


Slovo absolút je „Ultimátum.“ A preto myslím, že každý má nejaké ultimátum (konečné definitívne rozhodnutie) a každé veľké dosiahnutie, ktoré kedy malo úspech, za tým ležal nejaký absolút. Bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, malo to za sebou nejaký absolút. A každá osoba, aby niečo dosiahla, musí mať najprv absolút. Kým prídete k tomu konečnému, vy pretáčate, hľadáte, a idete cez toto a tamto, až kým prídete ku tomu absolútu, alebo k tomu „Amen,“ k tomu „ultimátu“, konečnému miestu. To, čo ste... Musíte mať niečo, k čomu sa priviažete. Inými slovami, to je ten konečný oporný bod, ku každému dosiahnutiu. Niekde to je. Môže sa to vinúť cez mnoho rozličných vecí, kým sa to dostane ku tomu bodu, ale tam existuje „amen“ k tomu všetkému. Musí niečo také existovať. Nemôžeš ísť životom bez toho, žeby si také niečo nemal.

Ak je dom stavaný v protiklade s projektom, tak ten zadávateľ to nechá zrútiť a znova vybudovať. To musí byť podľa projektu.

Nezáleží na tom, aké je tvoje prežitie, ak ti potom niečo, čo je v tebe, hovorí, že Biblia nie je pravdou, že moc Božia, apoštoli, proroci a učitelia a pastori a dary Ducha nie sú také isté, ako boli vtedy, keď prúdili cez tých apoštolov na Letnice, potom je niečo nesprávne s tvojím absolútom. To sa potom musí vinúť okolo denominačného vyznania namiesto okolo Božej Biblie. Pričom On povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Pozoruj, čo je tvojím absolútom.

1Som šťastný, že tu môžem dnes ráno byť a počuť toto napomenutie, ako som prichádzal na pódium. Prepáčte, že meškám. Ale boli tam vzadu chorí, v autách, v sanitkách a podobne, a musel som ísť ku tým, ktorí sa nemohli dostať dnu, skôr ako by som sa ja dostal dnu.

2Som zvedavý, či by tá sestra s tým maličkým mohla prísť späť dnes popoludní. Chcem tiež kázať dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť. Ak nemôže prísť na to posvätenie potom, zatiaľ čo tu stojím takto dlho, tak potom jej povedzte, že môže priviesť svoje dieťa teraz. Ale ak môže prísť dnes večer, tak to bude pre nás trochu lepšie. Ale akokoľvek jej to vyhovuje, ako sa jej dá. Ak sa sem nemôže vrátiť večer, tak potom tu prinesieme na posvätenie to maličké teraz. A teraz, všetci títo, zatiaľ čo hovorím, ak chce prísť teraz, tak to urobíme teraz.

3Tak dnes večer je veľmi špeciálny, chcem hovoriť na tému prorockého posolstva: Pane, je toto ten čas? Tak, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem dnes večer hovoriť na tú tému. Je toto ten čas, páni, alebo Páni, je toto ten čas? A potom by som chcel využiť túto príležitosť, keď je prítomná cirkev, aby som povedal o mnohých veciach, ktoré sa za posledných pár dní stali, veci, ktoré poukazujú na to veľké niečo, čo nerozumiem, ale sme vždy... Božie cesty sú nevyspytateľné pre človeka, tak my musíme len kráčať vierou. Ak by niekto dokázal vysvetliť Boha, potom by to už nebolo viac potrebné mať vieru, pretože potom to viete. Ale my len kráčame vierou. A dnes ráno, pomyslel som si, že by som sa pokúsil mať také bežné evanjelizačné zhromaždenie, trochu som to zmenil potom, ako som prišiel sem dolu a videl som tak mnohých stáť a oni tak dlho čakali, a potom ich tu dnes večer bude možno menej, a potom môžem ísť rovno s tým, čo chcem povedať.

5 Chcel by som oznámiť jednu vec, zatiaľ čo mnohí sú tu spolu, mnohí z vás sú tu. Je to niečo, čo som sa stránil vyhlásiť za tých posledných pár týždňov, a to je to, že vaše modlitby boli vypočuté ohľadne toho prípadu s daňami, ktorý som mal s vládou. Je to vybavené. A tak my sme... Je to teraz všetko zakončené. Mnohí z vás to rozumejú, čo mali proti mne, to boli tie šeky, ktoré boli vypísané pre kampane a oni sa snažili povedať, že oni boli moje a chceli mi vyrúbiť niečo okolo tristopäťdesiat tisíc dolárov, že vraj to bolo moje osobné vlastníctvo, pričom nebolo. To patrilo kampaniam. A cirkev o tom vie. Všetci o tom viete. A nakoniec prišli do miesta, kde...

6Trošku vám vykreslím, čo sa vlastne stalo. Bolo to väčšinou za posledných tri až päť rokov, asi takmer päť rokov je to, hádam, tento prípad, a stále sa to tiahlo a všetko možné, ale som tak vďačný, že nemohli nájsť proti mne nič, takže ma nemohli za to obžalovať. Tak nebolo tam nič, za čo by som bol obžalovaný, jedine to, oni povedali, to je moja nevedomosť, hádam moja vlastná, že som veľmi nevedel o zákonoch. Oni mi prinášali šeky a ja som ich podpisoval, napísal tam na nich svoje meno a vložil som ich do kampaní. Ale potom je to tak, že pokiaľ som tam ja dal na ne svoje meno, tak boli moje. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to... Povedali, „To je od vás veľmi pekné, že to tak robíte, ale oni boli vaše a vy ste ich dali cirkvi, ale akonáhle ste tam napísali svoje meno, tak boli vaše bez ohľadu na to, ku čomu boli určené, boli vypísané na vás. „Takže, ak boli dané tak, že niekto tam na to napísal napríklad, „Osobný dar,“ to by bolo bývalo v poriadku, ale oni len napísali, „William Branham.“ Vidíte? A keď som na to napísal svoje meno, to je to, čo to vykonalo. To bolo všetko. Tak oni... A nakoniec skrze modlitbu...

7A potom nie tak dávno, viete oni... Mal som videnie takého veľkého, temného, zadymeného, čierneho, ako sadza šupinatého tvora, niečo ako človek v podobe aligátora, a to prichádzalo smerom ku mne so železnými pazúrmi a ja som mal len jeden maličký nožík, asi takýto. A on mal na sebe napísané, „Vláda Spojených štátov.“ A ja som si vôbec nevedel pomôcť, bol som bezmocný. A potom Pán prišiel na scénu a bolo to vybojované. A pamätáte si, ako som vám to už dávnejšie hovoril.

8A oni mi jedného dňa ponúkli kompromis a môj obhajca, pán Orbison z New Albany a Ice & Miller Indianapolis, ohľadne prípadu s daňami, mi zavolal a povedal mi, „Prídite. „A tak som išiel, brat Roberson a ja a moja žena a dôverníci z cirkvi tu a my všetci. Išli sme tam a oni nám povedali, že vláda je ochotná pristúpiť na kompromis.

9A ja som povedal, „Ak ja niekomu niečo dlžím, tak mu to zaplatím, ale urobím to najlepšie, čo môžem, ale,“ povedal som, „Ja to nedlžím.“ A tak som povedal, „Úprimne, Boh to vie, prečo ma potom neobžalujú, ak som vinný?“ Povedal som, „Mali už päť rokov, počas ktorých sa mi to snažili dokázať, ale nemohli nájsť nič, čo by s tým mohli urobiť.“ A tak som povedal, „Nie, odmietam to, nezaplatím to, kým nie je dokázané, že to dlžím.“

10A potom ma obhajca vzal nabok a hovoril so mnou a povedal, „Môžeme sa to pokúsiť vysúdiť, vláda v tej veci bude viesť súdny proces. A povedal som, „Keď to urobia, tá jediná vec, ktorú môžu proti tebe nájsť, bola, že si...“ To bolo to, ten spôsob, ako som to urobil. Ja som len ne...

11Ja neviem o účtovníctve nič, tak som to len musel urobiť tak, ako som si myslel a čestne. A nikdy to nebolo vložené do banky na moje meno, vždy to bolo uložené pod menom cirkevnej kampane, a tak ďalej, takže nebolo nič, čo by som s tým mohol urobiť. A ja...

12On povedal, „No, oni sú ochotní ísť na kompromis na pätnásť tisíc dolárov, s desať tisíc dolárovou pokutou. „A poplatky obhajcovi činili pätnásť tisíc, to by bolo dohromady na mňa štyridsať tisíc a potom chceli ešte o päť viac, myslím, že toľko. Tak som išiel...

13Povedal som, „Kde na svete by som kedy zohnal štyridsaťtisíc dolárov?“ Povedal som, „Viete, na mojom bankovom účte je asi sto dolárov, alebo možno menej.“ Povedal som, „Odkiaľ by som zobral niečo cez štyridsať tisíc dolárov?“ A povedal som, „Nemám žiadnu majetkovú záruku, jednoducho to nemám, to je všetko.“

14On povedal, „Pán Branham,“ povedal, „Tu je to, o čo ide, ak to dáme na súd...“ On povedal, „Niet pochýb, že môžeme ten prípad vyhrať.“ Povedal, „Ale ide o toto, môžeme to vyhrať, pretože tu je to, čo urobím, oni budú tvrdiť, že to všetko je vaše, pretože ste sa podpísali na to svojím menom a oni budú tvrdiť, že to je vaše, hoci to bolo vložené do banky pod menom kampane cirkvi, Branhamova kampaň a potom cirkev.“

15A ani jeden krát nemohli nájsť ani jeden cent, ktorý by som minul pre seba. To je pravda, Boh to vie. Sú tu mužovia, ktorí tu teraz sedia, ktorí sú tu po celý čas so mnou. Ani jeden cent, ktorý som minul pre seba. Bolo to všetko pre Kráľovstvo Božie, všade, každý šek, všetko ostatné.

16Ale vidíte, im na tom nezáleží. Bolo to, malo to byť moje v prvom rade a potom pre cirkvi, kampane. A oni majú spôsob, ako to robia, viete, všetky možné spôsoby, ako sa vedia vyhnúť veciam, tak potom som len povedal, „No, jednoducho to neurobím.“

17A on povedal, „No, ak vyhráme ten prípad týmto spôsobom, pretože ja tie šeky nahlásim, ako „osobné dary.“ A ja to nahlásim skrze vládu ako „osobné dary,“ a povedal, „Potom, keď to urobím, všetko dokopy to bude desať tisíc dolárov ako dedičstvo a potom budeš rovno späť pri tom a budú ťa držať ďalších päť rokov, ako to budú všetky kontrolovať.“ Vidíte? Keď podpíšete šek, ide to cez zúčtovací ústav. Oni si to odkopírujú, ten šek. Samozrejme, ja mám všetky tie šeky tiež, ktoré cez to išli. Tak, oni povedali, „To je to, na čom ťa chytia.“

18A on povedal, „Ďalšia vec, pán Branham, ak ste kedy predvolaný pred vládu, takýmto spôsobom, a prebieha prešetrovanie, bez ohľadu na to, čo kedykoľvek urobíte, v očiach verejnosti ste podvodníkom. Rozumiete? Tak to chodí.“

19Pozrite na toho malého baptistického kazateľa, dolu v Mississippi. Ten chlapík... nejaká žena povedala, že za ňou prišiel a že ju obťažoval, a ten muž priniesol dôkazy z rôznych miest krajiny a zovšadiaľ, že on ani nebol v tom meste niekoľko dní alebo deň predtým, bolo to až také, že ten sudca to chcel obrátiť a povedať mu, aby on zažaloval tú ženu za robenie škandálu. A on povedal, „Pustite ju.“

20A keď ten prípad dali ako monitorovací test po celej krajine, viete, čo sa stalo? Sedemdesiatpäť Američanov povedalo, „Kde je dym, tam je oheň.“ A ten chudák bol tak nevinný, ako by som bol ja, alebo niekto druhý, a bude ďalej pod takým niečím pracovať po zbytok svojich dní, pričom on s tým nemal vôbec nič do činenia.

21Cítil som sa nejaký čas veľmi zle, keď som si pomyslel, že som vložil svoj život pre Kráľovstvo Božie a snažím sa ukázať ľuďom, aby platili svoje dane a robili veci, ktoré sú správne, a aby sa z podvodníkov stali čestní ľudia, a ja sám musím byť takto vystavený, ako by som bol sám nejaký podvodník? Pomyslel som si, „Čo na svete som urobil?“

22A potom to ku mne prišlo a pozrel som sa do Biblie, každý muž v Biblii, bez výnimiek, ktorý kedy mal nejaký duchovný úrad, ak ho Satan nemohol dostať na morálke, alebo niečom takom, tak ho dostala vláda. Môžete sa vrátiť ku ktorýmkoľvek chcete, všetci z nich, Mojžiš, Daniel, hebrejskí mládenci, Ján Krstiteľ. Ježiš Kristus zomrel pod vládnym verejným rozsudkom. Pavol, Peter, Jakub, Jakub Veľký a Jakub Malý, každý jeden z nich zomreli pod vládnym nariadením.

23Pretože to je tak, že každá vláda je stolicou Satana. Ježiš tak povedal. Biblia tak hovorí. Rozumiete? Každá vláda je ovládaná diablom. Prichádza vláda, ktorá bude riadená Kristom, ale to bude v Miléniu. Ale toto, tieto vlády teraz bez ohľadu na to, ako si myslíme, že sú dobré, jednako sú z pozadia ovládaní satanom. „Tieto kráľovstvá,“ on povedal, „sú moje, robím s nimi, čokoľvek si prajem, a ja ti ich dám, ak ma uctíš.“

24Ježiš povedal, „Odíď za mňa, Satan, 'Budeš uctievať Pána, a jedine Jemu budeš slúžiť.'“

25A potom som bol znechutený, moja žena ma počúva. Pokračoval som, povedal som, „Nie veru, ak by som to bol dlžil, tak by som to bol zaplatil, ale ja to nedlžím, a tak to nezaplatím, to je všetko.“

Povedal som, „Ako by som to vôbec dokázal zaplatiť?“

26Tak som išiel domov, povedal som, „Méda, umy deti, priprav im oblečenie, odchádzam.“ Povedal som, „Oni ani ne... Všetko je tak, hore nohami.“

27Povedal som, „Čo som urobil, povedz mi?“ Povedal som, „Ja a štyridsať tisíc dolárov? Fíha, neuvedomuješ si, čo to pre mňa znamená.“

A ona podišla ku mne, ako by to urobila každá milá manželka. Povedal som, „Odchádzam.“

28Povedala, „Myslíš si, že to bude na niečo dobré? Modlil si sa už za to?“

29Pomyslel som si, „Dobre, možno sa za to znovu pomodlím.“ Vrátil som sa. Zdalo sa, akoby mi On niečo povedal, Písmo.

30Vždy chceme pozorovať na Písma, čo o tom povedal Boh. Viete.

31A jedného dňa sa Ho opýtali, viete, snažili sa Ho obviniť pred vládou. Povedali, „Je to správne, pre nás slobodných Židov, aby sme dávali príspevky alebo dane Cisárovi?“

On povedal, „Máte peniaz?“ Povedal, „Koho nápis je tam?“

Povedali, „Cisárov.“

32On povedal, „Potom dajte Cisárovi tie veci, ktoré sú Cisárove, a Bohu veci, ktoré sú Božie.“

33Rozmýšľal som o tom, našiel som si to v Biblii a čítal. Pomyslel som si, „Skutočne, Pane, to je pravda, ale toto nepatrí Cisárovi, toto bolo Tvoje, to nebolo Cisárove, ak by to bolo moje, musel by som za to zaplatiť nejaké dane, alebo niečo, to by bolo niečo iné, to by patrilo Cisárovi, ale toto je Tvoje. A to v prvom rade nepatrilo Cisárovi.“

34Viete, On má vždy odpoveď cez Slovo. Čítal som to trochu ďalej a On povedal, „Povedz, Šimon, nemáš vo vrecku rybársky háčik?“ Vidíte? „Ty vždy nosíš nejaký malý rybársky háčik a povraz a ja som práve dnes ráno urobil vklad do rybej banky, tam dolu v rieke, vieš.“ On povedal... „Urobil som vklad a ten bankár nám istotne vydá to, čo tam má, len tam choď a nahoď ten háčik do rieky, a keď sa tam chytí tá banka, otvor jej ústa a uvidíš, ona ti dá mincu, neurazme ich. Neprinesme im pohoršenie. Rozumiete? Choď a zaplať to, Šimon. To bude za mňa a za teba.“

35Pomyslel som si, „Skutočne, Bože, Ty máš všade po celej krajine rybie banky, ja neviem, ako sa to stane.“

36Ale išli sme dolu. Mám tu bratov v cirkvi, ktorí sa zaručili za mňa, a ja som tam vložil tú záruku a vybrali sme štyridsať tisíc dolárov a vyplatili sme to.

37Išiel som domov, chcel som presne vedieť, ako som vypísal ten šek, ak by na mňa znovu chceli prísť. Povedal som, „Toto znamená, že som slobodný od všetkých daní. No, radšej by mali tento schváliť, pretože istotne po tomto budú v zmätku.“ Stále som volal do banky, aby som zistil, či to urobili.

A nakoniec mi Bob povedal, „Billy, urobili to, schválili to.“

38Išiel som domov, objal som svoju manželku a povedal som, „Drahá, som slobodný.“ Čo za pocit byť voľný.

39A tak to teraz môžem splatiť, urobilo by to pre mňa teraz ozaj ľahkým. Môžem to teraz splácať, štyri tisíc dolárov ročne, takže nemôžem si už viac vziať pôžičku, ľudia. Budem musieť ísť a pracovať. Tak ja... Zaberie mi to desať rokov, kým to splatím. Ak Ježiš nepríde. A ak On príde, všetky dlhy potom budú jednako splatené. Rozumiete? Tak potom dúfam, že vy všetci... Vaše modlitby... A dnes večer budem pokračovať s niečím takým, čo sa toho trochu týka. Ale vaše modlitby sú to, čo mi pomohlo. Tak veľmi vám ďakujem. Nech vás Boh žehná. Nezáleží na tom, kde kedy sme, nikdy na to nezabudnem.

40Dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem vyjadriť niektoré fakty, o ktorých viem, a istotne príďte. No pamätajte, „Páni, aký je čas“.

41No ideme... Mám na budúci týždeň na zbytok týždňa naplánovaný plný program. A v pondelok večer je... Máme zhromaždenia dnes večer, dnes ráno a dnes večer a v pondelok. V pondelok večer je modlitebné zhromaždenie a potom tam máte utorok, Nový rok, a ak ste z ďaleka, môžete sa vracať domov.

42A budeme tu mať niektorých dobrých kazateľov na zhromaždení. My, je to dobrá skupina veľmi dobrých rečníkov a každý bude hovoriť v určitých intervaloch až do polnoci. A niekedy mávame večeru Pánovu, ak sa to tak hodí. Neviem, či ju naplánovali tentokrát, alebo nie. Rovno v tom čase, keď tam vonku vyskakujú a bláznia a strieľajú a pijú a vyvádzajú, my vtedy berieme Komúniu. Amen. Začíname Nový rok rovno s Komúniou. Tak všetci ste vítaní. A tak dúfam, že vám Boh nebies dá príležitosť, aby ste tu zostali, ak môžete.

43Tak predtým, ako pristúpime ku Slovu, chcem tiež povedať toto, že skutočne ďakujem tomuto zboru, jeho členom za tú peknú sadu oblečenia, ktorú ste mi kúpili. Veľmi pekne vám ďakujem. Znamená to pre mňa tak mnoho, všetky vaše pohľadnice a veci v tomto vianočnom období a dary, ktoré ste poslali rodine, a, ó, bol ich nesmierny počet, a tie maličké veci, ktoré sa nedokážu dotknúť toho miesta v mojom srdci, nič to nedokáže tak, ako to, čo viem, že je od vás. A niektorí z vás mi poslali vianočné dary vo forme peňazí.

44Niektorí poslali rôzne veci. Jeden brat mi poslal taký zápisník, ktorý má v sebe moje meno, a je tam taká záložka, cez ktorú sa dá vidieť, a je na tom napísaná Pánova modlitba. A, ó, veci ako to, to sú pre nás poklady. Moja manželka a ja a deti vám chceme povedať, „Tak veľmi vám ďakujeme. „Je to tak málo, ale poviem toto, že to najväčšie slovo, o ktorom môžem pomyslieť, ktoré môže niekto povedať, je, „Nech vás Boh žehná.“ Nemôže byť nič viac ako to.

45Tak teraz s týmito bratmi tu v cirkvi, ktorí mi kúpili tú pušku, ja mám na sebe teraz ten oblek, ale nemohol by som priniesť pušku do cirkvi. Ale to bolo... Potom by už naozaj niečo proti mne mali, že? Tak, istotne vám ďakujem, moji bratia, a chcel som prečítať ich mená na takom malom... Ale jeden z tých bratov bol včera hore a povedal, „Ó, nie, neďakuj mne, brat Branham, to by zobralo preč z toho všetku radosť, rozumieš?“ Tak som si pomyslel, že tí ostatní tiež o tom tak zmýšľajú, ale mám vaše meno, oni to tam vytlačili. Na to sa bude vždy pamätať. A nech vás Pán mocne žehná.

46A viete, pri čom odpočívam? Keď idem do svojej pracovne a som tam a jednoducho odpočívam. Keď som celý rozrušený a neviem už ísť ďalej, potom rozmýšľam o nejakej poľovačke, kde som niekedy bol, alebo niekde, kde som chytal ryby. A cením si to, nech vás Boh žehná.

47No, či môžeme na chvíľu skloniť svoje hlavy, ako pristúpime ku Slovu? A som si istý, že tie prosby, ktoré sú tu dnes ráno, je ich príliš mnoho, aby sme ich teraz jednotlivo preberali, ale som zvedavý, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy a vy máte svoju špeciálnu prosbu, ak by ste to len držali vo svojom srdci a zodvihli len ruky a povedali, „Bože, Ty vieš, na čo teraz myslím.“

48Pane Ježišu, Ty vidíš každú ruku a Ty vieš, čo je za tým. Tam dolu poza tou rukou leží nejaká prosba. A my teraz prichádzame úctivo hore ku trónu živého Boha, k tej bielej perle, ktorá je roztiahnutá naprieč priestorom času, kde sedí Boh Jahve a Krv Kristova leží na oltári a my hovoríme cez tú Krv skrze Neho, ktorý povedal, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a bude vám to udelené.“ Či vypočuješ, Bože, dnes ráno a dáš odpoveď na ich prosby? Kladiem dnes svoju modlitbu s tou ich s vierou, že Ty nám to udelíš.

49Ležia tu, Pane, vreckovky tých, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí, a sme učení v Biblii že, „Brali vreckovky a zástery od svätého Pavla a kládli ich na chorých a nečisté duchy z nich vychádzali a nemoci odchádzali.“ A, Otče, ako vieme už dlhý čas a istotne vieme, že nie sme svätý Pavol, ale nakoniec my cítime, že to nešlo o svätého Pavla, to bol Kristus, ktorý bol v ňom. A Ty si ten istý „včera, dnes a na veky,“ podľa Písem. Teraz, Pane, títo ľudia veria, že ak budeme prosiť Boha, budeme brať tieto vreckovky a položíme ich na chorých, že oni sa zotavia. A modlím sa, aby to tak bolo, Pane, že keď sú tieto vreckovky umiestnené na chorých.

50A ako raz bolo povedané, keď Izrael vyštartoval na svojej línii povinností a išiel do zasľúbenej zeme a Červené more ich odrezalo rovno na ceste povinností, ale Boh sa pozrel dolu cez ten Ohnivý stĺp s rozhnevanými očami, a to more sa vystrašilo a ono odrolovalo svoje vlny, svoje vody a Izrael prešiel po suchej zemi do zasľúbenej zeme.

51Teraz, Pane, pozri sa dnes cez Krv Ježiša a ty vidíš tento skutok viery, ktorý je tu dnes ráno vykonaný.

A nech je Satan vystrašený a nech sa pohne preč a nech každý jeden z týchto pútnikov, ktorí sú prítomní, a každá jedna z tých vreckoviek, ktorá bude na nich položená, nech je cesta pre nich otvorená a nech choroba odíde preč a nech ich cesta smerom do zasľúbenej zeme je vedená Duchom Svätým, Stĺpom Ohňa, udeľ to, Pane.

52Požehnaj teraz tie bohoslužby Slova, ten kontext čítania a nech Duch Svätý prevezme Slovo dnes ráno a nech nám Ho príjemne nadelí pre každého jedného z nás, Pane, ako sa približujeme k niečomu veľkému, ohromnému, o čom ešte nevieme. Naše srdcia sú zvláštne pohnuté, Pane, a modlíme sa teraz, ako úctivo pristupujeme ku Tebe, a k Tvojmu Slovu, aby si nám Ty vyložil jeho význam. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Tak dnes večer nezabudnite, čas, aký je čas.

53A teraz dnes ráno, chcel by som obrátiť... aj pre tých, ktorí máte svoje Biblie, alebo si to poznačte, ak chcete, miesta Písma, z ktorých chceme hovoriť, len chvíľu teraz, nachádzame to v knihe Skutkov, možno prečítame dve alebo tri miesta, Skutky 26:15 ako prvé miesto. Skutky 26. kapitola a 15. verš na začiatok.

54Potom chceme čítať Skutky 23:11 a môžete si k tomu tiež pridať toto, pravdepodobne nebudem mať čas to čítať, Filipanom 1:20, je to všetko v tom istom smere, tie isté slová.

55Tak teraz v knihe Skutkov 26:15 je napísané toto:

A povedal som, kto si, Pane? A On povedal, Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ. Vstaň a postav sa na svoje nohy, pretože Ja som sa ti zjavil za týmto účelom, aby som ťa učinil služobníkom a svedkom oboch týchto vecí, ktoré si videl a tých vecí, ktoré ti ešte ukážem. Vyslobodzujúc ťa od ľudí od pohanov, ku ktorým som ťa poslal,

aby si otvoril ich oči a aby si ich obrátil od temnosti do svetla a od moci Satana ku Bohu, aby mohli prijať odpustenie hriechov a dedičstvo medzi tými, ktorí sú posvätení skrze vieru, ktorá je vo Mne. Preto, ó, Agripa, nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu,

ale ukázal som sa najprv tým v Damašku a v Jeruzaleme a cez celé pobrežie Júdey a tým... Potom pohanom, aby činili pokánie a obrátili sa ku Bohu a činili skutky hodné pokánia.

56V Skutkoch 23, 11. verš.

A nasledujúcej noci stál Pán pri ňom a povedal, Neboj sa, Pavol, lebo si svedčil o Mne v Jeruzaleme, tak musíš svedčiť o Mne tiež v Ríme.

57Nech Boh pridá Svoje sväté požehnania k čítaniu tohoto najmilostivejšieho svätého Slova, ktoré máme pred sebou.

58No, počul som hovoriť jedného muža, alebo rozprávať nie tak dávno, ako používal slovo absolút. Ja som si pomyslel, „To je veľmi dobré slovo.“ Počujem to používať tak mnohokrát, „Absolútne.“ To je...

59Vyhľadal som si to v slovníku vo Websterovi. Podľa Webstera je to, „Dokonalé v sebe samom, neobmedzené vo svojej moci, predovšetkým konečné, definitívne.“ A niečo konečné je, „To Amen. To je všetko.“ To je to, čo je absolút. Je to „neobmedzené v moci.“ Slovo absolút. Je to „dokonalé v sebe samom. „To je všetko, tým je to vybavené.“

Pomyslel som si, „To je slávna vec, to je ohromné slovo.“

60A tak slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka. Najprv to musí byť myšlienka, a potom sa to stáva slovom, pretože vy nehovoríte svoje slová, bez myšlienky.

61Keď hovoríme v jazykoch, nemáme žiadne myšlienky. To je Boh, ktorý preberá tie myšlienky. To je Božia myšlienka, ktorá používa naše pery. My nerozmýšľame alebo nevieme, čo hovoríme, keď hovoríme v jazykoch, ak je to inšpirované hovorenie. Keď vykladáte, vy neviete, čo hovoríte, vy to len hovoríte, to je všetko. To je Boh. A prorokovanie, vy nepoužívate svoje vlastné myšlienky. To je Boh, pretože vy hovoríte veci, ktoré by ste obyčajne nepomysleli hovoriť.

62Ale slovo absolút je „Ultimátum.“ A preto myslím, že každý má nejaké ultimátum (konečné definitívne rozhodnutie) a každé veľké dosiahnutie, ktoré kedy malo úspech, za tým ležal nejaký absolút. Bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, malo to za sebou nejaký absolút. A každá osoba, aby niečo dosiahla, musí mať najprv absolút. Kým prídete k tomu konečnému, vy pretáčate, hľadáte, a idete cez toto a tamto, až kým prídete ku tomu absolútu, alebo k tomu „Amen,“ k tomu „ultimátu“, konečnému miestu. To, čo ste... Musíte mať niečo, k čomu sa priviažete. Inými slovami, to je ten konečný oporný bod, ku každému dosiahnutiu. Niekde to je. Môže sa to vinúť cez mnoho rozličných vecí, kým sa to dostane ku tomu bodu, ale tam existuje „amen“ k tomu všetkému. Musí niečo také existovať. Nemôžeš ísť životom bez toho, žeby si také niečo nemal.

63Ako keď si sa ženil, niečo sa muselo vinúť tvojou mysľou, niečo, kým si natrafil na ten oporný bod, a to mala byť láska k tvojej manželke, alebo k tvojmu manželovi. No, možno ona nie je taká pekná, ako Jánova manželka alebo ona, no možno ona nie je takáto, ale niečo na nej je, že to teba zasahuje. Ty povieš, „Možno nie je taká pekná ako nejaká druhá,“ alebo „On nevyzerá tak dobre ako niekto druhý,“ ale musí tam byť absolút, že táto osoba je odlišná, a to je to, k čomu si sa priviazal. Ak to tam nie je, tak sa radšej nežeň, nevydávaj. Priviaž sa k tomu opornému bodu. To je k tomu absolútu.

64Môžeme pomyslieť na mnohých v Biblii, ktorí mali absolúty. Ó, ako by sme mohli vziať a prejsť celým radom v tej Biblii a byť tu od teraz dva týždne a nedotkli by sme sa ani povrchu, ak by sme rozmýšľali o tých absolútoch v Biblii. Napríklad, dovoľte mi vziať jedného alebo dvoch, aby sme ich len stručne prešli.

65Pozrite na Jóba, no, on mal absolút. Tomu človeku sa dialo všetko zlé a bol to spravodlivý muž. No, my by sme sa neopovážili povedať, že nebol spravodlivý, pretože Boh povedal, že bol. Nebol nikto taký na zemi, ako Jób, bol dokonalý v očiach Božích a on to vedel, pretože on mal definitívu. On mal absolút, keď sa všetko zdalo byť v protiklade.

66Prevalila sa choroba. Jeho priatelia mohli povedať, „No, vidíš, Jób, to dokazuje, že hrešíš, mýliš sa.“ A potom prišli dolu biskupi, nazvali ich Jóbovými utešiteľmi, ale namiesto útechy oni nevideli na jeho živote nič, len hriech, pretože Boh s ním konal tým spôsobom, akým konal.

67A jeho deti boli zabité a jeho majetok bol spálený, všetko, čo mal, všetko sa mu rúcalo a dokonca jeho vlastný život bol v ohrození, ako sedel na kope popola a prelomilo sa to od hlavy až po päty celé vredmi. Dokonca jeho milovaná drahá spoločníčka, matka tých detí povedala, „Mal by si Boha prekliať a zomrieť smrťou.“ Ale pri všetkom tom, Boh mal absolút.

68Ó, v čase nemoci, ak sa len môžme priviazať k tomu Absolútu.

69Jób vedel, že on splnil požiadavku Jehovu. On mal vieru v to, čo urobil, pretože Jehova to vyžadoval. My to môžeme robiť práve tak. Jehova vyžadoval zápalnú obeť za jeho hriech a Jób urobil zápalnú obeť nielen za seba, ale aj za svoje deti, a to je všetko, čo Boh vyžadoval.

„Ó“, mohli by ste povedať, „Prial by som si, keby to bolo to, čo On vyžaduje dnes.“

70Je to menej ako to: mať len vieru v Jeho Slovo. A ty, ak učiníš Jeho Slovo svojím absolútom, tak môžeš. Každé Božské zasľúbenie v Biblii, ak len môžeš uviazať k nemu svoju dušu. Nezáleží na tom, koľko ťa švihajú tie vlny, stále si priviazaný k svojmu absolútu.

71A on sa toho držal. A keď jeho utešitelia povedali, „Zhrešil si.“ On vedel, že nezhrešil. On bol spravodlivý, pretože splnil požiadavku Jehovu. A keď každé jeho...

72Nejaký človek vstúpil a povedal, „Tvoje deti sú mŕtve,“ ďalší prišiel a povedal, „Tvoje ťavy všetky zhoreli, prišiel oheň z neba.“

73Pozrite, aký argument mali jeho neutešitelia, „Vidíš, oheň prišiel z neba, takže, Jób, to je dôkaz.“ To nedokazuje nič. „No, On by nezasiahol tvoje deti, Jób, ak by si bol spravodlivý.“

74„Ale,“ Jób povedal, „Ja viem, že som urobil, čo je správne.“ Stále sa toho držal, on mal niečo, k čomu mohol byť priviazaný. To je to, on to prijal, akceptoval. On robil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, aby urobil, a on si bol absolútne istý. V poriadku.

75Potom, keď sa dostal na miesto, keď ten absolút držal, potom začal cítiť, že sa ten povraz začal uťahovať. Bežalo to tak voľne, narážalo to z jednej strany na druhú, ale začalo sa to uťahovať, a prišiel na neho Duch. A on sa postavil, a tým, že bol prorokom, povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije.“ Amen. Vidíte? On sa priviazal ku svojmu absolútu. On prišiel do kontaktu. On vedel, čo urobil, a že to bolo správne a v nejaký deň sa musel k tomu potiahnuť. „Viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije, a že v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zemi a hoci moje telo zničia červy, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ On vtedy vedel. Potom bol jeho absolút zakotvený.

76Abrahám mal absolút, ako prichádzal z Babylonu, od tej veže a von do Sineára a tam von, kde putoval so svojím otcom, a zrejme bol farmárom, ale jedného dňa tam niekde v džungliach možno zbieral nejaké maliny, alebo išiel uloviť nejaké zviera, aby mal pokrm, a niekde tam vzadu Boh ku nemu prehovoril, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov. On bol, on a jeho žena Sára, ona mala šesťdesiatpäť a boli bezdetní. Nemali žiadne deti. A Boh mu povedal, „Budeš mať so Sárou dieťa, ale aby sa toto stalo, musíš sa oddeliť.“

77Božie zasľúbenia sú vždy pod podmienkou. Musíš absolútne. Bez ohľadu na to, ako fundamentálne na tom si s tým zasľúbením, ono je zakaždým pod podmienkami. Ako by sme sa tu mohli zastaviť a prejsť to cez Písmo so všetkých strán a zostať pri tom hodiny, že tá podmienka je niečo, čo má význam. Ty môžeš byť tak fundamentálny, ako len chceš, ale to je pod podmienkami skrze zasľúbenie, predurčenie, atď. Všimnite si.

78Takže, „Abrahám uveril Bohu, a bolo mu to počítané za spravodlivosť.“ No, čo za hroznú vec by to bolo stretnúť ten civilizovaný svet, muž, ktorý má sedemdesiatpäť rokov, so ženou, ktorá mala šesťdesiatpäť a žili spolu, odkedy sa ako mladí vzali, a pretože ona bola jeho polovičná sestra a teraz s ňou išiel mať dieťa. Ale on mal absolút. Nič s ním nedokázalo pohnúť.

79A keď sa to potom prvý mesiac nestalo, jeho absolút držal, pretože on vedel, že hovoril s Bohom. Druhý mesiac, druhý rok, desiaty rok a potom o dvadsaťpäť rokov neskôr, keď mal sto a Sára mala deväťdesiat, jeho absolút stále držal.

80A Biblia hovorí, keď bol napísaný jeho nekrológ, Boh povedal, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný a dával chválu Bohu.“

81Prečo? Či ste na to niekedy pomysleli prečo? On mal absolút, bol pozitívny. Bol si istý. A jediná vec, ktorú musel urobiť, bolo oddeliť sa od svojich ľudí. A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, kým to neurobil. On vzal svojho otca, jeho otec zomrel, vzal Lóta a potom, ako sa Lót oddelil od Abraháma, potom k nemu prišiel Boh a povedal, „Teraz sa prejdi po tej zemi.“ Vidíte?

82Poslušnosť, zasľúbenie pod podmienkami, to vždy ide s Bohom a Jeho Slovom. No, pozrite sa na...

83Vezmime Mojžiša. Mojžiš bol sluha, prorok na úteku, ktorého Boh vzbudil a vyučil ho, vzdelal vo faraónovom paláci. A Mojžiš vyšiel s tým svojím teologickým tréningom a prvé, čo urobil, zabil muža. Potom ten prvý zmätok, ktorý sa objavil, bolo, že Mojžiš bol vystrašený na smrť.

84Prečo? Nemal žiaden absolút. On mal len svedectvo svojej matky pri narodení. Bol zvláštnym dieťaťom. Mal ohľadne toho slovo svojej matky. Mal zvitky, ktoré mal Boh, pravdepodobne niekde v papierovej forme, bolo to napísané a mali to spolu zabalené, bolo tam, že Boh navštívi svoje deti. On vedel, že to je ten čas. Tak, ako my dnes. My vieme, že niečo sa ide stať.

85Tak Mojžiš vedel, že to je ten čas, a on vedel, že on bol ku tomu vybraný, ale on nemal žiaden absolút. Rozumiete?

86 A jedného dňa tam vzadu na púšti, keď stratil videnie, Boh sa mu ukázal v horiacom kre. A On povedal, „Mojžiš, Ja som videl trápenie Môjho ľudu, počul som ich vzdychanie a plač a to, ako ich tí dozorcovia trestali, a Ja som si spomenul na Svoje zasľúbenie, Ja som zostúpil, aby som ich vyslobodil. Teraz choď dolu do Egypta.“ Ó.

87Mojžiš povedal, sťažoval sa, povedal, „Ja nehovorím veľmi dobre, moje vyslobodenie nie je veľmi dobré, oni mi nebudú veriť.“

On povedal, „Čo máš v ruke?“

On povedal, „Palicu.“

88On povedal, „Hoď ju na zem.“ Ona sa obrátila na hada. Povedal, „Zodvihni ju za chvost.“ Znovu sa obrátila späť na palicu. On mu dával uistenie, potvrdenie.

89Keď dáva Boh absolút, On dáva potvrdenie tomu absolútu, zakaždým.

90Potom Mojžiš, keď bol tam dolu a hodil tú palicu pred tých mágov a faraóna a tí mágovia prišli a tiež hodili na zem svoje palice, Mojžiš vôbec neutiekol a nepovedal, „Ó, no dobre, mýlil som sa, ó, to je len lacný magický trik, a možno som sa mýlil.“

91Ale on vedel. On si bol istý, že stretol Boha a stál pevne. Povedzme, že on urobil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, že má urobiť. Tak isto Jób urobil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, že má urobiť. Mojžiš nasledoval Jeho prikázania. Potom stoj ticho a sleduj Slávu Božiu! Mojžiš bol priviazaný k svojmu absolútu, svojmu povereniu a on stál pevne. A keď stál, jeho had pohltil tých ostatných hadov. Rozumiete? On bol priviazaný ku absolútu.

92Boh povedal, „Keď vyslobodíš tie deti, budete Ma znovu uctievať na tejto hore.“

93Tak nepriateľ každým spôsobom, akým len môže, sa bude snažiť dostať ťa preč od toho absolútu.

94Práve tak, ako keď vyrazili z Egypta, dostali sa do zovrenia medzi Červeným morom a vrchmi na druhej strane. Prešli cez údolie a tam bolo Červené more. Nebolo možné uniknúť na kopce, nedalo sa nijako uniknúť týmto smerom a Faraónova armáda prichádzala týmto smerom. Čo za miesto, na ktorom môžeš stáť.

95Vidíte, ako vás diabol dostáva na miesto, kde neviete, čo máte robiť? Ale pamätajte, ak ste priviazaní k tomu absolútu, tak tam to je.

96Mojžiš vedel, že Boh mu to zasľúbil, že „Budete Ma uctievať na tejto Hore, keď ich vyvedieš, a Ja som zostúpil skrze tvoju ruku, aby som ich vyslobodil a umiestnil ich tam do tej inej zeme.“ On s tým rovno zostal. A Boh poslal východný vietor a odfúkol tie vody, rovno až zo dna mora a oni prešli cez suchú zem. Absolút.

97Ako by sme mohli cez to ísť, cez Písmo: Daniel, jeho absolút; Sadrach, Mézach, Abednégo, ich absolút; Dávid, jeho absolút; všetci, absolút.

98Pavol mal tiež jeden, ten, o ktorom čítame. On mal zavolanie, kde centrom bol Kristus, a to bolo jeho absolútom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa nebál, čo mohol povedať Agripa. Stál tam a Agripa bol Žid, ako vieme. A tak potom, ako stojí pred týmito kráľmi a rôznymi, Boh mu už povedal, že tam bude stáť. A tak on mal absolút, on povedal presne to, čo bolo tým nebeským videním. Povedal, „Ja nie som... Nebol som k tomu neúctivý, bol som... Ja som to nerozsúdil zle, nesprával som sa zle.“ Ale on sa držal toho a nebol neposlušný, vykonal to do tej chvíle, pretože to bol absolút.

A ten život, kde Kristus je centrom, je tvojím absolútom.

99Tak, odkedy Ho stretol tvárou tvár na ceste do Damašku, to tak mnoho pre Pavla znamenalo.

100No, pamätajte, on bol predtým vyučený študent, on bol mocný muž v Písmach, ale on nemal žiaden oporný bod, ale Sanhedrin ho podporoval, on mal diplom od veľkého učiteľa. On bol veľkým mužom na svojom poli. Ale on čakal. Jedinú vec, ktorú mal, bolo, jeho absolút bol iba tak silný, aká silná bola jeho organizácia. To je maximálna sila, akú mohol mať. A on s tým verne pracoval a bral kresťanov a zväzoval ich a on bol pre nich pohromou a dokonca ukameňoval Štefana.

101Myslím si, že neskôr vo svojom živote ten dôvod, prečo išiel do Jeruzalema, keď mu ten prorok povedal, „Nechoď tam, Pavol, pretože ťa tam čakajú reťaze a väzenie.“

102A Pavol povedal, „Ja to viem, ale ja len idem do Jeruzalema ako svedok, ale ja tam idem a som pripravený aj zomrieť za Ježiša Krista.“ Pretože on vedel, čo vykonal, a jeho ambíciou bolo spečatiť svoje svedectvo svojou vlastnou krvou, zomrieť ako mučeník, pretože on zabil jedného z Božích mučeníkov.

103A teraz bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku so všetkým svojím vzdelaním. Sedel pod veľkým učiteľom Gamalielom a ako on bol vyučený všetkému židovskému náboženstvu. A pritom s tým všetkým bol taký chatrný, že ani nemal schopnosť určité veci vykonať. A zrazu tam bolo Svetlo, možno hluk a hrom a on bol udrený a padol na zem.

104A pozrel sa hore, bolo tam Svetlo, ktoré svietilo a ono oslepilo jeho oči. Aké to bolo zvláštne. Nikto nevidel to svetlo, iba Saul, tak to bolo zasľúbené a bolo to pre neho také skutočné, až to oslepilo jeho oči. Nemohol vidieť. Bol úplne slepý, keď ten Ohnivý stĺp tam žiaril rovno do jeho tváre. A on počul hlas, ktorý povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „ Pane, kto si?“

105On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš, ťažko ti bude kopať oproti ostňom. Vstaň teraz a choď do Damašku a tam je niekto poslaný ku tebe.“ A potom on odtiaľ vstal...

106A potom tam bol jeden prorok dolu v tom meste, ktorý videl videnie, zatiaľ čo sa modlil, a on tam prišiel. Prišiel Ananiáš a prišiel ku Saulovi, položil na neho svoje ruky a bol uzdravený Božským uzdravením. Potom povstal, bol pokrstený, zmývajúc svoje hriechy a vzýval meno Pánovo. A potom mal absolút. Po tomto už nikdy nebol tým istým, išiel priamo z cirkvi do cirkvi, z miesta na miesto a snažil sa vybudovať to, čo sa snažil zboriť.

107Ako národ, ako kresťanský svet dnes ráno potrebuje ten typ absolútu. Tých, ktorých vyznania a tradície priviazali k sebe ľudí náukami, ktoré rušia Božie Slovo, že je to isté včera, dnes a na veky. Oni potrebujú absolút, prežitie toho stretnutia na ceste do Damašku, ten Živý Boh, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorých, vzkriesiť mŕtvych a vyhnať diablov. Skutočný pravdivý absolút.

108Pavol vedel, že niečo sa stalo. Neexistoval nikto, kto by to od neho mohol vziať, na ničom inom nezáležalo. On bol priviazaný, a to bolo to. Bez ohľadu na to, čo prišlo, on vedel, že bol priviazaný, bol to život, kde centrom je Kristus. Ó.

109Život, ktorý žil, bol odlišný život. No, pamätajte, on bol dovtedy nábožným človekom.

110A vy, niektorí ľudia, dnes ráno, ja viem, že si uvedomujete, že táto páska sa nahráva a bude prehrávaná v každom národe pod nebom, asi po celom svete, a niektorí z vás ľudí ste tu prítomní a niektorí z vás, ktorí ste tam, kde budú prehrávané tie pásky v tých iných národoch cez prekladateľov, a pôjde to ku kmeňom v Afrike a tam medzi Hotentótmi a všade naokolo.

111A vy, náboženskí vodcovia, ktorí máte len vzdelanie Biblie a máte to len z historického hľadiska a môžete vysvetliť všetky tieto veci, ale ak nemáte absolút, ak nemáte to prežitie a ak to prežitie, to, ktoré tvrdíte, že máte, spôsobuje, že zapierate, že každé slovo z tohoto nie je presne také isté pravdivé pre cirkev dnes, aké bolo vtedy a vždy, a ak vy spoliehate na svoj titul bakalára umenia, alebo čokoľvek môžete mať! Ak spoliehate na mysle svojej organizácie, ktorá povie, „Dni zázrakov pominuli, nemáme už žiadne Božské uzdravovanie a krst Duchom Svätým, ako oni prijali vtedy na deň Letníc, to nie je pre ľudí dneška.“ Ak je to všetko, čo máš, môj vzácny brat, sestra, potrebuješ prežitie cesty do Damašku.

112Potrebuješ sa stretnúť s týmto Živým Bohom, kde ty, nie len nejaká mýtická myšlienka v tvojej mysli, nie nejaké zachvenie, alebo nejaký druh senzácie, ale myšlienka a prežitie toho skutočného pravdivého, toho istého Ježiša, ktorý kráčal po Galilei, ktorý žije dnes a je živý na veky vekov. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Absolút, že ty nemusíš brať niečo, čo niekto iný povedal. Ty to vieš sám, nie kvôli nejakej senzácii.

113Ak tá senzácia, ktorú si mal, a niekto, mohla to byť skutočná Biblická senzácia a niekto sa to snažil ti vyvrátiť povediac, že tie veci boli v nejakom inom dni, buď opatrný, je to pravda, buď opatrný. Je spôsob, ako to vedieť, otestuj to Slovom. To je tá modrotlač (projekt).

114Ak je dom stavaný v protiklade s projektom, tak ten zadávateľ to nechá zrútiť a znova vybudovať. To musí byť podľa projektu.

115Nezáleží na tom, aké je tvoje prežitie, ak ti potom niečo, čo je v tebe, hovorí, že Biblia nie je pravdou, že moc Božia, apoštoli, proroci a učitelia a pastori a dary Ducha nie sú také isté, ako boli vtedy, keď prúdili cez tých apoštolov na Letnice, potom je niečo nesprávne s tvojím absolútom. To sa potom musí vinúť okolo denominačného vyznania namiesto okolo Božej Biblie. Pričom On povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Pozoruj, čo je tvojím absolútom.

116Môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v dobrom obecenstve s pastorom. Môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v obecenstve s okresným presbyterom, môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v obecenstve s biskupom, alebo s nejakým iným veľkým mužom v tvojej cirkvi, ale ak nie si... Tvoj absolút nie je Ježiš Kristus.

117„Lebo na tejto Skale postavím svoj absolút a brány pekla to nebudú môcť premôcť.“ Duchovné zjavenie, kým On je, a vedieť to. V poriadku. Ó.

118Tak, keď sa stávaš takým, ako Pavol, keď máš ten istý absolút, aký mal on, život, ktorého centrom je Kristus, je odlišný od toho, ktorý si raz mal, a mohol to byť veľmi nábožný život, ktorý si žil.

119Ó, počul som ľudí povedať, „No, oni sú veľmi nábožní.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné.

120Videl som mnoho náboženstiev veľmi zbožných, mnohokrát úprimnejších, ako kresťanskí ľudia dnes vyznávajú. Keď nejaká matka dokáže vziať malé tučnučké, čierne nemluvňa, asi takéto veľké, a hodiť ho do papule krokodíla, kvôli láske jej boha. Som zvedavý, ako je to s úprimnosťou kresťanstva. Keď sa človek dokáže až takto trápiť, zavesí si tisíc háčikov na svoje telo, asi takto, a zavesí na to gule plné vody a takto mu to ťahá a ide cez pás ohňa, dlhý asi odtiaľto na koniec tejto modlitebne, tam a naspäť a je to úplne žeravé, ofukujú to a robí to kvôli obeti svojmu bohu, kvôli nejakej modle s rubínovo-červenými očami, a tak ďalej. Som zvedavý, kde je kresťanstvo. Aha, aha. Tak nemyslite si, „Úprimnosť.“ Úprimnosť nie je to. Úprimnosť je v poriadku, keď je umiestnená na správnu vec.

121Ako nejaký lekár, ktorý podáva liek. Mohol by vám dať arzén, úprimne si mysliac, a mohol by vám dať kyselinu sírovú a byť úprimný, mohli by ste mať predpis vypísaný zle. A mohli by ste to vziať úprimne, ale to nezachráni váš život. Rozumiete? Nie veru, musíte vedieť, čo robíte. A čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s Božím Slovom, je mi jedno, čo to je a ako dlho je to v existencii, stále je to nesprávne.

122Peter im dal večný predpis na deň Letníc, povedal, „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo tento predpis je pre vás a pre vaše deti a tým, ktorí sú ďaleko, toľkým, koľkých Pán, náš Boh povolá.“ To je pravda. Je to večný predpis.

123No, nejaký pokútny lekárnik by vám mohol dať kopu niečoho a zabiť vás. Áno, istotne. Viete, keď je toľko jedu v tom predpise, aby to otrávilo ten zárodok a ten lekár vie presne, koľko tam môže dať, koľko vaše telo vydrží. Ak tam dá príliš mnoho jedu, tak by vás to zabilo. Ak by ho tam nebolo dostatok, čo by to potom urobilo? Potom by to nebolo na nič dobré vziať ten liek. On vie, koľko vaše telo vydrží.

124No, tak je to s predpisom Božím. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko niekto druhý hovorí, že to musí byť urobené takto alebo tak, neverte tomu, keď nasledujete Slovo presne do písmena, to je to. Držte sa toho, no máme... Tí, ktorí hovoria, „Musíš byť pofŕkaný.“ Oni majú takých, že, „Musíte použiť tituly Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ Nie je nič také v Biblii. Nie je žiadne také miesto, kde bol kto tak pokrstený v Biblii, nejakým iným spôsobom, okrem Mena Ježiša Krista. To je dogma, ktorá bola pridaná v Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, a to sa prenáša cez tradície. Dotkneme sa toho dnes večer.

125Ale všimnite si, uprostred všetkého toho, ten predpis zostáva. To je to, prečo máme tak mnoho nemocných detí, pretože oni nepočúvajú to, čo hovorí ten Lekár. Absolút, keď si k tomu priviazaný, to je to, to je Božie Slovo, to nemôže zlyhať.

126Život, ktorého centrom je Kristus. Veľmi nábožný, ale nebol to život, ktorého centrom je Kristus. Tak mnohí z nás to majú dnes.

127A keď dostávaš tento život, ktorého centrom je Kristus, to spôsobuje, že robíš veci, ktoré by si obyčajne nerobil, to spôsobuje, že konáš odlišne od toho, ako by si obyčajne konal. Ja nemám na mysli správať sa hlúpo, mám na mysli konať v Duchu. Niečo, čo je skutočné, niečo, čo je pravdivé, a keď vidíš niekoho, kto koná hlúpo, vieš, že on na seba len niečo navlieka. On sa len snaží napodobniť tú pravdivú vec.

128Keď vidíš falošný dolár, pamätaj, existuje dobrý dolár, z ktorého bol tamten učinený. Rozumieš? Keď vidíš podvrh, to je absolútne tieň niečoho, čo je skutočné. Je to niečo, to, čo je skutočné, a toto je od toho odkopírované.

129Všimnite si, to spôsobuje, že činíš veci, ktoré by si obyčajne nečinil. Ó, to je niečo. Si si istý, si si toho veľmi istý, keď dostávaš tento absolút. Si o tom presvedčený. Neberieš niečo, čo je prežitím niekoho druhého.

130To je ten dôvod, prečo sa kresťanstvo stalo niečím takým, ako malé deti v Biblii, alebo nie, vlastne, prepáčte mi: malé deti v škole. Oni sa snažia kopírovať jeden od druhého, ak sa tento jeden pomýli, tak všetci to majú zle. Vidíte? Všetci z nich sa potom mýlia, ó, nekopírujte, stretnite Ho vy sami.

131Jeden môj dobrý priateľ, stojí tu vzadu, on je starým... On je synom jedného môjho kamaráta, dlhoročného priateľa, malého Jima Poola, no, jeho ocko a ja sme spolu vyrastali v škole a, ó, aký je to fajný chlapík. Malý Jim a ja sa ustavične modlíme, aby sa veľký Jim stal kresťanom, skutočným veriacim a malý Jim a ja sme sa včera rozprávali o tom, kde sme našli Boha v lesoch a videli Ho v prírode. To je to, kde Ho nachádzate, pretože On je Stvoriteľom a On je vo svojom stvorení.

132A ja si pamätám, že Jim a ja sme zvykli chodiť, chodili sme na poľovačku a keď prišla noc, ó, zvykli sme zísť dolu vziať svoje bicykle a jazdili sme tu dolu ulicou a boli sme vystrašení na smrť, keď sme mali prejsť okolo cintorína, keď sa zotmelo, a ísť dolu, aby sme si kúpili zmrzlinu.

133A Jim rád hral biliard. No, boli sme vtedy len chlapci, desať, dvanásť, štrnásťroční, a potom Jim si rád sadol a čítal knižky o poľovaní a chodení po horách.

134A ja som si sadol a sníval, asi... No, niektorí z chlapcov ma mohli vidieť a ja som videl takú malú, maličkú chatrč niekde a zvykol som povedať, „Chlapče, to by bola dobrá chatrč, mať ju tak v horách.“ A vždy som sníval o tom, že jedného dňa si urobím takú chatrč niekde v horách a budem mať svorku poľovných psov a nejaké zbrane a vždy som rozmýšľal, „Ak by som mohol mať 30/30 pušku, ak by som ju niekedy mohol mať.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ako ja kedy zoženiem pušku 30/30.“

135Jedného dňa som stál a díval sa na svoju stenu a videl som niektoré z tých najlepších pušiek, aké sa dajú zohnať, a pomyslel som si, „Nádherná Milosť.“

136Pomyslel som si, „Vytrénujem sa v strieľaní a budem strieľať dobre a potom možno urobím výlet do hôr a nejaký dobrý poľovník ma vezme so sebou, aby som bol len taký... Pretože on si bude chcieť ochrániť život, možno od nejakého číhajúceho medveďa, nebol si veľmi istý. Nejaký bohatý muž by ma zobral so sebou, len aby som išiel s ním, len ako taký ochranca. A možno jedného dňa sa dostanem na poľovačku do Afriky, ako ochranca. Ak by som len mohol trénovať, to je tá jediná vec, ktorú môžem robiť, to je trénovať, aby som bol dobrým a presným strelcom.“

137Ó, pomyslel som si, „Bože, keď na to pomyslím, Ty si mi dovolil poľovať po celom svete.“ Aká nádherná vec.

Jim zvykol sedieť a čítať knižku, povedal som, „Jim...“

On povedal, „Rád by som o tom čítal.“

138Povedal som, „Jim, to je niečo, čo niekto druhý urobil, ja to chcem tiež sám, ja chcem prežitie.“ Keď som prišiel ku Kristovi, ja som nemohol zobrať prežitie niekoho druhého, ja som to chcel sám.

139Pamätám si, keď som čítal Pútnik osamelej hviezdy, od Zane Gray. Potrhal som doma mame dve alebo tri metly, pretože som na tom behal po dome a cválal, keď som bol na tejto metle, ktorá mi pripomínala koňa. Čítal som príbeh o tom osamelom pútnikovi, ako priviedol spravodlivosť do Bigbend.

140Potom som čítal fiktívny príbeh od Edgara Rice Burrough o Tarzanovi a opiciach. Mama mala takú starú handru z kože, bola to handra z kože od mroža alebo niečoho, ktorú jej dala pani Wathenová, a to ležalo v jej izbe a ja som vzal tú handru a mama dobre vedela, že to nebol vietor, ktorý ju odfúkol preč, a ja som to vzal a rozstrihal som to a urobil som si šaty ako Tarzan a posadil som sa do stromu. A polovicu svojho času som strávil na strome v tejto Tarzanovej prikrývke. Pretože som videl, čo robil, ja som to chcel tiež.

141Ale jedného dňa skrze Milosť Božiu som sa uchopil tej skutočnej knihy, Biblie. Moja pieseň a môj príbeh sa stal, „Byť ako Ježiš, byť ako On, na zemi túžim byť ako On.“ Ja nechcem byť biskupom alebo nejakou veľkou osobou v cirkvi, nejakým pápežom, alebo nejakým kňazom, chcem byť ako Ježiš. Absolút, to ťa činí odlišným, niečo na tom je, keď čítaš Jeho Slovo a niečo v tvojom srdci je, že ty túžiš byť ako On. Si si istý.

142Je to ako ten absolút Krista, absolút pre Kresťana je ako... To je ako kotva lode. Áno, ty musíš mať absolút. A ak je Kristus tvojím absolútom, to je ako kotva. To je, keď ty... More je veľmi drsné a tá loď je už hotová sa potopiť a tá jediná vec, jediná nádej, ktorú máš, je hodiť kotvu. A keď sa tá loď kníše a je kmásaná, vidz, či tá kotva udrží tú loď. Viete, máme takú pieseň, zabudol som na autora tej piesne, ale volá sa to Moja kotva drží.

143Ako ten malý chlapec, ako sme o tom mnohokrát rozmýšľali, keď si púšťal šarkana, nemohli ste vidieť nič, ale on držal ten povraz a išiel okolo nejaký človek a opýtal sa ho, „Čo to robíš, synu?“

„Púšťam si šarkana.“

On povedal, „A čo to máš vo svojej ruke?“

Povedal, „Povraz.“

144Povedal, „A kde je ten šarkan?“ Povedal, „Nevidím ho, tak ako vieš, že si púšťaš šarkana?“

145On povedal, „Cítim ho, šklbe to.“ Vidíte? Na konci toho povrazu mal absolút. Jeho malým spôsobom, v tom malom, pre neho bol ten šarkan absolútom, takže on mohol povedať, že si púšťa šarkana. Hoci ho nedokázal vidieť, ale on to držal, držal niečo a uchopil sa toho.

146Tak je to s človekom, keď je narodený znovu z Ducha Božieho, on sa uchopil niečoho, čo má tam ďaleko kotvu, a tie búrky ho neotrasú. On vie, že je v poriadku. On je zakotvený. V poriadku.

147No, ak sme my v našej malej plachetnici plaviac sa na šírom mori života, ako povedal ten veľký básnik.

Život nie je len prázdny sen.

A duša mŕtva, ktorá hlboko spí,

a veci nie sú také, aké sa zdajú.

Život je skutočný a život je závdavkom.

A jeho hrob nie je jeho cieľom.

Lebo prach si a na prach sa obrátiš,

nebolo hovorené o duši.

148Ó, myslím, že je to také krásne. To bol Longfellow, ktorý napísal tento žalm života. Vidíte?

Zatiaľ čo sa plavíme na šírom mori života,

keď to vidí zblúdený a stroskotaný brat,

znovu naberie odvahy do srdca.

149Teraz sme v našej malej plachetnici a plavíme sa na šírom mori života a Kristus je v tej lodi, ktorá je na búrkach času. Keď sa búrky zosilnejú a drásajú, som rád, že mám kotvu, ktorá drží tam za tou oponou, a dokonca ani samotná smrť ťa od toho nemôže vytrhnúť, si priviazaný k svojmu absolútu. Kristus je našou kotvou. Čím On je? On je Slovo. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo s Bohom, a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

150Potom, keď vieme, že naše skutky sú presne s Jeho Slovom, keď vieme, že naše učenie je dokonalé so Slovom, nič pridané, nič vzaté, len Slovo, a vidíme tie isté výsledky, ktoré iní, ktorí sa zakotvili do toho istého Slova, ako to žije v našom živote, potom tvoja kotva drží. Život Kristov je reprodukovaný v takmer stelesnenom spôsobe skrze teba, tak, ako to bolo v Kristovi, pretože, „To bol Boh v Kristovi mieriac svet so sebou.“ A ty vidíš Boha v sebe, ako drží ten istý sťažeň Slova, presne tak isto, ako to robil Ježiš. Vidíš Jeho život. „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, ten, kto verí.“ Nie ten, ktorý sa robí veriaci, ten, ktorý si myslí, že verí, ale „Ten, kto verí.“ „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Prečo? On je zakotvený v tej istej Skale. Čo bolo tou Skalou? Vždy to bolo Slovo. Tam si zakotvený. To je tvoja severná hviezda, keď si stratený na mori.

151Viete, máme mnoho hviezd, ale je len jedna pravdivá hviezda, ktorá sa nehýbe, to je severná hviezda, pretože ona je postavená v centre zeme. Nezáleží na tom, či si vzadu, alebo na druhej strane, alebo kdekoľvek si, tá severná hviezda je stále rovnaká. To je tvoja severná hviezda. No, vidíš, je mnoho hviezd, ktoré sa presúvajú z miesta na miesto, ale ak si na mori, no, každý námorník to vie, alebo poľovník, ktorý putuje po lesoch, vie, že tá severná hviezda je tvojím miestom, to je všetko, to je ako tvoj kompas. Tvoj kompas ti neukáže na Mars alebo Jupiter, alebo na niečo, to ti ukáže na severnú hviezdu. Prečo? To je tvoj absolút.

