Blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu



Vidíte, opýtali sa tri otázky, a On odpovedá na tri otázky. “Kedy príde čas, že nezostane kameň na kameni? Aké je znamenie Tvojho príchodu, a čo koniec sveta?” A mnohí, verím, že my bratia robíme chyby, keď sa to všetko pokúšame vzťahovať k Jeho príchodu. Ale On odpovedá na tri rôzne otázky, ktoré mu boli dané. No, bude čas, keď tam nezostane kameň na kameni, kedy tá vec bude? A čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu, a aký bude koniec sveta? Vidíte, tri rôzne otázky... A On začína odpovedať na jednu, o tom, kedy kamene nezostanú na sebe. A potom, ako dokončuje tú otázku, potom začína, znamenie Jeho príchodu, a potom ide ku koncu sveta.

No, všimnime si tu, jedna z vecí, o ktorej by som dnes večer rád hovoril, je “Blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu.” A zostaneme dnes večer na dňoch Noeho: “Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” A ja, toto ma minule zasiahlo. A myslel som si, že sa to možno pokúsim vziať a hovoriť o tom. A napísal som si tu niekoľko Písiem, na ktoré by som sa rád odvolal, možno, a trochu z nich čítal...

Ale teraz, nášho Pána Ježiša sa opýtali túto otázku, a On im dal znamenie Jeho príchodu. A potom, hneď na to povedal toto: “Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú.” A potom povedal, “Učte sa podobenstvu od fíka. Keď vyženie lístie, viete, že je už blízko leto. Tak keď uvidíte tieto veci, ako sa dejú, alebo sa manifestujú, vedzte, že čas je blízko. A toto pokolenie nepominie, až kým sa všetky tieto veci nestanú.” Ktoré pokolenie? To pokolenie, ktoré vidí to odpadnutie, o ktorom budeme dnes večer hovoriť.

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Zostaňme len na chvíľu stáť v modlitbe, ako skloníme svoje hlavy. Náš nebeský Otče, Tebe vzdávame chválu za všetko, čo naše oči videli a naše uši počuli. A ďakujeme Ti, Pane, lebo dnes vieme, že Ty si ten istý veľký Jehova Boh, ktorým si vždy bol a vždy budeš.

2Ďakujeme Ti za Ježiša Krista, ktorý to umožnil, že môžeme byť znovu späť v Božskom obecenstve s Tebou skrze preliatie Jeho nevinnej Krvi, že skrze zmierenie tej Krvi sme teraz synovia a dcéry Božie. Ešte sa nezjavilo, čo budeme na konci, ale vieme, že budeme ako On, lebo Ho uvidíme tak, ako je. A, Otče, to je pre nás dostačujúce, pokiaľ sme ako On, stojac vo forme Jeho obrazu.

3A teraz, Otče, nechceme byť v tejto hodine prispôsobení veciam toho sveta, ale chceme byť premenení obnovením našich duchov skrze Svätého Ducha, aby mohol prísť a vziať naše životy do Svojej vlastnej starostlivosti, a aby nás smeroval a viedol po tie dni, ktoré máme ešte na zemi a vyvyšovali Jeho veľké Meno.

4Ďakujeme Ti za všetky tieto veci. A s očakávaniami sa tešíme na Tvoju návštevu u nás dnes večer, ako sme sa teraz zhromaždili, a veríme, že Ty sa s nami stretneš, ako si zasľúbil. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

5Myslím, že to bol Dávid, ktorý povedal, “Bol som šťastný, keď nám povedali, mi povedali, poďme do domu Pánovho.” A my sme naozaj veľmi vďační, že sme dnes večer tu, a cítime to ako privilégium, že máme túto skvelú príležitosť, byť tu a hovoriť s vami, ľuďmi.

6Nahrávam nejaké pásky. Tak sa práve pozerám dozadu do miestnosti, aby som videl, či bratia majú pásky. Je to teraz zapnuté, pásky bežia. V poriadku. Tento zámer toho je ten, že som sľúbil, že posielanie posolstiev vyjde, bude nahrávané v Modlitebni.

7No, sme... Rád by som povedal niečo o dnešnom ráne. Dnes, hneď popoludní, vlastne, keď sme končili ranné zhromaždenie, niečo sa stalo, čo možno niektorí z vás, ktorí tu neboli a nepočuli o tom. Končil som službu a hovoril som tu z pódia a pozoroval som brata, ktorý tu stál a podával si ruky s ľuďmi, volá sa brat Way, voláme ho tu tak. Jeho žena je milá diplomovaná zdravotná sestra.

8A brat Way je jedným z Božích služobníkov, a on taktiež pracuje v svetskej práci, ale má už roky na svojom srdci volanie do poľa misijnej práce. On sa cítil byť vedený, že Boh by ho tu mal priviesť a on by čakal tu na tomto poste, až kým by neprijal ďalšie príkazy na pole. Pred niekoľkými dňami som s ním hovoril a mal som krátky rozhovor s ním a jeho ženou...

9A dnes ráno, keď som činil svoje vyznanie, že som mal komplex, zmienil som sa o bratovi Wayovi, že má tiež komplex, čo je určite normálne medzi ľuďmi. A v tom momente hneď po tom, brat Way bol zasiahnutý srdcovým záchvatom a klesol mŕtvy na zem. A videl som jeho ženu. A všimol som si... Bol som okolo mnohých ľudí, ktorí zomierali, a nemusím toto povedať...

10Rád sa vychvaľujem Ježišom Kristom, Jeho mocou. A v tomto čase som si myslel, že by sme sa nikdy nemali pokúšať Ním chváliť v žiadnom spôsobe o niečom, čo On neurobil. Ale videl som Ježiša Krista mnohokrát kriesiť mŕtvych, bolo to neomylne potvrdené lekárskymi výsledkami. Napríklad, v Connecticute, práve nedávno na zhromaždení, sediac vo veľkom, starom, tak trochu slávnom auditóriu, bol tam so mnou na pódiu lekár, doktor Barten, kresťanský lekár,. A bola tam jedna dobrá známa kresťanská žena, milá, bohatá žena. Sedela naľavo odo mňa. A zavolal som modlitebný rad a všimol som si, že tá žena len zrazu...

11Keď niekto, ich srdce zastane... Môžete zavrieť oči, ale keď ste šokovaní na smrť, keď sa vám zastaví srdce, skutočne sa vaše očné buľvy otočia dozadu a biela časť vášho oka sa vytláča von. A všimol som si to, keď ona klesla dolu. A rýchlo zavolali lekára, a on k nej bežal, aby jej zachytil pulz, a potriasol hlavou, položil na ňu svoju ruku, a svoje ucho na jej srdce. A ona bola mŕtva. Padla na podlahu, a jej dcéra kričala, čo prerušilo zhromaždenie... Pokračoval som ďalej, lebo som nemal žiadne slovo od Pána pre tú ženu. A pokračoval som ďalej.

12Povedali niečo o tom, že treba zohnať brata Branhama. A povedali, “Nechceme ho volať v modlitebnom rade, lebo je pod rozpoznávaním.” A povedali, “Zožeňte malého Branhama.” To bol Billy; a Billy... Keďže to bola mŕtva žena, on nechcel...

13Viete, ľudia sú nedôverčiví, keď je niekto mŕtvy; to je len vonkajšia schránka. Tam nie je nič. To... Ľudia zvláštne rozmýšľajú... To... Tie osoby tam sami nie sú; oni sa presťahovali. A tak on sa bál ísť k tej žene, lebo bola mŕtva.

14A potom, okamžite ku mne prehovoril Duch Svätý. Otočil som sa z miesta, kráčal som dolu po schode, prišiel som tam, kde bola; a práve, keď som prišiel tam, kde bola, Duch Svätý ku mne prehovoril; a povedal som, “Mary!”

15Povedala, “Áno, brat Branham?” Bola v poriadku. A ona nás nikdy predtým nevidela. A to bolo prvýkrát na zhromaždení.

16Potom v Shawano práve nedávno v, ó, povedal by som, v posledných, okolo, pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi... Hovoril som v jeden večer v zbrojnici. A bol tam veľký zástup ľudí a starší muž, okolo osemdesiatročný, hádam, a jeho milá žena... Oni boli podľa viery Luteráni, chodili tam do tej slávnej luteránskej cirkvi. Zabudol som teraz jej názov. Je to najväčšie luteránske zhromaždenie v Amerike, čo sa týka jedného samostatného zhromaždenia cirkevného členstva. A pre Luteránov je to veľká krajina. A zatiaľ čo som hovoril, všimol som si toho chlapíka, hlava išla takto dozadu; a jeho ruky išli von, a padol dopredu, mŕtvy na stoličke. A jeho manželka začala kričať, a vykríkla, “Pomôžte mi niekto! Pomôžte mi niekto!”

17A pozrel som sa; povedal som, “Len každý zostaňte sedieť. Buďte ticho.” Vidíte? Čakal som na Pána, aby mi dal slovo. A ja... Satan... Práve som chcel urobiť oltárne zavolanie, a to je práve vtedy, keď sa on chce ukázať.

18Tak... Všimli ste si niekedy, keď začnete robiť oltárne zavolanie, dokonca malé bábätká začnú plakať a tieto veci? To je satan. Vy, ktorí ste duchovní, rozumiete.

19Tak Pán mi dal jeho meno a zavolal som ho, a on prišiel k životu práve takto.

20A dnes ráno, keď som sa obracal... Vidíte? A mnohokrát som videl, ako Pán Ježiš vrátil mŕtveho späť. To malé dieťa v Mexiku zomrelo o deviatej v to ráno, a toto bolo medzi desiatou a jedenástou v ten večer, keď sa vrátilo späť do života. A to je zjavné svedectvo, kde lekár je toho svedkom (Vidíte?), že to dieťa zomrelo v jeho ordinácii o deviatej hodine v to ráno. Myslím, že to bol zápal pľúc. A to dieťa dnes žije, pokiaľ viem. A to bolo pred, ó, tridsať, štyridsať tisíc ľuďmi.

21A potom som dnes ráno videl brata Waya, ako sedí... Sedel teraz rovno tu. Ale ako sedel rovno tu niekde, on stál. A spievali sme, “Sláva, sláva, haleluja,” a podávali si ruky jeden s druhým. Všimol som si ho, ako ho to zasiahlo. A jeho hlava sa zaklonila, on... Brat Way sa nevyžíva vo veciach ako, niečo ako omdlievanie alebo niečo podobné. A on... Videl som ho, ako spadol dozadu, a videl som jeho ženu, ktorá je diplomovanou zdravotnou sestrou, ako kontroluje jeho pulz. A ona zakričala; bol mŕtvy.

22A potom, myslím, že to bola sestra Nash, dáma tu, farebná sestra, ktorá chodí do zboru, niekto z nich začal bežať dopredu. A teraz, ona, pani Wayová sa snažila ku mne dostať, aby som prišiel z pódia. A povedal som, “Všetci, zostaňte ticho. Zostaňte na svojich miestach.” Nikdy nebuďte rozrušení. Vidíte? To je to, čo chce satan robiť. Len čakajte a uvidíte, čo On povie. Ak je to niekto, kto prechádza do Slávy, nuž, musíme raz ísť, nie je lepšie miesto, než v zbore. Tak potom, rovno v dome Pánovom... Tak potom...

Ale ten muž sa vracal späť. Myslel som si, že možno niečo, že omdlel alebo sa mu stalo niečo v tom zmysle. Ale keď som sa pozrel, a jeho hlava sa obrátila týmto smerom, a videl som tú vnútornú dolnú časť jeho očí, ako sa vytlačili von... Nemôžete zavrieť, nemôžete si dať oči do takého stavu; to je zastavenie srdca, ktoré to robí. Už som to zažil..., a on... Bol tam niekto, milá osoba, položila niečo, aby si na to dal hlavu. A boli tam jeho nohy, ruky a všetko bolo stuhnuté. Zastavilo to... Jeho tvár bola tak tmavá ako môj kabát, načervenalo čierna, a jeho oči sa obrátili dozadu. A ja poznám srdcové záchvaty. Viem, čo robia, a ako sa obracajú. Ktokoľvek, kto to kedy videl... Tak som položil svoju ruku na jeho pulz, a nebolo tam viac pulzu než na tomto stole, žiaden. Tu je jeho žena, diplomovaná zdravotná sestra, ktorá kontrolovala jeho pulz; nebol tam žiaden pulz.

23Potom minule, keď som bol s bratom Wayom, tu počas rozpoznávania, videl som, že mal každopádne šelest na srdci. Tak potom som si myslel, “Toto je to.” Tak som položil na neho svoje ruky; povedal som. “Drahý Bože, volám v Mene Ježiša Krista, dušu môjho brata, jeho život znovu späť. A Boh Jehova vie a Jeho Biblia tu predo mnou, bolo to ako keď som mal svoju ruku na jeho pulze, a ako viem, budem sa za toto zodpovedať v deň súdu, ak je to nesprávne, a bolo to akoby jeho pulz tepal štyri alebo päťkrát rýchlejšie, išiel, “Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,” a potom začal ísť, “Bum, bum, bum, bum.”

24A on sa snažil otvoriť ústa, aby mi niečo povedal, a snažil sa dostať svoje ústa a mrmlal, akoby sa to snažil povedať. A dostal zo seba slová, “brat Branham.” Potom vyzeral, akoby šiel znovu spať alebo niečo, a znovu som chvíľu čakal, znovu som skontroloval jeho pulz; bil normálne. A potom, znovu som sa pozrel, a on sa pozrel na mňa. A bol tak trochu... Videl som trochu mimo seba; nevedel, kde bol, ale jeho srdce bilo normálne... A Boh znovu zavolal jeho život späť k nemu.

25Tak ja to hovorím na slávu Ježiša Krista, ktorý je ten istý Boh, ktorý... Keď som dnes ráno dlho kázal, prekročil som svoj čas, a unavený, a vyčerpaný... A tam mohli byť dve veci. Buď bol unavený, alebo keď som hovoril o komplexe, nie aby som zamiešal môjho brata, ako by sme to povedali, lebo som mal, činil som svoje vyznanie o tom, že mám komplex. A hádam, keby som sa opýtal dnes večer v tomto obecenstve ľudí, “Koľkí tu viete, že máte komplex?” Prakticky každá ruka by sa zodvihla. Aby si len vedel, brat Way, dovoľ mi len ukázať ti, či je to rozpoznanie alebo nie. Koľkí viete, že máte komplex, zodvihnite ruku. Len sa tam pozrite. Vidíte? Ale neviem, či ten šok, že som to povedal bratovi Wayovi, že to vzal akoby som ho karhal alebo niečo, potom padol do tohto stavu, a Pán Ježiš ho priviedol späť.

26No, myslím, že ten istý Boh, ktorého svätý Pavol reprezentoval v jeho dni, keď v jednu noc dlho kázal... A nejaký muž spadol, a jeho život z neho vyšiel, a Pavol, dostal sa k mužovi, z milosti Božej povedal späť k obecenstvu, “Jeho život je v ňom.” No, myslím, že to nám dokazuje, alebo ak ste to nikdy predtým nevideli, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

27A potom to mohlo byť toto, že... Pokúšal som sa o tom dnes popoludní rozmýšľať, že som tu stál a z celého srdca som vám povedal presnú Pravdu, a povedal som vám o mojom komplexe a učinil som svoje otvorené vyznanie, lebo, a požiadal som vás o modlitbu, aby moja vnútorná bytosť bola zmenená smerom k ľuďom, aby som mohol činiť, ako Pán činil. A aby mi potvrdil, že On ma stále posiela na pole, On nechal, aby sa to stalo, aby ukázal, že On stále uzdravuje chorých a …vzkriesil mŕtveho. Myslím, že to nebolo viac, než len potvrdenie toho, o čom som kázal a svedčil som o Kráľovstve Božom. A to je niečo v ďalej na ceste, čo On práve povedal bratovi Robersonovi tam a ďalšiemu z bratov.

28No, milujeme Ho za to. A sme dnes večer vďační, že brat Way je dnes večer s nami. A Boh istotne neskončil s naším bratom, inak by odišiel dnes ráno. Je niečo pre brata Waya, čo má urobiť. A chcem, aby si vedel, brat Way, že táto celá cirkev so mnou sa bude modliť, aby ti Boh ukázal Jeho plán pre tvoj a tvojej manželky život. A hneď ako sa to zjaví, to ťa do toho umiestni. Som si istý, že to to spôsobí, brat Way. A všetci z nás, ktorí sme kresťania, budeme vďační za brata Waya. Je to tak, cirkev? A budem sa modliť, aby on a sestra Wayová našli svoje miesto v Pánovi pre ich službu v živote.

29Teraz, tiež som chcel hovoriť s bratom Wayom; prišiel som skoro, tak som s ním mohol hovoriť a zistiť proste, aký je jeho postoj alebo čo sa stalo. A on nevie. Vidíte? To proste odišlo preč. A on len klesol a odišiel; to je všetko. Brat Way by sa chcel opýtať, či je v budove niekto, kto ide dolu do Arkansassu, v utorok, alebo kedykoľvek idete, na toto zhromaždenie... No, je to možno veľmi malé zhromaždenie. Je to bratstvo, ktoré sa stretáva. A myslím, že je to hore v nejakej džungli alebo niečom takom, smerom hore... A tam pravdepodobne nebude príliš veľa ľudí, hádam, na tom zhromaždení, lebo úprimne povedané, oni ešte ani nevedia, že prídem. Vidíte? A tak, moji priatelia tam, bude to pravdepodobne jedna alebo dve noci predtým, kedy sa to dozvedia, dokonca moji priatelia v Arkansasse, ktorí ma tam dolu poznajú, budú na zhromaždení. Ale ak niekto ide, a bude mať miesto pre niekoho, aby šiel s ním, brat Way by rád išiel. Povedal, aby som to oznámil, že on nebude záťažou pre ľudí, aby sa o neho starali, kým tam bude, lebo on to sám zvládne. Ale on, ak niekto pôjde, bude to pre neho znamenie, že Boh bude rád, alebo bude v Božej vôli, aby išiel dolu. Tak všetci poznáte brata Waya, ktorý tu sedí v rohu. A ak niekto bude chcieť, ide dolu a má miesto pre ďalšieho pasažiera, on rád pôjde.

30A potom budúcu nedeľu večer, ak Pán bude chcieť, budem späť, alebo vlastne budúcu nedeľu ráno. A ak má brat Neville nedeľnú školu, a keď sa skončí, chcem nahrať ďalšiu pásku, ak môžem. A ak sa nemýlim, myslím, že budem hovoriť na tému, “Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia, čo, čo je... alebo Je tvoja žena, vlastne tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?” To je to, čo som chcel povedať. Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia. A chcem o tom nahrať pásku, ak bude Pán chcieť.

31A teraz, dnes večer... Dnes som ohlásil, že nahrám pásku, a pastor, myslím, že ani nekázal, len ma zavolal, a tak, aby som kázal tu na pódiu. No, potom neviem... No, ak nahrávajú pásky... Ak sa vám zdá, že ste unavení alebo niečo, chcete ísť von, len buďte tak ticho, ako je to možné, lebo my ne... Vidíte, tieto mikrofóny sú veľmi, veľmi citlivé a zachytávajú malý zvuk. A my nahrávame, snažíme sa nahrávať tieto pásky pre medzinárodnú službu.

32A dnes večer chcem ohlásiť moju tému ako, potom, ako prečítam Božie Slovo, ktoré je v Evanjeliu sv. Matúša, 24. kapitole Evanjelia podľa sv. Matúša: 24. kapitola, a začnime teraz od 32. verša a čítajme Písmo.

A od fíka sa naučte podobenstvu: keď už zmäkne jeho letorast a vyženie lístie, viete, že je už blízko leto.

Tak aj vy, keď uvidíte všetko toto, vedzte, že je blízko, predo dvermi.

Ameň vám hovorím, že nepominie toto pokolenie, až sa to všetko stane.

Nebo a zem pominú, ale moje slová nikdy nepominú.

Ale o tom dni a o tej hodine nevie nikto, ani nebeskí anjeli ani Syn, iba sám môj Otec.

A jako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude aj za príchodu Syna človeka:

33No, v našom čítaní dnes večer nachádzame, ako čítame, že prvá časť tejto kapitoly hovorí, že učeníci Ho zavolali bokom na horu a povedali Mu, “Čo bude znamením konca sveta? Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu? A kedy príde čas, že nezostane kameň na kameni na chráme?” No, On pokračuje v odpovedi... Vidíte, tu v 1. verši...

Potom vyšiel Ježiš z chrámu a išiel. A pristúpili jeho učeníci, aby mu ukázali stavby chrámu.

Ale Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Či nevidíte všetkého tohoto? Ameň vám hovorím, že tu nebude ponechaný kameň na kameni, ktorý by nebol zborený.

A jeho učeníci...

a keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu...


... A keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pristúpili k nemu učeníci osobitne a riekli: Povedz nám, kedy to bude, a čo bude znamením tvojho príchodu a skonania sveta?

34Vidíte, opýtali sa tri otázky, a On odpovedá na tri otázky. “Kedy príde čas, že nezostane kameň na kameni? Aké je znamenie Tvojho príchodu, a čo koniec sveta?” A mnohí, verím, že my bratia robíme chyby, keď sa to všetko pokúšame vzťahovať k Jeho príchodu. Ale On odpovedá na tri rôzne otázky, ktoré mu boli dané. No, bude čas, keď tam nezostane kameň na kameni, kedy tá vec bude? A čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu, a aký bude koniec sveta? Vidíte, tri rôzne otázky... A On začína odpovedať na jednu, o tom, kedy kamene nezostanú na sebe. A potom, ako dokončuje tú otázku, potom začína, znamenie Jeho príchodu, a potom ide ku koncu sveta.

35No, všimnime si tu, jedna z vecí, o ktorej by som dnes večer rád hovoril, je “Blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu.” A zostaneme dnes večer na dňoch Noeho: “Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” A ja, toto ma minule zasiahlo. A myslel som si, že sa to možno pokúsim vziať a hovoriť o tom. A napísal som si tu niekoľko Písiem, na ktoré by som sa rád odvolal, možno, a trochu z nich čítal...

36Ale teraz, nášho Pána Ježiša sa opýtali túto otázku, a On im dal znamenie Jeho príchodu. A potom, hneď na to povedal toto: “Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú.” A potom povedal, “Učte sa podobenstvu od fíka. Keď vyženie lístie, viete, že je už blízko leto. Tak keď uvidíte tieto veci, ako sa dejú, alebo sa manifestujú, vedzte, že čas je blízko. A toto pokolenie nepominie, až kým sa všetky tieto veci nestanú.” Ktoré pokolenie? To pokolenie, ktoré vidí to odpadnutie, o ktorom budeme dnes večer hovoriť.

37Tak keď rozmýšľame o mojom texte ako “Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho príchodu,” pripomína mi to čakanie na vlakovej stanici, keď človek alebo ľudia stoja okolo, ako mnohí z nás, keď sme čakali na vlak. A nemôžeme počuť vlak, alebo ho nevidíte, ale viete, že je čas. Možno dispečer hovorí, “Trochu mešká; nie je presne načas. Ale my proste nevieme kedy, ale on čoskoro príde.” A budem sa prechádzať okolo po stanici s rukami vo vreckách, a sedieť na kufroch, a pôjdeme von a kúpime si vrecko arašidov, a budeme sa s niekým na ulici rozprávať. Ale zrazu vidíme, že sa niečo deje. Nejaký hluk je na koľajach. A keď to vidíme, to rameno ide dolu, a červené svetlo začne blikať. Čo je to? Vlak je v bloku. Hoci ho nemôžete počuť, hoci ho nemôžete vidieť, ale predsa to blikajúce červené svetlo a to rameno dolu ukazujú, že vchádza dovnútra. A potom, ak chcete ísť na ten vlak, mali by ste radšej zahodiť to vrecko arašidov, skončiť rozhovor, vziať kufre a pripraviť sa, inak budete zanechaní, lebo On sa zastavuje len na jednom mieste, len na chvíľu. On odíde. Ak stále stojíte a kecáte so susedom na ulici, zostanete zanechaní.

38O koľko viac je to potom, keď vidíme blikajúci signál, že On je v bloku, ten starý vlak Evanjelia bude čoskoro prechádzať okolo. A ako dnes večer študujeme ten ohromný text, blikajúci signál...

39Ako si náš Pán sadol na vrchu a povedal im, že sa tieto veci stanú, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka”...

No, chceme sa vrátiť o kúsok späť a zistiť, či môžeme nájsť čokoľvek v tomto dni, čo sa podobá dňom Noeho. A potom môžeme povedať, kde sa nachádzame v tom dni, o ktorom Pán hovoril, uvidíme, či môžeme nájsť len nejakú podobnosť s dňami Noeho. Aby sme to mohli urobiť, myslím, že by sme sa mali vrátiť do Knihy Genesis ku dňom Noeho. A ak si so mnou nájdete, ak áno, v Písme späť v Genesis, 6. kapitola, a to sú dni potopy, a morálky a okolností toho dňa, Genesis 6. kapitola. Teraz, chceme čítať, vidieť a porovnať ten deň s týmto dňom. Všimnite si.

A stalo sa, keď sa začali ľudia množiť na tvári zeme...

40Práve to prvé slovo nám poskytuje absolútne blikajúce svetlo, že ten deň je blízko, lebo nebolo žiadneho času v histórii, že by kedy bolo toľko ľudí a tak rýchlo sa množiacich, ako máme dnes, až je ťažko nájsť si miesto na bývanie. A tak mnoho ľudí sa množí na zemi, že veda hovorí, že ak sa budú aj naďalej množiť ako doteraz, za dvadsať rokov nebude na zemi pre ľudí dokonca ani jedlo. “Reader‘s Digest,” myslím, že to bol on, ktorý to citoval. Že nebude dokonca ani potrava pre ľudí, ktorí sa tak rýchlo množia.

41Môžeme sa pozrieť okolo a vidieť, že miesta, ktoré zvykli byť pustatinami, sa zmenili na mestá a predsa je kontrola pôrodnosti vo svojom najväčšom rozmachu, ako kedy bola. Myslím, že sa to hovorilo o Chicagu... Dúfam, že necitujem zle tieto údaje. Ale vlastne registrované prípady, tridsaťtisíc prípadov potratov každých 60 dní v Chicagu. Prípady potratov zaznamenané každých 60 dní, a čo tie, ktoré vôbec neboli zaznamenané? Vidíte? Len v jednom veľkom štvormiliónovom veľkomeste, a čo celý svet? A predsa populácia je tak zaľudnená, až sa o ňu nedokážu postarať.

42V Indii sa snažia stať, urobiť, oddeliť ľudskú časť mužov, aby sa stali neplodnými, aby sa nemohli rodiť deti, lebo sa tak rozrástli: 470 miliónov v súčasnosti v Indii.

43A čo Čína, kde nárast je väčší, Rusko, a mnoho krajín sveta? Keď sa ľudia začnú množiť na tvári zeme... Vidíte? No, vraciame sa späť do predpotopného času.

...a narodili sa im dcéry,

že videli synovia Boží ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne, a brali si ženy zo všetkých, ktoré si volili.

A Hospodin riekol: Nebude sa môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky v jeho blúdení; je telo, a bude jeho dní sto dvadsať rokov.

V tých dňoch boli obrovia na zemi, a tiež i potom, keď vchádzali synovia Boží k ľudským dcéram a rodili im. To boli tí siláci, ktorí sú od veku mužmi povestného mena.

44Ó, čo za tému tu máme. Vidíte? No, jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú chcem, aby ste si všimli, je, že synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne. No, ja ne... Ukazujem toto na celý svet. Ale nebolo času na zemi, ako môžem pomyslieť, jedine ten čas, že by kedy bolo toľko krásy medzi ženami.

45A pamätáte si, niektoré z vás, starších žien, a niektorí z vás ľudí, mužov, ktorí si pamätáte pred rokmi, ako to bolo zriedka, že ste našli peknú ženu. Ale dnes nenájdete žiadnu okrem peknej. Je to preto, že prišli na miesto celého toho ich strihania vlasov a make-upu, a všetkých druhov sexy oblečenia a vecí. Oni sa môžu predvádzať takým spôsobom... A potom je to ďalšia vec, ruka času to vrátila späť zhodne s Písmom. A ženy sú neustále na vzostupe byť krajšími.

46Pamätám si, keď som bol malý chlapec v škole a obrátil som sa a pozrel sa na malé deti dnes, malé dievčatá prichádzajú. A pozriem sa, pomyslím na ženy, keď som bol mladý muž a pozriem sa na dievčatá dnes. Pamätám sa, že bolo jedno populárne dievča (a to nebolo pred viac ako dvadsiatimipiatimi rokmi), jedno populárne dievča, pekné dievča, a pekná, že skoro každý chlapec chcel s tým dievčaťom chodiť, lebo to bola kráľovná skupiny. Možno v celom meste boli dve alebo tri také ženy. Teraz, sa všetky stávajú peknými, všetky z nich. To je, aby sa vyplnilo Písmo a červené svetlo blikalo, že čas je blízko.

47Vynašli také veci ako rúž a make-up, že žena, ktorá nie je taká pekná, sa stále môže urobiť krajšou, perami, a tými vecami, ktoré robia, aby sa urobili peknými.

48Max Factor pracuje deň a noc, a v Amerike sa za rok viac míňa na kozmetiku, aby sa ženy stali peknými, než je míňané v obchodoch s potravinami. Tak je to. Zabudol som, koľko biliónov dolárov je každý rok minuté na kozmetiku, aby sa naše ženy skrášlili.

49No, nehovorím nič proti tomu. Len vám ukazujem, že je to záblesk červeného svetla, že čas je blízko. Lebo Sám Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” Vidíte, tá istá vec.

50Všimnite si, keď sa ľudia začali množiť, mnoho ľudí, ľudské dcéry boli krásne. A synovia Boží sa na ne pozerali a brali si ich za ženy. No, to nie sú moje vlastné slová; čítam to z Biblie, kde nám Ježiš povedal, aby sme šli späť do Genesis a porovnali tieto dni spolu: množenie ľudí, a krásu žien.

51Nuž, je to veľké znamenie. No, to varovanie, Jehovovo varovanie, 3. verš.

A Pán povedal, …

52Hneď po tom, ako sa toto stalo... Pamätajte, Svätý Duch napísal Bibliu, a Ježiš bol zmocnený plnosťou Svätého Ducha. A On hovoril jedine skrze Svätého Ducha. A Písma sú napísané Duchom Svätým. A ten Jediný, ktorý napísal Genesis 6, nám v Matúšovi 24 povedal, aby sme vedeli, kedy je blízko čas, aby sme sa vrátili do Genesis 6 a porovnali to.

53Množenie ľudí na zemi, a predsa, taká kontrola pôrodnosti a všetky tie veci, ktoré pokračujú, to dokonca nekontrolujú; ide to proste tak isto, lebo sme v čase konca.

54A potom si všimnite, okamžite prišiel čas, o ktorom som hovoril, že ženy boli veľmi krásne, veľmi pekné. A kontrolujeme to s týmto a môžeme to dokázať.

55No, nedávno som sa pozeral na nejaké obrázky, na našich predkov, keď prechádzali planinami. A nemôžem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ale jej meno bolo známe od San Francisca po Boston, že bola najkrajšou ženou v krajine. Pearl White, myslím, že to bolo jej meno, pred mnohými rokmi.. Bola zavraždená svojím milencom Scottom Jacksonom. A keby ste videli fotku tej ženy, ktorá bola najkrajšou ženou krajiny, ledva by ste sa na ňu pozreli. Vyzerala by ako starožitnosť tu vonku na ulici, lebo takmer každá žena, ktorú by ste mohli chytiť, akokoľvek by ste chceli, by bola trikrát krajšia než ona, ktorákoľvek žena dnes, ktorú by ste chytili len idúc po ulici. Vidíte, je to vzostup: krása žien.

56A potom som zvedavý, či si toto naše ženy uvedomujú a môžu... To je dôvod, prečo chcem, aby táto páska išla, že vy si nesmiete dávať.... chceme, aby ste boli pekné, ale chceme, aby ste boli prirodzené. Nechceme, aby ste boli umelé. Niektoré z týchto pekných žien, ak by ste ich namočili do vane a umyli ich, mohli by vyzerať trochu ináč, a obliekli ich tak, ako by mali byť oblečené. Ale oni to nerobia, a vy im nemôžete nič iné povedať. Zachvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Ale toto je záblesk červeného svetla.

57A pamätajte, keď sa ľudia začali množiť na zemi a ženy sa stali krásnymi, to bola tá hodina, bolo to vtedy, keď Pán povedal, “Nebude sa môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky.” Vidíte to zovretie? Vidíte tú ruku Božiu? “Môj Duch...” Dcéry ľudské boli krásne. A oni si ich brali za ženy. A On povedal, “Potom sa nebude môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky. Skrátim jeho dni.”

Teraz v 4. verši:

V tých dňoch boli obrovia na zemi, a tiež i potom, keď vchádzali synovia Boží k ľudským dcéram a rodili im. To boli tí siláci, ktorí sú od veku mužmi povestného mena.

58Všimli ste si, vôbec to nepovedalo nič o svadbe? Všimnite si. synovia Boží vchádzali k dcéram ľudským: nič o svadbe. A ak vezmete originálnu gréčtinu, význam toho slova... hovorí... Alebo, mám to tu niekde zapísané, manželka, brali si ich za manželky v 3. verši, brali si ich... V gréčtine, vyhľadal som to dnes popoludní, to nehovorilo, že si ich brali za manželky, povedalo to, že si ich brali za ženy, nie manželky. No, skontrolujte to so svojím, so svojím “Emphatic Diaglott” a sledujte, či to nie je pravda.

59Brali si ich za ženy, nie manželky. Brali si ich proste tak ako boli, slobodní milenci, ako to majú dnes. Inými slovami, oni boli vtedy milencami, práve tak, ako sú dnes. Robili si, čo chceli, a vzali ktorúkoľvek ženu, ktorú mohli.

60A keď synovia Boží... No, mnohí z nich tu hovoria, že to boli padlí anjeli a tak ďalej, tí muži a ženy. Ale chcem ukázať, že to nie je správne, je to úplne nesprávne, Biblia nikde nehovorí o anjeloch, že by boli muži alebo ženy. A okrem toho, nikdy nie je hovorené o žene, že by bola Anjelom v Biblii, nikdy. No, ak na to chcete Písma, Matúš 22:20 a tak ďalej, môžete to nájsť.

61No, že nie je taká vec ako ženský anjel. To je ten dôvod, prečo ženy kazateľky... Anjel je posol. A to je, a to je, že anjel je posol... A neexistuje niečo také. Ale vidíte, deň sa dnes zmenil, ako to bolo vtedy. Teraz, mám tu zapísané nejaké historické fakty a radi by sme sa do toho za pár minút dostali.

62Všimnite si, ženy vtedy, vo dňoch Noeho, museli byť témou dňa. Vidíte, synovia Boží (Setovi, Setovi synovia) videli dcéry Kaina, že sú krásne. Prečo? Boli hriešne a boli to dcéry Kaina. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, boli pekné, brali si ich za ženy. Potom synovia Boží vypadli zo svojho vzťahu s Bohom a stali sa lovcami žien. A ak to nie je obraz dneška, potom neviem, čo to je. To je pravda.

63Muži... Dokonca sa pozrite dnes na naše zbory; pozrite sa na všetko, čo chcete; všimnite si to. Všade, vyzeralo to v tom dni, museli byť pekné ženy. Muži sa stali ich otrokmi, ako hovorí história, že muži sa stali vlastne otrokmi žien, lebo boli tak pekné, že oni sa stali otrokmi. Oni si doslova urobili svätyne a uctievali. A len pomyslite, oni vtedy doslovne uctievali ženské telo a krv. To je história.

64A porovnajte to s dneškom. Je to tá istá vec, môj brat. Muži vlastne uctievajú ženy. No, v našej vlastnej krajine je o pani Kennedyovej dvakrát vyššia mienka, ako o prezidentovi.

65Je to tak. A ak vždy hovoríte o mužovi, ak má atraktívnu manželku, to je to. A teraz, oni hovoria, že... o šoférovaní. Hovoria, že ženy sú najbezpečnejšími šoférmi. To nie je pravda, lebo poviem vám prečo. Billy a ja, keď sme prechádzali Spojenými štátmi to máme z prvej ruky; dali sme do nášho auta malú mapu, malú tabuľku, a napísali sme “žena” a “muž”. A vždy, keď žena urobila chybu, dali sme značku na jej stranu; a keď muž urobil chybu, dali sme značku na jeho stranu. A z tristo toho, čo my nazývame “trápne chyby” urobené na ceste, boli... Boli by ste prekvapení; bolo tam dvesto osemdesiat žien ku devätnástim mužom. Ale viete prečo? Oni to nedostanú na najnižšom súde. Polícia nezatkne pekné dievča: jednu z tisíca. Ona dá svoje telefónne číslo, ale on ju nezatkne. A to je proste spôsob... Niet divu, že záznamy to neukazujú. Vidíte, lebo muži dneška sú ako vo dňoch Noeho; klaňajú sa svätyni pekných žien. Presne.

66Ó. Aké to muselo byť vtedy hrozné uctievať, keď oni... Ženy sa objavovali v takom atraktívnom spôsobe... A ak v tom boli vtedy trochu lepšie, než ako sú dnes, som rád, že som nežil vtedy. Pomyslite na to, ako len ony... Ako sa ženy museli správať tak isto, ako dnes.

67Všimnite si. Biblia povedala, že oni jedli a pili. No, to je správne. Iste. Manželstvo je v úcte. Muž si vezme ženu, to je počestné, to je ustanovené od Boha. Ale keď to prichádza do času, že muž si vezme manželku iného muža, alebo si vezme nejakú mladú ženu, alebo nejakú ženu, nezáleží, kto ona je, a poruší svoj manželský sľub a urobí niečo, čo je nesprávne, je to hriešne v očiach Božích. A Biblia proti tomu hovorí veľmi tvrdo.

68Teraz si všimnite, povedalo To, že... Manželstvo, Boh to ustanovil v Edene, ale On istotne odsúdil cudzoložstvo. A títo muži a ženy v tom dni prestúpili zákony Božie a vzali to na seba a aj tak to urobili. No, porovnajte to s dneškom. Pozrite sa na to. Ak chcete vidieť, že vlak je v bloku, dobre hlboko sa teraz nad tým zamyslite, ako neomylný Ježiš Kristus povedal tieto slová. Vidíte?

69A všimnite si. Biblia tu povedala, že oni jedli a pili, samozrejme, so svojimi peknými ženami. No, keď si uvedomíte, že to je v poriadku. Jedenie a pitie, to je jedno z prirodzených zákonov života. Musíme to robiť. Ale keď je to všetko, čo je vo vašej mysli... Dnes sa ľudia proste stávajú nenažrancami, alkoholikmi, ženy pijú v reštauráciách. A idete na miesto, kde sú servírované destiláty a kokteily, ženy tam v pití predstihujú mužov.

70Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď jedli a pili, a ženili sa.” Inými slovami, oni žili so ženami bez toho, aby si ich boli zobrali. A dnes, no, je to tak ustanovené... Oni mali v "Reno", že ste sa mohli oženiť a rozviesť a znovu oženiť v tom istom dni. Ale to je teraz nemoderné. Tí takzvaní manželia, a manželky pri sebe nosia rôzne kľúče od izieb v týchto veľkých mestách. No, ja cestujem; som rovno v mestách a viem, že je to pravda, že manžel má svoje schôdzky a manželka má svoje schôdzky. Nuž, je to také nakopenie hniloby, že to produkuje bandu mäkkej, lenivej, nedobrej, peklom-zaviazanej generácie.

71Pred niekoľkými rokmi... Pozrite sa, kam sa muž dostal vo svojom tele. Pozrite sa, kam sa dostal skrze tie veci, ktoré urobil. Veda sa neustále snaží vytvoriť lepšiu potravu, skrížené zrno a skrížené paradajky, skríženú fazuľu, pričom tie veci vôbec nie sú dobré. Zabíja to ľudí, a oni si to neuvedomujú. No, za pár rokov to nebude nič, len jednoducho banda mäkkýšov.

72Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi sa hrali loptové hry práve tak, ako sa hrajú teraz, a nikdy ste nepočuli o niekom, kto by sa zranil. Ale teraz, zabijú tucet alebo dva za rok. Lopta udrie človeka, on, nie je v ňom nič, aby v ňom udržalo jeho život. Je ako morča, udriete ho, on je tak mäkký, že zomrie.

73Keď Bob Fitzsimmons zápasil s Corbettom, myslím, že zápasili sto dvadsaťpäť kôl v jedno popoludnie, s holými päsťami. Keď títo muži s takou silou vo svojich ramenách mohli vziať dve na štyri v štyroch cóloch a rozbiť to dvomi na štyri, s ničím iným, len s mozoľnatými rukami... Oni spali s rukami v octe, aby ich stvrdli päste. A to kolo nebolo malé s dvomi alebo tromi minútami, ako máme dnes. Oni nemali matrace omotané okolo rúk. A nikto nebol zabitý. A oni si mysleli, že kolo musí skončiť zrazením. Museli ste človeka zraziť dolu. A oni zápasili sto dvadsaťpäť úderov k zemi. Boli to muži. A dnes oni musia zastaviť to umenie boxovania, keď majú matrace na svojich ramenách a na svojich pästiach, nemôžu zápasiť dve alebo tri kolá, aby niekoho nezabili. Čo sa stalo? On je utvorený z kopy... (Ja neviem.) mäkkého, blatového, skríženého ničoho, až celá generácia zomiera.

74Nepovedala Biblia, že sa stanú slabšími a múdrejšími? No, v inej rase ľudí, ktorá prichádza, budú žiť z kapsulí, vezmú si kapsulu na večeru. Nie je to nič iné, len banda cigarety fajčiacich, whisky pijúcich, koktailových, prípitkových, drogovo závislých; tínedžerské deti v školách v mladistvej kriminalite. Niet divu, že jej matka vonku na ulici sa správa tak, ako sa správa, uvrhuje dieťa do tej istej veci.

75Pekných žien pribúda, sociálny život sa rúca... Ó, čo za veľká vec v dni, v ktorom žijeme. Ako to oni robia, to je... chcú, aby im to prešlo.... Im to neprejde. Čo oni robia? Práve tak, ako to robili vtedy. Robia si z prikázaní Božích žarty. Boh povedal, “Nespáchaš cudzoložstvo.” Ale oni ukazujú, že to môžu robiť a že im to prejde. Oni si myslia, že im to prejde, ale to im nikdy neprejde. Možno by ste toto nemali prísť počúvať. Každopádne, Boh povedal, že toto bude čas, keď bude blikať červené svetlo. Ježiš tak povedal.

76No, čo za hriech, ktorý činia a smejú sa na tom hriechu... Mnohokrát je to tak, že práve tú vec, ktorú táto Biblia nazýva nemorálnou, svet nazýva ctnosť. Ak vezmete mladé dievčatá, a vyzlečiete z nich šaty a dáte ich tam vonku s malými šortkami a nohavicami a takými vecami, a necháte ich kráčať dolu ulicou, oni si myslia, že to je kladná stránka, že dievča môže ukazovať svoje ženské telo, keď Biblia hovorí, že je to hriech. Hrozné. Ale svet to nazýva ctnosť. Vidíte, oni si robia z prikázaní Božích... A cirkev o tom nič nehovorí. Je čas, aby niekto povstal v mene spravodlivosti v Mene Ježiša Krista a zastavil toto, pretože raz sa za to budeme zodpovedať v deň súdu.

77No, ak toto niekomu znie staro a suchársky, skúmajte niekoľko rokov späť a pozrite sa, čo sa deje teraz, a potom si predstavte budúcnosť. Nie je žiadna budúcnosť okrem príchodu Pánovho.

78Všimnite si. Skúmajte tieto predpotopné ženy s kráčaním dneška. Skúmajte, čo ony boli.

79Skúmajte, čo robili synovia Boží. Skúmajte, čo robia dnes. Nedávno som sedel na jednom zhromaždení, a takmer ma to zlomilo, keď všetci tí... Zdalo sa, že každý sa proste raduje z kazateľovho kázania, ktorý stál na pódiu. A ja som sedel v rohu. A dovnútra vošla mladá dáma, a ona bola naozaj zle oblečená. A prišla kráčajúc cez tento zbor, ako Biblia hovorí, poskakujúc, ako šla. A každý kazateľ na pódiu, plus zhromaždenie, každý otočil hlavu a pozeral, sledujúc to dievča. A myslel som na to Písmo, synovia Boží hľadeli na dcéry ľudské, hriešnice, bezbožné, pekné ženy. Ó, to roztrhalo mnoho cirkví na kusy. Vzalo to Ducha Božieho preč. Všimnite si. Hľadeli na ľudské dcéry...

80No, pamätajte, neomylný Ježiš Kristus poznamenal, že tieto veci budú takto v tomto dni. A povedal, že keď uvidíte diať sa tieto veci, potom viete, že ten čas je blízko. No, nie je veľa ľudí, ktorí to povedia. Je mnoho kazateľov, ktorí to nemôžu povedať. On by mohol, ak by chcel. Ale ak to urobí, zhromaždenie ho vykopne von. To je úplná pravda.

81Ale je tu jedna vec. Ak je muž povolaný od Boha, bude stáť s tou Bibliou, nestarám sa, čo musí urobiť. Musíte si pamätať, že To je Pravda. A Pravda buď zväzuje alebo vyslobodzuje. A to je presne to, čo Ježiš Kristus povedal.

82Synovia Boží padli kvôli krásnym postavám a tváram ľudských dcér. A to je presne to, čo máme dnes, znovu tá istá vec.

83No, porovnajte ten deň: Množenie ľudí, ženy sa stávajú krajšími, synovia Boží upadajú, manželstvo a ženenie sa, rozvodové prípady, žitie v cudzoložstve, a tak ďalej.

84"No," poviete, "brat Branham, len chvíľu. Ja neviem." Počúvaj, brat, len predtým, ako niečo povieš, počúvaj toto. Ježiš Kristus povedal, že ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci. A keď vidíte... Keď muž vychádza zo svojej kancelárie, vychádza zo zboru, vychádza z domu, vyrazí na ulicu, čo vidí, ak nie vystavovanie ženského tela a krvi na každom kroku, priliehavé, pekné tváre... Pokúšaní... To je to, čo Boh povedal, že sa bude diať. Keď sa to bude diať, čas je blízko. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď synovia Boží videli dcéry ľudské a začali si ich brať za ženy... Vidíte? Tu to máte.

85Teraz sledujte. Nachádzame to, tú istú vec dnes. Vidíme v histórii, že v sebe mali takú sexuálnu príťažlivosť, až synovia Boží si pre seba urobili svätyne zo žien. To je Venuša a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Oni si urobili svätyne a klaňali sa im. Keď poviete, "brat Branham, dnes nemáme také veci; nemôžeš to porovnávať s dneškom." Prepáčte. Verím, že je to dnes horšie, ako to bolo vtedy.

86Čo vidíme? Televízia... Nemôžete ani zobrať noviny, ale všetko, čo vidíte, je naplnené ženami: pekná ženy na každej fľaši whisky, v časopisoch, sexy, nemorálne oblečené. Celá televízia je, všade je nejaká sexy oblečená žena, nejaká pekná žena. A nachádzame na cigaretových reklamách, všade, kde sa môžete pozrieť, nájdete nejakú atraktívnu ženu. Nemôžete vidieť ani reklamu na silonové pančuchy, bez toho, aby ste videli nejaký druh tenkých tvarovaných nôh, ako cez to idú. A to je pravda. Ale čo to je? Prečo to je?

87Pamätám si človeka, pre ktorého som pracoval, Chris Meisner tu hore na rohu. Mnohí z vás si pamätáte Chrisa Meisnera. Jeho žena, Lilian, volala sa Lily, myslím, Ellingerová. A keď ona, prišiel nejaký muž... Ona bola nádherné dievča, a nejaký človek chcel dostať povolenie od jej otca, aby dal jej tvár, jej fotku, jej profil na krabičku cukríkov. A tento starý nemecký Luterán sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal, "To je pre mňa urážka, aby som dal fotku mojej dcéry na krabičku cukríkov, aby sa rozšírila po celej krajine." A čo dnes, keď billboardy, televízia, všetko, čo vidíte, sú nemorálne, vulgárne, sexy, bezbožne vyzerajúce ženy? Tak je to. Čo je to? Vlak, ten starý... Ten starý vlak je teraz v bloku. Biblia tak povedala; prichádza čoskoro. Počujeme ten zvuk.

88Hovoríme o iných veciach ohľadom toho, ale pamätajte, toto je iný záblesk, jeden zo zábleskov, ktoré dnes blikajú pred nami. Ó, vidíme národný stav; vidíme politický nepokoj; vidíme cirkevnú situáciu; kážeme o tom všetkom, ale toto je niečo nové. Je to niečo, čo nie je veľmi populárne, aby sa o tom hovorilo, ale musí to byť urobené, lebo musí byť hlas, ktorý volá. A pamätajte, práve tie slová, ktoré dnes večer hovorím, ma stretnú tam na súde.

89Keď som prednedávnom videl túto ženu vo videní, ktoré mi Pán ukázal, videl som ju zomierať... Nikdy si neviem spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ona... Marilyn Monroe. A ja som ju nikdy nevidel; nechodím do kina. Ale videl som to dievča, a bolo atraktívne. A snažila sa k niečomu dostať; zomierala, mala srdcový záchvat. A Pán povedal, "No, povieš, že zomrela presne o štvrtej. Nespáchala samovraždu," povedal, "ale môžeš povedať, že zomrela o štvrtej, lebo je práve pár sekúnd pred štvrtou." A tam, videl som, kde ju našli. A povedal som Billymu; povedal som rodine, tým, ktorí boli so mnou pri tom. A pár dní po tom, bola to Marilyn Monroe, ktorá zomrela.

90No, keď som bol minule v Kanade, moje deti mi stále hovorili na istom mieste, kde nám jedna pani nechala dom, bol tam televízor. A oni povedali, že bude film "Rieka bez návratu." To je rieka, v ktorej celý čas lovím. A John Smith, môj priateľ je na tom výlete. Povedali, "Urobili o tom film," a povedali, "Ocko, možno je Dr. Smith v tom programe. Chcel by si sa na to pozrieť?" "Nuž," povedal som, "keď sa vrátim z Kanady, keď sa vrátim načas, pozriem sa na to." Nuž, keď sa film začal, šiel som sa na to pozrieť, pozrieť sa na to. A keď som sa pozrel, kto tam hral, ak nie Marilyn Monroe. No, tam bola (po tom, čo bola mŕtva už rok alebo viac), tam bola celá sexy oblečená; bol tam jej hlas na, stále hral a bude hrať roky a roky na tej magnetickej páske. Ak tá magnetická páska drží jej skutky, keby sa mohla pozrieť odtiaľ, kde je dnes večer (dúfam, že je spasená, ale ja neviem; to je na Bohu.), ale keby sa mohla pozrieť späť, ona by to nemohla poprieť. Ona to nemôže poprieť, lebo to máme. O koľko viac má Boh každý pohyb, každý skutok na Svojej najvyššej páske, ktorá bude... Nemôžeme sa z toho dostať von. Je to rovno tam.

91A pamätajte, ak by tu bol mikrofón položený rovno tu, kde je tento, a keby som teraz vysielal do celého sveta, ľudia okolo sveta by počuli môj hlas ešte predtým, ako by sa dostal spoza tejto kazateľne ku vám. To je v elektronike toho sveta.

92A viete, že ten hlas nikdy nezomiera. Nikdy nezomrie. Veda tvrdí, že za dvadsať rokov, ak sa budú rozvíjať tak ako teraz, že nájdu doslovný hlas Ježiša Krista, keď bol na zemi: za dvadsať rokov od teraz. Lebo je to ako spadnutie okruhliaku do jazera; malé vlny môžu nakoniec zmiznúť z vášho dohľadu, ale veda tvrdí, že oni sa vrátia späť k jednému brehu, cez oceán k ďalšiemu, a späť a napred; a nikdy neskončia. A takisto ani slová, ktoré hovoríte; oni vás stretnú v deň súdu a odsúdia vás alebo vás zachránia. A nikdy nebudete schopní vystačiť s niečim iným.

