Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?



Letniční To videli. Čo urobili? Vyšli z Wesleyovcov, a Nazarénov, a tak ďalej. Čo urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot nazvaný, „My sme jednotári“ a; „My sme trojičiari“ a; „My sme Zjednotení.“ a všetko toto. Čo On urobil? Boh sa rovno z toho presunul. Vidíte, my to nemôžeme urobiť. Musíme nasledovať každý deň, každú hodinu dňa, každý krok tej cesty. Musíme byť vedení Pánom Ježišom Kristom. Ak nie sme, berieme organizačný život. A život, ktorý nenasleduje Krista denne, nie je hodný. Človek, ktorý je kresťanom v nedeľu a ide do zboru, sadne si tam vzadu a myslí si, že vlastní cirkev, lebo robí toto, tamto, alebo iné, a v pondelok bude kradnúť a klamať... A ženy, ktoré vyjdú na verejné pláže a vonku do ulíc v nemorálnych šatách...

Myslel som na prvú dámu, nedala si ani make-up, keď išla pred pápeža, a vrátila sa a stanovila vyčíňanie s trvalou na vlasoch pre ženy v národe. A všetky tieto šaty, ktoré, keď sa stala matkou, každá žena v krajine chce teraz nosiť niektoré z tých materských šiat. To je v poriadku. To sú príklady a oni vedia, že tí ľudia to budú robiť. Oni na seba berú ducha sveta, a to nepatrí do cirkvi živého Boha.

Ženy by sa mali dívať na Ježiša Krista. Mali by ste sa dívať na Sáru a na tie v Starom Zákone.

1 Zostaňme len na chvíľu stáť, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy a pozrieme sa k Pánovi. Ak sú tu nejaké prosby, ktoré by mali byť spomenuté pred Bohom, či by ste len teraz v tejto chvíli pozdvihli takto svoju ruku k Nemu a držali v srdci to, čo chcete?

2 Náš nebeský Otče, sme vďační za ďalší deň. A teraz sa to začína završovať; bude to históriou. Služby z dnešného rána sú už skončené. Slová, ktoré boli povedané, sú vo vzduchu, na páske, a jedného dňa to budeme musieť stretnúť. Bude to musieť byť buď správne alebo nesprávne. A my veríme, že je To správne, lebo je To Tvoje Slovo.

3 No, modlíme sa, aby si nám dnes večer dal tie prosby, ktoré prosíme. S rukami, ktoré pozdvihujeme, prosíme za želania, o ktorých si Ty vedel, že ich potrebujeme a o čo prosíme. Tak sa modlíme, aby si nám odpovedal, Pane, a dal nám túžby nášho srdca; to je, ak to môžeme použiť na to, aby sme Ťa ctili. Daj to, Pane.

4 Uzdrav chorobu v našom strede. Vezmi preč všetok hriech a neveru. Daj znovu dnes večer nám z Tvojej porcie Tvojich požehnaní, Pane, ako rozjímame nad Slovom a časom, v ktorom žijeme. Zišli sme sa spolu, Otče, kvôli žiadnemu inému zámeru, iba aby sme sa pokúsili naučiť, ako žiť lepšie a žiť bližšie Tebe. Lebo vidíme, že ten deň sa blíži, a musíme sa spolu zhromaždiť mnohokrát a vziať od Teba inštrukcie. Daj to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

5 Viem, že je hrozne teplo a miesto je celé preplnené, tak ako je; a tak je nám ľúto, že nemáme žiadnu klimatizáciu. A ja... Možno to bude... Sú dve veci, ktoré chcem pre zbor urobiť hneď ako sa budem môcť dostať späť, tak ako chcem, ak sa budem môcť príhodne vrátiť na zhromaždenia. Chcem, aby bol klavír umiestnený tak, že klavirista sa bude pozerať oproti zhromaždeniu. Chcem, aby boli organ a klimatizácia na tejto strane, potom sa budem cítiť tak, že by to mohlo byť. A tak sme... Budeme veriť Pánovi a vedieť, že On nám to dá.

6 Myslím, že mi povedali, že brat Hickerson to práve vybral z toho časopisu. Položil to tam vzadu na môj stôl. To je tá konštelácia Anjelov, ktorá je v časopise, o ktorej sme hovorili. Vidíte ten pyramídový tvar? Pozrite sa na toho na tejto strane, to špicaté krídlo a ako vychádza s takto vypnutou hruďou, ten po mojej pravici, ako som hovoril spoza tejto istej kazateľne pred mesiacmi a mesiacmi a mesiacmi. Vidíte? Tam to je. A časopis „POZRI“ a časopis „ŽIVOT“, to má, májové vydanie, zo 17. mája, myslím, že je to (Je to tak?), vydanie zo 17. mája. Pani Woodová mi dnes hovorila, že mnohí jej volali a pýtali sa... Je to v májovom vydaní, 17. mája.

7 Je to tajomný oblak. Oblak je dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko a tridsať míľ široký. A to je to, o čom sme tu hovorili. A to je to, kde zostúpili tí Anjeli Pánovi a zatriasli tým miestom, a celý... Znelo to hlasnejšie...

8 Viem, že je jeden človek, ak... Myslím, že brat Sothmann, videl som ho niekde pred chvíľou, on je tu, stál (áno, rovno tam vzadu), stál nablízku, keď sa to stalo. Myslím, že som nebol príliš ďaleko od neho; len som ho videl, snažil som sa mu mávať (lenže som mal jeho ďalekohľad), že tie zvieratá, na ktoré sme poľovali, neboli na tomto kopci. No, išiel som na iný kopec. Našiel som ich deň predtým a povedal som im, kam majú ísť. A išiel som tu, kde, keby šli touto cestou, len by som vystrelil do vzduchu a zahnal ich späť tým smerom, aby mohli dostať svoje zvieratá. Tak... Boli to javeliny (niečo ako malé diviaky).

9 A tak, išiel som na túto stranu, a oni neboli, neboli na druhej strane. Videl som, ako brat Fred vyšiel, a oni tam neboli. Vrátil sa a brat Norman išiel hore na kopec. A ja som sa obrátil, išiel som dolu do malej rokliny a išiel som hore, len ja sám, okolo jeden a pol míle cez nejakú skutočnú, drsnú krajinu. A zastavil som sa a len som sa obzeral okolo. Deň už pokročil, oberal som tie, ako to tam nazývame, kozie hlavy, niečo ako pichliače, oberal som ich z mojich nohavíc, presne ten istý druh, ktorý som sa videl robiť, keď som tu bol a hovoril som vám o videní asi šesť mesiacov predtým, ako sa to stalo. A povedal som, „To je zvláštne. A pozrel som sa, ako dokonale na sever som od Tusconu, tak trochu severovýchodne, to robí...“ Tuscon, pamätáte sa, že som povedal trochu juhozápadne. A povedal som, „To je zvláštne.“ A díval som sa takto na tie pichliače, oberajúc ich z mojej, mnoho z nich, z mojej nohavice. Ak ste tam nikdy neboli, je to púštna krajina. To vôbec nie je také ako toto. Okolo dvadsaťkrát jasnejšie, a žiadne stromy a veci ako sú tu, len kaktusy a piesok.

10 Tak som sa len na to takto díval. Len som pozdvihol svoje oči; okolo, povedal by som, pol míle odo mňa som videl celé stádo javelín, ležiac, vychádzajúcich na koniec, kde jedli nejaké byliny. A myslel som si, „Teraz, ak by som tam len mohol dostať brata Freda a brata Normana, to je práve to miesto.“

11 A ten večer predtým, ako bol Duch Svätý tak ohromný v tábore, že mi hovoril veci, ktoré sa stali a udiali, musel som vstať a odísť z tábora. A potom v to ďalšie ráno som išiel tam hore, a začal som... Povedal som, „No, ak by som sa mohol dostať k bratovi Fredovi, prevediem ho okolo tejto hory,“ čo bolo okolo míle týmto smerom. Musel som ísť okolo dve míle, alebo ho radšej vyzdvihnúť, možno tri, späť týmto smerom, dolu týmto, čo my nazývame kozí chrbát, vyjsť takto hore, hore po vrcholoch tých drsných, zubatých hôr a prejsť týmto smerom, prejsť krížom a strihnúť to tadeto a ísť dolu týmto smerom a vyzdvihnúť ho. A potom by sa musel dostať k úpätiu kopca, aby vzal brata Normana, čo by bolo pravdepodobne štyri alebo päť míľ, potom sa dostať späť. A išiel som položiť malý kúsok servítky, ktorú som išiel zavesiť tam na kus kríka, aby som si označil, na ktorý hrebeň mám ísť, keď sa budem vracať.

12 A práve som prešiel malý hrebeň, kde bolo mnoho neotesaných skál, a tam zostupuje jelení chodník na druhej strane, ó, štyridsať, päťdesiat yardov pod útesom. A to bolo, ó, bol už deň. Povedal by som 8 hodín, alebo 9, nemyslíš, že tak nejako, brat Fred? Možno okolo 9-tej hodiny, tak nejak? Bežal som rýchlo na túto stranu, aby ma tie javeliny nevideli. Sú to diviaky, viete, a sú riadne desivé.

13 Tak som išiel týmto smerom na ten kopec, a skrátil a začal som bežať hore na kopec, a bežal som len malým, ako to nazývame, psím poklusom; a zrazu sa celá krajina rozozvučala. Nikdy som nepočul taký strašný výbuch. Proste to zatriaslo a skaly sa rúcali. A cítil som sa ako, musel som vyskočiť päť stôp od zeme, tak nejako. To ma tak vystrašilo. A myslel som si, „Ó...“ Myslel som si, že som zostal zastrelený, že niekto... Mal som na sebe čierny klobúk. Myslel som si, že si možno mysleli, že je to javelina, ktorá beží hore na kopec, že ma niekto zastrelil. Išlo to tak nahlas takto rovno na mňa. Potom zrazu niečo povedalo, „Pozri hore.“ Tam to bolo. Potom mi povedal, „To je otvorenie tých Siedmich Pečatí; vráť sa domov.“ Tak tu prichádzam.

14 Stretol som brata Freda a brata Normana asi o hodinu neskôr, keď som ich našiel, a boli vzrušení a rozprávali o tom. A tam to je. Veda hovorí, že je nemožné pre akýkoľvek druh hmly alebo niečoho, aby sa dostala tak vysoko, mračno, para. Vidíte, to pôjde len... Nevedel som.

15 Ja... my, keď ideme za oceán, cestujeme deväťtisíc stôp; to je nad búrkami. To je priemerne okolo štyri míle. A povedzte, povedzme, možno je to pätnásť míľ, až kým už viac nedostanete žiadnu paru. Ale toto bolo dvadsaťšesť míľ, a visela tam celý deň. Vidíte? Oni nevedia, čo to je. Ale vďaka Pánovi, my áno. Ďakujem, brat Hickerson. Nechám si to tam na mojom stole, a keď napíšu knihu, no, potom to môžeme mať.

16 Mám tu malú poznámku, ktorú mi dali... Myslím, že to bol nárast v našom počte, odkedy som tu bol naposledy. Myslím, že sa volá... Prinajmenšom meno jeho otca je David West. A má tu malého chlapca, ktorého chcú odovzdať Pánovi. Je to tak? Bolo to na dnes večer, alebo to bolo na stredu večer. Ja neviem, to má... Dnes večer? To je dobre. Nuž, čo keby... Ty si Dávid, však? To je to, čo som si myslel, že si. V poriadku, čo takto priniesť toho malého chlapca hore, keby naša sestra prišla k tomuto klavíru a začala nám pieseň „Prineste maličkých.“ Pastor, keby prišiel sem hore, a odovzdáme tohto malého chlapca Pánovi.

17 No, snažíme sa to dodržiavať podľa Písma. Toto je tvoj vnuk, brat West... To vyzerá ako nemožné, však? Sestra Westová, čo si o tom myslíš, ne... Viete, čo si myslím? Viete, ja som tiež starý otec. To mi pripomína brata Demosa Shakariana. Stál pred veľkým zástupom ľudí. A on všetko popletie, ako ja, viete. On tam stál; povedal, „Viete,“ povedal, „povedal som Rose, že cítim (to je jeho žena),“ povedal, „cítim sa oveľa starší, odkedy som starou mamou.“ Povedal, „Ó, mal som na mysli starým otcom.“ (Obecenstvo sa smeje.)

18 Viete, ja... Nie si sám, brat West, je ich tu veľa. A to je v poriadku. Myslím, že si naozaj môžeme ceniť naše vnúčatá. Toto ne... dúfam, že toto neznie zle, ale môžeme mať na nich viac času, verím, ako sme mali s našimi deťmi. A opýtal som sa minule manželky, povedal som, „Iste, na chvíľku ich miluješ a vrátiš ich späť ich matke a ideš ďalej.“ Nuž...

19 Mám tam vzadu malého vnuka. On hovorí, „Dedko, káž, dedko, káž!.“ A minulú nedeľu večer vyberali obete a nechali ich ležať na stole, a priniesli ho tam vzadu. A počul ma cez mikrofón; povedal, „Dedko, káž, dedko, káž!“

A Billy povedal, „Áno, tam hore.“

A on povedal, „Nie.“ A tie obete sa rozsypali po celej podlahe. On chcel ísť sem, viete. A on na mňa vždy vykrikuje, viete. Vidí ma na zhromaždení a bude vykrikovať, „Dedko, káž.“...?... Tak ja viem, že sú rozkošní.

19a Povedz, som zvedavý, či by som si mohol požičať trochu z tých vlasov? Vidíte, on ich práve teraz nepotrebuje; ja áno. Ako sa volá? Dávid Jonatán, nie je to nádherné meno? Nuž, dúfam, že jeho život bude ako tých, po ktorých je pomenovaný, Dávid, kráľ Dávid, na ktorého tróne má sedieť Kristus, a tiež Jonatán, milovaný priateľ.

Poviem vám, sú to milí malí chlapci. Veľmi si ich ceníme.

No, on sa zobúdza, a môže kričať „Amen“ tak dobre ako ostatní, viete, tak sa tým jednoducho nenecháme vyrušovať. Odovzdávame ho Pánovi.

Myslím, že je to silne sladké, mať mladý pár, ktorému Boh dal do starostlivosti malého chlapca ako tento, a prišli, aby ho odovzdali Pánovi. A keď to robíte, to ukazuje, že nie ste, že dávate späť Bohu to, čo vám Boh dal. Nech ho Boh žehná.

19b No, ak ho chcete držať... Myslím, že možno matka by ho mohla držať trochu lepšie ako ja. A čo keby sme na neho položili svoje ruky. Urobíte to radšej? Lebo ja sa bojím, aby som ho nepustil, nezlomil alebo niečo iné, viete. Vždy sa bojím, aby som ich nezlomil, viete. Moja, moja... Méda sedí tam vzadu. Myslím, že toto je jedna práca na pódiu, ktorú mi trochu závidí, viete. Ona rada drží... No, pozrite sa sem, on sa ide na mňa pozrieť. On je milý chlapík. Tak veru. Možno ho môžem podržať. Som zvedavý? (Obecenstvo sa smeje.) Ó, sestra, dúfam, že nespadne. Ty si... Nie je to rozkošné? Ďakujem. Ako sa máš? No, aké sladké.

19c Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pane Ježišu, pred mnohými rokmi, keď sa zrodilo kresťanstvo vo forme Muža, zvaného Kristus, pomazaného Mesiáša, Ježiš bolo Jeho Meno... Ľudia nosili svoje malé nemluvňatá k Nemu, aby na ne mohol položiť Svoje ruky a požehnať ich. A On povedal, „Nebráňte maličkým prichádzať ku Mne, a nezakazujte im, lebo takých je Nebeské Kráľovstvo.“ Tento milý malý pár, ich starí rodičia a oni boli skutoční nasledovníci Slova.

Pane Ježišu, prinášam a držím Ti dnes večer, pastor a ja, tohto milého Davida Jonatána Westa. Dávam ho Tebe. Od matky a ocka, predkladám ho Tebe, Pane, pre zdravie, silu, dlhý život služby, aby ctil Boha Všemohúceho, ktorý ho priniesol na tento svet.

Nech požehnania Božie spočinú na ňom. Nech Duch Svätý spočinie na tomto dieťati; a ak bude zajtrajšok, nech nesie Evanjelium, ktoré jeho rodičia a starí rodičia dnes tak uchovávajú v srdci.

Daj to, Pane. Teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista, dávam Ti toto dieťa v odovzdaní jeho života. Amen.

19d Myslím, že chcú urobiť fotku toho malého chlapca. Ja som tiež vyskočil.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech vždy miluješ a uchovávaš v srdci Pána Ježiša, a nech je malý chlapec vychovávaný v napomínaní Božom, a máte nádherného malého chlapca, som si istý. Nech je Boh s vami.

20 Myslím, že mu spadol jeho malý cumlík. Našli ho?

Ó. No, spievajme tú malú pieseň, „Prineste maličkých.“ Všetci teraz spolu pre malého chlapca. (V poriadku, sestra.)

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

Nepoznám lepšie ruky, do ktorých ich vložiť, a vy? Ruky Pána Ježiša...

21 No, viem, že je tam vonku teplo. A chcem povedať správcovi, môjmu bratovi Docovi, alebo tým ostatným, ktorí sa o to starajú, niektoré sestry si ničia sukne na tom mastnom, čo je na kresle. Koľké to na nich máte? Viem, že je tam moja žena, moje dve dcéry, malá Betty Collinsová, pani Beelerová, niektoré z nich... Je tam niečo mastné. Keby si sa na to pozrel, Doc, keď môžeš. Je to... Myslím, že je to tam, kde ony... Je to olej alebo farba alebo niečo také rovno tam, kde sa to skladá hore a dolu, tie sedadlá. A to nie je to? Nuž, ja potom neviem, čo to je. Niečo, práve som... Bolo mi to spomenuté a povedal som, že to len spomeniem Docovi. V poriadku.

No, modlitebné zhromaždenie v stredu večer... [brat Branham hovorí s bratom Neville – pozn.prekl.] Je tam niekto... Oznámil si, urobil si svoje oznámenia, brat Neville? Je všetko oznámené?

22 No, ak bude Pán chcieť, budúcu nedeľu ráno chcem hovoriť na tému obžaloby tejto generácie za ukrižovanie Krista. A poviete, „Táto generácia to nemohla urobiť.“ Zistíme, či to urobili alebo nie, podľa Slova.

23 Takže, budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak bude Pán chcieť. Ak nie... Ak sa niečo vyskytne... Taktiež by som mal byť v Houstone tento týždeň na konferencii a to mi zaberie až do nedele. Tak ja neviem, či budem môcť alebo nie. Ale máme ešte pár nedieľ, ktoré môžeme využiť, pred tým, každopádne, a potom ja...ideme do Chicaga na konferenciu alebo zhromaždenie v Chicagu posledný týždeň v tomto mesiaci. A potom musím zobrať rodinu naspäť do Arizony, lebo sa im skončia prázdniny a deti sa musia vrátiť do školy.

24 No, koľkí z vás sa tešili z prečítaného Slova a z požehnaní Pánových. Všetci sa tak veľmi tešíme.

25 No, je teplo, a viem, že niektorí z vás, čo ste tu, sa dnes večer vraciate domov. Vedel som, že brat Rodney a Charlie a ostatní musia šoférovať dlhé vzdialenosti. A počkajte chvíľu, vy ste na dovolenke, nie? Nuž, počul som, že idete na rybačku. Pán nepridáva človeku čas, keď je na rybačke; vy vôbec nestarnete, keď chytáte ryby. Tak teraz, vy dievčatá, choďte s nimi. Vidíte? A ja prídem dolu a pripojím sa k vám, ak budem môcť. A viete, dobrý Pán, povedali, nepridáva človeku čas, keď je na rybačke. Pridáva, keď sa cítite celý zamotaný. To je najlepšia vec, pri ktorej sa dá relaxovať, akú som kedy vo svojom živote našiel, to je ísť na rybačku.

26 Mal som raz malú kartičku od pána Troutmana. Pamätá sa niekto na pána Troutmana, mraziarenská spoločnosť v New Albany? Mal malú kartičku, na ktorej bolo napísané, „Na rybačke.“ On prišiel a povedal, „Človek, ktorý má... Každý človek, jeho brat je na rybačke. S pomocnou rukou, oni vždy boli „na rybačke“. Mal okolo osem alebo desať rôznych vecí, potom, keď sa dostal dolu, povedal, „Človek je bližšie k Bohu, keď je na rybačke.“ Tak myslím, že to je presne tak. „Bohatí a chudobní sú všetci rovnakí, keď sú na rybačke. (Vidíte?). Pomocná ruka, oni vždy požičajú, na rybačke.“ A všetko bolo o „rybačke.“

27 Nuž, poviem vám, iná rybačka, ktorú som robil počas posledných 33 rokov, bolo chytanie ľudských duší. Nech nám Pán pomôže získať každého, koho môžeme nájsť.

28 Teraz, dnes večer, toto sa nahráva... Teraz, dnes ráno, ak je tu Jim, alebo nahráva, myslím, na pásku, niekto ma na to upozornil, povedal som, „Druhý Exodus.“ Nemyslel som druhý; je to Tretí Exodus. Duch Svätý vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, Boh prichádzajúci dolu v manifestácii, priniesol prvý exodus a naspäť, vyviedol Izrael z Egypta. Druhý Exodus bol Kristus vyvádzajúci cirkev z Judaizmu. A tretí exodus je, keď ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp berie Nevestu z cirkvi. Vidíte? Von z prirodzeného, von z duchovného, a duchovné von z duchovného, tieto tri. Vidíte? Vlastne duchovné von z cirkvi, a potom dostaneme tie tri, tri veky toho.

29 No, dnes večer som chcel nahrať ďalšiu pásku, a volalo by sa to: „Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?“ Pravdepodobne to nebude trvať dlho, mám tu len niekoľko miest Písma a poznámok. Ale najprv chceme čítať Božie Slovo. Predtým, ako to urobíme, skloňme len na chvíľu naše srdcia pred Ním.