152Ó, všimnite si, tvoj absolút... ó, niečo tu idem povedať, cítim, ako to prichádza, všimnite si, cítim sa teraz veľmi nábožne, pretože toto je uistenie. Všimnite si.

153Tvoj kompas ti môže ukázať iba na Severnú hviezdu, to je jediné miesto, na ktoré to môže ukázať. Ak je to správny kompas, to zakaždým ukáže na Severnú hviezdu. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „ Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

154Potom, ak máš Svätého Ducha, to môže ukázať iba na Slovo. To nikdy neukáže na denomináciu. To nikdy neukáže na nejaké vyznanie, to nikdy neukáže niekam inam. To ukáže rovno do Slova. Cítim sa tak, že by som kričal. Všimnite si, to je niečo vo vnútri človeka, čo pulzuje, keď vidíte, ako je tam postavená vaša hviezda Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, a vy vidíte toho Ducha, ktorý je vo vás, že On nedovolí, aby sa to pohlo napravo alebo naľavo. To je Ten jediný, ktorý to dokáže. On prišiel, aby vzal veci Božie a ukázal im ich a zamanifestoval im ich.

155A Ježiš povedal, „On bude robiť presne tie veci, ktoré Ja hovorím, On vám zjaví veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Ukáže vám to dopredu, predtým, ako to sem príde. Rozumiete?“ On vezme tie veci, ktoré sú Moje, a ukáže vám ich a potom vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Ján 15.

156Vidíme, že On ukazuje tie veci a On berie veci, ktoré sú Božie, a ukazuje ti ich. A On ti zjaví veci, ktoré Ježiš povedal, inými slovami On tú vec vyjasnil. Položte tú vec tam do rohu, dnes večer, pretože to je to, čo za nejakú chvíľku použijeme. Robí ťa to istým, uisťuje ťa to. Vidíte? Potom ty vieš. Ak si... Tvoja Severná hviezda, ktorá je Slovom pre každého Kresťana.

157Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, pozrite, dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem, dobre toto počúvajte. Toto je kompletné Božské zjavenie Boha, Jeho vôle a príchodu Kristovho a všetko, čo leží rovno v tejto Knihe, je to kompletné. [Brat Branham klope na svoju Bibliu. - pozn.prekl.] A ak ťa niečo od tohoto odťahuje, odťahuje preč ten kompas, tak to je len nejaké vyznanie. To je nejaká orga... To je len nejaký papier, ktorý nosíš vo svojom vrecku, alebo ti visí zarámovaný v tvojej izbe. Je to nejaké cirkevné vyznanie. Potom nájdi ten kompas, ktorý ťa nastavuje do Slova. Amen.

158Všimnite si, keď toto prežitie zasiahlo Pavla, on išiel dolu do Egypta a Arábie, niekam tam a študoval tri roky. Sláva! Fíha, on si musel byť istý. A keď to videl, keď ho Duch Svätý nasmeroval do Slova za Slovom, on mohol napísať tú knihu Hebrejom a ukázať to tým Židom. Istotne. Prečo? On bol zacentrovaný. Ten kompas Svätého Ducha ho nasmeroval rovno na severnú Hviezdu.

159Tak, ak máš niečo, čo ťa od toho odťahuje, tak to radšej nechaj tak. Syn, to ťa nasmeruje do Jeho Slova a jedine do Jeho Slova, pretože Duch Svätý prišiel zamanifestovať alebo potvrdiť Božské zasľúbenia. Žiadne cirkevné vyznanie to neurobí. Žiadna organizácia to neurobí, žiadne moci, ani nič to nemôže urobiť, jedine Duch Svätý skrze Slovo. A On je tým zárodkom.

160Vezmite zárodok, zrnko pšenice, pekné zrnko pšenice, ale ono nič nedokáže, ono je mŕtve, kým do toho nepríde zárodok, potom to vyprodukuje mnoho zŕn pšenice.

161Ak Kristus je tým životom, tým Absolútom, ak tá pšenica nemá v sebe absolút, to nikdy nepovstane. Ak tá pšenica nemá ten absolút, môže byť navonok tak krásna, ale ona nemôže žiť, pretože nie je v nej nič, skrze čo by žila. Ale keď to dostáva ten Absolút, dokáže sa to dívať do tváre všetkej kritiky, alebo všetkých kritikov a povedať, „Ja znovu povstanem.“ Prečo? Lebo to má Absolút, je to v tom, musí to znovu povstať, a keď to... „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom proste, čo chcete.“ To je ten Absolút.

162Ale ak máš vyznania a všetko ostatné do toho zamotané, nemôžeš zmiešať olej a vodu. Môžeš to vziať a lámať to, akýmkoľvek spôsobom chceš, nikdy to nezmiešaš, to sa nikdy nezmieša, pretože to sú dve rôzne chemikálie. A nemôžete spôsobiť, aby sa vyznanie a Biblia, vyznanie, ktoré je v protiklade s Bibliou, zmiešali. Nemôžete spôsobiť, aby sa denominácia a slobodne narodené náboženstvo, alebo slobodne narodené spasenie spolu zmiešali. Pretože s takou istotou Boh jedine koná...

163Jednako to idem povedať, Boh nikdy neruší svoj program, nemôže ho zrušiť, pretože On je Nekonečný, a ja si uvedomujem, viete, ide to pred mnoho ľudí. Ale Boh nemôže Svoj program zrušiť. On nemôže urobiť niečo jeden deň, a potom to zmeniť a urobiť niečo, a povedať, že to bolo zlé v tom dni.

164Boh nekoná so skupinou ľudí, Boh koná s jednotlivcom, pretože ľudia majú rozličné idey. On je vo svojej náture inak vybudovaný. Boh musí toho človeka vziať a pretriasť ho a popoťahovať, povytiahnuť zo samého seba, kým ho nedostane do Jeho nátury. A potom Boh s tou osobou koná. Pozrite sa späť naprieč vekmi, Noe a Mojžiš, proroci. Nikdy tam neboli dvaja v tom istom čase. Ustavične to bol jeden, po celý čas, cez všetky veky. Preto, ak poviete, „V množstve radcov je bezpečnosť.“

165Pozrite, ako som tu kázal prednedávnom v modlitebni, bol tam Achab a bol tam Jozafat a oni išli do Rámot Gileáda, aby vytlačili nepriateľa. Fundamentálne mali pravdu, tá zem im patrila a ten nepriateľ, Sýrovia, ktorí tam boli, napĺňali bruchá svojich detí pšenicou, ktorú mali mať Izraeliti. Bolo to Bohom dané vlastníctvo, a tak fundamentálne sa to zdalo dobre. „Poď so mnou a poďme tam hore a zaujmeme tú zem.“ No, znie to hrozne dobre, fundamentálne to bola pravda, ale je to pod podmienkami.

166Jozafat, tým, že bol dobrým človekom, povedal, „Ale nemali by sme to konzultovať s Pánom?“

167Samozrejme, Achab, ten odpadlík, povedal, „No, iste.“ Hraničný veriaci, viete, povedal, „Ó, samozrejme, mal som na to myslieť, mám štyristo hebrejských prorokov, štyristo z nich a ja ich kŕmim a starám sa o nich. Sú to najlepší, ktorí sú v krajine. Privedieme ich.“

168A všetci z nich jednomyseľne povedali, „Choď hore, Pán je s tebou.“ Fundamentálne mali pravdu, ale oni neuchopili ten absolút.

Potom, keď on povedal, „Nie je tam ešte jeden?“

169Povedal, „Áno, je ešte jeden, ale ja ho nenávidím.“ On povedal, „On hovorí o mne vždy zle, vidíš, vždy tak hovorí.“

170Ako on mohol prorokovať dobré, keď celé Slovo, Eliáš, ktorý bol pred ním, povedal Achabovi, „Psi budú lízať tvoju krv.“ No, ako mohol ten potvrdený prorok povedať niečo, čo nebola vôľa Božia? A ako to, „Psi budú žrať Jezábeľ a hnoj bude na poliach, takže nebudú môcť povedať, 'Tu leží Jezábeľ.'“ S takou kliatbou na človeku, ako to môže niekto druhý požehnať?

171Tak je to dnes, ako môže človek požehnať tieto veci, ktoré berú po celý čas ľudí ďalej od Boha. Je iba jedna vec, ktorá sa má učiniť, ak budeš musieť stáť sám, prekliať tú vec v Mene Pánovom a zostať s tým, keď máš Absolút.

Povieš, „Dobre, brat Branham, ty robíš, že ľudia ťa nenávidia.“

172Boh ma bude milovať, to je môj Absolút. Nemôžem odpočívať na ramene človeka, musím odpočívať na Slove, na tom, čo povedal Boh.

173Ako Micheáš vedel, že mal pravdu? On očakával, mal videnie, oni mali tiež videnie, a to videnie neporovnali so Slovom a dnes je to to isté. Micheáš porovnal svoje videnie so Slovom, a potom videl, že on a to Slovo boli spolu. Dnes, ak je tvoje videnie v protiklade ku Slovu, nechaj ho tak, pretože to je nesprávny absolút. Micheášov Absolút bol presne so Slovom, tak on sa mohol postaviť a povedať, on, čo povedal a veril tomu.

174Keď ho udreli po ústach a povedali, „Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží?“

175On povedal, „Zistíš to, keď budeš sedieť vo vnútornej komnate.“ Správne.

176On povedal, „Keď sa vrátim v pokoji... Vložte tohto muža do vnútornej väznice, a keď sa ja vrátim v pokoji,“ povedal Achab, „tak si s týmto chlapíkom poradím.“

177Ó, a čo na to teraz Micheáš? Odseknú ti hlavu, keď sa on vráti. Micheáš tam stál tak pevne, ako Štefan, Amen. Tak ochotne, ako môj Pán kráčal na Kríž. S takou ľahkosťou, s akou išiel Daniel do jamy s levmi, alebo Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo išli do ohnivej pece. Absolútne. On tam stál a povedal, „Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš...“ Prečo? On mal Absolút. Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš, Boh ku mne vôbec nehovoril. Potom mi odsekni hlavu.“ On mal Absolút. On vedel, že jeho kompas, ktorý ho viedol do tohoto videnia, bol presne v zhode so Severnou hviezdou. Tak veru, jeho kotva držala. Áno, to Slovo a jedine Ono.

Ak tvoj Absolút, ak máš Absolút vo svojom živote...

178Potom nastal čas, viete, kedy etiketa mala nejaký absolút, neviem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ale celý národ spoliehal na to, čo povedala tá žena, zabudol som jej meno. Písal som si sem poznámku, neviem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, aké bolo, ale tu pred pár rokmi, oni mali túto ženu, čo ona povedala, ak ona povedala, že máte používať nožík, držať ho vo svojej ľavej ruke, to bolo to, to bol absolút. Ona bola odpoveďou na všetky tie veci. A ak ste chytili vidličku do ľavej ruky, tak ste sa absolútne mýlili. Ako sa volala? [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Emily Post“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, to je to, iste. Áno, to je ona. No, mali ste absolút... Ona bola... Ona bola absolútom etikety. „Musí to byť takto!“ Ó, nachádzame to pri mnohých veciach, ale zisťujeme, že teraz je to preč. Jedzte tak, ako chcete. Tak veru, v poriadku. Ale to bol absolút etikety. „Musí to tak byť.“

179Bol čas, kedy bol Adolf Hitler absolútom Nemecka. Čokoľvek, čo on povedal, keď povedal, „Skočte!“, oni skočili. Keď povedal, „Zabite,“ tak zabíjali. Milióny Židov, on k tomu dal pokyn. Vidíte, čo sa stalo s takým absolútom? Vyzeralo to ako moc, ale bolo to v protiklade ku Slovu.

„Ako vieš, že je to v protiklade ku Slovu?“

180Boh povedal, keď sa Balám snažil pozrieť dolu na Izrael a prekliať ho, povedal, „Vidím ho ako jednorožca, aké spravedlivé sú tvoje stány, ktokoľvek ťa prekľaje, bude prekliaty, ktokoľvek ťa bude žehnať, bude požehnaný.“

181Pozrite, ako to Hitler mal vidieť. Pozrite, ako to tí nemeckí kresťania mohli vidieť. Vidíte ten Absolút. Absolútne v protiklade ku Slovu. Viete, tak, ako to bolo, keď povedal, „Človek... Boh učinil človeka, ale človek učinil otrokov.“ Jeden sa snaží panovať nad tým druhým. My máme jedného panovníka, a to je Boh.

182Ale Hitler bol absolútom Nemecka. Pozrite sa na to dnes. Vidíte, čo sa stalo? Bol to nesprávny absolút. Prečo? Bolo to v protiklade ku Slovu. A teraz vidíte, kde to všetko išlo: hanba.

183A ak je tvoj absolút v nejakej organizácii, alebo v nejakej senzácii, alebo v niečom inom pomimo Osoby Ježiša Krista, tak prídeš do takej istej porcie hanby, dokonca horšej, rozumiete? Ak tvojím absolútom nie je Kristus, to je ten jediný oporný bod ľudského života a to je Kristus a Kristus je Slovo, nie tvoja cirkev, tvoje slovo. Slovo, rozumiete? „Na tomto Absolúte vybudujem svoju cirkev.“ Na Kristovi, Slove.

184Bol taký čas, keď bol Musolíni absolútom Ríma, neviem, možno som to čítal v nejakom článku, alebo som to mohol čítať v nejakej knihe, alebo mi to niekto povedal, ale keď niekto robil rozhovor s Musolínim, on bol...

185On chcel priniesť Rím do atletiky. A zvykla tam stáť taká veľká socha, jeho socha o atletike. To je v poriadku. Gréci mali takú myšlienku už pred rokmi. Rím sa to snažil vždy mať. Atletika je v poriadku, ale atletika... Ale pamätajte, to nezaujme miesto Krista. Nezáleží na tom, aký si silný, to s týmto nemá nič spoločné. On je všetka Moc. A vidíte, na čom sa on snažil vybudovať Rím. On sa snažil vybudovať Rím na veci absolútu, že on bol tým absolútom.

186A oni hovoria, že jedného dňa, jeho šofér prišiel o minútu skôr a on ho zastrelil. Povedal, „Nepovedal som, buď tu jednu minútu pred deviatou.“ Povedal som, „Buď tu o deviatej.“ Ó, a zastrelil ho. Vidíte? „Nechcem, aby si tu bol o minútu skôr, chcem, aby si tu bol o deviatej.“ Vidíte? Pozrite, akým absolútom sa on snažil urobiť, ale vidíte, čo sa stalo?

187Pamätajte, mnohí z vás tu, veteráni. Roy Slaughter, možno, a tí starší si pamätáte tam vtedy, keď som vám povedal o tom proroctve. Jedného dňa tu dolu v budove Odd Fellows, predtým, ako sme sem prišli, povedal som, „Musolíni príde k hanebnému koncu.“ Povedal som, „Jeho prvá invázia, on pôjde do Etiópie a Etiópia padne k jeho nohám, ale on príde ku svojmu koncu a nikto mu nepomôže, bude pochovaný v hanbe.“ Tu to máte.

188Povedal som, „Povstali tri izmy: nacizmus, fašizmus a komunizmus.“ Povedal som, „Tie izmy sa budú točiť okolo tohoto jedného, a to bude komunizmus, pozorujte to, komunizmus spáli Rím.“ Rozumiete?

189Sledujte to. Aha. To je nástroj v Božej ruke. Oni si myslia, že oni sú proti Bohu, oni rovno ku tomu pracujú po celý čas a nevedia o tom. On ich používa ako bábku, ako nejaký nástroj v Jeho ruke, tak, ako použil Nabuchodonozora a mnohých iných. Všimnite si teraz, pozrite teraz.

190Bol taký čas, kedy bol faraón absolútom Egypta, ale pozrite sa, kde je teraz, vidíte, to všetko zlyháva.

191Ó, to je nesprávny druh, tak oni vždy zlyhajú. To sú ľuďmi vytvorené absolúty. Nemôžete vziať človekom vytvorený absolút. Je mi jedno, či je to prezident, či je to nejaký diktátor, či je to nejaký kráľ, či je to nejaká cirkev, či je to nejaká organizácia, či je to nejaké vyznanie, všetky tie veci idú zahynúť, tak, ako všetky absolúty takého druhu počas vekov.

192Môžeme sa pozrieť späť, pozrite sa späť, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí dôverovali vládcom, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí dôverovali diktátorom, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí stavali svoje nádeje na takých druhoch absolútov a pozrite sa, kde sú dnes.

193No, obzrime sa teraz a pozrime sa na ľudí, ktorí postavili svoje nádeje na Biblii, na Božom Slove a uchopili sa toho, ako Absolútu. Pozrite, kde sú oni teraz.

194Pavol ich stručne vymenováva v Židom, 11. kapitole, čo oni robili, „Ako podmanili kráľovstvá, vykonali spravodlivosť, a tak ďalej, a putovali v ovčích kožiach a v kozích kožiach, ktorých svet nebol hoden.“ [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] A čakajú v Sláve na to veľkolepé vzkriesenie. Vidíte, v poriadku. Pretože oni, niektorí z nich neobdržali tieto zázraky a oni vydali svoje telá hľadiac vpred na vzkriesenie, aby dokonali vo svojich životoch a nestarali sa o svoj život. Oni chceli ísť vpred a byť sami obetovaní, aby mohli obdržať vzkriesenie, a to je to, čo urobili.

No, absolúty, rozprávame teraz o Absolúte.

195Viete, náš najvyšší súd je absolútom. Je to absolút, je to ukončenie všetkých argumentov v tomto národe. To je pravda. Ich rozhodnutie je absolútne v našom najvyššom súde. V poriadku. Viem, že niekedy sa nám to nepáči, ale jednako je to absolút, tak veru. Čo ak by sme to nemali? Čo potom? Ale to je absolút. Istotne je, prečo? Náš národ je k tomu priviazaný. To, aké konečné rozhodnutie nakoniec urobí ten najvyšší súd, tak to je to, nie je nič ďalšie. Kam potom idete, potom? Potom nasledujete ich rozhodnutie, a to je všetko. Musíte, oni sú posledným slovom. Oni sú tým „amen“.

196Môžete to skúsiť v lokálnych mestských súdoch, môžete to skúsiť na Magistráte, potom ísť do Federálneho, do všetkých možných druhov súdov a do Federálnych súdov. Ale keď prichádzame k Najvyššiemu súdu, tak to je, to je pravda. Niekedy sa nám to nepáči. Povieme, „No, nepáči sa mi ich rozhodnutie,“ ale skús od toho raz odísť. To je absolút národa. A čo ak by sme to nemali? Áno.

197Musíme mať nejaký absolút. Každý musí mať nejaký absolút. Ty musíš mať. Ale to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, ako dávam toto pozadie a ukazujem vám, čím sú absolúty.

198No, najvyšší súd národa je absolútom toho národa. To je posledná vec v akejkoľvek hádke, oni to ukončujú. To, čo povedia, tak to je.

199Existuje absolút pri loptovej hre. To je rozhodca. Ó, áno, niekedy sa nám tiež nepáči jeho rozhodnutie, ale je to jednako tak. Ten rozhodca, jeho rozhodnutie je posledným slovom, tak je to, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní. Ak on povie, že je to gól, tak je to gól. To je pravda, istotne, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Ale len na to pomyslime, ak vy... Ja nechodím na loptové hry, ale len som si to náhodou poznačil. Rozhodca, on je absolútom pri loptovej hre.

200Niekto z nich povie, „To bola čiara,“ iný povie, „Ty klamár,“ tento povie, „Takto to je, bolo to takto.“

201Rozhodca povie, „Je to gól!“ Pozrite, ako všetci zaujmú svoje miesta a sadnú si. Niektorých sa to dotkne a predstavujem si, že oni budú dolu vo svojom srdci na neho šomrať, a tak, ale jednako je to gól. Prečo? On je konečným slovom.

202Útočník by povedal, „Vieš, že toto prešlo.“ Iný povie, „Vieš, že to...“

203„Je to gól.“ Aha. Tým je to vybavené. Ostatní si ticho sadnú na svoje miesta.

204Čo ak by pri tej loptovej hre nebol žiaden rozhodca. Ó, viete si predstaviť, aká by to bola hra? Jeden by povedal, „Bol to gól,“ iný by povedal toto, ďalší by povedal iné, iný by povedal, „Ty klamár.“ Bola by tam hádka a bitka.

205Pri loptovej hre musíte mať nejaký absolút. A on tam ide, a je jedno, či sa ti on páči alebo nie. On je v každom prípade absolútom. On je absolútom, jeho slovo je konečné, nezáleží na tom, čo ty o tom hovoríš. Tak to je. No, ak by ho tam nemali, celá hra by išla rovno do chaosu. Je to pravda? [Zhrom. hovorí, „Pravda.“ - pozn.prekl.]

206Čím by bol národ, ak by nemal Federálny súd? Ak by nebol Najvyšší súd v tomto národe, kam by to išlo, do čoho by to išlo? Národ by bol v chaose. Ak by tam nebol...

207Ak by nebol pri loptovej hre rozhodca, to by sa vymklo z rúk, skôr, ako by si urobil prvý hod, už by sa niekto hádal. Niekto by tam stál a možno niekto by išiel rovno na svoje miesto. Ten hráč a ten ďalší by povedal, „Ó, nie, nie, nie, to tak nie je.“ To by dopadlo. Ako by bola hodená prvá lopta, hneď by sa o tom hádali. Jeden by povedal, „Bol to gól,“ iný by povedal, „Nebol“. Vidíte?

208Musíte mať niekoho, kto o tej hre rozhoduje, a to je rozhodca, keď on povie, „Gól,“ je to gól, ak povie, „Čiara,“ je to čiara, čokoľvek on povie, tak to je. To je to, ak ho nemáte, nemali by ste žiadnu hru.

209Dovoľte mi ukázať iný absolút, a to je červené svetlo. Červené svetlo, keď ono hovorí, „Stop“, to znamená stop. Ak cez to prejdeš, budeš za to platiť. Ale ak by toto tu mesto nemalo žiadne svetlá, žiadne semafory, čo za mesto by to bolo? Rozumiete? Musí to mať nejaký absolút. Je mi jedno, čo povedal nejaký policajt, alebo niekto iný, kto tam stojí, čo povedal, to je druhoradé. Ak niekto môže dokázať, že si prešiel na zelenú, je mi jedno, čo povedal policajt, on sa mýli. Keď to svetlo hovorí, „Choď,“ to znamená choď, to je absolút, môžete to dokázať, to svetlo povedalo, „Choď,“ mohol tam niekde stáť nejaký policajt, alebo to mohol byť starosta mesta niekde tam, v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel, ak máš dôkaz, že to bolo, „Choď,“ tak ideš. A ak niekto do teba narazí, je to jeho chyba. Môžeš to dokázať. To je pravda. A môžeme dokázať, o čom hovoríme. Tak je to.

210No, čo ak by tam neexistovalo žiadne červené svetlo. Niekto by išiel na prechod a to... Pozrite, čo by to bolo. Jeden povie, „Hej, uhni z cesty, ponáhľam sa, musím ísť do práce. Idem neskoro. Teraz idem ja.“ Iný by povedal, „To si len ty myslíš, pretože ja idem teraz prejsť, lebo ja som tu bol prvý.“ A môžem vidieť, ako si tam nejaká žena upraví vlasy a vyjde von. Čo ak by sme nemali žiadne červené svetlá. Či by to nebola poriadna zápcha?

211To je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami. Vidíte? Je to pravda. To je ten dôvod, prečo máme takú denominačnú zápchu. Áno, to je presne tak. Nikto sa nikam nedostáva, oni tam stoja a hádajú sa.

212Tu je Božie svetlo, keď ono hovorí, „Choď,“ choď! Keď Ono hovorí, „Zastav, to je len potiaľto,“ potom zastav. To je pravda. To je to, kde sme založení, na tomto, na Slove, nie na nejakej skupine ľudí, ktorí niečo povedali, alebo na nejakej inej skupine ľudí, ktorí niečo povedali. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Poďme, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“

213Viete, vzdelanie, tak dobré, aké je, ale Ježiš to nikdy nevyžadoval, to je pravda. Cirkvi, tak dobré, aké len sú tie budovy, On to nikdy nevyžadoval. Nemocnice, tak dobré, aké sú. My máme cirkvi, staviame nemocnice, to je v poriadku, ceníme si to, ale On to nikdy nevyžadoval.

214On povedal cirkvi, „Kážte Evanjelium,“ a Evanjelium neprišlo iba v Slove, ale skrze moc a manifestáciu Slova. Pavol tak povedal. Potom choďte, manifestujte Evanjelium. Ó, ak to len tak bolo.

215Ó, my dnes žijeme v čase, keď máme najlepších lekárov, akých sme kedy mali, máme najlepšie lieky, aké sme kedy používali. Viete to, a my vzdávame hold tým ľuďom, modlíme sa za nich, ja sa modlím a dúfam, že vy tiež. Tí ľudia s ich porozumením... Oni majú dva zmysly, cez ktoré oni pracujú, to je videnie a cítenie a oni... A počutie. A oni pracujú pomocou zvuku srdca, alebo cítenie nejakého nádoru, alebo niečo, alebo vidia, niečo, čo môžu vidieť, ako sa nejaká nemoc rozširuje, alebo niečo na tvári, niečo, čo pokrýva tvár alebo telo. Oni pracujú skrze tieto veci. Rozumiete? Pretože to je... A oni sa snažia brať lieky a práve toľko, koľko by to zabilo tú nemoc a nezabilo teba, a tak ďalej. Oni ne... To je ich práca, aby na tom pracovali. My si to ceníme, to je veľmi dobré, ale my máme tých najlepších lekárov, najlepšie lieky, najlepšie nemocnice a viac nemocí, akých sme kedy mali.

216Máme viac nevery, ako sme kedy mali. Tak veru, presne tak. Kazatelia sa zorganizovali a majú veľké denominácie a vpúšťajú dnu čokoľvek, a tak ďalej, a čokoľvek a robia z toho člena cirkvi. A idú do nejakého seminára a je to ako kurča z inkubátora a vyliahnu ich cez nejaký mlynček, ktorý ich takto privedie, a niekedy nevedia o Bohu viac, ako Hotentót o egyptskom rytierovi. Priveďte ich takto a tu to máte. Vidíte?

217Ó, to, čo potrebujeme v našich cirkvách, je človek, ktorý má Absolút. To, čo potrebujeme v Metodistickej cirkvi, Baptistickej cirkvi, Letničnej cirkvi, Presbyteriánskej cirkvi, je Absolút. Muž Boží, ktorý bude stáť priviazaný ku Slovu, a ku Kristovi a privedie zhromaždenie do stavu, kde každý člen kráča v súlade s týmto Slovom, vidí to Slovo manifestované a nasleduje ich: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, do celého sveta.“

Ľudia povedali, „To už je minulosťou.“

218Ježiš povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ešte sme nedosiahli celý svet a je to veľmi ďaleko od toho, aby sme dosiahli každé stvorenie. Ako dlho? „Celý svet.“ Komu? „Každému stvoreniu.“ Čo sa stane? „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im, ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ To je ten Absolút, ktorý tam drží, Slovo, tá Severná hviezda, ten kompas, ktorý zostáva rovno s tým. To je to, čo potrebujeme.

219Ale my sme vyšli von a postavili sme inštitúcie, zorganizovali ľudí, nabrali členov a pohádali sa s Baptistami, pretože oni neveria tak, ako my, a s Metodistami, pretože oni neveria takto, a vyliahli sme veľký seminár, postavili väčšie cirkvi a luxusné sedenie, väčší organ, a tak ďalej. A lepšie oblečený zástup a máme starostu a kadekoho v cirkvi. A čo sme dostali? Kopu smrti priviazanú k denominačnému absolútu. Smrť, ó, nech je to ďaleko.

220Ak zomriem vo svojich šľapajách, mojím Absolútom je Ježiš Kristus. To je to, čo verím, ak by aj každý odišiel. Niekto povedal, doktor Davis mi povedal, „Billy, ak budeš kázať niečo takéto, budeš to kázať stĺpom v cirkvi.“

221Povedal som, „Tak potom budem kázať Božie Slovo stĺpom, pretože Boh je schopný z tých stĺpov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.“ To je pravda. Božie Slovo je pravda.

Povedal, „Myslíš si, že ti budú veriť?“

222Povedal som, „Ja nie... To nie je moja vec, moja vec je zostať verný Slovu.“ To je pravda.

223Povedal, „Myslíš si, že môžeš čeliť tomu vzdelanému svetu, takýmto spôsobom s teológiou Božského uzdravenia?“

224Povedal som, „To nie je moje Božské uzdravenie, to je Jeho zasľúbenie, On je ten, ktorý dáva poverenie .“ Ó!

225A pamätám si, keď tam On zostúpil v tom veľkom Svetle a stál som tam v tej rieke v roku 1933 v júni, keď On povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby predchádzal prvý príchod Krista, Ja ťa posielam s posolstvom do sveta, aby si predzvestoval druhý príchod Krista.“ A išlo to okolo sveta, a tie ohne prebudenia boli stavané takmer pätnásť rokov na každej hore. Božské uzdravenie naprieč národmi a tá Moc a prinavrátenie.

226A teraz verím, že ona je pripravená udrieť to konečné vyvrcholenie, priniesť vieru, ktorá vytrhne cirkev do Slávy. A ona leží v tých posolstvách. Sme skutočne v čase konca, hovorili sme o tom a všetko, ale tie veci sa na nás teraz hýbu. Áno, tak veru. Tu to je, to je pravda.

227Červené svetlo, ako som povedal, vybavuje tú vec. Červené svetlo na semafore ti hovorí, kto ide, nezáleží na tom, čo kto iný hovorí, je to to, čo hovorí to červené svetlo. Môžete mať skutočne dopravnú zápchu, ak sa nestaráte o tú červenú. Musí existovať Absolút. Tak veru.

228Práve tak, ako pre cirkev musí existovať Absolút. Vy, ľudia v cirkvi, musíte mať svoj Absolút.

229Ale dnes, každá cirkev má svoj vlastný absolút. Vidíte? Ale nesnažte sa to vziať takto, „My Baptisti veríme toto, my Metodisti veríme toto, my Presbyteriáni veríme toto, my Letniční veríme toto.“ To je v poriadku, ale prečo neberiete to ostatné? Aký je problém s tým zvyškom?

230„My Baptisti veríme v ponorenie,“ to je dobré. Čo potom s krstom Duchom Svätým? Čo s hovorením v jazykoch? Čo s darmi uzdravenia? Čo s proroctvom? „Ó, nie, my to neveríme, to bolo pre iný vek.“ Ó, chlapče.

231Vy, Letniční, poviete, „No, my veríme v hovorenie v jazykoch, ako dôkaz.“ Iste, hovorenie v jazykoch je v poriadku, ale to stále nie je dôkazom. Mnohí ľudia hovoria v jazykoch, to je pravda, ale to je len to, pokiaľ idú. Diabol dokáže napodobniť akýkoľvek dar, ktorý má, akýkoľvek dar, ktorý je v Biblii.

232Pavol povedal, „Hoci by som hovoril jazykmi ľudí a anjelov, hoci by som vydal svoje telo, aby bolo spálené, upálené ako obeť, hoci by som predal všetok svoj majetok a nakŕmil chudobných, a keby som aj mal vieru a hýbal by som vrchmi, keby som išiel do seminára a naučil sa všetko poznanie, ktoré sa dá naučiť, stále nie som ničím.“

233Ide o Osobu Krista. Kristus, príjmite Ho, a nemôžete Ho prijať bez toho, že by ste prijali Jeho Slovo. Slovo musí prísť prv, potom vstupuje do toho Slova Život a manifestuje to Slovo.

234Či Ježiš nepovedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ To bolo Božie Slovo manifestované. Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac, vyjadrujúc Samého Seba svetu, čím On bol. To bol ten Absolút. To bol tam ten Večný Absolút.

235No, vy poviete, „Je to to večné, brat Branham?“ Bolo to. „Čo potom dnes?“

236Ježiš povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť.“ To je ten istý Absolút. V poriadku.

237Každý jeden má svoj vlastný absolút. Ó, je to presne tak, ako to bolo za dní Sudcov. „Každý človek činil, to čo bolo správne v jeho vlastných očiach.“ Vo dňoch Sudcov mal každý človek svoj vlastný absolút. Robil to, čo chcel, a tak isto je to teraz, „Každý človek robil to, čo je správne v jeho očiach.“ No, poznáte ten dôvod, prečo to tak robili za dní Sudcov? Toto vás môže trochu šokovať, ale ten dôvod, prečo to robili, v Sudcoch bolo, pretože v tých dňoch nemali žiadneho proroka, ku ktorému by prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Tak každý človek si mohol robiť, čo chcel vo svojich vlastných očiach.

238A to je presne to, čo sa stalo dnes. Nemáme proroka v týchto dňoch z denominácie, ale Boh nám jedného zasľúbil. Rozumiete? A On ho zasľúbil v tých posledných dňoch, on má povstať a poslať Eliáša znovu späť na scénu, „A on obráti srdcia detí naspäť do viery otcov.“ Naspäť do originálnych Letníc. Viete, že On to povedal.

239No, viem, že sa budete odvolávať na to, čo On povedal v Jánovi, alebo v Matúšovi v 11. kapitole, 6. verš myslím, že to je, keď On povedal, „Kto si myslíte, že je tento človek, tento Ján?“

240On povedal, „Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané, 'Hľa, posielam svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou.'“To je Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

241Ale pamätajte, ak by to bol Malachiáš 4, potom Slovo zlyhalo, pretože On povedal, „Práve v tomto čase celý svet bude spálený a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných.“ Nie, nemiešaj to, brat, nechaj to, nech to hovorí presne, čo to hovorí. To je pravda. On to zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, a to bude rovno v našom strede.

242Pamätajte, keď Sudcovia, každý človek robil to, čo chcel. Nebol žiaden človek, žiaden človek nedokázal spôsobiť, aby to Slovo žilo. Nebol tam žiaden prorok. Slovo Pánovo vždy prichádza k prorokovi. Správne. A on je vždy nenávidený. Jedine tá malá skupina ho miluje. Rozumiete. Ale mám na mysli, vždy to tak bolo.

243Boh nemení svoj vzor (svoje postupovanie), nemôže, a pritom zostať Bohom. Ak Boh niekedy hovorí niečo, alebo robí niečo, On to musí urobiť i na druhý raz. Keď prichádza tá kríza, ak On nekoná ten druhýkrát tak isto, ako konal prvýkrát, tak potom konal ten prvýkrát zle. A kto obviní Boha z toho, že konal zle? Kým si ty, že môžeš položiť hriech na Boha? To je to, čo Ježiš povedal, „Ktorý z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“

244Čo je hriech? Nevera.„Ten, kto neverí, je už odsúdený.“

245„Kto z vás Mi môže ukázať, že som nevyplnil všetko, čo má robiť Mesiáš?“ Vidíte? Nikto nič nepovedal. On to vyplnil. Mesiáš bol prorokom a On to dokázal, že Ním je. Oni nemali proroka stovky rokov od Malachiáša a tu On povstáva na scéne. On bol pre tých ľudí tajomným a pre cirkev bol kameňom potknutia.

246Pretože On povedal, „Hľa, kladiem na Sione uhoľný kameň, vzácny kameň skúsený, ó, kameň potknutia.“ Áno. „Ale ktokoľvek verí v Neho, nebude zahanbený.“ To je pravda, tam On bol. A to presne vyplnilo Písmo. Ale tí, ktorí Mu uverili, mali Absolút.

247Malá Marta, keď videla, ako Lazár vyšiel z hrobu, ona vedela, kým On je. Dokonca, pred tým, ako to On urobil, ona mala Absolút v tom, že vedela, „Verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet, a aj teraz, hoci je môj brat mŕtvy, len vypovedz Slovo a Boh to učiní.“ Amen. Ona si bola absolútne istá. To je pravda. Keď On... Povedala to, a ona to aj vo svojom srdci myslela.

On povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“

Povedala, „Poď a vidz.“

248Tam stál a mal videnie, pretože On povedal, „Ja nečiním nič, kým Mi Otec prv neukáže.“ Svätý Ján 5:19.

249Poslali Ho preč, vlastne išiel preč z Lazárovho domu, potom po Neho poslali, aby prišiel a modlil sa. On vedel, že Lazár zomrie, a po nejakom čase On povedal, „Náš priateľ Lazár spí.“

Oni povedali, „Bude v poriadku.“

250On povedal, „Je mŕtvy, a kvôli vám som rád, že som tam nebol.“ Oni by Ho boli požiadali, aby sa za neho modlil.

251Potom sa On vracia a povedal, „Ale Ja idem a zobudím ho.“ Ó, (nie, „Ja pôjdem a uvidím, čo môžem urobiť.“) „Idem ho zobudiť.“ Prečo? „Otec Mi už presne ukázal, čo Mám robiť.“

252Išiel dolu ku hrobu, stál tam Muž, stál tam Boh v tele, ktorý mohol povedať tomu kameňu, „Rozpusti sa,“ a on by sa rozpustil. A On povedal tým ženám, tým biednym ženám, tým mladým ženám, a povedal, „Odvaľte ten kameň.“

253Ty máš tiež niečo do činenia, vidíš, a oni odvalili ten kameň a im bolo z toho zle, on už páchol.

254A On tam stál. Ó, môžem Ho vidieť, ako sa narovnáva, tú svoju malú postavu, pretože Biblia hovorí, „Nebolo v Ňom žiadnej krásy, po ktorej by sme Ho boli žiadostiví.“ Na Ňom nebolo nič také vábne na pohľad. Rozumiete?

255Práve tak, ako Dávid, on bol vybraným kráľom, keď bol ešte malým rumenným chlapcom. Rozumiete?

256„Všetci, tí veľkí, tie veľké osobnosti.“ Povedal, „Či nebude vyzerať veľmi dobre koruna na jeho hlave? Vezmi tohoto staršieho syna,“ povedal Jesse.

257Samuel povedal, „Boh ho odmietol.“ Priviedol všetkých svojich synov pre neho. Povedal, „Nemáš ešte jedného?“

258„Áno, máme ešte jedného, ale on by nevyzeral ako kráľ, no on je ešte maličký s takými malými úzkymi ramenami a taký rumenný chlapec.“

„Choď, pošli po neho.“

259A akonáhle prišiel, keď predstúpil pred toho proroka, Duch na neho zostúpil. Pribehol s tým olejom, vylial to na jeho hlavu a povedal, „Toto je váš kráľ!“ To je to, tak veru.

260Stál tam Ježiš s ovisnutými ramenami možno, šediveli mu vlasy, pričom On mal niečo okolo tridsať rokov, Biblia hovorí, „Mohol vyzerať na štyridsať.“ Židia povedali, „Ty si človek, ktorý nemá ani päťdesiat rokov, a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?“

On povedal, „Pred tým, ako bol Abrahám, 'Ja Som.'“ Ó, svätý Ján 6.

261Potom zisťujeme, že On tu stál pri hrobe. Vedel, že to videnie musí prísť, vedel, že to musí byť. „Odvaľte ten kameň.“ On je...

262On už páchol, bol zabalený v tých látkach alebo šatách do hrobu a bol mŕtvy štyri dni. Jeho nos už po takom čase odpadol.

263A tam On stál a narovnal svoje malé telo, „Ja Som vzkriesenie a život.“ Hm. “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by zomrel, jednako bude žiť.“ Ukážte mi človeka, ktorý môže učiniť takéto vyhlásenie. „Ktokoľvek, kto žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie. Veríš tomu?“

264Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane.“ Hoci ju On zdanlivo sklamal, keď Ho ona zavolala a On nešiel. Ona zavolala znovu a On nešiel, ale tu ona hovorí, „Ja viem, že Ty si Kristus, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“

265On povedal, „Lazar, vyjdi von!“ A ten muž bol mŕtvy už štyri dni. Prečo? Čo? Kristus mal Absolút. On videl videnie, nemohlo to zlyhať. Je to pravda. Nemohlo to zlyhať, On si bol absolútne istý.

266A Marta si bola absolútne istá. Ak Ho ona mohla doviesť do toho, aby rozpoznal, že ona verila to, kým On je, tak ona potom dostala to, o čo prosila. To je pravda. Tam oni boli. Ten Absolút bol priviazaný so Slovom, a to bolo to .

267Každý človek robí dnes to, čo sa mu zdá dobré v jeho vlastných očiach, pretože nie je žiadneho proroka. Pozrite na dni sudcov.

268Pozrite sa na tie dni, kedy... verím, že to bol Eliáš, alebo Elizeus, jeden z nich. Áno, to mŕtve dieťa. Tá Sunamitská žena, ona urobila...

269Eliáš bol Božím mužom toho dňa, nie len nejakým dobrým inteligentným učiteľom. No, on bol taký starý chlapík, ktorý tade kráčal. Či by ste... Ak by prišiel dnes ku vašim dverám, pravdepodobne by ste ho odohnali preč. Celý národ ho nenávidel. Jezábeľ a všetci ostatní z nich ho nenávideli.

270Pretože ona sa posadila do Bieleho domu a spôsobila, že všetky ženy robili tak, ako ona, a všetky sa podľa nej vzorovali. A Achab bol otáčaný, jeho hlava bola otáčaná skrze jej moc. Dnes to nie je veľmi ďaleko od toho. Je to takmer to isté a tu to máte. A oni boli veľmi populárni. A, ó, oni boli všetci takí zaviati.

271Ale tá malá Sunamitka, nie tá Sunamitská žena, ale tá malá... Áno, myslím, že to bola Sunamitka, keď prišla a videla tú moc, ktorá bola v Eliášovi, ona povedala, „Vidím, že ty si svätý muž.“ A keď to dieťa ležalo mŕtve, ona povedala, „Osedlajte mi mulicu a nezastavujte sa.“ Prišla tam hore. Ona vedela, a to sa mi páči, ten spôsob, ako ona prišla. Prišla ku svojmu Absolútu, ku svojmu sťažňu, ku ktorému bola priviazaná.

272Eliáš povedal, „Sunamitka tu ide, je zarmútená, ale ja neviem, v čom je problém.“ Vidíte? Boh neukazuje svojim sluhom všetko. Iba to, čo chce, aby vedeli. Tak on povedal, „Jej srdce je zarmútené, ale ja o tom neviem.“ Povedal, „Bež a zisti to, Geházi, a zisti, čo je zlé.“

273On povedal, „Je všetko v poriadku s tebou, je všetko v poriadku s tvojím manželom, je všetko v poriadku s tvojím synom?“

274Pozrite sa na ňu, ó, toto je to. Ona povedala, „Všetko je v poriadku.“ Prečo? Ona prišla ku svojmu Absolútu. „Všetko je v poriadku.“

275A ona si kľakla, padla najprv na svoje kolená a Geházi ju zodvihol. „To nie je správne,“ pred jeho pánom, zodvihol ju a ona mu začala o tom rozprávať.

276No, on teraz nemal žiaden absolút. Vedel, že mal moc skrze videnie, aby jej dal dieťa. Ale čo teraz urobil? Vzal svoju palicu a išiel do tej izby, zatvoril všetky dvere a každého vyhnal von a išiel a chodil hore dolu po izbe. On mal Absolút, ak by sa s Ním len mohol skontaktovať. Tam a naspäť hore dolu po izbe. Ó, a potom cítil priamo, že niečo ho zasiahlo. Ľahol si na to dieťa, znovu vstal a išiel preč. To dieťa sa trošku pohlo, trochu sa zohrialo. Zodvihol sa tam a späť, nemal dobrý kontakt s tým Absolútom. „Čo to bolo, Pane, čo hovoríš, že mám učiniť?“

277Bezpochyby sa obrátil a videl videnie a videl toho malého chlapca, ako beží, hrá sa, skáče na lane, alebo niečo také a hrá sa. Hodil sa na to dieťa, položil svoj nos na jeho nos, svoje pery na jeho pery a Moc Božia zodvihla to dieťa do života.

278Čo to bolo? Absolútom tej ženy bol ten prorok. Prorokov Absolút bol Boh a spolu so Slovom, „Ja som vzkriesenie a život.“ Vidím moc Božiu, Stvoriteľ môže učiniť všetko. Ona znovu pozdvihla to dieťa, iste.

279To je dôvod, prečo každý človek činil to, čo bol jeho vlastný spôsob, pretože nemali žiadneho proroka, ku ktorému by prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Slovo a proroci v tom dni chýbali.

280Ó, videl som toto pri mojom obrátení, o tom dni, v ktorom žijeme. Som tak rád, že Boh sa ma uchopil, predtým, ako by ma uchopila cirkev. Pravdepodobne by som bol neveriaci. Tak veru. Ja... Všetko toto zamiešanie a zmätok a každý, „No, poď sem a pripoj sa ku nám, ak nie, no môžeš si zobrať svoj list a ísť a pripojiť sa k tým druhým.“ Ó, „Prinesieš svoj list do nášho obecenstva?“

281Verím, že existuje jeden list, a to je ten, kedy Kristus píše tvoje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života, to je ten jediný, na ktorom to je.

282Keď som videl všetky denominácie, naše pozadie je Írske, čo bolo predtým katolícke a uvidel som, že to bolo porušené a prehnité, a išiel som do určitej denominačnej cirkvi tu v meste a oni povedali, „Ó, my sme cesta, pravda a svetlo, my to všetko máme.“ Išiel som do ďalšej v New Albany, „Ó, tamtí ľudia ani nevedia, o čom hovoria.“ Katolíci povedali, „Všetci sa mýlite.“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“

283Hral som sa s jedným Luteránskym chlapcom a pomyslel som si... On bol malý nemecký Luterán. Išiel som tam a povedal som, „Kam chodíš do cirkvi?“

„Chodím do tamtej cirkvi.“

284Išiel som tam a zistil som, že oni hovoria, že oni sú tou cestou. Išiel som dolu k bratovi Dale v baptistickej cirkvi Emmanuel, alebo prvá Baptistická cirkev, oni povedali, „Toto je tá cesta.“ Išiel som do Írskej cirkvi, oni povedali, „No, toto je tá cesta.“

285„Ó, som tak zmätený, neviem, čo mám robiť, ale chcem sa dať do poriadku.“ Nevedel som, čo robiť, a nevedel som, ako činiť pokánie.

286Napísal som list, pomyslel som si, „Videl som Ho v lesoch.“ Napísal som Mu list, povedal som, „Milý Pane, ja viem, že prechádzaš touto cestou tu, pretože ja tu poľujem na veveričky a ja viem, že Ty tu prechádzaš okolo. Viem, že Si tu, chcem Ťa. Chcem Ti niečo povedať.“

287Pomyslel som si, „No počkaj chvíľu, nikdy som nikoho nevidel. Nevidel. Chcem ku tomu hovoriť, chcem hovoriť s Ním, chcem hovoriť s Ním.“ Pomyslel som si, „No, dobre, ale neviem, ako to urobiť.“

288Išiel som do kôlne a kľakol som si. Bolo tam mokro, stálo tam malé staré auto, taký vrak. Povedal som, „Myslím, že som videl taký obrázok, myslím, že si dávali takto ruky.“ A tak som si kľakol a povedal som, „No, čo teraz poviem?“ Povedal som, „No, nejako sa toto robí, ale ja neviem ako, viem, že existuje spôsob, ako k niečomu pristúpiť, a ja neviem...“ Povedal som, „Dám si ruky takto.“

289Povedal som, „Milý Pane, prial by som si, keby si prišiel a hovoril so mnou, len na chvíľočku, chcem ti povedať, aký som zlý.“ Takto som držal svoje ruky, počúval som.

290Ľudia hovorili, „Boh ku mne hovoril,“ a ja som vedel, že On hovorí, pretože ja som to počul, keď som bol ešte dieťa, a povedal mi, „Nepi,“ a tak ďalej. A tie veci.

291Neodpovedal mi. Povedal som, „Možno si mám dať ruky takto.“

292Tak som povedal, „Drahý Pane, neviem, ako presne toto robiť, ale spolieham, že Ty budeš... Či mi pomôžeš?“

293A každý kazateľ mi hovoril, aby som sa pripojil ku nim a postavil sa a povedal, že som prijal Ježiša Krista a oni, „Tí, ktorí veria v Ježiša, že je Synom Božím.“ Ale diabli veria to isté.

Tak som si pomyslel, „Musím mať niečo viac, ako to.“ Nie.

Takto som sedel.

294Čítal som o tom, ako Peter a Ján prešli cez bránu, ktorá sa volala Krásna a bol tam jeden chromý muž, chromý od lona svojej matky a on povedal, „Striebra a zlata nemám, ale to, čo mám...“ Ó, vedel som, že to nemám.

295Tak som sa snažil zistiť, ako to urobiť, a nevedel som, ako sa modliť, dal som si nejako svoje ruky, potom som si ich dal inak.

296A samozrejme, vtedy Satan prišiel na scénu a povedal, „Vidíš, čakal si príliš dlho, máš už dvadsať rokov, už ti nepomôže teraz sa snažiť, tak veru.“

297Potom som bol celý zničený a začal som plakať, a potom, keď som bol už skutočne na dne, povedal som, „Budem hovoriť, ak Ty nebudeš hovoriť ku mne, tak ja budem jednako hovoriť ku Tebe.“ Tak som povedal, „Som na nič a hanbím sa za seba, Pane Bože, ja viem, že Ty ma budeš počuť, Ty ma budeš počuť a ja sa hanbím za seba, hanbím sa, že som Ťa zanedbal.“

298Asi v tom čase som sa pozrel hore a prešiel cezo mňa taký zvláštny pocit. Tu prišlo svetlo, prehnalo sa to miestnosťou a vytvorilo kríž, asi takto. A hlas, ktorý som nikdy v živote nepočul, hovoril, pozrel som sa na to, bol som stuhnutý, celkom som od strachu onemel, nevedel som sa hýbať. Stál som a díval som sa na to, a potom to odišlo.

299Povedal som, „Pane, ja Tvojmu jazyku nerozumiem.“ Povedal som, „Ak nevieš hovoriť mojím jazykom a ja nerozumiem Tvojmu, a ak si mi odpustil... Ja viem, že mám byť zmierený v tom Kríži tam, tam niekde, že moje hriechy majú tam niekde ležať. A ak mi odpustíš, tak len sa vráť a hovor vo svojom jazyku a skrze to budem rozumieť, že dokážeš hovoriť mojím jazykom.“ Povedal som, „Dovoľ, nech sa to znovu vráti.“

300A tam to bolo znovu. Ó, tam som dostal Absolút. Amen. Tak veru. Cítil som, akoby náklad o štyridsiatich tonách bol zodvihnutý z mojich ramien, prešiel som po tej podlahe, že som sa sotva dotýkal tej dlážky.

Matka povedala, „Billy, si nervózny,“ povedal som, „Nie, mami, ja neviem, čo sa stalo.“

301Bola tam železnica, koľaje, a ja som po nich bežal, a vyskakoval som do výšky tak vysoko, ako som vedel, nevedel som, ako dať voľný priechod mojim pocitom. Len, ak by som bol vedel, ako kričať, ja som kričal, ale svojím vlastným spôsobom, viete.

302Čo to bolo? Zakotvil som svoju dušu v prístave odpočinutia. Tým to bolo vybavené, to bol môj Absolút. Tam som našiel niečo, nie niečo mýtické, nejakú myšlienku, ideu, hovoril som s tým Mužom, hovoril som s tým Mužom, ktorý mi povedal, „Nikdy nepi, ale ani nefajči, ani nerob nič, čo by poškvrnilo,“ poškvrniť sa so ženami, a tak ďalej. Keď som bol potom starší, mala byť pre mňa pripravená práca, ja som sa s Ním skontaktoval, nie s cirkvou, ja som sa skontaktoval s Ním, s Ním, tak veru, On Ním bol.

303Ako raz jedna osoba tu dolu v Kiwanis, alebo... Hovoril, nie... Hneď po prvej svetovej vojne, brat Funk, ktorý stál tam a bol vojakom, povedal, že bol... Znie to trošku žartovne, toto nie je miesto na vtipy, ale tu je to, čo on povedal, on je tu v New Albany.

304A povedal, „Kapitán nás vyviedol von a povedal, 'Celá krajina je preplnená Japoncami, zajtra, chlapci, ideme do toho. Musíme ich zajať.' Povedal, 'Pamätajte, chlapci, mnohí z nás tu stoja dnes, ktorí tu nebudú stáť zajtra, niektorí tu zajtra nebudú. Ideme do toho ráno za slnečného svetla.' Povedal, 'Teraz každý jeden z vás, obráťte sa k svojmu vlastnému náboženstvu.' Tento chlapík povedal, 'Ale ja nemám žiadne náboženstvo,' a povedal, 'Povedal som...'“

305Povedal, „Stál som tam a všetci z nich...“ Povedal, „Tu prichádza kaplán, príde touto cestou a Protestant touto cestou a Žid touto cestou a Katolík išiel touto cestou so svojím kaplánom.“ Povedal, „Ja som tam stál.“

306A povedal, „Ten veliteľ mi povedal, povedal, 'Chlapče, radšej by si sa mal teraz chopiť svojho náboženstva.'“

On povedal, „Nemám žiadne.“

307On povedal, „Radšej si nejaké zožeň, radšej si nejaké zožeň, pretože, som si istý, že za chvíľu ho budeš potrebovať.“

308A povedal, „Asi v tom čase videl skupinku ľudí ísť, a to boli katolíci, povedal, že k nim prišiel a povedal tomuto kňazovi, 'Môžete mi dať nejaké náboženstvo?'“

A on povedal, „Poď.“

309Povedal, „A tak išiel a urobil zo mňa katolíka.“ A tam v New Albany, bol tam John Howard, bola to skupinka skutočne verných katolíkov, ktorí sú tam, viete, keď tento chlapík toto hovoril.

310A on povedal, „Na ďalší deň v tom boji...“ on o tom hovoril, aké to bolo, a povedal, že on bol veľký, vysoký, viete, a povedal, „A oni zápasili rukami a bodali sa nožmi a kričali a rezali sa a bodali.“ Povedal, „Ich šnúry sa im zamotali a oni ich dostali do miesta, tí Japonci, presne, kam chceli, a oni do toho takto vošli a tie veľké samopaly, takto na nich zhora mierili z každej strany a oni bojovali tvárou v tvár.“

311Povedal, „Ihneď som sa zastavil, takto.“ A povedal, „Všade bol zmätok a výkriky a nedokázali ste počuť samého seba,“ povedal, „Bola tam krv,“ povedal, „Pozrel som sa, a to bola moja krv,“ povedal, „Pozrel som sa sem a mal som v boku dieru.“ On povedal, „To bola moja krv.“ A povedal, „Ja, viete, ja, ja, ja... A skutočný...“

A bol tam jeden katolícky priateľ a nehovorím toto teraz zo žartu.

Ale ten skutočný verný katolík povedal, „Povedal si, zdravas Mária?“

312On povedal, „Nie.“ Povedal, „To bola moja krv, ja nechcem žiadne sekretárky.“ Povedal, „Chcem hovoriť ku tomu Hlavnému Človeku, tak veru, pretože tu bola moja krv.“

313Myslím si, že to je presne tak, ako to je. Tak veru. Tak to chodí. Musíme mať Oporný stĺp, Absolút.

„Nemám čas na Jeho sekretárku.“ Povedal, „Chcem hovoriť ku Nemu.“

314A to je to, brat, keď človek prichádza ku Kristovi, vy nechcete vziať len nejaké slovo kazateľa, nejaké slovo sekretárky, niečo, niečo podobné. Vy, Protestanti, neberte to, toto, alebo tamto. Choďte ku tomu Absolútu, až kým tam nie ste zakotvení, skrze nové narodenie, súc znovuzrodení a naplnení Svätým Duchom, a kde vidíte, že Biblia je manifestovaná v pokore a láske, skrze tvoj život. Ó, potom je tam tvoj Absolút. Tak veru.

315Čítal som v Slove, kde On je Slovom, kde nemecká cirkev povie, že je to takto, a Metodisti a Baptisti a Katolíci, ale ja som čítal v Slove, že On povedal, „Na tejto skale zbudujem svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“

Počúvajte teraz, ako zakončujeme. No, protestant hovorí.

316No, Katolík hovorí, „On to postavil na Petrovi, 'Ty si Peter a na tejto skale...'“ Nie, to nikdy neurobil, a ak to tak bolo, on ihneď po tom odpadol, oni to postavili na človeku.

317Čo on urobil? Ten Protestant povedal, „On to postavil na samom sebe.“ Nie, neurobil to. On to nepostavil na samom sebe.

318Čo on urobil? „Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka.“

„A niektorí povedali, že Ty si Eliáš a Mojžiš.“

On povedal, „Ale čo vy hovoríte?“

Peter povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

319Sledujte teraz tie slová, „Požehnaný si, Šimon, syn Jonášov, krv a telo ti toto nezjavili, nenaučil si sa to od nejakého kňaza, nenaučil si sa to skrze nejaký seminár, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti to zjavil, a na tejto Skale,“ duchovné zjavenie Slova, „postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“

Pomyslel som si, „Pane, to je To.“

320 Čítal som tu v knihe Zjavenia v 21. kap... 22. kapitole, kde On povedal, „Ktokoľvek...“ Toto je kompletná vec, „Ktokoľvek do toho niečo vloží, ktokoľvek z toho niečo zoberie preč, zaprie, že je to tak, alebo ktokoľvek sa bude snažiť to trochu vylepšiť, vyleštiť to na ten deň, ktokoľvek k tomu pridá, alebo z toho vezme preč, to isté mu bude vzaté, jeho časť z Knihy Života.“

321Povedal som, „Potom to je všetko, čo potrebujem, Pane, to je veriť tomuto.“ A v tomto, cez tú druhú stranu prišiel Kristus. Je to dokonalé po celú cestu, každé Slovo, ktoré On povedal. Vezmite túto Knihu do jednej ruky, históriu do druhej, a to sa rovno potvrdí, že je to dokonalé. A povedal som, „Potom, Pane, príjmi ma.“ A keď som to urobil, prijal som Krista, Ducha Svätého do svojho srdca, môj Absolút, to som nebol ja.

322Bol som raz chorý, keď moja... Stratil som svoju manželku, stratil som svoje dieťa, ó, stratil som svojho otca a stratil som svojho brata a stratil som svoju švagrinú a Billy tam ležal a zomieral a ja som bol takmer hotový. Išiel som hore po tej ceste plačúc, ako som išiel k jej hrobu, k jej a toho dieťatka, a to dieťa bolo na jej rukách, išiel som ku hrobu, a ako som išiel hore, pán Isler tu zvykol prichádzať a hrať, viete, štátny senátor Indiany išiel oproti po ceste, zastavil ma, pribehol ku mne a objal ma, to bolo po potope v tridsiatom siedmom. Povedal, „Kam ideš, Billy, tam hore?“

A povedal som, „Áno.“

Povedal, „Čo tam budeš robiť?“

323Povedal som, „Počúvam tam jednu starú holubicu.“ Povedal som, „Sadnem si tam pri hrobe toho dieťatka a manželky a prichádza tam jedna holubica a hovorí ku mne.“

„Ó.“ Povedal, „Billy.“

324Povedal som, „Áno, a počujem šepot listov, keď sa hrajú, oni pre mňa hrajú hudbu, pán Isler.“

Povedal, „Aký druh hudby to hrá?“ Povedal.

Je tam zem za tou riekou

a nazývajú to, to Sladké navždy,

a my dosiahneme ten breh

jedine skrze hodnotu viery.

Jeden po druhom

dosiahneme ten breh,

aby sme tam prebývali s nesmrteľnými,

keď jedného dňa zazvonia tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

325Povedal, „Billy, chcem sa ťa teraz niečo opýtať.“ Povedal, „Čo pre teba teraz znamená Kristus, čo pre teba Kristus znamená teraz?“

326Povedal som, „On je môj život, moje všetko, On je všetko, čo mám, pán Isler. On je moje ultimátum, On je všetko, čoho sa môžem uchopiť.“ Prečo? Niečo sa už predtým stalo, „Na tejto Skale.“

327Povedal, „Videl som ťa stáť tam na rohu a kázať, až si vyzeral, že padneš mŕtvy, videl som ťa, všetky tie nočné hodiny, ako si išiel hore dolu po uliciach, keď ťa volali ku chorým, a potom, ako On vzal tvoju ženu a tvoje dieťa, ty Mu stále slúžiš?“

328Povedal som, „Aj keby ma zabil, stále Mu budem dôverovať.“ Prečo? Moja kotva drží tam za oponou. Mám Absolút. Priviazal som sa ku Jeho Slovu a Jeho Slovo drží, On je mojím Absolútom. Zistil som, že všetky tieto ostatné veci môžu zlyhať, ale Kristus nemôže nikdy zlyhať.

329Katolícka cirkev má pápeža za absolút. Protestanti majú svojich biskupov a svoje vyznania a svojich generálnych dozorcov.

330Ale páči sa mi Pavol. Máte ceruzky, zapíšte si niečo. Pavol povedal v Skutkoch, v 20. kapitole a 24. verši, „Žiadna z týchto vecí ma nepohla.“ Ó, môžete mať vyznania, môžete mať, čokoľvek chcete, ale tie veci mnou nehýbu.

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v prístave pokoja, aby som sa plavil divokými moriami (a neviete, kde ste, či tadeto, alebo tadeto), už nikdy viac.

Búrka sa môže prehnať divokou búrlivou hlbinou.

Všetci sa môžu odvrátiť.

Ale v Ježišovi som v bezpečí naveky.

331Áno, žiadna z týchto vecí mnou nehýbe, lebo ja som priviazaný ku kotve. „Ó, odkedy som Ho stretol.“ Pavol povedal, „Na tej ceste som bol priviazaný ku kotve, On ma obrátil, On ma obrátil na ten správny smer.“ Pamätajte, Pavol tiež patril ku organizácii, k najväčšej, ktorá bola v krajine, ale on sa priviazal k Absolútu.

