Stáť v medzere



Ale, vidíte, dokonca Svätý Pavol sa raz dostal medzi úžinu. A mnohokrát, keď Boh robil veci alebo nechal Svojich služobníkov to robiť, to boli chyby, aby sa dokázali tieto veci. No, vieme, že ľudské bytosti môžu robiť chyby, ale Boh nemôže urobiť chybu. Ale teraz, ak sa dostanem na pole kázania a pôjdem tou cestou, ktorou idem, potom musím usporiadať zhromaždenia, ktoré sú predo mnou a urovnať tie veci. A možno toto je ten skvelý čas, ktorý prichádza, ktorý sme hľadali. A istotne, a toto samo osebe je ohromná vec, ktorá sa stane, a spôsobí, že sa stane, to úžasné víťazstvo v Láske Božej (a to je sloveso pred príslovkou), potom je to Božská Láska, ktorou je Boh. Vidíte? A na to je potrebná láska Božia, aby sa vrhla do prednej línie a postavila sa do medzery za ľudí.

A títo Rikyovia a Rikety, ktorí tak odvrávali na tie slová, že som ich volal "Riky" a "Riketa," Boh mi dal porozumieť, že by som to nemal robiť, lebo to je... Mnohí z nich sú stále Jeho deti. Musím... Oni si nemôžu pomôcť, lebo sa správajú tak odlišne. Niektorí s týchto starých, chladných, formálnych cirkví, ktoré ich majú, ten duch na nich, a oni sú tak vo väzení, ako bol Izrael vo väzení, tak veľmi, že Mojžiš šiel dolu, aby ich vyslobodil z otroctva: ľudské bytosti, ktoré milujú Ježiša Krista, slúžili by Mu, ak by len vedeli, čím Mu slúžiť. A oni sú v zajatí pod denominacionalizmom, ktorý im hovorí, "Toto nerob," a "Tamto nerob."

Ale volanie Božie musí prísť, "Ktokoľvek chce pochodovať smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, nech pochoduje." Sme na našej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Amen...?... Nech prídu, pochodujú. Sme na našej ceste stretnúť Krista v čase konca. A chcel som vám toto priniesť, aby ste videli, a ukázať vám tie chyby, ktoré môže človek urobiť, hoci je úprimný.

1 [brat Neville uvádza brata Branhama: “brat Branham, nech ťa Boh žehná.” - pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat Neville. Zostaňme teraz len na chvíľu stáť, ako sa skloníme k modlitbe. Skloňme svoje hlavy, a ak je tu nejaká zvláštna prosba, dajte to len vedieť svojimi zdvihnutými rukami. No, držte vo svojich srdciach tie veci, ktoré potrebujete. A proste Nebeského Otca, aby to daroval.

2 Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame teraz k Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša. Prichádzame, veriac, že veci, po ktorých túžime, majú byť povedané v modlitbe. A ak budeme veriť, že dostaneme to, o čo prosíme, bude to dané. No, to zasľúbenie je tak pravdivé. Po celé tie roky sme to videli odskúšané a vieme, že je to pravda. Chceme Ti najprv poďakovať za zachovanie našich životov a že si nám dovolil byť tu znovu späť spolu, zhromaždení tu v zbore Pánovom.

3Ďakujem Ti za cirkev a za pastora a za tú veľkú pravdu, v ktorej je tu zbudovaná a pre ktorú stojí. Ďakujeme Ti za každú osobu, ktorá je v Božskej Prítomnosti. A prosíme, aby si bol dnes k nám milostivý, a dal nám zrozumenie, ktoré potrebujeme, aby sme mohli byť užitočnejšími sluhami pre Teba. Je to túžbou nášho srdca, slúžiť Ti s úctou a s pravdivým srdcom, a aby si mohol vziať to najlepšie z našich životov. Každý deň, nech naše chodenie je také, aby si bol potešený vecami, ktoré sme v ten deň urobili.

4No, modlíme sa dnes za všetkých chorých a núdznych, ktorí sú tu v Božskej Prítomnosti a v prítomnosti Tvojich svätýň všade po svete, aby veľký Jehova prišiel vo Svojej moci a uzdravil všetkých chorých a postihnutých. Prijmi slávu Tvojmu veľkému Menu. Požehnaj každú tajnosť v srdciach dnes ráno, tých žiadostí o modlitbu. Modlíme sa teraz, ako sa dívaš dolu do každého srdca a vidíš, čo predstavovali ich zodvihnuté ruky, a daj im ich túžbu. A požehnaj nás, ako Ťa ďalej uctievame, a keď dnes ráno opustíme budovu a pôjdeme do našich domovov, nech sme schopní povedať ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď k nám hovoril na ceste?" Prosíme to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

5Rád by som povedal, že je dobré dnes ráno byť tu znovu v zhromaždení ľudí v Prítomnosti Pána. Bolo to niekoľko mesiacov, čo som sa vrátil. A minulú nedeľu som zamýšľal prísť dolu, ale myslím, že to nebola vôľa Pánova. Akosi, to údolie tu je pre mňa veľmi nezdravé. Hneď ako prídem do údolia... som alergický na tento vzduch, ktorý tu je. A celý sa vyhádžem, a myslím, že tie vyrážky išli rovno do žalúdka. A bol som chorý, chvel som sa a triasol a mrazilo ma a ja som jednoducho nemohol prísť dolu, hoci, vstal som a snažil som sa do toho prinútiť. A ja som... viem, že som... To údolie je pre mňa veľmi nezdravé a je nezdravé a ja tu nemôžem žiť.

6No, chceme oznámiť, že sme mali skvelý čas v službách Pánovi, vonku v rôznych častiach krajiny, kde nás Pán zavolal slúžiť. A teraz, neočakával som, že budem dnes ráno hovoriť na nejakú určitú vec, keď brat Neville tak chcel, aby som niečo povedal, keď som tu s ľuďmi. Tak ja... on je vždy takto zdvorilý, ako všetci poznáme brata Nevilleho. A my milujeme brata Nevilleho. No, nie je žiaden deň, kedy by som na neho nemyslel, jeho a jeho ženu a rodinu a jeho deti, a nemodlil sa za nich. Boh mu dáva silu, aby mohol ísť ďalej, pokračovať. Ako vieme, náš čas sa vyčerpáva. Sme tak blízko zajtrajšku, k tomu Večernému Svetlu dňa.

7A ja... naša rodina je na západe. Všetci sme to zvládli dobre. A ja som pribral 12 libier a zhodil som z toho desať, odkedy som späť. A Billy Paul pribral osemnásť libier. A Rebeka a Sára a Jozef, všetci pribrali. Samozrejme, moja žena nepribrala. Tak, tak... Ja by som sa to tu hore neopovážil povedať, viete, lebo sa za chvíľu musím vrátiť domov...?... Vidíte? Tak ja... Ale mali sme nádherný, nádherný čas a tak príjemný.

8My... je to trochu zlé, myslím, vrátiť sa späť, ale je jedna veľká vec – dve veci hlavne, ktoré nám chýbali, že žiadne iné miesto by to nemohlo nahradiť: jedna vec, naši priatelia tu, a cirkev. Nezáleží, kam ideme, nachádzame priateľov. A my sme vďační za našich priateľov. Ale je niečo na tých priateľoch, ktorí s vami pevne držia aj v prekážkach a problémoch, že nie je spôsob, ako ich nahradiť. Nezáleží na tom, aký môže byť ktorýkoľvek iný priateľ, nie je spôsob, ako nahradiť takého priateľa. Vy ste jednoducho s nimi zviazaní; ste jedno. A my, spolu, čakáme na príchod Pánov, ako idú dni... A je to trochu ťažké skúsiť pomyslieť, že by ste mohli... Nemôžete byť rozdelení.

9Prichádza mi na myseľ Písmo, ktoré verím, že napísal Pavol, a povedal v Korinťanom, že, "nie je nič prítomné, nič budúce, žiadne moci, ani nahota, hlad, nebezpečenstvo, alebo nijaké stvorenie, ani život, ani smrť, nás nemôžu oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Ježišovi Kristovi." Ako dokonca ani samotná smrť nás nikdy neoddelí, lebo sme sa spolu spojili v srdciach v tomto veľkom obecenstve okolo Slova Božieho. A dokonca samotná smrť nás nerozdelí. Budeme zjednotení pre veľkú večnosť po všetky časy a veky.

10A potom deti, ráno... Išli by sme do zboru, samozrejme, ale všade, kam idete, nie je žiadna... To nie je tá malá Modlitebňa na rohu. A niečo na tom je. Chýba mi zvuk toho malého zvonu a to... ja... to ranné cenganie. A myslím, že dôvod, prečo to nezvoní je ten, že oni ešte nevybudovali vežu pre ten zvon.

11A potom, spolu, tu na Ôsmej a Pennovej ulici, kde pred nejakými tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi, kľakajúc tu v starej močarine, aby som postavil moju prvú cirkev... Ako Pán Ježiš so mnou ohľadom toho konal. A dnes tu stojí ako malá svätyňa, a ako tehla a malta stojí ako svätyňa. Ale dolu vo vnútri môjho srdca, je to svätyňa, ktorá bude trvať tak dlho, pokiaľ si budem pamätať. A je to...

12A to, čo tvorí cirkev, to nie je budova. To sú ľudia, ktorí sa pod ňou zhromažďujú, aby uctievali Boha. Sme vďační za tieto veci.

13A teraz, myslel som, že možno, keďže náš čas je vysoký, takmer, a nezostáva nám veľa času, tak by som vás len tak trochu informoval o nejakých veciach, ktoré sa stali. A potom, idem nahrať nejaké pásky, zatiaľ čo tu budem. Lebo som vám všetkým sľúbil (vidíte?), že akékoľvek nové posolstvo (nahrané posolstvo) bude najprv z tohoto pódia. Tu je to, kde sú všetky pásky nahrávané, nie tam vonku. No, brat Jim a oni chodia a predávajú pásky na zhromaždení a tak ďalej. Ale je... Vždy je to o niečom, čo najprv pochádza odtiaľto. Vidíte? Skontrolujte to dozadu a zistíte to. To je môj sľub pre vás a bude to takto pokračovať, až kým to Pán Boh nezmení.

14A teraz si myslím, že naši odberatelia pások, ktorí sú po celom svete... Posolstvo, ktoré vychádza odtiaľto, prechádza zemeguľou. Vidíte? Von do džunglí a všade, ide to na páskach. A k pohanom a tak ďalej, do mnohých, je to prekladané do mnohých rôznych jazykov. Tak chcem, zatiaľ čo tu budem, ak Pán dá, nahrať nejaké nové pásky. A možno, ak pastor nemá niečo, čo mu dnes večer horí na srdci, nuž, rád by som možno dnes večer nahral pásku.

15A potom idem zajtra do Arkansasu, vlastne v utorok, utorok ráno, vypomôcť tam v malom zhromaždení s Medzinárodným bratstvom Kresťanov. Myslím... možno som to zle vyslovil. Je to niečo ako Národné Bratstvo Kresťanov... Ja naozaj neviem. Je mi ľúto. To je hrozné, však? (Vďaka, pane.) Združené Bratstvo Kresťanov. A mal by som tam byť od nedele a ďalej. Ale dnešok som si rezervoval pre Modlitebňu, aby som bol tu dolu. A potom som, potom pôjdem preč v piatok... (Je to... pane? Je...) Piatok je keď sa tam končia zhormaždenia.

A pokúsim sa vrátiť v sobotu večer, aby som tu bol v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán bude chcieť, aby som nahral ďalšiu pásku. A možno niekedy neskôr, chcem urobiť niekoľko pások, predtým než odídeme.

16A potom sa naozaj budem snažiť dostať do Baton Rouge, Louisiana, na to zhromaždenie. A potom, a potom sa vrátim. A potom by som mal ísť, každopádne, do Anchorage. Vidíte? A z Fairbanks a Ancorage, ku Kresťanským obchodníkom plného evanjelia a tie združenia, a potom späť, a ako Pán bude chcieť, hore do Chicaga posledný júlový týždeň.

17A potom predpokladám, o tom čase, budem sa musieť ponáhľať s deťmi znovu do Arizony, aby som ich tam dal do školy. Lebo Charlie, musím tu byť okolo 15. augusta. Tak sa chcem vrátiť do toho času, ak Pán bude chcieť, dolu do Kentucky. Každý sa smeje, možno niektorí noví nevedia, čo to znamená. A len trochu dúfam, že to neznie zle z pódia, ale to je vtedy, keď prichádza sezóna veveričiek. Tak, mama Coxová, som od toho závislý. Vidíte? Tak... za niekoľko týždňov, tam dolu na moju dovolenku...

18No, verím... mám tu niečo, čo mi Billy napísal, nejaké malé poznámky. A jedna z nich hovorila, "Ocko, brat Neville chce vedieť, či by si nepožehnal dve deti." Iste. To bude dobré. A áno, máme službu požehnania, ktorá... Môžeme to mať aj teraz. A potom, myslím, že trochu vezmeme ďalších štyridsaťpäť minút alebo tak nejako, na informovanie, o nejakých veciach, ktoré sa stali.

19No, mnoho ľudí a cirkví, keď ja... Toto je otvorená modlitebňa. Nikdy to nebola denominácia a Boh dá, že ani nikdy nebude. Lebo chceme, aby toto bolo miesto, kde nemáme žiaden zákon okrem lásky, žiadne vyznanie okrem Krista, a žiadnu učebnicu, okrem Biblie. A potom, nemáme členstvo; máme obecenstvo, jeden s druhým, pre všetkých ľudí, všetky denominácie. Každý je vítaný a máme obecenstvo okolo Božieho Slova, kde sa každý môže cítiť tak vítaný, ako sa len dá. V zásade, my jednoducho milujeme Pána Ježiša . A my tu nie sme študovaná skupina. Sme len jednoduchí ľudia, ktorí sa len snažia čítať Bibliu a nedávať do Nej žiadne výklady, okrem toho, čo Ona hovorí. Len...

20Verím, že Boh raz bude súdiť svet podľa Biblie. No, keď sú... On bude súdiť svet. A ak nie je žiaden štandard, podľa ktorého by ich súdil, ako by ľudia vedeli, čo majú robiť? Vidíte? To by bol Boh... Nemôžete Bohu pripnúť nespravodlivosť. A Boh musí mať niečo ako Svoj štandard, podľa ktorého súdi ľudí. Preto, ak to súdi podľa Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, potom grécka cirkev (ortodoxná katolícka) a mnohé z nich sú určite stratené, a celý zvyšok sveta. Ak to súdi podľa Gréckej ortodoxnej cirkvi, a nie podľa Rímskej cirkvi, potom tie ostatné... Potom Rímska cirkev a všetky ostatné sú stratené. Ak to súdi podľa Luteránskej cirkvi, potom Presbyteriáni sú stratení. Ak to súdi podľa Presbyteriánov, potom Luteráni a Baptisti sú stratení. Vidíte? Tak ak On súdi podľa Letničných, potom všetci okrem Letničných sú stratení.

21Ale On to nebude súdiť podľa žiadnej cirkvi, podľa môjho názoru, lebo je príliš mnoho rozdielov a príliš veľa zmätku. Ale bude to súdiť... Biblia hovorí, že On bude súdiť svet podľa Ježiša Krista. No, to je biblické. No... A Biblia povedala, že "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Tak On je Slovo. A toto je Kristus v písanej forme. A v Knihe Apokalypsy pre katolíkov, Zjavenia pre protestantov... V 22.kapitole, keď bola táto Kniha zakončená, Sám Ježiš povedal, "Ak ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, alebo pridá k Tomu jedno slovo, tak isto... Jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy Života." Tak ja... Dôvod, prečo tomuto veríme, je... Povedzte len presne... Nič... On môže robiť veci, ktoré tu nezapísal; vieme to. Ale tak dlho, ako my len zostaneme s tým, čo On napísal, to bude dobré.

22 A teraz, v požehnaní detí, mnoho ľudí, Metodisti ich pokropujú. A myslím, že mali svoje prvé prijímanie v katolíckej cirkvi alebo luteránskej, keď mali asi dvanásť rokov, a nejaký druh služby krstu, keď sa narodili, ako si myslím, že tie deti sú pokropené. A myslím, že to oddelilo Nazarénov od Metodistov pred mnohými rokmi, v krste nemluvniat. Myslím, že je to tak, brat Brown. Verím, že to bolo rozdelenie Metodistickej cirkvi a Nazarénov, lebo Nazaréni neprijali krst nemluvniat. Ale pre nás, tu v modlitebni, ak zostaneme s tým, čo hovorí Biblia... Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, kde by oni kedy niekoho pokropili, už vôbec nie dieťa, a dokonca ani dospelého. Ale oni... Biblia hovorí, jediné miesto z našej Biblie o deťoch, že oni prinášali nemluvňatá k Ježišovi. A On... Aby mohol na ne položiť Svoje ruky a požehnať ich. A On povedal, "Nechajte malé deti prísť ku Mne, a nebráňte im, lebo takých je Kráľovstvo nebeské."

23Tak preto, vieme, že sme biedne ruky, pastor a ja, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný pastor, aby sme zastúpili ruky Pána Ježiša. A ak by tu On bol dnes ráno, títo rodičia by priniesli to dieťa Kristovi. Ale keďže sme tu v Jeho reprezentácii, že Ho reprezentujeme, tak oni prinášajú deti nám. A my ich odovzdávame Pánovi kladúc na ne svoje ruky ako pripomienku Jeho veľkého Slova a Jeho skutku. Tak, to je to, ako my odovzdávame tých maličkých.

24Myslel som, že by tu mohla byť nejaká matka so svojím dieťaťom, ktoré nikdy nebolo odovzdané Pánovi, že by možno chcela prísť s týmito matkami a otcami, ktorí budú odovzdávať deti. My ich len prinášame sem a predkladáme ich Bohu a modlíme sa za ne a hovoríme Pánovi, že na ne kladieme svoje ruky a náhradou za Jeho. A to je to najbližšie k Písmu, čo som doteraz našiel. Teraz si môžete vytiahnuť svoje učebnice a nájsť niečo, čo nejaká skupina ľudí povedala, ale ja mám na mysli, čo Slovo povedalo. Vidíte? A myslím, že som to urobil skutočne, skutočne jasným, čo to je.

25Teraz, keby pianista (Si pianista, brat?) prišiel tu hore. Nie je to hrozné, v mojom vlastnom zbore, pýtať sa, "Kto je pianista?" (Takmer som musel zaklopať na dvere.) V poriadku. Oni spievajú túto malú pieseň, alebo hrajú:

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

A kým to zhromaždenie spieva, postavme sa na svoje nohy. A nech matky a otcovia, ktorí prinášajú svojich maličkých, teraz prídu a postavia sa. V poriadku:

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

25aTak, pastor by... Teraz tu máme malého človiečika, ktorý spí, a niekedy oni kričia "Amen" trochu hlasno. Tak my to chápeme; sú to bábätká. Ako sa voláš, pane? William Henry Vincent. A tvoje malé dievčatko? Christina Maria Vincent. Aký milý malý človiečik, ležiaci na pleciach svojho otca. Môžem si ju vziať? Christina, ja tu nemôžem nahradiť tvojho otca. Skloňme... Položíte svoje ruky na dieťa? Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame dnes k Tvojmu trónu, až hore poza... naša viera nás dvíha poza mesiac, hviezdy, poza slnečnú sústavu, do Prítomnosti Všemohúceho. Prinášame toto milé malé dieťa. My nevieme, čo držíme vo svojich rukách, Pane. Môže to byť veľký sluha pre Teba v tých budúcich dňoch. Veríme, že je to tak. Ale otec dieťaťa priniesol to malé k nám, aby sme na neho položili svoje ruky, že sme vyznali, že sme Tvojimi služobníkmi, aby sme konali na Tvojom mieste, až kým sa nevrátiš a potom Ty prevezmeš všetky veci. Dovtedy, Pane, máme Ti slúžiť v pravdivosti a úprimnosti. A s našimi rukami položenými na toto dievčatko, žehnáme ju v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. A dúfame, že jej dáš dlhý život, ak bude Ježiš predlievať, a nech sa stane veľkou služobnicou pre Teba. Požehnaj ten domov, v ktorom budem vychovávaná. Nech je vychovávaná v napomínaní Božom a nech Mu slúži po všetky dni svojho života. Požehnaj jej rodičov a nech žijú, aby videli, ako je toto dieťa čestnou nádobou Pánovi kvôli ich dnešnému skutku. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Ako sa volá? Toto je sestra tejto: Teresa, ja len neviem, či budeme vládať držať Teresu alebo nie; nemyslím si; ona vie trochu viac. No, skloňme svoje hlavy.

Náš nebeský Otče, ako kladieme svoje ruky na sestru tejto maličkej, ktorú sme Ti práve odovzdali, rodičia chcú, aby aj táto malá bola odovzdaná. Nech milosť Pána Ježiša Krista teraz spočíva na tomto dieťati a dá jej dlhý život, požehnaný službou Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Boh teraz žehná, všetkých vás; ste mocní, šťastní rodičia, keď máte týchto milých človiečikov.

25bJeho meno? Joel William Cartwright. A on si dnes ráno dáva svoju siestu, ako vidím. (V poriadku. Teraz, ak by ste, všetci, obaja mohli ísť na svoje miesto, a potom nech len Jozef príde sem hore. V poriadku, teraz ho môžete držať, keď chcete.)...?... Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohoto malého Jozefa Williama Cartwrighta.

Otec tu stojí dnes ráno, aby Ti dal späť to, čo si mu dal Ty v živote služby. Bože, požehnaj toho malého a nech žije dlhý život, zdravý, silný a stane sa Ti veľkým služobníkom. Požehnaj jeho otca a matku, a domov, v ktorom budem vychovávaný. Nech Kristus bude tým neviditeľným Hosťom po celý čas. A my Ti dávame tohoto malého chlapca pre život služby, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Boh žehná, brat a sestra Cartwright.

25cDievčatko? Jej meno? Sylvia Shippy. Náš nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na toto dievčatko, ako ho tento milovaný prináša tu dnes ráno, stojac pri oltári, nech tie požehnania, ktoré by na ňu prišli, keby Pán Ježiš kládol Svoje vlastné klincami zjazvené ruky na toto dieťa. Nech Tvoje požehnania spočinú na tej malej. Požehnaj ju teraz a nech žije dlhý, šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. A požehnaj jej domov, jej rodičov, jej milovaných, v Mene Ježiša Krista, robíme tento skutok v súlade s Bibliou. Amen. Nech je požehnané...? … Boh ťa žehnaj...?...

25d On bude spevák? Ako sa volá? Laura Ellen Myer. Povedal som, že bude spevák. To mi pripomína... dúfam, že to neznie zle v cirkvi, ale jedného dňa som sa rozprával s Indiánom, ktorý mal malé bábätko, stál som tam a povedal som mu, "To je milý chlapec, to je milý chlapec."

A ten náčelník ma pozoroval niekoľko minút; potom sa pozrel dolu a povedal, "Ale on je ona." Myslím, že tak nejak je to tu.

Ako sa volá? Laura Ellen. Allen, a tvoje druhé meno? Myers, Laura Ellen Myers. Je nádherná maličká.

Náš nebeský Otče, ako kladieme svoje ruky na toto malé dieťa... A v Biblii povedali, že prinášali malé nemluvňatá k Tebe a Ty si na ne kládol Svoje ruky a žehnal si ich; a to je skutok, ktorý konáme ako pripomienku Tvojho veľkého skutku na zemi. Požehnaj toto dieťa, jeho rodičov; nech ten domov je neustálym miestom modlitby, viery. A nech to malé dievčatko žije dlhý šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou po všetky tie dni a nech to rodinné koleso nikdy nebude zlomené tam v sláve. Nech je každý člen zhromaždený okolo veľkého trónu Božieho v ten deň a nech žije večne. Dovtedy, Pane, nech Tvoje večné požehnania spočívajú na dieťati, ktorému žehnáme v Mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat môj.

Táto malá... Jej sestrička Rebeccah. Nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na malú Rebeccu a žehnáme ju taktiež v Mene Pána Ježiša, práve tak, ako keby šla do vody do bazéna, a dúfam, Pane, že príde deň, keď bude vo veku zodpovednosti, aby urobila svoje rozhodnutie a kráčala rovno dolu tam do bazéna a bola pokrstená na odpustenie jej hriechov, v Mene Pána Ježiša. Daj to, Otče. Požehnaj ju teraz s jej malou sestrou. Nech žije dlhý šťastný život v službe pre Teba. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pán ti žehnaj.

25e…?... meno? Malá Jackelyn Cunnard, ďalšie pekné dievčatko. Tak, Nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na to dievčatko ako pripomienku na veľkého Pána Ježiša, Ktorý kládol Svoje ruky na ne, keď ich požehnával, a nech požehnania prídu na to dieťa, ako keby na ňom boli dnes Tvoje vlastné ruky. Keby si bol tu na zemi vo fyzickom tele, tá matka by to dieťa priniesla k Tebe, ale keď sme my Tvojimi reprezentantami, tak ona potom prichádza k nám, Otče, a my prosíme, aby si požehnal dieťa, ktoré my požehnávame, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. Požehnaj jej domov, v ktorom bude vychovávaná, nech je neustálym domom modlitby, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen...

25fTy máš dve, však? V poriadku. No, tento malý chlapec je...? James David Hume. Myslel som si, že ťa poznám, sestra Hume; ty si misionárka, ty a tvoj manžel. Je tvoj muž dnes ráno s tebou? Nuž, nech Boh žehná brata Hume. Nuž, istotne máš milé pekné malé deti. Toto je David, a toto je...

Práve som hovoril so sestrou z Floridy, dnes ráno v pracovni. Tento malý chlapec, keď on bol z …?... Oni sú z Floridy, keď my sme boli tam. Ten malý chlapec, taký mládenec, malý, drobný, drobučká osôbka, on prišiel ku mne...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Teraz, malý David Hume, kladieme na neho svoje ruky, v zasvätení do života služby Ježiša Krista. Nech je v jeho dome ustavičné požehnanie... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

26aPred rokmi, stál som v školských dverách tu hore, v Utica Pike, či som kedy vedel, že ten malý chlapec, malinký, hanblivý, každým prehliadaný, že jedného dňa budem klásť svoje ruky na jeho vnuka a odovzdávať ho Pánu Bohu? Prijmi malého Johna, dnes ráno, Pane, ako Svojho služobníka. Matka a otec ho statočne prinášajú, aby ho dali späť Bohu, to, čo im bolo dané do starostlivosti. A nech žijú silný život v zdraví a sile a odhodlanosti v Kristovi. Teraz Ti dávame tohto malého chlapca v Mene Ježiša Krista, ako život služby. Nech žije dlho a slúži Ti. Amen.

Je toto malé dievčatko posvätené? Ako sa volá? Carla. Takisto na malú Carlu kladieme svoje ruky dnes ráno, a odovzdávame ju do služby Ježišovi Kristovi. Nech ju Boh žehná. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život. Nech je Tvojou služobnicou po všetky dni tohto života. Daj to, Pane. Požehnaj jej domov. Nech je vždy miestom modlitby a viery. Dávame Ti toto milé dievčatko dnes ráno zo srdca otca a matky, ktorí stoja pri tomto malom oltári. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

26bMalý chlapec, dovoľte mi vziať jeho ruku. Náš nebeský Otče, otec týchto maličkých teraz drží na svojom ramene posledný malý poklad, ktorý si mu dal vo forme dieťaťa, ktorý ho nazval menom po svojom otcovi. Nech Boh dá, že bude mužom múdrosti ako Jakub v Biblii. Modlím sa, aby si mu dal dlhý zdravý život, Pane, a nech je vychovaný, a ak bude zajtrajšok, nech naplní Slovo Božie. Daj to, Otče.

Ako pripomienku toho, čo Ježiš Kristus, náš Pán, robil, keď bol na zemi, kladiem svoje ruky na malého Jakuba Poole a odovzdávam ho do služby Bohu. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

To je jeho meno...?... Chlapček...?... Čo hovorí? Gary Dean...?... Pane Bože, na hlave tohto malého chlapca, Garyho Deana Adamsa, nech spočinú požehnania Ježiša Krista. Ako kladieme na neho svoje ruky, ako odovzdávame tento mladý život Tebe. Požehnaj jeho domov, jeho rodičov. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život služby nášmu Bohu a jeho Bohu, Ktorému ho teraz dávame, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

27No, myslím, že to je práve to. Teraz sme presne na čas, je jedenásť hodín. No, viete, viem si jednoducho predstaviť, keď vidím tie matky prichádzať, a oteckov s tými bábätkami... Myslím na Jozefa a Máriu v to ráno odovzdania Pána Ježiša.

28Brat Kidd, mal som krátky rozhovor s niekým v pracovni, ale počul som tu dnes ráno tvoje emócie, muža tvojho veku... A predpokladám, že si hovoril, ako ťa Pán uzdravil v obecenstve. A ja som si skoro rozbil auto v jedno ráno, aby som sa dostal k staršiemu... On je starý kazateľ.

29Len pomyslite. Tento muž (jeho malá žena tu) kázal evanjelium pred tým, ako som sa narodil, kázal toto Evanjelium, hore na vrchoch a v údoliach Kentucky a Tennessee, kde uhoľní baníci... A súc vyčerpaní a žili nemajúc čo jesť. A táto malá manželka tu prala na práčke za dvadsať alebo tridsať centov na deň, aby mohla poslať svojho manžela na pole kázať evanjelium. To je dosť na to, aby to človeka vzrušilo, že?

30A potom pomyslieť, že on ľahol, keď najlepší lekári povedali, "On zomiera. Je to rakovina prostaty, ktorá prechádza ním celým. On môže žiť len pár hodín, najviac deň alebo dva." A to bolo pred dvomi alebo tromi rokmi. Pred tromi rokmi, a tu je on dnes ráno, zdravý, v poriadku, vzdávajúc chválu Bohu. Potom, koľko si mal rokov, keď si bol uzdravený, brat Kidd? Koľko si asi mal, keď Boh... Koľko máš rokov... Je on teraz? Osemdesiat. V poriadku, on mal okolo osemdesiat rokov, keď ho Boh uzdravil. No, stará sa Boh o nás, starých ľudí? Samozrejme, že sa stará. Tak veru.

31On uzdravil Abraháma, keď mal sto rokov; a Sáru, keď mala deväťdesiat. A oni porodili Izmaela, alebo, prepáčte, Izáka. Je to tak? Sme pre to veľmi šťastní.

32No, ste tak milí, že by som sa s vami mohol takto rozprávať celé ráno. Ale prečítajme len niečo z toho drahého Slova, a potom poďme rovno do služby. No, myslím, že ak to bude Božia vôľa, chcel by som vás tak trochu informovať o veciach, ktoré sa stali. A potom dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem hovoriť na tému... Chcem to nahrať, aby to išlo hlavne von. Je... A ak chcete prísť počúvať, v poriadku. Potom, ako pastor skončí, svoje posolstvo, potom ja budem mať svoje... Nahrám túto pásku. Chcem kázať na tému "Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho príchodu," ako jeden zo zábleskov je práve teraz na nás. A chcem o tom dnes večer hovoriť: "Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho..." On je tu, je rovno nablízku, práve teraz. Signál je vystavený. Vlak je v bloku.

33Numeri, 16. kapitola, pre vás, ktorí si to nájdete a prečítate. Toto je večné Slovo, tak čítajme to úctivo. Chcem čítať dva verše z Numeri 16, 3. a 4. verš, aby som dal malé pozadie tomu, čo by som chcel povedať.

34A teraz, ak pásky nie sú zapnuté, rád by som, aby ich teraz zapli. Alebo to zabezpečili, aby sa táto časť tu mohla poslať von. Toto ide vonku, ak chcete... Mohli by ste vaše pásky nastaviť tam, kde je táto časť, bude to oddelené od zvyšku služby? Vidíte, toto je nová vec. Teraz to môžete zastaviť rovno tu, alebo čokoľvek chcete. Dobre teda, budeme... Označili by ste to tam pre mňa, a potom to znovu zapnete, aby vám to udalo miesto odkiaľ začať? Alebo môžete tam začať aj tak? Začnite každopádne. V poriadku, to je dobre.

35No, ideme čítať Numeri 16:3 a 4.

A zhromaždili sa na Mojžiša a na Árona a povedali im: Nech vám je už dosť, lebo veď celá obec, všetci sú svätí, a Hospodin je medzi nimi. Prečo sa tedy pozdvihujete nad zhromaždením Hospodinovým?

Keď to počul Mojžiš, padol na svoju tvár.

36Náš nebeský Otče, požehnaj týchto pár Slov. A nech rozjímanie nášho srdca a ovocie našich perí je prijateľné v Tvojich očiach. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

37Chcem vziať toto ako text, k tomu, čo chcem dnes ráno povedať: "Stáť v medzere."

38Tento čas, o ktorom hovoríme alebo čítame... Samozrejme, všetci vieme, že to bolo, keď sa Dátan a Kóre rozhodli, že budú zasahovať do poverenia, ktoré Boh dal Mojžišovi, povediac, "Mal by si nechať celé zhromaždenie robiť tak a tak. Oni všetci sú svätí." A Boh prikázal Mojžišovi, aby viedol ľud do zasľúbenej krajiny. A oni povedali, "Berieš si na seba príliš veľa. Snažíš sa zo seba robiť jediného v skupine, ktorý má čo povedať."

39A toto Boha tak nahnevalo, že povedal Mojžišovi, "Oddeľ sa od nich. Ja jednoducho zabijem celú skupinu a začnem novú generáciu s tebou." A Mojžiš padol v Prítomnosti Božej a povedal, že On by musel prejsť cez neho. Vidíte?

40No, dnes, ak by Boh chcel zlikvidovať ľudí... A tam bol čas, že keď sa Boh už z nášho hriechu unavil (neustále robíme zle)... Kto by dnes stál za ľuďmi ako Mojžiš? Kde by sme našli osobu, ktorá by stála, alebo mohla stáť, ktorú by Boh prijal, ako prijal Mojžiša? A Mojžišov vlastný život na zemi znamenal pre Boha tak veľa, že obstál v hneve Božom. A Boh by neprešiel cez Mojžiša. Vždy to bolo pre mňa záhadou, až kým som... Jedného dňa v zjavení Písma ku mne prišla táto myšlienka, že... Vidíte, Mojžiš v čine v každom spôsobe zastupoval... on bol predobrazom Ježiša Krista.

41A keď sa Boh chystal vziať život celému svetu a zničiť ho, a všetkých hriešnikov a odsúdených na smrť, Kristus za nás všetkých zomrel. A Boh nemohol prejsť cez Krista, lebo je Jeho vlastným Synom. A potom Ježiš dal slobodne Seba Samého, aby mohol zaplatiť tú cestu, potom ak... Mojžiš by to nemohol urobiť. Mojžiš nemal inú krv ako ľudskú, ako máme my. Tak preto, jeho krv by nemohla... To by nestačilo. Ale Ježiš, súc Sám Krvou Božou, tvoriacou Krvou Božou... Boh jednoducho ospravedlnil celú ľudskú rasu od hriechu, lebo to všetko ležalo na Ňom. A On šiel na Golgotu a zomrel mimo Prítomnosti Božej, a trpel, a bol hodený do pekla, lebo bol učinený hriechom, naše hriechy na ňom. A tam súc naším Nositeľom bremien, vzal naše hriechy na Golgotu, a z Golgoty do pekla, a Boh Ho vzkriesil na tretí deň na zmierenie našich hriechov.

42A dnes je On jediným Prostredníkom medzi Bohom a človekom a my sme slobodne ospravedlnení a je nám odpustené. Boh dokonca ani nevie, že sme niekedy zhrešili. Naše hriechy boli hodené do mora zabudnutia, aby nikdy viac neboli spomenuté. My sami to nemôžeme urobiť; my sme koneční. On je nekonečný. A naša konečnosť... My si stále môžeme pamätať, lebo nie sme dosť veľkí; ale On je tak veľký, že On dokonca zabúda, že sme niekedy hrešili. My sme synovia a dcéry v Jeho Prítomnosti. A všetko, čo bol On, sme my. On sa stal mojím hriechom, aby som sa ja mohol stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. On sa stal tvojím hriechom, aby si sa ty – On – ty mohol stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Tak Boh v tebe nemôže vidieť žiaden hriech tak dlho, kým tvoje vyznanie je v Kristu Ježišovi.

43Niekto povedal, pred nejakým časom, povedal, "Ak by som veril takej veci, to by som šliapol na pedál. Namaľoval by som mesto na červeno. Išiel by som do každej tanečnej sály. Tak by som sa opil, a všetko, lebo..."


"Ty si už bezpečný v Kristovi. Aký je v tom rozdiel?"

44Povedal som, "To ukazuje, že to nemáš." Ak raz láska Božia zasiahne tvoje srdce v nežnosti Ježiša Krista, ty budeš do Neho tak zamilovaný, že svet bude tak mŕtvy ako tvoj hriech. To je to, ako vieš, že máš Ducha Svätého. Nie preto, že môžeš kričať, vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, alebo čokoľvek to je, ale keď hriech zomrie a ty si živý v Ježišovi Kristovi. Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá, aká čistá. Vidíte?

45No, tu v Louisville, Kentucky, pred nedávnom, jeden kazateľ rozprával, že bola jedna mladá dáma. Trocha dlhšie čakala, kým sa vydala, niekedy okolo dvadsaťpäťky, tridsiatky. A bolo to milé, verné kresťanské dievča. A bol istý muž v Louisville, ktorý nebol... On nežil taký dobrý život. On chodil tancovať, a do hostincov, a tak ďalej, ale jedného dňa našiel ospravedlnenie za svoje hriechy a stal sa skutočným kresťanom, skutočným verným kresťanom. Asi po roku sa zaľúbil do tejto mladej dámy a tá mladá dáma sa šialene zaľúbila do neho. A vzali sa.

46 Po tom, čo spolu žili asi dva roky, on povedal, že táto mladá dáma jedného dňa povedala svojmu manželovi... Povedala, "Drahý, myslím, že je to tak trochu ťažké pre teba, nového kresťana. Ja som kresťankou od malého dievčaťa." Ale povedala, "Pre teba, mladého kresťana, ktorý prešiel všetkými tými trikmi a pokušeniami, ktoré s tým idú, po tom, čo si tak dlho hrešil."

A on povedal, "Nuž, je to boj."

47Ona povedala, "Chcem, aby si si pamätal jednu vec, že keď ťa ten nepriateľ niekde znepokojí a upadneš a vrátiš sa do hriechu, nezostávaj preč z domu. Chcem, aby si sa vrátil domov." Povedala, "Nájdeš doma tú istú manželku, ktorú si si zobral." A povedala, "Pomôžem ti modliť sa, a premodliť sa cez to, a vrátiť sa späť k Bohu." Povedala, "Nechcem, aby si bol preč." Povedala, "Pozri, vzala som si ťa nie na základe toho, čím si bol, ale vzala som si ťa, lebo ťa milujem." A povedala, "Nezáleží na tom, čo urobíš, stále ťa milujem. Vzala som si ťa, pretože ťa milujem."

48A ten muž v ten deň šiel do práce a počuli ho, ako to zopakoval tam, kde pracoval. Povedal, "Nuž, ako by mohol človek urobiť čokoľvek zlé voči niečomu takému?" Keď žena, ktorá ho tak miluje, že čokoľvek by urobil, chcela, aby sa vrátil a bola ochotná ho znovu prijať a skúsiť to znovu... Vidíte? To ukazuje... Teraz to znásobte biliónmi a potom dostanete akú-takú predstavu, aká je láska Božia.

49Keď sa človek zamiluje do Ježiša Krista, veci toho sveta... Keď pomyslíš, čo On pre teba urobil vo svetle Písma, nie v svetle nejakej emócie, ale v svetle faktov, čo to je, potom sa ti niečo stane, keď prichádza nové narodenie, hriech je mŕtvy ako polnoc. Keď … Tak dlho, kým je to Svetlo v tebe, ako môže temnota svietiť? Nemôže. A to je to, čo Boh urobil jednému mužovi, ktorý sa hodil do medzery, aby mohol vziať zasľúbenie. A Mojžiš, súc typom tohto Predobrazu, to je to, prečo Mojžiš stál v medzere za ľudí.

50Potom som zvedavý, v tento deň, tohto uvoľneného, lenivého, mäkkého Laodicejského veku, v ktorom žijeme. Všetci vieme, a prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, že žijeme v poslednom veku, Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. A tento lenivý, uvoľnený, bezstarostný, žartujúci, hriešny vek žiadosti, v ktorom teraz žijeme, je to zázrak, že Boh jednoducho nepovie, "Odstúp, Cirkev, ja jednoducho zlikvidujem celú skupinu." Vidíte? Čo za vek, v ktorom žijeme. A On to v jednom z týchto dní aj urobí. Vieme, že to prichádza, a nebude pri tom šetriť, lebo On už... Niekto zomrel za tých, ktorí chceli uniknúť. Ale On vezme tých, ktorí boli, alebo ktorí prijali Krista a stali sa kresťanmi. Oni budú vzatí z hnevu, lebo potom by to On nemohol urobiť. V čase Mojžiša nebola možnosť to urobiť.

51Teraz, v Knihe Zjavenia, keď sa dostaneme k Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku... V Zjavení v 3. kapitole, Biblia povedala, že tento vek, Laodicejský vek, bol slepý. Povedala, "Pretože si bohatý, hovoríš, že si bohatý, a zbohatol si..." (najväčšie cirkvi, najlepšie oblečení ľudia, najväčšie, aké kedy boli v ktorom veku). "Pretože hovoríš, 'Nepotrebujem ničoho.' Nevieš, že si chudobný, mizerný, biedny, nahý, slepý, a nevieš to."

52 No, ak by bol človek v takom stave, a vy by ste mu mohli povedať o jeho stave, on by sa snažil si pomôcť, ak by bol mentálne v poriadku. Ale keď je on v takom stave a vy mu nemôžete povedať žiaden rozdiel... On jednoducho neverí, že je nahý. On neverí, že on je v takom stave, potom to tu ukazuje, že je slepý. Boh tohto veku zaslepil oči tých, ktorí odmietli slúžiť Kristovi a oni... Tak slepí, že nevidia ten znak, v ktorom žijeme, hodinu, čas, v ktorom žijeme. A pamätajte, jeden tam už stál v medzere a nikto iný nemôže stáť. Musíte prijať tú pomoc, inak ste odsúdení.

53Tak, tak pre nás, aby sme sa teraz dostali bližšie k tomu, čo chcem povedať. Mohli by sme stáť... (No, ja kážem v tomto pre seba.) Mohli by sme stáť a vidieť ľudskú bytosť, ktorá je slepá, fyzicky slepá, a vedieť, že kráča ponad útes... Mohli by sme v našom stave mysle, v ktorom sme dnes ráno, mohli by sme stáť a vidieť slepého, ako kráča ponad útes, slepý, a nepokúsili by sme sa ho varovať? To by bolo... Bolo by to tak kruté. Boli by sme tak ľahostajní vo svojom srdci. Viete si predstaviť osobu, ktorá je tak ľahostajná, že by sa mohla takmer smiať a vidieť slepého človeka (ktorý nevidí a nemôže si sám pomôcť), ako zámerne kráča na útes? To by bola zlá vec... nič pre to neurobiť...

54Nuž, mojim bratom, po celom svete, chcem urobiť toto vyznanie. Pokorne to hovorím, že to je presne to, čo som urobil, alebo chcel urobiť. Kázal som celé roky, a stal som sa starým mužom a starým veteránskym kazateľom. Mal som mnoho ťažkých bojov a som... Možno... Som zjazvený, zvnútra celý zničený z bojov. Pretože moja časť, ktorú mi dal Pán, nebola bozkávať bábätká, a sobášiť mladých, a pochovávať starých. Ale bolo to držať dvojsečný Meč v bitke proti trikom pohanstva a démonológie, a silám temnosti, a bojovať proti tomu so Slovom Božím, až kým neuvidím nepriateľa porazeného. Bol som mnohokrát hlboko ranený.

55Potom, keď prichádzam s Posolstvom v tomto dni a povedal som cirkvi veci, ktoré sa chystám povedať... A ja som pred rokmi predpovedal, keď ma Duch Svätý povolal to tejto práce. A na tejto zemi dnes nežije jediný človek, ktorý by kedy mohol povedať, že Pán mi niekedy povedal niečo v Jeho Mene, čo by sa nestalo presne tak, ako to malo byť.

56Ako ma prvýkrát poslal, a prvý dar, a druhý dar... A veci, ktoré boli povedané alebo urobené po celom svete, a doslovne milióny prišli ku Kristovi. A desaťtisíce kazateľov bolo inšpirovaných, ktorí začali prebudenie, ktoré dnes zamávalo celou tvárou zeme. A keďže Letniční boli jediní, ktorí prijali moje Posolstvo, oni sú jediní, ktorí získali pôdu. Letničná cirkev ukazuje viac obrátení než... Malá skupina letničných, než celý zvyšok cirkví dokopy. To je štatistika. Prečo? Lebo oni prijali pravdu a prijali prebudenie.

57A teraz, po tom, ako prišiel veľký čas uzdravovania chorých, vyháňania diablov a vzkriesenia mŕtvych;čoho sme my všetci svedkami, a taktiež aj veľa lekárov, a veľkých ľudí sveta... A zjavenie sa Pána Ježiša medzi nami, čo je znakom, tam, ktorý vidíte, hádam, na stene, alebo čokoľvek to je, od Anjela Pánovho, a ako to vedci ochránili autorským právom; a je to známy fakt, po celom svete. A vidíme práve tie veci, ktoré On činil, ako sa dejú v každom čase. Potom, ak Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý šiel s Izraelom cez púšť vo dňoch Mojžiša, čo sme... Alebo teraz, keď bol Mojžiš nazvaný "Služobník Pánov," a nasledoval Stĺp Ohňa v noci a Oblak cez deň...

58A keď bol Ježiš na zemi, povedal, že On je tým Bohom. Povedal, "Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM." A JA SOM bol Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku, ktorý hovoril k Mojžišovi v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli. Myslím, že je to správne, brat Vayle. Potom povedal, "Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu." A keď bol ukrižovaný, zomrel a vstal a vystúpil na výsosť, a položil Svoje telo dolu na veľký oltár večného Boha, tam, aby bol vždy prítomný, aby konal na našom mieste, aby sme vedeli, že On zaplatil náš dlh hriechu. A tam sa vrátil znovu späť na zem vo forme veľkého Ohnivého Stĺpu.

59Svätý Pavol, na svojej ceste... Predtým, ako bol nazvaný Svätým Pavlom, volal sa Saul z Tarsu. A na svojej ceste do Damašku, aby uväznil nejakých ľudí, ktorí robili príliš veľa hluku a kriku a kázali Evanjelium, ktoré bolo v protiklade k ich tradícii ich cirkví... Na svojej ceste jedného dňa, asi o tomto čase dňa, bol zasiahnutý veľkým Svetlom. A toto veľké Svetlo, preňho ako Žida, a on vedel, že Stĺp Ohňa viedol deti Izraela, a tu On bol znovu pred ním, on vykríkol, "Pane."

60No, keď si všimnete vo vašich prekladoch, v oboch, King Jamesovi a vašom Štandardnom a vo všetkých, tam je veľkým P-A-N-E. A ktokoľvek tu pozná svoju Bibliu, tak vie, že keď je to s veľkým P-A-N-E, tak je to Elohim, ten Všedostačujúci, ktorý stvoril nebo a zem, v Genezis 1:1: PÁN. No, Pavol by nenazval nejakú optickú ilúziu... On by nenazval nejaké niečo, o čom nevedel, lebo on bol učený muž v Písmach: vyšiel spod Gamaliela, veľkého učiteľa toho dňa. A on by to nenazval PÁNOM, ak by nebol presvedčený, že je To Jehova. Povedal, "Pane, Kto Si?"

Počúvajte ten Hlas, ktorý prišiel, "Ja som Ježiš, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky."

61Tak si myslím, v strede toho všetkého, predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, aj tu, aj po celom svete... Ľudia, ktorí budú počúvať, a ktorí teraz počúvajú, budú vedieť, že je to potvrdené skrze každý skutok, že je to Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Boli učinené tie isté veci, ktoré On činil: uzdravoval chorých, poznal myšlienky mysle, ukázal veci, ktoré sa majú stať; a dokonale v každom čase po celé tieto roky. Mám päťdesiatštyri rokov, a videl som videnia, odkedy som mal osemnásť mesiacov, a ani raz...