30 Pane Ježišu, každý muž, fyzicky, alebo žena, alebo dieťa, môže obracať stránky tejto Biblie, ale nie je nikto, kto by To mohol zjaviť okrem Teba. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si vzal tento text, ako je položený na mojom srdci, aby si ho poslal medzi národy pre ľudí, aby mohli vedieť, aký druh života sa od nich vyžaduje, aby žili, lebo tak mnohí sa ma pýtali: „Je kresťanský život životom služby cirkvi? Je to pomáhanie chudobným, núdznym? Alebo je to neustále členstvo? Je to oddanosť cirkvi?“ a podobné otázky. A, Otče, nech príde správna odpoveď dnes večer skrze tieto slová, ako sa ich usilujeme priniesť ľuďom. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosíme. Amen.

31 Tak, otvorte si svoje Biblie v Knihe sv. Lukáša, a začneme v 14.kapitole a 16.verši, čítať niekoľko miest Písma ako základ, ako pozadie pre to, čo sa budeme snažiť vymedziť na týchto od tridsať do štyridsať minút. No, 16.verš 14.kapitoly sv. Lukáša...

Ale on mu povedal: Nejaký človek urobil veľkú večeru a pozval mnohých.

A v hodinu večere poslal svojho sluhu, aby povedal pozvaným: Poďte, lebo je už všetko hotové.

Ale oni sa začali všetci jednomyseľne vyhovárať. Prvý mu povedal: Kúpil som pole a musím vyjsť a vidieť ho. Prosím ťa, omluv ma!

A iný povedal: Kúpil som päť párov volov a idem ich zkúsiť. Prosím ťa, omluv ma.

A zase iný povedal: Oženil som sa, a preto nemôžem prijsť.

A sluha navrátiac sa zvestoval to svojmu pánovi. Vtedy sa rozhneval domáci pán a povedal svojmu sluhovi

(Všimnite si, to nie sú sluhovia, sluha!)


Vyjdi rýchle do ulíc a uličiek mesta a uveď sem chudobných, chromých, krivých a slepých!

A sluha povedal: Pane, stalo sa, jako si nariadil, a ešte je miesto.

A pán povedal sluhovi: Vyjdi na cesty a medzi ploty a prinúť vojsť, aby sa naplnil môj dom!

Lebo hovorím vám, že niktorý z tamtých pozvaných mužov neokúsi mojej večere.

32 No, všimli ste si, tam boli tri potiahnutia alebo tri zvraty toho, keď vyšli prvýkrát a zavolali tých, ktorí boli pozvaní, aby prišli, a oni to neurobili. Tak tam vyšla uzdravovacia kampaň, vyšla von, aby získala slepých a chromých. A stále bolo miesto, tak on vyšiel von a prinútil dobrých, zlých a ľahostajných, že by mali vojsť.

33 No, čítate iné podobenstvo tohto, niečo na spôsob toho, v Matúšovi 22:1-10, ak si to chcete neskôr prečítať. Ale ja som vybral túto tému odtiaľ: „Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?“

34 No, Ježiš tu hovorí, že človek sa stále snažil vyhovoriť, aby neprijal Božie Slovo Jeho pozvania. Hoci im to bolo pevne potvrdené, že je to Jeho večera a Jeho pozvanie, ale človek sa neustále vyhovára. A keď čítate sv. Matúša 22, zistíte, že aj tam sa vyhovárali.

35 A pokúšali sa... Išlo to počas všetkých vekov. Išlo to späť do toho veku, a On povedal, že nejaký človek ich najal a mal vinicu, a nachádzame to podobenstvo, a ako poslal svojich sluhov, aby priniesli úrodu z tejto vinice. Prvý sluha prišiel, čo oni urobili? Vyhodili ho von. Ďalší sluha prišiel, tiež ho ukameňovali. A vyhodili sluhu za sluhom, krutí ľudia. Nakoniec poslal kráľ svojho syna. A keď prišiel jeho syn, zisťujeme, že oni povedali, „Toto je dedič; zabijeme ho, potom budeme mať všetko.“ Potom im Ježiš povedal, „Kráľ poslal a zabil tých vrahov a podpálil ich mesto.“

36 No, vidíme, že keď Boh dáva človeku pozvanie a, aby niečo urobil alebo prijal pozvanie, ktoré mu dal, a on to odmieta, potom nezostáva nič iné, keď milosť je odmietnutá, ako súd. Keď vystúpite spoza hraníc milosti, potom zostáva len jedna vec, a to je súd. A zisťujeme, že človek to robil vo všetkých vekoch. Stalo sa to takmer v každom veku v Biblii.

37 Keď Boh poslal Noeho, Svojho služobníka a urobil cestu úniku pre všetkých ľudí, ktorí chceli byť zachránení... Ale ľudia sa len smiali a pohŕdali Noem. Ale Boh urobil cestu, ale oni sa vyhovárali. To nebolo v súlade s ich moderným myslením. To neurobilo, to nebol spôsob, akým to oni chceli. Tak sa vyhovárali v dňoch Noeho.

38 Oni sa vyhovárali vo dňoch Mojžiša. Vyhovárali sa vo dňoch Eliáša. Vyhovárali sa vo dňoch Krista, a vyhovárajú sa dnes.

39 No, On hovorí priamo k Izraelu, tým, ktorí boli pozvaní na hostinu, a ja by som to tiež aplikoval dnes na ľudí, cirkev, ktorá bola pozvaná, aby prišla na hostinu, a neurobí to, duchovnú hostinu Pánovu... A oni to neurobia; oni to nechcú urobiť. Oni majú iné veci na práci. Vyhovárajú sa.

40 No, ak by Izrael pred dvetisíc rokmi prijal pozvanie, ktoré dostali, neboli by na tom tak, ako sú dnes. Pred dvetisíc rokmi Izrael odmietol pozvanie, aby prišiel na svadobnú večeru. A oni to odmietli a šli na súd. Ale ako povedal Ježiš, oni ukameňovali a zabili prorokov, ktorí k nim boli poslaní, tým, že sa vyhovárali.

41 No, tie výhovorky, ktoré robili v každom dni... Zisťujeme, že vo dňoch Ježiša sa On nepripojil k žiadnej z nich. Oni povedali, „Kedy sa toto tento muž naučil? Z akej je školy? Nie je toto tesárov syn? Nevolá sa jeho matka Mária? Nie sú jeho bratia Jonáš a Jakub, a tak ďalej? A nie sú jeho sestry s nami? Potom odkiaľ vzal tento muž túto autoritu, aby toto robil?“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, On sa k nim nepripojil. Tak oni povedali, „On je Belzebub; on je Samaritán. On má diabla, a je šialený. On je, on je, on je človek, ktorý má zlého ducha v línii náboženstva a ktorý ho dohnal do šialenstva. A to je to, čo, on je tam vonku ako divoký muž. Nevšímajte si ho.“ A my vieme, čo sa stalo Izraelu. A oni kričali. Oni si boli tak istí, že ten Muž sa mýli, až kým Ho odsúdili, oni povedali... „Nech Jeho Krv je na nás a na našich deťoch,“ a odvtedy tam je.

42 Ježiš sa im snažil povedať, že ich výhovorky boli to, čo zabilo prorokov a čo zabilo tých spravodlivých, ktorí prišli. Oni prijali svoje vyznania, ktoré im dal človek, namiesto prijatia Slova Božieho, a tým, že tak urobili, zbavili Slovo Božie účinku.

43 No, vy buď musíte povedať, že toto je Božia vôľa a Božia túžba, alebo niečo iné, čo môžete objaviť, čo je lepšie ako toto. No, musíte vziať jedno alebo druhé. Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu. A musíte povedať, „Toto je Pravda,“ alebo, „To je časť Pravdy,“ alebo, „To nie je celá Pravda,“ alebo, „To nie je správne spojené,“ alebo, „To nie je správne vyložené.“ A Biblia povedala, že Božie Slovo nemá súkromný výklad. Nikto iný nemá právo vykladať To; je to napísané práve takým spôsobom, ako To Boh chce vyložiť. Len to, čo To hovorí, je to, čo To má byť. Len To vezmite tak, ako je to povedané, ako je to tu zapísané.

44 No, oni prijali svoje vyznania. Oni zbavili Božie zasľúbenia účinku na seba. Oni to prekročili, jednoducho to vynechali.

45 No, keby Rusko prijalo Letničné požehnanie pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi, keď Duch Svätý padol v Rusku, neboli by dnes komunistami. No, pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi mali v Rusku veľké prebudenie. Boh prišiel medzi nich a oni mali veľké prebudenia na Sibíri. A čo urobili? Oni to odmietli a dnes je tá krajina preč a cirkvi nemôžu mať zbor, iba s dovolením. A oni sú odsúdení na súd a odišli do tohto záchvatu komunizmu, predaní diablovi.

46 Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi padol Svätý Duch v Anglicku. Hneď po tom prišiel George Jefferies a F.F.Bosworth a Charles Price, Smith Wigglesworth, tí veľkí bojovníci viery, pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, a ponúkli Anglicku prebudenie Ducha Svätého. Ale čo oni urobili? Oni sa z nich smiali, dali ich do väzenia, nazývali ich bláznami, mysleli si, že sa zbláznili. Cirkvi nepovolili ľuďom, aby ich prišli počúvať. A oni uzdravovali chorých a vyháňali diablov a robili veľké skutky. A pretože Anglicko ako národ odmietlo Evanjelium, jeho hriech je známy po celom svete. Ťažko existuje odpadlíckejší národ v celom svete, dokonca vrátane Ríma a Francúzska, než je Anglicko. Ono je matkou odpadlíctva. Rovno tam, kde Finney a mnoho veľkých mužov kázalo v Haymarkete, a Charles G. Finney a Wesley, a tak ďalej... A ono to odmietlo.

47 A teraz, dokonca pred týždňom alebo dvomi, v novinách, zisťujete, kde ich veľkí muži sú tak oslabení kvôli ženskému pohlaviu, až dovnútra vchádzajú špióni. A ich vodcovia našli ďalších z nich. Časopisy to uverejnili. Ich hriech škandálu rovno v ich vláde zasialo ich nehanebné meno po celom svete. Prečo? Oni odmietli Pravdu. Oni mali svoju výhovorku, a sú odrovnaní. Anglicko je celé Bohom odpísané už dávno.

48 Keby Amerika pred pätnástimi rokmi, keď veľké uzdravovacie prebudenie pokračovalo od Letníc, vypuklo po národe, a v hlavnom meste, Washingtone, boli prebudenia... Prezidenti, viceprezidenti, veľkí ľudia, guvernéri, diali sa veľké veci... Guvernéri a ľudia boli uzdravovaní. Ako kongresman Upshaw, bol mrzákom 66 rokov, a oni nemohli odvrátiť tvár a povedať, že to tak nebolo. Bolo to rovno pred nimi, ale oni to odmietli.

49 A dnes večer, to je dôvod, prečo tento národ zostáva... Ona je odsúdená; nie je pre ňu vôbec žiadna nádej. Prekročila hranicu medzi súdom a milosťou. A ona je vybraná v tom, čo tu má, aby ovládala národ; a je zhnitá do jadra. Jej politika je zhnitá. Morálka tohto národa je nižšia než čokoľvek, na čo môžem pomyslieť. A náboženský systém je zhnitý ešte viac ako morálka. Stáva sa z nej... Tým, že to robí, pripojila sa teraz, všetky tieto cirkvi národa, do federácie cirkví a prijala znamenie šelmy. Čo za vec? Prečo? Kristus im dal možnosť, „Príďte na Moju hostinu,“ Hostina Letníc, čo znamená „päťdesiat.“

50 Keď sa Duch Svätý vylial na Rusko, boli zavolaní na Hostinu Letníc, Duchovnú hostinu, a oni To odmietli. Anglicko, Duch Svätý bol na nich vyliaty, a oni To odmietli. Amerika, Duch Svätý bol na nich vyliaty, a oni To odmietli.

51 On ponúka trikrát. Trikrát poslal, a oni nepočúvali pozvanie na tú hostinu. Potom poslal znovu, a povedal, „Choďte a prinúťte tých ľudí prísť.“ Stôl musí byť postavený. Stôl je pripravený; stále je miesto. A verím, že možno o niekoľko najbližších mesiacov alebo tak, alebo roka, alebo koľkokoľvek to je, Boh pošle ďalšie zatrasenie po krajine, lebo stále je tam niekde vonku niekto, kto je predurčené semeno, že Svetlo musí niekde padnúť, niekde vo svete. Samotný národ je hotový.

52 Pozeral som sa do tohtotýždňového časopisu „Život“, tam, kde, v Little Rock minule, vlastne v Hot Springs; a tam som videl, myslím, že to bol guvernér štátu New York s nejakým druhom striptízu tam v Honolulu, ako s ňou tancoval. No... A tu dolu pod tým bol ďalší známy muž. Ó, čo sa hanba.

53 Pozrite sa na náš národ dnes. Pozrite sa na stav nášho národa. Pozrite sa, kam išiel, ako nízko klesol. Pozrite sa na náš náboženský systém dnes. Ako to môže byť, že cirkvi sa vôbec mohli dostať do toho stavu, v ktorom sú teraz? Je to preto, že odmietli a zavrhli Posolstvo od Boha, pozvanie, aby prišli na hostinu. Mohli by ste nazvať takýto život hodný Evanjelia? Mohli by ste nazvať život, ktorý mohol ustanoviť a dovoliť svojim ľuďom, aby robili tie veci, fajčili cigarety...

54 Minule tu dolu, istá cirkev... Malý spolkový zväz sa hral tu dolu v parku, a malý chlapec môjho švagra je nadhadzovačom v jednom z tímov. A tak on tam nadhadzoval, a tam sa hral spolkový zväz. A bol tam pastor s tými malými chlapcami, hral sa tam na zemi, a ten pastor fajčil cigaretu za cigaretou, jedna susedná cirkev, celkom tu pri nás. A viete si predstaviť človeka... A dokonca ľudia sediaci v obecenstve si to všimli. Ale dostáva sa to tam, že oni už tomu ani nevenujú pozornosť.

55 Istá veľká cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, o ktorej viem, si necháva na nedeľnú školu pätnásť minút navyše, aby mohol pastor a všetci z nich stáť vonku a fajčiť predtým, ako sa vrátia späť do služby Pánovi. John Smith, zakladateľ tej cirkvi, sa tak veľmi modlil, aby Boh poslal prebudenie, až mal v noci od opuchnutia zavreté oči, a jeho žena ho musela viesť ku stolu a kŕmiť ho lyžičkou. Ak... Ten muž by sa obrátil v hrobe, keby vedel, že cirkev sa dostane do takého stavu. Čo je to? Oni boli pozvaní, aby prišli, a odvrhli to. To je tá jediná vec. A pamätajte, Ježiš tu povedal, že tí, ktorí boli pozvaní, a odmietli to, neochutnajú z Jeho večere.

56 Keď Boh posiela Svätého Ducha a klope na dvere človeka, a on To úmyselne odmieta, raz To odmietne naposledy. A potom nebudete privilegovanou osobou. Môžete sedieť v cirkvi a počúvať Evanjelium a súhlasiť s Evanjeliom. Môžete urobiť tak veľa, ako povedať, „Viem, že je to pravda,“ ale nikdy na to nepoložíte prst, aby vám to pomohlo. Vidíte? Vy to len počúvate, lebo hovoríte, „Verím, že je to správne.“ To je len sympatizovanie s tým. Mohol by som povedať, „Verím, že je to desať tisíc dolárov.“ To neznamená, že ich mám. Vidíte? Mohol by som povedať, „To je dobrá studená voda,“ ale odmietnem ju piť. Viete, čo mám na mysli? A toto je Večný Život. A odmietnuť to urobiť, jedného dňa prekročíte tú hranicu medzi súdom a milosťou, a potom nebudete, nebudete mať to privilégium prísť a prijať to.

57 Pre vás ľudí, ktorí sem prichádzate... Nie som zodpovedný za tých, ku ktorým hovoria iní kazatelia. Ale ak je to správne, dlžíte tomu svoj život. Čo viac by ste kedy mohli nájsť, čo by bolo pre vás užitočnejšie, než vedieť, že môžete mať Večný Život?

58 Čo ak by som tu rozdával kapsule, ktoré by boli vedecky potvrdené, vedecky potvrdené, že táto kapsula môže spôsobiť, že by ste žili tisíc rokov? Nuž, musel by som sem dostať políciu aby držali ten dav ľudí preč odtiaľto. Nemuseli by ste kvôli tomu robiť oltárne zavolanie, len by ste ich od toho museli odháňať. Žiť tisíc rokov... A jednako, vedecky dokázané, že večný Boh, všetka Jeho moc Jeho vzkriesenia, ktorá vám zasľúbila Večný Život, a Satan tam dá svoje legióny a drží vás od Toho preč. Vidíte? A predsa sa môžete dívať, a byť dosť citliví, aby ste sa pozreli tomu do tváre a videli, že je to správne, a potom to odmietli. Vidíte?

59 Niečo, nejaký druh výhovorky: „Je príliš teplo. Som príliš unavený. Urobím to zajtra.“ Skrátka nejaký druh výhovorky, to je všetko, čo oni robia. Tým, že odmietate deň navštívenia, to vás oddeľuje od Boha.

60 No, všimnime si. A v Starom Zákone, oni mali to, čo nazývali Jubilejný rok. To bolo vtedy, keď všetci ľudia, ktorí boli otrokmi, mohli odísť slobodní, keď zaznelo Jubileum. A potom, keď človek nevyšiel von, ak tam bola nejaká výhovorka, ktorú mohol mať, že sa nechcel vrátiť do svojej krajiny, potom musel byť označený na uchu so šidlom pri stĺpe v chráme. A potom nezáleží na tom, koľko Jubileí ešte príde, ten človek bol predaný. On sa už nikdy viac nemohol vrátiť ako občan v Izraeli. Čo on urobil? On odmietol svoje pozvanie. On nemusel nič zaplatiť. Dlh jeho otroctva bol zrušený. Jeho rodina bola slobodná. On mohol ísť rovno späť do svojej rodnej krajiny a dostať svoj vlastný majetok. Ale ak to odmietol urobiť, potom už nebol viac pripojený k Izraelu, a jeho majetok bol daný niekomu inému.

61 No, tá istá vec v prirodzenom platí aj v duchovnom, že ak my, ako dediči Večného Života, a počujeme Evanjelium, a vieme, že je to pravda, a odmietneme to, a odmietneme to urobiť, alebo to počúvať, berieme na seba znamenie šelmy.

62 No, niekto povedal, „No, bude znamenie šelmy; jedného dňa to príde.“ Dovoľte mi povedať; to už prišlo. Vidíte? Hneď ako Duch Svätý začne padať, znamenie šelmy prichádza.

63 Vidíte, máte len dve veci: Jedna z nich je, prijať To, prijať Pečať Božiu; odmietnuť To, prijať znamenie šelmy. Odmietnuť Pečať Božiu znamená prijať znamenie šelmy. Rozumie tomu každý? Odmietnuť Pečať Božiu znamená prijať znamenie šelmy, lebo Biblia povedala, že všetci, ktorí neboli zapečatení Pečaťou Božou, prijali znamenie šelmy.

64 Keď znela trúba a všetci, ktorí chceli, mohli slobodne odísť, tí, ktorí neodišli, boli označení. Teraz, vidíte, znamenie šelmy, ak o tom rozprávame v budúcnosti, to je to, kedy sa to zamanifestuje, keď si uvedomíte, že to je to, čo ste už urobili. Vidíte? A tak je to s Duchom Svätým; to má byť zamanifestované, keď vidíme Pána Ježiša prichádzať v sláve, a cítime tú moc premeny, a vidíme mŕtvych, ako vstávajú z hrobu, a vieme, že v sekunde budeme premenení a budeme mať telo, ako má On. To bude zamanifestované. Potom vidieť tých, ktorí to odmietli, budú zanechaní dolu.

65 Nepovedal Ježiš, že panny išli v ústrety Kristovi? Niektoré zaspali počas prvej stráže, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, piatej, šiestej, až do siedmej stráže. Ale počas siedmej stráže, zaznel zvuk, „Hľa, Ženích prichádza, vyjdite Mu v ústrety.“ A tie, ktoré spali, sa zobudili; celý ten vek až po Letnice sa zobudil. Vidíte, zo siedmeho veku, siedmeho cirkevného veku, celou cestou až k tomu prvému, sa prebudili; a tí, ktorí boli v tomto cirkevnom veku, žijúci, sa premenili, a vošli dnu. A práve v tom čase, keď vošli dnu, spiaca panna prišla a povedala, „Chceme si kúpiť trochu z vášho oleja.“

66 Ale oni povedali, „My máme dosť akurát pre seba. Choďte k tým, ktorí ho predávajú.“ A zatiaľ čo sa pokúšali získať tento olej, prišiel Ženích. Nebol taký čas v histórii sveta, že by Episkopáli, Baptisti, Metodisti, Presbyteriani... Noviny sú plné; náboženské noviny oslavujú Boha, že tieto spiace panny sa teraz snažia prijať Letnice, snažia sa prijať Ducha Svätého. A či si tí ľudia neuvedomujú, že to sa nestane, podľa Slova Božieho?

67 Zatiaľ čo sa pokúšali vrátiť späť, Ženích prišiel a vzal preč Nevestu, a oni boli hodení do vonkajšej tmy na súd, lebo odmietli svoje pozvanie. Všetkým ľuďom je ponúknuté, aby prišli. Boh v každom veku poslal Svoje Svetlo, a To bolo odmietnuté. A teraz, dnes to nie je inak ako v ktoromkoľvek inom dni.

68 Odmietnuť deň navštívenia... Keď Boh navštevuje cirkev a ľudí, potom to prijmite. Neodkladajte to na budúci rok alebo do budúceho prebudenia; to je tá hodina: „Dnes je deň spasenia.“

69 A pamätajte, Boh nikdy neposlal posolstvo v žiadnom dni, okrem toho, čo potvrdil nadprirodzeným. Sám Ježiš povedal, „Ak nečiním skutkov Svojho Otca, neverte mi. Ale ak činím tie skutky, verte tým skutkom, ak nemôžete veriť Mne.“ A keď to vidíte tak jasne krájané... a zamanifestované...

