


Mojžiš videl víťazstvo. Prečo? On sa zaostril. Hoci bol kniežaťom, hoci bol dedičom trónu v Egypte, on sa odvrátil od žiadosti toho sveta. Odvrátil sa preč od tej krásy a moci, ktorú mohol potenciálne získať. Všetko to dal nabok, až kým nevidel tam tých požehnaných ľudí skrze zasľúbenie Božie. On sa na to zaostril, lebo vedel, že Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že navštívi Svoj ľud. A on vedel, že bol vychovaný za tým účelom, tak to dal všetko nabok.

Faraón nemal tento potenciál. Bolo mu to ponúknuté, ale on odmietol. A keď to odmietol, potom sa nemohol zaostriť.

Žiaden človek po tom, ako odmietol Slovo Božie, sa nemôže naňho zaostriť, lebo odmieta to Slovo, ktoré ho privádza do vzťahu s Kristom. Tak veru. Takže...

Ale Mojžiš sa pozrel z toho okna a on tomu veril. Prečo? Mojžiš hľadel vierou. Tak sa na to pozeral Mojžiš.

No, pozorne počúvajte túto poznámku. Viera! Nezabudnite toto porozumieť. Viera je stvorená na to, aby videla to, aká je Božia vôľa a túžba. Nie je žiadna iná vedomosť, ktorá to dokáže. Jedine viera je stvorená a daná ľudskej rase, aby videla, čo je vôľa Božia.

A ak vezmete tú vieru, ktorú máte, a ona sa nezhoduje so Slovom, tak ju nechajte tak. Máte nesprávnu vieru.

Ale keď vaša Bohom daná viera zapadá do Slova Božieho, potom ste priamo v línii a ste zaostrení. Ó! Bože, pomôž nám v tejto hodine, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme. Viera, stvorená na to, aby videla, čo Boh chce! Ako to vidíte? Skrze fotoaparát Jeho Slova, Jeho zasľúbenia. Toto je to plné zjavenie Ježiša Krista.

1Brat Jimmy. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to... Som veľmi rád, že znovu môžem byť dnes ráno tu vo Phoenixe a užívať si tento príjemný čas obecenstva. Želám si, aby som dlho mohol takto sedieť a počúvať všetky tieto nádherné piesne. Vidím, ako mladý Jimmy tú pieseň skutočne prežíva. Tomu chlapcovi naozaj nie je čo vytknúť, že?

2A brat Outlaw mi dnes ráno hovoril, že toto je jeho drahá matka, ktorá tu sedí pri dverách, má osemdesiatjeden rokov. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Povedal by som, že pred mnohými rokmi, keď si hojdala to malé dieťa v náručí a tie malé rúčky ťa búchali po lícach, asi si si nemyslela, že tu takto budeš sedieť vo veku osemdesiat rokov a počúvať ho v jeho vlastnom zbore. Či si to vtedy verila? To je veľmi milé, veľmi milé. Som tak rád. Nech ti Boh dá... No, nemôžeme povedať, že má veľa rokov, lebo vo vnútri už si večnou bytosťou. Vidíte? Takže ste nikdy nezačali, takže nikdy nemôžete skončiť, tak jednoducho máte Večný Život. To je veľmi dobré.

3Brat Dyson, ešte som nemal tú možnosť ho stretnúť, ale on bude pokračovať v týchto zhromaždeniach počas budúceho týždňa, počnúc od dnešného večera tu v zbore. A som... Istotne dúfam, že tieto zhromaždenia budú mať veľký úspech. Želám si, keby som len mohol sedieť niekde tam vzadu a len sa ponárať v tých dobrých veciach Božích, ako náš brat bude kázať. Počúvam, že je synom misionára z Jeruzalema. Som si istý, že sa budete tešiť z tejto služby tento týždeň, zo služby nášho brata. Ak to je možné, príďte, počúvajte ho a podporte ho. A vy, ktorí nemôžete prísť a ste ďaleko od domu, mimo mesta, a nemôžete sa vrátiť, urobte to, čo urobím ja - modlite sa zaňho a modlite sa za úspech tohto zhromaždenia.

4Pamätám si ten prvýkrát vo Phoenixe. Bola to táto cirkev, bolo to len na inom mieste. Bola to cirkev, ale pod inou strechou, pod ktorou sme uctievali, a bolo to chválebné obecenstvo, ktoré sme mali s bratom Outlawom. Mám záznam, ktorý bol počas toho zhromaždenia urobený. Je to vždy... Keď sa cítim tak trochu sklesnutý, tak si tento záznam pustím. Je to už dosť zodrané. Možno ten človek, ktorý to urobil, je dnes ráno tu; bolo to spravené na malú červenú flexibilnú pásku. A potom, samozrejme, mám mnoho z týchto posledných záznamov tohto mladého speváckeho zboru, ktorí vtedy boli ešte malé deti, ako spievali. Veľa z toho máme.

5Keď sme počúvali tieto príjemné piesne, povedal som bratovi Outlawovi, „Som rád, že sa nahrávajú, lebo rád to študujem. Rád počúvam tieto piesne a púšťam si ich na páske, počúvam tie piesne, keď si môžem sadnúť.“

6Nie je nič také ako hudba. Viete to, Boh uzdravuje pomocou hudby. Vedeli ste to? Ó, Boh uzdravuje skrze hudbu.

7Boh uzdravuje skrze lásku. Vidíte? Boh uzdravuje skrze lieky. Boh uzdravuje skrze modlitbu. Boh má veľa spôsobov uzdravovania. Záleží od toho, aký druh potrebujete.

8Niekedy len trocha lásky, ktorá sa načiahne, stačí na to, aby to vyliečilo nejakú starú ranu, nejaké miesto, kde bola nevraživosť alebo niečo. Hneď to uzdraví, stačí len trocha lásky, trocha starostlivosti.

9Niekedy, keď sa cítite úplne na dne, ako tomu hovoríme, taký pouličný výraz, zmordovaní, len si pustite jednu z tých pások, nejakú hudbu alebo nahrávku a nechajte to hrať. Hneď nato si klopkáte nohou alebo rukou a všetko je to preč. Hneď ste pripravení ísť ďalej.

10No, tieto šesťhodinové kázne, tie nie sú na evanjelizácie, to je len vtedy, keď som doma a je to tak trochu... Každý vie, ako to chodí, jednoducho je to rozťahané. A veľa ľudí vie povedať viac počas piatich minút, ako viem povedať ja za šesť hodín. Takže ide len o to, čo hovoríte.

11No, myslím, že dnes ráno... Mám tu nejakú malú poznámku, že nejaká sestra tu chce, aby jej malé bábätko bolo posvätené Pánovi. A povedal som bratovi Outlawovi, „Ty nekrstíš nemluvňatá?“

On povedal, „Nie.“ Nie, on len... On ich posväcuje presne tak, ako Písmo hovorí, že majú byť posvätené.

12A tak si myslím, že ak táto sestra má to svoje malé a chce ho priniesť, nech ho len prinesie. A veríme v toto, že to je náuka z Biblie. A snažíme sa dodržiavať Písmo a ten vzor, ktorý nám Pán Ježiš zanechal, chceme to nasledovať tak presne, ako len môžeme, ako to urobil aj On. A nenachádzame žiadne miesto v Biblii, kde by ich On krstil alebo by poveroval, že majú byť pokrstené. On len... Bolo povedané, „Priviedli mu malé deti, aby ich požehnal. A On položil Svoje ruky na nich a povedal, 'Dovoľte maličkým, aby ku Mne prišli a nebráňte im, lebo takých je Kráľovstvo Božie.'“

13A tak, ak by mohol prísť organista alebo klavirista, nech len zahrá kúsok z tej krásnej piesne, len tak pomaly, „Prineste, prineste, prineste ich z polí hriechu.“ Myslím, že to dobre poznáte.

14Ako sa volá toto maličké? [Jeho matka hovorí, „Je to dievča, volá sa Rebeka.“ - pozn.prekl.] Rebeka. A druhé meno? [„Hammerová.“] Hammerová. Toto sú brat a sestra Hammeroví. [„Áno.“] Nech vás Boh žehná. Toto je vaša jediná? [„Je to naše štvrté dievča.“] Štvrté dievča. Ty by si mal byť evanjelista. Filip mal štyri dcéry, viete, [„Tak veru.“] a všetky boli prorokyne. [Otec hovorí, „Ja nie som kazateľ.“] Nemusíš byť, ale mám dôveru, že Boh ti jednako dá štyri prorokyne spomedzi týchto dcér, brat Hammer.

15Veľmi milé. Teraz zíva. Mali ste to vidieť. Mám ich rád. Ale vždy sa bojím, že keď ich zdvíham, aby som ich požehnal, bojím sa, že ich nejako zraním. Viete, oni sú tak trochu... Mám pri tom taký divný pocit, keď ich dvíham. A moja žena vždy hovorila, „Nemôžeš ich zraniť.“ Ale oni vyzerajú tak zlato. Vyzerajú, že na nich musíte naozaj dávať pozor. A tak pokúsim sa ju podržať, ak to bude všetko v poriadku.

16No, toto je práca, ktorá by sa mojej žene páčila. Nie je milá, maličká? Malá Rebeka Hammer, ahoj. Dobre. Sme za toto vďační, ako Boh dal tejto zjednotenej dvojici toto drahé dieťa. Musí prísť len z Boha. Nikto nemôže dať život okrem Boha.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

17Náš Nebeský Otec, prinášame Ti dnes ráno túto malú hrsť lásky, ktorá bola umiestnená do tohto domu Tvojou veľkou rukou. Ako ju táto matka držala pod svojím srdcom, túžila vidieť, ako bude vyzerať, keď už konečne príde. A tu je dnes ráno toto zlaté drahé malé dievčatko. A dostala biblické meno. A teraz prichádza ku oltáru Božiemu, matka a jej muž, aby ju posvätili a odovzdali späť tomu Bohu, ktorý ju im dal. Požehnaj ich dom, Otče, modlíme sa o to. Požehnaj ich rodinu. Požehnaj túto malú Rebeku.

18V Biblii nachádzame, že ľudia ku Tebe prinášali malé bábätká, aby si na ne položil Svoje ruky a požehnal ich. A ak by si tu dnes ráno bol vo Svojom viditeľnom tele, títo rodičia by túto malú Rebeku priniesli ku Tebe. Uvedomujeme si, Pane, že naše ruky sú veľmi úbohé náhrady pre toto veľké poslanie, ale Ty si nám to nariadil robiť. A tak preto, Pane, dávam Ti malú Rebeku v Mene Ježiša Krista, oddávam Ti ju. Len prevezmi jej malý život a použi ho, Pane, na Tvoju slávu. A budeme Ťa za to chváliť, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

19Nech vás Boh žehná. Nech Pán udelí, aby toto malé dieťatko mohlo žiť a bolo milou ženou a veľkou služobnicou Krista do budúcnosti, ak bude ešte nejaká budúcnosť. Nech vás oboch Boh žehná, je to tak milé.

20Ó, tie malé deti. Je v tom taká nevinnosť. Veľakrát som rozmýšľal nad tým, ako nevinné je dieťa. A jednako, ak by sme len my mohli byť tak nevinní ako jedno z tých detí... Ale zisťujeme, že sme ešte nevinnejší, keď nás Krv Ježiša Krista očistila od všetkého hriechu.

21No, obráťme sa do Písma. Vy, ktorí radi čítate Písmo, obraciame sa do knihy Židom, 9. kapitoly, pre nejaké Slová. Začnime s 24. veršom v 9. kapitole.

Lebo Kristus nevošiel do svätyne, učinenej rukou, proti-obrazu tej pravej, ale do samého neba ukázať sa teraz tvári Božej za nás.

Ani nie, aby sa často obetoval, ako čo najvyšší kňaz každý rok vchádza do svätyne s cudzou krvou, 

keďže by bol musel mnoho ráz trpieť od založenia sveta. Ale teraz pri skonaní vekov zjavil sa raz navždy na odstránenie hriechu svojou obeťou.

A ako je uložené ľuďom raz zomrieť, a potom súd, 

tak i Kristus, raz obetovaný tým cieľom, aby vyniesol hriechy mnohých na kríž, po druhé sa ukáže bez hriechu tým, ktorí ho očakávajú, na spasenie.

22Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnanie do čítania Jeho Slova. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa.

23Všemohúci Bože, ktorý si počiatkom všetkých vecí, ktorý si učinil svety skrze Ježiša Krista, prichádzame do Tvojej Prítomnosti v tejto budove dnes ráno, ako zhromaždenie Tvojich ľudí: aby sme sa v prvom rade obetovali pre Tvoju službu; aby sme poďakovali za to, čo sme už prijali z Tvojej ruky; modliac sa, aby si požehnal čítanie tohto Slova. Nech Duch Svätý naďalej robí to Slovo pre nás skutočným, ako hľadíme na Autora toho Slova, lebo o to prosíme v Jeho Mene, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

24No, pokúsime sa dnes ráno vziať len štyri písmená v jednom slove, Pozri, ako našu tému. Chvíľu sa tým budeme zaoberať, podľa toho, ako nás Pán bude viesť. Mám tu zapísaných pár poznámok a niektoré miesta Písma, na ktoré by sme sa mohli odvolávať, ako ideme ďalej. Pozri.

25P-o-z-r-i, pozri. To slovo v skutočnosti, keď... Často sa používa. Ale „pozri,“ keď počujete to slovo, zvyčajne je to vtedy, keď sa vám niekto snaží povedať, aby ste uvideli to, na čo sa pozeráte. Povedia vám, „Pozri.“ Ako keď idete dolu cestou a niekto uvidí nejakú scénu a povedia, „Pozri,“ a potom vyjadria to, čo to je. Je to na hore, je to kaktus, alebo na čokoľvek sa pozeráte. Ale tá prvá vec, aby upútali vašu pozornosť, je, „Pozri!“

26No, každý sa dnes pozerá. Každý niečo hľadá, každý očakáva, že sa niečo stane.

27Vieme, že svet neustále sleduje oblohu, radary a obrazovky, ktoré máme po celom svete, v každom národe, na svoju obranu, má to akoby magické oko, je to ako atómová strela alebo niečo. A potom oni tam majú niečo, čo to dokáže vrátiť späť k tomu, ktorý to sem poslal.

28Všetko je to o hľadení, snaha zistiť. Spoločnosť Ford sa snaží vyrobiť lepší Ford. Chevrolet sa snaží vyrobiť lepší Chevrolet. Phoenix sa snaží byť väčším a lepším mestom. Národ hľadí mať viac územia, aby sa mohol rozširovať. Cirkev zas vyhľadáva viac členov.

Ale nevesta vzhliada Príchod jej Pána.

29Všetci vzhliadame na niečo. Závisí to na tom, čo sa ti ten hlas snaží povedať, aby si hľadal. Niektorí z nás hovoria, „Vyhliadaj toto!“ A ak to je cirkev, vtedy hovoríme, že chceme tento rok o toľkoto viac členov. To je v poriadku.

30Ale ten hlas, ktorý sa vám dnes ráno snažím vyjadriť, ako to hovorí pisateľ tejto epištoly, (veríme, že to bol Pavol), „Po druhýkrát vzhliadajúc Príchod Ježiša Krista,“ hľadajúc Jeho. Aby ste to urobili, musíte niečo vidieť pred tým, ako môžete niekomu povedať to, čo vidíte.

31Noe mal s týmto prežitie. A on skrze vieru videl príchod potopy, ten veľký dážď, ktorý mal pokryť zem a všetko vziať... zmyť zem; to znovu-zasvätenie Bohu. Tá špina toho sveta, že ľudia sa dostali do takého zhluku, do akého sa v ten deň dostali, ale všetko to muselo byť zmyté a začaté odznova.

32Práve som dokončil sériu bohoslužieb o tých posledných Siedmich Pečatiach. A nachádzame v tejto šiestej pečati, že je tam veľké narušenie v prírode. Mesiac, hviezdy a zem chŕlia... Cirkev je očistená, Izrael je očistený a všetko je očistené pod tou siedmou pečaťou, aby sa mohlo začať Milénium. Musí byť najprv očistenie.

33A to je presne to, na čo vám chcem poukázať, že dnešná cirkev potrebuje, je to očistenie. Pred tým, ako sa čokoľvek od Boha môže začať, musíme mať očistenie. A keď hľadáme a vidíme tie veci, ktoré sú teraz, v týchto prítomných podmienkach, ktoré sú také, aké sú, vidíme, že musíme mať niečo pred tým, ako Boh bude môcť pokračovať vo Svojom programe a očisťovaní. Mnohí z nás, povedal by som, sa môže pozerať naspäť na...

34Mám pásku alebo, nuž, je to film, ktorý bol natočený v Jeruzaleme, kde sme sa pýtali Židov, keď sa vracali z Iránu a mnohých miest pred pár rokmi, asi päť rokov dozadu, niesli svojich milovaných na chrbte a vyvádzali ich z lodí a z lietadiel, a tak ďalej, vracali sa. Pýtali sa ich otázku, „Vraciate sa do svojej domoviny, aby ste tam zomreli?“

Oni povedali, „Vraciame sa, aby sme uvideli Mesiáša.“

35Keď vidíte Izrael, ten strom, ako klíči, je to veľké znamenie. Ten čas je nablízku, kedy sa Izrael stane národom a on už dnes je národom.

36Vidíme, ako sa toto deje vo svete, ktorý je tak slepý, aký bol vo dňoch Noeho. Ale pre tých, ktorí po druhýkrát vzhliadajú Krista, je to znamenie, že On čoskoro prichádza. Vidíme, ako sa niečo ide stať, a závisí to od toho, na čo hľadíte.

37No, Noe vedel skrze Slovo Božie, že prichádza potopa. Skrze vieru to videl. On vedel, že sa to stane, lebo to zasľúbilo Božie Slovo. No, sám Noe skrze vieru videl to, čo hovorí Božie Slovo. Ale svet to nemohol vidieť, lebo im nebolo vedecky dokázané, že by tam hore na oblohe bola nejaká voda. Ale Noe vedel, že tam bola, lebo Boh tak povedal.

38To je tá Cirkev, tá Nevesta, tí vyvolaní dneška, ktorí vedia, že Príchod Pánov je nablízku bez ohľadu na to, ako ďaleko sme mohli pokročiť, a tak ďalej, a mať úspech v štiepení atómu a v posielaní radarových správ na mesiac. To pre veriaceho neznamená nič, len znamenie, že Príchod Pánov je nablízku. Vidíme, ako sa národy rozpadávajú a národy prichádzajú, rozpadávajú sa a svet sa rozpadáva a cirkev sa rozpadáva. A potom sme učení, že, „Prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré nemôže byť zatrasené.“ Ale tieto veci sa začínajú diať, lebo cirkev sa spolu dáva do zväzku, pevnejšie a pevnejšie s... skrze Slovo Božie. Je to veľký deň, v ktorom žijeme. A tu sme...

39Každý niečo hľadá. Možno vzhliadate ten čas, kedy pôjdete domov a dáte si večeru. Možno dnes popoludní bude nejaký piknik, kam vezmete svoje rodiny. Môže byť niečo iné budúci týždeň, kde očakávate, že príde váš sused alebo nejaký priateľ. Ale každý niečo vzhliada.

40A ako skupina veriacich dneška, ktorí sú zhromaždení spolu a my chceme položiť naše myšlienky, naše zásady a podobne na Príchode Pánovom, „Vyhliadajúc Krista, ktorý sa po druhýkrát zjaví bez hriechu na spasenie tým, ktorí veria a vzhliadajú Jeho príchod.“ Boh nás tu pozýva skrze toho pisateľa, aby sme sa na to dívali. My... Ten pisateľ tu hovorí, „My očakávame (vyhliadame) Krista po druhýkrát, aby sme Ho videli, ako On je.“

41A teraz... My vieme, že Slovo je Kristus. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.“ A Židom 13:8 hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ A z toho dôvodu to je to Slovo, na ktoré očakávame, lebo je to vyjadrenie toho, čím Boh je. A keď Boh prišiel v Kristovi, On bol vyjadrením toho, čím bol Boh. A čímkoľvek On bol, On tým vždy zostáva, lebo je Večný a nemôže sa meniť.

42Čo za nádej nám to dáva, že Boh nás nezanechal bez pravdivého svedka v dňoch zmätku, v ktorých dnes žijeme! A jednako sme istotne privilegovaní ľudia, ak sa len pozrieme na toho pravdivého Svedka, ktorého máme, to Slovo, vidíte, lebo to je Božie plné zasľúbenie Ježiša Krista. Nič sa k Nemu nemôže pridať ani z Neho odobrať, lebo to je zjavenie Ježiša Krista.

43Boh nikdy nezanechal Svoj ľud bez pravdivého svedka. Boh bude súdiť svet Ježišom Kristom. A ak Ježiš Kristus je tým Slovom, potom Boh súdi cirkev alebo svet skrze Slovo, lebo On je tým Slovom. Prichádza Súd. A hriešnici to vedia.

44Mnoho ľudí, keď hovoríte o cirkvi, majú o tom zvláštnu predstavu. Keď svet prechádza okolo cirkvi, okolo toho zhromaždeného Tela Kristovho, prídu im na myseľ ženy s dlhými vyťahanými vlasmi, čiernymi sukňami a podobne. Pomyslia na to, že tam sú muži s dlhými prstami, oblečení v čiernom, ktorí ich vždy odsudzujú. Pre svetský rozum to tak je, lebo „Cirkev je zvláštny ľud, sú to vyvolaní ľudia.“

45A ten dôvod, prečo to tak vyzerá pre človeka, ktorý chce posudzovať cirkev v stave, v akom je, je ten, že cirkev vždy ukazuje prstom a odsudzuje všetko, čo si on myslí, že je dobré. A ak je on hriešnik, on si myslí, že hriech je dobrý, ten pôžitok života a život vo svete. A keď sa cirkev postaví a tú vec odsúdi, preňho to vyzerá ako nejaká hrôzostrašná obluda. Ale ak by on len vedel, že to je jediná Božia cesta k spaseniu, (tak veru), je to vyjadrenie Božieho Slova skrze ústa Jeho služobníkov.

46No, Boh sa mohol rozhodnúť kázať Evanjelium cez slnko, cez mesiac, cez hviezdy, cez vietor, cez prírodu. Ale On si vybral ľudí, aby kázali Evanjelium, a odtiaľ prichádza Hlas Boží. A môžete posudzovať ten hlas podľa slova, ktoré vyjadruje, potom môžete vidieť, čo za hlas to počúvate. Ak to je v protiklade so Slovom, potom to nepočúvajte. Ale ak to je Slovo, potom má Boh povinnosť dodržať to Slovo a potvrdiť Ho, urobiť Ho pravdivým, lebo On zasľúbil, že to tak urobí. A tak my žijeme v tom veľkom dni, kedy boli tieto Slová Kristove vyjadrené.

47Keď On prišiel do tohto sveta, On Sám bol tým Slovom. On nemusel písať žiadne knihy. On nikdy nenapísal žiadnu knihu. Prečo? On bol tým Slovom. On nemusel o ničom písať, lebo On bol tým, o čom ostatní písali. On bol tým Slovom. A tak preto On nič nepísal Svojou vlastnou rukou. On Sám bol tým Slovom. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, lebo On stále zostáva tým Slovom.

48Jedného dňa povedal Židom, „Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“ No, hriech je „nevera.“ „Kto na Mňa môže poukázať prstom a povedať, že som nevyplnil každé Slovo, ktoré bolo o Mne napísané?“

49Či by to nebolo dnes ráno chválebné, moji bratia a sestry, ak by sa cirkev živého Boha mohla postaviť a povedať, „Kto ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Každý dar, ktorý Boh v Biblii zasľúbil, a všetko, čo On zasľúbil, že sa stane, všetko sa to deje dnes priamo pred nami“? Či to nie je chválebné? Kto to môže? A potom my... Tie denominačné myšlienky by sa rovno vytratili, keby sme uvideli, ako Boh hovorí za Seba Samého.

50Toľko ľudí hľadá rôzne... Nikto nechce zomrieť. Nikto nechce byť stratený. Každý chce byť v Prítomnosti Božej. Ja to chcem, vy to chcete, každý to chce. Ale my nie sme ochotní prísť tým spôsobom, ktorý pre nás Boh poskytol. Vidíte? A to robí ten rozdiel.

51Môj syn Billy mi dal nedávno fotoaparát. A ukázal mi nejaký predmet. Povedal, „Tati, odfoť ten obrázok tam.“ No, je to malá 35mm Petra. A vzal som ten malý foťák a pozrel som sa na ten predmet. A stáli tam asi tri rôzne predmety, kaktus Saguaro. Videl som jednu stonku, dve stonky, tri stonky. A znovu som to dal dolu, pozrel som sa a už som uvidel len jednu stonku. A tak som sa do toho znovu pozrel a vyzeralo to, akoby tam boli tri stonky.

52No, tak to niekedy býva, že sa prestávame sústrediť. Máme tú mušku. A možno sa niečo Božie snažíme dať niekde dozadu alebo inde, možno sme ešte nepoužili našu mušku. Nech dá Duch Svätý preč naše myšlienky a našu teológiu a nech len príde tá muška a spojí nás, vtedy už nebudete vidieť tri alebo štyri. Uvidíte len jeden predmet, predmet Boží. Vidíte?

53Keď sa človek pozerá cez ten istý fotoaparát, môže niečo vidieť, ale jeho vlastná inteligencia mu hovorí, že tam je len jedna stonka. Vidíte?

54Ale tak to robí Duch Svätý, ak Ho len necháme, nech to On robí Svojím spôsobom. On Sám vezme to Slovo a privedie Ho do zaostrenia, aby sme videli, na čo sa pozeráme. A potom zistíte, že tí ľudia, ktorí sa vám snažia niečo ukázať, že je to nakoniec úplne vedľa. Vidíte? Ak len necháte, nech sa spustí tá muška, to samotné Slovo sa začne ukazovať v manifestácii. Amen: Ono to urobí, ak Ho len necháte. Vidíte? Ale musíte tú mušku používať, aby ste... Ak to raz zasiahlo desiatku, tak to zasiahne znova.

55Rád strieľam a tie terče... A nedávno som bol tu v Kentucky poľovať na veveričky. Bol tam... Mal som malú pušku model 75. Znie to... Dúfam, že to nebude znieť ako svätokrádež, keď to poviem v kázni, ale poviem vám to. Chcem vyjasniť určitú myšlienku. A s touto malou puškou som trénoval. Zabával som sa a narábal som so zbraňami od útleho detstva. Milujem ich. A mal som túto malú model 75-ku, až som takmer zakaždým vedel trafiť veveričke do oka aj na päťdesiat yardov [Asi 45 metrov – pozn.prekl.].

56Mal som papier z úradu, kde bolo napísané, „Potvrdenie o strelení deviatich guliek cez tú istú dieru na vzdialenosť 50 yardov počas daždivého, veterného počasia.“ A mám to podpísané a overené u notára. A to bol, samozrejme, Pán, ktorý mi to pomohol urobiť. To nie je bežné.

57A začal som strieľať na tú veveričku. Zistil som, že som ju zasiahol niekde vedľa oka. Znervóznel som. Vyskúšal som znovu na papier a netrafil som do cieľa. Trafil som asi štvrť palca alebo pol palca vedľa alebo tak podobne, na vzdialenosť päťdesiat yardov. Ale vedel som, že sa to dá ešte lepšie. Urobil som s tou zbraňou všetko, čo som dokázal, ale nezdalo sa, že by niečo pomáhalo.

58A tak som to zabalil do krabice a poslal som to do firmy Winchester, aby to prešetrili a znovu poskladali. Napísali mi pekný list, ktorý mám založený doma. A hovorilo sa tam, „Rev. Branham, táto puška má odchýlku jeden palec na dvadsaťpäť yardov. Je to iba model 75. Nie je to terčová zbraň. Je to len taká malá hračka.“ A povedali, „Lepšie sa vám s tým nepodarí.“ No, to bola firma Winchester, ktorá tú zbraň vyrobila, a oni sami hovorili o tej vzdialenosti „jedného palca na dvadsaťpäť yardov,“ a ja som trafil deväť dier za sebou na päťdesiat yardov.

59No, tu je to, čo mám na mysli. Moja žena povedala, „No, pozri, Bill,“ povedala, „ak to povie samotná tá firma, ktorá to vyrobila, že lepšie tá puška nedokáže, ako to potom môžeš povedať ty?“

60Povedal som, „Drahá, je to takto: Je mi jedno, čo hovorí tá firma. Ja som videl, ako sa to stalo, a ja viem, že ona to dokáže.“

61A sadol som si tam, keď ostatní bratia strieľali na veveričky. Kdekoľvek chceli trafiť, bolo to v poriadku, do stredu, dozadu, kdekoľvek. Ja som sedel pod stromom a plakal som. Povedal som, „Bože, som tak nervózny. Nedokážem sa spamätať. Prečo si zo mňa urobil takéhoto nervózneho človeka?“ A jednoducho...

62Uvedomujem si, kde tu teraz stojím, je tu predo mnou Biblia. A prehovoril Hlas, tak hlasno, ako teraz počujete vy mňa, a povedal, „Bol si takto stvorený za určitým účelom.“

Lebo dokiaľ… viete, že ak je tá puška zameraná presne na stred, lebo... Ak raz trafila desiatku, tak ju trafí znovu. Je to tá istá puška.

63A tak preto, ja to vidím. Vidíte? Ak poslúchate toto Slovo a vezmete tú mušku a zameriate ju na hľadáčik, kde vidíte to isté, čo videli apoštoli, to isté Evanjelium, ktoré oni kázali. Prinesie to tie isté výsledky, lebo tak to bolo aj s nimi. Ono trafí ten cieľ každý jeden raz. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovoria cirkvi a tí ľudia, čo oni hovoria, viem, že ono to vykoná. Lebo... A tu je to, na čo chcem hľadieť, to Slovo, aby som videl, že je to presne zaostrené, aby som videl to isté videnie, ktoré videli oni. A urobí to tú istú prácu, akú to urobilo pre nich. Uzdraví to chorých. Vzkriesi to mŕtvych. Vyženie to diablov. Privedie to chválebnú Cirkev, ktorá je ochotná zapečatiť svoje svedectvo vlastnou krvou, ak je to potrebné, lebo to záleží na tom, na čo hľadíte.

64No, ak by som hľadel na to, čo povedala firma Winchester, ktorá údajne tú zbraň vyrobila, tak by som počúval ich. Ale ja som vedel, že je to inak.

65No, ak sa pozriem na cirkev a oni povedia, „Ó, tie dni sú preč, už nie je nič také,“ a vidíte, kde by ste potom boli? Je to úplne mimo cieľa. Vidíte?

66Ale ak je On vždy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. On bol vždy Bohom a On nemôže byť ničím iným ako Bohom. A On je Bohom, Večným. A z toho dôvodu sa chceme pozerať na ten Cieľ; bez ohľadu na to, na aký cieľ strieľa cirkev, ale ide o ten Cieľ, na ktorý strieľa Kristus.

67„Vyhliadame Kristov príchod, toho istého Ježiša.“ On povedal, keď bol tu na zemi, „Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viac neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo budem s vami do konca sveta.“ Ten istý, ktorý mohol smerovať to Slovo a byť tým Slovom a smerovať Ho priamo do toho Cieľa, ten istý Pán Ježiš je tu dnes ráno vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby smeroval naše myšlienky a sústredil nás na Jeho Slovo, na toho jedného pravdivého a živého Boha, na jeden účel, na jedno dosiahnutie. A ak Ho len necháme, aby to urobil, On to Slovo namieri priamo do miesta, kde dokáže, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ide o to, na čo chcete hľadieť.

68Musíme zaostrovať naše životy. Nejde o to, čo hovorí niekto iný, len zaostrovať naše životy na Neho. A On je tým Slovom. Vidíte? Ak zoradíme naše životy so Slovom, potom to Slovo a náš život sa stanú tým istým. On povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom proste, o čo chcete, a bude vám to udelené. Amen vám hovorím, že ak poviete tejto hore, 'Pohni sa,' a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu, čo ste povedali, stane sa to; môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“ Ó! „Nie to, čo som Ja povedal; to, čo ste vy povedali, môžete to mať,“ lebo vy a On sa stávate tým istým. Lebo tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. A potom tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, mala vyplniť Slovo Otca. On bol tým Slovom. Tu to máte. Potom vy a to Slovo ste spolu zaostrení. Stávate sa živou jednotkou Boha. Aké veľkolepé!

69Bol čas, kedy ľudské hriechy... Keď človek zhrešil pred Bohom, on prekročil veľkú priepasť. Ako tu raz jeden spisovateľ povedal, že, „On sa zjavil v posledných dňoch pre spasenie pre tých, ktorí Ho vyhliadajú.“ No, človek prekročil túto veľkú priepasť a nenechal pre seba žiadnu cestu návratu. Nemohol sa vrátiť, lebo prekročil to oddelenie, ktoré bolo medzi ním a Bohom.

70Boh, súc plný milosti a milosrdenstva vzal náhradu a bol to baránok alebo zviera, ktoré bolo obetované ako náhradná smrť. „Ale krv býkov a kozlov,“ ako sa tu hovorí v Židom, pred tým, kde som teraz čítal, „ona nemôže vziať hriech.“ Ona len zakryla ten hriech. Bola to náhrada, ale to len prikrylo hriech, lebo to hovorilo o dobrom svedomí a vyhliadalo na to, kedy príde Krv, ktorá očistí hriech, oddelí ho a dá ho naveky preč.

71No, keď prišiel Ježiš, On nebol len človekom. On nebol len treťou osobou v trojici. On bol Bohom. On bol Sám Bohom. On bol Emanuel. A Biblia nás učí, že, „Sme spasení Krvou Božou.“ Keď sa Sám Boh stal jedným z nás, On zmenil to, čím bol. On zmenil Svoj stánok. On zostúpil zo Slávy a stal sa človekom. A preto, zrodený bez sexu, On si stvoril telo, v ktorom On Sám žil. Emanuel, Boh predstavený s nami, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom medzi nami a žilo s nami, aby vykúpilo naspäť mnohých synov k Bohu cez preliatie tejto Krvi.

72To telo, istotne, to bol Kristus. Bol to ten Pomazaný. A ak Kristus znamená „Ten Pomazaný,“ a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, a On je tým Slovom, potom to Slovo je to pomazanie. „Ak budete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom si povedzte, čo chcete.“ Je to Slovo Božie, to pomazané Slovo, ktoré to robí.

73No, bol čas, ako som už poznamenal, kedy žena, keď mala špinu na bielom kúsku vecí, ona... Nemala to ako dať preč. Pamätám si, ako moja mama zvykla dávať čiernu kávu na masť, aby z niečoho zmyla špinu. Pamätám si tie časy, kedy zvykla brať fľašu terpentínového oleja a snažila sa zmyť tú špinu, uhoľný olej, a tak ďalej, aby odstránila tú nečistotu z oblečenia. Nemohli ste to dostatočne vydrhnúť. Stále po tom boli stopy. A to je symbol, ktorý by som rád použil, ako krv kozlov a oviec, a tak ďalej.

74Ale teraz, oni vyrobili vec, ktorú nazývajú bielidlo. A to bielidlo, ten Clorox, alebo čokoľvek to je, je to bielidlo, ktoré bolo vyrobené. A dnes ráno, ak by som mal tubu plnú toho bielidla a malé kvapkadlo s čiernym atramentom... Preštudujme to na chvíľu. Čo je čierny atrament? Veľa z toho je voda. Ale tá farba, odkiaľ pochádza tá farba? Tá farba musela vzniknúť. Vieme, že to je stvorenie. Čiže ak začala so stvorením, musela prísť od Stvoriteľa pred tým, ako mohla byť stvorením.

75Neviem, čo znamenajú tieto slová. Neviem to vysvetliť. Ale prepáčte mi tieto slová, ktoré použijem, ale chcem tým niečo vyjadriť. Nuž, povedzme, že keď padne...

76Táto kvapka atramentu, ona je za určitým účelom. Tá farba sa stáva tou farbou za určitým účelom. Tá jedna kvapka atramentu môže podpísať rozsudok vášho trestu smrti, môže vás poslať na elektrické kreslo. Ale tá jedna kvapka atramentu vás tiež môže ospravedlniť z vašich hriechov. Bola tu daná za určitým účelom. Musíme to použiť na tú správnu vec.

77Ale napríklad... je to dokončené. Ak pustíme tú jednu kvapku atramentu do nádoby plnej bielidla, čo sa tomu stane? Nevidíte, že by sa niečo stalo, už nebude žiadna farba. Tá farba sa rozpadne. Nezistíte, kam odišla. Obrátila sa späť na kyseliny. Samozrejme, voda je tvar, je to H2O, a vracia sa späť do tej vody, ktorá je v tom bielidle. Ale tá chemikália v tom bielidle sa tak rozpadne, že už po nej nenájdete ani špinku. Je preč. Obrátila sa naspäť na kyseliny. Odkiaľ pochádzajú tie kyseliny? Povedzme, že pochádzajú z atómov alebo molekúl. A aké molekuly? Molekula z atómov, atómy do elektrónov, a tak ďalej, ako to pokračuje.

78Zamyslime sa nad tým. Keď sa to tam začalo, povieme, že to pochádza z atómu alebo molekuly, štvornásobná molekula šesťdesiatdeväť sa stáva molekulou H. Čo ak by to bolo šesťdesiatosem namiesto šesťdesiatdeväť? Bola by ružová namiesto čiernej. Niečo to muselo určiť. Čo ak by to bol atóm krát štyri, krát šesť, krát jedenásť? Malo to byť... Ak by to bolo šesť namiesto jedenásť, bolo by to hnedé. Vidíte? Muselo to prísť od niekoho, kto to vytvoril.

79Pozrite sa z okna na tú palmu. Čo to je? Je to vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Pozrite sa na to cez cestu a uvidíte eukalyptus. Čo to je? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život, život iného druhu. Pozrite sa, vidíte ružu. Čo to je? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Odkiaľ prišla tá farba? Len sa nad tým zamyslite. No, kto zafarbil ten kvet? Sú dva kvety toho istého druhu, jeden je žltý a ten druhý je červený. Oba pochádzajú z malého semienka. A odkiaľ pochádza tá farba? Časť z nich je zelená, časť biela, časť červená, časť žltá, odkiaľ pochádzajú všetky tie farby? To isté slnko svietilo na to isté miesto. Niečo to musí určiť. Je to prírodná látka, čiže niekde musela mať stvorenie. No, pozrite sa teraz, čo to robí? Ide to priamo späť na začiatok ku Stvoriteľovi.

80 Potom, ak hriech položil škvrnu na ľudskú bytosť, a Mojžiš, tým, že ponúkol ovcu ako obeť, mohol vziať Hlas Boží...

„Vložím Svoje Slová do jeho úst.“

81A on tam vyšiel so Slovom Božím a povedal, „Nech sú muchy.“ A nikde tam nebola žiadna mucha. Možno skôr ako do piatich minút začali dookola bzučať zelené muchy. Za ďalších desať minút ich tam boli možno dve libry na štvorcový yard. Čo to bolo? To Slovo Božie v ústach Jeho proroka. Slovo Božie vytvára, ale musí prísť z toho správneho zdroja.

82A potom, ak Boh mohol vziať toho muža a premostiť cestu skrze krv oviec a kozlov a mohol spôsobiť, že Slovo Božie bolo tvorčie v ústach človeka, o koľko viac... nie len, ale bolo tvorčie... alebo tá moc obete býka alebo kozla. Ale tá Krv Ježiša Krista, keď je hriech vyznaný a padne do bielidla Božieho, tá vlastná... Božia vlastná tvorčia cesta vzatia tej škvrny, ako je uvrhnutá do mora zabudnutia, a nikdy viac sa na ňu nebude pamätať.

83Keď človek vyznáva svoje hriechy a dá sa do poriadku s Bohom a Boh púšťa hriech tohto vyznania do Krvi Svojej vlastnej Krvi a odpúšťa ten hriech a nahrádza to v človeku tým originálnym Duchom, ktorý tam mal byť, Jeho vlastný Duch, ktorý z neho robí syna Božieho, o koľko viac by mala byť táto tvorčia moc Božia v cirkvi! Vidíte? Búra to každý múr hriechu. Búra ho. Vidíte?

84Ľudia sa dnes snažia povedať, „Tie slová boli pre iný vek.“ Boli, ak ste stále mimo tej Krvi.

85Ale ak sa nachádzate pod tou Krvou, tá moc Božia skrze Jeho Slovo zostáva tou istou. Musí byť taká istá. Ak to On dokázal urobiť vtedy skrze krv oviec a zvierat, čo potom s Krvou Ježiša Krista?

86Mohol som to urobiť. Musíme vziať svoje životy a nasmerovať ich do Slova Božieho. Rovnako, ako to robíme s fotoaparátom, keď sa to snažíme zaostriť pred tým, ako zachytíme obraz, a potom dostaneme ten skutočný, pravdivý obraz. Tak to máme robiť, zaostriť naše životy na Ježiša Krista, aby si sa Kristus a ty stali tou istou Osobou. Ty si synom adoptovaným Bohom skrze Krv toho spravodlivého Ježiša Krista.

87Potom bude cirkev napredovať ďalej bez zadrhnutí, bez zranení, bez škody, bez pochybností, bez škrupúľ, bez odporu. Bude sa pohybovať v moci Slova Božieho, manifestujúc každé Božské požehnanie, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, ak to len urobí.

88Musíme konať vo svojich životoch a potom vidieť Jeho a jedine Jeho, nie nejakého biskupa, nejakú veľkú osobnosť alebo niečo, z čoho si berieme vzor, ale hľadieť na Ježiša Krista. Nie nejakú organizáciu, nie nejakého pápeža alebo nejakého arcibiskupa z Canterbury alebo nejakého iného „Božského človeka,“ ako im tu na zemi hovoríme. Musíme hľadieť na Ježiša Krista. On je tým Slovom. A to...

89Abrahám, keď mu bolo povedané, aby prebýval v zemi cudzincov a hľadel na zasľúbenie, on nikdy o tom zasľúbení nepochyboval.

Kresťan sa pozerá na to neviditeľné.

90Pamätajte, ste obdarovaní piatimi zmyslami. Jeden z nich je zrak. Ale ja vám to dokážem, váš zrak nevidí všetko. Tu dnes ráno, priamo v tejto miestnosti v tejto chvíli, sú tu v tejto miestnosti živé reprezentácie stvorení. V tejto miestnosti sú živé hlasy. Ak nie, potom si zapnite televíziu a uvidíte, či ľudia z druhej strany krajiny nie sú dnes ráno rovno tu v tejto miestnosti. Ich postavy a ich bytosti prechádzajú touto miestnosťou. Je to pravda? Prečo? Jediný spôsob, akým to kedy budete vedieť, je vysielač, aby to zachytil a premietol do reality.

91A ten jediný spôsob, akým Cirkev bude kedy vedieť, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, je ten, aby sa dostala do toho vysielača, do tej Krvi, ktorá odstraňuje naše hriechy preč od nás a prenáša nás naprieč tou priepasťou do Prítomnosti Božej, kde sme synmi Božími, v ktorých sa On Sám reprezentuje. Ó, čo za veľkolepá vec! Ak by sme na to dnes ráno hľadeli, zabudli by sme na tie rozdiely vecí, ktoré sú dnes vo svete, a na tie veci, na ktoré hľadia ostatní, a tie veľké čísla, a tak ďalej. „Hľaďme na Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Autorom a Dokonávateľom našej viery.“

92No, pamätajte, tá celá kresťanská výzbroj je nadprirodzená, ak ste Kresťanom.

93Poviete, „Vidieť je veriť.“ Nemôžeš byť Kresťanom, ak tomu veríš.

94„Lebo viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa dá nádejať, dôkazom vecí, ktoré sa nevidia.“ Nemôžeš byť Kresťanom a povedať, že to musíš vidieť. Celá zbroj Božia je nadprirodzená. Láska, radosť, pokoj, viera, dlho-zhovievavosť, dobrota, tichosť, jemnosť a Duch Svätý, všetko je to neviditeľné. A Kresťan nehľadí na to, čo vidia jeho oči. On hľadí na to, čo vidí jeho viera.

95A jeho viera môže byť založená len na jednej veci a tou je Slovo. Amen. Teraz mám chuť na kričanie. Tak veru. Vidíte? Keď sa dostanete do toho Slova, to je tá živá vec. To je to Slovo. Keď môže byť vaša myseľ a vaše oči zaostrené jedine na Slovo a sústredíte sa na to, až kým nevidíte to, čo Boh robí. Čo za nádherná vec!

96Abrahám to videl. Vidíte? On nehľadel na žiadne neporozumenia ohľadom toho zasľúbenia. Čo ak by sa na to pozrel a povedal, „Som tu, mám sedemdesiatpäť rokov. A taký a taký hlas ku mne prehovoril a povedal mi, že budem mať so svojou ženou dieťa. Ona má teraz šesťdesiatpäť rokov, asi pätnásť, dvadsať rokov po prechode“? Čo by on urobil? Ale čo on naozaj urobil? On nevenoval pozornosť žiadnym tým prirodzeným veciam. On hľadel na to, čo Boh povedal. Preňho sa to stalo takou realitou, že už nevidel nič iné, iba to, čo Boh povedal. On opustil svoj dom. Oddelil sa od všetkej nevery, od všetkého, čo sa ho snažilo odtiahnuť. On oddelil samého seba, aby mohol kráčať sám.

97To musí urobiť každý skutočný Kresťan. Oddeľte sa od všetkých týchto pochybovačov a neveriacich a kráčajte s Kristom. Pre vás to je Život.

98A Abrahám urobil takú vec. A dvadsaťpäť rokov na to, zisťujeme, že on stále verí tomu istému zasľúbeniu. Prečo? On sústredil svoju myseľ na vôľu Božiu, skrze Slovo Božie a veril tomu.

99Ak sa dokážeme sústrediť na plán Boží, aby Boh pre nás niečo chcel, a to, čo nám Boh zasľúbil, a necháme všetko ostatné na pokoji. Bez ohľadu na to, ako dlho to trvá, len ďalej verme.

100 V Rimanom 4 tu, nachádzame v Rimanom 4:14. Hovorí sa tam, „A on sa nezapotácal v nevere ohľadom zasľúbenia Božieho.“ On nedovolil, aby ho tá nevera nejako znečistila. On hľadel len na jednu vec, a tou bol ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril.

101To isté by mala dnes robiť Cirkev. Hľadieť len na jednu vec, ten Hlas, to Slovo Božie, ktoré ku nám hovorí. Cirkvi a ľudia tak môžu hovoriť. Ale len hľaďte na ten Hlas. Na čo hľadíme?

102On hľadel na ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril. „On považoval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade s tým Hlasom, akoby to nebolo.“ A jednako materiálne, bolo to tak mimo pozornosti sveta, ako to bolo v čase Noeho. Bolo to tak mimo pozornosti.

103Prečo? V Noeho čase, oni neboli schopní dokázať, že tam hore bol nejaký dážď. Ale Noe to vedel, že ak to Boh tak povedal, On bol schopný tam hore dať dážď.

104Abrahám vedel, že jeho telo bolo takmer mŕtve, ale on nehľadel na svoje vlastné telo. On nehľadel na takmer mŕtve lono Sáry. Mladé dievča, on si vzal za ženu svoju polovičnú sestru, žil s ňou po celé tieto roky. A teraz mala deväťdesiat rokov a on mal sto. Ale on na to nehľadel. To mu ani neprišlo na myseľ. Prečo? On dal všetku tú neveru mimo svojej pozornosti. Ó, sláva!