93A sme si dobre vedomí toho, že to, čo prechádza rovno teraz cez túto miestnosť, sú obrazy ľudí. Ak tomu neveríte, zapnite televízor. A sú tam hlasy ľudí, a predsa ich naše zmysly nezachytia.

94No, oni majú vysielaciu stanicu a magnetické pole, alebo elektrónka, alebo kryštál, ktorý zachytáva tie hlasy a reprodukuje ich. A teraz, tá jediná vec, ktorou Biblia je, je toto: Slovo Ježiša Krista, ktoré vypovedal, a oni sú doslovne nažive práve tak, ako ktorékoľvek iné slovo dnes večer vo svete.

95No, ak bolo vaše srdce očistené Krvou Ježiša Krista a stáva sa prijímačom toho Vysielača, On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil, lebo Jeho Slovo nemôže zomrieť. Oni žijú navždy. Oni nemusia vyvinúť niečo, čím to za dvadsať rokov od teraz zachytia; my to prijímame práve teraz. No, tu to máte.

96Žijúc v tomto veľkom dni, v ktorom žijeme, blízko príchodu Syna človeka a svetlá Jeho príchodu blikajú všade... Vidíme to v politike; vidíme to v cirkvi; vidíme to v čase; vidíme to všade, kam sa pozrieme. Vidíme, že slnko nevyzerá tak ako predtým. Svet je v chaose. Hovoria mi práve teraz, na severnom póle, tam hore, že more sa stalo, zabudol som, o koľko hlbšie, ako bolo. Beringov prieliv, mohli ste cez neho prejsť. Teraz, je to mnoho, mnoho, mnoho stôp hlboko v Beringovom prielive. Prečo? Zem sa v strede nafukuje. Stáva sa plytšou tu, kde bola hlboká a hlbšou tu, kde bola plytkou. Svet je úplne v chaose. Poneviera sa; kľučkuje. Celá príroda sa vzdáva. A všetko, čo vidíme...

97A teraz dnes večer, zisťujeme, že práve sama tá príroda produkuje v ľudskej rase znamenie Jeho príchodu, pretože synovia Boží a ľudské dcéry sa stávajú krajšie, a ako si ich berú za ženy. Čo za hodina, v ktorej žijeme. Ó. A ako to bolo v tamtom dni.

98Potom vidíme v histórii túto veľkú šokujúcu vec, že muži uctievajú ženy. A zisťujeme, že dnes je to ženský svet.

99Prednedávnom som bol vo Švajčiarsku, a rozprával som sa s... No, nič proti našim kresťanským ženám (Nie veru.); ony sú klenoty. Ja hovorím o tom, ako beží ten svet. Viezla sa so mnou jedna dáma – brat Guggenbuhl a jeho priateľka, s ktorou išiel... On je muž okolo, skoro v mojom veku, nikdy nebol ženatý, starý mládenec, a on šiel s nejakou mladou dámou. A potom... Jedno z dievčat odtiaľ, a ona povedala, "brat Branham, povedz nám o Amerike. Vieme, že ženy, že tam je určite svet žien." Povedal som, "To je pravda." Povedala, "Vždy som tam chcela ísť." Potom som jej začal vysvetľovať. Povedala, "Čo?" Povedal som, "Áno." To hneď zmenilo jej názor. "Nuž," povedala, "ako si potom mohol žiť kresťanský život na takom mieste ako je to?" Pomyslite na to.

100Keď som šiel do Ríma a bol som dolu na San Angelo, katakombách, bolo to šokujúce... Keď som vyšiel z hotela a šiel som dolu tam, kde je to miesto nazvané "Tri mince vo fontáne," tie ženy na ulici, ako nemorálne... Ženy kráčali hore a žiadali vás, aby ste ich vzali na rande, všetky šortky, s rozmermi, a všetko také veci. A zabudol som, koľké prišli k Billymu a mne, bratovi Baxterovi a k tomu mužovi z TWA, ktorý nás tam sprevádzal, predtým, ako sme sa dostali dolu k jazierku, Povedal som, "Musia tie ženy takto žiť?"

101Povedal, "Nie, keď tu boli vojaci, ony si na to zvykli, a ony majú dobrú prácu, a predsa v tom pokračujú." Ale dokonca na mieste ako to, keď som sa dostal na to miesto na San Angelo, ohromný, veľký znak tam z Vatikánu, hovoril, "Upozornenie pre Američanky: Prosíme, oblečte sa predtým, ako vojdete a vzdáte úctu mŕtvym."

102Videl som americké dievča, ktoré vystúpilo v Paríži, kde je to vlastne jedno z... Naša móda zvykla prichádzať z Paríža. Ale to dievča bolo tak nemorálne oblečené, so svojím otcom a matkou, až vojaci, ktorí tam pracovali, pustili svoje krompáče a lopaty a bežali tam a pozerali sa na tú scénu a sledovali, ako táto Američanka prejde.

103Udávame tempo v móde. Zvykol to byť Paríž, ale teraz oni prichádzajú sem, aby dostali vulgárnu, nehanebnú špinu. A tento národ, cez ktorý práve prešlo prebudenie krstu Svätým Duchom s milým Ježišom Kristom ukazujúcim Svoje znamenia a zázraky milosti... A hovoriac, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a svetlá blikajú zo strany na stranu... Boh, ktorý môže vzkriesiť mŕtveho z jeho postele, Boh, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorého, Boh, ktorý môže povedať veci predtým, ako sa stanú, a urobiť to dokonale do bodky zakaždým bez zlyhania... A môžete to kázať našim ženám v Amerike, a ony sa každým rokom stávajú horšími.

104Bombay, vlastne, v Durbane, Južnej Afrike, kde bolo zhromaždených nejakých 200 tisíc domorodcov na zhromaždení, kde sa prejavil veľký zázrak Boží... A videl som 30 tisíc obyčajných domorodcov... Stáli tam ženy len so štvorcólovými záplatami korálikov, ktoré im vpredu viseli; a teraz, muži, bez šiat, štvorcólové záplaty... Nahé, prikrývky, na ktorých spali, kozie kože, ony ich dostávajú, keď dosiahnu istý vek, a potom ony v tom žijú, spia v tom, zahaľujú sa do toho, a zomierajú a sú v tom pochovávaní niekde v ohrade.

105A videl som tie ženy tak primitívne, že žena porodila dieťa sediac dvadsať stôp odo mňa. Vôbec nešla do nemocnice. Oni, nejaká žena jej tam na minútu pomohla a asi o päť minút to celé skončilo. Zodvihla dieťa a držala ho na prsiach, aby ho nachovala. Tak primitívna, ale keď videli moc Všemohúceho Boha, ako prišla na chlapca, ktorý bol tak postihnutý, a nebol dokonca normálnej mysle, a povstal s normálnym rozumom vzdávajúc Bohu chválu, 30 tisíc obyčajných domorodcov prijalo Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Čo sa stalo? Pamätáte sa, že je to desaťkrát viac ako na Letnice: 30 tisíc. A nikto... Sledoval som tie ženy na vlastné oči. Keď padli na zem, lámali svoje modly, dávali svoje životy Ježišovi Kristovi... Ony nevedeli; ony pravdepodobne nikdy nepočuli Jeho Meno, mnohé z nich. Ale keď padli na svoje kolená... A opýtal som sa ich, či sú v tom úprimné, či to skutočne tak myslia, lámuc svoje modly a ony lámali svoje modly. A keď padli na svoje kolená a dali svoje životy Kristovi, zatiaľ čo som sa za ne modlil, a znovu vstali; a tie ženy, ktoré stáli s ramenami dolu, nevediac, že sú nahé, akonáhle sa Život Kristov dotkol ich života, videl som tie ženy, ako si skrížili ruky a vyšli z prítomnosti mužov. A ak to dotyk Ježiša Krista urobí obyčajnému domorodcovi, čo to má urobiť národu, ktorý počúval Evanjelium stovky rokov? Áno, tu to vidíme. Videl som to; to nie je niečo, čo niekto iný povedal; ja som to videl. Vidíte? Je to potom zvláštne, že sa nazývame kresťanmi a každý rok sa vyzliekame viac. A zdá sa, že cirkvi sa o to vôbec nestarajú.

106Televízne programy, ó, robia ženské telo a krv... Ony nie sú bohovia. Nie sú bohyne, ale to umiestňuje Ameriku presne do poriadku, aby vyplnila Písmo. Číslo Ameriky je trinásť. Americkou svätyňou je vždy žena; je to na našich peniazoch; je to na všetkom. A to istotne privádza do času, že zanedlho budeme mať aj americkú bohyňu. Môžete vidieť ten nápis na stene.

107Ó, čo budeme robiť? Nemôžete ani vyjsť na ulicu a nájsť... Pozrite sa vonku na ulicu; začnite ísť dolu mestom a len sa pozrite na to predvádzanie žien, ako sa s tým oblečením vytvárajú, ak by boli úprimné k dobrote, žena by mala byť zahanbená, keď stojí takto vo svojej šatni. Kráčajúc vonku po ulici tak obtiahnuté a na sebe malé, drobné oblečenie, to je... A vonku na tých kúpacích plážach s týmito malými "bikinami", alebo ako to volajú, na sebe, a také veci ako to, a nevedia, že je v nich zlý duch. A mnohé z nich spievajú v zboroch. To je to, čo Ježiš povedal, že sa stane.

108Ženské telo, ony sú telo a krv; ony nie sú bohovia. Podľa môjho názoru (Nech mi Boh odpustí, ak sa mýlim.) je to hromadný striptíz. Ťažko môžete obviniť muža, ak nie je kresťanom, ktorý upadne, a upadne do pokušení na takom mieste, že urobí niečo zlé, až sa sám nevie zdržať. Je to ohromujúce, že sa viac nedejú pustošenia, lebo tak mnohé z nich sú v tom. Ale ak by neboli, ako by ste mohli obviniť muža? Dajte obvinenie tam, kam patrí.

109Nejaká žena povie, "No, brat Branham, ja som tak morálna, ako len..." Nepochybujem o tom, ale, moja sestra, vieš o tom, že sa budeš zodpovedať v deň súdu za spáchanie cudzoložstva, keď sa ukazuješ tam vonku a muži sa na teba dívajú? On povedal, "Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci a bude sa za to musieť zodpovedať." A možno si nespáchala ten skutok, ale ak dovolíš satanovi, aby na teba dal toho ducha, keď sama príroda by ťa mala učiť, že je to zlé... Bez Ducha Božieho, príroda by to mala robiť, učiť vás, že je to zlé.

110Predpovedám, že čoskoro prídu s jednou z týchto vecí, že to znovu bude len figový list. Predpovedal som to pred tridsiatimi rokmi (Vidíte?), nejaká urážka Biblie. Vidíte? Oni to urobia. Je to verejný striptíz.

111No, diabol dnes robí to isté synom Božím. Je to tak. Sledujte naše obchody. Väčšina našich obchodov je kontrolovaná ženami, mnoho z nich. Je to tak. Pozrite sa na naše cirkvi, pozrite sa na náš národ, ako sa synovia Boží hlboko skláňajú pred svätyňami týchto vecí, týmito ženami, keď sú... Pre mňa to nie je nič viac, než verejné prostitútky. Je to hrozná vec, povedať to, ale je to holá pravda. Viem, že ľudia, ktorí počúvajú tieto pásky a veci, povedia tieto veci. Ale ako to môžete robiť? Keď sa takto predvádzate a muži sa na vás dívajú, Ježiš povedal, že ste s nimi spáchali cudzoložstvo. A keď sa ten muž musí zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva; kto to spôsobil, koho je to vina? Je to žena, ktorá sa takto vyzliekla a predviedla alebo predstavila pred tým hriešnikom. Tak je to. Čoho je to znak? Času konca, červené svetlo.

112Materstvo je porušené; národy sa rúcajú. No, ak chcete vidieť, kde to Ježiš povedal, čítajte Matúša 5:28. To je to, kde to bolo. Ženský život bol dôvod a forma... Vrhnutie sa na tú sexuálnu moc bolo tou ruinou... Ak chcete ísť do minulosti, tu sú niektoré národy, u ktorých som sledoval ich pád: jeden bol Egypt, Assýria, Rím, a čo viac, padli skrze moc žien.

113Všimnite si, nie je nič, čo by Boh mohol dať mužovi okrem spasenia lepšie než milú manželku. Nie je žiaden človek, ktorý môže utešiť, žiadna osoba nemôže utešiť osobu, keď je unavená; oni nemajú v nikom dôveru tak, ako vo svojej vlastnej manželke. A akými šťastnými ste, vy bratia, keď máte milú manželku, ktorá je čistá, a priama a morálna a môžete vojsť, keď ste unavení a obtiažení a sadnúť si, a ona sa s vami môže rozprávať. Ona s vami môže urobiť viac než ktokoľvek iný. To je pravda. Ona je klenotom; je kráľovnou.

114Ale pamätajte, žena bola učinená pre muža, nie muž pre ženu. Poslednou stvorenou bytosťou, ktorú Boh kedy stvoril, bol muž. Žena je vedľajším produktom muža. A ona bola učinená pre muža, nie muž učinený pre ženu a opačne. A muž padá pred svätyňou žien. To bola práve tá vec, ktorá to začala na počiatku. To je to, čo sa stalo na začiatku. Keď Boží syn Adam nemohol byť pokúšaný, aby robil zle, satan vošiel do osoby zvanej had, ktorý bol ako človek; a to je to, kde to začalo. A Eva sa dostala spoza Slova Božieho, a to spôsobilo každú bolesť srdca, každý cintorín. Každý hriech, ktorý bol kedy spáchaný, začal rovno tam. Tu je to znovu.

115Čo... Ženy boli príčinou prvého pádu, a ženy zakončujú čas. Ona to začala; ona to končí. Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, že tí, ktorí uniknú zo Sionu, budú slávni v očiach Pánových.

116Keď, Izaiáš 5, on hovoril o tom, ako nemorálnosť žien príde v posledných dňoch, a ako bude tak mnoho šiat, ktoré budú musieť mať, a ako to bude s ich vlasmi a všetko toto. Biblia to hovorí, Izaiáš 5. Ako bude kráčať v topánkach s vysokými opätkami, cinkajúc nohami, ako bude kráčať, potom si zhrnie pančuchy, a tie veci, čo bude robiť, mnoho druhov oblečenia kvôli zmene, a také veci. A povedal, že všetko to od nej bude vzaté preč, a bude sedieť a smrdieť nemorálnosťou. A povedal, že dokonca sedem žien sa vrhne na jedného muža a povedia, "Urobíme našu vlastnú prácu; vezmime proste tvoje meno, aby sme odňali našu hanbu."

117Ale povedal, aká slávna bude tá malá Vetva, ktorá unikne všetkým týmto veciam, bude to svätosť Pánovi v tom dni, keď skutočné, rýdze, znovuzrodené ženy poznajú svoje miesto, hoci budú vysmievané a nazývané hlúpymi a staromódnymi a všetko, ale budú sa správať ako ženy, ako dámy... Stáť ako ženy; obliekať sa ako ženy; rozprávať ako ženy; žiť ako dámy. Áno. Amen. To znamená "nech je tak." Neľakajte sa; to vám neublíži. V poriadku.

118Ježišovo vlastné Slovo povedalo, čo sa stane, to veľké predvádzanie. Tiež povedal, že vo dňoch Lota... Ak si chcete poznačiť to miesto Písma, je to Lukáš 17:28. Povedal, že oni jedli, pili; kupovali; predávali. Obyčajne sú toto legitímne veci. Ale sledujte. A že boli zaneprázdnení... Ale oni do toho vložili celú svoju myseľ.

119A vo dňoch Lota boli ženy tak nízko vo svojej morálke, že až neboli využívané ako ženy zvyknú byť, ale boli prevrátené, že až oni, že sa to stalo tak bežným, že ženy sa stali takými bežnými, že oni, muži žili s mužmi.

120Prevrátenosť prirodzenosti zmenila pozíciu sexuálnych buniek, lebo ženy sa stali tak lacnými.

121Pred niekoľkými dňami som bol v... Tuscone. Išiel som pre bochník chleba, a sedel tam chlapec a dvaja malí chlapci v aute. Ďalší prišiel, aby dostal balíček cigariet. Starý sivovlasý muž sa pozrel dolu, povedal, "Pre koho sú tieto cigarety, pre tvoju matku?"

122Povedal, "Nie, to je pre toho chlapca." Povedal, "Je dosť starý na to, aby ich mohol mať?" Povedal, "Áno, pane."

123Pozrel sa takto dozadu. A stál som s bochníkom chleba a litrom mlieka, sledujúc. A on vyšiel von a povedal, "V poriadku." Dal mu to. Pozrel sa späť na mňa; povedal, "Pochybujem." Povedal som, "On nemôže byť na to dosť starý; on je príliš... On nie je dosť starý na akýkoľvek vek." Povedal, "Súhlasím s vami." Povedal, "Ťažko sa vám s tým prestáva?" Povedal som, "Nikdy som s tým nezačal." Povedal som, "Nikdy som to nezačal." Povedal som, "Moji rodičia fajčili a užívali tabak, ale Pán Boh ma od toho držal."

124Otočil sa a trochu čudne sa na mňa pozrel, a povedal, "Nuž, je to, myslím, že je to zhnitá hanba dnes vidieť, ako..." Povedal, "Zvyklo to byť, že sme stavali ženy na piedestál." Povedal, "Ctili sme si ju; zodvihli sme klobúk v jej prítomnosti. Kráčali sme dolu ulicami... A keď džentlmeni počuli, že niekto mal poznámku o istej žene, oni ho pleskli." Vidíte? A povedal, "Oni si ženy ctili." Ale povedal, "Pane, ženy to samé na seba priniesli." Povedal, "Teraz, oni nevstávajú... Zvykli vstávať v električke... Dáma vstala... Každý muž si zložil klobúk a nechal ju sadnúť si." Povedal, "Teraz, je to tlačenica, zástup." Povedal, "Ony to priniesli samé na seba." A to je pravda. Diabolská jama Hollywoodu ju dostala, produkuje to vonku v televíziách a časopisoch, až sa tá vec stala veľkým, obrovským hrncom špiny. Je to tak.

125Viem, že to nie je populárny výrok, ale je to pravdivý výrok. Je to Pravda. Je to Slovo Pánove, a tiež varovné znamenie, že Kristus príde v tejto generácii. Povedal, "Tí, ktorí uvidia toto, ako sa deje, nezahynú, až kým sa všetky tieto veci nevyplnia." Povedal, "Oboje, nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Je to varovanie, červené svetlo bliká, opona padá. Sme v čase konca.

126Vidíme znamenia Pána Ježiša uzdravujúceho chorých, kriesiaceho mŕtvych, vyháňajúceho zlých duchov. Vidíme, ako robí ľudí zbožnými a svätými skrze Ducha Svätého. Vidíme zmenené životy. Vidíme veľké znamenia; vidíme tajomné znamenia na oblohe ako lietajúce taniere. Pentagon, mnoho ľudí to dáva do televízie, píše o tom, oni nevedia, čo si o tom myslieť. Všetky druhy tajomných znamení, Pán Ježiš prichádza dolu vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa, má urobenú fotku, žije medzi nami, dokazuje, že je ten istý včera...

127Vidíme diať sa všetky tieto veci. Vidíme chladnosť cirkvi. Vidíme narastanie denominácie. Keď vidíte, ako figovník a všetky ostatné stromy vyháňajú svoje puky, Židia sa vracajú, figovník, Židia, vracajúci sa do svojho národa, svojej vlastnej krajiny... Vidíme Presbyteriánov, Metodistov, Baptistov, Luteránov, Letničných, všetky cirkvi, ako vyháňajú svoje listy, prebudenie. On povedal, „Pripravte sa, to je ten čas.“ Keď vidíme, ako sa to deje, to je to, kedy je Boh pripravený zavolať Svojich vyvolených. Potom mnoho a iných znamení, povedal, „Keď vidíte, ako sa ženy stávajú extrémne pekné, keď vidíte synov Božích, ako si ich berú s manželkami, a berú si ich za manželky a robia toto, že, alebo iné,“ povedal, „viete, že je to znamenie.“ Tu to máme.

128No, ešte som si niečo iné zapísal. Pamätáte sa na Lotove dve dcéry (Áno, pamätáme si to.) dolu v meste Sodoma. Ježiš tu povedal v Lukášovi 17, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy...“ Pamätáte sa, že muži zneužívali ženy takým spôsobom, až kým ten prirodzený akt života nebol viac žiadaný. A, ó, je to hrozné, povedať toto spoza kazateľne, ale toto je... Ak to kedy bola Pravda, malo by to vyjsť odtiaľto. A dnes je to také zlé, až je desaťtisíc krát tisícov z nich všade na vzostupe, prevrátenosti: Sodomiti.

129Ako bolo v tom dni, pretože prirodzené používanie ľudského života kvôli množeniu sa na zemi bolo tak zneužité a tak to šlo ďalej, a ten spôsob, akým to išlo, až kým túžba po tom rýchlo upadala. Poviem, že za ďalších desať alebo pätnásť rokov to takmer pominie, ako to teraz rastie. Silné pripomienky... Mám tu o tom niečo od Edgara Hoovera (ale neviem. Mal som, myslel som, že to tu mám položené, ale nemám), čo on o tom povedal.

130A teraz, zisťujeme tieto veci. Ó, Júda vo svojej malej veľkej Knihe, ako to nazývam, v 7. verši, prečítajme to len. Chcem toto prečítať, Júda v 7. verši. Toto je posledná Kniha pred Knihou Zjavenia. Mám to tu poznačené, Júda 7, verš 7. Muži a ženy prinášajú manželské sľuby – porušujú ich, idú za cudzími telami... Počúvajte.

Jako Sodoma a Gomora a mestá okolo nich, ktoré podobným spôsobom ako títo neslýchane smilnili a odišli za iným telom,...

(Vidíte? Ó.)

... smilnili a odišli za iným telom, ležia pred očima na výstražný príklad a nesú trest večného ohňa.

(To je, byť úplne strávený a pominúť.)

131Pred nejakým časom som tu v Los Angeles čakal, alebo som bol v kempe. Šoféroval som hore cestou a mladá dáma, pekné malé dievča, veľmi pekné, išlo hore cestou. A myslel som si, „Určite ide na šou.“ A mala na sebe skromné šaty, len okolo šesť alebo osem palcov široké vpredu, malá troj- alebo štvorpalcová visiaca obruba, a hore na jej tele malé miesto, len dosť na to, aby ste to mohli zhúžvať a schovať každý kúsok toho vo svojej pästi, takto to na nej viselo, mala kovbojský klobúk, a pár čižiem so strapcami. A veľmi atraktívna... Mohol som vidieť, ako by každý mladý muž šliapol na brzdy a všetko, aby sa pri nej zastavil, ako šla vykrúcajúc sa po ceste.

132A chcel som odbočiť do kempu, a šiel som hore naproti kempu. A začal som sa otáčať, aby som sa vrátil. Myslel som, že zastavím, poviem, „Mladá dáma, chcel by som k tebe hovoriť v Mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Hoci si pekné dievča, o tom niet pochýb; hoci máš postavu, že by... Pravdepodobne chceš počuť škrípať brzdy; uvedomuješ si, že ten duch, ktorý ťa vedie do toho, aby si to robila, ťa dovedie do diablovho pekla, kde budeš trpieť po celé veky, ktoré prídu? Uvedomuješ si, že to pekné, malé formované telo, a tie urastené líca, a vlasy, a tak ďalej, a červené pery, možno za ďalších šesť mesiacov budú červíky loziť dnu a von z toho dobre formovaného tela tu v prachu, a tá duša, ktorá tam dnes je, bude v diablovom trápení?“

133Potom ma niečo zastavilo, akoby Boh povedal, „ak to urobíš, zavrú ťa dolu tam do väzenia.“ Vidíte? Tam to máte. Potom som videl Billyho, ako vyšiel a pokynul, že je čas prísť počúvať, ako spievajú „Jemu len ver.“

134Ó. Ako môžu byť ľudia očarení takou vecou ako to? Je to preto, lebo ignorujú Slovo Božie.

135A ďalšia vec je kazateľ za pódiom, ktorý je spojený s týmito organizáciami, ktoré to čítajú a vedia to, je im zakázané povedať niečo o tom, lebo ich vyženú z ich zhromaždenia. A ich cirkvi hľadajú členov. Ale Boh hľadá znovuzrodených svätých... Božích, ktorí budú žiariť ako hviezdy. Boh nech nám pomôže, aby sme boli úprimní a povedali Pravdu, čo Ježiš Kristus povedal. Ale to je deň, v ktorom žijeme. To sú znamenia, o ktorých Ježiš povedal, že budú, a vidíme to rovno pred nami.

136Pozrite. Teraz, znovu v Júdovi 7. kapitole, Sodoma a Gomora... Ó, aká hrozná vec. Neženatí so ženami, idúc za cudzím telom. Muž, ktorý je ženatý so svojou ženou, oni už viac nie sú dvaja; oni sú jedno. A muž, ktorý ide za inou ženu, on sa automaticky oddeľuje od svojej manželky. A žena, ktorá ide za iným mužom, ona je mŕtva svojmu manželovi. Ona zaprela svoje vlastné telo; ona je od neho odrezaná (To je pravda.), v deň súdu sa za to bude musieť zodpovedať.

137Ale dnes oni nechcú počúvať takéto posolstvo. Ľudia to nechcú počúvať. Oni chcú byť šteklení vo svojich ušiach. Presne to, čo mi Duch Svätý povedal v ten deň, keď som tam kládol základný kameň, povedal, „Káž Slovo; buď hotový v čas i nečas, lebo príde čas, kedy neznesú zvuk učenia; ale podľa svojej vlastnej žiadosti sa zahrnú učiteľmi, majúc svrbľavé uši, a budú obrátení od pravdy k bájkam.“ Povedal, „Keď videnie odíde, čítaj 2.Timoteovi 4.“ Povedal, „Nezabudni na 2. Timoteovi 4.“ A keď ma to videnie opustilo, stál som rovno tam na 7.ulici, stál som tam ako devätnásťročný chlapec, hlas Boží prehovoril v tej miestnosti, a povedal, „2.Timoteovi 4.“ To je presne to, čím to je.

138Príde čas, kedy neznesú zvuk učenia. Ľudia chcú niečo... Letniční chcú niečo, čo ich môže potľapkať po chrbte a nechá ich žiť takým spôsobom, akým chcú, a môžu hrať na klavíri štyridsať úderov za sekundu, a skákať hore a dolu, a tancovať, a ženy konajú spôsobom, akým chcú, a muži takisto. Presbyteriáni, Metodisti, Luteráni, a Baptisti, je mnoho úprimných ľudí vo všetkých tých organizáciách. To je presne tak. Ale ten systém ich tak zviazal, až si myslia, že pokiaľ patria do tej cirkvi a ich meno je v tých knihách, tak sú zviazaní s nebom. Vaše meno v knihe tu na zemi neznamená ani toľko [brat Branham luskne prstami – pozn.prekl.] u Boha. Vaše meno musí byť zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života Krvou Ježiša Krista, že vaše hriechy sú odpustené. To je pravda.

139Ale oni chcú ten druh. To je druh pastorov, ktorých chcú. Oni nechcú nič iné. A keď Boh v posledných dňoch zatriasol... Každý Božský dar, ktorý je odporučený v Biblii, každý dar, ktorý Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil, každý dar, a každé znamenie, a každým znamením času konca, všetkým, čo bolo zasľúbené v tejto Biblii, nakoľko to ja môžem vidieť, bolo už zatrasené pred týmto národom, a on sa vrhá naproti peklu tak rýchlo, ako len môže. Povedzte im, oni aj tak bežia. Dovoľte mi dostať sa ešte k niekoľkým Písmam pred tým, než zakončíme. V poriadku. Ó, vydaní na večné zničenie, to je to, čo sú, hovorí Biblia.

140Tento národ leží v tejto istej hnilobe; tá istá sociálna hniloba, tento národ v tom dnes večer leží. Viete to. To nie je vtip. To nie je klebeta; to je pravda: Genesis 6:12. Každé telo bolo porušené; človek chodil svojou vlastnou cestou, vo svojom vlastnom myslení, ignorujúc zákony Božie. To je spôsob, ako to človek robí dnes. Ľudia nechcú počúvať Slovo Božie. Ľudia To nechcú počuť; oni chcú kráčať svojou vlastnou cestou.

141Jezábeľ odmietla počúvať Slovo Pánovo. Ona nechcela nazývať toho starého kučeravého kazateľa, Eliáša, svojím pastorom; ale on tak či tak bol jej pastorom. Tak je to. Boh ho poslal, a on vyhlásil svoje posolstvo. Hoci nevzdelaný, oni nevedia, odkiaľ prišiel, alebo kam chodil. On prišiel na scénu so Slovom Pánovým. On poslal svoje posolstvo, a kázal a odsúdil všetko, čo sa nazývalo hriechom. A tá moderná Jezábeľ obrátila a začarovala ľudí pod čarodejníctvo jej moci, až kým celý národ nebol porušený, a Eliáš tam stál sám na hore. Boh povedal, „Eliáš, nemysli si to. Mám tam dolu sedem tisíc, ktorí sú ešte úprimní vo svojich srdciach.“ To je jeho druhé potiahnutie, a tretie išlo pre nich.

142Ale pamätajte, Boh bol milostivý, a On... A Eliášovo posolstvo odsúdilo tú neveriacu generáciu. Noeho posolstvo odsúdilo tú generáciu a prinieslo súd na tých, ktorí to odmietli počúvať a vyslobodenie pre tých, ktorí tomu verili. A ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka (Genesis 6), ignorujúci Božie zákony. Oni hovoria, „Božie zákony.“

143Božie Slovo dnes hovorí v Biblii... No počúvajte, nehovorím toto žiadnej konkrétnej osobe; som len zodpovedný ako váš brat. Som zodpovedný za to, aby som vám povedal celú pravdu. Ako povedal veľký Svätý Pavol pred tým, ako odišiel, „Nevyhýbal som sa, aby som vám nevyhlásil celú radu Božiu“...

144No, Biblia dnes hovorí, že ženy by si nemali strihať vlasy. Nestarám sa o to, koľkí kazatelia povedia, že je to v poriadku; je to zlé. Nestarám sa o to, koľko cirkví sa toho zastáva; Biblia stále hovorí, že je to zlé. Je to pre ňu hanba, keď tak robí. Ale oni v tom aj tak pokračujú. Pokračujú, čo robia? Vo svojich vlastných mysliach, robia sa samy pekné, ony si myslia, že sú pekné.

145Božie Slovo varuje, aby nerobila tieto veci. Neoblečie si rúcha alebo nohavice, alebo čokoľvek, čo patrí mužovi, ale ona ide rovno ďalej tak isto. Pokúste sa ju zastaviť. Povie, „Kvôli čomu potom vykrikuješ, brat Branham? O čo ti ide? No, ľudia ťa majú radšej, keď ...“ Nestarám sa o to, záleží mi na tom, čo si ľudia myslia, no, neberte ma zle; ale zaujímam sa o to, čo si Boh myslí, a toto je Jeho Slovo. Áno, povedzte jej, že je to zlé robiť to, ona pôjde rovno napred a urobí to aj tak. Vidíte? Prečo? Ženy v celom kresťanstve robia tieto veci, a zdá sa, že cirkev sa o to vôbec nestará. Prečo je to tak? Synovia Boží upadli kvôli žiadosti po ženskom tele a krvi a zapreli samého Boha a Krv, ktorá ich kúpila, aby ich oddelila od tých špinavých vecí. Amen...?... To je pravda. Tak pomôž mi, Bože, je to pravda.

146Pokúste sa ju zastaviť. Myslíte si, že Noeho kázanie malo nejakú prekážku? Nie veru. Ale čo to je? Je to hlas, je to hlas. A keď sme všetci zavolaní na súd, práve to posolstvo, ktoré kážem dnes večer, ma stretne rovno tam slovo za slovom. A potom čo budete robiť? Je to blikajúce červené svetlo.

147Bol čas, tvrdohlavosť medzi ženami. Ideme... Sme tu, aby sme toto proste postavili, pretože tým, že to boli ženy... A čudujete sa, prečo o tom stále vykrikujem. No, idem to položiť, vezmem mnoho miest Písma a umiestnim predtým, ako zakončíme a ukážem vám prečo. A to je dôvod, prečo musím zostať verný tomuto Slovu a každý služobník Boží by mal zostať verný Slovu. Musíte zostať, lebo musí byť niekde hlas, ktorý proti tomu kričí. Nestarám sa, čo ostatní z nich robia; vy nie ste za nich zodpovední; vy sa zodpovedáte ako jednotlivec. Nezodpovedáte sa ako Metodista; nezodpovedáte sa ako Baptista alebo Letničný; zodpovedáte sa ako jednotlivec pred Bohom za svoj vlastný život.

148A vidíme tieto znamenia, a oni v tom predsa pokračujú. Povedzte jej, že je to zlé; pozrite sa, čo povie: tvrdohlavosť. To je presne to, čo urobila Eva. Eva vedela lepšie než to urobiť. Či nevedela? Ona mala Slovo Božie. Povedala, „V ten deň, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, zomriete.“ Nuž, prečo to urobila? Chcela svoju vlastnú cestu. A prečo si ženy budú strihať vlasy? Prečo ženy budú nosiť tieto šaty, a Biblia hovorí, že to je presne to, čo budú robiť? A tá vec, že to robia, ony sú všetky odsúdené. Je to presne tak. Ale prečo to ona robí? Ona má svoje vlastné ja. Tak veru. Ona ide mať svoju vlastnú cestu. A cirkev na to nič nepovie, a cirkev by mala byť Nevestou Ježiša Krista a nič na to nepovie.

149Povedzte jednej z nich o tom, viete, čo povedia? Práve to, akokeby povedali, „Žiadna stará Biblia mi nebude stáť v ceste, aby som mala nejakú zábavu.“ Tam, presne. Povedzte im, že je to napísané v Biblii... Ó, ony možno nepovedia tieto slová, ale to je to, čo vyjadrujú. Počuli ste niekedy to staré porekadlo, „Skutky hovoria hlasnejšie ako slová“? Nuž potom, je to tak? Skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než slová. Nezáleží na tom, čo hovoríte, váš život hovorí tak hlasno, až ľudia nedokážu počuť vaše svedectvo. Ako som dnes ráno povedal, skáčte len tak vysoko, ako žijete. Vidíte? Vaše skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než vaše slovo. A vy takisto môžete vyjsť a povedať to, lebo vaše vlastné slová hovoria, vaše vlastné slová... Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, vaše skutky hovoria, čo ste. Ak hovoríte niečo odlišné od toho, čo v skutočnosti ste, stáva sa to pokrytectvom. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, ako môžete hovoriť dobré veci, keď zo srdca hovorí, zo srdca hovoria ústa?“ Vidíte, oni hovorili niečo, čo si naozaj nemysleli. A ženy tak... len to povedali. Ó. „Aby som mala svoju vlastnú...?... zábavu.“

150Čo sa stalo? Z manželstva... Tu je ďalšie miesto v Biblii. Z manželstva pochádza sľub poslúchať... poslúchať. Správkyňa domu, zdržanlivá, majúca dobré skutky. Smeje sa vám do tváre a ide k nejakej púdrovej rastline, do niekoho kancelárie. „Môj manžel...“ Ó, pochybujem o tom. A ak tieto inštitúcie dnes... Taká hanba, dať ženu do policajného zboru. Ak to nie je znakom skazenosti v ktoromkoľvek meste. Ako sú mnohí muži mimo práce a oni tam musia dať ženy, keď Biblia povedala, aby zostala doma a bola zdržanlivou správkyňou domu. Ale ona drží všetky šéfovské knihy. Mali by ste ju vidieť... To je... Ja teraz nehovorím o dobrých ženách. Nehádžem toto na vás, ženy, ktoré ste naozaj zbožné ženy. Boh nech vás žehná. Tie, ktoré sú pri páskach, alebo kdekoľvek inde. Ale ja hovorím o tom, že keď nájdete jednu takú, tak nájdete tisíc päťsto z tej druhej strany. Ony nebudú počúvať slovo. „Nechaj si svoju Bibliu; káž samému sebe. Nechceme to počúvať.“

151Poslúchať... Ó. Ona môže povedať toto, „Hovor svoj príbeh o Biblii niekomu inému. Nechaj si svojho Boha pre niekoho iného a nechaj ma na pokoji. Prečo na mňa vykrikuješ? Nikdy som ťa neprosila, aby si hovoril tieto veci.“ Ja viem, ale Boh to urobil. Vidíte? Tak to je všetko.

152Tak oni stále porušujú tú cestu. Práve ako robili vo dňoch Pánových, práve tak, ako to robili v tom dni, tak robia dnes presne to isté. Nezmenilo sa to; nemení sa to; nezmení sa to.

153Mládežnícka kriminalita konečne dostáva ich deti; väzenie dostáva časť žien a mužov; a peklo berie celú vec. To je presne tak. Oheň ich všetkých pohlcuje. A zdá sa, že kázanie ide ponad ich chrbty. Oni to nikdy nepočúvajú. Oni budú mať svoju vlastnú... Môžete im povedať, že Biblia toto povedala; povedia, „Nechaj si svoju Bibliu. My budeme mať svoju zábavu.“

154Môžem počuť niektoré z vás sestier, ako teraz hovoríte, možno nie práve teraz, ale počujem vás hovoriť, „Kto, ja, poslúchať môjho manžela? Hm, ja dosiahnem, aby on poslúchal mňa.“ Nuž, to je to, kde sa mýlite. „Zostať doma, zdržanlivá? Nestarám sa o to, čo o tom hovorí Biblia; nechajte ma na pokoji.“ Počúvaj, sestra, to nebolo tam v temných vekoch, to je hlas dneška. To sa nikdy nestalo, až tam v tom predpotopnom svete, a deje sa to aj dnes. To je tá istá vec.

155Znovu hovoria, „Ja som moderná žena. Žijem v Amerike.“ Nuž, to nie je viac, akoby si žila v prasačom chlieve. To nebude pre Boha robiť žiaden rozdiel, kde si žila. Ty si to, čo si vo svojom srdci. Tak je to. A nemysli si, sestra, že si tak moderná, že si jednou z tých moderných žien, ako chceš dnes povedať; ty si tam odtiaľ, podľa tejto Biblie, z tých temných vekov v predpotopnom čase, v čase Noeho; to je to, kedy robili tú istú vec. Tak ty nie si nakoniec tak veľmi moderná, však? Vidíte? To je spôsob, ako sa správali v predpotopnom svete. Vidíte? A to je spôsob, ako sa správajú dnes, tak to musí byť znovu temný vek, späť vo veľkej temnote.

156A vy muži, ktorí to necháte svoje manželky robiť, nie ste viac synovia Boží. Nie, tak trochu ste padli do Sodomy (Je to pravda.), necháte, aby vám ženy rozkazovali. Ó.

157Neviem, či to povedať alebo nie. Radšej preskočím túto časť. Ale... V poriadku. Toto je hrozné. Ale všetko je to o tomto veku, na ktorý sa dívame. Vidíme zapnuté červené svetlo, blikajúce?

Trúba Pánova bude znieť, a času viacej nebude,

Ráno sa prelomí, večné, jasné a svetlé;

Potom Jeho vyvolení sa spolu zídu (z prachu zeme)

do svojho domova za oblakmi... (Ó, aký deň to bude. V poriadku. Ó, áno.)

158Choďte späť do Sodomy. Nebojte sa, čaká tam atómová bomba, aby to celé vyčistila (Je to pravda.), vyčistila celý svet. Urobí to. A potom to bude celé znovu obnovené, ako sme videli pod Šiestou Pečaťou, pre vykúpenú skupinu ľudí, ktorá prijala Pána Ježiša, ktorí sa stali kresťanmi, ktorí predali svoje starosti a svoje módy tohto sveta a prišli k Ježišovi Kristovi, a hľadia na Neho a na Neho Samého, na Jeho pokorný, jednoduchý program, prísť a uveriť v Neho a prijať Večný Život. A ak poviete, že máte Večný Život a nesúhlasíte s touto Bibliou, váš Večný Život nie je Večný Život, ktorý dáva Boh. Ste zvedení smrťou a nie Životom. Tak je to.

159No, ó, bojte sa Boha a dodržujte Jeho Slovo, lebo toto je plné prikázanie. Červené svetlá blikajú, a čas je blízko. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho... Vidíte, oni vzali zákonnú vec a prevrátili ju. Oni vzali jedenie a vzali pitie, a položili stavanie a položili všetky tieto ďalšie veci, a prevrátili to. No, Ježiš očakáva, že postavíme domov. Vidíte? Ale pozrite sa len, čo sa v tom stalo. Jedenie, On očakáva, že budeme jesť; to je pravda. Ale pozrite sa, čo sa v tom stalo. Pitie, očakávame, že budeme piť naše vody a čokoľvek musíme robiť, ale namiesto toho to oni vzali do drinkov a liehu a všetkého, do koktailov, privádzajúc do toho svoje ženy. Vidíte?

160A čo nárast populácie, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho? Čo krása žien neustále stúpajúca, viac a viac? Vidíte? Červené svetlo... A čo ten čas, kedy sa ženy stávajú, keď budú také, aké boli: náhle, naduté, a všetko; nič im nemôžete povedať. Kážte im Slovo, ony v tom aj tak budú pokračovať. Vidíte? Čo sa stane? Presne tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho: jedného dňa sa dvere milosti zavrú. Potom Písmo hovorí, Svätyňa sa stane plná dymu. To znamená, že Prostredník od toho odišiel. A tak dlho, ako tam Baránok stále je, ako som povedal dnes ráno, alebo niekde, kde som kázal, že tak dlho, kým tam je Baránok, aby robil prostredníka, je tam stále milosť. Ale akú istotu máme, keď vidíme, že vlak je už v blok, keď vidíme príchod Pánov, blikanie Svetla...

161Ako by som mohol hovoriť o iných veciach, o ktorých vieme, že On zasľúbil robiť v tých posledných dňoch, a vidíme to rovno pred nami. A potom vidíme našu – túto tému dnes večer, iného blikajúceho červeného svetla, ako to zlé správanie medzi našimi ženami, a veci, ktoré robia tak, ako robia. Vidíme to ukazovať... Každý míľnik, všetko, každá ihla, každý kompas je nastavený rovno na Jeho príchod.

162Sme na konci. Nie je nič iné, o čom viem, že by sa malo stať, okrem príchodu Pánovho. A potom, môj drahý priateľ, ktorý si mimo Krista, čo si o tomto myslíš? Jednoducho odpočívaš... Úprimne, priateľ, chcem sa ťa opýtať jednoduchú otázku, oddychuješ len na nejakej malej senzácii, ktorú si mal, alebo nejakom, možno, niečo, čo si mal? Možno si bol raz šťastný a tancoval si tam ako mnohí ľudia svätosti a Letniční, a Nazaréni, a Pútnici Svätosti. Oni veria, že keď sú dosť šťastní na to, aby tancovali, tak to je to. A potom si ostriháš svoje vlasy, nosíš šortky? Viedol by ťa Duch Svätý do toho, keď to On v Biblii odsudzuje?

163A čo vy, ktorí hovoríte, „No, ja patrím k cirkvi. Ja som Letničný; ja som Metodista (alebo čokoľvek som); ja som člen. Moja matka je zakladajúci člen cirkvi. Ja som bol zakladajúci člen cirkvi.“ A práve ten duch, ktorý je na vás, vás vedie, aby ste robili veci, ktoré Biblia odsudzuje, aby ste robili. Poviete, „Hovorím v jazykoch, brat Branham. No, toho sa nechop. Hovoril som v jazykoch, a to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého.“ Ak tvoj život... Ak si stále striháš svoje vlasy, ak stále robíš tieto veci, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, aby si nerobila, mohla by si hovoriť v jazykoch celý deň a noc, a stále to nemá nič spoločné s Bohom. Strom sa pozná podľa svojho ovocia.

164Starnem. Viem to. Každý deň mám novú bolesť a žiaľ. Každý z nás má. Taktiež môžete povedať pravdu. Myslel som si, „Bože, nenechaj ma...“ Jedna z najbiednejších vecí je vidieť muža alebo ženu, ktorý nikdy neprijal Krista a žije len ako starý konzervatívny člen cirkvi, podlejší než sám satan, a vidieť ho tam vonku s – šomrajúceho na niečo, „Nuž, poviem ti, ja neverím v...“ Boh nikdy... To je, to je, to je najhroznejšia koruna, ktorou môže satan korunovať život. Namrzená stará žena, okolo šesťdesiatky, sedemdesiatky so sadlom visiacim pod ramenami, a vráskami po celej tvári, a vlasmi vystrihanými nakrátko, a štyri alebo päť rôznych farieb, a vykračuje si dolu v malých šortkách; ak to nie je korunovanie satana, nikdy som to nevidel, alebo nejaký starý namrzený muž...

165Ó, Bože, ja viem, daj mi milosť nikdy sa nesťažovať. A chcem, aby môj život, Pane, chcem, aby život mojich ľudí... Bože, daj to, aby náš život mohol byť korunovaný bez ohľadu na to, či trpíme, čokoľvek sa deje, koľkí sa obrátia proti mne... Ja viem túto jednu vec, v mojom živote, ako starnem, moji priatelia, prameň za mnou sa čoskoro vyčerpá, užší a užší, ako idem dolu cestou. A viem jednu vec, stane sa to za chvíľu, že nebude nikoho, kto by prišiel ku mne a povedal, opýtal si odo mňa radu. Tí, ktorí ma poznajú z mojich mladých dní, budú už preč, ak budem žiť. Mojich priateľov ubúda a ubúda, ako teraz starnem.

166A viem, že jedného dňa musím zomrieť. Dúfam, že Boh nikdy nenechá satana, aby ma korunoval ako starého namrzeného, ľahostajného muža, a moju ženu ako starú sekírujúcu ženu, alebo vašu ženu, alebo vás takým spôsobom. Modlím sa, brat, aby naše životy boli korunované ovocím Ducha: láskou, radosťou, znášanlivosťou, miernosťou, trpezlivosťou, pravdou, vierou v Ducha Svätého.

167Môj život sa zužuje... Asi pred tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi som tu stál za kazateľňou ako malý chlapec. Dnes večer som starý šedivý muž, a plešatý, so zhrbenými plecami; som zlomený. Môj život dobieha, a tie nite sa stávajú krehkými, ako kráčam ďalej. Ako sa pohybujem dolu prúdom, mojich priateľov ubúda. Po chvíli to príde k miestu, možno, že už sa nebudem tak tešiť z piesní, ako som zvykol. A možno moje vnúčatá, deti musia povedať, „Neznervózňujte starého otca.“ Môže to k tomu prísť, ak budem žiť.

168Potom to dôjde až do toho, že nebudem môcť vstať zo stoličky. Jedného rána príde do izby oblak; presuniem sa cez hranicu k smrti, aby ma vzala. Ona ma len môže vziať za ruku a previesť ma k môjmu Majstrovi. Ona nie je mojím otrokárom; nie som jej otrokom; ona je mojím otrokom. Kristus pre mňa premohol smrť. Je len jedna vec, ktorú môže urobiť, a to je potiahnuť ma do Prítomnosti môjho Učiniteľa. Keď bude tento zemský stánok zrušený...

169V ten moment, keď matka ide mať dieťa, všimnite si (Nestarám sa o to, aká bola krutá a aká podlá), malú chvíľu predtým, ako sa má dieťa narodiť, matka sa stáva jemnou. Prečo je to tak? Keď tie malé svaly v tom lone takto šklbú a skáču, čaká tam na to nebeské telo. A keď vyjde z matky, lekár, alebo pôrodná sestra, ktokoľvek to je, ho musí vybrať a zatriasť s ním, tľapnúť ho, poklepať ho, alebo niečo; a potom chytá dych života. A ten malý anjelský duch vchádza do neho, dych života; a stáva sa živou dušou. A keď máme Krista v našom srdci, a Kristus sa stáva skutočným v našom srdci, je to malé dieťa.

170Keď je tento zemský stánok zrušený... Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14... Poviem toto na záver. On povedal, „Nech sa vaše srdcia neznepokojujú; keď veríte v Boha, verte aj vo Mňa; lebo v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Idem a pripravím vám miesto (keď bude tento zemský stánok zrušený, máme jeden)... idem a pripravím vám miesto, aby ste tam, kde som Ja, aj vy boli.“ Chce, aby sme boli s Ním...

171Potom viem, keď je toto malé dieťa Kristus formované novým narodením... Keď všetok ostatný život sa prelamuje, celý smrteľný život a všetko je preč, potom bude treba niečo, čo by mnou zatriaslo. A na to treba smrť. Smrť ti dáva ten šok, keď ťa zasiahne, ale to ťa iba znovu narodí do nového Kráľovstva, tam na druhej strane, kde nie je choroba, žiaľ, žiadna staroba, alebo niečo. Bože, pomôž nám.

172Ako, priateľ, môžeš kedy odmietnuť niečo také, keď vidíš, že nie je žiadna nádej vo svete mimo Ježiša Krista. Červené svetlo bliká.

Národy už hynú, Izrael sa budí;

Tie znamenia, ktoré Biblia predpovedala;

(Ženy si strihajú vlasy, nosia šortky. Červené svetlo svieti. Vidíte?)

Dni pohanov sú zrátané, obťažení hrôzou.

Vráťte sa, ó, vyhnaní, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia blíži sa,

a mŕtvejú ľudské srdcia.

Buďte plní Ducha,

majte lampy čisté.

Hľaď hore, tvoje vykúpenie blíži sa.

173Milujem Ho; chcem, aby ste Ho milovali. A ako skloníme naše hlavy na chvíľu v slove modlitby na záver... Červené svetlá blikajú; signál je zapnutý; príchod Pánov je blízko. On hovorí k národom; hovorí k ľuďom; hovorí skrze znamenia a zázraky. Ako sme vzali Sodomu a ukázali, ako Anjel prišiel k Abrahámovi, znamenia, ktoré predviedol práve predtým, ako spadol oheň, vidíme to.

174Povedal, „Vo dňoch Lota oni stavali; predávali.“ Pozrite sa na to dnes. A ako dni Noeho, ženy sa stávajú peknými, synovia Boží upadajú, ľudské telo je uctievané vo forme žien, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa dejú, o ktorých sme dnes večer hovorili. Svetlo bliká; príchod Pánov je blízko. Si stále iba členom cirkvi? Si si istý, môj priateľ? Ako vieš, či prežiješ noc? Pozri sa na brata Waya, ako tu dnes ráno stál, v momente, keď sa obracal, aby si s niekým potriasol ruku, padol mŕtvy rovno vo svoje chodbičke. Boh možno nebude taký milý ku tebe, aby ti dal ďalšiu príležitosť. Ty nevieš, v ktorej minúte to srdce urobí svoj posledný úder. Pomysli na to.

175Príchod Kristov bliká svoje znamenie. Pozrite sa na nich. Pozrite sa, či to, čo som vám dnes večer povedal... Možno to nebude veľmi populárne, ale je to Pravda. Je to to, čo Boh povedal, a tu to máme.

176Ženy nechcú zostať doma. Ony sa nechcú starať o svoje rodiny. Ony si len najmú opatrovateľku a idú von niekde na večierok. Mládežnícki delikventi, všetky veci sa dejú: strihajú si vlasy, nosia šortky, make-up. Nárast v kráse stúpa stále viac a viac. Muži, synovia Boží upadajú; je to satanova pasca, ktorú používa, aby synovia Boží do toho padli, práve ako Ježiš povedal. Musí sa to stať. On povedal, že to tam bude, a tu to je. Povedal, „Keď sa budú diať tieto veci, táto generácia nepominie, a to je štyridsať rokov, až kým tieto veci nebudú vyplnené.“ Pomyslite na to.

