Deň víťazstva



Boh dovoľuje, aby sa stali sklamania, aby ukázal víťazstvo. Ó, ak by sme to len mohli vidieť! Vidíte? Vy by ste len videli, že tieto veci, ktoré sa zdajú byť také pichľavé pre vás, a ktoré vás rozčuľujú, že to sú skúšky. To sú veci na zastavenie, aby ste zaostrili svoj ďalekohľad na Slovo Božie. A aby ste vypovedali Slovo a potom kráčali napred. To je všetko, čo s tým treba urobiť. My sa dostávame do času, keď hovoríme, “Bože, ja neviem, čo robiť. Ja som proti tomu.”

Vypovedz to slovo, “Pane, ja verím.” A len začni kráčať napred. Boh otvára to more. Ty len kráčaj ďalej. Rozumiete?

No, nachádzame, že Józua, rovno v tom čase, on sa modlil. A Pán mu povedal, čo sa stane. A on mal deň „V“. On premohol. Potom, keď on premohol tú rieku a dostal sa na druhú stranu, čo on urobil?

On položil tú archu, v ktorej bolo to Slovo. On to položil ako prvé. Potom speváci, a tak ďalej, išli za tým. Ale archa išla napred ako prvá.

Keď Izrael išiel do boja, tá prvá vec, ktorá išla, boli speváci. A speváci vyšli a spievali. Potom oni trúbili na trúby a tak ďalej. Potom sa pohla archa. Potom, keď sa archa pohla, potom oni tú archu položili a ten boj sa začal.

Všimnite si. Ale teraz, v tomto, keď Jozua vzal najprv Slovo a umiestnil najprv Slovo, on to prešiel.

A Boh mu povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou. Nesklamem ťa. Budem s tebou. Nikto pred tebou neobstojí po všetky dni tvojho života. Ja budem rovno tam. Neboj sa toho, čo sa má stať. Ja budem rovno tam.“ Potom čo s takýmto poverením, čo iné mohol Józua urobiť, ak nie položiť Slovo ako prvé. A to priviedlo deň „V“. Ó, to muselo prísť. To je všetko.

On najprv položil Slovo a čo sa stalo? Najprv išla do vody archa. Keď sa toto udialo, to more sa otvorilo, skôr tá rieka, a oni prešli na druhú stranu.

1Môžete si sadnúť, ak chcete. A ja chcem vyjadriť svoju vďačnosť Bohu za to privilégium, že môžem byť tu a stretnúť spoluobyvateľov Kráľovstva Božieho, zatiaľ čo vy, ľudia, ste sa tu stretli dnes ráno v dome tohto brata, aby ste mali spolu obecenstvo. To mi tak trochu pripomína tú rannú cirkev. Ten spôsob, ktorým cirkev začínala, bol, Biblia povedala, „To bolo z domu do domu. Oni sa stretávali a lámali chlieb s prostotou srdca.“ A to je to, čo my chceme mať toto ráno, zatiaľ čo sme tu, je jednoduchosť srdca, jeden účel.

2Jednu vec, ktorú sa snažíme dosiahnuť, to je vyplniť plán Boží pre naše životy, zatiaľ čo sme tu na zemi. A zrejme, možno, Boh pred mnohými tisíckami rokov, On skrze Svoju nekonečnú múdrosť vedel, že my tu budeme dnes ráno, a že budeme naspäť tu na tejto prérii, alebo tu na púšti, v tejto malej budove. On to vedel pred tisíckami rokov.

3No, stretli sme niekoľkých našich priateľov, ktorí dnes ráno prišli z Tucsonu, Strickerova rodina. Pokazil sa im generátor v aute. Dali sme dokopy, čo sme mohli zohnať, aby sme ich priviedli, tú pani tu a tie deti. A oni pôjdu ďalej, trochu neskôr, ak sa im podarí dať opraviť ich generátor. To sa stalo tu na nejakých malých križovatkách. Ja neviem, kde to bolo. Ale sme šťastní, že sme tu.

4A teraz, brat Isaacson tu, my sotva poznáme jeden druhého, nie viac než len to, že vieme, že sme bratia v Kristu. A mali sme spolu časy obecenstva. A verím, že naše prvé stretnutie bolo v... hore vo Phoenixe pred rokmi. A ak by jeho manželka bola prítomná, ja by som ju nepoznal. No, to je to, ako sa dobre poznáme, ani neviem, kto je jeho manželka, alebo jeho rodina.

5Ako som prichádzal, stretol som jedného z našich farebných bratov ako stál vo dverách, veľmi milý človek, vie tak dobre potriasť ruku, viete, to vám spôsobuje, že sa cítite taký vítaný, viete, keď vchádzate a ste medzi takým zástupom ako je tento dnes ráno, a to mi dáva privilégium.

6A teraz, mal som privilégium hovoriť v mnohých preľudnených oblastiach, kde by oni zhromaždili možno tisíce krát tisíc ľudí. Ale ja... Pamätníky mojej služby sú časy ako toto, keď je tam možno tucet alebo dva, sediacich spolu, zdá sa, že Boh koná s ľuďmi bližšie. Myslím, že sa cítime viac zoznámení, ako sme zhromaždení v malom zhromaždení. Zdá sa, že kde je Božie Slovo tak významné pre nás, to je keď my, On povedal, „Kde sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede.“

7Včera večer, blízko polnoci, bol som spolu s... v tom dome, kde bol jeden muž a jeho manželka a jedno mladé dievča, ktoré sa pomiatlo ohľadom jednej malej udalosti, ktorá sa stala. A zatiaľ čo sme my... boli spolu zhromaždení, len tá mladá pani a ja v jednej izbe, pretože tie veci musia byť povedané, to bolo... Lepšie je to povedať osamote. A tam prišlo toto Svetlo, tento Anjel Pánov, a zastavil sa rovno tam, kde sme my boli, ukazujúc, že Boh dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

8A včera, tam kde bol mladý dvadsaťdvaročný muž z veľmi významnej rodiny, on dostal mumps a ten mumps doľahol na neho. A mnohí z vás dospelých vedia, čo to je, predovšetkým u mužov. Muži, to ich skutočne takmer zabije. A tento chlapec počas niekoľkých dní, počas dvoch týždňov, mal horúčku štyridsať a pol. Tak viete, to je nebezpečný stav. A tí doktori jednoducho použili všetko, čo mali, s penicilínmi a všetkým, aby zrazili horúčku tej infekcie. Ale zdalo sa, akoby to nemalo žiaden efekt. Ale v jednej minúte, to je čas pred Bohom, každá smietka tej horúčky opustila toho mladého muža. On vstal zdravý. A to jednoducho ukazuje, že tá hlavná Osoba je Kristus.

9To je to, prečo sme tu dnes ráno v tomto dome, aby sme slúžili Kristovi, v tomto dni sabatu.

10Tešil som sa na ten čas, kedy prídem sem, na stretnutie s naším drahým bratom a s vami ľuďmi. Dostal som vaše desatiny, ktoré mi brat poslal, veľakrát, z tohto malého zhromaždenia tu. A také poklady ako to, držím to u seba vo veľmi posvätnej úcte, pretože viem, že sa jedného dňa zodpoviem za to, kde to odtiaľto išlo. A chcem si skutočne ceniť, ceniť si a chcem vyjadriť svoju vďačnosť za vernosť vás ľudí, za túto myšlienku, ktorú ste mali, vediac, o tých desatinách, ktoré máte. A zhromaždenie v domoch ako je toto a jednako, to málo, čo máte a chcete ísť podľa vašej najlepšej známosti, aby ste podporili tú službu. Potom, od teraz, musím byť za to zodpovedný. A ja chcem byť dobrým správcom pre nášho Pána, a keď sa budem musieť zodpovedať v ten deň, za to, čo sme urobili na zemi.

11No, je jedna vec, že tu nie sme príliš veľmi obťažovaní hukotom dopravnej premávky, a to je dobré.

12A tak teraz, ja sotva viem, ako toto povedať, ale želám si, aby sme tu mali prebudenie, kde by sme na to mali niekoľko dní. Pretože týmto spôsobom vy len prídete a poviete, „Ako sa máš? Som rád, že ťa stretávam,“ a hovoríte chvíľu o Pánovi a idete znova preč. Ja mám byť o jedna tridsať v Tucsone. A ako že to... My sa tu len takto stretneme a potrasieme si ruky jeden s druhým a povieme, „Ako sa máš? Som rád, že ťa stretávam,“ a odchádzame.

13Ale viete, rozmýšľam o dni, keď sa stretneme tam, kde si nepovieme dovidenia. Nepovieme, „Je to milé vidieť ťa. Dúfam, že prídeš znovu.“ Kde my tu budeme počítať možno zopár hodín, keď sme spolu. Tam budeme môcť... my si môžeme sadnúť a hovoriť po dobu milión rokov, ak je tam také niečo ako čas, a nebudeme mať o nič menej času, ako keď sme si sadli. Vidíte? To je jednoducho večnosť. Nie je tomu žiaden koniec. A pomyslieť, že sme pomimo času a takto, a keď budeme kráčať cez tie koridory Božieho veľkého raja a tí anjeli ako spievajú chorály.

14A teraz je čas, keď my musíme bojovať, aby sme vybojovali ten boj a premohli veci toho sveta.

15A tam, dobre, tam nebude žiaden boj. Bude pomodlená posledná modlitba; oni viac nebudú musieť mať modlitebné zhromaždenia. Nebude tam viac miesta pre ľudí, aby boli spasení. Nebude tam žiadna choroba, ktorá by bola uzdravená. A to jednoducho bude jedna veľká slávna vec.

16A čo by sme my ako ľudské bytosti dnes ráno, čo by sme my mohli sľúbiť? Na čo by sme sa mohli pozrieť, čo by bolo väčšie, než dívať sa do zasľúbenia pre ten čas. Vidíte?

17Premýšľame o tomto tu. Dívam sa na zmenu veku, od malého kŕmeného dieťaťa na matkinom lone ku malému chlapcovi, ktorý chodí do školy, dievčatá a chlapci vo veku tínedžerov a potom stredný vek, a potom starší človek. Vidíte? A chlapec, ktorý chodí do školy, minulý rok bol na lone svojej matky, kojenec. Vidíte? A ako tínedžer išiel do školy iba minulý rok, zdanlivo. A ten v strednom veku bol raz tínedžerom. A potom staroba. Len... Oh! Vidíte? Je to ako para, ktorá padne na zem a ide naspäť. Šalamún povedal, verím, že to bolo, „to je ako kvet.“ Vyrastie a potom je zoťatý a pominul sa.“ A my chceme užitočne využiť ten čas, počas ktorého sme tu.

18Tak, teraz hovorme ku Nemu, teraz, ako skloníme naše hlavy v modlitbe.

19A ak je tu niekto, kto by bol rád spomenutý v modlitbe, napríklad, ak je niekto chorý, alebo má potrebu, ak by ste to chceli dať vedieť Bohu vo vašom srdci, povedzte, „Teraz Pane, vošiel som, aby som poprosil v tejto prímluve.“ A ak by ste len, tak ja by som vedel, tak trochu, ak by ste zodvihli svoju ruku a len, takto, a povedali, „Pamätaj na mňa.“ Nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

20Všemohúci Bože, ktorý Si sformoval nebo i zem, skrze Tvoje Slovo, my sme sa tu zhromaždili dnes ráno, aby sme hovorili o tomto Slove a o Tom Veľkom, ktorý je Slovom.

21Ďakujeme Ti za toto ohromné privilégium, že sme mohli znova prísť sem na túto zadnú stranu púšte. To bolo jedného dňa, tam kde horiaci krík upútal pozornosť utekajúceho proroka. A tam mu bolo nanovo dané poverenie, a bol poslaný, ktorý sa stal veľkým vysloboditeľom ľudí toho dňa, Božieho dedičstva, ktoré bolo v otroctve. Ó, veľký Bože, či prídeš na túto zadnú stranu púšte ku nám? Ako my vieme, Ty si vo veľkých katedrálach a na celom svete, ale vediac, že Ty si nekonečný Boh, a že nie je žiadne miesto, ktoré by bolo príliš malé. Alebo, žiadne miesto, alebo bez ohľadu na to, ako sme roztrúsení po tvári zeme, jednako Ty Si všadeprítomný, môžeš byť všade v každom čase. Ďakujeme Ti za to.

22A v tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno Ti ďakujeme za nášho brata a jeho malé stádočko tu a za ich odvahu a vernosť Božej veci na zemi dnes, a my prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre nich. A nech, tak dlho ako je tam nejaké túžiace srdce po Kristovi, nech je tam vždy niekde nejaký posol, ktorý by to udelil, priniesol to Posolstvo hladnému srdcu.

23A my prosíme, Nebeský Otče, za potreby týchto ľudí, ktorí práve teraz zodvihli svoje ruky. Ty vieš, čo pulzovalo pod ich rukou, okolo ich srdca. Oni mali potrebu. Ak je to choroba, Pane. Ty, ktorý Si vzal Paula Sharitta, ktorý práve pred pár hodinami hovoril o jednej veci, keď on ležal medzi smrťou a životom s hroznou horúčkou, ktorú celá medicínska veda nemohla zastaviť, a jednako jedno malé slovo modlitby zatavilo tú horúčku okamžite. Ty si Jehova Boh. Ukáž, že Ty si práve tak isto reprezentovaný, a práve tak skutočný dnes, tu na tejto zadnej strane púšte, ako si bol vo dňoch Mojžiša, tam na zadnej strane púšte.

24Ďakujeme Ti, pretože ja viem, že Ty vypočuješ modlitbu. A prichádzame ku Tebe najpokornejšie a najúprimnejšie, vediac, že by to bolo zlé prosiť ťa o veci, ktoré si my len predstavujeme v našej mysli. Chceme byť vážni a byť si smrteľne istí toho, čo prosíme. Musíme tomu veriť a vedieť, že to je Božia vôľa, aby nám to dal, pretože my sme to už vyriešili v našich srdciach, so všetkým, čo my vieme Pane.

25Tak ja sa modlím, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, ktorá je tu dnes ráno. Spas každého jedného, ktorý je stratený. Udeľ to. Nech môže byť dnes niečo povedané, alebo učinené, čo pri nich spôsobí, na mieste, kde oni sedia, alebo stoja okolo múrov, alebo kdekoľvek to môže byť, aby zakotvenie Božej viery vošlo do ich sŕdc a aby to tam vybavilo raz na vždy. Udeľ to, Otče.

26Požehnaj brata, ktorý nám dovolil mať tento dom na zhromaždenie.

27Tak, hovor ku nám cez Tvoje Slovo, pretože to je to, prečo sme tu, Pane. Milujeme obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ale jednako to si Ty, ktorého my chceme, Pane. Môžeme ísť niekde pod stromy a sadnúť si a hovoriť jeden s druhým. Ale tu sme zhromaždení, aby sme našli priazeň u Teba. Či nás stretneš, Pane, teraz? Otvorili sme trón v našom srdci, aby si Ty dnes zasadol na ten trón, aby si hovoril ku nám, a povedal nám o potrebách, ktoré máme, a aby si vyjadril Svoju lásku ku nám, ako my vyjadrujeme našu lásku ku Tebe. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

28Ak je tam vzadu niekto, kto si chce sadnúť, vidím tu nejaké stoličky, aby ste mohli byť spolu, a keď chcete mať viac pohodlia.

29Tak, tieto časy, v ktorých my žijeme, sú ohromné časy. A včera, zatiaľ čo som rozmýšľal o tom, čo by som dnes povedal, vediac, že som sa tešil na to, že prídem sem, a čo by som povedal keď prídem, malé modlitebné zhromaždenie? A prosil som Pána, aby mi pomohol. A vzal som zopár poznámok ohľadom nejakého miesta Písma tu, ktoré by som rád ukázal vám ľuďom dnes ráno, zatiaľ čo očakávame na Pánove požehnania.

30A modlíme sa, aby ste otvorili svoje srdce a porozumeli to najmenšie, najslabšie malé zaklopanie Krista na to srdce. Pamätajte, vy, ak nie ste veriaci, a nikdy doteraz ste neprijali Krista, toto bude tá najohromnejšia vec, ktorá sa vám kedy stala, byť zhromaždení v tomto dome dnes ráno, keď to zaklopanie príde do vášho srdca. Ak to prijmete, to sú dvere do Života. Odvrhnúť to je smrť. A to je to, prečo sme dnes ráno tu, ukázať vám, že sú otvorené dvere pre každého veriaceho, ktorý môže veriť.

31Tak chcem čítať z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, 15-tu kapitolu. Chcem čítať určitú časť, prvé štyri verše 15-tej kapitoly knihy Zjavenia.

A videl som iný div na nebi, veľký a prepodivný: sedem anjelov, majúcich... sedem posledných rán, pretože nimi sa dokoná hnev Boží.

A videl som čosi jako sklené more, smiešané s ohňom, a tých, ktorí zvíťazili nad šelmou a nad jej obrazom a nad jej znamením, nad číslom jej mena, že stáli na sklenom mori a mali... harfy Božie

a spievali pieseň Mojžiša, sluhu Božieho, a pieseň Baránkovu a hovorili: Veľké a prepodivné sú tvoje skutky, Pane, všemohúci Bože, spravedlivé a pravdivé sú tvoje cesty, ó, Kráľu svätých!

Kto by sa teba nebál, ó, Pane, a neoslavoval tvojho mena?! Lebo ty si sám jediný svätý; pretože všetky národy prijdú a budú sa klaňať pred tebou, lebo sú zjavené tvoje spravedlivé súdy.

32A ak Pán dovolí, zobral by som z toho text, ktorý by som nazval Deň „V“, Deň Víťazstva, ako my to symbolizujeme, úplné víťazstvo.

33Títo ľudia, v tejto kapitole, ktorú sme... práve čítali, práve obdržali víťazstvo. Myslím, že slovo víťazstvo je veľké slovo v anglickom jazyku. To znamená, že ty si porazil nepriateľa, a premohol si, a si víťazom, ktorý drží víťazstvo. A my spievame pieseň, voláme na slávu pri víťazstve. A tu nachádzame, že tam bolo niečo, títo ľudia prišli ku tomuto sklenému moru, zmiešanému s ohňom. A oni obdržali víťazstvo nad šelmou, nad jej obrazom, nad tým znakom a počtom jej mena. Nad všetkými týmito vecami oni dostali víťazstvo a boli víťazmi stojacimi na tej druhej strane, na sklenom mori zmiešanom s ohňom, spievajúci piesne chvály Všemohúcemu Bohu.

34Tak, hovoriť o víťazstve a dňoch „V“ a tak ďalej, to nás privádza späť do myšlienok o vojne, keď rozmýšľame o dni „V“. Pretože práve nedávno, v tých posledných niekoľkých rokoch sme prišli ku dňu, ktorý sme nazvali deň „V“, tej vojny, kde oni dosiahli víťazstvo nad tým nepriateľom. A je to príliš zlé, že musíme o tom rozmýšľať, ale svet bol vždy nasiaknutý ľudskou krvou, počnúc krvou spravodlivého Ábela.

35Prvá ľudská krv, ktorá narazila na zem, bola krv spravodlivého Ábela. A on, ten dôvod, že on musel preliať svoju krv, to bolo kvôli tomu, že bol v poriadku s Bohom. A Boh prijal jeho zmierenie, ktoré on mal, skrze vieru obetoval Bohu toho baránka.

36A jeho žiarlivý brat, ktorý žiarlil na neho, zabil spravodlivého Ábela. A ten istý dôvod, v podstate zapríčinil preliatie všetkej ľudskej krvi na tvári zeme. A tá stará zem je pravdaže tým nasiaknutá, po celom svete, ľudskou krvou. My... Je dôvod pre to. Tam je nejaký dôvod, že oni boli, že táto ľudská krv bola preliata. A my nachádzame, že ten prvý dôvod bol kvôli závisti, že Kain závidel Ábelovi, pretože Boh prijal Ábelovu obeť. A Židom 11 nám hovorí, že „Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť než Kain, a Boh pri nej svedčí.“ A Kain na to pravdaže žiarlil, pretože jeho obeť bola odmietnutá a Ábelova prijatá. A Ábel toto spravil skrze vieru. Biblia povedala, že, „On to urobil skrze vieru.“

37 Vidiac, že tí dvaja chlapci sa snažili nájsť priazeň u Boha, aby mohli prísť naspäť, pretože oni vedeli, že sa len nedávno dostali preč zo záhrady Života. A oni upadli na tej druhej strane kvôli prestúpeniu ich rodičov, čo ich urobilo poddanými smrti; práve tak ako my všetci stojíme dnes ráno, poddaní smrti. A oni chceli vedieť, ako sa dostať späť na miesto, kde by mohli znovu nájsť Život. A keď to robili, oni sa snažili nájsť priazeň u Boha.

38A Kain obetoval nádhernú obeť kvetov a ovocia poľa, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo on položil na ten oltár.

39Ale Ábel, skrze duchovné zjavenie, ktoré mu bolo zjavené, že to nebolo ovocie poľa, ktoré zapríčinilo smrť. „To bola krv, ktorá zapríčinila smrť.“ Tak on obetoval naspäť krv nevinnej náhrady, a Boh to prijal. A to bolo Božie zmierenie za naše hriechy od toho dňa po každý krát. Nie je iný spôsob, pretože ak by to On prijal na nejakom inom základe, potom my by sme museli prísť ku tomu základu, aby sme našli priazeň u Boha. Ale Boh prijal jedine nevinnú krv nevinnej náhrady. Vidíte?

40A preto ak tá nádhera a veľké miesta by boli prijaté u Boha, dnes by sme... Boli by sme zvedaví, „Prišiel by On sem na túto zadnú stranu púšte, do tohto malého domu stojaceho pri železničnej trati? Prišiel by On sem a stretol by sa s nami?“ Ale ak by to bola veľká katedrála, alebo tá krása, ktorú obetoval Kain, my by sme zistili, že hovoríme len ku samým sebe a do vzduchu.

41Ale Boh prichádzal na základe preliatej krvi. Tak dnes, bez ohľadu na to, akí sme malí, akí biedni sme, alebo ako veľmi by sme radi ponúkli Bohu väčšie miesto, ale Boh by to neprijal, nie viac, než ako by to On neprijal práve teraz, pretože my prichádzame na základe preliatej Krvi nevinnej Náhrady, ktorou je Kristus zomierajúci za nás hriešnikov.

42No, ten dôvod, že táto krv bola preliata, je preto, verím, že človek chce... Boh pozýva človeka, aby sa pozrel, ale človek chce ukázať samého seba. Človek sa chce pozrieť na to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, na základe jeho vlastných myšlienok o tom. Vidíte? Boh sa snaží človeku niečo ukázať, ale človek to chce prijať na základe toho čo on... toho spôsobu, ktorým sa on na to díva.

43Ale to je, ako keď niekto chce ukázať nejakú scénu. Musí tam byť nejaký dôvod na ukázanie tej scény. Tam je... Ak vy poviete, „Pozri sa tam na tú horu,“ no, je tam niečo, čo zaujalo vašu pozornosť, že sa ma snažíte poprosiť, aby som sa pozrel na tú horu. Vidíte? Alebo, „Pozri sa na tento strom,“ vidíte, na tom strome je niečo, čo chcete, aby som videl.

44Tak, Boh sa snaží dostať človeka, aby sa díval na tú nevinnú náhradu kvôli ceste späť. A človek sa chce na to dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. On nechce vidieť to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, v tejto nevinnej náhrade. Preto to je to, čo zapríčinilo ten problém. Potom, keď to človek robí, ako to bolo, berie si ďalekohľad, aby sa pozrel do diaľky, aby videl to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, on si nedokáže správne zaostriť svoj ďalekohľad.

45Tu na tej ceste, nedávno, ako som išiel z poľovačky z hôr, niekto mi povedal, „Tu, vezmi si svoj ďalekohľad a pozri sa tam na určitú vec.“ No, zobral som ďalekohľad a videl som tri alebo štyri rôzne objekty. No, vidíte, vedel som, že niečo s tým nebolo v poriadku. Vidíte? Tak, tá antilopa, ktorá tam stála na tom poli, zdalo sa mi, že sú tam tri alebo štyri, ktoré tam stoja spolu. No, čo to bolo, tá antilopa bola práve dokonale jednou antilopou. Ten ďalekohľad bol v poriadku. Ale čo som ja musel urobiť, bolo natočiť to zaostrenie, až kým som nedostal všetky tri antilopy do jednej, a dostal som jednu antilopu. Rozumiete? A potom to... Za mnou, vedel som, že tam bola... bola jedna antilopa, pretože to bolo to, čo mi bolo povedané. Ale, keď som si zobral ten ďalekohľad a pozrel som sa cez neho, videl som, povedzme tri antilopy, ktoré tam stáli. No, ten ďalekohľad nebol zaostrený. Musel som zaostriť ten ďalekohľad, až kým som ho dostal na miesto, kde som videl jednu antilopu. A potom mi to ten ďalekohľad priblížil natoľko, že som mohol vidieť, ako vyzerala.

46Tak, Boh nám dáva Bibliu. No, Biblia je Slovo a Slovo je Boh. Tak, to je náš ďalekohľad. To sú naše okuliare. Ale potom, keď sa ideme pozrieť do Biblie a vidíme štyri alebo päť rozdielnych ciest, dobre, to si vyžaduje zaostrenie, rozumiete. A my musíme priviesť veci na miesto, kde vidíme jeden vážny zámer týkajúci sa Boha.

47Ale človek chce začať organizáciu, bežať touto cestou. A iný chce, „Dobre, ja viem. Myslím, že môžem byť väčší chlapík než on, tak ja začnem tu. My vyškolíme našich chlapcov lepšie, a urobíme toto a tak ďalej.“ Rozumiete? Oni zlyhávajú v zaostrení toho ďalekohľadu. Boh chce, aby videli jednu vec, a to je nevinná Krv, ktorá bola preliata za ich hriechy. Je to presne tak. To je tá skutočná vec, bez ohľadu na všetko. My nepotrebujeme organizáciu. Nemám nič proti nim, oni len... tá škoda, ktorú oni robia je, že ťahajú ľudí preč a oddeľujú bratstvo a veci.

48Ale my sa len potrebujeme dívať na jednu vec, a to je naša Náhrada. Je to tak. A tá náhrada je Ježiš Kristus.

49A potom dnes vidíte, ako sme pokrútení v našich organizáciach. A oni hovoria, „Metodisti majú prebudenie. Pravdaže, to nezahŕňa baptistov. To sú metodisti. A títo majú prebudenie a tak ďalej.“ A oni odsekávajú iných von, po celý čas. Ale my to nechceme vidieť takto.

50My chceme stále točiť to zaostrovanie, až kým nezistíme, že je tam jeden Boh. Keď tam vidíte troch, radšej zaostrite ten ďalekohľad trochu lepšie. Rozumiete? Vidíte niečo nesprávne. Tak, vy by ste urobili lepšie, keby ste to priniesli a zistili, že je jeden Boh nad nami všetkými, a On je Boh ľudskej rasy.

51A ak On je vôbec Boh, On sa zaujíma o každú ľudskú bytosť, pretože to je Jeho stvorenie. A On sa zaujíma o deti. On sa zaujíma o starých a stredný vek. On sa zaujíma o naše farby, a bielu, hnedú, čiernu, žltú, o rozličné odtiene našej kože podľa krajiny, z ktorej pochádzame my a naši otcovia. On sa zaujíma o nás všetkých. On sa nezaujíma len o Židov, alebo o žltú rasu, čiernu rasu, bielu rasu, čokoľvek to je.

52On sa zaujíma o celú ľudskú rasu a snaží sa dostať ľudskú rasu, aby zaostrila na Božie Slovo, na jednu vec, a povedala, „Je jeden Boh, a ten Boh dáva nevinnú Náhradu, skrze príchod... skrze to, že sa Sám stal Človekom, kvôli tomu, aby sňal hriech, aby spasil celú ľudskú rasu.“ Prorok Ján to tak nádherne ukázal, „Hľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta, ktokoľvek.“ Celý problém hriechu je vybavený rovno tam v tej jednej nevinnej Náhrade.

53Ale keď ľudská bytosť tu berie Boží ďalekohľad, ona začína... Ona sa díva na tak veľa toho prirodzeného, že zlyháva vidieť to duchovné uplatnenie, ktoré dáva Slovo.

54No, pozrite, to, čo je jednou z najväčších vecí, ktoré človek robí, keď sa on snaží pozerať, pretože on pozerá tak, ako sa Kain pozeral cez ten ďalekohľad. On sa díval na osobný úspech. Kain rozmýšľal, „No, ak by som mohol dostať Ábela preč z cesty, potom ja som ten jediný.“ To je to, čo sa človek pokúšal urobiť, počas tých rokov, snažil sa dostať niekoho iného preč z cesty.

55Zatiaľčo sa on mal snažiť priviesť niekoho iného na tú cestu s ním, a byť bratom, rozumiete; namiesto toho, aby sa snažil povedať, „Ó, tá malá skupina, vymeťte ich von. A títo tu, ó... no, oni sú toto a to.“ Rozumiete? Nemali by sme to robiť. Mali by sme sa snažiť priviesť celú tú vec do jedného uceleného obrazu, a to je Ježiš Kristus.

56Včera večer, jedna mladá pani pri osobnom rozhovore, ona povedala... Ale ona povedala... Dcéra jedného kazateľa mala nejaký malý ľúbostný vzťah, a ona sa z toho pomiatla. Zrútila sa. Veľmi pekná mladá žena a asi dvadsaťtriročná.

57A keď bola malé dievča, asi dvanásťročné, bola v Chicagu. A sedela na zhromaždení... Alebo to bol Elign. A ako sedela v tom zhromaždení, Duch Svätý prechádzal tým obecenstvom a nazval ju, kým bola a povedal, „Ty máš šelest na srdci. Doktor hovorí, že sa nedožiješ pätnástich rokov. Ale, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, si uzdravená.“ A ona odvtedy nikdy necítila žiaden problém so srdcom.

58A minulý večer mala iný druh srdcového problému. Bol to duchovný srdcový problém. Jej milenec utiekol a oženil sa s inou ženou. A jednako, ona ho stále milovala. A tento chlapec hovoril, že ju jednako miluje, a že jeho „otec to zapríčinil.“

59Povedal som, „Ó, to je nezmysel. On sa nemusel oženiť s iným dievčaťom. On to urobil preto, že zlyhal v tom, aby mal ku tebe ten správny druh lásky.“ Je to presne tak.

60Ale, vidíte, pretože bola z toho celá zranená, to dievča tam sedelo také sklesnuté. A povedala, „Ó, ja viem, že ma Johnny miluje. Ja viem.“ Vidíte? To je všetko, čo ona mohla vidieť. Ona žila v tom svojom jednom malom svete. Ona samú seba do neho vyformovala.

61A ja som ju vzal za ruku. Povedal som, „Počúvaj ma.“ A Pán ukázal videnie, vidíte, o ktorom ona vedela, o ktorom som ja nič nevedel, že niečo sa stalo, nejaká vec medzi nimi. A keď to bolo povedané, práve vtedy sa to pri nej rýchlo prelomilo. Povedal som, „Zatiaľ čo si mimo toho, pozri na Golgotu. Ty si vyšla odtiaľto a začala si pokúšať sa piť, a si dcéra kazateľa, dcéra letničného kazateľa, a robíš veci, ktoré robíš, snažiac sa utopiť ten smútok; tento muž, ktorému nestojíš ani za lusknutie prstom?“

Povedal som. „Dívaj sa na Golgotu, dievča. To je tá jediná cesta späť.“

62Musíme zaostriť samých seba, až kým, či žijeme alebo zomierame, klesáme alebo sa topíme, to je Golgota, Kristus. To je tá vec, ku ktorej chce Boh, aby sme sa navrátili.

63A mužovia, v tom zaostrení Božieho Slova, namiesto toho, aby to priviedli spolu a aby spôsobili, že To hovorí tú jednu vec, ktorú Boh spôsobuje, aby To hovorilo, my sa dívame na tú telesnú stránku. Preto človek, ktorý to robí, on sa dostáva na miesto, že on berie podľa toho, čo mu je predložené. „Tu je príležitosť, ktorú my, naša malá skupina, môžeme urobiť toto a môžeme tamto. My nemáme nič do činenia s tými ostatnými.“ A to, vidíte, to je tá prvá vec, ktorá je predložená; namiesto zaostrenia, aby vedeli, že to je bratská láska, ktorú by sme mali mať jeden ku druhému, a porozumieť jeden druhého, a milovať jeden druhého, a spoločne vzdávať chválu. Oni degradujú človeka kvôli šatám, ktoré on nosí, alebo kvôli vzdelaniu, ktoré on má, alebo farbe jeho kože, alebo niečo také. Alebo jeho... A to, preto, to oddeľuje ľudí, a človek to berie podľa toho.

64To nikdy nedá tomu vnútornému človeku šancu účinkovať. No, my sme trojitá bytosť; duša, telo a duch. No, ale keď tá prirodzená myseľ... Tie dve duchovné sily, ktoré vo vás pracujú, to je vaša myseľ a váš duch. Vidíte? No, tá prirodzená myseľ, ona je vysoko naleštená, bude sa snažiť dosiahnuť niečo skrze svoju inteligenciu. Vidíte? A keď to on robí, tá samotná vec, keď on to robí, on vrhá samého seba preč od toho duchovného človeka, ktorý je v ňom. A to je to, čo spôsobuje problémy, rovno tam, vidíte, on sa to snaží v sebe vyprodukovať.

65Ako som tu prednedávnom povedal, verím že to bolo v zhromaždení, že, „Boh je tak veľký, že On sa môže stať takým jednoduchým.

66Tak vidíte, keď my sa stávame veľkými, nemôžeme byť jednoduchí. Rozumiete? My, my, vieme príliš veľa. A musíme, „Ó, to jednoducho musí byť takto, tým spôsobom, ktorým to my hovoríme, alebo to tak vôbec nie je.“ Vidíte? No, takto my prehliadame Boha.

67Ale ak by človek len mohol, veľký človek, by sa mohol stať väčším a väčším, a stále sa stávať väčším, čo by on urobil? On by sa stal rovno naspäť znova tak pokorný, a tak jednoduchý, až by ľudia chodili ponad ním a nevedeli by to, vidíte, že v ich strede je veľká osoba.

68Práve tú istú vec, ktorú my robíme. Meriame elektróny, delíme atómy, a posielame posolstvá na mesiac, a chodíme po obyčajnej tráve, o ktorej nič nevieme. Je to tak. Ten malý kvet, nikto nemôže vysvetliť alebo nemôže nájsť ten život, ktorý sa skrýva v tom malom semene dolu v zemi, aby zrodil kvet nasledujúci rok. Obyčajné steblo trávy, všetci vedci na svete by nemohli vyrobiť jedno steblo trávy, ani jeden výhonok. Vidíte? Nemôžete to vyrobiť, pretože to má život. A preto, vidíte, my...

69Bolo povedané, „Blázni kráčajú v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja šliapnuť.“ A to je skutočne pravda. My chodíme ponad jednoduchými vecami. Chodíme ponad Bohom.

70Chodíme ponad orchideami, hľadajúc margaréty. No, to je to, vidíte, chodíme ponad orchideami. A ak sa len staneme jednoduchými, znížime sa. Nikto by sa nemohol pozrieť dokonca...

71Ten vinič tam, čo je to? Boh. Čo je to? Je to vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Obzrite sa, stojí tam mocný strom, myslím, že je to topoľ. Čo je to? To je vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe iný druh života. Tento druh života utvoril strom. Tento druh života utvoril vinič. Rozumiete?

72A čo sme my? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Čo nás utvorilo tým, čím sme. My by sme neboli viac než to, ale Boh položil do nás večný život, a potom sa my stávame Božími predmetmi. Potom pozorujeme, zaostrujeme potom Slovo ku Bohu.

73Ale človek nikdy nedáva šancu tomu vnútornému človeku, aby vysvetlil to, čo je správne, preto to je to, čo zapríčiňuje ten problém. Pozorujte. Nachádzame, že ak by to on nerobil, čo sa potom deje? Nachádzame, že jeho prchkosť, tak ako Kainova, sa rýchlo vznieti, vidíte. On bol žiarlivý. On nemal rád Boha, že obetoval svoje, že prijal Kainovu... Ábelovu obeť namiesto jeho. On chcel ísť tiež. On chcel svoju vlastnú obeť. On chcel svoj vlastný spôsob, vidíte, namiesto toho, aby prišiel ku Ábelovi a povedal, „Ó, môj brat, som tak šťastný, že to Boh prijal. Teraz máme spôsob, o ktorom vieme, že Jehova to takto prijíma, pretože On to potvrdil skrze prijatie tvojej obete.“ Či by sa to tak nestalo? Ale namiesto toho on začal žiarliť.

74No, nevidíte, že tá istá vec je teraz v ľuďoch? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? To je jednoducho jeho spôsob, vidíte, teraz, namiesto prijatia toho spôsobu, ktorý Boh potvrdil, že je Pravda.

75Ten spôsob, ktorým sa Boh Sám pohybuje na scéne a hovorí, „To je to. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Malú chvíľu a ten svet Ma viac neuvidí; jednako vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás.“ Vidíte, ten svet, vy... „Ten svet Ma neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte.“ Vidíte, „Kain Ma neuvidí, ale ty Ábel Ma uvidíš.“ Rozumiete? Pretože, to je tá istá vec.

76A namiesto toho, aby prišiel a povedal, „No, to je nádherné. Vidíme pracovať Boha medzi ľuďmi. Urobme to“? Nie veru. S vyznaním, s tou istou vecou, a skôr s nenásytnosťou a žiarlivosťou, čo je tá istá vec, ktorú mal Kain, on požaduje krv svojho brata. On sa ho snaží zmiesť z cesty, zbaviť sa ho. „Oni nie sú nič iné ako banda svätých povaľačov. Je ich málo.“ Rozumiete? Viete, čo mám na mysli. To je to, kde začína problém. To je to, kde problém začína. To je to, kde sa lámu sľuby. To je to, kde sa rozdeľuje zlámané obecenstvo. To je tá vec, ktorá rozbíja domácnosti. To je tá vec, ktorá začína hýbať to koleso smerom ku rozvodom. To je tá istá vec, ktorá rozlamuje obecenstvo.

77To je tá vec, ktorá rozlomila obecenstvo v Edene, to je pretože Eva zlyhala držať to zaostrenie, pri tom, ako sa dívala na Božie Slovo, a načúvala rozumovaniu nepriateľa. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak by ona len stála rovno s tým, „Boh tak povedal. A je to vybavené. Boh tak povedal,“ ale ona to nechcela urobiť. Rozumiete? Ona zmenila to zaostrenie svojho ďalekohľadu, a začala vidieť, že namiesto jednej cesty, sú tam dve cesty. Vidíte? Ona videla, „No, teraz, možno že tento človek má pravdu. Možno má pravdu. Tak, my vieme, že Boh má pravdu, a možno on má pravdu. Toto je viac svetla ku tomu, čo povedal Boh.“ Vidíte to tam?

78To je tá istá vec, ktorá sa deje dnes, presne rovno naspäť do toho istého bodu. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vy vidíte dve myšlienky. Tam je len jedna. Nie je tam žiadne vyznanie. To je Slovo, Božie Slovo, Boží zámer, Boží plán. Všetky ostatné plány sú zlé.

79A Eva urobila túto zlú vec, a to je ten dôvod dnes, že Boh, vo Svojom Slove, za žiadnych okolností nedovoľuje ženám, aby boli kazateľkami. Rozumiete? Nie je to v Slove dovolené.

80Dnes ráno, u nás doma sme sa rozprávali, a sedeli sme pri raňajkách, skoro ráno. Chceli sme začať, tak aby sme sa sem dostali načas, a potom naspäť na ďalšie stretnutie. Tak my, ako som povedal... Zhovárali sme sa pri stole. A ako sme sa zhovárali, prišlo na slovo o anjeloch. Môj malý chlapec Jozef, ktorý tam sedí, povedal niečo o anjeloch. A on povedal, „No, oci,“ povedal, „tí anjeli...“

Ja som povedal, „Boh je človek.“

„Ale,“ povedal, „anjeli sú ženy.“

Povedal som, „Nič také nie je.“ On povedal...

81No, oni majú...“ Sára, moja dcéra, povedala, „Ale ocko,“ povedala, „tam, oni, oni majú oblečené sukne.“ Povedala, „Oni, oni sú ženy.“

Povedal som, „To je obraz, ktorý namaľoval nejaký psychológ.“

82Oni v Biblii nikdy nevideli žiadneho anjela, ktorého by volali „ona.“ To bol „on,“ vždy, on, on, on, nie „ona.“ Nie je taká vec ako anjel, ktorý by bol ženou. To v Biblii nikdy nebolo. A nie je to v cirkvi Živého Boha. Nie je taká vec ako posol-žena. A anjel je „posol.“ Tak, Boh niečo také nikdy nedovolil.

83Pretože Biblia hovorí, „Adam bol utvorený prv a potom Eva. A Adam nebol zvedený, ale žena súc zvedená, bola v prestúpení.“ Vidíte. Preto, ona... Povedal, Pavol povedal, „Nedovoľujem žene aby vyučovala alebo mala nejakú autoritu, ale aby bola ticho, ako tiež hovorí zákon.“

84Tak, v tom, vidíte teraz, ako naše letničné skupiny, to je ten koreň trávy tej veci. Vidíte? Čo oni robia, oni zaostrujú, „No, teraz, tu, tu je žena, ktorá môže kázať ako blesk.“ No, vôbec o tom nie je pochýb. Absolútne. Počul som niektoré ženy kazateľky, mohli kázať tak, že mužovia by dokonca ani nemohli stáť v tieni takého kázania, ale to nemá nič do činenia s tým, čo je spravodlivé; vidíte, to s tým nemá nič.

85Pavol povedal, „Ak niekto hovorí v jazykoch a nie je tam žiaden vykladač, potom nech je ticho.“

Poviete, „Nemôžem byť potichu.“

86Ale Biblia povedala, že môžete, vidíte, tak to je to. Rozumiete? To musí byť vykonané po poriadku, umiestnené v poriadku, položené na svoje miesto, a stále zostávať na svojom mieste.

87Vidíte, tam sa dostávate mimo zaostrenia. To zapríčiňuje ťažké pocity, nenásytnosť a tak ďalej. Namiesto toho, aby sme sa zaostrili naspäť so Slovom, my sa zaostrujeme mimo neho, a vidíte, „No, nechajte ich robiť to, čo oni vidia.“ Vidíte, takto, práve tým spôsobom, potom. V poriadku.

88No, nachádzame, že to láme obecenstvo domácností. Láme to obecenstvo cirkví. Láme to obecenstvo národov, tá istá vec.

89Národy sa chcú dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. Nemecko sa chce dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. Rusko sa chce dívať svojím spôsobom. Amerika sa chce dívať svojím spôsobom. Vidíte? Potom vidíte, to je to. To je duch tých národov. Nájdete to všade, kdekoľvek idete, nájdete národného ducha. Išiel som tam a oni majú rôzne spôsoby. Je to divné. Ak by som mal čas, ja by som len preskočil cez niektoré tie národy a ukázal vám to.

90Keď idete do Nemecka, nájdete vojenského ducha. Všetko je vojenské. Musíte rovno stáť, rovno chodiť, zabočiť na rohoch a všetko také. To je vojenské.

91Idete do Francúzska, nájdete nemorálneho ducha, len ženy a víno a likér a takéto veci. Vidíte?

92Idete do Fínska, nájdete verného ducha, milého ducha, všetko je čestné. „Musíme za všetko platiť.“ Vidíte? Musí to tak byť. To jednoducho tak musí byť. Bez ohľadu na to, ako ťažko oni musia pracovať, bez ohľadu na to čo to stojí, to musí byť tak.

93Idete do Ameriky, nájdete veľké, „Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!“ To je to, čo to je. Áno. To je americký duch. Niekto v rádiu vraví špinavý vtip a každý sa na tom smeje. Ernie Ford, alebo niektorí z nich, hovoria tie svoje „ohromné“ vtipy, viete, všade, Arthur Godfrey a taká skupina, vidíte, to je americký duch. Nájdete to, že je to tak.

94A potom tie duchy sú žiarlivé na iného ducha. A čo ony robia? Ony zapríčiňujú vojnu. Je to tak.

95No vidíte, každý národ je kontrolovaný satanom. Biblia tak povedala. On je bohom národov. Satan zobral Ježiša na vrchol hory a povedal... ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá, ktoré boli na svete, všetky kráľovstvá, v okamihu. Povedal, „Ony sú moje. Ja s nimi robím čokoľvek, čo chcem.“ Povedal, „Dám Ti ich, ak sa mi pokloníš.“

96Ježiš povedal, „Odíď satan.“ On vedel, že sa stane ich dedičom v Miléniu. Vidíte? Tak, on sa mu nemusel pokloniť. On vedel, že ony...

97No, keď Boh prichádza znova a berie, tvorí tu Svoje kráľovstvo, vidíte, tam nebudú žiadne rozdielne druhy duchov; nemecký duch a francúzsky duch a nórsky duch a americký duch. Tam to nebude. To bude jeden Duch, amen, Duch Boží žijúci v každom srdci. Je to tak. A tam bude jedna zástava, jeden národ, jeden ľud, bratstvo, Otcovstvo Boha a bratstvo ľudí. Synovstvo! Áno.

98Potom to nachádzame, pretože ľudia toto robia a zapríčiňujú tieto veľké zmätky a tak ďalej... No, vidíte, tak dlho ako to satan ovláda, budú vojny a problémy, a vojna. Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi... Svätom Matúšovi 24, povedal, „Budete počuť o vojnách a chýry o vojnách, a vojnách a vojne.“ Prečo? Pretože to knieža zeme, satan, moc národov... Národný duch tu, národný duch tam. To sú diabli. Oni nemôžu zniesť jeden druhého. Vidíte?

99Zobrali ste niekedy nejakú skupinu tam hore u Eskimákov, kde my chodíme na psom záprahu, severná Aljaška, a cestou hore dookola v severozápadnej oblasti? Keď ten sprievodca uväzoval tých psov, ktorí sa volajú Husky... A on uviazal jedného tu a jedného tam a jedného na opačnej strane.

Povedal som, „Prečo to robíš?“

100Povedal, „Oni sú tak plní diabla, že by zabili jeden druhého.“ Vidíte? Jednoducho by zabili, to je všetko, o čom oni rozmýšľajú.

101No, to je diabol, vidíte. On je vrah. On, on len, národ len... Dokonca diabli bojujú proti diablom. Vidíte? Vidíte, oni jednoducho bojujú jeden proti druhému.

Ale Boh je úplná láska, rozumiete, tak vy nemôžete robiť nič, len milovať jeden druhého.

102Tak vidíte, celý ten princíp sa zakladá rovno znovu naspäť na tých duchoch, rovno naspäť ku počiatku. Genesis je kapitola semien. A to produkuje všetko, potom, čo máme dnes na zemi.

103Tak, my máme vojny a víťazstvá, veľké víťazstvá. Jeden národ príde a pobije ten druhý, poviete, „Sláva! Zvíťazili sme. Pobili sme ich.“ A potom, tá prvá vec, viete, oni sa stanú priateľmi a potrasú si rukami a obchodujú jeden s druhým.

104A po chvíli, je to ďalší prezident, alebo príde ďalší kráľ, alebo ďalší vládca, iný systém. A prvá vec, viete, tu oni sú, ich vnuci sú tu nazad so zbraňami, bojujú znova jeden proti druhému. „Vojny a chýry o vojnách.“ A títo ďalší porazia tých druhých, „Teraz ty budeš slúžiť mne, vieš to. Ja som víťaz, a ty si mimo, a tak ďalej.“ Ty len...

105Ako som raz počul jednu poznámku, „Boh učinil človeka a človek učinil otrokov.“ Boh neučinil človeka, aby vládol jeden nad druhým. Boh učinil ľudí, aby boli bratmi, je to tak, aby boli bratmi, nie aby vládol jeden nad druhým. Žiadnu nadradenú rasu, žiaden nadradený národ, žiaden nadradený jazyk. My máme jeden jazyk, nebeský. Vidíte? Je to tak. Máme jedno bratstvo: to je človek. To je človek, bez ohľadu na to kým on je.

106Prečo by sme mali bojovať a zabíjať jeden druhého? Ale oni to robia. Potom niekedy, nejaký dobrý národ, alebo národ, ktorý ma v sebe nejaký systém, pokúša sa robiť to, čo je správne, a bojuje za svoje práva, potom nejaký zlý národ príde, aby bol nad ním. A potom oni prevezmú moc, a tento národ sa stane takým. A potom nazad a vpred, jednoducho sa to mení, nazad a vpred.

107Tie národy mali mnoho, mnoho veľkých národných víťazstiev, o ktoré sa oni pokúšali, ako sa snažili bojovať za svoju slobodu, a za to, čo oni držali ako svoje vlastné. A čo oni majú? Tak dlho ako ich satan kontroluje, oni budú v tom boji pokračovať. Ale oni vybojovali mnoho veľkých víťazstiev, veľkých víťazstiev. Mohli by sme ísť naspäť, od samého začiatku, a ukázať, kde národ vládol nad národom, a oslavy veľkých víťazstiev, a tak ďalej.

108Ako v prvej svetovej vojne, keď sme mali prvú svetovú vojnu, keď mnohé z tých národov sa zišli a stretli sa na Nemeckej pôde. A kde Belgicko a rôzne iné národy bojovali pod rozdielnymi vlajkami, to sa volalo prvá svetová vojna. Tak ja...

109Sú tu dvaja bratia, ktorí tu sedia, alebo traja, možno štyria z vás, ktorí si to môžu pamätať. Ja si to pamätám. Mám päťdesiatštyri.

110A pamätám sa, ako malý chlapec, asi deväť, osem alebo deväť ročný, v 1914. Pozrime sa, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť. Mal som päť rokov, keď sa to prelomilo. Pamätám sa, keď oni povedali, že bude vojna. A môj tato mal asi dvadsaťdva, a mali ho poslať na vojnu. Ó, nemohol som na to myslieť, že by poslali môjho tata do vojny. On vyšiel na tú cestu. On bol na nejakom pružinovom voze. A on mal... A išiel dolu do toho skladu, ktorý bol niekoľko míľ nižšie od nás, a mal tam vrece s fazuľou. My... A tak ja som povedal... Zobral som tú fazuľu. Pomyslel som si, „Ak oni prídu a začnú nejakú vojnu, udriem ich týmto vrecom s fazuľou, ak oni prídu.“ Vidíte? Tak, oni boli.. Len tá myšlienka o vojne, že môj tato mal ísť na vojnu!

111No, tá trúba zaznela, a to „Kúpte si svoje dlhopisy,“ a tak ďalej.

112A ako si to všetci dobre pamätáme, „Pôjdeme tam a budeme mať túto svetovú vojnu a vybavíme to. A potom sa oni zorganizujú.“ Oni zorganizovali to, čo nazvali Ligou Národov. „A potom bude mier, Večný mier. To je všetko. Už nikdy žiadna vojna.“

113Len počas krátkych dvadsiatich rokoch sme boli v nej znova rovno nazad, práve tak tvrdej ako vždy, v ďalšej svetovej vojne. Vidíte? Vojny! Prečo? To je nenásytnosť, žiarlivosť. Vidíte? Hneď ako Kaiser Wilhelm opustil Nemecko, prišiel potom nejaký človek menom Adolf Hitler, Rakúšan, a rozptýlil mysle tých ľudí, čo bolo inšpirované démonom, že by oni mohli dobiť svet. A oni, tam ste boli vy. Vidíte? To je diabol proti diablovi, znova, vidíte, takto. A nevinné osoby z tých národov, ktoré, oni len vedú jeden druhého do vojny, do vojny, do vojny. A tak to bolo po celý čas.

114No, zisťujeme, potom ďalšia vec, viete, prišla ďalšia vojna. Tak znova, celý svet išiel znova do vojny s lepšími prostriedkami a lepšími lietadlami a väčšími bombami. A oni bojovali a krvácali a zomierali a hladovali a mrzli a všetko ďalšie. Vojna, vojna, vojna!

115Potom prišiel deň, ktorý voláme deň „V“. To je to, odkiaľ som vzal tento text, deň „V“, deň Víťazstva. To bol deň, v ktorom oni obdržali víťazstvo a kde armády obdržali víťazstvo nad inými armádami, deň „V“. No, bol deň „D“ a potom tam bol deň „V“. Deň „D“ bol, keď oni išli do boja. Deň „V“ bol vtedy, keď bol podpísaný mier, keď Nemecko a ten zvyšok tých spojeneckých národov a všetci sa vzdali tým druhým národom.