332Počúvajte, chcem vám niečo povedať, On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil, On mal účel v tom, že spasil vás, a ja som rozhodnutý skrze Jeho vôľu to činiť. Nie pridať ku tomu, alebo od toho vziať. Zjavenie 22:19, ak si to chcete zapísať. V poriadku, „Ktokoľvek vezme...“ Som rozhodnutý. Chystám sa opustiť cirkev a vy to viete, a tak som rozhodnutý len zostať s týmto Evanjeliom tak dlho, ako žijem, skrze pomoc Božiu. Pamätajte, tu je Milosť, boli tam milióny zomierajúcich v hriechu, keď ma On spasil. Kým som bol, že ma spasil? On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil, a ja som rozhodnutý ten účel vyplniť. Je mi jedno, môže to byť možno môj koniec, možno už zakrátko, ale čokoľvek to je, stále som zakotvený. Nikdy sa to nezmenilo.

333Pán Isler mi jedného dňa, ako išiel tou cestou, povedal, „Billy, vo všetkých týchto problémoch, ty si stále zachoval svoje náboženstvo?“

334Povedal som, „Nie veru, ono zachovalo mňa.“ Áno, áno, moja kotva držala. To je pravda, ja som ju nikdy nedržal. Ona držala mňa. Ja ju nedokážem držať, neexistuje pre mňa spôsob, ako by som to dokázal, ale to drží mňa. Tak veru.

335On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil. Boli milióny v hriechu, keď som ja prišiel ku Nemu a On ma spasil. On mal účel v tom, že to urobil.

336Kristova smrť bola Absolútom, až na jej strach. Kristova smrť tú otázku vyriešila, keď Ho bodla tá včela smrti a zakotvila tam svoje žihadlo. Viete, hmyz, včela, ktorá má žihadlo, ak ona niekedy do toho zakotví svoje žihadlo dostatočne hlboko, keď to vytiahne, tak to z nej to žihadlo vytiahne. Smrť mala vždy žihadlo, smrť mala vždy žihadlo.

337A keď jedného dňa, keď išiel na Golgotu a keď tie údery na skaly, keď tá krv špliechala na tie skaly, keď to padlo na zem, na tú pôdu na Golgote, keď išiel hore na Golgotu, na zadnej strane toho kríža boli krvavé stopy toho malého, krehkého tela, ktoré tam išlo a stúpalo hore a oni Ho bičovali a udierali, ako išiel hore na kopec, ale On mal Absolút. On vedel, kde stojí, pretože Slovo Božie povedalo skrze Dávida, „Nezanechám, aby môj Svätý videl porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle.“

338On vedel, že porušenie nastáva po sedemdesiatich dvoch hodinách. On povedal, „Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu vo troch dňoch postavím.“ On mal Absolút.

339Tam On ide, hore na vrch, a davy posmievačov, a niesol opľuvanie tými opitými vojakmi, ktorí Mu dali cez tvár handru a udierali Ho do hlavy a hovorili, „Ty si prorok? Povedz nám, kto Ťa uderil?“ Tam bol, ako išiel hore na vrch v hanbe a nemilosti. Byť... Jeho odev bol z Neho strhnutý, bol pohŕdnutý v hanbe, visiaci na kríži pred ľuďmi, nahý, zomierajúci v Rímskej hanbe, pod vládnym schválením, vládnym trestom, Človek, ktorý neurobil nič.

340Raz, jeden malý príbeh hovoril, keď Mária Magdaléna vybehla a povedala. „Čo urobil?! Uzdravoval vašich chorých, kriesil mŕtvych a priniesol vyslobodenie tým, ktorí boli zajatí. Čo urobil?!“

341A nejaký kňaz ju udrel po tvári, až jej vystrekla krv, a povedal, „Či budete počúvať ju, alebo vášho najvyššieho kňaza?“ Ó, ten denominačný svet, to je kliatba toho všetkého. To je to.

342Tam, áno, tam Ho vzali, ako išiel hore na vrch a ťahal ten kríž.

343Diabol v to vždy pochyboval, že On je tým, kým je. Povedal, „Ak si Ty Syn Boží, obráť tieto kamene na chlieb. Tvrdíš, že dokážeš robiť zázraky, ak si Synom Božím, rozkáž týmto kameňom, aby boli premenené na chlieb.“

344Ten istý starý diabol žije dnes, to je pravda. „Ak si Božský uzdravovateľ, tu je starý Ján ten a ten, sedí tu v rohu, viem, že je chromý, uzdrav ho.“ Či neviete, že to je ten istý starý diabol?

Ježiš povedal, „Ja činím len...“

345Pozrite, On išiel cez rybník Bethesda, kde ležalo na tisíce chromých, slepých, porazených a uschnutých a On prišiel k človeku, ktorý mohol chodiť. A on si mohol poradiť, možno mal problémy s prostatou, čokoľvek to bolo, bolo tam niečo pribrzdené, mal tridsaťosem rokov, povedal, „Keď prídem k tomu rybníku, niekto ma vždy predbehne.“ On vedel chodiť.

346Zanechal tam všetkých tých ležiacich a išiel práve k tomu jednému a uzdravil ho. Prečo? On vedel, že on bol v tom stave. Potom mu povedali, pýtali sa ho, kde Ho našiel, Svätý Ján 5, On povedal, „Ameň, Ameň vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič Sám zo seba, ale to, čo vidí činiť svojho Otca.“ Tam je Jeho Absolút, to je stále Absolútom.

347Stál som tam jedného dňa vo Fínsku a ležal tam ten malý chlapec a ja som tam podišiel a on tam ležal mŕtvy, bol mŕtvy už asi pol hodinu, čítali ste to v knihe, začal som odchádzať a niečo na mňa položilo ruky, otočil som sa a pomyslel som si, „Čo to bolo?“ Znovu som sa pozrel a pomyslel som si, „Počkaj.“

348Pozrel som sa dozadu na jeden list v mojej Biblii:

„Stane sa, že bude jeden chlapec, asi deväťročný, ktorý bude zabitý automobilom. Bude tam taký dlhý pás ihličnatých stromov, na okraji skaly. Auto bude prevrátené na ceste, úplne rozbité, ten chlapec bude mať malé pančuchy, asi takto vysoko a taký strih vlasov na hrniec. Jeho malé oči budú vyvrátené dozadu, kosti v jeho tele budú polámané.“

Obzrel som sa, pomyslel som si, „Ó, Bože.“

349Povedal som, „Všetci stojte ticho.“ Bol tam starosta mesta, povedal som, „Ak tento chlapec nebude na svojich nohách za dve minúty od teraz, tak som falošným prorokom, vyžeňte ma potom z Fínska.“ Istotne. „Ale ak bude stáť na svojich nohách, vy všetci dlžíte svoje životy Kristovi.“ To je pravda. Ticho stáli.

350Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, tam ďaleko za morom, pred dvomi rokmi, Ty si mi povedal o tomto malom chlapcovi, ktorý tu leží.“

351Bol tam brat Moore, a brat Lindsay a dívali sa na to. A oni si to všade napísali do Biblie a v tisícoch Bibliách naprieč zemou to bolo zapísané. Čo to bolo? Absolút. Otec ukázal, čo sa stane. Nebol tam vôbec žiaden strach, ako som tam stál. Absolút, istota, že on vstane.

352Rovno tam vo Fínsku, kde prichádzalo tisíce ľudí v noci a niektorých museli dokonca odsunúť, aby som mohol ku nim hovoriť a poslať ich preč a postaviť tam niekoho iného. A on tam s tým všetkým stál. Ľudia ma milovali a oni videli, ako sa dejú uzdravenia. Ale tu bol ten chlapec a ležal mŕtvy. Čo bolo tým absolútom? Videnie. „Ja činím to, čo mi Otec hovorí, aby som činil, ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Tam je váš absolút.

353Povedal som, „Smrť, nemôžeš ho už dlhšie držať, Boh prehovoril, navráť ho, vydaj ho späť!“ A ten malý chlapec sa postavil a poobzeral sa a ľudia začali odpadávať a všetko možné, a tam to je, je to tam zapísané a je to podpísané starostom mesta u štátneho notára. Je to pravda.

354Čo je to? Absolút, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky. Ak to nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý zastavil tú ženu v Naim, ako niesla svojho syna. Keď niekto v tých dňoch zomrel, oni ho ihneď položili do hrobu, oni ho nenechali niekde ležať, oni ich dávali do hrobu. A tam je ten istý Ježiš Kristus včera, dnes a na veky. Áno.

355Pozrite tam dolu v Mexiku na to malé dieťa, niektorí z vás, ktorí sú tu, ktorí tu sedia, a to dieťa, lekár podpísal vyhlásenie a je to napísané u Kresťanských obchodníkov, „To dieťa zomrelo v toto ráno o deviatej hodine, a toto bolo už desať hodín večer.“

356Tá malá žena by nebola potešená, stál tam Billy, môj syn, a snažil sa ju poslať dozadu a on mal, myslím, no hádam tam mali asi dvesto uvádzačov, ktorí tam stáli, a ona cez nich preliezla. Ten večer predtým, ten slepý muž obdržal zrak a ona to vedela, ona bola Katolíčka.

357Kedy nakoniec, povedal som, „Brat Moore, choď a modli sa za ňu, pretože to dieťa...“

358A pršalo, lialo, oni tam stáli už od skorého rána, a to bolo vo veľkom býčom ringu. A povedal som... Spustili ma tam lanami, aby som sa dostal na to miesto. Mal som tam byť tri večery.

359Stál som tam, povedal som, „Ako som hovoril...“ Kázal. A pozrel som sa a videl som tam pred sebou malé dieťa, malé mexické dieťa, nemalo ešte zúbky, ako tam sedí a smeje sa na mňa, rovno predo mnou.

360Povedal som, „Počkaj, brat Moore, priveďte ju sem.“ Ó, absolút!

361Tí uvádzači ustúpili a tu ona prichádza a ona si kľakla a hovorila, „Padre, padre.“

Povedal som jej, „Vstaň.“

362Brat Espinoza povedal, „Vstaň.“ On jej to povedal v španielčine a ona sa postavila.

Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, stojím tu v tomto daždi.“

363Tá pekná mladá žena, mala asi dvadsaťtri rokov, tak nejako, a vlasy jej viseli dolu a jej malá tvár vyzerala tak, mala taký pohľad vo svojich očiach, také očakávanie. Ona videla toho muža, ktorý bol totálne slepý, asi štyridsať rokov, a jeho oči sa na tom pódiu otvorili. Ona vedela, že Boh môže otvoriť slepému oči, On dokáže uzdraviť jej dieťa. A ona tam ležala, a to malé stuhnuté telíčko ležalo tam pod zásterou a bolo premočené. Ona tam stála celé ráno a tiež celé popoludnie, to bolo asi jedenásť hodín alebo desať hodín v ten večer, tak nejako, a ona tam držala to dieťa. Videli ste ten článok u Kresťanských obchodníkov. A ona tam takto držala svoje dieťa.

364Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, ja neviem, čo toto znamená, ja som len tvojím sluhom, ale ja som tam videl toto dieťa stáť, bolo živé, a ja kladiem na neho svoje ruky v Mene Pána Ježiša.“

Povedalo, „Uáá,“ začalo plakať.

365Tá matka to dieťa schmatla a začala kričať a ľudia, ktorí tam boli, začali kričať, a ženy odpadávali, a tak ďalej. Povedal som, „Nehovorte o tom nič, pošlite niekoho s tým dieťaťom a s tou matkou a nech idú k tomu lekárovi a nech podpíše vyhlásenie, že 'To dieťa zomrelo, zomrelo na zápal pľúc v to ráno predtým, alebo v to ráno o deviatej hodine.'“

366My máme podpísané vyhlásenie lekárom, „To dieťa bolo vyhlásené ako mŕtve v ordinácii toho lekára v to ráno, a tá matka ho nosila celý deň.“

367Čo to bolo? Absolút. Čo to bolo? Ona uverila, že ak Boh mohol otvoriť slepé oči (čo?), Boh môže vzkriesiť mŕtveho, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

368Ja som si nebol istý, ja som to nevedel, až kým som to nevidel, a keď som videl to dieťa, bol to Absolút, absolútne správne. Tam to bolo. Smrť musela vydať svoju obeť.

369Tu išiel Syn Boží, to žihadlo smrti začalo okolo Neho bzučať, „Ó, ako On môže byť prorokom, ako tam On môže stáť a dovoliť, že mu pľujú do tváre, ako by tam On mohol stáť a nechať, že si z Neho robia žarty, a nič s tým neurobí? To nie je Emanuel, to je len obyčajný človek, pozrite na tie pijanské sliny tých opitých vojakov, pozrite na Jeho tvár, ako krváca.“

370Diabol povedal, „Dostanem Ho, dostanem Ho.“ Tu prichádza, ako včela, osteň smrti a bzučí okolo Neho, ale brat, keď tá včela niekedy zakotví svoje žihadlo do toho Emanuela, keď vyjde von, stratí svoje žihadlo, dokonca sama smrť.

371Niet divu, že Pavol sa neskôr mohol pozrieť do jej tváre a povedať, „Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Vďaka buď Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo.“ Kristova smrť bola absolútom pre každého človeka, ktorý mal k tomu bázeň.

372Moje srdce hovorí, „Amen,“ na každé Slovo v Jeho Knihe. Už teraz určite zakončujem, musím toto vynechať. Rozumiete?

373To je to, prečo viem, že Duch Svätý je mojím Kompasom, ktorý ma vedie. On je ten, ktorý mi dáva poznať, že toto Slovo je pravda. On je mojím Absolútom, On je mojím Slnečným svitom. On je môj Život, On je mojou Kotvou, keď nastávajú problémy, On je mojou Severnou hviezdou, keď som stratený, Duch Svätý je môj kompas, ktorý ma vedie späť do toho miesta.

374Denominácie sú ako tie ostatné hviezdy, oni sa pohybujú so svetom. Ostatné hviezdy sa posúvajú tak, ako sa posúva svet, ale Severná hviezda nie. Svet sa môže posúvať, kam len chce, ale ona zostáva umiestnená, ó, brat, tá Severná hviezda je zakotvená. Tie ostatné sa posúvajú dokola, vidíte ich raz tu, raz tam, a všetko možné. Tak je to s denominačnými cirkvami.

375Ale Kristus je Absolút. On je Ten, do ktorého môžeš položiť svoju dôveru, keď ťa denominácie celkom pokrútili, len sa pozri na Severnú hviezdu. Duch Svätý je tvojím Kompasom, On vždy zostáva verný Svojmu Slovu.

376Keď mi povedali, že tamtie veci sa nemôžu stať v modernom dni, tak som poznal, ak neexistuje... Ak neexistuje žiaden Boh, potom žime, jedzme, pime a veseľme sa. Existuje Boh, slúžme Mu, a ja som sa dožil dňa, kedy On vykonal všetky možné veci, dokonca kriesenie mŕtvych, ako keď tu bol na zemi, a vieme to skrze zdokumentované vyhlásenie, že je to pravda. Tak veru.

377On je mojím Absolútom, tak urob Ho ty svojím Absolútom. Vezmi... V čase mojich problémov, On je vždy mojím Absolútom. Sledujte teraz, skrze milosť Božiu...

378No, mal by som radšej zakončiť, je už neskoro. No, pozrite sem, ja som si myslel, že to je jedenásť hodín, a to je už dvanásť tridsať.

379Priatelia, po celý deň, po celú noc, po celý rok, po celú večnosť by ste to nedokázali vypovedať. Nesnažte sa to domyslieť, nedokážete to. Nie je spôsob, ako si to domyslieť. Poviete, „Brat Branham, ak ty...“

380Ja neviem, ja len verím, ja sa prestávam snažiť robiť ohľadom toho niečo, ja to len verím, to je všetko. Rozumiete? „Nie ten, kto beží, alebo ten, kto chce, ale to je Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.“ Rozumiete? Nie skutkami, to je milosťou. Vidíte. Ja tomu len verím, Boh, je to na ňom, aby urobil to ostatné. Len tomu verte a konajte podľa toho.

381Táto slávna pieseň, počul som ju hrať, alebo spievať tu alebo niekde.

Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá a čistá,

aká nevystihnuteľná a mocná,

ona navždy vytrvá,

pieseň Svätých a Anjelov.

382Keď sa to jeden človek v matematike snažil vyvrátiť, alebo sa to snažil ukázať skrze svoje vzdelanie, on by vás domotal, nedokážete to, nesnažte sa to, nesnažte sa to domyslieť, Boh je nevyspytateľný. Vy nedokážete vysvetliť Boha, vy Bohu veríte. To je... To je to tajomstvo. Nedomýšľajte si to, len tomu verte. Ja to nedokážem povedať, čo to znamená, ja vám nedokážem povedať, ako to urobiť, ja len viem a len tomu verím. To je všetko.

383Práve tak, ako keď sľúbite niečo malému dieťaťu, ono tomu verí. Mali by ste svoje slovo dodržať. Ste Božie dieťa, On dodržiava svoje Slovo. Jednoducho tomu verte, nebuďte otrasení. Zostávajte rovno tam. Boh to urobil raz, On to musí urobiť znovu. Ak nie, tak vám povie, prečo to nemôže urobiť, a to je pravda, tak zostávajte rovno s tým.

384Viete, ten jeden verš tam... Myslím, že náš vzácny brat, ktorý bol minulý večer pokrstený, spieva tú pieseň, „Ó, láska Božia.“ Počul som, že ten verš, že táto časť toho bola nájdená, napísaná na stene blázninca a je tam povedané:

Ak by sme naplnili oceán atramentom.

Alebo ak by obloha bola učinená z papiera

a každé steblo na zemi by bolo perom

a každý človek by bol pisateľom,

opísať Lásku Božiu zhora,

to by vysušilo oceán a zaplnilo celý zvitok papiera,

hoci by bol rozprestrený od oblohy po oblohu.

385Pomyslite na to, pričom tri štvrtiny zeme je voda. A pozrite na vodík a kyslík vo vzduchu a vlhkosť a tie veci. Rozumiete? Ak by každá vlhkosť bola atramentom a pomyslite na tie miliardy a trilióny, a trilióny stebiel, ktoré by boli perami a pomyslite na tie miliardy ľudí, ktorí by boli na zemi každý jeden by bol pisateľom a namočili by tie perá do oceánu a snažiť sa vystihnúť Lásku Božiu, to by vysušilo oceán, alebo by to preplnilo ten zvitok hoci by bol natiahnutý od večnosti po večnosť.

386Nesnažte sa na to prísť. Nedokážete to. Stratíte rozum, ak sa budete snažiť. Len tomu verte. Učiňte Ho svojím absolútom, zostaňte tam v tom sladkom pokoji a prežití, že to nikdy nezabudnete. Zakotvite sa ku tomu a vaša kotva bude držať za oponou.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

„Aký Veľký Si, aký Veľký Si.“

387Koľkí sú tu so svojimi sklonenými hlavami dnes ráno... Približujeme sa teraz ku novému roku a boli ste veľmi nábožní, a to je dobre, cením si to, každého jedného z vás, som si istý, že Boh si to cení, ale či ste mali to skutočné prežitie absolútu?

388To niečo, že si to len predstavujete, ale niečo prehovorilo späť ku vám a potom od toho času ste uvideli, že váš život sa zmenil. Vidíte každé Slovo Božie, každé zasľúbenie je potvrdené s tým „Amen“. Potom sa držíš Absolútu. Pretože, pamätaj, On povedal, „Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“

389Či si ešte neprišiel ku tomu miestu, kde môžeš povedať „amen“ na každé Slovo? Ak by to bolo proti tvojmu vyznaniu, ak by to bolo proti tvojej denominácii, ale chceš prísť do toho miesta, ako Mojžiš a ako tí ostatní z nich? Oni to nedokázali urobiť, kým nechytili ten Absolút, a ak to chceš dnes ráno vo svojom živote, naznačil by si to zodvihnutím svojich rúk ku Bohu? Nech ťa Boh žehná. V poriadku, pane, všade po celej budove.

390Milostivý Otče, viem, že v určitom čase sa musíme rozlúčiť. Musí byť čas, že keď opustíme tento svet, my nevieme, v akom je to čase, a pre nás to nerobí veľmi rozdiel, ak je náš čas zakončený, potom chceme ísť. Náš motív zostávania tu je slúžiť Tebe.

391A od tej cesty do zničenia, ako jedného dňa, keď bol Pavol na ceste do Damašku, aby sužoval cirkev a oslepilo ho Svetlo a, ó, Bože, to Svetlo ho nasledovalo, pretože to bol Kristus, a on sa tam ukotvil k Absolútu, že dokonca ani sama smrť, on sa jej mohol smiať do tváre a povedať, „Vďaka buď Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo, skrze Ježiša Krista.“

392Ty si sa stal pre toho apoštola kompletným Absolútom, on bol... Ty si bol pre neho Amen v každej vete, Ty si bol Hviezdou jeho života, tým Oporným Stĺpom, Ty si bol Kompasom, ktorý ho viedol cez búrku, Ty si bol Zjavením, Ty si bol Videním, Ty si bol jeho Nádejami, Ty si bol jeho Spasením dokonca v hodine smrti, keď vedel, že k tomu prichádza, Ty si bol stále jeho Absolútom.

393Ty si bol Danielovým Absolútom, Ty si bol Absolútom všetkých prorokov uprostred denominačných rozdielov a problémov v ich dňoch, a pri tých Farizejoch a Sadúcejoch stále existovali ľudia, ktorí vzali Teba za svoj Absolút.

394A dnes, Pane, mužovia a ženy so súcitom a láskou a so srdcami, ktoré krvácajú, Pane, po skutočnom prežití poznaní Boha, a aby mali uistenie absolútu. Možno všetci ľudia, ktorí ich poznali, predtým, Pane, sa len pridávali ku cirkvi, a my si uvedomujeme, ako som sa snažil úprimne, nie byť iný, Ty poznáš moje srdce, ale povedať im to, „Nemôžete sa pripojiť ku cirkvi. Pripájate sa k lóži Metodistov a Baptistov a Katolíkov a k Letničným lóžam, ale do cirkvi ste narodení, do tajomného Tela Kristovho a stávate sa údmi Jeho tela s darmi Ducha, aby sa Jeho veľké Telo hýbalo v akcii a moci.“

395Bože, to je to, čo znamenajú tieto zodvihnuté ruky. „Umiestni ma, ó, Pane, vezmi ma, preformuj ma, učiň ma, urob v mojom živote takú pozíciu s Absolútom, byť priviazaný ku Kristovi, že nebudem myslieť na nič iné, okrem toho Absolútu.“ Udeľ to Pane, požehnaj ich, uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, zachráň stratených.

396Teraz, Pane, viem, že je zvykom volať ľudí ku oltáru, ale to sa pre nás stalo tradíciou a toto ráno, keď sú oltáre preplnené a malé deti a všetci, ale, Pane, Ty si ku nim nejako prehovoril, oni zodvihli svoje ruky, oni učinili... Oni učinili, dá sa povedať, rozhodnutie, chcú to oni... Oni chcú niečo skutočné a ja kvôli nim, pre nich ponúkam svoju modlitbu, udeľ to každému jednému, Pane. Buď teraz s nami, odpúšťaj nám naše hriechy, uzdravuj naše nemoci a daj nám vyslobodenie, ktoré potrebujeme.

397A, Pane, ponad všetky veci, nech nikdy nezabudneme dnes, že sme priviazaní ku Absolútu, ku tej Severnej hviezde, ku Golgote, ku Kristovi. A Duch Svätý berie Slová Božie a manifestuje ich nám doslovne skrze uzdravovanie chorých, ukázanie videní, kriesenia mŕtvych a činí presne to, čo zasľúbil činiť.

398A nech táto cirkev a títo ľudia, alebo táto časť Tela Kristovho, ktorá je tu dnes ráno zhromaždená, žije, ako Ježiš povedal, aby žila. „Vy ste soľou zeme.“ A nech sa stanú tak slanými, že ľudia v okolí budú smädní. Soľ vytvára smäd a soľ môže zachrániť, iba keď sa kontaktuje, a modlím sa, Bože, aby si toto udelil ľuďom, aby mohli byť takí, ktorí tiež získavajú duše.

399Požehnaj nášho pastora, brata Nevilla, tohoto pokorného sluhu, Pane, stojí na svojom mieste povinností s takou úctivosťou, ako úd Tela Kristovho snažiac sa najlepšie, ako vie, nasledovať všetko, čo si mu povedal, aby činil.

400Požehnaj dôverníkov, mužov, ktorí so mnou milostivo stáli v tomto veľkom temnom čase, cez ktorý som prechádzal.

401Stoj s cirkvou, ktorá sa modlila so mnou a stála pri mne v čase problémov, Pane, milujem ich a ponúkam svoju modlitbu, aby sa dívali na Teba, Pane, nech sa dívajú preč od tejto smrteľnej hliny, sluhu. Nech sa dívajú na Neho, Toho, ktorý je Všemocný, Toho, ktorý Je. A vieme, Pane, že my sme koneční, nezáleží na tom, kým sme, stále sme smrteľníkmi, ale nie ten posol, ale to posolstvo, udeľ to, Pane, to je to, kam ukazujeme, na Ježiša Krista, na Syna Božieho. Udeľ to, aby On bol tak skutočným pre každého jedného tu dnes, dokonca i pre malé deti, aby sa stal Absolútom celého zhromaždenia, prosíme to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv Miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi Spasenie na Golgote.

402No, zatiaľ čo to znovu zaspievame, potraste si ruky s niekým, kto je pred vami, za vami, vedľa vás, s kým si len môžte potriasť ruky, zostaňte sedieť, len sa otočte a potraste si ruky, ak môžete. Rozumiete? „Ja...“ [Brat Branham si potriasa ruky, zatiaľ čo zhromaždenie spieva Milujem Ho. - pozn.prekl. ] „A vykúpil mi...“

Práve oznamujú, že bude Večera Pánova, večer v pondelok o polnoci.

403Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky a zaspievajme Mu. Koľkí z vás, koľkí to tak cítia, že On je vaším Absolútom? [Zhrom. hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Slovo, On je Slovom, veríte tomu? [Amen.] On je Slovom a Duch Svätý oplodnil to Slovo, aby spôsobil, že to Svetlo bude žiť vo vás zo Slova, to potvrdenie Slova. Uložte Slovo vo svojom srdci, nech vstúpi Duch Svätý a pozorujte to Slovo, ako sa bude hýbať. Verte, buďte pokorní, netúžte byť niekým veľkým, buďte nikým, aby vás Boh mohol urobiť niekým. Rozumiete? V poriadku, urobte to teraz.

404Všetci Ho milujete? Povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Viete, čo to slovo znamená? „Nech je tak.“ Amen, to je pravda.

405Povedzme, „Haleluja.“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Haleluja.“ - pozn.prekl.] Viete, čo to znamená? „Chváľte nášho Boha.“

406Keď som bol prednedávnom v Nemecku, stál som asi pred tridsať, štyridsať tisíc ľuďmi jedného dňa a povedal som, „Je to zvláštne, že vy, Nemci, nedokážete rozumieť.“ Povedal som, „Keď som išiel sem po ceste dnes, pes na mňa zaštekal v angličtine, to je pravda.“ Povedal som, „Nemal som vôbec žiaden problém, a potom sa tam posadil vtáčik a on pre mňa spieval v angličtine, a išiel som dolu ulicou a nejaká matka mala vo svojom náručí malé dieťa, a keď som tam prechádzal poza nich,“ povedal som, „to dieťa plakalo v angličtine, čo sa deje s vami ľuďmi?“ To je pravda, ó, ak sa len môžeme poobzerať, On je všade. Či nie? [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Istotne On je.

407No, zodvihnime teraz ruky a zavrime naše oči a spievajme, zatiaľ čo poprosíme pastora, aby prišiel sem a rozpustil nás.

Povstaňme najprv, každý povstaňte na svoje nohy, každý.

408Milujete Ho? Znovu povedzte, „Amen“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

409A viete, to slovo Haleluja je rovnaké v každom dialekte? Choďte do afrických džunglí, Hotentótov, Haleluja je tam to isté slovo, Haleluja, to by malo byť takmer Kresťanským pozdravom, či nie? [zhrom. hovorí „Amen“]. Haleluja, to slovo znamená, „Chvála nášmu Bohu.“ A On je toho hoden, či nie? [Amen.] On je absolútne Mojím Spasiteľom, pre mňa je On absolútne Ježišom Kristom, Synom Božím. On je absolútne, „Ten istý včera. dnes i naveky,“ pre mňa. Či je On takisto i pre vás? [Amen.]

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

1 Happy to be here this morning, and to hear this exhortation, just as coming to the platform. Sorry to be late. But the sick in the back out there, in cars, ambulance, like, and--and I had to catch those that couldn't get in, you see, before I could get in.

2 Now, I wonder if the sister that's got the--the little fellow, if she can't come back this afternoon. I want to preach this evening, also, if the Lord willing. If she can't come back for the dedication then, while I've been standing so long this time, well, tell her to, she can bring the baby on now. But if she can come back, this, tonight, it'll be a little better for us. But let whatever she can do, whatever it means. Why, she can't come back, we'll bring the little fellow now for the dedication. And now, all these, while I'm speaking, if she wants to come now, and this would be the time.

3 Now, tonight, there is a very special, I--I want to speak on the subject tonight, a prophetic message of: Sir, Is This The Time? So if the Lord willing, I want to speak on that subject tonight. Is This The Time, Sir? Or, Sir, Is This The Time? rather. And then I want to take this opportunity, in the presence of the church. Which, there's been many things happened in the last few days, that points up to a--a great something that I do not understand. But we are, we always... God's ways are past finding out by man, so we just have to walk by faith. If anyone could explain God, then it would no more be necessary to have faith, because you--you know then. But we just walk by faith.

4And this morning, I thought I would try to just have a regular evangelistic service, because, kind of changed my thought after I got down here and seen so many standing, and been waiting so long. And then, tonight, maybe be a less here, and then I can go ahead with this what I want to say.

5 One thing I'd like to announce, while many of them are together, many of you together. It's something I refrained from announcing for the last couple weeks. That is, your prayers has been answered concerning the tax case that I had with the government. It's settled. And so we are... It's--it's all over now. As many of you understand what they had against me was those checks that had been made out for the campaign, and yet they tried to say there were mine out there. And wanted to charge me three hundred and fifty- something thousand dollars for being my personal property, and it wasn't. It was the campaign's. And the church knows about that. All of you know about it. And finally they come to the place that...

6 I'll just give you a little outline of what happened. They been most, three to five years, about, nearly five years, I guess, in the case, and back and forth, and character and everything. But I'm so grateful that they couldn't find anything against me, so they couldn't indict me for it. So there wasn't nothing to be indicted, only, they said, just my--my ignorance, myself, I guess, by not knowing much about law. They'd bring me the checks and I'd sign them, put my name on them, place them in the campaign. But then, as long as I put my name on them, they were mine, you see. No matter... Said, "That's very nice for you to, like that. But they were yours, and then you give them to the church. But as soon as you put your name on it, it was yours, no matter what they was designated for. They were wrote to you." So if they had been put, somebody had put across there, "personal gift," it would have been all right. But they just wrote, "William Branham." See? And when I put my name on it, it then done it. It was all of it. So they was... And then finally with prayer...

7 And then not long ago, you know, they... I had the vision that a great, dark, smoky, sooty, scaly, like an alligator, man come, moving towards me, with iron fingers. I had one little knife, like that. And he had on him, "United States government." And I couldn't help nothing. I was helpless. And then the Lord came on the scene, and it was conquered. And you remember me telling you that, long ago.

8And they offered a compromise, other day. And my attorney, Mr. Orbison in New Albany, and Ice & Miller in Indianapolis, on tax case, called me, and told me, "Come down." And I went down, Brother Roberson and I, and my wife, and the trustees of the church here, and all of us. We went down. And they told us that they were, the government, was willing to compromise.

9 And I said, "I, if owe anybody anything, I'll pay them. But I do my best. But," I said, "I don't owe that." And so I said, "I--I... It's, honestly. God knows. And why don't they indict me, then, if I'm guilty?" I said, "They've had five years to try to do it, but they couldn't find nothing to do it with." So I said, "No, I refuse. I just won't pay it until it's proved that I owe it."

10And then the attorney took me in and talked to me, and said, "Now, we can try the case. Government will try it." And said, "When they do, the only thing they can find against you, was that you..." What I, what, the way I done it. I didn't just...

11 I don't know nothing about keeping books, so I just had to do it the way I thought was honest. And it--it was never banked in my name. It was always banked to the name of the church campaign and so forth, see, so it wasn't nothing that I could do about it. And I...

12He said, "Well, they are willing to compromise, for fifteen thousand dollars, with ten thousand dollars penalty." And the attorney's fees was fifteen thousand. That made me forty thousand. And so then they want five more, I think it is now. So I went...

13I said, "Where in the world would I ever get forty thousand dollars?" I said, "You know, my bank account here, it says a hundred dollars, or maybe less." I said, "Where would I get forty-something thousand dollars?" And I said, "I have nothing for collateral. I just haven't got it. That's all."

14 And he said, "Mr. Branham," he said, "here is what it is. If we try the case," he said, "there's no doubt but what we can beat the case." He said, "But here is what. We can beat it, because here is what I'll do. They're going to claim all that's yours because you signed your name to it. And they are going to claim it's yours, though it was banked in the name of the campaign, church, Branham campaign, and then a church."

15And not one time, could they find one cent that I ever spent on myself. That's the truth. God knows. There is men setting right here now, been right with me all along. There wasn't one cent that I ever spent for myself. It was all for the Kingdom of God, everywhere, every check, everything else.

16 But, see that, but that don't matter. It was--it's supposed to be mine, first, and then the churches, the campaigns. And they have a way of doing it, you know, all kind of escapes they can make. So then I said, "Well, I--I just won't do it."

17 And he said, "Well, if we beat the case that way, because, I'll--I'll declare them 'personal gifts'. See? I'll declare it, by the government, 'personal gifts.'" And said, "Then, when I do that, all over ten thousand dollars will be inheritance. And then you'll be right back in it again, and they'll hold you another five years, checking all them." See? When you write a check, it goes through the clearing house. They photostat, copy that check. Course, I had all the checks, too, that it went through. So they said, "That's where they get you, right back again."

18And he said, "Another thing, Mr. Branham, if you, ever called in to the government, like that, under an investigation, no matter what you ever do, in the eyes of the public, 'You're a crook.' See? But that's all."

19 Look at this little Baptist minister down here in Mississippi, that little fellow. A woman said that he come in and insulted her. And that man brought evidence from across the country and everywhere, he wasn't even around the city, for days before, the day, or day after, insomuch that the judge wanted to turn back and have him to sue the woman for scandal. He said, "Let her go."

20And when that was put on a monitor test, across the country, you know what happened? Seventy-five percent of the American people said, "Where there is smoke, there is fire." And that poor little fellow, just as innocent as I would be, or anybody else, will labor under that the rest of his days, when he had nothing at all to do with it.

21 I felt very bad, for a while, to think that I've put my life to the Kingdom of God, to try to make, see people pay your taxes and do things, and do what's right, and make crooks become right men; and have to be put up like I was a crook, myself. I thought, "What in the world have I did?"

22And then it came to me, and I looked in the Bible. Every man in the Bible, no exceptions, that ever had a spiritual office, if Satan couldn't get them on morals or something, the government caught them. Go right back to anywhere you want to, all the way down; Moses, Daniel, Hebrew children, John the Baptist. Jesus Christ died by the governor, capital punishment. Paul, Peter, James the Great, James the Less, every one of them died under the government.

23 Because, it is, every government, is the seat--seat of Satan. Jesus said so. The Bible says it. See? Every government is controlled by the Devil. There is coming a government who will be controlled by Christ, but that's in the Millennium. But this, these governments now, no matter how well we think they are, yet, the back of them, they're--they're dominated by Satan. "These kingdoms," he said, "are mine. I do with them whatever I wish to. I'll give them to You, if You'll worship me."

24Jesus said, "Get thee hence, Satan. 'Thou shalt worship the Lord, and Him only shalt thou serve.'"

25 And then I got discouraged. My wife is listening to me. I went on, I said, "No, sir. I, if I owed it, I'd pay it. I do not owe it, and I'm just not going to pay it. That's all." I said, "How can I pay it, anyhow?"

26So, I went home. I said, "Meda, wash the kids' face. Get their clothes ready. I'm leaving." I said, "They won't even... Everything, it's just upside down."

27I said, "What have I done? Tell me." I said, "Yet, me, forty thousand dollars? Whew! You don't realize what that means to me."

And she come in, as a nice little wife would. I said, "I'm leaving."

28She said, "You think that would do any good? Prayed over it yet?"

29 Thought, "Well, maybe I better pray again." I goes back in. It seemed like He said to me, a Scripture.

30Always, we want to watch the Scripture, what God did about it, you see.

31And one day, it was asked to Him, you know, trying to--trying to accuse Him to the government. They said, "Is it right for us free Jews to give tribute or taxes to Caesar?"

He said, "You got a penny?" Said, "Whose inscription is on it?"

Said, "Caesar's."

32Said, "Then you give Caesar's the things that's Caesar's. And to God's, the things that's God's."

33 I thought of that. I turned over in the Bible and read it. I thought, "Truly, Lord, that's right. But this don't belong to Caesar. This was Yours. It wasn't Caesar's. If it had been mine, I been had to pay more taxes or something, well, that would been different, that it belonged to Caesar. But, this, this is Yours. See? And it--it didn't belong to Caesar, in the first place."

34You know, He has always got the answer in the Word. I just read a little farther, and He said, "Say, Simon, haven't you got a fishhook in your pocket?" See? "You always carry a little fishhook and a string. And I just made a deposit this morning, in a fish bank down there at the--at the river, you know." Said He... "I made a deposit, and the banker will certainly give up what he's got. Just go down there and throw the hook in the river. And when you get up the bank, open his mouth, you see, and he'll--he'll give out the coin. Let's not offend them. Don't bring offense to them. See? Go pay it, Simon. That'll be for me and you."

35I thought, "True, God. You got fish banks and everything else, across the country. I don't know how it will be done."

36 But we went down. I got brothers right here in the church that stood on my note, and I put a note in, and got the forty thousand dollars, and paid it off.

37I went home. I wanted to know the way I wrote that check, if they'd ever come back on me again. I said, "This is to say that I'm free from all taxes. Well, they better endorse that one, they sure going to be in a mess after that." I kept calling back, the bank, to see if they'd do it.

And, finally, Bob told me, said, "Billy, they did it."

38I went in and put my arm around the wife, I said, "Honey, I'm free." What a feeling, to be free!

39And so I can pay it back now, they made it real easy on me. I can pay it back at four thousand dollars a year. Now, I can't loaf anymore, folks. I got to get out and go to work. So I--I... It take me ten years to pay it back. And if--if Jesus doesn't come. And when that, when He does, all the debts all settled then anyhow. See? So, then, so I--I hope that you all... Your prayers... And, tonight, I'll continue on with something just a little to that. But your prayers is what helped me. Thank you, so much. God bless you. No matter where we ever at, I'll never forget that.

40 Tonight, if the Lord willing, I wish to state some of the facts that I know. And be sure to come. Now, remember: Sirs, What Time Is It?

41Now, we're going to... I believe, they got a full schedule for the rest of the... this week. And Monday night is... The services, tonight, today and tonight, and Monday. Monday night is the watch service. And--and then that gives you Tuesday, New Year's Day; if you're out of town, can go back home.

42And we'll have some fine ministers here now for that meeting. We, a--a great group of fine speakers, and everybody will be speaking at intervals, down on till midnight. And sometimes they take communion, if it's in line. I don't know whether they are this time, or not. Right as where they're whooping, and hollering, and shooting, and drinking, and going on, we take the communion. Amen. Start the New Year's right, with the communion. Now, you're all invited. And I hope that, you, God of the heavens will give you an opportunity to stay over if you can.

43 Now, before we approach the Word, I want to say this, too, that I certainly thank this church, its members, for this fine suit of clothes that you bought me. Thank you, very much. That's so much to me. All your cards and things through the--the--the Christmas seasons, and gifts that you sent to the family, and, oh, I, they were innumerable to me. And little spots that cannot touch the spot in my heart, nothing could do it like that, to know that it come from you. And so some of them sent me some of their Christmas gifts in money.

44And some of them sent such. One brother sent me a pocketbook, and he had made with my name on it. A little pin that you look through; it's got the Lord's prayer in it. And, oh, things like that, it just, we just treasure. Wife and I, and the children want to tell you, "Thanks, so much." It's so little. But I'll say this, this is the greatest word I think that anyone could say, "God bless you." There's nothing could be any greater.

45 Now, and to these brethren here at the church, who bought me that rifle, I--I wore my suit, but I--I couldn't bring the rifle to church. But it was... They really would have something against me then, wouldn't they? So I--I--I certainly thank you, my brethren. And I was going to read their names on a little... But one of the brethren was up yesterday, said, "Oh, don't--don't--don't thank me, Brother Branham. It would just take all the joy out of it. See?" So I thought maybe the rest of them might think the same thing. But I got your name. They typed it out. Always remembered. And the Lord bless you greatly.

46And you know what I relax at, and is go in that den room and set there, and live all over. When I get so wound up, I can't go no farther, then think about some hunting trip I took somewhere, or somewhere went fishing. I appreciate that. God bless you.

47 Now, can we bow our heads just a moment, as we approach the Word. I'm sure there is requests in here this morning, too numerable to numerate just now. But I wonder, while we have our heads bowed, your special request, if you'd just keep it on your heart, and just raise up your hands, and say, "God, You know what I'm thinking of now."

48 Lord Jesus, You see every hand. And You know what's behind that. Down beneath that hand lays a request. And we are coming now, reverently, up to the Throne of the living God, that great white pearl that stretches across the space of time, where Jehovah God sets in There, and the Blood of Christ laying upon the altar. And we speak across that Blood, by Him that said, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be granted." Won't You hear, God, this morning, and answer their requests? I lay my prayer with theirs, today, that You will grant it.

49Here are handkerchiefs laying here, Lord, that's sick and afflicted. And we're taught in the Bible, that, "They took from Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were placed upon the sick. And unclean spirits went out of them, and diseases departed." And, Father, as we have known for a long time, and we surely know that we're not Saint Paul. But, after all, we feel that it wasn't Saint Paul. It was the Christ that was in him. And You are "the same yesterday, today, and forever," according to the Scripture. Now, these people, Lord, believe that if we ask God, and take these handkerchiefs and lay them upon their sick, that they shall recover. I pray that it'll be so, Lord, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick.

50 And as is said, one time, Israel starting in the line of duty, going to the promised land, and the Red Sea cut them off, right in the path of duty. But God looked down through that Pillar of Fire, with angry eyes, and that sea got scared. And it rolled back its waves, its waters. And Israel went through on dry land, to the promise land.

51Now, Lord, today, look through the Blood of Jesus. And You see this act of faith that we're performing here this morning. And may Satan get scared and move away. And may each one of these pilgrims that's present, and each one of these handkerchiefs will lay upon, may (they) the road be opened up, and sickness moved away. And may they journey on towards the promised land, being led by the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire. Grant it, Lord.

52Now, bless the services, the words, the context, the reading. And may the Holy Spirit take the Word, this morning, and sweetly divide It to each one of us, Lord, as we're growing close to some great tremendous something that we know not what. Our hearts are moved strangely, Lord. And we pray now, as we reverently approach Thee and Thy Word, that You'll interpret to us the meaning thereof. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now, tonight, don't forget the... The Time, What Time Is It?

53 And now, this morning, I wish to turn, you too that have your Bibles. Or mark it, if you care to, in the Scriptures, where we want to speak from, for a few moments, found in the Book of Acts. We might read two or three places. Acts 26:15, first. Acts, the 25th chapter and the 15th verse, to begin.

54Then we want to read Acts 23:11. And you might add with this, if you wish to, I probably won't have time to read it, Philippians 1:20. It's all about the same course, the same words.

55 Now, in the Book of Acts, 26:15, it reads like this.

And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.

... arise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentile,... whom now I send thee,

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Whereupon, O... Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:

But showed first unto them at Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and them... then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

56In Acts 23, and the 11th verse again.

And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of a good cheer, Paul: for... thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.

57May God add His holy blessings to the reading of this most gracious, holy Word that we have before us.

58 Now, I was hearing a man speak, or talk, not long ago, and he used the word: Absolute. And I thought, "That's a very fine word." I hear it used so many times, "Absolutely." That's...

59I looked up in the dictionary, Webster's. According to Webster's, it's "Perfect in itself; unlimited in its power; primarily an ultimate." And an ultimate is "The amen. That's all." An absolute, it is. It's "The unlimited in power," the word absolute. It's--it's, "Perfect in itself. That's all of it. That settles it."

I thought, "That's a glorious thing. That's a wonderful word."

60And now, a word is a thought expressed. First, it must be a thought, and then it becomes a word. Because, you do not speak your words without thought.

61 When we speak in tongues, we have no thought. It's God taking the thoughts. It's God's thought using our lips. We don't think or know what you're saying when you're speaking in tongues, if it's inspired speaking. When you interpret, you do not know what you're saying. You just say it. That's all. See? That's God. And prophesying, you not using your own thoughts. It's God, 'cause you say things that you ordinarily wouldn't think about saying. See?

62 But the word absolute is "an ultimate." And, therefore, I think that everybody should have an ultimate. And every great achievement that's ever been achieved, there has been an absolute behind it. No matter what it was, it's had an absolute behind it. And every person, in order to achieve something, has to first have the absolute. And that's the final wind back, through this, that, back through the other, till you come to that absolute, or the amen, or the ultimate. Of what you're... You got something you have to tie to, in other words. It's the final tying post, to every achievement. It's somewhere. It might wind through many different things till it gets to that tie post, but there is the amen to all of it. There must be such a thing. You cannot go on through life without having one.

63 You, when you got married, there had to wind back through your mind, something, till you hit that tie post. And it should have been love for your wife, or your husband. Well, maybe she isn't as pretty as John's wife; or she, well, she not the--the this, that. But there is something about her, that, you, it strikes you. You--you--you say, "She might not be as pretty as the other," or, "He might not be as handsome as the other." But there has to be an absolute there, that that person is different, and there is where you hold on to. If that isn't there, you better not get married. That tie post! That absolute!

64 We can think of many who had absolutes, in the Bible. Oh, how we could take, down through the stream of that Bible, and just be here two weeks from now; and never even touch the surface, if we'd think of the absolutes in the Bible. For instance, let me just call one or two, just brief them.

65Look at Job. Now, he had an absolute. Everything went wrong for that man, a just man. Now, we would be daresn't to say that he wasn't just, because God said he was. "There was no one on earth like Job. He was perfect," in the sight of God. And he knew it, because he had an ultimate. He had an absolute, when everything seemed to be contrary.

66 Sickness broke out. His friends might have said, "Now, there you are, Job. That proves that you are sinning. You're wrong." And then the bishops come down. They called them Job's comforters. And instead of comforting him, they seen nothing but sin in his life, because God had dealt with him the way He had.

67And his children was killed. His--his property was burned. His--his everything went wrong. And even his own life in jeopardy, setting on an ash heap, broke out from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, with boils. And even his lovely, sweet companion, the mother of those children, said, "You should curse God and die the death." But in the face of all that, Job had an absolute.

68 Oh, in time of sickness, if we could only tie ourself to that absolute!

69Job knowed that he had done Jehovah's bidding. And he had faith in what he done, because Jehovah required it. We can just do that. Jehovah required a burnt offering for his sin. And Job, not only for himself, but for his children, had made a burnt offering, and that's all God required.

"Oh," you might say, "I wish that's all He required today."

70It's less than that. Just faith in His Word! And you, if you make His Word your absolute, you can. Any Divine promise in the Bible, you can tie your soul to it. No matter how much the waves whip you around, you're still tied; your absolute.

71 And he held on to it. And when his comforters said, "You've sinned," he knowed he had not. He was just, because he had done Jehovah's bidding. And when his every...

72The man come in, said, "You're children is dead." Another one come in, said, "You're camels are all burned up. And there come fire down from heaven."

73Look what an argument his discomforters had. "You see? The fire came from heaven. Now, Job, that proves." That proves nothing. "Now, He wouldn't have struck your children, Job; you're a just man."

74"But," Job said, "I know that I've done what's right." He still held on. He had something that he could drive down. That's it. He had accepted it. He had done exactly what God told him to do, and he was absolutely sure. All right.

75 Then when he come to the spot, when that absolute held, then finally he begin to feel the strain tighten up. That had been running loose, bouncing around, but it begin to tighten up. And the Spirit come on him. And he stood up, being a prophet, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth." Amen. See? He had tightened up to his absolute. He had come in contact. He knowed that he had done what was right, and some day he had to pull to it. "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days, He stands upon this earth. Though after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." He knew then. Then his absolute anchored.

76 Abraham, an absolute, coming down from Babylon, from the tower, and out into the Shinar, and out in there where he was sojourning with his father, and perhaps was a farmer. But one day, way back in the jungles somewhere, maybe picking berries, or--or going to kill a beast for his meat; and somewhere back in there, God spoke to him, when he was seventy-five years old. And he was... He and his wife, Sarah, her being sixty-five, was childless--childless. They didn't have any children. Then God told him, "You're going to have a child by Sarah. But, in order to do this, you've got to separate yourself."

77 God's promises are always on condition. You must, absolutely. No matter how fundamental you are with the promise, it's under conditions, always. How we could stop here and wave through that Scripture, back and forth, for hours, see, that the condition is what means something. You can be just as fundamental as you want to, but it's under conditions by the promise, predestination, and so forth. Notice.

78 Now, "Abraham, he believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." Now, what a--a horrible thing it would be to meet a--a civilized world, a man seventy-five years old, with a woman sixty-five, and had lived together since they were young couples, 'cause she was his half sister, and now going to have a baby by her. But he had an absolute. There was nothing going to move him.

79And when, the first month, it didn't happen, his absolute held, because he knowed he had talked to God. The second month, second year, ten year, and at twenty-five years later, when he was a hundred, and Sarah was ninety, his absolute still held.

80 And the Bible said, when his obituary was written, He said, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

81Why? Did you ever think why? He was absolute, positive. And the only thing he had to do was separate himself from his people. And God never did bless him until he did it. He took his daddy. His daddy died. He took Lot. And when, after Lot separated from Abraham, then God come to him, said, "Now walk through the land." See?

82Obedience, promise, under conditions, always goes with God and His Word. Now look at...

83 Let's take Moses. Moses, the--the runaway servant-prophet, that God had raised him up and educated him in Pharaoh's palace. And--and Moses went out with his theological training, and was the first man he slew. Then, the first little defect come along, then Moses was scared to death.

84Why? He had no absolute. He only had his--his mother's testimony of his birth. He was a strange child. He had his mother's word about it. He had the scrolls that God had perhaps in paper somewhere, they had written, packed along with them, that God was going to visit His children. He knowed that that was the time.

Like we do now, we know something is fixing to happen.

85 Now, Moses knowed that was the time, and he knowed that he was chosen for it, but he didn't have an absolute. See?

86And one day, on the back side of the desert, when he had lost the vision, God appeared to him, in a burning bush. And He said, "Moses, I have seen the afflictions of My people. I've heard their groans and crying, of those taskmasters punishing them. And I have remembered My promise. I've come down to deliver them. Now go down to Egypt." Oh, my!

87Said Moses, complaining, saying, "I don't speak very well. My--my deliverance is not very well. They won't believe me."

He said, "What's in your hand?"

He said, "A stick."

88He said, "Throw it down." It turned to a serpent. Said, "Pick it up by the tail." It turned back again to a stick. He was giving him the assurance, a vindication.

89When God gives an absolute, He gives the vindication to that absolute, always.

90 Then Moses, when he was down there, and he threw down his stick before the magicians and Pharaoh, and the magicians come and threw down their stick too, Moses never run and said, "Oh, well, I was wrong. Ah, it's just a cheap magician trick, and maybe I was wrong."

91But he knowed. He was positive that he met God, and he stood still. Let's say he had done exactly what God told him to do. So had Job done exactly what God told him to do. Moses had followed His commandments. Then, stand still and watch the glory of God. Moses was tied to his absolute, his commission, and he stood still. And when he did, his serpent swallowed up the rest of the serpents. See? He was tied to that absolute.

92God said, "When you deliver them children, you'll worship Me again on this mountain."

93 Now, the enemy, in every way that he can, will try to get you away from that absolute.

94Right as they started out of Egypt, they got cornered right in the neck of the--of the Red Sea, mountains on either side. Come up through a valley, and there was the Red Sea. No way to escape over the hills, no way to escape this way, and Pharaoh's army coming this way. What a place to stand!

95See how the Devil gets you in a place where you don't know what to do? But remember, if you're tied to that absolute, that's got it.

96Moses knowed that God promised him, that, "You'll worship on this mountain when you bring them out. And I've come down, by your hand, to deliver them and place them over in that other land." He stayed right with it. And God sent an east wind and blowed out the waters, out of the bottom of the sea, and they walked across on dry land. An absolute!

97 How we could go through the Scriptures: Daniel, his absolute; Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, their absolute; David, his absolute; all, absolute.

98Paul had One, too, the One we are reading about. He had a Christ-centered call, and that was his absolute. That's the reason he wasn't afraid of what Agrippa would say. Standing there, and Agrippa was a Jew, as we know. And so then when he is standing before these kings and things, God had already told him he would stand there. So, he had an absolute, so he told exactly the Heavenly vision. Said, "I'm not a... I wasn't dishonorable to it. I was... Did not misjudge it. I didn't misbehave myself." But he held to, and was not disobedient. He carried it out, to the minute, for It was an absolute.

And any Christ-centered life, that's your absolute.

99 Now, since meeting Him, face to face, on the road to Damascus, that was meant so much to Paul.

100Now, remember, he was a scholar, beforehand. He was a mighty man in the Scriptures. But he didn't have any tie post but the Sanhedrin that would back him up, and a--and a diploma from a--a--a great teacher. He was a great man in his field. But he was waiting. Only thing he had, his absolute would only be as strong as his organization was. That's all the stronger he could be. And he was working faithful to that, and was taking Christians, and binding them, and making havoc of them, and even stoned Stephens.

101 I think, later in his life, the reason he went to Jerusalem. When, the prophet told him, "Don't go up there, Paul, for chains and prison waits for you."

102And Paul said, "I know it. But I'm not only going to Jerusalem as a witness. But, I'm going there, I'm ready to die for Jesus Christ." For he knew what he had done, and his ambition was to seal his testimony with his own blood, die a martyr, because he killed one of God's martyrs.

103And now he was on his road down to Damascus, with all of his education. Set under that great teacher, Gamaliel, and how that he had been taught in all the Jewish religion. And yet, with all that, he was flimsy, and he did not have the ability to do certain things. And all of a sudden, there was a Light, and a roar, maybe, and a thunder. And he was smitten, and fell to the ground.

104 And he looked up. There was a Light shining, that blinded his eyes. And what a strange thing that was. No one else saw the Light, just Saul. It was so promised, so real to him, until It blinded his eyes. He couldn't see. Totally blind, with that Pillar of Fire blazing him right in the face. And he heard a Voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

105And He said, "I am Jesus. And it's hard for you to kick against these pricks. Rise now, and go into Damascus, and there one will be sent to you." Then when he raised up from there...

106And there was one, a prophet, down in the city, who saw in a vision while he was praying, and he came. Ananias came, and come in to Saul. Laid his hands upon him, and he was healed by Divine healing. He rose then, was baptized, washing away his sins, calling upon the Name of the Lord. And then he had an absolute. He was never the same after that. He went straight, from church to church, from place to place, trying to build up that which he had tried to tear down.

107 How the nation, how the Christian world, this morning, needs that type of absolute. Those who tree creeds and traditions, has tried to, with doctrine of men, to disqualify God's Word to being the same yesterday, today, and forever. They need an absolute, an experience of meeting, on a Damascus road, the living God Who can heal the sick, and raise the dead, and cast out devils. A genuine absolute!

108Paul knew that something happened. There was no one could take it away from him. Nothing else mattered. He was tied, and that was it. No matter what come, he knowed he was tied, Christ-centered life. Oh!

109 The life that he had lived was a different life. Now, remember, he had been a religious man.

110And to some of you peoples this morning. And I know you realize that this tape is being made, will play in every nation under the heavens, about, around the world, and some of you peoples who is here present. And some of you, out where the tapes will be played in the other nations, by an interpreter, giving it to the tribes of Africa, back in the Hottentots, and--and all around.

111And to you religious leaders who just got an education of the Bible, you've got it from a historical standpoint, and may be able to explain all these things. But, if you haven't got an absolute, haven't got a--an experience! And if that experience, that--that you claim you have, makes you deny that every Word of This isn't just as true to the church today as It ever was; and you're trusting upon your Bachelor of Art degree, or whatever you might have! If you're trusting upon the thoughts of your organization that would say, "The days of miracles is passed. And we have no Divine healing. And the baptism of the Holy Spirit like they received on the Day of Pentecost, is not for the people today!" If that's all you got, my precious brother, sister, you need a Damascus-road experience.

112You need to meet this living God, where you, not only just a mythical thought in your mind, not some shiver, or some kind of a sensation, but a taught and experience of a real, genuine. The same Jesus that walked in Galilee is living today, and alive forevermore. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. An absolute, that you don't have to take what anyone said. You know for yourself, not some sensation.

113 And if the sensation that you've had, and somebody, it might have been a real Bible sensation, and somebody tried to explain it away from you, saying those things were in some other day. Be careful. It is true. Be careful. But there is a way to know. Test it with the Word. That's the blueprint.

114If the house goes up contrary to the blueprint, the contractor will tear it down and rebuild it. But it's got to go to the blueprint.

115 No matter what your experience is, then, if something in you tells you that that Bible isn't true, that power of God, apostles, prophets, and teachers, and pastors, and the gifts of the Spirit just isn't the same as It was when It flowed through them apostles at Pentecost, there is something wrong with your absolute. It has to tie to a denominational creed instead to God's Bible. When, He said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Watch what your absolute is.

116You might be absolutely sure that you're in good fellowship with the pastor. And might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the district presbyter. And might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the bishop or some other great man in your church. But if you're not... Your absolute isn't Jesus Christ.

117"For upon this Rock I'll put My absolute, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Spiritual revelation of Who He is, and knowing! All right. Oh!

118 Now, when you become like Paul, have the same absolute that he had, a Christ-centered life is a different life than what you once had. And it might be a very religious life that you lived.

119Oh, I've heard people say, "Now, they're very religious." That don't have one thing to do with It.

120 I've just seen many religions, very devout, many times more sincere than the Christian people of today profess. When, a mother can take her little, fat, black baby, about that long, and throw it into the mouth of a crocodile, for the love of her god. I wonder how sincere Christianity is. When, a man can afflict himself in a such a way, would put in a thousand hooks through his flesh, like that, hanging with balls of water, holding him down like this, and walk through a streak of fire, from here to the end of that tabernacle, back and forth, and it white-hot, fanned like that, for the sacrifice of his god, an idol there with ruby eyes in it, and so forth. I wonder where Christianity is. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So don't think "sincerity." Sincerity is not It. Sincerity is all right if it's placed on the right thing.

121 Like a doctor giving medicine. He might give you arsenic, sincerely, and he might give you sulfuric acid, sincerely. You might have your prescription filled wrong, and you might take it in sincerity, but that don't save your life. See? No, sir. You've got to know what you're doing. And anything contrary to God's Word, I don't care what it is, and how long it's been existence, it's still wrong.

122 Peter give them an Eternal prescription on the Day of Pentecost. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For this prescription is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That's right. It's an Eternal prescription.

123Now, some quack druggist could get a hold of that and kill you. Yeah. Certainly. You know, there is so much poison in a prescription, to poison the germ, and the--the doctor knows just how much can, your body can stand. If he over-poisoned, it would kill you. If you haven't got enough of it, then what would it do? It wouldn't do you no good to take the medicine. He knows what your body can stand.

124 Now, that's the way the prescription of God is. No matter how much somebody else says it must be done this way, or that way, don't you believe it. When you follow the Word exactly to the letter, that's it. Hold onto It. Now, we've got the... those who say, "You must be sprinkled." They got those. So, "You must use the titles of Father, Son and Holy Ghost." There's no such things in the Bible. No such place anybody was ever baptized, in the Bible, any other way besides the Name of Jesus Christ. That's a dogma that was added in the Roman Catholic church, that's carried down through traditions. We'll hit that tonight.

125 But notice, in the midst of all that, the prescription remains. That's why we got so many sick children, because they're not listening to what the Doctor said. The absolute, when you've tied to That, that's it. That's God's Word. It cannot fail.

126Christ-centered life, very religious, but it wasn't Christ-centered. So many of us have that today.

127And when you get this Christ-centered life, it makes you do things you ordinarily wouldn't do. It makes you act different than ordinarily you would act. I don't mean act silly. I mean act in the Spirit, something that's real, something that's genuine. And when you see somebody acting silly, you know they're only putting on something. They're only trying to impersonate where that genuine thing is.

128When you see a bogus dollar, remember there's a good dollar it was made off of. See? When you see a bogus, it's absolutely a off-shadow of something that's real. It's something that--that is genuine, is copied off of.

129 Notice, it makes you do things ordinarily you wouldn't do. Oh, it is something. You are certain. You are very certain of it, when you get this absolute. You're positive of it. You don't take what's somebody else's experience.

130That's the reason Christianity has become like little kids in the Bible, or, and not, excuse me, little kids in school. They try to copy one off the other. And if that guy is wrong, the whole thing is wrong. See? You got the whole bunch of them wrong. Oh, my! Don't copy. Meet Him, yourself.

131 A good friend of mine, standing back here, is an old... is a son of a buddy of mine, a life-long friend, little Jim Poole. Why, his daddy and I were growed up together in school. And, oh, what a fine fellow! Little Jim and I are praying constantly that big Jim will become a Christian, a real believer. And little Jim and I were talking yesterday about where we found God in the woods and seen Him in nature. There's where you find Him. Because, He's the Creator, and He's in His creation.

132And I remember, Jim and I used to go--go, want to go hunting. And when night come, well, we used to go down, take our bicycles, and ride right down this street here, scared to death to pass the graveyard after it got dark, and go down and get us an ice cream cone.

133 And Jim liked to shoot pool. Now, we was just boys, ten, twelve, fourteen years old. And then Jim liked to set around and read storybooks of hunting and trapping.

134And I would set around and daydream. See? About... And now some of the boys can see me. And I'd see a little bitty shack somewhere. I used to say, "Boy, that would be a good shack to have in the mountains." And I always dreamed that some day I'd have me a shack in the mountains, a big bunch of hounds, and--and some guns. And I always thought, "If I could own a 30-30, some of my time." Thought, "How in the world would I ever own a little 30-30 rifle?"

135The other day, standing, looking on my wall, and seeing there some of the best rifles that can be gotten, I thought, "Amazing grace."