62Ale vždy to bola pravda. Vidíte? Tak, to musí byť Boh. A potom si myslím, "Prečo sú ľudia tak slepí, že to nemôžu vidieť?"

63A neustále, keď hovorím k našim ženám o strihaní ich vlasov a kazatelia mi za to nadávajú; a o tom, že nosia nemorálne šaty, tieto šortky a takto sa predvádzajú, a pokračujú v tom zlom spôsobe; a o našich mužoch, o spôsobe, ako robia, fajčia, majú spoločenské prípitky a všetko; a potom sa stále nazývajú kresťanmi, a prijímajú Večeru Pánovu pri stole, lebo patria k organizácii. Ó, to bol len jednoduchý... Oni si mysleli, že sa rúham Bohu. A stali sa ženy lepšími? Stali sa horšími, po celom národe.

64Potom ja, nervózny (hovorím to tak trochu tichšie), a možno neurotický typ človeka, ktorým som... A vediac, že som od začiatku nedostatočný pre tú prácu, ako sa mnohí sťažovali, že to museli robiť. Bolo to ťažké. Ale myslel som si, "Bože, prečo si nepovolal niekoho, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. A mne je to ľúto, ale zlyhal som. Ľudia ma jednoducho nebudú počúvať. A zlyhal som v tom, čo som mal urobiť, niekde, lebo oni nepočúvajú."

65Moja matka, ktorá práve odišla do slávy (asi pred vyše rokom)... Moja matka... Jej otec bol poľovník. A ja myslím, že mám všetko, čo od neho vyšlo, čo sa toho týka, lebo milujem hory. A myslel som si, "Ak títo ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi, ak nechcú počúvať Posolstvo, ktoré kážem, tak ich nechaj tak. Ja to jednoducho všetko skončím, a pôjdem hore do hôr. A poznám priateľa, kde..." Mnohí z vás, tu, pamätáte sa, ako som predpovedal ten čas, asi šesť mesiacov pred tým, ako sa to stalo, ako pôjdem na miesto (rovno z tohto pódia tu); a tam bude zviera, ktoré vyzerá ako jeleň s ostrými parohmi, a ako budú merať štyridsaťdva palcov, a ako tam bude sedem-stopý medveď grizly. Máte to na páskach a všetko. Hádam to je... Pamätáte si ten čas; všetci z vás. Nuž, leží to teraz hore v mojej izbe, aby to ukázalo, že je to pravda.

66Tak, len na takých veciach, lebo to bolo práve pred odchodom mojej matky, a On ma chcel utíšiť z toho veľkého šoku, lebo vedel, že ju vezme.

67No, stretol som človeka, ktorý bol kresťanom, a on mal veľkú krajinu rovno pod Aljaškou. A ja som sa rozhodol, že keďže som odišiel odtiaľto a šiel som na západ, že vezmem svoju ženu a tak trochu ju do niečoho lapím. Dostal by som ju tam hore a stal by som sa sprievodcom. A potom, ak by Pán chcel, aby som niečo urobil... Nechal by som si narásť vlasy a kotlety. A vrátil by som sa tam a bol by som sprievodcom. Tam vzadu v tej krajine žijú len dvaja alebo traja Indiáni, a ja by som bol len sprievodcom a potom by som pomáhal Budovi. A ak by Pán chcel, aby som čokoľvek urobil, potom by som povedal, "Dobre, Pane." On by mi dal videnie a ja by som si odskočil.

68 Povedal som ľuďom... Nikdy som sa nepovažoval za... Každý toto vie... Ale ľudia povedali, "brat Branham, Pán ťa povolal, aby si bol Jeho prorokom." Nuž, nikdy som sa za neho nepovažoval, ale začal som sa dostávať do času, že som to už chcel urobiť: pomyslieť, "Nuž, možno som. Ak som, budem žiť vzadu v pustatine. A ak budem žiť vzadu v pustatine, potom budem Jeho prorokom." Vidíte? A potom, ak ma On bude chcieť niekde poslať... A zatiaľ, kým ma On nepoužíva, potom budem určite chytať nejaké dobré ryby a robiť nejaké veci." Samozrejme, to bol tak trochu sebecký postoj (Vidíte?), lebo som to chcel urobiť. No, to jednoducho nie je presne tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť. A teraz, ja som sa to vo svojej mysli rozhodol urobiť.

69A teraz, práve pred tým, ako bolo kázaných Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, ak sú tu nakreslené... Je tu mnoho z tých, ktorí tu boli v tom čase a vedia, ako to Pán požehnal, tam vzadu na stene to odrazil, len aby... Koľkí sú tu teraz, ktorí tam vtedy boli, keď On prišiel? To to urobilo.

70Potom si pamätám na brata Jacksona. On je obyčajne s nami, brat Junior Jackson, metodista, bol metodistickým kazateľom. Áno, tu teraz sedí. No, ako prišiel ku mne so snom a potom pár ďalších bratov prišlo s podobným snom. Nuž, Pán bol ku mne skutočne dobrý, a ja som nikdy (A beriem vás dnes ráno ako svedkov.), či som vám kedy povedal nesprávny výklad sna. Nie, veru. Lebo Pán... Ja to nepoviem, kým to znovu neuvidím a nebudem vedieť, čo to, čo On o tom hovorí, potom vám poviem. A potom, povedal, "Ja..." Mal som mať službu dolu v jeho zbore a on... Akosi bol z toho večera naozaj nervózny. A on vybehol z cirkvi a prišiel inou cestou a stretol ma v aute a ľudia prechádzali okolo. Povedal, "Chcem ti niečo povedať."

71A povedal mi, že sa mu sníval sen, že niekde tu hore akoby v Indiane, že tam bol dlhý, veľký trávnatý kopec a voda zmyla z vrchu všetku pôdu. A stalo sa to skalou akoby lysým vrcholom na tej hore. A potom v tejto skale bol zvláštny nápis. A povedal, že som tam stál so všetkými bratmi tu zo zboru a vykladal som ten nápis. A potom, keď to prišlo do času, že som to všetko vyložil, že som potom akosi, ak správne rozumiem ten sen, dostal niečo ako páčidlo alebo nejaký druh hranatej tyče alebo niečoho (alebo nie hranatej tyče, myslel som páky alebo niečoho.) a odrezal som len vrchol tej hory a nadvihol to hore. A vo vnútri toho bola biela skala, niečo ako žula alebo niečo takého, nejaká biela skala, na ktorej nebolo nič napísané. A povedal som bratom, "Zostaňte tu a dívajte sa na toto, a ja..." Zatiaľ čo sa oni všetci pozerali, zmizol som spomedzi nich a začal som kráčať na západ. A brat Jackson povedal, že ma videl ísť na jeden kopec a potom na ďalší kopec, stával som sa menším a menším, ako som šiel na západ. Pamätáte si to.

72Nuž, výklad toho, samozrejme, bol daný tu v cirkvi pred tým, ako sa to stalo... Že teraz je čas, o ktorom verím, že plné zjavenie cez vek Luthera, Wesleya a Johna Smitha, Alexandra Campbella, a rôznych ďalších, ktorí kázali z Biblie... A potom sme sa dostali do Biblie a ukázali, že bude Posolstvo siedmeho anjela. A po zvuku Posolstva siedmeho anjela, všetky tajomstvá Božie budú známe. Potom príde sedem tajomných hromov.

73A teraz, ak je to ten čas konca, v ktorom žijeme, kde sme prišli skrze ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom; a mali sme znaky a zázraky a všetky rôzne veci... A dary sa vrátili do cirkvi, ako: Božské uzdravovanie, a proroctvo, a hovorenie v jazykoch, a výklady. A hoci to bolo prekrútené, hrozne, ale stále to neberie to, že existuje dobrý, existuje pravdivý, skutočne rýdzi dar hovorenia v jazykoch, ktorý má byť stále v cirkvi. Vidíte?

74Máme mnoho napodobňovania. Máme ľudí, ktorí vstanú a snažia sa správať ako kresťania a ich životy sa s tým nedajú porovnať, tak tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Ježiš povedal, "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Vidíte? To je to, ako poznáte kresťana, podľa toho, ako žije. Tak nikdy neskáčte vyššie, ako žijete. Tak potom len... Ale tam... Ale to je diabol, ktorý robí strašiaka, aby držal skutočných, rýdzich veriacich preč od tej skutočnej veci. Ale Boh nám pomáha oddeliť sa a byť schopnými rozoznať medzi správnym a nesprávnym. A Slovo to vždy bude vyjasňovať.

75Tak, zisťujeme, že v tomto, povedal som vám, že ten výklad na skale... A Skala je Kristus, ktorý bol v bratovom sne. A to je Biblia. A po všetky tie roky, Biblia bola vykladaná, až kým sme Tomu celému nedali absolútne cirkevný výklad. A posledný dar, ktorý bol daný Laodicejskému veku (čo je čas kázania siedmeho anjela v Laodicejskom veku), ten čas, že bude mnoho vecí, ktoré budú nepochopené počas tých vekov.

76Ako Luther kázal ospravedlnenie, ale nechal to ísť prudko, lebo nežil dosť dlho. A spolu... Potom zorganizovali cirkev. Luther to nikdy nezorganizoval: po Lutherovi. A potom prišiel Wesley. A po Wesleyovi mali Wesleyovu cirkev. A potom prišiel John Smith, baptista; a potom Alexander Campbell a tak ďalej. Ale tí ľudia (reformátori) nežili dosť dlho, aby to dostali všetko spolu. A tak tam zostalo mnoho rozviazaných koncov. A potom, keď urobili... Napríklad, vodný krst, že John Smith vrátil späť vodný krst ponorením, ale s použitím titulov. A mnoho z tých vecí, ktoré zostali rozviazané... A potom, keď prichádzame dolu do konca, posledné Posolstvo to má dať všetko do poriadku, priniesť tieto veci do jednej viery, jedného Pána, jedného krstu. Vidíte?

77A teraz, po tom, čo Biblia bola kompletne vyložená, potom si všimnite, že to otvorilo vrchol tej pyramídovej skaly (Nie učenie o pyramídach, teraz, nie to, lebo ja... Ľudia, ktorí učia to učenie o pyramídach... Hádam, oni vedia, o čom hovoria. Ja o tom nič neviem.) Ale jednako, je to v tvare pyramídy. Ale vrchol na tú pyramídu nebol nikdy položený. No, bol som v Káhire a v Egypte a vrcholový kameň nikdy neprišiel, lebo to bol uholný kameň, bol to štítový kameň. V cirkvi To bol uholný kameň. V plnej cirkvi To bol Štítový kameň. Tak To nikdy neprišlo. Bolo To odmietnuté: Kristus. A To príde. A ja verím, že keď to príde, tak Cirkev sa vytvaruje do miesta z ospravedlnenia pod Lutherom, posvätenia pod Wesleyom a Letničného posolstva; to privedie cirkev do takej menšiny. A služba bude medzi tými ľuďmi, až kým to nebude presne tá istá služba, akú mal Ježiš Kristus. To prinesie Ježiša a vychváti celú tú vec preč.

78Všetci tí úprimní a pravdiví Luteráni, Presbyteriáni, Baptisti, Metodisti a ktokoľvek je narodený s Duchom Božím, bude vychvátený preč s Ježišom Kristom , keď On príde. Verím tomu. Ja sa líšim od niektorých z našich letničných bratov, ktorí veria, že zvyšok cirkvi sú tí, ktorí budú vychvátení v poslednom veku. Tam sa odlišujem, lebo Boh... Ako by mohol človek... Ako by mohol Boh... My nehovoríme, "Ako by On mohol?" On môže robiť, čo On chce. Ale Boh, Ktorý sľúbil Lutherovi... A pod ospravedlnením, to je všetko, čo poznali. Vidíte? On zasľúbil, že vezme cirkev. A On... Verím z milosti Božej a Písma to podporujú. Lebo On neprišiel v prvej stráži, a oni išli spať, a druhá stráž, a tak ďalej. V siedmej stráži prišiel. A to je siedmy cirkevný vek. To je Posolstvo siedmeho anjela. Vidíte? A keď On príde, všetky tie panny povstanú a ozdobia svoje lampy: Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Baptisti, ktokoľvek, kto je narodený z Ducha Božieho, pôjde do vytrhnutia. Verím, že Nevesta bude vyvolaná v tom čase. Verím, že budú nejakí v posledných dňoch, ktorí neokúsia smrť, ale budú premenení v momente, v mihnutí oka.

79No. Ale tak, ako ste si všimli v sne brata Jacksona, že na tejto skale nebolo nič napísané zvnútra. To je to, pre čo som išiel na západ. No, ako sa to stalo... A povedal som vám, že raz vám poviem, čo to znamená. Šiel som kvôli tomu na západ. A povedal som vám to videnie, ktoré ľudia, či na páskach alebo prítomní dnes ráno, budú vedieť, keď si vezmú "Páni, aký je čas?"... A ktokoľvek z vás bratov, ktorí nemáte to posolstvo, a chcete toto nasledovať, vezmite si "Páni, aký je čas?" Predtým... Týždne a mesiace pred tým, ako sa to tu stalo, videl som videnie, ako som v Tuscone, na severe Tusconu; muselo to byť východne od Flagstaffu, severne od Tusconu, ako som si zbieral pichliače z mojich nohavíc a prišiel výbuch, ktorý vlastne vyzeral, akoby zatriasol celou krajinou. Koľkí z vás si to pamätajú? Tak je to. Zatriaslo by to krajinou...

80No, je možné, že aspoň jeden človek je dnes ráno prítomný, ktorý tam stál, keď sa to stalo. To vlastne striaslo tie skaly z hory. A teraz, oni... Zisťujeme, že počas toho som videl siedmich Anjelov vo forme pyramídy, ktorí prileteli dolu a zdvihli ma hore. A bol som prinesený na východ, aby som otvoril pre Boha Sedem Pečatí. Ak ich nemáte... ak bude Ježiš predlievať, a ja... Moje pravnúčatá, deti malého Paula... To bude stále večnou pravdou živého Boha. No, to bolo na to, aby sa zistilo, že čo to bolo zapečatené vo vnútri tej skaly. To nebolo napísané. To malo byť vyložené. A keď som sa vrátil, prvý Anjel v prvý večer otvoril Pečať v protiklade so všetkým, čo sme kedy v našom živote počuli. A všetkých sedem prišlo tým istým spôsobom. Viete to. Boli ste tu prítomní, keď sa to stalo: mnohí z vás.

81A teraz, v tom čase som to nevedel, ale brat Fred Sothmann... Viem, že je tu. A som si celkom istý, že brat Norman je tu. Boli sme hore... Musel som ísť do Houstonu, aby som zachránil toho malého chlapca od elektrického kresla. A potom som šiel späť a šiel som poľovať tam hore s bratmi. A v tom ráno, stál som tam a zbieral som si tam pichliače, alebo ako to nazývajú "kozie hlavy", pichliače z mojich nohavíc. A ten výbuch zaznel presne tak, ako To povedalo. Je to tak, brat Fred? A ja som musel vyskočiť od zeme. A práve nado mnou boli Anjeli Pánovi, ktorí mi poslali posolstvo, aby som zlomil tieto Pečate. Prečo tu? Prečo v Modlitebni? Prečo som to neurobil tam? Pretože som dal sľub môjmu zboru a Bohu, že každé nové posolstvo vyjde z tejto Modlitebne, nahraté odtiaľto. A On mi pomáhal dodržať moje slovo, že zostanem tu, aby som to robil. A okamžite potom som znovu šiel späť...

82A teraz, nevedel som v tom čase, že oni to fotia, tí vedci, ako sa tí Anjeli znížili dolu z neba, aby priniesli to posolstvo. A vy sa pamätáte, ako som povedal, že ten na pravej strane tej konštelácie mal hruď trochu... a krídla... Pamätáte sa, ako som to hovoril, všetci z vás? A ako som ho pozoroval? On bol veľmi odlišný od ostatných. A ja som nevedel, že oni To fotia, lebo som sa okamžite ponáhľal na východ. Ale ako som sa vracal domov v Tuscone, tam to bolo celé v novinách, že to bolo viditeľné takmer v celom národe alebo rovno v Mexiku, všetky západné štáty. A myslím, že "Kuriér" tu... Bolo to v Spojenej Tlači. Koľkí z vás videli tajomný oblak na nebi? Pozrime sa na tie ruky. A teraz, časopis "Život" to zachytil. A mám tu dnes ráno ten článok v časopise "Život", tú ukážku... No, tu to je, v ten istý čas, ako som tam bol. Vidíte tú pyramídu alebo ten Oblak? Stál som rovno pod týmto. A tam... Vidíte toho odlišného Anjela na pravej strane? Vidíte Jeho špicaté krídlo? Presne to, čo bolo povedané. A je tu rozhovor v Mexiku a rôznych miestach, odkiaľ to odfotili. Tak, ten vedec sa tu snaží získať všetky informácie, ktoré môže, o tej fotografii, o ľuďoch, ktorý majú tú fotografiu. On to skúma.

83No, on tu hovorí, že je nemožné, aby to bol oblak, lebo vlhkosť nevychádza nad asi, povedal by som okolo šesť alebo osem míľ vysoko, tak nejak. Keď ideme za more, zvyčajne letíme devätnásť tisíc stôp; sme vtedy nad búrkami. Ale tento oblak, podľa tohto článku tu od tohto vedca, je dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko. Bolo by to míle a míle za vlhkosťou. A povedal, skúmajúc to okolie... A teraz, viete... Ja... Koľkí si pamätáte, že som vám povedal, "Znelo to ako prekonávanie zvukovej bariéry v lietadle." Pamätáte sa? Ale v tom okolí nebolo žiadne lietadlo. Tá kniha tu tak hovorí. Oni to preskúmali. Tam neboli žiadne lietadlá. A okrem toho, to by nemohlo... Tá hmla za lietadlom nie je nič iné, len rozpustený vzduch, vlhkosť. Lebo to nasáva cez tú jednotku, ako prúd. A to sa ťahá, láme to vlhkosť vo vzduchu. Oni sa toho nikdy nezbavia, pokiaľ tu bude prúdové lietadlo, lebo to musí... To je to, čím je poháňané. A to je vlhkosť, ktorá z toho vyletuje.

84Ale tu to je, míle vysoko, kde nemôže byť vlhkosť, a žiadne lietadlá v okolí. A tam hore nemohla byť vlhkosť a visieť tam v ten deň. Je to tridsať míľ široké a dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko. Vidíte? Práve tak isto, to bol tam ten obraz, keď som vám povedal, "Anjel Pánov vyzeral ako Ohnivý stĺp pred rokmi," pred tým, ako to bolo vôbec odfotené. Boh urobil, aby veda rozpoznala, že je to pravda. A tu o proroctve, ktoré bolo dané, Boh urobil, aby veda svedčila, že je to pravda. Tak, kde stojíme? Chcem si toto nechať, lebo možno budem hovoriť s mojím priateľom, ktorý je dnes ráno prítomný, aby napísal tých Sedem Pečatí. Možno bude chcieť toto na to použiť. A tak, máte kópiu toho... No, ak to dostanete, môžete sa na to odvolať. Vidíte?

85No, on chce zistiť, ale na čo by to bolo dobré ísť a povedať mu to? On by sa tomu smial. On by sa len smial. Tak nehádžme takto naše perly. Ale vieme, cirkev vie, a Boh vie, že je to pravda.

86A potom, zatiaľ čo som sa modlil ohľadom tohto, bol som zvedavý, čo sa mi stane, a viete, kde som bol? Na severe od Tusconu, východne od Flagstaffu, úplne presne, pozične, kde som vám povedal mesiace predtým, než sa to stalo, že budem stáť. A presne, podľa týchto novín tu a tých novín, alebo tohto časopisu, a nášho vlastného svedectva, presne kde sa to stalo. Boh je dokonalý a nemôže klamať. A to sa stane. Vidíte?

87Pamätáte sa na páske, "Páni, aký je čas?" Citoval som to, "Pamätajte, niečo závažné sa má stať." A teraz to spôsobilo, že celý národ o tom svedčí. Každé noviny v Spojenej tlači, a jeden z našich vedúcich časopisov, a všetko ostatné svedčí o tom, ešte nie je po všetkom. Ale akí privilegovaní ľudia, privilegovaní ľudia sú kresťania, vedieť, že v tejto temnej hodine, kde nie sú žiadne nádeje podľa vedy, že na nás čaká atómová bomba. A žiadne nádeje v našich organizáciách, ktoré sa stále spájajú; oni sa zjednocujú so znamením šelmy.. A keď sa všetky naše nádeje týmto smerom stratili v našej ekonómii, z nášho kresťanského obecenstva medzi organizáciami... Smeruje to do katolicizmu, ktorý bude znamením šelmy v rade cirkví.

88Ale sú to tí, ktorí milujú Boha a hľadajú skutočnosť, že... Ten sám Boh, Ktorý zasľúbil v Biblii, rozprestiera to pred našou tvárou a činí, že cirkev, a ľudia, a veda a časopisy a všetko, rozpoznávajú, že On je stále Bohom a môže naplniť zasľúbenie. Čo za čas.

89Potom v Sabino Kaňone v to ráno, modlil som sa a rozmýšľal, čo sa stane, držal som ruky vystreté k Bohu na vrchu tej hory, a Meč padol do mojej ruky, s perlovou rúčkou a s chráničom nad tým, a dlhá čepeľ, okolo troch stôp, a lesk ako kovový hrniec alebo ako chrómový, ostrý ako britva; a ja som nevedel, čo to bolo. A povedal som, "Bojím sa týchto vecí."

90A práve vtedy prehovoril Hlas, ktorý zatriasol Kaňonom, povedal, "Toto je Meč Pánov." A Meč Pánov je Slovo Pánovo. Lebo Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč.

91Potom som sa k tomu vrátil... Potom počas toho jeden statočný malý brat tu v zbore, a on je, bol vojakom a bol v armáde takmer roztrhaný na kusy a ležal ako mŕtvy; a povedal, že by... Oni ne... Lekári si nemysleli, že bude žiť a nebol ani hoden, aby sa s ním zaoberali, on bol na tom tak zle. Hlavné nervy v jeho nohe sa roztrhli, a jeho malá ruka takmer úplne praskla, jeho noha, jedna noha preč a všetko. Ale Boh videl milosť a zachránil ho a jedného dňa ho uzdravil.

92On, brat Roy Roberson bol tam, keď tá fotografia bola urobená tam v Houstone. Ako jeho žene bolo povedané vo videní, čo robila cez deň, a ako mala problém, a že to bude uzdravené. A to z neho urobilo veriaceho. Ale on, súc vojnovým mužom, bol taký (dúfam, že mi odpustí, že to hovorím spoza...) viac drsný, presný; dával príkazy (vidíte?), v armáde ako príkaz ľudí, on musel odvrknúť a: "Urob to!" Vidíte? A on napriek tomu uveril. Ale stále chodil do zboru a videl to nadprirodzené, povedal, "Verím tomu, ale je to pre niekoho iného."

93Jednej noci ho Pán zobudil, jedno ráno. Sedel, on a ja, vyzeralo to ako v Jeruzaleme pri Stole na Večeri Pánovej, a ja som rozprával. On tomu nerozumel. A brat Roy, sedí tu, práve teraz sa na mňa pozerá, a on to videl. A on ma zavolal hore v Arizone... Alebo mi poslal list a ja som ho zavolal späť. Povedal, "Ty si sedel tam, brat Branham, a ja som videl ten veľký Svetelný Stĺp, ako prichádza dovnútra a berie ťa a nesie ťa preč od Pánovho stola a šiel si na západ." Lebo on sedel na východnej strane a sledoval ma, ako idem na západ, a toto Svetlo vošlo a vzalo ma preč.

94Povedal, že to bolo v jedno ráno, akoby to bolo videnie. Vstal z postele okolo tretej alebo štvrtej ráno, tak nejak, a videl, ako sa to stalo. A povedal, že kričal, vyzeralo to, akoby to trvalo celé dni, "brat Bill, vráť sa." A Roy a ja sme boli skutoční bratia. Žijeme spolu, a poľujeme spolu a sme jednoducho bratia. A on na mňa kričal, až kým nemal zachrípnutý hlas, "Vráť sa. Prineste ho späť. Prineste ho späť." Plakal, povedal, že ja... Tu prichádza Ohnivý Stĺp späť, alebo Oblak prichádza späť, a On ma posadil za vrch stolu, a bol som premenený. Bolo to tajomstvo pre brata Roya, ako som bol premenený a vyzeral som inak. (Kladiem to tu kvôli niečomu, čo chcem pripomenúť). Bol som premenený... (keď mu dám výklad toho).

95To bolo práve pred tým, ako som sa vrátil kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam. Keď som sa vrátil kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam, potom som... Jedno ráno sa on spojil s Billym a chcel som mnou hovoriť. A ja som bol zaneprázdnený, modlil som sa kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam, a potom mi povedal o... Stalo sa to znovu a opakovalo sa to znovu. Brat Roy, ak tomu zle rozumiem, upozorni ma. A povedal, že znovu vstal ráno, myslím, že znovu skoro ráno, a pozrel sa do izby a videl toto veľké Svetlo alebo Oblak nad horou. Pred nedávnom sa ma opýtal, "Je niekde niečo o tom oblaku nad horou?" A ja som povedal... "V Biblii."

96A povedal som, "Áno, Peter, Jakub a Ján boli vzatí a oblak zatienil Pána Ježiša. A Boh prehovoril, povedal, 'Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.'" Kázal som tu na to, prednedávnom, malé posolstvo, pásku, ktorú bratia môžu zrozumieť, "Jeho počúvajte." Predpokladám, že to možno máte na páske. Som si istý.

97A povedal, že šiel do hôr. A keď šiel, stál som tam. A Hlas prišiel z Oblaku (Však, brat Roy?) a povedal niečo o tomto nariadení. "Toto je Môj služobník. Povolal som ho, aby bol prorokom na ten vek, aby viedol ľudí práve tak ako Mojžiš. A bola mu daná autorita. On môže povolať do existencie." Niečo, ako robil Mojžiš, ako prehovoriť k muchám. A my vieme o veveričkách a tak ďalej, a veciach, ktoré sa už stali. Malá Hattie Wright tam vzadu, predpokladám, že bude vedieť, čo sa stalo v jej dome. A On mu povedal, že ja som urobil to, čo urobil Mojžiš.

98A ja... Povedal mi to, keď schádzal dolu po tom výlete. A v mojej mysli, rozhodol som sa, že pôjdem hore k Budovcom, lebo on je tam hore ako poľovník dosť v zlom stave.

99Predtým, ako odtiaľto odídem, možno to tu spomeniem. A budeme sa ponáhľať. Sníval sa mi zvláštny sen, čudný sen. A dúfam, že keď sa môj švagor k tomuto niekedy dostane, že sa ho to nedotkne. A dúfam, že sa nedotknem mojej ženy, ktorá tu teraz sedí. Ale ona vie, že pred mnohými mesiacmi, po celý čas, nuž, to bolo niekedy v októbri alebo novembri, keď sa mi snívalo, že som sa túlal v tme, a ja... Nuž, nemal som kam ísť a nikto sa o mňa nestaral. A stal som sa povaľačom, jednoducho povaľačom. A bola mi zima a pozrel som sa do diaľky a videl som oheň. A keď som sa tam dostal, bolo to mestské smetisko. A oni mali jamy a oheň bol v tých jamách. A medzi jamami boli pneumatiky, kde mohli spať povaľači, aby im bolo teplo (aby nezamrzli), medzi tými ohňami počas studenej zimnej noci. A mne bola zima. A šiel som k tomuto ohňu, aby som sa zohrial, a ležalo tam plno povaľačov a boli... Nevidel som žiadneho z nich, ale oni všetci mali kútik alebo miesto, kde bolo ich miesto na spanie. A videl som môjho švagra, Fletchera Broya.

100A Fletcher, ako si ho pamätám. On bol dobré dieťa. Ale toto môže byť dobrá lekcia pre mladé deti. Pamätám sa pred pár rokmi na pekného mladého muža Jamesa Fletchera Broya, a dostal sa k zlej skupine, a vzal si svoj prvý pohárik. Pamätám sa, že ma volal za závesmi v mojom dome. A jeho otec, ktorý odišiel do slávy pred rokmi, bol tam vonku a vzal gitaru, "Na vrchu vzdialenom stál starý drsný kríž."

101A Fletcher ma zavolal späť; povedal, "brat Bill, modli sa za mňa. Počúvaj tú pieseň, ktorú môj otec hrá, a ja som dnes pil."

102A ja som povedal, "Fletcher..." Asi osemnásťročný chlapec, povedal som, "Nechoď tým smerom." Ale on nikdy nepočúval. On šiel ďalej; stal sa úplným alkoholikom. A jeho žena ho nechala, jeho deti... A on je rovno v tejto hodine... A Boh vie, že ho milujem...

103Šiel som sa za neho modliť, jednoducho povaľača. Šiel som sa tu za neho modliť prednedávnom; on si ublížil, keď som tu bol so Siedmimi Pečaťami. Povedal som, "Fletch, mám tam hore zopár oblekov, ktoré by som ti rád dal."

Povedal, "Nerob to, brat Bill."

No, viem, že nemá žiadne oblečenie. A povedal som, "Prečo si nevezmeš tie šaty?"

Povedal, "Hmmm?." A pozrel sa hore na mňa a, "Vidíš, vieš, čo by som s nimi urobil: založil by som ich a opil by som sa."

104A povedal som, "Dám ti trochu peňazí, Fletch."

Povedal, "Nie, nerob to, brat Bill. Nechcem, aby si to robil." On je v srdci skutočný muž, ale stal sa alkoholikom a povaľačom. A jeho žena sa vybrala zlou cestou. A, ó, jednoducho všetko sa stalo tomu úbohému chlapíkovi.

105A keď som sa zobudil... Predtým, ako som sa zobudil, Fletch mi povedal, povedal vo sne... Povedal, "Billy, vybojujem ti miesto, brat Bill. Kŕmil si moje deti, keď boli hladné." Povedal, "Bol si im otec. Teraz, nájdem ti tu miesto, aby si sa zohrial." A šli sme kráčajúc pri miestach povaľačov a konečne sme prišli k miestu, a povedal, "Sadnem si tu dolu."

A povedal som, "Prejdem sa tu a uvidím, či tu nájdem nejaké miesto."

106A šiel som a pozrel som sa do tmy, chladnej tmy. A myslel som si, "Pomysli na to. Jedného času, Boh Všemohúci ma nechal viesť Jeho Cirkev. Jedného času ma nechal kázať Jeho Evanjelium a vidieť spasené duše. Muži a ženy prichádzali z celého sveta, aby so mnou hovorili pár minút. A teraz som tu, povaľač; nikto ma nechce. A je mi zima. A čo mám robiť?" Potom som sa zobudil.

107Povedal som svojej žene; povedal som, "Možno to znamená, že Fletch je v potrebe." Tak sme sa ponáhľali, aby sme videli, či by sme ho našli. A jeho brat ho našiel. Stál tam vonku s "Weidnerovcami", tam vonku, kde majú obchod s koňmi a vecami; spal v rohu stodoly alebo niekde. A šiel som ďalej. Myslel som si, "Nuž, musím to len nechať tak."

108Tak som sa teraz vrátil z Kanady s Fredom a ostatnými minule. A v mojej mysli, rozhodol som sa, "Ak títo ľudia nechceli počúvať moje posolstvo, v poriadku, nemuseli." Kázal som teraz asi tridsaťpäť rokov. A posledných pätnásť, osemnásť rokov som neurobil nič, len... Pán... Snažil som sa žiť tak blízko Neho a nepovedať slovo, až kým mi On prv nepovedal. Všetko...

109Ľudia hovoria, "No, ak vám brat Branham hovorí, že prichádza, pamätajte, dávajte pozor na stretnutie, lebo prichádza v Mene Pánovom. On neurobí nič, kým mu Pán nepovie..." Tak je to. Čakal som, kým mi On nepovedal. Nepohol som sa, kým mi On nepovedal. A potom On to robil posledné mesiace tak, že mi nepovedal o žiadnych miestach, kam mám ísť.

Potom som prišiel dolu z Kanady a Fred povedal... Alebo brat Roy mi povedal svoj sen, ako on a ja a brat Banks sme jazdili spolu, predtým, ako sme sa rozdelili.

110A potom, ďalší deň sme sa zastavili u brata Freda, a jeho chlapec Lynn nebol doma a tak on s nami nemohol ísť. A on a jeho žena museli čakať. On vyzdvihol svoju ženu v Rosewoode alebo Melrose, Saskatchewan.

111A Billy a ja sme prišli k nákladiaku brata Freda. V tú noc sme cestovali väčšinu noci a na ďalší deň. A na ďalšie ráno sme odišli z Helena, Montana, a blížili sme sa k hranici.

112A ja môžem zostať hore asi do deviatej a potom zaspávam. Musel som spať. A Billy, on chce spať do desiatej ďalšieho dňa, keď je denné svetlo. Tak to nám robí dobre, keď cestujeme.

113Vstal som okolo štvrtej a začal som šoférovať. A Billy spal. Šli sme na miesto, a ja som premýšľal vo svojej mysli, "Vieš čo? V jednom z týchto dní, hneď ako budem môcť manželku dostať tam hore... A ja jej nepoviem, čo idem urobiť. Ale ja pôjdem tam hore. A potom jej poviem, 'Ja toto miesto tak milujem, že nepotrebujeme ísť nikam inam. Zostaňme len tu.'" A to je od civilizácie tisícsto míľ od hocikadiaľ (Vidíte?), tam v pustatine. Myslel som si, "Chlapče, nebude to fajn? Nebudem sa musieť strihať, a nebudem sa musieť obliekať. A budem jednoducho normálnym horolezcom, čo som vždy chcel byť." A povedal som, "Dostanem nejaké zbrane, a nejakí ľudia mi dajú... A budem sprievodcom, o akom ste ešte nepočuli. Budem to jednoducho milovať. Potom, ak mi Pán povie, aby som šiel dolu a povedal niekomu niečo, ja odbehnem a poviem im a znovu sa vrátim. A budem pomáhať Budovi, a naozaj tu budeme mať skutočné miesto." Myslel som na to.

114Šli sme sa najesť do reštaurácie (malé miesto v horách) okolo siedmej hodiny. Bolo už trochu neskoro, tak som Billyho zobudil. Nemali sme už benzín, tak sme museli natankovať nejaký benzín a šli sme na toto miesto, do tejto malej reštaurácie. A kým sme tam boli, cez ulicu prišiel muž, možno o trochu starší ako ja, ale mne pripadal ako chlap. Mal na sebe kombinézu, kabát, jazdecké čižmy, čierny klobúk, dolu na tvári fúzy ako toto (snehobiele), a vlasy visiace zozadu spod klobúka. Myslel som si, "To vyzerá ako chlap," pre mňa, nie nejaký mäkký, lenivý, s cigarou v ústach asi takto dlhou, sediaci s krátkymi nohavicami na sebe, okolo nejakej terasy alebo bazénu, nejaký pupkatý z východu, ako... Prepáčte mi ten výraz. Ale, každopádne, ten chlapík pre mňa vyzeral ako chlap: tvrdý, drsný. Vyzeral akoby žil tam, kde Boh učinil muža, aby žil. A ja som ho obdivoval.

115Prišiel do reštaurácie a objednal si pár palaciniek. Bolo tam okolo pätnásť, dvadsať ľudí. Musel si kýchnuť. Viete, ako niektorí ľudia [brat Branham napodobňuje potláčanie kýchnutia - pozn.prekl.]... (Prepáčte.) Ale on vydal riadne, veľké, zdravé, lesácke kýchnutie: Hap-čiuúch! Ó, to vyzeralo akoby vietor zafúkal. A keď to urobil, nikto sa neodvážil nič povedať. Nie veru. Povedal som, "Billy, tam je muž podľa môjho srdca."

Povedal, "Och, ocko, nechceš byť ako..."

"To je to, čo... To som ja v budúcnosti." Vidíte? Povedal som, "To som ja."

116A trochu som tam ešte sedel, a Billy sa na mňa pozrel a ďalej jedol svoje palacinky. A ja som svoje už dojedol. Za niekoľko minút, niekto v boxe hneď vedľa nás, stena bola týmto smerom, zadná strana boxu, nemohol som tam vidieť. Muž vstal, ktorý vyzeral z profilu presne ako ja, okolo sedemdesiatpäť ročný, malý, drobný chlapík, a jeho šaty na ňom priviazané, otrhaný. A kamoš, ktorý vstal s ním, bol presne Fletcher Broy: sivé vlasy visiace na jeho tvári. A Billy sa pozrel okolo a povedal, "Oci, to vyzerá ako ty a Fletcher." Mohli by ste si predstaviť, ako som sa cítil. A ten malý chlapík, ktorý vyzeral ako ja, sa zakolísal. Vy... A stál nad pecou, bol tam okolo nich všetkých dym, špinavé tváre. Myslel som si, že ich raňajky spolu... Ten muž musel zaplatiť dvadsať centov: možno šálka kávy alebo niečo. Moje srdce vo mne sa zachvelo. A sledoval som. A Billy povedal, "Čo je s tebou?"

Povedal som, "Nič." A sledoval som to. A oni šli okolo a vyšli von.

Povedal, "Ocko, čo sa stalo?"

Povedal som, "Nič." A on šiel do auta. Povedal som...

On povedal, "Nebude ti vadiť, keď budeš znovu šoférovať?"

Povedal som, "Nie."

Povedal, "Som stále ospalý."

117Tak on šiel spať a ja som šiel pomaly cestou, okolo päťdesiatpäť míľ za hodinu, v nákladiaku, cez hory, prichádzajúc naproti hranici, dolu k, prichádzajúc domov do Arizony, ale teraz som prichádzal do Utahu. A keď som sa tam dostal, práve keď som schádzal z hôr, asi dvadsať míľ od mesta... Práve keď... Počuli ste to, ako som vám povedal, o tom ráne, o veveričkách a všetkých tých veciach, ako niečo... Niekto ku mne hovoril, hlas presne tak isto, ako počujete môj. Viem, že to znie neuroticky. Ale ako som práve prešiel tým vyjadrením, "Povedal som vám niekedy niečo, čo by nebolo pravdou?" A hlas prehovoril. Ja som hovoril k nemu.

118Povedal, "Uskutočni svoje plány a budeš takto vyzerať."

Povedal som, "Pane, ja nechcem byť takýto."

119Povedal, "Tvoja žena pôjde tiež. Ona takto nebude žiť tam hore v tých horách. A ty sa staneš povaľačom, tak ako ten sen ukázal, že budeš."

120Povedal som, "Nechcem byť taký, ale... Ja nechcem takto žiť. Chcem robiť niečo iné. Ale bolo mi povedané, že si ma povolal, aby som bol prorokom a ja chcem žiť v pustatine ako prorok." Ale ja som používal svoje vlastné ospravedlnenie, aby som mohol poľovať: moje vlastné dobro.

121A On povedal, "Ale to boli proroci Starej Zmluvy. Ty si bol povolaný, aby si bol tam v oveľa vyššom úrade, ako to." Povedal, "Ty máš okrem toho viac darov; bol si povolaný, aby si sa modlil za chorých a kázal evanjelium v apoštolských formách, ty vieš o väčších veciach, mnohých veľkých daroch." Povedal, "Prečo na Mňa čakáš, že ťa pohnem zakaždým, keď sa pohneš? Kde je tvoja odmena?" Potom som pochopil. A potom povedal, "Pamätáš sa? (Povedal som ti...?...) Pamätáš sa, čo ti brat Roberson povedal v tvojom sne, v jeho sne, alebo videní? Že si urobil ako Mojžiš; zabudol si na cítenie svojho ľudu. Zabudol si na povolanie, do ktorého som ťa povolal."

122Nechal som chorých ležať. Chcem, aby mi Pán povedal, kam mám ísť a kam nie. To nie je správne. Vybudoval som si komplex, lebo ľudia nepočúvali moje posolstvo. A ak budete... A nech Boh nedovolí, aby som sa snažil porovnávať ten terajší život ako Mojžiš, ale to je presne to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Ľudia ho nepočúvali, keď ich prišiel vyslobodiť, tak on ich jednoducho nechal tak a šiel na púšť, ale Boh ho obrátil. A on na dlho zabudol na trpiacich ľudí.

123A potom som povedal, "Pane, ak... Ako som mohol... Je to tak. Bez vzdelania, len so základným vzdelaním, byť schopný... A ľudia stáli v radoch a všade, aby počuli jednoduché evanjelium." Je to viac; teraz je to väčšie, ako to bolo pod Starou Zmluvou. On vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary (Vidíte?), Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

124Potom som rozprával a počul som, ako To hovorí ku mne. A odišlo To odo mňa. A povedal som, "Billy." A on tvrdo spal. Povedal som, "Billy, to si bol ty?" A on sa ani nezobudil.

125A myslel som si, "Pane Bože (Spomalil som auto.), čo toto znamená?"

A povedal som, "Billy, Billy."

Povedal, "Čo chceš?"

A povedal som, "Hovoríš so mnou?"

"Nie, prečo?"

126A povedal som, "Chcem ti niečo povedať. Pred nedávnom sa mi sníval sen. Pamätáš, ako si videl toho chlapíka, ktorý vyzeral ako ja a Fletch? Opýtaj sa mamy, keď sa vrátiš do Tusconu; povedal som jej tento sen. A Billy, niečo sa deje. Teraz sa to deje. Niečo ku mne hovorilo, a ja som si myslel, že si to ty."

127Pozrel sa na mňa tak trochu zvláštne a chvíľu čakal. Šoférovali sme ďalej, tak na pár minút znovu zaspal. A ja som šoféroval a rozmýšľal som o, "Čo to mohlo znamenať?" Šoférujúc dolu cestou, a to... Zrazu, tu To prišlo a znovu hovorilo.

128A On povedal, "Vráť sa. Nepovedal som ti na začiatku, aby si konal prácu evanjelistu? Keď som ťa povolal dolu pri rieke, nepovedal som, "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod... Nebol Ján viac ako prorok?"

Sám Ježiš tak povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vonku vidieť, proroka?" Povedal, "Viac ako proroka."

129Potom to všetko začalo prichádzať ku mne. Začal som byť zvedavý. Potom mi On znovu pripomenul tých ľudí. Ako, robiac to, čo robil Mojžiš, ako mohol Mojžiš dosiahnuť k ľuďom na pustatine? A ako by som ja mohol dosiahnuť k ľuďom v pustatine? Presne tá istá vec. Potom prichádza táto 2. Timoteovi 4. Pamätáte sa, keď sme posväcovali zbor v to ráno pred tridsiatimi rokmi (niektorí z vás starších), keď mi On ukázal tie stromy a ja som ich zasadil po oboch stranách? Pamätáte si to? Pamätáte si to videnie. Je to všetko napísané v knihách a na páskach a všetko. Bolo to pred rokmi, ako som toto videl, a ja som nikdy neprekročil jednotu a trojicu. Stál som medzi nimi a zasadil som tie stromy, a to boli jediné stromy, ktoré mali ovocie. A ja... Všetky stromy narástli na okolo tridsať stôp a zastavili sa. Tieto šli rovno do neba. Odlomené z tej istej vetvy... Vidíte? Jeden na jednej strane a jeden na druhej, a ja som ich zlomil. Pamätáte si to videnie. Vidíte? Je to napísané v knihách a je to v mojom životnom príbehu a všetko. A oni šli rovno do neba, takto, rýchlo. A On povedal, "Natiahni svoje ruky pre ovocie." A potom som našiel to isté ovocie v kríži, keď som tam bežal. A On povedal, "Konaj prácu evanjelistu. Urob plný dôkaz svojej služby. Príde čas, keď neznesú zdravú náuku. Vtedy sa nezastav; choď ďalej." To všetko prišlo na moju myseľ.

130A potom si pamätám, táto Marilyn Monroe, to dievča, ktoré som videl umierať asi týždeň predtým, ako umrela, a ako oni povedali, že spáchala samovraždu, hoci nespáchala. Povedal som im o tom predtým, čo sa stane, a to sa stalo; ako sa stalo tým boxerom tam hore, jeden išiel zabiť toho druhého. Pomýlil som si to dievča. Je to iné dievča. Jej bratrancom je Danny Henry. Ako sa volá? Jane Russel. Jej bratranec, baptistický chlapec...

131A ja som kázal v Los Angeles na raňajkách Obchodníkov, a niečo tam jednoducho leží na tých organizáciách, a tam ustanovili vedúceho muža Zborov a mnoho veľkých hodnostárov sa tam zhromaždilo. A keď som dohovoril a schádzal som z pódia, pripravený... Lebo posolstvo bolo vyslané po celom národe cez rádio, a musel sa uskutočniť výmena. Počas tej výmeny, keď vypol rádio, potom aby bolo vyslané to posolstvo, a to sa vrátilo a ohlásilo stanicu, a ja som bol u Cliftona, kde sme mali raňajky... A ako som kráčal z horného pódia na dolné, milý, pekne vyzerajúci mladý muž okolo tridsiatky, vybehol a objal ma. Povedal, "Som Danny Henry." A nevediac, že to bol jeho brat, ktorý robil televízne vysielanie. A to vysielalo po Kresťanských Obchodníkoch. (A je to Jane Russel, tá filmová hviezda, jej bratranec. Jej matka je letničná kazateľka.)

132A potom, keď som... Začal ku mne bežať, a objal ma, a povedal, "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Branham." Povedal, "Dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale z môjho pohľadu by to posolstvo mohlo byť 23. kapitolou Zjavenia." A keď to povedal, začal hovoriť v jazykoch, chlapec, ktorý o niečom takom ani nepočul, baptista podľa denominácie. A hneď ako... Zbledol, a pozrel sa na mňa; nevedel, čo má robiť. Boli tam ľudia, ktorí tam sedeli. Bol si tam, Fred? Koľkí tam boli v tom čase? Áno, sú tu dvaja alebo traja, ktorí tam boli v tom čase. A on nevedel, čo povedať.

133A bola tam veľká, Francúzka, ktorá tu sedela; povstala; povedala, "No, to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad." Povedala, "To bola čistá francúzština."

Ten chlapec povedal, "Ja neviem jediné slovo po francúzsky." A ona zapísala, čo povedal.

134A potom tam v rohu sedel muž; povedal, "To je pravda. Zapísal som, čo povedal. Je to francúzština." Vzadu, blonďavý, dobre vyzerajúci chlapík, stojaci oproti stene, prišiel dopredu a porovnal zápisky. Bol to prekladateľ pre OSN, do francúzštiny. A tento muž tam bol Victor Le Doux, zo zboru Arne Vick, a on to zapísal. A mám k tomu výklad.

135Počúvajte toto, keď to prečítam.

“Ja, Victor Le Doux, som čistokrvný Francúz, znovuzrodený kresťan naplnený Svätým Duchom. Moja adresa je: 809 North King Road, Los Angeles 46. Navštevujem Bethel Temple, pastor Arne Vick. Pravdivý preklad, ktorý prehlasujem, proroctva povedaného o bratovi Branhamovi, dané Dannym Henrym vo francúzštine, 11. februára 1961, na raňajkách Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Pravdivý preklad proroctva.

Tak tu je to, čo To povedalo:

136‘ Pretože si si vybral úzky chodník, ťažšiu cestu, kráčal si podľa svojho vlastného výberu. (No, môžem to vidieť. Mojžiš tiež musel urobiť svoj výber. Vidíte?). Vybral si si presnú a správnu cestu, správne rozhodnutie, a to je Moja cesta (podčiarknuté 'Moja cesta', Svätý Duch znovu hovorí). Kvôli tomuto významnému rozhodnutiu, čaká ťa obrovská porcia neba.

Aké úžasné rozhodnutie... (Teraz, dobre počúvajte.)... Čo za úžasné rozhodnutie, ktoré si urobil. Toto samo osebe je to, čo spôsobí, a stane sa, ohromné víťazstvo v Božskej láske.’”

137Všimnite si, to je sloveso pred príslovkou. Vidíte? Francúzština... No, prekladateľ z OSN to preložil, a ten chlapec nevie ani jedno slovo: nikdy nepočul, nikdy nepočul o takej veci ako hovorenie v jazykoch. On bol baptista. Len tam náhodne vpadol a počul tú hudbu, a povedal, že tam prišiel a stál tam a počúval ma kázať.