116A čo sme my urobili? V tom dni „V“ sme spievali piesne. Vykrikovali sme. Vyhadzovali sme svoje klobúky do vzduchu. Strieľali sme puškami do vzduchu. Kričali sme. Pískali sme na píšťaly. Bubnovali sme na bubny. Hrali sme piesne. Búchali sme jeden druhého do chrbta. Čo to bolo? To bolo víťazstvo. Ó, mali sme víťazstvo. Ako tí... Prečo, cítili sme, „My sme vyhrali. Vyhrali sme.“ Zástava stúpala hore a trúbky trúbili a ó, aký čas sme mali! Víťazstvo, víťazstvo, víťazstvo! Vyhrali sme.“

117A to bola veľká vec. To prinieslo pokoj kresťanským národom, takzvaným. A my sme mali čas sa trochu nadýchnuť. Niektorí z tých chlapcov, ktorí zostali živí, sa vrátili naspäť a tak ďalej. Ale bolo mnoho veľkých, takýchto dní, mnohé a veľké vojny.

118Ale viete, po celý čas, tam kde bojovali takým druhom boja, boli tiež Boží veriaci ľudia, ktorí tiež mali veľké dni „V“. Ó, áno! Boli tam na oboch stranách, kde tie ďalekohľady zaostrovali a išli na tú telesnú stranu s dňami „V“; a tiež kde zaostrovali do Slova v Písme, a to niekedy prináša iné dni „V“.

119Mali sme mnoho z tých veľkých bojov proti nášmu nepriateľovi. A Boh tu mal veľkých mužov, ktorí stáli na fronte, ktorí boli schopní zajať skrze Ducha Božieho mysle ľudí, a uvrhnúť ich do Kráľovstva Božieho a vyjsť víťazne.

120Bojujeme o to každý deň. Každý kresťan bojuje nejaký boj, každý deň. Sme v boji práve teraz, ktorý v nás stále prebieha, medzi dobrým a zlým. „Prijmeme To? Čo urobíme? Pokloníme sa tomu svetu? Vzdáme sa tejto myšlienky, ktorú máme?

121Ak to vidíme, zaostrujeme to. Vezmite to od Genesis do Zjavenia. Ona je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, zakaždým, rovno tam. Nemôžeme To vzdať. Nemôžeme robiť kompromisy s tým zvyškom toho. Jednoducho to nemôžeme robiť. Musíme zostať tu. To je všetko. Bez ohľadu na to, aký veľký je nepriateľ a akú veľkú mašinériu má proti nám, a koľko má organizácií, a koľko toho a toho alebo niečoho iného. My sme jednako pootočili toto zaostrenie Božieho Slova, až sme našli, že tam je jedna vec a to je Krv Ježiša Krista. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

122Preto to nerobí žiaden rozdiel bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí. Oni hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je niečo také ako Božské uzdravovanie. Nie je žiaden krst Duchom Svätým. A krst na Meno Ježiša Krista, to bolo len pre učeníkov.“ A všetky tieto veci, oni sa ich pokúšajú z toho rozostriť. Stále, ono sa to zaostruje rovno naspäť do Slova, a nikto nemôže povedať, že to tam nie je. Je to tak.

123Tak, my sme v boji. A Boží hrdinovia majú vždy boj.

124A ty, malá cirkev, pamätajte si to tu, vy ste časťou tej jednotky. Vy ste základňou, ktorá je tu. Aby ste vedeli, čo je základňa. Mali by ste to vedieť skrze to, že niečo je z toho rovno tu skrze vás. Tak, vy ste tu základňou, na mieste, aby ste držali zástavy, aby ste robili to, čo je správne, aby ste stále prehlasovali, že Ježiš Kristus je jedinou nádejou sveta; nie Metodistická cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, Presbyteriánska myšlienka, Katolícka alebo Židovská, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť; rasa, klan, alebo farba. To nie je to. To je Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte? On je Tým. On je náš Víťaz. On je Tým. On je ten Hlavný Kapitán toho hnutia. Toto sú jeho príkazy. My musíme vykonať príkazy. Ako by ste kedy mohli...

125Niektorí z vás chlapcov ste slúžili vo vojne. Ako by ste kedy mohli... Ten kapitán dá rozkaz a vy by ste sa otočili a robili niečo opačne, prečo, vy by ste priviedli do zmätku celú armádu. Je to tak. Vy to uvrhnete do vzbury. Musíte vykonať rozkazy. Ten jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť, je zamerať sa na to, a uvidieť ten význam, o čom to všetko je. No dobre.

126Mali sme veľa veľkých bojov, duchovných bojov. Mnoho veľkých dňov „V“, ktoré mala cirkev; mám na mysli tú cirkev, telo Kristovo. Nehovorím teraz o systéme organizácie. Hovorím o tele Kristovom. To telo veriacich, dolu počas tých vekov, ktoré malo veľa veľkých dní „V“.

127My hovoríme o tom, že sme mali niekoľko vojen, vojen a chýrov o vojnách a dní „V“ a dní „V“ a dní „V“. A to sa nakoniec zakončí v tom veľkom boji Armagedon. To bude ten posledný z toho. Keď ona príde do boja Armagedon, to vybaví celú tú vec. Práve pred veľkým Miléniom, Armagedon vyčistí tú zem. Ona sa znova očisťuje s týmto atómovým výbuchom a vulkanický prach a tá vec pohltí túto nasiaknutú krv ľudí a na zemi, a hriech a zločin. Ona sa prepadne pod zem a ten vulkán to znovu rozotrie a obnoví a očistí zem pre veľké Milénium. On očisťuje Svoju cirkev v tom čase pre ľudí, aby tu žili. Amen. Poviem, že to mám rád. Tak veru. Prichádza čas, keď to bude veľké.

128No, veľké dni „V“, rozmýšľame o tom čase. Poďme len nazad. Máme teraz zopár minút, aby sme rozmýšľali o tých bojovníkoch. Poďme nazad a rozmýšľajme o jednom z tých... Mohli by sme ísť cestou nazad. Ale poďme len nazad až ku Mojžišovi. Mojžiš mal taký čas, že išiel do veľkého boja, pretože cirkev sama v sebe mala dlho zabudnuté víťazstvo.

129To je to, čo sa deje s cirkvou dnes. My sme príliš dlho zabúdali, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Zabudli sme, že Boh je Uzdraviteľ, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorého. Zabudli sme, že krst Duchom Svätým bol vyliaty na učeníkov a je dávaný z generácie na generáciu, pre každého, ktokoľvek by mohol prísť. My sme to dávno, dávno zabudli.

130Tak zabudol Izrael. Oni sa uspokojili dolu v Egypte a stali sa otrokmi.

131A teraz tu bol Mojžiš, ktorý ide dolu, vo svojej vlastnej intelektuálnej záležitosti, ku intelektuálnemu úspechu, aby sa pokúsil, a pod vojenskou silou vyviedol Izrael a zlyhal pri tom.

132Ale len Slovo od Boha, na zadnej strane púšte priviedlo znova celú tú vec do varu. Čo sa stalo Mojžišovi? On zaostril svoj ďalekohľad. To nebol jediný Boží zámer, aby sa tam oženil s týmto krásnym tmavým Etiópskym dievčaťom a aby sa usadil a mal deti a pásol ovce svojho svokra. Ale jeho misiou bolo vyslobodiť deti Božie zpod toho otroctva. To bolo jeho poverenie. To bolo to, kvôli čomu sa on narodil.

133A každý jeden z nás sa pre niečo narodil. Nie sme tu postavení pre nič za nič. To sa nikdy nestalo, aby ten vrch tam len tak bol. Ten strom tam bol umiestnený za nejakým účelom. Všetko je za nejakým účelom. To musí slúžiť. A my sme tu za nejakým účelom. Možno to je vydať svedectvo jednej osobe a aby ona bola spasená, a môže z neho byť kazateľ, ktorý pošle milión duší ku Kristovi.

134Pozrite na obrátenie Dwighta Moodyho a mnohých ďalších. Vidíte? Len jedna malá žena s... Malá žena, ktorá bola práčkou, s posolstvom na jej srdci, aby urobila niečo pre Boha, a ona prenajala starú maštaľ a primäla nejakého kazateľa, aby prišiel dolu a kázal. A nikto okrem jedného mladého chlapca s jeho spustenými vlasmi na krku, s trakmi jeho otca, išiel tam a kľakol dolu pri oltári toho večera. Dwight Moody, ktorý poslal pol milióna duší ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? Tá žena mala niečo do vykonania. Ona... To bolo za nejakým účelom. Ona bola stvorená, aby bola práčkou za nejakým účelom.

135Nepohŕdajte tým, kde vás Boh má. Ale slúžte svojmu účelu. Prichádza veľký deň Víťazstva, v jednom z týchto dní, kde sa ten boj zakončí.

136No všimnite si. Mojžiš išiel tam dolu po tom, čo zaostril svoj ďalekohľad a uvidel, že to bol Boží program, ktorý mal on vykonať. On išiel tam dolu. On tvrdo bojoval. Mal veľa veľkých bojov. Ale jeden z jeho veľkých bojov, ktoré zakúsil, rád by som o tom povedal. Keď on dosiahol, skrze ukázanie znakov a divov, skrze rôzne veci, ktoré mu Boh ukázal, aby hovoril Slovo, a to aby sa zmaterializovalo a uskutočnilo.

137Tú istú vec máme dnes, vypovedať Slovo nad chorými, [brat Branham luskol prstom — pozn.prekl.] a pozorovať to uzdravenie a robiť tieto ďalšie veci, ktoré Božie Slovo vypovedalo skrze ľudské ústa. „Poviete tomuto vrchu, ´Pohni sa,´ a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane, môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“ Ježiš tak povedal. No, my to veríme a držíme sa toho, a veríme tomu.

138A teraz, Mojžiš to vykonal. A prišiel tam dolu a Boh potvrdil, že je s ním. Ale potom, čo ho celkom dostal, Boh...

139Zdá sa, že kresťanský život, ak človek nie je absolútne sústredený na Krista, kresťanský život, zdá sa, že je v tom tak veľa sklamaní. Ale tie sklamania sú Božou vôľou, ktorá sa deje pre nás. No, to sa nezdá, že by to tak bolo, ale to je ten spôsob, ktorým Boh činí veci. On necháva, že narazíme na rieku, aby videl, čo spravíme.

140Mojžiš viedol deti Izraela rovno na ceste ich povinností a Faraónova armáda bola za ním, a prach kypel od polmiliónovej armády. A tu boli dva milióny bezradných Židov, ktorí nemali nič, stáli tam, muži, ženy, deti a tak ďalej. A to Červené more ho odseklo. To Mŕtve more ho odseklo. On... Nebolo tam miesta, kde ísť. Vidíte? Ale Mojžiš mal deň „V“, potom, ako sa premodlil. On išiel, začal kričať ku Pánovi.

141A Pán povedal, „Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Poveril som ťa, aby si to urobil. Hovor ku tým deťom, aby išli ďalej v línii svojich povinností.“ Amen. Tu to máte. „Nekrič ku Mne. Si poverený, aby si previedol tých ľudí na druhú stranu. Len hovor ku nim, aby išli napred, stoj rovno na ceste povinnosti.“ Amen.

142Aké povzbudenie by to malo byť pre chorú osobu! Aké povzbudenie by to malo byť pre odpadlíka! Obráťte sa a začnite znova. Stojte v línii svojich povinností. To je Božia záležitosť, aby otvoril Červené More. To je Božia práca. Ty len prehovor a pohnite sa napred. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť.

143 A Mojžiš, ten veľký deň „V“, bol tam dolu pri tom mori. Ó, aký deň „V“ to bol pre Mojžiša, pre deti Izraela, ktoré poslúchli hlas svojho proroka, keď oni prehovorili a išli napred. Mojžiš povedal, „Videli ste už desať zázrakov a stále pochybujete.“ A on začal kráčať ku tomu moru s palicou vo svojej ruke. A Boh poslal cez noc vietor a odfúkol to more z jednej strany na druhú, a oni prešli po suchej zemi, deň „V“.

144Pozrite sa sem. Oni zastali, dokonca náš dnešný text hovorí, že, „Oni zastali a spievali pieseň Mojžišovu, na mori zo skla, ktoré bolo zmiešané s ohňom.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Oni spievali. A Mojžiš, keď on prešiel na druhú stranu, a on nevedel čo robiť. A on prešiel... Tu prichádza Faraónova armáda, snažiac sa napodobniť tú vec, ktorú on urobil. Telesné porovnávanie! A čo sa stalo? To more sa zatvorilo a utopilo ich, každého jedného. A on videl tých mŕtvych pohoničov.

145Miriam vzala tamburínu a išla po pobreží, hrala na túto tamburínu. A dcéry Izraela ju nasledovali, pokrikovali a hrali na tamburíny a tancovali. A Mojžiš spieval v Duchu. Ak to nie je starodávne zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého, tak som nikdy žiadne nevidel. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

146“Tých Egypťanov, na ktorých sa dnes dívate, nikdy viac ich už neuvidíte.” Amen. Čo za deň! Je s tým koniec.

147Jedného dňa príde iný deň „V“, tiež pre Kresťana. Je to tak.

148Všimnite si, Józua mal tiež deň „V“ pri tej rieke. Józua mal deň „V“ pri Jerichu. Iste, že mal. Tam, kde on prechádzal, on mal deň „V“ najprv pri tej rieke. Tam je on v mesiaci apríl, Jordán bol zrejme míľu široký, pretože tam na horách sa topil sneh. A tá rieka sa tiahla po tých planinách.

149A bezpochyby ten nepriateľ povedal, “Nuž, Boh je naozaj Generálom, či nie? Vedie Svoju armádu rovno sem v jarnom čase, keď je rieka vo svojom najhoršom stave, keď je najhorší čas prejsť cez ňu, a potom sem vedie Svoju armádu a prevádza ich na druhú stranu.” Nie.

150Boh dovoľuje, aby sa stali sklamania, aby ukázal víťazstvo. Ó, ak by sme to len mohli vidieť! Vidíte? Vy by ste len videli, že tieto veci, ktoré sa zdajú byť také pichľavé pre vás, a ktoré vás rozčuľujú, že to sú skúšky. To sú veci na zastavenie, aby ste zaostrili svoj ďalekohľad na Slovo Božie. A aby ste vypovedali Slovo a potom kráčali napred. To je všetko, čo s tým treba urobiť.

151My sa dostávame do času, keď hovoríme, “Bože, ja neviem, čo robiť. Ja som proti tomu.”

152Vypovedz to slovo, “Pane, ja verím.” A len začni kráčať napred. Boh otvára to more. Ty len kráčaj ďalej. Rozumiete?

153No, nachádzame, že Józua, rovno v tom čase, on sa modlil. A Pán mu povedal, čo sa stane. A on mal deň „V“. On premohol. Potom, keď on premohol tú rieku a dostal sa na druhú stranu, čo on urobil?

154On položil tú archu, v ktorej bolo to Slovo. On to položil ako prvé. Potom speváci, a tak ďalej, išli za tým. Ale archa išla napred ako prvá.

155Keď Izrael išiel do boja, tá prvá vec, ktorá išla, boli speváci. A speváci vyšli a spievali. Potom oni trúbili na trúby a tak ďalej. Potom sa pohla archa. Potom, keď sa archa pohla, potom oni tú archu položili a ten boj sa začal.

156Všimnite si. Ale teraz, v tomto, keď Jozua vzal najprv Slovo a umiestnil najprv Slovo, on to prešiel.

157A Boh mu povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou. Nesklamem ťa. Budem s tebou. Nikto pred tebou neobstojí po všetky dni tvojho života. Ja budem rovno tam. Neboj sa toho, čo sa má stať. Ja budem rovno tam.“ Potom čo s takýmto poverením, čo iné mohol Józua urobiť, ak nie položiť Slovo ako prvé. A to priviedlo deň „V“. Ó, to muselo prísť. To je všetko.

158On najprv položil Slovo a čo sa stalo? Najprv išla do vody archa. Keď sa toto udialo, to more sa otvorilo, skôr tá rieka, a oni prešli na druhú stranu.

159Potom čo on urobil, potom ako sa dostal tam na druhú stranu? Čo bola tá ďalšia vec, ktorá sa stala, keď sa on dostal na druhú stranu? Potom on zistil, že oni všetci sa opevnili, pretože sa ho báli, keď prešiel na druhú stranu.

160Ale on jedného dňa stretol toho Hlavného Kapitána. A mal ďalší deň „V“. On mu presne povedal, čo má robiť, a múry Jericha spadli. Ako to on urobí?

161Ten telesný človek sa tam díva cez ten ďalekohľad a hovorí, „Nuž tu, Ty si ma priviedol sem a tu som. Pozri sa na tú opozíciu. No, oni sú všetci vo vnútri so svojimi prakmi. Ak sa priblížime ku tým múrom, beda nám. Oni tam majú naukladané kamene a tie veľké praky. Oni majú luky. Majú tam všetko. A oni len...“ Ale vidíte, Józua umiestnil Boha najprv. A keď to urobil...

162To nie je na tom, ako vy sa tam dostanete. To je na Bohu. Len sa hýbte napred, nasledujte Slovo.

163On povedal, „Pochodujte dookola sedem dní. A na siedmy deň pochodujte sedem krát. Na... Pri tom poslednom obchádzaní trúbte na trúbu.“ Boh má miesto, z ktorého berie preč to telesné. A to duchovné tam vošlo a tie múry padli. A oni tam rovno išli a zabrali tú vec. Tak veru. Boh mal vtedy deň „V“.

164Abrahám mal deň „V“, potom ako mal tak dlho zasľúbené dieťa, Boh ho testoval kvôli jeho láske a vernosti; ktorého sme semenom, ak veríme Bohu.

165A Abrahám mal deň „V“. Kedy to bolo? Toho dňa, v ktorom opustil zem planín Šineára? Nie celkom. On prešiel na druhú stranu, je to tak, Eufrates, a prešiel na tú druhú stranu, aby tam putoval. To bol dobrý deň. To bolo stále tak trochu...

166Ale jeho hlavný deň „V“ bol na vrchu Jireh, keď on tam vyšiel toho dňa, keď mu Boh dáva ten záverečný test. Keď on mal svojho jediného syna. Povedal, „No, Abrahám, vezmi ho tam na ten vrch a obetuj ho ako obeť. Ja som ťa učinil otcom národov. Tu je tá jediná vec, ktorú ty máš, aby som ťa učinil 'otcom národov', je skrze tohto syna. Chcem, aby si ho zabil.“ Ó, vidíte to? „Znič všetko. Znič ten samotný zámer. Tu stojíš, Abrahám, máš teraz asi stoštrnásť, stopätnásť rokov. A dvadsaťpäť rokov si čakal na to dieťa. A teraz ten chlapec má pätnásť alebo šestnásť rokov. A Ja chcem, aby si ho zobral a zabil ho, tak aby som ťa mohol učiniť otcom národov.“ Ó! Áno.

167Abrahám sa nikdy nepohol. On sa nezachvel nad Slovom Božím. Povedal, „Áno, Pane. Tu ja idem.“ Nazbieral drevo a zobral Izáka rovno na vrch tej hory, presne v poslušnosti. Prečo? On postavil prikázanie Božie na prvé miesto. Ako on bude otcom národov, keď má len jedného syna a teraz už má vyše sto rokov? Ako to on dokáže? Pretože, toto, on povedal, „Ja...“ On si uvedomil, že ak Boh bol schopný mu dať Izáka ako jedného z mŕtvych, On ho tiež mohol znovu vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.

168Tak priatelia, ten Boh, ktorý nás vzkriesil z vecí toho sveta a z porušenia toho sveta, či nám nemôže oveľa viac dať večný život a umiestniť nás v zemi, kde nie je žiadna smrť? Vidíte? My sa dívame na tieto malé skúšky a myslíme si, že ony sú niečím. Ony nie sú ničím, len malými časmi testovania. Vidíte? Boh testoval Abraháma, ale kedy on mal svoj deň „V“, to bolo, keď on išiel tam hore v poslušnosti Slovu.

169Ako oni vravia dnes, „Ja viem.“ Počul som pred chvíľou jedného kazateľa čítať Skutky 2:38, ale on to minul, vidíte. On povedal, „A Peter povedal, že oni musia byť pokrstení, a potom príjmu Svätého Ducha,“ zlyhal v tom, aby čítal ten zvyšok Toho. Prečo? Vidíte, organizácie bojujú proti tej samotnej Veci. No, rozumiete tomu? Vidíte? Prečo to robíte? Čo spôsobuje, že obchádzate tieto Veci?

170Ak Biblia To hovorí, aby ste To čítali práve tým spôsobom, ktorým To ona hovorí, a aby ste hovorili tú istú vec, ktorú hovorí Biblia. To je vtedy, keď máte správne zaostrené, vidíte, choďte naspäť do toho, čo povedalo Slovo.

171Tak my zisťujeme, že oni majú svoj... vy ste mimo toho zaostrenia tam.

172No, Abrahám mal správne zaostrené, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja ťa učiním otcom národov,“ keď on mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov a Sára šesťdesiatpäť.

173A on veril Bohu. Čo on urobil? On zaostril na to, čo bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On kráčal deň za dňom. Rok za rokom, on kráčal, vyznávajúc, „Všetko, čo je v protiklade ku Tomu, nie je správne. Nie veru. To musí byť tak. Boh tak povedal.“

174Predstavujem si niektorých z jeho nepriateľov, ako chodia okolo a hovoria, „Otče národov, koľko máš teraz detí?“

175„To nerobí žiaden rozdiel, koľko ich teraz mám. Ja som otec národov. To je všetko.“

„Ako to vieš?“

176 „Boh tak povedal. Tým je to vybavené. To je všetko. Boh to povedal, a tým je to vybavené.“

177Tak Abrahám išiel ďalej. A nakoniec prišiel do toho... potom, vidíte, súc verný; vernejší, viac vyskúšaný. Vidíte? Tak, On ho priviedol rovno nazad.

178No, pamätajte. Keď.. Boh vás počíta za hodných, keď prechádzate skúškou, to ukazuje, že milosť Božia našla, že vy ste našli záľubu u Boha a Boh verí, že vy obstojíte v tom teste. Pamätáte sa, že On urobil tú istú vec cez Jóba.

179Satan povedal, „Ó, áno, videl som Jóba tam dolu.“ Povedal, „On nie je...“

180Boh povedal, „On je dokonalý služobník. Na zemi nie je nikto ako on. Nie je nikto taký ako Jób. On je dokonalý muž. No, on je Moja pýcha a radosť.“

181Satan povedal, „Ó, iste. On dostáva všetko, o čo prosí.“ Povedal, „Dovoľ mi ho raz mať.“ A povedal, „Ja, ja spôsobím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do Tvojej tváre.“ Povedal, „Ja len spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť.“

182Boh povedal, „Je v tvojich rukách, ale nevezmi jeho život.“ Vidíte? Boh mal dôveru v Jóba. Amen.

183Keď to vyzerá, že všetko ide zle, Boh ti dáva skúšku. On má v tebe dôveru. On ťa nemusí rozmaznávať. Ty nie si skleníková rastlina, hybrid. Ty si skutočným Kresťanom. Boh ti dáva test, aby videl, čo ohľadom toho urobíš. Amen. Niet divu, že Peter povedal, „Tieto skúšky ohňom, považujte si to za radosť. Je to pre vás vzácnejšie než zlato.“

184A veľakrát my mrmleme a sme uplakaní, „Ó, dobre, ak ja len...“ No, dobre, to je niečo, čo ti dáva Boh, aby si to premohol. On vie, že to urobíš. On do teba položil Svoju dôveru.

185A On veril Abrahámovi... Skôr, Abrahám veril Bohu. A Boh povedal, bezpochyby, povedal satanovi, „Môžem ti dokázať, že on Ma miluje.“ Povedal, „Ja som... On verí tomu zasľúbeniu, pretože Ja som mu to povedal.“ Tak on zobral svojho vlastného syna hore na vrch tej hory, zviazal jeho ruky za chrbtom toho dňa, ktorého Boh tak povedal.

186Malý Izák mal podozrenie, viete. On povedal, Genesis 22, on povedal, „Otče?“

On povedal, „Tu som, môj synu.“

187On povedal, „Tu je drevo a tu je oltár a všetko. Ale kde je baránok, vidíte, na obeť? On sa začal cítiť trochu smiešne. „O čom toto všetko je? My sme niečo vynechali.“

188To nerobí žiaden rozdiel, čo si vy myslíte, že ste vynechali. Vy ste vynechali to obecenstvo so všetkým ďalším. „No, vy musíte mať svoje kartové večierky. Vy musíte robiť toto. Vy si musíte trochu vypiť. Vy ste to vynechali.“ Vy ste nič nevynechali. Choďte napred, poslúchajte Slovo. Vidíte? To je všetko, len poslúchajte Slovo. Vy ste nič nevynechali. Len poslúchajte Slovo.

189On povedal, „Boh povedal, ´Zober ho sem,´ a on by... Poď sem na vrch tejto hory. Odo Mňa sa očakáva, aby som niečo urobil. Keď sa tam dostanem, ja to urobím.“

190Tak on tam vyšiel a zviazal jeho ruky a položil ho na oltár, takto. Izák nikdy nešomral; poslušný, vidíte, typ na Krista. Potom, keď on vytiahol nôž zo svojho púzdra a vyhrnul si vlasy zo svojej tváre dozadu, aby vzal jeho život, to bol Abrahámov deň „V“; ó, keď on, testovaný do samej krajnosti, jeho jediného syna.

191Tak, ak ste len duchovní, zoberte to do testu, keď Boh dal Svojho Vlastného, vidíte, deň „V“, ktorého On miloval. Boh tak miloval Adamovu upadnutú rasu! Dostaneme sa trochu do toho.

192Všimnite si, deň „V“, Abrahámov deň „V“ bol na vrchu Jireh, kde Pán pre neho pripravil obeť namiesto jeho syna. Láska, vidíte, láska. Toho dňa Abrahám dokázal Bohu, bez tieňa pochybnosti, svoju vernosť. Abrahám dokázal Bohu svoju vieru v Neho, pretože on povedal, „Tohoto chlapca som dostal, keď som mal sto rokov, skrze to, že som veril zasľúbeniu. A On mi povedal, že ja som otcom národov. Ak On odo mňa žiada, aby som vzal jeho život. Boh je schopný ho vzbudiť z mŕtvych.“ Fjú! Ó! To by malo spraviť, že Presbyterián zakričí, či nie? Vidíte? „Ako mi On dal to zasľúbenie, a On mi teraz ukázal dôkaz toho. Amen. On mi to potvrdil, že On dodržuje Svoje Slovo.“

193No, kde nás On dostal? Z akej špiny ma On dostal? Z čoho ste vyšli vy? Kde sú naše myšlienky dnes ráno? Ako On dokázal, že je medzi nami? Nie je žiadna pochybnosť ohľadom toho. Amen. A náš deň „V“ je istý. Musíme ho mať. Vidíte? On to potvrdil.

194Abrahám hovorí, „On mi to potvrdil. Nemal som deti. Bol som starým mužom. Bol som sterilný a lono mojej ženy bolo mŕtve. A my sme boli... Ona mala šesťdesiatpäť a ja som mal sedemdesiatpäť, ale Boh povedal, ´Ja mu dám dieťa cez ňu.´ To to vybavilo. To bolo všetko ohľadom toho.“ Abrahám hovorí, „Ja som tomu veril.“

195Potom ho Boh uvrhol do dvadsaťpäťročnej skúšky. To pre Abraháma nič neznamenalo. On z toho vyšiel silnejší než bol na začiatku, stále dával chválu Bohu. Bezpochyby, Boh sa pozrel dolu a povedal, „Ó, aký služobník!“

Povedal, satan povedal, „Ó, áno.“

Povedal, „On...“

196„Ale Ja dokážem, že on Ma miluje. Zober ho tam hore, na vrch toho kopca, znič ten samotný dôkaz. Vezmi ho tam hore.“

A Abrahám tam išiel, aby to urobil. Je to tak.

197A Abrahám, keď išiel zobrať život svojho dieťaťa, Duch Svätý chytil jeho ruku, povedal, „Abrahám, zastav svoju ruku. Ja viem, že Ma miluješ.“ Amen.

198To je ten druh osoby, ktorou ja chcem byť, milovať Boha bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje. „Zadrž svoju ruku.“ Dáva vám skúšku tam, kde to je dokonca proti vášmu vlastnému mysleniu. Ale, pokiaľ Slovo povedalo tak, robte to jednako. Vidíte?

199„Zadrž svoju ruku. Ja viem, že ty Ma miluješ, pretože si Mi neodoprel svojho jediného syna.“ Povedal, „Požehnanie, Ja ťa požehnám,“ povedal, „jeho semeno sa postaví v bráne nepriateľa, a on premôže.“ Ó! On premohol, tiež.

200Trochu neskôr, vezmeme to „semeno Abraháma“ tam. V poriadku. Čo spôsobilo...

201Pochybnosti opustili Abraháma. Keď on počul skutočné Slovo, pochybnosti odišli. Keď on videl Boha potvrdzovať to Slovo, pochybnosti odišli. Láska sa postavila na ich miesto. „Ja viem, že ty Ma miluješ Abrahám. Ty ani trochu vo Mňa nepochybuješ. Požiadal som ťa, aby si zničil ten samotný dôkaz, ktorý som ti dal. Dal som ti dôkaz, potom som ťa požiadal, aby si ho zničil. A ty ma tak miluješ, že držíš Moje Slovo bez ohľadu na to, čo to je.“ Amen. To bol skutočný deň „V“ pre Boha. Vidíte?

202Jákob raz mal deň „V“. On bol vystrašený z toho, že mal ísť späť ku svojmu bratovi, pretože vykonal zlo. Ale jednako ho Duch Svätý začal varovať v jeho srdci, „Vráť sa naspäť do svojej domoviny, odkiaľ si vyšiel. Vyšiel si z domoviny. Vykonal si tam zlo, tak Ja ťa posielam späť.“ A keď sa priblížil, dostal sa... Iste, pravdaže.

203To je to, kvôli čomu ide diabol za nami. Vidíte? To je to, prečo diabol ide po neveste, po cirkvi, tak, teraz sa to dostáva bližšie ku dňu V. Je to tak. Ona sa dostáva naozaj blízko. To je, keď ten nepriateľ robí to svoje najhoršie, aby ju naviedol na inú cestu. Biblia povedala, „Beda tej zemi, pretože diabol je ako revúci lev, v tých posledných dňoch, chodí dookola, aby zožral to, čo chce, vidíte. Beda im, tie prenasledovania a veci sa udejú.“ Držte sa rovno Toho. Nehýbte sa napravo ani naľavo. Stojte rovno so Slovom. Boh tak povedal. To vykoná tú vec.

204Jákob, ktorý túžil vo svojom srdci, všetko sa zdalo, že je zlé. On chcel ísť naspäť domov. Duch Svätý ho viedol. On dal sľub Bohu. Musel ísť do Bétela, aby zaplatil tie desiatky a tak. A tu, na svojej ceste späť, nachádza Ezava, svojho znepriateleného brata, ktorý bol práve na druhej strane rieky, ako čaká na neho s armádou. Tak, Jákob bol zbabelec, jednako mal požehnania Božie. Boh zasľúbil, že ho bude žehnať. On mal právo prvorodenstva. Amen.

205Čo za typ cirkvi dneška, s krstom Ducha Svätého, so zasľúbením Božieho Slova, aby sa vyplnilo, pretože vy sa stávate časťou Slova, to prvodenstvo.

206A Jákob mal to prvorodenstvo. Amen. On mal... Jeho brat sa o to nestaral. A on mal to prvorodenstvo, pretože jeho brat mu ho predal za zmes hustej polievky.

A tak tá svetová cirkev dneška predala svoje právo prvorodenstva.

207A vďaka Bohu, že my To máme. Áno. My to máme. Na čo by sme sa starali o zjednotenie cirkví a Ligu národov a všetky tieto ďalšie veci, pokiaľ máte to právo prvorodenstva?

208To, čo cirkev potrebuje spraviť, je urobiť tak, ako to Jákob urobil, modliť sa, až obdržíte deň „V“. A je to tak, Jákob mal zápasnícku spoločnosť. On zápasil po celú noc s Pánom, ale on povedal, „Nenechám Ťa odísť, kým nedosiahnem toto víťazstvo.“ A potom asi tak na svitaní, raz ráno, on mal deň „V“. On viac nekráčal tak isto. Ale na tejto strane, on bol veľký, silný, ustráchaný člen cirkvi. Ale na druhej strane bol malým, krívajúcim kňazom, alebo skôr kniežaťom; malým krívajúcim kniežaťom, s dostatočnou odvahou bojovať proti celej armáde.

Ezav povedal, „Ja ti zriadim armádu.“

On povedal, „Nepotrebujem ju.“ On mal deň „V“.

209My nepotrebujeme ich organizácie. Nepotrebujeme tie veci toho sveta. Nepotrebujeme sa zhodovať vo veciach toho sveta. My sme mali deň „V“. Jedného dňa sme zápasili, alebo jednej noci.

210Ó, ako si pamätám ten zápas, keď som musel zomrieť samému sebe. Ale tam nadišiel deň „V“, keď som obdržal to víťazstvo, potom sa Božie Slovo stalo jasným. Baptistická cirkev už neznamenala pre mňa viac než hociktorá iná cirkev. Je to tak. Ja som mal deň „V“. Božie Slovo má pravdu.

Dr.Davis povedal, „Staneš sa svätým povaľačom.“

Povedal som, „Svätý povaľač alebo nie svätý povaľač!“

211Hore, dolu tam v Green's Mill, bol som tam celú noc na modlitbe, až kým tam vošiel ten anjel Pánov v to ráno, to Svetlo. Povedal...Čo? Ja som sa snažil zbaviť tej samotnej veci, ktorú mi Boh dal, aby som s ňou bojoval, tie videnia, zatiaľ čo mi oni vraveli, že to bolo z diabla. Potom On prišiel, povedal mi, odkázal ma naspäť do Písem, „Nehovorili oni to isté o Synovi Božom, a tak ďalej? Mal som deň „V“. Nič viac mi nebolo treba hovoriť. Išiel som na polia a okolo a okolo sveta. Deň „V“!

212Vidíte, Jákob mal tento deň „V“. On zápasil celú noc. Ale keď začalo svitať, to bol pre neho deň „V“.

213Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá a veci! Hovorme o týchto veciach, žiadne miesto zastavenia, však že? Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá boli ohromné. Ceníme si každé jedno z nich. To boli všetko veľké víťazstvá. Veľké vojnové víťazstvá a veľké víťazstvá duchovných vojen a tak ďalej, to bolo ohromné. Ale, všimnite si, ani jedno z nich nebolo trváce. Vidíte? My máme veľké víťazstvo, dočasne. No, my len...

214Zisťujeme tu, pred nedávnom, keď sme išli do vojny s Japonskom. V našom vlastnom dome bola malá hračka. Niekto nám dal malú, och, takú ozdobu, viete, malú ako bábika. A to malo na sebe „Made in Japan.“ Ten človek to hodil na zem a rozlámal to. Vidíte? A vy ste mohli povedať „Made in Japan,“ oni by to vyhodili von. Alebo idú to desaťcentového obchodu, skupina Rikiov, viete. Nie je... Tam idú delikventi, do desaťcentového obchodu, aby si počínali chytro, vidíte, idú tam a dostanú veci z Japonska. Oni chceli ukázať svoju vernosť národu.

215A čo Bohu, vysmejú sa Mu do tváre? Vidíte? Ak to bolo pre nich tak ľahko bežať do desaťcentového obchodu a zaklopať na pult, a niečo také, pretože oni mali malé bábiky a bižutériu a takéto veci, vyrobené... vyrobené v Japonsku, pretože oni s ním boli vo vojne; a čo fajčenie cigariet a pitie a klamanie, kradnutie a takéto veci, vidíte, skutočnej armáde Božej? Vidíte? Oni chcú byť verní. A čo s našou vernosťou? Ak oni chcú za to niekoho uväzniť, aký to robí rozdiel, oni chcú byť verní národu, vlajke? Ale kresťan sa niekedy bojí hovoriť. Vidíte? To je ten dôvod, že my potrebujeme viac dní „V“, keď môžete poraziť samých seba. Vidíte? Nech vás porazí Boh mocou lásky.

216Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá boli dočasné víťazstvá. Dokonca pre Mojžiša, Izrael išiel znova naspäť do otroctva. Stále, do a z neho, do a z neho, my to tam nachádzame. Mnoho hrdinov bojovalo ďalej a zomreli. Oni to stále robia vo vojnách, v tom telesnom zaostrení toho ďalekohľadu. Oni to robia v tom duchovnom. Hrdinovia bojujú a zomierajú. Ako by sme mohli ísť dolu cez to. Mám ich tu zapísaný celý rad, ako Daniela a tie Hebrejské deti a tých veľkých víťazov tam, ktorí vybojovali víťazstvá.

217Ale oni, neustále, nakoniec prišla jedna vec zvaná smrť, ktorá ich zobrala, vidíte, navzdory všetkému. Oni išli rovno napred, vidíte, stále bojovali, zomierali; bojovali, zomierali; vyhrávali víťazstvá, zomierali; vyhrávali víťazstvá, zomierali.

218Ale vidíte, po tom všetkom, človek nebol učinený na to, aby zomrel. Človek bol učinený na to, aby žil. A bez ohľadu na to, koľko úspechov dosiahol, on stále zomieral, stále tak isto. A on išiel do hrobu, oni ho pochovali a to to urovnalo. Oni tam označili jeho hrob náhrobným kameňom a jeho hrobku a to bol koniec toho. Smrť ho pohltila. Veľkého Mojžiša, veľkého Józuu, veľkých prorokov Biblie, takmer každého z nich, okrem asi dvoch alebo troch, my vieme, kde sú ich hroby, kde ich oni označili. Smrť ich pohltila a zobrala ich rovno ďalej. Vidíte?

219Ale jedného dňa, prišiel boj, zostúpil tam ten hlavný bojovník Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží. A tam bola Veľká noc. To bol skutočný deň „V“, potom čo Ježiš bojoval a premohol. On bojoval proti každému nepriateľovi, proti ktorému mal bojovať.

220Tá prvá vec, keď sa On narodil, narodil sa s nečistým menom, od začiatku, medzi ľuďmi, ako nelegitímne dieťa. On sa cez to prebojoval. „Mária, ktorá mala toto dieťa od Jozefa, bez toho, aby boli zobratí.“ On prišiel medzi tie deti s určitým menom. Ale vo Svojom srdci On vedel, že bol Synom Božím. Vidíte? On sa cez to prebojoval.

221On prichádza ku tomu dňu, kde On robí Svoje rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, čo urobí, potom čo prijal Ducha Svätého.

222On prišiel do toho dňa, kde Ho satan vzal na vrch a ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta a povedal, „Ja ťa teraz učiním kráľom. Ty vravíš, že Si Syn Boží a že máš moc. Ja Ťa učiním Vládcom všetkých národov,“ to je to čím sa snaží byť antikrist dnes. Ale tam bol deň „V“. On sa rovno cez to prebojoval. Povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží...“

223Prišiel čas, keď On bol vyzvaný Slovom. „Ak Si Syn Boží, prikáž aby sa tieto kamene stali chlebom. Vidíte? A Ty Si hladný, tak ich zjedz. Vidíte? Ak Si Ty Syn Boží, Ty to môžeš urobiť.“ On mohol. Je to tak. Ale tam musel byť deň „V“. On vybojoval víťazstvo nad pokušením. Vidíte? On vybojoval...

224Povedal, „No, ty môžeš byť veľkou Osobou. Môžeš sa ukázať, kým Si.“ Zobral Ho na vrchol chrámu, povedal, „Zoskoč. Citujem Ti Písmo, je napísané, ´On prikázal anjelom o Tebe, aby Si si nenarazil Svoju nohu o kameň a ponesú Ťa.´“ Pozrite sa na to, aký je satan teológ. Vidíte?

225„Odídi za mňa, satan,“ prichádza Slovo. To bol deň „V“. On prišiel ku každému dňu „V“.

226On išiel hore ku Petrovej svokre, ktorá tam ležala chorá s horúčkou. Tá horúčka zúrila v jej tele. Oni potrebovali službu. On tam išiel a dotkol sa jej ruky. Choroba nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Pravdaže nie.

227Potom On prišiel na miesto, kde bola v jednej rodine smrť. Prišiel na miesto, kde muž menom Lazar, ktorý bol Jeho priateľom, zomrel a bol pochovaný a ležal v hrobe a smrdel asi na štvrtý deň. To telo ležiace v porušení za tri dni, vidíte, sedemdesiatdva hodín, porušenie. A tam prichádza na miesto, kde život a smrť sa stretli tvárou v tvár. Tu je On, Život; tam je smrť, ktorá vzala Jeho priateľa; v skúške sily. On išiel ku tomu hrobu a potiahol Svoje malé plecia dozadu, povedal, „Lazar, vyjdi von.“ Ó! To Slovo vyšlo. To bolo Slovo Božie. Život sa znova objavil. Ten mŕtvy sa vrátil niekde stade naspäť do života. Iste. On vybojoval víťazstvo. Je to tak.

228Choroba, pokušenie, všetko, čo to mohlo byť, On sa prebojoval cez každý kúsok toho. Deň „V“. Presne tak.

229Potom to prišlo do času, keď celý svet ležal v tieňoch, v ríšach tieňov smrti; každý človek, každá ľudská bytosť, každý prorok, každý veľký človek, všetci títo veľkí hrdinovia, ktorých On poslal. Oni tam všetci ležali. Tam ležal Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, Jozef, oni všetci tam ležali v hrobe, veriac; bez žiadneho iného dôkazu než, „Slovo tak povedalo. Boh tak povedal.“

230Pozrite sa na Jóba, keď on tak tvrdo zápasil. Jeho žena, dokonca jeho žena, jeho spoločníčka, on povedal, „Dokonca jej dych sa mi stal cudzí,“ a tak ďalej. On bol...

231Čo za čas ten muž mal, tie pokušenia! A dokonca Belzarovi a všetkým tým ostatným povedal, a dokonca Elíhuovi, ktorí sa ho snažili obviniť a také veci. Ale on vedel, že stál so Slovom.

232A jeho žena prišla a povedala, „Jób, vyzeráš mizerne.“ Povedala, „Prečo jednoducho nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš.“

233On povedal, „Hovoríš ako nejaká hlúpa žena.“ Uh-huh! Ó! Čo za hrdinu!

Dokonca Ježiš sa o ňom zmienil, „Či ste nepočuli o trpezlivosti Jóbovej?“

234Jób išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Abrahám išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Tak veru. Izák išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Jozef išiel dolu do toho záprahu.

235Jozef povedal, „Nepochovávajte ma tu dolu. Pochovajte ma tu hore, vidíte, pochovajte ma tu hore s mojimi otcami. Pochovajte ma tak ako boli oni pochovaní, Slovo, tá planina, na ktorej boli oni pochovaní, to miesto kde boli oni pochovaní.“

236Tá istá vec je vo mne. To je ten dôvod, že ja chcem byť pochovaný v Ježišovom Mene. „Pretože tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi, tých Boh privedie s Ním,“ vidíte?

237Tak potom zisťujeme, ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, išli hrdinovia, hrdinovia, hrdinovia. A tu prichádza čas, že ten Hlavný Kapitán, ktorý ich poslal... A oni padli na bojovom poli, veľkí víťazi. Oni prišli ku svojim dňom V, a oni vybojovali víťazstvo nad nepriateľom. Oni dokonca...

238 Józua s... mal raz, on zastavil slnko svojím vlastným slovom a ono nesvietilo. A to slnko nezapadlo na dvadsaťštyri hodín. Biblia povedala, „Nikdy predtým alebo potom nebolo takého muža, ktorý by kedy prikázal slnku, aby nepohnute stálo, aby Boh počúval na hlas toho muža.“

239Prečo? Vidíte, on rozdrvil všetkých tých nepriateľov. Vidíte? Oni boli. Oni všetci boli rozdrvení, všade. On ich musel stíhať a zabiť ich. To bolo všetko ohľadom toho, pretože to bolo jeho poverenie. A on vedel, že ak by prišla noc, oni by nemali čas sa znova zmobilizovať a zhromaždiť sa a on by stratil mnoho mužov. Tak on povedal, „Potrebujem čas. Potrebujem svetlo. Slnko, nehýb sa.“ Amen. Ó, Bože. Boh počúvol na slovo človeka a zastavil Slnko. Ono zostalo na tom istom mieste dvadsaťštyri hodín, zatiaľ čo on bojoval, vyplienil každého jedného nepriateľa a spôsobil ich pád. Oni nemohli... Nedali im čas, aby sa znova zmobilizovali. On išiel napred.

240A jednako, Józua položil svoj život, leží v prachu zeme.

241Ale keď prišlo to veľké Knieža, Kristus, Ten, ktorého videl Daniel.

242Ten veľký bojovník Daniel, uprostred problémov a takýchto vecí, a veľké... Kde, ak by sme mali čas, mohli by sme sa o ňom zmieniť. Jednako, on leží v prachu zeme. On povedal, „Ty odpočinieš vo svojom lose toho dňa, ale Daniel, ty znova vstaneš.“

243No, to zasľúbenie, ktoré mu bolo dané, všetkým tým hrdinom, až nakoniec prišiel čas a tá rozhodujúca hodina, že to muselo byť zaplatené. Ježiš musel prísť na zem. On premohol každú chorobu. On premohol všetko. Teraz On musel premôcť hrob.

244On premohol smrť. Smrť nemohla stáť v Jeho prítomnosti. On nikdy nekázal na pohrebe. Nie veru. Tá Naimská vdova išla takto so svojím synom. On to zastavil, vzkriesil ho. Ó! Tak veru. On potvrdil, že má moc nad smrťou.

245No, sú tam ďalší dvaja nepriatelia: to je ten hrob tam a peklo; záhrobie (hades), hrob. Tak toho dňa, keď On zomrel, tak mŕtvy, že až slnko prestalo svietiť a zem mala nervový kolaps, skaly sa odlamovali z vrchov a takéto veci, On zomrel. On išiel dolu do pekla. On premohol smrť. On premohol peklo. Na veľkonočné ráno On premohol hrob. Amen.

246Keď hovoríme o dokončenom dni „V“, skutočnom dni „V“. Vyviedol ich von! A nie len to, ale keď On vyšiel z hrobu, On vyviedol zajatých, ktorí tam boli. Biblia povedala, „On zajal zajatie.“ Poďte von z hrobu, ako ich vyvádzal, všetkých tých hrdinov tam. Či neviete, že to bol ohromný čas tam toho dňa, keď oni vošli do toho kráľovstva, ó, vošli do kráľovstva Božieho, vyviedol odtiaľ zajatých svätých! On bol kompletným víťazstvom, kompletným víťazstvom. On vyviedol všetkých tých mŕtvych hrdinov. On vyviedol Abraháma, Izáka, Jákoba, Jóba, všetkých tých ostatných, vyviedol ich z hrobu.

247On zajal. Vidíte, On prišiel na zem, On zajal smrť. On zajal peklo. On zajal hrob. On zajal všetko. A teraz On povstáva, amen, so Svojimi svätými.

248„No, ON vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary.“ Čo to bolo? Meče, dal meče do ich rúk, Slovo, vidíte, aby premáhali. Ó! On im dáva meče, (na čo?) to Slovo, aby premohli čo? Chorobu, hriech, povery, zlo, aby priviedli každé živé stvorenie, ktoré chce žiť, aby priviedli každého jedného z nich do uvedomenia, že, „Pretože ja žijem, vy žijete tiež.“

249My máme boj viery. Bojujme ten dobrý... Aby sme vyplnili naše víťazstvo, pretože naše kompletné víťazstvo je pozitívne. Je isté. Ono musí byť. My máme tú prvotinu toho. My máme teraz dôkaz toho v našich srdciach, pretože ten prvý boj máme už za sebou. Boli sme schopní premôcť, skrze vieru Ježiša Krista. My sme mali deň „V“.

250Pamätám sa, že jedného večera asi o desiatej, alebo keď som bol tam dolu v tej malej starej garáži, modliac sa, „Bože, zabi ma, alebo ma spas.“ Išiel som do cirkví. Oni chceli, aby som si potriasol ruku s kazateľom.

Povedal som, „Ja chcem niečo viac ako to.“ Vidíte?

251Vtedy v tej garáži tej noci, keď som povedal, „Bože, ja nemôžem ísť ďalej. Ja zomriem.“ A keď som tam, v tej starej, vlhkej budove a moje kolená... Kľačal som na starom trávovom vreci so zdvihnutými rukami, povediac, „Bože, ja neviem, ako hovoriť, Pane.“ Chcel som Mu napísať list, poprosiť Ho, aby mi odpustil. Nevedel som, ako sa modliť. „Chcem, aby mi bolo odpustené.“

252Sľúbil som to, keď som zomieral na posteli. A On ma nechal... Keď sa ma doktor vzdal, moje srdce bilo iba sedemnásťkrát za minútu. A vy viete, ako pomaly to bolo. On povedal, „On zomiera,“ a ja som to počul. Povedal to môj otec a zatiahol záves okolo mňa. A tam v tej izbe, v tej hodine, som videl veľké písmená “J” ako prešli ponad tým závesom takto okolo mňa. Počul som tú sestričku plakať, povedala, „On je len dieťa, vidíte a tu on odchádza.“ Anestetikum do chrbtice preniklo a dostalo sa do môjho srdca. Vidíte? Bilo mi len sedemnásť úderov za minútu.

253Keď som sa vrátil domov, musel som dokázať, že milujem Boha. A ja som si kľakol na zem. Povedal som, „Neviem, ako sa mám modliť.“ A uhryzol som sa do palca. Pomyslel som si, „Možno... Videl som obrázky. Takto si preložím ruky, dám si spolu prsty.“ Povedal som, „Drahý Pane, ja by som s Tebou rád hovoril.“ Načúval som. Ja som povedal, „Nepočujem Ťa.“ Povedal som, „Zle som si preložil ruky. Možno som to mal urobiť takto.“ Dal som svoje... Povedal som, „Drahý Pane, Ja... Ježiš Kristus, rád by som s Tebou hovoril.“ Povedal som, „Pane, nepočujem Ťa. Odpovedz mi. Počul som iných ľudí povedať, ´Boh ku mne hovoril.´ No, ja chcem o tomto hovoriť s Tebou. Sľúbil som Ti, že to urobím. Chcem o tom hovoriť. Prídeš prosím a budeš som mnou hovoriť, Pane?“ Myslel som, „Nie, nedržím správne svoje ruky, ináč by On niečo povedal.“ Nevedel som, ako to urobiť. Nikdy v živote som sa nemodlil. Nevedel som, čo robiť; v tejto malej starej kôlni.

254Vtedy som si toto myslel. Rozmýšľal som, „Podľa Písma, ako som to počul čítať, On bol človek. A ak On bol človek, On rozumie ako človek.“ Správne. „A potom ja neviem, či ma Ty počuješ.“

255Diabol povedal, „Ty si si odhrešil svoj deň milosti. Viac ho už niet. Vidíte, bol si tak ničomný, že On ti už neodpustí.“

256Povedal som, „Ja tomu neverím. Ja tomu jednoducho nemôžem veriť. Verím, že On bude hovoriť ku mne.“

257Povedal som, „Pane, ja neviem či nerobím nejakú chybu, ak nemám správne založené svoje ruky, alebo čokoľvek to je, odpusť mi kvôli tomu. Ale ja chcem s Tebou hovoriť.“ Povedal som, „Som ten najhorší lump na svete.“ Povedal som, „Ja, ja som urobil všetky tie veci a utekal som od Teba a všetko,“ pokračoval som hovoriac takto.

258A prvá vec viete, zatiaľ čo som hovoril, do izby prišlo malé Svetlo a išlo na tú stranu, kde bol múr a sformovalo kríž Svetla, to Svetlo a začalo to hovoriť nejakým jazykom. Nikdy, nikdy som niečo také ako hovorenie v jazykoch nepočul; nikdy som to ani nečítal v Biblii; hľadal som v Jakubovi 5:14, v Genesis. Díval som sa tam a videl som to Svetlo a ono hovorilo nejakým druhom jazyka. Potom to odišlo.

259A povedal som, „Pane,“ Povedal som, „Ja neviem nič o tomto kresťanskom živote.“ Povedal som, „Ak si to bol Ty, ktorý si hovoril so mnou, ja nemôžem rozumieť Tvojmu jazyku, Pane. Ale ak by si hovoril...A ak nemôžeš hovoriť mojím jazykom, vidíte, a ja nerozumiem Tvoj, ale možno porozumieme jeden druhého takto: ak Ty len prídeš znovu sem naspäť, to bude znak medzi mnou a Tebou, že mi odpúšťaš.“

260To tam bolo znova. Ó, hovoríte o dni „V“? Ja som mal jeden, áno skutočný deň „V“. Tam To bolo znova, hovoriac tým istým spôsobom. A ja som mal deň „V“. Ó!

261A od vtedy, ako On položil to Slovo do mojej ruky, ja som bojoval, aby som vyhral tú cenu, aby som sa preplavil cez krvavé moria.

