všetko zaberú. Všetky tieto stromy, tieto ploty, i všetko musí byť odsunuté."

Povedal som: Ale ten inžinier mi povedal, že môj pozemok zachádza do stredu tej ulici."

On povedal: Áno, ale oni to budú rozširovať. Jednako to v tom zaberú." On povedal: "Môj tiež."

Povedal som: "No, brat Wood je murár," a povedal som: "Dám to jemu, aby to presunul dozadu."

On povedal: Billy, nedotýkaj sa toho. Nech to urobí ten staviteľ. To je tá fara, však?"

Povedal som: "Áno."

On povedal: "Nech to on urobí." Povedal: "Vieš čo chcem povedať:"

Povedal som: "Áno." Odišiel som. A v tej chvíli ma niečo napadlo. Odišiel som domov, vošiel som do svojej izby, zobral som tú knihu, a tam to bolo. To neboli betónové bloky - to boli kamene.

Povedal som: "Méda, priprav sa."

83Šesť rôznych snov, a potom to zavŕšilo to videnie. "Keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, vydaj sa na západ."

Zatelefonoval so do Tucsonu. Brat Norman má nejaké miesto. Neviem kde idem. Neviem čo robiť. Som len ... stojím. Neviem čo robiť. Opúšťam dom, za ktorý nemusím platiť nájomné. Moja mzda je sto dolárov na týždeň. Za dom musím platiť takmer sto dolárov na mesiac. Som tu spolu so svojimi bratmi a sestrami, kde ma majú radi. A idem neviem kde. Neviem prečo. Neviem vám povedať prečo. Ale viem jedno; nasledovať len to, čo On hovorí. Neviem ktorou cestou sa pohnúť, čo robiť. To nie je mojou ...

Myslím, že Abrahám sa cítil podobne, keď mu On povedal: "Choď tam za tú rieku." On nevedel čo robiť, ale putoval, oddelil sa. Ja neviem čo robiť.

84Minulú sobotu ráno, včera tomu bol týždeň, okolo tretej hodine ráno, vstal som a išiel som sa napiť vody, a prikryl som Jozefa v jeho izbe. A potom som prišiel naspäť, a hneď som si ľahol a zaspal som. Keď som zaspal ... Hovorím tu teraz o týchto drobných snoch a o všetkom, tak budete vidieť pozadie toho, čo chcem povedať. Prikryl som Jozefa, a odišiel som naspäť a ľahol som si a zaspal som. A sníval sa mi sen.

85A snívalo sa mi, že som videl nejakého muža, ktorý mal byť mojím otcom, hoci bol veľkým mužom. A videl som ženu, ktorá mala byť mojou matkou, iba že nevyzerala ako moja matka. A tento muž bol veľmi podlý ku svojej žene. A mal trojhranný drúk, keď preštiepil toto poleno, a z toho bol ... Viete ako sa štiepe drevo; vznikne z toho trojhranný drúk. A zakaždým, keď táto žena chcela vstať, on ju proste chytil za krk a udrel ju po hlave a zvalil na zem. Potom ona tam ležala zvíjala sa a kričala, a potom sa začala znovu dvíhať.

On chodil pyšne okolo, s vypnutou hruďou - veľký človek. A keď sa začala znovu dvíhať, on ju chytil za krk, zobral svoj trojhranný drúk, a udrel ju s ním po hlave, zvalil ju na zem. Chodil okolo, vypol hruď, ako keby bol urobil niečo veľké.

86Stál som vedľa a pozoroval to. Myslel som si: "Nemôžem sa pustiť to toho chlapa. Je príliš veľký. A potom on by mal byť mojím otcom. Ale on nie je môj otec." A povedal som: "On nemá čo takto sužovať túto ženu." Rozčúlil som sa na neho.

87Tak potom, zrazu som mal dostatok odvahy a prišiel som ku nemu a chytil som ho za golier a zvrtol som ho. A povedal som: "Nemáš právo biť ju." A keď som to povedal, narástli mi svaly! Vyzeral som ako obor. A ten muž sa pozrel na tie svaly, a potom sa ma začal báť. A ja som povedal: "Ešte raz ju udrieš a budeš mať dočinenia so mnou." A on váhal, udrieť ju znovu. A potom som sa zobudil.

Chvíľu som tam ležal. Myslel som si: "Čo to je? Zvláštne, čo sa mi to snívalo o tej žene." A v tej chvíli to prišlo - dostal som výklad.

88Tá žena reprezentuje cirkev sveta dnes - po celom svete. Ja som sa narodil práve v tomto zamiešaní, a tu som. Ona má byť nejako matkou ... Ak ona bola matkou smilníc - ale jednako ja som sa narodil práve do toho. A jej mužom sú denominácie, ktoré ňou vládnu. Ten trojhranný drúk, ktorý on mal je trojičný krst na falošné mená, že zakaždým ona začínala povstávať (to zhromaždenie, aby to prijalo), on ju s ním udrel. Samozrejme, on bol taký veľký, obrátil som sa, trochu som sa ho bál. A potom jednako som sa pustil do neho, a tie svaly to boli svaly viery. Ona spôsobila, že so začal rozmýšľať: "Ak je Boh so mnou a môže mi dať svaly, dá mi aby som sa jej zastal," "Prestaň ju udierať!"

Muselo byť desať hodín v ten deň, keď sa moja žena snažila vojsť do tej izby, a to sa stalo. To ráno som sa dostal do videnia to ráno, a nejako som ... Pamätajte toto teraz nebol sen!

89Je rozdiel medzi snami a videniami. Sny sú keď idete spať; videnia, keď nespíte. My sa tak narodíme. Normálny človek, keď sa mu sníva, to je v jeho podvedomí. A jeho podvedomie je ďaleko od neho. Jeho zmysly sú v činnosti, pokiaľ je on vo svojom prvom vedomí. V tomto vedomí, ste normálni. Vidíte, máte chuť, voniate, počujete. Ale keď ste vo svojom podvedomí, spíte, vy ani nevidíte, ani nemáte chuť, nevoniate, ani nepočujete. Ale je niečo, keď spíte, že ... Vy sa vraciate naspäť do tohoto vedomia. Tam je pamäť, že si pamätáte niečo, čo sa vám snívalo možno pred rokom.

90U obyčajného človeka je to takto. Ale keď Boh niečo predurčil, toto podvedomie u vidiaceho nie je ďaleko od tadeto, ale obidve vedomia sú spolu. A vidiaci vo videní nejde spať - on je stále pri svojich zmysloch, a vidí to.

Vysvetľoval som to raz nejakým doktorom, a oni vstali a povedali: "Zaujímavé. Nikdy sme o takom niečom ani nepomysleli." Keď ma zobrali na test vlnenia, a oni povedali, že nikdy nevideli niečo také. No, povedali: "Niečo sa s vami deje."

A ja som povedal ... Povedal som im. Oni povedali: "Tu je presne to."

91Tie dve vedomia sú umiestnené celkom blízko spolu. To nie je nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť, a to ma nerobí ničím viac, ako je každý druhý. To len Boh tak urobil. Vy nejdete spať - vy ste rovno tu, tak ako keď spíte. Vy tu stojíte, takto sa dívate a ... všetci ste to videli, po celom svete.

92Vy nejdete spať - stojíte tu na pódiu hovoríte ku ľuďom. Počujte ma, dostávať sa do videní a prichádzať naspäť, keď idem s vami v aute, kdekoľvek to je, a hovorím vám veci, ktoré sa stanú. Nikdy to nesklamalo. Nikdy. Videl niekto, žeby to niekedy sklamalo? [Publikum hovorí: "Nie veru!" – pozn.prekl.] To nemôže sklamať. To nesklame, pokiaľ je to Boh. Všimnite si, rovno na pódiu, tisíce, pred desať tisícami ľudí, dokonca iných jazykov, v ktorých som ani nedokázal hovoriť - nikdy to nesklamalo. To je Boh.

93No, v tomto videní, alebo ako som hovoril, pozrel som sa, a uvidel som zvláštnu vec. No, vyzeralo to, akoby môj malý syn, Jozef, bol po mojom boku. Rozprával som sa s ním. No, ak budete to videnie pozorovať skutočne pozorne, budete vidieť prečo tam Jozef stál.

94A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bol veľký krík. A na tom kríku v zoskupení vtákov - maličkých vtákov, asi pol cóla dlhých a pol cóla vysokých ... Oni boli malí unavení bojovníci. Ich drobné perie bolo obité dole. A tam boli okolo dva alebo tri na vrchnom konári, šesť alebo osem na ďalšom konári, a pätnásť alebo dvadsať na ďalšom konári, zostupujúci do tvaru pyramídy. Tieto maličké ... maličkí poslovia, a oni boli veľmi unavení. Dívali sa smerom na východ.

95A ja som bol v Tucsone, v Arizone, v tom videní. Kvôli tomu ... predstavené to tak kvôli tomu, lebo On nechcel, aby som preočil, kde to bolo. Oberal som si z nohavíc bodliaky z púšte. Povedal som: Teraz viem, že toto je videnie, a viem, že som v Tucsone. A viem, že tie malé vtáčky niečo reprezentujú." A oni sa dívali smerom na východ. A náhle sa oni zobrali do letu, a odleteli smerom na východ.

A len čo oni odleteli, prišlo zoskupenie väčších vtákov. Oni vyzerali ako holubice - so špicatými krídlami, nejakej sivej farby, trochu bledšie, než ako boli tí prví poslovia. A oni leteli rýchlo smerom na východ.

Len čo sa oni stratili z môjho dohľadu, znovu som sa obrátil, aby som sa pozrel smerom na západ, a tam sa to stalo. Nastal výbuch, ktorý zatriasol skutočne celou zemou! Teraz toto nepreočte! A vy pri páskach, buďte si istí, že to rozumiete správne!

Prv, výbuch! A zdalo sa mi, že to zaznelo, ako prekročenie zvukovej hranici, alebo ako to nazývate, keď lietadlá prekročia rýchlosť zvuku, a ten zvuk prichádza naspäť na zem. To proste zatriaslo, ako ... zarevalo, všetko. Mohlo to byť ako veľký úder hromu a zablysknutie. To zablysknutie som nevidel. Počul som len ten veľký výbuch, ktorý sa rozľahol, že to zaznelo, akoby to bolo južne odo mňa, smerom ku Mexicu.

Ale to zatriaslo zemou. A keď sa to stalo, stále som sa díval smerom na západ, a ďaleko z večnosti som videl prichádzať zostavu niečoho. Vyzeralo to akoby to boli nejaké malé bodky. Nemohlo ich byť menej ako päť a viac ako sedem. Ale oni boli v tvare pyramídy, ako tí poslovia, ktorí prichádzali.

A keď oni prišli, moc Všemohúceho Boha ma zodvihla hore, aby som sa s nimi stretol. A môžem vidieť ... Neopustilo ma to. Prešlo osem dní, a ešte na to nemôžem zabudnúť. Nikdy ma nič netrápilo tak, ako toto. Moja rodina vám to povie.

96Mohol som vidieť tých anjelov, s tými ostrými krídlami vzadu, letiaci rýchlejšie ako zvuk. Oni prišli z večnosti, akoby v okamihu. Nestačili ste mihnúť okom, proste okamih, oni tam boli. Nemal som čas porátať. Nemal som čas na nič viac len sa pozrieť. Mocní anjeli, veľkí mocní anjeli, snehobieli! Vysunuté krídla i hlavy a boli "Fiuu - fiuu," a keď sa to stalo bol som zodvihnutý to tej pyramídy, do tej zostavy.

97Myslel som si: "No, toto je to." Bol som celý stŕpnutý, a povedal som: "Ó! Toto znamená, že nastane nejaký výbuch, ktorý ma zabije. Som teraz na konci svojej cesty. Nesmiem povedať svojej rodine, keď toto videnie skončí. Nechcem aby o tom vedeli. Ale Nebeský Otec mi dal teraz vedieť, že môj čas je skončený. Nepoviem to mojej rodine, oni sa budú o mňa starať, 'pretože on má odísť.' A títo anjeli prišli pre mňa, a ja budem teraz zakrátko zabitý v nejakom výbuchu."

98Potom to prišlo ku mne, zatiaľ čo som sa nachádzal v tej konštelácii: "Nie, to nie je to. Ak by to zabilo teba, zabilo by to Jozefa," a ja som mohol počuť Jozefa, ako na mňa volá. No, potom, znovu som sa otočil a rozmýšľal som: "Pane Bože, čo znamená toto videnie?"

Uvažoval som, a potom to prišli ku mne. Nie nejaký hlas, proste to ku mne prišlo. "Ó! To sú tí anjeli Pánovi, ktorí prichádzajú, aby mi dali moje nové poverenie!" A keď som o tom rozmýšľal, zodvihol som ruky, a povedal som: "Ó, Pane Ježišu, čo mi dáš urobiť?" A to videnie ma opustilo. Takmer hodinu, nemohol som precitnúť.

99No, vy ľudia viete čím sú požehnania Pánove. Ale moc Pánova je úplne iná, moc Pánova v takýchto situáciách. Cítil som ju mnohokrát predtým vo videní, ale nikdy takto. Bolo to cítiť ako úctyhodný strach. Bol som tak prestrašený, že som bol až ochrnutý v prítomnosti týchto bytostí. Hovorím vám pravdu. Ako povedal Pavol: "Neklamem." Nikdy ste ma nezastihli hovoriť niečo bludné o niečom takom. Niečo sa má stať!

Potom, po chvíli som povedal: "Pane Ježišu, ak budem zabitý, daj mi to vedieť, a ja nepoviem o tom svojej rodine. Ale ak je to niečo iné, daj mi to vedieť." Nič neodpovedalo.

100Potom, keď ma Duch opustil, asi po pol hodine, myslím, alebo viac, povedal som: "Pane, ak to znamená, potom, že budem zabitý, a Ty si skončil so mnou na zemi, a ja budem zobratý teraz domov ... ak je to to, to bude dobre. To je v poriadku." Tak, povedal som: "Ak to znamená to, daj mi vedieť. Pošli znovu na mňa Tvoju moc. Potom, budem vedieť, že to nemám hovoriť svojej rodine, ani nikomu, o tom, pretože Ty máš zaumienené prísť a zobrať ma preč." A nič sa nestalo. Čakal som za chvíľu.

101Potom som povedal: "Pane Ježišu, ak to neznamenalo to, a znamená to, že Ty máš niečo pre mňa do vykonania, a to mi bude zjavené neskoršie, potom pošli svoju moc." A takmer ma to vychytilo z tej izby!

102Našiel som sa niekde v kúte. Mohol som počuť moju ženu, ako sa niekde snaží zatriasť dvermi. Dvere do spálni boli zamknuté. A ja som mal otvorenú Bibliu, a čítal som ... Neviem, ale tam bolo, myslím, Rimanom, 9. kapitola, posledný verš: "Hľa ja kladiem na Sione uholný kameň, kameň úrazu, vzácny uholný kameň, a nikto kto verí naň nebude zahanbený."

Myslel som: "To je divné, že som toto čítal." Duch ma stále obklopoval v tej izbe. Zavrel som Bibliu a stál som tam. Podišiel som ku oknu, bolo okolo desať hodín vo dne, alebo viac, a zodvihol som ruky, a povedal som: "Pane Bože, nerozumiem. Toto je pre mňa zvláštny deň. A som takmer bez seba."

103Povedal som: "Pane, čo toto znamená? Daj mi to znovu čítať, ak si to bol Ty." (No toto zneje detsky.) A zobral som Bibliu. otvoril som ju. Bolo to znovu na tom istom mieste - Pavol, hovorí Židom, že oni sa snažili ... hovorí Rimanom, že Židia sa snažili prijať to skrze skutky, ale to je skrze vieru, že tomu veríme.

No, od vtedy je to strašný čas. No vidíte kde stojím. Neviem čo sa deje. Neviem čo povedať. Ale teraz, dovoľte mi teraz, od teraz, za ďalších, okolo pätnásť, dvadsať minút, dovoľte mi pokúsiť sa povedať tu teraz niečo. Pamätajte, tieto videnia ani raz nesklamali.

104No, vezmem za chvíľu Písmo. Ak si všimnete, v Zjavení, desiata kapitola ... No, dovoľte mi povedať toto: Ak je to Biblické videnie, ono môže byť vyložené jedine Bibliou A potom chcem, aby ste to dali dokopy. No, vy, ktorí ste tu i vy pri páskach, buďte si istí, že toto hovoríte tak, ako to ja hovorím, pretože veľmi ľahko môže dôjsť do neporozumenia. (Ponáhľate sa? No dobre. Len ... Ďakujem vám, že ste tak potichu, a milí.)

No, ten siedmy anjel ... No, vážení (ako som toto nazval), je toto znak času konca? Kde žijeme? Ktorá je to hodina dňa? Ako ten unavený zápasník cez noc, vstáva a zapaľuje hodiny, aby sa pozrel a videl koľko je hodín - zapaľuje svetlo - mojou modlitbou je: "Bože, daj nám zapáliť svetlo." Nachádzam sa v hroznom položení, keby ste to vedeli. Pamätajte, hovorím vám to v mene Pánovom, povedal som vám pravdu! A niečo sa má stať! Ja neviem. No, vy pri páskach, rozumiete? Ja neviem! Budem sa snažiť ... čo prišlo včera ku mne, keď som sedel vo svojej izbe. Ja nehovorím, že to je pravda. To sa len niečo hýbalo v mojom srdci, keď som chodil po podlahe.

Mal som odísť ... zobrať si trochu voľno a prísť s Charlie a ísť s ním jeden deň na poľovačku, prv ako sa budeme musieť rozísť.

105Dovoľte mi povedať, to že idem na západ, to neznamená, že opúšťam túto modlitebňu. Toto je zbor, ktorý mi dal Pán Boh. Tu je môj hlavný stan. Tu zostávam. Idem v poslušnosti podľa prikázania, ktoré mi bolo dané vo videní. Môj syn Billy Paul, zostane mojím sekretárom. Môj úrad bude rovno tu v tomto zbore.

106S pomocou Božou, budem tu, keď sa skončí táto vec, a budem kázať tých sedem pečatí. A všetky pásky, ktoré nahrávam, či čokoľvek iné, bude urobené rovno tu v tomto zbore. Rovno tu, pokiaľ viem, tu je miesto, kde môžem kázať vo väčšej slobode, ako kdekoľvek inde na svete - kvôli tejto skupine ľudí tu, ktorí veria, a sú hladní a držia sa toho. Tu sa cítim ako doma. Toto je to miesto. A ak si všimnete, tie sny povedali to isté, vidíte, kde tá potrava ...

No, ale neviem, čo leží v budúcnosti. Ale viem, kto drží budúcnosť. To je hlavná vec.

No, Bože, ak sa mýlim, odpusť mi a zavri potom moje ústa, Pane, na všetko, čo by nebola Tvoja vôľa. Ja toto robím len pretože som stiesnený, Pane. Nech tí ľudia rozumejú - len stiesnený.

107Dôvod, prečo si myslím, že ten výklad neprišiel hneď, to bolo skrze suverénneho Boha, pretože verím, že je to tu v Biblii pre mňa napísané. A potom ak je to Biblické, môže to vyložiť jedine Biblia. A ak je toto pravda, brat, sestra, nemám v úmysle vás postrašiť, ale bude lepšie ak budeme teraz veľmi opatrní. Sme ... niečo je hotové stať sa.

108A hovorím toto s vážnosťou a s bázňou Božou. Myslíte, že by som tu stál ... a vy ľudia dokonca veríte, že som prorok. Netvrdím, že som. Moja pohnútka bola toto. Minulý rok som povedal: "Jediné čo som uvidel, prebudenie v národe skončilo - alebo v tomto národe, každopádne." Vydal som sa na misijnú cestu - mnohí z vás išli so mnou. Ó, to bolo v poriadku. Prežívali sme nádherné chvíle, krásne zhromaždenia, mnohé zástupy. Ale to proste nebolo ešte to. Toho roku sa vydávam na misijnú cestu. Pokiaľ budem môcť, pôjdem do Afriky, Indii a okolo sveta, ak budem môcť, na ďalšiu misijnú cestu.

109Ak to nebude fungovať, potom nevezmem ani vodu ani potravu, a vyjdem tam na niektorý z tých vrchov, a zostanem tam, až kým Boh nejako neodpovie. Nemôžem takto žiť. Nemôžem proste ísť ďalej. Toto môže byť tá odpoveď tu. Neviem. Až kým ma On nepremení ...

110Pamätáte si to videnie, asi pred tromi týždňami, ako som stál v slnku, kázal do zhromaždenia? Všetci ste tu boli minulú nedeľu, mnoho nedieľ. Vy ľudia tu, ktorí dostávate tie pásky, a boli ste tu, keď to bolo povedané, vy rozumiete týmto veciam, pretože teraz, sa len dotknem týchto miest, a vy to sledujte. Práve že každý kúsok z toho, čo bolo povedané pasuje rovno do toho. Tak to musí byť ten výklad. Neviem. Preto hovorím: "Pánovia, je to to?"

111Verím, že ten siedmy anjel zo Zjavenia 10 je ten posol siedmeho cirkevného veku zo zjavenia 3:14. Pamätajte ... No, dovoľte mi prečítať, pozrite, kde môžem čítať. No, toto bol ten siedmy anjel.

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela 

(7. verš)

, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

No, všimnite si, toto bol anjel; a to je ten anjel toho siedmeho cirkevného veku, pretože to tu hovorí, že to je ten siedmy anjel siedmeho cirkevného veku. Našli ste to? Ak chcete vidieť kto ... alebo kde je ten anjel - Zjavenie 3:14. To je anjel pre tú Laodicejskú cirkev.

112No, pamätáte sa, keď to tu bolo povedané, tí anjeli v tých cirkevných vekoch. No, v tomto, to bode zapadať rovno do týchto siedmych pečatí, o ktorých sa chystáme hovoriť. A týchto sedem pečatí, o ktorých sa budeme snažiť hovoriť, keď prídeme nabudúce, je tých sedem napísaných pečatí. A týchto sedem pečatí, ako viete, je len manifestáciou siedmych anjelov siedmych zborov. Ale je sedem ďalších pečatí, ktoré sú na zadnej strane tej knihy - zvonku Biblii. Všimnite si, dostaneme sa ku tomu za chvíľu.

No, prv ako toto začnem, ste unavení? Chceli by ste povstať, zmeniť pozíciu?

113No, počúvajte pozorne. Siedmy anjel zo Zjavenia 10:7 je poslom siedmeho cirkevného veku, vidíte. No sledujte to. "Vo dňoch ... " No sledujte to tu.

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie ...

114No, trúbenie tohoto posla, tu tohoto siedmeho anjela, to je trúbenie jeho posolstva do Laodicejskej cirkvi. Všimnite si aké je jeho posolstvo. No, ono nebolo pre prvého anjela (nebolo to dané), pre druhého anjela, tretieho, štvrtého, piateho, šiesteho; ale to je ten siedmy anjel, ktorý mal posolstvo tohoto typu. Čo to bolo? Všimnite si, toto jeho posolstvo: dokončuje všetky tajomstvá Božie, ktoré sú napísané v Knihe. Tento siedmy anjel zakončuje všetky tajomstvá, ktoré neboli dotiahnuté do konca počas všetkých tých organizácií a denominácií. Siedmy anjel ich dáva dokopy a zakončuje celé to tajomstvo. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia - zakončuje tajomstvá tej napísanej Knihy.

115No, všimnime si niekoľko z týchto tajomstiev, a ak chcete, zapíšte si ich. Najprv, zoberiem to, čo hovorí Scofield tu v Matúšovi 13, ak si chcete niektoré z nich zapísať. Ak nemáte Scofieldovu Bibliu, môžete si prečítať, čo si on myslí, že čo sú niektoré tieto tajomstvá.

116No, v 11. verši:

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Pretože vám je dané 

(jeho učeníkom)

 ... Pretože vám je dané poznať tajomstvá nebeského kráľovstva, ale tamtým nie, ale tamtým nie je dané 

(tie tajomstvá)


117Tu je to tajomstvo: Tajomstvo je písmo ... je to predbežne skrytá pravda, teraz Božsky zjavená, ale ktorá je ... nadprirodzený element stále zostáva, napriek zjaveniu. Tie väčšie tajomstvá a tie veľké tajomstvá sú:

Číslo 1: Tajomstvo kráľovstva nebeského. To je to, o ktorom teraz hovoríme. Matúš 13: 3 - 15.

Druhé tajomstvo je tajomstvo zaslepenia Izraela počas tohoto veku. (Rimanom 11:25 i s tým, čo s tým súvisí.)

Tretie tajomstvo je tajomstvo prenesenia živých svätých na konci času tohoto veku. (1 Korinťanom 15, a tiež 1 Tesaloničanom 4: 14 - 17.)

Štvrté tajomstvo, Novozákonnej Cirkvi ako jedného tela, zloženého z obidvoch zo Židov i Pohanov. (Efežanom 3: 1 - 11, Rimanom 16: 25, a tiež Efežanom 6: 19, Kološanom 4: 3.)

Piate tajomstvo je tajomstvo cirkvi, ako nevesty Kristovej. (Efežanom 5: 28 - 32.)

Šieste tajomstvo je tajomstvo živého Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. (Galaťanom 2: 20 a Židom 13: 8, a mnohé takéto miesta.)

Siedme tajomstvo je tajomstvo Boha, menovite Krista, ako stelesnenej plnosti Božstva telesne, v ktorom všetka Božská múdrosť a pobožnosť je prinavrátené človekovi.

Deviate tajomstvo je tajomstvo neprávosti, o ktorom je zmienka v II.Tesaloničanom, a tak ďalej.

Desiate tajomstvo je tajomstvo siedmich hviezd zo Zjavenia 1: 20. (Práve sme cez to prešli. Sedem hviezd a sedem cirkví, sedem poslov, a tak ďalej.)

A jedenáste tajomstvo je tajomstvo Babylonu, tej smilnici. (Zjavenie 17: 5 - 7.)

118To sú niektoré z tých tajomstiev, ktoré má tento anjel zakončiť ... všetky tajom-... všetky tajomstvá Božie. A to ďalšie (nech to poviem s vážnosťou a nepoukazujúc na seba, ale odkazujúc na toho anjela Božieho): semeno hada, ktoré bolo skrytým tajomstvom po všetky tie roky; milosť daná do poriadku - nie nemilosť, ale skutočná opravdová milosť; nie niečo také, ako večne horiace peklo. Budete horieť milióny rokov, ale všetko, čo je večné nemá začiatok ani koniec, a peklo bolo stvorené - všetky tieto tajomstvá.

119Tajomstvo krstu Duchom Svätým - bez senzácie, ale osoba Krista činiaca vo vás tie isté skutky, ktoré On činil. Tajomstvo vodného krstu, kde trojičiarsky extrém to priniesol do titulov Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý; a tajomstvo Božstva, ktoré je vyplnené v krste vo meno Ježiša Krista podľa knihy Zjavenia, ktoré cirkev v tomto čase mala prijať. To sú niektoré z tých tajomstiev.

Ohnivý Stĺp navracajúci sa naspäť. Amen! To sú veci, ktoré sa mali stať, a my to vidíme!

120Ó, mohli by sme pokračovať a vymenúvať tieto tajomstvá. Vidíme ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela - ten istý, ktorý zrazil na zem Saula na jeho ceste do Damašku, a ten istý, prichádza s tou istou mocou, činiaci tie isté veci, a zjavuje to isté Slovo, ktoré slovo za slovom súhlasí s Bibliou.

121Trúbenie trúby predstavuje trúbu evanjelia. A trúbenie na trúbe v Biblii znamená pripraviť sa na Biblickú vojnu. Zapisujete si to? Biblická vojna. Pavol povedal, (Ak si to chcete zapísať, 1. Korinťanom 14: 8), Pavol povedal: "Ak trúba vydáva neistý zvuk, ako bude človek vedieť na čo sa má pripraviť?" A ak to nemá Biblický zvuk, potvrdený, zamanifestované potvrdenie Slova Božieho, ako budeme vedieť, že sme v čase konca?

122Ak ono hovorí, že oni veria, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ale zapierajú Jeho znamenia a zázraky, skrze ktoré celá ríša prírody uverila v Neho, a celá cirkev uverila v Neho skrze ne, ako budeme vedieť ako sa pripraviť?

Niekto príde s grafom, kde to všetko nakreslil, a niekto príde s niečím iným a nakreslil toto všetko a nezhoduje sa to s tam tým. Niekto prichodí a hovorí: "Toto je to," znovu sa vracia do toho, a ostatní takto napísali knihy a všetko možné.

123Ale Boh prichádza v moci svojho vzkriesenia, a kto bude hovoriť proti tomu? Ak Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On robí to isté, čo robil včera, dnes, i naveky. To je to, čo tento anjel má robiť - zobrať tie tajomstvá, tie nedotiahnuté konce, ktoré ľudia opustili.

124Všimnite si, ak to vydáva neistý zvuk, nebiblický, kto sa môže pripraviť? Ale trúba ... Všimli ste si, každý jeden z týchto vekov, ako som vám povedal o tom dozrievaní cirkvi, zaznela trúba, bola odtrhnutá pečať. A trúba znamená vojnu! Ak to nedáva Biblický zvuk, čo s tým?

125Dovoľte, že vám to pripomeniem. Nepreočte to teraz. Všimnite si, každý cirkevný vek mal svojho posla. To vieme. Pavol bol prvým poslom. A keď tá prvá trúba zaznela, a tá prvá pečať bola odtrhnutá, Pavol bol ten prvý posol, ako sme videli. Čo on urobil? Vyhlásil vojnu. Komu? Ortodoxnej cirkvi, že neuverili v znak Mesiáša, ktorý im Ježiš predstavil.

Prečo, oni to mali poznať! Oni to mali vedieť. Pamätajte Pavol prišiel na konci toho veku - všetci poslovia prišli na konci svojho veku. Tieto veci sú prinesené najavo v čase konca.

126Pavol, poznajúc Písma, a vediac, že Ježiš bol Mesiáš ... A on s Písmom hrmel na tie synagógy chodiac z miesta na miesto, a bol vyhnaný z každej z nich, až nakoniec striasol prach zo svojich nôh a obrátil sa ku Pohanom.

127Čo to bolo? Trúbenie trúby! Stál tam anjelsky posol so Slovom. Ó! Nepreočte to teraz! Slovo! A Pavol, s pravým výkladom Božieho Slova, drvil všetky tie synagógy. Stálo ho to život.

128Takto by sme mohli ísť ďalej ku Ireneusovi, poslovi ďalšieho cirkevného veku; a sv. Martinovi, do ďalšieho cirkevného veku, keď začali zavádzať náuku Nikolaitov - začala dozrievať. Oni drvili ten vek. Sv. Martin drvil svoj vek.

129A potom Luther, ten piaty posol, on hrmel Slovom Božím na Katolícku cirkev. "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery," on povedal; a "Toto nie je doslovné telo Kristovo." A hodil tú komúniu na podlahu, vyšiel, a hrmel na Katolícku cirkev! Tá trúba zaznela. Je to tak. Je to pravda?

130John Wesley, povstal vo dňoch Anglikánskej cirkvi, keď oni povedali: "Nie je viac dôvodu mať prebudenie," a to odišlo do semena. Ale Ján Wesley povstal s posolstvom druhého diela milosti - posvätenia. A on drvil Anglikánsku cirkev s trúbou evanjelia - pripravil na vojnu. Je to tak. On to urobil.

131Teraz, my sme v Laodicejskom veku, keď oni znovu urobili denomináciu - Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Letniční - a my čakáme proroka, aby prišiel a rozdrtil tento vek, a odvrátil ich od ich neprávosti.

132No, ak toto bol trend po celý ten čas, či zmení Boh svoj trend v tomto čase? On to nemôže zmeniť. On musí zachovať to pravidelné udieranie. Pamätajte, tento posol bol tým siedmym anjelom, a on mal zobrať všetky tieto tajomstvá a zhromaždiť ich.

133Všimnite si, siedmy anjel mal hrmieť na bohatú Laodicejskú cirkev. "Som bohatý a zbohatol som, a nepotrebujem ničoho." On povedal: "Si biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i slepý i nahý a nevieš o tom." To bolo jeho posolstvo.

134Ó Bože, pošli nám nebojácneho proroka s "Tak hovorí Pán", že to potvrdené Slovo Bože bude vanúť cez to, a to dokáže, že je poslaný od Boha. A keď on príde, on bude drviť tie veky. Skutočne. On nastaví tú Laodicejskú cirkev proti nemu. Skutočne on to urobí. Oni to urobili v každom veku. V tomto veku to nebude inak. To musí byť tak isto.

135Všimnite si, teraz, Laodicejská cirkev. Ten posol tej Laodicejskej cirkvi zakončí ... ten siedmy anjel zakončí všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli stratené v tých predošlých bojoch za pravdu.

136Povstal Luther, ale on nemal celú pravdu. On mal len ospravedlnenie. Tak veru. Potom prišiel ďalší posol menom John Wesley s posvätením. On to nemal. Biblia povedala ... Tá Filadelfská cirkev. Potom prichádza Laodicejský cirkevný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého, ale oni to všetko pomiešali a vošli znovu naspäť do formalizmu, ako tí tam na začiatku - keď On vyzerá ako Alfa a Omega, Jeho ruka leží týmto smerom a týmto smerom - prvý a posledný.

137Jeho Duch padol v deň Letníc a naplnil tú skupinu. Ona postupne vyschla, až to prišlo do veku temna, tých sedem zlatých svietnikov, tých sedem cirkevných vekov. Ten posledný bol najďalej od Neho. To bolo skoro tisíc rokov Doby Temna, Katolíckej cirkvi. Luther začal prinášať nasledujúce svetlo, trochu bližšie do Slova. Ďalšie svetlo prišlo trochu bližšie. Ďalšie svetlo, Laodicejské. Potom to prišlo naspäť do toho, ako na začiatku, odišlo rovno do toho istého zamiešania, ako na začiatku. Rozumiete čo myslím?

138Dávajte pozor. Tam zostalo zabudnuté mnoho pravdy. Prečo? Kde ostatní urobili kompromis ohľadne pravdy. Ale tento siedmy anjel nerobí v ničom kompromis! On zhromaždí všetky tieto voľné konce - zhromaždí ich spolu. A pri jeho trúbení všetky tajomstvá Božie budú zakončené. Boh ho poslal. Všetky tie skryté tajomstvá sa skončili, keď on ... Jemu to bolo zjavené.

139Skrze čo? Ak sú toto skryté tajomstvá, ten muž bude musieť byť prorok. A či sme to neprebrali a nevideli, že ten prorok, ktorý príde v poslednom veku bude ten veľký Eliáš, na ktorého sme očakávali? Pretože tieto tajomstvá, ktoré sú teológom skryté, musia byť zjavené od Boha. A Slovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi, a my to vieme. On bude ten druhý Eliáš, ako je zasľúbené. Ó! To posolstvo, ktoré on prinesie, to budú tie tajomstvá všetkých týchto vecí.

140Máme vodný krst - všetko to je pomiešané. Je to tak. Jedni fŕkajú; jedni polievajú. Jedni berú Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého; jedni berú toto. Jedni krstia tri krát dopredu - jedno na Boha menom "Otec," ďalšie na Boha menom "Syn," ďalšie na Boha menom "Duch Svätý"; iní hovoria: "Vy ste v blude. Musíte krstiť trikrát dozadu, takto." A och, čo za zamiešanie!

141Ale celá tá vec zostala rozmotaná. Aha, je len jeden Boh. A Jeho meno je Ježiš Kristus, a nie je iného mena pod nebom, skrze ktoré môžete byť spasení. Nie je ani jedného miesta Písma, nikde v Biblii, kde by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený nejako inak, ako vo meno Ježiša Krista. Ani raz nebol nikto v tejto novej cirkvi ... či v cirkvi Ježiša Krista nikdy pofŕkaný, poliaty, ani nič takého. Ani raz nebola vôbec použitá ceremónia: "Krstím ťa vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého." To sú vyznania a také veci. A v tom boji za pravdu sa tie konce stratili. Ale Boh povedal, že oni v poslednom dni budú znovu prinavrátené "Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán." Nedávno sme to prebrali: "Strom Nevesty."

142Na to treba proroka. Biblia hovorí, že on tu bude. Je to tak. Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že on tu bude, a my veríme, že on tu bude. Očakávame na neho, a čakáme na jeho manifestáciu. A budeme vidieť to potvrdené Slovo Božie.

143Bude ich len niekoľko, ktorí tomu porozumejú. "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Koľko bolo spasených? Päť duší. Vo dňoch Lota, tam boli v skutočnosti traja spasení. Žena urobila prvé kroky a zahynula. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Bude veľmi málo spasených, prenesených, v tom čase - jedno z tajomstiev, o vzatí tej cirkvi. Ako, Lot bol vzatý, preč; Noach bol vzatý. A cirkev bude tiež vzatá. Jeden vošiel, a jeden vyšiel, a ďalší odchádza hore. Vidíte, to presne pasuje, dokonale.

144Slovo prichádza. Tá kniha, ktorá je popísaná zvnútra, je potom skompletovaná, keď skončili všetky tieto tajomstvá, aby boli oznámené.

145No, dovoľte mi to znovu prečítať, tak si budete istí. No pozrite sa:

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela 

(toho posledného anjela)

, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie ...

146No, čo je to tajomstvo Božie, jedno z nich? Pavol povedal v 1. Timoteovi 3 (myslím, že to je ono), povedal: "A vyznane veľké ja tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh zjavený v tele." "Dotýkali sme sa Ho, videli sme Ho, prijatý do chvály, svedčili o Ňom anjeli, potvrdený tu na zemi - to bol Boh."

147Skutočne, to je veľké tajomstvo, ale všetko je to rozlúštené. Nie Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý - traja Bohovia - ale jeden Boh v troch úradoch: Otcovstvo za Mojžiša, Synovstvo za Krista, Duch Svätý v tejto správe. Tri správy toho istého Boha - nie traja Bohovia. To tajomstvo je teraz skončené. Biblia hovorí, že má byť.

148Videl som jedného dňa, ako sa mi vedci snažia odporovať, v tom čo oni zvyknú hovoriť. Keď som povedal: "Každý, kto verí, že Eva jedla jablko ...!" No, veda hovorí (videli ste v novinách ten veľký nadpis) ona zjedla moruľu. Nezmysel! To by ju zvábilo? Vidíte, oni sa len ...

To je to, čo si myslel Kain, viete. On priniesol naspäť to isté, ale Boh neprijal jeho obeť. A Ábel, spravodlivý ... bolo mu to zjavené, že to bola krv, a on priniesol krv. Ó, Bože, táto cirkev a vek, v ktorom žijeme!

149Kniha, ktorá bola popísaná z vnútra je potom dokončená, keď tento anjel prestane (no, prosím rozumejte tomuto) ... keď posolstvo toho siedmeho anjela je skončené: tajomstvo Božstva, tajomstvo semena hada, všetky tie ďalšie tajomstvá všetkých týchto vecí, večné synovstvo, ako oni o tom hovoria. Ako On môže byť večný syn, keď večnosť nikdy nezačala ani nekončí? A syn to je niečo, čo sa narodilo. Ako to môže dávať zmysel?

150Ako môže byť večné peklo, keď peklo bolo stvorené? Ja verím v horiace peklo. Samozrejme. Biblia tak hovorí. Ale ono má byť zničené. Biblia hovorí: "Blahoslavený, kto nemá diel v druhej smrti?" vidíte. Vidíte, vy nebudete zničení skrze druhú smrť. Tá prvá je telesná. Tá druhá je duchovná smrť, keď je všetko skončené. Duša, ktorá hreší, tá duša zomrie. Budete trestaní za svoje hriechy, možno za stovky tisíce rokov.

151Ale nemôže byť večné peklo, pretože Biblia hovorí, že peklo bolo stvorené. Ako ono môže byť stvorené a byť večné? Ak bolo niekedy ... Biblia povedala, že peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a pre jeho anjelov. A tak, ak ono bolo stvorené, ono nemôže byť večné; pretože večné ... všetko večné nemalo začiatku ani konca.

152Tak nemôžeme nikdy zomrieť, pretože my sme boli stále. My sme časťou Boha, potomstvo Božie, a On je jedinou večnou vecou, ktorá existuje. Amen. Vy nemôžete zomrieť, ako Boh nemôže zomrieť, pretože vy ste veční s Ním. Amen! Nech to príde! Hallelujah! Nejako sa predsa unavujeme z tohoto starého skaziteľného domu.

153Všimnite si, tá popísaná kniha. Keď tento anjel zakončuje všetky tieto služby s voľnými koncami, ktoré počas toho boju, ktorý oni bojovali ... Luther bojoval, a Wesley bojoval, a Letniční bojovali. Ale prichádza jeden, hovorí Biblia, že vo dňoch jeho trúbenia, všetky tieto tajomstvá ... Jednotári vybehli za menom Ježiš. Trojičiari odišli za Otcom, Synom a Duchom Svätým, tak ako to urobili na Nicejskom koncile. To isté. Obe hnutia boli nesprávne. Ale teraz, na prostriedku tej cesty v Písme, leží pravda. Vidíte kde sme? Anjel Pánov.

154Všimnite si, Zjavenie 5: 1. Počúvajte to teraz.

A videl som na pravici sediaceho na tróne knihu popísanú z vnútra 

(to písmo bolo vo vnútri),

 a zozadu zapečatenú siedmimi pečaťami.

155No, tá kniha je popísaná z vnútra, ale zozadu mala sedem pečatí na jej zadnej strane, čo nebolo zapísané v tej knihe. No, toto hovorí ten zjavovateľ - Ján. No, pamätajte, to nebolo napísané v tej knihe. "A vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela celé toto tajomstvo, ktoré je napísané vo vnútri má byť dokončené." Bude o to postarané v tom čase.

Rozumiete teraz, čo chcem povedať? Sledujete ma?

156Potom je čas pre sedem hlasov zo Zjavenia 10, aby boli zjavené. Keď je tá kniha skončená, zostáva len jedna vec, a to je sedem tajomných hlasov hromov, ktoré boli napísané na zadnej strane tej knihy, ktoré Jánovi boli zakázané napísať. Dovoľte mi prečítať to.

A videl som ... 


 silného anjela, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár bola ako slnko, a jeho nohy ako ohnivé stĺpy,

a vo svojej ruke mal otvorenú knižku. 

(Vidíte, teraz sledujte toto.)

 A svoju pravú nohu položil na more a ľavú na zem

a skríkol veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. A keď skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy. 

(Sledujte to!)

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať. 

(Tam bolo niečo povedané. To nebol len hluk. Niečo bolo povedané. On chcel písať.)

 A počul som hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: 

(Hľaďte, kde boli hlasy tých hromov - nie v nebi; na zemi. Tie hromy nehovorili z nebies; oni hovorili zo zeme.)

, chcel som písať. Ale som počul hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať 

(veľké písmeno Z-a-p-e-č-a-ť) 

Zapečať to, čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!

157To je na tej zadnej strane. Keď je kniha skompletovaná ... No On nepovedal na prednej strane; On povedal na zadnej strane. Potom, keď je to všetko dokončené, potom týchto sedem hromov, hlasov, je tou jedinou vecou, ktorá zostáva na tej knihe, ktorá nie je zjavená. Nie je to ani napísané v tej knihe.

158Ó! Prajem si, aby som mohol spôsobiť, aby tí ľudia mohli skutočne ... Vydržte! Nepreočte ... prosím nepreočte, tento čas. Opúšťam vás. Neupadajte! Ak ste niekedy počúvali, počúvajte. Tieto pečate sú na zadnej strane tej knihy, a v tom čase, keď tento siedmy anjel trúby, všetky tajomstvá, ktoré sú napísané v tej knihe sú skompletované. A hneď potom, tá kniha, ktorá bola otvorená a popísaná z vnútra, je zavretá! Tajomstvá Božie sú skončené. A toto sú tajomstvá Božie - odchod cirkvi a všetky tieto ďalšie veci. Tie tajomstvá sú skončené.

159Keď tento siedmy anjel vytrúbi každé tajomstvo, je koniec. Nech je to ktokoľvek, čokoľvek to môže byť, Božie Slovo nemôže sklamať. A On povedal:

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

160Všetky tieto veci - ako je Rím tou smilnicou, a všetky tie protestantské cirkvi, denominácie, stávajúce sa denomináciami podľa nej, stali sa jej smilnicami, vidíte - všetky tieto tajomstvá, o ktorých proroci hovorili, budú zjavené práve tu v tejto poslednej hodine. A keď tento siedmy anjel povstane v Laodicejskom veku a začne trúbiť na trúbe pravdy, pretože to bude v protiklade, oni tomu nebudú veriť. Oni tomu skutočne nebudú veriť. Ale to bude inšpirovaný prorok, pretože na to nie je možné prísť.

161Ľudia chcú vyskúmať trojicu a šedivejú a bláznia. Nikto tomu nemôže porozumieť. Oni hovoria: "My veríme, že Eva jedla jablko," a všetko toto, pretože to je tradícia, ktorej sa ľudia držia - práve tak, ako Ježiš zastihol cirkev. Ale to bude musieť byť Božsky vedený prorok, pretože Slovo Božie prichádza ku nemu s tým pravdivým výkladom zjavenia Ježiša Krista! Tak potom, musí to byť takýmto spôsobom! Bože pomôž nám.

162No, keď on trúbi ... No to je "Tak hovorí Pán." Máme v tom jasno. Keď on trúbi svoje posolstvo, vyhlasuje vojnu - ako Pavol vyhlásil tým ortodoxným, ako to urobili tí ostatní z nich, ako Luther, Wesley, proti organizáciám - keď on ohlasuje vojnu, a hovorí im, že klamú, a že to nie je pravda, a že zvádzajú ľudí. Keď on trúbi toto ... nemôžete to preočiť. To nemôže sklamať, pretože on bude potvrdený Slovom Božím. Budete presne vedieť, čo to je. A keď on trúbi, on trúbi aby vyvolával von z Babylonu: "Vyjdite z nej, môj ľudu, aby ste neboli účastí jej hriechov." Boh ho posiela. Nech vám to neunikne.

163No, keď on začína trúbiť, to tajomstvo bude dokonané. No, všimnite si. Potom to je čas pre tých sedem zapečatených hlasov zo Zjavenia 10, aby zostali zjavené. Rozumiete? Keď všetky tajomstvá tejto knihy sú zakončené ... A Biblia tu povedala, že on zakončí tie tajomstvá.

164Keď ľudia predtým v tých iných vekoch bojovali za pravdu ... Oni bojovali za ospravedlnenie. Posvätenie - oni bojovali za toto, a oni bojovali za tamto, oni bojovali za toto. Čo oni robili? Hneď sa otočili naspäť a zorganizovali to. To isté. Letniční, a Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, a všetci urobili to isté; hneď sa otočili naspäť a urobili tú istú vec. A Biblia povedala v Zjavení 17, že to je to, čo oni budú robiť - stará matka smilnica a jej dcéry. Tajomstvo Babylon.

165Biblia tu hovorí, že to bude jedno z tajomstiev, ktoré bude odhalené. Protestanti - prostitútky - páchajúci duchovné smilstvo, ktorí vedú ľudí skrze denominácie, so svojím pohárom neprávosti, ľuďmi vyrobenou náukou; a odťahujúcich ich od zdroja naplneného krvou, kde moc Všemohúceho Boha slobodne veje, aby manifestovala Ježiša Krista!

166Ak je to pravda, potom to Boh podoprie. A On to robí a bude v tom pokračovať. Ale keď sa toto stane, Slovo je skončené.

167No, zostala len jedna vec. To je sedem hromov, ktoré nepoznáme. A to nezahrmelo len tak pre nič. Boh nerobí niečo, len aby sa hral. My sa hráme a zachovávame sa hlúpo, ale Boh nie. U Boha je všetko "áno" a "nie". On sa proste nehrá. On si nerobí žarty. On myslí to čo hovorí, a On nehovorí nič, ak to niečo neznamená.

168A sedem hromov rovno v zjavení, tu, Ježiša Krista, to je nejaké tajomstvo. Či nehovorí Biblia, že toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista? Prečo, tam je nejaké ukryté tajomstvo, potom, toho. Hmm. Čo to je? Má to tých sedem hromov, lebo Ján to chcel písať. A hlas prišiel z neba a povedal: "Nepíš to, ale to zapečať. Zapečať to. Daj to na zadnú stranu tej knihy." To musí byť zjavené. To sú tie tajomstvá.

169No, rozlúštili sme tieto veci skrze Ducha Svätého. On nám povedal, že to neboli jablká. Jednalo sa o sex. Povedal nám tieto veci. Nikto nie je schopný obstáť pred tým. Nikdy v živote som nevidel kazateľa, ktorý by sa s tým zhodoval. Ale ja som ich požiadal ...

170Viete v Chicago, keď sme stáli pred nimi, okolo 350 kazateľov ... Vy ženy tu z Chicaga, vy ste tam boli a počuli o tom. A Pán mi povedal tri dni pred tým, On povedal: "Oni chystajú na teba pascu." On povedal: "Postav sa ku oknu, a ukážem ti."

171On povedal: "pán Carlson a Tommy Hicks ťa stretnú zajtra ráno, budú chcieť ísť na raňajky, a ty povedz Tommimu, aby zostal. Ale," povedal, "takto to bude vyzerať. Povedz im, že nebudú mať to zhromaždenie na tom mieste, o ktorom si myslia. Oni budú na inom mieste." On povedal, Neboj sa, Ja budem s tebou." Pre mňa to stačilo.

Na ďalšie ráno, pán Carlson, prezident Obchodníkov plného Evanjelia, prišiel, povedal ... zavolal ma a povedal: "brat Branham, chcem ísť s tebou na raňajky."

Povedal som: "V poriadku." (Povedal som: "Hľaď, Tommy Hicks tam bude tiež.")

Išli sme do reštaurácie "Town and Country" a on povedal: "No, brat Branham," povedal: "och toto je nádherné ..."

Povedal som: "Tommy, urobil by si mi láskavosť?"

"Zaiste, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Som zvedavý, či by si mohol hovoriť za mňa?"

On povedal: "Och, to by som nemohol."

172Povedal som: "Prečo? Ja mám len sedem tried, a ja som povedal "empire" namiesto "umpire", vieš. Ja neviem ako pred nimi hovoriť, a tam bude Kazateľské združenie z veľkého Chicaga. Ako ja budem pred nimi hovoriť so svojimi siedmimi triedami vzdelania, Tommy? Ty si doktor teológie." Povedal som: "Ty vieš, ako hovoriť. Ja neviem."

On povedal: "brat Branham, ja by som to nemohol."

Povedal som: "Prečo? Ja som ti urobil mnohokrát láskavosť." Povedal som to skutočne priamo.

A brat Carlson povedal: "Oh, brat Branham, on by to nemohol."

Povedal som: "Prečo?"

On povedal: "No ... d...d...oh."

173Povedal som: "Vieš prečo? Vy viete prečo, ale vy mi nechcete povedať. Oni nastavili na mňa pascu." Povedal som: "brat Carlson vy máte zaistenú tú hotelovú miestnosť, však, kde sme mali minule banket?"


Povedal som: "Nedostanete to."

On povedal: "No, brat Branham, už to máme zaistené."

174Povedal som: Nestarám sa o to čo máte, to tam nebude. To je zelená miestnosť. My budeme v hnedej miestnosti. Ja budem vzadu v rohu. Dr. Meade bude sedieť v pravo. Ten černošský muž a jeho žena budú sedieť tu, a tak a tak. Bude tam sedieť budhistický kňaz úplne v pravo odo mňa (a ako budú oblečení)."

175 A povedal som: "Vieš čo je to, Tommy. Veľké Chicágske kazateľské združenie sa ma chystá vyzvať ohľadne krstu vo meno Ježiša Krista. Veľké Chicagské kazateľské združenie sa ma chystá vyzvať ohľadne krstu Duchom Svätým - hovorenie v jazykoch. Oni sa ma chystajú vyzvať ohľadne semena hada, a ohľadne kázania milosti."

Tommy sa pozrel a povedal: "Pre zľutovanie." Povedal: "Myslím, že tam ani nepôjdem."

Povedal som: "Áno, pôjdeš tam."

176A nasledujúceho dňa, ten človek, ktorý vzal tú zálohu, dal im naspäť tú zálohu a povedal: "Máme tam orchester. Mali sme to rezervované, a zabudli sme na to a stratili tú vec. A musíme to dať tomu orchestru, a vy to nemôžete mať." A my sme išli do Town and Country.

177Vošiel som tam v to ráno, a oni tam všetci stáli. Keď som si sadol za tým stolom tam vzadu, čakajúc ... Potom čo mali raňajky, rozhliadol som sa takto na nich (mali sme raňajky v miestnosti, vyšli sme, sadli sme si), a tam bolo to Veľké Kazateľské Združenia Chicaga. Rozhliadol som sa po nich. Každý sa predstavoval, ako Doktor, Ph.d., LL., Q.U.S.T., a všetky takéto tituly. Ja som len sedel a počúval až kým sa všetci nepredstavili.

178Brat Carlson sa postavil. Povedal: "Páni ..." (A všetci poznáte Hanka Carlsona. Opýtajte sa ho. No, máte to tu rovno na páske. Ak si chcete kúpiť tú pásku je tu. Tí chlapci ju majú.) On povedal: "Páni," povedal: "Predstavujem vám ďalej brata Branhama."

179Povedal: "Vy možno nikto nesúhlasíte s ním ohľadne jeho náuky, ale dovoľte mi povedať vám niečo. Pred tromi dňami sme sedeli na jednom mieste, a ak mi tento muž nepovedal všetko, čo sa stane dnes ráno, nestojím tu. Povedal mi, že vy všetci ste pripravení vyjadriť mu pochybnosť ohľadne jeho náuky. A povedal mi, že budem musieť zrušiť to iné miesto a byť tu; a povedal mi presne kde bude sedieť Dr. Meade a títo ľudia, úplne presne. A tu oni sú." On povedal: "Možno s ním nesúhlasíte, ale ja hovorím jedno. On nemá strach z toho, čo si myslí." Povedal: "No, brat Branham, máš miesto."

180Povedal som: "Prv ako začneme ..."Prečítal som to, čo som prečítal dnes ráno: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Povedal som: "No, dajme toto do poriadku. No, vy všetci hovoríte, že ste doktori teológii, a ja tu stojím sám." Povedal som: "Ak je to tak, chcete ma spochybniť ohľadne krstu vo meno Ježiša. Začneme najprv s tým. Chcem, aby niekto z vás zobral svoju Bibliu a zastal si tu vedľa mňa, ohľadne čohokoľvek čo učím." Povedal som: "Zastaňte si tu vedľa mňa! A vyvráťte to Božím Slovom!"

181Čakal som. Nikto nič nepovedal. Povedal som: "Žiadam, aby niekto z vás sem prišiel a postavil sa vedľa mňa. Čo je to s vami? Potom nehovorte poza chrbát, ak sa bojíte postaviť tu vedľa mňa." To som nie ja, ktorého sa boja. To je ten anjel Všemohúceho Boha, že oni vedia, keď mi On mohol predpovedať, aby prísť ... Oni boli dokonca chytrejší, než ako som si myslel. Oni si tam radšej nezastali.

182Viete, boli ste v situáciách, tiež v takých situáciách, ale oni to neurobili. Čo sa deje? Ak je to tak veľké, a oni vedia, že je to tak pravdivé ...Nahral som to na pásku, a všade inde. Som pripravený rozprávať o tom po kresťansky, kdekoľvek s ktorýmkoľvek bratom. Nechcem sa s nikým dohadovať. Ale chcem, aby ste prišli a Slovom niečo z toho vyvrátili. Nie teraz skrze vaše učebnice, nie čo Dr. taký a taký, alebo sv. taký a taký povedal; Ja chcem vedieť, čo Boh povedal. To je hlavné. Ja chcem vedieť, čo to je. Oni to nerobia.

183No pozrite sa. Keď je to čas pre sedem hlasov (a to je čas pre tých sedem hlasov, keď je tá kniha dokončená) zo Zjavenia 10, aby boli zjavené ... Všimnite si teraz, počúvajte. (No nechcem vás držať príliš dlho, viem, že vás tu unavujem. Je za dvadsať minút desať. Počúvajte pozorne, teraz. Viem ... stojíte a všetci zmieňate pozíciu a všetko. Budem rád, keď modlitebňa bude dokončená a nebudeme sa musieť tak tlačiť. Môžeme zobrať celý deň a kázať o tom.)

184No, všimnite si. Dávajte pozor. Tých sedem hlasov boli hromy - udierajúce! (Bože pomôž nám! Ak sa mýlim, Pane, odpusť mi.) Pýtam sa vás otázku. To zahrmelo s hromom, keď sa rozľahol ten hlas. Všimli ste si, že keď tých sedem pečatí - ktoré nasledovali za tými siedmimi cirkevnými vekami - keď bola otvorená prvá pečať, že tam bol hrom? Tá prvá pečať v tej knihe bola otvorená, tam bol hrom. Či tá prvá pečať z vonku tej knihy nebude otvorená tak isto? Boh nemení svoj program.

185Otvorme si do Zjavenia 6.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmich pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!

186No, tam nebol ďalší hrom; a tá posledná pečať bola otvorená, tam bol úsek v nebi na pol hodiny ticha. Ale tá prvá pečať bola otvorená; tam bol úder hromu.

187 Ó, cirkev, mohlo by to byť? Sme tak ďaleko? Priatelia, rozmýšľajte. Možno ... Dúfam, že nie. Ale, čo ak je to tak? Čo znamenal ten výbuch? Pred Bohom a touto otvorenou Bibliou, neklamem! Výbuch, ktorý zatriasol zemou. A keď tá prvá pečať z tých siedmich, ktorá bola otvorená v Biblii, to ide ďalej - len jedna - ale výbuch, ktorý zatriasol všetkým, hrom. A potom, ak by boli otvorené tie pečate, ktoré sú na zadnej strane, nebol by to tiež hrom? Ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať.

Tam bol hrom - tá prvá pečať. A tá pečať bol hrom. Tá trúba bola otvorená v tom čase - a tá trúba zadula na Letnice, samozrejme. (Nechcem vchádzať do toho.)

188No, ak to videnie bolo Biblické (To videnie o ktorom hovorím, ktoré som videl minulú sobotu ráno - pred týždňom) ... Ak, no pamätajte tu, ak to videnie bolo podľa Písma, ono musí byť vyložené Písmom, alebo musí byť pokračovaním toho istého Písma! [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Len som čakal, aby to vsiaklo. Ak to, čo som videl ... Čo to bolo, neviem, ale som vyľakaný na smrť! Je s nami koniec? Sme v čase konca? Pamätajte, tento anjel povedal, keď sa toto stalo, On prisahal, že času viacej nebude. Som zvedavý, či sme to skutočne porozumeli?