177Si stále len člen zboru? Urobil si zle? Pozri na... Preskúmajte dnes večer svoj život, muži, ženy. Pozrite sa na seba, pozrite sa na svoje vlastné zlyhania. Čo vo vašom súčasnom stave... Ak by bol Kristus na zemi a kázal toto... Poviete, „Ak by On... Ak by som Ho to počul kázať, činil by som pokánie.“ Ak áno, toto je Jeho vlastné Slovo dnes večer; urobíš to teraz.

178Ak si bez Boha a vieš... „Ó,“ poviete, „Patrím do cirkvi; hovoril som v jazykoch. Ja ne... ja...“ To odkladáme nabok. Pozrite sa na seba. Skontrolujte teraz svoj život s Božím Slovom. Ste tou osobou, ktorá odíde a povie, „Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí Biblia, brat Branham, myslím, že sa mýliš.“ To nie som ja, kto sa mýli. Ak na tom nie je niečo správne, to je Slovo. A ešte nepoznáš Boha, a nie si si istí, že keby mal Ježiš prísť v tejto hodine, či budeš pripravený ísť... Prečo by si sa zahrával, keď vidíš, že smrť je tak blízko, keď vidíme, že koniec je tak blízko.

179Ak je tu niekto, skloňte teraz svoje hlavy, kto chce byť spomenutý v modlitbe, ako zakončujeme, pozdvihol by si len ruku a povedal, „Brat, modli sa za mňa.“ Boh nech ťa žehná, sestra, Boh nech ťa žehná, brat, sestra. Ó, po celej budove. To je to.

180Vezmime teraz len malý súpis. Teraz vy, sestry, so všetkou dobrou vierou a nádejou, len pomyslite na toto. „Naozaj som poslúchala Boha? Skutočne, kde je moja túžba? Brat Branham, stále robím tieto veci. Cítim sa dobre; cítim sa šťastne.“ Viete, že pohania sa cítia tak isto šťastní. Viete, opitý človek je práve tak šťastný pod vplyvom liehu, ako ste vy, vplyv liehu. A ak ste šťastní pod vplyvom čohokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, je to diabol. Ak poviete, „Som spokojný vo svojom zbore,“ a počujete, ako je kázané Slovo Božie, a nezhodujete sa s Tým, si inšpirovaný nesprávnou vecou. Nezáleží na tom, aká je tvoja inšpirácia... Videl som ich kričať, a skákať, a vykrikovať, a všetko, a piť krv z ľudskej lebky, a vyvolávať diabla (Je to tak.), práve tak šťastní, ako ste kedy mohli byť. Pohanstvo produkuje práve toľko psychológie ako čokoľvek iné, psychológia mysle. Ale prežitie Krista je zo srdca, to mení celý formu, mení osobu na nové stvorenie. Myslite na to skutočne poriadne.

181Pozrite sa na seba. Len si predstavte pred sebou zrkadlo; pozeráte sa na seba. „Som čestný? Som úprimný? Skutočne, vo svojom srdci, slúžim Pánovi?“ Poviete, „Slúžim Tomu.“ Pozrite sa dovnútra, vy ženy s ostrihanými vlasmi, nosíte šortky, pozrite sa na seba, ktoré robíte tieto veci. Pozrite sa na seba, muži, ktorí necháte svoje ženy... Len poviete, „Som syn Boží; alebo som Sodomita?“

182A vy ženy poviete, „Som naozaj modernou ženou, alebo som nejakým predpotopným niečím, o čom Ježiš povedal, že tu bude znovu v posledných dňoch?“ Premyslite to. Pozrite sa na seba. Vidíte?

183Vaša vlastná bytosť vyjadruje, čo ste. A ak nie ste v poriadku, budete dostatočne úprimní, len buďte teraz úprimní, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedzte, „Kriste, nedržím svoju ruku pre brata Branhama ani pre žiadnu inú osobu, ale pre Teba. Ale mýlim sa. Odpusť mi. Brat Branham sľúbil, že sa bude za mňa modliť; teraz idem zodvihnúť svoju ruku, poviem, 'Ježiš, zmiluj sa nado mnou dnes večer. Zachráň ma pre Krista; nechcem byť stratený. Celý tento život, ktorý si mi dal, bola by to tá najhroznejšia vec, keby som to len odhodil preč, keď mám túto zlatú príležitosť dnes večer skutočne vidieť na vlastné oči, že červené svetlá blikajú na každej strane príchod Pánov, to zasľúbenie, že On ukáže tieto znamenia, že On uzdraví chorých, vzkriesi mŕtvych a vyženie démonov, bude skupina málo ľudí, len menšina, z ktorej si svet bude robiť žarty a nazývať škaredými menami a tak ďalej, ako toto.'“

184A oni nás musia nazývať zlými menami; oni musia Pravdu nazývať zlými menami. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek povie slovo proti Synovi človeka, bude mu odpustené,“ keď On robí práve tú istú vec, ktorú ste videli, On povedal, „Ale ktokoľvek bude hovoriť proti Svätému Duchu, keď príde a bude robiť tie isté veci, nebude mu nikdy odpustené v tomto svete.“ Vidíte, oni to musia robiť. Musí byť Posolstvo ako toto, aby si z neho ľudia robili žarty, aby ukázali Božiu spravodlivosť, aby odsúdila celý svet a zničila ho.

185Pokiaľ je milosť a niekto stojí v medzere, Ježiš Kristus, dnes večer v otvorených dverách, neprijmeš Ho, môj priateľ?

186No, zvyčajne je to prísť k oltáru. To je v poriadku; nemám nič proti tomu. Ale Písmo povedalo, „Toľkí, koľkí uverili, boli pokrstení.“ Z celého svojho srdca, ak odovzdáte svoj život Ježišovi Kristovi rovno tam, kde sedíte, rovno tam, kde ku vám hovoril, keď ste zodvihli svoju ruku...

187Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol povolať tohto muža späť do života, ktorý ležal mŕtvy rovno predo mnou dnes ráno, aby vám potvrdil, že vám hovorím pravdu... Kto môže kriesiť mŕtvych okrem Boha? Správne. Tak to nie je váš malý zlomený pastor tu; je to Kristus, ktorý vás miluje. A On vám dnes večer vyjadruje, „Počuli ste pravdu; videli ste pravdu. Je to z Môjho Slova. Videli ste Moje Slovo zavolané späť. Vidíte Moje Slovo predpovedať tieto veci. Vidíte, ako sa to presne deje počas všetkých tých rokov bez jediného zlyhania.“

188No, čo urobíte s Ježišom, zatiaľ čo červené svetlo bliká. Prečo neurobíte toto; zahoďte ten starý sáčok svetských arašidov. Prečo nezahodíte ten starý časopis „Pravdivý príbeh“, a tú starú haraburdu, cez ktorú ťaháte svoju dušu každý deň. Prečo netresknete ten televízor do kúta, a neotočíte ho, keď vás drží preč od cirkvi? Prečo neodložíte bokom každú ťarchu, ktorá vás tak ľahko zavaľuje? Prečo nepozdvihnete svoje srdce ku Kristovi a nepoviete, „Kriste, dnes večer som skončil. Pripravujem sa. Vidím, že prichádzaš. Zdvíham Kufor, Božiu Bibliu, ktorá je nabalená Večným Životom, a odteraz budem z Toho žiť.“ Neurobíte to, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme?

189Náš Nebeský Otče, nechcel som byť hrubý, v žiadnom prípade, Pane, ale posolstvo ukazuje na čas, nie na jednotlivca, na žiadnu konkrétnu osobu, ale ukazuje na čas. Je čas, keď sa zdá, že Duch Svätý ma do toho tlačí, aby som toto vzal. Ako po mnoho, mnohokrát za touto kazateľňou sme ukázali na dni Lota, dni Sodomy, dni, o ktorých Ježiš hovoril, znamenia času, príchodu Pánovho mnohými spôsobmi... A po tom všetkom, ako som tak tvrdo hovoril proti ženám tohto dňa a po celej krajine, potom, Otče, myslel som si, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý ku mne hovoril, aby som povedal ľuďom, prečo som toto urobil. Je to preto, že Tvoje inšpirované Slovo tak preskúmalo moje srdce, že som proste nemohol zostať ticho.

190Nejakých skoro päťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatpäť rúk v budove sa zodvihlo, Otče, nad hrubým, sekajúcim Slovom Pánovým, ale prinieslo ich To do šoku, aby vedeli, že tá píšťalka píska. Svätí sa všetci zhromažďujú spolu. Národy sa trhajú na kusy. Znamenia prichádzajú, červené svetlo svieti, a vidíme podľa skutkov, ukazujúcich na naše ženy dnes večer tohto dňa, aké budú, podľa toho, čo povedala Biblia, a tu ich máme.

191Neomylný Hlas Ježiša Krista nás varoval, aby sme sledovali dni Noeho a porovnali ich s dňom, v ktorom žijeme. A potom, keď vidíme, ako sa tieto veci dejú, ženy sa stávajú peknými a synovia Boží ich berú, a ako budú tieto veci; potom vieme, že tá generácia uvidí príchod Pánov;potom vieme, že to blikajúce svetlo, Jeho príchod je blízko.

192Modlím sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si požehnal každého, kto zodvihol svoju ruku. Ponúkam len túto pokornú, úprimnú modlitbu, a viem, že ma vypočuješ. Keď si bol tak láskavý k bratovi Wayovi dnes ráno, a nechal si, aby tá pokorná malá modlitba naštartovala znovu chod toho srdca, úprimná láska k bratovi, ktorý padol na lono svojej manželky, studený a mŕtvy... Pane, nech ľudia dnes večer vedia, že byť mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach je oveľa nebezpečnejšie než zomrieť fyzickou smrťou; lebo nie je nikto, kto by ťa mohol chytiť v tom čase, keď prejdeš za oponu v hriechu a previneniach. Daj dnes večer, Pane, aby každá duša, ktorá zodvihla svoju ruku... Predkladám túto modlitbu v Mene Pána Ježiša, že do ich života príde taká revolúcia, že bude taký zámer v ich srdci, taký zámer v ich srdci, že už viac nebudú hrešiť proti Bohu, že od tejto hodiny budú stáť na Božom večnom, požehnanom Slove a budú sýtení Jeho Svätým Duchom a vedení po cestách Života deň po dni, ako budú putovať ďalej od tejto hodiny.

193Náš nebeský Otče, možno ich už neuvidím; možno si už nebudem môcť s nimi potriasť ich fyzickou rukou tu na tejto zemi, hoci by som to rád urobil. Ale, Pane Bože, modlím sa, aby bola táto modlitba vypočutá. A Ty si povedal vo Svojom Slove, „Ten, kto počuje Moje Slovo a uverí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ V mojom pokornom spôsobe prinášania Božej pravdy dnes večer, mnohí počuli Slovo. No, Ty si zasľúbil, že ich spasíš, a nezahynú, že žiaden človek ich nemôže vytrhnúť z Tvojej ruky, že ich vzkriesiš v posledných dňoch, ani jeden vlas z ich hlavy nezhynie. Zasľúbil si to.

194Teraz, ako ten, čo sa modlí, ako služobník, Pane, a ako ich brat, modlím sa túto modlitbu a kladiem ich do rúk Božích, aby ani jedno zranenie nebolo nikdy schopné prísť k nim a satan ich nevytrhne z ruky Božej. Oni sú Tvoji, trofeje. Teraz, verím, že im dáš dlhý život, a ak je to možné, nech vidia príchod Pána Ježiša. Nech odídu dnes večer odtiaľto ako tí, čo získajú duše, aby povedali ostatným, aby ich priviedli do zachraňujúceho poznania Krista. Daj to, je to celé v Tvojich rukách, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

195Zatiaľ čo máme na chvíľu sklonené svoje hlavy, som zvedavý, či je tu taká osoba teraz prítomná, ktorá cíti, že zatiaľ čo sme sa modlili, že niečo zvláštne sa stalo v tvojom srdci, a cítiš to od teraz, že budeš žiť posvätený život pre Krista, a vidíš príchod Pánov na blízku, veríš, že to, čo som kázal, je pravda, o tomto blikajúcom červenom svetle, o tom, ako sa veci majú, a vieš, že to je Slovo Pánovo, lebo je to Kristus, a od dnešného večera veríš, že budeš žiť lepší, bližší život ku Kristovi, lebo modlitba, ktorú si sa modlil dnes večer a to vyznanie, ktoré si urobil, a so svojou sklonenou hlavou, len pozdvihni svoju ruku, povedz, „Verím tomu. Od tohto večera budem žiť iný život.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobré; to je proste nádherné. Verím, že prakticky každý, možno, kto zodvihol ruku pred chvíľou, pozdvihol svoju ruku, že oni to prijali.

196Teraz, ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov, pamätajte, nie je iné meno pod nebom dané ľuďom, ktorým by mali byť spasení, okrem Mena Ježiša Krista. Pamätajte, je len jedna Nevesta, Nevesta Kristova, a tá nesie Jeho Meno.

197No, a ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení ponorením do vody v Mene Ježiša Krista, dovoľte mi ako Jeho služobníkovi... Ak vám Boh dokázal znameniami a zázrakmi a Svojím Slovom, že vám hovorím pravdu, nariaďujem vám, ako to urobil Svätý Pavol v Skutkoch 19, ktorý našiel skupinu Baptistov. Boli pokrstení Jánom Krstiteľom; povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého, odkedy ste uverili?“ Povedali, „Vieme... či je nejaký Duch Svätý.“ Povedal, „Tak na čo ste potom boli pokrstení?“ Povedali, „Boli sme už pokrstení Jánom Krstiteľom v Jordáne, tým istým mužom, ktorý krstil Ježiša Krista.“

198To musel byť úžasný krst, ale Pavol povedal, „Teraz to nie je dobré.“ Nariadil im, že musia byť pokrstení znovu v Mene Ježiša Krista: Skutky 19:5. A Pavol povedal, „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal nejaké iné Evanjelium ako toto, ktoré som kázal ja, nech je prekliaty.“ Galaťanom 1:8. Potom to znovu zopakoval, povedal, „Ako som povedal, tak hovorím znovu, hoci by anjel (nieto ešte kazateľ, biskup, pápež, alebo čokoľvek on môže byť) ak by anjel prišiel z neba, cherubín, z neba a kázal by iné Evanjelium ako to, nech je prekliaty.“ Potom vám prikazujem, ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista, zatiaľ čo je voda v bazéne, a rúcha čakajú, poďte a dajte sa pokrstiť, vzývajúc Meno Pánovo; a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha; lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si Pán, náš Boh, povolá.

199Náš nebeský Otče, teraz je to na Tebe. Presvedčiť ľudí, pokúšam sa, ale ľudí prinútiť, to nemôžem. A Ty nikdy nekonáš proti ľudskej vôli, lebo ak je muž alebo žena predurčený do Večného Života, keď Svetlo Božie zasvieti na to semeno, to príde do života. A ak je medzi nami dnes večer Život, Otče, na ktorý si zasvietil Svoje Svetlo, a oni videli Pravdu, nech pokorne a sladko kráčajú k bazénu, aby boli pokrstení do Mena Tvojho milovaného Syna Ježiša Krista.

200Čo vieme, že každá osoba v Písme bola, musela byť pokrstená a prekrstená... Tí, ktorí neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista, museli byť prekrstení. A ten veľký apoštol, ktorý mal kľúče Kráľovstva, povedal na deň Letníc, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov, aby mohli byť vaše hriechy odpustené. A potom je pre vás zasľúbenie Ducha Svätého.“ Daj, aby to bolo dnes večer vynesené von v plnej miere, Otče.

201Zverujem ich teraz Tebe. Vezmi týchto pár slov a rozjímanie môjho srdca a nech je to prijateľné v Tvojich očiach, ó, Pane, a zakotvi to vo Svojich deťoch a daj im Večný Život. Zachráň všetkých tých, ktorí môžu byť zachránení a uzdrav tých, ktorí sú chorí. Nech milosť Božia spočinie na každom z nich, ako ich porúčame Tebe v Ježišovom Mene.

202Teraz, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, požiadam našu sestru, ktorá hrá na klavíri, aby sem prišla. Len chvíľu, len ešte o päť minút viac. A ak sú tu nejakí, ktorí túžia byť pokrstení, ktorí urobili vyznanie a uverili... Ak veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží, a veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca, nie len emocionálne, ale veríte tomu, a ste pripravení vyznať, že ste sa mýlili, a nestojíte na svojich vlastných zásluhách, ale na tom, čo On urobil, a ste pripravení kráčať napred, aby ste nadobudli na Jeho Meno vo vodnom krste, stať sa členom tela skrze Ducha Svätého, potom ženská miestnosť je napravo a mužská naľavo s pripravenými šatami a vecami.

203Zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy, ako naša sestra hrá, „Počujem volať môjho Spasiteľa.“ Ak nám dá vedúci piesní malé slovo. Teraz s našimi sklonenými hlavami, služba je teraz v rukách Všemohúceho Boha. Pre kohokoľvek, kto chce byť pokrstený, chce ísť do modlitebných miestností, aby sa modlil za krst Duchom Svätým, sú tu inštruktori, ktorí budú pripravení inštruovať, alebo čokoľvek urobiť. Nech tie slová nepadnú naprázdno, ale nech zakončia to, na čo boli cielené. Nech sa teraz s našimi sklonenými hlavami modlíme, ako – a tam, kde vás On vedie, tam Ho nasledujete.

Počujem už... (Teraz, modlite sa, každý hriešnik.)

Počujem už Spasiteľa;

(Počujete Ho, ako volá, keď dnes ráno vzkriesil mŕtveho muža?)


(Počujete Ho, ako volá, keď je v Slove blikajúc na vás Svojím Svetlom?)

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, celú (Ste ochotní ísť celú cestu?)... cestu.

Kam (Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Muži naľavo, ženy napravo.);

Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie...

(Biblia povedala, „Toľkí, koľkí uverili, boli pokrstení.“)...tam pôjdem,

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

Pôjdem s Ním Edenom krásnym,

Pôjdem s Ním (Duch Svätý...)

Pôjdem s Ním Edenom

(Ak niekto pôjde tu so ženami, ktoré hľadajú Ducha Svätého, choďte do miestnosti napravo, niektoré z vás sestier, ktoré máte...?...)

celú cestu.

Kam povedie...

(Môžete to úprimne povedať? „Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem?“ Urobíte to? Keď ten malý Hlas ku vám hovorí, pôjdete tam, kam vás vedie? Sledujte červené svetlo. Vidíte blikať to svetlo? Sme v čase konca.)

...povedie ma, tam pôjdem,

pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

Počujem už Spasiteľa...

(Ako On hovorí? Skrze Svoje Slovo, vo vašom srdci. Prídete teraz? Toto je vaše pozvanie. Pamätajte, ak sa to stane predtým, než sa spolu znovu zídeme, boli ste varovaní.)

Počujem už Spasiteľa,

“Vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj Ma.“

Kam povedie...

(No, pôjdu niektorí z bratov kvôli inštrukciám tu do miestnosti naľavo. Sú bratia pripravení na krst? Niektorí zo slúžiacich bratov tu, príďte a pomôžte nám, vstúpte s nami do miestnosti.)

... tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie ma... (Myslíte to naozaj?) ...tam pôjdem,

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

204No, len chvíľu. No, ak ste neboli pokrstení vo vode ponorením v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, len na tituly, Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha, nikdy nebola žiadna osoba v celej Biblii, žiadna osoba nebola nikdy v Biblii pokrstená v Mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, do tých titulov. Žiadna osoba nebola nikdy pokrstená v cirkvi v histórii počas prvých tristo rokov na tejto strane; každá jedna bola pokrstená v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, až do Nicejského koncilu v Nicei, Ríme, kde bola zorganizovaná rímsko-katolícka cirkev. Potom nahradili tituly Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha.

205Ak je nejaký historik, kazateľ, akákoľvek osoba tam na druhej strane rádia, na páske, ktorá môže ukázať jedno Písmo alebo jednu štipku z histórie, kde bol ktokoľvek kedy pokrstený akýmkoľvek iným spôsobom než v Mene Ježiša Krista, až do Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi v Nicei, Ríme, ste zaviazaní priniesť mi to, aby som sa ospravedlnil. Nie je žiadna taká vec. Nie. A každá osoba, ktorá bola pokrstená ponorením, ktorá nebola pokrstená v Mene Ježiša Krista, bolo jej nariadené, pred tým, ako by mohli vstúpiť do slávy, aby sa vrátili a boli znovu pokrstení. No, je to na vás.

206Nie je žiadne miesto Písma v Biblii, kde by ktorákoľvek osoba bola kedy pokrstená použijúc meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha, ako ľudia krstia dnes. Je to katolícke, rímsko-katolícke vyznanie, ktoré bolo podávané cez Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleyho a tak to išlo ďalej; a Biblia predpovedá, že to bude tak a dobehne to do konca v posledných dňoch; a dvere budú otvorené, ako sme práve prešli cez cirkevné veky, aby sme to videli.

207Je to na vás. Ja som len posol toho Posolstva. Znovu, uverme tomu; dvere sú otvorené. Krstiteľnica je plná, a nie je dôvod... Sú tam pripravené šaty, a budeme pripravení krstiť za niekoľko minút.

208Ak ste tu a neboli ste pokrstení, ešte raz spievajme, a príďte, dobre, naplniť...

209Poviete, „Plánujem to jedného dňa urobiť, brat Branham.“ Ten deň vás môže stretnúť ako brata Waya dnes ráno, ale možno nebude nasledovať milosť. Môžete ísť v ktorejkoľvek minúte. Či ste mladí, ak prežijete noc, budete... Ak máte sedemdesiat rokov, prežijete mnoho desaťročných, a pätnásťročných, tridsaťročných ľudí. Tisíce z nich zomrú počas noci. Je to tak. Neviete, kedy pôjdete. Buďte si istí, neberte to náhodne. Len pamätajte, môžete brať náhodne vašu prácu, alebo tamto brať náhodne, ale neberte náhodne toto. A pamätajte, môj hlas bude svedok proti vám na Božej magnetofónovej páske v deň súdu. Tak teraz, myslite na to, keď znovu spievame so sklonenými hlavami.

Kam povedie... (brat Neville)... ma, tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem...

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let's remain standing just a moment for prayer, and bow our heads. Our Heavenly Father, to Thee we give praise for all that our eyes have seen and our ears have heard. And we thank Thee, Lord, because that today we know that Thou art the same great Jehovah God that always has been and You ever will.

2We thank Thee for Jesus Christ Who made it possible that we could be back into Divine fellowship with Thee again, through the shedding of His innocent Blood, that through the--the propitiation of that Blood we now are sons and daughters of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be at the end, but we know we'll be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And, Father, that's all sufficient for us, as long as we're like Him, standing in the form of His image.

3And now, Father, we do not want to be at this hour conformed to the things of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our spirit, by the Holy Ghost, that He might come and take our lives into His Own care, and would--would lead us and guide us for what days we have left upon the earth, and magnify His great Name.

4We thank Thee for all these things. And with expectations we look for Your visit with us tonight as we've gathered in now, and believing that You will meet with us as You promised. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Be seated.

5 Believe it was David that said, "I was happy when they said unto us, said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" And we are very grateful indeed to be here tonight, and feel it a privilege to have this grand opportunity to--to be here, speaking with you people.

6I'm making some tapes. So I just looking back into the room to see if the brethren were getting the tapes. It's--it's on now, the tapes are going. All right. This purpose for this, is, I had promised of sending out Messages, would come, be taped here at the tabernacle. Now we are...

7 I'd like to say something about this morning. Today, right after noon, rather, when we was ending the morning meeting, something taken place that maybe some of you wasn't here and didn't hear about it. I was closing service, and I speaking from the platform here, watching a brother standing out here shaking hands with the people, by the name of Brother Way, we call him here. His wife is a fine registered nurse.

8And Brother Way is one of God's servants, and he's also works in secular work, but has a call upon his heart, for years, to the field of mission work. He felt led that God should bring him here and wait at this post here until receiving further orders for to advance into the field. A few days ago, speaking to him, and having a little interview with he and his wife.

9 And this morning, when making my confession of having complex, I referred to Brother Way also as having a complex, which is certainly normal among all people, and at a--a moment after that, Brother Way was stricken in a heart attack and dropped dead in the floor. And I seen his wife, and I noticed... I have been around many people dying, and I--I do not have to--to say this.

10I like to brag on Jesus Christ and His power. But at this time I think we should never try to brag on Him in any way to something He--He--He didn't do. But I have seen Jesus Christ raise up the dead, many times, infallible, doctors' testing to prove.

For instance, in Connecticut just recently, in a meeting, setting in a large, the old... some kind of a famous auditorium, there was a Doctor Barton, a Christian doctor on the platform with me, a medical doctor. And there was a fine renown Christian woman, a lovely, wealthy woman she was. She was setting kind of to my left. And I had called the prayer line, and I noticed the woman just all at once...

11 When anyone, their heart stops... You can close your eyes, but when you are shocked to death, when your heart stops, really your eyeballs turn back, and the white part of your eye pushes out. And I noticed it as she sank down. And quickly they called for the medical doctor, and he run to her to take her pulse, and shook his head, put his hands upon her, his ear to her heart. And she was gone. She sank in the floor, and her daughter screaming, which interrupted the meeting. I continued on, 'cause I didn't have no word of the Lord for the woman. And I continued on.

12They said something about getting Brother Branham. And they said, "We don't want to call him in the prayer line, 'cause he's under discernment." And they said, "Get little Branham," that was Billy. And Billy, being it was a woman dead, he didn't want to.

13 You know, people get suspicion of somebody being dead. That, that's--that's just a hull. There is nothing there. That, people think strange. That, the person isn't there, themselves; they've moved on. And so he was afraid to--to go around the woman, because she was dead.

14And then immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I turned from the place, walked down the step, come around to where she was. And just as I started to where she was, the Holy Spirit spoke to me; and I said, "Mary!"

15She said, "Yes, Brother Branham." She was all right. And--and she had never seen us before. And it was the first in meeting.

16 Then at Shawano just recently in, oh, I'd say, in the last, about, four years ago, or five, I was speaking one night at the armory. And there was a great crowd of people. And a elderly man of some eighty years old, I guess, and his lovely wife, they were Lutheran by faith, go to that great famous Lutheran church there. I forget the name of it now. It's the largest Lutheran gathering in America, at one single gathering, of church membership. And it's a great country for the Lutheran. And while I was speaking, I noticed the fellow, head going back like that; and his hands went out, and he pitched forward, dead in the chair. And his wife begin screaming, and she screamed out, "Somebody help me! Somebody help me!"

17And I looked. I said, "Just everyone keep seated, be quiet." See? I waited for the Lord to give me a word. And--and I... Satan... I was just fixing to make the altar call, and that's just when he wants to show hisself.

18So did you ever notice when you start to make a altar call, even little babies will start screaming, and things like that? That's Satan. You who are spiritual understand.

19 So the Lord gave me his name, and I called him, and he come to life just like that.

20And this morning when I was turning, see, and I've seen, many times, the Lord Jesus bring back the dead. The little baby in Mexico died at nine o'clock that morning, and this was between ten and eleven that night it come back to life. And--and that's a bona fide testimony with doctor's witness of it, see, that the baby died in his office at nine o'clock that morning. I think it was pneumonia. And the baby is living today, so far as I know. And that was before, oh, my, thirty, forty thousand people.

21And then this morning I seen our Brother Way, as he's setting, he was setting right here now. But as he was setting right along in here somewhere, he was standing. And we were singing, and, "Glory, glory, hallelujah," and shaking one another's hands. I noticed him as it struck him, and his head went back. He, Brother Way, isn't given to things like anything like of fainting or going like that. And, he, I seen him fall backwards. And I seen his wife, which is a registered nurse, check his pulse. And she screamed; it was gone.

22 And--and then I believe it was Sister Nash, a lady here, a colored sister that comes to the church, some of them started running forward. And now she, Mrs. Way, kept reaching for me to come across the platform. And I said, "Everybody keep quiet, keep in your seat." Don't never be excited in them kind of times. See? That's what Satan wants to do. Just wait and see what He says. If it's somebody moving on to Glory, well, we got to go sometime, no better place than in church, so--so then right in the house of the Lord. So then...

But the man was turning back. I thought maybe something had, he had fainted or something had happened to him, in that manner. But when I looked, and his head turned around this way, and seeing the inside, down part of his eyes, pushed out. You can't shut, you can't put your eyes in that condition; it's the heart stopping that does that. And I went across this, and he... There was someone, kind person, had laid a... something for his head to lay on. And there was his feet, hands, and everything, stiff. It stopped. His face was as dark as my coat, reddish black, and his eyes turned back. And I know heart attack. I know what they do and how they turn; anybody else that's ever seen it. So I put my hand upon his pulse, and there's no more pulse than there is on this desk. [Brother Branham taps the wooden pulpit--Ed.] Not a thing. Here is his wife, a registered nurse, who checked his pulse. There was no pulse there.

23 Then, the other day while I was with Brother Way on a discernment in here, I seen that he had a murmuring heart, anyhow. So then I thought, "This is it." So I laid my hands upon him. I said, "Dear God, I call, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the soul of my brother, his life back again." And the Lord Jehovah knows, and His Bible here before me, it felt like, when I had my hand on his pulse... And as I know I'll answer for this at the Day of the Judgment if it be wrong. And it felt like his pulse beat four or five times, quickly, went, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump; and then started off, going, pump, pump, pump, pump.

24And he was trying to open his mouth to say something to me. And trying to get his mouth, and gurgling, kind of, to try to say it. And he got out the words, "Brother Branham." Then it looked like he would go back to sleep or something, and I waited just a moment again, checked his pulse again; it was beating normally. And then again I looked, and he looked over at me. And he was kind of, I seen, beside himself; he didn't know where he was at, but his heart beating normal. And God had called back his life to him again.

25 So I--I say that in honor of Jesus Christ, who it is the same God, that when... This morning I had preached at length, way over my time, and tired and worn. And there could be two things. He either got tired, or when I spoke of having a complex, not just to--to mess my brother up, as we'd say it, because I had... I was making my confession of having complex. And I guess if I'd ask tonight, in this audience of people, "How many in here knows you have complex?" practically every hand would go up. That you might know, Brother Way, just let me show you whether it's discernment or not. How many knows that you got a complex, raise your hand. Look at there! See? But I--I don't know if that shock of me saying that to Brother Way, taking it like I might be rebuking him or something, then, that he fell into this condition, and the Lord Jesus brought him back.

26Now I--I am... think that the same God that the great Saint Paul represented in his days, that when he preached at length one night, and a man fell and his life was gone out of him; and Paul, getting over the man, by the grace of God, said back to the audience, "His life is within him." I--I think that it proves to us, or if you've never seen it before, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

27 And then it might have been this, that I've tried to think of it this afternoon. That, I had stood here, and with all my heart told you exactly the Truth, and tell you of my complex, and make my open confession, 'cause... and ask you to pray that my inside being would be changed towards the people, that I could do as the Lord did. And to confirm that He still will send me to the field, He let that happen to show that He still heals the sick and could raise the dead, could raise up the dead. And I think it was no more than a confirmation of what I been preaching about, and had been witnessing of the Kingdom of God. And that's something along the line that He had just told Brother Roberson there, and another one of the brethren. Now we love Him for that.

28And we thankful tonight that Brother Way is with us tonight. And surely God has not finished with our brother, or he'd have went on this morning. There is something for Brother Way to do. And I want you to know, Brother Way, that this entire church, with myself, will be praying that God will show you His plan for your and your wife's life; and, as soon as it is materialized, will place you in there. I'm sure He'll do it, Brother Way. And all of us, as Christians, will be thankful for Brother Way. Is that right, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And will pray that he and Sister Way will find their place in the Lord, for their service in life.

29 Now, also, I wanted to speak to Brother Way. I come early so I could speak to him and find just what his attitude, or what happened. And he doesn't know. See, it just went out, and he just dropped and went off. That's all.

Brother Way was wanting and asked if there is anybody in the building that's going down to Arkansas, Tuesday or whenever you're going, to--to this meeting. Now, it's--it's perhaps a very small meeting. It's a brotherhood that meets. And I think it's up in some kind of a jungle, or something another, way up. And there probably will not be too many people, I--I guess, at the meeting, because, frankly, they don't even know I'm coming, yet. See? And so my friends around there, will probably be a night or two before they'll know, even my friends in Arkansas, that know me down in there, will be at the meeting. But if anybody is going, and would have room to let someone ride with them, Brother Way would be glad to do it. He said to make the announcement that he would be no burden upon the people, to take care of him while he was there, 'cause he could do it. But he, if someone was going, it would be a sign to him that God would love for him, or would be in--be in the will of God for him to go down. So all of you know Brother Way, setting here at the corner. And if anybody would want to, that's going down, and has a room for an extra passenger, he'd be glad to do it.

30 And then next Sunday night, the Lord willing, I'll--I'll be back, or next Sunday morning, rather. And--and if Brother Neville has the Sunday school, and when it's over, I want to make another tape if I can. And if I'm not mistaken, I think I'll be speaking on Does Your Life... Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? That, that's, or, Is Your wife... Life Worthy Of The Gospel? That's what I mean to say. Is Your Life Worthy of the Gospel? And I want to make a tape on that, if the Lord willing.

31And now, tonight, I have announced today that I was going to make the tape. And the pastor, I don't think even preached; just called me out, and so to speak here at the platform. Now, then I don't know... Now, if they making the tapes, if you seem to get tired or something, you wish to go out, just be quiet as possible, because we don't... See, these--these microphones are very, very sensitive, and they pick up a little noise. And we're making, trying to make these tapes for an international ministry.

32 And tonight I wish to announce my subject as the... after I--I read God's Word, found in Saint Matthew's Gospel, the 24th chapter. Of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, the 24th chapter, and let's begin now at the 32nd verse and read the Scripture.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is--is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh:

So likewise ye, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door.

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things shall be fulfilled.

Heavens and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

But of the day and of the hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but the Father only.

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

33 Now in our reading, we find tonight, as we read, that the first part of this chapter reads that the disciples called Him apart upon the mount, mountain, and said to Him, "What will be the sign of the end of the world? What will be the sign of Your Coming? And when will there come a time there won't be one stone left on the other, on the temple?" Now He goes on to answer. See here at the 1st verse.

... Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him... to show him the building, of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

And his disciple... And as he sat upon the mount... (pardon me)... as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when these things shall be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

34 See, they asked three questions, and He answers back three questions. "When will there come a time there won't be one stone left on another? What's the sign of Your Coming? And what about the end of the world?" And many, I believe, that we brethren make mistakes by trying to apply it all to His Coming. But He is answering three different questions that was asked Him. "Why would be the time that there won't be one of these stones left on another; when will this thing be? And what will be the sign of Your Coming? And what will be at the end of the world?" See, three different questions. And He starts off answering one, about when "the stones would be left with not one upon another." And then after He finishes that question, then He starts off, "the sign of His Coming." And then goes into, "the end of the world."

35 Now we notice here one of the things that I wish to speak on tonight, is the... The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming. And we're going to dwell tonight upon the days of Noah, "So shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." And now this struck me the other day, and I thought maybe I'd try to tape this and speak on this. And writing down several Scriptures here that I would like to refer to, maybe, and--and read, in a little bit.

36 But now our Lord Jesus was asked this question, and He gave them the sign of His Coming. And then immediately He said this, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And then He said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree. When it's putting forth its branches, you know that summer is nigh. So when you see these things coming to pass, or being made manifest, know that the time is at hand. And this generation shall not be done away until all of these things shall come to pass." What generation? The generation that's seeing the apostasy that we're going to speak of tonight.

37 So when we think of my text, as a flashing red light of His Coming, it reminds me of waiting at a railroad station, that when a man or people stand around, as many of us has, when we was waiting to catch the train. And we can't hear the train, or you don't see him, but you know it's--it's time. Maybe the dispatcher says, "He's a--a little late. He's not exactly at the time, but we don't know just when, but he will arrive soon." And we'll walk around in the station, with our hands in our pockets, and setting on our suitcases, and go out and buy a bag of peanuts, and talk to the... somebody across the street. But all of a sudden we see something happen. There is a noise takes place out at the track. And when we did, the arm goes down, and the red light begins to flash. What is that? The train is in the blocks. Though you can't hear him, though you can't see him, but yet that flashing red light and that arm down shows that he's coming in. And then if you're expecting to leave on that train, you better throw that bag of peanuts down, stop your talking, get up your suitcases, and get ready or you'll be left behind, 'cause he's just stopping locally just for a few moments. He'll be gone. If you still stand to chat, the neighbor across the street, you'll be left behind.

38 How much more is it, then, when we see a flashing signal that He's in the blocks! The old Gospel train is passing by, pretty soon. And as we study tonight on this great text, flashing signal, as our Lord set upon the mountain and told them these things would take place, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

39Now we want to go back, for a little piece, and find out if we can find anything in this day that resembles the days of Noah. And then we can tell then where we are in that day that our Lord spoke of, see if we can find just any resemblance of the days of Noah. In order to do this, I think we ought to go back to the Book of Genesis, to the days of Noah. And if you will turn with me, if you will, in the Scripture, back to Genesis the 6th chapter, and that's the days of the flood, and the morals and the conditions of that day, Genesis the 6th chapter. Now, we want to read, see and compare that day with this day. Notice.

And it came to pass, when man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth,...

40 The very first word presents us with a absolutely flashing light that the day is at hand, for there has never been a time in all the history that there's ever been so many people, and so quickly multiplying, as we have today, until it's hard to get a place to stay. And so many people multiplying upon the earth, till science says, that, if it continues to multiply like it has been, in twenty years there won't even be food on the earth for the people. Reader's Digest, I believe it was, that quoted that, that, there won't even be food for the people that are multiplying so fast.

41We can look around and see that the places that used to be wilderness has turned into city, and yet birth control is on its greatest rampage it ever was. I believe it was said of Chicago... I hope I don't misquote these figures. But actually registered cases, thirty thousand abortion cases every sixty days, in Chicago. Abortion cases every sixty days, registered! How about those who has never registered? See, just in one big four-million-population city! What about the world? And yet the population is so crowded until it's they can't even take care of the...

42 India, they're trying to become... to make interrupt the human part of man, and make them become sterile, that children cannot be born, because they're--they are in on the increase so. Four hundred and seventy million, at this time, in India.

43How about China, where the increase is greater, Russia and the many countries of the world? "When man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth." See? Now we're taking back to the antediluvian time.

... and daughters were born unto them,

And the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took unto them wives... all which they chose.

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a--a hundred and twenty years.

And there were giants in the land in those days; and also after them... the sons of God came... to the daughters of man, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty man which were of old,... renown.

44 Oh, what a--a subject that we got here! See? Now, one of the first things I want you to notice, that the--the sons of God saw the daughters of man, that they were fair. Now I don't... I'm pointing this at the whole world. But there never has been a time on the earth, as I can think, only that time, that there ever was such a--a wholesale beauty among women.

45And you can remember, some of you elderly women, and some of you people, man, that can remember back years ago, that how it was seldom you found a pretty woman. But today you don't find any but what is pretty. Is because that they have come to a place of all this bobbing their hair, and makeup, and--and all kinds of sexy clothes and things. They can present themself in such a way. And then it's, another thing, the hand of time has turned it back, according to the Scripture. And women are constantly on the increase of being pretty.

46 I can remember when I was a little boy in school, and turn and look at the little children today, the little girls coming on. And I can look, think of women when I was a young man, and look at the girls today. I remember there'd be one popular girl, and that's not been over twenty-five years ago, one popular girl, a pretty girl, and pretty near every boy wanted to go with this girl, because she was the queen of the--of the group. Maybe in a whole city, there'd be two or three of those women. Now the whole thing's become pretty, all of them. That's to fulfill the Scripture, and a red light flashing that the time is at hand.

47They've invented such stuff as lipstick and--and makeup, that a woman that isn't so fair, she can still make herself pretty by the--all the face lifts and the--the things that they do to make themselves pretty.

48 Max Factor runs day and night, and there is more spent on cosmetics, in America, in a year, for to make the women pretty, than there is spent at the grocery store. That's right. I forget how many billion dollars each year is spent for cosmetics, to fair our women.

49Now, I'm saying nothing against that, I'm just showing you that it is a flash of red light that the time is at hand. For Jesus said, Himself, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, the same thing.

50 And notice, "When people begin to multiply, many people. The daughters of man was fair; and the sons of God looked upon them, and took them wives." Now, that's not my own saying. I'm reading it out of the Bible, where Jesus said for us to go back to Genesis and compare these days together. The multiplication of people, and the beauty of women, now that's a great sign.

51Now the warning, Jehovah's warning, the 3rd verse.

And the LORD said,...

52Immediately after this took place... Remember, the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, and Jesus was empowered with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And He spoke only by the Holy Spirit. And the Scriptures are written by the Holy Spirit. And the very One Who wrote Genesis 6, told us in Matthew 24, to know when the time was nigh, to go back to Genesis 6 and compare it.

53Multiplying of people upon the earth; and yet such birth control, and all of the things that goes on, don't even check it. It's going just the same, because we're at the end time.

54And then notice, immediately there come a time when it said the women was very fair, very pretty. And we check that with this and can prove it.

55 Now, I was looking at some pictures of long ago when our forefathers, when they crossed the plains. And I can't call the--the woman's name, but her name was known from San Francisco to--to Boston, of being the most fairest woman in the land. Pearl White, I believe, was her name, of many years ago. She was killed by her lover, Scott Jackson. And if you would see the woman's picture, of being the most fairest lady of the land, you would hardly look at her. She would look like an antique out here on the street. For, most any woman you could catch any way you want to, would be three times prettier than her, any woman today that you'd catch just going down the street. See, it's an increase, beauty for women.

56 And then I wonder if our women realize this and can... That's the reason I want this tape to go, that--that you mustn't put so... We want you to be pretty, but we want you to be natural. We don't want you to be superficial. Some of these pretty women, if you'd dunk them in a washtub a while and wash them up, they might look a little different, and--and dress them like they should be dressed. But they--they--they don't do it, and you can't tell them no different. And we're going to get to that after a while. But this is the--the red light flash.

57 And remember, when people begin to multiply upon the earth, and the women got fair, it was that hour, it was at that time, that:

... the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man,...

You see the clutch? Do you see the hand of God, "My Spirit"? The daughters of men were fair; and they took unto them wives. And He said, then, "My Spirit will not always strive with man. I'll allot his days."

Now the 4th verse:

And there were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,... the sons of God came... unto the daughters of man, or--or the daughters of man, and they bare them children to--to them, and the same became mighty man which were of old,... renown.

58 Did you notice it never said nothing about marriage? Notice, "The sons of God came unto the daughters of man," nothing about marriage. And if you take in the original Greek there, the word meaning, says, I've got it wrote down here somewhere, a "wife." "Taken to them wives," in the 3rd verse, "taken them wives." In the Greek, I looked it up this afternoon, it didn't say, "Take to them wives." It said, "Took to them women," not wives. Now you check it with your--with your... the Emphatic Diaglott, and watch if that isn't true.

59"Taken unto them women," not wives. They took them just as they were, free lovers, like we have today. Other words, they were lovers in that day just as they are now. They went any way they wanted to, and took any woman that they could.

60 "And when the sons of God..." Now, many of them says here that that was the fallen Angels, and so forth, and them men and women. But to show that it is wrong, it's absolutely wrong, the Bible doesn't say anywhere about Angels being either man or women. And, besides, there is never a--a woman spoke of as being an Angel, in the Bible, never. Now if you want Scripture for that, Matthew 22:20, and so forth, you can find it.

61Now, that, that, there is no such a thing as a woman angel. That's the reason that a woman preacher... Angel is a "messenger." And it's--and it's a... An angel is a "messenger." And there is no such. But, you see, they have changed, today, like it was then. Now, I've got some historical points wrote down here, we wish to get to in a few minutes.

62 Notice, women of that day, in the days of Noah, must have been the talk of the day. See, "the sons of God," Seth's, Seth's sons, saw the daughters of Cain, that they were beautiful. Why? They were wicked, and they were daughters of Cain. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man, they were fair, they took unto them women. Then the sons of God fell from their estate with God, and become woman-chasers." And if that ain't the picture of today, I don't know what is. That is true.

63Man! Even look at our churches today, look at everything you wish to, notice it. Everywhere, it looked in that day, must have been pretty women. Man became slaves to them, says history, that man became actually slaves to the women, because they were so pretty, that they become slaves. They literally made shrines, and worshipped. And, just think, they literally worshipped female flesh and blood in that day. That's history.

64 And compare that with today. It's the same thing, my brother. Man actually worship women. Why, in our own country, Mrs. Kennedy is twice thought of, what the President is. That's right. And if you always talk about a man, if he's got an attractive wife, that's it.

65And now they say that about the driving. You hear them say the women is the safest drivers. That's wrong, because I'll tell you why. Billy and I, crossing this United States, with a first hand condition, we put a--a little map up in our car, a little tablet, and wrote "man" and "woman." And every time a woman made the wrong, we put a mark on her side; and a man made one, we'd put one on his side. And out of three hundred, what we call "booboo," pulled on the road there, you would be surprised. There were two hundred and eighty women, to nineteen man. But you know why? They don't get that in the police courts. The police won't arrest a pretty girl; one out of a thousand. Sure, get her telephone number, but he won't arrest her. And that's just the way. No wonder the records doesn't show it. See? Because, man today is like it was in the days of Noah, they bow to the shrine of pretty women. That's right. Oh, my!

66 How it must have been awful in that day, worship as they, females, flashing themself in such an attractive way. And if they were any better on doing it then, than they are now, I'm glad I didn't live then. Think of it, of how that they only... how that women has got to acting the same as they do now.

67Notice, the Bible said, "They eat and they drank." Now, that's--that's legitimate. Sure.

"Marriage is honorable." A man, man marry a woman, that's honorable, that's instituted of God. But when it comes to a time that man will take another man's wife, or take some young woman, or some woman that no matter who she is, and break his marriage vow, and do something that's wrong, it's sinful in the sight of God. And the Bible speaks very hardly against it.

68 Now notice, It said that. Marriage, God instituted that in Eden, but He certainly condemned adultery. And these men and women, in that day, bypassed the laws of God, and took it upon themselves and done it, anyhow. Now, compare that with today. Look at it. If you want to see the train is in the block, take a good deep think of that now, as the infallible Jesus Christ said these Words. See?

69And notice, the Bible said here, "They eat and they drank," of course, with their pretty women. Now, we realize that that's all right. Eating and drinking, that's one of the natural laws of life. We have to do it. But when that's all upon your mind, today the people just become gluttons, drunk, women drinking in the restaurant. And you go into a place where the--the highballs and cocktails are served, the women outdrink the man.

70 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating, and drinking, and giving in marriage." In other words, they were living with the women without being married to them. And today, why, it's so instituted. They did have a Reno, that you could get married, and divorced and married again, all in the same day. But that's way out of date now. The--the husbands, so-called, and wives, pack different keys to the rooms in these big cities. Now, I travel. I--I'm right in the cities and know it to be true, that the husband has his dates, and the wife has her dates. Well, it's such a conglomeration of--of rottenness, until it's produced a bunch of--of soft, lazy, no-good, hell-bound generation.

71 A few years ago, look where man has got to, in his body. Look where he's got to, by the things he's done. Science is constantly trying to make a better food, hybrid corn, and--and hybrid tomatoes, hybrid beef, when the stuff's no good at all. It's killing the people, and they don't realize it. Why, in a few more years, they'll be nothing but just a--a bunch like a jellyfish.

72Fifty years ago, ball games went on just as they do now, and you never heard of anybody getting hurt, but now they kill a dozen, or two, a year. A ball will hit a man, he, there ain't nothing in him to hold his life in him. He's like a guinea. You hit him, he is so soft, he's dead.

73 When Bob Fitzsimmons fought Corbett, I believe they fought a hundred and twenty-five rounds, one afternoon, bare-fisted. When those man with such punch in their arms could take a two-by-four, at four inches, and bust that two-by-four with nothing but calloused fists. They slept with their hands in vinegar, to make their fists hard. And a--a round wasn't a little two or three-minute round like we have today. They didn't have a featherbed tied over their mitts, and nobody got killed. And they fought. A round was a knock-down. You had to knock the man down. And they fought a hundred and twenty-five knock-downs. They were man. And today they're going to have to stop the art of boxing, when there's a featherbed over their arms and over their fists, can't fight a two or three rounds without somebody getting killed. What's the matter? He's made up out of a bunch of, I don't know, soft muck, hybrid nothing, till the whole generation is dying.

74 Did not the Bible say that, that they would get weaker and wiser? Why, in another race of people coming on, they'll live out of a capsule, take a capsule for their dinner. It's nothing but a bunch of cigarette-smoking, whiskey-drinking, cocktail-running, a bunch of dope addicts, shots. Teenage children in school, and juvenile delinquency; no wonder, her mother out on the street, acting the way she does, throws the child into the same thing.

75 Pretty women increase; social life broke down. Oh, my, what a great thing in the day we're living in! How they do this, it's un-... get by with that. They won't get by with it. What are they doing? Just as they did then, they're making the Commandments of God a mock. God said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." But they show that they can do it, and get by with it. They think they're going to get by with it, but they'll never do it. Maybe you oughtn't to come, listen to this. Huh? However, God said that this would be the time that the red light would be flashing. Jesus said so.

76 Now what a--a sin that they are doing, and laughing at sin! Many times, that, the very thing that this Bible calls immoral, the world today calls virtue. When you take our--our young girls, and strip their clothes off of them, and put them out there with little shorts on, in slacks and things, and walk them down the street, and they think that's virtuous that the girl can display her female flesh. When, the Bible says it's sin, horrible! But the world calls it virtue. See, they're making the Commandments of God... And the church says nothing about it. It's time that somebody rose in the name of righteousness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and put a stamp on this, 'cause sometime we're going to answer for it at the Day of the Judgment.

77 Now, if this sounds old and fogy, to somebody, check back a few years and look what's going on now, and then imagine a future. There is no future but the Coming of the Lord.

78Notice, check these antediluvian females with the stride of today; check what they were. Check what the sons of God did; check what they do today.

79I was setting at a convention not long ago, and it broke me down almost, when all the... Everybody seemed to be just enjoying a minister's talk, that was standing on the platform. And I was setting over in a corner. And there was a--a young lady come in, and she was really dressed bad. And she come walking up through this church, as the Bible says, mincing as she went. And every preacher on the platform, plus the congregation, everyone turning their head and looking, following this girl. And I thought of this Scripture, "The sons of God looked upon the daughters of man," sinners, ungodly, pretty women. Oh, it's tore a many a church to pieces. It took the Spirit of God away. Notice, "Looked upon the daughters of man."

80 Now remember, the infallible Jesus Christ stated these things would be this a way in this day. And He said, "When you see these things come to pass, then you know that the time is at the door." Now, there isn't many people will say that. There is many preachers that couldn't say that. He could, if he would. But if he would, the congregation would take him out. That's exactly the truth.

81But here is one thing. If a man is called of God, he'll stay with that Bible, I don't care what he has to do. You must remember that It's the Truth. And the Truth either binds or sets free. And this is exactly what Jesus Christ said.

82 "The sons of God fell because of beautiful forms and faces, of the daughters of men." And that's just exactly what we got today, same thing again.

83Now, compare that day. Multiplication of people; the women getting fairer; the sons of God falling; marriage and giving in marriage; divorce cases; living in adultery; and so forth.

84"Why" you say, "Brother Branham, just a minute. I don't know."

Listen, brother, just before you say something, listen to this. Jesus Christ said, that, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." And when you see... When a man walks out of his office, walks out of the church, walks out of his house, strikes the street, what do you see but a display, on every side, of flesh and blood of females, form-fitting, pretty-faced, tempted. That's what God said would take place. When that taken place, then the time was at the door.

"As it was in the days of Noah, when the sons of God saw the daughters of man, and begin to take unto them women." See? There you are.