105To by mala robiť Cirkev. To by mal robiť každý člen cirkvi, dať všetku tú pochybnosť mimo svojej pozornosti. Hľadieť len na to Slovo. Ono to zasľúbilo. Boh tak povedal. Musí to tak byť.

106Biblia povedala, „Proti nádeji, on uveril v nádeji. On sa nezapotácal ohľadom zasľúbenia Božieho skrze neveru, ale bol silný, oddávajúc chválu Bohu.“ Každým dňom bol silnejší, lebo ten zázrak mal byť potom väčší.

107Niekedy sa nevieme dočkať od jedného večera k druhému. Niekedy sa nevieme dočkať od jedného zhromaždenia k druhému. Ale jednako musíme ísť von a motať sa s vecami tohto sveta. Ako by sme sa mali za seba hanbiť.

108Predtým, ako sem prídeme, aby sme vyznali a dostali sa do Krvi Ježiša, ktorá nás očisťuje od všetkého hriechu, mali by sme sa zamerať na toho jedného živého pravdivého Boha, ktorý tu stojí. Toho, ktorý urobil to zasľúbenie, že Nebo a zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nemôže pominúť. Len zostaňte na Tom, potom nebudete zmietaní vetrami náuky, nebudete behať z miesta na miesto.

109Ale vy viete, kde máte stáť, lebo ste zacielení na Boha. Vidíte, ako váš vlastný život dosahuje ten cieľ, rovnako, ako to bolo s apoštolmi. Žijete tak isto, ako žili oni. Boli ste pokrstení tak isto, ako boli oni. Vidíte tie isté výsledky, ktoré videli oni. Vidíte, ako to vo vás koná. Ste zacielení. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí spoločnosť, čo hovoria denominácie. Vy ste zacielení, lebo viete, že triafate do toho cieľa. Amen. Potom viete, kde stojíte. Záleží to na tom, na čo hľadíte. Ak hľadíte na niekoho iného, pôjdete akoukoľvek cestou. Akýkoľvek závan vetra vás odfúkne mimo cieľa. Ale vás to nemôže odfúknuť od cieľa, keď ste tam zacielení. To je všetko. Nič to nemôže zastaviť. Boh to nesie ku svojmu...

110Rovnako ako Dávidov malý kameň v praku, on išiel priamo do svojho cieľa.

111Rovnako pôjdu aj vaše modlitby do svojho cieľa, lebo to je ponúknuté v Krvi Ježiša Krista, ktorá vás očisťuje. Neexistuje na vás nikde žiaden hriech ani škvrna. Tak veru. Nemôže tam byť. Pokiaľ je to Bielidlo medzi mnou a Bohom, ako môže On vidieť môj hriech? Ako to dokáže?

112Ak spácham hriech a nie je to vedome. „Ten, ktorý hreší vedome po tom, ako prijal známosť Pravdy.“ Ale nie je tam žiaden vedomý hriech, ale jednako zhrešíte. Ale nerobíte to s úmyslom, lebo vo svojom srdci ste naozaj nemysleli urobiť tie veci.

113Ale keď to robíte vedome, to je potom iné, potom si myslím, že ste v tom nikdy neboli.

114No, tá vec na tom je to, že sa to dostáva do miesta, kde sú všetky tie škvrny hriechu zmyté. Potom tam stojíte vykúpení Krvou Baránka. Ste Adamom, rovnako, ako bol on pred tým, ako upadol. Ste synom Božím, umytým v Krvi, Božej vlastnej Krvi.

115Bola to krv, ktorá priviedla dieťa. Bola to len tá samotná krv. Tá krv prišla z mužského pohlavia. Tá krv prichádza z človeka. Tá žena, ona vyprodukuje to vajíčko, tú náplň. Ale človek je ten hemoglobín, odkiaľ pochádza ten zárodok. A v zárodku leží ten život.

116A ten Život prichádza nie skrze vyznanie v nejakej cirkvi alebo v nejakom vyznaní alebo nejakom dokumente. Ale ten Život prichádza, keď ste znovuzrodení skrze Krv Ježiša Krista, ten Zárodok. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, budete aj vy činiť. Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, aj keby bol mŕtvy, jednako bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Tam je ten Život Boží, ako syn Boží, zrodený skrze Krv Božiu. A vy ste... Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, sa znovu zameria späť na vás. Neexistuje denominácia ani vyznanie, ktoré by to dokázalo. Jedine Boh Sám sa dokáže zmocniť toho fotoaparátu vo vašich očiach a dovolí vám vidieť, kým Boh je a čo je Jeho zámerom. Tak veru. Istotne.

117No, teraz zisťujeme, že Mojžiš... Zisťujeme, že neskôr on postavil... On videl Izrael. Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok, on sa pozrel von oknom. Bol vychovaný vo dvoroch faraóna. A on hľadel von oknom a videl tú skupinu blato-miesičov. Boli to polonahí ľudia s ranami od bičov na chrbtoch, nebol spôsob, ako ich vyslobodiť. Ale Mojžiš poznal Slovo Božie a on sa na nich pozeral ako na ľud zasľúbenia. On na nich hľadel ako na ľud, ktorý mal zasľúbenie. Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa na nich v tom dni pozeral svet, ako na skupinu blatomiesičov alebo otrokov, on na nich hľadel ako na ľudí, ktorí majú zasľúbenie.

118Faraón sa na nich pozeral z toho istého okna, ale videl len otrokov.

119Mojžiš videl víťazstvo. Prečo? On sa zaostril. Hoci bol kniežaťom, hoci bol dedičom trónu v Egypte, on sa odvrátil od žiadosti toho sveta. Odvrátil sa preč od tej krásy a moci, ktorú mohol potenciálne získať. Všetko to dal nabok, až kým nevidel tam tých požehnaných ľudí skrze zasľúbenie Božie. On sa na to zaostril, lebo vedel, že Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že navštívi Svoj ľud. A on vedel, že bol vychovaný za tým účelom, tak to dal všetko nabok.

120Faraón nemal tento potenciál. Bolo mu to ponúknuté, ale on odmietol. A keď to odmietol, potom sa nemohol zaostriť.

121Žiaden človek po tom, ako odmietol Slovo Božie, sa nemôže naňho zaostriť, lebo odmieta to Slovo, ktoré ho privádza do vzťahu s Kristom. Tak veru. Takže...

122Ale Mojžiš sa pozrel z toho okna a on tomu veril. Prečo? Mojžiš hľadel vierou. Tak sa na to pozeral Mojžiš.

123No, pozorne počúvajte túto poznámku. Viera! Nezabudnite toto porozumieť. Viera je stvorená na to, aby videla to, aká je Božia vôľa a túžba. Nie je žiadna iná vedomosť, ktorá to dokáže. Jedine viera je stvorená a daná ľudskej rase, aby videla, čo je vôľa Božia.

124A ak vezmete tú vieru, ktorú máte, a ona sa nezhoduje so Slovom, tak ju nechajte tak. Máte nesprávnu vieru.

125Ale keď vaša Bohom daná viera zapadá do Slova Božieho, potom ste priamo v línii a ste zaostrení. Ó! Bože, pomôž nám v tejto hodine, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme. Viera, stvorená na to, aby videla, čo Boh chce! Ako to vidíte? Skrze fotoaparát Jeho Slova, Jeho zasľúbenia. Toto je to plné zjavenie Ježiša Krista.

126Potom, keď tá viera, ktorá je vo vás, sa sústredí na toto Slovo, potom sa odvraciate od všetkých denominácií a vyznaní a všetkého ostatného. Ste zaostrení priamo na Slovo Božie. Ste namierení. Potrebuje to len trochu odistiť. Amen. Tá modlitba letí priamo do Prítomnosti Božej, lebo neexistuje nič, čo by ju mohlo zastaviť. Áno. Tak to robí, lebo ste zaostrení s Bohom, zameraní, a vtedy hľadíte na cieľ v terči.

127Nehľadíte na nič, čo hovorí niekto iný, „Toto sa nemôže stať a toto nemôže tak byť.“

128Vy hľadíte na to, čo viete, že sa stalo. Pozrite sa na svoj cieľ. Vidíte, kde to oni trafili. Ak to tam oni trafili v tom dni, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Dajte nabok všetky tie vyznania a veci, ktoré vás zamiešali. Vráťte sa priamo do Slova, potom vyznajte svoju neveru a nechajte, nech Boh vezme Svojho Ducha Svätého a nasmeruje váš pohľad priamo na Ježiša Krista. Vtedy hľadíme na Neho, nie na to, čo hovorí niekto iný.

129Ani nie na to, čo hovorí doktor, bez ohľadu na to, aký dobrý môže byť. On má svoje miesto. Cirkev, bez ohľadu na to, aká je dobrá, ona má svoje miesto. To nepopierame. Ale ona má len svoje miesto. Ona môže vystreliť, ale netrafí do svojho cieľa.

130„Len tí, ktorí vzhliadajú druhý príchod Kristov.“ To je tá zaostrená muška. Záleží to na tom, na čo hľadíte. Áno.

131No, dnes, vidíte, viera je stvorená na to, aby toto robila. Tá istá viera dnes vidí to isté. Viera cirkvi dnes by mala vidieť ten istý program Boží. Nechcem, aby vám to teraz uniklo. Tá cirkev dnes, ktorá je povolaná Bohom, istotne zbadá program Boží, lebo ten program Boží je napísaný Tu, v tomto Návode. A Duch Svätý skrze vieru je Ten, ktorý to prečíta a dá to dokopy.

132Ako potom môže človek povedať, že je naplnený Duchom Svätým, a Duch Svätý hovorí niečo, ako to treba robiť, ako je to v Biblii, a tento človek príde a povie, „Ó, nuž, to je fanatizmus“? Mohol by Duch Svätý byť skutočným Duchom Svätým a zapierať Svoje Vlastné Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Nie.“ - pozn.prekl.] Nie. Musí to zostať so Slovom, lebo to je Boh. Vidíte?

133Na čo hľadíte? Čo vidíte? Musíme vidieť Ježiša. A ten jediný spôsob, akým vidíme Ježiša, je vidieť Slovo. Toto je ten prirodzený Symbol Ducha. Viete, čo mám na mysli? Je to tá litera, ktorú ten Duch oživuje. Vidíte? Toto je tá litera a ten Duch oživuje túto literu a robí z nej realitu. Áno.

134Mojžiš hľadel vierou. A ten človek dnes, ktorý vidí Boží program, urobí to isté a bude hľadieť skrze vieru.

135Mojžiš neskôr videl túto veľkú vec. Keď sa ľudia dostali do problémov, čo on urobil? On vytvoril hada z medi a zapichol ho na tyč. A keď ľudí ten had poštípal kvôli ich nevere, každý, kto sa pozrel na tohto hada, žil. Všimnite si to. Ten človek, ktorý len prišiel a pozrel sa...

136No, tá palica, tá tyč, na ktorej on bol, to bol kus stromu, ktorý bol sťatý tam v divočine, asi to bol kus medúnku alebo niečo, čo tam bolo, alebo hrab, alebo čokoľvek tam bolo. Bol oddelený od svojho prirodzeného rastu. Bol mŕtvy sám v sebe. Tá meď bola asi kus z prilby Rimanov alebo niečo, čo tam ulúpili. Bola vytvarovaná a daná dohromady a bol z toho had.

137Ak tam ľudia chodia len ako k modle, aby hľadeli na toho hada, neprijali nič.

138Ale keď tam prišiel ten pravdivý veriaci a pozrel sa na toho hada s tou zjavenou duchovnou pravdou... Ten samotný had, hoci bol vo forme hada, on reprezentoval hriech, ktorý už bol odsúdený. Oni videli hriech, svoju neveru, ako je už odsúdená, pôvodom od toho hada zo záhrady Eden. A ten had bol vytvorený z mede, čo znamená Božský súd. Vidíte?

139Ten oltár bol vyrobený z mede, na ktorom bola pálená obeť; meď, Božský súd.

140Ten veľký prorok Eliáš, keď sa pozrel hore na nebo vo dňoch svojej služby, kedy uplynulo tých tri a pol roka, nebola tam vôbec žiadna voda. On povedal, „Obloha vyzerala ako meď.“ Čo to bolo? Božský súd na neveriaci národ, neveriaci v posolstvo Božie, ich viera bola tak zahmlená, že to v tom dni nedokázali vidieť.

141Zaujímalo by ma, či dnes, ak vidíme tieto vodíkové bomby a všetko ostatné, čo sme vytvorili, zaujímalo by ma, či nevidíme, že národ v tomto čase vyzerá ako meď. Je to Božský súd.

142Stali sme sa tak zahĺbení vo svojich intelektoch. Vzdelali sme svoje deti na toľko, že tu máme skupinu „rickyov“. A máme tu to, čo máme, dokonca aj naše cirkvi a podobne. A naši chlapci chodia do seminárov a chodia tam, aby sa tam naučili a dostali nejaké PhD a LLD. Dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem. Vždy, keď niekto také dostane, dostáva sa ďalej a ďalej od Boha.

143Boh je tak jednoduchý. Ten dôvod, prečo človek nemôže nájsť Boha, je ten, že nedokáže byť dostatočne jednoduchý.

Niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, ako vidíš videnia?“

144To nie som ja. Vidíte? Musíte sa dostať mimo toho obrazu. Boh urobil zasľúbenie. Boh musí zostať s tým zasľúbením. Ale vy musíte byť dostatočne jednoduchí na to, aby ste sa dostali mimo svojej cesty.

145Niekto povedal, „Bol by to skvelý človek, pokiaľ by mal LLD z našej vysokej školy.“ Ak má, to znamená len to, že je ešte ďalšia medzera medzi ním a Bohom.

146„Ľudia dnes môžu poslať posolstvo,“ povedal som, „hoci aj na mesiac, ale šliapu po steble trávy, ktorú by nedokázali vysvetliť, ani keby museli.“ Boh sa skrýva v jednoduchosti. Vidíte? Vy nedokážete byť dostatočne jednoduchí. Keď človek dostane vzdelanie, to prvé, čo vie, je to, že je tak veľkým, až sa nedokáže pokoriť.

147A Boh je tak veľký, že On pokorí Samého Seba a ukrýva sa od hriešnika. Ježiš za to ďakoval Bohu. On povedal, „Ďakujem Ti, Otče, Stvoriteľu neba a zeme, že si to skryl pred múdrymi a chytrými a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, takým, ktoré sa budú učiť.“ Spôsob, ako spoznať Boha, je byť jednoduchší. Cesta hore je cesta dole.

148Ktorým smerom je severný alebo južný pól? Vy stojíte vo vesmíre. Vidíte?

149Cesta hore je cesta dole. „Ten, ktorý sa pokorí, bude povýšený. Ten, ktorý sa povyšuje, bude ponížený.“ Vidíte? Musíme sa pokoriť, nie snažiť sa vedieť príliš veľa.

150Len vedzte jednu vec. Dajte všetko nabok a hľaďte na Krista. Ak neviete, ako napísať svoje meno, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Len sústreďte svoje srdce na Krista a Jeho vôľu a sledujte, čo sa bude diať. Áno. Istotne.

151No, mnohí prichádzali a videli to a hovorili, „Je tam taký veľký had. Ľudia tam chodia, sú uzdravení tým, že hľadia na toho hada. Možno by sme mali zobrať rodinu a ísť tam.“

152Dnes počúvate také veci, ako, „Do mesta má prísť veľký uzdravovateľ. A on... Pôjdeme tam a všetci budeme uzdravení.“ No, keď o tom takto zmýšľate, potom je váš objektív zle zaostrený. Tak veru.

153Zaostrite to na Ježiša a jedine na Neho. Hľaďte na Neho a uvidíte, aký je Boží zámer.

154No, keď tam prišli tí Židia a pozreli sa na toho medeného hada a povedali, „Tá meď, ten had znamená hriech, ktorý je už súdený. Meď je Božský súd na ňom a Boh už odsúdil moje hriechy. A ja som... Tento medený had predstavuje niečo, čo má prísť, hriech je už súdený. Ja som slobodný.“ On bol uzdravený. Tak veru.

155A dnes, Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 3:14, „A Mojžiš pozdvihol medeného hada na púšti a tak isto musí byť pozdvihnutý Syn človeka.“ Ak sa na Neho môžete pozrieť; nie ako na cirkevného človeka, nie ako proroka, nie ako len dobrého človeka, nie ako tretiu osobu v trojici alebo niečo podobné. Ak sa na Neho dokážete pozrieť ako na Emanuela, Jeho Samého, ktorý prišiel a dal Svoj život. A On povedal, že, „Ktokoľvek verí v Neho, nezahynie, ale bude mať večný život.“

156Ak dokážete zaostriť svoj objektív, aby ste toto videli, že to stálo Boží život, život Jeho Samého, keď On stvoril Svoj život tu. On sa ho nemusel vzdať. On ho položil zdarma. On bol Bohom. On nemusel zomrieť, ale On to jednako zdarma urobil, dal Svoj vlastný život, aby mohol ku Sebe priniesť synov, aby Jeho skutky mohli pokračovať. „Tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím,“ Ján 14:12, „tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Ak sa tie veci dajú tak urobiť a vy vidíte Jeho a jedine Jeho, potom zaostríte svoj objektív na miesto, kde vás Boh môže použiť. Istotne.

157No, ak sa na to pozriete a poviete, „Mám v aute zavesený malý kríž. Jeden mám aj doma.“ To je v poriadku. Ale to nie je to, v čom to je. To nie je to, o čom On hovorí.

158Musíš porozumieť, že Boh vie, že si hriešnik. A že si vyznal svoje hriechy a Boh položil tvoju neprávosť na Seba Samého a stal sa človekom. On prešiel Svoje hranice a zostúpil z toho, že bol Bohom, aby sa mohol stať človekom, aby mohol zomrieť namiesto teba, aby mohol dať Seba Samého za teba. A ty si vyznal svoje hriechy. A nie je to vyrobené bielidlo. Ale skrze moc Božiu, ktorá sa stala Krvou, aby On mohol vziať preč celú tú hriešnu krv skrze sexuálnu túžbu a urobiť ťa slobodným mužom a ženou Božou. Tu to máte.

159Na čo hľadíte? Poviete, „Ó, ja patrím k Zborom Božím. Ja patrím k zjednoteným letničným. Ja patrím k metodistom, k baptistom.“ Stále nie ste zaostrení.

160Zaostrite sa na Ježiša Krista. Amen. Počúvajte, ako sa vracia tá odpoveď, „Všetky tvoje hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, všetky sú odpustené.“ Buďte...

161Buďte vytrvalí ako tá Sýrofeníčanka. Bez ohľadu na to, koľkokrát bola sklamaná, keď prišla dolu, stále bola zaostrená len na jednu vec a tou bol Boh. A keď prišla ku Nemu, dostala to, o čo prosila, lebo to mala správne zaostrené. Mala to bez ohľadu na to, koľko závanov vetra prišlo a hovorilo, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Tvoj muž ťa opustí.“ To ju vôbec neobťažovalo. Tá guľka presne trafila do svojho cieľa. Amen. Môžeme sa zaostriť na...

162 [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... čas. Potom čakáme, kým On príde, to je ten, ktorý ide. Ó! Vidíte, musíte mať ten zámer. Musíte vedieť, čo to je.

163Pozrite sa na tú ovčiu bránu. Tam boli ľudia. Boh mal vždy pre človeka spôsob, ako môže hľadať spasenie. Ten mosadzný had, ľudia na neho hľadeli. To je pravda. A tá ovčia brána, ľudia sa na ňu museli pozerať. Tí ľudia tam stáli.

164Pomyslime na to, že to bola nemocnica. Bolo tam veľa chorých a postihnutých. Boli tam tisíce, zástupy, ktoré tam ležali, ako nemocnice dnes. Nežné ruky ich milovaných na nich čakali, presne tak, ako to je aj v nemocniciach dnes.

165Oni čakali. Ich oči sledovali tú vodu. Bolo tam päť pontónov pri tej ovčej bráne. Pri... Je to vonku pred Jeruzalemom, táto brána. A potom tam on prišiel, on sledoval. Muselo sa tam diať niečo nadprirodzené. A len čo sa to nadprirodzené stalo, oni sa tam hnali.

166Pozrite sa na dnešnú cirkev. Boh chce, aby sme sledovali to nadprirodzené, keď sa Jeho Slovo manifestuje a potvrdzuje. My od toho utekáme, lebo to nie je napojené na organizácie. Vidíte?

167Pri tej ovčej bráne, oni sledovali, ako sa pohybuje to nadprirodzené. Boh sa vždy pohyboval medzi Svojím ľudom skrze nadprirodzené potvrdenie Jeho zasľúbenia. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. Keď oni uvideli, ako sa to zasľúbenie začalo pohybovať v nadprirodzenom, skočili priamo do toho a vzali to.

168Dnes, dokonca aj teraz, ten Duch Svätý, tá nadprirodzená moc Božia je na zemi a pohybuje sa, ukazuje veci a ľudia od toho utekajú namiesto toho, aby sa do toho hrnuli. Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom a je potvrdené, práve tie veci, ktoré On činil a zasľúbil, že bude robiť, robí to isté. A ak to nie je napojené na naše skupiny, potom s tým nechceme mať nič spoločné. Tak veru.

169Ježiš išiel a našiel jedného človeka v celej cirkvi. Poviete, „Či Boh uzdravuje všetkých?“ Nie veru.

170A vy, letniční bratia, dovoľte mi, nech vám toto poviem. Vy čakáte, kým príde čas, kedy povstanú ľudia na zemi a pôjdu do nemocníc a vytrhnú ich a povedia, nech všetci opustia nemocnice. Nenechajte sa nikdy tak zviesť. Verte mi. Veríte, že to je klamstvo. Nikdy sa to tak nestalo. Keď Ježiš...

171Povedzme, že to bola nemocnica. On tam išiel podľa vedenia Ducha. Našiel jedného človeka, o ktorom vedel, že bol pripravený. A on prehovoril, ten človek. Povedal mu tajomstvo svojho života, povedal mu to priamo tam.

172Nebol neschopný chodiť. On vedel chodiť. Niekto ho mohol aj poraziť v behu. On povedal, „Keď prichádzam, iný ide predo mnou.“ Vidíte? On nebol slepý ani hluchý ani nemý. Nebol postihnutý. Mal nejakú poruchu oslabenia, nič, čo by ho zabilo. Mal to už tridsaťosem rokov. A snažil sa tam zísť dolu a vždy ho niekto predbehol a dostal sa tam pred ním, a potom tá cnosť anjela odišla.

173My dnes ideme a nachádzame muža Božieho, vedeného Duchom Božím, ktorý vidí videnie, ide, urobí niečo také a oni povedia, „No, dobre, tu na rohu je Jones. Chcem vidieť, ako ho vy, uzdravovatelia, uzdravíte.“

174Vtedy vidíte toho istého starého diabla, ktorý povedal Ježišovi s handrou omotanou okolo Jeho očí. A povedal... Udrel Ho po hlave s palicou. A povedal... Prehodili si palicu z jednej ruky do druhej a povedali, „Povedz nám, kto Ťa udrel. Potom uveríme, že si prorok.“

175Predtým, ako sa začal svet, On vedel, kto bude mať tú palicu vo svojej ruke. On nikomu nerobil šaša. On robil presne to, čo bola vôľa Božia. Cirkev urobí to isté. Vidíte?

176Tá ovčia brána, oni tam niečo hľadali. Hľadali niečo.

177No, ak by povedali, „Pôjdeme tam a uvidíme, čo robia ostatní. Uvidíme, či to vyzerá nadprirodzene.“ Potom by nič nedostali.

178Ale je to ten človek, ktorý sa musí pretláčať, nie sedieť vzadu, ale vpredu; ten človek, ktorý čakal na oltárne zavolanie, ten človek, ktorý čakal, aby uvidel niečo nadprirodzené.

179Ako tento človek tu, chlapec brata Williamsa, vychovaný v letničnej rodine. Ale jednako, keď tu raz stál na tomto zhromaždení, kedy jeho otec cítil vedenie ho sem poslať, vtedy tam stál ten mladý muž a videl tú nadprirodzenú ruku Božiu, rýchlo sa stal Kresťanom.. Bol pripravený to prijať, lebo uvidel pohyb tej vody. Vedel, že tam bolo niečo nadprirodzené.

180Nie je to o tom, aby sme sa pridali do cirkvi, potriasli si rukami a mali o milión viac v roku 1944, alebo novú cirkev, novú budovu alebo nové niečo.

181Bol to nový život, ktorý prišiel, skrze nadprirodzené hnutie, oni čakali, že sa to stane. Oni poznali každé jedno obdobie, potom prišli a potom čakali.

182No, ak sa to nedeje po celý čas a nie sme stále na vrchu a neskáčeme a necítime to tak, tak potom, „No, opustíme túto cirkev. Je trochu vychladnutá.“ Čo za nezmysel! Ako sa nevieme dočkať! Abrahám nečakal... On si nemyslel, že Boh vychladol. On čakal dvadsaťpäť rokov a potom uvidel, ako sa Božia ruka pohla.

183Oni čakali pri ovčej bráne mesiac čo mesiac, alebo akokoľvek dlho to bolo, na ten nadprirodzený pohyb. Ale oni to vzhliadali. Ó! Oni to hľadali.

184A dnes sme stratili to videnie, letniční. Stratili sme niečo. Hľaďme na Krista. Naše denominácie sa rozšírili, až odišli úplne preč, a teraz bojujeme a snažíme sa postaviť väčšie cirkvi, vyššie triedy, viac vzdelaných kazateľov a podobne. A čo potom máme? Oddialili sme sa ďalej od tej veci, na ktorú nám Boh povedal, že máme hľadieť. Na čo hľadíte?

Pozri sa a ži. To je to, čo musíme robiť, ak očakávame, že budeme žiť.

185Ostatní sa na nich mohli smiať a hovoriť, „Tá skupina náboženských fanatikov tam dolu pri rybníku... Ha, oni hovoria, že... To je len vietor. Ten vietor prichádza, fúka, a trochu fúka na tú vodu.“

186Pre nich to tak nebolo. Bol to Anjel milosti. Bol to Anjel uzdravenia. A verím, že to bol Anjel, hoci sa to zdá byť také jednoduché. Ale vidíte, Boh sa ukrýva v jednoduchosti.

187Mal som ľudí, ktorí prišli do zhromaždenia a povedali, „Brat Branham, nevedel som, že si taký náboženský fanatik. Všimol som si tú skupinu, ako tam vykrikuje a plače a vyvádza a potom tam vykrikovali 'amen' a tak ďalej. To nie je nič iné, len emócia.“ Môže to tak byť pre teba, keď neveríš.

188Ale pre tých, ktorí ochutnali z tých dobrých Božích vecí; tých, ktorí vedia, kto je Duch Svätý!

189Poviete, „Tí ľudia hovoria v jazykoch? To tam len niečo bľabocú. Je to len niečo intelektuálne. Je to len niečo vymyslené.“ Alebo niekto povie...Môže to tak byť pre teba.

190Ale pre toho človeka, na ktorého to padá, pre neho to je niečo iné. Tak veru. Áno.

191Poviete, „No, vieš, to je len deň... To sú len také veci... Je tam... No, ľudia tomu nebudú veriť.“

192To vôbec nezastaví to skutočné hnutie Božie. Ježiš prišiel priamo do stredu nevery, ale vôbec to Ním nepohlo. On išiel rovno ďalej.

193Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa dnešní ľudia snažia hovoriť, že je to fanatizmus, tí ľudia tomu ďalej veria. Oni to nedokážu vysvetliť. Nevedia, čo to je. Oni vedia, že majú tušenie toho, čo to je.

194Ako Benjamin Franklin so šarkanom v ruke, on povedal, „Mám to. Mám to. Mám to.“ On vedel, že niečo mal.

195A tak aj tento muž a žena, ktorí vám nemusia vedieť vysvetliť, čo sú atómy, koľko molekúl sa nachádza v atóme, ale oni vedia, že majú Ducha Svätého. Prečo? Oni sa zaostrili so Slovom Božím, tým, čo Peter povedal na deň Letníc. „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého.“ Ale keď ten vyznaný hriech padol do tej Krvi, je odpustený. Tá Krv odpúšťa ten hriech a ten človek stojí ako syn Boží. Amen.

196Vtedy je zaostrený, „Proste, po čom túžite, a stane sa vám.“ A potom, tak či onak, zrazu viete vôľu Božiu. Nejakým nadprirodzeným spôsobom je tam vo vás niekde nejaké hnutie, ktoré hovorí, „Choď tam a tam a urob to a to. Choď tam a urob tamto.“ Vidíte, niečo je vo vás, vždy to trafí do cieľa, tak, ako to má trafiť. Ó, aké nádherné!

197Musíme zakončiť, lebo už začína byť naozaj neskoro. Už len pár minút.

198Tí ľudia sa mohli smiať, ale to ich nezastavilo. Oni jednako čakali ďalej.

199Ľudia môžu hovoriť, naša cirkev, naši bratia, „Vychladnutie Posolstva,“ a tak ďalej.

200Ono nevychladlo. My sledujeme pohyb vody. Sledujeme, aby sme videli, kedy sa niečo stane. Teraz som tu v Tucsone. Prečo? Ja neviem. Tá voda ma sem nasmerovala. Sledujem, že sa niečo stane. Ide sa to stať.

201Povedal som vám, keď som sem nedávno prišiel, že, „Niečo sa stane. Príde a udrie hrom a vyjde von tých Sedem Pečatí.“ Pozrite sa na tie pásky a zistite, či je to pravda alebo nie. Vidíte? Ó, my čakáme na pohyb vody.

202Vidíme, ako je niečo na kríži na severnej strane púšte Tucsonu. Presne to, čo som vám tu povedal pred tým, ako sa to stalo. „Strhával som si tie bodliaky“, a potom to udrelo a zatriaslo celou horou. Skaly sa začali kotúľať, a podobne. A Duch Svätý sa obrátil a povedal, „Ihneď sa navráť do svojho domu, lebo Sedem Pečatí bude otvorených.“ Zožeňte si tie pásky a overte si to. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, predpovedané pred tým, ako sa to stalo, a podobne. Zistite, či je to Pravda alebo nie. Keď budem preč, toto bude stále žiť.

203Sme na konci času, priatelia. Očakávam Ježišov príchod. Toho požehnaného Pána Ježiša, ktorého som miloval a ktorý mi dal život ako mladému mužovi, stále očakávam Jeho príchod. Verím, že On príde. Hoci ako pri Abrahámovi, môže to chvíľu trvať. Ale jednako som silnejší v láske voči Nemu a denne sa Mu vylievam. Verím, že každý jeden veriaci tu robí to isté.

204Bez ohľadu na to, čo ostatní hovoria, „Ó, ty si taký zastaralý v myslení… Mal by si…“ Je mi jedno, čo hovoria.

205Ja stále verím v Boha. Zaostril som sa na Slovo a viem, že to je pravda. Nikomu sa ešte nepodarilo to zo mňa striasť. A pokiaľ Boh drží moje srdce upriamené na to Slovo, tak to tak aj zostane. Amen.

206Eliáš, on jedného dňa vyhliadal príchod niečoho, čo by pomohlo ľuďom. A trvalo to až toľko, kým ten starý človek, osemdesiat-niečo rokov starý, bol príliš unavený na to, aby sa vyšplhal na horu, po tom, ako sa postil a modlil. Ale Boh mu povedal, že ak budú činiť pokánie, niečo sa stane. Čo on vyhliadal? On poslal svojho sluhu hore a povedal, „Choď tam a pozri sa. Pozri. Niečo sa ide stať.“ O tri a pol roka neskôr... žiaden dážď ani oblak ani rosa nepadla. Ale on povedal, „Choď a pozri sa.“ A Eliáš alebo...

207Géhazi tam stál a pozeral a pozeral a pozeral. A nič nevidel. Vrátil sa naspäť. On povedal, „Nič som tam nevidel.“

„Choď tam znovu.“ Amen. „Choď tam a zostaň tam, až kým sa to nestane.“

208A Eliáš sa vrátil... alebo, myslím, Géhazi sa vrátil a pozeral a pozeral a pozeral.

209A Eliáš s tou svojou plešatou hlavou na slnku so svojimi fúzmi a bradou, bielou bradou a tými skostnatenými rukami prekríženými cez kolená, on povedal, „Pane Bože,“ ako sa začal modliť.

210Povedal, „Choď tam znovu naspäť.“ Amen. Čo on robil? On vyhliadal, kým sa Boh nepostará o Svoje zasľúbenie, bez ohľadu na to, ako nepravdepodobne to vyzeralo, koľko jeho vlastných úsudkov tam bolo. Tak veru.

211Niekto nedávno povedal, Brat Branham, ty tomu veríš a toľko hovoríš proti organizáciám náboženstiev. Prečo to robíš?“

212Povedal som, „Ja nemám nič proti tým bratom, ktorí sú v tej organizácii, ale je to ten systém, proti ktorému som.“

213Tak, ako keď išli učeníci zabalzamovať telo Ježiša. To telo bolo takmer pripravené zhniť, tak veru, bol to hrozný smrad. Ale oni pri tom zotrvali.

214Tak isto je to aj dnes, hoci sa cirkev celá zamiešala. Je v rôznych stavoch. Rozdelila sa v izmoch a formalitách a podobne, ale ja s ňou musím zostať. Musíme tam zostať. Musíme tam zostať, lebo to milujeme. Je niečo v nás, niečo, čo nás ženie. Tie údery z nášho srdca hovoria, „Zostaň s tým, lebo jedného dňa príde vzkriesenie a Boh z toho vezme.“ Amen. Áno. Nádherný Pán Ježiš! V poriadku.

215Zisťujeme, že Eliáš ďalej hľadel, až uvidel niečo vo veľkosti ľudskej ruky.

216No, nevera by sa tam veľmi rýchlo dostavila. „Toto je to najlepšie, čo dokážeš?“ Vidíte? „Ak je to to najlepšie, tak to vezmi späť.“

217Ale čo to bolo? On hľadal to nadprirodzené. Ó, on vedel, že to mohla urobiť len ruka Božia. A keď uvidel tú ruku, J-e-ž-i-š, on mal v-i-e-r-u. Áno. A keď to uvidel, on povedal, „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Čo to bolo? On akceptoval to prvé hnutie.

218Ó, neveriaci, dnes ráno, ty, ktorý si zmietaný v rôznych vodných krstoch a podobne, nech len Duch Boží otvorí tvoje oči a ukáže ti trochu z niečoho, potom začneš odtiaľ. „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Vy, ktorí veríte vo vyznania namiesto Slova, vráťte sa do Slova, len sa pozrite na to prvé malé hnutie. Viera to prijala. „Tam je to, čo hľadám.“

219My vzhliadame Príchod Pánov. Vyhliadame padnutie Ducha Svätého v posledných dňoch. Vyhliadame znamenia a divy. Sledujeme, čo sa deje. Vidíte? Či to nevidíte? Na čo hľadíte? To je presne to, čo Boh povedal, že sa stane. Nech to len viera vezme a povie, „Ja to tiež chcem.“

220Sledujte Eliáša. Keď to On prijal, viete, že jeho život sa musel obnoviť. On predbehol Achabov voz. On predbehol ten voz, pričom nedokázal ani vyjsť na kopec. On predbehol tie rýchle kone. „Vytiahnite sudy na dažďovú vodu, počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa!“ To bol ten prvý ťah, „Sláva!“

221To prvé malé hnutie pri rybníku Bethesda, oni sa k tomu hrnuli. Amen.

222Ó, ak by títo ľudia tu... ak ste doteraz neprijali Ducha Svätého, a to jedno malé potiahnutie vám hovorí, že, „Toto je pravda, tento človek hovorí Slovo, ktoré je pravdou,“ potom sa ponáhľajte čo najrýchlejšie, ako viete. Nečakajte. Na čo sa pozeráte? Na čo čakáte? Čas je pokročilejší, ako si myslíte. Začnite sa smerom k tomu hýbať, čo najrýchlejšie, ako len viete. Prečo? Keď Eliáš uvidel to pohnutie, bol to dôkaz vypočutej modlitby.

223Ó, Bože, nech by každá chorá osoba, ktorá je tu dnes ráno, ktorá teraz cíti tohto Ducha Svätého v našej prítomnosti, nech si to uvedomí. To je dôkaz tej modlitby, ktorú si sa ty modlil, a ona bola zodpovedaná v Prítomnosti Božej. Každý človek, ktorý chce krst Duchom Svätým, ak len máte v sebe ten vznešený pocit, ktorý vám hovorí, že, „Verím, že to je pravda“; pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Bože, teraz to prijímam,“ a niečo sa stane. Závisí to od...

224Boh nám dáva všade dookola znamenia a my stále od toho unikáme. Áno. Ó!

Eliáš vedel, že to bola odpoveď na modlitbu.

225Jonáš odmietol vidieť čokoľvek, čo bolo v protiklade s tým. On sa dostal do brucha veľryby na dno mora. Ale on povedal, „To ma neukryje.“ On povedal, „Ešte raz sa pozriem na tvoj chrám.“ Na čo on hľadel? On v skutočnosti ten chrám nemohol vidieť, ale on videl to zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo ohľadom toho chrámu dané.

226Ó, Bože, ak by sme len mohli vidieť zasľúbenie toho Slova, ktoré Kristus zasľúbil, „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede. A o čokoľvek budú prosiť, obdržia to.“ Ak by sme to len mohli vidieť, a to prvé hnutie sa pohne priamo vpred. Nečakajte ďalej. Čo vyhliadate?

227Boh odpovedá na vašu modlitbu, kladie to všade okolo vás a potom poviete, „No, moment, čo by povedal ten a ten?“ Ó, nerobte to tak.

228Hľaďte na Krista. Hľaďte na to, čo On povedal, „Ja budem tam, kde sa zhromaždia dvaja či traja v Mojom Mene. Ja budem tam medzi nimi. Nech len prosia. Oni to obdržia.“ Čo za zasľúbenie, čo za Božské zasľúbenie!

On odmietol hľadieť na čokoľvek, čo by mohlo spôsobiť, že začne pochybovať.

229Ak diabol hovorí, „No, počkaj chvíľu, možno dnes večer... Možno by si sa mohol cítiť lepšie, keď bude to prebudenecké zhromaždenie.“ To môže byť pravda, môže to byť v poriadku, ale nečakajte, kým sa začne to prebudenie. Buďte...

230Staňte sa časťou toho prebudenia hneď teraz. Boh to chce rozpočať vo vás. Boh to chce začať v cirkvi. Duch Svätý vezme toho posla a potom pošle to Posolstvo. Boh potvrdí to Posolstvo, tie veľké znamenia a divy. Vidíte? Odmietnite vidieť čokoľvek, čo by mohlo spôsobiť, že začnete pochybovať.

231Jonáš to urobil a Boh ho vytrhol z brucha tej veľryby. Istotne. Tak veru.

232Jób, keď ho všetci jeho priatelia opustili, všetko išlo dolu vodou, Jób neustále hľadel na oblohu. Niektorí z nich povedali, „Ty si tajný hriešnik. Ty hľadíš... Jób, načo tam hľadíš? To je preto, lebo si zhrešil a Boh to vykonal, aby dokázal, čo si pre Neho urobil. Ty si tajný hriešnik, Jób.“

233Jób vedel, že nebol hriešnik. On splnil všetko, čo Slovo Božie vyžadovalo, tú zápalnú obeť. Tie pálené obete boli všetko, čo Boh vyžadoval. Boh žiadal jedine tú zápalnú obeť a Jób vedel, že on tú zápalnú obeť obetoval.

234Boh prosí len o to, aby ste verili Jeho Slovu. Amen. Amen. On nevyžaduje všetky tie izmy a vyznania a podobne. On chce len to, aby ste Jemu verili. „Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa!“ Amen a amen. „Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím...“ „Pozrite na Neho, všetky končiny sveta, a žite.“ „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Amen a amen. Tak veru. Nečakajte na nič iné. Hľaďte.

235Jób stál a hľadel. On videl svoje telo, všetko to porušenie. On videl tú krv okolo seba. On videl svoje vredy. Prišla jeho žena. Členovia jeho cirkvi ho opustili a obvinili ho z toho, že bol tajným hriešnikom. Jeho žena prišla a povedala, „Vyzeráš tak mizerne. Prečo neprekľaješ Boha a nezomrieš?“

236On povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena. Pán dal, Pán vzal; nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“

237Zhruba v tom čase, keď on zostával so Slovom, potom začali blýskať blesky a burácať hromy a prorok sa pozrel na oblohou. Povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. On sa v posledných dňoch postaví na túto zem. Aj keď červy zožerú moje telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého aj uvidím.“

238Sledujte. Ten prvý. On sa nazýva „Vykupiteľ“; to ďalšie, On je „Boh.“ „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. V tých posledných dňoch, On sa postaví na zemi. A hoci aj červy zožerú moju kožu, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého ja sám uvidím. Moje oči ho budú vidieť a nie niekto druhý.“ Keď zomieral a jeho telo hnilo, zatiaľ čo bol vo svojom tele, on hľadel, až kým neuvidel vzkriesenie. Haleluja! On vedel, že v ňom bol zahrnutý, lebo dodržiaval Božie Slovo. Pozri sa a ži, môj brat. Amen. On videl, aký bol Boží zámer, a on ho vykonal. Boh mal cieľ a ten bol vyskúšať Jóba.

239On mal cieľ a ten bol vyskúšať ľudí. Všetko je vykonané za určitým účelom. On teraz robí to isté. On nám posiela znamenia a divy medzi ľudí. On posiela pravdu Evanjelia a necháva, nech sa oni na to pozrú, na nejaké vyznanie, a zaprú tú skutočnú pravdu a vezmú to vyznanie; zaprú toto a vezmú tamto, pričom vedia, že Biblia učí presný protiklad toho. Ale On to robí, aby ich vyskúšal. Potom v Deň Súdu nemôže byť žiadna výhovorka. Ó!

240Pozrite sa, čo je zasľúbené v týchto posledných dňoch. Teraz, keď zakončujem, dovoľte mi povedať toto pred tým, ako zakončíme. Pozrite sa, čo bolo zasľúbené na posledné dni.

241Pozrite sa, čo On už vykonal v posledných dňoch. On vylial Ducha Svätého na Svoj ľud, prinavrátil tie originálne Letnice a prinavrátil ten originálny krst Duchom Svätým; prinavrátil ten originálny vodný krst, prinavrátil všetko naspäť do originálu. Všetko to prišlo naspäť a bol prinavrátený ten originálny dôkaz Krista, tým, že ukázal videnia a proroctvá, ktoré ani raz nezlyhali. Zostúpil a všetko bolo presne tak isto, aby ukázal, že to je ponad ľudskú myseľ. Oni to nedokázali. Je to Boh.

242 Sledujte ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol synov Izraelových. Ktokoľvek, akýkoľvek študent Biblie vie, že to bol Anjel Zmluvy, Ježiš Kristus.

243V liste Židom sa píše, v Židom 11. kapitole, že, „Mojžiš opustil Egypt, považujúc pohanenie Kristovo za väčší poklad ako poklady Egypta.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Kristus na púšti.

244V Jánovi 16 alebo... Prepáčte. V Jánovi 6, keď brali komúniu, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, lámali chlieb a mali tam chválebný čas počas jubilea, Ježiš povedal, „Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prišiel od Boha z Neba. Ten, ktorý je Moje telo, má večný život a Ja ho vzkriesim v posledných dňoch.“ On vedel, že to urobí. On vedel, že to bol Chlieb Života.

245Oni povedali? „Ty sa robíš Bohom. Ty robíš zo seba...“ Oni povedali, „Teraz už vieme, že si pomätený.“ Pomätený znamená šialený. „Vieme, že si pomätený. Si človek, ktorý ešte nedosiahol ani päťdesiat rokov, a teraz hovoríš, že si 'videl Abraháma'? Vieme, že si šialený. Úplne si sa zbláznil. Si náboženský fanatik.“

On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Amen.

246Čo bolo to 'JA SOM'? To bol ten horiaci oheň v tom kríku. Mojžiš to videl. On to sledoval po všetky dni svojho života a priviedlo ho to priamo do zasľúbenej zeme.

247To isté Svetlo zostúpilo a stálo tam. A On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM. JA SOM ten horiaci ker. JA SOM TEN, KTORÝ SOM, ten Anjel Svetla. Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu.“

248Niekoľko dní po vzkriesení bol Saul z Tarzu na ceste dolu do Damašku, aby prenasledoval letničných. A počas svojej cesty ho zasiahlo veľké Svetlo, ktoré mu zaslepilo oči. On mohol... Nikto z nich nedokázal vidieť to veľké Svetlo, ale on áno. Bolo to pre neho až tak živé, že to zaslepilo jeho oči. Ten hlas povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „Kto si, Pane?“

249On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ To isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo v tom horiacom kre, to isté Svetlo, ktoré prišlo od Boha a išlo naspäť k Bohu.

250A máme tu obraz presne toho istého svetla u nás dnes, ktoré činní tie isté divy, tie isté zázraky a tie isté znamenia a jednako hľadáme niečo iné. Tá Pravda Evanjelia, potvrdenie toho Slova, tento krst Duchom Svätým, krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, všetky tieto veci, ktoré učíme, všetky sú absolútne pravdou. Kde sú potvrdené? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Amen. Ó! Cítim sa nábožne. Áno. Prečo? Lebo Duch Svätý je tu. Pretože okolo celého sveta to On dokázal a ani raz to nezlyhalo. Amen.

251Na čo hľadíte? Na čo čakáte? Ó! Teraz je ten čas. Vody sú rozbúrené. Poďte teraz; je to znamenie posledných dní.

252„Príde svetlo v čase večera,“ Viete o tom. Áno. „Tak to bude,“ povedal Haywood. A tak veru. „Istotne nájdete tú cestu do Slávy.“ Áno, v týchto posledných dňoch sa to tak stane.

253Pozrite. Záleží to na tom, na čo sa pozeráte. Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ten Duch Svätý, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pozrime sa teraz. Len verme. Nech len porozumieme to, že sa nachádzame v posledných dňoch. Sme v tých posledných hodinách. A nachádzame sa v posledných minútach tej poslednej hodiny.

254Mám tu tento film a možno to niekedy prinesiem bratovi Outlawovi na zhromaždenie v stredu večer, aby som vám to ukázal, je to o Jeruzaleme, volá sa to Tri minúty do polnoci. Dokonca to hovorí veda.

255Biblia povedala, Ježiš povedal, „Keď uvidíte ten figový strom a všetky tie ostatné stromy, ako vydávajú svoje puky,“ Izrael sa vracia ako národ. Oni sú národ. Vidíme tie ostatné stromy: Metodisti majú svoj, Baptisti svoj, Katolíci svoj, ostatní majú svoje; letniční cez Orala Robertsa majú svoj; ostatní majú svoje prebudenia, ktoré vydávajú svoje konáre. „A potom vedzte, že ten čas je nablízku. Táto generácia nepominie, pokiaľ sa nevyplnia všetky tieto veci.“

256Vidíme Izrael v ich domovine so svojím znakom vyzdvihnutým, tou päťcípou hviezdou Dávida. Oni majú svoje vlastné peniaze, svoj vlastný národ, svoju vlastnú armádu. Majú všetko. Sú Izraelom. Čo to je? Oni sú tam pripravení na očistenie, aby z nich Boh vybral tých stoštyridsaťštyri tisíc.