189Vy hovoríte: "No, vyzerá že bude hrmieť po celom ..." Brat, On príde v minúte, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. Budeš to počuť posledný krát.

190No, je to jasné? Keď táto prvá pečať bola otvorená ... Tie pečate, ktoré boli vo vnútri tej knihy, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré zneli - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Rímskokatolícka cirkev, Protestanti ... A keď všetky ich malé boje a všetko nechalo tieto nedotiahnuté konce v Slove Božom, ten siedmy anjel prichádza a dáva ich všetky dokopy a vyjasňuje ich, vidíte? A keď on končí, sedem hromov vydáva svoje hlasy! A Ján začal písať. On povedal: Nepíš toho, ale to zapečať." A tá prvá pečať bola otvorená (z tých pečatí vo vnútri tej knihy), ona bola otvorená hromom.

191Ak je toto podľa Písma, to môže byť jedine ... Ak ktorékoľvek miesto Písma je niečím, ono má byť z Biblii ... To je práve tak, ako mi nemôžete povedať, že je niečo také ako očistec a tomu podobné veci. Nie je také miesto Písma v Biblii, ktoré by to podoprelo. Nemôžete mi povedať o týchto veciach, ako je kniha Makabejcov, čo môže byť v poriadku; a tá štvrtá kniha Daniela, kde nejaký anjel ho chytil za vlasy a postavil ho tam dole. Nikdy sa niečo také v Biblii nestalo. Kde Ježiš z Nazaretu urobil z kúska hliny vtáka, dal na neho nohy, a povedal: "Leť si malý vtáčik," to je nezmysel. V Biblii nie je nič, čo by to podoprelo.

192Tak to nežartuje ... Prekladatelia, Boh dohliadal, aby tí prekladatelia nedodali tie dogmy a nezmysly. To mohli byť dobrí ľudia, tí bratia Makabejci. Oni boli takí. Ja nehovorím, že neboli dobrí ľudia. Ale to nebolo Biblické. Toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Nič nemôže byť do Toho dodané, alebo odňaté z Toho." A ak by sme toto Tam položili, to nehrá s tým ostatným Písmom. Je šesťdesiat šesť kníh Biblii, a ani jedno Slovo neprotirečí druhému.

193A potom, ak je toto pokračovanie trúbenia týchto posledných trúb, alebo týchto posledných siedmych hromov, ktoré prichádzajú - tých tajomstiev, tých posledných pečatí, to sa musí zhodovať sa s tým ostatným Písmom. A ak tam tie prvé pečate boli otvorené s výbuchom hromu, tie druhé, ktoré sú na zadnej strane, budú tiež.

Pozorujte, čo sa deje. Ak toto bolo Biblické videnie, potom ono musí byť vyložené Písmom, alebo byť pokračovaním toho istého Písma.

194Všimnite si, Zjavenie 10: 3 a 4. Sedem hromov ... sedem hromov! A potom si všimnite ... 3 a 4. A potom čo? Prísaha toho mocného Anjela, že čas sa skončil. Keď tieto Hromy, vidíte, vydali svoje hlasy, potom ten Anjel ...

195Rozmýšľajte len o tom! Anjel odiaty v oblaku, a dúha zmluvy nad jeho hlavou (No, viete kto to je.), položil jednu nohu na zem a na more, a zodvihol svoju ruku a prisahal, že keď týchto sedem hromov vydalo svoje hlasy, že času viacej nebude. A ak tá služba tých tajomstiev Božích je skončená ... Čo ak to je tých sedem tajomstiev, ktoré prichádzajú? A pokorný malý zbor ako náš, do ktorého prišiel Všemohúci a pohliadol na nízky stav Svojho ľudu.

Vy hovoríte: "No, ja si to tak nemyslím." Nemusí to byť, ale čo ak to je to? Potom čas dobehol do konca. Pomysleli ste o tom? Berte to vážne. Môže byť neskoršie ako si myslíme.

196Tie hviezdy zapadajúce do svojej konštelácii tam vtedy; ten anjel prišiel a povedal: "Ako Ján bol poslaný, aby zakončil Starý Zákon, a predstavil Krista, tvoje posolstvo zakončí tie nedotiahnuté konce, a predstaví Mesiáša, tesne pred Jeho príchodom" - posolstvo tých posledných dní. Všimnite si, ten mocný anjel prisahal prísahou, že času viacej nebude. No, nechcem vás držať príliš dlho. Zamyslite sa teraz na chvíľu nad tým.

197Počúvajte teraz. Tento anjel prichádza dole z neba. Vidíte, tí druhí siedmi anjeli tých siedmich cirkví, boli zemskí poslovia. Ale tento anjel ... Celé to posolstvo je skončené; ten siedmy anjel to všetko zakončuje. A tento anjel prichádza, nie na zem. On nie je človek zo zeme, ako tí poslovia do cirkevných vekov. To je skončené. Ale tento anjel prináša ďalšie oznámenie (a anjel znamená posol), a On prichádza dole z neba odiaty v stĺpe svetla, oblaku, s dúhou nad svojou hlavou. A dúha znamená zmluva. To je Kristus, s jednou nohou na zemi a s jednou na mori, a prisahá, že času viacej nebude.

Kde sa nachádzame, vážení? Čo to všetko znamená? Ja sa pýtam vás.

198Tí ostatní anjeli boli poslovia, ľudia zo zeme. Ale tento anjel ... Tam stojí: "anjelovi zboru Laodicejského"; "anjelovi zboru Efezského" - poslovia zo zeme, vidíte, ľudia, poslovia, proroci, a tak ďalej, pre cirkev. Ale tento nepochádzal zo zeme. On prišiel dole z neba, pretože všetko to tajomstvo sa skončilo. A keď je to tajomstvo skončené, ten anjel povedal: "Času viacej nebude," a sedem hromov vydalo svoje hlasy.

199Čo ak je to niečo, čo nám dá vedieť, ako vojsť do viery vytrhnutia! Je to to? Budeme bežať, preskakovať múry? Má sa niečo stať, a tieto staré, skazené, biedne telá budú zmenené? Môžem sa toho dožiť, aby som to uvidel, ó Pane? Je to tak blízko, že to budem vidieť? Je toto tá generácia? Vážení, moji bratia, čo je to za čas? Kde sa nachádzame?"

200Pozrime sa na hodiny, na kalendár, aby sme videli v akom dátume žijeme. Izrael je v Palestíne, vo svojej domovine. Zástava, šesťcípa hviezda Dávidova, pred dvatisíc rokmi (jé, skoro pred 2500 rokmi), tá najstaršia zástava veje. Izrael je naspäť vo svojej domovine. "Keď figový strom vypustí svoje púčky, tá generácia nezomrie - nepominie - až kým sa všetko nevyplní."

Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí;

Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov zrátané, hrôzami obťažené;

"Vráťte sa, ó rozprášení, do svojho vlastníctva."

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia omdlievajú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom, majte ozdobené a čisté svoje lampy.

Pozrite hore! Vaše vykúpenie je blízko.

Falošní proroci klamú, Božiu pravdu zapierajú;

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh; (Vy viete že je to pravda!)

Ale my budeme kráčať tam kde apoštolovia.

Lebo deň vykúpenia je blízko;

Ľudské srdcia omdlievajú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom, majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté.

Pozrite hore! Vaše vykúpenie je blízko.

Možno je to bližšie, než ako si myslíte. To ma prestrašilo! Ó, neurobil som toho dosť! Kde sa nachádzame?

201Času viacej nebude. On oznamuje, že čas sa skončil. Čo sa deje? Čo sa deje? Mohlo by to teraz tak byť, bratia? Vážne premýšľajte! Ak to je, potom tá pyramída je zavŕšená siedmimi hromami.

202Pamätáte sa na to posolstvo o pyramíde? To je štítový kameň. Čo on vykonal? Duch Svätý zavŕšil toho jednotlivca a zapečatil ju, keď sme pridali do našej viery spravodlivosť, a pobožnosť, a vieru, a tak ďalej; a stále sme do nej pridávali, až sme dostali sedem vecí. A tou siedmou bola láska, ktorou je Boh. Takto on pracuje na jednotlivcovi. On ho završuje a pečatí ho Svätým Duchom.

203Potom, ak je to tak, On má sedem cirkevných vekov, v ktorých mal sedem tajomstiev, ktoré boli odložené preč, a oni za ne bojovali, aby ich priniesli naspäť. A teraz prichádza ten štítový kameň, aby zavŕšil cirkev. Znamenajú tie hromy to, moji bratia? Vážení, nachádzame sa tam?

204Junie, chcem zobrať tvoj sen. Pozrite. Junior, ešte predtým, ako bolo kázané o pyramíde, mesiace pred tým, videl ten sen. Vy poviete: "Čo s tým má spoločného nejaký sen?"

205Nabuchodonozorovi sa sníval sen, ktorý Daniel vyložil, hovoril o začiatku pohanského veku, a kedy sa skončí. A stalo sa to presne tak. Ani kúsok z neho nesklamal.

206Všimnite si, to písmo, ktoré bolo na tých skalách, ja som im ho vykladal. Oni sa radovali. To je tajomstvo Božie, ktoré roky nebolo porozumené. Mohlo by to byť to? A potom si všimnite. Nejakým tajomným spôsobom, zobrali sme, zo vzduchu, ostrý nástroj, ktorý otvoril ten vrcholec. A v tom bol biely granit, ale to nebolo vysvetlené. Neboli tam žiadne písmená. Ja som to nevyložil, Junior. Ja som sa len na to pozrel, a povedal som bratom: "Dívajte sa na toto." A to sa vyplnilo dnes!

207Kým to oni skúmali, ja som odišiel smerom na západ. Kvôli čomu? Možno aby porozumieť výklad toho, čo bolo napísané na vrcholku tohoto. Mohlo by to byť?

A to dunenie v to ráno, ktoré mnou zatriaslo, že až som sa pozdvihol do vzduchu, tak vysoko ako táto budova; a tá konštelácia anjelov, sedem anjelov, vo forme pyramídy. Sú to tie hromy, ktoré prichádzajú? Mohlo by to byť? Toto je všetko vyložené. Podľa jeho snu, to bolo všetko skončené. Podľa Božieho Slova, ten siedmy posol končí ... to siedme posolstvo bude skončené. A potom tých sedem hromov.

208A on videl ten štítový kameň odvalený, pri čom veľa ľudí ani nevie, že je sedem pečatí, ktoré majú byť zjavené. Čítal som knihy mnohých mužov o Zjavení, nikdy som nepočul, že by o tom hovorili. Oni to preskočili. Ale bolo vám to povedané, že to tam je. Ja neviem, čo to je. Mohlo by to byť to? Bože buď nám milostivý. Ak je to to, nachádzame sa vo vážnej hodine.

209No, ešte chvíľku. Pozrite. Ak je to tak, a to tajomstvo je skončené, ktoré bolo napísané na týchto skalách, som rád, že sedím v zbore so zbožnými ľuďmi, ktorým Boh môže dať sen. Som rád, že môžem predstaviť týmto mužom a ženám, ktorí chodia do Juniorovho zboru, a do tohoto zboru, do brata Nevilleho a iných, že sú ľudia, ktorí tu sedia v tomto zhromaždení ... A Biblia povedala: "Oni budú snívať sny v tých posledných dňoch." A je to tu, a hľaďte na to. Pasuje to so Slovom.

210Nevediac nič o tom, rozľahol sa výbuch a tu prišlo z večnosti sedem anjelov. Povedal som: Pane, čo mi dáš vykonať". Nebolo mi povedané. Možno musím najprv odísť a zistiť. Neviem. Možno to ani nebude to, neviem. Ja len hovorím: "Čo ak to je?" Ak je to podľa Písma, znie to veľmi blízko ako to. Nemyslíte si to?

211Pozrite, potom ... pozrite, ten štítový kameň nebol vyložený, vidíte. "Choď na západ, a príď naspäť." Alebo je to toto? Ak týchto sedem anjelov v tejto zostave, v ktorej prišli ku mne ... Keď vás stretnem v deň vzkriesenia, budete vidieť že neklamem, Boh je môj svedok.

Alebo je toto ten druhý vrcholný bod, o ktorom som hovoril jedného dňa? Bude dané cirkvi niečo najavo? Neviem. Mohol by som pri tom chvíľu zostať, ale posuniem sa ďalej.

212Mohlo by to byť to? Ten mocný hrom, alebo ten siedmy anjel v tej sedmovej zostave, zostava siedmeho časového úseku; vo forme pyramídy, traja po stranách, a jeden na vrchu, a oni prišli z večnosti. Mohlo by to byť? Je toto to tajomstvo tých hromov, ktoré prinesie naspäť ten štítový kameň?

Viete, tá pyramída nebola zavŕšená. Ten štítový kameň musí ešte prísť. On bol odmietnutý. Mohlo by to byť, bratia, sestry?

Alebo je toto to tretie potiahnutie, o ktorom mi On povedal pred tromi, alebo štyrmi rokmi?

Prvé potiahnutie - pamätáte sa čo sa stalo? Snažil som sa to vysvetliť. On povedal: Nerob to."

Druhé potiahnutie - On povedal: "Nesnaž sa ... " a ja som jednako potiahol. Pamätáte si to? Všetci si pamätáte. Je to na páske, a všade.

Potom On povedal: "No prichádza tretie potiahnutie, ale nesnaž sa to vysvetliť."

Vidíte ako som pristúpil dnes večer ku tomu? Neviem. Ale cítim sa zaviazaný ku svojmu zboru povedať niečo. Urobte si svoj vlastný úsudok.

213No, bude toto to tajomstvo, ktoré otvorí ... ktoré privedie Krista, privedie moc do cirkvi? Vidíte, my sme už ... My veríme v pokánie, krst vo meno Ježiša Krista. Veríme v prijímanie Ducha Svätého. Máme znamenia, divy, zázraky, hovorenie v jazykoch, a veci, ktoré mala ranná cirkev.

214A úprimne povedané, tu sa stalo viac než ako je napísané v knihe Skutkov, v tejto malej skupine ľudí, v tejto malej nepatrnej službe nás tu. A čo po celom svete? Viac ako je napísané v knihe Skutkov, to isté. Vzkriesenie z mŕtvych. Pamätajte, tam skrze Ježiša Krista boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych len traja; a my máme záznam, doktorský záznam, piatich. "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, viac ako tie budete robiť." Viem, že Biblia Kráľa Jakuba hovorí "väčšie", ale vy nemôžete robiť nič väčšie - viac toho. On bol vtedy v jednej osobe; On je teraz v celej cirkvi, vidíte. "Viac než tie bude robiť, pretože Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi."

Ak je toto to tretie potiahnutie, potom pred nami leží veľká služba. Neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Neviem.

215Hľaďte. Tretie potiahnutie. Zastavme sa pri tom na chvíľu. V tom videní, ten prvý let boli malí poslovia, vtáčky. To bolo keď sme prv začali. To rástlo, od toho kde sme brali ľudí len za ruku ... A pamätáte sa, čo mi On povedal? "Ak budeš úprimný, stane sa, že budeš poznať najtajnejšie veci ich sŕdc." Koľkí si pamätajú, že to bolo oznámenie z tadeto a po celom národe? A stalo sa to? Presne. Potom On povedal: "Neboj sa, Ja budem s tebou, a to pôjde ďalej."

216No to prvé potiahnutie boli malé vtáčky - oni odleteli. Oni odišli, aby stretnúť ten čas, stretnúť príchod Pána, to prvé posolstvo. Za druhé - tajomstvá sŕdc. Od bratia ľudí za ruku, a len stáť tam a hovoriť to čo mali, za ďalšie to zjavovalo ich hriechy a hovorilo im, čo robiť, a robilo ... Je to tak? Potom sa to vyplnilo dokonale, presne, ako Boh povedal. A vy ste svedkovia, a tak isto svet, tak isto cirkev.

217Keď som povedal: "Videl som anjela, a bol ako smaragdový horiaci oheň," ľudia sa smiali a povedali: "Billy, druhý krát sa spamätaj." Magické vedecké oko fotoaparátu ho zachytilo. Nebolo to klamstvo. Hovoril som pravdu. Boh to potvrdil.

218Povedal som: Temný tieň. Je to smrť, čierne; a toto je biele. Jedno je život; to druhé je smrť." Je to tam na fotografii. Ako povedal George J. Lacy: "Objektív tohoto fotoaparátu nezachycuje psychológiu." Sledujete ma?

219Všimnite si, ten prvý malý let - ruka. To druhé bolo väčšie, belšie, holubice - Duch Svätý zjavujúci tajomstvá srdca. A tretí let boli anjeli! Nie vtáci, anjeli. A to je čas konca. To je všetko.

Bude toto ten čas, bratia? Je toto ten čas?

No, počúvajte skutočne pozorne, a nevykladajte to zle. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.

220Vráťme sa na chvíľu. Cirkev vie, že je to pravda. Vedecký svet vie, že je to pravda. A ľudia, ktorí tu sedia dnes večer, mnohí stále žijú, ktorí stáli pri tej rieke, keď ten hlas povedal, a riekol: "Ako bol poslaný Ján s posolstvom prvého príchodu, tak toto je druhé posolstvo, druhého príchodu." Pamätáte sa?

A ak je to skončené, čo urobil Ján? Ján bol ten, ktorý povedal: "Ajhľa, tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta. To je On."

221Je toto hodina ...? Prišlo to už, moji bratia? Ja nehovorím, že to prišlo. Ja neviem, ale ja sa vás pýtam. Chcem, aby ste rozmýšľali. Alebo bude toto čas, keď znovu bude to: "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží"; alebo čas Malachiáša 4, aby obrátiť srdcia detí naspäť do viery otcov. Či to bude také zahrmenie, ktoré vykoná také mocné veci, že to až postaví na miesto cirkev, ktorá klesala a nemohla porozumieť tajomstvá Božie, a tak ďalej ...? Keď oni uvidia to veľké hrmenie nesúce sa ďalej, obráti to ich srdcia naspäť k otcom, ako to hovorí Biblia? Alebo toto bolo to posolstvo, ktoré už prešlo, ktoré to malo urobiť? Neviem. Toto je znak času konca, pánovia. Alebo jej toto znak, že to skončilo? Pre mňa to vyzerá veľmi Biblicky. Neviem.

222Tam boli tí anjeli. Bol tam výbuch ako hrom, ktorý zatriasol celou zemou. Boh vie, že hovorím pravdu. Pamätajte len, niečo sa má stať. Ja neviem čo to je, ale mohlo by to byť toto? Dôvod, prečo toto hovorím: pripravte sa.

223Modlime sa. Modliť sa ako? Zaujmime svoje pozície v tej armáde Jeho veriacich a pripravme sa, pretože môže byť neskoršie, než ako si myslíme. Poznáte ma, a ja som vám ešte nikdy nepovedal klamstvo, pokiaľ viem. Ako im povedal Samuel: "Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nebolo stalo?" No, ja vám teraz hovorím, ja neviem, čo toto znamená. Nemôžem povedať, čo to je. Neviem. Ale poviem vám pravdu - som prestrašený. Ako váš brat, som prestrašený od minulej soboty.

224Môže to byť čas konca. Môže to byť čas, keď sa na oblohe roztiahne tá dúha, a z neba bude oznámené: "Času viacej nebude." Ak je to to, pripravme sa, priatelia, stretnúť svojho Boha.

Je tam teraz uložené mnoho potravy. Užívajme ju. A ja z tohoto pódia, kričím ku Bohu: "Pane Ježišu, buď mi milostivý."

225Snažil som sa žiť najlepšie, ako som vedel. Snažil som sa priniesť tie posolstvá najlepšie, ako som mohol zo Slova Božieho. Boh pozná moje srdce. Ale keď táto zostava anjelov narazila na túto zem, bol som ochrnutý. Za dlhý čas som nemohol ani precitnúť. Dokonca som padol ako ... ešte dlhý čas po tom som sa snažil chodiť po izbe, dokonca od mojej miechy, a hore a dole po krku, som bol úplne ochrnutý - ako bez citu. Nemal som cit v rukách. Celý deň som bol omráčený. Len som odišiel do izby a sadol som si.

V nedeľu som sem prišiel kázať, a snažil som sa hovorením otriasť z toho. V pondelok to bolo znovu. A je to tu teraz. Neviem. Neviem, pánovia. Som ku vám len čestný, ako ku svojim bratom. Neviem.

226Je čas? Je to tajomstvo celé skončené? Pominulo všetko to znenie? Je to skutočne tých sedem hromov, ktoré sú hotové vydať niečo, že tá malá skupina, ktorá sa spolu zhromaždila prijme vieru do vytrhnutia, aby ísť do vytrhnutia, keď On príde? Pretože my budeme premenení tak rýchlo, ako rýchlo prišli tí anjeli - v momente, v okamihu, a budeme zachytení spolu s tými, ktorí spia, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí.

227Mojou modlitbou je: Bože, ak toto bude tak ... Ja neviem, Pane. Ja som len hovoril cirkvi. Ak je to tak, Pane, priprav naše srdcia. Priprav nás Pane, na tú veľkú hodinu, na ktorú vyčkávala celá história času, všetci proroci a mudrci.

228Pane, neviem čo povedať. Bál by som sa povedať: "Nepríď, Pane." Cítim sa zahanbený, keď sa dívam a vidím svet v takom stave, neurobil som viac, než ako čo som urobil. Hanbím sa za seba. Ak bude nejaké zajtra, Pane, pomaž moje srdce. Pomaž ma viacej, Otče, aby som mohol robiť všetko čo môžem, aby iných priviesť ku Tebe. Ja som Tvoj.

229Cítim sa ako Izaiáš v chráme, v ten deň, keď tam videl lietať tých anjelov, zakrývajúcimi si krídlami tvár a nohy, a lietali: "Svätý, svätý, svätý." Och, ako bol otrasený ten mladý prorok! Hneď trochu zostarol. A keď to on videl, hoci on videl videnia, on zvolal: "Beda mi."

230Otče, možno som sa cítil tak nejako, keď som videl v ten večer týchto anjelov - či vlastne v to ráno. "Beda mi, pretože som človek nečistých rtov, a bývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi."

231Otče, očisti ma. A tu som. Pošli ma, Pane. Čokoľvek to je, stojím tu za kazateľňou, kde som stál tridsať rokov, ak je to niečo, Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil, tu som. Som pripravený, Pane. Pokorne sa modlím, nech nájdem milosť v tvojich očiach.

232Modlím sa za to malé stádo, nad ktorým ma Duch Svätý urobil dozorcom, aby som ich kŕmil. Urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, Pane, aby som ich kŕmil na chlebe života. Ako v tom videní, pred mnohými rokmi, v ktorom tá veľká záclona ležala na západe a hora chleba života. Tá malá kniha: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu," a tu sa to všetko vyplnilo, zjavené rovno pred našimi očami.

Ty si Boh, a nie je iného okrem Teba. Prijmi nás, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy. Činím pokánie zo všetkej svojej nevery, za všetku svoju neprávosť. Prosím na oltári Božom.

233Ako som prišiel dnes večer s touto maličkou cirkvou predo mnou, vierou sa pohybujeme z tejto budovy do vytrhnutia, pri tom ako sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach okolo trónu Božieho. Naše srdcia horeli mnoho krát, v tých veciach, ktoré sme Ťa videli činiť a odhaľovať nám Tvoje tajomstvá. Ale, Pane, dnes večer som úplne vyčerpaný. Beda mi. Ako Jakob, keď videl tých anjelov zostupujúcich po rebríku a vystupujúcich, on povedal: "Toto je strašné miesto, nič inšie ako dom Boží." Tam bol založený Betel.

234Bože, ľudia nerozumejú, že ...Oni si myslia, že to bolo tak mnoho radosti. Ale Pane, čo za trápenie, čo za strašné veci, pre ľudskú bytosť prísť do prítomnosti nejakej veľkej mocnej nebeskej bytosti.

235Modlím sa za odpustenie pre môj malý zbor tu, ku ktorému si ma poslal, aby som ich viedol a strážil. Žehnaj ich, Pane. Robil som podľa toho, ako hovorili tie videnia a sny a všetko, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. Uložil som pre nich všetku tú potravu, o ktorej som vedel, Pane.

Čokoľvek to je, Pane, sme Tvoji. Porúčame sa do Tvojich rúk, Pane. Buď nám milostivý, odpusť nám, a daj, aby sme boli Tvojimi svedkami tak dlho, ako budeme na zemi. Potom, keď skončí život, prijmi nás do Tvojho kráľovstva. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Každý z vás, očistite svoje srdcia. Dajte nabok všetko, každú záťaž. Dajte to preč zo svojej cesty. Nech vás nič netrápi. Nebuďte prestrašení. Nieto sa čoho báť. Ak Ježiš prichádza, to je naj ... To je moment po ktorom celý svet túžobne vzdychá a kričí. Ak je to niečo, čo sa teraz prelamuje, na nový príchod - bude to nádherné. Ak prichádza čas, že to zjavenie tých siedmich hromov bude zjavené cirkvi, ako ísť, ja neviem. Ja som len vylíčil to, čo som videl.

Oh, ó, čo za čas! To je vážne, velebné premýšľanie. A ak to bude pre mňa čas, aby som išiel, som Tvoj, Pane. Keď si Ty hotový, poď, Pane Ježišu. Kdekoľvek to môže byť, alebo v ktoromkoľvek čase to môže byť, ja som Jeho. Nehovorím, že túžim odísť; nie. Mám rodinu na výchovu; mám evanjelium, aby som ho kázal. Ale to je podľa Jeho vôli, nie podľa mojej. To je Jeho vôľa. Ja neviem. Ja vám len hovorím, čo je. Čo to je, Boh to vyplní. Ale, povedal som vám čo som videl a čo sa stalo. Čo to znamená, neviem. Ale, vážení, mohol by toto byť koniec?

236Tí ľudia sú tu teraz prítomní - šesť ľudí, ktorí mali tie sny. Nie je to divné, že ich nebolo sedem? Nie je to veľmi divné, že šesť bolo v jednej línii, a potom hneď to videnie. Tí ľudia sú tu. Brat Jackson, tu bol jeden; brat Parnell bol ďalší; sestra Collinsová bola ďalšia; sestra Štefánia bola ďalšia; brat Roberson bol ďalší; brat Beeler bol ďalší. A nebeský Otec vie, že nikto ďalší nenáležal do toho. Na konci toho siedmeho (ktorý bol od sestry Štefánii), hneď za tým prišlo videnie.

237Rozumiete? Rozumiete prečo odchádzam? Vidíte prečo musím ísť? Musím to urobiť. Priatelia, nehľaďte na mňa. Ja som váš brat. Nevenujte pozornosť mne, pretože ja som len smrteľník. Ja musím zomrieť, ako každý druhý. Nepočúvajte na mňa, ale počúvajte na to, čo som povedal. Čo som povedal je posolstvo. Nevenujte žiadnu pozornosť tomu poslovi; pozorujte na posolstvo. Držte svoje oči nie na tom poslovi, ale na tom posolstve - čo ono hovorí. To je to, na čo treba hľadieť. A Bože pomôž nám, to je moja modlitba. No, nechcel som prísť a povedať vám toto, ale nemohol som nič pred vami zadržať.

238No, pokiaľ viem (dovoľte mi povedať), pokiaľ viem, odídem za dva, alebo tri dni, v stredu ráno, do Tucsonu. Nepôjdem do Tucsonu kázať. Nejdem tam, aby som kázal. Pôjdem do Tucsonu zapísať deti do školy, a potom sa stanem tulákom.

239Pôjdem hore do Phonixu budem tam mať malú sériu zhromaždení, čo budú pravdepodobne len prosté posolstvá. A možno ... Myslím, že chcú, aby som kázal jeden večer na konferencii. Nič o tom nepovedali. Povedali len, že tam budem. Vidíte, neznie to pre mňa veľmi dobre. Mám tiež slovo, "Tak hovorí Pán," pre brata Shakariana. Neviem čo on s tým urobí, ale mám slovo, ktoré mu mám povedať. Neviem čo on urobí. To záleží od neho.

240Všimli ste si posledný "Hlas"? To nemala byť organizácia, ale oni vyhlásili svoje vyznanie. Keď organizácia, potom ja odchádzam. Ja som pomimo niečoho takého.

241No, pravdepodobne brat Arganbright a brat Role, Washingtonský diplomat za siedmich prezidentov, musia byť v Afrike. Brat Role a ja a brat Arganbright pôjdeme do Afriky rovno na nejaké zhromaždenia - dole do Južnej Afriky a do Tanganiky s bratom Boze, a ďalej cez, a pravdepodobne cez Austráliu, a tou cestou naspäť, ak Pán neurobí niečo iné. Ale prv ako tam pôjdem, prídem sem.

242Potom, keď prídem z tade naspäť, ak mi Pán neukáže nejakú inú cestu, vezmem rodinu a presunieme sa hore do Anchorage, na Aljašku. Toto je juhozápad; to bude severozápad. Potom, nech tam oni zostanú cez leto, keď tam dole v Tucsone je tak horúco, že to ide z vás spáliť kožu. Nemyslím, že by to mohli vydržať. Budú tak túžiť po domove a budú skľúčení. Nepredávame toto miesto. Ono stojí rovno tam s nábytkom v dome. Neviem čo robiť.

243Potom, po lete, ak Pán dá, chcem opustiť Aljašku, a prísť dole možno do Denver - na stredný západ. Juhozápad, severozápad, stredný západ, a budem kričať: "Ó Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"

244Zatiaľ, každé posolstvo, pokiaľ nejaké budem vedieť, že mám kázať, bude kázané rovno tu, v tejto modlitebni. Tu budú tie pásky. Tu je hlavný stan. A ja nemám zámer zostávať so svojou rodinou na západe. Budem hľadať kým nenájdem, čo Boh odo mňa chce.

245Ak sa to neuloží v tomto roku, potom v tom budúcom, bez vody a stravy, odídem von do púšte, a budem čakať, až kým ma On nezavolá. Nemôžem ísť takto ďalej. Musíte sa dostať do zúfalstva. Musíte sa dostať na miesto, kde chcete vedieť, aká je vôľa Božia. A ako môžete vyplniť tú vôľu, ak ju nepoznáte? Túlam sa kvôli tomu videniu - tam dávno, čo ste urobili, chodiac ako misionár a evanjelista, až kým nepríde to zavolanie.

246Pamätáte si to prvé videnie, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň? On povedal: "Konaj prácu evanjelistu." Nepovedal, ty si evanjelista, ale vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu; možno až do času kým nepríde niečo iné, ďalšia zmena práce. Môže to byť niečo iné. Neviem.

Milujete Ho? Buďte si toho skutočne istí. Buďte si toho skutočne istí. Tí, ktorí milujú Pána ...

Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána, obnovujú svoju silu.

Vznášajú sa krídlach ako orly;

Budú bežať a neunavia sa ...kráčať a neustanú.

Ó, uč ma, Pane, uč ma, Pane čakať.

Milujem Ho. Viem, že vy tiež.

No, zajtra večer ... Myslím, že som to predstavil dosť jasno. Či nie? Urobil som to tak jasným, ako som len vedel. To je všetko, čo viem. To je všetko, čo viem povedať. A ak mi niečo bude zjavené, rýchlo vám to poviem. Viem, že máte záujem to vedieť. Ja mám záujem to vedieť. Neviem čo to znamenalo. Neviem kde idem. Neviem čo sa stane. Ja len ... Jediné čo viem, len idem, z milosti Božej. Potom On mi povie, keď tam prídem, možno. Ale mojím údelom teraz je ísť.

Možno tam nebudem dva týždne, kým budem niekde inde, a možno budem znovu tu. To je v poriadku. Neviem, ale som ... V tom videní bola moja žena a moje deti, a práve to, čo bolo ... Bol som v prikrytom voze. A v tej minúte, keď som tam vstúpil, bolo ... Bol som vo svojom aute kombi.

A tak za niekoľko dní odídeme - neviem kde ideme, neviem čo budeme robiť, keď tam prídeme. Proste ideme.

247Boh je pre nás zvláštny, pretože Jeho cesty sú ponad naše chápanie. On chce poslušnosť.

"Kde ideš?"

"To nie je tvoja starosť. Len choď."

"Čo chceš, aby som robil, Pane?"

"Nestaraj sa. Nasleduj ma. Len kráčaj."

"Kde sa zastavím?"

"Čo ťa do toho? Len kráčaj." Tak idem, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

Milujem Ho (On je môj život.)

Milujem Ho (všetko, kvôli čomu žijem.)

Pretože On prv miloval mňa;

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

Vážení, je toto ten čas? [Brat Branham si hmká pieseň "Milujem Ho." – pozn.prekl.]

Zatiaľ, čo to budem znovu spievať, potraste si ruky s tým kto stojí vedľa vás. Povedzte: "Brat, sestra, modli sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za teba." [Brat Branham sa obracia okolo. – pozn.prekl.] Modli sa za mňa, brat Neville. [Brat Neville hovorí: "Budem sa modliť, brat. Ty sa modli za mňa, brat. Ďakujem." – pozn.prekl.] Skutočne úprimne! Nech ťa Boh žehná brat ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... [Brat Branham hmká.] A vykúpil ...

Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa. Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa.

... na Golgote. (Pozdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.)

... Milujem ... (Opravdu milujem!)

Pretože On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote

Áno, milujem Ho ... (Z celého svojho srdca.) Ty pokračuj, brat Neville. Ja idem dozadu. Oznám kedy bude zhromaždenie. [Brat Neville ďalej spieva so zhromaždením, Milujem Ho, a rozpúšťa zhromaždenie. – pozn.prekl.]

1 Thank you, very much, Brother Neville.

Good evening, my precious friends. So glad to be back again, tonight, in the service of the Lord, our God.

2[Brother Neville says to Brother Branham, "This is the live one, here."--Ed.] This one's a... This is it. Oh, yes. That's fine.

3I held you so long, this morning, till I feel like I ought to be real quick tonight. My, how it was terrible, and standing up, and it's as bad tonight. So, won't be long till we'll have some room for you, see, as soon as the church gets completed. No, but we're not planning on staying too long tonight.

4But, tomorrow night, we're aiming to stay a little while. Tomorrow night, if some of you can come in, tomorrow night, why, we expect to have a great time in the Lord. There'll be some fine men here tomorrow night. We'll, all of us having a time...

5[Brother Branham's brother, Edgar Branham, says, "Oh, honey, wait! I've had a request to ask you. I forgot to tell you. But, a lot of people here said that you're always in a rush, getting out of service. But tomorrow you can have all the time that you wanted, from seven to twelve, if you will just take it. Now, that's what the audience here asked me to ask you. So now you explain it to them, if you don't think so."--Ed.]

6We're going to serve communion at midnight, tomorrow night. I'm sure you'll--you'll like to have... be in with that. When the rest of them is whooping and hollering, and shooting, and drinking, and so forth, we'll just bow reverently before God [] and take the communion, and start the year out with our pledge, hearts to God, in dedication to Him.

7And there will be some fine speakers here tomorrow night, sure enough. There is some fine... Brother from Georgia is up here, Brother Palmer, a wonderful speaker. Brother Junior Jackson will be here tomorrow night; Brother Beeler, Brother Neville. Oh, my, my! And just on and on, fine men of God who will be here, Brother Wilbur Collins, and all them brethren that's been giving us such great messages. And maybe others will be dropping in, so we'll expect a great time tomorrow night.

8 Now, my wife said, "Don't you say this," but I'm got to say it anyhow. I'm sorry I said empire, this morning, instead of a umpire. [Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.]

Billy, sitting back there, said, "There he goes."

9I said, "The empire; he has to have an empire." I meant, an umpire.

10I'm like they said about the Dutchman, you know. "And don't take me for what I say, but what I mean."

11I said, "I think they understand me, after all these years." You know, this is about...

12This is thirty years I been behind this pulpit here. Thirty years in this tabernacle! You ought to be knowing me by this time, shouldn't you? Oh, my! My education is sure limited. But I--I know I can't talk, but I make a truthful noise to the Lord.

13 And, brother, I believe it was Dr. Lamsa, of the Lamsa Bible, that was in the translation, said...

14One time I was speaking, and I didn't know he was there. And he come back and was talking about the Urim Thummim, and then he was speaking of that Light. And he said, "What's the matter with these people today?" And I said... He said, "The reason that people, the translators, could not translate the Bible correctly, that the translators tried to translate in the high Yiddish. And Jesus, speaking, spoke in the common class, just like the street people spoke."

15And, you know, there's a Scripture over in Luke, said, "The common people heard Him gladly." He spoke in their language. I hope that's so, again.

16 We are happy for the Lord. Now, I know, I see them ladies standing around. It's bad enough to see men standing, let alone them girls and boys, and ladies, and so forth, standing around the walls, and little children. But, we just haven't got the adequate seating room. So, we pray that, that next time we have the meetings, after this week, after this time...

17You know, the next thing up, as far as we know, is those Seven Seals. And, the Lord willing, we start on them just immediately as soon as the church is over, built, so we can get in here. We're coming in for a re-dedication. And maybe anywhere from one to two, and maybe three weeks, straight, meeting now, a coming up for the--the Seven Seals. So, we're expecting a great time in the Lord, during that time. And we'll... All of you out-of-town people, we'll mail you the cards and everything, and let you know just exactly the time, maybe a week, or two, ahead of time.

18The contractor, as I understood Billy to say tonight, would be done the tenth day of February. Well, if he is done the tenth, we'll start about the fifteenth, then. So, just as soon as they're finished, we'll start right in on that.

19 Old Sister Kidd called me, a while ago, and she was almost in tears. She said, "Brother Branham, we tried so hard to start that old car, and it wouldn't start. So," she said, "you pray it'll start, and I'll come tomorrow." And she said, "Wonder if I could find a place to stay?"

20I said, "Don't worry, we'll have you a room, Sister Kidd, soon as you get..."

21You said, "Bless your heart." Said, "You know, if you're going to have services till twelve o'clock," said, "I don't want to get out on the twelve o'clock."

22You know, she and Brother Kidd is about eighty-five years old, apiece, and they're still in the ministry. You know what they do? Got a tape recorder, and they take my Messages and go from hospital to hospital, from house to house, playing the tapes. Now, if that isn't, not giving up! That's not retiring. That's holding the Faith, to the end, dying with a Sword in the hand. That's the way to go. That's the way I want to do. Uh-huh.

23 And then, and she said, "You know, if I'd get out, along the highway, at twelve o'clock," she said, "and after twelve o'clock in the night, trying to get home, and all them drunken devils," she said, "driving," said, "running in every way, drinking." She said, "Them demons a running around," she said, "I'd be scared to death."

24Brother Pat, she sure is a little old thing. How many knows Sister Kidd? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] She sits here, that, just a sainted-looking little thing.

25And, when, just think, years before I was born (and I'm an old man), she was up there in them mountains, she and Brother Kidd. She would wash, all day long, on the washboard, to get fifteen or twenty cents for a washing, to send him out somewhere, that night, to preach. In them coal mines up there in Kentucky, where you... somebody had to guard you with a rifle, to get up the hill, to where you went to preach. Oh, my! Then, I think:

Must I be carried home to Heaven, on a flowery bed of ease,

While others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?

I must fight if I must reign; increase my courage, Lord!

26That's, and I want His support, by His Word. That's what I want tonight. Now, I suppose the recorders are going now.

27 [A brother says, "Don't forget the baby dedication."--Ed.] Oh, yes. I got... I'm sorry.

28A little sister had a baby here, this morning, she wanted dedicated. And I told her we would sure do it tonight, and now. And, tomorrow night, we'll have dedication of babies, healing services, everything that we possible can go through with. We have plenty of time. So, if the little sister is here, and has her little one.

29And I suppose to have some people come from way away, and was here this morning for a private interview, and for something. And they was supposed to meet in there this morning, and Billy had to let them wait till tonight. And he could not find them nowhere, see, tonight. If you're here, sister, I been back there quite a little time, waiting, and seeing if he could find the lady. It was two of them, I think, that was on private interview from way out of the country. So, we--we trust, if I miss you, I'll be able to get you soon as I possibly can, maybe tomorrow night, while coming in.

30 Now, I believe, is this the lady, coming, with the little baby with the--the blue jumper?

31"Jumper"? Meda, I--I--I didn't mean that, honey, ever what it is. It looks like a little dress of some... Jumper, how many knows what a--a jumper is? Why, sure. An old overall jacket, to me. So--so...

32Why, it's Dallas' little baby. My, that's fine. Brother, would you walk up here. Excuse me. [Brother Branham leaves the microphone and goes to one side of the pulpit--Ed.]

33Well, well, I kind of like that little ribbon there, that you put. What's its name? [The father says, "Rebekah Lynn."--Ed.] Rebekah Lynn, L-y-n-n. And what--what is your last name now? Stayton. Rebekah Lynn Stayton. Is that right? May I have her? ["Certainly."] I know that's kind of hard, to give up one like that. That sweet? Rebekah Lynn Stayton.

34This family has come through much. This little, young lady here, and her husband, just recently has both been saved and brought into the knowledge of the Lord. And now, in their union, God has given this beautiful, little Rebekah, and they are bringing it to the Lord.

35 Now, many people, they call infinite... infant baptism, in the Methodist church and many of the others, and they sprinkle them with water when they're babies. Now, that's all right, so far as I am concerned. But we always try to stay just what the Bible says do. And in the Bible, there (no) never was such a thing as baptizing an infant; nowhere down in history, till the early Catholic church, as far as we know of, which was far as the Nicaea Council.

36[The baby cries out, "Ba!"--Ed.] So that's just the way of saying, "Amen." That, see, you have... See, you have to have the interpretation.

37So, but, in the Bible, they brought little children to Jesus, that He might bless them. And he put His hands upon them and blessed them. And, that, we still continue that.

Now let us bow our head.

38 Our Heavenly Father, this young woman and young man come tonight with this lovely little Rebekah that has been given to them, in their charge, to raise in the admonition of God. And they bring it tonight for presentation to the Lord. And when the mother gave from her arms to mine, then I give from my arms to You, this little Rebekah. God, be with her and bless her. Bless her father and mother. May they all live loyal, long lives, and, if it be possible, see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May this child grow in the knowledge of the Lord. And may, if there is a tomorrow, may she be a great witness to You. Grant it, Lord. Now, if You were here on earth, these women and men would bring their children to You. But we, the ministers of the Gospel, are Your representatives. So, we give You this baby, for a life of service in Your Kingdom, in the Name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

39Bless you, little Rebekah! What a sweet little thing! May God bless you both, and the baby, give you long, happy lives, in service of God.

40 I don't know whether I'm quite strong enough, or not. This is all boy. What's his name? [The mother says, "Stanley Victor Cleveland."--Ed.] Stanley... ["Stanley."] Stanley Victor... ["Cleveland."] Clayland? Clay-... ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. Little Stanley, what a nice little name, and what a nice little boy! Well, I guess, about... Get up there, Stan. That a fine boy? Oh, you know. We don't practice this. We just do this, you know, and there's nothing formal about it. That's right. He's sure a sweet little fellow. I forgot the last name. I don't think I'm pronouncing it right. ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. All right.

Let us bow our heads now.

41 Heavenly Father, this couple brings this baby, little Stanley Cleveland, to be dedicated to the Lord Jesus. And as the pastor here, of the church, and I, stand together in unity in the works of the Lord, we give to You this child for a life of service. You've give him to the mother and father; and now they give him to me, to my arms; and I place him from my arms to Yours. God, bless his father and mother. Bless the little boy, and may they all live long, happy lives of service for You. May the child be raised in the admonition of God, to serve Him, and fear Him, and love Him, all the days of his life. Now, they brought children to You, that You might bless them; and we, with our hands upon the child, bless him in the Name of the Lord. And may he live a long, happy life of health and strength, in Your service. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you, little Stanley. You got a fine boy there.

42 Now I'm going to ask just a little favor, for of the little folks and of the teen-age. And I know it's hard. You can't stand still very long, because your limbs cramp. But I'm approaching something tonight that I never did before. And there is something that I'm going to speak on, that I have never thought of speaking on such a thing.

43That's the reason, this morning, I did not want to place that time before the Message, and I never got through talking about my Absolute, and I don't think I ever will. I hope I never do. He is so wonderful!

44But, tonight, I'm going to speak on something that I do not know. And now, that's quite a thing, for a minister to say that he's going to speak on something that he doesn't know about. But I am adventuring out, to the best of my knowledge, too, that this church might understand. And I would not, by no means, hold anything back from you, that's profitable.

45 And then, this tape, I suppose the boys are making the tape. And if you happen to get the tape, whoever is listening to the tape, remember, if something is puzzling, to you, don't say it 'less it's on the tape. Don't say something contrary to what's on the tape.

46So many write in, on The Serpent's Seed, and say that I said such-and-such. I go get the tape, play it over. I did not say it that way. See, people misjudge things.

47You know, Jesus, one time after His resurrection, was walking down the shore, with the apostles, and John was leaning on His bosom. And they said, "What will happen to this man?"

Jesus said, "What is it to thee if he tarries till I come?"

48"And there went out a saying, that, 'John was going to live to see Jesus come.'"

49And the Scripture says, "Howbeit, He never said it that way." You see, He--He never said that. He just said, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?" He never said he would tarry. But, see, misunderstanding, it's so easy.

50 And, now, it's--it's not that I am condemning someone for doing it. Because, I do it, myself. And all people does it; if the apostles, who walked with our Lord, misunderstood Him. And they never did clearly understand Him.

51Right at last, they said, "Lo, now we understand. Now we believe. And we are sure that no man has to tell You anything, for Thou knowest all things."

52And Jesus said, "Do you now believe?" See? "After all that time, do you fi-... Did it finally get to you, see, that you believe?"

53And that's just human. And we're all human, so we're going to misunderstand.

54But if it's kind of a little puzzling to you, play the tape back. Listen close then. I'm sure the Holy Spirit will reveal to you.

55 Then, the little fellows, if you'll just hold your "amens," the children. Just wait just a little while, because I--I want this to be surely gotten, 'cause many will not have the tape. So, I want you to be sure to get it. And let's approach it, for, I'll say thirty-five minutes, or forty, just as reverently as we know how to do it.

56Because, this is a tremendous time for me. It's where something has happened, that I don't know what to do. See? And I'm standing in the most terrific strait I ever stood in, in the days of my ministry, as I know of.

So, let's bow our heads now, before we approach the Word.

57 Heavenly Father, then, some time ago, I preached upon the subject of Presuming. And presuming is "to adventure without authority." And maybe, tonight, Lord, I have took upon myself to interpret something to the people, without having a vision of it. Therefore, Lord, check me, where the points is to be checked; close my mouth, Lord. You did close the lions' mouth, in the den with Daniel, that it did not hurt him. Lord, I pray, that, if I should try to interpret something wrong, You still have power to close a mouth. But if it is the Truth, then, Lord, bless It, and send It forth. And You know the conditions and what's right at hand. And that's why I come, even to this very last moment, at the pulpit, to try to interpret these things. I pray Thee to help us.

58 Bless this little church. This group that comes here under the roof, that sojourns with us here in the city, coming out of many states. Oh, when the evening shadows are falling, we're so glad to have a place to come. When the world is so confused and do not know where they're standing, we are glad, that, "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower, and the righteous run into It and are safe." Just not so many Words, but a revelation!

59So, we pray, Father, as the evening Lights would come, at the setting of the sun. And we believe that that's the time that we're living, in the setting of the sun. And we most solemnly thank Thee, Lord, from all of our hearts, for the things that You have done for us. And, Lord, down through the age, I thank You for letting the visions that You have given, every one of them just perfectly, and every interpretation of dream has been exactly that way. So, we know it could only be You, Lord; for we are mortals, all born in sin, and there is not a sound thing in us. But, to think that You could take such a thing, as a human being, and wash them by the water of the Word and by the Blood of Christ; and stretch forth that hand in such a way, till the person doesn't use their own thinking, but letting the Mind of Christ, Who knows all things, let It come in and speak and use a tabernacle. Thank You, Father.

60 Now we bless Thy Holy Name. And we bless this little group, tonight, in Thy Name. We bless the pastor, Brother Neville, God's gallant servant. We bless the deacons, the trustees, and every member of the Body of Christ, both here and around the world, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

61Oh, as we see this dark, dingy, horrible shadow falling across the face of Christianity, we know the time is drawing near. There will be a Rapture, and the Church will be taken up. Lord, let us march on, looking to the Author and Finisher, Christ. Grant it, Lord. And as we move forward now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to undertake these things that's been put upon our hearts, we pray that You will be with us and help us. And get glory out of it, Lord, for we commit ourselves to You, with Your Word, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

62 Now, if you got a pencil and paper, I would like for you to write some things down, as... or anything that you wish to. Just have it ready. And then, on the tape, also, if you wish to jot the Scriptures down, at any time, because I believe it's the Scripture that counts.

63Now we want to read a text tonight, or read a Scripture reading, out of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And I believe that this is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as written in the Book. And any other revelation that would be contrary to this Revelation, would be wrong. I believe that would bear quote... quoting--quoting again. Any revelation that will not fit in with this Revelation, and bring this Revelation to light, is the wrong revelation. It must be Scriptural.

64 Now, in the 10th chapter of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, I wish to read the first few verses, the first seven verses, 1 to 7. And listen close now, and pray for me.

And I saw another mighty--another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

And he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

And the angel which I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hands to heaven,

And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heavens, and the thing that in them are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which... therein, that there should be time no longer:

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

65And my text, if I should call it that, tonight, is this: Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?

66 We all know that we are living in a--a glorious time for the Church, but a horrible time for the unbeliever. And we're living in one of the most dangerous times of all, all that ever was, since the world began. No prophet, no apostle, never, in no time, ever lived in such a time as we live now. This is the end.

67It's written in the skies. It's written over the face of the earth. It's written in every newspaper. This is the end, if you can read the handwriting. The prophets lived in the time when the handwriting was on the wall for a nation, but we're living when the handwriting is on the wall for time. All nations, earth, everything, time is at the end. So, we must search the Scriptures, to find the hour that we are living.

68 Always, a true prophet of God will go to the Scriptures. Therefore he is absolute that it's going to be that way. In the Old Testament, when prophets said anything, there always, somewhere, was a prophet with the Word, who stayed with the Word. He watched God for visions. And if his vision was contrary to the Word, then his vision was wrong. That's God's way of getting His Word to His people.

69Can you hear me, way back, all right? [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just hardly know where to start.

70Now, it has been a great privilege to me, to know that this tabernacle was my first church. It's a glorious thing. And I shall never forget, though I... Jesus tarry and I would live to be hundreds of years old. I remember the day I laid the cornerstone, there at the corner; and the vision He gave me that morning, of this tabernacle. And all of you remember. It's wrote in the books. And it's absolutely been fulfilled, to the letter, not one bit of it missed.

71 And, now, I do not believe that there's anything that He has spoken, all these years of my life, that I have spoke to the people, but what come to pass. And many people has come with dreams, that He's let me, by His grace, interpret for the people. And many has come with dreams and with problems that I was unable to interpret.

72But I haven't tried to introduce to you people a gimmick that has all the answers. I've tried to be honest and to tell you what was Truth, and I could only tell you as He told me. And then as it come to me, then I could tell you.

73And I want to warn you. In this day that we're living in, there's many... Not--not saying anything against people. But when you see a person that's got the answer to everything, that's contrary to the Word.

74 Jesus said, "There was many lepers in the days of Elijah, but only one was healed." In the many years, the eighty or more, that Elijah lived, and one leper was healed. Many widows in the days of Elisha, but he was only sent to one. And we find out that there's many things that God does, and that He doesn't reveal to His servants. And no servant is greater than his Lord.

75And, then, God will not share His glory with nobody. He is God. And when a servant becomes a place that he tries to take the place of God, then God takes his life and moves him away somewhere, or something. We must remember that.

76 Now, in those visions and interpretations, I cannot tell the interpretation of a dream until I see exactly, by vision, what the dream was. And many of you know that you've told me your dream, and would not even tell it all. And when I saw the dream come back to me, I turned around and told you that there's much of it you left out, then tell you what you left out of it. You know that's right. If that's right, say, "Amen." Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The things that you didn't tell me. Therefore, you see, if the... Like Nebuchadnezzar said, "If you can't tell me what I dreamed, then how would I know you got the interpretation of it?"

77But all these impressions, we mustn't take them and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." We mustn't do that. We must have a direct voice, an answer from God, before we can say it's God. Not an impression, not a sensation, no matter how much it's pulsating.

You might say, "I believe it could be this way."

78But when you speak, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," it's not you. Watch on the platform. Have you ever seen it fail? THUS SAITH THE LORD is perfect, never has failed. And as long as it is THUS SAITH THE LORD, it can't fail.

79 But, so far, He's protected me, 'cause I've waited on Him. I haven't tried to seek popularity, or vain glory of men. I've tried my best to live humble, and live the kind of a life that I think a Christian should live. And I haven't been able to do that within myself, but He has done it until this day. As I say, that He is the One that's led me.

80Many things could be said this way, but it'd take too long. But all of you are aware of these things. And the only reason I had you to say "amen," a while ago, you people that's told me dreams, then I'd come tell you what you left out, because this Message being taped. Men of all nations will hear this. And when they hear that "amen," then they know there is voices there, that set under this ministry, that knows better than to doing anything wrong, or to say "amen" to something that's wrong. Amen is "so be it." It's sanction it.

81 Now, all my life, since I've been a little boy, there's been something that's bothered me. And I've had a very odd life, hard to understand. Even my wife scratches her head and said it. "Bill, I don't believe there's anybody can understand you."

82And I said, "I don't understand myself." Because, I submit, commit myself to Christ, many years ago. He does the leading. I don't try to understand it. I just go where He leads, the best of my knowledge.

83I'm thankful for a wonderful wife and children, and for my wife and children who has confidence that I would not tell them anything wrong. That, they believe. Every time you tell them anything, they hold right with it. They know that I wouldn't tell them anything wrong.

84And would I tell one of God's children anything wrong, then? Not willfully. No, sir. God wants His children in the right kind of training. And be honest with them, and truthful with them, and He will bless it, I believe.

85 Now, all along, down through the journey, there's been things that's happened, that I couldn't understand. And one of the things that I could not understand, was when I was a little boy and them visions would come upon me. And I would see them and tell my parents the things that was going to happen. They thought I was just nervous. But, the strange thing, it happened just the way It said so.

You say, "Was that before your conversion?" Yes.

86"Gifts and callings are without repentance," the Bible said. You are born in this world for some purpose. And you don't... Your repentance don't bring gifts; they are predestinated to you.

87Now, along the road, and when I was a little boy, my longing was... I was dissatisfied in the country I lived in. I long, somehow, to go West.

88 And I was operated on, when I was shot, when I was a little boy. And when I come, from under the first anesthetic, I thought I was in torment, going down. The ether had me out. And I had been gone out for eight hours, I think. They was worrying about getting me around to myself again. They had a great operation, with no penicillin. Blood; both legs almost shot off, with a shotgun. A little boy friend let his gun go off.

89And then about seven months later, I took another anesthetic. And when I come from under that anesthetic, I thought I was standing out on the western prairies. And a great golden cross in the sky, and the glory of God shining down off of it. Me standing there like this.

90 When the Light, which you see on the picture tonight, that's been proven to be a supernatural Being, by scientific research; to me, It was the same light that struck down Saint Paul. It was the same Light that led the children of Israel, by night. Did you notice here, this Angel? "He was clothed in a Cloud." See, He was "a Cloud by day." Now, that same Light.

91As to people not understanding, first thought that it was wrong, that I was just saying that. But the Holy Spirit happened to hide the scientific instruments, and the people there, for a vindication, and took the picture of It, several times.

92 I said, "I see a person shadowed to death," black shadow over them. A few weeks ago when I was in a city. And when we're preaching, you're--you're not supposed to take pictures, you know, while there preaching. And when... Same thing was when that was took; but someone had a camera. And I said to a lady sitting out there, a stranger... I was in--in Southern Pines. I said, "There is a shadow over this Miss So-and-so." A lady that I never seen in my life. "You just come from the doctor; and two cancers, one on each breast, and you're given up. You are shadowed with a black hood, to death."

93And Something said to a sister sitting by, who had a flash camera, said, "Take the picture." And she didn't want to do it. Yet, "Take the picture," and she still refrained. And then again it come, and she grabbed the picture... and shot the picture. And there it is, scientifically. It's on the bulletin board; black-hooded shadow.

94Then, when the woman believed and prayer was made, a picture shot right straight back behind it, clear. I said, "The shadow has gone." See? The lady lives, by the grace of God.

95 Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you'll tell the truth, you may be laughed at for a while, you may be misunderstood for a while. But, God will vindicate that, that it is the truth, if you'll just stay with it. See? Just hold on. Might take years, but, like in Abraham and others, but He'll always make it the truth.

96When that Angel there... And I suppose, besides my wife, there's people here tonight, from thirty years ago, that was standing close when That come down. Is there anybody in the audience now that was there when the Angel of the Lord, that come down on the river the first time, before people? Raise up your hands. Yes, there they are. See? Now, I see Mrs. Wilson raise up her hand. She was standing there. My wife, there, she was there. And I don't know who some of the rest of them is, that was standing on the bank here, before many, many people, when I was baptizing at two o'clock in the afternoon.

97And right out of a brassy sky, where there hadn't been rain for weeks, here He come with a roar, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth, to forerun the first coming of Christ, you're sent forth with a Message, to forerun the second Coming of Christ."

98 Many men, from businessmen, the city, were standing on the bank, asked me what It meant. I said, "That wasn't for me. It's for you. I believe." Uh-huh. On It went. And when that Angel left, if you'll remember, He went westward as He went up; right out, up, over the top of the bridge, and went westward.

99Later on, I met an astronomer, which is a Magi. And they told me of a constellation of stars that had come together in a certain constellation.

100 When, the wise men in Babylon saw down towards Palestine, this three stars in a constellation. You've heard me tell it, many times. Do you know that's proven, these last couple weeks, to be the truth? Brother Sothmann, you have that paper with you tonight, ever where you are? It's in the paper, a sheet of a Sunday paper, December the ninth. That, a reporter went over there, and they dug up all these things. And we are actually living now, proven, that we're... This year coming up is 1970. Seven years out of date, by dug up rocks, and prove that it's wrong. It's later than you think. I didn't see Brother Fred, somehow. Brother Sothmann, are you here? Do you have the paper with you, Brother Sothmann? You have. He has the paper. Maybe tomorrow night I'll have you read it. We haven't got time, tonight. So, you can see.