262My všetci máme víťazstvo. Prebojovali sme sa cez mnohé víťazstvá. A veľké víťazstvo prichádza čoskoro, rovno za rohom. Náš úplný deň „V“ bude čoskoro, Keď Syn Boží prelomí oblaky a výkrik s hlasom archanjela a On znovu príde. A hroby sa otvoria a mŕtvi vyjdú von.

263Myslím, že si tu púšťate moju pásku o tom videní, ktoré som práve mal, alebo o tom prenesení, čokoľvek to bolo, v jednej izbe; a išiel som tam a videl som tých ľudí, práve tak isto ako vidím vás, táto Biblia tu leží otvorená predo mnou. A Boh vie, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Tam oni boli, mladí, presne tak isto a tak isto.

264Ako ste vy všetci boli na tých zhromaždeniach a uvedomujete si, tie videnia. Videli ste niekedy, že by jedno zlyhalo? Nie veru. Práve nedávno ma On poslal sem kvôli jednému, povedal mi, čo sa stalo. Vy všetci, každý z vás o tom vie. Stalo sa to tak. Rovno tam to bolo, jednoducho presne. To nikdy nezlyháva.

265A vravím vám, ako malej kresťanskej skupine, ktorá tu sedí dnes ráno, držte sa Božej nemennej ruky. Mali ste dočasné víťazstvo. Ale prichádza skutočný deň „V“, úplne, keď príde Ježiš.

266„A trúba zaznie; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú.“ A ak nemáte tú nádej v sebe, nenechajte, aby tento deň prešiel bez toho, aby ste to dostali.

267Pred chvíľou som niečo počul, rád by som to zopakoval. To prišlo od, verím, že to bol Billy Sunday, ktorý urobil tú poznámku. Bol nejaký chlapec, ktorý spáchal zločin. Neviem, či ste niekedy o tom počuli alebo nie. On spáchal zločin. Uvrhli ho do väzenia... On tam bol. A tak mal súd. A ten sudca povedal...

268A tá porota vyšla. Oni povedali, „Nachádzame tohto chlapca vinného toho zločinu. A my, porota,“ povedali, „žiadame jeho život.“

269A ten sudca povedal, „Odsudzujem ťa na smrť zavesením na povraz, až kým sa tvoj smrteľný život nepominie. A nech má Boh milosť nad tvojou dušou.“

270A toho chlapca vzali do väzenia a dali ho do vnútorného väzenia, v ktorom musel zostať až do toho času, kedy mal zomrieť.

271A priatelia prišli ku sudcovi a povedali, „Sudca, my sme pomohli tomu, aby si bol zvolený v tomto meste. Prosíme, prosíme, nenechaj toho mladého človeka takto zomrieť.“

272Práve som prišiel z Texasu, kvôli ďalšiemu, niečomu takému. Nejaký mladý muž a mladá žena a Boh ušetril ich životy. Oni mali zomrieť asi tri alebo štyri dni po tomto. Myslím, že ste všetci videli ten papier, vy ktorí ste tam so mnou boli, že oni ušetrili ich životy.

273Tak oni sa prihovárali a prihovárali a prihovárali, tí ľudia, aby to neurobil. Tak zakrátko u guvernéra toho štátu...

274Tá matka, vonku za dverami, jedného dňa, padla pri dverách, takto a kričala, aby ju pustili dnu.

275A nakoniec ten človek vošiel, a povedal, „Guvernér, matka toho chlapca je tam vonku. Chce ťa vidieť.“

A ten guvernér povedal, „Priveď ju.“

276A tá žena, v pokore, plazila sa po svojich rukách a nohách ku tomu guvernérovi a chytila sa jeho topánok a povedala, „Pane, to je moje dieťa. Nezabíjajte ho.“ Povedala, „On to nemal v úmysle urobiť. Dajte mu len život vo väzení. Ale neberte jeho život, guvernér.“

Ten guvernér povedal, „Dobre, pôjdem a pozriem sa na neho.“

Povedal, „V poriadku.“

277Tak ten guvernér išiel do tej cely, kde on bol a oni tam vošli. Ten chlapec chcel byť arogantný. Povedal, „Priviedol som niekoho, kto ťa chce vidieť,“

278A ten guvernér vošiel a povedal, „Mladý muž, rád by som s tebou hovoril.“ On bol skutočne arogantný, len tam sedel, uzatvorený do seba, nič nehovoril. On povedal, „Mladý muž, chcem, aby si so mnou hovoril. Chcem s tebou hovoriť.“ A ten chlapec sa správal, ako by ho dokonca ani nepočul. A on povedal, „Mladý muž, ja ti môžem pomôcť, ak mi to dovolíš.“

279Povedal, „Vypadni odtiaľto. Nechcem počuť nič, čo ty chceš povedať.“

On povedal, „Dobre, synu...“

280On povedal, „Buď ticho. Nevidíš, že som nervózny? Nechcem počuť ani jedno slovo z toho, čo ty chceš povedať.“

On povedal, „Dobre, ja prichádzam...“

On povedal, „Vypadni z tejto cely.“

Tak on odišiel. Oni zatvorili tie dvere.

281Tak keď on odtiaľ vyšiel, ten chlap, ten policajt pri tej cele, pri tých dverách povedal, „Ty si ten najhlúpejší človek.“

On povedal, „Jednako, kto bol ten cvok?“

On povedal, „To bol guvernér tohto štátu.“

282Povedal, „Nie, nie guvernér. Ten jediný človek, ktorý ma mohol omilostiť a ja som ho vyhnal z cely. Jediný človek, ktorý mohol podpísať moje omilostenie a ja som ho vyhodil z cely.“

Ako ten guvernér vyšiel von, povedal, „On si vybral.“

283Tak tá posledná vec, ktorú ten chlapec povedal, keď mu oni dali čiernu kuklu cez jeho tvár, aby ho obesili; keď mu natesno zatiahli ten povraz, nasadili mu kuklu. On povedal, „Pomyslite na to. Guvernér stál v mojej cele a on by ma omilostil, ak by som ho nevyhodil von.“

284Ako my vieme dnes ráno, že ten Guvernér nestojí dnes ráno pri našej cele? Nevyhadzujte ho, ak ste nikdy neprijali od Neho omilostenie. Nie len guvernér, ale Kráľ, ten Jediný, ktorý vás môže omilostiť, On môže stáť pri tej malej cele, v ktorej ste žili dlhý čas. Prečo Ho len nenecháte vojsť, ak ste to neurobili, ak ste sa Mu kompletne nevydali?

285Jedného dňa zistíte, že tento malý pokorný spôsob, o ktorom si myslíte, že to je len kopa hlúposti, kopa ľudí, ktorí nevedia, o čom hovoria, vy zistíte, že ten Guvernér je dnes ráno tu. Ak máte potrebu, ak ste v malej cele nemoci, z ktorej sa nemôžete dostať, ten Guvernér je tu. Ten Guvernér sveta, On je spravodlivý, On vás vypustí. On prichádza. On podpísal vaše omilostenie. On vám to chce dnes ráno dať. Nezavrhujte to.

Skloňme naše hlavy na chvíľu.

286Ak chcete teraz skutočné víťazstvo, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, prečo sa nepoddať a nech ten Guvernér Štátu, nech ten Guvernér dnes ráno podpíše vaše omilostenie. On je pripravený vás vypustiť; vypustiť vás z hriechu, vypustiť vás z nevery, vypustiť vás z choroby, vypustiť vás zo všetkého, čo chcete. Urobte to, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

Teraz sa modlite svojím vlastným spôsobom. Hovorte ku nemu. Vidíte?

287Ten dozorca by mohol pohovoriť s guvernérom. To by neurobilo nič dobré. Vidíte? Ten chlapec musel hovoriť s guvernérom. Vidíte?

288Vy musíte hovoriť s guvernérom. Ak ste chorí, hovorte s Ním. Ak ste zhrešili a urobili niečo zlé, hovorte s Ním. On má pre vás milosť.

289Nebeský Otče, my sme vďační. A ja, Pane, som Ti tak zaviazaný. Nie je žiaden spôsob, aby som Ti kedy splatil dlh môjho hriechu. Bol som v cele jedného dňa, pretože som sa narodil v tej cele. Vedel som, čo znamenala sloboda. A tá cena bola tak veľká, ja som ju nemohol zaplatiť. Ale som tak rád, že toho dňa, keď si Ty navštívil moju celu, som rozpoznal, že to bol ten Jediný, ktorý ma mohol omilostiť. Ten jediný spôsob, ako som kedy mohol byť slobodný a mať víťazstvo, úplné víťazstvo, bolo prijať to omilostenie, ktoré si Ty podpísal pre mňa. A dnes som slobodný.

290Som tak šťastný, Pane. Robím návštevy z väzenia do väzenia, od tých, ktorí majú obavy ohľadom manželstva, ktorí sú chorí a v horúčke, ktorí sú chorí a vo väzení, tých, ktorí sú hriešni a vo väzení, tých, ktorí sú zmätení a v pochybnosti a vo väzení. Idem z cely do cely, hovoriac im, že ten Guvernér práve prechádza okolo, ospravedlňuje každého, vypúšťa každého.

291Otče, Ty poznáš srdce ľudí, ktorí sú dnes tu. Nech je toto deň „V“, úplný deň „V“. Nech toto je deň, keď každý jeden, Pane, dnes, prijme to víťazstvo. Udeľ to, Pane.

292Nech je každá chorá osoba uzdravená, ktorá je dnes v tejto budove.

293Nech táto zadná strana púšte je časom, v ktorom Hlas Boží bude hovoriť cez horiaci oheň viery. Ó, Bože, ten malý oheň viery, ktorý tam horí, tá malá nádej, ktorá horí, nech cez to Hlas Boží hovorí, ku každému väzňovi dnes ráno a povie, „Ja som dnes prišiel, aby som ťa oslobodil.“ Je tu chlapec alebo dievča, muž alebo žena, Pane, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú ako svojho Spasiteľa, nech ten malý Hlas hovorí, tá malá viera, Hlas hovoriaci teraz a vraví, „Áno, verím, že Boh existuje. Verím, že On je všetko to čo oni hovoria, že On je.“ A Pane, nech tá malá viera ich oslobodí práve teraz. Udeľ to, Pane.

294Požehnaj ich. Požehnaj brata Isaacsona tu, Pane. Milujeme tohto mladého muža a jeho manželku, jeho malé deti. Požehnaj tento malý zbor, ó, Bože. My sme tak šťastní za nich, sme radi, že vidíme, že tu majú strechu nad hlavou, a miesto tu. Si tak dobrý ku nim, Pane. A my sme Ti tak vďační. Nech oni vždy zostávajú pokorní a milí v prítomnosti Božej.

295Požehnaj tohto cudzinca v našej bráne. Požehnaj návštevníka, Pane. Modlime sa, aby si bol s nimi. A ak oni ešte nikdy neprijali toto kompletné víťazstvo, kde oni môžu povedať „amen“ na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, potom, Pane, nech ich viera dnes ráno, ktorú oni majú v Teba, potvrdí každé Slovo s „amen.“ Udeľ to, Pane.

296Požehnaj nás spolu. Vysloboď chorých a strápených. Vezmi slávu pre Samého Seba.

297A drahý Bože, nech sa neznepokojujeme po tomto a nech pamätáme, že tieto skúšky a veci, ktoré prichádzajú na nás, sa dejú, pretože nás Boh miluje. On nám to dáva, pretože má v nás dôveru. On verí, že my... že máme vieru a lásku pre Neho, že budeme schopní premôcť. On sa na to pozrie. A nech sa neznepokojujeme a nech nie sme rozčúlení ohľadom toho. Nech jednoducho vykročíme a hovoríme Slovo a kráčame napred. Moria sa otvoria. Dni „V“ prídu. Udeľ to, Pane. A nech toto je jeden z najväčších dní „V“ nášho času. Požehnaj nás, až kým sa znova stretneme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

298Chcem povedať toto, predtým ako budem musieť odísť. Mám teraz hodinu a pol na to, aby som sa dostal do Tucsonu. Je to celkom krátka cesta. Ale chcem povedať toto, že som sa skutočne tešil, že som tu bol a cítil tú vieru, ktorú máte. Nikdy od toho neodíďte. Nech ten malý oheň stále horí a horí. A pamätajte, Boh hovorí v tých malých ohňoch.

299Brat Isaacson, ja jednoducho neviem, ako to vyjadriť, ako som vďačný, že si bol schopný prísť sem hore držať túto malú skupinu spolu. Nech Boh, môj brat, ti vždy dáva silu, aby si pokračoval ďalej. A vy ľudia, ktorí prichádzate aby ste počúvali, nech vám Boh vždy dáva silu, Božskú silu, aby ste pokračovali ďalej. Tak ak...

300Myslím, že o chvíľu budete mať malé formálne rozpustenie, tým spôsobom, brat Isaacson. Ja odovzdám službu jemu.

301A ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí skúmali ohľadom vodného krstu v Meno „Ježiša Krista“ namiesto titulov „Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý,“ náš pastor tu, je tu pripravený, rád to urobí, vykoná krst. Ak máte na svojom srdci nejaký problém a chceli by ste, aby sa on s vami pomodlil, on je rovno tu, aby to urobil. A ja... nie viac než ho poznám a čo som ho stretol a sedel som s ním a takto, milý, vľúdny, kresťanský duch, ktorý je v tomto bratovi. A ja som si istý, že Boh počuje takúto modlitbu.

302 V našom kraji žil jeden starý muž, ktorý sa volal Hay. On bol veľký, starý muž. On bol... Zakaždým si každý... Bol pokorný a vľúdny. Ale niektorí si mysleli, že on bol len náboženský cvok alebo niečo. Ale viete, keď niekto ochorel, oni zavolali starého tatka Haya, aby prišiel a modlil sa za nich. Vtedy on vôbec nebol cvokom. On bol skutočným mužom. A ten starý vojak...

303Jeden neveriaci tam býval na vrchu toho kopca, mal farmu. On bol priateľ môjho otca. Môj otec pil. Hanbím sa to povedať. Ale pravda je pravda, viete.

Biblia je tá vec, ktorá hovorí Pravdu. Vidíte?

304No, máme knihu nazvanú história; ktorá hovorí, že George Washington nikdy nepovedal lož. Ja o tom pochybujem. Pochybujem o tom. Tak veru. Ja tomu neverím. Môže prísť nejaké dieťa... „Ty si narodený v hriechu, utkaný v neprávosti, prichádzaš na svet hovoriac lož,“ hovorí Biblia. Tak ja pochybujem o tom tvrdení histórie o Georgovi Washingtonovi. Ale ona hovorí iba tú dobrú stránku človeka.

305Biblia hovorí obe strany človeka. Lót bol dobrým človekom dolu v Sodome. „Hriechy toho mesta trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu.“ Ale ona nezlyhala povedať, že on žil so svojou vlastnou dcérou a mal dieťa, jednako, vidíte. Ona hovorí obidve stránky toho. Tak my musíme hovoriť obidve stránky.

306Môj otec, pil, behával s týmto neveriacim. A on sa smial z tohto starého muža. Vždy si z neho robil žarty. „Starý kňaz Hay,“ tak sme ho volali, „Tatko Hay,“ len malý lem vlasov. On bol starý kazateľ. A oni raz chceli, aby pršalo. Ich úroda bola celkom spálená. A oni prišli do jednej malej cirkvi, nie väčšej než je táto, ktorá sa volala Malé kráľovstvo Vačíc, tam v Kentucky. A keď tam išli, oni hovoria, že povedal...

307On, starý tatko Hay mal jedno príslovie. On hovorieval, „Drahý, požehnaj moju dušu.“ Malý, pokorný chlapík jazdil na starom koni, starý okružný kazateľ. A oni mu zaplatili možno košíkom sušených tekvíc, viete, tým, čo mali, viete, a nejakou masťou alebo niečim. Viete, to bol spôsob, ako oni platili starých okružných kazateľov. Mnohí z vás tu si pamätáte starých okružných kazateľov z východu.

308A raz tá úroda celá zhorela. A starý tatko Hay povedal, „Dobre, drahý, požehnaj moju dušu.“ Potom, čo mal malú bohoslužbu ako je táto. Povedal, „Ak niekto z vás chce zostať a modliť sa za dážď, aby Boh ušetril vašu úrodu,“ on povedal, „zostaňte so mnou.“ A celý ten zbor zostal rovno s ním.

309Pop, ktorý tam bol, išiel von, bol len mladým človekom, vzal sedlo zo svojho koňa, a dal ho pod strechu do toho zboru, pretože on vedel, že bude pršať.

310Ten starý muž si kľakol pri oltári. On dokonca ani nevstal zo svojich kolien. Povedal, že asi za hodinu po tom, počul hluk. On sa pozrel dookola. Čierny mrak išiel ponad tým kopcom. Tam to bolo. Vidíte?

311Ten neveriaci, medzi otcovými priateľmi, ktorý si robil žarty z toho starého kazateľa, keď on zomieral, oni ho museli držať v posteli. On dostal týfus. Mnohí z vás ľudí odtiaľto zrejme nevedia, čo to bolo. Ó, to je hrozná vec. A on bojoval s diablami hodiny a hodiny, za tri alebo štyri dni. On hovoril, „Charlie, Charlie.“ To bol môj otec. On povedal, „Nedovoľ mu, aby ma dostal. Nedovoľ mu, aby ma dostal. Nevidíš ho, ako sedí tam vedľa tej posteli, s tými reťazami omotanými okolo seba. Nedovoľ mu, aby ma nimi zviazal. Ó!“ On kričal. A oni ho držali, štyria alebo piati muži ho držali v posteli, predtým ako bol pripravený zomrieť.

312Tam v Kentucky, oni mali staré kolíky na stene, kde si vešali svoje šaty. Videl niekto niekedy taký dom, kde majú taký kolík?

313A on tam mal zavesený svoj starý plášť. Povedal, „Charlie, tam v mojom vrecku je pollitrovka whiskey. Choď, daj ju mojim deťom.“

314A jeho žena, kresťanka, plakala v kuchyni, varila večeru. On povedal, „Nemohol som to urobiť.“

315A oni ho držali v posteli, až kým nezomrel, zaháňajúc od seba diablov.

316Keď starý tatko Hay, ten z ktorého sa on smial, keď on bol pripravený zomrieť, asi osemdesiatpäť, deväťdesiat ročný, on išiel spať. A všetky deti boli tam vnútri. Jeho odrastené pra-pra vnúčence boli okolo tej posteli. On sa postavil. Mal biele fúzy, viete, malý prúžok vlasov okolo svojej hlavy. Na vrchu plešatý. Zakrútil si fúzom, povedal, „Drahý, požehnaj moju dušu. Povedal, „Vy všetci ste si mysleli, že starý tatko Hay je mŕtvy, však? Povedal, „No, ja nemôžem zomrieť.“ Povedal, „Ja som zomrel pred rokmi.“ Povedal, „Ja len idem stretnúť Pána Ježiša.“ Povedal, „Ó, to je úžasné!“ Povedal, „Vy všetci, moje deti, ste okolo tejto posteli.“ On ich vzal za ruku od najstaršieho po najmladšieho a požehnal ich.

317Potom povedal svojim dvom najstarším chlapcom, povedal, „Zodvihnite ma.“ A oni ho zodvihli na posteli. Nemohol držať svoju ruku hore. On bol tak slabý.

318Povedal svojmu ďalšiemu chlapcovi, povedal, „Zodvihni mi ruku.“ On zodvihol jeho ruky, takto.

319Povedal, „Šťastný deň, šťastný deň, keď Ježiš zmyl moje hriechy. On ma učil ako bdieť a modliť sa a žiť radostne každý deň.“ Sklonil hlavu a odišiel.

No, my musíme prísť ku jednému z týchto koncov.

320Som rád, že máte pri sebe pokorného muža ako je tento, v ktorého máte dôveru. Verte mu; Boh pre vás učiní zázraky, medzi vami.

321A ja chcem poprosiť tento malý zbor o niečo ohľadom mňa. Modlite sa za mňa, urobíte to? Ja som tiež jeden z vašich bratov. Nie som s vami po celý čas; chcem byť. Dostanete tie pásky a veci tu. A ja som tu na veľkom bojovom poli. Toto je jednoducho jedno z tých miest, kde my vyhliadame príchod Pánov. Modlite sa za mňa, pretože ja skutočne potrebujem vaše modlitby. Závisím od toho, veľakrát, keď narazím na tvrdé miesta, predovšetkým na zahraničných poliach.

322A tam sú čarodejníci a všetko, tisíce krát tisíc ich tam stoja, vyzývajúc vás a vy tam vykročíte sami, ó, je lepšie, keď viete, o čom hovoríte. Ó! Zatiaľ čo oni môžu urobiť čokoľvek. Oni môžu napodobniť takmer všetko, čo má Boh. Oni to môžu. Tak ako Janes a Jambres, oni môžu napodobniť čokoľvek, čo tu Boh má.

323Vtedy si spomeniem, rozmýšľam o malej, vernej skupine. „Aká je hodina dňa? Tam na zadnej strane púšte, tam vonku, na malé, staré miesto nazvané Sierra Vista, rozumiete, kde sa odohráva malé modlitebné zhromaždenie asi o tom čase. Rozumiete? Tam vzadu, na druhej strane hôr, tam v tom kravskom tábore, niekde tam, oni sa modlia.

324Potom idem, hovorím, „Som zakrytý modlitbou. Satan, nemôžeš mi nič urobiť. Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Vidíte, niečo sa deje.

325Modlite sa za mňa. Urobíte to teraz, každý z vás? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-- pozn.prekl.] Amen.

Brat Isaacson, príď sem.

326Vy viete, želám si, aby som sem mohol priľnúť a ísť domov s každým z vás a zjesť večeru. To by mi zabralo dlhý čas. A ja viem, že vy muži si myslíte, že máte najlepšie kuchárky na svete. Bezpochyby máte. Vidíte? A ja by som to iste rád urobil. Ale dnes to nemôžem urobiť. Vy to všetci chápete, však? Chápete, že to práve teraz nemôžem urobiť. Som tu v tomto čase pod obrovským tlakom. Chcem sem prísť a mať malé obecenstvo s vami. Chcem znovu prísť, tiež, vrátiť sa sem a byť s vami. Boh vás žehnaj.

327No, brat Isaacson, prevezmi to, čokoľvek chce Pán, aby si urobil.

328Tak, ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí by sem radi prišli, ktorí sa nikdy neodovzdali Ježišovi Kristovi a vy sem chcete prísť a postaviť sa tu dnes ráno, rovno vedľa kazateľne, kde stojí brat Isaacson a ja, a chce aby sa za neho modlilo, chce, aby sme sa modlili, aby ťa Boh spasil, prídeš teraz? A budeš mať dnes úplné víťazstvo. Ak ty...

329Ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí odpadli a odišli od Boha, a neviete, vy ste stratili obecenstvo, ako tá malá pani včera večer. Ó, temnota sa zhromažďuje spolu, keď sa vzďaľujete od Boha. Ste na zablatenej ceste. Ste zviazaní. A ak nemáte to víťazstvo, ktoré by ste mali mať, neprídete tiež? Toto je úplné víťazstvo. Toto môže byť deň „V“ pre vás, ohľadom všetkých vecí toho sveta.

330Poviete, „Mal som tak veľa skúšok, brat Branham. Bol som vláčený od stĺpa ku stĺpu.“ Či som vám práve nepovedal, že to je Boh, pretože On ti dôveroval? Ty ho nesklameš, však? Možno si upadol. Možno si urobil chybu. Ale ty Ho nesklameš, však? Ty znovu povstaneš, ako skutočný vojak, uchop ten Meč a choď znova napred. My to radi urobíme. Iste.

331A ak nie, v tom prípade brat Isaacson bude ku vám hovoriť ďalej.

332Ak ma teraz ospravedlníte, a ja môžem ísť, ísť naspäť do Tucsonu. Vrátim sa, aby som sa s vami uvidel znovu, ak bude Pán chcieť. Boh vás žehnaj. Budete sa za mňa teraz modliť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-- pozn.prekl.]

333Pamätajte, úplný víťaz, a zaostrite na Ježiša Krista. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A jedného dňa, s vaším zaostreným pohľadom, On príde z oblakov s Veliteľským povelom, Hlasom archanjela. Mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú. A tieto smrteľné telá si oblečú nesmrteľnosť a my pôjdeme, aby sme s Ním boli navždy. Dovtedy, bdejte a modlite sa. Boh vás žehnaj. Amen.

Boh ťa žehnaj brat.

1 You can be seated if you will. And I want to express my gratefulness to God, for the privilege of being here and to meet fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God. While you people have gathered out here, this morning, in this brother's home, to--to have some fellowship together, it kind of reminds me of the early Church. The way Christianity first started out, was, the Bible said, "It was from house to house. They met and broke the bread with singleness of heart." And that's what we want to have this morning, while we're here, is singleness of heart, one purpose.

2One--one thing that we're trying to achieve, and, that is, to fulfill the plan of God for our lives, while we're here on earth. And perhaps, maybe, God, many thousands years ago, but He's, by His infinite wisdom, knew that we would be here this morning, and would be back here on this prairie, or--or desert here, in the little building. He knew that thousands of years ago.

3 Now, we met some of our friends that was coming over this morning from Tucson, the Stricker family. And they had had a generator to go bad in their car. We gathered up what we could get, to bring them along, the lady here and the--the children. And they're coming on, a little later, if they can get their generator fixed. It was some little crossroads out here. I don't know where it was at. But we're happy to be here.

4And now, Brother Isaacson here, and we hardly know each other, no more than just we know that we're brothers in Christ. And we have had times of fellowship together. And I believe our first meeting was at... up in Phoenix, years ago. And if his wife is present, I wouldn't know her. Now, that's how well we're acquainted, to know who his wife is, or his family.

5Coming in I met one of our colored brethren standing at the door, a very fine fellow with a handshake, you know, made you kind of feel like you was just so welcome, you know, to come in, and--and to be among this crowd like this this morning, and It gives me a privilege.

6 And now, I've had the privilege of speaking in many crowded areas, where they would have maybe thousands times thousands of people would gather. But I... The memorials of my ministry is times like this, when there's maybe a dozen, or two, setting together, seemingly that God deals closer to people. I think we feel more acquainted, and--and as we assemble in small gathering. It seems like where God's Word is so--so eminent to us, is when we, He said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst."

7Last night, near midnight, I was just assembled with... in the home where there was a man and his wife, and a young girl, was losing her mind, over a little affair that had taken place. And while we are... were assembled together, just the young lady and I, in a room, 'cause the things that had to be said, that was, I'd rather we'd been together. And there came this Light, this Angel of the Lord, and assembled right over where we were at, showing that--that God keeps His promise.

8 And yesterday, where there was a young man of twenty-two years old, of a very prominent family, had taken the mumps, and the mumps had fell on him. And many you adults know what that is, especially in the male. Males, it really just almost kills them. And this boy, for several days, right on two weeks, had been running a fever of a hundred and five. Now, you know that's in stroking condition there. And the doctors had just simply played out all they'd had, with penicillins and everything, to strike that fever for that infection. But seemed like it didn't take any effect. But in one minute's time before God, every speck of the fever left the young man. He rose up, well. And just goes to show the main Person is Christ.

9That's what we're here, this morning in this home, is to serve Christ, upon this sabbath day.

10 I've looked forward for the time of coming here, meeting with our precious brother, and you people. I have received your tithings that brother has sent me, many times, from this little gathering out here. And such treasures as that, I hold very sacred to my own being, because I know that I have to answer someday from where it went from there. And I certainly want to appreciate, do appreciate, and want to express my gratefulness of the loyalty of you people, of--of this thought that you have did, knowing that the tithings that you have. And meeting in houses like this and, yet, want what little you have to go, the best of your knowledge, to the support of the--of the ministry. Then, from there on, I have to be responsible for it. And I want to be a good steward to our Lord, and when I have to answer at that Day, for what we've did on earth.

11 Now, there's one thing, back here we're not be bothered too much with the roar of traffic, and that's good.

12And so now, I just hardly know how to say this, but I wish we were holding a revival back here, where we have several days of it. Because, this way, you just come in and say, "How do you do? I'm glad to meet you," and speak a few moments about the Lord, and gone again. I'm supposed to be in Tucson at one-thirty. And how that it... We just meet here like that, and shake one another's hands, and say, "How do you do? Glad to have met you," and take off.

13But, you know, I think of a Day when we will meet where we won't say good-bye. We won't say, "It's nice to see you. Hope you come back again." Where, we would count here maybe a couple hours together. There we can, we might set down and talk for a million years, if there's such a thing as time, and we won't--won't be any less time than it was when we set down. See? It's just Eternity. There's no--there's no end to it. And to think of the time that we're out, and like that, and when we'll walk down through the corridors of God's great paradise, and the Angels singing anthems.

14 And--and now is the time where we have to--to fight, to win the battle, and to overcome the things of the world.

15And There, well, there won't be any fight There. The last prayer will be made; they won't have to have prayer meetings no more. There'll be no more place for the people get saved. There'll be no sickness to be healed. And it'll just be one great glorious thing.

16And what could we as human beings, this morning, what--what could we promise? What could we look at anything that'd be any greater than looking to that promise of that time. See?

17 We think of here. I look at the changing of the ages, from little nursing babies on their mother's laps, to the little school boys, the teen-age girls and boys, and then the middle age, and then the elder. See? And the--the school boy, last year was on his mother's lap, a nursing baby. See? And the teen-age entered school just last year, seemingly. And the middle age was a teen-age. And then the old age. Just... Oh! See? It's just like a vapor that flies into the earth and falls away. Solomon said, I believe it was, "It's like a flower. It rises up, and then it's cut down, and wastes away." And we--we want to make benefit of what time we are here.

18 So now let us speak to Him, now, as we bow our heads in prayer.

19And if there would be anyone here that would like to be remembered in prayer, for instance, like being sick, or have need, if you would just make it known to God in your heart, say, "Now, Lord, I've entered, to--to ask in this petition." And if you would just, so I would know, kind of, if you'd just raise your hand up, and just, like that, say, "Remember me." The Lord bless you richly.

20 Almighty God, Who formed the heavens and the earth, by Thy Word, we have assembled here this morning to speak of this Word, and of the great One Who is the Word.

21We thank Thee for this grand privilege of coming back at the backside of the desert. It was there one day where a burning bush drawed the attention of a runaway prophet. And there he was commissioned anew, and was sent, which became a great deliverer of the people of that day, of God's heritage that was in bondage. O great God, won't You come to the backside of the desert this morning with us? As we know, You're in great cathedrals, and around the world, but knowing that You are the infinite God, and there's no place too small. Or, no place, or no matter how well we're scattered across the face of the earth, yet You're omnipresent, can be everywhere at all times. We thank Thee for this.

22 And in this assembly this morning, we thank Thee for our brother and--and his little flock here, and for their courage and loyalty to the Cause of God in the earth today, and we ask Your blessings upon them. And may, as long as there is a desiring heart for Christ, may there always be a messenger somewhere to grant, bring the Message to that hungry heart.

23And we pray, Heavenly Father, for the need of those people who raise their hands just now. You know what was pulsating under their hand, around their heart. They had a need. If it's sickness, Lord. You Who taken Paul Sharrit that was just spoke of just a matter of hours ago, when he was laying between death and life, with a raging fever that all the medical science could not stop, and yet one small word of prayer stopped the fever immediately. You're Jehovah God. Show that You're just as well represented, and just as real today, here on the backside of this desert, as You was the days with Moses at the backside of the desert there.

24 We thank Thee, because I know that You'll hear prayer. And we come to Thee most humbly and most sincerely, knowing that it would be wrong to ask You things that we're just imagining in our mind. We want to be earnest and dead sure, that what we're asking. We must believe it, and--and--and know that it is God's will to give it to us, 'cause we have solved it out in our hearts, with all we know, Lord.

25So, I pray that You'll heal every sick person that's here this morning. Save every one that's lost. Grant it. May something be said or done today, that will cause them, in the place where they're seated, or standing around the walls, or wherever it may be, that the anchoring faith of God will move into their hearts and that'll settle it, once for all. Grant it, Father.

26Bless the brother that's let us have the home here for the service.

27Now speak to us through Thy Word, for that's why we're here, Lord. We love to fellowship with each other, but yet it's You that we want, Lord. We can go out under the trees somewhere and set down and talk with each other. But, here, we are assembled to find favor with You. Won't You meet with us now, Lord? We have opened the seat in our heart, that You to be throned today, to talk to us, and tell us of the needs that we have, and Your love expressed to us as we express our love to You. This we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

28 There, if there's someone back in there, that wants to set down, I see some chairs here, that you could be assembled, and want to be more comfortable.

29Now, these times that we're living in is tremendous times. And yesterday, while I was thinking of what would I say today, knowing I've looked forward to coming down here, and what would I say when I come down, the little prayer meeting? And I asked the Lord to help me. And--and I picked up a few notes on a Scripture here, that I'd like to express to you people this morning, while we're waiting for the Lord's blessings.

30And we pray now that you'll open your heart and understand the least, faintest little knock of Christ at the heart. Remember, you, if you're not a believer, and never have accepted Christ yet, this will be the grandest thing that ever happened to you, will be gathered in this home this morning, that when that knock come to your heart. If you'll accept it, it's a door to Life. To turn it away is death. And that's why we're here this morning, to show to you that there is an open door to every believer that can believe.

31 Now I want to read from the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the 15th chapter. I want to read a portion, the first four verses of the 15th chapter of the book of the Revelation.

And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having... seven last plagues; for in them is filled up with the wrath of God.

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stood on the sea of glass, having... harps of God.

And they sang the song of Moses a servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only are holy: and all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

32 And if the Lord will, I would like to take a text from that, to call it a V-day, Victory Day, as we symbolize that, a complete victory.

33These people, that in the chapter that we're... have just read, had just gotten the victory. I think that the word victory is a great word in the English language. It means that you have--you have defeated the enemy, and you've overcome, and you are a victor holding victory. And we sing songs and cheer in a victory. And here we find that there was something, these people had come to this sea of glass, mingled with fire. And they had gotten the victory over the beast, over his image, over the mark, and the letter of his name. All these things, they had gotten the victory over them, and were victors standing on the other side, on the sea of glass mingled with fire, singing the songs of praise to Almighty God.

34 Now, to speak of victory and V-days, and so forth, it brings us back to the thought of war, when we think of V-day. Because, just recently, in the last few years, we come to a--a--a day that we called V-day, of the war, where they gotten the victory over the enemy. And it's too bad that we have to think it, but the world has been soaked with human blood ever since the blood of righteous Abel.

35The first human blood to strike the earth was righteous Abel. And he, the reason he had to shed his blood, was because that he had been right with God. And God had accepted his--his atonement that he had, by faith had offered to God, this lamb.

36 And his jealous brother, being jealous of him, slew righteous Abel. And that same reason has, just about, caused the shedding of all human blood upon the face of the earth. And the old earth is certainly soaked with it, of all across the world, human blood. We... There's a reason for that. There is some reason that they would be, that this human blood was shed. And we find that the first reason was because of jealousy, that--that Cain was jealous of Abel because that God accepted Abel's sacrifice. And Hebrews 11 tells us that--that--that, "Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, and God testifying by it." And Cain, course, being jealous of this, because his sacrifice was rejected, and Abel's accepted. And Abel did this by faith. The Bible said, that, "He did this by faith."

37Seeing that--that, the two boys trying to find favor with God, to come back, because they know that they were just fresh from the garden of Life. And they had fell, on the other side, by the transgression of their parents, had made them subjects to death; just like we all stand, this morning, subjects to death. And they wanted to know how to get back into that place where they could find Life again. And, in doing so, they--they were trying to find favor with God.

38And Cain offered a beautiful sacrifice of flowers and the fruits of the field, or whatever it was he put upon the altar.

39 But Abel, by spiritual revelation, revealed to him that it was not the fruit of the field that caused the death. "It was blood that caused the death." So, he offered back blood of an innocent substitute, and God accepted it. And that has been God's propitiation for our sins, ever since that very day. No other way, because if He had accepted on any other basis, then we'd have had to come to that basis, to be, to find favor with God. But God accepted only the innocent blood of an innocent subject. See?

40And therefore, if the beauty and the big places would have been God's acceptance, today we'd... We would have wondered, "Would He come back on the backside of the desert, to this little home setting here by the railroad track? Would He come back here and meet with us?" But if it had been a great cathedral, or the beauty that--that Cain offered, why, we'd find we'd just been talking to ourselves, and to the air.

41But God came on the basis of the shed blood. So, no matter, today, how small we are, how poor we are, or how much we would like to be, offer to God a greater place, but God wouldn't accept it, no more than He will right now, because we're coming on the basis of the shed Blood of an innocent Substitute, which is Christ dying for us sinners.

42 Now, the reason that this Blood has been shed, is because, I believe, that man wants to... God invites man to look, but man wants to--to show himself. Man wants to look at what God is trying to show him, on the basis of his--his own idea about it. See? God is trying to show man something, but the man wants to accept it upon what he... the way he looks at it.

43But it's just like anyone wanting to show a scene. There's got to be a reason to show this scene. There's... If you say, "Look yonder at the mountain," now there's something there that struck your attention, that you're trying to ask me to look at that mountain. See? Or, "Look at this tree," see, there is something about that tree that you want me to see.

44Now, God is trying to get man to look to that innocent substitute for a way back. And man wants to look at It in his own way. He don't want to see what God is trying to show him, in this innocent substitute. Therefore, that's what's caused the trouble. Then, when man does, as it was, picks up the glasses, to view off in a long distance, to see what God is trying to show him, he fails to focus his glasses right.

45 Here on the road, not long ago, coming from a trip up in the mountains, someone was said, "Here, take these glasses and look over here at a certain thing." Well, I picked up the glasses. I saw three or four different objects. Now, you see, I knowed that there was something wrong with that. See? Now, this antelope standing in the field, there seemed to be three or four of them standing together. Now, what it was, the antelope was just perfectly one antelope. The glass was all right. But what I had to do, was to draw that focus till I got all three of the antelopes into one, and made one antelope. See? And then that... See, behind me, I knew there was a... to be one antelope, because that's what I was told. But to pick up the glass and look through it, I saw, say, three antelopes standing there. Well, the glass was out of focus. I--I have to focus that glass back, till I get it into a place to where I see the one antelope. And then the glass draws it close enough to me till I can see what it looks like.

46 Now, God gives us the Bible. Now, the Bible is the Word, and the Word is God. So, that is our binoculars. That's our glasses. But, then, when we go to looking in the Bible, and seeing four or five different ways, well, it needs focusing, you see. And we--we got to bring the thing into the place where we see the one solemn purpose for God.

47But man wants to start an organization, run this way. And the other one wants, "Well, I know. I think I can be a bigger fellow than him, so I'll start over here. We'll school our boys better, and we'll do this and so forth." See? They fail to get the glass in focus. God wants them to see one thing, and that's the innocent Blood that was shed for their sins. That's exact. That's the real thing, no matter. We don't need an organization. I have nothing against them, only they... the damage that they do, to pull people out and separate brotherhood and things.

48 But we only need to look at one thing, and that's our Substitute. That's right. And that Substitute is Jesus Christ.

49And then today you see how we are twisted out in organizations. And they say, "The Methodists is having a revival. Course, that don't mean the Baptists. That's the Methodists. And these are having a revival, and so forth." And they--they cut the other fellow out, all the time. But we don't want to see it that way.

50We want to keep pulling that focus till we find out that there is one God. When you see three of them out there, you better focus the glass a little better. See? You're--you're seeing something wrong. So you'd better bring it in, and find out there is one God over us all, and He's the God of the human race.

51 And if He's God, at all, He's interested in every human being, because it's His creation. And He's interested in the children. He's interested in the old age and the middle age. He's interested in the--the colors of us, and the white, the brown, the black, the--the yellow, the different shades of our skins from the country that we come from and our forefather. He's interested in all of us. He's just not interested in the Jews, alone, or in--or in the yellow race, black race, white race, whatever it is.

52He's interested in the whole human race, and trying to get the human race to focus His Word down to one thing, and say, "There is one God, and that God give an innocent Substitute, by coming; becoming, Himself, Man, in order to take away sin, to save the whole human race." John the prophet so beautifully illustrated, "Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world, whosoever." The whole sin problem is settled right there in that one innocent Substitute.

53 But when man begins to get a hold of God's binoculars here, he--he begins to... He looks at so much of the natural, he fails to see the spiritual application that the Word gives.

54Now, see, that's one of the great things that man does when he tries to look, because he looks like Cain looked through the glasses. He looked at a--a personal achievement. Cain thought, "Now, if I can get Abel out of the way, then I'm the only one. Then, see, there, the other fellow is out of the way." That's what man has tried to do, down through the years, is try to get the other fellow out of the way.

55When, he ought to be trying to bring the other fellow in the way with him, and--and be a brother, you see; instead of trying to say, "Oh, that little group, just rake them out. And this over here, oh, well, they are this, or that." See? We shouldn't do that. We should be trying to bring the whole thing to one--one solid picture, and that is Jesus Christ.

56 A young lady, last night, in an interview, she said... But she said... A minister's daughter had had some kind of a little love affair, and--and she had lost her mind about it. She gone, a breakdown. A very beautiful young woman, and about twenty-three years old.

57And when she was a little girl, of about twelve, she was in Chicago. And setting in the meeting... Or, Elgin, it was. And setting in the meeting, the Holy Spirit went out through the audience and called her, who she was, and said, "You got a murmuring heart. The doctor says you can't live to fifteen years old. But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're healed." And she never even--never even felt a heart trouble, since.

58And last night she had a different type of a heart trouble. It was a spiritual, heart trouble. Her lover had run off and married some other woman. And, yet, she was still in love. And this boy telling that he was in love, yet, with her, and his "father had caused it."

59I said, "Oh, nonsense. He didn't have to marry the other girl. He did it because he failed to have the right kind of love for you." That's exactly.

60 But, see, being all wound up into that, the girl set there in--in such a stoop, like. And she said, "Oh, I know Johnny loves me. I know." See? That's all she could see. She lived in that one little world, by herself. She had formed herself in there.

61And I took a hold of her hand. I said, "Listen to me." And the Lord showed a vision, you see, that she knowed I knowed nothing about, that something had taken place, some transaction between them. And when that was said, then that snapped her right quick. I said, "Now, while you're out of there, look to Calvary. There, you're going out here and started trying to drink, and a minister's daughter, a Pentecostal minister's daughter, and doing the things that you're doing, trying to drown that sorrow; that man, and somebody that don't care the snap of their finger for you." I said. "Look yonder to Calvary, girl. That's the only way back."

62 We got to get ourselves focused, till, whether we live or die, sink or drown, it's Calvary, Christ. That's the thing that God wants us to come back to.

63And men, in the focus of God's Word, instead of bring It together and making It say the one thing that God makes It say, we look at the natural side. Therefore, it--it, man doing that, he gets hisself into a place that he just takes off after the thing that's presented. "Here is an opportunity that we, us little group, we can do this, and we can. We won't have nothing to do with the rest of them." And--and that, see, that's the first thing is presented; instead of focuses in, to know that it's brotherly love that we should have for one another, and--and to understand one another, and to love one another, and to worship with one another. They degrade a man because of his clothes he wears, or the--or the education he has, or the color of his skin, or--or something like that. Or his... And that, therefore, it separates the people, and man takes off after that.

64 It never gives the inward man a chance to operate. Now, we are--we are a triune being; soul, body, and spirit. Now, but when the natural mind... The two spiritual forces that works in you is your mind and your--and your spirit. See? Now, the natural mind, that's highly polished, will try to achieve something by his intelligence. See? And when he does that, the very thing when he does that, he throws hisself away from the spiritual man that's in him. And there what causes the trouble, right there, see, he tries to make it out in himself.

65 As I spoke here, not long ago, I believe was at the tabernacle, that, "God is so great, He can become so simple."

66Now, see, when we get great, we can't be simple. See? We, we know too much. And we--we got to, "Oh, it's just got to be this way, the way we say It, or It isn't, at all." See? Well, that way, we miss God.

67But if a man could just, a great man, could just get greater and greater, and keep on getting greater, what would he do? He'd just become right straight back again to so humble, and so simple, till people walk over the top of him and not know it, see, the great person that's in their midst.

68Just the same thing as we do. We, we measure an electron, we split an atom, and we send a--a message to the moon, and walk over common grass that we know nothing about. That's right. The little flower, no one can explain or can find the life that hides in that little seed down in the earth, to bring forth a flower next year. A common blade of grass, all the scientists in the world couldn't make one sprig of the grass, not one blade. See? You can't do it, because it holds life. And therefore, see, we...

69 It's been said, "Fools walk with hobnailed shoes where Angels fear to trod." And that's really true. We walk over the simple things. We walk over God.

70We walk over a--a orchid, looking for a daisy. Now, that's it, see, walking over the orchid. And if we just simplify ourselves, get down. No one could look at even...

71That vine out there, what is it? God. What is it? It's volcanic ash, with a life in it. Turn, look away, there's a mighty tree stand there, cottonwood, I believe. What is it? It's a volcanic ash, with a different kind of life in it. This kind of life, made a--made a tree. That kind of life, made a vine. See?

72And what are we? Volcanic ash, with life in it. What made us what we are? We would just be no more than that, but God put Eternal Life in us, and then we become subjects of God. Then, we're--we're watching, focus the Word then to God.

73 But man never gives the inside man a chance to explain what is right, therefore that's what causes the trouble. Watch. We find, if he doesn't do it, then what happens? We find that his temper, like Cain, got up, see, right quick. He was jealous. He didn't like God, to offer his, to accept Cain's... Abel's sacrifice instead of his. He wanted to go, too. He wanted his own sacrifice. He wanted his own way, see, instead of coming over to Abel, and saying, "Oh, my brother, I am so happy that God has accepted. Now we got a way, that we know that Jehovah accepts this way, because He's proved it by receiving your sacrifice." Wouldn't that been the thing to--to done? But instead of that, he got jealous.

74 Now, don't you see that same thing today in men? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? It's just his way, see, now, instead of accepting the way that God vindicates to be Truth.

75The way that God Himself moves upon the scene, and saying, "This is it. These signs shall follow them that believe. I'll be with you, even in you. A little while, and the world won't see Me no more; yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you." See, the world, you... "The world won't see Me, but you will." See, "Cain won't see Me, but you will, Abel." You see? Because, it's--it's the same thing.

76And instead of coming and saying, "Well, wonderful. We see God in the midst of the people, working. Let's do that"? No, sir. With creed, the same thing, and greed, rather, and with jealousy, the same thing that Cain has, he requires the blood of his brother. He tries to wipe him out of the way, get rid of him. "They're nothing but a bunch of holy-rollers. They're little." See? You know what I mean. That's what starts the trouble. There's where trouble begins. That's where the broken vows. There's where broken fellowship separates. That's the thing that breaks up homes. That's the thing that starts the--the wheel moving towards divorces. That's the very thing that breaks the fellowship.

77 That's the thing that broke the fellowship in Eden, is because that Eve failed to keep the focus, of her looking on God's Word, and listened to the reasonings of the enemy. See? See? If she just stayed right with, "God said so. That settles it. God said so," but she didn't want to do that. See? She changed the focus of her glass, and begin to see, instead of being just one way, there become two ways. See? She saw, "Well, now, maybe this man could be right. Maybe he is right. Now, we know God is right, and maybe he is right. This is just more light on what God said." You see there?

78There is the same thing happens today, exactly right back to the same spot. See? See? You see two ideas. There's only one. There's not no creed. It's the Word, God's Word, God's purpose, God's plan. All other plans are no good.

79That, and Eve did this evil thing, and that's the reason today that God, in His Word, never permits women to be ministers. See? It's just not permitted in the Word.

80 This morning, in our home, we were talking, and setting at the breakfast table, early. We had wanted to start, so we get here on time, and get back to the other appointment. So, we, I said... We was talking at the table. And--and we was talking about, the word come up, about Angels. My little boy, Joseph, setting there, said something about Angels. And he said, "Now, daddy," he said, "the Angels..."

I said, "God is a man."

"But," said, "the--the Angels are women."

I said, "There is no such a thing." See? He said...

81"Well, They got..." Sarah, my daughter, said, "But, daddy," said, "there, They, They got skirts on." Said, "They, They are women."

I said, "That's, some psychologist drawed that picture."

82 They never did see, in the Bible, an Angel called "she." It was "he," always, he, he, he, not--not "she." There's no such a thing as an Angel being a woman. There never was, in the Bible. And there's not, in the Church of the living God. There's no such a thing as a messenger woman. An angel is a "messenger." So, God never permit it.

83Because, the Bible says, "Adam was first formed, and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." See? Therefore, she... Said, Paul said, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or have any authority, but to be in silence, as also saith the--the law."

84 Now, in that, you see, now, now, like our Pentecostal groups, it's the grass root of that. See? What they do, they get the focus, "Well, now, here, here is a woman can preach like a lightning." Well, that's no doubt, at all. Absolutely. I heard some women preachers, could preach, that men couldn't even stand in the shadow of doing it, but that doesn't have one thing to do with what's righteous; see, doesn't have one.

85Paul said, "If one speaks in tongues and there be no interpreter, then let him hold his peace."

Say, "I can't hold my peace."

86But the Bible said you can, see, so that's it. See? It must be done in order, placed in order, put in its place, and there remain ever in its place.

87See, there, you get out of focus. That causes hard feelings, greed, and so forth. Instead of focusing ourselves back with the Word, we focus ourselves out, and see, "Well, let them do what they see." See, like that, just the way, then. All right.

88 Now, we find that it breaks up the fellowship of homes. It breaks up the fellowship of churches. It breaks up the fellowship of nations, that same thing.

89Nations wants to see their own way. Germany wants to see their way, alone. Russia wants to see their way, alone. America wants to see her way, alone. See? Then, see, that's it. It's the spirit of the nations. You find it wherever you go, you find a national spirit. I went in, and they have different ways. It's so strange. If I had the time, I'd just like to skip through some of the nations and show you.

90When you go in, you go into Germany, you find a military spirit. Everything is military. You have to stand straight, walk straight, cut your corners, and everything. It's military.

91You go into France, you find an immoral spirit, just women, and wine, and liquor, and--and stuff like that. See?

92 You go into Finland, you find a loyal spirit, kind of like, everything is honest. "We must pay off everything." See? It must be done. It's just got to be that way. No matter how hard they have to work, what it costs, it must be that way.

93You come into America, you find a big, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" That's what it is. Yeah. That's the American spirit. Somebody tell a dirty joke on the radio, and everybody laugh at it. Ernie Ford, or--or some of them, cracking jokes that they have, you know, everywhere, Arthur Godfrey and that group like that, see, that's--that's American spirit. You find it that way.

94 And then those spirits get jealous of another spirit. And what do they do? They cause war. That's right.

95Now, you see, every nation is controlled by Satan. The Bible said so. He's the god of the nations. Satan took Jesus up, top the mountain, and said... showed Him all the kingdoms was in the world, all the kingdoms, in a moment of time. Said, "These are mine. I do with them anything I want to." Said, "I'll give them over to You, if You'll worship me."

96Jesus said, "Get behind Me, Satan." He knew He was going to fall heir to them in the Millennium. See? So, He didn't have to bow down to him. He knowed they was going...

97Now, when God comes again, and take, makes His Kingdom here, see, there will not be any different kinds of spirit; a German spirit, and a French spirit, and a--a Norwegian spirit, and American spirit. There won't be that. It'll be one Spirit, amen, the Spirit of God, living in every heart. That's right. And there'll be one flag, one nation, one people, a brotherhood, a Fatherhood of God, and a brotherhood of men. Sonship! Yes.

98 Then we find that, because that people do this, and--and cause these great fusses, and so forth... Now, see, as long as Satan controls it, there is going to be wars and troubles, and war. Jesus said, in Saint John... Saint Matthew 24, said, "You'll hear of wars, and rumors of wars, and wars, and war." Why? Cause, the prince of the earth, the Satan, the power of the nations... There is a national spirit here, a national spirit here. It's devils. They can't get along with one another. See?

99Did you ever take a bunch in the Eskimo country up there, where we go on dogsled, northern Alaska, and way up around in the Northwestern Territory? When the--the guide there was tying off these dogs, called Huskies... And he tie one here, and one out there, and one over here.

I said, "Why you doing that for?"

100Said, "They are so full of the devil, they'd kill one another." See? Just--just kill, that's all they think about.

101Well, that's--that's the devil, you see. He's a killer. He, just he, the nation just... Even devils fighting devils. See? They just fight one another.

But, God is all love, see, so you can't do nothing but love one another.

102So, you see, the whole principle bases right back again to them spirits, exactly back to the beginning. Genesis is the seed chapter, and it produces everything, then, that we have in the earth today.

103 Now we have wars and victories, great victories. One nation will come in and beat down the other one, say, "Glory! We got the victory. We beat them up." And--and then, the first thing you know, they'll become friends and shake hands, and have a trade between one another.