70 No, prišiel čas, že ona to odmieta, potom je prerazená šidlom do ucha, potom to nikdy nebude počuť. No, ona odchádza do konfederácie cirkví, aby šla rovno do toho, aby prijala znamenie šelmy.

71 Jednou z veľkých ambícií (Niekto mi práve pred chvíľou dal noviny), čo povedal tento nový pápež, je zjednotiť spolu cirkvi. Oni to urobia s takou istotou, ako ja tu stojím, a protestanti na tom upadnú (Vidíte?), lebo cirkev... Biblia povedala, Pavol, prorok Pánov povedal, „Ten deň nepríde, kým najprv nepríde odpadnutie, a potom človek, predtým, ako bude zjavený človek hriechu, ten, ktorý sedí v chráme Božom, vyvyšujúc seba samého, nad všetko, čo je Boh, on ako Boh, odpúšťajúc hriechy na zemi a tak ďalej...“ Ako to, že táto vec sa stala, ale to by sa nemohlo stať, kým by nebolo odpadnutie, kým by sa cirkev nezačala dostávať preč od duchovnej hostiny, odtiahla sa späť a zorganizovala sa. A potom zjavenie nezostalo s cirkvou.

72 Pamätajte, Izrael kráčal deň a noc skrze ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Keď sa Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, pohli sa s Ním. A pamätajte, To bol oheň v noci a oblak cez deň. Tak To mohlo prísť cez deň alebo v noci, kedykoľvek. Ale kdekoľvek To bolo, bolo učinené zmierenie, že oni To neprestanú vidieť. Bolo To Svetlo v noci a Oblak cez deň, a oni To nasledovali. Tak veru.

73 Tá istá vec... Martin Luther To videl. Čo on urobil? On vyšiel z katolicizmu, ale čo oni urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot, povedali, „My sme luteráni. Toto je to.“

74 Potom To uvidel Wesley, ako sa to hýbe preč odtiaľ. On išiel. Čo oni urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot, povedali, „Toto je to.“ Čo urobilo Svetlo? Znova sa pohlo ďalej.

75 Letniční To videli. Čo urobili? Vyšli z Wesleyovcov, a Nazarénov, a tak ďalej. Čo urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot nazvaný, „My sme jednotári“ a; „My sme trojičiari“ a; „My sme Zjednotení.“ a všetko toto. Čo On urobil? Boh sa rovno z toho presunul.

76 Vidíte, my to nemôžeme urobiť. Musíme nasledovať každý deň, každú hodinu dňa, každý krok tej cesty. Musíme byť vedení Pánom Ježišom Kristom. Ak nie sme, berieme organizačný život. A život, ktorý nenasleduje Krista denne, nie je hodný.

77 Človek, ktorý je kresťanom v nedeľu a ide do zboru, sadne si tam vzadu a myslí si, že vlastní cirkev, lebo robí toto, tamto, alebo iné, a v pondelok bude kradnúť a klamať... A ženy, ktoré vyjdú na verejné pláže a vonku do ulíc v nemorálnych šatách...

78 Myslel som na prvú dámu, nedala si ani make-up, keď išla pred pápeža, a vrátila sa a stanovila vyčíňanie s trvalou na vlasoch pre ženy v národe. A všetky tieto šaty, ktoré, keď sa stala matkou, každá žena v krajine chce teraz nosiť niektoré z tých materských šiat. To je v poriadku. To sú príklady a oni vedia, že tí ľudia to budú robiť. Oni na seba berú ducha sveta, a to nepatrí do cirkvi živého Boha.

79 Ženy by sa mali dívať na Ježiša Krista. Mali by ste sa dívať na Sáru a na tie v Starom Zákone.

80 No, teraz to majú tak... Minule večer som kázal, niekde, o tom, aby ženy poslúchali svojich manželov. Poslúchali? Áno. To pochádzalo zo svadobného rituálu veľmi dávno. Ale... Ony to nebudú robiť. Nie, veru. Ony žijú v Amerike, a ony ti to dajú najavo. Ony nebudú poslúchať. Ale akonáhle to nerobíš, nepokúšaj sa nazvať kresťankou, lebo ňou nie si. Nestarám sa o to, koľko tancuješ a hovoríš v jazykoch, ak neposlúchaš svojho manžela, si mimo vôle Božej.

81 A žena, ktorá nosí šortky a robí tieto veci, ktoré robí na ulici, nenazývaj sa kresťankou. Chceš mať svet a stále sa držať svojho svedectva. Nemôžeš to robiť v Prítomnosti Božej, keď pritom to sama dobre vieš.

82 Všimnite si. Prevŕtaný v uchu, označený, potom už nikdy nebudeš počuť. Pamätajte, to je znak zavretia uší. Už to viac nebudeš počuť. Nebudeš počúvať; nebudeš nikdy viac schopný to znovu urobiť.

83 Ó, ona tomu neverí. Ó. Nehovorte jej, že tomu verí. Nie. Ona by vám povedala rovno... Ona to nevie. Ako by mohla dáma (len sa vás pýtam), ako by mohla dáma... Ako som hovoril v nedeľu, minulú nedeľu večer, pred týždňom o Blikajúcom červenom svetle, ako, množstvo žien sa stalo krajšími, ako to kedy bolo v... No, to nie je nič, nič proti ženám teraz, to je len.. ale ako to ona riadi... Vidíte, to... Ona má ten spôsob, ako sa dostať do pokušenia, ako Eva bola postavená pred ten strom.

84 Každý muž, každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí prejsť cez túto hodinu skúšok. Toto je vek žien, tento národ je, kde ona musí prejsť cez toto skúšanie. Ak môže byť peknou ženou a správať sa ako sestra, požehnanie Pánovo je na nej. Ale keď sa ona dostane do stavu, že ona o tomto vie a odhalí sa, tak absolútne ukazuje, že má na sebe zlého ducha. Ona nechce byť taká, nemyslím si; mnoho z nich nechce, ale ony si to neuvedomujú...

85 Mohli by ste mi povedať, že jemná, mysliaca žena by si mohla na seba obliecť tieto malé šaty, ktoré nosia tu vonku na ulici?

86 Mám tu dve mladé dievčatá, ktoré tu sedia. Ja neviem, aké tie deti budú; ja sa za nich len modlím. Dnešné deti, ja ne..., nemôžete to povedať. Ja neviem. Oni nie sú voči tomu imúnne. Ony sa musia postaviť na svoje vlastné nohy pred Ježišom Kristom a zodpovedať sa. Ony nemôžu vojsť na základe toho, čo ja verím, čo verí ich matka. Ja neviem, čo urobia, ale v podstate verím v tejto hodine, že ak by tie dievčatá vyšli von na ulicu s tým druhom oblečenia na sebe a nejaký muž by ich urážal, že sú v takých šatách, neverím, ak by som mal príležitosť, či by som mohol vôbec odsudzovať toho muža. To je pravda. Odsúdil by som tie dievčatá. Oni to nemajú robiť.

87 Počúvajte. Ak si človek myslí, a oni to učia, že človek nie je viac ako nejaké zviera, on pochádza zo zvieracej rasy. A pozrite sa potom... A postavíte ho tam vonku ako...

88 Vezmete psa k malej samici v určitý čas... Cez ploty a všetko ostatné, lebo malá samica je v tom stave, prasatá, kravy, každé iné zviera... A ak my sme zvierací život, čo sme, tá telesná časť... A potom, ak sa žena takto ukazuje, ona dokazuje, že je taká istá ako je malý pes, je to tá istá vec. Je to presne tak. Lebo ona by to nemala robiť. Ona vie; príroda ju učí, že muž sa na ňu bude pozerať. A Biblia hovorí, „Ktokoľvek by sa pozrel na ženu so žiadosťou, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“

89 To stavia čas skúšky. A diabol skrášľuje tie ženy, a vyzlieka ich, a stavia ich tam vonku, aby ťa vyskúšal. Muži, odvráťte svoje hlavy; buďte synovia Boží. Ženy, obliekajte sa ako dcéry Božie; nezodpovedajte sa z cudzoložstva v ten deň.

90 Ak tá žena, nezáleží na tom, aká je nevinná... Ona možno nikdy neurobila nič zlé, ani dokonca nemala v úmysle urobiť niečo zlé, ale keď ten hriešnik, ktorý sa pozrel na tú ladnú postavu tej ženy, vediac, že má on mužské a tam to je ženské pohlavie, v jednom (ženské žľazy v jednej a mužské v druhej), a ten hriešnik sa za to bude zodpovedať v deň súdu, kto to urobil? Kto je vinný? Nie on, ty. Tu to máš. Nemorálne...

91 A pozrite sa na tento národ. Zvyklo to byť, keď sme, keď oni mali šaty po kolená, ktoré ženy nosili, museli sme poslať do Paríža, aby sme ich zohnali. Dnes ich Paríž zháňa tu. Stalo sa to tak špinavým, že Paríž s tým už nemôže držať krok. Je to tak. Je to celá... Prečo? Odmietli Evanjelium. Prečo? Paríž to nemal; to je stopercentný katolicizmus. Protestanti sa tam ani nemôžu dostať. Pozrite na Billyho Grahama. Myslím, že v celom Paríži je len šesťsto kresťanov, z miliónov, šesťsto kresťanov, protestantov. To nie sú naplnení Duchom Svätým; to sú len obyčajní protestanti. Šesťsto z milión krát miliónov. Oni nemali možnosť to odmietnuť.

92 Ale títo ľudia mali Evanjelium, a keď odišli od Posolstva a Evanjelia, ktoré videli demonštrované, robili si z toho žarty, lebo nejaké staré prostitútske učenie ich namotalo, a nejaký pastor stojaci za kazateľňou, mysliaci viac na doláre a stravné lístky ako na duše ľudí, ktorým káže... Je to tak. To je to, čo to urobilo. A teraz riadi svet.

93 Pamätáte sa prednedávnom v tejto Modlitebni, kázal som na tému, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, „Ukážem vám bohyňu Ameriky“ a sedela tu medzi nami jedna odvážna emancipovaná žena. To je to, čo to je. No, oni to dokonca dostávajú... Oni dostávajú to, za čo prosili, a oni to dostanú; to je všetko.

94 Nie, oni tomu nebudú veriť. Nie, pane. Oni vám dajú najavo, že sú americkými občanmi, a oni majú právo fungovať, akokoľvek oni chcú. Prial by som si len...

95 Dovoľte, aby som vám povedal. Teraz vám poviem. Nie, veru, politika nebude nikdy fungovať. Nie, veru, demokracia nebude nikdy fungovať. Demokracia je zhnitá do kosti. Ak by to mohlo fungovať medzi skupinou kresťanov, bolo by to fajn; ale keď to dáte tam von do sveta, celé sa to stane „samá plachta, žiadna kotva“. To je presne tak.

96 Pozrite sa dnes sem, čokoľvek sa môže stať, a oni budú len... A ak potiahnu niekoľko politikov, prejde im aj vražda.

97 Keď som tam v ten večer kázal, snažil som sa zachrániť životy tých dvoch detí. Oni sú tak vinní, ako len môžu byť. Dokonca ten advokát za mnou vstal a povedal, „Je to tak.“ Povedal, „Neverím v to, aby sa brali ľudské životy.“ Povedal, „Ak si všimnete vo vašich kriminálnych záznamoch, kto je to, kto je zabíjaný v elektrických kreslách a týchto veciach? To nie sú bohatí; on si môže dovoliť získať právnika a nejaké špinavé triky, a majú tam páky, a niečo tam, a dokážu to podplatiť.“ Povedal, „Sú to chudobné deti, ako tieto, ktoré nemajú dosť peňazí, aby si kúpili poriadne jedlo; to je ten druh, ktorý to dostáva. To je ten druh, ktorý popravujú na elektrickom kresle, niekto, kto je ako, čo oni volajú bandou ignorantov, a oni len vydajú ich mená trestu smrti.“

98 Povedal som, „Prvá vražda, ktorá kedy bola na svete spáchaná, jeden brat zabil druhého, a Boh mu za to nevzal život. On na neho dal znamenie, aby mu nikto nevzal život.“ Je to tak. To je Najvyšší Sudca. A vidím, že zrušili ten rozsudok o nich. Teraz, oni budú mať ďalší súd. Samozrejme teraz dostanú život, čo bude jedenásť rokov, a možno zostanú na podmienke. Oni sú vinní. Určite, sú vinní. Mali by byť poslaní do väzenia na celý život, ale nie vziať im život. Nikto nemá právo vziať život niekomu inému. Nie veru. Neverím v to. Naozaj nie.

99 Ó, oni hovoria... Prečo, oni neveria, že sú mimo vôle Pánovej, lebo to je všetko, o čom vedia, a všetko, o čom chcú počuť. Obrátili svoje ucho proti pravde a sú...

100 Ani Egypt nechcel vedieť, že tá banda „náboženských fanatikov“ tam dolu, je Pánovou vôľou. Ako by mohli chcieť vedieť, že nejaký blázon tam prišiel z púšte s fúzami visiacimi takto dolu, a povedal, „Faraón, prichádzam v Mene Pánovom; uvoľni tie deti.“

101 Faraón by povedal, „Kto, ja? Vyhoďte ho von.“ Vidíte? „Ja?“

„Ak to neurobíš, Boh potresce tento národ.“

„Starý pomätenec, vyhoďte ho niekam von; nech ide preč; slnko mu trochu zohrialo hlavu.“ Vidíte? Ale to prinieslo súd, lebo ten muž bol prorok a mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Presne tak. Oni tomu nechceli veriť. Ani Rím tomu nechcel veriť, ale stalo sa to presne tak.

102 Izrael nechcel veriť, že to bol Mesiáš. Ako by mohla tá banda Galilejčanov... Povedal, „Nie sú títo všetci Galilejčania? Odkiaľ prišli? S akým druhom zástupu on chodí, tí najchudobnejší, akí sa spolu môžu zhromaždiť. To je ten zástup, s ktorým sa on spája. To sú tí, ktorí ho prichádzajú počúvať, sú to chudobní ľudia, tí ľudia, čo nevedia nič. Oni nie sú vyvolení. Oni nie sú, nie sú to intelektuálne typy, ako sme my. Oni sú chudobnou bandou.“ Počujete to povedať o prebudení v tomto dni. „Aký druh zástupu ich počúva? Aký druh chodí na tie zhromaždenia? Aký druh ľudí oni sú?“

103 Prednedávnom som počul povedať jedného chlapíka... No, on bol tak trochu... Bol to nevlastný otec Hope, a ja som mu hovoril o krste Duchom Svätým. Povedal, „No, kto by veril takej veci, okrem nejakého druhu bandy, ako máš ty tam hore?“ Povedal, „Dovoľ nech Ten a ten (obchodník tu v meste, tak hriešny ako neviem čo...), nech on povie, že prijal Ducha Svätého, potom tomu uverím.“

104 Povedal som, „Netráp sa, on to nikdy nepovie.“ Ten muž okamžite zomrel bez Boha. Vidíte? Dávajte pozor, čo robíte; dávajte pozor, čo hovoríte. Chcete život hodný Evanjelia. To je pravda.

105 Izrael neveril, že tá banda ľudí, ten šialený Muž Menom Ježiš z Nazaretu, narodený, ako si mysleli, nemanželsky narodený... A ľudia tomu verili, lebo oni povedali, že to nebol Jeho... „Prečo, jeho otec je Jozef, a Mária mala mať toto dieťa predtým, než sa vôbec narodil. No, to je nemanželské. A čo on je, iba šialený muž. On je jedným z tých smiešnych chlapíkov. Nechoďte ho počúvať.“ Čo robili? Oni posielali svoje duše do pekla. Oni vzali...

106 Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ich tak. Keď slepý vedie slepého, či nepadnú obaja do jamy?“ Je to tak. Oni to nevedeli. Oni by tomu neverili. Nemohli.

107 Oni nemohli vidieť, ako tí jednoduchí ľudia s takým jednoduchým Posolstvom, ktoré bolo odmietnuté, mohli spôsobiť, aby sa taký veľký národ obrátil na ruiny. Teraz, počúvajte! Oni nemohli porozumieť, že tí jednoduchí, obyčajní, bežní ľudia... Viete, Biblia povedala, že obyčajní ľudia radi počúvali Ježiša.

108 Niečo malé sa mi nedávno stalo v Mexiku, generál Valdena, vyvolený Boží, Svetlo svietilo cez jeho chodník raz v jednom zo zhromaždení. Veľký katolícky bojovník, jeden z najvyšších generálov v Mexiku, prišiel pokorne ku oltáru a prijal krst Duchom Svätým. Vrátil sa dolu do Mexika; stále plakal, aby som tam prišiel. Nakoniec som sa rozhodol ísť dolu; Pán ma viedol, mal som videnie, povedal som to svojej žene. Išiel tam dolu, a keď prišiel, on bol jedným z ich hlavných generálov, štvorhviezdičkový generál, išiel na veliteľstvo, k vláde. A oni sú tvrdo proti protestantom tam dolu, viete. Tak oni vedeli, že to bude ohromné stretnutie, tak on išiel tam dolu a dostal policajnú ochranku. A keď to dostali, dostali veľkú arénu. A oni ma tam chceli takto dostať. Vláda ma tam priviedla. Tak keď to urobili, biskup, jeden z tých veľkých biskupov katolíckej cirkvi išiel hore k nemu, ku guvernérovi, a povedal, „Pane, počul som, že sem privádzate nekatolíka.“

Povedal, „Áno, a čo?“

„No,“ povedal, „nemôžete tu mať takého človeka. Táto vláda nikdy o niečom takom nepočula.“

109 Ale on povedal, „Teraz sme to urobili.“ Povedal, „No,“ povedal, „ten muž je uznávaný človek. Počul som, že tisícky ľudí ho chodia počúvať. Generál Valdena, on je môj blízky priateľ,“ povedal... A mal... Sám prezident je protestant, viete, Metodista. Tak on povedal, „Ten muž je uznávaný človek pokiaľ viem.“ Povedal, „Generál Valdena tu, on sa obrátil vďaka tomu mužovi.“ Povedal, „No, on je pokiaľ viem, uznávaný človek.“ Povedal, tisícky ľudí, oni tvrdia, ho prídu počúvať.“ A tento biskup povedal, „Aký druh ľudí je to, pane? Len ignoranti, to sú tí, čo chodia počúvať takú osobu.“

110 Prezident povedal, „Pane, mali ste ich päťsto rokov, prečo sú ignoranti?“ To stačilo. To to vybavilo. Ó. To ich zbavilo rohov. Tak veru. Áno.

111 Potom, keď to malé dieťa bolo vzkriesené z mŕtvych, poslal som za tým mužom posla. Pani hovorila v španielčine, „To dieťa zomrelo dnes ráno o deviatej hodine.“ A vonku lialo, každý večer sme mali okolo desaťtisíc obrátených ku Kristovi. Večer predtým jeden starý slepý muž znovu získal svoj zrak na pódiu. Ó, tri alebo štyrikrát väčšia ako táto modlitebňa a asi takto vysoko ležali tie staré šály a klobúky, a ja som len... Dostali ma dolu do toho ringu po povrazoch.

112 Vošiel som tam a začal som kázať vo viere. Billy prišiel, povedal, „Oci, budeš musieť niečo urobiť s tou ženou.“ Povedal, „Mám tam tristo uvádzačov, a oni nemôžu zastaviť jednu malú drobnú ženu, ktorá váži okolo 50 kíl.“ A pekná malá dáma, asi takto vysoká, ó, možno jej prvé dieťa. Povedal by som, že mala 23 alebo 25 rokov.

113 A stála tam a vlasy jej viseli a držala malé dieťa. A skočila do toho radu a tí muži ju tlačili späť. A vyliezla na nejaký vŕšok, dieťaťom mala na boku, akokoľvek, išla pomedzi ich nohy alebo čokoľvek. Dostali ju tam hore a museli ju vytlačiť z pódia. A nemali žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, ktorú by jej mohli dať.

114 Povedal, „Ak ju nechám prísť sem, oci, s tým mŕtvym dieťaťom, bez modlitebnej karty,“ a povedal, „tí ostatní, čo tam stoja, ktorí tu stáli dva alebo tri dni v tom daždi a slnku, a nechať ju ísť pred nimi,“ povedal, „to tam spôsobí zmätok.“

115 Povedal som, „To je v poriadku.“ bol tam brat Moore, a on je tak trochu plešatý ako ja. A povedal som, „Ona nevie, kto je kto, tak mnoho ľudí.“ Povedal som, „Pošli...“ A pár bratov... Jeden z bratov tu odtiaľto z modlitebne, ktorý... On je teraz v sláve. Neviem si práve teraz spomenúť na jeho meno. Ale on tam vzadu stál. Tak som povedal, „Brat Moore, choď dolu, a pomodli sa za to dieťa; a ona nebude vedieť, kto, či som to ja, alebo ty, len choď dolu... a nevedela po anglicky.“

A tak brat Moore povedal, „Dobre, brat Branham.“

116 Vybral sa dolu. A povedal som, „Ako som hovoril, vier...“ A videl som malé dieťa, malé mexické dieťa ako sedí predo mnou, ako sa smeje; povedal som, „Počkaj chvíľu.“ A povedal som, „Nech tá malá dáma prejde.“

Billy povedal, „Nemôžem to urobiť, oci, ona...“

Povedal som, „Videl som videnie, Billy.“

Povedal, „Ó, to je niečo iné.“

117 Tak sme otvorili takto ten zástup a previedli sme ju. Prišla sem padnúc na kolená s ružencom v ruke. Povedal som, „Postav sa.“ Tak som povedal, „Nebeský Otče, nuž neviem, čo ideš učiniť; ja neviem, či chceš len, aby som uspokojil tú ženu tým, že sa pomodlím za to dieťa, alebo čo,“ ale povedal som, „kladiem svoje ruky na to malé dieťa v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Presne tá istá vec, ktorú som urobil bratovi Wayovi, ležiacemu mŕtvemu tam na zemi minule, a tá prikrývka kopla, a to bábätko začalo plakať, a to bolo k jeho životu.