101 And, watch, exactly. Those Magi's, Jewish Magi's up in Babylon, studying the stars, saw those stars fall into their constellation. And when he did, they knew that Messiah was on earth. And here they come, into Jerusalem, singing. Two years journey! "Where is He that's born King of the Jews?" Up-and-down the streets they went. And, why, Is-...

Israel laughed at them, "These bunch of fanatics!" They never knowed nothing about it, but the Messiah was on earth. And now you know the rest of the story, what they said.

Now, we'll read that, tomorrow night.

102 Now, coming to this, that the visions don't fail, because they're from God. And all along the journey, there's been something pulling me, tugging at me.

103Then, when that Magi told me these things, when I was just a boy, game warden; or before that, I believe it was, about these things. And it scared me, because I was afraid of what the Magi was. But later on I found out that the Magi's of the Bible was right, because God declares it in heaven before He declares it on earth, watching those heavenly bodies.

104"God is no respect of person, of all nations," said Peter. Now, but those who fear Him, in all nations, God accepts. []

105 And we find, then, I tried to give the thought up. But, oh, it'd take hours, to go in, how that constantly it moved that way, moved that way. But I was scared of it.

106This Magi said to me, "You'll never be successful in the East." Said, "You were born under a sign." And said, "You... That sign, that constellation, when they crossed, way out in there, the day of your birth, they were hanging westward. And you must go westward."

I said, "Forget it."

107I--I had nothing to do with it. And all along, though, still, that didn't take it out of my heart.

108 Then, when I was up there that night, about these visions. I couldn't understand them. My Baptist brethren told me that was of the Devil. And then when that Angel appeared, He absolutely throwed it into the Scripture, and said, "As it was then!"

109When the priests were arguing about things, not knowing nothing about what kind of coats they should wear, and clothes and everything, and arguing about their differences; the Magi's was following the star to Christ.

110When the preachers said that Jesus was an impostor, a Beelzebub; a devil raised up and said, "We know who You are, the Holy One of God. Why You coming to torment us before the time?"

111 When Paul and Silas came down, preaching the Gospel. A little fortuneteller sitting on the street... And the preachers of that country said, "These men are impostors. They tear up our churches, and so forth, turning the world upside down, with their corruption."

112But what happened? That little Magi, that little fortuneteller, said, "These are men of God, that tell us the way of life." And Paul rebuked that spirit in her. He didn't need any help to testify who he was.

113Jesus always told them to hold their peace. But it goes to show that, sometimes, devils knows more about the things of God than preachers does; they become so ecclesiastical bound. That was so, in the Bible, and God doesn't change.

114 One day, coming down, five years ago, from Brother Norman's, I was driving down the road. And I just had a meeting up there, and the Lord God appeared to me in a vision. And I was setting in front of my gate, up here at my house. And it seemed to be bad weather.

115Many of you people will remember the vision. It's wrote in my book of visions. I put them down so I'd be sure that I don't forget them.

116And in this vision I saw, there was something that had come through the lane, and there was stones laying all over my yard. And there was graders and scrapers, up-and-down the lane, and trees had been cut down and rooted up. And I started to turn into the gate, and it was all blocked off with stones. And I got out, to say to the man, "Why this?"

And he got very hostile, shoved me backwards, and said, "That's the way with you preachers!"

117I said, "I only asked you, 'Why do you do this?' You're--you're coming over on my side of the street, here. Why did you do this?" And he just almost slapped me, and shoved me back.

118 And I thought, "I'm just going to tell him that he doesn't know what he's talking about."

119And a Voice spoke, said, "Don't do that. You are a minister."

And I said, "Very well."

120And I turned around, and, to my right, sitting in front of the gate, was an old prairie schooner. You know what, a covered wagon, with horses hitched to it. And setting opposite the driver's side was my wife. I looked back in the back, and my children was sitting back there. I climbed up on the wagon. I said to my wife, "Honey, I've stood all I can stand." And I picked up the lines and pulled the lead horse, and started heading westward.

121And a Voice said to me, "When this comes to pass, then go westward."

122 Brother Woods, the contractor here in our church, and trustee. How many remembers the vision now, remember me telling you? Sure. It's wrote down on paper. And I said to Brother Woods... He bought, from the church, this lot in between there. And he was going to build a stone house there. I said, "Don't do it, Brother Woods, 'cause they would never give you your money out of it. Perhaps, maybe..." That's years ago, five years ago. I said, "They're going, maybe, bring that bridge through here, and them stones are probably my basement bursted up, and my walks and things, laying out here." Instead of being stones, it was hunks of concrete. "And then they're going to put that down here, 'cause they said in the paper that's what they were trying to do." Well, he did not build it. Finally they decided, about a year later, or two, they was going to bring it through, down this way. So that settled it, so I just forgot it, and let it go.

123 Now, the strange thing happened about a year ago. I was having services one night down at Brother Junior Jackson's. Sitting right here, a Methodist minister that's received the Holy Ghost, and been baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ, and is pastoring one of our sister churches.

124Just to show you how God deals with this people, I say this with all my heart. I don't know of any congregation in the entire world, a congregation together any more, where I believe the Spirit of God is, than in this congregation. They got their differences. They're sure not up to where they should be, none of us, but they're as close as anybody else that I know of.

I'll show you, knowing what was going to happen.

125 Brother Jackson dreamed a dream. He couldn't get away from it; and I was leaving his church, and he just couldn't stand it.

126How long ago has it been, Brother Jackson? [Brother Jackson says, "I had the dream in February of '61, Brother Branham."--Ed.] February of '61, he had the dream.

127And he come to me, and he said, "Something is on my heart. I must tell you, Brother Branham."

I said, "Go on, Brother Jackson."

128And he said, "I dreamed a dream." And there it was! I just sat still, and I listened and watched. He said, "I dreamed that there was a great big hill, like out in a field, where blue grass or something was." And said, "Up on top of this hill, where the water had washed away the soil, there was a top rock, up on top the hill, like the top of the mountain. It was rock; no grass. And where the water had washed down, it had cut some kind of readings on these stones. And you were standing there, interpreting this reading on these stones." And said, "All of us," and here is the way he put it, said, "the brethren from Georgia, and from all around, we were all standing together, listening to you interpret that mysterious writing on those stone, that mountain."

129 And said, "Then you picked up something, like from the air, something like a wrecking bar, or--or a crowbar." Wasn't it, brother? "Something like that, a wrecking bar, real sharp." And said, "It, how you done it, I don't know." And said, "You struck the top of that mountain, ripped it around, and lifted the cap of it off. It was in the shape of a pyramid. And you ripped the top of it off." Now, that was months and months and months before the pyramid Message was preached. And said, "Beneath that was white stone, granite. And you said, 'The sun, or the light, has never shined on This before. Look in on This. Watch This.'"

130And that's right, because, in the formation of the world, the world was formed before there was light. We all know that. God moved upon the water. And--and then, in the beginning, He spoke for light. And, naturally, down under there, in the age that formation was, that light had never come upon that stone.

131 And he said, "'Look upon This. Light has never come upon It before.'" And when all of them got up, and I told them to watch That, and all of them come up to look in.

132But he said, while they were looking in, he looked out of the corner of his eye, I believe it was, and watched me. I slipped off to one side, and started going towards the West, towards the setting of the sun; coming up a hill, going down a hill; coming up a hill, going down a hill; getting smaller and smaller, and went all the way out of sight.

133And he said, then, when I did that, he said, "Then the brethren turned around, after a while, said, 'Did he vanish? Where did he go?'" And said, "Some took out that way; some took one way, and some another." But, a very few stayed and looked on to what I had told them.

134Now notice the interpretation of the dream. Which, I never told him one thing, or none of these did I tell, any of them. But, I said, "Yes." And my heart, shaking. I was watching. Now, the mysterious writing... Wait, I'll just leave it for a little bit.

135 Not long ago, Brother Beeler... Brother Beeler is usually with us. Are you here, Brother Beeler? Yes, back here. Billy said, "Brother Beeler is all tore up. He had a strange dream."

136I went to Brother Beeler, and he said, down at his house one night, when I was going on some calls. And he said, "Brother Branham, I had a strange dream." Said, "I dreamed that I was going down a stream of water, towards the west. And there was a road on the left side. And I was on the left side, going westward on the road, seeming like, hunting for cattle. And on the right side, I happened to notice after I got down there, there you were. And you were rounding up a big bunch of cattle, and there was plenty of feed over there." And said, "Then you got those cattle and started them back up the river." And, seemingly, that I must have nodded to him to watch those cattle. And he said, "Now, it'll be easy for those cattle, I know they'll go the way of least resistance. But Brother Branham wants them to stay on the right side of that river, so I'll go back up this road and keep them from coming across the river on this side, and keep them on that side." But, he noticed, I never followed the cattle, but went on, westward. He said, "He must be hunting strays."

137 No more than he spoke the dream, I saw it. And then, notice, he said he got a little leery about me, so he went back to look. And said I was coming to a solid mountain, and all at once I vanished. And he wondered what was wrong. He went down. And then he had a little stream on his side, that forked off to the left. I think that's right, Brother Beeler. Yeah. And he noticed from... And over on my side was a terrific falls. And then he thought I could have got in those falls and--and perished. Then he noticed, and he said he looked around, he seen the effects of those falls, had went down this way and was causing an artesian well to spurt up, but the water wasn't going back in the ground. He looked across the little branch, or little stream, and he seen some little animals with round ears. And said, "I believe I'll take one." And he crossed.

138 Then he got to thinking about me. And he got up on a little knoll, to look over and see if there was a little, bitty, narrow ledge, you know, that I could have walked around. But, said, "There wasn't nothing." And he got worried. He said, "What happened to our brother? Wonder what happened to Brother Branham?" And when he got scared, he said he heard me speak. And I was standing up on top of a mountain. And told Brother Beeler an interpretation of a dream that I had give him not long ago, and told him to wait on the Lord, that someday I'd meet him on an island. And there he was.

139Now, the interpretation of that dream is this. Insomuch that the stream was large, it was the stream of life. I was going westward on it, and so was he; because, he was on a road, he was running small... down this road. And on the other side was lots of grass, but lots of thickets, and briers, and jungle; but in there was much grass. And that's the way we hunt for the Lord, and the Food of the Lord, through difficult. Rounding up the cattle; was this church; keeping them on that side. Cattle will actually go on the smooth road, the denomination, if they can; which, the road represented denomination. I started him back up the road, to see that they did not go to any denomination.

140Insomuch that he saw a wall that was totally impossible to pass, that kept me from going west, was that tax case with the government. Nobody can understand how I ever got out of it. It was a wall that blocked me off, but the Lord taken me through it, and I was over it. I'll meet you, Brother Beeler, on the island.

141 So now, then, immediately after that, Brother Roy Roberson. Brother Roy, are you here tonight? Yes, I--I believe... What? [A brother says, "Over at the side."--Ed.] Over at the side. He called me, and he had a dream. And he dreamed that we were rounding cattle. (Now, that is the third one.) Rounding up cattle. And there was grass, belly-deep, plenty of food. All of us brethren were together. And we come to a place for dinner, and Brother Fred Sothmann raised up and said, "Elijah, the great prophet, will speak from here today, at noon." And then when we all had dinner, everybody went away, and he wondered why they didn't wait to hear It being spoke.

142Now, see how that exactly curbs with Brother Jackson! See, that exactly hits, exactly, what Brother Beeler said! No one waited, to find out.

143 Notice, immediately after that. Sister Collins, are you here? Sister Collins dreamed a dream of being here at the church, and there was a wedding fixing to take place. And when she did, she saw the Bridegroom come in, perfect; but the Bride wasn't very perfect, yet it was the Bride; now, that's the Church. And there was like a communion, or a--a service going on here, like a dinner being set. And it kind of got next to her because that Brother Neville was serving a dinner in the church, but she said it was the best Food that she had ever seen. She was so hungry. But she thought maybe that, in the dream, that he shouldn't serve It, and she and Brother Willard was going to go up to the Ranch House and eat. And when they did, the Light on the right-hand side went out. Now, you know what That is.

144Now, the Food. The Bride isn't perfect, but the Bridegroom is perfect. The Bride is not perfect yet, but the Food that was being given was not literal food, it's the spiritual Food that you've been having, all along.

Let me stop here on that fourth dream, just a moment.

145 Do you not remember, Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Banks Woods, when we was out in Arizona last year, when we were out hunting javalina hogs, and the Lord spoke? Don't you know the things He done perfectly, showing what would come to pass, as we went along the road? If that's right, you two brethren say, "Amen." [The two brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Never misses.

146And I saw in a vision while we were driving, one day, a--a vision of the Lord came to me, and I was getting ready to, at that time, when I come back home, to go overseas. And when I went overseas, well, I saw on the ship... or side of a sea, where the ships went out. And there was a little, short man there, and he said, "I have prepared a boat for you, Brother Branham." And it was a little bitty canoe, about--about a foot long, but it was snow white. And he said to me, "This is for you to cross in."

"Oh," I said, "it--it--it isn't sufficient."

147He said, "It will go forty miles an hour, up-and-down this way." That's, up-and-down the bank.

148"But," I said, "it won't take me across." And then he looked down, and said, "Go like they go." And I looked, and there was Brother Fred Sothmann and Brother Banks Woods, sitting in a canoe painted green, with some camping rigging in the back of it. Brother Banks with a turned-up hat like this; Brother Fred with his pinched on the bill. And he said, "Go like them."

I said, "No. I won't."

149And this man said to them. The little man said, "Are you boatmen?"

Brother Banks said, "Yes." Brother Fred said, "Yes."

150But I said, "They're not. I am a boatman, and I know I wouldn't go just for that, and I'm sure I wouldn't go that way."

Said, "Won't you go with them?"

I said, "No. No."

151Well, I turned. And, when I did, the little man at the dock turned out to be my good brother, Brother Arganbright.

152 And I went back in this vision, and there was a little, long building. And then a Voice said to me. (And all of you remember this, or many of you.) A Voice said to me, "Bring in Food. Store It in. That's the only way to keep them here, is give them Food." And I brought in, had brought in, great big barrels full of the prettiest carrots and the prettiest vegetables, and things, I ever seen. Do you remember now, the vision? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

153Now, and I told you later what the interpretation was. I was supposed to go to Zurich, Switzerland, with Brother Arganbright, for five-nights meeting. I told the brethren before it happened, "I will not go." And I was down with Brother Welch Evans down there, when It give the interpretation.

154 One night, I believe Brother Welch came and got me, we was going on a fishing trip, and said Brother Arganbright was calling me. I said, "All right, here it is. They're going to put me off." And many times...

155Not through Brother Miner; he is one of the finest friends. But sometimes, if they can just... If they think you're going to preach something that's against their doctrine, they just say you're going to be there, to get your friends there. And they said...

156Brother Arganbright called me up and said, "Brother Branham," just what the Spirit said. Said, "You come on, bring your wife with you," said, "because you won't have to preach very much," said, "because I think they only got you for one night." And said, "You might not have to preach that one."

And I said, "No."

157"Well," said, "come on, you and your wife, you all come on, see, and if you do, I'll take you on a tour. Oh, my wife, your wife, and all of them, we'll go up through Switzerland, over through Palestine."

I said, "No."

158I had the interpretation. I told Brother Welch, or Brother Fred and them, "I'll tell you in the morning, but first my wife has to say something." And when I called her, then she refused to go. I said, "Here it is." See?

159 Now, that little, white boat was that one meeting. It's all right to go anywhere here, on the bank, with one meeting, but it's not enough, though it was white and good, to call me across seas.

160Brother Fred, and brother there, represented in the vision, they represented, "Go as a tourist, for fun." But I did not care to do that. And refusing them to be boatmen, it meant they wasn't preachers. But, I was a preacher.

161And then the Food in that little, long building. I did not go overseas; and returned to this little building, and we made dozens of tapes, of the pyramids and everything, to show the people the hour that we're living in.

162Now compare even that with the others, the dreams. This was a vision. The Food, here It is. This is the place.

163 Notice then what took place. Then immediately after that fourth vision come on, or fourth dream was told me, up come a Brother Parnell. He's here, somewhere, right here. And Billy wasn't here, and the man was frantic. He is from Bloomington, I believe, or Bedford? [A brother says, "Lafayette."--Ed.] Lafayette, holding meetings. And he had a dream, and he come down to Brother Woods. And he said, "I just can't let this go. I've got to tell it, got to tell Brother Branham. It's bothering me."

164And God knows, not one dream in between them. Just come, one, two, three, four, five, six.

165 Brother Parnell said, "I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I was going to have a meeting up there. And somehow another, there's a meeting here in a new church, like." And said, "This new church," how it come out, that he wondered why they wasn't cooperating between the two, or something on that way. And said he was standing here, till, "Well, I been in here. I'll just wait, and I'll stand the service." Said, "A man come through the building, with a brown suit on, and a book. I think he was writing." And he told Brother Parnell, said, "'This is a closed meeting. It's only for deacons and trustees.'" Well, he kind of felt a little stepped on. So he went out the door of the new church, the church that had been erected, or this one repaired, fixed over. And when he went outside, it was snowing, bad weather, wintertime.

And none of these people knowed nothing about this.

166 And when he went out the door, I was standing there, looking westward. I said, "Don't feel stepped on, Brother Parnell. I'll direct you, what you should do."

167And Brother Parnell, and any of the rest of them, knowed I never told them no interpretation. It's right now; yet, seeing it when they would speak it. Did you notice how quick I got out of there, Brother Parnell? To keep from having to tell you. And went on up, never said nothing to Brother Woods or nobody else, nobody. Just left it, 'cause I wanted to see what it was leading to. Have you heard me say lately, "I'm bothered"? That's what it was.

168And then, Brother Parnell, he said that I said to him, "Brother Parnell, start. And the first place you'll come to will be Zipporah." Zipporah, "Zipporah," which means hyphen, or stop, or something. I said, "Don't stay there. Then go, next, and you'll find an old woman; and then don't stop there. Go again, you'll find a real old woman; don't stop there." And all the time we were, I was talking, we were walking through the snow. And I said, "Go till you find my Wife. And when you find my Wife, stop there!" And said he looked, and we was out of the snow, on the desert. And I had vanished. And he looked back, and he saw his wife pumping water from a well, and some minister pulling on her, to pull her away from the pump. She was watching him. And he woke up.

169 Here is the interpretation of your dream. And I could have told you, that night, but I just turned away. Insomuch that Zipporah, and one old woman, and another real, real old woman, that's churches. See? And Zipporah being actually the--the wife of Moses, Zipporah, and we notice that I told him not to stop at them, no matter how old they was. They were organizations. Don't stop at them. They've lived their time. But when he comes to my Wife, which is my Church that Jesus Christ has sent me, this in this last day, and here It is, "Stop there!" And I was gone westward.

170 Then Sister Steffy. She may not be here, because she's been in the hospital. I don't know where... Is Sister Steffy... Yes, here she is. Sister Steffy comes to my house for prayer, before she went to the hospital for surgery, that God would help her and bless her. And He certainly did.

And she said, "I had a strange dream, Brother Branham."

I said, "Yes?"

171And she said, "I dreamed that I was out West. And I..." That's the sixth one. And she said, "I dreamed I was out West, and has rolling country. And when I looked, standing upon a hill, there was a real old man with long, white beards, and what hair he had was growed down across his face. And he had a white wrap-around, something, garment," said, "the wind was blowing it." I think that's right, Sister Steffy, like that. And said, "I kept drawing closer. He was standing, up on top of a mountain, watching eastward." And said, "I wondered, 'Who is this old man?'" And she moved closer, closer. And when she got closer, she recognized who it was. It was the immortal Elijah, the prophet, standing up there watching the East.

172 She said, "I must see him." She had a need. And she ran up the hill and fell down there, to speak to him, in the name of Elijah. And said, when she spoke... She heard a voice, said, "What do you want, Sister Steffy?" And it was me.

173Your dream was fulfilled right there, Sister Steffy. For, immediately after that, I had went to Louisville. What she was needing was the prayer. See? And she got through all right, at the hospital; and the sign of me going westward, watching eastward, for my flock. Notice. When...

174I went to Louisville. And when I come back, I kind of started in the gate, and there was stobs drove there, over my gate. Mr. Goynes, of the city street here, was going up the lane. He said, "Billy, come here." Said, "You have to move your gates and things, fence, stone fence and gates."

I said, "Well, okay, Bill." I said, "I'll--I'll do it. When?"

175He said, "I'll tell you. I'll let you know when." I said... "Right the first of the year, they're going to start doing it."

I said, "All right."

176 So I started to go back in the house, and wife said, "I've got to go to the grocery right quick." And I went down the lane. And a boy, Raymond King, which is the city engineer. I always called him "Mud Ear." Cause, we was little kids, swimming together, he hit a guy in the ear with a lump of mud. And we always called him, "Mud Ear." He lives right down the lane from me, about--about second door below Brother Woods.

And so I said, "Mud, come here a minute."

He said, "All right, Billy." And he come over there.

I said, "That stake that you drove down?"

177He said, "Billy, it's, they're going to take the whole thing in." Said, "All these trees, these fences, and everything else, has got to be moved."

178I said, "Well, the engineer told me that my property come to the middle of the street."

179Said, "Yes, but they're going to expand it. Going to take it in, anyhow." Said, "Mine is also."

180I said, "Well, Brother Woods is a--is a stonemason, and," I said, "I'll--I'll just get him to move it back."

181Said, "Billy, don't touch it. Let the contractor do that. That's the parsonage, ain't it?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "Let him do it." Said, "You know what I mean."

I said, "Yes."

182And I turned away, and, that quick, something struck it. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] I went home, went into my den room, picked up that book, and there it was. It wasn't concrete blocks; it was stones. I said, "Meda, get ready."

183 Six straight dreams, and then the vision capped it. "When these things comes to pass, turn westward."

184I called Tucson. Brother Norman has got a place. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what to do. I'm just in a... I'm standing. I don't know what to do. I'm leaving a home I don't have to pay rent on. My wages is a hundred dollars a week. And I almost have to pay a hundred dollars a month for a house. I'm right here with my brothers and sisters, where I'm loved. And I'm going, I don't know where. I don't know why. I can't tell you why. But there's only one thing I know, is follow what He says do. I don't know, know which way to turn, what to do. It's none of my...

185I guess Abraham felt that way when He told him, "Go over, across the river." He didn't know what to do but sojourn, separate himself. I didn't know what to do.

186 Last Saturday morning, one week from yesterday, along about three o'clock in the morning. I had gotten up and got a drink of water, and put the cover over Joseph, in his room. And then I come back, and was just laid down. I went to sleep. And when I went to sleep... I'm getting these little dreams and things off, so you'll see the background of what I'm fixing to say. I--I covered up Joseph, and I went back and laid down, and went to sleep. And I dreamed a dream.

187And I dreamed that I saw a man that was supposed to be my father, though he was a great big man. And I saw a woman that was supposed to be my mother, only she didn't look like my mother. And this man was very mean to his wife. And he had a three-cornered stick, where he had claved this wood. And it made a... You know, a chop of wood, across a log, you know, it makes a three-cornered stick. And every time this woman would start to stand up, he'd just grab her by the neck and hit her on the head, and knock her out. And then she would lay there, and snub and cry, and then she would start coming back up again. He would walk around, proud, with his chest stuck out, great big fellow. And when she would raise up again, he would take her by the neck, and take this three-cornered stick, and crack her on the head with it, drop her down. Walk back and stick out his chest, like he had done something big.

188 And I was standing off, watching it. I thought, "I can't tackle that man. He is too big. And, then, he is supposed to be my papa, but he ain't my papa." And I said, "He hasn't got no business treating that woman like that." And I got kind of a little bit upset with him. So, then, all at once, I got up enough courage, and I went over to him, and grabbed him by the collar and turned him around. And I said, "You have no right to strike her." And when I said that, muscles growed. I looked like a giant. And the man looked at those muscles, and then he got scared of me. And I said, "You strike her again, you're going to deal with me." And he kind of hesitated to strike her again. And then I woke up.

189And I laid there a little while. I thought, "What is that? Strange I would dream about that woman." And just in a moment, here He come. I got the interpretation.

190 The woman represents the church of the world, today, all the world. I was born right in this mess, and here I am. She is supposed to be kind of a--a mother of... if she was a mother of harlot, but yet I was born right into it. And the... Her husband is the denominations that rule her. The three-cornered stick that she had, is that triune baptism in false names. That, every time she starts to rise up, the congregation to accept It, he whacks her down with it. And, course, him being so big, I turned around, was a little afraid of him. And then I dashed into him, anyhow, and the muscles was faith muscles. That made me think, "If God is with me, and can give me muscles, let me stand up for her. 'Quit striking her!'"

191 Must have been ten o'clock in the day, when my wife was trying to get into the room, and it happened. I went into a vision that morning, and I somehow... Now, remember, it was not a dream.

192There's difference between dreams and visions. Dreams is when you go to sleep. Visions, when you don't go to sleep. We're born that way. The ordinary human being, when he dreams, it's in his subconscious. And his subconscious is way away from him. His senses is active, as long as he's in his first conscious. In this conscious, you, you're normal; you see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But when you're in your subconscious, asleep, you don't neither see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. But there's something, when you dream, that you return back to this conscious. There's a memory, that you remember something that you dreamed about, years ago. The ordinary human being is that way.

193But when God predestinates something, this subconscious is not way away from here, to the seer, but both consciouses is right together. And the seer, in a vision, doesn't go to sleep. He's still in his senses, and sees it.

194 I was explaining that for some doctors, the other day. And they raised up and said, "Marvelous. Never even thought of such a thing." When I was taking a wave test, and they said I... They had never seen anything like that. See? "Well," said, "there is something happens to you." And I said. I told it. He said, "That's it, exactly." See?

195The two consciouses sit right close together. It's nothing I could do, and it don't make me no more than anybody else. It's just, God made it that way. You don't go to sleep. You're right here, just like a sleep. You're standing here, looking out, like this.

196And all of you have seen it, around the world. You don't go to sleep. Standing here on the platform, talking to people, you hear me go into visions and come back. When I'm riding in a car with you, anywhere else, and tell you things that's going to happen; and never fails, never has. Has anybody ever seen it fail? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No, sir. It can't fail. It won't fail, as long as it's God. Notice, right on the platform, thousands, before tens of thousands of people, even in other languages that I can't even speak, still it don't fail. See? It's God!

197 Now, in this vision, or as I was speaking, I looked and I saw a strange thing.

198Now, it seemed like that my little son, Joseph, was by my side. I was talking to him. Now, if you'll watch the vision real close, you'll see why Joseph was standing there.

199And I looked, and there was a big bush. And on this bush, in a--in a constellation of birds, little bitty birds, about half inch long, and a half inch high. They were little veterans. Their little feathers was beat down. And there was about two or three on the top limb, six or eight on the next limb, and fifteen or twenty on the next limb; coming down in the shape of a pyramid. And those little fellows, little messengers, and they were pretty well worn out. And they were watching eastward.

200And I was at Tucson, Arizona, in the vision, for it made it so purpose that He didn't want me to fail to see where it was at. I was picking a sand burr off of me, from the desert. And I said, "Now, I know this is a vision, and I know that I'm at Tucson. And I know that them little birds there represent something." And they were watching eastward. And all of a sudden they taken a notion to fly, and away they went, eastward.

201 And as soon as they left, a constellation of larger birds came. They looked like doves, sharp-pointed wings, kind of a gray color, little lighter color than what these first little messengers was. And they were coming eastward, swiftly.

202And no sooner than they got out of my sight, I turned again to look westward, and there it happened. There was a blast that actually shook the whole earth.

203Now, don't miss this. And you, on tape, be sure you get this right.

204First, a blast. And I thought it sounded like a sound barrier, ever what you call it when planes cross the sound, and the sound comes back to the earth. Just shook, like, roared, everything. Then, it could have been a--a--a great clap of thunder, and lightning, like; I didn't see the lightning. I just heard that great blast that went forth, that sounded like it was south, from me, towards Mexico.

205 But, it shook the earth. And when it did, I was still looking westward. And way off into Eternity, I saw a constellation of something coming. It looked like that it might have been little dots. There could have been no less than five, and not more than seven. But, They were in the shape of a pyramid, like these messengers coming. And when it did, the Power of Almighty God lifted me up to meet Them.

206And I can see It. It's never left me. Eight days has gone, and I can't forget it, yet. I never had anything to bother me like that has. My family will tell you.

207 I could see those Angels, those shaped-back wings, traveling faster than sound could travel. They come from Eternity, in a split, like a twinkling of an eye. Not enough to bat your eye, just a twinkle, They were there. I didn't have time to count. I didn't have time no more than just look. Mighty Ones, great, powerful Angels, snow white; wings set, and heads. And They were, "Whew-whew!" And when it did, I was caught up into this pyramid, a constellations.

208And I thought, "Now, this is it." I was numbed all over. And I said, "Oh, my! This means that there will be a blast that will kill me. I'm at the end of my road now. I mustn't tell my people, when this vision leaves. I don't want them to know about it. But, the Heavenly Father has let me know now that my time is finished. And I won't tell my family, so they'll worry about me, 'Because, he's fixing to go.' And these Angels has come for me, and I'll be killed pretty soon now in some kind of an explosion."

209Then it came to me, while I was in this constellation, "No, that isn't it. If it would have killed you, it would have killed Joseph." And I could hear Joseph calling me.

210Well, then I turned again. I thought, "Lord God, what does this vision mean?" And I wondered.

211And then it come to me, (not a voice) just come to me. "Oh! That is the Angels of the Lord, coming to give me my new commission." And when I thought that, I raised up my hands, and I said, "O Lord Jesus, what will You have me do?" And the vision left me. For almost an hour, I couldn't feeled.

212 Now, you people know what the blessings of the Lord is. But, the Power of the Lord is altogether different, the Power of the Lord in them kind of a places. I felt It, many, many times, before, in vision, but never like that. It feels like a reverent fear. I was so scared till I was paralyzed, in the presence of these Beings.

213I tell the Truth. As Paul said, "I lie not." You never caught me saying anything wrong about something like that. Something is fixing to happen.

214Then, after a while, I said, "Lord Jesus, if I'm going to be killed, let me know, so I won't tell my people about this. But if it's something else, let me know." But, nothing answered.

215After the Spirit left me, for about a half hour, I guess, or more, I said, "Lord, if it is, then, that I am going to be killed, and You're finished with me on earth, and--and I'm going to be taken Home now; which, if that's it, that's fine. That's all right. So," I said, "if it is, let me know. Send Your Power back on me again, then I'll know not to tell my people or anybody about it, because You're fixing to come catch me away." And I... And nothing happened. And I waited a while.

216Then I said, "Lord Jesus, if it did not mean that, and it means that You've got something for me to do, and it'll be revealed to me later, then send Your Power." And It almost took me from the room!

217 I found myself, somewhere, over in a corner. I could hear my wife, somewhere, trying to shake a door. The door in the bedroom was locked. And I had a Bible open, and it... Was reading, I don't know, but it was in, I believe, Romans the 9th chapter, the last verse.

... Behold, I lay in Sion a cornerstone, a stumblingstone, a precious cornerstone, and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

218And I thought, "It's strange I'd be reading that." Spirit still packing me, in the room! I closed up the Bible and stood there.

219I went over to the window. It was about ten o'clock in the day, or better. And I raised up my hands, and I said, "Lord God, I don't understand. This is a strange day, to me. And I'm beside myself, almost."

220I said, "Lord, what does that mean? Let me read again, if it be You." Now, this sounds juvenile. And I took up the Bible, opened it up. There it was again, at the same place, Paul telling the Jews that they tried to... tell the Romans that the Jews tried to accept It by works, but it's by faith that we believe It.

221 Well, it's been a terrific time, since. Now you see where I stand. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what to say.

222But now let me, now, from now on, for the next, about fifteen, twenty minutes, let me try to say something here now. Remember, not one time has those visions ever failed. Now I'm going to take the Scriptures for a moment, if you notice, in Revelations the 10th chapter. Now let me say this. If the vision is Scriptural, it can only be interpreted by the Scripture. And then I want you to put this together.

223And, now, you present, and you on tape, be sure you say this the way I say it, 'cause it could be mighty easy misunderstood.

224Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] All right. Just... I thank you for being so quiet, nice.

Now, "The seventh angel..."

225 Now, sirs, (as I entitle this) is this the sign of the end time? Where are we living? What time of day is it? As the weary wrestler, through the night, raising and turning on the clock, to look to see what it is, turning up the light. My prayer is, "God, let us turn on the Light."

226I'm standing in an awful place, if you but knew it. Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, I've told you the truth, and something is fixing to happen.

227I don't know. Now, you on tape, get that. I don't know. I'm going to try. What come to me, yesterday, sitting in my den room. I don't say that this is truth; it was only something moving in my heart, where I've walked the floors.

228I--I was supposed to go down, get off a little time and come down with Charlie, and go hunting with him one day, before we had to part from one another.

229 Let me say, that, because that I am going west, it isn't that I'm leaving this tabernacle. This is the church that the Lord God gave me. Here is my headquarters. Here is where I stay. I'm only going in obedience to a commandment that's given me by vision. My son, Billy Paul, will remain my secretary. My office will be right here at this church. By the help of God, I'll be here when it's... this thing is finished, to preach the Seven Seals. And any tapes that I make, or anything else, will be made right here at this church. And right here, as far as I know, is the place where I can preach with more liberty than I can anywhere else in the world, because there's a group of people here that believe, and are hungry and holding on. And this feels like home, to me. This is the place. And if you notice, the dreams spoke the same thing, see, where the Food.

230Now, but, I don't know what lays in the future, but I know Who holds the future. That's the main thing.

231 Now, God, if I am wrong, forgive me, and then close my mouth, Lord, to anything that wouldn't be Your will. I'm only doing this because I am impressed, Lord. May the people understand; only impressed.

232The reason I think the interpretation never come immediately, it was by the sovereignty of God, because I believe it's wrote out here in the Bible for me. And then if it is Scriptural, it's only the Scripture can interpret it. And if this is true, brother, sister, I don't mean to scare you, but we better be very careful now. We're fixing to... Something is fixing to happen. And I say this with reverence and the fear of God. And you think I would stand here... And you people even believe in me to be a prophet; I don't claim to be.

233My emotion was this. Na-... Last year, I said, "I... Only thing I seen, the revival is over, in the nations, or, this nation, anyhow." I took an evangelistic tour. Many of you went with me. Oh, it was all right. We had great times, fine meetings, lots of crowds, but it just didn't hit the spot.

234This year, I'm taking a missionary tour. As soon as I can, I'm going to Africa, India, and around the world, if I can, on another missionary tour.

235If that don't work, then I'm neither taking water or food, and I'm climbing some of them high mountains yonder, and I'm going to stay there till God answers some way. I can't live like this. I just can't go on.

236 This may be the answer here. I don't know. "Until He changes me," do you remember the vision about three weeks ago, "standing in the sun, preaching to the congregation"? You all been here last Sunday. Many Sundays, you people here that gets the tapes, and--and is here when it's made, you understand these things. Because, now I'll just strike these places, and you watch it. Just even every bit of that that's been said, types right into this, so it must be the interpretation. I don't know. That's why I'm saying, sirs, is this it?

237 I believe that "the seventh angel" of Revelation 10 is the seventh church-age messenger of Revelations 3:14. Remember. Now let me read. Look where I can read. Now, this was the seventh angel.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, (7th verse) when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

238Now, you notice, this was a angel. And it's the angel of the seventh church age, because it says here, it is "the seventh angel," of the seventh church age. Found that, if you want to see who the... where the angel is, Revelations 3:14, it's, "The angel to the Laodicean church."

239 Now, you remember when that was told there, the angels and the church ages. And now, in this, it'll dovetail right into these Seven Seals that we're coming to speak. And the Seven Seals that we're trying to speak of, when they come this time, is the seven written Seals. And these Seven Seals, as you know, is just the manifestation of the seven angels of the seven churches; but, there are seven other Seals that's on the backside of the Book, It's outside the Bible. Notice. We'll get to it in a moment.

240Now, before I start this, are you tired? Would you like to stand, change position? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Now listen close.

241 The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church-age messenger. See? Now watch. "And in the days..." Now watch here.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,...

242Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh angel here is sounding forth his Message to the Laodicean church. Notice his type of Message. Now, it wasn't to the first angel, wasn't given That; second angel, third, fourth, fifth, sixth. But it is the seventh angel that had this type of Message. What was it? Notice his type of Message, "Finishing all the mysteries of God, that are written in the Book." The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's laying loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up, and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said, "Finishes the mystery of the written Book."

243 Now let's note a few of these mysteries, and if you want to write them down. First, I'll take what Scofield says here, in Matthew 13. If you'd like to type some of them down, if you haven't got a Scofield Bible. You might read what he thinks some of the mysteries are. Now, in the 11th verse.

And he answered and said unto them, Because it's given to you (his disciples), because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but not to them, but to them it is not given.

244The mysteries, here is "the mystery." A mystery is Scripture, is a previously hidden Truth now Divinely revealed, but (which is) a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation. The greater mysteries and the great mysteries are:

245 Number one, the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's the one we're talking on now. 13, Matthew 13:3 to 50.

246Now, second mystery is the mystery of Israel's blindness during this age. Romans 11:25, with the context.

247Third, third mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this age. First Corinthians 15, and also Thessalonians 4:14 to 17.

248The fourth, mystery of the New Testament Church as one Body composed of both, Jews and Gentiles. Ephesians 3:1 to 11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3.

249The fifth mystery is of the Church as the Bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:28 to 32.

250Sixth mystery is of the living Christ, same yesterday, today, and forever. Galatians 2:20, and Hebrews 13:8, and many places like that.

251The seventh mystery is of God, even Christ as the incarnate fulness of the Godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom.

And godliness is restored to man.

252Ninth mystery is the mystery of iniquity, found in Second Thessalonians, and so forth.

253The tenth mystery is of the seven stars of Revelations 1:20. We just been through that, "The seven stars of the seven churches, the seven messengers," and so forth.

254And the eleventh mystery is Mystery Babylon, the prostitute. Revelations 17:5 to 7.

255 That's some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all "the mystery," all the mysteries of God.

And the other:

256May I say this with reverence, and not referring to myself, but referring to the Angel of God.

257The serpent's seed, that's been a hidden mystery, all through the years.

258The grace, straightened out; not disgrace, but real, true grace.

259No such a thing as an Eternal, burning hell. You'll burn for millions of years. But, anything that was Eternal, had never a beginning or a end; and hell was created.

All these mysteries!

260The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, without sensation, but the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did.

261The mystery of water baptism. Where, the extreme trinitarianism has brought it into titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." And the mystery of the Godhead being fulfilled in the baptism of the Name of "Jesus Christ," according to the Book of the Revelations, that the Church in this time was to receive.

There is some of the mysteries.

262The Pillar of Fire returning back. Amen! That's the thing that's supposed to take place, and we see it.

Oh, how we could go on, naming the mysteries!

263 Seeing that Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same One that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus! And the same One coming, with the same Power, doing the same things, and revealing the same Word, staying Word-by-Word with the Bible!

264The sounding of the trumpet, means "Gospel" trumpet. And the sounding of a trumpet, in the Bible, means, "Get ready for Scriptural war." Are you getting it down? Scriptural war!

265Paul said, if you want to put this down, First Corinthians 14:8. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, how will a man know what to prepare for?" And if it doesn't have a Scriptural sound, a vindicated, a--a vindication of the Word of God made manifest, how will we know we're at the end time?

266If it says they believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but deny His signs and wonders that the whole realm of nature believed on Him, and all the Church believed on Him by this, how will we know how to prepare?

267 Somebody has come forth with a chart and drawed it all out; and somebody has come forth, another thing, and drawed this all out, contrary to this one. Some has come forth and said this is It, coming back to this. And others has wrote books, and things like that.

268But, God comes in the Power of His resurrection! And who is going to speak against It? If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He does the same that He did yesterday, today, and forever. That's what this angel is supposed to do, take them mysteries, them loose ends that people run out on.

269Notice, if it gives an uncertain sound, unscriptural, who can prepare himself? But, a trumpet, did you notice, each one of those ages, as I told you about the church coming in, there was a trumpet sounded, a Seal tore loose. And a trumpet means war. If it don't give a Scriptural sound, what about it?

But let me call this to your memory. Don't miss it now.

270 Notice, each church age had its messenger. We know that. Paul was the first messenger. And when the first trumpet sounded, and the first Seal was tore loose. Paul was the first messenger, as we found. And what did he do? Declared war on (what?) the Orthodox church, for not believing the Messianic sign that Jesus had produced to them. Why, they should have knowed it. They should have knowed Him.

271Remember, Paul come at the end of the age. All the messengers come at the end of the age. It's at the end time, when these things are--are brought forth.

272Paul, knowing the Scriptures, and knowing that Jesus was Messiah, and he blasted those synagogues, from place to place, with the Scriptures, and was put out of every one of them. Till, finally, he shook the dust from his feet and turned to the Gentiles. What was it? Sounding of a trumpet; an angel, messenger, standing there with the Word! Oh, my! Don't you miss that now. The Word! And Paul, with the unadulterated interpretation of God's Word, blasted every one of them synagogues. Cost him his life.

273 How we could go down to Irenaeus, the one, the messenger of the next church age!

274And Saint Martin, the next church age, when they begin to get the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, begin to come in. And they blasted that age. Saint Martin blasted his age.

275And then Luther, the fifth messenger, he blasted that Catholic church, with the Word of God. "The just shall live by faith," he said. "And this is not the literal body of Christ," and he throw the communion on the floor, and walked out and blasted that Catholic church. That trumpet sounded right. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

276 John Wesley raised up, in the days of the Anglican church. "Why," they said, "there's no more reason to have revivals," and it went to seed. But John Wesley stood up, with the message of the second work of grace, sanctification, and he blasted that Anglican church with a Gospel trumpet, prepared for war. That's right. He did it.

277Now we're in the Laodicean age, when they've again denominated; Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostals. And we're looking for a prophet to come, to blast this age, and turn them back from their iniquity.

278Now, if that's been the trend, all the way down through the age, will God change His trend in this day? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] He can't change it. He has to keep the regular stride.

279 And remember, this messenger was the seventh angel, and he was to take all the mysteries and gather them up. Notice, the seventh angel was to blast the Laodicean, rich church. "'I'm rich, increased in goods, and have need of nothing.'" He said, "You're a miserable wretch, poor, blind, naked, and don't know it." That was his Message.

280O God, send us a fearless prophet with THUS SAITH THE LORD, that the vindicated Word of God will move through it and prove that he's sent from God. And when he comes, he'll blast them ages. Sure will. He'll set that Laodicean church against him. Certainly, he will. They did in every other age. It won't change in this age. It's got to be the same.

281 Notice, now, the Laodicean church. The messenger (will finish) of the Laodicean, the seventh angel, will finish all of the mysteries that's been lost in the battles, before, for the Truth.

282Luther raised up, but he didn't have all the Truth. He only had justification. Right.

283Along come another messenger, named John Wesley, with sanctification. He didn't have It. The Bible said. The Philadelphian church!

284Then comes the Laodicean church age, with the baptism of the Spirit. But they messed It all up, and went right back into formalism like they did the first place.

285When, "He's to look upon as Alpha and Omega," His hand laying one way, and one way, "the First and the Last."

His Spirit fell on the Day of Pentecost and filled that group.

286 She gradually drained out, till it come to the dark ages. The Seven Golden Candlesticks, the seven church ages, the last was the fartherest away from Him. That was a thou-... nearly a thousand years of dark age, of the Catholic church.

287Luther begin to bring the next light, a little closer to the Word.

The next light, come a little closer.

288The next light, the Laodicean. Then it come right back like it did, the first place, went right off into the same mess it did in the first place. Don't you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

289 Now watch. There is a lot of Truth lost out there, (why?) where others compromised on Truth. But this seventh angel don't compromise on nothing. He gathers up all the loose ends, gathers them all up. And at his sounding, "All the mystery of God should be finished." Oh! God, send him. All of the hidden mysteries was finished when, he, It was revealed to him. By what? If these are hidden mysteries, the man will have to be a prophet. And didn't we just get through and see that the prophet, that would come in the last age, would be that great Elijah that we been looking for? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Because, these mysteries that's hid, through the theologians, will have to be revealed; to God. And the Word comes only to the prophet. ["Amen."] And we know it. He will be the second Elijah, as promised. Oh, my! The Message he--he'll bring will be the mysteries, all, all these things.

290 We have water baptism. It's all mixed up. That's right. One sprinkles; one pours. One takes "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." One takes this. One baptizes three times, face forward; for, one for a God named "Father," another one for a God named "Son," another one for a God named "Holy Ghost." Other one said, "You're wrong. He has to baptize backwards, three times, that way." And, oh, what a mess!

291But the whole thing has been wound up, for there's only one God, and His Name is Jesus Christ. "And there's not another Name under Heaven whereby men must be saved." There's not one text of Scripture, nowhere in the Bible, where anybody was ever baptized in any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ. Not one time was any of the new Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ, ever sprinkled, poured, or anything else. Not one time was ever a ceremony used, "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It's creeds and things.

292 And in the battle for Truth, them ends has been lost, but God said they would be restored again in the last day. "I will restore," saith the Lord. We went through that, not long ago, The Bride Tree. It'll take a prophet. The Bible says that he would be here. That's right. Malachi 4, speaks that he'll be here, and we believe that he will. We're looking for him. And we're looking for his manifestation, and we'll see the vindicated Word of God.

293There will just be a few understand It. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." What was saved? Five souls... In the days of Lot, there was actually three saved. The wife started out, and lost. "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." There will be very few saved, translated in that time; one of the mysteries, of that Church being taken up. Like Lot was taken, like Lot was taken out, away; Noah was taken up; and the Church will be taken up, also. One went in; and one went out; and the other One goes up. See? It's exactly, perfectly.

294 The Word comes. "The Book that is written within," is then completed when this, all these mysteries have finished to be sounded. Now let me read it again, now, so you'll be sure. Now look.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel (the last angel), when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,...

295Now, what is "the mystery of God," one of them? Paul said, in First Timothy 3, I believe it was, said, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in the flesh (we handled Him, seen Him), received up into Glory, witnessed by Angels, vindicated here on earth." God was! Sure, it's a great mystery, but it's all solved. Not "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," three Gods; but, one God in three offices. The Fatherhood, under Moses; the Sonship, under Christ; the Holy Ghost, under this dispensation. Three dispensations of the same God; not three Gods. The mystery is finished now. The Bible said it should be. When the...

296 I seen, the other day, where the science is trying to contradict me, in what they used to say, when I said, "Anybody that believed that Eve eat an apple!" Now their science says, you seen in the paper the other day, a big headlines, "She eat an apricot." Nonsense. Would that--would that beguile her? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Certainly not. See? They just... That's--that's what Cain thought, you know, and he had brought the same thing back, but God didn't receive his sacrifice. And Abel, righteous, was revealed to him, "It was blood," and he brought the blood.

O God, this church and the age that we're living in!

297 "The Book that is written within" is then completed when this angel ceases, (now please understand this), when the seventh angel's Message is completed; the Godhead mystery, the serpent's seed mystery, all the other mysteries of all these things.

298Eternal Sonship, as they talk about. How can He be an Eternal Son, when Eternity never begin or never ends; and a son is something that's begotten of? How can it make sense?

299How can there be an Eternal hell, when hell was created? I believe in a burning hell. Certainly, the Bible said so. But, it's to destroy. The Bible said, "Blessed is he that has not part in the second death." See? See, you won't be destroyed by second death. The first is a physical. The second is a spiritual death, when everything is finished. "The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." You'll punish for your sins, maybe through the hundreds of year, thousands of years. But there can't be an Eternal hell, because the Bible said hell was created. How can it be created and be Eternal? If there ever was... The Bible said, "Hell was created for the Devil and his angels." And then, if it was created, it can't be Eternal. Cause, Eternal, anything Eternal, never had a beginning or had an end.

300That's how we can never die, because we was always. We're a part of God, the offspring of God, and He's the only Eternal thing there is. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit three times--Ed.] Amen. You can no more die than God can die, because you're Eternal, with Him. Amen! Let it come! Hallelujah! Kind of getting tired of this old pesthouse, anyhow.

301 Notice, "The Book written," when this angel finishes all these loose-end ministeries that through the battle they fought, Luther fought, and Wesley fought, and the Pentecostals fought. "But there's coming one," says the Bible, "that in the days of his sounding, all these mysteries..." The oneness run off on Jesus Name; the trinity went off on Father, Son, Holy Ghost, just like they did at the Nicaea Council, same thing; they both was wrong. But, now, in the middle of the road, in the Scriptures, lays out the Truth. You see where we're at? The Angel of the Lord!

302 Notice Revelations 5:1. Listen at this now.

And I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within (the writing was withinside) and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

303Now, there is writing on the inside of the Book. But, the backside had Seven Seals, on the back of It, that wasn't written in the Book. Now, this is the revelator talking, John. Now, remember, It wasn't written in the Book. "And in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, all this mystery that's written within should be finished." It should be taken care of, in that day. Now do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Are you following me? ["Amen."] Then is the time for the seven voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed. When the Book is finished, there is only one thing left, and that's the seven mysterious voices of thunder that was wrote on the backside of the Book, that John was forbidden to write. Let me read it.

And I saw an angel, mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as... the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open:... (See, now watch this.)... and he set his right foot on the sea,... his left... on the earth,

And he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he... cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. (Watch.)

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:...

304There was something said. It just wasn't a noise. Something was said. He was about to write.

... and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,...

305 Look where the voices was, the Thunders. Not in Heaven; on earth! The Thunders never uttered from the heavens. They uttered from the earth.

... and I was about to write: when I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal (capital S-e-a-l), Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

306It's on the backside, when a Book is completed. Not did he say, "On the front side." He said, "On the backside," after It's all done, completed. Then, these Seven Thunders' voices is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.

307Oh, my! I wish I could get that, that the people could actually... Don't fail. Don't, don't fail. Please don't, this time. I'm fixing to leave you. Don't fail. You ever listened, listen!

308These Seals are on the backside of the Book. "And at the time that the seventh angel is sounding, all the mysteries that are written in the Book is completed." And immediately the Book, that was open and written within, is closed, "The mysteries of God is finished." And this is the mysteries of God: the going of the Church, and all these other things. "The mysteries is over." When that seventh angel sounds out every mystery, it's over. Let him be who he may, whatever it might be. God's Word can't fail. And He said:

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

309 All those things, like, oh, Rome being the--the whore, and all the Protestant churches, denominations denominating after her, has become her harlots. See? All those mysteries, that the prophets spoke of, will be revealed right here in this last hour.

310And when this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true Trumpet, because It'll be contrary, they won't believe It. They sure won't believe It. But, it'll be an inspired prophet, because there's no way to figure It out.

311Men try to figure out the trinity, and go gray-headed and go crazy. No one can understand it. They still believe Eve eat an apple, and all those things. Because, it's tradition that men has held onto, just like Jesus found the church.

312But it'll have to be a Divine-led prophet, for the Word of God to come to him, with the true interpretation of the revelation of Jesus Christ. So, then, it--it's got to be that way. God help us!

313 Now, "When his sounding forth," now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. We have that clear. When he sounds forth his Message, declares war; like Paul did on the Orthodox, like the rest of them did, like Luther, Wesley, against the organization. When he declares war, and tells them, "They are lying, and it's not the Truth! And they're deceiving men!" When he sounds forth That, you can't fail. It won't fail, because he'll be vindicated by the Word of God. You'll know exactly what It is. And when he does, he sounds forth, to call from Babylon, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins." God, send him! Don't miss it.

314 Now, "When he begins to sound, the mystery will be finished." Now, note, then it's time for the Seven Seal voices, of Revelations 10, to be revealed. Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] When all the mysteries of the Book has completed! And the Bible said, here, that he would finish the mysteries.

315When, men back in other ages has fought for Truth. They fought for justification. They went a while. Sanctification! They fought for this, and they fought for that. They fought for this. What did they do? Turned right around and organized into it, same thing. Pentecostals, and the Baptists, Presbyterian, Lutherans, every one, done the same thing, turned right around and done the same thing.

316 And the Bible said, in Revelation 17, that's what they would do, old mother whore and her daughters, "MYSTERY, BABYLON." The Bible said, here, that that would be one of the mysteries that would be unfolded. Protestants, prostitutes, "committing spiritual fornications," leading people by denominations, with their "cup of iniquity," of man-made doctrine; and pulling them away from the fountain filled with Blood, where the Power of Almighty God flows freely to manifest Jesus Christ. That's true. Then, God will back It up, and He has done it, and He will continue. But, when that comes to pass, the Word is finished.

317Now there's only one thing left, that's Seven Thunders, that we don't know. And it would not have thundered in vain.

318God don't do something just to be playing. We play and act silly, but not God. Everything with God is "Aye" and "Nay." He doesn't just fool. He doesn't kid. He means what He says. And He says nothing 'less there's something, a meaning to it.

319 And Seven Thunders, right in the revelation here of Jesus Christ, It's some mystery. Does not the Bible say that This is "The revelation of Jesus Christ"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Why, there is some hidden mystery, then, of It. Hum! What is It? The Seven Thunders have It. For, John was just about to write, and a Voice came down from Heaven, said, "Don't write It. But, seal It. Seal It up. Put It on the backside of the Book." It's got to be revealed. It's the mysteries.

320Now, we solved out these things, by the Holy Spirit, has told us, "Wasn't apples. It was sexual." Told us these things. There is not no one able to stand before It. I've never seen a preacher, in my life, agreed with It. But, I've asked them.

321 You know, in Chicago, when we stood before them, about three hundred and fifty preachers. You women here from Chicago, you were there, heard about it.

322And the Lord told me, three nights before, said, "They're going to set a trap for you." Said, "Stand at the window here and I'll show you." Said, "Mr. Carlson and--and Tommy Hicks will meet you tomorrow morning, want to go to breakfast. And you tell Tommy to stay. But," said, "here is the way it'll look. Tell them that they're not going to have that meeting in the place they're thinking about. They're going to be in another place." Said, "Don't you fear. I'll be with you." That's good enough for me.

323The next morning, Mr. Carlson, president of the Full Gospel Business Men, come, said... called me up, said, "Brother Branham, I want to go to breakfast with you."

324I said, "All right." (I said, "Watch Tommy Hicks be there, too.")

325Went down at Town And Country, and he said, "Well, Brother Branham," he said, "oh, this is one..."

I said, "Tommy, would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Brother Branham."

I said, "Wonder if you would speak for me?"

He said, "Oh, I--I couldn't do that."

326I said, "Why? I'm just a seventh-grade student, and I--I'll say... I'd say empire instead of umpire. See? I don't know how to speak before there. And there is going to be the Ministerial Association of Greater Chicago. How am I going to speak before them, with my seventh-grade education, Tommy? You're a Doctor of Divinity." I said, "You'd know how to talk. I don't."

He said, "Brother Branham, I couldn't do that."

327I said, "Why? I've done you a many favor." And I just put it real straight.

328And Brother Carlson said, "Oh, Brother Branham, he couldn't do that."

I said, "Why?"

He said, "Well, he, the--the--the--the..."

329 I said, "You know why? You know why, but you don't want to tell me. They got a trap set for me."

330I said, "Brother Carlson, you've got that hotel room, haven't you, where we had the other banquet?"


I said, "You're not going to get it."

331He said, "Well, Brother Branham, I done got the deposit on it."

332I said, "I don't care what you got. It's not going to be there. That's a green-colored room. We're going to be in a brown-colored room. I'm going to be back in the corner. Dr. Mead will sit to the right. That colored man and his wife will sit here, and so-and-so. There'll be a Buddha priest sitting to my extreme right," and how they'll be dressed.

333And I said, "You know what it is, Tommy. You're... The Greater Chicago Ministerial Association is going to challenge me on 'the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ.' The Greater Chicago Ministerial Association is going to challenge me on 'the evidence of the Holy Ghost,' speaking in tongues. They're going to challenge me on 'the serpent's seed,' and on the preaching of 'grace.'"

334Tommy looked over, and, "Mercy! Goodness!" Said, "I don't think I'll even go."

I said, "Yeah, you come on."

335 And the next day, the man who had took the deposit, give him back the deposit, and said, "We got an orchestra. We had it booked up, and we forgot it and had lost that thing. And we had to give it to a orchestra, and you can't have it." And we went out to Town And Country.

336Walked in, that morning, and there they all stood. When I set down behind the desk back there, and waiting, after they had breakfast, I looked around at them like that. We had breakfast in a room. Come out, set down there, and there was the Greater Ministerial Association of Chicago. I looked around to them. Each one introduced themselves as Doctor Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S.T., and all them kind of things like that. I just sit and listened at them, till they got through. And Brother--Brother Carlson stood up. He said, "Gentlemen..."

337 And all of you know Hank Carlson. And, there, ask him. Well, you got it on tape right here. If you want to buy the tape, it's here. The boys has got it.

338He said, "Gentlemen," he said, "I introduce to you, next, Brother Branham." He said, "You all might disagree with him, on his Doctrine, but let me tell you something. Three days ago, we set in a place, and if that man didn't tell me everything that's happened this morning, I'm not standing here. He told me that you all were fixing to question him on his Doctrine. And he told me that I'd have to cancel out that other place, and be here. And told me exactly where Dr. Mead and these people would be sitting, just exactly, and here they are." He said, "You might have disagreed with him, but, I'll say one thing, he's fearless with what he thinks about."

He said, "Now, Brother Branham, the floor is yours."

339 I said, "Before we start..." I read what I did this morning, "'I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision.'" I said, "Now let's settle this. Now, you all speak of being Doctors of Divinity; and I stand here by myself." I said, "If that's so, you want to question me, on the baptism in Jesus' Name. We'll start with that first. I want one of you men to bring your Bible and stand here by my side, on anything that I've taught." I said, "Stand here by my side, and, with the Word of God, disprove It." I waited. Nobody said nothing. I said, "I'm asking for some of you men to come stand by my side." Said, "What's the matter with you? Then, stay off my back, if you're afraid to stand here by me."

340It's not me they're afraid of; it's that Angel of the Almighty God. That, they know, if He could foretell me to come... They even brighter than I thought they were. They knowed better than to stand there. Uh-huh. You know, you've been in times, in them times, too. But they didn't do it. What's the matter, if it's so great, and they know it's so truthful?

341 I've put it on tape, and anywhere else; I'm ready to talk it over, in a Christian way, with any brother. I won't argue with nobody; but I want you come, disprove any of It, by the Word. Not by your textbook, now; not what Dr. So-and-so, or Saint So-and-so said. I want to know what God said. That's the basis. I want to know what That is. They don't do it.