104And after while, it's another president, or another king will come in, or another ruler, another system. And, first thing you know, here they are, their grandchildren are back with guns, fighting one another, again. "Wars, and rumors of wars." And this other one will run up over the other one, "Now you'll serve me, you know. I'm the victor, and you're the--you're the one that's out, and so forth." You just...

105As I once heard a remark, "God made man, and man made slaves." God didn't make man to rule over one another. God made man to be brothers, that's right, to be brothers, not to rule over one another. No superior race, no superior nation, no superior language. We have one language, Heavenly. See? That's right. We have one brotherhood: that's man. That's man, no matter who he is.

106 Why should we fight and kill one another? But they do it. Then sometime, a good nation, or a nation that's got a system in it, is trying to do right, and fighting for its rights, then the evil nation will come in over it. And then here they'll take over, and this nation become that. And then back and forth, just changing, back and forth.

107The nations has had many, many great national victories that they've tried, as they have tried to fight for their liberties, and what they hold for their--their own. And they have--they have what? As long as Satan controls them, they're going to continue to fight. But they have won many great victories, great victories. We could go back, from the very beginning, and show where nation has ruled over nation, and the celebration of great victories, and so forth.

108Like, in the First World War, when we had the First World War, when many of the nations come together and met on the grounds in Germany. And where Belgium and different ones of the nations was fighting under the different flags, was called World War One. Now I...

109 There is two brothers setting here, or three, maybe four of you, that can remember that. I can remember it. I'm fifty-four.

110And I remember, as a little boy, about nine, eight or nine years old, in 1914. Let's see, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. I was five years old when it broke out. I remember when they said there was going to be war. And my daddy was about twenty-two, and they had to send him to war. Oh, I couldn't think of that, sending my daddy to war. He come up the road. He was on a spring wagon. And he had a... And he had went down to the store, which was several miles below us, and he had a sack of beans on there. We... And so I said... I picked up the beans. I thought, "If them come and starts any war, I'll hit them with this sack of beans if they come." See? Now, they was a... Just the thought of war, my daddy having to go to war!

111 Well, the--the trumpet sounded, and--and the "Buy your bonds," and so forth.

112And as we all remember it, "We'll go over and have this World War, and we'll settle it. And then they'll organize." They organized what they called the League of Nations. "And then there's going to be a peace, Eternal peace. That's all. No more war."

113In a merely little twenty years, we were right back in her again, just as hot as ever, in another world war. See? Wars! Why? It's greed, jealousy. See? As soon as Kaiser Wilhelm left Germany, then some fellow come in, by name of Adolf Hitler, an Austrian, and got those people's minds all scattered up, which is demon inspired, that they could whip the world. And, they, and there you was. See? It's devil against devil, again, you see, like that. And the innocent subjects of those nations, that, they just lead one another to war, to war, to war. And it's just been that way, all along.

114 Now, now, we find out, then, the next thing you know, another war come up. Now, again, the whole world went to war again, with better instruments, and better planes, and bigger bombs. And they fought, and bled, and died, and starved, and froze, and everything else. War, war, war!

115 Then there come a day, what we call, the V-day. There's where I drawed this text from, that V-day, Victory Day. That was the day that they took the victory, and where the--the armies took the victory over other armies, V-day. Now, there was a D-day, and then there was a V-day. The D-day is when they went in to fight. The V-day is when a peace was signed, when Germany and the rest of their allied nations and all surrendered to the--to the--to the other nations.

116And what did we do? At V-day, we sang songs. We screamed. We throwed our hats in the air. We shot the guns in the air. We cried. We blowed whistles. We beat drums. We, we played music. We, we beat one another on the back. What was it? It was a victory. Oh, we had the victory. How these... Why, we felt, "We have won. We have won." The flags went up, and the trumpets sounded, and, oh, what a time we had! "Victory, victory, victory! We won."

117And it was a great thing. It brought peace to the--to the Christian nations, as so-called. And we had a little time of breathing. Some of the boys that was living, come back home and so forth. But, many great, them days, has been, many of them, and great wars.

118 But, you know, all along where there has been that kind of a battle fought, there has also been God's believing people has had many great V-days, too. Oh, yes! There's been on both sides, where the glass has focused and went to the natural side, with V-days; also where it focuses into the Word in the Scripture, it brings another V-day sometimes.

119We've had many of them great battles against our enemy. And God has had great men out here that's standing at the front, who has been able to--to capture, by the Spirit of God, the thoughts of the people, and throw it into the Kingdom of God yonder, and come out victorious.

120We fight it every day. Every Christian fights a battle, every day. We're in a warfare right now, going on constantly within us, between right and wrong. "Shall we receive It? What shall we do? Shall we bow to the world? Shall we give up this thought that we got?"

121 And if we see It, focus It. Take It from Genesis to Revelation. She is THUS SAITH THE LORD, each time, right down through there. We can't give It up. We can't compromise with the rest of them. We just can't do it. We've got to stay here. That's all. No matter how great the enemy is, and how much machinery he's got against us, and how many organizations, and how many of this, that, or the other. We, yet, we have pulled this focus, of God's Word, till we find that there's one thing, and that's the Blood of Jesus Christ. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

122Therefore, don't make any difference what anyone else says. They say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as Divine healing. There's no baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, that was for the disciples only." And all these things, they try to focus off of it. Still, it focuses right back to the Word, and nobody can say it's not there. That's right.

123 So, we're in a warfare. And God's heroes has always had warfare.

124And you, little church, remember back here, you are a part of that unit. You're an outpost back here. That, you know what an outpost is. You should, by being some of it right here by you. So, you're an outpost back here, to a place, to--to keep up the banners, to do what's right, to still claim Jesus Christ is the only hope of the world; not the Methodist church, the Baptist church, the Presbyterian idea, Catholic, or Jewish, or whatever it might be; race, clan, or color. That's not it. It's Jesus Christ. See? He is the One. He's our Victor. He is the One. He's the Chief Captain of the move. This is His orders. We got to carry out orders. How could you ever...

125Some of you boys served in the war. How could you ever... The captain give an order, and you turn around and do something backwards, why, you'll mess the whole army up. That's right. You'll throw it into a riot. You've got to carry out the orders. The only way you can do it, is focus it, and see the purpose, what it's all about. All right.

126 We have had many great battles, spiritual battles. Many great V-days that the Church has had; I mean the Church, the Body of Christ. I'm not talking about the organization system now. I'm talking about the Body of Christ. The Body of believers, down through the ages, has had many great V-days.

127We talk about, we've had several wars, the wars and rumors of wars, and V-days, and V-days, and V-days. And it'll finally wind up into the great battle of Armageddon. That'll be the last of it. When she comes to the battle of Armageddon, that'll settle the whole thing. Just before the great Millennium, Armageddon is to clean off the earth. She repurifies herself with this atomic blowing, and the volcanic ash and thing sinks this soaked blood of men and upon the earth, and sin and crime. She sinks beneath the earth, and the volcanic brays out again, and renews and cleans the earth for the great Millennium. He cleans His Church, during that time, for a people to live here. Amen. I--I say, I like that. Yes, sir. There's coming a time when it'll be great.

128 Now, great V-days, we think of the time. Let's just go back. We got a few minutes now to think of some of the warriors. Let's go back and think of one of the... We could go way back. But let's just go back as far as Moses. Moses had a time that he went down in a great warfare, because the church, in itself, had long forgotten victory.

129That's what's the matter with the church today. We've too long forgotten that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We forgot that God is a Healer, can make the sick well. We forgot that the baptism of the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the disciples, and given from generation to generation, for anybody, whosoever will could come. We've forgotten that, long, long ago.

130 So had Israel forgotten. They had become satisfied down in Egypt, and then become slaves.

131And now here was Moses that went down, within his own intellectual affair, to intellectual achievement, to try to, and under a military force, to bring out Israel, and failed to do it.

132But just a Word from God, on the backside of the desert, boiled the whole thing up again. What happened to Moses? He got his glasses focused. God's only purpose wasn't to marry this beautiful Ethiopian colored girl back there, and--and to settle down and have children, and--and raise his father-in-law's sheep. But his mission was--was to deliver the children of God, out from under that bondage. That was his commission. That's what he was born for.

133And each one of us is born for something. We just wasn't put here for nothing. That mountain never happened out there just to be. That tree was put there for a purpose. Everything is for a purpose. It's got to serve. And we are here for a purpose. Maybe it's to testify to one person and get them saved, and out of that might come a preacher will send a million souls to Christ.

134 Look at Dwight Moody's conversion, and many of those. You see? Just one little old woman, with a... Little old wash woman with a message on her heart, to do something for God, and she rented an old livery stable, and got a minister to come down and preach. And nobody but a little old boy, with their hair hanging down his neck, and his daddy's suspenders on, went down there and knelt down at the altar that night. Dwight Moody, that sent a half a million souls to Jesus Christ. See? That woman had something to do. She's... It was for a purpose. She was made a wash woman, for a purpose.

135Don't despise where God has got you. But, serve your purpose. There's coming a great victory day, one of these days, where the battle is over.

136 Now, notice. Moses, he went down, after got his glasses focused and seen that it was God's program, what he was to do. He went down. He fought hard. He had many great battles. But one of his great, trying battles, I'd like to--to bring it. When, he had achieved, by showing signs and wonders, by different things that God had showed him, to speak the Word and it would become material and happen.

137Same thing we have today, speak the Word over the sick, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] and watch It heal, and do these other things that God's Word spoke through human lips. "You say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, but believe what you said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Jesus said so. Now, we believe that, and hold to it, and take it, and believe it.

138And now, Moses had done that. And he got down there, and God had proved to being with him. But after getting him all together, God...

139 It seems like, the Christian life, if the fellow is not absolutely centered on Christ, the Christian life, seems like, holds so many disappointments. But those disappointments are--are God's Divine will happening for us. Now, it don't seem like it would be that, but it's God's way of doing things. He lets us hit the river, to see what we'll do.

140Moses led the children of Israel right in the path of duty, and Pharaoh's army behind him, and the dust boiling from a--a half-a-million men in arms. And here was two million helpless Jews with nothing, standing there, men, women, children, and so forth. And the Red Sea had him cut off. The dead sea had him cut off. He... There's no place to go. See? But Moses had a V-day when he prayed through. He went and begin to cry out to the Lord.

141And the Lord said, "Why you crying to Me? I commissioned you to do it. Speak to the children, that they go on in the line of duty." Amen. There you are. "Don't cry out to Me. You're commissioned to take these people over there. Just speak to them, that they go forward, stay straight in the path of duty." Amen.

142What a courage that ought to be for the sick person! What a courage that ought to be for the backslider! Turn yourself around, and start back. Stay in the line of duty. It's God's business to open up Red Seas. It's God's business. You just speak and move forward. That's all you have to do.

143 And Moses, that great V-day, was at the sea down there. Oh, what a V-day that was for Moses, and for the children of Israel who obeyed the voice of their prophet, when they spoke and went forward. Moses said, "Haven't I... You've seen ten miracles already, and still you doubt." And he started walking towards the sea, with that stick in his hand. And God sent in a wind over the night and blowed that sea from one side to the other, and they walked across on dry land, a V-day.

144Looky here. They stood, even our text today said, that, "They stood and sang the song of Moses, on the sea of glass mingled with fire." See? See? They sung. And Moses, when he crossed over, and he didn't know what to do. And he got over... Here come Pharaoh's army, trying to impersonate the things that he was doing. Carnal comparisons! And what happened? The sea fell in and drowned them, every one. And he saw the dead taskmasters.

145Miriam grabbed a tambourine and down the bank she went, beating this tambourine. And the daughters of Israel followed her, shouting, and beating tambourines, and dancing. And Moses sung in the Spirit. If that ain't an old-time Holy Ghost meeting, I never seen one. []

146"These Egyptians that you look at today, you'll never see them again." Amen. What a day! It's all over.

147Someday there'll come another V-day for the Christian, too. That's right.

148 Notice, Joshua had a V-day at the river, too. Joshua had a V-day at Jericho. He certainly did. There where he had crossed, he had a V-day, first, at the river. There he is in the month of April, probably a mile across, Jordan was, 'cause up in top of the mountains up there, there is snow melting. And all over the plains, the river was spread.

149And no doubt the enemy would have said, "Now, God is quite a--a General, isn't He? Lead His army right up here to the time of spring, when the river is its worst, when it's the worst time to cross, and then lead His army up here, and led them to cross." No.

150God lets disappointments happen, to show victory. Oh, if we could only see that! See? You'd only see that these things that seems to be so burring you, and upsetting you, they are trials. They are things, to stand still, focus your glasses on the Word of God. And speak the Word, and then just walk forward. That's all there is to do it.

151We get to a time, we say, "God, I don't know what to do. I'm up against it."

152Speak the word, "Lord, I believe." And just start walking forward. God does the opening up of the sea. You just keep walking. See?

153 Now, we find out that Joshua, right at that time, he prayed. And the Lord told him that what would happen. And he had a V-day. He overcome. Then, when he overcome the river and got on the other side, what did he do? He put the ark...

154Which, the Word was in the ark. He put that first. Then the singers, and so forth, come behind it. But the ark went forth, first.

155When Israel went to battle, the first thing went forth was singers. And singers went forth, singing. Then they blowed trumpets, and so forth. Then the ark moved up. Then, when the ark moved up, then they set the ark down, and the--the battle started.

156Notice. But now, in this, when Joshua took the Word first, and put the Word first, he crossed down.

157And God had told him, "As I was with Moses, so I'll be with you. I'll not fail you. I'll be with you. No man is going to stand before you, all the days of your life. I'm going to be right there. Don't fear what's going to take place. I'll be right there." Then what, with a commission like that, what could Joshua do but put the Word first? Amen. There you are. With a commission from God, put the Word first. And it brought a V-day. Oh, it's got to come. That's all.

158 He put the Word first, and what happened? The ark went down first, to the water. When it did, the sea opened up, the river, rather, and they crossed over.

159Then what's he going to do after he gets over there? What's the next thing is going to take place, when he gets over there on the other side? Then he finds out, they're all walled in, because of the fear of him when he comes over.

160But he met the Chief Captain, one day. And he had another V-day. He told him exactly what to do, and the walls of Jericho fell down. How is he going to do it?

161The natural man looking through the glass there, say, "Now, here, You brought me over here, and here I am. Look at the opposition. Why, they're all on the inside, with their slings. If we ever get close to that wall, woe unto us. They got rocks laid in there, the big slings. They got spears. They got bows. They got everything laying in there. And they just..."

But, see, Joshua put God first. And when he did...

162It isn't how you're going to get there. That's up to God. Just keep on moving, follow the Word.

163He said, "March around, seven days. And on the seventh day, march seven times. On... At the last time around, sound the trumpet." God's place, to take the natural away. And the spiritual moved in, and the walls fell. And they went right straight up and took the thing. Yes, sir. God had a V-day then.

164 Abraham had a V-day, after being promised so long for this child, God testing him for his love and his loyalty; to whose seed we are, if we believe God.

165And Abraham had a V-day. When was it? The day that he left the land of the Shinar plains? Not exactly. He crossed over, that's right, the Euphrates, and come on this other side, to sojourn. That was a good day. That still was kind of a...

166But his main V-day was up on Mount Jireh, when he got up there that day, when God give him the final test. When, he had his only son. He said, "Now, Abraham, take him up there to that mountain, and offer him up for a sacrifice. I've made you a father of nations. Here is the only thing that you've got, to make you 'father of nations,' is through this son. I want you to kill him." Oh, you see it? "Destroy everything. Destroy the very purpose. Here you are, Abraham, you're about a hundred and fourteen, fifteen years old now. And you waited for twenty-five years for the baby. And now the boy is fifteen or sixteen years old. And I want you to take him up and kill him, so that I can make you a father of nations." Oh, my! Yes.

167 Abraham never moved. He never, never quivered at the Word of God. Said, "Yes, Lord. Here I go." Picked up the wood, and took Isaac right up to the top of the hill, just exactly in obedience. Why? He put the commandment of God first. How is he going to be a father of nations, when he's only got one son, and over a hundred years old now? How did he do it? Because, this, he said, "I..." He perceived that if God was able to give him Isaac, as one from the dead, He could also raise him up from the dead again.

168Now, friends, the God that has raised us from the things of the world and the corruption of this earth, can't He much more give us Eternal Life and put us in a land where there's no death? See? We look at these little trials, and we think they are something. Why, they're nothing but little testing times. See? God tested Abraham, but when he got his V-day is when he went up there in obedience to the Word.

169 Like they say today, "I know." I heard a minister a while ago, read Acts 2:38, but he missed out, see. He said, "And Peter said that they must be baptized, and then--then they would receive the Holy Ghost," failed to read the rest of It. Why? See, organizations fought the very Thing. Now, you get the idea? See? Why do you do that? What makes you bypass those Things?

170If the Bible says That, to read It right down the way It says It, and say the same thing the Bible says. That's when you got your focus back right, see, come back to what the Word said.

171Now, we find out that, they, you get your--your... you're out of focus there.

172 Now, Abraham had had his focus right, because God said, "I'm going to make you a father of nations," when he was seventy-five years old, and Sarah sixty-five.

173And he believed God. He, what'd he do? He put his focus on what THUS SAITH THE LORD was. Yes, sir. And he walked right straight with that, what THUS SAITH THE LORD was. Day after day, he walked. Year after year, he walked, confessing, "Anything contrary to That, was--was not right. No, sir. It had to be That way. God said so."

174I imagine some of his enemies walk around, say, "Father of nations, how many children do you have now?"

175"Don't make any difference how I have now. I'm a father of nations. That's all."

"How do you know?"

176"God said so. That settles it. That's just all there is to it. God said it, and that settles it."

177So along went Abraham. And he finally come to that very... then, you see, being so loyal; more loyal, more testing. See? So He brought him right back.

178 Now, remember. When... God has counted you worthy when you have a test. Now, don't fail this, to get this. When you have a trial or a test, it shows the grace of God has found, you found favor with God, and God believes that you'll stand the test.

You remember, He did the same thing by Job.

179Satan said, "Oh, yes, I seen Job down there." Said, "He's not..."

180God said, "He's a perfect servant. There's none in earth like him. There's nobody like Job. He's a perfect man. Now, he, he's My--he's My pride and joy."

181Satan said, "Oh, sure. He gets everything he asks for." Said, "Let me have him once." And said, "I, I'll make him curse You to Your very face." Said, "I'll just make him curse You."

182God said, "He's in your hands, but don't you take his life." See? God had confidence in Job. Amen.

183 When looks like everything has gone wrong, God is giving you a trial. He's got confidence in you. He don't have to baby you around. You're not a hotbed plant, a hybrid. You're a real Christian. God is giving you a test, see what you'll do about it. Amen. No wonder Peter said, "These fiery trials, why, count it a joy. It's--it's more precious to you than gold."

184And many times we hum and haw, "Oh, well, if I just..." Well, that, well, that's something God give you, to overcome. He--He--He knows you'll do it. He, He's--He's put his trust in you.

185 And He believed Abraham... Abraham believed God, rather. And God said, no doubt, told Satan, "I can just prove to you he loves me." Said, "I'm... He believes that promise, because I told him that." So he took his own son up, the top of the mountain, tied his hands behind him, that, the day God said so.

186Little Isaac got suspicious, you know. He said, Genesis 22, he said--he said, "Father?"

He said, "Here am I, my son."

187He said, "Here is the wood, and here is the--the--the altar, and everything. But--but--but where is the lamb, see, for--for the--the--the sacrifice?" He begin to feel kind of funny. "What, what's this all about? We, we've left off something."

188Don't make any difference what you think you've left off. You've left off the fellowship of everything else. "Well, you have to have your card parties. You have to do this. You have to drink a little bit. You've left." You ain't left off nothing. Go on, obey the Word. See? That's all, just obey the Word. You ain't left off nothing. Just obey the Word.

189He said, "God said, 'Take him up here,' and he would--he would... Get up here on top the mountain. I'm supposed to do something. When I get there, I'll do it."

190So he got up there, and tied his hands, and laid him upon the altar, like that. Little Isaac never murmured; obedient, see, type of Christ. Then when he pulled the knife from its scabbard, and pulled his hair back out of his face, to take his life, that was Abraham's V-day; oh, my, when he, tested to that very limit, of his only son.

191 Now, if you're just spiritual, take that to the test, when God gave His Own, see, the V-day, what He loved. God so loved Adam's fallen race! We'll get to that in a little bit.

192Notice, V-day, Abraham's V-day was on Mount Jireh, where the Lord provided for him a sacrifice instead of his son. Love, see, love. That day, Abraham proved to God, without a shadow of doubt, his loyalty. Abraham proved to God, his faith in Him, for he said, "I got this boy when I was a hundred years old, by believing a promise. And He told me I was the father of nations. If He asks me to take his life, God is able to raise him up from the dead." Whew! My, oh, my! That ought to make a Presbyterian shout, wouldn't it? See? "How He--He--He give me the promise, and He--He--He showed me now the--the evidence of this. Amen. He, He's proved it to me, that He keeps His Word."

193 Well, where did He get us? What kind of a mess did I come out of? What kind did you come out of? Where is our thoughts this morning? What has He proven to be among us? There's no doubt about it. Amen. And our--our V-day is sure. We got to have it. See? He's proved it.

194Abraham says, "He proved it to me. I was childless. I was--I was an old man. I was sterile, and my wife's womb was dead. And we was... She was sixty-five, and I was seventy-five, but God said, 'I'm going to give you a baby by her.' That settled it. That was all there was to it." Abraham says, "I believed it."

195Then God throwed him into twenty-five years of trial. It didn't mean a thing to Abraham. He come out stronger than he was the first place, still giving praise to God. No doubt, God looked down and said, "What a servant!"

Said, Satan said, "Oh, yeah."

Said, "He..."

196"But I'll--I'll prove that he loves Me. Take him up there, top of the hill, destroy the very evidence. Take him up there."

And Abraham went up to do it. That's right.

197 And Abraham, when he started to take his child's life, the Holy Spirit grabbed his hand, said, "Abraham, stay your hand. I know you love Me." Amen.

198That's the kind of a person that I want to be, love God regardless of what takes place. "Stay your hand." Give you the trial, where it's even against your own thinking. But, as long as the Word said so, do it, anyhow. See?

199"Stay your hand. I know that you love Me, 'cause you've not even withheld your only son from Me." Said, "Blessing, I'll bless you," said, "his seed shall stand in the gate of the enemy, and he'll conquer." Oh, my! He did, too.

200A little later, we're going to get that "seed of Abraham" there. All right. What did...

201Doubts had gone from Abraham. When he heard the real Word, doubts left. When he seen God vindicate the Word, doubts left. Love took its place. "I know you love Me, Abraham. You don't doubt Me a bit. No matter how long you had to wait, you still believed Me. I asked you to destroy the very evidence I had give you. Give you the evidence, then asked you to destroy it. And you love Me so well, you keep My Word regardless of what it is." Amen. That was a real V-day for God. See?

202 Jacob had a V-day one time. He was scared to go back to his brother, because he had done evil. But, yet, the Holy Spirit begin to warn him, in his heart, "Return back to the homeland where you come from. You come from the homeland. You done evil over there, now I'm sending you back." And when he got closer, he got... Course, certainly.

203That's what the Devil is so after us about. See? That's what the Devil is so after the Bride, the Church, so, for now, it's getting close to V-day. That's right. She is getting real close. That's when the enemy does his worst, to reroute. The Bible said, "Woe unto the earth, because the Devil is like a roaring lion, in the last days, going around, devouring what he will, you see. Woe unto them, the persecutions and things would take place." Hold right to It. Don't you move, right or left. Stay right with that Word. God said so. That does it.

204 Jacob, longing in his heart, everything seemed to be wrong. He wanted to go back home. The Holy Spirit was leading him. He had made a promise to God. He had to go to Bethel, to pay these tithings and so. And here, on his road back, he finds out that Esau, his enemy brother, was--was just across the river, waiting for him, with an army. So, Jacob was a coward, yet he had the blessings of God. God had promised to bless him. He had the birthright. Amen.

205What a type of the Church today, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the promise of God's Word to vindicate it, because you become part of that Word, the birthright.

206And Jacob had the birthright. Amen. He had... His brother didn't care about it. And he had the birthright, because his brother sold it to him for a mess of pottage.

And so has the church world today sold their birthright.

207And thank God, we got It. Yes. We got It. What do we care about the union of churches, and the League of Nations, and all these other things, as long as you've got the birthright?

208 What the church needs to do, is to do like Jacob, pray till you get a V-day. And, right, Jacob had a wrestling party. He wrestled all night long, with the Lord, but he said, "I'm just not going to let You go until I get this victory." And then about daylight, one morning, he had a V-day. He didn't walk the same, anymore. But, on this side, he was a great big, strong, fearful church member. But, on the other side, he was a little, limping priest, or prince, rather; a little, limping prince, with enough courage to fight the whole army.

Esau said, "I'll furnish you an army."

He said, "I don't need it." He had had a V-day.

209We don't need their organizations. We don't need their--their stuff of this world. We don't need their... to have to tally in the things of this world. We've had a V-day. We wrestled one day, or one night.

210 Oh, how I remember the wrestle, when--when I had to die to myself. But there come a V-day, when I got the victory, then God's Word become right. The Baptist church, to me, was no more than any other organization. That's right. I had a V-day. God's Word is right.

Dr. Davis said, "Why, you'll become a holy-roller."

I said, "A holy-roller, or no holy-roller!"

211Up, down there at Green's Mill, I stayed all night in prayer, until that Angel come in there that morning, that Light. Said... What? I was trying to get rid of the very thing that God give me to fight with, the visions, when they was telling me It was of the Devil. Then He come, telling me, referred back to the Scriptures, "Didn't they say the same thing about the Son of God, and so forth?" I had a V-day. No more of that for me. I took to the fields, and around and around the world. A V-day!

212See, Jacob had this V-day. He wrestled, all night. But when day begin to break, it was a V-day for him.

213 All these great victories and things! Get talking about these things, no stopping place, is there? All these great victories was fine. We appreciate every one of them. They were all great victories. The great victories of the wars, and the great victories of the spiritual wars, and so forth, was great. But, you notice, there was none of them lasting. See? We have a great victory, temporarily. Now, we just...

214We found out here, not long ago, when we went to war with Japan. Why, I--I... In our own home, there was a little bitty gadget. Somebody had given us a little bitty, oh, a trinket, you know, a little like a doll. And it had on it, "Made in Japan." The fellow throwed it down and broke it. See? And you could say, "Made in Japan," they would throw it out. Or, they go in ten-cent store, a bunch of Rickys, you know. Not is... Delinquent people go in there, a ten-cent store, just to act smart, see, go in and get things from Japan. They wanted to show their loyalty to a nation.

215 What about to God, laugh in His face? See? If they was so easy to run into a ten-cent store and knock over the counters, and things like that, because they had little dolls and trinkets, and things, them made out... made from Japan, because they were in war with it; what about smoking cigarettes, and drinking, lying, stealing, and things like that, see, to the real army of God? See? They want to be loyal. How about us being loyal? If they went to jail for doing that, what difference did it make, they want to be loyal to the nation, to the flag? But the Christian is afraid, sometime, to speak up. See? That's the reason we need more V-days, when you can get yourself conquered. See? Let God conquer you by His power of love.

216 All these great victories was temporal victories. Even, to Moses, Israel went right back into bondage again. Always, in and out, in and out, we find it. Many heroes still fought on, and died. They still do it in wars, in the natural focus of the glass. They do it in the spiritual. Heroes fight and die. How we could go down. I got a whole line of them wrote down here, like Daniel, and the Hebrew children, and them great victors back there that won victory.

217But they, continually, finally come a thing called death, took them, see, regardless. They went right on, see, still fighting, dying; fighting, dying; winning victories, dying; winning victories, dying.

218But, you see, after all, man was not made to die. Man was made to live. And no matter how many great achievements he did, he still died, just the same. And we went to the grave, they buried him, and that settled it. They marked his grave with a tombstone out there, and his sepulcher, and that--that was the end of it. Death swallowed him. That great Moses, great Joshua, the great prophets of the Bible, nearly all of them, except about two or three, we know where their graves are, where it marked them. Death swallowed them up and took them right on. See?

219 But one day, there came a battle, there come the Chief Warrior came down, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And there was an Easter. That was the real V-day, after Jesus had fought and prevailed. He fought against every enemy there was to be fought against.

220The first thing, when He was born, He was born with a dirty name, to begin with, amongst the people, as a illegitimate Child. He fought Hisself right on through that. "Mary, having this baby by Joseph, without being married." He come amongst the young children, with a name. But, in His heart, He knowed He was the Son of God. See? He fought through that.

221He come to the day of where He would make His decision of what He would do, after He had received the Holy Spirit.

222He come to the day that Satan took Him up on the mountain, and he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and said, "I'll make You a king now. You say You're the Son of God, and You got power. I'll give You the ruler of all the nations," just what the antichrist is trying to be today. But there was a V-day. He fought right through it. Said, "If Thou be the Son of God..."

223There come a time when He was challenged by the Word. "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread. See? And You're hungry, now eat them. See? If You're the Son of God, You can do that." He could have. That's right. But there had to be a V-day. He won the victory over that temptation. See? He won the...

224 Said, "Now You can be a great Person. You can show Yourself, what You are." Took Him, the pinnacle, temple, said, "Drop off. I'll quote the Scripture to You, It's written, 'He give the Angels charge over Thee, lest any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone, and bear Thee up.'" Look at that theologian that Satan is. See?

225"Get thee behind Me, Satan," come the Word. It was a V-day. He come to every V-day.

226He walked up in the presence of--of Peter's wife's mother laying there, sick of the fever. The fever was raging in her body. They needed service. He walks over and touches her hand. Sickness couldn't stand in His Presence. Certainly not.

227 Then He come to the place to where there was death in--in a family. There come to a place where a man named Lazarus, a friend of His, had died and was buried, and laying in the grave, and stinking, about the fourth day. The body sets in corruption in three days, see, seventy-two hours, corruption. And there come a place where life and death was faced. Here He is, Life; there's death, that took His friend; in a showdown. He walked out to the grave, and pulled them little shoulders back, said, "Lazarus, come forth." Oh, my! That Word went forth. It was the Word of God. Life sprung to itself again. Back come the victim, from the beyond yonder, somewhere, to life again. Sure. He won the victory. That's right.

228Sickness, temptation, everything that could be, He fought through every bit of it. A V-day! Exactly right.

229Then it come to the time to when the whole world was laying in a shadows, the regions of the shadows of death; every man, every human, every prophet, every great man, all these great heroes that He had sent. They all laid back there. There laid Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, all of them laying in the grave back yonder, believing; no more evidence than just, "The Word of God said so. God said so."

230 Look at Job when he was fighting so hard. His wife, even his wife, his companion, he said, "Even her breath has become strange to me," so forth. He was...

231What a time the man had, the temptations! And even to Belzar and all the rest of them, said, and Elihu even, tried to accuse him, and things like that. But he knowed he stayed with the Word.

232And his wife come and said, "Job, you look miserable." Said, "Why don't you just curse God and die the death."

233He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Uh-huh! Oh, my! What a hero!

Even Jesus referred to him, "Have not you heard the patience of Job?"

234Job went down in the harness. Abraham went down in the harness. Yes, sir. Isaac went down in the harness. Joseph went down in the harness.

235Joseph said, "Don't bury me down here, though. Bury me up here, see, bury me up here with my fathers. Bury me the way they were buried, the Word, the plain they was buried in, the place they were buried in."

236That's the same thing in me. That's the reason I want to be buried in the Name of Jesus. "For those that are in Christ will God bring with Him," you see.

237 So then we find out, on and on and on, went the heroes, heroes, heroes. And here come a time that the Chief Captain, that had sent them... And they had fell on the field of battle, great victors. They come to their V-days, and they won the victory over the enemy. They even...

238Joshua, with... had, one time, he stopped the sun with his own word, and it didn't shine. And the sun didn't go down for twenty-four hours. The Bible said, "There never was a man, before that or after, that ever commanded the sun to stand still, that God listened to the voice of a man."

239 Why? See, he had the enemy all routed. See? They was. They were routed all out, everywhere. He had to hunt them down and kill them. That's all there was to it, because that was his commission. And he knowed, if it ever come nighttime, they'd have a time to mobilize again and get together, and he'd lose more men. So he said, "I need time. I need light. Sun, stand still." Amen. O God. God listened to a man's word and stopped the sun. It stayed in its same place for twenty-four hours, till he fought, weeded out every one of the enemy and brought them down. They couldn't... Didn't give them a time to get mobilized again. He kept moving on.

240And, yet, Joshua laid down his life, is laying in the dust of the earth.

241But, when, this great Prince came, Christ, the One that Daniel saw.

242That great warrior, Daniel, in the midst of all the troubles and things like that, and the great... Where, if we would had time, could have referred to him. Yet, he laid in the dust of the earth. He said, "Thou shall rest in thy lot that day, but, Daniel, you'll stand again."

243Now, the promise that had been given him, to all these heroes, till, finally, a time come, and the crucial hour, that it must be paid. Jesus had come to the earth. He had conquered every sickness. He conquered everything. Now He must conquer the grave.

244He had conquered death. Death couldn't stay in His Presence. He never even preached a funeral. No, sir. The widow of Nain come out with her son, like that. He stopped it, raised him up. Oh, my! Yes, sir. He proved that He had power over death.

245 Now there's two more enemies: that's the grave out yonder, and hell; hades, the grave. So on that day when He died so dead until the sun quit shining, and earth--earth had a nervous prostration, the rocks wrung out of the hills, and things like that, He died. He went down into hell. He conquered death. He conquered hell. On Easter morning He conquered the grave. Amen.

246Talk about a complete V-day, a real V-day? Brought them out! And not only that, but, when He come out of the grave, He brought the captives that had been there. The Bible said, "He led captives captive." Come up from the grave, bringing with Him, all those heroes out yonder. Don't you know that was a great time up there that day, when they--when they entered that Kingdom, my, went into the Kingdom of God, brought the captive saints out of there! He was a complete victory, a complete victory. He brought out all the dead heroes. He brought out Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, all the rest of them, brought them out of the grave with Him.

247He captured. See, He come to the earth, He captured death. He captured hell. He captured the grave. He captured everything. And now He rises, amen, with His saints with Him.

248 "Now He ascended on High and give gifts back to men." What was it? Swords, put swords in their hand, the Word, see, to conquer. Oh, my! He give them swords, (what for?) the Word, to conquer what? Sickness, sin, superstitions, evil, to bring every living creature that wants to live, bring everyone of them to the realization, that, "Because I live, ye live also."

249We have the fight of faith. Let us fight. The good... Complete our victory, for our complete victory is positive. It's sure. It's got to be. We have the firstfruits of it. We have the evidence of it in our heart now, because we've already got the first battle behind us. We have been able to conquer, through the Faith of Jesus Christ. We had a V-day.

250 I remember down there, that about ten o'clock one night, or when I was down there in that little old garage, praying, "God, kill me or save me." I went to churches. They wanted me to come up and shake hands with the preacher.

I said, "I want something more than that." See?

251Then in that garage that night, when I said, "God, I can't go any further. I--I'll die." And when I was there in that old, wet building, and my knees... I was kneeling on an old grass sack, with my hands up, saying, "God, I don't know how to talk, Mister." I wanted to write Him a letter, to ask Him to forgive me. I didn't know how to pray. "I want to be forgiven."

252 I promised that when I was dying on the bed. And He let me... When the doctor done give me up, my heart was only beating seventeen times to the minute. And you know how slow that was. He said, "He's dying," and I heard it. Told my daddy, and pulled the curtains around me. And there in that room, that hour, I seen a big J's come all over that curtains around me like that. I heard that nurse crying, said, "There's nothing but a kid, see, and here he's going." Spinal anesthetic had leaked through and got into in my heart. See? It was only beating seventeen times a minute.

253When I got home, I had to prove that, that I--I loved God. And I--I got down there on that ground. I said, "I--I don't know how to pray." And I--I'd bite on my thumbnail. I thought, "Maybe... I seen pictures. I'll fold my hands like this, put my fingers together." I said, "Dear Sir, I would like to speak with You." I'd listen. I said, "I don't hear You." I said, "I folded my hands wrong. Maybe I ought to do it like this." I put my... I said, "Dear Sir, I... Jesus Christ, I would like to speak to You." I said, "Sir, I don't hear You. Answer me. I've heard other people say, 'God talked to me.' Now I want to talk this over with You. I promised You I would do it. I want to talk it over. Will You please come and speak to me, Sir?" Thought, "No, I ain't holding my hands right, or He would say something." I didn't know how to do it. Never prayed in my life. Didn't know what to do; this little old shed.

254 One day, then, I thought this. I thought, "According to the Scriptures, as I've heard it read, He was a Man. And if He was a Man, He understands as a Man." Right. "And then I don't know whether You hear me."

255Devil said, "Why, you done sinned away your day of grace. There's no more. See, you been so mean, till He won't forgive you."

256I said, "I don't believe that. I just can't believe it. I believe He would talk to me."

257I said, "Sir, I don't know if I make a mistake, if I ain't got my hands folded right, or whatever it is, You--You forgive me for it. But I want to talk to You." I said, "I'm the lowest rascal in the world." I said, "I, I've done all these things, and--and I run from You, and all," went on talking like that.

258And the first thing you know, while I was talking, across the room come a little Light, and went over on the side of the wall, and formed a cross of Light, that Light, and begin to talk with a language. I never, never heard of such a thing as speaking in tongues; never had even read the Bible; I was looking for James 5:14 in Genesis. I was looking up there, and I seen that Light, and it was talking some kind of a language. Then It went away.

259And I said, "Sir," I said, "I--I--I don't know nothing about this Christian life." I said, "If--if that was You talking to me, I can't understand Your language, Sir. But if You'll talk... And if You can't speak my language, see, and I--I don't understand Yours, but may we understand one another like this: if You'll just come back there again, that'll be a sign between me and You, that You forgive me."

260There It was again. Oh, talk about a V-day? I had one, yes, a real V-day? There It was again, talking the same way. And I had a V-day. Oh, my!

261And since then, when He put the Word in my hand, I've fought to win the prize, to sail through bloody seas.

262 We've all got a victory. We've fought through many victories. And a great victory is coming just soon, right around the corner. Our complete V-day will be soon, when the Son of God shall break the skies, and scream with the Voice of the Archangel, and He shall come again. And the graves shall open, and the dead shall walk out.

263I think you play my tapes down here, of the vision I just had, or a translation, whatever it was, in a room; and went up there and seen those people, just the same as I see you, this Bible laying open here before me. And God knows that's the truth. See? There they was, young, just the same, and the same.

264 As you all been in the meetings, and you realize, those visions. Have you ever seen one fail? No, sir. Just recently He sent me out here on one, told me what happened. You all, all of you, know about it. Went right. Right there it was, just exactly. It never fails.

265And I'm telling you, as a little Christian group setting here this morning, hold to God's unchanging hand. You've had a temporary victory. But there is coming a real V-day, completely, when Jesus shall come.

266"And the trumpet shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise." And if you don't have that hope within you, don't let this day pass without getting it.

267 I heard a little something, a while ago, I'd like to repeat. It come from, I believe, it was Billy Sunday that made the remark. There was a boy that had done a crime. I don't know whether you ever heard of it, or not. He done a crime. They throwed him in jail, was going to... He was in. And so he had a trial. And--and the judge said...

268And the jury come out. They said, "We find the boy guilty of the crime. And we, the jury," said, "we ask for his life."

269And the judge said, "I--I sentence you to die, hanging from a rope, until your mortal life is gone. And God have mercy on your soul."

270And the boy was taken to the prison, and put in the inner prison, that he'd have to stay there until the time he was to die.

271And friends come to the judge, and said, "Judge, we helped elect you in the city. Please, please, don't let that young fellow die like that."

272I just come from Texas, for another, something like that. A young man and a young woman, and God spared their lives. They was to die, about three or four days after that. I guess you all seen the paper, you was with me over there, that they spared their lives.

273 So they pleaded, and pleaded, and pleaded, the people, that he wouldn't do it. So after while, at the governor of the state...

274The mother, on the outside of the door, one day, fell down on the door, like that, and cried to get in.

275And finally the man come in, said, "The mother of that boy, governor, is--is outside there. She wants to see you."

And the governor said, "Bring her in."

276And the woman, in humility, crawled on her hands and feet, up to the governor, and took a hold of his shoes, and said, "Sir, that's my child. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. He's the only one I got. Don't kill him." Said, "He didn't mean to do that. Just give him life in prison. But don't take his life, governor."

The governor said, "Well, I'll go down and see him."

Said, "All right."

277So the governor went down to the ward where he was at, and they went in. The boy wanted to be arrogant. Said, "Got someone to see you."

278And the governor went in, said, "Young man, I'd like to talk to you." He got real arrogant, just set down, buttoned up, wouldn't say a thing. He said, "Young man, I want you to speak to me. I want to talk to you." And the boy just acted like he didn't even hear him. And he said, "Young man, I can help you if you'll let me."

279Said, "Get out of here. I don't want to hear nothing you got to say."

He said, "Well, son..."

280He said, "Shut up. Don't you see I'm nervous? I don't want to hear one word you're going to say."

He said, "Well, I come..."

He said, "Get out of this cell."

So he walked out. They closed the doors.

281So when he walked back, the guy, the--the police at the ward, at the door, said, "You're the most foolish person."

He said, "Who was that crank, anyhow?"

He said, "That was the governor of the state."

282Said, "No, not the governor. The only man that can pardon me, and I run him out of my cell. The only man that can sign my pardon, and I run him out of the cell."

As the governor went out, said, "He made his choice."

283 So, the last thing the boy said, when they put the black mask over his face, to hang him; when they pulled the rope up tight, put the mask over him. Said, "Think of it. The governor stood in my cell and would have pardoned me if I hadn't turned him out."

284How do we know, this morning, that the Governor is not standing by our cell this morning? Don't turn Him away, if you haven't never received pardon from Him. Not only the Governor, but the King, the only One Who can pardon you, He may be standing by that little cell that you been living in for a long time. Why don't you just let Him in, if you haven't, haven't done it, if you haven't made a complete surrender to Him?

285Someday, you'll find out that this little humble way, that you might think is just a bunch of silliness, a bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about, you'll find out, the Governor is here this morning. If you have need, if you're in a little cell of sickness, you can't get out of, the Governor is here. The Governor of the world, He is just, and He will turn you out. He come. He signed your pardon. He just wants to give it to you, this morning. Don't turn it down.

Let's bow our heads a minute.

286 If you want a real victory now, with your head bowed, why not surrender and let the Governor of state, let the Governor sign your pardon this morning. He's ready to take you out; take you out from sin, take you out from unbelief, take you out from sickness, take you out from ever what you want. You do it while we pray.

Now you pray in your own way. You talk to Him. See?

287The warden could have talked to the governor. That wouldn't done any good. See? The boy had to talk to the governor. See?

288You have to talk to the Governor. If you're sick, talk to Him. If you've sinned and done wrong, talk to Him. He has a pardon for you.

289 Heavenly Father, we are grateful. And I, Lord, am so in debt to You. There's no way that I could ever pay the debt of my sin. I was in a cell one day, 'cause I was born in that cell. I knowed what--what freedom meant. And the price was so great, I couldn't pay it. But I am so glad that, the day that You visit my cell, I recognized it, that it was the only One that could pardon. The only way I could ever be free, and have victory, a complete victory, was to accept the pardon that You had signed for me. And today I am free.

290I'm so happy, Lord. I visit from prison house to prison house, from those that are got marriage scruples, those who are sick and fevered, those who are sick and in prison, those who are sinful and in prison, those who flusterations, and doubt, and in prison. I'm going from cell to cell, telling them, the Governor is coming right along, pardoning every one, taking every one out.

291 Father, You know the heart of the people here today. May this be a V-day, a complete V-day. May this be a day that when every one, Lord, today, will receive the victory. Grant it, Lord.

292May every sick person be healed, that's in this building today.

293May this backside of the desert be a time that when the Voice of God will speak through the--the burning fire of faith. O God, that little fire burning there, of faith, that little hope that's burning, may the Voice of God speak through that, to every prisoner this morning, and say, "I've come today to set you free." There be a boy or girl, man or woman, here, Lord, that doesn't know You as their Saviour, may that little Voice speak, that little faith, a Voice speaking now and saying, "Yes, I believe that God is. I believe that He's everything that they say He is." And, Lord, let that little faith set them free just now. Grant it, Lord.

294Bless them. Bless Brother Isaacson here, Lord. We love this young man and his wife, his little children. Bless the little church, O God. That, we're so happy for them, we're so glad to see that they got a roof over their head here, and a place in here. You're so good to them, Lord. And we're so thankful to You. May they ever remain humble and sweet, in the Presence of God.

295 Bless this stranger in our gate. Bless the visitor, Lord. We pray that You'll be with them. And if they have never received this complete victory, to where they can say "amen" to every Word that God speaks, then, Lord, may their faith this morning, that they have in You, punctuate every Word with an "amen." Grant it, Lord.

296Bless us together. Deliver the sick, and the afflicted. Get glory to Thyself.

297And, dear God, may we not fret now after this, and remember that these trials and things comes upon us, are only done because God loves us. He gives it to us to, because He's got confidence in us. He believes that we'll... that we have faith and love for Him, that we'll be able to overcome. He'll see to it. And may we not fret and--and stew about it. May we just walk up there and speak the Word, and walk forward. The seas will open. The V-days will come. Grant it, Lord. And may this be one of the greatest V-days of our time. Bless us until we meet together again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

298 I want to say this, just before I have to go. I got an hour and a half now, to get to Tucson. It's quite a little drive. But I want to say this, that I really enjoyed being here and feeling this--this faith that you have. Don't never get away from that. Let that little fire keep burning and burning. And remember, God speaks in those little fires.

299Brother Isaacson, I--I just don't know how to express it, how grateful, that you have been able to come up here and--and hold the--the group together. May God, my brother, ever give you strength to continue on. And to you people that comes to hear, may God ever grant you strength, Divine strength, to keep you on. Now if...

300I guess you have a little formal dismissing in a few moments, the way, Brother Isaacson. I'll turn the service to him.

301And if there's any of you here, that has, that's been studying about the water baptism in the Name of "Jesus Christ" instead of the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," our little pastor here, is here ready, be glad to do that, to render baptism. If there's any problems on your heart, you'd like for him to pray through with you, he's right here to do it. And I... no more than I know him, and--and met him, and setting with him, and things, a fine, gentle, little Christian spirit found in the little brother. And--and I'm sure that God hears a prayer like that.

302 Used to be an old man lived in our country, named Hay. He was a great old man. He was a... Every time anybody... He was humble and gentle. But, and some of them thought he was just a religious crank or something. But, you know, when anybody would get sick, they called on old Daddy Hay to come pray for them. He wasn't a crank at all then. He was just a real man. And that old soldier...

303An infidel lived up on top of the hill there, had a farm. He was a friend to my daddy. My father drank. I'm ashamed to say it. But, truth is truth, you know.

The Bible is one thing that tells the Truth. See?

304 Now, we have a book called the history; it said George Washington never told a lie. I doubt that. I doubt that. Yes, sir. I'm... I--I--I don't--don't believe that. A kid can come up... "You're born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies," says the Bible. So I--I doubt that historical point of George Washington. But it only tells the good side of man.

305The Bible tells both side of men. Lot was a good man down in Sodom. "The sins of the city vexed His righteous soul." But it didn't fail to tell that he lived with his own daughter and had a child, though, see. It tells both sides of it. So we must tell both sides.

306 My father, drinking, he run with this infidel. And he would laugh at this old man. He was always making fun of him. "Old Pop Hay," we call him, "Daddy Hay," just a little rim of hair. He was an old preacher. And they was wanting rain one time. Their crops was all burning up. And they come to a little church, no more than this, called Little Opossum Kingdom, back there in Kentucky. And when they went up there, they say he said...

307He, old Daddy Hay, had a saying. He'd say, "Dear, bless my soul." Little, humble fellow, rode an old horse, old circuit preacher. And they paid him off with maybe a basketful of dried pumpkin, you know, and whatever more they had, you know, and some grease or something. That, you know, that's the way they paid the old circuit preachers. Many of you people here remember the old Eastern circuit preachers.

308 And one day the crops was all burning up. And old Daddy Hay said, "Well, dear, bless my soul." After he had a little service like this. Said, "If any of you all want to stay and pray for rain, that God will spare your crops," he said, "you stay with me." And the whole church stayed right with him.

309Pop, outside, went over, just a young fellow, took the saddle off his horse, put it--put it under the church, 'cause he knowed it was going to rain.

310That old man got down at the altar. He didn't even come off his knees. Said, about an hour after that, he heard a noise. He looked around. A black cloud was coming across the hill. There it was. See?

311 The infidel, among dad's friend that made fun of the old preacher, when he died, they had to hold him in bed. He taken walking typhoid fever. Many of you people out here probably wouldn't know what it was. Oh, it's a horrible thing. And he fought devils for hours after hours, for three or four days. He'd say, "Charlie, Charlie." That was my father. He said, "Don't let him get me. Don't let him get me. Don't you see him setting there on the side of that bed there, with them chains wrapped around him. Don't let him bind me with them. Oh!" He screamed. And they'd hold him, four or five men hold him in bed, 'fore he got ready to die.

312Back in Kentucky, they had old pegs along the side of the wall where they hung their clothes. Anybody ever see a house like that, where they put the peg?

313And he had his old slicker hanging up there. He said, "Charlie, there's a pint of whiskey in my pocket. Go, give it to my kids."

314And his wife, a Christian, out in the kitchen, cried, cooking dinner. He said, "I couldn't do that."

315And they held him in the bed until he died, fighting devils off of him.

316 When old Daddy Hay, the one he laughed at, when he got ready to die, about eight-five, ninety years old, he went to sleep. And all the children gathered in. His grown great-great-grandchildren gathered around the bed. He raised up. He had white whiskers, you know, a little rim of white hair around his head. What... Top of his head, bald. He wiggled his whisker, said, "Dear, bless my soul." Said, "You all thought old Daddy Hay was dead, didn't you?" He said, "Well, I can't die." Said, "I died years ago." Said, "I'm just going to meet the Lord Jesus." He said, "Oh, it's so great!" Said, "All you, my children, gather around the bed." He took, from the oldest to the youngest, by the hand, and blessed them.

317Then he said to his two oldest boys, said, "Raise me up." And they raised him up in bed. He couldn't hold his hand up. He was too feeble.

318He said to his other boy, said, "Raise my hand up." He raised his hands up, like that.

319He said, "Happy day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away. He taught me how to watch and pray, and live rejoicing every day." Bowed his head and was gone.

Well, we got to come to one of those ends.

320 I'm glad you got a little, humble man like this around you, who you got confidence in. Believe him; God will work miracles for you, among you.

321And I want to ask this little church something for me. Pray for me, will you? I'm one of your brothers, too. Not with you all the time; I want to be. You get the tapes and things in here. And I'm out here on a great battlefield. This is just one of the posts where we're watching for the Coming of the Lord. Pray for me, 'cause I really need your prayers. I depend on it, lot of times, when I hit hard places, especially in the foreign fields.

322And there is witch doctors, and everything, thousands times thousands standing there, challenging you, and you walk out there, alone, oh, you better know what you're talking about. Oh, my! When, they can do anything. They can just impersonate anything that God has, almost. They can. Just like Jannes and Jambres, they can impersonate anything God has got here.

323Then I remember, think about a little, faithful group. "What time is it, of the day? Way back on the backside of the desert there, way out, of a little old place called Sierra Vista, see, a little prayer meeting going on about this time. See? Way back, over on the other side of the mountain, up there in that old cow camp, somewhere like that, they're praying.

324Then I walk out, I say, "I'm covered with prayer. Satan, you can't do nothing to me. I come in the Name of the Lord Jesus." You see, something happens.

325 You pray for me. Will you do that now, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen.

Brother Isaacson, come here.

326You know, I wish I--I could stick around here, and go home with each one of you and eat dinner. Take me a long time. And I know you men think you got the best cook in the world. No doubt but what you have. See? And I'd sure like to do that. But I--I can't do it today. You all understand that, don't you? You, you do, that I can't do it right now. I'm in a tremendous strain here, at the present time. I want to come down and have a little fellowship with you. I want to come back again, too, come back and be with you. God bless you.

327Now, Brother Isaacson, take over, whatever the Lord wants you to do.

328Now, if there's any of you that would like to come here, that's never made a surrender to Jesus Christ, and you want to come here and stand here this morning, right beside this pulpit, where Brother Isaacson and I stand, and want to be prayed for, want us to pray that God will save you, will you come now? And, you, you'll have a complete victory today. If you'll...

329 If there's any of you that's backslid and gone away from God, and don't know--don't know, you've lost that fellowship, like that little lady last night. Oh, darkness gathers when you get away from God. You're on a muddy road. You're bound to lose. And if you don't have that victory that you ought to have, won't you come, too? This is a complete victory. This could be a V-day for you, for all the things of the world.