118 Keď som poslal posla, brata Espinosu, aby išiel s ňou k lekárovi a získal prísažné vyhlásenie od lekára, že to dieťa zomrelo (to bolo okolo desiatej v ten večer), zomrelo v to ráno o deviatej hodine v jeho ordinácii na zápal pľúc. Dostal prísažné vyhlásenie od lekára. A noviny o tom nemohli mlčať, viete, tak museli prísť. A robili so mnou rozhovor, a povedali mi; povedal, „Myslíte si, že naši svätí by to tiež mohli robiť?“

Povedal som, „Ak žijú.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „nemôžete byť svätý, kým nezomriete.“ To bolo... Tu to máte. Vidíte? A ľudia...

119 Vidíte, minule, kde mali túto mníšku, ktorú v novinách tak zveličovali? Nová svätá zomrela, ó, pred stovkami rokov alebo tak nejak, a oni urobili, kanonizovali ju teraz a urobili z nej svätú. A povedali, že sa vrátila od mŕtvych a modlila sa za nejakého chorého, ktorý mal leukémiu, že? Bolo to v jednom z časopisov. Len si pomyslite, ako sa to snažili zahrať, pričom sú tam stovky a stovky prípadov rovno pred nosom tých ľudí tu. Lebo to chcú zahrať pred protestantskou cirkvou, aby ju rovno do toho vtiahli (Vidíte?), aby si o tom niečo mysleli. A potom skutočné skutky Pánove, kde je to dokonale potvrdené, dokázané, o tom sa neodvážia ani napísať. Tu to máte. Oni obdržali pozvanie a zahodili ho. Tak veru.

120 Nemôžu pochopiť, ako také jednoduché Posolstvo, takí jednoduchí ľudia, ako odmietnuť takúto vec zapríčiní, že pôjdu do chaosu.

121 Jedna žena mi povedala, v Grants Pass, Oregon, prednedávnom, katolícke dievča tam vyšlo, aby odsúdilo a napísalo... Ona bola novinárka, so škatuľkou cigariet v ruke.

122 A povedala, „Chcem s vami hovoriť.“

Povedal som, „Čo je to, čo chcete povedať?“

Povedala, „Chcem sa vás opýtať niekoľko otázok o tomto vašom náboženstve.“

A povedal som, „Čo sa chcete opýtať?“

A povedala, „Z akej autority toto robíte?“

Povedal som, „V Mene Ježiša Krista skrze Božské povolanie.“ A pokračovala ďalej a mudrovala. Povedal som, „Moment.“

123 Povedala, „Ak by som sa mala spojiť s tou bandou primitívov tam hore,“ povedala, „ani by som nechcela byť kresťankou.“ Povedala, „A ak oni... Hovoria, že tí ľudia budú raz vládnuť na zemi.“ Povedala, „Dúfam, že tu nebudem.“

Povedal som, „Netrápte sa, ani nebudete.“ Povedal som, „Nemusíte sa o to trápiť.“

„Prečo,“ povedala, „všetko to divné správanie a kričanie...“

Povedal som, „A vy tvrdíte, že ste katolíčka?“

Povedala, „Som.“

124 Povedal som, „Vedeli ste, že požehnaná panna Mária musela prijať Ducha Svätého, a hovoriť v jazykoch a tancovať v duchu presne tak, ako oni, predtým, ako by ju Boh prijal? Voláte ju matkou Božou.“

Povedala, „To je nezmysel.“

Pomyslel som si, „Počkaj chvíľu, ja...“

„Nepotrebujem sa pozerať do Biblie.“

Povedal som, „Potom ako budete vedieť, čo je Pravda a čo nie?“

Povedala, „Vezmem slovo mojej cirkvi.“

125 Povedal som, „Toto je Božie Slovo. Tu je To správne. Vyzývam vás, aby ste sa na To pozreli. A Mária tam bola s nimi v tej hornej miestnosti a prijala krst Duchom Svätým, ako tí ostatní, a vy ju nazývate matkou Božou?“ Povedal som, „Potom to nazývate bandou odpadkov, výplach.“ Povedal som, „Netrápte sa, vy tam nebudete; nemáte sa o čo trápiť; ak je to všetko, o čo sa máte trápiť. Radšej by ste sa mali trápiť o svoju vlastnú hriešnu dušu, dievča.“ A nechal som ju ísť.

126 Teraz, myslite na toto všetko. Jednoduché... Boh to robí tak jednoduchým. Ako mohol Achab, ako mohla Jezábeľ, ako mohli tí ľudia, ktorí si mysleli, že Eliáš je čarodejník, mysleli si, že je špiritista... Dokonca Achab povedal, „Tu je ten, čo spôsobil všetky tie problémy v Izraeli.“

Povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý spôsobil Izraelu problémy.“

127 Ako si ten národ mohol myslieť, že odmietnutie posolstva takéhoto chlpatého muža, bez nejakého kňažského rúcha a tak ďalej, bude odsúdením? Ako mohol Egypt, ktorý vládol svetu, faraón vo svojej triede a rešpekte (Svet nikdy znovu neprišiel do toho miesta vo vede a tak ďalej.), ako si oni mohli myslieť, že odmietnuť starého osemdesiatročného proroka s visiacimi fúzami, sivými vlasmi, dupajúceho tam, utečenca, a prišiel tam s posolstvom, „Buď ich necháš ísť alebo Boh zničí ten národ.“ Ako mohol faraón? „Poslúchneš ma, faraón.“

Faraón povedal, „Poslúchnuť?“ On, faraón, a nejaký starý muž, nejaký starý cvok, mysleli si, „Odmietnuť tohto chlapíka a bude zničený národ?“ Ale stalo sa to. Ó.

128 Zastavme sa, na niekoľko minút, a modlime sa, a rozmýšľajme. V akom dni žijeme my? Kde sme? V ďalšom modernom vedeckom veku. Mali by sme radšej rozmýšľať. Možno ak sa zastavíte, keď sa ľudia zastavia a chvíľu sa modlia a trochu porozmýšľajú, budete sa cítiť lepšie, keď to urobíte. To je pravda.

129 Kresťan nie je nástroj alebo nejaký druh mechanickej vývrtky pre nejaký veľký náboženský režim. To je pravda. Kresťan nie je nejaký druh nástroja, ktorý udržiava náboženskú organizáciu v pohybe. Kresťan... To nie je kresťan. Kresťan, to znamená byť ako Kristus. A kresťan nemôže byť kresťanom, až kým Kristus nevojde do toho človeka, Život Kristov v ňom. Potom to produkuje ten Život, ktorý žil Kristus, a vy robíte tie veci, ktoré robil Kristus.

130 O čom hovorím? Osobný vzťah s Kristom. Čo je to? Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia? No, snažím sa tam položiť to pozadie, aby som vám ukázal, že muži a ženy, ktoré boli povestnými ženami...

131 Muži... Biblia povedala... Všimli ste si minulú nedeľu večer, niečo, čo som zabudol doplniť, Genesis 6.kapitola a 4.verš? Tí muži, ktorí si brali tie ženy za manželky, boli muži starého veku, povestní, povestní muži, predurčení, aby prišli znovu. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, povestní muži si berú ženy, nie manželky, ženy, idú za cudzím telom.

132 Pozrite v Anglicku pred pár týždňami. Pozrite v Spojených... Pozrite sa všade; je to plné prostitúcie. Slávni muži, veľkí, vysoké úrady, prinášajú hanbu na národy, behajú za ženami. Ten veľký muž tam v Anglicku, nejaký druh vojenského diktátora, no, všimli ste si, mal peknú ženu. Jej fotka tam bola tiež. A pozrite na tú ruskú prostitútku, ale ona bola celá sexy oblečená a hodila sa tam vonku, aby vystavila svoje ženské telo, a ten muž na tom upadol.

133 To, čo dnes potrebujeme, sú synovia Boží. Potrebujeme mužov vo vláde, ktorí sú synovia Boží. To je pravda. Preto, dobrý zbožný kráľ by zastavil celý tento nezmysel. Neboli by žiadne šnúrky na potiahnutie. Ako to urobil Dávid, on to zastavil. Určite, lebo bol kráľ, a tam bol jediný...

134 Ten skutočný spôsob je, že Boh je Kráľ a Boh posiela prorokov. Nepovedal im Samuel pred tým, ako vôbec mali kráľa, povedal, „Boh je váš Kráľ. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?“

135 Povedali, „Nie, je to tak.“

„Či som od vás niekedy drankal na živobytie?“

„Nie, nikdy si od nás nedrankal na živobytie.“

„A nikdy som vám nepovedal nič iné ako to, čo bola pravda pred Pánom.“ Povedal, „Boh je váš Kráľ.“

„Ó, my si to uvedomujeme, a vieme, že si dobrý človek, Samuel. Veríme, že Slovo Pánovo prichádza k tebe, ale aj tak chceme kráľa.“ Vidíte? To je to, čo dostali.

136 Letniční aj tak chceli organizáciu. Dostali ju. Je to tak. Chceli byť ako ostatné cirkvi. Ste. Pokračujte, to je skrátka to, čo to obnáša, ale Boh je náš Kráľ. Boh je náš Kráľ. Tak veru.

137 Čo je to? Je to preto, lebo tí ľudia, ako to robili vo dňoch Kristových, ako to mali v každom veku, hľadajú výhovorku. Majú svoje vlastné vyznania. Možno nechcete povedať, „Kúpil som si kravu, a musím sa presvedčiť, či ona, či bude dobre pracovať alebo nie, alebo dávať mlieko, alebo akého je pôvodu.“ Možno nemáte takú výhovorku, ale tu je druh výhovorky, aký ľudia robia, povedia, „Som presbyterián. My to neveríme.“ „Som baptista. Neveríme v žiadne také veci ako toto.“ Alebo, „Som luterán.“ Nuž, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. To neznamená, že si kresťan. To znamená, že patríš k skupine ľudí, ktorí sú zorganizovaní. A patríš do Luteránskej lóže, Baptistickej lóže, Letničnej lóže. Neexistuje taká vec ako Letničná cirkev. Neexistuje taká vec ako Baptistická cirkev; to je Baptistická lóža, Letničná lóža, Presbyteriánska lóža. Ale je len jedna Cirkev, a je len jeden spôsob, ako sa do nej môžete dostať, a to je narodením. Ste narodení do Cirkvi Ježiša Krista a ste členom Jeho Tela, duchovnej delegácie neba. A potom tie znaky, že Kristus je s vami, žije skrze vás.

138 Kresťania, ó, musíte mať osobný vzťah s Bohom. Aby ste mohli byť synom Božím, musíte sa stať príbuzným Boha. On musí byť váš Otec, aby ste vy mohli byť synom. A jedine Jeho synovia a dcéry sú spasené, nie členovia cirkvi, ale synovia a dcéry. Je jediná vec, len jedna vec, ktorá to spôsobí; to je nové narodenie. Nové narodenie je tou jedinou vecou, ktorá vyprodukuje vzťah s Bohom. Je to tak? Synovia a dcéry...

139 Potom, keď sa toto deje, potom ten človek (Tu je tá otázka, ktorú vám chcem položiť.), človek povedal, „Čo robíme po tom, čo sme sa znovuzrodili?“ Tak mnohí sa ma pýtajú túto otázku. „Čo by som mal potom robiť, brat Branham?“ Ak ste znovuzrodení, vaša celá prirodzenosť je zmenená. Ste mŕtvi veciam, o ktorých ste kedysi rozmýšľali.

140 „Nuž,“ poviete, „brat Branham, keď sa pripojím k cirkvi, mám to.“ Nuž, potom, keď Boh povedal, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; On stále uzdravuje chorých; On stále ukazuje videnia... „Ale, brat Branham, moja cirkev...“ No, ty nie si znovuzrodený. Vidíte? Nemôžeš byť, lebo keď Sám Boh, keď je Jeho Život v tebe, ako ty si v živote svojho otca, a ak ten Život Boha je v tebe a ten sám Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, v tebe, ako môže ten Duch žiť v Ježišovi Kristovi a napísať toto, a potom sa vrátiť dolu do teba a zaprieť to? Vidíte? To nemôže byť. To označí každé slovo, že je pravdou.

141 Potom, ak poviete, „Nuž, ja som dobrý člen zboru.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Poznám pohanov... Dolu v Afrike medzi mojimi tmavými bratmi tam dolu, nachádzam morálku tých ľudí vyššiu ako deväťdesiat percent Američanov. Prečo, v niektorých kmeňoch tam, ak sa mladé dievča nevydá do určitého veku, alebo ak má určitú výšku, a nikto si ju zatiaľ nevzal, tak vedia, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Oni ju vylúčia. Ona si zotrie kmeňové pomaľovanie, a ide do mesta, a stáva sa jednoducho odpadlíkom. A keď sa vydá, testuje sa jej panenstvo. Ak ten malý panenský závoj je zrušený, potom musí povedať, kto to urobil. A oni ich oboch spolu zabijú. Nebolo by tu v Amerike veľa zabíjania, keby sa to dialo? Vidíte? A potom ich nazývate pohanmi. Ó. Oni môžu prísť učiť ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú členmi cirkvi, ako sa žije čisto. Tak je to.

142 Nikdy som nenašiel jediný prípad pohlavnej choroby, počas celého výletu v Južnej Afrike. Oni nemajú také veci. Tu to máte. Vidíte, sú to len naše vlastné špinavé nečisté spôsoby, belochov. Je to tak. Dostali sme sa preč od Boha.

143 Keď sa toto deje, to, čo potom urobíte, zistíte, že Duch, ktorý prichádza do vás z nového narodenia, budete veriť a robiť všetko, čo Boh povie vo Svojom Slove pre vás, aby ste robili. A všetko, čo hovorí Biblia, aby ste robili, potvrdíte to svojím „Amen.“ A nezastavíte sa deň ani noc, až kým to nezískate. Tak je to. Tak je to. A počas celého tohto času, istotne budete ponad všetko niesť ovocie Ducha.

144 Poviete, „Budem hovoriť v jazykoch?“ Môžete to robiť, a nemusíte. „Budem kričať?“ Môžete to robiť, a nemusíte. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú určite budete robiť. Budete niesť ovocie Ducha; a ovocie Ducha je láska, radosť, pokoj, viera, dlhozhovievavosť, miernosť, láskavosť, trpezlivosť. Vaša výbušnosť nebude...?... [brat Branham znázorňuje. - pozn.prekl.] Pamätajte, keď to máte, to odpudzuje Ducha Svätého preč od vás. Vidíte? Keď sa dostanete do miesta, že sa chcete hádať s každým, ku komu prídete, niečo nie je v poriadku. Keď sa dostanete do miesta, že kazateľ bude čítať z Biblie, že je zlé robiť určitú vec, a vy [brat Branham znázorňuje zlý postoj. - pozn.prekl.], len pamätajte, tam vôbec nie je žiadne kresťanstvo. To je... No, to... „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte,“ to je to, čo Ježiš povedal. Vidíte?

145 Ak je to Slovo a Boh tak povedal, ten Duch vo vás bude zakaždým súhlasiť s tým Slovom, lebo skutočný Duch Svätý bude súhlasiť so Slovom, lebo Slovo je Život a Duch. Ježiš povedal, „Moje Slová sú Život.“ A keď máte Večný Život, a On je to Slovo, ako môže Slovo zaprieť Slovo? Vidíte? Akým druhom osoby by ste urobili Boha? To je jedna vec, podľa ktorej poznáte, že ste kresťanom, keď sa môžete plne zhodnúť na každom Slove Božom, a nachádzate samých seba v láske k vašim nepriateľom.

146 Niekto povedal, „On je len taký svätuškár.“ A vy začínate mať... Ó, buďte opatrní; buďte opatrní... Ale keď sa naozaj nájdete tam, že vy ho milujete, bez ohľadu na to, čo robia, stále ich milujete (Vidíte?), potom začínate zisťovať...

147 A vaša trpezlivosť sa dostáva až tak ďaleko, že už jednoducho nemá konca. Ktokoľvek len stále o vás hovorí veci, „Nuž, nestarám sa, čo hovoríš...“ Nenechajte sa roznietiť. Ak sa roznietite, radšej sa choďte najprv modliť, predtým, ako sa s nimi budete znova rozprávať. Vidíte? Áno. Nedostávajte sa do hádok. Nemajte to radi dostať sa do hádok. Ak povedzme vidíte niekoho, ako povstane v zbore a povie, „Viete čo? Poviem vám, že Ten a ten urobil to a to,“ poviete, „No, brat, hanbi sa.“

148 A ak povieš, „Ó, je to tak? Počúvaš ten škandál?“ Dávaj pozor, Svätý Duch nie je žumpa. Vidíte? Nie, nie, nie, nie. Srdce, ktoré je zaujaté Duchom Svätým, je plné svätosti, čistoty, nemyslí na zlé, nerobí zle, verí všetky veci, vytrvá, dlhozhovieva. Vidíte?

149 Nehádajte sa. Keď sa rodina dostane do hádky, nehádajte sa s nimi. Tvoja matka povedala, „Nenechám ťa už viac ísť tam hore do tej starej cirkvi. Čo si... Všetko, o čom teraz rozmýšľaš, nechávaš si rásť vlasy; vyzeráš ako nejaká stará babka.“ Nehádaj sa s ňou. Povedz, „Dobre, mami. To je v poriadku, milujem ťa stále rovnako, a budem sa za teba modliť tak dlho, kým budem žiť.“ Vidíte?

150 No, nehádajte sa. Vidíte? Prchkosť plodí prchkosť. Prvá vec, o ktorej vieš, je, že zarmucuješ Ducha Svätého preč od seba, a budeš sa znova hádať. Potom Duch Svätý odlieta. Je to tak. Prchkosť plodí prchkosť a láska plodí lásku. Buď plný lásky. Ježiš povedal, „Podľa toho budú všetci ľudia poznať, že ste mojimi učeníkmi, keď budete mať lásku jeden k druhému.“ To je ovocie Ducha Svätého: láska.

151 A vedeli ste, že sami ste malým stvoriteľom? Vedeli ste to? Určite. Videli ste ľudí, pri ktorých jednoducho milujete byť; neviete prečo, sú taký milujúci typ osoby. Nevideli ste to? Skrátka sú takí milí... Radi ste pri nich. To je... Oni utvárajú tú atmosféru tým životom, ktorý žijú, spôsobom, akým rozprávajú, ich konverzáciou. Potom ste videli takých, ktorým sa stále vyhýbate. Po celý čas chcú hovoriť o niečom zlom, a hovoriť o niekom, a poviete, „Ó, nie, už idú, idú niekoho kritizovať. Oni sú... On je teraz tu; on bude hovoriť o tom človeku. Všetko, čo budú robiť, je, že budú hovoriť špinavé vtipy, alebo niečo o ženách, alebo niečo také.“ Nenávidíte byť pri nich. Vidíte? Oni utvárajú. Zdanlivo celkom milí ľudia, ale oni utvárajú tú atmosféru. A veci, o ktorých rozmýšľate, veci, ktoré robíte, skutky, veci, o ktorých hovoríte, to utvára určitú atmosféru...

152 Išiel som do kancelárie istého muža v tomto meste, a ten muž je dôverníkom, alebo diakonom v jednom dobrom zbore. A išiel som tam za tým mužom kvôli nejakému obchodu, a bolo tam rádio s tým rock and rollom alebo twistom, čokoľvek to bolo, to bolo také tvrdé, ako to len mohlo byť, a myslím, že v jeho kancelárii bolo štyridsať plagátov nahých žien. No, nemusíte mi hovoriť, ako veľmi je diakonom alebo ako viac... Dovoľ mi vidieť, na čo sa dívaš, čo čítaš, a aký druh hudby počúvaš, zástup, s ktorým si spojený, a ja ti poviem, aký druh ducha v tebe je. Vidíte? Áno.

153 Počujete, ako chlapík povie, „Ja, robiť to a to? Tá banda...“ Len pamätajte, nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí; jeho slová hovoria hlasnejšie, jeho skutky hovoria hlasnejšie ako čokoľvek, čo by mohol povedať. Môže svedčiť, povedať, že je kresťanom (iste), a možno robiť čokoľvek, ale vy len sledujete druh života, aký žije. To hovorí, kým je.

154 No, môžete si predstaviť, že človek so životom, ktorý povie, „Veriť v Božské uzdravenie, to je niečo pre vtákov. To bolo pred rokmi; dnes také niečo neexistuje.“ Či je to život hodný Evanjelia, v ktorom Kristus bol ranený pre naše neprávosti a Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení?

155 Poviete, „Ale ja som diakon.“ Nestarám sa; môžeš byť aj biskup.

Keď som počul povedať biskupa Sheena, keď tu bol asi pred dvomi rokmi... Nikdy som si ho viac nezapol, keď povedal, „Človek, ktorý verí a snaží sa žiť podľa Biblie je ako niekto, kto sa pokúša kráčať po bahnitých vodách...“-- biskup Sheen. Potom sa otočil a povedal, „Keď sa dostanem do neba... Viete čo? Keď stretnem Ježiša, poviem mu, 'Som biskup Sheen,' a On mi povie, 'Ó, áno, počul som moju matku o tebe hovoriť.'“ Pohanstvo, ľudia, ktorí sa rúhajú tomu Slovu, Bože, buď milostivý. Ja nebudem súdiť. Vidíte? To Slovo je Pravda. Je to tak. A Duch Boží rozpozná Svoj vlastný rukopis. On je identifikovaný podľa Svojho rukopisu. To hovorí o Ňom. A vy ste identifikovaní podľa toho, že Tomu veríte. To vám dáva vaše odporúčajúce listiny identifikácie.