342 Now, look, when it is time for the seven voices. Then it's time for the seven voices, when the Book is completed, of Revelations 10 to be revealed. Now notice. Listen.

343Now, I won't keep you too much longer. I know I'm wearing you out, here. It's twenty minutes till ten. [Congregation says, "No. Go ahead!"--Ed.] Listen close now. I know, standing up, and you all changing positions and things. I'll be glad when the church gets fixed so we won't have to be cramped up. We can take all day to preach It.

344Now notice. Now note. The seven voices was thunders, blasts.

God, help us. If I'm wrong, Lord, forgive me.

345I'm asking you the question. It blasted with thunder, when this voice rung out. Did you notice, that, when the Seven Seals that follow the seven church ages, when the First Seal was opened, that there was a thunder? The First Seals in the Book was opened, there was a thunder; would not this First Seal of the outside Book open the same way? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God doesn't change His program. Let's turn over to Revelation 6.

And I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts said, Come and see.

346 Now, there never was another thunder. "And the last Seal was opened, there was space in Heaven for a half hour of silence." But, the First Seal was opened, there was a blast of thunder.

347Oh, church, could it be? Are we that far? Friends, think. Maybe. I hope it isn't. But what if it is? What was that blast? And before God, and this open Bible, I lie not. Blast, that shook the earth!

348And when the First Seal, of the seven that was opened in the Bible, it come forth, just One, but a blast that shook the whole thing; a thunder. And then if the Seals that's on the backside would open, would not it be a thunder, too? I don't know. I can't say.

349There was a thunder, the First Seal, and the Seal was a thunder. The Trumpet was opened at that time. And the Trumpet was blown at Pentecost, of course. I won't get into that.

350 Now, if the vision was Scriptural; the vision I'm speaking of, that I saw last Saturday morning. Is a week ago, now. If, now remember here, if the vision was Scriptural, it must be interpreted by the Scripture, or a continuation of the same Scripture. [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just waited, so that soaks in. If...

351This that I have seen, what it was, I do not know, but I am scared to death. Are we wasted away? Are we at the end? Remember, this Angel said, when this taken place, He swore, "There would be time no more." I wonder if we really get this one.

352You say, "Well, look like It'd be blasting acro-..." Brother, He comes in a minute when you think not. You will hear It your last time.

353 Now is It plain? When the First Seal was opened, the Seals that was inside the Book, these mysteries that was sounded forth: justification, sanctification, Roman Catholic church, Protestants! And when all their little battles and things left these loose ends in the Word of God, the seventh angel comes on and gathers them all up and explains them. See? And then, he finishes, Seven Thunders utter out.

354When John started to write; said, "Don't write It. But, seal It."

355"And the First Seal was opened," of the Seals on the inside of the Book, It opened with a thunder. Uh!

356If this is Scripture, it can only be... If any Scripture is... Anything that's supposed to be of the Bible...

357 It's just like, you can't tell me there's such a thing as a "purgatory" and things like that. There's no Scripture in the Bible to back it up. You can't tell me of these things, like the book of the Maccabees, which they might be alright... "And that fourth Book of Daniel, where an Angel grabbed him by the hair of the head, and said... set him down." There's no such stuff as that ever took place in the Bible. "Where Jesus of Nazareth made a little clay bird, and put legs on it, said, 'Whew! Fly away, little birdie,'" it's nonsense. There's nothing in the Bible to back that up. So it don't fool... The--the translators, God seen that the translators wouldn't even add that dogmas and nonsense. Might been good people, the Maccabee brothers. They were that. I don't say they wasn't good people. But it wasn't Scriptural.

358This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. "Nothing can be added to It or taken from It." And if we put that in There, it don't act with the rest of the Scripture. There is sixty-six Books of this Bible, and not one Word will contradict the other One.

359 And then, if this is the continuation, for the sounding of these last trumpets, or these last Seven Thunders that's coming forth, the mysteries, the last Seals, It'll have to compete, or compare, with the rest the Scripture. And if them first Ones in there opened with a blast of thunder, the second Ones will, too, that's on the backside. Watch what happens. If the vision was Scripture, then it must be interpreted by the Scripture, or a continuation of the same Scripture.

360 Notice, Revelations, 3 and 4, "Seven Thunders." Seven Thunders, and then notice, 3 and 4, and then (what?) an oath from that mighty Angel, that, "Time was finished." When these Thunders, you see, brought forth their voices, then the Angel...

361Just think of it! "An Angel, clothed in a cloud, and a rainbow covenant over His head." Why, you know Who that is. "Put one foot on the land, and on the sea, and lift up His hand and swore, that, 'When them Seven Thunders uttered their voices,' that, 'time would be no more.'"

362And if the ministry of the mysteries of God is finished, what if that is them seven mysteries coming forth? And a humble, little church like ours, that the Almighty has come and regarded the low estate of His people! You say, "Oh, that, I don't think so." It might not be. But what if it is? Then time has run out. Did you think it? Be serious. It may be later than we think.

363 These stars falling into their constellation back yonder! That Angel coming, and said, "As John was sent to wind up the Old Testament and to bring forth the introduction of Christ, a Message will wind up the loose ends and will introduce the Messiah just before His Coming, the Message of the last days."

364Notice, the mighty Angel swore, with an oath, that, "Time would be no more."

365Now, I don't want to keep you too long. Just think of this, a minute now.

366 Now listen. This Angel come down from Heaven. See? The other, seven angels of the seven churches, was earthly messengers. But this Angel... All the Message is finished; the seventh angel winds up the whole thing. And this Angel comes not to the earth; He isn't a man from the earth, as the messengers to the church ages; that's finished. But, this Angel brings the next announcement. And an angel means a "messenger." And He comes down from Heaven, clothed in that Pillar of Light, Cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. It was Christ, "With one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore, that, 'Time will be no more.'"

Where are we at, sirs? What's all this about? I'm asking you.

367 The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... These, that said, "To the angel of the church of Laodicea," "To the angel of the church of Ephesus," messengers of the earth; see, men, messengers, prophets, and so forth, to the church.

368But, this One didn't come from the earth. He come down from Heaven, because the mystery is all finished. And when the mystery is finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and Seven Thunders throwed their voices out.

369What if it is something to let us know how to enter into the Rapturing Faith? Is it? Will we run, leap over walls? And is there something fixing to happen, and these old, marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren, what time is it? Where are we at?

370 Let's look at the watch, the calendar, to see what date we're living in. Israel is in Palestine, in her homeland. The ensign, the six-point star of David, (two thousand years ago, yeah, nearly twenty-five hundred years ago), the oldest flag, is flying. Israel is back in her homeland. "When the fig tree put forth its buds, this generation shall not die, shall not pass out, pass away, until all things are fulfilled."

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

You know It's the Truth! Yeah.

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.

For the Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

371 Might be closer than you think it is. It's got me scared. Oh, I haven't done enough. Where are we at?

372"Time shall be no more." He announces that time is over. What happens? What happens? Could that be so now, brethren? Seriously think. If it is, then the pyramid is capped by the Seven Thunders.

373You remember the pyramid Message? It's the Capstone. What did It do? The Holy Spirit capped off the individual and seal it, when we added to our faith; righteousness, and godliness, and faith, and so forth, and kept adding to it till we got seven things. And the seventh one was love, which is God. That's how He makes the individual, and caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit.

374Then, if that be so, He's got seven church ages, that He's had seven mysteries that's been sounded away, and they fought for, to bring back. And now the Headstone comes, to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my brethren? Sirs, is that where we're at?

375 Junie, I want to take your dream. Look. Junior, before the pyramid was ever preached, months before it, seen this dream.

You say, "What about a dream?"

376Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream that Daniel interpret, told the beginning of the Gentile age and when it would leave. And it's done just exactly that way. Not one bit has failed.

377You notice? The writing that the... was on the rocks, I was interpret It for them. They were elated. That's "the mystery of God" that's been not understood, for years. Could that be that?

378And then notice. In some mysterious way, we picked up, out of the air, a sharp tool that opened up the top. And in there was white granite, but It wasn't interpreted. There was no letters. I didn't interpret That, Junior. I just looked at It, and said to the brethren, "Look on This." And that's fulfilled, tonight.

379And while they were studying That, I slipped towards the west. What for? Maybe to understand the interpretation of what's written in the top of This. Could it be?

380 And Those, blasting, the other morning, that shook me plumb till I raised up in the air, as high as this building, that constellation of Angels, seven Angels in the form of a pyramid. Is that them Thunders that's coming forth? Could it be?

381This is all interpreted. According to his dream, it was all finished. According to God's Word, the seventh messenger will finish, seventh Message will be finished, and then the Seven Thunders. And he saw the capstone rolled over.

382Which, many people don't even know there is Seven Seals to be revealed. I've read many men's books on Revelation, never did hear It talked on. They skip That. But it's been told you that It's there.

383 I don't know what it is. Could that be that? God be merciful to us! If that is, we're in a serious hour. Now, just a minute, look. If that be so, and the mystery is finished, that was wrote in these rocks.

384I'm glad to be sitting in a church with godly people who God can give a dream to. I'm glad to introduce to these men and women that goes to Junior's church, and to this church, to Brother Neville's, and them, that there's people sitting in this congregation, and the Bible said, "They would dream dreams in the last days." And here it is. And look at it, it's comparing with the Word.

385Knowing nothing about it, a blast come forth, and here come seven Angels from Eternity. I said, "Lord, what would You have me do?" It wasn't told. I may have to go, first, to find out. I don't know. Might not even be that. I don't know. I'm just saying, "What if it is?" If it's Scriptural, that sounds very close to it. Don't you think so? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

386 Look. Then, look, the capstone was not interpreted. See? "Get west, and come back." Or, is it this, it's these seven Angels in this constellation that came to me?

387And when I meet you at the Day of the resurrection, you'll see that I lie not; God, my Judge.

388Or, is this that second climax that I talked about the other day? Is it of something coming forth for the Church? I don't know. I could stay on that a little bit, but I'll move on.

389Could it be that, the mighty thunder, or the seventh Angel in the seven, constellation, seventh-period constellation, their pyramid made in a form (three on a side, and one on top), and they dropped from Eternity? Could it be?

390 Is this the mystery, of the Thunders, that will bring back the Headstone? You know, the pyramid never was capped. The Headstone is yet to come. It's been rejected. Could it be, brethren, sisters?

391Or, is this that Third Pull that He told me, three or four years ago?

392The First Pull, you remember what happened? I tried to explain It. He said, "Don't do that."

393The Second Pull, He said, "Don't try." And I pulled, anyhow. You remember? [Congregation says, "Yes."--Ed.] All of you remember. It's on tape and everything.

394And then He said, "Now there's a Third Pull coming, but don't try to explain It." You see how I approached This, tonight? I don't know. But, I feel duty bound, to my church, to say something. You draw your own conclusion.

395 Now, will this be the mystery that would open up, that would bring Christ, bring a Power to the Church? See? We've already...

396We believe in repentance, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost. We have signs, wonders, miracles, speaking in tongues, and the things that the early Church had. And, frankly, there's been more done, right here, than is wrote in the Book of Acts, in this one little group of people, this little bitty ministry of ours here. What about the world over? See? More than is wrote in the Book of Acts, same kind! The raising of the dead! Remember, there was only about three people raised, of dead, by Jesus Christ. And we have on record, doctors' record, five. See?

397 "Works that I do, more than this shall you do." I know the King James says "greater," but you couldn't do nothing greater. More of it! He was in one Person then; He's in the whole Church now. See? "More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father."

398If this is the Third Pull, then there is a great ministry lying ahead. I don't know. I can't say. I--I don't know.

399Watch. Third Pull, let's stop on that, a minute. In the vision, the first flight was little messenger birds; that was when we first started. It growed, from just taking a person by the hand.

400And you remember what He told me? "If you'll be sincere, it'll come to pass that you know the very secret of their heart." How many remembers that announced from here, and across the nations? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And did it happen? ["Amen."] Exactly. Then said, "Don't fear. I'll be with you." See? And it shall go on.

401 Now, the First Pull was little, bitty birds; them flights. They went on to meet the time, meet the Coming of the Lord; the first Message.

402The Second time, the secrets of the heart. From taking a person by the hand, and just standing there and saying what they had; the next time, it revealed their sins and told them what to do. And ma-... Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, that come to pass, perfectly, just as God said it. And you are witnesses, and so is the world, so is the church.

403When I said, "I saw an Angel, and It was an emerald Fire, burning"; people laughed and said, "Billy, get next to yourself." The magic scientific eye of the camera took It. I wasn't lying. I was telling the Truth. God vindicated.

404I said, "Darkness overshadows; it's death, black. And This is white. One is Life; the other one is death." And there It is, on the picture back there. At the...

405As George J. Lacy--Lacy said, "The mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." Are you following me? [Congregations says, "Amen."--Ed.]

406 Notice, the first little flight; hand. The second was greater, whiter, doves; Holy Spirit revealing the secrets of the heart. And the third flight was Angels (not birds), Angels; and that's the end time, that's all of it. Will this be the time, brother? Is this the time?

407Now listen real close, and don't misinterpret this. I want to ask you something.

408Let's go back just a minute. The church knows it's the truth. The scientific world knows it's the truth. And people are sitting in here, tonight, and many still living, that were standing here on the river when that Voice spoke that out, and said, "As John was sent forth with a message of the first coming, so is this the second Message, of the second Coming." Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

409 And if It's finished, what did John do? John was the one who said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. That's Him." Is the hour, has it arrived, my brethren? I don't say it has. I don't know. But, I'm asking you. I want you to think. Or, will this be the time when it will be again, "Behold the Lamb of God"?

410Or, the time of Malachi 4, "To return the hearts of the children back to the Faith of our fathers"? Will it be such a blast that will--that will do such mighty things, until it will set the Church, that's been sloping and cannot understand the mysteries of God, and so forth? When they see that mighty blast sweep forth, will it turn their hearts back to the Father, as the Bible said it would do? Or, was this the Message, already past, that should have done it? I don't know.

411 This is the sign of the end time, sirs. Or, is this the sign that it's over? It looks very Scriptural, to me. I don't know. There was them Angels. There was a blast, like a thunder, that shook the whole earth. God knows I tell the truth.

412Just remember, something is fixing to happen. I don't know what it is. But could it be this? The reason I say this, prepare yourselves! Let us pray, (pray how?) take our position in the army of His believers, and prepare ourselves, for it may be later than we're thinking.

413You know me, and I have never told you a lie, yet, as I know of. And as Samuel said to them, "Have I ever told you anything, in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass?" Now, I'm telling you now. I don't know what this is. I can't say what this is. I don't know. But, I'm going to tell you Truth. I'm scared. As your brother, I been scared since last Saturday.

414 It may be the end time. It may be time for the rainbows to sweep across the sky, and an announcement from the heavens, saying, "Time is no more." If it is, let's prepare ourselves, friend, to meet our God. There's been plenty of Food laid in now. Let's make use of It. Let's make use of It now. And with me, from this platform, I cry to God, "Lord Jesus, be merciful to me!" I've tried to live the best I knowed how. I've tried to bring the Messages the best way that I could, from the Word of God. God knows my heart.

415But, when that constellation of Angels swept that ground, I was paralyzed. I couldn't even feel, for a long time. Even felt like, a long time later, trying to walk through the room, even from my spinal cord, and up-and-down my neck, was perfectly paralyzed, like, and no feelings. I couldn't feel, in my hands. I was in a daze, all day long. I--I just went in the room and sat down.

416 Sunday, I come down here to speak, and I--I tried to shake myself from it, by speaking. Monday, it was there again. And it's here now.

417I don't know. I don't know, sirs. I'm only honest, with you, as my brothers. I don't know. Is it--is it time? Is the minis-... the mystery all finished? Has the sounding all over? Is that really them Seven Thunders, fixing to utter out something, that the little group that is gathered together will receive a Rapturing Faith, to go in the Rapture when He comes? "For we'll be changed," as quick as those Angels come, "in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and shall be caught up together with those that had sleep, to meet the Lord in the air."

My prayer is:

418God, if this be so, I don't know, Lord. I just was telling the church. If it is so, Lord, prepare our hearts. Make us ready, Lord, for that great hour. That, all the history of time, all the prophets and sages has looked for that time. Lord, I don't know what to say. I'd be afraid to say, "Don't come, Lord." I feel ashamed of myself, when I look and see the world in the condition, I've done no more than what I've done about it. I'm ashamed of myself. If there is a tomorrow, Lord, anoint my heart. Anoint me greater, Father, that I can do everything that I can, to bring others to You. I am Yours.

419 I feel like Isaiah, in the temple that day, when he saw the Angels flying back-and-forth, with wings over Their faces, and over Their feet, and flying with wings, "Holy, holy, holy!" Oh, how that young prophet was shook. He begin to age up a bit. And when he seen that, though he had seen visions, he screamed out, "Woe is me!"

420Father, maybe I felt somewhat like that, when I seen those Angels the other night, or the other morning, rather. Woe is me, for I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people. And, Father, clean me.

421And here am I. Send me, Lord, whatever it is. And I stand at this pulpit where I been for thirty years. If there's something, Lord, You want me to do, here I am. I'm ready, Lord. But, may I find grace in Your sight. Humbly, I pray.

422I pray for the little flock that the Holy Spirit has made me overseer of, to feed them. And I've done all I know how to do, Lord, to feed them on the Bread of Life. As in that vision, many years ago, where that big curtain laid in the West, and a mountain of the Bread of Life; the little book, "I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision." And here it all comes to pass, revealed right in our face.

423 You are God, and there is no other but You. Receive us, Lord. Forgive us of our sins. I am repenting for all of my unbelief, for all of my iniquity. I plea on the altar of God.

424As I come tonight, with this little church before me, by faith we move from this building, in rapture, "as we sit together in Heavenly places," around the Throne of God. Our hearts have been warm many times, in the things that we've seen You do, and unfold Your mysteries to us. But, Lord, tonight, I'm all weary. Woe is me!

425And--and Jacob's, when he saw those Angels coming down the ladder and going back, he said, "This is a dreadful place, none other than the house of God." And there Bethel was established.

426God, people don't understand that. They think it would be so much joy. But, Lord, what a weary, what a dreadful thing for a human being to come in the Presence of a great, mighty Being of Heaven.

427I pray for forgiveness of my little church here, that You sent me down to--to--to--to lead and to guide. Bless them, Lord. I did according to what the visions and dreams and things has said, so, the best of my knowledge. I've laid in all the Food that I know how, for them, Lord. Whatever it is, Lord, we are Yours. We commit ourself into Your hands, Lord. Be merciful to us. Forgive us. And let us be Your witnesses as long as we're on the earth. Then, when life is over, receive us up into Thy Kingdom. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

428 Every one of you, cleanse all your heart. Lay aside everything, every weight, keep it out of your way. Don't let nothing bother you. Don't be scared. There's nothing to be scared about. If Jesus is coming, it's a very... It's the moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. If it's something breaking forth now, for a--a new coming, a new coming of a new gift or something, it'll be wonderful. If it's coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church, how to go, I don't know. I have just stated what I saw. Oh, my, what a time! It's serious and solemn thinking.

429And if it would be time for me to go, I am your... Lord, I am Yours. When You're finished, come, Lord Jesus.

430Wherever it might be, or what time it may be, I am His. I don't say I desire to depart; I don't. I've got a family to raise. I got the Gospel to preach. But, that's according to His will, not mine. That's His will. I don't know.

431I'm just stating to you what is. What is, God will bring it to pass. But I tell you what I saw and what happened. What it meant, I don't know. But, sirs, could this be the end? Uh!

432 The people are present now, the six people that had those dreams. Isn't it strange there wasn't seven? Isn't it very strange? That six led right up, and then that vision, immediately. The people are here. Brother Jackson, here, was one; Brother Parnell was another; Sister Collins was another; Sister Steffy was another; Brother Roberson was another; and Brother Beeler was another one. And the Heavenly Father knows there was not one more pertaining to it. And at the end of that, seventh one... which was Sister Steffy, immediately the vision broke forth. You see? You see why I'm leaving? You see why I got to go? I must do it.

433And, friends, don't look to me. I'm your brother. Don't pay no attention to me, because I'm just a mortal. I have to die like everybody else. Don't you listen to me; but listen to what I've said. What I said is the Message. Don't pay any attention to the messenger; watch the Message. Keep your eyes, not on the messenger, but on the Message. What It said, that's the thing to look to.

434 And God help us, is my prayer. I hate... I didn't want to come, tell you this, but I wouldn't hold nothing back from you.

435Now, as far as I know, let me tell you. As far as I know, I'll be leaving in the next two or three days, Wednesday morning, to... for Tucson. I'll not go to Tucson to preach. I'm not going there to preach. I'm going to Tucson, to establish my family in school, and then become a wanderer.

436I'm going up to Phoenix, to hold that little line of meetings, which will probably be just little Messages around. And--and then, maybe, I don't...

437I think they want me to preach in the convention one night. They never said nothing about it, they just said I'd be there. See, that don't sound very good, to me.

438And I've got a Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, to Brother Shakarian, too. Uh-huh. I don't know what he'll do about it, but I've got the Word to tell him. I don't know what he'll do. It's up to him. Did you notice the last Voice? It's supposed not to be an organization, but they declared their creed. An organization, then I'll drop away. I'm out of such.

439 Now, presumingly, Brother Arganbright and Brother Role, a Washington diplomat under seven Presidents, has got to be in Africa. And Brother Role, and I, and Brother Arganbright, will be going into Africa right away, for some meetings down in South Africa and Tanganyika, with Brother Boze. And on down through, and probably up through Australia, and through that way, coming back, if the Lord doesn't do something different. But, before I go, I'll be back here.

440Then, when I come back from there, if God hasn't spoke to me, some other way, I'm going to take the family and move up to about Anchorage, Alaska. This is southwest; that will be northwest. And then let them stay there through the summer, when it's so hot down in Tucson till it'll burn the hide off of you. I don't think they could stand it. They would be so homesick and disheartened! We're not selling the place. It's staying right there, with the furniture in the house. I don't know what to do.

441 Then, time the summer is over, if the Lord willing, I want to leave Alaska, and come down to about Denver, central west; southwest, northwest, central west, crying, "O Lord, what would You have me do?"

442In the mean time, every Message, as far as I know of, to be preached, will be right here, this tabernacle. Here is where the tapes will be. Here is where the headquarters is.

443And I do not intend to stay, with my family, in the West. I'm going to seek till I find what God wants me to do.

444If this year doesn't settle it, then, next year, without water or food, I'll walk out into the desert, and I'll wait till He calls me. I can't go on like this. You've got to get desperate. You've got to get to the place where you want to know what's the will of God. And how can you do the will if you don't know the will?

445I'm progging, because of that vision background, "What you did." See? Going around as missionary and evangelism, until that call come. Remember the first one, when we laid that cornerstone? "Do the work of an evangelist," He said. Didn't say, "You was an evangelist." But, "Do the work of one," perhaps until the time come for something else, another change of work. Might be something different. I don't know.

446 Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Be real sure of that. Be real sure of it, they that love the Lord.

They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength,

They shall mount up with wings like an eagle,

They will run and not be weary, walk and not faint;

Oh, teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait.

I love Him. I know you do, too. Now, tomorrow night...

447I think I've made it plenty clear. Have I? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] As clear as I know how to make it, that's all I know. That's all I know what to say. And if it's revealed to me, for something, I'll quickly tell you. I know you're interested, to know. I'm interested, to know. I don't know what it meant. I don't know where--where I'm going. I--I don't know what's going to happen. I--I'm just... Only thing I know, I'm just going, by the grace of God. Then, He'll tell me when I get there, maybe. But, my part now is, go. And I might not be there two weeks, till I'll be somewhere else, and might be back here. That's right. I don't know. But I'm...

448That vision had my wife and my children in that. And the very thing it was, I was in a covered wagon. And the minute that I walked in there, there was, I was in my station wagon. And that's the way we leave, in a couple days, not knowing where we're going, not knowing what we're going to do when we get there, just going.

449 God is strange, to us, because His ways are past finding out. He wants obedience.

"Where You going?"

"That's none of your business. Just keep going."

"Where You want me to do, Lord?"

450"That's nothing to you. Follow, thou, Me." Uh-huh. Uh-huh. "Just keep walking."

"Where will I stop?"

"What's that to you? Just keep walking."

So, here I go, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Uh-huh. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

I... (He is my life.) I... (All that I have lived for!)

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

451Sirs, is this the time? [Brother Branham and congregation hum the complete chorus, together, I Love Him--Ed.] And while we sing it again, shake hands with somebody by you. Say, "Brother, sister, pray for me. I'll pray for you."


452[Brother Branham turns around--Ed.] Pray for me, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "I'll do it, brother. You pray for me, brother. Thank you."] Real sincere! [Someone says, "God bless you, Brother Branham."] Pray for me, brother. Pray for me, sister. Pray for me.

[Brother Branham hums I Love Him--Ed.]

And pur-...

453Pray, pray for me,...?... Pray for me,...?... Pray for me,...?... Pray for me.

... Calvary's tree.

For I...

Let's raise our hands now to Him.

... I love... (Real love!)

Cause, He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Yes, I love Him,... (With all my heart!)

454You follow, Brother Neville. I'm going back. Announce the time for the meeting. [Brother Neville continues singing with the congregation, I Love Him, and dismisses the service--Ed.]

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Dobrý večer, moji drahí priatelia. Som tak rád, že som tu znovu dnes večer v službe Pána, nášho Boha. (Toto je ten zapnutý mikrofón? Ó, áno, v poriadku.) Dnes ráno som vás držal tak dlho, že cítim, že sa musím teraz večer skutočne poponáhľať. Ó, bolo to hrozné, museli ste stáť, a teraz je to tak isto. Tak, už to nebude dlho trvať a budeme mať pre vás viacej miesta - len čo bude modlitebňa dokončená.

2No, neplánujeme tu byť dnes večer príliš dlho. Ale zajtra večer plánujeme zostať trochu dlhšie. Zajtra večer, ak niekto z vás môže prísť zajtra večer, aha, očakávame, že prežijeme krásne chvíle v Pánovi. Zajtra večer tu budú niektorí vzácni mužovia. Všetci máme čas ... [Brat brata Branhama, Edgar Branham, hovorí: "Ó, počkaj, drahý! Mal som ťa o niečo poprosiť. Zabudol som ti to povedať. Ale mnohí ľudia tu hovorili, že sa stále ponáhľaš, aby si dokončil kázanie. Ale zajtra máš k dispozícii všetok čas, od siedmej do dvanástej, ak ho len budeš chcieť využiť. No, to je to, čo tu ľudia chceli, aby som ťa požiadal. Tak teraz im to vysvetli, ak to tak nemyslíš." – pozn.prekl.] Zajtra večer o polnoci budeme mať večeru Pánovu. Som si istý, že radi budete mať ... pri tom. Zatiaľ čo ostatní hulákajú a vykrikujú, strieľajú, a pijú, a tak ďalej, my sa budeme práve s úctou skláňať pred Bohom a prijímať večeru Pánovu, a začínať rok vyjadrením svojej lásky k Bohu, v posvätení sa Mu.

3A zajtra večer tu bude niekoľko znamenitých kazateľov - naozaj dosť. Je tu niekoľko vzácnych ... je tu brat z Georgie - brat Palmer, znamenitý rečník. Brat Junior Jackson tu bude zajtra večer, brat Beeler, brat Neville. Ó! A ďalší a ďalší - znamenití mužovia Boží, ktorí tu budú. Brat Wilbur (Willard) Collins, a všetci tí bratia, ktorí zvestujú také veľké posolstvá - a možno prídu i iní. A tak zajtra večer očakávame krásne chvíle.

4No, moja žena povedala: "Nehovor to," ale ja to jednako musím povedať. Prepáčte, že som dnes ráno povedal, "empire" namiesto "umpire" [empire - vláda, umpire – sudca. – pozn.prekl.] [Brat Branham sa smeje i so zhromaždením. – pozn.prekl.] Billy, ktorý sedel tam vzadu, povedal: "On tak hovorí."

Povedal som: "Vláda. On musí mať vládu." Chcel som povedať vykonávať sudcu. Páči sa mi, ako hovoria o Holanďanoch, viete: "Neposudzujte ma podľa toho čo hovorím, ale podľa toho čo chcem povedať." Povedal som: "Myslím, že za všetky tie roky mi rozumejú."

5Viete toto je okolo ... toto je tridsať rokov, čo stojím za touto kazateľňou. Tridsať rokov v tejto modlitebni. Za ten čas ma už musíte poznať, však? Ó! Moje vzdelanie je skutočne ohraničené. Ale ja - ja neviem rozprávať, ale robím pre Pána verný hluk.

6A brat, myslím, že to bol Dr. Lamsa, prekladateľ Lamsovej Biblii, to bolo v preklade, povedal ... Raz som hovoril, a nevedel som, že on tam bol, a on sa vrátil a rozprával o Urím a Thumím. Keď hovoril o tom svetle a povedal: "Čo sa deje dnes s tými ľuďmi?" A ja som povedal ... On povedal: "Dôvod, že ľudia, tí prekladatelia, nemôžu správne preložiť Bibliu, lebo tí prekladatelia sa snažia prekladať ju spisovným Hebrejským jazykom; a Ježiš hovoril jazykom jednoduchej vrstvy ľudí, tak ako hovorili ľudia na ulici."

7Vy viete, že v ev. Lukáša je miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí: "Obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali." On hovoril ich jazykom. Dúfam, že je to znovu tak. Sme šťastní za Pána.

No viem ... Vidím stáť tie dámy. Je to dosť zle vidieť stáť mužov, nehovoriac už o tých dievčatách a chlapcoch a paniach a tak ďalej, stáť okolo stien - a malé deti. Ale nemáme proste dostatok miesta na sedenie. A tak sa modlíme, aby nabudúce, keď budeme mať zhromaždenia, po tomto týždni, po tomto čase ...

8Viete, tá ďalšia vec, pokiaľ vieme, je týchto sedem pečatí. A keď Pán dá, začneme s nimi hneď akonáhle bude prestavaná modlitebňa, aby sme sa tu mohli spratať. Prídeme na nové posvätenie, a možno jeden alebo dva a možno tri týždne budeme mať zhromaždenia niekde inde, no - prichádzame ku tým siedmym pečatiam. Tak, v tom čase očakávame ohromné chvíle v Pánovi. A budeme ...

Vy všetci, ktorí ste pomimo mesta, pošleme vám kartu a všetko, a dáme vám vedieť presne ten čas, možno týždeň alebo dva dopredu.

Ten podnikateľ, ako som porozumel Billyho, dnes povedal, že to bude hotové 10. februára. No, ak to on dokončí desiateho, my začneme potom okolo 15. Tak, hneď, len čo oni skončia, my hneď začneme.

9Stará sestra Kiddová mi volala pred chvíľou a skoro plakala. Povedala: "Brat Branham, tak sme sa snažili naštartovať to staré auto a nechcelo naštartovať." Povedala: "Pomodli sa, aby naštartovalo, a ja zajtra prídem." A povedala: "Som zvedavá či nájdem miesto na státie?"

Povedal som: "Netráp sa. Budeme mať pre teba miesto, sestra Kiddová, len čo tu prídeš."

Ona povedala: "Požehnané tvoje srdce." Povedala: "Vieš, ak budeš mať zhromaždenie až do dvanástej, ja nechcem odísť o dvanástej ..."

Viete, ona a brat Kidd, majú okolo osemdesiat päť rokov, a oni sú stále v službe. Viete čo robia? Oni majú magnetofón. A teraz berú moje posolstvá a chodia z nemocnice do nemocnice, z domu do domu, púšťajú tam tie pásky. To ukazuje, že sa nevzdávajú! To nie je dôchodok. To je držanie sa viery až do konca, zomieranie s mečom v ruke. To je cesta hodná nasledovania. To je cesta, po ktorej chcem ísť.

A potom ona povedala: "Vieš, ak vyjdem na diaľnicu okolo dvanástej," povedala: "a po dvanástej hodine v noci, snažiac sa dostať domov ... a všetci tí opití diabli, "povedala, "šoférujú," povedala, "jazdia všade, pijú ... " Povedala: "Tí démoni jazdia všade," povedala, "Bola by som vyľakaná na smrť."

Brat Pat, ona je skutočne ... starenka ... Koľkí poznáte sestru Kiddovú? Ona je taká sväto vyzerajúca osoba.

10Viete ... a predstavte si len, roky pred tým, ako som sa narodil (a ja som starý človek), ona bývala tam hore v tých horách - ona a brat Kidd. Ona celý deň prala na pracej doske, aby zarobila pätnásť alebo dvadsať centov za svoje pranie, aby ho večer mohla poslať niekde kázať - do tých baní tam v Kentucky, kde vás niekto musel chrániť s puškou, aby ste vyšli hore na ten vrch, kde ste išli kázať. Ó! Potom si myslím:

"Či ja mám odísť domov do neba

na kvetnatej posteli, bez ťažkostí,

Zatiaľ čo druhí bojovali, aby vydobyli tú odmenu

a plavili sa cez krvavé moria?

Ak mám vládnuť musím bojovať;

Dodaj mi odvahy, Pane ...

A ja chcem, aby ma On podoprel svojím Slovom. To je to čo chcem dnes večer.

No, predpokladám, že magnetofóny sú zapnuté. Ó, áno - prepáčte. Nejaká sestra tu mala dnes ráno dieťa a chcela ho dať posvätiť, a ja som jej povedal, že by sme to dnes večer urobili. A teraz ... a zajtra večer budeme mať posvätenie detí, uzdravovacie zhromaždenie, všetko čo budeme môcť. Budeme mať dosť času. A tak ak je tu tá sestra, má tu svoje malé ...

A myslím, že tu máme nejakých ľudí z ďaleka, a boli tu dnes ráno na osobný rozhovor, a ... kvôli niečomu. A oni predpokladali, že sa tam stretnú dnes ráno, a Billy ich musel nechať čakať do večera. A nemohol ich nikde nájsť, vidíte, dnes večer. Ak si tu, sestra ... Bol som tam vzadu nejaký čas, čakal som, a vyzeral, či nájdu tú pani. Boli tam myslím dvaja, ktorí boli na osobnom rozhovore, z pomimo tohoto kraju. Tak, veríme, ak som vás obišiel, budem môcť ... len čo budem môcť, možno zajtra večer, keď tu prídem.

No verím ... ide tu tá pani s tým deckom ... modré dupačky? Dupačky. Méda, nechcel som to povedať, drahá - čokoľvek to je. Vyzerá to ako šaty či niečo. Dupačky. Koľkí vedia čo sú to dupačky? Aha, naozaj. Podľa mňa je to nejaká kombinéza. Aha, to je malé dieťa z Dallasu. Ó, to je pekné. Brat, mohol by si podísť sem? Dovoľte. [Brat Branham odchádza spoza mikrofónu a ide trochu nabok od kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.]

Dobre, dobre, páči sa mi tam tá malá stužka. Ako sa volá? [Otec hovorí: "Rebeka Lynn." – pozn.prekl.] Rebeka Lynn, L-y-n-n. A aké - aké je teraz tvoje priezvisko? Staytonová. Rebeka Lynn Staytonová. Dobre som to povedal? Môžem ju zobrať? ["Samozrejme."] Viem, že je to ťažko, vzdať sa niečoho takého. Či nie je milá? Tu je pekné milé dievčatko. Rebeka Lynn Staytonová.

Táto rodina prešla cez mnohé. Táto mladá pani tu, a jej muž, len nedávno boli obaja spasení a poznali Pána. A teraz, v ich zväzku, Boh im dal túto nádhernú, malú Rebeku, a oni ju prinášajú Pánovi.

No, mnohí ľudia, oni vyžadujú krstenie nemluvniat, v Metodistickej cirkvi a v mnohých ďalších, a oni ich fŕkajú vodou, keď sú nemluvňatá. No, to je v poriadku, čo sa mňa týka. Ale my sa vždy snažíme trvať presne na tom, čo hovorí Biblia. A v Biblii nikdy nebolo niečo také, ako krst nemluvniat; nikde cez celú históriu, až do rannej Katolíckej cirkvi, pokiaľ vieme, ktorá bola ... pokiaľ ide o Evanjelium.

[Nemluvňa vykríklo: "Ba!" – pozn.prekl.] Tak, ono takto hovorí: "Amen." Tak, vidíte, potrebujete mať výklad.

Tak, ale v Biblii, oni prinášali malé deti ku Ježišovi, aby ich On mohol žehnať. A On kládol na ne svoje ruky a žehnal ich. A to - my v tom stále pokračujeme. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

Náš Nebeský Otče, táto mladá žena a mladý muž prišli dnes večer s touto milou, malou Rebekou, ktorá im bola daná do ich opatery, aby ju vychovávali v napomínaní Božom. A oni ju priniesli dnes večer, aby ju predložili Pánovi. A keď ju matka dala zo svojho náručia do môjho, ja ju potom dávam zo svojho náručia do Tvojho, túto malú Rebeku. Bože, buď s ňou a žehnaj ju. Žehnaj jej otca a matku. Nech oni všetci žijú verný, dlhý život, a ak to bude možné, nech vidia príchod Pána Ježiša. Nech toto dieťa vyrastá v známosti Pánovej. A nech, ak bude nejaké zajtra, nech ona bude Tvojím veľkým svedkom. Udeľ toho, Pane. No, keby si Ty bol tu na zemi, tieto ženy i muži by prinášali svoje deti ku Tebe. Ale my, služobníci Evanjelia, sme Tvoji poslanci. Tak, my dávame Tebe toto dieťa do životnej služby v Tvojom Kráľovstve, v mene Tvojho Syna, Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Buď požehnaná, malá Rebeka! Aká milá! Nech vás Boh oboch žehná, i to dieťa, a dá vám dlhý, šťastný život v službe Božej.

Poď bližšie. Neviem či som dosť silný, alebo nie. Toto je celý chlapec. Ako sa volá? [Matka hovorí: "Stanley Victor." – pozn.prekl.] Stan- ... ["Stanley."] Stanley Victor ... ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. Cleveland, Cleveland, malý Stanley. Aké pekné, milé meno, a aký pekný, milý chlapec! "No myslím že vstanem." [Ten malý chlapec sa postavil.] "Myslím, že budem len stáť." Pekný chlapec. Oh ...? ... Toto nepraktikujeme. Robíme len toto, viete, a v tom nie je žiadny formalizmus. To je dobre. On je naozaj milý chlapček. A zabudol som jeho priezvisko. Myslím, že to nevyslovujem správne. ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. No dobre. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Nebeský Otče, tento pár prináša toto dieťa, malého Stanleyho Clevelanda, aby bol posvätený pre Pána Ježiša. A pastor tu tohoto zboru, a ja, stojíme spolu v jednote v práci Pánovej, dávame Tebe toto dieťa do životnej služby. Ty si ho dal matke a otcovi; a oni ho teraz dali mne, na moje ramená; a ja ho kladiem zo svojich ramien do Tvojich. Bože, žehnaj jeho otca a matku. Žehnaj tohoto maličkého chlapca, a nech môžu všetci dlho žiť šťastný život v službe pre Teba. Nech je to dieťa vychovávané v napomínaní Božom, aby Mu slúžilo, a bálo sa Ho, a milovalo Ho, po všetky dni svojho života. No, oni Tebe prinášali deti, aby si ich žehnal; a my majúc svoje ruky na tom decku, žehnáme ho v mene Pánovom. A nech žije dlhý, šťastný život v zdraví a sile, v Tvojej službe. V mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malý Stanley. Máš pekného chlapca.

Teraz, chcem požiadať o malú láskavosť tento drobný ľud a dospievajúcich, a viem, že je to ťažko. Vy nedokážete obstáť príliš dlho, pretože vám tŕpnu nohy. Ale dnes večer pristupujem ku niečomu, ku čomu som nikdy predtým nepristúpil. A je niečo o čom chcem hovoriť, nikdy som nemyslel, že budem hovoriť o niečom takomto.

11Preto som dnes ráno nechcel umiestniť ten čas pred posolstvo. Nikdy som nehovoril o mojom Absolúte - a nemyslím, že niekedy budem. Dúfam, že nikdy. On je tak ohromný. Ale dnes večer budem hovoriť o niečom, čo neviem. A teraz, je to divná vec pre kazateľa povedať, že bude hovoriť o niečom, o čom nevie. Ale ja sa odvažujem, podľa svojho najlepšieho poznania, aby tento zbor mohol porozumieť. A v žiadnom prípade nezatajím pred vami nič, čo je užitočné.

12A potom táto páska ... Predpokladám, že tí chlapci nahrávajú. A ak sa stane, že sa vám dostane tá páska (ktokoľvek bude počúvať tú pásku), pamätajte, ak je vám niečo nejasné, nehovorte nič, iba to, čo je na páske! Nehovorte niečo iné, než to čo je na páske. Tak mnohí píšu ohľadne "Semena Hada" a hovoria, že som povedal tak a tak. Vypočul som si znovu tú pásku - ja som to tak nepovedal. Vidíte, ľudia nesprávne posudzujú tie veci.

Viete, Ježiš, raz po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, kráčal po brehu jazera s apoštolmi. A Ján bol opretý na jeho hrudi, a oni povedali: "Čo sa stane s týmto mužom?"

Ježiš povedal: "Čo vás do toho ak on zostane, až kým Ja neprídem?" A roznieslo sa, že Ján bude žiť tak dlho až uvidí príchod Ježiša.

A Písmo povedalo: "Ale, On to tak nepovedal." Vidíte, On to nepovedal. On len povedal: "Čo teba do toho, ak on zostane dokiaľ neprídem?" Ale On nepovedal, že nezomrie. Ale, neporozumenie - to je tak ľahko.

13A teraz, to nie, že ja niekoho odsudzujem, že to robí, pretože ja sám to robím, a všetci ľudia to robia. Ak apoštolovia, ktorí chodili s naším Pánom, Ho zle porozumeli ... A oni Ho jasne neporozumeli. Nakoniec konečne povedali: "Aha, teraz rozumieme! Teraz veríme. A sme si istí, že nikto Ti nemusí nič povedať, pretože vieš všetko."

14A Ježiš povedal: "Teraz veríte? Po celom tom čase, vy nakoniec ... nakoniec ste pochopili, že veríte?"

A to je proste ľudské, a my sme všetci ľudia. Tak sme sklonní nesprávne to pochopiť. Ale ak to pre vás bude trochu nejasné, vypočujte si znovu pásku. Počúvajte potom pozorne. No som si istý, že vám to Duch Svätý zjaví.

15Potom, vy mládenci, keby ste zadržali svoje amen - deti, počkajte len za chvíľu; pretože chcem, aby to bolo ozaj zrozumené, pretože mnohí nebudú mať tú pásku. A tak chcem, aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete. A pristúpme ku tomu, povedzme za tridsať päť alebo štyridsať minút, s takou vážnosťou s akou len vieme podísť, pretože toto je pre mňa ohromný čas. Práve tu sa niečo stalo, že neviem čo robiť. A stojím v najväčšej tiesni, v akej som kedy stál, počas svojej služby, pokiaľ viem. A tak skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, prv ako pristúpime do Slova.

16Nebeský Otče, potom ... pred nejakým časom som kázal na tému o trúfalosti. A trúfať si to je odvážiť sa bez autority. A možno dnes večer, Pane, som sa podujal vyložil niečo týmto ľuďom, nemajúc o tom videnie. A preto, Pane, zastav ma na tom, čo nemá byť povedané. Zavri moje ústa, Pane.

Ty si zavrel ústa levom v tej jame s Danielom, že mu nemohli ublížiť. Pane, prosím, že ak by som sa ja snažil vyložiť niečo zle, Ty máš stále moc zavrieť moje ústa. Ale ak je to pravda, potom, Pane, požehnaj to a podaj to ďalej. Ty poznáš tie okolnosti a vieš čo je práve nablízku. A preto prichádzam za kazateľňu, až do tejto poslednej chvíli, aby som sa snažil vyložiť tieto veci. Prosím aby si nám pomohol.

17Žehnaj tento malý zbor, túto skupinu, ktorá prichádza sem pod túto strechu, tých ktorí spolu s nami dočasne prebývajú v tomto meste - ktorí tu prichádzajú z mnohých štátov. Ó, keď padajú tie večerné tiene, sme tak šťastní, že máme miesto kde môžeme prísť. Keď tento svet je tak zmätený a nevedia kde stoja, my sme radi, že "meno Pánovo je mocnou vežou, a že spravodliví pobežia do neho a sú bezpeční." Nie tak mnoho slov, ale zjavenie.

18Tak, prosíme, Otče, keď prichádzajú večerné svetlá, pri zapadaní slnka ... A my veríme, že toto je ten čas v ktorom žijeme - zapadanie slnka. A my Ti najvelebnejšie ďakujeme, Pane, z celých svojich sŕdc, za tie veci, ktoré si pre nás vykonal. Pane, za celý ten čas Ti ďakujem za tie videnia, ktoré si dával ... každé jedno z nich tak dokonale. A s každým výkladom snu bolo presne tak isto. Tak vieme, že to môžeš byť jedine Ty, Pane, pretože my sme smrteľní - všetci narodení v hriechu, a nie je v nás nič dobrého.

19Ale keď si pomyslíme, že Ty môžeš zobrať takúto vec, akou je ľudská bytosť, a umyť ich vodou Slova, a krvou Kristovou; a vystrieť Svoju ruku až tak, že tá osoba nepoužíva svoje vlastné myslenie, ale necháva, že myseľ Kristova, ktorý pozná všetky veci, vstupuje dovnútra a hovorí, a používa nejaký príbytok. Ďakujem Ti, Otče.

Teraz žehnáme Tvoje sväté meno. A žehnáme v Tvojom mene túto malú skupinu dnes večer. Žehnáme pastora, brata Nevilleho, Božieho chrabrého sluhu. Žehnáme diakonov, starších, a každého člena tela Kristovho, tu i po celom svete, v mene Pána Ježiša.

20Ó, keď vidíme túto temnosť, zašpinené, strašné, tiene padať na tvár Kresťanstva, vieme, že čas sa približuje. Bude vytrhnutie a cirkev bude vzatá hore. Pane, daj nám pochodovať, dívajúc sa na autora a dokončiteľa, Krista. Udeľ toho, Pane. A keď teraz kráčame vpred, v mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme sa chopili týchto vecí, ktoré boli položené na naše srdcia, modlíme sa, aby si bol s nami a pomohol nám, a zobral z toho chválu, Pane, pretože sa Ti porúčame, s Tvojim Slovom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

No, ak máte tužku a papier, chcem aby ste si zapisovali niektoré veci, alebo čokoľvek čo chcete. Len to majte pripravené. A potom pri tej páske, tiež, ak si chcete poznačiť miesta Písma - kedykoľvek - pretože verím, že to je Písmo, ktoré sa ráta.

21No, chceme dnes večer čítať text, či čítať Písmo, z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista. Ja verím, že toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ako je napísané v tejto knihe. A každé iné zjavenie, ktoré by bolo v rozpore s týmto zjavením je zlé. Verím, že to prinesie znovu citovanie. Každé zjavenie, ktoré nebude pasovať s týmto zjavením a neprinesie toto zjavenie do svetla, je falošné zjavenie. To musí byť podľa Písma.

22No, v desiatej kapitole knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, chcem čítať niekoľko prvých veršov, prvých sedem veršov 1 - 7. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, a modlite sa za mňa.

A videl som iného anjela silného, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár ... ako slnce, a jeho nohy ako ohnivé stĺpy,

a vo svojej ruke mal otvorenú knižku. A svoju pravú nohu položil na more a ľavú na zem

a skríkol veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. A keď skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy.

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať. Ale som počul hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať to čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!

A anjel, ktorého som videl stáť na mori a na zemi, pozdvihol svoju pravú ruku k nebu

a prisahal na živého na veky vekov, ktorý stvoril nebo i to, čo je v ňom, a zem i to, čo je na nej, a more i to, čo je v ňom, že už viac nebude času,

ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

A môj text (ak to tak môžem nazvať) dnes večer je: "Je toto znak konca, vážený?"

23Všetci vieme, že žijeme v slávnom čase pre cirkev, ale v strašnom čase pre neveriaceho. A žijeme v jednom z najnebezpečnejších časov zo všetkých - ktoré boli odkedy začal svet. Žiadny prorok, žiadny apoštol, nikdy v žiadnom čase, nikto nežil nikdy v takomto čase, ako my žijeme teraz. Toto je koniec.

Je to napísané na oblohe. Je to napísané na tvári zeme. Je to napísané v každých novinách. Toto je koniec - ak dokážete čítať ten nápis. Tí proroci žili v čase, keď ten nápis bol na stene pre ten národ; ale my žijeme, keď ten nápis pre tento čas je na stene. Pre všetky národy, zem, pre všetko - čas je na konci. Tak my musíme pozorovať Písma, aby sme prišli na to v ktorej hodine žijeme.

Vždy, skutočný prorok Boží pôjde do Písma. Preto, on má absolút, že to tak bude. V Starom Zákone, keď proroci niečo povedali, tam stále niekde bol prorok so Slovom, ktorý stál na Slove. On pozoroval na videnia od Boha, a ak jeho videnie bolo nezhodné s tým Slovom, potom jeho videnie bolo nesprávne. To je Boží spôsob, ako On dáva Svoje Slovo Svojmu ľudu.

24(Počujete ma dobre tam vzadu?) Ja proste neviem kde začať. No, bolo to pre mňa veľké privilégium vedieť, že táto modlitebňa bola mojím prvým zborom. To je slávna vec. Nikdy nezabudnem - hoci by Ježiš predlieval, a ja by som žil sto rokov - budem pamätať ten deň, keď som kládol ten uholný kameň, a to videnie, ktoré mi On dal v to ráno o tej modlitebni. Všetci z vás si to pamätajú. Je to napísané v tých knihách. A vyplnilo sa to presne do písmena. Ani jedno písmeno z toho sa neminulo cieľa.

25A teraz, ja neverím, žeby niečo z toho, čo On hovoril, po všetky tie roky môjho života, to čo som povedal ľuďom, žeby sa niečo nevyplnilo. A mnohí ľudia prišli so snami, ktoré mi On dal, z Jeho milosti, vyložiť tým ľuďom. A mnohí prišli so snami a s problémami, ktoré som nebol schopný vyložiť. Ale ja som sa nesnažil predstaviť vám ľuďom nejaký trik, že mám všetky tie odpovede. Snažil som sa byť čestný a povedať vám to, čo bola pravda, a ja som vám to mohol povedať, len tak, ako mi to On povedal. Keď to prišlo ku mne, potom som vám to mohol povedať.

26A chcem vás varovať. V tomto dni v ktorom žijeme, je mnoho ... Nie žeby som chcel povedať niečo zlé na ľudí, ale keď vidíte nejakú osobu, ktorá má odpoveď na všetko, to je nezhodné so Slovom.

Ježiš povedal: "Bolo mnoho malomocných vo dňoch Eliáša, ale len jeden bol uzdravený." Za tie mnohé roky, osemdesiat alebo viac, keď žil Eliáš, a jeden malomocný bol uzdravený. Mnoho vdov za dní Elizeusa, ale on bol poslaný len ku jednej.

A zisťujeme, že je mnoho vecí, ktoré Boh činí, ktoré nezjavuje Svojím sluhom, a žiadny sluha nie je väčší ako jeho Pán. A potom, Boh sa s nikým nebude deliť o Svoju chválu. On je Boh. A keď sa sluha stane ... príde na miesto, že sa snaží zaujať miesto Boha, potom Boh berie jeho život, a dáva ho niekde preč či niečo. Musíme na to pamätať.

27No, v týchto videniach a výkladoch, ja nemôžem povedať výklad nejakého snu, až kým ho presne neuvidím, vo videní, čo to bol za sen. A mnohí z vás viete, že ste mi povedali svoj sen, a nepovedali ste ho ani celý. A keď som videl ten sen, ako prišiel ku mne, ja som sa otočil a povedal som vám, že toho tam bolo viacej čo ste vynechali, a potom som vám povedal čo ste vynechali. Vy viete že je to pravda. Ak je to tak, povedzte: "Amen." Tie veci, ktoré ste mi nepovedali. A tak, vidíte, ak ... Ako povedal Nabuchodonozor: "Ak mi nemôžete povedať čo sa mi snívalo, potom ako budem vedieť, že máte výklad toho snu."

28Ale všetky tieto dojmy, my ich nemôžeme zobrať a povedať: "Tak hovorí Pán." To nemôžeme robiť. Musíme mať priamy hlas, odpoveď od Boha, prv ako môžeme povedať, že to je Boh. Nie nejaký dojem, nie senzáciu, nezáleží ako veľmi to pulzuje. Môžete povedať: "Verím, že to bude takto"; ale keď hovoríte, "Tak hovorí Pán," to nie ste vy. Pozorujte pódium. Videli ste niekedy že by to sklamalo? "Tak hovorí Pán" je dokonalé, nikdy nesklamalo. A pokiaľ je to "Tak hovorí Pán", nemôže to sklamať.

29Ale potiaľto ma On chránil, pretože som očakával na Neho. Nestaral som sa hľadať populárnosť, alebo márnu ľudskú chválu. Snažil som sa, ako som najlepšie vedel, aby som žil pokorne, a žil takým životom, o ktorom myslím, že kresťan má žiť. A nebol som schopný robiť to sám od seba, ale On to robil až do tohoto dňa. Ako hovorím, že On je ten, ktorý ma viedol.

30Mnoho vecí by mohlo byť takto povedané, ale zabralo by to príliš veľa času. Ale všetci ste si vedomí týchto vecí. A jediný dôvod prečo som chcel, aby ste pred chvíľou povedali: "Amen" - vy ľudia, ktorí ste mi povedali sny, potom som vám povedal, čo ste vynechali - pretože toto posolstvo bude nahraté. Ľudia zo všetkých národov budú toto počúvať, a keď oni budú počuť to "Amen", potom oni budú vedieť, že sú tam hlasy, ktoré sedeli pri tejto službe, ktoré nepovedia niečo zlé, alebo nepovedia "Amen" niekomu, kto hovorí niečo zle. "Amen" znamená "Nech je tak." To je potvrdenie toho.

No, po celý svoj život, od malého chlapca, bolo niečo čo ma trápilo. Mal som veľmi divný život, ťažký do porozumenia. Dokonca moja žena si škrabe hlavu a hovorí: "Billy, myslím, že ti nikto nerozumie."

Povedal som: "Ja sám sebe nerozumiem," pretože som podriadil ... poveril som sa Kristovi pred mnohými rokmi. On ma vedie. Nesnažím sa tomu rozumieť; idem len tam kde ma On vedie, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

31A som vďačný za vynikajúcu ženu a deti, a za svoju ženu a deti, ktorí mi dôverujú, že im nepoviem nič zlého - že mi veria. Zakaždým, keď im niečo poviem, oni sa toho držia. Oni vedia, že by som im nepovedal nič zlého. A či by som potom povedal, nejakému Božiemu decku niečo zlé? Nie vedome. Nie veru. Boh chce, aby Jeho deti boli správne cvičené, a aby som bol čestný pri nich a verný. A On to bude žehnať, verím.

32No, po celej tej ceste sa stali veci, ktoré som nemohol porozumieť. A jedna z vecí, ktorú som nemohol porozumieť bola, keď som bol dieťa a prichádzali ku mne tie videnia. A ja som ich videl a rozprával svojím rodičom tie veci, ktoré sa mali stať. Oni si mysleli, že som bol nervózny. Ale zvláštne, že sa to stalo presne tak, ako to tam bolo povedané.

Vy poviete: "To bolo pred tvojím obrátením?"

Áno. Biblia hovorí: "Dary a povolania sú neodvolateľné - bez pokánia". Vy ste narodený na tento svet kvôli nejakému účelu, a vy ne ... Vaše pokánie neprináša dary. Oni sú vám predurčené.

No, po tej ceste ... A keď som bol malý chlapec, mojou túžbou bolo ... Bol som nespokojný v tej krajine, v ktorej som žil. Túžil som, nejako, ísť na západ.

33A bol som operovaný, keď som bol postrelený, keď som bol malý chlapec. A keď som sa dostal spod tej prvej narkózy, myslel som, že som bol v mukách - padajúc dole. Ten éter ma zbavil vedomia. Myslím, že osem hodín som bol v bezvedomí. Mali veľkú operáciu, bez penicilínu, bez transfúzii krvi. Mal som prestrelené z pušky takmer obe nohy. Malému priateľovi vystrelila puška.

A potom, asi sedem mesiacov neskoršie som bol pod inou narkózou. A keď som sa dostal spod tej narkózy myslel som si, že stojím na západnej prérii, a veľký zlatý kríž na oblohe, a chvála Božia vyžarovala z neho, a ja som tam takto stál.

Keď to svetlo, ktoré teraz vidíte na tom obrázku, ktoré bolo vedeckým prieskumom potvrdené, že je nadprirodzenou existenciou ... Pre mňa to bolo to isté svetlo, ktoré zrazilo na zem sv. Pavla. To bolo to isté svetlo, ktoré cez noc viedlo deti Izraela. Všimli ste si, tu, tohoto anjela? On bol odiaty v oblaku. Vidíte, On cez deň bol oblakom.

34No, to isté svetlo, ako ... Ľudia nerozumejú, prv si mysleli, že to bolo nesprávne, že to len ja hovorím. Ale Duch Svätý spôsobil, že sa stalo, že tam mal vedecké prístroje a ľudí, na potvrdenie, a niekoľko krát to odfotili.

Povedal som: "Vidím osobu zatienenú na smrť." Je na nej čierny tieň. Pred niekoľkými týždňami, keď som bol v nejakom meste. A keď kážeme, nemáte fotiť, viete - kým kážu. A potom ... Keď to odfotili bolo tam to isté.

35Ale niekto mal fotoaparát. Povedal som tej panej, ktorá tam sedela, cudzia (bol som v Southern Pines), povedal som: "Nad tou a tou paňou je tieň", žene, ktorú som nikdy v živote nevidel. "Ty si práve prišla od doktora a ... dve rakoviny, každý na jednom prsníku, a ty si sa vzdala. Si zatienená na smrť čiernou kapucňou."

A niečo povedalo nejakej sestre, ktorá sedela vedľa, ktorá mala fotoaparát, povedalo: "Urob fotografiu." A ona to nechcela urobiť. Znovu: "Urob fotografiu", a ona stále nechcela. A potom to znovu prišlo, a ona zobrala fotoaparát a urobila tú fotku, a tam to je, vedecky. Je to tam na nástenke tieň čiernej kapucni.

Potom, keď tá žena uverila a bola prednesená modlitba, znovu bola urobená fotografia - bola čistá. Povedal som: "Ten tieň je preč." Tá pani žije z milosti Božej.

Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Ak vy budete hovoriť pravdu ... Možno sa budú z teba nejaký čas smiať, možno nejaký čas budeš nepochopený. Ale Boh to potvrdí, že to je pravda, ak len pri tom budeš stáť. Len sa toho drž. Môže to trvať roky, ako v prípade Abraháma i ďalších, ale On to stále bude potvrdzovať ako pravdu.

36Keď ten anjel tam ... a ja predpokladám, okrem mojej ženy, sú tu dnes večer ľudia, ktorí pred tridsiatimi rokmi stáli tam blízko, keď to zostúpilo. Je tu teraz niekto v tomto publiku, kto tam bol, keď ten anjel Pánov ... ktorý tam prvý krát pred ľuďmi prišiel dole nad rieku? Zodvihnite ruky. Áno, tu ich máte. Vidím pani Vilsonovú, že zodvihla ruku. Ona tam stála. Moja žena tam - ona tam bola.

37A neviem, kto je tu z tých ostatných, kto stál tam na brehu rieky, pred mnohými, mnohými ľuďmi, keď som krstil, o druhej popoludní. A rovno z jasnej oblohy, keď už týždeň nepršalo, tu On prichádzal s hrmotom. On povedal: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý Kristov príchod, ty si poslaný s posolstvom, aby si predišiel druhý Kristov príchod."

38Mnoho ľudí, z obchodníkov, z toho mesta, keď stáli tam na brehu, pýtali sa ma, čo to znamenalo. Povedal som: "To sa nestalo kvôli mne; to bolo kvôli vám. Ja verím." Potom to odišlo. A keď ten anjel odišiel, ak sa pamätáte, On ako odchádzal, išiel smerom na západ; rovno preč, hore ponad ten most, a odišiel smerom na západ.

Neskoršie som stretol nejakého astronóma, čo znamená mág (mudrc). A oni mi povedali o konštelácii hviezd, ktoré sa dostali spolu do určitej konštelácii, keď tí múdri mužovia v Babylone videli, dole cez Palestínu, tieto tri hviezdy v konštelácii. Mnoho krát ste ma počuli o tom hovoriť. Viete že dokázali, v týchto niekoľkých posledných týždňoch, že je to pravda?

39Brat Sothman, máš so sebou dnes večer tie noviny, kdekoľvek si? Je to v tých novinách - na strane z nedeľných novín, 9. decembra - že nejaký reportér tam odišiel, a oni prekopali všetky tieto veci. A my v skutočnosti teraz žijeme, je to dokázané, že tento nadchádzajúci rok je rok 1970. Sedem rokov ďalej, ako je dátum, a dokázali skrze vykopávky, že on je nesprávny. Je pozdejšie ako si myslíte!

Nejako som nevidel brata Freda. Brat Sothman, si tu? Máš so sebou tie noviny, brat Sothman? On má tie noviny. Možno zajtra večer vám to prečítam. Dnes večer nemáme čas.

40Tak, môžete vidieť a dávať pozor, presne. Títo mágovia (mudrci), Židovskí mágovia, hore v Babylone študovali hviezdy, uvideli tie hviezdy zapadnúť do svojej konštelácii. A keď to uvideli, oni vedeli, že Mesiáš je na zemi. Tu oni prišli do Jeruzalema spievajúc (dva roky cesty), "Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židovský?" Chodili hore dole po uliciach a ... Aha, Izrael sa im vysmial, táto banda fanatikov. Oni o tom nič nevedeli. Ale Mesiáš bol na zemi. A teraz, vy poznáte ako to bolo ďalej - čo oni povedali. No, budeme to čítať zajtra večer.

41No, prichádzame do tohoto, že tie videnia nesklamali, pretože oni sú od Boha. A po celej tej ceste ma niečo ťahalo, poťahovalo. Potom, keď mi tí mágovia povedali tieto veci, keď som bol len chlapec - správca zveriny, alebo myslím, že to bolo pred tým - o týchto veciach, a to ma vystrašilo, pretože som sa bál toho čo boli tí mágovia. Ale neskoršie som našiel, že tí mágovia v Biblii mali pravdu - pretože Boh to ohlasuje na nebi prv, ako to ohlasuje na zemi - pozorujúc tie nebeské telesá.

"Boh nehľadí na osoby v žiadnom národe," povedal Peter. No ... "Ale tí, ktorí sa Ho boja v každom národe sú Mu príjemní."

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... a zisťujeme ... Potom, snažil som sa vzdať tej myšlienky, ale ... Oh, zabralo by to hodiny, vojsť do toho - ako to stále išlo takto, išlo takto. Ale ja som sa toho bál. Tento mág mi povedal: "Ty nebudeš mať nikdy úspech na východe." Povedal: "Ty si sa narodil pod znakom." A povedal: "Ty ... ten znak, tá konštelácia ... Keď sa oni tam skrížili, v deň tvojho narodenia, oni sa nakláňali smerom na západ a ty musíš ísť smerom na západ."

Povedal som: "Zabudni na to." Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného. Ale jednako po celý čas som nemohol na to zabudnúť.

42Potom, keď som bol tam hore ten večer ohľadne týchto videní ... Nemohol som porozumieť. Môj baptistický brat mi povedal, že je to z diabla. Potom, keď sa ten anjel zjavil, On to ukázal presne v Písme a povedal ako to bolo vtedy, keď sa tí kňazi dohadovali o všetkom - nevedeli aké majú nosiť kabáty, šaty a tak ďalej, a dohadovali sa o svojich rozdieloch - tí mágovia nasledovali tú hviezdu ku Kristovi.

Keď tí kazatelia povedali, že Ježiš bol podvodník, Belzebub; diabol povstal a povedal: "My vieme kto si - Ten Svätý Boží. Prečo si prišiel trápiť nás pred časom?"

Keď Pavol a Sílas prichádzali a kázali evanjelium, veštica z ulici ... A tí kazatelia v tom kraji povedali: "Títo mužovia sú podvodníci. Oni rozbíjajú naše cirkvi," a tak ďalej, "obracajú svet hore nohami svojou skazenosťou."

Ale čo sa stalo? Táto magička, táto veštica, povedala: "Toto sú mužovia Boží, ktorí nám zvestujú cestu života."

A Pavol pokarhal toho ducha v nej. On nepotreboval žiadnu pomoc, aby niekto svedčil kto on je. Ježiš im stále hovoril, aby boli potichu. Ale to sa dialo, aby to ukázalo, že niekedy diabli vedia o Božích veciach viac ako kazatelia. Oni sa stávajú tak nábožensky poviazaní. Tak to bolo v Biblii, a Boh sa nemení.

43Jedného dňa, pred piatymi rokmi, vracal som sa dole cestou od brata Normana. Mal som tam práve zhromaždenie, a Pán Boh sa mi zjavil vo videní. A ja som sedel tu pred bránou svojho domu. Vyzeralo, že bude zlé počasie.

Mnohí z vás si budú pamätať to videnie. Je to napísané v mojej knihe videní. Zapisujem si ich, aby som si bol istý, že ich nezabudnem.

A v tom videní som videl, že niečo prechádzalo cez tú ulicu, a všade v mojom dvore ležali kamene. A tam boli rôzne grejdere a škrabače po celej tej ulici a stromy boli postínané a vyklčované. A ja som sa začal obracať do brány, a ona bola celá zablokovaná kameňmi. Vyšiel som, aby som povedal tomu človekovi: "Čo toto znamená?"

A on sa stal veľmi nepriateľský, obrátil sa chrbtom a povedal: "Takto je s vami kazateľmi."

Povedal som: "Ja som sa vás len opýtal, prečo toto robíte?" Prechádzate tu na moju stranu ulice. Prečo ste toto urobili?" A on ma skoro pleskol a ukázal mi chrbát.

Myslel som: "Len mu poviem, že nevie o čom hovorí."

A hlas prehovoril ku mne, povedal: "Nerob to. Ty si kazateľ."

Povedal som: "Veľmi správne."

44Otočil som sa, a po mojej pravej strane, ako som sedel pred bránou, bol starý prikrytý voz, ak viete čo ... Prikrytý voz, s konským záprahom. A vedľa kočišovho miesta sedela moja žena. Pozrel som sa dozadu, a moje deti sedeli tam vzadu. Vyštveral som sa na voz. Povedal som mojej žene: "Drahá, zniesol som všetko, čo som mohol."

Chytil som opraty a potiahol vedúceho koňa a vydali sme sa smerom na západ.. A hlas ku mne prehovoril: "Keď sa toto stane, potom choď na západ."

45Brat Wood, staviteľ tu v našom zbore, a starší ... Koľkí si teraz pamätajú to videnie? Pamätáte sa, ako som vám to rozprával? Skutočne. Je to zapísané na papieri. A povedal som bratovi Woodovi. On kúpil od cirkvi tento pozemok medzi tým tam. A on tam chcel stavať kamenný dom.

46Povedal som: "Nerob to, brat Wood, pretože oni ti z toho nedajú tvoje peniaze. Pravdepodobne, môžu ... " To bolo pred pár rokmi - pred piatimi rokmi. Povedal som: "Oni možno tu stadeto prenesú tento most, a tie kamene sú asi moje rozbité základy, a moje chodníky a iné veci, ktoré tam ležali.“ Namiesto kameňov, to boli kusy betónu. „A potom oni to tu položia, pretože oni povedali v novinách, že to sa snažia urobiť."

No, on to nestaval. Nakoniec sa oni rozhodli, asi o rok neskoršie, alebo o dva, že to prevedú z inokade. A tak tým sa to vybavilo, a tak som na to zabudol a nezaujímal som sa tým.

47No, tá divná vec sa stala asi pred rokom. Slúžil som raz večer dole u brata Juniora Jacksona, ktorý tu práve sedí, metodistický kazateľ, ktorý prijal Ducha Svätého, a bol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista, a je pastorom jedného z našich sesterských zborov.

Len aby som vám ukázal, ako Boh jedná s týmito ľuďmi ... Hovorím toto z celého svojho srdca: Nepoznám nijaké zhromaždenie na celom svete, zhromaždenie v celku, žiadne iné, kde by bol Duch Svätý, tak ako v tomto zhromaždení. Oni majú svoje rozdiely. Samozrejme oni nie sú tam kde by mali byť, nikto z nás, ale sú tak blízko toho, ako nikto iný koho poznám.

48No, aby som vám ukázal, vedel som čo sa stane, bratovi Jacksonovi sa sníval sen. Nemohol naň zabudnúť. A keď som odchádzal z jeho zboru, a on to proste nemohol vydržať. Ako dávno to bolo, brat Jackson?

[Brat Jackson hovorí: "Mal som ten sen vo februári 61. – pozn.prekl.]

Vo februári 61 sa mu sníval ten sen. A on prišiel ku mne a povedal: "Niečo mi leží na srdci, čo ti musím povedať, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Povedz, brat Jackson."

A on povedal: "Sníval sa mi sen," a tu to bolo! Ja som len potichu sedel, počúval a dával pozor. On povedal: "Snívalo sa mi, že bol veľmi veľký kopec, akoby niekde vonku v poli, kde bola tráva, alebo niečo." A povedal: "Hore na vrchu toho kopca, kde voda zmyla dole pôdu, tam hore na vrchu bola skala na vrchu toho kopca, ako vrcholec hory. To bola skala, bez trávy.

"A tam kde to voda obmyla, ona vyrezala nejaké nápisy na tých kameňoch a ty si tam stál a vykladal si tieto nápisy na týchto skalách." A povedal: "Všetci z nás (a on to takto povedal), bratia z Georgii, a zo všade, my sme tam všetci spolu stáli, počúvali sme ťa, ako si vykladal tie tajomné nápisy na týchto kameňoch, na tom vrchu."

49A povedal: "Potom si niečo zobral, akoby zo vzduchu, niečo ako sochor, či páčidlo," či nie, brat? Niečo také - nejaký sochor, riadne ostrý. A povedal: "Ako si to urobil neviem." A povedal: "Zasekol si to do vrchu tej hory, rozpáral dookola, a zložil si z nej čiapku. To bolo v tvare pyramídy. A ty si odtrhol dole z nej ten vrch."

(No, to bolo mesiace a mesiace a mesiace predtým, ako bolo kázané posolstvo o pyramíde.) A povedal: "Pod tým bola biela skala, granit. A ty si povedal: 'Slnko, alebo svetlo pred tým nikdy na ňu nezasvietilo. Dívajte sa na toto. Pozorujte to.' "

A to je pravda, pretože pri formovaní sveta, svet bol uformovaný prv ako bolo svetlo. Všetci to vieme. Boh sa vznášal nad vodami, a - na počiatku - On povedal, aby bolo svetlo. Prirodzene, tam zatiaľ v tom veku, keď prebiehalo formovanie, to svetlo na ten kameň nikdy nezasvietilo.

50A on povedal: "Hľaďte na toto. Svetlo nikdy predtým na to nezasvietilo." A keď všetci z nich prišli hore, povedal som im aby to pozorovali, a všetci z nich prišli hore, aby sa na to pozreli. Ale on povedal, že zatiaľ čo sa oni na to dívali, on sa pozeral kútikom oka (myslím, že tak to bolo) a pozoroval ma. A ja som sa prešmykol na jednu stranu a začal som ísť smerom na západ, smerom zapadajúceho slnka - vychádzal som na nejaký kopec, schádzal dole, vychádzal hore a schádzal dole, stával som sa menším a menším, a načisto som sa stratil z dohľadu.

51A on potom povedal, že keď som sa stratil z dohľadu, on povedal: "Potom tí bratia sa za chvíľu obrátili, a povedali: 'Či sa stratil? Kde odišiel?' " A povedal: "Niektorí odišli tým smerom, niektorí tým smerom, a niektorí iným. Ale veľmi málo zostalo a dívalo sa na to, čo som im povedal."

52No všimnite si, výklad toho snu, nič som mu z toho nevyložil, ani žiadny z týchto som nikomu z nich nevyložil. Ale som povedal: "Áno," a moje srdce sa chvelo. Dával som pozor. No, ten tajomný nápis ... Počkajte, na chvíľu to nechám.

53Nie tak dávno, brat Beeler ... Brat Beeler je obyčajne s nami. Si tu brat Beeler? Áno, tam vzadu. Billy povedal: "Brat Beeler je celý rozrušený. Mal zvláštny sen." Išiel som ku bratovi Beelerovi, a on povedal ... tam v jeho dome raz večer, keď som išiel niekde kvôli nejakým telefonátom.

54A on povedal: "Brat Branham, mal som zvláštny sen." Povedal: "Snívalo sa mi, že som išiel dole popri prameni vody smerom na západ. A po ľavej strane tam bola cesta, a ja som bol na tej ľavej strane, a išiel som po tej ceste smerom na západ, zdalo sa akoby som hľadal dobytok. A na pravej strane, všimol som si, potom keď som tam prišiel, tam si bol ty. A ty si bol obklopený veľkým stádom dobytka, a všade tam bolo veľa pastvy."

55A povedal: "Potom si vzal ten dobytok a začal si ho hnať naspäť hore popri tej rieke." A podľa všetkého som musel kývnuť na neho, aby strážil ten dobytok, a on povedal: "Teraz tomu dobytku bude ľahko. Viem, že oni pôjdu cestou najmenšieho odporu, ale brat Branham chce, aby zostali na pravej strane tej rieky. Tak ja pôjdem naspäť touto cestou, a budem sa starať, aby neprešli cez rieku na túto stranu, a držať ich na tej strane." Ale on si všimol, že ja som už neišiel za tým dobytkom, ale som odišiel na západ.

On povedal: "On musí pohľadať zatúlané."

56Ledva stačil porozprávať ten sen, videl som ho. A potom, všimnite si. On povedal, že som mu bol trochu podozrivý, a tak išiel naspäť aby sa pozrel. A povedal, že som prichádzal ku veľkému vrchu. A zrazu som zmizol, a on sa divil, že čo nebolo v poriadku. On zišiel dole, a potom po svojom boku mal malý potok, ktorý sa rozvetvoval doľava. (Myslím, že je to tak, brat Beeler. Áno.) A on si všimol, že po mojej strane boli ohromné vodopády. A potom, on si myslel, že som mohol spadnúť do tých vodopádov a zahynul.

Potom si všimol ... a on povedal, že sa díval dookola. On videl tie účinky tých vodopádov, ktoré stekali takto dole a vytvárali artézsku studňu vytryskujúcu; ale tie vody nedopadali naspäť na zem. On sa pozrel na druhú stranu toho malého prítoku, či malého potoku, a uvidel nejaké malé zvieratá s okrúhlymi ušami. Povedal: "Myslím, že jedno si vezmem." A prešiel na druhú stranu.

57Potom začal rozmýšľať o mne. A vyšiel na malý kopček, aby sa poobzeral a videl či tam bol nejaký malý, úzky výčnelok, po ktorom by som mohol prejsť okolo, ale povedal, že tam nič nebolo. A začal sa trápiť. Povedal: "Čo sa stalo nášmu bratovi? Som zvedavý, čo sa stalo bratovi Branhamovi?" A keď sa začal ľakať, povedal, že ma počul hovoriť. Stál som na vrchu nejakej hory, a povedal som bratovi Beelerovi výklad snu, ktorý som mu dal pred nedávnom. A povedal som mu, aby čakal na Pána, že jedného dňa ho stretnem na nejakom ostrove. A tu to bolo.

No, toto je výklad toho snu: Čo sa týka toho, že tá rieka bola široká, to bola rieka života. Ja som išiel popri nej smerom na západ, a tak isto on, pretože on bol na ceste. On bežal dole po tej ceste, a na tej druhej strane bolo mnoho trávy, ale mnoho húštiny, tŕnia a džungľa. Ale bolo tam mnoho trávy.

58Na tej ceste my hľadáme Pána, a pokrm od Pána - cez ťažkosti. Zháňanie toho dobytka to bol tento zbor, držanie ich na tej strane. Dobytok by bol v podstate išiel na tú hladkú cestu, denomináciu, keby mohli - tá cesta reprezentovala denomináciu. Ja som sa pustil s nimi naspäť hore tou cestou aby som dal pozor, aby neodišli do žiadnej denominácii.

59To že on videl stenu, ktorú nebolo možné nijako prejsť, ktorá ma držala od toho, aby som išiel na západ ... bola ten daňový prípad s vládou. Nikto nemohol porozumieť, ako som sa vôbec z toho dostal. To bola stena, ktorá ma blokovala. Ale Pán ma cez to previedol, a ja som z toho vyšiel. Stretnem ťa brat Beeler na tom ostrove.

60Tak, no potom, hneď za tým, brat Roy Robertson ... Brat Roy, si tu dnes večer? Áno, myslím ... tam na druhej strane. On mi zavolal, a on mal sen. A snívalo sa mu, že sme zháňali dobytok (No toto je tretí sen.) zháňali sme dobytok. A tam bola tráva po pás, mnoho paši. Všetci bratia sme boli spolu. A prišli sme na nejaké miesto obedovať, a brat Fred Sothman vstal a povedal: "Eliáš, ten veľký prorok, tu bude dnes na poludnie hovoriť." A potom, keď sme sa všetci najedli, každý odišiel preč, a on sa divil, prečo oni nepočkali, aby si vypočuli to, čo bude hovorené.

No, vidíte ako sa to presne pokrýva s bratom Jacksonom? Vidíte to presne ... to sa týka presne toho, čo povedal brat Beeler? Nikto nečakal, aby sa to dozvedel.

61Všimnite si, hneď po tom, sestra Collinsová (Si tu sestra Collinsová?) mala sen, že bola tu v zbore a tam mala byť nejaká svadba. A keď vošla uvidela prísť ženícha v dokonalosti. Ale nevesta nebola veľmi dokonalá; jednako to bola nevesta. No, to je cirkev.

A tam bolo niečo ako večera Pánova, alebo tu prebiehalo nejaké zhromaždenie - akoby bolo podávané jedlo. A akoby trochu vedľa nej, pretože brat Neville prisluhoval večeru v zbore, ale ona povedala, že to bol najlepší pokrm, aký kedy videla. Ona bola taká hladná, ale ona si myslela možno že - v tom sne - že on to nebude prisluhovať, a ona a brat Willard sa odišli najesť do Ranch House. A keď oni odišli, to svetlo na pravej strane zhaslo. Viete čo to je?

No, ten pokrm ... Nevesta nie je dokonalá; ale ženích je dokonalý. Nevesta nie je ešte dokonalá. Ale ten pokrm, ktorý bol podávaný to nebol doslovný pokrm. To je duchovný pokrm, ktorý ste mali po celý čas. Dovoľte mi zastaviť sa tu na chvíľu pri týchto štyroch snoch.

62Či sa nepamätáš, brat Fred Sothman, brat Banks Wood, keď sme boli tam v Arizone minulý rok, keď sme tam poľovali na divé prasce, a Pán prehovoril? Či nepoznáte tie veci, ktoré On presne vykonal, ukazujúc čo sa má stať, keď sme išli tou cestou? Ak je to tak, vy dvaja bratia povedzte "Amen." Nikdy sa to neminulo cieľa.

63A ja som videl vo videní ... Keď sme raz išli na aute, prišlo ku mne videnie Pánovo. A ja som sa pripravoval v tom čase, keď prídem domov, ísť za more. A keď som odišiel za more, no, videl som na tej lodi ... alebo na brehu mora, odkiaľ vyplávajú lode. A tam bol nejaký malý človek, a on povedal: "Pripravil som ti čln, brat Branham." A to bolo malilinké kanoe, asi jednu stopu dlhé, ale bolo snehobiele. A on mi povedal: "Toto je pre teba, aby si v ňom prešiel na druhú stranu."

"Ó," povedal som: "To nie je vystačujúce."

On povedal: "Ono pôjde štyridsať míľ na hodinu tam i naspäť." (To je z jedného brehu na druhý.)

64"Ale," povedal som: "To ma neprenesie na druhú stranu." A potom sa on pozrel dole, a povedal: "Choď tak, ako idú oni." A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bol brat Fred Sothman a brat Banks Wood sedeli v kanoe zafarbenom na zeleno, vzadu s nejakým campingovým vybavením, brat Banks s takto hore otočeným klobúkom, brat Fred so svojim zašpicateným vpredu. A On povedal: "Choď tak ako oni."

Povedal som: "Nie, nepôjdem."

A ten muž im povedal (ten malý človek), povedal: "Vy ste člnkári?"

Brat Banks povedal? "Áno."

Brat Fred povedal: "Áno."

Ale ja som povedal: "Nie sú. Ja som člnkár a ja viem, ja by som neišiel len kvôli tomu, a som si istý, že by som takto neišiel."

On povedal: "Prečo nejdeš s nimi? "

Povedal som: "Nie, nie." No, otočil som sa, a keď som sa otočil, ten malý človek v tom prístave sa premenil a bol z neho môj dobrý brat, brat Arganbright.

65A ja som išiel naspäť v tomto videní, a tam bola malá dlhá budova. A potom mi povedal hlas (všetci si to pamätáte, alebo mnohí z vás.), hlas mi povedal: "Dones do vnútra potravu. Uskladni ju vo vnútri. To je jediný spôsob ako ich tu udržať, dať im potravu." A ja som priniesol dovnútra ... priniesol do vnútra veľké sudy plné krásnej mrkvy a krásnej zeleniny a všetkého, čo som kedy videl.

Pamätáte si teraz to videnie? No, a ja som vám povedal neskoršie, čo to znamenalo. Ja som mal ísť do Zurichu, do švajčiarska, s bratom Arganbrightom na päť večerných zhromaždení. Povedal som bratom prv, ako sa to stalo: "Ja nepôjdem."

A bol som dole s bratom Welch Evantsom, tam dole, keď to ... Povedal som jeho výklad.

66Jednej noci, myslím že brat Welch prišiel a zobral ma (išli sme na ryby), a povedal, že mi volal brat Arganbright. Povedal som: "No dobre, tu to je. Oni sa chystajú zobrať ma preč." A mnoho krát (nie cez brata Minera - on je jeden z najlepších priateľov), ale niekedy, ak oni môžu len ... Keď si oni myslia, že budete kázať niečo, čo je proti ich náuke, oni hneď hovoria, že tam budete, aby ste tam dostali svojich priateľov.

67A oni povedali ... Brat Arganbright ma volal a povedal: "Brat Branham (len čo povedal Duch), príď. Vezmi so sebou svoju ženu, pretože nebudeš musieť mnoho kázať, pretože myslím, že ťa tam chcú len na jeden večer." A povedal: "Možno nebudeš musieť kázať ani ten jeden."

Povedal som: "Nie."

"No," on povedal: "Príď, ty a tvoja žena, príďte všetci, viete. A ak prídete, vezmem vás na výlet. Moja žena a tvoja žena, a oni všetci, pôjdeme cez švajčiarsko a cez Palestínu." Povedal som: "Nie."

Mal som ten výklad. Povedal som bratovi Welchovi, či bratovi Fredovi a im: "Poviem vám ráno. Ale prv musí niečo povedať moja žena." A keď som jej zavolal, ona odmietla ísť. Povedal som: "Tu to je," vidíte.

No ten malý biely čln, to bolo to jedno zhromaždenie. To je v poriadku ísť niekde tu na brehu, na jedno zhromaždenie. Ale to nie je dostačujúce, hoci to bolo biele a dobré, volať ma za more.

68Brat Fred a brat ... tam (predstavovali v tom videní), oni predstavovali, ísť ako turisti, zo špásu. Ale ja sa nestarám robiť niečo také. A odmietnuť to, že oni boli člnkári - to znamenalo, že neboli kazatelia; ale ja som bol kazateľ. A potom tá potrava v tej malej dlhej budove ... Ja som neišiel za more, a vrátil som sa do tejto malej budovy, a nahrali sme tucty páskou, o pyramíde a všetko, aby ukázať ľuďom hodinu v ktorej žijeme.

No porovnajte ešte i toto s tými ostatnými, s tými snami. Toto bolo videnie. Tá potrava, tu to je. Toto je to miesto.

69Všimnite si, čo sa potom stalo? Potom hneď po tom ako prišlo to štvrté videnie (alebo štvrtý sen, ktorý mi povedali), prichádza brat Parnell. On je niekde tu. Aha tu. A Billy tu nebol, a ten človek bol zúfalý. On je z Bloomingtonu, myslím, alebo z Bedfordu? V Lafayette, má zhromaždenia. On mal sen, a on prišiel ku bratovi Woodovi a povedal: "Ja to proste nemôžem tak nechať. Musím to povedať. Musím to povedať bratovi Branhamovi. Mňa to trápi." A Boh vie, medzi nimi nebol ani jeden sen, prišli len jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť.

70Brat Parnell povedal: "Mal som zvláštny sen. Snívalo sa mi, že som mal mať tam hore zhromaždenie, a nejakým spôsobom ďalšie zhromaždenie bolo tu akoby v novom zbore." A povedal, že tento nový zbor, ako on povstal, že on sa divil prečo oni nespolupracovali medzi sebou, alebo niečo také. A povedal, že on tu stál, rozmýšľal: "No, keď som tu, len počkám, a budem navštevovať tie zhromaždenia."

71Povedal, že nejaký človek prechádzal cez tú budovu v hnedom obleku a s knihou. Myslím že písal. A on povedal bratovi Parnellovi, povedal: "Toto je zhromaždenie za zavrenými dvermi. Ono je len pre diakonov a starších. " No, cítil sa trochu zaskočený. Tak vyšiel von tými dvermi toho nového zboru, tej cirkvi, ktorá bola postavená, alebo tejto reparovanej - opravenej. A keď vyšiel von snežilo - bolo zlé počasie, zimný čas. A nikto z tých ľudí nevedel o tom nič.

72A keď vyšiel von dvermi, ja som tam stál a díval som sa smerom na západ. Povedal som: "Necíť sa zaskočený, brat Parnell. Ja ti ukážem čo máš robiť."

73Brat Parnell a všetci ostatní z nich vedia, že som im nepovedal žiadny výklad (To sa deje práve teraz.), jednako som to videl, keď to oni hovorili. Všimol si si, ako rýchlo som z tade odišiel, brat Parnell, aby som ti nemusel nič povedať? A odišiel som hore, nepovedal som nič bratovi Woodovi, ani nikomu inému. Nikomu. Len som to nechal, pretože som chcel vidieť do čoho to viedlo. Počuli ste ma povedať neskoršie: "Som utrápený"? To je to, čo to bolo.

74Potom, brat Parnell, on povedal, že som mu povedal: "Brat Parnell, vykroč, a prvé miesto na ktoré prídeš bude Cipora." (Cipora? Cipora, čo znamená spojovacia čiarka, alebo zastávka, alebo niečo.) Povedal som: "Nezostaň tam. Potom choď ďalej, a nájdeš nejakú starú ženu. A potom nezastaň tam. Znovu choď ďalej, nájdeš veľmi starú ženu. Nezastav sa tam." A po celý čas, kým som hovoril, kráčali sme po snehu.

75Povedal som: "Choď, až kým nenájdeš moju ženu. A keď nájdeš moju ženu, tam sa zastav." A povedal, že sa pozeral, a boli sme preč zo snehu na púšti, a ja som zmizol. A on sa pozrel naspäť a videl svoju ženu, ako pumpovala zo studni vodu, a nejaký kazateľ ju ťahal, aby ju odtiahol preč od tej pumpy. Ona ho pozorovala - a on sa zobudil.

76Tu je výklad tvojho snu (mohol som ti ho povedať ten večer, ale ja som sa len otočil preč): Pokiaľ ide o tú Ciporu a jednu starú ženu, a ďalšiu veľmi, veľmi starú ženu - to sú cirkvi, vidíš, a Cipora, bola v podstate Mojžišovou ženou, Cipora. A všimli sme si, že som mu povedal, aby sa pri nich nezastavoval. Bez ohľadu na to aké staré oni boli, to boli organizácie. Nezastavujte sa pri nich! Oni žili vo svojom čase. Ale keď on príde ku mojej žene - ktorou je moja cirkev, ku ktorej ma Ježiš Kristus poslal v tomto poslednom dni, a tu to je - zastav sa tam! A ja som odišiel na západ.

77Potom, sestra Štefánia ... ona tu možno nie je, pretože bola v nemocnici. Neviem. Je tu sestra Štefánia ...? Áno, tu je. Sestra Štefánia prišla do môjho domu, aby som sa modlil prv, ako odišla do nemocnice na operáciu, aby jej Boh pomohol a požehnal ju. A On to ozaj urobil.

A ona povedala: "Mala som zvláštny sen, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Áno?"

78A ona povedala: "Snívalo sa mi, že som bola na západe, a ..." (Toto je šiesty.) A povedala: "Snívalo sa mi, že som bola na západe, a to je vlnitý kraj. A keď som sa pozrela, tam na kopci stál veľmi starý človek s dlhou bielou bradou; a vlasy, ktoré ešte mal mu trčali dole cez tvár. A mal biely plášť - či niečo, rúcho." Povedala: "Vietor tým vial." (Myslím, že to takto hovorím dobre, sestra Štefánia.) A povedala: "Išla som bližšie. On stál na vrchu nejakej hory a díval sa smerom na východ." A povedala: "Divila som sa, kto je tento starý muž?" A prichádzala bližšie a bližšie. A keď prišla bližšie, poznala kto to bol. Bol to nesmrteľný Eliáš, prorok, stál tam a díval sa na východ.

79 Ona povedala: "Musím ho vidieť!" (Ona mala potrebu.) A vybehla hore na ten kopec a padla tam na zem, hovorila ku nemu v mene Eliáša, a povedala, že keď hovorila, počula hlas, ktorý povedal: "Čo chceš sestra Štefánia?" A to som bol ja.

80Tvoj sen sa vyplnil hneď tam, sestra Štefánia. Pretože hneď po tom, som odišiel do Louisville. To čo ona potrebovala to bola tá modlitba, vidíte. Ona sa z toho v nemocnici dostala v poriadku; a ten môj znak idúc smerom na západ, dívajúc sa smerom na východ, na moju čriedu.

81Všimnite si, keď ... ja som odišiel do Louisville, a keď som prišiel naspäť, vchádzal so do brány, a tam okolo mojej brány boli naťahané pne. Pán Goyne, tu z tej mestskej ulici, išiel práve po ulici. Povedal: "Billy, poď sem." Povedal: "Musíš presunúť svoju bránu a všetko ... plot, plotové kamene, a bránky."

Povedal som: Dobre, v poriadku, Billy. Presuniem to. Kedy?"

On povedal: "Poviem ti. Dám ti vedieť, kedy." Povedal: "Hneď prvého toho roku začnú na tom pracovať."

Povedal som: "V poriadku."

82A tak som vykročil smerom ku domu a žena povedala: "Musím ísť hneď teraz do obchodu." Išiel som dole ulicou a chlapec, Raymond Ring, ktorý je mestským inžinierom ... Stále som ho nazýval "Mud Ear" (Zablatené ucho), pretože keď sme boli ešte malé deti a plávali sme spolu, on kusom blata trafil nejakého chlapca do ucha, a my sme ho stále nazývali "Zablatené ucho". On býva rovno tu na ulici, asi druhý vchod odo mňa, poniže brata Wooda.

A tak som zavolal: Mud, poď sem na chvíľu."

On povedal: "Dobre Billy." On tam prišiel.

Povedal som: "Ten kolík, ktorý si zatĺkol ..."

On povedal: "Billy, oni pri tom všetko zaberú. Všetky tieto stromy, tieto ploty, i všetko musí byť odsunuté."

Povedal som: Ale ten inžinier mi povedal, že môj pozemok zachádza do stredu tej ulici."

On povedal: Áno, ale oni to budú rozširovať. Jednako to v tom zaberú." On povedal: "Môj tiež."

Povedal som: "No, brat Wood je murár," a povedal som: "Dám to jemu, aby to presunul dozadu."

On povedal: Billy, nedotýkaj sa toho. Nech to urobí ten staviteľ. To je tá fara, však?"

Povedal som: "Áno."

On povedal: "Nech to on urobí." Povedal: "Vieš čo chcem povedať:"

Povedal som: "Áno." Odišiel som. A v tej chvíli ma niečo napadlo. Odišiel som domov, vošiel som do svojej izby, zobral som tú knihu, a tam to bolo. To neboli betónové bloky - to boli kamene.

Povedal som: "Méda, priprav sa."

83Šesť rôznych snov, a potom to zavŕšilo to videnie. "Keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, vydaj sa na západ."

Zatelefonoval so do Tucsonu. Brat Norman má nejaké miesto. Neviem kde idem. Neviem čo robiť. Som len ... stojím. Neviem čo robiť. Opúšťam dom, za ktorý nemusím platiť nájomné. Moja mzda je sto dolárov na týždeň. Za dom musím platiť takmer sto dolárov na mesiac. Som tu spolu so svojimi bratmi a sestrami, kde ma majú radi. A idem neviem kde. Neviem prečo. Neviem vám povedať prečo. Ale viem jedno; nasledovať len to, čo On hovorí. Neviem ktorou cestou sa pohnúť, čo robiť. To nie je mojou ...

Myslím, že Abrahám sa cítil podobne, keď mu On povedal: "Choď tam za tú rieku." On nevedel čo robiť, ale putoval, oddelil sa. Ja neviem čo robiť.

84Minulú sobotu ráno, včera tomu bol týždeň, okolo tretej hodine ráno, vstal som a išiel som sa napiť vody, a prikryl som Jozefa v jeho izbe. A potom som prišiel naspäť, a hneď som si ľahol a zaspal som. Keď som zaspal ... Hovorím tu teraz o týchto drobných snoch a o všetkom, tak budete vidieť pozadie toho, čo chcem povedať. Prikryl som Jozefa, a odišiel som naspäť a ľahol som si a zaspal som. A sníval sa mi sen.

85A snívalo sa mi, že som videl nejakého muža, ktorý mal byť mojím otcom, hoci bol veľkým mužom. A videl som ženu, ktorá mala byť mojou matkou, iba že nevyzerala ako moja matka. A tento muž bol veľmi podlý ku svojej žene. A mal trojhranný drúk, keď preštiepil toto poleno, a z toho bol ... Viete ako sa štiepe drevo; vznikne z toho trojhranný drúk. A zakaždým, keď táto žena chcela vstať, on ju proste chytil za krk a udrel ju po hlave a zvalil na zem. Potom ona tam ležala zvíjala sa a kričala, a potom sa začala znovu dvíhať.

On chodil pyšne okolo, s vypnutou hruďou - veľký človek. A keď sa začala znovu dvíhať, on ju chytil za krk, zobral svoj trojhranný drúk, a udrel ju s ním po hlave, zvalil ju na zem. Chodil okolo, vypol hruď, ako keby bol urobil niečo veľké.

86Stál som vedľa a pozoroval to. Myslel som si: "Nemôžem sa pustiť to toho chlapa. Je príliš veľký. A potom on by mal byť mojím otcom. Ale on nie je môj otec." A povedal som: "On nemá čo takto sužovať túto ženu." Rozčúlil som sa na neho.

87Tak potom, zrazu som mal dostatok odvahy a prišiel som ku nemu a chytil som ho za golier a zvrtol som ho. A povedal som: "Nemáš právo biť ju." A keď som to povedal, narástli mi svaly! Vyzeral som ako obor. A ten muž sa pozrel na tie svaly, a potom sa ma začal báť. A ja som povedal: "Ešte raz ju udrieš a budeš mať dočinenia so mnou." A on váhal, udrieť ju znovu. A potom som sa zobudil.

Chvíľu som tam ležal. Myslel som si: "Čo to je? Zvláštne, čo sa mi to snívalo o tej žene." A v tej chvíli to prišlo - dostal som výklad.

88Tá žena reprezentuje cirkev sveta dnes - po celom svete. Ja som sa narodil práve v tomto zamiešaní, a tu som. Ona má byť nejako matkou ... Ak ona bola matkou smilníc - ale jednako ja som sa narodil práve do toho. A jej mužom sú denominácie, ktoré ňou vládnu. Ten trojhranný drúk, ktorý on mal je trojičný krst na falošné mená, že zakaždým ona začínala povstávať (to zhromaždenie, aby to prijalo), on ju s ním udrel. Samozrejme, on bol taký veľký, obrátil som sa, trochu som sa ho bál. A potom jednako som sa pustil do neho, a tie svaly to boli svaly viery. Ona spôsobila, že so začal rozmýšľať: "Ak je Boh so mnou a môže mi dať svaly, dá mi aby som sa jej zastal," "Prestaň ju udierať!"

Muselo byť desať hodín v ten deň, keď sa moja žena snažila vojsť do tej izby, a to sa stalo. To ráno som sa dostal do videnia to ráno, a nejako som ... Pamätajte toto teraz nebol sen!

89Je rozdiel medzi snami a videniami. Sny sú keď idete spať; videnia, keď nespíte. My sa tak narodíme. Normálny človek, keď sa mu sníva, to je v jeho podvedomí. A jeho podvedomie je ďaleko od neho. Jeho zmysly sú v činnosti, pokiaľ je on vo svojom prvom vedomí. V tomto vedomí, ste normálni. Vidíte, máte chuť, voniate, počujete. Ale keď ste vo svojom podvedomí, spíte, vy ani nevidíte, ani nemáte chuť, nevoniate, ani nepočujete. Ale je niečo, keď spíte, že ... Vy sa vraciate naspäť do tohoto vedomia. Tam je pamäť, že si pamätáte niečo, čo sa vám snívalo možno pred rokom.

90U obyčajného človeka je to takto. Ale keď Boh niečo predurčil, toto podvedomie u vidiaceho nie je ďaleko od tadeto, ale obidve vedomia sú spolu. A vidiaci vo videní nejde spať - on je stále pri svojich zmysloch, a vidí to.

Vysvetľoval som to raz nejakým doktorom, a oni vstali a povedali: "Zaujímavé. Nikdy sme o takom niečom ani nepomysleli." Keď ma zobrali na test vlnenia, a oni povedali, že nikdy nevideli niečo také. No, povedali: "Niečo sa s vami deje."

A ja som povedal ... Povedal som im. Oni povedali: "Tu je presne to."

91Tie dve vedomia sú umiestnené celkom blízko spolu. To nie je nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť, a to ma nerobí ničím viac, ako je každý druhý. To len Boh tak urobil. Vy nejdete spať - vy ste rovno tu, tak ako keď spíte. Vy tu stojíte, takto sa dívate a ... všetci ste to videli, po celom svete.

92Vy nejdete spať - stojíte tu na pódiu hovoríte ku ľuďom. Počujte ma, dostávať sa do videní a prichádzať naspäť, keď idem s vami v aute, kdekoľvek to je, a hovorím vám veci, ktoré sa stanú. Nikdy to nesklamalo. Nikdy. Videl niekto, žeby to niekedy sklamalo? [Publikum hovorí: "Nie veru!" – pozn.prekl.] To nemôže sklamať. To nesklame, pokiaľ je to Boh. Všimnite si, rovno na pódiu, tisíce, pred desať tisícami ľudí, dokonca iných jazykov, v ktorých som ani nedokázal hovoriť - nikdy to nesklamalo. To je Boh.

93No, v tomto videní, alebo ako som hovoril, pozrel som sa, a uvidel som zvláštnu vec. No, vyzeralo to, akoby môj malý syn, Jozef, bol po mojom boku. Rozprával som sa s ním. No, ak budete to videnie pozorovať skutočne pozorne, budete vidieť prečo tam Jozef stál.

94A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bol veľký krík. A na tom kríku v zoskupení vtákov - maličkých vtákov, asi pol cóla dlhých a pol cóla vysokých ... Oni boli malí unavení bojovníci. Ich drobné perie bolo obité dole. A tam boli okolo dva alebo tri na vrchnom konári, šesť alebo osem na ďalšom konári, a pätnásť alebo dvadsať na ďalšom konári, zostupujúci do tvaru pyramídy. Tieto maličké ... maličkí poslovia, a oni boli veľmi unavení. Dívali sa smerom na východ.

95A ja som bol v Tucsone, v Arizone, v tom videní. Kvôli tomu ... predstavené to tak kvôli tomu, lebo On nechcel, aby som preočil, kde to bolo. Oberal som si z nohavíc bodliaky z púšte. Povedal som: Teraz viem, že toto je videnie, a viem, že som v Tucsone. A viem, že tie malé vtáčky niečo reprezentujú." A oni sa dívali smerom na východ. A náhle sa oni zobrali do letu, a odleteli smerom na východ.

A len čo oni odleteli, prišlo zoskupenie väčších vtákov. Oni vyzerali ako holubice - so špicatými krídlami, nejakej sivej farby, trochu bledšie, než ako boli tí prví poslovia. A oni leteli rýchlo smerom na východ.

Len čo sa oni stratili z môjho dohľadu, znovu som sa obrátil, aby som sa pozrel smerom na západ, a tam sa to stalo. Nastal výbuch, ktorý zatriasol skutočne celou zemou! Teraz toto nepreočte! A vy pri páskach, buďte si istí, že to rozumiete správne!

Prv, výbuch! A zdalo sa mi, že to zaznelo, ako prekročenie zvukovej hranici, alebo ako to nazývate, keď lietadlá prekročia rýchlosť zvuku, a ten zvuk prichádza naspäť na zem. To proste zatriaslo, ako ... zarevalo, všetko. Mohlo to byť ako veľký úder hromu a zablysknutie. To zablysknutie som nevidel. Počul som len ten veľký výbuch, ktorý sa rozľahol, že to zaznelo, akoby to bolo južne odo mňa, smerom ku Mexicu.

Ale to zatriaslo zemou. A keď sa to stalo, stále som sa díval smerom na západ, a ďaleko z večnosti som videl prichádzať zostavu niečoho. Vyzeralo to akoby to boli nejaké malé bodky. Nemohlo ich byť menej ako päť a viac ako sedem. Ale oni boli v tvare pyramídy, ako tí poslovia, ktorí prichádzali.

A keď oni prišli, moc Všemohúceho Boha ma zodvihla hore, aby som sa s nimi stretol. A môžem vidieť ... Neopustilo ma to. Prešlo osem dní, a ešte na to nemôžem zabudnúť. Nikdy ma nič netrápilo tak, ako toto. Moja rodina vám to povie.

96Mohol som vidieť tých anjelov, s tými ostrými krídlami vzadu, letiaci rýchlejšie ako zvuk. Oni prišli z večnosti, akoby v okamihu. Nestačili ste mihnúť okom, proste okamih, oni tam boli. Nemal som čas porátať. Nemal som čas na nič viac len sa pozrieť. Mocní anjeli, veľkí mocní anjeli, snehobieli! Vysunuté krídla i hlavy a boli "Fiuu - fiuu," a keď sa to stalo bol som zodvihnutý to tej pyramídy, do tej zostavy.

97Myslel som si: "No, toto je to." Bol som celý stŕpnutý, a povedal som: "Ó! Toto znamená, že nastane nejaký výbuch, ktorý ma zabije. Som teraz na konci svojej cesty. Nesmiem povedať svojej rodine, keď toto videnie skončí. Nechcem aby o tom vedeli. Ale Nebeský Otec mi dal teraz vedieť, že môj čas je skončený. Nepoviem to mojej rodine, oni sa budú o mňa starať, 'pretože on má odísť.' A títo anjeli prišli pre mňa, a ja budem teraz zakrátko zabitý v nejakom výbuchu."

98Potom to prišlo ku mne, zatiaľ čo som sa nachádzal v tej konštelácii: "Nie, to nie je to. Ak by to zabilo teba, zabilo by to Jozefa," a ja som mohol počuť Jozefa, ako na mňa volá. No, potom, znovu som sa otočil a rozmýšľal som: "Pane Bože, čo znamená toto videnie?"

Uvažoval som, a potom to prišli ku mne. Nie nejaký hlas, proste to ku mne prišlo. "Ó! To sú tí anjeli Pánovi, ktorí prichádzajú, aby mi dali moje nové poverenie!" A keď som o tom rozmýšľal, zodvihol som ruky, a povedal som: "Ó, Pane Ježišu, čo mi dáš urobiť?" A to videnie ma opustilo. Takmer hodinu, nemohol som precitnúť.

99No, vy ľudia viete čím sú požehnania Pánove. Ale moc Pánova je úplne iná, moc Pánova v takýchto situáciách. Cítil som ju mnohokrát predtým vo videní, ale nikdy takto. Bolo to cítiť ako úctyhodný strach. Bol som tak prestrašený, že som bol až ochrnutý v prítomnosti týchto bytostí. Hovorím vám pravdu. Ako povedal Pavol: "Neklamem." Nikdy ste ma nezastihli hovoriť niečo bludné o niečom takom. Niečo sa má stať!

Potom, po chvíli som povedal: "Pane Ježišu, ak budem zabitý, daj mi to vedieť, a ja nepoviem o tom svojej rodine. Ale ak je to niečo iné, daj mi to vedieť." Nič neodpovedalo.

100Potom, keď ma Duch opustil, asi po pol hodine, myslím, alebo viac, povedal som: "Pane, ak to znamená, potom, že budem zabitý, a Ty si skončil so mnou na zemi, a ja budem zobratý teraz domov ... ak je to to, to bude dobre. To je v poriadku." Tak, povedal som: "Ak to znamená to, daj mi vedieť. Pošli znovu na mňa Tvoju moc. Potom, budem vedieť, že to nemám hovoriť svojej rodine, ani nikomu, o tom, pretože Ty máš zaumienené prísť a zobrať ma preč." A nič sa nestalo. Čakal som za chvíľu.

101Potom som povedal: "Pane Ježišu, ak to neznamenalo to, a znamená to, že Ty máš niečo pre mňa do vykonania, a to mi bude zjavené neskoršie, potom pošli svoju moc." A takmer ma to vychytilo z tej izby!

102Našiel som sa niekde v kúte. Mohol som počuť moju ženu, ako sa niekde snaží zatriasť dvermi. Dvere do spálni boli zamknuté. A ja som mal otvorenú Bibliu, a čítal som ... Neviem, ale tam bolo, myslím, Rimanom, 9. kapitola, posledný verš: "Hľa ja kladiem na Sione uholný kameň, kameň úrazu, vzácny uholný kameň, a nikto kto verí naň nebude zahanbený."

Myslel som: "To je divné, že som toto čítal." Duch ma stále obklopoval v tej izbe. Zavrel som Bibliu a stál som tam. Podišiel som ku oknu, bolo okolo desať hodín vo dne, alebo viac, a zodvihol som ruky, a povedal som: "Pane Bože, nerozumiem. Toto je pre mňa zvláštny deň. A som takmer bez seba."

103Povedal som: "Pane, čo toto znamená? Daj mi to znovu čítať, ak si to bol Ty." (No toto zneje detsky.) A zobral som Bibliu. otvoril som ju. Bolo to znovu na tom istom mieste - Pavol, hovorí Židom, že oni sa snažili ... hovorí Rimanom, že Židia sa snažili prijať to skrze skutky, ale to je skrze vieru, že tomu veríme.

No, od vtedy je to strašný čas. No vidíte kde stojím. Neviem čo sa deje. Neviem čo povedať. Ale teraz, dovoľte mi teraz, od teraz, za ďalších, okolo pätnásť, dvadsať minút, dovoľte mi pokúsiť sa povedať tu teraz niečo. Pamätajte, tieto videnia ani raz nesklamali.

104No, vezmem za chvíľu Písmo. Ak si všimnete, v Zjavení, desiata kapitola ... No, dovoľte mi povedať toto: Ak je to Biblické videnie, ono môže byť vyložené jedine Bibliou A potom chcem, aby ste to dali dokopy. No, vy, ktorí ste tu i vy pri páskach, buďte si istí, že toto hovoríte tak, ako to ja hovorím, pretože veľmi ľahko môže dôjsť do neporozumenia. (Ponáhľate sa? No dobre. Len ... Ďakujem vám, že ste tak potichu, a milí.)

No, ten siedmy anjel ... No, vážení (ako som toto nazval), je toto znak času konca? Kde žijeme? Ktorá je to hodina dňa? Ako ten unavený zápasník cez noc, vstáva a zapaľuje hodiny, aby sa pozrel a videl koľko je hodín - zapaľuje svetlo - mojou modlitbou je: "Bože, daj nám zapáliť svetlo." Nachádzam sa v hroznom položení, keby ste to vedeli. Pamätajte, hovorím vám to v mene Pánovom, povedal som vám pravdu! A niečo sa má stať! Ja neviem. No, vy pri páskach, rozumiete? Ja neviem! Budem sa snažiť ... čo prišlo včera ku mne, keď som sedel vo svojej izbe. Ja nehovorím, že to je pravda. To sa len niečo hýbalo v mojom srdci, keď som chodil po podlahe.

Mal som odísť ... zobrať si trochu voľno a prísť s Charlie a ísť s ním jeden deň na poľovačku, prv ako sa budeme musieť rozísť.

105Dovoľte mi povedať, to že idem na západ, to neznamená, že opúšťam túto modlitebňu. Toto je zbor, ktorý mi dal Pán Boh. Tu je môj hlavný stan. Tu zostávam. Idem v poslušnosti podľa prikázania, ktoré mi bolo dané vo videní. Môj syn Billy Paul, zostane mojím sekretárom. Môj úrad bude rovno tu v tomto zbore.

106S pomocou Božou, budem tu, keď sa skončí táto vec, a budem kázať tých sedem pečatí. A všetky pásky, ktoré nahrávam, či čokoľvek iné, bude urobené rovno tu v tomto zbore. Rovno tu, pokiaľ viem, tu je miesto, kde môžem kázať vo väčšej slobode, ako kdekoľvek inde na svete - kvôli tejto skupine ľudí tu, ktorí veria, a sú hladní a držia sa toho. Tu sa cítim ako doma. Toto je to miesto. A ak si všimnete, tie sny povedali to isté, vidíte, kde tá potrava ...

No, ale neviem, čo leží v budúcnosti. Ale viem, kto drží budúcnosť. To je hlavná vec.

No, Bože, ak sa mýlim, odpusť mi a zavri potom moje ústa, Pane, na všetko, čo by nebola Tvoja vôľa. Ja toto robím len pretože som stiesnený, Pane. Nech tí ľudia rozumejú - len stiesnený.

107Dôvod, prečo si myslím, že ten výklad neprišiel hneď, to bolo skrze suverénneho Boha, pretože verím, že je to tu v Biblii pre mňa napísané. A potom ak je to Biblické, môže to vyložiť jedine Biblia. A ak je toto pravda, brat, sestra, nemám v úmysle vás postrašiť, ale bude lepšie ak budeme teraz veľmi opatrní. Sme ... niečo je hotové stať sa.

108A hovorím toto s vážnosťou a s bázňou Božou. Myslíte, že by som tu stál ... a vy ľudia dokonca veríte, že som prorok. Netvrdím, že som. Moja pohnútka bola toto. Minulý rok som povedal: "Jediné čo som uvidel, prebudenie v národe skončilo - alebo v tomto národe, každopádne." Vydal som sa na misijnú cestu - mnohí z vás išli so mnou. Ó, to bolo v poriadku. Prežívali sme nádherné chvíle, krásne zhromaždenia, mnohé zástupy. Ale to proste nebolo ešte to. Toho roku sa vydávam na misijnú cestu. Pokiaľ budem môcť, pôjdem do Afriky, Indii a okolo sveta, ak budem môcť, na ďalšiu misijnú cestu.

109Ak to nebude fungovať, potom nevezmem ani vodu ani potravu, a vyjdem tam na niektorý z tých vrchov, a zostanem tam, až kým Boh nejako neodpovie. Nemôžem takto žiť. Nemôžem proste ísť ďalej. Toto môže byť tá odpoveď tu. Neviem. Až kým ma On nepremení ...

110Pamätáte si to videnie, asi pred tromi týždňami, ako som stál v slnku, kázal do zhromaždenia? Všetci ste tu boli minulú nedeľu, mnoho nedieľ. Vy ľudia tu, ktorí dostávate tie pásky, a boli ste tu, keď to bolo povedané, vy rozumiete týmto veciam, pretože teraz, sa len dotknem týchto miest, a vy to sledujte. Práve že každý kúsok z toho, čo bolo povedané pasuje rovno do toho. Tak to musí byť ten výklad. Neviem. Preto hovorím: "Pánovia, je to to?"

111Verím, že ten siedmy anjel zo Zjavenia 10 je ten posol siedmeho cirkevného veku zo zjavenia 3:14. Pamätajte ... No, dovoľte mi prečítať, pozrite, kde môžem čítať. No, toto bol ten siedmy anjel.

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela 

(7. verš)

, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

No, všimnite si, toto bol anjel; a to je ten anjel toho siedmeho cirkevného veku, pretože to tu hovorí, že to je ten siedmy anjel siedmeho cirkevného veku. Našli ste to? Ak chcete vidieť kto ... alebo kde je ten anjel - Zjavenie 3:14. To je anjel pre tú Laodicejskú cirkev.

112No, pamätáte sa, keď to tu bolo povedané, tí anjeli v tých cirkevných vekoch. No, v tomto, to bode zapadať rovno do týchto siedmych pečatí, o ktorých sa chystáme hovoriť. A týchto sedem pečatí, o ktorých sa budeme snažiť hovoriť, keď prídeme nabudúce, je tých sedem napísaných pečatí. A týchto sedem pečatí, ako viete, je len manifestáciou siedmych anjelov siedmych zborov. Ale je sedem ďalších pečatí, ktoré sú na zadnej strane tej knihy - zvonku Biblii. Všimnite si, dostaneme sa ku tomu za chvíľu.

No, prv ako toto začnem, ste unavení? Chceli by ste povstať, zmeniť pozíciu?

113No, počúvajte pozorne. Siedmy anjel zo Zjavenia 10:7 je poslom siedmeho cirkevného veku, vidíte. No sledujte to. "Vo dňoch ... " No sledujte to tu.

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie ...

114No, trúbenie tohoto posla, tu tohoto siedmeho anjela, to je trúbenie jeho posolstva do Laodicejskej cirkvi. Všimnite si aké je jeho posolstvo. No, ono nebolo pre prvého anjela (nebolo to dané), pre druhého anjela, tretieho, štvrtého, piateho, šiesteho; ale to je ten siedmy anjel, ktorý mal posolstvo tohoto typu. Čo to bolo? Všimnite si, toto jeho posolstvo: dokončuje všetky tajomstvá Božie, ktoré sú napísané v Knihe. Tento siedmy anjel zakončuje všetky tajomstvá, ktoré neboli dotiahnuté do konca počas všetkých tých organizácií a denominácií. Siedmy anjel ich dáva dokopy a zakončuje celé to tajomstvo. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia - zakončuje tajomstvá tej napísanej Knihy.

115No, všimnime si niekoľko z týchto tajomstiev, a ak chcete, zapíšte si ich. Najprv, zoberiem to, čo hovorí Scofield tu v Matúšovi 13, ak si chcete niektoré z nich zapísať. Ak nemáte Scofieldovu Bibliu, môžete si prečítať, čo si on myslí, že čo sú niektoré tieto tajomstvá.

116No, v 11. verši:

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Pretože vám je dané 

(jeho učeníkom)

 ... Pretože vám je dané poznať tajomstvá nebeského kráľovstva, ale tamtým nie, ale tamtým nie je dané 

(tie tajomstvá)


117Tu je to tajomstvo: Tajomstvo je písmo ... je to predbežne skrytá pravda, teraz Božsky zjavená, ale ktorá je ... nadprirodzený element stále zostáva, napriek zjaveniu. Tie väčšie tajomstvá a tie veľké tajomstvá sú:

Číslo 1: Tajomstvo kráľovstva nebeského. To je to, o ktorom teraz hovoríme. Matúš 13: 3 - 15.

Druhé tajomstvo je tajomstvo zaslepenia Izraela počas tohoto veku. (Rimanom 11:25 i s tým, čo s tým súvisí.)

Tretie tajomstvo je tajomstvo prenesenia živých svätých na konci času tohoto veku. (1 Korinťanom 15, a tiež 1 Tesaloničanom 4: 14 - 17.)

Štvrté tajomstvo, Novozákonnej Cirkvi ako jedného tela, zloženého z obidvoch zo Židov i Pohanov. (Efežanom 3: 1 - 11, Rimanom 16: 25, a tiež Efežanom 6: 19, Kološanom 4: 3.)

Piate tajomstvo je tajomstvo cirkvi, ako nevesty Kristovej. (Efežanom 5: 28 - 32.)

Šieste tajomstvo je tajomstvo živého Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. (Galaťanom 2: 20 a Židom 13: 8, a mnohé takéto miesta.)

Siedme tajomstvo je tajomstvo Boha, menovite Krista, ako stelesnenej plnosti Božstva telesne, v ktorom všetka Božská múdrosť a pobožnosť je prinavrátené človekovi.

Deviate tajomstvo je tajomstvo neprávosti, o ktorom je zmienka v II.Tesaloničanom, a tak ďalej.