257Pozrite sa na dnešnú cirkev, je vo všetkom tom svojom chaose, všetko je zamiešané, a tak ďalej. Oni sa pozerajú, „A tam máme toho viac. Máme to lepšie, ako to majú oni. My sme toto, my sme tamto.“

258A potom je tam Nevesta, ktorá len vzhliada ten Príchod Pána Ježiša, ten tajomný Príchod Kristov, ktorý príde a uchváti Jeho Nevestu v noci. Ako tá kniha, ktorú som čítal o Romeovi a Júlii, jedného dňa prišiel s rebríkom a zobral spomedzi nich svoju nevestu. Tak príde jedného dňa aj Ježiš a vyhliadať to neznamená pozerať na jeho vyznania, ale pozerať na Krista, očakávajúc, kedy príde, so zaostreným srdcom.

259Prichádzajú tí pokrvní príbuzní ako Izák a Rebeka, jeho vlastní pokrvní príbuzní. Presne to čaká aj nás, tých pokrvných príbuzných Kristovi, skrze tú Obeť, keď sú naše hriechy odpustené Krvou Ježiša; nie tým, čo hovorí nejaká cirkev, čo hovorí niekto iný; ale tým, čo urobila tá Krv a dokázala, že to je dokonané, skrze Slovo, ktoré robí to isté, vykonáva tú istú službu, ktorú mal On. Amen.

260Na čo hľadíte, cirkev? Ó, tieto posledné dni, On bol priamo medzi nami, ľudia, a my sme na to zabudli. On bol priamo uprostred nás a my sme o tom nevedeli. Duch Svätý je tu dnes ráno a možno mnohí z vás odídu a zabudnú na to. Možno mnohí, ktorí sú chorí, zabudnú veriť a ukotviť svoju vieru priamo tam, kde by teraz mala byť. Ten pravdivý...

261Tie vody sú skutočne rozbúrené. Víria sa naopak, ako by sa mali, ukazujú to nadprirodzené. Duch Svätý je tu, berie tú normálnu skupinu ľudí, inteligentných, ktorí tu sedia, slušne oblečených, vysoko vzdelaných, ktorí tu hľadia. Duch Svätý na nich padne a niečo sa tam zavíri. Oni kričia, „Sláva Bohu! Haleluja!“ Čo sa deje? Búrenie vody. Amen.

262Hriešnici, ktorí tu sedia, boli odpadnutí, boli prostitútkami, opilcami a všetko možné, oni sú teraz svätí, zbožní, nemôžete na ich život ukázať prstom, lebo oni to prijali. Čo to je? Vzbúrenie vôd. Na čo hľadíte? Na Ducha Svätého, ktorý padá uprostred nás...

263Pred chvíľou som tam sedel s bratom Outlawom, posielal som ku nemu ľudí, čo sa týka tých chorôb, a podobne. A mohlo by sa to stať rovno teraz, ukazujúc všetky tie rôzne veci, ktoré sa diali v životoch. Čo to je? Je to Duch Svätý, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Na čo čakáme? Na vzbúrenie vody? Voda už je rozbúrená. Anjel čoskoro odíde, všetka cnosť bude preč, a potom už nezostane žiadne spasenie. Zostanete opustení vo vonkajšej temnote.

264Pred pár dňami som počul príbeh. Ako zakončujem, ešte poviem toto. Bol chlapec, ktorý spáchal vraždu. Urobil niečo zlé.

265A bol som tam nedávno predvolaný na súdne pojednávanie, tam v Texase. Dostal som od nich nedávno doklad, ktorý hovoril, „Záchrana života.“ Išli sme tam pre toho malého Ayersa. Ten človek, ktorý odfotil Anjela Pánovho, v ten večer v Houstone, kritizoval ma a hovoril o mne všetko možné. Ten sa mi hodil do náručia, objal ma a povedal, „Len pomysli, brat Branham, že ten istý človek, o ktorom som povedal, že praktizuje hypnózu, ten istý človek sem prišiel a zachránil môjho syna od elektrického kresla.“ Tak veru. Hovoril som tam pred všetkými. A čo urobil ten sudca? Odpustil mu to. Ó, rovno pred tým, ako mal o štyri alebo päť dní na to zomrieť. Tak veru. Prečo? Ja mám záujem o život. Život!

266Povedal som, „Pane, vy nemáte žiadne právo vziať tomu chlapcovi život. Tá prvá krv už bola preliata, jeden brat prelial krv toho druhého. On prelial jeho krv. Ale Boh nevzal jeho život cez trest smrti. On naňho dal znamenie, aby ho nikto nezabil. Nezotierajte to!“ Amen a amen. Tak veru. My máme záujem o život.

267Jedného dňa, chlapec jednej matky zabil nejakého človeka. On tam ležal, pripravený zomrieť. A táto jeho matka stála pri dverách guvernéra a pýtala sa, či môže dnu. A nakoniec jeden z tých strážcov povedal, „Guvernér, žiada si ťa tá matka toho chlapca. Chce sa s tebou stretnúť.“

268A keď otvorili dvere, povedali, „Madam, on ťa príjme.“

269Tá úbohá osoba sa vyšplhala po rukách a kolenách k jeho nohám, položila ruky na jeho nohy a povedala, „Pán guvernér, drahý pane,“ povedala, „vy zostávate ako jediný človek, ktorý môže ušetriť môjho syna. Prosím vás, drahý pane, ja viem, že on je vinný. On je rovnako vinný. Váš súd spravodlivosti ho uznal za vinného.“ A koľkí z nás nie sme vinní podľa súdu Božieho? „Váš súd spravodlivosti ho uznal za vinného. On naozaj zabil a čelí smrti. Viem to. Ale, pane, vy ako muž, vy nemáte právo vziať život môjho chlapca. Jedine Boh môže dať život a jedine Boh môže vziať život. Nerobte to, pane. Prosím vás, nie. Prosím vás tak, ako len môže prosiť srdce matky!“ A tak ju poslal preč.

270To prosíkanie tej matky tak zlomilo jeho srdce, až sám išiel do toho väzenia, kde ten chlapec sedel.

271Ten človek mal vybudovaný komplex. Rovnako, ako je to dnes s cirkvou, „Buď to budeš kázať tak, ako sa nám to páči, alebo to nebudeme vôbec počúvať.“ „Nebudeme dávať pozor!“ To bolo... On tam sedel. Jeden človek po druhom za ním chodili a snažili sa s ním hovoriť. On si vybudoval taký komplex, že už nedokázal viac počúvať.

272A tak vstúpil guvernér a povedal, „Synu, rád by som s tebou hovoril.“

On povedal, „Držte hubu a choďte odtiaľto preč!“ vo svojej cele.

On povedal, „Synu, prišiel som sem, aby som ti pomohol.“

Povedal, „Už som povedal, aby ste išli preč.“

273Tak je to dnes s ľuďmi a Duchom Svätým. Áno. „Choď preč. Nechcem s tým mať nič spoločné!“ A On len klope na dvere. „Ak to urobím, tak sa budem musieť vzdať svojich kartových partičiek. Budem sa musieť vzdať tohto. Budem sa musieť vzdať tamtoho. Budem sa musieť vzdať svojho cirkevného vyznania. Budem sa musieť vzdať tamtoho.“ Vidíte? Radšej počúvajte. On je ten Jediný, ktorý má to ospravedlnenie. Tak veru. Na čo hľadíte? Vidíte?

274On hľadel na toľko vecí, až sa bál na tohto človeka pozrieť. On držal svoju hlavu odvrátenú.

275Tak to robia ľudia dnes pri volaní k oltáru. Oni držia svoju hlavu odvrátenú. Nechcú to počuť. Oni by odvrátili svoje hlavy od Boha, ktorý im hovorí, „To je pravda.“ Ten malý Hlas, ako dotyk.

276Viete, Eliáš, on počul zvuk toho svižného vetra, krvi, ohňa, dymu, a vôbec to s ním nepohlo. Ale keď počul ten tichý jemný Hlas, vtedy vyšiel. Ó, ten jemný Hlas, ktorý cirkev nedokáže počuť! Tak veru.

277A tak ten človek robil, čo mohol. Ten guvernér sa snažil hovoriť ku tomu chlapcovi. Ten chlapec povedal, „Buď odtiaľto vypadnete alebo vás vyhodím.“

278Odvrátil sa a povedal, „V poriadku, synu. Urobil som, čo som mohol.“

279A keď odtiaľ odišiel, ten chlapec sa obrátil s arogantným pohľadom, ako išiel dolu chodbou.

280Nato vyšiel jeden zo strážcov a spýtal sa, „Guvernér, podarilo sa vám to?“

On povedal, „Nie. On nechcel počúvať.“

281Ten chlapec vyskočil, schmatol tie mreže a povedal, „Kto to bol?“

„To bol guvernér. Prišiel pre tvoje ospravedlnenie.“

282Vtedy už bolo neskoro. On kričal, plakal. On povedal, „Čo to len bolo?! V mojej vlastnej cele bol guvernér, aby ma ospravedlnil, a ja som ho odmietol.“

283A keď uviazali lano okolo jeho krku, ešte pred tým, ako mu nasadili tú čiernu masku, po tom, ako vystúpil po tých trinástich schodoch, tie posledné slová, ktoré vypovedal, boli, „Čo to len bolo?! Sám guvernér stál v mojej vlastnej cele, aby ma ospravedlnil, ale ja som ho odmietol.“ A obesili ho.

284Ó, dnes ráno je tu viac ako guvernér, Ježiš Kristus je tu. A tá malá cela, môže v nej byť muž alebo žena, On je jednako tu, aby dal ospravedlnenie. Neposielajte Ho preč! Nerobte to! Nájdite ten zámer, pre ktorý vás tu Boh v tomto živote má.

285Žijeme v ohromnej hodine, priatelia. Viete to. Ako tá stará pieseň hovorí:

Národy už hynú, (Pozrite sa na to, aký je čas!)

Izrael sa budí.

Tie znamenia, ktoré Biblia predpovedala;

Dni pohanov sú spočítané, obťažené pliagami;

„Ó, vráťte sa, zatúlaní, ku svojim vlastným!“

Deň Vykúpenia sa blíži,

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú v strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy upravené a čisté. (Čo?)

Pozrite sa hore, vaše Vykúpenie sa blíži!

Tak veru.

Falošní proroci klamú, Božiu pravdu zapierajú,

že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

Tak veru.

Táto generácia odmieta Božie zjavenie,

ale my kráčame tadiaľ, kadiaľ kráčali apoštoli.

Deň Vykúpenia sa blíži,

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú v strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy upravené a čisté.

Pozrite sa hore, vaše Vykúpenie sa blíži.

286Tak veru. Pozri sa hore, brat, odvráť sa od všetkej tejto dogmy sveta. Pozri sa hore. Pozri sa na Krista. Hľaď na Ježiša, ako hovorí tá pieseň.

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to nahrané v Jeho Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Na čo dnes ráno hľadíte?

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Lebo je to zaznamenané v Jeho Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Veríš tomu? Spievajme to spolu. Poznáte to?

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Spievajme to teraz spolu.

Pozri sa, ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

287Na čo hľadíte? Pre tých, ktorí vzhliadajú Ježiša po druhýkrát, On zostúpi v sláve ku spaseniu, aby nás vzal z tohto hriešneho sveta, von z tohto hriechu a vecí, v ktorých sme. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Pozri sa a ži. To jediné, čo môžete urobiť, je pozrieť sa a vziať to Slovo. Ako ten had na palici, ktorý reprezentoval to živé Slovo, ktoré sa malo stať telom, tak isto to Slovo dnes reprezentuje tú Prítomnosť Ducha Svätého, keď Ho vidíme potvrdeného medzi nami. On je dnes ráno v našej malej cele. Či ho nebudete počúvať, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy?

Pokračuj, brat.

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

[Brat Branham ďalej hmká „Pozri sa a ži“ – pozn.prekl.]

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

288Zatiaľ, čo máte svoje hlavy sklonené, pozri sa teraz na Ježiša, brat, to Slovo. Ak si nikdy nečinil pokánie, tak čiň pokánie. Ak si nikdy nebol pokrstený v Mene Ježiša Krista, tak buď pokrstený. Máš zasľúbenie Božie, že príjmeš Ducha Svätého. To je to, s čím začala tá originálna cirkev, tak to celé začalo. Boh je nekonečný. On nemôže zmeniť Svoj program. Tak to musí navždy zostať. Tá cirkev bola ustanovená na deň Letníc, skrze pokánie, krst v Mene Ježiša Krista a zasľúbenie prijať Ducha Svätého. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

289Ak sa ti to ešte nikdy nestalo, priateľu, či len nepozdvihneš teraz ruku k Bohu a nepovieš, „Brat Branham, modli sa za mňa!“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, aj teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dobre. Nech ťa Pán žehná, aj teba, teba, teba. To je dobré. V poriadku.

„Pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Hľaďte teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

290No, je to tu zaznamenané v Slove. Sme v tých posledných dňoch. Nie je nič, čo by toto oznamovalo. Nie je tam žiaden podfuk, žiaden podvod okolo toho. Je to len Slovo, ktoré sa manifestuje. Je to Slovo, ktoré hovorí pravdu. Boli ste na týchto zhromaždeniach. Boli ste už pred tým na zhromaždeniach a viete, že toto je Pravda.

291No, máme veľa napodobňovateľov. Vieme o tom. Ale nehľaďte na nich. S Mojžišom tiež išiel zmiešaný zástup. Ale pamätajte, boli tam niektorí pravdiví Izraeliti, ktorí išli do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Vidíte?

292Rovnako je to v tejto skupine, brat. Existujú skutoční, pravdiví Duchom-naplnení ľudia (muži a ženy), naozajstní, nemôžete na ich život poukázať prstom. Či sa len nepozriete a nebudete dnes ráno žiť? Odvráťte sa od tých napodobňovateľov. Odvráťte sa od tých, ktorí by boli fanatici. Odvráťte sa od celého toho a hľaďte na toho skutočného Ježiša. My sme zaznamenaní v Jeho Slove. Haleluja. „Tí, ktorí Ho vzhliadajú, tým sa zjaví po druhýkrát.“

293Ak by ste chceli pristúpiť k oltáru a postaviť sa v modlitbe… Ak ste ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého; ak ste nesplnili tie požiadavky v knihe Skutkov, o ktorých hovoril Peter, a ak by ste nejakú z nich chceli dnes ráno splniť. Zatiaľ čo spievame ešte jeden verš, rád by som vás pozval, aby ste prišli a postavili sa k oltáru k modlitbe. A potom vykonáme krst a budeme sa za vás modliť, aby ste prijali Ducha Svätého. Medzitým budeme spievať.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Ešte niekto?

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

294Čo sa dnes ráno deje so ženami? Všetko len muži? Zriedka to je tak vidieť. Toto je hodina úprimnosti. V poriadku.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a...“

295Cítim to tak, že by to mal byť ešte niekto iný. Ale no tak. Títo štyria muži, ktorí tu stoja, musí ich tu byť ešte viac. Len tak ďalej. Chcete žiť? Pamätajte, Boh si to zapisuje. Oni sa opýtali, „Ako musíme… Čo musíme urobiť, aby sme boli spasení?“ A bolo im to povedané. No, On to nemôže zmeniť a nikdy to nezmenil cez všetky biblické veky.

296No, my máme rôzne nápady. My to meníme a podobne. Ale nehľaďte na to. Nehľaďte na to, čo oni teraz robia.

297Hľaďte na to, čo On povedal tu. Pozrite sa do Biblie. Pozri sa a ži, brat! To je ten jediný spôsob, akým sa to dá; sestry tiež. No tak, ak ste neprijali toto prežitie a viete, že je to presne v Biblii potvrdené s Bohom Samým. Neriskujte to!

298Na čo dnes ráno hľadíte? Na čo hľadíte? Či ste sa zastavili v tomto odpornom, hektickom dni, v ktorom žijeme? Čo hľadáte? Boh už všetko umiestnil.

299To vzbúrenie vody, ten prvý malý pohyb, ľudia skočili.

300S tým znamením ruky na nebi, Eliáš povedal, „Ten oblak, vo veľkosti ľudskej ruky ako opar.“ Čo to bolo? On len ďalej veril. „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Ten oblak sa stal dvoma oblakmi. Dva oblaky sa premenili na kopec. Kopec sa premenil na horu. Tá hora sa stala ďalšou horou. A prv, ako si to stihnete uvedomiť, celá obloha hrmela a padal dážď. Čo to bolo? On prijal to, čo Boh poslal.

301A dnes ráno, ak sa tá malá Vec dotkla tvojho srdca a hovoríš si pri tom, „Ja to potrebujem,“ to je to malé znamenie, tá veľkosť ľudskej ruky. Poďte.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili!“

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

302Bol by som rád, ak by niektorí z vás, bratov, ktorí ste tu kazatelia, či by ste nezišli dolu a nepoložili ruky na týchto bratov tu, ak by ste boli takí dobrí.

303Pane Ježišu, tento človek tu priniesol to vyznanie, prišiel sem dnes ráno. Rozpusti od neho všetku pochybnosť.

Tá Krv, Otče! Odpusť nám, Pane!…?…

On stojí za to, aby sme sa kvôli nemu vzdali všetkého.

304Podobne s týmto bratom tu, Pane, nech jeho vyznanie padne do Krvi Ježiša Krista. Nech je naplnený Duchom Svätým. Aby Boh zmenil jeho meno, ako sa opiera o svoju palicu. Ale on potrebuje Ducha Svätého. Nech len jeho vyznanie dnes ráno…?...

305Naplň ho Duchom Svätým. [Brat Branham a ostatní kazatelia sa ďalej modlia s ľuďmi pri oltári – pozn.prekl.] A nech príde veľká moc Ducha Svätého. Amen.

306Celá cirkev, ktorí máte teraz sklonené hlavy, buďte v modlitbe. Títo bratia sa teraz modlia a nech na nich každý položí svoje ruky a modlí sa.

Teraz prichádza ďalší.

307Pane Ježišu, na základe toho vyznania, ktoré tu on dnes prišiel urobiť, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ho naplnil Duchom Svätým, Pane. On sa pozerá na Golgotu, kde ho tá jediná Krv Ježiša Krista môže očistiť. Len tá jediná Krv môže urobiť ten skok ponad tú priepasť. To je tá Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá prúdi cez tú priepasť a umiestňuje ho hneď vedľa Boha dnes večer. Udeľ to, Otče, skrze Ježiša Krista. Amen.

308Každý buďte teraz v modlitbe, položte na nich ruky, na týchto bratov, ktorí tu stoja. Modlite sa teraz z celého svojho srdca.

309No, ty teraz prichádzaš, aby si urobil vyznanie. Boh nemôže klamať.

310To je presne ten spôsob, ako som to ja prijal, keď som vystúpil a povedal, „Pane Bože, ja som hlboko úprimný. Skutočne to myslím z celého svojho srdca. Toto je medzi smrťou a životom, a ja nechcem zomrieť. Chcem žiť a chcem ísť do neba. Tak, ako si to Ty zasľúbil.“

311Nikdy som nepočul o ničom takom ako Letnice, nikdy som o tom nepočul. Ale povedal som, „V Biblii tu bola tá požiadavka podľa tejto Biblie, aby som činil pokánie, a presne to robím. A bol som pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Teraz, Pane, Ty si mi zasľúbil Ducha Svätého. Zasľúbil si, že to urobíš.“

312Nikdy som nepočul o ničom takom ako hovorenie v jazykoch, nikdy som o tom nepočul, že by niečo také v Biblii bolo. Nemyslel som si nič také. A hneď v tej chvíli do tej miestnosti zostúpilo Svetlo v tvare kríža a to, čo na tom bolo, hovorilo v jazykoch. Povedal som, „Ja nerozumiem Tvojmu Hlasu, Pane, Tvojmu jazyku. Ak nedokážeš hovoriť po anglicky, tak sa nedorozumieme; ak by si sa len vrátil a znovu prehovoril, bolo by to znamenie, že si ma prijal.“ A potom to tam znova bolo.

313Ó, brat, ja som sa vtedy pozrel a žil. Odvtedy žijem v tých chválebných Božích sférach, kde slobodne prúdi moc Božia skrze vyslovenie Jeho požehnaní.

314Pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky, ako stojíme, každý jeden z nás a títo ľudia. No, bratia, Duch Svätý je tu. Ten, ktorý ospravedlňuje, je teraz po vašom boku. Verme teraz z celých našich sŕdc. Nech každý jeden z nás verí. Pozdvihnime teraz svoje hlasy ku Bohu. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa…?…

Pane Ježišu, modlím sa ku Tebe, aby si to udelil!…?…

Pane Ježišu, nech sa jej to teraz podarí vidieť!…?…

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili!“

Ó, „pozreli sa a žili!“

315Všetci vy, chorí ľudia, takisto sa pozrite na Ježiša.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži!

316O tom to je. Ako ten medený had. V tom hadovi nebola žiadna moc, ale bolo to o tom, na čo oni hľadeli. No, to zasľúbenie hovorí, „Oni budú vzkladať ruky na chorých; a budú sa mať dobre.“ Ja kladiem ruky na neho, lebo je to reprezentácia, ako ten medený had. Nech sa pozrú tam na Ježiša, ktorý zomrel. On je to zmierenie, aby boli naši chorí ľudia uzdravení. On je to zmierenie za náš hriech. Nech tá moc Božia príde na túto vodu a uzdraví každého jedného v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

To dieťa? To dieťa?

317V Ježišovom Mene…?… V Mene Pána Ježiša…?… Ó, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Nech vás teraz Boh žehná. Verte z celých svojich sŕdc. Verte tomu.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Ako to robíte?

Pozrite sa na Ježiša a žite.

Ó, je to zaznamenané v…

Pamätaj, brat…?...

318Viete, čo sa dnes s cirkvami deje? My sa dostávame príliš… Príliš rýchlo sa vzdávame. Eliáš tam stál a on sa modlil a modlil a modlil, až kým sa niečo nestalo. A keď cítil, ako zostúpila tá malá kvapka do jeho srdca, on povedal, „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Ak tí muži a ženy tu, ktorí chcú Krista alebo Ducha Svätého, ktorí chcú byť uzdravení, ak by tu len zostali a povedali, „Pane, Ty si to zasľúbil. Ty si to zasľúbil,“ a potom budú cítiť tú kvapku. Povedzte, „Tuto to je, Pane. Ja to prijímam,“ niečo sa potom stane.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a...

319Len pozdvihnite teraz svoje ruky. Príjmite to, čo chcete. On je tuto v cele s vami. V poriadku. Haleluja!

V poriadku, brat, môžeš prísť.

1 Brother Jimmy. And good morning, friends. It's... I am very happy to be here in Phoenix again this morning, enjoying this fine time of fellowship. Wish I could just set in a long time, listening at these pretty songs, and to see young Jimmy really get into that song. Hum! There's nothing put on about that boy, is there?

2And Brother Outlaw was telling me this morning that this is his precious mother setting over here by the door, of eighty-one years old. God bless you, sister. I guess many years ago when you rocked that little baby in your arms, and them little hands struck across your cheeks, you didn't think you'd be setting here, eighty years old, listening at him in his church, maybe, at that time. You believed it then? That's very fine, very fine. So happy. God give you... Well, can't say many years, because you are--you are, inwardly, an Eternal being. You see? So you never did begin, so you can't end, so you just have Eternal Life. That's very good.

3 Brother Dyson, I haven't had the privilege of meeting him yet, but he is going to continue this service on through next week, beginning tonight, here at the church. And I'm... I sure hope that there's a great success here in this revival. I only wish I could set back here somewhere and just soak in the good things of God, as our brother preaches. I hear he's a missionary's son from Jerusalem. And so I'm sure you're going to enjoy this ministry this week, of our brother. If it's all possible, attend, hear him, back him up. And those who cannot come, and you're away from home, out-of-town, can't get back, do as I'm going to do, pray for him, and pray for the success of the service.

4 I remember the first time in Phoenix. It was this church, only it was in a different place. It was the church, but a different roof that we worshipped under, and the great fellowship that we had with Brother Outlaw. I have a record that was made during that meeting. And it's always... When I kind of get feeling a little down, I go play this record, and it's about scratched out. Perhaps, maybe, the man that made it, is here this morning; little, red flexible record. And then, course, I have many of the late records of this young choir here, which was little babies then, singing. We get much out of it.

5When we heard these fine songs, I said to Brother Outlaw, "I'm glad they're being taped, because I like to study that. I like to hear those songs and play the tape, hear the songs when you can set down."

6 There's nothing like music. You know, God heals by music. Did you know that? Uh-huh. God heals by music.

7God heals by love. See? God heals by medicine. God heals by prayer. God has many ways of healing. Depends on what type that you need.

8Sometimes a little love, stretched out, will just cure an old sore, an old place that's been a grudge or something. It'll heal it right over, just a little love, a little care.

9Sometime when you feel all down, and, as we call it, a street expression, down in the dumps, see, just put on one of those tapes, that music or a record, and go to playing it. The first thing you know, you're patting your foot, or your hand, and it's all over then. You're right up and ready to go again.

10 Now, these six-hour Messages, that's not the evangelistic type, that's when I'm home and--and just kind of... Everybody knows how to take me there, just kind of long-winded. And a lot of people can say more in five minutes, you see, than I can say in those six hours. So, depends on what you're saying.

11Now, I believe, this morning, I got a little note here, that some sister here that wants her little baby dedicated to the Lord. And I said to Brother Outlaw, "You don't baptize infants?"

He said, "No." No, he just... He dedicates them like the Scripture says to dedicate them.

12 So I--I think, at this time, if this sister that's got this little one to bring up, will bring it up. And we--we believe in this, being a doctrine of the Bible. And trying to follow the Scripture and the pattern that the Lord Jesus left us, just as close as we know how, is to follow through the way He did it. And we don't find any place in the Bible where He baptized them or even commissioned them to be baptized. He--He just... They said, "They brought little children unto Him, that He might bless them. And He laid His hands upon them and said, 'Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.'"

13So if the organist or pianist will, will give us just some of that lovely music, kind of slowly, "Bring them in, bring them in, bring them in from the fields of sin." I believe you're acquainted with it.

14 What's the little fellow's name? [The mother says, "It's a little girl. It's Rebekah."--Ed.] Rebekah. Last name? ["Hammer."] Hammer. This is Brother and Sister Hammer. ["Yes."] God bless you. This your only one? ["Our fourth girl."] Fourth girl. You ought to be an evangelist. Philip had four daughters, you know. ["That's right."] And they were all prophetesses. [The father says, "I'm not a minister."] You may not be, but I trust that God will give you four prophetesses out of these daughters, anyway, Brother Hammer.

15Very sweet. She's yawning now. You should see it. I like them. But I'm always afraid when I pick them up, to dedicate them, I'm always afraid I'll break them. You know, they're kind of... I--I feel real funny, picking them up. And my wife always said, "You can't break them." So, but they look so sweet. They look like you just have to handle them. So I'm going to try to hold it, if it's all right.

16Now, this is a job my wife would like. Isn't that a little doll? Little Rebekah Hammer, how are you? That's good. We're grateful for this, how God has give to this union this lovely child. It has to come only from God. No one can give life but God.

Let us bow our heads now.

17 Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You this morning this little lump of love that's been placed in this home, by Your great hand. How the mother, these months, has packed it beneath her heart, longing to see what it would look like when it arrived. And here it is this morning, this sweet lovely little girl. And she gives it a Bible name. And now comes to the altar of God, she and her husband, to dedicate it, to give it back to the God that gave it to them. Bless their home, Father, we pray. Bless their family. Bless this little Rebekah.

18In the Bible, we find that the people brought little babies to You, that You might lay Your hands upon them and bless them. And if You were only here in a visible body this morning, why, this parent would bring this little Rebekah to You. We realize, Lord, that our hands are very poor substitutes for this great mission, but You have charged us to do so. Therefore, Lord, I give to You little Rebekah, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in a dedication. May You take her little life and use it, Lord, for Your glory. And we'll praise Thee for it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 God bless you. May the Lord grant, little baby will live, be a fine woman and a great servant of Christ for tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. God bless both of you, so nice.

20Oh, them little fellows. It's that innocence. I've often thought how innocent a child is. And yet, if we could only be as innocent as one of those children... But, come to find out, we're more innocent, when the Blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sin.

21 Now let's turn in the Scriptures. To you who like to read the Scripture, let's turn to the book of Hebrews, the 9th chapter, for some Words. Let's begin with the 24th verse of the 9th chapter.

For Christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

Nor yet that he should offer himself oft, as the high priest entered into the holy place every year with the blood of others;

For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

So Christ was once offered to bear the sin of many; and unto them that look for him to appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

22May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Let us bow our heads now for prayer.

23 Almighty God, Who is the beginning of all things, Who made the worlds by Jesus Christ, we come in Thy Presence, in this building this morning, as a gathering of Thy people: to first offer ourselves to You for service; to give thanks for what we have already received of Thy hand; praying that You'll bless the reading of this Word. May the Holy Spirit continue to make the Word real to us, as we look to the Author of the Word, for we ask it in His Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

24 Now, we are going to try, this morning, to take just four letters, in a word, Look, for a subject, and to deal with it a little while, as the Lord will lead us to do. I have a few notes written here, and some Scripture that we might refer to, as we go along. Look.

25L, double o, k, look. The word, really, when... It's used oft. But, "look," when you hear the word, it's usually somebody trying to get you to see what they are looking at. They say to you, "Look." Like going down the road, you, someone, might see a certain scene, and they would say, "Look," and then express what it is. It's at the mountain, at--at the--the cactus, or whatever they're looking at. But, the first thing, to get your attention, is, "Look."

26 Now, everybody is looking, today. Everybody is looking for something, and looking for something to happen.

27We know that the world is constantly watching the skies, the radar and the screens that we have up, around the world, every nation, for its own defense, has--has got a magic eye, like, looking to--to find something to appear into this screen, like an atomic missile or something. Then, they've got something there to go back to the one that sent it this way.

28 Everything is looking. The Ford Company is looking to make a better Ford. The Chevrolet is looking, make a better Chevrolet. Phoenix is looking to make a larger and better town. The nation is looking for more territory, so it can spread itself. The church, just church, is looking for more members.

But the Bride is looking for the Coming of her Lord.

29We're all looking. Depends on what the voice is trying to tell you to look for. Some of us are saying, "Look for this." And if it's a church, we're saying we want so many more this year, members. That's all right.

30 But the Voice that I trying to say to you this morning, is like the writer of this epistle, we believe to be Paul, which is saying, "Looking for the Coming of Jesus Christ, the second time," looking for Him. In order to do it, you got to see something before you can tell somebody else to look at what you are seeing.

31Noah had an experience of this. And he, by faith, he saw the coming of a flood, a great rain that was going to cover the earth and take all the... wash off the earth; the rededication again to God. The filth of the world, that the people had got in that conglomeration that they were in in that day, and it had to all be washed off, to start again.

32 I just finished a series of services on the last seven seals. And finding, in this sixth seal, that there is a great interruption in--in nature. The moon, the stars, the earth belches forth. The church is purged, Israel is purged, and everything is purged under that seventh seal, so that the Millennium can start in. There has to be a cleansing, first.

33And that's what the church, today, and what I want to point to you, that we need a cleansing. Before anything can begin from God, we got to have a purging. And when we look and see things that is now, under the present conditions existing the way they are, we can see that we got to have something to happen before God can continue His program, and a purging. Many of us, I say, might look back to...

34 I have a tape, or, well, it's a movie film that was filmed in Jerusalem, where we were asking the Jews, when they were returning back from Iran and many places, a few years ago, about five years ago, packing their loved ones on their back, and bringing them off of ships and out of airplanes, and so forth, coming back. Asked them the question, "Are you returning to the homeland to die?"

They said, "We are coming to see the Messiah."

35When you see Israel, that tree, putting forth its buds, it's a great ensign. The time is at hand when Israel becomes a nation, and she's a nation today.

36We see things happening, that, to the world, it's just as blind to them as it was in the days of Noah. But to we who look for Christ, the second time, it's an ensign that He is soon coming. We see something fixing to happen, and depends on what you're looking at.

37 Now, Noah knew by the Word of God that there was coming a flood. By faith he saw it. He knew that was going to be, because God's Word promised it. Now, Noah, himself, by faith, saw what God's Word said. But the world could not see it, because it could not be scientifically proven that there were water up in the sky. But Noah knew it was there, because God said so.

38That's the Church, the Bride, the called-out today, knows that the Coming of the Lord is at hand, regardless of how much we've been able to go in progress, and so forth, and succeed in splitting an atom, and--and sending a--a radar message to the moon. That means nothing to the believer, only a sign that the Coming of the Lord is at hand. We see nations breaking, and the nations coming, falling apart, and the world coming apart, and the church move coming apart. Then, we are taught, that, "We receive a Kingdom which cannot be moved." But as these things begin to happen, the Church binds Itself together, tighter and tighter, with the... by the Word of God. It's a great day that we're living in. And we are...

39 Everybody is looking for something. You might be looking today to a time you get home, to eat your dinner. There might be a--a picnic this afternoon, that you're taking your family to. There might be something another, next week, that you're looking for a neighbor to come, or some friend. But everybody is looking for something.

40 And as a group of believers today, assembled together, we want to fix our thoughts, our principles and things, upon the Coming of the Lord, "Looking for Christ, Who shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation, to those that believe and are looking for Him to come." God, here, the... by the writer, is inviting us to--to view this and to look at it. We... The writer says here, that, "We look for Christ, the second time, to see Him as He is."

41And now we know that the Word is Christ. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Therefore it's the Word that we look to, then, for It is the--the expression of what God is. And when God came in Christ, He was the expression of what God was. And whatever He was, He ever remains, because He's Eternal and cannot change.

42What a hope it gives us, that God has not left us without a true witness in the days of confusion that we live in today! Yet, we are certainly a privileged people, if we'll just look to the true witness we have, the Word, see, because that's God's full revelation of Jesus Christ. Nothing can be added to It or taken from It, because It is the revelation of Jesus Christ.

43God has never left His people without a true witness. God is going to judge the world by Jesus Christ. And if Jesus Christ is the Word, then God judges the church, or the world, by the Word, for He is the Word. There is a Judgment coming. The sinner knows it.

44 Many people, when you speak of Church, they have a funny idea. The world, when they pass by the Church, I mean, the Body of Christ gathered together, they think of our women with some great, long stringy hair, with black dresses and everything. And they think of the men with long fingers, dressed in black clothes, and always condemning them. To a good sense of the word, that's true, because, "The Church is a peculiar people, a called-out people."

45And the reason it looks that way to that man who wants to judge the Church in that condition, is because the Church is always pointing a condemning finger to everything that he thinks is good. And if he's a sinner, he thinks sin is good, the pleasures of life, such as living in the world. And when the Church stands up and condemns that thing, It looks like a hideous animal to him. But if he only knows, it's God's only way of bringing to salvation, that's right, expressing the Word of God by the lips of His servants.

46 Now, God could have chose to preach the Gospel by the sun, by the moon, by the stars, by the wind, or by nature. But He chose men to preach the Gospel, and that's where the Voice of God will come from. And you can judge the voice according to the word it expresses, then you can see what kind of a voice that you're listening to. If it's contrary to the Word, don't listen to it. But if it is the Word, then God is duty bound to back that Word up and vindicate It and make It Truth, because He promised to do it. So we're living in a great day, these Words of Christ expressed.

47 When He came into the world, He was the Word, Himself. He didn't have to write no books. He never wrote a book. Why? He was the Word. He didn't have to write about anything, because He was what the others had wrote about. He was the Word. Therefore, He didn't write anything with His Own hand. He was the Word, Itself. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, so He still remains the Word.

48He said to the Jews, one day, He said, "Who can accuse Me of sin?" Now, sin is "unbelief." "Who can point their finger to Me and say that I haven't fulfilled every Word that was written of Me?"

49 Would not it be a glorious thing this morning, my brethren and sisters, if the Church of the living God could stand and say, "Who can accuse me of sin? Every gift that God promised in the Bible, and everything He promised would be done, it's operating right among us today"? Isn't that a wonderful thing? Who can? Then we... The denominational thoughts would move plumb out of existence when we can see God speaking for Himself.

50So many people are looking for different... No one wants to die. No one wants to be lost. Everyone wants to be in the Presence of God. I do, you do, everybody does. But we're not willing to come the way that God has provided for us to come. See? That's what makes it so much different.

51 My boy, Billy, the other day, give me a camera. And he showed me a--an object. He said, "Daddy, take that picture out there." Well, it's a little 35mm Petra. And I took up the little camera and looked at the object. There was about three of them objects standing out there, a Saguaro cactus. I could see one stalk, two stalks, three stalk. And I took it down again, looked, there was only one stalk. I put it back again, it looked like there was three stalks.

52Well, that's just the way, sometimes, we get out of focus. Got a range Finder. And we try to put something of God way back somewhere else, and something another, maybe we haven't used our range Finder. Let the Holy Spirit get our ideas away from ourself and our church theology, and let the range Finder come in and connect us, you'll not see three or four. You'll see one object, of God. See?

53 Looking through the same camera, a man can see something, but his own intelligence tells him there's only one stalk out there. See?

54But that's the way the Holy Spirit does, if we'll just let It have Its way. It'll take the Word Itself and bring It into focus, to where we'll see what we're looking at then. And then you'll find out, maybe, if people that are trying to show you something, is not so wrong, after all, you see; if you'll just let the range Finder start, the Word Itself, begin to show the Word in manifestation. Amen. It'll--it'll do it if you'll just let it. See? But you got to use the range Finder, to get your--your... If it hit the zero mark once, it'll hit it again.

55 I--I love to--to shoot, and--and the targets. And here not long ago, I was squirrel hunting down in Kentucky. There was... I had a little model-75 rifle. It sounds... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious to you, to say this in a sermon, but I--I will tell you. I'm trying to make a point. And this little rifle, I trained it in. And I've dealt and fooled with guns since a little kid. I--I love them. And I--I had this little model-75 till I could just, every time, hit a squirrel's eye at fifty yards with it.

56I had a paper from the range down there, signed up, that, "Driving nine bullets through the same hole, at fifty yards, on a rainy, windy day." And I got it signed up and notarized. And that was the Lord helping me, of course, to do that. That's unusual.

57 And I started to shoot the squirrel. I find out, I hit him somewhere else besides in the eye. I got nervous. I tried again, on paper, and it wouldn't hit the target. It would hit within, oh, quarter of an inch, or a half-inch, something, at fifty yards. But I knowed it would do better than that. I done everything to the gun that I knowed how to do, and nothing seemed to--to fix it up right.

58 So I wrapped it up in the box and sent it back to Winchester Company for examination, for rebedding. They wrote me a nice letter I have, my file at home. And it said--said, "Rev. Branham," said, "that--that rifle will group an inch at twenty-five yards." Said, "It's just a model-75." Said, "It's not a target gun. It's just a little plinker." And said, "You'll never get any better than that." Now, that was the Winchester Company that made the gun, said, "An inch at twenty-five yards," and I drove nine straight holes at fifty yards.

59Now, here's my thought. My wife said, "Now look, Bill," she said, "if that company who made the rifle will just say that, and it won't do no better than that, then who are you to say that."

60I said, "Honey, here is what it is. I don't care what the company says. I've seen it do it, and I know it'll do it."

61 And I set down there, when the other brethren were shooting at squirrels. Anywhere they wanted to hit them was all right, mid-center, back, or anywhere. I set under a tree and was crying. I said, "God, I'm so nervous. I can't hold myself together. Why did You make me a little, nervous fellow like this?" And just...

62I realize where I am standing here, the Bible before me. And a Voice, just as plain as you would hear mine, said, "You were made thus for a purpose."

Because, until you--you know that that rifle is going to zero once, because... If it zeroed once, rather, it'll zero again. It's the same rifle.

63 Therefore, I see it. See? If obeying this Word, taking this range Finder and bring It down to a place till I can see the same thing those apostles saw, the same Gospel they preached. It'll produce the same results, 'cause It did for them. It'll strike the target every time. No matter what the churches says, and the people who claims to be, I--I know It'll do It. Because... And there is what I want to look at, that Word, to see that It's exactly in focus, to see the same vision they saw. And It'll do the same job that It did for them. It'll heal the sick. It'll raise the dead. It'll cast out devils. It'll bring forth a glorious Church Who is willing to seal their testimony with their own blood if it comes necessary to do that. Because, it depends on what you're looking at.

64 Now if I had looked to what the Winchester Company said, which is supposed to be the one that--that made the gun, then I'd have listened to them. But I knowed different.

65Now if I look to the church, and they say, "Oh, them days is gone, and there's no such a thing as That," and, see, see where you'd be? It'd be plumb off of target. See?

66But if He is ever God, He is still God. He always was God, and He can't be nothing else but God. And He is God, Eternal. Therefore, we want to look to that Target; not what target the church is shooting at, but what Target that Christ is shooting at.

67"We look for Christ to appear, the same Jesus." He said, when He was on earth, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you to the end of the world." That same One Who could direct the Word, and be the Word, and direct It right straight on to the Target, that same Lord Jesus is here this morning in the form of the Holy Spirit, to direct our thoughts and focus down, His Word, to one true and living God, to one purpose, to one achievement. And if we'll just let Him do it, He will focus the Word right into a place that'll prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Depends on what you want to look at.

68 We must focus our lives. Not what somebody else says, but focus our lives to Him. And He is the Word. See? If we get our lives lined with the Word, then the Word and our life becomes the same. He said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will. It'll be granted to you. Verily I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that that what you have said will come to pass; you can have what you have said." Oh, my! "Not what I said; what you said, you can have," because you and He become the same. Because, the mind that was in Christ is in you. And the mind that was in Christ was to fulfill the Father's Word. Which, He was the Word. There you are. Then you and the Word are focused in, together. You become a living unit of God. How great!

69 There was a time when man's sins... When man sinned before God, he crossed a great chasm. As a writer said here, that "He appeared on the last days for salvation to those that look for it." Now, this great chasm man crossed, left hisself no way back. He could not get back again, because he's crossed that separation between him and God.

70God, being full of grace and mercy, took a substitute, and it was a lamb or an animal, was offered, a substitutionary death. "But the blood of bulls and goats," as Hebrews here said, just previous to where I read, "cannot take away sin." It only covered sin. It was a propitiation, truly, but it just covered sin, for it was speaking with a good conscience, looking forward to when the Blood would come that would cleanse sin, divorce it, put it away forever.

71 Now, when Jesus came, He wasn't just a man. He wasn't just the third person of the trinity. He, He was God. He was God, Himself. He, He was Emmanuel. And we're taught, in the Bible, that, "We're saved by the Blood of God." When God Himself became one of us, He--He changed His--His--His, what He was. He changed His tent. He came down, condescending from Glory, and became man. Therefore, born without sex, He created Himself a body that He lived in, Himself. Emmanuel, God represented with us, the Word made flesh among us, and lived with us, to redeem many sons back to God, through the shedding of this Blood.

72The body, sure, was Christ. It was the anointed One. And if Christ means "the anointed One," and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is the Word, then the Word is the anointing. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then say what you will." It's the Word of God, the anointed Word, that's what does it.

73 Now, there was a time, as I have remarked, that a woman, when she got a stain on a--a white piece of goods, she... There's no way of getting it off. I remember when my mother used to put black coffee on grease, to try to take a stain off of something. I remember a time she used to take the old turpentine bottle and try to wash out the stain, coal oil and so forth, to remove the stain from a garment. Well, you just wouldn't move it good. There's still a trace of it. That, in symbol, I'd like to take, as the blood of goats and sheep, and so forth.

74 But now they have manufactured a stuff called bleach. And that bleach, Clorox or whatever it is, it's a bleach that's been manufactured. And what, this morning, if I had a tub full of that bleach setting here, and a--a little eye dropper with black ink in it? Let's study it a minute. What is that black ink? Much of it is water. But, the color, where did the color come from? The color had to start. We know it's a creation. So if it started with a creation, it had to come from a Creator before it can be a creation.

75 I don't know what these words mean. I couldn't break it down. But you excuse the words that I'm going to use, but to make a point. Well, let's say, well, when it drops...

76This drop of ink, now, it was for a purpose. That color become that color for a purpose. That one drop of ink can sign your death warrant, can send you to the electric chair. Or that one drop of ink can pardon you from your sins. It was set here for a purpose. We got to use it for the right thing.

77But, for instance, it's finished. And we drop that one drop of ink into a tub full of bleach. What happens to it? You don't see nothing happen, but there's no more color. The color breaks up. You don't know where it went. Well, it turned back to acids. Course, the water is a form, with H2O, it goes back, the water, back to the water that's in the bleach. But the chemical in this bleach broke that so completely, till you can't find a stain of it no more. It's gone. It broke into, say, it went back to acids. What did acids come from? It goes on back, say, it come from--from atoms, what, or molecules. And what molecules? Molecule from atoms, atoms to electrons, so forth and so on, as you go on.

78Let's think of it. When it begin back there, we say it come from atom, or from molecule, say, molecule four-one times molecule six-nine made molecule H. What if it been six-eight instead of six-nine? It'd come out pink instead of black. Something had to determine it. What if it was atom times four, times six, times eleven? It ought to been... If it come out six instead of eleven, it would have been brown. See? It had to come from somewhere who designed it.

79 Look out the window at that palm tree. What is it? It's volcanic ash with a life in it. Look across the street from it, you see a eucalyptus. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it, a different kind. Look, you see a rose. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it. Where did the color come from? Just think of that. Well, Who colored that flower? There is two flowers, of the same specie, one is yellow and the other one is red. Both of them come from a little seed. And what, where'd the coloring come from? Part of it's green, part white, part red, part yellow, where did the coloring come from? Same sun shined on the same place. Something has to determine it. It's a natural substance, so it had to have a creation somewhere. Now look, then, what does it do? It goes plumb back to the beginning, to a Creator.

80 Then if sin put a stain on a human being, and Moses, by offering a sheep, could take the--the Voice of God...

"I'll put My Words in your mouth."

81And he walked out there with the Word of God, and said, "Let there be flies." And there wasn't a fly, nowhere. In less than five minutes, maybe, an old green fly begin to buzz around. In another ten minutes, they were maybe two pound per square yard. What was it? The Word of God in the mouth of His prophet. The Word of God is creating, but it's got to come from the right resource.

82 And then if God could take that man, and bridge a way across there, by the blood of sheeps and goat, and could make the Word of God creative by the mouth of a man, how much more... not only, but the creative... or the power of the sacrifice of a bull or a goat. But the Blood of Jesus Christ, that when sin is confessed and drops into that bleach of God, the own... God's own creative way of taking away the stain, so far, that it's put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, to be remembered no more.

83When a man confesses his sins and gets right with God, and God drops the sin of this confession into the Blood of His Own Blood, and forgives that sin, and--and replaces in that man the original Spirit that should been there, His own Spirit, making him a son of God, how much more ought the creative power of God to be in the Church! See? It breaks down every wall of sin. It breaks down. See?

84 People today try to say, "Those words was back for another age." It is, if you're still out from under that Blood.

85But if you're under that Blood, the power of God by His Word remains the same. It's got to be the same. If He could do that by the blood of sheep and animals, what about the Blood of Jesus Christ?

86I could do it. We must cope our lives and focus it in to the Word of God. Just like that we would a picture camera, or try to get the right focus before we snap it, and then we got the real true picture. That's what we want to do, to focus our lives into Jesus Christ, that Christ and you become the same Person. You are a son adopted to God by the Blood of the righteous Jesus Christ.

87 Then the Church would be moving on without friction, without hurt, without harm, without--without doubts, without scruples, without friction. It would be moving in the power of the Word of God, manifesting every Divine blessing that God promised to It, if it'd just do that.