138No... "v Božskej láske," Božská láska... Ako to môže byť Božská Láska, ak to nie je Duch Svätý? Duch Svätý je Božská Láska.

139No... A keď sme Billy a ja šli dolu cestou (Vidíte?), začali sme ísť dolu tou cestou, Billy znovu zaspal. A To povedalo, "Dám ti večné znamenie."

140Povedal som, "Pane, čo..." Chvíľu som čakal a nič sa nestalo. Povedal som, "Čo je večné znamenie, Pane?" A čakal som pár minút. A práve vtedy... Pozrel som sa na Billyho. Spal.

141A On povedal, "Dám ti večné znamenie," znovu. Povedal, "Pozri sa smerom na západ, odtiaľ, kde teraz si."

142A obrátil som hlavu takto v nákladiaku, aby som sa pozrel (spomalil som, viete)... A ó, ach, Duch Pánov... Cítil som sa, že by som mohol kričať a plakať. Pozrel som sa, a práve som videl horu s bielymi čiapkami na nej. Povedal som, "Neviem, nevidím na tom žiadne večné znamenie."

143Povedal, "Tvoje meno je napísané na tom celom."

144Ó, myslel som si, "Čo je to?" A skutočne som zoslabol a začal som zastavovať.

145A Billy vstal a povedal, "Čo je s tebou?" A vytiahol som takto svoje ruky, pot kvapkal z mojich rúk, to je...?...

146Povedal som, "Billy, niečo sa deje. Zrazu viem, kde som robil zle. Viem, že som sklamal Boha." A zdalo sa, že počujem tú pieseň, ako je spievaná, a vidím tisíce rôznych ľudí chromých, zmrzačených, slepých, a zvädnutých: počul som zbor, hlas nejakého veľkého, slávneho hlasu, ako spieva:

Nečistý! Nečistý! Zlí duchovia ho viedli. (Poznáte tú pieseň.)

Potom prišiel Ježiš a vyslobodil zajatých.

147Videl som zástupy chorých, ako všade ležali. A musel som zastaviť. Billy nevedel, čo sa dialo, a ja som sa pozrel.

148Zastal som a pozrel som sa hore na horu a videl som tých sedem vrcholov. No, tu, ak chcete niečo vidieť. Bolo tam sedem vrcholkov na vrchu pohoria, jedného pohoria, ktoré sa rozprestieralo na niekoľko míľ. Posledné pohorie, pred tým, ako vojdete do ďalšej krajiny, potom už nie sú žiadne hory. A to sa rozprestieralo z východu na západ, to pohorie. A na vrchu malo snehové čiapky.

149Prvé dva malé vrchy a potom veľký vrch... A potom ďalší malý vrch, a potom väčší vrch... A potom malý vrch a potom obrovský, veľký,dlhý, so snehovým vrcholom. A povedal som, "Pane, "Ja nerozumiem, čo to znamená."

150Povedal, "Koľko je tam vrcholov?"

151Povedal som, "Je ich sedem."

152"Koľko písmen je v tvojom mene?" B-r-a-n-h-a-m, M-a-r-r-i-o-n, B-r-a-n-h-a-m.

153A boli tam tri obzvlášť pozoruhodné vrcholy. Povedal, "Tieto tri vrcholy sú prvé, druhé a tretie potiahnutie. Prvé bolo prvou časťou tvojej služby: malý kopec; potom tvoje prvé potiahnutie, pekne vysoko. (Viete, znak v ruke.)" Potom je tam malá medzera, čas, keď som bol vzatý, keď som bol príliš vyčerpaný. Mnohí z vás si to pamätáte. A potom prichádza rozpoznanie, druhé potiahnutie. No, mal som ďalšie, niekoľko rokov tu, tak trochu malých vrcholov (Vidíte?), ako by moja služba nebola práve... A potom prišlo to tretie.

154Tri je číslo úplnosti (Vidíte?), to tretie. Ďalší vrch bol päť, číslo milosti. A ďalší vrch bol sedem, číslo dokonalosti: koniec. "Šesť dní budeš pracovať, siedmy je Sobota, koniec týždňa, koniec času." Vidíte? A zastavil som a ukázal som to Billymu. A pozeral som sa na ne.

155A On povedal, "To... Nechaj to stáť. Ak bude niekedy v tvojej mysli pochybnosť, pamätaj na toto miesto; vráť sa sem späť."

156A Billy ma udrel do pleca, povedal, "Oci, pozri sa na východ." A ako sa to stalo, ja neviem, ale tam na východnej strane cesty bola tá horiaca skládka. Míle a míle od akéhokoľvek druhu mesta, stará hromada odpadkov ležiaca tam na ľavej strane cesty.

157Vraciam sa na pole. Amen. Starý alebo mladý, živý alebo mŕtvy, budem poslúchať Boha, až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí. Sklamal som Pána, nebol som ochotný... Či urobím... Pokúšal som sa... Dovoľte, aby som pripojil toto. Vidíte? (Zostalo ešte trochu pásky?) Dovoľte mi pripojiť toto. Chcel som... chcel som vidieť Ježiša Krista zamanifestovaného bez jedinej chyby. A nech bratia, ktorí počujú túto pásku a tento zbor nech si pamätá od tohto dňa, ten dôvod, prečo ste nemali žiadne nedostatky, a dôvod, prečo po všetky tieto roky... Nemôžete povedať jednu vec, ktorá bola kedy povedaná alebo urobená, ktorá by sa nestala. Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby priniesol ktorúkoľvek z tých tisíc vecí na pódiu a rozpoznanie, a predpoveď toho, čo sa stane; stalo sa to presne do písmena. No, ak tomu cirkev verí, povedzte, "Amen", aby...?... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." - vyd.] Nie je na svete osoba, ktorá by mohla jedno ukázať.

Ale nech je známe cirkvi tu a cirkvi po nej: Ak Boh tlačí človeka cez rúru a ten sa vôbec nehýbe, až kým mu Boh nepovie, nie je s tým spojená žiadna viera. Je to Boh, ktorý ťa do niečoho tlačí. A to postavilo službu na miesto, kde proti tomu nikto nemôže povedať ani slovo. Ale od tejto chvíle, dovoľte mi najprv k vám hovoriť v Mene Pánovom, predtým, ako budete počúvať, lebo musím vykročiť vierou. Musím to urobiť vierou, či si myslím, že je to správne alebo nesprávne, alebo čo... Robím to najlepšie pri svojom výbere a potom to idem urobiť. Lebo to nebolo nesprávne, je to preto, lebo som čakal, kým mi On nepovie, aby som to šiel urobiť. Čakal som na Neho, tak som to nebol ja; bol to On.

158Ale, vidíte, dokonca Svätý Pavol sa raz dostal medzi úžinu. A mnohokrát, keď Boh robil veci alebo nechal Svojich služobníkov to robiť, to boli chyby, aby sa dokázali tieto veci. No, vieme, že ľudské bytosti môžu robiť chyby, ale Boh nemôže urobiť chybu. Ale teraz, ak sa dostanem na pole kázania a pôjdem tou cestou, ktorou idem, potom musím usporiadať zhromaždenia, ktoré sú predo mnou a urovnať tie veci. A možno toto je ten skvelý čas, ktorý prichádza, ktorý sme hľadali. A istotne, a toto samo osebe je ohromná vec, ktorá sa stane, a spôsobí, že sa stane, to úžasné víťazstvo v Láske Božej (a to je sloveso pred príslovkou), potom je to Božská Láska, ktorou je Boh. Vidíte? A na to je potrebná láska Božia, aby sa vrhla do prednej línie a postavila sa do medzery za ľudí.

159A títo Rikyovia a Rikety, ktorí tak odvrávali na tie slová, že som ich volal "Riky" a "Riketa," Boh mi dal porozumieť, že by som to nemal robiť, lebo to je... Mnohí z nich sú stále Jeho deti. Musím... Oni si nemôžu pomôcť, lebo sa správajú tak odlišne. Niektorí s týchto starých, chladných, formálnych cirkví, ktoré ich majú, ten duch na nich, a oni sú tak vo väzení, ako bol Izrael vo väzení, tak veľmi, že Mojžiš šiel dolu, aby ich vyslobodil z otroctva: ľudské bytosti, ktoré milujú Ježiša Krista, slúžili by Mu, ak by len vedeli, čím Mu slúžiť. A oni sú v zajatí pod denominacionalizmom, ktorý im hovorí, "Toto nerob," a "Tamto nerob."

160Ale volanie Božie musí prísť, "Ktokoľvek chce pochodovať smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, nech pochoduje." Sme na našej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Amen...?... Nech prídu, pochodujú. Sme na našej ceste stretnúť Krista v čase konca. A chcel som vám toto priniesť, aby ste videli, a ukázať vám tie chyby, ktoré môže človek urobiť, hoci je úprimný.

161Mojžiš stratil cítenie svojho ľudu, lebo ho nepočúvali. A, brat Roy, vidíš svoj sen? A teraz, ja nemôžem ísť s takouto službou, až kým o tom nebudem cítiť inak vo svojom srdci, nezáleží na tom, či mi to Boh povedal. Ale to je to, čo to mení, brat Roy, to prichádza. Niečo ma musí zmeniť, lebo, vo svojom srdci, ak by som tam vonku šiel s pocitom, ktorý teraz mám... Stále cítim, že oni mali počúvať to posolstvo, oni mali urobiť... A ja nemám cítenie pre ľudí, ktoré by som mal mať. A kým nedostanem to cítenie, nemá zmysel, aby som šiel, lebo by som bol pokrytec.

162A všetky tieto roky som sa Mu snažil slúžiť s pravdivým srdcom, a nechcem ísť tam von a byť pokrytec. Musím to cítiť, že to nie je "Riky" a "Riketa," a nie je to tá banda. Sú to Božie deti, ktoré sú v zajatí, a ja musím ísť k nim. A kým sa nebudem takto cítiť, musím sa len flákať okolo, kázať nejaké pravidlá a veci, ale čakať.

163Mám malú pieseň. Ja neviem spievať. Ja vám ju len zacitujem. (bratia, je to tak trochu naplánované.) Ja to nevyslovím správne. Nie je to správne napísané. Neviem, či to viem dokonca prečítať alebo nie. Je to na melódiu "Vojnová Hymna Republiky."

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja! (Počuli ste to.)

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja! (Koľkí... Samozrejme, všetci sme to počuli.)

Vidiecky kňaz jazdil po krajine,

s puškou na pleci a Bibliou v ruke;

Hovoril prérijným ľuďom o požehnanej zasľúbenej krajine,

Ako šiel jazdiac, spieval si.

Opierajúc sa, opierajúc sa,

opierajúc sa o večné rameno.

Opierajúc sa, opierajúc sa,

opierajúc sa o večné rameno.

Kázal prichádzajúci súd ohňa a síry;

a slávne, nekonečné nebo len tých spravodlivých.

Ako jazdil cez hory, mohli ste ho počuť spievať túto pieseň,

ako jazdil ďalej.

Leží moc, moc, divotvorná moc,

v tej Krvi, Baránka;

Leží moc, moc, divotvorná moc,

v drahej krvi Baránka.

164Starý vidiecky kazateľ, pamätáte si ho. Vidíte?

No, jeho puška je stará a hrdzavá

a visí na stene;

jeho Biblia je opotrebovaná

a zaprášená a je zriedkakedy dotknutá; (Je to tak)

Ale posolstvo, ktoré nám prináša, nás stretne v ten deň,

lebo Božia Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. (Všetci.)

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Jeho pravda pochoduje vpred.

165Idem sa to naučiť. Stál som dnes ráno, keď som to zapisoval, položil som ruku na moju starú pušku visiacu na stene. Viem, že to nebude dlho.

Jeho puška je stará a hrdzavá

a visí na stene (Je to tak),

A jeho Biblia je opotrebovaná

a zaprášená a je zriedkakedy dotknutá.

Ale Jeho posolstvo z tejto Biblie... na súde jedného dňa;

A Jeho Pravda stále pochoduje vpred.

166Božia Pravda je táto Biblia. Áno, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

167Starý vidiecky kazateľ so svojou puškou cez chrbát, svojou Bibliou v ruke, cválal cez prériu, a po horách, a dolu do priekop a všade, kázal o prichádzajúcom miléniu, o prichádzajúcom horiacom súde pre nespravodlivých, a kázal Kráľovstvo Božie pre spravodlivých. To je pravda. Stará winchestrovka zhrdzavela. A Biblia, oni majú namiesto Toho nejakú knihu o sexe. Ale Božia Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. On činí Seba dnes práve tak skutočným, ako to dokazuje, ako vždy bol.

Božia pravda stále pochoduje vpred.

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Jeho pravda pochoduje vpred.

168Prečo? Niekto To vezme, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Spievajme to znovu. No, sme tu zmiešaní, Metodisti, Baptisti, Luteráni, všetko ďalšie. Zatiaľ čo spievame ten posledný refrén, potrasme si ruky s niekým okolo nás a potom budeme rozpustení.

169A teraz, pamätajte, vy, ktorí musíte ísť do svojich vlastných zborov, choďte dnes. Pozdravte odo mňa svojho pastora. A potom sa za mňa modlite, každý z vás. A potom znovu, chcem, aby ste si pamätali, ak nemáte kam ísť... (A ak by ste mali čokoľvek...) Po posolstve brata Nevilleho dnes večer, po tom, ako bude mať svoje posolstvo, potom chcem nahrať pásku "Červené blikajúce Svetlo Jeho príchodu" (Vidíte?) dnes večer. Pán nech vás teraz požehná. A budúci týždeň, budem... Budúci nedeľu, ak bude Pán chcieť, možno budem znovu dolu, aby som nahral ďalšiu pásku, lebo musím byť v Arkansase tento budúci týždeň.

170V poriadku, teraz, spievajme znovu a potrasme si teraz ruky.

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, … (Pane Ježišu, požehnaj tieto vreckovky ako kladiem na ne svoje ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista.)

171Chvála Bohu. No, skloňme svoje hlavy na chvíľu. Si presne načas, brat Ruddell. Príď sem na chvíľu. Brat Ruddell, ďalší z našich spolupracujúcich bratov tu, toho malého združenia cirkví, ktoré spolu máme, skrátka medzidenominačné. A počul som o statočnom postoji, ktorý mal brat Ruddell k Evanjeliu. A tak hovorím toto, brat Ruddell, že všetko na tej ceste... Boh nezasľúbil kvetinovú pohodlnú posteľ, ale On zasľúbil bitku. Áno, ale On zasľúbil víťazstvo. To je tá vec.

172Pamätám sa, keď som prvýkrát zaujal tento postoj, dokonca moja vlastná matka a otec ma chceli vyhodiť z domu. Vidíte? Ale, ó, ach, ako som ich pokrstil v Mene Pána Ježiša. Jediná nádej, ktorú dnes mám, je kvôli tomu postoju. Som rád, že to posolstvo z Biblie od starého vidieckeho kazateľa dolu do tohto času... Hoci ľudia sa s tým skontaktovali, a zredukovali to, a urobili denominácie a položili vyznania a všetko ďalšie do toho, tá Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. To je pravda. Stále pochoduje vpred.

173Nech Boh žehná každého jedného a dúfame, že vás čoskoro uvidíme naozaj skoro. Dovtedy, urobíte teraz pre mňa túto jednu láskavosť, aj vy tu, a tiež pri páskach, vy, bratia? Modlite sa, aby Boh dal do môjho srdca to niečo, čo som tam vonku stratil v tom komplexe. Je tak jednoduché vybudovať si komplex. Mal som rozhovor minule s mojím bratom Wayom, ktorý tu sedí, sedí tu pred nami: dobrý človek, ale vybudoval si komplex, iný druh komplexu. Urobil tú istú vec. Brat Way, ty to môžeš tak ľahko urobiť. Je to... Ty si len niečo malé vezmeš do hlavy, stále myslíš tým spôsobom... Choď späť a skontroluj to so Slovom, pozri, či je to správne alebo nie, a potom odtiaľ pokračuj. Áno. Nestrácajte cítenie ľudí. Vidíte? Musíte pamätať, že nie sú utvorení z pilín; oni sú telo a krv, ľudské bytosti s dušou. Modlite sa za mňa, všetci, ak môžete. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná.

174Ideme skloniť naše hlavy a poprosiť brata Ruddella, či by ne... [brat Parnell hovorí zo zhromaždenia - pozn.prekl.] Dobre, brat. [brat Parnell hovorí bratovi Branhamovi sen, ktorý mal - pozn.prekl.] Chvála Bohu. Toto je kazateľ. Niekto možno nevie. A on bol jeden z tej skupiny, ktorá (nemal som dnes ráno čas), ktorá bola v jednom z tých snov, hovoriacich o mne, ako idem inou cestou (Vidíte?), idúc na západ, idúc von na západ v tomto poslednom čase: brat J.T.Parnell.

175No, môžno sú cudzinci, ktorí sa čudujú, že ľudia mávajú sny, snári. Nie, my nejdeme za všetkými druhmi snov, ale veríme, že Biblia povedala, "A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na ľudí; a budú prorokovať, a vidieť videnia a snívať sny." A pokiaľ je to v hraniciach Biblie, je mojou povinnosťou veriť tomu a kázať to. A keď ľudia hovoria sny, ak Pán nedá výklad, necháme to tak. A ak je to niečo... Keď niekto hovorí v jazykoch, musí to byť niečo pre cirkev a musí sa to tiež stať. Ak nie, je to zlý duch. Musí sa to stať, lebo výklad jazykov je proroctvo. Vieme, že je to tak. Tak my sa tu snažíme žiť Bibliu práve takým spôsobom, ako je To učené, neuberať z Toho nič alebo nepridávať k Tomu, ale jednoducho to žiť, tak ako To je.

Nech je Pán požehnaný. To mi pomáha, brat J.T, veriť, že... Boh mi nepovedal, aby som teraz išiel von a robil kompromis s hriechom. Ale len ísť von a pokračovať vo veciach.

176Modlime sa teraz, brat... [Žena v zhromaždení kričí - pozn.prekl.]... Niekto omdlel. Len chvíľu, seďte teraz ticho.

177Nebeský Otče, nech Tvoja milosť len...?... v bratovi Way...?... V Mene Ježiša Krista...?... nech sa stane. Vráť ho späť, Pane, daj mu silu...?...

178Tak mi pomôž, jeho srdce znovu začína biť...?... Pane Ježišu, nech Tvoja dobrota a milosť je...?... Je to preč. Ako tu stojím na tomto oltári, kde boli kázané pohreby, kde tu stojím, kde stovky ľudí, ktorí sa premodlili ku Kristovi... Sklonil som sa; jeho oči boli zavreté; jeho pulz bol preč. A nič viac, len zavolanie Mena Ježiša Krista, a jeho pulz znovu naskočil...?... Chvála Pánovi. Ako kazateľ kríža, hovorím to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nie je On nádherný? Srdcový záchvat... Vidíte? Som tak vďačný, že sa to stalo práve teraz, namiesto toho, aby to čakalo, kým neodídeme. Vidíte Božiu milosť? Nech je Pán požehnaný. Skloňme len naše hlavy.

179Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti teraz za Tvoju dobrotu a Tvoju milosť. Si stále v našom strede. Daj mi, Pane, Olej do mojej lampy. Daj mi Palicu Pánovu, aby som ju mohol natiahnuť ku chorým a postihnutým, aby som ju mohol priniesť k vyslobodeniu tých, ktorí sú v potrebe a k súdu pre tých, ktorí odmietajú. Daj to, Otče. Ďakujeme Ti za všetku Tvoju dobrotu, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Brat Ruddell, nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let us remain standing just a moment now, as we bow for prayer. Let's bow our heads. And if there's any special request, would you just let it be known by your hands uplifted. Now hold in your heart those things that you need, and ask the Heavenly Father that He'll grant it.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we are coming to Thee now in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We are coming, believing that the things that we desire is to be made known in prayer. And if we would believe that we receive what we ask for, it would be granted. Now that promise is so true. All these years, we've seen It tested, and we know that It's true. We want to thank You, first, for sparing our lives and permitting us to be back here again, together, assembled here in the congregation of the Lord.

3We thank Thee for the church and for the pastor, and for the great Truth in which it's built here and stands for. We thank Thee for every person that's in Divine Presence. And we ask that You'll be merciful to us, today, and grant unto us the understanding that we have need of, that we might be a more efficient servant for Thee. It's our heart's desire to serve Thee with reverence and with a true heart, and that You might get the very best out of our lives. Every day, may our walks be so that You'll be well pleased with the things that we did for that day.

4 Now we pray for all the sick and the needy, today, that's in the Divine Presence here, and in the presence of Your sanctuaries everywhere around the world, that the great Jehovah will come in His power and heal all the sick and afflicted. Get glory unto Thy great Name! Bless every secret in the heart, this morning, of those requests for prayer. We pray, now, as You look down into every heart and see what they had reference to as they raised their hand, and give to them their desire. And bless us as we further worship You. And when we leave the building this morning and we go to our homes, may we be able to say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the way?" We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You can be seated.

5 I would like to say that it's good, this morning, to be here again in the congregation of the people, in the Presence of the Lord. And it's been a few months since I was back. And last Sunday I intended to come down, but I--I suppose it wasn't the will of the Lord. Somehow, the valley here is very unhealthy for me. Soon as I come into the valley, I'm allergic to this air that's in here, and I break out in hives all over. And I think the hives went right straight into the stomach, and I was so sick, I... shivering, and shaking, and chills. And I just couldn't come down, although I got up and tried to force myself to do so. And I--I know that I--I've... The valley is very unhealthy, and it's unhealthy and--and I'm not suppose to live in it.

6 Now we want to report, we have had a great time in the services of the Lord, out across the different parts of the country where the Lord has called us to minister. And now I wasn't expecting to speak this morning on any certain thing, yet Brother Neville so wanted me to--to say something of being here with the people. So I... He is always gracious in that way, as we all know Brother Neville. And we love Brother Neville. Now, there isn't a day that I don't think about he and his wife and family, and his children, pray for them. God give him strength to go on, carry on! As we know, our time is running out. We're just so close un-... of tomorrow, that the evening Lights of today. And I...

7 Our family is out in the West. We all got along fine. And I gained twelve pounds, and lost ten of it since I been back. And Billy Paul gained eighteen pounds. And Rebekah and Sarah and Joseph, all gained. Of course, my wife didn't gain. So--so I'd be daresn't to say that up here, you know, 'cause I have to go home after a while. So I... But we had a--a wonderful, wonderful time, and so grateful. We...

8 Kind of bad, I thought, to come back, but there is one great thing, two things mainly that we missed, that there is no other place can take its place. One thing, our friends here, and the church. No matter where we go, we find friends, and we're grateful for our friends. But there is something about those friends who has stuck with you through the thick and thin, that there is no way to substitute them friends. No matter what any other friend could be, there is no way to substitute a friend like that. You're just squeezed into them, you're one. And we, together, looking for the Coming of the Lord, as the days go on. And it's kind of hard to try to think that you could... You cannot be separated.

9 It comes to my mind of a Scripture that I believe Paul wrote, and said in the Corinthians, that, "There is nothing present, nothing future, and no powers, neither nakedness, starvation, peril, or any creature present, neither life, nor death, can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ." How that even death itself will never separate us, because we have been joined together in heart, in this great fellowship around the Word of God. And even death itself will not separate us. We'll be united in the great Eternals, for all times and ages.

10 And then the children... Of a morning, we would go to church, of course. But everywhere you go, there is not a... It isn't the little tabernacle on the corner. And there is something about it, I--I miss hearing that little old bell and I... dinging up there on top, of a morning. And I think it isn't ringing at the time, because they haven't put the steeple on just yet, for the bell.

11And then to gather here at Eighth and Penn Street, where some thirty-five years ago, kneeling here in an old swamp, to build my first church, and how the Lord Jesus dealt with me on that. And today it stands as a little shrine here. And the brick and mortar, it stands as a shrine. But down in the inside of my heart, it's a shrine that'll last as long as I have memory. It's a...

12And what makes a church is not the building, it's the people who gather beneath it to worship God. We're grateful for these things.

13 And now I thought, maybe being that our time was up, almost, and--and we don't have much time left, I would just kind of brief you on some things that's happened. And then I'm going to make some tapes while I'm here, because I promised you all, see, that any new message, tape message, would first be from this platform. Here is where all the tapes are made, not out there. Now, Brother Jim and them goes along and sells tapes in the meeting, and so forth, but there it's always on something that's come forth from here first. See? You check anywhere back, you'll find it. That's my promise to you, and it will continue that way until the Lord God changes it.

14 And I think now that our tape customers, which around the world, a Message that goes forth from here, It circles the globe. See? Out into the jungles and everywhere, It goes by tape recordings. And to the heathens and so forth, by many, many different languages It's interpreted in. So I want, while I'm here, the Lord willing, to make some new tapes. And maybe, if the pastor hasn't got something burned into his heart tonight, well, I'd like to maybe make a tape tonight.

15 And then I'm going to Arkansas tomorrow, and, or Tuesday, rather, Tuesday morning, to help out in a little convention there with the International Brotherhood of Christians. I think... Or maybe I mispronounced that. It's something about National Brotherhood of Christians. I really don't know. I'm sorry. That's awful, isn't it? [A brother says, "Associated Brotherhood of Christians."--Ed.] Thank you, sir. Associated Brotherhood of Christians. And I was supposed to have through, from Sunday now, on through. But I held today for the tabernacle, to be down here. And then--then I'll get out on Friday... Is that the, sir, is... Friday is when the--the meetings close down there. And I'll try to get back Saturday night, to be here Sunday morning, the Lord willing. I'll make another tape. And maybe sometimes, along now, I want to make a few tapes before we go.

16 And then I'm really pressing for Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to that convention. And then--and then come back. And then I'm supposed to go, by all means, to Anchorage. See? And--and from Fairbanks and Anchorage, for the Christian Full Gospel Business Men, on those chapters. And then back. And if the Lord willing, up to Chicago at the last week in July.

17And I suppose then, about that time, I'll have to hurry the children off to Arizona again to be in... to get them in school out there. Because, Charlie, I have to be here about the fifteenth of August. So I--I want to be back by that time, the Lord willing, down in Kentucky. Everybody laughing, maybe some of the newcomers wouldn't know what that meant. And just kind of hope it don't sound bad from the platform, but that's when squirrel season comes in. So, Mama Cox, I'm depending on that, you see, so for a couple weeks down there for my vacation.

18 Now I believe the... I got something here that Billy wrote me, some little notes. And one of them said, "Daddy, Brother Neville wants to know if you could dedicate two children." Certainly, just be fine. And, yes, we have a--the dedicational service that the... We might as well have that now. And then I think we'll kind of take the next forty-five minutes, or something, on briefing on some of the things that's taken place.

19Now, many of the people and churches, being that when I... This is a open tabernacle. It's never been a denomination, and God grant that it won't, never. Because, we want this a place where we have no--no law but love, no creed but Christ, no textbook but the Bible. And then, we do not have membership, we have fellowship one with another, for all people, all denominations. Everybody is welcome and we have--and we have fellowship around the Word of God, where everybody can feel welcome as they can be. And principle, we just love the Lord Jesus. And--and we're not a--a scholarly group here. We're just plain people that try to just read the Bible and put no interpretation to It outside of what It just says. Just...

20 I believe that God will judge the world someday by the Bible. Now if they are... He is going to judge the world. And if there isn't a standard to judge by, how will the people know what to do? See? It would be God... You could not pin unjustice to--to God. And God has got to have something for His standard, that He judges the people by. Therefore if He judges it by the Roman Catholic church, then the Greek church, the Orthodox Catholic, and many of those, are certainly lost, and all the rest of the world. If He judges it by the Greek Orthodox Catholic church, and not by the Roman church, then the other... Then the Roman church and all the rest is lost. If He judges it by the Lutheran church, then the Presbyterians is gone. If He judged it by the Presbyterians, the Lutherans and Baptists is gone. See? So if He judges it by the Pentecostals, then all besides Pentecostals is gone.

21 But He'll not judge it by any church, to my opinion, because there is too much differences and too much confusion. But He'll judge it, the Bible says, "He'll judge the world by Jesus Christ." Now, that's Scriptural. Now... And the Bible said, that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." "The same yesterday, today, and forever." So, He is the Word, and This is Christ in letter form. And in the Book of Apocalypse to the Catholic, Revelation to the Protestant, in the 22nd chapter when this Book was finished, Jesus said, Himself, "If any man will take one Word from this Book, or add one word to It; the same, his part, will be taken from the Book of Life." So I... The reason we believe this, and stay just exactly. Nothing... He can do things that He hasn't written here, we know that. But as long as we just stay with what He has wrote, that'll be fine.

22 And now in dedication of children, many of the people, the Methodists sprinkle them. And--and I think they have their first communion in the Catholic church, or Lutheran, along about twelve years old, and kind of a--a baptismal service when they're born. I--I think the babies are sprinkled. And--and I think that split the Nazarene from the Methodist, many years ago, in infant baptism. I think that's right, Brother Brown. I--I--I believe that that was what split the Methodist church and the Nazarene, 'cause the Nazarene didn't accept infant baptism. But to us, here at the tabernacle, if we are going to stay with what the Bible said, there is no place in the Bible where they ever did sprinkle anybody, let alone a baby, not even an adult. But they... The Bible says, the only place of our Bible for the children, "They brought infants to Jesus, and He... that He might put His hands upon them and bless them." And He said, "Suffer little children to come to Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

23 Now, therefore, we know that we are poor hands, the pastor and I, or any other pastor, to take the hands of the Lord Jesus. And if He was here this morning, these parent would bring that baby to Christ. But being that we are here in representation of Him, that we represent Him, they bring the children to us. And we dedicate them to the Lord, by laying our hands upon them, in commemorations of His great Word and His act. So that's how we dedicate the little ones.

24I thought maybe some mother might be here with her baby that's never been dedicated to the Lord, that she might want to come along with these mothers or fathers who will be dedicating their children. We just bring them up here and present them to God, and pray over them, and tell the Lord that we lay our hands upon them, and--and a substitute way for His. And that's as close to the Scripture as I've ever found yet. Now, you might get your textbook out and find something that some group of man said, but I mean what the Word said, you see. Now I think I've made it real, real clear what it is.

25 Now if the pianist (Are you the pianist, brother?) will come up here. Isn't that awful, in my own church, ask, "Who is the pianist?" I almost have to knock at the door. All right. They sing this little song, or play it.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

26And while the congregation sings this, let's stand to our feet. And let the mothers and fathers that's bringing their little ones, come now and stand. All right.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

26a Now, pastor... Now we have a little--little fellow here is a sleeping. And sometimes they "amen" a little loud, so we understand that, they're babies. What is your name, sir? William Henry Vincent. And your little girl? Christina Maria Vincent. What a lovely little fellow laying on the--the shoulder of her father. May I have her? Christina, I can't substitute for your father here, see. Let us... Will you lay your hands upon the baby.

Let us bow our heads.

Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thy Throne, that today, up beyond, our faith lifts us beyond the moon, stars, beyond the solar system, into the Presence of the Almighty. We bring this lovely little child. We know not what we hold in our arms, Lord. It might be a great servant to You, in the days to come. We trust that it's so. But the father of the child has brought the little one to us, that we might lay our hands upon it. That, we have confessed to be Your servants to act in Your place until You return, then You take over all things. Until then, Lord, we're to serve You with trueness and sincerity.

And with our hands laid upon this little girl, we bless her in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust that You will give her a long life, if Jesus tarries, and may she become a great servant to You. Bless the home that she'll be raised in. May she be brought up in the admonition of God, and serve Him all the days of her life. Bless her parents, and may they live to see this child an honorable vessel unto the Lord, because of their act today, in the Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

God bless you.

God bless you, sir. Her name is... [A sister speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] This is Sister Tabet, Teresa. I just don't know whether we're going to be able to hold Teresa, or not. I don't think so. She knows a little more.

Well, let us bow our heads.

Our Heavenly Father, as we lay our hands upon the sister of this little one just dedicated to You, the parents wants this little one dedicated, also. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon this child, and give her a long life, a blessed life of service to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you now, bless you all. You're mighty fortunate parents, this morning, to have those two lovely little fellows.

26b His name? [The father says, "Joe William Cartwright."--Ed.] Joe William Cartwright. He's taking his siesta this morning, I think. All right. Now, if you--you all... Well, you can hold him if you--if you rather, ma'am. That's good. Joseph, come up here. All right. And you can hold him if you wish to.

Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You, this little Joseph William Cartwright. The father stands, this morning, to give back to You that which You've given to him, in a life of service. God, bless the little one, and may he live a long life, healthy, strong, and become a great servant to You. Bless his father and mother, the home he'll be raised at. May Christ be that unseen Guest at all times. And we give this little boy to You, for a life of service, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Steve Cartwright.

26c Little girl? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Ma'am? ["Pam Lewski."] Sylvia Shippy.

Our Heavenly Father, we're laying our hands upon this little girl, as the loved one brings her here this morning, standing at the altar. May the blessings that would come upon her, if the Lord Jesus laid His Own nail-scarred hands upon this child, may them blessings rest upon the little one. Bless her now, and may she live a long, happy life, and be a servant to You. And bless her home, her parents, her loved ones. In the Name of Jesus Christ we do this act, according to the Bible. Amen.

Blessing you...?... Bless you...?...

26d She's going to be a singer. What's the name? [The brother says, "Roy Allen Myer."--Ed.] Roy Allen Myer. I said, he is going to be a singer.

It reminds me. I hope this doesn't sound bad, at the church, but one day I was talking to an Indian. Had a little baby standing there, and I said then, "He's a nice fellow. And he's a nice fellow."

And the chief watched me, a few minutes. Then he looked down, said, "But, him, a her."

I guess, that's about the way it is yet.

What's the boy's... [The brother says, "Roy Allen."--Ed.] Roy Allen. Allen is your last name? ["Myer."] Myer. ["Roy Allen Myer."] Roy Allen Myer. He's a beautiful little thing.

Our Heavenly Father, as we lay our hands upon this little child, and in the Bible they said they brought little infants to You, and You laid Your hands upon them and blessed them. And that's the act that we perform in commemoration of Your great act on earth. Bless this child, his parents. May the home be a constant place of prayer, peace. And may the little girl live a long, happy life and be Your servant all those days. And may this family never be wheel-broken. In Glory, may every member be assembled around the great Throne of God, at that Day, and go to live forever. Until then, Lord, may Your Eternal blessings rest upon the child, who we bless in Jesus' Name. Amen!...?...

This little... That's her little sister, Rebekah.

Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon little Rebekah and bless her, also, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, just as though she was going to the water, to the pool. And I trust, Lord, that the day will come when she becomes of age, accountability, that she will make her stand, and walk right down to the pool there, and be baptized for the remission of her sins, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Father. Now bless her, with her little sister. May she live a long, happy life, and serve You. Amen.

Bless her. Lord bless you.

26e This her? [The mother says, "This is Jacqueline Grenault."--Ed.] Little Jacqueline Grenault, another pretty, little girl.

Our Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon the little girl. In commemoration of the great Lord Jesus, Who laid His hands upon infants and blessed them. And may the blessing come upon the child, as though Your Own hands was upon it, today. If You were here on earth, in a physical body, the mother would bring the child to You. But as we, as Your representative, she comes to second, then, Father. And we ask that You will bless this child, who we bless. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it live a long, happy life into Your service. Bless its home, may be raised in, may it be a constant house of prayer, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

26f Bless him. You have two of them? [The sister says, "I have two girls. And another one here, who has come, also, brother."--Ed.] All right. Now, this little boy is... ["James David."] James David. ["Humes."] Humes. I thought I knew you, Sister Humes. You're missionary, you and your husband. Is your hubby with you, this morning? Well, the Lord bless Brother Humes. Say, you sure have some fine, nice little children. This is David? And this is... ["James David, and Joseph!...?... Florida...?..."] I was just speaking with a sister from Florida, in the study, this morning. This little boy, when he was... They're from Florida. When he was there, the little boy, just a lad, little bitty, tiny fellow went into the back yard, and was looking up. Claimed that he saw Jesus.

Now, it's little David Humes. We lay our hands upon him, in dedication of a life to service to Jesus Christ. Continue Your blessings upon his home.



26g Thirty years ago, standing in the school door up here on the Utica Pike, did I ever know that that little boy, we, bashful, looking across at each other, that someday I'd lay my hand upon his grandchild, to dedicate it to the Lord God of Heaven. Receive little Shawn this morning, Lord, as a servant to You. The mother and father gallantly bring him, to give back to God what's been given to their care. And may they live a strong life of health and strength, and determination, in Christ. Now we give You this little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ, as a life of service. May he live long, to serve You.

Is the little girl dedicated? What's her name? Karla.

Likewise, upon little Karla, we lay our hands, this morning, and dedicate her to the service of Jesus Christ. God, bless her. May she live a long, happy life. May she be a servant to You, all the days of this life. Grant it, Lord. Bless her home. Let it always be a place of prayer and faith. I give You this lovely little girl, this morning, from the hearts of the father and mother who stand on this little altar, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

26h [The father says, "His name is James Pool."--Ed.] A little boy. It's named after Jim. ["Yes."]

Our Heavenly Father, the father of these little ones holds now in his arms the last little treasure that You give him in the form of a child, named him from his father, James. God, grant that he'll be a man of wisdom like James and in the Bible. I pray that You'll give him a long, healthy life, Lord. And may he raise up, and if there is a tomorrow, let him pack the Word of God. Grant it, Father. Commemoration of what Jesus Christ our Lord did when He was on earth, I lay my hands upon little James Pool and dedicate him to the service of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, James! Bless the little one!

A little boy; two of them now. What say? Jerry Dean Allen.

Lord God, upon the head of this little boy, Jerry Dean Allen, may the blessings of Jesus Christ rest. As we lay our hands upon him, as we dedicate this young life to You. Bless his home, his parents. And may he live a long, happy life of service to our God and his God, Who we give him to now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, little one!

27 Now, I think that just about--about does this now. Now we're just exactly on time, at eleven o'clock. Now, you know, I can just imagine, seeing those mothers coming along, and daddies, with those babies, I could think of Joseph and Mary, the morning of the dedication of the Lord Jesus.

28Brother Kidd, I was having a little interview with someone in the office, but I--I heard your emotion this morning out here, of a--of a man of your age. And I suppose you were telling of how the Lord healed you out... the audience. And I almost tore my car up, one morning, to get to the elderly... He's an old minister.

29 Just think, this man was, his little wife here, was preaching the Gospel before I was born. Preaching this Gospel, up over the mountains and valleys of Kentucky and Tennessee, with coal miners, and being run out. And they live without anything to eat. And this little wife here, washing on a washboard, for about twenty or thirty cents a day, to send her husband into the field to preach the Gospel. That's enough to make a person excited, ain't it?

30And then to think, that there he laid, when the very best of doctors said, "He's dying. His prostrate, cancer all through him. He can't live but just a number of hours, and mainly a day or two." And that's been two or three years ago, three years ago. And here he is, this morning, healthy, well, giving God glory. Then how old were you when you were healed, Brother Kidd? About what was the age when God... How old are you, is he now? [A sister says, "Eighty-two."--Ed.] Eighty-... ["Eighty-three in August."] All right. He was about eighty years old when God healed him. Now does God care for us old people? Sure, He does. Yes, sir!

31 He healed Abraham when he was a hundred years old, and Sarah when she was ninety. And they brought forth Ishmael, or, beg your pardon, Isaac. Is that right? We're very happy for this.

32Now you're so nice, I could talk to you all morning just like this. But let's just read some of the precious Word and then go right into the service. Now, I think, if it be the will of God, I would like to kind of brief you on things that's happened. And then tonight, if the Lord willing, I want to speak on a--a subject. I want to tape it, mainly, to go out. Is... And if you want to come and listen, all right. After the pastor gets through with his message, then I'll have my... I'll make this tape. I want to preach it on The Flashing Red Light Of His Coming. How one of the flashes is right on us right now! And I want to speak on that tonight, the flashing red light of His. He's here, being right on the hand right now. The--the signal down, the train is in the block.

33 Numbers, 16th chapter, to you who will turn and read. This is the Eternal Word, so let's read reverently. I want to read two verses of Numbers 16, the 3rd and 4th verse, to get a little background on what I wish to say.

34And now, if the tapes are not on, I wish they would turn them on now. Or fix it so that this part here will be able to be sent out. This is going out. If you want to, can you fix your tapes in there to where this part here will be separate from the rest of the service? You see, this is a--a new thing. Now, if you can block it right here, or whatever you do, well, then we'll... Would you like for me to snap it off just a second, then turn it back on, so it give you a block to know where to start it from, or can you start there anyhow? Start anyhow? All right. That's fine.

35 Now we're going to read Numbers 16:3 and 4.

And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face:

36Our Heavenly Father, bless these few Words. "And may the meditation of our heart, and the fruits of our lips, be acceptable in Thy sight." In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

37I want to--to take this as a text, for what I wish to say this morning: Standing In The Gap.

38 Of this time that we're speaking of, or reading, of course, we all understand that it was when Dathan and--and--and Korah had decided that--that they would interfere with the--the commission that God had give to Moses, saying, "You ought to let the whole congregation do such-and-such. They're all holy." And God had commanded Moses to lead the people to the promised land. And they said, "You take it upon yourself to do too much. You, trying to make yourself the only one in the bunch that--that's got any say-so."

39And this displeased God so much until He told Moses, "Separate yourself from among them. I--I'll just--I'll just kill the whole bunch, and start a new generation with you." And Moses fell in the Presence of God and said He'd have to come over him. See?

40 Now, today, if God was going to a liquidate the people, and there was a time that when God had gotten tired of fooling with our sin, we constantly going wrong, who would stand like Moses, today, for the people? Where would we find a person that would stand, or could stand, that God would accept like He did Moses? And Moses' own life on earth meant so much to God till it stayed the wrath of God, and God would not cross over Moses. That always was a puzzle to me till I... One day, in revelation of the Scripture, there came this thought to me. That, you see, Moses, in act, was every way substituting. He was a type of Jesus Christ.

41 And when God was going to take the life of the whole world, and destroy it, and all the sinners, and condemned to die, Christ died for us all. And God could not cross over Christ, being His Own Son. And then Jesus gave Himself freely, that He might pay the way then if... Moses couldn't have done that. Moses had no blood but human blood, like we are. So, therefore, his blood would not be, it would not suffice. But Jesus being the Blood of God Himself, the creative Blood of God, God just excused the entire human race then, of sin, because it was all laid upon Him. And He went to Calvary and died out, of the Presence of God, and suffered. And was cast into hell, because that He was sin, made our sins upon Him. And there being our--our burden bearer, took our sins to--to Calvary, and from Calvary to hell; and God raised Him up on the third day, for a propitiation of our sins.

42 And today He is the only mediator between God and man, and we're freely pardoned and forgiven. God don't even know we ever sinned. Our sins were put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, never to be remembered no more. We cannot do that ourself; we are finite. He is infinite. And our finite, we can still remember, because we're not big enough. But He is so great that He even forgets we ever did sin. We are sons and daughters, in His Presence. And all things that He was, we are. He become my sin, that I might become His righteousness. He become your sin, that your... He... you might become His righteousness. So God cannot see no sin in you as long as your confession is in Christ Jesus.

43 Someone said, sometime ago, said, "If I believed a thing like that, would I ever turn on the steam! I'd paint the town red. I'd go to every dance hall. I'd get so drunk, and everything, because,..."


"You're already secured in Christ. What difference does it make?"

44I said, "That shows you haven't got it." See? If the love of God ever struck your heart, in the tenderness of Jesus Christ, you would be so in love with Him, the world would be dead, as your sin. That's how you know you have the Holy Spirit. Not because that you could scream, shout, speak, or tongues, or whatever it is. But when sin becomes dead, and you're alive in Jesus Christ. Oh, love of God, how rich, how pure! See?

45 Now here in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, a minister was talking, that there was a--a young lady. She had waited a little long in life to be married, somewhere around her twenty-five, thirty years old. And she was a fine, staunch Christian girl. And there was a certain man in Louisville that wasn't; he hadn't lived such a good life. He had run to dances and roadhouses, and so forth, but one day he found pardon for his sin and he--he become a real Christian, real staunch Christian. About a year later, he fell in love with this young lady, and the young lady madly fell in love with him. And they were married.

46 And after they lived together about two years, they said that this young lady said to her husband one day, she said, "Dear, I suppose that's kind of hard for you, just a new Christian," said, "I've been a Christian since a little girl." But said, "For you, a young Christian, to have to stand all the--the--the wiles and temptations that goes with it after you--you've sinned so long."

And he said, "Well, it does become a battle."

47She said, "I want you to remember one thing, that if the enemy does upset you somewhere, and you fall and you go back into sin, don't stay away from home. I want you come on home." Said, "You're going to find at home the same wife that you married." And said, "I'll help you to pray back, and pray through, and get back to God again." Said, "I--I--I--I don't want you to stay away." Said, "Look, I married you upon the basis not of what you were, but I married you because I loved you." And she said, "No matter what you do, I still love you. I married you because I loved you."

48 And the man that day went to work, was heard repeating it in a... the place where he was working. He said, "Now, how could a man do anything wrong against something like that?" When a woman, that loves him so much that, no matter what he did, was willing to come back and take him again, and try it again. See? It shows... Now, you multiply that by a billion and then you have some idea of what the love of God is. See?

49That when a man falls in love with Jesus Christ, the things of the world... When you think of what He did for you in the Light of the Scripture, not in the light of some emotion, but in the light of facts, what it is, then there is something happens in you. When the new Birth comes, the sin is dead as midnight. When as long as that Light is in you, how can darkness shine? It cannot do it. That's what God did to one man who throwed hisself in the gap, that could take the promise. And Moses being a--a type of this Antitype, that's why Moses stood in the gap for the people.

50 Then I wonder, in this day, of this loose, lazy, soft Laodicea age that we live in. We all know, and have been through the Church Ages, that we're living in the last age, the Laodicea Church Age. And this lazy, loose, happy-go-lucky, joking, sinful age of lust that we're living in now, it's a wonder that God doesn't just say, "Step back, church, I'll just a liquidate the whole group." See? What a age that we're living in! And He will do that one of these days, too. We know that it's coming. There isn't going to be no sparing to this, because He's, already, Someone died for those who wanted to escape. But He'll take those who was, or has accepted Christ and become Christians, they'll be taken out of the wrath. Cause, then He could not do it; there was no way of doing it in the time of Moses.

51 Now in the Book of the Revelation, when we get to the Laodicea Church Age. In the Revelations, the 3rd chapter, the Bible said that this age, the Laodicea age, was "blind." Said, "Because you are 'rich,' you say you're 'rich,' and you're 'increased in goods'; greatest churches, the finest dressed people, the greatest that there has been in any age. Because you say, 'I have need of nothing.' Knowest thou not that thou art poor, miserable, wretched, naked, blind, and don't know it."

52Now if a man was in this condition, and you could tell him his condition, he would try to help himself if--if he was mentally right. But when he's in that condition and you can't tell him any different, he just don't believe that he's naked, he doesn't believe that he's in that shape, then it shows here that he is blind. The god of this world has blinded the eyes of those that refuse to serve Christ, and they've... so blind they can't see the sign that we're living in, the hour, the time that we are living in. And remember, there's already been One stand in the gap, and no one else can stand. You either have to accept that, that remedy, or you're doomed.

53 Now, now to us, to get close now to what I want to say. Could we stand... Now I'm preaching to myself, in this. Could we stand and see a human being that's blind, physically blind, and know that he's walking over a cliff, could we in our--our stall state of mind, that we're in this morning, could we stand and see a blind man walk over a cliff, blind, and not try to warn him? It would be, there, would be so cruel. We would be so indifferent in our heart. Could you imagine, a person getting so indifferent that he could almost laugh, and see a blind man, that cannot see and can't help hisself, deliberately walk over a cliff? That would be a--a bad thing; do nothing about it.

54 Well, to my brethren, world over, I want to make this confession. I--I humbly say it, that that just about what I was doing, or fixing to do. I had been preaching for years, and I--I become an old man and an old veteran preacher, and had a lot of hard battles, and maybe I'm scarred, all cut up on the inside, from fights. Because, my lot, that the Lord gave me, was not back to kiss the babies, and--and to marry the young, and bury the old. But it was to hold a two-handed Sword at the battle front, against the wiles of--of paganism and demonology, and--and the powers of darkness, and fight it with the Word of God till I seen the enemy defeated. I been cut deep, many times.