156 Nehádajte sa s druhými a nemajte tieto rodinné hádky, ako som povedal. Láska plodí lásku a prchkosť plodí prchkosť.

157 No, teraz, sledujme. Pozrite sa na Ježiša na chvíľu. On bol váš Príklad. (Dúfam, že nie ste príliš unavení.) Pozrite. Pozrime sa na Ježiša na chvíľu. On bol náš Príklad. On tak povedal. „Lebo som vám dal príklad, ako by ste mali robiť druhým, ako som ja robil vám.“

158 No, sledujte. Keď prišiel na svet, keď vtedy bolo viac alebo toľko nevery na svete, ako kedykoľvek bolo, to Ho vôbec nazabrzdilo. On rovno pokračoval v kázaní tak isto a v uzdravovaní tak isto: nikdy Ho to neznepokojilo. Boli kritici. Ten Muž bol kritizovaný od času, kedy bol Bábätkom až kým nezomrel na kríži. Zastavilo Ho to? Nie, veru. Aký bol Jeho cieľ? „Vždy robiť to, čo Otec napísal, vždy robiť to, čo je príjemné.“

159 Pozrite sa na Ježiša. Hovoríme o sebe, ako sa pokorujeme, zatiaľ čo Sám Boh sa stal Dieťaťom namiesto toho, aby prišiel v malej kolíske niekde v poriadnom domove, narodil sa tam vonku na kope hnoja v maštali medzi ručiacim teľatami. Zavinuli ho do zavinovačky, ktorá bola z jarma vola. Najbiednejší z najbiednejších, a predsa Stvoriteľ neba a zeme...

160 Jednej chladnej daždivej noci povedali, „Pane, pôjdeme s tebou domov.“

161 Povedal, „Líšky majú svoje diery a vtáci svoje hniezda, ale ja nemám miesta, kde by som hlavu sklonil.“ Boh, Jehova ponížil Samého seba a stal sa Človekom, reprezentovaným v hriešnom tele, aby vykúpil teba aj mňa. Kým potom sme? On bol náš Príklad. Kto som ja? Nič.

162 Dnes popoludní na jednom malom stretnutí som niekomu hovoril; povedal som, „Každý syn, ktorý je narodený z Boha, musí byť najprv skúšaný, naprávaný.“ A pamätám sa, keď som bol ja. V mojej najväčšej hodine... Keď je človek znovuzrodený, je tam malé miesto veľkosti ako necht jeho prsta, ktoré Boh vpichuje do jeho systému, a padá to do jeho srdca a tam sa zakotvuje. Potom ho Satan skúša. A ak to tam nie je, si stratený.

163 Pamätám sa tam v nemocnici; mal som okolo dvadsaťdva rokov, možno dvadsaťtri, bol som mladý muž. A môj otec, umieral v mojom náručí a ja som rozprával o tom, že Boh je Uzdravovateľ... A môj vlastný otec v srdcovom záchvate položil hlavu do mojich rúk a ja som sa za neho modlil, a videl som, ako obrátil tie oči a pozrel sa na mňa, a padol, aby sa išiel stretnúť s Bohom. Vzal som ho a pochoval po boku môjho brata, a kvety boli ešte čerstvé na jeho hrobe a ja som kázal, že Boh uzdravuje chorých, pracoval som pre Verejné služby za dvadsať centov na hodinu, a moja žena pracovala tam ďaleko v závode na výrobu košelí, aby nám pomohla zarobiť na živobytie pre malého osemnásťmesačného chlapca, Billy Paula, a osemmesačné dieťa, ktoré nosila so sebou.

Videl som sestru Wilsonovú, ako prikývla hlavou. Ona si to pamätá. Roy Slaughter a niektorí z tých starších...

164 Čo som robil? Kráčal som po uliciach so sendvičom v ruke, schádzal som zo stožiara, a svedčil každému, ktorý išiel okolo, o láske Ježiša Krista. išiel som do servisu, a opýtal sa ich, či by som to mohol použiť, hovoril som s tými mechanikmi, išiel som tam a povedal, „Chlapi, ste už spasení? Našiel som niečo v mojom srdci.“ Chodieval som večer do potravín, prišiel som domov o druhej alebo tretej ráno po tom, čo som robieval zavolanie chorých po celú noc. Nemohlo to... Len som si sadol, prezliekol som si pracovné oblečenie, a sadol si do kresla a oddychoval som do rána, vstal som a išiel a... Tak chudý z postenia a modlenia, až som sa musel modliť, aby som si dokázal nasadiť ostrohy, aby som sa mohol dostať na telegrafný stĺp. Kázal som a kázal, že Boh je veľký, Boh je milostivý, Boh je láska, ľuďom, a tu môj ocko umieral v mojom náručí a môj brat bol mŕtvy, zabili ho, zatiaľ čo ja som stál za kazateľňou tu dolu v tejto malej farebnej Letničnej cirkvi, kázal som. Prišli mi povedať, „Tvoj brat bol zabitý na diaľnici. Auto ho zachytilo a zabilo.“ Krv jeho vlastného brata kvapkala z jeho košele, keď ho zobral z diaľnice. Hneď po tom, ako som ho pochoval, môj otec zomrel. Potom tam bola pochovaná moja manželka.

165 A išiel som tu do tejto Modlitebne. Odtiaľto, kde stojí toto pódium, som povedal ľuďom, šesť mesiacov predtým, než sa to stalo, že príde potopa. A videl som Anjela, ako vzal palicu a nameral dvadsaťdva stôp na ulici Spring Street.

166 Sandy Davis a ostatní, čo tu sedia, sa smiali, povedali, „V roku 1884 to bolo len asi osem alebo desať palcov, chlapče, odkiaľ to máš?“

167 Povedal som, „Bude to tak, lebo som videl jeden z tých tranzov. A povedalo mi to, že to tak bude, a bude to tam.“ A dnes je tam na ulici Spring Street značka „dvadsaťdva stôp vody“. Povedal som, „Budem sa plaviť v člne nad vrcholom tejto modlitebne,“ a bolo to tak.

Počas toho obdobia, moja manželka ochorela. Modlil som sa za ňu, a prišiel som do modlitebne, bolo tam... Ľudia na mňa čakali. Povedal som, „Ona zomiera.“

„Ó, je to tvoja žena, čo...“

168 Povedal som, „Zomiera.“ Išiel som tam a modlil sa a modlil sa a modlil sa. A držal som svoje ruky; a ona sa držala mojej ruky, povedala, „Billy, stretnem sa s tebou ráno, budem tam stáť.“ Povedala, „Zhromaždi deti a stretnete sa so mnou pri bráne.“

169 Povedal som, „Len začni volať 'Bill', budem tam.“ Vidíte? A odišla. Položil som ju tam do márnice, išiel som si domov ľahnúť; a keď som si ľahol... Malý Billy Paul bol u pani Broyovej a u nich, tak chorý, že lekár očakával, že kedykoľvek môže zomrieť. Modlil som sa za Billyho a tu prichádza brat Frank, prišiel za mnou a povedal, „Tvoje dieťa zomiera,“ to malé dievčatko.

170 A išiel som do nemocnice. Doktor Adair ma nechcel pustiť dnu, povedal, „Ty... Ona má zápal mozgových blán; prenesieš to na Billy Paula.“ Sestrička mi dala nejaký druh červenej látky, aby som to vzal, nejaké anestetikum, aby ma to upokojilo. A musel som počkať, kým odídu z miestnosti, vyhodil som to von oknom, a vkĺzol som zadnými dverami, a išiel som dolu do suterénu. Tam ležalo to dieťa, pred nemocnicou, izolačné oddelenie, mala takto muchy na svojich malých očkách. A vzal som starú placačku na komáre, odohnal som ich, a položil som to na to. Sklonil som sa; povedal som, „Bože, tam leží môj otec a brat, a na ich hrobe sú kvety. Tam ďalej leží Hope, a tu zomiera moje dieťa. Neber ju, Pane.“

171 A On len zatiahol oponu, akoby chcel povedať, „Buď ticho; nechcem ťa vôbec počúvať.“ On so mnou vôbec nehovoril.

172 A vtedy, keď On so mnou nehovoril, to bol čas pre Satana. Povedal, „No, myslel som, že si povedal, že je to dobrý Boh. Čo je toto všetko, o čom vykrikuješ? Si len chlapec. Porozhliadaj sa po meste; každé dievča a každý chlapec, s ktorým si sa kedy stretol, si myslí, že si stratil rozum. Stratil si.“ No, on mi nemohol povedať, že Boh neexistuje, lebo som To už videl. Ale povedal mi, že On sa o mňa nestará.

173 Sedel som celú noc, celý deň, povedal som Bohu toto: „Čo som urobil? Ukáž mi, Pane. Nenechaj, aby nevinný trpel kvôli mne, keď som urobil zle.“ Nevedel som, že On ma skúša. Ale každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšaný. Povedal som, „Povedz mi, čo som urobil; napravím to. Čo iné som robil, ak nie to, že som kázal celý deň a celú noc, a neustále som vydával svoj život. Čo som urobil?“

174 Satan povedal, „To je pravda. A vidíš, teraz, keď to prichádza k tebe, a všetkým si povedal, že veríš, že On je veľký uzdravovateľ a tam leží tvoje dieťa a umiera, On dokonca odmietol počúvať. Tvoja žena zomrela na tuberkulózu. Povedal si, že môže uzdraviť rakoviny, a tu to máš. No, hovoríš o Ňom, aký je dobrý, a aký je dobrý k ľuďom. A čo ty?“

175 Vtedy som ho začal počúvať. To je argumentovanie. Myslel som si, „To je pravda.“

Povedal, „On by mohol povedať... On nemusí povedať ani slovo, len sa pozrieť na tvoje dieťa a žilo by.“

Povedal som, „To je pravda.“

„A toľko, čo si ty pre neho spravil, a predsa, tu je to, čo on robí pre teba.“

Povedal som, „To je pravda.“ Začal som rozmýšľať, „Nuž, čo...“ Vidíte, všetko sa začína trhať na kusy, keď to prichádza k argumentovaniu. Ale keď to prichádza k tomuto, to sa zavesí. Zostalo to tam. Už som bol práve pripravený povedať, „V tom prípade končím.“ Ale keď to prišlo dolu, až kým sa všetky moci argumentácie roztrhli, potom prišlo k tomu Večnému Životu, tomu novému narodeniu. Čo ak by to tam nebolo. Čo ak by to nemalo? Nepoznali by sme jeden druhého tým spôsobom, akým sa poznáme teraz. Táto cirkev by tu takto nebola. Tisíce a milióny po celom svete... Ale vďaka Bohu, že to tam bolo.

176 Potom, keď som si myslel, „Čo... Kto vlastne som? Kto som, aby som sa spochybňoval Jeho Veličenstvo? Kto som ja, aby som sa spochybňoval Stvoriteľa, ktorý mi dal život tu na zemi? Odkiaľ som zobral to dieťa; Kto mi ho dal? Každopádne nie je moje. On mi ju len nachvíľu požičal.“ Povedal som, „Satan, choď odo mňa preč.“ Išiel som a položil som na to dieťa ruku. Povedal som, „ Nech ťa Boh žehná, miláčik. Zachvíľku ťa ocko vezme a položí do mamičkinho náručia. Anjeli vezmú tvoju malú dušu preč, a ja sa s tebou stretnem v to ráno.“ Povedal som, „Pane, Ty si mi ju dal; berieš ju preč, a hoci by si ma zabil, ako povedal Jób, stále ťa milujem a verím Ti. Ak ma pošleš do pekla, aj tak Ťa budem milovať. Nemôžem od toho odísť.“ Tu to máte. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

177 Byť len intelektuálny, to sa všetko rozláme, ale ty musíš mať osobný vzťah, musíš byť z Neho narodený. To je dôvod, prečo sa kazatelia dostávajú od toho preč, veľké poplatky, hovoria, že neexistuje taká vec ako Božské uzdravovanie, žiadna taká vec ako tieto veci, oni nikdy neboli na tej svätej pôde, ako som hovoril dnes ráno; oni o tom nič nevedia. Ako môžu povedať, že sú deťmi Božími, a zapierať Slovo Božie? Ako to môžete robiť, zapierať práve toho Svätého Ducha, ktorý vás kúpil.

178 Ó, len pamätajte; Ježiš sa pre vás ponížil až na smrť. On sa nehádal. Keď Mu pľuli do tváre, On im to nevracal. Keď Mu trhali bradu, On im to nevracal. Keď Ho udreli po tvári, ten druhý, On im to vôbec nevrátil; modlil sa za nich, ďalej kráčal pokorne. On bol príkladom pokory.

179 On bol plný viery. Prečo? On vedel, že jeho slová nemôžu zlyhať. On tak žil tým Slovom, že sa stal Slovom. Ó, Bože, nech sa držím oboma rukami Boha pred týmto obecenstvom, nech žijem takto. Nech sa toto Slovo stane tak, že ja a toto Slovo budeme to isté. Nech sú moje slová týmto Slovom. Nech rozjímanie môjho srdca... Nech je On v mojom srdci, v mojej mysli. Priviaž Jeho prikázania na schránku mojej inteligencie, priviaž ich na schránku môjho srdca. Nech Ho môžem vidieť. Keď povstávajú pokušenia, nech môžem vidieť Krista. Keď veci idú zle, nech len môžem vidieť Jeho. Keď sa pripravím, a nepriateľ sa ma snaží rozhnevať, nech môžem vidieť Ježiša, čo by robil On?

180 On bol tak veľmi v Slove, až kým sa On a to Slovo nestali tou istou vecou. Sledujte. On nemusel byť nervózny. On vedel, že On a to Slovo sú to isté. On vedel, že On je zamanifestované Božie Slovo, a že Božie nariadenie nakoniec premôže svet. On vedel, že Jeho Slovo... On mal vieru; On vedel, na čom je. On nemusel diskutovať a povedať, „Sem, môžeš prísť sem.“

181 Diabol povedal, „No, pozrime sa, ty dokážeš predvádzať zázraky. Vieš, že máš veľkú vieru. Dokážeš predvádzať zázraky. Vybudujem ti dvakrát väčšiu budovu ako má Oral Roberts, lebo všetci ľudia dajú. Jediná vec, ktorú musíš robiť... Ukáž im, zoskoč tu z tejto budovy a choď rovno dolu, lebo je napísané, 'Pošle anjelov, aby ťa niesli, aby si si neudrel nohu o kameň.'“

182 Vidíte? On vedel, že má moc. On vedel, že by to mohol urobiť. On vedel, že to bolo v Ňom, ale nechcel to použiť, dokiaľ Mu Boh nepovedal, aby to urobil. Vidíte, On chcel byť Bohom a tým, že bol Slovom a všetko... a On vedel, že keď čokoľvek vypovie, že to je Božie Slovo; a hoci nebo a zem pominú, to Slovo jedného dňa zvíťazí.

183 On nebol nervózny a ustarostený. On vypovedal len slová Božie. Každé Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z Jeho pier, bolo Božie pomazané Slovo. Nebolo by to nádherné, keby sme to my mohli povedať? „Moje Slovo a Božie Slovo je to isté. Čo poviem, On to uctí, lebo nerobím nič, kým Mi On prv nepovie.“ Ó, tu je váš Príklad. To je Život hodný Evanjelia.

184 Nie tí kňazi, ktorí boli tak vzdelaní a uhladení, a mali všetky tie veľké hodnosti, a stáli a vykonávali dlhé modlitby, a zožierali domovy vdôv, a rozdeľovali vysoké miesta v zhromaždení, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré, oni... to nebol život hodný Evanjelia. Ale On bol hodný Evanjelia, tak veľmi, že Boh povedal, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo. Jeho počúvajte. Moje Slovo je On; On je Moje Slovo. On a Ja sme to isté.“

185 Nie. Sledujte toto teraz. On vedel, že Jeho Slovo nakoniec premôže svet. On vedel, odkiaľ Jeho Slovo prišlo. Vedel, že To nemôže nikdy zlyhať; to je ten dôvod, prečo povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Vidíte? On to mohol povedať. To bol Muž, ktorého Slovo a Božie Slovo sa stalo tým istým. On im povedal...

„Mali by ste robiť toto a tamto.“

186 Povedal, „Kto Ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu? Kto Ma môže obviniť? (Hriech je nevera.) A keď aj prstom Božím vyháňam diablov, čím ich vyháňajú vaši synovia?“ Vidíte, to nebolo to, tak to muselo byť niečo iné. Vidíte? „Ak ja...“

Povedali, „Nuž, my vyháňame diablov.“

187 Povedal, „Ak to ja robím prstom Božím (potvrdené Slovo Božie), potom kým ich vyháňajú vaši synovia? Rozsúďte sami.“

188 Ľudia v Jeho dňoch, alebo ľudia... si z Neho robili žarty, hovorili o Ňom, ale On... Ponižovali Ho ako len mohli. Hovorili proti Nemu všetky druhy zla, ale On pokračoval ďalej.

189 No, chcem za minútku zakončiť na tomto: Ľudia týchto dní sú skupinou neurotikov. Ľudia tohto dňa sú skupinou neurotikov. Boja sa vziať zasľúbenia Božie. Cirkevní ľudia, cirkevné organizácie, cirkevné organizácie sa boja urobiť výzvu na Božie Písmo pre ich deň. Oni si uvedomujú, že ich moderné podmienky a ich sociálne evanjelium, ktoré kážu, to sa nestretne s výzvou tejto hodiny, nie viac, ako sa s tým mohol stretnúť Samson v jeho stave. To vyžadovalo Boha, a tu je program, ktorý to zasľúbil. (Dostanem sa k tomu zachvíľu. Chcem na chvíľu podržať to Slovo.)

190 Hoci sa nazývali Kresťanmi, prijali vyznania, ľuďmi vyrobené vyznania, aby vzali miesto Božiemu Slovu. Tak oni môžu vziať vyznanie, lebo to urobil človek, ale boja sa položiť svoju vieru tam v Boha, o ktorom si nárokujú, že Ho milujú. Je to tak. A potom poviete, že to je život hodný Evanjelia? Nemôže byť.

191 Hoci môžu byť členmi cirkvi, ale nie je to hodné Evanjelia. Vôbec nie. Evanjelium.. Ježiš povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu; tieto znaky budú nasledovať veriacich.“ A keď zapierate, že to nasleduje veriacich, ako môžete mať život... Nezáleží, možno ste nikdy nepovedali zlého slova. Mohli ste dodržiavať všetkých Desať prikázaní. To s tým nebude mať nič spoločného; stále to nie je hodné Evanjelia. Vidíte, nemôže to byť. Tí kňazi to dodržiavali a stále neboli hodní. On povedal, „Ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Kto by mohol položiť prst na jedného z tých mužov? Jedna škvrna viny, a boli ukameňovaní bez milosti. Svätí muži, a Ježiš povedal, „Ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Keď Evanjelium prišlo do...

192 Hoci sa nazývali kresťanmi, oni sa radi držali vyznaní. Svojich vyznaní... Och. Vyznania ustanovujú a napĺňajú myslenie moderných ľudí tohto dňa. A človek, ktorý bude v dnešnom dni úspešný, musí ísť spolu s tým moderným trendom myslenia. Dovoľte mi, aby som to povedal dobre a jasne. Vidíte? Človek, ak máš byť úspešný, musíš ísť spolu s tým moderným myslením tohto dňa. To... Oni idú dolu a povedia, „Ó, nie je on miláčik? Nie je on úžasný? On tam vie stáť tak rovno, a nikdy nás nedrží dlhšie ako pätnásť minút. A náš pastor na nás vždy nereve kvôli týmto veciam.“ Hanba tomu pastorovi. Každý muž, ktorý môže stáť za kazateľňou a pozrieť sa na hriech tohto dňa a nekričať, tak niečo nie je v poriadku s tým mužom. On nie je hoden Evanjelia, o ktorom si nárokuje, že ho káže. To je pravda.

Tak tým, že to tak robia, sa vyhovárajú, a hovoria, „No, pozri, moje zhromaždenie...“

193 Prednedávnom sem prišiel jeden muž, do istej veľkej cirkvi, a písal doktorantskú prácu; a povedal, „Píšem o Božskom uzdravovaní.“ Povedal, „brat Branham, my ťa v našej denominácii milujeme.“ Jedna z najväčších denominácií, jedna z najväčších v národe, alebo na svete. A povedal, „My ťa v tejto denominácii milujeme.“ Bol rovno tu v Jefferson Villa. Ale povedal, „Prichádzam, aby som zistil niečo o tomto Božskom uzdravovaní.“ Povedal, „Je len jedna chyba, ktorú moja denominácia nachádza.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „Spájaš sa s príliš veľa letničnými.“

194 Povedal som, „Nuž, vieš, to je pravda.“ Povedal som, „To je pravda. Vieš, vždy som chcel mať možnosť dostať sa od nich preč.“ Povedal som, „Poviem ti čo; prídem do tvojho mesta; ty priprav svoj zbor, aby ma sponzoroval.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „Oni nebudú...“

Povedal som, „To som si myslel; to som si myslel.“

Povedal, „Vieš, moja denominácia za tým nebude stáť.“ To je taká istá výhovorka ako „oženil som sa, alebo kúpil som si jarmo volov.“ Nestarám sa o to, koľko doktorských titulov máš, a nakoľko si obdivovaný svojou denomináciou; taký druh služby nie je hodný Evanjelia, ktoré je napísané v tejto Knihe. Tak je to.

195 Ktorýkoľvek člen cirkvi, ktorý bude podporovať takú vec ako toto, a bude sa nazývať kresťanom, a ide tam a žije... A ženy si strihajú vlasy a nosia šaty, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, aby ich nenosili; muži pokračujú v tom spôsobe ako teraz s formou pobožnosti, pijú, fajčia cigary, a ženia sa niekoľkokrát, a sú diakonmi v zbore, a dokonca pastormi a tak ďalej; a tí ľudia, ktorí sa pridŕžajú s takými ako toto, taký druh života nie je hodný Evanjelia.

196 Žena, ktorá bude kráčať, a vezme telefón a tára a začína hádky v zbore a takéto veci, to nie je život hodný Evanjelia, ktorý sa snažíme reprezentovať. Ktorákoľvek osoba, ktorá rozdelí zbor a začne roztržku medzi ľuďmi a takéto veci, to nie je hodné Evanjelia, ktoré kážeme. Je to presne tak. Je to forma pobožnosti, zapierajúca jej moc, moc Božiu, ktorá vás drží od toho.

197 Všimnite si. No, oni to nerobia; oni to jednoducho nebudú robiť. Oni majú výhovorku, že ich cirkev v to neverí. Oni... prečo... Ale Ježiš by dnes večer povedal tomu človeku, hovoril by do jeho srdca a povedal, „Chcem, aby si išiel kázať plné Evanjelium.“

„Moja cirkev za tým nestojí, Pane. Ospravedlň ma, ak môžeš. Mám dobrú starostlivosť. Ja... ja... ja... Vieš, ja som pastor jednej z najväčších cirkví v tomto meste, Pane. Ó, my tam chválime Tvoje Meno. Tak veru, iste to robíme. Nemôžem to urobiť.“ Tá istá výhovorka, tá istá vec. Tak oni neprichádzajú na duchovnú hostinu Jeho zasľúbeného, potvrdeného Slova.