85 Now watch. We find that, the same thing today. We see in the history, that such sex appeal they had in them, until the sons of God made unto themself shrines of women. That's of Venus, and so forth. See? They, they made shrines, and bowed to them. When you say, "Brother Branham, we don't have such things as that today. You couldn't compare that with this day." I beg your pardon. I believe it's worse today than it was then.

86What do we see? TV. You can't even pick up a newspaper but everything that you see is spread with females. Pretty women on every whiskey package, in magazines, sexy, immoral dressed. On the TV, in everything, is some sexy-dressed woman, some pretty woman. And we find out on--on cigarette advertisements, everything that you can look at, you find that it's some attractive woman. You can't even see the advertisement of a pair of silk stockings less you see some kind of a thin, shaped legs going through it. And that's right. But what is it? Why is it?

87 I remember a man I worked for, Chris Meisner, up here on the corner. Many of you remember Chris Meisner. His wife, Lillian, her name was Lily, I think, an Ellinger. And when she... A man come over. She was a beautiful girl. And a man wanted to get permission from her father, to put her face, her picture, her profile, on a box of candy. And this old German Luthern stood to his feet, and he said, "That's an insult to me, to put my daughter's picture on a box of candy, to be spread across the country." What about today? When, the billboards, the television, everything you see, is immoral, vulgar, sexy, ungodly-looking women. That's right. What is it? The train, the old--the old train is in her blocks now. The Bible said so, she would be coming pretty soon. We hear the sound.

88 We talk about other things about it, but, remember, this is another flash, one of the flashes that's flashing before us today. Oh, we see the national condition; we see the political disturbance; we see the church situation. We preach on all that. But this is something new. It's something is not very popular to be spoke on, but it must be done, for there's got to be a voice crying out. Remember, the very words I say tonight will meet me yonder at the Judgment. See?

89 When I seen this woman not long ago, in a vision the Lord showed me, see her die. That, I can't never think of that woman's name, she, Marilyn Monroe. And I had never seen her. I don't go to movies. But I--I--I had seen the girl, and she was attractive. And she was trying to get to something; she was dying, had a heart attack. And the Lord said, "Now you say that, 'She died just at four o'clock. She did not commit suicide.'" Said, "But you can say she died at four o'clock, 'cause it's just a few seconds before four." And there I seen where they found her. And I told Billy, I told the family, the ones that was with me, about it. And a few days afterwards, it was Marilyn Monroe that died.

90 Now, when I was in Canada the other day, my kids kept telling me, over at a certain place where a lady had let us have the house, had a television. And they said, "There is going to be a play, called, The River Of No Return." That's the river I fish on, all the time. And John Smith, a friend of mine, takes that tour. Said, "They made a movie of it." And said, "Daddy, maybe that Mr. Smith is on the program. Would you like to look at it?"

"Well," I said, "when I come back from Canada, if I make it in time, I'll look at it." Well, when the play did come on, I went over to see it, went to see it. And when I did, who was playing in it but Marilyn Monroe. Now, there she was, after being dead a year or more, there she was all sexy dressed. There was her voice upon, still playing; and will be, for years and years, upon that magnetic tape. If that magnetic tape holds her action, when if she could look from where she is tonight... I trust she is saved, but I don't know; that's to God. But if she could look back, she cannot deny that. She can't deny this, because we've got it. How much more has God got every move, every action, upon His great supreme tape that'll be. We cannot get out of it. It's right there.

91 And remember, if there was a microphone setting right here where this is, and I was a broadcasting now to the world, the people around the world would hear my voice before it even got across this pulpit to you. That's in the electronics of the--of the world.

92And you know, that voice never dies. It'll never die. Science claim, "In twenty years," if they can progress as they have now, "That they'll pick up the literal voice of Jesus Christ when He was on earth, in twenty years from now." Because, it's like dropping a pebble in a pond, the little waves may finally fade out of your sight, but science claims they go back to one bank, across the ocean to another, and back and forth, and they never die. And neither does the words that you speak; they'll meet you in the Day of the Judgment, and will condemn you or save you, and you'll never be able to get away from any of it.

93 And we are very conscious, it's coming right through this room now, is pictures of people. If you don't believe it, turn on the television. And there is voices of people, yet our senses won't pick it up.

94Now, they've got a sending station and a magnet pole, or a tube, or a crystal that picks up those voices and reproduces them. And now the only thing the Bible is, is this, the Word of Jesus Christ that He spoke, and They are literally alive just like any other word is in the world tonight.

95 Now, if your heart has been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and becomes a receiving set from that sending Set, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and does the same things that He did, 'cause His Word can't die. They are living forevermore. They don't have to pick up a set, or twenty years from now. We receive It right now. Now, there you are.

96Living in this great day that we're living in, near the coming of the Son of man, and the lights a flashing everywhere, of His Coming. We see it in politics; we see it in the church; we see it in the time; we see it everywhere we look. We see the sun don't look like it used to.

The world is out of cater. They tell me right now, at the North Pole, up in there, that the sea has become, I forget how much, deeper than it used to be. The Bering Strait, you could walk across them. Now, it's many, many, many feet deep, in the Bering Strait. Why? The earth is swelling in the middle. It's getting shallow out here where it was deep, and getting deep up here where it was shallow. The world is completely out of cater. She is toddling. She is weaving. All nature is giving in, and everything that we can see.

97 And now, tonight, we find out that the very nature itself is producing, in the human race, the sign of His Coming; for, the sons of God, and the daughters of man becoming fair, and how they've taking unto them women. What a hour that we're living in! Oh, my, and how it was in that day!

98Then we see in the history of this great shocking thing, of man worshipping women, and we find out today it's a woman's world.

99 I was in Switzerland, not long ago, and I was talking to... Now, nothing against our Christian women, no, sir, they are jewels. I'm talking about the run of the world. There was a lady riding along with me, Brother Guggenbuhl, and his girlfriend that he was going with. He is a man about--about pretty near my age, never been married, an old bachelor, and he was going with some young lady. And then one of the girls from there, and she said, "Brother Branham, tell us about America. We understand that, the women over there, it's a woman's world over there, sure enough."

I said, "That's right."

Said, "I've always wanted to go."

Then I begin to explain to her. She said, "What?" I said, "Yes." It changed her opinion right away.

"Well," she said, "how could you live a Christian life in such a place as that, then?" Think of it.

100When I went into--into Rome, and was down at the San Angelo, the catacombs, it was a shocking. When I stepped out of my hotel and went down to where it's that place called, "Three Coins in a Fountain," the women on the street, of how immoral. The women walk out and asking you to take them out on a date, all sorts, sizes, and kinds. And I forget how many come to Billy and I and Brother Baxter, before we could get down to the pool, and the man from the TWA that was showing us around. I said, "Does those women have to live like that?"

101 Said, "No. When the soldiers were over here, they got used to it. And, yet, they got a good job, yet they continue on."

But even in a place like that, when I got to the spot of San Angelo, the great big sign there, out from the Vatican, that said, "A notice to American women! Please put on clothes before you come in and to give honor to the dead."

102I seen an American girl get off in Paris, where it's, actually, one of our fashions used to come from Paris. But that girl was so immorally dressed, with her father and her mother, until soldiers that was working out there dropped their picks and shovels, and run up there and looked over the scene, to watch this American girl pass.

103 We set the pace of fashions. Where, it used to be Paris, but now they come here to get the vulgar, lowdown filth. And this nation, where a revival has just passed through, of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the lovely Lord Jesus showing His signs and wonders of mercy, and of speaking as it was in the days of Noah, and the light's a flashing from side to side. A God that can raise the dead from his bed; a God that can heal the sick; a God that can tell things before it comes to pass, and make it perfect on the dot, every time, without failing. And you can preach to our women in America, and they get worse every year. Bombay, I mean...

104 In Durban, South Africa, where there was some two hundred thousand natives gathered out to the meeting, when the great miracle that God performed. And I seen thirty thousand blanket natives. Women standing there with a four-inch clout of beads only in hanging down in front. And the man, no clothes on, the four-inch clout. Naked! A blanket that they slept on, a goat skin; they're given it, to them, when they're a certain age; and then they live in that, sleep in that, wrap up in that, and die and buried in it, in a corral somewhere.

105 And I seen those women, so primitive, till a woman give birth to a baby, setting twenty foot from me. She never went to a hospital. They, a woman helped her there a minute, and in about five minutes it was all over. She picked up the baby and held it to her bosom, for it to nurse. That primitive! But when they seen the power of Almighty God come upon a boy who was so afflicted, and not even in his right mind; and he raised up in his right mind, giving praise to God; thirty thousand blanket natives received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. What happened? You remember, that's ten times bigger than Pentecost. Thirty thousand! And nobody...

I watched those women with my own eyes, when they fell upon the ground, breaking their idols, giving their lives to Jesus Christ. They didn't know; they had probably never heard His Name, many of them. But when they fell upon their--their knees, and I asked them, if they were sincere about it, meant it, to break their idols. And they broke their idols. And when they fell on their knees and give their lives to Christ, while I pray for them, and they rose back up. And those women who would stand with their arms down, not knowing they were naked; as soon as the Life of Christ touched their life, I seen those women fold their arms and walk out of the presence of man. And if the touch of Jesus Christ will do that to a blanket native, what ought it to do to a nation that's heard the Gospel for a hundreds of years? There we now... I seen that. That's not what somebody else said. I seen that. See? It's strange then that we call ourselves Christians, and each year take more off. And the churches seem to care nothing about it.

106 TV programs, oh, make female flesh and blood... They are not gods. They're not goddess. But it sets America in exactly order to fulfill the Scripture. America's number is thirteen. America's shrine is a woman, always. It's on our money. It's on everything. And now it certainly brings into a time that we're going to have American goddess, too, not too far away. You can see the handwriting on the wall.

107Oh, what are we going to do? You can't even walk out upon the street and find... Look out on the street, start down town and just see at the display of women, how that they make themselves with clothes on that, honest to goodness, a woman ought to be ashamed to stand in her dressing room like that. Walking out upon the street, so tight, and--and little bitty clothes on. And--and out on these bathing beaches with these little 'kinis, or ever what they call it, on, and such things as that. And not knowing that in them is a spirit of evil. When, many of them sing in choirs. That's what Jesus said would take place.

108 Female flesh! They are flesh and blood. They're not gods. To my opinion... God forgive me if I'm wrong. It's a wholesale striptease. You can't hardly blame a man, if he's not a--a Christian, but what would fall, and fall into temptations and to such a place that he would do something wrong, till he'd... See, he could not hold himself. It's amazing that there is not more ravishes goes on, because, so many of it, the women is in for it. But, if it wasn't, how could you blame the man? Put blame where blame belongs.

109A woman say, "Now, Brother Branham, I'm just as moral as I..." No doubt about that.

But, my sister, do you know that you're going to answer at the Day of Judgment for committing adultery when you throw yourself out there and man look upon you? He said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart, and will have to answer for it." And maybe you didn't do the act, but if you permit Satan to put that spirit on you, when, nature itself ought to teach you that's wrong! Without the Spirit of God, nature should do it, teach you that's wrong.

110 I predict that soon they'll come out with one of these things, it'll just be a fig leaf again. I predicted that thirty years ago. See, some insult to the Bible. See? They'll do it. It's public striptease.

111 Now, the devil does the same to the sons of God today. And that's right. Watch our businesses. Most of our businesses is controlled by women, lots of them. That's right. Look at our churches, look at our nation, how the sons of God bow low at the shrine of these things, these women. When, they are, to me, it's no more than public harlots. That's an awful thing to say, but it's the naked truth. I know that people hear these tapes and things, will say these things. But how can you do it? If you present yourself like that, and man look upon you, as Jesus said you've "committed adultery" with him. And when that man has to answer for committing adultery, who did it, whose fault is it? It's the woman that stripped herself like that and produced herself, or presented herself before that sinner. That's right. What is the sign of? The end time, the red light.

112 Motherhood is broke. Nations are breaking. Now if you want to see where Jesus said that, read Matthew 5:28. That's where it was at. Female life has been the cause and form of falling, upon that, sexual power has been the ruin. If you want to trace back, here is some nations that I traced back their fall. One was Egypt, Assyria, Rome, and whatmore, fell by the power of women.

113 Notice, there is nothing that God could give a man, outside of salvation, better than a nice wife. There is no man can console, no--no person can console a person when they're tired, they won't confide in anyone like they do their own wife. And what a fortunate thing you brothers are when you've got a nice little wife that's clean and upright, and moral, and you can come in when you're tired and weary, and set down and she can talk to you. She can do more with you than anybody else. That's right. She is a jewel. She is a queen.

114 But remember, "Woman was made for man; not man for woman." The last creative being that God ever created was a man. A woman is a by-product from a man. "And she was made for a man; not man made for the woman." They have vice versa-ed it around, and man falls at the shrine of women. That was the very thing that started it at the beginning. That's what happened in the beginning. When God's son, Adam, could not be tempted to doing what was wrong, Satan come into a person called the serpent, which was like a man. And there is where it started, that Eve got from behind the Word of God, and that caused every heartache, every graveyard. Every sin that was ever committed, started right there.

115Here it is again. What? Women was the cause of the first fall, and women ends up the time. She started it; she ends it. No wonder the Bible said, "Those that escape out of Zion shall be glorious in the sight of the Lord."

116 When Isaiah 5, he talked about how the immorals of the women would get in the last days, and how there'd be, so much clothes they had to have, and how they'd have to have their hair set, and everything like that. The Bible speaks that, Isaiah 5. "How she'd walk with high-heeled shoes on, tinkling her feet as she went along. And she would roll down her stockings, and the things she would do; and many changeable set, apparel, and stuff like that." And said, "All that will be taken away from her, and she shall sit and stink, from immoral." And said, even, "Seven women will grab one man, and said, 'We'll do our own work. Let us just take your name, to take away our reproach.'"

117 But he said, "How glorious will that little branch that escapes all these things! It'll be 'HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD' in that day," when real genuine born-again women know their place, though they be laughed at, and called silly and old-fashion, everything. But, act like a woman, like a lady! Stand like a woman! Dress like a woman! Talk like a woman! Live like a lady. Yeah. Amen, that means, "so be it." Don't get scared. It don't hurt you. All right.

118 Jesus' Own Word said what would happen, that great display.

119Also He said, "In the days of Lot." If you want to mark that Scripture down, it's--it's Luke 17:28. He said, "They were eating, drinking. They bought. They sold." Ordinarily, these are legitimate things. But watch. And--and that they occupied, but they put all the... their mind on it.

120And in the days of Lot, women were so low, in their morals, until they was not used as women should be used, but they were perverted, until they... It become so common, that women become so common that, they--they, man lived with man. The natural perversion from the sex cells had changed its position, because that women had become so cheap.

121 A few days ago I was over, Tucson, went to get a loaf of bread. And there was a boy setting out there, and two little boys in the car. Another come in, get a pack of cigarettes. The old gray-headed gentleman looked down, said, "Who is these cigarettes for, your mother?"

Said, "No, it's for that boy."

He said, "Is he old enough to have them?"

Said, "Yes, sir."

He looked back like that. And I was standing with a loaf of bread and a quart of milk, watching. And he went, said, "All right," and he give it to him.

He looked back to me, and said, "I doubt that."

122I said, "He can't get old enough to do it. He is too... He ain't old enough at any age."

He said, "I'll agree with you." Said, "Do you--do you have a hard time trying to quit them?"

123I said, "I never did start them." I said, "I never did start it." I said, "My parents smoked and used tobacco, but the Lord God kept me from it."

124 He turned and looked at me kind of strange, and he said, "Well, I think it's a rotten shame today, to see of how..." Said, "Used to be, we put women on a pedestal." Said, "We honored her. We took off our hat in her presence. We walked down the streets, and gentlemen would hear somebody make a remark about a certain woman, they'd slap him down." See? And said, "They honored women." But he said, "Sir, women has brought it on themselves." Said, "Now they don't get up. They used to get up; in a streetcar, a lady get up, every man would take his hat off and let her set down." Said "Now it's push, crowd!" Said, "They have brought it on themselves." And that's the truth.

That devil hole of Hollywood yonder produced it out on the televisions and magazines, till the thing has become a great big pot of filth. That's right.

125I know that ain't popular saying, but it's a true saying. It's the Truth. It's the Word of the Lord, and also a warning sign that Christ will come in this generation. Said, "The ones that sees this come to pass, will not pass out until all these things be fulfilled." Said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away." It's a warning. The red light is flashing; drop of the curtain. We're at the end time.

126 We see the signs of the Lord Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out evil spirits. We see the--the people made saintly and holy, by the Holy Spirit. We see lives changed. We see great signs. We see mystic signs in the skies, like flying saucers. The Pentagon, many of the people putting it on television, writing it up. They don't know what to think about it. All kinds of mysterious signs! The Lord Jesus coming down in a form of a Pillar of Fire, have His picture taken, living among us, proving that He's the same yester-...

127We see all these things happening. We see the coldness of the church. We see the denomination growing. "When you see the fig tree, and all the other trees putting forth their buds," Jews returning. "The fig tree," Jews returning to their nation, their own country. We see the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Baptists, the Lutheran, the Pentecostals, all the churches, "putting forth their leaves," revival. He said, "Get ready! That's the time." When we see that coming to pass, that's when God is fixing to call His Elect. Then when you...

Another sign. Said, "When you see the women becoming extremely pretty, when you see the sons of God taken them with wives, and taken unto them wives, and doing this, that, or the other," said, "know that that's the sign." Here we are.

128 Now, something else I had wrote down. Remember Lot's two daughters. Yes, we remember that, down in the city of Sodom. Jesus said here, in Luke 17, "As it was in the days of Sodom." Remember, that, men had misused women in such a way until the natural act of life was no more desired. And, oh, it's awful to say this from the platform, but this is... There ever was Truth, it ought to go from here. And it is so bad, today, till there is tens of thousands times thousands of them, on the increase everywhere, perversion, Sodomites, as it was in that day. Because the natural use of human life to reproduce themselves upon the earth has been so mistreated, and so gone on in the way it has, until the desire of it is failing fastly. I'll say, within another ten or fifteen years it'll be past, almost, the way it's increasing now.

129Great remarks. I had something from Edgar Hoover on that, but I don't know... I thought I had it laying here, but I haven't, of what he said about it. And now we find out these things. Oh, my!

130 Jude, in his little, big Book, I call it, in the 7th verse, let's just read it. I want to read this. Jude, in the 7th. This is the last Book before the Book of Revelations. I've got it marked down here, Jude 7, verse 7. Man and woman bringing marriage vows, breaking them, going after strange flesh! Listen.

... as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, give themselves over to fornication,... going after strange flesh,... (See? Oh.) fornication, going after strange flesh, are set forth of examples, of suffering, and vengeance, and eternal fire. That is, to be completely consumed and done away with.

131 Here some time ago, in Los Angeles, I was waiting, or was out at the campgrounds. I was riding up the road. And a--a little lady, a pretty little girl, very pretty, was going up the road. And I thought, "She must be going to a show." And she had on a little frontier clothes, just about--about a six or eight-inches-wide across the front of her, and a little three-or four-inch fringe hanging. And up high on her body, a little spot, just about enough that you could wad up and shut every bit of it up in your fist, hanging across her this way. With a cowboy hat on, and a pair of boots with tassels on them. And a very attractive, I could see where any young man would slide brakes and everything, to stop to her, going twisting up the road.

132 And I was fixing to turn to the campground, and I went up towards the campgrounds. And I started to turn around, to go back. I thought I'd stop, say, "Young lady, I wish to speak to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though you be a pretty girl, there is no doubt about that, though you have a figure that would probably... You, you want to hear the brakes whine. Do you realize that that spirit that's making you do that will drive you to a devil's hell where you'll suffer through the ages that is to come? Do you realize that that pretty, little formed body, and them well-set cheeks and hair, and so forth, and red lips, maybe in--in another six months the worms will be crawling in and out of that well-formed body, out here in the dust? And that soul that stays in there, today, will be in a devil's torment."

133 Then something stopped me, as if God would say, "If you do that, they'll lock you down yonder in jail." See? There you are. Then I seen Billy come out and motion, it was time to come. I hear them singing Only Believe.

134Oh, my! How can people be bewitched in such stuff as that? Is because they disregard the Word of God.

135And another thing, is ministers behind the platform, who is associated in these organizations, who read That and know It, are forbidden to say anything about It, because they'll drive their congregation away from them then. And the churches are looking for members. But God is looking for born-again saints of the living God, that will shine as the stars. God help us to be honest and tell the Truth, what Jesus Christ said. But that's the day we're living in. That's the signs that Jesus said would be, and we see it right before us.

136 Look now, and Jude the 7th chapter again, "Sodom and Gomorrah." Oh, my, what an awful thing! Unmarried to women, "going after strange flesh." A man that's married to his wife, they're--they're not no longer two, they're one. And a man that'll run out after another woman, he automatically separates himself from his wife. And a woman that runs out with another man, she is dead to her husband. She's denied her own flesh; she's cut away from him. That's right. In the Day of Judgment, will have to answer for it.

137 But today they don't want to hear a Message like that. The people don't want to hear That. They want to be tickled in their ears. Exactly what the Holy Spirit told me the day I laid that cornerstone there, said to:

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;...

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall... heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears;

... and shall be turned from the truth, to fables.

Said, "When the vision leaves, you read Second Timothy 4." Said, "Don't forget, Second Timothy 4!" And when the vision left me, standing right there on 7th Street, a nineteen-year-old boy standing there, the Voice of God spoke out in the room, and He said, "Second Timothy 4." That's exactly what it's turned to be. See? "The time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine."

138 People want something. The Pentecostals want something that can pat them on the back, and let them live the way they want to. And they can play the piano at forty beats per second, and jump up-and-down, and dance about it; and women do the way they want to, and man the same way. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Baptist, there is a many a sincere person in all those organizations. That's exactly right. But that system has got them so bound down, till they think as long as they belong to that church, and their name is upon those books, that they're Heaven bound. Your name on a book here on earth, don't mean that to God. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] Your name has got to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, to know that your sins are forgiven. That's right.

139 But they want that kind. That's the kind of pastors they want in. They don't want nothing else. And when God in this last days has shook every Divine gift that's recommended in the Bible, every gift that Jesus Christ promised, every gift, and every sign, and every end-time sign. Everything that was promised in this Bible, as far as I can see, myself, has already been shook before the nation, and she plunges on towards hell as hard as she can go. Tell them? They'll run on, anyhow.

Let me just get a few more Scriptures here before closing. All right. Oh, "Set forth for Eternal destruction," is what they are, the Bible says.

140 This nation lies in this same rot. This same social rottenness, this nation lies in it tonight. You know that. It's no joke. It's not a hearsay. It's the Truth. Genesis 6:12, "All flesh was corrupt, man walked in his own way," in his own thinking, ignoring the laws of God. That's the way man does today. Man don't want to hear the Word of God. People don't want to hear It. They want to walk in their own way.

141 Jezebel refused to hear the Word of the Lord. She wouldn't want to call that old fuzzy-looking preacher, Elijah, her pastor. But he was her pastor, anyhow. Right. God sent him, and he bellowed out his message. Though uneducated, they don't know where he come from or where he went to. He came on the scene with the Word of the Lord. He sent his message, that he preached, and he condemned everything there was, called sin. That, that modern Jezebel, had switched and bewitched the people under the witchcraft of her powers until the whole nation was corrupted, and Elijah stood alone out there on the mountain. God said, "Elijah, don't think that. I've got seven thousand down there that's honest in heart, yet." That's his second pull, and the third one went back for them.

142 But remember, God was merciful, and He--He... And Elijah's message condemned that unbelieving generation. Noah's message condemned that generation, and brought judgment upon those who refused to hear it, and deliverance to those who believed it. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

143 Genesis 6, ignoring God's laws! They say, "God's laws?" God's Word says today, in the Bible!

Now listen, I'm not saying this to any individual person. I'm only responsible, as your brother. I'm responsible for telling you the whole Truth, as the great Saint Paul said before his leaving, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God."

144Now, the Bible says, today, that women should not cut their hair. I don't care how many preachers say that that's all right; it's wrong. I don't care how many churches stands for it; the Bible still says that it is wrong. "It's a shame for her to do so." But they continue to do it, anyhow, going on. What are they doing? In their own mind, making their ownselves pretty, they think they're pretty.

145 God's Word warns, she shall not do these things. "She shall not put on a garment, or slack, or anything that pertains to a man," but she goes right on just the same. Try to stop her?

Say, "What are you hollering about then, Brother Branham? What you going on? Why, people like you better if you'd..." I don't care, that. I do care what people think. Now don't get me wrong. But I'm interested in what God thinks, and This is His Word.

Yeah, you tell her it's wrong to do that, she'll go right ahead and do it, anyhow. See? Why? Women in all Christendom do these things, and the church don't seem to care anything about it. Why is it? The sons of God has fell for the lust of female flesh and blood, and denied the very God and Blood that bought them, to separate them from those filthy things. Amen. That's the Truth. So help me God, it's the Truth.

146 Try to stop her? You think Noah's preaching had any hindrance? No, sir. But what is it? It's a voice, the Voice. And when we're all called to the Judgment, the very Message that I'm preaching, tonight, will meet me right there, Word by Word. And then what are you going to do? It's a flashing red Light.

147There was a time, bull-headed amongst the women. We're going to... We will just set this, because of this being women. And you wonder why I'm always hollering about this. Now I'm going to lay, get a lot--lot of Scriptures throwed in here before closing, and show you why. And that's the reason I've got to stay true to this Word, and every servant of God ought to stay true to the Word. You must stay, because there's got to be a voice somewhere crying out against it. I don't care what the rest of them does; you're not responsible for them. You answer as an individual. You don't answer as a Methodist, you don't answer as a Baptist, or a Pentecostal. You answer as an individual, to God, for your own life.

148 And we see these signs, and yet they go on doing it. Tell her it's wrong, see what she says. Bull-headed! That's exactly what Eve done. Eve knowed better than to do that. Did she? She had the Word of God. Said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." Well, why did she do it? She wanted her own way. And why will women cut their hair; why will women wear these clothes, and the Bible saying that that's just exactly what they're supposed to do? And the thing that they're doing, they're all condemned. Exactly. But why does she do it? She's got her own self. Yes, sir. She is going to have her own way. And the church says nothing about it. And the church is supposed to be the Bride of Jesus Christ, and say nothing about it?

149 Tell one of them about it, you know what they say? Insomuch as to say, "No old Bible is going to stand in my way from having some fun." Now just exactly. You tell them it's written in the Bible. Oh, they might not say those words, but that's what they express.

Did you ever hear the old saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? Well, then, does it? Actions speaks louder than words. No matter what you're saying, your--your life speaks so loud till they can't hear your testimony. As I said this morning, just jump as high as you live. See? Your actions speaks louder than your words. And you just might as well come out and say it, because their own words speak. Your--your words, no matter what it is, your actions speaks what--what you are.

If you speak anything different than what you really are, it becomes hypocrisy. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! How can you say good things, when out of the heart speaks, out of the heart speaketh the mouth?" See, they were saying something they didn't mean.

And women so, is to say it, oh, my, "Have my own fun."

150 What happens? Out of marriage... Here is another place in the Bible. Out of marriage goes the vow, "obey." Obey? "A keeper at home, chaste, of good works."

She laughs in your face and goes to the powder plant, somebody's office. "My husband..." Yeah. Oh, I doubt that.

You see forces today, such a disgrace, put women on the police force. If that isn't a mark of--of debauchery among any city! As many man is out of work, and they have to put them women out there, when the Bible said she is to "stay home and be a chaste keeper at home." But she keeps all the boss' books, and yours, too. Yes. That's right.

I ain't talking about good women now. I'm not throwing this to you women that's really godly women. God bless you. That's on tape, or wherever more.

But I'm talking about, where you find one like that, you find fifteen hundred the other way. They won't listen to a Word. "Keep your Bible! Preach It to yourself. We don't want to hear It." Obey? Oh!

151 She might say this, "You tell your Bible stories to somebody else. Keep your God to somebody else, and leave me alone. What are you hollering at me about? I never did ask you to say these things." I know, but God did. See? So that's all.

152So they still corrupt the way. Just as they did in the days of the Lord, just as they did in that day, so do they today, just the same. It hasn't changed. It doesn't change. It won't change.

153Juvenile delinquency finally gets her children. The jail gets part of the women and the man, and hell takes the whole thing, that's exactly right, finally swallows them all up. And the preaching seems to go over the top of their backs. They never listen to It. They're going to have their own. You can tell them the Bible says This. They say, "Keep your Bible. We're going to have our fun."

154 I can hear some of you sisters saying now, maybe not right present, but hear you saying, "Who, me obey my husband? Huh! I make him obey me." But there is where you're wrong. "Stay at home, chaste? I don't care what the Bible says about it, you leave me alone!" Listen, sister, that wasn't in, back in the Dark Ages, that's the voice of today. That never happened so much back in the antediluvian, it happens today too. That's the same thing.

155Again they say, "I'm a modern woman. I live in America." Well, that's no more than you live in a hog pen. It wouldn't make a bit of difference to God where you lived. You are what you are in your heart. That's right. And don't think, sister, that you're so modern, that you're one of these modern women, as you want to say today. You're from a way back, according to this Bible, in dark ages, in the antediluvian time. In the time of Noah, that's when they did the same thing. So you're not so very modern, after all, are you? See? That's the way they acted in the antediluvian world. See? And that's the way they're acting today, so it must be dark age again, back in the great dark beyond.

156 And you man that will let your wife do it, you're no longer sons of God. No, you kind of fell into Sodom, that's right, let the women boss you around. Oh, my!

157I don't know whether to say this or not. I better bypass this part. But, all right. This is terrible, but all to this age that we're living in. You see the red light on, flashing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And morning will break Eternal, bright and fair;

Then His chosen ones shall gather (from the dust of the earth) to their Home beyond the sky.

Oh, what a day that will be! All right. Oh, yes!

158 Go back in Sodom? Don't worry, there is an A-bomb waiting to clean it all up, that's right, clean up the whole world. It'll do it. And then it'll all be renewed again, like we seen under the Sixth Seal, for a redeemed bunch of people who has accepted the Lord Jesus, who has become Christian, who has sold out their cares and their fashions of this world, and has come to Jesus Christ, and looking to Him and Him alone; in His humble, simple program, to come and believe on Him, and receive Eternal Life. And if you say you got Eternal Life, and disagree with this Bible, your eternal life is not the Eternal Life that God gives. You're deceived, by death, and not of Life. That's right.

159 Now, oh, "Fear God and keep His Word, for this is the full commandment." The red lights are flashing, and the time is at hand. As it was in the days of Noah, see, they took the legitimate thing and perverted it. They took eating, and they took drinking, and they put building, and they put all these other things, and perverted it. Now, Jesus expects us to build a home, see; but just look what has taken place in that. Eating, He expects us to eat, that's right; look what's taken place in that. Drinking, we expect to drink our waters and whatever we have to do; but, instead of that, they've took it into drinks and liquor, and everything, and cocktails, bringing their women in. See?

160 And what about the increase of population, as it was in the days of Noah? What about the beauty of women increasing constantly, more and more? See? Red light!

What about the time that women would come, when they would be the way they were, "heady, high-minded," and everything, couldn't tell them nothing? Preach the Word to them, they'll go right on do it anyhow. See?

What will happen? Just exactly like it was in the days of Noah. One day, the door of mercy will be closed. Then the Scripture says, "the sanctuary become smoky," that means that the Intercessor has gone from it. And as long as the Lamb is still back there... As I said this morning, or somewhere I was preaching, that, as long as the Lamb is there to make intercession, there is still mercy. But what assurance do we have, when we see the train is already in the block, when we see the Coming of the Lord, the flashing of the light?

161 How I could speak of different things as we know that He promised to do here in the last days, and we see it right before them. And then we see this subject tonight, of another red light flashing, of carrying on among our women, and things the way they're doing. We see it's pointing, every--every milepost, everything, every needle, every compass, is set straight onto His Coming. We're at the end. There is nothing else that I know to happen but the Coming of the Lord.

162And then, my dear friend that's outside of Christ, what do you think about this? Are you just resting... Honestly, friend, I want to ask you a simple question. Are you just resting upon some little sensation you had, or some, maybe, something that you had? Maybe you got happy one time and danced all over the place, as many the holiness people and Pentecostals, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness. They believe if they get happy enough to dance, that that's It. And then cut your hair, wear shorts? Would the Holy Spirit make you do that, when He condemns it in the Bible?

163 What about you who says, "Well, I belong to the church. I'm a Pentecostal. I'm a Methodist, or whatever I am. I'm a member! My mother is a charter member of the church. I've been a charter member"? And the very spirit that's on you is making you do the things that this Bible condemns for you to do. See?

You say, "I've spoke with tongues, Brother Branham. Now, don't you get a hold of that. I spoke with tongues, and that's the evidence of the Holy Ghost." If your life... If you can still cut your hair, if you can still do these things the Bible says not do; you could speak with tongues all day and night, and it's still nothing to do with God. The tree is known by its fruit.

164 I'm getting old. I know that. Each day I get a new ache and pain. Every one of us do. You might as well tell the truth. I thought, "God, don't let me..."

One of the most miserable things, is to see a man or woman who has never accepted Christ, and just lived an old mossback church member, meaner than Satan himself, and see him out there, with crabbed old something, "Well, I tell you, I don't believe in the..." God never... That's a--that's a... That's the horriblest crown that Satan can crown a life with. A grouchy old woman, about sixty or seventy years old, with fat hanging down under her arms, and the wrinkles all over her face, and her hair bobbed up, in four or five different colors, and strutting herself down in a pair of little shorts; if that ain't the crowning of Satan, I never seen it, or some old crabbed man.

165 O God, I know I... Give me grace to never complain. And I want my life, Lord, I want my people's life... God, grant that our life could be crowned, no matter if we suffer, whatever takes place, how many turns against me.

I know this one thing in my life, as I get older, my friends, the stream behind me, will soon be running out, narrower and narrower, as I go down the road. And I know one thing, it'll come to pass after a while that there'll be nobody come to me and say... ask me advice. The ones who know me in my younger days will be gone on, if I shall live. My friends will get fewer and fewer, as I get older now.

166And I know that someday I've got to die. I hope that God never lets Satan crown me as an old crabbed, indifferent man, and my wife an old nagging woman, or your wife, or you that way. I pray, brother, that our lives will be crowned with the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, Truth, faith, in the Holy Spirit.

167 My life thins out. About thirty-five years ago I stood in the pulpit here, as a little boy. Tonight I'm an old, gray in hair, and bald-headed, stooping shoulder; I'm broke down. My life is running out, and the threads are getting brittle that I'm walking on. As I move on down the stream, my friends get fewer. And after a while it'll come to a place, maybe, that I--I won't enjoy the songs like I used to; and maybe my grandchildren, the children will have to say, "Don't make grandpa nervous." It may come to that if I live.

168Then I'll come on down till I can't get up out of my chair. Then one morning the fog will come into the room, I'll motion across the border, to death, to come get me. He can only take me by the hand and lead me across to my Master. He is not my slave-driver. I am not his slave. He is my slave. Christ conquered death for me. And only one thing he can do, is pull me in the Presence of my Maker, "When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved."

169 The moment when a mother is fixing to have a baby, you notice, I don't care how cruel she's been, and how mean. You know, a while before that baby is born, the mother gets gentle. Why is it? When them little muscles in that womb is twitching and jumping like that, there is a heavenly body waiting for it. And when it comes from the mother, the doctor or the midwife, whoever it is has to pick it up and shock it, spank it, shake it, or something, and then it catches the breath of life. And the little angelic spirit comes into it, the breath of life, and it becomes a living soul. And when we have Christ in our heart, and Christ becomes real in our heart, it's a little baby. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved..."

170Jesus said, in John 14. In closing, I'll say this. He said, "Don't let your hearts be troubled; if you've believed in God, believe in Me. For, in My Father's Kingdom is many tabernacle. I'll go and prepare a place for you." When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one. "I'll go and prepare a place for you, that where I am, there may ye be also." Wants to be with Him.

171Then I know, as this little child cries, for the new birth has been formed; when all other life breaks away, all mortal life and everything is gone, then it'll take something to shock me, and it takes death. Death gives you the shock, when it strikes you, but it only borns you again in a new Kingdom, over on the other side where there is no sickness, sorrow, no old age, or nothing. God help us.

172 How, friend, can you ever turn down something like that, seeing that there's no hopes in the world, outside of Jesus Christ? The red lights are flashing.

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the Bible foretold; (women cutting their hair, wearing shorts; the red light is on, see)

Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamp trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

173 I love Him. I want you to love Him. And as we bow our heads just a moment, in a word of prayer, in closing. The red lights are flashing. The signal is on. The Coming of the Lord is at hand. He speaks to the nations. He speaks to the people. He speaks through the signs and wonders. As we took Sodom and showed how that Angel come to Abraham, the signs that He performed just ere the falling of the fire, we see that.

174He said, "In the days of Lot, they built, they sold." Look at it today. "And as the days of Noah," women becoming pretty, the sons of God falling, human flesh being worshipped in the form of females, and all these things that's taking place, that we've talked of tonight. The light's a flashing, the Coming of the Lord is at hand. Are you still just a church member?

Are you sure, my friend? How do you know you'll live through the night? Look at Brother Way standing here this morning, in a moment, just turning around to shake hands with somebody, dropped dead right in his track. God might not be so kind to you as to give you another opportunity. You don't know what minute that that heart makes its last beat. Think of it.

175 The Coming of Christ is flashing its signs. Look at them. See if what I've told you tonight... It may not be very popular, but it's the Truth. It's what God said, and here we are.

176Women don't want to stay home. They don't want to take care of their families. They just hire a babysitter and go out to a party somewhere. Juvenile delinquent, all things is taking place; bobbing their hair, wearing shorts, make-up. The increase is getting prettier and prettier. Man, sons of God, are falling. It's a trap for Satan to use, the sons of God to fall into that. Just as Jesus said, it has to happen. He said it would be there, and here it is. He said, "When these things come to pass, this generation will not pass away," and that's forty years, "until all these things be fulfilled." Think of it.

177 Are you still just a church member? Have you done wrong? Look and search your life over, tonight, men, women. Look at yourself, look at your own faults. What, in your present state now, if Christ was on earth preaching this? You say "If--if He would have, if I'd have heard Him preach that, I--I would have repented." If you would, This is His Own Word tonight, you'll do it now. If you're without God, and you know...

178"Oh," you say, "I belong to church. I've spoke in tongues. I--I don't..." Now we're laying that aside. Look at yourself, check your life now with God's Word. Are you that person to walk away and say, "I don't care what the Bible says. Brother Branham, I think you're wrong"? It ain't me that's wrong. If there's any wrong about it, It's the Word.

And you don't know God yet, and you're not sure that if Jesus should come at this hour that you'd be ready to go. Why would you trifle, when seeing death is so close, when see the end is so close?

179 If there is any here, with your heads bowed now, would want to be remembered in prayer as we close, would you just raise up your hand and say, "Brother, pray for me." God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother, sister. Oh, just over the building.

180That's it, let's just take a little inventory now. You sisters now, with all good faith and hope, just think of this. "Have I really obeyed God? Really, where is my desire? Brother Branham, I--I--I--I still do these things. I--I feel good. I feel happy."

Do you know heathens feel just as happy? You know, a drunk man is just as happy, under liquor, as you are, the influence of liquor? And if you're happy under anything that's contrary to the Word of God, it's the devil. If you say, "I'm satisfied in my church," and you hear the Word of God preached, and won't tally up to It, you're inspired by the wrong thing, no matter what your inspiration is. I've seen them scream, and jump and holler, and--and everything, and drink blood out of a human skull, and call on the devil, that's right, just as happy as you ever could be. Heathenism produces just as much psychology as anything else, psychics of the mind. But the experience of Christ is of the heart, that change the whole make up, changes the person into a new creature. Think of it, real hard.

181 Look at yourself. Just imagine a mirror before you, you're look at yourself. "Am I honest? Am I sincere? Do I really, in my heart, do I serve the Lord?"

182Say, "I serve It." And look in, you women with bobbed hair, wear shorts. Look at you that does these things. Look at you man who let your wives do it; say, "Am I a son of God? Am I a Sodomite?" You women say, "Am I really a modern woman, or am I some antediluvian something that Jesus said would be here in the last days again?" Think it over. Look at yourself.

183See, your own being expresses what you are. And if you're not right, will you be honest enough just to... Be honest now, raise your hand, say, "Christ, I don't hold my hand to Brother Branham or to no other person but You, but I am wrong. Forgive me. Brother Branham promised to pray for me, now I'm going to raise my hand, say, 'Jesus, have mercy on me tonight. Save me for Christ's sake. I don't want to be lost. All this life You've give me, it would be a most horrible thing if I--if I just throw it away, when I have this golden opportunity tonight to really see with my own eyes that the red lights are flashing on every side; the Coming of the Lord, the promise that He would show these signs, and He'd heal the sick, He'd raise the dead, He'd cast out devils; there'd be a bunch--a bunch, just a few people, just a minority that the world would be making fun of, and calling bad names, and so forth, like that.'"

184 And they have to call us bad names. They have to call the Truth bad names. Jesus said, "Whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven, when He's doing the very same thing you see done." He said, "But whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, when It comes to do the same thing, will never be forgiven in this world." See, they have to do that. There has to be a Message like that, to make the people make fun of It, to show God's justice to condemn the whole world and destroy it.

185While there is mercy and someone standing in the gap, Jesus Christ, and a open door tonight, won't you receive Him, my friend?

186Now, customarily, it's come to the altar. That's all right. I have nothing against it. But the Scripture, It said, "As many as believed was baptized." From all your heart, if you'll surrender your life to Jesus Christ right where you're setting, right where He spoke to you when you raised your hand!

187That same God that could call this man back to life, being laying dead right before me this morning, to confirm to you that I'm telling you the Truth. Who can raise the dead but God? That's right. So it isn't your--your little broke-up pastor here, it's the Christ that loves you. And He is expressing to you tonight, "You've heard the Truth. You've saw the Truth. It's from My Word. You seen My Word call back. You see My Word predict these things. You see it happen just exactly through all these years, without one failure."

188 Now what will you do with Jesus, while the red light is flashing? Why don't you do this, throw down that old sack of worldly peanuts! Why don't you throw down that old True Story magazine, and that old--old junk that you're pulling your soul through every day! Why don't you scoot that television in a corner and turn it around, if it's keeping you away from church! Why don't you lay aside every weight that so easily besets you! Why don't you raise your heart to Christ, and say, "Christ, tonight I'm finished. I'm making ready. I see You're coming. I'm picking up the suitcase, God's Bible, that's packed with Eternal Life, and, from henceforth on, I'll live from This!" Won't you do it, while we pray?

189 Our Heavenly Father, not meaning to be rude, by no means, Lord. But the Message is pointed at the time, not at individuals, not at any certain person, but it's pointed at the time. It's a time the Holy Spirit seemed to press me to tape this. As after many, many times across this pulpit, that we have showed the days of Lot, the days of Sodom, the days that Jesus spoke of, the signs of the time, the coming of the Lord, in many ways. And then after all that I have spoken so hard against the women of this day and around the country, then, Father, I thought it would be the Holy Spirit speaking to me that I would tell the people why I have done this. It's because that Your inspired Word has so probbed at my heart, till I just could not hold the peace.

190Some nearly fifty or seventy-five hands in the building went up, Father, upon a crude, cutting Word of the Lord. But It's brought them to a shock, to let them know that the whistle is blowing; the saints are all gathering together; the nations are tearing to pieces; the signs of the Coming; the red lights are flashing. And we see, by the action, pointed to our women tonight of this day, that the way that the Bible said they would be, and here they are.

191 The infallible Voice of Jesus Christ warned us to watch the days of Noah and compare it with the day that we live. And then when we seen those things happen, women becoming fair, and sons of God taking them, and how these things would be, then we know that that generation would see the Coming of the Lord. Then, we know the flashing light, His coming is near.

192I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will bless each one that raised their hand. I--I just offer this humble, sincere prayer, and I know You'll hear me. You were so kind to Brother Way this morning, to let a humble little prayer start that heart beating again, a sincere love for a brother that had dropped into his wife's lap, cold and dead form. Lord, let people know tonight that being dead in sin and trespasses is far more dangerous than dying a physical death; for there is no one can catch you at that time, if you pass beyond the veil, in sin and trespasses.

Grant tonight, Lord, that, every soul that raised their hands; I offer this prayer in the Name of the Lord Jesus; that there will be such a revolution come to their life, that there'll be such a purpose in their heart, that purpose in their heart that they'll sin no more against God; that they'll stand, from this hour on, upon God's Eternal, blessed Word and be fed by His Holy Spirit, and led into the paths of Life, day by day, as they journey on from this hour, henceforth.

193 Now, Heavenly Father, I may never see them, I may never be able to shake their physical hand here in this earth, though I'd like to do it. But, Lord God, I pray that this prayer will be answered. And You said in Your Word, "He that will hear My Word, and will believe on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall not come to the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." In my humble way of bringing the Truth of God, tonight, many heard the Word. Now, You promised that You would save them, and they "would not perish," that, no man could pluck them from Your hand, that You would raise them up at the last days, not one hair of their head should perish. You promised it.

194Now, as a prayer, as a servant, Lord, and as a brother to--to them, I--I pray this prayer and place them into the hands of God, that not one harm shall ever be able to come to them, and Satan will not pluck them from the hand of God. They are Yours, trophies. And I trust that You'll give them long life, and if possible, let them see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May they go from here tonight, and to be soul winners, to tell others, to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Grant it. It's all into Your hands, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ.

195 And while we have our heads bowed just a moment. I wonder if such person present now, that feels that while we were in prayer that--that something unusual happened in your heart, and you feel that from now on that you are going to live a consecrated life to Christ, and you see the Coming of the Lord at hand, you believe what I preached was the Truth, about this flashing red light, of the way things are. And--and you understand that it's the Word of the Lord, 'cause it's Christ, and you believe, from tonight on, you'll live a better, closer life to Christ, because the prayer that you prayed tonight and the confession you made. And with your head bowed, you just raise your hand, say, "I believe it. From this night on, I'll live a different life." God bless you. That's fine. That's just wonderful. I believe to say practically everyone, perhaps, that raised their hand a while ago, raised their hands back that they have accepted it.

196 Now if you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, remember, "There is not another name under Heaven given among man whereby you must be saved, but the Name of Jesus Christ." Remember, there is only one Bride, the Bride of Christ, and that bears His Name.

197Now, and if you've never been baptized by immersing in water, in the Name of Jesus Christ, let me as His servant... If God has proven to you by signs and wonders, and by His Word, that I tell the Truth; I command you as Saint Paul did, in Acts 19, who found a bunch of Baptists. They had been baptized by John the Baptist. He said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They said, "We know... whether there be any Holy Ghost."

He said, "Then to what was you baptized?"

They said, "We've been baptized already, by John the Baptist, out in the Jordan, the same man that baptized Jesus Christ."

198 That would be a wonderful baptism, but Paul said, "It's no good now." He commanded them they would have to be rebaptized again, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Acts 19:5.

And Paul said, "If an Angel comes down from Heaven and preaches any other gospel than This that I have preached, let him be accursed," Galatians 1:8. Then he repeated it again, said, "As I have said, so say I again. 'Though a Angel,'" let alone a minister, bishop, pope, or whatever it might be, "if a Angel come down from Heaven, a--a Cherubim out of the Heavens, and preached another gospel than That, let him be cursed."

Then, I command you, if you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, while the water is in the pool, and the robes are waiting, come and be baptized, "Calling upon the Name of the Lord, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

199 Our Heavenly Father, now it's up to You. Persuading man, I try; but to make man, I cannot. And You never work against a man's will; because, if a man or woman is predestinated to Eternal Life, when the Light of God flashes over that seed, it'll come to Life. And if there is Life among us tonight, Father, that You flashed Your Light over, and they've seen the Truth, may they walk humbly and sweetly to the pool, to be baptized into the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

200Which, we know that every person in the Scripture had to be baptized, and rebaptized. Those who were not baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, had to be rebaptized. And the great apostle, who had the keys to the Kingdom, said on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, that your sins may be remitted, and then the promise of the Holy Ghost is to you." Grant that it will be carried out tonight, in full measure, Father.

201I commit them to You now. "Take these few words and the meditation of my heart, and may it be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord." And anchor upon Thy children, and give to them Eternal Life. Save all those who are savable, and heal those that are sick. May the grace of God rest upon each of them, as we commit them to You now, in Jesus' Name.

202 Now with our heads bowed, I'm going to ask our sister that plays the piano to come here. Just a moment, just about five more minutes. And if there is any that desires to be baptized now, that's made a confession and believed. If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and you believe it with all your heart, not just--just emotional, but you believe it, and you are ready to confess that you're wrong; and you're not standing upon your own merits, but upon what He done; and you're ready to walk forward, to take on His Name in water baptism, become a member of the Body by the Holy Spirit; then, the women's room is on my right, and the man's room is on my left, with robes and things ready.

203 While we bow our heads, as our sister plays, "I can hear my Saviour calling," if the song leader will give us a little word of that. With our heads bowed now, the service is in the hand of Almighty God now; to whoever wishes to be baptized; wishes to go into the prayer rooms to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is instructors here will be ready to instruct or do anything. May the Words not fall in vain, but may they accomplish that from which it's purposed. With our heads bowed, may we pray now. And, and where He leads you, follow.

I can hear my...

Now pray, every sinner.

I can hear my Saviour...

Could you hear Him call, when He raised the dead man this morning?

I can hear...

Could you hear Him calling, when you hear the Word flashing Its Light at the end time?

I'll go with Him, with Him...

Are you willing to go all the way?

Where He...

God bless you, my brother. The men to the left. The women to the right. I...

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads...

The Bible said, "As many as believed were baptized."

... follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

The Holy Ghost...?...

I'll go with Him through the...

If somebody will go with the women over here, for seeking the Holy Spirit, go in the room to the right, some of you sisters instructed in the Lord.

... all the way.

Where He leads...

Can you honestly say that, "Where He leads me I'll follow"? Will you do it? What about the little Voice speaks to you, will you--will you go where He leads you? Watch the red light. See the light flashing? We're at the end time.

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I can hear my Saviour...

How does He speak? Through His Word, in your heart. Will you come now? This is your invitation. Remember, if it happens before we come together again, you've been warned.

... hear my Saviour calling,

"Take thy cross, and follow, follow Me."

Where He...

Now will some of the brethren, for instructions, go in the room here to my left, with the brethren getting ready for baptism. "Where He lead..." Some of the minister brothers here, come and help us, step in the room with them.

... follow,

Where He leads me...

Do you really mean it?

... follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

204 Now, just a moment. Now, if you have not been baptized in water, by immersing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just only the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Spirit," there was never a person in all the Bible, not one person, was ever baptized in the Bible, in the Name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," in that title. No person was ever baptized in the church, in history, for the first three hundred years this side, every one was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, until the Nicaea Council at Nicaea, Rome, where the Roman Catholic church was organized, then they substituted the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost."

205 If there's a historian, a minister, any other person, on air, in tape, that can produce one Scripture or one speck of history, where anybody was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of Jesus Christ, till the Roman Catholic church at Nicaea, Rome, you're duty bound to bring it to me, let me apologize. There is no such thing. No. And every person that was baptized by immersing, that was not baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, was commanded, before they could enter Glory, to come back and be rebaptized again. Now it's up to you.

206There is no Scripture in the Bible, where any persons was ever baptized, using the name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," as the people baptize today. It's a Catholic, Roman Catholic creed that was handed down through Martin Luther, and John Wesley, kept running on. And the Bible predicts it would be that way, and would run out in the last days, and the door would be open, as we just went through the church ages to see it.

207 It's up to you. I'm just a messenger of the Message. Once again, let's believe it. The doors are open. The baptistery is full, and there is no reason... There is robes ready, and we'll be ready to baptize in the next few minutes.

208If you're here and have not been baptized, once more let us sing, and come, won't you? Fulfill...