136I thought, "I'll train myself to shoot, and shoot good. And then maybe sometime to get, take a trip into the mountains, some good hunter will take me along. Just to be kind of a... Cause, he'd want to protect his life, maybe, from a charging bear. He wasn't too sure. Some rich man, would take me along, just to go along with him, kind of as a bodyguard. Maybe some day I'd get to hunt in Africa, as a body guard. If I could just train! That's the only thing I can do is train to be a good, steady shot."

137Oh, I thought, "God, think, of You let me hunt, over the world." What a wonderful thing!

Jim used to set and read the book. I said, "Jim..."

He said, "I--I like to read about it."

138I said, "Jim, that's what somebody else done. I want to do it, myself. I want the experience." When I come to Christ, I couldn't take somebody else's experience. I wanted it, myself.

139 I remember when I read Zane Grey's Lone Star Ranger. I tore up two or three brooms for mama, riding around the house, galloping, when I was on this hobbyhorse broom. I--I read that story of--of the Lone Star Ranger, how he brought the justice to the Big Bend.

140Then I read Edgar Rice Burrough's fiction story of Tarzan, The Apes. Mother had an old fur rug, a sealskin rug, or something, that Mrs. Wathen had give her from the fire. And it laid on her room, and I--I took that rug out. Mama done knowed the wind didn't blow it out. And I took it out, and cut it up, and made me a Tarzan suit, and set up in the tree. I--I lived half my time in a tree, out in this Tarzan suit. Because I had seen what he done, I wanted to do it too.

141But one day, by the grace of God, I got a hold of the real Book, the Bible. My song and story has been, "To be like Jesus, on earth I long to be like Him." I don't want to be a bishop or--or some great fellow in the church, some pope or some priest. I want to be like Jesus. An absolute, it makes you different. There's something about it, to read His Word, and something in your heart, you long to be like Him. You're certain.

142 It's like, the absolute to the Christ, the absolute to the Christian, is like the... It, it's like the anchor in the ship. Yes. You, you got to have an absolute. And if Christ is your absolute, it's like the anchor. That, when you... The sea is very rough, and the ship is about ready to sink, and, you, only one hope you have, is, cast anchor. And then if the ship is tossing, see if the anchor will hold the ship. You know, we got a song, I forget the author's name now, but, My Anchor Holds.

143 Like the little boy, as we've many times thought, flying the kite. You couldn't see nothing, but he had the string. And a man passed by and said, "What are you doing, sonny?"

Said, "I'm flying my kite."

He said, "What's you got in your hand?"

Said, "The string."

144Said, "Where is the kite?" Said, "I don't see it. Well, how do you know you're flying a kite?"

145He said, "I can feel it. It's a tugging." See? At the end of that string, there was an absolute. To his little way, that kite was his absolute, so he could say he was flying a kite. Though he couldn't see it, but he had a hold, something, that had a hold of it.

146That's the way a man, when he's born again of the Holy Spirit, he's got a hold of something that's got an anchor out yonder, and the storms doesn't shake him. He knows he's all right. He's anchored. All right.

147 Now, if we are in our little bark, floating across life's solemn main, as the great poet said that.

Life is not an empty dream!

And the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! And life is earnest!

And its grave is not its goal;

For dust thou art, and dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

148Oh, I think that's so pretty! Now, Longfellow wrote that, Psalm Of Life. See?

While sailing over life's solemn main,

For a forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

In seeing, shall take heart again.

149 See? Now we are embarked, sailing life's solemn main, and Christ, to the ship upon the storms of time. When the storms get heavy, and they're pitching about, I'm glad I got an anchor that holds within the veil yonder, somewhere. Even death itself cannot pluck you away from it. You are tied to your absolute. Christ is our anchor. What is He? He is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."

150 Then, when we know that our actions is exactly with the Word, we know our teaching is perfect with the Word, adding nothing or taking nothing, just the Word. And we see the same results, that others who anchored to the same Word, living up in our life, then your anchor holds. The life of Christ being reproduced in almost an incarnate way, through you, as it was in Christ, because, "It was God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." And you see God in yourself, holding that same keel on the Word, just exactly the way Jesus did. You see His life. "The works that I do shall you do also, he that believeth." Not him that maketh-believe, he that thinks he believe, but, "He that believeth." "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." Why? He is anchored to the same Rock. What was the Rock? The Word, always. You're anchored there. It's your north Star when you're lost at sea.

151 You know, we got a lot of stars, but there's only one true star, that don't move. That's the north star, 'cause it sets in the center of the earth. No matter whether you're on the backside, upside, or wherever you're at, that north star is just the same. It's your north star. Now, you see, there's lot of stars that shift from place to place. But if you're in a... on the sea, why, any seaman knows, or any hunter that roams the woods, knows that your north star is your--is your place. That's all. Then, it's like your--your--your compass. Your compass won't point to Mars, or Jupiter, or somewhere. It'll point to the north star. Why? That's your absolute.

152 Oh, my! Notice, your absolute! Oh, I'm going to say something! I just feel it coming on. Notice. I feel very religious at this time, because this is assurance. Notice.

153Your compass can only point to the north star. That's the only place it can point. If it's a true compass, it'll strike the north star every time. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

154Then, if you have the Holy Spirit, It can only point to the Word. It'll never point to a denomination. It'll never point to a creed. It'll never point it away somewhere. It'll point straight to the Word. I feel like shouting. Notice, it's--it's Something inside a man, pulsating, when you see your Star setting out yonder, Jesus Christ, the Word. And you see the Spirit that's in you won't let it move right or left. That's the only One that can. He come to take the things of God, and to show them, manifest them.

155And Jesus said, "He will do just exactly the things that I say. He will reveal to you things that is to come," show you ahead of time, before it gets here. See? "He will take the things that are Mine and will show them to you, and then He will show you things that is to come." John 15.

156 We see that He shows the things. And He takes the things that are God's and will show them to you. And He will reveal to you the things that Jesus said. Other words, He will make plain the thing. Place that way over in a corner, tonight, 'cause that's what we're going to use, a little while. Making sure, making that positive, see, then you know. If you... Your north star, which is the Word, to any Christian.

157Anything contrary to the Word! Look. Let me tell you something. Listen to this closely. This is the complete, Divine revelation of God, His will, and the Coming of Christ. And everything lays right in this Book, completed. [Brother Branham pats on his Bible--Ed.] And if anything draws you off of That, throw that compass away, 'cause it's only a creed. It's only an organi-... It's only a paper that you're packing in your pocket, got hanging in your room, framed. It's a creed. Then, find the compass that sets you to the Word. Amen.

158 You notice, when this experience hit Paul, he went down in Egypt and Arabia, somewhere, and studied three years. Glory! Whew! He had to be positive. And when he seen, when the Holy Spirit direct him, word by word, he could write that Book of Hebrews and show those Jews. Certainly. Why? He was centered. That compass of the Holy Spirit put him right on the north Star.

159Now, if you got something pulling you off of It, you better leave it alone. The Son, It'll point to His Word, and only to His Word, because the Holy Spirit came to manifest, or vindicate, God's promises. There's no creed will do that. No organization will do it. No powers or nothing can do it. Only the Holy Spirit, by the Word. And He is the Germ.

160 Now, you take a grain of wheat, a pretty grain of wheat, but it can no do nothing. It's dead until the germ comes into it. Then it produces many grains of wheat.

161And Christ is that Life, the absolute. If the wheat doesn't have that absolute in it, it'll never rise. If that wheat don't have that absolute, may be ever so pretty on the outside, but it cannot live, because there's nothing in it to live by. But when it gets that absolute, it can look in the face of all critics, say, "I'll rise again." Why? Because it's got the absolute. It's in it. It's got to rise again. And when it... "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, then ask what you will." That's that absolute.

162 But if you got creeds and everything else tied up into It; you can't mix oil and water. You just take and break it any way you want to, it'll never mix, because it's two different chemicals. And you can't make creed and the Bible, contrary to the Bible, mix. You can't make denomination and freeborn religion, or freeborn salvation, mix together. Cause, as sure, God only deals...

163I'm going to say it, anyhow. God never breaks His program. He cannot break, because He's infinite. And I realize, you know, I, It goes before lots of people. See? But God cannot break His program. He cannot do something one day, and change it over, do something, saying it's wrong that day.

164 God doesn't deal with groups of men. God deals with an individual, because men has different ideas. He's built up different, in nature. God has to take that man, and mess him around, and pull him around, out of his own self, till He gets him in His nature. See? And then God deals with that person. Look all down through the ages, Noah and Moses, the prophets, never two of them at the same time. One, constantly, all the way down through the age.

Therefore, if you say, "In the multitude of counsel there is safety."

165 Look, and as I preached here not long ago, at the tabernacle. There was Ahab, and there was Jehoshaphat. And they were going up to Ramoth-Gilead, to push back. Fundamentally, they were right, the land did belong to them. And the--the enemy, the Syrians up there, was filling their children's belly with the wheat that the Israelities should be. God-given property, so, fundamentally, it seemed good. "Go with me, and go up there, and we push them off the land." Well, that sound awful good. Fundamentally, it was right, but it's conditions.

166Jehoshaphat, being a good man, said, "But shouldn't we consult the Lord?"

167Course, Ahab, that backslider, said, "Well, sure." Borderline believer, you know. Said, "Oh, certainly, I should have thought of that. I've got four hundred Hebrew prophets. Four hundred of them, I feed, take care of. They're the best there is in the country. We'll bring them up."

168And all of them together, with one accord, said, "Go on up. The Lord is with you." Fundamentally, they were right, but they hadn't caught that absolute.

Then when he said, "Isn't there one more?"

169Said, "Yes. There's another one, but I hate him." He said, "He's always telling evil about me, see, always saying."

170 How could he prophesy good, when the whole Word, Elijah who had been before him, said to Ahab, "The dogs will lick your blood"? Now, how could that vindicated prophet say anything that wasn't the will of God? And how, that, "The dogs would eat Jezebel, and the dung would be upon the fields, so they could not say, 'Here lays Jezebel.'" With a curse like that on a man, how could anybody else bless?

171That's the way it is today. How can a man bless these things that's taking people further from God all the time? There's only one thing to do, if you have to stand by yourself: curse the thing, in the Name of the Lord, and stay with It, when you're absolute.

You say, "Well, Brother Branham, you make people hate you."

172God will love me. That's my absolute. Can't rest on an arm of flesh. You got to rest on the Word, what God said do.

173 How did Micaiah know he was right? He waited. He had a vision. They had a vision, too, but the vision didn't compare with the Word. And today, the same thing. Micaiah compared his vision with the Word, and then he seen he and the Word was together. Today, if your vision is contrary to the Word, leave it alone, 'cause it's the wrong absolute. Micaiah's absolute was exactly with the Word, so he could stand and say, he, what he said, and--and believe it.

174When, they smacked him in the mouth, and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go?"

175He said, "You'll find out when you set in the inner chamber." Right.

176He said, "When I return in peace... You put this man in inner prison, and when I return in peace," said Ahab, "I'll deal with this fellow."

177 Oh, now, Micaiah, what about it? Your head will be chopped off when he comes back. Micaiah stood there just as stern as Stephens did. Amen. Just as willing as my Lord walked to the cross. Just as easy as Daniel went into the lions' den, or Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego went to the furnace. Absolutely! He stood there and said, "If you return at all..." Why? He was absolute. "If you return at all, God never spoke to me. Chop my head off then." He had an absolute. He knowed that his compass, that had guided him to this vision, was exactly with the north Star. Yes, sir. His anchor held, yes, the Word and It only.

If your absolute, if you have an absolute in your life...

178 There was a time when, you know, etiquettes had an absolute. I can't think of that woman's name, but the whole nation trusted in what that woman said. I forget her name. I was writing a note here. I couldn't think of that woman's name, what it was. But here, a few years ago, they had to be, this woman, what she said. If she said use the knife in the left hand, that was--that was it, that was the absolute. She was the--the answer to all of it. And if you put the fork in the left hand, then you were absolutely wrong. What was her name? [Congregation says, "Emily Post."--Ed.] Oh, that's it. Sure. Yeah. That's who. Now, you were--you were absolute... She was--she was etiquette's absolute. "It must be that way." Like, oh, many things we find like that. But, we find out, now it's gone. Eat the way you want to. Yes, sir. All right. But that was etiquette's absolute. "Had to do it that way."

179 There was a time when Adolf Hitler was Germany's absolute, whatever he said. When he said, "Jump," they jumped. He said, "Kill," they kill. Millions of Jews, he dodded his head. You see what happened to that kind of an absolute? It looked like power, but it was contrary to the Word.

"How do you know it was contrary to the Word?"

180God said. When Balaam tried to look down upon Israel, to curse it, he said, "I see him as a unicorn. How righteous are thy tents! Whoever curses you will be cursed. Whoever blesses you will be blessed."

181Look like Hitler could have saw that. Look like them German Christians could have saw that, see, that absolute. Absolutely contrary to that Word. You know, as it has been said, "Man... God made man, but man made slaves." One trying to rule over the other one. We got one Ruler, that's God.

182But Hitler was Germany's absolute. Look at it today. Now, see what happened? It was the a wrong absolute. Why? It was contrary to the Word. And now you see where it all went to: disgrace.

183 And if your absolute is in some organization, or some sensation, or something else besides the Person of Jesus Christ, you'll come to the same portion of shame, only worse, see, if your absolute is not Christ. That's the only center post of the human life, and Christ is the Word; not your church, your word. The Word! See? "Upon this absolute I'll build My Church," upon Christ, the Word.

184 There was a time when Mussolini was the absolute of Rome. I don't know, I might have read an article, or it could have been that I read it in a book, or somebody told me, but when someone was being interviewed by Mussolini. He was...

185He want--wanted to bring Rome into athlete, athletics. And there's a big statue used to stand there, of him, about athletics. That's all right. Greece had that idea many years ago. Rome has always tried to have it. Athlete is all right, but--but athletics. But--but remember, that won't take the place of Christ. No matter how strong you are, that has nothing to do with it. He is the all-power. And you see what he tried to build Rome upon. And he tried to build Rome upon the thing of an absolute, that he was the absolute.

186 And they said that, one day, that his--his--his driver was one minute early, and he shot him. Said, "I didn't say, 'be here at one minute before nine.' I said, 'Be here by nine.'" Pow! And shot him. See? See? "I don't want you here one minute before. I want you here at nine." See? Look what an absolute he tried to make hisself. But you see what happened?

187 You remember, many of you here, the old-timers, Roy Slaughter, maybe, and farther back in that, remembers down yonder when I told you about prophecy. One day, down there at the Odd Fellows' building, before we ever come to here, I said, "Mussolini will come to a shameful end." I said, "His first invasion, he will go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his step. But he'll come to his end, and nobody will help him. In disgrace will he be buried." There he is.

188I said, "There is three isms has rose up. Nazism, fascism, and communism." I said, "Them isms will revolve and come around into one, and it'll be communism. Watch. Communism will burn Rome." See?

189You watch it. Uh-huh. It's a tool in God's hand. They think they're against God. They're working right into it, all the time, don't know it. He's just using them as a puppet, uh-huh, some tool in His hand, like He did Nebuchadnezzar and many of the others. Now notice. See, now.

190 There was a time when Pharaoh was the absolute of Egypt, but look where it's at now. See? It all fail.

191Oh, it's a wrong kind, so they always fail. They are man-made absolutes. You can't take a man-made absolute. I don't care if it's a--a president, if it's a dictator, if it's a king, if it's a church, if it's an organization, if it's a creed. Any of those things are going to perish, just like all the absolutes of that kind through the ages.

192We can look back. Look back. Look at men who trusted the emperors. Look at men who trusted the dictators. Look at men who built their hopes upon them kind of absolutes, and look where they are today.

193 Now let's turn ourselves around and look at the men who put their hopes upon the Bible, upon God's Word, and held It for an absolute. Look where they are now.

194Paul gives you a little brief of them, in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, what they did. "How they subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and so forth. And they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Of who the world is not worthy of." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Waiting in Glory for that grand resurrection. See? All right. For they, some of them, didn't--didn't obtain to these miracles, and they give their bodies, anyhow, looking forward to that resurrection. To finish out their lives, they didn't care for it. They wanted to go on and sacrifice themselves, so they could obtain that resurrection, and that's what they did.

Now, absolutes, we're talking, absolute.

195 You know, our supreme court is an absolute. It's the absolute. It's the--it's the final end of all arguments in this nation. That's right. Their decision is an absolute, in our supreme court. Right. Oh, I know sometimes we don't like it, but it's--it's an absolute, anyhow. Yes, sir. What if we didn't have that? Then what? But that's an absolute. Certainly is. Why? That's, our nation, is tied to that. When that supreme court finally makes their final decision, that's it. There's no further. Where you going to, after that? You're going to follow their decision, that's all. You've got to. They're the last word. They're the amen.

196You can try it in local city courts. You can try it magistrate, then go to federal, to all kinds of courts, and to federal courts. But when we come to the supreme court, that's it. Right. Sometimes we don't like, to say, "Well, I don't like their decision," but you try to get away from it once. That's the nation's absolute. And what if we didn't have it? Yes.

197We have to have an absolute. Everybody has to have one. You got one. But what I'm trying to tell you, background there, and show you what absolutes are.

198Now, the nation's supreme court is the nation's absolute. That's the last thing in any kind of a fuss. They settle it. What they say, that's it.

199 There is an absolute at a ball game. That's the umpire. Oh, yeah. Sometimes we don't like his decision, either, but it's--it's--it's that, anyhow. The umpire, his decision is the final word, that's right, no matter what others say. If he says it's a strike, it's a strike. That's right. Certainly. No matter what others say, that don't have nothing to do with it. And let's just think of it. If you... I don't go to ball games, but just happened to jot that down. An umpire, he's the absolute at the ball game.

200One of them say, "That was a ball." The other one say, "You're a liar." This say, "This is that way. You ought to be this way."

201The umpire said, "Strike." See the rest of them take their seat and set down. It gripes some of them. But I imagine they'd boo at him there, down in their heart, and things, but it's "strike" anyhow. Why? He's the final word.

202First baseman said, "You know that that passed." The other one say, "You know that's a..."

203"It's a strike" Uh-huh. That's all of it. Shut up then, go on back to your place.

204 What if there wasn't an umpire at the ball game? My! Could you imagine what kind of a game that would be? One of them said, "It was a strike." The another one said this. Another said that. Another said, "You're a liar." There would be a fuss and a fight.

205To have a ball game, you got to have an absolute. And he walks out there, and no matter if you don't like him, or what, he--he's the absolute, anyhow. He is the absolute. His word is final, no matter what you say about it. It's that way. Now, if they didn't, the whole game would go into chaos. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Right."--Ed.]

206 What would the nation be if there wasn't a federal court? There wasn't supreme court in this nation, what would it go? Where would they go to? The nation would be in a chaos. If there wasn't a...

207If there wasn't an umpire at a ball game, it would wind up, you wouldn't make the first throw till somebody would be fussing. Somebody stand there, and maybe really went right on the plate, and the other guy would say, "Oh, no. No, no. It didn't do that." Then, there you go. First ball was throwed, they'd argue about. One of them said, "That was a strike." The other one say, "It wasn't a strike." See?

208You've got to have somebody that game is tied to, and that's the umpire. When he says, "Strike," it's strike. If he says, "Ball," it's ball. Whatever he says, it goes. That's it. And if you didn't, you wouldn't have no game.

209 Let me show you another absolute, is the red light. A red light, when it says "stop," it means stop. If you run it, you're going to pay for it. But if this city didn't have have any lights out here, stop lights, what kind of a city would it be? See? It's got to have an absolute. I don't care what the policeman said, or anybody else said, standing there. They're secondary. If somebody can prove that you went through on a green light, I don't care what the policeman said, they're wrong. When the light said "go," that means go. That's the absolute. You can prove that, the light said "go." The policeman might have been standing somewhere, the mayor of the city might, somewhere, that don't make a bit of difference. If you've got proof that it was "go," you go. And if somebody hits you, it's their fault. You can prove it. That's right.

And we can prove what we're talking about. Right.

210Now, what if there wasn't no red light? One went up to a crossing, and it... look what it would be. One say, "Hey! Get out of the way. I'm in a hurry. I got to go to work. I'm late now. I'm going through now." The other one said, "You just think you are. Because, I am the one that's going through, because I was here first." And I can see a woman get out and fix her hair. What if we didn't have a red light? Wouldn't there be a traffic jam!

211 That's what's the matter with the churches. See? That's right. That's the reason we got such a denominational jam. Yeah. That's exactly right. Nobody is getting anywhere. They're standing, fussing.

212Here is God's Light. When It says "go," go. When It says "stop, this is far enough," then stop. That's right. That's where we are based, upon That, that Word, not what some bunch of men said, or some other bunch of men said. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Let's go. "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature."

213 You know, as good as education is, but Jesus never required that. That's right. As good as churches are, buildings, He never required that. As good as hospitals was; we, the churches, build hospitals. That's all right. We appreciate that. But He never required it.

214He said to the Church, "Preach the Gospel." And the Gospel came not in Word only, but through power and manifestation of the Word. Paul said so. Then go, manifest the Gospel, oh, my, if it was that way.

215 Oh, we are, today, living in a time when we got the best doctors we ever had. We got the best drugs we ever practiced with. You know that. And we salute those men. We pray for them. I do, and I hope you do. Those men, who with their understanding of feeling... They got two senses to work by, that's seeing and feeling, and they... and hearing. They work by a sound of a heart, or a--a feeling of a tumor, or something, or the sight of something they can see, a spread of disease, or--or something on the face, that's covering the face or the body, somewhere. They, they work upon those things. See? Because that's... And they try to take medicines, and so much that will kill it, and then won't kill you, and--and so forth. They won't... That's their business, to work on that. And we appreciate that. That's very fine. But, we got the best doctors, the best medicine, the best hospitals, and more sickness than we ever had.

216 We got more unbelief than we ever had. Yes, sir. Exactly. Ministers has organized themselves, and got great denominations, and taking in anything, and so forth, and just anything, making a church member. And they went over to some seminary, like an incubator chicken, and hatch them out by a grinder that brings them out like that, and sometime know no more about God than a Hottentot does about an Egyptian night. Bring them through like that, and there you are. See?

217Oh, what we need in our churches is a man that's got an absolute. What we need in a Methodist church, the Baptist church, the Pentecostal church, the Presbyterian church, is an absolute, a man of God that will stand tied to the Word and to Christ, and bring that congregation under that condition of where each member walks in condition of this Word, seeing that Word manifested, follow them. "These signs shall follow them that believe, into all the world."

They said, "That was done away with."

218Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature." We haven't reached all the world yet, and a long ways from every creature. How long? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature." What will happen? "These signs shall follow them that believe. In my Name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent, or drink the deadly thing, it would not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's the absolute holding there, the Word, that north Star, that compass that stays right with It. That's what we need.

219 But we went out and built institutions, organized the people, took in members, and fussed with the Baptists because they didn't believe the way we did, and the Methodists because they didn't, this way. And--and we hatched out a bigger seminary, built a bigger churches, and better plushed pews, and a bigger organ, and so forth, and a better-dressed crowd, and got the mayor and everybody in the church. And what have we got? A bunch of death, tied to a denominational absolute. Death! Oh, far be it!

220 If I die in my tracks, my absolute is Jesus Christ, upon that is what I believe, if everybody walks out. Someone said, Dr. Davis said to me, "Billy, you preach such a thing as that, you'll preach it to the posts of the church."

221I said, "I'll be preaching God's Word to the posts, then, 'cause God is able of these posts to rise children unto Abraham." Right. God's Word is true.

Said, "You think they'll believe you?"

222I said, "It don't... That's not my business. It's my business to stay true to that Word." That's right.

223Said, "You think you could meet an educated world like this, with a theology of--of Divine Healing?"

224I said, "It's not my Divine healing. It's His promise. He was the One give the commission." Oh!

225 And I remember when He swept down there in that big Light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, "As--as John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ; I send you with a Message to the world, to forerun the second Coming of Christ." And around the world She's went, when revival fires had been built for fifteen years on nearly every mountain. Divine healing across the nations, and the power, and restoration.

226And now I believe She is ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a Faith that will Rapture the Church into Glory. And She is laying in the Messages. We're really at the end time. We've talked about it, and everything, but the thing has moved upon us now. Yeah. Yes, sir. Here is one. That's right.

227 The--the--the red light, as I said, it settles the case. That's all. The red light tells you who goes. No matter what anybody else says, it's what the red light says. You can really have a traffic jam if you don't--if you don't mind the red light. There must be an absolute. Yes sir.

228Just like to the Church, there has got to be an absolute. To the people in the Church, you've got to have your absolute.

229But, today, each church has its own absolute. See? And don't try to take, "We Baptist believe this. We Methodists believe this. We Presbyterian believe this. We Pentecostals believe this." That's all right, but why don't you take the rest of It? What's wrong with the rest of It?

230"We Baptist believe in immersing." That's good. What about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, now? What about speaking with tongues? What about gifts of healing? What about prophecy? "Oh, no. We don't. That, that was for another age." Oh, boy!

231 Pentecostals, you say, "Well, we believe in speaking in tongues, for the evidence." Sure, speaking in tongues is all right, but that is still not the evidence. Many people speak in tongues, that's true, and that's as far as they ever go. The Devil can impersonate any gift that's got, any gift that's in the Bible.

232Paul said, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I give my body to be burnt as a sacrifice, though I sell all my goods to feed the poor, and though I have faith to move mountains, though I went to the seminary and learned all the knowledge there is to be learned, I am still nothing."

233 It's the Person of Christ. Christ, receive Him, and you can't receive Him without receiving His Word. The Word has to come first, then the Life comes into that Word and manifests that Word.

234Didn't Jesus say, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me"? It was the Word of God being manifested. God was in Christ, reconciling, expressing Himself to the world, what He was. That was--that was the absolute. That was the Eternal absolute there.

235Now you say, "Is that the Eternal, Brother Branham?" That was. "Then what about today?"

236Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." It's the same absolute. All right.

237 Each one has their own absolute. Oh, my! It's just like it was in the days of judges, "Every man done what was right in his own sight." In the days of judges, every man had his own--his own absolute. He did just what he wanted to do. And that's the way it is now. "Every man done right in his own sight." Now, you know the reason they did that in Judges? This might shock just a little bit. But the reason they did it in Judges, because they had no prophet in them days, for the Word of the Lord to come to. So every man could do what he wanted to, in his own sight.

238And that's exactly what's happened today. We don't have the prophet in these days of denominations, but God promised us one. See? See? And He did. In the last days, He would rise up and send Elijah back on the scene again, "And he would turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers," back to the original pentecost. You know he said that.

239 Now, I know you'll refer, as He did there to John, over in--in Matthew the 11th chapter, and the 6th verse, I believe it is, when they said, "Who do you think this man was, this John?"

240He said, "If you can receive it, this is he that was spoken of, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face.'" That's Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

241But, remember, if that was the Malachi 4, then the Word failed, because He said, "But just at this time, the whole world would be burnt, and the righteous would walk out upon the ashes of the wicked." No. Don't mix it up, brother. Make It say just exactly what It says. That's right. He promised it in the last day, and it'll be right in the midst.

242 Remember, when judges, every man done the way he wanted. There was no man, no man could make that Word live. There was no prophet. The Word of the Lord always comes to the prophet. Right. And he is always hated. Only the little group that love him, see. But, I mean, there was always that.

243God doesn't change His policy, He cannot, and be God. If God ever says anything or does anything, He must do the next time. When that crisis arrives, if He don't act the second time the way He did the first time, He acted wrong the first time. And who will accuse God of acting wrong? Who are you, can lay sin to God? That's what Jesus said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?"

244What is sin? Unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already."

245"Which one of you can show Me that I haven't fulfilled everything Messiah should do?" See? Nobody spoke a word. He had. The Messiah was a Prophet, and He had proved that He was that. They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, since Malachi, and here He rose on the scene. He was a mystic to the people, and a stumbling block to their church.

246Cause, He said, "Behold, I lay in Zion, a cornerstone, a precious One, tried, oh, a stumbling stone." Yeah. "But whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed." That's right. There He was. And that just exactly fulfilled Scripture. But those who believed Him had an absolute.

247 Little Martha, when she seen Lazarus come from the grave, she knew Who that was. Even before It done it, she had the absolute of knowing. "I believe that Thou art the Son of God, that was to come into the world. Even now, though my brother be dead, just say the word. God will do it." Amen. She was absolutely positive. That's right. When He... Said that, and she meant it from her heart.

He said, "Where have you buried him?"

Said, "Come and see."

248There He stood there, with a vision. Cause, He said, "I do nothing until the Father shows me first," Saint John 5:19.

249Sent Him away from, went away from Lazarus' house. They sent for Him to come, pray. He knew Lazarus was going to die. And after the amount of time, He said, "Our friend, Lazarus, sleepeth."

They said, "He does well."

250He said, "He's dead. And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there." They'd been asking Him to pray for him.

251Then He comes back, said, "But I go wake him." Oh, my! (Not, "I'll go and see what I can do.") "I'll go wake him." Why? "The Father has already showed Me just what to do."

252 Went down to the grave. There stood a Man. There stood God in flesh, that could have said to that stone, "dissolve," and it would have dissolved. But He said to them women, them poor little women, little young women, said, "Take away the stone."

253You got something to do, too. See? And they rolled away the stone. And it made them sick; he was so stinky.

254There, He stood there. Oh, my! I can see Him straighten that little frail frame up. Because, the Bible said, "There is no beauty we should desire Him." He wasn't very, much to look at. See?

255 Just like David, he was chosen king when he was just a little ruddy thing. See?

256"All them great big fellows," said, "won't he look pretty with a crown on his head! Take this older son," Jess said.

257Samuel said, "God refused him." Brought all of his sons up. Said, "Haven't you got any other?"

258"Yeah, we got one, but he wouldn't look like a king. Why, he's a little bitty, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking fellow."

"Go, get him."

259And as soon as he come, walked before that prophet, the Spirit fell on him. He run with that oil, pour it on his head, said, "This is your king." That's it. Yes, sir.

260 Jesus stood there, stooped-shouldered, perhaps, turning gray when He was yet not over thirty years old. The Bible said, "He might have looked like forty." Jews said, "You're a Man not over--over fifty years old, and you say you 'seen Abraham'?"

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." My! Oh, my! Saint John 6.

261Then, we come to find out, here He stood, by the grave. He knowed that vision had to strike. He knowed it had to be. "Take away the stone." He's...

262He was stinking, wrapped in grave clothes, been dead for four days. His nose had already fell in, that much time.

263 There, He stood there, straightened up His little body. "I am the resurrection, the Life." Hum! "He that believeth on Me, though were dead, yet shall he live." Tell me a man could ever make a statement like that. "Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?"

264She said, "Yea, Lord." Though He had failed her, seemingly. When she called, He didn't go. She called again; He didn't go. But here she says, "I know that Thou art the Christ that was to come in the world."

265He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man had been dead four days. Why? What? Christ had the absolute. He had saw the vision. It couldn't fail. That's right. It couldn't fail. He was absolutely sure.

266And Martha was absolutely sure. If she could get Him to recognize what she believed in Him to be, she'd get what she asked for. Right. There they was. The absolute, it tied in with the Word, and that was it.

267 Every man today does, in his own sight, what he seems good, because there is no prophet. Look in the days of the judges.

268Look in the days when, I believe, it was Elijah or Elisha, one. Yeah. That, the dead baby. The Shunammite woman, she made...

269Elijah was God's man of the day, not just some good, intelligent teacher. Why, he was old guy that walked along. Would you... Come, if come to your door today, you'd probably run him away. A whole nation hated him. Jezebel and all the rest of them hated him.

270Because, she set in the White House and made all the women do the way she did, and all of them patterned after her. And Ahab was turned, his head was turned, by her power. We haven't missed it too far today. Just about the same, and there--there you are. And they was all popularity. And, oh, they was all snowed up.

271 But that little, old Shunammite! Not Shunammite woman, but little... Yes. I believe she was a Shunammite. When she come and seen that that power was in Elijah, she said, "I perceive that he's a holy man." And when that baby was laying dead, she said, "Saddle that mule and don't you stop." She went up there. She knowed. And I like that, the way she come. She got to her absolute, her tie post.

272Elijah said, "Here comes that Shunammite. She is grieving. But I don't know what's wrong." See? God don't show His servants everything; just what He wants them to know. So he said, "Her heart is grieved, but I don't know." He said, "Run, find out, Gehazi, and see what's wrong."

273He said, "Is all well with thee? Is all well with thy husband? Is all well with thy son?"

274Look at her. Oh, my! This is it. She said, "All is well." Why? She had come to her absolute. "All is well."

275And she knelt down. Fell, first, at his feet. And Gehazi raised her up, "That's not right," before his--his master. Raised her up. And she begin to tell him.

276 Now, he didn't have no absolute now. He knowed he had power, by the vision, to give her the child. But now what did he do? He took his staff and went down in the room, put shut all the doors, taken everybody else out. He walked up-and-down the room. He had an absolute, if he could only contact It. Back and forth, up-and-down the room! Oh, my! Directly he felt Something strike him. He laid hisself on the baby. Got back up again, went away. The--the baby kind of moved, got warm. He raised, back and forth. He didn't get a good contact with the absolute "What was it, Lord? What'd You say do?"

277No doubt, when he turned, he saw a vision, that little boy run, playing, jumping with a rope, something, another like that, playing. He throwed hisself upon the baby. He stuck his nose upon its nose, his lips upon its lips, and power of God raised up the baby to life.

278What was it? The woman's absolute was the prophet. The prophet's absolute was God. And together, with the Word, "I am the resurrection and the Life." I see the power of God. The Creator can do all. She raised up again, the baby. Sure.

279 Reason every man done in his own way, because they had no prophet for the Word of the Lord to come to. The Word and the prophets was missing in that day.

280Oh, I seen this at my conversion, of the day that we lived in. I'm so glad that God got a hold of me before the church did. I'd probably been an infidel. Yes, sir. I... All this conglomeration, a mess, and everybody, "Well, come over and join ours. And if you don't, well, you can pick up your letter and go join the other one." Oh! "Won't you bring your letter into our fellowship?"

281I believe there's one letter, that's when Christ writes your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. That's the only one it's on.

282 When I seen all the denominations! Our background is Irish, which was formerly Catholic. And I seen that was corrupt and rotten. I went down to a certain denominational church here in the city, they said, "Oh, we're the way, the Truth, the Light. We got all of It." I went to another one in New Albany, "Oh, my! Them guys up there don't know what they're talking about." Catholics said, "You're all wrong."

I thought, "Oh, my!"

283I played with a little Lutheran boy. And I thought... A little German Lutheran. I went over, and I said, "Where do you go to church at?"

"I go to that church."

284I went down, and I found out they said they were the way. I went down to Brother Dale, in Emmanuel Baptist, and, or the First Baptist. They said, "This is the way." I went over to the Irish church, she said, "Well, this is the way."

285 "Oh, my! I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. But I want to get right." I didn't know what to do. And I didn't know how to repent.

286I wrote a letter. I thought, "I seen Him in the woods." I wrote Him a letter. I said, "Dear Sir, I know You pass down this path here, 'cause I set here squirrel hunting. I know You come by. I know You're here. I want You. I want to tell You something."

287I thought, "Now wait a minute. I--I never seen anybody. I didn't. I want to talk to That. I--I want to speak with Him. I want to talk to Him." I thought, "Well, now, I don't know how to do it."

288 I went out in the shed and knelt down, water, wet. Little, old car setting there, wrecked up. I said, "I believe I've seen a picture, I believe, they put their hands like this." And I got down. And I said, "Now what I'm going to say?" I said, "There's some way you have to do this, and I don't know. I know there's a way to approach everything. And I don't..." I said, "I'll put my hands like this."

289I said, "Dear Sir, I wish that You would come and speak with me, just a moment. I want to tell You how bad I am." Held my hand like this. I listened.

290People said, "God talked to me." And I knowed He did talk, 'cause I heard It when I was a kid, tell me "not to drink" and things.

291He didn't answer me. I said, "Maybe I was supposed to put my hands like this."

292So I said, "Dear Sir, I don't know just exactly how to do this, but I--I trust that You'll... Will You help me?"

293 And each preacher would tell me, come join theirs, and stand up and say they took Jesus Christ, and they "believe Jesus be the Son of God." Devils believe the same thing.

So I thought, "I--I got to have something better than that." No.

I was setting like this.

294I read where Peter and John passed through the gate called Beautiful, and there was a man crippled, from his mother's womb. Said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have..." Oh, I knowed I didn't have that.

295So I was trying to--to find out how to do it. I didn't know how to pray. I made my hands, then I laid down like this.

296And, course, Satan come on the scene then, said, "You see, you waited too long. You're already twenty years old. There's no need of trying it now. Yeah."

297 Then I got all broke up, and started crying. And then, when I really got broke up, I said, "I'm going to talk. If You don't talk to me, I'm going to talk to You, anyhow." So I--I said, "I'm no good. I'm ashamed of myself. Mr. God, I know You'll hear me, somewhere. You'll hear me. And I'm ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed that I have neglected You."

298About that time, I looked up, and a funny feeling swept over me. Here come a Light, moving through the room, and made a cross, like that. And a Voice, that I never heard in my life, talked. I looked at It. Just cold, all over, numb from scare. I couldn't move. Stood, looked at It. It went away.

299 I said, "Sir, I--I don't understand Your language." I said, "If You can't talk mine, and I--and I don't understand Yours, and if You have forgive me... I know that I'm supposed to be reckoned in that cross there, somewhere, that my sins was supposed to lay in there. And--and if You will forgive me, just come back and talk in Your own language. And I'll understand by that, if You can't talk my language." I said, "You just let It come back, again."

300There It was, again. Oh, my goodness! There I got an absolute. Amen. Yes, sir. Felt like a--a load of forty tons lifted off my shoulders. I walked down through that floor, where I couldn't even touch the ground.

Mother said, "Billy, you're nervous."

I said, "No, mama, I don't know what happened."

301 There was a railroad track back there. I run down that railroad track, jumping up in the air, just as hard as I could. I didn't know how to give vent to my feelings. Oh, if I'd have knowed how to shout! I was shouting, but in my own way, you see.

302What was it? I had anchored my soul in a haven of rest. That settled it. That was my absolute. There I had found something, not some mythical, some idea. I had talked with the Man. I had talked with that Man that told me "never to drink, or smoke, or do anything that would defile" myself with women's and so forth. That, when I got older, there would be a work for me to do. I had contacted Him; not the church. I had contacted Him, Him! Yes, sir. He was the One.

303 Like a fellow down here at the Kiwanis or the... was speaking, not... right after the First World War. Brother Funk, standing there, being a soldier. He said he was... It's a little, kind of sound jokey. This no place for a joke, but here is what he said. He was here in New Albany.

304And he said, "The captain taken us out, said, 'That whole country there is invested with Japs. Tomorrow, boys, we go in. We got to take them.' He said, 'Remember, boys, there is many of us standing here, today, that won't be there tomorrow. They won't be here tomorrow. We're going in, in the morning, at daylight.' Said, 'Now each one get to his own religion.'" This guy said, "And I didn't have any religion." And said, "I said..."

305Said, "I stood there. And all the rest of them..." Said, "Here come a chaplain, went this way; and a Protestant went this way; and the Jewish went this way; and the Catholic went that way; with their chaplain." Said, "I stood there."

306 And said, "The--the commanding officer said to me, said, 'Boy, you better get to your religion.'"

He said, "I ain't got any."

307He said, "You better be getting some, 'cause you're going to need some right away. I'm sure."

308And said, about that time he seen a bunch going by, and it was Catholic. Said he walked over and said to this priest, "Could you give me some religion?"

And he said, "Come on."

309Said, "He went in and made a Catholic out of me." And there in New Albany, there was John Howard and a bunch of them real royal Catholics setting there, you know, when this guy was telling this.

310And he said--he said, "The next day in the combat..." He was talking about, oh, how it was. And said he was a great big fellow, you know. And said, "They got hand to hand, and they was just stabbing with knives, and screaming, and cutting, and slashing." Said, "Their lines got twisted up. They got right around, where them Japs let them walk right into it, like that. And them big old machine guns bellowing, from every side. A hand-to-hand combat!"

311 Said, "Directly, I stopped, long, like this." And said, "Everything, screams and carrying on, you couldn't hear yourself." Said, "There's blood." Said, "I looked, and it was my blood." He said, "I looked here. There's a hole in my side." He said, "That was my blood." And said, "I, you know, I--I--I... And a real..."

And Catholic friend, I'm not saying this for--for fun now.

"But a real royal Catholic said--said, 'Did you say a 'Hail Mary'?"

312He said, "No, sir." Said, "That was my blood. I didn't want any secretaries." I said, "I want to talk to the main Man. Yes, sir. That was--that was my blood."

313I think that's about the way it is. Yes, sir. That's the way it goes. We've got to have a tie post, an absolute.

"I had no time for His secretary." Said, "I want to talk to Him."

314And that's it, brother. When a man comes to Christ, you don't want to take some preacher's word, some secretary's word, some something else. You Protestants, don't take this, that, or the other. Go to that absolute, until you're anchored there by the new Birth, being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, and you see the Bible being manifested in humility and love through your life. Oh, then, that's your absolute. Yes, sir.

315 I read in the Word where He is the Word. When, the German church said it's this way; and the Methodist, and the Baptist, and the Catholic. But I read in the Word where He said, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It."

Listen now, in closing. Now the Protestant says...

316Now, the Catholic says, "He built It upon Peter, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock... '" No, He never. If it was, it backslid right away. They built it upon a man.

317What did He do? The Protestant said, "He built It upon Himself." No. He did not. Didn't build It upon Himself.

318What did He do? What? "Who does man say I, the Son of man, am?"

"And some said Thou art 'Elias,' and 'Moses.'"

He said, "But what do you say?"

Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

319 Watch the words now. "Blessed are thou, Simon, son of Jonas. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. You never learned it by some priest. You never learned it by some seminary. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed It to you. And upon this rock," spiritual revelation of the Word, "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It."

I thought, "Lord, that's it."

320I read over here in the Book of Revelations, 21st chap-... 22nd chapter, where He said, "Whosoever..." This is the complete Thing. "Whosoever shall inject something to It; whosoever shall take something away from It, deny It's so; or whosoever shall try to make It a little better, polish It up for the day. Whosoever shall add to or take away, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book of Life."

321I said, "Then, that's all I need, Lord, is to believe This." And in This, that cross yonder, the Christ came. Is perfect, all the way, every Word that He ever said. Take the Book in this hand, the history in this hand, and just vindicates right straight down, is perfect. And I said, "Then, Lord, receive me." And when I did, I received Christ, the Holy Spirit in my heart, my absolute. It hasn't been me.

322 I was sick one time, when my... I lost my wife. I lost my baby. Oh, lost my father, and lost my brother, and lost my sister-in-law. And Billy was laying, dying, and--and I was just about gone. I was going up the road, crying, going to her grave; and her and the baby, and the baby on her arm. Going to the grave. I was walking up. Mr. Isler used to come here and play, you know, the state Senator of Indiana. He was coming up the road. He stopped me. He run out there, put his arms around me. It was after '37 flood. He said, "Where are you going, Billy? Up there?"

And I said, "Yep."

He said, "What are you going to do up there?"

323I said, "I listen to an old dove." I said, "I set there by the baby's grave and hers. An old dove comes down there, and he speaks to me."

"Oh," he said, "Billy!"

324I said, "Yeah. And I hear the whispering of the leaves when they play it. It plays music for me, Mr. Isler."

Said, "What kind of music does it play?" he said.

There's a Land beyond the river,

That they call that sweet forever,

And we only reach that shore by faith degree;

One by one we gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When someday they'll ring them golden bells for you and me.

325 He said, "Billy, I want to ask you something." He said, "What does Christ mean to you now? What does Christ mean to you now?"

326I said, "He's my Life, my all. He's all that I have, Mr. Isler. He is my--my Ultimate. He's all that I can hold to." Why? There had been something happen, "Upon this rock!"

327Said, "I've seen you stand here on the corner and preach, till you look like you was going to drop dead. I seen you, all hours of the night, up-and-down the streets, making sick call. And after He took your own wife, and your own baby, you still serve Him?"

328I said, "If He slay me, yet I trust Him." Why? My Anchor holds within the veil. I had an Absolute. I tied myself to His Word, and His Word was holding. He is my Absolute. I found out, that all these other things may fail, but Christ can never fail.

329 The Catholic church has a pope for an absolute. The Protestant has their bishops, and their creeds, and their general overseers.

330But, I, like Paul. Got your pencil? Set down something. And Paul said, in Acts the 20th chapter and 24th verse, "None of these things move me." Oh, you can have the creeds, you can have whatever you want to, but them things don't move me.

I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,

To sail the wild seas, (and don't know where you're at, this way, that way), no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

All may turn down.

But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

331Yeah. None of these things move me, for I'm tied to an anchor. "Oh, since I met Him," Paul said, "on that road, I been tied to an anchor. He turned me around. He started me back right." Remember, Paul belonged to an organization too, the biggest in the land, but he got tied to the absolute.

332 Listen. I want to tell you something. He had a purpose in saving me. He had a purpose in saving you. And I am determined, by His will, to do it; not to add to It, or take away from It. Revelation 22:19, if you want to put that down. All right. "Whosoever take away..." I'm determined. I'm fixing to leave the church, and you know that. And so I'm determined just to remain with this Gospel as long as I live, by the help of God. Huh! Remember, here is grace. There were millions dying in sin when He saved me. Who was I that He should save? He had a purpose, saving me, and I'm determined to carry out that purpose. I don't care. It might be my end, maybe, pretty soon now. But, whatever it is, I'm still anchored. Never changed it.

333 Mr. Isler said to me that day, going up the road, he said, "Billy, in all this trouble, did you keep your religion?"

334I said, "No, sir. It kept me." Yeah. Yeah. My anchor held. That's right. I never kept It. It kept me. I can't keep It. There no way for me to do it. But It keeps me. Yes, sir.

335He had a purpose in saving me. There were millions in sin when I come to Him, but He saved me. He had a purpose in doing so.

336 Christ's death was an absolute, to the fear of it. Christ's death settled the question, when that bee of death stung Him and anchored that stinger. You know, a bee, an insect that has a stinger, if it ever anchors that stinger into, deep enough, when it pulls away, it pulls the stinger out of it. Death always had a stinger. Death always had a stinger.

337And one day when, that going up Calvary, and the bumping of them rocks, the Blood splashing upon the rocks, when it hit the dirt on Calvary, going to Golgotha. The back of that cross, was dragging out the Bloody footprints of that little, frail body going, marching along there. Them whipping and mashing Him, as He went up the hill, but He had an absolute. He knew where He stood, because the Word of God said, through David, "I'll not leave My holy One see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell."

338He knew corruption set in, in seventy-two hours. He said, "Destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up again in three days." He had an absolute.

339There He go, up the hill, with gobs of mockery, spit of drunken soldiers that put a rag around His face, and hit Him on the head, said, "You're a prophet? Tell us who hit You." There He was, going up the hill, in shame and disgrace. To be... His clothes stripped from Him, despising the shame, hanging on the cross before the people, naked. Dying in Roman disgrace, under government, capital punishment, a Man that had done nothing.

340 A little story one time, said, Mary Magdalene run out and said, "What has He done? Healed your sick, raise the dead, and brought deliverance to those that would, in captive. What has He done?"

341And a priest smacked her in the mouth, till the blood flew out, and said, "Would you listen to her or your high priest?" Oh, that denominational world, it's a curse of all of it. That's it.

342 There, yeah, they took Him on, but as He went up the hill, dragging.

343The Devil had always doubted it, Him being what He was. Said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. You claim You can do miracles. If You are the Son of God, command these stones to be turned to bread."

344That same old devil lives today. That's right. "If you are a Divine healer! Here is old John So-and-so setting here on the corner. I know he is crippled. Heal him." Don't you know it's that same old devil?

Jesus said, "I only do..."

345Look, He went through the pool of Bethesda, where thousands lay there, lame, blind, halt, and withered, and went to a man that could walk. He could get around. He might have had prostrate trouble. Whatever it was, it was retarded. He had it thirty-eight years. He said, "When I'm come into the pool, someone steps ahead of me." He could walk.

346Left all them laying there, and went to that very one and healed him. Why? He said He knew he had been in that shape. Then they said to Him, questioned Him, when they found Him. Saint John 5, He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." There is His absolute. That's still the absolute.

347 Standing yonder in Finland that day, and that little boy laying there, and I walked around, him laying there, dead, been dead for a half hour. You read in the book. I started to walk away, Something put their hands on. I turned around, thought, "What was that?" I looked again. I thought, "Wait a minute."

348Looked back here on the flyleaf of the Bible. "And it shall come to pass, a little boy about nine years old, he'll be killed by an automobile. There will be a long strip of evergreen, rocks lapped in there. The car will be laying across the road, wrecked. He'll have on little stockings, like, up high; a crock haircut. His little eyes will be turned back. The bones in his body will be broken."

I looked. I thought, "O God!"

349I said, "Stand still, all of you." The mayor of the city there. I said, "If that boy isn't on his feet in two minutes from now, I'm a false prophet; ride, run me out of Finland." Certainly. "But if he is, you owe your lives to Christ." That's right. They stood still.

350I said, "Heavenly Father, across the sea yonder, two years ago, You said this little boy would lay here."

351 There was Brother Moore and Brother Lindsay, them looking at that. And, everywhere, they wrote it in the Bible. And thousands of Bibles across the land had it wrote in. What was it? An absolute. The Father had showed what would take place. There was no fear, at all, standing there. Absolute, sure, he'll rise.

352Right there in Finland, where thousands of people coming in nightly, and have to even move some out and let me speak to them, move them out and put somebody else in. There he stood, with all that. The people loved me, and they had seen healings done, but here was a boy laying there, dead. What was the absolute? The vision. "I do what the Father says do. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also." There's your absolute.

353I said, "Death, you can't hold him any longer. God has spoken. Come back. Give him up." And the little boy raised up, looked around like that. The people got to fainting, everything. There it is, wrote right there, and signed by the mayor of the city, by a notary republic. That's right.

354 What is it? An absolute, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If that ain't the same God that stopped the woman from Nain, with the bearer with her son. When anyone died in them days, they immediately put them in the grave. They didn't let them lay over. They put them in the grave. There is that same Jesus Christ, yesterday, today, and forever. Yeah.

355 Look down there in Mexico, and that little baby. Some of you laying here, setting here. And that baby, the doctor signed a statement, it's wrote in the Christian Business Men. "That baby died that morning at nine o'clock, and this was ten o'clock that night."

356That little woman would not be comforted. Billy standing there, my son, trying to put her back. And he had, well, I guess they had two hundred ushers standing there, and she climbing over them. The night before, that blind man received his sight, and she knew it. She was Catholic.

357When, finally, I said, "Go, Brother Moore, and pray for her. Because, that baby..."

358Was raining, pouring down. They had been standing there since early that morning, out in that big bull ring. And I said... Let me down on ropes, behind, to get into the place. Just there for three nights.

359I stood there. I said, "As I was saying..." preaching. And looked, I seen a little baby out here in front of me, a little Mexican baby, no teeth, just setting there laughing at me, right here in front of me.

360I said, "Wait a minute, Brother Moore. Bring her here." Oh, absolute!

361The ushers cleared back. Here she come. She fell down and said, "Padre, Padre."

I said, "Stand up."

362And Brother Espinoza said, "Stand up," and he told her in Spanish. She stood up there.

I said, "Heavenly Father, I'm standing here in this rain."

363 The pretty, little woman about twenty-three years old, something like that, her hair hanging down. Her little face looking up like that, the look in her eyes, expectation. She had seen that man that had been totally blind for about forty years, his eyes come open on the platform. She knew if God could open blinded eyes, He could heal her baby. There she lay there, a little stiff thing laying under a blanket like that, and it soaking wet. She had been standing there all morning, and that afternoon, too. There, was about eleven o'clock, ten o'clock that night, something like that, holding that baby out. You seen the article in Christian Business Men. There, holding that baby like that.

364I said, "Heavenly Father, I do not know what this means. I'm just Your servant. But I seen that baby standing yonder. It was alive. I lay my hands upon it, in the Name of the Lord Jesus."

Said, "Whah!" and begin to cry.

365The mother grabbed the baby and started screaming. And the people started screaming out there, and women fainting and things. I said, "Don't you say nothing about that. Send a runner with that baby, with that mother, and go to that doctor, and let him sign a statement, that, 'That baby died. It died of pneumonia, the morning before that, and, or that morning at nine o'clock.'"

366And we got the signed statement by the doctor, "The baby was pronounced 'dead,' in the doctor's office that morning, and the mother packed it around all day."

367What was it? An absolute. What was it? She believed, if God could open blinded eyes, (what?) God could raise the dead, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

368I wasn't sure. I didn't know till I seen. And when I saw the baby, it was an absolute, absolutely right. There it was. Death has to give up its victim.

369 Here went the Son of God. That bee of death begin to buzz around Him. "Ah, how could He be a prophet? How could He stand there and let spit in His face? How could He stand there, let them make fun of Him, and not do something about it? That isn't Emmanuel. That's just an ordinary man. Look at the drunken slobbers from them drunken soldiers. Look at His face bleeding."

370The Devil said "I'll get Him. I'll get Him." Here he come, like a bee, the sting of death, buzzing around Him. But, brother, when that bee ever anchored its stinger in that Emmanuel, when he come out, he lost his stinger, even death itself.

371No wonder Paul, later, could look in the face of it, say, "Oh, death, where is your stinger? Grave, where is your victory? Thanks be to God, Who giveth us the victory!" Christ's death was the absolute to every man that feared it.

372My heart says "amen" to every Word in His Book. I'm closing, sure enough now. I just got to cut this off. See?

373 That's why I know the Holy Spirit is my compass that guides me. He is the One that makes me know this Word is true. He is my Absolute. He is my Sunshine. He is my Life. He is my Anchor. When troubles are on, He's my north Star. When I'm lost, the Holy Spirit is my Compass that guides me back to the place.

374Denominations are like other stars, they shift with the world. Other stars shift as the world shifts, but not the north star. The world can shift where it wants to, but it stays put. Oh, brother, the north Star is anchored. The others shift around, you can see them here and there, and everywhere else. That's the way with the denominational churches.

375But Christ is the Absolute. He's the One you can put confidence in. When the denominations got you all twisted up, just look to the north Star. The Holy Spirit is your Compass. He ever remains true to His Word.

376 When they told me that them things couldn't happen in a modern day like this, I knowed. If--if there--if there is no God, then live, eat, drink, and be merry. There is a God, let's serve Him. And I've lived to see the day that He has performed everything, even to raising the dead, when He was here on earth. And we know that by documented statement, that it is the truth. Yes, sir.

377He is my Absolute. Now make Him your Absolute. Take in the... In time of my trouble, He's always the Absolute. Now watch. By the grace of God...

378Now I just better close. It's getting late. Well, look here, I thought it was eleven o'clock, and it's twelve-thirty.

379 Friends, all day, all night, all year, all through Eternity, could never speak of It. Don't try to figure It out. You can't. There's no way of figuring It out. You say, "Brother Branham, if--if you..."

380I don't know. I just believe. I quit trying, do anything about It. I just believe It, that's all. See? "Not him that runneth, or him that willeth; it's God shows mercy." See? Not by works. It's by grace. See? I just believe It. God, it's up to Him to do the rest of it. Just believe It, act upon It.

381This famous song, I heard them play or sing it here or somewhere.

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

Saints and Angels song.

382 When a man in mathematics, tried to break down, or tried to show by his education, he'll run you crazy. You can't do it. Don't try to do it. Don't try to figure It out. God is past figuring out. You don't figure God out. You just believe God. That's the sec-... That's the secret. Don't figure It out. Just believe It. I can't tell you what It means. I can't tell you how to do it. I just know I just believe It. That's all.

383Just like you promise something to a little kid, he believes it. You should keep your word. You're God's child. He keeps His Word. Just simply believe It. Don't be shook up. Just stay right there. God did it one time, He has to do it again. If He don't, He will tell you why He can't do it. And that's right. Now, just stay right with It.

384 You know, that one verse there... I believe our precious brother there, was baptized last night, sings that song, "Oh, love of God." They tell me that that verse, this part of it, was found penned on an insane institution's wall. When it said:

If we with ink the ocean fill,

Or were the skies of parchment made;

And every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry;

Or could the scroll re-... contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky.

385 Think of it. When, about three-fourths of the earth is water. And look at the hydrogen and oxygen in the air, the humidity and stuff. See? If every moisture was ink. And think of the billions, and trillions and trillions of straws, which would be quills. And think of the billions of men that's been on earth, and every one of them a scribe by trade. To dip them pens into the ocean, and try to figure out the love of God, would drain the ocean dry; or could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from Eternity to Eternity.

386Don't figure It out. You can't. You lose your mind, trying to figure It out. Just believe It. Make Him your Absolute. Stay there, the sweet peace and the experience that you'll never forget. Anchor to That, and your anchor will hold within the veil.

Let's bow our head.

"How great Thou art! How great Thou art!"

387 How many in here, with your heads bowed this morning... It's approaching New Year's now. And you've been very religious, and that's good. I appreciate it, every one of you. I'm sure God does. But you really haven't had that absolute experience?

388That Something that you just didn't make believe, you just didn't imagine, but Something spoke back to you, and then you seen your life change from that time. See, every Word of God, every promise, is punctuated with an "amen," then you're holding to the absolute. Cause, remember, He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not fail."

389You haven't come to that place yet, to where you could say "amen" to every Word, if it was against your creed, It was against your denomination, but you want to come to that place, like Moses, like the rest of them? They could not do that till they caught that absolute. And you want it in your life this morning, would you just signify the same by just lifting your hands to God? God bless you. All right, sir. All over the building.

390 Gracious Father, I know that some time we must part. There's got to be a time that when we're going to leave this world. We don't know what time that is, and it doesn't make too much difference. If our time is finished, then we want to come. Our objective of staying here is to serve You.

391And since on the road to destructions, one day, as Paul was on the road to Damascus, to make havoc of the Church, a Light blinded him. And, O God, that Light followed him, for It was Christ. And he anchored there to an absolute, that, even death itself, he could laugh in the face of it, and say, "Thanks be to God Who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ."

392You become a complete absolute to that apostle. He was the... You were the Amen to him, in every sentence. You were the Star of his life, the guide post. You were the compass that guided him through the storm. You were the revelation. You were the vision. You were his hopes, his salvation. Even at the hour of death, when he knowed he was going to it, You were still his absolute.

393 You were Daniel's absolute. You were all the prophets' absolute. In the midst of the denominational difference, and the troubles of their days, and the Pharisees and Sadducees, still there was men who took You for their absolute.

394And today, Lord, men and women with compassion, with love, and--and hearts that are bleeding, Lord, for a real experience of knowing God, and to have a--a--an assurance of an absolute. Maybe all the people ever knowed, before, Lord, was to join the church. And we realize, as I have tried to, sincerely, not to be different; You know my heart; but tell them that, "You cannot join the Church. You join the lodge, the Methodist, and Baptist, and Catholic, and Pentecostal lodges. But you're born into the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, and become members of His Body, with the gifts of the Spirit, to make His great Body move in action and power."

395 God, that's what these hands meant this morning, when they went up. "Place me, O Lord. Take me, mold me, make me. Just make my position in life such an absolute, tied to Christ, that I'll think of nothing else but that absolute." Grant it, Lord. Bless them. Heal the sick and the afflicted. Save the lost.

396Now, Lord, we know it's customary to call to the altar the people, but that has become a tradition to us. And this morning, with the altars filled, and the--the little children and--and all, but, Lord, somehow You spoke to them. They raised up their hands. They made--they made, as it was, a decision. They want to. They--they--they want something real. And I'm offering my prayer in their behalf. Grant it to each one, Lord. Be with us now, forgiving our sins, healing our sickness, and giving us the deliverance that we need.

397 And, Lord, above all things, may we never forget, today, that we are tied to the absolute, our north Star, to Calvary, to Christ. And the Holy Spirit is taking the Words of God and making Them manifest literally to us, by healing the sick, showing us visions, raising the dead, and doing just exactly what He promised to do.

398And may this church, and these people, or the portion of the Body of Christ that's assembled here this morning, live like Jesus said to live. "Ye are the salt of the earth." And may they become so salty till their community will be thirsty. Salt creates a thirst. And salt can only save as it contacts. And I pray, God, that You'll grant this to the people, that they might be soul-winners, also.

399 Bless our pastor, Brother Neville, this humble servant, Lord. Standing at his post of duty, just as reverent, as a member of the Body of Christ, trying his very best to follow everything that You'd tell him to do.

400Bless the trustees, them men who stood with me so gracious in this great, dark time that I been through.

401Stand with the Church who prayed with me and stood by me in times of trouble. Lord, I love them. And I offer my prayer, that they will look to You, Lord. May they look away from this mortal clay of a servant. May they look to Him Who is the Omnipotent, Who is. And we know, Lord, that we are finite. No matter who we are, we're still mortal. But, not the messenger, but the Message. Grant it, Lord. That's where we point, to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Grant that He will be so real to every one here today, even to the little children, that He will become the absolute of the entire congregation. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

402 Now, while we sing it again, shake hands with somebody in front of you, back of you, side of you, just everybody shake hands now. Just remain seated. Just turn around and shake hands, if you can. See? "I..." [Brother Branham shakes hands as the congregation sings I Love Him--Ed.] "And purchased my..."

They just announce, "Communion, Monday night, at midnight."

403 Let's raise our hands now and sing to Him. How many, how many feels (you) He is your Absolute? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Word, He is the Word. Do you that believe that? ["Amen."] He is the Word. And the Holy Spirit germitized that Word, to make that Light live in you, of the Word, the vindication of the Word. Put the Word in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit come in, and watch the Word move. Believe. Be humble. Don't desire to be a great somebody. Be a nobody, that God can make you a somebody. See? All right. Do that now.

404Everybody love Him? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You know what the word amen means? "So be it." Amen. That's right.

405Let's say, "Hallelujah." [Congregation says, "Hallelujah!"--Ed.] You know what that means? "Praise our God."

406 When I was in Germany not long ago, I got up before (about) thirty, forty thousand people out there that day, and I said, "It's a strange thing that you German people can't understand." I said, "On my road down here today, a dog barked at me in English. That's right." I said, "He had no trouble at all. And there set a bird, and he sang for me in English. I come down the street, and a mother had a little baby on her arm, when I come in back there at the back, and," I said, "that baby was crying in English. What's the matter with your people?" That's right. Oh, if you just look around, He's everywhere. Isn't He? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, He is.

407 Now let's just raise our hands and close our eyes, and sing, while we ask the pastor to come up for dismissing.

Let's stand up, first. Everybody on your own feet, everybody.