55 Then when I come with the Message in this day, and have said to the church the things that I am about to say. And I predicted years ago, when the Holy Spirit called me to this work. And there isn't a person living on earth today, that could ever say that the Lord ever let me tell you anything in His Name, but what come to pass just exactly the way it was to be done.

56How that He sent me out first, and the first gift, and the second gift, and the things that's been said or done, the world over, and literally millions have come to Christ. And tens of thousands of preachers inspired, that started a revival that sweeps the entire face of the earth today. And being that the Pentecostals was the one received my Message, they was the one that's gained ground. The Pentecostal church shows more conversions in the little group of Pentecostals than all the rest of the churches put together. That's statistics. Why? Because of them receiving Truth and receiving the revival.

57 And now, after the great time come of the healing of the sick, the casting out of devils, and the raising up of the dead; which we're all witnesses, and so is many doctors and great man of the earth. And the appearing of the Lord Jesus among us, that in the sign there as you see, I guess on the wall, wherever it is, of the Angel of the Lord. And how the scientists has copyrighted it, and it's--it's a known fact, the world over. And see the very things that He did, come to pass, every time. Then, if the Pillar of Fire that went with Israel across the wilderness, in the days of Moses, that we... or now that Moses was called, "The servant of the Lord," and he followed a Pillar of Fire by night, and a Cloud by day.

58 And when Jesus was on earth, He said that He was that God. He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And "I AM" was the Pillar of Fire that was in the burning bush, that spoke to Moses in the--the days gone by. I think that's correct, Brother Vayle. Then He said, "I come from God and I go to God." And when He was crucified, died, and rose, and ascended on High, and laid His body down upon the great altar of the Eternal God, to there ever be present to act in our place, to know that He had paid our sin debt. And there He returned back to the earth again, in a form of a great Pillar of Fire.

59 Saint Paul, on his road, before he was called Saint Paul, he was called Saul of Tarsus. And on his road down to Damascus, to arrest some people who were making too much noise, and shouting, and preaching a Gospel that was contrary to their tradition of their churches. On his road down, one day, about this time in the day, he was stricken down by a great Light. And this great Light, him being a Jew and know that the Pillar of Fire had led the children of Israel, and here It was before him again, he cried out, "Lord!"

60Now if you notice in your translations on both King James and your Standard, and all, it's capital L-o-r-d. And anyone who knows their Bible, knows that when that's capital L-o-r-d, is Elohim, the all-sufficient One that created the heavens and earth, in Genesis 1:1. See, capital, "Lord!" Now Paul would have not called some optical illusion, he wouldn't have called some something that he didn't know about, because he was a trained man in the Scriptures. Come up under Gamaliel, the great teacher of that day, and he would not have called that, "Lord," if he wasn't satisfied that That was Jehovah. He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

61 Listen at the Voice come back, "I am Jesus," the same yesterday, today, and forever.

62So I think, in the midst of all of it, before going any farther, both here and across the world, the people who will be listening, and listening now, will know that it is proven by every act to be Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Done the very same things that He did, healed the sick, knowed the thoughts of the mind, for It showed forth things that would come to pass, and every time perfectly through these years. I'm fifty-four years old, and saw visions since I was about eighteen months old, and, not one time, but every time it's been the truth. See? Now, that has to be God. And then me thinking that, "Why are the people so blind that they can't see that?"

63 And constantly when I talk to our--our women about bobbing their hair, and the ministers bawling me out about it; and about them wearing immoral clothes, of these shorts, and--and laying out like that, and--and carrying on of that evil way; and about our man the way they were doing, smoking, and taking sociable drinks, and--and everything; and then still calling themselves Christians, and taking Communion at the table because that they belong to an organization. Oh, it was just simply, they thought I had blasphemed God. And did the women get better? They got worse, across the nation.

64Then I, being a nervous, (I say this kind of quietly), maybe a neurotically type of person that I am, and knowing that I was insufficient, at the beginning, for the job; as many has complained, that had it to do. It was hard. But I--I thought, "God, why didn't You call somebody that could have done it? And I--I'm sorry, but I--I failed. The people just won't listen to me. And I failed to do what I should have done, somewhere, because they won't listen."

65 My mother, that's just passed on into Glory, about--about a little over a year ago. My mother, her father was a--a hunter. And I think I got all that come out from him, in that stand, 'cause I--I--I love the woods. And I thought, "If this people that call themselves Christians, if they don't want to listen to the Message that I'm preaching, then let them alone. I'll just stop it, altogether, and I'll go up into the mountain. And I know a friend to where..." Many of you, here, remember me predicting the time, about six months before it happened, how that I would go to a place, right from this platform here, and there would be a--a animal that look like a deer with pointed horns, and how it would be forty-two inches, and how there'd be a seven foot silvertip grizzly. You got it on tapes and everything. I guess that you remember the time, all of you. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, it's laying in my room up there now, to--to show that it's the truth.

66 Now just on things like that, because it's just before the going of my mother, and He was wanting to quieten me for that great shock, that He knowed He was to take her.

67Now, I met a man was a Christian, and he's got a great country right under Alaska. And I had made up in my mind, that being that I had left here and gone West, that I would take my wife and kind of trap her into something; I'd get her up there, and I'd become a guide. And then if the Lord wanted me to do something, I'd let my hair grow out and--and I--I'd... my whiskers. And--and I--I'd go back in there and be a guide. There's only about two or three Indians live back in the country there. I--I'd just be a--a guide and I'd help Bud. And if the Lord wanted me to do anything, then I'd--I'd say, "All right, Lord." He'd give me a vision. I would slip on out.

68 I say the people... I've never regarded myself, anybody knowing this, but people have said, "Brother Branham, the Lord called you to be His prophet." Well, I--I've never regarded myself as that, but I begin to get to the time that I was about ready to do it, to think, "Well, maybe I am. If I am, I'll live back in the wilderness. And if I live back in the wilderness, then I'll--I'll--I'll be His prophet, see, and then if He wants to send me somewhere. And while He's not using me, then I'll sure to catch some fine fish and--and do some things." Course, that was kind of a selfish attitude, see, because I wanted to do that. Now, it isn't just exactly the thing that's to do. And now I had that made up in my mind to do that.

69And now, just before the Seven Church Ages was preached, as they're drawed there... There is many, today, that was here during that time, and know that how the Lord did bless that, on the wall back there, It reflected it. Just to... How many is here now, that was there then when He--He came? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That did it.

70 Then I remember then of a Brother Jackson. He is usually with us. Brother Junior Jackson, the Methodist was a Methodist minister. Yeah, here he is setting over here now. Now, that he come to me with a dream, and then some more brethren come with similar dream. Now, the Lord has been real good to me, and I have never, take you to record this morning, have I ever told you a wrong interpretation of a dream? No, sir. Because, that the Lord... I will not speak it till I see it over again and know what He says about it, then I'll tell you. And then he said I--I was having a service down to his church, and he, somehow or another, he was real nervous that night, and he ran out of the church and come around the other way and met me in the car, and the people passing by. Said, "I want to tell you something."

71 And he told me that he dreamed a dream, that up here somewhere, like in Indiana, that there was a long, great grassy hill, and the water had washed all the soil off the top, and it become rock like a--a bald top on the--on the mountain. And then in this rock there was funny Writing. And said I was standing there with all the brethren around the church here, interpreting this Writing. And then when it come to the time that I got all of It interpreted, then the... somehow or another, if I understand the dream right, got a hold of something like a crowbar, or--or some kind of a angle bar or something, or not a angle bar, I meant a--a pry bar or something, and just cut the top of that mountain out and lifted it up. And on the inside of it was white rock, something on the order of granite or--or something on that side, some white rock that wasn't written on. And I said to the brethren, "Stay here and look in on This." And I, while they were all looking, I slipped out from among them and started going West. And Brother Jackson said that he saw me going over one hill, and then another hill, getting smaller and smaller, going West. You remember that.

72 Well, the interpretation of that, of course, was given here at the church before it come to pass, that the--the time is now, that I believe, that the full revelation through the age of Luther, Wesley, and John Smith, Alexander Campbell, and different ones that's preached on the Bible, and then we got over in the Bible and showed that there would be a--a seventh angel's Message. And at the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, all the mysteries of God would be made known. Then come seven mysterious thunders.

73And now if it is that end age that we're living in, where we've come up through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit; and had signs, wonders, and all different things. And the gifts has returned to the church, such as, Divine healing, and prophecy, and--and speaking with tongues, and interpretations. And though it's been misrepresented, terrifically, but yet, that don't take away, there is a good one. There is a true one, of real genuine, a gift of speaking in tongues, that's always supposed to be in the Church.

74 We have a lot of impersonations. We have people that get up and try to act like Christians, and their lives don't compare, so there is something wrong. Jesus said, "By their fruits you'll know them." See? That's how you know a Christian, by how he lives. Don't never jump any higher than you live. So then just... But in that, but it's a--it's a devil making a scarecrow, to keep the real genuine believers away from the true thing of It. But God help us to separate and be able to discern between right and wrong. And--and the Word will always straighten that out.

75Now we find that, in this, I told you that, the interpretation on the Rock. And the Rock is Christ, that was in the brother's dream, and that's the Bible. And for all these years, the Bible has been interpreted, till we've absolutely give It the ecclesiastical interpretation through. And the last gift being added in the Laodicean age, which is the seventh angel's time to preach, in the Laodicean age, at that time, that they would be a lot of things that was misconstrued down through the ages.

76 Like Luther preached justification, but he let it run wild because he didn't live long enough. And along... Then they organized the church. Luther never organized it; after Luther. And then Wesley come forth. And after Wesley, they got the Wesleyan church. And then after that come John Smith, the Baptist; and then Alexander Campbell, and so forth. But the man, the reformers, didn't live long enough to get it all together. And, so, a lot of loose ends left, like. And then when they did, for instance, of the water baptism that John Smith brought back, the water baptism in--in immersing; but using a title. And many of those things that was left loose. And then when we come down to the end, the last Message is supposed to straighten that all up, to bring these thing to "one faith, one Lord, one baptism." See?

77 And now after the Bible had been interpreted, completely, then you notice it opened up the top of the pyramid-like Rock. Not pyramid teaching now, not that, because I... The man who teach that pyramid doctrine, I guess they know what they're talking about. I know nothing about it. But, however, it was in the shape of a pyramid, but the cap on the pyramid was never put on. I've been in Cairo and--and in Egypt, and--and the cap never did come, because it was a cornerstone, it was a headstone. In the church It was the cornerstone. In the full Church, It was the headstone. So It never did come. It was rejected, Christ. And It will come. And I believe that when It's coming, that the Church will shape into a place, from justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, and the Pentecostal message will bring the Church to such a minority, and a ministry will be among those people till it'll be exactly the same ministry that Jesus Christ did. That'll bring Jesus and catch the whole thing away.

78 All those honest and true Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and whoever is born of the Spirit of God, will be caught away with Jesus Christ when He comes. I believe that. I different with some of our Pentecostal brethren who believe that the remnant of the church is those who will be caught away in this last age. I different there, because God... How could a man, and how could God... If we would say, "How could He?" He can do what He wishes to. But God, who promised Luther, and under justification, that's all they knowed. See? He promised to take the Church. And He... I can believe by the grace of God and by the Scripture's support. Because, He didn't come in the first watch, and they went to sleep; and the second watch; on down. In the seventh watch, He come. And that's the Seventh Church Age, at the seventh angel's Message. See? And when He come, all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. See? Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, whoever that's born of the Spirit of God, shall go in that Rapture. I believe that the Bride will be called out during that time. I believe there will be some in the last days won't have to taste death, but will be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye.

79 Now, but insomuch as you noticed, in Brother Jackson's dream, that there was no writing on this Rock on the inside, that's what I went West for. Now, as it's happened, and I told you, someday I would tell you what it meant. I went West for it. And told you the vision, which the people, both on tape and present this morning, will know in taking Sirs, What Time Is It? And any of you tape brethren that doesn't have that Message, and want to follow This, take: Sirs, What Time Is It? Before, weeks and months before it happened, here I saw the vision of being at Tucson, north of Tucson; that'd be east of Flagstaff, north of Tucson; and would be picking burrs off of my trouser legs, and a--a blast would go off that would actually look like shake the country. How many of you remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. That would shake the country.

80 Well, it happens to be that at least one man is present this morning who was standing there when it happened. It actually shook the rocks off of the mountain. And now they... We find out that, during that time, I saw seven Angels in a--in a form of a pyramid, that swept down and picked me up. And I was brought East, to open the Seven Seals for God. If you haven't got them... If Jesus tarries, and I... my great-grandchildren, little Paul's children, that will still be the Eternal Truth of the living God. Now, that was to find out, that was sealed inside this mountain, that wasn't wrote. It had to be interpreted. And when I come back, the first Angel, on the first night, opened the Seal contrary to anything we ever heard in our life. And all seven come out the same way. You know that. You were here present when it happened, many of you.

And, now, I didn't know it at that time, but...

81 Brother Fred Sothmann, I know he's here. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren. And that morning, I was standing there picking cockleburs, or--or what they call goatheads there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said it. Is that right, Brother Fred? And I--I--I must have jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent Message back, for me to come here to break these Seals. Why here, why at the tabernacle? Why didn't I do it there? Because I had made a promise to my church and to God, that any new Message would come from this tabernacle, recorded from here. And He was helping me to keep my word, to stay back here to do it. And then immediately I went back again.

82 And, now, I didn't know at the time, that they were taking pictures of that, scientists was, as the Angels lowered themselves from Heaven, to bring the Message. And you remember, I said the One on the right side of the constellation had, kind of, His chest back, and His wings. You remember me saying that, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And how that I watched Him? He was very distinctive from the others. And I didn't know they were taking a picture of It, 'cause immediately I hurried East. But going back home to Tucson, there It was all through the papers that had been seen almost nationwide, or plumb into Mexico, and all the Western States, and I think the Courier over here. It was on the Associated Press. How many saw, "A mysterious cloud in the sky"? You see the hands. And now the Life magazine picked it up. And I have the--the article here this morning, in the Life magazine, of to show. Now here It is, the same time I was there. See the pyramid of the Cloud? I was standing just below this. And there, see the distinctive Angel on the right-hand side? See the pointed wing of It? Just exactly what was said. And here it's in the view of Mexico and different places from where they took the picture. Now, this scientist here is trying to--to get all the information about the picture, that he can, about the people who has the picture. He is studying it.

83 Now, he says here that it would be impossible for it to be a cloud, because moisture doesn't go over about, I'd say, about six or eight miles high, something like that. When we go overseas we usually fly nineteen thousand feet, and we're above the storms then. But this cloud, according to this article here of this scientist, is twenty-six miles high. It would be miles and miles beyond moisture. And he said, checking the area, and now, you know I... How many remembers that I told you, "It sounded like the sound breaker on a plane"? Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But there was no plane in the district. The book says so here. They've checked it. There were no one, no planes up there. And, besides, it couldn't... That fog behind a plane is nothing but broken-up air, moisture, 'cause it sucks through this unit, as a jet. As it's pulling itself, it breaks the moisture in the air. It can never get rid of it, as long as there's a jet, because it's got to... That's what it propels on, and it's the moisture scooting out from it.

84 But here it is, miles above where there could be moisture, and no planes in the district. And It couldn't be moisture up there, and hung up there that day. It's thirty miles across it, twenty-six miles high. You see? Just as the same it was that picture there, when I told you, "The Angel of the Lord looked like a Pillar of Fire," years ago, before It was ever took; God makes science recognize that It's Truth. And here, of the prophecy that was given, God make science testify that It's the Truth. Now where do we stand? I want to keep this, for I--I may speak to a friend of mine, that's present this morning, to--to write those Seven Seals. He might want to use this for it. And so you have a copy of it, why, if you get one, hold it for reference. See?

85 Now he is wanting to find out, but what good would it do to go to tell him that? He would laugh at it. See, he would just merely laugh. So don't cast our pearls like that. But we know, the Church knows, and God knows that it's the Truth.

86And then while I was praying on this subject, of wondering what would happen to me, and you know where I was at? North of Tucson, east of Flagstaff; just exactly, positionally, where I told you, months before it happened, I'd be standing. And exactly according to this paper here, and of papers and this magazine, and our own testimony, exactly where it taken place. God is perfect and cannot lie, and it will come to pass.

87 You remember on the tape: Sirs, What Time Is It? I'll quote it over. "Remember, something is fixing to take place, major." And now It's made the whole nation testify to It. Every newspaper on the Associated Press, and one of our leading magazines, and everything else, testifying about Him, and it ain't all over, yet. But what a privileged people, a--a privileged people that's Christian, to know that in this dark hour, when there's no hopes according to sciences, and atomic bomb waiting for us. And no hopes in our organizations, ever getting together, they are consolidating with the mark of the beast. And when all of our hopes that way is gone, in our economy, of our Christian fellowship amongst the organizations. It's heading up into Catholicism, which will be a mark of the beast in the confederation of church.

88But, and those who love God and are looking for a reality, that the very God Who made the promise in the Bible, spreads it before our face; and makes the church, and the people, and science, and magazines, and everything, recognize that He is still God and can fill the promises. What a time!

89 Then in Sabino Canyon that morning, praying and wondering what would happen, holding my hands out to God, up on top of that mountain, that Sword dropped into my hand; with a pearl handle, and its guard over it, and a long blade about three foot long, and glisten like pot metal or like chrome, razor sharp. And I didn't know what it was. And I said, "I'm afraid of these things."

90And just then a Voice spoke, that shook the canyon. Said, "This is the Sword of the Lord." And the Sword of the Lord is the Word of the Lord, for the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword.

91 Then coming back to that, then, during that time, a gallant little brother here in the church... And he was a soldier and got blowed all to pieces in the army, almost, and laid out for dead, and said he'd... They didn't, the medics didn't think he'd live, and wasn't even worth fooling with, he was so far gone. The main nerves in his leg bursted; his little arm almost blowed completely off; his leg, one leg off, nearly. But God seen grace, saved him and healed him one day.

92He, Brother Roy Roberson, was present when that picture was taken there at Houston. How his wife was told by a vision, what she had been doing in the day, and how she had a trouble and it would be healed. And that brought him a believer. But he, being a military man was kind of (I hope he forgives me for saying this) from where all the--the rough, precise side, giving orders in the army. As a command of man, he had to sass-out, and, "Do it!" See? And he--he believed, though. But steady, and coming around with the church and seeing the supernatural, he said, "I believe that, but that's for somebody else."

93 One night the Lord woke him up, one morning. We were setting, he and I, looked like in Jerusalem at the Lord's Communion table, and I was talking. He couldn't understand it. And Brother Roy, setting present, looking at me right now, and he saw it. And he called me up, in Houston... or out in Arizona, or sent me a letter and I called him back. He said, "You were setting there, Brother Branham, and I saw that big Pillar of Light come in and get you, and take you away from the Lord's table, and you went westward." Cause he was setting on the east side watching me go west, and this Light come in and taken me out.

94Said it was one morning, like it was a vision. Got up in the bed, about three or four o'clock in the morning, something like that, and saw this happen. And said he screamed, look like, for days, "Brother Bill, come back!" And Roy and I have been real brothers. We live together, and hunt together, and we're just brothers. And he--he screamed for me, till he was hoarse in his throat, "Come back! Bring him back! Bring him back," crying. He said I... Here come that Pillar of Fire coming back, or a Cloud come back, and He set me at the head of the table, and I had been changed. It was a mystery to Brother Roy, me being changed, to look different. I lay this up here for something I want to remember, "being changed," when I give him the interpretation of it.

95 That was just before I come back for the Seven Seals. When I come back for the Seven Seals, then I... One morning he got a hold of Billy, and he wanted to talk to me. And I was busy, under prayer for the Seven Seals. And then he told me of... It happened again, and repeated it again. Brother Roy, if I get this wrong, you--you call my attention. And he said he--he got up again, in the--in the morning, I guess early again, in the morning. And there he looked in the room and he saw this big Light, or a Cloud up on a mountain. He asked me, not long ago, "Was there something about a Cloud being on a mountain," and I said... "in the Bible?"

96And I said, "Yes, when Peter, James, and John was took up, and the Cloud overshadowed the Lord Jesus. And--and God spoke, said, 'This is my beloved Son.'" I preached on that here, not long ago. A little message, the tape brethren might understand, Hear Ye Him. I suppose maybe you have it on tape. I'm sure.

97 And he said that he went up the mountain. And when he did, I was standing there. And a Voice came from the Cloud, (Wasn't it, Brother Roy?) and said something on this order, "This is My servant. And I've called him to be a prophet to the age, to lead the people just as Moses did. And he's been given the authority, he could speak into existence." Or something like that, like Moses did, like speaking in the flies. And we know about the squirrels, and so forth, and things that's already took place. Little Hattie Wright back there, I suppose you know what taken place at the house. And He told him that I had done what Moses had done.

98 And now he told me that, coming down after a--a trip. And in my mind, I had made up my mind that I was going to go up to Bud's, because he's in a bad shape up there as a hunter.

99Before leaving here... I might drop this in, and we'll hurry. I dreamed a funny dream, an odd dream. And I hope, when my brother-in-law gets a hold of this, it doesn't hurt his feelings. And I hope I don't hurt my wife, who is setting present now. But she knows it. About many months ago, right on, well, it was around about October or November, I dreamed that I--I was a roaming out in the dark, and I... Well, I--I had no place to go and nobody cared for me, and I had become a bum, just a--a bum. And I was cold, and I looked in the distance and I saw fire. And when I got over there, it was a--a city dump, and they had ditches and the fire was in these ditches. And between the ditches, was slick, where bums would sleep there, to keep warm, keep from freezing, between these fires, on a cold winter night. And I--I was cold. And I--I walked up to this fire, to get warm, and it was laying full of bums. And they were... I didn't see any of them, but they all like had stalls or places where their sleeping place was. And I saw my brother-in-law, Fletcher Broy.

100 And Fletcher, how I remembered him. He's a good kid. But this might be a lesson to the young children. I remember a few years ago, a handsome young man, of James Fletcher Broy, and he got with the wrong crowd, and he took his first drink. I remember him calling me behind the curtains in my house. And his daddy has gone on to Glory, years ago, was out there picking a guitar, "On the hill far away stood an old rugged cross."

101And Fletcher called me back and said, "Brother Bill, pray for me. Listen to that piece my daddy is playing, and I've been drinking today."

102I said "Fletcher," about eighteen-year-old boy, I said, "don't go that route." But he never listened. He went on. He become a complete alcoholic. And his wife left him, his children, and he's just at this hour... And God knows I love him.

103I went to pray for him, just a bum. I went to pray for him, here not long ago, he got hurt while I was here for the Seven Seals. I said, "Fletch, I got a couple suits up there I'd--I'd like to give you."

He said, "Don't do it, Brother Bill."

And I--I knowed he had no clothes. And I said, "Why don't you take the clothes?"

He said, "Huh-uh." And he looked up at me, "See, you know what I'd do with them. Pawn them and get drunk."

And I said, "I'll give you a little money, Fletch."

104He said, "No, don't do it, Brother Bill. I--I--I don't want you to do it." He's a real guy, at heart, but he's become an alcoholic and a bum. And his--his wife has took the wrong road. And, oh, just everything has happened to the poor fellow.

105 And when I woke up, before I woke up, Fletch said to me, he said in the dream, he said, "Billy, I'll--I'll hunt you a place, Brother Bill. You fed my children when they were hungry." And said, "You was a daddy to them. Now I'll find you a place here to keep warm." And we went walking by the bum's places and finally come to a place, he said, "I'll sit down here."

And I said, "I'll walk up here and see if I can find a place."

106And I walked up, and looked out into the dark, cold night. And I thought, "Think of it. One time, God Almighty let me lead His Church. One time, He let me preach His Gospel and see souls saved. Men and women come from around the world, to speak with me for a few minutes. And here I am now, a bum, and nobody wants me. And I'm cold. What must I do?" Then I woke up.

107 I told my wife, I said, "Maybe it means that Fletch is in need." So we hurried up, to see if we could find him. And his brother found him. He was staying out here with Weidners. Out there where they have... trade horses and things; sleep in a corner of a barn or something. I went on. I thought, "Well, just have to let it go."

108So I come back down now from Canada, with Fred and them, the other day. And in my mind, I had it made up, "If these people didn't want to hear my Message, all right, they didn't have to." I had preached now for about thirty-five years. And the last fifteen to eighteen years I've done nothing but just to the Lord. I've tried to live so close to Him and not say a word till He told me first, everything.

109 People say, "Now if Brother Branham tells you he's coming, remember, look out for a meeting, because he's coming in the Name of the Lord. He won't do nothing till the Lord tell..." That's right. I waited till He told me. I didn't move till He told me. And then He got so, for the last few months, He didn't tell me nothing about places to go.

110Then I come down from Canada, and Fred told... Or Brother Roy told me his dream, as he and I and Brother Banks rode along together, just before we separated.

111And then the next day we got down to Brother Fred's. And his boy, Lynn, wasn't at home, so he couldn't come on with us. Him and his wife had to wait. He picked up his wife there at Rosewood... or Melrose, Saskatchewan.

112And Billy and I come on in Brother Fred's truck. That night we traveled most the night, and the next day. And then on the next morning we had left Helena, Montana, and was coming on towards the border.

And I--I can stay up till about nine o'clock, and I get sleepy. I got to sleep. And Billy, he wants to sleep till about ten o'clock the next day, when the daylight comes up, so it makes it pretty good for us to travel.

113 So I--I got up at about four o'clock and got started, driving, and Billy was sleeping. We went into a place and I was thinking on my mind, "You know what? One of these days, as soon as I can get the wife up there... And I won't tell her what I'm going to do. But I'd get up there, and then I'm going to tell her, 'I love this place so well, no need of us going anywhere else. Let's just stay here.'" And that's back from civilization, eleven hundred miles from anywhere. See? Way in the wilderness. I thought, "Won't that be fine! I won't have to get a haircut, and I--I--I won't have to dress up. And I'll just be a--a regular mountaineer, what I always wanted to be." And I said, "I got some guns, and some people give me, and I'll be a guide like you never heard of. I'll just love it. Then if the Lord tells me go down and tell somebody something, I'll run out and tell them and come back again. And I'll help Bud, and we'll really have a real place here." I was thinking on that.

114 We went into a restaurant, to eat, a little place in the mountain, just about seven o'clock. It was getting a little late, so I woke Billy up. We was out of gasoline, so had to get some gasoline. And went into this little place, this little restaurant. And while there, a man come across the street, maybe a teeny bit older than I was, but he looked like a man, to me. He had on a pair of overalls, overall jacket, riding boots, a black hat, whiskers down on his face like this, snow-white, his hair hanging out from under, back of his hat. I thought, "That looks like a man." Not some soft, lazy, with a cigar in his mouth, about that long, setting with a pair of shorts on, around some patio or swimming pool, some pot-bellied Easterner, like. Excuse that expression. But, however, the guy looked like a man, to me; hard, rough. Looked like he lived where God made man to live. And I was admiring him.

115 He come into the restaurant and ordered some pancakes. There was about fifteen, twenty people. He had to sneeze. And you know how some people will... [Brother Branham imitates stifling a sneeze--Ed.] Pardon me. But he let out a great big healthy, wood sneeze, "Ker-choo-ee!" My, it looked like the windows blasted. When he did, nobody dared to say nothing. No, sir. I said, "Billy, there is a man after my own heart."

He said, "Aw, daddy, you don't want to be like..."

"That's what, that's me in the future." See? I said, "That's me."

116 And I set there a little bit, and Billy looked up at me and kept on eating his pancakes, and I--I was finished mine. In a few minutes, somebody, in a booth right around front of us, with the boards this way, a back of the booth, I couldn't see around. A man got up, that looked exactly my profile, about seventy-five years old, little bitty fellow. His clothes tied on him, ragged. And the buddy that got up with him was Fletcher Broy, exactly, gray hair hanging in his face. And Billy looked around, he said, "Daddy, that looks like you and Fletcher." You can imagine how I felt. And the little fellow, looked like me, wobbled up. You... They had been standing over a campfire, with smoke all over them, faces dirty. I think their breakfast, together, the man must have paid twenty cents, maybe a cup of coffee or something. My heart bounced within me. And I watched. And Billy said, "What's the matter with you?"

I said, "Nothing." And I watched that, and they went around and went out.

He said, "Daddy, what's the matter?"

I said, "Nothing." And he got in the car. I said...

He said, "Do you mind driving again?"

I said, "No."

He said, "I'm still sleepy."

117 So he went to sleep, and I went speeding down the road, about fifty-five miles an hour, in the truck, over the mountain, coming on towards the--the border, down to... Coming home to Arizona, but I was coming now into Utah. And as I got there, coming down from the mountains, about twenty miles out of the city, just as if... You've heard it, as I told you about the morning about the squirrels, and all these things, how something... Somebody went to talking to me, a Voice just the same as you hear mine. I know it sounds neurotically. But as I've got through expressing, "Have I ever told you anything but what was right?" And a--a Voice got to talking. I was talking to Him.

118It said, "Carry out your plans and you'll be like that."

I said, "Lord, I don't want to be like that."

119Said, "Your wife will go, too. She won't live up there in them hills like that. And you'll become a bum just as the dream showed you you would."

120I said, "I don't want to be that, but the... I--I--I don't want to have to live like that. I--I want to do something different. But I--I was told that--that You had called me to be a--a prophet, and I want to live in the wilderness like the prophet." But I was using my own excuse so I could hunt; my own good.

121And He said, "But that was the prophets of the Old Testament. You've been called to be there in a much higher office than that." He said, "You have more gifts besides that. You was called to pray for the sick and to preach the Gospel. And in the apostolic form, you know of--of greater things, many great gifts." He said, "Why do you wait for Me to move you every time you move? Where is your reward?" Then I seen. And then said, "Do you remember?" I told you...?... "Do you remember what Brother Roberson told you in your dream, in his dream, or vision? That you had done like Moses. You've forgot the feeling of your people. You forgot the call that I called you to."

122 I let the sick lay. I want the Lord to tell me where to go and not to. That's wrong. I had built myself a complex, because the people didn't hear my Message. And if you'll... And God forbid that I'll try to compare the life of now like Moses, but it's exactly what Moses did. The people wouldn't listen to him when he come to deliver them, so he just left them alone and went into the wilderness, but God turned him around. And he had long forgot the suffering people.

123And then I said, "Lord, if... How could I, that's right, with no education, with a grammar school education, be able? And the people would stand in rows and everywhere, to hear the simple Gospel." It's more, it's greater now than it was under the Old Covenant. He ascended on High and give gifts unto man. See? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then I was talking, and I heard It talking to me. And It left me.

124 And I said, "Billy." And he was sound asleep. I said, "Billy, was that you?" And he didn't even wake up.

125And I thought, "Lord God," I slowed my car down, "what does this mean?"

And I said, "Billy. Billy."

Said, "What do you want?"

And I said, "You talking to me?"

"No. Why?"

126And I said, "I want to tell you something. I dreamed a dream not long ago. You remember seeing that guy that looked like me and Fletch? Ask mother when you get back to Tucson, I told her this dream. And, Billy, there is something is happening, It's going on now. Something was talking to me, and I--I thought It was you."

127 He looked at me kind of strange, and waited a little bit, we was driving on. So, a few minutes, he went back to sleep again. And I was driving along, thinking about what could that mean? Driving along, right in the road, and, all at once, here It come talking again.

128And He said, "Return! Did not I tell you, in the beginning, to do the work of an evangelist? When I called you, down on the river, did not I say, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming'? Wasn't John more than a prophet? Jesus said so, Himself. 'What'd you go out to see, a prophet?' Said, 'More than a prophet.'"

129 Then it all begin to come to me. I begin to--to wonder. Then He reminded me again of the--of the people. How, doing what Moses did, how could Moses reach the people in the wilderness? And how could I reach the people in the wilderness? Exactly the same thing. Then it come to this, Second Timothy 4. Remember when we dedicated the church that morning, thirty years ago, some of you old-timers, when He showed me them trees and I planted them on both sides? Remember that? You remember the vision. It's all wrote in books and on tapes and everything. Been years ago, how I seen these and I--I never crossed up the Oneness and the Trinity. I stood between them and planted these trees, and they were the only two trees that had fruit. And I... All the trees grew up about thirty feet and stopped. These went plumb into Heaven; broke off of the same branch. See? One on one side and one on the other, and I broke them. You remember the vision. See? It's wrote in books and it's in my life story and all. And they went plumb up into Heaven like that, quickly. And He said, "Hold out your hands for the fruit." And then I found the same fruit in the cross, when I run down there. And He said, "'Do the work of an evangelist. Make full proof of your ministry. And the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine.' Don't quit them then. Keep going." That all come into my mind.

130 And then I remember this Marilyn Monroe, the girl that I saw die about a week before she died, and how that they said she committed suicide, when she didn't. I told them about it, before, what would happen, and it did. And like it did the boxers up there; one was going to kill the other one. I mistaken the girl. There's another girl there, her cousin is--is--is Danny Henry. What is her name? Jane Russell. Her cousin, a Baptist boy.

131And I was preaching in Los Angeles, at the Business Men's breakfast. And Something there just laying down on those organizations, and there set the head man of the Assemblies, and many of the great dignitaries had gathered in there. And when I got through speaking and started to leave the platform, getting ready... Cause, the Message was being sent out across the--the--the nation, on radio, and had to change back. During this change, when they cut off the radio, then, to send that Message out, and come back and announce the station. And I was at Clifton's, where we have the breakfast. And as I was walking from the upper platform to the lower, a fine handsome-looking young fellow of about thirty years old, run forth and threw his arms around me. He said, "I'm Danny Henry." And not knowing that that was his brother doing the televising. And, uh, it televises there for the Christian Business Men. And it's Jane Russell, that movie star, her cousin. Her mother is a Pentecostal preacher.

132 And then when they started running to me, and he throwed his arms around me, and said, "God bless you, Brother Branham." He said, "I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but, to my way of seeing it, that Message could be the 23rd chapter of Revelation." And when he said that, he started speaking in tongues. A boy who had never even heard of such a thing, a Baptist by denomination. And as soon as... He turned white, and he looked at me. He didn't know what to do. There is man setting here was there. Were you there, Fred? How many was there at that time? Yeah, there is the three here, was there at that time. And he didn't know what to say.

133And there was a great big French woman setting down here. She raised up, she said, "Why, that don't need any interpretation. That was purely French."

The boy said, "I don't know one word of French." And she had wrote down what he said.

134And then there was a man setting on the corner, he said, "That's correct. I've got wrote down what he said, is French." Way back in the back, a blond-headed, handsome-looking fellow, standing up against the wall, come forward and compared notes. He was the interpreter for the U.N., for French. And this man over here was Victor Le Doux, of the Arne Vick church out there, and he wrote it down. And I've got the interpretation to it.

135 Listen to this, if I can read it.

"I, Victor Le Doux, am a full-blooded Frenchman; born-again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. My address is 809 North King Road, Los Angeles 46. I attend the Bethel Temple, Pastor Arne Vick, pastor. A true translation that I proclaim, of prophecy said over Brother Branham, given by Danny Henry in French, February the 11th, 1961, at the Full Gospel Business Men's breakfast. A true translation of the prophecy."

136Now, here is what It said.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked in your own choosing.

Now, I can see that. Moses had to make his choice, too. See?

Thou hast picked the precise and correct way, correct decision, and it is MY WAY.

Underlined, "My Way," the Holy Spirit speaking back.

Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits you... awaits thee.

What a glorious decision... (Now listen close.)

What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will make, and come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine.

137 You notice, it's the verb before the adverb. See, the French. Now the U.N. interpreter interpret that. And the boy knows not one word, never heard--never heard of such a thing as speaking in tongues. He was a Baptist. Just happened to drop in there, and heard that music, and said... come up there and stand up there and listen at me preach.

138Now, "in the love Divine," Divine love. How can that be Divine love if it isn't the--the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is Divine love.

139 Now, and as Billy and I started on down the road, see, started going on down the road, Billy went to sleep again. And It said, "I'll give you an everlasting sign."

140And I said, "Lord, what..." I waited a little bit and nothing happened. I said, "What is the everlasting sign, Lord?" And I waited a few minutes. And just then I looked over to see Billy; he was asleep.

141And He said, "I'll give you an everlasting sign," again. He said, "Look westward from where you're at."

142And I turned my head like this in the truck, to look; slowed down, you know. And, oh, my, the Spirit of the Lord! I felt like I could scream and cry. And I looked, and I just saw a mountain with white caps on it. I said, "I don't know, see no everlasting sign about that."

143He said, "Your name is wrote all over it."

144Oh, I thought, "What is that?" And I got real weak and I started stopping.

145And Billy raised up and said, "What's the matter with you?" And I pulled my hands like this, perspiration dropping off my hand, and it snowing.

146 I said, "Billy, something is happening. At one time I know where I've done wrong. I know that I've failed God." And look like I could hear that song being sung, and see thousands of mixed people, lame, halt, blind, and withered; heard a choir, a voice of some great renown voice, singing:

Unclean! Unclean! The evil spirits drove him. (You know the song.)

Then Jesus came and set the captive free.

147I could see the sick lines a laying everywhere, and I had to stop. Billy didn't know that was taking place. And I looked up.

148 I stopped and looked up on the mountain, and I seen those seven hills. Now, here, if you want to see something. There was seven peaks on top of a mountain, one mountain, that run for several miles. The last mountain before you go into the other country; no more mountains after that. And it was running from east to the west, the mountain set, and it was snowcapped on top.

149The first two small peaks, and then a large peak; and then another small peak, and then a larger peak; and then a small peak, and then a great, large, long, snowcapped mountain. And I said, "Lord, I do not understand what that means."

150He said, "How many peaks are there?"

151I said, "There is seven."

152"How many letters is in your name?" B-r-a-n-h-a-m, M-a-r-r-i-o-n B-r-a-n-h-a-m.

153 And there was three outstanding peaks. He said, "Those three peaks are the first, second, and third pull. The first one was your first part of your ministry, small hill; then your first pull, pretty high." You know, sign in the hand. Then there was a little interval in there, the time that I was taken off from being too tired. Many of you remember it. And then come the discernment, the second pull. Now I've had another, about a few years here of just kind of little peaks, see, back like my ministry wasn't yet, and then come the third one.

154Three is a number of completion, see, the third one. The next peak was five, number of grace. And the next peak was seven, the number of--of perfection, the end. "Six days shall you labor. The seventh is the Sabbath," the end of the week, the end of time. See? And I stopped and I showed it to Billy. And I looked at them.

155He said, "That, let that stand. If there is ever a doubt in your mind, remember this place, come back here."

156 And Billy punched me on the shoulder, he said, "Daddy, look eastward!" And how it ever happened, I don't know, but there on the east side of the road was that burning dump. Miles and miles from any kind of a city, an old rubbish heap dump laying there on the left-hand side of the road.

157I am returning to the field. Amen. Old or young, live or die, I'll obey God until death shall set me free. I have failed the Lord, not willing. Whether I make... I've tried... Let me insert this. See? Some more tape left? Let me insert this. I have wanted, I have wanted to see Jesus Christ manifested without one flaw. And let the brethren who hear this tape, and this church remember, from this day, the reason you haven't had no flaws, and the reason that all these years you can't say one thing that ever said or done but what it happened. I challenge anybody to bring any of the thousands of things on the platform, and the discernment, and the prediction of what would happen; it's happened exactly to the letter. Now, the church believes that, say, "Amen," so that... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There's not a person in the world can show one. But be it known to the church here and to the church hereafter: if God pushes a man through a pipe, and he don't move at all until God tells him, there is no faith connected with it. It's God pushing you to something. And it's built the ministry to a place to where there is nobody can say one word against it. But from henceforth, let me first speak to you in the Name of the Lord, before you listen, because I must go out by faith. I must do it by faith, whether I think it's right or wrong, or what. I do the best of my choosing, and then go do it. Because it hasn't been wrong, is because I've waited till He told me to go do it. I've waited for Him. So it wasn't me; it was Him.

158 But, you see, even the great Saint Paul got between the straits one time. And many times that God has did things or let His servants do it, that was mistakes, in order to prove these things. Now, we know that human beings can make mistakes, but God can make no mistake. But now if I get into the field of preaching, and going the way I--I do, then I have to set up meetings ahead and--and get things lined up. And perhaps this is that great time coming that we been looking for. And surely if "This in itself is a tremendous thing that will bring to pass, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine," and that's the verb before adverb, then it's Divine love, which is God. See? And it takes the love of God to dash out there on the front line and stand in the gap for the people.

159 And these Rickies and Rickettas, that have so sassed the words, and I've called them "Ricky" and "Ricketta," God give me to understand I shouldn't do that, because that's many of them are still His children. I'm a... They can't help because they act so much different. Some of these old, cold formal churches has got them, that spirit upon them, and they're in much in--in prison as Israel was in prison, just as much as Moses went down to deliver them from slavery. Human beings that loved Jesus Christ, would serve Him if they only know what to serve Him by. And they're in bondage under denominationalism that tells them, "Don't you do this, and don't you do that."

160 But the call of God must come, "Whoever wants to march towards the promised Land, let him march." We're on our road to the promised Land. Amen. Let them come, march. We're on our road to meet Christ at the end time. And I wanted to bring this to you so that you would see, and show you that, the mistake that a man can make, yet being sincere.

161Moses lost the feeling of his people because they wouldn't listen to him. And, Brother Roy, you see your dream? And now I cannot go, with a ministry like that, until I feel different in my heart about it, no matter if God did tell me. But that is that change that Brother Roy... that seen coming. Something's got to change me, because I, in my heart, if I go out there feeling the way I do now; I still feel that they ought to have heard that Message, they ought to a-done it. And I don't have the feeling for the people that I should have. Until I can get that feeling, there is no need in me going, because I'd be a hypocrite.

162 And all these years I've tried to serve Him with a true heart, and I won't go out there being a hypocrite. I got to feel that, that it isn't Ricky and Ricketta, and it isn't this bunch. It's God's children that's in bondage, and I must go to them. Until I can feel that way, I'll just have to loaf around, preach some conventions and things, but wait.

163 I got a little song. I can't sing. I would just like to quote it to you. Brethren, I just kind of mapped out. I ain't got it filled out yet. It ain't wrote right. I don't know whether I can even read it or not. It's in the tune of the Battle Hymn Of The Republic, "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" You've heard it. "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" How many? Of course, we've all heard that.

The circuit-rider preacher went riding through the land,

With a rifle on his shoulder and a Bible in his hand;

He told the prairie people of a blessed promised Land,

As he went riding, singing along.

Leaning, leaning,

Leaning on the everlasting arm;

Leaning, leaning,

Leaning on the everlasting arm.

He preached the coming judgment of fire and brimstone;

And a glorious, endless Heaven of the justified alone.

As he rode across the mountains you could hear him sing this song,

As he went riding on.

There is power, power, wonder-working power,

In the Blood of the Lamb;

There is power, power, oh, wonder-working power,

In the precious Blood of the Lamb.

164 The old circuit preacher. You remember him. See?

Now his rifle's old and rusty, and it's hanging on the wall;

His Bible is very worn and dusty, and the... seldom touched at all; (That's right.)

But the Message that It brings us will meet us on that Day,

For God's Truth's still marching on.


Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

His Truth is marching on.

165 I'm going to learn that. I stood this morning when I was writing that down, put my hand on my old rifle hanging on the wall. I thought, "It won't be long."

His rifle is old and rusting, as it's hanging on the wall, (That's right.)

And the Bible is worn and dusty, and is seldom touched at all;

But his Message from this Bible... at the Judgment one day;

And His Truth keeps marching on.

166God's Truth in this Bible! Yeah. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

167 The old circuit preacher with his rifle across his back, his Bible in his hand, rode across the prairie, and up over the mountains, and down through the ditches and everywhere, preaching of a coming Millennium, of a coming fiery Judgment for the unjust, and preaching a Kingdom of God for the just. It's true. The old Winchester is a rusting away. And the Bible, they--they got some sex book instead of It. But God's Truth still marches on. He makes Himself just as real today, and proves it, as He ever was. "God's Truth keeps marching on!"

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory hallelujah!

His Truth is marching on.

168 Why? Somebody will take It. For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let's sing it again. Now we're mixed up here, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, everything else. While we sing that last chorus, let's shake hands with somebody around you, and then we'll be dismissed.

169And now, remember, you that have to go to your own church, go tonight. Greet your pastor for me. And--and then pray for me, each one of you. And then again I want you to remember, if you have no place to go...

[Brother Branham speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] And if you'd have anything.

After Brother Neville's message tonight, after he has his message, then I want to make a tape called The Red Flashing Light Of His Coming, see, tonight. The Lord bless you now. And next week, I'll, next Sunday, the Lord willing, I may be down again to make another tape, 'cause I'll have to be in Arkansas this next week.

170 All right, now let's sing again, and shake hands now.

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Lord Jesus, bless these handkerchiefs!...?... [Brother Branham prays while the congregation sings--Ed.] In the Name of Jesus Christ, we lay hands upon these handerchiefs.

... on.

Praise be to God! Now let us bow our heads just a moment.

171 You're just in time, Brother Ruddell. Walk up here just a minute and pray. Brother Ruddell, another one of our associate brethren here, of a little association of churches we have together, this interdenominational. And I have heard the gallant stand that Brother Ruddell taken for the--for the Gospel. And so I--I say this, Brother Ruddell, that everything along the road... God has not promised a flowery bed of ease. But He promised a battle, yes, but He promised victory. That's the thing.

172I remember when I first took this stand, even my own mother and father want to turn me from the house. See? But, oh, my, how I baptized them in the Name of the Lord Jesus! The only hopes I ever have today is because of the stand. I'm so glad that the Message of the Bible, from the old circuit preacher down to this time... Though people has got a hold of It and they've trimmed It around, and they've made denominations and put creeds and everything else in It, that Truth still marches on. That's right. It still marches on.

173 God bless you, each one, and we hope to see you again real soon. Till then, will you do this one favor for me now, both here and on tapes also, you brethren? Pray that God will place into my heart that something that I lost out there in that complex. It's so easy to build a complex.

I had an interview the other day with my Brother Way sitting here, standing here in front. A good man, but built hisself around a complex, another kind of a complex, did the same thing. Brother Way, you can so easily do it; it's you just get a little something in your mind, keep thinking that way. Go back and check it with the Scripture, and see if it's right or not, and then go from there on. Yeah. Don't lose the feeling of the people. See? You must remember they're not made out of sawdust. They are flesh and blood, human beings and a soul. Pray for me, all of you, if you will. God bless you now.

We're going to bow our heads and ask Brother Ruddell if he'll...

174 Pardon? [Brother Parnell says, "Brother Branham, I have something I'd like to say, just take me a half a second."--Ed.] Okay, brother. [Brother Parnell tells about a dream he had dreamed.] Praise be to God! This is a minister. Somebody might not know. And he was one of the group that, I didn't have time this morning, that was in one of those dreams, speaking of me going the other way, see, going West, going out West on this last time. Brother J.T. Parnell.

175 Now, there might be strangers that wonder about people having dreams, of dreamers. No, we don't go for all kinds of dreams and things, but we believe that the Bible said, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that I'll will pour out My Spirit upon the people; and they shall prophesy, and shall see visions, and dream dreams." And as long as that's in the lids of the Bible, it's my duty to believe it and to preach it. And when people tell dreams, if the Lord doesn't give the interpretation, we let it go. And if it's something... When anyone speaks with tongues, it must be something to the church, and it must happen, too. We don't, it'd be an evil spirit. It must come to pass, 'cause interpretation of tongues is prophecy. We know that's right. So we try here to live the Bible just the way It's taught. Take nothing away from It or add nothing to It, but just live It the way It is. The Lord be blessed. That helped me, Brother J.T., to believe that... God didn't tell me go out now and compromise with sin; but just go out and just keep on doing. See?

176 Let us pray now. Brother... [A sister in the congregation cries out--Ed.]... Someone fainted. Just a minute. Sit still, everybody. See? [Brother Branham leaves the pulpit and goes down into the congregation.]

177Heavenly Father, let Thy mercy and goodness be with Brother Way. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he come back. Give him back, Lord, and give him strength and health.

So help me, his heart starts beating again! Be still, everybody, and just pray.