330You say, "I've had so many trials, Brother Branham. I've just been drug from pillar to post." Haven't I just told you that that's God, because He trusted you? You won't fail Him, will you? You might have fell. You might have made a mistake. But you won't fail Him, will you? You'll rise up again, like a real soldier, grip the Sword, and come forward again. We'd be glad to do that. Sure.

331And if not, Brother Isaacson will continue to speak for you then.

332If you'll excuse me now, and I can get going, go back to Tucson. I'll be back to see you again, the Lord willing. God bless you. Will you pray for me now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

333Remember, a complete victor, and single your focus on Jesus Christ. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And someday, with your eye single-looking, He will come from the sky with a Shout, the Voice of the Archangel. The dead in Christ shall rise. And these mortal bodies will take on immortality, and we'll go to be with Him forever. Till then, watch and pray. God bless you. Amen.

God bless you, brother.

1Môžete si sadnúť, ak chcete. A ja chcem vyjadriť svoju vďačnosť Bohu za to privilégium, že môžem byť tu a stretnúť spoluobyvateľov Kráľovstva Božieho, zatiaľ čo vy, ľudia, ste sa tu stretli dnes ráno v dome tohto brata, aby ste mali spolu obecenstvo. To mi tak trochu pripomína tú rannú cirkev. Ten spôsob, ktorým cirkev začínala, bol, Biblia povedala, „To bolo z domu do domu. Oni sa stretávali a lámali chlieb s prostotou srdca.“ A to je to, čo my chceme mať toto ráno, zatiaľ čo sme tu, je jednoduchosť srdca, jeden účel.

2Jednu vec, ktorú sa snažíme dosiahnuť, to je vyplniť plán Boží pre naše životy, zatiaľ čo sme tu na zemi. A zrejme, možno, Boh pred mnohými tisíckami rokov, On skrze Svoju nekonečnú múdrosť vedel, že my tu budeme dnes ráno, a že budeme naspäť tu na tejto prérii, alebo tu na púšti, v tejto malej budove. On to vedel pred tisíckami rokov.

3No, stretli sme niekoľkých našich priateľov, ktorí dnes ráno prišli z Tucsonu, Strickerova rodina. Pokazil sa im generátor v aute. Dali sme dokopy, čo sme mohli zohnať, aby sme ich priviedli, tú pani tu a tie deti. A oni pôjdu ďalej, trochu neskôr, ak sa im podarí dať opraviť ich generátor. To sa stalo tu na nejakých malých križovatkách. Ja neviem, kde to bolo. Ale sme šťastní, že sme tu.

4A teraz, brat Isaacson tu, my sotva poznáme jeden druhého, nie viac než len to, že vieme, že sme bratia v Kristu. A mali sme spolu časy obecenstva. A verím, že naše prvé stretnutie bolo v... hore vo Phoenixe pred rokmi. A ak by jeho manželka bola prítomná, ja by som ju nepoznal. No, to je to, ako sa dobre poznáme, ani neviem, kto je jeho manželka, alebo jeho rodina.

5Ako som prichádzal, stretol som jedného z našich farebných bratov ako stál vo dverách, veľmi milý človek, vie tak dobre potriasť ruku, viete, to vám spôsobuje, že sa cítite taký vítaný, viete, keď vchádzate a ste medzi takým zástupom ako je tento dnes ráno, a to mi dáva privilégium.

6A teraz, mal som privilégium hovoriť v mnohých preľudnených oblastiach, kde by oni zhromaždili možno tisíce krát tisíc ľudí. Ale ja... Pamätníky mojej služby sú časy ako toto, keď je tam možno tucet alebo dva, sediacich spolu, zdá sa, že Boh koná s ľuďmi bližšie. Myslím, že sa cítime viac zoznámení, ako sme zhromaždení v malom zhromaždení. Zdá sa, že kde je Božie Slovo tak významné pre nás, to je keď my, On povedal, „Kde sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede.“

7Včera večer, blízko polnoci, bol som spolu s... v tom dome, kde bol jeden muž a jeho manželka a jedno mladé dievča, ktoré sa pomiatlo ohľadom jednej malej udalosti, ktorá sa stala. A zatiaľ čo sme my... boli spolu zhromaždení, len tá mladá pani a ja v jednej izbe, pretože tie veci musia byť povedané, to bolo... Lepšie je to povedať osamote. A tam prišlo toto Svetlo, tento Anjel Pánov, a zastavil sa rovno tam, kde sme my boli, ukazujúc, že Boh dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

8A včera, tam kde bol mladý dvadsaťdvaročný muž z veľmi významnej rodiny, on dostal mumps a ten mumps doľahol na neho. A mnohí z vás dospelých vedia, čo to je, predovšetkým u mužov. Muži, to ich skutočne takmer zabije. A tento chlapec počas niekoľkých dní, počas dvoch týždňov, mal horúčku štyridsať a pol. Tak viete, to je nebezpečný stav. A tí doktori jednoducho použili všetko, čo mali, s penicilínmi a všetkým, aby zrazili horúčku tej infekcie. Ale zdalo sa, akoby to nemalo žiaden efekt. Ale v jednej minúte, to je čas pred Bohom, každá smietka tej horúčky opustila toho mladého muža. On vstal zdravý. A to jednoducho ukazuje, že tá hlavná Osoba je Kristus.

9To je to, prečo sme tu dnes ráno v tomto dome, aby sme slúžili Kristovi, v tomto dni sabatu.

10Tešil som sa na ten čas, kedy prídem sem, na stretnutie s naším drahým bratom a s vami ľuďmi. Dostal som vaše desatiny, ktoré mi brat poslal, veľakrát, z tohto malého zhromaždenia tu. A také poklady ako to, držím to u seba vo veľmi posvätnej úcte, pretože viem, že sa jedného dňa zodpoviem za to, kde to odtiaľto išlo. A chcem si skutočne ceniť, ceniť si a chcem vyjadriť svoju vďačnosť za vernosť vás ľudí, za túto myšlienku, ktorú ste mali, vediac, o tých desatinách, ktoré máte. A zhromaždenie v domoch ako je toto a jednako, to málo, čo máte a chcete ísť podľa vašej najlepšej známosti, aby ste podporili tú službu. Potom, od teraz, musím byť za to zodpovedný. A ja chcem byť dobrým správcom pre nášho Pána, a keď sa budem musieť zodpovedať v ten deň, za to, čo sme urobili na zemi.

11No, je jedna vec, že tu nie sme príliš veľmi obťažovaní hukotom dopravnej premávky, a to je dobré.

12A tak teraz, ja sotva viem, ako toto povedať, ale želám si, aby sme tu mali prebudenie, kde by sme na to mali niekoľko dní. Pretože týmto spôsobom vy len prídete a poviete, „Ako sa máš? Som rád, že ťa stretávam,“ a hovoríte chvíľu o Pánovi a idete znova preč. Ja mám byť o jedna tridsať v Tucsone. A ako že to... My sa tu len takto stretneme a potrasieme si ruky jeden s druhým a povieme, „Ako sa máš? Som rád, že ťa stretávam,“ a odchádzame.

13Ale viete, rozmýšľam o dni, keď sa stretneme tam, kde si nepovieme dovidenia. Nepovieme, „Je to milé vidieť ťa. Dúfam, že prídeš znovu.“ Kde my tu budeme počítať možno zopár hodín, keď sme spolu. Tam budeme môcť... my si môžeme sadnúť a hovoriť po dobu milión rokov, ak je tam také niečo ako čas, a nebudeme mať o nič menej času, ako keď sme si sadli. Vidíte? To je jednoducho večnosť. Nie je tomu žiaden koniec. A pomyslieť, že sme pomimo času a takto, a keď budeme kráčať cez tie koridory Božieho veľkého raja a tí anjeli ako spievajú chorály.

14A teraz je čas, keď my musíme bojovať, aby sme vybojovali ten boj a premohli veci toho sveta.

15A tam, dobre, tam nebude žiaden boj. Bude pomodlená posledná modlitba; oni viac nebudú musieť mať modlitebné zhromaždenia. Nebude tam viac miesta pre ľudí, aby boli spasení. Nebude tam žiadna choroba, ktorá by bola uzdravená. A to jednoducho bude jedna veľká slávna vec.

16A čo by sme my ako ľudské bytosti dnes ráno, čo by sme my mohli sľúbiť? Na čo by sme sa mohli pozrieť, čo by bolo väčšie, než dívať sa do zasľúbenia pre ten čas. Vidíte?

17Premýšľame o tomto tu. Dívam sa na zmenu veku, od malého kŕmeného dieťaťa na matkinom lone ku malému chlapcovi, ktorý chodí do školy, dievčatá a chlapci vo veku tínedžerov a potom stredný vek, a potom starší človek. Vidíte? A chlapec, ktorý chodí do školy, minulý rok bol na lone svojej matky, kojenec. Vidíte? A ako tínedžer išiel do školy iba minulý rok, zdanlivo. A ten v strednom veku bol raz tínedžerom. A potom staroba. Len... Oh! Vidíte? Je to ako para, ktorá padne na zem a ide naspäť. Šalamún povedal, verím, že to bolo, „to je ako kvet.“ Vyrastie a potom je zoťatý a pominul sa.“ A my chceme užitočne využiť ten čas, počas ktorého sme tu.

18Tak, teraz hovorme ku Nemu, teraz, ako skloníme naše hlavy v modlitbe.

19A ak je tu niekto, kto by bol rád spomenutý v modlitbe, napríklad, ak je niekto chorý, alebo má potrebu, ak by ste to chceli dať vedieť Bohu vo vašom srdci, povedzte, „Teraz Pane, vošiel som, aby som poprosil v tejto prímluve.“ A ak by ste len, tak ja by som vedel, tak trochu, ak by ste zodvihli svoju ruku a len, takto, a povedali, „Pamätaj na mňa.“ Nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

20Všemohúci Bože, ktorý Si sformoval nebo i zem, skrze Tvoje Slovo, my sme sa tu zhromaždili dnes ráno, aby sme hovorili o tomto Slove a o Tom Veľkom, ktorý je Slovom.

21Ďakujeme Ti za toto ohromné privilégium, že sme mohli znova prísť sem na túto zadnú stranu púšte. To bolo jedného dňa, tam kde horiaci krík upútal pozornosť utekajúceho proroka. A tam mu bolo nanovo dané poverenie, a bol poslaný, ktorý sa stal veľkým vysloboditeľom ľudí toho dňa, Božieho dedičstva, ktoré bolo v otroctve. Ó, veľký Bože, či prídeš na túto zadnú stranu púšte ku nám? Ako my vieme, Ty si vo veľkých katedrálach a na celom svete, ale vediac, že Ty si nekonečný Boh, a že nie je žiadne miesto, ktoré by bolo príliš malé. Alebo, žiadne miesto, alebo bez ohľadu na to, ako sme roztrúsení po tvári zeme, jednako Ty Si všadeprítomný, môžeš byť všade v každom čase. Ďakujeme Ti za to.

22A v tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno Ti ďakujeme za nášho brata a jeho malé stádočko tu a za ich odvahu a vernosť Božej veci na zemi dnes, a my prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre nich. A nech, tak dlho ako je tam nejaké túžiace srdce po Kristovi, nech je tam vždy niekde nejaký posol, ktorý by to udelil, priniesol to Posolstvo hladnému srdcu.

23A my prosíme, Nebeský Otče, za potreby týchto ľudí, ktorí práve teraz zodvihli svoje ruky. Ty vieš, čo pulzovalo pod ich rukou, okolo ich srdca. Oni mali potrebu. Ak je to choroba, Pane. Ty, ktorý Si vzal Paula Sharitta, ktorý práve pred pár hodinami hovoril o jednej veci, keď on ležal medzi smrťou a životom s hroznou horúčkou, ktorú celá medicínska veda nemohla zastaviť, a jednako jedno malé slovo modlitby zatavilo tú horúčku okamžite. Ty si Jehova Boh. Ukáž, že Ty si práve tak isto reprezentovaný, a práve tak skutočný dnes, tu na tejto zadnej strane púšte, ako si bol vo dňoch Mojžiša, tam na zadnej strane púšte.

24Ďakujeme Ti, pretože ja viem, že Ty vypočuješ modlitbu. A prichádzame ku Tebe najpokornejšie a najúprimnejšie, vediac, že by to bolo zlé prosiť ťa o veci, ktoré si my len predstavujeme v našej mysli. Chceme byť vážni a byť si smrteľne istí toho, čo prosíme. Musíme tomu veriť a vedieť, že to je Božia vôľa, aby nám to dal, pretože my sme to už vyriešili v našich srdciach, so všetkým, čo my vieme Pane.

25Tak ja sa modlím, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, ktorá je tu dnes ráno. Spas každého jedného, ktorý je stratený. Udeľ to. Nech môže byť dnes niečo povedané, alebo učinené, čo pri nich spôsobí, na mieste, kde oni sedia, alebo stoja okolo múrov, alebo kdekoľvek to môže byť, aby zakotvenie Božej viery vošlo do ich sŕdc a aby to tam vybavilo raz na vždy. Udeľ to, Otče.

26Požehnaj brata, ktorý nám dovolil mať tento dom na zhromaždenie.

27Tak, hovor ku nám cez Tvoje Slovo, pretože to je to, prečo sme tu, Pane. Milujeme obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ale jednako to si Ty, ktorého my chceme, Pane. Môžeme ísť niekde pod stromy a sadnúť si a hovoriť jeden s druhým. Ale tu sme zhromaždení, aby sme našli priazeň u Teba. Či nás stretneš, Pane, teraz? Otvorili sme trón v našom srdci, aby si Ty dnes zasadol na ten trón, aby si hovoril ku nám, a povedal nám o potrebách, ktoré máme, a aby si vyjadril Svoju lásku ku nám, ako my vyjadrujeme našu lásku ku Tebe. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

28Ak je tam vzadu niekto, kto si chce sadnúť, vidím tu nejaké stoličky, aby ste mohli byť spolu, a keď chcete mať viac pohodlia.

29Tak, tieto časy, v ktorých my žijeme, sú ohromné časy. A včera, zatiaľ čo som rozmýšľal o tom, čo by som dnes povedal, vediac, že som sa tešil na to, že prídem sem, a čo by som povedal keď prídem, malé modlitebné zhromaždenie? A prosil som Pána, aby mi pomohol. A vzal som zopár poznámok ohľadom nejakého miesta Písma tu, ktoré by som rád ukázal vám ľuďom dnes ráno, zatiaľ čo očakávame na Pánove požehnania.

30A modlíme sa, aby ste otvorili svoje srdce a porozumeli to najmenšie, najslabšie malé zaklopanie Krista na to srdce. Pamätajte, vy, ak nie ste veriaci, a nikdy doteraz ste neprijali Krista, toto bude tá najohromnejšia vec, ktorá sa vám kedy stala, byť zhromaždení v tomto dome dnes ráno, keď to zaklopanie príde do vášho srdca. Ak to prijmete, to sú dvere do Života. Odvrhnúť to je smrť. A to je to, prečo sme dnes ráno tu, ukázať vám, že sú otvorené dvere pre každého veriaceho, ktorý môže veriť.

31Tak chcem čítať z knihy Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, 15-tu kapitolu. Chcem čítať určitú časť, prvé štyri verše 15-tej kapitoly knihy Zjavenia.

A videl som iný div na nebi, veľký a prepodivný: sedem anjelov, majúcich... sedem posledných rán, pretože nimi sa dokoná hnev Boží.

A videl som čosi jako sklené more, smiešané s ohňom, a tých, ktorí zvíťazili nad šelmou a nad jej obrazom a nad jej znamením, nad číslom jej mena, že stáli na sklenom mori a mali... harfy Božie

a spievali pieseň Mojžiša, sluhu Božieho, a pieseň Baránkovu a hovorili: Veľké a prepodivné sú tvoje skutky, Pane, všemohúci Bože, spravedlivé a pravdivé sú tvoje cesty, ó, Kráľu svätých!

Kto by sa teba nebál, ó, Pane, a neoslavoval tvojho mena?! Lebo ty si sám jediný svätý; pretože všetky národy prijdú a budú sa klaňať pred tebou, lebo sú zjavené tvoje spravedlivé súdy.

32A ak Pán dovolí, zobral by som z toho text, ktorý by som nazval Deň „V“, Deň Víťazstva, ako my to symbolizujeme, úplné víťazstvo.

33Títo ľudia, v tejto kapitole, ktorú sme... práve čítali, práve obdržali víťazstvo. Myslím, že slovo víťazstvo je veľké slovo v anglickom jazyku. To znamená, že ty si porazil nepriateľa, a premohol si, a si víťazom, ktorý drží víťazstvo. A my spievame pieseň, voláme na slávu pri víťazstve. A tu nachádzame, že tam bolo niečo, títo ľudia prišli ku tomuto sklenému moru, zmiešanému s ohňom. A oni obdržali víťazstvo nad šelmou, nad jej obrazom, nad tým znakom a počtom jej mena. Nad všetkými týmito vecami oni dostali víťazstvo a boli víťazmi stojacimi na tej druhej strane, na sklenom mori zmiešanom s ohňom, spievajúci piesne chvály Všemohúcemu Bohu.

34Tak, hovoriť o víťazstve a dňoch „V“ a tak ďalej, to nás privádza späť do myšlienok o vojne, keď rozmýšľame o dni „V“. Pretože práve nedávno, v tých posledných niekoľkých rokoch sme prišli ku dňu, ktorý sme nazvali deň „V“, tej vojny, kde oni dosiahli víťazstvo nad tým nepriateľom. A je to príliš zlé, že musíme o tom rozmýšľať, ale svet bol vždy nasiaknutý ľudskou krvou, počnúc krvou spravodlivého Ábela.

35Prvá ľudská krv, ktorá narazila na zem, bola krv spravodlivého Ábela. A on, ten dôvod, že on musel preliať svoju krv, to bolo kvôli tomu, že bol v poriadku s Bohom. A Boh prijal jeho zmierenie, ktoré on mal, skrze vieru obetoval Bohu toho baránka.

36A jeho žiarlivý brat, ktorý žiarlil na neho, zabil spravodlivého Ábela. A ten istý dôvod, v podstate zapríčinil preliatie všetkej ľudskej krvi na tvári zeme. A tá stará zem je pravdaže tým nasiaknutá, po celom svete, ľudskou krvou. My... Je dôvod pre to. Tam je nejaký dôvod, že oni boli, že táto ľudská krv bola preliata. A my nachádzame, že ten prvý dôvod bol kvôli závisti, že Kain závidel Ábelovi, pretože Boh prijal Ábelovu obeť. A Židom 11 nám hovorí, že „Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť než Kain, a Boh pri nej svedčí.“ A Kain na to pravdaže žiarlil, pretože jeho obeť bola odmietnutá a Ábelova prijatá. A Ábel toto spravil skrze vieru. Biblia povedala, že, „On to urobil skrze vieru.“

37 Vidiac, že tí dvaja chlapci sa snažili nájsť priazeň u Boha, aby mohli prísť naspäť, pretože oni vedeli, že sa len nedávno dostali preč zo záhrady Života. A oni upadli na tej druhej strane kvôli prestúpeniu ich rodičov, čo ich urobilo poddanými smrti; práve tak ako my všetci stojíme dnes ráno, poddaní smrti. A oni chceli vedieť, ako sa dostať späť na miesto, kde by mohli znovu nájsť Život. A keď to robili, oni sa snažili nájsť priazeň u Boha.

38A Kain obetoval nádhernú obeť kvetov a ovocia poľa, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo on položil na ten oltár.

39Ale Ábel, skrze duchovné zjavenie, ktoré mu bolo zjavené, že to nebolo ovocie poľa, ktoré zapríčinilo smrť. „To bola krv, ktorá zapríčinila smrť.“ Tak on obetoval naspäť krv nevinnej náhrady, a Boh to prijal. A to bolo Božie zmierenie za naše hriechy od toho dňa po každý krát. Nie je iný spôsob, pretože ak by to On prijal na nejakom inom základe, potom my by sme museli prísť ku tomu základu, aby sme našli priazeň u Boha. Ale Boh prijal jedine nevinnú krv nevinnej náhrady. Vidíte?

40A preto ak tá nádhera a veľké miesta by boli prijaté u Boha, dnes by sme... Boli by sme zvedaví, „Prišiel by On sem na túto zadnú stranu púšte, do tohto malého domu stojaceho pri železničnej trati? Prišiel by On sem a stretol by sa s nami?“ Ale ak by to bola veľká katedrála, alebo tá krása, ktorú obetoval Kain, my by sme zistili, že hovoríme len ku samým sebe a do vzduchu.

41Ale Boh prichádzal na základe preliatej krvi. Tak dnes, bez ohľadu na to, akí sme malí, akí biedni sme, alebo ako veľmi by sme radi ponúkli Bohu väčšie miesto, ale Boh by to neprijal, nie viac, než ako by to On neprijal práve teraz, pretože my prichádzame na základe preliatej Krvi nevinnej Náhrady, ktorou je Kristus zomierajúci za nás hriešnikov.

42No, ten dôvod, že táto krv bola preliata, je preto, verím, že človek chce... Boh pozýva človeka, aby sa pozrel, ale človek chce ukázať samého seba. Človek sa chce pozrieť na to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, na základe jeho vlastných myšlienok o tom. Vidíte? Boh sa snaží človeku niečo ukázať, ale človek to chce prijať na základe toho čo on... toho spôsobu, ktorým sa on na to díva.

43Ale to je, ako keď niekto chce ukázať nejakú scénu. Musí tam byť nejaký dôvod na ukázanie tej scény. Tam je... Ak vy poviete, „Pozri sa tam na tú horu,“ no, je tam niečo, čo zaujalo vašu pozornosť, že sa ma snažíte poprosiť, aby som sa pozrel na tú horu. Vidíte? Alebo, „Pozri sa na tento strom,“ vidíte, na tom strome je niečo, čo chcete, aby som videl.

44Tak, Boh sa snaží dostať človeka, aby sa díval na tú nevinnú náhradu kvôli ceste späť. A človek sa chce na to dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. On nechce vidieť to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, v tejto nevinnej náhrade. Preto to je to, čo zapríčinilo ten problém. Potom, keď to človek robí, ako to bolo, berie si ďalekohľad, aby sa pozrel do diaľky, aby videl to, čo sa mu Boh snaží ukázať, on si nedokáže správne zaostriť svoj ďalekohľad.

45Tu na tej ceste, nedávno, ako som išiel z poľovačky z hôr, niekto mi povedal, „Tu, vezmi si svoj ďalekohľad a pozri sa tam na určitú vec.“ No, zobral som ďalekohľad a videl som tri alebo štyri rôzne objekty. No, vidíte, vedel som, že niečo s tým nebolo v poriadku. Vidíte? Tak, tá antilopa, ktorá tam stála na tom poli, zdalo sa mi, že sú tam tri alebo štyri, ktoré tam stoja spolu. No, čo to bolo, tá antilopa bola práve dokonale jednou antilopou. Ten ďalekohľad bol v poriadku. Ale čo som ja musel urobiť, bolo natočiť to zaostrenie, až kým som nedostal všetky tri antilopy do jednej, a dostal som jednu antilopu. Rozumiete? A potom to... Za mnou, vedel som, že tam bola... bola jedna antilopa, pretože to bolo to, čo mi bolo povedané. Ale, keď som si zobral ten ďalekohľad a pozrel som sa cez neho, videl som, povedzme tri antilopy, ktoré tam stáli. No, ten ďalekohľad nebol zaostrený. Musel som zaostriť ten ďalekohľad, až kým som ho dostal na miesto, kde som videl jednu antilopu. A potom mi to ten ďalekohľad priblížil natoľko, že som mohol vidieť, ako vyzerala.

46Tak, Boh nám dáva Bibliu. No, Biblia je Slovo a Slovo je Boh. Tak, to je náš ďalekohľad. To sú naše okuliare. Ale potom, keď sa ideme pozrieť do Biblie a vidíme štyri alebo päť rozdielnych ciest, dobre, to si vyžaduje zaostrenie, rozumiete. A my musíme priviesť veci na miesto, kde vidíme jeden vážny zámer týkajúci sa Boha.

47Ale človek chce začať organizáciu, bežať touto cestou. A iný chce, „Dobre, ja viem. Myslím, že môžem byť väčší chlapík než on, tak ja začnem tu. My vyškolíme našich chlapcov lepšie, a urobíme toto a tak ďalej.“ Rozumiete? Oni zlyhávajú v zaostrení toho ďalekohľadu. Boh chce, aby videli jednu vec, a to je nevinná Krv, ktorá bola preliata za ich hriechy. Je to presne tak. To je tá skutočná vec, bez ohľadu na všetko. My nepotrebujeme organizáciu. Nemám nič proti nim, oni len... tá škoda, ktorú oni robia je, že ťahajú ľudí preč a oddeľujú bratstvo a veci.

48Ale my sa len potrebujeme dívať na jednu vec, a to je naša Náhrada. Je to tak. A tá náhrada je Ježiš Kristus.

49A potom dnes vidíte, ako sme pokrútení v našich organizáciach. A oni hovoria, „Metodisti majú prebudenie. Pravdaže, to nezahŕňa baptistov. To sú metodisti. A títo majú prebudenie a tak ďalej.“ A oni odsekávajú iných von, po celý čas. Ale my to nechceme vidieť takto.

50My chceme stále točiť to zaostrovanie, až kým nezistíme, že je tam jeden Boh. Keď tam vidíte troch, radšej zaostrite ten ďalekohľad trochu lepšie. Rozumiete? Vidíte niečo nesprávne. Tak, vy by ste urobili lepšie, keby ste to priniesli a zistili, že je jeden Boh nad nami všetkými, a On je Boh ľudskej rasy.

51A ak On je vôbec Boh, On sa zaujíma o každú ľudskú bytosť, pretože to je Jeho stvorenie. A On sa zaujíma o deti. On sa zaujíma o starých a stredný vek. On sa zaujíma o naše farby, a bielu, hnedú, čiernu, žltú, o rozličné odtiene našej kože podľa krajiny, z ktorej pochádzame my a naši otcovia. On sa zaujíma o nás všetkých. On sa nezaujíma len o Židov, alebo o žltú rasu, čiernu rasu, bielu rasu, čokoľvek to je.

52On sa zaujíma o celú ľudskú rasu a snaží sa dostať ľudskú rasu, aby zaostrila na Božie Slovo, na jednu vec, a povedala, „Je jeden Boh, a ten Boh dáva nevinnú Náhradu, skrze príchod... skrze to, že sa Sám stal Človekom, kvôli tomu, aby sňal hriech, aby spasil celú ľudskú rasu.“ Prorok Ján to tak nádherne ukázal, „Hľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta, ktokoľvek.“ Celý problém hriechu je vybavený rovno tam v tej jednej nevinnej Náhrade.

53Ale keď ľudská bytosť tu berie Boží ďalekohľad, ona začína... Ona sa díva na tak veľa toho prirodzeného, že zlyháva vidieť to duchovné uplatnenie, ktoré dáva Slovo.

54No, pozrite, to, čo je jednou z najväčších vecí, ktoré človek robí, keď sa on snaží pozerať, pretože on pozerá tak, ako sa Kain pozeral cez ten ďalekohľad. On sa díval na osobný úspech. Kain rozmýšľal, „No, ak by som mohol dostať Ábela preč z cesty, potom ja som ten jediný.“ To je to, čo sa človek pokúšal urobiť, počas tých rokov, snažil sa dostať niekoho iného preč z cesty.

55Zatiaľčo sa on mal snažiť priviesť niekoho iného na tú cestu s ním, a byť bratom, rozumiete; namiesto toho, aby sa snažil povedať, „Ó, tá malá skupina, vymeťte ich von. A títo tu, ó... no, oni sú toto a to.“ Rozumiete? Nemali by sme to robiť. Mali by sme sa snažiť priviesť celú tú vec do jedného uceleného obrazu, a to je Ježiš Kristus.

56Včera večer, jedna mladá pani pri osobnom rozhovore, ona povedala... Ale ona povedala... Dcéra jedného kazateľa mala nejaký malý ľúbostný vzťah, a ona sa z toho pomiatla. Zrútila sa. Veľmi pekná mladá žena a asi dvadsaťtriročná.

57A keď bola malé dievča, asi dvanásťročné, bola v Chicagu. A sedela na zhromaždení... Alebo to bol Elign. A ako sedela v tom zhromaždení, Duch Svätý prechádzal tým obecenstvom a nazval ju, kým bola a povedal, „Ty máš šelest na srdci. Doktor hovorí, že sa nedožiješ pätnástich rokov. Ale, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, si uzdravená.“ A ona odvtedy nikdy necítila žiaden problém so srdcom.

58A minulý večer mala iný druh srdcového problému. Bol to duchovný srdcový problém. Jej milenec utiekol a oženil sa s inou ženou. A jednako, ona ho stále milovala. A tento chlapec hovoril, že ju jednako miluje, a že jeho „otec to zapríčinil.“

59Povedal som, „Ó, to je nezmysel. On sa nemusel oženiť s iným dievčaťom. On to urobil preto, že zlyhal v tom, aby mal ku tebe ten správny druh lásky.“ Je to presne tak.

60Ale, vidíte, pretože bola z toho celá zranená, to dievča tam sedelo také sklesnuté. A povedala, „Ó, ja viem, že ma Johnny miluje. Ja viem.“ Vidíte? To je všetko, čo ona mohla vidieť. Ona žila v tom svojom jednom malom svete. Ona samú seba do neho vyformovala.

61A ja som ju vzal za ruku. Povedal som, „Počúvaj ma.“ A Pán ukázal videnie, vidíte, o ktorom ona vedela, o ktorom som ja nič nevedel, že niečo sa stalo, nejaká vec medzi nimi. A keď to bolo povedané, práve vtedy sa to pri nej rýchlo prelomilo. Povedal som, „Zatiaľ čo si mimo toho, pozri na Golgotu. Ty si vyšla odtiaľto a začala si pokúšať sa piť, a si dcéra kazateľa, dcéra letničného kazateľa, a robíš veci, ktoré robíš, snažiac sa utopiť ten smútok; tento muž, ktorému nestojíš ani za lusknutie prstom?“

Povedal som. „Dívaj sa na Golgotu, dievča. To je tá jediná cesta späť.“

62Musíme zaostriť samých seba, až kým, či žijeme alebo zomierame, klesáme alebo sa topíme, to je Golgota, Kristus. To je tá vec, ku ktorej chce Boh, aby sme sa navrátili.

63A mužovia, v tom zaostrení Božieho Slova, namiesto toho, aby to priviedli spolu a aby spôsobili, že To hovorí tú jednu vec, ktorú Boh spôsobuje, aby To hovorilo, my sa dívame na tú telesnú stránku. Preto človek, ktorý to robí, on sa dostáva na miesto, že on berie podľa toho, čo mu je predložené. „Tu je príležitosť, ktorú my, naša malá skupina, môžeme urobiť toto a môžeme tamto. My nemáme nič do činenia s tými ostatnými.“ A to, vidíte, to je tá prvá vec, ktorá je predložená; namiesto zaostrenia, aby vedeli, že to je bratská láska, ktorú by sme mali mať jeden ku druhému, a porozumieť jeden druhého, a milovať jeden druhého, a spoločne vzdávať chválu. Oni degradujú človeka kvôli šatám, ktoré on nosí, alebo kvôli vzdelaniu, ktoré on má, alebo farbe jeho kože, alebo niečo také. Alebo jeho... A to, preto, to oddeľuje ľudí, a človek to berie podľa toho.

64To nikdy nedá tomu vnútornému človeku šancu účinkovať. No, my sme trojitá bytosť; duša, telo a duch. No, ale keď tá prirodzená myseľ... Tie dve duchovné sily, ktoré vo vás pracujú, to je vaša myseľ a váš duch. Vidíte? No, tá prirodzená myseľ, ona je vysoko naleštená, bude sa snažiť dosiahnuť niečo skrze svoju inteligenciu. Vidíte? A keď to on robí, tá samotná vec, keď on to robí, on vrhá samého seba preč od toho duchovného človeka, ktorý je v ňom. A to je to, čo spôsobuje problémy, rovno tam, vidíte, on sa to snaží v sebe vyprodukovať.

65Ako som tu prednedávnom povedal, verím že to bolo v zhromaždení, že, „Boh je tak veľký, že On sa môže stať takým jednoduchým.

66Tak vidíte, keď my sa stávame veľkými, nemôžeme byť jednoduchí. Rozumiete? My, my, vieme príliš veľa. A musíme, „Ó, to jednoducho musí byť takto, tým spôsobom, ktorým to my hovoríme, alebo to tak vôbec nie je.“ Vidíte? No, takto my prehliadame Boha.

67Ale ak by človek len mohol, veľký človek, by sa mohol stať väčším a väčším, a stále sa stávať väčším, čo by on urobil? On by sa stal rovno naspäť znova tak pokorný, a tak jednoduchý, až by ľudia chodili ponad ním a nevedeli by to, vidíte, že v ich strede je veľká osoba.

68Práve tú istú vec, ktorú my robíme. Meriame elektróny, delíme atómy, a posielame posolstvá na mesiac, a chodíme po obyčajnej tráve, o ktorej nič nevieme. Je to tak. Ten malý kvet, nikto nemôže vysvetliť alebo nemôže nájsť ten život, ktorý sa skrýva v tom malom semene dolu v zemi, aby zrodil kvet nasledujúci rok. Obyčajné steblo trávy, všetci vedci na svete by nemohli vyrobiť jedno steblo trávy, ani jeden výhonok. Vidíte? Nemôžete to vyrobiť, pretože to má život. A preto, vidíte, my...

69Bolo povedané, „Blázni kráčajú v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja šliapnuť.“ A to je skutočne pravda. My chodíme ponad jednoduchými vecami. Chodíme ponad Bohom.

70Chodíme ponad orchideami, hľadajúc margaréty. No, to je to, vidíte, chodíme ponad orchideami. A ak sa len staneme jednoduchými, znížime sa. Nikto by sa nemohol pozrieť dokonca...

71Ten vinič tam, čo je to? Boh. Čo je to? Je to vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Obzrite sa, stojí tam mocný strom, myslím, že je to topoľ. Čo je to? To je vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe iný druh života. Tento druh života utvoril strom. Tento druh života utvoril vinič. Rozumiete?

72A čo sme my? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Čo nás utvorilo tým, čím sme. My by sme neboli viac než to, ale Boh položil do nás večný život, a potom sa my stávame Božími predmetmi. Potom pozorujeme, zaostrujeme potom Slovo ku Bohu.

73Ale človek nikdy nedáva šancu tomu vnútornému človeku, aby vysvetlil to, čo je správne, preto to je to, čo zapríčiňuje ten problém. Pozorujte. Nachádzame, že ak by to on nerobil, čo sa potom deje? Nachádzame, že jeho prchkosť, tak ako Kainova, sa rýchlo vznieti, vidíte. On bol žiarlivý. On nemal rád Boha, že obetoval svoje, že prijal Kainovu... Ábelovu obeť namiesto jeho. On chcel ísť tiež. On chcel svoju vlastnú obeť. On chcel svoj vlastný spôsob, vidíte, namiesto toho, aby prišiel ku Ábelovi a povedal, „Ó, môj brat, som tak šťastný, že to Boh prijal. Teraz máme spôsob, o ktorom vieme, že Jehova to takto prijíma, pretože On to potvrdil skrze prijatie tvojej obete.“ Či by sa to tak nestalo? Ale namiesto toho on začal žiarliť.

74No, nevidíte, že tá istá vec je teraz v ľuďoch? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? To je jednoducho jeho spôsob, vidíte, teraz, namiesto prijatia toho spôsobu, ktorý Boh potvrdil, že je Pravda.

75Ten spôsob, ktorým sa Boh Sám pohybuje na scéne a hovorí, „To je to. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Malú chvíľu a ten svet Ma viac neuvidí; jednako vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás.“ Vidíte, ten svet, vy... „Ten svet Ma neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte.“ Vidíte, „Kain Ma neuvidí, ale ty Ábel Ma uvidíš.“ Rozumiete? Pretože, to je tá istá vec.

76A namiesto toho, aby prišiel a povedal, „No, to je nádherné. Vidíme pracovať Boha medzi ľuďmi. Urobme to“? Nie veru. S vyznaním, s tou istou vecou, a skôr s nenásytnosťou a žiarlivosťou, čo je tá istá vec, ktorú mal Kain, on požaduje krv svojho brata. On sa ho snaží zmiesť z cesty, zbaviť sa ho. „Oni nie sú nič iné ako banda svätých povaľačov. Je ich málo.“ Rozumiete? Viete, čo mám na mysli. To je to, kde začína problém. To je to, kde problém začína. To je to, kde sa lámu sľuby. To je to, kde sa rozdeľuje zlámané obecenstvo. To je tá vec, ktorá rozbíja domácnosti. To je tá vec, ktorá začína hýbať to koleso smerom ku rozvodom. To je tá istá vec, ktorá rozlamuje obecenstvo.

77To je tá vec, ktorá rozlomila obecenstvo v Edene, to je pretože Eva zlyhala držať to zaostrenie, pri tom, ako sa dívala na Božie Slovo, a načúvala rozumovaniu nepriateľa. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak by ona len stála rovno s tým, „Boh tak povedal. A je to vybavené. Boh tak povedal,“ ale ona to nechcela urobiť. Rozumiete? Ona zmenila to zaostrenie svojho ďalekohľadu, a začala vidieť, že namiesto jednej cesty, sú tam dve cesty. Vidíte? Ona videla, „No, teraz, možno že tento človek má pravdu. Možno má pravdu. Tak, my vieme, že Boh má pravdu, a možno on má pravdu. Toto je viac svetla ku tomu, čo povedal Boh.“ Vidíte to tam?

78To je tá istá vec, ktorá sa deje dnes, presne rovno naspäť do toho istého bodu. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vy vidíte dve myšlienky. Tam je len jedna. Nie je tam žiadne vyznanie. To je Slovo, Božie Slovo, Boží zámer, Boží plán. Všetky ostatné plány sú zlé.

79A Eva urobila túto zlú vec, a to je ten dôvod dnes, že Boh, vo Svojom Slove, za žiadnych okolností nedovoľuje ženám, aby boli kazateľkami. Rozumiete? Nie je to v Slove dovolené.

80Dnes ráno, u nás doma sme sa rozprávali, a sedeli sme pri raňajkách, skoro ráno. Chceli sme začať, tak aby sme sa sem dostali načas, a potom naspäť na ďalšie stretnutie. Tak my, ako som povedal... Zhovárali sme sa pri stole. A ako sme sa zhovárali, prišlo na slovo o anjeloch. Môj malý chlapec Jozef, ktorý tam sedí, povedal niečo o anjeloch. A on povedal, „No, oci,“ povedal, „tí anjeli...“

Ja som povedal, „Boh je človek.“

„Ale,“ povedal, „anjeli sú ženy.“

Povedal som, „Nič také nie je.“ On povedal...

81No, oni majú...“ Sára, moja dcéra, povedala, „Ale ocko,“ povedala, „tam, oni, oni majú oblečené sukne.“ Povedala, „Oni, oni sú ženy.“

Povedal som, „To je obraz, ktorý namaľoval nejaký psychológ.“

82Oni v Biblii nikdy nevideli žiadneho anjela, ktorého by volali „ona.“ To bol „on,“ vždy, on, on, on, nie „ona.“ Nie je taká vec ako anjel, ktorý by bol ženou. To v Biblii nikdy nebolo. A nie je to v cirkvi Živého Boha. Nie je taká vec ako posol-žena. A anjel je „posol.“ Tak, Boh niečo také nikdy nedovolil.

83Pretože Biblia hovorí, „Adam bol utvorený prv a potom Eva. A Adam nebol zvedený, ale žena súc zvedená, bola v prestúpení.“ Vidíte. Preto, ona... Povedal, Pavol povedal, „Nedovoľujem žene aby vyučovala alebo mala nejakú autoritu, ale aby bola ticho, ako tiež hovorí zákon.“

84Tak, v tom, vidíte teraz, ako naše letničné skupiny, to je ten koreň trávy tej veci. Vidíte? Čo oni robia, oni zaostrujú, „No, teraz, tu, tu je žena, ktorá môže kázať ako blesk.“ No, vôbec o tom nie je pochýb. Absolútne. Počul som niektoré ženy kazateľky, mohli kázať tak, že mužovia by dokonca ani nemohli stáť v tieni takého kázania, ale to nemá nič do činenia s tým, čo je spravodlivé; vidíte, to s tým nemá nič.

85Pavol povedal, „Ak niekto hovorí v jazykoch a nie je tam žiaden vykladač, potom nech je ticho.“

Poviete, „Nemôžem byť potichu.“

86Ale Biblia povedala, že môžete, vidíte, tak to je to. Rozumiete? To musí byť vykonané po poriadku, umiestnené v poriadku, položené na svoje miesto, a stále zostávať na svojom mieste.

87Vidíte, tam sa dostávate mimo zaostrenia. To zapríčiňuje ťažké pocity, nenásytnosť a tak ďalej. Namiesto toho, aby sme sa zaostrili naspäť so Slovom, my sa zaostrujeme mimo neho, a vidíte, „No, nechajte ich robiť to, čo oni vidia.“ Vidíte, takto, práve tým spôsobom, potom. V poriadku.

88No, nachádzame, že to láme obecenstvo domácností. Láme to obecenstvo cirkví. Láme to obecenstvo národov, tá istá vec.

89Národy sa chcú dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. Nemecko sa chce dívať svojím vlastným spôsobom. Rusko sa chce dívať svojím spôsobom. Amerika sa chce dívať svojím spôsobom. Vidíte? Potom vidíte, to je to. To je duch tých národov. Nájdete to všade, kdekoľvek idete, nájdete národného ducha. Išiel som tam a oni majú rôzne spôsoby. Je to divné. Ak by som mal čas, ja by som len preskočil cez niektoré tie národy a ukázal vám to.

90Keď idete do Nemecka, nájdete vojenského ducha. Všetko je vojenské. Musíte rovno stáť, rovno chodiť, zabočiť na rohoch a všetko také. To je vojenské.

91Idete do Francúzska, nájdete nemorálneho ducha, len ženy a víno a likér a takéto veci. Vidíte?

92Idete do Fínska, nájdete verného ducha, milého ducha, všetko je čestné. „Musíme za všetko platiť.“ Vidíte? Musí to tak byť. To jednoducho tak musí byť. Bez ohľadu na to, ako ťažko oni musia pracovať, bez ohľadu na to čo to stojí, to musí byť tak.

93Idete do Ameriky, nájdete veľké, „Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!“ To je to, čo to je. Áno. To je americký duch. Niekto v rádiu vraví špinavý vtip a každý sa na tom smeje. Ernie Ford, alebo niektorí z nich, hovoria tie svoje „ohromné“ vtipy, viete, všade, Arthur Godfrey a taká skupina, vidíte, to je americký duch. Nájdete to, že je to tak.

94A potom tie duchy sú žiarlivé na iného ducha. A čo ony robia? Ony zapríčiňujú vojnu. Je to tak.

95No vidíte, každý národ je kontrolovaný satanom. Biblia tak povedala. On je bohom národov. Satan zobral Ježiša na vrchol hory a povedal... ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá, ktoré boli na svete, všetky kráľovstvá, v okamihu. Povedal, „Ony sú moje. Ja s nimi robím čokoľvek, čo chcem.“ Povedal, „Dám Ti ich, ak sa mi pokloníš.“

96Ježiš povedal, „Odíď satan.“ On vedel, že sa stane ich dedičom v Miléniu. Vidíte? Tak, on sa mu nemusel pokloniť. On vedel, že ony...

97No, keď Boh prichádza znova a berie, tvorí tu Svoje kráľovstvo, vidíte, tam nebudú žiadne rozdielne druhy duchov; nemecký duch a francúzsky duch a nórsky duch a americký duch. Tam to nebude. To bude jeden Duch, amen, Duch Boží žijúci v každom srdci. Je to tak. A tam bude jedna zástava, jeden národ, jeden ľud, bratstvo, Otcovstvo Boha a bratstvo ľudí. Synovstvo! Áno.

98Potom to nachádzame, pretože ľudia toto robia a zapríčiňujú tieto veľké zmätky a tak ďalej... No, vidíte, tak dlho ako to satan ovláda, budú vojny a problémy, a vojna. Ježiš povedal v svätom Jánovi... Svätom Matúšovi 24, povedal, „Budete počuť o vojnách a chýry o vojnách, a vojnách a vojne.“ Prečo? Pretože to knieža zeme, satan, moc národov... Národný duch tu, národný duch tam. To sú diabli. Oni nemôžu zniesť jeden druhého. Vidíte?

99Zobrali ste niekedy nejakú skupinu tam hore u Eskimákov, kde my chodíme na psom záprahu, severná Aljaška, a cestou hore dookola v severozápadnej oblasti? Keď ten sprievodca uväzoval tých psov, ktorí sa volajú Husky... A on uviazal jedného tu a jedného tam a jedného na opačnej strane.

Povedal som, „Prečo to robíš?“

100Povedal, „Oni sú tak plní diabla, že by zabili jeden druhého.“ Vidíte? Jednoducho by zabili, to je všetko, o čom oni rozmýšľajú.

101No, to je diabol, vidíte. On je vrah. On, on len, národ len... Dokonca diabli bojujú proti diablom. Vidíte? Vidíte, oni jednoducho bojujú jeden proti druhému.

Ale Boh je úplná láska, rozumiete, tak vy nemôžete robiť nič, len milovať jeden druhého.

102Tak vidíte, celý ten princíp sa zakladá rovno znovu naspäť na tých duchoch, rovno naspäť ku počiatku. Genesis je kapitola semien. A to produkuje všetko, potom, čo máme dnes na zemi.

103Tak, my máme vojny a víťazstvá, veľké víťazstvá. Jeden národ príde a pobije ten druhý, poviete, „Sláva! Zvíťazili sme. Pobili sme ich.“ A potom, tá prvá vec, viete, oni sa stanú priateľmi a potrasú si rukami a obchodujú jeden s druhým.

104A po chvíli, je to ďalší prezident, alebo príde ďalší kráľ, alebo ďalší vládca, iný systém. A prvá vec, viete, tu oni sú, ich vnuci sú tu nazad so zbraňami, bojujú znova jeden proti druhému. „Vojny a chýry o vojnách.“ A títo ďalší porazia tých druhých, „Teraz ty budeš slúžiť mne, vieš to. Ja som víťaz, a ty si mimo, a tak ďalej.“ Ty len...

105Ako som raz počul jednu poznámku, „Boh učinil človeka a človek učinil otrokov.“ Boh neučinil človeka, aby vládol jeden nad druhým. Boh učinil ľudí, aby boli bratmi, je to tak, aby boli bratmi, nie aby vládol jeden nad druhým. Žiadnu nadradenú rasu, žiaden nadradený národ, žiaden nadradený jazyk. My máme jeden jazyk, nebeský. Vidíte? Je to tak. Máme jedno bratstvo: to je človek. To je človek, bez ohľadu na to kým on je.

106Prečo by sme mali bojovať a zabíjať jeden druhého? Ale oni to robia. Potom niekedy, nejaký dobrý národ, alebo národ, ktorý ma v sebe nejaký systém, pokúša sa robiť to, čo je správne, a bojuje za svoje práva, potom nejaký zlý národ príde, aby bol nad ním. A potom oni prevezmú moc, a tento národ sa stane takým. A potom nazad a vpred, jednoducho sa to mení, nazad a vpred.

107Tie národy mali mnoho, mnoho veľkých národných víťazstiev, o ktoré sa oni pokúšali, ako sa snažili bojovať za svoju slobodu, a za to, čo oni držali ako svoje vlastné. A čo oni majú? Tak dlho ako ich satan kontroluje, oni budú v tom boji pokračovať. Ale oni vybojovali mnoho veľkých víťazstiev, veľkých víťazstiev. Mohli by sme ísť naspäť, od samého začiatku, a ukázať, kde národ vládol nad národom, a oslavy veľkých víťazstiev, a tak ďalej.

108Ako v prvej svetovej vojne, keď sme mali prvú svetovú vojnu, keď mnohé z tých národov sa zišli a stretli sa na Nemeckej pôde. A kde Belgicko a rôzne iné národy bojovali pod rozdielnymi vlajkami, to sa volalo prvá svetová vojna. Tak ja...

109Sú tu dvaja bratia, ktorí tu sedia, alebo traja, možno štyria z vás, ktorí si to môžu pamätať. Ja si to pamätám. Mám päťdesiatštyri.

110A pamätám sa, ako malý chlapec, asi deväť, osem alebo deväť ročný, v 1914. Pozrime sa, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť. Mal som päť rokov, keď sa to prelomilo. Pamätám sa, keď oni povedali, že bude vojna. A môj tato mal asi dvadsaťdva, a mali ho poslať na vojnu. Ó, nemohol som na to myslieť, že by poslali môjho tata do vojny. On vyšiel na tú cestu. On bol na nejakom pružinovom voze. A on mal... A išiel dolu do toho skladu, ktorý bol niekoľko míľ nižšie od nás, a mal tam vrece s fazuľou. My... A tak ja som povedal... Zobral som tú fazuľu. Pomyslel som si, „Ak oni prídu a začnú nejakú vojnu, udriem ich týmto vrecom s fazuľou, ak oni prídu.“ Vidíte? Tak, oni boli.. Len tá myšlienka o vojne, že môj tato mal ísť na vojnu!

111No, tá trúba zaznela, a to „Kúpte si svoje dlhopisy,“ a tak ďalej.

112A ako si to všetci dobre pamätáme, „Pôjdeme tam a budeme mať túto svetovú vojnu a vybavíme to. A potom sa oni zorganizujú.“ Oni zorganizovali to, čo nazvali Ligou Národov. „A potom bude mier, Večný mier. To je všetko. Už nikdy žiadna vojna.“

113Len počas krátkych dvadsiatich rokoch sme boli v nej znova rovno nazad, práve tak tvrdej ako vždy, v ďalšej svetovej vojne. Vidíte? Vojny! Prečo? To je nenásytnosť, žiarlivosť. Vidíte? Hneď ako Kaiser Wilhelm opustil Nemecko, prišiel potom nejaký človek menom Adolf Hitler, Rakúšan, a rozptýlil mysle tých ľudí, čo bolo inšpirované démonom, že by oni mohli dobiť svet. A oni, tam ste boli vy. Vidíte? To je diabol proti diablovi, znova, vidíte, takto. A nevinné osoby z tých národov, ktoré, oni len vedú jeden druhého do vojny, do vojny, do vojny. A tak to bolo po celý čas.

114No, zisťujeme, potom ďalšia vec, viete, prišla ďalšia vojna. Tak znova, celý svet išiel znova do vojny s lepšími prostriedkami a lepšími lietadlami a väčšími bombami. A oni bojovali a krvácali a zomierali a hladovali a mrzli a všetko ďalšie. Vojna, vojna, vojna!

115Potom prišiel deň, ktorý voláme deň „V“. To je to, odkiaľ som vzal tento text, deň „V“, deň Víťazstva. To bol deň, v ktorom oni obdržali víťazstvo a kde armády obdržali víťazstvo nad inými armádami, deň „V“. No, bol deň „D“ a potom tam bol deň „V“. Deň „D“ bol, keď oni išli do boja. Deň „V“ bol vtedy, keď bol podpísaný mier, keď Nemecko a ten zvyšok tých spojeneckých národov a všetci sa vzdali tým druhým národom.

116A čo sme my urobili? V tom dni „V“ sme spievali piesne. Vykrikovali sme. Vyhadzovali sme svoje klobúky do vzduchu. Strieľali sme puškami do vzduchu. Kričali sme. Pískali sme na píšťaly. Bubnovali sme na bubny. Hrali sme piesne. Búchali sme jeden druhého do chrbta. Čo to bolo? To bolo víťazstvo. Ó, mali sme víťazstvo. Ako tí... Prečo, cítili sme, „My sme vyhrali. Vyhrali sme.“ Zástava stúpala hore a trúbky trúbili a ó, aký čas sme mali! Víťazstvo, víťazstvo, víťazstvo! Vyhrali sme.“

117A to bola veľká vec. To prinieslo pokoj kresťanským národom, takzvaným. A my sme mali čas sa trochu nadýchnuť. Niektorí z tých chlapcov, ktorí zostali živí, sa vrátili naspäť a tak ďalej. Ale bolo mnoho veľkých, takýchto dní, mnohé a veľké vojny.

118Ale viete, po celý čas, tam kde bojovali takým druhom boja, boli tiež Boží veriaci ľudia, ktorí tiež mali veľké dni „V“. Ó, áno! Boli tam na oboch stranách, kde tie ďalekohľady zaostrovali a išli na tú telesnú stranu s dňami „V“; a tiež kde zaostrovali do Slova v Písme, a to niekedy prináša iné dni „V“.