408Do you love Him? Again now say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

409And you know, the word hallelujah is the same in every dialect. Go in the Hottentot jungles of Africa, hallelujah is the same word. Hallelujah, it ought to almost be a Christian salutation. Oughtn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah, the word means "praise our God." And He's worthy of it. Isn't He? ["Amen."] He is absolutely my Saviour. He is absolutely Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to me. He is absolutely "the same yesterday, today, and forever," to me. Is He that way to you? ["Amen."]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my...

1Som šťastný, že tu môžem dnes ráno byť a počuť toto napomenutie, ako som prichádzal na pódium. Prepáčte, že meškám. Ale boli tam vzadu chorí, v autách, v sanitkách a podobne, a musel som ísť ku tým, ktorí sa nemohli dostať dnu, skôr ako by som sa ja dostal dnu.

2Som zvedavý, či by tá sestra s tým maličkým mohla prísť späť dnes popoludní. Chcem tiež kázať dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť. Ak nemôže prísť na to posvätenie potom, zatiaľ čo tu stojím takto dlho, tak potom jej povedzte, že môže priviesť svoje dieťa teraz. Ale ak môže prísť dnes večer, tak to bude pre nás trochu lepšie. Ale akokoľvek jej to vyhovuje, ako sa jej dá. Ak sa sem nemôže vrátiť večer, tak potom tu prinesieme na posvätenie to maličké teraz. A teraz, všetci títo, zatiaľ čo hovorím, ak chce prísť teraz, tak to urobíme teraz.

3Tak dnes večer je veľmi špeciálny, chcem hovoriť na tému prorockého posolstva: Pane, je toto ten čas? Tak, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem dnes večer hovoriť na tú tému. Je toto ten čas, páni, alebo Páni, je toto ten čas? A potom by som chcel využiť túto príležitosť, keď je prítomná cirkev, aby som povedal o mnohých veciach, ktoré sa za posledných pár dní stali, veci, ktoré poukazujú na to veľké niečo, čo nerozumiem, ale sme vždy... Božie cesty sú nevyspytateľné pre človeka, tak my musíme len kráčať vierou. Ak by niekto dokázal vysvetliť Boha, potom by to už nebolo viac potrebné mať vieru, pretože potom to viete. Ale my len kráčame vierou. A dnes ráno, pomyslel som si, že by som sa pokúsil mať také bežné evanjelizačné zhromaždenie, trochu som to zmenil potom, ako som prišiel sem dolu a videl som tak mnohých stáť a oni tak dlho čakali, a potom ich tu dnes večer bude možno menej, a potom môžem ísť rovno s tým, čo chcem povedať.

5 Chcel by som oznámiť jednu vec, zatiaľ čo mnohí sú tu spolu, mnohí z vás sú tu. Je to niečo, čo som sa stránil vyhlásiť za tých posledných pár týždňov, a to je to, že vaše modlitby boli vypočuté ohľadne toho prípadu s daňami, ktorý som mal s vládou. Je to vybavené. A tak my sme... Je to teraz všetko zakončené. Mnohí z vás to rozumejú, čo mali proti mne, to boli tie šeky, ktoré boli vypísané pre kampane a oni sa snažili povedať, že oni boli moje a chceli mi vyrúbiť niečo okolo tristopäťdesiat tisíc dolárov, že vraj to bolo moje osobné vlastníctvo, pričom nebolo. To patrilo kampaniam. A cirkev o tom vie. Všetci o tom viete. A nakoniec prišli do miesta, kde...

6Trošku vám vykreslím, čo sa vlastne stalo. Bolo to väčšinou za posledných tri až päť rokov, asi takmer päť rokov je to, hádam, tento prípad, a stále sa to tiahlo a všetko možné, ale som tak vďačný, že nemohli nájsť proti mne nič, takže ma nemohli za to obžalovať. Tak nebolo tam nič, za čo by som bol obžalovaný, jedine to, oni povedali, to je moja nevedomosť, hádam moja vlastná, že som veľmi nevedel o zákonoch. Oni mi prinášali šeky a ja som ich podpisoval, napísal tam na nich svoje meno a vložil som ich do kampaní. Ale potom je to tak, že pokiaľ som tam ja dal na ne svoje meno, tak boli moje. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to... Povedali, „To je od vás veľmi pekné, že to tak robíte, ale oni boli vaše a vy ste ich dali cirkvi, ale akonáhle ste tam napísali svoje meno, tak boli vaše bez ohľadu na to, ku čomu boli určené, boli vypísané na vás. „Takže, ak boli dané tak, že niekto tam na to napísal napríklad, „Osobný dar,“ to by bolo bývalo v poriadku, ale oni len napísali, „William Branham.“ Vidíte? A keď som na to napísal svoje meno, to je to, čo to vykonalo. To bolo všetko. Tak oni... A nakoniec skrze modlitbu...

7A potom nie tak dávno, viete oni... Mal som videnie takého veľkého, temného, zadymeného, čierneho, ako sadza šupinatého tvora, niečo ako človek v podobe aligátora, a to prichádzalo smerom ku mne so železnými pazúrmi a ja som mal len jeden maličký nožík, asi takýto. A on mal na sebe napísané, „Vláda Spojených štátov.“ A ja som si vôbec nevedel pomôcť, bol som bezmocný. A potom Pán prišiel na scénu a bolo to vybojované. A pamätáte si, ako som vám to už dávnejšie hovoril.

8A oni mi jedného dňa ponúkli kompromis a môj obhajca, pán Orbison z New Albany a Ice & Miller Indianapolis, ohľadne prípadu s daňami, mi zavolal a povedal mi, „Prídite. „A tak som išiel, brat Roberson a ja a moja žena a dôverníci z cirkvi tu a my všetci. Išli sme tam a oni nám povedali, že vláda je ochotná pristúpiť na kompromis.

9A ja som povedal, „Ak ja niekomu niečo dlžím, tak mu to zaplatím, ale urobím to najlepšie, čo môžem, ale,“ povedal som, „Ja to nedlžím.“ A tak som povedal, „Úprimne, Boh to vie, prečo ma potom neobžalujú, ak som vinný?“ Povedal som, „Mali už päť rokov, počas ktorých sa mi to snažili dokázať, ale nemohli nájsť nič, čo by s tým mohli urobiť.“ A tak som povedal, „Nie, odmietam to, nezaplatím to, kým nie je dokázané, že to dlžím.“

10A potom ma obhajca vzal nabok a hovoril so mnou a povedal, „Môžeme sa to pokúsiť vysúdiť, vláda v tej veci bude viesť súdny proces. A povedal som, „Keď to urobia, tá jediná vec, ktorú môžu proti tebe nájsť, bola, že si...“ To bolo to, ten spôsob, ako som to urobil. Ja som len ne...

11Ja neviem o účtovníctve nič, tak som to len musel urobiť tak, ako som si myslel a čestne. A nikdy to nebolo vložené do banky na moje meno, vždy to bolo uložené pod menom cirkevnej kampane, a tak ďalej, takže nebolo nič, čo by som s tým mohol urobiť. A ja...

12On povedal, „No, oni sú ochotní ísť na kompromis na pätnásť tisíc dolárov, s desať tisíc dolárovou pokutou. „A poplatky obhajcovi činili pätnásť tisíc, to by bolo dohromady na mňa štyridsať tisíc a potom chceli ešte o päť viac, myslím, že toľko. Tak som išiel...

13Povedal som, „Kde na svete by som kedy zohnal štyridsaťtisíc dolárov?“ Povedal som, „Viete, na mojom bankovom účte je asi sto dolárov, alebo možno menej.“ Povedal som, „Odkiaľ by som zobral niečo cez štyridsať tisíc dolárov?“ A povedal som, „Nemám žiadnu majetkovú záruku, jednoducho to nemám, to je všetko.“

14On povedal, „Pán Branham,“ povedal, „Tu je to, o čo ide, ak to dáme na súd...“ On povedal, „Niet pochýb, že môžeme ten prípad vyhrať.“ Povedal, „Ale ide o toto, môžeme to vyhrať, pretože tu je to, čo urobím, oni budú tvrdiť, že to všetko je vaše, pretože ste sa podpísali na to svojím menom a oni budú tvrdiť, že to je vaše, hoci to bolo vložené do banky pod menom kampane cirkvi, Branhamova kampaň a potom cirkev.“

15A ani jeden krát nemohli nájsť ani jeden cent, ktorý by som minul pre seba. To je pravda, Boh to vie. Sú tu mužovia, ktorí tu teraz sedia, ktorí sú tu po celý čas so mnou. Ani jeden cent, ktorý som minul pre seba. Bolo to všetko pre Kráľovstvo Božie, všade, každý šek, všetko ostatné.

16Ale vidíte, im na tom nezáleží. Bolo to, malo to byť moje v prvom rade a potom pre cirkvi, kampane. A oni majú spôsob, ako to robia, viete, všetky možné spôsoby, ako sa vedia vyhnúť veciam, tak potom som len povedal, „No, jednoducho to neurobím.“

17A on povedal, „No, ak vyhráme ten prípad týmto spôsobom, pretože ja tie šeky nahlásim, ako „osobné dary.“ A ja to nahlásim skrze vládu ako „osobné dary,“ a povedal, „Potom, keď to urobím, všetko dokopy to bude desať tisíc dolárov ako dedičstvo a potom budeš rovno späť pri tom a budú ťa držať ďalších päť rokov, ako to budú všetky kontrolovať.“ Vidíte? Keď podpíšete šek, ide to cez zúčtovací ústav. Oni si to odkopírujú, ten šek. Samozrejme, ja mám všetky tie šeky tiež, ktoré cez to išli. Tak, oni povedali, „To je to, na čom ťa chytia.“

18A on povedal, „Ďalšia vec, pán Branham, ak ste kedy predvolaný pred vládu, takýmto spôsobom, a prebieha prešetrovanie, bez ohľadu na to, čo kedykoľvek urobíte, v očiach verejnosti ste podvodníkom. Rozumiete? Tak to chodí.“

19Pozrite na toho malého baptistického kazateľa, dolu v Mississippi. Ten chlapík... nejaká žena povedala, že za ňou prišiel a že ju obťažoval, a ten muž priniesol dôkazy z rôznych miest krajiny a zovšadiaľ, že on ani nebol v tom meste niekoľko dní alebo deň predtým, bolo to až také, že ten sudca to chcel obrátiť a povedať mu, aby on zažaloval tú ženu za robenie škandálu. A on povedal, „Pustite ju.“

20A keď ten prípad dali ako monitorovací test po celej krajine, viete, čo sa stalo? Sedemdesiatpäť Američanov povedalo, „Kde je dym, tam je oheň.“ A ten chudák bol tak nevinný, ako by som bol ja, alebo niekto druhý, a bude ďalej pod takým niečím pracovať po zbytok svojich dní, pričom on s tým nemal vôbec nič do činenia.

21Cítil som sa nejaký čas veľmi zle, keď som si pomyslel, že som vložil svoj život pre Kráľovstvo Božie a snažím sa ukázať ľuďom, aby platili svoje dane a robili veci, ktoré sú správne, a aby sa z podvodníkov stali čestní ľudia, a ja sám musím byť takto vystavený, ako by som bol sám nejaký podvodník? Pomyslel som si, „Čo na svete som urobil?“

22A potom to ku mne prišlo a pozrel som sa do Biblie, každý muž v Biblii, bez výnimiek, ktorý kedy mal nejaký duchovný úrad, ak ho Satan nemohol dostať na morálke, alebo niečom takom, tak ho dostala vláda. Môžete sa vrátiť ku ktorýmkoľvek chcete, všetci z nich, Mojžiš, Daniel, hebrejskí mládenci, Ján Krstiteľ. Ježiš Kristus zomrel pod vládnym verejným rozsudkom. Pavol, Peter, Jakub, Jakub Veľký a Jakub Malý, každý jeden z nich zomreli pod vládnym nariadením.

23Pretože to je tak, že každá vláda je stolicou Satana. Ježiš tak povedal. Biblia tak hovorí. Rozumiete? Každá vláda je ovládaná diablom. Prichádza vláda, ktorá bude riadená Kristom, ale to bude v Miléniu. Ale toto, tieto vlády teraz bez ohľadu na to, ako si myslíme, že sú dobré, jednako sú z pozadia ovládaní satanom. „Tieto kráľovstvá,“ on povedal, „sú moje, robím s nimi, čokoľvek si prajem, a ja ti ich dám, ak ma uctíš.“

24Ježiš povedal, „Odíď za mňa, Satan, 'Budeš uctievať Pána, a jedine Jemu budeš slúžiť.'“

25A potom som bol znechutený, moja žena ma počúva. Pokračoval som, povedal som, „Nie veru, ak by som to bol dlžil, tak by som to bol zaplatil, ale ja to nedlžím, a tak to nezaplatím, to je všetko.“

Povedal som, „Ako by som to vôbec dokázal zaplatiť?“

26Tak som išiel domov, povedal som, „Méda, umy deti, priprav im oblečenie, odchádzam.“ Povedal som, „Oni ani ne... Všetko je tak, hore nohami.“

27Povedal som, „Čo som urobil, povedz mi?“ Povedal som, „Ja a štyridsať tisíc dolárov? Fíha, neuvedomuješ si, čo to pre mňa znamená.“

A ona podišla ku mne, ako by to urobila každá milá manželka. Povedal som, „Odchádzam.“

28Povedala, „Myslíš si, že to bude na niečo dobré? Modlil si sa už za to?“

29Pomyslel som si, „Dobre, možno sa za to znovu pomodlím.“ Vrátil som sa. Zdalo sa, akoby mi On niečo povedal, Písmo.

30Vždy chceme pozorovať na Písma, čo o tom povedal Boh. Viete.

31A jedného dňa sa Ho opýtali, viete, snažili sa Ho obviniť pred vládou. Povedali, „Je to správne, pre nás slobodných Židov, aby sme dávali príspevky alebo dane Cisárovi?“

On povedal, „Máte peniaz?“ Povedal, „Koho nápis je tam?“

Povedali, „Cisárov.“

32On povedal, „Potom dajte Cisárovi tie veci, ktoré sú Cisárove, a Bohu veci, ktoré sú Božie.“

33Rozmýšľal som o tom, našiel som si to v Biblii a čítal. Pomyslel som si, „Skutočne, Pane, to je pravda, ale toto nepatrí Cisárovi, toto bolo Tvoje, to nebolo Cisárove, ak by to bolo moje, musel by som za to zaplatiť nejaké dane, alebo niečo, to by bolo niečo iné, to by patrilo Cisárovi, ale toto je Tvoje. A to v prvom rade nepatrilo Cisárovi.“

34Viete, On má vždy odpoveď cez Slovo. Čítal som to trochu ďalej a On povedal, „Povedz, Šimon, nemáš vo vrecku rybársky háčik?“ Vidíte? „Ty vždy nosíš nejaký malý rybársky háčik a povraz a ja som práve dnes ráno urobil vklad do rybej banky, tam dolu v rieke, vieš.“ On povedal... „Urobil som vklad a ten bankár nám istotne vydá to, čo tam má, len tam choď a nahoď ten háčik do rieky, a keď sa tam chytí tá banka, otvor jej ústa a uvidíš, ona ti dá mincu, neurazme ich. Neprinesme im pohoršenie. Rozumiete? Choď a zaplať to, Šimon. To bude za mňa a za teba.“

35Pomyslel som si, „Skutočne, Bože, Ty máš všade po celej krajine rybie banky, ja neviem, ako sa to stane.“

36Ale išli sme dolu. Mám tu bratov v cirkvi, ktorí sa zaručili za mňa, a ja som tam vložil tú záruku a vybrali sme štyridsať tisíc dolárov a vyplatili sme to.

37Išiel som domov, chcel som presne vedieť, ako som vypísal ten šek, ak by na mňa znovu chceli prísť. Povedal som, „Toto znamená, že som slobodný od všetkých daní. No, radšej by mali tento schváliť, pretože istotne po tomto budú v zmätku.“ Stále som volal do banky, aby som zistil, či to urobili.

A nakoniec mi Bob povedal, „Billy, urobili to, schválili to.“

38Išiel som domov, objal som svoju manželku a povedal som, „Drahá, som slobodný.“ Čo za pocit byť voľný.

39A tak to teraz môžem splatiť, urobilo by to pre mňa teraz ozaj ľahkým. Môžem to teraz splácať, štyri tisíc dolárov ročne, takže nemôžem si už viac vziať pôžičku, ľudia. Budem musieť ísť a pracovať. Tak ja... Zaberie mi to desať rokov, kým to splatím. Ak Ježiš nepríde. A ak On príde, všetky dlhy potom budú jednako splatené. Rozumiete? Tak potom dúfam, že vy všetci... Vaše modlitby... A dnes večer budem pokračovať s niečím takým, čo sa toho trochu týka. Ale vaše modlitby sú to, čo mi pomohlo. Tak veľmi vám ďakujem. Nech vás Boh žehná. Nezáleží na tom, kde kedy sme, nikdy na to nezabudnem.

40Dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem vyjadriť niektoré fakty, o ktorých viem, a istotne príďte. No pamätajte, „Páni, aký je čas“.

41No ideme... Mám na budúci týždeň na zbytok týždňa naplánovaný plný program. A v pondelok večer je... Máme zhromaždenia dnes večer, dnes ráno a dnes večer a v pondelok. V pondelok večer je modlitebné zhromaždenie a potom tam máte utorok, Nový rok, a ak ste z ďaleka, môžete sa vracať domov.

42A budeme tu mať niektorých dobrých kazateľov na zhromaždení. My, je to dobrá skupina veľmi dobrých rečníkov a každý bude hovoriť v určitých intervaloch až do polnoci. A niekedy mávame večeru Pánovu, ak sa to tak hodí. Neviem, či ju naplánovali tentokrát, alebo nie. Rovno v tom čase, keď tam vonku vyskakujú a bláznia a strieľajú a pijú a vyvádzajú, my vtedy berieme Komúniu. Amen. Začíname Nový rok rovno s Komúniou. Tak všetci ste vítaní. A tak dúfam, že vám Boh nebies dá príležitosť, aby ste tu zostali, ak môžete.

43Tak predtým, ako pristúpime ku Slovu, chcem tiež povedať toto, že skutočne ďakujem tomuto zboru, jeho členom za tú peknú sadu oblečenia, ktorú ste mi kúpili. Veľmi pekne vám ďakujem. Znamená to pre mňa tak mnoho, všetky vaše pohľadnice a veci v tomto vianočnom období a dary, ktoré ste poslali rodine, a, ó, bol ich nesmierny počet, a tie maličké veci, ktoré sa nedokážu dotknúť toho miesta v mojom srdci, nič to nedokáže tak, ako to, čo viem, že je od vás. A niektorí z vás mi poslali vianočné dary vo forme peňazí.

44Niektorí poslali rôzne veci. Jeden brat mi poslal taký zápisník, ktorý má v sebe moje meno, a je tam taká záložka, cez ktorú sa dá vidieť, a je na tom napísaná Pánova modlitba. A, ó, veci ako to, to sú pre nás poklady. Moja manželka a ja a deti vám chceme povedať, „Tak veľmi vám ďakujeme. „Je to tak málo, ale poviem toto, že to najväčšie slovo, o ktorom môžem pomyslieť, ktoré môže niekto povedať, je, „Nech vás Boh žehná.“ Nemôže byť nič viac ako to.

45Tak teraz s týmito bratmi tu v cirkvi, ktorí mi kúpili tú pušku, ja mám na sebe teraz ten oblek, ale nemohol by som priniesť pušku do cirkvi. Ale to bolo... Potom by už naozaj niečo proti mne mali, že? Tak, istotne vám ďakujem, moji bratia, a chcel som prečítať ich mená na takom malom... Ale jeden z tých bratov bol včera hore a povedal, „Ó, nie, neďakuj mne, brat Branham, to by zobralo preč z toho všetku radosť, rozumieš?“ Tak som si pomyslel, že tí ostatní tiež o tom tak zmýšľajú, ale mám vaše meno, oni to tam vytlačili. Na to sa bude vždy pamätať. A nech vás Pán mocne žehná.

46A viete, pri čom odpočívam? Keď idem do svojej pracovne a som tam a jednoducho odpočívam. Keď som celý rozrušený a neviem už ísť ďalej, potom rozmýšľam o nejakej poľovačke, kde som niekedy bol, alebo niekde, kde som chytal ryby. A cením si to, nech vás Boh žehná.

47No, či môžeme na chvíľu skloniť svoje hlavy, ako pristúpime ku Slovu? A som si istý, že tie prosby, ktoré sú tu dnes ráno, je ich príliš mnoho, aby sme ich teraz jednotlivo preberali, ale som zvedavý, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy a vy máte svoju špeciálnu prosbu, ak by ste to len držali vo svojom srdci a zodvihli len ruky a povedali, „Bože, Ty vieš, na čo teraz myslím.“

48Pane Ježišu, Ty vidíš každú ruku a Ty vieš, čo je za tým. Tam dolu poza tou rukou leží nejaká prosba. A my teraz prichádzame úctivo hore ku trónu živého Boha, k tej bielej perle, ktorá je roztiahnutá naprieč priestorom času, kde sedí Boh Jahve a Krv Kristova leží na oltári a my hovoríme cez tú Krv skrze Neho, ktorý povedal, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a bude vám to udelené.“ Či vypočuješ, Bože, dnes ráno a dáš odpoveď na ich prosby? Kladiem dnes svoju modlitbu s tou ich s vierou, že Ty nám to udelíš.

49Ležia tu, Pane, vreckovky tých, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí, a sme učení v Biblii že, „Brali vreckovky a zástery od svätého Pavla a kládli ich na chorých a nečisté duchy z nich vychádzali a nemoci odchádzali.“ A, Otče, ako vieme už dlhý čas a istotne vieme, že nie sme svätý Pavol, ale nakoniec my cítime, že to nešlo o svätého Pavla, to bol Kristus, ktorý bol v ňom. A Ty si ten istý „včera, dnes a na veky,“ podľa Písem. Teraz, Pane, títo ľudia veria, že ak budeme prosiť Boha, budeme brať tieto vreckovky a položíme ich na chorých, že oni sa zotavia. A modlím sa, aby to tak bolo, Pane, že keď sú tieto vreckovky umiestnené na chorých.

50A ako raz bolo povedané, keď Izrael vyštartoval na svojej línii povinností a išiel do zasľúbenej zeme a Červené more ich odrezalo rovno na ceste povinností, ale Boh sa pozrel dolu cez ten Ohnivý stĺp s rozhnevanými očami, a to more sa vystrašilo a ono odrolovalo svoje vlny, svoje vody a Izrael prešiel po suchej zemi do zasľúbenej zeme.

51Teraz, Pane, pozri sa dnes cez Krv Ježiša a ty vidíš tento skutok viery, ktorý je tu dnes ráno vykonaný.

A nech je Satan vystrašený a nech sa pohne preč a nech každý jeden z týchto pútnikov, ktorí sú prítomní, a každá jedna z tých vreckoviek, ktorá bude na nich položená, nech je cesta pre nich otvorená a nech choroba odíde preč a nech ich cesta smerom do zasľúbenej zeme je vedená Duchom Svätým, Stĺpom Ohňa, udeľ to, Pane.

52Požehnaj teraz tie bohoslužby Slova, ten kontext čítania a nech Duch Svätý prevezme Slovo dnes ráno a nech nám Ho príjemne nadelí pre každého jedného z nás, Pane, ako sa približujeme k niečomu veľkému, ohromnému, o čom ešte nevieme. Naše srdcia sú zvláštne pohnuté, Pane, a modlíme sa teraz, ako úctivo pristupujeme ku Tebe, a k Tvojmu Slovu, aby si nám Ty vyložil jeho význam. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Tak dnes večer nezabudnite, čas, aký je čas.

53A teraz dnes ráno, chcel by som obrátiť... aj pre tých, ktorí máte svoje Biblie, alebo si to poznačte, ak chcete, miesta Písma, z ktorých chceme hovoriť, len chvíľu teraz, nachádzame to v knihe Skutkov, možno prečítame dve alebo tri miesta, Skutky 26:15 ako prvé miesto. Skutky 26. kapitola a 15. verš na začiatok.

54Potom chceme čítať Skutky 23:11 a môžete si k tomu tiež pridať toto, pravdepodobne nebudem mať čas to čítať, Filipanom 1:20, je to všetko v tom istom smere, tie isté slová.

55Tak teraz v knihe Skutkov 26:15 je napísané toto:

A povedal som, kto si, Pane? A On povedal, Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ. Vstaň a postav sa na svoje nohy, pretože Ja som sa ti zjavil za týmto účelom, aby som ťa učinil služobníkom a svedkom oboch týchto vecí, ktoré si videl a tých vecí, ktoré ti ešte ukážem. Vyslobodzujúc ťa od ľudí od pohanov, ku ktorým som ťa poslal,

aby si otvoril ich oči a aby si ich obrátil od temnosti do svetla a od moci Satana ku Bohu, aby mohli prijať odpustenie hriechov a dedičstvo medzi tými, ktorí sú posvätení skrze vieru, ktorá je vo Mne. Preto, ó, Agripa, nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu,

ale ukázal som sa najprv tým v Damašku a v Jeruzaleme a cez celé pobrežie Júdey a tým... Potom pohanom, aby činili pokánie a obrátili sa ku Bohu a činili skutky hodné pokánia.

56V Skutkoch 23, 11. verš.

A nasledujúcej noci stál Pán pri ňom a povedal, Neboj sa, Pavol, lebo si svedčil o Mne v Jeruzaleme, tak musíš svedčiť o Mne tiež v Ríme.

57Nech Boh pridá Svoje sväté požehnania k čítaniu tohoto najmilostivejšieho svätého Slova, ktoré máme pred sebou.

58No, počul som hovoriť jedného muža, alebo rozprávať nie tak dávno, ako používal slovo absolút. Ja som si pomyslel, „To je veľmi dobré slovo.“ Počujem to používať tak mnohokrát, „Absolútne.“ To je...

59Vyhľadal som si to v slovníku vo Websterovi. Podľa Webstera je to, „Dokonalé v sebe samom, neobmedzené vo svojej moci, predovšetkým konečné, definitívne.“ A niečo konečné je, „To Amen. To je všetko.“ To je to, čo je absolút. Je to „neobmedzené v moci.“ Slovo absolút. Je to „dokonalé v sebe samom. „To je všetko, tým je to vybavené.“

Pomyslel som si, „To je slávna vec, to je ohromné slovo.“

60A tak slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka. Najprv to musí byť myšlienka, a potom sa to stáva slovom, pretože vy nehovoríte svoje slová, bez myšlienky.

61Keď hovoríme v jazykoch, nemáme žiadne myšlienky. To je Boh, ktorý preberá tie myšlienky. To je Božia myšlienka, ktorá používa naše pery. My nerozmýšľame alebo nevieme, čo hovoríme, keď hovoríme v jazykoch, ak je to inšpirované hovorenie. Keď vykladáte, vy neviete, čo hovoríte, vy to len hovoríte, to je všetko. To je Boh. A prorokovanie, vy nepoužívate svoje vlastné myšlienky. To je Boh, pretože vy hovoríte veci, ktoré by ste obyčajne nepomysleli hovoriť.

62Ale slovo absolút je „Ultimátum.“ A preto myslím, že každý má nejaké ultimátum (konečné definitívne rozhodnutie) a každé veľké dosiahnutie, ktoré kedy malo úspech, za tým ležal nejaký absolút. Bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, malo to za sebou nejaký absolút. A každá osoba, aby niečo dosiahla, musí mať najprv absolút. Kým prídete k tomu konečnému, vy pretáčate, hľadáte, a idete cez toto a tamto, až kým prídete ku tomu absolútu, alebo k tomu „Amen,“ k tomu „ultimátu“, konečnému miestu. To, čo ste... Musíte mať niečo, k čomu sa priviažete. Inými slovami, to je ten konečný oporný bod, ku každému dosiahnutiu. Niekde to je. Môže sa to vinúť cez mnoho rozličných vecí, kým sa to dostane ku tomu bodu, ale tam existuje „amen“ k tomu všetkému. Musí niečo také existovať. Nemôžeš ísť životom bez toho, žeby si také niečo nemal.

63Ako keď si sa ženil, niečo sa muselo vinúť tvojou mysľou, niečo, kým si natrafil na ten oporný bod, a to mala byť láska k tvojej manželke, alebo k tvojmu manželovi. No, možno ona nie je taká pekná, ako Jánova manželka alebo ona, no možno ona nie je takáto, ale niečo na nej je, že to teba zasahuje. Ty povieš, „Možno nie je taká pekná ako nejaká druhá,“ alebo „On nevyzerá tak dobre ako niekto druhý,“ ale musí tam byť absolút, že táto osoba je odlišná, a to je to, k čomu si sa priviazal. Ak to tam nie je, tak sa radšej nežeň, nevydávaj. Priviaž sa k tomu opornému bodu. To je k tomu absolútu.

64Môžeme pomyslieť na mnohých v Biblii, ktorí mali absolúty. Ó, ako by sme mohli vziať a prejsť celým radom v tej Biblii a byť tu od teraz dva týždne a nedotkli by sme sa ani povrchu, ak by sme rozmýšľali o tých absolútoch v Biblii. Napríklad, dovoľte mi vziať jedného alebo dvoch, aby sme ich len stručne prešli.

65Pozrite na Jóba, no, on mal absolút. Tomu človeku sa dialo všetko zlé a bol to spravodlivý muž. No, my by sme sa neopovážili povedať, že nebol spravodlivý, pretože Boh povedal, že bol. Nebol nikto taký na zemi, ako Jób, bol dokonalý v očiach Božích a on to vedel, pretože on mal definitívu. On mal absolút, keď sa všetko zdalo byť v protiklade.

66Prevalila sa choroba. Jeho priatelia mohli povedať, „No, vidíš, Jób, to dokazuje, že hrešíš, mýliš sa.“ A potom prišli dolu biskupi, nazvali ich Jóbovými utešiteľmi, ale namiesto útechy oni nevideli na jeho živote nič, len hriech, pretože Boh s ním konal tým spôsobom, akým konal.

67A jeho deti boli zabité a jeho majetok bol spálený, všetko, čo mal, všetko sa mu rúcalo a dokonca jeho vlastný život bol v ohrození, ako sedel na kope popola a prelomilo sa to od hlavy až po päty celé vredmi. Dokonca jeho milovaná drahá spoločníčka, matka tých detí povedala, „Mal by si Boha prekliať a zomrieť smrťou.“ Ale pri všetkom tom, Boh mal absolút.

68Ó, v čase nemoci, ak sa len môžme priviazať k tomu Absolútu.

69Jób vedel, že on splnil požiadavku Jehovu. On mal vieru v to, čo urobil, pretože Jehova to vyžadoval. My to môžeme robiť práve tak. Jehova vyžadoval zápalnú obeť za jeho hriech a Jób urobil zápalnú obeť nielen za seba, ale aj za svoje deti, a to je všetko, čo Boh vyžadoval.

„Ó“, mohli by ste povedať, „Prial by som si, keby to bolo to, čo On vyžaduje dnes.“

70Je to menej ako to: mať len vieru v Jeho Slovo. A ty, ak učiníš Jeho Slovo svojím absolútom, tak môžeš. Každé Božské zasľúbenie v Biblii, ak len môžeš uviazať k nemu svoju dušu. Nezáleží na tom, koľko ťa švihajú tie vlny, stále si priviazaný k svojmu absolútu.

71A on sa toho držal. A keď jeho utešitelia povedali, „Zhrešil si.“ On vedel, že nezhrešil. On bol spravodlivý, pretože splnil požiadavku Jehovu. A keď každé jeho...

72Nejaký človek vstúpil a povedal, „Tvoje deti sú mŕtve,“ ďalší prišiel a povedal, „Tvoje ťavy všetky zhoreli, prišiel oheň z neba.“

73Pozrite, aký argument mali jeho neutešitelia, „Vidíš, oheň prišiel z neba, takže, Jób, to je dôkaz.“ To nedokazuje nič. „No, On by nezasiahol tvoje deti, Jób, ak by si bol spravodlivý.“

74„Ale,“ Jób povedal, „Ja viem, že som urobil, čo je správne.“ Stále sa toho držal, on mal niečo, k čomu mohol byť priviazaný. To je to, on to prijal, akceptoval. On robil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, aby urobil, a on si bol absolútne istý. V poriadku.

75Potom, keď sa dostal na miesto, keď ten absolút držal, potom začal cítiť, že sa ten povraz začal uťahovať. Bežalo to tak voľne, narážalo to z jednej strany na druhú, ale začalo sa to uťahovať, a prišiel na neho Duch. A on sa postavil, a tým, že bol prorokom, povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije.“ Amen. Vidíte? On sa priviazal ku svojmu absolútu. On prišiel do kontaktu. On vedel, čo urobil, a že to bolo správne a v nejaký deň sa musel k tomu potiahnuť. „Viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije, a že v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zemi a hoci moje telo zničia červy, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ On vtedy vedel. Potom bol jeho absolút zakotvený.

76Abrahám mal absolút, ako prichádzal z Babylonu, od tej veže a von do Sineára a tam von, kde putoval so svojím otcom, a zrejme bol farmárom, ale jedného dňa tam niekde v džungliach možno zbieral nejaké maliny, alebo išiel uloviť nejaké zviera, aby mal pokrm, a niekde tam vzadu Boh ku nemu prehovoril, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov. On bol, on a jeho žena Sára, ona mala šesťdesiatpäť a boli bezdetní. Nemali žiadne deti. A Boh mu povedal, „Budeš mať so Sárou dieťa, ale aby sa toto stalo, musíš sa oddeliť.“

77Božie zasľúbenia sú vždy pod podmienkou. Musíš absolútne. Bez ohľadu na to, ako fundamentálne na tom si s tým zasľúbením, ono je zakaždým pod podmienkami. Ako by sme sa tu mohli zastaviť a prejsť to cez Písmo so všetkých strán a zostať pri tom hodiny, že tá podmienka je niečo, čo má význam. Ty môžeš byť tak fundamentálny, ako len chceš, ale to je pod podmienkami skrze zasľúbenie, predurčenie, atď. Všimnite si.

78Takže, „Abrahám uveril Bohu, a bolo mu to počítané za spravodlivosť.“ No, čo za hroznú vec by to bolo stretnúť ten civilizovaný svet, muž, ktorý má sedemdesiatpäť rokov, so ženou, ktorá mala šesťdesiatpäť a žili spolu, odkedy sa ako mladí vzali, a pretože ona bola jeho polovičná sestra a teraz s ňou išiel mať dieťa. Ale on mal absolút. Nič s ním nedokázalo pohnúť.

79A keď sa to potom prvý mesiac nestalo, jeho absolút držal, pretože on vedel, že hovoril s Bohom. Druhý mesiac, druhý rok, desiaty rok a potom o dvadsaťpäť rokov neskôr, keď mal sto a Sára mala deväťdesiat, jeho absolút stále držal.

80A Biblia hovorí, keď bol napísaný jeho nekrológ, Boh povedal, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný a dával chválu Bohu.“

81Prečo? Či ste na to niekedy pomysleli prečo? On mal absolút, bol pozitívny. Bol si istý. A jediná vec, ktorú musel urobiť, bolo oddeliť sa od svojich ľudí. A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, kým to neurobil. On vzal svojho otca, jeho otec zomrel, vzal Lóta a potom, ako sa Lót oddelil od Abraháma, potom k nemu prišiel Boh a povedal, „Teraz sa prejdi po tej zemi.“ Vidíte?

82Poslušnosť, zasľúbenie pod podmienkami, to vždy ide s Bohom a Jeho Slovom. No, pozrite sa na...

83Vezmime Mojžiša. Mojžiš bol sluha, prorok na úteku, ktorého Boh vzbudil a vyučil ho, vzdelal vo faraónovom paláci. A Mojžiš vyšiel s tým svojím teologickým tréningom a prvé, čo urobil, zabil muža. Potom ten prvý zmätok, ktorý sa objavil, bolo, že Mojžiš bol vystrašený na smrť.

84Prečo? Nemal žiaden absolút. On mal len svedectvo svojej matky pri narodení. Bol zvláštnym dieťaťom. Mal ohľadne toho slovo svojej matky. Mal zvitky, ktoré mal Boh, pravdepodobne niekde v papierovej forme, bolo to napísané a mali to spolu zabalené, bolo tam, že Boh navštívi svoje deti. On vedel, že to je ten čas. Tak, ako my dnes. My vieme, že niečo sa ide stať.

85Tak Mojžiš vedel, že to je ten čas, a on vedel, že on bol ku tomu vybraný, ale on nemal žiaden absolút. Rozumiete?

86 A jedného dňa tam vzadu na púšti, keď stratil videnie, Boh sa mu ukázal v horiacom kre. A On povedal, „Mojžiš, Ja som videl trápenie Môjho ľudu, počul som ich vzdychanie a plač a to, ako ich tí dozorcovia trestali, a Ja som si spomenul na Svoje zasľúbenie, Ja som zostúpil, aby som ich vyslobodil. Teraz choď dolu do Egypta.“ Ó.

87Mojžiš povedal, sťažoval sa, povedal, „Ja nehovorím veľmi dobre, moje vyslobodenie nie je veľmi dobré, oni mi nebudú veriť.“

On povedal, „Čo máš v ruke?“

On povedal, „Palicu.“

88On povedal, „Hoď ju na zem.“ Ona sa obrátila na hada. Povedal, „Zodvihni ju za chvost.“ Znovu sa obrátila späť na palicu. On mu dával uistenie, potvrdenie.

89Keď dáva Boh absolút, On dáva potvrdenie tomu absolútu, zakaždým.

90Potom Mojžiš, keď bol tam dolu a hodil tú palicu pred tých mágov a faraóna a tí mágovia prišli a tiež hodili na zem svoje palice, Mojžiš vôbec neutiekol a nepovedal, „Ó, no dobre, mýlil som sa, ó, to je len lacný magický trik, a možno som sa mýlil.“

91Ale on vedel. On si bol istý, že stretol Boha a stál pevne. Povedzme, že on urobil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, že má urobiť. Tak isto Jób urobil presne to, čo mu Boh povedal, že má urobiť. Mojžiš nasledoval Jeho prikázania. Potom stoj ticho a sleduj Slávu Božiu! Mojžiš bol priviazaný k svojmu absolútu, svojmu povereniu a on stál pevne. A keď stál, jeho had pohltil tých ostatných hadov. Rozumiete? On bol priviazaný ku absolútu.

92Boh povedal, „Keď vyslobodíš tie deti, budete Ma znovu uctievať na tejto hore.“

93Tak nepriateľ každým spôsobom, akým len môže, sa bude snažiť dostať ťa preč od toho absolútu.

94Práve tak, ako keď vyrazili z Egypta, dostali sa do zovrenia medzi Červeným morom a vrchmi na druhej strane. Prešli cez údolie a tam bolo Červené more. Nebolo možné uniknúť na kopce, nedalo sa nijako uniknúť týmto smerom a Faraónova armáda prichádzala týmto smerom. Čo za miesto, na ktorom môžeš stáť.

95Vidíte, ako vás diabol dostáva na miesto, kde neviete, čo máte robiť? Ale pamätajte, ak ste priviazaní k tomu absolútu, tak tam to je.

96Mojžiš vedel, že Boh mu to zasľúbil, že „Budete Ma uctievať na tejto Hore, keď ich vyvedieš, a Ja som zostúpil skrze tvoju ruku, aby som ich vyslobodil a umiestnil ich tam do tej inej zeme.“ On s tým rovno zostal. A Boh poslal východný vietor a odfúkol tie vody, rovno až zo dna mora a oni prešli cez suchú zem. Absolút.

97Ako by sme mohli cez to ísť, cez Písmo: Daniel, jeho absolút; Sadrach, Mézach, Abednégo, ich absolút; Dávid, jeho absolút; všetci, absolút.

98Pavol mal tiež jeden, ten, o ktorom čítame. On mal zavolanie, kde centrom bol Kristus, a to bolo jeho absolútom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa nebál, čo mohol povedať Agripa. Stál tam a Agripa bol Žid, ako vieme. A tak potom, ako stojí pred týmito kráľmi a rôznymi, Boh mu už povedal, že tam bude stáť. A tak on mal absolút, on povedal presne to, čo bolo tým nebeským videním. Povedal, „Ja nie som... Nebol som k tomu neúctivý, bol som... Ja som to nerozsúdil zle, nesprával som sa zle.“ Ale on sa držal toho a nebol neposlušný, vykonal to do tej chvíle, pretože to bol absolút.

A ten život, kde Kristus je centrom, je tvojím absolútom.

99Tak, odkedy Ho stretol tvárou tvár na ceste do Damašku, to tak mnoho pre Pavla znamenalo.

100No, pamätajte, on bol predtým vyučený študent, on bol mocný muž v Písmach, ale on nemal žiaden oporný bod, ale Sanhedrin ho podporoval, on mal diplom od veľkého učiteľa. On bol veľkým mužom na svojom poli. Ale on čakal. Jedinú vec, ktorú mal, bolo, jeho absolút bol iba tak silný, aká silná bola jeho organizácia. To je maximálna sila, akú mohol mať. A on s tým verne pracoval a bral kresťanov a zväzoval ich a on bol pre nich pohromou a dokonca ukameňoval Štefana.

101Myslím si, že neskôr vo svojom živote ten dôvod, prečo išiel do Jeruzalema, keď mu ten prorok povedal, „Nechoď tam, Pavol, pretože ťa tam čakajú reťaze a väzenie.“

102A Pavol povedal, „Ja to viem, ale ja len idem do Jeruzalema ako svedok, ale ja tam idem a som pripravený aj zomrieť za Ježiša Krista.“ Pretože on vedel, čo vykonal, a jeho ambíciou bolo spečatiť svoje svedectvo svojou vlastnou krvou, zomrieť ako mučeník, pretože on zabil jedného z Božích mučeníkov.

103A teraz bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku so všetkým svojím vzdelaním. Sedel pod veľkým učiteľom Gamalielom a ako on bol vyučený všetkému židovskému náboženstvu. A pritom s tým všetkým bol taký chatrný, že ani nemal schopnosť určité veci vykonať. A zrazu tam bolo Svetlo, možno hluk a hrom a on bol udrený a padol na zem.

104A pozrel sa hore, bolo tam Svetlo, ktoré svietilo a ono oslepilo jeho oči. Aké to bolo zvláštne. Nikto nevidel to svetlo, iba Saul, tak to bolo zasľúbené a bolo to pre neho také skutočné, až to oslepilo jeho oči. Nemohol vidieť. Bol úplne slepý, keď ten Ohnivý stĺp tam žiaril rovno do jeho tváre. A on počul hlas, ktorý povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „ Pane, kto si?“

105On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš, ťažko ti bude kopať oproti ostňom. Vstaň teraz a choď do Damašku a tam je niekto poslaný ku tebe.“ A potom on odtiaľ vstal...

106A potom tam bol jeden prorok dolu v tom meste, ktorý videl videnie, zatiaľ čo sa modlil, a on tam prišiel. Prišiel Ananiáš a prišiel ku Saulovi, položil na neho svoje ruky a bol uzdravený Božským uzdravením. Potom povstal, bol pokrstený, zmývajúc svoje hriechy a vzýval meno Pánovo. A potom mal absolút. Po tomto už nikdy nebol tým istým, išiel priamo z cirkvi do cirkvi, z miesta na miesto a snažil sa vybudovať to, čo sa snažil zboriť.

107Ako národ, ako kresťanský svet dnes ráno potrebuje ten typ absolútu. Tých, ktorých vyznania a tradície priviazali k sebe ľudí náukami, ktoré rušia Božie Slovo, že je to isté včera, dnes a na veky. Oni potrebujú absolút, prežitie toho stretnutia na ceste do Damašku, ten Živý Boh, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorých, vzkriesiť mŕtvych a vyhnať diablov. Skutočný pravdivý absolút.

108Pavol vedel, že niečo sa stalo. Neexistoval nikto, kto by to od neho mohol vziať, na ničom inom nezáležalo. On bol priviazaný, a to bolo to. Bez ohľadu na to, čo prišlo, on vedel, že bol priviazaný, bol to život, kde centrom je Kristus. Ó.

109Život, ktorý žil, bol odlišný život. No, pamätajte, on bol dovtedy nábožným človekom.

110A vy, niektorí ľudia, dnes ráno, ja viem, že si uvedomujete, že táto páska sa nahráva a bude prehrávaná v každom národe pod nebom, asi po celom svete, a niektorí z vás ľudí ste tu prítomní a niektorí z vás, ktorí ste tam, kde budú prehrávané tie pásky v tých iných národoch cez prekladateľov, a pôjde to ku kmeňom v Afrike a tam medzi Hotentótmi a všade naokolo.

111A vy, náboženskí vodcovia, ktorí máte len vzdelanie Biblie a máte to len z historického hľadiska a môžete vysvetliť všetky tieto veci, ale ak nemáte absolút, ak nemáte to prežitie a ak to prežitie, to, ktoré tvrdíte, že máte, spôsobuje, že zapierate, že každé slovo z tohoto nie je presne také isté pravdivé pre cirkev dnes, aké bolo vtedy a vždy, a ak vy spoliehate na svoj titul bakalára umenia, alebo čokoľvek môžete mať! Ak spoliehate na mysle svojej organizácie, ktorá povie, „Dni zázrakov pominuli, nemáme už žiadne Božské uzdravovanie a krst Duchom Svätým, ako oni prijali vtedy na deň Letníc, to nie je pre ľudí dneška.“ Ak je to všetko, čo máš, môj vzácny brat, sestra, potrebuješ prežitie cesty do Damašku.

112Potrebuješ sa stretnúť s týmto Živým Bohom, kde ty, nie len nejaká mýtická myšlienka v tvojej mysli, nie nejaké zachvenie, alebo nejaký druh senzácie, ale myšlienka a prežitie toho skutočného pravdivého, toho istého Ježiša, ktorý kráčal po Galilei, ktorý žije dnes a je živý na veky vekov. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Absolút, že ty nemusíš brať niečo, čo niekto iný povedal. Ty to vieš sám, nie kvôli nejakej senzácii.

113Ak tá senzácia, ktorú si mal, a niekto, mohla to byť skutočná Biblická senzácia a niekto sa to snažil ti vyvrátiť povediac, že tie veci boli v nejakom inom dni, buď opatrný, je to pravda, buď opatrný. Je spôsob, ako to vedieť, otestuj to Slovom. To je tá modrotlač (projekt).

114Ak je dom stavaný v protiklade s projektom, tak ten zadávateľ to nechá zrútiť a znova vybudovať. To musí byť podľa projektu.

115Nezáleží na tom, aké je tvoje prežitie, ak ti potom niečo, čo je v tebe, hovorí, že Biblia nie je pravdou, že moc Božia, apoštoli, proroci a učitelia a pastori a dary Ducha nie sú také isté, ako boli vtedy, keď prúdili cez tých apoštolov na Letnice, potom je niečo nesprávne s tvojím absolútom. To sa potom musí vinúť okolo denominačného vyznania namiesto okolo Božej Biblie. Pričom On povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Pozoruj, čo je tvojím absolútom.

116Môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v dobrom obecenstve s pastorom. Môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v obecenstve s okresným presbyterom, môžeš si byť absolútne istý, že si v obecenstve s biskupom, alebo s nejakým iným veľkým mužom v tvojej cirkvi, ale ak nie si... Tvoj absolút nie je Ježiš Kristus.

117„Lebo na tejto Skale postavím svoj absolút a brány pekla to nebudú môcť premôcť.“ Duchovné zjavenie, kým On je, a vedieť to. V poriadku. Ó.

118Tak, keď sa stávaš takým, ako Pavol, keď máš ten istý absolút, aký mal on, život, ktorého centrom je Kristus, je odlišný od toho, ktorý si raz mal, a mohol to byť veľmi nábožný život, ktorý si žil.

119Ó, počul som ľudí povedať, „No, oni sú veľmi nábožní.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné.

120Videl som mnoho náboženstiev veľmi zbožných, mnohokrát úprimnejších, ako kresťanskí ľudia dnes vyznávajú. Keď nejaká matka dokáže vziať malé tučnučké, čierne nemluvňa, asi takéto veľké, a hodiť ho do papule krokodíla, kvôli láske jej boha. Som zvedavý, ako je to s úprimnosťou kresťanstva. Keď sa človek dokáže až takto trápiť, zavesí si tisíc háčikov na svoje telo, asi takto, a zavesí na to gule plné vody a takto mu to ťahá a ide cez pás ohňa, dlhý asi odtiaľto na koniec tejto modlitebne, tam a naspäť a je to úplne žeravé, ofukujú to a robí to kvôli obeti svojmu bohu, kvôli nejakej modle s rubínovo-červenými očami, a tak ďalej. Som zvedavý, kde je kresťanstvo. Aha, aha. Tak nemyslite si, „Úprimnosť.“ Úprimnosť nie je to. Úprimnosť je v poriadku, keď je umiestnená na správnu vec.

121Ako nejaký lekár, ktorý podáva liek. Mohol by vám dať arzén, úprimne si mysliac, a mohol by vám dať kyselinu sírovú a byť úprimný, mohli by ste mať predpis vypísaný zle. A mohli by ste to vziať úprimne, ale to nezachráni váš život. Rozumiete? Nie veru, musíte vedieť, čo robíte. A čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade s Božím Slovom, je mi jedno, čo to je a ako dlho je to v existencii, stále je to nesprávne.

122Peter im dal večný predpis na deň Letníc, povedal, „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo tento predpis je pre vás a pre vaše deti a tým, ktorí sú ďaleko, toľkým, koľkých Pán, náš Boh povolá.“ To je pravda. Je to večný predpis.

123No, nejaký pokútny lekárnik by vám mohol dať kopu niečoho a zabiť vás. Áno, istotne. Viete, keď je toľko jedu v tom predpise, aby to otrávilo ten zárodok a ten lekár vie presne, koľko tam môže dať, koľko vaše telo vydrží. Ak tam dá príliš mnoho jedu, tak by vás to zabilo. Ak by ho tam nebolo dostatok, čo by to potom urobilo? Potom by to nebolo na nič dobré vziať ten liek. On vie, koľko vaše telo vydrží.

124No, tak je to s predpisom Božím. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko niekto druhý hovorí, že to musí byť urobené takto alebo tak, neverte tomu, keď nasledujete Slovo presne do písmena, to je to. Držte sa toho, no máme... Tí, ktorí hovoria, „Musíš byť pofŕkaný.“ Oni majú takých, že, „Musíte použiť tituly Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ Nie je nič také v Biblii. Nie je žiadne také miesto, kde bol kto tak pokrstený v Biblii, nejakým iným spôsobom, okrem Mena Ježiša Krista. To je dogma, ktorá bola pridaná v Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, a to sa prenáša cez tradície. Dotkneme sa toho dnes večer.

125Ale všimnite si, uprostred všetkého toho, ten predpis zostáva. To je to, prečo máme tak mnoho nemocných detí, pretože oni nepočúvajú to, čo hovorí ten Lekár. Absolút, keď si k tomu priviazaný, to je to, to je Božie Slovo, to nemôže zlyhať.

126Život, ktorého centrom je Kristus. Veľmi nábožný, ale nebol to život, ktorého centrom je Kristus. Tak mnohí z nás to majú dnes.

127A keď dostávaš tento život, ktorého centrom je Kristus, to spôsobuje, že robíš veci, ktoré by si obyčajne nerobil, to spôsobuje, že konáš odlišne od toho, ako by si obyčajne konal. Ja nemám na mysli správať sa hlúpo, mám na mysli konať v Duchu. Niečo, čo je skutočné, niečo, čo je pravdivé, a keď vidíš niekoho, kto koná hlúpo, vieš, že on na seba len niečo navlieka. On sa len snaží napodobniť tú pravdivú vec.

128Keď vidíš falošný dolár, pamätaj, existuje dobrý dolár, z ktorého bol tamten učinený. Rozumieš? Keď vidíš podvrh, to je absolútne tieň niečoho, čo je skutočné. Je to niečo, to, čo je skutočné, a toto je od toho odkopírované.

129Všimnite si, to spôsobuje, že činíš veci, ktoré by si obyčajne nečinil. Ó, to je niečo. Si si istý, si si toho veľmi istý, keď dostávaš tento absolút. Si o tom presvedčený. Neberieš niečo, čo je prežitím niekoho druhého.

130To je ten dôvod, prečo sa kresťanstvo stalo niečím takým, ako malé deti v Biblii, alebo nie, vlastne, prepáčte mi: malé deti v škole. Oni sa snažia kopírovať jeden od druhého, ak sa tento jeden pomýli, tak všetci to majú zle. Vidíte? Všetci z nich sa potom mýlia, ó, nekopírujte, stretnite Ho vy sami.

131Jeden môj dobrý priateľ, stojí tu vzadu, on je starým... On je synom jedného môjho kamaráta, dlhoročného priateľa, malého Jima Poola, no, jeho ocko a ja sme spolu vyrastali v škole a, ó, aký je to fajný chlapík. Malý Jim a ja sa ustavične modlíme, aby sa veľký Jim stal kresťanom, skutočným veriacim a malý Jim a ja sme sa včera rozprávali o tom, kde sme našli Boha v lesoch a videli Ho v prírode. To je to, kde Ho nachádzate, pretože On je Stvoriteľom a On je vo svojom stvorení.

132A ja si pamätám, že Jim a ja sme zvykli chodiť, chodili sme na poľovačku a keď prišla noc, ó, zvykli sme zísť dolu vziať svoje bicykle a jazdili sme tu dolu ulicou a boli sme vystrašení na smrť, keď sme mali prejsť okolo cintorína, keď sa zotmelo, a ísť dolu, aby sme si kúpili zmrzlinu.

133A Jim rád hral biliard. No, boli sme vtedy len chlapci, desať, dvanásť, štrnásťroční, a potom Jim si rád sadol a čítal knižky o poľovaní a chodení po horách.

134A ja som si sadol a sníval, asi... No, niektorí z chlapcov ma mohli vidieť a ja som videl takú malú, maličkú chatrč niekde a zvykol som povedať, „Chlapče, to by bola dobrá chatrč, mať ju tak v horách.“ A vždy som sníval o tom, že jedného dňa si urobím takú chatrč niekde v horách a budem mať svorku poľovných psov a nejaké zbrane a vždy som rozmýšľal, „Ak by som mohol mať 30/30 pušku, ak by som ju niekedy mohol mať.“ Pomyslel som si, „Ako ja kedy zoženiem pušku 30/30.“

135Jedného dňa som stál a díval sa na svoju stenu a videl som niektoré z tých najlepších pušiek, aké sa dajú zohnať, a pomyslel som si, „Nádherná Milosť.“

136Pomyslel som si, „Vytrénujem sa v strieľaní a budem strieľať dobre a potom možno urobím výlet do hôr a nejaký dobrý poľovník ma vezme so sebou, aby som bol len taký... Pretože on si bude chcieť ochrániť život, možno od nejakého číhajúceho medveďa, nebol si veľmi istý. Nejaký bohatý muž by ma zobral so sebou, len aby som išiel s ním, len ako taký ochranca. A možno jedného dňa sa dostanem na poľovačku do Afriky, ako ochranca. Ak by som len mohol trénovať, to je tá jediná vec, ktorú môžem robiť, to je trénovať, aby som bol dobrým a presným strelcom.“

137Ó, pomyslel som si, „Bože, keď na to pomyslím, Ty si mi dovolil poľovať po celom svete.“ Aká nádherná vec.

Jim zvykol sedieť a čítať knižku, povedal som, „Jim...“

On povedal, „Rád by som o tom čítal.“

138Povedal som, „Jim, to je niečo, čo niekto druhý urobil, ja to chcem tiež sám, ja chcem prežitie.“ Keď som prišiel ku Kristovi, ja som nemohol zobrať prežitie niekoho druhého, ja som to chcel sám.

139Pamätám si, keď som čítal Pútnik osamelej hviezdy, od Zane Gray. Potrhal som doma mame dve alebo tri metly, pretože som na tom behal po dome a cválal, keď som bol na tejto metle, ktorá mi pripomínala koňa. Čítal som príbeh o tom osamelom pútnikovi, ako priviedol spravodlivosť do Bigbend.

140Potom som čítal fiktívny príbeh od Edgara Rice Burrough o Tarzanovi a opiciach. Mama mala takú starú handru z kože, bola to handra z kože od mroža alebo niečoho, ktorú jej dala pani Wathenová, a to ležalo v jej izbe a ja som vzal tú handru a mama dobre vedela, že to nebol vietor, ktorý ju odfúkol preč, a ja som to vzal a rozstrihal som to a urobil som si šaty ako Tarzan a posadil som sa do stromu. A polovicu svojho času som strávil na strome v tejto Tarzanovej prikrývke. Pretože som videl, čo robil, ja som to chcel tiež.

141Ale jedného dňa skrze Milosť Božiu som sa uchopil tej skutočnej knihy, Biblie. Moja pieseň a môj príbeh sa stal, „Byť ako Ježiš, byť ako On, na zemi túžim byť ako On.“ Ja nechcem byť biskupom alebo nejakou veľkou osobou v cirkvi, nejakým pápežom, alebo nejakým kňazom, chcem byť ako Ježiš. Absolút, to ťa činí odlišným, niečo na tom je, keď čítaš Jeho Slovo a niečo v tvojom srdci je, že ty túžiš byť ako On. Si si istý.

142Je to ako ten absolút Krista, absolút pre Kresťana je ako... To je ako kotva lode. Áno, ty musíš mať absolút. A ak je Kristus tvojím absolútom, to je ako kotva. To je, keď ty... More je veľmi drsné a tá loď je už hotová sa potopiť a tá jediná vec, jediná nádej, ktorú máš, je hodiť kotvu. A keď sa tá loď kníše a je kmásaná, vidz, či tá kotva udrží tú loď. Viete, máme takú pieseň, zabudol som na autora tej piesne, ale volá sa to Moja kotva drží.

143Ako ten malý chlapec, ako sme o tom mnohokrát rozmýšľali, keď si púšťal šarkana, nemohli ste vidieť nič, ale on držal ten povraz a išiel okolo nejaký človek a opýtal sa ho, „Čo to robíš, synu?“

„Púšťam si šarkana.“

On povedal, „A čo to máš vo svojej ruke?“

Povedal, „Povraz.“

144Povedal, „A kde je ten šarkan?“ Povedal, „Nevidím ho, tak ako vieš, že si púšťaš šarkana?“

145On povedal, „Cítim ho, šklbe to.“ Vidíte? Na konci toho povrazu mal absolút. Jeho malým spôsobom, v tom malom, pre neho bol ten šarkan absolútom, takže on mohol povedať, že si púšťa šarkana. Hoci ho nedokázal vidieť, ale on to držal, držal niečo a uchopil sa toho.

146Tak je to s človekom, keď je narodený znovu z Ducha Božieho, on sa uchopil niečoho, čo má tam ďaleko kotvu, a tie búrky ho neotrasú. On vie, že je v poriadku. On je zakotvený. V poriadku.

147No, ak sme my v našej malej plachetnici plaviac sa na šírom mori života, ako povedal ten veľký básnik.

Život nie je len prázdny sen.

A duša mŕtva, ktorá hlboko spí,

a veci nie sú také, aké sa zdajú.

Život je skutočný a život je závdavkom.

A jeho hrob nie je jeho cieľom.

Lebo prach si a na prach sa obrátiš,

nebolo hovorené o duši.

148Ó, myslím, že je to také krásne. To bol Longfellow, ktorý napísal tento žalm života. Vidíte?

Zatiaľ čo sa plavíme na šírom mori života,

keď to vidí zblúdený a stroskotaný brat,

znovu naberie odvahy do srdca.

149Teraz sme v našej malej plachetnici a plavíme sa na šírom mori života a Kristus je v tej lodi, ktorá je na búrkach času. Keď sa búrky zosilnejú a drásajú, som rád, že mám kotvu, ktorá drží tam za tou oponou, a dokonca ani samotná smrť ťa od toho nemôže vytrhnúť, si priviazaný k svojmu absolútu. Kristus je našou kotvou. Čím On je? On je Slovo. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo s Bohom, a to Slovo bol Boh, a to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“

150Potom, keď vieme, že naše skutky sú presne s Jeho Slovom, keď vieme, že naše učenie je dokonalé so Slovom, nič pridané, nič vzaté, len Slovo, a vidíme tie isté výsledky, ktoré iní, ktorí sa zakotvili do toho istého Slova, ako to žije v našom živote, potom tvoja kotva drží. Život Kristov je reprodukovaný v takmer stelesnenom spôsobe skrze teba, tak, ako to bolo v Kristovi, pretože, „To bol Boh v Kristovi mieriac svet so sebou.“ A ty vidíš Boha v sebe, ako drží ten istý sťažeň Slova, presne tak isto, ako to robil Ježiš. Vidíš Jeho život. „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť, ten, kto verí.“ Nie ten, ktorý sa robí veriaci, ten, ktorý si myslí, že verí, ale „Ten, kto verí.“ „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Prečo? On je zakotvený v tej istej Skale. Čo bolo tou Skalou? Vždy to bolo Slovo. Tam si zakotvený. To je tvoja severná hviezda, keď si stratený na mori.

151Viete, máme mnoho hviezd, ale je len jedna pravdivá hviezda, ktorá sa nehýbe, to je severná hviezda, pretože ona je postavená v centre zeme. Nezáleží na tom, či si vzadu, alebo na druhej strane, alebo kdekoľvek si, tá severná hviezda je stále rovnaká. To je tvoja severná hviezda. No, vidíš, je mnoho hviezd, ktoré sa presúvajú z miesta na miesto, ale ak si na mori, no, každý námorník to vie, alebo poľovník, ktorý putuje po lesoch, vie, že tá severná hviezda je tvojím miestom, to je všetko, to je ako tvoj kompas. Tvoj kompas ti neukáže na Mars alebo Jupiter, alebo na niečo, to ti ukáže na severnú hviezdu. Prečo? To je tvoj absolút.

152Ó, všimnite si, tvoj absolút... ó, niečo tu idem povedať, cítim, ako to prichádza, všimnite si, cítim sa teraz veľmi nábožne, pretože toto je uistenie. Všimnite si.