Lord Jesus, let Thy goodness and mercy be with Brother Way, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

178It's over. As I stand here on this altar, where funerals has been preached. Where I stand here, where hundreds of people has prayed through to Christ. I reached out, his eyes was set, his pulse was gone. And no more than called the Name of Jesus Christ, and his pulse started coming back again. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! As a minister of the cross, I say that in the Name of Jesus Christ. Isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A heart attack. See? I'm so thankful it happened just now, instead of wait till we got away. See the grace of God? The Lord be blessed!

Let us just bow our heads.

179 Heavenly Father, we thank You now for Your goodness and Your mercy. You are ever in our midst. Give me, Lord, Oil in my lamp. Give me the--the--the--the Rod of the Lord, that I might stretch It out, up over the sick and afflicted. That I might bring it out upon... to bring deliverance to those who are needy, and judgment to those who are rejecting It. Grant it, Father. We thank You for all Your goodness, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Brother Ruddell, God bless you, brother.

1 [brat Neville uvádza brata Branhama: “brat Branham, nech ťa Boh žehná.” - pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat Neville. Zostaňme teraz len na chvíľu stáť, ako sa skloníme k modlitbe. Skloňme svoje hlavy, a ak je tu nejaká zvláštna prosba, dajte to len vedieť svojimi zdvihnutými rukami. No, držte vo svojich srdciach tie veci, ktoré potrebujete. A proste Nebeského Otca, aby to daroval.

2 Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame teraz k Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša. Prichádzame, veriac, že veci, po ktorých túžime, majú byť povedané v modlitbe. A ak budeme veriť, že dostaneme to, o čo prosíme, bude to dané. No, to zasľúbenie je tak pravdivé. Po celé tie roky sme to videli odskúšané a vieme, že je to pravda. Chceme Ti najprv poďakovať za zachovanie našich životov a že si nám dovolil byť tu znovu späť spolu, zhromaždení tu v zbore Pánovom.

3Ďakujem Ti za cirkev a za pastora a za tú veľkú pravdu, v ktorej je tu zbudovaná a pre ktorú stojí. Ďakujeme Ti za každú osobu, ktorá je v Božskej Prítomnosti. A prosíme, aby si bol dnes k nám milostivý, a dal nám zrozumenie, ktoré potrebujeme, aby sme mohli byť užitočnejšími sluhami pre Teba. Je to túžbou nášho srdca, slúžiť Ti s úctou a s pravdivým srdcom, a aby si mohol vziať to najlepšie z našich životov. Každý deň, nech naše chodenie je také, aby si bol potešený vecami, ktoré sme v ten deň urobili.

4No, modlíme sa dnes za všetkých chorých a núdznych, ktorí sú tu v Božskej Prítomnosti a v prítomnosti Tvojich svätýň všade po svete, aby veľký Jehova prišiel vo Svojej moci a uzdravil všetkých chorých a postihnutých. Prijmi slávu Tvojmu veľkému Menu. Požehnaj každú tajnosť v srdciach dnes ráno, tých žiadostí o modlitbu. Modlíme sa teraz, ako sa dívaš dolu do každého srdca a vidíš, čo predstavovali ich zodvihnuté ruky, a daj im ich túžbu. A požehnaj nás, ako Ťa ďalej uctievame, a keď dnes ráno opustíme budovu a pôjdeme do našich domovov, nech sme schopní povedať ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď k nám hovoril na ceste?" Prosíme to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

5Rád by som povedal, že je dobré dnes ráno byť tu znovu v zhromaždení ľudí v Prítomnosti Pána. Bolo to niekoľko mesiacov, čo som sa vrátil. A minulú nedeľu som zamýšľal prísť dolu, ale myslím, že to nebola vôľa Pánova. Akosi, to údolie tu je pre mňa veľmi nezdravé. Hneď ako prídem do údolia... som alergický na tento vzduch, ktorý tu je. A celý sa vyhádžem, a myslím, že tie vyrážky išli rovno do žalúdka. A bol som chorý, chvel som sa a triasol a mrazilo ma a ja som jednoducho nemohol prísť dolu, hoci, vstal som a snažil som sa do toho prinútiť. A ja som... viem, že som... To údolie je pre mňa veľmi nezdravé a je nezdravé a ja tu nemôžem žiť.

6No, chceme oznámiť, že sme mali skvelý čas v službách Pánovi, vonku v rôznych častiach krajiny, kde nás Pán zavolal slúžiť. A teraz, neočakával som, že budem dnes ráno hovoriť na nejakú určitú vec, keď brat Neville tak chcel, aby som niečo povedal, keď som tu s ľuďmi. Tak ja... on je vždy takto zdvorilý, ako všetci poznáme brata Nevilleho. A my milujeme brata Nevilleho. No, nie je žiaden deň, kedy by som na neho nemyslel, jeho a jeho ženu a rodinu a jeho deti, a nemodlil sa za nich. Boh mu dáva silu, aby mohol ísť ďalej, pokračovať. Ako vieme, náš čas sa vyčerpáva. Sme tak blízko zajtrajšku, k tomu Večernému Svetlu dňa.

7A ja... naša rodina je na západe. Všetci sme to zvládli dobre. A ja som pribral 12 libier a zhodil som z toho desať, odkedy som späť. A Billy Paul pribral osemnásť libier. A Rebeka a Sára a Jozef, všetci pribrali. Samozrejme, moja žena nepribrala. Tak, tak... Ja by som sa to tu hore neopovážil povedať, viete, lebo sa za chvíľu musím vrátiť domov...?... Vidíte? Tak ja... Ale mali sme nádherný, nádherný čas a tak príjemný.

8My... je to trochu zlé, myslím, vrátiť sa späť, ale je jedna veľká vec – dve veci hlavne, ktoré nám chýbali, že žiadne iné miesto by to nemohlo nahradiť: jedna vec, naši priatelia tu, a cirkev. Nezáleží, kam ideme, nachádzame priateľov. A my sme vďační za našich priateľov. Ale je niečo na tých priateľoch, ktorí s vami pevne držia aj v prekážkach a problémoch, že nie je spôsob, ako ich nahradiť. Nezáleží na tom, aký môže byť ktorýkoľvek iný priateľ, nie je spôsob, ako nahradiť takého priateľa. Vy ste jednoducho s nimi zviazaní; ste jedno. A my, spolu, čakáme na príchod Pánov, ako idú dni... A je to trochu ťažké skúsiť pomyslieť, že by ste mohli... Nemôžete byť rozdelení.

9Prichádza mi na myseľ Písmo, ktoré verím, že napísal Pavol, a povedal v Korinťanom, že, "nie je nič prítomné, nič budúce, žiadne moci, ani nahota, hlad, nebezpečenstvo, alebo nijaké stvorenie, ani život, ani smrť, nás nemôžu oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Ježišovi Kristovi." Ako dokonca ani samotná smrť nás nikdy neoddelí, lebo sme sa spolu spojili v srdciach v tomto veľkom obecenstve okolo Slova Božieho. A dokonca samotná smrť nás nerozdelí. Budeme zjednotení pre veľkú večnosť po všetky časy a veky.

10A potom deti, ráno... Išli by sme do zboru, samozrejme, ale všade, kam idete, nie je žiadna... To nie je tá malá Modlitebňa na rohu. A niečo na tom je. Chýba mi zvuk toho malého zvonu a to... ja... to ranné cenganie. A myslím, že dôvod, prečo to nezvoní je ten, že oni ešte nevybudovali vežu pre ten zvon.

11A potom, spolu, tu na Ôsmej a Pennovej ulici, kde pred nejakými tridsiatimi piatimi rokmi, kľakajúc tu v starej močarine, aby som postavil moju prvú cirkev... Ako Pán Ježiš so mnou ohľadom toho konal. A dnes tu stojí ako malá svätyňa, a ako tehla a malta stojí ako svätyňa. Ale dolu vo vnútri môjho srdca, je to svätyňa, ktorá bude trvať tak dlho, pokiaľ si budem pamätať. A je to...

12A to, čo tvorí cirkev, to nie je budova. To sú ľudia, ktorí sa pod ňou zhromažďujú, aby uctievali Boha. Sme vďační za tieto veci.

13A teraz, myslel som, že možno, keďže náš čas je vysoký, takmer, a nezostáva nám veľa času, tak by som vás len tak trochu informoval o nejakých veciach, ktoré sa stali. A potom, idem nahrať nejaké pásky, zatiaľ čo tu budem. Lebo som vám všetkým sľúbil (vidíte?), že akékoľvek nové posolstvo (nahrané posolstvo) bude najprv z tohoto pódia. Tu je to, kde sú všetky pásky nahrávané, nie tam vonku. No, brat Jim a oni chodia a predávajú pásky na zhromaždení a tak ďalej. Ale je... Vždy je to o niečom, čo najprv pochádza odtiaľto. Vidíte? Skontrolujte to dozadu a zistíte to. To je môj sľub pre vás a bude to takto pokračovať, až kým to Pán Boh nezmení.

14A teraz si myslím, že naši odberatelia pások, ktorí sú po celom svete... Posolstvo, ktoré vychádza odtiaľto, prechádza zemeguľou. Vidíte? Von do džunglí a všade, ide to na páskach. A k pohanom a tak ďalej, do mnohých, je to prekladané do mnohých rôznych jazykov. Tak chcem, zatiaľ čo tu budem, ak Pán dá, nahrať nejaké nové pásky. A možno, ak pastor nemá niečo, čo mu dnes večer horí na srdci, nuž, rád by som možno dnes večer nahral pásku.

15A potom idem zajtra do Arkansasu, vlastne v utorok, utorok ráno, vypomôcť tam v malom zhromaždení s Medzinárodným bratstvom Kresťanov. Myslím... možno som to zle vyslovil. Je to niečo ako Národné Bratstvo Kresťanov... Ja naozaj neviem. Je mi ľúto. To je hrozné, však? (Vďaka, pane.) Združené Bratstvo Kresťanov. A mal by som tam byť od nedele a ďalej. Ale dnešok som si rezervoval pre Modlitebňu, aby som bol tu dolu. A potom som, potom pôjdem preč v piatok... (Je to... pane? Je...) Piatok je keď sa tam končia zhormaždenia.

A pokúsim sa vrátiť v sobotu večer, aby som tu bol v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán bude chcieť, aby som nahral ďalšiu pásku. A možno niekedy neskôr, chcem urobiť niekoľko pások, predtým než odídeme.

16A potom sa naozaj budem snažiť dostať do Baton Rouge, Louisiana, na to zhromaždenie. A potom, a potom sa vrátim. A potom by som mal ísť, každopádne, do Anchorage. Vidíte? A z Fairbanks a Ancorage, ku Kresťanským obchodníkom plného evanjelia a tie združenia, a potom späť, a ako Pán bude chcieť, hore do Chicaga posledný júlový týždeň.

17A potom predpokladám, o tom čase, budem sa musieť ponáhľať s deťmi znovu do Arizony, aby som ich tam dal do školy. Lebo Charlie, musím tu byť okolo 15. augusta. Tak sa chcem vrátiť do toho času, ak Pán bude chcieť, dolu do Kentucky. Každý sa smeje, možno niektorí noví nevedia, čo to znamená. A len trochu dúfam, že to neznie zle z pódia, ale to je vtedy, keď prichádza sezóna veveričiek. Tak, mama Coxová, som od toho závislý. Vidíte? Tak... za niekoľko týždňov, tam dolu na moju dovolenku...

18No, verím... mám tu niečo, čo mi Billy napísal, nejaké malé poznámky. A jedna z nich hovorila, "Ocko, brat Neville chce vedieť, či by si nepožehnal dve deti." Iste. To bude dobré. A áno, máme službu požehnania, ktorá... Môžeme to mať aj teraz. A potom, myslím, že trochu vezmeme ďalších štyridsaťpäť minút alebo tak nejako, na informovanie, o nejakých veciach, ktoré sa stali.

19No, mnoho ľudí a cirkví, keď ja... Toto je otvorená modlitebňa. Nikdy to nebola denominácia a Boh dá, že ani nikdy nebude. Lebo chceme, aby toto bolo miesto, kde nemáme žiaden zákon okrem lásky, žiadne vyznanie okrem Krista, a žiadnu učebnicu, okrem Biblie. A potom, nemáme členstvo; máme obecenstvo, jeden s druhým, pre všetkých ľudí, všetky denominácie. Každý je vítaný a máme obecenstvo okolo Božieho Slova, kde sa každý môže cítiť tak vítaný, ako sa len dá. V zásade, my jednoducho milujeme Pána Ježiša . A my tu nie sme študovaná skupina. Sme len jednoduchí ľudia, ktorí sa len snažia čítať Bibliu a nedávať do Nej žiadne výklady, okrem toho, čo Ona hovorí. Len...

20Verím, že Boh raz bude súdiť svet podľa Biblie. No, keď sú... On bude súdiť svet. A ak nie je žiaden štandard, podľa ktorého by ich súdil, ako by ľudia vedeli, čo majú robiť? Vidíte? To by bol Boh... Nemôžete Bohu pripnúť nespravodlivosť. A Boh musí mať niečo ako Svoj štandard, podľa ktorého súdi ľudí. Preto, ak to súdi podľa Rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, potom grécka cirkev (ortodoxná katolícka) a mnohé z nich sú určite stratené, a celý zvyšok sveta. Ak to súdi podľa Gréckej ortodoxnej cirkvi, a nie podľa Rímskej cirkvi, potom tie ostatné... Potom Rímska cirkev a všetky ostatné sú stratené. Ak to súdi podľa Luteránskej cirkvi, potom Presbyteriáni sú stratení. Ak to súdi podľa Presbyteriánov, potom Luteráni a Baptisti sú stratení. Vidíte? Tak ak On súdi podľa Letničných, potom všetci okrem Letničných sú stratení.

21Ale On to nebude súdiť podľa žiadnej cirkvi, podľa môjho názoru, lebo je príliš mnoho rozdielov a príliš veľa zmätku. Ale bude to súdiť... Biblia hovorí, že On bude súdiť svet podľa Ježiša Krista. No, to je biblické. No... A Biblia povedala, že "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Tak On je Slovo. A toto je Kristus v písanej forme. A v Knihe Apokalypsy pre katolíkov, Zjavenia pre protestantov... V 22.kapitole, keď bola táto Kniha zakončená, Sám Ježiš povedal, "Ak ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, alebo pridá k Tomu jedno slovo, tak isto... Jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy Života." Tak ja... Dôvod, prečo tomuto veríme, je... Povedzte len presne... Nič... On môže robiť veci, ktoré tu nezapísal; vieme to. Ale tak dlho, ako my len zostaneme s tým, čo On napísal, to bude dobré.

22 A teraz, v požehnaní detí, mnoho ľudí, Metodisti ich pokropujú. A myslím, že mali svoje prvé prijímanie v katolíckej cirkvi alebo luteránskej, keď mali asi dvanásť rokov, a nejaký druh služby krstu, keď sa narodili, ako si myslím, že tie deti sú pokropené. A myslím, že to oddelilo Nazarénov od Metodistov pred mnohými rokmi, v krste nemluvniat. Myslím, že je to tak, brat Brown. Verím, že to bolo rozdelenie Metodistickej cirkvi a Nazarénov, lebo Nazaréni neprijali krst nemluvniat. Ale pre nás, tu v modlitebni, ak zostaneme s tým, čo hovorí Biblia... Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, kde by oni kedy niekoho pokropili, už vôbec nie dieťa, a dokonca ani dospelého. Ale oni... Biblia hovorí, jediné miesto z našej Biblie o deťoch, že oni prinášali nemluvňatá k Ježišovi. A On... Aby mohol na ne položiť Svoje ruky a požehnať ich. A On povedal, "Nechajte malé deti prísť ku Mne, a nebráňte im, lebo takých je Kráľovstvo nebeské."

23Tak preto, vieme, že sme biedne ruky, pastor a ja, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný pastor, aby sme zastúpili ruky Pána Ježiša. A ak by tu On bol dnes ráno, títo rodičia by priniesli to dieťa Kristovi. Ale keďže sme tu v Jeho reprezentácii, že Ho reprezentujeme, tak oni prinášajú deti nám. A my ich odovzdávame Pánovi kladúc na ne svoje ruky ako pripomienku Jeho veľkého Slova a Jeho skutku. Tak, to je to, ako my odovzdávame tých maličkých.

24Myslel som, že by tu mohla byť nejaká matka so svojím dieťaťom, ktoré nikdy nebolo odovzdané Pánovi, že by možno chcela prísť s týmito matkami a otcami, ktorí budú odovzdávať deti. My ich len prinášame sem a predkladáme ich Bohu a modlíme sa za ne a hovoríme Pánovi, že na ne kladieme svoje ruky a náhradou za Jeho. A to je to najbližšie k Písmu, čo som doteraz našiel. Teraz si môžete vytiahnuť svoje učebnice a nájsť niečo, čo nejaká skupina ľudí povedala, ale ja mám na mysli, čo Slovo povedalo. Vidíte? A myslím, že som to urobil skutočne, skutočne jasným, čo to je.

25Teraz, keby pianista (Si pianista, brat?) prišiel tu hore. Nie je to hrozné, v mojom vlastnom zbore, pýtať sa, "Kto je pianista?" (Takmer som musel zaklopať na dvere.) V poriadku. Oni spievajú túto malú pieseň, alebo hrajú:

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

A kým to zhromaždenie spieva, postavme sa na svoje nohy. A nech matky a otcovia, ktorí prinášajú svojich maličkých, teraz prídu a postavia sa. V poriadku:

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

25aTak, pastor by... Teraz tu máme malého človiečika, ktorý spí, a niekedy oni kričia "Amen" trochu hlasno. Tak my to chápeme; sú to bábätká. Ako sa voláš, pane? William Henry Vincent. A tvoje malé dievčatko? Christina Maria Vincent. Aký milý malý človiečik, ležiaci na pleciach svojho otca. Môžem si ju vziať? Christina, ja tu nemôžem nahradiť tvojho otca. Skloňme... Položíte svoje ruky na dieťa? Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame dnes k Tvojmu trónu, až hore poza... naša viera nás dvíha poza mesiac, hviezdy, poza slnečnú sústavu, do Prítomnosti Všemohúceho. Prinášame toto milé malé dieťa. My nevieme, čo držíme vo svojich rukách, Pane. Môže to byť veľký sluha pre Teba v tých budúcich dňoch. Veríme, že je to tak. Ale otec dieťaťa priniesol to malé k nám, aby sme na neho položili svoje ruky, že sme vyznali, že sme Tvojimi služobníkmi, aby sme konali na Tvojom mieste, až kým sa nevrátiš a potom Ty prevezmeš všetky veci. Dovtedy, Pane, máme Ti slúžiť v pravdivosti a úprimnosti. A s našimi rukami položenými na toto dievčatko, žehnáme ju v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. A dúfame, že jej dáš dlhý život, ak bude Ježiš predlievať, a nech sa stane veľkou služobnicou pre Teba. Požehnaj ten domov, v ktorom budem vychovávaná. Nech je vychovávaná v napomínaní Božom a nech Mu slúži po všetky dni svojho života. Požehnaj jej rodičov a nech žijú, aby videli, ako je toto dieťa čestnou nádobou Pánovi kvôli ich dnešnému skutku. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Ako sa volá? Toto je sestra tejto: Teresa, ja len neviem, či budeme vládať držať Teresu alebo nie; nemyslím si; ona vie trochu viac. No, skloňme svoje hlavy.

Náš nebeský Otče, ako kladieme svoje ruky na sestru tejto maličkej, ktorú sme Ti práve odovzdali, rodičia chcú, aby aj táto malá bola odovzdaná. Nech milosť Pána Ježiša Krista teraz spočíva na tomto dieťati a dá jej dlhý život, požehnaný službou Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Boh teraz žehná, všetkých vás; ste mocní, šťastní rodičia, keď máte týchto milých človiečikov.

25bJeho meno? Joel William Cartwright. A on si dnes ráno dáva svoju siestu, ako vidím. (V poriadku. Teraz, ak by ste, všetci, obaja mohli ísť na svoje miesto, a potom nech len Jozef príde sem hore. V poriadku, teraz ho môžete držať, keď chcete.)...?... Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohoto malého Jozefa Williama Cartwrighta.

Otec tu stojí dnes ráno, aby Ti dal späť to, čo si mu dal Ty v živote služby. Bože, požehnaj toho malého a nech žije dlhý život, zdravý, silný a stane sa Ti veľkým služobníkom. Požehnaj jeho otca a matku, a domov, v ktorom budem vychovávaný. Nech Kristus bude tým neviditeľným Hosťom po celý čas. A my Ti dávame tohoto malého chlapca pre život služby, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Boh žehná, brat a sestra Cartwright.

25cDievčatko? Jej meno? Sylvia Shippy. Náš nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na toto dievčatko, ako ho tento milovaný prináša tu dnes ráno, stojac pri oltári, nech tie požehnania, ktoré by na ňu prišli, keby Pán Ježiš kládol Svoje vlastné klincami zjazvené ruky na toto dieťa. Nech Tvoje požehnania spočinú na tej malej. Požehnaj ju teraz a nech žije dlhý, šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. A požehnaj jej domov, jej rodičov, jej milovaných, v Mene Ježiša Krista, robíme tento skutok v súlade s Bibliou. Amen. Nech je požehnané...? … Boh ťa žehnaj...?...

25d On bude spevák? Ako sa volá? Laura Ellen Myer. Povedal som, že bude spevák. To mi pripomína... dúfam, že to neznie zle v cirkvi, ale jedného dňa som sa rozprával s Indiánom, ktorý mal malé bábätko, stál som tam a povedal som mu, "To je milý chlapec, to je milý chlapec."

A ten náčelník ma pozoroval niekoľko minút; potom sa pozrel dolu a povedal, "Ale on je ona." Myslím, že tak nejak je to tu.

Ako sa volá? Laura Ellen. Allen, a tvoje druhé meno? Myers, Laura Ellen Myers. Je nádherná maličká.

Náš nebeský Otče, ako kladieme svoje ruky na toto malé dieťa... A v Biblii povedali, že prinášali malé nemluvňatá k Tebe a Ty si na ne kládol Svoje ruky a žehnal si ich; a to je skutok, ktorý konáme ako pripomienku Tvojho veľkého skutku na zemi. Požehnaj toto dieťa, jeho rodičov; nech ten domov je neustálym miestom modlitby, viery. A nech to malé dievčatko žije dlhý šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou po všetky tie dni a nech to rodinné koleso nikdy nebude zlomené tam v sláve. Nech je každý člen zhromaždený okolo veľkého trónu Božieho v ten deň a nech žije večne. Dovtedy, Pane, nech Tvoje večné požehnania spočívajú na dieťati, ktorému žehnáme v Mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat môj.

Táto malá... Jej sestrička Rebeccah. Nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na malú Rebeccu a žehnáme ju taktiež v Mene Pána Ježiša, práve tak, ako keby šla do vody do bazéna, a dúfam, Pane, že príde deň, keď bude vo veku zodpovednosti, aby urobila svoje rozhodnutie a kráčala rovno dolu tam do bazéna a bola pokrstená na odpustenie jej hriechov, v Mene Pána Ježiša. Daj to, Otče. Požehnaj ju teraz s jej malou sestrou. Nech žije dlhý šťastný život v službe pre Teba. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Pán ti žehnaj.

25e…?... meno? Malá Jackelyn Cunnard, ďalšie pekné dievčatko. Tak, Nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na to dievčatko ako pripomienku na veľkého Pána Ježiša, Ktorý kládol Svoje ruky na ne, keď ich požehnával, a nech požehnania prídu na to dieťa, ako keby na ňom boli dnes Tvoje vlastné ruky. Keby si bol tu na zemi vo fyzickom tele, tá matka by to dieťa priniesla k Tebe, ale keď sme my Tvojimi reprezentantami, tak ona potom prichádza k nám, Otče, a my prosíme, aby si požehnal dieťa, ktoré my požehnávame, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. Požehnaj jej domov, v ktorom bude vychovávaná, nech je neustálym domom modlitby, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen...

25fTy máš dve, však? V poriadku. No, tento malý chlapec je...? James David Hume. Myslel som si, že ťa poznám, sestra Hume; ty si misionárka, ty a tvoj manžel. Je tvoj muž dnes ráno s tebou? Nuž, nech Boh žehná brata Hume. Nuž, istotne máš milé pekné malé deti. Toto je David, a toto je...

Práve som hovoril so sestrou z Floridy, dnes ráno v pracovni. Tento malý chlapec, keď on bol z …?... Oni sú z Floridy, keď my sme boli tam. Ten malý chlapec, taký mládenec, malý, drobný, drobučká osôbka, on prišiel ku mne...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Teraz, malý David Hume, kladieme na neho svoje ruky, v zasvätení do života služby Ježiša Krista. Nech je v jeho dome ustavičné požehnanie... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

26aPred rokmi, stál som v školských dverách tu hore, v Utica Pike, či som kedy vedel, že ten malý chlapec, malinký, hanblivý, každým prehliadaný, že jedného dňa budem klásť svoje ruky na jeho vnuka a odovzdávať ho Pánu Bohu? Prijmi malého Johna, dnes ráno, Pane, ako Svojho služobníka. Matka a otec ho statočne prinášajú, aby ho dali späť Bohu, to, čo im bolo dané do starostlivosti. A nech žijú silný život v zdraví a sile a odhodlanosti v Kristovi. Teraz Ti dávame tohto malého chlapca v Mene Ježiša Krista, ako život služby. Nech žije dlho a slúži Ti. Amen.

Je toto malé dievčatko posvätené? Ako sa volá? Carla. Takisto na malú Carlu kladieme svoje ruky dnes ráno, a odovzdávame ju do služby Ježišovi Kristovi. Nech ju Boh žehná. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život. Nech je Tvojou služobnicou po všetky dni tohto života. Daj to, Pane. Požehnaj jej domov. Nech je vždy miestom modlitby a viery. Dávame Ti toto milé dievčatko dnes ráno zo srdca otca a matky, ktorí stoja pri tomto malom oltári. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

26bMalý chlapec, dovoľte mi vziať jeho ruku. Náš nebeský Otče, otec týchto maličkých teraz drží na svojom ramene posledný malý poklad, ktorý si mu dal vo forme dieťaťa, ktorý ho nazval menom po svojom otcovi. Nech Boh dá, že bude mužom múdrosti ako Jakub v Biblii. Modlím sa, aby si mu dal dlhý zdravý život, Pane, a nech je vychovaný, a ak bude zajtrajšok, nech naplní Slovo Božie. Daj to, Otče.

Ako pripomienku toho, čo Ježiš Kristus, náš Pán, robil, keď bol na zemi, kladiem svoje ruky na malého Jakuba Poole a odovzdávam ho do služby Bohu. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

To je jeho meno...?... Chlapček...?... Čo hovorí? Gary Dean...?... Pane Bože, na hlave tohto malého chlapca, Garyho Deana Adamsa, nech spočinú požehnania Ježiša Krista. Ako kladieme na neho svoje ruky, ako odovzdávame tento mladý život Tebe. Požehnaj jeho domov, jeho rodičov. Nech žije dlhý, šťastný život služby nášmu Bohu a jeho Bohu, Ktorému ho teraz dávame, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

27No, myslím, že to je práve to. Teraz sme presne na čas, je jedenásť hodín. No, viete, viem si jednoducho predstaviť, keď vidím tie matky prichádzať, a oteckov s tými bábätkami... Myslím na Jozefa a Máriu v to ráno odovzdania Pána Ježiša.

28Brat Kidd, mal som krátky rozhovor s niekým v pracovni, ale počul som tu dnes ráno tvoje emócie, muža tvojho veku... A predpokladám, že si hovoril, ako ťa Pán uzdravil v obecenstve. A ja som si skoro rozbil auto v jedno ráno, aby som sa dostal k staršiemu... On je starý kazateľ.

29Len pomyslite. Tento muž (jeho malá žena tu) kázal evanjelium pred tým, ako som sa narodil, kázal toto Evanjelium, hore na vrchoch a v údoliach Kentucky a Tennessee, kde uhoľní baníci... A súc vyčerpaní a žili nemajúc čo jesť. A táto malá manželka tu prala na práčke za dvadsať alebo tridsať centov na deň, aby mohla poslať svojho manžela na pole kázať evanjelium. To je dosť na to, aby to človeka vzrušilo, že?

30A potom pomyslieť, že on ľahol, keď najlepší lekári povedali, "On zomiera. Je to rakovina prostaty, ktorá prechádza ním celým. On môže žiť len pár hodín, najviac deň alebo dva." A to bolo pred dvomi alebo tromi rokmi. Pred tromi rokmi, a tu je on dnes ráno, zdravý, v poriadku, vzdávajúc chválu Bohu. Potom, koľko si mal rokov, keď si bol uzdravený, brat Kidd? Koľko si asi mal, keď Boh... Koľko máš rokov... Je on teraz? Osemdesiat. V poriadku, on mal okolo osemdesiat rokov, keď ho Boh uzdravil. No, stará sa Boh o nás, starých ľudí? Samozrejme, že sa stará. Tak veru.

31On uzdravil Abraháma, keď mal sto rokov; a Sáru, keď mala deväťdesiat. A oni porodili Izmaela, alebo, prepáčte, Izáka. Je to tak? Sme pre to veľmi šťastní.

32No, ste tak milí, že by som sa s vami mohol takto rozprávať celé ráno. Ale prečítajme len niečo z toho drahého Slova, a potom poďme rovno do služby. No, myslím, že ak to bude Božia vôľa, chcel by som vás tak trochu informovať o veciach, ktoré sa stali. A potom dnes večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, chcem hovoriť na tému... Chcem to nahrať, aby to išlo hlavne von. Je... A ak chcete prísť počúvať, v poriadku. Potom, ako pastor skončí, svoje posolstvo, potom ja budem mať svoje... Nahrám túto pásku. Chcem kázať na tému "Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho príchodu," ako jeden zo zábleskov je práve teraz na nás. A chcem o tom dnes večer hovoriť: "Blikajúce červené svetlo Jeho..." On je tu, je rovno nablízku, práve teraz. Signál je vystavený. Vlak je v bloku.

33Numeri, 16. kapitola, pre vás, ktorí si to nájdete a prečítate. Toto je večné Slovo, tak čítajme to úctivo. Chcem čítať dva verše z Numeri 16, 3. a 4. verš, aby som dal malé pozadie tomu, čo by som chcel povedať.

34A teraz, ak pásky nie sú zapnuté, rád by som, aby ich teraz zapli. Alebo to zabezpečili, aby sa táto časť tu mohla poslať von. Toto ide vonku, ak chcete... Mohli by ste vaše pásky nastaviť tam, kde je táto časť, bude to oddelené od zvyšku služby? Vidíte, toto je nová vec. Teraz to môžete zastaviť rovno tu, alebo čokoľvek chcete. Dobre teda, budeme... Označili by ste to tam pre mňa, a potom to znovu zapnete, aby vám to udalo miesto odkiaľ začať? Alebo môžete tam začať aj tak? Začnite každopádne. V poriadku, to je dobre.

35No, ideme čítať Numeri 16:3 a 4.

A zhromaždili sa na Mojžiša a na Árona a povedali im: Nech vám je už dosť, lebo veď celá obec, všetci sú svätí, a Hospodin je medzi nimi. Prečo sa tedy pozdvihujete nad zhromaždením Hospodinovým?

Keď to počul Mojžiš, padol na svoju tvár.

36Náš nebeský Otče, požehnaj týchto pár Slov. A nech rozjímanie nášho srdca a ovocie našich perí je prijateľné v Tvojich očiach. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

37Chcem vziať toto ako text, k tomu, čo chcem dnes ráno povedať: "Stáť v medzere."

38Tento čas, o ktorom hovoríme alebo čítame... Samozrejme, všetci vieme, že to bolo, keď sa Dátan a Kóre rozhodli, že budú zasahovať do poverenia, ktoré Boh dal Mojžišovi, povediac, "Mal by si nechať celé zhromaždenie robiť tak a tak. Oni všetci sú svätí." A Boh prikázal Mojžišovi, aby viedol ľud do zasľúbenej krajiny. A oni povedali, "Berieš si na seba príliš veľa. Snažíš sa zo seba robiť jediného v skupine, ktorý má čo povedať."

39A toto Boha tak nahnevalo, že povedal Mojžišovi, "Oddeľ sa od nich. Ja jednoducho zabijem celú skupinu a začnem novú generáciu s tebou." A Mojžiš padol v Prítomnosti Božej a povedal, že On by musel prejsť cez neho. Vidíte?

40No, dnes, ak by Boh chcel zlikvidovať ľudí... A tam bol čas, že keď sa Boh už z nášho hriechu unavil (neustále robíme zle)... Kto by dnes stál za ľuďmi ako Mojžiš? Kde by sme našli osobu, ktorá by stála, alebo mohla stáť, ktorú by Boh prijal, ako prijal Mojžiša? A Mojžišov vlastný život na zemi znamenal pre Boha tak veľa, že obstál v hneve Božom. A Boh by neprešiel cez Mojžiša. Vždy to bolo pre mňa záhadou, až kým som... Jedného dňa v zjavení Písma ku mne prišla táto myšlienka, že... Vidíte, Mojžiš v čine v každom spôsobe zastupoval... on bol predobrazom Ježiša Krista.

41A keď sa Boh chystal vziať život celému svetu a zničiť ho, a všetkých hriešnikov a odsúdených na smrť, Kristus za nás všetkých zomrel. A Boh nemohol prejsť cez Krista, lebo je Jeho vlastným Synom. A potom Ježiš dal slobodne Seba Samého, aby mohol zaplatiť tú cestu, potom ak... Mojžiš by to nemohol urobiť. Mojžiš nemal inú krv ako ľudskú, ako máme my. Tak preto, jeho krv by nemohla... To by nestačilo. Ale Ježiš, súc Sám Krvou Božou, tvoriacou Krvou Božou... Boh jednoducho ospravedlnil celú ľudskú rasu od hriechu, lebo to všetko ležalo na Ňom. A On šiel na Golgotu a zomrel mimo Prítomnosti Božej, a trpel, a bol hodený do pekla, lebo bol učinený hriechom, naše hriechy na ňom. A tam súc naším Nositeľom bremien, vzal naše hriechy na Golgotu, a z Golgoty do pekla, a Boh Ho vzkriesil na tretí deň na zmierenie našich hriechov.

42A dnes je On jediným Prostredníkom medzi Bohom a človekom a my sme slobodne ospravedlnení a je nám odpustené. Boh dokonca ani nevie, že sme niekedy zhrešili. Naše hriechy boli hodené do mora zabudnutia, aby nikdy viac neboli spomenuté. My sami to nemôžeme urobiť; my sme koneční. On je nekonečný. A naša konečnosť... My si stále môžeme pamätať, lebo nie sme dosť veľkí; ale On je tak veľký, že On dokonca zabúda, že sme niekedy hrešili. My sme synovia a dcéry v Jeho Prítomnosti. A všetko, čo bol On, sme my. On sa stal mojím hriechom, aby som sa ja mohol stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. On sa stal tvojím hriechom, aby si sa ty – On – ty mohol stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Tak Boh v tebe nemôže vidieť žiaden hriech tak dlho, kým tvoje vyznanie je v Kristu Ježišovi.

43Niekto povedal, pred nejakým časom, povedal, "Ak by som veril takej veci, to by som šliapol na pedál. Namaľoval by som mesto na červeno. Išiel by som do každej tanečnej sály. Tak by som sa opil, a všetko, lebo..."


"Ty si už bezpečný v Kristovi. Aký je v tom rozdiel?"

44Povedal som, "To ukazuje, že to nemáš." Ak raz láska Božia zasiahne tvoje srdce v nežnosti Ježiša Krista, ty budeš do Neho tak zamilovaný, že svet bude tak mŕtvy ako tvoj hriech. To je to, ako vieš, že máš Ducha Svätého. Nie preto, že môžeš kričať, vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, alebo čokoľvek to je, ale keď hriech zomrie a ty si živý v Ježišovi Kristovi. Ó, láska Božia, aká bohatá, aká čistá. Vidíte?

45No, tu v Louisville, Kentucky, pred nedávnom, jeden kazateľ rozprával, že bola jedna mladá dáma. Trocha dlhšie čakala, kým sa vydala, niekedy okolo dvadsaťpäťky, tridsiatky. A bolo to milé, verné kresťanské dievča. A bol istý muž v Louisville, ktorý nebol... On nežil taký dobrý život. On chodil tancovať, a do hostincov, a tak ďalej, ale jedného dňa našiel ospravedlnenie za svoje hriechy a stal sa skutočným kresťanom, skutočným verným kresťanom. Asi po roku sa zaľúbil do tejto mladej dámy a tá mladá dáma sa šialene zaľúbila do neho. A vzali sa.

46 Po tom, čo spolu žili asi dva roky, on povedal, že táto mladá dáma jedného dňa povedala svojmu manželovi... Povedala, "Drahý, myslím, že je to tak trochu ťažké pre teba, nového kresťana. Ja som kresťankou od malého dievčaťa." Ale povedala, "Pre teba, mladého kresťana, ktorý prešiel všetkými tými trikmi a pokušeniami, ktoré s tým idú, po tom, čo si tak dlho hrešil."

A on povedal, "Nuž, je to boj."

47Ona povedala, "Chcem, aby si si pamätal jednu vec, že keď ťa ten nepriateľ niekde znepokojí a upadneš a vrátiš sa do hriechu, nezostávaj preč z domu. Chcem, aby si sa vrátil domov." Povedala, "Nájdeš doma tú istú manželku, ktorú si si zobral." A povedala, "Pomôžem ti modliť sa, a premodliť sa cez to, a vrátiť sa späť k Bohu." Povedala, "Nechcem, aby si bol preč." Povedala, "Pozri, vzala som si ťa nie na základe toho, čím si bol, ale vzala som si ťa, lebo ťa milujem." A povedala, "Nezáleží na tom, čo urobíš, stále ťa milujem. Vzala som si ťa, pretože ťa milujem."

48A ten muž v ten deň šiel do práce a počuli ho, ako to zopakoval tam, kde pracoval. Povedal, "Nuž, ako by mohol človek urobiť čokoľvek zlé voči niečomu takému?" Keď žena, ktorá ho tak miluje, že čokoľvek by urobil, chcela, aby sa vrátil a bola ochotná ho znovu prijať a skúsiť to znovu... Vidíte? To ukazuje... Teraz to znásobte biliónmi a potom dostanete akú-takú predstavu, aká je láska Božia.

49Keď sa človek zamiluje do Ježiša Krista, veci toho sveta... Keď pomyslíš, čo On pre teba urobil vo svetle Písma, nie v svetle nejakej emócie, ale v svetle faktov, čo to je, potom sa ti niečo stane, keď prichádza nové narodenie, hriech je mŕtvy ako polnoc. Keď … Tak dlho, kým je to Svetlo v tebe, ako môže temnota svietiť? Nemôže. A to je to, čo Boh urobil jednému mužovi, ktorý sa hodil do medzery, aby mohol vziať zasľúbenie. A Mojžiš, súc typom tohto Predobrazu, to je to, prečo Mojžiš stál v medzere za ľudí.

50Potom som zvedavý, v tento deň, tohto uvoľneného, lenivého, mäkkého Laodicejského veku, v ktorom žijeme. Všetci vieme, a prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, že žijeme v poslednom veku, Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. A tento lenivý, uvoľnený, bezstarostný, žartujúci, hriešny vek žiadosti, v ktorom teraz žijeme, je to zázrak, že Boh jednoducho nepovie, "Odstúp, Cirkev, ja jednoducho zlikvidujem celú skupinu." Vidíte? Čo za vek, v ktorom žijeme. A On to v jednom z týchto dní aj urobí. Vieme, že to prichádza, a nebude pri tom šetriť, lebo On už... Niekto zomrel za tých, ktorí chceli uniknúť. Ale On vezme tých, ktorí boli, alebo ktorí prijali Krista a stali sa kresťanmi. Oni budú vzatí z hnevu, lebo potom by to On nemohol urobiť. V čase Mojžiša nebola možnosť to urobiť.

51Teraz, v Knihe Zjavenia, keď sa dostaneme k Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku... V Zjavení v 3. kapitole, Biblia povedala, že tento vek, Laodicejský vek, bol slepý. Povedala, "Pretože si bohatý, hovoríš, že si bohatý, a zbohatol si..." (najväčšie cirkvi, najlepšie oblečení ľudia, najväčšie, aké kedy boli v ktorom veku). "Pretože hovoríš, 'Nepotrebujem ničoho.' Nevieš, že si chudobný, mizerný, biedny, nahý, slepý, a nevieš to."

52 No, ak by bol človek v takom stave, a vy by ste mu mohli povedať o jeho stave, on by sa snažil si pomôcť, ak by bol mentálne v poriadku. Ale keď je on v takom stave a vy mu nemôžete povedať žiaden rozdiel... On jednoducho neverí, že je nahý. On neverí, že on je v takom stave, potom to tu ukazuje, že je slepý. Boh tohto veku zaslepil oči tých, ktorí odmietli slúžiť Kristovi a oni... Tak slepí, že nevidia ten znak, v ktorom žijeme, hodinu, čas, v ktorom žijeme. A pamätajte, jeden tam už stál v medzere a nikto iný nemôže stáť. Musíte prijať tú pomoc, inak ste odsúdení.

53Tak, tak pre nás, aby sme sa teraz dostali bližšie k tomu, čo chcem povedať. Mohli by sme stáť... (No, ja kážem v tomto pre seba.) Mohli by sme stáť a vidieť ľudskú bytosť, ktorá je slepá, fyzicky slepá, a vedieť, že kráča ponad útes... Mohli by sme v našom stave mysle, v ktorom sme dnes ráno, mohli by sme stáť a vidieť slepého, ako kráča ponad útes, slepý, a nepokúsili by sme sa ho varovať? To by bolo... Bolo by to tak kruté. Boli by sme tak ľahostajní vo svojom srdci. Viete si predstaviť osobu, ktorá je tak ľahostajná, že by sa mohla takmer smiať a vidieť slepého človeka (ktorý nevidí a nemôže si sám pomôcť), ako zámerne kráča na útes? To by bola zlá vec... nič pre to neurobiť...

54Nuž, mojim bratom, po celom svete, chcem urobiť toto vyznanie. Pokorne to hovorím, že to je presne to, čo som urobil, alebo chcel urobiť. Kázal som celé roky, a stal som sa starým mužom a starým veteránskym kazateľom. Mal som mnoho ťažkých bojov a som... Možno... Som zjazvený, zvnútra celý zničený z bojov. Pretože moja časť, ktorú mi dal Pán, nebola bozkávať bábätká, a sobášiť mladých, a pochovávať starých. Ale bolo to držať dvojsečný Meč v bitke proti trikom pohanstva a démonológie, a silám temnosti, a bojovať proti tomu so Slovom Božím, až kým neuvidím nepriateľa porazeného. Bol som mnohokrát hlboko ranený.

55Potom, keď prichádzam s Posolstvom v tomto dni a povedal som cirkvi veci, ktoré sa chystám povedať... A ja som pred rokmi predpovedal, keď ma Duch Svätý povolal to tejto práce. A na tejto zemi dnes nežije jediný človek, ktorý by kedy mohol povedať, že Pán mi niekedy povedal niečo v Jeho Mene, čo by sa nestalo presne tak, ako to malo byť.

56Ako ma prvýkrát poslal, a prvý dar, a druhý dar... A veci, ktoré boli povedané alebo urobené po celom svete, a doslovne milióny prišli ku Kristovi. A desaťtisíce kazateľov bolo inšpirovaných, ktorí začali prebudenie, ktoré dnes zamávalo celou tvárou zeme. A keďže Letniční boli jediní, ktorí prijali moje Posolstvo, oni sú jediní, ktorí získali pôdu. Letničná cirkev ukazuje viac obrátení než... Malá skupina letničných, než celý zvyšok cirkví dokopy. To je štatistika. Prečo? Lebo oni prijali pravdu a prijali prebudenie.

57A teraz, po tom, ako prišiel veľký čas uzdravovania chorých, vyháňania diablov a vzkriesenia mŕtvych;čoho sme my všetci svedkami, a taktiež aj veľa lekárov, a veľkých ľudí sveta... A zjavenie sa Pána Ježiša medzi nami, čo je znakom, tam, ktorý vidíte, hádam, na stene, alebo čokoľvek to je, od Anjela Pánovho, a ako to vedci ochránili autorským právom; a je to známy fakt, po celom svete. A vidíme práve tie veci, ktoré On činil, ako sa dejú v každom čase. Potom, ak Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý šiel s Izraelom cez púšť vo dňoch Mojžiša, čo sme... Alebo teraz, keď bol Mojžiš nazvaný "Služobník Pánov," a nasledoval Stĺp Ohňa v noci a Oblak cez deň...

58A keď bol Ježiš na zemi, povedal, že On je tým Bohom. Povedal, "Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM." A JA SOM bol Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku, ktorý hovoril k Mojžišovi v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli. Myslím, že je to správne, brat Vayle. Potom povedal, "Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu." A keď bol ukrižovaný, zomrel a vstal a vystúpil na výsosť, a položil Svoje telo dolu na veľký oltár večného Boha, tam, aby bol vždy prítomný, aby konal na našom mieste, aby sme vedeli, že On zaplatil náš dlh hriechu. A tam sa vrátil znovu späť na zem vo forme veľkého Ohnivého Stĺpu.

59Svätý Pavol, na svojej ceste... Predtým, ako bol nazvaný Svätým Pavlom, volal sa Saul z Tarsu. A na svojej ceste do Damašku, aby uväznil nejakých ľudí, ktorí robili príliš veľa hluku a kriku a kázali Evanjelium, ktoré bolo v protiklade k ich tradícii ich cirkví... Na svojej ceste jedného dňa, asi o tomto čase dňa, bol zasiahnutý veľkým Svetlom. A toto veľké Svetlo, preňho ako Žida, a on vedel, že Stĺp Ohňa viedol deti Izraela, a tu On bol znovu pred ním, on vykríkol, "Pane."

60No, keď si všimnete vo vašich prekladoch, v oboch, King Jamesovi a vašom Štandardnom a vo všetkých, tam je veľkým P-A-N-E. A ktokoľvek tu pozná svoju Bibliu, tak vie, že keď je to s veľkým P-A-N-E, tak je to Elohim, ten Všedostačujúci, ktorý stvoril nebo a zem, v Genezis 1:1: PÁN. No, Pavol by nenazval nejakú optickú ilúziu... On by nenazval nejaké niečo, o čom nevedel, lebo on bol učený muž v Písmach: vyšiel spod Gamaliela, veľkého učiteľa toho dňa. A on by to nenazval PÁNOM, ak by nebol presvedčený, že je To Jehova. Povedal, "Pane, Kto Si?"

Počúvajte ten Hlas, ktorý prišiel, "Ja som Ježiš, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky."

61Tak si myslím, v strede toho všetkého, predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, aj tu, aj po celom svete... Ľudia, ktorí budú počúvať, a ktorí teraz počúvajú, budú vedieť, že je to potvrdené skrze každý skutok, že je to Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Boli učinené tie isté veci, ktoré On činil: uzdravoval chorých, poznal myšlienky mysle, ukázal veci, ktoré sa majú stať; a dokonale v každom čase po celé tieto roky. Mám päťdesiatštyri rokov, a videl som videnia, odkedy som mal osemnásť mesiacov, a ani raz...

62Ale vždy to bola pravda. Vidíte? Tak, to musí byť Boh. A potom si myslím, "Prečo sú ľudia tak slepí, že to nemôžu vidieť?"

63A neustále, keď hovorím k našim ženám o strihaní ich vlasov a kazatelia mi za to nadávajú; a o tom, že nosia nemorálne šaty, tieto šortky a takto sa predvádzajú, a pokračujú v tom zlom spôsobe; a o našich mužoch, o spôsobe, ako robia, fajčia, majú spoločenské prípitky a všetko; a potom sa stále nazývajú kresťanmi, a prijímajú Večeru Pánovu pri stole, lebo patria k organizácii. Ó, to bol len jednoduchý... Oni si mysleli, že sa rúham Bohu. A stali sa ženy lepšími? Stali sa horšími, po celom národe.

64Potom ja, nervózny (hovorím to tak trochu tichšie), a možno neurotický typ človeka, ktorým som... A vediac, že som od začiatku nedostatočný pre tú prácu, ako sa mnohí sťažovali, že to museli robiť. Bolo to ťažké. Ale myslel som si, "Bože, prečo si nepovolal niekoho, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. A mne je to ľúto, ale zlyhal som. Ľudia ma jednoducho nebudú počúvať. A zlyhal som v tom, čo som mal urobiť, niekde, lebo oni nepočúvajú."