Desiate tajomstvo je tajomstvo siedmich hviezd zo Zjavenia 1: 20. (Práve sme cez to prešli. Sedem hviezd a sedem cirkví, sedem poslov, a tak ďalej.)

A jedenáste tajomstvo je tajomstvo Babylonu, tej smilnici. (Zjavenie 17: 5 - 7.)

118To sú niektoré z tých tajomstiev, ktoré má tento anjel zakončiť ... všetky tajom-... všetky tajomstvá Božie. A to ďalšie (nech to poviem s vážnosťou a nepoukazujúc na seba, ale odkazujúc na toho anjela Božieho): semeno hada, ktoré bolo skrytým tajomstvom po všetky tie roky; milosť daná do poriadku - nie nemilosť, ale skutočná opravdová milosť; nie niečo také, ako večne horiace peklo. Budete horieť milióny rokov, ale všetko, čo je večné nemá začiatok ani koniec, a peklo bolo stvorené - všetky tieto tajomstvá.

119Tajomstvo krstu Duchom Svätým - bez senzácie, ale osoba Krista činiaca vo vás tie isté skutky, ktoré On činil. Tajomstvo vodného krstu, kde trojičiarsky extrém to priniesol do titulov Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý; a tajomstvo Božstva, ktoré je vyplnené v krste vo meno Ježiša Krista podľa knihy Zjavenia, ktoré cirkev v tomto čase mala prijať. To sú niektoré z tých tajomstiev.

Ohnivý Stĺp navracajúci sa naspäť. Amen! To sú veci, ktoré sa mali stať, a my to vidíme!

120Ó, mohli by sme pokračovať a vymenúvať tieto tajomstvá. Vidíme ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela - ten istý, ktorý zrazil na zem Saula na jeho ceste do Damašku, a ten istý, prichádza s tou istou mocou, činiaci tie isté veci, a zjavuje to isté Slovo, ktoré slovo za slovom súhlasí s Bibliou.

121Trúbenie trúby predstavuje trúbu evanjelia. A trúbenie na trúbe v Biblii znamená pripraviť sa na Biblickú vojnu. Zapisujete si to? Biblická vojna. Pavol povedal, (Ak si to chcete zapísať, 1. Korinťanom 14: 8), Pavol povedal: "Ak trúba vydáva neistý zvuk, ako bude človek vedieť na čo sa má pripraviť?" A ak to nemá Biblický zvuk, potvrdený, zamanifestované potvrdenie Slova Božieho, ako budeme vedieť, že sme v čase konca?

122Ak ono hovorí, že oni veria, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ale zapierajú Jeho znamenia a zázraky, skrze ktoré celá ríša prírody uverila v Neho, a celá cirkev uverila v Neho skrze ne, ako budeme vedieť ako sa pripraviť?

Niekto príde s grafom, kde to všetko nakreslil, a niekto príde s niečím iným a nakreslil toto všetko a nezhoduje sa to s tam tým. Niekto prichodí a hovorí: "Toto je to," znovu sa vracia do toho, a ostatní takto napísali knihy a všetko možné.

123Ale Boh prichádza v moci svojho vzkriesenia, a kto bude hovoriť proti tomu? Ak Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On robí to isté, čo robil včera, dnes, i naveky. To je to, čo tento anjel má robiť - zobrať tie tajomstvá, tie nedotiahnuté konce, ktoré ľudia opustili.

124Všimnite si, ak to vydáva neistý zvuk, nebiblický, kto sa môže pripraviť? Ale trúba ... Všimli ste si, každý jeden z týchto vekov, ako som vám povedal o tom dozrievaní cirkvi, zaznela trúba, bola odtrhnutá pečať. A trúba znamená vojnu! Ak to nedáva Biblický zvuk, čo s tým?

125Dovoľte, že vám to pripomeniem. Nepreočte to teraz. Všimnite si, každý cirkevný vek mal svojho posla. To vieme. Pavol bol prvým poslom. A keď tá prvá trúba zaznela, a tá prvá pečať bola odtrhnutá, Pavol bol ten prvý posol, ako sme videli. Čo on urobil? Vyhlásil vojnu. Komu? Ortodoxnej cirkvi, že neuverili v znak Mesiáša, ktorý im Ježiš predstavil.

Prečo, oni to mali poznať! Oni to mali vedieť. Pamätajte Pavol prišiel na konci toho veku - všetci poslovia prišli na konci svojho veku. Tieto veci sú prinesené najavo v čase konca.

126Pavol, poznajúc Písma, a vediac, že Ježiš bol Mesiáš ... A on s Písmom hrmel na tie synagógy chodiac z miesta na miesto, a bol vyhnaný z každej z nich, až nakoniec striasol prach zo svojich nôh a obrátil sa ku Pohanom.

127Čo to bolo? Trúbenie trúby! Stál tam anjelsky posol so Slovom. Ó! Nepreočte to teraz! Slovo! A Pavol, s pravým výkladom Božieho Slova, drvil všetky tie synagógy. Stálo ho to život.

128Takto by sme mohli ísť ďalej ku Ireneusovi, poslovi ďalšieho cirkevného veku; a sv. Martinovi, do ďalšieho cirkevného veku, keď začali zavádzať náuku Nikolaitov - začala dozrievať. Oni drvili ten vek. Sv. Martin drvil svoj vek.

129A potom Luther, ten piaty posol, on hrmel Slovom Božím na Katolícku cirkev. "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery," on povedal; a "Toto nie je doslovné telo Kristovo." A hodil tú komúniu na podlahu, vyšiel, a hrmel na Katolícku cirkev! Tá trúba zaznela. Je to tak. Je to pravda?

130John Wesley, povstal vo dňoch Anglikánskej cirkvi, keď oni povedali: "Nie je viac dôvodu mať prebudenie," a to odišlo do semena. Ale Ján Wesley povstal s posolstvom druhého diela milosti - posvätenia. A on drvil Anglikánsku cirkev s trúbou evanjelia - pripravil na vojnu. Je to tak. On to urobil.

131Teraz, my sme v Laodicejskom veku, keď oni znovu urobili denomináciu - Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Letniční - a my čakáme proroka, aby prišiel a rozdrtil tento vek, a odvrátil ich od ich neprávosti.

132No, ak toto bol trend po celý ten čas, či zmení Boh svoj trend v tomto čase? On to nemôže zmeniť. On musí zachovať to pravidelné udieranie. Pamätajte, tento posol bol tým siedmym anjelom, a on mal zobrať všetky tieto tajomstvá a zhromaždiť ich.

133Všimnite si, siedmy anjel mal hrmieť na bohatú Laodicejskú cirkev. "Som bohatý a zbohatol som, a nepotrebujem ničoho." On povedal: "Si biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i slepý i nahý a nevieš o tom." To bolo jeho posolstvo.

134Ó Bože, pošli nám nebojácneho proroka s "Tak hovorí Pán", že to potvrdené Slovo Bože bude vanúť cez to, a to dokáže, že je poslaný od Boha. A keď on príde, on bude drviť tie veky. Skutočne. On nastaví tú Laodicejskú cirkev proti nemu. Skutočne on to urobí. Oni to urobili v každom veku. V tomto veku to nebude inak. To musí byť tak isto.

135Všimnite si, teraz, Laodicejská cirkev. Ten posol tej Laodicejskej cirkvi zakončí ... ten siedmy anjel zakončí všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli stratené v tých predošlých bojoch za pravdu.

136Povstal Luther, ale on nemal celú pravdu. On mal len ospravedlnenie. Tak veru. Potom prišiel ďalší posol menom John Wesley s posvätením. On to nemal. Biblia povedala ... Tá Filadelfská cirkev. Potom prichádza Laodicejský cirkevný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého, ale oni to všetko pomiešali a vošli znovu naspäť do formalizmu, ako tí tam na začiatku - keď On vyzerá ako Alfa a Omega, Jeho ruka leží týmto smerom a týmto smerom - prvý a posledný.

137Jeho Duch padol v deň Letníc a naplnil tú skupinu. Ona postupne vyschla, až to prišlo do veku temna, tých sedem zlatých svietnikov, tých sedem cirkevných vekov. Ten posledný bol najďalej od Neho. To bolo skoro tisíc rokov Doby Temna, Katolíckej cirkvi. Luther začal prinášať nasledujúce svetlo, trochu bližšie do Slova. Ďalšie svetlo prišlo trochu bližšie. Ďalšie svetlo, Laodicejské. Potom to prišlo naspäť do toho, ako na začiatku, odišlo rovno do toho istého zamiešania, ako na začiatku. Rozumiete čo myslím?

138Dávajte pozor. Tam zostalo zabudnuté mnoho pravdy. Prečo? Kde ostatní urobili kompromis ohľadne pravdy. Ale tento siedmy anjel nerobí v ničom kompromis! On zhromaždí všetky tieto voľné konce - zhromaždí ich spolu. A pri jeho trúbení všetky tajomstvá Božie budú zakončené. Boh ho poslal. Všetky tie skryté tajomstvá sa skončili, keď on ... Jemu to bolo zjavené.

139Skrze čo? Ak sú toto skryté tajomstvá, ten muž bude musieť byť prorok. A či sme to neprebrali a nevideli, že ten prorok, ktorý príde v poslednom veku bude ten veľký Eliáš, na ktorého sme očakávali? Pretože tieto tajomstvá, ktoré sú teológom skryté, musia byť zjavené od Boha. A Slovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi, a my to vieme. On bude ten druhý Eliáš, ako je zasľúbené. Ó! To posolstvo, ktoré on prinesie, to budú tie tajomstvá všetkých týchto vecí.

140Máme vodný krst - všetko to je pomiešané. Je to tak. Jedni fŕkajú; jedni polievajú. Jedni berú Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého; jedni berú toto. Jedni krstia tri krát dopredu - jedno na Boha menom "Otec," ďalšie na Boha menom "Syn," ďalšie na Boha menom "Duch Svätý"; iní hovoria: "Vy ste v blude. Musíte krstiť trikrát dozadu, takto." A och, čo za zamiešanie!

141Ale celá tá vec zostala rozmotaná. Aha, je len jeden Boh. A Jeho meno je Ježiš Kristus, a nie je iného mena pod nebom, skrze ktoré môžete byť spasení. Nie je ani jedného miesta Písma, nikde v Biblii, kde by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený nejako inak, ako vo meno Ježiša Krista. Ani raz nebol nikto v tejto novej cirkvi ... či v cirkvi Ježiša Krista nikdy pofŕkaný, poliaty, ani nič takého. Ani raz nebola vôbec použitá ceremónia: "Krstím ťa vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého." To sú vyznania a také veci. A v tom boji za pravdu sa tie konce stratili. Ale Boh povedal, že oni v poslednom dni budú znovu prinavrátené "Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán." Nedávno sme to prebrali: "Strom Nevesty."

142Na to treba proroka. Biblia hovorí, že on tu bude. Je to tak. Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že on tu bude, a my veríme, že on tu bude. Očakávame na neho, a čakáme na jeho manifestáciu. A budeme vidieť to potvrdené Slovo Božie.

143Bude ich len niekoľko, ktorí tomu porozumejú. "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Koľko bolo spasených? Päť duší. Vo dňoch Lota, tam boli v skutočnosti traja spasení. Žena urobila prvé kroky a zahynula. Tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Bude veľmi málo spasených, prenesených, v tom čase - jedno z tajomstiev, o vzatí tej cirkvi. Ako, Lot bol vzatý, preč; Noach bol vzatý. A cirkev bude tiež vzatá. Jeden vošiel, a jeden vyšiel, a ďalší odchádza hore. Vidíte, to presne pasuje, dokonale.

144Slovo prichádza. Tá kniha, ktorá je popísaná zvnútra, je potom skompletovaná, keď skončili všetky tieto tajomstvá, aby boli oznámené.

145No, dovoľte mi to znovu prečítať, tak si budete istí. No pozrite sa:

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela 

(toho posledného anjela)

, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie ...

146No, čo je to tajomstvo Božie, jedno z nich? Pavol povedal v 1. Timoteovi 3 (myslím, že to je ono), povedal: "A vyznane veľké ja tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh zjavený v tele." "Dotýkali sme sa Ho, videli sme Ho, prijatý do chvály, svedčili o Ňom anjeli, potvrdený tu na zemi - to bol Boh."

147Skutočne, to je veľké tajomstvo, ale všetko je to rozlúštené. Nie Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý - traja Bohovia - ale jeden Boh v troch úradoch: Otcovstvo za Mojžiša, Synovstvo za Krista, Duch Svätý v tejto správe. Tri správy toho istého Boha - nie traja Bohovia. To tajomstvo je teraz skončené. Biblia hovorí, že má byť.

148Videl som jedného dňa, ako sa mi vedci snažia odporovať, v tom čo oni zvyknú hovoriť. Keď som povedal: "Každý, kto verí, že Eva jedla jablko ...!" No, veda hovorí (videli ste v novinách ten veľký nadpis) ona zjedla moruľu. Nezmysel! To by ju zvábilo? Vidíte, oni sa len ...

To je to, čo si myslel Kain, viete. On priniesol naspäť to isté, ale Boh neprijal jeho obeť. A Ábel, spravodlivý ... bolo mu to zjavené, že to bola krv, a on priniesol krv. Ó, Bože, táto cirkev a vek, v ktorom žijeme!

149Kniha, ktorá bola popísaná z vnútra je potom dokončená, keď tento anjel prestane (no, prosím rozumejte tomuto) ... keď posolstvo toho siedmeho anjela je skončené: tajomstvo Božstva, tajomstvo semena hada, všetky tie ďalšie tajomstvá všetkých týchto vecí, večné synovstvo, ako oni o tom hovoria. Ako On môže byť večný syn, keď večnosť nikdy nezačala ani nekončí? A syn to je niečo, čo sa narodilo. Ako to môže dávať zmysel?

150Ako môže byť večné peklo, keď peklo bolo stvorené? Ja verím v horiace peklo. Samozrejme. Biblia tak hovorí. Ale ono má byť zničené. Biblia hovorí: "Blahoslavený, kto nemá diel v druhej smrti?" vidíte. Vidíte, vy nebudete zničení skrze druhú smrť. Tá prvá je telesná. Tá druhá je duchovná smrť, keď je všetko skončené. Duša, ktorá hreší, tá duša zomrie. Budete trestaní za svoje hriechy, možno za stovky tisíce rokov.

151Ale nemôže byť večné peklo, pretože Biblia hovorí, že peklo bolo stvorené. Ako ono môže byť stvorené a byť večné? Ak bolo niekedy ... Biblia povedala, že peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a pre jeho anjelov. A tak, ak ono bolo stvorené, ono nemôže byť večné; pretože večné ... všetko večné nemalo začiatku ani konca.

152Tak nemôžeme nikdy zomrieť, pretože my sme boli stále. My sme časťou Boha, potomstvo Božie, a On je jedinou večnou vecou, ktorá existuje. Amen. Vy nemôžete zomrieť, ako Boh nemôže zomrieť, pretože vy ste veční s Ním. Amen! Nech to príde! Hallelujah! Nejako sa predsa unavujeme z tohoto starého skaziteľného domu.

153Všimnite si, tá popísaná kniha. Keď tento anjel zakončuje všetky tieto služby s voľnými koncami, ktoré počas toho boju, ktorý oni bojovali ... Luther bojoval, a Wesley bojoval, a Letniční bojovali. Ale prichádza jeden, hovorí Biblia, že vo dňoch jeho trúbenia, všetky tieto tajomstvá ... Jednotári vybehli za menom Ježiš. Trojičiari odišli za Otcom, Synom a Duchom Svätým, tak ako to urobili na Nicejskom koncile. To isté. Obe hnutia boli nesprávne. Ale teraz, na prostriedku tej cesty v Písme, leží pravda. Vidíte kde sme? Anjel Pánov.

154Všimnite si, Zjavenie 5: 1. Počúvajte to teraz.

A videl som na pravici sediaceho na tróne knihu popísanú z vnútra 

(to písmo bolo vo vnútri),

 a zozadu zapečatenú siedmimi pečaťami.

155No, tá kniha je popísaná z vnútra, ale zozadu mala sedem pečatí na jej zadnej strane, čo nebolo zapísané v tej knihe. No, toto hovorí ten zjavovateľ - Ján. No, pamätajte, to nebolo napísané v tej knihe. "A vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela celé toto tajomstvo, ktoré je napísané vo vnútri má byť dokončené." Bude o to postarané v tom čase.

Rozumiete teraz, čo chcem povedať? Sledujete ma?

156Potom je čas pre sedem hlasov zo Zjavenia 10, aby boli zjavené. Keď je tá kniha skončená, zostáva len jedna vec, a to je sedem tajomných hlasov hromov, ktoré boli napísané na zadnej strane tej knihy, ktoré Jánovi boli zakázané napísať. Dovoľte mi prečítať to.

A videl som ... 


 silného anjela, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár bola ako slnko, a jeho nohy ako ohnivé stĺpy,

a vo svojej ruke mal otvorenú knižku. 

(Vidíte, teraz sledujte toto.)

 A svoju pravú nohu položil na more a ľavú na zem

a skríkol veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. A keď skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy. 

(Sledujte to!)

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať. 

(Tam bolo niečo povedané. To nebol len hluk. Niečo bolo povedané. On chcel písať.)

 A počul som hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: 

(Hľaďte, kde boli hlasy tých hromov - nie v nebi; na zemi. Tie hromy nehovorili z nebies; oni hovorili zo zeme.)

, chcel som písať. Ale som počul hlas z neba, ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať 

(veľké písmeno Z-a-p-e-č-a-ť) 

Zapečať to, čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!

157To je na tej zadnej strane. Keď je kniha skompletovaná ... No On nepovedal na prednej strane; On povedal na zadnej strane. Potom, keď je to všetko dokončené, potom týchto sedem hromov, hlasov, je tou jedinou vecou, ktorá zostáva na tej knihe, ktorá nie je zjavená. Nie je to ani napísané v tej knihe.

158Ó! Prajem si, aby som mohol spôsobiť, aby tí ľudia mohli skutočne ... Vydržte! Nepreočte ... prosím nepreočte, tento čas. Opúšťam vás. Neupadajte! Ak ste niekedy počúvali, počúvajte. Tieto pečate sú na zadnej strane tej knihy, a v tom čase, keď tento siedmy anjel trúby, všetky tajomstvá, ktoré sú napísané v tej knihe sú skompletované. A hneď potom, tá kniha, ktorá bola otvorená a popísaná z vnútra, je zavretá! Tajomstvá Božie sú skončené. A toto sú tajomstvá Božie - odchod cirkvi a všetky tieto ďalšie veci. Tie tajomstvá sú skončené.

159Keď tento siedmy anjel vytrúbi každé tajomstvo, je koniec. Nech je to ktokoľvek, čokoľvek to môže byť, Božie Slovo nemôže sklamať. A On povedal:

Ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

160Všetky tieto veci - ako je Rím tou smilnicou, a všetky tie protestantské cirkvi, denominácie, stávajúce sa denomináciami podľa nej, stali sa jej smilnicami, vidíte - všetky tieto tajomstvá, o ktorých proroci hovorili, budú zjavené práve tu v tejto poslednej hodine. A keď tento siedmy anjel povstane v Laodicejskom veku a začne trúbiť na trúbe pravdy, pretože to bude v protiklade, oni tomu nebudú veriť. Oni tomu skutočne nebudú veriť. Ale to bude inšpirovaný prorok, pretože na to nie je možné prísť.

161Ľudia chcú vyskúmať trojicu a šedivejú a bláznia. Nikto tomu nemôže porozumieť. Oni hovoria: "My veríme, že Eva jedla jablko," a všetko toto, pretože to je tradícia, ktorej sa ľudia držia - práve tak, ako Ježiš zastihol cirkev. Ale to bude musieť byť Božsky vedený prorok, pretože Slovo Božie prichádza ku nemu s tým pravdivým výkladom zjavenia Ježiša Krista! Tak potom, musí to byť takýmto spôsobom! Bože pomôž nám.

162No, keď on trúbi ... No to je "Tak hovorí Pán." Máme v tom jasno. Keď on trúbi svoje posolstvo, vyhlasuje vojnu - ako Pavol vyhlásil tým ortodoxným, ako to urobili tí ostatní z nich, ako Luther, Wesley, proti organizáciám - keď on ohlasuje vojnu, a hovorí im, že klamú, a že to nie je pravda, a že zvádzajú ľudí. Keď on trúbi toto ... nemôžete to preočiť. To nemôže sklamať, pretože on bude potvrdený Slovom Božím. Budete presne vedieť, čo to je. A keď on trúbi, on trúbi aby vyvolával von z Babylonu: "Vyjdite z nej, môj ľudu, aby ste neboli účastí jej hriechov." Boh ho posiela. Nech vám to neunikne.

163No, keď on začína trúbiť, to tajomstvo bude dokonané. No, všimnite si. Potom to je čas pre tých sedem zapečatených hlasov zo Zjavenia 10, aby zostali zjavené. Rozumiete? Keď všetky tajomstvá tejto knihy sú zakončené ... A Biblia tu povedala, že on zakončí tie tajomstvá.

164Keď ľudia predtým v tých iných vekoch bojovali za pravdu ... Oni bojovali za ospravedlnenie. Posvätenie - oni bojovali za toto, a oni bojovali za tamto, oni bojovali za toto. Čo oni robili? Hneď sa otočili naspäť a zorganizovali to. To isté. Letniční, a Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, a všetci urobili to isté; hneď sa otočili naspäť a urobili tú istú vec. A Biblia povedala v Zjavení 17, že to je to, čo oni budú robiť - stará matka smilnica a jej dcéry. Tajomstvo Babylon.

165Biblia tu hovorí, že to bude jedno z tajomstiev, ktoré bude odhalené. Protestanti - prostitútky - páchajúci duchovné smilstvo, ktorí vedú ľudí skrze denominácie, so svojím pohárom neprávosti, ľuďmi vyrobenou náukou; a odťahujúcich ich od zdroja naplneného krvou, kde moc Všemohúceho Boha slobodne veje, aby manifestovala Ježiša Krista!

166Ak je to pravda, potom to Boh podoprie. A On to robí a bude v tom pokračovať. Ale keď sa toto stane, Slovo je skončené.

167No, zostala len jedna vec. To je sedem hromov, ktoré nepoznáme. A to nezahrmelo len tak pre nič. Boh nerobí niečo, len aby sa hral. My sa hráme a zachovávame sa hlúpo, ale Boh nie. U Boha je všetko "áno" a "nie". On sa proste nehrá. On si nerobí žarty. On myslí to čo hovorí, a On nehovorí nič, ak to niečo neznamená.

168A sedem hromov rovno v zjavení, tu, Ježiša Krista, to je nejaké tajomstvo. Či nehovorí Biblia, že toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista? Prečo, tam je nejaké ukryté tajomstvo, potom, toho. Hmm. Čo to je? Má to tých sedem hromov, lebo Ján to chcel písať. A hlas prišiel z neba a povedal: "Nepíš to, ale to zapečať. Zapečať to. Daj to na zadnú stranu tej knihy." To musí byť zjavené. To sú tie tajomstvá.

169No, rozlúštili sme tieto veci skrze Ducha Svätého. On nám povedal, že to neboli jablká. Jednalo sa o sex. Povedal nám tieto veci. Nikto nie je schopný obstáť pred tým. Nikdy v živote som nevidel kazateľa, ktorý by sa s tým zhodoval. Ale ja som ich požiadal ...

170Viete v Chicago, keď sme stáli pred nimi, okolo 350 kazateľov ... Vy ženy tu z Chicaga, vy ste tam boli a počuli o tom. A Pán mi povedal tri dni pred tým, On povedal: "Oni chystajú na teba pascu." On povedal: "Postav sa ku oknu, a ukážem ti."

171On povedal: "pán Carlson a Tommy Hicks ťa stretnú zajtra ráno, budú chcieť ísť na raňajky, a ty povedz Tommimu, aby zostal. Ale," povedal, "takto to bude vyzerať. Povedz im, že nebudú mať to zhromaždenie na tom mieste, o ktorom si myslia. Oni budú na inom mieste." On povedal, Neboj sa, Ja budem s tebou." Pre mňa to stačilo.

Na ďalšie ráno, pán Carlson, prezident Obchodníkov plného Evanjelia, prišiel, povedal ... zavolal ma a povedal: "brat Branham, chcem ísť s tebou na raňajky."

Povedal som: "V poriadku." (Povedal som: "Hľaď, Tommy Hicks tam bude tiež.")

Išli sme do reštaurácie "Town and Country" a on povedal: "No, brat Branham," povedal: "och toto je nádherné ..."

Povedal som: "Tommy, urobil by si mi láskavosť?"

"Zaiste, brat Branham."

Povedal som: "Som zvedavý, či by si mohol hovoriť za mňa?"

On povedal: "Och, to by som nemohol."

172Povedal som: "Prečo? Ja mám len sedem tried, a ja som povedal "empire" namiesto "umpire", vieš. Ja neviem ako pred nimi hovoriť, a tam bude Kazateľské združenie z veľkého Chicaga. Ako ja budem pred nimi hovoriť so svojimi siedmimi triedami vzdelania, Tommy? Ty si doktor teológie." Povedal som: "Ty vieš, ako hovoriť. Ja neviem."

On povedal: "brat Branham, ja by som to nemohol."

Povedal som: "Prečo? Ja som ti urobil mnohokrát láskavosť." Povedal som to skutočne priamo.

A brat Carlson povedal: "Oh, brat Branham, on by to nemohol."

Povedal som: "Prečo?"

On povedal: "No ... d...d...oh."

173Povedal som: "Vieš prečo? Vy viete prečo, ale vy mi nechcete povedať. Oni nastavili na mňa pascu." Povedal som: "brat Carlson vy máte zaistenú tú hotelovú miestnosť, však, kde sme mali minule banket?"


Povedal som: "Nedostanete to."

On povedal: "No, brat Branham, už to máme zaistené."

174Povedal som: Nestarám sa o to čo máte, to tam nebude. To je zelená miestnosť. My budeme v hnedej miestnosti. Ja budem vzadu v rohu. Dr. Meade bude sedieť v pravo. Ten černošský muž a jeho žena budú sedieť tu, a tak a tak. Bude tam sedieť budhistický kňaz úplne v pravo odo mňa (a ako budú oblečení)."

175 A povedal som: "Vieš čo je to, Tommy. Veľké Chicágske kazateľské združenie sa ma chystá vyzvať ohľadne krstu vo meno Ježiša Krista. Veľké Chicagské kazateľské združenie sa ma chystá vyzvať ohľadne krstu Duchom Svätým - hovorenie v jazykoch. Oni sa ma chystajú vyzvať ohľadne semena hada, a ohľadne kázania milosti."

Tommy sa pozrel a povedal: "Pre zľutovanie." Povedal: "Myslím, že tam ani nepôjdem."

Povedal som: "Áno, pôjdeš tam."

176A nasledujúceho dňa, ten človek, ktorý vzal tú zálohu, dal im naspäť tú zálohu a povedal: "Máme tam orchester. Mali sme to rezervované, a zabudli sme na to a stratili tú vec. A musíme to dať tomu orchestru, a vy to nemôžete mať." A my sme išli do Town and Country.

177Vošiel som tam v to ráno, a oni tam všetci stáli. Keď som si sadol za tým stolom tam vzadu, čakajúc ... Potom čo mali raňajky, rozhliadol som sa takto na nich (mali sme raňajky v miestnosti, vyšli sme, sadli sme si), a tam bolo to Veľké Kazateľské Združenia Chicaga. Rozhliadol som sa po nich. Každý sa predstavoval, ako Doktor, Ph.d., LL., Q.U.S.T., a všetky takéto tituly. Ja som len sedel a počúval až kým sa všetci nepredstavili.

178Brat Carlson sa postavil. Povedal: "Páni ..." (A všetci poznáte Hanka Carlsona. Opýtajte sa ho. No, máte to tu rovno na páske. Ak si chcete kúpiť tú pásku je tu. Tí chlapci ju majú.) On povedal: "Páni," povedal: "Predstavujem vám ďalej brata Branhama."

179Povedal: "Vy možno nikto nesúhlasíte s ním ohľadne jeho náuky, ale dovoľte mi povedať vám niečo. Pred tromi dňami sme sedeli na jednom mieste, a ak mi tento muž nepovedal všetko, čo sa stane dnes ráno, nestojím tu. Povedal mi, že vy všetci ste pripravení vyjadriť mu pochybnosť ohľadne jeho náuky. A povedal mi, že budem musieť zrušiť to iné miesto a byť tu; a povedal mi presne kde bude sedieť Dr. Meade a títo ľudia, úplne presne. A tu oni sú." On povedal: "Možno s ním nesúhlasíte, ale ja hovorím jedno. On nemá strach z toho, čo si myslí." Povedal: "No, brat Branham, máš miesto."

180Povedal som: "Prv ako začneme ..."Prečítal som to, čo som prečítal dnes ráno: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Povedal som: "No, dajme toto do poriadku. No, vy všetci hovoríte, že ste doktori teológii, a ja tu stojím sám." Povedal som: "Ak je to tak, chcete ma spochybniť ohľadne krstu vo meno Ježiša. Začneme najprv s tým. Chcem, aby niekto z vás zobral svoju Bibliu a zastal si tu vedľa mňa, ohľadne čohokoľvek čo učím." Povedal som: "Zastaňte si tu vedľa mňa! A vyvráťte to Božím Slovom!"

181Čakal som. Nikto nič nepovedal. Povedal som: "Žiadam, aby niekto z vás sem prišiel a postavil sa vedľa mňa. Čo je to s vami? Potom nehovorte poza chrbát, ak sa bojíte postaviť tu vedľa mňa." To som nie ja, ktorého sa boja. To je ten anjel Všemohúceho Boha, že oni vedia, keď mi On mohol predpovedať, aby prísť ... Oni boli dokonca chytrejší, než ako som si myslel. Oni si tam radšej nezastali.

182Viete, boli ste v situáciách, tiež v takých situáciách, ale oni to neurobili. Čo sa deje? Ak je to tak veľké, a oni vedia, že je to tak pravdivé ...Nahral som to na pásku, a všade inde. Som pripravený rozprávať o tom po kresťansky, kdekoľvek s ktorýmkoľvek bratom. Nechcem sa s nikým dohadovať. Ale chcem, aby ste prišli a Slovom niečo z toho vyvrátili. Nie teraz skrze vaše učebnice, nie čo Dr. taký a taký, alebo sv. taký a taký povedal; Ja chcem vedieť, čo Boh povedal. To je hlavné. Ja chcem vedieť, čo to je. Oni to nerobia.

183No pozrite sa. Keď je to čas pre sedem hlasov (a to je čas pre tých sedem hlasov, keď je tá kniha dokončená) zo Zjavenia 10, aby boli zjavené ... Všimnite si teraz, počúvajte. (No nechcem vás držať príliš dlho, viem, že vás tu unavujem. Je za dvadsať minút desať. Počúvajte pozorne, teraz. Viem ... stojíte a všetci zmieňate pozíciu a všetko. Budem rád, keď modlitebňa bude dokončená a nebudeme sa musieť tak tlačiť. Môžeme zobrať celý deň a kázať o tom.)

184No, všimnite si. Dávajte pozor. Tých sedem hlasov boli hromy - udierajúce! (Bože pomôž nám! Ak sa mýlim, Pane, odpusť mi.) Pýtam sa vás otázku. To zahrmelo s hromom, keď sa rozľahol ten hlas. Všimli ste si, že keď tých sedem pečatí - ktoré nasledovali za tými siedmimi cirkevnými vekami - keď bola otvorená prvá pečať, že tam bol hrom? Tá prvá pečať v tej knihe bola otvorená, tam bol hrom. Či tá prvá pečať z vonku tej knihy nebude otvorená tak isto? Boh nemení svoj program.

185Otvorme si do Zjavenia 6.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmich pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!

186No, tam nebol ďalší hrom; a tá posledná pečať bola otvorená, tam bol úsek v nebi na pol hodiny ticha. Ale tá prvá pečať bola otvorená; tam bol úder hromu.

187 Ó, cirkev, mohlo by to byť? Sme tak ďaleko? Priatelia, rozmýšľajte. Možno ... Dúfam, že nie. Ale, čo ak je to tak? Čo znamenal ten výbuch? Pred Bohom a touto otvorenou Bibliou, neklamem! Výbuch, ktorý zatriasol zemou. A keď tá prvá pečať z tých siedmich, ktorá bola otvorená v Biblii, to ide ďalej - len jedna - ale výbuch, ktorý zatriasol všetkým, hrom. A potom, ak by boli otvorené tie pečate, ktoré sú na zadnej strane, nebol by to tiež hrom? Ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať.

Tam bol hrom - tá prvá pečať. A tá pečať bol hrom. Tá trúba bola otvorená v tom čase - a tá trúba zadula na Letnice, samozrejme. (Nechcem vchádzať do toho.)

188No, ak to videnie bolo Biblické (To videnie o ktorom hovorím, ktoré som videl minulú sobotu ráno - pred týždňom) ... Ak, no pamätajte tu, ak to videnie bolo podľa Písma, ono musí byť vyložené Písmom, alebo musí byť pokračovaním toho istého Písma! [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Len som čakal, aby to vsiaklo. Ak to, čo som videl ... Čo to bolo, neviem, ale som vyľakaný na smrť! Je s nami koniec? Sme v čase konca? Pamätajte, tento anjel povedal, keď sa toto stalo, On prisahal, že času viacej nebude. Som zvedavý, či sme to skutočne porozumeli?

189Vy hovoríte: "No, vyzerá že bude hrmieť po celom ..." Brat, On príde v minúte, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. Budeš to počuť posledný krát.

190No, je to jasné? Keď táto prvá pečať bola otvorená ... Tie pečate, ktoré boli vo vnútri tej knihy, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré zneli - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Rímskokatolícka cirkev, Protestanti ... A keď všetky ich malé boje a všetko nechalo tieto nedotiahnuté konce v Slove Božom, ten siedmy anjel prichádza a dáva ich všetky dokopy a vyjasňuje ich, vidíte? A keď on končí, sedem hromov vydáva svoje hlasy! A Ján začal písať. On povedal: Nepíš toho, ale to zapečať." A tá prvá pečať bola otvorená (z tých pečatí vo vnútri tej knihy), ona bola otvorená hromom.

191Ak je toto podľa Písma, to môže byť jedine ... Ak ktorékoľvek miesto Písma je niečím, ono má byť z Biblii ... To je práve tak, ako mi nemôžete povedať, že je niečo také ako očistec a tomu podobné veci. Nie je také miesto Písma v Biblii, ktoré by to podoprelo. Nemôžete mi povedať o týchto veciach, ako je kniha Makabejcov, čo môže byť v poriadku; a tá štvrtá kniha Daniela, kde nejaký anjel ho chytil za vlasy a postavil ho tam dole. Nikdy sa niečo také v Biblii nestalo. Kde Ježiš z Nazaretu urobil z kúska hliny vtáka, dal na neho nohy, a povedal: "Leť si malý vtáčik," to je nezmysel. V Biblii nie je nič, čo by to podoprelo.

192Tak to nežartuje ... Prekladatelia, Boh dohliadal, aby tí prekladatelia nedodali tie dogmy a nezmysly. To mohli byť dobrí ľudia, tí bratia Makabejci. Oni boli takí. Ja nehovorím, že neboli dobrí ľudia. Ale to nebolo Biblické. Toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Nič nemôže byť do Toho dodané, alebo odňaté z Toho." A ak by sme toto Tam položili, to nehrá s tým ostatným Písmom. Je šesťdesiat šesť kníh Biblii, a ani jedno Slovo neprotirečí druhému.

193A potom, ak je toto pokračovanie trúbenia týchto posledných trúb, alebo týchto posledných siedmych hromov, ktoré prichádzajú - tých tajomstiev, tých posledných pečatí, to sa musí zhodovať sa s tým ostatným Písmom. A ak tam tie prvé pečate boli otvorené s výbuchom hromu, tie druhé, ktoré sú na zadnej strane, budú tiež.

Pozorujte, čo sa deje. Ak toto bolo Biblické videnie, potom ono musí byť vyložené Písmom, alebo byť pokračovaním toho istého Písma.

194Všimnite si, Zjavenie 10: 3 a 4. Sedem hromov ... sedem hromov! A potom si všimnite ... 3 a 4. A potom čo? Prísaha toho mocného Anjela, že čas sa skončil. Keď tieto Hromy, vidíte, vydali svoje hlasy, potom ten Anjel ...

195Rozmýšľajte len o tom! Anjel odiaty v oblaku, a dúha zmluvy nad jeho hlavou (No, viete kto to je.), položil jednu nohu na zem a na more, a zodvihol svoju ruku a prisahal, že keď týchto sedem hromov vydalo svoje hlasy, že času viacej nebude. A ak tá služba tých tajomstiev Božích je skončená ... Čo ak to je tých sedem tajomstiev, ktoré prichádzajú? A pokorný malý zbor ako náš, do ktorého prišiel Všemohúci a pohliadol na nízky stav Svojho ľudu.

Vy hovoríte: "No, ja si to tak nemyslím." Nemusí to byť, ale čo ak to je to? Potom čas dobehol do konca. Pomysleli ste o tom? Berte to vážne. Môže byť neskoršie ako si myslíme.

196Tie hviezdy zapadajúce do svojej konštelácii tam vtedy; ten anjel prišiel a povedal: "Ako Ján bol poslaný, aby zakončil Starý Zákon, a predstavil Krista, tvoje posolstvo zakončí tie nedotiahnuté konce, a predstaví Mesiáša, tesne pred Jeho príchodom" - posolstvo tých posledných dní. Všimnite si, ten mocný anjel prisahal prísahou, že času viacej nebude. No, nechcem vás držať príliš dlho. Zamyslite sa teraz na chvíľu nad tým.

197Počúvajte teraz. Tento anjel prichádza dole z neba. Vidíte, tí druhí siedmi anjeli tých siedmich cirkví, boli zemskí poslovia. Ale tento anjel ... Celé to posolstvo je skončené; ten siedmy anjel to všetko zakončuje. A tento anjel prichádza, nie na zem. On nie je človek zo zeme, ako tí poslovia do cirkevných vekov. To je skončené. Ale tento anjel prináša ďalšie oznámenie (a anjel znamená posol), a On prichádza dole z neba odiaty v stĺpe svetla, oblaku, s dúhou nad svojou hlavou. A dúha znamená zmluva. To je Kristus, s jednou nohou na zemi a s jednou na mori, a prisahá, že času viacej nebude.

Kde sa nachádzame, vážení? Čo to všetko znamená? Ja sa pýtam vás.

198Tí ostatní anjeli boli poslovia, ľudia zo zeme. Ale tento anjel ... Tam stojí: "anjelovi zboru Laodicejského"; "anjelovi zboru Efezského" - poslovia zo zeme, vidíte, ľudia, poslovia, proroci, a tak ďalej, pre cirkev. Ale tento nepochádzal zo zeme. On prišiel dole z neba, pretože všetko to tajomstvo sa skončilo. A keď je to tajomstvo skončené, ten anjel povedal: "Času viacej nebude," a sedem hromov vydalo svoje hlasy.

199Čo ak je to niečo, čo nám dá vedieť, ako vojsť do viery vytrhnutia! Je to to? Budeme bežať, preskakovať múry? Má sa niečo stať, a tieto staré, skazené, biedne telá budú zmenené? Môžem sa toho dožiť, aby som to uvidel, ó Pane? Je to tak blízko, že to budem vidieť? Je toto tá generácia? Vážení, moji bratia, čo je to za čas? Kde sa nachádzame?"

200Pozrime sa na hodiny, na kalendár, aby sme videli v akom dátume žijeme. Izrael je v Palestíne, vo svojej domovine. Zástava, šesťcípa hviezda Dávidova, pred dvatisíc rokmi (jé, skoro pred 2500 rokmi), tá najstaršia zástava veje. Izrael je naspäť vo svojej domovine. "Keď figový strom vypustí svoje púčky, tá generácia nezomrie - nepominie - až kým sa všetko nevyplní."

Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí;

Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov zrátané, hrôzami obťažené;

"Vráťte sa, ó rozprášení, do svojho vlastníctva."

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia omdlievajú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom, majte ozdobené a čisté svoje lampy.

Pozrite hore! Vaše vykúpenie je blízko.

Falošní proroci klamú, Božiu pravdu zapierajú;

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh; (Vy viete že je to pravda!)

Ale my budeme kráčať tam kde apoštolovia.

Lebo deň vykúpenia je blízko;

Ľudské srdcia omdlievajú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom, majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté.

Pozrite hore! Vaše vykúpenie je blízko.

Možno je to bližšie, než ako si myslíte. To ma prestrašilo! Ó, neurobil som toho dosť! Kde sa nachádzame?

201Času viacej nebude. On oznamuje, že čas sa skončil. Čo sa deje? Čo sa deje? Mohlo by to teraz tak byť, bratia? Vážne premýšľajte! Ak to je, potom tá pyramída je zavŕšená siedmimi hromami.

202Pamätáte sa na to posolstvo o pyramíde? To je štítový kameň. Čo on vykonal? Duch Svätý zavŕšil toho jednotlivca a zapečatil ju, keď sme pridali do našej viery spravodlivosť, a pobožnosť, a vieru, a tak ďalej; a stále sme do nej pridávali, až sme dostali sedem vecí. A tou siedmou bola láska, ktorou je Boh. Takto on pracuje na jednotlivcovi. On ho završuje a pečatí ho Svätým Duchom.

203Potom, ak je to tak, On má sedem cirkevných vekov, v ktorých mal sedem tajomstiev, ktoré boli odložené preč, a oni za ne bojovali, aby ich priniesli naspäť. A teraz prichádza ten štítový kameň, aby zavŕšil cirkev. Znamenajú tie hromy to, moji bratia? Vážení, nachádzame sa tam?

204Junie, chcem zobrať tvoj sen. Pozrite. Junior, ešte predtým, ako bolo kázané o pyramíde, mesiace pred tým, videl ten sen. Vy poviete: "Čo s tým má spoločného nejaký sen?"

205Nabuchodonozorovi sa sníval sen, ktorý Daniel vyložil, hovoril o začiatku pohanského veku, a kedy sa skončí. A stalo sa to presne tak. Ani kúsok z neho nesklamal.

206Všimnite si, to písmo, ktoré bolo na tých skalách, ja som im ho vykladal. Oni sa radovali. To je tajomstvo Božie, ktoré roky nebolo porozumené. Mohlo by to byť to? A potom si všimnite. Nejakým tajomným spôsobom, zobrali sme, zo vzduchu, ostrý nástroj, ktorý otvoril ten vrcholec. A v tom bol biely granit, ale to nebolo vysvetlené. Neboli tam žiadne písmená. Ja som to nevyložil, Junior. Ja som sa len na to pozrel, a povedal som bratom: "Dívajte sa na toto." A to sa vyplnilo dnes!

207Kým to oni skúmali, ja som odišiel smerom na západ. Kvôli čomu? Možno aby porozumieť výklad toho, čo bolo napísané na vrcholku tohoto. Mohlo by to byť?

A to dunenie v to ráno, ktoré mnou zatriaslo, že až som sa pozdvihol do vzduchu, tak vysoko ako táto budova; a tá konštelácia anjelov, sedem anjelov, vo forme pyramídy. Sú to tie hromy, ktoré prichádzajú? Mohlo by to byť? Toto je všetko vyložené. Podľa jeho snu, to bolo všetko skončené. Podľa Božieho Slova, ten siedmy posol končí ... to siedme posolstvo bude skončené. A potom tých sedem hromov.

208A on videl ten štítový kameň odvalený, pri čom veľa ľudí ani nevie, že je sedem pečatí, ktoré majú byť zjavené. Čítal som knihy mnohých mužov o Zjavení, nikdy som nepočul, že by o tom hovorili. Oni to preskočili. Ale bolo vám to povedané, že to tam je. Ja neviem, čo to je. Mohlo by to byť to? Bože buď nám milostivý. Ak je to to, nachádzame sa vo vážnej hodine.

209No, ešte chvíľku. Pozrite. Ak je to tak, a to tajomstvo je skončené, ktoré bolo napísané na týchto skalách, som rád, že sedím v zbore so zbožnými ľuďmi, ktorým Boh môže dať sen. Som rád, že môžem predstaviť týmto mužom a ženám, ktorí chodia do Juniorovho zboru, a do tohoto zboru, do brata Nevilleho a iných, že sú ľudia, ktorí tu sedia v tomto zhromaždení ... A Biblia povedala: "Oni budú snívať sny v tých posledných dňoch." A je to tu, a hľaďte na to. Pasuje to so Slovom.

210Nevediac nič o tom, rozľahol sa výbuch a tu prišlo z večnosti sedem anjelov. Povedal som: Pane, čo mi dáš vykonať". Nebolo mi povedané. Možno musím najprv odísť a zistiť. Neviem. Možno to ani nebude to, neviem. Ja len hovorím: "Čo ak to je?" Ak je to podľa Písma, znie to veľmi blízko ako to. Nemyslíte si to?

211Pozrite, potom ... pozrite, ten štítový kameň nebol vyložený, vidíte. "Choď na západ, a príď naspäť." Alebo je to toto? Ak týchto sedem anjelov v tejto zostave, v ktorej prišli ku mne ... Keď vás stretnem v deň vzkriesenia, budete vidieť že neklamem, Boh je môj svedok.

Alebo je toto ten druhý vrcholný bod, o ktorom som hovoril jedného dňa? Bude dané cirkvi niečo najavo? Neviem. Mohol by som pri tom chvíľu zostať, ale posuniem sa ďalej.

212Mohlo by to byť to? Ten mocný hrom, alebo ten siedmy anjel v tej sedmovej zostave, zostava siedmeho časového úseku; vo forme pyramídy, traja po stranách, a jeden na vrchu, a oni prišli z večnosti. Mohlo by to byť? Je toto to tajomstvo tých hromov, ktoré prinesie naspäť ten štítový kameň?

Viete, tá pyramída nebola zavŕšená. Ten štítový kameň musí ešte prísť. On bol odmietnutý. Mohlo by to byť, bratia, sestry?

Alebo je toto to tretie potiahnutie, o ktorom mi On povedal pred tromi, alebo štyrmi rokmi?

Prvé potiahnutie - pamätáte sa čo sa stalo? Snažil som sa to vysvetliť. On povedal: Nerob to."

Druhé potiahnutie - On povedal: "Nesnaž sa ... " a ja som jednako potiahol. Pamätáte si to? Všetci si pamätáte. Je to na páske, a všade.

Potom On povedal: "No prichádza tretie potiahnutie, ale nesnaž sa to vysvetliť."

Vidíte ako som pristúpil dnes večer ku tomu? Neviem. Ale cítim sa zaviazaný ku svojmu zboru povedať niečo. Urobte si svoj vlastný úsudok.

213No, bude toto to tajomstvo, ktoré otvorí ... ktoré privedie Krista, privedie moc do cirkvi? Vidíte, my sme už ... My veríme v pokánie, krst vo meno Ježiša Krista. Veríme v prijímanie Ducha Svätého. Máme znamenia, divy, zázraky, hovorenie v jazykoch, a veci, ktoré mala ranná cirkev.

214A úprimne povedané, tu sa stalo viac než ako je napísané v knihe Skutkov, v tejto malej skupine ľudí, v tejto malej nepatrnej službe nás tu. A čo po celom svete? Viac ako je napísané v knihe Skutkov, to isté. Vzkriesenie z mŕtvych. Pamätajte, tam skrze Ježiša Krista boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych len traja; a my máme záznam, doktorský záznam, piatich. "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, viac ako tie budete robiť." Viem, že Biblia Kráľa Jakuba hovorí "väčšie", ale vy nemôžete robiť nič väčšie - viac toho. On bol vtedy v jednej osobe; On je teraz v celej cirkvi, vidíte. "Viac než tie bude robiť, pretože Ja idem ku svojmu Otcovi."

Ak je toto to tretie potiahnutie, potom pred nami leží veľká služba. Neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Neviem.

215Hľaďte. Tretie potiahnutie. Zastavme sa pri tom na chvíľu. V tom videní, ten prvý let boli malí poslovia, vtáčky. To bolo keď sme prv začali. To rástlo, od toho kde sme brali ľudí len za ruku ... A pamätáte sa, čo mi On povedal? "Ak budeš úprimný, stane sa, že budeš poznať najtajnejšie veci ich sŕdc." Koľkí si pamätajú, že to bolo oznámenie z tadeto a po celom národe? A stalo sa to? Presne. Potom On povedal: "Neboj sa, Ja budem s tebou, a to pôjde ďalej."

216No to prvé potiahnutie boli malé vtáčky - oni odleteli. Oni odišli, aby stretnúť ten čas, stretnúť príchod Pána, to prvé posolstvo. Za druhé - tajomstvá sŕdc. Od bratia ľudí za ruku, a len stáť tam a hovoriť to čo mali, za ďalšie to zjavovalo ich hriechy a hovorilo im, čo robiť, a robilo ... Je to tak? Potom sa to vyplnilo dokonale, presne, ako Boh povedal. A vy ste svedkovia, a tak isto svet, tak isto cirkev.

217Keď som povedal: "Videl som anjela, a bol ako smaragdový horiaci oheň," ľudia sa smiali a povedali: "Billy, druhý krát sa spamätaj." Magické vedecké oko fotoaparátu ho zachytilo. Nebolo to klamstvo. Hovoril som pravdu. Boh to potvrdil.

218Povedal som: Temný tieň. Je to smrť, čierne; a toto je biele. Jedno je život; to druhé je smrť." Je to tam na fotografii. Ako povedal George J. Lacy: "Objektív tohoto fotoaparátu nezachycuje psychológiu." Sledujete ma?

219Všimnite si, ten prvý malý let - ruka. To druhé bolo väčšie, belšie, holubice - Duch Svätý zjavujúci tajomstvá srdca. A tretí let boli anjeli! Nie vtáci, anjeli. A to je čas konca. To je všetko.

Bude toto ten čas, bratia? Je toto ten čas?

No, počúvajte skutočne pozorne, a nevykladajte to zle. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.

220Vráťme sa na chvíľu. Cirkev vie, že je to pravda. Vedecký svet vie, že je to pravda. A ľudia, ktorí tu sedia dnes večer, mnohí stále žijú, ktorí stáli pri tej rieke, keď ten hlas povedal, a riekol: "Ako bol poslaný Ján s posolstvom prvého príchodu, tak toto je druhé posolstvo, druhého príchodu." Pamätáte sa?

A ak je to skončené, čo urobil Ján? Ján bol ten, ktorý povedal: "Ajhľa, tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta. To je On."

221Je toto hodina ...? Prišlo to už, moji bratia? Ja nehovorím, že to prišlo. Ja neviem, ale ja sa vás pýtam. Chcem, aby ste rozmýšľali. Alebo bude toto čas, keď znovu bude to: "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží"; alebo čas Malachiáša 4, aby obrátiť srdcia detí naspäť do viery otcov. Či to bude také zahrmenie, ktoré vykoná také mocné veci, že to až postaví na miesto cirkev, ktorá klesala a nemohla porozumieť tajomstvá Božie, a tak ďalej ...? Keď oni uvidia to veľké hrmenie nesúce sa ďalej, obráti to ich srdcia naspäť k otcom, ako to hovorí Biblia? Alebo toto bolo to posolstvo, ktoré už prešlo, ktoré to malo urobiť? Neviem. Toto je znak času konca, pánovia. Alebo jej toto znak, že to skončilo? Pre mňa to vyzerá veľmi Biblicky. Neviem.

222Tam boli tí anjeli. Bol tam výbuch ako hrom, ktorý zatriasol celou zemou. Boh vie, že hovorím pravdu. Pamätajte len, niečo sa má stať. Ja neviem čo to je, ale mohlo by to byť toto? Dôvod, prečo toto hovorím: pripravte sa.

223Modlime sa. Modliť sa ako? Zaujmime svoje pozície v tej armáde Jeho veriacich a pripravme sa, pretože môže byť neskoršie, než ako si myslíme. Poznáte ma, a ja som vám ešte nikdy nepovedal klamstvo, pokiaľ viem. Ako im povedal Samuel: "Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nebolo stalo?" No, ja vám teraz hovorím, ja neviem, čo toto znamená. Nemôžem povedať, čo to je. Neviem. Ale poviem vám pravdu - som prestrašený. Ako váš brat, som prestrašený od minulej soboty.

224Môže to byť čas konca. Môže to byť čas, keď sa na oblohe roztiahne tá dúha, a z neba bude oznámené: "Času viacej nebude." Ak je to to, pripravme sa, priatelia, stretnúť svojho Boha.

Je tam teraz uložené mnoho potravy. Užívajme ju. A ja z tohoto pódia, kričím ku Bohu: "Pane Ježišu, buď mi milostivý."

225Snažil som sa žiť najlepšie, ako som vedel. Snažil som sa priniesť tie posolstvá najlepšie, ako som mohol zo Slova Božieho. Boh pozná moje srdce. Ale keď táto zostava anjelov narazila na túto zem, bol som ochrnutý. Za dlhý čas som nemohol ani precitnúť. Dokonca som padol ako ... ešte dlhý čas po tom som sa snažil chodiť po izbe, dokonca od mojej miechy, a hore a dole po krku, som bol úplne ochrnutý - ako bez citu. Nemal som cit v rukách. Celý deň som bol omráčený. Len som odišiel do izby a sadol som si.

V nedeľu som sem prišiel kázať, a snažil som sa hovorením otriasť z toho. V pondelok to bolo znovu. A je to tu teraz. Neviem. Neviem, pánovia. Som ku vám len čestný, ako ku svojim bratom. Neviem.

226Je čas? Je to tajomstvo celé skončené? Pominulo všetko to znenie? Je to skutočne tých sedem hromov, ktoré sú hotové vydať niečo, že tá malá skupina, ktorá sa spolu zhromaždila prijme vieru do vytrhnutia, aby ísť do vytrhnutia, keď On príde? Pretože my budeme premenení tak rýchlo, ako rýchlo prišli tí anjeli - v momente, v okamihu, a budeme zachytení spolu s tými, ktorí spia, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí.

227Mojou modlitbou je: Bože, ak toto bude tak ... Ja neviem, Pane. Ja som len hovoril cirkvi. Ak je to tak, Pane, priprav naše srdcia. Priprav nás Pane, na tú veľkú hodinu, na ktorú vyčkávala celá história času, všetci proroci a mudrci.

228Pane, neviem čo povedať. Bál by som sa povedať: "Nepríď, Pane." Cítim sa zahanbený, keď sa dívam a vidím svet v takom stave, neurobil som viac, než ako čo som urobil. Hanbím sa za seba. Ak bude nejaké zajtra, Pane, pomaž moje srdce. Pomaž ma viacej, Otče, aby som mohol robiť všetko čo môžem, aby iných priviesť ku Tebe. Ja som Tvoj.

229Cítim sa ako Izaiáš v chráme, v ten deň, keď tam videl lietať tých anjelov, zakrývajúcimi si krídlami tvár a nohy, a lietali: "Svätý, svätý, svätý." Och, ako bol otrasený ten mladý prorok! Hneď trochu zostarol. A keď to on videl, hoci on videl videnia, on zvolal: "Beda mi."

230Otče, možno som sa cítil tak nejako, keď som videl v ten večer týchto anjelov - či vlastne v to ráno. "Beda mi, pretože som človek nečistých rtov, a bývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi."

231Otče, očisti ma. A tu som. Pošli ma, Pane. Čokoľvek to je, stojím tu za kazateľňou, kde som stál tridsať rokov, ak je to niečo, Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil, tu som. Som pripravený, Pane. Pokorne sa modlím, nech nájdem milosť v tvojich očiach.

232Modlím sa za to malé stádo, nad ktorým ma Duch Svätý urobil dozorcom, aby som ich kŕmil. Urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, Pane, aby som ich kŕmil na chlebe života. Ako v tom videní, pred mnohými rokmi, v ktorom tá veľká záclona ležala na západe a hora chleba života. Tá malá kniha: "Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu," a tu sa to všetko vyplnilo, zjavené rovno pred našimi očami.

Ty si Boh, a nie je iného okrem Teba. Prijmi nás, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy. Činím pokánie zo všetkej svojej nevery, za všetku svoju neprávosť. Prosím na oltári Božom.

233Ako som prišiel dnes večer s touto maličkou cirkvou predo mnou, vierou sa pohybujeme z tejto budovy do vytrhnutia, pri tom ako sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach okolo trónu Božieho. Naše srdcia horeli mnoho krát, v tých veciach, ktoré sme Ťa videli činiť a odhaľovať nám Tvoje tajomstvá. Ale, Pane, dnes večer som úplne vyčerpaný. Beda mi. Ako Jakob, keď videl tých anjelov zostupujúcich po rebríku a vystupujúcich, on povedal: "Toto je strašné miesto, nič inšie ako dom Boží." Tam bol založený Betel.

234Bože, ľudia nerozumejú, že ...Oni si myslia, že to bolo tak mnoho radosti. Ale Pane, čo za trápenie, čo za strašné veci, pre ľudskú bytosť prísť do prítomnosti nejakej veľkej mocnej nebeskej bytosti.

235Modlím sa za odpustenie pre môj malý zbor tu, ku ktorému si ma poslal, aby som ich viedol a strážil. Žehnaj ich, Pane. Robil som podľa toho, ako hovorili tie videnia a sny a všetko, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. Uložil som pre nich všetku tú potravu, o ktorej som vedel, Pane.

Čokoľvek to je, Pane, sme Tvoji. Porúčame sa do Tvojich rúk, Pane. Buď nám milostivý, odpusť nám, a daj, aby sme boli Tvojimi svedkami tak dlho, ako budeme na zemi. Potom, keď skončí život, prijmi nás do Tvojho kráľovstva. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Každý z vás, očistite svoje srdcia. Dajte nabok všetko, každú záťaž. Dajte to preč zo svojej cesty. Nech vás nič netrápi. Nebuďte prestrašení. Nieto sa čoho báť. Ak Ježiš prichádza, to je naj ... To je moment po ktorom celý svet túžobne vzdychá a kričí. Ak je to niečo, čo sa teraz prelamuje, na nový príchod - bude to nádherné. Ak prichádza čas, že to zjavenie tých siedmich hromov bude zjavené cirkvi, ako ísť, ja neviem. Ja som len vylíčil to, čo som videl.