198 Či nepovedal Ježiš, že tam, kde je to mŕtve telo, tam sa zhromaždia orli, orli, nie supy teraz, orli. Kde sú pomyje a rozkladajúca sa zdochlina, potom sa zhromaždia supy. Ale kde je čerstvé, čisté mäso, tam sa zhromaždia orli. Vidíte? Iste. Kde je Slovo, Orlia Potrava, tam sa oni zhromaždia.

199 Tak oni neprídu na duchovnú hostinu, na ktorú sú pozvaní. Veríte tomu, že Boh dal Amerike pozvanie počas posledných pätnástich rokov na veľké prebudenie, na duchovnú hostinu? Prišli? Nie veru, nie veru. Potom odmietnuť prísť, je ten život hodný Evanjelia, hoci oni to tak nazývajú?

200 Keď ku mne prišiel nedávno jeden človek, a sadol si na stôl a povedal, „brat Branham, chcem dosiahnuť ponad ten stôl (veľký muž); chcem sa chytiť tvojej ruky. Milujem ťa (bol som v zbore a počul som ho kázať.)“ Povedal, „Milujem ťa. Verím, že si Boží sluha.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem ti, doktor. Aj ja ťa milujem.“

Povedal, „Chcem ti povedať, ako veľmi ťa milujem ako brata.“ A povedal, „Vidíš moju malú kráľovnú, ako tu sedí, moju manželku, pamätáš si ju?“

Povedal som, „Áno.“

Povedal, „Lekár je dal dva týždne života so zhubným nádorom; a ty si prišiel do mesta a modlil si sa za ňu, a pozrel si sa, a videl si videnie, a pozrel si sa späť, a povedal mi 'TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bude uzdravená.': veľké miesto v jej chrbte sa takto vsiaklo, vyzeralo ako veľká časť ženského prsníka vtiahnutého dovnútra jej chrbta, rovno do jej chrbtice. Dnes po tom nie je ani stopy.“ Povedal, „Tam sedí dnes moja kráľovná – živá.“

Povedal, „Ako by som mohol robiť niečo iné ako ťa milovať za to, že si sa modlil tú modlitbu viery. Ako by som mohol zabrániť viere, že si služobník Pánov, keď si ma videl a presne si povedal, čo sa stane.“ Povedal, „No, mám niečo pre teba, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Patrím k najväčšej Letničnej lige, aká existuje.“

Povedal som, „Áno, pane, viem.“

Povedal, „Prednedávnom som hovoril s bratmi, a povedali mi, aby som sa s tebou skontaktoval a povedal ti, že to bola hanba, že si vzal tú Bohom danú službu k bande ľudí mimo tej rieky a z hocikiaľ.“

Povedal som, „Je to tak?“

Povedal, „Áno.“ Povedal, „Boh poslal tú službu, aby udrela tie nervové miesta, veľké miesta, tie najvýznamnejšie.“

201 Videl som rovno vtedy hovoriť diabla. Myslel som si, „Áno, zoskoč z tejto hory a ukáž, viete, z tejto budovy.“ Vidíte, vidíte? Pomyslel som si, že som ho len dovediem trochu ďalej. Moja matka zvykla hovoriť, „Daj krave dosť povrazu; sama sa obesí.“ Povedal som, „Je to pravda?“

„Áno,“ povedal, „je to hanba. Ale čo robíš...“ Povedal, „Čo si? Dnes si len ťažko môžeš kúpiť jedlo.“ A povedal, „Pozri sa na Orala Robertsa a tých, čo vkročili dnu, a dostali sa odtiaľto von so stotinou služby, akú máš ty, a pozri kam išli.“

Povedal som, „Áno, to je pravda.“ Vidíte?

A povedal, „Moja skupina ťa vezme. Vezmete ťa rovno dovnútra ako jedného z našich bratov. Všetci ti dajú pravú ruku obecenstva, a prenajmeme lietadlo a dáme ti mzdu päťsto na týždeň, alebo viac, ak chceš, a pošleme ťa do každého hlavného mesta v krajine.“ Toto sa stalo rovno vo Phoenixe, Arizona, rovno pri stole. A povedal, „A zaplatíme tvoje...“ Povedal, „Potom nech ten svet, ten vonkajší svet, nech tí hodnostári, veľkí muži, vysokopostavení...“ Povedal, „Ty stále hovoríš o tej spodine; my máme tých, čo sú navrchu...“ Povedal, „Nech vidia ruku Pánovu. Potom im privediem moju ženu, a iní môžu dokázať, že tie veci, ktoré hovoríš, sa dejú.“

202 Povedal som, „Áno, pane, to by bolo skvelé.“ No, vidíte, ten muž v pozícii D.L, L.L.D, pisateľ kníh (Vidíte?), Doktor Literatúry, skvelý spisovateľ, skvelý človek... Vidíte, on nepoznal Písmo. Vedeli ste, že ten Anjel, ktorý robil tie druhy skutkov, nikdy neišiel do Sodomy? On zostal s tou vyvolanou skupinou, Abrahámom. On to jednoducho nevedel. Len som ho nechal tak, len som to tam tak položil. A chcel som len vidieť, čo v tom bolo. A povedal som, „Nuž, čo by som mal robiť?“

Povedal, „Nuž, brat Branham, len, jediná vec, ktorú povedali, diskutovali sme o tom: pár vecí, drobné malicherné veci, ktoré učíš, ktoré... daj ich len bokom.“

Povedal som, „Napríklad čo, brat?“

„Ó,“ povedali, „tvoj krst, vieš. Vieš, krstíš tak trochu ako jednotári, nejako tak,“ a povedal, „takéto malé veci.“

Povedal som, „Ó?“ Išiel som ďalej.

A on povedal, „Počiatočný dôkaz, a kazateľky ženy a malé, len pár malých vecí ako toto.“

203 Povedal som, „A-ha.“ Povedal som, „Vieš, som prekvapený, že jeden sluha Boží prosí iného sluhu Božieho, po tom, čo mi vzdal hold, ako si to urobil, a nazval si ma prorokom, a vieš, že Slovo Pánovo, alebo zjavenie Slova prichádza k prorokovi, a otočíš sa, doktor pápež, to nehovorí o tvojej dobrej inteligencii, a povieš a požiadaš jedného sluhu Božieho, požiadaš iného sluhu Božieho, aby urobil kompromis na veci, ktorá pre neho znamená doslovne viac ako samotný život.“ Povedal som, „Nie, pane, brat pápež, v nijakom prípade to neurobím. Nie, veru.“ Čo je to? Je tam zrnko Večného Života, ži alebo zomri, či si veľký človek alebo nie veľký človek...

204 Prechádzal som minule okolo, nechcem uraziť týchto dvoch mužov, pozrel som sa tam, a bol tam veľký obraz v Tulsa, Oklahoma, nové miesto Orala Robertsa, seminár na vzdelávanie kazateľov. Bude to stáť (a poznám Demosa Shakariana, brata Carla Williamsa, a tých, čo sú členmi predsedníctva) päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, s trojmiliónovou budovou, letničný chlapec. To je veľká nádielka, čo pre neho Boh urobil.

205 A pomyslel som si, „Ja a seminár. V prvom rade som proti tomu.“ A tam bolo napísané, „Budúce sídlo veľkého seminára Orala Robertsa.“

206 Šiel som ďalej dolu ulicou, bola tam veľká moderná vec, a Oral Roberts v malom otrhanom stane prišiel na moje zhromaždenia v Kansas City, Kansas. Bolo tam napísané, „Budúce sídlo Tommyho Osborna,“ ó, človeče, bude to asi troj alebo štvormiliónové miesto. A tam... Tommy Osborn, jeden z najlepších kresťanských mužov, on je skutočný muž, skutočný Bohom poslaný muž, stál rovno tam na ulici, malý nervózny chlapec, a malý chlapec a dievča v aute, behali okolo, povedal, „brat Branham, bol som tam, keď som videl bežať toho maniaka; a videl som ťa, ako si na neho ukázal prstom do jeho tváre a povedal si, 'V Mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z neho.' Videl som, ako padol na tvoje nohy, po tom, ako vypovedal svoje proroctvo a povedal, 'Dnes večer ťa vykopnem uprostred tohoto obecenstva 6500 ľudí.'“ A povedal, „Videl som ťa tam stáť, vôbec si nezvýšil hlas, a povedal si, 'V Mene Pánovom, pretože si vyzval Ducha Božieho, dnes večer padneš k mojim nohám.' Povedal, 'Ja ti ukážem, ku koho nohám padnem.'“

A povedal som, „Vyjdi z neho, satan“; on len padol dozadu a pritlačil mi nohy k podlahe.

207 Povedal, „Boh je Boh, brat Branham; to je všetko.“ Povedal, „Bol som v dome zavretý na dva alebo tri dni.“ On sa nebojí povedať pravdu. On o tom povie. On sa za to nehanbí. Povedal, „Myslíš, že mám dar uzdravovania?“

208 Povedal som, „Zabudni na to, Tommy, bol si poslaný kázať Evanjelium; choď a káž to. Choď tam s bratom Bosworthom.“

209 Pozrel som sa tam, a videl som... Začal som pred nimi oboma. Myslel som si, „Je tam Oral Roberts s päťsto strojmi, že dokonca ani ľudská ruka sa nedotýka tých písmen, štyri milióny dolárov v pošte minulý rok, štyri milióny.“ Štvrtina zo všetkých tých peňazí, ktoré boli vzaté v celom Kresťanskom svete, štvrtina peňazí z celého Kresťanstva prichádza k jednému človeku. Čo za miesto. Vyšiel som tam von, aby som to videl, a...

210 Nuž, Oral je môj brat. Ó, ako ho milujem. On je skutočný chlapík, skutočný muž, a ja ho mám rád. A on si o mne myslí len to najlepšie, a ja o ňom tiež. My sa len nezhodujeme v Písme. A Tommy Osborn, to isté, myslím si o ňom len to najlepšie; on je jedným z najlepších mužov, ktorých som stretol, Tommy Osborn. A tí muži... A pomyslel som si, „Keď som vošiel do ich kancelárií a videl som, čo mali, myslel som si, že by som sa hanbil, keby prišli a videli moju, jeden malý písací stôl a ako sa snažíme dostať tie písmená von a...“ Čo za vec by to bola v tom čase sedieť na konci obytného prívesu. Pomyslel som si, „Čo by to bolo?“ Potom som vyšiel von, a pomyslel som si, „Nuž, budúci domov Orala Robertsa, budúci domov Tommyho Osborna, jeden sa nerozpráva s tým druhým.“ Tak som išiel dolu ulicou a pomyslel som si, „Ale čo ja?“

211 A niečo povedalo, „Pozri hore.“

212 Myslel som si, „Áno, Pane, daj nech si ukladám svoje poklady v nebi, lebo to je to, kde je moje srdce.“ Nehovorím to z ľútosti; hovorím to preto, lebo sa to stalo, a Boh vie, že je to tak. Vidíte?

213 Kde sú tvoje poklady? Chceš byť nejakým veľkým niekým? Ak si, si nikým. Dostaň sa až na miesto, kedy nebudeš chcieť byť niekým veľkým, budeš chcieť byť pokorným malým sluhom Kristovým. To je cesta úniku. To je všetko...

214 Brat Boze a ostatní formovali zbor v Chicagu. Oni sa museli vzdať Filadelfskej cirkvi kvôli tej denominácii. No, hovorili o tom, že zoženú nejakého chlapíka s plášťom takto vzadu, nejakého D.D. Povedal som, „Ste na ceste von. Ak chcete nájsť skutočného pastora pre ten zbor, zožeňte malého starého pokorného človeka, ktorý ledva prečíta svoje meno a jeho srdce je v ohni pre Boha. Len vezmite toho muža; to je ten, ktorého chcete vziať, niekoho, ktorý nepozná všetky tieto veci, niekoho, kto nebude diktovať, a riadiť, a neuvrhne vás do všetkých druhov dlžôb a všetkého ostatného, a bude vás len kŕmiť Slovom Božím. To je ten druh osoby, ktorú treba vziať.“

Tak oni neprídu na duchovnú hostinu... Musím zakončiť. Už som teraz prekročil čas; asi o šesť minút vás prepustíme, ak Pán dá.

215 Počujem, ako niektorí povedia, „Ale brat Branham, mal by si ten názor podložiť... Ľudia nie sú neurotici. Títo ľudia nie sú neurotici; oni sú len vzdelaní.“ Oni sú vzdelaní neurotici. Tak je to. Áno. „Oni nie sú neurotici; oni sú vzdelaní.“ Potom sa vás chcem opýtať otázku. Vidíte, rozumiete? Chcem sa vás potom opýtať. Prosím, vysvetlite ich správanie dneška, ak nie sú neurotici. Povedzte mi, čo ich vedie k takému správaniu, ak nie sú neurotici? Vidíte? Každý ťahá za svoju denomináciu, nenásytní... Ježiš taký nebol. On sa s ničím neponáhľal. Vidíte? On nebol nenásytný, On bol náš Príklad.

216 Zločin, národ, národ má viac zločinu, ako kedy mal, a čo sa deje?

217 Dospievajúci, členovia cirkvi si berú životy, muži strieľajú na svoje manželky a rodiny a pália svoje deti... A pozrite sa na tú vlnu zločinu. A oni nie sú neurotici? Tak potom, čo sa deje? Sledujte ich konanie. Národy zbláznené za mocou. Každý chce zobrať všetko, ten zvyšok, aby urobili jednu zástavu, jeden národ, a to bude ich zástava a ich národ; sú pobláznení za mocou. Nemorálnosť, no svet je nemorálnejší ako kedy bol. Nahé ženy na uliciach, nahé ženy, a hovoria, že sú v zdravej mysli? Nemôžu byť. Jednoducho nemôžu byť.

218 Počúvajte. V Biblii bola jedna osoba, ktorá si vyzliekala šaty; bol to Legion; bol pomätený. Keď ho Ježiš našiel a vrátil mu rozum, obliekol si šaty. Je to tak. Čo ťa vedie k tomu, aby si si vyzliekala šaty? Diabol. Tak je to. Potom povedia, že nie sú neurotici? Choďte dolu ulicou a prejdite štyri mestské bloky bez toho, aby ste videli nahú ženu, a vráťte sa a povedzte mi. Vidíte? V poriadku. Zistite to.

219 Potom hovoríte, že oni nie sú neurotici? Potom, čo je nesprávne? Oni nemôžu mať zdravý rozum. Žena so zdravým rozumom by to nerobila. Ona má lepší zmysel. Ona vie, čo si oblieka keď ide von. Tam vonku to je banda žiadostivých diablov, sú takí špinaví, nečistí, lajdácki, opití muži, vrahovia a všetko ďalšie...

220 A ty povieš... Svet teraz pije viac alkoholu. V Spojených štátoch utrácajú za alkohol viac peňazí, ako míňajú na potraviny. Myslím, že to je... Zabudol som, o koľko viacej stojí každý rok alkoholová dlžoba v národe, ako to bývalo predtým. A čo robí alkoholizmus? Posiela vás do blázinca.

221 Rakovina... Keď medicínski doktori z celého sveta píšu do časopisov a hovoria ti, „Rakovina v naložených autách.“ Cigarety, dávajú to na potkany a je dokázané, že z toho dostanete rakovinu pľúc. Sedemdesiat percent z nich má rakovinu pľúc z fajčenia cigariet. A tie ženy a tí muži ich budú hneď bafkať a vydychovať vám to do tváre. Ak to nie je neurotické, čo je neurotické?

222 Keď môže byť Evanjelium Ježiša Krista kázané a dokázané a Boh neba vo forme Jeho Ohnivého Stĺpu máva nad ľuďmi a ukazuje, že Ježiš Kristus je v poslednej fáze Svojho príchodu, dávajúc im posledné znamenie, a oni sa Tomu smejú, a robia si z Toho žarty, a nazývajú sa členmi cirkvi, a potom povedzte, že nie sú neurotici? Vysvetlite to. (Môj čas sa stále posúva.) Ale opýtajte sa len, či nie sú neurotici. Iste, oni sú vzdelaní neurotici. Je to presne tak.

223 Vysvetlite ich stav. Nemôžete. Strihajú si vlasy, nosia svetské šaty, kráčajú takto po ulici. A Božia Biblia proti tomu varuje, a dokonca zakazuje žene modliť sa s ostrihanými vlasmi. A hovorí, že muž... Ak to ona robí, ona dokazuje svojmu mužovi, že ona sama je nemorálna, a on má dokonalé právo rozviesť sa s ňou a poslať ju preč. Je to presne tak. Slovo Božie to hovorí, a tá žena to počuje a keď pokračuje v nosení krátkych vlasov a nazýva sa kresťankou, ak to nie je neurotik, čo je neurotik? Chcem, aby mi potom niekto povedal, čo je neurotik.

224 Áno, oni sú neurotici, vysoko vzdelaní, tituly, vysoké školy. Dávame viac času na vzdelanie našich detí v algebre a biológii, než ako by sme mali o Biblii a Ježišovi Kristovi. Nie je v tejto krajine dieťa, ktoré by vám nepovedalo, kto je David Crockett. Tretina z nich vám nepovie, kto je Ježiš Kristus. Potom to nie je neurotické? Určite je. Ako môžeme takto ísť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, ako idú oni.

225 Len pamätajte. A cirkvi to schvaľujú, zatiaľ čo Biblia to odsudzuje. Je tá služba neurotická? Vzdelaní neurotici. Je to presne tak. Cirkvi to schvaľujú.

226 Spomeňte si na Lota; on bol chytrý muž. Pozrite sa na neho na chvíľu. Ne... ne.... Ne... Prepáčte mi, že pár minút už preťahujem. Toto je... toto je... je príliš dôležité. To ide von... Prišli ste ma počúvať, ako nahrávam túto pásku.

227 Pozrite, pozrite. Zastavme sa na chvíľu; modlite sa na chvíľu vo svojom srdci, „Pane, daj mi to vidieť.“ Otvor svoj um; nech to Boh učiní. Pozrite na... Len vezmime samotný tento národ. Povedzme, čo Boh povedal.

228 Biblia povedala, že hriechy Sodomy dennodenne trápili spravodlivú dušu Lota. On jednoducho nemal dosť odvahy na to, aby sa proti tomu postavil. Je to tak? On to nemohol urobiť, lebo bol starostom mesta. On nemohol, ale Biblia povedala, že tie hriechy Sodomänov trápili jeho dušu. On vedel, že je to zlé, ale nemal odvahu robiť to, postaviť sa proti tomu.

229 No, pozrite. Koľko Lótov včera v Amerike, čítali svoju Bibliu, aby si pripravili svoje posolstvo na dnes, a preleteli cez vodný krst v Meno Ježiša Krista? Koľkí z nich preleteli cez krst Svätým Duchom, Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; Marek 16, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria“; Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, aj on bude činiť“; Ak zostávate vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste čo chcete a bude vám“? Koľko Lótov to videlo, ale kvôli ich výhovorkám ich denominácií, to...

230 Pozrite sa a vidzte v Biblii. Pozrite sa na ich zhromaždenia ostrihaných žien, a oni vedia, že Biblia to odsudzuje. Pozrite sa dolu ulicou na ich vlastných členov zboru, chodia po ulici v šortkách, a vedia, že Slovo je proti tomu. Ale nemajú odvahu volať proti tomu. Ale jednako človek, ktorý tvrdí, že je kresťan, jeho duša v ňom kričí proti tomu. Ale on nemá odvahu. Ak to nie je moderná Sodoma, kde to je? Bože, daj nám niekoho, kto bude proti tomu kričať. Je to tak. Ako Ján Krstiteľ povedal, „Sekera je už položená na koreň stromu.“ To je to, čo dnes potrebujeme.

231 Sledujte. Oni sú modernou Sodomou. Pamätajte. Vidíte, celá krajina sa stala modernou Sodomou a Gomorou. Lót to znovu zažíva... znovu cez to všetko prechádza. Lebo jeho najúprimnejšie presvedčenia mu hovoria skrze Slovo, že je v blude.

232 Pozrite sa v Chicagu, väčšie Chicago, keď tam sedelo tých tristo kazateľov, a oni... Pán mi v ten večer povedal, čo oni urobia. Oni mali pre mňa prichystanú pascu. Ja, išiel som tam. A išiel som a povedal som bratovi Carlsonovi; povedal som, „Nebudete to mať v tom hoteli. Budete to musieť vziať na iné miesto, a bude to zelená miestnosť. A oni na mňa pripravili pascu, však, brat Carlson?“ Sklonil hlavu.