65Moja matka, ktorá práve odišla do slávy (asi pred vyše rokom)... Moja matka... Jej otec bol poľovník. A ja myslím, že mám všetko, čo od neho vyšlo, čo sa toho týka, lebo milujem hory. A myslel som si, "Ak títo ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi, ak nechcú počúvať Posolstvo, ktoré kážem, tak ich nechaj tak. Ja to jednoducho všetko skončím, a pôjdem hore do hôr. A poznám priateľa, kde..." Mnohí z vás, tu, pamätáte sa, ako som predpovedal ten čas, asi šesť mesiacov pred tým, ako sa to stalo, ako pôjdem na miesto (rovno z tohto pódia tu); a tam bude zviera, ktoré vyzerá ako jeleň s ostrými parohmi, a ako budú merať štyridsaťdva palcov, a ako tam bude sedem-stopý medveď grizly. Máte to na páskach a všetko. Hádam to je... Pamätáte si ten čas; všetci z vás. Nuž, leží to teraz hore v mojej izbe, aby to ukázalo, že je to pravda.

66Tak, len na takých veciach, lebo to bolo práve pred odchodom mojej matky, a On ma chcel utíšiť z toho veľkého šoku, lebo vedel, že ju vezme.

67No, stretol som človeka, ktorý bol kresťanom, a on mal veľkú krajinu rovno pod Aljaškou. A ja som sa rozhodol, že keďže som odišiel odtiaľto a šiel som na západ, že vezmem svoju ženu a tak trochu ju do niečoho lapím. Dostal by som ju tam hore a stal by som sa sprievodcom. A potom, ak by Pán chcel, aby som niečo urobil... Nechal by som si narásť vlasy a kotlety. A vrátil by som sa tam a bol by som sprievodcom. Tam vzadu v tej krajine žijú len dvaja alebo traja Indiáni, a ja by som bol len sprievodcom a potom by som pomáhal Budovi. A ak by Pán chcel, aby som čokoľvek urobil, potom by som povedal, "Dobre, Pane." On by mi dal videnie a ja by som si odskočil.

68 Povedal som ľuďom... Nikdy som sa nepovažoval za... Každý toto vie... Ale ľudia povedali, "brat Branham, Pán ťa povolal, aby si bol Jeho prorokom." Nuž, nikdy som sa za neho nepovažoval, ale začal som sa dostávať do času, že som to už chcel urobiť: pomyslieť, "Nuž, možno som. Ak som, budem žiť vzadu v pustatine. A ak budem žiť vzadu v pustatine, potom budem Jeho prorokom." Vidíte? A potom, ak ma On bude chcieť niekde poslať... A zatiaľ, kým ma On nepoužíva, potom budem určite chytať nejaké dobré ryby a robiť nejaké veci." Samozrejme, to bol tak trochu sebecký postoj (Vidíte?), lebo som to chcel urobiť. No, to jednoducho nie je presne tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť. A teraz, ja som sa to vo svojej mysli rozhodol urobiť.

69A teraz, práve pred tým, ako bolo kázaných Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, ak sú tu nakreslené... Je tu mnoho z tých, ktorí tu boli v tom čase a vedia, ako to Pán požehnal, tam vzadu na stene to odrazil, len aby... Koľkí sú tu teraz, ktorí tam vtedy boli, keď On prišiel? To to urobilo.

70Potom si pamätám na brata Jacksona. On je obyčajne s nami, brat Junior Jackson, metodista, bol metodistickým kazateľom. Áno, tu teraz sedí. No, ako prišiel ku mne so snom a potom pár ďalších bratov prišlo s podobným snom. Nuž, Pán bol ku mne skutočne dobrý, a ja som nikdy (A beriem vás dnes ráno ako svedkov.), či som vám kedy povedal nesprávny výklad sna. Nie, veru. Lebo Pán... Ja to nepoviem, kým to znovu neuvidím a nebudem vedieť, čo to, čo On o tom hovorí, potom vám poviem. A potom, povedal, "Ja..." Mal som mať službu dolu v jeho zbore a on... Akosi bol z toho večera naozaj nervózny. A on vybehol z cirkvi a prišiel inou cestou a stretol ma v aute a ľudia prechádzali okolo. Povedal, "Chcem ti niečo povedať."

71A povedal mi, že sa mu sníval sen, že niekde tu hore akoby v Indiane, že tam bol dlhý, veľký trávnatý kopec a voda zmyla z vrchu všetku pôdu. A stalo sa to skalou akoby lysým vrcholom na tej hore. A potom v tejto skale bol zvláštny nápis. A povedal, že som tam stál so všetkými bratmi tu zo zboru a vykladal som ten nápis. A potom, keď to prišlo do času, že som to všetko vyložil, že som potom akosi, ak správne rozumiem ten sen, dostal niečo ako páčidlo alebo nejaký druh hranatej tyče alebo niečoho (alebo nie hranatej tyče, myslel som páky alebo niečoho.) a odrezal som len vrchol tej hory a nadvihol to hore. A vo vnútri toho bola biela skala, niečo ako žula alebo niečo takého, nejaká biela skala, na ktorej nebolo nič napísané. A povedal som bratom, "Zostaňte tu a dívajte sa na toto, a ja..." Zatiaľ čo sa oni všetci pozerali, zmizol som spomedzi nich a začal som kráčať na západ. A brat Jackson povedal, že ma videl ísť na jeden kopec a potom na ďalší kopec, stával som sa menším a menším, ako som šiel na západ. Pamätáte si to.

72Nuž, výklad toho, samozrejme, bol daný tu v cirkvi pred tým, ako sa to stalo... Že teraz je čas, o ktorom verím, že plné zjavenie cez vek Luthera, Wesleya a Johna Smitha, Alexandra Campbella, a rôznych ďalších, ktorí kázali z Biblie... A potom sme sa dostali do Biblie a ukázali, že bude Posolstvo siedmeho anjela. A po zvuku Posolstva siedmeho anjela, všetky tajomstvá Božie budú známe. Potom príde sedem tajomných hromov.

73A teraz, ak je to ten čas konca, v ktorom žijeme, kde sme prišli skrze ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom; a mali sme znaky a zázraky a všetky rôzne veci... A dary sa vrátili do cirkvi, ako: Božské uzdravovanie, a proroctvo, a hovorenie v jazykoch, a výklady. A hoci to bolo prekrútené, hrozne, ale stále to neberie to, že existuje dobrý, existuje pravdivý, skutočne rýdzi dar hovorenia v jazykoch, ktorý má byť stále v cirkvi. Vidíte?

74Máme mnoho napodobňovania. Máme ľudí, ktorí vstanú a snažia sa správať ako kresťania a ich životy sa s tým nedajú porovnať, tak tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Ježiš povedal, "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Vidíte? To je to, ako poznáte kresťana, podľa toho, ako žije. Tak nikdy neskáčte vyššie, ako žijete. Tak potom len... Ale tam... Ale to je diabol, ktorý robí strašiaka, aby držal skutočných, rýdzich veriacich preč od tej skutočnej veci. Ale Boh nám pomáha oddeliť sa a byť schopnými rozoznať medzi správnym a nesprávnym. A Slovo to vždy bude vyjasňovať.

75Tak, zisťujeme, že v tomto, povedal som vám, že ten výklad na skale... A Skala je Kristus, ktorý bol v bratovom sne. A to je Biblia. A po všetky tie roky, Biblia bola vykladaná, až kým sme Tomu celému nedali absolútne cirkevný výklad. A posledný dar, ktorý bol daný Laodicejskému veku (čo je čas kázania siedmeho anjela v Laodicejskom veku), ten čas, že bude mnoho vecí, ktoré budú nepochopené počas tých vekov.

76Ako Luther kázal ospravedlnenie, ale nechal to ísť prudko, lebo nežil dosť dlho. A spolu... Potom zorganizovali cirkev. Luther to nikdy nezorganizoval: po Lutherovi. A potom prišiel Wesley. A po Wesleyovi mali Wesleyovu cirkev. A potom prišiel John Smith, baptista; a potom Alexander Campbell a tak ďalej. Ale tí ľudia (reformátori) nežili dosť dlho, aby to dostali všetko spolu. A tak tam zostalo mnoho rozviazaných koncov. A potom, keď urobili... Napríklad, vodný krst, že John Smith vrátil späť vodný krst ponorením, ale s použitím titulov. A mnoho z tých vecí, ktoré zostali rozviazané... A potom, keď prichádzame dolu do konca, posledné Posolstvo to má dať všetko do poriadku, priniesť tieto veci do jednej viery, jedného Pána, jedného krstu. Vidíte?

77A teraz, po tom, čo Biblia bola kompletne vyložená, potom si všimnite, že to otvorilo vrchol tej pyramídovej skaly (Nie učenie o pyramídach, teraz, nie to, lebo ja... Ľudia, ktorí učia to učenie o pyramídach... Hádam, oni vedia, o čom hovoria. Ja o tom nič neviem.) Ale jednako, je to v tvare pyramídy. Ale vrchol na tú pyramídu nebol nikdy položený. No, bol som v Káhire a v Egypte a vrcholový kameň nikdy neprišiel, lebo to bol uholný kameň, bol to štítový kameň. V cirkvi To bol uholný kameň. V plnej cirkvi To bol Štítový kameň. Tak To nikdy neprišlo. Bolo To odmietnuté: Kristus. A To príde. A ja verím, že keď to príde, tak Cirkev sa vytvaruje do miesta z ospravedlnenia pod Lutherom, posvätenia pod Wesleyom a Letničného posolstva; to privedie cirkev do takej menšiny. A služba bude medzi tými ľuďmi, až kým to nebude presne tá istá služba, akú mal Ježiš Kristus. To prinesie Ježiša a vychváti celú tú vec preč.

78Všetci tí úprimní a pravdiví Luteráni, Presbyteriáni, Baptisti, Metodisti a ktokoľvek je narodený s Duchom Božím, bude vychvátený preč s Ježišom Kristom , keď On príde. Verím tomu. Ja sa líšim od niektorých z našich letničných bratov, ktorí veria, že zvyšok cirkvi sú tí, ktorí budú vychvátení v poslednom veku. Tam sa odlišujem, lebo Boh... Ako by mohol človek... Ako by mohol Boh... My nehovoríme, "Ako by On mohol?" On môže robiť, čo On chce. Ale Boh, Ktorý sľúbil Lutherovi... A pod ospravedlnením, to je všetko, čo poznali. Vidíte? On zasľúbil, že vezme cirkev. A On... Verím z milosti Božej a Písma to podporujú. Lebo On neprišiel v prvej stráži, a oni išli spať, a druhá stráž, a tak ďalej. V siedmej stráži prišiel. A to je siedmy cirkevný vek. To je Posolstvo siedmeho anjela. Vidíte? A keď On príde, všetky tie panny povstanú a ozdobia svoje lampy: Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Baptisti, ktokoľvek, kto je narodený z Ducha Božieho, pôjde do vytrhnutia. Verím, že Nevesta bude vyvolaná v tom čase. Verím, že budú nejakí v posledných dňoch, ktorí neokúsia smrť, ale budú premenení v momente, v mihnutí oka.

79No. Ale tak, ako ste si všimli v sne brata Jacksona, že na tejto skale nebolo nič napísané zvnútra. To je to, pre čo som išiel na západ. No, ako sa to stalo... A povedal som vám, že raz vám poviem, čo to znamená. Šiel som kvôli tomu na západ. A povedal som vám to videnie, ktoré ľudia, či na páskach alebo prítomní dnes ráno, budú vedieť, keď si vezmú "Páni, aký je čas?"... A ktokoľvek z vás bratov, ktorí nemáte to posolstvo, a chcete toto nasledovať, vezmite si "Páni, aký je čas?" Predtým... Týždne a mesiace pred tým, ako sa to tu stalo, videl som videnie, ako som v Tuscone, na severe Tusconu; muselo to byť východne od Flagstaffu, severne od Tusconu, ako som si zbieral pichliače z mojich nohavíc a prišiel výbuch, ktorý vlastne vyzeral, akoby zatriasol celou krajinou. Koľkí z vás si to pamätajú? Tak je to. Zatriaslo by to krajinou...

80No, je možné, že aspoň jeden človek je dnes ráno prítomný, ktorý tam stál, keď sa to stalo. To vlastne striaslo tie skaly z hory. A teraz, oni... Zisťujeme, že počas toho som videl siedmich Anjelov vo forme pyramídy, ktorí prileteli dolu a zdvihli ma hore. A bol som prinesený na východ, aby som otvoril pre Boha Sedem Pečatí. Ak ich nemáte... ak bude Ježiš predlievať, a ja... Moje pravnúčatá, deti malého Paula... To bude stále večnou pravdou živého Boha. No, to bolo na to, aby sa zistilo, že čo to bolo zapečatené vo vnútri tej skaly. To nebolo napísané. To malo byť vyložené. A keď som sa vrátil, prvý Anjel v prvý večer otvoril Pečať v protiklade so všetkým, čo sme kedy v našom živote počuli. A všetkých sedem prišlo tým istým spôsobom. Viete to. Boli ste tu prítomní, keď sa to stalo: mnohí z vás.

81A teraz, v tom čase som to nevedel, ale brat Fred Sothmann... Viem, že je tu. A som si celkom istý, že brat Norman je tu. Boli sme hore... Musel som ísť do Houstonu, aby som zachránil toho malého chlapca od elektrického kresla. A potom som šiel späť a šiel som poľovať tam hore s bratmi. A v tom ráno, stál som tam a zbieral som si tam pichliače, alebo ako to nazývajú "kozie hlavy", pichliače z mojich nohavíc. A ten výbuch zaznel presne tak, ako To povedalo. Je to tak, brat Fred? A ja som musel vyskočiť od zeme. A práve nado mnou boli Anjeli Pánovi, ktorí mi poslali posolstvo, aby som zlomil tieto Pečate. Prečo tu? Prečo v Modlitebni? Prečo som to neurobil tam? Pretože som dal sľub môjmu zboru a Bohu, že každé nové posolstvo vyjde z tejto Modlitebne, nahraté odtiaľto. A On mi pomáhal dodržať moje slovo, že zostanem tu, aby som to robil. A okamžite potom som znovu šiel späť...

82A teraz, nevedel som v tom čase, že oni to fotia, tí vedci, ako sa tí Anjeli znížili dolu z neba, aby priniesli to posolstvo. A vy sa pamätáte, ako som povedal, že ten na pravej strane tej konštelácie mal hruď trochu... a krídla... Pamätáte sa, ako som to hovoril, všetci z vás? A ako som ho pozoroval? On bol veľmi odlišný od ostatných. A ja som nevedel, že oni To fotia, lebo som sa okamžite ponáhľal na východ. Ale ako som sa vracal domov v Tuscone, tam to bolo celé v novinách, že to bolo viditeľné takmer v celom národe alebo rovno v Mexiku, všetky západné štáty. A myslím, že "Kuriér" tu... Bolo to v Spojenej Tlači. Koľkí z vás videli tajomný oblak na nebi? Pozrime sa na tie ruky. A teraz, časopis "Život" to zachytil. A mám tu dnes ráno ten článok v časopise "Život", tú ukážku... No, tu to je, v ten istý čas, ako som tam bol. Vidíte tú pyramídu alebo ten Oblak? Stál som rovno pod týmto. A tam... Vidíte toho odlišného Anjela na pravej strane? Vidíte Jeho špicaté krídlo? Presne to, čo bolo povedané. A je tu rozhovor v Mexiku a rôznych miestach, odkiaľ to odfotili. Tak, ten vedec sa tu snaží získať všetky informácie, ktoré môže, o tej fotografii, o ľuďoch, ktorý majú tú fotografiu. On to skúma.

83No, on tu hovorí, že je nemožné, aby to bol oblak, lebo vlhkosť nevychádza nad asi, povedal by som okolo šesť alebo osem míľ vysoko, tak nejak. Keď ideme za more, zvyčajne letíme devätnásť tisíc stôp; sme vtedy nad búrkami. Ale tento oblak, podľa tohto článku tu od tohto vedca, je dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko. Bolo by to míle a míle za vlhkosťou. A povedal, skúmajúc to okolie... A teraz, viete... Ja... Koľkí si pamätáte, že som vám povedal, "Znelo to ako prekonávanie zvukovej bariéry v lietadle." Pamätáte sa? Ale v tom okolí nebolo žiadne lietadlo. Tá kniha tu tak hovorí. Oni to preskúmali. Tam neboli žiadne lietadlá. A okrem toho, to by nemohlo... Tá hmla za lietadlom nie je nič iné, len rozpustený vzduch, vlhkosť. Lebo to nasáva cez tú jednotku, ako prúd. A to sa ťahá, láme to vlhkosť vo vzduchu. Oni sa toho nikdy nezbavia, pokiaľ tu bude prúdové lietadlo, lebo to musí... To je to, čím je poháňané. A to je vlhkosť, ktorá z toho vyletuje.

84Ale tu to je, míle vysoko, kde nemôže byť vlhkosť, a žiadne lietadlá v okolí. A tam hore nemohla byť vlhkosť a visieť tam v ten deň. Je to tridsať míľ široké a dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko. Vidíte? Práve tak isto, to bol tam ten obraz, keď som vám povedal, "Anjel Pánov vyzeral ako Ohnivý stĺp pred rokmi," pred tým, ako to bolo vôbec odfotené. Boh urobil, aby veda rozpoznala, že je to pravda. A tu o proroctve, ktoré bolo dané, Boh urobil, aby veda svedčila, že je to pravda. Tak, kde stojíme? Chcem si toto nechať, lebo možno budem hovoriť s mojím priateľom, ktorý je dnes ráno prítomný, aby napísal tých Sedem Pečatí. Možno bude chcieť toto na to použiť. A tak, máte kópiu toho... No, ak to dostanete, môžete sa na to odvolať. Vidíte?

85No, on chce zistiť, ale na čo by to bolo dobré ísť a povedať mu to? On by sa tomu smial. On by sa len smial. Tak nehádžme takto naše perly. Ale vieme, cirkev vie, a Boh vie, že je to pravda.

86A potom, zatiaľ čo som sa modlil ohľadom tohto, bol som zvedavý, čo sa mi stane, a viete, kde som bol? Na severe od Tusconu, východne od Flagstaffu, úplne presne, pozične, kde som vám povedal mesiace predtým, než sa to stalo, že budem stáť. A presne, podľa týchto novín tu a tých novín, alebo tohto časopisu, a nášho vlastného svedectva, presne kde sa to stalo. Boh je dokonalý a nemôže klamať. A to sa stane. Vidíte?

87Pamätáte sa na páske, "Páni, aký je čas?" Citoval som to, "Pamätajte, niečo závažné sa má stať." A teraz to spôsobilo, že celý národ o tom svedčí. Každé noviny v Spojenej tlači, a jeden z našich vedúcich časopisov, a všetko ostatné svedčí o tom, ešte nie je po všetkom. Ale akí privilegovaní ľudia, privilegovaní ľudia sú kresťania, vedieť, že v tejto temnej hodine, kde nie sú žiadne nádeje podľa vedy, že na nás čaká atómová bomba. A žiadne nádeje v našich organizáciách, ktoré sa stále spájajú; oni sa zjednocujú so znamením šelmy.. A keď sa všetky naše nádeje týmto smerom stratili v našej ekonómii, z nášho kresťanského obecenstva medzi organizáciami... Smeruje to do katolicizmu, ktorý bude znamením šelmy v rade cirkví.

88Ale sú to tí, ktorí milujú Boha a hľadajú skutočnosť, že... Ten sám Boh, Ktorý zasľúbil v Biblii, rozprestiera to pred našou tvárou a činí, že cirkev, a ľudia, a veda a časopisy a všetko, rozpoznávajú, že On je stále Bohom a môže naplniť zasľúbenie. Čo za čas.

89Potom v Sabino Kaňone v to ráno, modlil som sa a rozmýšľal, čo sa stane, držal som ruky vystreté k Bohu na vrchu tej hory, a Meč padol do mojej ruky, s perlovou rúčkou a s chráničom nad tým, a dlhá čepeľ, okolo troch stôp, a lesk ako kovový hrniec alebo ako chrómový, ostrý ako britva; a ja som nevedel, čo to bolo. A povedal som, "Bojím sa týchto vecí."

90A práve vtedy prehovoril Hlas, ktorý zatriasol Kaňonom, povedal, "Toto je Meč Pánov." A Meč Pánov je Slovo Pánovo. Lebo Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč.

91Potom som sa k tomu vrátil... Potom počas toho jeden statočný malý brat tu v zbore, a on je, bol vojakom a bol v armáde takmer roztrhaný na kusy a ležal ako mŕtvy; a povedal, že by... Oni ne... Lekári si nemysleli, že bude žiť a nebol ani hoden, aby sa s ním zaoberali, on bol na tom tak zle. Hlavné nervy v jeho nohe sa roztrhli, a jeho malá ruka takmer úplne praskla, jeho noha, jedna noha preč a všetko. Ale Boh videl milosť a zachránil ho a jedného dňa ho uzdravil.

92On, brat Roy Roberson bol tam, keď tá fotografia bola urobená tam v Houstone. Ako jeho žene bolo povedané vo videní, čo robila cez deň, a ako mala problém, a že to bude uzdravené. A to z neho urobilo veriaceho. Ale on, súc vojnovým mužom, bol taký (dúfam, že mi odpustí, že to hovorím spoza...) viac drsný, presný; dával príkazy (vidíte?), v armáde ako príkaz ľudí, on musel odvrknúť a: "Urob to!" Vidíte? A on napriek tomu uveril. Ale stále chodil do zboru a videl to nadprirodzené, povedal, "Verím tomu, ale je to pre niekoho iného."

93Jednej noci ho Pán zobudil, jedno ráno. Sedel, on a ja, vyzeralo to ako v Jeruzaleme pri Stole na Večeri Pánovej, a ja som rozprával. On tomu nerozumel. A brat Roy, sedí tu, práve teraz sa na mňa pozerá, a on to videl. A on ma zavolal hore v Arizone... Alebo mi poslal list a ja som ho zavolal späť. Povedal, "Ty si sedel tam, brat Branham, a ja som videl ten veľký Svetelný Stĺp, ako prichádza dovnútra a berie ťa a nesie ťa preč od Pánovho stola a šiel si na západ." Lebo on sedel na východnej strane a sledoval ma, ako idem na západ, a toto Svetlo vošlo a vzalo ma preč.

94Povedal, že to bolo v jedno ráno, akoby to bolo videnie. Vstal z postele okolo tretej alebo štvrtej ráno, tak nejak, a videl, ako sa to stalo. A povedal, že kričal, vyzeralo to, akoby to trvalo celé dni, "brat Bill, vráť sa." A Roy a ja sme boli skutoční bratia. Žijeme spolu, a poľujeme spolu a sme jednoducho bratia. A on na mňa kričal, až kým nemal zachrípnutý hlas, "Vráť sa. Prineste ho späť. Prineste ho späť." Plakal, povedal, že ja... Tu prichádza Ohnivý Stĺp späť, alebo Oblak prichádza späť, a On ma posadil za vrch stolu, a bol som premenený. Bolo to tajomstvo pre brata Roya, ako som bol premenený a vyzeral som inak. (Kladiem to tu kvôli niečomu, čo chcem pripomenúť). Bol som premenený... (keď mu dám výklad toho).

95To bolo práve pred tým, ako som sa vrátil kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam. Keď som sa vrátil kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam, potom som... Jedno ráno sa on spojil s Billym a chcel som mnou hovoriť. A ja som bol zaneprázdnený, modlil som sa kvôli Siedmim Pečatiam, a potom mi povedal o... Stalo sa to znovu a opakovalo sa to znovu. Brat Roy, ak tomu zle rozumiem, upozorni ma. A povedal, že znovu vstal ráno, myslím, že znovu skoro ráno, a pozrel sa do izby a videl toto veľké Svetlo alebo Oblak nad horou. Pred nedávnom sa ma opýtal, "Je niekde niečo o tom oblaku nad horou?" A ja som povedal... "V Biblii."

96A povedal som, "Áno, Peter, Jakub a Ján boli vzatí a oblak zatienil Pána Ježiša. A Boh prehovoril, povedal, 'Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.'" Kázal som tu na to, prednedávnom, malé posolstvo, pásku, ktorú bratia môžu zrozumieť, "Jeho počúvajte." Predpokladám, že to možno máte na páske. Som si istý.

97A povedal, že šiel do hôr. A keď šiel, stál som tam. A Hlas prišiel z Oblaku (Však, brat Roy?) a povedal niečo o tomto nariadení. "Toto je Môj služobník. Povolal som ho, aby bol prorokom na ten vek, aby viedol ľudí práve tak ako Mojžiš. A bola mu daná autorita. On môže povolať do existencie." Niečo, ako robil Mojžiš, ako prehovoriť k muchám. A my vieme o veveričkách a tak ďalej, a veciach, ktoré sa už stali. Malá Hattie Wright tam vzadu, predpokladám, že bude vedieť, čo sa stalo v jej dome. A On mu povedal, že ja som urobil to, čo urobil Mojžiš.

98A ja... Povedal mi to, keď schádzal dolu po tom výlete. A v mojej mysli, rozhodol som sa, že pôjdem hore k Budovcom, lebo on je tam hore ako poľovník dosť v zlom stave.

99Predtým, ako odtiaľto odídem, možno to tu spomeniem. A budeme sa ponáhľať. Sníval sa mi zvláštny sen, čudný sen. A dúfam, že keď sa môj švagor k tomuto niekedy dostane, že sa ho to nedotkne. A dúfam, že sa nedotknem mojej ženy, ktorá tu teraz sedí. Ale ona vie, že pred mnohými mesiacmi, po celý čas, nuž, to bolo niekedy v októbri alebo novembri, keď sa mi snívalo, že som sa túlal v tme, a ja... Nuž, nemal som kam ísť a nikto sa o mňa nestaral. A stal som sa povaľačom, jednoducho povaľačom. A bola mi zima a pozrel som sa do diaľky a videl som oheň. A keď som sa tam dostal, bolo to mestské smetisko. A oni mali jamy a oheň bol v tých jamách. A medzi jamami boli pneumatiky, kde mohli spať povaľači, aby im bolo teplo (aby nezamrzli), medzi tými ohňami počas studenej zimnej noci. A mne bola zima. A šiel som k tomuto ohňu, aby som sa zohrial, a ležalo tam plno povaľačov a boli... Nevidel som žiadneho z nich, ale oni všetci mali kútik alebo miesto, kde bolo ich miesto na spanie. A videl som môjho švagra, Fletchera Broya.

100A Fletcher, ako si ho pamätám. On bol dobré dieťa. Ale toto môže byť dobrá lekcia pre mladé deti. Pamätám sa pred pár rokmi na pekného mladého muža Jamesa Fletchera Broya, a dostal sa k zlej skupine, a vzal si svoj prvý pohárik. Pamätám sa, že ma volal za závesmi v mojom dome. A jeho otec, ktorý odišiel do slávy pred rokmi, bol tam vonku a vzal gitaru, "Na vrchu vzdialenom stál starý drsný kríž."

101A Fletcher ma zavolal späť; povedal, "brat Bill, modli sa za mňa. Počúvaj tú pieseň, ktorú môj otec hrá, a ja som dnes pil."

102A ja som povedal, "Fletcher..." Asi osemnásťročný chlapec, povedal som, "Nechoď tým smerom." Ale on nikdy nepočúval. On šiel ďalej; stal sa úplným alkoholikom. A jeho žena ho nechala, jeho deti... A on je rovno v tejto hodine... A Boh vie, že ho milujem...

103Šiel som sa za neho modliť, jednoducho povaľača. Šiel som sa tu za neho modliť prednedávnom; on si ublížil, keď som tu bol so Siedmimi Pečaťami. Povedal som, "Fletch, mám tam hore zopár oblekov, ktoré by som ti rád dal."

Povedal, "Nerob to, brat Bill."

No, viem, že nemá žiadne oblečenie. A povedal som, "Prečo si nevezmeš tie šaty?"

Povedal, "Hmmm?." A pozrel sa hore na mňa a, "Vidíš, vieš, čo by som s nimi urobil: založil by som ich a opil by som sa."

104A povedal som, "Dám ti trochu peňazí, Fletch."

Povedal, "Nie, nerob to, brat Bill. Nechcem, aby si to robil." On je v srdci skutočný muž, ale stal sa alkoholikom a povaľačom. A jeho žena sa vybrala zlou cestou. A, ó, jednoducho všetko sa stalo tomu úbohému chlapíkovi.

105A keď som sa zobudil... Predtým, ako som sa zobudil, Fletch mi povedal, povedal vo sne... Povedal, "Billy, vybojujem ti miesto, brat Bill. Kŕmil si moje deti, keď boli hladné." Povedal, "Bol si im otec. Teraz, nájdem ti tu miesto, aby si sa zohrial." A šli sme kráčajúc pri miestach povaľačov a konečne sme prišli k miestu, a povedal, "Sadnem si tu dolu."

A povedal som, "Prejdem sa tu a uvidím, či tu nájdem nejaké miesto."

106A šiel som a pozrel som sa do tmy, chladnej tmy. A myslel som si, "Pomysli na to. Jedného času, Boh Všemohúci ma nechal viesť Jeho Cirkev. Jedného času ma nechal kázať Jeho Evanjelium a vidieť spasené duše. Muži a ženy prichádzali z celého sveta, aby so mnou hovorili pár minút. A teraz som tu, povaľač; nikto ma nechce. A je mi zima. A čo mám robiť?" Potom som sa zobudil.

107Povedal som svojej žene; povedal som, "Možno to znamená, že Fletch je v potrebe." Tak sme sa ponáhľali, aby sme videli, či by sme ho našli. A jeho brat ho našiel. Stál tam vonku s "Weidnerovcami", tam vonku, kde majú obchod s koňmi a vecami; spal v rohu stodoly alebo niekde. A šiel som ďalej. Myslel som si, "Nuž, musím to len nechať tak."

108Tak som sa teraz vrátil z Kanady s Fredom a ostatnými minule. A v mojej mysli, rozhodol som sa, "Ak títo ľudia nechceli počúvať moje posolstvo, v poriadku, nemuseli." Kázal som teraz asi tridsaťpäť rokov. A posledných pätnásť, osemnásť rokov som neurobil nič, len... Pán... Snažil som sa žiť tak blízko Neho a nepovedať slovo, až kým mi On prv nepovedal. Všetko...

109Ľudia hovoria, "No, ak vám brat Branham hovorí, že prichádza, pamätajte, dávajte pozor na stretnutie, lebo prichádza v Mene Pánovom. On neurobí nič, kým mu Pán nepovie..." Tak je to. Čakal som, kým mi On nepovedal. Nepohol som sa, kým mi On nepovedal. A potom On to robil posledné mesiace tak, že mi nepovedal o žiadnych miestach, kam mám ísť.

Potom som prišiel dolu z Kanady a Fred povedal... Alebo brat Roy mi povedal svoj sen, ako on a ja a brat Banks sme jazdili spolu, predtým, ako sme sa rozdelili.

110A potom, ďalší deň sme sa zastavili u brata Freda, a jeho chlapec Lynn nebol doma a tak on s nami nemohol ísť. A on a jeho žena museli čakať. On vyzdvihol svoju ženu v Rosewoode alebo Melrose, Saskatchewan.

111A Billy a ja sme prišli k nákladiaku brata Freda. V tú noc sme cestovali väčšinu noci a na ďalší deň. A na ďalšie ráno sme odišli z Helena, Montana, a blížili sme sa k hranici.

112A ja môžem zostať hore asi do deviatej a potom zaspávam. Musel som spať. A Billy, on chce spať do desiatej ďalšieho dňa, keď je denné svetlo. Tak to nám robí dobre, keď cestujeme.

113Vstal som okolo štvrtej a začal som šoférovať. A Billy spal. Šli sme na miesto, a ja som premýšľal vo svojej mysli, "Vieš čo? V jednom z týchto dní, hneď ako budem môcť manželku dostať tam hore... A ja jej nepoviem, čo idem urobiť. Ale ja pôjdem tam hore. A potom jej poviem, 'Ja toto miesto tak milujem, že nepotrebujeme ísť nikam inam. Zostaňme len tu.'" A to je od civilizácie tisícsto míľ od hocikadiaľ (Vidíte?), tam v pustatine. Myslel som si, "Chlapče, nebude to fajn? Nebudem sa musieť strihať, a nebudem sa musieť obliekať. A budem jednoducho normálnym horolezcom, čo som vždy chcel byť." A povedal som, "Dostanem nejaké zbrane, a nejakí ľudia mi dajú... A budem sprievodcom, o akom ste ešte nepočuli. Budem to jednoducho milovať. Potom, ak mi Pán povie, aby som šiel dolu a povedal niekomu niečo, ja odbehnem a poviem im a znovu sa vrátim. A budem pomáhať Budovi, a naozaj tu budeme mať skutočné miesto." Myslel som na to.

114Šli sme sa najesť do reštaurácie (malé miesto v horách) okolo siedmej hodiny. Bolo už trochu neskoro, tak som Billyho zobudil. Nemali sme už benzín, tak sme museli natankovať nejaký benzín a šli sme na toto miesto, do tejto malej reštaurácie. A kým sme tam boli, cez ulicu prišiel muž, možno o trochu starší ako ja, ale mne pripadal ako chlap. Mal na sebe kombinézu, kabát, jazdecké čižmy, čierny klobúk, dolu na tvári fúzy ako toto (snehobiele), a vlasy visiace zozadu spod klobúka. Myslel som si, "To vyzerá ako chlap," pre mňa, nie nejaký mäkký, lenivý, s cigarou v ústach asi takto dlhou, sediaci s krátkymi nohavicami na sebe, okolo nejakej terasy alebo bazénu, nejaký pupkatý z východu, ako... Prepáčte mi ten výraz. Ale, každopádne, ten chlapík pre mňa vyzeral ako chlap: tvrdý, drsný. Vyzeral akoby žil tam, kde Boh učinil muža, aby žil. A ja som ho obdivoval.

115Prišiel do reštaurácie a objednal si pár palaciniek. Bolo tam okolo pätnásť, dvadsať ľudí. Musel si kýchnuť. Viete, ako niektorí ľudia [brat Branham napodobňuje potláčanie kýchnutia - pozn.prekl.]... (Prepáčte.) Ale on vydal riadne, veľké, zdravé, lesácke kýchnutie: Hap-čiuúch! Ó, to vyzeralo akoby vietor zafúkal. A keď to urobil, nikto sa neodvážil nič povedať. Nie veru. Povedal som, "Billy, tam je muž podľa môjho srdca."

Povedal, "Och, ocko, nechceš byť ako..."

"To je to, čo... To som ja v budúcnosti." Vidíte? Povedal som, "To som ja."

116A trochu som tam ešte sedel, a Billy sa na mňa pozrel a ďalej jedol svoje palacinky. A ja som svoje už dojedol. Za niekoľko minút, niekto v boxe hneď vedľa nás, stena bola týmto smerom, zadná strana boxu, nemohol som tam vidieť. Muž vstal, ktorý vyzeral z profilu presne ako ja, okolo sedemdesiatpäť ročný, malý, drobný chlapík, a jeho šaty na ňom priviazané, otrhaný. A kamoš, ktorý vstal s ním, bol presne Fletcher Broy: sivé vlasy visiace na jeho tvári. A Billy sa pozrel okolo a povedal, "Oci, to vyzerá ako ty a Fletcher." Mohli by ste si predstaviť, ako som sa cítil. A ten malý chlapík, ktorý vyzeral ako ja, sa zakolísal. Vy... A stál nad pecou, bol tam okolo nich všetkých dym, špinavé tváre. Myslel som si, že ich raňajky spolu... Ten muž musel zaplatiť dvadsať centov: možno šálka kávy alebo niečo. Moje srdce vo mne sa zachvelo. A sledoval som. A Billy povedal, "Čo je s tebou?"

Povedal som, "Nič." A sledoval som to. A oni šli okolo a vyšli von.

Povedal, "Ocko, čo sa stalo?"

Povedal som, "Nič." A on šiel do auta. Povedal som...

On povedal, "Nebude ti vadiť, keď budeš znovu šoférovať?"

Povedal som, "Nie."

Povedal, "Som stále ospalý."

117Tak on šiel spať a ja som šiel pomaly cestou, okolo päťdesiatpäť míľ za hodinu, v nákladiaku, cez hory, prichádzajúc naproti hranici, dolu k, prichádzajúc domov do Arizony, ale teraz som prichádzal do Utahu. A keď som sa tam dostal, práve keď som schádzal z hôr, asi dvadsať míľ od mesta... Práve keď... Počuli ste to, ako som vám povedal, o tom ráne, o veveričkách a všetkých tých veciach, ako niečo... Niekto ku mne hovoril, hlas presne tak isto, ako počujete môj. Viem, že to znie neuroticky. Ale ako som práve prešiel tým vyjadrením, "Povedal som vám niekedy niečo, čo by nebolo pravdou?" A hlas prehovoril. Ja som hovoril k nemu.

118Povedal, "Uskutočni svoje plány a budeš takto vyzerať."

Povedal som, "Pane, ja nechcem byť takýto."

119Povedal, "Tvoja žena pôjde tiež. Ona takto nebude žiť tam hore v tých horách. A ty sa staneš povaľačom, tak ako ten sen ukázal, že budeš."

120Povedal som, "Nechcem byť taký, ale... Ja nechcem takto žiť. Chcem robiť niečo iné. Ale bolo mi povedané, že si ma povolal, aby som bol prorokom a ja chcem žiť v pustatine ako prorok." Ale ja som používal svoje vlastné ospravedlnenie, aby som mohol poľovať: moje vlastné dobro.

121A On povedal, "Ale to boli proroci Starej Zmluvy. Ty si bol povolaný, aby si bol tam v oveľa vyššom úrade, ako to." Povedal, "Ty máš okrem toho viac darov; bol si povolaný, aby si sa modlil za chorých a kázal evanjelium v apoštolských formách, ty vieš o väčších veciach, mnohých veľkých daroch." Povedal, "Prečo na Mňa čakáš, že ťa pohnem zakaždým, keď sa pohneš? Kde je tvoja odmena?" Potom som pochopil. A potom povedal, "Pamätáš sa? (Povedal som ti...?...) Pamätáš sa, čo ti brat Roberson povedal v tvojom sne, v jeho sne, alebo videní? Že si urobil ako Mojžiš; zabudol si na cítenie svojho ľudu. Zabudol si na povolanie, do ktorého som ťa povolal."

122Nechal som chorých ležať. Chcem, aby mi Pán povedal, kam mám ísť a kam nie. To nie je správne. Vybudoval som si komplex, lebo ľudia nepočúvali moje posolstvo. A ak budete... A nech Boh nedovolí, aby som sa snažil porovnávať ten terajší život ako Mojžiš, ale to je presne to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Ľudia ho nepočúvali, keď ich prišiel vyslobodiť, tak on ich jednoducho nechal tak a šiel na púšť, ale Boh ho obrátil. A on na dlho zabudol na trpiacich ľudí.

123A potom som povedal, "Pane, ak... Ako som mohol... Je to tak. Bez vzdelania, len so základným vzdelaním, byť schopný... A ľudia stáli v radoch a všade, aby počuli jednoduché evanjelium." Je to viac; teraz je to väčšie, ako to bolo pod Starou Zmluvou. On vystúpil na výsosť a dal ľuďom dary (Vidíte?), Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

124Potom som rozprával a počul som, ako To hovorí ku mne. A odišlo To odo mňa. A povedal som, "Billy." A on tvrdo spal. Povedal som, "Billy, to si bol ty?" A on sa ani nezobudil.

125A myslel som si, "Pane Bože (Spomalil som auto.), čo toto znamená?"

A povedal som, "Billy, Billy."

Povedal, "Čo chceš?"

A povedal som, "Hovoríš so mnou?"

"Nie, prečo?"

126A povedal som, "Chcem ti niečo povedať. Pred nedávnom sa mi sníval sen. Pamätáš, ako si videl toho chlapíka, ktorý vyzeral ako ja a Fletch? Opýtaj sa mamy, keď sa vrátiš do Tusconu; povedal som jej tento sen. A Billy, niečo sa deje. Teraz sa to deje. Niečo ku mne hovorilo, a ja som si myslel, že si to ty."

127Pozrel sa na mňa tak trochu zvláštne a chvíľu čakal. Šoférovali sme ďalej, tak na pár minút znovu zaspal. A ja som šoféroval a rozmýšľal som o, "Čo to mohlo znamenať?" Šoférujúc dolu cestou, a to... Zrazu, tu To prišlo a znovu hovorilo.

128A On povedal, "Vráť sa. Nepovedal som ti na začiatku, aby si konal prácu evanjelistu? Keď som ťa povolal dolu pri rieke, nepovedal som, "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod... Nebol Ján viac ako prorok?"

Sám Ježiš tak povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vonku vidieť, proroka?" Povedal, "Viac ako proroka."

129Potom to všetko začalo prichádzať ku mne. Začal som byť zvedavý. Potom mi On znovu pripomenul tých ľudí. Ako, robiac to, čo robil Mojžiš, ako mohol Mojžiš dosiahnuť k ľuďom na pustatine? A ako by som ja mohol dosiahnuť k ľuďom v pustatine? Presne tá istá vec. Potom prichádza táto 2. Timoteovi 4. Pamätáte sa, keď sme posväcovali zbor v to ráno pred tridsiatimi rokmi (niektorí z vás starších), keď mi On ukázal tie stromy a ja som ich zasadil po oboch stranách? Pamätáte si to? Pamätáte si to videnie. Je to všetko napísané v knihách a na páskach a všetko. Bolo to pred rokmi, ako som toto videl, a ja som nikdy neprekročil jednotu a trojicu. Stál som medzi nimi a zasadil som tie stromy, a to boli jediné stromy, ktoré mali ovocie. A ja... Všetky stromy narástli na okolo tridsať stôp a zastavili sa. Tieto šli rovno do neba. Odlomené z tej istej vetvy... Vidíte? Jeden na jednej strane a jeden na druhej, a ja som ich zlomil. Pamätáte si to videnie. Vidíte? Je to napísané v knihách a je to v mojom životnom príbehu a všetko. A oni šli rovno do neba, takto, rýchlo. A On povedal, "Natiahni svoje ruky pre ovocie." A potom som našiel to isté ovocie v kríži, keď som tam bežal. A On povedal, "Konaj prácu evanjelistu. Urob plný dôkaz svojej služby. Príde čas, keď neznesú zdravú náuku. Vtedy sa nezastav; choď ďalej." To všetko prišlo na moju myseľ.

130A potom si pamätám, táto Marilyn Monroe, to dievča, ktoré som videl umierať asi týždeň predtým, ako umrela, a ako oni povedali, že spáchala samovraždu, hoci nespáchala. Povedal som im o tom predtým, čo sa stane, a to sa stalo; ako sa stalo tým boxerom tam hore, jeden išiel zabiť toho druhého. Pomýlil som si to dievča. Je to iné dievča. Jej bratrancom je Danny Henry. Ako sa volá? Jane Russel. Jej bratranec, baptistický chlapec...

131A ja som kázal v Los Angeles na raňajkách Obchodníkov, a niečo tam jednoducho leží na tých organizáciách, a tam ustanovili vedúceho muža Zborov a mnoho veľkých hodnostárov sa tam zhromaždilo. A keď som dohovoril a schádzal som z pódia, pripravený... Lebo posolstvo bolo vyslané po celom národe cez rádio, a musel sa uskutočniť výmena. Počas tej výmeny, keď vypol rádio, potom aby bolo vyslané to posolstvo, a to sa vrátilo a ohlásilo stanicu, a ja som bol u Cliftona, kde sme mali raňajky... A ako som kráčal z horného pódia na dolné, milý, pekne vyzerajúci mladý muž okolo tridsiatky, vybehol a objal ma. Povedal, "Som Danny Henry." A nevediac, že to bol jeho brat, ktorý robil televízne vysielanie. A to vysielalo po Kresťanských Obchodníkoch. (A je to Jane Russel, tá filmová hviezda, jej bratranec. Jej matka je letničná kazateľka.)

132A potom, keď som... Začal ku mne bežať, a objal ma, a povedal, "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Branham." Povedal, "Dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale z môjho pohľadu by to posolstvo mohlo byť 23. kapitolou Zjavenia." A keď to povedal, začal hovoriť v jazykoch, chlapec, ktorý o niečom takom ani nepočul, baptista podľa denominácie. A hneď ako... Zbledol, a pozrel sa na mňa; nevedel, čo má robiť. Boli tam ľudia, ktorí tam sedeli. Bol si tam, Fred? Koľkí tam boli v tom čase? Áno, sú tu dvaja alebo traja, ktorí tam boli v tom čase. A on nevedel, čo povedať.

133A bola tam veľká, Francúzka, ktorá tu sedela; povstala; povedala, "No, to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad." Povedala, "To bola čistá francúzština."

Ten chlapec povedal, "Ja neviem jediné slovo po francúzsky." A ona zapísala, čo povedal.

134A potom tam v rohu sedel muž; povedal, "To je pravda. Zapísal som, čo povedal. Je to francúzština." Vzadu, blonďavý, dobre vyzerajúci chlapík, stojaci oproti stene, prišiel dopredu a porovnal zápisky. Bol to prekladateľ pre OSN, do francúzštiny. A tento muž tam bol Victor Le Doux, zo zboru Arne Vick, a on to zapísal. A mám k tomu výklad.

135Počúvajte toto, keď to prečítam.

“Ja, Victor Le Doux, som čistokrvný Francúz, znovuzrodený kresťan naplnený Svätým Duchom. Moja adresa je: 809 North King Road, Los Angeles 46. Navštevujem Bethel Temple, pastor Arne Vick. Pravdivý preklad, ktorý prehlasujem, proroctva povedaného o bratovi Branhamovi, dané Dannym Henrym vo francúzštine, 11. februára 1961, na raňajkách Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Pravdivý preklad proroctva.

Tak tu je to, čo To povedalo:

136‘ Pretože si si vybral úzky chodník, ťažšiu cestu, kráčal si podľa svojho vlastného výberu. (No, môžem to vidieť. Mojžiš tiež musel urobiť svoj výber. Vidíte?). Vybral si si presnú a správnu cestu, správne rozhodnutie, a to je Moja cesta (podčiarknuté 'Moja cesta', Svätý Duch znovu hovorí). Kvôli tomuto významnému rozhodnutiu, čaká ťa obrovská porcia neba.

Aké úžasné rozhodnutie... (Teraz, dobre počúvajte.)... Čo za úžasné rozhodnutie, ktoré si urobil. Toto samo osebe je to, čo spôsobí, a stane sa, ohromné víťazstvo v Božskej láske.’”

137Všimnite si, to je sloveso pred príslovkou. Vidíte? Francúzština... No, prekladateľ z OSN to preložil, a ten chlapec nevie ani jedno slovo: nikdy nepočul, nikdy nepočul o takej veci ako hovorenie v jazykoch. On bol baptista. Len tam náhodne vpadol a počul tú hudbu, a povedal, že tam prišiel a stál tam a počúval ma kázať.

138No... "v Božskej láske," Božská láska... Ako to môže byť Božská Láska, ak to nie je Duch Svätý? Duch Svätý je Božská Láska.

139No... A keď sme Billy a ja šli dolu cestou (Vidíte?), začali sme ísť dolu tou cestou, Billy znovu zaspal. A To povedalo, "Dám ti večné znamenie."

140Povedal som, "Pane, čo..." Chvíľu som čakal a nič sa nestalo. Povedal som, "Čo je večné znamenie, Pane?" A čakal som pár minút. A práve vtedy... Pozrel som sa na Billyho. Spal.

141A On povedal, "Dám ti večné znamenie," znovu. Povedal, "Pozri sa smerom na západ, odtiaľ, kde teraz si."

142A obrátil som hlavu takto v nákladiaku, aby som sa pozrel (spomalil som, viete)... A ó, ach, Duch Pánov... Cítil som sa, že by som mohol kričať a plakať. Pozrel som sa, a práve som videl horu s bielymi čiapkami na nej. Povedal som, "Neviem, nevidím na tom žiadne večné znamenie."