88We must do our lives, and then see Him and see Him only, not some bishop, some great man, or something we take pattern by, but we look to Jesus Christ. Not some organization, not some pope, or--or some archbishop of Canterbury, or some other "Divine man," that we call on earth. But we must look to Jesus Christ. He is the Word. And the o-...

89 Abraham, when he was asked to sojourn in a strange land, and look for the promise, he never doubted the promise.

The Christian looks at the unseen.

90Remember, you are endowed with five senses. One of them is sight. But I'll prove to you, your sight don't see everything. Here, this morning, right in this room right now, there's living representations of creatures in this room. There's living voices in this room. If you do not, then go turn on the television and see if there isn't people plumb across the nation that's being represented right here in this room this morning. Their figures and their beings is passing through this room. Is that true? Why? Only way you'll ever know it, is a transmitter, to pick it up and transmit it into reality.

91 And the only way that the Church will ever know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is get into that transmitter, the Blood that transmits our sins away from us, and brings us across that chasm, into the Presence of God, being sons of God which He represents Himself in. Oh, what a great thing! If we'd look to that this morning, we'd forget the differences of the things that's in the world today, and the things that other people looking for, and the great numbers and so forth. "We're looking to Jesus Christ, Who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith."

92 Now remember, the whole Christian armor is supernatural, if you are a Christian.

93You say, "Seeing is believing." You can never be a Christian if you believe that.

94"For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You cannot be a Christian and have to see the thing. The whole armor of God is supernatural. Love, joy, peace, faith, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, and Holy Ghost, it's all unseen. And the Christian doesn't look to what he sees with his eyes. He looks to what he sees with his faith.

95 And his faith can only be based upon one thing, that's the Word. Amen. Now I feel like a shouting Baptist. Yes, sir. See? When you get to that Word, that's the living thing. That's the Word. When your mind and eyes can be single to that Word, and focus that in till you see exactly what God is doing, what a wonderful thing.

96Abraham saw it. See? He did not look to any of the misunderstandings of the promise. What if he would have looked and said, "Here I'm seventy-five years old. And such-and-such a voice spoke to me and said I'm to have a baby by my wife. She is sixty-five years old, about fifteen, twenty, years past menopause"? What would he have done? But what did he do? He never paid any attention to what the natural things was. He looked at what God said. It become such a reality to him till he didn't see nothing else but what God said. He left his home. He separated himself from all unbelief, anything that would try to pull him away. He separated himself so he could walk alone.

97 That's what every genuine believer has to do. Separate yourself from these doubters and unbelievers, and walk with Christ. It, it's Life, to you.

98And Abraham did such a thing. And twenty-five years later, we find him still believing the same promise. Why? He had focused his--his mind to the will of God, by the Word of God, and believed it.

99If we can focus ourself to the plan of God, to what God wants for us, and what God promised us, and let everything else alone. No matter how long it is, just keep believing.

100Romans 4 here, we find Romans 4:14. It said, "And he staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief." He didn't let unbelief contaminate him, at all. He looked to one thing, that was, the Voice that spoke to him.

101 That's what the Church ought to do today. Look to the one thing, the Voice, the Word of God that speaks to us. Churches and peoples can speak any way. But, look to the Voice. What are we looking at?

102He looked to the Voice that spoke to him. "He called everything, contrary to that Voice, as though it wasn't." And yet, materially, it was as far out of focus with the world as Noah's time was. It was just as far out of focus.

103Because why? Noah's time, they couldn't prove there was rain up there. But Noah knew that, if God said so, He was able to put rain up there.

104Abraham knew that his--his body was as good as dead, but he considered not his own body. He considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb. A young girl, he had married his half sister, lived with her all these years. And now she is ninety years old, and he's a hundred years old. But he didn't even think about that. That didn't even come in his mind. Why? He had focused all the unbelief out. Oh, glory!

105 That's what the Church should do. That's what each member of the Church should do, would focus out of you all doubt. Look only to that Word. It promised it. God said so. It's got to be that way.

106The Bible said, "Against hope, he believed in hope. He staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God." Each day he got stronger because the miracle would be greater.

107 Sometimes we can't wait from one night to the other. Sometimes we can't wait from one revival to the other. We have to go out and entangle with the things of the world. How we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

108Before we come here to confess and get into that Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin, we should focus ourself down, to see that one true living God standing there, Who made the promise, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word cannot fail." Stay right there upon That, then you're not tossed about with winds of doctrine, carried about from place to place, from pillar to post.

109But, you know where you stand, because you been zeroed in with God. You see your own life hitting that target, just like those apostles did. You live the way they did. You were baptized the way they were. You see the same results that they seen. You see it operating in you. You are zeroed. I don't care what the company says and what the denominations say. You are zeroed, because you know that you're hitting the target. Amen. Then you know where you're standing. Depends on what you're looking at. If you're looking to somebody else, you'll go any way. Any little puff of wind will blow you off the target. But, oh, you can't be blowed off the target when you're zeroed in. That's all. There's nothing going to stop it. God carries it to its...

110 Just like David's little rock in the sling, it went straight to its destination.

111So will your prayers go straight to its destination, 'cause it's offered in the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses you. There's not a sin or a spot on you nowhere. That's right. There can't be. As long as that Clorox is between me and God, how is He going to see my sin? How can He do it?

112If I make a sin, it's not willfully. "He that sins willfully after he receive the knowledge of the Truth." But there's no willful sin, yet you do sin. But you don't do it willfully, because, in your heart, you--you don't mean to do those things.

113But when you do it willfully, it's different, then I think you wasn't there at the first place.

114Now, the thing of it is, is come to a place where that all the stain of sin is washed away. Then you stand, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. You are an Adam, like he was before he fell. You are a son of God, washed in the Blood of God's Own Blood.

115 It was blood that brings forth a child. It was only blood, alone. The blood comes from the male sex. The blood comes from the man. The woman, she produces the egg, the filler. But the man is the hemoglobin, which, there comes the germ. And in the germ is where--is where the life lays.

116And the Life comes not by confession in some church, or some creed, or some document. But the Life comes when you been born again by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the--the Germ. "The--the works that I do shall you do also. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." There is that Life of God, as a son of God, born by the Blood of God. And you're... The same Holy Spirit that wrote this Bible will focus It right back into you again. There's not a denomination or a creed that can do that. Only God Himself can take a hold of the camera of your eyes and let you see what God is, and what His purpose is. Yes, sir. Certainly.

117 Now, we find out, Moses. We find out, later on, he--he built... He saw Israel. Moses, the great prophet, he looked out the windows. He was raised in Pharaoh's courts. And he looked out the window and he saw a bunch of mud daubers. There's nothing but half-dressed people with lashes of whips upon their back, no way at all to ever be delivered. But Moses knew the Word of God, and he looked upon them as a promised people. He looked upon them as a people that had a promise. No matter how much the world, that day, looked down upon them, as a bunch of mud daubers or slaves, he looked upon them as a people having a promise.

118 Pharaoh looked upon them, out of the same window, but he seen slaves.

119Moses seen the victory. Why? He had focused himself. Though being a prince, though heir to the throne of Egypt, he focused himself away from the lust of the world. He focused himself away from the beauty and power that he had within his own potentials to receive. He focused that out, until he seen a blessed people yonder, by the promise of God. He focused in, because he knowed that God promised Abraham that He would visit His people. And he knew that he was raised up for that purpose, and he focused it all out.

120 Pharaoh did not have this potential. He was offered it, but refused it. And when he refused it, then he couldn't focus.

121No man, after he's turned down the Word of God, can ever focus hisself into It, because you refuse the Word that brings you into relationship of Christ. That's right. So...

122But, Moses looked out of this window, he believed it. Why? Moses looked by faith. That's how Moses looked.

123Now listen real close to this remark. Faith! Now, don't forget to get this now. Faith is designed to see what God wills and wants. There is no knowledge that can do that. Faith alone is designed, and give to the human race, to find out what the will of God is.

124And you take your faith that you got, and it don't focus with the Word, then leave it alone. You got the wrong faith.

125But when your God-given faith focus you with the Word of God, you're directly in line and zeroed. Oh, my! God help us this hour, great hour that we live in. Faith, designed to see what God wants! How do you see it? Through the camera of His Word, His promise. This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ.

126 Then, when the faith that's in you, focus you to this Word, you're focused away from all denominations and creeds and everything. You're focused right straight on the Word of God. You're zeroed in. It only needs is a little touch-off. Amen. That prayer flies straight in the Presence of God, because there's nothing to stop it. Yes. That's what does it, when you're zeroed-in with God, focused in, by then you're looking at the target.

127You're not looking at what somebody else says, "This can't happen, and this can't happen."

128You're looking to what you know did happen. Look on your target. You see where they hit it. If they hit it in that day, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Focus out all these creeds and things you got mixed up. Get right back to the Word, then confess your unbelief, and let God take His Holy Spirit and direct your sights right straight on Jesus Christ. We're looking to Him then, not what somebody else says.

129 Not even what the doctor says, as good as it might be. He's got his place. The church, as good as... It's got its place. We don't deny that. But it's got, all got its place. It'll fire, but it won't hit the target.

130"Only them who look for Christ the second time." That's the zero. It depends on what you're looking at. Yes.

131Now, today, you see, faith is designed to do this. Same faith today sees the same thing. A faith of the Church today should see the same program of God. I want you to don't miss this now. The Church today, that's called of God, will certainly see the program of God, because the program of God is written out Here, the Blueprint. And the Holy Spirit, by faith, is the One Who reads It and sets It together.

132 Then how could a man say he's filled with the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit say a certain way to do something in the Bible, and this man comes around, said, "Oh, well, that's fanaticism"? Could the Holy Spirit, be the real Holy Spirit, deny Its Own Word? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No. It has to stay with the Word because It's God. See?

133What are you looking at? What are you seeing? We must see Jesus. And the only way we see Jesus, see the Word. This is the--the natural Symbol of the Spirit. You know what I mean? It is the Letter that the Spirit quickens. See? That is the Letter, that, and the Spirit quickens this Letter and makes It a reality. Yeah.

134 Moses looked by faith. And the man today who sees God's program, does the same thing, looks by faith.

135Moses, later, seen this great thing. When the people got in trouble, what did he do? He made a serpent out of brass, put it upon a pole. And said, when they were bitten by serpents, because of their unbelief, that, "Whosoever looked upon this serpent lived." Notice. The man who just come and looked...

136Now, the stick, the pole it was on, was a piece of a tree that was cut down there in the wilderness, probably a piece of mesquite, or--or something that you'd have here, ironwood, or whatever it might be. It had done been separated from its natural growth. It was dead, within itself. The brass was probably a piece of helmets from the Romans, or--or something that they had took in the salvage. It was molded and put together, and made a serpent.

137 If men come out there, just as an idol, to look upon that serpent, they received nothing.

138But when the true believer come out there and looked upon that serpent, with the spiritual revealed Truth... That serpent itself, being it was in the form of a serpent, it represented sin already judged. They seen sin, their unbelief, already under judgment, from the serpent from the garden of Eden. And the serpent was made out of brass, which means Divine judgment. See?

139The altar was made out of brass, brazen altar, which the sacrifice was offered upon; brass, Divine judgment.

140 The great prophet, Elijah, when he looked up to the skies, in the days of his ministry, the three-and-a-half years, and there was no--no water, at all. He said, "The skies look like brass." What was it? Divine judgment upon a disbelieving nation, of the message of God, that their faith was so dim, could not see it in that day.

141I wonder today, if we see all the hydrogens and oxygens, and the bombs and the things that we have created, wonder if we don't see a nation, a time, looks like brass. It's Divine judgment.

142 We have become so--so profound in our intellects. We have educated our children till we got a bunch of rickys. And we got what we got, even our churches and things. And our boys going to seminaries, getting out here, and go down there and learn some Ph.D. and L.L.D. Let me tell you something. Every time he gets one, he goes farther and farther from God.

143God is so simple. The reason that man can't find God, he don't get simple enough.

Someone said, "Brother Branham, how do you see visions?"

144 It's not me. See? You--you got to get yourself out of the picture. God made a promise. God has got to stay with that promise. But you've got to be simple enough to get out of your own way.

145Someone said, "This would be a great man if he had a L.L.D. out of our college." If he does, he just goes another gap from God.

146"Men today can send a message," I said, "to the moon, but he walks over a blade of grass where he could not explain if he has to." God is hid in simplicity. See? You can't get simple enough. A man get an education, the first thing he knows, he's so great, he can't humble himself.

147And God is so great, that He humbles Himself and hides Himself from the sinner. Jesus thanked God for it. He said, "I thank Thee, Father, Creator of heavens and earth, thou hast hid This from the wise and prudent, and will reveal It to babes such as will learn." The way to know God is get simple. The way up is down.

148 Which way is the North or South Pole? You stand in space. See?

149The way up is down. "He that humbles himself shall be exalted. He that exalts himself shall be abased." See? We must humble ourselves, not try to know too much.

150Just know one thing. Focus everything else out of the way, and look unto Christ. If you don't know how to write your name, that don't have one thing to do with it. Just focus your heart to Christ and His will, and watch what happens. Yes. Certainly.

151 Now, many come there and seen, said, "There's a great serpent. People goes out there and gets healed, by looking at the serpent. Maybe we had better take the family and go over."

152You hear such things today. "There's a great healer coming to town. And he, there, we'll all go over and get healed." Now, when you think that way, you've certainly got your camera out of focus. Yes, sir.

153Focus it down to Jesus, and Him only. Look to Him, and you'll see what God's purpose is.

154Now, when that Hebrew come up there and looked at that brass serpent, and said, "That brass, that serpent, means sin already judged. Brass is Divine judgment upon it, and God has judged my sins. And--and I am... By this brass serpent, it representing something is to come, sin already judged. I'm free." He was healed. That's right.

155 And today, Jesus said in Saint John 3:14, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up." If you can look upon Him; not as a church man, not as a prophet, not as just a good man, not as a third person of a trinity, or something. If you can look upon Him as being Emmanuel, Himself, Who came down and give His life. And was lifted up, that, "Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have Eternal Life."

156 If you can focus your camera till you see that, and know it cost the life of God, Himself, when He made His life here. Didn't have to give it up. He laid it down, freely. He was God. He didn't have to die, but He did it, freely, gave His own life, that He might bring sons to Him, that His work might continue on. "The works that I do," John 14:12, "the works that I do, you'll do also." If the things could to be done like that, and you can see Him and see Him only, then you'll get your camera in focus, see, to a place to where God can use you. Certainly.

157 Now, if you just look upon it, say, "I got a little crucifix hanging in my car. I got one at my home, a cross." That's all right. But that ain't what it is. That's not what He's talking about.

158You got to see that God knows that you are a sinner. And that you have confessed your sins, and God put your iniquity upon Him, upon Hisself, and become a man. He crossed His strain, and come down from being God, to be man, that He might die in your stead, to give Hisself for you. And you confessed your sin. And not a manufactured Clorox. But a--a power of God that was made Blood, that He might take away your sinful blood by sexual desire, and make you a free man and woman of God. There you are.

159What you looking at? You say, "Oh, I belong to the Assemblies of God. I belong to the United Pentecostal. I belong to the Methodist, the Baptist." You're still focusing yourself away.

160Focus yourself in on Jesus Christ. Amen. Hear the answer come back, "All thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven." Be per-...

161 Be persistent, like the little Syrophenician woman. No matter how many disappointments she had, as she come down, she still had focused herself on, that that was God. And she come to Him and got what she asked for, because she had her focus right. She had it, no matter how many puffs of wind come, and saying, "The days of miracles is passed. Your husband will leave you." That didn't bother her a bit. That bullet went straight to its point. Amen. We can focus on...

162[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... time. Then we're looking for Him to come, that's the one is going. Oh, my! See, you got to get the purpose. You've got to get to know what is.

163 Look at the sheep-gate. There was people. God has always had a way for man to look for salvation. That brass serpent, the people had to look at it. That's right. And at the sheep-gate, they had to look at it. Them people set there.

164Let's think it was a hospital. There were many sick and afflicted. There was thousands, multitudes laid there, like a hospital today. Tender hands of their loved ones waited on them, just exactly like they would in a hospital today.

165They were waiting. Their eyes were watching that water. There was five porches where the sheep-gate was. At the... It's outside of Jerusalem, and there, or this gate. And then when he come in, he watched. There had to be something supernatural happening. And as soon as that supernatural happened, they made a rush for it.

166Look at the church today. God wants us to watch for the supernatural when His Word is made manifest and vindicated. Now we run away from it because it's not connected with our organizations. See?

167 At the sheep-gate, they watched for the supernatural moving. God has always moved through His people, through supernatural vindication of His promise. He promised He would do it. When they seen that promise begin to move, in a supernatural, they jumped right into it and took it.

168Today, even now, the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God, is in the earth, moving, showing things. And people run from It, instead of getting into It, the Word made flesh and vindicated, the very things that He did and promised that we would do, does the same things. And if It isn't connected with our groups, we have nothing to do with It. That's right.

169 Jesus went and found one person in the entire church. You say, "Does God heal all?" No, sir.

170And the Pentecostal brethren, let me drop this to you. You're looking for a time to come that when there's going to be men rise up on the earth, and go out in hospitals and deliver them, and say the whole hospital move out. Don't you never be deceived like that. You believe me. You believe that's a lie. It never was done. When Jesus...

171Let's say that was a hospital. He went in there by the leading of the Spirit. He found one man that He knowed was ready. And He spoke, that man. He told him the secret of his life, told him there.

172He wasn't unable to walk. He could walk. Somebody could beat him, running. He said, "When I'm coming, another steps before me." See? He wasn't blind, neither was he deaf, neither was he dumb. He wasn't crippled. He had some kind of a retarded disease, wasn't going to kill him. He had it thirty-eight years. And he would try to get down there, and somebody a little better off than him would step in, then the virtue of the Angel left.

173 We go in today and find a man of God, led by the Spirit of God, sees a vision, goes, does something like that, and they say, "Why, here is Jones, sets on the corner. Let me see you healers heal him."

174You see that same old devil, that said to Jesus, with a rag wrapped around His eyes? And said... Hit Him on the head with a stick. And said... Changed the stick, from one hand to another. Said, "Tell us who hit You. We'll believe You're a prophet, then."

175Why, before the world ever begin, He knowed who had that stick in their hand. He didn't clown for nobody. He did exactly what the will of God was. The Church will do the same. See?

176The sheep-gate, but they were watching for something. They were looking for something.

177 Now, if them said, "Oh, well, we'll go up there and see what the rest of them does. We'll see if that looks supernatural." They never got nothing.

178But it's that man that had to press up, not set at the back, but in the front; that man who waited for the altar call, that man who waited to see something supernatural.

179Like this man here, Brother Williams' boy, raised in a Pentecostal family. But, yet, one time, standing in a meeting where his daddy felt led to send him, and there that young fellow standing there, and he seen the supernatural hand of God, quickly he become a Christian. He was ready to accept It, for he seen the moving of the water. He knowed there was something supernatural.

180 It's not a "join church, shake hands, and a million more in '44, or a new church, a new building, or new something."

181It was a new life, that come by a supernatural move, that they were looking for it to happen. They knowed every certain season; then come down, and they waited.

182Now, if it isn't going on all the time, and we're on top the house, jumping around, we feel, "Well, we'll leave this church. It's cooled off." What a nonsense! How we can't wait! Abraham didn't, wait... He didn't think God had cooled off. He waited twenty-five years, then he seen the hand of God move.

183They waited at a sheep-gate, from month to month, for whatever it was, for that one supernatural moving. But they looked for it. Oh, my! They were looking for it.

184 And today we've lost that vision, Pentecost. We've lost something. Let's look to Christ. Our denominations has spread itself till it's went way out, and now we're fighting and trying to get more and bigger churches, and higher classes, and better educated preachers, and things. And what have we got? We've got away from the very Thing that God told us to look at. What are you looking at?

Look and live. That's what we must do if we expect to live.

185Others might have laughed at them, said, "That bunch of holy-rollers down there, down there around that pool. Why, they say there's a... Why, it's nothing but the wind. Well, the wind comes down, blows the water back."

186Not to them. It was the Angel of mercy. It was the Angel of healing. And I believe it was the Angel, though it seems so simple. But, you see, God hides in simplicity.

187 I've had them to come to the meeting, say, "Brother Branham, I didn't know you was a holy-roller. Because, I noticed all that group screaming, and crying, and going on while you were speaking, hollering 'amen' and so forth. Why, that's nothing but emotion." It might be to you who don't believe.

188But, to we who have tasted of the good things of God; we who know what the Holy Ghost is!

189You say, "Them people speaking in tongues, is just jabbering off something. They just... It's only intellectual. It's only some work-up." Or somebody say... It might be, to you.

190But to that fellow It's falling on, It's different to him. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

191You say, "Well, now, you know, it's just the day of... That's that stuff. There's--there's... Well, people won't believe that."

192That won't stop the real move of God, at all. Jesus come right in the midst of unbelief, but it never stopped Him a bit. He went right on.

193 The people today, no matter how try, much they try to say It's fanaticism, the people go right ahead believing It. They can't explain It. They don't know what It is. They know they got an idea of what It is.

194Like Benjamin Franklin, with a kite in his hand, he said, "I got it. I got it. I got it." He knowed he had something.

195So does this man and woman, who might not be able tell you what are atoms, how many molecules is in an atom, but they know they got the Holy Ghost. Because why? They zeroed it with the Word of God, what Peter said on the day of Pentecost. "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." When that confessed sin drops into that Blood, all Blood, is remitted. The Blood remits the sin, and a man stands as a son of God. Amen.

196 Then he's zeroed, "Ask what you will and it'll be done for you." Then, just somehow or another, you seem to know the will of God. Some supernatural way, there's a moving, something in you, says, "Go over here and do that. Go down here and do that." See, there's something in you, always hits the target just exactly the way it's supposed to be. Oh, how wonderful!

197We got to close 'cause it's getting too late now. Just a few minutes longer.

198 Them people might have laughed, but that didn't stop them. They waited just the same.

199The people might say, our church, our brethren, "The--the cooling off of the Message," and so forth.

200It ain't cooled off. We're watching for the moving of the water. I'm watching to see something happen. I'm here in Tucson now. Why? I don't know. The water moved me down here. I'm watching to see something happen. It's going to happen.

201I told you, when I come here, the other day, "Something will happen. There would be a thunder or a blast go off, them seven seals come forth." Get the tapes and find out whether it's right or not. See? Oh, we wait for the moving of the water.

202 We seen something, setting back, on across, side of that desert north of Tucson. Just what I told you here, before it happened. I was picking those little goat-headers off of there, and just then it went off, and shook the whole mountain. Rocks rolled down, and things like that. And the Holy Spirit turned, said, "Return to your home immediately, for the Seven Seals is going to be opened." Get the tapes and find out. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, told before it happened, and everything. Find out if it's Truth, or not. When I'm gone on, that still lives on.

203We're at the end time, friends. I'm looking for Jesus to come. That blessed Lord Jesus Who I've loved, and has give my life to, as a young man, I'm still looking for Him to come. I believe He will. Though, like Abraham, it may linger. Yet, I get stronger and more in love with Him, expressing myself daily to Him. I know every believer in here does the same thing.

204No matter what others say, "Oh, you're a back number. You ought to... I don't care what they say.

205I still believe God. I focused in on the Word and know that Truth. Nobody has ever been able to shake me from it yet. As long as God holds my heart right straight on that Word, I'll stay there. Amen.

206 Elijah, he, one day when he was looking for something to come, to bring help to the people, he looked. And he looked till the old man, eighty-something years old, was too tired to climb the mountain, after been fasting, praying. But God told him, if they would repent, something would happen. What was he looking? He sent his servant up, said, "Go up and look. Look. Something is going to happen." Three years and a half, and no rain, not a cloud, not even dew falling. But said, "Go, look." And Elijah or...

207Gehazi stood and looked, and looked and looked. He didn't see nothing. He come back down. He said, "I didn't see nothing."

"Go back again." Amen. "Go back and stay till it happens."

208 And Elijah goes back... or, I mean, Gehazi, and he looks and looks and looks.

209And Elijah, that little bald head setting there in the sun, and his whiskers and his beard, white beard, and them little bony-looking arms across his bony knees. He said, "Lord God," as he begin to pray.

210Said, "Go back again now." Amen. What was he doing? He was looking for God to take care of His promise, no matter how brassy she looked, how much judgment is upon it. That's right.

211Someone said, other day, he said, "Brother Branham, you believe That, and you speak so much against the organizations of religions. What makes you do that?"

212I said, "Nothing against the brethren in that organization, but it's the system is what I'm against."

213Like the disciples going to embalm the body of Jesus. That body was nearly ready to rot, that's right, was an awful smell. But they stayed right with it.

214 That's the same thing today, although the church has got itself all scrupled up. It's in all kinds of conditions. It's broke off in isms and formalities and everything, but I've got to stay with it. We must stay there. We got to stay there because we love it. There's something in us, compulsing us. The pulsations from our heart says, "Stay with it, because there's going to be a resurrection one day, and God will take from that." Amen. Yes. Wonderful Lord Jesus! All right.

215 We find, Elijah kept looking until he seen just the size of a man's hand.

216Now, unbelief would have caught that right quick. "If that's the best you can do?" See? "If that's all you can do, well, take it back."

217But what was it? He was looking for the supernatural. Oh, he knowed only the hand of God could do it. And when he saw that hand, J-e-s-u-s, he had f-a-i-t-h. Yes. And when he saw it, he said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." What was it? He accepted the first move.

218 Oh, unbeliever, this morning, you who have been all scrupled up in your water baptisms and everything else, let the Spirit of God open your eyes and show you just a little something, then you start from there. "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." You who believe creeds instead of the Word, come back to the Word, just see the first little move. Faith accepted it. "There is what I'm looking for."

219We're looking for the Coming of the Lord. We look at the Holy Ghost falling in the last days. We look at signs and wonders. We watch what's taking place. See? Don't you see? What you looking at? That's exactly what God said would take place. Let faith grab it, say, "I want it, too."

220 Watch Elijah. When he accepted it, you know his life must have been renewed. He outrun Ahab's chariot. He run before the chariot, when he couldn't even climb the hill. He run before those swift horses. "Get the rain barrels out. I hear the sound of abundance of rain." The first little move, "Glory!"

221The first little move at the pool of Bethesda, they rushed to get to It. Amen.

222Oh, if the people here, if you haven't received the Holy Ghost this morning, if that first little tinkle would say, "That's the Truth. That man is telling the Word that's the Truth," then hurry as quick as you can. Don't wait. What you looking at? What you waiting for? The hour is later than you think. Get moving towards It, as fast as you can. Why? When Elijah saw that move, it was the evidence of an answered prayer.

223 O God, I wish that every sick person here this morning, that feels this Holy Spirit in our presence now, could realize that. That's the evidence of a prayer that you prayed, has been answered in the Presence of God. Every man who wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you'd feel that little grand feeling, saying that, "I believe that's the Truth"; if you'd take that, "That's the evidence of my answered prayer"; raise up your hands and say, "God, I receive It now," something would take place. Depends on...

224God throws the signs all around us, and we still move right on, just out of the way of it. Yeah. Oh, my!

Elijah knowed it was an answer of prayer.

225 Jonah refused to see anything was contrary. He was down in the belly of the whale, in the bottom of the sea. But he said, "That won't hide me." He said, "Once more will I look towards Your holy temple." What was he looking at? He actually couldn't see the temple, but he seen the promise made by the temple.

226O God, if we could just only see the promise of the Word, that Christ promised, "Wherever two or three are assembled in My Name, I am there in their midst. And whatever they ask, they shall receive." If we could only see it, and the first move, move right into It. Don't wait any longer. What you looking for?

227God answers your prayer, and places It all around you, then you say, "Well, now, let me see, what would so-and-so say?" Oh, don't do that.

228Look at Christ. Look to what He said, "I'm there where two or three are gathered in My Name. I'm there among them. Let them ask. They shall receive." What a promise, what a Divine promise!

He refused to see anything that would make him doubt.

229 If the Devil says, for you, say, "Now, wait a minute, maybe tonight you might be a little bit better, when the revival starts." Might be fair, that might be good, but don't wait till the revival starts. Be...

230Become part of the revival right now. God wants to start it in you. God wants to start it in the church. The Holy Spirit will take the messenger, then, and send forth the Message. God will vindicate that Message, great signs and wonders. See? Refuse to see anything that would make you doubt.

231Jonah did, and God delivered him out of the belly of the whale. Certainly. Yes, sir.

232 Job, when even all of his friends had turned him down, everything was wrong, Job kept looking towards the sky. Some of them said, "You're a secret sinner. You--you, you're looking. Job, what are you looking up that way for? Because you've done sinned, God has done proved what He's done to you. You're a secret sinner, Job."

233Job knowed he wasn't sinner. He had met exactly every Word God required, that burnt sacrifice. That burnt offering was all God asked for. God only asked for the burnt offering, and Job knowed he had made the burnt-offering sacrifice.

234God only asks you to believe His Word. Amen. Amen. He don't ask all these isms and creeds, and everything else. He asks for you to believe Him. "He that believeth on Me!" Amen, and amen. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do!" "Look to Him, all the ends of the world, and live." "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Amen, and amen. Yes, sir. Don't wait for anything else. Look.

235 Job stood and looked. He seen his flesh, all corruption. He seen blood over him. He seen boils over him. His wife come. His church members left him, and accused him of being a secret sinner. His wife come and said, "You look miserable. Why don't you curse God and die the death?"

236He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord."

237About that time, when he stayed with the Word, then the lightnings begin to flash, the thunders roared, and the prophet looked towards the sky. And he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. He will stand in the last days upon this earth. Though, after the skin worms has destroyed this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see."

238 Watch. The first, He's called "Redeemer"; the next, He's "God." "I know my Redeemer liveth. The last days, He will stand on the earth. Though, after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold, and not another." When he was dying, and his body rottening, while he was in the flesh, he looked till he seen the resurrection, hallelujah, and knowed that he was included in it, because he was keeping God's Word. Look and live, my brother. Amen. He seen what God's purpose was, and he did it. God had a cause, to test Job.

239He's had a cause, to test the people. Everything is done for a cause. He's doing the same thing now. He sends us signs and wonders amongst the people. He sends the Gospel Truth, and let them look over It, to some creed, deny the real Truth and take a creed; deny This and take that, when they know the Bible teach contrary to that. But He does it for a test. Then there's no excuse at the Day of the Judgment. Oh, my!

240 Look what's promised in the last days. In closing now, let me say this just before we close. Look what promised in the last days.

241Look what He's already done in these last days. He's poured out the Holy Ghost upon His people, brought back the original Pentecost again, brought back the original baptism of the Holy Ghost; brought back the original water baptism, brought back everything, back to its original. Come right on down, and brought back the original evidence of Christ, by showing us visions and prophecies that never fail one time. Move right on down, everything just exactly the same, to show that it's beyond human mind. They could not do that. It's God.

242 Watch that great Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel. Anybody, any Bible scholar, knows that that was the Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ.

243Hebrews said, Hebrews 11th chapter said, that, "Moses forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." See? What was it? Christ in the wilderness.

244In John 16 or... Beg your pardon. John 6, when they was taking the communion, or whatever it was, breaking the bread and having the great time there at the jubilee. Jesus said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. He that eats My flesh has Eternal Life, and I'll raise him up the day of the--the last days." He knowed He would do it. He said He was the Bread of Life.

245 They said, "You make Yourself God. You make Yourself..." Said, "But, why, we know You're crazy, now." Mad means "crazy." "We know You're crazy. You're a Man not over fifty years old, and here You say You 'saw Abraham'? We know You are mad. You're out of Your mind. You're a religious fanatic."

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Amen.

246What was 'I AM'? That burning Light in that bush. Moses saw It. He watched It all the days of his life, and It led him right into the promised land.

247That same Light came down and was standing there. And He said, "I AM before Abraham was. I AM that burning bush. I AM THAT I AM, that Angel of Light. I come from God, and I go to God."

248 A few days after the resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus, to persecute the Pentecostals. And when he's on his road down there, there was a great Light moved down, put his eyes out. He could... None of the rest of them could see that Light, but he could. It was so vivid to him till It blinded his eyes. Said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Who are You, Lord?"

249He said, "I am Jesus." That same Light that was in the burning bush, the same Light had come from God and went back to God.

250 And we have a picture of that same Light among us today, doing the same wonders, and same miracles, and same signs, and yet we look for something else. The Gospel Truth, of the vindication of the Word, this baptism of the Holy Spirit, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, these things that we teach, are absolutely the Truth. Where are they vindicated? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Whew! I feel religious. Yes. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is here. Cause, around the world, He's proved it, back and forth, and never failing one time. Amen.

251What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? Uh-huh. It's time. The waters are being troubled. Move in now; the signs of the last days.

252"It shall be Light in the evening time," you know. Yes. "It shall be," Haywood said. And that's right. "The path of Glory you'll surely find." Yes, in these last days, you would do it.

253 Look. It depends on what you're looking at. Look what's been done. The Pillar of Fire, the Holy Ghost, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now let us look. Let us believe. Let us understand that we're in the last days. We're in the last hours. And we're in the last minutes of the last hour.

254I got this film, and I maybe bring it up to Brother Outlaw, sometime, for a Wednesday night service, show you that, where we took at Jerusalem, call it Three Minutes Till Midnight. Take what science has said.

255The Bible said, Jesus said, "When you see the fig tree, and all the other trees, putting forth their buds," Israel returning as a nation. They are a nation. We see the other trees: the Methodists having their put forth, the Baptists having theirs, the Catholics having theirs, all the rest of them having theirs; the Pentecostals, through Oral Roberts, having theirs; all the rest of them having their revivals, putting forth its branch. "Then know that the time is at the hand. This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled."

256 We see Israel in her homeland, with her ensign lifted up, the six-point star of David. She's got her own money, her own nation, her own army. She's got everything. She's--she's Israel. What is it? She's there, ready for the purging, that God will take that hundred and forty-four thousand from it.

257Look at the church today, is in its chaos, all mixed up and everything. It's looking, "And we got more in there. We got better than they have. We're this, that, and the other."

258 And there that Bride is looking to the Coming of the Lord Jesus. Which, that secret, secret Coming of Christ shall come and catch away His Bride in the night. Like a book I read of Romeo and Juliet, one time, how he come with a ladder and got his bride out among them. That's what Jesus will come, someday, and looking for that one is not looking to his creeds, but looking to Christ, waiting for Him to come, with his heart centered.

259They come, Blood relation, like Isaac and Rebekah, own Blood relation. That's what we have to come, Blood relation to Christ, through the Sacrifice, when our sins are omitted by the Blood of Jesus; not by what some church says, what somebody else says; but what the Blood has done, and proved that it's done, by the Word working through the same thing, carrying out the same ministry He had. Amen.

260 What are you looking to, church? Oh, these last days, oh, He's been right among us, people, and we forgot it. He set right among us, and we didn't know it. The Holy Spirit is here this morning, and maybe many will go away and forget it. Maybe many that's sick will forget to believe and anchor their faith right where it should be now. The true...

261Truly the pool is troubled. The waters are whirling backwards from the natural, showing the supernatural. The Holy Spirit is here, taking a normal bunch of people, intelligent, setting here, well-dressed, well-educated, looking. The Holy Spirit fall upon them, and something whirls them around. They holler, "Glory to God! Hallelujah!" What's the matter? The troubling of the water. Amen.

262 Sinners setting there, backsliders, prostitutes, drunkards, and everything else, are saintly, godly. You can't put a finger on their lives, anywhere, since they receive it. What is it? The troubling of the waters. What are you looking at? The Holy Spirit fall among us...

263I was setting there, a while ago, with Brother Outlaw, pointing people, to him, here with diseases and things. And could be done right now, showing the different things that's happened in lives and things. What is it? It's the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. What are we waiting for? The troubling of the water? It's already troubled. The Angel will leave pretty soon, and all virtue is gone, and then there's no salvation left. You'll be left into outer darkness.

264 Story I heard, a few days ago. In closing, I might say this. There's a boy who had done a murder. He done something wrong.

265Well, I was called on a case, the other day, you know, this over here in Texas. I got a little certificate from them the other day, "Saving a life," it said. We went over there for that little Ayers. That man that taken the picture of the Angel of the Lord, who, that night over there at Houston, and criticized me and said everything in the world about me. Throwed his arms around me, hugged me, said, "Just think, Brother Branham, the very man that I said was hyp-... practicing hypnosis, has come to save my son from the electric chair." That's right. I talked there before them all. And what did the governor do? Pardoned it. Oh, my, when they was to die in four or five days, afterwards. Right. Why? I'm interested in life. Life!

266I said, "Sir, you have no right to take the boy's life. The first blood was ever spilled, was one brother spilled another's. He shed his blood. But God didn't take his life in capital punishment. He put a mark upon him, that nobody would kill him. Don't rub that off." Amen, and amen. Right. We're interested in life.

267 One day, a mother's boy had killed a man. He was laying there, ready to die. And so the little mother stood by the governor's door, and they asked in. And, finally, with one of the guards, said, "Governor, that mother of that boy is out here, wants you. She wants to see you."

268And when they opened the door, and said, "Madam, he will receive you."

269The poor little thing crawled on her hands and knees, up to his feet, laid his hands... her hands upon his feet, and said, "Governor, honorable sir," said, "you're the only man that's left, that can spare my son. Please, kind sir. I know he's guilty. He's just as guilty. Your courts of justice found him guilty." And how many of us are not guilty in the courts of God? "Your courts of justice found him guilty. He actually killed, and he's subject to death. I know that. But, sir, as a man, you have no right to take the life of my boy. God only can give life, and only God can take life. Don't do it, sir. Please don't. I beg of you, as a heart of a mother could bear." And so he sent her away.

270It broke his heart, so much, the pleading of that mother, till he goes down to the jail, to the prison where the boy was setting back in the prison.

271 The man had built up a complex. Just about like the church has done today, "You'll either preach It the way I like It," or you won't hear It at all. "I won't pay no attention!" Was... and set there. Man after man had come to him, trying to talk to him. He had built himself till he wasn't going to hear no more.

272So the governor walked in. He said, "Son, I'd like to talk to you."

He said, "Shut up and get out of here," in his cell.

He said, "Son, I've come to help you."

Said, "I told you to get out of here."

273That's the way people does the Holy Spirit today. Yeah. "Get out. I don't want nothing to do with It." And knocks at the door. "If I do that, I'll have to give up my card party. I'll have to give up this. I'll have to give up that. I'll have to give up my church creed. I'll have to give." See? You better listen. He's the only One has got pardon. That's right. What are you looking at? See?

274 He had looked at so many things, he was afraid to look at this man. He kept his head turned.

275That's the way people do today at the altar call. They keep their head turned. They don't want to hear It. They'd turn their head from God Who is telling them, "That's the Truth." A little, wee Voice, like a touch.

276You know, Elijah, he heard the rushing wind, blood, fire, smoke, and it didn't bother him. But when he heard that little Voice, he come out. Oh, that little Voice that the church has failed to hear! Right.

277So, the--the--the man tried his best. The governor tried to talk to the boy. The boy said, "Are you going to get out of here or am I going to throw you out."

278Turned around and said, "All right, son. I done the best I could do."

279 When he walked out, the boy looked around, kind of arrogant, as he walked down through the hall.

280And when he did, one of the guards stepped out and said, "Governor, did you do any good?"

He said, "No. He wouldn't listen."

281That boy jumped. He grabbed the bars, said, "Who was that?"

"That was the governor. Come for your pardon."

282Too late then. He screamed. He cried. He said, "Think of it. The governor, here in my own cell, to pardon me, and I turned him down."

283And when they put the rope around his neck, before they put the black mask on, after he had walked the thirteen steps, last words he said, "Think of it. The governor stood in my cell, for pardoning, and I turned him down." And they hung him.

284 Oh, there's more than a governor here this morning. Jesus Christ is here. And that little cell, called man or woman, He's here to give pardon. Don't, don't turn Him away. Don't do it. Find your purpose that God brought you here in life.

285We're in a tremendous hour, friends. You know that. As the old song said:

Nations are breaking, (Look what time it is.), Israel's awaking,

The signs that the Bible foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of Redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear. (What?)

Look up, your Redemption is near.

That's right.

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God;

That's right.

This generation spurns God's revelation,

But we walk where the apostles have trod.

The Day of Redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your Redemption is near.

286 That's right. Look up, brother, get away from all this dogma of the world. Look up. Look to Christ. Look to Jesus, as the song says.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It's only that we "look and live."

What are you looking at this morning?

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

You believe that? Let's sing it together. You know it?

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

Now let's sing it together now.

Look, live, my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

287 What are you looking at? To them that look for Jesus, a second time, He will come in Glory unto salvation, to take us out of this sinful world, out of this sin and stuff we're in. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Look and live. The only thing you can do is look, take the Word. As the serpent on a pole represented the living Word that would be made flesh, so does the Word today represent the Presence of the Holy Spirit when we see It vindicated among us. He is in our little cell this morning. Won't you listen to Him while we bow our heads?

Continue on, brother.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

[Brother Branham begins humming Look And Live--Ed.]

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

288 While you have your heads bowed, look to Jesus now, brother, the Word. If you've never repented, repent. If you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, be baptized. You've got a promise of God, that you'll receive the Holy Ghost. That's what the original Church started with, and the way It started. God is infinite. He cannot change His program. That's the way it has to ever remain. The Church was inaugurated on the Day of Pentecost, by repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and a promise to receive the Holy Ghost. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

289If that's never happened to you, friend, will you raise up your hand to God now and say, "Brother Branham, pray for me." God bless you, you, you. God bless you. Good. God bless you, you, you. That's good. All right.

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

Now, it's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

290 Now, it's recorded here in the Word. We're in the last days. There's nothing put up about this. There's nothing bogus, no hoax. It's the Word being made manifest. It's the Word telling the Truth. You've been--you've been at the meetings. You've been in the meetings before, and you know that it's the Truth.

291Now, we have a lot of impersonators. We know that. But don't look at them. There was a mixed multitude went with Moses. But, remember, there were some true Israelites there that went to the promised land. See?

292 The same in this group, brother. There's real, genuine Spirit-filled men and women, real, real, can't put a finger on their life. Won't you look and live this morning? Look away from the impersonators. Look away from the--the ones that would be fanatics. Look away from all that and look to the real Jesus. We're recorded in His Word. Hallelujah. "To those that look for Him the second time He will appear."

293If you would like to come forward to the altar, to stand for prayer, if you haven't received the Holy Spirit; haven't met these qualifications, of the book of Acts, that Peter spoke of, and you would like to meet them this morning. While we sing one more verse, I would like to invite you, come stand at the altar for prayer. And then we will perform the baptism, or we will pray for you to receive the Holy Ghost. While we sing.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live.

Somebody else?

Recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

294What's the matter with women this morning? All men? Seldom you see that. This is the hour of sincerity. All right.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and..."

295 I just feel there should be somebody else. Come on. These, these four men standing here, there is more than that here. Come on. You want to live? Remember, God writes it down. They asked, "How must... What must we do to be saved?" And it was told them. Now, He cannot change that, and never was it changed, down through the Bible ages.

296Now we got different ideas. We change it now, oh, my, everything. But don't, don't look at that. Don't look what they're doing now.

297Look to what He said Here. Look to the Bible. You look and live, brother. That's the only way you can; sister, too. Come now, if you haven't received this experience and know that it's exactly the Bible, with God Himself there, vindicated. Don't take no chance.

298 What are you looking at, this morning? What are you looking at? Did you stop in this hideous, hectic day that we're living in? What are you looking for? God has placed everything.

299The troubling of the water, that first little move, people jumped in.

300The sign of the hand in the sky, Elijah said, "That cloud, the size of a man's hand, like a vapor." What was it? He kept believing. "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." That cloud become two clouds. Two clouds become a hill. A hill become a mountain. The mountain become another mountain. The first thing you know, the whole skies were thundering, rain was falling. What was it? He accepted what God sent.

301And this morning, if that little Thing has touched your heart, and says, "I need that," that's that little sign, the size of a hand of a man. Come.

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

Let's bow our heads.

302 Wonder if you brethren here, some of you minister brothers, you'd walk right down, some of you brethren, lay hands on these brethren that came down here, if you will, brethren.

303Lord Jesus, this man has brought the confession, has come this morning. Dissolve all his doubt from him.

The Blood, Father! Forgive us, Lord!...?...

He's worth giving up everything for.

304Likewise, for this brother here, Lord, may his confession drop in the Blood of Jesus Christ. May he be filled with the Holy Ghost. That God would change his name, leaning on his staff. But he needs the Holy Spirit. Made his confession this morning!...?...

305Fill him with the Holy Ghost. [Brother Branham and the ministers continue praying with those at the altar--Ed.] And may there come forth a great power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

306All the church bowing your heads now, be in prayer. These brothers are praying now, and everybody lay your hands upon them and pray.

Here is another one come.

307 Lord Jesus, upon the confession that he comes to make today, I pray, God, that You'll fill him with the Holy Ghost, Lord. He's looking away now to Calvary, where only the Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse him. Only one Blood can make that leap across that chasm. That's the Blood of Jesus Christ that flows within the chasm, and puts him next to God, tonight. Grant it, Father, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

308 Everybody in prayer now, laying your hands upon them, brother, these men standing here. Praying with all your heart now.

309Now, now you come to make your confession. God can't lie.

310That's exactly the way I received it, when I come up and said, "Lord God, I'm deeply sincere. I really mean it, from all my heart. This is between death and life, and I--I don't want to die. I--I want to live, and I--I want to go to Heaven. And You promised."

311I never heard of such a thing as Pentecost, never heard such. But, I said, "In the Bible here the requirement was, according to this Bible, for me to repent, and that I do. And I've been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Now, Lord, You promised me the Holy Ghost. You promised to do it."

312 I never heard of anything like speaking in tongues, never read it no more than there in the Bible. I just didn't think any. And right there come a Light across the room, in a cross form, and ever what was on it was speaking in tongues. I said, "I don't understand Your Voice, sir, Your language. If You can't speak English, and I don't understand Your language; if You'll just come back and speak again, it'll be a sign that You've accepted me." And there It was again.

313Oh, brother, I looked and lived, then. I been living ever since, in the glorious realms of God, where the power of God is flowing freely down by the spout of His blessings.

314 Now let's raise our hands as we stand, each one of us here, and these men. Now, brethren, the Holy Spirit is here. The Pardoner is right here by the side of you. Let's believe with all of our heart now. Let's each one believe. Now let's raise our voices to God. God bless you.

Heavenly Father, we pray...?...

Lord Jesus, I pray You, that You will grant this!...?...

Lord, may she not fail to see it now!...?... You saved her from dying. Now she's free to live...?...

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in God's Word, hallelujah,

It is only that you "look and live."

Oh, "look and live."

315All of you sick people, look the same way now, look to Jesus.

Look to Jesus now and live.

316That's it. Like the brass serpent. There was no power in the serpent, but it's what they looked at. Now, the promise said, "They shall lay hands on the sick; they shall recover." I lay my hands upon him because it's representation, like the brass serpent. May they look at Jesus, yonder, Who died. He's the propitiation of our sick folks to heal. He's the propitiation of our sin. May the power of God come upon this water, and heal each one, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The baby? The baby?

317 In Jesus' Name...?... In the Name of the Lord Jesus...?... Oh, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God bless you now. Believe with all your heart. Believe it.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live.

How do you do it?

You look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in...

Remember, brother...?...