153Tvoj kompas ti môže ukázať iba na Severnú hviezdu, to je jediné miesto, na ktoré to môže ukázať. Ak je to správny kompas, to zakaždým ukáže na Severnú hviezdu. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „ Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

154Potom, ak máš Svätého Ducha, to môže ukázať iba na Slovo. To nikdy neukáže na denomináciu. To nikdy neukáže na nejaké vyznanie, to nikdy neukáže niekam inam. To ukáže rovno do Slova. Cítim sa tak, že by som kričal. Všimnite si, to je niečo vo vnútri človeka, čo pulzuje, keď vidíte, ako je tam postavená vaša hviezda Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, a vy vidíte toho Ducha, ktorý je vo vás, že On nedovolí, aby sa to pohlo napravo alebo naľavo. To je Ten jediný, ktorý to dokáže. On prišiel, aby vzal veci Božie a ukázal im ich a zamanifestoval im ich.

155A Ježiš povedal, „On bude robiť presne tie veci, ktoré Ja hovorím, On vám zjaví veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Ukáže vám to dopredu, predtým, ako to sem príde. Rozumiete?“ On vezme tie veci, ktoré sú Moje, a ukáže vám ich a potom vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť.“ Ján 15.

156Vidíme, že On ukazuje tie veci a On berie veci, ktoré sú Božie, a ukazuje ti ich. A On ti zjaví veci, ktoré Ježiš povedal, inými slovami On tú vec vyjasnil. Položte tú vec tam do rohu, dnes večer, pretože to je to, čo za nejakú chvíľku použijeme. Robí ťa to istým, uisťuje ťa to. Vidíte? Potom ty vieš. Ak si... Tvoja Severná hviezda, ktorá je Slovom pre každého Kresťana.

157Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom, pozrite, dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem, dobre toto počúvajte. Toto je kompletné Božské zjavenie Boha, Jeho vôle a príchodu Kristovho a všetko, čo leží rovno v tejto Knihe, je to kompletné. [Brat Branham klope na svoju Bibliu. - pozn.prekl.] A ak ťa niečo od tohoto odťahuje, odťahuje preč ten kompas, tak to je len nejaké vyznanie. To je nejaká orga... To je len nejaký papier, ktorý nosíš vo svojom vrecku, alebo ti visí zarámovaný v tvojej izbe. Je to nejaké cirkevné vyznanie. Potom nájdi ten kompas, ktorý ťa nastavuje do Slova. Amen.

158Všimnite si, keď toto prežitie zasiahlo Pavla, on išiel dolu do Egypta a Arábie, niekam tam a študoval tri roky. Sláva! Fíha, on si musel byť istý. A keď to videl, keď ho Duch Svätý nasmeroval do Slova za Slovom, on mohol napísať tú knihu Hebrejom a ukázať to tým Židom. Istotne. Prečo? On bol zacentrovaný. Ten kompas Svätého Ducha ho nasmeroval rovno na severnú Hviezdu.

159Tak, ak máš niečo, čo ťa od toho odťahuje, tak to radšej nechaj tak. Syn, to ťa nasmeruje do Jeho Slova a jedine do Jeho Slova, pretože Duch Svätý prišiel zamanifestovať alebo potvrdiť Božské zasľúbenia. Žiadne cirkevné vyznanie to neurobí. Žiadna organizácia to neurobí, žiadne moci, ani nič to nemôže urobiť, jedine Duch Svätý skrze Slovo. A On je tým zárodkom.

160Vezmite zárodok, zrnko pšenice, pekné zrnko pšenice, ale ono nič nedokáže, ono je mŕtve, kým do toho nepríde zárodok, potom to vyprodukuje mnoho zŕn pšenice.

161Ak Kristus je tým životom, tým Absolútom, ak tá pšenica nemá v sebe absolút, to nikdy nepovstane. Ak tá pšenica nemá ten absolút, môže byť navonok tak krásna, ale ona nemôže žiť, pretože nie je v nej nič, skrze čo by žila. Ale keď to dostáva ten Absolút, dokáže sa to dívať do tváre všetkej kritiky, alebo všetkých kritikov a povedať, „Ja znovu povstanem.“ Prečo? Lebo to má Absolút, je to v tom, musí to znovu povstať, a keď to... „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom proste, čo chcete.“ To je ten Absolút.

162Ale ak máš vyznania a všetko ostatné do toho zamotané, nemôžeš zmiešať olej a vodu. Môžeš to vziať a lámať to, akýmkoľvek spôsobom chceš, nikdy to nezmiešaš, to sa nikdy nezmieša, pretože to sú dve rôzne chemikálie. A nemôžete spôsobiť, aby sa vyznanie a Biblia, vyznanie, ktoré je v protiklade s Bibliou, zmiešali. Nemôžete spôsobiť, aby sa denominácia a slobodne narodené náboženstvo, alebo slobodne narodené spasenie spolu zmiešali. Pretože s takou istotou Boh jedine koná...

163Jednako to idem povedať, Boh nikdy neruší svoj program, nemôže ho zrušiť, pretože On je Nekonečný, a ja si uvedomujem, viete, ide to pred mnoho ľudí. Ale Boh nemôže Svoj program zrušiť. On nemôže urobiť niečo jeden deň, a potom to zmeniť a urobiť niečo, a povedať, že to bolo zlé v tom dni.

164Boh nekoná so skupinou ľudí, Boh koná s jednotlivcom, pretože ľudia majú rozličné idey. On je vo svojej náture inak vybudovaný. Boh musí toho človeka vziať a pretriasť ho a popoťahovať, povytiahnuť zo samého seba, kým ho nedostane do Jeho nátury. A potom Boh s tou osobou koná. Pozrite sa späť naprieč vekmi, Noe a Mojžiš, proroci. Nikdy tam neboli dvaja v tom istom čase. Ustavične to bol jeden, po celý čas, cez všetky veky. Preto, ak poviete, „V množstve radcov je bezpečnosť.“

165Pozrite, ako som tu kázal prednedávnom v modlitebni, bol tam Achab a bol tam Jozafat a oni išli do Rámot Gileáda, aby vytlačili nepriateľa. Fundamentálne mali pravdu, tá zem im patrila a ten nepriateľ, Sýrovia, ktorí tam boli, napĺňali bruchá svojich detí pšenicou, ktorú mali mať Izraeliti. Bolo to Bohom dané vlastníctvo, a tak fundamentálne sa to zdalo dobre. „Poď so mnou a poďme tam hore a zaujmeme tú zem.“ No, znie to hrozne dobre, fundamentálne to bola pravda, ale je to pod podmienkami.

166Jozafat, tým, že bol dobrým človekom, povedal, „Ale nemali by sme to konzultovať s Pánom?“

167Samozrejme, Achab, ten odpadlík, povedal, „No, iste.“ Hraničný veriaci, viete, povedal, „Ó, samozrejme, mal som na to myslieť, mám štyristo hebrejských prorokov, štyristo z nich a ja ich kŕmim a starám sa o nich. Sú to najlepší, ktorí sú v krajine. Privedieme ich.“

168A všetci z nich jednomyseľne povedali, „Choď hore, Pán je s tebou.“ Fundamentálne mali pravdu, ale oni neuchopili ten absolút.

Potom, keď on povedal, „Nie je tam ešte jeden?“

169Povedal, „Áno, je ešte jeden, ale ja ho nenávidím.“ On povedal, „On hovorí o mne vždy zle, vidíš, vždy tak hovorí.“

170Ako on mohol prorokovať dobré, keď celé Slovo, Eliáš, ktorý bol pred ním, povedal Achabovi, „Psi budú lízať tvoju krv.“ No, ako mohol ten potvrdený prorok povedať niečo, čo nebola vôľa Božia? A ako to, „Psi budú žrať Jezábeľ a hnoj bude na poliach, takže nebudú môcť povedať, 'Tu leží Jezábeľ.'“ S takou kliatbou na človeku, ako to môže niekto druhý požehnať?

171Tak je to dnes, ako môže človek požehnať tieto veci, ktoré berú po celý čas ľudí ďalej od Boha. Je iba jedna vec, ktorá sa má učiniť, ak budeš musieť stáť sám, prekliať tú vec v Mene Pánovom a zostať s tým, keď máš Absolút.

Povieš, „Dobre, brat Branham, ty robíš, že ľudia ťa nenávidia.“

172Boh ma bude milovať, to je môj Absolút. Nemôžem odpočívať na ramene človeka, musím odpočívať na Slove, na tom, čo povedal Boh.

173Ako Micheáš vedel, že mal pravdu? On očakával, mal videnie, oni mali tiež videnie, a to videnie neporovnali so Slovom a dnes je to to isté. Micheáš porovnal svoje videnie so Slovom, a potom videl, že on a to Slovo boli spolu. Dnes, ak je tvoje videnie v protiklade ku Slovu, nechaj ho tak, pretože to je nesprávny absolút. Micheášov Absolút bol presne so Slovom, tak on sa mohol postaviť a povedať, on, čo povedal a veril tomu.

174Keď ho udreli po ústach a povedali, „Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží?“

175On povedal, „Zistíš to, keď budeš sedieť vo vnútornej komnate.“ Správne.

176On povedal, „Keď sa vrátim v pokoji... Vložte tohto muža do vnútornej väznice, a keď sa ja vrátim v pokoji,“ povedal Achab, „tak si s týmto chlapíkom poradím.“

177Ó, a čo na to teraz Micheáš? Odseknú ti hlavu, keď sa on vráti. Micheáš tam stál tak pevne, ako Štefan, Amen. Tak ochotne, ako môj Pán kráčal na Kríž. S takou ľahkosťou, s akou išiel Daniel do jamy s levmi, alebo Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo išli do ohnivej pece. Absolútne. On tam stál a povedal, „Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš...“ Prečo? On mal Absolút. Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš, Boh ku mne vôbec nehovoril. Potom mi odsekni hlavu.“ On mal Absolút. On vedel, že jeho kompas, ktorý ho viedol do tohoto videnia, bol presne v zhode so Severnou hviezdou. Tak veru, jeho kotva držala. Áno, to Slovo a jedine Ono.

Ak tvoj Absolút, ak máš Absolút vo svojom živote...

178Potom nastal čas, viete, kedy etiketa mala nejaký absolút, neviem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ale celý národ spoliehal na to, čo povedala tá žena, zabudol som jej meno. Písal som si sem poznámku, neviem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, aké bolo, ale tu pred pár rokmi, oni mali túto ženu, čo ona povedala, ak ona povedala, že máte používať nožík, držať ho vo svojej ľavej ruke, to bolo to, to bol absolút. Ona bola odpoveďou na všetky tie veci. A ak ste chytili vidličku do ľavej ruky, tak ste sa absolútne mýlili. Ako sa volala? [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Emily Post“ - pozn.prekl.] Ó, to je to, iste. Áno, to je ona. No, mali ste absolút... Ona bola... Ona bola absolútom etikety. „Musí to byť takto!“ Ó, nachádzame to pri mnohých veciach, ale zisťujeme, že teraz je to preč. Jedzte tak, ako chcete. Tak veru, v poriadku. Ale to bol absolút etikety. „Musí to tak byť.“

179Bol čas, kedy bol Adolf Hitler absolútom Nemecka. Čokoľvek, čo on povedal, keď povedal, „Skočte!“, oni skočili. Keď povedal, „Zabite,“ tak zabíjali. Milióny Židov, on k tomu dal pokyn. Vidíte, čo sa stalo s takým absolútom? Vyzeralo to ako moc, ale bolo to v protiklade ku Slovu.

„Ako vieš, že je to v protiklade ku Slovu?“

180Boh povedal, keď sa Balám snažil pozrieť dolu na Izrael a prekliať ho, povedal, „Vidím ho ako jednorožca, aké spravedlivé sú tvoje stány, ktokoľvek ťa prekľaje, bude prekliaty, ktokoľvek ťa bude žehnať, bude požehnaný.“

181Pozrite, ako to Hitler mal vidieť. Pozrite, ako to tí nemeckí kresťania mohli vidieť. Vidíte ten Absolút. Absolútne v protiklade ku Slovu. Viete, tak, ako to bolo, keď povedal, „Človek... Boh učinil človeka, ale človek učinil otrokov.“ Jeden sa snaží panovať nad tým druhým. My máme jedného panovníka, a to je Boh.

182Ale Hitler bol absolútom Nemecka. Pozrite sa na to dnes. Vidíte, čo sa stalo? Bol to nesprávny absolút. Prečo? Bolo to v protiklade ku Slovu. A teraz vidíte, kde to všetko išlo: hanba.

183A ak je tvoj absolút v nejakej organizácii, alebo v nejakej senzácii, alebo v niečom inom pomimo Osoby Ježiša Krista, tak prídeš do takej istej porcie hanby, dokonca horšej, rozumiete? Ak tvojím absolútom nie je Kristus, to je ten jediný oporný bod ľudského života a to je Kristus a Kristus je Slovo, nie tvoja cirkev, tvoje slovo. Slovo, rozumiete? „Na tomto Absolúte vybudujem svoju cirkev.“ Na Kristovi, Slove.

184Bol taký čas, keď bol Musolíni absolútom Ríma, neviem, možno som to čítal v nejakom článku, alebo som to mohol čítať v nejakej knihe, alebo mi to niekto povedal, ale keď niekto robil rozhovor s Musolínim, on bol...

185On chcel priniesť Rím do atletiky. A zvykla tam stáť taká veľká socha, jeho socha o atletike. To je v poriadku. Gréci mali takú myšlienku už pred rokmi. Rím sa to snažil vždy mať. Atletika je v poriadku, ale atletika... Ale pamätajte, to nezaujme miesto Krista. Nezáleží na tom, aký si silný, to s týmto nemá nič spoločné. On je všetka Moc. A vidíte, na čom sa on snažil vybudovať Rím. On sa snažil vybudovať Rím na veci absolútu, že on bol tým absolútom.

186A oni hovoria, že jedného dňa, jeho šofér prišiel o minútu skôr a on ho zastrelil. Povedal, „Nepovedal som, buď tu jednu minútu pred deviatou.“ Povedal som, „Buď tu o deviatej.“ Ó, a zastrelil ho. Vidíte? „Nechcem, aby si tu bol o minútu skôr, chcem, aby si tu bol o deviatej.“ Vidíte? Pozrite, akým absolútom sa on snažil urobiť, ale vidíte, čo sa stalo?

187Pamätajte, mnohí z vás tu, veteráni. Roy Slaughter, možno, a tí starší si pamätáte tam vtedy, keď som vám povedal o tom proroctve. Jedného dňa tu dolu v budove Odd Fellows, predtým, ako sme sem prišli, povedal som, „Musolíni príde k hanebnému koncu.“ Povedal som, „Jeho prvá invázia, on pôjde do Etiópie a Etiópia padne k jeho nohám, ale on príde ku svojmu koncu a nikto mu nepomôže, bude pochovaný v hanbe.“ Tu to máte.

188Povedal som, „Povstali tri izmy: nacizmus, fašizmus a komunizmus.“ Povedal som, „Tie izmy sa budú točiť okolo tohoto jedného, a to bude komunizmus, pozorujte to, komunizmus spáli Rím.“ Rozumiete?

189Sledujte to. Aha. To je nástroj v Božej ruke. Oni si myslia, že oni sú proti Bohu, oni rovno ku tomu pracujú po celý čas a nevedia o tom. On ich používa ako bábku, ako nejaký nástroj v Jeho ruke, tak, ako použil Nabuchodonozora a mnohých iných. Všimnite si teraz, pozrite teraz.

190Bol taký čas, kedy bol faraón absolútom Egypta, ale pozrite sa, kde je teraz, vidíte, to všetko zlyháva.

191Ó, to je nesprávny druh, tak oni vždy zlyhajú. To sú ľuďmi vytvorené absolúty. Nemôžete vziať človekom vytvorený absolút. Je mi jedno, či je to prezident, či je to nejaký diktátor, či je to nejaký kráľ, či je to nejaká cirkev, či je to nejaká organizácia, či je to nejaké vyznanie, všetky tie veci idú zahynúť, tak, ako všetky absolúty takého druhu počas vekov.

192Môžeme sa pozrieť späť, pozrite sa späť, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí dôverovali vládcom, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí dôverovali diktátorom, pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí stavali svoje nádeje na takých druhoch absolútov a pozrite sa, kde sú dnes.

193No, obzrime sa teraz a pozrime sa na ľudí, ktorí postavili svoje nádeje na Biblii, na Božom Slove a uchopili sa toho, ako Absolútu. Pozrite, kde sú oni teraz.

194Pavol ich stručne vymenováva v Židom, 11. kapitole, čo oni robili, „Ako podmanili kráľovstvá, vykonali spravodlivosť, a tak ďalej, a putovali v ovčích kožiach a v kozích kožiach, ktorých svet nebol hoden.“ [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] A čakajú v Sláve na to veľkolepé vzkriesenie. Vidíte, v poriadku. Pretože oni, niektorí z nich neobdržali tieto zázraky a oni vydali svoje telá hľadiac vpred na vzkriesenie, aby dokonali vo svojich životoch a nestarali sa o svoj život. Oni chceli ísť vpred a byť sami obetovaní, aby mohli obdržať vzkriesenie, a to je to, čo urobili.

No, absolúty, rozprávame teraz o Absolúte.

195Viete, náš najvyšší súd je absolútom. Je to absolút, je to ukončenie všetkých argumentov v tomto národe. To je pravda. Ich rozhodnutie je absolútne v našom najvyššom súde. V poriadku. Viem, že niekedy sa nám to nepáči, ale jednako je to absolút, tak veru. Čo ak by sme to nemali? Čo potom? Ale to je absolút. Istotne je, prečo? Náš národ je k tomu priviazaný. To, aké konečné rozhodnutie nakoniec urobí ten najvyšší súd, tak to je to, nie je nič ďalšie. Kam potom idete, potom? Potom nasledujete ich rozhodnutie, a to je všetko. Musíte, oni sú posledným slovom. Oni sú tým „amen“.

196Môžete to skúsiť v lokálnych mestských súdoch, môžete to skúsiť na Magistráte, potom ísť do Federálneho, do všetkých možných druhov súdov a do Federálnych súdov. Ale keď prichádzame k Najvyššiemu súdu, tak to je, to je pravda. Niekedy sa nám to nepáči. Povieme, „No, nepáči sa mi ich rozhodnutie,“ ale skús od toho raz odísť. To je absolút národa. A čo ak by sme to nemali? Áno.

197Musíme mať nejaký absolút. Každý musí mať nejaký absolút. Ty musíš mať. Ale to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, ako dávam toto pozadie a ukazujem vám, čím sú absolúty.

198No, najvyšší súd národa je absolútom toho národa. To je posledná vec v akejkoľvek hádke, oni to ukončujú. To, čo povedia, tak to je.

199Existuje absolút pri loptovej hre. To je rozhodca. Ó, áno, niekedy sa nám tiež nepáči jeho rozhodnutie, ale je to jednako tak. Ten rozhodca, jeho rozhodnutie je posledným slovom, tak je to, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní. Ak on povie, že je to gól, tak je to gól. To je pravda, istotne, nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Ale len na to pomyslime, ak vy... Ja nechodím na loptové hry, ale len som si to náhodou poznačil. Rozhodca, on je absolútom pri loptovej hre.

200Niekto z nich povie, „To bola čiara,“ iný povie, „Ty klamár,“ tento povie, „Takto to je, bolo to takto.“

201Rozhodca povie, „Je to gól!“ Pozrite, ako všetci zaujmú svoje miesta a sadnú si. Niektorých sa to dotkne a predstavujem si, že oni budú dolu vo svojom srdci na neho šomrať, a tak, ale jednako je to gól. Prečo? On je konečným slovom.

202Útočník by povedal, „Vieš, že toto prešlo.“ Iný povie, „Vieš, že to...“

203„Je to gól.“ Aha. Tým je to vybavené. Ostatní si ticho sadnú na svoje miesta.

204Čo ak by pri tej loptovej hre nebol žiaden rozhodca. Ó, viete si predstaviť, aká by to bola hra? Jeden by povedal, „Bol to gól,“ iný by povedal toto, ďalší by povedal iné, iný by povedal, „Ty klamár.“ Bola by tam hádka a bitka.

205Pri loptovej hre musíte mať nejaký absolút. A on tam ide, a je jedno, či sa ti on páči alebo nie. On je v každom prípade absolútom. On je absolútom, jeho slovo je konečné, nezáleží na tom, čo ty o tom hovoríš. Tak to je. No, ak by ho tam nemali, celá hra by išla rovno do chaosu. Je to pravda? [Zhrom. hovorí, „Pravda.“ - pozn.prekl.]

206Čím by bol národ, ak by nemal Federálny súd? Ak by nebol Najvyšší súd v tomto národe, kam by to išlo, do čoho by to išlo? Národ by bol v chaose. Ak by tam nebol...

207Ak by nebol pri loptovej hre rozhodca, to by sa vymklo z rúk, skôr, ako by si urobil prvý hod, už by sa niekto hádal. Niekto by tam stál a možno niekto by išiel rovno na svoje miesto. Ten hráč a ten ďalší by povedal, „Ó, nie, nie, nie, to tak nie je.“ To by dopadlo. Ako by bola hodená prvá lopta, hneď by sa o tom hádali. Jeden by povedal, „Bol to gól,“ iný by povedal, „Nebol“. Vidíte?

208Musíte mať niekoho, kto o tej hre rozhoduje, a to je rozhodca, keď on povie, „Gól,“ je to gól, ak povie, „Čiara,“ je to čiara, čokoľvek on povie, tak to je. To je to, ak ho nemáte, nemali by ste žiadnu hru.

209Dovoľte mi ukázať iný absolút, a to je červené svetlo. Červené svetlo, keď ono hovorí, „Stop“, to znamená stop. Ak cez to prejdeš, budeš za to platiť. Ale ak by toto tu mesto nemalo žiadne svetlá, žiadne semafory, čo za mesto by to bolo? Rozumiete? Musí to mať nejaký absolút. Je mi jedno, čo povedal nejaký policajt, alebo niekto iný, kto tam stojí, čo povedal, to je druhoradé. Ak niekto môže dokázať, že si prešiel na zelenú, je mi jedno, čo povedal policajt, on sa mýli. Keď to svetlo hovorí, „Choď,“ to znamená choď, to je absolút, môžete to dokázať, to svetlo povedalo, „Choď,“ mohol tam niekde stáť nejaký policajt, alebo to mohol byť starosta mesta niekde tam, v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel, ak máš dôkaz, že to bolo, „Choď,“ tak ideš. A ak niekto do teba narazí, je to jeho chyba. Môžeš to dokázať. To je pravda. A môžeme dokázať, o čom hovoríme. Tak je to.

210No, čo ak by tam neexistovalo žiadne červené svetlo. Niekto by išiel na prechod a to... Pozrite, čo by to bolo. Jeden povie, „Hej, uhni z cesty, ponáhľam sa, musím ísť do práce. Idem neskoro. Teraz idem ja.“ Iný by povedal, „To si len ty myslíš, pretože ja idem teraz prejsť, lebo ja som tu bol prvý.“ A môžem vidieť, ako si tam nejaká žena upraví vlasy a vyjde von. Čo ak by sme nemali žiadne červené svetlá. Či by to nebola poriadna zápcha?

211To je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami. Vidíte? Je to pravda. To je ten dôvod, prečo máme takú denominačnú zápchu. Áno, to je presne tak. Nikto sa nikam nedostáva, oni tam stoja a hádajú sa.

212Tu je Božie svetlo, keď ono hovorí, „Choď,“ choď! Keď Ono hovorí, „Zastav, to je len potiaľto,“ potom zastav. To je pravda. To je to, kde sme založení, na tomto, na Slove, nie na nejakej skupine ľudí, ktorí niečo povedali, alebo na nejakej inej skupine ľudí, ktorí niečo povedali. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Poďme, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“

213Viete, vzdelanie, tak dobré, aké je, ale Ježiš to nikdy nevyžadoval, to je pravda. Cirkvi, tak dobré, aké len sú tie budovy, On to nikdy nevyžadoval. Nemocnice, tak dobré, aké sú. My máme cirkvi, staviame nemocnice, to je v poriadku, ceníme si to, ale On to nikdy nevyžadoval.

214On povedal cirkvi, „Kážte Evanjelium,“ a Evanjelium neprišlo iba v Slove, ale skrze moc a manifestáciu Slova. Pavol tak povedal. Potom choďte, manifestujte Evanjelium. Ó, ak to len tak bolo.

215Ó, my dnes žijeme v čase, keď máme najlepších lekárov, akých sme kedy mali, máme najlepšie lieky, aké sme kedy používali. Viete to, a my vzdávame hold tým ľuďom, modlíme sa za nich, ja sa modlím a dúfam, že vy tiež. Tí ľudia s ich porozumením... Oni majú dva zmysly, cez ktoré oni pracujú, to je videnie a cítenie a oni... A počutie. A oni pracujú pomocou zvuku srdca, alebo cítenie nejakého nádoru, alebo niečo, alebo vidia, niečo, čo môžu vidieť, ako sa nejaká nemoc rozširuje, alebo niečo na tvári, niečo, čo pokrýva tvár alebo telo. Oni pracujú skrze tieto veci. Rozumiete? Pretože to je... A oni sa snažia brať lieky a práve toľko, koľko by to zabilo tú nemoc a nezabilo teba, a tak ďalej. Oni ne... To je ich práca, aby na tom pracovali. My si to ceníme, to je veľmi dobré, ale my máme tých najlepších lekárov, najlepšie lieky, najlepšie nemocnice a viac nemocí, akých sme kedy mali.

216Máme viac nevery, ako sme kedy mali. Tak veru, presne tak. Kazatelia sa zorganizovali a majú veľké denominácie a vpúšťajú dnu čokoľvek, a tak ďalej, a čokoľvek a robia z toho člena cirkvi. A idú do nejakého seminára a je to ako kurča z inkubátora a vyliahnu ich cez nejaký mlynček, ktorý ich takto privedie, a niekedy nevedia o Bohu viac, ako Hotentót o egyptskom rytierovi. Priveďte ich takto a tu to máte. Vidíte?

217Ó, to, čo potrebujeme v našich cirkvách, je človek, ktorý má Absolút. To, čo potrebujeme v Metodistickej cirkvi, Baptistickej cirkvi, Letničnej cirkvi, Presbyteriánskej cirkvi, je Absolút. Muž Boží, ktorý bude stáť priviazaný ku Slovu, a ku Kristovi a privedie zhromaždenie do stavu, kde každý člen kráča v súlade s týmto Slovom, vidí to Slovo manifestované a nasleduje ich: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, do celého sveta.“

Ľudia povedali, „To už je minulosťou.“

218Ježiš povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ešte sme nedosiahli celý svet a je to veľmi ďaleko od toho, aby sme dosiahli každé stvorenie. Ako dlho? „Celý svet.“ Komu? „Každému stvoreniu.“ Čo sa stane? „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im, ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ To je ten Absolút, ktorý tam drží, Slovo, tá Severná hviezda, ten kompas, ktorý zostáva rovno s tým. To je to, čo potrebujeme.

219Ale my sme vyšli von a postavili sme inštitúcie, zorganizovali ľudí, nabrali členov a pohádali sa s Baptistami, pretože oni neveria tak, ako my, a s Metodistami, pretože oni neveria takto, a vyliahli sme veľký seminár, postavili väčšie cirkvi a luxusné sedenie, väčší organ, a tak ďalej. A lepšie oblečený zástup a máme starostu a kadekoho v cirkvi. A čo sme dostali? Kopu smrti priviazanú k denominačnému absolútu. Smrť, ó, nech je to ďaleko.

220Ak zomriem vo svojich šľapajách, mojím Absolútom je Ježiš Kristus. To je to, čo verím, ak by aj každý odišiel. Niekto povedal, doktor Davis mi povedal, „Billy, ak budeš kázať niečo takéto, budeš to kázať stĺpom v cirkvi.“

221Povedal som, „Tak potom budem kázať Božie Slovo stĺpom, pretože Boh je schopný z tých stĺpov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.“ To je pravda. Božie Slovo je pravda.

Povedal, „Myslíš si, že ti budú veriť?“

222Povedal som, „Ja nie... To nie je moja vec, moja vec je zostať verný Slovu.“ To je pravda.

223Povedal, „Myslíš si, že môžeš čeliť tomu vzdelanému svetu, takýmto spôsobom s teológiou Božského uzdravenia?“

224Povedal som, „To nie je moje Božské uzdravenie, to je Jeho zasľúbenie, On je ten, ktorý dáva poverenie .“ Ó!

225A pamätám si, keď tam On zostúpil v tom veľkom Svetle a stál som tam v tej rieke v roku 1933 v júni, keď On povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby predchádzal prvý príchod Krista, Ja ťa posielam s posolstvom do sveta, aby si predzvestoval druhý príchod Krista.“ A išlo to okolo sveta, a tie ohne prebudenia boli stavané takmer pätnásť rokov na každej hore. Božské uzdravenie naprieč národmi a tá Moc a prinavrátenie.

226A teraz verím, že ona je pripravená udrieť to konečné vyvrcholenie, priniesť vieru, ktorá vytrhne cirkev do Slávy. A ona leží v tých posolstvách. Sme skutočne v čase konca, hovorili sme o tom a všetko, ale tie veci sa na nás teraz hýbu. Áno, tak veru. Tu to je, to je pravda.

227Červené svetlo, ako som povedal, vybavuje tú vec. Červené svetlo na semafore ti hovorí, kto ide, nezáleží na tom, čo kto iný hovorí, je to to, čo hovorí to červené svetlo. Môžete mať skutočne dopravnú zápchu, ak sa nestaráte o tú červenú. Musí existovať Absolút. Tak veru.

228Práve tak, ako pre cirkev musí existovať Absolút. Vy, ľudia v cirkvi, musíte mať svoj Absolút.

229Ale dnes, každá cirkev má svoj vlastný absolút. Vidíte? Ale nesnažte sa to vziať takto, „My Baptisti veríme toto, my Metodisti veríme toto, my Presbyteriáni veríme toto, my Letniční veríme toto.“ To je v poriadku, ale prečo neberiete to ostatné? Aký je problém s tým zvyškom?

230„My Baptisti veríme v ponorenie,“ to je dobré. Čo potom s krstom Duchom Svätým? Čo s hovorením v jazykoch? Čo s darmi uzdravenia? Čo s proroctvom? „Ó, nie, my to neveríme, to bolo pre iný vek.“ Ó, chlapče.

231Vy, Letniční, poviete, „No, my veríme v hovorenie v jazykoch, ako dôkaz.“ Iste, hovorenie v jazykoch je v poriadku, ale to stále nie je dôkazom. Mnohí ľudia hovoria v jazykoch, to je pravda, ale to je len to, pokiaľ idú. Diabol dokáže napodobniť akýkoľvek dar, ktorý má, akýkoľvek dar, ktorý je v Biblii.

232Pavol povedal, „Hoci by som hovoril jazykmi ľudí a anjelov, hoci by som vydal svoje telo, aby bolo spálené, upálené ako obeť, hoci by som predal všetok svoj majetok a nakŕmil chudobných, a keby som aj mal vieru a hýbal by som vrchmi, keby som išiel do seminára a naučil sa všetko poznanie, ktoré sa dá naučiť, stále nie som ničím.“

233Ide o Osobu Krista. Kristus, príjmite Ho, a nemôžete Ho prijať bez toho, že by ste prijali Jeho Slovo. Slovo musí prísť prv, potom vstupuje do toho Slova Život a manifestuje to Slovo.

234Či Ježiš nepovedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ To bolo Božie Slovo manifestované. Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac, vyjadrujúc Samého Seba svetu, čím On bol. To bol ten Absolút. To bol tam ten Večný Absolút.

235No, vy poviete, „Je to to večné, brat Branham?“ Bolo to. „Čo potom dnes?“

236Ježiš povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť.“ To je ten istý Absolút. V poriadku.

237Každý jeden má svoj vlastný absolút. Ó, je to presne tak, ako to bolo za dní Sudcov. „Každý človek činil, to čo bolo správne v jeho vlastných očiach.“ Vo dňoch Sudcov mal každý človek svoj vlastný absolút. Robil to, čo chcel, a tak isto je to teraz, „Každý človek robil to, čo je správne v jeho očiach.“ No, poznáte ten dôvod, prečo to tak robili za dní Sudcov? Toto vás môže trochu šokovať, ale ten dôvod, prečo to robili, v Sudcoch bolo, pretože v tých dňoch nemali žiadneho proroka, ku ktorému by prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Tak každý človek si mohol robiť, čo chcel vo svojich vlastných očiach.

238A to je presne to, čo sa stalo dnes. Nemáme proroka v týchto dňoch z denominácie, ale Boh nám jedného zasľúbil. Rozumiete? A On ho zasľúbil v tých posledných dňoch, on má povstať a poslať Eliáša znovu späť na scénu, „A on obráti srdcia detí naspäť do viery otcov.“ Naspäť do originálnych Letníc. Viete, že On to povedal.

239No, viem, že sa budete odvolávať na to, čo On povedal v Jánovi, alebo v Matúšovi v 11. kapitole, 6. verš myslím, že to je, keď On povedal, „Kto si myslíte, že je tento človek, tento Ján?“

240On povedal, „Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané, 'Hľa, posielam svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou.'“To je Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

241Ale pamätajte, ak by to bol Malachiáš 4, potom Slovo zlyhalo, pretože On povedal, „Práve v tomto čase celý svet bude spálený a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných.“ Nie, nemiešaj to, brat, nechaj to, nech to hovorí presne, čo to hovorí. To je pravda. On to zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, a to bude rovno v našom strede.

242Pamätajte, keď Sudcovia, každý človek robil to, čo chcel. Nebol žiaden človek, žiaden človek nedokázal spôsobiť, aby to Slovo žilo. Nebol tam žiaden prorok. Slovo Pánovo vždy prichádza k prorokovi. Správne. A on je vždy nenávidený. Jedine tá malá skupina ho miluje. Rozumiete. Ale mám na mysli, vždy to tak bolo.

243Boh nemení svoj vzor (svoje postupovanie), nemôže, a pritom zostať Bohom. Ak Boh niekedy hovorí niečo, alebo robí niečo, On to musí urobiť i na druhý raz. Keď prichádza tá kríza, ak On nekoná ten druhýkrát tak isto, ako konal prvýkrát, tak potom konal ten prvýkrát zle. A kto obviní Boha z toho, že konal zle? Kým si ty, že môžeš položiť hriech na Boha? To je to, čo Ježiš povedal, „Ktorý z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“

244Čo je hriech? Nevera.„Ten, kto neverí, je už odsúdený.“

245„Kto z vás Mi môže ukázať, že som nevyplnil všetko, čo má robiť Mesiáš?“ Vidíte? Nikto nič nepovedal. On to vyplnil. Mesiáš bol prorokom a On to dokázal, že Ním je. Oni nemali proroka stovky rokov od Malachiáša a tu On povstáva na scéne. On bol pre tých ľudí tajomným a pre cirkev bol kameňom potknutia.

246Pretože On povedal, „Hľa, kladiem na Sione uhoľný kameň, vzácny kameň skúsený, ó, kameň potknutia.“ Áno. „Ale ktokoľvek verí v Neho, nebude zahanbený.“ To je pravda, tam On bol. A to presne vyplnilo Písmo. Ale tí, ktorí Mu uverili, mali Absolút.

247Malá Marta, keď videla, ako Lazár vyšiel z hrobu, ona vedela, kým On je. Dokonca, pred tým, ako to On urobil, ona mala Absolút v tom, že vedela, „Verím, že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet, a aj teraz, hoci je môj brat mŕtvy, len vypovedz Slovo a Boh to učiní.“ Amen. Ona si bola absolútne istá. To je pravda. Keď On... Povedala to, a ona to aj vo svojom srdci myslela.

On povedal, „Kde ste ho pochovali?“

Povedala, „Poď a vidz.“

248Tam stál a mal videnie, pretože On povedal, „Ja nečiním nič, kým Mi Otec prv neukáže.“ Svätý Ján 5:19.

249Poslali Ho preč, vlastne išiel preč z Lazárovho domu, potom po Neho poslali, aby prišiel a modlil sa. On vedel, že Lazár zomrie, a po nejakom čase On povedal, „Náš priateľ Lazár spí.“

Oni povedali, „Bude v poriadku.“

250On povedal, „Je mŕtvy, a kvôli vám som rád, že som tam nebol.“ Oni by Ho boli požiadali, aby sa za neho modlil.

251Potom sa On vracia a povedal, „Ale Ja idem a zobudím ho.“ Ó, (nie, „Ja pôjdem a uvidím, čo môžem urobiť.“) „Idem ho zobudiť.“ Prečo? „Otec Mi už presne ukázal, čo Mám robiť.“

252Išiel dolu ku hrobu, stál tam Muž, stál tam Boh v tele, ktorý mohol povedať tomu kameňu, „Rozpusti sa,“ a on by sa rozpustil. A On povedal tým ženám, tým biednym ženám, tým mladým ženám, a povedal, „Odvaľte ten kameň.“

253Ty máš tiež niečo do činenia, vidíš, a oni odvalili ten kameň a im bolo z toho zle, on už páchol.

254A On tam stál. Ó, môžem Ho vidieť, ako sa narovnáva, tú svoju malú postavu, pretože Biblia hovorí, „Nebolo v Ňom žiadnej krásy, po ktorej by sme Ho boli žiadostiví.“ Na Ňom nebolo nič také vábne na pohľad. Rozumiete?

255Práve tak, ako Dávid, on bol vybraným kráľom, keď bol ešte malým rumenným chlapcom. Rozumiete?

256„Všetci, tí veľkí, tie veľké osobnosti.“ Povedal, „Či nebude vyzerať veľmi dobre koruna na jeho hlave? Vezmi tohoto staršieho syna,“ povedal Jesse.

257Samuel povedal, „Boh ho odmietol.“ Priviedol všetkých svojich synov pre neho. Povedal, „Nemáš ešte jedného?“

258„Áno, máme ešte jedného, ale on by nevyzeral ako kráľ, no on je ešte maličký s takými malými úzkymi ramenami a taký rumenný chlapec.“

„Choď, pošli po neho.“

259A akonáhle prišiel, keď predstúpil pred toho proroka, Duch na neho zostúpil. Pribehol s tým olejom, vylial to na jeho hlavu a povedal, „Toto je váš kráľ!“ To je to, tak veru.

260Stál tam Ježiš s ovisnutými ramenami možno, šediveli mu vlasy, pričom On mal niečo okolo tridsať rokov, Biblia hovorí, „Mohol vyzerať na štyridsať.“ Židia povedali, „Ty si človek, ktorý nemá ani päťdesiat rokov, a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?“

On povedal, „Pred tým, ako bol Abrahám, 'Ja Som.'“ Ó, svätý Ján 6.

261Potom zisťujeme, že On tu stál pri hrobe. Vedel, že to videnie musí prísť, vedel, že to musí byť. „Odvaľte ten kameň.“ On je...

262On už páchol, bol zabalený v tých látkach alebo šatách do hrobu a bol mŕtvy štyri dni. Jeho nos už po takom čase odpadol.

263A tam On stál a narovnal svoje malé telo, „Ja Som vzkriesenie a život.“ Hm. “Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by zomrel, jednako bude žiť.“ Ukážte mi človeka, ktorý môže učiniť takéto vyhlásenie. „Ktokoľvek, kto žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie. Veríš tomu?“

264Ona povedala, „Áno, Pane.“ Hoci ju On zdanlivo sklamal, keď Ho ona zavolala a On nešiel. Ona zavolala znovu a On nešiel, ale tu ona hovorí, „Ja viem, že Ty si Kristus, ktorý mal prísť na svet.“

265On povedal, „Lazar, vyjdi von!“ A ten muž bol mŕtvy už štyri dni. Prečo? Čo? Kristus mal Absolút. On videl videnie, nemohlo to zlyhať. Je to pravda. Nemohlo to zlyhať, On si bol absolútne istý.

266A Marta si bola absolútne istá. Ak Ho ona mohla doviesť do toho, aby rozpoznal, že ona verila to, kým On je, tak ona potom dostala to, o čo prosila. To je pravda. Tam oni boli. Ten Absolút bol priviazaný so Slovom, a to bolo to .

267Každý človek robí dnes to, čo sa mu zdá dobré v jeho vlastných očiach, pretože nie je žiadneho proroka. Pozrite na dni sudcov.

268Pozrite sa na tie dni, kedy... verím, že to bol Eliáš, alebo Elizeus, jeden z nich. Áno, to mŕtve dieťa. Tá Sunamitská žena, ona urobila...

269Eliáš bol Božím mužom toho dňa, nie len nejakým dobrým inteligentným učiteľom. No, on bol taký starý chlapík, ktorý tade kráčal. Či by ste... Ak by prišiel dnes ku vašim dverám, pravdepodobne by ste ho odohnali preč. Celý národ ho nenávidel. Jezábeľ a všetci ostatní z nich ho nenávideli.

270Pretože ona sa posadila do Bieleho domu a spôsobila, že všetky ženy robili tak, ako ona, a všetky sa podľa nej vzorovali. A Achab bol otáčaný, jeho hlava bola otáčaná skrze jej moc. Dnes to nie je veľmi ďaleko od toho. Je to takmer to isté a tu to máte. A oni boli veľmi populárni. A, ó, oni boli všetci takí zaviati.

271Ale tá malá Sunamitka, nie tá Sunamitská žena, ale tá malá... Áno, myslím, že to bola Sunamitka, keď prišla a videla tú moc, ktorá bola v Eliášovi, ona povedala, „Vidím, že ty si svätý muž.“ A keď to dieťa ležalo mŕtve, ona povedala, „Osedlajte mi mulicu a nezastavujte sa.“ Prišla tam hore. Ona vedela, a to sa mi páči, ten spôsob, ako ona prišla. Prišla ku svojmu Absolútu, ku svojmu sťažňu, ku ktorému bola priviazaná.

272Eliáš povedal, „Sunamitka tu ide, je zarmútená, ale ja neviem, v čom je problém.“ Vidíte? Boh neukazuje svojim sluhom všetko. Iba to, čo chce, aby vedeli. Tak on povedal, „Jej srdce je zarmútené, ale ja o tom neviem.“ Povedal, „Bež a zisti to, Geházi, a zisti, čo je zlé.“

273On povedal, „Je všetko v poriadku s tebou, je všetko v poriadku s tvojím manželom, je všetko v poriadku s tvojím synom?“

274Pozrite sa na ňu, ó, toto je to. Ona povedala, „Všetko je v poriadku.“ Prečo? Ona prišla ku svojmu Absolútu. „Všetko je v poriadku.“

275A ona si kľakla, padla najprv na svoje kolená a Geházi ju zodvihol. „To nie je správne,“ pred jeho pánom, zodvihol ju a ona mu začala o tom rozprávať.

276No, on teraz nemal žiaden absolút. Vedel, že mal moc skrze videnie, aby jej dal dieťa. Ale čo teraz urobil? Vzal svoju palicu a išiel do tej izby, zatvoril všetky dvere a každého vyhnal von a išiel a chodil hore dolu po izbe. On mal Absolút, ak by sa s Ním len mohol skontaktovať. Tam a naspäť hore dolu po izbe. Ó, a potom cítil priamo, že niečo ho zasiahlo. Ľahol si na to dieťa, znovu vstal a išiel preč. To dieťa sa trošku pohlo, trochu sa zohrialo. Zodvihol sa tam a späť, nemal dobrý kontakt s tým Absolútom. „Čo to bolo, Pane, čo hovoríš, že mám učiniť?“

277Bezpochyby sa obrátil a videl videnie a videl toho malého chlapca, ako beží, hrá sa, skáče na lane, alebo niečo také a hrá sa. Hodil sa na to dieťa, položil svoj nos na jeho nos, svoje pery na jeho pery a Moc Božia zodvihla to dieťa do života.

278Čo to bolo? Absolútom tej ženy bol ten prorok. Prorokov Absolút bol Boh a spolu so Slovom, „Ja som vzkriesenie a život.“ Vidím moc Božiu, Stvoriteľ môže učiniť všetko. Ona znovu pozdvihla to dieťa, iste.

279To je dôvod, prečo každý človek činil to, čo bol jeho vlastný spôsob, pretože nemali žiadneho proroka, ku ktorému by prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Slovo a proroci v tom dni chýbali.

280Ó, videl som toto pri mojom obrátení, o tom dni, v ktorom žijeme. Som tak rád, že Boh sa ma uchopil, predtým, ako by ma uchopila cirkev. Pravdepodobne by som bol neveriaci. Tak veru. Ja... Všetko toto zamiešanie a zmätok a každý, „No, poď sem a pripoj sa ku nám, ak nie, no môžeš si zobrať svoj list a ísť a pripojiť sa k tým druhým.“ Ó, „Prinesieš svoj list do nášho obecenstva?“

281Verím, že existuje jeden list, a to je ten, kedy Kristus píše tvoje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života, to je ten jediný, na ktorom to je.

282Keď som videl všetky denominácie, naše pozadie je Írske, čo bolo predtým katolícke a uvidel som, že to bolo porušené a prehnité, a išiel som do určitej denominačnej cirkvi tu v meste a oni povedali, „Ó, my sme cesta, pravda a svetlo, my to všetko máme.“ Išiel som do ďalšej v New Albany, „Ó, tamtí ľudia ani nevedia, o čom hovoria.“ Katolíci povedali, „Všetci sa mýlite.“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó.“

283Hral som sa s jedným Luteránskym chlapcom a pomyslel som si... On bol malý nemecký Luterán. Išiel som tam a povedal som, „Kam chodíš do cirkvi?“

„Chodím do tamtej cirkvi.“

284Išiel som tam a zistil som, že oni hovoria, že oni sú tou cestou. Išiel som dolu k bratovi Dale v baptistickej cirkvi Emmanuel, alebo prvá Baptistická cirkev, oni povedali, „Toto je tá cesta.“ Išiel som do Írskej cirkvi, oni povedali, „No, toto je tá cesta.“

285„Ó, som tak zmätený, neviem, čo mám robiť, ale chcem sa dať do poriadku.“ Nevedel som, čo robiť, a nevedel som, ako činiť pokánie.

286Napísal som list, pomyslel som si, „Videl som Ho v lesoch.“ Napísal som Mu list, povedal som, „Milý Pane, ja viem, že prechádzaš touto cestou tu, pretože ja tu poľujem na veveričky a ja viem, že Ty tu prechádzaš okolo. Viem, že Si tu, chcem Ťa. Chcem Ti niečo povedať.“

287Pomyslel som si, „No počkaj chvíľu, nikdy som nikoho nevidel. Nevidel. Chcem ku tomu hovoriť, chcem hovoriť s Ním, chcem hovoriť s Ním.“ Pomyslel som si, „No, dobre, ale neviem, ako to urobiť.“

288Išiel som do kôlne a kľakol som si. Bolo tam mokro, stálo tam malé staré auto, taký vrak. Povedal som, „Myslím, že som videl taký obrázok, myslím, že si dávali takto ruky.“ A tak som si kľakol a povedal som, „No, čo teraz poviem?“ Povedal som, „No, nejako sa toto robí, ale ja neviem ako, viem, že existuje spôsob, ako k niečomu pristúpiť, a ja neviem...“ Povedal som, „Dám si ruky takto.“

289Povedal som, „Milý Pane, prial by som si, keby si prišiel a hovoril so mnou, len na chvíľočku, chcem ti povedať, aký som zlý.“ Takto som držal svoje ruky, počúval som.

290Ľudia hovorili, „Boh ku mne hovoril,“ a ja som vedel, že On hovorí, pretože ja som to počul, keď som bol ešte dieťa, a povedal mi, „Nepi,“ a tak ďalej. A tie veci.

291Neodpovedal mi. Povedal som, „Možno si mám dať ruky takto.“

292Tak som povedal, „Drahý Pane, neviem, ako presne toto robiť, ale spolieham, že Ty budeš... Či mi pomôžeš?“

293A každý kazateľ mi hovoril, aby som sa pripojil ku nim a postavil sa a povedal, že som prijal Ježiša Krista a oni, „Tí, ktorí veria v Ježiša, že je Synom Božím.“ Ale diabli veria to isté.

Tak som si pomyslel, „Musím mať niečo viac, ako to.“ Nie.

Takto som sedel.

294Čítal som o tom, ako Peter a Ján prešli cez bránu, ktorá sa volala Krásna a bol tam jeden chromý muž, chromý od lona svojej matky a on povedal, „Striebra a zlata nemám, ale to, čo mám...“ Ó, vedel som, že to nemám.

295Tak som sa snažil zistiť, ako to urobiť, a nevedel som, ako sa modliť, dal som si nejako svoje ruky, potom som si ich dal inak.

296A samozrejme, vtedy Satan prišiel na scénu a povedal, „Vidíš, čakal si príliš dlho, máš už dvadsať rokov, už ti nepomôže teraz sa snažiť, tak veru.“

297Potom som bol celý zničený a začal som plakať, a potom, keď som bol už skutočne na dne, povedal som, „Budem hovoriť, ak Ty nebudeš hovoriť ku mne, tak ja budem jednako hovoriť ku Tebe.“ Tak som povedal, „Som na nič a hanbím sa za seba, Pane Bože, ja viem, že Ty ma budeš počuť, Ty ma budeš počuť a ja sa hanbím za seba, hanbím sa, že som Ťa zanedbal.“

298Asi v tom čase som sa pozrel hore a prešiel cezo mňa taký zvláštny pocit. Tu prišlo svetlo, prehnalo sa to miestnosťou a vytvorilo kríž, asi takto. A hlas, ktorý som nikdy v živote nepočul, hovoril, pozrel som sa na to, bol som stuhnutý, celkom som od strachu onemel, nevedel som sa hýbať. Stál som a díval som sa na to, a potom to odišlo.

299Povedal som, „Pane, ja Tvojmu jazyku nerozumiem.“ Povedal som, „Ak nevieš hovoriť mojím jazykom a ja nerozumiem Tvojmu, a ak si mi odpustil... Ja viem, že mám byť zmierený v tom Kríži tam, tam niekde, že moje hriechy majú tam niekde ležať. A ak mi odpustíš, tak len sa vráť a hovor vo svojom jazyku a skrze to budem rozumieť, že dokážeš hovoriť mojím jazykom.“ Povedal som, „Dovoľ, nech sa to znovu vráti.“

300A tam to bolo znovu. Ó, tam som dostal Absolút. Amen. Tak veru. Cítil som, akoby náklad o štyridsiatich tonách bol zodvihnutý z mojich ramien, prešiel som po tej podlahe, že som sa sotva dotýkal tej dlážky.

Matka povedala, „Billy, si nervózny,“ povedal som, „Nie, mami, ja neviem, čo sa stalo.“

301Bola tam železnica, koľaje, a ja som po nich bežal, a vyskakoval som do výšky tak vysoko, ako som vedel, nevedel som, ako dať voľný priechod mojim pocitom. Len, ak by som bol vedel, ako kričať, ja som kričal, ale svojím vlastným spôsobom, viete.

302Čo to bolo? Zakotvil som svoju dušu v prístave odpočinutia. Tým to bolo vybavené, to bol môj Absolút. Tam som našiel niečo, nie niečo mýtické, nejakú myšlienku, ideu, hovoril som s tým Mužom, hovoril som s tým Mužom, ktorý mi povedal, „Nikdy nepi, ale ani nefajči, ani nerob nič, čo by poškvrnilo,“ poškvrniť sa so ženami, a tak ďalej. Keď som bol potom starší, mala byť pre mňa pripravená práca, ja som sa s Ním skontaktoval, nie s cirkvou, ja som sa skontaktoval s Ním, s Ním, tak veru, On Ním bol.

303Ako raz jedna osoba tu dolu v Kiwanis, alebo... Hovoril, nie... Hneď po prvej svetovej vojne, brat Funk, ktorý stál tam a bol vojakom, povedal, že bol... Znie to trošku žartovne, toto nie je miesto na vtipy, ale tu je to, čo on povedal, on je tu v New Albany.

304A povedal, „Kapitán nás vyviedol von a povedal, 'Celá krajina je preplnená Japoncami, zajtra, chlapci, ideme do toho. Musíme ich zajať.' Povedal, 'Pamätajte, chlapci, mnohí z nás tu stoja dnes, ktorí tu nebudú stáť zajtra, niektorí tu zajtra nebudú. Ideme do toho ráno za slnečného svetla.' Povedal, 'Teraz každý jeden z vás, obráťte sa k svojmu vlastnému náboženstvu.' Tento chlapík povedal, 'Ale ja nemám žiadne náboženstvo,' a povedal, 'Povedal som...'“

305Povedal, „Stál som tam a všetci z nich...“ Povedal, „Tu prichádza kaplán, príde touto cestou a Protestant touto cestou a Žid touto cestou a Katolík išiel touto cestou so svojím kaplánom.“ Povedal, „Ja som tam stál.“

306A povedal, „Ten veliteľ mi povedal, povedal, 'Chlapče, radšej by si sa mal teraz chopiť svojho náboženstva.'“

On povedal, „Nemám žiadne.“

307On povedal, „Radšej si nejaké zožeň, radšej si nejaké zožeň, pretože, som si istý, že za chvíľu ho budeš potrebovať.“

308A povedal, „Asi v tom čase videl skupinku ľudí ísť, a to boli katolíci, povedal, že k nim prišiel a povedal tomuto kňazovi, 'Môžete mi dať nejaké náboženstvo?'“

A on povedal, „Poď.“

309Povedal, „A tak išiel a urobil zo mňa katolíka.“ A tam v New Albany, bol tam John Howard, bola to skupinka skutočne verných katolíkov, ktorí sú tam, viete, keď tento chlapík toto hovoril.

310A on povedal, „Na ďalší deň v tom boji...“ on o tom hovoril, aké to bolo, a povedal, že on bol veľký, vysoký, viete, a povedal, „A oni zápasili rukami a bodali sa nožmi a kričali a rezali sa a bodali.“ Povedal, „Ich šnúry sa im zamotali a oni ich dostali do miesta, tí Japonci, presne, kam chceli, a oni do toho takto vošli a tie veľké samopaly, takto na nich zhora mierili z každej strany a oni bojovali tvárou v tvár.“

311Povedal, „Ihneď som sa zastavil, takto.“ A povedal, „Všade bol zmätok a výkriky a nedokázali ste počuť samého seba,“ povedal, „Bola tam krv,“ povedal, „Pozrel som sa, a to bola moja krv,“ povedal, „Pozrel som sa sem a mal som v boku dieru.“ On povedal, „To bola moja krv.“ A povedal, „Ja, viete, ja, ja, ja... A skutočný...“

A bol tam jeden katolícky priateľ a nehovorím toto teraz zo žartu.

Ale ten skutočný verný katolík povedal, „Povedal si, zdravas Mária?“

312On povedal, „Nie.“ Povedal, „To bola moja krv, ja nechcem žiadne sekretárky.“ Povedal, „Chcem hovoriť ku tomu Hlavnému Človeku, tak veru, pretože tu bola moja krv.“

313Myslím si, že to je presne tak, ako to je. Tak veru. Tak to chodí. Musíme mať Oporný stĺp, Absolút.

„Nemám čas na Jeho sekretárku.“ Povedal, „Chcem hovoriť ku Nemu.“

314A to je to, brat, keď človek prichádza ku Kristovi, vy nechcete vziať len nejaké slovo kazateľa, nejaké slovo sekretárky, niečo, niečo podobné. Vy, Protestanti, neberte to, toto, alebo tamto. Choďte ku tomu Absolútu, až kým tam nie ste zakotvení, skrze nové narodenie, súc znovuzrodení a naplnení Svätým Duchom, a kde vidíte, že Biblia je manifestovaná v pokore a láske, skrze tvoj život. Ó, potom je tam tvoj Absolút. Tak veru.

315Čítal som v Slove, kde On je Slovom, kde nemecká cirkev povie, že je to takto, a Metodisti a Baptisti a Katolíci, ale ja som čítal v Slove, že On povedal, „Na tejto skale zbudujem svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“

Počúvajte teraz, ako zakončujeme. No, protestant hovorí.

316No, Katolík hovorí, „On to postavil na Petrovi, 'Ty si Peter a na tejto skale...'“ Nie, to nikdy neurobil, a ak to tak bolo, on ihneď po tom odpadol, oni to postavili na človeku.

317Čo on urobil? Ten Protestant povedal, „On to postavil na samom sebe.“ Nie, neurobil to. On to nepostavil na samom sebe.

318Čo on urobil? „Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka.“

„A niektorí povedali, že Ty si Eliáš a Mojžiš.“

On povedal, „Ale čo vy hovoríte?“

Peter povedal, „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha.“

319Sledujte teraz tie slová, „Požehnaný si, Šimon, syn Jonášov, krv a telo ti toto nezjavili, nenaučil si sa to od nejakého kňaza, nenaučil si sa to skrze nejaký seminár, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, ti to zjavil, a na tejto Skale,“ duchovné zjavenie Slova, „postavím Svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“

Pomyslel som si, „Pane, to je To.“

320 Čítal som tu v knihe Zjavenia v 21. kap... 22. kapitole, kde On povedal, „Ktokoľvek...“ Toto je kompletná vec, „Ktokoľvek do toho niečo vloží, ktokoľvek z toho niečo zoberie preč, zaprie, že je to tak, alebo ktokoľvek sa bude snažiť to trochu vylepšiť, vyleštiť to na ten deň, ktokoľvek k tomu pridá, alebo z toho vezme preč, to isté mu bude vzaté, jeho časť z Knihy Života.“

321Povedal som, „Potom to je všetko, čo potrebujem, Pane, to je veriť tomuto.“ A v tomto, cez tú druhú stranu prišiel Kristus. Je to dokonalé po celú cestu, každé Slovo, ktoré On povedal. Vezmite túto Knihu do jednej ruky, históriu do druhej, a to sa rovno potvrdí, že je to dokonalé. A povedal som, „Potom, Pane, príjmi ma.“ A keď som to urobil, prijal som Krista, Ducha Svätého do svojho srdca, môj Absolút, to som nebol ja.

322Bol som raz chorý, keď moja... Stratil som svoju manželku, stratil som svoje dieťa, ó, stratil som svojho otca a stratil som svojho brata a stratil som svoju švagrinú a Billy tam ležal a zomieral a ja som bol takmer hotový. Išiel som hore po tej ceste plačúc, ako som išiel k jej hrobu, k jej a toho dieťatka, a to dieťa bolo na jej rukách, išiel som ku hrobu, a ako som išiel hore, pán Isler tu zvykol prichádzať a hrať, viete, štátny senátor Indiany išiel oproti po ceste, zastavil ma, pribehol ku mne a objal ma, to bolo po potope v tridsiatom siedmom. Povedal, „Kam ideš, Billy, tam hore?“

A povedal som, „Áno.“

Povedal, „Čo tam budeš robiť?“

323Povedal som, „Počúvam tam jednu starú holubicu.“ Povedal som, „Sadnem si tam pri hrobe toho dieťatka a manželky a prichádza tam jedna holubica a hovorí ku mne.“

„Ó.“ Povedal, „Billy.“

324Povedal som, „Áno, a počujem šepot listov, keď sa hrajú, oni pre mňa hrajú hudbu, pán Isler.“

Povedal, „Aký druh hudby to hrá?“ Povedal.

Je tam zem za tou riekou

a nazývajú to, to Sladké navždy,

a my dosiahneme ten breh

jedine skrze hodnotu viery.

Jeden po druhom

dosiahneme ten breh,

aby sme tam prebývali s nesmrteľnými,

keď jedného dňa zazvonia tie zlaté zvony,

pre teba a mňa.

325Povedal, „Billy, chcem sa ťa teraz niečo opýtať.“ Povedal, „Čo pre teba teraz znamená Kristus, čo pre teba Kristus znamená teraz?“

326Povedal som, „On je môj život, moje všetko, On je všetko, čo mám, pán Isler. On je moje ultimátum, On je všetko, čoho sa môžem uchopiť.“ Prečo? Niečo sa už predtým stalo, „Na tejto Skale.“

327Povedal, „Videl som ťa stáť tam na rohu a kázať, až si vyzeral, že padneš mŕtvy, videl som ťa, všetky tie nočné hodiny, ako si išiel hore dolu po uliciach, keď ťa volali ku chorým, a potom, ako On vzal tvoju ženu a tvoje dieťa, ty Mu stále slúžiš?“

328Povedal som, „Aj keby ma zabil, stále Mu budem dôverovať.“ Prečo? Moja kotva drží tam za oponou. Mám Absolút. Priviazal som sa ku Jeho Slovu a Jeho Slovo drží, On je mojím Absolútom. Zistil som, že všetky tieto ostatné veci môžu zlyhať, ale Kristus nemôže nikdy zlyhať.

329Katolícka cirkev má pápeža za absolút. Protestanti majú svojich biskupov a svoje vyznania a svojich generálnych dozorcov.

330Ale páči sa mi Pavol. Máte ceruzky, zapíšte si niečo. Pavol povedal v Skutkoch, v 20. kapitole a 24. verši, „Žiadna z týchto vecí ma nepohla.“ Ó, môžete mať vyznania, môžete mať, čokoľvek chcete, ale tie veci mnou nehýbu.

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v prístave pokoja, aby som sa plavil divokými moriami (a neviete, kde ste, či tadeto, alebo tadeto), už nikdy viac.

Búrka sa môže prehnať divokou búrlivou hlbinou.

Všetci sa môžu odvrátiť.

Ale v Ježišovi som v bezpečí naveky.

331Áno, žiadna z týchto vecí mnou nehýbe, lebo ja som priviazaný ku kotve. „Ó, odkedy som Ho stretol.“ Pavol povedal, „Na tej ceste som bol priviazaný ku kotve, On ma obrátil, On ma obrátil na ten správny smer.“ Pamätajte, Pavol tiež patril ku organizácii, k najväčšej, ktorá bola v krajine, ale on sa priviazal k Absolútu.

332Počúvajte, chcem vám niečo povedať, On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil, On mal účel v tom, že spasil vás, a ja som rozhodnutý skrze Jeho vôľu to činiť. Nie pridať ku tomu, alebo od toho vziať. Zjavenie 22:19, ak si to chcete zapísať. V poriadku, „Ktokoľvek vezme...“ Som rozhodnutý. Chystám sa opustiť cirkev a vy to viete, a tak som rozhodnutý len zostať s týmto Evanjeliom tak dlho, ako žijem, skrze pomoc Božiu. Pamätajte, tu je Milosť, boli tam milióny zomierajúcich v hriechu, keď ma On spasil. Kým som bol, že ma spasil? On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil, a ja som rozhodnutý ten účel vyplniť. Je mi jedno, môže to byť možno môj koniec, možno už zakrátko, ale čokoľvek to je, stále som zakotvený. Nikdy sa to nezmenilo.

333Pán Isler mi jedného dňa, ako išiel tou cestou, povedal, „Billy, vo všetkých týchto problémoch, ty si stále zachoval svoje náboženstvo?“

334Povedal som, „Nie veru, ono zachovalo mňa.“ Áno, áno, moja kotva držala. To je pravda, ja som ju nikdy nedržal. Ona držala mňa. Ja ju nedokážem držať, neexistuje pre mňa spôsob, ako by som to dokázal, ale to drží mňa. Tak veru.