143Povedal, "Tvoje meno je napísané na tom celom."

144Ó, myslel som si, "Čo je to?" A skutočne som zoslabol a začal som zastavovať.

145A Billy vstal a povedal, "Čo je s tebou?" A vytiahol som takto svoje ruky, pot kvapkal z mojich rúk, to je...?...

146Povedal som, "Billy, niečo sa deje. Zrazu viem, kde som robil zle. Viem, že som sklamal Boha." A zdalo sa, že počujem tú pieseň, ako je spievaná, a vidím tisíce rôznych ľudí chromých, zmrzačených, slepých, a zvädnutých: počul som zbor, hlas nejakého veľkého, slávneho hlasu, ako spieva:

Nečistý! Nečistý! Zlí duchovia ho viedli. (Poznáte tú pieseň.)

Potom prišiel Ježiš a vyslobodil zajatých.

147Videl som zástupy chorých, ako všade ležali. A musel som zastaviť. Billy nevedel, čo sa dialo, a ja som sa pozrel.

148Zastal som a pozrel som sa hore na horu a videl som tých sedem vrcholov. No, tu, ak chcete niečo vidieť. Bolo tam sedem vrcholkov na vrchu pohoria, jedného pohoria, ktoré sa rozprestieralo na niekoľko míľ. Posledné pohorie, pred tým, ako vojdete do ďalšej krajiny, potom už nie sú žiadne hory. A to sa rozprestieralo z východu na západ, to pohorie. A na vrchu malo snehové čiapky.

149Prvé dva malé vrchy a potom veľký vrch... A potom ďalší malý vrch, a potom väčší vrch... A potom malý vrch a potom obrovský, veľký,dlhý, so snehovým vrcholom. A povedal som, "Pane, "Ja nerozumiem, čo to znamená."

150Povedal, "Koľko je tam vrcholov?"

151Povedal som, "Je ich sedem."

152"Koľko písmen je v tvojom mene?" B-r-a-n-h-a-m, M-a-r-r-i-o-n, B-r-a-n-h-a-m.

153A boli tam tri obzvlášť pozoruhodné vrcholy. Povedal, "Tieto tri vrcholy sú prvé, druhé a tretie potiahnutie. Prvé bolo prvou časťou tvojej služby: malý kopec; potom tvoje prvé potiahnutie, pekne vysoko. (Viete, znak v ruke.)" Potom je tam malá medzera, čas, keď som bol vzatý, keď som bol príliš vyčerpaný. Mnohí z vás si to pamätáte. A potom prichádza rozpoznanie, druhé potiahnutie. No, mal som ďalšie, niekoľko rokov tu, tak trochu malých vrcholov (Vidíte?), ako by moja služba nebola práve... A potom prišlo to tretie.

154Tri je číslo úplnosti (Vidíte?), to tretie. Ďalší vrch bol päť, číslo milosti. A ďalší vrch bol sedem, číslo dokonalosti: koniec. "Šesť dní budeš pracovať, siedmy je Sobota, koniec týždňa, koniec času." Vidíte? A zastavil som a ukázal som to Billymu. A pozeral som sa na ne.

155A On povedal, "To... Nechaj to stáť. Ak bude niekedy v tvojej mysli pochybnosť, pamätaj na toto miesto; vráť sa sem späť."

156A Billy ma udrel do pleca, povedal, "Oci, pozri sa na východ." A ako sa to stalo, ja neviem, ale tam na východnej strane cesty bola tá horiaca skládka. Míle a míle od akéhokoľvek druhu mesta, stará hromada odpadkov ležiaca tam na ľavej strane cesty.

157Vraciam sa na pole. Amen. Starý alebo mladý, živý alebo mŕtvy, budem poslúchať Boha, až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí. Sklamal som Pána, nebol som ochotný... Či urobím... Pokúšal som sa... Dovoľte, aby som pripojil toto. Vidíte? (Zostalo ešte trochu pásky?) Dovoľte mi pripojiť toto. Chcel som... chcel som vidieť Ježiša Krista zamanifestovaného bez jedinej chyby. A nech bratia, ktorí počujú túto pásku a tento zbor nech si pamätá od tohto dňa, ten dôvod, prečo ste nemali žiadne nedostatky, a dôvod, prečo po všetky tieto roky... Nemôžete povedať jednu vec, ktorá bola kedy povedaná alebo urobená, ktorá by sa nestala. Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby priniesol ktorúkoľvek z tých tisíc vecí na pódiu a rozpoznanie, a predpoveď toho, čo sa stane; stalo sa to presne do písmena. No, ak tomu cirkev verí, povedzte, "Amen", aby...?... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." - vyd.] Nie je na svete osoba, ktorá by mohla jedno ukázať.

Ale nech je známe cirkvi tu a cirkvi po nej: Ak Boh tlačí človeka cez rúru a ten sa vôbec nehýbe, až kým mu Boh nepovie, nie je s tým spojená žiadna viera. Je to Boh, ktorý ťa do niečoho tlačí. A to postavilo službu na miesto, kde proti tomu nikto nemôže povedať ani slovo. Ale od tejto chvíle, dovoľte mi najprv k vám hovoriť v Mene Pánovom, predtým, ako budete počúvať, lebo musím vykročiť vierou. Musím to urobiť vierou, či si myslím, že je to správne alebo nesprávne, alebo čo... Robím to najlepšie pri svojom výbere a potom to idem urobiť. Lebo to nebolo nesprávne, je to preto, lebo som čakal, kým mi On nepovie, aby som to šiel urobiť. Čakal som na Neho, tak som to nebol ja; bol to On.

158Ale, vidíte, dokonca Svätý Pavol sa raz dostal medzi úžinu. A mnohokrát, keď Boh robil veci alebo nechal Svojich služobníkov to robiť, to boli chyby, aby sa dokázali tieto veci. No, vieme, že ľudské bytosti môžu robiť chyby, ale Boh nemôže urobiť chybu. Ale teraz, ak sa dostanem na pole kázania a pôjdem tou cestou, ktorou idem, potom musím usporiadať zhromaždenia, ktoré sú predo mnou a urovnať tie veci. A možno toto je ten skvelý čas, ktorý prichádza, ktorý sme hľadali. A istotne, a toto samo osebe je ohromná vec, ktorá sa stane, a spôsobí, že sa stane, to úžasné víťazstvo v Láske Božej (a to je sloveso pred príslovkou), potom je to Božská Láska, ktorou je Boh. Vidíte? A na to je potrebná láska Božia, aby sa vrhla do prednej línie a postavila sa do medzery za ľudí.

159A títo Rikyovia a Rikety, ktorí tak odvrávali na tie slová, že som ich volal "Riky" a "Riketa," Boh mi dal porozumieť, že by som to nemal robiť, lebo to je... Mnohí z nich sú stále Jeho deti. Musím... Oni si nemôžu pomôcť, lebo sa správajú tak odlišne. Niektorí s týchto starých, chladných, formálnych cirkví, ktoré ich majú, ten duch na nich, a oni sú tak vo väzení, ako bol Izrael vo väzení, tak veľmi, že Mojžiš šiel dolu, aby ich vyslobodil z otroctva: ľudské bytosti, ktoré milujú Ježiša Krista, slúžili by Mu, ak by len vedeli, čím Mu slúžiť. A oni sú v zajatí pod denominacionalizmom, ktorý im hovorí, "Toto nerob," a "Tamto nerob."

160Ale volanie Božie musí prísť, "Ktokoľvek chce pochodovať smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, nech pochoduje." Sme na našej ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Amen...?... Nech prídu, pochodujú. Sme na našej ceste stretnúť Krista v čase konca. A chcel som vám toto priniesť, aby ste videli, a ukázať vám tie chyby, ktoré môže človek urobiť, hoci je úprimný.

161Mojžiš stratil cítenie svojho ľudu, lebo ho nepočúvali. A, brat Roy, vidíš svoj sen? A teraz, ja nemôžem ísť s takouto službou, až kým o tom nebudem cítiť inak vo svojom srdci, nezáleží na tom, či mi to Boh povedal. Ale to je to, čo to mení, brat Roy, to prichádza. Niečo ma musí zmeniť, lebo, vo svojom srdci, ak by som tam vonku šiel s pocitom, ktorý teraz mám... Stále cítim, že oni mali počúvať to posolstvo, oni mali urobiť... A ja nemám cítenie pre ľudí, ktoré by som mal mať. A kým nedostanem to cítenie, nemá zmysel, aby som šiel, lebo by som bol pokrytec.

162A všetky tieto roky som sa Mu snažil slúžiť s pravdivým srdcom, a nechcem ísť tam von a byť pokrytec. Musím to cítiť, že to nie je "Riky" a "Riketa," a nie je to tá banda. Sú to Božie deti, ktoré sú v zajatí, a ja musím ísť k nim. A kým sa nebudem takto cítiť, musím sa len flákať okolo, kázať nejaké pravidlá a veci, ale čakať.

163Mám malú pieseň. Ja neviem spievať. Ja vám ju len zacitujem. (bratia, je to tak trochu naplánované.) Ja to nevyslovím správne. Nie je to správne napísané. Neviem, či to viem dokonca prečítať alebo nie. Je to na melódiu "Vojnová Hymna Republiky."

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja! (Počuli ste to.)

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja! (Koľkí... Samozrejme, všetci sme to počuli.)

Vidiecky kňaz jazdil po krajine,

s puškou na pleci a Bibliou v ruke;

Hovoril prérijným ľuďom o požehnanej zasľúbenej krajine,

Ako šiel jazdiac, spieval si.

Opierajúc sa, opierajúc sa,

opierajúc sa o večné rameno.

Opierajúc sa, opierajúc sa,

opierajúc sa o večné rameno.

Kázal prichádzajúci súd ohňa a síry;

a slávne, nekonečné nebo len tých spravodlivých.

Ako jazdil cez hory, mohli ste ho počuť spievať túto pieseň,

ako jazdil ďalej.

Leží moc, moc, divotvorná moc,

v tej Krvi, Baránka;

Leží moc, moc, divotvorná moc,

v drahej krvi Baránka.

164Starý vidiecky kazateľ, pamätáte si ho. Vidíte?

No, jeho puška je stará a hrdzavá

a visí na stene;

jeho Biblia je opotrebovaná

a zaprášená a je zriedkakedy dotknutá; (Je to tak)

Ale posolstvo, ktoré nám prináša, nás stretne v ten deň,

lebo Božia Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. (Všetci.)

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Jeho pravda pochoduje vpred.

165Idem sa to naučiť. Stál som dnes ráno, keď som to zapisoval, položil som ruku na moju starú pušku visiacu na stene. Viem, že to nebude dlho.

Jeho puška je stará a hrdzavá

a visí na stene (Je to tak),

A jeho Biblia je opotrebovaná

a zaprášená a je zriedkakedy dotknutá.

Ale Jeho posolstvo z tejto Biblie... na súde jedného dňa;

A Jeho Pravda stále pochoduje vpred.

166Božia Pravda je táto Biblia. Áno, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

167Starý vidiecky kazateľ so svojou puškou cez chrbát, svojou Bibliou v ruke, cválal cez prériu, a po horách, a dolu do priekop a všade, kázal o prichádzajúcom miléniu, o prichádzajúcom horiacom súde pre nespravodlivých, a kázal Kráľovstvo Božie pre spravodlivých. To je pravda. Stará winchestrovka zhrdzavela. A Biblia, oni majú namiesto Toho nejakú knihu o sexe. Ale Božia Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. On činí Seba dnes práve tak skutočným, ako to dokazuje, ako vždy bol.

Božia pravda stále pochoduje vpred.

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Jeho pravda pochoduje vpred.

168Prečo? Niekto To vezme, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Spievajme to znovu. No, sme tu zmiešaní, Metodisti, Baptisti, Luteráni, všetko ďalšie. Zatiaľ čo spievame ten posledný refrén, potrasme si ruky s niekým okolo nás a potom budeme rozpustení.

169A teraz, pamätajte, vy, ktorí musíte ísť do svojich vlastných zborov, choďte dnes. Pozdravte odo mňa svojho pastora. A potom sa za mňa modlite, každý z vás. A potom znovu, chcem, aby ste si pamätali, ak nemáte kam ísť... (A ak by ste mali čokoľvek...) Po posolstve brata Nevilleho dnes večer, po tom, ako bude mať svoje posolstvo, potom chcem nahrať pásku "Červené blikajúce Svetlo Jeho príchodu" (Vidíte?) dnes večer. Pán nech vás teraz požehná. A budúci týždeň, budem... Budúci nedeľu, ak bude Pán chcieť, možno budem znovu dolu, aby som nahral ďalšiu pásku, lebo musím byť v Arkansase tento budúci týždeň.

170V poriadku, teraz, spievajme znovu a potrasme si teraz ruky.

Sláva! Sláva, haleluja!

Sláva! Sláva, … (Pane Ježišu, požehnaj tieto vreckovky ako kladiem na ne svoje ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista.)

171Chvála Bohu. No, skloňme svoje hlavy na chvíľu. Si presne načas, brat Ruddell. Príď sem na chvíľu. Brat Ruddell, ďalší z našich spolupracujúcich bratov tu, toho malého združenia cirkví, ktoré spolu máme, skrátka medzidenominačné. A počul som o statočnom postoji, ktorý mal brat Ruddell k Evanjeliu. A tak hovorím toto, brat Ruddell, že všetko na tej ceste... Boh nezasľúbil kvetinovú pohodlnú posteľ, ale On zasľúbil bitku. Áno, ale On zasľúbil víťazstvo. To je tá vec.

172Pamätám sa, keď som prvýkrát zaujal tento postoj, dokonca moja vlastná matka a otec ma chceli vyhodiť z domu. Vidíte? Ale, ó, ach, ako som ich pokrstil v Mene Pána Ježiša. Jediná nádej, ktorú dnes mám, je kvôli tomu postoju. Som rád, že to posolstvo z Biblie od starého vidieckeho kazateľa dolu do tohto času... Hoci ľudia sa s tým skontaktovali, a zredukovali to, a urobili denominácie a položili vyznania a všetko ďalšie do toho, tá Pravda stále pochoduje vpred. To je pravda. Stále pochoduje vpred.

173Nech Boh žehná každého jedného a dúfame, že vás čoskoro uvidíme naozaj skoro. Dovtedy, urobíte teraz pre mňa túto jednu láskavosť, aj vy tu, a tiež pri páskach, vy, bratia? Modlite sa, aby Boh dal do môjho srdca to niečo, čo som tam vonku stratil v tom komplexe. Je tak jednoduché vybudovať si komplex. Mal som rozhovor minule s mojím bratom Wayom, ktorý tu sedí, sedí tu pred nami: dobrý človek, ale vybudoval si komplex, iný druh komplexu. Urobil tú istú vec. Brat Way, ty to môžeš tak ľahko urobiť. Je to... Ty si len niečo malé vezmeš do hlavy, stále myslíš tým spôsobom... Choď späť a skontroluj to so Slovom, pozri, či je to správne alebo nie, a potom odtiaľ pokračuj. Áno. Nestrácajte cítenie ľudí. Vidíte? Musíte pamätať, že nie sú utvorení z pilín; oni sú telo a krv, ľudské bytosti s dušou. Modlite sa za mňa, všetci, ak môžete. Nech vás teraz Boh žehná.

174Ideme skloniť naše hlavy a poprosiť brata Ruddella, či by ne... [brat Parnell hovorí zo zhromaždenia - pozn.prekl.] Dobre, brat. [brat Parnell hovorí bratovi Branhamovi sen, ktorý mal - pozn.prekl.] Chvála Bohu. Toto je kazateľ. Niekto možno nevie. A on bol jeden z tej skupiny, ktorá (nemal som dnes ráno čas), ktorá bola v jednom z tých snov, hovoriacich o mne, ako idem inou cestou (Vidíte?), idúc na západ, idúc von na západ v tomto poslednom čase: brat J.T.Parnell.

175No, môžno sú cudzinci, ktorí sa čudujú, že ľudia mávajú sny, snári. Nie, my nejdeme za všetkými druhmi snov, ale veríme, že Biblia povedala, "A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na ľudí; a budú prorokovať, a vidieť videnia a snívať sny." A pokiaľ je to v hraniciach Biblie, je mojou povinnosťou veriť tomu a kázať to. A keď ľudia hovoria sny, ak Pán nedá výklad, necháme to tak. A ak je to niečo... Keď niekto hovorí v jazykoch, musí to byť niečo pre cirkev a musí sa to tiež stať. Ak nie, je to zlý duch. Musí sa to stať, lebo výklad jazykov je proroctvo. Vieme, že je to tak. Tak my sa tu snažíme žiť Bibliu práve takým spôsobom, ako je To učené, neuberať z Toho nič alebo nepridávať k Tomu, ale jednoducho to žiť, tak ako To je.

Nech je Pán požehnaný. To mi pomáha, brat J.T, veriť, že... Boh mi nepovedal, aby som teraz išiel von a robil kompromis s hriechom. Ale len ísť von a pokračovať vo veciach.

176Modlime sa teraz, brat... [Žena v zhromaždení kričí - pozn.prekl.]... Niekto omdlel. Len chvíľu, seďte teraz ticho.

177Nebeský Otče, nech Tvoja milosť len...?... v bratovi Way...?... V Mene Ježiša Krista...?... nech sa stane. Vráť ho späť, Pane, daj mu silu...?...

178Tak mi pomôž, jeho srdce znovu začína biť...?... Pane Ježišu, nech Tvoja dobrota a milosť je...?... Je to preč. Ako tu stojím na tomto oltári, kde boli kázané pohreby, kde tu stojím, kde stovky ľudí, ktorí sa premodlili ku Kristovi... Sklonil som sa; jeho oči boli zavreté; jeho pulz bol preč. A nič viac, len zavolanie Mena Ježiša Krista, a jeho pulz znovu naskočil...?... Chvála Pánovi. Ako kazateľ kríža, hovorím to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nie je On nádherný? Srdcový záchvat... Vidíte? Som tak vďačný, že sa to stalo práve teraz, namiesto toho, aby to čakalo, kým neodídeme. Vidíte Božiu milosť? Nech je Pán požehnaný. Skloňme len naše hlavy.

179Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti teraz za Tvoju dobrotu a Tvoju milosť. Si stále v našom strede. Daj mi, Pane, Olej do mojej lampy. Daj mi Palicu Pánovu, aby som ju mohol natiahnuť ku chorým a postihnutým, aby som ju mohol priniesť k vyslobodeniu tých, ktorí sú v potrebe a k súdu pre tých, ktorí odmietajú. Daj to, Otče. Ďakujeme Ti za všetku Tvoju dobrotu, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Brat Ruddell, nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

STANDING IN THE GAP, 63-0623M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 114 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let us remain standing just a moment now, as we bow for prayer. Let's bow our heads. And if there's any special request, would you just let it be known by your hands uplifted. Now hold in your heart those things that you need, and ask the Heavenly Father that He'll grant it.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we are coming to Thee now in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We are coming, believing that the things that we desire is to be made known in prayer. And if we would believe that we receive what we ask for, it would be granted. Now that promise is so true. All these years, we've seen It tested, and we know that It's true. We want to thank You, first, for sparing our lives and permitting us to be back here again, together, assembled here in the congregation of the Lord.

3We thank Thee for the church and for the pastor, and for the great Truth in which it's built here and stands for. We thank Thee for every person that's in Divine Presence. And we ask that You'll be merciful to us, today, and grant unto us the understanding that we have need of, that we might be a more efficient servant for Thee. It's our heart's desire to serve Thee with reverence and with a true heart, and that You might get the very best out of our lives. Every day, may our walks be so that You'll be well pleased with the things that we did for that day.

4 Now we pray for all the sick and the needy, today, that's in the Divine Presence here, and in the presence of Your sanctuaries everywhere around the world, that the great Jehovah will come in His power and heal all the sick and afflicted. Get glory unto Thy great Name! Bless every secret in the heart, this morning, of those requests for prayer. We pray, now, as You look down into every heart and see what they had reference to as they raised their hand, and give to them their desire. And bless us as we further worship You. And when we leave the building this morning and we go to our homes, may we be able to say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the way?" We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You can be seated.

5 I would like to say that it's good, this morning, to be here again in the congregation of the people, in the Presence of the Lord. And it's been a few months since I was back. And last Sunday I intended to come down, but I--I suppose it wasn't the will of the Lord. Somehow, the valley here is very unhealthy for me. Soon as I come into the valley, I'm allergic to this air that's in here, and I break out in hives all over. And I think the hives went right straight into the stomach, and I was so sick, I... shivering, and shaking, and chills. And I just couldn't come down, although I got up and tried to force myself to do so. And I--I know that I--I've... The valley is very unhealthy, and it's unhealthy and--and I'm not suppose to live in it.

6 Now we want to report, we have had a great time in the services of the Lord, out across the different parts of the country where the Lord has called us to minister. And now I wasn't expecting to speak this morning on any certain thing, yet Brother Neville so wanted me to--to say something of being here with the people. So I... He is always gracious in that way, as we all know Brother Neville. And we love Brother Neville. Now, there isn't a day that I don't think about he and his wife and family, and his children, pray for them. God give him strength to go on, carry on! As we know, our time is running out. We're just so close un-... of tomorrow, that the evening Lights of today. And I...

7 Our family is out in the West. We all got along fine. And I gained twelve pounds, and lost ten of it since I been back. And Billy Paul gained eighteen pounds. And Rebekah and Sarah and Joseph, all gained. Of course, my wife didn't gain. So--so I'd be daresn't to say that up here, you know, 'cause I have to go home after a while. So I... But we had a--a wonderful, wonderful time, and so grateful. We...

8 Kind of bad, I thought, to come back, but there is one great thing, two things mainly that we missed, that there is no other place can take its place. One thing, our friends here, and the church. No matter where we go, we find friends, and we're grateful for our friends. But there is something about those friends who has stuck with you through the thick and thin, that there is no way to substitute them friends. No matter what any other friend could be, there is no way to substitute a friend like that. You're just squeezed into them, you're one. And we, together, looking for the Coming of the Lord, as the days go on. And it's kind of hard to try to think that you could... You cannot be separated.

9 It comes to my mind of a Scripture that I believe Paul wrote, and said in the Corinthians, that, "There is nothing present, nothing future, and no powers, neither nakedness, starvation, peril, or any creature present, neither life, nor death, can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ." How that even death itself will never separate us, because we have been joined together in heart, in this great fellowship around the Word of God. And even death itself will not separate us. We'll be united in the great Eternals, for all times and ages.

10 And then the children... Of a morning, we would go to church, of course. But everywhere you go, there is not a... It isn't the little tabernacle on the corner. And there is something about it, I--I miss hearing that little old bell and I... dinging up there on top, of a morning. And I think it isn't ringing at the time, because they haven't put the steeple on just yet, for the bell.

11And then to gather here at Eighth and Penn Street, where some thirty-five years ago, kneeling here in an old swamp, to build my first church, and how the Lord Jesus dealt with me on that. And today it stands as a little shrine here. And the brick and mortar, it stands as a shrine. But down in the inside of my heart, it's a shrine that'll last as long as I have memory. It's a...

12And what makes a church is not the building, it's the people who gather beneath it to worship God. We're grateful for these things.

13 And now I thought, maybe being that our time was up, almost, and--and we don't have much time left, I would just kind of brief you on some things that's happened. And then I'm going to make some tapes while I'm here, because I promised you all, see, that any new message, tape message, would first be from this platform. Here is where all the tapes are made, not out there. Now, Brother Jim and them goes along and sells tapes in the meeting, and so forth, but there it's always on something that's come forth from here first. See? You check anywhere back, you'll find it. That's my promise to you, and it will continue that way until the Lord God changes it.

14 And I think now that our tape customers, which around the world, a Message that goes forth from here, It circles the globe. See? Out into the jungles and everywhere, It goes by tape recordings. And to the heathens and so forth, by many, many different languages It's interpreted in. So I want, while I'm here, the Lord willing, to make some new tapes. And maybe, if the pastor hasn't got something burned into his heart tonight, well, I'd like to maybe make a tape tonight.

15 And then I'm going to Arkansas tomorrow, and, or Tuesday, rather, Tuesday morning, to help out in a little convention there with the International Brotherhood of Christians. I think... Or maybe I mispronounced that. It's something about National Brotherhood of Christians. I really don't know. I'm sorry. That's awful, isn't it? [A brother says, "Associated Brotherhood of Christians."--Ed.] Thank you, sir. Associated Brotherhood of Christians. And I was supposed to have through, from Sunday now, on through. But I held today for the tabernacle, to be down here. And then--then I'll get out on Friday... Is that the, sir, is... Friday is when the--the meetings close down there. And I'll try to get back Saturday night, to be here Sunday morning, the Lord willing. I'll make another tape. And maybe sometimes, along now, I want to make a few tapes before we go.

16 And then I'm really pressing for Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to that convention. And then--and then come back. And then I'm supposed to go, by all means, to Anchorage. See? And--and from Fairbanks and Anchorage, for the Christian Full Gospel Business Men, on those chapters. And then back. And if the Lord willing, up to Chicago at the last week in July.

17And I suppose then, about that time, I'll have to hurry the children off to Arizona again to be in... to get them in school out there. Because, Charlie, I have to be here about the fifteenth of August. So I--I want to be back by that time, the Lord willing, down in Kentucky. Everybody laughing, maybe some of the newcomers wouldn't know what that meant. And just kind of hope it don't sound bad from the platform, but that's when squirrel season comes in. So, Mama Cox, I'm depending on that, you see, so for a couple weeks down there for my vacation.

18 Now I believe the... I got something here that Billy wrote me, some little notes. And one of them said, "Daddy, Brother Neville wants to know if you could dedicate two children." Certainly, just be fine. And, yes, we have a--the dedicational service that the... We might as well have that now. And then I think we'll kind of take the next forty-five minutes, or something, on briefing on some of the things that's taken place.

19Now, many of the people and churches, being that when I... This is a open tabernacle. It's never been a denomination, and God grant that it won't, never. Because, we want this a place where we have no--no law but love, no creed but Christ, no textbook but the Bible. And then, we do not have membership, we have fellowship one with another, for all people, all denominations. Everybody is welcome and we have--and we have fellowship around the Word of God, where everybody can feel welcome as they can be. And principle, we just love the Lord Jesus. And--and we're not a--a scholarly group here. We're just plain people that try to just read the Bible and put no interpretation to It outside of what It just says. Just...

20 I believe that God will judge the world someday by the Bible. Now if they are... He is going to judge the world. And if there isn't a standard to judge by, how will the people know what to do? See? It would be God... You could not pin unjustice to--to God. And God has got to have something for His standard, that He judges the people by. Therefore if He judges it by the Roman Catholic church, then the Greek church, the Orthodox Catholic, and many of those, are certainly lost, and all the rest of the world. If He judges it by the Greek Orthodox Catholic church, and not by the Roman church, then the other... Then the Roman church and all the rest is lost. If He judges it by the Lutheran church, then the Presbyterians is gone. If He judged it by the Presbyterians, the Lutherans and Baptists is gone. See? So if He judges it by the Pentecostals, then all besides Pentecostals is gone.

21 But He'll not judge it by any church, to my opinion, because there is too much differences and too much confusion. But He'll judge it, the Bible says, "He'll judge the world by Jesus Christ." Now, that's Scriptural. Now... And the Bible said, that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." "The same yesterday, today, and forever." So, He is the Word, and This is Christ in letter form. And in the Book of Apocalypse to the Catholic, Revelation to the Protestant, in the 22nd chapter when this Book was finished, Jesus said, Himself, "If any man will take one Word from this Book, or add one word to It; the same, his part, will be taken from the Book of Life." So I... The reason we believe this, and stay just exactly. Nothing... He can do things that He hasn't written here, we know that. But as long as we just stay with what He has wrote, that'll be fine.

22 And now in dedication of children, many of the people, the Methodists sprinkle them. And--and I think they have their first communion in the Catholic church, or Lutheran, along about twelve years old, and kind of a--a baptismal service when they're born. I--I think the babies are sprinkled. And--and I think that split the Nazarene from the Methodist, many years ago, in infant baptism. I think that's right, Brother Brown. I--I--I believe that that was what split the Methodist church and the Nazarene, 'cause the Nazarene didn't accept infant baptism. But to us, here at the tabernacle, if we are going to stay with what the Bible said, there is no place in the Bible where they ever did sprinkle anybody, let alone a baby, not even an adult. But they... The Bible says, the only place of our Bible for the children, "They brought infants to Jesus, and He... that He might put His hands upon them and bless them." And He said, "Suffer little children to come to Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

23 Now, therefore, we know that we are poor hands, the pastor and I, or any other pastor, to take the hands of the Lord Jesus. And if He was here this morning, these parent would bring that baby to Christ. But being that we are here in representation of Him, that we represent Him, they bring the children to us. And we dedicate them to the Lord, by laying our hands upon them, in commemorations of His great Word and His act. So that's how we dedicate the little ones.

24I thought maybe some mother might be here with her baby that's never been dedicated to the Lord, that she might want to come along with these mothers or fathers who will be dedicating their children. We just bring them up here and present them to God, and pray over them, and tell the Lord that we lay our hands upon them, and--and a substitute way for His. And that's as close to the Scripture as I've ever found yet. Now, you might get your textbook out and find something that some group of man said, but I mean what the Word said, you see. Now I think I've made it real, real clear what it is.

25 Now if the pianist (Are you the pianist, brother?) will come up here. Isn't that awful, in my own church, ask, "Who is the pianist?" I almost have to knock at the door. All right. They sing this little song, or play it.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

26And while the congregation sings this, let's stand to our feet. And let the mothers and fathers that's bringing their little ones, come now and stand. All right.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

26a Now, pastor... Now we have a little--little fellow here is a sleeping. And sometimes they "amen" a little loud, so we understand that, they're babies. What is your name, sir? William Henry Vincent. And your little girl? Christina Maria Vincent. What a lovely little fellow laying on the--the shoulder of her father. May I have her? Christina, I can't substitute for your father here, see. Let us... Will you lay your hands upon the baby.

Let us bow our heads.

Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thy Throne, that today, up beyond, our faith lifts us beyond the moon, stars, beyond the solar system, into the Presence of the Almighty. We bring this lovely little child. We know not what we hold in our arms, Lord. It might be a great servant to You, in the days to come. We trust that it's so. But the father of the child has brought the little one to us, that we might lay our hands upon it. That, we have confessed to be Your servants to act in Your place until You return, then You take over all things. Until then, Lord, we're to serve You with trueness and sincerity.

And with our hands laid upon this little girl, we bless her in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust that You will give her a long life, if Jesus tarries, and may she become a great servant to You. Bless the home that she'll be raised in. May she be brought up in the admonition of God, and serve Him all the days of her life. Bless her parents, and may they live to see this child an honorable vessel unto the Lord, because of their act today, in the Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

God bless you.

God bless you, sir. Her name is... [A sister speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] This is Sister Tabet, Teresa. I just don't know whether we're going to be able to hold Teresa, or not. I don't think so. She knows a little more.

Well, let us bow our heads.

Our Heavenly Father, as we lay our hands upon the sister of this little one just dedicated to You, the parents wants this little one dedicated, also. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon this child, and give her a long life, a blessed life of service to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you now, bless you all. You're mighty fortunate parents, this morning, to have those two lovely little fellows.

26b His name? [The father says, "Joe William Cartwright."--Ed.] Joe William Cartwright. He's taking his siesta this morning, I think. All right. Now, if you--you all... Well, you can hold him if you--if you rather, ma'am. That's good. Joseph, come up here. All right. And you can hold him if you wish to.

Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You, this little Joseph William Cartwright. The father stands, this morning, to give back to You that which You've given to him, in a life of service. God, bless the little one, and may he live a long life, healthy, strong, and become a great servant to You. Bless his father and mother, the home he'll be raised at. May Christ be that unseen Guest at all times. And we give this little boy to You, for a life of service, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Steve Cartwright.

26c Little girl? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Ma'am? ["Pam Lewski."] Sylvia Shippy.

Our Heavenly Father, we're laying our hands upon this little girl, as the loved one brings her here this morning, standing at the altar. May the blessings that would come upon her, if the Lord Jesus laid His Own nail-scarred hands upon this child, may them blessings rest upon the little one. Bless her now, and may she live a long, happy life, and be a servant to You. And bless her home, her parents, her loved ones. In the Name of Jesus Christ we do this act, according to the Bible. Amen.

Blessing you...?... Bless you...?...

26d She's going to be a singer. What's the name? [The brother says, "Roy Allen Myer."--Ed.] Roy Allen Myer. I said, he is going to be a singer.

It reminds me. I hope this doesn't sound bad, at the church, but one day I was talking to an Indian. Had a little baby standing there, and I said then, "He's a nice fellow. And he's a nice fellow."

And the chief watched me, a few minutes. Then he looked down, said, "But, him, a her."

I guess, that's about the way it is yet.

What's the boy's... [The brother says, "Roy Allen."--Ed.] Roy Allen. Allen is your last name? ["Myer."] Myer. ["Roy Allen Myer."] Roy Allen Myer. He's a beautiful little thing.

Our Heavenly Father, as we lay our hands upon this little child, and in the Bible they said they brought little infants to You, and You laid Your hands upon them and blessed them. And that's the act that we perform in commemoration of Your great act on earth. Bless this child, his parents. May the home be a constant place of prayer, peace. And may the little girl live a long, happy life and be Your servant all those days. And may this family never be wheel-broken. In Glory, may every member be assembled around the great Throne of God, at that Day, and go to live forever. Until then, Lord, may Your Eternal blessings rest upon the child, who we bless in Jesus' Name. Amen!...?...

This little... That's her little sister, Rebekah.

Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon little Rebekah and bless her, also, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, just as though she was going to the water, to the pool. And I trust, Lord, that the day will come when she becomes of age, accountability, that she will make her stand, and walk right down to the pool there, and be baptized for the remission of her sins, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Father. Now bless her, with her little sister. May she live a long, happy life, and serve You. Amen.

Bless her. Lord bless you.

26e This her? [The mother says, "This is Jacqueline Grenault."--Ed.] Little Jacqueline Grenault, another pretty, little girl.

Our Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon the little girl. In commemoration of the great Lord Jesus, Who laid His hands upon infants and blessed them. And may the blessing come upon the child, as though Your Own hands was upon it, today. If You were here on earth, in a physical body, the mother would bring the child to You. But as we, as Your representative, she comes to second, then, Father. And we ask that You will bless this child, who we bless. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it live a long, happy life into Your service. Bless its home, may be raised in, may it be a constant house of prayer, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

26f Bless him. You have two of them? [The sister says, "I have two girls. And another one here, who has come, also, brother."--Ed.] All right. Now, this little boy is... ["James David."] James David. ["Humes."] Humes. I thought I knew you, Sister Humes. You're missionary, you and your husband. Is your hubby with you, this morning? Well, the Lord bless Brother Humes. Say, you sure have some fine, nice little children. This is David? And this is... ["James David, and Joseph!...?... Florida...?..."] I was just speaking with a sister from Florida, in the study, this morning. This little boy, when he was... They're from Florida. When he was there, the little boy, just a lad, little bitty, tiny fellow went into the back yard, and was looking up. Claimed that he saw Jesus.

Now, it's little David Humes. We lay our hands upon him, in dedication of a life to service to Jesus Christ. Continue Your blessings upon his home.



26g Thirty years ago, standing in the school door up here on the Utica Pike, did I ever know that that little boy, we, bashful, looking across at each other, that someday I'd lay my hand upon his grandchild, to dedicate it to the Lord God of Heaven. Receive little Shawn this morning, Lord, as a servant to You. The mother and father gallantly bring him, to give back to God what's been given to their care. And may they live a strong life of health and strength, and determination, in Christ. Now we give You this little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ, as a life of service. May he live long, to serve You.

Is the little girl dedicated? What's her name? Karla.

Likewise, upon little Karla, we lay our hands, this morning, and dedicate her to the service of Jesus Christ. God, bless her. May she live a long, happy life. May she be a servant to You, all the days of this life. Grant it, Lord. Bless her home. Let it always be a place of prayer and faith. I give You this lovely little girl, this morning, from the hearts of the father and mother who stand on this little altar, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

26h [The father says, "His name is James Pool."--Ed.] A little boy. It's named after Jim. ["Yes."]

Our Heavenly Father, the father of these little ones holds now in his arms the last little treasure that You give him in the form of a child, named him from his father, James. God, grant that he'll be a man of wisdom like James and in the Bible. I pray that You'll give him a long, healthy life, Lord. And may he raise up, and if there is a tomorrow, let him pack the Word of God. Grant it, Father. Commemoration of what Jesus Christ our Lord did when He was on earth, I lay my hands upon little James Pool and dedicate him to the service of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, James! Bless the little one!

A little boy; two of them now. What say? Jerry Dean Allen.

Lord God, upon the head of this little boy, Jerry Dean Allen, may the blessings of Jesus Christ rest. As we lay our hands upon him, as we dedicate this young life to You. Bless his home, his parents. And may he live a long, happy life of service to our God and his God, Who we give him to now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, little one!

27 Now, I think that just about--about does this now. Now we're just exactly on time, at eleven o'clock. Now, you know, I can just imagine, seeing those mothers coming along, and daddies, with those babies, I could think of Joseph and Mary, the morning of the dedication of the Lord Jesus.

28Brother Kidd, I was having a little interview with someone in the office, but I--I heard your emotion this morning out here, of a--of a man of your age. And I suppose you were telling of how the Lord healed you out... the audience. And I almost tore my car up, one morning, to get to the elderly... He's an old minister.

29 Just think, this man was, his little wife here, was preaching the Gospel before I was born. Preaching this Gospel, up over the mountains and valleys of Kentucky and Tennessee, with coal miners, and being run out. And they live without anything to eat. And this little wife here, washing on a washboard, for about twenty or thirty cents a day, to send her husband into the field to preach the Gospel. That's enough to make a person excited, ain't it?

30And then to think, that there he laid, when the very best of doctors said, "He's dying. His prostrate, cancer all through him. He can't live but just a number of hours, and mainly a day or two." And that's been two or three years ago, three years ago. And here he is, this morning, healthy, well, giving God glory. Then how old were you when you were healed, Brother Kidd? About what was the age when God... How old are you, is he now? [A sister says, "Eighty-two."--Ed.] Eighty-... ["Eighty-three in August."] All right. He was about eighty years old when God healed him. Now does God care for us old people? Sure, He does. Yes, sir!

31 He healed Abraham when he was a hundred years old, and Sarah when she was ninety. And they brought forth Ishmael, or, beg your pardon, Isaac. Is that right? We're very happy for this.

32Now you're so nice, I could talk to you all morning just like this. But let's just read some of the precious Word and then go right into the service. Now, I think, if it be the will of God, I would like to kind of brief you on things that's happened. And then tonight, if the Lord willing, I want to speak on a--a subject. I want to tape it, mainly, to go out. Is... And if you want to come and listen, all right. After the pastor gets through with his message, then I'll have my... I'll make this tape. I want to preach it on The Flashing Red Light Of His Coming. How one of the flashes is right on us right now! And I want to speak on that tonight, the flashing red light of His. He's here, being right on the hand right now. The--the signal down, the train is in the block.

33 Numbers, 16th chapter, to you who will turn and read. This is the Eternal Word, so let's read reverently. I want to read two verses of Numbers 16, the 3rd and 4th verse, to get a little background on what I wish to say.

34And now, if the tapes are not on, I wish they would turn them on now. Or fix it so that this part here will be able to be sent out. This is going out. If you want to, can you fix your tapes in there to where this part here will be separate from the rest of the service? You see, this is a--a new thing. Now, if you can block it right here, or whatever you do, well, then we'll... Would you like for me to snap it off just a second, then turn it back on, so it give you a block to know where to start it from, or can you start there anyhow? Start anyhow? All right. That's fine.

35 Now we're going to read Numbers 16:3 and 4.

And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face:

36Our Heavenly Father, bless these few Words. "And may the meditation of our heart, and the fruits of our lips, be acceptable in Thy sight." In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

37I want to--to take this as a text, for what I wish to say this morning: Standing In The Gap.

38 Of this time that we're speaking of, or reading, of course, we all understand that it was when Dathan and--and--and Korah had decided that--that they would interfere with the--the commission that God had give to Moses, saying, "You ought to let the whole congregation do such-and-such. They're all holy." And God had commanded Moses to lead the people to the promised land. And they said, "You take it upon yourself to do too much. You, trying to make yourself the only one in the bunch that--that's got any say-so."

39And this displeased God so much until He told Moses, "Separate yourself from among them. I--I'll just--I'll just kill the whole bunch, and start a new generation with you." And Moses fell in the Presence of God and said He'd have to come over him. See?

40 Now, today, if God was going to a liquidate the people, and there was a time that when God had gotten tired of fooling with our sin, we constantly going wrong, who would stand like Moses, today, for the people? Where would we find a person that would stand, or could stand, that God would accept like He did Moses? And Moses' own life on earth meant so much to God till it stayed the wrath of God, and God would not cross over Moses. That always was a puzzle to me till I... One day, in revelation of the Scripture, there came this thought to me. That, you see, Moses, in act, was every way substituting. He was a type of Jesus Christ.

41 And when God was going to take the life of the whole world, and destroy it, and all the sinners, and condemned to die, Christ died for us all. And God could not cross over Christ, being His Own Son. And then Jesus gave Himself freely, that He might pay the way then if... Moses couldn't have done that. Moses had no blood but human blood, like we are. So, therefore, his blood would not be, it would not suffice. But Jesus being the Blood of God Himself, the creative Blood of God, God just excused the entire human race then, of sin, because it was all laid upon Him. And He went to Calvary and died out, of the Presence of God, and suffered. And was cast into hell, because that He was sin, made our sins upon Him. And there being our--our burden bearer, took our sins to--to Calvary, and from Calvary to hell; and God raised Him up on the third day, for a propitiation of our sins.

42 And today He is the only mediator between God and man, and we're freely pardoned and forgiven. God don't even know we ever sinned. Our sins were put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, never to be remembered no more. We cannot do that ourself; we are finite. He is infinite. And our finite, we can still remember, because we're not big enough. But He is so great that He even forgets we ever did sin. We are sons and daughters, in His Presence. And all things that He was, we are. He become my sin, that I might become His righteousness. He become your sin, that your... He... you might become His righteousness. So God cannot see no sin in you as long as your confession is in Christ Jesus.

43 Someone said, sometime ago, said, "If I believed a thing like that, would I ever turn on the steam! I'd paint the town red. I'd go to every dance hall. I'd get so drunk, and everything, because,..."


"You're already secured in Christ. What difference does it make?"

44I said, "That shows you haven't got it." See? If the love of God ever struck your heart, in the tenderness of Jesus Christ, you would be so in love with Him, the world would be dead, as your sin. That's how you know you have the Holy Spirit. Not because that you could scream, shout, speak, or tongues, or whatever it is. But when sin becomes dead, and you're alive in Jesus Christ. Oh, love of God, how rich, how pure! See?

45 Now here in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, a minister was talking, that there was a--a young lady. She had waited a little long in life to be married, somewhere around her twenty-five, thirty years old. And she was a fine, staunch Christian girl. And there was a certain man in Louisville that wasn't; he hadn't lived such a good life. He had run to dances and roadhouses, and so forth, but one day he found pardon for his sin and he--he become a real Christian, real staunch Christian. About a year later, he fell in love with this young lady, and the young lady madly fell in love with him. And they were married.

46 And after they lived together about two years, they said that this young lady said to her husband one day, she said, "Dear, I suppose that's kind of hard for you, just a new Christian," said, "I've been a Christian since a little girl." But said, "For you, a young Christian, to have to stand all the--the--the wiles and temptations that goes with it after you--you've sinned so long."

And he said, "Well, it does become a battle."

47She said, "I want you to remember one thing, that if the enemy does upset you somewhere, and you fall and you go back into sin, don't stay away from home. I want you come on home." Said, "You're going to find at home the same wife that you married." And said, "I'll help you to pray back, and pray through, and get back to God again." Said, "I--I--I--I don't want you to stay away." Said, "Look, I married you upon the basis not of what you were, but I married you because I loved you." And she said, "No matter what you do, I still love you. I married you because I loved you."

48 And the man that day went to work, was heard repeating it in a... the place where he was working. He said, "Now, how could a man do anything wrong against something like that?" When a woman, that loves him so much that, no matter what he did, was willing to come back and take him again, and try it again. See? It shows... Now, you multiply that by a billion and then you have some idea of what the love of God is. See?

49That when a man falls in love with Jesus Christ, the things of the world... When you think of what He did for you in the Light of the Scripture, not in the light of some emotion, but in the light of facts, what it is, then there is something happens in you. When the new Birth comes, the sin is dead as midnight. When as long as that Light is in you, how can darkness shine? It cannot do it. That's what God did to one man who throwed hisself in the gap, that could take the promise. And Moses being a--a type of this Antitype, that's why Moses stood in the gap for the people.

50 Then I wonder, in this day, of this loose, lazy, soft Laodicea age that we live in. We all know, and have been through the Church Ages, that we're living in the last age, the Laodicea Church Age. And this lazy, loose, happy-go-lucky, joking, sinful age of lust that we're living in now, it's a wonder that God doesn't just say, "Step back, church, I'll just a liquidate the whole group." See? What a age that we're living in! And He will do that one of these days, too. We know that it's coming. There isn't going to be no sparing to this, because He's, already, Someone died for those who wanted to escape. But He'll take those who was, or has accepted Christ and become Christians, they'll be taken out of the wrath. Cause, then He could not do it; there was no way of doing it in the time of Moses.

51 Now in the Book of the Revelation, when we get to the Laodicea Church Age. In the Revelations, the 3rd chapter, the Bible said that this age, the Laodicea age, was "blind." Said, "Because you are 'rich,' you say you're 'rich,' and you're 'increased in goods'; greatest churches, the finest dressed people, the greatest that there has been in any age. Because you say, 'I have need of nothing.' Knowest thou not that thou art poor, miserable, wretched, naked, blind, and don't know it."

52Now if a man was in this condition, and you could tell him his condition, he would try to help himself if--if he was mentally right. But when he's in that condition and you can't tell him any different, he just don't believe that he's naked, he doesn't believe that he's in that shape, then it shows here that he is blind. The god of this world has blinded the eyes of those that refuse to serve Christ, and they've... so blind they can't see the sign that we're living in, the hour, the time that we are living in. And remember, there's already been One stand in the gap, and no one else can stand. You either have to accept that, that remedy, or you're doomed.

53 Now, now to us, to get close now to what I want to say. Could we stand... Now I'm preaching to myself, in this. Could we stand and see a human being that's blind, physically blind, and know that he's walking over a cliff, could we in our--our stall state of mind, that we're in this morning, could we stand and see a blind man walk over a cliff, blind, and not try to warn him? It would be, there, would be so cruel. We would be so indifferent in our heart. Could you imagine, a person getting so indifferent that he could almost laugh, and see a blind man, that cannot see and can't help hisself, deliberately walk over a cliff? That would be a--a bad thing; do nothing about it.

54 Well, to my brethren, world over, I want to make this confession. I--I humbly say it, that that just about what I was doing, or fixing to do. I had been preaching for years, and I--I become an old man and an old veteran preacher, and had a lot of hard battles, and maybe I'm scarred, all cut up on the inside, from fights. Because, my lot, that the Lord gave me, was not back to kiss the babies, and--and to marry the young, and bury the old. But it was to hold a two-handed Sword at the battle front, against the wiles of--of paganism and demonology, and--and the powers of darkness, and fight it with the Word of God till I seen the enemy defeated. I been cut deep, many times.

55 Then when I come with the Message in this day, and have said to the church the things that I am about to say. And I predicted years ago, when the Holy Spirit called me to this work. And there isn't a person living on earth today, that could ever say that the Lord ever let me tell you anything in His Name, but what come to pass just exactly the way it was to be done.

56How that He sent me out first, and the first gift, and the second gift, and the things that's been said or done, the world over, and literally millions have come to Christ. And tens of thousands of preachers inspired, that started a revival that sweeps the entire face of the earth today. And being that the Pentecostals was the one received my Message, they was the one that's gained ground. The Pentecostal church shows more conversions in the little group of Pentecostals than all the rest of the churches put together. That's statistics. Why? Because of them receiving Truth and receiving the revival.