Oh, ó, čo za čas! To je vážne, velebné premýšľanie. A ak to bude pre mňa čas, aby som išiel, som Tvoj, Pane. Keď si Ty hotový, poď, Pane Ježišu. Kdekoľvek to môže byť, alebo v ktoromkoľvek čase to môže byť, ja som Jeho. Nehovorím, že túžim odísť; nie. Mám rodinu na výchovu; mám evanjelium, aby som ho kázal. Ale to je podľa Jeho vôli, nie podľa mojej. To je Jeho vôľa. Ja neviem. Ja vám len hovorím, čo je. Čo to je, Boh to vyplní. Ale, povedal som vám čo som videl a čo sa stalo. Čo to znamená, neviem. Ale, vážení, mohol by toto byť koniec?

236Tí ľudia sú tu teraz prítomní - šesť ľudí, ktorí mali tie sny. Nie je to divné, že ich nebolo sedem? Nie je to veľmi divné, že šesť bolo v jednej línii, a potom hneď to videnie. Tí ľudia sú tu. Brat Jackson, tu bol jeden; brat Parnell bol ďalší; sestra Collinsová bola ďalšia; sestra Štefánia bola ďalšia; brat Roberson bol ďalší; brat Beeler bol ďalší. A nebeský Otec vie, že nikto ďalší nenáležal do toho. Na konci toho siedmeho (ktorý bol od sestry Štefánii), hneď za tým prišlo videnie.

237Rozumiete? Rozumiete prečo odchádzam? Vidíte prečo musím ísť? Musím to urobiť. Priatelia, nehľaďte na mňa. Ja som váš brat. Nevenujte pozornosť mne, pretože ja som len smrteľník. Ja musím zomrieť, ako každý druhý. Nepočúvajte na mňa, ale počúvajte na to, čo som povedal. Čo som povedal je posolstvo. Nevenujte žiadnu pozornosť tomu poslovi; pozorujte na posolstvo. Držte svoje oči nie na tom poslovi, ale na tom posolstve - čo ono hovorí. To je to, na čo treba hľadieť. A Bože pomôž nám, to je moja modlitba. No, nechcel som prísť a povedať vám toto, ale nemohol som nič pred vami zadržať.

238No, pokiaľ viem (dovoľte mi povedať), pokiaľ viem, odídem za dva, alebo tri dni, v stredu ráno, do Tucsonu. Nepôjdem do Tucsonu kázať. Nejdem tam, aby som kázal. Pôjdem do Tucsonu zapísať deti do školy, a potom sa stanem tulákom.

239Pôjdem hore do Phonixu budem tam mať malú sériu zhromaždení, čo budú pravdepodobne len prosté posolstvá. A možno ... Myslím, že chcú, aby som kázal jeden večer na konferencii. Nič o tom nepovedali. Povedali len, že tam budem. Vidíte, neznie to pre mňa veľmi dobre. Mám tiež slovo, "Tak hovorí Pán," pre brata Shakariana. Neviem čo on s tým urobí, ale mám slovo, ktoré mu mám povedať. Neviem čo on urobí. To záleží od neho.

240Všimli ste si posledný "Hlas"? To nemala byť organizácia, ale oni vyhlásili svoje vyznanie. Keď organizácia, potom ja odchádzam. Ja som pomimo niečoho takého.

241No, pravdepodobne brat Arganbright a brat Role, Washingtonský diplomat za siedmich prezidentov, musia byť v Afrike. Brat Role a ja a brat Arganbright pôjdeme do Afriky rovno na nejaké zhromaždenia - dole do Južnej Afriky a do Tanganiky s bratom Boze, a ďalej cez, a pravdepodobne cez Austráliu, a tou cestou naspäť, ak Pán neurobí niečo iné. Ale prv ako tam pôjdem, prídem sem.

242Potom, keď prídem z tade naspäť, ak mi Pán neukáže nejakú inú cestu, vezmem rodinu a presunieme sa hore do Anchorage, na Aljašku. Toto je juhozápad; to bude severozápad. Potom, nech tam oni zostanú cez leto, keď tam dole v Tucsone je tak horúco, že to ide z vás spáliť kožu. Nemyslím, že by to mohli vydržať. Budú tak túžiť po domove a budú skľúčení. Nepredávame toto miesto. Ono stojí rovno tam s nábytkom v dome. Neviem čo robiť.

243Potom, po lete, ak Pán dá, chcem opustiť Aljašku, a prísť dole možno do Denver - na stredný západ. Juhozápad, severozápad, stredný západ, a budem kričať: "Ó Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"

244Zatiaľ, každé posolstvo, pokiaľ nejaké budem vedieť, že mám kázať, bude kázané rovno tu, v tejto modlitebni. Tu budú tie pásky. Tu je hlavný stan. A ja nemám zámer zostávať so svojou rodinou na západe. Budem hľadať kým nenájdem, čo Boh odo mňa chce.

245Ak sa to neuloží v tomto roku, potom v tom budúcom, bez vody a stravy, odídem von do púšte, a budem čakať, až kým ma On nezavolá. Nemôžem ísť takto ďalej. Musíte sa dostať do zúfalstva. Musíte sa dostať na miesto, kde chcete vedieť, aká je vôľa Božia. A ako môžete vyplniť tú vôľu, ak ju nepoznáte? Túlam sa kvôli tomu videniu - tam dávno, čo ste urobili, chodiac ako misionár a evanjelista, až kým nepríde to zavolanie.

246Pamätáte si to prvé videnie, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň? On povedal: "Konaj prácu evanjelistu." Nepovedal, ty si evanjelista, ale vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu; možno až do času kým nepríde niečo iné, ďalšia zmena práce. Môže to byť niečo iné. Neviem.

Milujete Ho? Buďte si toho skutočne istí. Buďte si toho skutočne istí. Tí, ktorí milujú Pána ...

Tí ktorí očakávajú na Pána, obnovujú svoju silu.

Vznášajú sa krídlach ako orly;

Budú bežať a neunavia sa ...kráčať a neustanú.

Ó, uč ma, Pane, uč ma, Pane čakať.

Milujem Ho. Viem, že vy tiež.

No, zajtra večer ... Myslím, že som to predstavil dosť jasno. Či nie? Urobil som to tak jasným, ako som len vedel. To je všetko, čo viem. To je všetko, čo viem povedať. A ak mi niečo bude zjavené, rýchlo vám to poviem. Viem, že máte záujem to vedieť. Ja mám záujem to vedieť. Neviem čo to znamenalo. Neviem kde idem. Neviem čo sa stane. Ja len ... Jediné čo viem, len idem, z milosti Božej. Potom On mi povie, keď tam prídem, možno. Ale mojím údelom teraz je ísť.

Možno tam nebudem dva týždne, kým budem niekde inde, a možno budem znovu tu. To je v poriadku. Neviem, ale som ... V tom videní bola moja žena a moje deti, a práve to, čo bolo ... Bol som v prikrytom voze. A v tej minúte, keď som tam vstúpil, bolo ... Bol som vo svojom aute kombi.

A tak za niekoľko dní odídeme - neviem kde ideme, neviem čo budeme robiť, keď tam prídeme. Proste ideme.

247Boh je pre nás zvláštny, pretože Jeho cesty sú ponad naše chápanie. On chce poslušnosť.

"Kde ideš?"

"To nie je tvoja starosť. Len choď."

"Čo chceš, aby som robil, Pane?"

"Nestaraj sa. Nasleduj ma. Len kráčaj."

"Kde sa zastavím?"

"Čo ťa do toho? Len kráčaj." Tak idem, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

Milujem Ho (On je môj život.)

Milujem Ho (všetko, kvôli čomu žijem.)

Pretože On prv miloval mňa;

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

Vážení, je toto ten čas? [Brat Branham si hmká pieseň "Milujem Ho." – pozn.prekl.]

Zatiaľ, čo to budem znovu spievať, potraste si ruky s tým kto stojí vedľa vás. Povedzte: "Brat, sestra, modli sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za teba." [Brat Branham sa obracia okolo. – pozn.prekl.] Modli sa za mňa, brat Neville. [Brat Neville hovorí: "Budem sa modliť, brat. Ty sa modli za mňa, brat. Ďakujem." – pozn.prekl.] Skutočne úprimne! Nech ťa Boh žehná brat ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... [Brat Branham hmká.] A vykúpil ...

Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa. Modli sa za mňa ... Modli sa za mňa.

... na Golgote. (Pozdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.)

... Milujem ... (Opravdu milujem!)

Pretože On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote

Áno, milujem Ho ... (Z celého svojho srdca.) Ty pokračuj, brat Neville. Ja idem dozadu. Oznám kedy bude zhromaždenie. [Brat Neville ďalej spieva so zhromaždením, Milujem Ho, a rozpúšťa zhromaždenie. – pozn.prekl.]

IS THIS THE SIGN OF THE END, SIR?, 62-1230E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 187 min

1 Thank you, very much, Brother Neville.

Good evening, my precious friends. So glad to be back again, tonight, in the service of the Lord, our God.

2[Brother Neville says to Brother Branham, "This is the live one, here."--Ed.] This one's a... This is it. Oh, yes. That's fine.

3I held you so long, this morning, till I feel like I ought to be real quick tonight. My, how it was terrible, and standing up, and it's as bad tonight. So, won't be long till we'll have some room for you, see, as soon as the church gets completed. No, but we're not planning on staying too long tonight.

4But, tomorrow night, we're aiming to stay a little while. Tomorrow night, if some of you can come in, tomorrow night, why, we expect to have a great time in the Lord. There'll be some fine men here tomorrow night. We'll, all of us having a time...

5[Brother Branham's brother, Edgar Branham, says, "Oh, honey, wait! I've had a request to ask you. I forgot to tell you. But, a lot of people here said that you're always in a rush, getting out of service. But tomorrow you can have all the time that you wanted, from seven to twelve, if you will just take it. Now, that's what the audience here asked me to ask you. So now you explain it to them, if you don't think so."--Ed.]

6We're going to serve communion at midnight, tomorrow night. I'm sure you'll--you'll like to have... be in with that. When the rest of them is whooping and hollering, and shooting, and drinking, and so forth, we'll just bow reverently before God [] and take the communion, and start the year out with our pledge, hearts to God, in dedication to Him.

7And there will be some fine speakers here tomorrow night, sure enough. There is some fine... Brother from Georgia is up here, Brother Palmer, a wonderful speaker. Brother Junior Jackson will be here tomorrow night; Brother Beeler, Brother Neville. Oh, my, my! And just on and on, fine men of God who will be here, Brother Wilbur Collins, and all them brethren that's been giving us such great messages. And maybe others will be dropping in, so we'll expect a great time tomorrow night.

8 Now, my wife said, "Don't you say this," but I'm got to say it anyhow. I'm sorry I said empire, this morning, instead of a umpire. [Brother Branham and congregation laugh--Ed.]

Billy, sitting back there, said, "There he goes."

9I said, "The empire; he has to have an empire." I meant, an umpire.

10I'm like they said about the Dutchman, you know. "And don't take me for what I say, but what I mean."

11I said, "I think they understand me, after all these years." You know, this is about...

12This is thirty years I been behind this pulpit here. Thirty years in this tabernacle! You ought to be knowing me by this time, shouldn't you? Oh, my! My education is sure limited. But I--I know I can't talk, but I make a truthful noise to the Lord.

13 And, brother, I believe it was Dr. Lamsa, of the Lamsa Bible, that was in the translation, said...

14One time I was speaking, and I didn't know he was there. And he come back and was talking about the Urim Thummim, and then he was speaking of that Light. And he said, "What's the matter with these people today?" And I said... He said, "The reason that people, the translators, could not translate the Bible correctly, that the translators tried to translate in the high Yiddish. And Jesus, speaking, spoke in the common class, just like the street people spoke."

15And, you know, there's a Scripture over in Luke, said, "The common people heard Him gladly." He spoke in their language. I hope that's so, again.

16 We are happy for the Lord. Now, I know, I see them ladies standing around. It's bad enough to see men standing, let alone them girls and boys, and ladies, and so forth, standing around the walls, and little children. But, we just haven't got the adequate seating room. So, we pray that, that next time we have the meetings, after this week, after this time...

17You know, the next thing up, as far as we know, is those Seven Seals. And, the Lord willing, we start on them just immediately as soon as the church is over, built, so we can get in here. We're coming in for a re-dedication. And maybe anywhere from one to two, and maybe three weeks, straight, meeting now, a coming up for the--the Seven Seals. So, we're expecting a great time in the Lord, during that time. And we'll... All of you out-of-town people, we'll mail you the cards and everything, and let you know just exactly the time, maybe a week, or two, ahead of time.

18The contractor, as I understood Billy to say tonight, would be done the tenth day of February. Well, if he is done the tenth, we'll start about the fifteenth, then. So, just as soon as they're finished, we'll start right in on that.

19 Old Sister Kidd called me, a while ago, and she was almost in tears. She said, "Brother Branham, we tried so hard to start that old car, and it wouldn't start. So," she said, "you pray it'll start, and I'll come tomorrow." And she said, "Wonder if I could find a place to stay?"

20I said, "Don't worry, we'll have you a room, Sister Kidd, soon as you get..."

21You said, "Bless your heart." Said, "You know, if you're going to have services till twelve o'clock," said, "I don't want to get out on the twelve o'clock."

22You know, she and Brother Kidd is about eighty-five years old, apiece, and they're still in the ministry. You know what they do? Got a tape recorder, and they take my Messages and go from hospital to hospital, from house to house, playing the tapes. Now, if that isn't, not giving up! That's not retiring. That's holding the Faith, to the end, dying with a Sword in the hand. That's the way to go. That's the way I want to do. Uh-huh.

23 And then, and she said, "You know, if I'd get out, along the highway, at twelve o'clock," she said, "and after twelve o'clock in the night, trying to get home, and all them drunken devils," she said, "driving," said, "running in every way, drinking." She said, "Them demons a running around," she said, "I'd be scared to death."

24Brother Pat, she sure is a little old thing. How many knows Sister Kidd? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] She sits here, that, just a sainted-looking little thing.

25And, when, just think, years before I was born (and I'm an old man), she was up there in them mountains, she and Brother Kidd. She would wash, all day long, on the washboard, to get fifteen or twenty cents for a washing, to send him out somewhere, that night, to preach. In them coal mines up there in Kentucky, where you... somebody had to guard you with a rifle, to get up the hill, to where you went to preach. Oh, my! Then, I think:

Must I be carried home to Heaven, on a flowery bed of ease,

While others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?

I must fight if I must reign; increase my courage, Lord!

26That's, and I want His support, by His Word. That's what I want tonight. Now, I suppose the recorders are going now.

27 [A brother says, "Don't forget the baby dedication."--Ed.] Oh, yes. I got... I'm sorry.

28A little sister had a baby here, this morning, she wanted dedicated. And I told her we would sure do it tonight, and now. And, tomorrow night, we'll have dedication of babies, healing services, everything that we possible can go through with. We have plenty of time. So, if the little sister is here, and has her little one.

29And I suppose to have some people come from way away, and was here this morning for a private interview, and for something. And they was supposed to meet in there this morning, and Billy had to let them wait till tonight. And he could not find them nowhere, see, tonight. If you're here, sister, I been back there quite a little time, waiting, and seeing if he could find the lady. It was two of them, I think, that was on private interview from way out of the country. So, we--we trust, if I miss you, I'll be able to get you soon as I possibly can, maybe tomorrow night, while coming in.

30 Now, I believe, is this the lady, coming, with the little baby with the--the blue jumper?

31"Jumper"? Meda, I--I--I didn't mean that, honey, ever what it is. It looks like a little dress of some... Jumper, how many knows what a--a jumper is? Why, sure. An old overall jacket, to me. So--so...

32Why, it's Dallas' little baby. My, that's fine. Brother, would you walk up here. Excuse me. [Brother Branham leaves the microphone and goes to one side of the pulpit--Ed.]

33Well, well, I kind of like that little ribbon there, that you put. What's its name? [The father says, "Rebekah Lynn."--Ed.] Rebekah Lynn, L-y-n-n. And what--what is your last name now? Stayton. Rebekah Lynn Stayton. Is that right? May I have her? ["Certainly."] I know that's kind of hard, to give up one like that. That sweet? Rebekah Lynn Stayton.

34This family has come through much. This little, young lady here, and her husband, just recently has both been saved and brought into the knowledge of the Lord. And now, in their union, God has given this beautiful, little Rebekah, and they are bringing it to the Lord.

35 Now, many people, they call infinite... infant baptism, in the Methodist church and many of the others, and they sprinkle them with water when they're babies. Now, that's all right, so far as I am concerned. But we always try to stay just what the Bible says do. And in the Bible, there (no) never was such a thing as baptizing an infant; nowhere down in history, till the early Catholic church, as far as we know of, which was far as the Nicaea Council.

36[The baby cries out, "Ba!"--Ed.] So that's just the way of saying, "Amen." That, see, you have... See, you have to have the interpretation.

37So, but, in the Bible, they brought little children to Jesus, that He might bless them. And he put His hands upon them and blessed them. And, that, we still continue that.

Now let us bow our head.

38 Our Heavenly Father, this young woman and young man come tonight with this lovely little Rebekah that has been given to them, in their charge, to raise in the admonition of God. And they bring it tonight for presentation to the Lord. And when the mother gave from her arms to mine, then I give from my arms to You, this little Rebekah. God, be with her and bless her. Bless her father and mother. May they all live loyal, long lives, and, if it be possible, see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May this child grow in the knowledge of the Lord. And may, if there is a tomorrow, may she be a great witness to You. Grant it, Lord. Now, if You were here on earth, these women and men would bring their children to You. But we, the ministers of the Gospel, are Your representatives. So, we give You this baby, for a life of service in Your Kingdom, in the Name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

39Bless you, little Rebekah! What a sweet little thing! May God bless you both, and the baby, give you long, happy lives, in service of God.

40 I don't know whether I'm quite strong enough, or not. This is all boy. What's his name? [The mother says, "Stanley Victor Cleveland."--Ed.] Stanley... ["Stanley."] Stanley Victor... ["Cleveland."] Clayland? Clay-... ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. Little Stanley, what a nice little name, and what a nice little boy! Well, I guess, about... Get up there, Stan. That a fine boy? Oh, you know. We don't practice this. We just do this, you know, and there's nothing formal about it. That's right. He's sure a sweet little fellow. I forgot the last name. I don't think I'm pronouncing it right. ["Cleveland."] Cleveland. All right.

Let us bow our heads now.

41 Heavenly Father, this couple brings this baby, little Stanley Cleveland, to be dedicated to the Lord Jesus. And as the pastor here, of the church, and I, stand together in unity in the works of the Lord, we give to You this child for a life of service. You've give him to the mother and father; and now they give him to me, to my arms; and I place him from my arms to Yours. God, bless his father and mother. Bless the little boy, and may they all live long, happy lives of service for You. May the child be raised in the admonition of God, to serve Him, and fear Him, and love Him, all the days of his life. Now, they brought children to You, that You might bless them; and we, with our hands upon the child, bless him in the Name of the Lord. And may he live a long, happy life of health and strength, in Your service. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you, little Stanley. You got a fine boy there.

42 Now I'm going to ask just a little favor, for of the little folks and of the teen-age. And I know it's hard. You can't stand still very long, because your limbs cramp. But I'm approaching something tonight that I never did before. And there is something that I'm going to speak on, that I have never thought of speaking on such a thing.

43That's the reason, this morning, I did not want to place that time before the Message, and I never got through talking about my Absolute, and I don't think I ever will. I hope I never do. He is so wonderful!

44But, tonight, I'm going to speak on something that I do not know. And now, that's quite a thing, for a minister to say that he's going to speak on something that he doesn't know about. But I am adventuring out, to the best of my knowledge, too, that this church might understand. And I would not, by no means, hold anything back from you, that's profitable.

45 And then, this tape, I suppose the boys are making the tape. And if you happen to get the tape, whoever is listening to the tape, remember, if something is puzzling, to you, don't say it 'less it's on the tape. Don't say something contrary to what's on the tape.

46So many write in, on The Serpent's Seed, and say that I said such-and-such. I go get the tape, play it over. I did not say it that way. See, people misjudge things.

47You know, Jesus, one time after His resurrection, was walking down the shore, with the apostles, and John was leaning on His bosom. And they said, "What will happen to this man?"

Jesus said, "What is it to thee if he tarries till I come?"

48"And there went out a saying, that, 'John was going to live to see Jesus come.'"

49And the Scripture says, "Howbeit, He never said it that way." You see, He--He never said that. He just said, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?" He never said he would tarry. But, see, misunderstanding, it's so easy.

50 And, now, it's--it's not that I am condemning someone for doing it. Because, I do it, myself. And all people does it; if the apostles, who walked with our Lord, misunderstood Him. And they never did clearly understand Him.

51Right at last, they said, "Lo, now we understand. Now we believe. And we are sure that no man has to tell You anything, for Thou knowest all things."

52And Jesus said, "Do you now believe?" See? "After all that time, do you fi-... Did it finally get to you, see, that you believe?"

53And that's just human. And we're all human, so we're going to misunderstand.

54But if it's kind of a little puzzling to you, play the tape back. Listen close then. I'm sure the Holy Spirit will reveal to you.

55 Then, the little fellows, if you'll just hold your "amens," the children. Just wait just a little while, because I--I want this to be surely gotten, 'cause many will not have the tape. So, I want you to be sure to get it. And let's approach it, for, I'll say thirty-five minutes, or forty, just as reverently as we know how to do it.

56Because, this is a tremendous time for me. It's where something has happened, that I don't know what to do. See? And I'm standing in the most terrific strait I ever stood in, in the days of my ministry, as I know of.

So, let's bow our heads now, before we approach the Word.

57 Heavenly Father, then, some time ago, I preached upon the subject of Presuming. And presuming is "to adventure without authority." And maybe, tonight, Lord, I have took upon myself to interpret something to the people, without having a vision of it. Therefore, Lord, check me, where the points is to be checked; close my mouth, Lord. You did close the lions' mouth, in the den with Daniel, that it did not hurt him. Lord, I pray, that, if I should try to interpret something wrong, You still have power to close a mouth. But if it is the Truth, then, Lord, bless It, and send It forth. And You know the conditions and what's right at hand. And that's why I come, even to this very last moment, at the pulpit, to try to interpret these things. I pray Thee to help us.

58 Bless this little church. This group that comes here under the roof, that sojourns with us here in the city, coming out of many states. Oh, when the evening shadows are falling, we're so glad to have a place to come. When the world is so confused and do not know where they're standing, we are glad, that, "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower, and the righteous run into It and are safe." Just not so many Words, but a revelation!

59So, we pray, Father, as the evening Lights would come, at the setting of the sun. And we believe that that's the time that we're living, in the setting of the sun. And we most solemnly thank Thee, Lord, from all of our hearts, for the things that You have done for us. And, Lord, down through the age, I thank You for letting the visions that You have given, every one of them just perfectly, and every interpretation of dream has been exactly that way. So, we know it could only be You, Lord; for we are mortals, all born in sin, and there is not a sound thing in us. But, to think that You could take such a thing, as a human being, and wash them by the water of the Word and by the Blood of Christ; and stretch forth that hand in such a way, till the person doesn't use their own thinking, but letting the Mind of Christ, Who knows all things, let It come in and speak and use a tabernacle. Thank You, Father.

60 Now we bless Thy Holy Name. And we bless this little group, tonight, in Thy Name. We bless the pastor, Brother Neville, God's gallant servant. We bless the deacons, the trustees, and every member of the Body of Christ, both here and around the world, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

61Oh, as we see this dark, dingy, horrible shadow falling across the face of Christianity, we know the time is drawing near. There will be a Rapture, and the Church will be taken up. Lord, let us march on, looking to the Author and Finisher, Christ. Grant it, Lord. And as we move forward now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to undertake these things that's been put upon our hearts, we pray that You will be with us and help us. And get glory out of it, Lord, for we commit ourselves to You, with Your Word, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

62 Now, if you got a pencil and paper, I would like for you to write some things down, as... or anything that you wish to. Just have it ready. And then, on the tape, also, if you wish to jot the Scriptures down, at any time, because I believe it's the Scripture that counts.

63Now we want to read a text tonight, or read a Scripture reading, out of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And I believe that this is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as written in the Book. And any other revelation that would be contrary to this Revelation, would be wrong. I believe that would bear quote... quoting--quoting again. Any revelation that will not fit in with this Revelation, and bring this Revelation to light, is the wrong revelation. It must be Scriptural.

64 Now, in the 10th chapter of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, I wish to read the first few verses, the first seven verses, 1 to 7. And listen close now, and pray for me.

And I saw another mighty--another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

And he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

And the angel which I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hands to heaven,

And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heavens, and the thing that in them are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which... therein, that there should be time no longer:

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

65And my text, if I should call it that, tonight, is this: Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?

66 We all know that we are living in a--a glorious time for the Church, but a horrible time for the unbeliever. And we're living in one of the most dangerous times of all, all that ever was, since the world began. No prophet, no apostle, never, in no time, ever lived in such a time as we live now. This is the end.

67It's written in the skies. It's written over the face of the earth. It's written in every newspaper. This is the end, if you can read the handwriting. The prophets lived in the time when the handwriting was on the wall for a nation, but we're living when the handwriting is on the wall for time. All nations, earth, everything, time is at the end. So, we must search the Scriptures, to find the hour that we are living.

68 Always, a true prophet of God will go to the Scriptures. Therefore he is absolute that it's going to be that way. In the Old Testament, when prophets said anything, there always, somewhere, was a prophet with the Word, who stayed with the Word. He watched God for visions. And if his vision was contrary to the Word, then his vision was wrong. That's God's way of getting His Word to His people.

69Can you hear me, way back, all right? [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just hardly know where to start.

70Now, it has been a great privilege to me, to know that this tabernacle was my first church. It's a glorious thing. And I shall never forget, though I... Jesus tarry and I would live to be hundreds of years old. I remember the day I laid the cornerstone, there at the corner; and the vision He gave me that morning, of this tabernacle. And all of you remember. It's wrote in the books. And it's absolutely been fulfilled, to the letter, not one bit of it missed.

71 And, now, I do not believe that there's anything that He has spoken, all these years of my life, that I have spoke to the people, but what come to pass. And many people has come with dreams, that He's let me, by His grace, interpret for the people. And many has come with dreams and with problems that I was unable to interpret.

72But I haven't tried to introduce to you people a gimmick that has all the answers. I've tried to be honest and to tell you what was Truth, and I could only tell you as He told me. And then as it come to me, then I could tell you.

73And I want to warn you. In this day that we're living in, there's many... Not--not saying anything against people. But when you see a person that's got the answer to everything, that's contrary to the Word.

74 Jesus said, "There was many lepers in the days of Elijah, but only one was healed." In the many years, the eighty or more, that Elijah lived, and one leper was healed. Many widows in the days of Elisha, but he was only sent to one. And we find out that there's many things that God does, and that He doesn't reveal to His servants. And no servant is greater than his Lord.

75And, then, God will not share His glory with nobody. He is God. And when a servant becomes a place that he tries to take the place of God, then God takes his life and moves him away somewhere, or something. We must remember that.

76 Now, in those visions and interpretations, I cannot tell the interpretation of a dream until I see exactly, by vision, what the dream was. And many of you know that you've told me your dream, and would not even tell it all. And when I saw the dream come back to me, I turned around and told you that there's much of it you left out, then tell you what you left out of it. You know that's right. If that's right, say, "Amen." Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The things that you didn't tell me. Therefore, you see, if the... Like Nebuchadnezzar said, "If you can't tell me what I dreamed, then how would I know you got the interpretation of it?"

77But all these impressions, we mustn't take them and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." We mustn't do that. We must have a direct voice, an answer from God, before we can say it's God. Not an impression, not a sensation, no matter how much it's pulsating.

You might say, "I believe it could be this way."

78But when you speak, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," it's not you. Watch on the platform. Have you ever seen it fail? THUS SAITH THE LORD is perfect, never has failed. And as long as it is THUS SAITH THE LORD, it can't fail.

79 But, so far, He's protected me, 'cause I've waited on Him. I haven't tried to seek popularity, or vain glory of men. I've tried my best to live humble, and live the kind of a life that I think a Christian should live. And I haven't been able to do that within myself, but He has done it until this day. As I say, that He is the One that's led me.

80Many things could be said this way, but it'd take too long. But all of you are aware of these things. And the only reason I had you to say "amen," a while ago, you people that's told me dreams, then I'd come tell you what you left out, because this Message being taped. Men of all nations will hear this. And when they hear that "amen," then they know there is voices there, that set under this ministry, that knows better than to doing anything wrong, or to say "amen" to something that's wrong. Amen is "so be it." It's sanction it.

81 Now, all my life, since I've been a little boy, there's been something that's bothered me. And I've had a very odd life, hard to understand. Even my wife scratches her head and said it. "Bill, I don't believe there's anybody can understand you."

82And I said, "I don't understand myself." Because, I submit, commit myself to Christ, many years ago. He does the leading. I don't try to understand it. I just go where He leads, the best of my knowledge.

83I'm thankful for a wonderful wife and children, and for my wife and children who has confidence that I would not tell them anything wrong. That, they believe. Every time you tell them anything, they hold right with it. They know that I wouldn't tell them anything wrong.

84And would I tell one of God's children anything wrong, then? Not willfully. No, sir. God wants His children in the right kind of training. And be honest with them, and truthful with them, and He will bless it, I believe.

85 Now, all along, down through the journey, there's been things that's happened, that I couldn't understand. And one of the things that I could not understand, was when I was a little boy and them visions would come upon me. And I would see them and tell my parents the things that was going to happen. They thought I was just nervous. But, the strange thing, it happened just the way It said so.

You say, "Was that before your conversion?" Yes.

86"Gifts and callings are without repentance," the Bible said. You are born in this world for some purpose. And you don't... Your repentance don't bring gifts; they are predestinated to you.

87Now, along the road, and when I was a little boy, my longing was... I was dissatisfied in the country I lived in. I long, somehow, to go West.

88 And I was operated on, when I was shot, when I was a little boy. And when I come, from under the first anesthetic, I thought I was in torment, going down. The ether had me out. And I had been gone out for eight hours, I think. They was worrying about getting me around to myself again. They had a great operation, with no penicillin. Blood; both legs almost shot off, with a shotgun. A little boy friend let his gun go off.

89And then about seven months later, I took another anesthetic. And when I come from under that anesthetic, I thought I was standing out on the western prairies. And a great golden cross in the sky, and the glory of God shining down off of it. Me standing there like this.

90 When the Light, which you see on the picture tonight, that's been proven to be a supernatural Being, by scientific research; to me, It was the same light that struck down Saint Paul. It was the same Light that led the children of Israel, by night. Did you notice here, this Angel? "He was clothed in a Cloud." See, He was "a Cloud by day." Now, that same Light.

91As to people not understanding, first thought that it was wrong, that I was just saying that. But the Holy Spirit happened to hide the scientific instruments, and the people there, for a vindication, and took the picture of It, several times.

92 I said, "I see a person shadowed to death," black shadow over them. A few weeks ago when I was in a city. And when we're preaching, you're--you're not supposed to take pictures, you know, while there preaching. And when... Same thing was when that was took; but someone had a camera. And I said to a lady sitting out there, a stranger... I was in--in Southern Pines. I said, "There is a shadow over this Miss So-and-so." A lady that I never seen in my life. "You just come from the doctor; and two cancers, one on each breast, and you're given up. You are shadowed with a black hood, to death."

93And Something said to a sister sitting by, who had a flash camera, said, "Take the picture." And she didn't want to do it. Yet, "Take the picture," and she still refrained. And then again it come, and she grabbed the picture... and shot the picture. And there it is, scientifically. It's on the bulletin board; black-hooded shadow.

94Then, when the woman believed and prayer was made, a picture shot right straight back behind it, clear. I said, "The shadow has gone." See? The lady lives, by the grace of God.

95 Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you'll tell the truth, you may be laughed at for a while, you may be misunderstood for a while. But, God will vindicate that, that it is the truth, if you'll just stay with it. See? Just hold on. Might take years, but, like in Abraham and others, but He'll always make it the truth.

96When that Angel there... And I suppose, besides my wife, there's people here tonight, from thirty years ago, that was standing close when That come down. Is there anybody in the audience now that was there when the Angel of the Lord, that come down on the river the first time, before people? Raise up your hands. Yes, there they are. See? Now, I see Mrs. Wilson raise up her hand. She was standing there. My wife, there, she was there. And I don't know who some of the rest of them is, that was standing on the bank here, before many, many people, when I was baptizing at two o'clock in the afternoon.

97And right out of a brassy sky, where there hadn't been rain for weeks, here He come with a roar, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth, to forerun the first coming of Christ, you're sent forth with a Message, to forerun the second Coming of Christ."

98 Many men, from businessmen, the city, were standing on the bank, asked me what It meant. I said, "That wasn't for me. It's for you. I believe." Uh-huh. On It went. And when that Angel left, if you'll remember, He went westward as He went up; right out, up, over the top of the bridge, and went westward.

99Later on, I met an astronomer, which is a Magi. And they told me of a constellation of stars that had come together in a certain constellation.

100 When, the wise men in Babylon saw down towards Palestine, this three stars in a constellation. You've heard me tell it, many times. Do you know that's proven, these last couple weeks, to be the truth? Brother Sothmann, you have that paper with you tonight, ever where you are? It's in the paper, a sheet of a Sunday paper, December the ninth. That, a reporter went over there, and they dug up all these things. And we are actually living now, proven, that we're... This year coming up is 1970. Seven years out of date, by dug up rocks, and prove that it's wrong. It's later than you think. I didn't see Brother Fred, somehow. Brother Sothmann, are you here? Do you have the paper with you, Brother Sothmann? You have. He has the paper. Maybe tomorrow night I'll have you read it. We haven't got time, tonight. So, you can see.

101 And, watch, exactly. Those Magi's, Jewish Magi's up in Babylon, studying the stars, saw those stars fall into their constellation. And when he did, they knew that Messiah was on earth. And here they come, into Jerusalem, singing. Two years journey! "Where is He that's born King of the Jews?" Up-and-down the streets they went. And, why, Is-...

Israel laughed at them, "These bunch of fanatics!" They never knowed nothing about it, but the Messiah was on earth. And now you know the rest of the story, what they said.

Now, we'll read that, tomorrow night.

102 Now, coming to this, that the visions don't fail, because they're from God. And all along the journey, there's been something pulling me, tugging at me.

103Then, when that Magi told me these things, when I was just a boy, game warden; or before that, I believe it was, about these things. And it scared me, because I was afraid of what the Magi was. But later on I found out that the Magi's of the Bible was right, because God declares it in heaven before He declares it on earth, watching those heavenly bodies.

104"God is no respect of person, of all nations," said Peter. Now, but those who fear Him, in all nations, God accepts. []

105 And we find, then, I tried to give the thought up. But, oh, it'd take hours, to go in, how that constantly it moved that way, moved that way. But I was scared of it.

106This Magi said to me, "You'll never be successful in the East." Said, "You were born under a sign." And said, "You... That sign, that constellation, when they crossed, way out in there, the day of your birth, they were hanging westward. And you must go westward."

I said, "Forget it."

107I--I had nothing to do with it. And all along, though, still, that didn't take it out of my heart.

108 Then, when I was up there that night, about these visions. I couldn't understand them. My Baptist brethren told me that was of the Devil. And then when that Angel appeared, He absolutely throwed it into the Scripture, and said, "As it was then!"

109When the priests were arguing about things, not knowing nothing about what kind of coats they should wear, and clothes and everything, and arguing about their differences; the Magi's was following the star to Christ.

110When the preachers said that Jesus was an impostor, a Beelzebub; a devil raised up and said, "We know who You are, the Holy One of God. Why You coming to torment us before the time?"

111 When Paul and Silas came down, preaching the Gospel. A little fortuneteller sitting on the street... And the preachers of that country said, "These men are impostors. They tear up our churches, and so forth, turning the world upside down, with their corruption."

112But what happened? That little Magi, that little fortuneteller, said, "These are men of God, that tell us the way of life." And Paul rebuked that spirit in her. He didn't need any help to testify who he was.

113Jesus always told them to hold their peace. But it goes to show that, sometimes, devils knows more about the things of God than preachers does; they become so ecclesiastical bound. That was so, in the Bible, and God doesn't change.

114 One day, coming down, five years ago, from Brother Norman's, I was driving down the road. And I just had a meeting up there, and the Lord God appeared to me in a vision. And I was setting in front of my gate, up here at my house. And it seemed to be bad weather.

115Many of you people will remember the vision. It's wrote in my book of visions. I put them down so I'd be sure that I don't forget them.

116And in this vision I saw, there was something that had come through the lane, and there was stones laying all over my yard. And there was graders and scrapers, up-and-down the lane, and trees had been cut down and rooted up. And I started to turn into the gate, and it was all blocked off with stones. And I got out, to say to the man, "Why this?"

And he got very hostile, shoved me backwards, and said, "That's the way with you preachers!"

117I said, "I only asked you, 'Why do you do this?' You're--you're coming over on my side of the street, here. Why did you do this?" And he just almost slapped me, and shoved me back.

118 And I thought, "I'm just going to tell him that he doesn't know what he's talking about."

119And a Voice spoke, said, "Don't do that. You are a minister."

And I said, "Very well."

120And I turned around, and, to my right, sitting in front of the gate, was an old prairie schooner. You know what, a covered wagon, with horses hitched to it. And setting opposite the driver's side was my wife. I looked back in the back, and my children was sitting back there. I climbed up on the wagon. I said to my wife, "Honey, I've stood all I can stand." And I picked up the lines and pulled the lead horse, and started heading westward.

121And a Voice said to me, "When this comes to pass, then go westward."

122 Brother Woods, the contractor here in our church, and trustee. How many remembers the vision now, remember me telling you? Sure. It's wrote down on paper. And I said to Brother Woods... He bought, from the church, this lot in between there. And he was going to build a stone house there. I said, "Don't do it, Brother Woods, 'cause they would never give you your money out of it. Perhaps, maybe..." That's years ago, five years ago. I said, "They're going, maybe, bring that bridge through here, and them stones are probably my basement bursted up, and my walks and things, laying out here." Instead of being stones, it was hunks of concrete. "And then they're going to put that down here, 'cause they said in the paper that's what they were trying to do." Well, he did not build it. Finally they decided, about a year later, or two, they was going to bring it through, down this way. So that settled it, so I just forgot it, and let it go.

123 Now, the strange thing happened about a year ago. I was having services one night down at Brother Junior Jackson's. Sitting right here, a Methodist minister that's received the Holy Ghost, and been baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ, and is pastoring one of our sister churches.

124Just to show you how God deals with this people, I say this with all my heart. I don't know of any congregation in the entire world, a congregation together any more, where I believe the Spirit of God is, than in this congregation. They got their differences. They're sure not up to where they should be, none of us, but they're as close as anybody else that I know of.

I'll show you, knowing what was going to happen.

125 Brother Jackson dreamed a dream. He couldn't get away from it; and I was leaving his church, and he just couldn't stand it.

126How long ago has it been, Brother Jackson? [Brother Jackson says, "I had the dream in February of '61, Brother Branham."--Ed.] February of '61, he had the dream.

127And he come to me, and he said, "Something is on my heart. I must tell you, Brother Branham."

I said, "Go on, Brother Jackson."

128And he said, "I dreamed a dream." And there it was! I just sat still, and I listened and watched. He said, "I dreamed that there was a great big hill, like out in a field, where blue grass or something was." And said, "Up on top of this hill, where the water had washed away the soil, there was a top rock, up on top the hill, like the top of the mountain. It was rock; no grass. And where the water had washed down, it had cut some kind of readings on these stones. And you were standing there, interpreting this reading on these stones." And said, "All of us," and here is the way he put it, said, "the brethren from Georgia, and from all around, we were all standing together, listening to you interpret that mysterious writing on those stone, that mountain."

129 And said, "Then you picked up something, like from the air, something like a wrecking bar, or--or a crowbar." Wasn't it, brother? "Something like that, a wrecking bar, real sharp." And said, "It, how you done it, I don't know." And said, "You struck the top of that mountain, ripped it around, and lifted the cap of it off. It was in the shape of a pyramid. And you ripped the top of it off." Now, that was months and months and months before the pyramid Message was preached. And said, "Beneath that was white stone, granite. And you said, 'The sun, or the light, has never shined on This before. Look in on This. Watch This.'"

130And that's right, because, in the formation of the world, the world was formed before there was light. We all know that. God moved upon the water. And--and then, in the beginning, He spoke for light. And, naturally, down under there, in the age that formation was, that light had never come upon that stone.

131 And he said, "'Look upon This. Light has never come upon It before.'" And when all of them got up, and I told them to watch That, and all of them come up to look in.

132But he said, while they were looking in, he looked out of the corner of his eye, I believe it was, and watched me. I slipped off to one side, and started going towards the West, towards the setting of the sun; coming up a hill, going down a hill; coming up a hill, going down a hill; getting smaller and smaller, and went all the way out of sight.

133And he said, then, when I did that, he said, "Then the brethren turned around, after a while, said, 'Did he vanish? Where did he go?'" And said, "Some took out that way; some took one way, and some another." But, a very few stayed and looked on to what I had told them.

134Now notice the interpretation of the dream. Which, I never told him one thing, or none of these did I tell, any of them. But, I said, "Yes." And my heart, shaking. I was watching. Now, the mysterious writing... Wait, I'll just leave it for a little bit.

135 Not long ago, Brother Beeler... Brother Beeler is usually with us. Are you here, Brother Beeler? Yes, back here. Billy said, "Brother Beeler is all tore up. He had a strange dream."

136I went to Brother Beeler, and he said, down at his house one night, when I was going on some calls. And he said, "Brother Branham, I had a strange dream." Said, "I dreamed that I was going down a stream of water, towards the west. And there was a road on the left side. And I was on the left side, going westward on the road, seeming like, hunting for cattle. And on the right side, I happened to notice after I got down there, there you were. And you were rounding up a big bunch of cattle, and there was plenty of feed over there." And said, "Then you got those cattle and started them back up the river." And, seemingly, that I must have nodded to him to watch those cattle. And he said, "Now, it'll be easy for those cattle, I know they'll go the way of least resistance. But Brother Branham wants them to stay on the right side of that river, so I'll go back up this road and keep them from coming across the river on this side, and keep them on that side." But, he noticed, I never followed the cattle, but went on, westward. He said, "He must be hunting strays."

137 No more than he spoke the dream, I saw it. And then, notice, he said he got a little leery about me, so he went back to look. And said I was coming to a solid mountain, and all at once I vanished. And he wondered what was wrong. He went down. And then he had a little stream on his side, that forked off to the left. I think that's right, Brother Beeler. Yeah. And he noticed from... And over on my side was a terrific falls. And then he thought I could have got in those falls and--and perished. Then he noticed, and he said he looked around, he seen the effects of those falls, had went down this way and was causing an artesian well to spurt up, but the water wasn't going back in the ground. He looked across the little branch, or little stream, and he seen some little animals with round ears. And said, "I believe I'll take one." And he crossed.

138 Then he got to thinking about me. And he got up on a little knoll, to look over and see if there was a little, bitty, narrow ledge, you know, that I could have walked around. But, said, "There wasn't nothing." And he got worried. He said, "What happened to our brother? Wonder what happened to Brother Branham?" And when he got scared, he said he heard me speak. And I was standing up on top of a mountain. And told Brother Beeler an interpretation of a dream that I had give him not long ago, and told him to wait on the Lord, that someday I'd meet him on an island. And there he was.

139Now, the interpretation of that dream is this. Insomuch that the stream was large, it was the stream of life. I was going westward on it, and so was he; because, he was on a road, he was running small... down this road. And on the other side was lots of grass, but lots of thickets, and briers, and jungle; but in there was much grass. And that's the way we hunt for the Lord, and the Food of the Lord, through difficult. Rounding up the cattle; was this church; keeping them on that side. Cattle will actually go on the smooth road, the denomination, if they can; which, the road represented denomination. I started him back up the road, to see that they did not go to any denomination.

140Insomuch that he saw a wall that was totally impossible to pass, that kept me from going west, was that tax case with the government. Nobody can understand how I ever got out of it. It was a wall that blocked me off, but the Lord taken me through it, and I was over it. I'll meet you, Brother Beeler, on the island.

141 So now, then, immediately after that, Brother Roy Roberson. Brother Roy, are you here tonight? Yes, I--I believe... What? [A brother says, "Over at the side."--Ed.] Over at the side. He called me, and he had a dream. And he dreamed that we were rounding cattle. (Now, that is the third one.) Rounding up cattle. And there was grass, belly-deep, plenty of food. All of us brethren were together. And we come to a place for dinner, and Brother Fred Sothmann raised up and said, "Elijah, the great prophet, will speak from here today, at noon." And then when we all had dinner, everybody went away, and he wondered why they didn't wait to hear It being spoke.

142Now, see how that exactly curbs with Brother Jackson! See, that exactly hits, exactly, what Brother Beeler said! No one waited, to find out.

143 Notice, immediately after that. Sister Collins, are you here? Sister Collins dreamed a dream of being here at the church, and there was a wedding fixing to take place. And when she did, she saw the Bridegroom come in, perfect; but the Bride wasn't very perfect, yet it was the Bride; now, that's the Church. And there was like a communion, or a--a service going on here, like a dinner being set. And it kind of got next to her because that Brother Neville was serving a dinner in the church, but she said it was the best Food that she had ever seen. She was so hungry. But she thought maybe that, in the dream, that he shouldn't serve It, and she and Brother Willard was going to go up to the Ranch House and eat. And when they did, the Light on the right-hand side went out. Now, you know what That is.

144Now, the Food. The Bride isn't perfect, but the Bridegroom is perfect. The Bride is not perfect yet, but the Food that was being given was not literal food, it's the spiritual Food that you've been having, all along.

Let me stop here on that fourth dream, just a moment.

145 Do you not remember, Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Banks Woods, when we was out in Arizona last year, when we were out hunting javalina hogs, and the Lord spoke? Don't you know the things He done perfectly, showing what would come to pass, as we went along the road? If that's right, you two brethren say, "Amen." [The two brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Never misses.

146And I saw in a vision while we were driving, one day, a--a vision of the Lord came to me, and I was getting ready to, at that time, when I come back home, to go overseas. And when I went overseas, well, I saw on the ship... or side of a sea, where the ships went out. And there was a little, short man there, and he said, "I have prepared a boat for you, Brother Branham." And it was a little bitty canoe, about--about a foot long, but it was snow white. And he said to me, "This is for you to cross in."

"Oh," I said, "it--it--it isn't sufficient."

147He said, "It will go forty miles an hour, up-and-down this way." That's, up-and-down the bank.

148"But," I said, "it won't take me across." And then he looked down, and said, "Go like they go." And I looked, and there was Brother Fred Sothmann and Brother Banks Woods, sitting in a canoe painted green, with some camping rigging in the back of it. Brother Banks with a turned-up hat like this; Brother Fred with his pinched on the bill. And he said, "Go like them."

I said, "No. I won't."

149And this man said to them. The little man said, "Are you boatmen?"

Brother Banks said, "Yes." Brother Fred said, "Yes."

150But I said, "They're not. I am a boatman, and I know I wouldn't go just for that, and I'm sure I wouldn't go that way."

Said, "Won't you go with them?"

I said, "No. No."

151Well, I turned. And, when I did, the little man at the dock turned out to be my good brother, Brother Arganbright.

152 And I went back in this vision, and there was a little, long building. And then a Voice said to me. (And all of you remember this, or many of you.) A Voice said to me, "Bring in Food. Store It in. That's the only way to keep them here, is give them Food." And I brought in, had brought in, great big barrels full of the prettiest carrots and the prettiest vegetables, and things, I ever seen. Do you remember now, the vision? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

153Now, and I told you later what the interpretation was. I was supposed to go to Zurich, Switzerland, with Brother Arganbright, for five-nights meeting. I told the brethren before it happened, "I will not go." And I was down with Brother Welch Evans down there, when It give the interpretation.

154 One night, I believe Brother Welch came and got me, we was going on a fishing trip, and said Brother Arganbright was calling me. I said, "All right, here it is. They're going to put me off." And many times...

155Not through Brother Miner; he is one of the finest friends. But sometimes, if they can just... If they think you're going to preach something that's against their doctrine, they just say you're going to be there, to get your friends there. And they said...

156Brother Arganbright called me up and said, "Brother Branham," just what the Spirit said. Said, "You come on, bring your wife with you," said, "because you won't have to preach very much," said, "because I think they only got you for one night." And said, "You might not have to preach that one."

And I said, "No."

157"Well," said, "come on, you and your wife, you all come on, see, and if you do, I'll take you on a tour. Oh, my wife, your wife, and all of them, we'll go up through Switzerland, over through Palestine."

I said, "No."

158I had the interpretation. I told Brother Welch, or Brother Fred and them, "I'll tell you in the morning, but first my wife has to say something." And when I called her, then she refused to go. I said, "Here it is." See?

159 Now, that little, white boat was that one meeting. It's all right to go anywhere here, on the bank, with one meeting, but it's not enough, though it was white and good, to call me across seas.

160Brother Fred, and brother there, represented in the vision, they represented, "Go as a tourist, for fun." But I did not care to do that. And refusing them to be boatmen, it meant they wasn't preachers. But, I was a preacher.

161And then the Food in that little, long building. I did not go overseas; and returned to this little building, and we made dozens of tapes, of the pyramids and everything, to show the people the hour that we're living in.

162Now compare even that with the others, the dreams. This was a vision. The Food, here It is. This is the place.

163 Notice then what took place. Then immediately after that fourth vision come on, or fourth dream was told me, up come a Brother Parnell. He's here, somewhere, right here. And Billy wasn't here, and the man was frantic. He is from Bloomington, I believe, or Bedford? [A brother says, "Lafayette."--Ed.] Lafayette, holding meetings. And he had a dream, and he come down to Brother Woods. And he said, "I just can't let this go. I've got to tell it, got to tell Brother Branham. It's bothering me."

164And God knows, not one dream in between them. Just come, one, two, three, four, five, six.

165 Brother Parnell said, "I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I was going to have a meeting up there. And somehow another, there's a meeting here in a new church, like." And said, "This new church," how it come out, that he wondered why they wasn't cooperating between the two, or something on that way. And said he was standing here, till, "Well, I been in here. I'll just wait, and I'll stand the service." Said, "A man come through the building, with a brown suit on, and a book. I think he was writing." And he told Brother Parnell, said, "'This is a closed meeting. It's only for deacons and trustees.'" Well, he kind of felt a little stepped on. So he went out the door of the new church, the church that had been erected, or this one repaired, fixed over. And when he went outside, it was snowing, bad weather, wintertime.

And none of these people knowed nothing about this.

166 And when he went out the door, I was standing there, looking westward. I said, "Don't feel stepped on, Brother Parnell. I'll direct you, what you should do."

167And Brother Parnell, and any of the rest of them, knowed I never told them no interpretation. It's right now; yet, seeing it when they would speak it. Did you notice how quick I got out of there, Brother Parnell? To keep from having to tell you. And went on up, never said nothing to Brother Woods or nobody else, nobody. Just left it, 'cause I wanted to see what it was leading to. Have you heard me say lately, "I'm bothered"? That's what it was.

168And then, Brother Parnell, he said that I said to him, "Brother Parnell, start. And the first place you'll come to will be Zipporah." Zipporah, "Zipporah," which means hyphen, or stop, or something. I said, "Don't stay there. Then go, next, and you'll find an old woman; and then don't stop there. Go again, you'll find a real old woman; don't stop there." And all the time we were, I was talking, we were walking through the snow. And I said, "Go till you find my Wife. And when you find my Wife, stop there!" And said he looked, and we was out of the snow, on the desert. And I had vanished. And he looked back, and he saw his wife pumping water from a well, and some minister pulling on her, to pull her away from the pump. She was watching him. And he woke up.

169 Here is the interpretation of your dream. And I could have told you, that night, but I just turned away. Insomuch that Zipporah, and one old woman, and another real, real old woman, that's churches. See? And Zipporah being actually the--the wife of Moses, Zipporah, and we notice that I told him not to stop at them, no matter how old they was. They were organizations. Don't stop at them. They've lived their time. But when he comes to my Wife, which is my Church that Jesus Christ has sent me, this in this last day, and here It is, "Stop there!" And I was gone westward.

170 Then Sister Steffy. She may not be here, because she's been in the hospital. I don't know where... Is Sister Steffy... Yes, here she is. Sister Steffy comes to my house for prayer, before she went to the hospital for surgery, that God would help her and bless her. And He certainly did.

And she said, "I had a strange dream, Brother Branham."

I said, "Yes?"

171And she said, "I dreamed that I was out West. And I..." That's the sixth one. And she said, "I dreamed I was out West, and has rolling country. And when I looked, standing upon a hill, there was a real old man with long, white beards, and what hair he had was growed down across his face. And he had a white wrap-around, something, garment," said, "the wind was blowing it." I think that's right, Sister Steffy, like that. And said, "I kept drawing closer. He was standing, up on top of a mountain, watching eastward." And said, "I wondered, 'Who is this old man?'" And she moved closer, closer. And when she got closer, she recognized who it was. It was the immortal Elijah, the prophet, standing up there watching the East.

172 She said, "I must see him." She had a need. And she ran up the hill and fell down there, to speak to him, in the name of Elijah. And said, when she spoke... She heard a voice, said, "What do you want, Sister Steffy?" And it was me.

173Your dream was fulfilled right there, Sister Steffy. For, immediately after that, I had went to Louisville. What she was needing was the prayer. See? And she got through all right, at the hospital; and the sign of me going westward, watching eastward, for my flock. Notice. When...

174I went to Louisville. And when I come back, I kind of started in the gate, and there was stobs drove there, over my gate. Mr. Goynes, of the city street here, was going up the lane. He said, "Billy, come here." Said, "You have to move your gates and things, fence, stone fence and gates."

I said, "Well, okay, Bill." I said, "I'll--I'll do it. When?"

175He said, "I'll tell you. I'll let you know when." I said... "Right the first of the year, they're going to start doing it."

I said, "All right."

176 So I started to go back in the house, and wife said, "I've got to go to the grocery right quick." And I went down the lane. And a boy, Raymond King, which is the city engineer. I always called him "Mud Ear." Cause, we was little kids, swimming together, he hit a guy in the ear with a lump of mud. And we always called him, "Mud Ear." He lives right down the lane from me, about--about second door below Brother Woods.

And so I said, "Mud, come here a minute."

He said, "All right, Billy." And he come over there.

I said, "That stake that you drove down?"

177He said, "Billy, it's, they're going to take the whole thing in." Said, "All these trees, these fences, and everything else, has got to be moved."

178I said, "Well, the engineer told me that my property come to the middle of the street."

179Said, "Yes, but they're going to expand it. Going to take it in, anyhow." Said, "Mine is also."

180I said, "Well, Brother Woods is a--is a stonemason, and," I said, "I'll--I'll just get him to move it back."

181Said, "Billy, don't touch it. Let the contractor do that. That's the parsonage, ain't it?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "Let him do it." Said, "You know what I mean."

I said, "Yes."

182And I turned away, and, that quick, something struck it. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] I went home, went into my den room, picked up that book, and there it was. It wasn't concrete blocks; it was stones. I said, "Meda, get ready."

183 Six straight dreams, and then the vision capped it. "When these things comes to pass, turn westward."

184I called Tucson. Brother Norman has got a place. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what to do. I'm just in a... I'm standing. I don't know what to do. I'm leaving a home I don't have to pay rent on. My wages is a hundred dollars a week. And I almost have to pay a hundred dollars a month for a house. I'm right here with my brothers and sisters, where I'm loved. And I'm going, I don't know where. I don't know why. I can't tell you why. But there's only one thing I know, is follow what He says do. I don't know, know which way to turn, what to do. It's none of my...

185I guess Abraham felt that way when He told him, "Go over, across the river." He didn't know what to do but sojourn, separate himself. I didn't know what to do.

186 Last Saturday morning, one week from yesterday, along about three o'clock in the morning. I had gotten up and got a drink of water, and put the cover over Joseph, in his room. And then I come back, and was just laid down. I went to sleep. And when I went to sleep... I'm getting these little dreams and things off, so you'll see the background of what I'm fixing to say. I--I covered up Joseph, and I went back and laid down, and went to sleep. And I dreamed a dream.

187And I dreamed that I saw a man that was supposed to be my father, though he was a great big man. And I saw a woman that was supposed to be my mother, only she didn't look like my mother. And this man was very mean to his wife. And he had a three-cornered stick, where he had claved this wood. And it made a... You know, a chop of wood, across a log, you know, it makes a three-cornered stick. And every time this woman would start to stand up, he'd just grab her by the neck and hit her on the head, and knock her out. And then she would lay there, and snub and cry, and then she would start coming back up again. He would walk around, proud, with his chest stuck out, great big fellow. And when she would raise up again, he would take her by the neck, and take this three-cornered stick, and crack her on the head with it, drop her down. Walk back and stick out his chest, like he had done something big.

188 And I was standing off, watching it. I thought, "I can't tackle that man. He is too big. And, then, he is supposed to be my papa, but he ain't my papa." And I said, "He hasn't got no business treating that woman like that." And I got kind of a little bit upset with him. So, then, all at once, I got up enough courage, and I went over to him, and grabbed him by the collar and turned him around. And I said, "You have no right to strike her." And when I said that, muscles growed. I looked like a giant. And the man looked at those muscles, and then he got scared of me. And I said, "You strike her again, you're going to deal with me." And he kind of hesitated to strike her again. And then I woke up.

189And I laid there a little while. I thought, "What is that? Strange I would dream about that woman." And just in a moment, here He come. I got the interpretation.

190 The woman represents the church of the world, today, all the world. I was born right in this mess, and here I am. She is supposed to be kind of a--a mother of... if she was a mother of harlot, but yet I was born right into it. And the... Her husband is the denominations that rule her. The three-cornered stick that she had, is that triune baptism in false names. That, every time she starts to rise up, the congregation to accept It, he whacks her down with it. And, course, him being so big, I turned around, was a little afraid of him. And then I dashed into him, anyhow, and the muscles was faith muscles. That made me think, "If God is with me, and can give me muscles, let me stand up for her. 'Quit striking her!'"

191 Must have been ten o'clock in the day, when my wife was trying to get into the room, and it happened. I went into a vision that morning, and I somehow... Now, remember, it was not a dream.

192There's difference between dreams and visions. Dreams is when you go to sleep. Visions, when you don't go to sleep. We're born that way. The ordinary human being, when he dreams, it's in his subconscious. And his subconscious is way away from him. His senses is active, as long as he's in his first conscious. In this conscious, you, you're normal; you see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But when you're in your subconscious, asleep, you don't neither see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. But there's something, when you dream, that you return back to this conscious. There's a memory, that you remember something that you dreamed about, years ago. The ordinary human being is that way.