Sadol si v mojej pracovni pred pár dňami, aby som prišiel do Chicaga na stretnutie. Povedal, „Nikdy na to nezabudnem, brat Branham.“

Povedal som, „Oni majú pre mňa pripravenú pascu. Prečo, brat Carlson? Bojíš sa mi povedať, prečo, ty a Tommy Hicks?“ Sklonili hlavy. Povedal som, „Tommy, prečo nehovoríš?“

Povedal, „Nemohol som to urobiť.“

233 Povedal som, „Myslel som si, že si povedal, že mi urobíš láskavosť.“ Povedal som, „Minulú noc mi Pán povedal, 'Dnes tam pôjdeš, a zistíš, že nedostanete tú budovu. Pôjdeš do inej budovy. Dr. Mead bude sedieť na tejto strane, ten farebný muž a jeho žena, ktorá spieva, budú sedieť rovno tu a tak ďalej, kde budú všetci sedieť.'“ Povedal som, „Bude tam budhistický kazateľ.“ A povedal som, „No, zistite to. Majú to proti mne, lebo kážem vodný krst v Meno nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Majú to proti mne, lebo kážem semeno hada, a proti dôkazu, že každý, kto hovorí v jazykoch, má Ducha Svätého, a tieto veci.“ Povedal som, „Poďte dolu a sledujte Boha.“

234 Prišli sme tam... Šli tam dolu a práve... Dve hodiny po tom, alebo ešte lepšie niekedy v to popoludnie, oni zavolali bratovi Carlsonovi a povedal. Ten človek, čo mu dal ten, čo zaplatil ten poplatok za to, povedal, „Musíme to zrušiť, lebo manažér povedal, že to už na dnes večer sľúbil nejakej skupine, alebo v to ráno.“

235 A nemohli to mať. Tak sme šli von do mesta a na vidiek. A v to ráno, keď sme sa tam dostali a stáli sme tam a ja... A brat Carlson povedal, „Je tu jedna vec, s ktorou vy bratia nebudete súhlasiť s bratom Branhamom,“ ale povedal, „on sa nebojí povedať, čomu verí.“ Povedal, „Povedal mi, že tieto veci sa stanú presne tak, ako sa stali.“ Povedal, „No, tu ho máte. Nech hovorí sám za seba.“

236 Vzal som to Písmo, „Nebol som neposlušný nebeskému videniu,“ ako povedal Pavol. Povedal som, „Zazlievate mi vodný krst v Meno Ježiša Krista. Viac než tristo z vás sa predstavilo ako Doktor Taký a taký a Doktor Taký a taký.“ Povedal som, „Ja nemám ani len základné školské vzdelanie, ale vyzývam kohokoľvek tu, aby si vzal svoju Bibliu, a postavil sa tu ku mne, a poprel jedno z tých slov, ktoré boli povedané.“ Máte to tu na páske, ak si to chcete vypočuť. To bol ten najtichší dav, aký som kedy počul. Povedal som, „Čo sa deje?“ Je tu dnes večer niekto, kto bol na tom rannom zhromaždení, nech vidíme vaše ruky. Áno, pozrite, iste, pozrite sa všade dookola. Povedal som, „Potom, ak to nemôžete podporiť, potom sa držte odo mňa ďalej.“ Je to tak. Kopa rečí, keď sú tam za rohom, ale postaviť sa tej veci tvárou v tvár, to je už niečo iné. Je to tak. To je...

237 Tí muži vyšli von. Tommy Hicks povedal, „Chcem tristo tých pások, aby som ich poslal každému trojičnému kazateľovi, ktorého poznám.“ Tí muži mi potriasli rukou, povedali, „Prídem dolu do Modlitebne a dáme sa nanovo pokrstiť.“ Kde sú? Výhovorky. „Nemôžem to urobiť; moja denominácia mi to nedovolí.“ „Oženil som sa.“ „Kúpil som volie jarmo, vlastne jarmo volov.“ Kúpil som kus zeme; musím sa ísť na ňu pozrieť.“ Vidíte? Niektoré z tých vecí ako... Výhovorky, je to tak? Je taký život hodný Evanjelia? Ak je to Evanjelium správne, predajme všetko, čo máme a žime pre neho. Buď kresťanom. Tak veru. Amen. Všimnite si teraz, ako končíme.

238 Ale ich výhovorky sú ich vyznania a ich denominácie. Je to ako strom. Pozeral som sa minule na brata Banksa. Mal som borovicu, ktorú som zasadil, keď sa tam prvýkrát presťahoval asi, ó, pred asi pätnástimi rokmi alebo tak nejak. A nechal som tie konáre, výhonky rásť na tej borovici, a nemohli sme dostať kosačku dolu pod to. A aj tak tam nebola tráva. A išiel som tam a vzal pílu, a odpílil som tie konáre, až kým tá borovica nebola tak vysoko, že ste mohli pod ňou prejsť s kosačkou; a ten najkrajší kus trávy, aký ste kedy videli je teraz pod ňou. Čo to bolo? Bolo tam semeno. Muselo dostať svetlo. Vidíte, vidíte?

239 A tak dlho, kým denominácia, vaše výhovorky, sa snažia zatieniť to semeno, o ktorom viete, že tam vlastne leží, beriete si Lótov diel. Odhoďte tie veci preč a nechajte to svetlo Evanjelia svietiť na to, moc Ježiša Krista. Áno. Držať to Svetlo preč od toho, to zdrží do života, lebo keď sa k tomu niekedy dostane Svetlo, vyrastie to k životu. To je ten dôvod, prečo ľudia hovoria, „Nechoď na niektoré z tých zhromaždení.“ Oni sa boja, že niečo z toho Svetla zasiahne niektorého ich člena.

240 Pamätajte na ženu pri studni. Bola prostitútkou. Tam stáli tí kňazi, a oni videli Ježiša ako povedal Natanaelovi, „Videl som ťa, keď si bol pod tým fíkom.“

A kňazi povedali, „On je Belzebub. On je veštec. To je diabol.“

Táto malá žena, keď tam kráčala vo svojom nemorálnom stave, žijúc so šiestimi mužmi a keď tam kráčala v tom stave, v tom stave bola, a Ježiš povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť,“ začal rozhovor. Povedal, „Choď a priveď svojho manžela a príďte sem.“

Povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“

On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu. Máš piatich, a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

Povedala, „Pochopila som, že si prorok, Pane. Viem, že Mesiáš toto bude robiť, keď príde.

Ježiš povedal, „Ja som On.“

241 To to vyriešilo. Keď to Svetlo zablyslo cez to semeno, ktoré ležalo v tej malej starej prostitútke, dni tej prostitútky sa skončili. Šla do ulice, oslavujúc Boha, povedala, „Poďte a vidzte Muža, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Nie je Toto Mesiáš?“ Čo to bolo? Svetlo sa dostalo späť k tomu semenu pod tieňom prístrešku prostitútka. Tak veru.

242 No, už končím týmto: Neviem, koľko mám ešte strán, ale určite ich nevezmem všetky. Je tam asi desať, ale to je asi len polovica. Ale zakončime týmto.

243 Porovnajme teraz niečo, čo je hodné života, aspoň jeden príklad. Porovnajme život svätého Pavla s mladým bohatým mládencom. To isté Svetlo zasiahlo oboch tých mužov. Obaja mali to isté pozvanie od Ježiša Krista. Je to tak? Obaja boli dobre učení v Písme. Obaja boli teológovia. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal bohatému mládencovi, „Dodržuješ prikázania?“

244 Povedal, „Robil som to od môjho detstva.“ Bol to vycvičený muž. Tak isto aj svätý Pavol. Obaja boli dobre trénovaní v Písme; ale, obaja mali Slovo. Jeden ho mal z naučenia; ten druhý v tom mal zárodok Života. Keď to Svetlo zablyslo pred Pavlom, povedal, „Pane, Kto Si?“

Povedal, „Ja Som Ježiš.“

„Tak tu ma máš.“ On bol pripravený.

245 To Svetlo zasiahlo oboch mužov. Jeden bol oplodnený, ten druhý nebol. Tak je to aj dnes: Cirkev duchovná, cirkev telesná.

246 Bohatý mládenec mal svoju výhovorku. On to nemohol urobiť. Bol príliš obtiažený príliš mnohými priateľmi vo svete. Nechcel skončiť s tou spoločnosťou. To je to, čo sa stalo s mnohými ľuďmi dnes. Myslíte si, že keď patríte do klubu, vy by ste nemohli opustiť to bratstvo: „Oni všetci pijú a tieto veci, a robia toto.“ V poriadku, pokračujte v tom. Nič proti klubu, nič proti cirkvi, hovorím o vás. Vidíte, áno. Vidíte? Nič proti tomu. Lebo jeden... Šesť z jedného a polovica tucta z druhého. Práve sa mi podarilo povedať vám, že cirkev nie je nič iné ako klub, denominácia, ak zapierajú Slovo Božie.

247 Všimnite si. Bohatý mládenec mal svoje výhovorky. Hoci sa nikdy nevzdal svojho svedectva. Zisťujeme, že išiel do veľkého obchodovania. Mal znalosti, a išiel na také miesto, že až musel nazhromaždiť toľko, že musel vybudovať nové stodoly, aby mal kam uložiť svoj majetok. A keď zomrel... A nejaký starý mládenec s golierom omotaným okolo krku kázal na jeho pohrebe, nepochybne. A keď kázal, možno povedal... Spustili vlajky na pol žrde a povedal, „Náš drahý milovaný brat, starosta tohto mesta, teraz je v rukách Všemohúceho, lebo bol veľkým členom cirkvi. On robil to a to a to.“ A Biblia povedala, „V pekle pozdvihol svoje oči v súžení.“ Vidíte?

248 A pamätajte, on sa stále chcel držať svojich vyhlásení i v pekle. Videl Lazara v lone Abrahámovom, a povedal, „Otec Abrahám, pošli Lazára dolu.“ (Vidíte?) stále ho nazýval svojím otcom. Vidíte? Použil svoje vedomosti a išiel do intelektuálnej cirkvi. Keď ho zasiahlo Svetlo, odmietol Ho. Ak to nie je moderný trend dnešnej cirkvi, potom neviem. Nezáleží, ako Boh žiari cez ich chodník, Ohnivý Stĺp alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, oni stále so svojimi vedomosťami, oni To môžu vyvrátiť a ísť do tej intelektuálnej skupiny kvôli sociálnemu postoju.

249 Ale Pavol bol už v sociálnom postoji, s veľkými vedomosťami, veľký žiak pod Gamalielom, pravá ruka najvyššieho kňaza, až tak, že išiel ku kňazovi a dostal pokyny, aby dal všetkých tých fanatikov do väzenia. Ale keď to Svetlo zasiahlo jeho cestu, a on videl, že ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý viedol Izrael cez púšť, bol Ježiš Kristus, on sa vzdal všetkého, čo kedy vedel. On prišiel do Života.

250 Mohli by ste nazvať život toho bohatého muža životom hodným Evanjelia, ktoré počul? Hoci bol veriacim, mohli by ste nazvať ten druh života medzi intelektuálmi a zábavkami a... V tú noc, keď slnko zapadalo, mali prípitok a možno sa nejaký kňaz nad tým pomodlil... A on mal zábavy a nejaký žobrák tam ležal pri jeho bráne. A on si dával prípitok a hovoril o svojej veľkej viere, ktorú mal v Boha, a pred svitaním v to ďalšie ráno, predtým, ako slnko vstalo, bol v pekle. Je to tak. Tu máte svojich intelektuálov.

251 Ale Pavol, keď ho zasiahlo Svetlo, porovnajme jeho život a pozrime sa, či je hodný. Čo sa stalo? Keď Pavol, keď ho Svetlo zasiahlo, on sa vzdal všetkých svojich vedomostí a odišiel z tej intelektuálnej skupiny, a kráčal v Duchu Ježiša Krista. (Sláva Bohu.) Ale hoci bol tak múdry, nikdy nepoužíval veľké slová. Keď prišiel od tých Korinťanov, povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s ľudskou múdrosťou. Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s nadutými slovami, lebo by ste do toho vložili voju vieru, ale prišiel som k vám v jednoduchosti, v moci vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, aby vaša viera bola v tom.“ Tam je život. Sledujte to.

252 On nikdy nepoužíval svoje vzdelanie. Nikdy nechodil s tou intelektuálnou skupinou. Kráčal v Duchu Kristovom, pokorný, poslušný Slovu Božiemu, keď bolo tak veľmi v protiklade s ich vyznaniami. Ale Pavol videl to Svetlo a kráčal v ňom (Je to tak?), nechal ten Život Kristov odrážať Ježiša Krista veku, v ktorom žil, aby ľudia mohli vidieť Ducha Božieho v ňom. A tí pokorní tomu tak veľmi verili, že dokonca chceli prinášať svoje vreckovky. Brali ich z jeho tela. A oni tomu tak verili... On bol takou reprezentáciou Ježiša Krista, že čohokoľvek sa dotkol, oni verili, že to bolo požehnané. Áno. Čo za muž to bol. Dal svoj život, svoje bohatstvo, všetko, čo mal, svoje vzdelanie, zabudol na všetko, aby kráčal dolu s rybármi, a žobrákmi, a povaľačmi na ulici, aby jeho svetlá mohli odrážať lásku Ježiša Krista. Povedal, „Bol som švihaný po chrbte štyridsať deväť krát. Nevadí mi to, lebo nesiem na svojom tele znamenia Ježiša Krista.“ Chudák chlapík v takom hroznom stave, povedal, „Nesiem na svojom tele znamenia Ježiša Krista.“ Aký rozdiel od toho hodnostára s tými kňazmi okolo seba.

253 A keď bol v Ríme a nikto pri ňom nestál a oni stavali nejaký podstavec, aby mu tam zoťali hlavu, tam je to, kde to povedal. Ó. Povedal, „Tam pre mňa leží koruna, ktorú mi Pán, ten Spravodlivý Sudca, dá toho dňa, a nielen mne, ale tým, všetkým tým, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod.“ Tam je život hodný Evanjelia.

254 Čo ešte o ňom? On stál pre Krista. On nechal Evanjelium odrážať cez seba. Predtým, než to urobil, on išiel a učil sa Evanjelium. Išiel dolu do Arábie a zostal tam tri roky, a zobral Starú Zmluvu a ukázal cez Starú Zmluvu, že On bol Ježiš Kristus. A nechal To cez seba odrážať tej pokornej skupine ľudí, ktorú on... keď povedal, „Ja viem, aké je to mať plné brucho, a viem, aké je to byť hladný a žiadostivý.“ Muž s takým vzdelaním ako on a taký študent, stojaci so vzdelaním do Gamaliela, jedného z najväčších učiteľov, ktorí boli v tých dňoch, a stál bok po boku s najvyšším kňazom... Brat, on mohol byť hodný miliónov dolárov a mohol mať všetky druhy budov. To je pravda. Ale on povedal, „Ja...“ On dokonca nemal ani nič iné, iba jeden kabát.

255 A Démas videl toho muža s takou službou ako je táto, v II. Timotejovi, 3.kapitole povedal, „Démas ma opustil, a všetci ostatní muži, milujúci tento súčasný svet.“ Povedal, „Keď prídete, prineste mi ten kabát, ktorý som tam nechal. Začína byť chladno.“ Muž s takou službou, on mohol mať len jeden kabát... Sláva Bohu.

256 To mi pripomína svätého Martina, keď sa snažil stáť za Evanjeliom a všetkým, predtým ako sa obrátil. V prednicejskom, vlastne Nicejskom koncile, Nicejskí otcovia, v histórii... Jedného dňa išiel cez tie brány... Bol z Tours, Francúzska. A tam sú ľudia, nejaký starý povaľač tam ležal umierajúc, bez šiat, a ľudia prechádzali okolo, mohli mu dať šaty, a neurobili to. Prechádzali okolo neho a ignorovali toho starého chudáka. A svätý Martin tam stál a pozeral na to. Hovorili, že on...

257 Každý vojak mal muža, ktorý mu leštil topánky a on leštil topánky svojich sluhov. Vyzliekol si svoj plášť a vzal nôž a rozrezal ho napoly, svoj meč, zabalil do neho toho starého tuláka, povedal, „Obaja môžeme žiť.“ Išiel domov a ľahol si spať. Ležal tam a myslel na toho starého muža, a plakal; niečo ho priamo zobudilo. Pozrel sa, stojac v izbe a tam stál Ježiš Kristus zahalený v tom istom starom kuse rúcha, do ktorého zahalil toho tuláka. Povedal, „Tak ako si urobil tomu najmenšiemu z týchto maličkých, urobil si to Mne.“ To je život hodný Evanjelia. Viete, ako aj on zapečatil svoj život, však?

258 Pozrite sa na Polykarpa, ako stál za krstom na Meno Ježiša proti rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, a upálili ho na hranici, zrútili kúpeľný dom a upálili ho. Pozrite sa na Irenea, a tých ostatných, ktorí trpeli pre tú príčinu. To sú životy, ktoré sú hodné.

259 Pozrite sa, čo povedal Pavol v Knihe Židom v 11.kapitole, povedal, že boli rezaní na kusy a trhaní od seba, túlali sa v ovčích kožiach a kozích kožiach po púšti a chudobní a tak ďalej, životy, ktorých tento svet nie je hoden. Tu to máte. Ten život je hodný Evanjelia. Ako obstojí ten môj a ten váš v deň súdu s takými ľuďmi?

260 Pozrite sa teraz na Pavla, ako ideme ďalej. On stál za Evanjeliom a nechal Ježiša prechádzať cez neho, nezáleží na tom ako, bez ohľadu na to, čo si o tom ktokoľvek myslel, či najvyšší kňaz... No, on išiel a bola mu za to odseknutá hlava. On bol hodnou reprezentáciou Evanjelia, nechajúc (Pozrite sa tam na to.), bez ohľadu na to, čo si ľudia mysleli, nechajúc ten prúd Večného Života prechádzať cez seba až tak, že povedal, „Bol by som prekliaty od Krista za mojich bratov.“ No, vy viete, čo robíte, keď získate Večný Život, tam je vaša otázka; tam je vaša odpoveď. Môžete vziať tú intelektuálnu stranu alebo vziať túto stranu. Ak ste skutočne získali Večný Život, to je to, čo sa deje. To je to, čo sa deje.

261 Pavol, hotový byť prekliatym od Krista, aby nechal svojich ľudí, slepých, ignorantských ľudí, ktorí nepočúvali jeho Evanjelium... A ja myslím na svoju vlastnú hanbu. Bol som hotový vzdať sa ich, lebo ma nepočúvali. Cítim, že by som mal činiť pokánie a ja som činil pokánie. Vidíte?

262 Všimnite si, bez ohľadu na to, čo si iní mysleli, tento druh života je hodný Evanjelia. No, končím.

263 Bohatý muž, ako väčšina z nás dnes, zabránil a odmietol Slovo Života, a stal sa členom cirkvi a ukázal život, ktorý je dokázaný v Biblii, že bol nehodný Evanjelia, ktoré mal prijať. Je to tak? Ako mohlo Evanjelium žiariť cez zatemnené svetlo ako toto, zapierajúc moc Božiu?

264 Teraz, jediný spôsob, ako žiť hodný život, je nechať Krista a Jeho Slovo, ktorým je On Sám, odrážať Seba vo vás tak dokonale, až Boh potvrdí, čo povedal v Slove. Lebo Kristus zomrel, aby mohol ukázať Samého Seba pred Bohom ako Obeť, a to sa navrátilo späť vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby sa On Sám odrážal cez Svojich ľudí, aby niesol ďalej svoje dielo, odrážajúc Seba cez vás, aby vyplnil Svoje zasľúbené Slovo v týchto budúcich dňoch, ako počul Ján Krstiteľ, keď počul prichádzať Krista. A Kristus vošiel do vody, a Ján povedal, „Hľa, Baránok Boží.“ Nikto iný To nevidel, ale on To videl, to Svetlo prichádzajúce dolu z neba ako holubica, a Hlas hovoriaci, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ On To videl prichádzať, a Ježiš vykročil do vody, Emanuel, pred kazateľom, ktorý mal byť radikálny, vykročil do vody pred ľuďmi a povedal, „Chcem, aby si ma pokrstil.“

265 Ján povedal, „Pane, ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba. Prečo prichádzaš Ty ku mne?“ Obidvoje očí sa stretlo, prorok a Jeho Boh. Amen. Mohli by ste, ako rád by som tam stál a sledoval to, videl tie Jánove prísne, hlboko položené oči ako sa stretnú s tými prísnymi, hlboko položenými očami Ježiša, podľa tela boli bratrancami z druhého kolena.

266 Ježiš povedal, „Ján, nechaj to tak, lebo tak sa nám patrí. My sme Poslom na túto hodinu. Patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“

267 Ján si myslel, „Áno, On je Obeť. Obeť musí byť umytá pred tým, ako bude položená.“ Potom povedal, „Poď.“ A pokrstil Ho. Amen. Inými slovami, „Patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“ Ježiš vediac, že ten muž bol pravý, povedal, „Nikdy nebol muž narodený zo ženy taký ako on. On je viac ako prorok. Ak to môžete prijať, toto je viac ako prorok.“

268 A Ježiš hľadiac do jeho srdca a vediac to, Jeho vlastný bratranec sa tam s ním stretol tvárou v tvár. Ján povedal, „Pane, ja musím byť pokrstený Tebou, a prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

269 Povedal, „Vytrpíme to, Ján, ale pamätaj, patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetko, čo Boh zasľúbil, a Ja som tá Obeť. Musím byť umytý pred položením.“ Ó, ó.

270 A dnes, keď večerné Svetlá žiaria, keď neexistuje človek so zdravým rozumom, ktorý by nepovedal... Každý študent Biblie, ktorý pozrie do Biblie, vie, že toto je ten posledný deň. Potom sa nám patrí, aby sme padli z týchto veľkých múrov alebo utiekli od týchto vecí a dostali sa do spravodlivosti Ježiša Krista v týchto posledných dňoch a vzali na seba Pečať Božiu predtým, ako by nám diabol dal znamenie šelmy. Ó.

271 Áno. Modli sa k Bohu, aby nechal to Svetlo tohto dňa povstať v tebe, aby si bol poslušný služobník Boží, a potom nech to ovocie Ducha navždy zostáva v tvojom živote. A to je život hodný Evanjelia.

272 Nechajte ma povedať toto, keď končím. Jediný spôsob, ten jediný spôsob, ako môžete žiť život, ktorý je hodný Evanjelia, je nechať Evanjelium samé, každý kúsok Evanjelia, prísť do vás a odrážať Jeho zasľúbenia späť, učiniť ich potvrdenými. Nech Boh žije vo vás, aby potvrdil tie zasľúbenia tohto dňa. Práve ako Ján, a Ježiš povedal Jánovi, „Nechajme to, Ján, to je v poriadku, ale my sme Poslami tohto dňa, a My máme vyplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ A ak my sme kresťanmi tohto dňa, prijmime Ježiša Krista do našich sŕdc. A On je Slovo. Nezaprite nič z Toho, povedzte, „To je Pravda.“ A umiestnite To do vášho srdca, a sledujte ovocie Ducha na vás, a vyplňte každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On zasľúbil v Biblii. Boh chce vyplniť Svoje Slovo, a On nemá iné ruky ako moje a vaše. On nemá iné oči ako moje a vaše. On nemá iný jazyk ako môj a váš. „Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty.“ Letorasty nesú ovocie. Vinič vyživuje letorasty. To je život, ktorý je hoden.