119Mali sme mnoho z tých veľkých bojov proti nášmu nepriateľovi. A Boh tu mal veľkých mužov, ktorí stáli na fronte, ktorí boli schopní zajať skrze Ducha Božieho mysle ľudí, a uvrhnúť ich do Kráľovstva Božieho a vyjsť víťazne.

120Bojujeme o to každý deň. Každý kresťan bojuje nejaký boj, každý deň. Sme v boji práve teraz, ktorý v nás stále prebieha, medzi dobrým a zlým. „Prijmeme To? Čo urobíme? Pokloníme sa tomu svetu? Vzdáme sa tejto myšlienky, ktorú máme?

121Ak to vidíme, zaostrujeme to. Vezmite to od Genesis do Zjavenia. Ona je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, zakaždým, rovno tam. Nemôžeme To vzdať. Nemôžeme robiť kompromisy s tým zvyškom toho. Jednoducho to nemôžeme robiť. Musíme zostať tu. To je všetko. Bez ohľadu na to, aký veľký je nepriateľ a akú veľkú mašinériu má proti nám, a koľko má organizácií, a koľko toho a toho alebo niečoho iného. My sme jednako pootočili toto zaostrenie Božieho Slova, až sme našli, že tam je jedna vec a to je Krv Ježiša Krista. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

122Preto to nerobí žiaden rozdiel bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí. Oni hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je niečo také ako Božské uzdravovanie. Nie je žiaden krst Duchom Svätým. A krst na Meno Ježiša Krista, to bolo len pre učeníkov.“ A všetky tieto veci, oni sa ich pokúšajú z toho rozostriť. Stále, ono sa to zaostruje rovno naspäť do Slova, a nikto nemôže povedať, že to tam nie je. Je to tak.

123Tak, my sme v boji. A Boží hrdinovia majú vždy boj.

124A ty, malá cirkev, pamätajte si to tu, vy ste časťou tej jednotky. Vy ste základňou, ktorá je tu. Aby ste vedeli, čo je základňa. Mali by ste to vedieť skrze to, že niečo je z toho rovno tu skrze vás. Tak, vy ste tu základňou, na mieste, aby ste držali zástavy, aby ste robili to, čo je správne, aby ste stále prehlasovali, že Ježiš Kristus je jedinou nádejou sveta; nie Metodistická cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, Presbyteriánska myšlienka, Katolícka alebo Židovská, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť; rasa, klan, alebo farba. To nie je to. To je Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte? On je Tým. On je náš Víťaz. On je Tým. On je ten Hlavný Kapitán toho hnutia. Toto sú jeho príkazy. My musíme vykonať príkazy. Ako by ste kedy mohli...

125Niektorí z vás chlapcov ste slúžili vo vojne. Ako by ste kedy mohli... Ten kapitán dá rozkaz a vy by ste sa otočili a robili niečo opačne, prečo, vy by ste priviedli do zmätku celú armádu. Je to tak. Vy to uvrhnete do vzbury. Musíte vykonať rozkazy. Ten jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť, je zamerať sa na to, a uvidieť ten význam, o čom to všetko je. No dobre.

126Mali sme veľa veľkých bojov, duchovných bojov. Mnoho veľkých dňov „V“, ktoré mala cirkev; mám na mysli tú cirkev, telo Kristovo. Nehovorím teraz o systéme organizácie. Hovorím o tele Kristovom. To telo veriacich, dolu počas tých vekov, ktoré malo veľa veľkých dní „V“.

127My hovoríme o tom, že sme mali niekoľko vojen, vojen a chýrov o vojnách a dní „V“ a dní „V“ a dní „V“. A to sa nakoniec zakončí v tom veľkom boji Armagedon. To bude ten posledný z toho. Keď ona príde do boja Armagedon, to vybaví celú tú vec. Práve pred veľkým Miléniom, Armagedon vyčistí tú zem. Ona sa znova očisťuje s týmto atómovým výbuchom a vulkanický prach a tá vec pohltí túto nasiaknutú krv ľudí a na zemi, a hriech a zločin. Ona sa prepadne pod zem a ten vulkán to znovu rozotrie a obnoví a očistí zem pre veľké Milénium. On očisťuje Svoju cirkev v tom čase pre ľudí, aby tu žili. Amen. Poviem, že to mám rád. Tak veru. Prichádza čas, keď to bude veľké.

128No, veľké dni „V“, rozmýšľame o tom čase. Poďme len nazad. Máme teraz zopár minút, aby sme rozmýšľali o tých bojovníkoch. Poďme nazad a rozmýšľajme o jednom z tých... Mohli by sme ísť cestou nazad. Ale poďme len nazad až ku Mojžišovi. Mojžiš mal taký čas, že išiel do veľkého boja, pretože cirkev sama v sebe mala dlho zabudnuté víťazstvo.

129To je to, čo sa deje s cirkvou dnes. My sme príliš dlho zabúdali, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Zabudli sme, že Boh je Uzdraviteľ, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorého. Zabudli sme, že krst Duchom Svätým bol vyliaty na učeníkov a je dávaný z generácie na generáciu, pre každého, ktokoľvek by mohol prísť. My sme to dávno, dávno zabudli.

130Tak zabudol Izrael. Oni sa uspokojili dolu v Egypte a stali sa otrokmi.

131A teraz tu bol Mojžiš, ktorý ide dolu, vo svojej vlastnej intelektuálnej záležitosti, ku intelektuálnemu úspechu, aby sa pokúsil, a pod vojenskou silou vyviedol Izrael a zlyhal pri tom.

132Ale len Slovo od Boha, na zadnej strane púšte priviedlo znova celú tú vec do varu. Čo sa stalo Mojžišovi? On zaostril svoj ďalekohľad. To nebol jediný Boží zámer, aby sa tam oženil s týmto krásnym tmavým Etiópskym dievčaťom a aby sa usadil a mal deti a pásol ovce svojho svokra. Ale jeho misiou bolo vyslobodiť deti Božie zpod toho otroctva. To bolo jeho poverenie. To bolo to, kvôli čomu sa on narodil.

133A každý jeden z nás sa pre niečo narodil. Nie sme tu postavení pre nič za nič. To sa nikdy nestalo, aby ten vrch tam len tak bol. Ten strom tam bol umiestnený za nejakým účelom. Všetko je za nejakým účelom. To musí slúžiť. A my sme tu za nejakým účelom. Možno to je vydať svedectvo jednej osobe a aby ona bola spasená, a môže z neho byť kazateľ, ktorý pošle milión duší ku Kristovi.

134Pozrite na obrátenie Dwighta Moodyho a mnohých ďalších. Vidíte? Len jedna malá žena s... Malá žena, ktorá bola práčkou, s posolstvom na jej srdci, aby urobila niečo pre Boha, a ona prenajala starú maštaľ a primäla nejakého kazateľa, aby prišiel dolu a kázal. A nikto okrem jedného mladého chlapca s jeho spustenými vlasmi na krku, s trakmi jeho otca, išiel tam a kľakol dolu pri oltári toho večera. Dwight Moody, ktorý poslal pol milióna duší ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? Tá žena mala niečo do vykonania. Ona... To bolo za nejakým účelom. Ona bola stvorená, aby bola práčkou za nejakým účelom.

135Nepohŕdajte tým, kde vás Boh má. Ale slúžte svojmu účelu. Prichádza veľký deň Víťazstva, v jednom z týchto dní, kde sa ten boj zakončí.

136No všimnite si. Mojžiš išiel tam dolu po tom, čo zaostril svoj ďalekohľad a uvidel, že to bol Boží program, ktorý mal on vykonať. On išiel tam dolu. On tvrdo bojoval. Mal veľa veľkých bojov. Ale jeden z jeho veľkých bojov, ktoré zakúsil, rád by som o tom povedal. Keď on dosiahol, skrze ukázanie znakov a divov, skrze rôzne veci, ktoré mu Boh ukázal, aby hovoril Slovo, a to aby sa zmaterializovalo a uskutočnilo.

137Tú istú vec máme dnes, vypovedať Slovo nad chorými, [brat Branham luskol prstom — pozn.prekl.] a pozorovať to uzdravenie a robiť tieto ďalšie veci, ktoré Božie Slovo vypovedalo skrze ľudské ústa. „Poviete tomuto vrchu, ´Pohni sa,´ a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane, môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“ Ježiš tak povedal. No, my to veríme a držíme sa toho, a veríme tomu.

138A teraz, Mojžiš to vykonal. A prišiel tam dolu a Boh potvrdil, že je s ním. Ale potom, čo ho celkom dostal, Boh...

139Zdá sa, že kresťanský život, ak človek nie je absolútne sústredený na Krista, kresťanský život, zdá sa, že je v tom tak veľa sklamaní. Ale tie sklamania sú Božou vôľou, ktorá sa deje pre nás. No, to sa nezdá, že by to tak bolo, ale to je ten spôsob, ktorým Boh činí veci. On necháva, že narazíme na rieku, aby videl, čo spravíme.

140Mojžiš viedol deti Izraela rovno na ceste ich povinností a Faraónova armáda bola za ním, a prach kypel od polmiliónovej armády. A tu boli dva milióny bezradných Židov, ktorí nemali nič, stáli tam, muži, ženy, deti a tak ďalej. A to Červené more ho odseklo. To Mŕtve more ho odseklo. On... Nebolo tam miesta, kde ísť. Vidíte? Ale Mojžiš mal deň „V“, potom, ako sa premodlil. On išiel, začal kričať ku Pánovi.

141A Pán povedal, „Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Poveril som ťa, aby si to urobil. Hovor ku tým deťom, aby išli ďalej v línii svojich povinností.“ Amen. Tu to máte. „Nekrič ku Mne. Si poverený, aby si previedol tých ľudí na druhú stranu. Len hovor ku nim, aby išli napred, stoj rovno na ceste povinnosti.“ Amen.

142Aké povzbudenie by to malo byť pre chorú osobu! Aké povzbudenie by to malo byť pre odpadlíka! Obráťte sa a začnite znova. Stojte v línii svojich povinností. To je Božia záležitosť, aby otvoril Červené More. To je Božia práca. Ty len prehovor a pohnite sa napred. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť.

143 A Mojžiš, ten veľký deň „V“, bol tam dolu pri tom mori. Ó, aký deň „V“ to bol pre Mojžiša, pre deti Izraela, ktoré poslúchli hlas svojho proroka, keď oni prehovorili a išli napred. Mojžiš povedal, „Videli ste už desať zázrakov a stále pochybujete.“ A on začal kráčať ku tomu moru s palicou vo svojej ruke. A Boh poslal cez noc vietor a odfúkol to more z jednej strany na druhú, a oni prešli po suchej zemi, deň „V“.

144Pozrite sa sem. Oni zastali, dokonca náš dnešný text hovorí, že, „Oni zastali a spievali pieseň Mojžišovu, na mori zo skla, ktoré bolo zmiešané s ohňom.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Oni spievali. A Mojžiš, keď on prešiel na druhú stranu, a on nevedel čo robiť. A on prešiel... Tu prichádza Faraónova armáda, snažiac sa napodobniť tú vec, ktorú on urobil. Telesné porovnávanie! A čo sa stalo? To more sa zatvorilo a utopilo ich, každého jedného. A on videl tých mŕtvych pohoničov.

145Miriam vzala tamburínu a išla po pobreží, hrala na túto tamburínu. A dcéry Izraela ju nasledovali, pokrikovali a hrali na tamburíny a tancovali. A Mojžiš spieval v Duchu. Ak to nie je starodávne zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého, tak som nikdy žiadne nevidel. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

146“Tých Egypťanov, na ktorých sa dnes dívate, nikdy viac ich už neuvidíte.” Amen. Čo za deň! Je s tým koniec.

147Jedného dňa príde iný deň „V“, tiež pre Kresťana. Je to tak.

148Všimnite si, Józua mal tiež deň „V“ pri tej rieke. Józua mal deň „V“ pri Jerichu. Iste, že mal. Tam, kde on prechádzal, on mal deň „V“ najprv pri tej rieke. Tam je on v mesiaci apríl, Jordán bol zrejme míľu široký, pretože tam na horách sa topil sneh. A tá rieka sa tiahla po tých planinách.

149A bezpochyby ten nepriateľ povedal, “Nuž, Boh je naozaj Generálom, či nie? Vedie Svoju armádu rovno sem v jarnom čase, keď je rieka vo svojom najhoršom stave, keď je najhorší čas prejsť cez ňu, a potom sem vedie Svoju armádu a prevádza ich na druhú stranu.” Nie.

150Boh dovoľuje, aby sa stali sklamania, aby ukázal víťazstvo. Ó, ak by sme to len mohli vidieť! Vidíte? Vy by ste len videli, že tieto veci, ktoré sa zdajú byť také pichľavé pre vás, a ktoré vás rozčuľujú, že to sú skúšky. To sú veci na zastavenie, aby ste zaostrili svoj ďalekohľad na Slovo Božie. A aby ste vypovedali Slovo a potom kráčali napred. To je všetko, čo s tým treba urobiť.

151My sa dostávame do času, keď hovoríme, “Bože, ja neviem, čo robiť. Ja som proti tomu.”

152Vypovedz to slovo, “Pane, ja verím.” A len začni kráčať napred. Boh otvára to more. Ty len kráčaj ďalej. Rozumiete?

153No, nachádzame, že Józua, rovno v tom čase, on sa modlil. A Pán mu povedal, čo sa stane. A on mal deň „V“. On premohol. Potom, keď on premohol tú rieku a dostal sa na druhú stranu, čo on urobil?

154On položil tú archu, v ktorej bolo to Slovo. On to položil ako prvé. Potom speváci, a tak ďalej, išli za tým. Ale archa išla napred ako prvá.

155Keď Izrael išiel do boja, tá prvá vec, ktorá išla, boli speváci. A speváci vyšli a spievali. Potom oni trúbili na trúby a tak ďalej. Potom sa pohla archa. Potom, keď sa archa pohla, potom oni tú archu položili a ten boj sa začal.

156Všimnite si. Ale teraz, v tomto, keď Jozua vzal najprv Slovo a umiestnil najprv Slovo, on to prešiel.

157A Boh mu povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou. Nesklamem ťa. Budem s tebou. Nikto pred tebou neobstojí po všetky dni tvojho života. Ja budem rovno tam. Neboj sa toho, čo sa má stať. Ja budem rovno tam.“ Potom čo s takýmto poverením, čo iné mohol Józua urobiť, ak nie položiť Slovo ako prvé. A to priviedlo deň „V“. Ó, to muselo prísť. To je všetko.

158On najprv položil Slovo a čo sa stalo? Najprv išla do vody archa. Keď sa toto udialo, to more sa otvorilo, skôr tá rieka, a oni prešli na druhú stranu.

159Potom čo on urobil, potom ako sa dostal tam na druhú stranu? Čo bola tá ďalšia vec, ktorá sa stala, keď sa on dostal na druhú stranu? Potom on zistil, že oni všetci sa opevnili, pretože sa ho báli, keď prešiel na druhú stranu.

160Ale on jedného dňa stretol toho Hlavného Kapitána. A mal ďalší deň „V“. On mu presne povedal, čo má robiť, a múry Jericha spadli. Ako to on urobí?

161Ten telesný človek sa tam díva cez ten ďalekohľad a hovorí, „Nuž tu, Ty si ma priviedol sem a tu som. Pozri sa na tú opozíciu. No, oni sú všetci vo vnútri so svojimi prakmi. Ak sa priblížime ku tým múrom, beda nám. Oni tam majú naukladané kamene a tie veľké praky. Oni majú luky. Majú tam všetko. A oni len...“ Ale vidíte, Józua umiestnil Boha najprv. A keď to urobil...

162To nie je na tom, ako vy sa tam dostanete. To je na Bohu. Len sa hýbte napred, nasledujte Slovo.

163On povedal, „Pochodujte dookola sedem dní. A na siedmy deň pochodujte sedem krát. Na... Pri tom poslednom obchádzaní trúbte na trúbu.“ Boh má miesto, z ktorého berie preč to telesné. A to duchovné tam vošlo a tie múry padli. A oni tam rovno išli a zabrali tú vec. Tak veru. Boh mal vtedy deň „V“.

164Abrahám mal deň „V“, potom ako mal tak dlho zasľúbené dieťa, Boh ho testoval kvôli jeho láske a vernosti; ktorého sme semenom, ak veríme Bohu.

165A Abrahám mal deň „V“. Kedy to bolo? Toho dňa, v ktorom opustil zem planín Šineára? Nie celkom. On prešiel na druhú stranu, je to tak, Eufrates, a prešiel na tú druhú stranu, aby tam putoval. To bol dobrý deň. To bolo stále tak trochu...

166Ale jeho hlavný deň „V“ bol na vrchu Jireh, keď on tam vyšiel toho dňa, keď mu Boh dáva ten záverečný test. Keď on mal svojho jediného syna. Povedal, „No, Abrahám, vezmi ho tam na ten vrch a obetuj ho ako obeť. Ja som ťa učinil otcom národov. Tu je tá jediná vec, ktorú ty máš, aby som ťa učinil 'otcom národov', je skrze tohto syna. Chcem, aby si ho zabil.“ Ó, vidíte to? „Znič všetko. Znič ten samotný zámer. Tu stojíš, Abrahám, máš teraz asi stoštrnásť, stopätnásť rokov. A dvadsaťpäť rokov si čakal na to dieťa. A teraz ten chlapec má pätnásť alebo šestnásť rokov. A Ja chcem, aby si ho zobral a zabil ho, tak aby som ťa mohol učiniť otcom národov.“ Ó! Áno.

167Abrahám sa nikdy nepohol. On sa nezachvel nad Slovom Božím. Povedal, „Áno, Pane. Tu ja idem.“ Nazbieral drevo a zobral Izáka rovno na vrch tej hory, presne v poslušnosti. Prečo? On postavil prikázanie Božie na prvé miesto. Ako on bude otcom národov, keď má len jedného syna a teraz už má vyše sto rokov? Ako to on dokáže? Pretože, toto, on povedal, „Ja...“ On si uvedomil, že ak Boh bol schopný mu dať Izáka ako jedného z mŕtvych, On ho tiež mohol znovu vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.

168Tak priatelia, ten Boh, ktorý nás vzkriesil z vecí toho sveta a z porušenia toho sveta, či nám nemôže oveľa viac dať večný život a umiestniť nás v zemi, kde nie je žiadna smrť? Vidíte? My sa dívame na tieto malé skúšky a myslíme si, že ony sú niečím. Ony nie sú ničím, len malými časmi testovania. Vidíte? Boh testoval Abraháma, ale kedy on mal svoj deň „V“, to bolo, keď on išiel tam hore v poslušnosti Slovu.

169Ako oni vravia dnes, „Ja viem.“ Počul som pred chvíľou jedného kazateľa čítať Skutky 2:38, ale on to minul, vidíte. On povedal, „A Peter povedal, že oni musia byť pokrstení, a potom príjmu Svätého Ducha,“ zlyhal v tom, aby čítal ten zvyšok Toho. Prečo? Vidíte, organizácie bojujú proti tej samotnej Veci. No, rozumiete tomu? Vidíte? Prečo to robíte? Čo spôsobuje, že obchádzate tieto Veci?

170Ak Biblia To hovorí, aby ste To čítali práve tým spôsobom, ktorým To ona hovorí, a aby ste hovorili tú istú vec, ktorú hovorí Biblia. To je vtedy, keď máte správne zaostrené, vidíte, choďte naspäť do toho, čo povedalo Slovo.

171Tak my zisťujeme, že oni majú svoj... vy ste mimo toho zaostrenia tam.

172No, Abrahám mal správne zaostrené, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja ťa učiním otcom národov,“ keď on mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov a Sára šesťdesiatpäť.

173A on veril Bohu. Čo on urobil? On zaostril na to, čo bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On kráčal deň za dňom. Rok za rokom, on kráčal, vyznávajúc, „Všetko, čo je v protiklade ku Tomu, nie je správne. Nie veru. To musí byť tak. Boh tak povedal.“

174Predstavujem si niektorých z jeho nepriateľov, ako chodia okolo a hovoria, „Otče národov, koľko máš teraz detí?“

175„To nerobí žiaden rozdiel, koľko ich teraz mám. Ja som otec národov. To je všetko.“

„Ako to vieš?“

176 „Boh tak povedal. Tým je to vybavené. To je všetko. Boh to povedal, a tým je to vybavené.“

177Tak Abrahám išiel ďalej. A nakoniec prišiel do toho... potom, vidíte, súc verný; vernejší, viac vyskúšaný. Vidíte? Tak, On ho priviedol rovno nazad.

178No, pamätajte. Keď.. Boh vás počíta za hodných, keď prechádzate skúškou, to ukazuje, že milosť Božia našla, že vy ste našli záľubu u Boha a Boh verí, že vy obstojíte v tom teste. Pamätáte sa, že On urobil tú istú vec cez Jóba.

179Satan povedal, „Ó, áno, videl som Jóba tam dolu.“ Povedal, „On nie je...“

180Boh povedal, „On je dokonalý služobník. Na zemi nie je nikto ako on. Nie je nikto taký ako Jób. On je dokonalý muž. No, on je Moja pýcha a radosť.“

181Satan povedal, „Ó, iste. On dostáva všetko, o čo prosí.“ Povedal, „Dovoľ mi ho raz mať.“ A povedal, „Ja, ja spôsobím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do Tvojej tváre.“ Povedal, „Ja len spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť.“

182Boh povedal, „Je v tvojich rukách, ale nevezmi jeho život.“ Vidíte? Boh mal dôveru v Jóba. Amen.

183Keď to vyzerá, že všetko ide zle, Boh ti dáva skúšku. On má v tebe dôveru. On ťa nemusí rozmaznávať. Ty nie si skleníková rastlina, hybrid. Ty si skutočným Kresťanom. Boh ti dáva test, aby videl, čo ohľadom toho urobíš. Amen. Niet divu, že Peter povedal, „Tieto skúšky ohňom, považujte si to za radosť. Je to pre vás vzácnejšie než zlato.“

184A veľakrát my mrmleme a sme uplakaní, „Ó, dobre, ak ja len...“ No, dobre, to je niečo, čo ti dáva Boh, aby si to premohol. On vie, že to urobíš. On do teba položil Svoju dôveru.

185A On veril Abrahámovi... Skôr, Abrahám veril Bohu. A Boh povedal, bezpochyby, povedal satanovi, „Môžem ti dokázať, že on Ma miluje.“ Povedal, „Ja som... On verí tomu zasľúbeniu, pretože Ja som mu to povedal.“ Tak on zobral svojho vlastného syna hore na vrch tej hory, zviazal jeho ruky za chrbtom toho dňa, ktorého Boh tak povedal.

186Malý Izák mal podozrenie, viete. On povedal, Genesis 22, on povedal, „Otče?“

On povedal, „Tu som, môj synu.“

187On povedal, „Tu je drevo a tu je oltár a všetko. Ale kde je baránok, vidíte, na obeť? On sa začal cítiť trochu smiešne. „O čom toto všetko je? My sme niečo vynechali.“

188To nerobí žiaden rozdiel, čo si vy myslíte, že ste vynechali. Vy ste vynechali to obecenstvo so všetkým ďalším. „No, vy musíte mať svoje kartové večierky. Vy musíte robiť toto. Vy si musíte trochu vypiť. Vy ste to vynechali.“ Vy ste nič nevynechali. Choďte napred, poslúchajte Slovo. Vidíte? To je všetko, len poslúchajte Slovo. Vy ste nič nevynechali. Len poslúchajte Slovo.

189On povedal, „Boh povedal, ´Zober ho sem,´ a on by... Poď sem na vrch tejto hory. Odo Mňa sa očakáva, aby som niečo urobil. Keď sa tam dostanem, ja to urobím.“

190Tak on tam vyšiel a zviazal jeho ruky a položil ho na oltár, takto. Izák nikdy nešomral; poslušný, vidíte, typ na Krista. Potom, keď on vytiahol nôž zo svojho púzdra a vyhrnul si vlasy zo svojej tváre dozadu, aby vzal jeho život, to bol Abrahámov deň „V“; ó, keď on, testovaný do samej krajnosti, jeho jediného syna.

191Tak, ak ste len duchovní, zoberte to do testu, keď Boh dal Svojho Vlastného, vidíte, deň „V“, ktorého On miloval. Boh tak miloval Adamovu upadnutú rasu! Dostaneme sa trochu do toho.

192Všimnite si, deň „V“, Abrahámov deň „V“ bol na vrchu Jireh, kde Pán pre neho pripravil obeť namiesto jeho syna. Láska, vidíte, láska. Toho dňa Abrahám dokázal Bohu, bez tieňa pochybnosti, svoju vernosť. Abrahám dokázal Bohu svoju vieru v Neho, pretože on povedal, „Tohoto chlapca som dostal, keď som mal sto rokov, skrze to, že som veril zasľúbeniu. A On mi povedal, že ja som otcom národov. Ak On odo mňa žiada, aby som vzal jeho život. Boh je schopný ho vzbudiť z mŕtvych.“ Fjú! Ó! To by malo spraviť, že Presbyterián zakričí, či nie? Vidíte? „Ako mi On dal to zasľúbenie, a On mi teraz ukázal dôkaz toho. Amen. On mi to potvrdil, že On dodržuje Svoje Slovo.“

193No, kde nás On dostal? Z akej špiny ma On dostal? Z čoho ste vyšli vy? Kde sú naše myšlienky dnes ráno? Ako On dokázal, že je medzi nami? Nie je žiadna pochybnosť ohľadom toho. Amen. A náš deň „V“ je istý. Musíme ho mať. Vidíte? On to potvrdil.

194Abrahám hovorí, „On mi to potvrdil. Nemal som deti. Bol som starým mužom. Bol som sterilný a lono mojej ženy bolo mŕtve. A my sme boli... Ona mala šesťdesiatpäť a ja som mal sedemdesiatpäť, ale Boh povedal, ´Ja mu dám dieťa cez ňu.´ To to vybavilo. To bolo všetko ohľadom toho.“ Abrahám hovorí, „Ja som tomu veril.“

195Potom ho Boh uvrhol do dvadsaťpäťročnej skúšky. To pre Abraháma nič neznamenalo. On z toho vyšiel silnejší než bol na začiatku, stále dával chválu Bohu. Bezpochyby, Boh sa pozrel dolu a povedal, „Ó, aký služobník!“

Povedal, satan povedal, „Ó, áno.“

Povedal, „On...“

196„Ale Ja dokážem, že on Ma miluje. Zober ho tam hore, na vrch toho kopca, znič ten samotný dôkaz. Vezmi ho tam hore.“

A Abrahám tam išiel, aby to urobil. Je to tak.

197A Abrahám, keď išiel zobrať život svojho dieťaťa, Duch Svätý chytil jeho ruku, povedal, „Abrahám, zastav svoju ruku. Ja viem, že Ma miluješ.“ Amen.

198To je ten druh osoby, ktorou ja chcem byť, milovať Boha bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje. „Zadrž svoju ruku.“ Dáva vám skúšku tam, kde to je dokonca proti vášmu vlastnému mysleniu. Ale, pokiaľ Slovo povedalo tak, robte to jednako. Vidíte?

199„Zadrž svoju ruku. Ja viem, že ty Ma miluješ, pretože si Mi neodoprel svojho jediného syna.“ Povedal, „Požehnanie, Ja ťa požehnám,“ povedal, „jeho semeno sa postaví v bráne nepriateľa, a on premôže.“ Ó! On premohol, tiež.

200Trochu neskôr, vezmeme to „semeno Abraháma“ tam. V poriadku. Čo spôsobilo...

201Pochybnosti opustili Abraháma. Keď on počul skutočné Slovo, pochybnosti odišli. Keď on videl Boha potvrdzovať to Slovo, pochybnosti odišli. Láska sa postavila na ich miesto. „Ja viem, že ty Ma miluješ Abrahám. Ty ani trochu vo Mňa nepochybuješ. Požiadal som ťa, aby si zničil ten samotný dôkaz, ktorý som ti dal. Dal som ti dôkaz, potom som ťa požiadal, aby si ho zničil. A ty ma tak miluješ, že držíš Moje Slovo bez ohľadu na to, čo to je.“ Amen. To bol skutočný deň „V“ pre Boha. Vidíte?

202Jákob raz mal deň „V“. On bol vystrašený z toho, že mal ísť späť ku svojmu bratovi, pretože vykonal zlo. Ale jednako ho Duch Svätý začal varovať v jeho srdci, „Vráť sa naspäť do svojej domoviny, odkiaľ si vyšiel. Vyšiel si z domoviny. Vykonal si tam zlo, tak Ja ťa posielam späť.“ A keď sa priblížil, dostal sa... Iste, pravdaže.

203To je to, kvôli čomu ide diabol za nami. Vidíte? To je to, prečo diabol ide po neveste, po cirkvi, tak, teraz sa to dostáva bližšie ku dňu V. Je to tak. Ona sa dostáva naozaj blízko. To je, keď ten nepriateľ robí to svoje najhoršie, aby ju naviedol na inú cestu. Biblia povedala, „Beda tej zemi, pretože diabol je ako revúci lev, v tých posledných dňoch, chodí dookola, aby zožral to, čo chce, vidíte. Beda im, tie prenasledovania a veci sa udejú.“ Držte sa rovno Toho. Nehýbte sa napravo ani naľavo. Stojte rovno so Slovom. Boh tak povedal. To vykoná tú vec.

204Jákob, ktorý túžil vo svojom srdci, všetko sa zdalo, že je zlé. On chcel ísť naspäť domov. Duch Svätý ho viedol. On dal sľub Bohu. Musel ísť do Bétela, aby zaplatil tie desiatky a tak. A tu, na svojej ceste späť, nachádza Ezava, svojho znepriateleného brata, ktorý bol práve na druhej strane rieky, ako čaká na neho s armádou. Tak, Jákob bol zbabelec, jednako mal požehnania Božie. Boh zasľúbil, že ho bude žehnať. On mal právo prvorodenstva. Amen.

205Čo za typ cirkvi dneška, s krstom Ducha Svätého, so zasľúbením Božieho Slova, aby sa vyplnilo, pretože vy sa stávate časťou Slova, to prvodenstvo.

206A Jákob mal to prvorodenstvo. Amen. On mal... Jeho brat sa o to nestaral. A on mal to prvorodenstvo, pretože jeho brat mu ho predal za zmes hustej polievky.

A tak tá svetová cirkev dneška predala svoje právo prvorodenstva.

207A vďaka Bohu, že my To máme. Áno. My to máme. Na čo by sme sa starali o zjednotenie cirkví a Ligu národov a všetky tieto ďalšie veci, pokiaľ máte to právo prvorodenstva?

208To, čo cirkev potrebuje spraviť, je urobiť tak, ako to Jákob urobil, modliť sa, až obdržíte deň „V“. A je to tak, Jákob mal zápasnícku spoločnosť. On zápasil po celú noc s Pánom, ale on povedal, „Nenechám Ťa odísť, kým nedosiahnem toto víťazstvo.“ A potom asi tak na svitaní, raz ráno, on mal deň „V“. On viac nekráčal tak isto. Ale na tejto strane, on bol veľký, silný, ustráchaný člen cirkvi. Ale na druhej strane bol malým, krívajúcim kňazom, alebo skôr kniežaťom; malým krívajúcim kniežaťom, s dostatočnou odvahou bojovať proti celej armáde.

Ezav povedal, „Ja ti zriadim armádu.“

On povedal, „Nepotrebujem ju.“ On mal deň „V“.

209My nepotrebujeme ich organizácie. Nepotrebujeme tie veci toho sveta. Nepotrebujeme sa zhodovať vo veciach toho sveta. My sme mali deň „V“. Jedného dňa sme zápasili, alebo jednej noci.

210Ó, ako si pamätám ten zápas, keď som musel zomrieť samému sebe. Ale tam nadišiel deň „V“, keď som obdržal to víťazstvo, potom sa Božie Slovo stalo jasným. Baptistická cirkev už neznamenala pre mňa viac než hociktorá iná cirkev. Je to tak. Ja som mal deň „V“. Božie Slovo má pravdu.

Dr.Davis povedal, „Staneš sa svätým povaľačom.“

Povedal som, „Svätý povaľač alebo nie svätý povaľač!“

211Hore, dolu tam v Green's Mill, bol som tam celú noc na modlitbe, až kým tam vošiel ten anjel Pánov v to ráno, to Svetlo. Povedal...Čo? Ja som sa snažil zbaviť tej samotnej veci, ktorú mi Boh dal, aby som s ňou bojoval, tie videnia, zatiaľ čo mi oni vraveli, že to bolo z diabla. Potom On prišiel, povedal mi, odkázal ma naspäť do Písem, „Nehovorili oni to isté o Synovi Božom, a tak ďalej? Mal som deň „V“. Nič viac mi nebolo treba hovoriť. Išiel som na polia a okolo a okolo sveta. Deň „V“!

212Vidíte, Jákob mal tento deň „V“. On zápasil celú noc. Ale keď začalo svitať, to bol pre neho deň „V“.

213Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá a veci! Hovorme o týchto veciach, žiadne miesto zastavenia, však že? Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá boli ohromné. Ceníme si každé jedno z nich. To boli všetko veľké víťazstvá. Veľké vojnové víťazstvá a veľké víťazstvá duchovných vojen a tak ďalej, to bolo ohromné. Ale, všimnite si, ani jedno z nich nebolo trváce. Vidíte? My máme veľké víťazstvo, dočasne. No, my len...

214Zisťujeme tu, pred nedávnom, keď sme išli do vojny s Japonskom. V našom vlastnom dome bola malá hračka. Niekto nám dal malú, och, takú ozdobu, viete, malú ako bábika. A to malo na sebe „Made in Japan.“ Ten človek to hodil na zem a rozlámal to. Vidíte? A vy ste mohli povedať „Made in Japan,“ oni by to vyhodili von. Alebo idú to desaťcentového obchodu, skupina Rikiov, viete. Nie je... Tam idú delikventi, do desaťcentového obchodu, aby si počínali chytro, vidíte, idú tam a dostanú veci z Japonska. Oni chceli ukázať svoju vernosť národu.

215A čo Bohu, vysmejú sa Mu do tváre? Vidíte? Ak to bolo pre nich tak ľahko bežať do desaťcentového obchodu a zaklopať na pult, a niečo také, pretože oni mali malé bábiky a bižutériu a takéto veci, vyrobené... vyrobené v Japonsku, pretože oni s ním boli vo vojne; a čo fajčenie cigariet a pitie a klamanie, kradnutie a takéto veci, vidíte, skutočnej armáde Božej? Vidíte? Oni chcú byť verní. A čo s našou vernosťou? Ak oni chcú za to niekoho uväzniť, aký to robí rozdiel, oni chcú byť verní národu, vlajke? Ale kresťan sa niekedy bojí hovoriť. Vidíte? To je ten dôvod, že my potrebujeme viac dní „V“, keď môžete poraziť samých seba. Vidíte? Nech vás porazí Boh mocou lásky.

216Všetky tieto veľké víťazstvá boli dočasné víťazstvá. Dokonca pre Mojžiša, Izrael išiel znova naspäť do otroctva. Stále, do a z neho, do a z neho, my to tam nachádzame. Mnoho hrdinov bojovalo ďalej a zomreli. Oni to stále robia vo vojnách, v tom telesnom zaostrení toho ďalekohľadu. Oni to robia v tom duchovnom. Hrdinovia bojujú a zomierajú. Ako by sme mohli ísť dolu cez to. Mám ich tu zapísaný celý rad, ako Daniela a tie Hebrejské deti a tých veľkých víťazov tam, ktorí vybojovali víťazstvá.

217Ale oni, neustále, nakoniec prišla jedna vec zvaná smrť, ktorá ich zobrala, vidíte, navzdory všetkému. Oni išli rovno napred, vidíte, stále bojovali, zomierali; bojovali, zomierali; vyhrávali víťazstvá, zomierali; vyhrávali víťazstvá, zomierali.

218Ale vidíte, po tom všetkom, človek nebol učinený na to, aby zomrel. Človek bol učinený na to, aby žil. A bez ohľadu na to, koľko úspechov dosiahol, on stále zomieral, stále tak isto. A on išiel do hrobu, oni ho pochovali a to to urovnalo. Oni tam označili jeho hrob náhrobným kameňom a jeho hrobku a to bol koniec toho. Smrť ho pohltila. Veľkého Mojžiša, veľkého Józuu, veľkých prorokov Biblie, takmer každého z nich, okrem asi dvoch alebo troch, my vieme, kde sú ich hroby, kde ich oni označili. Smrť ich pohltila a zobrala ich rovno ďalej. Vidíte?

219Ale jedného dňa, prišiel boj, zostúpil tam ten hlavný bojovník Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží. A tam bola Veľká noc. To bol skutočný deň „V“, potom čo Ježiš bojoval a premohol. On bojoval proti každému nepriateľovi, proti ktorému mal bojovať.

220Tá prvá vec, keď sa On narodil, narodil sa s nečistým menom, od začiatku, medzi ľuďmi, ako nelegitímne dieťa. On sa cez to prebojoval. „Mária, ktorá mala toto dieťa od Jozefa, bez toho, aby boli zobratí.“ On prišiel medzi tie deti s určitým menom. Ale vo Svojom srdci On vedel, že bol Synom Božím. Vidíte? On sa cez to prebojoval.

221On prichádza ku tomu dňu, kde On robí Svoje rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, čo urobí, potom čo prijal Ducha Svätého.

222On prišiel do toho dňa, kde Ho satan vzal na vrch a ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta a povedal, „Ja ťa teraz učiním kráľom. Ty vravíš, že Si Syn Boží a že máš moc. Ja Ťa učiním Vládcom všetkých národov,“ to je to čím sa snaží byť antikrist dnes. Ale tam bol deň „V“. On sa rovno cez to prebojoval. Povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží...“

223Prišiel čas, keď On bol vyzvaný Slovom. „Ak Si Syn Boží, prikáž aby sa tieto kamene stali chlebom. Vidíte? A Ty Si hladný, tak ich zjedz. Vidíte? Ak Si Ty Syn Boží, Ty to môžeš urobiť.“ On mohol. Je to tak. Ale tam musel byť deň „V“. On vybojoval víťazstvo nad pokušením. Vidíte? On vybojoval...

224Povedal, „No, ty môžeš byť veľkou Osobou. Môžeš sa ukázať, kým Si.“ Zobral Ho na vrchol chrámu, povedal, „Zoskoč. Citujem Ti Písmo, je napísané, ´On prikázal anjelom o Tebe, aby Si si nenarazil Svoju nohu o kameň a ponesú Ťa.´“ Pozrite sa na to, aký je satan teológ. Vidíte?

225„Odídi za mňa, satan,“ prichádza Slovo. To bol deň „V“. On prišiel ku každému dňu „V“.

226On išiel hore ku Petrovej svokre, ktorá tam ležala chorá s horúčkou. Tá horúčka zúrila v jej tele. Oni potrebovali službu. On tam išiel a dotkol sa jej ruky. Choroba nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Pravdaže nie.

227Potom On prišiel na miesto, kde bola v jednej rodine smrť. Prišiel na miesto, kde muž menom Lazar, ktorý bol Jeho priateľom, zomrel a bol pochovaný a ležal v hrobe a smrdel asi na štvrtý deň. To telo ležiace v porušení za tri dni, vidíte, sedemdesiatdva hodín, porušenie. A tam prichádza na miesto, kde život a smrť sa stretli tvárou v tvár. Tu je On, Život; tam je smrť, ktorá vzala Jeho priateľa; v skúške sily. On išiel ku tomu hrobu a potiahol Svoje malé plecia dozadu, povedal, „Lazar, vyjdi von.“ Ó! To Slovo vyšlo. To bolo Slovo Božie. Život sa znova objavil. Ten mŕtvy sa vrátil niekde stade naspäť do života. Iste. On vybojoval víťazstvo. Je to tak.

228Choroba, pokušenie, všetko, čo to mohlo byť, On sa prebojoval cez každý kúsok toho. Deň „V“. Presne tak.

229Potom to prišlo do času, keď celý svet ležal v tieňoch, v ríšach tieňov smrti; každý človek, každá ľudská bytosť, každý prorok, každý veľký človek, všetci títo veľkí hrdinovia, ktorých On poslal. Oni tam všetci ležali. Tam ležal Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, Jozef, oni všetci tam ležali v hrobe, veriac; bez žiadneho iného dôkazu než, „Slovo tak povedalo. Boh tak povedal.“

230Pozrite sa na Jóba, keď on tak tvrdo zápasil. Jeho žena, dokonca jeho žena, jeho spoločníčka, on povedal, „Dokonca jej dych sa mi stal cudzí,“ a tak ďalej. On bol...

231Čo za čas ten muž mal, tie pokušenia! A dokonca Belzarovi a všetkým tým ostatným povedal, a dokonca Elíhuovi, ktorí sa ho snažili obviniť a také veci. Ale on vedel, že stál so Slovom.

232A jeho žena prišla a povedala, „Jób, vyzeráš mizerne.“ Povedala, „Prečo jednoducho nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš.“

233On povedal, „Hovoríš ako nejaká hlúpa žena.“ Uh-huh! Ó! Čo za hrdinu!

Dokonca Ježiš sa o ňom zmienil, „Či ste nepočuli o trpezlivosti Jóbovej?“

234Jób išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Abrahám išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Tak veru. Izák išiel dolu do toho záprahu. Jozef išiel dolu do toho záprahu.

235Jozef povedal, „Nepochovávajte ma tu dolu. Pochovajte ma tu hore, vidíte, pochovajte ma tu hore s mojimi otcami. Pochovajte ma tak ako boli oni pochovaní, Slovo, tá planina, na ktorej boli oni pochovaní, to miesto kde boli oni pochovaní.“

236Tá istá vec je vo mne. To je ten dôvod, že ja chcem byť pochovaný v Ježišovom Mene. „Pretože tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi, tých Boh privedie s Ním,“ vidíte?

237Tak potom zisťujeme, ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, išli hrdinovia, hrdinovia, hrdinovia. A tu prichádza čas, že ten Hlavný Kapitán, ktorý ich poslal... A oni padli na bojovom poli, veľkí víťazi. Oni prišli ku svojim dňom V, a oni vybojovali víťazstvo nad nepriateľom. Oni dokonca...

238 Józua s... mal raz, on zastavil slnko svojím vlastným slovom a ono nesvietilo. A to slnko nezapadlo na dvadsaťštyri hodín. Biblia povedala, „Nikdy predtým alebo potom nebolo takého muža, ktorý by kedy prikázal slnku, aby nepohnute stálo, aby Boh počúval na hlas toho muža.“

239Prečo? Vidíte, on rozdrvil všetkých tých nepriateľov. Vidíte? Oni boli. Oni všetci boli rozdrvení, všade. On ich musel stíhať a zabiť ich. To bolo všetko ohľadom toho, pretože to bolo jeho poverenie. A on vedel, že ak by prišla noc, oni by nemali čas sa znova zmobilizovať a zhromaždiť sa a on by stratil mnoho mužov. Tak on povedal, „Potrebujem čas. Potrebujem svetlo. Slnko, nehýb sa.“ Amen. Ó, Bože. Boh počúvol na slovo človeka a zastavil Slnko. Ono zostalo na tom istom mieste dvadsaťštyri hodín, zatiaľ čo on bojoval, vyplienil každého jedného nepriateľa a spôsobil ich pád. Oni nemohli... Nedali im čas, aby sa znova zmobilizovali. On išiel napred.

240A jednako, Józua položil svoj život, leží v prachu zeme.

241Ale keď prišlo to veľké Knieža, Kristus, Ten, ktorého videl Daniel.

242Ten veľký bojovník Daniel, uprostred problémov a takýchto vecí, a veľké... Kde, ak by sme mali čas, mohli by sme sa o ňom zmieniť. Jednako, on leží v prachu zeme. On povedal, „Ty odpočinieš vo svojom lose toho dňa, ale Daniel, ty znova vstaneš.“

243No, to zasľúbenie, ktoré mu bolo dané, všetkým tým hrdinom, až nakoniec prišiel čas a tá rozhodujúca hodina, že to muselo byť zaplatené. Ježiš musel prísť na zem. On premohol každú chorobu. On premohol všetko. Teraz On musel premôcť hrob.

244On premohol smrť. Smrť nemohla stáť v Jeho prítomnosti. On nikdy nekázal na pohrebe. Nie veru. Tá Naimská vdova išla takto so svojím synom. On to zastavil, vzkriesil ho. Ó! Tak veru. On potvrdil, že má moc nad smrťou.

245No, sú tam ďalší dvaja nepriatelia: to je ten hrob tam a peklo; záhrobie (hades), hrob. Tak toho dňa, keď On zomrel, tak mŕtvy, že až slnko prestalo svietiť a zem mala nervový kolaps, skaly sa odlamovali z vrchov a takéto veci, On zomrel. On išiel dolu do pekla. On premohol smrť. On premohol peklo. Na veľkonočné ráno On premohol hrob. Amen.

246Keď hovoríme o dokončenom dni „V“, skutočnom dni „V“. Vyviedol ich von! A nie len to, ale keď On vyšiel z hrobu, On vyviedol zajatých, ktorí tam boli. Biblia povedala, „On zajal zajatie.“ Poďte von z hrobu, ako ich vyvádzal, všetkých tých hrdinov tam. Či neviete, že to bol ohromný čas tam toho dňa, keď oni vošli do toho kráľovstva, ó, vošli do kráľovstva Božieho, vyviedol odtiaľ zajatých svätých! On bol kompletným víťazstvom, kompletným víťazstvom. On vyviedol všetkých tých mŕtvych hrdinov. On vyviedol Abraháma, Izáka, Jákoba, Jóba, všetkých tých ostatných, vyviedol ich z hrobu.

247On zajal. Vidíte, On prišiel na zem, On zajal smrť. On zajal peklo. On zajal hrob. On zajal všetko. A teraz On povstáva, amen, so Svojimi svätými.

248„No, ON vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary.“ Čo to bolo? Meče, dal meče do ich rúk, Slovo, vidíte, aby premáhali. Ó! On im dáva meče, (na čo?) to Slovo, aby premohli čo? Chorobu, hriech, povery, zlo, aby priviedli každé živé stvorenie, ktoré chce žiť, aby priviedli každého jedného z nich do uvedomenia, že, „Pretože ja žijem, vy žijete tiež.“

249My máme boj viery. Bojujme ten dobrý... Aby sme vyplnili naše víťazstvo, pretože naše kompletné víťazstvo je pozitívne. Je isté. Ono musí byť. My máme tú prvotinu toho. My máme teraz dôkaz toho v našich srdciach, pretože ten prvý boj máme už za sebou. Boli sme schopní premôcť, skrze vieru Ježiša Krista. My sme mali deň „V“.

250Pamätám sa, že jedného večera asi o desiatej, alebo keď som bol tam dolu v tej malej starej garáži, modliac sa, „Bože, zabi ma, alebo ma spas.“ Išiel som do cirkví. Oni chceli, aby som si potriasol ruku s kazateľom.

Povedal som, „Ja chcem niečo viac ako to.“ Vidíte?

251Vtedy v tej garáži tej noci, keď som povedal, „Bože, ja nemôžem ísť ďalej. Ja zomriem.“ A keď som tam, v tej starej, vlhkej budove a moje kolená... Kľačal som na starom trávovom vreci so zdvihnutými rukami, povediac, „Bože, ja neviem, ako hovoriť, Pane.“ Chcel som Mu napísať list, poprosiť Ho, aby mi odpustil. Nevedel som, ako sa modliť. „Chcem, aby mi bolo odpustené.“

252Sľúbil som to, keď som zomieral na posteli. A On ma nechal... Keď sa ma doktor vzdal, moje srdce bilo iba sedemnásťkrát za minútu. A vy viete, ako pomaly to bolo. On povedal, „On zomiera,“ a ja som to počul. Povedal to môj otec a zatiahol záves okolo mňa. A tam v tej izbe, v tej hodine, som videl veľké písmená “J” ako prešli ponad tým závesom takto okolo mňa. Počul som tú sestričku plakať, povedala, „On je len dieťa, vidíte a tu on odchádza.“ Anestetikum do chrbtice preniklo a dostalo sa do môjho srdca. Vidíte? Bilo mi len sedemnásť úderov za minútu.

253Keď som sa vrátil domov, musel som dokázať, že milujem Boha. A ja som si kľakol na zem. Povedal som, „Neviem, ako sa mám modliť.“ A uhryzol som sa do palca. Pomyslel som si, „Možno... Videl som obrázky. Takto si preložím ruky, dám si spolu prsty.“ Povedal som, „Drahý Pane, ja by som s Tebou rád hovoril.“ Načúval som. Ja som povedal, „Nepočujem Ťa.“ Povedal som, „Zle som si preložil ruky. Možno som to mal urobiť takto.“ Dal som svoje... Povedal som, „Drahý Pane, Ja... Ježiš Kristus, rád by som s Tebou hovoril.“ Povedal som, „Pane, nepočujem Ťa. Odpovedz mi. Počul som iných ľudí povedať, ´Boh ku mne hovoril.´ No, ja chcem o tomto hovoriť s Tebou. Sľúbil som Ti, že to urobím. Chcem o tom hovoriť. Prídeš prosím a budeš som mnou hovoriť, Pane?“ Myslel som, „Nie, nedržím správne svoje ruky, ináč by On niečo povedal.“ Nevedel som, ako to urobiť. Nikdy v živote som sa nemodlil. Nevedel som, čo robiť; v tejto malej starej kôlni.

254Vtedy som si toto myslel. Rozmýšľal som, „Podľa Písma, ako som to počul čítať, On bol človek. A ak On bol človek, On rozumie ako človek.“ Správne. „A potom ja neviem, či ma Ty počuješ.“

255Diabol povedal, „Ty si si odhrešil svoj deň milosti. Viac ho už niet. Vidíte, bol si tak ničomný, že On ti už neodpustí.“

256Povedal som, „Ja tomu neverím. Ja tomu jednoducho nemôžem veriť. Verím, že On bude hovoriť ku mne.“

257Povedal som, „Pane, ja neviem či nerobím nejakú chybu, ak nemám správne založené svoje ruky, alebo čokoľvek to je, odpusť mi kvôli tomu. Ale ja chcem s Tebou hovoriť.“ Povedal som, „Som ten najhorší lump na svete.“ Povedal som, „Ja, ja som urobil všetky tie veci a utekal som od Teba a všetko,“ pokračoval som hovoriac takto.

258A prvá vec viete, zatiaľ čo som hovoril, do izby prišlo malé Svetlo a išlo na tú stranu, kde bol múr a sformovalo kríž Svetla, to Svetlo a začalo to hovoriť nejakým jazykom. Nikdy, nikdy som niečo také ako hovorenie v jazykoch nepočul; nikdy som to ani nečítal v Biblii; hľadal som v Jakubovi 5:14, v Genesis. Díval som sa tam a videl som to Svetlo a ono hovorilo nejakým druhom jazyka. Potom to odišlo.

259A povedal som, „Pane,“ Povedal som, „Ja neviem nič o tomto kresťanskom živote.“ Povedal som, „Ak si to bol Ty, ktorý si hovoril so mnou, ja nemôžem rozumieť Tvojmu jazyku, Pane. Ale ak by si hovoril...A ak nemôžeš hovoriť mojím jazykom, vidíte, a ja nerozumiem Tvoj, ale možno porozumieme jeden druhého takto: ak Ty len prídeš znovu sem naspäť, to bude znak medzi mnou a Tebou, že mi odpúšťaš.“

260To tam bolo znova. Ó, hovoríte o dni „V“? Ja som mal jeden, áno skutočný deň „V“. Tam To bolo znova, hovoriac tým istým spôsobom. A ja som mal deň „V“. Ó!

261A od vtedy, ako On položil to Slovo do mojej ruky, ja som bojoval, aby som vyhral tú cenu, aby som sa preplavil cez krvavé moria.

262My všetci máme víťazstvo. Prebojovali sme sa cez mnohé víťazstvá. A veľké víťazstvo prichádza čoskoro, rovno za rohom. Náš úplný deň „V“ bude čoskoro, Keď Syn Boží prelomí oblaky a výkrik s hlasom archanjela a On znovu príde. A hroby sa otvoria a mŕtvi vyjdú von.

263Myslím, že si tu púšťate moju pásku o tom videní, ktoré som práve mal, alebo o tom prenesení, čokoľvek to bolo, v jednej izbe; a išiel som tam a videl som tých ľudí, práve tak isto ako vidím vás, táto Biblia tu leží otvorená predo mnou. A Boh vie, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Tam oni boli, mladí, presne tak isto a tak isto.

264Ako ste vy všetci boli na tých zhromaždeniach a uvedomujete si, tie videnia. Videli ste niekedy, že by jedno zlyhalo? Nie veru. Práve nedávno ma On poslal sem kvôli jednému, povedal mi, čo sa stalo. Vy všetci, každý z vás o tom vie. Stalo sa to tak. Rovno tam to bolo, jednoducho presne. To nikdy nezlyháva.