209You say, "I intend to do that someday, Brother Branham." That someday may meet you like it did Brother Way this morning, but maybe not the grace to follow, as it did. You may go any minute. Whether you're young, if you live through the night, you'll... And if you're seventy years old, you'll outlive many ten-year-old, and fifteen-, thirty-year-old people. Thousands of them will die through the night. That's right. You don't know when you're going.

210Be sure. Don't take a chance on that. Just remember, you can take a chance on your work, or you take a chance on this, but don't you take a chance on That. Remember, my voice will be a witness on God's magnetic tape at the Day of the Judgment, against it.

211But now think of it, as we sing again with our heads bowed. "Where He..." Brother Neville. "... I will follow."

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Zostaňme len na chvíľu stáť v modlitbe, ako skloníme svoje hlavy. Náš nebeský Otče, Tebe vzdávame chválu za všetko, čo naše oči videli a naše uši počuli. A ďakujeme Ti, Pane, lebo dnes vieme, že Ty si ten istý veľký Jehova Boh, ktorým si vždy bol a vždy budeš.

2Ďakujeme Ti za Ježiša Krista, ktorý to umožnil, že môžeme byť znovu späť v Božskom obecenstve s Tebou skrze preliatie Jeho nevinnej Krvi, že skrze zmierenie tej Krvi sme teraz synovia a dcéry Božie. Ešte sa nezjavilo, čo budeme na konci, ale vieme, že budeme ako On, lebo Ho uvidíme tak, ako je. A, Otče, to je pre nás dostačujúce, pokiaľ sme ako On, stojac vo forme Jeho obrazu.

3A teraz, Otče, nechceme byť v tejto hodine prispôsobení veciam toho sveta, ale chceme byť premenení obnovením našich duchov skrze Svätého Ducha, aby mohol prísť a vziať naše životy do Svojej vlastnej starostlivosti, a aby nás smeroval a viedol po tie dni, ktoré máme ešte na zemi a vyvyšovali Jeho veľké Meno.

4Ďakujeme Ti za všetky tieto veci. A s očakávaniami sa tešíme na Tvoju návštevu u nás dnes večer, ako sme sa teraz zhromaždili, a veríme, že Ty sa s nami stretneš, ako si zasľúbil. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

5Myslím, že to bol Dávid, ktorý povedal, “Bol som šťastný, keď nám povedali, mi povedali, poďme do domu Pánovho.” A my sme naozaj veľmi vďační, že sme dnes večer tu, a cítime to ako privilégium, že máme túto skvelú príležitosť, byť tu a hovoriť s vami, ľuďmi.

6Nahrávam nejaké pásky. Tak sa práve pozerám dozadu do miestnosti, aby som videl, či bratia majú pásky. Je to teraz zapnuté, pásky bežia. V poriadku. Tento zámer toho je ten, že som sľúbil, že posielanie posolstiev vyjde, bude nahrávané v Modlitebni.

7No, sme... Rád by som povedal niečo o dnešnom ráne. Dnes, hneď popoludní, vlastne, keď sme končili ranné zhromaždenie, niečo sa stalo, čo možno niektorí z vás, ktorí tu neboli a nepočuli o tom. Končil som službu a hovoril som tu z pódia a pozoroval som brata, ktorý tu stál a podával si ruky s ľuďmi, volá sa brat Way, voláme ho tu tak. Jeho žena je milá diplomovaná zdravotná sestra.

8A brat Way je jedným z Božích služobníkov, a on taktiež pracuje v svetskej práci, ale má už roky na svojom srdci volanie do poľa misijnej práce. On sa cítil byť vedený, že Boh by ho tu mal priviesť a on by čakal tu na tomto poste, až kým by neprijal ďalšie príkazy na pole. Pred niekoľkými dňami som s ním hovoril a mal som krátky rozhovor s ním a jeho ženou...

9A dnes ráno, keď som činil svoje vyznanie, že som mal komplex, zmienil som sa o bratovi Wayovi, že má tiež komplex, čo je určite normálne medzi ľuďmi. A v tom momente hneď po tom, brat Way bol zasiahnutý srdcovým záchvatom a klesol mŕtvy na zem. A videl som jeho ženu. A všimol som si... Bol som okolo mnohých ľudí, ktorí zomierali, a nemusím toto povedať...

10Rád sa vychvaľujem Ježišom Kristom, Jeho mocou. A v tomto čase som si myslel, že by sme sa nikdy nemali pokúšať Ním chváliť v žiadnom spôsobe o niečom, čo On neurobil. Ale videl som Ježiša Krista mnohokrát kriesiť mŕtvych, bolo to neomylne potvrdené lekárskymi výsledkami. Napríklad, v Connecticute, práve nedávno na zhromaždení, sediac vo veľkom, starom, tak trochu slávnom auditóriu, bol tam so mnou na pódiu lekár, doktor Barten, kresťanský lekár,. A bola tam jedna dobrá známa kresťanská žena, milá, bohatá žena. Sedela naľavo odo mňa. A zavolal som modlitebný rad a všimol som si, že tá žena len zrazu...

11Keď niekto, ich srdce zastane... Môžete zavrieť oči, ale keď ste šokovaní na smrť, keď sa vám zastaví srdce, skutočne sa vaše očné buľvy otočia dozadu a biela časť vášho oka sa vytláča von. A všimol som si to, keď ona klesla dolu. A rýchlo zavolali lekára, a on k nej bežal, aby jej zachytil pulz, a potriasol hlavou, položil na ňu svoju ruku, a svoje ucho na jej srdce. A ona bola mŕtva. Padla na podlahu, a jej dcéra kričala, čo prerušilo zhromaždenie... Pokračoval som ďalej, lebo som nemal žiadne slovo od Pána pre tú ženu. A pokračoval som ďalej.

12Povedali niečo o tom, že treba zohnať brata Branhama. A povedali, “Nechceme ho volať v modlitebnom rade, lebo je pod rozpoznávaním.” A povedali, “Zožeňte malého Branhama.” To bol Billy; a Billy... Keďže to bola mŕtva žena, on nechcel...

13Viete, ľudia sú nedôverčiví, keď je niekto mŕtvy; to je len vonkajšia schránka. Tam nie je nič. To... Ľudia zvláštne rozmýšľajú... To... Tie osoby tam sami nie sú; oni sa presťahovali. A tak on sa bál ísť k tej žene, lebo bola mŕtva.

14A potom, okamžite ku mne prehovoril Duch Svätý. Otočil som sa z miesta, kráčal som dolu po schode, prišiel som tam, kde bola; a práve, keď som prišiel tam, kde bola, Duch Svätý ku mne prehovoril; a povedal som, “Mary!”

15Povedala, “Áno, brat Branham?” Bola v poriadku. A ona nás nikdy predtým nevidela. A to bolo prvýkrát na zhromaždení.

16Potom v Shawano práve nedávno v, ó, povedal by som, v posledných, okolo, pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi... Hovoril som v jeden večer v zbrojnici. A bol tam veľký zástup ľudí a starší muž, okolo osemdesiatročný, hádam, a jeho milá žena... Oni boli podľa viery Luteráni, chodili tam do tej slávnej luteránskej cirkvi. Zabudol som teraz jej názov. Je to najväčšie luteránske zhromaždenie v Amerike, čo sa týka jedného samostatného zhromaždenia cirkevného členstva. A pre Luteránov je to veľká krajina. A zatiaľ čo som hovoril, všimol som si toho chlapíka, hlava išla takto dozadu; a jeho ruky išli von, a padol dopredu, mŕtvy na stoličke. A jeho manželka začala kričať, a vykríkla, “Pomôžte mi niekto! Pomôžte mi niekto!”

17A pozrel som sa; povedal som, “Len každý zostaňte sedieť. Buďte ticho.” Vidíte? Čakal som na Pána, aby mi dal slovo. A ja... Satan... Práve som chcel urobiť oltárne zavolanie, a to je práve vtedy, keď sa on chce ukázať.

18Tak... Všimli ste si niekedy, keď začnete robiť oltárne zavolanie, dokonca malé bábätká začnú plakať a tieto veci? To je satan. Vy, ktorí ste duchovní, rozumiete.

19Tak Pán mi dal jeho meno a zavolal som ho, a on prišiel k životu práve takto.

20A dnes ráno, keď som sa obracal... Vidíte? A mnohokrát som videl, ako Pán Ježiš vrátil mŕtveho späť. To malé dieťa v Mexiku zomrelo o deviatej v to ráno, a toto bolo medzi desiatou a jedenástou v ten večer, keď sa vrátilo späť do života. A to je zjavné svedectvo, kde lekár je toho svedkom (Vidíte?), že to dieťa zomrelo v jeho ordinácii o deviatej hodine v to ráno. Myslím, že to bol zápal pľúc. A to dieťa dnes žije, pokiaľ viem. A to bolo pred, ó, tridsať, štyridsať tisíc ľuďmi.

21A potom som dnes ráno videl brata Waya, ako sedí... Sedel teraz rovno tu. Ale ako sedel rovno tu niekde, on stál. A spievali sme, “Sláva, sláva, haleluja,” a podávali si ruky jeden s druhým. Všimol som si ho, ako ho to zasiahlo. A jeho hlava sa zaklonila, on... Brat Way sa nevyžíva vo veciach ako, niečo ako omdlievanie alebo niečo podobné. A on... Videl som ho, ako spadol dozadu, a videl som jeho ženu, ktorá je diplomovanou zdravotnou sestrou, ako kontroluje jeho pulz. A ona zakričala; bol mŕtvy.

22A potom, myslím, že to bola sestra Nash, dáma tu, farebná sestra, ktorá chodí do zboru, niekto z nich začal bežať dopredu. A teraz, ona, pani Wayová sa snažila ku mne dostať, aby som prišiel z pódia. A povedal som, “Všetci, zostaňte ticho. Zostaňte na svojich miestach.” Nikdy nebuďte rozrušení. Vidíte? To je to, čo chce satan robiť. Len čakajte a uvidíte, čo On povie. Ak je to niekto, kto prechádza do Slávy, nuž, musíme raz ísť, nie je lepšie miesto, než v zbore. Tak potom, rovno v dome Pánovom... Tak potom...

Ale ten muž sa vracal späť. Myslel som si, že možno niečo, že omdlel alebo sa mu stalo niečo v tom zmysle. Ale keď som sa pozrel, a jeho hlava sa obrátila týmto smerom, a videl som tú vnútornú dolnú časť jeho očí, ako sa vytlačili von... Nemôžete zavrieť, nemôžete si dať oči do takého stavu; to je zastavenie srdca, ktoré to robí. Už som to zažil..., a on... Bol tam niekto, milá osoba, položila niečo, aby si na to dal hlavu. A boli tam jeho nohy, ruky a všetko bolo stuhnuté. Zastavilo to... Jeho tvár bola tak tmavá ako môj kabát, načervenalo čierna, a jeho oči sa obrátili dozadu. A ja poznám srdcové záchvaty. Viem, čo robia, a ako sa obracajú. Ktokoľvek, kto to kedy videl... Tak som položil svoju ruku na jeho pulz, a nebolo tam viac pulzu než na tomto stole, žiaden. Tu je jeho žena, diplomovaná zdravotná sestra, ktorá kontrolovala jeho pulz; nebol tam žiaden pulz.

23Potom minule, keď som bol s bratom Wayom, tu počas rozpoznávania, videl som, že mal každopádne šelest na srdci. Tak potom som si myslel, “Toto je to.” Tak som položil na neho svoje ruky; povedal som. “Drahý Bože, volám v Mene Ježiša Krista, dušu môjho brata, jeho život znovu späť. A Boh Jehova vie a Jeho Biblia tu predo mnou, bolo to ako keď som mal svoju ruku na jeho pulze, a ako viem, budem sa za toto zodpovedať v deň súdu, ak je to nesprávne, a bolo to akoby jeho pulz tepal štyri alebo päťkrát rýchlejšie, išiel, “Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,” a potom začal ísť, “Bum, bum, bum, bum.”

24A on sa snažil otvoriť ústa, aby mi niečo povedal, a snažil sa dostať svoje ústa a mrmlal, akoby sa to snažil povedať. A dostal zo seba slová, “brat Branham.” Potom vyzeral, akoby šiel znovu spať alebo niečo, a znovu som chvíľu čakal, znovu som skontroloval jeho pulz; bil normálne. A potom, znovu som sa pozrel, a on sa pozrel na mňa. A bol tak trochu... Videl som trochu mimo seba; nevedel, kde bol, ale jeho srdce bilo normálne... A Boh znovu zavolal jeho život späť k nemu.

25Tak ja to hovorím na slávu Ježiša Krista, ktorý je ten istý Boh, ktorý... Keď som dnes ráno dlho kázal, prekročil som svoj čas, a unavený, a vyčerpaný... A tam mohli byť dve veci. Buď bol unavený, alebo keď som hovoril o komplexe, nie aby som zamiešal môjho brata, ako by sme to povedali, lebo som mal, činil som svoje vyznanie o tom, že mám komplex. A hádam, keby som sa opýtal dnes večer v tomto obecenstve ľudí, “Koľkí tu viete, že máte komplex?” Prakticky každá ruka by sa zodvihla. Aby si len vedel, brat Way, dovoľ mi len ukázať ti, či je to rozpoznanie alebo nie. Koľkí viete, že máte komplex, zodvihnite ruku. Len sa tam pozrite. Vidíte? Ale neviem, či ten šok, že som to povedal bratovi Wayovi, že to vzal akoby som ho karhal alebo niečo, potom padol do tohto stavu, a Pán Ježiš ho priviedol späť.

26No, myslím, že ten istý Boh, ktorého svätý Pavol reprezentoval v jeho dni, keď v jednu noc dlho kázal... A nejaký muž spadol, a jeho život z neho vyšiel, a Pavol, dostal sa k mužovi, z milosti Božej povedal späť k obecenstvu, “Jeho život je v ňom.” No, myslím, že to nám dokazuje, alebo ak ste to nikdy predtým nevideli, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

27A potom to mohlo byť toto, že... Pokúšal som sa o tom dnes popoludní rozmýšľať, že som tu stál a z celého srdca som vám povedal presnú Pravdu, a povedal som vám o mojom komplexe a učinil som svoje otvorené vyznanie, lebo, a požiadal som vás o modlitbu, aby moja vnútorná bytosť bola zmenená smerom k ľuďom, aby som mohol činiť, ako Pán činil. A aby mi potvrdil, že On ma stále posiela na pole, On nechal, aby sa to stalo, aby ukázal, že On stále uzdravuje chorých a …vzkriesil mŕtveho. Myslím, že to nebolo viac, než len potvrdenie toho, o čom som kázal a svedčil som o Kráľovstve Božom. A to je niečo v ďalej na ceste, čo On práve povedal bratovi Robersonovi tam a ďalšiemu z bratov.

28No, milujeme Ho za to. A sme dnes večer vďační, že brat Way je dnes večer s nami. A Boh istotne neskončil s naším bratom, inak by odišiel dnes ráno. Je niečo pre brata Waya, čo má urobiť. A chcem, aby si vedel, brat Way, že táto celá cirkev so mnou sa bude modliť, aby ti Boh ukázal Jeho plán pre tvoj a tvojej manželky život. A hneď ako sa to zjaví, to ťa do toho umiestni. Som si istý, že to to spôsobí, brat Way. A všetci z nás, ktorí sme kresťania, budeme vďační za brata Waya. Je to tak, cirkev? A budem sa modliť, aby on a sestra Wayová našli svoje miesto v Pánovi pre ich službu v živote.

29Teraz, tiež som chcel hovoriť s bratom Wayom; prišiel som skoro, tak som s ním mohol hovoriť a zistiť proste, aký je jeho postoj alebo čo sa stalo. A on nevie. Vidíte? To proste odišlo preč. A on len klesol a odišiel; to je všetko. Brat Way by sa chcel opýtať, či je v budove niekto, kto ide dolu do Arkansassu, v utorok, alebo kedykoľvek idete, na toto zhromaždenie... No, je to možno veľmi malé zhromaždenie. Je to bratstvo, ktoré sa stretáva. A myslím, že je to hore v nejakej džungli alebo niečom takom, smerom hore... A tam pravdepodobne nebude príliš veľa ľudí, hádam, na tom zhromaždení, lebo úprimne povedané, oni ešte ani nevedia, že prídem. Vidíte? A tak, moji priatelia tam, bude to pravdepodobne jedna alebo dve noci predtým, kedy sa to dozvedia, dokonca moji priatelia v Arkansasse, ktorí ma tam dolu poznajú, budú na zhromaždení. Ale ak niekto ide, a bude mať miesto pre niekoho, aby šiel s ním, brat Way by rád išiel. Povedal, aby som to oznámil, že on nebude záťažou pre ľudí, aby sa o neho starali, kým tam bude, lebo on to sám zvládne. Ale on, ak niekto pôjde, bude to pre neho znamenie, že Boh bude rád, alebo bude v Božej vôli, aby išiel dolu. Tak všetci poznáte brata Waya, ktorý tu sedí v rohu. A ak niekto bude chcieť, ide dolu a má miesto pre ďalšieho pasažiera, on rád pôjde.

30A potom budúcu nedeľu večer, ak Pán bude chcieť, budem späť, alebo vlastne budúcu nedeľu ráno. A ak má brat Neville nedeľnú školu, a keď sa skončí, chcem nahrať ďalšiu pásku, ak môžem. A ak sa nemýlim, myslím, že budem hovoriť na tému, “Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia, čo, čo je... alebo Je tvoja žena, vlastne tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?” To je to, čo som chcel povedať. Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia. A chcem o tom nahrať pásku, ak bude Pán chcieť.

31A teraz, dnes večer... Dnes som ohlásil, že nahrám pásku, a pastor, myslím, že ani nekázal, len ma zavolal, a tak, aby som kázal tu na pódiu. No, potom neviem... No, ak nahrávajú pásky... Ak sa vám zdá, že ste unavení alebo niečo, chcete ísť von, len buďte tak ticho, ako je to možné, lebo my ne... Vidíte, tieto mikrofóny sú veľmi, veľmi citlivé a zachytávajú malý zvuk. A my nahrávame, snažíme sa nahrávať tieto pásky pre medzinárodnú službu.

32A dnes večer chcem ohlásiť moju tému ako, potom, ako prečítam Božie Slovo, ktoré je v Evanjeliu sv. Matúša, 24. kapitole Evanjelia podľa sv. Matúša: 24. kapitola, a začnime teraz od 32. verša a čítajme Písmo.

A od fíka sa naučte podobenstvu: keď už zmäkne jeho letorast a vyženie lístie, viete, že je už blízko leto.

Tak aj vy, keď uvidíte všetko toto, vedzte, že je blízko, predo dvermi.

Ameň vám hovorím, že nepominie toto pokolenie, až sa to všetko stane.

Nebo a zem pominú, ale moje slová nikdy nepominú.

Ale o tom dni a o tej hodine nevie nikto, ani nebeskí anjeli ani Syn, iba sám môj Otec.

A jako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude aj za príchodu Syna človeka:

33No, v našom čítaní dnes večer nachádzame, ako čítame, že prvá časť tejto kapitoly hovorí, že učeníci Ho zavolali bokom na horu a povedali Mu, “Čo bude znamením konca sveta? Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu? A kedy príde čas, že nezostane kameň na kameni na chráme?” No, On pokračuje v odpovedi... Vidíte, tu v 1. verši...

Potom vyšiel Ježiš z chrámu a išiel. A pristúpili jeho učeníci, aby mu ukázali stavby chrámu.

Ale Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Či nevidíte všetkého tohoto? Ameň vám hovorím, že tu nebude ponechaný kameň na kameni, ktorý by nebol zborený.

A jeho učeníci...

a keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu...


... A keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pristúpili k nemu učeníci osobitne a riekli: Povedz nám, kedy to bude, a čo bude znamením tvojho príchodu a skonania sveta?

34Vidíte, opýtali sa tri otázky, a On odpovedá na tri otázky. “Kedy príde čas, že nezostane kameň na kameni? Aké je znamenie Tvojho príchodu, a čo koniec sveta?” A mnohí, verím, že my bratia robíme chyby, keď sa to všetko pokúšame vzťahovať k Jeho príchodu. Ale On odpovedá na tri rôzne otázky, ktoré mu boli dané. No, bude čas, keď tam nezostane kameň na kameni, kedy tá vec bude? A čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu, a aký bude koniec sveta? Vidíte, tri rôzne otázky... A On začína odpovedať na jednu, o tom, kedy kamene nezostanú na sebe. A potom, ako dokončuje tú otázku, potom začína, znamenie Jeho príchodu, a potom ide ku koncu sveta.

35No, všimnime si tu, jedna z vecí, o ktorej by som dnes večer rád hovoril, je “Blikajúce červené svetlo znamenia Jeho príchodu.” A zostaneme dnes večer na dňoch Noeho: “Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” A ja, toto ma minule zasiahlo. A myslel som si, že sa to možno pokúsim vziať a hovoriť o tom. A napísal som si tu niekoľko Písiem, na ktoré by som sa rád odvolal, možno, a trochu z nich čítal...

36Ale teraz, nášho Pána Ježiša sa opýtali túto otázku, a On im dal znamenie Jeho príchodu. A potom, hneď na to povedal toto: “Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú.” A potom povedal, “Učte sa podobenstvu od fíka. Keď vyženie lístie, viete, že je už blízko leto. Tak keď uvidíte tieto veci, ako sa dejú, alebo sa manifestujú, vedzte, že čas je blízko. A toto pokolenie nepominie, až kým sa všetky tieto veci nestanú.” Ktoré pokolenie? To pokolenie, ktoré vidí to odpadnutie, o ktorom budeme dnes večer hovoriť.

37Tak keď rozmýšľame o mojom texte ako “Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho príchodu,” pripomína mi to čakanie na vlakovej stanici, keď človek alebo ľudia stoja okolo, ako mnohí z nás, keď sme čakali na vlak. A nemôžeme počuť vlak, alebo ho nevidíte, ale viete, že je čas. Možno dispečer hovorí, “Trochu mešká; nie je presne načas. Ale my proste nevieme kedy, ale on čoskoro príde.” A budem sa prechádzať okolo po stanici s rukami vo vreckách, a sedieť na kufroch, a pôjdeme von a kúpime si vrecko arašidov, a budeme sa s niekým na ulici rozprávať. Ale zrazu vidíme, že sa niečo deje. Nejaký hluk je na koľajach. A keď to vidíme, to rameno ide dolu, a červené svetlo začne blikať. Čo je to? Vlak je v bloku. Hoci ho nemôžete počuť, hoci ho nemôžete vidieť, ale predsa to blikajúce červené svetlo a to rameno dolu ukazujú, že vchádza dovnútra. A potom, ak chcete ísť na ten vlak, mali by ste radšej zahodiť to vrecko arašidov, skončiť rozhovor, vziať kufre a pripraviť sa, inak budete zanechaní, lebo On sa zastavuje len na jednom mieste, len na chvíľu. On odíde. Ak stále stojíte a kecáte so susedom na ulici, zostanete zanechaní.

38O koľko viac je to potom, keď vidíme blikajúci signál, že On je v bloku, ten starý vlak Evanjelia bude čoskoro prechádzať okolo. A ako dnes večer študujeme ten ohromný text, blikajúci signál...

39Ako si náš Pán sadol na vrchu a povedal im, že sa tieto veci stanú, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka”...

No, chceme sa vrátiť o kúsok späť a zistiť, či môžeme nájsť čokoľvek v tomto dni, čo sa podobá dňom Noeho. A potom môžeme povedať, kde sa nachádzame v tom dni, o ktorom Pán hovoril, uvidíme, či môžeme nájsť len nejakú podobnosť s dňami Noeho. Aby sme to mohli urobiť, myslím, že by sme sa mali vrátiť do Knihy Genesis ku dňom Noeho. A ak si so mnou nájdete, ak áno, v Písme späť v Genesis, 6. kapitola, a to sú dni potopy, a morálky a okolností toho dňa, Genesis 6. kapitola. Teraz, chceme čítať, vidieť a porovnať ten deň s týmto dňom. Všimnite si.

A stalo sa, keď sa začali ľudia množiť na tvári zeme...

40Práve to prvé slovo nám poskytuje absolútne blikajúce svetlo, že ten deň je blízko, lebo nebolo žiadneho času v histórii, že by kedy bolo toľko ľudí a tak rýchlo sa množiacich, ako máme dnes, až je ťažko nájsť si miesto na bývanie. A tak mnoho ľudí sa množí na zemi, že veda hovorí, že ak sa budú aj naďalej množiť ako doteraz, za dvadsať rokov nebude na zemi pre ľudí dokonca ani jedlo. “Reader‘s Digest,” myslím, že to bol on, ktorý to citoval. Že nebude dokonca ani potrava pre ľudí, ktorí sa tak rýchlo množia.

41Môžeme sa pozrieť okolo a vidieť, že miesta, ktoré zvykli byť pustatinami, sa zmenili na mestá a predsa je kontrola pôrodnosti vo svojom najväčšom rozmachu, ako kedy bola. Myslím, že sa to hovorilo o Chicagu... Dúfam, že necitujem zle tieto údaje. Ale vlastne registrované prípady, tridsaťtisíc prípadov potratov každých 60 dní v Chicagu. Prípady potratov zaznamenané každých 60 dní, a čo tie, ktoré vôbec neboli zaznamenané? Vidíte? Len v jednom veľkom štvormiliónovom veľkomeste, a čo celý svet? A predsa populácia je tak zaľudnená, až sa o ňu nedokážu postarať.

42V Indii sa snažia stať, urobiť, oddeliť ľudskú časť mužov, aby sa stali neplodnými, aby sa nemohli rodiť deti, lebo sa tak rozrástli: 470 miliónov v súčasnosti v Indii.

43A čo Čína, kde nárast je väčší, Rusko, a mnoho krajín sveta? Keď sa ľudia začnú množiť na tvári zeme... Vidíte? No, vraciame sa späť do predpotopného času.

...a narodili sa im dcéry,

že videli synovia Boží ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne, a brali si ženy zo všetkých, ktoré si volili.

A Hospodin riekol: Nebude sa môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky v jeho blúdení; je telo, a bude jeho dní sto dvadsať rokov.

V tých dňoch boli obrovia na zemi, a tiež i potom, keď vchádzali synovia Boží k ľudským dcéram a rodili im. To boli tí siláci, ktorí sú od veku mužmi povestného mena.

44Ó, čo za tému tu máme. Vidíte? No, jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú chcem, aby ste si všimli, je, že synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne. No, ja ne... Ukazujem toto na celý svet. Ale nebolo času na zemi, ako môžem pomyslieť, jedine ten čas, že by kedy bolo toľko krásy medzi ženami.

45A pamätáte si, niektoré z vás, starších žien, a niektorí z vás ľudí, mužov, ktorí si pamätáte pred rokmi, ako to bolo zriedka, že ste našli peknú ženu. Ale dnes nenájdete žiadnu okrem peknej. Je to preto, že prišli na miesto celého toho ich strihania vlasov a make-upu, a všetkých druhov sexy oblečenia a vecí. Oni sa môžu predvádzať takým spôsobom... A potom je to ďalšia vec, ruka času to vrátila späť zhodne s Písmom. A ženy sú neustále na vzostupe byť krajšími.

46Pamätám si, keď som bol malý chlapec v škole a obrátil som sa a pozrel sa na malé deti dnes, malé dievčatá prichádzajú. A pozriem sa, pomyslím na ženy, keď som bol mladý muž a pozriem sa na dievčatá dnes. Pamätám sa, že bolo jedno populárne dievča (a to nebolo pred viac ako dvadsiatimipiatimi rokmi), jedno populárne dievča, pekné dievča, a pekná, že skoro každý chlapec chcel s tým dievčaťom chodiť, lebo to bola kráľovná skupiny. Možno v celom meste boli dve alebo tri také ženy. Teraz, sa všetky stávajú peknými, všetky z nich. To je, aby sa vyplnilo Písmo a červené svetlo blikalo, že čas je blízko.

47Vynašli také veci ako rúž a make-up, že žena, ktorá nie je taká pekná, sa stále môže urobiť krajšou, perami, a tými vecami, ktoré robia, aby sa urobili peknými.

48Max Factor pracuje deň a noc, a v Amerike sa za rok viac míňa na kozmetiku, aby sa ženy stali peknými, než je míňané v obchodoch s potravinami. Tak je to. Zabudol som, koľko biliónov dolárov je každý rok minuté na kozmetiku, aby sa naše ženy skrášlili.

49No, nehovorím nič proti tomu. Len vám ukazujem, že je to záblesk červeného svetla, že čas je blízko. Lebo Sám Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.” Vidíte, tá istá vec.

50Všimnite si, keď sa ľudia začali množiť, mnoho ľudí, ľudské dcéry boli krásne. A synovia Boží sa na ne pozerali a brali si ich za ženy. No, to nie sú moje vlastné slová; čítam to z Biblie, kde nám Ježiš povedal, aby sme šli späť do Genesis a porovnali tieto dni spolu: množenie ľudí, a krásu žien.

51Nuž, je to veľké znamenie. No, to varovanie, Jehovovo varovanie, 3. verš.

A Pán povedal, …

52Hneď po tom, ako sa toto stalo... Pamätajte, Svätý Duch napísal Bibliu, a Ježiš bol zmocnený plnosťou Svätého Ducha. A On hovoril jedine skrze Svätého Ducha. A Písma sú napísané Duchom Svätým. A ten Jediný, ktorý napísal Genesis 6, nám v Matúšovi 24 povedal, aby sme vedeli, kedy je blízko čas, aby sme sa vrátili do Genesis 6 a porovnali to.

53Množenie ľudí na zemi, a predsa, taká kontrola pôrodnosti a všetky tie veci, ktoré pokračujú, to dokonca nekontrolujú; ide to proste tak isto, lebo sme v čase konca.

54A potom si všimnite, okamžite prišiel čas, o ktorom som hovoril, že ženy boli veľmi krásne, veľmi pekné. A kontrolujeme to s týmto a môžeme to dokázať.

55No, nedávno som sa pozeral na nejaké obrázky, na našich predkov, keď prechádzali planinami. A nemôžem si spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ale jej meno bolo známe od San Francisca po Boston, že bola najkrajšou ženou v krajine. Pearl White, myslím, že to bolo jej meno, pred mnohými rokmi.. Bola zavraždená svojím milencom Scottom Jacksonom. A keby ste videli fotku tej ženy, ktorá bola najkrajšou ženou krajiny, ledva by ste sa na ňu pozreli. Vyzerala by ako starožitnosť tu vonku na ulici, lebo takmer každá žena, ktorú by ste mohli chytiť, akokoľvek by ste chceli, by bola trikrát krajšia než ona, ktorákoľvek žena dnes, ktorú by ste chytili len idúc po ulici. Vidíte, je to vzostup: krása žien.

56A potom som zvedavý, či si toto naše ženy uvedomujú a môžu... To je dôvod, prečo chcem, aby táto páska išla, že vy si nesmiete dávať.... chceme, aby ste boli pekné, ale chceme, aby ste boli prirodzené. Nechceme, aby ste boli umelé. Niektoré z týchto pekných žien, ak by ste ich namočili do vane a umyli ich, mohli by vyzerať trochu ináč, a obliekli ich tak, ako by mali byť oblečené. Ale oni to nerobia, a vy im nemôžete nič iné povedať. Zachvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Ale toto je záblesk červeného svetla.

57A pamätajte, keď sa ľudia začali množiť na zemi a ženy sa stali krásnymi, to bola tá hodina, bolo to vtedy, keď Pán povedal, “Nebude sa môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky.” Vidíte to zovretie? Vidíte tú ruku Božiu? “Môj Duch...” Dcéry ľudské boli krásne. A oni si ich brali za ženy. A On povedal, “Potom sa nebude môj Duch prieť s človekom na veky. Skrátim jeho dni.”

Teraz v 4. verši:

V tých dňoch boli obrovia na zemi, a tiež i potom, keď vchádzali synovia Boží k ľudským dcéram a rodili im. To boli tí siláci, ktorí sú od veku mužmi povestného mena.

58Všimli ste si, vôbec to nepovedalo nič o svadbe? Všimnite si. synovia Boží vchádzali k dcéram ľudským: nič o svadbe. A ak vezmete originálnu gréčtinu, význam toho slova... hovorí... Alebo, mám to tu niekde zapísané, manželka, brali si ich za manželky v 3. verši, brali si ich... V gréčtine, vyhľadal som to dnes popoludní, to nehovorilo, že si ich brali za manželky, povedalo to, že si ich brali za ženy, nie manželky. No, skontrolujte to so svojím, so svojím “Emphatic Diaglott” a sledujte, či to nie je pravda.

59Brali si ich za ženy, nie manželky. Brali si ich proste tak ako boli, slobodní milenci, ako to majú dnes. Inými slovami, oni boli vtedy milencami, práve tak, ako sú dnes. Robili si, čo chceli, a vzali ktorúkoľvek ženu, ktorú mohli.

60A keď synovia Boží... No, mnohí z nich tu hovoria, že to boli padlí anjeli a tak ďalej, tí muži a ženy. Ale chcem ukázať, že to nie je správne, je to úplne nesprávne, Biblia nikde nehovorí o anjeloch, že by boli muži alebo ženy. A okrem toho, nikdy nie je hovorené o žene, že by bola Anjelom v Biblii, nikdy. No, ak na to chcete Písma, Matúš 22:20 a tak ďalej, môžete to nájsť.

61No, že nie je taká vec ako ženský anjel. To je ten dôvod, prečo ženy kazateľky... Anjel je posol. A to je, a to je, že anjel je posol... A neexistuje niečo také. Ale vidíte, deň sa dnes zmenil, ako to bolo vtedy. Teraz, mám tu zapísané nejaké historické fakty a radi by sme sa do toho za pár minút dostali.

62Všimnite si, ženy vtedy, vo dňoch Noeho, museli byť témou dňa. Vidíte, synovia Boží (Setovi, Setovi synovia) videli dcéry Kaina, že sú krásne. Prečo? Boli hriešne a boli to dcéry Kaina. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, boli pekné, brali si ich za ženy. Potom synovia Boží vypadli zo svojho vzťahu s Bohom a stali sa lovcami žien. A ak to nie je obraz dneška, potom neviem, čo to je. To je pravda.

63Muži... Dokonca sa pozrite dnes na naše zbory; pozrite sa na všetko, čo chcete; všimnite si to. Všade, vyzeralo to v tom dni, museli byť pekné ženy. Muži sa stali ich otrokmi, ako hovorí história, že muži sa stali vlastne otrokmi žien, lebo boli tak pekné, že oni sa stali otrokmi. Oni si doslova urobili svätyne a uctievali. A len pomyslite, oni vtedy doslovne uctievali ženské telo a krv. To je história.

64A porovnajte to s dneškom. Je to tá istá vec, môj brat. Muži vlastne uctievajú ženy. No, v našej vlastnej krajine je o pani Kennedyovej dvakrát vyššia mienka, ako o prezidentovi.

65Je to tak. A ak vždy hovoríte o mužovi, ak má atraktívnu manželku, to je to. A teraz, oni hovoria, že... o šoférovaní. Hovoria, že ženy sú najbezpečnejšími šoférmi. To nie je pravda, lebo poviem vám prečo. Billy a ja, keď sme prechádzali Spojenými štátmi to máme z prvej ruky; dali sme do nášho auta malú mapu, malú tabuľku, a napísali sme “žena” a “muž”. A vždy, keď žena urobila chybu, dali sme značku na jej stranu; a keď muž urobil chybu, dali sme značku na jeho stranu. A z tristo toho, čo my nazývame “trápne chyby” urobené na ceste, boli... Boli by ste prekvapení; bolo tam dvesto osemdesiat žien ku devätnástim mužom. Ale viete prečo? Oni to nedostanú na najnižšom súde. Polícia nezatkne pekné dievča: jednu z tisíca. Ona dá svoje telefónne číslo, ale on ju nezatkne. A to je proste spôsob... Niet divu, že záznamy to neukazujú. Vidíte, lebo muži dneška sú ako vo dňoch Noeho; klaňajú sa svätyni pekných žien. Presne.

66Ó. Aké to muselo byť vtedy hrozné uctievať, keď oni... Ženy sa objavovali v takom atraktívnom spôsobe... A ak v tom boli vtedy trochu lepšie, než ako sú dnes, som rád, že som nežil vtedy. Pomyslite na to, ako len ony... Ako sa ženy museli správať tak isto, ako dnes.

67Všimnite si. Biblia povedala, že oni jedli a pili. No, to je správne. Iste. Manželstvo je v úcte. Muž si vezme ženu, to je počestné, to je ustanovené od Boha. Ale keď to prichádza do času, že muž si vezme manželku iného muža, alebo si vezme nejakú mladú ženu, alebo nejakú ženu, nezáleží, kto ona je, a poruší svoj manželský sľub a urobí niečo, čo je nesprávne, je to hriešne v očiach Božích. A Biblia proti tomu hovorí veľmi tvrdo.

68Teraz si všimnite, povedalo To, že... Manželstvo, Boh to ustanovil v Edene, ale On istotne odsúdil cudzoložstvo. A títo muži a ženy v tom dni prestúpili zákony Božie a vzali to na seba a aj tak to urobili. No, porovnajte to s dneškom. Pozrite sa na to. Ak chcete vidieť, že vlak je v bloku, dobre hlboko sa teraz nad tým zamyslite, ako neomylný Ježiš Kristus povedal tieto slová. Vidíte?

69A všimnite si. Biblia tu povedala, že oni jedli a pili, samozrejme, so svojimi peknými ženami. No, keď si uvedomíte, že to je v poriadku. Jedenie a pitie, to je jedno z prirodzených zákonov života. Musíme to robiť. Ale keď je to všetko, čo je vo vašej mysli... Dnes sa ľudia proste stávajú nenažrancami, alkoholikmi, ženy pijú v reštauráciách. A idete na miesto, kde sú servírované destiláty a kokteily, ženy tam v pití predstihujú mužov.

70Ježiš povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď jedli a pili, a ženili sa.” Inými slovami, oni žili so ženami bez toho, aby si ich boli zobrali. A dnes, no, je to tak ustanovené... Oni mali v "Reno", že ste sa mohli oženiť a rozviesť a znovu oženiť v tom istom dni. Ale to je teraz nemoderné. Tí takzvaní manželia, a manželky pri sebe nosia rôzne kľúče od izieb v týchto veľkých mestách. No, ja cestujem; som rovno v mestách a viem, že je to pravda, že manžel má svoje schôdzky a manželka má svoje schôdzky. Nuž, je to také nakopenie hniloby, že to produkuje bandu mäkkej, lenivej, nedobrej, peklom-zaviazanej generácie.

71Pred niekoľkými rokmi... Pozrite sa, kam sa muž dostal vo svojom tele. Pozrite sa, kam sa dostal skrze tie veci, ktoré urobil. Veda sa neustále snaží vytvoriť lepšiu potravu, skrížené zrno a skrížené paradajky, skríženú fazuľu, pričom tie veci vôbec nie sú dobré. Zabíja to ľudí, a oni si to neuvedomujú. No, za pár rokov to nebude nič, len jednoducho banda mäkkýšov.

72Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi sa hrali loptové hry práve tak, ako sa hrajú teraz, a nikdy ste nepočuli o niekom, kto by sa zranil. Ale teraz, zabijú tucet alebo dva za rok. Lopta udrie človeka, on, nie je v ňom nič, aby v ňom udržalo jeho život. Je ako morča, udriete ho, on je tak mäkký, že zomrie.

73Keď Bob Fitzsimmons zápasil s Corbettom, myslím, že zápasili sto dvadsaťpäť kôl v jedno popoludnie, s holými päsťami. Keď títo muži s takou silou vo svojich ramenách mohli vziať dve na štyri v štyroch cóloch a rozbiť to dvomi na štyri, s ničím iným, len s mozoľnatými rukami... Oni spali s rukami v octe, aby ich stvrdli päste. A to kolo nebolo malé s dvomi alebo tromi minútami, ako máme dnes. Oni nemali matrace omotané okolo rúk. A nikto nebol zabitý. A oni si mysleli, že kolo musí skončiť zrazením. Museli ste človeka zraziť dolu. A oni zápasili sto dvadsaťpäť úderov k zemi. Boli to muži. A dnes oni musia zastaviť to umenie boxovania, keď majú matrace na svojich ramenách a na svojich pästiach, nemôžu zápasiť dve alebo tri kolá, aby niekoho nezabili. Čo sa stalo? On je utvorený z kopy... (Ja neviem.) mäkkého, blatového, skríženého ničoho, až celá generácia zomiera.

74Nepovedala Biblia, že sa stanú slabšími a múdrejšími? No, v inej rase ľudí, ktorá prichádza, budú žiť z kapsulí, vezmú si kapsulu na večeru. Nie je to nič iné, len banda cigarety fajčiacich, whisky pijúcich, koktailových, prípitkových, drogovo závislých; tínedžerské deti v školách v mladistvej kriminalite. Niet divu, že jej matka vonku na ulici sa správa tak, ako sa správa, uvrhuje dieťa do tej istej veci.

75Pekných žien pribúda, sociálny život sa rúca... Ó, čo za veľká vec v dni, v ktorom žijeme. Ako to oni robia, to je... chcú, aby im to prešlo.... Im to neprejde. Čo oni robia? Práve tak, ako to robili vtedy. Robia si z prikázaní Božích žarty. Boh povedal, “Nespáchaš cudzoložstvo.” Ale oni ukazujú, že to môžu robiť a že im to prejde. Oni si myslia, že im to prejde, ale to im nikdy neprejde. Možno by ste toto nemali prísť počúvať. Každopádne, Boh povedal, že toto bude čas, keď bude blikať červené svetlo. Ježiš tak povedal.

76No, čo za hriech, ktorý činia a smejú sa na tom hriechu... Mnohokrát je to tak, že práve tú vec, ktorú táto Biblia nazýva nemorálnou, svet nazýva ctnosť. Ak vezmete mladé dievčatá, a vyzlečiete z nich šaty a dáte ich tam vonku s malými šortkami a nohavicami a takými vecami, a necháte ich kráčať dolu ulicou, oni si myslia, že to je kladná stránka, že dievča môže ukazovať svoje ženské telo, keď Biblia hovorí, že je to hriech. Hrozné. Ale svet to nazýva ctnosť. Vidíte, oni si robia z prikázaní Božích... A cirkev o tom nič nehovorí. Je čas, aby niekto povstal v mene spravodlivosti v Mene Ježiša Krista a zastavil toto, pretože raz sa za to budeme zodpovedať v deň súdu.

77No, ak toto niekomu znie staro a suchársky, skúmajte niekoľko rokov späť a pozrite sa, čo sa deje teraz, a potom si predstavte budúcnosť. Nie je žiadna budúcnosť okrem príchodu Pánovho.

78Všimnite si. Skúmajte tieto predpotopné ženy s kráčaním dneška. Skúmajte, čo ony boli.

79Skúmajte, čo robili synovia Boží. Skúmajte, čo robia dnes. Nedávno som sedel na jednom zhromaždení, a takmer ma to zlomilo, keď všetci tí... Zdalo sa, že každý sa proste raduje z kazateľovho kázania, ktorý stál na pódiu. A ja som sedel v rohu. A dovnútra vošla mladá dáma, a ona bola naozaj zle oblečená. A prišla kráčajúc cez tento zbor, ako Biblia hovorí, poskakujúc, ako šla. A každý kazateľ na pódiu, plus zhromaždenie, každý otočil hlavu a pozeral, sledujúc to dievča. A myslel som na to Písmo, synovia Boží hľadeli na dcéry ľudské, hriešnice, bezbožné, pekné ženy. Ó, to roztrhalo mnoho cirkví na kusy. Vzalo to Ducha Božieho preč. Všimnite si. Hľadeli na ľudské dcéry...

80No, pamätajte, neomylný Ježiš Kristus poznamenal, že tieto veci budú takto v tomto dni. A povedal, že keď uvidíte diať sa tieto veci, potom viete, že ten čas je blízko. No, nie je veľa ľudí, ktorí to povedia. Je mnoho kazateľov, ktorí to nemôžu povedať. On by mohol, ak by chcel. Ale ak to urobí, zhromaždenie ho vykopne von. To je úplná pravda.

81Ale je tu jedna vec. Ak je muž povolaný od Boha, bude stáť s tou Bibliou, nestarám sa, čo musí urobiť. Musíte si pamätať, že To je Pravda. A Pravda buď zväzuje alebo vyslobodzuje. A to je presne to, čo Ježiš Kristus povedal.

82Synovia Boží padli kvôli krásnym postavám a tváram ľudských dcér. A to je presne to, čo máme dnes, znovu tá istá vec.

83No, porovnajte ten deň: Množenie ľudí, ženy sa stávajú krajšími, synovia Boží upadajú, manželstvo a ženenie sa, rozvodové prípady, žitie v cudzoložstve, a tak ďalej.

84"No," poviete, "brat Branham, len chvíľu. Ja neviem." Počúvaj, brat, len predtým, ako niečo povieš, počúvaj toto. Ježiš Kristus povedal, že ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci. A keď vidíte... Keď muž vychádza zo svojej kancelárie, vychádza zo zboru, vychádza z domu, vyrazí na ulicu, čo vidí, ak nie vystavovanie ženského tela a krvi na každom kroku, priliehavé, pekné tváre... Pokúšaní... To je to, čo Boh povedal, že sa bude diať. Keď sa to bude diať, čas je blízko. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď synovia Boží videli dcéry ľudské a začali si ich brať za ženy... Vidíte? Tu to máte.

85Teraz sledujte. Nachádzame to, tú istú vec dnes. Vidíme v histórii, že v sebe mali takú sexuálnu príťažlivosť, až synovia Boží si pre seba urobili svätyne zo žien. To je Venuša a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Oni si urobili svätyne a klaňali sa im. Keď poviete, "brat Branham, dnes nemáme také veci; nemôžeš to porovnávať s dneškom." Prepáčte. Verím, že je to dnes horšie, ako to bolo vtedy.

86Čo vidíme? Televízia... Nemôžete ani zobrať noviny, ale všetko, čo vidíte, je naplnené ženami: pekná ženy na každej fľaši whisky, v časopisoch, sexy, nemorálne oblečené. Celá televízia je, všade je nejaká sexy oblečená žena, nejaká pekná žena. A nachádzame na cigaretových reklamách, všade, kde sa môžete pozrieť, nájdete nejakú atraktívnu ženu. Nemôžete vidieť ani reklamu na silonové pančuchy, bez toho, aby ste videli nejaký druh tenkých tvarovaných nôh, ako cez to idú. A to je pravda. Ale čo to je? Prečo to je?

87Pamätám si človeka, pre ktorého som pracoval, Chris Meisner tu hore na rohu. Mnohí z vás si pamätáte Chrisa Meisnera. Jeho žena, Lilian, volala sa Lily, myslím, Ellingerová. A keď ona, prišiel nejaký muž... Ona bola nádherné dievča, a nejaký človek chcel dostať povolenie od jej otca, aby dal jej tvár, jej fotku, jej profil na krabičku cukríkov. A tento starý nemecký Luterán sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal, "To je pre mňa urážka, aby som dal fotku mojej dcéry na krabičku cukríkov, aby sa rozšírila po celej krajine." A čo dnes, keď billboardy, televízia, všetko, čo vidíte, sú nemorálne, vulgárne, sexy, bezbožne vyzerajúce ženy? Tak je to. Čo je to? Vlak, ten starý... Ten starý vlak je teraz v bloku. Biblia tak povedala; prichádza čoskoro. Počujeme ten zvuk.

88Hovoríme o iných veciach ohľadom toho, ale pamätajte, toto je iný záblesk, jeden zo zábleskov, ktoré dnes blikajú pred nami. Ó, vidíme národný stav; vidíme politický nepokoj; vidíme cirkevnú situáciu; kážeme o tom všetkom, ale toto je niečo nové. Je to niečo, čo nie je veľmi populárne, aby sa o tom hovorilo, ale musí to byť urobené, lebo musí byť hlas, ktorý volá. A pamätajte, práve tie slová, ktoré dnes večer hovorím, ma stretnú tam na súde.

89Keď som prednedávnom videl túto ženu vo videní, ktoré mi Pán ukázal, videl som ju zomierať... Nikdy si neviem spomenúť na meno tej ženy, ona... Marilyn Monroe. A ja som ju nikdy nevidel; nechodím do kina. Ale videl som to dievča, a bolo atraktívne. A snažila sa k niečomu dostať; zomierala, mala srdcový záchvat. A Pán povedal, "No, povieš, že zomrela presne o štvrtej. Nespáchala samovraždu," povedal, "ale môžeš povedať, že zomrela o štvrtej, lebo je práve pár sekúnd pred štvrtou." A tam, videl som, kde ju našli. A povedal som Billymu; povedal som rodine, tým, ktorí boli so mnou pri tom. A pár dní po tom, bola to Marilyn Monroe, ktorá zomrela.

90No, keď som bol minule v Kanade, moje deti mi stále hovorili na istom mieste, kde nám jedna pani nechala dom, bol tam televízor. A oni povedali, že bude film "Rieka bez návratu." To je rieka, v ktorej celý čas lovím. A John Smith, môj priateľ je na tom výlete. Povedali, "Urobili o tom film," a povedali, "Ocko, možno je Dr. Smith v tom programe. Chcel by si sa na to pozrieť?" "Nuž," povedal som, "keď sa vrátim z Kanady, keď sa vrátim načas, pozriem sa na to." Nuž, keď sa film začal, šiel som sa na to pozrieť, pozrieť sa na to. A keď som sa pozrel, kto tam hral, ak nie Marilyn Monroe. No, tam bola (po tom, čo bola mŕtva už rok alebo viac), tam bola celá sexy oblečená; bol tam jej hlas na, stále hral a bude hrať roky a roky na tej magnetickej páske. Ak tá magnetická páska drží jej skutky, keby sa mohla pozrieť odtiaľ, kde je dnes večer (dúfam, že je spasená, ale ja neviem; to je na Bohu.), ale keby sa mohla pozrieť späť, ona by to nemohla poprieť. Ona to nemôže poprieť, lebo to máme. O koľko viac má Boh každý pohyb, každý skutok na Svojej najvyššej páske, ktorá bude... Nemôžeme sa z toho dostať von. Je to rovno tam.

91A pamätajte, ak by tu bol mikrofón položený rovno tu, kde je tento, a keby som teraz vysielal do celého sveta, ľudia okolo sveta by počuli môj hlas ešte predtým, ako by sa dostal spoza tejto kazateľne ku vám. To je v elektronike toho sveta.

92A viete, že ten hlas nikdy nezomiera. Nikdy nezomrie. Veda tvrdí, že za dvadsať rokov, ak sa budú rozvíjať tak ako teraz, že nájdu doslovný hlas Ježiša Krista, keď bol na zemi: za dvadsať rokov od teraz. Lebo je to ako spadnutie okruhliaku do jazera; malé vlny môžu nakoniec zmiznúť z vášho dohľadu, ale veda tvrdí, že oni sa vrátia späť k jednému brehu, cez oceán k ďalšiemu, a späť a napred; a nikdy neskončia. A takisto ani slová, ktoré hovoríte; oni vás stretnú v deň súdu a odsúdia vás alebo vás zachránia. A nikdy nebudete schopní vystačiť s niečim iným.

93A sme si dobre vedomí toho, že to, čo prechádza rovno teraz cez túto miestnosť, sú obrazy ľudí. Ak tomu neveríte, zapnite televízor. A sú tam hlasy ľudí, a predsa ich naše zmysly nezachytia.

94No, oni majú vysielaciu stanicu a magnetické pole, alebo elektrónka, alebo kryštál, ktorý zachytáva tie hlasy a reprodukuje ich. A teraz, tá jediná vec, ktorou Biblia je, je toto: Slovo Ježiša Krista, ktoré vypovedal, a oni sú doslovne nažive práve tak, ako ktorékoľvek iné slovo dnes večer vo svete.