335On mal účel v tom, že ma spasil. Boli milióny v hriechu, keď som ja prišiel ku Nemu a On ma spasil. On mal účel v tom, že to urobil.

336Kristova smrť bola Absolútom, až na jej strach. Kristova smrť tú otázku vyriešila, keď Ho bodla tá včela smrti a zakotvila tam svoje žihadlo. Viete, hmyz, včela, ktorá má žihadlo, ak ona niekedy do toho zakotví svoje žihadlo dostatočne hlboko, keď to vytiahne, tak to z nej to žihadlo vytiahne. Smrť mala vždy žihadlo, smrť mala vždy žihadlo.

337A keď jedného dňa, keď išiel na Golgotu a keď tie údery na skaly, keď tá krv špliechala na tie skaly, keď to padlo na zem, na tú pôdu na Golgote, keď išiel hore na Golgotu, na zadnej strane toho kríža boli krvavé stopy toho malého, krehkého tela, ktoré tam išlo a stúpalo hore a oni Ho bičovali a udierali, ako išiel hore na kopec, ale On mal Absolút. On vedel, kde stojí, pretože Slovo Božie povedalo skrze Dávida, „Nezanechám, aby môj Svätý videl porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle.“

338On vedel, že porušenie nastáva po sedemdesiatich dvoch hodinách. On povedal, „Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu vo troch dňoch postavím.“ On mal Absolút.

339Tam On ide, hore na vrch, a davy posmievačov, a niesol opľuvanie tými opitými vojakmi, ktorí Mu dali cez tvár handru a udierali Ho do hlavy a hovorili, „Ty si prorok? Povedz nám, kto Ťa uderil?“ Tam bol, ako išiel hore na vrch v hanbe a nemilosti. Byť... Jeho odev bol z Neho strhnutý, bol pohŕdnutý v hanbe, visiaci na kríži pred ľuďmi, nahý, zomierajúci v Rímskej hanbe, pod vládnym schválením, vládnym trestom, Človek, ktorý neurobil nič.

340Raz, jeden malý príbeh hovoril, keď Mária Magdaléna vybehla a povedala. „Čo urobil?! Uzdravoval vašich chorých, kriesil mŕtvych a priniesol vyslobodenie tým, ktorí boli zajatí. Čo urobil?!“

341A nejaký kňaz ju udrel po tvári, až jej vystrekla krv, a povedal, „Či budete počúvať ju, alebo vášho najvyššieho kňaza?“ Ó, ten denominačný svet, to je kliatba toho všetkého. To je to.

342Tam, áno, tam Ho vzali, ako išiel hore na vrch a ťahal ten kríž.

343Diabol v to vždy pochyboval, že On je tým, kým je. Povedal, „Ak si Ty Syn Boží, obráť tieto kamene na chlieb. Tvrdíš, že dokážeš robiť zázraky, ak si Synom Božím, rozkáž týmto kameňom, aby boli premenené na chlieb.“

344Ten istý starý diabol žije dnes, to je pravda. „Ak si Božský uzdravovateľ, tu je starý Ján ten a ten, sedí tu v rohu, viem, že je chromý, uzdrav ho.“ Či neviete, že to je ten istý starý diabol?

Ježiš povedal, „Ja činím len...“

345Pozrite, On išiel cez rybník Bethesda, kde ležalo na tisíce chromých, slepých, porazených a uschnutých a On prišiel k človeku, ktorý mohol chodiť. A on si mohol poradiť, možno mal problémy s prostatou, čokoľvek to bolo, bolo tam niečo pribrzdené, mal tridsaťosem rokov, povedal, „Keď prídem k tomu rybníku, niekto ma vždy predbehne.“ On vedel chodiť.

346Zanechal tam všetkých tých ležiacich a išiel práve k tomu jednému a uzdravil ho. Prečo? On vedel, že on bol v tom stave. Potom mu povedali, pýtali sa ho, kde Ho našiel, Svätý Ján 5, On povedal, „Ameň, Ameň vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič Sám zo seba, ale to, čo vidí činiť svojho Otca.“ Tam je Jeho Absolút, to je stále Absolútom.

347Stál som tam jedného dňa vo Fínsku a ležal tam ten malý chlapec a ja som tam podišiel a on tam ležal mŕtvy, bol mŕtvy už asi pol hodinu, čítali ste to v knihe, začal som odchádzať a niečo na mňa položilo ruky, otočil som sa a pomyslel som si, „Čo to bolo?“ Znovu som sa pozrel a pomyslel som si, „Počkaj.“

348Pozrel som sa dozadu na jeden list v mojej Biblii:

„Stane sa, že bude jeden chlapec, asi deväťročný, ktorý bude zabitý automobilom. Bude tam taký dlhý pás ihličnatých stromov, na okraji skaly. Auto bude prevrátené na ceste, úplne rozbité, ten chlapec bude mať malé pančuchy, asi takto vysoko a taký strih vlasov na hrniec. Jeho malé oči budú vyvrátené dozadu, kosti v jeho tele budú polámané.“

Obzrel som sa, pomyslel som si, „Ó, Bože.“

349Povedal som, „Všetci stojte ticho.“ Bol tam starosta mesta, povedal som, „Ak tento chlapec nebude na svojich nohách za dve minúty od teraz, tak som falošným prorokom, vyžeňte ma potom z Fínska.“ Istotne. „Ale ak bude stáť na svojich nohách, vy všetci dlžíte svoje životy Kristovi.“ To je pravda. Ticho stáli.

350Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, tam ďaleko za morom, pred dvomi rokmi, Ty si mi povedal o tomto malom chlapcovi, ktorý tu leží.“

351Bol tam brat Moore, a brat Lindsay a dívali sa na to. A oni si to všade napísali do Biblie a v tisícoch Bibliách naprieč zemou to bolo zapísané. Čo to bolo? Absolút. Otec ukázal, čo sa stane. Nebol tam vôbec žiaden strach, ako som tam stál. Absolút, istota, že on vstane.

352Rovno tam vo Fínsku, kde prichádzalo tisíce ľudí v noci a niektorých museli dokonca odsunúť, aby som mohol ku nim hovoriť a poslať ich preč a postaviť tam niekoho iného. A on tam s tým všetkým stál. Ľudia ma milovali a oni videli, ako sa dejú uzdravenia. Ale tu bol ten chlapec a ležal mŕtvy. Čo bolo tým absolútom? Videnie. „Ja činím to, čo mi Otec hovorí, aby som činil, ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť.“ Tam je váš absolút.

353Povedal som, „Smrť, nemôžeš ho už dlhšie držať, Boh prehovoril, navráť ho, vydaj ho späť!“ A ten malý chlapec sa postavil a poobzeral sa a ľudia začali odpadávať a všetko možné, a tam to je, je to tam zapísané a je to podpísané starostom mesta u štátneho notára. Je to pravda.

354Čo je to? Absolút, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky. Ak to nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý zastavil tú ženu v Naim, ako niesla svojho syna. Keď niekto v tých dňoch zomrel, oni ho ihneď položili do hrobu, oni ho nenechali niekde ležať, oni ich dávali do hrobu. A tam je ten istý Ježiš Kristus včera, dnes a na veky. Áno.

355Pozrite tam dolu v Mexiku na to malé dieťa, niektorí z vás, ktorí sú tu, ktorí tu sedia, a to dieťa, lekár podpísal vyhlásenie a je to napísané u Kresťanských obchodníkov, „To dieťa zomrelo v toto ráno o deviatej hodine, a toto bolo už desať hodín večer.“

356Tá malá žena by nebola potešená, stál tam Billy, môj syn, a snažil sa ju poslať dozadu a on mal, myslím, no hádam tam mali asi dvesto uvádzačov, ktorí tam stáli, a ona cez nich preliezla. Ten večer predtým, ten slepý muž obdržal zrak a ona to vedela, ona bola Katolíčka.

357Kedy nakoniec, povedal som, „Brat Moore, choď a modli sa za ňu, pretože to dieťa...“

358A pršalo, lialo, oni tam stáli už od skorého rána, a to bolo vo veľkom býčom ringu. A povedal som... Spustili ma tam lanami, aby som sa dostal na to miesto. Mal som tam byť tri večery.

359Stál som tam, povedal som, „Ako som hovoril...“ Kázal. A pozrel som sa a videl som tam pred sebou malé dieťa, malé mexické dieťa, nemalo ešte zúbky, ako tam sedí a smeje sa na mňa, rovno predo mnou.

360Povedal som, „Počkaj, brat Moore, priveďte ju sem.“ Ó, absolút!

361Tí uvádzači ustúpili a tu ona prichádza a ona si kľakla a hovorila, „Padre, padre.“

Povedal som jej, „Vstaň.“

362Brat Espinoza povedal, „Vstaň.“ On jej to povedal v španielčine a ona sa postavila.

Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, stojím tu v tomto daždi.“

363Tá pekná mladá žena, mala asi dvadsaťtri rokov, tak nejako, a vlasy jej viseli dolu a jej malá tvár vyzerala tak, mala taký pohľad vo svojich očiach, také očakávanie. Ona videla toho muža, ktorý bol totálne slepý, asi štyridsať rokov, a jeho oči sa na tom pódiu otvorili. Ona vedela, že Boh môže otvoriť slepému oči, On dokáže uzdraviť jej dieťa. A ona tam ležala, a to malé stuhnuté telíčko ležalo tam pod zásterou a bolo premočené. Ona tam stála celé ráno a tiež celé popoludnie, to bolo asi jedenásť hodín alebo desať hodín v ten večer, tak nejako, a ona tam držala to dieťa. Videli ste ten článok u Kresťanských obchodníkov. A ona tam takto držala svoje dieťa.

364Povedal som, „Nebeský Otče, ja neviem, čo toto znamená, ja som len tvojím sluhom, ale ja som tam videl toto dieťa stáť, bolo živé, a ja kladiem na neho svoje ruky v Mene Pána Ježiša.“

Povedalo, „Uáá,“ začalo plakať.

365Tá matka to dieťa schmatla a začala kričať a ľudia, ktorí tam boli, začali kričať, a ženy odpadávali, a tak ďalej. Povedal som, „Nehovorte o tom nič, pošlite niekoho s tým dieťaťom a s tou matkou a nech idú k tomu lekárovi a nech podpíše vyhlásenie, že 'To dieťa zomrelo, zomrelo na zápal pľúc v to ráno predtým, alebo v to ráno o deviatej hodine.'“

366My máme podpísané vyhlásenie lekárom, „To dieťa bolo vyhlásené ako mŕtve v ordinácii toho lekára v to ráno, a tá matka ho nosila celý deň.“

367Čo to bolo? Absolút. Čo to bolo? Ona uverila, že ak Boh mohol otvoriť slepé oči (čo?), Boh môže vzkriesiť mŕtveho, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

368Ja som si nebol istý, ja som to nevedel, až kým som to nevidel, a keď som videl to dieťa, bol to Absolút, absolútne správne. Tam to bolo. Smrť musela vydať svoju obeť.

369Tu išiel Syn Boží, to žihadlo smrti začalo okolo Neho bzučať, „Ó, ako On môže byť prorokom, ako tam On môže stáť a dovoliť, že mu pľujú do tváre, ako by tam On mohol stáť a nechať, že si z Neho robia žarty, a nič s tým neurobí? To nie je Emanuel, to je len obyčajný človek, pozrite na tie pijanské sliny tých opitých vojakov, pozrite na Jeho tvár, ako krváca.“

370Diabol povedal, „Dostanem Ho, dostanem Ho.“ Tu prichádza, ako včela, osteň smrti a bzučí okolo Neho, ale brat, keď tá včela niekedy zakotví svoje žihadlo do toho Emanuela, keď vyjde von, stratí svoje žihadlo, dokonca sama smrť.

371Niet divu, že Pavol sa neskôr mohol pozrieť do jej tváre a povedať, „Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Vďaka buď Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo.“ Kristova smrť bola absolútom pre každého človeka, ktorý mal k tomu bázeň.

372Moje srdce hovorí, „Amen,“ na každé Slovo v Jeho Knihe. Už teraz určite zakončujem, musím toto vynechať. Rozumiete?

373To je to, prečo viem, že Duch Svätý je mojím Kompasom, ktorý ma vedie. On je ten, ktorý mi dáva poznať, že toto Slovo je pravda. On je mojím Absolútom, On je mojím Slnečným svitom. On je môj Život, On je mojou Kotvou, keď nastávajú problémy, On je mojou Severnou hviezdou, keď som stratený, Duch Svätý je môj kompas, ktorý ma vedie späť do toho miesta.

374Denominácie sú ako tie ostatné hviezdy, oni sa pohybujú so svetom. Ostatné hviezdy sa posúvajú tak, ako sa posúva svet, ale Severná hviezda nie. Svet sa môže posúvať, kam len chce, ale ona zostáva umiestnená, ó, brat, tá Severná hviezda je zakotvená. Tie ostatné sa posúvajú dokola, vidíte ich raz tu, raz tam, a všetko možné. Tak je to s denominačnými cirkvami.

375Ale Kristus je Absolút. On je Ten, do ktorého môžeš položiť svoju dôveru, keď ťa denominácie celkom pokrútili, len sa pozri na Severnú hviezdu. Duch Svätý je tvojím Kompasom, On vždy zostáva verný Svojmu Slovu.

376Keď mi povedali, že tamtie veci sa nemôžu stať v modernom dni, tak som poznal, ak neexistuje... Ak neexistuje žiaden Boh, potom žime, jedzme, pime a veseľme sa. Existuje Boh, slúžme Mu, a ja som sa dožil dňa, kedy On vykonal všetky možné veci, dokonca kriesenie mŕtvych, ako keď tu bol na zemi, a vieme to skrze zdokumentované vyhlásenie, že je to pravda. Tak veru.

377On je mojím Absolútom, tak urob Ho ty svojím Absolútom. Vezmi... V čase mojich problémov, On je vždy mojím Absolútom. Sledujte teraz, skrze milosť Božiu...

378No, mal by som radšej zakončiť, je už neskoro. No, pozrite sem, ja som si myslel, že to je jedenásť hodín, a to je už dvanásť tridsať.

379Priatelia, po celý deň, po celú noc, po celý rok, po celú večnosť by ste to nedokázali vypovedať. Nesnažte sa to domyslieť, nedokážete to. Nie je spôsob, ako si to domyslieť. Poviete, „Brat Branham, ak ty...“

380Ja neviem, ja len verím, ja sa prestávam snažiť robiť ohľadom toho niečo, ja to len verím, to je všetko. Rozumiete? „Nie ten, kto beží, alebo ten, kto chce, ale to je Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.“ Rozumiete? Nie skutkami, to je milosťou. Vidíte. Ja tomu len verím, Boh, je to na ňom, aby urobil to ostatné. Len tomu verte a konajte podľa toho.

381Táto slávna pieseň, počul som ju hrať, alebo spievať tu alebo niekde.

Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá a čistá,

aká nevystihnuteľná a mocná,

ona navždy vytrvá,

pieseň Svätých a Anjelov.

382Keď sa to jeden človek v matematike snažil vyvrátiť, alebo sa to snažil ukázať skrze svoje vzdelanie, on by vás domotal, nedokážete to, nesnažte sa to, nesnažte sa to domyslieť, Boh je nevyspytateľný. Vy nedokážete vysvetliť Boha, vy Bohu veríte. To je... To je to tajomstvo. Nedomýšľajte si to, len tomu verte. Ja to nedokážem povedať, čo to znamená, ja vám nedokážem povedať, ako to urobiť, ja len viem a len tomu verím. To je všetko.

383Práve tak, ako keď sľúbite niečo malému dieťaťu, ono tomu verí. Mali by ste svoje slovo dodržať. Ste Božie dieťa, On dodržiava svoje Slovo. Jednoducho tomu verte, nebuďte otrasení. Zostávajte rovno tam. Boh to urobil raz, On to musí urobiť znovu. Ak nie, tak vám povie, prečo to nemôže urobiť, a to je pravda, tak zostávajte rovno s tým.

384Viete, ten jeden verš tam... Myslím, že náš vzácny brat, ktorý bol minulý večer pokrstený, spieva tú pieseň, „Ó, láska Božia.“ Počul som, že ten verš, že táto časť toho bola nájdená, napísaná na stene blázninca a je tam povedané:

Ak by sme naplnili oceán atramentom.

Alebo ak by obloha bola učinená z papiera

a každé steblo na zemi by bolo perom

a každý človek by bol pisateľom,

opísať Lásku Božiu zhora,

to by vysušilo oceán a zaplnilo celý zvitok papiera,

hoci by bol rozprestrený od oblohy po oblohu.

385Pomyslite na to, pričom tri štvrtiny zeme je voda. A pozrite na vodík a kyslík vo vzduchu a vlhkosť a tie veci. Rozumiete? Ak by každá vlhkosť bola atramentom a pomyslite na tie miliardy a trilióny, a trilióny stebiel, ktoré by boli perami a pomyslite na tie miliardy ľudí, ktorí by boli na zemi každý jeden by bol pisateľom a namočili by tie perá do oceánu a snažiť sa vystihnúť Lásku Božiu, to by vysušilo oceán, alebo by to preplnilo ten zvitok hoci by bol natiahnutý od večnosti po večnosť.

386Nesnažte sa na to prísť. Nedokážete to. Stratíte rozum, ak sa budete snažiť. Len tomu verte. Učiňte Ho svojím absolútom, zostaňte tam v tom sladkom pokoji a prežití, že to nikdy nezabudnete. Zakotvite sa ku tomu a vaša kotva bude držať za oponou.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

„Aký Veľký Si, aký Veľký Si.“

387Koľkí sú tu so svojimi sklonenými hlavami dnes ráno... Približujeme sa teraz ku novému roku a boli ste veľmi nábožní, a to je dobre, cením si to, každého jedného z vás, som si istý, že Boh si to cení, ale či ste mali to skutočné prežitie absolútu?

388To niečo, že si to len predstavujete, ale niečo prehovorilo späť ku vám a potom od toho času ste uvideli, že váš život sa zmenil. Vidíte každé Slovo Božie, každé zasľúbenie je potvrdené s tým „Amen“. Potom sa držíš Absolútu. Pretože, pamätaj, On povedal, „Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“

389Či si ešte neprišiel ku tomu miestu, kde môžeš povedať „amen“ na každé Slovo? Ak by to bolo proti tvojmu vyznaniu, ak by to bolo proti tvojej denominácii, ale chceš prísť do toho miesta, ako Mojžiš a ako tí ostatní z nich? Oni to nedokázali urobiť, kým nechytili ten Absolút, a ak to chceš dnes ráno vo svojom živote, naznačil by si to zodvihnutím svojich rúk ku Bohu? Nech ťa Boh žehná. V poriadku, pane, všade po celej budove.

390Milostivý Otče, viem, že v určitom čase sa musíme rozlúčiť. Musí byť čas, že keď opustíme tento svet, my nevieme, v akom je to čase, a pre nás to nerobí veľmi rozdiel, ak je náš čas zakončený, potom chceme ísť. Náš motív zostávania tu je slúžiť Tebe.

391A od tej cesty do zničenia, ako jedného dňa, keď bol Pavol na ceste do Damašku, aby sužoval cirkev a oslepilo ho Svetlo a, ó, Bože, to Svetlo ho nasledovalo, pretože to bol Kristus, a on sa tam ukotvil k Absolútu, že dokonca ani sama smrť, on sa jej mohol smiať do tváre a povedať, „Vďaka buď Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo, skrze Ježiša Krista.“

392Ty si sa stal pre toho apoštola kompletným Absolútom, on bol... Ty si bol pre neho Amen v každej vete, Ty si bol Hviezdou jeho života, tým Oporným Stĺpom, Ty si bol Kompasom, ktorý ho viedol cez búrku, Ty si bol Zjavením, Ty si bol Videním, Ty si bol jeho Nádejami, Ty si bol jeho Spasením dokonca v hodine smrti, keď vedel, že k tomu prichádza, Ty si bol stále jeho Absolútom.

393Ty si bol Danielovým Absolútom, Ty si bol Absolútom všetkých prorokov uprostred denominačných rozdielov a problémov v ich dňoch, a pri tých Farizejoch a Sadúcejoch stále existovali ľudia, ktorí vzali Teba za svoj Absolút.

394A dnes, Pane, mužovia a ženy so súcitom a láskou a so srdcami, ktoré krvácajú, Pane, po skutočnom prežití poznaní Boha, a aby mali uistenie absolútu. Možno všetci ľudia, ktorí ich poznali, predtým, Pane, sa len pridávali ku cirkvi, a my si uvedomujeme, ako som sa snažil úprimne, nie byť iný, Ty poznáš moje srdce, ale povedať im to, „Nemôžete sa pripojiť ku cirkvi. Pripájate sa k lóži Metodistov a Baptistov a Katolíkov a k Letničným lóžam, ale do cirkvi ste narodení, do tajomného Tela Kristovho a stávate sa údmi Jeho tela s darmi Ducha, aby sa Jeho veľké Telo hýbalo v akcii a moci.“

395Bože, to je to, čo znamenajú tieto zodvihnuté ruky. „Umiestni ma, ó, Pane, vezmi ma, preformuj ma, učiň ma, urob v mojom živote takú pozíciu s Absolútom, byť priviazaný ku Kristovi, že nebudem myslieť na nič iné, okrem toho Absolútu.“ Udeľ to Pane, požehnaj ich, uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, zachráň stratených.

396Teraz, Pane, viem, že je zvykom volať ľudí ku oltáru, ale to sa pre nás stalo tradíciou a toto ráno, keď sú oltáre preplnené a malé deti a všetci, ale, Pane, Ty si ku nim nejako prehovoril, oni zodvihli svoje ruky, oni učinili... Oni učinili, dá sa povedať, rozhodnutie, chcú to oni... Oni chcú niečo skutočné a ja kvôli nim, pre nich ponúkam svoju modlitbu, udeľ to každému jednému, Pane. Buď teraz s nami, odpúšťaj nám naše hriechy, uzdravuj naše nemoci a daj nám vyslobodenie, ktoré potrebujeme.

397A, Pane, ponad všetky veci, nech nikdy nezabudneme dnes, že sme priviazaní ku Absolútu, ku tej Severnej hviezde, ku Golgote, ku Kristovi. A Duch Svätý berie Slová Božie a manifestuje ich nám doslovne skrze uzdravovanie chorých, ukázanie videní, kriesenia mŕtvych a činí presne to, čo zasľúbil činiť.

398A nech táto cirkev a títo ľudia, alebo táto časť Tela Kristovho, ktorá je tu dnes ráno zhromaždená, žije, ako Ježiš povedal, aby žila. „Vy ste soľou zeme.“ A nech sa stanú tak slanými, že ľudia v okolí budú smädní. Soľ vytvára smäd a soľ môže zachrániť, iba keď sa kontaktuje, a modlím sa, Bože, aby si toto udelil ľuďom, aby mohli byť takí, ktorí tiež získavajú duše.

399Požehnaj nášho pastora, brata Nevilla, tohoto pokorného sluhu, Pane, stojí na svojom mieste povinností s takou úctivosťou, ako úd Tela Kristovho snažiac sa najlepšie, ako vie, nasledovať všetko, čo si mu povedal, aby činil.

400Požehnaj dôverníkov, mužov, ktorí so mnou milostivo stáli v tomto veľkom temnom čase, cez ktorý som prechádzal.

401Stoj s cirkvou, ktorá sa modlila so mnou a stála pri mne v čase problémov, Pane, milujem ich a ponúkam svoju modlitbu, aby sa dívali na Teba, Pane, nech sa dívajú preč od tejto smrteľnej hliny, sluhu. Nech sa dívajú na Neho, Toho, ktorý je Všemocný, Toho, ktorý Je. A vieme, Pane, že my sme koneční, nezáleží na tom, kým sme, stále sme smrteľníkmi, ale nie ten posol, ale to posolstvo, udeľ to, Pane, to je to, kam ukazujeme, na Ježiša Krista, na Syna Božieho. Udeľ to, aby On bol tak skutočným pre každého jedného tu dnes, dokonca i pre malé deti, aby sa stal Absolútom celého zhromaždenia, prosíme to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv Miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi Spasenie na Golgote.

402No, zatiaľ čo to znovu zaspievame, potraste si ruky s niekým, kto je pred vami, za vami, vedľa vás, s kým si len môžte potriasť ruky, zostaňte sedieť, len sa otočte a potraste si ruky, ak môžete. Rozumiete? „Ja...“ [Brat Branham si potriasa ruky, zatiaľ čo zhromaždenie spieva Milujem Ho. - pozn.prekl. ] „A vykúpil mi...“

Práve oznamujú, že bude Večera Pánova, večer v pondelok o polnoci.

403Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky a zaspievajme Mu. Koľkí z vás, koľkí to tak cítia, že On je vaším Absolútom? [Zhrom. hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Slovo, On je Slovom, veríte tomu? [Amen.] On je Slovom a Duch Svätý oplodnil to Slovo, aby spôsobil, že to Svetlo bude žiť vo vás zo Slova, to potvrdenie Slova. Uložte Slovo vo svojom srdci, nech vstúpi Duch Svätý a pozorujte to Slovo, ako sa bude hýbať. Verte, buďte pokorní, netúžte byť niekým veľkým, buďte nikým, aby vás Boh mohol urobiť niekým. Rozumiete? V poriadku, urobte to teraz.

404Všetci Ho milujete? Povedzte, „Amen.“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl. ] Viete, čo to slovo znamená? „Nech je tak.“ Amen, to je pravda.

405Povedzme, „Haleluja.“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Haleluja.“ - pozn.prekl.] Viete, čo to znamená? „Chváľte nášho Boha.“

406Keď som bol prednedávnom v Nemecku, stál som asi pred tridsať, štyridsať tisíc ľuďmi jedného dňa a povedal som, „Je to zvláštne, že vy, Nemci, nedokážete rozumieť.“ Povedal som, „Keď som išiel sem po ceste dnes, pes na mňa zaštekal v angličtine, to je pravda.“ Povedal som, „Nemal som vôbec žiaden problém, a potom sa tam posadil vtáčik a on pre mňa spieval v angličtine, a išiel som dolu ulicou a nejaká matka mala vo svojom náručí malé dieťa, a keď som tam prechádzal poza nich,“ povedal som, „to dieťa plakalo v angličtine, čo sa deje s vami ľuďmi?“ To je pravda, ó, ak sa len môžeme poobzerať, On je všade. Či nie? [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Istotne On je.

407No, zodvihnime teraz ruky a zavrime naše oči a spievajme, zatiaľ čo poprosíme pastora, aby prišiel sem a rozpustil nás.

Povstaňme najprv, každý povstaňte na svoje nohy, každý.

408Milujete Ho? Znovu povedzte, „Amen“ [Zhrom. Hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

409A viete, to slovo Haleluja je rovnaké v každom dialekte? Choďte do afrických džunglí, Hotentótov, Haleluja je tam to isté slovo, Haleluja, to by malo byť takmer Kresťanským pozdravom, či nie? [zhrom. hovorí „Amen“]. Haleluja, to slovo znamená, „Chvála nášmu Bohu.“ A On je toho hoden, či nie? [Amen.] On je absolútne Mojím Spasiteľom, pre mňa je On absolútne Ježišom Kristom, Synom Božím. On je absolútne, „Ten istý včera. dnes i naveky,“ pre mňa. Či je On takisto i pre vás? [Amen.]

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

ABSOLUTE, 62-1230M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 139 min

1 Happy to be here this morning, and to hear this exhortation, just as coming to the platform. Sorry to be late. But the sick in the back out there, in cars, ambulance, like, and--and I had to catch those that couldn't get in, you see, before I could get in.

2 Now, I wonder if the sister that's got the--the little fellow, if she can't come back this afternoon. I want to preach this evening, also, if the Lord willing. If she can't come back for the dedication then, while I've been standing so long this time, well, tell her to, she can bring the baby on now. But if she can come back, this, tonight, it'll be a little better for us. But let whatever she can do, whatever it means. Why, she can't come back, we'll bring the little fellow now for the dedication. And now, all these, while I'm speaking, if she wants to come now, and this would be the time.

3 Now, tonight, there is a very special, I--I want to speak on the subject tonight, a prophetic message of: Sir, Is This The Time? So if the Lord willing, I want to speak on that subject tonight. Is This The Time, Sir? Or, Sir, Is This The Time? rather. And then I want to take this opportunity, in the presence of the church. Which, there's been many things happened in the last few days, that points up to a--a great something that I do not understand. But we are, we always... God's ways are past finding out by man, so we just have to walk by faith. If anyone could explain God, then it would no more be necessary to have faith, because you--you know then. But we just walk by faith.

4And this morning, I thought I would try to just have a regular evangelistic service, because, kind of changed my thought after I got down here and seen so many standing, and been waiting so long. And then, tonight, maybe be a less here, and then I can go ahead with this what I want to say.

5 One thing I'd like to announce, while many of them are together, many of you together. It's something I refrained from announcing for the last couple weeks. That is, your prayers has been answered concerning the tax case that I had with the government. It's settled. And so we are... It's--it's all over now. As many of you understand what they had against me was those checks that had been made out for the campaign, and yet they tried to say there were mine out there. And wanted to charge me three hundred and fifty- something thousand dollars for being my personal property, and it wasn't. It was the campaign's. And the church knows about that. All of you know about it. And finally they come to the place that...

6 I'll just give you a little outline of what happened. They been most, three to five years, about, nearly five years, I guess, in the case, and back and forth, and character and everything. But I'm so grateful that they couldn't find anything against me, so they couldn't indict me for it. So there wasn't nothing to be indicted, only, they said, just my--my ignorance, myself, I guess, by not knowing much about law. They'd bring me the checks and I'd sign them, put my name on them, place them in the campaign. But then, as long as I put my name on them, they were mine, you see. No matter... Said, "That's very nice for you to, like that. But they were yours, and then you give them to the church. But as soon as you put your name on it, it was yours, no matter what they was designated for. They were wrote to you." So if they had been put, somebody had put across there, "personal gift," it would have been all right. But they just wrote, "William Branham." See? And when I put my name on it, it then done it. It was all of it. So they was... And then finally with prayer...

7 And then not long ago, you know, they... I had the vision that a great, dark, smoky, sooty, scaly, like an alligator, man come, moving towards me, with iron fingers. I had one little knife, like that. And he had on him, "United States government." And I couldn't help nothing. I was helpless. And then the Lord came on the scene, and it was conquered. And you remember me telling you that, long ago.

8And they offered a compromise, other day. And my attorney, Mr. Orbison in New Albany, and Ice & Miller in Indianapolis, on tax case, called me, and told me, "Come down." And I went down, Brother Roberson and I, and my wife, and the trustees of the church here, and all of us. We went down. And they told us that they were, the government, was willing to compromise.

9 And I said, "I, if owe anybody anything, I'll pay them. But I do my best. But," I said, "I don't owe that." And so I said, "I--I... It's, honestly. God knows. And why don't they indict me, then, if I'm guilty?" I said, "They've had five years to try to do it, but they couldn't find nothing to do it with." So I said, "No, I refuse. I just won't pay it until it's proved that I owe it."

10And then the attorney took me in and talked to me, and said, "Now, we can try the case. Government will try it." And said, "When they do, the only thing they can find against you, was that you..." What I, what, the way I done it. I didn't just...

11 I don't know nothing about keeping books, so I just had to do it the way I thought was honest. And it--it was never banked in my name. It was always banked to the name of the church campaign and so forth, see, so it wasn't nothing that I could do about it. And I...

12He said, "Well, they are willing to compromise, for fifteen thousand dollars, with ten thousand dollars penalty." And the attorney's fees was fifteen thousand. That made me forty thousand. And so then they want five more, I think it is now. So I went...

13I said, "Where in the world would I ever get forty thousand dollars?" I said, "You know, my bank account here, it says a hundred dollars, or maybe less." I said, "Where would I get forty-something thousand dollars?" And I said, "I have nothing for collateral. I just haven't got it. That's all."

14 And he said, "Mr. Branham," he said, "here is what it is. If we try the case," he said, "there's no doubt but what we can beat the case." He said, "But here is what. We can beat it, because here is what I'll do. They're going to claim all that's yours because you signed your name to it. And they are going to claim it's yours, though it was banked in the name of the campaign, church, Branham campaign, and then a church."

15And not one time, could they find one cent that I ever spent on myself. That's the truth. God knows. There is men setting right here now, been right with me all along. There wasn't one cent that I ever spent for myself. It was all for the Kingdom of God, everywhere, every check, everything else.

16 But, see that, but that don't matter. It was--it's supposed to be mine, first, and then the churches, the campaigns. And they have a way of doing it, you know, all kind of escapes they can make. So then I said, "Well, I--I just won't do it."

17 And he said, "Well, if we beat the case that way, because, I'll--I'll declare them 'personal gifts'. See? I'll declare it, by the government, 'personal gifts.'" And said, "Then, when I do that, all over ten thousand dollars will be inheritance. And then you'll be right back in it again, and they'll hold you another five years, checking all them." See? When you write a check, it goes through the clearing house. They photostat, copy that check. Course, I had all the checks, too, that it went through. So they said, "That's where they get you, right back again."

18And he said, "Another thing, Mr. Branham, if you, ever called in to the government, like that, under an investigation, no matter what you ever do, in the eyes of the public, 'You're a crook.' See? But that's all."

19 Look at this little Baptist minister down here in Mississippi, that little fellow. A woman said that he come in and insulted her. And that man brought evidence from across the country and everywhere, he wasn't even around the city, for days before, the day, or day after, insomuch that the judge wanted to turn back and have him to sue the woman for scandal. He said, "Let her go."

20And when that was put on a monitor test, across the country, you know what happened? Seventy-five percent of the American people said, "Where there is smoke, there is fire." And that poor little fellow, just as innocent as I would be, or anybody else, will labor under that the rest of his days, when he had nothing at all to do with it.

21 I felt very bad, for a while, to think that I've put my life to the Kingdom of God, to try to make, see people pay your taxes and do things, and do what's right, and make crooks become right men; and have to be put up like I was a crook, myself. I thought, "What in the world have I did?"

22And then it came to me, and I looked in the Bible. Every man in the Bible, no exceptions, that ever had a spiritual office, if Satan couldn't get them on morals or something, the government caught them. Go right back to anywhere you want to, all the way down; Moses, Daniel, Hebrew children, John the Baptist. Jesus Christ died by the governor, capital punishment. Paul, Peter, James the Great, James the Less, every one of them died under the government.

23 Because, it is, every government, is the seat--seat of Satan. Jesus said so. The Bible says it. See? Every government is controlled by the Devil. There is coming a government who will be controlled by Christ, but that's in the Millennium. But this, these governments now, no matter how well we think they are, yet, the back of them, they're--they're dominated by Satan. "These kingdoms," he said, "are mine. I do with them whatever I wish to. I'll give them to You, if You'll worship me."

24Jesus said, "Get thee hence, Satan. 'Thou shalt worship the Lord, and Him only shalt thou serve.'"

25 And then I got discouraged. My wife is listening to me. I went on, I said, "No, sir. I, if I owed it, I'd pay it. I do not owe it, and I'm just not going to pay it. That's all." I said, "How can I pay it, anyhow?"

26So, I went home. I said, "Meda, wash the kids' face. Get their clothes ready. I'm leaving." I said, "They won't even... Everything, it's just upside down."

27I said, "What have I done? Tell me." I said, "Yet, me, forty thousand dollars? Whew! You don't realize what that means to me."

And she come in, as a nice little wife would. I said, "I'm leaving."

28She said, "You think that would do any good? Prayed over it yet?"

29 Thought, "Well, maybe I better pray again." I goes back in. It seemed like He said to me, a Scripture.

30Always, we want to watch the Scripture, what God did about it, you see.

31And one day, it was asked to Him, you know, trying to--trying to accuse Him to the government. They said, "Is it right for us free Jews to give tribute or taxes to Caesar?"

He said, "You got a penny?" Said, "Whose inscription is on it?"

Said, "Caesar's."

32Said, "Then you give Caesar's the things that's Caesar's. And to God's, the things that's God's."

33 I thought of that. I turned over in the Bible and read it. I thought, "Truly, Lord, that's right. But this don't belong to Caesar. This was Yours. It wasn't Caesar's. If it had been mine, I been had to pay more taxes or something, well, that would been different, that it belonged to Caesar. But, this, this is Yours. See? And it--it didn't belong to Caesar, in the first place."

34You know, He has always got the answer in the Word. I just read a little farther, and He said, "Say, Simon, haven't you got a fishhook in your pocket?" See? "You always carry a little fishhook and a string. And I just made a deposit this morning, in a fish bank down there at the--at the river, you know." Said He... "I made a deposit, and the banker will certainly give up what he's got. Just go down there and throw the hook in the river. And when you get up the bank, open his mouth, you see, and he'll--he'll give out the coin. Let's not offend them. Don't bring offense to them. See? Go pay it, Simon. That'll be for me and you."

35I thought, "True, God. You got fish banks and everything else, across the country. I don't know how it will be done."

36 But we went down. I got brothers right here in the church that stood on my note, and I put a note in, and got the forty thousand dollars, and paid it off.

37I went home. I wanted to know the way I wrote that check, if they'd ever come back on me again. I said, "This is to say that I'm free from all taxes. Well, they better endorse that one, they sure going to be in a mess after that." I kept calling back, the bank, to see if they'd do it.

And, finally, Bob told me, said, "Billy, they did it."

38I went in and put my arm around the wife, I said, "Honey, I'm free." What a feeling, to be free!

39And so I can pay it back now, they made it real easy on me. I can pay it back at four thousand dollars a year. Now, I can't loaf anymore, folks. I got to get out and go to work. So I--I... It take me ten years to pay it back. And if--if Jesus doesn't come. And when that, when He does, all the debts all settled then anyhow. See? So, then, so I--I hope that you all... Your prayers... And, tonight, I'll continue on with something just a little to that. But your prayers is what helped me. Thank you, so much. God bless you. No matter where we ever at, I'll never forget that.

40 Tonight, if the Lord willing, I wish to state some of the facts that I know. And be sure to come. Now, remember: Sirs, What Time Is It?

41Now, we're going to... I believe, they got a full schedule for the rest of the... this week. And Monday night is... The services, tonight, today and tonight, and Monday. Monday night is the watch service. And--and then that gives you Tuesday, New Year's Day; if you're out of town, can go back home.

42And we'll have some fine ministers here now for that meeting. We, a--a great group of fine speakers, and everybody will be speaking at intervals, down on till midnight. And sometimes they take communion, if it's in line. I don't know whether they are this time, or not. Right as where they're whooping, and hollering, and shooting, and drinking, and going on, we take the communion. Amen. Start the New Year's right, with the communion. Now, you're all invited. And I hope that, you, God of the heavens will give you an opportunity to stay over if you can.

43 Now, before we approach the Word, I want to say this, too, that I certainly thank this church, its members, for this fine suit of clothes that you bought me. Thank you, very much. That's so much to me. All your cards and things through the--the--the Christmas seasons, and gifts that you sent to the family, and, oh, I, they were innumerable to me. And little spots that cannot touch the spot in my heart, nothing could do it like that, to know that it come from you. And so some of them sent me some of their Christmas gifts in money.

44And some of them sent such. One brother sent me a pocketbook, and he had made with my name on it. A little pin that you look through; it's got the Lord's prayer in it. And, oh, things like that, it just, we just treasure. Wife and I, and the children want to tell you, "Thanks, so much." It's so little. But I'll say this, this is the greatest word I think that anyone could say, "God bless you." There's nothing could be any greater.

45 Now, and to these brethren here at the church, who bought me that rifle, I--I wore my suit, but I--I couldn't bring the rifle to church. But it was... They really would have something against me then, wouldn't they? So I--I--I certainly thank you, my brethren. And I was going to read their names on a little... But one of the brethren was up yesterday, said, "Oh, don't--don't--don't thank me, Brother Branham. It would just take all the joy out of it. See?" So I thought maybe the rest of them might think the same thing. But I got your name. They typed it out. Always remembered. And the Lord bless you greatly.

46And you know what I relax at, and is go in that den room and set there, and live all over. When I get so wound up, I can't go no farther, then think about some hunting trip I took somewhere, or somewhere went fishing. I appreciate that. God bless you.

47 Now, can we bow our heads just a moment, as we approach the Word. I'm sure there is requests in here this morning, too numerable to numerate just now. But I wonder, while we have our heads bowed, your special request, if you'd just keep it on your heart, and just raise up your hands, and say, "God, You know what I'm thinking of now."

48 Lord Jesus, You see every hand. And You know what's behind that. Down beneath that hand lays a request. And we are coming now, reverently, up to the Throne of the living God, that great white pearl that stretches across the space of time, where Jehovah God sets in There, and the Blood of Christ laying upon the altar. And we speak across that Blood, by Him that said, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be granted." Won't You hear, God, this morning, and answer their requests? I lay my prayer with theirs, today, that You will grant it.

49Here are handkerchiefs laying here, Lord, that's sick and afflicted. And we're taught in the Bible, that, "They took from Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were placed upon the sick. And unclean spirits went out of them, and diseases departed." And, Father, as we have known for a long time, and we surely know that we're not Saint Paul. But, after all, we feel that it wasn't Saint Paul. It was the Christ that was in him. And You are "the same yesterday, today, and forever," according to the Scripture. Now, these people, Lord, believe that if we ask God, and take these handkerchiefs and lay them upon their sick, that they shall recover. I pray that it'll be so, Lord, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick.

50 And as is said, one time, Israel starting in the line of duty, going to the promised land, and the Red Sea cut them off, right in the path of duty. But God looked down through that Pillar of Fire, with angry eyes, and that sea got scared. And it rolled back its waves, its waters. And Israel went through on dry land, to the promise land.

51Now, Lord, today, look through the Blood of Jesus. And You see this act of faith that we're performing here this morning. And may Satan get scared and move away. And may each one of these pilgrims that's present, and each one of these handkerchiefs will lay upon, may (they) the road be opened up, and sickness moved away. And may they journey on towards the promised land, being led by the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire. Grant it, Lord.

52Now, bless the services, the words, the context, the reading. And may the Holy Spirit take the Word, this morning, and sweetly divide It to each one of us, Lord, as we're growing close to some great tremendous something that we know not what. Our hearts are moved strangely, Lord. And we pray now, as we reverently approach Thee and Thy Word, that You'll interpret to us the meaning thereof. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now, tonight, don't forget the... The Time, What Time Is It?

53 And now, this morning, I wish to turn, you too that have your Bibles. Or mark it, if you care to, in the Scriptures, where we want to speak from, for a few moments, found in the Book of Acts. We might read two or three places. Acts 26:15, first. Acts, the 25th chapter and the 15th verse, to begin.

54Then we want to read Acts 23:11. And you might add with this, if you wish to, I probably won't have time to read it, Philippians 1:20. It's all about the same course, the same words.

55 Now, in the Book of Acts, 26:15, it reads like this.

And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.

... arise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentile,... whom now I send thee,

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Whereupon, O... Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:

But showed first unto them at Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and them... then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

56In Acts 23, and the 11th verse again.

And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of a good cheer, Paul: for... thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.

57May God add His holy blessings to the reading of this most gracious, holy Word that we have before us.

58 Now, I was hearing a man speak, or talk, not long ago, and he used the word: Absolute. And I thought, "That's a very fine word." I hear it used so many times, "Absolutely." That's...

59I looked up in the dictionary, Webster's. According to Webster's, it's "Perfect in itself; unlimited in its power; primarily an ultimate." And an ultimate is "The amen. That's all." An absolute, it is. It's "The unlimited in power," the word absolute. It's--it's, "Perfect in itself. That's all of it. That settles it."

I thought, "That's a glorious thing. That's a wonderful word."

60And now, a word is a thought expressed. First, it must be a thought, and then it becomes a word. Because, you do not speak your words without thought.

61 When we speak in tongues, we have no thought. It's God taking the thoughts. It's God's thought using our lips. We don't think or know what you're saying when you're speaking in tongues, if it's inspired speaking. When you interpret, you do not know what you're saying. You just say it. That's all. See? That's God. And prophesying, you not using your own thoughts. It's God, 'cause you say things that you ordinarily wouldn't think about saying. See?

62 But the word absolute is "an ultimate." And, therefore, I think that everybody should have an ultimate. And every great achievement that's ever been achieved, there has been an absolute behind it. No matter what it was, it's had an absolute behind it. And every person, in order to achieve something, has to first have the absolute. And that's the final wind back, through this, that, back through the other, till you come to that absolute, or the amen, or the ultimate. Of what you're... You got something you have to tie to, in other words. It's the final tying post, to every achievement. It's somewhere. It might wind through many different things till it gets to that tie post, but there is the amen to all of it. There must be such a thing. You cannot go on through life without having one.

63 You, when you got married, there had to wind back through your mind, something, till you hit that tie post. And it should have been love for your wife, or your husband. Well, maybe she isn't as pretty as John's wife; or she, well, she not the--the this, that. But there is something about her, that, you, it strikes you. You--you--you say, "She might not be as pretty as the other," or, "He might not be as handsome as the other." But there has to be an absolute there, that that person is different, and there is where you hold on to. If that isn't there, you better not get married. That tie post! That absolute!

64 We can think of many who had absolutes, in the Bible. Oh, how we could take, down through the stream of that Bible, and just be here two weeks from now; and never even touch the surface, if we'd think of the absolutes in the Bible. For instance, let me just call one or two, just brief them.

65Look at Job. Now, he had an absolute. Everything went wrong for that man, a just man. Now, we would be daresn't to say that he wasn't just, because God said he was. "There was no one on earth like Job. He was perfect," in the sight of God. And he knew it, because he had an ultimate. He had an absolute, when everything seemed to be contrary.

66 Sickness broke out. His friends might have said, "Now, there you are, Job. That proves that you are sinning. You're wrong." And then the bishops come down. They called them Job's comforters. And instead of comforting him, they seen nothing but sin in his life, because God had dealt with him the way He had.

67And his children was killed. His--his property was burned. His--his everything went wrong. And even his own life in jeopardy, setting on an ash heap, broke out from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, with boils. And even his lovely, sweet companion, the mother of those children, said, "You should curse God and die the death." But in the face of all that, Job had an absolute.

68 Oh, in time of sickness, if we could only tie ourself to that absolute!

69Job knowed that he had done Jehovah's bidding. And he had faith in what he done, because Jehovah required it. We can just do that. Jehovah required a burnt offering for his sin. And Job, not only for himself, but for his children, had made a burnt offering, and that's all God required.

"Oh," you might say, "I wish that's all He required today."

70It's less than that. Just faith in His Word! And you, if you make His Word your absolute, you can. Any Divine promise in the Bible, you can tie your soul to it. No matter how much the waves whip you around, you're still tied; your absolute.

71 And he held on to it. And when his comforters said, "You've sinned," he knowed he had not. He was just, because he had done Jehovah's bidding. And when his every...

72The man come in, said, "You're children is dead." Another one come in, said, "You're camels are all burned up. And there come fire down from heaven."

73Look what an argument his discomforters had. "You see? The fire came from heaven. Now, Job, that proves." That proves nothing. "Now, He wouldn't have struck your children, Job; you're a just man."

74"But," Job said, "I know that I've done what's right." He still held on. He had something that he could drive down. That's it. He had accepted it. He had done exactly what God told him to do, and he was absolutely sure. All right.

75 Then when he come to the spot, when that absolute held, then finally he begin to feel the strain tighten up. That had been running loose, bouncing around, but it begin to tighten up. And the Spirit come on him. And he stood up, being a prophet, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth." Amen. See? He had tightened up to his absolute. He had come in contact. He knowed that he had done what was right, and some day he had to pull to it. "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days, He stands upon this earth. Though after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." He knew then. Then his absolute anchored.

76 Abraham, an absolute, coming down from Babylon, from the tower, and out into the Shinar, and out in there where he was sojourning with his father, and perhaps was a farmer. But one day, way back in the jungles somewhere, maybe picking berries, or--or going to kill a beast for his meat; and somewhere back in there, God spoke to him, when he was seventy-five years old. And he was... He and his wife, Sarah, her being sixty-five, was childless--childless. They didn't have any children. Then God told him, "You're going to have a child by Sarah. But, in order to do this, you've got to separate yourself."

77 God's promises are always on condition. You must, absolutely. No matter how fundamental you are with the promise, it's under conditions, always. How we could stop here and wave through that Scripture, back and forth, for hours, see, that the condition is what means something. You can be just as fundamental as you want to, but it's under conditions by the promise, predestination, and so forth. Notice.

78 Now, "Abraham, he believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." Now, what a--a horrible thing it would be to meet a--a civilized world, a man seventy-five years old, with a woman sixty-five, and had lived together since they were young couples, 'cause she was his half sister, and now going to have a baby by her. But he had an absolute. There was nothing going to move him.

79And when, the first month, it didn't happen, his absolute held, because he knowed he had talked to God. The second month, second year, ten year, and at twenty-five years later, when he was a hundred, and Sarah was ninety, his absolute still held.

80 And the Bible said, when his obituary was written, He said, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

81Why? Did you ever think why? He was absolute, positive. And the only thing he had to do was separate himself from his people. And God never did bless him until he did it. He took his daddy. His daddy died. He took Lot. And when, after Lot separated from Abraham, then God come to him, said, "Now walk through the land." See?

82Obedience, promise, under conditions, always goes with God and His Word. Now look at...

83 Let's take Moses. Moses, the--the runaway servant-prophet, that God had raised him up and educated him in Pharaoh's palace. And--and Moses went out with his theological training, and was the first man he slew. Then, the first little defect come along, then Moses was scared to death.

84Why? He had no absolute. He only had his--his mother's testimony of his birth. He was a strange child. He had his mother's word about it. He had the scrolls that God had perhaps in paper somewhere, they had written, packed along with them, that God was going to visit His children. He knowed that that was the time.

Like we do now, we know something is fixing to happen.

85 Now, Moses knowed that was the time, and he knowed that he was chosen for it, but he didn't have an absolute. See?

86And one day, on the back side of the desert, when he had lost the vision, God appeared to him, in a burning bush. And He said, "Moses, I have seen the afflictions of My people. I've heard their groans and crying, of those taskmasters punishing them. And I have remembered My promise. I've come down to deliver them. Now go down to Egypt." Oh, my!

87Said Moses, complaining, saying, "I don't speak very well. My--my deliverance is not very well. They won't believe me."

He said, "What's in your hand?"

He said, "A stick."

88He said, "Throw it down." It turned to a serpent. Said, "Pick it up by the tail." It turned back again to a stick. He was giving him the assurance, a vindication.

89When God gives an absolute, He gives the vindication to that absolute, always.

90 Then Moses, when he was down there, and he threw down his stick before the magicians and Pharaoh, and the magicians come and threw down their stick too, Moses never run and said, "Oh, well, I was wrong. Ah, it's just a cheap magician trick, and maybe I was wrong."

91But he knowed. He was positive that he met God, and he stood still. Let's say he had done exactly what God told him to do. So had Job done exactly what God told him to do. Moses had followed His commandments. Then, stand still and watch the glory of God. Moses was tied to his absolute, his commission, and he stood still. And when he did, his serpent swallowed up the rest of the serpents. See? He was tied to that absolute.

92God said, "When you deliver them children, you'll worship Me again on this mountain."

93 Now, the enemy, in every way that he can, will try to get you away from that absolute.

94Right as they started out of Egypt, they got cornered right in the neck of the--of the Red Sea, mountains on either side. Come up through a valley, and there was the Red Sea. No way to escape over the hills, no way to escape this way, and Pharaoh's army coming this way. What a place to stand!

95See how the Devil gets you in a place where you don't know what to do? But remember, if you're tied to that absolute, that's got it.

96Moses knowed that God promised him, that, "You'll worship on this mountain when you bring them out. And I've come down, by your hand, to deliver them and place them over in that other land." He stayed right with it. And God sent an east wind and blowed out the waters, out of the bottom of the sea, and they walked across on dry land. An absolute!

97 How we could go through the Scriptures: Daniel, his absolute; Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, their absolute; David, his absolute; all, absolute.

98Paul had One, too, the One we are reading about. He had a Christ-centered call, and that was his absolute. That's the reason he wasn't afraid of what Agrippa would say. Standing there, and Agrippa was a Jew, as we know. And so then when he is standing before these kings and things, God had already told him he would stand there. So, he had an absolute, so he told exactly the Heavenly vision. Said, "I'm not a... I wasn't dishonorable to it. I was... Did not misjudge it. I didn't misbehave myself." But he held to, and was not disobedient. He carried it out, to the minute, for It was an absolute.

And any Christ-centered life, that's your absolute.

99 Now, since meeting Him, face to face, on the road to Damascus, that was meant so much to Paul.

100Now, remember, he was a scholar, beforehand. He was a mighty man in the Scriptures. But he didn't have any tie post but the Sanhedrin that would back him up, and a--and a diploma from a--a--a great teacher. He was a great man in his field. But he was waiting. Only thing he had, his absolute would only be as strong as his organization was. That's all the stronger he could be. And he was working faithful to that, and was taking Christians, and binding them, and making havoc of them, and even stoned Stephens.

101 I think, later in his life, the reason he went to Jerusalem. When, the prophet told him, "Don't go up there, Paul, for chains and prison waits for you."

102And Paul said, "I know it. But I'm not only going to Jerusalem as a witness. But, I'm going there, I'm ready to die for Jesus Christ." For he knew what he had done, and his ambition was to seal his testimony with his own blood, die a martyr, because he killed one of God's martyrs.

103And now he was on his road down to Damascus, with all of his education. Set under that great teacher, Gamaliel, and how that he had been taught in all the Jewish religion. And yet, with all that, he was flimsy, and he did not have the ability to do certain things. And all of a sudden, there was a Light, and a roar, maybe, and a thunder. And he was smitten, and fell to the ground.

104 And he looked up. There was a Light shining, that blinded his eyes. And what a strange thing that was. No one else saw the Light, just Saul. It was so promised, so real to him, until It blinded his eyes. He couldn't see. Totally blind, with that Pillar of Fire blazing him right in the face. And he heard a Voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

105And He said, "I am Jesus. And it's hard for you to kick against these pricks. Rise now, and go into Damascus, and there one will be sent to you." Then when he raised up from there...

106And there was one, a prophet, down in the city, who saw in a vision while he was praying, and he came. Ananias came, and come in to Saul. Laid his hands upon him, and he was healed by Divine healing. He rose then, was baptized, washing away his sins, calling upon the Name of the Lord. And then he had an absolute. He was never the same after that. He went straight, from church to church, from place to place, trying to build up that which he had tried to tear down.

107 How the nation, how the Christian world, this morning, needs that type of absolute. Those who tree creeds and traditions, has tried to, with doctrine of men, to disqualify God's Word to being the same yesterday, today, and forever. They need an absolute, an experience of meeting, on a Damascus road, the living God Who can heal the sick, and raise the dead, and cast out devils. A genuine absolute!

108Paul knew that something happened. There was no one could take it away from him. Nothing else mattered. He was tied, and that was it. No matter what come, he knowed he was tied, Christ-centered life. Oh!

109 The life that he had lived was a different life. Now, remember, he had been a religious man.

110And to some of you peoples this morning. And I know you realize that this tape is being made, will play in every nation under the heavens, about, around the world, and some of you peoples who is here present. And some of you, out where the tapes will be played in the other nations, by an interpreter, giving it to the tribes of Africa, back in the Hottentots, and--and all around.

111And to you religious leaders who just got an education of the Bible, you've got it from a historical standpoint, and may be able to explain all these things. But, if you haven't got an absolute, haven't got a--an experience! And if that experience, that--that you claim you have, makes you deny that every Word of This isn't just as true to the church today as It ever was; and you're trusting upon your Bachelor of Art degree, or whatever you might have! If you're trusting upon the thoughts of your organization that would say, "The days of miracles is passed. And we have no Divine healing. And the baptism of the Holy Spirit like they received on the Day of Pentecost, is not for the people today!" If that's all you got, my precious brother, sister, you need a Damascus-road experience.

112You need to meet this living God, where you, not only just a mythical thought in your mind, not some shiver, or some kind of a sensation, but a taught and experience of a real, genuine. The same Jesus that walked in Galilee is living today, and alive forevermore. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. An absolute, that you don't have to take what anyone said. You know for yourself, not some sensation.

113 And if the sensation that you've had, and somebody, it might have been a real Bible sensation, and somebody tried to explain it away from you, saying those things were in some other day. Be careful. It is true. Be careful. But there is a way to know. Test it with the Word. That's the blueprint.

114If the house goes up contrary to the blueprint, the contractor will tear it down and rebuild it. But it's got to go to the blueprint.

115 No matter what your experience is, then, if something in you tells you that that Bible isn't true, that power of God, apostles, prophets, and teachers, and pastors, and the gifts of the Spirit just isn't the same as It was when It flowed through them apostles at Pentecost, there is something wrong with your absolute. It has to tie to a denominational creed instead to God's Bible. When, He said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Watch what your absolute is.

116You might be absolutely sure that you're in good fellowship with the pastor. And might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the district presbyter. And might be absolutely sure that you're in fellowship with the bishop or some other great man in your church. But if you're not... Your absolute isn't Jesus Christ.

117"For upon this Rock I'll put My absolute, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Spiritual revelation of Who He is, and knowing! All right. Oh!

118 Now, when you become like Paul, have the same absolute that he had, a Christ-centered life is a different life than what you once had. And it might be a very religious life that you lived.

119Oh, I've heard people say, "Now, they're very religious." That don't have one thing to do with It.

120 I've just seen many religions, very devout, many times more sincere than the Christian people of today profess. When, a mother can take her little, fat, black baby, about that long, and throw it into the mouth of a crocodile, for the love of her god. I wonder how sincere Christianity is. When, a man can afflict himself in a such a way, would put in a thousand hooks through his flesh, like that, hanging with balls of water, holding him down like this, and walk through a streak of fire, from here to the end of that tabernacle, back and forth, and it white-hot, fanned like that, for the sacrifice of his god, an idol there with ruby eyes in it, and so forth. I wonder where Christianity is. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So don't think "sincerity." Sincerity is not It. Sincerity is all right if it's placed on the right thing.

121 Like a doctor giving medicine. He might give you arsenic, sincerely, and he might give you sulfuric acid, sincerely. You might have your prescription filled wrong, and you might take it in sincerity, but that don't save your life. See? No, sir. You've got to know what you're doing. And anything contrary to God's Word, I don't care what it is, and how long it's been existence, it's still wrong.

122 Peter give them an Eternal prescription on the Day of Pentecost. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For this prescription is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That's right. It's an Eternal prescription.

123Now, some quack druggist could get a hold of that and kill you. Yeah. Certainly. You know, there is so much poison in a prescription, to poison the germ, and the--the doctor knows just how much can, your body can stand. If he over-poisoned, it would kill you. If you haven't got enough of it, then what would it do? It wouldn't do you no good to take the medicine. He knows what your body can stand.

124 Now, that's the way the prescription of God is. No matter how much somebody else says it must be done this way, or that way, don't you believe it. When you follow the Word exactly to the letter, that's it. Hold onto It. Now, we've got the... those who say, "You must be sprinkled." They got those. So, "You must use the titles of Father, Son and Holy Ghost." There's no such things in the Bible. No such place anybody was ever baptized, in the Bible, any other way besides the Name of Jesus Christ. That's a dogma that was added in the Roman Catholic church, that's carried down through traditions. We'll hit that tonight.

125 But notice, in the midst of all that, the prescription remains. That's why we got so many sick children, because they're not listening to what the Doctor said. The absolute, when you've tied to That, that's it. That's God's Word. It cannot fail.

126Christ-centered life, very religious, but it wasn't Christ-centered. So many of us have that today.

127And when you get this Christ-centered life, it makes you do things you ordinarily wouldn't do. It makes you act different than ordinarily you would act. I don't mean act silly. I mean act in the Spirit, something that's real, something that's genuine. And when you see somebody acting silly, you know they're only putting on something. They're only trying to impersonate where that genuine thing is.

128When you see a bogus dollar, remember there's a good dollar it was made off of. See? When you see a bogus, it's absolutely a off-shadow of something that's real. It's something that--that is genuine, is copied off of.

129 Notice, it makes you do things ordinarily you wouldn't do. Oh, it is something. You are certain. You are very certain of it, when you get this absolute. You're positive of it. You don't take what's somebody else's experience.

130That's the reason Christianity has become like little kids in the Bible, or, and not, excuse me, little kids in school. They try to copy one off the other. And if that guy is wrong, the whole thing is wrong. See? You got the whole bunch of them wrong. Oh, my! Don't copy. Meet Him, yourself.

131 A good friend of mine, standing back here, is an old... is a son of a buddy of mine, a life-long friend, little Jim Poole. Why, his daddy and I were growed up together in school. And, oh, what a fine fellow! Little Jim and I are praying constantly that big Jim will become a Christian, a real believer. And little Jim and I were talking yesterday about where we found God in the woods and seen Him in nature. There's where you find Him. Because, He's the Creator, and He's in His creation.

132And I remember, Jim and I used to go--go, want to go hunting. And when night come, well, we used to go down, take our bicycles, and ride right down this street here, scared to death to pass the graveyard after it got dark, and go down and get us an ice cream cone.

133 And Jim liked to shoot pool. Now, we was just boys, ten, twelve, fourteen years old. And then Jim liked to set around and read storybooks of hunting and trapping.

134And I would set around and daydream. See? About... And now some of the boys can see me. And I'd see a little bitty shack somewhere. I used to say, "Boy, that would be a good shack to have in the mountains." And I always dreamed that some day I'd have me a shack in the mountains, a big bunch of hounds, and--and some guns. And I always thought, "If I could own a 30-30, some of my time." Thought, "How in the world would I ever own a little 30-30 rifle?"

135The other day, standing, looking on my wall, and seeing there some of the best rifles that can be gotten, I thought, "Amazing grace."

136I thought, "I'll train myself to shoot, and shoot good. And then maybe sometime to get, take a trip into the mountains, some good hunter will take me along. Just to be kind of a... Cause, he'd want to protect his life, maybe, from a charging bear. He wasn't too sure. Some rich man, would take me along, just to go along with him, kind of as a bodyguard. Maybe some day I'd get to hunt in Africa, as a body guard. If I could just train! That's the only thing I can do is train to be a good, steady shot."

137Oh, I thought, "God, think, of You let me hunt, over the world." What a wonderful thing!

Jim used to set and read the book. I said, "Jim..."

He said, "I--I like to read about it."

138I said, "Jim, that's what somebody else done. I want to do it, myself. I want the experience." When I come to Christ, I couldn't take somebody else's experience. I wanted it, myself.