318You know what's the matter with the churches today? We get way... We--we--we give up too quick. Elijah stayed there and he prayed, and he prayed, and he prayed until something happened. And when he felt that little trinkle come down in his heart, he said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." If men and women in here, who wants Christ or the Holy Ghost, who wants to be healed, if they would just stay there and say, "Lord, You promised it. You promised it," then feel that little trickle. Say, "Here it is, Lord. I accept it," something is going to happen.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live.

Look to Jesus now and...

319Just raise up your hand now. Accept what you want. He's here in the cell with you. All right. Hallelujah!

All right, brother, if you'll come.

1Brat Jimmy. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to... Som veľmi rád, že znovu môžem byť dnes ráno tu vo Phoenixe a užívať si tento príjemný čas obecenstva. Želám si, aby som dlho mohol takto sedieť a počúvať všetky tieto nádherné piesne. Vidím, ako mladý Jimmy tú pieseň skutočne prežíva. Tomu chlapcovi naozaj nie je čo vytknúť, že?

2A brat Outlaw mi dnes ráno hovoril, že toto je jeho drahá matka, ktorá tu sedí pri dverách, má osemdesiatjeden rokov. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Povedal by som, že pred mnohými rokmi, keď si hojdala to malé dieťa v náručí a tie malé rúčky ťa búchali po lícach, asi si si nemyslela, že tu takto budeš sedieť vo veku osemdesiat rokov a počúvať ho v jeho vlastnom zbore. Či si to vtedy verila? To je veľmi milé, veľmi milé. Som tak rád. Nech ti Boh dá... No, nemôžeme povedať, že má veľa rokov, lebo vo vnútri už si večnou bytosťou. Vidíte? Takže ste nikdy nezačali, takže nikdy nemôžete skončiť, tak jednoducho máte Večný Život. To je veľmi dobré.

3Brat Dyson, ešte som nemal tú možnosť ho stretnúť, ale on bude pokračovať v týchto zhromaždeniach počas budúceho týždňa, počnúc od dnešného večera tu v zbore. A som... Istotne dúfam, že tieto zhromaždenia budú mať veľký úspech. Želám si, keby som len mohol sedieť niekde tam vzadu a len sa ponárať v tých dobrých veciach Božích, ako náš brat bude kázať. Počúvam, že je synom misionára z Jeruzalema. Som si istý, že sa budete tešiť z tejto služby tento týždeň, zo služby nášho brata. Ak to je možné, príďte, počúvajte ho a podporte ho. A vy, ktorí nemôžete prísť a ste ďaleko od domu, mimo mesta, a nemôžete sa vrátiť, urobte to, čo urobím ja - modlite sa zaňho a modlite sa za úspech tohto zhromaždenia.

4Pamätám si ten prvýkrát vo Phoenixe. Bola to táto cirkev, bolo to len na inom mieste. Bola to cirkev, ale pod inou strechou, pod ktorou sme uctievali, a bolo to chválebné obecenstvo, ktoré sme mali s bratom Outlawom. Mám záznam, ktorý bol počas toho zhromaždenia urobený. Je to vždy... Keď sa cítim tak trochu sklesnutý, tak si tento záznam pustím. Je to už dosť zodrané. Možno ten človek, ktorý to urobil, je dnes ráno tu; bolo to spravené na malú červenú flexibilnú pásku. A potom, samozrejme, mám mnoho z týchto posledných záznamov tohto mladého speváckeho zboru, ktorí vtedy boli ešte malé deti, ako spievali. Veľa z toho máme.

5Keď sme počúvali tieto príjemné piesne, povedal som bratovi Outlawovi, „Som rád, že sa nahrávajú, lebo rád to študujem. Rád počúvam tieto piesne a púšťam si ich na páske, počúvam tie piesne, keď si môžem sadnúť.“

6Nie je nič také ako hudba. Viete to, Boh uzdravuje pomocou hudby. Vedeli ste to? Ó, Boh uzdravuje skrze hudbu.

7Boh uzdravuje skrze lásku. Vidíte? Boh uzdravuje skrze lieky. Boh uzdravuje skrze modlitbu. Boh má veľa spôsobov uzdravovania. Záleží od toho, aký druh potrebujete.

8Niekedy len trocha lásky, ktorá sa načiahne, stačí na to, aby to vyliečilo nejakú starú ranu, nejaké miesto, kde bola nevraživosť alebo niečo. Hneď to uzdraví, stačí len trocha lásky, trocha starostlivosti.

9Niekedy, keď sa cítite úplne na dne, ako tomu hovoríme, taký pouličný výraz, zmordovaní, len si pustite jednu z tých pások, nejakú hudbu alebo nahrávku a nechajte to hrať. Hneď nato si klopkáte nohou alebo rukou a všetko je to preč. Hneď ste pripravení ísť ďalej.

10No, tieto šesťhodinové kázne, tie nie sú na evanjelizácie, to je len vtedy, keď som doma a je to tak trochu... Každý vie, ako to chodí, jednoducho je to rozťahané. A veľa ľudí vie povedať viac počas piatich minút, ako viem povedať ja za šesť hodín. Takže ide len o to, čo hovoríte.

11No, myslím, že dnes ráno... Mám tu nejakú malú poznámku, že nejaká sestra tu chce, aby jej malé bábätko bolo posvätené Pánovi. A povedal som bratovi Outlawovi, „Ty nekrstíš nemluvňatá?“

On povedal, „Nie.“ Nie, on len... On ich posväcuje presne tak, ako Písmo hovorí, že majú byť posvätené.

12A tak si myslím, že ak táto sestra má to svoje malé a chce ho priniesť, nech ho len prinesie. A veríme v toto, že to je náuka z Biblie. A snažíme sa dodržiavať Písmo a ten vzor, ktorý nám Pán Ježiš zanechal, chceme to nasledovať tak presne, ako len môžeme, ako to urobil aj On. A nenachádzame žiadne miesto v Biblii, kde by ich On krstil alebo by poveroval, že majú byť pokrstené. On len... Bolo povedané, „Priviedli mu malé deti, aby ich požehnal. A On položil Svoje ruky na nich a povedal, 'Dovoľte maličkým, aby ku Mne prišli a nebráňte im, lebo takých je Kráľovstvo Božie.'“

13A tak, ak by mohol prísť organista alebo klavirista, nech len zahrá kúsok z tej krásnej piesne, len tak pomaly, „Prineste, prineste, prineste ich z polí hriechu.“ Myslím, že to dobre poznáte.

14Ako sa volá toto maličké? [Jeho matka hovorí, „Je to dievča, volá sa Rebeka.“ - pozn.prekl.] Rebeka. A druhé meno? [„Hammerová.“] Hammerová. Toto sú brat a sestra Hammeroví. [„Áno.“] Nech vás Boh žehná. Toto je vaša jediná? [„Je to naše štvrté dievča.“] Štvrté dievča. Ty by si mal byť evanjelista. Filip mal štyri dcéry, viete, [„Tak veru.“] a všetky boli prorokyne. [Otec hovorí, „Ja nie som kazateľ.“] Nemusíš byť, ale mám dôveru, že Boh ti jednako dá štyri prorokyne spomedzi týchto dcér, brat Hammer.

15Veľmi milé. Teraz zíva. Mali ste to vidieť. Mám ich rád. Ale vždy sa bojím, že keď ich zdvíham, aby som ich požehnal, bojím sa, že ich nejako zraním. Viete, oni sú tak trochu... Mám pri tom taký divný pocit, keď ich dvíham. A moja žena vždy hovorila, „Nemôžeš ich zraniť.“ Ale oni vyzerajú tak zlato. Vyzerajú, že na nich musíte naozaj dávať pozor. A tak pokúsim sa ju podržať, ak to bude všetko v poriadku.

16No, toto je práca, ktorá by sa mojej žene páčila. Nie je milá, maličká? Malá Rebeka Hammer, ahoj. Dobre. Sme za toto vďační, ako Boh dal tejto zjednotenej dvojici toto drahé dieťa. Musí prísť len z Boha. Nikto nemôže dať život okrem Boha.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

17Náš Nebeský Otec, prinášame Ti dnes ráno túto malú hrsť lásky, ktorá bola umiestnená do tohto domu Tvojou veľkou rukou. Ako ju táto matka držala pod svojím srdcom, túžila vidieť, ako bude vyzerať, keď už konečne príde. A tu je dnes ráno toto zlaté drahé malé dievčatko. A dostala biblické meno. A teraz prichádza ku oltáru Božiemu, matka a jej muž, aby ju posvätili a odovzdali späť tomu Bohu, ktorý ju im dal. Požehnaj ich dom, Otče, modlíme sa o to. Požehnaj ich rodinu. Požehnaj túto malú Rebeku.

18V Biblii nachádzame, že ľudia ku Tebe prinášali malé bábätká, aby si na ne položil Svoje ruky a požehnal ich. A ak by si tu dnes ráno bol vo Svojom viditeľnom tele, títo rodičia by túto malú Rebeku priniesli ku Tebe. Uvedomujeme si, Pane, že naše ruky sú veľmi úbohé náhrady pre toto veľké poslanie, ale Ty si nám to nariadil robiť. A tak preto, Pane, dávam Ti malú Rebeku v Mene Ježiša Krista, oddávam Ti ju. Len prevezmi jej malý život a použi ho, Pane, na Tvoju slávu. A budeme Ťa za to chváliť, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

19Nech vás Boh žehná. Nech Pán udelí, aby toto malé dieťatko mohlo žiť a bolo milou ženou a veľkou služobnicou Krista do budúcnosti, ak bude ešte nejaká budúcnosť. Nech vás oboch Boh žehná, je to tak milé.

20Ó, tie malé deti. Je v tom taká nevinnosť. Veľakrát som rozmýšľal nad tým, ako nevinné je dieťa. A jednako, ak by sme len my mohli byť tak nevinní ako jedno z tých detí... Ale zisťujeme, že sme ešte nevinnejší, keď nás Krv Ježiša Krista očistila od všetkého hriechu.

21No, obráťme sa do Písma. Vy, ktorí radi čítate Písmo, obraciame sa do knihy Židom, 9. kapitoly, pre nejaké Slová. Začnime s 24. veršom v 9. kapitole.

Lebo Kristus nevošiel do svätyne, učinenej rukou, proti-obrazu tej pravej, ale do samého neba ukázať sa teraz tvári Božej za nás.

Ani nie, aby sa často obetoval, ako čo najvyšší kňaz každý rok vchádza do svätyne s cudzou krvou, 

keďže by bol musel mnoho ráz trpieť od založenia sveta. Ale teraz pri skonaní vekov zjavil sa raz navždy na odstránenie hriechu svojou obeťou.

A ako je uložené ľuďom raz zomrieť, a potom súd, 

tak i Kristus, raz obetovaný tým cieľom, aby vyniesol hriechy mnohých na kríž, po druhé sa ukáže bez hriechu tým, ktorí ho očakávajú, na spasenie.

22Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnanie do čítania Jeho Slova. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa.

23Všemohúci Bože, ktorý si počiatkom všetkých vecí, ktorý si učinil svety skrze Ježiša Krista, prichádzame do Tvojej Prítomnosti v tejto budove dnes ráno, ako zhromaždenie Tvojich ľudí: aby sme sa v prvom rade obetovali pre Tvoju službu; aby sme poďakovali za to, čo sme už prijali z Tvojej ruky; modliac sa, aby si požehnal čítanie tohto Slova. Nech Duch Svätý naďalej robí to Slovo pre nás skutočným, ako hľadíme na Autora toho Slova, lebo o to prosíme v Jeho Mene, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

24No, pokúsime sa dnes ráno vziať len štyri písmená v jednom slove, Pozri, ako našu tému. Chvíľu sa tým budeme zaoberať, podľa toho, ako nás Pán bude viesť. Mám tu zapísaných pár poznámok a niektoré miesta Písma, na ktoré by sme sa mohli odvolávať, ako ideme ďalej. Pozri.

25P-o-z-r-i, pozri. To slovo v skutočnosti, keď... Často sa používa. Ale „pozri,“ keď počujete to slovo, zvyčajne je to vtedy, keď sa vám niekto snaží povedať, aby ste uvideli to, na čo sa pozeráte. Povedia vám, „Pozri.“ Ako keď idete dolu cestou a niekto uvidí nejakú scénu a povedia, „Pozri,“ a potom vyjadria to, čo to je. Je to na hore, je to kaktus, alebo na čokoľvek sa pozeráte. Ale tá prvá vec, aby upútali vašu pozornosť, je, „Pozri!“

26No, každý sa dnes pozerá. Každý niečo hľadá, každý očakáva, že sa niečo stane.

27Vieme, že svet neustále sleduje oblohu, radary a obrazovky, ktoré máme po celom svete, v každom národe, na svoju obranu, má to akoby magické oko, je to ako atómová strela alebo niečo. A potom oni tam majú niečo, čo to dokáže vrátiť späť k tomu, ktorý to sem poslal.

28Všetko je to o hľadení, snaha zistiť. Spoločnosť Ford sa snaží vyrobiť lepší Ford. Chevrolet sa snaží vyrobiť lepší Chevrolet. Phoenix sa snaží byť väčším a lepším mestom. Národ hľadí mať viac územia, aby sa mohol rozširovať. Cirkev zas vyhľadáva viac členov.

Ale nevesta vzhliada Príchod jej Pána.

29Všetci vzhliadame na niečo. Závisí to na tom, čo sa ti ten hlas snaží povedať, aby si hľadal. Niektorí z nás hovoria, „Vyhliadaj toto!“ A ak to je cirkev, vtedy hovoríme, že chceme tento rok o toľkoto viac členov. To je v poriadku.

30Ale ten hlas, ktorý sa vám dnes ráno snažím vyjadriť, ako to hovorí pisateľ tejto epištoly, (veríme, že to bol Pavol), „Po druhýkrát vzhliadajúc Príchod Ježiša Krista,“ hľadajúc Jeho. Aby ste to urobili, musíte niečo vidieť pred tým, ako môžete niekomu povedať to, čo vidíte.

31Noe mal s týmto prežitie. A on skrze vieru videl príchod potopy, ten veľký dážď, ktorý mal pokryť zem a všetko vziať... zmyť zem; to znovu-zasvätenie Bohu. Tá špina toho sveta, že ľudia sa dostali do takého zhluku, do akého sa v ten deň dostali, ale všetko to muselo byť zmyté a začaté odznova.

32Práve som dokončil sériu bohoslužieb o tých posledných Siedmich Pečatiach. A nachádzame v tejto šiestej pečati, že je tam veľké narušenie v prírode. Mesiac, hviezdy a zem chŕlia... Cirkev je očistená, Izrael je očistený a všetko je očistené pod tou siedmou pečaťou, aby sa mohlo začať Milénium. Musí byť najprv očistenie.

33A to je presne to, na čo vám chcem poukázať, že dnešná cirkev potrebuje, je to očistenie. Pred tým, ako sa čokoľvek od Boha môže začať, musíme mať očistenie. A keď hľadáme a vidíme tie veci, ktoré sú teraz, v týchto prítomných podmienkach, ktoré sú také, aké sú, vidíme, že musíme mať niečo pred tým, ako Boh bude môcť pokračovať vo Svojom programe a očisťovaní. Mnohí z nás, povedal by som, sa môže pozerať naspäť na...

34Mám pásku alebo, nuž, je to film, ktorý bol natočený v Jeruzaleme, kde sme sa pýtali Židov, keď sa vracali z Iránu a mnohých miest pred pár rokmi, asi päť rokov dozadu, niesli svojich milovaných na chrbte a vyvádzali ich z lodí a z lietadiel, a tak ďalej, vracali sa. Pýtali sa ich otázku, „Vraciate sa do svojej domoviny, aby ste tam zomreli?“

Oni povedali, „Vraciame sa, aby sme uvideli Mesiáša.“

35Keď vidíte Izrael, ten strom, ako klíči, je to veľké znamenie. Ten čas je nablízku, kedy sa Izrael stane národom a on už dnes je národom.

36Vidíme, ako sa toto deje vo svete, ktorý je tak slepý, aký bol vo dňoch Noeho. Ale pre tých, ktorí po druhýkrát vzhliadajú Krista, je to znamenie, že On čoskoro prichádza. Vidíme, ako sa niečo ide stať, a závisí to od toho, na čo hľadíte.

37No, Noe vedel skrze Slovo Božie, že prichádza potopa. Skrze vieru to videl. On vedel, že sa to stane, lebo to zasľúbilo Božie Slovo. No, sám Noe skrze vieru videl to, čo hovorí Božie Slovo. Ale svet to nemohol vidieť, lebo im nebolo vedecky dokázané, že by tam hore na oblohe bola nejaká voda. Ale Noe vedel, že tam bola, lebo Boh tak povedal.

38To je tá Cirkev, tá Nevesta, tí vyvolaní dneška, ktorí vedia, že Príchod Pánov je nablízku bez ohľadu na to, ako ďaleko sme mohli pokročiť, a tak ďalej, a mať úspech v štiepení atómu a v posielaní radarových správ na mesiac. To pre veriaceho neznamená nič, len znamenie, že Príchod Pánov je nablízku. Vidíme, ako sa národy rozpadávajú a národy prichádzajú, rozpadávajú sa a svet sa rozpadáva a cirkev sa rozpadáva. A potom sme učení, že, „Prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré nemôže byť zatrasené.“ Ale tieto veci sa začínajú diať, lebo cirkev sa spolu dáva do zväzku, pevnejšie a pevnejšie s... skrze Slovo Božie. Je to veľký deň, v ktorom žijeme. A tu sme...

39Každý niečo hľadá. Možno vzhliadate ten čas, kedy pôjdete domov a dáte si večeru. Možno dnes popoludní bude nejaký piknik, kam vezmete svoje rodiny. Môže byť niečo iné budúci týždeň, kde očakávate, že príde váš sused alebo nejaký priateľ. Ale každý niečo vzhliada.

40A ako skupina veriacich dneška, ktorí sú zhromaždení spolu a my chceme položiť naše myšlienky, naše zásady a podobne na Príchode Pánovom, „Vyhliadajúc Krista, ktorý sa po druhýkrát zjaví bez hriechu na spasenie tým, ktorí veria a vzhliadajú Jeho príchod.“ Boh nás tu pozýva skrze toho pisateľa, aby sme sa na to dívali. My... Ten pisateľ tu hovorí, „My očakávame (vyhliadame) Krista po druhýkrát, aby sme Ho videli, ako On je.“

41A teraz... My vieme, že Slovo je Kristus. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.“ A Židom 13:8 hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ A z toho dôvodu to je to Slovo, na ktoré očakávame, lebo je to vyjadrenie toho, čím Boh je. A keď Boh prišiel v Kristovi, On bol vyjadrením toho, čím bol Boh. A čímkoľvek On bol, On tým vždy zostáva, lebo je Večný a nemôže sa meniť.

42Čo za nádej nám to dáva, že Boh nás nezanechal bez pravdivého svedka v dňoch zmätku, v ktorých dnes žijeme! A jednako sme istotne privilegovaní ľudia, ak sa len pozrieme na toho pravdivého Svedka, ktorého máme, to Slovo, vidíte, lebo to je Božie plné zasľúbenie Ježiša Krista. Nič sa k Nemu nemôže pridať ani z Neho odobrať, lebo to je zjavenie Ježiša Krista.

43Boh nikdy nezanechal Svoj ľud bez pravdivého svedka. Boh bude súdiť svet Ježišom Kristom. A ak Ježiš Kristus je tým Slovom, potom Boh súdi cirkev alebo svet skrze Slovo, lebo On je tým Slovom. Prichádza Súd. A hriešnici to vedia.

44Mnoho ľudí, keď hovoríte o cirkvi, majú o tom zvláštnu predstavu. Keď svet prechádza okolo cirkvi, okolo toho zhromaždeného Tela Kristovho, prídu im na myseľ ženy s dlhými vyťahanými vlasmi, čiernymi sukňami a podobne. Pomyslia na to, že tam sú muži s dlhými prstami, oblečení v čiernom, ktorí ich vždy odsudzujú. Pre svetský rozum to tak je, lebo „Cirkev je zvláštny ľud, sú to vyvolaní ľudia.“

45A ten dôvod, prečo to tak vyzerá pre človeka, ktorý chce posudzovať cirkev v stave, v akom je, je ten, že cirkev vždy ukazuje prstom a odsudzuje všetko, čo si on myslí, že je dobré. A ak je on hriešnik, on si myslí, že hriech je dobrý, ten pôžitok života a život vo svete. A keď sa cirkev postaví a tú vec odsúdi, preňho to vyzerá ako nejaká hrôzostrašná obluda. Ale ak by on len vedel, že to je jediná Božia cesta k spaseniu, (tak veru), je to vyjadrenie Božieho Slova skrze ústa Jeho služobníkov.

46No, Boh sa mohol rozhodnúť kázať Evanjelium cez slnko, cez mesiac, cez hviezdy, cez vietor, cez prírodu. Ale On si vybral ľudí, aby kázali Evanjelium, a odtiaľ prichádza Hlas Boží. A môžete posudzovať ten hlas podľa slova, ktoré vyjadruje, potom môžete vidieť, čo za hlas to počúvate. Ak to je v protiklade so Slovom, potom to nepočúvajte. Ale ak to je Slovo, potom má Boh povinnosť dodržať to Slovo a potvrdiť Ho, urobiť Ho pravdivým, lebo On zasľúbil, že to tak urobí. A tak my žijeme v tom veľkom dni, kedy boli tieto Slová Kristove vyjadrené.

47Keď On prišiel do tohto sveta, On Sám bol tým Slovom. On nemusel písať žiadne knihy. On nikdy nenapísal žiadnu knihu. Prečo? On bol tým Slovom. On nemusel o ničom písať, lebo On bol tým, o čom ostatní písali. On bol tým Slovom. A tak preto On nič nepísal Svojou vlastnou rukou. On Sám bol tým Slovom. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, lebo On stále zostáva tým Slovom.

48Jedného dňa povedal Židom, „Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu?“ No, hriech je „nevera.“ „Kto na Mňa môže poukázať prstom a povedať, že som nevyplnil každé Slovo, ktoré bolo o Mne napísané?“

49Či by to nebolo dnes ráno chválebné, moji bratia a sestry, ak by sa cirkev živého Boha mohla postaviť a povedať, „Kto ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Každý dar, ktorý Boh v Biblii zasľúbil, a všetko, čo On zasľúbil, že sa stane, všetko sa to deje dnes priamo pred nami“? Či to nie je chválebné? Kto to môže? A potom my... Tie denominačné myšlienky by sa rovno vytratili, keby sme uvideli, ako Boh hovorí za Seba Samého.

50Toľko ľudí hľadá rôzne... Nikto nechce zomrieť. Nikto nechce byť stratený. Každý chce byť v Prítomnosti Božej. Ja to chcem, vy to chcete, každý to chce. Ale my nie sme ochotní prísť tým spôsobom, ktorý pre nás Boh poskytol. Vidíte? A to robí ten rozdiel.

51Môj syn Billy mi dal nedávno fotoaparát. A ukázal mi nejaký predmet. Povedal, „Tati, odfoť ten obrázok tam.“ No, je to malá 35mm Petra. A vzal som ten malý foťák a pozrel som sa na ten predmet. A stáli tam asi tri rôzne predmety, kaktus Saguaro. Videl som jednu stonku, dve stonky, tri stonky. A znovu som to dal dolu, pozrel som sa a už som uvidel len jednu stonku. A tak som sa do toho znovu pozrel a vyzeralo to, akoby tam boli tri stonky.

52No, tak to niekedy býva, že sa prestávame sústrediť. Máme tú mušku. A možno sa niečo Božie snažíme dať niekde dozadu alebo inde, možno sme ešte nepoužili našu mušku. Nech dá Duch Svätý preč naše myšlienky a našu teológiu a nech len príde tá muška a spojí nás, vtedy už nebudete vidieť tri alebo štyri. Uvidíte len jeden predmet, predmet Boží. Vidíte?

53Keď sa človek pozerá cez ten istý fotoaparát, môže niečo vidieť, ale jeho vlastná inteligencia mu hovorí, že tam je len jedna stonka. Vidíte?

54Ale tak to robí Duch Svätý, ak Ho len necháme, nech to On robí Svojím spôsobom. On Sám vezme to Slovo a privedie Ho do zaostrenia, aby sme videli, na čo sa pozeráme. A potom zistíte, že tí ľudia, ktorí sa vám snažia niečo ukázať, že je to nakoniec úplne vedľa. Vidíte? Ak len necháte, nech sa spustí tá muška, to samotné Slovo sa začne ukazovať v manifestácii. Amen: Ono to urobí, ak Ho len necháte. Vidíte? Ale musíte tú mušku používať, aby ste... Ak to raz zasiahlo desiatku, tak to zasiahne znova.

55Rád strieľam a tie terče... A nedávno som bol tu v Kentucky poľovať na veveričky. Bol tam... Mal som malú pušku model 75. Znie to... Dúfam, že to nebude znieť ako svätokrádež, keď to poviem v kázni, ale poviem vám to. Chcem vyjasniť určitú myšlienku. A s touto malou puškou som trénoval. Zabával som sa a narábal som so zbraňami od útleho detstva. Milujem ich. A mal som túto malú model 75-ku, až som takmer zakaždým vedel trafiť veveričke do oka aj na päťdesiat yardov [Asi 45 metrov – pozn.prekl.].

56Mal som papier z úradu, kde bolo napísané, „Potvrdenie o strelení deviatich guliek cez tú istú dieru na vzdialenosť 50 yardov počas daždivého, veterného počasia.“ A mám to podpísané a overené u notára. A to bol, samozrejme, Pán, ktorý mi to pomohol urobiť. To nie je bežné.

57A začal som strieľať na tú veveričku. Zistil som, že som ju zasiahol niekde vedľa oka. Znervóznel som. Vyskúšal som znovu na papier a netrafil som do cieľa. Trafil som asi štvrť palca alebo pol palca vedľa alebo tak podobne, na vzdialenosť päťdesiat yardov. Ale vedel som, že sa to dá ešte lepšie. Urobil som s tou zbraňou všetko, čo som dokázal, ale nezdalo sa, že by niečo pomáhalo.

58A tak som to zabalil do krabice a poslal som to do firmy Winchester, aby to prešetrili a znovu poskladali. Napísali mi pekný list, ktorý mám založený doma. A hovorilo sa tam, „Rev. Branham, táto puška má odchýlku jeden palec na dvadsaťpäť yardov. Je to iba model 75. Nie je to terčová zbraň. Je to len taká malá hračka.“ A povedali, „Lepšie sa vám s tým nepodarí.“ No, to bola firma Winchester, ktorá tú zbraň vyrobila, a oni sami hovorili o tej vzdialenosti „jedného palca na dvadsaťpäť yardov,“ a ja som trafil deväť dier za sebou na päťdesiat yardov.

59No, tu je to, čo mám na mysli. Moja žena povedala, „No, pozri, Bill,“ povedala, „ak to povie samotná tá firma, ktorá to vyrobila, že lepšie tá puška nedokáže, ako to potom môžeš povedať ty?“

60Povedal som, „Drahá, je to takto: Je mi jedno, čo hovorí tá firma. Ja som videl, ako sa to stalo, a ja viem, že ona to dokáže.“

61A sadol som si tam, keď ostatní bratia strieľali na veveričky. Kdekoľvek chceli trafiť, bolo to v poriadku, do stredu, dozadu, kdekoľvek. Ja som sedel pod stromom a plakal som. Povedal som, „Bože, som tak nervózny. Nedokážem sa spamätať. Prečo si zo mňa urobil takéhoto nervózneho človeka?“ A jednoducho...

62Uvedomujem si, kde tu teraz stojím, je tu predo mnou Biblia. A prehovoril Hlas, tak hlasno, ako teraz počujete vy mňa, a povedal, „Bol si takto stvorený za určitým účelom.“

Lebo dokiaľ… viete, že ak je tá puška zameraná presne na stred, lebo... Ak raz trafila desiatku, tak ju trafí znovu. Je to tá istá puška.

63A tak preto, ja to vidím. Vidíte? Ak poslúchate toto Slovo a vezmete tú mušku a zameriate ju na hľadáčik, kde vidíte to isté, čo videli apoštoli, to isté Evanjelium, ktoré oni kázali. Prinesie to tie isté výsledky, lebo tak to bolo aj s nimi. Ono trafí ten cieľ každý jeden raz. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovoria cirkvi a tí ľudia, čo oni hovoria, viem, že ono to vykoná. Lebo... A tu je to, na čo chcem hľadieť, to Slovo, aby som videl, že je to presne zaostrené, aby som videl to isté videnie, ktoré videli oni. A urobí to tú istú prácu, akú to urobilo pre nich. Uzdraví to chorých. Vzkriesi to mŕtvych. Vyženie to diablov. Privedie to chválebnú Cirkev, ktorá je ochotná zapečatiť svoje svedectvo vlastnou krvou, ak je to potrebné, lebo to záleží na tom, na čo hľadíte.

64No, ak by som hľadel na to, čo povedala firma Winchester, ktorá údajne tú zbraň vyrobila, tak by som počúval ich. Ale ja som vedel, že je to inak.

65No, ak sa pozriem na cirkev a oni povedia, „Ó, tie dni sú preč, už nie je nič také,“ a vidíte, kde by ste potom boli? Je to úplne mimo cieľa. Vidíte?

66Ale ak je On vždy Bohom, On je stále Bohom. On bol vždy Bohom a On nemôže byť ničím iným ako Bohom. A On je Bohom, Večným. A z toho dôvodu sa chceme pozerať na ten Cieľ; bez ohľadu na to, na aký cieľ strieľa cirkev, ale ide o ten Cieľ, na ktorý strieľa Kristus.

67„Vyhliadame Kristov príchod, toho istého Ježiša.“ On povedal, keď bol tu na zemi, „Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viac neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo budem s vami do konca sveta.“ Ten istý, ktorý mohol smerovať to Slovo a byť tým Slovom a smerovať Ho priamo do toho Cieľa, ten istý Pán Ježiš je tu dnes ráno vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby smeroval naše myšlienky a sústredil nás na Jeho Slovo, na toho jedného pravdivého a živého Boha, na jeden účel, na jedno dosiahnutie. A ak Ho len necháme, aby to urobil, On to Slovo namieri priamo do miesta, kde dokáže, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ide o to, na čo chcete hľadieť.

68Musíme zaostrovať naše životy. Nejde o to, čo hovorí niekto iný, len zaostrovať naše životy na Neho. A On je tým Slovom. Vidíte? Ak zoradíme naše životy so Slovom, potom to Slovo a náš život sa stanú tým istým. On povedal, „Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom proste, o čo chcete, a bude vám to udelené. Amen vám hovorím, že ak poviete tejto hore, 'Pohni sa,' a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu, čo ste povedali, stane sa to; môžete mať to, čo ste povedali.“ Ó! „Nie to, čo som Ja povedal; to, čo ste vy povedali, môžete to mať,“ lebo vy a On sa stávate tým istým. Lebo tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. A potom tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, mala vyplniť Slovo Otca. On bol tým Slovom. Tu to máte. Potom vy a to Slovo ste spolu zaostrení. Stávate sa živou jednotkou Boha. Aké veľkolepé!

69Bol čas, kedy ľudské hriechy... Keď človek zhrešil pred Bohom, on prekročil veľkú priepasť. Ako tu raz jeden spisovateľ povedal, že, „On sa zjavil v posledných dňoch pre spasenie pre tých, ktorí Ho vyhliadajú.“ No, človek prekročil túto veľkú priepasť a nenechal pre seba žiadnu cestu návratu. Nemohol sa vrátiť, lebo prekročil to oddelenie, ktoré bolo medzi ním a Bohom.

70Boh, súc plný milosti a milosrdenstva vzal náhradu a bol to baránok alebo zviera, ktoré bolo obetované ako náhradná smrť. „Ale krv býkov a kozlov,“ ako sa tu hovorí v Židom, pred tým, kde som teraz čítal, „ona nemôže vziať hriech.“ Ona len zakryla ten hriech. Bola to náhrada, ale to len prikrylo hriech, lebo to hovorilo o dobrom svedomí a vyhliadalo na to, kedy príde Krv, ktorá očistí hriech, oddelí ho a dá ho naveky preč.

71No, keď prišiel Ježiš, On nebol len človekom. On nebol len treťou osobou v trojici. On bol Bohom. On bol Sám Bohom. On bol Emanuel. A Biblia nás učí, že, „Sme spasení Krvou Božou.“ Keď sa Sám Boh stal jedným z nás, On zmenil to, čím bol. On zmenil Svoj stánok. On zostúpil zo Slávy a stal sa človekom. A preto, zrodený bez sexu, On si stvoril telo, v ktorom On Sám žil. Emanuel, Boh predstavený s nami, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom medzi nami a žilo s nami, aby vykúpilo naspäť mnohých synov k Bohu cez preliatie tejto Krvi.

72To telo, istotne, to bol Kristus. Bol to ten Pomazaný. A ak Kristus znamená „Ten Pomazaný,“ a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, a On je tým Slovom, potom to Slovo je to pomazanie. „Ak budete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, potom si povedzte, čo chcete.“ Je to Slovo Božie, to pomazané Slovo, ktoré to robí.

73No, bol čas, ako som už poznamenal, kedy žena, keď mala špinu na bielom kúsku vecí, ona... Nemala to ako dať preč. Pamätám si, ako moja mama zvykla dávať čiernu kávu na masť, aby z niečoho zmyla špinu. Pamätám si tie časy, kedy zvykla brať fľašu terpentínového oleja a snažila sa zmyť tú špinu, uhoľný olej, a tak ďalej, aby odstránila tú nečistotu z oblečenia. Nemohli ste to dostatočne vydrhnúť. Stále po tom boli stopy. A to je symbol, ktorý by som rád použil, ako krv kozlov a oviec, a tak ďalej.

74Ale teraz, oni vyrobili vec, ktorú nazývajú bielidlo. A to bielidlo, ten Clorox, alebo čokoľvek to je, je to bielidlo, ktoré bolo vyrobené. A dnes ráno, ak by som mal tubu plnú toho bielidla a malé kvapkadlo s čiernym atramentom... Preštudujme to na chvíľu. Čo je čierny atrament? Veľa z toho je voda. Ale tá farba, odkiaľ pochádza tá farba? Tá farba musela vzniknúť. Vieme, že to je stvorenie. Čiže ak začala so stvorením, musela prísť od Stvoriteľa pred tým, ako mohla byť stvorením.

75Neviem, čo znamenajú tieto slová. Neviem to vysvetliť. Ale prepáčte mi tieto slová, ktoré použijem, ale chcem tým niečo vyjadriť. Nuž, povedzme, že keď padne...

76Táto kvapka atramentu, ona je za určitým účelom. Tá farba sa stáva tou farbou za určitým účelom. Tá jedna kvapka atramentu môže podpísať rozsudok vášho trestu smrti, môže vás poslať na elektrické kreslo. Ale tá jedna kvapka atramentu vás tiež môže ospravedlniť z vašich hriechov. Bola tu daná za určitým účelom. Musíme to použiť na tú správnu vec.

77Ale napríklad... je to dokončené. Ak pustíme tú jednu kvapku atramentu do nádoby plnej bielidla, čo sa tomu stane? Nevidíte, že by sa niečo stalo, už nebude žiadna farba. Tá farba sa rozpadne. Nezistíte, kam odišla. Obrátila sa späť na kyseliny. Samozrejme, voda je tvar, je to H2O, a vracia sa späť do tej vody, ktorá je v tom bielidle. Ale tá chemikália v tom bielidle sa tak rozpadne, že už po nej nenájdete ani špinku. Je preč. Obrátila sa naspäť na kyseliny. Odkiaľ pochádzajú tie kyseliny? Povedzme, že pochádzajú z atómov alebo molekúl. A aké molekuly? Molekula z atómov, atómy do elektrónov, a tak ďalej, ako to pokračuje.

78Zamyslime sa nad tým. Keď sa to tam začalo, povieme, že to pochádza z atómu alebo molekuly, štvornásobná molekula šesťdesiatdeväť sa stáva molekulou H. Čo ak by to bolo šesťdesiatosem namiesto šesťdesiatdeväť? Bola by ružová namiesto čiernej. Niečo to muselo určiť. Čo ak by to bol atóm krát štyri, krát šesť, krát jedenásť? Malo to byť... Ak by to bolo šesť namiesto jedenásť, bolo by to hnedé. Vidíte? Muselo to prísť od niekoho, kto to vytvoril.

79Pozrite sa z okna na tú palmu. Čo to je? Je to vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Pozrite sa na to cez cestu a uvidíte eukalyptus. Čo to je? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život, život iného druhu. Pozrite sa, vidíte ružu. Čo to je? Vulkanický popol, ktorý má v sebe život. Odkiaľ prišla tá farba? Len sa nad tým zamyslite. No, kto zafarbil ten kvet? Sú dva kvety toho istého druhu, jeden je žltý a ten druhý je červený. Oba pochádzajú z malého semienka. A odkiaľ pochádza tá farba? Časť z nich je zelená, časť biela, časť červená, časť žltá, odkiaľ pochádzajú všetky tie farby? To isté slnko svietilo na to isté miesto. Niečo to musí určiť. Je to prírodná látka, čiže niekde musela mať stvorenie. No, pozrite sa teraz, čo to robí? Ide to priamo späť na začiatok ku Stvoriteľovi.

80 Potom, ak hriech položil škvrnu na ľudskú bytosť, a Mojžiš, tým, že ponúkol ovcu ako obeť, mohol vziať Hlas Boží...

„Vložím Svoje Slová do jeho úst.“

81A on tam vyšiel so Slovom Božím a povedal, „Nech sú muchy.“ A nikde tam nebola žiadna mucha. Možno skôr ako do piatich minút začali dookola bzučať zelené muchy. Za ďalších desať minút ich tam boli možno dve libry na štvorcový yard. Čo to bolo? To Slovo Božie v ústach Jeho proroka. Slovo Božie vytvára, ale musí prísť z toho správneho zdroja.

82A potom, ak Boh mohol vziať toho muža a premostiť cestu skrze krv oviec a kozlov a mohol spôsobiť, že Slovo Božie bolo tvorčie v ústach človeka, o koľko viac... nie len, ale bolo tvorčie... alebo tá moc obete býka alebo kozla. Ale tá Krv Ježiša Krista, keď je hriech vyznaný a padne do bielidla Božieho, tá vlastná... Božia vlastná tvorčia cesta vzatia tej škvrny, ako je uvrhnutá do mora zabudnutia, a nikdy viac sa na ňu nebude pamätať.

83Keď človek vyznáva svoje hriechy a dá sa do poriadku s Bohom a Boh púšťa hriech tohto vyznania do Krvi Svojej vlastnej Krvi a odpúšťa ten hriech a nahrádza to v človeku tým originálnym Duchom, ktorý tam mal byť, Jeho vlastný Duch, ktorý z neho robí syna Božieho, o koľko viac by mala byť táto tvorčia moc Božia v cirkvi! Vidíte? Búra to každý múr hriechu. Búra ho. Vidíte?

84Ľudia sa dnes snažia povedať, „Tie slová boli pre iný vek.“ Boli, ak ste stále mimo tej Krvi.

85Ale ak sa nachádzate pod tou Krvou, tá moc Božia skrze Jeho Slovo zostáva tou istou. Musí byť taká istá. Ak to On dokázal urobiť vtedy skrze krv oviec a zvierat, čo potom s Krvou Ježiša Krista?

86Mohol som to urobiť. Musíme vziať svoje životy a nasmerovať ich do Slova Božieho. Rovnako, ako to robíme s fotoaparátom, keď sa to snažíme zaostriť pred tým, ako zachytíme obraz, a potom dostaneme ten skutočný, pravdivý obraz. Tak to máme robiť, zaostriť naše životy na Ježiša Krista, aby si sa Kristus a ty stali tou istou Osobou. Ty si synom adoptovaným Bohom skrze Krv toho spravodlivého Ježiša Krista.

87Potom bude cirkev napredovať ďalej bez zadrhnutí, bez zranení, bez škody, bez pochybností, bez škrupúľ, bez odporu. Bude sa pohybovať v moci Slova Božieho, manifestujúc každé Božské požehnanie, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, ak to len urobí.

88Musíme konať vo svojich životoch a potom vidieť Jeho a jedine Jeho, nie nejakého biskupa, nejakú veľkú osobnosť alebo niečo, z čoho si berieme vzor, ale hľadieť na Ježiša Krista. Nie nejakú organizáciu, nie nejakého pápeža alebo nejakého arcibiskupa z Canterbury alebo nejakého iného „Božského človeka,“ ako im tu na zemi hovoríme. Musíme hľadieť na Ježiša Krista. On je tým Slovom. A to...

89Abrahám, keď mu bolo povedané, aby prebýval v zemi cudzincov a hľadel na zasľúbenie, on nikdy o tom zasľúbení nepochyboval.

Kresťan sa pozerá na to neviditeľné.

90Pamätajte, ste obdarovaní piatimi zmyslami. Jeden z nich je zrak. Ale ja vám to dokážem, váš zrak nevidí všetko. Tu dnes ráno, priamo v tejto miestnosti v tejto chvíli, sú tu v tejto miestnosti živé reprezentácie stvorení. V tejto miestnosti sú živé hlasy. Ak nie, potom si zapnite televíziu a uvidíte, či ľudia z druhej strany krajiny nie sú dnes ráno rovno tu v tejto miestnosti. Ich postavy a ich bytosti prechádzajú touto miestnosťou. Je to pravda? Prečo? Jediný spôsob, akým to kedy budete vedieť, je vysielač, aby to zachytil a premietol do reality.

91A ten jediný spôsob, akým Cirkev bude kedy vedieť, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, je ten, aby sa dostala do toho vysielača, do tej Krvi, ktorá odstraňuje naše hriechy preč od nás a prenáša nás naprieč tou priepasťou do Prítomnosti Božej, kde sme synmi Božími, v ktorých sa On Sám reprezentuje. Ó, čo za veľkolepá vec! Ak by sme na to dnes ráno hľadeli, zabudli by sme na tie rozdiely vecí, ktoré sú dnes vo svete, a na tie veci, na ktoré hľadia ostatní, a tie veľké čísla, a tak ďalej. „Hľaďme na Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Autorom a Dokonávateľom našej viery.“

92No, pamätajte, tá celá kresťanská výzbroj je nadprirodzená, ak ste Kresťanom.

93Poviete, „Vidieť je veriť.“ Nemôžeš byť Kresťanom, ak tomu veríš.

94„Lebo viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa dá nádejať, dôkazom vecí, ktoré sa nevidia.“ Nemôžeš byť Kresťanom a povedať, že to musíš vidieť. Celá zbroj Božia je nadprirodzená. Láska, radosť, pokoj, viera, dlho-zhovievavosť, dobrota, tichosť, jemnosť a Duch Svätý, všetko je to neviditeľné. A Kresťan nehľadí na to, čo vidia jeho oči. On hľadí na to, čo vidí jeho viera.

95A jeho viera môže byť založená len na jednej veci a tou je Slovo. Amen. Teraz mám chuť na kričanie. Tak veru. Vidíte? Keď sa dostanete do toho Slova, to je tá živá vec. To je to Slovo. Keď môže byť vaša myseľ a vaše oči zaostrené jedine na Slovo a sústredíte sa na to, až kým nevidíte to, čo Boh robí. Čo za nádherná vec!

96Abrahám to videl. Vidíte? On nehľadel na žiadne neporozumenia ohľadom toho zasľúbenia. Čo ak by sa na to pozrel a povedal, „Som tu, mám sedemdesiatpäť rokov. A taký a taký hlas ku mne prehovoril a povedal mi, že budem mať so svojou ženou dieťa. Ona má teraz šesťdesiatpäť rokov, asi pätnásť, dvadsať rokov po prechode“? Čo by on urobil? Ale čo on naozaj urobil? On nevenoval pozornosť žiadnym tým prirodzeným veciam. On hľadel na to, čo Boh povedal. Preňho sa to stalo takou realitou, že už nevidel nič iné, iba to, čo Boh povedal. On opustil svoj dom. Oddelil sa od všetkej nevery, od všetkého, čo sa ho snažilo odtiahnuť. On oddelil samého seba, aby mohol kráčať sám.

97To musí urobiť každý skutočný Kresťan. Oddeľte sa od všetkých týchto pochybovačov a neveriacich a kráčajte s Kristom. Pre vás to je Život.

98A Abrahám urobil takú vec. A dvadsaťpäť rokov na to, zisťujeme, že on stále verí tomu istému zasľúbeniu. Prečo? On sústredil svoju myseľ na vôľu Božiu, skrze Slovo Božie a veril tomu.

99Ak sa dokážeme sústrediť na plán Boží, aby Boh pre nás niečo chcel, a to, čo nám Boh zasľúbil, a necháme všetko ostatné na pokoji. Bez ohľadu na to, ako dlho to trvá, len ďalej verme.

100 V Rimanom 4 tu, nachádzame v Rimanom 4:14. Hovorí sa tam, „A on sa nezapotácal v nevere ohľadom zasľúbenia Božieho.“ On nedovolil, aby ho tá nevera nejako znečistila. On hľadel len na jednu vec, a tou bol ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril.

101To isté by mala dnes robiť Cirkev. Hľadieť len na jednu vec, ten Hlas, to Slovo Božie, ktoré ku nám hovorí. Cirkvi a ľudia tak môžu hovoriť. Ale len hľaďte na ten Hlas. Na čo hľadíme?

102On hľadel na ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril. „On považoval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade s tým Hlasom, akoby to nebolo.“ A jednako materiálne, bolo to tak mimo pozornosti sveta, ako to bolo v čase Noeho. Bolo to tak mimo pozornosti.

103Prečo? V Noeho čase, oni neboli schopní dokázať, že tam hore bol nejaký dážď. Ale Noe to vedel, že ak to Boh tak povedal, On bol schopný tam hore dať dážď.

104Abrahám vedel, že jeho telo bolo takmer mŕtve, ale on nehľadel na svoje vlastné telo. On nehľadel na takmer mŕtve lono Sáry. Mladé dievča, on si vzal za ženu svoju polovičnú sestru, žil s ňou po celé tieto roky. A teraz mala deväťdesiat rokov a on mal sto. Ale on na to nehľadel. To mu ani neprišlo na myseľ. Prečo? On dal všetku tú neveru mimo svojej pozornosti. Ó, sláva!

105To by mala robiť Cirkev. To by mal robiť každý člen cirkvi, dať všetku tú pochybnosť mimo svojej pozornosti. Hľadieť len na to Slovo. Ono to zasľúbilo. Boh tak povedal. Musí to tak byť.

106Biblia povedala, „Proti nádeji, on uveril v nádeji. On sa nezapotácal ohľadom zasľúbenia Božieho skrze neveru, ale bol silný, oddávajúc chválu Bohu.“ Každým dňom bol silnejší, lebo ten zázrak mal byť potom väčší.

107Niekedy sa nevieme dočkať od jedného večera k druhému. Niekedy sa nevieme dočkať od jedného zhromaždenia k druhému. Ale jednako musíme ísť von a motať sa s vecami tohto sveta. Ako by sme sa mali za seba hanbiť.

108Predtým, ako sem prídeme, aby sme vyznali a dostali sa do Krvi Ježiša, ktorá nás očisťuje od všetkého hriechu, mali by sme sa zamerať na toho jedného živého pravdivého Boha, ktorý tu stojí. Toho, ktorý urobil to zasľúbenie, že Nebo a zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nemôže pominúť. Len zostaňte na Tom, potom nebudete zmietaní vetrami náuky, nebudete behať z miesta na miesto.