57 And now, after the great time come of the healing of the sick, the casting out of devils, and the raising up of the dead; which we're all witnesses, and so is many doctors and great man of the earth. And the appearing of the Lord Jesus among us, that in the sign there as you see, I guess on the wall, wherever it is, of the Angel of the Lord. And how the scientists has copyrighted it, and it's--it's a known fact, the world over. And see the very things that He did, come to pass, every time. Then, if the Pillar of Fire that went with Israel across the wilderness, in the days of Moses, that we... or now that Moses was called, "The servant of the Lord," and he followed a Pillar of Fire by night, and a Cloud by day.

58 And when Jesus was on earth, He said that He was that God. He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And "I AM" was the Pillar of Fire that was in the burning bush, that spoke to Moses in the--the days gone by. I think that's correct, Brother Vayle. Then He said, "I come from God and I go to God." And when He was crucified, died, and rose, and ascended on High, and laid His body down upon the great altar of the Eternal God, to there ever be present to act in our place, to know that He had paid our sin debt. And there He returned back to the earth again, in a form of a great Pillar of Fire.

59 Saint Paul, on his road, before he was called Saint Paul, he was called Saul of Tarsus. And on his road down to Damascus, to arrest some people who were making too much noise, and shouting, and preaching a Gospel that was contrary to their tradition of their churches. On his road down, one day, about this time in the day, he was stricken down by a great Light. And this great Light, him being a Jew and know that the Pillar of Fire had led the children of Israel, and here It was before him again, he cried out, "Lord!"

60Now if you notice in your translations on both King James and your Standard, and all, it's capital L-o-r-d. And anyone who knows their Bible, knows that when that's capital L-o-r-d, is Elohim, the all-sufficient One that created the heavens and earth, in Genesis 1:1. See, capital, "Lord!" Now Paul would have not called some optical illusion, he wouldn't have called some something that he didn't know about, because he was a trained man in the Scriptures. Come up under Gamaliel, the great teacher of that day, and he would not have called that, "Lord," if he wasn't satisfied that That was Jehovah. He said, "Lord, Who are You?"

61 Listen at the Voice come back, "I am Jesus," the same yesterday, today, and forever.

62So I think, in the midst of all of it, before going any farther, both here and across the world, the people who will be listening, and listening now, will know that it is proven by every act to be Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Done the very same things that He did, healed the sick, knowed the thoughts of the mind, for It showed forth things that would come to pass, and every time perfectly through these years. I'm fifty-four years old, and saw visions since I was about eighteen months old, and, not one time, but every time it's been the truth. See? Now, that has to be God. And then me thinking that, "Why are the people so blind that they can't see that?"

63 And constantly when I talk to our--our women about bobbing their hair, and the ministers bawling me out about it; and about them wearing immoral clothes, of these shorts, and--and laying out like that, and--and carrying on of that evil way; and about our man the way they were doing, smoking, and taking sociable drinks, and--and everything; and then still calling themselves Christians, and taking Communion at the table because that they belong to an organization. Oh, it was just simply, they thought I had blasphemed God. And did the women get better? They got worse, across the nation.

64Then I, being a nervous, (I say this kind of quietly), maybe a neurotically type of person that I am, and knowing that I was insufficient, at the beginning, for the job; as many has complained, that had it to do. It was hard. But I--I thought, "God, why didn't You call somebody that could have done it? And I--I'm sorry, but I--I failed. The people just won't listen to me. And I failed to do what I should have done, somewhere, because they won't listen."

65 My mother, that's just passed on into Glory, about--about a little over a year ago. My mother, her father was a--a hunter. And I think I got all that come out from him, in that stand, 'cause I--I--I love the woods. And I thought, "If this people that call themselves Christians, if they don't want to listen to the Message that I'm preaching, then let them alone. I'll just stop it, altogether, and I'll go up into the mountain. And I know a friend to where..." Many of you, here, remember me predicting the time, about six months before it happened, how that I would go to a place, right from this platform here, and there would be a--a animal that look like a deer with pointed horns, and how it would be forty-two inches, and how there'd be a seven foot silvertip grizzly. You got it on tapes and everything. I guess that you remember the time, all of you. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, it's laying in my room up there now, to--to show that it's the truth.

66 Now just on things like that, because it's just before the going of my mother, and He was wanting to quieten me for that great shock, that He knowed He was to take her.

67Now, I met a man was a Christian, and he's got a great country right under Alaska. And I had made up in my mind, that being that I had left here and gone West, that I would take my wife and kind of trap her into something; I'd get her up there, and I'd become a guide. And then if the Lord wanted me to do something, I'd let my hair grow out and--and I--I'd... my whiskers. And--and I--I'd go back in there and be a guide. There's only about two or three Indians live back in the country there. I--I'd just be a--a guide and I'd help Bud. And if the Lord wanted me to do anything, then I'd--I'd say, "All right, Lord." He'd give me a vision. I would slip on out.

68 I say the people... I've never regarded myself, anybody knowing this, but people have said, "Brother Branham, the Lord called you to be His prophet." Well, I--I've never regarded myself as that, but I begin to get to the time that I was about ready to do it, to think, "Well, maybe I am. If I am, I'll live back in the wilderness. And if I live back in the wilderness, then I'll--I'll--I'll be His prophet, see, and then if He wants to send me somewhere. And while He's not using me, then I'll sure to catch some fine fish and--and do some things." Course, that was kind of a selfish attitude, see, because I wanted to do that. Now, it isn't just exactly the thing that's to do. And now I had that made up in my mind to do that.

69And now, just before the Seven Church Ages was preached, as they're drawed there... There is many, today, that was here during that time, and know that how the Lord did bless that, on the wall back there, It reflected it. Just to... How many is here now, that was there then when He--He came? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That did it.

70 Then I remember then of a Brother Jackson. He is usually with us. Brother Junior Jackson, the Methodist was a Methodist minister. Yeah, here he is setting over here now. Now, that he come to me with a dream, and then some more brethren come with similar dream. Now, the Lord has been real good to me, and I have never, take you to record this morning, have I ever told you a wrong interpretation of a dream? No, sir. Because, that the Lord... I will not speak it till I see it over again and know what He says about it, then I'll tell you. And then he said I--I was having a service down to his church, and he, somehow or another, he was real nervous that night, and he ran out of the church and come around the other way and met me in the car, and the people passing by. Said, "I want to tell you something."

71 And he told me that he dreamed a dream, that up here somewhere, like in Indiana, that there was a long, great grassy hill, and the water had washed all the soil off the top, and it become rock like a--a bald top on the--on the mountain. And then in this rock there was funny Writing. And said I was standing there with all the brethren around the church here, interpreting this Writing. And then when it come to the time that I got all of It interpreted, then the... somehow or another, if I understand the dream right, got a hold of something like a crowbar, or--or some kind of a angle bar or something, or not a angle bar, I meant a--a pry bar or something, and just cut the top of that mountain out and lifted it up. And on the inside of it was white rock, something on the order of granite or--or something on that side, some white rock that wasn't written on. And I said to the brethren, "Stay here and look in on This." And I, while they were all looking, I slipped out from among them and started going West. And Brother Jackson said that he saw me going over one hill, and then another hill, getting smaller and smaller, going West. You remember that.

72 Well, the interpretation of that, of course, was given here at the church before it come to pass, that the--the time is now, that I believe, that the full revelation through the age of Luther, Wesley, and John Smith, Alexander Campbell, and different ones that's preached on the Bible, and then we got over in the Bible and showed that there would be a--a seventh angel's Message. And at the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, all the mysteries of God would be made known. Then come seven mysterious thunders.

73And now if it is that end age that we're living in, where we've come up through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit; and had signs, wonders, and all different things. And the gifts has returned to the church, such as, Divine healing, and prophecy, and--and speaking with tongues, and interpretations. And though it's been misrepresented, terrifically, but yet, that don't take away, there is a good one. There is a true one, of real genuine, a gift of speaking in tongues, that's always supposed to be in the Church.

74 We have a lot of impersonations. We have people that get up and try to act like Christians, and their lives don't compare, so there is something wrong. Jesus said, "By their fruits you'll know them." See? That's how you know a Christian, by how he lives. Don't never jump any higher than you live. So then just... But in that, but it's a--it's a devil making a scarecrow, to keep the real genuine believers away from the true thing of It. But God help us to separate and be able to discern between right and wrong. And--and the Word will always straighten that out.

75Now we find that, in this, I told you that, the interpretation on the Rock. And the Rock is Christ, that was in the brother's dream, and that's the Bible. And for all these years, the Bible has been interpreted, till we've absolutely give It the ecclesiastical interpretation through. And the last gift being added in the Laodicean age, which is the seventh angel's time to preach, in the Laodicean age, at that time, that they would be a lot of things that was misconstrued down through the ages.

76 Like Luther preached justification, but he let it run wild because he didn't live long enough. And along... Then they organized the church. Luther never organized it; after Luther. And then Wesley come forth. And after Wesley, they got the Wesleyan church. And then after that come John Smith, the Baptist; and then Alexander Campbell, and so forth. But the man, the reformers, didn't live long enough to get it all together. And, so, a lot of loose ends left, like. And then when they did, for instance, of the water baptism that John Smith brought back, the water baptism in--in immersing; but using a title. And many of those things that was left loose. And then when we come down to the end, the last Message is supposed to straighten that all up, to bring these thing to "one faith, one Lord, one baptism." See?

77 And now after the Bible had been interpreted, completely, then you notice it opened up the top of the pyramid-like Rock. Not pyramid teaching now, not that, because I... The man who teach that pyramid doctrine, I guess they know what they're talking about. I know nothing about it. But, however, it was in the shape of a pyramid, but the cap on the pyramid was never put on. I've been in Cairo and--and in Egypt, and--and the cap never did come, because it was a cornerstone, it was a headstone. In the church It was the cornerstone. In the full Church, It was the headstone. So It never did come. It was rejected, Christ. And It will come. And I believe that when It's coming, that the Church will shape into a place, from justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, and the Pentecostal message will bring the Church to such a minority, and a ministry will be among those people till it'll be exactly the same ministry that Jesus Christ did. That'll bring Jesus and catch the whole thing away.

78 All those honest and true Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and whoever is born of the Spirit of God, will be caught away with Jesus Christ when He comes. I believe that. I different with some of our Pentecostal brethren who believe that the remnant of the church is those who will be caught away in this last age. I different there, because God... How could a man, and how could God... If we would say, "How could He?" He can do what He wishes to. But God, who promised Luther, and under justification, that's all they knowed. See? He promised to take the Church. And He... I can believe by the grace of God and by the Scripture's support. Because, He didn't come in the first watch, and they went to sleep; and the second watch; on down. In the seventh watch, He come. And that's the Seventh Church Age, at the seventh angel's Message. See? And when He come, all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. See? Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, whoever that's born of the Spirit of God, shall go in that Rapture. I believe that the Bride will be called out during that time. I believe there will be some in the last days won't have to taste death, but will be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye.

79 Now, but insomuch as you noticed, in Brother Jackson's dream, that there was no writing on this Rock on the inside, that's what I went West for. Now, as it's happened, and I told you, someday I would tell you what it meant. I went West for it. And told you the vision, which the people, both on tape and present this morning, will know in taking Sirs, What Time Is It? And any of you tape brethren that doesn't have that Message, and want to follow This, take: Sirs, What Time Is It? Before, weeks and months before it happened, here I saw the vision of being at Tucson, north of Tucson; that'd be east of Flagstaff, north of Tucson; and would be picking burrs off of my trouser legs, and a--a blast would go off that would actually look like shake the country. How many of you remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. That would shake the country.

80 Well, it happens to be that at least one man is present this morning who was standing there when it happened. It actually shook the rocks off of the mountain. And now they... We find out that, during that time, I saw seven Angels in a--in a form of a pyramid, that swept down and picked me up. And I was brought East, to open the Seven Seals for God. If you haven't got them... If Jesus tarries, and I... my great-grandchildren, little Paul's children, that will still be the Eternal Truth of the living God. Now, that was to find out, that was sealed inside this mountain, that wasn't wrote. It had to be interpreted. And when I come back, the first Angel, on the first night, opened the Seal contrary to anything we ever heard in our life. And all seven come out the same way. You know that. You were here present when it happened, many of you.

And, now, I didn't know it at that time, but...

81 Brother Fred Sothmann, I know he's here. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren. And that morning, I was standing there picking cockleburs, or--or what they call goatheads there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said it. Is that right, Brother Fred? And I--I--I must have jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent Message back, for me to come here to break these Seals. Why here, why at the tabernacle? Why didn't I do it there? Because I had made a promise to my church and to God, that any new Message would come from this tabernacle, recorded from here. And He was helping me to keep my word, to stay back here to do it. And then immediately I went back again.

82 And, now, I didn't know at the time, that they were taking pictures of that, scientists was, as the Angels lowered themselves from Heaven, to bring the Message. And you remember, I said the One on the right side of the constellation had, kind of, His chest back, and His wings. You remember me saying that, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And how that I watched Him? He was very distinctive from the others. And I didn't know they were taking a picture of It, 'cause immediately I hurried East. But going back home to Tucson, there It was all through the papers that had been seen almost nationwide, or plumb into Mexico, and all the Western States, and I think the Courier over here. It was on the Associated Press. How many saw, "A mysterious cloud in the sky"? You see the hands. And now the Life magazine picked it up. And I have the--the article here this morning, in the Life magazine, of to show. Now here It is, the same time I was there. See the pyramid of the Cloud? I was standing just below this. And there, see the distinctive Angel on the right-hand side? See the pointed wing of It? Just exactly what was said. And here it's in the view of Mexico and different places from where they took the picture. Now, this scientist here is trying to--to get all the information about the picture, that he can, about the people who has the picture. He is studying it.

83 Now, he says here that it would be impossible for it to be a cloud, because moisture doesn't go over about, I'd say, about six or eight miles high, something like that. When we go overseas we usually fly nineteen thousand feet, and we're above the storms then. But this cloud, according to this article here of this scientist, is twenty-six miles high. It would be miles and miles beyond moisture. And he said, checking the area, and now, you know I... How many remembers that I told you, "It sounded like the sound breaker on a plane"? Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But there was no plane in the district. The book says so here. They've checked it. There were no one, no planes up there. And, besides, it couldn't... That fog behind a plane is nothing but broken-up air, moisture, 'cause it sucks through this unit, as a jet. As it's pulling itself, it breaks the moisture in the air. It can never get rid of it, as long as there's a jet, because it's got to... That's what it propels on, and it's the moisture scooting out from it.

84 But here it is, miles above where there could be moisture, and no planes in the district. And It couldn't be moisture up there, and hung up there that day. It's thirty miles across it, twenty-six miles high. You see? Just as the same it was that picture there, when I told you, "The Angel of the Lord looked like a Pillar of Fire," years ago, before It was ever took; God makes science recognize that It's Truth. And here, of the prophecy that was given, God make science testify that It's the Truth. Now where do we stand? I want to keep this, for I--I may speak to a friend of mine, that's present this morning, to--to write those Seven Seals. He might want to use this for it. And so you have a copy of it, why, if you get one, hold it for reference. See?

85 Now he is wanting to find out, but what good would it do to go to tell him that? He would laugh at it. See, he would just merely laugh. So don't cast our pearls like that. But we know, the Church knows, and God knows that it's the Truth.

86And then while I was praying on this subject, of wondering what would happen to me, and you know where I was at? North of Tucson, east of Flagstaff; just exactly, positionally, where I told you, months before it happened, I'd be standing. And exactly according to this paper here, and of papers and this magazine, and our own testimony, exactly where it taken place. God is perfect and cannot lie, and it will come to pass.

87 You remember on the tape: Sirs, What Time Is It? I'll quote it over. "Remember, something is fixing to take place, major." And now It's made the whole nation testify to It. Every newspaper on the Associated Press, and one of our leading magazines, and everything else, testifying about Him, and it ain't all over, yet. But what a privileged people, a--a privileged people that's Christian, to know that in this dark hour, when there's no hopes according to sciences, and atomic bomb waiting for us. And no hopes in our organizations, ever getting together, they are consolidating with the mark of the beast. And when all of our hopes that way is gone, in our economy, of our Christian fellowship amongst the organizations. It's heading up into Catholicism, which will be a mark of the beast in the confederation of church.

88But, and those who love God and are looking for a reality, that the very God Who made the promise in the Bible, spreads it before our face; and makes the church, and the people, and science, and magazines, and everything, recognize that He is still God and can fill the promises. What a time!

89 Then in Sabino Canyon that morning, praying and wondering what would happen, holding my hands out to God, up on top of that mountain, that Sword dropped into my hand; with a pearl handle, and its guard over it, and a long blade about three foot long, and glisten like pot metal or like chrome, razor sharp. And I didn't know what it was. And I said, "I'm afraid of these things."

90And just then a Voice spoke, that shook the canyon. Said, "This is the Sword of the Lord." And the Sword of the Lord is the Word of the Lord, for the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword.

91 Then coming back to that, then, during that time, a gallant little brother here in the church... And he was a soldier and got blowed all to pieces in the army, almost, and laid out for dead, and said he'd... They didn't, the medics didn't think he'd live, and wasn't even worth fooling with, he was so far gone. The main nerves in his leg bursted; his little arm almost blowed completely off; his leg, one leg off, nearly. But God seen grace, saved him and healed him one day.

92He, Brother Roy Roberson, was present when that picture was taken there at Houston. How his wife was told by a vision, what she had been doing in the day, and how she had a trouble and it would be healed. And that brought him a believer. But he, being a military man was kind of (I hope he forgives me for saying this) from where all the--the rough, precise side, giving orders in the army. As a command of man, he had to sass-out, and, "Do it!" See? And he--he believed, though. But steady, and coming around with the church and seeing the supernatural, he said, "I believe that, but that's for somebody else."

93 One night the Lord woke him up, one morning. We were setting, he and I, looked like in Jerusalem at the Lord's Communion table, and I was talking. He couldn't understand it. And Brother Roy, setting present, looking at me right now, and he saw it. And he called me up, in Houston... or out in Arizona, or sent me a letter and I called him back. He said, "You were setting there, Brother Branham, and I saw that big Pillar of Light come in and get you, and take you away from the Lord's table, and you went westward." Cause he was setting on the east side watching me go west, and this Light come in and taken me out.

94Said it was one morning, like it was a vision. Got up in the bed, about three or four o'clock in the morning, something like that, and saw this happen. And said he screamed, look like, for days, "Brother Bill, come back!" And Roy and I have been real brothers. We live together, and hunt together, and we're just brothers. And he--he screamed for me, till he was hoarse in his throat, "Come back! Bring him back! Bring him back," crying. He said I... Here come that Pillar of Fire coming back, or a Cloud come back, and He set me at the head of the table, and I had been changed. It was a mystery to Brother Roy, me being changed, to look different. I lay this up here for something I want to remember, "being changed," when I give him the interpretation of it.

95 That was just before I come back for the Seven Seals. When I come back for the Seven Seals, then I... One morning he got a hold of Billy, and he wanted to talk to me. And I was busy, under prayer for the Seven Seals. And then he told me of... It happened again, and repeated it again. Brother Roy, if I get this wrong, you--you call my attention. And he said he--he got up again, in the--in the morning, I guess early again, in the morning. And there he looked in the room and he saw this big Light, or a Cloud up on a mountain. He asked me, not long ago, "Was there something about a Cloud being on a mountain," and I said... "in the Bible?"

96And I said, "Yes, when Peter, James, and John was took up, and the Cloud overshadowed the Lord Jesus. And--and God spoke, said, 'This is my beloved Son.'" I preached on that here, not long ago. A little message, the tape brethren might understand, Hear Ye Him. I suppose maybe you have it on tape. I'm sure.

97 And he said that he went up the mountain. And when he did, I was standing there. And a Voice came from the Cloud, (Wasn't it, Brother Roy?) and said something on this order, "This is My servant. And I've called him to be a prophet to the age, to lead the people just as Moses did. And he's been given the authority, he could speak into existence." Or something like that, like Moses did, like speaking in the flies. And we know about the squirrels, and so forth, and things that's already took place. Little Hattie Wright back there, I suppose you know what taken place at the house. And He told him that I had done what Moses had done.

98 And now he told me that, coming down after a--a trip. And in my mind, I had made up my mind that I was going to go up to Bud's, because he's in a bad shape up there as a hunter.

99Before leaving here... I might drop this in, and we'll hurry. I dreamed a funny dream, an odd dream. And I hope, when my brother-in-law gets a hold of this, it doesn't hurt his feelings. And I hope I don't hurt my wife, who is setting present now. But she knows it. About many months ago, right on, well, it was around about October or November, I dreamed that I--I was a roaming out in the dark, and I... Well, I--I had no place to go and nobody cared for me, and I had become a bum, just a--a bum. And I was cold, and I looked in the distance and I saw fire. And when I got over there, it was a--a city dump, and they had ditches and the fire was in these ditches. And between the ditches, was slick, where bums would sleep there, to keep warm, keep from freezing, between these fires, on a cold winter night. And I--I was cold. And I--I walked up to this fire, to get warm, and it was laying full of bums. And they were... I didn't see any of them, but they all like had stalls or places where their sleeping place was. And I saw my brother-in-law, Fletcher Broy.

100 And Fletcher, how I remembered him. He's a good kid. But this might be a lesson to the young children. I remember a few years ago, a handsome young man, of James Fletcher Broy, and he got with the wrong crowd, and he took his first drink. I remember him calling me behind the curtains in my house. And his daddy has gone on to Glory, years ago, was out there picking a guitar, "On the hill far away stood an old rugged cross."

101And Fletcher called me back and said, "Brother Bill, pray for me. Listen to that piece my daddy is playing, and I've been drinking today."

102I said "Fletcher," about eighteen-year-old boy, I said, "don't go that route." But he never listened. He went on. He become a complete alcoholic. And his wife left him, his children, and he's just at this hour... And God knows I love him.

103I went to pray for him, just a bum. I went to pray for him, here not long ago, he got hurt while I was here for the Seven Seals. I said, "Fletch, I got a couple suits up there I'd--I'd like to give you."

He said, "Don't do it, Brother Bill."

And I--I knowed he had no clothes. And I said, "Why don't you take the clothes?"

He said, "Huh-uh." And he looked up at me, "See, you know what I'd do with them. Pawn them and get drunk."

And I said, "I'll give you a little money, Fletch."

104He said, "No, don't do it, Brother Bill. I--I--I don't want you to do it." He's a real guy, at heart, but he's become an alcoholic and a bum. And his--his wife has took the wrong road. And, oh, just everything has happened to the poor fellow.

105 And when I woke up, before I woke up, Fletch said to me, he said in the dream, he said, "Billy, I'll--I'll hunt you a place, Brother Bill. You fed my children when they were hungry." And said, "You was a daddy to them. Now I'll find you a place here to keep warm." And we went walking by the bum's places and finally come to a place, he said, "I'll sit down here."

And I said, "I'll walk up here and see if I can find a place."

106And I walked up, and looked out into the dark, cold night. And I thought, "Think of it. One time, God Almighty let me lead His Church. One time, He let me preach His Gospel and see souls saved. Men and women come from around the world, to speak with me for a few minutes. And here I am now, a bum, and nobody wants me. And I'm cold. What must I do?" Then I woke up.

107 I told my wife, I said, "Maybe it means that Fletch is in need." So we hurried up, to see if we could find him. And his brother found him. He was staying out here with Weidners. Out there where they have... trade horses and things; sleep in a corner of a barn or something. I went on. I thought, "Well, just have to let it go."

108So I come back down now from Canada, with Fred and them, the other day. And in my mind, I had it made up, "If these people didn't want to hear my Message, all right, they didn't have to." I had preached now for about thirty-five years. And the last fifteen to eighteen years I've done nothing but just to the Lord. I've tried to live so close to Him and not say a word till He told me first, everything.

109 People say, "Now if Brother Branham tells you he's coming, remember, look out for a meeting, because he's coming in the Name of the Lord. He won't do nothing till the Lord tell..." That's right. I waited till He told me. I didn't move till He told me. And then He got so, for the last few months, He didn't tell me nothing about places to go.

110Then I come down from Canada, and Fred told... Or Brother Roy told me his dream, as he and I and Brother Banks rode along together, just before we separated.

111And then the next day we got down to Brother Fred's. And his boy, Lynn, wasn't at home, so he couldn't come on with us. Him and his wife had to wait. He picked up his wife there at Rosewood... or Melrose, Saskatchewan.

112And Billy and I come on in Brother Fred's truck. That night we traveled most the night, and the next day. And then on the next morning we had left Helena, Montana, and was coming on towards the border.

And I--I can stay up till about nine o'clock, and I get sleepy. I got to sleep. And Billy, he wants to sleep till about ten o'clock the next day, when the daylight comes up, so it makes it pretty good for us to travel.

113 So I--I got up at about four o'clock and got started, driving, and Billy was sleeping. We went into a place and I was thinking on my mind, "You know what? One of these days, as soon as I can get the wife up there... And I won't tell her what I'm going to do. But I'd get up there, and then I'm going to tell her, 'I love this place so well, no need of us going anywhere else. Let's just stay here.'" And that's back from civilization, eleven hundred miles from anywhere. See? Way in the wilderness. I thought, "Won't that be fine! I won't have to get a haircut, and I--I--I won't have to dress up. And I'll just be a--a regular mountaineer, what I always wanted to be." And I said, "I got some guns, and some people give me, and I'll be a guide like you never heard of. I'll just love it. Then if the Lord tells me go down and tell somebody something, I'll run out and tell them and come back again. And I'll help Bud, and we'll really have a real place here." I was thinking on that.

114 We went into a restaurant, to eat, a little place in the mountain, just about seven o'clock. It was getting a little late, so I woke Billy up. We was out of gasoline, so had to get some gasoline. And went into this little place, this little restaurant. And while there, a man come across the street, maybe a teeny bit older than I was, but he looked like a man, to me. He had on a pair of overalls, overall jacket, riding boots, a black hat, whiskers down on his face like this, snow-white, his hair hanging out from under, back of his hat. I thought, "That looks like a man." Not some soft, lazy, with a cigar in his mouth, about that long, setting with a pair of shorts on, around some patio or swimming pool, some pot-bellied Easterner, like. Excuse that expression. But, however, the guy looked like a man, to me; hard, rough. Looked like he lived where God made man to live. And I was admiring him.

115 He come into the restaurant and ordered some pancakes. There was about fifteen, twenty people. He had to sneeze. And you know how some people will... [Brother Branham imitates stifling a sneeze--Ed.] Pardon me. But he let out a great big healthy, wood sneeze, "Ker-choo-ee!" My, it looked like the windows blasted. When he did, nobody dared to say nothing. No, sir. I said, "Billy, there is a man after my own heart."

He said, "Aw, daddy, you don't want to be like..."

"That's what, that's me in the future." See? I said, "That's me."

116 And I set there a little bit, and Billy looked up at me and kept on eating his pancakes, and I--I was finished mine. In a few minutes, somebody, in a booth right around front of us, with the boards this way, a back of the booth, I couldn't see around. A man got up, that looked exactly my profile, about seventy-five years old, little bitty fellow. His clothes tied on him, ragged. And the buddy that got up with him was Fletcher Broy, exactly, gray hair hanging in his face. And Billy looked around, he said, "Daddy, that looks like you and Fletcher." You can imagine how I felt. And the little fellow, looked like me, wobbled up. You... They had been standing over a campfire, with smoke all over them, faces dirty. I think their breakfast, together, the man must have paid twenty cents, maybe a cup of coffee or something. My heart bounced within me. And I watched. And Billy said, "What's the matter with you?"

I said, "Nothing." And I watched that, and they went around and went out.

He said, "Daddy, what's the matter?"

I said, "Nothing." And he got in the car. I said...

He said, "Do you mind driving again?"

I said, "No."

He said, "I'm still sleepy."

117 So he went to sleep, and I went speeding down the road, about fifty-five miles an hour, in the truck, over the mountain, coming on towards the--the border, down to... Coming home to Arizona, but I was coming now into Utah. And as I got there, coming down from the mountains, about twenty miles out of the city, just as if... You've heard it, as I told you about the morning about the squirrels, and all these things, how something... Somebody went to talking to me, a Voice just the same as you hear mine. I know it sounds neurotically. But as I've got through expressing, "Have I ever told you anything but what was right?" And a--a Voice got to talking. I was talking to Him.

118It said, "Carry out your plans and you'll be like that."

I said, "Lord, I don't want to be like that."

119Said, "Your wife will go, too. She won't live up there in them hills like that. And you'll become a bum just as the dream showed you you would."

120I said, "I don't want to be that, but the... I--I--I don't want to have to live like that. I--I want to do something different. But I--I was told that--that You had called me to be a--a prophet, and I want to live in the wilderness like the prophet." But I was using my own excuse so I could hunt; my own good.

121And He said, "But that was the prophets of the Old Testament. You've been called to be there in a much higher office than that." He said, "You have more gifts besides that. You was called to pray for the sick and to preach the Gospel. And in the apostolic form, you know of--of greater things, many great gifts." He said, "Why do you wait for Me to move you every time you move? Where is your reward?" Then I seen. And then said, "Do you remember?" I told you...?... "Do you remember what Brother Roberson told you in your dream, in his dream, or vision? That you had done like Moses. You've forgot the feeling of your people. You forgot the call that I called you to."

122 I let the sick lay. I want the Lord to tell me where to go and not to. That's wrong. I had built myself a complex, because the people didn't hear my Message. And if you'll... And God forbid that I'll try to compare the life of now like Moses, but it's exactly what Moses did. The people wouldn't listen to him when he come to deliver them, so he just left them alone and went into the wilderness, but God turned him around. And he had long forgot the suffering people.

123And then I said, "Lord, if... How could I, that's right, with no education, with a grammar school education, be able? And the people would stand in rows and everywhere, to hear the simple Gospel." It's more, it's greater now than it was under the Old Covenant. He ascended on High and give gifts unto man. See? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then I was talking, and I heard It talking to me. And It left me.

124 And I said, "Billy." And he was sound asleep. I said, "Billy, was that you?" And he didn't even wake up.

125And I thought, "Lord God," I slowed my car down, "what does this mean?"

And I said, "Billy. Billy."

Said, "What do you want?"

And I said, "You talking to me?"

"No. Why?"

126And I said, "I want to tell you something. I dreamed a dream not long ago. You remember seeing that guy that looked like me and Fletch? Ask mother when you get back to Tucson, I told her this dream. And, Billy, there is something is happening, It's going on now. Something was talking to me, and I--I thought It was you."

127 He looked at me kind of strange, and waited a little bit, we was driving on. So, a few minutes, he went back to sleep again. And I was driving along, thinking about what could that mean? Driving along, right in the road, and, all at once, here It come talking again.

128And He said, "Return! Did not I tell you, in the beginning, to do the work of an evangelist? When I called you, down on the river, did not I say, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming'? Wasn't John more than a prophet? Jesus said so, Himself. 'What'd you go out to see, a prophet?' Said, 'More than a prophet.'"

129 Then it all begin to come to me. I begin to--to wonder. Then He reminded me again of the--of the people. How, doing what Moses did, how could Moses reach the people in the wilderness? And how could I reach the people in the wilderness? Exactly the same thing. Then it come to this, Second Timothy 4. Remember when we dedicated the church that morning, thirty years ago, some of you old-timers, when He showed me them trees and I planted them on both sides? Remember that? You remember the vision. It's all wrote in books and on tapes and everything. Been years ago, how I seen these and I--I never crossed up the Oneness and the Trinity. I stood between them and planted these trees, and they were the only two trees that had fruit. And I... All the trees grew up about thirty feet and stopped. These went plumb into Heaven; broke off of the same branch. See? One on one side and one on the other, and I broke them. You remember the vision. See? It's wrote in books and it's in my life story and all. And they went plumb up into Heaven like that, quickly. And He said, "Hold out your hands for the fruit." And then I found the same fruit in the cross, when I run down there. And He said, "'Do the work of an evangelist. Make full proof of your ministry. And the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine.' Don't quit them then. Keep going." That all come into my mind.

130 And then I remember this Marilyn Monroe, the girl that I saw die about a week before she died, and how that they said she committed suicide, when she didn't. I told them about it, before, what would happen, and it did. And like it did the boxers up there; one was going to kill the other one. I mistaken the girl. There's another girl there, her cousin is--is--is Danny Henry. What is her name? Jane Russell. Her cousin, a Baptist boy.

131And I was preaching in Los Angeles, at the Business Men's breakfast. And Something there just laying down on those organizations, and there set the head man of the Assemblies, and many of the great dignitaries had gathered in there. And when I got through speaking and started to leave the platform, getting ready... Cause, the Message was being sent out across the--the--the nation, on radio, and had to change back. During this change, when they cut off the radio, then, to send that Message out, and come back and announce the station. And I was at Clifton's, where we have the breakfast. And as I was walking from the upper platform to the lower, a fine handsome-looking young fellow of about thirty years old, run forth and threw his arms around me. He said, "I'm Danny Henry." And not knowing that that was his brother doing the televising. And, uh, it televises there for the Christian Business Men. And it's Jane Russell, that movie star, her cousin. Her mother is a Pentecostal preacher.

132 And then when they started running to me, and he throwed his arms around me, and said, "God bless you, Brother Branham." He said, "I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but, to my way of seeing it, that Message could be the 23rd chapter of Revelation." And when he said that, he started speaking in tongues. A boy who had never even heard of such a thing, a Baptist by denomination. And as soon as... He turned white, and he looked at me. He didn't know what to do. There is man setting here was there. Were you there, Fred? How many was there at that time? Yeah, there is the three here, was there at that time. And he didn't know what to say.

133And there was a great big French woman setting down here. She raised up, she said, "Why, that don't need any interpretation. That was purely French."

The boy said, "I don't know one word of French." And she had wrote down what he said.

134And then there was a man setting on the corner, he said, "That's correct. I've got wrote down what he said, is French." Way back in the back, a blond-headed, handsome-looking fellow, standing up against the wall, come forward and compared notes. He was the interpreter for the U.N., for French. And this man over here was Victor Le Doux, of the Arne Vick church out there, and he wrote it down. And I've got the interpretation to it.

135 Listen to this, if I can read it.

"I, Victor Le Doux, am a full-blooded Frenchman; born-again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. My address is 809 North King Road, Los Angeles 46. I attend the Bethel Temple, Pastor Arne Vick, pastor. A true translation that I proclaim, of prophecy said over Brother Branham, given by Danny Henry in French, February the 11th, 1961, at the Full Gospel Business Men's breakfast. A true translation of the prophecy."

136Now, here is what It said.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked in your own choosing.

Now, I can see that. Moses had to make his choice, too. See?

Thou hast picked the precise and correct way, correct decision, and it is MY WAY.

Underlined, "My Way," the Holy Spirit speaking back.

Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits you... awaits thee.

What a glorious decision... (Now listen close.)

What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will make, and come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine.

137 You notice, it's the verb before the adverb. See, the French. Now the U.N. interpreter interpret that. And the boy knows not one word, never heard--never heard of such a thing as speaking in tongues. He was a Baptist. Just happened to drop in there, and heard that music, and said... come up there and stand up there and listen at me preach.

138Now, "in the love Divine," Divine love. How can that be Divine love if it isn't the--the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is Divine love.

139 Now, and as Billy and I started on down the road, see, started going on down the road, Billy went to sleep again. And It said, "I'll give you an everlasting sign."

140And I said, "Lord, what..." I waited a little bit and nothing happened. I said, "What is the everlasting sign, Lord?" And I waited a few minutes. And just then I looked over to see Billy; he was asleep.

141And He said, "I'll give you an everlasting sign," again. He said, "Look westward from where you're at."

142And I turned my head like this in the truck, to look; slowed down, you know. And, oh, my, the Spirit of the Lord! I felt like I could scream and cry. And I looked, and I just saw a mountain with white caps on it. I said, "I don't know, see no everlasting sign about that."

143He said, "Your name is wrote all over it."

144Oh, I thought, "What is that?" And I got real weak and I started stopping.

145And Billy raised up and said, "What's the matter with you?" And I pulled my hands like this, perspiration dropping off my hand, and it snowing.

146 I said, "Billy, something is happening. At one time I know where I've done wrong. I know that I've failed God." And look like I could hear that song being sung, and see thousands of mixed people, lame, halt, blind, and withered; heard a choir, a voice of some great renown voice, singing:

Unclean! Unclean! The evil spirits drove him. (You know the song.)

Then Jesus came and set the captive free.

147I could see the sick lines a laying everywhere, and I had to stop. Billy didn't know that was taking place. And I looked up.

148 I stopped and looked up on the mountain, and I seen those seven hills. Now, here, if you want to see something. There was seven peaks on top of a mountain, one mountain, that run for several miles. The last mountain before you go into the other country; no more mountains after that. And it was running from east to the west, the mountain set, and it was snowcapped on top.

149The first two small peaks, and then a large peak; and then another small peak, and then a larger peak; and then a small peak, and then a great, large, long, snowcapped mountain. And I said, "Lord, I do not understand what that means."

150He said, "How many peaks are there?"

151I said, "There is seven."

152"How many letters is in your name?" B-r-a-n-h-a-m, M-a-r-r-i-o-n B-r-a-n-h-a-m.

153 And there was three outstanding peaks. He said, "Those three peaks are the first, second, and third pull. The first one was your first part of your ministry, small hill; then your first pull, pretty high." You know, sign in the hand. Then there was a little interval in there, the time that I was taken off from being too tired. Many of you remember it. And then come the discernment, the second pull. Now I've had another, about a few years here of just kind of little peaks, see, back like my ministry wasn't yet, and then come the third one.

154Three is a number of completion, see, the third one. The next peak was five, number of grace. And the next peak was seven, the number of--of perfection, the end. "Six days shall you labor. The seventh is the Sabbath," the end of the week, the end of time. See? And I stopped and I showed it to Billy. And I looked at them.

155He said, "That, let that stand. If there is ever a doubt in your mind, remember this place, come back here."

156 And Billy punched me on the shoulder, he said, "Daddy, look eastward!" And how it ever happened, I don't know, but there on the east side of the road was that burning dump. Miles and miles from any kind of a city, an old rubbish heap dump laying there on the left-hand side of the road.

157I am returning to the field. Amen. Old or young, live or die, I'll obey God until death shall set me free. I have failed the Lord, not willing. Whether I make... I've tried... Let me insert this. See? Some more tape left? Let me insert this. I have wanted, I have wanted to see Jesus Christ manifested without one flaw. And let the brethren who hear this tape, and this church remember, from this day, the reason you haven't had no flaws, and the reason that all these years you can't say one thing that ever said or done but what it happened. I challenge anybody to bring any of the thousands of things on the platform, and the discernment, and the prediction of what would happen; it's happened exactly to the letter. Now, the church believes that, say, "Amen," so that... [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There's not a person in the world can show one. But be it known to the church here and to the church hereafter: if God pushes a man through a pipe, and he don't move at all until God tells him, there is no faith connected with it. It's God pushing you to something. And it's built the ministry to a place to where there is nobody can say one word against it. But from henceforth, let me first speak to you in the Name of the Lord, before you listen, because I must go out by faith. I must do it by faith, whether I think it's right or wrong, or what. I do the best of my choosing, and then go do it. Because it hasn't been wrong, is because I've waited till He told me to go do it. I've waited for Him. So it wasn't me; it was Him.

158 But, you see, even the great Saint Paul got between the straits one time. And many times that God has did things or let His servants do it, that was mistakes, in order to prove these things. Now, we know that human beings can make mistakes, but God can make no mistake. But now if I get into the field of preaching, and going the way I--I do, then I have to set up meetings ahead and--and get things lined up. And perhaps this is that great time coming that we been looking for. And surely if "This in itself is a tremendous thing that will bring to pass, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine," and that's the verb before adverb, then it's Divine love, which is God. See? And it takes the love of God to dash out there on the front line and stand in the gap for the people.

159 And these Rickies and Rickettas, that have so sassed the words, and I've called them "Ricky" and "Ricketta," God give me to understand I shouldn't do that, because that's many of them are still His children. I'm a... They can't help because they act so much different. Some of these old, cold formal churches has got them, that spirit upon them, and they're in much in--in prison as Israel was in prison, just as much as Moses went down to deliver them from slavery. Human beings that loved Jesus Christ, would serve Him if they only know what to serve Him by. And they're in bondage under denominationalism that tells them, "Don't you do this, and don't you do that."

160 But the call of God must come, "Whoever wants to march towards the promised Land, let him march." We're on our road to the promised Land. Amen. Let them come, march. We're on our road to meet Christ at the end time. And I wanted to bring this to you so that you would see, and show you that, the mistake that a man can make, yet being sincere.

161Moses lost the feeling of his people because they wouldn't listen to him. And, Brother Roy, you see your dream? And now I cannot go, with a ministry like that, until I feel different in my heart about it, no matter if God did tell me. But that is that change that Brother Roy... that seen coming. Something's got to change me, because I, in my heart, if I go out there feeling the way I do now; I still feel that they ought to have heard that Message, they ought to a-done it. And I don't have the feeling for the people that I should have. Until I can get that feeling, there is no need in me going, because I'd be a hypocrite.

162 And all these years I've tried to serve Him with a true heart, and I won't go out there being a hypocrite. I got to feel that, that it isn't Ricky and Ricketta, and it isn't this bunch. It's God's children that's in bondage, and I must go to them. Until I can feel that way, I'll just have to loaf around, preach some conventions and things, but wait.

163 I got a little song. I can't sing. I would just like to quote it to you. Brethren, I just kind of mapped out. I ain't got it filled out yet. It ain't wrote right. I don't know whether I can even read it or not. It's in the tune of the Battle Hymn Of The Republic, "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" You've heard it. "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" How many? Of course, we've all heard that.

The circuit-rider preacher went riding through the land,

With a rifle on his shoulder and a Bible in his hand;

He told the prairie people of a blessed promised Land,

As he went riding, singing along.

Leaning, leaning,

Leaning on the everlasting arm;

Leaning, leaning,

Leaning on the everlasting arm.

He preached the coming judgment of fire and brimstone;

And a glorious, endless Heaven of the justified alone.

As he rode across the mountains you could hear him sing this song,

As he went riding on.

There is power, power, wonder-working power,

In the Blood of the Lamb;

There is power, power, oh, wonder-working power,

In the precious Blood of the Lamb.

164 The old circuit preacher. You remember him. See?

Now his rifle's old and rusty, and it's hanging on the wall;

His Bible is very worn and dusty, and the... seldom touched at all; (That's right.)

But the Message that It brings us will meet us on that Day,

For God's Truth's still marching on.


Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

His Truth is marching on.

165 I'm going to learn that. I stood this morning when I was writing that down, put my hand on my old rifle hanging on the wall. I thought, "It won't be long."

His rifle is old and rusting, as it's hanging on the wall, (That's right.)

And the Bible is worn and dusty, and is seldom touched at all;

But his Message from this Bible... at the Judgment one day;

And His Truth keeps marching on.

166God's Truth in this Bible! Yeah. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

167 The old circuit preacher with his rifle across his back, his Bible in his hand, rode across the prairie, and up over the mountains, and down through the ditches and everywhere, preaching of a coming Millennium, of a coming fiery Judgment for the unjust, and preaching a Kingdom of God for the just. It's true. The old Winchester is a rusting away. And the Bible, they--they got some sex book instead of It. But God's Truth still marches on. He makes Himself just as real today, and proves it, as He ever was. "God's Truth keeps marching on!"

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory hallelujah!

His Truth is marching on.

168 Why? Somebody will take It. For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let's sing it again. Now we're mixed up here, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, everything else. While we sing that last chorus, let's shake hands with somebody around you, and then we'll be dismissed.

169And now, remember, you that have to go to your own church, go tonight. Greet your pastor for me. And--and then pray for me, each one of you. And then again I want you to remember, if you have no place to go...

[Brother Branham speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] And if you'd have anything.

After Brother Neville's message tonight, after he has his message, then I want to make a tape called The Red Flashing Light Of His Coming, see, tonight. The Lord bless you now. And next week, I'll, next Sunday, the Lord willing, I may be down again to make another tape, 'cause I'll have to be in Arkansas this next week.

170 All right, now let's sing again, and shake hands now.

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Glory! glory, hallelujah!

Lord Jesus, bless these handkerchiefs!...?... [Brother Branham prays while the congregation sings--Ed.] In the Name of Jesus Christ, we lay hands upon these handerchiefs.

... on.

Praise be to God! Now let us bow our heads just a moment.

171 You're just in time, Brother Ruddell. Walk up here just a minute and pray. Brother Ruddell, another one of our associate brethren here, of a little association of churches we have together, this interdenominational. And I have heard the gallant stand that Brother Ruddell taken for the--for the Gospel. And so I--I say this, Brother Ruddell, that everything along the road... God has not promised a flowery bed of ease. But He promised a battle, yes, but He promised victory. That's the thing.

172I remember when I first took this stand, even my own mother and father want to turn me from the house. See? But, oh, my, how I baptized them in the Name of the Lord Jesus! The only hopes I ever have today is because of the stand. I'm so glad that the Message of the Bible, from the old circuit preacher down to this time... Though people has got a hold of It and they've trimmed It around, and they've made denominations and put creeds and everything else in It, that Truth still marches on. That's right. It still marches on.

173 God bless you, each one, and we hope to see you again real soon. Till then, will you do this one favor for me now, both here and on tapes also, you brethren? Pray that God will place into my heart that something that I lost out there in that complex. It's so easy to build a complex.

I had an interview the other day with my Brother Way sitting here, standing here in front. A good man, but built hisself around a complex, another kind of a complex, did the same thing. Brother Way, you can so easily do it; it's you just get a little something in your mind, keep thinking that way. Go back and check it with the Scripture, and see if it's right or not, and then go from there on. Yeah. Don't lose the feeling of the people. See? You must remember they're not made out of sawdust. They are flesh and blood, human beings and a soul. Pray for me, all of you, if you will. God bless you now.

We're going to bow our heads and ask Brother Ruddell if he'll...

174 Pardon? [Brother Parnell says, "Brother Branham, I have something I'd like to say, just take me a half a second."--Ed.] Okay, brother. [Brother Parnell tells about a dream he had dreamed.] Praise be to God! This is a minister. Somebody might not know. And he was one of the group that, I didn't have time this morning, that was in one of those dreams, speaking of me going the other way, see, going West, going out West on this last time. Brother J.T. Parnell.

175 Now, there might be strangers that wonder about people having dreams, of dreamers. No, we don't go for all kinds of dreams and things, but we believe that the Bible said, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that I'll will pour out My Spirit upon the people; and they shall prophesy, and shall see visions, and dream dreams." And as long as that's in the lids of the Bible, it's my duty to believe it and to preach it. And when people tell dreams, if the Lord doesn't give the interpretation, we let it go. And if it's something... When anyone speaks with tongues, it must be something to the church, and it must happen, too. We don't, it'd be an evil spirit. It must come to pass, 'cause interpretation of tongues is prophecy. We know that's right. So we try here to live the Bible just the way It's taught. Take nothing away from It or add nothing to It, but just live It the way It is. The Lord be blessed. That helped me, Brother J.T., to believe that... God didn't tell me go out now and compromise with sin; but just go out and just keep on doing. See?

176 Let us pray now. Brother... [A sister in the congregation cries out--Ed.]... Someone fainted. Just a minute. Sit still, everybody. See? [Brother Branham leaves the pulpit and goes down into the congregation.]

177Heavenly Father, let Thy mercy and goodness be with Brother Way. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may he come back. Give him back, Lord, and give him strength and health.

So help me, his heart starts beating again! Be still, everybody, and just pray.

Lord Jesus, let Thy goodness and mercy be with Brother Way, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

178It's over. As I stand here on this altar, where funerals has been preached. Where I stand here, where hundreds of people has prayed through to Christ. I reached out, his eyes was set, his pulse was gone. And no more than called the Name of Jesus Christ, and his pulse started coming back again. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! As a minister of the cross, I say that in the Name of Jesus Christ. Isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A heart attack. See? I'm so thankful it happened just now, instead of wait till we got away. See the grace of God? The Lord be blessed!

Let us just bow our heads.

179 Heavenly Father, we thank You now for Your goodness and Your mercy. You are ever in our midst. Give me, Lord, Oil in my lamp. Give me the--the--the--the Rod of the Lord, that I might stretch It out, up over the sick and afflicted. That I might bring it out upon... to bring deliverance to those who are needy, and judgment to those who are rejecting It. Grant it, Father. We thank You for all Your goodness, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Brother Ruddell, God bless you, brother.