95No, ak bolo vaše srdce očistené Krvou Ježiša Krista a stáva sa prijímačom toho Vysielača, On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil, lebo Jeho Slovo nemôže zomrieť. Oni žijú navždy. Oni nemusia vyvinúť niečo, čím to za dvadsať rokov od teraz zachytia; my to prijímame práve teraz. No, tu to máte.

96Žijúc v tomto veľkom dni, v ktorom žijeme, blízko príchodu Syna človeka a svetlá Jeho príchodu blikajú všade... Vidíme to v politike; vidíme to v cirkvi; vidíme to v čase; vidíme to všade, kam sa pozrieme. Vidíme, že slnko nevyzerá tak ako predtým. Svet je v chaose. Hovoria mi práve teraz, na severnom póle, tam hore, že more sa stalo, zabudol som, o koľko hlbšie, ako bolo. Beringov prieliv, mohli ste cez neho prejsť. Teraz, je to mnoho, mnoho, mnoho stôp hlboko v Beringovom prielive. Prečo? Zem sa v strede nafukuje. Stáva sa plytšou tu, kde bola hlboká a hlbšou tu, kde bola plytkou. Svet je úplne v chaose. Poneviera sa; kľučkuje. Celá príroda sa vzdáva. A všetko, čo vidíme...

97A teraz dnes večer, zisťujeme, že práve sama tá príroda produkuje v ľudskej rase znamenie Jeho príchodu, pretože synovia Boží a ľudské dcéry sa stávajú krajšie, a ako si ich berú za ženy. Čo za hodina, v ktorej žijeme. Ó. A ako to bolo v tamtom dni.

98Potom vidíme v histórii túto veľkú šokujúcu vec, že muži uctievajú ženy. A zisťujeme, že dnes je to ženský svet.

99Prednedávnom som bol vo Švajčiarsku, a rozprával som sa s... No, nič proti našim kresťanským ženám (Nie veru.); ony sú klenoty. Ja hovorím o tom, ako beží ten svet. Viezla sa so mnou jedna dáma – brat Guggenbuhl a jeho priateľka, s ktorou išiel... On je muž okolo, skoro v mojom veku, nikdy nebol ženatý, starý mládenec, a on šiel s nejakou mladou dámou. A potom... Jedno z dievčat odtiaľ, a ona povedala, "brat Branham, povedz nám o Amerike. Vieme, že ženy, že tam je určite svet žien." Povedal som, "To je pravda." Povedala, "Vždy som tam chcela ísť." Potom som jej začal vysvetľovať. Povedala, "Čo?" Povedal som, "Áno." To hneď zmenilo jej názor. "Nuž," povedala, "ako si potom mohol žiť kresťanský život na takom mieste ako je to?" Pomyslite na to.

100Keď som šiel do Ríma a bol som dolu na San Angelo, katakombách, bolo to šokujúce... Keď som vyšiel z hotela a šiel som dolu tam, kde je to miesto nazvané "Tri mince vo fontáne," tie ženy na ulici, ako nemorálne... Ženy kráčali hore a žiadali vás, aby ste ich vzali na rande, všetky šortky, s rozmermi, a všetko také veci. A zabudol som, koľké prišli k Billymu a mne, bratovi Baxterovi a k tomu mužovi z TWA, ktorý nás tam sprevádzal, predtým, ako sme sa dostali dolu k jazierku, Povedal som, "Musia tie ženy takto žiť?"

101Povedal, "Nie, keď tu boli vojaci, ony si na to zvykli, a ony majú dobrú prácu, a predsa v tom pokračujú." Ale dokonca na mieste ako to, keď som sa dostal na to miesto na San Angelo, ohromný, veľký znak tam z Vatikánu, hovoril, "Upozornenie pre Američanky: Prosíme, oblečte sa predtým, ako vojdete a vzdáte úctu mŕtvym."

102Videl som americké dievča, ktoré vystúpilo v Paríži, kde je to vlastne jedno z... Naša móda zvykla prichádzať z Paríža. Ale to dievča bolo tak nemorálne oblečené, so svojím otcom a matkou, až vojaci, ktorí tam pracovali, pustili svoje krompáče a lopaty a bežali tam a pozerali sa na tú scénu a sledovali, ako táto Američanka prejde.

103Udávame tempo v móde. Zvykol to byť Paríž, ale teraz oni prichádzajú sem, aby dostali vulgárnu, nehanebnú špinu. A tento národ, cez ktorý práve prešlo prebudenie krstu Svätým Duchom s milým Ježišom Kristom ukazujúcim Svoje znamenia a zázraky milosti... A hovoriac, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a svetlá blikajú zo strany na stranu... Boh, ktorý môže vzkriesiť mŕtveho z jeho postele, Boh, ktorý môže uzdraviť chorého, Boh, ktorý môže povedať veci predtým, ako sa stanú, a urobiť to dokonale do bodky zakaždým bez zlyhania... A môžete to kázať našim ženám v Amerike, a ony sa každým rokom stávajú horšími.

104Bombay, vlastne, v Durbane, Južnej Afrike, kde bolo zhromaždených nejakých 200 tisíc domorodcov na zhromaždení, kde sa prejavil veľký zázrak Boží... A videl som 30 tisíc obyčajných domorodcov... Stáli tam ženy len so štvorcólovými záplatami korálikov, ktoré im vpredu viseli; a teraz, muži, bez šiat, štvorcólové záplaty... Nahé, prikrývky, na ktorých spali, kozie kože, ony ich dostávajú, keď dosiahnu istý vek, a potom ony v tom žijú, spia v tom, zahaľujú sa do toho, a zomierajú a sú v tom pochovávaní niekde v ohrade.

105A videl som tie ženy tak primitívne, že žena porodila dieťa sediac dvadsať stôp odo mňa. Vôbec nešla do nemocnice. Oni, nejaká žena jej tam na minútu pomohla a asi o päť minút to celé skončilo. Zodvihla dieťa a držala ho na prsiach, aby ho nachovala. Tak primitívna, ale keď videli moc Všemohúceho Boha, ako prišla na chlapca, ktorý bol tak postihnutý, a nebol dokonca normálnej mysle, a povstal s normálnym rozumom vzdávajúc Bohu chválu, 30 tisíc obyčajných domorodcov prijalo Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Čo sa stalo? Pamätáte sa, že je to desaťkrát viac ako na Letnice: 30 tisíc. A nikto... Sledoval som tie ženy na vlastné oči. Keď padli na zem, lámali svoje modly, dávali svoje životy Ježišovi Kristovi... Ony nevedeli; ony pravdepodobne nikdy nepočuli Jeho Meno, mnohé z nich. Ale keď padli na svoje kolená... A opýtal som sa ich, či sú v tom úprimné, či to skutočne tak myslia, lámuc svoje modly a ony lámali svoje modly. A keď padli na svoje kolená a dali svoje životy Kristovi, zatiaľ čo som sa za ne modlil, a znovu vstali; a tie ženy, ktoré stáli s ramenami dolu, nevediac, že sú nahé, akonáhle sa Život Kristov dotkol ich života, videl som tie ženy, ako si skrížili ruky a vyšli z prítomnosti mužov. A ak to dotyk Ježiša Krista urobí obyčajnému domorodcovi, čo to má urobiť národu, ktorý počúval Evanjelium stovky rokov? Áno, tu to vidíme. Videl som to; to nie je niečo, čo niekto iný povedal; ja som to videl. Vidíte? Je to potom zvláštne, že sa nazývame kresťanmi a každý rok sa vyzliekame viac. A zdá sa, že cirkvi sa o to vôbec nestarajú.

106Televízne programy, ó, robia ženské telo a krv... Ony nie sú bohovia. Nie sú bohyne, ale to umiestňuje Ameriku presne do poriadku, aby vyplnila Písmo. Číslo Ameriky je trinásť. Americkou svätyňou je vždy žena; je to na našich peniazoch; je to na všetkom. A to istotne privádza do času, že zanedlho budeme mať aj americkú bohyňu. Môžete vidieť ten nápis na stene.

107Ó, čo budeme robiť? Nemôžete ani vyjsť na ulicu a nájsť... Pozrite sa vonku na ulicu; začnite ísť dolu mestom a len sa pozrite na to predvádzanie žien, ako sa s tým oblečením vytvárajú, ak by boli úprimné k dobrote, žena by mala byť zahanbená, keď stojí takto vo svojej šatni. Kráčajúc vonku po ulici tak obtiahnuté a na sebe malé, drobné oblečenie, to je... A vonku na tých kúpacích plážach s týmito malými "bikinami", alebo ako to volajú, na sebe, a také veci ako to, a nevedia, že je v nich zlý duch. A mnohé z nich spievajú v zboroch. To je to, čo Ježiš povedal, že sa stane.

108Ženské telo, ony sú telo a krv; ony nie sú bohovia. Podľa môjho názoru (Nech mi Boh odpustí, ak sa mýlim.) je to hromadný striptíz. Ťažko môžete obviniť muža, ak nie je kresťanom, ktorý upadne, a upadne do pokušení na takom mieste, že urobí niečo zlé, až sa sám nevie zdržať. Je to ohromujúce, že sa viac nedejú pustošenia, lebo tak mnohé z nich sú v tom. Ale ak by neboli, ako by ste mohli obviniť muža? Dajte obvinenie tam, kam patrí.

109Nejaká žena povie, "No, brat Branham, ja som tak morálna, ako len..." Nepochybujem o tom, ale, moja sestra, vieš o tom, že sa budeš zodpovedať v deň súdu za spáchanie cudzoložstva, keď sa ukazuješ tam vonku a muži sa na teba dívajú? On povedal, "Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci a bude sa za to musieť zodpovedať." A možno si nespáchala ten skutok, ale ak dovolíš satanovi, aby na teba dal toho ducha, keď sama príroda by ťa mala učiť, že je to zlé... Bez Ducha Božieho, príroda by to mala robiť, učiť vás, že je to zlé.

110Predpovedám, že čoskoro prídu s jednou z týchto vecí, že to znovu bude len figový list. Predpovedal som to pred tridsiatimi rokmi (Vidíte?), nejaká urážka Biblie. Vidíte? Oni to urobia. Je to verejný striptíz.

111No, diabol dnes robí to isté synom Božím. Je to tak. Sledujte naše obchody. Väčšina našich obchodov je kontrolovaná ženami, mnoho z nich. Je to tak. Pozrite sa na naše cirkvi, pozrite sa na náš národ, ako sa synovia Boží hlboko skláňajú pred svätyňami týchto vecí, týmito ženami, keď sú... Pre mňa to nie je nič viac, než verejné prostitútky. Je to hrozná vec, povedať to, ale je to holá pravda. Viem, že ľudia, ktorí počúvajú tieto pásky a veci, povedia tieto veci. Ale ako to môžete robiť? Keď sa takto predvádzate a muži sa na vás dívajú, Ježiš povedal, že ste s nimi spáchali cudzoložstvo. A keď sa ten muž musí zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva; kto to spôsobil, koho je to vina? Je to žena, ktorá sa takto vyzliekla a predviedla alebo predstavila pred tým hriešnikom. Tak je to. Čoho je to znak? Času konca, červené svetlo.

112Materstvo je porušené; národy sa rúcajú. No, ak chcete vidieť, kde to Ježiš povedal, čítajte Matúša 5:28. To je to, kde to bolo. Ženský život bol dôvod a forma... Vrhnutie sa na tú sexuálnu moc bolo tou ruinou... Ak chcete ísť do minulosti, tu sú niektoré národy, u ktorých som sledoval ich pád: jeden bol Egypt, Assýria, Rím, a čo viac, padli skrze moc žien.

113Všimnite si, nie je nič, čo by Boh mohol dať mužovi okrem spasenia lepšie než milú manželku. Nie je žiaden človek, ktorý môže utešiť, žiadna osoba nemôže utešiť osobu, keď je unavená; oni nemajú v nikom dôveru tak, ako vo svojej vlastnej manželke. A akými šťastnými ste, vy bratia, keď máte milú manželku, ktorá je čistá, a priama a morálna a môžete vojsť, keď ste unavení a obtiažení a sadnúť si, a ona sa s vami môže rozprávať. Ona s vami môže urobiť viac než ktokoľvek iný. To je pravda. Ona je klenotom; je kráľovnou.

114Ale pamätajte, žena bola učinená pre muža, nie muž pre ženu. Poslednou stvorenou bytosťou, ktorú Boh kedy stvoril, bol muž. Žena je vedľajším produktom muža. A ona bola učinená pre muža, nie muž učinený pre ženu a opačne. A muž padá pred svätyňou žien. To bola práve tá vec, ktorá to začala na počiatku. To je to, čo sa stalo na začiatku. Keď Boží syn Adam nemohol byť pokúšaný, aby robil zle, satan vošiel do osoby zvanej had, ktorý bol ako človek; a to je to, kde to začalo. A Eva sa dostala spoza Slova Božieho, a to spôsobilo každú bolesť srdca, každý cintorín. Každý hriech, ktorý bol kedy spáchaný, začal rovno tam. Tu je to znovu.

115Čo... Ženy boli príčinou prvého pádu, a ženy zakončujú čas. Ona to začala; ona to končí. Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, že tí, ktorí uniknú zo Sionu, budú slávni v očiach Pánových.

116Keď, Izaiáš 5, on hovoril o tom, ako nemorálnosť žien príde v posledných dňoch, a ako bude tak mnoho šiat, ktoré budú musieť mať, a ako to bude s ich vlasmi a všetko toto. Biblia to hovorí, Izaiáš 5. Ako bude kráčať v topánkach s vysokými opätkami, cinkajúc nohami, ako bude kráčať, potom si zhrnie pančuchy, a tie veci, čo bude robiť, mnoho druhov oblečenia kvôli zmene, a také veci. A povedal, že všetko to od nej bude vzaté preč, a bude sedieť a smrdieť nemorálnosťou. A povedal, že dokonca sedem žien sa vrhne na jedného muža a povedia, "Urobíme našu vlastnú prácu; vezmime proste tvoje meno, aby sme odňali našu hanbu."

117Ale povedal, aká slávna bude tá malá Vetva, ktorá unikne všetkým týmto veciam, bude to svätosť Pánovi v tom dni, keď skutočné, rýdze, znovuzrodené ženy poznajú svoje miesto, hoci budú vysmievané a nazývané hlúpymi a staromódnymi a všetko, ale budú sa správať ako ženy, ako dámy... Stáť ako ženy; obliekať sa ako ženy; rozprávať ako ženy; žiť ako dámy. Áno. Amen. To znamená "nech je tak." Neľakajte sa; to vám neublíži. V poriadku.

118Ježišovo vlastné Slovo povedalo, čo sa stane, to veľké predvádzanie. Tiež povedal, že vo dňoch Lota... Ak si chcete poznačiť to miesto Písma, je to Lukáš 17:28. Povedal, že oni jedli, pili; kupovali; predávali. Obyčajne sú toto legitímne veci. Ale sledujte. A že boli zaneprázdnení... Ale oni do toho vložili celú svoju myseľ.

119A vo dňoch Lota boli ženy tak nízko vo svojej morálke, že až neboli využívané ako ženy zvyknú byť, ale boli prevrátené, že až oni, že sa to stalo tak bežným, že ženy sa stali takými bežnými, že oni, muži žili s mužmi.

120Prevrátenosť prirodzenosti zmenila pozíciu sexuálnych buniek, lebo ženy sa stali tak lacnými.

121Pred niekoľkými dňami som bol v... Tuscone. Išiel som pre bochník chleba, a sedel tam chlapec a dvaja malí chlapci v aute. Ďalší prišiel, aby dostal balíček cigariet. Starý sivovlasý muž sa pozrel dolu, povedal, "Pre koho sú tieto cigarety, pre tvoju matku?"

122Povedal, "Nie, to je pre toho chlapca." Povedal, "Je dosť starý na to, aby ich mohol mať?" Povedal, "Áno, pane."

123Pozrel sa takto dozadu. A stál som s bochníkom chleba a litrom mlieka, sledujúc. A on vyšiel von a povedal, "V poriadku." Dal mu to. Pozrel sa späť na mňa; povedal, "Pochybujem." Povedal som, "On nemôže byť na to dosť starý; on je príliš... On nie je dosť starý na akýkoľvek vek." Povedal, "Súhlasím s vami." Povedal, "Ťažko sa vám s tým prestáva?" Povedal som, "Nikdy som s tým nezačal." Povedal som, "Nikdy som to nezačal." Povedal som, "Moji rodičia fajčili a užívali tabak, ale Pán Boh ma od toho držal."

124Otočil sa a trochu čudne sa na mňa pozrel, a povedal, "Nuž, je to, myslím, že je to zhnitá hanba dnes vidieť, ako..." Povedal, "Zvyklo to byť, že sme stavali ženy na piedestál." Povedal, "Ctili sme si ju; zodvihli sme klobúk v jej prítomnosti. Kráčali sme dolu ulicami... A keď džentlmeni počuli, že niekto mal poznámku o istej žene, oni ho pleskli." Vidíte? A povedal, "Oni si ženy ctili." Ale povedal, "Pane, ženy to samé na seba priniesli." Povedal, "Teraz, oni nevstávajú... Zvykli vstávať v električke... Dáma vstala... Každý muž si zložil klobúk a nechal ju sadnúť si." Povedal, "Teraz, je to tlačenica, zástup." Povedal, "Ony to priniesli samé na seba." A to je pravda. Diabolská jama Hollywoodu ju dostala, produkuje to vonku v televíziách a časopisoch, až sa tá vec stala veľkým, obrovským hrncom špiny. Je to tak.

125Viem, že to nie je populárny výrok, ale je to pravdivý výrok. Je to Pravda. Je to Slovo Pánove, a tiež varovné znamenie, že Kristus príde v tejto generácii. Povedal, "Tí, ktorí uvidia toto, ako sa deje, nezahynú, až kým sa všetky tieto veci nevyplnia." Povedal, "Oboje, nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Je to varovanie, červené svetlo bliká, opona padá. Sme v čase konca.

126Vidíme znamenia Pána Ježiša uzdravujúceho chorých, kriesiaceho mŕtvych, vyháňajúceho zlých duchov. Vidíme, ako robí ľudí zbožnými a svätými skrze Ducha Svätého. Vidíme zmenené životy. Vidíme veľké znamenia; vidíme tajomné znamenia na oblohe ako lietajúce taniere. Pentagon, mnoho ľudí to dáva do televízie, píše o tom, oni nevedia, čo si o tom myslieť. Všetky druhy tajomných znamení, Pán Ježiš prichádza dolu vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa, má urobenú fotku, žije medzi nami, dokazuje, že je ten istý včera...

127Vidíme diať sa všetky tieto veci. Vidíme chladnosť cirkvi. Vidíme narastanie denominácie. Keď vidíte, ako figovník a všetky ostatné stromy vyháňajú svoje puky, Židia sa vracajú, figovník, Židia, vracajúci sa do svojho národa, svojej vlastnej krajiny... Vidíme Presbyteriánov, Metodistov, Baptistov, Luteránov, Letničných, všetky cirkvi, ako vyháňajú svoje listy, prebudenie. On povedal, „Pripravte sa, to je ten čas.“ Keď vidíme, ako sa to deje, to je to, kedy je Boh pripravený zavolať Svojich vyvolených. Potom mnoho a iných znamení, povedal, „Keď vidíte, ako sa ženy stávajú extrémne pekné, keď vidíte synov Božích, ako si ich berú s manželkami, a berú si ich za manželky a robia toto, že, alebo iné,“ povedal, „viete, že je to znamenie.“ Tu to máme.

128No, ešte som si niečo iné zapísal. Pamätáte sa na Lotove dve dcéry (Áno, pamätáme si to.) dolu v meste Sodoma. Ježiš tu povedal v Lukášovi 17, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy...“ Pamätáte sa, že muži zneužívali ženy takým spôsobom, až kým ten prirodzený akt života nebol viac žiadaný. A, ó, je to hrozné, povedať toto spoza kazateľne, ale toto je... Ak to kedy bola Pravda, malo by to vyjsť odtiaľto. A dnes je to také zlé, až je desaťtisíc krát tisícov z nich všade na vzostupe, prevrátenosti: Sodomiti.

129Ako bolo v tom dni, pretože prirodzené používanie ľudského života kvôli množeniu sa na zemi bolo tak zneužité a tak to šlo ďalej, a ten spôsob, akým to išlo, až kým túžba po tom rýchlo upadala. Poviem, že za ďalších desať alebo pätnásť rokov to takmer pominie, ako to teraz rastie. Silné pripomienky... Mám tu o tom niečo od Edgara Hoovera (ale neviem. Mal som, myslel som, že to tu mám položené, ale nemám), čo on o tom povedal.

130A teraz, zisťujeme tieto veci. Ó, Júda vo svojej malej veľkej Knihe, ako to nazývam, v 7. verši, prečítajme to len. Chcem toto prečítať, Júda v 7. verši. Toto je posledná Kniha pred Knihou Zjavenia. Mám to tu poznačené, Júda 7, verš 7. Muži a ženy prinášajú manželské sľuby – porušujú ich, idú za cudzími telami... Počúvajte.

Jako Sodoma a Gomora a mestá okolo nich, ktoré podobným spôsobom ako títo neslýchane smilnili a odišli za iným telom,...

(Vidíte? Ó.)

... smilnili a odišli za iným telom, ležia pred očima na výstražný príklad a nesú trest večného ohňa.

(To je, byť úplne strávený a pominúť.)

131Pred nejakým časom som tu v Los Angeles čakal, alebo som bol v kempe. Šoféroval som hore cestou a mladá dáma, pekné malé dievča, veľmi pekné, išlo hore cestou. A myslel som si, „Určite ide na šou.“ A mala na sebe skromné šaty, len okolo šesť alebo osem palcov široké vpredu, malá troj- alebo štvorpalcová visiaca obruba, a hore na jej tele malé miesto, len dosť na to, aby ste to mohli zhúžvať a schovať každý kúsok toho vo svojej pästi, takto to na nej viselo, mala kovbojský klobúk, a pár čižiem so strapcami. A veľmi atraktívna... Mohol som vidieť, ako by každý mladý muž šliapol na brzdy a všetko, aby sa pri nej zastavil, ako šla vykrúcajúc sa po ceste.

132A chcel som odbočiť do kempu, a šiel som hore naproti kempu. A začal som sa otáčať, aby som sa vrátil. Myslel som, že zastavím, poviem, „Mladá dáma, chcel by som k tebe hovoriť v Mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Hoci si pekné dievča, o tom niet pochýb; hoci máš postavu, že by... Pravdepodobne chceš počuť škrípať brzdy; uvedomuješ si, že ten duch, ktorý ťa vedie do toho, aby si to robila, ťa dovedie do diablovho pekla, kde budeš trpieť po celé veky, ktoré prídu? Uvedomuješ si, že to pekné, malé formované telo, a tie urastené líca, a vlasy, a tak ďalej, a červené pery, možno za ďalších šesť mesiacov budú červíky loziť dnu a von z toho dobre formovaného tela tu v prachu, a tá duša, ktorá tam dnes je, bude v diablovom trápení?“

133Potom ma niečo zastavilo, akoby Boh povedal, „ak to urobíš, zavrú ťa dolu tam do väzenia.“ Vidíte? Tam to máte. Potom som videl Billyho, ako vyšiel a pokynul, že je čas prísť počúvať, ako spievajú „Jemu len ver.“

134Ó. Ako môžu byť ľudia očarení takou vecou ako to? Je to preto, lebo ignorujú Slovo Božie.

135A ďalšia vec je kazateľ za pódiom, ktorý je spojený s týmito organizáciami, ktoré to čítajú a vedia to, je im zakázané povedať niečo o tom, lebo ich vyženú z ich zhromaždenia. A ich cirkvi hľadajú členov. Ale Boh hľadá znovuzrodených svätých... Božích, ktorí budú žiariť ako hviezdy. Boh nech nám pomôže, aby sme boli úprimní a povedali Pravdu, čo Ježiš Kristus povedal. Ale to je deň, v ktorom žijeme. To sú znamenia, o ktorých Ježiš povedal, že budú, a vidíme to rovno pred nami.

136Pozrite. Teraz, znovu v Júdovi 7. kapitole, Sodoma a Gomora... Ó, aká hrozná vec. Neženatí so ženami, idúc za cudzím telom. Muž, ktorý je ženatý so svojou ženou, oni už viac nie sú dvaja; oni sú jedno. A muž, ktorý ide za inou ženu, on sa automaticky oddeľuje od svojej manželky. A žena, ktorá ide za iným mužom, ona je mŕtva svojmu manželovi. Ona zaprela svoje vlastné telo; ona je od neho odrezaná (To je pravda.), v deň súdu sa za to bude musieť zodpovedať.

137Ale dnes oni nechcú počúvať takéto posolstvo. Ľudia to nechcú počúvať. Oni chcú byť šteklení vo svojich ušiach. Presne to, čo mi Duch Svätý povedal v ten deň, keď som tam kládol základný kameň, povedal, „Káž Slovo; buď hotový v čas i nečas, lebo príde čas, kedy neznesú zvuk učenia; ale podľa svojej vlastnej žiadosti sa zahrnú učiteľmi, majúc svrbľavé uši, a budú obrátení od pravdy k bájkam.“ Povedal, „Keď videnie odíde, čítaj 2.Timoteovi 4.“ Povedal, „Nezabudni na 2. Timoteovi 4.“ A keď ma to videnie opustilo, stál som rovno tam na 7.ulici, stál som tam ako devätnásťročný chlapec, hlas Boží prehovoril v tej miestnosti, a povedal, „2.Timoteovi 4.“ To je presne to, čím to je.

138Príde čas, kedy neznesú zvuk učenia. Ľudia chcú niečo... Letniční chcú niečo, čo ich môže potľapkať po chrbte a nechá ich žiť takým spôsobom, akým chcú, a môžu hrať na klavíri štyridsať úderov za sekundu, a skákať hore a dolu, a tancovať, a ženy konajú spôsobom, akým chcú, a muži takisto. Presbyteriáni, Metodisti, Luteráni, a Baptisti, je mnoho úprimných ľudí vo všetkých tých organizáciách. To je presne tak. Ale ten systém ich tak zviazal, až si myslia, že pokiaľ patria do tej cirkvi a ich meno je v tých knihách, tak sú zviazaní s nebom. Vaše meno v knihe tu na zemi neznamená ani toľko [brat Branham luskne prstami – pozn.prekl.] u Boha. Vaše meno musí byť zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života Krvou Ježiša Krista, že vaše hriechy sú odpustené. To je pravda.

139Ale oni chcú ten druh. To je druh pastorov, ktorých chcú. Oni nechcú nič iné. A keď Boh v posledných dňoch zatriasol... Každý Božský dar, ktorý je odporučený v Biblii, každý dar, ktorý Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil, každý dar, a každé znamenie, a každým znamením času konca, všetkým, čo bolo zasľúbené v tejto Biblii, nakoľko to ja môžem vidieť, bolo už zatrasené pred týmto národom, a on sa vrhá naproti peklu tak rýchlo, ako len môže. Povedzte im, oni aj tak bežia. Dovoľte mi dostať sa ešte k niekoľkým Písmam pred tým, než zakončíme. V poriadku. Ó, vydaní na večné zničenie, to je to, čo sú, hovorí Biblia.

140Tento národ leží v tejto istej hnilobe; tá istá sociálna hniloba, tento národ v tom dnes večer leží. Viete to. To nie je vtip. To nie je klebeta; to je pravda: Genesis 6:12. Každé telo bolo porušené; človek chodil svojou vlastnou cestou, vo svojom vlastnom myslení, ignorujúc zákony Božie. To je spôsob, ako to človek robí dnes. Ľudia nechcú počúvať Slovo Božie. Ľudia To nechcú počuť; oni chcú kráčať svojou vlastnou cestou.

141Jezábeľ odmietla počúvať Slovo Pánovo. Ona nechcela nazývať toho starého kučeravého kazateľa, Eliáša, svojím pastorom; ale on tak či tak bol jej pastorom. Tak je to. Boh ho poslal, a on vyhlásil svoje posolstvo. Hoci nevzdelaný, oni nevedia, odkiaľ prišiel, alebo kam chodil. On prišiel na scénu so Slovom Pánovým. On poslal svoje posolstvo, a kázal a odsúdil všetko, čo sa nazývalo hriechom. A tá moderná Jezábeľ obrátila a začarovala ľudí pod čarodejníctvo jej moci, až kým celý národ nebol porušený, a Eliáš tam stál sám na hore. Boh povedal, „Eliáš, nemysli si to. Mám tam dolu sedem tisíc, ktorí sú ešte úprimní vo svojich srdciach.“ To je jeho druhé potiahnutie, a tretie išlo pre nich.

142Ale pamätajte, Boh bol milostivý, a On... A Eliášovo posolstvo odsúdilo tú neveriacu generáciu. Noeho posolstvo odsúdilo tú generáciu a prinieslo súd na tých, ktorí to odmietli počúvať a vyslobodenie pre tých, ktorí tomu verili. A ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka (Genesis 6), ignorujúci Božie zákony. Oni hovoria, „Božie zákony.“

143Božie Slovo dnes hovorí v Biblii... No počúvajte, nehovorím toto žiadnej konkrétnej osobe; som len zodpovedný ako váš brat. Som zodpovedný za to, aby som vám povedal celú pravdu. Ako povedal veľký Svätý Pavol pred tým, ako odišiel, „Nevyhýbal som sa, aby som vám nevyhlásil celú radu Božiu“...

144No, Biblia dnes hovorí, že ženy by si nemali strihať vlasy. Nestarám sa o to, koľkí kazatelia povedia, že je to v poriadku; je to zlé. Nestarám sa o to, koľko cirkví sa toho zastáva; Biblia stále hovorí, že je to zlé. Je to pre ňu hanba, keď tak robí. Ale oni v tom aj tak pokračujú. Pokračujú, čo robia? Vo svojich vlastných mysliach, robia sa samy pekné, ony si myslia, že sú pekné.

145Božie Slovo varuje, aby nerobila tieto veci. Neoblečie si rúcha alebo nohavice, alebo čokoľvek, čo patrí mužovi, ale ona ide rovno ďalej tak isto. Pokúste sa ju zastaviť. Povie, „Kvôli čomu potom vykrikuješ, brat Branham? O čo ti ide? No, ľudia ťa majú radšej, keď ...“ Nestarám sa o to, záleží mi na tom, čo si ľudia myslia, no, neberte ma zle; ale zaujímam sa o to, čo si Boh myslí, a toto je Jeho Slovo. Áno, povedzte jej, že je to zlé robiť to, ona pôjde rovno napred a urobí to aj tak. Vidíte? Prečo? Ženy v celom kresťanstve robia tieto veci, a zdá sa, že cirkev sa o to vôbec nestará. Prečo je to tak? Synovia Boží upadli kvôli žiadosti po ženskom tele a krvi a zapreli samého Boha a Krv, ktorá ich kúpila, aby ich oddelila od tých špinavých vecí. Amen...?... To je pravda. Tak pomôž mi, Bože, je to pravda.

146Pokúste sa ju zastaviť. Myslíte si, že Noeho kázanie malo nejakú prekážku? Nie veru. Ale čo to je? Je to hlas, je to hlas. A keď sme všetci zavolaní na súd, práve to posolstvo, ktoré kážem dnes večer, ma stretne rovno tam slovo za slovom. A potom čo budete robiť? Je to blikajúce červené svetlo.

147Bol čas, tvrdohlavosť medzi ženami. Ideme... Sme tu, aby sme toto proste postavili, pretože tým, že to boli ženy... A čudujete sa, prečo o tom stále vykrikujem. No, idem to položiť, vezmem mnoho miest Písma a umiestnim predtým, ako zakončíme a ukážem vám prečo. A to je dôvod, prečo musím zostať verný tomuto Slovu a každý služobník Boží by mal zostať verný Slovu. Musíte zostať, lebo musí byť niekde hlas, ktorý proti tomu kričí. Nestarám sa, čo ostatní z nich robia; vy nie ste za nich zodpovední; vy sa zodpovedáte ako jednotlivec. Nezodpovedáte sa ako Metodista; nezodpovedáte sa ako Baptista alebo Letničný; zodpovedáte sa ako jednotlivec pred Bohom za svoj vlastný život.

148A vidíme tieto znamenia, a oni v tom predsa pokračujú. Povedzte jej, že je to zlé; pozrite sa, čo povie: tvrdohlavosť. To je presne to, čo urobila Eva. Eva vedela lepšie než to urobiť. Či nevedela? Ona mala Slovo Božie. Povedala, „V ten deň, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, zomriete.“ Nuž, prečo to urobila? Chcela svoju vlastnú cestu. A prečo si ženy budú strihať vlasy? Prečo ženy budú nosiť tieto šaty, a Biblia hovorí, že to je presne to, čo budú robiť? A tá vec, že to robia, ony sú všetky odsúdené. Je to presne tak. Ale prečo to ona robí? Ona má svoje vlastné ja. Tak veru. Ona ide mať svoju vlastnú cestu. A cirkev na to nič nepovie, a cirkev by mala byť Nevestou Ježiša Krista a nič na to nepovie.

149Povedzte jednej z nich o tom, viete, čo povedia? Práve to, akokeby povedali, „Žiadna stará Biblia mi nebude stáť v ceste, aby som mala nejakú zábavu.“ Tam, presne. Povedzte im, že je to napísané v Biblii... Ó, ony možno nepovedia tieto slová, ale to je to, čo vyjadrujú. Počuli ste niekedy to staré porekadlo, „Skutky hovoria hlasnejšie ako slová“? Nuž potom, je to tak? Skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než slová. Nezáleží na tom, čo hovoríte, váš život hovorí tak hlasno, až ľudia nedokážu počuť vaše svedectvo. Ako som dnes ráno povedal, skáčte len tak vysoko, ako žijete. Vidíte? Vaše skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než vaše slovo. A vy takisto môžete vyjsť a povedať to, lebo vaše vlastné slová hovoria, vaše vlastné slová... Nezáleží na tom, čo to je, vaše skutky hovoria, čo ste. Ak hovoríte niečo odlišné od toho, čo v skutočnosti ste, stáva sa to pokrytectvom. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, ako môžete hovoriť dobré veci, keď zo srdca hovorí, zo srdca hovoria ústa?“ Vidíte, oni hovorili niečo, čo si naozaj nemysleli. A ženy tak... len to povedali. Ó. „Aby som mala svoju vlastnú...?... zábavu.“

150Čo sa stalo? Z manželstva... Tu je ďalšie miesto v Biblii. Z manželstva pochádza sľub poslúchať... poslúchať. Správkyňa domu, zdržanlivá, majúca dobré skutky. Smeje sa vám do tváre a ide k nejakej púdrovej rastline, do niekoho kancelárie. „Môj manžel...“ Ó, pochybujem o tom. A ak tieto inštitúcie dnes... Taká hanba, dať ženu do policajného zboru. Ak to nie je znakom skazenosti v ktoromkoľvek meste. Ako sú mnohí muži mimo práce a oni tam musia dať ženy, keď Biblia povedala, aby zostala doma a bola zdržanlivou správkyňou domu. Ale ona drží všetky šéfovské knihy. Mali by ste ju vidieť... To je... Ja teraz nehovorím o dobrých ženách. Nehádžem toto na vás, ženy, ktoré ste naozaj zbožné ženy. Boh nech vás žehná. Tie, ktoré sú pri páskach, alebo kdekoľvek inde. Ale ja hovorím o tom, že keď nájdete jednu takú, tak nájdete tisíc päťsto z tej druhej strany. Ony nebudú počúvať slovo. „Nechaj si svoju Bibliu; káž samému sebe. Nechceme to počúvať.“

151Poslúchať... Ó. Ona môže povedať toto, „Hovor svoj príbeh o Biblii niekomu inému. Nechaj si svojho Boha pre niekoho iného a nechaj ma na pokoji. Prečo na mňa vykrikuješ? Nikdy som ťa neprosila, aby si hovoril tieto veci.“ Ja viem, ale Boh to urobil. Vidíte? Tak to je všetko.

152Tak oni stále porušujú tú cestu. Práve ako robili vo dňoch Pánových, práve tak, ako to robili v tom dni, tak robia dnes presne to isté. Nezmenilo sa to; nemení sa to; nezmení sa to.

153Mládežnícka kriminalita konečne dostáva ich deti; väzenie dostáva časť žien a mužov; a peklo berie celú vec. To je presne tak. Oheň ich všetkých pohlcuje. A zdá sa, že kázanie ide ponad ich chrbty. Oni to nikdy nepočúvajú. Oni budú mať svoju vlastnú... Môžete im povedať, že Biblia toto povedala; povedia, „Nechaj si svoju Bibliu. My budeme mať svoju zábavu.“

154Môžem počuť niektoré z vás sestier, ako teraz hovoríte, možno nie práve teraz, ale počujem vás hovoriť, „Kto, ja, poslúchať môjho manžela? Hm, ja dosiahnem, aby on poslúchal mňa.“ Nuž, to je to, kde sa mýlite. „Zostať doma, zdržanlivá? Nestarám sa o to, čo o tom hovorí Biblia; nechajte ma na pokoji.“ Počúvaj, sestra, to nebolo tam v temných vekoch, to je hlas dneška. To sa nikdy nestalo, až tam v tom predpotopnom svete, a deje sa to aj dnes. To je tá istá vec.

155Znovu hovoria, „Ja som moderná žena. Žijem v Amerike.“ Nuž, to nie je viac, akoby si žila v prasačom chlieve. To nebude pre Boha robiť žiaden rozdiel, kde si žila. Ty si to, čo si vo svojom srdci. Tak je to. A nemysli si, sestra, že si tak moderná, že si jednou z tých moderných žien, ako chceš dnes povedať; ty si tam odtiaľ, podľa tejto Biblie, z tých temných vekov v predpotopnom čase, v čase Noeho; to je to, kedy robili tú istú vec. Tak ty nie si nakoniec tak veľmi moderná, však? Vidíte? To je spôsob, ako sa správali v predpotopnom svete. Vidíte? A to je spôsob, ako sa správajú dnes, tak to musí byť znovu temný vek, späť vo veľkej temnote.

156A vy muži, ktorí to necháte svoje manželky robiť, nie ste viac synovia Boží. Nie, tak trochu ste padli do Sodomy (Je to pravda.), necháte, aby vám ženy rozkazovali. Ó.

157Neviem, či to povedať alebo nie. Radšej preskočím túto časť. Ale... V poriadku. Toto je hrozné. Ale všetko je to o tomto veku, na ktorý sa dívame. Vidíme zapnuté červené svetlo, blikajúce?

Trúba Pánova bude znieť, a času viacej nebude,

Ráno sa prelomí, večné, jasné a svetlé;

Potom Jeho vyvolení sa spolu zídu (z prachu zeme)

do svojho domova za oblakmi... (Ó, aký deň to bude. V poriadku. Ó, áno.)

158Choďte späť do Sodomy. Nebojte sa, čaká tam atómová bomba, aby to celé vyčistila (Je to pravda.), vyčistila celý svet. Urobí to. A potom to bude celé znovu obnovené, ako sme videli pod Šiestou Pečaťou, pre vykúpenú skupinu ľudí, ktorá prijala Pána Ježiša, ktorí sa stali kresťanmi, ktorí predali svoje starosti a svoje módy tohto sveta a prišli k Ježišovi Kristovi, a hľadia na Neho a na Neho Samého, na Jeho pokorný, jednoduchý program, prísť a uveriť v Neho a prijať Večný Život. A ak poviete, že máte Večný Život a nesúhlasíte s touto Bibliou, váš Večný Život nie je Večný Život, ktorý dáva Boh. Ste zvedení smrťou a nie Životom. Tak je to.

159No, ó, bojte sa Boha a dodržujte Jeho Slovo, lebo toto je plné prikázanie. Červené svetlá blikajú, a čas je blízko. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho... Vidíte, oni vzali zákonnú vec a prevrátili ju. Oni vzali jedenie a vzali pitie, a položili stavanie a položili všetky tieto ďalšie veci, a prevrátili to. No, Ježiš očakáva, že postavíme domov. Vidíte? Ale pozrite sa len, čo sa v tom stalo. Jedenie, On očakáva, že budeme jesť; to je pravda. Ale pozrite sa, čo sa v tom stalo. Pitie, očakávame, že budeme piť naše vody a čokoľvek musíme robiť, ale namiesto toho to oni vzali do drinkov a liehu a všetkého, do koktailov, privádzajúc do toho svoje ženy. Vidíte?

160A čo nárast populácie, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho? Čo krása žien neustále stúpajúca, viac a viac? Vidíte? Červené svetlo... A čo ten čas, kedy sa ženy stávajú, keď budú také, aké boli: náhle, naduté, a všetko; nič im nemôžete povedať. Kážte im Slovo, ony v tom aj tak budú pokračovať. Vidíte? Čo sa stane? Presne tak, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho: jedného dňa sa dvere milosti zavrú. Potom Písmo hovorí, Svätyňa sa stane plná dymu. To znamená, že Prostredník od toho odišiel. A tak dlho, ako tam Baránok stále je, ako som povedal dnes ráno, alebo niekde, kde som kázal, že tak dlho, kým tam je Baránok, aby robil prostredníka, je tam stále milosť. Ale akú istotu máme, keď vidíme, že vlak je už v blok, keď vidíme príchod Pánov, blikanie Svetla...

161Ako by som mohol hovoriť o iných veciach, o ktorých vieme, že On zasľúbil robiť v tých posledných dňoch, a vidíme to rovno pred nami. A potom vidíme našu – túto tému dnes večer, iného blikajúceho červeného svetla, ako to zlé správanie medzi našimi ženami, a veci, ktoré robia tak, ako robia. Vidíme to ukazovať... Každý míľnik, všetko, každá ihla, každý kompas je nastavený rovno na Jeho príchod.

162Sme na konci. Nie je nič iné, o čom viem, že by sa malo stať, okrem príchodu Pánovho. A potom, môj drahý priateľ, ktorý si mimo Krista, čo si o tomto myslíš? Jednoducho odpočívaš... Úprimne, priateľ, chcem sa ťa opýtať jednoduchú otázku, oddychuješ len na nejakej malej senzácii, ktorú si mal, alebo nejakom, možno, niečo, čo si mal? Možno si bol raz šťastný a tancoval si tam ako mnohí ľudia svätosti a Letniční, a Nazaréni, a Pútnici Svätosti. Oni veria, že keď sú dosť šťastní na to, aby tancovali, tak to je to. A potom si ostriháš svoje vlasy, nosíš šortky? Viedol by ťa Duch Svätý do toho, keď to On v Biblii odsudzuje?

163A čo vy, ktorí hovoríte, „No, ja patrím k cirkvi. Ja som Letničný; ja som Metodista (alebo čokoľvek som); ja som člen. Moja matka je zakladajúci člen cirkvi. Ja som bol zakladajúci člen cirkvi.“ A práve ten duch, ktorý je na vás, vás vedie, aby ste robili veci, ktoré Biblia odsudzuje, aby ste robili. Poviete, „Hovorím v jazykoch, brat Branham. No, toho sa nechop. Hovoril som v jazykoch, a to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého.“ Ak tvoj život... Ak si stále striháš svoje vlasy, ak stále robíš tieto veci, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, aby si nerobila, mohla by si hovoriť v jazykoch celý deň a noc, a stále to nemá nič spoločné s Bohom. Strom sa pozná podľa svojho ovocia.

164Starnem. Viem to. Každý deň mám novú bolesť a žiaľ. Každý z nás má. Taktiež môžete povedať pravdu. Myslel som si, „Bože, nenechaj ma...“ Jedna z najbiednejších vecí je vidieť muža alebo ženu, ktorý nikdy neprijal Krista a žije len ako starý konzervatívny člen cirkvi, podlejší než sám satan, a vidieť ho tam vonku s – šomrajúceho na niečo, „Nuž, poviem ti, ja neverím v...“ Boh nikdy... To je, to je, to je najhroznejšia koruna, ktorou môže satan korunovať život. Namrzená stará žena, okolo šesťdesiatky, sedemdesiatky so sadlom visiacim pod ramenami, a vráskami po celej tvári, a vlasmi vystrihanými nakrátko, a štyri alebo päť rôznych farieb, a vykračuje si dolu v malých šortkách; ak to nie je korunovanie satana, nikdy som to nevidel, alebo nejaký starý namrzený muž...

165Ó, Bože, ja viem, daj mi milosť nikdy sa nesťažovať. A chcem, aby môj život, Pane, chcem, aby život mojich ľudí... Bože, daj to, aby náš život mohol byť korunovaný bez ohľadu na to, či trpíme, čokoľvek sa deje, koľkí sa obrátia proti mne... Ja viem túto jednu vec, v mojom živote, ako starnem, moji priatelia, prameň za mnou sa čoskoro vyčerpá, užší a užší, ako idem dolu cestou. A viem jednu vec, stane sa to za chvíľu, že nebude nikoho, kto by prišiel ku mne a povedal, opýtal si odo mňa radu. Tí, ktorí ma poznajú z mojich mladých dní, budú už preč, ak budem žiť. Mojich priateľov ubúda a ubúda, ako teraz starnem.

166A viem, že jedného dňa musím zomrieť. Dúfam, že Boh nikdy nenechá satana, aby ma korunoval ako starého namrzeného, ľahostajného muža, a moju ženu ako starú sekírujúcu ženu, alebo vašu ženu, alebo vás takým spôsobom. Modlím sa, brat, aby naše životy boli korunované ovocím Ducha: láskou, radosťou, znášanlivosťou, miernosťou, trpezlivosťou, pravdou, vierou v Ducha Svätého.

167Môj život sa zužuje... Asi pred tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi som tu stál za kazateľňou ako malý chlapec. Dnes večer som starý šedivý muž, a plešatý, so zhrbenými plecami; som zlomený. Môj život dobieha, a tie nite sa stávajú krehkými, ako kráčam ďalej. Ako sa pohybujem dolu prúdom, mojich priateľov ubúda. Po chvíli to príde k miestu, možno, že už sa nebudem tak tešiť z piesní, ako som zvykol. A možno moje vnúčatá, deti musia povedať, „Neznervózňujte starého otca.“ Môže to k tomu prísť, ak budem žiť.

168Potom to dôjde až do toho, že nebudem môcť vstať zo stoličky. Jedného rána príde do izby oblak; presuniem sa cez hranicu k smrti, aby ma vzala. Ona ma len môže vziať za ruku a previesť ma k môjmu Majstrovi. Ona nie je mojím otrokárom; nie som jej otrokom; ona je mojím otrokom. Kristus pre mňa premohol smrť. Je len jedna vec, ktorú môže urobiť, a to je potiahnuť ma do Prítomnosti môjho Učiniteľa. Keď bude tento zemský stánok zrušený...

169V ten moment, keď matka ide mať dieťa, všimnite si (Nestarám sa o to, aká bola krutá a aká podlá), malú chvíľu predtým, ako sa má dieťa narodiť, matka sa stáva jemnou. Prečo je to tak? Keď tie malé svaly v tom lone takto šklbú a skáču, čaká tam na to nebeské telo. A keď vyjde z matky, lekár, alebo pôrodná sestra, ktokoľvek to je, ho musí vybrať a zatriasť s ním, tľapnúť ho, poklepať ho, alebo niečo; a potom chytá dych života. A ten malý anjelský duch vchádza do neho, dych života; a stáva sa živou dušou. A keď máme Krista v našom srdci, a Kristus sa stáva skutočným v našom srdci, je to malé dieťa.

170Keď je tento zemský stánok zrušený... Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14... Poviem toto na záver. On povedal, „Nech sa vaše srdcia neznepokojujú; keď veríte v Boha, verte aj vo Mňa; lebo v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Idem a pripravím vám miesto (keď bude tento zemský stánok zrušený, máme jeden)... idem a pripravím vám miesto, aby ste tam, kde som Ja, aj vy boli.“ Chce, aby sme boli s Ním...

171Potom viem, keď je toto malé dieťa Kristus formované novým narodením... Keď všetok ostatný život sa prelamuje, celý smrteľný život a všetko je preč, potom bude treba niečo, čo by mnou zatriaslo. A na to treba smrť. Smrť ti dáva ten šok, keď ťa zasiahne, ale to ťa iba znovu narodí do nového Kráľovstva, tam na druhej strane, kde nie je choroba, žiaľ, žiadna staroba, alebo niečo. Bože, pomôž nám.

172Ako, priateľ, môžeš kedy odmietnuť niečo také, keď vidíš, že nie je žiadna nádej vo svete mimo Ježiša Krista. Červené svetlo bliká.

Národy už hynú, Izrael sa budí;

Tie znamenia, ktoré Biblia predpovedala;

(Ženy si strihajú vlasy, nosia šortky. Červené svetlo svieti. Vidíte?)

Dni pohanov sú zrátané, obťažení hrôzou.

Vráťte sa, ó, vyhnaní, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia blíži sa,

a mŕtvejú ľudské srdcia.

Buďte plní Ducha,

majte lampy čisté.

Hľaď hore, tvoje vykúpenie blíži sa.

173Milujem Ho; chcem, aby ste Ho milovali. A ako skloníme naše hlavy na chvíľu v slove modlitby na záver... Červené svetlá blikajú; signál je zapnutý; príchod Pánov je blízko. On hovorí k národom; hovorí k ľuďom; hovorí skrze znamenia a zázraky. Ako sme vzali Sodomu a ukázali, ako Anjel prišiel k Abrahámovi, znamenia, ktoré predviedol práve predtým, ako spadol oheň, vidíme to.

174Povedal, „Vo dňoch Lota oni stavali; predávali.“ Pozrite sa na to dnes. A ako dni Noeho, ženy sa stávajú peknými, synovia Boží upadajú, ľudské telo je uctievané vo forme žien, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa dejú, o ktorých sme dnes večer hovorili. Svetlo bliká; príchod Pánov je blízko. Si stále iba členom cirkvi? Si si istý, môj priateľ? Ako vieš, či prežiješ noc? Pozri sa na brata Waya, ako tu dnes ráno stál, v momente, keď sa obracal, aby si s niekým potriasol ruku, padol mŕtvy rovno vo svoje chodbičke. Boh možno nebude taký milý ku tebe, aby ti dal ďalšiu príležitosť. Ty nevieš, v ktorej minúte to srdce urobí svoj posledný úder. Pomysli na to.

175Príchod Kristov bliká svoje znamenie. Pozrite sa na nich. Pozrite sa, či to, čo som vám dnes večer povedal... Možno to nebude veľmi populárne, ale je to Pravda. Je to to, čo Boh povedal, a tu to máme.

176Ženy nechcú zostať doma. Ony sa nechcú starať o svoje rodiny. Ony si len najmú opatrovateľku a idú von niekde na večierok. Mládežnícki delikventi, všetky veci sa dejú: strihajú si vlasy, nosia šortky, make-up. Nárast v kráse stúpa stále viac a viac. Muži, synovia Boží upadajú; je to satanova pasca, ktorú používa, aby synovia Boží do toho padli, práve ako Ježiš povedal. Musí sa to stať. On povedal, že to tam bude, a tu to je. Povedal, „Keď sa budú diať tieto veci, táto generácia nepominie, a to je štyridsať rokov, až kým tieto veci nebudú vyplnené.“ Pomyslite na to.

177Si stále len člen zboru? Urobil si zle? Pozri na... Preskúmajte dnes večer svoj život, muži, ženy. Pozrite sa na seba, pozrite sa na svoje vlastné zlyhania. Čo vo vašom súčasnom stave... Ak by bol Kristus na zemi a kázal toto... Poviete, „Ak by On... Ak by som Ho to počul kázať, činil by som pokánie.“ Ak áno, toto je Jeho vlastné Slovo dnes večer; urobíš to teraz.

178Ak si bez Boha a vieš... „Ó,“ poviete, „Patrím do cirkvi; hovoril som v jazykoch. Ja ne... ja...“ To odkladáme nabok. Pozrite sa na seba. Skontrolujte teraz svoj život s Božím Slovom. Ste tou osobou, ktorá odíde a povie, „Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí Biblia, brat Branham, myslím, že sa mýliš.“ To nie som ja, kto sa mýli. Ak na tom nie je niečo správne, to je Slovo. A ešte nepoznáš Boha, a nie si si istí, že keby mal Ježiš prísť v tejto hodine, či budeš pripravený ísť... Prečo by si sa zahrával, keď vidíš, že smrť je tak blízko, keď vidíme, že koniec je tak blízko.