109Ale vy viete, kde máte stáť, lebo ste zacielení na Boha. Vidíte, ako váš vlastný život dosahuje ten cieľ, rovnako, ako to bolo s apoštolmi. Žijete tak isto, ako žili oni. Boli ste pokrstení tak isto, ako boli oni. Vidíte tie isté výsledky, ktoré videli oni. Vidíte, ako to vo vás koná. Ste zacielení. Je mi jedno, čo hovorí spoločnosť, čo hovoria denominácie. Vy ste zacielení, lebo viete, že triafate do toho cieľa. Amen. Potom viete, kde stojíte. Záleží to na tom, na čo hľadíte. Ak hľadíte na niekoho iného, pôjdete akoukoľvek cestou. Akýkoľvek závan vetra vás odfúkne mimo cieľa. Ale vás to nemôže odfúknuť od cieľa, keď ste tam zacielení. To je všetko. Nič to nemôže zastaviť. Boh to nesie ku svojmu...

110Rovnako ako Dávidov malý kameň v praku, on išiel priamo do svojho cieľa.

111Rovnako pôjdu aj vaše modlitby do svojho cieľa, lebo to je ponúknuté v Krvi Ježiša Krista, ktorá vás očisťuje. Neexistuje na vás nikde žiaden hriech ani škvrna. Tak veru. Nemôže tam byť. Pokiaľ je to Bielidlo medzi mnou a Bohom, ako môže On vidieť môj hriech? Ako to dokáže?

112Ak spácham hriech a nie je to vedome. „Ten, ktorý hreší vedome po tom, ako prijal známosť Pravdy.“ Ale nie je tam žiaden vedomý hriech, ale jednako zhrešíte. Ale nerobíte to s úmyslom, lebo vo svojom srdci ste naozaj nemysleli urobiť tie veci.

113Ale keď to robíte vedome, to je potom iné, potom si myslím, že ste v tom nikdy neboli.

114No, tá vec na tom je to, že sa to dostáva do miesta, kde sú všetky tie škvrny hriechu zmyté. Potom tam stojíte vykúpení Krvou Baránka. Ste Adamom, rovnako, ako bol on pred tým, ako upadol. Ste synom Božím, umytým v Krvi, Božej vlastnej Krvi.

115Bola to krv, ktorá priviedla dieťa. Bola to len tá samotná krv. Tá krv prišla z mužského pohlavia. Tá krv prichádza z človeka. Tá žena, ona vyprodukuje to vajíčko, tú náplň. Ale človek je ten hemoglobín, odkiaľ pochádza ten zárodok. A v zárodku leží ten život.

116A ten Život prichádza nie skrze vyznanie v nejakej cirkvi alebo v nejakom vyznaní alebo nejakom dokumente. Ale ten Život prichádza, keď ste znovuzrodení skrze Krv Ježiša Krista, ten Zárodok. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, budete aj vy činiť. Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, aj keby bol mŕtvy, jednako bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Tam je ten Život Boží, ako syn Boží, zrodený skrze Krv Božiu. A vy ste... Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, sa znovu zameria späť na vás. Neexistuje denominácia ani vyznanie, ktoré by to dokázalo. Jedine Boh Sám sa dokáže zmocniť toho fotoaparátu vo vašich očiach a dovolí vám vidieť, kým Boh je a čo je Jeho zámerom. Tak veru. Istotne.

117No, teraz zisťujeme, že Mojžiš... Zisťujeme, že neskôr on postavil... On videl Izrael. Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok, on sa pozrel von oknom. Bol vychovaný vo dvoroch faraóna. A on hľadel von oknom a videl tú skupinu blato-miesičov. Boli to polonahí ľudia s ranami od bičov na chrbtoch, nebol spôsob, ako ich vyslobodiť. Ale Mojžiš poznal Slovo Božie a on sa na nich pozeral ako na ľud zasľúbenia. On na nich hľadel ako na ľud, ktorý mal zasľúbenie. Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa na nich v tom dni pozeral svet, ako na skupinu blatomiesičov alebo otrokov, on na nich hľadel ako na ľudí, ktorí majú zasľúbenie.

118Faraón sa na nich pozeral z toho istého okna, ale videl len otrokov.

119Mojžiš videl víťazstvo. Prečo? On sa zaostril. Hoci bol kniežaťom, hoci bol dedičom trónu v Egypte, on sa odvrátil od žiadosti toho sveta. Odvrátil sa preč od tej krásy a moci, ktorú mohol potenciálne získať. Všetko to dal nabok, až kým nevidel tam tých požehnaných ľudí skrze zasľúbenie Božie. On sa na to zaostril, lebo vedel, že Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že navštívi Svoj ľud. A on vedel, že bol vychovaný za tým účelom, tak to dal všetko nabok.

120Faraón nemal tento potenciál. Bolo mu to ponúknuté, ale on odmietol. A keď to odmietol, potom sa nemohol zaostriť.

121Žiaden človek po tom, ako odmietol Slovo Božie, sa nemôže naňho zaostriť, lebo odmieta to Slovo, ktoré ho privádza do vzťahu s Kristom. Tak veru. Takže...

122Ale Mojžiš sa pozrel z toho okna a on tomu veril. Prečo? Mojžiš hľadel vierou. Tak sa na to pozeral Mojžiš.

123No, pozorne počúvajte túto poznámku. Viera! Nezabudnite toto porozumieť. Viera je stvorená na to, aby videla to, aká je Božia vôľa a túžba. Nie je žiadna iná vedomosť, ktorá to dokáže. Jedine viera je stvorená a daná ľudskej rase, aby videla, čo je vôľa Božia.

124A ak vezmete tú vieru, ktorú máte, a ona sa nezhoduje so Slovom, tak ju nechajte tak. Máte nesprávnu vieru.

125Ale keď vaša Bohom daná viera zapadá do Slova Božieho, potom ste priamo v línii a ste zaostrení. Ó! Bože, pomôž nám v tejto hodine, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme. Viera, stvorená na to, aby videla, čo Boh chce! Ako to vidíte? Skrze fotoaparát Jeho Slova, Jeho zasľúbenia. Toto je to plné zjavenie Ježiša Krista.

126Potom, keď tá viera, ktorá je vo vás, sa sústredí na toto Slovo, potom sa odvraciate od všetkých denominácií a vyznaní a všetkého ostatného. Ste zaostrení priamo na Slovo Božie. Ste namierení. Potrebuje to len trochu odistiť. Amen. Tá modlitba letí priamo do Prítomnosti Božej, lebo neexistuje nič, čo by ju mohlo zastaviť. Áno. Tak to robí, lebo ste zaostrení s Bohom, zameraní, a vtedy hľadíte na cieľ v terči.

127Nehľadíte na nič, čo hovorí niekto iný, „Toto sa nemôže stať a toto nemôže tak byť.“

128Vy hľadíte na to, čo viete, že sa stalo. Pozrite sa na svoj cieľ. Vidíte, kde to oni trafili. Ak to tam oni trafili v tom dni, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Dajte nabok všetky tie vyznania a veci, ktoré vás zamiešali. Vráťte sa priamo do Slova, potom vyznajte svoju neveru a nechajte, nech Boh vezme Svojho Ducha Svätého a nasmeruje váš pohľad priamo na Ježiša Krista. Vtedy hľadíme na Neho, nie na to, čo hovorí niekto iný.

129Ani nie na to, čo hovorí doktor, bez ohľadu na to, aký dobrý môže byť. On má svoje miesto. Cirkev, bez ohľadu na to, aká je dobrá, ona má svoje miesto. To nepopierame. Ale ona má len svoje miesto. Ona môže vystreliť, ale netrafí do svojho cieľa.

130„Len tí, ktorí vzhliadajú druhý príchod Kristov.“ To je tá zaostrená muška. Záleží to na tom, na čo hľadíte. Áno.

131No, dnes, vidíte, viera je stvorená na to, aby toto robila. Tá istá viera dnes vidí to isté. Viera cirkvi dnes by mala vidieť ten istý program Boží. Nechcem, aby vám to teraz uniklo. Tá cirkev dnes, ktorá je povolaná Bohom, istotne zbadá program Boží, lebo ten program Boží je napísaný Tu, v tomto Návode. A Duch Svätý skrze vieru je Ten, ktorý to prečíta a dá to dokopy.

132Ako potom môže človek povedať, že je naplnený Duchom Svätým, a Duch Svätý hovorí niečo, ako to treba robiť, ako je to v Biblii, a tento človek príde a povie, „Ó, nuž, to je fanatizmus“? Mohol by Duch Svätý byť skutočným Duchom Svätým a zapierať Svoje Vlastné Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Nie.“ - pozn.prekl.] Nie. Musí to zostať so Slovom, lebo to je Boh. Vidíte?

133Na čo hľadíte? Čo vidíte? Musíme vidieť Ježiša. A ten jediný spôsob, akým vidíme Ježiša, je vidieť Slovo. Toto je ten prirodzený Symbol Ducha. Viete, čo mám na mysli? Je to tá litera, ktorú ten Duch oživuje. Vidíte? Toto je tá litera a ten Duch oživuje túto literu a robí z nej realitu. Áno.

134Mojžiš hľadel vierou. A ten človek dnes, ktorý vidí Boží program, urobí to isté a bude hľadieť skrze vieru.

135Mojžiš neskôr videl túto veľkú vec. Keď sa ľudia dostali do problémov, čo on urobil? On vytvoril hada z medi a zapichol ho na tyč. A keď ľudí ten had poštípal kvôli ich nevere, každý, kto sa pozrel na tohto hada, žil. Všimnite si to. Ten človek, ktorý len prišiel a pozrel sa...

136No, tá palica, tá tyč, na ktorej on bol, to bol kus stromu, ktorý bol sťatý tam v divočine, asi to bol kus medúnku alebo niečo, čo tam bolo, alebo hrab, alebo čokoľvek tam bolo. Bol oddelený od svojho prirodzeného rastu. Bol mŕtvy sám v sebe. Tá meď bola asi kus z prilby Rimanov alebo niečo, čo tam ulúpili. Bola vytvarovaná a daná dohromady a bol z toho had.

137Ak tam ľudia chodia len ako k modle, aby hľadeli na toho hada, neprijali nič.

138Ale keď tam prišiel ten pravdivý veriaci a pozrel sa na toho hada s tou zjavenou duchovnou pravdou... Ten samotný had, hoci bol vo forme hada, on reprezentoval hriech, ktorý už bol odsúdený. Oni videli hriech, svoju neveru, ako je už odsúdená, pôvodom od toho hada zo záhrady Eden. A ten had bol vytvorený z mede, čo znamená Božský súd. Vidíte?

139Ten oltár bol vyrobený z mede, na ktorom bola pálená obeť; meď, Božský súd.

140Ten veľký prorok Eliáš, keď sa pozrel hore na nebo vo dňoch svojej služby, kedy uplynulo tých tri a pol roka, nebola tam vôbec žiadna voda. On povedal, „Obloha vyzerala ako meď.“ Čo to bolo? Božský súd na neveriaci národ, neveriaci v posolstvo Božie, ich viera bola tak zahmlená, že to v tom dni nedokázali vidieť.

141Zaujímalo by ma, či dnes, ak vidíme tieto vodíkové bomby a všetko ostatné, čo sme vytvorili, zaujímalo by ma, či nevidíme, že národ v tomto čase vyzerá ako meď. Je to Božský súd.

142Stali sme sa tak zahĺbení vo svojich intelektoch. Vzdelali sme svoje deti na toľko, že tu máme skupinu „rickyov“. A máme tu to, čo máme, dokonca aj naše cirkvi a podobne. A naši chlapci chodia do seminárov a chodia tam, aby sa tam naučili a dostali nejaké PhD a LLD. Dovoľte, nech vám niečo poviem. Vždy, keď niekto také dostane, dostáva sa ďalej a ďalej od Boha.

143Boh je tak jednoduchý. Ten dôvod, prečo človek nemôže nájsť Boha, je ten, že nedokáže byť dostatočne jednoduchý.

Niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, ako vidíš videnia?“

144To nie som ja. Vidíte? Musíte sa dostať mimo toho obrazu. Boh urobil zasľúbenie. Boh musí zostať s tým zasľúbením. Ale vy musíte byť dostatočne jednoduchí na to, aby ste sa dostali mimo svojej cesty.

145Niekto povedal, „Bol by to skvelý človek, pokiaľ by mal LLD z našej vysokej školy.“ Ak má, to znamená len to, že je ešte ďalšia medzera medzi ním a Bohom.

146„Ľudia dnes môžu poslať posolstvo,“ povedal som, „hoci aj na mesiac, ale šliapu po steble trávy, ktorú by nedokázali vysvetliť, ani keby museli.“ Boh sa skrýva v jednoduchosti. Vidíte? Vy nedokážete byť dostatočne jednoduchí. Keď človek dostane vzdelanie, to prvé, čo vie, je to, že je tak veľkým, až sa nedokáže pokoriť.

147A Boh je tak veľký, že On pokorí Samého Seba a ukrýva sa od hriešnika. Ježiš za to ďakoval Bohu. On povedal, „Ďakujem Ti, Otče, Stvoriteľu neba a zeme, že si to skryl pred múdrymi a chytrými a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, takým, ktoré sa budú učiť.“ Spôsob, ako spoznať Boha, je byť jednoduchší. Cesta hore je cesta dole.

148Ktorým smerom je severný alebo južný pól? Vy stojíte vo vesmíre. Vidíte?

149Cesta hore je cesta dole. „Ten, ktorý sa pokorí, bude povýšený. Ten, ktorý sa povyšuje, bude ponížený.“ Vidíte? Musíme sa pokoriť, nie snažiť sa vedieť príliš veľa.

150Len vedzte jednu vec. Dajte všetko nabok a hľaďte na Krista. Ak neviete, ako napísať svoje meno, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Len sústreďte svoje srdce na Krista a Jeho vôľu a sledujte, čo sa bude diať. Áno. Istotne.

151No, mnohí prichádzali a videli to a hovorili, „Je tam taký veľký had. Ľudia tam chodia, sú uzdravení tým, že hľadia na toho hada. Možno by sme mali zobrať rodinu a ísť tam.“

152Dnes počúvate také veci, ako, „Do mesta má prísť veľký uzdravovateľ. A on... Pôjdeme tam a všetci budeme uzdravení.“ No, keď o tom takto zmýšľate, potom je váš objektív zle zaostrený. Tak veru.

153Zaostrite to na Ježiša a jedine na Neho. Hľaďte na Neho a uvidíte, aký je Boží zámer.

154No, keď tam prišli tí Židia a pozreli sa na toho medeného hada a povedali, „Tá meď, ten had znamená hriech, ktorý je už súdený. Meď je Božský súd na ňom a Boh už odsúdil moje hriechy. A ja som... Tento medený had predstavuje niečo, čo má prísť, hriech je už súdený. Ja som slobodný.“ On bol uzdravený. Tak veru.

155A dnes, Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 3:14, „A Mojžiš pozdvihol medeného hada na púšti a tak isto musí byť pozdvihnutý Syn človeka.“ Ak sa na Neho môžete pozrieť; nie ako na cirkevného človeka, nie ako proroka, nie ako len dobrého človeka, nie ako tretiu osobu v trojici alebo niečo podobné. Ak sa na Neho dokážete pozrieť ako na Emanuela, Jeho Samého, ktorý prišiel a dal Svoj život. A On povedal, že, „Ktokoľvek verí v Neho, nezahynie, ale bude mať večný život.“

156Ak dokážete zaostriť svoj objektív, aby ste toto videli, že to stálo Boží život, život Jeho Samého, keď On stvoril Svoj život tu. On sa ho nemusel vzdať. On ho položil zdarma. On bol Bohom. On nemusel zomrieť, ale On to jednako zdarma urobil, dal Svoj vlastný život, aby mohol ku Sebe priniesť synov, aby Jeho skutky mohli pokračovať. „Tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím,“ Ján 14:12, „tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť.“ Ak sa tie veci dajú tak urobiť a vy vidíte Jeho a jedine Jeho, potom zaostríte svoj objektív na miesto, kde vás Boh môže použiť. Istotne.

157No, ak sa na to pozriete a poviete, „Mám v aute zavesený malý kríž. Jeden mám aj doma.“ To je v poriadku. Ale to nie je to, v čom to je. To nie je to, o čom On hovorí.

158Musíš porozumieť, že Boh vie, že si hriešnik. A že si vyznal svoje hriechy a Boh položil tvoju neprávosť na Seba Samého a stal sa človekom. On prešiel Svoje hranice a zostúpil z toho, že bol Bohom, aby sa mohol stať človekom, aby mohol zomrieť namiesto teba, aby mohol dať Seba Samého za teba. A ty si vyznal svoje hriechy. A nie je to vyrobené bielidlo. Ale skrze moc Božiu, ktorá sa stala Krvou, aby On mohol vziať preč celú tú hriešnu krv skrze sexuálnu túžbu a urobiť ťa slobodným mužom a ženou Božou. Tu to máte.

159Na čo hľadíte? Poviete, „Ó, ja patrím k Zborom Božím. Ja patrím k zjednoteným letničným. Ja patrím k metodistom, k baptistom.“ Stále nie ste zaostrení.

160Zaostrite sa na Ježiša Krista. Amen. Počúvajte, ako sa vracia tá odpoveď, „Všetky tvoje hriechy, ktorých je mnoho, všetky sú odpustené.“ Buďte...

161Buďte vytrvalí ako tá Sýrofeníčanka. Bez ohľadu na to, koľkokrát bola sklamaná, keď prišla dolu, stále bola zaostrená len na jednu vec a tou bol Boh. A keď prišla ku Nemu, dostala to, o čo prosila, lebo to mala správne zaostrené. Mala to bez ohľadu na to, koľko závanov vetra prišlo a hovorilo, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Tvoj muž ťa opustí.“ To ju vôbec neobťažovalo. Tá guľka presne trafila do svojho cieľa. Amen. Môžeme sa zaostriť na...

162 [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]... čas. Potom čakáme, kým On príde, to je ten, ktorý ide. Ó! Vidíte, musíte mať ten zámer. Musíte vedieť, čo to je.

163Pozrite sa na tú ovčiu bránu. Tam boli ľudia. Boh mal vždy pre človeka spôsob, ako môže hľadať spasenie. Ten mosadzný had, ľudia na neho hľadeli. To je pravda. A tá ovčia brána, ľudia sa na ňu museli pozerať. Tí ľudia tam stáli.

164Pomyslime na to, že to bola nemocnica. Bolo tam veľa chorých a postihnutých. Boli tam tisíce, zástupy, ktoré tam ležali, ako nemocnice dnes. Nežné ruky ich milovaných na nich čakali, presne tak, ako to je aj v nemocniciach dnes.

165Oni čakali. Ich oči sledovali tú vodu. Bolo tam päť pontónov pri tej ovčej bráne. Pri... Je to vonku pred Jeruzalemom, táto brána. A potom tam on prišiel, on sledoval. Muselo sa tam diať niečo nadprirodzené. A len čo sa to nadprirodzené stalo, oni sa tam hnali.

166Pozrite sa na dnešnú cirkev. Boh chce, aby sme sledovali to nadprirodzené, keď sa Jeho Slovo manifestuje a potvrdzuje. My od toho utekáme, lebo to nie je napojené na organizácie. Vidíte?

167Pri tej ovčej bráne, oni sledovali, ako sa pohybuje to nadprirodzené. Boh sa vždy pohyboval medzi Svojím ľudom skrze nadprirodzené potvrdenie Jeho zasľúbenia. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. Keď oni uvideli, ako sa to zasľúbenie začalo pohybovať v nadprirodzenom, skočili priamo do toho a vzali to.

168Dnes, dokonca aj teraz, ten Duch Svätý, tá nadprirodzená moc Božia je na zemi a pohybuje sa, ukazuje veci a ľudia od toho utekajú namiesto toho, aby sa do toho hrnuli. Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom a je potvrdené, práve tie veci, ktoré On činil a zasľúbil, že bude robiť, robí to isté. A ak to nie je napojené na naše skupiny, potom s tým nechceme mať nič spoločné. Tak veru.

169Ježiš išiel a našiel jedného človeka v celej cirkvi. Poviete, „Či Boh uzdravuje všetkých?“ Nie veru.

170A vy, letniční bratia, dovoľte mi, nech vám toto poviem. Vy čakáte, kým príde čas, kedy povstanú ľudia na zemi a pôjdu do nemocníc a vytrhnú ich a povedia, nech všetci opustia nemocnice. Nenechajte sa nikdy tak zviesť. Verte mi. Veríte, že to je klamstvo. Nikdy sa to tak nestalo. Keď Ježiš...

171Povedzme, že to bola nemocnica. On tam išiel podľa vedenia Ducha. Našiel jedného človeka, o ktorom vedel, že bol pripravený. A on prehovoril, ten človek. Povedal mu tajomstvo svojho života, povedal mu to priamo tam.

172Nebol neschopný chodiť. On vedel chodiť. Niekto ho mohol aj poraziť v behu. On povedal, „Keď prichádzam, iný ide predo mnou.“ Vidíte? On nebol slepý ani hluchý ani nemý. Nebol postihnutý. Mal nejakú poruchu oslabenia, nič, čo by ho zabilo. Mal to už tridsaťosem rokov. A snažil sa tam zísť dolu a vždy ho niekto predbehol a dostal sa tam pred ním, a potom tá cnosť anjela odišla.

173My dnes ideme a nachádzame muža Božieho, vedeného Duchom Božím, ktorý vidí videnie, ide, urobí niečo také a oni povedia, „No, dobre, tu na rohu je Jones. Chcem vidieť, ako ho vy, uzdravovatelia, uzdravíte.“

174Vtedy vidíte toho istého starého diabla, ktorý povedal Ježišovi s handrou omotanou okolo Jeho očí. A povedal... Udrel Ho po hlave s palicou. A povedal... Prehodili si palicu z jednej ruky do druhej a povedali, „Povedz nám, kto Ťa udrel. Potom uveríme, že si prorok.“

175Predtým, ako sa začal svet, On vedel, kto bude mať tú palicu vo svojej ruke. On nikomu nerobil šaša. On robil presne to, čo bola vôľa Božia. Cirkev urobí to isté. Vidíte?

176Tá ovčia brána, oni tam niečo hľadali. Hľadali niečo.

177No, ak by povedali, „Pôjdeme tam a uvidíme, čo robia ostatní. Uvidíme, či to vyzerá nadprirodzene.“ Potom by nič nedostali.

178Ale je to ten človek, ktorý sa musí pretláčať, nie sedieť vzadu, ale vpredu; ten človek, ktorý čakal na oltárne zavolanie, ten človek, ktorý čakal, aby uvidel niečo nadprirodzené.

179Ako tento človek tu, chlapec brata Williamsa, vychovaný v letničnej rodine. Ale jednako, keď tu raz stál na tomto zhromaždení, kedy jeho otec cítil vedenie ho sem poslať, vtedy tam stál ten mladý muž a videl tú nadprirodzenú ruku Božiu, rýchlo sa stal Kresťanom.. Bol pripravený to prijať, lebo uvidel pohyb tej vody. Vedel, že tam bolo niečo nadprirodzené.

180Nie je to o tom, aby sme sa pridali do cirkvi, potriasli si rukami a mali o milión viac v roku 1944, alebo novú cirkev, novú budovu alebo nové niečo.

181Bol to nový život, ktorý prišiel, skrze nadprirodzené hnutie, oni čakali, že sa to stane. Oni poznali každé jedno obdobie, potom prišli a potom čakali.

182No, ak sa to nedeje po celý čas a nie sme stále na vrchu a neskáčeme a necítime to tak, tak potom, „No, opustíme túto cirkev. Je trochu vychladnutá.“ Čo za nezmysel! Ako sa nevieme dočkať! Abrahám nečakal... On si nemyslel, že Boh vychladol. On čakal dvadsaťpäť rokov a potom uvidel, ako sa Božia ruka pohla.

183Oni čakali pri ovčej bráne mesiac čo mesiac, alebo akokoľvek dlho to bolo, na ten nadprirodzený pohyb. Ale oni to vzhliadali. Ó! Oni to hľadali.

184A dnes sme stratili to videnie, letniční. Stratili sme niečo. Hľaďme na Krista. Naše denominácie sa rozšírili, až odišli úplne preč, a teraz bojujeme a snažíme sa postaviť väčšie cirkvi, vyššie triedy, viac vzdelaných kazateľov a podobne. A čo potom máme? Oddialili sme sa ďalej od tej veci, na ktorú nám Boh povedal, že máme hľadieť. Na čo hľadíte?

Pozri sa a ži. To je to, čo musíme robiť, ak očakávame, že budeme žiť.

185Ostatní sa na nich mohli smiať a hovoriť, „Tá skupina náboženských fanatikov tam dolu pri rybníku... Ha, oni hovoria, že... To je len vietor. Ten vietor prichádza, fúka, a trochu fúka na tú vodu.“

186Pre nich to tak nebolo. Bol to Anjel milosti. Bol to Anjel uzdravenia. A verím, že to bol Anjel, hoci sa to zdá byť také jednoduché. Ale vidíte, Boh sa ukrýva v jednoduchosti.

187Mal som ľudí, ktorí prišli do zhromaždenia a povedali, „Brat Branham, nevedel som, že si taký náboženský fanatik. Všimol som si tú skupinu, ako tam vykrikuje a plače a vyvádza a potom tam vykrikovali 'amen' a tak ďalej. To nie je nič iné, len emócia.“ Môže to tak byť pre teba, keď neveríš.

188Ale pre tých, ktorí ochutnali z tých dobrých Božích vecí; tých, ktorí vedia, kto je Duch Svätý!

189Poviete, „Tí ľudia hovoria v jazykoch? To tam len niečo bľabocú. Je to len niečo intelektuálne. Je to len niečo vymyslené.“ Alebo niekto povie...Môže to tak byť pre teba.

190Ale pre toho človeka, na ktorého to padá, pre neho to je niečo iné. Tak veru. Áno.

191Poviete, „No, vieš, to je len deň... To sú len také veci... Je tam... No, ľudia tomu nebudú veriť.“

192To vôbec nezastaví to skutočné hnutie Božie. Ježiš prišiel priamo do stredu nevery, ale vôbec to Ním nepohlo. On išiel rovno ďalej.

193Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa dnešní ľudia snažia hovoriť, že je to fanatizmus, tí ľudia tomu ďalej veria. Oni to nedokážu vysvetliť. Nevedia, čo to je. Oni vedia, že majú tušenie toho, čo to je.

194Ako Benjamin Franklin so šarkanom v ruke, on povedal, „Mám to. Mám to. Mám to.“ On vedel, že niečo mal.

195A tak aj tento muž a žena, ktorí vám nemusia vedieť vysvetliť, čo sú atómy, koľko molekúl sa nachádza v atóme, ale oni vedia, že majú Ducha Svätého. Prečo? Oni sa zaostrili so Slovom Božím, tým, čo Peter povedal na deň Letníc. „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého.“ Ale keď ten vyznaný hriech padol do tej Krvi, je odpustený. Tá Krv odpúšťa ten hriech a ten človek stojí ako syn Boží. Amen.

196Vtedy je zaostrený, „Proste, po čom túžite, a stane sa vám.“ A potom, tak či onak, zrazu viete vôľu Božiu. Nejakým nadprirodzeným spôsobom je tam vo vás niekde nejaké hnutie, ktoré hovorí, „Choď tam a tam a urob to a to. Choď tam a urob tamto.“ Vidíte, niečo je vo vás, vždy to trafí do cieľa, tak, ako to má trafiť. Ó, aké nádherné!

197Musíme zakončiť, lebo už začína byť naozaj neskoro. Už len pár minút.

198Tí ľudia sa mohli smiať, ale to ich nezastavilo. Oni jednako čakali ďalej.

199Ľudia môžu hovoriť, naša cirkev, naši bratia, „Vychladnutie Posolstva,“ a tak ďalej.

200Ono nevychladlo. My sledujeme pohyb vody. Sledujeme, aby sme videli, kedy sa niečo stane. Teraz som tu v Tucsone. Prečo? Ja neviem. Tá voda ma sem nasmerovala. Sledujem, že sa niečo stane. Ide sa to stať.

201Povedal som vám, keď som sem nedávno prišiel, že, „Niečo sa stane. Príde a udrie hrom a vyjde von tých Sedem Pečatí.“ Pozrite sa na tie pásky a zistite, či je to pravda alebo nie. Vidíte? Ó, my čakáme na pohyb vody.

202Vidíme, ako je niečo na kríži na severnej strane púšte Tucsonu. Presne to, čo som vám tu povedal pred tým, ako sa to stalo. „Strhával som si tie bodliaky“, a potom to udrelo a zatriaslo celou horou. Skaly sa začali kotúľať, a podobne. A Duch Svätý sa obrátil a povedal, „Ihneď sa navráť do svojho domu, lebo Sedem Pečatí bude otvorených.“ Zožeňte si tie pásky a overte si to. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, predpovedané pred tým, ako sa to stalo, a podobne. Zistite, či je to Pravda alebo nie. Keď budem preč, toto bude stále žiť.

203Sme na konci času, priatelia. Očakávam Ježišov príchod. Toho požehnaného Pána Ježiša, ktorého som miloval a ktorý mi dal život ako mladému mužovi, stále očakávam Jeho príchod. Verím, že On príde. Hoci ako pri Abrahámovi, môže to chvíľu trvať. Ale jednako som silnejší v láske voči Nemu a denne sa Mu vylievam. Verím, že každý jeden veriaci tu robí to isté.

204Bez ohľadu na to, čo ostatní hovoria, „Ó, ty si taký zastaralý v myslení… Mal by si…“ Je mi jedno, čo hovoria.

205Ja stále verím v Boha. Zaostril som sa na Slovo a viem, že to je pravda. Nikomu sa ešte nepodarilo to zo mňa striasť. A pokiaľ Boh drží moje srdce upriamené na to Slovo, tak to tak aj zostane. Amen.

206Eliáš, on jedného dňa vyhliadal príchod niečoho, čo by pomohlo ľuďom. A trvalo to až toľko, kým ten starý človek, osemdesiat-niečo rokov starý, bol príliš unavený na to, aby sa vyšplhal na horu, po tom, ako sa postil a modlil. Ale Boh mu povedal, že ak budú činiť pokánie, niečo sa stane. Čo on vyhliadal? On poslal svojho sluhu hore a povedal, „Choď tam a pozri sa. Pozri. Niečo sa ide stať.“ O tri a pol roka neskôr... žiaden dážď ani oblak ani rosa nepadla. Ale on povedal, „Choď a pozri sa.“ A Eliáš alebo...

207Géhazi tam stál a pozeral a pozeral a pozeral. A nič nevidel. Vrátil sa naspäť. On povedal, „Nič som tam nevidel.“

„Choď tam znovu.“ Amen. „Choď tam a zostaň tam, až kým sa to nestane.“

208A Eliáš sa vrátil... alebo, myslím, Géhazi sa vrátil a pozeral a pozeral a pozeral.

209A Eliáš s tou svojou plešatou hlavou na slnku so svojimi fúzmi a bradou, bielou bradou a tými skostnatenými rukami prekríženými cez kolená, on povedal, „Pane Bože,“ ako sa začal modliť.

210Povedal, „Choď tam znovu naspäť.“ Amen. Čo on robil? On vyhliadal, kým sa Boh nepostará o Svoje zasľúbenie, bez ohľadu na to, ako nepravdepodobne to vyzeralo, koľko jeho vlastných úsudkov tam bolo. Tak veru.

211Niekto nedávno povedal, Brat Branham, ty tomu veríš a toľko hovoríš proti organizáciám náboženstiev. Prečo to robíš?“

212Povedal som, „Ja nemám nič proti tým bratom, ktorí sú v tej organizácii, ale je to ten systém, proti ktorému som.“

213Tak, ako keď išli učeníci zabalzamovať telo Ježiša. To telo bolo takmer pripravené zhniť, tak veru, bol to hrozný smrad. Ale oni pri tom zotrvali.

214Tak isto je to aj dnes, hoci sa cirkev celá zamiešala. Je v rôznych stavoch. Rozdelila sa v izmoch a formalitách a podobne, ale ja s ňou musím zostať. Musíme tam zostať. Musíme tam zostať, lebo to milujeme. Je niečo v nás, niečo, čo nás ženie. Tie údery z nášho srdca hovoria, „Zostaň s tým, lebo jedného dňa príde vzkriesenie a Boh z toho vezme.“ Amen. Áno. Nádherný Pán Ježiš! V poriadku.

215Zisťujeme, že Eliáš ďalej hľadel, až uvidel niečo vo veľkosti ľudskej ruky.

216No, nevera by sa tam veľmi rýchlo dostavila. „Toto je to najlepšie, čo dokážeš?“ Vidíte? „Ak je to to najlepšie, tak to vezmi späť.“

217Ale čo to bolo? On hľadal to nadprirodzené. Ó, on vedel, že to mohla urobiť len ruka Božia. A keď uvidel tú ruku, J-e-ž-i-š, on mal v-i-e-r-u. Áno. A keď to uvidel, on povedal, „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Čo to bolo? On akceptoval to prvé hnutie.

218Ó, neveriaci, dnes ráno, ty, ktorý si zmietaný v rôznych vodných krstoch a podobne, nech len Duch Boží otvorí tvoje oči a ukáže ti trochu z niečoho, potom začneš odtiaľ. „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Vy, ktorí veríte vo vyznania namiesto Slova, vráťte sa do Slova, len sa pozrite na to prvé malé hnutie. Viera to prijala. „Tam je to, čo hľadám.“

219My vzhliadame Príchod Pánov. Vyhliadame padnutie Ducha Svätého v posledných dňoch. Vyhliadame znamenia a divy. Sledujeme, čo sa deje. Vidíte? Či to nevidíte? Na čo hľadíte? To je presne to, čo Boh povedal, že sa stane. Nech to len viera vezme a povie, „Ja to tiež chcem.“

220Sledujte Eliáša. Keď to On prijal, viete, že jeho život sa musel obnoviť. On predbehol Achabov voz. On predbehol ten voz, pričom nedokázal ani vyjsť na kopec. On predbehol tie rýchle kone. „Vytiahnite sudy na dažďovú vodu, počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa!“ To bol ten prvý ťah, „Sláva!“

221To prvé malé hnutie pri rybníku Bethesda, oni sa k tomu hrnuli. Amen.

222Ó, ak by títo ľudia tu... ak ste doteraz neprijali Ducha Svätého, a to jedno malé potiahnutie vám hovorí, že, „Toto je pravda, tento človek hovorí Slovo, ktoré je pravdou,“ potom sa ponáhľajte čo najrýchlejšie, ako viete. Nečakajte. Na čo sa pozeráte? Na čo čakáte? Čas je pokročilejší, ako si myslíte. Začnite sa smerom k tomu hýbať, čo najrýchlejšie, ako len viete. Prečo? Keď Eliáš uvidel to pohnutie, bol to dôkaz vypočutej modlitby.

223Ó, Bože, nech by každá chorá osoba, ktorá je tu dnes ráno, ktorá teraz cíti tohto Ducha Svätého v našej prítomnosti, nech si to uvedomí. To je dôkaz tej modlitby, ktorú si sa ty modlil, a ona bola zodpovedaná v Prítomnosti Božej. Každý človek, ktorý chce krst Duchom Svätým, ak len máte v sebe ten vznešený pocit, ktorý vám hovorí, že, „Verím, že to je pravda“; pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Bože, teraz to prijímam,“ a niečo sa stane. Závisí to od...

224Boh nám dáva všade dookola znamenia a my stále od toho unikáme. Áno. Ó!

Eliáš vedel, že to bola odpoveď na modlitbu.

225Jonáš odmietol vidieť čokoľvek, čo bolo v protiklade s tým. On sa dostal do brucha veľryby na dno mora. Ale on povedal, „To ma neukryje.“ On povedal, „Ešte raz sa pozriem na tvoj chrám.“ Na čo on hľadel? On v skutočnosti ten chrám nemohol vidieť, ale on videl to zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo ohľadom toho chrámu dané.

226Ó, Bože, ak by sme len mohli vidieť zasľúbenie toho Slova, ktoré Kristus zasľúbil, „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede. A o čokoľvek budú prosiť, obdržia to.“ Ak by sme to len mohli vidieť, a to prvé hnutie sa pohne priamo vpred. Nečakajte ďalej. Čo vyhliadate?

227Boh odpovedá na vašu modlitbu, kladie to všade okolo vás a potom poviete, „No, moment, čo by povedal ten a ten?“ Ó, nerobte to tak.

228Hľaďte na Krista. Hľaďte na to, čo On povedal, „Ja budem tam, kde sa zhromaždia dvaja či traja v Mojom Mene. Ja budem tam medzi nimi. Nech len prosia. Oni to obdržia.“ Čo za zasľúbenie, čo za Božské zasľúbenie!

On odmietol hľadieť na čokoľvek, čo by mohlo spôsobiť, že začne pochybovať.

229Ak diabol hovorí, „No, počkaj chvíľu, možno dnes večer... Možno by si sa mohol cítiť lepšie, keď bude to prebudenecké zhromaždenie.“ To môže byť pravda, môže to byť v poriadku, ale nečakajte, kým sa začne to prebudenie. Buďte...

230Staňte sa časťou toho prebudenia hneď teraz. Boh to chce rozpočať vo vás. Boh to chce začať v cirkvi. Duch Svätý vezme toho posla a potom pošle to Posolstvo. Boh potvrdí to Posolstvo, tie veľké znamenia a divy. Vidíte? Odmietnite vidieť čokoľvek, čo by mohlo spôsobiť, že začnete pochybovať.

231Jonáš to urobil a Boh ho vytrhol z brucha tej veľryby. Istotne. Tak veru.

232Jób, keď ho všetci jeho priatelia opustili, všetko išlo dolu vodou, Jób neustále hľadel na oblohu. Niektorí z nich povedali, „Ty si tajný hriešnik. Ty hľadíš... Jób, načo tam hľadíš? To je preto, lebo si zhrešil a Boh to vykonal, aby dokázal, čo si pre Neho urobil. Ty si tajný hriešnik, Jób.“

233Jób vedel, že nebol hriešnik. On splnil všetko, čo Slovo Božie vyžadovalo, tú zápalnú obeť. Tie pálené obete boli všetko, čo Boh vyžadoval. Boh žiadal jedine tú zápalnú obeť a Jób vedel, že on tú zápalnú obeť obetoval.

234Boh prosí len o to, aby ste verili Jeho Slovu. Amen. Amen. On nevyžaduje všetky tie izmy a vyznania a podobne. On chce len to, aby ste Jemu verili. „Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa!“ Amen a amen. „Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím...“ „Pozrite na Neho, všetky končiny sveta, a žite.“ „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Amen a amen. Tak veru. Nečakajte na nič iné. Hľaďte.

235Jób stál a hľadel. On videl svoje telo, všetko to porušenie. On videl tú krv okolo seba. On videl svoje vredy. Prišla jeho žena. Členovia jeho cirkvi ho opustili a obvinili ho z toho, že bol tajným hriešnikom. Jeho žena prišla a povedala, „Vyzeráš tak mizerne. Prečo neprekľaješ Boha a nezomrieš?“

236On povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena. Pán dal, Pán vzal; nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“

237Zhruba v tom čase, keď on zostával so Slovom, potom začali blýskať blesky a burácať hromy a prorok sa pozrel na oblohou. Povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. On sa v posledných dňoch postaví na túto zem. Aj keď červy zožerú moje telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého aj uvidím.“

238Sledujte. Ten prvý. On sa nazýva „Vykupiteľ“; to ďalšie, On je „Boh.“ „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. V tých posledných dňoch, On sa postaví na zemi. A hoci aj červy zožerú moju kožu, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého ja sám uvidím. Moje oči ho budú vidieť a nie niekto druhý.“ Keď zomieral a jeho telo hnilo, zatiaľ čo bol vo svojom tele, on hľadel, až kým neuvidel vzkriesenie. Haleluja! On vedel, že v ňom bol zahrnutý, lebo dodržiaval Božie Slovo. Pozri sa a ži, môj brat. Amen. On videl, aký bol Boží zámer, a on ho vykonal. Boh mal cieľ a ten bol vyskúšať Jóba.

239On mal cieľ a ten bol vyskúšať ľudí. Všetko je vykonané za určitým účelom. On teraz robí to isté. On nám posiela znamenia a divy medzi ľudí. On posiela pravdu Evanjelia a necháva, nech sa oni na to pozrú, na nejaké vyznanie, a zaprú tú skutočnú pravdu a vezmú to vyznanie; zaprú toto a vezmú tamto, pričom vedia, že Biblia učí presný protiklad toho. Ale On to robí, aby ich vyskúšal. Potom v Deň Súdu nemôže byť žiadna výhovorka. Ó!

240Pozrite sa, čo je zasľúbené v týchto posledných dňoch. Teraz, keď zakončujem, dovoľte mi povedať toto pred tým, ako zakončíme. Pozrite sa, čo bolo zasľúbené na posledné dni.

241Pozrite sa, čo On už vykonal v posledných dňoch. On vylial Ducha Svätého na Svoj ľud, prinavrátil tie originálne Letnice a prinavrátil ten originálny krst Duchom Svätým; prinavrátil ten originálny vodný krst, prinavrátil všetko naspäť do originálu. Všetko to prišlo naspäť a bol prinavrátený ten originálny dôkaz Krista, tým, že ukázal videnia a proroctvá, ktoré ani raz nezlyhali. Zostúpil a všetko bolo presne tak isto, aby ukázal, že to je ponad ľudskú myseľ. Oni to nedokázali. Je to Boh.

242 Sledujte ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol synov Izraelových. Ktokoľvek, akýkoľvek študent Biblie vie, že to bol Anjel Zmluvy, Ježiš Kristus.

243V liste Židom sa píše, v Židom 11. kapitole, že, „Mojžiš opustil Egypt, považujúc pohanenie Kristovo za väčší poklad ako poklady Egypta.“ Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Kristus na púšti.

244V Jánovi 16 alebo... Prepáčte. V Jánovi 6, keď brali komúniu, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, lámali chlieb a mali tam chválebný čas počas jubilea, Ježiš povedal, „Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prišiel od Boha z Neba. Ten, ktorý je Moje telo, má večný život a Ja ho vzkriesim v posledných dňoch.“ On vedel, že to urobí. On vedel, že to bol Chlieb Života.

245Oni povedali? „Ty sa robíš Bohom. Ty robíš zo seba...“ Oni povedali, „Teraz už vieme, že si pomätený.“ Pomätený znamená šialený. „Vieme, že si pomätený. Si človek, ktorý ešte nedosiahol ani päťdesiat rokov, a teraz hovoríš, že si 'videl Abraháma'? Vieme, že si šialený. Úplne si sa zbláznil. Si náboženský fanatik.“

On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Amen.

246Čo bolo to 'JA SOM'? To bol ten horiaci oheň v tom kríku. Mojžiš to videl. On to sledoval po všetky dni svojho života a priviedlo ho to priamo do zasľúbenej zeme.

247To isté Svetlo zostúpilo a stálo tam. A On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM. JA SOM ten horiaci ker. JA SOM TEN, KTORÝ SOM, ten Anjel Svetla. Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu.“

248Niekoľko dní po vzkriesení bol Saul z Tarzu na ceste dolu do Damašku, aby prenasledoval letničných. A počas svojej cesty ho zasiahlo veľké Svetlo, ktoré mu zaslepilo oči. On mohol... Nikto z nich nedokázal vidieť to veľké Svetlo, ale on áno. Bolo to pre neho až tak živé, že to zaslepilo jeho oči. Ten hlas povedal, „Saule, Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“

On povedal, „Kto si, Pane?“

249On povedal, „Ja som Ježiš.“ To isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo v tom horiacom kre, to isté Svetlo, ktoré prišlo od Boha a išlo naspäť k Bohu.

250A máme tu obraz presne toho istého svetla u nás dnes, ktoré činní tie isté divy, tie isté zázraky a tie isté znamenia a jednako hľadáme niečo iné. Tá Pravda Evanjelia, potvrdenie toho Slova, tento krst Duchom Svätým, krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, všetky tieto veci, ktoré učíme, všetky sú absolútne pravdou. Kde sú potvrdené? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Amen. Ó! Cítim sa nábožne. Áno. Prečo? Lebo Duch Svätý je tu. Pretože okolo celého sveta to On dokázal a ani raz to nezlyhalo. Amen.

251Na čo hľadíte? Na čo čakáte? Ó! Teraz je ten čas. Vody sú rozbúrené. Poďte teraz; je to znamenie posledných dní.

252„Príde svetlo v čase večera,“ Viete o tom. Áno. „Tak to bude,“ povedal Haywood. A tak veru. „Istotne nájdete tú cestu do Slávy.“ Áno, v týchto posledných dňoch sa to tak stane.

253Pozrite. Záleží to na tom, na čo sa pozeráte. Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ten Duch Svätý, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pozrime sa teraz. Len verme. Nech len porozumieme to, že sa nachádzame v posledných dňoch. Sme v tých posledných hodinách. A nachádzame sa v posledných minútach tej poslednej hodiny.

254Mám tu tento film a možno to niekedy prinesiem bratovi Outlawovi na zhromaždenie v stredu večer, aby som vám to ukázal, je to o Jeruzaleme, volá sa to Tri minúty do polnoci. Dokonca to hovorí veda.

255Biblia povedala, Ježiš povedal, „Keď uvidíte ten figový strom a všetky tie ostatné stromy, ako vydávajú svoje puky,“ Izrael sa vracia ako národ. Oni sú národ. Vidíme tie ostatné stromy: Metodisti majú svoj, Baptisti svoj, Katolíci svoj, ostatní majú svoje; letniční cez Orala Robertsa majú svoj; ostatní majú svoje prebudenia, ktoré vydávajú svoje konáre. „A potom vedzte, že ten čas je nablízku. Táto generácia nepominie, pokiaľ sa nevyplnia všetky tieto veci.“

256Vidíme Izrael v ich domovine so svojím znakom vyzdvihnutým, tou päťcípou hviezdou Dávida. Oni majú svoje vlastné peniaze, svoj vlastný národ, svoju vlastnú armádu. Majú všetko. Sú Izraelom. Čo to je? Oni sú tam pripravení na očistenie, aby z nich Boh vybral tých stoštyridsaťštyri tisíc.

257Pozrite sa na dnešnú cirkev, je vo všetkom tom svojom chaose, všetko je zamiešané, a tak ďalej. Oni sa pozerajú, „A tam máme toho viac. Máme to lepšie, ako to majú oni. My sme toto, my sme tamto.“

258A potom je tam Nevesta, ktorá len vzhliada ten Príchod Pána Ježiša, ten tajomný Príchod Kristov, ktorý príde a uchváti Jeho Nevestu v noci. Ako tá kniha, ktorú som čítal o Romeovi a Júlii, jedného dňa prišiel s rebríkom a zobral spomedzi nich svoju nevestu. Tak príde jedného dňa aj Ježiš a vyhliadať to neznamená pozerať na jeho vyznania, ale pozerať na Krista, očakávajúc, kedy príde, so zaostreným srdcom.

259Prichádzajú tí pokrvní príbuzní ako Izák a Rebeka, jeho vlastní pokrvní príbuzní. Presne to čaká aj nás, tých pokrvných príbuzných Kristovi, skrze tú Obeť, keď sú naše hriechy odpustené Krvou Ježiša; nie tým, čo hovorí nejaká cirkev, čo hovorí niekto iný; ale tým, čo urobila tá Krv a dokázala, že to je dokonané, skrze Slovo, ktoré robí to isté, vykonáva tú istú službu, ktorú mal On. Amen.