265A vravím vám, ako malej kresťanskej skupine, ktorá tu sedí dnes ráno, držte sa Božej nemennej ruky. Mali ste dočasné víťazstvo. Ale prichádza skutočný deň „V“, úplne, keď príde Ježiš.

266„A trúba zaznie; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú.“ A ak nemáte tú nádej v sebe, nenechajte, aby tento deň prešiel bez toho, aby ste to dostali.

267Pred chvíľou som niečo počul, rád by som to zopakoval. To prišlo od, verím, že to bol Billy Sunday, ktorý urobil tú poznámku. Bol nejaký chlapec, ktorý spáchal zločin. Neviem, či ste niekedy o tom počuli alebo nie. On spáchal zločin. Uvrhli ho do väzenia... On tam bol. A tak mal súd. A ten sudca povedal...

268A tá porota vyšla. Oni povedali, „Nachádzame tohto chlapca vinného toho zločinu. A my, porota,“ povedali, „žiadame jeho život.“

269A ten sudca povedal, „Odsudzujem ťa na smrť zavesením na povraz, až kým sa tvoj smrteľný život nepominie. A nech má Boh milosť nad tvojou dušou.“

270A toho chlapca vzali do väzenia a dali ho do vnútorného väzenia, v ktorom musel zostať až do toho času, kedy mal zomrieť.

271A priatelia prišli ku sudcovi a povedali, „Sudca, my sme pomohli tomu, aby si bol zvolený v tomto meste. Prosíme, prosíme, nenechaj toho mladého človeka takto zomrieť.“

272Práve som prišiel z Texasu, kvôli ďalšiemu, niečomu takému. Nejaký mladý muž a mladá žena a Boh ušetril ich životy. Oni mali zomrieť asi tri alebo štyri dni po tomto. Myslím, že ste všetci videli ten papier, vy ktorí ste tam so mnou boli, že oni ušetrili ich životy.

273Tak oni sa prihovárali a prihovárali a prihovárali, tí ľudia, aby to neurobil. Tak zakrátko u guvernéra toho štátu...

274Tá matka, vonku za dverami, jedného dňa, padla pri dverách, takto a kričala, aby ju pustili dnu.

275A nakoniec ten človek vošiel, a povedal, „Guvernér, matka toho chlapca je tam vonku. Chce ťa vidieť.“

A ten guvernér povedal, „Priveď ju.“

276A tá žena, v pokore, plazila sa po svojich rukách a nohách ku tomu guvernérovi a chytila sa jeho topánok a povedala, „Pane, to je moje dieťa. Nezabíjajte ho.“ Povedala, „On to nemal v úmysle urobiť. Dajte mu len život vo väzení. Ale neberte jeho život, guvernér.“

Ten guvernér povedal, „Dobre, pôjdem a pozriem sa na neho.“

Povedal, „V poriadku.“

277Tak ten guvernér išiel do tej cely, kde on bol a oni tam vošli. Ten chlapec chcel byť arogantný. Povedal, „Priviedol som niekoho, kto ťa chce vidieť,“

278A ten guvernér vošiel a povedal, „Mladý muž, rád by som s tebou hovoril.“ On bol skutočne arogantný, len tam sedel, uzatvorený do seba, nič nehovoril. On povedal, „Mladý muž, chcem, aby si so mnou hovoril. Chcem s tebou hovoriť.“ A ten chlapec sa správal, ako by ho dokonca ani nepočul. A on povedal, „Mladý muž, ja ti môžem pomôcť, ak mi to dovolíš.“

279Povedal, „Vypadni odtiaľto. Nechcem počuť nič, čo ty chceš povedať.“

On povedal, „Dobre, synu...“

280On povedal, „Buď ticho. Nevidíš, že som nervózny? Nechcem počuť ani jedno slovo z toho, čo ty chceš povedať.“

On povedal, „Dobre, ja prichádzam...“

On povedal, „Vypadni z tejto cely.“

Tak on odišiel. Oni zatvorili tie dvere.

281Tak keď on odtiaľ vyšiel, ten chlap, ten policajt pri tej cele, pri tých dverách povedal, „Ty si ten najhlúpejší človek.“

On povedal, „Jednako, kto bol ten cvok?“

On povedal, „To bol guvernér tohto štátu.“

282Povedal, „Nie, nie guvernér. Ten jediný človek, ktorý ma mohol omilostiť a ja som ho vyhnal z cely. Jediný človek, ktorý mohol podpísať moje omilostenie a ja som ho vyhodil z cely.“

Ako ten guvernér vyšiel von, povedal, „On si vybral.“

283Tak tá posledná vec, ktorú ten chlapec povedal, keď mu oni dali čiernu kuklu cez jeho tvár, aby ho obesili; keď mu natesno zatiahli ten povraz, nasadili mu kuklu. On povedal, „Pomyslite na to. Guvernér stál v mojej cele a on by ma omilostil, ak by som ho nevyhodil von.“

284Ako my vieme dnes ráno, že ten Guvernér nestojí dnes ráno pri našej cele? Nevyhadzujte ho, ak ste nikdy neprijali od Neho omilostenie. Nie len guvernér, ale Kráľ, ten Jediný, ktorý vás môže omilostiť, On môže stáť pri tej malej cele, v ktorej ste žili dlhý čas. Prečo Ho len nenecháte vojsť, ak ste to neurobili, ak ste sa Mu kompletne nevydali?

285Jedného dňa zistíte, že tento malý pokorný spôsob, o ktorom si myslíte, že to je len kopa hlúposti, kopa ľudí, ktorí nevedia, o čom hovoria, vy zistíte, že ten Guvernér je dnes ráno tu. Ak máte potrebu, ak ste v malej cele nemoci, z ktorej sa nemôžete dostať, ten Guvernér je tu. Ten Guvernér sveta, On je spravodlivý, On vás vypustí. On prichádza. On podpísal vaše omilostenie. On vám to chce dnes ráno dať. Nezavrhujte to.

Skloňme naše hlavy na chvíľu.

286Ak chcete teraz skutočné víťazstvo, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, prečo sa nepoddať a nech ten Guvernér Štátu, nech ten Guvernér dnes ráno podpíše vaše omilostenie. On je pripravený vás vypustiť; vypustiť vás z hriechu, vypustiť vás z nevery, vypustiť vás z choroby, vypustiť vás zo všetkého, čo chcete. Urobte to, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

Teraz sa modlite svojím vlastným spôsobom. Hovorte ku nemu. Vidíte?

287Ten dozorca by mohol pohovoriť s guvernérom. To by neurobilo nič dobré. Vidíte? Ten chlapec musel hovoriť s guvernérom. Vidíte?

288Vy musíte hovoriť s guvernérom. Ak ste chorí, hovorte s Ním. Ak ste zhrešili a urobili niečo zlé, hovorte s Ním. On má pre vás milosť.

289Nebeský Otče, my sme vďační. A ja, Pane, som Ti tak zaviazaný. Nie je žiaden spôsob, aby som Ti kedy splatil dlh môjho hriechu. Bol som v cele jedného dňa, pretože som sa narodil v tej cele. Vedel som, čo znamenala sloboda. A tá cena bola tak veľká, ja som ju nemohol zaplatiť. Ale som tak rád, že toho dňa, keď si Ty navštívil moju celu, som rozpoznal, že to bol ten Jediný, ktorý ma mohol omilostiť. Ten jediný spôsob, ako som kedy mohol byť slobodný a mať víťazstvo, úplné víťazstvo, bolo prijať to omilostenie, ktoré si Ty podpísal pre mňa. A dnes som slobodný.

290Som tak šťastný, Pane. Robím návštevy z väzenia do väzenia, od tých, ktorí majú obavy ohľadom manželstva, ktorí sú chorí a v horúčke, ktorí sú chorí a vo väzení, tých, ktorí sú hriešni a vo väzení, tých, ktorí sú zmätení a v pochybnosti a vo väzení. Idem z cely do cely, hovoriac im, že ten Guvernér práve prechádza okolo, ospravedlňuje každého, vypúšťa každého.

291Otče, Ty poznáš srdce ľudí, ktorí sú dnes tu. Nech je toto deň „V“, úplný deň „V“. Nech toto je deň, keď každý jeden, Pane, dnes, prijme to víťazstvo. Udeľ to, Pane.

292Nech je každá chorá osoba uzdravená, ktorá je dnes v tejto budove.

293Nech táto zadná strana púšte je časom, v ktorom Hlas Boží bude hovoriť cez horiaci oheň viery. Ó, Bože, ten malý oheň viery, ktorý tam horí, tá malá nádej, ktorá horí, nech cez to Hlas Boží hovorí, ku každému väzňovi dnes ráno a povie, „Ja som dnes prišiel, aby som ťa oslobodil.“ Je tu chlapec alebo dievča, muž alebo žena, Pane, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú ako svojho Spasiteľa, nech ten malý Hlas hovorí, tá malá viera, Hlas hovoriaci teraz a vraví, „Áno, verím, že Boh existuje. Verím, že On je všetko to čo oni hovoria, že On je.“ A Pane, nech tá malá viera ich oslobodí práve teraz. Udeľ to, Pane.

294Požehnaj ich. Požehnaj brata Isaacsona tu, Pane. Milujeme tohto mladého muža a jeho manželku, jeho malé deti. Požehnaj tento malý zbor, ó, Bože. My sme tak šťastní za nich, sme radi, že vidíme, že tu majú strechu nad hlavou, a miesto tu. Si tak dobrý ku nim, Pane. A my sme Ti tak vďační. Nech oni vždy zostávajú pokorní a milí v prítomnosti Božej.

295Požehnaj tohto cudzinca v našej bráne. Požehnaj návštevníka, Pane. Modlime sa, aby si bol s nimi. A ak oni ešte nikdy neprijali toto kompletné víťazstvo, kde oni môžu povedať „amen“ na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh hovorí, potom, Pane, nech ich viera dnes ráno, ktorú oni majú v Teba, potvrdí každé Slovo s „amen.“ Udeľ to, Pane.

296Požehnaj nás spolu. Vysloboď chorých a strápených. Vezmi slávu pre Samého Seba.

297A drahý Bože, nech sa neznepokojujeme po tomto a nech pamätáme, že tieto skúšky a veci, ktoré prichádzajú na nás, sa dejú, pretože nás Boh miluje. On nám to dáva, pretože má v nás dôveru. On verí, že my... že máme vieru a lásku pre Neho, že budeme schopní premôcť. On sa na to pozrie. A nech sa neznepokojujeme a nech nie sme rozčúlení ohľadom toho. Nech jednoducho vykročíme a hovoríme Slovo a kráčame napred. Moria sa otvoria. Dni „V“ prídu. Udeľ to, Pane. A nech toto je jeden z najväčších dní „V“ nášho času. Požehnaj nás, až kým sa znova stretneme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

298Chcem povedať toto, predtým ako budem musieť odísť. Mám teraz hodinu a pol na to, aby som sa dostal do Tucsonu. Je to celkom krátka cesta. Ale chcem povedať toto, že som sa skutočne tešil, že som tu bol a cítil tú vieru, ktorú máte. Nikdy od toho neodíďte. Nech ten malý oheň stále horí a horí. A pamätajte, Boh hovorí v tých malých ohňoch.

299Brat Isaacson, ja jednoducho neviem, ako to vyjadriť, ako som vďačný, že si bol schopný prísť sem hore držať túto malú skupinu spolu. Nech Boh, môj brat, ti vždy dáva silu, aby si pokračoval ďalej. A vy ľudia, ktorí prichádzate aby ste počúvali, nech vám Boh vždy dáva silu, Božskú silu, aby ste pokračovali ďalej. Tak ak...

300Myslím, že o chvíľu budete mať malé formálne rozpustenie, tým spôsobom, brat Isaacson. Ja odovzdám službu jemu.

301A ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí skúmali ohľadom vodného krstu v Meno „Ježiša Krista“ namiesto titulov „Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý,“ náš pastor tu, je tu pripravený, rád to urobí, vykoná krst. Ak máte na svojom srdci nejaký problém a chceli by ste, aby sa on s vami pomodlil, on je rovno tu, aby to urobil. A ja... nie viac než ho poznám a čo som ho stretol a sedel som s ním a takto, milý, vľúdny, kresťanský duch, ktorý je v tomto bratovi. A ja som si istý, že Boh počuje takúto modlitbu.

302 V našom kraji žil jeden starý muž, ktorý sa volal Hay. On bol veľký, starý muž. On bol... Zakaždým si každý... Bol pokorný a vľúdny. Ale niektorí si mysleli, že on bol len náboženský cvok alebo niečo. Ale viete, keď niekto ochorel, oni zavolali starého tatka Haya, aby prišiel a modlil sa za nich. Vtedy on vôbec nebol cvokom. On bol skutočným mužom. A ten starý vojak...

303Jeden neveriaci tam býval na vrchu toho kopca, mal farmu. On bol priateľ môjho otca. Môj otec pil. Hanbím sa to povedať. Ale pravda je pravda, viete.

Biblia je tá vec, ktorá hovorí Pravdu. Vidíte?

304No, máme knihu nazvanú história; ktorá hovorí, že George Washington nikdy nepovedal lož. Ja o tom pochybujem. Pochybujem o tom. Tak veru. Ja tomu neverím. Môže prísť nejaké dieťa... „Ty si narodený v hriechu, utkaný v neprávosti, prichádzaš na svet hovoriac lož,“ hovorí Biblia. Tak ja pochybujem o tom tvrdení histórie o Georgovi Washingtonovi. Ale ona hovorí iba tú dobrú stránku človeka.

305Biblia hovorí obe strany človeka. Lót bol dobrým človekom dolu v Sodome. „Hriechy toho mesta trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu.“ Ale ona nezlyhala povedať, že on žil so svojou vlastnou dcérou a mal dieťa, jednako, vidíte. Ona hovorí obidve stránky toho. Tak my musíme hovoriť obidve stránky.

306Môj otec, pil, behával s týmto neveriacim. A on sa smial z tohto starého muža. Vždy si z neho robil žarty. „Starý kňaz Hay,“ tak sme ho volali, „Tatko Hay,“ len malý lem vlasov. On bol starý kazateľ. A oni raz chceli, aby pršalo. Ich úroda bola celkom spálená. A oni prišli do jednej malej cirkvi, nie väčšej než je táto, ktorá sa volala Malé kráľovstvo Vačíc, tam v Kentucky. A keď tam išli, oni hovoria, že povedal...

307On, starý tatko Hay mal jedno príslovie. On hovorieval, „Drahý, požehnaj moju dušu.“ Malý, pokorný chlapík jazdil na starom koni, starý okružný kazateľ. A oni mu zaplatili možno košíkom sušených tekvíc, viete, tým, čo mali, viete, a nejakou masťou alebo niečim. Viete, to bol spôsob, ako oni platili starých okružných kazateľov. Mnohí z vás tu si pamätáte starých okružných kazateľov z východu.

308A raz tá úroda celá zhorela. A starý tatko Hay povedal, „Dobre, drahý, požehnaj moju dušu.“ Potom, čo mal malú bohoslužbu ako je táto. Povedal, „Ak niekto z vás chce zostať a modliť sa za dážď, aby Boh ušetril vašu úrodu,“ on povedal, „zostaňte so mnou.“ A celý ten zbor zostal rovno s ním.

309Pop, ktorý tam bol, išiel von, bol len mladým človekom, vzal sedlo zo svojho koňa, a dal ho pod strechu do toho zboru, pretože on vedel, že bude pršať.

310Ten starý muž si kľakol pri oltári. On dokonca ani nevstal zo svojich kolien. Povedal, že asi za hodinu po tom, počul hluk. On sa pozrel dookola. Čierny mrak išiel ponad tým kopcom. Tam to bolo. Vidíte?

311Ten neveriaci, medzi otcovými priateľmi, ktorý si robil žarty z toho starého kazateľa, keď on zomieral, oni ho museli držať v posteli. On dostal týfus. Mnohí z vás ľudí odtiaľto zrejme nevedia, čo to bolo. Ó, to je hrozná vec. A on bojoval s diablami hodiny a hodiny, za tri alebo štyri dni. On hovoril, „Charlie, Charlie.“ To bol môj otec. On povedal, „Nedovoľ mu, aby ma dostal. Nedovoľ mu, aby ma dostal. Nevidíš ho, ako sedí tam vedľa tej posteli, s tými reťazami omotanými okolo seba. Nedovoľ mu, aby ma nimi zviazal. Ó!“ On kričal. A oni ho držali, štyria alebo piati muži ho držali v posteli, predtým ako bol pripravený zomrieť.

312Tam v Kentucky, oni mali staré kolíky na stene, kde si vešali svoje šaty. Videl niekto niekedy taký dom, kde majú taký kolík?

313A on tam mal zavesený svoj starý plášť. Povedal, „Charlie, tam v mojom vrecku je pollitrovka whiskey. Choď, daj ju mojim deťom.“

314A jeho žena, kresťanka, plakala v kuchyni, varila večeru. On povedal, „Nemohol som to urobiť.“

315A oni ho držali v posteli, až kým nezomrel, zaháňajúc od seba diablov.

316Keď starý tatko Hay, ten z ktorého sa on smial, keď on bol pripravený zomrieť, asi osemdesiatpäť, deväťdesiat ročný, on išiel spať. A všetky deti boli tam vnútri. Jeho odrastené pra-pra vnúčence boli okolo tej posteli. On sa postavil. Mal biele fúzy, viete, malý prúžok vlasov okolo svojej hlavy. Na vrchu plešatý. Zakrútil si fúzom, povedal, „Drahý, požehnaj moju dušu. Povedal, „Vy všetci ste si mysleli, že starý tatko Hay je mŕtvy, však? Povedal, „No, ja nemôžem zomrieť.“ Povedal, „Ja som zomrel pred rokmi.“ Povedal, „Ja len idem stretnúť Pána Ježiša.“ Povedal, „Ó, to je úžasné!“ Povedal, „Vy všetci, moje deti, ste okolo tejto posteli.“ On ich vzal za ruku od najstaršieho po najmladšieho a požehnal ich.

317Potom povedal svojim dvom najstarším chlapcom, povedal, „Zodvihnite ma.“ A oni ho zodvihli na posteli. Nemohol držať svoju ruku hore. On bol tak slabý.

318Povedal svojmu ďalšiemu chlapcovi, povedal, „Zodvihni mi ruku.“ On zodvihol jeho ruky, takto.

319Povedal, „Šťastný deň, šťastný deň, keď Ježiš zmyl moje hriechy. On ma učil ako bdieť a modliť sa a žiť radostne každý deň.“ Sklonil hlavu a odišiel.

No, my musíme prísť ku jednému z týchto koncov.

320Som rád, že máte pri sebe pokorného muža ako je tento, v ktorého máte dôveru. Verte mu; Boh pre vás učiní zázraky, medzi vami.

321A ja chcem poprosiť tento malý zbor o niečo ohľadom mňa. Modlite sa za mňa, urobíte to? Ja som tiež jeden z vašich bratov. Nie som s vami po celý čas; chcem byť. Dostanete tie pásky a veci tu. A ja som tu na veľkom bojovom poli. Toto je jednoducho jedno z tých miest, kde my vyhliadame príchod Pánov. Modlite sa za mňa, pretože ja skutočne potrebujem vaše modlitby. Závisím od toho, veľakrát, keď narazím na tvrdé miesta, predovšetkým na zahraničných poliach.

322A tam sú čarodejníci a všetko, tisíce krát tisíc ich tam stoja, vyzývajúc vás a vy tam vykročíte sami, ó, je lepšie, keď viete, o čom hovoríte. Ó! Zatiaľ čo oni môžu urobiť čokoľvek. Oni môžu napodobniť takmer všetko, čo má Boh. Oni to môžu. Tak ako Janes a Jambres, oni môžu napodobniť čokoľvek, čo tu Boh má.

323Vtedy si spomeniem, rozmýšľam o malej, vernej skupine. „Aká je hodina dňa? Tam na zadnej strane púšte, tam vonku, na malé, staré miesto nazvané Sierra Vista, rozumiete, kde sa odohráva malé modlitebné zhromaždenie asi o tom čase. Rozumiete? Tam vzadu, na druhej strane hôr, tam v tom kravskom tábore, niekde tam, oni sa modlia.

324Potom idem, hovorím, „Som zakrytý modlitbou. Satan, nemôžeš mi nič urobiť. Prichádzam v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Vidíte, niečo sa deje.

325Modlite sa za mňa. Urobíte to teraz, každý z vás? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-- pozn.prekl.] Amen.

Brat Isaacson, príď sem.

326Vy viete, želám si, aby som sem mohol priľnúť a ísť domov s každým z vás a zjesť večeru. To by mi zabralo dlhý čas. A ja viem, že vy muži si myslíte, že máte najlepšie kuchárky na svete. Bezpochyby máte. Vidíte? A ja by som to iste rád urobil. Ale dnes to nemôžem urobiť. Vy to všetci chápete, však? Chápete, že to práve teraz nemôžem urobiť. Som tu v tomto čase pod obrovským tlakom. Chcem sem prísť a mať malé obecenstvo s vami. Chcem znovu prísť, tiež, vrátiť sa sem a byť s vami. Boh vás žehnaj.

327No, brat Isaacson, prevezmi to, čokoľvek chce Pán, aby si urobil.

328Tak, ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí by sem radi prišli, ktorí sa nikdy neodovzdali Ježišovi Kristovi a vy sem chcete prísť a postaviť sa tu dnes ráno, rovno vedľa kazateľne, kde stojí brat Isaacson a ja, a chce aby sa za neho modlilo, chce, aby sme sa modlili, aby ťa Boh spasil, prídeš teraz? A budeš mať dnes úplné víťazstvo. Ak ty...

329Ak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí odpadli a odišli od Boha, a neviete, vy ste stratili obecenstvo, ako tá malá pani včera večer. Ó, temnota sa zhromažďuje spolu, keď sa vzďaľujete od Boha. Ste na zablatenej ceste. Ste zviazaní. A ak nemáte to víťazstvo, ktoré by ste mali mať, neprídete tiež? Toto je úplné víťazstvo. Toto môže byť deň „V“ pre vás, ohľadom všetkých vecí toho sveta.

330Poviete, „Mal som tak veľa skúšok, brat Branham. Bol som vláčený od stĺpa ku stĺpu.“ Či som vám práve nepovedal, že to je Boh, pretože On ti dôveroval? Ty ho nesklameš, však? Možno si upadol. Možno si urobil chybu. Ale ty Ho nesklameš, však? Ty znovu povstaneš, ako skutočný vojak, uchop ten Meč a choď znova napred. My to radi urobíme. Iste.

331A ak nie, v tom prípade brat Isaacson bude ku vám hovoriť ďalej.

332Ak ma teraz ospravedlníte, a ja môžem ísť, ísť naspäť do Tucsonu. Vrátim sa, aby som sa s vami uvidel znovu, ak bude Pán chcieť. Boh vás žehnaj. Budete sa za mňa teraz modliť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-- pozn.prekl.]

333Pamätajte, úplný víťaz, a zaostrite na Ježiša Krista. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A jedného dňa, s vaším zaostreným pohľadom, On príde z oblakov s Veliteľským povelom, Hlasom archanjela. Mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú. A tieto smrteľné telá si oblečú nesmrteľnosť a my pôjdeme, aby sme s Ním boli navždy. Dovtedy, bdejte a modlite sa. Boh vás žehnaj. Amen.

Boh ťa žehnaj brat.

VICTORY DAY, 63-0421, House Meeting, House Meeting, Sierra Vista, AZ, 112 min

1 You can be seated if you will. And I want to express my gratefulness to God, for the privilege of being here and to meet fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God. While you people have gathered out here, this morning, in this brother's home, to--to have some fellowship together, it kind of reminds me of the early Church. The way Christianity first started out, was, the Bible said, "It was from house to house. They met and broke the bread with singleness of heart." And that's what we want to have this morning, while we're here, is singleness of heart, one purpose.

2One--one thing that we're trying to achieve, and, that is, to fulfill the plan of God for our lives, while we're here on earth. And perhaps, maybe, God, many thousands years ago, but He's, by His infinite wisdom, knew that we would be here this morning, and would be back here on this prairie, or--or desert here, in the little building. He knew that thousands of years ago.

3 Now, we met some of our friends that was coming over this morning from Tucson, the Stricker family. And they had had a generator to go bad in their car. We gathered up what we could get, to bring them along, the lady here and the--the children. And they're coming on, a little later, if they can get their generator fixed. It was some little crossroads out here. I don't know where it was at. But we're happy to be here.

4And now, Brother Isaacson here, and we hardly know each other, no more than just we know that we're brothers in Christ. And we have had times of fellowship together. And I believe our first meeting was at... up in Phoenix, years ago. And if his wife is present, I wouldn't know her. Now, that's how well we're acquainted, to know who his wife is, or his family.

5Coming in I met one of our colored brethren standing at the door, a very fine fellow with a handshake, you know, made you kind of feel like you was just so welcome, you know, to come in, and--and to be among this crowd like this this morning, and It gives me a privilege.

6 And now, I've had the privilege of speaking in many crowded areas, where they would have maybe thousands times thousands of people would gather. But I... The memorials of my ministry is times like this, when there's maybe a dozen, or two, setting together, seemingly that God deals closer to people. I think we feel more acquainted, and--and as we assemble in small gathering. It seems like where God's Word is so--so eminent to us, is when we, He said, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst."

7Last night, near midnight, I was just assembled with... in the home where there was a man and his wife, and a young girl, was losing her mind, over a little affair that had taken place. And while we are... were assembled together, just the young lady and I, in a room, 'cause the things that had to be said, that was, I'd rather we'd been together. And there came this Light, this Angel of the Lord, and assembled right over where we were at, showing that--that God keeps His promise.

8 And yesterday, where there was a young man of twenty-two years old, of a very prominent family, had taken the mumps, and the mumps had fell on him. And many you adults know what that is, especially in the male. Males, it really just almost kills them. And this boy, for several days, right on two weeks, had been running a fever of a hundred and five. Now, you know that's in stroking condition there. And the doctors had just simply played out all they'd had, with penicillins and everything, to strike that fever for that infection. But seemed like it didn't take any effect. But in one minute's time before God, every speck of the fever left the young man. He rose up, well. And just goes to show the main Person is Christ.

9That's what we're here, this morning in this home, is to serve Christ, upon this sabbath day.

10 I've looked forward for the time of coming here, meeting with our precious brother, and you people. I have received your tithings that brother has sent me, many times, from this little gathering out here. And such treasures as that, I hold very sacred to my own being, because I know that I have to answer someday from where it went from there. And I certainly want to appreciate, do appreciate, and want to express my gratefulness of the loyalty of you people, of--of this thought that you have did, knowing that the tithings that you have. And meeting in houses like this and, yet, want what little you have to go, the best of your knowledge, to the support of the--of the ministry. Then, from there on, I have to be responsible for it. And I want to be a good steward to our Lord, and when I have to answer at that Day, for what we've did on earth.

11 Now, there's one thing, back here we're not be bothered too much with the roar of traffic, and that's good.

12And so now, I just hardly know how to say this, but I wish we were holding a revival back here, where we have several days of it. Because, this way, you just come in and say, "How do you do? I'm glad to meet you," and speak a few moments about the Lord, and gone again. I'm supposed to be in Tucson at one-thirty. And how that it... We just meet here like that, and shake one another's hands, and say, "How do you do? Glad to have met you," and take off.

13But, you know, I think of a Day when we will meet where we won't say good-bye. We won't say, "It's nice to see you. Hope you come back again." Where, we would count here maybe a couple hours together. There we can, we might set down and talk for a million years, if there's such a thing as time, and we won't--won't be any less time than it was when we set down. See? It's just Eternity. There's no--there's no end to it. And to think of the time that we're out, and like that, and when we'll walk down through the corridors of God's great paradise, and the Angels singing anthems.

14 And--and now is the time where we have to--to fight, to win the battle, and to overcome the things of the world.

15And There, well, there won't be any fight There. The last prayer will be made; they won't have to have prayer meetings no more. There'll be no more place for the people get saved. There'll be no sickness to be healed. And it'll just be one great glorious thing.

16And what could we as human beings, this morning, what--what could we promise? What could we look at anything that'd be any greater than looking to that promise of that time. See?

17 We think of here. I look at the changing of the ages, from little nursing babies on their mother's laps, to the little school boys, the teen-age girls and boys, and then the middle age, and then the elder. See? And the--the school boy, last year was on his mother's lap, a nursing baby. See? And the teen-age entered school just last year, seemingly. And the middle age was a teen-age. And then the old age. Just... Oh! See? It's just like a vapor that flies into the earth and falls away. Solomon said, I believe it was, "It's like a flower. It rises up, and then it's cut down, and wastes away." And we--we want to make benefit of what time we are here.

18 So now let us speak to Him, now, as we bow our heads in prayer.

19And if there would be anyone here that would like to be remembered in prayer, for instance, like being sick, or have need, if you would just make it known to God in your heart, say, "Now, Lord, I've entered, to--to ask in this petition." And if you would just, so I would know, kind of, if you'd just raise your hand up, and just, like that, say, "Remember me." The Lord bless you richly.

20 Almighty God, Who formed the heavens and the earth, by Thy Word, we have assembled here this morning to speak of this Word, and of the great One Who is the Word.

21We thank Thee for this grand privilege of coming back at the backside of the desert. It was there one day where a burning bush drawed the attention of a runaway prophet. And there he was commissioned anew, and was sent, which became a great deliverer of the people of that day, of God's heritage that was in bondage. O great God, won't You come to the backside of the desert this morning with us? As we know, You're in great cathedrals, and around the world, but knowing that You are the infinite God, and there's no place too small. Or, no place, or no matter how well we're scattered across the face of the earth, yet You're omnipresent, can be everywhere at all times. We thank Thee for this.

22 And in this assembly this morning, we thank Thee for our brother and--and his little flock here, and for their courage and loyalty to the Cause of God in the earth today, and we ask Your blessings upon them. And may, as long as there is a desiring heart for Christ, may there always be a messenger somewhere to grant, bring the Message to that hungry heart.

23And we pray, Heavenly Father, for the need of those people who raise their hands just now. You know what was pulsating under their hand, around their heart. They had a need. If it's sickness, Lord. You Who taken Paul Sharrit that was just spoke of just a matter of hours ago, when he was laying between death and life, with a raging fever that all the medical science could not stop, and yet one small word of prayer stopped the fever immediately. You're Jehovah God. Show that You're just as well represented, and just as real today, here on the backside of this desert, as You was the days with Moses at the backside of the desert there.

24 We thank Thee, because I know that You'll hear prayer. And we come to Thee most humbly and most sincerely, knowing that it would be wrong to ask You things that we're just imagining in our mind. We want to be earnest and dead sure, that what we're asking. We must believe it, and--and--and know that it is God's will to give it to us, 'cause we have solved it out in our hearts, with all we know, Lord.

25So, I pray that You'll heal every sick person that's here this morning. Save every one that's lost. Grant it. May something be said or done today, that will cause them, in the place where they're seated, or standing around the walls, or wherever it may be, that the anchoring faith of God will move into their hearts and that'll settle it, once for all. Grant it, Father.

26Bless the brother that's let us have the home here for the service.

27Now speak to us through Thy Word, for that's why we're here, Lord. We love to fellowship with each other, but yet it's You that we want, Lord. We can go out under the trees somewhere and set down and talk with each other. But, here, we are assembled to find favor with You. Won't You meet with us now, Lord? We have opened the seat in our heart, that You to be throned today, to talk to us, and tell us of the needs that we have, and Your love expressed to us as we express our love to You. This we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

28 There, if there's someone back in there, that wants to set down, I see some chairs here, that you could be assembled, and want to be more comfortable.

29Now, these times that we're living in is tremendous times. And yesterday, while I was thinking of what would I say today, knowing I've looked forward to coming down here, and what would I say when I come down, the little prayer meeting? And I asked the Lord to help me. And--and I picked up a few notes on a Scripture here, that I'd like to express to you people this morning, while we're waiting for the Lord's blessings.

30And we pray now that you'll open your heart and understand the least, faintest little knock of Christ at the heart. Remember, you, if you're not a believer, and never have accepted Christ yet, this will be the grandest thing that ever happened to you, will be gathered in this home this morning, that when that knock come to your heart. If you'll accept it, it's a door to Life. To turn it away is death. And that's why we're here this morning, to show to you that there is an open door to every believer that can believe.

31 Now I want to read from the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the 15th chapter. I want to read a portion, the first four verses of the 15th chapter of the book of the Revelation.

And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having... seven last plagues; for in them is filled up with the wrath of God.

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stood on the sea of glass, having... harps of God.

And they sang the song of Moses a servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only are holy: and all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

32 And if the Lord will, I would like to take a text from that, to call it a V-day, Victory Day, as we symbolize that, a complete victory.

33These people, that in the chapter that we're... have just read, had just gotten the victory. I think that the word victory is a great word in the English language. It means that you have--you have defeated the enemy, and you've overcome, and you are a victor holding victory. And we sing songs and cheer in a victory. And here we find that there was something, these people had come to this sea of glass, mingled with fire. And they had gotten the victory over the beast, over his image, over the mark, and the letter of his name. All these things, they had gotten the victory over them, and were victors standing on the other side, on the sea of glass mingled with fire, singing the songs of praise to Almighty God.

34 Now, to speak of victory and V-days, and so forth, it brings us back to the thought of war, when we think of V-day. Because, just recently, in the last few years, we come to a--a--a day that we called V-day, of the war, where they gotten the victory over the enemy. And it's too bad that we have to think it, but the world has been soaked with human blood ever since the blood of righteous Abel.

35The first human blood to strike the earth was righteous Abel. And he, the reason he had to shed his blood, was because that he had been right with God. And God had accepted his--his atonement that he had, by faith had offered to God, this lamb.

36 And his jealous brother, being jealous of him, slew righteous Abel. And that same reason has, just about, caused the shedding of all human blood upon the face of the earth. And the old earth is certainly soaked with it, of all across the world, human blood. We... There's a reason for that. There is some reason that they would be, that this human blood was shed. And we find that the first reason was because of jealousy, that--that Cain was jealous of Abel because that God accepted Abel's sacrifice. And Hebrews 11 tells us that--that--that, "Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, and God testifying by it." And Cain, course, being jealous of this, because his sacrifice was rejected, and Abel's accepted. And Abel did this by faith. The Bible said, that, "He did this by faith."

37Seeing that--that, the two boys trying to find favor with God, to come back, because they know that they were just fresh from the garden of Life. And they had fell, on the other side, by the transgression of their parents, had made them subjects to death; just like we all stand, this morning, subjects to death. And they wanted to know how to get back into that place where they could find Life again. And, in doing so, they--they were trying to find favor with God.

38And Cain offered a beautiful sacrifice of flowers and the fruits of the field, or whatever it was he put upon the altar.

39 But Abel, by spiritual revelation, revealed to him that it was not the fruit of the field that caused the death. "It was blood that caused the death." So, he offered back blood of an innocent substitute, and God accepted it. And that has been God's propitiation for our sins, ever since that very day. No other way, because if He had accepted on any other basis, then we'd have had to come to that basis, to be, to find favor with God. But God accepted only the innocent blood of an innocent subject. See?

40And therefore, if the beauty and the big places would have been God's acceptance, today we'd... We would have wondered, "Would He come back on the backside of the desert, to this little home setting here by the railroad track? Would He come back here and meet with us?" But if it had been a great cathedral, or the beauty that--that Cain offered, why, we'd find we'd just been talking to ourselves, and to the air.

41But God came on the basis of the shed blood. So, no matter, today, how small we are, how poor we are, or how much we would like to be, offer to God a greater place, but God wouldn't accept it, no more than He will right now, because we're coming on the basis of the shed Blood of an innocent Substitute, which is Christ dying for us sinners.

42 Now, the reason that this Blood has been shed, is because, I believe, that man wants to... God invites man to look, but man wants to--to show himself. Man wants to look at what God is trying to show him, on the basis of his--his own idea about it. See? God is trying to show man something, but the man wants to accept it upon what he... the way he looks at it.

43But it's just like anyone wanting to show a scene. There's got to be a reason to show this scene. There's... If you say, "Look yonder at the mountain," now there's something there that struck your attention, that you're trying to ask me to look at that mountain. See? Or, "Look at this tree," see, there is something about that tree that you want me to see.

44Now, God is trying to get man to look to that innocent substitute for a way back. And man wants to look at It in his own way. He don't want to see what God is trying to show him, in this innocent substitute. Therefore, that's what's caused the trouble. Then, when man does, as it was, picks up the glasses, to view off in a long distance, to see what God is trying to show him, he fails to focus his glasses right.

45 Here on the road, not long ago, coming from a trip up in the mountains, someone was said, "Here, take these glasses and look over here at a certain thing." Well, I picked up the glasses. I saw three or four different objects. Now, you see, I knowed that there was something wrong with that. See? Now, this antelope standing in the field, there seemed to be three or four of them standing together. Now, what it was, the antelope was just perfectly one antelope. The glass was all right. But what I had to do, was to draw that focus till I got all three of the antelopes into one, and made one antelope. See? And then that... See, behind me, I knew there was a... to be one antelope, because that's what I was told. But to pick up the glass and look through it, I saw, say, three antelopes standing there. Well, the glass was out of focus. I--I have to focus that glass back, till I get it into a place to where I see the one antelope. And then the glass draws it close enough to me till I can see what it looks like.

46 Now, God gives us the Bible. Now, the Bible is the Word, and the Word is God. So, that is our binoculars. That's our glasses. But, then, when we go to looking in the Bible, and seeing four or five different ways, well, it needs focusing, you see. And we--we got to bring the thing into the place where we see the one solemn purpose for God.

47But man wants to start an organization, run this way. And the other one wants, "Well, I know. I think I can be a bigger fellow than him, so I'll start over here. We'll school our boys better, and we'll do this and so forth." See? They fail to get the glass in focus. God wants them to see one thing, and that's the innocent Blood that was shed for their sins. That's exact. That's the real thing, no matter. We don't need an organization. I have nothing against them, only they... the damage that they do, to pull people out and separate brotherhood and things.

48 But we only need to look at one thing, and that's our Substitute. That's right. And that Substitute is Jesus Christ.

49And then today you see how we are twisted out in organizations. And they say, "The Methodists is having a revival. Course, that don't mean the Baptists. That's the Methodists. And these are having a revival, and so forth." And they--they cut the other fellow out, all the time. But we don't want to see it that way.

50We want to keep pulling that focus till we find out that there is one God. When you see three of them out there, you better focus the glass a little better. See? You're--you're seeing something wrong. So you'd better bring it in, and find out there is one God over us all, and He's the God of the human race.

51 And if He's God, at all, He's interested in every human being, because it's His creation. And He's interested in the children. He's interested in the old age and the middle age. He's interested in the--the colors of us, and the white, the brown, the black, the--the yellow, the different shades of our skins from the country that we come from and our forefather. He's interested in all of us. He's just not interested in the Jews, alone, or in--or in the yellow race, black race, white race, whatever it is.

52He's interested in the whole human race, and trying to get the human race to focus His Word down to one thing, and say, "There is one God, and that God give an innocent Substitute, by coming; becoming, Himself, Man, in order to take away sin, to save the whole human race." John the prophet so beautifully illustrated, "Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world, whosoever." The whole sin problem is settled right there in that one innocent Substitute.

53 But when man begins to get a hold of God's binoculars here, he--he begins to... He looks at so much of the natural, he fails to see the spiritual application that the Word gives.

54Now, see, that's one of the great things that man does when he tries to look, because he looks like Cain looked through the glasses. He looked at a--a personal achievement. Cain thought, "Now, if I can get Abel out of the way, then I'm the only one. Then, see, there, the other fellow is out of the way." That's what man has tried to do, down through the years, is try to get the other fellow out of the way.

55When, he ought to be trying to bring the other fellow in the way with him, and--and be a brother, you see; instead of trying to say, "Oh, that little group, just rake them out. And this over here, oh, well, they are this, or that." See? We shouldn't do that. We should be trying to bring the whole thing to one--one solid picture, and that is Jesus Christ.

56 A young lady, last night, in an interview, she said... But she said... A minister's daughter had had some kind of a little love affair, and--and she had lost her mind about it. She gone, a breakdown. A very beautiful young woman, and about twenty-three years old.

57And when she was a little girl, of about twelve, she was in Chicago. And setting in the meeting... Or, Elgin, it was. And setting in the meeting, the Holy Spirit went out through the audience and called her, who she was, and said, "You got a murmuring heart. The doctor says you can't live to fifteen years old. But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're healed." And she never even--never even felt a heart trouble, since.

58And last night she had a different type of a heart trouble. It was a spiritual, heart trouble. Her lover had run off and married some other woman. And, yet, she was still in love. And this boy telling that he was in love, yet, with her, and his "father had caused it."

59I said, "Oh, nonsense. He didn't have to marry the other girl. He did it because he failed to have the right kind of love for you." That's exactly.

60 But, see, being all wound up into that, the girl set there in--in such a stoop, like. And she said, "Oh, I know Johnny loves me. I know." See? That's all she could see. She lived in that one little world, by herself. She had formed herself in there.

61And I took a hold of her hand. I said, "Listen to me." And the Lord showed a vision, you see, that she knowed I knowed nothing about, that something had taken place, some transaction between them. And when that was said, then that snapped her right quick. I said, "Now, while you're out of there, look to Calvary. There, you're going out here and started trying to drink, and a minister's daughter, a Pentecostal minister's daughter, and doing the things that you're doing, trying to drown that sorrow; that man, and somebody that don't care the snap of their finger for you." I said. "Look yonder to Calvary, girl. That's the only way back."

62 We got to get ourselves focused, till, whether we live or die, sink or drown, it's Calvary, Christ. That's the thing that God wants us to come back to.

63And men, in the focus of God's Word, instead of bring It together and making It say the one thing that God makes It say, we look at the natural side. Therefore, it--it, man doing that, he gets hisself into a place that he just takes off after the thing that's presented. "Here is an opportunity that we, us little group, we can do this, and we can. We won't have nothing to do with the rest of them." And--and that, see, that's the first thing is presented; instead of focuses in, to know that it's brotherly love that we should have for one another, and--and to understand one another, and to love one another, and to worship with one another. They degrade a man because of his clothes he wears, or the--or the education he has, or the color of his skin, or--or something like that. Or his... And that, therefore, it separates the people, and man takes off after that.

64 It never gives the inward man a chance to operate. Now, we are--we are a triune being; soul, body, and spirit. Now, but when the natural mind... The two spiritual forces that works in you is your mind and your--and your spirit. See? Now, the natural mind, that's highly polished, will try to achieve something by his intelligence. See? And when he does that, the very thing when he does that, he throws hisself away from the spiritual man that's in him. And there what causes the trouble, right there, see, he tries to make it out in himself.

65 As I spoke here, not long ago, I believe was at the tabernacle, that, "God is so great, He can become so simple."

66Now, see, when we get great, we can't be simple. See? We, we know too much. And we--we got to, "Oh, it's just got to be this way, the way we say It, or It isn't, at all." See? Well, that way, we miss God.

67But if a man could just, a great man, could just get greater and greater, and keep on getting greater, what would he do? He'd just become right straight back again to so humble, and so simple, till people walk over the top of him and not know it, see, the great person that's in their midst.

68Just the same thing as we do. We, we measure an electron, we split an atom, and we send a--a message to the moon, and walk over common grass that we know nothing about. That's right. The little flower, no one can explain or can find the life that hides in that little seed down in the earth, to bring forth a flower next year. A common blade of grass, all the scientists in the world couldn't make one sprig of the grass, not one blade. See? You can't do it, because it holds life. And therefore, see, we...

69 It's been said, "Fools walk with hobnailed shoes where Angels fear to trod." And that's really true. We walk over the simple things. We walk over God.

70We walk over a--a orchid, looking for a daisy. Now, that's it, see, walking over the orchid. And if we just simplify ourselves, get down. No one could look at even...

71That vine out there, what is it? God. What is it? It's volcanic ash, with a life in it. Turn, look away, there's a mighty tree stand there, cottonwood, I believe. What is it? It's a volcanic ash, with a different kind of life in it. This kind of life, made a--made a tree. That kind of life, made a vine. See?

72And what are we? Volcanic ash, with life in it. What made us what we are? We would just be no more than that, but God put Eternal Life in us, and then we become subjects of God. Then, we're--we're watching, focus the Word then to God.

73 But man never gives the inside man a chance to explain what is right, therefore that's what causes the trouble. Watch. We find, if he doesn't do it, then what happens? We find that his temper, like Cain, got up, see, right quick. He was jealous. He didn't like God, to offer his, to accept Cain's... Abel's sacrifice instead of his. He wanted to go, too. He wanted his own sacrifice. He wanted his own way, see, instead of coming over to Abel, and saying, "Oh, my brother, I am so happy that God has accepted. Now we got a way, that we know that Jehovah accepts this way, because He's proved it by receiving your sacrifice." Wouldn't that been the thing to--to done? But instead of that, he got jealous.

74 Now, don't you see that same thing today in men? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? It's just his way, see, now, instead of accepting the way that God vindicates to be Truth.

75The way that God Himself moves upon the scene, and saying, "This is it. These signs shall follow them that believe. I'll be with you, even in you. A little while, and the world won't see Me no more; yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you." See, the world, you... "The world won't see Me, but you will." See, "Cain won't see Me, but you will, Abel." You see? Because, it's--it's the same thing.

76And instead of coming and saying, "Well, wonderful. We see God in the midst of the people, working. Let's do that"? No, sir. With creed, the same thing, and greed, rather, and with jealousy, the same thing that Cain has, he requires the blood of his brother. He tries to wipe him out of the way, get rid of him. "They're nothing but a bunch of holy-rollers. They're little." See? You know what I mean. That's what starts the trouble. There's where trouble begins. That's where the broken vows. There's where broken fellowship separates. That's the thing that breaks up homes. That's the thing that starts the--the wheel moving towards divorces. That's the very thing that breaks the fellowship.

77 That's the thing that broke the fellowship in Eden, is because that Eve failed to keep the focus, of her looking on God's Word, and listened to the reasonings of the enemy. See? See? If she just stayed right with, "God said so. That settles it. God said so," but she didn't want to do that. See? She changed the focus of her glass, and begin to see, instead of being just one way, there become two ways. See? She saw, "Well, now, maybe this man could be right. Maybe he is right. Now, we know God is right, and maybe he is right. This is just more light on what God said." You see there?

78There is the same thing happens today, exactly right back to the same spot. See? See? You see two ideas. There's only one. There's not no creed. It's the Word, God's Word, God's purpose, God's plan. All other plans are no good.

79That, and Eve did this evil thing, and that's the reason today that God, in His Word, never permits women to be ministers. See? It's just not permitted in the Word.

80 This morning, in our home, we were talking, and setting at the breakfast table, early. We had wanted to start, so we get here on time, and get back to the other appointment. So, we, I said... We was talking at the table. And--and we was talking about, the word come up, about Angels. My little boy, Joseph, setting there, said something about Angels. And he said, "Now, daddy," he said, "the Angels..."

I said, "God is a man."

"But," said, "the--the Angels are women."

I said, "There is no such a thing." See? He said...

81"Well, They got..." Sarah, my daughter, said, "But, daddy," said, "there, They, They got skirts on." Said, "They, They are women."

I said, "That's, some psychologist drawed that picture."

82 They never did see, in the Bible, an Angel called "she." It was "he," always, he, he, he, not--not "she." There's no such a thing as an Angel being a woman. There never was, in the Bible. And there's not, in the Church of the living God. There's no such a thing as a messenger woman. An angel is a "messenger." So, God never permit it.

83Because, the Bible says, "Adam was first formed, and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." See? Therefore, she... Said, Paul said, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or have any authority, but to be in silence, as also saith the--the law."

84 Now, in that, you see, now, now, like our Pentecostal groups, it's the grass root of that. See? What they do, they get the focus, "Well, now, here, here is a woman can preach like a lightning." Well, that's no doubt, at all. Absolutely. I heard some women preachers, could preach, that men couldn't even stand in the shadow of doing it, but that doesn't have one thing to do with what's righteous; see, doesn't have one.

85Paul said, "If one speaks in tongues and there be no interpreter, then let him hold his peace."

Say, "I can't hold my peace."

86But the Bible said you can, see, so that's it. See? It must be done in order, placed in order, put in its place, and there remain ever in its place.

87See, there, you get out of focus. That causes hard feelings, greed, and so forth. Instead of focusing ourselves back with the Word, we focus ourselves out, and see, "Well, let them do what they see." See, like that, just the way, then. All right.

88 Now, we find that it breaks up the fellowship of homes. It breaks up the fellowship of churches. It breaks up the fellowship of nations, that same thing.

89Nations wants to see their own way. Germany wants to see their way, alone. Russia wants to see their way, alone. America wants to see her way, alone. See? Then, see, that's it. It's the spirit of the nations. You find it wherever you go, you find a national spirit. I went in, and they have different ways. It's so strange. If I had the time, I'd just like to skip through some of the nations and show you.

90When you go in, you go into Germany, you find a military spirit. Everything is military. You have to stand straight, walk straight, cut your corners, and everything. It's military.

91You go into France, you find an immoral spirit, just women, and wine, and liquor, and--and stuff like that. See?

92 You go into Finland, you find a loyal spirit, kind of like, everything is honest. "We must pay off everything." See? It must be done. It's just got to be that way. No matter how hard they have to work, what it costs, it must be that way.

93You come into America, you find a big, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" That's what it is. Yeah. That's the American spirit. Somebody tell a dirty joke on the radio, and everybody laugh at it. Ernie Ford, or--or some of them, cracking jokes that they have, you know, everywhere, Arthur Godfrey and that group like that, see, that's--that's American spirit. You find it that way.

94 And then those spirits get jealous of another spirit. And what do they do? They cause war. That's right.

95Now, you see, every nation is controlled by Satan. The Bible said so. He's the god of the nations. Satan took Jesus up, top the mountain, and said... showed Him all the kingdoms was in the world, all the kingdoms, in a moment of time. Said, "These are mine. I do with them anything I want to." Said, "I'll give them over to You, if You'll worship me."

96Jesus said, "Get behind Me, Satan." He knew He was going to fall heir to them in the Millennium. See? So, He didn't have to bow down to him. He knowed they was going...

97Now, when God comes again, and take, makes His Kingdom here, see, there will not be any different kinds of spirit; a German spirit, and a French spirit, and a--a Norwegian spirit, and American spirit. There won't be that. It'll be one Spirit, amen, the Spirit of God, living in every heart. That's right. And there'll be one flag, one nation, one people, a brotherhood, a Fatherhood of God, and a brotherhood of men. Sonship! Yes.

98 Then we find that, because that people do this, and--and cause these great fusses, and so forth... Now, see, as long as Satan controls it, there is going to be wars and troubles, and war. Jesus said, in Saint John... Saint Matthew 24, said, "You'll hear of wars, and rumors of wars, and wars, and war." Why? Cause, the prince of the earth, the Satan, the power of the nations... There is a national spirit here, a national spirit here. It's devils. They can't get along with one another. See?

99Did you ever take a bunch in the Eskimo country up there, where we go on dogsled, northern Alaska, and way up around in the Northwestern Territory? When the--the guide there was tying off these dogs, called Huskies... And he tie one here, and one out there, and one over here.

I said, "Why you doing that for?"

100Said, "They are so full of the devil, they'd kill one another." See? Just--just kill, that's all they think about.

101Well, that's--that's the devil, you see. He's a killer. He, just he, the nation just... Even devils fighting devils. See? They just fight one another.

But, God is all love, see, so you can't do nothing but love one another.

102So, you see, the whole principle bases right back again to them spirits, exactly back to the beginning. Genesis is the seed chapter, and it produces everything, then, that we have in the earth today.

103 Now we have wars and victories, great victories. One nation will come in and beat down the other one, say, "Glory! We got the victory. We beat them up." And--and then, the first thing you know, they'll become friends and shake hands, and have a trade between one another.

104And after while, it's another president, or another king will come in, or another ruler, another system. And, first thing you know, here they are, their grandchildren are back with guns, fighting one another, again. "Wars, and rumors of wars." And this other one will run up over the other one, "Now you'll serve me, you know. I'm the victor, and you're the--you're the one that's out, and so forth." You just...

105As I once heard a remark, "God made man, and man made slaves." God didn't make man to rule over one another. God made man to be brothers, that's right, to be brothers, not to rule over one another. No superior race, no superior nation, no superior language. We have one language, Heavenly. See? That's right. We have one brotherhood: that's man. That's man, no matter who he is.

106 Why should we fight and kill one another? But they do it. Then sometime, a good nation, or a nation that's got a system in it, is trying to do right, and fighting for its rights, then the evil nation will come in over it. And then here they'll take over, and this nation become that. And then back and forth, just changing, back and forth.