179Ak je tu niekto, skloňte teraz svoje hlavy, kto chce byť spomenutý v modlitbe, ako zakončujeme, pozdvihol by si len ruku a povedal, „Brat, modli sa za mňa.“ Boh nech ťa žehná, sestra, Boh nech ťa žehná, brat, sestra. Ó, po celej budove. To je to.

180Vezmime teraz len malý súpis. Teraz vy, sestry, so všetkou dobrou vierou a nádejou, len pomyslite na toto. „Naozaj som poslúchala Boha? Skutočne, kde je moja túžba? Brat Branham, stále robím tieto veci. Cítim sa dobre; cítim sa šťastne.“ Viete, že pohania sa cítia tak isto šťastní. Viete, opitý človek je práve tak šťastný pod vplyvom liehu, ako ste vy, vplyv liehu. A ak ste šťastní pod vplyvom čohokoľvek, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, je to diabol. Ak poviete, „Som spokojný vo svojom zbore,“ a počujete, ako je kázané Slovo Božie, a nezhodujete sa s Tým, si inšpirovaný nesprávnou vecou. Nezáleží na tom, aká je tvoja inšpirácia... Videl som ich kričať, a skákať, a vykrikovať, a všetko, a piť krv z ľudskej lebky, a vyvolávať diabla (Je to tak.), práve tak šťastní, ako ste kedy mohli byť. Pohanstvo produkuje práve toľko psychológie ako čokoľvek iné, psychológia mysle. Ale prežitie Krista je zo srdca, to mení celý formu, mení osobu na nové stvorenie. Myslite na to skutočne poriadne.

181Pozrite sa na seba. Len si predstavte pred sebou zrkadlo; pozeráte sa na seba. „Som čestný? Som úprimný? Skutočne, vo svojom srdci, slúžim Pánovi?“ Poviete, „Slúžim Tomu.“ Pozrite sa dovnútra, vy ženy s ostrihanými vlasmi, nosíte šortky, pozrite sa na seba, ktoré robíte tieto veci. Pozrite sa na seba, muži, ktorí necháte svoje ženy... Len poviete, „Som syn Boží; alebo som Sodomita?“

182A vy ženy poviete, „Som naozaj modernou ženou, alebo som nejakým predpotopným niečím, o čom Ježiš povedal, že tu bude znovu v posledných dňoch?“ Premyslite to. Pozrite sa na seba. Vidíte?

183Vaša vlastná bytosť vyjadruje, čo ste. A ak nie ste v poriadku, budete dostatočne úprimní, len buďte teraz úprimní, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedzte, „Kriste, nedržím svoju ruku pre brata Branhama ani pre žiadnu inú osobu, ale pre Teba. Ale mýlim sa. Odpusť mi. Brat Branham sľúbil, že sa bude za mňa modliť; teraz idem zodvihnúť svoju ruku, poviem, 'Ježiš, zmiluj sa nado mnou dnes večer. Zachráň ma pre Krista; nechcem byť stratený. Celý tento život, ktorý si mi dal, bola by to tá najhroznejšia vec, keby som to len odhodil preč, keď mám túto zlatú príležitosť dnes večer skutočne vidieť na vlastné oči, že červené svetlá blikajú na každej strane príchod Pánov, to zasľúbenie, že On ukáže tieto znamenia, že On uzdraví chorých, vzkriesi mŕtvych a vyženie démonov, bude skupina málo ľudí, len menšina, z ktorej si svet bude robiť žarty a nazývať škaredými menami a tak ďalej, ako toto.'“

184A oni nás musia nazývať zlými menami; oni musia Pravdu nazývať zlými menami. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek povie slovo proti Synovi človeka, bude mu odpustené,“ keď On robí práve tú istú vec, ktorú ste videli, On povedal, „Ale ktokoľvek bude hovoriť proti Svätému Duchu, keď príde a bude robiť tie isté veci, nebude mu nikdy odpustené v tomto svete.“ Vidíte, oni to musia robiť. Musí byť Posolstvo ako toto, aby si z neho ľudia robili žarty, aby ukázali Božiu spravodlivosť, aby odsúdila celý svet a zničila ho.

185Pokiaľ je milosť a niekto stojí v medzere, Ježiš Kristus, dnes večer v otvorených dverách, neprijmeš Ho, môj priateľ?

186No, zvyčajne je to prísť k oltáru. To je v poriadku; nemám nič proti tomu. Ale Písmo povedalo, „Toľkí, koľkí uverili, boli pokrstení.“ Z celého svojho srdca, ak odovzdáte svoj život Ježišovi Kristovi rovno tam, kde sedíte, rovno tam, kde ku vám hovoril, keď ste zodvihli svoju ruku...

187Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol povolať tohto muža späť do života, ktorý ležal mŕtvy rovno predo mnou dnes ráno, aby vám potvrdil, že vám hovorím pravdu... Kto môže kriesiť mŕtvych okrem Boha? Správne. Tak to nie je váš malý zlomený pastor tu; je to Kristus, ktorý vás miluje. A On vám dnes večer vyjadruje, „Počuli ste pravdu; videli ste pravdu. Je to z Môjho Slova. Videli ste Moje Slovo zavolané späť. Vidíte Moje Slovo predpovedať tieto veci. Vidíte, ako sa to presne deje počas všetkých tých rokov bez jediného zlyhania.“

188No, čo urobíte s Ježišom, zatiaľ čo červené svetlo bliká. Prečo neurobíte toto; zahoďte ten starý sáčok svetských arašidov. Prečo nezahodíte ten starý časopis „Pravdivý príbeh“, a tú starú haraburdu, cez ktorú ťaháte svoju dušu každý deň. Prečo netresknete ten televízor do kúta, a neotočíte ho, keď vás drží preč od cirkvi? Prečo neodložíte bokom každú ťarchu, ktorá vás tak ľahko zavaľuje? Prečo nepozdvihnete svoje srdce ku Kristovi a nepoviete, „Kriste, dnes večer som skončil. Pripravujem sa. Vidím, že prichádzaš. Zdvíham Kufor, Božiu Bibliu, ktorá je nabalená Večným Životom, a odteraz budem z Toho žiť.“ Neurobíte to, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme?

189Náš Nebeský Otče, nechcel som byť hrubý, v žiadnom prípade, Pane, ale posolstvo ukazuje na čas, nie na jednotlivca, na žiadnu konkrétnu osobu, ale ukazuje na čas. Je čas, keď sa zdá, že Duch Svätý ma do toho tlačí, aby som toto vzal. Ako po mnoho, mnohokrát za touto kazateľňou sme ukázali na dni Lota, dni Sodomy, dni, o ktorých Ježiš hovoril, znamenia času, príchodu Pánovho mnohými spôsobmi... A po tom všetkom, ako som tak tvrdo hovoril proti ženám tohto dňa a po celej krajine, potom, Otče, myslel som si, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý ku mne hovoril, aby som povedal ľuďom, prečo som toto urobil. Je to preto, že Tvoje inšpirované Slovo tak preskúmalo moje srdce, že som proste nemohol zostať ticho.

190Nejakých skoro päťdesiat alebo sedemdesiatpäť rúk v budove sa zodvihlo, Otče, nad hrubým, sekajúcim Slovom Pánovým, ale prinieslo ich To do šoku, aby vedeli, že tá píšťalka píska. Svätí sa všetci zhromažďujú spolu. Národy sa trhajú na kusy. Znamenia prichádzajú, červené svetlo svieti, a vidíme podľa skutkov, ukazujúcich na naše ženy dnes večer tohto dňa, aké budú, podľa toho, čo povedala Biblia, a tu ich máme.

191Neomylný Hlas Ježiša Krista nás varoval, aby sme sledovali dni Noeho a porovnali ich s dňom, v ktorom žijeme. A potom, keď vidíme, ako sa tieto veci dejú, ženy sa stávajú peknými a synovia Boží ich berú, a ako budú tieto veci; potom vieme, že tá generácia uvidí príchod Pánov;potom vieme, že to blikajúce svetlo, Jeho príchod je blízko.

192Modlím sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si požehnal každého, kto zodvihol svoju ruku. Ponúkam len túto pokornú, úprimnú modlitbu, a viem, že ma vypočuješ. Keď si bol tak láskavý k bratovi Wayovi dnes ráno, a nechal si, aby tá pokorná malá modlitba naštartovala znovu chod toho srdca, úprimná láska k bratovi, ktorý padol na lono svojej manželky, studený a mŕtvy... Pane, nech ľudia dnes večer vedia, že byť mŕtvy v hriechu a previneniach je oveľa nebezpečnejšie než zomrieť fyzickou smrťou; lebo nie je nikto, kto by ťa mohol chytiť v tom čase, keď prejdeš za oponu v hriechu a previneniach. Daj dnes večer, Pane, aby každá duša, ktorá zodvihla svoju ruku... Predkladám túto modlitbu v Mene Pána Ježiša, že do ich života príde taká revolúcia, že bude taký zámer v ich srdci, taký zámer v ich srdci, že už viac nebudú hrešiť proti Bohu, že od tejto hodiny budú stáť na Božom večnom, požehnanom Slove a budú sýtení Jeho Svätým Duchom a vedení po cestách Života deň po dni, ako budú putovať ďalej od tejto hodiny.

193Náš nebeský Otče, možno ich už neuvidím; možno si už nebudem môcť s nimi potriasť ich fyzickou rukou tu na tejto zemi, hoci by som to rád urobil. Ale, Pane Bože, modlím sa, aby bola táto modlitba vypočutá. A Ty si povedal vo Svojom Slove, „Ten, kto počuje Moje Slovo a uverí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ V mojom pokornom spôsobe prinášania Božej pravdy dnes večer, mnohí počuli Slovo. No, Ty si zasľúbil, že ich spasíš, a nezahynú, že žiaden človek ich nemôže vytrhnúť z Tvojej ruky, že ich vzkriesiš v posledných dňoch, ani jeden vlas z ich hlavy nezhynie. Zasľúbil si to.

194Teraz, ako ten, čo sa modlí, ako služobník, Pane, a ako ich brat, modlím sa túto modlitbu a kladiem ich do rúk Božích, aby ani jedno zranenie nebolo nikdy schopné prísť k nim a satan ich nevytrhne z ruky Božej. Oni sú Tvoji, trofeje. Teraz, verím, že im dáš dlhý život, a ak je to možné, nech vidia príchod Pána Ježiša. Nech odídu dnes večer odtiaľto ako tí, čo získajú duše, aby povedali ostatným, aby ich priviedli do zachraňujúceho poznania Krista. Daj to, je to celé v Tvojich rukách, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

195Zatiaľ čo máme na chvíľu sklonené svoje hlavy, som zvedavý, či je tu taká osoba teraz prítomná, ktorá cíti, že zatiaľ čo sme sa modlili, že niečo zvláštne sa stalo v tvojom srdci, a cítiš to od teraz, že budeš žiť posvätený život pre Krista, a vidíš príchod Pánov na blízku, veríš, že to, čo som kázal, je pravda, o tomto blikajúcom červenom svetle, o tom, ako sa veci majú, a vieš, že to je Slovo Pánovo, lebo je to Kristus, a od dnešného večera veríš, že budeš žiť lepší, bližší život ku Kristovi, lebo modlitba, ktorú si sa modlil dnes večer a to vyznanie, ktoré si urobil, a so svojou sklonenou hlavou, len pozdvihni svoju ruku, povedz, „Verím tomu. Od tohto večera budem žiť iný život.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobré; to je proste nádherné. Verím, že prakticky každý, možno, kto zodvihol ruku pred chvíľou, pozdvihol svoju ruku, že oni to prijali.

196Teraz, ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov, pamätajte, nie je iné meno pod nebom dané ľuďom, ktorým by mali byť spasení, okrem Mena Ježiša Krista. Pamätajte, je len jedna Nevesta, Nevesta Kristova, a tá nesie Jeho Meno.

197No, a ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení ponorením do vody v Mene Ježiša Krista, dovoľte mi ako Jeho služobníkovi... Ak vám Boh dokázal znameniami a zázrakmi a Svojím Slovom, že vám hovorím pravdu, nariaďujem vám, ako to urobil Svätý Pavol v Skutkoch 19, ktorý našiel skupinu Baptistov. Boli pokrstení Jánom Krstiteľom; povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého, odkedy ste uverili?“ Povedali, „Vieme... či je nejaký Duch Svätý.“ Povedal, „Tak na čo ste potom boli pokrstení?“ Povedali, „Boli sme už pokrstení Jánom Krstiteľom v Jordáne, tým istým mužom, ktorý krstil Ježiša Krista.“

198To musel byť úžasný krst, ale Pavol povedal, „Teraz to nie je dobré.“ Nariadil im, že musia byť pokrstení znovu v Mene Ježiša Krista: Skutky 19:5. A Pavol povedal, „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal nejaké iné Evanjelium ako toto, ktoré som kázal ja, nech je prekliaty.“ Galaťanom 1:8. Potom to znovu zopakoval, povedal, „Ako som povedal, tak hovorím znovu, hoci by anjel (nieto ešte kazateľ, biskup, pápež, alebo čokoľvek on môže byť) ak by anjel prišiel z neba, cherubín, z neba a kázal by iné Evanjelium ako to, nech je prekliaty.“ Potom vám prikazujem, ak ste nikdy neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista, zatiaľ čo je voda v bazéne, a rúcha čakajú, poďte a dajte sa pokrstiť, vzývajúc Meno Pánovo; a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha; lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si Pán, náš Boh, povolá.

199Náš nebeský Otče, teraz je to na Tebe. Presvedčiť ľudí, pokúšam sa, ale ľudí prinútiť, to nemôžem. A Ty nikdy nekonáš proti ľudskej vôli, lebo ak je muž alebo žena predurčený do Večného Života, keď Svetlo Božie zasvieti na to semeno, to príde do života. A ak je medzi nami dnes večer Život, Otče, na ktorý si zasvietil Svoje Svetlo, a oni videli Pravdu, nech pokorne a sladko kráčajú k bazénu, aby boli pokrstení do Mena Tvojho milovaného Syna Ježiša Krista.

200Čo vieme, že každá osoba v Písme bola, musela byť pokrstená a prekrstená... Tí, ktorí neboli pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista, museli byť prekrstení. A ten veľký apoštol, ktorý mal kľúče Kráľovstva, povedal na deň Letníc, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť v Mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov, aby mohli byť vaše hriechy odpustené. A potom je pre vás zasľúbenie Ducha Svätého.“ Daj, aby to bolo dnes večer vynesené von v plnej miere, Otče.

201Zverujem ich teraz Tebe. Vezmi týchto pár slov a rozjímanie môjho srdca a nech je to prijateľné v Tvojich očiach, ó, Pane, a zakotvi to vo Svojich deťoch a daj im Večný Život. Zachráň všetkých tých, ktorí môžu byť zachránení a uzdrav tých, ktorí sú chorí. Nech milosť Božia spočinie na každom z nich, ako ich porúčame Tebe v Ježišovom Mene.

202Teraz, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, požiadam našu sestru, ktorá hrá na klavíri, aby sem prišla. Len chvíľu, len ešte o päť minút viac. A ak sú tu nejakí, ktorí túžia byť pokrstení, ktorí urobili vyznanie a uverili... Ak veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží, a veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca, nie len emocionálne, ale veríte tomu, a ste pripravení vyznať, že ste sa mýlili, a nestojíte na svojich vlastných zásluhách, ale na tom, čo On urobil, a ste pripravení kráčať napred, aby ste nadobudli na Jeho Meno vo vodnom krste, stať sa členom tela skrze Ducha Svätého, potom ženská miestnosť je napravo a mužská naľavo s pripravenými šatami a vecami.

203Zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy, ako naša sestra hrá, „Počujem volať môjho Spasiteľa.“ Ak nám dá vedúci piesní malé slovo. Teraz s našimi sklonenými hlavami, služba je teraz v rukách Všemohúceho Boha. Pre kohokoľvek, kto chce byť pokrstený, chce ísť do modlitebných miestností, aby sa modlil za krst Duchom Svätým, sú tu inštruktori, ktorí budú pripravení inštruovať, alebo čokoľvek urobiť. Nech tie slová nepadnú naprázdno, ale nech zakončia to, na čo boli cielené. Nech sa teraz s našimi sklonenými hlavami modlíme, ako – a tam, kde vás On vedie, tam Ho nasledujete.

Počujem už... (Teraz, modlite sa, každý hriešnik.)

Počujem už Spasiteľa;

(Počujete Ho, ako volá, keď dnes ráno vzkriesil mŕtveho muža?)


(Počujete Ho, ako volá, keď je v Slove blikajúc na vás Svojím Svetlom?)

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, celú (Ste ochotní ísť celú cestu?)... cestu.

Kam (Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Muži naľavo, ženy napravo.);

Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie...

(Biblia povedala, „Toľkí, koľkí uverili, boli pokrstení.“)...tam pôjdem,

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

Pôjdem s Ním Edenom krásnym,

Pôjdem s Ním (Duch Svätý...)

Pôjdem s Ním Edenom

(Ak niekto pôjde tu so ženami, ktoré hľadajú Ducha Svätého, choďte do miestnosti napravo, niektoré z vás sestier, ktoré máte...?...)

celú cestu.

Kam povedie...

(Môžete to úprimne povedať? „Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem?“ Urobíte to? Keď ten malý Hlas ku vám hovorí, pôjdete tam, kam vás vedie? Sledujte červené svetlo. Vidíte blikať to svetlo? Sme v čase konca.)

...povedie ma, tam pôjdem,

pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

Počujem už Spasiteľa...

(Ako On hovorí? Skrze Svoje Slovo, vo vašom srdci. Prídete teraz? Toto je vaše pozvanie. Pamätajte, ak sa to stane predtým, než sa spolu znovu zídeme, boli ste varovaní.)

Počujem už Spasiteľa,

“Vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj Ma.“

Kam povedie...

(No, pôjdu niektorí z bratov kvôli inštrukciám tu do miestnosti naľavo. Sú bratia pripravení na krst? Niektorí zo slúžiacich bratov tu, príďte a pomôžte nám, vstúpte s nami do miestnosti.)

... tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie ma... (Myslíte to naozaj?) ...tam pôjdem,

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celú cestu.

204No, len chvíľu. No, ak ste neboli pokrstení vo vode ponorením v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, len na tituly, Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha, nikdy nebola žiadna osoba v celej Biblii, žiadna osoba nebola nikdy v Biblii pokrstená v Mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, do tých titulov. Žiadna osoba nebola nikdy pokrstená v cirkvi v histórii počas prvých tristo rokov na tejto strane; každá jedna bola pokrstená v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, až do Nicejského koncilu v Nicei, Ríme, kde bola zorganizovaná rímsko-katolícka cirkev. Potom nahradili tituly Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha.

205Ak je nejaký historik, kazateľ, akákoľvek osoba tam na druhej strane rádia, na páske, ktorá môže ukázať jedno Písmo alebo jednu štipku z histórie, kde bol ktokoľvek kedy pokrstený akýmkoľvek iným spôsobom než v Mene Ježiša Krista, až do Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi v Nicei, Ríme, ste zaviazaní priniesť mi to, aby som sa ospravedlnil. Nie je žiadna taká vec. Nie. A každá osoba, ktorá bola pokrstená ponorením, ktorá nebola pokrstená v Mene Ježiša Krista, bolo jej nariadené, pred tým, ako by mohli vstúpiť do slávy, aby sa vrátili a boli znovu pokrstení. No, je to na vás.

206Nie je žiadne miesto Písma v Biblii, kde by ktorákoľvek osoba bola kedy pokrstená použijúc meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha, ako ľudia krstia dnes. Je to katolícke, rímsko-katolícke vyznanie, ktoré bolo podávané cez Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleyho a tak to išlo ďalej; a Biblia predpovedá, že to bude tak a dobehne to do konca v posledných dňoch; a dvere budú otvorené, ako sme práve prešli cez cirkevné veky, aby sme to videli.

207Je to na vás. Ja som len posol toho Posolstva. Znovu, uverme tomu; dvere sú otvorené. Krstiteľnica je plná, a nie je dôvod... Sú tam pripravené šaty, a budeme pripravení krstiť za niekoľko minút.

208Ak ste tu a neboli ste pokrstení, ešte raz spievajme, a príďte, dobre, naplniť...

209Poviete, „Plánujem to jedného dňa urobiť, brat Branham.“ Ten deň vás môže stretnúť ako brata Waya dnes ráno, ale možno nebude nasledovať milosť. Môžete ísť v ktorejkoľvek minúte. Či ste mladí, ak prežijete noc, budete... Ak máte sedemdesiat rokov, prežijete mnoho desaťročných, a pätnásťročných, tridsaťročných ľudí. Tisíce z nich zomrú počas noci. Je to tak. Neviete, kedy pôjdete. Buďte si istí, neberte to náhodne. Len pamätajte, môžete brať náhodne vašu prácu, alebo tamto brať náhodne, ale neberte náhodne toto. A pamätajte, môj hlas bude svedok proti vám na Božej magnetofónovej páske v deň súdu. Tak teraz, myslite na to, keď znovu spievame so sklonenými hlavami.

Kam povedie... (brat Neville)... ma, tam pôjdem,

Kam povedie ma, tam pôjdem...

THE FLASHING RED LIGHT OF THE SIGN OF HIS COMING, 63-0623E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 140 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let's remain standing just a moment for prayer, and bow our heads. Our Heavenly Father, to Thee we give praise for all that our eyes have seen and our ears have heard. And we thank Thee, Lord, because that today we know that Thou art the same great Jehovah God that always has been and You ever will.

2We thank Thee for Jesus Christ Who made it possible that we could be back into Divine fellowship with Thee again, through the shedding of His innocent Blood, that through the--the propitiation of that Blood we now are sons and daughters of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be at the end, but we know we'll be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And, Father, that's all sufficient for us, as long as we're like Him, standing in the form of His image.

3And now, Father, we do not want to be at this hour conformed to the things of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our spirit, by the Holy Ghost, that He might come and take our lives into His Own care, and would--would lead us and guide us for what days we have left upon the earth, and magnify His great Name.

4We thank Thee for all these things. And with expectations we look for Your visit with us tonight as we've gathered in now, and believing that You will meet with us as You promised. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Be seated.

5 Believe it was David that said, "I was happy when they said unto us, said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" And we are very grateful indeed to be here tonight, and feel it a privilege to have this grand opportunity to--to be here, speaking with you people.

6I'm making some tapes. So I just looking back into the room to see if the brethren were getting the tapes. It's--it's on now, the tapes are going. All right. This purpose for this, is, I had promised of sending out Messages, would come, be taped here at the tabernacle. Now we are...

7 I'd like to say something about this morning. Today, right after noon, rather, when we was ending the morning meeting, something taken place that maybe some of you wasn't here and didn't hear about it. I was closing service, and I speaking from the platform here, watching a brother standing out here shaking hands with the people, by the name of Brother Way, we call him here. His wife is a fine registered nurse.

8And Brother Way is one of God's servants, and he's also works in secular work, but has a call upon his heart, for years, to the field of mission work. He felt led that God should bring him here and wait at this post here until receiving further orders for to advance into the field. A few days ago, speaking to him, and having a little interview with he and his wife.

9 And this morning, when making my confession of having complex, I referred to Brother Way also as having a complex, which is certainly normal among all people, and at a--a moment after that, Brother Way was stricken in a heart attack and dropped dead in the floor. And I seen his wife, and I noticed... I have been around many people dying, and I--I do not have to--to say this.

10I like to brag on Jesus Christ and His power. But at this time I think we should never try to brag on Him in any way to something He--He--He didn't do. But I have seen Jesus Christ raise up the dead, many times, infallible, doctors' testing to prove.

For instance, in Connecticut just recently, in a meeting, setting in a large, the old... some kind of a famous auditorium, there was a Doctor Barton, a Christian doctor on the platform with me, a medical doctor. And there was a fine renown Christian woman, a lovely, wealthy woman she was. She was setting kind of to my left. And I had called the prayer line, and I noticed the woman just all at once...

11 When anyone, their heart stops... You can close your eyes, but when you are shocked to death, when your heart stops, really your eyeballs turn back, and the white part of your eye pushes out. And I noticed it as she sank down. And quickly they called for the medical doctor, and he run to her to take her pulse, and shook his head, put his hands upon her, his ear to her heart. And she was gone. She sank in the floor, and her daughter screaming, which interrupted the meeting. I continued on, 'cause I didn't have no word of the Lord for the woman. And I continued on.

12They said something about getting Brother Branham. And they said, "We don't want to call him in the prayer line, 'cause he's under discernment." And they said, "Get little Branham," that was Billy. And Billy, being it was a woman dead, he didn't want to.

13 You know, people get suspicion of somebody being dead. That, that's--that's just a hull. There is nothing there. That, people think strange. That, the person isn't there, themselves; they've moved on. And so he was afraid to--to go around the woman, because she was dead.

14And then immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I turned from the place, walked down the step, come around to where she was. And just as I started to where she was, the Holy Spirit spoke to me; and I said, "Mary!"

15She said, "Yes, Brother Branham." She was all right. And--and she had never seen us before. And it was the first in meeting.

16 Then at Shawano just recently in, oh, I'd say, in the last, about, four years ago, or five, I was speaking one night at the armory. And there was a great crowd of people. And a elderly man of some eighty years old, I guess, and his lovely wife, they were Lutheran by faith, go to that great famous Lutheran church there. I forget the name of it now. It's the largest Lutheran gathering in America, at one single gathering, of church membership. And it's a great country for the Lutheran. And while I was speaking, I noticed the fellow, head going back like that; and his hands went out, and he pitched forward, dead in the chair. And his wife begin screaming, and she screamed out, "Somebody help me! Somebody help me!"

17And I looked. I said, "Just everyone keep seated, be quiet." See? I waited for the Lord to give me a word. And--and I... Satan... I was just fixing to make the altar call, and that's just when he wants to show hisself.

18So did you ever notice when you start to make a altar call, even little babies will start screaming, and things like that? That's Satan. You who are spiritual understand.

19 So the Lord gave me his name, and I called him, and he come to life just like that.

20And this morning when I was turning, see, and I've seen, many times, the Lord Jesus bring back the dead. The little baby in Mexico died at nine o'clock that morning, and this was between ten and eleven that night it come back to life. And--and that's a bona fide testimony with doctor's witness of it, see, that the baby died in his office at nine o'clock that morning. I think it was pneumonia. And the baby is living today, so far as I know. And that was before, oh, my, thirty, forty thousand people.

21And then this morning I seen our Brother Way, as he's setting, he was setting right here now. But as he was setting right along in here somewhere, he was standing. And we were singing, and, "Glory, glory, hallelujah," and shaking one another's hands. I noticed him as it struck him, and his head went back. He, Brother Way, isn't given to things like anything like of fainting or going like that. And, he, I seen him fall backwards. And I seen his wife, which is a registered nurse, check his pulse. And she screamed; it was gone.

22 And--and then I believe it was Sister Nash, a lady here, a colored sister that comes to the church, some of them started running forward. And now she, Mrs. Way, kept reaching for me to come across the platform. And I said, "Everybody keep quiet, keep in your seat." Don't never be excited in them kind of times. See? That's what Satan wants to do. Just wait and see what He says. If it's somebody moving on to Glory, well, we got to go sometime, no better place than in church, so--so then right in the house of the Lord. So then...

But the man was turning back. I thought maybe something had, he had fainted or something had happened to him, in that manner. But when I looked, and his head turned around this way, and seeing the inside, down part of his eyes, pushed out. You can't shut, you can't put your eyes in that condition; it's the heart stopping that does that. And I went across this, and he... There was someone, kind person, had laid a... something for his head to lay on. And there was his feet, hands, and everything, stiff. It stopped. His face was as dark as my coat, reddish black, and his eyes turned back. And I know heart attack. I know what they do and how they turn; anybody else that's ever seen it. So I put my hand upon his pulse, and there's no more pulse than there is on this desk. [Brother Branham taps the wooden pulpit--Ed.] Not a thing. Here is his wife, a registered nurse, who checked his pulse. There was no pulse there.

23 Then, the other day while I was with Brother Way on a discernment in here, I seen that he had a murmuring heart, anyhow. So then I thought, "This is it." So I laid my hands upon him. I said, "Dear God, I call, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the soul of my brother, his life back again." And the Lord Jehovah knows, and His Bible here before me, it felt like, when I had my hand on his pulse... And as I know I'll answer for this at the Day of the Judgment if it be wrong. And it felt like his pulse beat four or five times, quickly, went, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump; and then started off, going, pump, pump, pump, pump.

24And he was trying to open his mouth to say something to me. And trying to get his mouth, and gurgling, kind of, to try to say it. And he got out the words, "Brother Branham." Then it looked like he would go back to sleep or something, and I waited just a moment again, checked his pulse again; it was beating normally. And then again I looked, and he looked over at me. And he was kind of, I seen, beside himself; he didn't know where he was at, but his heart beating normal. And God had called back his life to him again.

25 So I--I say that in honor of Jesus Christ, who it is the same God, that when... This morning I had preached at length, way over my time, and tired and worn. And there could be two things. He either got tired, or when I spoke of having a complex, not just to--to mess my brother up, as we'd say it, because I had... I was making my confession of having complex. And I guess if I'd ask tonight, in this audience of people, "How many in here knows you have complex?" practically every hand would go up. That you might know, Brother Way, just let me show you whether it's discernment or not. How many knows that you got a complex, raise your hand. Look at there! See? But I--I don't know if that shock of me saying that to Brother Way, taking it like I might be rebuking him or something, then, that he fell into this condition, and the Lord Jesus brought him back.

26Now I--I am... think that the same God that the great Saint Paul represented in his days, that when he preached at length one night, and a man fell and his life was gone out of him; and Paul, getting over the man, by the grace of God, said back to the audience, "His life is within him." I--I think that it proves to us, or if you've never seen it before, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

27 And then it might have been this, that I've tried to think of it this afternoon. That, I had stood here, and with all my heart told you exactly the Truth, and tell you of my complex, and make my open confession, 'cause... and ask you to pray that my inside being would be changed towards the people, that I could do as the Lord did. And to confirm that He still will send me to the field, He let that happen to show that He still heals the sick and could raise the dead, could raise up the dead. And I think it was no more than a confirmation of what I been preaching about, and had been witnessing of the Kingdom of God. And that's something along the line that He had just told Brother Roberson there, and another one of the brethren. Now we love Him for that.

28And we thankful tonight that Brother Way is with us tonight. And surely God has not finished with our brother, or he'd have went on this morning. There is something for Brother Way to do. And I want you to know, Brother Way, that this entire church, with myself, will be praying that God will show you His plan for your and your wife's life; and, as soon as it is materialized, will place you in there. I'm sure He'll do it, Brother Way. And all of us, as Christians, will be thankful for Brother Way. Is that right, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And will pray that he and Sister Way will find their place in the Lord, for their service in life.

29 Now, also, I wanted to speak to Brother Way. I come early so I could speak to him and find just what his attitude, or what happened. And he doesn't know. See, it just went out, and he just dropped and went off. That's all.

Brother Way was wanting and asked if there is anybody in the building that's going down to Arkansas, Tuesday or whenever you're going, to--to this meeting. Now, it's--it's perhaps a very small meeting. It's a brotherhood that meets. And I think it's up in some kind of a jungle, or something another, way up. And there probably will not be too many people, I--I guess, at the meeting, because, frankly, they don't even know I'm coming, yet. See? And so my friends around there, will probably be a night or two before they'll know, even my friends in Arkansas, that know me down in there, will be at the meeting. But if anybody is going, and would have room to let someone ride with them, Brother Way would be glad to do it. He said to make the announcement that he would be no burden upon the people, to take care of him while he was there, 'cause he could do it. But he, if someone was going, it would be a sign to him that God would love for him, or would be in--be in the will of God for him to go down. So all of you know Brother Way, setting here at the corner. And if anybody would want to, that's going down, and has a room for an extra passenger, he'd be glad to do it.

30 And then next Sunday night, the Lord willing, I'll--I'll be back, or next Sunday morning, rather. And--and if Brother Neville has the Sunday school, and when it's over, I want to make another tape if I can. And if I'm not mistaken, I think I'll be speaking on Does Your Life... Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? That, that's, or, Is Your wife... Life Worthy Of The Gospel? That's what I mean to say. Is Your Life Worthy of the Gospel? And I want to make a tape on that, if the Lord willing.

31And now, tonight, I have announced today that I was going to make the tape. And the pastor, I don't think even preached; just called me out, and so to speak here at the platform. Now, then I don't know... Now, if they making the tapes, if you seem to get tired or something, you wish to go out, just be quiet as possible, because we don't... See, these--these microphones are very, very sensitive, and they pick up a little noise. And we're making, trying to make these tapes for an international ministry.

32 And tonight I wish to announce my subject as the... after I--I read God's Word, found in Saint Matthew's Gospel, the 24th chapter. Of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, the 24th chapter, and let's begin now at the 32nd verse and read the Scripture.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is--is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh:

So likewise ye, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door.

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things shall be fulfilled.

Heavens and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

But of the day and of the hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but the Father only.

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

33 Now in our reading, we find tonight, as we read, that the first part of this chapter reads that the disciples called Him apart upon the mount, mountain, and said to Him, "What will be the sign of the end of the world? What will be the sign of Your Coming? And when will there come a time there won't be one stone left on the other, on the temple?" Now He goes on to answer. See here at the 1st verse.

... Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him... to show him the building, of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

And his disciple... And as he sat upon the mount... (pardon me)... as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when these things shall be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

34 See, they asked three questions, and He answers back three questions. "When will there come a time there won't be one stone left on another? What's the sign of Your Coming? And what about the end of the world?" And many, I believe, that we brethren make mistakes by trying to apply it all to His Coming. But He is answering three different questions that was asked Him. "Why would be the time that there won't be one of these stones left on another; when will this thing be? And what will be the sign of Your Coming? And what will be at the end of the world?" See, three different questions. And He starts off answering one, about when "the stones would be left with not one upon another." And then after He finishes that question, then He starts off, "the sign of His Coming." And then goes into, "the end of the world."

35 Now we notice here one of the things that I wish to speak on tonight, is the... The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming. And we're going to dwell tonight upon the days of Noah, "So shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." And now this struck me the other day, and I thought maybe I'd try to tape this and speak on this. And writing down several Scriptures here that I would like to refer to, maybe, and--and read, in a little bit.

36 But now our Lord Jesus was asked this question, and He gave them the sign of His Coming. And then immediately He said this, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And then He said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree. When it's putting forth its branches, you know that summer is nigh. So when you see these things coming to pass, or being made manifest, know that the time is at hand. And this generation shall not be done away until all of these things shall come to pass." What generation? The generation that's seeing the apostasy that we're going to speak of tonight.

37 So when we think of my text, as a flashing red light of His Coming, it reminds me of waiting at a railroad station, that when a man or people stand around, as many of us has, when we was waiting to catch the train. And we can't hear the train, or you don't see him, but you know it's--it's time. Maybe the dispatcher says, "He's a--a little late. He's not exactly at the time, but we don't know just when, but he will arrive soon." And we'll walk around in the station, with our hands in our pockets, and setting on our suitcases, and go out and buy a bag of peanuts, and talk to the... somebody across the street. But all of a sudden we see something happen. There is a noise takes place out at the track. And when we did, the arm goes down, and the red light begins to flash. What is that? The train is in the blocks. Though you can't hear him, though you can't see him, but yet that flashing red light and that arm down shows that he's coming in. And then if you're expecting to leave on that train, you better throw that bag of peanuts down, stop your talking, get up your suitcases, and get ready or you'll be left behind, 'cause he's just stopping locally just for a few moments. He'll be gone. If you still stand to chat, the neighbor across the street, you'll be left behind.

38 How much more is it, then, when we see a flashing signal that He's in the blocks! The old Gospel train is passing by, pretty soon. And as we study tonight on this great text, flashing signal, as our Lord set upon the mountain and told them these things would take place, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

39Now we want to go back, for a little piece, and find out if we can find anything in this day that resembles the days of Noah. And then we can tell then where we are in that day that our Lord spoke of, see if we can find just any resemblance of the days of Noah. In order to do this, I think we ought to go back to the Book of Genesis, to the days of Noah. And if you will turn with me, if you will, in the Scripture, back to Genesis the 6th chapter, and that's the days of the flood, and the morals and the conditions of that day, Genesis the 6th chapter. Now, we want to read, see and compare that day with this day. Notice.

And it came to pass, when man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth,...

40 The very first word presents us with a absolutely flashing light that the day is at hand, for there has never been a time in all the history that there's ever been so many people, and so quickly multiplying, as we have today, until it's hard to get a place to stay. And so many people multiplying upon the earth, till science says, that, if it continues to multiply like it has been, in twenty years there won't even be food on the earth for the people. Reader's Digest, I believe it was, that quoted that, that, there won't even be food for the people that are multiplying so fast.

41We can look around and see that the places that used to be wilderness has turned into city, and yet birth control is on its greatest rampage it ever was. I believe it was said of Chicago... I hope I don't misquote these figures. But actually registered cases, thirty thousand abortion cases every sixty days, in Chicago. Abortion cases every sixty days, registered! How about those who has never registered? See, just in one big four-million-population city! What about the world? And yet the population is so crowded until it's they can't even take care of the...

42 India, they're trying to become... to make interrupt the human part of man, and make them become sterile, that children cannot be born, because they're--they are in on the increase so. Four hundred and seventy million, at this time, in India.

43How about China, where the increase is greater, Russia and the many countries of the world? "When man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth." See? Now we're taking back to the antediluvian time.

... and daughters were born unto them,

And the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took unto them wives... all which they chose.

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a--a hundred and twenty years.

And there were giants in the land in those days; and also after them... the sons of God came... to the daughters of man, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty man which were of old,... renown.

44 Oh, what a--a subject that we got here! See? Now, one of the first things I want you to notice, that the--the sons of God saw the daughters of man, that they were fair. Now I don't... I'm pointing this at the whole world. But there never has been a time on the earth, as I can think, only that time, that there ever was such a--a wholesale beauty among women.

45And you can remember, some of you elderly women, and some of you people, man, that can remember back years ago, that how it was seldom you found a pretty woman. But today you don't find any but what is pretty. Is because that they have come to a place of all this bobbing their hair, and makeup, and--and all kinds of sexy clothes and things. They can present themself in such a way. And then it's, another thing, the hand of time has turned it back, according to the Scripture. And women are constantly on the increase of being pretty.

46 I can remember when I was a little boy in school, and turn and look at the little children today, the little girls coming on. And I can look, think of women when I was a young man, and look at the girls today. I remember there'd be one popular girl, and that's not been over twenty-five years ago, one popular girl, a pretty girl, and pretty near every boy wanted to go with this girl, because she was the queen of the--of the group. Maybe in a whole city, there'd be two or three of those women. Now the whole thing's become pretty, all of them. That's to fulfill the Scripture, and a red light flashing that the time is at hand.

47They've invented such stuff as lipstick and--and makeup, that a woman that isn't so fair, she can still make herself pretty by the--all the face lifts and the--the things that they do to make themselves pretty.

48 Max Factor runs day and night, and there is more spent on cosmetics, in America, in a year, for to make the women pretty, than there is spent at the grocery store. That's right. I forget how many billion dollars each year is spent for cosmetics, to fair our women.

49Now, I'm saying nothing against that, I'm just showing you that it is a flash of red light that the time is at hand. For Jesus said, Himself, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, the same thing.

50 And notice, "When people begin to multiply, many people. The daughters of man was fair; and the sons of God looked upon them, and took them wives." Now, that's not my own saying. I'm reading it out of the Bible, where Jesus said for us to go back to Genesis and compare these days together. The multiplication of people, and the beauty of women, now that's a great sign.

51Now the warning, Jehovah's warning, the 3rd verse.

And the LORD said,...

52Immediately after this took place... Remember, the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, and Jesus was empowered with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And He spoke only by the Holy Spirit. And the Scriptures are written by the Holy Spirit. And the very One Who wrote Genesis 6, told us in Matthew 24, to know when the time was nigh, to go back to Genesis 6 and compare it.

53Multiplying of people upon the earth; and yet such birth control, and all of the things that goes on, don't even check it. It's going just the same, because we're at the end time.

54And then notice, immediately there come a time when it said the women was very fair, very pretty. And we check that with this and can prove it.

55 Now, I was looking at some pictures of long ago when our forefathers, when they crossed the plains. And I can't call the--the woman's name, but her name was known from San Francisco to--to Boston, of being the most fairest woman in the land. Pearl White, I believe, was her name, of many years ago. She was killed by her lover, Scott Jackson. And if you would see the woman's picture, of being the most fairest lady of the land, you would hardly look at her. She would look like an antique out here on the street. For, most any woman you could catch any way you want to, would be three times prettier than her, any woman today that you'd catch just going down the street. See, it's an increase, beauty for women.

56 And then I wonder if our women realize this and can... That's the reason I want this tape to go, that--that you mustn't put so... We want you to be pretty, but we want you to be natural. We don't want you to be superficial. Some of these pretty women, if you'd dunk them in a washtub a while and wash them up, they might look a little different, and--and dress them like they should be dressed. But they--they--they don't do it, and you can't tell them no different. And we're going to get to that after a while. But this is the--the red light flash.

57 And remember, when people begin to multiply upon the earth, and the women got fair, it was that hour, it was at that time, that:

... the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man,...

You see the clutch? Do you see the hand of God, "My Spirit"? The daughters of men were fair; and they took unto them wives. And He said, then, "My Spirit will not always strive with man. I'll allot his days."

Now the 4th verse:

And there were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,... the sons of God came... unto the daughters of man, or--or the daughters of man, and they bare them children to--to them, and the same became mighty man which were of old,... renown.

58 Did you notice it never said nothing about marriage? Notice, "The sons of God came unto the daughters of man," nothing about marriage. And if you take in the original Greek there, the word meaning, says, I've got it wrote down here somewhere, a "wife." "Taken to them wives," in the 3rd verse, "taken them wives." In the Greek, I looked it up this afternoon, it didn't say, "Take to them wives." It said, "Took to them women," not wives. Now you check it with your--with your... the Emphatic Diaglott, and watch if that isn't true.

59"Taken unto them women," not wives. They took them just as they were, free lovers, like we have today. Other words, they were lovers in that day just as they are now. They went any way they wanted to, and took any woman that they could.

60 "And when the sons of God..." Now, many of them says here that that was the fallen Angels, and so forth, and them men and women. But to show that it is wrong, it's absolutely wrong, the Bible doesn't say anywhere about Angels being either man or women. And, besides, there is never a--a woman spoke of as being an Angel, in the Bible, never. Now if you want Scripture for that, Matthew 22:20, and so forth, you can find it.

61Now, that, that, there is no such a thing as a woman angel. That's the reason that a woman preacher... Angel is a "messenger." And it's--and it's a... An angel is a "messenger." And there is no such. But, you see, they have changed, today, like it was then. Now, I've got some historical points wrote down here, we wish to get to in a few minutes.

62 Notice, women of that day, in the days of Noah, must have been the talk of the day. See, "the sons of God," Seth's, Seth's sons, saw the daughters of Cain, that they were beautiful. Why? They were wicked, and they were daughters of Cain. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man, they were fair, they took unto them women. Then the sons of God fell from their estate with God, and become woman-chasers." And if that ain't the picture of today, I don't know what is. That is true.

63Man! Even look at our churches today, look at everything you wish to, notice it. Everywhere, it looked in that day, must have been pretty women. Man became slaves to them, says history, that man became actually slaves to the women, because they were so pretty, that they become slaves. They literally made shrines, and worshipped. And, just think, they literally worshipped female flesh and blood in that day. That's history.

64 And compare that with today. It's the same thing, my brother. Man actually worship women. Why, in our own country, Mrs. Kennedy is twice thought of, what the President is. That's right. And if you always talk about a man, if he's got an attractive wife, that's it.

65And now they say that about the driving. You hear them say the women is the safest drivers. That's wrong, because I'll tell you why. Billy and I, crossing this United States, with a first hand condition, we put a--a little map up in our car, a little tablet, and wrote "man" and "woman." And every time a woman made the wrong, we put a mark on her side; and a man made one, we'd put one on his side. And out of three hundred, what we call "booboo," pulled on the road there, you would be surprised. There were two hundred and eighty women, to nineteen man. But you know why? They don't get that in the police courts. The police won't arrest a pretty girl; one out of a thousand. Sure, get her telephone number, but he won't arrest her. And that's just the way. No wonder the records doesn't show it. See? Because, man today is like it was in the days of Noah, they bow to the shrine of pretty women. That's right. Oh, my!

66 How it must have been awful in that day, worship as they, females, flashing themself in such an attractive way. And if they were any better on doing it then, than they are now, I'm glad I didn't live then. Think of it, of how that they only... how that women has got to acting the same as they do now.

67Notice, the Bible said, "They eat and they drank." Now, that's--that's legitimate. Sure.

"Marriage is honorable." A man, man marry a woman, that's honorable, that's instituted of God. But when it comes to a time that man will take another man's wife, or take some young woman, or some woman that no matter who she is, and break his marriage vow, and do something that's wrong, it's sinful in the sight of God. And the Bible speaks very hardly against it.

68 Now notice, It said that. Marriage, God instituted that in Eden, but He certainly condemned adultery. And these men and women, in that day, bypassed the laws of God, and took it upon themselves and done it, anyhow. Now, compare that with today. Look at it. If you want to see the train is in the block, take a good deep think of that now, as the infallible Jesus Christ said these Words. See?

69And notice, the Bible said here, "They eat and they drank," of course, with their pretty women. Now, we realize that that's all right. Eating and drinking, that's one of the natural laws of life. We have to do it. But when that's all upon your mind, today the people just become gluttons, drunk, women drinking in the restaurant. And you go into a place where the--the highballs and cocktails are served, the women outdrink the man.

70 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating, and drinking, and giving in marriage." In other words, they were living with the women without being married to them. And today, why, it's so instituted. They did have a Reno, that you could get married, and divorced and married again, all in the same day. But that's way out of date now. The--the husbands, so-called, and wives, pack different keys to the rooms in these big cities. Now, I travel. I--I'm right in the cities and know it to be true, that the husband has his dates, and the wife has her dates. Well, it's such a conglomeration of--of rottenness, until it's produced a bunch of--of soft, lazy, no-good, hell-bound generation.

71 A few years ago, look where man has got to, in his body. Look where he's got to, by the things he's done. Science is constantly trying to make a better food, hybrid corn, and--and hybrid tomatoes, hybrid beef, when the stuff's no good at all. It's killing the people, and they don't realize it. Why, in a few more years, they'll be nothing but just a--a bunch like a jellyfish.

72Fifty years ago, ball games went on just as they do now, and you never heard of anybody getting hurt, but now they kill a dozen, or two, a year. A ball will hit a man, he, there ain't nothing in him to hold his life in him. He's like a guinea. You hit him, he is so soft, he's dead.

73 When Bob Fitzsimmons fought Corbett, I believe they fought a hundred and twenty-five rounds, one afternoon, bare-fisted. When those man with such punch in their arms could take a two-by-four, at four inches, and bust that two-by-four with nothing but calloused fists. They slept with their hands in vinegar, to make their fists hard. And a--a round wasn't a little two or three-minute round like we have today. They didn't have a featherbed tied over their mitts, and nobody got killed. And they fought. A round was a knock-down. You had to knock the man down. And they fought a hundred and twenty-five knock-downs. They were man. And today they're going to have to stop the art of boxing, when there's a featherbed over their arms and over their fists, can't fight a two or three rounds without somebody getting killed. What's the matter? He's made up out of a bunch of, I don't know, soft muck, hybrid nothing, till the whole generation is dying.

74 Did not the Bible say that, that they would get weaker and wiser? Why, in another race of people coming on, they'll live out of a capsule, take a capsule for their dinner. It's nothing but a bunch of cigarette-smoking, whiskey-drinking, cocktail-running, a bunch of dope addicts, shots. Teenage children in school, and juvenile delinquency; no wonder, her mother out on the street, acting the way she does, throws the child into the same thing.

75 Pretty women increase; social life broke down. Oh, my, what a great thing in the day we're living in! How they do this, it's un-... get by with that. They won't get by with it. What are they doing? Just as they did then, they're making the Commandments of God a mock. God said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." But they show that they can do it, and get by with it. They think they're going to get by with it, but they'll never do it. Maybe you oughtn't to come, listen to this. Huh? However, God said that this would be the time that the red light would be flashing. Jesus said so.

76 Now what a--a sin that they are doing, and laughing at sin! Many times, that, the very thing that this Bible calls immoral, the world today calls virtue. When you take our--our young girls, and strip their clothes off of them, and put them out there with little shorts on, in slacks and things, and walk them down the street, and they think that's virtuous that the girl can display her female flesh. When, the Bible says it's sin, horrible! But the world calls it virtue. See, they're making the Commandments of God... And the church says nothing about it. It's time that somebody rose in the name of righteousness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and put a stamp on this, 'cause sometime we're going to answer for it at the Day of the Judgment.

77 Now, if this sounds old and fogy, to somebody, check back a few years and look what's going on now, and then imagine a future. There is no future but the Coming of the Lord.

78Notice, check these antediluvian females with the stride of today; check what they were. Check what the sons of God did; check what they do today.

79I was setting at a convention not long ago, and it broke me down almost, when all the... Everybody seemed to be just enjoying a minister's talk, that was standing on the platform. And I was setting over in a corner. And there was a--a young lady come in, and she was really dressed bad. And she come walking up through this church, as the Bible says, mincing as she went. And every preacher on the platform, plus the congregation, everyone turning their head and looking, following this girl. And I thought of this Scripture, "The sons of God looked upon the daughters of man," sinners, ungodly, pretty women. Oh, it's tore a many a church to pieces. It took the Spirit of God away. Notice, "Looked upon the daughters of man."

80 Now remember, the infallible Jesus Christ stated these things would be this a way in this day. And He said, "When you see these things come to pass, then you know that the time is at the door." Now, there isn't many people will say that. There is many preachers that couldn't say that. He could, if he would. But if he would, the congregation would take him out. That's exactly the truth.

81But here is one thing. If a man is called of God, he'll stay with that Bible, I don't care what he has to do. You must remember that It's the Truth. And the Truth either binds or sets free. And this is exactly what Jesus Christ said.

82 "The sons of God fell because of beautiful forms and faces, of the daughters of men." And that's just exactly what we got today, same thing again.

83Now, compare that day. Multiplication of people; the women getting fairer; the sons of God falling; marriage and giving in marriage; divorce cases; living in adultery; and so forth.

84"Why" you say, "Brother Branham, just a minute. I don't know."

Listen, brother, just before you say something, listen to this. Jesus Christ said, that, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." And when you see... When a man walks out of his office, walks out of the church, walks out of his house, strikes the street, what do you see but a display, on every side, of flesh and blood of females, form-fitting, pretty-faced, tempted. That's what God said would take place. When that taken place, then the time was at the door.

"As it was in the days of Noah, when the sons of God saw the daughters of man, and begin to take unto them women." See? There you are.

85 Now watch. We find that, the same thing today. We see in the history, that such sex appeal they had in them, until the sons of God made unto themself shrines of women. That's of Venus, and so forth. See? They, they made shrines, and bowed to them. When you say, "Brother Branham, we don't have such things as that today. You couldn't compare that with this day." I beg your pardon. I believe it's worse today than it was then.

86What do we see? TV. You can't even pick up a newspaper but everything that you see is spread with females. Pretty women on every whiskey package, in magazines, sexy, immoral dressed. On the TV, in everything, is some sexy-dressed woman, some pretty woman. And we find out on--on cigarette advertisements, everything that you can look at, you find that it's some attractive woman. You can't even see the advertisement of a pair of silk stockings less you see some kind of a thin, shaped legs going through it. And that's right. But what is it? Why is it?