260Na čo hľadíte, cirkev? Ó, tieto posledné dni, On bol priamo medzi nami, ľudia, a my sme na to zabudli. On bol priamo uprostred nás a my sme o tom nevedeli. Duch Svätý je tu dnes ráno a možno mnohí z vás odídu a zabudnú na to. Možno mnohí, ktorí sú chorí, zabudnú veriť a ukotviť svoju vieru priamo tam, kde by teraz mala byť. Ten pravdivý...

261Tie vody sú skutočne rozbúrené. Víria sa naopak, ako by sa mali, ukazujú to nadprirodzené. Duch Svätý je tu, berie tú normálnu skupinu ľudí, inteligentných, ktorí tu sedia, slušne oblečených, vysoko vzdelaných, ktorí tu hľadia. Duch Svätý na nich padne a niečo sa tam zavíri. Oni kričia, „Sláva Bohu! Haleluja!“ Čo sa deje? Búrenie vody. Amen.

262Hriešnici, ktorí tu sedia, boli odpadnutí, boli prostitútkami, opilcami a všetko možné, oni sú teraz svätí, zbožní, nemôžete na ich život ukázať prstom, lebo oni to prijali. Čo to je? Vzbúrenie vôd. Na čo hľadíte? Na Ducha Svätého, ktorý padá uprostred nás...

263Pred chvíľou som tam sedel s bratom Outlawom, posielal som ku nemu ľudí, čo sa týka tých chorôb, a podobne. A mohlo by sa to stať rovno teraz, ukazujúc všetky tie rôzne veci, ktoré sa diali v životoch. Čo to je? Je to Duch Svätý, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Na čo čakáme? Na vzbúrenie vody? Voda už je rozbúrená. Anjel čoskoro odíde, všetka cnosť bude preč, a potom už nezostane žiadne spasenie. Zostanete opustení vo vonkajšej temnote.

264Pred pár dňami som počul príbeh. Ako zakončujem, ešte poviem toto. Bol chlapec, ktorý spáchal vraždu. Urobil niečo zlé.

265A bol som tam nedávno predvolaný na súdne pojednávanie, tam v Texase. Dostal som od nich nedávno doklad, ktorý hovoril, „Záchrana života.“ Išli sme tam pre toho malého Ayersa. Ten človek, ktorý odfotil Anjela Pánovho, v ten večer v Houstone, kritizoval ma a hovoril o mne všetko možné. Ten sa mi hodil do náručia, objal ma a povedal, „Len pomysli, brat Branham, že ten istý človek, o ktorom som povedal, že praktizuje hypnózu, ten istý človek sem prišiel a zachránil môjho syna od elektrického kresla.“ Tak veru. Hovoril som tam pred všetkými. A čo urobil ten sudca? Odpustil mu to. Ó, rovno pred tým, ako mal o štyri alebo päť dní na to zomrieť. Tak veru. Prečo? Ja mám záujem o život. Život!

266Povedal som, „Pane, vy nemáte žiadne právo vziať tomu chlapcovi život. Tá prvá krv už bola preliata, jeden brat prelial krv toho druhého. On prelial jeho krv. Ale Boh nevzal jeho život cez trest smrti. On naňho dal znamenie, aby ho nikto nezabil. Nezotierajte to!“ Amen a amen. Tak veru. My máme záujem o život.

267Jedného dňa, chlapec jednej matky zabil nejakého človeka. On tam ležal, pripravený zomrieť. A táto jeho matka stála pri dverách guvernéra a pýtala sa, či môže dnu. A nakoniec jeden z tých strážcov povedal, „Guvernér, žiada si ťa tá matka toho chlapca. Chce sa s tebou stretnúť.“

268A keď otvorili dvere, povedali, „Madam, on ťa príjme.“

269Tá úbohá osoba sa vyšplhala po rukách a kolenách k jeho nohám, položila ruky na jeho nohy a povedala, „Pán guvernér, drahý pane,“ povedala, „vy zostávate ako jediný človek, ktorý môže ušetriť môjho syna. Prosím vás, drahý pane, ja viem, že on je vinný. On je rovnako vinný. Váš súd spravodlivosti ho uznal za vinného.“ A koľkí z nás nie sme vinní podľa súdu Božieho? „Váš súd spravodlivosti ho uznal za vinného. On naozaj zabil a čelí smrti. Viem to. Ale, pane, vy ako muž, vy nemáte právo vziať život môjho chlapca. Jedine Boh môže dať život a jedine Boh môže vziať život. Nerobte to, pane. Prosím vás, nie. Prosím vás tak, ako len môže prosiť srdce matky!“ A tak ju poslal preč.

270To prosíkanie tej matky tak zlomilo jeho srdce, až sám išiel do toho väzenia, kde ten chlapec sedel.

271Ten človek mal vybudovaný komplex. Rovnako, ako je to dnes s cirkvou, „Buď to budeš kázať tak, ako sa nám to páči, alebo to nebudeme vôbec počúvať.“ „Nebudeme dávať pozor!“ To bolo... On tam sedel. Jeden človek po druhom za ním chodili a snažili sa s ním hovoriť. On si vybudoval taký komplex, že už nedokázal viac počúvať.

272A tak vstúpil guvernér a povedal, „Synu, rád by som s tebou hovoril.“

On povedal, „Držte hubu a choďte odtiaľto preč!“ vo svojej cele.

On povedal, „Synu, prišiel som sem, aby som ti pomohol.“

Povedal, „Už som povedal, aby ste išli preč.“

273Tak je to dnes s ľuďmi a Duchom Svätým. Áno. „Choď preč. Nechcem s tým mať nič spoločné!“ A On len klope na dvere. „Ak to urobím, tak sa budem musieť vzdať svojich kartových partičiek. Budem sa musieť vzdať tohto. Budem sa musieť vzdať tamtoho. Budem sa musieť vzdať svojho cirkevného vyznania. Budem sa musieť vzdať tamtoho.“ Vidíte? Radšej počúvajte. On je ten Jediný, ktorý má to ospravedlnenie. Tak veru. Na čo hľadíte? Vidíte?

274On hľadel na toľko vecí, až sa bál na tohto človeka pozrieť. On držal svoju hlavu odvrátenú.

275Tak to robia ľudia dnes pri volaní k oltáru. Oni držia svoju hlavu odvrátenú. Nechcú to počuť. Oni by odvrátili svoje hlavy od Boha, ktorý im hovorí, „To je pravda.“ Ten malý Hlas, ako dotyk.

276Viete, Eliáš, on počul zvuk toho svižného vetra, krvi, ohňa, dymu, a vôbec to s ním nepohlo. Ale keď počul ten tichý jemný Hlas, vtedy vyšiel. Ó, ten jemný Hlas, ktorý cirkev nedokáže počuť! Tak veru.

277A tak ten človek robil, čo mohol. Ten guvernér sa snažil hovoriť ku tomu chlapcovi. Ten chlapec povedal, „Buď odtiaľto vypadnete alebo vás vyhodím.“

278Odvrátil sa a povedal, „V poriadku, synu. Urobil som, čo som mohol.“

279A keď odtiaľ odišiel, ten chlapec sa obrátil s arogantným pohľadom, ako išiel dolu chodbou.

280Nato vyšiel jeden zo strážcov a spýtal sa, „Guvernér, podarilo sa vám to?“

On povedal, „Nie. On nechcel počúvať.“

281Ten chlapec vyskočil, schmatol tie mreže a povedal, „Kto to bol?“

„To bol guvernér. Prišiel pre tvoje ospravedlnenie.“

282Vtedy už bolo neskoro. On kričal, plakal. On povedal, „Čo to len bolo?! V mojej vlastnej cele bol guvernér, aby ma ospravedlnil, a ja som ho odmietol.“

283A keď uviazali lano okolo jeho krku, ešte pred tým, ako mu nasadili tú čiernu masku, po tom, ako vystúpil po tých trinástich schodoch, tie posledné slová, ktoré vypovedal, boli, „Čo to len bolo?! Sám guvernér stál v mojej vlastnej cele, aby ma ospravedlnil, ale ja som ho odmietol.“ A obesili ho.

284Ó, dnes ráno je tu viac ako guvernér, Ježiš Kristus je tu. A tá malá cela, môže v nej byť muž alebo žena, On je jednako tu, aby dal ospravedlnenie. Neposielajte Ho preč! Nerobte to! Nájdite ten zámer, pre ktorý vás tu Boh v tomto živote má.

285Žijeme v ohromnej hodine, priatelia. Viete to. Ako tá stará pieseň hovorí:

Národy už hynú, (Pozrite sa na to, aký je čas!)

Izrael sa budí.

Tie znamenia, ktoré Biblia predpovedala;

Dni pohanov sú spočítané, obťažené pliagami;

„Ó, vráťte sa, zatúlaní, ku svojim vlastným!“

Deň Vykúpenia sa blíži,

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú v strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy upravené a čisté. (Čo?)

Pozrite sa hore, vaše Vykúpenie sa blíži!

Tak veru.

Falošní proroci klamú, Božiu pravdu zapierajú,

že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

Tak veru.

Táto generácia odmieta Božie zjavenie,

ale my kráčame tadiaľ, kadiaľ kráčali apoštoli.

Deň Vykúpenia sa blíži,

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú v strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy upravené a čisté.

Pozrite sa hore, vaše Vykúpenie sa blíži.

286Tak veru. Pozri sa hore, brat, odvráť sa od všetkej tejto dogmy sveta. Pozri sa hore. Pozri sa na Krista. Hľaď na Ježiša, ako hovorí tá pieseň.

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to nahrané v Jeho Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Na čo dnes ráno hľadíte?

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Lebo je to zaznamenané v Jeho Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Veríš tomu? Spievajme to spolu. Poznáte to?

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Spievajme to teraz spolu.

Pozri sa, ži, môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

287Na čo hľadíte? Pre tých, ktorí vzhliadajú Ježiša po druhýkrát, On zostúpi v sláve ku spaseniu, aby nás vzal z tohto hriešneho sveta, von z tohto hriechu a vecí, v ktorých sme. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Pozri sa a ži. To jediné, čo môžete urobiť, je pozrieť sa a vziať to Slovo. Ako ten had na palici, ktorý reprezentoval to živé Slovo, ktoré sa malo stať telom, tak isto to Slovo dnes reprezentuje tú Prítomnosť Ducha Svätého, keď Ho vidíme potvrdeného medzi nami. On je dnes ráno v našej malej cele. Či ho nebudete počúvať, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy?

Pokračuj, brat.

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

[Brat Branham ďalej hmká „Pozri sa a ži“ – pozn.prekl.]

„Pozri sa a ži,“ môj brat, ži.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

288Zatiaľ, čo máte svoje hlavy sklonené, pozri sa teraz na Ježiša, brat, to Slovo. Ak si nikdy nečinil pokánie, tak čiň pokánie. Ak si nikdy nebol pokrstený v Mene Ježiša Krista, tak buď pokrstený. Máš zasľúbenie Božie, že príjmeš Ducha Svätého. To je to, s čím začala tá originálna cirkev, tak to celé začalo. Boh je nekonečný. On nemôže zmeniť Svoj program. Tak to musí navždy zostať. Tá cirkev bola ustanovená na deň Letníc, skrze pokánie, krst v Mene Ježiša Krista a zasľúbenie prijať Ducha Svätého. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

289Ak sa ti to ešte nikdy nestalo, priateľu, či len nepozdvihneš teraz ruku k Bohu a nepovieš, „Brat Branham, modli sa za mňa!“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, aj teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dobre. Nech ťa Pán žehná, aj teba, teba, teba. To je dobré. V poriadku.

„Pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Hľaďte teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

290No, je to tu zaznamenané v Slove. Sme v tých posledných dňoch. Nie je nič, čo by toto oznamovalo. Nie je tam žiaden podfuk, žiaden podvod okolo toho. Je to len Slovo, ktoré sa manifestuje. Je to Slovo, ktoré hovorí pravdu. Boli ste na týchto zhromaždeniach. Boli ste už pred tým na zhromaždeniach a viete, že toto je Pravda.

291No, máme veľa napodobňovateľov. Vieme o tom. Ale nehľaďte na nich. S Mojžišom tiež išiel zmiešaný zástup. Ale pamätajte, boli tam niektorí pravdiví Izraeliti, ktorí išli do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Vidíte?

292Rovnako je to v tejto skupine, brat. Existujú skutoční, pravdiví Duchom-naplnení ľudia (muži a ženy), naozajstní, nemôžete na ich život poukázať prstom. Či sa len nepozriete a nebudete dnes ráno žiť? Odvráťte sa od tých napodobňovateľov. Odvráťte sa od tých, ktorí by boli fanatici. Odvráťte sa od celého toho a hľaďte na toho skutočného Ježiša. My sme zaznamenaní v Jeho Slove. Haleluja. „Tí, ktorí Ho vzhliadajú, tým sa zjaví po druhýkrát.“

293Ak by ste chceli pristúpiť k oltáru a postaviť sa v modlitbe… Ak ste ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého; ak ste nesplnili tie požiadavky v knihe Skutkov, o ktorých hovoril Peter, a ak by ste nejakú z nich chceli dnes ráno splniť. Zatiaľ čo spievame ešte jeden verš, rád by som vás pozval, aby ste prišli a postavili sa k oltáru k modlitbe. A potom vykonáme krst a budeme sa za vás modliť, aby ste prijali Ducha Svätého. Medzitým budeme spievať.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Ešte niekto?

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili.“

294Čo sa dnes ráno deje so ženami? Všetko len muži? Zriedka to je tak vidieť. Toto je hodina úprimnosti. V poriadku.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a...“

295Cítim to tak, že by to mal byť ešte niekto iný. Ale no tak. Títo štyria muži, ktorí tu stoja, musí ich tu byť ešte viac. Len tak ďalej. Chcete žiť? Pamätajte, Boh si to zapisuje. Oni sa opýtali, „Ako musíme… Čo musíme urobiť, aby sme boli spasení?“ A bolo im to povedané. No, On to nemôže zmeniť a nikdy to nezmenil cez všetky biblické veky.

296No, my máme rôzne nápady. My to meníme a podobne. Ale nehľaďte na to. Nehľaďte na to, čo oni teraz robia.

297Hľaďte na to, čo On povedal tu. Pozrite sa do Biblie. Pozri sa a ži, brat! To je ten jediný spôsob, akým sa to dá; sestry tiež. No tak, ak ste neprijali toto prežitie a viete, že je to presne v Biblii potvrdené s Bohom Samým. Neriskujte to!

298Na čo dnes ráno hľadíte? Na čo hľadíte? Či ste sa zastavili v tomto odpornom, hektickom dni, v ktorom žijeme? Čo hľadáte? Boh už všetko umiestnil.

299To vzbúrenie vody, ten prvý malý pohyb, ľudia skočili.

300S tým znamením ruky na nebi, Eliáš povedal, „Ten oblak, vo veľkosti ľudskej ruky ako opar.“ Čo to bolo? On len ďalej veril. „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Ten oblak sa stal dvoma oblakmi. Dva oblaky sa premenili na kopec. Kopec sa premenil na horu. Tá hora sa stala ďalšou horou. A prv, ako si to stihnete uvedomiť, celá obloha hrmela a padal dážď. Čo to bolo? On prijal to, čo Boh poslal.

301A dnes ráno, ak sa tá malá Vec dotkla tvojho srdca a hovoríš si pri tom, „Ja to potrebujem,“ to je to malé znamenie, tá veľkosť ľudskej ruky. Poďte.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili!“

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

302Bol by som rád, ak by niektorí z vás, bratov, ktorí ste tu kazatelia, či by ste nezišli dolu a nepoložili ruky na týchto bratov tu, ak by ste boli takí dobrí.

303Pane Ježišu, tento človek tu priniesol to vyznanie, prišiel sem dnes ráno. Rozpusti od neho všetku pochybnosť.

Tá Krv, Otče! Odpusť nám, Pane!…?…

On stojí za to, aby sme sa kvôli nemu vzdali všetkého.

304Podobne s týmto bratom tu, Pane, nech jeho vyznanie padne do Krvi Ježiša Krista. Nech je naplnený Duchom Svätým. Aby Boh zmenil jeho meno, ako sa opiera o svoju palicu. Ale on potrebuje Ducha Svätého. Nech len jeho vyznanie dnes ráno…?...

305Naplň ho Duchom Svätým. [Brat Branham a ostatní kazatelia sa ďalej modlia s ľuďmi pri oltári – pozn.prekl.] A nech príde veľká moc Ducha Svätého. Amen.

306Celá cirkev, ktorí máte teraz sklonené hlavy, buďte v modlitbe. Títo bratia sa teraz modlia a nech na nich každý položí svoje ruky a modlí sa.

Teraz prichádza ďalší.

307Pane Ježišu, na základe toho vyznania, ktoré tu on dnes prišiel urobiť, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ho naplnil Duchom Svätým, Pane. On sa pozerá na Golgotu, kde ho tá jediná Krv Ježiša Krista môže očistiť. Len tá jediná Krv môže urobiť ten skok ponad tú priepasť. To je tá Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá prúdi cez tú priepasť a umiestňuje ho hneď vedľa Boha dnes večer. Udeľ to, Otče, skrze Ježiša Krista. Amen.

308Každý buďte teraz v modlitbe, položte na nich ruky, na týchto bratov, ktorí tu stoja. Modlite sa teraz z celého svojho srdca.

309No, ty teraz prichádzaš, aby si urobil vyznanie. Boh nemôže klamať.

310To je presne ten spôsob, ako som to ja prijal, keď som vystúpil a povedal, „Pane Bože, ja som hlboko úprimný. Skutočne to myslím z celého svojho srdca. Toto je medzi smrťou a životom, a ja nechcem zomrieť. Chcem žiť a chcem ísť do neba. Tak, ako si to Ty zasľúbil.“

311Nikdy som nepočul o ničom takom ako Letnice, nikdy som o tom nepočul. Ale povedal som, „V Biblii tu bola tá požiadavka podľa tejto Biblie, aby som činil pokánie, a presne to robím. A bol som pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Teraz, Pane, Ty si mi zasľúbil Ducha Svätého. Zasľúbil si, že to urobíš.“

312Nikdy som nepočul o ničom takom ako hovorenie v jazykoch, nikdy som o tom nepočul, že by niečo také v Biblii bolo. Nemyslel som si nič také. A hneď v tej chvíli do tej miestnosti zostúpilo Svetlo v tvare kríža a to, čo na tom bolo, hovorilo v jazykoch. Povedal som, „Ja nerozumiem Tvojmu Hlasu, Pane, Tvojmu jazyku. Ak nedokážeš hovoriť po anglicky, tak sa nedorozumieme; ak by si sa len vrátil a znovu prehovoril, bolo by to znamenie, že si ma prijal.“ A potom to tam znova bolo.

313Ó, brat, ja som sa vtedy pozrel a žil. Odvtedy žijem v tých chválebných Božích sférach, kde slobodne prúdi moc Božia skrze vyslovenie Jeho požehnaní.

314Pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky, ako stojíme, každý jeden z nás a títo ľudia. No, bratia, Duch Svätý je tu. Ten, ktorý ospravedlňuje, je teraz po vašom boku. Verme teraz z celých našich sŕdc. Nech každý jeden z nás verí. Pozdvihnime teraz svoje hlasy ku Bohu. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa…?…

Pane Ježišu, modlím sa ku Tebe, aby si to udelil!…?…

Pane Ježišu, nech sa jej to teraz podarí vidieť!…?…

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a žite.

Je to zaznamenané v Slove, haleluja.

Je to len o tom, aby sme sa „pozreli a žili!“

Ó, „pozreli sa a žili!“

315Všetci vy, chorí ľudia, takisto sa pozrite na Ježiša.

Pozri sa teraz na Ježiša a ži!

316O tom to je. Ako ten medený had. V tom hadovi nebola žiadna moc, ale bolo to o tom, na čo oni hľadeli. No, to zasľúbenie hovorí, „Oni budú vzkladať ruky na chorých; a budú sa mať dobre.“ Ja kladiem ruky na neho, lebo je to reprezentácia, ako ten medený had. Nech sa pozrú tam na Ježiša, ktorý zomrel. On je to zmierenie, aby boli naši chorí ľudia uzdravení. On je to zmierenie za náš hriech. Nech tá moc Božia príde na túto vodu a uzdraví každého jedného v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

To dieťa? To dieťa?

317V Ježišovom Mene…?… V Mene Pána Ježiša…?… Ó, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Nech vás teraz Boh žehná. Verte z celých svojich sŕdc. Verte tomu.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Ako to robíte?

Pozrite sa na Ježiša a žite.

Ó, je to zaznamenané v…

Pamätaj, brat…?...

318Viete, čo sa dnes s cirkvami deje? My sa dostávame príliš… Príliš rýchlo sa vzdávame. Eliáš tam stál a on sa modlil a modlil a modlil, až kým sa niečo nestalo. A keď cítil, ako zostúpila tá malá kvapka do jeho srdca, on povedal, „Počujem zvuk hojnosti dažďa.“ Ak tí muži a ženy tu, ktorí chcú Krista alebo Ducha Svätého, ktorí chcú byť uzdravení, ak by tu len zostali a povedali, „Pane, Ty si to zasľúbil. Ty si to zasľúbil,“ a potom budú cítiť tú kvapku. Povedzte, „Tuto to je, Pane. Ja to prijímam,“ niečo sa potom stane.

Ó, „pozrite sa a žite,“ moji bratia, žite.

Pozrite sa teraz na Ježiša a...

319Len pozdvihnite teraz svoje ruky. Príjmite to, čo chcete. On je tuto v cele s vami. V poriadku. Haleluja!

V poriadku, brat, môžeš prísť.

LOOK, 63-0428, Jesus Name Church, Jesus Name Church, Phoenix, AZ, 107 min

1 Brother Jimmy. And good morning, friends. It's... I am very happy to be here in Phoenix again this morning, enjoying this fine time of fellowship. Wish I could just set in a long time, listening at these pretty songs, and to see young Jimmy really get into that song. Hum! There's nothing put on about that boy, is there?

2And Brother Outlaw was telling me this morning that this is his precious mother setting over here by the door, of eighty-one years old. God bless you, sister. I guess many years ago when you rocked that little baby in your arms, and them little hands struck across your cheeks, you didn't think you'd be setting here, eighty years old, listening at him in his church, maybe, at that time. You believed it then? That's very fine, very fine. So happy. God give you... Well, can't say many years, because you are--you are, inwardly, an Eternal being. You see? So you never did begin, so you can't end, so you just have Eternal Life. That's very good.

3 Brother Dyson, I haven't had the privilege of meeting him yet, but he is going to continue this service on through next week, beginning tonight, here at the church. And I'm... I sure hope that there's a great success here in this revival. I only wish I could set back here somewhere and just soak in the good things of God, as our brother preaches. I hear he's a missionary's son from Jerusalem. And so I'm sure you're going to enjoy this ministry this week, of our brother. If it's all possible, attend, hear him, back him up. And those who cannot come, and you're away from home, out-of-town, can't get back, do as I'm going to do, pray for him, and pray for the success of the service.

4 I remember the first time in Phoenix. It was this church, only it was in a different place. It was the church, but a different roof that we worshipped under, and the great fellowship that we had with Brother Outlaw. I have a record that was made during that meeting. And it's always... When I kind of get feeling a little down, I go play this record, and it's about scratched out. Perhaps, maybe, the man that made it, is here this morning; little, red flexible record. And then, course, I have many of the late records of this young choir here, which was little babies then, singing. We get much out of it.

5When we heard these fine songs, I said to Brother Outlaw, "I'm glad they're being taped, because I like to study that. I like to hear those songs and play the tape, hear the songs when you can set down."

6 There's nothing like music. You know, God heals by music. Did you know that? Uh-huh. God heals by music.

7God heals by love. See? God heals by medicine. God heals by prayer. God has many ways of healing. Depends on what type that you need.

8Sometimes a little love, stretched out, will just cure an old sore, an old place that's been a grudge or something. It'll heal it right over, just a little love, a little care.

9Sometime when you feel all down, and, as we call it, a street expression, down in the dumps, see, just put on one of those tapes, that music or a record, and go to playing it. The first thing you know, you're patting your foot, or your hand, and it's all over then. You're right up and ready to go again.

10 Now, these six-hour Messages, that's not the evangelistic type, that's when I'm home and--and just kind of... Everybody knows how to take me there, just kind of long-winded. And a lot of people can say more in five minutes, you see, than I can say in those six hours. So, depends on what you're saying.

11Now, I believe, this morning, I got a little note here, that some sister here that wants her little baby dedicated to the Lord. And I said to Brother Outlaw, "You don't baptize infants?"

He said, "No." No, he just... He dedicates them like the Scripture says to dedicate them.

12 So I--I think, at this time, if this sister that's got this little one to bring up, will bring it up. And we--we believe in this, being a doctrine of the Bible. And trying to follow the Scripture and the pattern that the Lord Jesus left us, just as close as we know how, is to follow through the way He did it. And we don't find any place in the Bible where He baptized them or even commissioned them to be baptized. He--He just... They said, "They brought little children unto Him, that He might bless them. And He laid His hands upon them and said, 'Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.'"

13So if the organist or pianist will, will give us just some of that lovely music, kind of slowly, "Bring them in, bring them in, bring them in from the fields of sin." I believe you're acquainted with it.

14 What's the little fellow's name? [The mother says, "It's a little girl. It's Rebekah."--Ed.] Rebekah. Last name? ["Hammer."] Hammer. This is Brother and Sister Hammer. ["Yes."] God bless you. This your only one? ["Our fourth girl."] Fourth girl. You ought to be an evangelist. Philip had four daughters, you know. ["That's right."] And they were all prophetesses. [The father says, "I'm not a minister."] You may not be, but I trust that God will give you four prophetesses out of these daughters, anyway, Brother Hammer.

15Very sweet. She's yawning now. You should see it. I like them. But I'm always afraid when I pick them up, to dedicate them, I'm always afraid I'll break them. You know, they're kind of... I--I feel real funny, picking them up. And my wife always said, "You can't break them." So, but they look so sweet. They look like you just have to handle them. So I'm going to try to hold it, if it's all right.

16Now, this is a job my wife would like. Isn't that a little doll? Little Rebekah Hammer, how are you? That's good. We're grateful for this, how God has give to this union this lovely child. It has to come only from God. No one can give life but God.

Let us bow our heads now.

17 Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You this morning this little lump of love that's been placed in this home, by Your great hand. How the mother, these months, has packed it beneath her heart, longing to see what it would look like when it arrived. And here it is this morning, this sweet lovely little girl. And she gives it a Bible name. And now comes to the altar of God, she and her husband, to dedicate it, to give it back to the God that gave it to them. Bless their home, Father, we pray. Bless their family. Bless this little Rebekah.

18In the Bible, we find that the people brought little babies to You, that You might lay Your hands upon them and bless them. And if You were only here in a visible body this morning, why, this parent would bring this little Rebekah to You. We realize, Lord, that our hands are very poor substitutes for this great mission, but You have charged us to do so. Therefore, Lord, I give to You little Rebekah, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in a dedication. May You take her little life and use it, Lord, for Your glory. And we'll praise Thee for it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 God bless you. May the Lord grant, little baby will live, be a fine woman and a great servant of Christ for tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. God bless both of you, so nice.

20Oh, them little fellows. It's that innocence. I've often thought how innocent a child is. And yet, if we could only be as innocent as one of those children... But, come to find out, we're more innocent, when the Blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sin.

21 Now let's turn in the Scriptures. To you who like to read the Scripture, let's turn to the book of Hebrews, the 9th chapter, for some Words. Let's begin with the 24th verse of the 9th chapter.

For Christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

Nor yet that he should offer himself oft, as the high priest entered into the holy place every year with the blood of others;

For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

So Christ was once offered to bear the sin of many; and unto them that look for him to appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

22May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Let us bow our heads now for prayer.

23 Almighty God, Who is the beginning of all things, Who made the worlds by Jesus Christ, we come in Thy Presence, in this building this morning, as a gathering of Thy people: to first offer ourselves to You for service; to give thanks for what we have already received of Thy hand; praying that You'll bless the reading of this Word. May the Holy Spirit continue to make the Word real to us, as we look to the Author of the Word, for we ask it in His Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

24 Now, we are going to try, this morning, to take just four letters, in a word, Look, for a subject, and to deal with it a little while, as the Lord will lead us to do. I have a few notes written here, and some Scripture that we might refer to, as we go along. Look.

25L, double o, k, look. The word, really, when... It's used oft. But, "look," when you hear the word, it's usually somebody trying to get you to see what they are looking at. They say to you, "Look." Like going down the road, you, someone, might see a certain scene, and they would say, "Look," and then express what it is. It's at the mountain, at--at the--the cactus, or whatever they're looking at. But, the first thing, to get your attention, is, "Look."

26 Now, everybody is looking, today. Everybody is looking for something, and looking for something to happen.

27We know that the world is constantly watching the skies, the radar and the screens that we have up, around the world, every nation, for its own defense, has--has got a magic eye, like, looking to--to find something to appear into this screen, like an atomic missile or something. Then, they've got something there to go back to the one that sent it this way.

28 Everything is looking. The Ford Company is looking to make a better Ford. The Chevrolet is looking, make a better Chevrolet. Phoenix is looking to make a larger and better town. The nation is looking for more territory, so it can spread itself. The church, just church, is looking for more members.

But the Bride is looking for the Coming of her Lord.

29We're all looking. Depends on what the voice is trying to tell you to look for. Some of us are saying, "Look for this." And if it's a church, we're saying we want so many more this year, members. That's all right.

30 But the Voice that I trying to say to you this morning, is like the writer of this epistle, we believe to be Paul, which is saying, "Looking for the Coming of Jesus Christ, the second time," looking for Him. In order to do it, you got to see something before you can tell somebody else to look at what you are seeing.

31Noah had an experience of this. And he, by faith, he saw the coming of a flood, a great rain that was going to cover the earth and take all the... wash off the earth; the rededication again to God. The filth of the world, that the people had got in that conglomeration that they were in in that day, and it had to all be washed off, to start again.

32 I just finished a series of services on the last seven seals. And finding, in this sixth seal, that there is a great interruption in--in nature. The moon, the stars, the earth belches forth. The church is purged, Israel is purged, and everything is purged under that seventh seal, so that the Millennium can start in. There has to be a cleansing, first.

33And that's what the church, today, and what I want to point to you, that we need a cleansing. Before anything can begin from God, we got to have a purging. And when we look and see things that is now, under the present conditions existing the way they are, we can see that we got to have something to happen before God can continue His program, and a purging. Many of us, I say, might look back to...

34 I have a tape, or, well, it's a movie film that was filmed in Jerusalem, where we were asking the Jews, when they were returning back from Iran and many places, a few years ago, about five years ago, packing their loved ones on their back, and bringing them off of ships and out of airplanes, and so forth, coming back. Asked them the question, "Are you returning to the homeland to die?"

They said, "We are coming to see the Messiah."

35When you see Israel, that tree, putting forth its buds, it's a great ensign. The time is at hand when Israel becomes a nation, and she's a nation today.

36We see things happening, that, to the world, it's just as blind to them as it was in the days of Noah. But to we who look for Christ, the second time, it's an ensign that He is soon coming. We see something fixing to happen, and depends on what you're looking at.

37 Now, Noah knew by the Word of God that there was coming a flood. By faith he saw it. He knew that was going to be, because God's Word promised it. Now, Noah, himself, by faith, saw what God's Word said. But the world could not see it, because it could not be scientifically proven that there were water up in the sky. But Noah knew it was there, because God said so.

38That's the Church, the Bride, the called-out today, knows that the Coming of the Lord is at hand, regardless of how much we've been able to go in progress, and so forth, and succeed in splitting an atom, and--and sending a--a radar message to the moon. That means nothing to the believer, only a sign that the Coming of the Lord is at hand. We see nations breaking, and the nations coming, falling apart, and the world coming apart, and the church move coming apart. Then, we are taught, that, "We receive a Kingdom which cannot be moved." But as these things begin to happen, the Church binds Itself together, tighter and tighter, with the... by the Word of God. It's a great day that we're living in. And we are...

39 Everybody is looking for something. You might be looking today to a time you get home, to eat your dinner. There might be a--a picnic this afternoon, that you're taking your family to. There might be something another, next week, that you're looking for a neighbor to come, or some friend. But everybody is looking for something.

40 And as a group of believers today, assembled together, we want to fix our thoughts, our principles and things, upon the Coming of the Lord, "Looking for Christ, Who shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation, to those that believe and are looking for Him to come." God, here, the... by the writer, is inviting us to--to view this and to look at it. We... The writer says here, that, "We look for Christ, the second time, to see Him as He is."

41And now we know that the Word is Christ. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Therefore it's the Word that we look to, then, for It is the--the expression of what God is. And when God came in Christ, He was the expression of what God was. And whatever He was, He ever remains, because He's Eternal and cannot change.

42What a hope it gives us, that God has not left us without a true witness in the days of confusion that we live in today! Yet, we are certainly a privileged people, if we'll just look to the true witness we have, the Word, see, because that's God's full revelation of Jesus Christ. Nothing can be added to It or taken from It, because It is the revelation of Jesus Christ.

43God has never left His people without a true witness. God is going to judge the world by Jesus Christ. And if Jesus Christ is the Word, then God judges the church, or the world, by the Word, for He is the Word. There is a Judgment coming. The sinner knows it.

44 Many people, when you speak of Church, they have a funny idea. The world, when they pass by the Church, I mean, the Body of Christ gathered together, they think of our women with some great, long stringy hair, with black dresses and everything. And they think of the men with long fingers, dressed in black clothes, and always condemning them. To a good sense of the word, that's true, because, "The Church is a peculiar people, a called-out people."

45And the reason it looks that way to that man who wants to judge the Church in that condition, is because the Church is always pointing a condemning finger to everything that he thinks is good. And if he's a sinner, he thinks sin is good, the pleasures of life, such as living in the world. And when the Church stands up and condemns that thing, It looks like a hideous animal to him. But if he only knows, it's God's only way of bringing to salvation, that's right, expressing the Word of God by the lips of His servants.

46 Now, God could have chose to preach the Gospel by the sun, by the moon, by the stars, by the wind, or by nature. But He chose men to preach the Gospel, and that's where the Voice of God will come from. And you can judge the voice according to the word it expresses, then you can see what kind of a voice that you're listening to. If it's contrary to the Word, don't listen to it. But if it is the Word, then God is duty bound to back that Word up and vindicate It and make It Truth, because He promised to do it. So we're living in a great day, these Words of Christ expressed.

47 When He came into the world, He was the Word, Himself. He didn't have to write no books. He never wrote a book. Why? He was the Word. He didn't have to write about anything, because He was what the others had wrote about. He was the Word. Therefore, He didn't write anything with His Own hand. He was the Word, Itself. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, so He still remains the Word.

48He said to the Jews, one day, He said, "Who can accuse Me of sin?" Now, sin is "unbelief." "Who can point their finger to Me and say that I haven't fulfilled every Word that was written of Me?"

49 Would not it be a glorious thing this morning, my brethren and sisters, if the Church of the living God could stand and say, "Who can accuse me of sin? Every gift that God promised in the Bible, and everything He promised would be done, it's operating right among us today"? Isn't that a wonderful thing? Who can? Then we... The denominational thoughts would move plumb out of existence when we can see God speaking for Himself.

50So many people are looking for different... No one wants to die. No one wants to be lost. Everyone wants to be in the Presence of God. I do, you do, everybody does. But we're not willing to come the way that God has provided for us to come. See? That's what makes it so much different.

51 My boy, Billy, the other day, give me a camera. And he showed me a--an object. He said, "Daddy, take that picture out there." Well, it's a little 35mm Petra. And I took up the little camera and looked at the object. There was about three of them objects standing out there, a Saguaro cactus. I could see one stalk, two stalks, three stalk. And I took it down again, looked, there was only one stalk. I put it back again, it looked like there was three stalks.

52Well, that's just the way, sometimes, we get out of focus. Got a range Finder. And we try to put something of God way back somewhere else, and something another, maybe we haven't used our range Finder. Let the Holy Spirit get our ideas away from ourself and our church theology, and let the range Finder come in and connect us, you'll not see three or four. You'll see one object, of God. See?

53 Looking through the same camera, a man can see something, but his own intelligence tells him there's only one stalk out there. See?

54But that's the way the Holy Spirit does, if we'll just let It have Its way. It'll take the Word Itself and bring It into focus, to where we'll see what we're looking at then. And then you'll find out, maybe, if people that are trying to show you something, is not so wrong, after all, you see; if you'll just let the range Finder start, the Word Itself, begin to show the Word in manifestation. Amen. It'll--it'll do it if you'll just let it. See? But you got to use the range Finder, to get your--your... If it hit the zero mark once, it'll hit it again.

55 I--I love to--to shoot, and--and the targets. And here not long ago, I was squirrel hunting down in Kentucky. There was... I had a little model-75 rifle. It sounds... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious to you, to say this in a sermon, but I--I will tell you. I'm trying to make a point. And this little rifle, I trained it in. And I've dealt and fooled with guns since a little kid. I--I love them. And I--I had this little model-75 till I could just, every time, hit a squirrel's eye at fifty yards with it.

56I had a paper from the range down there, signed up, that, "Driving nine bullets through the same hole, at fifty yards, on a rainy, windy day." And I got it signed up and notarized. And that was the Lord helping me, of course, to do that. That's unusual.

57 And I started to shoot the squirrel. I find out, I hit him somewhere else besides in the eye. I got nervous. I tried again, on paper, and it wouldn't hit the target. It would hit within, oh, quarter of an inch, or a half-inch, something, at fifty yards. But I knowed it would do better than that. I done everything to the gun that I knowed how to do, and nothing seemed to--to fix it up right.

58 So I wrapped it up in the box and sent it back to Winchester Company for examination, for rebedding. They wrote me a nice letter I have, my file at home. And it said--said, "Rev. Branham," said, "that--that rifle will group an inch at twenty-five yards." Said, "It's just a model-75." Said, "It's not a target gun. It's just a little plinker." And said, "You'll never get any better than that." Now, that was the Winchester Company that made the gun, said, "An inch at twenty-five yards," and I drove nine straight holes at fifty yards.

59Now, here's my thought. My wife said, "Now look, Bill," she said, "if that company who made the rifle will just say that, and it won't do no better than that, then who are you to say that."

60I said, "Honey, here is what it is. I don't care what the company says. I've seen it do it, and I know it'll do it."

61 And I set down there, when the other brethren were shooting at squirrels. Anywhere they wanted to hit them was all right, mid-center, back, or anywhere. I set under a tree and was crying. I said, "God, I'm so nervous. I can't hold myself together. Why did You make me a little, nervous fellow like this?" And just...

62I realize where I am standing here, the Bible before me. And a Voice, just as plain as you would hear mine, said, "You were made thus for a purpose."

Because, until you--you know that that rifle is going to zero once, because... If it zeroed once, rather, it'll zero again. It's the same rifle.

63 Therefore, I see it. See? If obeying this Word, taking this range Finder and bring It down to a place till I can see the same thing those apostles saw, the same Gospel they preached. It'll produce the same results, 'cause It did for them. It'll strike the target every time. No matter what the churches says, and the people who claims to be, I--I know It'll do It. Because... And there is what I want to look at, that Word, to see that It's exactly in focus, to see the same vision they saw. And It'll do the same job that It did for them. It'll heal the sick. It'll raise the dead. It'll cast out devils. It'll bring forth a glorious Church Who is willing to seal their testimony with their own blood if it comes necessary to do that. Because, it depends on what you're looking at.

64 Now if I had looked to what the Winchester Company said, which is supposed to be the one that--that made the gun, then I'd have listened to them. But I knowed different.

65Now if I look to the church, and they say, "Oh, them days is gone, and there's no such a thing as That," and, see, see where you'd be? It'd be plumb off of target. See?

66But if He is ever God, He is still God. He always was God, and He can't be nothing else but God. And He is God, Eternal. Therefore, we want to look to that Target; not what target the church is shooting at, but what Target that Christ is shooting at.

67"We look for Christ to appear, the same Jesus." He said, when He was on earth, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you to the end of the world." That same One Who could direct the Word, and be the Word, and direct It right straight on to the Target, that same Lord Jesus is here this morning in the form of the Holy Spirit, to direct our thoughts and focus down, His Word, to one true and living God, to one purpose, to one achievement. And if we'll just let Him do it, He will focus the Word right into a place that'll prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Depends on what you want to look at.

68 We must focus our lives. Not what somebody else says, but focus our lives to Him. And He is the Word. See? If we get our lives lined with the Word, then the Word and our life becomes the same. He said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will. It'll be granted to you. Verily I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that that what you have said will come to pass; you can have what you have said." Oh, my! "Not what I said; what you said, you can have," because you and He become the same. Because, the mind that was in Christ is in you. And the mind that was in Christ was to fulfill the Father's Word. Which, He was the Word. There you are. Then you and the Word are focused in, together. You become a living unit of God. How great!

69 There was a time when man's sins... When man sinned before God, he crossed a great chasm. As a writer said here, that "He appeared on the last days for salvation to those that look for it." Now, this great chasm man crossed, left hisself no way back. He could not get back again, because he's crossed that separation between him and God.

70God, being full of grace and mercy, took a substitute, and it was a lamb or an animal, was offered, a substitutionary death. "But the blood of bulls and goats," as Hebrews here said, just previous to where I read, "cannot take away sin." It only covered sin. It was a propitiation, truly, but it just covered sin, for it was speaking with a good conscience, looking forward to when the Blood would come that would cleanse sin, divorce it, put it away forever.

71 Now, when Jesus came, He wasn't just a man. He wasn't just the third person of the trinity. He, He was God. He was God, Himself. He, He was Emmanuel. And we're taught, in the Bible, that, "We're saved by the Blood of God." When God Himself became one of us, He--He changed His--His--His, what He was. He changed His tent. He came down, condescending from Glory, and became man. Therefore, born without sex, He created Himself a body that He lived in, Himself. Emmanuel, God represented with us, the Word made flesh among us, and lived with us, to redeem many sons back to God, through the shedding of this Blood.

72The body, sure, was Christ. It was the anointed One. And if Christ means "the anointed One," and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is the Word, then the Word is the anointing. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then say what you will." It's the Word of God, the anointed Word, that's what does it.

73 Now, there was a time, as I have remarked, that a woman, when she got a stain on a--a white piece of goods, she... There's no way of getting it off. I remember when my mother used to put black coffee on grease, to try to take a stain off of something. I remember a time she used to take the old turpentine bottle and try to wash out the stain, coal oil and so forth, to remove the stain from a garment. Well, you just wouldn't move it good. There's still a trace of it. That, in symbol, I'd like to take, as the blood of goats and sheep, and so forth.

74 But now they have manufactured a stuff called bleach. And that bleach, Clorox or whatever it is, it's a bleach that's been manufactured. And what, this morning, if I had a tub full of that bleach setting here, and a--a little eye dropper with black ink in it? Let's study it a minute. What is that black ink? Much of it is water. But, the color, where did the color come from? The color had to start. We know it's a creation. So if it started with a creation, it had to come from a Creator before it can be a creation.

75 I don't know what these words mean. I couldn't break it down. But you excuse the words that I'm going to use, but to make a point. Well, let's say, well, when it drops...

76This drop of ink, now, it was for a purpose. That color become that color for a purpose. That one drop of ink can sign your death warrant, can send you to the electric chair. Or that one drop of ink can pardon you from your sins. It was set here for a purpose. We got to use it for the right thing.

77But, for instance, it's finished. And we drop that one drop of ink into a tub full of bleach. What happens to it? You don't see nothing happen, but there's no more color. The color breaks up. You don't know where it went. Well, it turned back to acids. Course, the water is a form, with H2O, it goes back, the water, back to the water that's in the bleach. But the chemical in this bleach broke that so completely, till you can't find a stain of it no more. It's gone. It broke into, say, it went back to acids. What did acids come from? It goes on back, say, it come from--from atoms, what, or molecules. And what molecules? Molecule from atoms, atoms to electrons, so forth and so on, as you go on.

78Let's think of it. When it begin back there, we say it come from atom, or from molecule, say, molecule four-one times molecule six-nine made molecule H. What if it been six-eight instead of six-nine? It'd come out pink instead of black. Something had to determine it. What if it was atom times four, times six, times eleven? It ought to been... If it come out six instead of eleven, it would have been brown. See? It had to come from somewhere who designed it.

79 Look out the window at that palm tree. What is it? It's volcanic ash with a life in it. Look across the street from it, you see a eucalyptus. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it, a different kind. Look, you see a rose. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it. Where did the color come from? Just think of that. Well, Who colored that flower? There is two flowers, of the same specie, one is yellow and the other one is red. Both of them come from a little seed. And what, where'd the coloring come from? Part of it's green, part white, part red, part yellow, where did the coloring come from? Same sun shined on the same place. Something has to determine it. It's a natural substance, so it had to have a creation somewhere. Now look, then, what does it do? It goes plumb back to the beginning, to a Creator.

80 Then if sin put a stain on a human being, and Moses, by offering a sheep, could take the--the Voice of God...

"I'll put My Words in your mouth."

81And he walked out there with the Word of God, and said, "Let there be flies." And there wasn't a fly, nowhere. In less than five minutes, maybe, an old green fly begin to buzz around. In another ten minutes, they were maybe two pound per square yard. What was it? The Word of God in the mouth of His prophet. The Word of God is creating, but it's got to come from the right resource.

82 And then if God could take that man, and bridge a way across there, by the blood of sheeps and goat, and could make the Word of God creative by the mouth of a man, how much more... not only, but the creative... or the power of the sacrifice of a bull or a goat. But the Blood of Jesus Christ, that when sin is confessed and drops into that bleach of God, the own... God's own creative way of taking away the stain, so far, that it's put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, to be remembered no more.

83When a man confesses his sins and gets right with God, and God drops the sin of this confession into the Blood of His Own Blood, and forgives that sin, and--and replaces in that man the original Spirit that should been there, His own Spirit, making him a son of God, how much more ought the creative power of God to be in the Church! See? It breaks down every wall of sin. It breaks down. See?

84 People today try to say, "Those words was back for another age." It is, if you're still out from under that Blood.

85But if you're under that Blood, the power of God by His Word remains the same. It's got to be the same. If He could do that by the blood of sheep and animals, what about the Blood of Jesus Christ?

86I could do it. We must cope our lives and focus it in to the Word of God. Just like that we would a picture camera, or try to get the right focus before we snap it, and then we got the real true picture. That's what we want to do, to focus our lives into Jesus Christ, that Christ and you become the same Person. You are a son adopted to God by the Blood of the righteous Jesus Christ.

87 Then the Church would be moving on without friction, without hurt, without harm, without--without doubts, without scruples, without friction. It would be moving in the power of the Word of God, manifesting every Divine blessing that God promised to It, if it'd just do that.

88We must do our lives, and then see Him and see Him only, not some bishop, some great man, or something we take pattern by, but we look to Jesus Christ. Not some organization, not some pope, or--or some archbishop of Canterbury, or some other "Divine man," that we call on earth. But we must look to Jesus Christ. He is the Word. And the o-...

89 Abraham, when he was asked to sojourn in a strange land, and look for the promise, he never doubted the promise.

The Christian looks at the unseen.

90Remember, you are endowed with five senses. One of them is sight. But I'll prove to you, your sight don't see everything. Here, this morning, right in this room right now, there's living representations of creatures in this room. There's living voices in this room. If you do not, then go turn on the television and see if there isn't people plumb across the nation that's being represented right here in this room this morning. Their figures and their beings is passing through this room. Is that true? Why? Only way you'll ever know it, is a transmitter, to pick it up and transmit it into reality.