193But when God predestinates something, this subconscious is not way away from here, to the seer, but both consciouses is right together. And the seer, in a vision, doesn't go to sleep. He's still in his senses, and sees it.

194 I was explaining that for some doctors, the other day. And they raised up and said, "Marvelous. Never even thought of such a thing." When I was taking a wave test, and they said I... They had never seen anything like that. See? "Well," said, "there is something happens to you." And I said. I told it. He said, "That's it, exactly." See?

195The two consciouses sit right close together. It's nothing I could do, and it don't make me no more than anybody else. It's just, God made it that way. You don't go to sleep. You're right here, just like a sleep. You're standing here, looking out, like this.

196And all of you have seen it, around the world. You don't go to sleep. Standing here on the platform, talking to people, you hear me go into visions and come back. When I'm riding in a car with you, anywhere else, and tell you things that's going to happen; and never fails, never has. Has anybody ever seen it fail? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No, sir. It can't fail. It won't fail, as long as it's God. Notice, right on the platform, thousands, before tens of thousands of people, even in other languages that I can't even speak, still it don't fail. See? It's God!

197 Now, in this vision, or as I was speaking, I looked and I saw a strange thing.

198Now, it seemed like that my little son, Joseph, was by my side. I was talking to him. Now, if you'll watch the vision real close, you'll see why Joseph was standing there.

199And I looked, and there was a big bush. And on this bush, in a--in a constellation of birds, little bitty birds, about half inch long, and a half inch high. They were little veterans. Their little feathers was beat down. And there was about two or three on the top limb, six or eight on the next limb, and fifteen or twenty on the next limb; coming down in the shape of a pyramid. And those little fellows, little messengers, and they were pretty well worn out. And they were watching eastward.

200And I was at Tucson, Arizona, in the vision, for it made it so purpose that He didn't want me to fail to see where it was at. I was picking a sand burr off of me, from the desert. And I said, "Now, I know this is a vision, and I know that I'm at Tucson. And I know that them little birds there represent something." And they were watching eastward. And all of a sudden they taken a notion to fly, and away they went, eastward.

201 And as soon as they left, a constellation of larger birds came. They looked like doves, sharp-pointed wings, kind of a gray color, little lighter color than what these first little messengers was. And they were coming eastward, swiftly.

202And no sooner than they got out of my sight, I turned again to look westward, and there it happened. There was a blast that actually shook the whole earth.

203Now, don't miss this. And you, on tape, be sure you get this right.

204First, a blast. And I thought it sounded like a sound barrier, ever what you call it when planes cross the sound, and the sound comes back to the earth. Just shook, like, roared, everything. Then, it could have been a--a--a great clap of thunder, and lightning, like; I didn't see the lightning. I just heard that great blast that went forth, that sounded like it was south, from me, towards Mexico.

205 But, it shook the earth. And when it did, I was still looking westward. And way off into Eternity, I saw a constellation of something coming. It looked like that it might have been little dots. There could have been no less than five, and not more than seven. But, They were in the shape of a pyramid, like these messengers coming. And when it did, the Power of Almighty God lifted me up to meet Them.

206And I can see It. It's never left me. Eight days has gone, and I can't forget it, yet. I never had anything to bother me like that has. My family will tell you.

207 I could see those Angels, those shaped-back wings, traveling faster than sound could travel. They come from Eternity, in a split, like a twinkling of an eye. Not enough to bat your eye, just a twinkle, They were there. I didn't have time to count. I didn't have time no more than just look. Mighty Ones, great, powerful Angels, snow white; wings set, and heads. And They were, "Whew-whew!" And when it did, I was caught up into this pyramid, a constellations.

208And I thought, "Now, this is it." I was numbed all over. And I said, "Oh, my! This means that there will be a blast that will kill me. I'm at the end of my road now. I mustn't tell my people, when this vision leaves. I don't want them to know about it. But, the Heavenly Father has let me know now that my time is finished. And I won't tell my family, so they'll worry about me, 'Because, he's fixing to go.' And these Angels has come for me, and I'll be killed pretty soon now in some kind of an explosion."

209Then it came to me, while I was in this constellation, "No, that isn't it. If it would have killed you, it would have killed Joseph." And I could hear Joseph calling me.

210Well, then I turned again. I thought, "Lord God, what does this vision mean?" And I wondered.

211And then it come to me, (not a voice) just come to me. "Oh! That is the Angels of the Lord, coming to give me my new commission." And when I thought that, I raised up my hands, and I said, "O Lord Jesus, what will You have me do?" And the vision left me. For almost an hour, I couldn't feeled.

212 Now, you people know what the blessings of the Lord is. But, the Power of the Lord is altogether different, the Power of the Lord in them kind of a places. I felt It, many, many times, before, in vision, but never like that. It feels like a reverent fear. I was so scared till I was paralyzed, in the presence of these Beings.

213I tell the Truth. As Paul said, "I lie not." You never caught me saying anything wrong about something like that. Something is fixing to happen.

214Then, after a while, I said, "Lord Jesus, if I'm going to be killed, let me know, so I won't tell my people about this. But if it's something else, let me know." But, nothing answered.

215After the Spirit left me, for about a half hour, I guess, or more, I said, "Lord, if it is, then, that I am going to be killed, and You're finished with me on earth, and--and I'm going to be taken Home now; which, if that's it, that's fine. That's all right. So," I said, "if it is, let me know. Send Your Power back on me again, then I'll know not to tell my people or anybody about it, because You're fixing to come catch me away." And I... And nothing happened. And I waited a while.

216Then I said, "Lord Jesus, if it did not mean that, and it means that You've got something for me to do, and it'll be revealed to me later, then send Your Power." And It almost took me from the room!

217 I found myself, somewhere, over in a corner. I could hear my wife, somewhere, trying to shake a door. The door in the bedroom was locked. And I had a Bible open, and it... Was reading, I don't know, but it was in, I believe, Romans the 9th chapter, the last verse.

... Behold, I lay in Sion a cornerstone, a stumblingstone, a precious cornerstone, and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

218And I thought, "It's strange I'd be reading that." Spirit still packing me, in the room! I closed up the Bible and stood there.

219I went over to the window. It was about ten o'clock in the day, or better. And I raised up my hands, and I said, "Lord God, I don't understand. This is a strange day, to me. And I'm beside myself, almost."

220I said, "Lord, what does that mean? Let me read again, if it be You." Now, this sounds juvenile. And I took up the Bible, opened it up. There it was again, at the same place, Paul telling the Jews that they tried to... tell the Romans that the Jews tried to accept It by works, but it's by faith that we believe It.

221 Well, it's been a terrific time, since. Now you see where I stand. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what to say.

222But now let me, now, from now on, for the next, about fifteen, twenty minutes, let me try to say something here now. Remember, not one time has those visions ever failed. Now I'm going to take the Scriptures for a moment, if you notice, in Revelations the 10th chapter. Now let me say this. If the vision is Scriptural, it can only be interpreted by the Scripture. And then I want you to put this together.

223And, now, you present, and you on tape, be sure you say this the way I say it, 'cause it could be mighty easy misunderstood.

224Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] All right. Just... I thank you for being so quiet, nice.

Now, "The seventh angel..."

225 Now, sirs, (as I entitle this) is this the sign of the end time? Where are we living? What time of day is it? As the weary wrestler, through the night, raising and turning on the clock, to look to see what it is, turning up the light. My prayer is, "God, let us turn on the Light."

226I'm standing in an awful place, if you but knew it. Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, I've told you the truth, and something is fixing to happen.

227I don't know. Now, you on tape, get that. I don't know. I'm going to try. What come to me, yesterday, sitting in my den room. I don't say that this is truth; it was only something moving in my heart, where I've walked the floors.

228I--I was supposed to go down, get off a little time and come down with Charlie, and go hunting with him one day, before we had to part from one another.

229 Let me say, that, because that I am going west, it isn't that I'm leaving this tabernacle. This is the church that the Lord God gave me. Here is my headquarters. Here is where I stay. I'm only going in obedience to a commandment that's given me by vision. My son, Billy Paul, will remain my secretary. My office will be right here at this church. By the help of God, I'll be here when it's... this thing is finished, to preach the Seven Seals. And any tapes that I make, or anything else, will be made right here at this church. And right here, as far as I know, is the place where I can preach with more liberty than I can anywhere else in the world, because there's a group of people here that believe, and are hungry and holding on. And this feels like home, to me. This is the place. And if you notice, the dreams spoke the same thing, see, where the Food.

230Now, but, I don't know what lays in the future, but I know Who holds the future. That's the main thing.

231 Now, God, if I am wrong, forgive me, and then close my mouth, Lord, to anything that wouldn't be Your will. I'm only doing this because I am impressed, Lord. May the people understand; only impressed.

232The reason I think the interpretation never come immediately, it was by the sovereignty of God, because I believe it's wrote out here in the Bible for me. And then if it is Scriptural, it's only the Scripture can interpret it. And if this is true, brother, sister, I don't mean to scare you, but we better be very careful now. We're fixing to... Something is fixing to happen. And I say this with reverence and the fear of God. And you think I would stand here... And you people even believe in me to be a prophet; I don't claim to be.

233My emotion was this. Na-... Last year, I said, "I... Only thing I seen, the revival is over, in the nations, or, this nation, anyhow." I took an evangelistic tour. Many of you went with me. Oh, it was all right. We had great times, fine meetings, lots of crowds, but it just didn't hit the spot.

234This year, I'm taking a missionary tour. As soon as I can, I'm going to Africa, India, and around the world, if I can, on another missionary tour.

235If that don't work, then I'm neither taking water or food, and I'm climbing some of them high mountains yonder, and I'm going to stay there till God answers some way. I can't live like this. I just can't go on.

236 This may be the answer here. I don't know. "Until He changes me," do you remember the vision about three weeks ago, "standing in the sun, preaching to the congregation"? You all been here last Sunday. Many Sundays, you people here that gets the tapes, and--and is here when it's made, you understand these things. Because, now I'll just strike these places, and you watch it. Just even every bit of that that's been said, types right into this, so it must be the interpretation. I don't know. That's why I'm saying, sirs, is this it?

237 I believe that "the seventh angel" of Revelation 10 is the seventh church-age messenger of Revelations 3:14. Remember. Now let me read. Look where I can read. Now, this was the seventh angel.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, (7th verse) when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

238Now, you notice, this was a angel. And it's the angel of the seventh church age, because it says here, it is "the seventh angel," of the seventh church age. Found that, if you want to see who the... where the angel is, Revelations 3:14, it's, "The angel to the Laodicean church."

239 Now, you remember when that was told there, the angels and the church ages. And now, in this, it'll dovetail right into these Seven Seals that we're coming to speak. And the Seven Seals that we're trying to speak of, when they come this time, is the seven written Seals. And these Seven Seals, as you know, is just the manifestation of the seven angels of the seven churches; but, there are seven other Seals that's on the backside of the Book, It's outside the Bible. Notice. We'll get to it in a moment.

240Now, before I start this, are you tired? Would you like to stand, change position? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Now listen close.

241 The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church-age messenger. See? Now watch. "And in the days..." Now watch here.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,...

242Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh angel here is sounding forth his Message to the Laodicean church. Notice his type of Message. Now, it wasn't to the first angel, wasn't given That; second angel, third, fourth, fifth, sixth. But it is the seventh angel that had this type of Message. What was it? Notice his type of Message, "Finishing all the mysteries of God, that are written in the Book." The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's laying loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up, and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said, "Finishes the mystery of the written Book."

243 Now let's note a few of these mysteries, and if you want to write them down. First, I'll take what Scofield says here, in Matthew 13. If you'd like to type some of them down, if you haven't got a Scofield Bible. You might read what he thinks some of the mysteries are. Now, in the 11th verse.

And he answered and said unto them, Because it's given to you (his disciples), because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but not to them, but to them it is not given.

244The mysteries, here is "the mystery." A mystery is Scripture, is a previously hidden Truth now Divinely revealed, but (which is) a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation. The greater mysteries and the great mysteries are:

245 Number one, the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's the one we're talking on now. 13, Matthew 13:3 to 50.

246Now, second mystery is the mystery of Israel's blindness during this age. Romans 11:25, with the context.

247Third, third mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this age. First Corinthians 15, and also Thessalonians 4:14 to 17.

248The fourth, mystery of the New Testament Church as one Body composed of both, Jews and Gentiles. Ephesians 3:1 to 11, Romans 16:25, and also Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 4:3.

249The fifth mystery is of the Church as the Bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:28 to 32.

250Sixth mystery is of the living Christ, same yesterday, today, and forever. Galatians 2:20, and Hebrews 13:8, and many places like that.

251The seventh mystery is of God, even Christ as the incarnate fulness of the Godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom.

And godliness is restored to man.

252Ninth mystery is the mystery of iniquity, found in Second Thessalonians, and so forth.

253The tenth mystery is of the seven stars of Revelations 1:20. We just been through that, "The seven stars of the seven churches, the seven messengers," and so forth.

254And the eleventh mystery is Mystery Babylon, the prostitute. Revelations 17:5 to 7.

255 That's some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all "the mystery," all the mysteries of God.

And the other:

256May I say this with reverence, and not referring to myself, but referring to the Angel of God.

257The serpent's seed, that's been a hidden mystery, all through the years.

258The grace, straightened out; not disgrace, but real, true grace.

259No such a thing as an Eternal, burning hell. You'll burn for millions of years. But, anything that was Eternal, had never a beginning or a end; and hell was created.

All these mysteries!

260The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, without sensation, but the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did.

261The mystery of water baptism. Where, the extreme trinitarianism has brought it into titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." And the mystery of the Godhead being fulfilled in the baptism of the Name of "Jesus Christ," according to the Book of the Revelations, that the Church in this time was to receive.

There is some of the mysteries.

262The Pillar of Fire returning back. Amen! That's the thing that's supposed to take place, and we see it.

Oh, how we could go on, naming the mysteries!

263 Seeing that Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same One that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus! And the same One coming, with the same Power, doing the same things, and revealing the same Word, staying Word-by-Word with the Bible!

264The sounding of the trumpet, means "Gospel" trumpet. And the sounding of a trumpet, in the Bible, means, "Get ready for Scriptural war." Are you getting it down? Scriptural war!

265Paul said, if you want to put this down, First Corinthians 14:8. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, how will a man know what to prepare for?" And if it doesn't have a Scriptural sound, a vindicated, a--a vindication of the Word of God made manifest, how will we know we're at the end time?

266If it says they believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but deny His signs and wonders that the whole realm of nature believed on Him, and all the Church believed on Him by this, how will we know how to prepare?

267 Somebody has come forth with a chart and drawed it all out; and somebody has come forth, another thing, and drawed this all out, contrary to this one. Some has come forth and said this is It, coming back to this. And others has wrote books, and things like that.

268But, God comes in the Power of His resurrection! And who is going to speak against It? If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He does the same that He did yesterday, today, and forever. That's what this angel is supposed to do, take them mysteries, them loose ends that people run out on.

269Notice, if it gives an uncertain sound, unscriptural, who can prepare himself? But, a trumpet, did you notice, each one of those ages, as I told you about the church coming in, there was a trumpet sounded, a Seal tore loose. And a trumpet means war. If it don't give a Scriptural sound, what about it?

But let me call this to your memory. Don't miss it now.

270 Notice, each church age had its messenger. We know that. Paul was the first messenger. And when the first trumpet sounded, and the first Seal was tore loose. Paul was the first messenger, as we found. And what did he do? Declared war on (what?) the Orthodox church, for not believing the Messianic sign that Jesus had produced to them. Why, they should have knowed it. They should have knowed Him.

271Remember, Paul come at the end of the age. All the messengers come at the end of the age. It's at the end time, when these things are--are brought forth.

272Paul, knowing the Scriptures, and knowing that Jesus was Messiah, and he blasted those synagogues, from place to place, with the Scriptures, and was put out of every one of them. Till, finally, he shook the dust from his feet and turned to the Gentiles. What was it? Sounding of a trumpet; an angel, messenger, standing there with the Word! Oh, my! Don't you miss that now. The Word! And Paul, with the unadulterated interpretation of God's Word, blasted every one of them synagogues. Cost him his life.

273 How we could go down to Irenaeus, the one, the messenger of the next church age!

274And Saint Martin, the next church age, when they begin to get the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, begin to come in. And they blasted that age. Saint Martin blasted his age.

275And then Luther, the fifth messenger, he blasted that Catholic church, with the Word of God. "The just shall live by faith," he said. "And this is not the literal body of Christ," and he throw the communion on the floor, and walked out and blasted that Catholic church. That trumpet sounded right. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

276 John Wesley raised up, in the days of the Anglican church. "Why," they said, "there's no more reason to have revivals," and it went to seed. But John Wesley stood up, with the message of the second work of grace, sanctification, and he blasted that Anglican church with a Gospel trumpet, prepared for war. That's right. He did it.

277Now we're in the Laodicean age, when they've again denominated; Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostals. And we're looking for a prophet to come, to blast this age, and turn them back from their iniquity.

278Now, if that's been the trend, all the way down through the age, will God change His trend in this day? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] He can't change it. He has to keep the regular stride.

279 And remember, this messenger was the seventh angel, and he was to take all the mysteries and gather them up. Notice, the seventh angel was to blast the Laodicean, rich church. "'I'm rich, increased in goods, and have need of nothing.'" He said, "You're a miserable wretch, poor, blind, naked, and don't know it." That was his Message.

280O God, send us a fearless prophet with THUS SAITH THE LORD, that the vindicated Word of God will move through it and prove that he's sent from God. And when he comes, he'll blast them ages. Sure will. He'll set that Laodicean church against him. Certainly, he will. They did in every other age. It won't change in this age. It's got to be the same.

281 Notice, now, the Laodicean church. The messenger (will finish) of the Laodicean, the seventh angel, will finish all of the mysteries that's been lost in the battles, before, for the Truth.

282Luther raised up, but he didn't have all the Truth. He only had justification. Right.

283Along come another messenger, named John Wesley, with sanctification. He didn't have It. The Bible said. The Philadelphian church!

284Then comes the Laodicean church age, with the baptism of the Spirit. But they messed It all up, and went right back into formalism like they did the first place.

285When, "He's to look upon as Alpha and Omega," His hand laying one way, and one way, "the First and the Last."

His Spirit fell on the Day of Pentecost and filled that group.

286 She gradually drained out, till it come to the dark ages. The Seven Golden Candlesticks, the seven church ages, the last was the fartherest away from Him. That was a thou-... nearly a thousand years of dark age, of the Catholic church.

287Luther begin to bring the next light, a little closer to the Word.

The next light, come a little closer.

288The next light, the Laodicean. Then it come right back like it did, the first place, went right off into the same mess it did in the first place. Don't you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

289 Now watch. There is a lot of Truth lost out there, (why?) where others compromised on Truth. But this seventh angel don't compromise on nothing. He gathers up all the loose ends, gathers them all up. And at his sounding, "All the mystery of God should be finished." Oh! God, send him. All of the hidden mysteries was finished when, he, It was revealed to him. By what? If these are hidden mysteries, the man will have to be a prophet. And didn't we just get through and see that the prophet, that would come in the last age, would be that great Elijah that we been looking for? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Because, these mysteries that's hid, through the theologians, will have to be revealed; to God. And the Word comes only to the prophet. ["Amen."] And we know it. He will be the second Elijah, as promised. Oh, my! The Message he--he'll bring will be the mysteries, all, all these things.

290 We have water baptism. It's all mixed up. That's right. One sprinkles; one pours. One takes "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." One takes this. One baptizes three times, face forward; for, one for a God named "Father," another one for a God named "Son," another one for a God named "Holy Ghost." Other one said, "You're wrong. He has to baptize backwards, three times, that way." And, oh, what a mess!

291But the whole thing has been wound up, for there's only one God, and His Name is Jesus Christ. "And there's not another Name under Heaven whereby men must be saved." There's not one text of Scripture, nowhere in the Bible, where anybody was ever baptized in any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ. Not one time was any of the new Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ, ever sprinkled, poured, or anything else. Not one time was ever a ceremony used, "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It's creeds and things.

292 And in the battle for Truth, them ends has been lost, but God said they would be restored again in the last day. "I will restore," saith the Lord. We went through that, not long ago, The Bride Tree. It'll take a prophet. The Bible says that he would be here. That's right. Malachi 4, speaks that he'll be here, and we believe that he will. We're looking for him. And we're looking for his manifestation, and we'll see the vindicated Word of God.

293There will just be a few understand It. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." What was saved? Five souls... In the days of Lot, there was actually three saved. The wife started out, and lost. "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." There will be very few saved, translated in that time; one of the mysteries, of that Church being taken up. Like Lot was taken, like Lot was taken out, away; Noah was taken up; and the Church will be taken up, also. One went in; and one went out; and the other One goes up. See? It's exactly, perfectly.

294 The Word comes. "The Book that is written within," is then completed when this, all these mysteries have finished to be sounded. Now let me read it again, now, so you'll be sure. Now look.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel (the last angel), when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,...

295Now, what is "the mystery of God," one of them? Paul said, in First Timothy 3, I believe it was, said, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in the flesh (we handled Him, seen Him), received up into Glory, witnessed by Angels, vindicated here on earth." God was! Sure, it's a great mystery, but it's all solved. Not "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," three Gods; but, one God in three offices. The Fatherhood, under Moses; the Sonship, under Christ; the Holy Ghost, under this dispensation. Three dispensations of the same God; not three Gods. The mystery is finished now. The Bible said it should be. When the...

296 I seen, the other day, where the science is trying to contradict me, in what they used to say, when I said, "Anybody that believed that Eve eat an apple!" Now their science says, you seen in the paper the other day, a big headlines, "She eat an apricot." Nonsense. Would that--would that beguile her? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Certainly not. See? They just... That's--that's what Cain thought, you know, and he had brought the same thing back, but God didn't receive his sacrifice. And Abel, righteous, was revealed to him, "It was blood," and he brought the blood.

O God, this church and the age that we're living in!

297 "The Book that is written within" is then completed when this angel ceases, (now please understand this), when the seventh angel's Message is completed; the Godhead mystery, the serpent's seed mystery, all the other mysteries of all these things.

298Eternal Sonship, as they talk about. How can He be an Eternal Son, when Eternity never begin or never ends; and a son is something that's begotten of? How can it make sense?

299How can there be an Eternal hell, when hell was created? I believe in a burning hell. Certainly, the Bible said so. But, it's to destroy. The Bible said, "Blessed is he that has not part in the second death." See? See, you won't be destroyed by second death. The first is a physical. The second is a spiritual death, when everything is finished. "The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." You'll punish for your sins, maybe through the hundreds of year, thousands of years. But there can't be an Eternal hell, because the Bible said hell was created. How can it be created and be Eternal? If there ever was... The Bible said, "Hell was created for the Devil and his angels." And then, if it was created, it can't be Eternal. Cause, Eternal, anything Eternal, never had a beginning or had an end.

300That's how we can never die, because we was always. We're a part of God, the offspring of God, and He's the only Eternal thing there is. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit three times--Ed.] Amen. You can no more die than God can die, because you're Eternal, with Him. Amen! Let it come! Hallelujah! Kind of getting tired of this old pesthouse, anyhow.

301 Notice, "The Book written," when this angel finishes all these loose-end ministeries that through the battle they fought, Luther fought, and Wesley fought, and the Pentecostals fought. "But there's coming one," says the Bible, "that in the days of his sounding, all these mysteries..." The oneness run off on Jesus Name; the trinity went off on Father, Son, Holy Ghost, just like they did at the Nicaea Council, same thing; they both was wrong. But, now, in the middle of the road, in the Scriptures, lays out the Truth. You see where we're at? The Angel of the Lord!

302 Notice Revelations 5:1. Listen at this now.

And I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within (the writing was withinside) and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

303Now, there is writing on the inside of the Book. But, the backside had Seven Seals, on the back of It, that wasn't written in the Book. Now, this is the revelator talking, John. Now, remember, It wasn't written in the Book. "And in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, all this mystery that's written within should be finished." It should be taken care of, in that day. Now do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Are you following me? ["Amen."] Then is the time for the seven voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed. When the Book is finished, there is only one thing left, and that's the seven mysterious voices of thunder that was wrote on the backside of the Book, that John was forbidden to write. Let me read it.

And I saw an angel, mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as... the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open:... (See, now watch this.)... and he set his right foot on the sea,... his left... on the earth,

And he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he... cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. (Watch.)

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:...

304There was something said. It just wasn't a noise. Something was said. He was about to write.

... and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,...

305 Look where the voices was, the Thunders. Not in Heaven; on earth! The Thunders never uttered from the heavens. They uttered from the earth.

... and I was about to write: when I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal (capital S-e-a-l), Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

306It's on the backside, when a Book is completed. Not did he say, "On the front side." He said, "On the backside," after It's all done, completed. Then, these Seven Thunders' voices is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.

307Oh, my! I wish I could get that, that the people could actually... Don't fail. Don't, don't fail. Please don't, this time. I'm fixing to leave you. Don't fail. You ever listened, listen!

308These Seals are on the backside of the Book. "And at the time that the seventh angel is sounding, all the mysteries that are written in the Book is completed." And immediately the Book, that was open and written within, is closed, "The mysteries of God is finished." And this is the mysteries of God: the going of the Church, and all these other things. "The mysteries is over." When that seventh angel sounds out every mystery, it's over. Let him be who he may, whatever it might be. God's Word can't fail. And He said:

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

309 All those things, like, oh, Rome being the--the whore, and all the Protestant churches, denominations denominating after her, has become her harlots. See? All those mysteries, that the prophets spoke of, will be revealed right here in this last hour.

310And when this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true Trumpet, because It'll be contrary, they won't believe It. They sure won't believe It. But, it'll be an inspired prophet, because there's no way to figure It out.

311Men try to figure out the trinity, and go gray-headed and go crazy. No one can understand it. They still believe Eve eat an apple, and all those things. Because, it's tradition that men has held onto, just like Jesus found the church.

312But it'll have to be a Divine-led prophet, for the Word of God to come to him, with the true interpretation of the revelation of Jesus Christ. So, then, it--it's got to be that way. God help us!

313 Now, "When his sounding forth," now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. We have that clear. When he sounds forth his Message, declares war; like Paul did on the Orthodox, like the rest of them did, like Luther, Wesley, against the organization. When he declares war, and tells them, "They are lying, and it's not the Truth! And they're deceiving men!" When he sounds forth That, you can't fail. It won't fail, because he'll be vindicated by the Word of God. You'll know exactly what It is. And when he does, he sounds forth, to call from Babylon, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins." God, send him! Don't miss it.

314 Now, "When he begins to sound, the mystery will be finished." Now, note, then it's time for the Seven Seal voices, of Revelations 10, to be revealed. Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] When all the mysteries of the Book has completed! And the Bible said, here, that he would finish the mysteries.

315When, men back in other ages has fought for Truth. They fought for justification. They went a while. Sanctification! They fought for this, and they fought for that. They fought for this. What did they do? Turned right around and organized into it, same thing. Pentecostals, and the Baptists, Presbyterian, Lutherans, every one, done the same thing, turned right around and done the same thing.

316 And the Bible said, in Revelation 17, that's what they would do, old mother whore and her daughters, "MYSTERY, BABYLON." The Bible said, here, that that would be one of the mysteries that would be unfolded. Protestants, prostitutes, "committing spiritual fornications," leading people by denominations, with their "cup of iniquity," of man-made doctrine; and pulling them away from the fountain filled with Blood, where the Power of Almighty God flows freely to manifest Jesus Christ. That's true. Then, God will back It up, and He has done it, and He will continue. But, when that comes to pass, the Word is finished.

317Now there's only one thing left, that's Seven Thunders, that we don't know. And it would not have thundered in vain.

318God don't do something just to be playing. We play and act silly, but not God. Everything with God is "Aye" and "Nay." He doesn't just fool. He doesn't kid. He means what He says. And He says nothing 'less there's something, a meaning to it.

319 And Seven Thunders, right in the revelation here of Jesus Christ, It's some mystery. Does not the Bible say that This is "The revelation of Jesus Christ"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Why, there is some hidden mystery, then, of It. Hum! What is It? The Seven Thunders have It. For, John was just about to write, and a Voice came down from Heaven, said, "Don't write It. But, seal It. Seal It up. Put It on the backside of the Book." It's got to be revealed. It's the mysteries.

320Now, we solved out these things, by the Holy Spirit, has told us, "Wasn't apples. It was sexual." Told us these things. There is not no one able to stand before It. I've never seen a preacher, in my life, agreed with It. But, I've asked them.

321 You know, in Chicago, when we stood before them, about three hundred and fifty preachers. You women here from Chicago, you were there, heard about it.

322And the Lord told me, three nights before, said, "They're going to set a trap for you." Said, "Stand at the window here and I'll show you." Said, "Mr. Carlson and--and Tommy Hicks will meet you tomorrow morning, want to go to breakfast. And you tell Tommy to stay. But," said, "here is the way it'll look. Tell them that they're not going to have that meeting in the place they're thinking about. They're going to be in another place." Said, "Don't you fear. I'll be with you." That's good enough for me.

323The next morning, Mr. Carlson, president of the Full Gospel Business Men, come, said... called me up, said, "Brother Branham, I want to go to breakfast with you."

324I said, "All right." (I said, "Watch Tommy Hicks be there, too.")

325Went down at Town And Country, and he said, "Well, Brother Branham," he said, "oh, this is one..."

I said, "Tommy, would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Brother Branham."

I said, "Wonder if you would speak for me?"

He said, "Oh, I--I couldn't do that."

326I said, "Why? I'm just a seventh-grade student, and I--I'll say... I'd say empire instead of umpire. See? I don't know how to speak before there. And there is going to be the Ministerial Association of Greater Chicago. How am I going to speak before them, with my seventh-grade education, Tommy? You're a Doctor of Divinity." I said, "You'd know how to talk. I don't."

He said, "Brother Branham, I couldn't do that."

327I said, "Why? I've done you a many favor." And I just put it real straight.

328And Brother Carlson said, "Oh, Brother Branham, he couldn't do that."

I said, "Why?"

He said, "Well, he, the--the--the--the..."

329 I said, "You know why? You know why, but you don't want to tell me. They got a trap set for me."

330I said, "Brother Carlson, you've got that hotel room, haven't you, where we had the other banquet?"


I said, "You're not going to get it."

331He said, "Well, Brother Branham, I done got the deposit on it."

332I said, "I don't care what you got. It's not going to be there. That's a green-colored room. We're going to be in a brown-colored room. I'm going to be back in the corner. Dr. Mead will sit to the right. That colored man and his wife will sit here, and so-and-so. There'll be a Buddha priest sitting to my extreme right," and how they'll be dressed.

333And I said, "You know what it is, Tommy. You're... The Greater Chicago Ministerial Association is going to challenge me on 'the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ.' The Greater Chicago Ministerial Association is going to challenge me on 'the evidence of the Holy Ghost,' speaking in tongues. They're going to challenge me on 'the serpent's seed,' and on the preaching of 'grace.'"

334Tommy looked over, and, "Mercy! Goodness!" Said, "I don't think I'll even go."

I said, "Yeah, you come on."

335 And the next day, the man who had took the deposit, give him back the deposit, and said, "We got an orchestra. We had it booked up, and we forgot it and had lost that thing. And we had to give it to a orchestra, and you can't have it." And we went out to Town And Country.

336Walked in, that morning, and there they all stood. When I set down behind the desk back there, and waiting, after they had breakfast, I looked around at them like that. We had breakfast in a room. Come out, set down there, and there was the Greater Ministerial Association of Chicago. I looked around to them. Each one introduced themselves as Doctor Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S.T., and all them kind of things like that. I just sit and listened at them, till they got through. And Brother--Brother Carlson stood up. He said, "Gentlemen..."

337 And all of you know Hank Carlson. And, there, ask him. Well, you got it on tape right here. If you want to buy the tape, it's here. The boys has got it.

338He said, "Gentlemen," he said, "I introduce to you, next, Brother Branham." He said, "You all might disagree with him, on his Doctrine, but let me tell you something. Three days ago, we set in a place, and if that man didn't tell me everything that's happened this morning, I'm not standing here. He told me that you all were fixing to question him on his Doctrine. And he told me that I'd have to cancel out that other place, and be here. And told me exactly where Dr. Mead and these people would be sitting, just exactly, and here they are." He said, "You might have disagreed with him, but, I'll say one thing, he's fearless with what he thinks about."

He said, "Now, Brother Branham, the floor is yours."

339 I said, "Before we start..." I read what I did this morning, "'I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision.'" I said, "Now let's settle this. Now, you all speak of being Doctors of Divinity; and I stand here by myself." I said, "If that's so, you want to question me, on the baptism in Jesus' Name. We'll start with that first. I want one of you men to bring your Bible and stand here by my side, on anything that I've taught." I said, "Stand here by my side, and, with the Word of God, disprove It." I waited. Nobody said nothing. I said, "I'm asking for some of you men to come stand by my side." Said, "What's the matter with you? Then, stay off my back, if you're afraid to stand here by me."

340It's not me they're afraid of; it's that Angel of the Almighty God. That, they know, if He could foretell me to come... They even brighter than I thought they were. They knowed better than to stand there. Uh-huh. You know, you've been in times, in them times, too. But they didn't do it. What's the matter, if it's so great, and they know it's so truthful?

341 I've put it on tape, and anywhere else; I'm ready to talk it over, in a Christian way, with any brother. I won't argue with nobody; but I want you come, disprove any of It, by the Word. Not by your textbook, now; not what Dr. So-and-so, or Saint So-and-so said. I want to know what God said. That's the basis. I want to know what That is. They don't do it.

342 Now, look, when it is time for the seven voices. Then it's time for the seven voices, when the Book is completed, of Revelations 10 to be revealed. Now notice. Listen.

343Now, I won't keep you too much longer. I know I'm wearing you out, here. It's twenty minutes till ten. [Congregation says, "No. Go ahead!"--Ed.] Listen close now. I know, standing up, and you all changing positions and things. I'll be glad when the church gets fixed so we won't have to be cramped up. We can take all day to preach It.

344Now notice. Now note. The seven voices was thunders, blasts.

God, help us. If I'm wrong, Lord, forgive me.

345I'm asking you the question. It blasted with thunder, when this voice rung out. Did you notice, that, when the Seven Seals that follow the seven church ages, when the First Seal was opened, that there was a thunder? The First Seals in the Book was opened, there was a thunder; would not this First Seal of the outside Book open the same way? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God doesn't change His program. Let's turn over to Revelation 6.

And I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts said, Come and see.

346 Now, there never was another thunder. "And the last Seal was opened, there was space in Heaven for a half hour of silence." But, the First Seal was opened, there was a blast of thunder.

347Oh, church, could it be? Are we that far? Friends, think. Maybe. I hope it isn't. But what if it is? What was that blast? And before God, and this open Bible, I lie not. Blast, that shook the earth!

348And when the First Seal, of the seven that was opened in the Bible, it come forth, just One, but a blast that shook the whole thing; a thunder. And then if the Seals that's on the backside would open, would not it be a thunder, too? I don't know. I can't say.

349There was a thunder, the First Seal, and the Seal was a thunder. The Trumpet was opened at that time. And the Trumpet was blown at Pentecost, of course. I won't get into that.

350 Now, if the vision was Scriptural; the vision I'm speaking of, that I saw last Saturday morning. Is a week ago, now. If, now remember here, if the vision was Scriptural, it must be interpreted by the Scripture, or a continuation of the same Scripture. [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I just waited, so that soaks in. If...

351This that I have seen, what it was, I do not know, but I am scared to death. Are we wasted away? Are we at the end? Remember, this Angel said, when this taken place, He swore, "There would be time no more." I wonder if we really get this one.

352You say, "Well, look like It'd be blasting acro-..." Brother, He comes in a minute when you think not. You will hear It your last time.

353 Now is It plain? When the First Seal was opened, the Seals that was inside the Book, these mysteries that was sounded forth: justification, sanctification, Roman Catholic church, Protestants! And when all their little battles and things left these loose ends in the Word of God, the seventh angel comes on and gathers them all up and explains them. See? And then, he finishes, Seven Thunders utter out.

354When John started to write; said, "Don't write It. But, seal It."

355"And the First Seal was opened," of the Seals on the inside of the Book, It opened with a thunder. Uh!

356If this is Scripture, it can only be... If any Scripture is... Anything that's supposed to be of the Bible...

357 It's just like, you can't tell me there's such a thing as a "purgatory" and things like that. There's no Scripture in the Bible to back it up. You can't tell me of these things, like the book of the Maccabees, which they might be alright... "And that fourth Book of Daniel, where an Angel grabbed him by the hair of the head, and said... set him down." There's no such stuff as that ever took place in the Bible. "Where Jesus of Nazareth made a little clay bird, and put legs on it, said, 'Whew! Fly away, little birdie,'" it's nonsense. There's nothing in the Bible to back that up. So it don't fool... The--the translators, God seen that the translators wouldn't even add that dogmas and nonsense. Might been good people, the Maccabee brothers. They were that. I don't say they wasn't good people. But it wasn't Scriptural.

358This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. "Nothing can be added to It or taken from It." And if we put that in There, it don't act with the rest of the Scripture. There is sixty-six Books of this Bible, and not one Word will contradict the other One.

359 And then, if this is the continuation, for the sounding of these last trumpets, or these last Seven Thunders that's coming forth, the mysteries, the last Seals, It'll have to compete, or compare, with the rest the Scripture. And if them first Ones in there opened with a blast of thunder, the second Ones will, too, that's on the backside. Watch what happens. If the vision was Scripture, then it must be interpreted by the Scripture, or a continuation of the same Scripture.

360 Notice, Revelations, 3 and 4, "Seven Thunders." Seven Thunders, and then notice, 3 and 4, and then (what?) an oath from that mighty Angel, that, "Time was finished." When these Thunders, you see, brought forth their voices, then the Angel...

361Just think of it! "An Angel, clothed in a cloud, and a rainbow covenant over His head." Why, you know Who that is. "Put one foot on the land, and on the sea, and lift up His hand and swore, that, 'When them Seven Thunders uttered their voices,' that, 'time would be no more.'"

362And if the ministry of the mysteries of God is finished, what if that is them seven mysteries coming forth? And a humble, little church like ours, that the Almighty has come and regarded the low estate of His people! You say, "Oh, that, I don't think so." It might not be. But what if it is? Then time has run out. Did you think it? Be serious. It may be later than we think.

363 These stars falling into their constellation back yonder! That Angel coming, and said, "As John was sent to wind up the Old Testament and to bring forth the introduction of Christ, a Message will wind up the loose ends and will introduce the Messiah just before His Coming, the Message of the last days."

364Notice, the mighty Angel swore, with an oath, that, "Time would be no more."

365Now, I don't want to keep you too long. Just think of this, a minute now.

366 Now listen. This Angel come down from Heaven. See? The other, seven angels of the seven churches, was earthly messengers. But this Angel... All the Message is finished; the seventh angel winds up the whole thing. And this Angel comes not to the earth; He isn't a man from the earth, as the messengers to the church ages; that's finished. But, this Angel brings the next announcement. And an angel means a "messenger." And He comes down from Heaven, clothed in that Pillar of Light, Cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. It was Christ, "With one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore, that, 'Time will be no more.'"

Where are we at, sirs? What's all this about? I'm asking you.

367 The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... These, that said, "To the angel of the church of Laodicea," "To the angel of the church of Ephesus," messengers of the earth; see, men, messengers, prophets, and so forth, to the church.

368But, this One didn't come from the earth. He come down from Heaven, because the mystery is all finished. And when the mystery is finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and Seven Thunders throwed their voices out.

369What if it is something to let us know how to enter into the Rapturing Faith? Is it? Will we run, leap over walls? And is there something fixing to happen, and these old, marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren, what time is it? Where are we at?

370 Let's look at the watch, the calendar, to see what date we're living in. Israel is in Palestine, in her homeland. The ensign, the six-point star of David, (two thousand years ago, yeah, nearly twenty-five hundred years ago), the oldest flag, is flying. Israel is back in her homeland. "When the fig tree put forth its buds, this generation shall not die, shall not pass out, pass away, until all things are fulfilled."

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

You know It's the Truth! Yeah.

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.

For the Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

371 Might be closer than you think it is. It's got me scared. Oh, I haven't done enough. Where are we at?

372"Time shall be no more." He announces that time is over. What happens? What happens? Could that be so now, brethren? Seriously think. If it is, then the pyramid is capped by the Seven Thunders.

373You remember the pyramid Message? It's the Capstone. What did It do? The Holy Spirit capped off the individual and seal it, when we added to our faith; righteousness, and godliness, and faith, and so forth, and kept adding to it till we got seven things. And the seventh one was love, which is God. That's how He makes the individual, and caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit.

374Then, if that be so, He's got seven church ages, that He's had seven mysteries that's been sounded away, and they fought for, to bring back. And now the Headstone comes, to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my brethren? Sirs, is that where we're at?

375 Junie, I want to take your dream. Look. Junior, before the pyramid was ever preached, months before it, seen this dream.

You say, "What about a dream?"

376Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream that Daniel interpret, told the beginning of the Gentile age and when it would leave. And it's done just exactly that way. Not one bit has failed.

377You notice? The writing that the... was on the rocks, I was interpret It for them. They were elated. That's "the mystery of God" that's been not understood, for years. Could that be that?

378And then notice. In some mysterious way, we picked up, out of the air, a sharp tool that opened up the top. And in there was white granite, but It wasn't interpreted. There was no letters. I didn't interpret That, Junior. I just looked at It, and said to the brethren, "Look on This." And that's fulfilled, tonight.

379And while they were studying That, I slipped towards the west. What for? Maybe to understand the interpretation of what's written in the top of This. Could it be?

380 And Those, blasting, the other morning, that shook me plumb till I raised up in the air, as high as this building, that constellation of Angels, seven Angels in the form of a pyramid. Is that them Thunders that's coming forth? Could it be?

381This is all interpreted. According to his dream, it was all finished. According to God's Word, the seventh messenger will finish, seventh Message will be finished, and then the Seven Thunders. And he saw the capstone rolled over.

382Which, many people don't even know there is Seven Seals to be revealed. I've read many men's books on Revelation, never did hear It talked on. They skip That. But it's been told you that It's there.

383 I don't know what it is. Could that be that? God be merciful to us! If that is, we're in a serious hour. Now, just a minute, look. If that be so, and the mystery is finished, that was wrote in these rocks.

384I'm glad to be sitting in a church with godly people who God can give a dream to. I'm glad to introduce to these men and women that goes to Junior's church, and to this church, to Brother Neville's, and them, that there's people sitting in this congregation, and the Bible said, "They would dream dreams in the last days." And here it is. And look at it, it's comparing with the Word.

385Knowing nothing about it, a blast come forth, and here come seven Angels from Eternity. I said, "Lord, what would You have me do?" It wasn't told. I may have to go, first, to find out. I don't know. Might not even be that. I don't know. I'm just saying, "What if it is?" If it's Scriptural, that sounds very close to it. Don't you think so? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

386 Look. Then, look, the capstone was not interpreted. See? "Get west, and come back." Or, is it this, it's these seven Angels in this constellation that came to me?

387And when I meet you at the Day of the resurrection, you'll see that I lie not; God, my Judge.

388Or, is this that second climax that I talked about the other day? Is it of something coming forth for the Church? I don't know. I could stay on that a little bit, but I'll move on.

389Could it be that, the mighty thunder, or the seventh Angel in the seven, constellation, seventh-period constellation, their pyramid made in a form (three on a side, and one on top), and they dropped from Eternity? Could it be?

390 Is this the mystery, of the Thunders, that will bring back the Headstone? You know, the pyramid never was capped. The Headstone is yet to come. It's been rejected. Could it be, brethren, sisters?

391Or, is this that Third Pull that He told me, three or four years ago?

392The First Pull, you remember what happened? I tried to explain It. He said, "Don't do that."

393The Second Pull, He said, "Don't try." And I pulled, anyhow. You remember? [Congregation says, "Yes."--Ed.] All of you remember. It's on tape and everything.

394And then He said, "Now there's a Third Pull coming, but don't try to explain It." You see how I approached This, tonight? I don't know. But, I feel duty bound, to my church, to say something. You draw your own conclusion.

395 Now, will this be the mystery that would open up, that would bring Christ, bring a Power to the Church? See? We've already...

396We believe in repentance, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost. We have signs, wonders, miracles, speaking in tongues, and the things that the early Church had. And, frankly, there's been more done, right here, than is wrote in the Book of Acts, in this one little group of people, this little bitty ministry of ours here. What about the world over? See? More than is wrote in the Book of Acts, same kind! The raising of the dead! Remember, there was only about three people raised, of dead, by Jesus Christ. And we have on record, doctors' record, five. See?

397 "Works that I do, more than this shall you do." I know the King James says "greater," but you couldn't do nothing greater. More of it! He was in one Person then; He's in the whole Church now. See? "More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father."

398If this is the Third Pull, then there is a great ministry lying ahead. I don't know. I can't say. I--I don't know.

399Watch. Third Pull, let's stop on that, a minute. In the vision, the first flight was little messenger birds; that was when we first started. It growed, from just taking a person by the hand.

400And you remember what He told me? "If you'll be sincere, it'll come to pass that you know the very secret of their heart." How many remembers that announced from here, and across the nations? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And did it happen? ["Amen."] Exactly. Then said, "Don't fear. I'll be with you." See? And it shall go on.

401 Now, the First Pull was little, bitty birds; them flights. They went on to meet the time, meet the Coming of the Lord; the first Message.

402The Second time, the secrets of the heart. From taking a person by the hand, and just standing there and saying what they had; the next time, it revealed their sins and told them what to do. And ma-... Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, that come to pass, perfectly, just as God said it. And you are witnesses, and so is the world, so is the church.

403When I said, "I saw an Angel, and It was an emerald Fire, burning"; people laughed and said, "Billy, get next to yourself." The magic scientific eye of the camera took It. I wasn't lying. I was telling the Truth. God vindicated.

404I said, "Darkness overshadows; it's death, black. And This is white. One is Life; the other one is death." And there It is, on the picture back there. At the...

405As George J. Lacy--Lacy said, "The mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." Are you following me? [Congregations says, "Amen."--Ed.]

406 Notice, the first little flight; hand. The second was greater, whiter, doves; Holy Spirit revealing the secrets of the heart. And the third flight was Angels (not birds), Angels; and that's the end time, that's all of it. Will this be the time, brother? Is this the time?

407Now listen real close, and don't misinterpret this. I want to ask you something.

408Let's go back just a minute. The church knows it's the truth. The scientific world knows it's the truth. And people are sitting in here, tonight, and many still living, that were standing here on the river when that Voice spoke that out, and said, "As John was sent forth with a message of the first coming, so is this the second Message, of the second Coming." Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

409 And if It's finished, what did John do? John was the one who said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. That's Him." Is the hour, has it arrived, my brethren? I don't say it has. I don't know. But, I'm asking you. I want you to think. Or, will this be the time when it will be again, "Behold the Lamb of God"?

410Or, the time of Malachi 4, "To return the hearts of the children back to the Faith of our fathers"? Will it be such a blast that will--that will do such mighty things, until it will set the Church, that's been sloping and cannot understand the mysteries of God, and so forth? When they see that mighty blast sweep forth, will it turn their hearts back to the Father, as the Bible said it would do? Or, was this the Message, already past, that should have done it? I don't know.

411 This is the sign of the end time, sirs. Or, is this the sign that it's over? It looks very Scriptural, to me. I don't know. There was them Angels. There was a blast, like a thunder, that shook the whole earth. God knows I tell the truth.

412Just remember, something is fixing to happen. I don't know what it is. But could it be this? The reason I say this, prepare yourselves! Let us pray, (pray how?) take our position in the army of His believers, and prepare ourselves, for it may be later than we're thinking.

413You know me, and I have never told you a lie, yet, as I know of. And as Samuel said to them, "Have I ever told you anything, in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass?" Now, I'm telling you now. I don't know what this is. I can't say what this is. I don't know. But, I'm going to tell you Truth. I'm scared. As your brother, I been scared since last Saturday.

414 It may be the end time. It may be time for the rainbows to sweep across the sky, and an announcement from the heavens, saying, "Time is no more." If it is, let's prepare ourselves, friend, to meet our God. There's been plenty of Food laid in now. Let's make use of It. Let's make use of It now. And with me, from this platform, I cry to God, "Lord Jesus, be merciful to me!" I've tried to live the best I knowed how. I've tried to bring the Messages the best way that I could, from the Word of God. God knows my heart.

415But, when that constellation of Angels swept that ground, I was paralyzed. I couldn't even feel, for a long time. Even felt like, a long time later, trying to walk through the room, even from my spinal cord, and up-and-down my neck, was perfectly paralyzed, like, and no feelings. I couldn't feel, in my hands. I was in a daze, all day long. I--I just went in the room and sat down.

416 Sunday, I come down here to speak, and I--I tried to shake myself from it, by speaking. Monday, it was there again. And it's here now.

417I don't know. I don't know, sirs. I'm only honest, with you, as my brothers. I don't know. Is it--is it time? Is the minis-... the mystery all finished? Has the sounding all over? Is that really them Seven Thunders, fixing to utter out something, that the little group that is gathered together will receive a Rapturing Faith, to go in the Rapture when He comes? "For we'll be changed," as quick as those Angels come, "in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and shall be caught up together with those that had sleep, to meet the Lord in the air."

My prayer is:

418God, if this be so, I don't know, Lord. I just was telling the church. If it is so, Lord, prepare our hearts. Make us ready, Lord, for that great hour. That, all the history of time, all the prophets and sages has looked for that time. Lord, I don't know what to say. I'd be afraid to say, "Don't come, Lord." I feel ashamed of myself, when I look and see the world in the condition, I've done no more than what I've done about it. I'm ashamed of myself. If there is a tomorrow, Lord, anoint my heart. Anoint me greater, Father, that I can do everything that I can, to bring others to You. I am Yours.

419 I feel like Isaiah, in the temple that day, when he saw the Angels flying back-and-forth, with wings over Their faces, and over Their feet, and flying with wings, "Holy, holy, holy!" Oh, how that young prophet was shook. He begin to age up a bit. And when he seen that, though he had seen visions, he screamed out, "Woe is me!"

420Father, maybe I felt somewhat like that, when I seen those Angels the other night, or the other morning, rather. Woe is me, for I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people. And, Father, clean me.

421And here am I. Send me, Lord, whatever it is. And I stand at this pulpit where I been for thirty years. If there's something, Lord, You want me to do, here I am. I'm ready, Lord. But, may I find grace in Your sight. Humbly, I pray.

422I pray for the little flock that the Holy Spirit has made me overseer of, to feed them. And I've done all I know how to do, Lord, to feed them on the Bread of Life. As in that vision, many years ago, where that big curtain laid in the West, and a mountain of the Bread of Life; the little book, "I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision." And here it all comes to pass, revealed right in our face.

423 You are God, and there is no other but You. Receive us, Lord. Forgive us of our sins. I am repenting for all of my unbelief, for all of my iniquity. I plea on the altar of God.

424As I come tonight, with this little church before me, by faith we move from this building, in rapture, "as we sit together in Heavenly places," around the Throne of God. Our hearts have been warm many times, in the things that we've seen You do, and unfold Your mysteries to us. But, Lord, tonight, I'm all weary. Woe is me!

425And--and Jacob's, when he saw those Angels coming down the ladder and going back, he said, "This is a dreadful place, none other than the house of God." And there Bethel was established.

426God, people don't understand that. They think it would be so much joy. But, Lord, what a weary, what a dreadful thing for a human being to come in the Presence of a great, mighty Being of Heaven.

427I pray for forgiveness of my little church here, that You sent me down to--to--to--to lead and to guide. Bless them, Lord. I did according to what the visions and dreams and things has said, so, the best of my knowledge. I've laid in all the Food that I know how, for them, Lord. Whatever it is, Lord, we are Yours. We commit ourself into Your hands, Lord. Be merciful to us. Forgive us. And let us be Your witnesses as long as we're on the earth. Then, when life is over, receive us up into Thy Kingdom. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

428 Every one of you, cleanse all your heart. Lay aside everything, every weight, keep it out of your way. Don't let nothing bother you. Don't be scared. There's nothing to be scared about. If Jesus is coming, it's a very... It's the moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. If it's something breaking forth now, for a--a new coming, a new coming of a new gift or something, it'll be wonderful. If it's coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church, how to go, I don't know. I have just stated what I saw. Oh, my, what a time! It's serious and solemn thinking.

429And if it would be time for me to go, I am your... Lord, I am Yours. When You're finished, come, Lord Jesus.

430Wherever it might be, or what time it may be, I am His. I don't say I desire to depart; I don't. I've got a family to raise. I got the Gospel to preach. But, that's according to His will, not mine. That's His will. I don't know.

431I'm just stating to you what is. What is, God will bring it to pass. But I tell you what I saw and what happened. What it meant, I don't know. But, sirs, could this be the end? Uh!

432 The people are present now, the six people that had those dreams. Isn't it strange there wasn't seven? Isn't it very strange? That six led right up, and then that vision, immediately. The people are here. Brother Jackson, here, was one; Brother Parnell was another; Sister Collins was another; Sister Steffy was another; Brother Roberson was another; and Brother Beeler was another one. And the Heavenly Father knows there was not one more pertaining to it. And at the end of that, seventh one... which was Sister Steffy, immediately the vision broke forth. You see? You see why I'm leaving? You see why I got to go? I must do it.

433And, friends, don't look to me. I'm your brother. Don't pay no attention to me, because I'm just a mortal. I have to die like everybody else. Don't you listen to me; but listen to what I've said. What I said is the Message. Don't pay any attention to the messenger; watch the Message. Keep your eyes, not on the messenger, but on the Message. What It said, that's the thing to look to.

434 And God help us, is my prayer. I hate... I didn't want to come, tell you this, but I wouldn't hold nothing back from you.

435Now, as far as I know, let me tell you. As far as I know, I'll be leaving in the next two or three days, Wednesday morning, to... for Tucson. I'll not go to Tucson to preach. I'm not going there to preach. I'm going to Tucson, to establish my family in school, and then become a wanderer.

436I'm going up to Phoenix, to hold that little line of meetings, which will probably be just little Messages around. And--and then, maybe, I don't...

437I think they want me to preach in the convention one night. They never said nothing about it, they just said I'd be there. See, that don't sound very good, to me.

438And I've got a Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, to Brother Shakarian, too. Uh-huh. I don't know what he'll do about it, but I've got the Word to tell him. I don't know what he'll do. It's up to him. Did you notice the last Voice? It's supposed not to be an organization, but they declared their creed. An organization, then I'll drop away. I'm out of such.

439 Now, presumingly, Brother Arganbright and Brother Role, a Washington diplomat under seven Presidents, has got to be in Africa. And Brother Role, and I, and Brother Arganbright, will be going into Africa right away, for some meetings down in South Africa and Tanganyika, with Brother Boze. And on down through, and probably up through Australia, and through that way, coming back, if the Lord doesn't do something different. But, before I go, I'll be back here.

440Then, when I come back from there, if God hasn't spoke to me, some other way, I'm going to take the family and move up to about Anchorage, Alaska. This is southwest; that will be northwest. And then let them stay there through the summer, when it's so hot down in Tucson till it'll burn the hide off of you. I don't think they could stand it. They would be so homesick and disheartened! We're not selling the place. It's staying right there, with the furniture in the house. I don't know what to do.

441 Then, time the summer is over, if the Lord willing, I want to leave Alaska, and come down to about Denver, central west; southwest, northwest, central west, crying, "O Lord, what would You have me do?"

442In the mean time, every Message, as far as I know of, to be preached, will be right here, this tabernacle. Here is where the tapes will be. Here is where the headquarters is.

443And I do not intend to stay, with my family, in the West. I'm going to seek till I find what God wants me to do.

444If this year doesn't settle it, then, next year, without water or food, I'll walk out into the desert, and I'll wait till He calls me. I can't go on like this. You've got to get desperate. You've got to get to the place where you want to know what's the will of God. And how can you do the will if you don't know the will?

445I'm progging, because of that vision background, "What you did." See? Going around as missionary and evangelism, until that call come. Remember the first one, when we laid that cornerstone? "Do the work of an evangelist," He said. Didn't say, "You was an evangelist." But, "Do the work of one," perhaps until the time come for something else, another change of work. Might be something different. I don't know.

446 Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Be real sure of that. Be real sure of it, they that love the Lord.

They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength,

They shall mount up with wings like an eagle,

They will run and not be weary, walk and not faint;

Oh, teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait.

I love Him. I know you do, too. Now, tomorrow night...

447I think I've made it plenty clear. Have I? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] As clear as I know how to make it, that's all I know. That's all I know what to say. And if it's revealed to me, for something, I'll quickly tell you. I know you're interested, to know. I'm interested, to know. I don't know what it meant. I don't know where--where I'm going. I--I don't know what's going to happen. I--I'm just... Only thing I know, I'm just going, by the grace of God. Then, He'll tell me when I get there, maybe. But, my part now is, go. And I might not be there two weeks, till I'll be somewhere else, and might be back here. That's right. I don't know. But I'm...

448That vision had my wife and my children in that. And the very thing it was, I was in a covered wagon. And the minute that I walked in there, there was, I was in my station wagon. And that's the way we leave, in a couple days, not knowing where we're going, not knowing what we're going to do when we get there, just going.

449 God is strange, to us, because His ways are past finding out. He wants obedience.

"Where You going?"

"That's none of your business. Just keep going."

"Where You want me to do, Lord?"

450"That's nothing to you. Follow, thou, Me." Uh-huh. Uh-huh. "Just keep walking."

"Where will I stop?"

"What's that to you? Just keep walking."

So, here I go, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Uh-huh. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

I... (He is my life.) I... (All that I have lived for!)

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

451Sirs, is this the time? [Brother Branham and congregation hum the complete chorus, together, I Love Him--Ed.] And while we sing it again, shake hands with somebody by you. Say, "Brother, sister, pray for me. I'll pray for you."


452[Brother Branham turns around--Ed.] Pray for me, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "I'll do it, brother. You pray for me, brother. Thank you."] Real sincere! [Someone says, "God bless you, Brother Branham."] Pray for me, brother. Pray for me, sister. Pray for me.

[Brother Branham hums I Love Him--Ed.]

And pur-...

453Pray, pray for me,...?... Pray for me,...?... Pray for me,...?... Pray for me.

... Calvary's tree.

For I...

Let's raise our hands now to Him.

... I love... (Real love!)

Cause, He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Yes, I love Him,... (With all my heart!)

454You follow, Brother Neville. I'm going back. Announce the time for the meeting. [Brother Neville continues singing with the congregation, I Love Him, and dismisses the service--Ed.]