87 I remember a man I worked for, Chris Meisner, up here on the corner. Many of you remember Chris Meisner. His wife, Lillian, her name was Lily, I think, an Ellinger. And when she... A man come over. She was a beautiful girl. And a man wanted to get permission from her father, to put her face, her picture, her profile, on a box of candy. And this old German Luthern stood to his feet, and he said, "That's an insult to me, to put my daughter's picture on a box of candy, to be spread across the country." What about today? When, the billboards, the television, everything you see, is immoral, vulgar, sexy, ungodly-looking women. That's right. What is it? The train, the old--the old train is in her blocks now. The Bible said so, she would be coming pretty soon. We hear the sound.

88 We talk about other things about it, but, remember, this is another flash, one of the flashes that's flashing before us today. Oh, we see the national condition; we see the political disturbance; we see the church situation. We preach on all that. But this is something new. It's something is not very popular to be spoke on, but it must be done, for there's got to be a voice crying out. Remember, the very words I say tonight will meet me yonder at the Judgment. See?

89 When I seen this woman not long ago, in a vision the Lord showed me, see her die. That, I can't never think of that woman's name, she, Marilyn Monroe. And I had never seen her. I don't go to movies. But I--I--I had seen the girl, and she was attractive. And she was trying to get to something; she was dying, had a heart attack. And the Lord said, "Now you say that, 'She died just at four o'clock. She did not commit suicide.'" Said, "But you can say she died at four o'clock, 'cause it's just a few seconds before four." And there I seen where they found her. And I told Billy, I told the family, the ones that was with me, about it. And a few days afterwards, it was Marilyn Monroe that died.

90 Now, when I was in Canada the other day, my kids kept telling me, over at a certain place where a lady had let us have the house, had a television. And they said, "There is going to be a play, called, The River Of No Return." That's the river I fish on, all the time. And John Smith, a friend of mine, takes that tour. Said, "They made a movie of it." And said, "Daddy, maybe that Mr. Smith is on the program. Would you like to look at it?"

"Well," I said, "when I come back from Canada, if I make it in time, I'll look at it." Well, when the play did come on, I went over to see it, went to see it. And when I did, who was playing in it but Marilyn Monroe. Now, there she was, after being dead a year or more, there she was all sexy dressed. There was her voice upon, still playing; and will be, for years and years, upon that magnetic tape. If that magnetic tape holds her action, when if she could look from where she is tonight... I trust she is saved, but I don't know; that's to God. But if she could look back, she cannot deny that. She can't deny this, because we've got it. How much more has God got every move, every action, upon His great supreme tape that'll be. We cannot get out of it. It's right there.

91 And remember, if there was a microphone setting right here where this is, and I was a broadcasting now to the world, the people around the world would hear my voice before it even got across this pulpit to you. That's in the electronics of the--of the world.

92And you know, that voice never dies. It'll never die. Science claim, "In twenty years," if they can progress as they have now, "That they'll pick up the literal voice of Jesus Christ when He was on earth, in twenty years from now." Because, it's like dropping a pebble in a pond, the little waves may finally fade out of your sight, but science claims they go back to one bank, across the ocean to another, and back and forth, and they never die. And neither does the words that you speak; they'll meet you in the Day of the Judgment, and will condemn you or save you, and you'll never be able to get away from any of it.

93 And we are very conscious, it's coming right through this room now, is pictures of people. If you don't believe it, turn on the television. And there is voices of people, yet our senses won't pick it up.

94Now, they've got a sending station and a magnet pole, or a tube, or a crystal that picks up those voices and reproduces them. And now the only thing the Bible is, is this, the Word of Jesus Christ that He spoke, and They are literally alive just like any other word is in the world tonight.

95 Now, if your heart has been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and becomes a receiving set from that sending Set, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and does the same things that He did, 'cause His Word can't die. They are living forevermore. They don't have to pick up a set, or twenty years from now. We receive It right now. Now, there you are.

96Living in this great day that we're living in, near the coming of the Son of man, and the lights a flashing everywhere, of His Coming. We see it in politics; we see it in the church; we see it in the time; we see it everywhere we look. We see the sun don't look like it used to.

The world is out of cater. They tell me right now, at the North Pole, up in there, that the sea has become, I forget how much, deeper than it used to be. The Bering Strait, you could walk across them. Now, it's many, many, many feet deep, in the Bering Strait. Why? The earth is swelling in the middle. It's getting shallow out here where it was deep, and getting deep up here where it was shallow. The world is completely out of cater. She is toddling. She is weaving. All nature is giving in, and everything that we can see.

97 And now, tonight, we find out that the very nature itself is producing, in the human race, the sign of His Coming; for, the sons of God, and the daughters of man becoming fair, and how they've taking unto them women. What a hour that we're living in! Oh, my, and how it was in that day!

98Then we see in the history of this great shocking thing, of man worshipping women, and we find out today it's a woman's world.

99 I was in Switzerland, not long ago, and I was talking to... Now, nothing against our Christian women, no, sir, they are jewels. I'm talking about the run of the world. There was a lady riding along with me, Brother Guggenbuhl, and his girlfriend that he was going with. He is a man about--about pretty near my age, never been married, an old bachelor, and he was going with some young lady. And then one of the girls from there, and she said, "Brother Branham, tell us about America. We understand that, the women over there, it's a woman's world over there, sure enough."

I said, "That's right."

Said, "I've always wanted to go."

Then I begin to explain to her. She said, "What?" I said, "Yes." It changed her opinion right away.

"Well," she said, "how could you live a Christian life in such a place as that, then?" Think of it.

100When I went into--into Rome, and was down at the San Angelo, the catacombs, it was a shocking. When I stepped out of my hotel and went down to where it's that place called, "Three Coins in a Fountain," the women on the street, of how immoral. The women walk out and asking you to take them out on a date, all sorts, sizes, and kinds. And I forget how many come to Billy and I and Brother Baxter, before we could get down to the pool, and the man from the TWA that was showing us around. I said, "Does those women have to live like that?"

101 Said, "No. When the soldiers were over here, they got used to it. And, yet, they got a good job, yet they continue on."

But even in a place like that, when I got to the spot of San Angelo, the great big sign there, out from the Vatican, that said, "A notice to American women! Please put on clothes before you come in and to give honor to the dead."

102I seen an American girl get off in Paris, where it's, actually, one of our fashions used to come from Paris. But that girl was so immorally dressed, with her father and her mother, until soldiers that was working out there dropped their picks and shovels, and run up there and looked over the scene, to watch this American girl pass.

103 We set the pace of fashions. Where, it used to be Paris, but now they come here to get the vulgar, lowdown filth. And this nation, where a revival has just passed through, of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the lovely Lord Jesus showing His signs and wonders of mercy, and of speaking as it was in the days of Noah, and the light's a flashing from side to side. A God that can raise the dead from his bed; a God that can heal the sick; a God that can tell things before it comes to pass, and make it perfect on the dot, every time, without failing. And you can preach to our women in America, and they get worse every year. Bombay, I mean...

104 In Durban, South Africa, where there was some two hundred thousand natives gathered out to the meeting, when the great miracle that God performed. And I seen thirty thousand blanket natives. Women standing there with a four-inch clout of beads only in hanging down in front. And the man, no clothes on, the four-inch clout. Naked! A blanket that they slept on, a goat skin; they're given it, to them, when they're a certain age; and then they live in that, sleep in that, wrap up in that, and die and buried in it, in a corral somewhere.

105 And I seen those women, so primitive, till a woman give birth to a baby, setting twenty foot from me. She never went to a hospital. They, a woman helped her there a minute, and in about five minutes it was all over. She picked up the baby and held it to her bosom, for it to nurse. That primitive! But when they seen the power of Almighty God come upon a boy who was so afflicted, and not even in his right mind; and he raised up in his right mind, giving praise to God; thirty thousand blanket natives received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. What happened? You remember, that's ten times bigger than Pentecost. Thirty thousand! And nobody...

I watched those women with my own eyes, when they fell upon the ground, breaking their idols, giving their lives to Jesus Christ. They didn't know; they had probably never heard His Name, many of them. But when they fell upon their--their knees, and I asked them, if they were sincere about it, meant it, to break their idols. And they broke their idols. And when they fell on their knees and give their lives to Christ, while I pray for them, and they rose back up. And those women who would stand with their arms down, not knowing they were naked; as soon as the Life of Christ touched their life, I seen those women fold their arms and walk out of the presence of man. And if the touch of Jesus Christ will do that to a blanket native, what ought it to do to a nation that's heard the Gospel for a hundreds of years? There we now... I seen that. That's not what somebody else said. I seen that. See? It's strange then that we call ourselves Christians, and each year take more off. And the churches seem to care nothing about it.

106 TV programs, oh, make female flesh and blood... They are not gods. They're not goddess. But it sets America in exactly order to fulfill the Scripture. America's number is thirteen. America's shrine is a woman, always. It's on our money. It's on everything. And now it certainly brings into a time that we're going to have American goddess, too, not too far away. You can see the handwriting on the wall.

107Oh, what are we going to do? You can't even walk out upon the street and find... Look out on the street, start down town and just see at the display of women, how that they make themselves with clothes on that, honest to goodness, a woman ought to be ashamed to stand in her dressing room like that. Walking out upon the street, so tight, and--and little bitty clothes on. And--and out on these bathing beaches with these little 'kinis, or ever what they call it, on, and such things as that. And not knowing that in them is a spirit of evil. When, many of them sing in choirs. That's what Jesus said would take place.

108 Female flesh! They are flesh and blood. They're not gods. To my opinion... God forgive me if I'm wrong. It's a wholesale striptease. You can't hardly blame a man, if he's not a--a Christian, but what would fall, and fall into temptations and to such a place that he would do something wrong, till he'd... See, he could not hold himself. It's amazing that there is not more ravishes goes on, because, so many of it, the women is in for it. But, if it wasn't, how could you blame the man? Put blame where blame belongs.

109A woman say, "Now, Brother Branham, I'm just as moral as I..." No doubt about that.

But, my sister, do you know that you're going to answer at the Day of Judgment for committing adultery when you throw yourself out there and man look upon you? He said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart, and will have to answer for it." And maybe you didn't do the act, but if you permit Satan to put that spirit on you, when, nature itself ought to teach you that's wrong! Without the Spirit of God, nature should do it, teach you that's wrong.

110 I predict that soon they'll come out with one of these things, it'll just be a fig leaf again. I predicted that thirty years ago. See, some insult to the Bible. See? They'll do it. It's public striptease.

111 Now, the devil does the same to the sons of God today. And that's right. Watch our businesses. Most of our businesses is controlled by women, lots of them. That's right. Look at our churches, look at our nation, how the sons of God bow low at the shrine of these things, these women. When, they are, to me, it's no more than public harlots. That's an awful thing to say, but it's the naked truth. I know that people hear these tapes and things, will say these things. But how can you do it? If you present yourself like that, and man look upon you, as Jesus said you've "committed adultery" with him. And when that man has to answer for committing adultery, who did it, whose fault is it? It's the woman that stripped herself like that and produced herself, or presented herself before that sinner. That's right. What is the sign of? The end time, the red light.

112 Motherhood is broke. Nations are breaking. Now if you want to see where Jesus said that, read Matthew 5:28. That's where it was at. Female life has been the cause and form of falling, upon that, sexual power has been the ruin. If you want to trace back, here is some nations that I traced back their fall. One was Egypt, Assyria, Rome, and whatmore, fell by the power of women.

113 Notice, there is nothing that God could give a man, outside of salvation, better than a nice wife. There is no man can console, no--no person can console a person when they're tired, they won't confide in anyone like they do their own wife. And what a fortunate thing you brothers are when you've got a nice little wife that's clean and upright, and moral, and you can come in when you're tired and weary, and set down and she can talk to you. She can do more with you than anybody else. That's right. She is a jewel. She is a queen.

114 But remember, "Woman was made for man; not man for woman." The last creative being that God ever created was a man. A woman is a by-product from a man. "And she was made for a man; not man made for the woman." They have vice versa-ed it around, and man falls at the shrine of women. That was the very thing that started it at the beginning. That's what happened in the beginning. When God's son, Adam, could not be tempted to doing what was wrong, Satan come into a person called the serpent, which was like a man. And there is where it started, that Eve got from behind the Word of God, and that caused every heartache, every graveyard. Every sin that was ever committed, started right there.

115Here it is again. What? Women was the cause of the first fall, and women ends up the time. She started it; she ends it. No wonder the Bible said, "Those that escape out of Zion shall be glorious in the sight of the Lord."

116 When Isaiah 5, he talked about how the immorals of the women would get in the last days, and how there'd be, so much clothes they had to have, and how they'd have to have their hair set, and everything like that. The Bible speaks that, Isaiah 5. "How she'd walk with high-heeled shoes on, tinkling her feet as she went along. And she would roll down her stockings, and the things she would do; and many changeable set, apparel, and stuff like that." And said, "All that will be taken away from her, and she shall sit and stink, from immoral." And said, even, "Seven women will grab one man, and said, 'We'll do our own work. Let us just take your name, to take away our reproach.'"

117 But he said, "How glorious will that little branch that escapes all these things! It'll be 'HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD' in that day," when real genuine born-again women know their place, though they be laughed at, and called silly and old-fashion, everything. But, act like a woman, like a lady! Stand like a woman! Dress like a woman! Talk like a woman! Live like a lady. Yeah. Amen, that means, "so be it." Don't get scared. It don't hurt you. All right.

118 Jesus' Own Word said what would happen, that great display.

119Also He said, "In the days of Lot." If you want to mark that Scripture down, it's--it's Luke 17:28. He said, "They were eating, drinking. They bought. They sold." Ordinarily, these are legitimate things. But watch. And--and that they occupied, but they put all the... their mind on it.

120And in the days of Lot, women were so low, in their morals, until they was not used as women should be used, but they were perverted, until they... It become so common, that women become so common that, they--they, man lived with man. The natural perversion from the sex cells had changed its position, because that women had become so cheap.

121 A few days ago I was over, Tucson, went to get a loaf of bread. And there was a boy setting out there, and two little boys in the car. Another come in, get a pack of cigarettes. The old gray-headed gentleman looked down, said, "Who is these cigarettes for, your mother?"

Said, "No, it's for that boy."

He said, "Is he old enough to have them?"

Said, "Yes, sir."

He looked back like that. And I was standing with a loaf of bread and a quart of milk, watching. And he went, said, "All right," and he give it to him.

He looked back to me, and said, "I doubt that."

122I said, "He can't get old enough to do it. He is too... He ain't old enough at any age."

He said, "I'll agree with you." Said, "Do you--do you have a hard time trying to quit them?"

123I said, "I never did start them." I said, "I never did start it." I said, "My parents smoked and used tobacco, but the Lord God kept me from it."

124 He turned and looked at me kind of strange, and he said, "Well, I think it's a rotten shame today, to see of how..." Said, "Used to be, we put women on a pedestal." Said, "We honored her. We took off our hat in her presence. We walked down the streets, and gentlemen would hear somebody make a remark about a certain woman, they'd slap him down." See? And said, "They honored women." But he said, "Sir, women has brought it on themselves." Said, "Now they don't get up. They used to get up; in a streetcar, a lady get up, every man would take his hat off and let her set down." Said "Now it's push, crowd!" Said, "They have brought it on themselves." And that's the truth.

That devil hole of Hollywood yonder produced it out on the televisions and magazines, till the thing has become a great big pot of filth. That's right.

125I know that ain't popular saying, but it's a true saying. It's the Truth. It's the Word of the Lord, and also a warning sign that Christ will come in this generation. Said, "The ones that sees this come to pass, will not pass out until all these things be fulfilled." Said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away." It's a warning. The red light is flashing; drop of the curtain. We're at the end time.

126 We see the signs of the Lord Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out evil spirits. We see the--the people made saintly and holy, by the Holy Spirit. We see lives changed. We see great signs. We see mystic signs in the skies, like flying saucers. The Pentagon, many of the people putting it on television, writing it up. They don't know what to think about it. All kinds of mysterious signs! The Lord Jesus coming down in a form of a Pillar of Fire, have His picture taken, living among us, proving that He's the same yester-...

127We see all these things happening. We see the coldness of the church. We see the denomination growing. "When you see the fig tree, and all the other trees putting forth their buds," Jews returning. "The fig tree," Jews returning to their nation, their own country. We see the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Baptists, the Lutheran, the Pentecostals, all the churches, "putting forth their leaves," revival. He said, "Get ready! That's the time." When we see that coming to pass, that's when God is fixing to call His Elect. Then when you...

Another sign. Said, "When you see the women becoming extremely pretty, when you see the sons of God taken them with wives, and taken unto them wives, and doing this, that, or the other," said, "know that that's the sign." Here we are.

128 Now, something else I had wrote down. Remember Lot's two daughters. Yes, we remember that, down in the city of Sodom. Jesus said here, in Luke 17, "As it was in the days of Sodom." Remember, that, men had misused women in such a way until the natural act of life was no more desired. And, oh, it's awful to say this from the platform, but this is... There ever was Truth, it ought to go from here. And it is so bad, today, till there is tens of thousands times thousands of them, on the increase everywhere, perversion, Sodomites, as it was in that day. Because the natural use of human life to reproduce themselves upon the earth has been so mistreated, and so gone on in the way it has, until the desire of it is failing fastly. I'll say, within another ten or fifteen years it'll be past, almost, the way it's increasing now.

129Great remarks. I had something from Edgar Hoover on that, but I don't know... I thought I had it laying here, but I haven't, of what he said about it. And now we find out these things. Oh, my!

130 Jude, in his little, big Book, I call it, in the 7th verse, let's just read it. I want to read this. Jude, in the 7th. This is the last Book before the Book of Revelations. I've got it marked down here, Jude 7, verse 7. Man and woman bringing marriage vows, breaking them, going after strange flesh! Listen.

... as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, give themselves over to fornication,... going after strange flesh,... (See? Oh.) fornication, going after strange flesh, are set forth of examples, of suffering, and vengeance, and eternal fire. That is, to be completely consumed and done away with.

131 Here some time ago, in Los Angeles, I was waiting, or was out at the campgrounds. I was riding up the road. And a--a little lady, a pretty little girl, very pretty, was going up the road. And I thought, "She must be going to a show." And she had on a little frontier clothes, just about--about a six or eight-inches-wide across the front of her, and a little three-or four-inch fringe hanging. And up high on her body, a little spot, just about enough that you could wad up and shut every bit of it up in your fist, hanging across her this way. With a cowboy hat on, and a pair of boots with tassels on them. And a very attractive, I could see where any young man would slide brakes and everything, to stop to her, going twisting up the road.

132 And I was fixing to turn to the campground, and I went up towards the campgrounds. And I started to turn around, to go back. I thought I'd stop, say, "Young lady, I wish to speak to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though you be a pretty girl, there is no doubt about that, though you have a figure that would probably... You, you want to hear the brakes whine. Do you realize that that spirit that's making you do that will drive you to a devil's hell where you'll suffer through the ages that is to come? Do you realize that that pretty, little formed body, and them well-set cheeks and hair, and so forth, and red lips, maybe in--in another six months the worms will be crawling in and out of that well-formed body, out here in the dust? And that soul that stays in there, today, will be in a devil's torment."

133 Then something stopped me, as if God would say, "If you do that, they'll lock you down yonder in jail." See? There you are. Then I seen Billy come out and motion, it was time to come. I hear them singing Only Believe.

134Oh, my! How can people be bewitched in such stuff as that? Is because they disregard the Word of God.

135And another thing, is ministers behind the platform, who is associated in these organizations, who read That and know It, are forbidden to say anything about It, because they'll drive their congregation away from them then. And the churches are looking for members. But God is looking for born-again saints of the living God, that will shine as the stars. God help us to be honest and tell the Truth, what Jesus Christ said. But that's the day we're living in. That's the signs that Jesus said would be, and we see it right before us.

136 Look now, and Jude the 7th chapter again, "Sodom and Gomorrah." Oh, my, what an awful thing! Unmarried to women, "going after strange flesh." A man that's married to his wife, they're--they're not no longer two, they're one. And a man that'll run out after another woman, he automatically separates himself from his wife. And a woman that runs out with another man, she is dead to her husband. She's denied her own flesh; she's cut away from him. That's right. In the Day of Judgment, will have to answer for it.

137 But today they don't want to hear a Message like that. The people don't want to hear That. They want to be tickled in their ears. Exactly what the Holy Spirit told me the day I laid that cornerstone there, said to:

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;...

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall... heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears;

... and shall be turned from the truth, to fables.

Said, "When the vision leaves, you read Second Timothy 4." Said, "Don't forget, Second Timothy 4!" And when the vision left me, standing right there on 7th Street, a nineteen-year-old boy standing there, the Voice of God spoke out in the room, and He said, "Second Timothy 4." That's exactly what it's turned to be. See? "The time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine."

138 People want something. The Pentecostals want something that can pat them on the back, and let them live the way they want to. And they can play the piano at forty beats per second, and jump up-and-down, and dance about it; and women do the way they want to, and man the same way. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Baptist, there is a many a sincere person in all those organizations. That's exactly right. But that system has got them so bound down, till they think as long as they belong to that church, and their name is upon those books, that they're Heaven bound. Your name on a book here on earth, don't mean that to God. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] Your name has got to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, to know that your sins are forgiven. That's right.

139 But they want that kind. That's the kind of pastors they want in. They don't want nothing else. And when God in this last days has shook every Divine gift that's recommended in the Bible, every gift that Jesus Christ promised, every gift, and every sign, and every end-time sign. Everything that was promised in this Bible, as far as I can see, myself, has already been shook before the nation, and she plunges on towards hell as hard as she can go. Tell them? They'll run on, anyhow.

Let me just get a few more Scriptures here before closing. All right. Oh, "Set forth for Eternal destruction," is what they are, the Bible says.

140 This nation lies in this same rot. This same social rottenness, this nation lies in it tonight. You know that. It's no joke. It's not a hearsay. It's the Truth. Genesis 6:12, "All flesh was corrupt, man walked in his own way," in his own thinking, ignoring the laws of God. That's the way man does today. Man don't want to hear the Word of God. People don't want to hear It. They want to walk in their own way.

141 Jezebel refused to hear the Word of the Lord. She wouldn't want to call that old fuzzy-looking preacher, Elijah, her pastor. But he was her pastor, anyhow. Right. God sent him, and he bellowed out his message. Though uneducated, they don't know where he come from or where he went to. He came on the scene with the Word of the Lord. He sent his message, that he preached, and he condemned everything there was, called sin. That, that modern Jezebel, had switched and bewitched the people under the witchcraft of her powers until the whole nation was corrupted, and Elijah stood alone out there on the mountain. God said, "Elijah, don't think that. I've got seven thousand down there that's honest in heart, yet." That's his second pull, and the third one went back for them.

142 But remember, God was merciful, and He--He... And Elijah's message condemned that unbelieving generation. Noah's message condemned that generation, and brought judgment upon those who refused to hear it, and deliverance to those who believed it. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

143 Genesis 6, ignoring God's laws! They say, "God's laws?" God's Word says today, in the Bible!

Now listen, I'm not saying this to any individual person. I'm only responsible, as your brother. I'm responsible for telling you the whole Truth, as the great Saint Paul said before his leaving, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God."

144Now, the Bible says, today, that women should not cut their hair. I don't care how many preachers say that that's all right; it's wrong. I don't care how many churches stands for it; the Bible still says that it is wrong. "It's a shame for her to do so." But they continue to do it, anyhow, going on. What are they doing? In their own mind, making their ownselves pretty, they think they're pretty.

145 God's Word warns, she shall not do these things. "She shall not put on a garment, or slack, or anything that pertains to a man," but she goes right on just the same. Try to stop her?

Say, "What are you hollering about then, Brother Branham? What you going on? Why, people like you better if you'd..." I don't care, that. I do care what people think. Now don't get me wrong. But I'm interested in what God thinks, and This is His Word.

Yeah, you tell her it's wrong to do that, she'll go right ahead and do it, anyhow. See? Why? Women in all Christendom do these things, and the church don't seem to care anything about it. Why is it? The sons of God has fell for the lust of female flesh and blood, and denied the very God and Blood that bought them, to separate them from those filthy things. Amen. That's the Truth. So help me God, it's the Truth.

146 Try to stop her? You think Noah's preaching had any hindrance? No, sir. But what is it? It's a voice, the Voice. And when we're all called to the Judgment, the very Message that I'm preaching, tonight, will meet me right there, Word by Word. And then what are you going to do? It's a flashing red Light.

147There was a time, bull-headed amongst the women. We're going to... We will just set this, because of this being women. And you wonder why I'm always hollering about this. Now I'm going to lay, get a lot--lot of Scriptures throwed in here before closing, and show you why. And that's the reason I've got to stay true to this Word, and every servant of God ought to stay true to the Word. You must stay, because there's got to be a voice somewhere crying out against it. I don't care what the rest of them does; you're not responsible for them. You answer as an individual. You don't answer as a Methodist, you don't answer as a Baptist, or a Pentecostal. You answer as an individual, to God, for your own life.

148 And we see these signs, and yet they go on doing it. Tell her it's wrong, see what she says. Bull-headed! That's exactly what Eve done. Eve knowed better than to do that. Did she? She had the Word of God. Said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." Well, why did she do it? She wanted her own way. And why will women cut their hair; why will women wear these clothes, and the Bible saying that that's just exactly what they're supposed to do? And the thing that they're doing, they're all condemned. Exactly. But why does she do it? She's got her own self. Yes, sir. She is going to have her own way. And the church says nothing about it. And the church is supposed to be the Bride of Jesus Christ, and say nothing about it?

149 Tell one of them about it, you know what they say? Insomuch as to say, "No old Bible is going to stand in my way from having some fun." Now just exactly. You tell them it's written in the Bible. Oh, they might not say those words, but that's what they express.

Did you ever hear the old saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? Well, then, does it? Actions speaks louder than words. No matter what you're saying, your--your life speaks so loud till they can't hear your testimony. As I said this morning, just jump as high as you live. See? Your actions speaks louder than your words. And you just might as well come out and say it, because their own words speak. Your--your words, no matter what it is, your actions speaks what--what you are.

If you speak anything different than what you really are, it becomes hypocrisy. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! How can you say good things, when out of the heart speaks, out of the heart speaketh the mouth?" See, they were saying something they didn't mean.

And women so, is to say it, oh, my, "Have my own fun."

150 What happens? Out of marriage... Here is another place in the Bible. Out of marriage goes the vow, "obey." Obey? "A keeper at home, chaste, of good works."

She laughs in your face and goes to the powder plant, somebody's office. "My husband..." Yeah. Oh, I doubt that.

You see forces today, such a disgrace, put women on the police force. If that isn't a mark of--of debauchery among any city! As many man is out of work, and they have to put them women out there, when the Bible said she is to "stay home and be a chaste keeper at home." But she keeps all the boss' books, and yours, too. Yes. That's right.

I ain't talking about good women now. I'm not throwing this to you women that's really godly women. God bless you. That's on tape, or wherever more.

But I'm talking about, where you find one like that, you find fifteen hundred the other way. They won't listen to a Word. "Keep your Bible! Preach It to yourself. We don't want to hear It." Obey? Oh!

151 She might say this, "You tell your Bible stories to somebody else. Keep your God to somebody else, and leave me alone. What are you hollering at me about? I never did ask you to say these things." I know, but God did. See? So that's all.

152So they still corrupt the way. Just as they did in the days of the Lord, just as they did in that day, so do they today, just the same. It hasn't changed. It doesn't change. It won't change.

153Juvenile delinquency finally gets her children. The jail gets part of the women and the man, and hell takes the whole thing, that's exactly right, finally swallows them all up. And the preaching seems to go over the top of their backs. They never listen to It. They're going to have their own. You can tell them the Bible says This. They say, "Keep your Bible. We're going to have our fun."

154 I can hear some of you sisters saying now, maybe not right present, but hear you saying, "Who, me obey my husband? Huh! I make him obey me." But there is where you're wrong. "Stay at home, chaste? I don't care what the Bible says about it, you leave me alone!" Listen, sister, that wasn't in, back in the Dark Ages, that's the voice of today. That never happened so much back in the antediluvian, it happens today too. That's the same thing.

155Again they say, "I'm a modern woman. I live in America." Well, that's no more than you live in a hog pen. It wouldn't make a bit of difference to God where you lived. You are what you are in your heart. That's right. And don't think, sister, that you're so modern, that you're one of these modern women, as you want to say today. You're from a way back, according to this Bible, in dark ages, in the antediluvian time. In the time of Noah, that's when they did the same thing. So you're not so very modern, after all, are you? See? That's the way they acted in the antediluvian world. See? And that's the way they're acting today, so it must be dark age again, back in the great dark beyond.

156 And you man that will let your wife do it, you're no longer sons of God. No, you kind of fell into Sodom, that's right, let the women boss you around. Oh, my!

157I don't know whether to say this or not. I better bypass this part. But, all right. This is terrible, but all to this age that we're living in. You see the red light on, flashing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And morning will break Eternal, bright and fair;

Then His chosen ones shall gather (from the dust of the earth) to their Home beyond the sky.

Oh, what a day that will be! All right. Oh, yes!

158 Go back in Sodom? Don't worry, there is an A-bomb waiting to clean it all up, that's right, clean up the whole world. It'll do it. And then it'll all be renewed again, like we seen under the Sixth Seal, for a redeemed bunch of people who has accepted the Lord Jesus, who has become Christian, who has sold out their cares and their fashions of this world, and has come to Jesus Christ, and looking to Him and Him alone; in His humble, simple program, to come and believe on Him, and receive Eternal Life. And if you say you got Eternal Life, and disagree with this Bible, your eternal life is not the Eternal Life that God gives. You're deceived, by death, and not of Life. That's right.

159 Now, oh, "Fear God and keep His Word, for this is the full commandment." The red lights are flashing, and the time is at hand. As it was in the days of Noah, see, they took the legitimate thing and perverted it. They took eating, and they took drinking, and they put building, and they put all these other things, and perverted it. Now, Jesus expects us to build a home, see; but just look what has taken place in that. Eating, He expects us to eat, that's right; look what's taken place in that. Drinking, we expect to drink our waters and whatever we have to do; but, instead of that, they've took it into drinks and liquor, and everything, and cocktails, bringing their women in. See?

160 And what about the increase of population, as it was in the days of Noah? What about the beauty of women increasing constantly, more and more? See? Red light!

What about the time that women would come, when they would be the way they were, "heady, high-minded," and everything, couldn't tell them nothing? Preach the Word to them, they'll go right on do it anyhow. See?

What will happen? Just exactly like it was in the days of Noah. One day, the door of mercy will be closed. Then the Scripture says, "the sanctuary become smoky," that means that the Intercessor has gone from it. And as long as the Lamb is still back there... As I said this morning, or somewhere I was preaching, that, as long as the Lamb is there to make intercession, there is still mercy. But what assurance do we have, when we see the train is already in the block, when we see the Coming of the Lord, the flashing of the light?

161 How I could speak of different things as we know that He promised to do here in the last days, and we see it right before them. And then we see this subject tonight, of another red light flashing, of carrying on among our women, and things the way they're doing. We see it's pointing, every--every milepost, everything, every needle, every compass, is set straight onto His Coming. We're at the end. There is nothing else that I know to happen but the Coming of the Lord.

162And then, my dear friend that's outside of Christ, what do you think about this? Are you just resting... Honestly, friend, I want to ask you a simple question. Are you just resting upon some little sensation you had, or some, maybe, something that you had? Maybe you got happy one time and danced all over the place, as many the holiness people and Pentecostals, and Nazarenes, and Pilgrim Holiness. They believe if they get happy enough to dance, that that's It. And then cut your hair, wear shorts? Would the Holy Spirit make you do that, when He condemns it in the Bible?

163 What about you who says, "Well, I belong to the church. I'm a Pentecostal. I'm a Methodist, or whatever I am. I'm a member! My mother is a charter member of the church. I've been a charter member"? And the very spirit that's on you is making you do the things that this Bible condemns for you to do. See?

You say, "I've spoke with tongues, Brother Branham. Now, don't you get a hold of that. I spoke with tongues, and that's the evidence of the Holy Ghost." If your life... If you can still cut your hair, if you can still do these things the Bible says not do; you could speak with tongues all day and night, and it's still nothing to do with God. The tree is known by its fruit.

164 I'm getting old. I know that. Each day I get a new ache and pain. Every one of us do. You might as well tell the truth. I thought, "God, don't let me..."

One of the most miserable things, is to see a man or woman who has never accepted Christ, and just lived an old mossback church member, meaner than Satan himself, and see him out there, with crabbed old something, "Well, I tell you, I don't believe in the..." God never... That's a--that's a... That's the horriblest crown that Satan can crown a life with. A grouchy old woman, about sixty or seventy years old, with fat hanging down under her arms, and the wrinkles all over her face, and her hair bobbed up, in four or five different colors, and strutting herself down in a pair of little shorts; if that ain't the crowning of Satan, I never seen it, or some old crabbed man.

165 O God, I know I... Give me grace to never complain. And I want my life, Lord, I want my people's life... God, grant that our life could be crowned, no matter if we suffer, whatever takes place, how many turns against me.

I know this one thing in my life, as I get older, my friends, the stream behind me, will soon be running out, narrower and narrower, as I go down the road. And I know one thing, it'll come to pass after a while that there'll be nobody come to me and say... ask me advice. The ones who know me in my younger days will be gone on, if I shall live. My friends will get fewer and fewer, as I get older now.

166And I know that someday I've got to die. I hope that God never lets Satan crown me as an old crabbed, indifferent man, and my wife an old nagging woman, or your wife, or you that way. I pray, brother, that our lives will be crowned with the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, Truth, faith, in the Holy Spirit.

167 My life thins out. About thirty-five years ago I stood in the pulpit here, as a little boy. Tonight I'm an old, gray in hair, and bald-headed, stooping shoulder; I'm broke down. My life is running out, and the threads are getting brittle that I'm walking on. As I move on down the stream, my friends get fewer. And after a while it'll come to a place, maybe, that I--I won't enjoy the songs like I used to; and maybe my grandchildren, the children will have to say, "Don't make grandpa nervous." It may come to that if I live.

168Then I'll come on down till I can't get up out of my chair. Then one morning the fog will come into the room, I'll motion across the border, to death, to come get me. He can only take me by the hand and lead me across to my Master. He is not my slave-driver. I am not his slave. He is my slave. Christ conquered death for me. And only one thing he can do, is pull me in the Presence of my Maker, "When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved."

169 The moment when a mother is fixing to have a baby, you notice, I don't care how cruel she's been, and how mean. You know, a while before that baby is born, the mother gets gentle. Why is it? When them little muscles in that womb is twitching and jumping like that, there is a heavenly body waiting for it. And when it comes from the mother, the doctor or the midwife, whoever it is has to pick it up and shock it, spank it, shake it, or something, and then it catches the breath of life. And the little angelic spirit comes into it, the breath of life, and it becomes a living soul. And when we have Christ in our heart, and Christ becomes real in our heart, it's a little baby. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved..."

170Jesus said, in John 14. In closing, I'll say this. He said, "Don't let your hearts be troubled; if you've believed in God, believe in Me. For, in My Father's Kingdom is many tabernacle. I'll go and prepare a place for you." When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one. "I'll go and prepare a place for you, that where I am, there may ye be also." Wants to be with Him.

171Then I know, as this little child cries, for the new birth has been formed; when all other life breaks away, all mortal life and everything is gone, then it'll take something to shock me, and it takes death. Death gives you the shock, when it strikes you, but it only borns you again in a new Kingdom, over on the other side where there is no sickness, sorrow, no old age, or nothing. God help us.

172 How, friend, can you ever turn down something like that, seeing that there's no hopes in the world, outside of Jesus Christ? The red lights are flashing.

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the Bible foretold; (women cutting their hair, wearing shorts; the red light is on, see)

Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamp trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

173 I love Him. I want you to love Him. And as we bow our heads just a moment, in a word of prayer, in closing. The red lights are flashing. The signal is on. The Coming of the Lord is at hand. He speaks to the nations. He speaks to the people. He speaks through the signs and wonders. As we took Sodom and showed how that Angel come to Abraham, the signs that He performed just ere the falling of the fire, we see that.

174He said, "In the days of Lot, they built, they sold." Look at it today. "And as the days of Noah," women becoming pretty, the sons of God falling, human flesh being worshipped in the form of females, and all these things that's taking place, that we've talked of tonight. The light's a flashing, the Coming of the Lord is at hand. Are you still just a church member?

Are you sure, my friend? How do you know you'll live through the night? Look at Brother Way standing here this morning, in a moment, just turning around to shake hands with somebody, dropped dead right in his track. God might not be so kind to you as to give you another opportunity. You don't know what minute that that heart makes its last beat. Think of it.

175 The Coming of Christ is flashing its signs. Look at them. See if what I've told you tonight... It may not be very popular, but it's the Truth. It's what God said, and here we are.

176Women don't want to stay home. They don't want to take care of their families. They just hire a babysitter and go out to a party somewhere. Juvenile delinquent, all things is taking place; bobbing their hair, wearing shorts, make-up. The increase is getting prettier and prettier. Man, sons of God, are falling. It's a trap for Satan to use, the sons of God to fall into that. Just as Jesus said, it has to happen. He said it would be there, and here it is. He said, "When these things come to pass, this generation will not pass away," and that's forty years, "until all these things be fulfilled." Think of it.

177 Are you still just a church member? Have you done wrong? Look and search your life over, tonight, men, women. Look at yourself, look at your own faults. What, in your present state now, if Christ was on earth preaching this? You say "If--if He would have, if I'd have heard Him preach that, I--I would have repented." If you would, This is His Own Word tonight, you'll do it now. If you're without God, and you know...

178"Oh," you say, "I belong to church. I've spoke in tongues. I--I don't..." Now we're laying that aside. Look at yourself, check your life now with God's Word. Are you that person to walk away and say, "I don't care what the Bible says. Brother Branham, I think you're wrong"? It ain't me that's wrong. If there's any wrong about it, It's the Word.

And you don't know God yet, and you're not sure that if Jesus should come at this hour that you'd be ready to go. Why would you trifle, when seeing death is so close, when see the end is so close?

179 If there is any here, with your heads bowed now, would want to be remembered in prayer as we close, would you just raise up your hand and say, "Brother, pray for me." God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother, sister. Oh, just over the building.

180That's it, let's just take a little inventory now. You sisters now, with all good faith and hope, just think of this. "Have I really obeyed God? Really, where is my desire? Brother Branham, I--I--I--I still do these things. I--I feel good. I feel happy."

Do you know heathens feel just as happy? You know, a drunk man is just as happy, under liquor, as you are, the influence of liquor? And if you're happy under anything that's contrary to the Word of God, it's the devil. If you say, "I'm satisfied in my church," and you hear the Word of God preached, and won't tally up to It, you're inspired by the wrong thing, no matter what your inspiration is. I've seen them scream, and jump and holler, and--and everything, and drink blood out of a human skull, and call on the devil, that's right, just as happy as you ever could be. Heathenism produces just as much psychology as anything else, psychics of the mind. But the experience of Christ is of the heart, that change the whole make up, changes the person into a new creature. Think of it, real hard.

181 Look at yourself. Just imagine a mirror before you, you're look at yourself. "Am I honest? Am I sincere? Do I really, in my heart, do I serve the Lord?"

182Say, "I serve It." And look in, you women with bobbed hair, wear shorts. Look at you that does these things. Look at you man who let your wives do it; say, "Am I a son of God? Am I a Sodomite?" You women say, "Am I really a modern woman, or am I some antediluvian something that Jesus said would be here in the last days again?" Think it over. Look at yourself.

183See, your own being expresses what you are. And if you're not right, will you be honest enough just to... Be honest now, raise your hand, say, "Christ, I don't hold my hand to Brother Branham or to no other person but You, but I am wrong. Forgive me. Brother Branham promised to pray for me, now I'm going to raise my hand, say, 'Jesus, have mercy on me tonight. Save me for Christ's sake. I don't want to be lost. All this life You've give me, it would be a most horrible thing if I--if I just throw it away, when I have this golden opportunity tonight to really see with my own eyes that the red lights are flashing on every side; the Coming of the Lord, the promise that He would show these signs, and He'd heal the sick, He'd raise the dead, He'd cast out devils; there'd be a bunch--a bunch, just a few people, just a minority that the world would be making fun of, and calling bad names, and so forth, like that.'"

184 And they have to call us bad names. They have to call the Truth bad names. Jesus said, "Whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven, when He's doing the very same thing you see done." He said, "But whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, when It comes to do the same thing, will never be forgiven in this world." See, they have to do that. There has to be a Message like that, to make the people make fun of It, to show God's justice to condemn the whole world and destroy it.

185While there is mercy and someone standing in the gap, Jesus Christ, and a open door tonight, won't you receive Him, my friend?

186Now, customarily, it's come to the altar. That's all right. I have nothing against it. But the Scripture, It said, "As many as believed was baptized." From all your heart, if you'll surrender your life to Jesus Christ right where you're setting, right where He spoke to you when you raised your hand!

187That same God that could call this man back to life, being laying dead right before me this morning, to confirm to you that I'm telling you the Truth. Who can raise the dead but God? That's right. So it isn't your--your little broke-up pastor here, it's the Christ that loves you. And He is expressing to you tonight, "You've heard the Truth. You've saw the Truth. It's from My Word. You seen My Word call back. You see My Word predict these things. You see it happen just exactly through all these years, without one failure."

188 Now what will you do with Jesus, while the red light is flashing? Why don't you do this, throw down that old sack of worldly peanuts! Why don't you throw down that old True Story magazine, and that old--old junk that you're pulling your soul through every day! Why don't you scoot that television in a corner and turn it around, if it's keeping you away from church! Why don't you lay aside every weight that so easily besets you! Why don't you raise your heart to Christ, and say, "Christ, tonight I'm finished. I'm making ready. I see You're coming. I'm picking up the suitcase, God's Bible, that's packed with Eternal Life, and, from henceforth on, I'll live from This!" Won't you do it, while we pray?

189 Our Heavenly Father, not meaning to be rude, by no means, Lord. But the Message is pointed at the time, not at individuals, not at any certain person, but it's pointed at the time. It's a time the Holy Spirit seemed to press me to tape this. As after many, many times across this pulpit, that we have showed the days of Lot, the days of Sodom, the days that Jesus spoke of, the signs of the time, the coming of the Lord, in many ways. And then after all that I have spoken so hard against the women of this day and around the country, then, Father, I thought it would be the Holy Spirit speaking to me that I would tell the people why I have done this. It's because that Your inspired Word has so probbed at my heart, till I just could not hold the peace.

190Some nearly fifty or seventy-five hands in the building went up, Father, upon a crude, cutting Word of the Lord. But It's brought them to a shock, to let them know that the whistle is blowing; the saints are all gathering together; the nations are tearing to pieces; the signs of the Coming; the red lights are flashing. And we see, by the action, pointed to our women tonight of this day, that the way that the Bible said they would be, and here they are.

191 The infallible Voice of Jesus Christ warned us to watch the days of Noah and compare it with the day that we live. And then when we seen those things happen, women becoming fair, and sons of God taking them, and how these things would be, then we know that that generation would see the Coming of the Lord. Then, we know the flashing light, His coming is near.

192I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will bless each one that raised their hand. I--I just offer this humble, sincere prayer, and I know You'll hear me. You were so kind to Brother Way this morning, to let a humble little prayer start that heart beating again, a sincere love for a brother that had dropped into his wife's lap, cold and dead form. Lord, let people know tonight that being dead in sin and trespasses is far more dangerous than dying a physical death; for there is no one can catch you at that time, if you pass beyond the veil, in sin and trespasses.

Grant tonight, Lord, that, every soul that raised their hands; I offer this prayer in the Name of the Lord Jesus; that there will be such a revolution come to their life, that there'll be such a purpose in their heart, that purpose in their heart that they'll sin no more against God; that they'll stand, from this hour on, upon God's Eternal, blessed Word and be fed by His Holy Spirit, and led into the paths of Life, day by day, as they journey on from this hour, henceforth.

193 Now, Heavenly Father, I may never see them, I may never be able to shake their physical hand here in this earth, though I'd like to do it. But, Lord God, I pray that this prayer will be answered. And You said in Your Word, "He that will hear My Word, and will believe on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall not come to the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." In my humble way of bringing the Truth of God, tonight, many heard the Word. Now, You promised that You would save them, and they "would not perish," that, no man could pluck them from Your hand, that You would raise them up at the last days, not one hair of their head should perish. You promised it.

194Now, as a prayer, as a servant, Lord, and as a brother to--to them, I--I pray this prayer and place them into the hands of God, that not one harm shall ever be able to come to them, and Satan will not pluck them from the hand of God. They are Yours, trophies. And I trust that You'll give them long life, and if possible, let them see the Coming of the Lord Jesus. May they go from here tonight, and to be soul winners, to tell others, to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Grant it. It's all into Your hands, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ.

195 And while we have our heads bowed just a moment. I wonder if such person present now, that feels that while we were in prayer that--that something unusual happened in your heart, and you feel that from now on that you are going to live a consecrated life to Christ, and you see the Coming of the Lord at hand, you believe what I preached was the Truth, about this flashing red light, of the way things are. And--and you understand that it's the Word of the Lord, 'cause it's Christ, and you believe, from tonight on, you'll live a better, closer life to Christ, because the prayer that you prayed tonight and the confession you made. And with your head bowed, you just raise your hand, say, "I believe it. From this night on, I'll live a different life." God bless you. That's fine. That's just wonderful. I believe to say practically everyone, perhaps, that raised their hand a while ago, raised their hands back that they have accepted it.

196 Now if you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, remember, "There is not another name under Heaven given among man whereby you must be saved, but the Name of Jesus Christ." Remember, there is only one Bride, the Bride of Christ, and that bears His Name.

197Now, and if you've never been baptized by immersing in water, in the Name of Jesus Christ, let me as His servant... If God has proven to you by signs and wonders, and by His Word, that I tell the Truth; I command you as Saint Paul did, in Acts 19, who found a bunch of Baptists. They had been baptized by John the Baptist. He said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They said, "We know... whether there be any Holy Ghost."

He said, "Then to what was you baptized?"

They said, "We've been baptized already, by John the Baptist, out in the Jordan, the same man that baptized Jesus Christ."

198 That would be a wonderful baptism, but Paul said, "It's no good now." He commanded them they would have to be rebaptized again, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Acts 19:5.

And Paul said, "If an Angel comes down from Heaven and preaches any other gospel than This that I have preached, let him be accursed," Galatians 1:8. Then he repeated it again, said, "As I have said, so say I again. 'Though a Angel,'" let alone a minister, bishop, pope, or whatever it might be, "if a Angel come down from Heaven, a--a Cherubim out of the Heavens, and preached another gospel than That, let him be cursed."

Then, I command you, if you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, while the water is in the pool, and the robes are waiting, come and be baptized, "Calling upon the Name of the Lord, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

199 Our Heavenly Father, now it's up to You. Persuading man, I try; but to make man, I cannot. And You never work against a man's will; because, if a man or woman is predestinated to Eternal Life, when the Light of God flashes over that seed, it'll come to Life. And if there is Life among us tonight, Father, that You flashed Your Light over, and they've seen the Truth, may they walk humbly and sweetly to the pool, to be baptized into the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

200Which, we know that every person in the Scripture had to be baptized, and rebaptized. Those who were not baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, had to be rebaptized. And the great apostle, who had the keys to the Kingdom, said on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, that your sins may be remitted, and then the promise of the Holy Ghost is to you." Grant that it will be carried out tonight, in full measure, Father.

201I commit them to You now. "Take these few words and the meditation of my heart, and may it be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord." And anchor upon Thy children, and give to them Eternal Life. Save all those who are savable, and heal those that are sick. May the grace of God rest upon each of them, as we commit them to You now, in Jesus' Name.

202 Now with our heads bowed, I'm going to ask our sister that plays the piano to come here. Just a moment, just about five more minutes. And if there is any that desires to be baptized now, that's made a confession and believed. If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and you believe it with all your heart, not just--just emotional, but you believe it, and you are ready to confess that you're wrong; and you're not standing upon your own merits, but upon what He done; and you're ready to walk forward, to take on His Name in water baptism, become a member of the Body by the Holy Spirit; then, the women's room is on my right, and the man's room is on my left, with robes and things ready.

203 While we bow our heads, as our sister plays, "I can hear my Saviour calling," if the song leader will give us a little word of that. With our heads bowed now, the service is in the hand of Almighty God now; to whoever wishes to be baptized; wishes to go into the prayer rooms to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is instructors here will be ready to instruct or do anything. May the Words not fall in vain, but may they accomplish that from which it's purposed. With our heads bowed, may we pray now. And, and where He leads you, follow.

I can hear my...

Now pray, every sinner.

I can hear my Saviour...

Could you hear Him call, when He raised the dead man this morning?

I can hear...

Could you hear Him calling, when you hear the Word flashing Its Light at the end time?

I'll go with Him, with Him...

Are you willing to go all the way?

Where He...

God bless you, my brother. The men to the left. The women to the right. I...

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads...

The Bible said, "As many as believed were baptized."

... follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

The Holy Ghost...?...

I'll go with Him through the...

If somebody will go with the women over here, for seeking the Holy Spirit, go in the room to the right, some of you sisters instructed in the Lord.

... all the way.

Where He leads...

Can you honestly say that, "Where He leads me I'll follow"? Will you do it? What about the little Voice speaks to you, will you--will you go where He leads you? Watch the red light. See the light flashing? We're at the end time.

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I can hear my Saviour...

How does He speak? Through His Word, in your heart. Will you come now? This is your invitation. Remember, if it happens before we come together again, you've been warned.

... hear my Saviour calling,

"Take thy cross, and follow, follow Me."

Where He...

Now will some of the brethren, for instructions, go in the room here to my left, with the brethren getting ready for baptism. "Where He lead..." Some of the minister brothers here, come and help us, step in the room with them.

... follow,

Where He leads me...

Do you really mean it?

... follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

204 Now, just a moment. Now, if you have not been baptized in water, by immersing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just only the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Spirit," there was never a person in all the Bible, not one person, was ever baptized in the Bible, in the Name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," in that title. No person was ever baptized in the church, in history, for the first three hundred years this side, every one was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, until the Nicaea Council at Nicaea, Rome, where the Roman Catholic church was organized, then they substituted the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost."

205 If there's a historian, a minister, any other person, on air, in tape, that can produce one Scripture or one speck of history, where anybody was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of Jesus Christ, till the Roman Catholic church at Nicaea, Rome, you're duty bound to bring it to me, let me apologize. There is no such thing. No. And every person that was baptized by immersing, that was not baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, was commanded, before they could enter Glory, to come back and be rebaptized again. Now it's up to you.

206There is no Scripture in the Bible, where any persons was ever baptized, using the name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," as the people baptize today. It's a Catholic, Roman Catholic creed that was handed down through Martin Luther, and John Wesley, kept running on. And the Bible predicts it would be that way, and would run out in the last days, and the door would be open, as we just went through the church ages to see it.

207 It's up to you. I'm just a messenger of the Message. Once again, let's believe it. The doors are open. The baptistery is full, and there is no reason... There is robes ready, and we'll be ready to baptize in the next few minutes.

208If you're here and have not been baptized, once more let us sing, and come, won't you? Fulfill...

209You say, "I intend to do that someday, Brother Branham." That someday may meet you like it did Brother Way this morning, but maybe not the grace to follow, as it did. You may go any minute. Whether you're young, if you live through the night, you'll... And if you're seventy years old, you'll outlive many ten-year-old, and fifteen-, thirty-year-old people. Thousands of them will die through the night. That's right. You don't know when you're going.

210Be sure. Don't take a chance on that. Just remember, you can take a chance on your work, or you take a chance on this, but don't you take a chance on That. Remember, my voice will be a witness on God's magnetic tape at the Day of the Judgment, against it.

211But now think of it, as we sing again with our heads bowed. "Where He..." Brother Neville. "... I will follow."