139 I remember when I read Zane Grey's Lone Star Ranger. I tore up two or three brooms for mama, riding around the house, galloping, when I was on this hobbyhorse broom. I--I read that story of--of the Lone Star Ranger, how he brought the justice to the Big Bend.

140Then I read Edgar Rice Burrough's fiction story of Tarzan, The Apes. Mother had an old fur rug, a sealskin rug, or something, that Mrs. Wathen had give her from the fire. And it laid on her room, and I--I took that rug out. Mama done knowed the wind didn't blow it out. And I took it out, and cut it up, and made me a Tarzan suit, and set up in the tree. I--I lived half my time in a tree, out in this Tarzan suit. Because I had seen what he done, I wanted to do it too.

141But one day, by the grace of God, I got a hold of the real Book, the Bible. My song and story has been, "To be like Jesus, on earth I long to be like Him." I don't want to be a bishop or--or some great fellow in the church, some pope or some priest. I want to be like Jesus. An absolute, it makes you different. There's something about it, to read His Word, and something in your heart, you long to be like Him. You're certain.

142 It's like, the absolute to the Christ, the absolute to the Christian, is like the... It, it's like the anchor in the ship. Yes. You, you got to have an absolute. And if Christ is your absolute, it's like the anchor. That, when you... The sea is very rough, and the ship is about ready to sink, and, you, only one hope you have, is, cast anchor. And then if the ship is tossing, see if the anchor will hold the ship. You know, we got a song, I forget the author's name now, but, My Anchor Holds.

143 Like the little boy, as we've many times thought, flying the kite. You couldn't see nothing, but he had the string. And a man passed by and said, "What are you doing, sonny?"

Said, "I'm flying my kite."

He said, "What's you got in your hand?"

Said, "The string."

144Said, "Where is the kite?" Said, "I don't see it. Well, how do you know you're flying a kite?"

145He said, "I can feel it. It's a tugging." See? At the end of that string, there was an absolute. To his little way, that kite was his absolute, so he could say he was flying a kite. Though he couldn't see it, but he had a hold, something, that had a hold of it.

146That's the way a man, when he's born again of the Holy Spirit, he's got a hold of something that's got an anchor out yonder, and the storms doesn't shake him. He knows he's all right. He's anchored. All right.

147 Now, if we are in our little bark, floating across life's solemn main, as the great poet said that.

Life is not an empty dream!

And the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! And life is earnest!

And its grave is not its goal;

For dust thou art, and dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

148Oh, I think that's so pretty! Now, Longfellow wrote that, Psalm Of Life. See?

While sailing over life's solemn main,

For a forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

In seeing, shall take heart again.

149 See? Now we are embarked, sailing life's solemn main, and Christ, to the ship upon the storms of time. When the storms get heavy, and they're pitching about, I'm glad I got an anchor that holds within the veil yonder, somewhere. Even death itself cannot pluck you away from it. You are tied to your absolute. Christ is our anchor. What is He? He is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."

150 Then, when we know that our actions is exactly with the Word, we know our teaching is perfect with the Word, adding nothing or taking nothing, just the Word. And we see the same results, that others who anchored to the same Word, living up in our life, then your anchor holds. The life of Christ being reproduced in almost an incarnate way, through you, as it was in Christ, because, "It was God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." And you see God in yourself, holding that same keel on the Word, just exactly the way Jesus did. You see His life. "The works that I do shall you do also, he that believeth." Not him that maketh-believe, he that thinks he believe, but, "He that believeth." "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." Why? He is anchored to the same Rock. What was the Rock? The Word, always. You're anchored there. It's your north Star when you're lost at sea.

151 You know, we got a lot of stars, but there's only one true star, that don't move. That's the north star, 'cause it sets in the center of the earth. No matter whether you're on the backside, upside, or wherever you're at, that north star is just the same. It's your north star. Now, you see, there's lot of stars that shift from place to place. But if you're in a... on the sea, why, any seaman knows, or any hunter that roams the woods, knows that your north star is your--is your place. That's all. Then, it's like your--your--your compass. Your compass won't point to Mars, or Jupiter, or somewhere. It'll point to the north star. Why? That's your absolute.

152 Oh, my! Notice, your absolute! Oh, I'm going to say something! I just feel it coming on. Notice. I feel very religious at this time, because this is assurance. Notice.

153Your compass can only point to the north star. That's the only place it can point. If it's a true compass, it'll strike the north star every time. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

154Then, if you have the Holy Spirit, It can only point to the Word. It'll never point to a denomination. It'll never point to a creed. It'll never point it away somewhere. It'll point straight to the Word. I feel like shouting. Notice, it's--it's Something inside a man, pulsating, when you see your Star setting out yonder, Jesus Christ, the Word. And you see the Spirit that's in you won't let it move right or left. That's the only One that can. He come to take the things of God, and to show them, manifest them.

155And Jesus said, "He will do just exactly the things that I say. He will reveal to you things that is to come," show you ahead of time, before it gets here. See? "He will take the things that are Mine and will show them to you, and then He will show you things that is to come." John 15.

156 We see that He shows the things. And He takes the things that are God's and will show them to you. And He will reveal to you the things that Jesus said. Other words, He will make plain the thing. Place that way over in a corner, tonight, 'cause that's what we're going to use, a little while. Making sure, making that positive, see, then you know. If you... Your north star, which is the Word, to any Christian.

157Anything contrary to the Word! Look. Let me tell you something. Listen to this closely. This is the complete, Divine revelation of God, His will, and the Coming of Christ. And everything lays right in this Book, completed. [Brother Branham pats on his Bible--Ed.] And if anything draws you off of That, throw that compass away, 'cause it's only a creed. It's only an organi-... It's only a paper that you're packing in your pocket, got hanging in your room, framed. It's a creed. Then, find the compass that sets you to the Word. Amen.

158 You notice, when this experience hit Paul, he went down in Egypt and Arabia, somewhere, and studied three years. Glory! Whew! He had to be positive. And when he seen, when the Holy Spirit direct him, word by word, he could write that Book of Hebrews and show those Jews. Certainly. Why? He was centered. That compass of the Holy Spirit put him right on the north Star.

159Now, if you got something pulling you off of It, you better leave it alone. The Son, It'll point to His Word, and only to His Word, because the Holy Spirit came to manifest, or vindicate, God's promises. There's no creed will do that. No organization will do it. No powers or nothing can do it. Only the Holy Spirit, by the Word. And He is the Germ.

160 Now, you take a grain of wheat, a pretty grain of wheat, but it can no do nothing. It's dead until the germ comes into it. Then it produces many grains of wheat.

161And Christ is that Life, the absolute. If the wheat doesn't have that absolute in it, it'll never rise. If that wheat don't have that absolute, may be ever so pretty on the outside, but it cannot live, because there's nothing in it to live by. But when it gets that absolute, it can look in the face of all critics, say, "I'll rise again." Why? Because it's got the absolute. It's in it. It's got to rise again. And when it... "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, then ask what you will." That's that absolute.

162 But if you got creeds and everything else tied up into It; you can't mix oil and water. You just take and break it any way you want to, it'll never mix, because it's two different chemicals. And you can't make creed and the Bible, contrary to the Bible, mix. You can't make denomination and freeborn religion, or freeborn salvation, mix together. Cause, as sure, God only deals...

163I'm going to say it, anyhow. God never breaks His program. He cannot break, because He's infinite. And I realize, you know, I, It goes before lots of people. See? But God cannot break His program. He cannot do something one day, and change it over, do something, saying it's wrong that day.

164 God doesn't deal with groups of men. God deals with an individual, because men has different ideas. He's built up different, in nature. God has to take that man, and mess him around, and pull him around, out of his own self, till He gets him in His nature. See? And then God deals with that person. Look all down through the ages, Noah and Moses, the prophets, never two of them at the same time. One, constantly, all the way down through the age.

Therefore, if you say, "In the multitude of counsel there is safety."

165 Look, and as I preached here not long ago, at the tabernacle. There was Ahab, and there was Jehoshaphat. And they were going up to Ramoth-Gilead, to push back. Fundamentally, they were right, the land did belong to them. And the--the enemy, the Syrians up there, was filling their children's belly with the wheat that the Israelities should be. God-given property, so, fundamentally, it seemed good. "Go with me, and go up there, and we push them off the land." Well, that sound awful good. Fundamentally, it was right, but it's conditions.

166Jehoshaphat, being a good man, said, "But shouldn't we consult the Lord?"

167Course, Ahab, that backslider, said, "Well, sure." Borderline believer, you know. Said, "Oh, certainly, I should have thought of that. I've got four hundred Hebrew prophets. Four hundred of them, I feed, take care of. They're the best there is in the country. We'll bring them up."

168And all of them together, with one accord, said, "Go on up. The Lord is with you." Fundamentally, they were right, but they hadn't caught that absolute.

Then when he said, "Isn't there one more?"

169Said, "Yes. There's another one, but I hate him." He said, "He's always telling evil about me, see, always saying."

170 How could he prophesy good, when the whole Word, Elijah who had been before him, said to Ahab, "The dogs will lick your blood"? Now, how could that vindicated prophet say anything that wasn't the will of God? And how, that, "The dogs would eat Jezebel, and the dung would be upon the fields, so they could not say, 'Here lays Jezebel.'" With a curse like that on a man, how could anybody else bless?

171That's the way it is today. How can a man bless these things that's taking people further from God all the time? There's only one thing to do, if you have to stand by yourself: curse the thing, in the Name of the Lord, and stay with It, when you're absolute.

You say, "Well, Brother Branham, you make people hate you."

172God will love me. That's my absolute. Can't rest on an arm of flesh. You got to rest on the Word, what God said do.

173 How did Micaiah know he was right? He waited. He had a vision. They had a vision, too, but the vision didn't compare with the Word. And today, the same thing. Micaiah compared his vision with the Word, and then he seen he and the Word was together. Today, if your vision is contrary to the Word, leave it alone, 'cause it's the wrong absolute. Micaiah's absolute was exactly with the Word, so he could stand and say, he, what he said, and--and believe it.

174When, they smacked him in the mouth, and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go?"

175He said, "You'll find out when you set in the inner chamber." Right.

176He said, "When I return in peace... You put this man in inner prison, and when I return in peace," said Ahab, "I'll deal with this fellow."

177 Oh, now, Micaiah, what about it? Your head will be chopped off when he comes back. Micaiah stood there just as stern as Stephens did. Amen. Just as willing as my Lord walked to the cross. Just as easy as Daniel went into the lions' den, or Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego went to the furnace. Absolutely! He stood there and said, "If you return at all..." Why? He was absolute. "If you return at all, God never spoke to me. Chop my head off then." He had an absolute. He knowed that his compass, that had guided him to this vision, was exactly with the north Star. Yes, sir. His anchor held, yes, the Word and It only.

If your absolute, if you have an absolute in your life...

178 There was a time when, you know, etiquettes had an absolute. I can't think of that woman's name, but the whole nation trusted in what that woman said. I forget her name. I was writing a note here. I couldn't think of that woman's name, what it was. But here, a few years ago, they had to be, this woman, what she said. If she said use the knife in the left hand, that was--that was it, that was the absolute. She was the--the answer to all of it. And if you put the fork in the left hand, then you were absolutely wrong. What was her name? [Congregation says, "Emily Post."--Ed.] Oh, that's it. Sure. Yeah. That's who. Now, you were--you were absolute... She was--she was etiquette's absolute. "It must be that way." Like, oh, many things we find like that. But, we find out, now it's gone. Eat the way you want to. Yes, sir. All right. But that was etiquette's absolute. "Had to do it that way."

179 There was a time when Adolf Hitler was Germany's absolute, whatever he said. When he said, "Jump," they jumped. He said, "Kill," they kill. Millions of Jews, he dodded his head. You see what happened to that kind of an absolute? It looked like power, but it was contrary to the Word.

"How do you know it was contrary to the Word?"

180God said. When Balaam tried to look down upon Israel, to curse it, he said, "I see him as a unicorn. How righteous are thy tents! Whoever curses you will be cursed. Whoever blesses you will be blessed."

181Look like Hitler could have saw that. Look like them German Christians could have saw that, see, that absolute. Absolutely contrary to that Word. You know, as it has been said, "Man... God made man, but man made slaves." One trying to rule over the other one. We got one Ruler, that's God.

182But Hitler was Germany's absolute. Look at it today. Now, see what happened? It was the a wrong absolute. Why? It was contrary to the Word. And now you see where it all went to: disgrace.

183 And if your absolute is in some organization, or some sensation, or something else besides the Person of Jesus Christ, you'll come to the same portion of shame, only worse, see, if your absolute is not Christ. That's the only center post of the human life, and Christ is the Word; not your church, your word. The Word! See? "Upon this absolute I'll build My Church," upon Christ, the Word.

184 There was a time when Mussolini was the absolute of Rome. I don't know, I might have read an article, or it could have been that I read it in a book, or somebody told me, but when someone was being interviewed by Mussolini. He was...

185He want--wanted to bring Rome into athlete, athletics. And there's a big statue used to stand there, of him, about athletics. That's all right. Greece had that idea many years ago. Rome has always tried to have it. Athlete is all right, but--but athletics. But--but remember, that won't take the place of Christ. No matter how strong you are, that has nothing to do with it. He is the all-power. And you see what he tried to build Rome upon. And he tried to build Rome upon the thing of an absolute, that he was the absolute.

186 And they said that, one day, that his--his--his driver was one minute early, and he shot him. Said, "I didn't say, 'be here at one minute before nine.' I said, 'Be here by nine.'" Pow! And shot him. See? See? "I don't want you here one minute before. I want you here at nine." See? Look what an absolute he tried to make hisself. But you see what happened?

187 You remember, many of you here, the old-timers, Roy Slaughter, maybe, and farther back in that, remembers down yonder when I told you about prophecy. One day, down there at the Odd Fellows' building, before we ever come to here, I said, "Mussolini will come to a shameful end." I said, "His first invasion, he will go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his step. But he'll come to his end, and nobody will help him. In disgrace will he be buried." There he is.

188I said, "There is three isms has rose up. Nazism, fascism, and communism." I said, "Them isms will revolve and come around into one, and it'll be communism. Watch. Communism will burn Rome." See?

189You watch it. Uh-huh. It's a tool in God's hand. They think they're against God. They're working right into it, all the time, don't know it. He's just using them as a puppet, uh-huh, some tool in His hand, like He did Nebuchadnezzar and many of the others. Now notice. See, now.

190 There was a time when Pharaoh was the absolute of Egypt, but look where it's at now. See? It all fail.

191Oh, it's a wrong kind, so they always fail. They are man-made absolutes. You can't take a man-made absolute. I don't care if it's a--a president, if it's a dictator, if it's a king, if it's a church, if it's an organization, if it's a creed. Any of those things are going to perish, just like all the absolutes of that kind through the ages.

192We can look back. Look back. Look at men who trusted the emperors. Look at men who trusted the dictators. Look at men who built their hopes upon them kind of absolutes, and look where they are today.

193 Now let's turn ourselves around and look at the men who put their hopes upon the Bible, upon God's Word, and held It for an absolute. Look where they are now.

194Paul gives you a little brief of them, in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, what they did. "How they subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and so forth. And they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Of who the world is not worthy of." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Waiting in Glory for that grand resurrection. See? All right. For they, some of them, didn't--didn't obtain to these miracles, and they give their bodies, anyhow, looking forward to that resurrection. To finish out their lives, they didn't care for it. They wanted to go on and sacrifice themselves, so they could obtain that resurrection, and that's what they did.

Now, absolutes, we're talking, absolute.

195 You know, our supreme court is an absolute. It's the absolute. It's the--it's the final end of all arguments in this nation. That's right. Their decision is an absolute, in our supreme court. Right. Oh, I know sometimes we don't like it, but it's--it's an absolute, anyhow. Yes, sir. What if we didn't have that? Then what? But that's an absolute. Certainly is. Why? That's, our nation, is tied to that. When that supreme court finally makes their final decision, that's it. There's no further. Where you going to, after that? You're going to follow their decision, that's all. You've got to. They're the last word. They're the amen.

196You can try it in local city courts. You can try it magistrate, then go to federal, to all kinds of courts, and to federal courts. But when we come to the supreme court, that's it. Right. Sometimes we don't like, to say, "Well, I don't like their decision," but you try to get away from it once. That's the nation's absolute. And what if we didn't have it? Yes.

197We have to have an absolute. Everybody has to have one. You got one. But what I'm trying to tell you, background there, and show you what absolutes are.

198Now, the nation's supreme court is the nation's absolute. That's the last thing in any kind of a fuss. They settle it. What they say, that's it.

199 There is an absolute at a ball game. That's the umpire. Oh, yeah. Sometimes we don't like his decision, either, but it's--it's--it's that, anyhow. The umpire, his decision is the final word, that's right, no matter what others say. If he says it's a strike, it's a strike. That's right. Certainly. No matter what others say, that don't have nothing to do with it. And let's just think of it. If you... I don't go to ball games, but just happened to jot that down. An umpire, he's the absolute at the ball game.

200One of them say, "That was a ball." The other one say, "You're a liar." This say, "This is that way. You ought to be this way."

201The umpire said, "Strike." See the rest of them take their seat and set down. It gripes some of them. But I imagine they'd boo at him there, down in their heart, and things, but it's "strike" anyhow. Why? He's the final word.

202First baseman said, "You know that that passed." The other one say, "You know that's a..."

203"It's a strike" Uh-huh. That's all of it. Shut up then, go on back to your place.

204 What if there wasn't an umpire at the ball game? My! Could you imagine what kind of a game that would be? One of them said, "It was a strike." The another one said this. Another said that. Another said, "You're a liar." There would be a fuss and a fight.

205To have a ball game, you got to have an absolute. And he walks out there, and no matter if you don't like him, or what, he--he's the absolute, anyhow. He is the absolute. His word is final, no matter what you say about it. It's that way. Now, if they didn't, the whole game would go into chaos. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Right."--Ed.]

206 What would the nation be if there wasn't a federal court? There wasn't supreme court in this nation, what would it go? Where would they go to? The nation would be in a chaos. If there wasn't a...

207If there wasn't an umpire at a ball game, it would wind up, you wouldn't make the first throw till somebody would be fussing. Somebody stand there, and maybe really went right on the plate, and the other guy would say, "Oh, no. No, no. It didn't do that." Then, there you go. First ball was throwed, they'd argue about. One of them said, "That was a strike." The other one say, "It wasn't a strike." See?

208You've got to have somebody that game is tied to, and that's the umpire. When he says, "Strike," it's strike. If he says, "Ball," it's ball. Whatever he says, it goes. That's it. And if you didn't, you wouldn't have no game.

209 Let me show you another absolute, is the red light. A red light, when it says "stop," it means stop. If you run it, you're going to pay for it. But if this city didn't have have any lights out here, stop lights, what kind of a city would it be? See? It's got to have an absolute. I don't care what the policeman said, or anybody else said, standing there. They're secondary. If somebody can prove that you went through on a green light, I don't care what the policeman said, they're wrong. When the light said "go," that means go. That's the absolute. You can prove that, the light said "go." The policeman might have been standing somewhere, the mayor of the city might, somewhere, that don't make a bit of difference. If you've got proof that it was "go," you go. And if somebody hits you, it's their fault. You can prove it. That's right.

And we can prove what we're talking about. Right.

210Now, what if there wasn't no red light? One went up to a crossing, and it... look what it would be. One say, "Hey! Get out of the way. I'm in a hurry. I got to go to work. I'm late now. I'm going through now." The other one said, "You just think you are. Because, I am the one that's going through, because I was here first." And I can see a woman get out and fix her hair. What if we didn't have a red light? Wouldn't there be a traffic jam!

211 That's what's the matter with the churches. See? That's right. That's the reason we got such a denominational jam. Yeah. That's exactly right. Nobody is getting anywhere. They're standing, fussing.

212Here is God's Light. When It says "go," go. When It says "stop, this is far enough," then stop. That's right. That's where we are based, upon That, that Word, not what some bunch of men said, or some other bunch of men said. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Let's go. "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature."

213 You know, as good as education is, but Jesus never required that. That's right. As good as churches are, buildings, He never required that. As good as hospitals was; we, the churches, build hospitals. That's all right. We appreciate that. But He never required it.

214He said to the Church, "Preach the Gospel." And the Gospel came not in Word only, but through power and manifestation of the Word. Paul said so. Then go, manifest the Gospel, oh, my, if it was that way.

215 Oh, we are, today, living in a time when we got the best doctors we ever had. We got the best drugs we ever practiced with. You know that. And we salute those men. We pray for them. I do, and I hope you do. Those men, who with their understanding of feeling... They got two senses to work by, that's seeing and feeling, and they... and hearing. They work by a sound of a heart, or a--a feeling of a tumor, or something, or the sight of something they can see, a spread of disease, or--or something on the face, that's covering the face or the body, somewhere. They, they work upon those things. See? Because that's... And they try to take medicines, and so much that will kill it, and then won't kill you, and--and so forth. They won't... That's their business, to work on that. And we appreciate that. That's very fine. But, we got the best doctors, the best medicine, the best hospitals, and more sickness than we ever had.

216 We got more unbelief than we ever had. Yes, sir. Exactly. Ministers has organized themselves, and got great denominations, and taking in anything, and so forth, and just anything, making a church member. And they went over to some seminary, like an incubator chicken, and hatch them out by a grinder that brings them out like that, and sometime know no more about God than a Hottentot does about an Egyptian night. Bring them through like that, and there you are. See?

217Oh, what we need in our churches is a man that's got an absolute. What we need in a Methodist church, the Baptist church, the Pentecostal church, the Presbyterian church, is an absolute, a man of God that will stand tied to the Word and to Christ, and bring that congregation under that condition of where each member walks in condition of this Word, seeing that Word manifested, follow them. "These signs shall follow them that believe, into all the world."

They said, "That was done away with."

218Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature." We haven't reached all the world yet, and a long ways from every creature. How long? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature." What will happen? "These signs shall follow them that believe. In my Name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent, or drink the deadly thing, it would not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's the absolute holding there, the Word, that north Star, that compass that stays right with It. That's what we need.

219 But we went out and built institutions, organized the people, took in members, and fussed with the Baptists because they didn't believe the way we did, and the Methodists because they didn't, this way. And--and we hatched out a bigger seminary, built a bigger churches, and better plushed pews, and a bigger organ, and so forth, and a better-dressed crowd, and got the mayor and everybody in the church. And what have we got? A bunch of death, tied to a denominational absolute. Death! Oh, far be it!

220 If I die in my tracks, my absolute is Jesus Christ, upon that is what I believe, if everybody walks out. Someone said, Dr. Davis said to me, "Billy, you preach such a thing as that, you'll preach it to the posts of the church."

221I said, "I'll be preaching God's Word to the posts, then, 'cause God is able of these posts to rise children unto Abraham." Right. God's Word is true.

Said, "You think they'll believe you?"

222I said, "It don't... That's not my business. It's my business to stay true to that Word." That's right.

223Said, "You think you could meet an educated world like this, with a theology of--of Divine Healing?"

224I said, "It's not my Divine healing. It's His promise. He was the One give the commission." Oh!

225 And I remember when He swept down there in that big Light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, "As--as John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ; I send you with a Message to the world, to forerun the second Coming of Christ." And around the world She's went, when revival fires had been built for fifteen years on nearly every mountain. Divine healing across the nations, and the power, and restoration.

226And now I believe She is ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a Faith that will Rapture the Church into Glory. And She is laying in the Messages. We're really at the end time. We've talked about it, and everything, but the thing has moved upon us now. Yeah. Yes, sir. Here is one. That's right.

227 The--the--the red light, as I said, it settles the case. That's all. The red light tells you who goes. No matter what anybody else says, it's what the red light says. You can really have a traffic jam if you don't--if you don't mind the red light. There must be an absolute. Yes sir.

228Just like to the Church, there has got to be an absolute. To the people in the Church, you've got to have your absolute.

229But, today, each church has its own absolute. See? And don't try to take, "We Baptist believe this. We Methodists believe this. We Presbyterian believe this. We Pentecostals believe this." That's all right, but why don't you take the rest of It? What's wrong with the rest of It?

230"We Baptist believe in immersing." That's good. What about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, now? What about speaking with tongues? What about gifts of healing? What about prophecy? "Oh, no. We don't. That, that was for another age." Oh, boy!

231 Pentecostals, you say, "Well, we believe in speaking in tongues, for the evidence." Sure, speaking in tongues is all right, but that is still not the evidence. Many people speak in tongues, that's true, and that's as far as they ever go. The Devil can impersonate any gift that's got, any gift that's in the Bible.

232Paul said, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I give my body to be burnt as a sacrifice, though I sell all my goods to feed the poor, and though I have faith to move mountains, though I went to the seminary and learned all the knowledge there is to be learned, I am still nothing."

233 It's the Person of Christ. Christ, receive Him, and you can't receive Him without receiving His Word. The Word has to come first, then the Life comes into that Word and manifests that Word.

234Didn't Jesus say, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me"? It was the Word of God being manifested. God was in Christ, reconciling, expressing Himself to the world, what He was. That was--that was the absolute. That was the Eternal absolute there.

235Now you say, "Is that the Eternal, Brother Branham?" That was. "Then what about today?"

236Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." It's the same absolute. All right.

237 Each one has their own absolute. Oh, my! It's just like it was in the days of judges, "Every man done what was right in his own sight." In the days of judges, every man had his own--his own absolute. He did just what he wanted to do. And that's the way it is now. "Every man done right in his own sight." Now, you know the reason they did that in Judges? This might shock just a little bit. But the reason they did it in Judges, because they had no prophet in them days, for the Word of the Lord to come to. So every man could do what he wanted to, in his own sight.

238And that's exactly what's happened today. We don't have the prophet in these days of denominations, but God promised us one. See? See? And He did. In the last days, He would rise up and send Elijah back on the scene again, "And he would turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers," back to the original pentecost. You know he said that.

239 Now, I know you'll refer, as He did there to John, over in--in Matthew the 11th chapter, and the 6th verse, I believe it is, when they said, "Who do you think this man was, this John?"

240He said, "If you can receive it, this is he that was spoken of, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face.'" That's Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

241But, remember, if that was the Malachi 4, then the Word failed, because He said, "But just at this time, the whole world would be burnt, and the righteous would walk out upon the ashes of the wicked." No. Don't mix it up, brother. Make It say just exactly what It says. That's right. He promised it in the last day, and it'll be right in the midst.

242 Remember, when judges, every man done the way he wanted. There was no man, no man could make that Word live. There was no prophet. The Word of the Lord always comes to the prophet. Right. And he is always hated. Only the little group that love him, see. But, I mean, there was always that.

243God doesn't change His policy, He cannot, and be God. If God ever says anything or does anything, He must do the next time. When that crisis arrives, if He don't act the second time the way He did the first time, He acted wrong the first time. And who will accuse God of acting wrong? Who are you, can lay sin to God? That's what Jesus said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?"

244What is sin? Unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already."

245"Which one of you can show Me that I haven't fulfilled everything Messiah should do?" See? Nobody spoke a word. He had. The Messiah was a Prophet, and He had proved that He was that. They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, since Malachi, and here He rose on the scene. He was a mystic to the people, and a stumbling block to their church.

246Cause, He said, "Behold, I lay in Zion, a cornerstone, a precious One, tried, oh, a stumbling stone." Yeah. "But whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed." That's right. There He was. And that just exactly fulfilled Scripture. But those who believed Him had an absolute.

247 Little Martha, when she seen Lazarus come from the grave, she knew Who that was. Even before It done it, she had the absolute of knowing. "I believe that Thou art the Son of God, that was to come into the world. Even now, though my brother be dead, just say the word. God will do it." Amen. She was absolutely positive. That's right. When He... Said that, and she meant it from her heart.

He said, "Where have you buried him?"

Said, "Come and see."

248There He stood there, with a vision. Cause, He said, "I do nothing until the Father shows me first," Saint John 5:19.

249Sent Him away from, went away from Lazarus' house. They sent for Him to come, pray. He knew Lazarus was going to die. And after the amount of time, He said, "Our friend, Lazarus, sleepeth."

They said, "He does well."

250He said, "He's dead. And for your sake, I'm glad I wasn't there." They'd been asking Him to pray for him.

251Then He comes back, said, "But I go wake him." Oh, my! (Not, "I'll go and see what I can do.") "I'll go wake him." Why? "The Father has already showed Me just what to do."

252 Went down to the grave. There stood a Man. There stood God in flesh, that could have said to that stone, "dissolve," and it would have dissolved. But He said to them women, them poor little women, little young women, said, "Take away the stone."

253You got something to do, too. See? And they rolled away the stone. And it made them sick; he was so stinky.

254There, He stood there. Oh, my! I can see Him straighten that little frail frame up. Because, the Bible said, "There is no beauty we should desire Him." He wasn't very, much to look at. See?

255 Just like David, he was chosen king when he was just a little ruddy thing. See?

256"All them great big fellows," said, "won't he look pretty with a crown on his head! Take this older son," Jess said.

257Samuel said, "God refused him." Brought all of his sons up. Said, "Haven't you got any other?"

258"Yeah, we got one, but he wouldn't look like a king. Why, he's a little bitty, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking fellow."

"Go, get him."

259And as soon as he come, walked before that prophet, the Spirit fell on him. He run with that oil, pour it on his head, said, "This is your king." That's it. Yes, sir.

260 Jesus stood there, stooped-shouldered, perhaps, turning gray when He was yet not over thirty years old. The Bible said, "He might have looked like forty." Jews said, "You're a Man not over--over fifty years old, and you say you 'seen Abraham'?"

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." My! Oh, my! Saint John 6.

261Then, we come to find out, here He stood, by the grave. He knowed that vision had to strike. He knowed it had to be. "Take away the stone." He's...

262He was stinking, wrapped in grave clothes, been dead for four days. His nose had already fell in, that much time.

263 There, He stood there, straightened up His little body. "I am the resurrection, the Life." Hum! "He that believeth on Me, though were dead, yet shall he live." Tell me a man could ever make a statement like that. "Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?"

264She said, "Yea, Lord." Though He had failed her, seemingly. When she called, He didn't go. She called again; He didn't go. But here she says, "I know that Thou art the Christ that was to come in the world."

265He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man had been dead four days. Why? What? Christ had the absolute. He had saw the vision. It couldn't fail. That's right. It couldn't fail. He was absolutely sure.

266And Martha was absolutely sure. If she could get Him to recognize what she believed in Him to be, she'd get what she asked for. Right. There they was. The absolute, it tied in with the Word, and that was it.

267 Every man today does, in his own sight, what he seems good, because there is no prophet. Look in the days of the judges.

268Look in the days when, I believe, it was Elijah or Elisha, one. Yeah. That, the dead baby. The Shunammite woman, she made...

269Elijah was God's man of the day, not just some good, intelligent teacher. Why, he was old guy that walked along. Would you... Come, if come to your door today, you'd probably run him away. A whole nation hated him. Jezebel and all the rest of them hated him.

270Because, she set in the White House and made all the women do the way she did, and all of them patterned after her. And Ahab was turned, his head was turned, by her power. We haven't missed it too far today. Just about the same, and there--there you are. And they was all popularity. And, oh, they was all snowed up.

271 But that little, old Shunammite! Not Shunammite woman, but little... Yes. I believe she was a Shunammite. When she come and seen that that power was in Elijah, she said, "I perceive that he's a holy man." And when that baby was laying dead, she said, "Saddle that mule and don't you stop." She went up there. She knowed. And I like that, the way she come. She got to her absolute, her tie post.

272Elijah said, "Here comes that Shunammite. She is grieving. But I don't know what's wrong." See? God don't show His servants everything; just what He wants them to know. So he said, "Her heart is grieved, but I don't know." He said, "Run, find out, Gehazi, and see what's wrong."

273He said, "Is all well with thee? Is all well with thy husband? Is all well with thy son?"

274Look at her. Oh, my! This is it. She said, "All is well." Why? She had come to her absolute. "All is well."

275And she knelt down. Fell, first, at his feet. And Gehazi raised her up, "That's not right," before his--his master. Raised her up. And she begin to tell him.

276 Now, he didn't have no absolute now. He knowed he had power, by the vision, to give her the child. But now what did he do? He took his staff and went down in the room, put shut all the doors, taken everybody else out. He walked up-and-down the room. He had an absolute, if he could only contact It. Back and forth, up-and-down the room! Oh, my! Directly he felt Something strike him. He laid hisself on the baby. Got back up again, went away. The--the baby kind of moved, got warm. He raised, back and forth. He didn't get a good contact with the absolute "What was it, Lord? What'd You say do?"

277No doubt, when he turned, he saw a vision, that little boy run, playing, jumping with a rope, something, another like that, playing. He throwed hisself upon the baby. He stuck his nose upon its nose, his lips upon its lips, and power of God raised up the baby to life.

278What was it? The woman's absolute was the prophet. The prophet's absolute was God. And together, with the Word, "I am the resurrection and the Life." I see the power of God. The Creator can do all. She raised up again, the baby. Sure.

279 Reason every man done in his own way, because they had no prophet for the Word of the Lord to come to. The Word and the prophets was missing in that day.

280Oh, I seen this at my conversion, of the day that we lived in. I'm so glad that God got a hold of me before the church did. I'd probably been an infidel. Yes, sir. I... All this conglomeration, a mess, and everybody, "Well, come over and join ours. And if you don't, well, you can pick up your letter and go join the other one." Oh! "Won't you bring your letter into our fellowship?"

281I believe there's one letter, that's when Christ writes your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. That's the only one it's on.

282 When I seen all the denominations! Our background is Irish, which was formerly Catholic. And I seen that was corrupt and rotten. I went down to a certain denominational church here in the city, they said, "Oh, we're the way, the Truth, the Light. We got all of It." I went to another one in New Albany, "Oh, my! Them guys up there don't know what they're talking about." Catholics said, "You're all wrong."

I thought, "Oh, my!"

283I played with a little Lutheran boy. And I thought... A little German Lutheran. I went over, and I said, "Where do you go to church at?"

"I go to that church."

284I went down, and I found out they said they were the way. I went down to Brother Dale, in Emmanuel Baptist, and, or the First Baptist. They said, "This is the way." I went over to the Irish church, she said, "Well, this is the way."

285 "Oh, my! I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. But I want to get right." I didn't know what to do. And I didn't know how to repent.

286I wrote a letter. I thought, "I seen Him in the woods." I wrote Him a letter. I said, "Dear Sir, I know You pass down this path here, 'cause I set here squirrel hunting. I know You come by. I know You're here. I want You. I want to tell You something."

287I thought, "Now wait a minute. I--I never seen anybody. I didn't. I want to talk to That. I--I want to speak with Him. I want to talk to Him." I thought, "Well, now, I don't know how to do it."

288 I went out in the shed and knelt down, water, wet. Little, old car setting there, wrecked up. I said, "I believe I've seen a picture, I believe, they put their hands like this." And I got down. And I said, "Now what I'm going to say?" I said, "There's some way you have to do this, and I don't know. I know there's a way to approach everything. And I don't..." I said, "I'll put my hands like this."

289I said, "Dear Sir, I wish that You would come and speak with me, just a moment. I want to tell You how bad I am." Held my hand like this. I listened.

290People said, "God talked to me." And I knowed He did talk, 'cause I heard It when I was a kid, tell me "not to drink" and things.

291He didn't answer me. I said, "Maybe I was supposed to put my hands like this."

292So I said, "Dear Sir, I don't know just exactly how to do this, but I--I trust that You'll... Will You help me?"

293 And each preacher would tell me, come join theirs, and stand up and say they took Jesus Christ, and they "believe Jesus be the Son of God." Devils believe the same thing.

So I thought, "I--I got to have something better than that." No.

I was setting like this.

294I read where Peter and John passed through the gate called Beautiful, and there was a man crippled, from his mother's womb. Said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have..." Oh, I knowed I didn't have that.

295So I was trying to--to find out how to do it. I didn't know how to pray. I made my hands, then I laid down like this.

296And, course, Satan come on the scene then, said, "You see, you waited too long. You're already twenty years old. There's no need of trying it now. Yeah."

297 Then I got all broke up, and started crying. And then, when I really got broke up, I said, "I'm going to talk. If You don't talk to me, I'm going to talk to You, anyhow." So I--I said, "I'm no good. I'm ashamed of myself. Mr. God, I know You'll hear me, somewhere. You'll hear me. And I'm ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed that I have neglected You."

298About that time, I looked up, and a funny feeling swept over me. Here come a Light, moving through the room, and made a cross, like that. And a Voice, that I never heard in my life, talked. I looked at It. Just cold, all over, numb from scare. I couldn't move. Stood, looked at It. It went away.

299 I said, "Sir, I--I don't understand Your language." I said, "If You can't talk mine, and I--and I don't understand Yours, and if You have forgive me... I know that I'm supposed to be reckoned in that cross there, somewhere, that my sins was supposed to lay in there. And--and if You will forgive me, just come back and talk in Your own language. And I'll understand by that, if You can't talk my language." I said, "You just let It come back, again."

300There It was, again. Oh, my goodness! There I got an absolute. Amen. Yes, sir. Felt like a--a load of forty tons lifted off my shoulders. I walked down through that floor, where I couldn't even touch the ground.

Mother said, "Billy, you're nervous."

I said, "No, mama, I don't know what happened."

301 There was a railroad track back there. I run down that railroad track, jumping up in the air, just as hard as I could. I didn't know how to give vent to my feelings. Oh, if I'd have knowed how to shout! I was shouting, but in my own way, you see.

302What was it? I had anchored my soul in a haven of rest. That settled it. That was my absolute. There I had found something, not some mythical, some idea. I had talked with the Man. I had talked with that Man that told me "never to drink, or smoke, or do anything that would defile" myself with women's and so forth. That, when I got older, there would be a work for me to do. I had contacted Him; not the church. I had contacted Him, Him! Yes, sir. He was the One.

303 Like a fellow down here at the Kiwanis or the... was speaking, not... right after the First World War. Brother Funk, standing there, being a soldier. He said he was... It's a little, kind of sound jokey. This no place for a joke, but here is what he said. He was here in New Albany.

304And he said, "The captain taken us out, said, 'That whole country there is invested with Japs. Tomorrow, boys, we go in. We got to take them.' He said, 'Remember, boys, there is many of us standing here, today, that won't be there tomorrow. They won't be here tomorrow. We're going in, in the morning, at daylight.' Said, 'Now each one get to his own religion.'" This guy said, "And I didn't have any religion." And said, "I said..."

305Said, "I stood there. And all the rest of them..." Said, "Here come a chaplain, went this way; and a Protestant went this way; and the Jewish went this way; and the Catholic went that way; with their chaplain." Said, "I stood there."

306 And said, "The--the commanding officer said to me, said, 'Boy, you better get to your religion.'"

He said, "I ain't got any."

307He said, "You better be getting some, 'cause you're going to need some right away. I'm sure."

308And said, about that time he seen a bunch going by, and it was Catholic. Said he walked over and said to this priest, "Could you give me some religion?"

And he said, "Come on."

309Said, "He went in and made a Catholic out of me." And there in New Albany, there was John Howard and a bunch of them real royal Catholics setting there, you know, when this guy was telling this.

310And he said--he said, "The next day in the combat..." He was talking about, oh, how it was. And said he was a great big fellow, you know. And said, "They got hand to hand, and they was just stabbing with knives, and screaming, and cutting, and slashing." Said, "Their lines got twisted up. They got right around, where them Japs let them walk right into it, like that. And them big old machine guns bellowing, from every side. A hand-to-hand combat!"

311 Said, "Directly, I stopped, long, like this." And said, "Everything, screams and carrying on, you couldn't hear yourself." Said, "There's blood." Said, "I looked, and it was my blood." He said, "I looked here. There's a hole in my side." He said, "That was my blood." And said, "I, you know, I--I--I... And a real..."

And Catholic friend, I'm not saying this for--for fun now.

"But a real royal Catholic said--said, 'Did you say a 'Hail Mary'?"

312He said, "No, sir." Said, "That was my blood. I didn't want any secretaries." I said, "I want to talk to the main Man. Yes, sir. That was--that was my blood."

313I think that's about the way it is. Yes, sir. That's the way it goes. We've got to have a tie post, an absolute.

"I had no time for His secretary." Said, "I want to talk to Him."

314And that's it, brother. When a man comes to Christ, you don't want to take some preacher's word, some secretary's word, some something else. You Protestants, don't take this, that, or the other. Go to that absolute, until you're anchored there by the new Birth, being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, and you see the Bible being manifested in humility and love through your life. Oh, then, that's your absolute. Yes, sir.

315 I read in the Word where He is the Word. When, the German church said it's this way; and the Methodist, and the Baptist, and the Catholic. But I read in the Word where He said, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It."

Listen now, in closing. Now the Protestant says...

316Now, the Catholic says, "He built It upon Peter, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock... '" No, He never. If it was, it backslid right away. They built it upon a man.

317What did He do? The Protestant said, "He built It upon Himself." No. He did not. Didn't build It upon Himself.

318What did He do? What? "Who does man say I, the Son of man, am?"

"And some said Thou art 'Elias,' and 'Moses.'"

He said, "But what do you say?"

Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

319 Watch the words now. "Blessed are thou, Simon, son of Jonas. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. You never learned it by some priest. You never learned it by some seminary. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed It to you. And upon this rock," spiritual revelation of the Word, "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It."

I thought, "Lord, that's it."

320I read over here in the Book of Revelations, 21st chap-... 22nd chapter, where He said, "Whosoever..." This is the complete Thing. "Whosoever shall inject something to It; whosoever shall take something away from It, deny It's so; or whosoever shall try to make It a little better, polish It up for the day. Whosoever shall add to or take away, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book of Life."

321I said, "Then, that's all I need, Lord, is to believe This." And in This, that cross yonder, the Christ came. Is perfect, all the way, every Word that He ever said. Take the Book in this hand, the history in this hand, and just vindicates right straight down, is perfect. And I said, "Then, Lord, receive me." And when I did, I received Christ, the Holy Spirit in my heart, my absolute. It hasn't been me.

322 I was sick one time, when my... I lost my wife. I lost my baby. Oh, lost my father, and lost my brother, and lost my sister-in-law. And Billy was laying, dying, and--and I was just about gone. I was going up the road, crying, going to her grave; and her and the baby, and the baby on her arm. Going to the grave. I was walking up. Mr. Isler used to come here and play, you know, the state Senator of Indiana. He was coming up the road. He stopped me. He run out there, put his arms around me. It was after '37 flood. He said, "Where are you going, Billy? Up there?"

And I said, "Yep."

He said, "What are you going to do up there?"

323I said, "I listen to an old dove." I said, "I set there by the baby's grave and hers. An old dove comes down there, and he speaks to me."

"Oh," he said, "Billy!"

324I said, "Yeah. And I hear the whispering of the leaves when they play it. It plays music for me, Mr. Isler."

Said, "What kind of music does it play?" he said.

There's a Land beyond the river,

That they call that sweet forever,

And we only reach that shore by faith degree;

One by one we gain the portal,

There to dwell with the immortal,

When someday they'll ring them golden bells for you and me.

325 He said, "Billy, I want to ask you something." He said, "What does Christ mean to you now? What does Christ mean to you now?"

326I said, "He's my Life, my all. He's all that I have, Mr. Isler. He is my--my Ultimate. He's all that I can hold to." Why? There had been something happen, "Upon this rock!"

327Said, "I've seen you stand here on the corner and preach, till you look like you was going to drop dead. I seen you, all hours of the night, up-and-down the streets, making sick call. And after He took your own wife, and your own baby, you still serve Him?"

328I said, "If He slay me, yet I trust Him." Why? My Anchor holds within the veil. I had an Absolute. I tied myself to His Word, and His Word was holding. He is my Absolute. I found out, that all these other things may fail, but Christ can never fail.

329 The Catholic church has a pope for an absolute. The Protestant has their bishops, and their creeds, and their general overseers.

330But, I, like Paul. Got your pencil? Set down something. And Paul said, in Acts the 20th chapter and 24th verse, "None of these things move me." Oh, you can have the creeds, you can have whatever you want to, but them things don't move me.

I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,

To sail the wild seas, (and don't know where you're at, this way, that way), no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

All may turn down.

But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

331Yeah. None of these things move me, for I'm tied to an anchor. "Oh, since I met Him," Paul said, "on that road, I been tied to an anchor. He turned me around. He started me back right." Remember, Paul belonged to an organization too, the biggest in the land, but he got tied to the absolute.

332 Listen. I want to tell you something. He had a purpose in saving me. He had a purpose in saving you. And I am determined, by His will, to do it; not to add to It, or take away from It. Revelation 22:19, if you want to put that down. All right. "Whosoever take away..." I'm determined. I'm fixing to leave the church, and you know that. And so I'm determined just to remain with this Gospel as long as I live, by the help of God. Huh! Remember, here is grace. There were millions dying in sin when He saved me. Who was I that He should save? He had a purpose, saving me, and I'm determined to carry out that purpose. I don't care. It might be my end, maybe, pretty soon now. But, whatever it is, I'm still anchored. Never changed it.

333 Mr. Isler said to me that day, going up the road, he said, "Billy, in all this trouble, did you keep your religion?"

334I said, "No, sir. It kept me." Yeah. Yeah. My anchor held. That's right. I never kept It. It kept me. I can't keep It. There no way for me to do it. But It keeps me. Yes, sir.

335He had a purpose in saving me. There were millions in sin when I come to Him, but He saved me. He had a purpose in doing so.

336 Christ's death was an absolute, to the fear of it. Christ's death settled the question, when that bee of death stung Him and anchored that stinger. You know, a bee, an insect that has a stinger, if it ever anchors that stinger into, deep enough, when it pulls away, it pulls the stinger out of it. Death always had a stinger. Death always had a stinger.

337And one day when, that going up Calvary, and the bumping of them rocks, the Blood splashing upon the rocks, when it hit the dirt on Calvary, going to Golgotha. The back of that cross, was dragging out the Bloody footprints of that little, frail body going, marching along there. Them whipping and mashing Him, as He went up the hill, but He had an absolute. He knew where He stood, because the Word of God said, through David, "I'll not leave My holy One see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell."

338He knew corruption set in, in seventy-two hours. He said, "Destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up again in three days." He had an absolute.

339There He go, up the hill, with gobs of mockery, spit of drunken soldiers that put a rag around His face, and hit Him on the head, said, "You're a prophet? Tell us who hit You." There He was, going up the hill, in shame and disgrace. To be... His clothes stripped from Him, despising the shame, hanging on the cross before the people, naked. Dying in Roman disgrace, under government, capital punishment, a Man that had done nothing.

340 A little story one time, said, Mary Magdalene run out and said, "What has He done? Healed your sick, raise the dead, and brought deliverance to those that would, in captive. What has He done?"

341And a priest smacked her in the mouth, till the blood flew out, and said, "Would you listen to her or your high priest?" Oh, that denominational world, it's a curse of all of it. That's it.

342 There, yeah, they took Him on, but as He went up the hill, dragging.

343The Devil had always doubted it, Him being what He was. Said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. You claim You can do miracles. If You are the Son of God, command these stones to be turned to bread."

344That same old devil lives today. That's right. "If you are a Divine healer! Here is old John So-and-so setting here on the corner. I know he is crippled. Heal him." Don't you know it's that same old devil?

Jesus said, "I only do..."

345Look, He went through the pool of Bethesda, where thousands lay there, lame, blind, halt, and withered, and went to a man that could walk. He could get around. He might have had prostrate trouble. Whatever it was, it was retarded. He had it thirty-eight years. He said, "When I'm come into the pool, someone steps ahead of me." He could walk.

346Left all them laying there, and went to that very one and healed him. Why? He said He knew he had been in that shape. Then they said to Him, questioned Him, when they found Him. Saint John 5, He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." There is His absolute. That's still the absolute.

347 Standing yonder in Finland that day, and that little boy laying there, and I walked around, him laying there, dead, been dead for a half hour. You read in the book. I started to walk away, Something put their hands on. I turned around, thought, "What was that?" I looked again. I thought, "Wait a minute."

348Looked back here on the flyleaf of the Bible. "And it shall come to pass, a little boy about nine years old, he'll be killed by an automobile. There will be a long strip of evergreen, rocks lapped in there. The car will be laying across the road, wrecked. He'll have on little stockings, like, up high; a crock haircut. His little eyes will be turned back. The bones in his body will be broken."

I looked. I thought, "O God!"

349I said, "Stand still, all of you." The mayor of the city there. I said, "If that boy isn't on his feet in two minutes from now, I'm a false prophet; ride, run me out of Finland." Certainly. "But if he is, you owe your lives to Christ." That's right. They stood still.

350I said, "Heavenly Father, across the sea yonder, two years ago, You said this little boy would lay here."

351 There was Brother Moore and Brother Lindsay, them looking at that. And, everywhere, they wrote it in the Bible. And thousands of Bibles across the land had it wrote in. What was it? An absolute. The Father had showed what would take place. There was no fear, at all, standing there. Absolute, sure, he'll rise.

352Right there in Finland, where thousands of people coming in nightly, and have to even move some out and let me speak to them, move them out and put somebody else in. There he stood, with all that. The people loved me, and they had seen healings done, but here was a boy laying there, dead. What was the absolute? The vision. "I do what the Father says do. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also." There's your absolute.

353I said, "Death, you can't hold him any longer. God has spoken. Come back. Give him up." And the little boy raised up, looked around like that. The people got to fainting, everything. There it is, wrote right there, and signed by the mayor of the city, by a notary republic. That's right.

354 What is it? An absolute, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If that ain't the same God that stopped the woman from Nain, with the bearer with her son. When anyone died in them days, they immediately put them in the grave. They didn't let them lay over. They put them in the grave. There is that same Jesus Christ, yesterday, today, and forever. Yeah.

355 Look down there in Mexico, and that little baby. Some of you laying here, setting here. And that baby, the doctor signed a statement, it's wrote in the Christian Business Men. "That baby died that morning at nine o'clock, and this was ten o'clock that night."

356That little woman would not be comforted. Billy standing there, my son, trying to put her back. And he had, well, I guess they had two hundred ushers standing there, and she climbing over them. The night before, that blind man received his sight, and she knew it. She was Catholic.

357When, finally, I said, "Go, Brother Moore, and pray for her. Because, that baby..."

358Was raining, pouring down. They had been standing there since early that morning, out in that big bull ring. And I said... Let me down on ropes, behind, to get into the place. Just there for three nights.

359I stood there. I said, "As I was saying..." preaching. And looked, I seen a little baby out here in front of me, a little Mexican baby, no teeth, just setting there laughing at me, right here in front of me.

360I said, "Wait a minute, Brother Moore. Bring her here." Oh, absolute!

361The ushers cleared back. Here she come. She fell down and said, "Padre, Padre."

I said, "Stand up."

362And Brother Espinoza said, "Stand up," and he told her in Spanish. She stood up there.

I said, "Heavenly Father, I'm standing here in this rain."

363 The pretty, little woman about twenty-three years old, something like that, her hair hanging down. Her little face looking up like that, the look in her eyes, expectation. She had seen that man that had been totally blind for about forty years, his eyes come open on the platform. She knew if God could open blinded eyes, He could heal her baby. There she lay there, a little stiff thing laying under a blanket like that, and it soaking wet. She had been standing there all morning, and that afternoon, too. There, was about eleven o'clock, ten o'clock that night, something like that, holding that baby out. You seen the article in Christian Business Men. There, holding that baby like that.

364I said, "Heavenly Father, I do not know what this means. I'm just Your servant. But I seen that baby standing yonder. It was alive. I lay my hands upon it, in the Name of the Lord Jesus."

Said, "Whah!" and begin to cry.

365The mother grabbed the baby and started screaming. And the people started screaming out there, and women fainting and things. I said, "Don't you say nothing about that. Send a runner with that baby, with that mother, and go to that doctor, and let him sign a statement, that, 'That baby died. It died of pneumonia, the morning before that, and, or that morning at nine o'clock.'"

366And we got the signed statement by the doctor, "The baby was pronounced 'dead,' in the doctor's office that morning, and the mother packed it around all day."

367What was it? An absolute. What was it? She believed, if God could open blinded eyes, (what?) God could raise the dead, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

368I wasn't sure. I didn't know till I seen. And when I saw the baby, it was an absolute, absolutely right. There it was. Death has to give up its victim.

369 Here went the Son of God. That bee of death begin to buzz around Him. "Ah, how could He be a prophet? How could He stand there and let spit in His face? How could He stand there, let them make fun of Him, and not do something about it? That isn't Emmanuel. That's just an ordinary man. Look at the drunken slobbers from them drunken soldiers. Look at His face bleeding."

370The Devil said "I'll get Him. I'll get Him." Here he come, like a bee, the sting of death, buzzing around Him. But, brother, when that bee ever anchored its stinger in that Emmanuel, when he come out, he lost his stinger, even death itself.

371No wonder Paul, later, could look in the face of it, say, "Oh, death, where is your stinger? Grave, where is your victory? Thanks be to God, Who giveth us the victory!" Christ's death was the absolute to every man that feared it.

372My heart says "amen" to every Word in His Book. I'm closing, sure enough now. I just got to cut this off. See?

373 That's why I know the Holy Spirit is my compass that guides me. He is the One that makes me know this Word is true. He is my Absolute. He is my Sunshine. He is my Life. He is my Anchor. When troubles are on, He's my north Star. When I'm lost, the Holy Spirit is my Compass that guides me back to the place.

374Denominations are like other stars, they shift with the world. Other stars shift as the world shifts, but not the north star. The world can shift where it wants to, but it stays put. Oh, brother, the north Star is anchored. The others shift around, you can see them here and there, and everywhere else. That's the way with the denominational churches.

375But Christ is the Absolute. He's the One you can put confidence in. When the denominations got you all twisted up, just look to the north Star. The Holy Spirit is your Compass. He ever remains true to His Word.

376 When they told me that them things couldn't happen in a modern day like this, I knowed. If--if there--if there is no God, then live, eat, drink, and be merry. There is a God, let's serve Him. And I've lived to see the day that He has performed everything, even to raising the dead, when He was here on earth. And we know that by documented statement, that it is the truth. Yes, sir.

377He is my Absolute. Now make Him your Absolute. Take in the... In time of my trouble, He's always the Absolute. Now watch. By the grace of God...

378Now I just better close. It's getting late. Well, look here, I thought it was eleven o'clock, and it's twelve-thirty.

379 Friends, all day, all night, all year, all through Eternity, could never speak of It. Don't try to figure It out. You can't. There's no way of figuring It out. You say, "Brother Branham, if--if you..."

380I don't know. I just believe. I quit trying, do anything about It. I just believe It, that's all. See? "Not him that runneth, or him that willeth; it's God shows mercy." See? Not by works. It's by grace. See? I just believe It. God, it's up to Him to do the rest of it. Just believe It, act upon It.

381This famous song, I heard them play or sing it here or somewhere.

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

Saints and Angels song.

382 When a man in mathematics, tried to break down, or tried to show by his education, he'll run you crazy. You can't do it. Don't try to do it. Don't try to figure It out. God is past figuring out. You don't figure God out. You just believe God. That's the sec-... That's the secret. Don't figure It out. Just believe It. I can't tell you what It means. I can't tell you how to do it. I just know I just believe It. That's all.

383Just like you promise something to a little kid, he believes it. You should keep your word. You're God's child. He keeps His Word. Just simply believe It. Don't be shook up. Just stay right there. God did it one time, He has to do it again. If He don't, He will tell you why He can't do it. And that's right. Now, just stay right with It.

384 You know, that one verse there... I believe our precious brother there, was baptized last night, sings that song, "Oh, love of God." They tell me that that verse, this part of it, was found penned on an insane institution's wall. When it said:

If we with ink the ocean fill,

Or were the skies of parchment made;

And every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry;

Or could the scroll re-... contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky.

385 Think of it. When, about three-fourths of the earth is water. And look at the hydrogen and oxygen in the air, the humidity and stuff. See? If every moisture was ink. And think of the billions, and trillions and trillions of straws, which would be quills. And think of the billions of men that's been on earth, and every one of them a scribe by trade. To dip them pens into the ocean, and try to figure out the love of God, would drain the ocean dry; or could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from Eternity to Eternity.

386Don't figure It out. You can't. You lose your mind, trying to figure It out. Just believe It. Make Him your Absolute. Stay there, the sweet peace and the experience that you'll never forget. Anchor to That, and your anchor will hold within the veil.

Let's bow our head.

"How great Thou art! How great Thou art!"

387 How many in here, with your heads bowed this morning... It's approaching New Year's now. And you've been very religious, and that's good. I appreciate it, every one of you. I'm sure God does. But you really haven't had that absolute experience?

388That Something that you just didn't make believe, you just didn't imagine, but Something spoke back to you, and then you seen your life change from that time. See, every Word of God, every promise, is punctuated with an "amen," then you're holding to the absolute. Cause, remember, He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not fail."

389You haven't come to that place yet, to where you could say "amen" to every Word, if it was against your creed, It was against your denomination, but you want to come to that place, like Moses, like the rest of them? They could not do that till they caught that absolute. And you want it in your life this morning, would you just signify the same by just lifting your hands to God? God bless you. All right, sir. All over the building.

390 Gracious Father, I know that some time we must part. There's got to be a time that when we're going to leave this world. We don't know what time that is, and it doesn't make too much difference. If our time is finished, then we want to come. Our objective of staying here is to serve You.

391And since on the road to destructions, one day, as Paul was on the road to Damascus, to make havoc of the Church, a Light blinded him. And, O God, that Light followed him, for It was Christ. And he anchored there to an absolute, that, even death itself, he could laugh in the face of it, and say, "Thanks be to God Who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ."

392You become a complete absolute to that apostle. He was the... You were the Amen to him, in every sentence. You were the Star of his life, the guide post. You were the compass that guided him through the storm. You were the revelation. You were the vision. You were his hopes, his salvation. Even at the hour of death, when he knowed he was going to it, You were still his absolute.

393 You were Daniel's absolute. You were all the prophets' absolute. In the midst of the denominational difference, and the troubles of their days, and the Pharisees and Sadducees, still there was men who took You for their absolute.

394And today, Lord, men and women with compassion, with love, and--and hearts that are bleeding, Lord, for a real experience of knowing God, and to have a--a--an assurance of an absolute. Maybe all the people ever knowed, before, Lord, was to join the church. And we realize, as I have tried to, sincerely, not to be different; You know my heart; but tell them that, "You cannot join the Church. You join the lodge, the Methodist, and Baptist, and Catholic, and Pentecostal lodges. But you're born into the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, and become members of His Body, with the gifts of the Spirit, to make His great Body move in action and power."

395 God, that's what these hands meant this morning, when they went up. "Place me, O Lord. Take me, mold me, make me. Just make my position in life such an absolute, tied to Christ, that I'll think of nothing else but that absolute." Grant it, Lord. Bless them. Heal the sick and the afflicted. Save the lost.

396Now, Lord, we know it's customary to call to the altar the people, but that has become a tradition to us. And this morning, with the altars filled, and the--the little children and--and all, but, Lord, somehow You spoke to them. They raised up their hands. They made--they made, as it was, a decision. They want to. They--they--they want something real. And I'm offering my prayer in their behalf. Grant it to each one, Lord. Be with us now, forgiving our sins, healing our sickness, and giving us the deliverance that we need.

397 And, Lord, above all things, may we never forget, today, that we are tied to the absolute, our north Star, to Calvary, to Christ. And the Holy Spirit is taking the Words of God and making Them manifest literally to us, by healing the sick, showing us visions, raising the dead, and doing just exactly what He promised to do.

398And may this church, and these people, or the portion of the Body of Christ that's assembled here this morning, live like Jesus said to live. "Ye are the salt of the earth." And may they become so salty till their community will be thirsty. Salt creates a thirst. And salt can only save as it contacts. And I pray, God, that You'll grant this to the people, that they might be soul-winners, also.

399 Bless our pastor, Brother Neville, this humble servant, Lord. Standing at his post of duty, just as reverent, as a member of the Body of Christ, trying his very best to follow everything that You'd tell him to do.

400Bless the trustees, them men who stood with me so gracious in this great, dark time that I been through.

401Stand with the Church who prayed with me and stood by me in times of trouble. Lord, I love them. And I offer my prayer, that they will look to You, Lord. May they look away from this mortal clay of a servant. May they look to Him Who is the Omnipotent, Who is. And we know, Lord, that we are finite. No matter who we are, we're still mortal. But, not the messenger, but the Message. Grant it, Lord. That's where we point, to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Grant that He will be so real to every one here today, even to the little children, that He will become the absolute of the entire congregation. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

402 Now, while we sing it again, shake hands with somebody in front of you, back of you, side of you, just everybody shake hands now. Just remain seated. Just turn around and shake hands, if you can. See? "I..." [Brother Branham shakes hands as the congregation sings I Love Him--Ed.] "And purchased my..."

They just announce, "Communion, Monday night, at midnight."

403 Let's raise our hands now and sing to Him. How many, how many feels (you) He is your Absolute? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Word, He is the Word. Do you that believe that? ["Amen."] He is the Word. And the Holy Spirit germitized that Word, to make that Light live in you, of the Word, the vindication of the Word. Put the Word in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit come in, and watch the Word move. Believe. Be humble. Don't desire to be a great somebody. Be a nobody, that God can make you a somebody. See? All right. Do that now.

404Everybody love Him? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You know what the word amen means? "So be it." Amen. That's right.

405Let's say, "Hallelujah." [Congregation says, "Hallelujah!"--Ed.] You know what that means? "Praise our God."

406 When I was in Germany not long ago, I got up before (about) thirty, forty thousand people out there that day, and I said, "It's a strange thing that you German people can't understand." I said, "On my road down here today, a dog barked at me in English. That's right." I said, "He had no trouble at all. And there set a bird, and he sang for me in English. I come down the street, and a mother had a little baby on her arm, when I come in back there at the back, and," I said, "that baby was crying in English. What's the matter with your people?" That's right. Oh, if you just look around, He's everywhere. Isn't He? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, He is.

407 Now let's just raise our hands and close our eyes, and sing, while we ask the pastor to come up for dismissing.

Let's stand up, first. Everybody on your own feet, everybody.

408Do you love Him? Again now say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

409And you know, the word hallelujah is the same in every dialect. Go in the Hottentot jungles of Africa, hallelujah is the same word. Hallelujah, it ought to almost be a Christian salutation. Oughtn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah, the word means "praise our God." And He's worthy of it. Isn't He? ["Amen."] He is absolutely my Saviour. He is absolutely Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to me. He is absolutely "the same yesterday, today, and forever," to me. Is He that way to you? ["Amen."]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my...