107The nations has had many, many great national victories that they've tried, as they have tried to fight for their liberties, and what they hold for their--their own. And they have--they have what? As long as Satan controls them, they're going to continue to fight. But they have won many great victories, great victories. We could go back, from the very beginning, and show where nation has ruled over nation, and the celebration of great victories, and so forth.

108Like, in the First World War, when we had the First World War, when many of the nations come together and met on the grounds in Germany. And where Belgium and different ones of the nations was fighting under the different flags, was called World War One. Now I...

109 There is two brothers setting here, or three, maybe four of you, that can remember that. I can remember it. I'm fifty-four.

110And I remember, as a little boy, about nine, eight or nine years old, in 1914. Let's see, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. I was five years old when it broke out. I remember when they said there was going to be war. And my daddy was about twenty-two, and they had to send him to war. Oh, I couldn't think of that, sending my daddy to war. He come up the road. He was on a spring wagon. And he had a... And he had went down to the store, which was several miles below us, and he had a sack of beans on there. We... And so I said... I picked up the beans. I thought, "If them come and starts any war, I'll hit them with this sack of beans if they come." See? Now, they was a... Just the thought of war, my daddy having to go to war!

111 Well, the--the trumpet sounded, and--and the "Buy your bonds," and so forth.

112And as we all remember it, "We'll go over and have this World War, and we'll settle it. And then they'll organize." They organized what they called the League of Nations. "And then there's going to be a peace, Eternal peace. That's all. No more war."

113In a merely little twenty years, we were right back in her again, just as hot as ever, in another world war. See? Wars! Why? It's greed, jealousy. See? As soon as Kaiser Wilhelm left Germany, then some fellow come in, by name of Adolf Hitler, an Austrian, and got those people's minds all scattered up, which is demon inspired, that they could whip the world. And, they, and there you was. See? It's devil against devil, again, you see, like that. And the innocent subjects of those nations, that, they just lead one another to war, to war, to war. And it's just been that way, all along.

114 Now, now, we find out, then, the next thing you know, another war come up. Now, again, the whole world went to war again, with better instruments, and better planes, and bigger bombs. And they fought, and bled, and died, and starved, and froze, and everything else. War, war, war!

115 Then there come a day, what we call, the V-day. There's where I drawed this text from, that V-day, Victory Day. That was the day that they took the victory, and where the--the armies took the victory over other armies, V-day. Now, there was a D-day, and then there was a V-day. The D-day is when they went in to fight. The V-day is when a peace was signed, when Germany and the rest of their allied nations and all surrendered to the--to the--to the other nations.

116And what did we do? At V-day, we sang songs. We screamed. We throwed our hats in the air. We shot the guns in the air. We cried. We blowed whistles. We beat drums. We, we played music. We, we beat one another on the back. What was it? It was a victory. Oh, we had the victory. How these... Why, we felt, "We have won. We have won." The flags went up, and the trumpets sounded, and, oh, what a time we had! "Victory, victory, victory! We won."

117And it was a great thing. It brought peace to the--to the Christian nations, as so-called. And we had a little time of breathing. Some of the boys that was living, come back home and so forth. But, many great, them days, has been, many of them, and great wars.

118 But, you know, all along where there has been that kind of a battle fought, there has also been God's believing people has had many great V-days, too. Oh, yes! There's been on both sides, where the glass has focused and went to the natural side, with V-days; also where it focuses into the Word in the Scripture, it brings another V-day sometimes.

119We've had many of them great battles against our enemy. And God has had great men out here that's standing at the front, who has been able to--to capture, by the Spirit of God, the thoughts of the people, and throw it into the Kingdom of God yonder, and come out victorious.

120We fight it every day. Every Christian fights a battle, every day. We're in a warfare right now, going on constantly within us, between right and wrong. "Shall we receive It? What shall we do? Shall we bow to the world? Shall we give up this thought that we got?"

121 And if we see It, focus It. Take It from Genesis to Revelation. She is THUS SAITH THE LORD, each time, right down through there. We can't give It up. We can't compromise with the rest of them. We just can't do it. We've got to stay here. That's all. No matter how great the enemy is, and how much machinery he's got against us, and how many organizations, and how many of this, that, or the other. We, yet, we have pulled this focus, of God's Word, till we find that there's one thing, and that's the Blood of Jesus Christ. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

122Therefore, don't make any difference what anyone else says. They say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as Divine healing. There's no baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, that was for the disciples only." And all these things, they try to focus off of it. Still, it focuses right back to the Word, and nobody can say it's not there. That's right.

123 So, we're in a warfare. And God's heroes has always had warfare.

124And you, little church, remember back here, you are a part of that unit. You're an outpost back here. That, you know what an outpost is. You should, by being some of it right here by you. So, you're an outpost back here, to a place, to--to keep up the banners, to do what's right, to still claim Jesus Christ is the only hope of the world; not the Methodist church, the Baptist church, the Presbyterian idea, Catholic, or Jewish, or whatever it might be; race, clan, or color. That's not it. It's Jesus Christ. See? He is the One. He's our Victor. He is the One. He's the Chief Captain of the move. This is His orders. We got to carry out orders. How could you ever...

125Some of you boys served in the war. How could you ever... The captain give an order, and you turn around and do something backwards, why, you'll mess the whole army up. That's right. You'll throw it into a riot. You've got to carry out the orders. The only way you can do it, is focus it, and see the purpose, what it's all about. All right.

126 We have had many great battles, spiritual battles. Many great V-days that the Church has had; I mean the Church, the Body of Christ. I'm not talking about the organization system now. I'm talking about the Body of Christ. The Body of believers, down through the ages, has had many great V-days.

127We talk about, we've had several wars, the wars and rumors of wars, and V-days, and V-days, and V-days. And it'll finally wind up into the great battle of Armageddon. That'll be the last of it. When she comes to the battle of Armageddon, that'll settle the whole thing. Just before the great Millennium, Armageddon is to clean off the earth. She repurifies herself with this atomic blowing, and the volcanic ash and thing sinks this soaked blood of men and upon the earth, and sin and crime. She sinks beneath the earth, and the volcanic brays out again, and renews and cleans the earth for the great Millennium. He cleans His Church, during that time, for a people to live here. Amen. I--I say, I like that. Yes, sir. There's coming a time when it'll be great.

128 Now, great V-days, we think of the time. Let's just go back. We got a few minutes now to think of some of the warriors. Let's go back and think of one of the... We could go way back. But let's just go back as far as Moses. Moses had a time that he went down in a great warfare, because the church, in itself, had long forgotten victory.

129That's what's the matter with the church today. We've too long forgotten that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We forgot that God is a Healer, can make the sick well. We forgot that the baptism of the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the disciples, and given from generation to generation, for anybody, whosoever will could come. We've forgotten that, long, long ago.

130 So had Israel forgotten. They had become satisfied down in Egypt, and then become slaves.

131And now here was Moses that went down, within his own intellectual affair, to intellectual achievement, to try to, and under a military force, to bring out Israel, and failed to do it.

132But just a Word from God, on the backside of the desert, boiled the whole thing up again. What happened to Moses? He got his glasses focused. God's only purpose wasn't to marry this beautiful Ethiopian colored girl back there, and--and to settle down and have children, and--and raise his father-in-law's sheep. But his mission was--was to deliver the children of God, out from under that bondage. That was his commission. That's what he was born for.

133And each one of us is born for something. We just wasn't put here for nothing. That mountain never happened out there just to be. That tree was put there for a purpose. Everything is for a purpose. It's got to serve. And we are here for a purpose. Maybe it's to testify to one person and get them saved, and out of that might come a preacher will send a million souls to Christ.

134 Look at Dwight Moody's conversion, and many of those. You see? Just one little old woman, with a... Little old wash woman with a message on her heart, to do something for God, and she rented an old livery stable, and got a minister to come down and preach. And nobody but a little old boy, with their hair hanging down his neck, and his daddy's suspenders on, went down there and knelt down at the altar that night. Dwight Moody, that sent a half a million souls to Jesus Christ. See? That woman had something to do. She's... It was for a purpose. She was made a wash woman, for a purpose.

135Don't despise where God has got you. But, serve your purpose. There's coming a great victory day, one of these days, where the battle is over.

136 Now, notice. Moses, he went down, after got his glasses focused and seen that it was God's program, what he was to do. He went down. He fought hard. He had many great battles. But one of his great, trying battles, I'd like to--to bring it. When, he had achieved, by showing signs and wonders, by different things that God had showed him, to speak the Word and it would become material and happen.

137Same thing we have today, speak the Word over the sick, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] and watch It heal, and do these other things that God's Word spoke through human lips. "You say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, but believe what you said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Jesus said so. Now, we believe that, and hold to it, and take it, and believe it.

138And now, Moses had done that. And he got down there, and God had proved to being with him. But after getting him all together, God...

139 It seems like, the Christian life, if the fellow is not absolutely centered on Christ, the Christian life, seems like, holds so many disappointments. But those disappointments are--are God's Divine will happening for us. Now, it don't seem like it would be that, but it's God's way of doing things. He lets us hit the river, to see what we'll do.

140Moses led the children of Israel right in the path of duty, and Pharaoh's army behind him, and the dust boiling from a--a half-a-million men in arms. And here was two million helpless Jews with nothing, standing there, men, women, children, and so forth. And the Red Sea had him cut off. The dead sea had him cut off. He... There's no place to go. See? But Moses had a V-day when he prayed through. He went and begin to cry out to the Lord.

141And the Lord said, "Why you crying to Me? I commissioned you to do it. Speak to the children, that they go on in the line of duty." Amen. There you are. "Don't cry out to Me. You're commissioned to take these people over there. Just speak to them, that they go forward, stay straight in the path of duty." Amen.

142What a courage that ought to be for the sick person! What a courage that ought to be for the backslider! Turn yourself around, and start back. Stay in the line of duty. It's God's business to open up Red Seas. It's God's business. You just speak and move forward. That's all you have to do.

143 And Moses, that great V-day, was at the sea down there. Oh, what a V-day that was for Moses, and for the children of Israel who obeyed the voice of their prophet, when they spoke and went forward. Moses said, "Haven't I... You've seen ten miracles already, and still you doubt." And he started walking towards the sea, with that stick in his hand. And God sent in a wind over the night and blowed that sea from one side to the other, and they walked across on dry land, a V-day.

144Looky here. They stood, even our text today said, that, "They stood and sang the song of Moses, on the sea of glass mingled with fire." See? See? They sung. And Moses, when he crossed over, and he didn't know what to do. And he got over... Here come Pharaoh's army, trying to impersonate the things that he was doing. Carnal comparisons! And what happened? The sea fell in and drowned them, every one. And he saw the dead taskmasters.

145Miriam grabbed a tambourine and down the bank she went, beating this tambourine. And the daughters of Israel followed her, shouting, and beating tambourines, and dancing. And Moses sung in the Spirit. If that ain't an old-time Holy Ghost meeting, I never seen one. []

146"These Egyptians that you look at today, you'll never see them again." Amen. What a day! It's all over.

147Someday there'll come another V-day for the Christian, too. That's right.

148 Notice, Joshua had a V-day at the river, too. Joshua had a V-day at Jericho. He certainly did. There where he had crossed, he had a V-day, first, at the river. There he is in the month of April, probably a mile across, Jordan was, 'cause up in top of the mountains up there, there is snow melting. And all over the plains, the river was spread.

149And no doubt the enemy would have said, "Now, God is quite a--a General, isn't He? Lead His army right up here to the time of spring, when the river is its worst, when it's the worst time to cross, and then lead His army up here, and led them to cross." No.

150God lets disappointments happen, to show victory. Oh, if we could only see that! See? You'd only see that these things that seems to be so burring you, and upsetting you, they are trials. They are things, to stand still, focus your glasses on the Word of God. And speak the Word, and then just walk forward. That's all there is to do it.

151We get to a time, we say, "God, I don't know what to do. I'm up against it."

152Speak the word, "Lord, I believe." And just start walking forward. God does the opening up of the sea. You just keep walking. See?

153 Now, we find out that Joshua, right at that time, he prayed. And the Lord told him that what would happen. And he had a V-day. He overcome. Then, when he overcome the river and got on the other side, what did he do? He put the ark...

154Which, the Word was in the ark. He put that first. Then the singers, and so forth, come behind it. But the ark went forth, first.

155When Israel went to battle, the first thing went forth was singers. And singers went forth, singing. Then they blowed trumpets, and so forth. Then the ark moved up. Then, when the ark moved up, then they set the ark down, and the--the battle started.

156Notice. But now, in this, when Joshua took the Word first, and put the Word first, he crossed down.

157And God had told him, "As I was with Moses, so I'll be with you. I'll not fail you. I'll be with you. No man is going to stand before you, all the days of your life. I'm going to be right there. Don't fear what's going to take place. I'll be right there." Then what, with a commission like that, what could Joshua do but put the Word first? Amen. There you are. With a commission from God, put the Word first. And it brought a V-day. Oh, it's got to come. That's all.

158 He put the Word first, and what happened? The ark went down first, to the water. When it did, the sea opened up, the river, rather, and they crossed over.

159Then what's he going to do after he gets over there? What's the next thing is going to take place, when he gets over there on the other side? Then he finds out, they're all walled in, because of the fear of him when he comes over.

160But he met the Chief Captain, one day. And he had another V-day. He told him exactly what to do, and the walls of Jericho fell down. How is he going to do it?

161The natural man looking through the glass there, say, "Now, here, You brought me over here, and here I am. Look at the opposition. Why, they're all on the inside, with their slings. If we ever get close to that wall, woe unto us. They got rocks laid in there, the big slings. They got spears. They got bows. They got everything laying in there. And they just..."

But, see, Joshua put God first. And when he did...

162It isn't how you're going to get there. That's up to God. Just keep on moving, follow the Word.

163He said, "March around, seven days. And on the seventh day, march seven times. On... At the last time around, sound the trumpet." God's place, to take the natural away. And the spiritual moved in, and the walls fell. And they went right straight up and took the thing. Yes, sir. God had a V-day then.

164 Abraham had a V-day, after being promised so long for this child, God testing him for his love and his loyalty; to whose seed we are, if we believe God.

165And Abraham had a V-day. When was it? The day that he left the land of the Shinar plains? Not exactly. He crossed over, that's right, the Euphrates, and come on this other side, to sojourn. That was a good day. That still was kind of a...

166But his main V-day was up on Mount Jireh, when he got up there that day, when God give him the final test. When, he had his only son. He said, "Now, Abraham, take him up there to that mountain, and offer him up for a sacrifice. I've made you a father of nations. Here is the only thing that you've got, to make you 'father of nations,' is through this son. I want you to kill him." Oh, you see it? "Destroy everything. Destroy the very purpose. Here you are, Abraham, you're about a hundred and fourteen, fifteen years old now. And you waited for twenty-five years for the baby. And now the boy is fifteen or sixteen years old. And I want you to take him up and kill him, so that I can make you a father of nations." Oh, my! Yes.

167 Abraham never moved. He never, never quivered at the Word of God. Said, "Yes, Lord. Here I go." Picked up the wood, and took Isaac right up to the top of the hill, just exactly in obedience. Why? He put the commandment of God first. How is he going to be a father of nations, when he's only got one son, and over a hundred years old now? How did he do it? Because, this, he said, "I..." He perceived that if God was able to give him Isaac, as one from the dead, He could also raise him up from the dead again.

168Now, friends, the God that has raised us from the things of the world and the corruption of this earth, can't He much more give us Eternal Life and put us in a land where there's no death? See? We look at these little trials, and we think they are something. Why, they're nothing but little testing times. See? God tested Abraham, but when he got his V-day is when he went up there in obedience to the Word.

169 Like they say today, "I know." I heard a minister a while ago, read Acts 2:38, but he missed out, see. He said, "And Peter said that they must be baptized, and then--then they would receive the Holy Ghost," failed to read the rest of It. Why? See, organizations fought the very Thing. Now, you get the idea? See? Why do you do that? What makes you bypass those Things?

170If the Bible says That, to read It right down the way It says It, and say the same thing the Bible says. That's when you got your focus back right, see, come back to what the Word said.

171Now, we find out that, they, you get your--your... you're out of focus there.

172 Now, Abraham had had his focus right, because God said, "I'm going to make you a father of nations," when he was seventy-five years old, and Sarah sixty-five.

173And he believed God. He, what'd he do? He put his focus on what THUS SAITH THE LORD was. Yes, sir. And he walked right straight with that, what THUS SAITH THE LORD was. Day after day, he walked. Year after year, he walked, confessing, "Anything contrary to That, was--was not right. No, sir. It had to be That way. God said so."

174I imagine some of his enemies walk around, say, "Father of nations, how many children do you have now?"

175"Don't make any difference how I have now. I'm a father of nations. That's all."

"How do you know?"

176"God said so. That settles it. That's just all there is to it. God said it, and that settles it."

177So along went Abraham. And he finally come to that very... then, you see, being so loyal; more loyal, more testing. See? So He brought him right back.

178 Now, remember. When... God has counted you worthy when you have a test. Now, don't fail this, to get this. When you have a trial or a test, it shows the grace of God has found, you found favor with God, and God believes that you'll stand the test.

You remember, He did the same thing by Job.

179Satan said, "Oh, yes, I seen Job down there." Said, "He's not..."

180God said, "He's a perfect servant. There's none in earth like him. There's nobody like Job. He's a perfect man. Now, he, he's My--he's My pride and joy."

181Satan said, "Oh, sure. He gets everything he asks for." Said, "Let me have him once." And said, "I, I'll make him curse You to Your very face." Said, "I'll just make him curse You."

182God said, "He's in your hands, but don't you take his life." See? God had confidence in Job. Amen.

183 When looks like everything has gone wrong, God is giving you a trial. He's got confidence in you. He don't have to baby you around. You're not a hotbed plant, a hybrid. You're a real Christian. God is giving you a test, see what you'll do about it. Amen. No wonder Peter said, "These fiery trials, why, count it a joy. It's--it's more precious to you than gold."

184And many times we hum and haw, "Oh, well, if I just..." Well, that, well, that's something God give you, to overcome. He--He--He knows you'll do it. He, He's--He's put his trust in you.

185 And He believed Abraham... Abraham believed God, rather. And God said, no doubt, told Satan, "I can just prove to you he loves me." Said, "I'm... He believes that promise, because I told him that." So he took his own son up, the top of the mountain, tied his hands behind him, that, the day God said so.

186Little Isaac got suspicious, you know. He said, Genesis 22, he said--he said, "Father?"

He said, "Here am I, my son."

187He said, "Here is the wood, and here is the--the--the altar, and everything. But--but--but where is the lamb, see, for--for the--the--the sacrifice?" He begin to feel kind of funny. "What, what's this all about? We, we've left off something."

188Don't make any difference what you think you've left off. You've left off the fellowship of everything else. "Well, you have to have your card parties. You have to do this. You have to drink a little bit. You've left." You ain't left off nothing. Go on, obey the Word. See? That's all, just obey the Word. You ain't left off nothing. Just obey the Word.

189He said, "God said, 'Take him up here,' and he would--he would... Get up here on top the mountain. I'm supposed to do something. When I get there, I'll do it."

190So he got up there, and tied his hands, and laid him upon the altar, like that. Little Isaac never murmured; obedient, see, type of Christ. Then when he pulled the knife from its scabbard, and pulled his hair back out of his face, to take his life, that was Abraham's V-day; oh, my, when he, tested to that very limit, of his only son.

191 Now, if you're just spiritual, take that to the test, when God gave His Own, see, the V-day, what He loved. God so loved Adam's fallen race! We'll get to that in a little bit.

192Notice, V-day, Abraham's V-day was on Mount Jireh, where the Lord provided for him a sacrifice instead of his son. Love, see, love. That day, Abraham proved to God, without a shadow of doubt, his loyalty. Abraham proved to God, his faith in Him, for he said, "I got this boy when I was a hundred years old, by believing a promise. And He told me I was the father of nations. If He asks me to take his life, God is able to raise him up from the dead." Whew! My, oh, my! That ought to make a Presbyterian shout, wouldn't it? See? "How He--He--He give me the promise, and He--He--He showed me now the--the evidence of this. Amen. He, He's proved it to me, that He keeps His Word."

193 Well, where did He get us? What kind of a mess did I come out of? What kind did you come out of? Where is our thoughts this morning? What has He proven to be among us? There's no doubt about it. Amen. And our--our V-day is sure. We got to have it. See? He's proved it.

194Abraham says, "He proved it to me. I was childless. I was--I was an old man. I was sterile, and my wife's womb was dead. And we was... She was sixty-five, and I was seventy-five, but God said, 'I'm going to give you a baby by her.' That settled it. That was all there was to it." Abraham says, "I believed it."

195Then God throwed him into twenty-five years of trial. It didn't mean a thing to Abraham. He come out stronger than he was the first place, still giving praise to God. No doubt, God looked down and said, "What a servant!"

Said, Satan said, "Oh, yeah."

Said, "He..."

196"But I'll--I'll prove that he loves Me. Take him up there, top of the hill, destroy the very evidence. Take him up there."

And Abraham went up to do it. That's right.

197 And Abraham, when he started to take his child's life, the Holy Spirit grabbed his hand, said, "Abraham, stay your hand. I know you love Me." Amen.

198That's the kind of a person that I want to be, love God regardless of what takes place. "Stay your hand." Give you the trial, where it's even against your own thinking. But, as long as the Word said so, do it, anyhow. See?

199"Stay your hand. I know that you love Me, 'cause you've not even withheld your only son from Me." Said, "Blessing, I'll bless you," said, "his seed shall stand in the gate of the enemy, and he'll conquer." Oh, my! He did, too.

200A little later, we're going to get that "seed of Abraham" there. All right. What did...

201Doubts had gone from Abraham. When he heard the real Word, doubts left. When he seen God vindicate the Word, doubts left. Love took its place. "I know you love Me, Abraham. You don't doubt Me a bit. No matter how long you had to wait, you still believed Me. I asked you to destroy the very evidence I had give you. Give you the evidence, then asked you to destroy it. And you love Me so well, you keep My Word regardless of what it is." Amen. That was a real V-day for God. See?

202 Jacob had a V-day one time. He was scared to go back to his brother, because he had done evil. But, yet, the Holy Spirit begin to warn him, in his heart, "Return back to the homeland where you come from. You come from the homeland. You done evil over there, now I'm sending you back." And when he got closer, he got... Course, certainly.

203That's what the Devil is so after us about. See? That's what the Devil is so after the Bride, the Church, so, for now, it's getting close to V-day. That's right. She is getting real close. That's when the enemy does his worst, to reroute. The Bible said, "Woe unto the earth, because the Devil is like a roaring lion, in the last days, going around, devouring what he will, you see. Woe unto them, the persecutions and things would take place." Hold right to It. Don't you move, right or left. Stay right with that Word. God said so. That does it.

204 Jacob, longing in his heart, everything seemed to be wrong. He wanted to go back home. The Holy Spirit was leading him. He had made a promise to God. He had to go to Bethel, to pay these tithings and so. And here, on his road back, he finds out that Esau, his enemy brother, was--was just across the river, waiting for him, with an army. So, Jacob was a coward, yet he had the blessings of God. God had promised to bless him. He had the birthright. Amen.

205What a type of the Church today, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the promise of God's Word to vindicate it, because you become part of that Word, the birthright.

206And Jacob had the birthright. Amen. He had... His brother didn't care about it. And he had the birthright, because his brother sold it to him for a mess of pottage.

And so has the church world today sold their birthright.

207And thank God, we got It. Yes. We got It. What do we care about the union of churches, and the League of Nations, and all these other things, as long as you've got the birthright?

208 What the church needs to do, is to do like Jacob, pray till you get a V-day. And, right, Jacob had a wrestling party. He wrestled all night long, with the Lord, but he said, "I'm just not going to let You go until I get this victory." And then about daylight, one morning, he had a V-day. He didn't walk the same, anymore. But, on this side, he was a great big, strong, fearful church member. But, on the other side, he was a little, limping priest, or prince, rather; a little, limping prince, with enough courage to fight the whole army.

Esau said, "I'll furnish you an army."

He said, "I don't need it." He had had a V-day.

209We don't need their organizations. We don't need their--their stuff of this world. We don't need their... to have to tally in the things of this world. We've had a V-day. We wrestled one day, or one night.

210 Oh, how I remember the wrestle, when--when I had to die to myself. But there come a V-day, when I got the victory, then God's Word become right. The Baptist church, to me, was no more than any other organization. That's right. I had a V-day. God's Word is right.

Dr. Davis said, "Why, you'll become a holy-roller."

I said, "A holy-roller, or no holy-roller!"

211Up, down there at Green's Mill, I stayed all night in prayer, until that Angel come in there that morning, that Light. Said... What? I was trying to get rid of the very thing that God give me to fight with, the visions, when they was telling me It was of the Devil. Then He come, telling me, referred back to the Scriptures, "Didn't they say the same thing about the Son of God, and so forth?" I had a V-day. No more of that for me. I took to the fields, and around and around the world. A V-day!

212See, Jacob had this V-day. He wrestled, all night. But when day begin to break, it was a V-day for him.

213 All these great victories and things! Get talking about these things, no stopping place, is there? All these great victories was fine. We appreciate every one of them. They were all great victories. The great victories of the wars, and the great victories of the spiritual wars, and so forth, was great. But, you notice, there was none of them lasting. See? We have a great victory, temporarily. Now, we just...

214We found out here, not long ago, when we went to war with Japan. Why, I--I... In our own home, there was a little bitty gadget. Somebody had given us a little bitty, oh, a trinket, you know, a little like a doll. And it had on it, "Made in Japan." The fellow throwed it down and broke it. See? And you could say, "Made in Japan," they would throw it out. Or, they go in ten-cent store, a bunch of Rickys, you know. Not is... Delinquent people go in there, a ten-cent store, just to act smart, see, go in and get things from Japan. They wanted to show their loyalty to a nation.

215 What about to God, laugh in His face? See? If they was so easy to run into a ten-cent store and knock over the counters, and things like that, because they had little dolls and trinkets, and things, them made out... made from Japan, because they were in war with it; what about smoking cigarettes, and drinking, lying, stealing, and things like that, see, to the real army of God? See? They want to be loyal. How about us being loyal? If they went to jail for doing that, what difference did it make, they want to be loyal to the nation, to the flag? But the Christian is afraid, sometime, to speak up. See? That's the reason we need more V-days, when you can get yourself conquered. See? Let God conquer you by His power of love.

216 All these great victories was temporal victories. Even, to Moses, Israel went right back into bondage again. Always, in and out, in and out, we find it. Many heroes still fought on, and died. They still do it in wars, in the natural focus of the glass. They do it in the spiritual. Heroes fight and die. How we could go down. I got a whole line of them wrote down here, like Daniel, and the Hebrew children, and them great victors back there that won victory.

217But they, continually, finally come a thing called death, took them, see, regardless. They went right on, see, still fighting, dying; fighting, dying; winning victories, dying; winning victories, dying.

218But, you see, after all, man was not made to die. Man was made to live. And no matter how many great achievements he did, he still died, just the same. And we went to the grave, they buried him, and that settled it. They marked his grave with a tombstone out there, and his sepulcher, and that--that was the end of it. Death swallowed him. That great Moses, great Joshua, the great prophets of the Bible, nearly all of them, except about two or three, we know where their graves are, where it marked them. Death swallowed them up and took them right on. See?

219 But one day, there came a battle, there come the Chief Warrior came down, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And there was an Easter. That was the real V-day, after Jesus had fought and prevailed. He fought against every enemy there was to be fought against.

220The first thing, when He was born, He was born with a dirty name, to begin with, amongst the people, as a illegitimate Child. He fought Hisself right on through that. "Mary, having this baby by Joseph, without being married." He come amongst the young children, with a name. But, in His heart, He knowed He was the Son of God. See? He fought through that.

221He come to the day of where He would make His decision of what He would do, after He had received the Holy Spirit.

222He come to the day that Satan took Him up on the mountain, and he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and said, "I'll make You a king now. You say You're the Son of God, and You got power. I'll give You the ruler of all the nations," just what the antichrist is trying to be today. But there was a V-day. He fought right through it. Said, "If Thou be the Son of God..."

223There come a time when He was challenged by the Word. "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread. See? And You're hungry, now eat them. See? If You're the Son of God, You can do that." He could have. That's right. But there had to be a V-day. He won the victory over that temptation. See? He won the...

224 Said, "Now You can be a great Person. You can show Yourself, what You are." Took Him, the pinnacle, temple, said, "Drop off. I'll quote the Scripture to You, It's written, 'He give the Angels charge over Thee, lest any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone, and bear Thee up.'" Look at that theologian that Satan is. See?

225"Get thee behind Me, Satan," come the Word. It was a V-day. He come to every V-day.

226He walked up in the presence of--of Peter's wife's mother laying there, sick of the fever. The fever was raging in her body. They needed service. He walks over and touches her hand. Sickness couldn't stand in His Presence. Certainly not.

227 Then He come to the place to where there was death in--in a family. There come to a place where a man named Lazarus, a friend of His, had died and was buried, and laying in the grave, and stinking, about the fourth day. The body sets in corruption in three days, see, seventy-two hours, corruption. And there come a place where life and death was faced. Here He is, Life; there's death, that took His friend; in a showdown. He walked out to the grave, and pulled them little shoulders back, said, "Lazarus, come forth." Oh, my! That Word went forth. It was the Word of God. Life sprung to itself again. Back come the victim, from the beyond yonder, somewhere, to life again. Sure. He won the victory. That's right.

228Sickness, temptation, everything that could be, He fought through every bit of it. A V-day! Exactly right.

229Then it come to the time to when the whole world was laying in a shadows, the regions of the shadows of death; every man, every human, every prophet, every great man, all these great heroes that He had sent. They all laid back there. There laid Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, all of them laying in the grave back yonder, believing; no more evidence than just, "The Word of God said so. God said so."

230 Look at Job when he was fighting so hard. His wife, even his wife, his companion, he said, "Even her breath has become strange to me," so forth. He was...

231What a time the man had, the temptations! And even to Belzar and all the rest of them, said, and Elihu even, tried to accuse him, and things like that. But he knowed he stayed with the Word.

232And his wife come and said, "Job, you look miserable." Said, "Why don't you just curse God and die the death."

233He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Uh-huh! Oh, my! What a hero!

Even Jesus referred to him, "Have not you heard the patience of Job?"

234Job went down in the harness. Abraham went down in the harness. Yes, sir. Isaac went down in the harness. Joseph went down in the harness.

235Joseph said, "Don't bury me down here, though. Bury me up here, see, bury me up here with my fathers. Bury me the way they were buried, the Word, the plain they was buried in, the place they were buried in."

236That's the same thing in me. That's the reason I want to be buried in the Name of Jesus. "For those that are in Christ will God bring with Him," you see.

237 So then we find out, on and on and on, went the heroes, heroes, heroes. And here come a time that the Chief Captain, that had sent them... And they had fell on the field of battle, great victors. They come to their V-days, and they won the victory over the enemy. They even...

238Joshua, with... had, one time, he stopped the sun with his own word, and it didn't shine. And the sun didn't go down for twenty-four hours. The Bible said, "There never was a man, before that or after, that ever commanded the sun to stand still, that God listened to the voice of a man."

239 Why? See, he had the enemy all routed. See? They was. They were routed all out, everywhere. He had to hunt them down and kill them. That's all there was to it, because that was his commission. And he knowed, if it ever come nighttime, they'd have a time to mobilize again and get together, and he'd lose more men. So he said, "I need time. I need light. Sun, stand still." Amen. O God. God listened to a man's word and stopped the sun. It stayed in its same place for twenty-four hours, till he fought, weeded out every one of the enemy and brought them down. They couldn't... Didn't give them a time to get mobilized again. He kept moving on.

240And, yet, Joshua laid down his life, is laying in the dust of the earth.

241But, when, this great Prince came, Christ, the One that Daniel saw.

242That great warrior, Daniel, in the midst of all the troubles and things like that, and the great... Where, if we would had time, could have referred to him. Yet, he laid in the dust of the earth. He said, "Thou shall rest in thy lot that day, but, Daniel, you'll stand again."

243Now, the promise that had been given him, to all these heroes, till, finally, a time come, and the crucial hour, that it must be paid. Jesus had come to the earth. He had conquered every sickness. He conquered everything. Now He must conquer the grave.

244He had conquered death. Death couldn't stay in His Presence. He never even preached a funeral. No, sir. The widow of Nain come out with her son, like that. He stopped it, raised him up. Oh, my! Yes, sir. He proved that He had power over death.

245 Now there's two more enemies: that's the grave out yonder, and hell; hades, the grave. So on that day when He died so dead until the sun quit shining, and earth--earth had a nervous prostration, the rocks wrung out of the hills, and things like that, He died. He went down into hell. He conquered death. He conquered hell. On Easter morning He conquered the grave. Amen.

246Talk about a complete V-day, a real V-day? Brought them out! And not only that, but, when He come out of the grave, He brought the captives that had been there. The Bible said, "He led captives captive." Come up from the grave, bringing with Him, all those heroes out yonder. Don't you know that was a great time up there that day, when they--when they entered that Kingdom, my, went into the Kingdom of God, brought the captive saints out of there! He was a complete victory, a complete victory. He brought out all the dead heroes. He brought out Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, all the rest of them, brought them out of the grave with Him.

247He captured. See, He come to the earth, He captured death. He captured hell. He captured the grave. He captured everything. And now He rises, amen, with His saints with Him.

248 "Now He ascended on High and give gifts back to men." What was it? Swords, put swords in their hand, the Word, see, to conquer. Oh, my! He give them swords, (what for?) the Word, to conquer what? Sickness, sin, superstitions, evil, to bring every living creature that wants to live, bring everyone of them to the realization, that, "Because I live, ye live also."

249We have the fight of faith. Let us fight. The good... Complete our victory, for our complete victory is positive. It's sure. It's got to be. We have the firstfruits of it. We have the evidence of it in our heart now, because we've already got the first battle behind us. We have been able to conquer, through the Faith of Jesus Christ. We had a V-day.

250 I remember down there, that about ten o'clock one night, or when I was down there in that little old garage, praying, "God, kill me or save me." I went to churches. They wanted me to come up and shake hands with the preacher.

I said, "I want something more than that." See?

251Then in that garage that night, when I said, "God, I can't go any further. I--I'll die." And when I was there in that old, wet building, and my knees... I was kneeling on an old grass sack, with my hands up, saying, "God, I don't know how to talk, Mister." I wanted to write Him a letter, to ask Him to forgive me. I didn't know how to pray. "I want to be forgiven."

252 I promised that when I was dying on the bed. And He let me... When the doctor done give me up, my heart was only beating seventeen times to the minute. And you know how slow that was. He said, "He's dying," and I heard it. Told my daddy, and pulled the curtains around me. And there in that room, that hour, I seen a big J's come all over that curtains around me like that. I heard that nurse crying, said, "There's nothing but a kid, see, and here he's going." Spinal anesthetic had leaked through and got into in my heart. See? It was only beating seventeen times a minute.

253When I got home, I had to prove that, that I--I loved God. And I--I got down there on that ground. I said, "I--I don't know how to pray." And I--I'd bite on my thumbnail. I thought, "Maybe... I seen pictures. I'll fold my hands like this, put my fingers together." I said, "Dear Sir, I would like to speak with You." I'd listen. I said, "I don't hear You." I said, "I folded my hands wrong. Maybe I ought to do it like this." I put my... I said, "Dear Sir, I... Jesus Christ, I would like to speak to You." I said, "Sir, I don't hear You. Answer me. I've heard other people say, 'God talked to me.' Now I want to talk this over with You. I promised You I would do it. I want to talk it over. Will You please come and speak to me, Sir?" Thought, "No, I ain't holding my hands right, or He would say something." I didn't know how to do it. Never prayed in my life. Didn't know what to do; this little old shed.

254 One day, then, I thought this. I thought, "According to the Scriptures, as I've heard it read, He was a Man. And if He was a Man, He understands as a Man." Right. "And then I don't know whether You hear me."

255Devil said, "Why, you done sinned away your day of grace. There's no more. See, you been so mean, till He won't forgive you."

256I said, "I don't believe that. I just can't believe it. I believe He would talk to me."

257I said, "Sir, I don't know if I make a mistake, if I ain't got my hands folded right, or whatever it is, You--You forgive me for it. But I want to talk to You." I said, "I'm the lowest rascal in the world." I said, "I, I've done all these things, and--and I run from You, and all," went on talking like that.

258And the first thing you know, while I was talking, across the room come a little Light, and went over on the side of the wall, and formed a cross of Light, that Light, and begin to talk with a language. I never, never heard of such a thing as speaking in tongues; never had even read the Bible; I was looking for James 5:14 in Genesis. I was looking up there, and I seen that Light, and it was talking some kind of a language. Then It went away.

259And I said, "Sir," I said, "I--I--I don't know nothing about this Christian life." I said, "If--if that was You talking to me, I can't understand Your language, Sir. But if You'll talk... And if You can't speak my language, see, and I--I don't understand Yours, but may we understand one another like this: if You'll just come back there again, that'll be a sign between me and You, that You forgive me."

260There It was again. Oh, talk about a V-day? I had one, yes, a real V-day? There It was again, talking the same way. And I had a V-day. Oh, my!

261And since then, when He put the Word in my hand, I've fought to win the prize, to sail through bloody seas.

262 We've all got a victory. We've fought through many victories. And a great victory is coming just soon, right around the corner. Our complete V-day will be soon, when the Son of God shall break the skies, and scream with the Voice of the Archangel, and He shall come again. And the graves shall open, and the dead shall walk out.

263I think you play my tapes down here, of the vision I just had, or a translation, whatever it was, in a room; and went up there and seen those people, just the same as I see you, this Bible laying open here before me. And God knows that's the truth. See? There they was, young, just the same, and the same.

264 As you all been in the meetings, and you realize, those visions. Have you ever seen one fail? No, sir. Just recently He sent me out here on one, told me what happened. You all, all of you, know about it. Went right. Right there it was, just exactly. It never fails.

265And I'm telling you, as a little Christian group setting here this morning, hold to God's unchanging hand. You've had a temporary victory. But there is coming a real V-day, completely, when Jesus shall come.

266"And the trumpet shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise." And if you don't have that hope within you, don't let this day pass without getting it.

267 I heard a little something, a while ago, I'd like to repeat. It come from, I believe, it was Billy Sunday that made the remark. There was a boy that had done a crime. I don't know whether you ever heard of it, or not. He done a crime. They throwed him in jail, was going to... He was in. And so he had a trial. And--and the judge said...

268And the jury come out. They said, "We find the boy guilty of the crime. And we, the jury," said, "we ask for his life."

269And the judge said, "I--I sentence you to die, hanging from a rope, until your mortal life is gone. And God have mercy on your soul."

270And the boy was taken to the prison, and put in the inner prison, that he'd have to stay there until the time he was to die.

271And friends come to the judge, and said, "Judge, we helped elect you in the city. Please, please, don't let that young fellow die like that."

272I just come from Texas, for another, something like that. A young man and a young woman, and God spared their lives. They was to die, about three or four days after that. I guess you all seen the paper, you was with me over there, that they spared their lives.

273 So they pleaded, and pleaded, and pleaded, the people, that he wouldn't do it. So after while, at the governor of the state...

274The mother, on the outside of the door, one day, fell down on the door, like that, and cried to get in.

275And finally the man come in, said, "The mother of that boy, governor, is--is outside there. She wants to see you."

And the governor said, "Bring her in."

276And the woman, in humility, crawled on her hands and feet, up to the governor, and took a hold of his shoes, and said, "Sir, that's my child. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. He's the only one I got. Don't kill him." Said, "He didn't mean to do that. Just give him life in prison. But don't take his life, governor."

The governor said, "Well, I'll go down and see him."

Said, "All right."

277So the governor went down to the ward where he was at, and they went in. The boy wanted to be arrogant. Said, "Got someone to see you."

278And the governor went in, said, "Young man, I'd like to talk to you." He got real arrogant, just set down, buttoned up, wouldn't say a thing. He said, "Young man, I want you to speak to me. I want to talk to you." And the boy just acted like he didn't even hear him. And he said, "Young man, I can help you if you'll let me."

279Said, "Get out of here. I don't want to hear nothing you got to say."

He said, "Well, son..."

280He said, "Shut up. Don't you see I'm nervous? I don't want to hear one word you're going to say."

He said, "Well, I come..."

He said, "Get out of this cell."

So he walked out. They closed the doors.

281So when he walked back, the guy, the--the police at the ward, at the door, said, "You're the most foolish person."

He said, "Who was that crank, anyhow?"

He said, "That was the governor of the state."

282Said, "No, not the governor. The only man that can pardon me, and I run him out of my cell. The only man that can sign my pardon, and I run him out of the cell."

As the governor went out, said, "He made his choice."

283 So, the last thing the boy said, when they put the black mask over his face, to hang him; when they pulled the rope up tight, put the mask over him. Said, "Think of it. The governor stood in my cell and would have pardoned me if I hadn't turned him out."

284How do we know, this morning, that the Governor is not standing by our cell this morning? Don't turn Him away, if you haven't never received pardon from Him. Not only the Governor, but the King, the only One Who can pardon you, He may be standing by that little cell that you been living in for a long time. Why don't you just let Him in, if you haven't, haven't done it, if you haven't made a complete surrender to Him?

285Someday, you'll find out that this little humble way, that you might think is just a bunch of silliness, a bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about, you'll find out, the Governor is here this morning. If you have need, if you're in a little cell of sickness, you can't get out of, the Governor is here. The Governor of the world, He is just, and He will turn you out. He come. He signed your pardon. He just wants to give it to you, this morning. Don't turn it down.

Let's bow our heads a minute.

286 If you want a real victory now, with your head bowed, why not surrender and let the Governor of state, let the Governor sign your pardon this morning. He's ready to take you out; take you out from sin, take you out from unbelief, take you out from sickness, take you out from ever what you want. You do it while we pray.

Now you pray in your own way. You talk to Him. See?

287The warden could have talked to the governor. That wouldn't done any good. See? The boy had to talk to the governor. See?

288You have to talk to the Governor. If you're sick, talk to Him. If you've sinned and done wrong, talk to Him. He has a pardon for you.

289 Heavenly Father, we are grateful. And I, Lord, am so in debt to You. There's no way that I could ever pay the debt of my sin. I was in a cell one day, 'cause I was born in that cell. I knowed what--what freedom meant. And the price was so great, I couldn't pay it. But I am so glad that, the day that You visit my cell, I recognized it, that it was the only One that could pardon. The only way I could ever be free, and have victory, a complete victory, was to accept the pardon that You had signed for me. And today I am free.

290I'm so happy, Lord. I visit from prison house to prison house, from those that are got marriage scruples, those who are sick and fevered, those who are sick and in prison, those who are sinful and in prison, those who flusterations, and doubt, and in prison. I'm going from cell to cell, telling them, the Governor is coming right along, pardoning every one, taking every one out.

291 Father, You know the heart of the people here today. May this be a V-day, a complete V-day. May this be a day that when every one, Lord, today, will receive the victory. Grant it, Lord.

292May every sick person be healed, that's in this building today.

293May this backside of the desert be a time that when the Voice of God will speak through the--the burning fire of faith. O God, that little fire burning there, of faith, that little hope that's burning, may the Voice of God speak through that, to every prisoner this morning, and say, "I've come today to set you free." There be a boy or girl, man or woman, here, Lord, that doesn't know You as their Saviour, may that little Voice speak, that little faith, a Voice speaking now and saying, "Yes, I believe that God is. I believe that He's everything that they say He is." And, Lord, let that little faith set them free just now. Grant it, Lord.

294Bless them. Bless Brother Isaacson here, Lord. We love this young man and his wife, his little children. Bless the little church, O God. That, we're so happy for them, we're so glad to see that they got a roof over their head here, and a place in here. You're so good to them, Lord. And we're so thankful to You. May they ever remain humble and sweet, in the Presence of God.

295 Bless this stranger in our gate. Bless the visitor, Lord. We pray that You'll be with them. And if they have never received this complete victory, to where they can say "amen" to every Word that God speaks, then, Lord, may their faith this morning, that they have in You, punctuate every Word with an "amen." Grant it, Lord.

296Bless us together. Deliver the sick, and the afflicted. Get glory to Thyself.

297And, dear God, may we not fret now after this, and remember that these trials and things comes upon us, are only done because God loves us. He gives it to us to, because He's got confidence in us. He believes that we'll... that we have faith and love for Him, that we'll be able to overcome. He'll see to it. And may we not fret and--and stew about it. May we just walk up there and speak the Word, and walk forward. The seas will open. The V-days will come. Grant it, Lord. And may this be one of the greatest V-days of our time. Bless us until we meet together again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

298 I want to say this, just before I have to go. I got an hour and a half now, to get to Tucson. It's quite a little drive. But I want to say this, that I really enjoyed being here and feeling this--this faith that you have. Don't never get away from that. Let that little fire keep burning and burning. And remember, God speaks in those little fires.

299Brother Isaacson, I--I just don't know how to express it, how grateful, that you have been able to come up here and--and hold the--the group together. May God, my brother, ever give you strength to continue on. And to you people that comes to hear, may God ever grant you strength, Divine strength, to keep you on. Now if...

300I guess you have a little formal dismissing in a few moments, the way, Brother Isaacson. I'll turn the service to him.

301And if there's any of you here, that has, that's been studying about the water baptism in the Name of "Jesus Christ" instead of the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," our little pastor here, is here ready, be glad to do that, to render baptism. If there's any problems on your heart, you'd like for him to pray through with you, he's right here to do it. And I... no more than I know him, and--and met him, and setting with him, and things, a fine, gentle, little Christian spirit found in the little brother. And--and I'm sure that God hears a prayer like that.

302 Used to be an old man lived in our country, named Hay. He was a great old man. He was a... Every time anybody... He was humble and gentle. But, and some of them thought he was just a religious crank or something. But, you know, when anybody would get sick, they called on old Daddy Hay to come pray for them. He wasn't a crank at all then. He was just a real man. And that old soldier...

303An infidel lived up on top of the hill there, had a farm. He was a friend to my daddy. My father drank. I'm ashamed to say it. But, truth is truth, you know.

The Bible is one thing that tells the Truth. See?

304 Now, we have a book called the history; it said George Washington never told a lie. I doubt that. I doubt that. Yes, sir. I'm... I--I--I don't--don't believe that. A kid can come up... "You're born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies," says the Bible. So I--I doubt that historical point of George Washington. But it only tells the good side of man.

305The Bible tells both side of men. Lot was a good man down in Sodom. "The sins of the city vexed His righteous soul." But it didn't fail to tell that he lived with his own daughter and had a child, though, see. It tells both sides of it. So we must tell both sides.

306 My father, drinking, he run with this infidel. And he would laugh at this old man. He was always making fun of him. "Old Pop Hay," we call him, "Daddy Hay," just a little rim of hair. He was an old preacher. And they was wanting rain one time. Their crops was all burning up. And they come to a little church, no more than this, called Little Opossum Kingdom, back there in Kentucky. And when they went up there, they say he said...

307He, old Daddy Hay, had a saying. He'd say, "Dear, bless my soul." Little, humble fellow, rode an old horse, old circuit preacher. And they paid him off with maybe a basketful of dried pumpkin, you know, and whatever more they had, you know, and some grease or something. That, you know, that's the way they paid the old circuit preachers. Many of you people here remember the old Eastern circuit preachers.

308 And one day the crops was all burning up. And old Daddy Hay said, "Well, dear, bless my soul." After he had a little service like this. Said, "If any of you all want to stay and pray for rain, that God will spare your crops," he said, "you stay with me." And the whole church stayed right with him.

309Pop, outside, went over, just a young fellow, took the saddle off his horse, put it--put it under the church, 'cause he knowed it was going to rain.

310That old man got down at the altar. He didn't even come off his knees. Said, about an hour after that, he heard a noise. He looked around. A black cloud was coming across the hill. There it was. See?

311 The infidel, among dad's friend that made fun of the old preacher, when he died, they had to hold him in bed. He taken walking typhoid fever. Many of you people out here probably wouldn't know what it was. Oh, it's a horrible thing. And he fought devils for hours after hours, for three or four days. He'd say, "Charlie, Charlie." That was my father. He said, "Don't let him get me. Don't let him get me. Don't you see him setting there on the side of that bed there, with them chains wrapped around him. Don't let him bind me with them. Oh!" He screamed. And they'd hold him, four or five men hold him in bed, 'fore he got ready to die.

312Back in Kentucky, they had old pegs along the side of the wall where they hung their clothes. Anybody ever see a house like that, where they put the peg?

313And he had his old slicker hanging up there. He said, "Charlie, there's a pint of whiskey in my pocket. Go, give it to my kids."

314And his wife, a Christian, out in the kitchen, cried, cooking dinner. He said, "I couldn't do that."

315And they held him in the bed until he died, fighting devils off of him.

316 When old Daddy Hay, the one he laughed at, when he got ready to die, about eight-five, ninety years old, he went to sleep. And all the children gathered in. His grown great-great-grandchildren gathered around the bed. He raised up. He had white whiskers, you know, a little rim of white hair around his head. What... Top of his head, bald. He wiggled his whisker, said, "Dear, bless my soul." Said, "You all thought old Daddy Hay was dead, didn't you?" He said, "Well, I can't die." Said, "I died years ago." Said, "I'm just going to meet the Lord Jesus." He said, "Oh, it's so great!" Said, "All you, my children, gather around the bed." He took, from the oldest to the youngest, by the hand, and blessed them.

317Then he said to his two oldest boys, said, "Raise me up." And they raised him up in bed. He couldn't hold his hand up. He was too feeble.

318He said to his other boy, said, "Raise my hand up." He raised his hands up, like that.

319He said, "Happy day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away. He taught me how to watch and pray, and live rejoicing every day." Bowed his head and was gone.

Well, we got to come to one of those ends.

320 I'm glad you got a little, humble man like this around you, who you got confidence in. Believe him; God will work miracles for you, among you.

321And I want to ask this little church something for me. Pray for me, will you? I'm one of your brothers, too. Not with you all the time; I want to be. You get the tapes and things in here. And I'm out here on a great battlefield. This is just one of the posts where we're watching for the Coming of the Lord. Pray for me, 'cause I really need your prayers. I depend on it, lot of times, when I hit hard places, especially in the foreign fields.

322And there is witch doctors, and everything, thousands times thousands standing there, challenging you, and you walk out there, alone, oh, you better know what you're talking about. Oh, my! When, they can do anything. They can just impersonate anything that God has, almost. They can. Just like Jannes and Jambres, they can impersonate anything God has got here.

323Then I remember, think about a little, faithful group. "What time is it, of the day? Way back on the backside of the desert there, way out, of a little old place called Sierra Vista, see, a little prayer meeting going on about this time. See? Way back, over on the other side of the mountain, up there in that old cow camp, somewhere like that, they're praying.

324Then I walk out, I say, "I'm covered with prayer. Satan, you can't do nothing to me. I come in the Name of the Lord Jesus." You see, something happens.

325 You pray for me. Will you do that now, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen.

Brother Isaacson, come here.

326You know, I wish I--I could stick around here, and go home with each one of you and eat dinner. Take me a long time. And I know you men think you got the best cook in the world. No doubt but what you have. See? And I'd sure like to do that. But I--I can't do it today. You all understand that, don't you? You, you do, that I can't do it right now. I'm in a tremendous strain here, at the present time. I want to come down and have a little fellowship with you. I want to come back again, too, come back and be with you. God bless you.

327Now, Brother Isaacson, take over, whatever the Lord wants you to do.

328Now, if there's any of you that would like to come here, that's never made a surrender to Jesus Christ, and you want to come here and stand here this morning, right beside this pulpit, where Brother Isaacson and I stand, and want to be prayed for, want us to pray that God will save you, will you come now? And, you, you'll have a complete victory today. If you'll...

329 If there's any of you that's backslid and gone away from God, and don't know--don't know, you've lost that fellowship, like that little lady last night. Oh, darkness gathers when you get away from God. You're on a muddy road. You're bound to lose. And if you don't have that victory that you ought to have, won't you come, too? This is a complete victory. This could be a V-day for you, for all the things of the world.

330You say, "I've had so many trials, Brother Branham. I've just been drug from pillar to post." Haven't I just told you that that's God, because He trusted you? You won't fail Him, will you? You might have fell. You might have made a mistake. But you won't fail Him, will you? You'll rise up again, like a real soldier, grip the Sword, and come forward again. We'd be glad to do that. Sure.

331And if not, Brother Isaacson will continue to speak for you then.

332If you'll excuse me now, and I can get going, go back to Tucson. I'll be back to see you again, the Lord willing. God bless you. Will you pray for me now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

333Remember, a complete victor, and single your focus on Jesus Christ. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And someday, with your eye single-looking, He will come from the sky with a Shout, the Voice of the Archangel. The dead in Christ shall rise. And these mortal bodies will take on immortality, and we'll go to be with Him forever. Till then, watch and pray. God bless you. Amen.

God bless you, brother.