91 And the only way that the Church will ever know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is get into that transmitter, the Blood that transmits our sins away from us, and brings us across that chasm, into the Presence of God, being sons of God which He represents Himself in. Oh, what a great thing! If we'd look to that this morning, we'd forget the differences of the things that's in the world today, and the things that other people looking for, and the great numbers and so forth. "We're looking to Jesus Christ, Who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith."

92 Now remember, the whole Christian armor is supernatural, if you are a Christian.

93You say, "Seeing is believing." You can never be a Christian if you believe that.

94"For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You cannot be a Christian and have to see the thing. The whole armor of God is supernatural. Love, joy, peace, faith, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, and Holy Ghost, it's all unseen. And the Christian doesn't look to what he sees with his eyes. He looks to what he sees with his faith.

95 And his faith can only be based upon one thing, that's the Word. Amen. Now I feel like a shouting Baptist. Yes, sir. See? When you get to that Word, that's the living thing. That's the Word. When your mind and eyes can be single to that Word, and focus that in till you see exactly what God is doing, what a wonderful thing.

96Abraham saw it. See? He did not look to any of the misunderstandings of the promise. What if he would have looked and said, "Here I'm seventy-five years old. And such-and-such a voice spoke to me and said I'm to have a baby by my wife. She is sixty-five years old, about fifteen, twenty, years past menopause"? What would he have done? But what did he do? He never paid any attention to what the natural things was. He looked at what God said. It become such a reality to him till he didn't see nothing else but what God said. He left his home. He separated himself from all unbelief, anything that would try to pull him away. He separated himself so he could walk alone.

97 That's what every genuine believer has to do. Separate yourself from these doubters and unbelievers, and walk with Christ. It, it's Life, to you.

98And Abraham did such a thing. And twenty-five years later, we find him still believing the same promise. Why? He had focused his--his mind to the will of God, by the Word of God, and believed it.

99If we can focus ourself to the plan of God, to what God wants for us, and what God promised us, and let everything else alone. No matter how long it is, just keep believing.

100Romans 4 here, we find Romans 4:14. It said, "And he staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief." He didn't let unbelief contaminate him, at all. He looked to one thing, that was, the Voice that spoke to him.

101 That's what the Church ought to do today. Look to the one thing, the Voice, the Word of God that speaks to us. Churches and peoples can speak any way. But, look to the Voice. What are we looking at?

102He looked to the Voice that spoke to him. "He called everything, contrary to that Voice, as though it wasn't." And yet, materially, it was as far out of focus with the world as Noah's time was. It was just as far out of focus.

103Because why? Noah's time, they couldn't prove there was rain up there. But Noah knew that, if God said so, He was able to put rain up there.

104Abraham knew that his--his body was as good as dead, but he considered not his own body. He considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb. A young girl, he had married his half sister, lived with her all these years. And now she is ninety years old, and he's a hundred years old. But he didn't even think about that. That didn't even come in his mind. Why? He had focused all the unbelief out. Oh, glory!

105 That's what the Church should do. That's what each member of the Church should do, would focus out of you all doubt. Look only to that Word. It promised it. God said so. It's got to be that way.

106The Bible said, "Against hope, he believed in hope. He staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God." Each day he got stronger because the miracle would be greater.

107 Sometimes we can't wait from one night to the other. Sometimes we can't wait from one revival to the other. We have to go out and entangle with the things of the world. How we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

108Before we come here to confess and get into that Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin, we should focus ourself down, to see that one true living God standing there, Who made the promise, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word cannot fail." Stay right there upon That, then you're not tossed about with winds of doctrine, carried about from place to place, from pillar to post.

109But, you know where you stand, because you been zeroed in with God. You see your own life hitting that target, just like those apostles did. You live the way they did. You were baptized the way they were. You see the same results that they seen. You see it operating in you. You are zeroed. I don't care what the company says and what the denominations say. You are zeroed, because you know that you're hitting the target. Amen. Then you know where you're standing. Depends on what you're looking at. If you're looking to somebody else, you'll go any way. Any little puff of wind will blow you off the target. But, oh, you can't be blowed off the target when you're zeroed in. That's all. There's nothing going to stop it. God carries it to its...

110 Just like David's little rock in the sling, it went straight to its destination.

111So will your prayers go straight to its destination, 'cause it's offered in the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses you. There's not a sin or a spot on you nowhere. That's right. There can't be. As long as that Clorox is between me and God, how is He going to see my sin? How can He do it?

112If I make a sin, it's not willfully. "He that sins willfully after he receive the knowledge of the Truth." But there's no willful sin, yet you do sin. But you don't do it willfully, because, in your heart, you--you don't mean to do those things.

113But when you do it willfully, it's different, then I think you wasn't there at the first place.

114Now, the thing of it is, is come to a place where that all the stain of sin is washed away. Then you stand, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. You are an Adam, like he was before he fell. You are a son of God, washed in the Blood of God's Own Blood.

115 It was blood that brings forth a child. It was only blood, alone. The blood comes from the male sex. The blood comes from the man. The woman, she produces the egg, the filler. But the man is the hemoglobin, which, there comes the germ. And in the germ is where--is where the life lays.

116And the Life comes not by confession in some church, or some creed, or some document. But the Life comes when you been born again by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the--the Germ. "The--the works that I do shall you do also. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." There is that Life of God, as a son of God, born by the Blood of God. And you're... The same Holy Spirit that wrote this Bible will focus It right back into you again. There's not a denomination or a creed that can do that. Only God Himself can take a hold of the camera of your eyes and let you see what God is, and what His purpose is. Yes, sir. Certainly.

117 Now, we find out, Moses. We find out, later on, he--he built... He saw Israel. Moses, the great prophet, he looked out the windows. He was raised in Pharaoh's courts. And he looked out the window and he saw a bunch of mud daubers. There's nothing but half-dressed people with lashes of whips upon their back, no way at all to ever be delivered. But Moses knew the Word of God, and he looked upon them as a promised people. He looked upon them as a people that had a promise. No matter how much the world, that day, looked down upon them, as a bunch of mud daubers or slaves, he looked upon them as a people having a promise.

118 Pharaoh looked upon them, out of the same window, but he seen slaves.

119Moses seen the victory. Why? He had focused himself. Though being a prince, though heir to the throne of Egypt, he focused himself away from the lust of the world. He focused himself away from the beauty and power that he had within his own potentials to receive. He focused that out, until he seen a blessed people yonder, by the promise of God. He focused in, because he knowed that God promised Abraham that He would visit His people. And he knew that he was raised up for that purpose, and he focused it all out.

120 Pharaoh did not have this potential. He was offered it, but refused it. And when he refused it, then he couldn't focus.

121No man, after he's turned down the Word of God, can ever focus hisself into It, because you refuse the Word that brings you into relationship of Christ. That's right. So...

122But, Moses looked out of this window, he believed it. Why? Moses looked by faith. That's how Moses looked.

123Now listen real close to this remark. Faith! Now, don't forget to get this now. Faith is designed to see what God wills and wants. There is no knowledge that can do that. Faith alone is designed, and give to the human race, to find out what the will of God is.

124And you take your faith that you got, and it don't focus with the Word, then leave it alone. You got the wrong faith.

125But when your God-given faith focus you with the Word of God, you're directly in line and zeroed. Oh, my! God help us this hour, great hour that we live in. Faith, designed to see what God wants! How do you see it? Through the camera of His Word, His promise. This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ.

126 Then, when the faith that's in you, focus you to this Word, you're focused away from all denominations and creeds and everything. You're focused right straight on the Word of God. You're zeroed in. It only needs is a little touch-off. Amen. That prayer flies straight in the Presence of God, because there's nothing to stop it. Yes. That's what does it, when you're zeroed-in with God, focused in, by then you're looking at the target.

127You're not looking at what somebody else says, "This can't happen, and this can't happen."

128You're looking to what you know did happen. Look on your target. You see where they hit it. If they hit it in that day, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Focus out all these creeds and things you got mixed up. Get right back to the Word, then confess your unbelief, and let God take His Holy Spirit and direct your sights right straight on Jesus Christ. We're looking to Him then, not what somebody else says.

129 Not even what the doctor says, as good as it might be. He's got his place. The church, as good as... It's got its place. We don't deny that. But it's got, all got its place. It'll fire, but it won't hit the target.

130"Only them who look for Christ the second time." That's the zero. It depends on what you're looking at. Yes.

131Now, today, you see, faith is designed to do this. Same faith today sees the same thing. A faith of the Church today should see the same program of God. I want you to don't miss this now. The Church today, that's called of God, will certainly see the program of God, because the program of God is written out Here, the Blueprint. And the Holy Spirit, by faith, is the One Who reads It and sets It together.

132 Then how could a man say he's filled with the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit say a certain way to do something in the Bible, and this man comes around, said, "Oh, well, that's fanaticism"? Could the Holy Spirit, be the real Holy Spirit, deny Its Own Word? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No. It has to stay with the Word because It's God. See?

133What are you looking at? What are you seeing? We must see Jesus. And the only way we see Jesus, see the Word. This is the--the natural Symbol of the Spirit. You know what I mean? It is the Letter that the Spirit quickens. See? That is the Letter, that, and the Spirit quickens this Letter and makes It a reality. Yeah.

134 Moses looked by faith. And the man today who sees God's program, does the same thing, looks by faith.

135Moses, later, seen this great thing. When the people got in trouble, what did he do? He made a serpent out of brass, put it upon a pole. And said, when they were bitten by serpents, because of their unbelief, that, "Whosoever looked upon this serpent lived." Notice. The man who just come and looked...

136Now, the stick, the pole it was on, was a piece of a tree that was cut down there in the wilderness, probably a piece of mesquite, or--or something that you'd have here, ironwood, or whatever it might be. It had done been separated from its natural growth. It was dead, within itself. The brass was probably a piece of helmets from the Romans, or--or something that they had took in the salvage. It was molded and put together, and made a serpent.

137 If men come out there, just as an idol, to look upon that serpent, they received nothing.

138But when the true believer come out there and looked upon that serpent, with the spiritual revealed Truth... That serpent itself, being it was in the form of a serpent, it represented sin already judged. They seen sin, their unbelief, already under judgment, from the serpent from the garden of Eden. And the serpent was made out of brass, which means Divine judgment. See?

139The altar was made out of brass, brazen altar, which the sacrifice was offered upon; brass, Divine judgment.

140 The great prophet, Elijah, when he looked up to the skies, in the days of his ministry, the three-and-a-half years, and there was no--no water, at all. He said, "The skies look like brass." What was it? Divine judgment upon a disbelieving nation, of the message of God, that their faith was so dim, could not see it in that day.

141I wonder today, if we see all the hydrogens and oxygens, and the bombs and the things that we have created, wonder if we don't see a nation, a time, looks like brass. It's Divine judgment.

142 We have become so--so profound in our intellects. We have educated our children till we got a bunch of rickys. And we got what we got, even our churches and things. And our boys going to seminaries, getting out here, and go down there and learn some Ph.D. and L.L.D. Let me tell you something. Every time he gets one, he goes farther and farther from God.

143God is so simple. The reason that man can't find God, he don't get simple enough.

Someone said, "Brother Branham, how do you see visions?"

144 It's not me. See? You--you got to get yourself out of the picture. God made a promise. God has got to stay with that promise. But you've got to be simple enough to get out of your own way.

145Someone said, "This would be a great man if he had a L.L.D. out of our college." If he does, he just goes another gap from God.

146"Men today can send a message," I said, "to the moon, but he walks over a blade of grass where he could not explain if he has to." God is hid in simplicity. See? You can't get simple enough. A man get an education, the first thing he knows, he's so great, he can't humble himself.

147And God is so great, that He humbles Himself and hides Himself from the sinner. Jesus thanked God for it. He said, "I thank Thee, Father, Creator of heavens and earth, thou hast hid This from the wise and prudent, and will reveal It to babes such as will learn." The way to know God is get simple. The way up is down.

148 Which way is the North or South Pole? You stand in space. See?

149The way up is down. "He that humbles himself shall be exalted. He that exalts himself shall be abased." See? We must humble ourselves, not try to know too much.

150Just know one thing. Focus everything else out of the way, and look unto Christ. If you don't know how to write your name, that don't have one thing to do with it. Just focus your heart to Christ and His will, and watch what happens. Yes. Certainly.

151 Now, many come there and seen, said, "There's a great serpent. People goes out there and gets healed, by looking at the serpent. Maybe we had better take the family and go over."

152You hear such things today. "There's a great healer coming to town. And he, there, we'll all go over and get healed." Now, when you think that way, you've certainly got your camera out of focus. Yes, sir.

153Focus it down to Jesus, and Him only. Look to Him, and you'll see what God's purpose is.

154Now, when that Hebrew come up there and looked at that brass serpent, and said, "That brass, that serpent, means sin already judged. Brass is Divine judgment upon it, and God has judged my sins. And--and I am... By this brass serpent, it representing something is to come, sin already judged. I'm free." He was healed. That's right.

155 And today, Jesus said in Saint John 3:14, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up." If you can look upon Him; not as a church man, not as a prophet, not as just a good man, not as a third person of a trinity, or something. If you can look upon Him as being Emmanuel, Himself, Who came down and give His life. And was lifted up, that, "Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have Eternal Life."

156 If you can focus your camera till you see that, and know it cost the life of God, Himself, when He made His life here. Didn't have to give it up. He laid it down, freely. He was God. He didn't have to die, but He did it, freely, gave His own life, that He might bring sons to Him, that His work might continue on. "The works that I do," John 14:12, "the works that I do, you'll do also." If the things could to be done like that, and you can see Him and see Him only, then you'll get your camera in focus, see, to a place to where God can use you. Certainly.

157 Now, if you just look upon it, say, "I got a little crucifix hanging in my car. I got one at my home, a cross." That's all right. But that ain't what it is. That's not what He's talking about.

158You got to see that God knows that you are a sinner. And that you have confessed your sins, and God put your iniquity upon Him, upon Hisself, and become a man. He crossed His strain, and come down from being God, to be man, that He might die in your stead, to give Hisself for you. And you confessed your sin. And not a manufactured Clorox. But a--a power of God that was made Blood, that He might take away your sinful blood by sexual desire, and make you a free man and woman of God. There you are.

159What you looking at? You say, "Oh, I belong to the Assemblies of God. I belong to the United Pentecostal. I belong to the Methodist, the Baptist." You're still focusing yourself away.

160Focus yourself in on Jesus Christ. Amen. Hear the answer come back, "All thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven." Be per-...

161 Be persistent, like the little Syrophenician woman. No matter how many disappointments she had, as she come down, she still had focused herself on, that that was God. And she come to Him and got what she asked for, because she had her focus right. She had it, no matter how many puffs of wind come, and saying, "The days of miracles is passed. Your husband will leave you." That didn't bother her a bit. That bullet went straight to its point. Amen. We can focus on...

162[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... time. Then we're looking for Him to come, that's the one is going. Oh, my! See, you got to get the purpose. You've got to get to know what is.

163 Look at the sheep-gate. There was people. God has always had a way for man to look for salvation. That brass serpent, the people had to look at it. That's right. And at the sheep-gate, they had to look at it. Them people set there.

164Let's think it was a hospital. There were many sick and afflicted. There was thousands, multitudes laid there, like a hospital today. Tender hands of their loved ones waited on them, just exactly like they would in a hospital today.

165They were waiting. Their eyes were watching that water. There was five porches where the sheep-gate was. At the... It's outside of Jerusalem, and there, or this gate. And then when he come in, he watched. There had to be something supernatural happening. And as soon as that supernatural happened, they made a rush for it.

166Look at the church today. God wants us to watch for the supernatural when His Word is made manifest and vindicated. Now we run away from it because it's not connected with our organizations. See?

167 At the sheep-gate, they watched for the supernatural moving. God has always moved through His people, through supernatural vindication of His promise. He promised He would do it. When they seen that promise begin to move, in a supernatural, they jumped right into it and took it.

168Today, even now, the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God, is in the earth, moving, showing things. And people run from It, instead of getting into It, the Word made flesh and vindicated, the very things that He did and promised that we would do, does the same things. And if It isn't connected with our groups, we have nothing to do with It. That's right.

169 Jesus went and found one person in the entire church. You say, "Does God heal all?" No, sir.

170And the Pentecostal brethren, let me drop this to you. You're looking for a time to come that when there's going to be men rise up on the earth, and go out in hospitals and deliver them, and say the whole hospital move out. Don't you never be deceived like that. You believe me. You believe that's a lie. It never was done. When Jesus...

171Let's say that was a hospital. He went in there by the leading of the Spirit. He found one man that He knowed was ready. And He spoke, that man. He told him the secret of his life, told him there.

172He wasn't unable to walk. He could walk. Somebody could beat him, running. He said, "When I'm coming, another steps before me." See? He wasn't blind, neither was he deaf, neither was he dumb. He wasn't crippled. He had some kind of a retarded disease, wasn't going to kill him. He had it thirty-eight years. And he would try to get down there, and somebody a little better off than him would step in, then the virtue of the Angel left.

173 We go in today and find a man of God, led by the Spirit of God, sees a vision, goes, does something like that, and they say, "Why, here is Jones, sets on the corner. Let me see you healers heal him."

174You see that same old devil, that said to Jesus, with a rag wrapped around His eyes? And said... Hit Him on the head with a stick. And said... Changed the stick, from one hand to another. Said, "Tell us who hit You. We'll believe You're a prophet, then."

175Why, before the world ever begin, He knowed who had that stick in their hand. He didn't clown for nobody. He did exactly what the will of God was. The Church will do the same. See?

176The sheep-gate, but they were watching for something. They were looking for something.

177 Now, if them said, "Oh, well, we'll go up there and see what the rest of them does. We'll see if that looks supernatural." They never got nothing.

178But it's that man that had to press up, not set at the back, but in the front; that man who waited for the altar call, that man who waited to see something supernatural.

179Like this man here, Brother Williams' boy, raised in a Pentecostal family. But, yet, one time, standing in a meeting where his daddy felt led to send him, and there that young fellow standing there, and he seen the supernatural hand of God, quickly he become a Christian. He was ready to accept It, for he seen the moving of the water. He knowed there was something supernatural.

180 It's not a "join church, shake hands, and a million more in '44, or a new church, a new building, or new something."

181It was a new life, that come by a supernatural move, that they were looking for it to happen. They knowed every certain season; then come down, and they waited.

182Now, if it isn't going on all the time, and we're on top the house, jumping around, we feel, "Well, we'll leave this church. It's cooled off." What a nonsense! How we can't wait! Abraham didn't, wait... He didn't think God had cooled off. He waited twenty-five years, then he seen the hand of God move.

183They waited at a sheep-gate, from month to month, for whatever it was, for that one supernatural moving. But they looked for it. Oh, my! They were looking for it.

184 And today we've lost that vision, Pentecost. We've lost something. Let's look to Christ. Our denominations has spread itself till it's went way out, and now we're fighting and trying to get more and bigger churches, and higher classes, and better educated preachers, and things. And what have we got? We've got away from the very Thing that God told us to look at. What are you looking at?

Look and live. That's what we must do if we expect to live.

185Others might have laughed at them, said, "That bunch of holy-rollers down there, down there around that pool. Why, they say there's a... Why, it's nothing but the wind. Well, the wind comes down, blows the water back."

186Not to them. It was the Angel of mercy. It was the Angel of healing. And I believe it was the Angel, though it seems so simple. But, you see, God hides in simplicity.

187 I've had them to come to the meeting, say, "Brother Branham, I didn't know you was a holy-roller. Because, I noticed all that group screaming, and crying, and going on while you were speaking, hollering 'amen' and so forth. Why, that's nothing but emotion." It might be to you who don't believe.

188But, to we who have tasted of the good things of God; we who know what the Holy Ghost is!

189You say, "Them people speaking in tongues, is just jabbering off something. They just... It's only intellectual. It's only some work-up." Or somebody say... It might be, to you.

190But to that fellow It's falling on, It's different to him. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

191You say, "Well, now, you know, it's just the day of... That's that stuff. There's--there's... Well, people won't believe that."

192That won't stop the real move of God, at all. Jesus come right in the midst of unbelief, but it never stopped Him a bit. He went right on.

193 The people today, no matter how try, much they try to say It's fanaticism, the people go right ahead believing It. They can't explain It. They don't know what It is. They know they got an idea of what It is.

194Like Benjamin Franklin, with a kite in his hand, he said, "I got it. I got it. I got it." He knowed he had something.

195So does this man and woman, who might not be able tell you what are atoms, how many molecules is in an atom, but they know they got the Holy Ghost. Because why? They zeroed it with the Word of God, what Peter said on the day of Pentecost. "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." When that confessed sin drops into that Blood, all Blood, is remitted. The Blood remits the sin, and a man stands as a son of God. Amen.

196 Then he's zeroed, "Ask what you will and it'll be done for you." Then, just somehow or another, you seem to know the will of God. Some supernatural way, there's a moving, something in you, says, "Go over here and do that. Go down here and do that." See, there's something in you, always hits the target just exactly the way it's supposed to be. Oh, how wonderful!

197We got to close 'cause it's getting too late now. Just a few minutes longer.

198 Them people might have laughed, but that didn't stop them. They waited just the same.

199The people might say, our church, our brethren, "The--the cooling off of the Message," and so forth.

200It ain't cooled off. We're watching for the moving of the water. I'm watching to see something happen. I'm here in Tucson now. Why? I don't know. The water moved me down here. I'm watching to see something happen. It's going to happen.

201I told you, when I come here, the other day, "Something will happen. There would be a thunder or a blast go off, them seven seals come forth." Get the tapes and find out whether it's right or not. See? Oh, we wait for the moving of the water.

202 We seen something, setting back, on across, side of that desert north of Tucson. Just what I told you here, before it happened. I was picking those little goat-headers off of there, and just then it went off, and shook the whole mountain. Rocks rolled down, and things like that. And the Holy Spirit turned, said, "Return to your home immediately, for the Seven Seals is going to be opened." Get the tapes and find out. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, told before it happened, and everything. Find out if it's Truth, or not. When I'm gone on, that still lives on.

203We're at the end time, friends. I'm looking for Jesus to come. That blessed Lord Jesus Who I've loved, and has give my life to, as a young man, I'm still looking for Him to come. I believe He will. Though, like Abraham, it may linger. Yet, I get stronger and more in love with Him, expressing myself daily to Him. I know every believer in here does the same thing.

204No matter what others say, "Oh, you're a back number. You ought to... I don't care what they say.

205I still believe God. I focused in on the Word and know that Truth. Nobody has ever been able to shake me from it yet. As long as God holds my heart right straight on that Word, I'll stay there. Amen.

206 Elijah, he, one day when he was looking for something to come, to bring help to the people, he looked. And he looked till the old man, eighty-something years old, was too tired to climb the mountain, after been fasting, praying. But God told him, if they would repent, something would happen. What was he looking? He sent his servant up, said, "Go up and look. Look. Something is going to happen." Three years and a half, and no rain, not a cloud, not even dew falling. But said, "Go, look." And Elijah or...

207Gehazi stood and looked, and looked and looked. He didn't see nothing. He come back down. He said, "I didn't see nothing."

"Go back again." Amen. "Go back and stay till it happens."

208 And Elijah goes back... or, I mean, Gehazi, and he looks and looks and looks.

209And Elijah, that little bald head setting there in the sun, and his whiskers and his beard, white beard, and them little bony-looking arms across his bony knees. He said, "Lord God," as he begin to pray.

210Said, "Go back again now." Amen. What was he doing? He was looking for God to take care of His promise, no matter how brassy she looked, how much judgment is upon it. That's right.

211Someone said, other day, he said, "Brother Branham, you believe That, and you speak so much against the organizations of religions. What makes you do that?"

212I said, "Nothing against the brethren in that organization, but it's the system is what I'm against."

213Like the disciples going to embalm the body of Jesus. That body was nearly ready to rot, that's right, was an awful smell. But they stayed right with it.

214 That's the same thing today, although the church has got itself all scrupled up. It's in all kinds of conditions. It's broke off in isms and formalities and everything, but I've got to stay with it. We must stay there. We got to stay there because we love it. There's something in us, compulsing us. The pulsations from our heart says, "Stay with it, because there's going to be a resurrection one day, and God will take from that." Amen. Yes. Wonderful Lord Jesus! All right.

215 We find, Elijah kept looking until he seen just the size of a man's hand.

216Now, unbelief would have caught that right quick. "If that's the best you can do?" See? "If that's all you can do, well, take it back."

217But what was it? He was looking for the supernatural. Oh, he knowed only the hand of God could do it. And when he saw that hand, J-e-s-u-s, he had f-a-i-t-h. Yes. And when he saw it, he said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." What was it? He accepted the first move.

218 Oh, unbeliever, this morning, you who have been all scrupled up in your water baptisms and everything else, let the Spirit of God open your eyes and show you just a little something, then you start from there. "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." You who believe creeds instead of the Word, come back to the Word, just see the first little move. Faith accepted it. "There is what I'm looking for."

219We're looking for the Coming of the Lord. We look at the Holy Ghost falling in the last days. We look at signs and wonders. We watch what's taking place. See? Don't you see? What you looking at? That's exactly what God said would take place. Let faith grab it, say, "I want it, too."

220 Watch Elijah. When he accepted it, you know his life must have been renewed. He outrun Ahab's chariot. He run before the chariot, when he couldn't even climb the hill. He run before those swift horses. "Get the rain barrels out. I hear the sound of abundance of rain." The first little move, "Glory!"

221The first little move at the pool of Bethesda, they rushed to get to It. Amen.

222Oh, if the people here, if you haven't received the Holy Ghost this morning, if that first little tinkle would say, "That's the Truth. That man is telling the Word that's the Truth," then hurry as quick as you can. Don't wait. What you looking at? What you waiting for? The hour is later than you think. Get moving towards It, as fast as you can. Why? When Elijah saw that move, it was the evidence of an answered prayer.

223 O God, I wish that every sick person here this morning, that feels this Holy Spirit in our presence now, could realize that. That's the evidence of a prayer that you prayed, has been answered in the Presence of God. Every man who wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you'd feel that little grand feeling, saying that, "I believe that's the Truth"; if you'd take that, "That's the evidence of my answered prayer"; raise up your hands and say, "God, I receive It now," something would take place. Depends on...

224God throws the signs all around us, and we still move right on, just out of the way of it. Yeah. Oh, my!

Elijah knowed it was an answer of prayer.

225 Jonah refused to see anything was contrary. He was down in the belly of the whale, in the bottom of the sea. But he said, "That won't hide me." He said, "Once more will I look towards Your holy temple." What was he looking at? He actually couldn't see the temple, but he seen the promise made by the temple.

226O God, if we could just only see the promise of the Word, that Christ promised, "Wherever two or three are assembled in My Name, I am there in their midst. And whatever they ask, they shall receive." If we could only see it, and the first move, move right into It. Don't wait any longer. What you looking for?

227God answers your prayer, and places It all around you, then you say, "Well, now, let me see, what would so-and-so say?" Oh, don't do that.

228Look at Christ. Look to what He said, "I'm there where two or three are gathered in My Name. I'm there among them. Let them ask. They shall receive." What a promise, what a Divine promise!

He refused to see anything that would make him doubt.

229 If the Devil says, for you, say, "Now, wait a minute, maybe tonight you might be a little bit better, when the revival starts." Might be fair, that might be good, but don't wait till the revival starts. Be...

230Become part of the revival right now. God wants to start it in you. God wants to start it in the church. The Holy Spirit will take the messenger, then, and send forth the Message. God will vindicate that Message, great signs and wonders. See? Refuse to see anything that would make you doubt.

231Jonah did, and God delivered him out of the belly of the whale. Certainly. Yes, sir.

232 Job, when even all of his friends had turned him down, everything was wrong, Job kept looking towards the sky. Some of them said, "You're a secret sinner. You--you, you're looking. Job, what are you looking up that way for? Because you've done sinned, God has done proved what He's done to you. You're a secret sinner, Job."

233Job knowed he wasn't sinner. He had met exactly every Word God required, that burnt sacrifice. That burnt offering was all God asked for. God only asked for the burnt offering, and Job knowed he had made the burnt-offering sacrifice.

234God only asks you to believe His Word. Amen. Amen. He don't ask all these isms and creeds, and everything else. He asks for you to believe Him. "He that believeth on Me!" Amen, and amen. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do!" "Look to Him, all the ends of the world, and live." "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Amen, and amen. Yes, sir. Don't wait for anything else. Look.

235 Job stood and looked. He seen his flesh, all corruption. He seen blood over him. He seen boils over him. His wife come. His church members left him, and accused him of being a secret sinner. His wife come and said, "You look miserable. Why don't you curse God and die the death?"

236He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord."

237About that time, when he stayed with the Word, then the lightnings begin to flash, the thunders roared, and the prophet looked towards the sky. And he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. He will stand in the last days upon this earth. Though, after the skin worms has destroyed this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see."

238 Watch. The first, He's called "Redeemer"; the next, He's "God." "I know my Redeemer liveth. The last days, He will stand on the earth. Though, after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold, and not another." When he was dying, and his body rottening, while he was in the flesh, he looked till he seen the resurrection, hallelujah, and knowed that he was included in it, because he was keeping God's Word. Look and live, my brother. Amen. He seen what God's purpose was, and he did it. God had a cause, to test Job.

239He's had a cause, to test the people. Everything is done for a cause. He's doing the same thing now. He sends us signs and wonders amongst the people. He sends the Gospel Truth, and let them look over It, to some creed, deny the real Truth and take a creed; deny This and take that, when they know the Bible teach contrary to that. But He does it for a test. Then there's no excuse at the Day of the Judgment. Oh, my!

240 Look what's promised in the last days. In closing now, let me say this just before we close. Look what promised in the last days.

241Look what He's already done in these last days. He's poured out the Holy Ghost upon His people, brought back the original Pentecost again, brought back the original baptism of the Holy Ghost; brought back the original water baptism, brought back everything, back to its original. Come right on down, and brought back the original evidence of Christ, by showing us visions and prophecies that never fail one time. Move right on down, everything just exactly the same, to show that it's beyond human mind. They could not do that. It's God.

242 Watch that great Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel. Anybody, any Bible scholar, knows that that was the Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ.

243Hebrews said, Hebrews 11th chapter said, that, "Moses forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." See? What was it? Christ in the wilderness.

244In John 16 or... Beg your pardon. John 6, when they was taking the communion, or whatever it was, breaking the bread and having the great time there at the jubilee. Jesus said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. He that eats My flesh has Eternal Life, and I'll raise him up the day of the--the last days." He knowed He would do it. He said He was the Bread of Life.

245 They said, "You make Yourself God. You make Yourself..." Said, "But, why, we know You're crazy, now." Mad means "crazy." "We know You're crazy. You're a Man not over fifty years old, and here You say You 'saw Abraham'? We know You are mad. You're out of Your mind. You're a religious fanatic."

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Amen.

246What was 'I AM'? That burning Light in that bush. Moses saw It. He watched It all the days of his life, and It led him right into the promised land.

247That same Light came down and was standing there. And He said, "I AM before Abraham was. I AM that burning bush. I AM THAT I AM, that Angel of Light. I come from God, and I go to God."

248 A few days after the resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus, to persecute the Pentecostals. And when he's on his road down there, there was a great Light moved down, put his eyes out. He could... None of the rest of them could see that Light, but he could. It was so vivid to him till It blinded his eyes. Said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

He said, "Who are You, Lord?"

249He said, "I am Jesus." That same Light that was in the burning bush, the same Light had come from God and went back to God.

250 And we have a picture of that same Light among us today, doing the same wonders, and same miracles, and same signs, and yet we look for something else. The Gospel Truth, of the vindication of the Word, this baptism of the Holy Spirit, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, these things that we teach, are absolutely the Truth. Where are they vindicated? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Whew! I feel religious. Yes. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is here. Cause, around the world, He's proved it, back and forth, and never failing one time. Amen.

251What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? Uh-huh. It's time. The waters are being troubled. Move in now; the signs of the last days.

252"It shall be Light in the evening time," you know. Yes. "It shall be," Haywood said. And that's right. "The path of Glory you'll surely find." Yes, in these last days, you would do it.

253 Look. It depends on what you're looking at. Look what's been done. The Pillar of Fire, the Holy Ghost, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now let us look. Let us believe. Let us understand that we're in the last days. We're in the last hours. And we're in the last minutes of the last hour.

254I got this film, and I maybe bring it up to Brother Outlaw, sometime, for a Wednesday night service, show you that, where we took at Jerusalem, call it Three Minutes Till Midnight. Take what science has said.

255The Bible said, Jesus said, "When you see the fig tree, and all the other trees, putting forth their buds," Israel returning as a nation. They are a nation. We see the other trees: the Methodists having their put forth, the Baptists having theirs, the Catholics having theirs, all the rest of them having theirs; the Pentecostals, through Oral Roberts, having theirs; all the rest of them having their revivals, putting forth its branch. "Then know that the time is at the hand. This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled."

256 We see Israel in her homeland, with her ensign lifted up, the six-point star of David. She's got her own money, her own nation, her own army. She's got everything. She's--she's Israel. What is it? She's there, ready for the purging, that God will take that hundred and forty-four thousand from it.

257Look at the church today, is in its chaos, all mixed up and everything. It's looking, "And we got more in there. We got better than they have. We're this, that, and the other."

258 And there that Bride is looking to the Coming of the Lord Jesus. Which, that secret, secret Coming of Christ shall come and catch away His Bride in the night. Like a book I read of Romeo and Juliet, one time, how he come with a ladder and got his bride out among them. That's what Jesus will come, someday, and looking for that one is not looking to his creeds, but looking to Christ, waiting for Him to come, with his heart centered.

259They come, Blood relation, like Isaac and Rebekah, own Blood relation. That's what we have to come, Blood relation to Christ, through the Sacrifice, when our sins are omitted by the Blood of Jesus; not by what some church says, what somebody else says; but what the Blood has done, and proved that it's done, by the Word working through the same thing, carrying out the same ministry He had. Amen.

260 What are you looking to, church? Oh, these last days, oh, He's been right among us, people, and we forgot it. He set right among us, and we didn't know it. The Holy Spirit is here this morning, and maybe many will go away and forget it. Maybe many that's sick will forget to believe and anchor their faith right where it should be now. The true...

261Truly the pool is troubled. The waters are whirling backwards from the natural, showing the supernatural. The Holy Spirit is here, taking a normal bunch of people, intelligent, setting here, well-dressed, well-educated, looking. The Holy Spirit fall upon them, and something whirls them around. They holler, "Glory to God! Hallelujah!" What's the matter? The troubling of the water. Amen.

262 Sinners setting there, backsliders, prostitutes, drunkards, and everything else, are saintly, godly. You can't put a finger on their lives, anywhere, since they receive it. What is it? The troubling of the waters. What are you looking at? The Holy Spirit fall among us...

263I was setting there, a while ago, with Brother Outlaw, pointing people, to him, here with diseases and things. And could be done right now, showing the different things that's happened in lives and things. What is it? It's the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. What are we waiting for? The troubling of the water? It's already troubled. The Angel will leave pretty soon, and all virtue is gone, and then there's no salvation left. You'll be left into outer darkness.

264 Story I heard, a few days ago. In closing, I might say this. There's a boy who had done a murder. He done something wrong.

265Well, I was called on a case, the other day, you know, this over here in Texas. I got a little certificate from them the other day, "Saving a life," it said. We went over there for that little Ayers. That man that taken the picture of the Angel of the Lord, who, that night over there at Houston, and criticized me and said everything in the world about me. Throwed his arms around me, hugged me, said, "Just think, Brother Branham, the very man that I said was hyp-... practicing hypnosis, has come to save my son from the electric chair." That's right. I talked there before them all. And what did the governor do? Pardoned it. Oh, my, when they was to die in four or five days, afterwards. Right. Why? I'm interested in life. Life!

266I said, "Sir, you have no right to take the boy's life. The first blood was ever spilled, was one brother spilled another's. He shed his blood. But God didn't take his life in capital punishment. He put a mark upon him, that nobody would kill him. Don't rub that off." Amen, and amen. Right. We're interested in life.

267 One day, a mother's boy had killed a man. He was laying there, ready to die. And so the little mother stood by the governor's door, and they asked in. And, finally, with one of the guards, said, "Governor, that mother of that boy is out here, wants you. She wants to see you."

268And when they opened the door, and said, "Madam, he will receive you."

269The poor little thing crawled on her hands and knees, up to his feet, laid his hands... her hands upon his feet, and said, "Governor, honorable sir," said, "you're the only man that's left, that can spare my son. Please, kind sir. I know he's guilty. He's just as guilty. Your courts of justice found him guilty." And how many of us are not guilty in the courts of God? "Your courts of justice found him guilty. He actually killed, and he's subject to death. I know that. But, sir, as a man, you have no right to take the life of my boy. God only can give life, and only God can take life. Don't do it, sir. Please don't. I beg of you, as a heart of a mother could bear." And so he sent her away.

270It broke his heart, so much, the pleading of that mother, till he goes down to the jail, to the prison where the boy was setting back in the prison.

271 The man had built up a complex. Just about like the church has done today, "You'll either preach It the way I like It," or you won't hear It at all. "I won't pay no attention!" Was... and set there. Man after man had come to him, trying to talk to him. He had built himself till he wasn't going to hear no more.

272So the governor walked in. He said, "Son, I'd like to talk to you."

He said, "Shut up and get out of here," in his cell.

He said, "Son, I've come to help you."

Said, "I told you to get out of here."

273That's the way people does the Holy Spirit today. Yeah. "Get out. I don't want nothing to do with It." And knocks at the door. "If I do that, I'll have to give up my card party. I'll have to give up this. I'll have to give up that. I'll have to give up my church creed. I'll have to give." See? You better listen. He's the only One has got pardon. That's right. What are you looking at? See?

274 He had looked at so many things, he was afraid to look at this man. He kept his head turned.

275That's the way people do today at the altar call. They keep their head turned. They don't want to hear It. They'd turn their head from God Who is telling them, "That's the Truth." A little, wee Voice, like a touch.

276You know, Elijah, he heard the rushing wind, blood, fire, smoke, and it didn't bother him. But when he heard that little Voice, he come out. Oh, that little Voice that the church has failed to hear! Right.

277So, the--the--the man tried his best. The governor tried to talk to the boy. The boy said, "Are you going to get out of here or am I going to throw you out."

278Turned around and said, "All right, son. I done the best I could do."

279 When he walked out, the boy looked around, kind of arrogant, as he walked down through the hall.

280And when he did, one of the guards stepped out and said, "Governor, did you do any good?"

He said, "No. He wouldn't listen."

281That boy jumped. He grabbed the bars, said, "Who was that?"

"That was the governor. Come for your pardon."

282Too late then. He screamed. He cried. He said, "Think of it. The governor, here in my own cell, to pardon me, and I turned him down."

283And when they put the rope around his neck, before they put the black mask on, after he had walked the thirteen steps, last words he said, "Think of it. The governor stood in my cell, for pardoning, and I turned him down." And they hung him.

284 Oh, there's more than a governor here this morning. Jesus Christ is here. And that little cell, called man or woman, He's here to give pardon. Don't, don't turn Him away. Don't do it. Find your purpose that God brought you here in life.

285We're in a tremendous hour, friends. You know that. As the old song said:

Nations are breaking, (Look what time it is.), Israel's awaking,

The signs that the Bible foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of Redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear. (What?)

Look up, your Redemption is near.

That's right.

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God;

That's right.

This generation spurns God's revelation,

But we walk where the apostles have trod.

The Day of Redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your Redemption is near.

286 That's right. Look up, brother, get away from all this dogma of the world. Look up. Look to Christ. Look to Jesus, as the song says.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It's only that we "look and live."

What are you looking at this morning?

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

For it's recorded in His Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

You believe that? Let's sing it together. You know it?

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

Now let's sing it together now.

Look, live, my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

287 What are you looking at? To them that look for Jesus, a second time, He will come in Glory unto salvation, to take us out of this sinful world, out of this sin and stuff we're in. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Look and live. The only thing you can do is look, take the Word. As the serpent on a pole represented the living Word that would be made flesh, so does the Word today represent the Presence of the Holy Spirit when we see It vindicated among us. He is in our little cell this morning. Won't you listen to Him while we bow our heads?

Continue on, brother.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

[Brother Branham begins humming Look And Live--Ed.]

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

288 While you have your heads bowed, look to Jesus now, brother, the Word. If you've never repented, repent. If you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, be baptized. You've got a promise of God, that you'll receive the Holy Ghost. That's what the original Church started with, and the way It started. God is infinite. He cannot change His program. That's the way it has to ever remain. The Church was inaugurated on the Day of Pentecost, by repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and a promise to receive the Holy Ghost. "These signs shall follow them that believe."

289If that's never happened to you, friend, will you raise up your hand to God now and say, "Brother Branham, pray for me." God bless you, you, you. God bless you. Good. God bless you, you, you. That's good. All right.

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

Now, it's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

290 Now, it's recorded here in the Word. We're in the last days. There's nothing put up about this. There's nothing bogus, no hoax. It's the Word being made manifest. It's the Word telling the Truth. You've been--you've been at the meetings. You've been in the meetings before, and you know that it's the Truth.

291Now, we have a lot of impersonators. We know that. But don't look at them. There was a mixed multitude went with Moses. But, remember, there were some true Israelites there that went to the promised land. See?

292 The same in this group, brother. There's real, genuine Spirit-filled men and women, real, real, can't put a finger on their life. Won't you look and live this morning? Look away from the impersonators. Look away from the--the ones that would be fanatics. Look away from all that and look to the real Jesus. We're recorded in His Word. Hallelujah. "To those that look for Him the second time He will appear."

293If you would like to come forward to the altar, to stand for prayer, if you haven't received the Holy Spirit; haven't met these qualifications, of the book of Acts, that Peter spoke of, and you would like to meet them this morning. While we sing one more verse, I would like to invite you, come stand at the altar for prayer. And then we will perform the baptism, or we will pray for you to receive the Holy Ghost. While we sing.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live.

Somebody else?

Recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

294What's the matter with women this morning? All men? Seldom you see that. This is the hour of sincerity. All right.

"Look and live," my brother, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

It's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and..."

295 I just feel there should be somebody else. Come on. These, these four men standing here, there is more than that here. Come on. You want to live? Remember, God writes it down. They asked, "How must... What must we do to be saved?" And it was told them. Now, He cannot change that, and never was it changed, down through the Bible ages.

296Now we got different ideas. We change it now, oh, my, everything. But don't, don't look at that. Don't look what they're doing now.

297Look to what He said Here. Look to the Bible. You look and live, brother. That's the only way you can; sister, too. Come now, if you haven't received this experience and know that it's exactly the Bible, with God Himself there, vindicated. Don't take no chance.

298 What are you looking at, this morning? What are you looking at? Did you stop in this hideous, hectic day that we're living in? What are you looking for? God has placed everything.

299The troubling of the water, that first little move, people jumped in.

300The sign of the hand in the sky, Elijah said, "That cloud, the size of a man's hand, like a vapor." What was it? He kept believing. "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." That cloud become two clouds. Two clouds become a hill. A hill become a mountain. The mountain become another mountain. The first thing you know, the whole skies were thundering, rain was falling. What was it? He accepted what God sent.

301And this morning, if that little Thing has touched your heart, and says, "I need that," that's that little sign, the size of a hand of a man. Come.

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Oh, look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in the Word, hallelujah,

It is only that we "look and live."

Let's bow our heads.

302 Wonder if you brethren here, some of you minister brothers, you'd walk right down, some of you brethren, lay hands on these brethren that came down here, if you will, brethren.

303Lord Jesus, this man has brought the confession, has come this morning. Dissolve all his doubt from him.

The Blood, Father! Forgive us, Lord!...?...

He's worth giving up everything for.

304Likewise, for this brother here, Lord, may his confession drop in the Blood of Jesus Christ. May he be filled with the Holy Ghost. That God would change his name, leaning on his staff. But he needs the Holy Spirit. Made his confession this morning!...?...

305Fill him with the Holy Ghost. [Brother Branham and the ministers continue praying with those at the altar--Ed.] And may there come forth a great power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

306All the church bowing your heads now, be in prayer. These brothers are praying now, and everybody lay your hands upon them and pray.

Here is another one come.

307 Lord Jesus, upon the confession that he comes to make today, I pray, God, that You'll fill him with the Holy Ghost, Lord. He's looking away now to Calvary, where only the Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse him. Only one Blood can make that leap across that chasm. That's the Blood of Jesus Christ that flows within the chasm, and puts him next to God, tonight. Grant it, Father, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

308 Everybody in prayer now, laying your hands upon them, brother, these men standing here. Praying with all your heart now.

309Now, now you come to make your confession. God can't lie.

310That's exactly the way I received it, when I come up and said, "Lord God, I'm deeply sincere. I really mean it, from all my heart. This is between death and life, and I--I don't want to die. I--I want to live, and I--I want to go to Heaven. And You promised."

311I never heard of such a thing as Pentecost, never heard such. But, I said, "In the Bible here the requirement was, according to this Bible, for me to repent, and that I do. And I've been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Now, Lord, You promised me the Holy Ghost. You promised to do it."

312 I never heard of anything like speaking in tongues, never read it no more than there in the Bible. I just didn't think any. And right there come a Light across the room, in a cross form, and ever what was on it was speaking in tongues. I said, "I don't understand Your Voice, sir, Your language. If You can't speak English, and I don't understand Your language; if You'll just come back and speak again, it'll be a sign that You've accepted me." And there It was again.

313Oh, brother, I looked and lived, then. I been living ever since, in the glorious realms of God, where the power of God is flowing freely down by the spout of His blessings.

314 Now let's raise our hands as we stand, each one of us here, and these men. Now, brethren, the Holy Spirit is here. The Pardoner is right here by the side of you. Let's believe with all of our heart now. Let's each one believe. Now let's raise our voices to God. God bless you.

Heavenly Father, we pray...?...

Lord Jesus, I pray You, that You will grant this!...?...

Lord, may she not fail to see it now!...?... You saved her from dying. Now she's free to live...?...

"Look and live," my brothers, live;

Look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in God's Word, hallelujah,

It is only that you "look and live."

Oh, "look and live."

315All of you sick people, look the same way now, look to Jesus.

Look to Jesus now and live.

316That's it. Like the brass serpent. There was no power in the serpent, but it's what they looked at. Now, the promise said, "They shall lay hands on the sick; they shall recover." I lay my hands upon him because it's representation, like the brass serpent. May they look at Jesus, yonder, Who died. He's the propitiation of our sick folks to heal. He's the propitiation of our sin. May the power of God come upon this water, and heal each one, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The baby? The baby?

317 In Jesus' Name...?... In the Name of the Lord Jesus...?... Oh, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God bless you now. Believe with all your heart. Believe it.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live.

How do you do it?

You look to Jesus now and live;

Oh, it's recorded in...

Remember, brother...?...

318You know what's the matter with the churches today? We get way... We--we--we give up too quick. Elijah stayed there and he prayed, and he prayed, and he prayed until something happened. And when he felt that little trinkle come down in his heart, he said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." If men and women in here, who wants Christ or the Holy Ghost, who wants to be healed, if they would just stay there and say, "Lord, You promised it. You promised it," then feel that little trickle. Say, "Here it is, Lord. I accept it," something is going to happen.

Oh, "look and live," my brothers, live.

Look to Jesus now and...

319Just raise up your hand now. Accept what you want. He's here in the cell with you. All right. Hallelujah!

All right, brother, if you'll come.