273 Moja modlitba je pre tých pri rádiu alebo pri páske a tých, ktorí sú prítomní, nech Boh všetkej milosti z neba žiaril Svojim požehnaným Svätým Duchom na nás všetkých, aby sme od tohto večera mohli žiť život, o ktorom by Boh mohol povedať, „Som potešený; vojdi do večných radostí, ktoré boli pre teba pripravené od založenia sveta.“ Nech Boh neba pošle Svoje požehnania na všetkých vás ľudí.

274 Modlím sa, aby Boh požehnal vás, ženy, dnes večer, ktoré máte krátke vlasy, takým spôsobom, že uvidíte, a odídete od tohto moderného trendu dňa a uvedomíte si, že Biblia hovorí, že by ste to nemali robiť. A ak ste vinné nosenia nemorálneho oblečenia, aby Boh neba vylial Svoju milosť do vašich sŕdc, aby ste to už nikdy viac nerobili, aby ste už nikdy neboli znovu vinnými takej veci. Nech to Svätý Duch pred vami otvorí a ukáže vám to. Nech vy, bez krstu Duchom Svätým...

275 Nech vy, muži, ktorí máte svoje ženy a dovoľujete im, aby boli šéfkami v dome a viedli vás, nech vám dá Boh neba milosť postaviť sa na nohy a priviesť tú ženu naspäť do k zdravému rozumu, a uvedomiť si, že to je vaše miesto v Kristovi. Nie už viac šéfka, ale ty si hlavou v dome. Pamätajte, ona nie je ani v originálnom stvorení; ona je len tvoj vedľajší produkt, daná ti od Boha, aby sa o teba starala, udržiavala tvoje oblečenie čisté, pripravovala ti jedlo, a tak ďalej. Ona nie je tvoj diktátor.

276 Vy, americké ženy, pobehujete s množstvom farby na tvári a s nosom vytrčeným do hora tak, že ak by pršalo, utopilo by vás to, a potom si myslíte, že ste nejakými diktátormi. Si ním pre nejakú bábovku, ale nie pre skutočného syna Božieho. Je to pravda, je to pravda. Nech vám, muži, dá Boh milosť ako synom Božím, aby ste zastavili takéto nezmysly. Je to tak.

277 Nech vám dá milosť, aby ste odhodili tie cigarety, prestali počúvať tie špinavé vtipy, všetky tie nezmysly. Buďme synmi Božími, aby sme mohli kráčať život, ktorý je hodný Evanjelia. Keď niekto ide dolu ulicou, povedia, „Ak kedy bol nejaký kresťan, tak tam jeden ide. Tam ide jeden, cez ktorého sa Boh prejavuje, a ten človek je skutočný kresťan.“ Ak kedy bol nejaký kresťan... Možno si myslíte, že vyzerá staromódne. Ona je skutočná dáma. Tam to je.

278 Buďte uznávaným kresťanom, lebo my sme tu cudzincami. Toto nie je náš domov. Náš domov je hore. My sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa, Toho Kráľa. Nechajme, aby naše životy boli uznávané životy, nech žijeme život, ktorý uctí tú vec, ktorú si nárokujeme, že sme, kresťania. A ak nemôžete žiť ten druh života, potom sa prestaňte nazývať kresťanmi, lebo robíte iba hanbu.

279 Ďakujem vám, ľudia. Ako tu sedíte v túto horúcu noc, dúfam, že nikto z vás nebude stratený toho dňa. Dúfam, že vy a ja spolu nájdeme milosť pred Bohom, že budem schopný vždy stáť za tým, čo je Pravda, nikdy vás nezraniť, ale nikdy sa nebáť povedať vám celú pravdu. Vidíte? Ak by som to robil, nebol by som dobrým druhom otca, ak by som nechal svoje deti robiť čokoľvek. Napravím ich. Ktorákoľvek láska to urobí. Láska napráva. Pamätám si, ako si mi vtedy napísal ten odkaz, Pat. Stále ho mám. Tá láska je naprávajúca, Biblia tak hovorí. A ak nie je naprá... To je ten dôvod, prečo nás Boh napráva; On nás miluje.

280 Nech odteraz žijeme život, ktorý je hodný, so sladkosťou a jemnosťou. Nevšímajte si, povedzte... „Nuž, nech je požehnaný Boh, viem, že ona to má; hovorila v jazykoch; tancovala v Duchu.“ To je v poriadku, ale ak ona nemá ovocie Ducha, Duch tam nie je. Ona len napodobňuje nejaký druh emócie alebo niečoho, lebo Svätý Duch môže žiť len život ovocia Ducha; to je jediný spôsob, ako to môže robiť.

281 Nech vás Boh žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Nech Boh, ktorý vylial Svoje Svetlo v tomto poslednom dni, ktoré leží tu predo mnou z Jeho Biblie, a fotka toho Anjela, toto tajomné Svetlo vo forme pyramídy, že dokonca ani vedci nevedia, ako sa to tu dostalo... Oni to nemôžu vysvetliť, ale, Otče, my sme vďační; Ty si nám povedal mesiace predtým, ako sa to stalo; a my sme Ti vďační. Nech sa ľudia, ktorí sú nazývaní Tvojím Menom, oddelia dnes večer od hriechu, Pane, od nevery.

282 Možno, ak som musel hovoriť tak prudko proti našim sestrám, to nie je preto, že ich nemám rád, Pane, ale ja nechcem vidieť diabla, ako s nimi skoncuje, až kým v jednom z týchto dní nepadnú mŕtve, a potom sa snažia stretnúť sa s Tebou v takom stave, po tom, čo počuli Pravdu Božiu ako toto. Nech cítia, že to dlžia samy sebe, aby šli skúmať Písma a videli, či je to pravda, potom šli dolu na kolená úprimne, a povedali, „Bože, je to Pravda?“ Potom to bude všetko, čo bude potrebné, Pane, ak v tom budú úprimné, lebo Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.

283 Ľudia tu sedeli... mnohí z nich mali možno veci, ktoré ich zranili. Ale Duch Boží k nim hovoril, a oni ticho sedeli a počúvali. Je neskorá hodina. Je neskorá hodina večer, a je tiež neskoro v čase, v ktorom žijeme. Slnko zapadá; svet chladne. Bože, temnota čoskoro padne, a potom príchod Pánov, aby vzal svoju cirkev preč. Ako Ti za to ďakujeme, Pane.

284 Modlíme sa teraz, aby si požehnal každú osobu v Božskej Prítomnosti. Každého, kto počúva túto pásku, Pane, všade po svete, nech utečú od všetkých tých vyznaní a vecí, a prídu a slúžia živému Bohu, prídu a investujú do toho, nech robia ako kráľovná z juhu. Ona prišla, trvalo je to tri mesiace, aby sa dostala tam, kde človek reprezentoval Ježiša Krista, alebo Boha neba, Šalamúna. Ježiš povedal, že ona prišla z najvzdialenejších častí zeme, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, väčší ako Šalamún je tu. A my vieme, že väčší ako Šalamún je tu, ten Sám veľký Svätý Duch je tu, konajúc cez ľudí. Ako Ti za to ďakujeme, Otče. Modlím sa, aby požehnania...

285 Nuž, požehnaj nášho drahého pastora, brata Nevilleho. Pane, ako sa na neho dívam a myslím na jeho úsilie lásky, moje srdce len skáče. Milujem ho. Vidím ho, ako sa díva na svoju manželku a svoje malé deti, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ho posilnil, dal mu odvahu, požehnal ho na mnoho, mnoho rokov služby v tomto veľkom žatevnom poli, v ktorom sa nachádzame.

286 Požehnaj všetkých týchto slúžiacich bratov, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia. Mnohí z nich sú návštevníci z iných miest. Modlím sa, aby si bol s nimi. Tam je Junie, a brat Ruddell, a tí vzácni muži, ktorí sú sesterskou cirkvou k tejto tu cirkvi, stojaci a držiaci Svetlo Evanjelia v rôznych častiach miest na okolí, pre to isté Svetlo, zápasiaci za Neho. Ďakujem Ti za týchto mužov, Pane. Povzbuď ich a daj im milosť, aby vydržali tie veľké skúšky a veci, ktoré prichádzajú na zem, aby vyskúšali všetkých kresťanov.

287 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Buď s nami teraz počas tohto nasledujúceho týždňa. Daj nám odvahu. Nech tie malé potrhané nedeľné lekcie dňa nikdy neopustia ich srdce. Nech rozjímajú deň i noc. Daj tieto požehnania, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosím. Amen.

288 Milujete Ho? Veríte tomu? Zaspievajme znovu našu dobrú pieseň, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,“ ako sa spolu zjednotíme. Kde je sestra Ungrenová, je tu? Jeden z nich, alebo sestra, ktorá hrala na piane... Jedna z tých dám tu... Nevidím... Áno, tu je tá dáma. V poriadku.

289 Chcel som dnes večer, so všetkou úctou, ale nevidel som brata Ungrena, chcel som, aby dnes večer pre mňa zaspieval, „Preslávny Bože.“ A myslím, že brat odišiel domov. Vidíte? Počul som dnes ráno tú pieseň a veľmi som si to cenil. Ó, ó, to v mojom srdci zvonilo. A chcem ho počuť spievať, „Preslávny Bože.“

290 No, spievajme, „Milujem Ho.“ Všetci spolu. No, len zavrite oči a pozrime sa teraz na Neho. Povedzte, „Pane, keď je vo mne niečo z tejto telesnosti, vezmi to preč hneď teraz. Vezmi to preč.“ A vy vonku, ktorí počúvate túto pásku, keď počujete túto pieseň, spievajte s nami, potom rovno v tom kresle, kde sedíte, ak je tam... ak ste obvinení Slovom... Ak si nemyslíte, že je to Slovo, skúmajte Písma, vidzte, či je to správne. Tak sa vám patrí; znamená to Život alebo smrť. A potom, zatiaľ čo spievame túto pieseň, ak je v tvojom živote telesnosť, či nezdvihneš svoju ruku vo svojom kresle. Nech tvoje deti a manželka pozdvihnú svoje ruky, tvoji milovaní okolo teba, spievajte „Milujem Ho,“ a dajte Mu svoj život, a povedzte, „Očisti ma, Pane, od všetkého zla.“ Zatiaľ čo teraz spievame, povstaňme.

Milujem Ho, mi...

(Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil ľudí, ktorí budú nosiť tieto vreckovky. Žehnám ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.)

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

291 Teraz, v tomto veľkom požehnaní (Len to ďalej hraj, sestra.), zavrite len oči a premýšľajte teraz chvíľu. Modlime sa vo svojom srdci. „Pane Ježišu, preskúmaj ma. Skutočne Ťa milujem? Povedal si, „Ak Ma milujete, zachováte moje prikázania. Ak Ma milujete, zachováte Moje Slovo.“ A potom vo svojom srdci povedzte, „Pane, daj, nech zachovám Tvoje Slovo. Nech to zachovám vo svojom srdci, aby som nikdy proti Tebe nezhrešil (To je nevera v čokoľvek, čo si povedal.).“

292 A teraz, zatiaľ čo spievame, „Milujem Ho,“ potrasme si ruky s niekým, kto je blízko nás; len sa natiahnime a povedzme, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat alebo sestra.“ Skutočne potichu teraz.

Milujem Ho...

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.)

A vy...

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná... Nech ťa Boh žehná.)

na Golgote.

293 Teraz, pozdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

294 Milujete Ho? Nie je On nádherný? Modlím sa za každého z vás, deti. Na čo by to bolo dobré, aby som tu stál a hovoril tieto veci, ak, vo svojom srdci by som si nemyslel, že vám to pomôže? Keď som unavený a zničený... Proste tu ledva stojím. Bolia ma nohy, a moje topánky, stál som v nich až sú úplne spotené, a všetko, až mám otlaky. A som tak unavený. Už nie som dieťa, a kázal som troj až štvorhodinové kázne a modlil som sa za chorých a chodil som dňom i nocou. Prečo by som tu stál a robil to? Viete o všetkom tomto po tridsať rokov, ak to bola popularita, vyhýbam sa tomu. Viete, že neberiem peniaze; viete to. A ja som ne... Či som vám povedal niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Viete, že je to pravda. Milujem vás. Je to láska Božia, ktorá je v mojom srdci za každého jedného z vás. Prajem si, aby som mohol... Prajem si, aby som mohol stáť pred Bohom a povedať, „Bože, daj, nech im pomôžem. Nechaj ma to urobiť.“ Nemôžem to urobiť. Každá osoba musí stáť za seba. Vidíte?

295 Verím, že všetci teraz ideme hore, v jednom z týchto dní. A ak sa stane, že zaspíme pred tým časom, ak od vás budem zobratý, pamätajte, stretnem vás tam. Viem, že to tam je. Práve to videnie, ktoré vám všetko povedalo, bolo dokonalé, sa stalo práve tak, ako to On povedal. Ani jedno o ktorom ste počuli počas tých všetkých rokov, že by som vám kedy povedal niečo, čo sa stane, že by sa to nebolo stalo. Ten svet tam viem o tom. Nikdy ste to nevideli na pódiu iné, ako že To každému povedalo pravdu. Vidíte? Vždy to tak bolo. Ten istý Boh ma nechal pozrieť za oponu času, a videl som tie ženy a tých mužov, ako kládli ruky okolo mňa a objímali ma, povedali, „Ó, brat Branham.“ Ja jednoducho nemôžem sedieť. Ak som unavený, aj tak pôjdem.

296 Bolí ma chrbát a … Každý deň... Ja, ja, ja mám 54 rokov. Viete, každý deň vás niečo nové bolí. Mojou modlitbou je: Bože, drž ma pokope; drž ma pokope, aby som mohol kázať Slovo a stáť na tej Pravde, až kým neuvidím môjho chlapca, Jozefa, dosť veľkého a naplneného Svätým Duchom, že budem môcť vziať tú starú opotrebovanú Bibliu a vložiť Ju do jeho rúk a povedať, „Synu, nes To do konca svojho života. Nerob na Tom kompromisy.“

297 Myslel som si, že možno Billy bude kázať Evanjelium. Boh ho nikdy nepovolal, ale verím, že Jozef, dokonca ten malý neriadny chlapec, akým on je, verím, že Boh ho povolal. To je ten dôvod, prečo s ním deti nevychádzajú. On je vodca. A ja viem, že Boh ho povolal. Chcem ho vytrénovať v spôsobe Slova, spôsobe Slova Pánovho, aby neopustil to Slovo, chcem to sám urobiť, ak Boh bude chcieť. A keď zostarnem a ustúpim a uvidím ho stáť za kazateľňou a povedať, „Pre toto isté Evanjelium stál môj otec. On tam dnes večer sedí starý a zlomený, ale chcem zaujať jeho miesto a obuť jeho topánky.“ Stáť tam.

298 Potom sa pozriem hore a poviem, „Pane, nechaj svojho služobníka odísť v pokoji.“ To je to, čo tak veľmi túžim vidieť. Dokiaľ príde ten čas...

299 Potom, čo ak by som povstal v ďalšej generácii. Nemôžem. Musím prísť s touto generáciou. Musím stáť s vami. Vy ste tí, za ktorých musím stáť a vydať počet pred Bohom z Evanjelia, ktoré som kázal. Myslíte si, že by som tu stál a snažil sa vás odvrátiť od niečoho, čo si myslím, že je správne? Povzbudil by som vás, aby ste to šli urobiť, ale viem, že keď je to nesprávne, chcem vás z toho dostať, do toho, čo je správne. Skutočne z môjho srdca, Boh mi je svedkom, milujem každého z vás skutočnou Božskou kresťanskou láskou. Nech vás Boh žehná. Modlite sa za mňa.

300 Neviem, čo drží moja budúcnosť, ale viem, kto drží moju budúcnosť, tak v tom odpočívam.

301Predávam túto kazateľňu človeku, v ktorého mám najvyššiu dôveru ako v služobníka Ježiša Krista, nášmu pastorovi, bratovi Nevillemu.

1 Let us remain standing just a moment, as we bow our heads now and look to the Lord. If there's any requests to be known to God, would you just now at this time raise your hand to Him, like that, and hold on your heart what you want.

2Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful for another day. And now it's begin to mark up; it'll be history. The services of this morning is already past. The Words that's been said is in the air, on the tape, and we'll have to meet It someday. It'll either have to be right or wrong. And we--we believe that It's right, because that It's Your Word.

3Now, we pray that You'll grant to us, tonight, the requests that we're asking. With our hands, we raise, asking for requests. Thou did know what we had need of, and what we're asking for. So we pray that You'll answer us, Lord, and give us the desires of our heart, that is, if we can use it to honor You. Grant it, Lord.

4Heal the sickness in the midst of us. Take away all sin and unbelief. Give us of Thy... a portion of Thy blessings again, tonight, Lord, as we meditate upon the Word, and the time that we're living. We have assembled together, Father, for no other purpose but to try to learn how to live better, and to live closer to You. For we see the day approaching, and we must assemble ourselves together oft, and take instructions from You. Grant it, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thank you. You may be seated.

5 I know it's awfully warm, and place all packed out the way it is. And so we're sorry we don't have the... any air conditioning. And I... Maybe that'll be... There's two things that I want to do for the church, as soon as I can get back in the way I want to, if I get back in the meetings properly. I want, too, a--a piano, where it sets this way, so the pianist will be looking towards the congregation. I want an organ over on this side; and an air conditioner. Then I feel like that'd be it. And so we are... We'll trust the Lord, and know that He will grant it to us.

6 I believe, they told me, Brother Hickerson just took this out of the magazine. He put it on my desk back there. That is that constellation of Angels that's in the magazine that was spoke of. See the pyramid shape? Look at this One on this side, the pointed wing, coming with His chest out like that, on my right-hand side. As I spoke from this same pulpit, months and months and months ago, see, there It is. And Look maga-... Or, Life magazine has It, the--the May issue, May the 17th, I believe it is. That right? May the 17th, issue. Mrs. Woods was telling me today that many called her and asked. That's in the May issue, May the 17th.

7It's a mysterious cloud. The cloud is twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across. And that's what we were speaking of here. That's where the Angel of the Lord came down and shook the place. And the whole... It sound louder...

8 I know there's one man, if... I think, Brother Sothmann, I seen him a while ago, somewhere. He's here. He was standing... Yeah. Right back here. He was standing near when it happened. I guess I wasn't too far from him. I just see him, tried to wave to him. Only, I had his binoculars. That, the--the animals, in which we were hunting, had... Wasn't on this hill. Now it went on the other hill. I found them, the day before, and told them where to go to. I went over here, where, if they come this way, I'd just shoot up in the air and run them back that way, so that they could get their--their--their animal. So, javelina is what it was.

9 And so I went over, this side, and they wasn't. They wasn't on either side. I seen Brother Fred walk out, and they wasn't there. He went back, and Brother Norman went over the hill. And I turned, went down in a little chasm and come up, just by myself, about a mile and a half through some real rugged country. And I was set down and was just looking around. It was getting up in the day.

And I was picking those, what we call there, goat-headers. It's something like a burr. Picking them off of my trouser leg, just exactly the same kind that I saw myself doing when I was here telling you about the vision, six months, about, 'fore it happened. I said, "That's strange. Look how perfect north I am of Tucson, kind of northeast. Makes...

"Tucson," remember, I said, "little southwest."

And I said, "That's strange." I was looking at the burr, like this, picking them off of my... many of them, off of my trouser legs. If you never been there, that's a desert country. It isn't like this, at all. About twenty times brighter; and there's no trees and things like there is here. It's just cactus and sand.

10So I--I just looking at it, like that. I just raised my eyes up. And about, I'd say, half a mile from me, I saw a whole head of... herd of javelina. They coming out on the end, where they was eating some phyllary. And I thought, "Now, if I can just get Brother Fred and Brother Norman to there, that's just the place.

11 And the evening before, the Holy Spirit was so tremendous in the camp, that He was telling me things that had happened and taking place. I had to get up and walk away from my camp.

And then, that next morning, I had went up there. And I started... I said, "Now, if I can get to Brother Fred, I'll get him around this mountain," which is about a--a mile this way. I had to go about--about two mile, or better, pick him up, maybe three. Back this way, down this what we call hogback, come up like this, up top these rugged, jagged mountains, and run down this way, cut across and come over, and go down in this direction and pick him up. Then he have to go plumb, the bottom of the hill, to get Brother Norman, which would probably been about four or five miles, then get back. And I was going to put a--a little piece of Kleenex that I was going to hang on a piece of--of the mesquite there, so I could point myself to which ridge to go out when I come back.

12 And I just come up over a little ridge where there's lot of jagged rock, and there's a--a deer trail come down the other side, about, oh, forty, fifty yards beneath the cliff. It was about, oh, it was up in the day, I say eight o'clock, or nine. Would you think something like that, Brother Fred, maybe nine o'clock, something? I run over on this side, quickly, to keep the javelinas from seeing me. They're a wild boar, you know, and they're pretty scary.

13So I--I went over the hill this way, and cut, started, run up the hill. And I just run along, in a little, what we call, a dog trot. And all of a sudden, the whole country just rung out. I never heard such a terrific blast! Just shook, and the rocks rolled. And I felt like I--I must have jumped five feet off the ground, looked like. It just--just scared me. I thought, "Oh, my!" I thought I had gotten shot. That somebody... I had on a black hat. I thought they might have thought was a javelina running up the mountain, somebody had shot me. It went so loud, right on me, like that. Then, all at once, Something said, "Look up." There It was. Then He told me, "It's the opening of those Seven Seals. Turn home." So, here I come.

14 I met Brother Fred and Brother Norman, about a hour later, when I found them. They were excited and talking about it. There it is. And science says that it's impossible for--for any kind of a--a mist or anything get that high, fog, vapor. See? It'll only go just... I wouldn't know. I--I...

15We, when we go overseas, we travel nine thousand feet. That's above the storms. That's approximately about four miles. And say, let's say, maybe it's fifteen miles till you can't get no more vapor. But this is twenty-six miles, and she hung there all day. See? They don't know what It is. But, thank the Lord, we do.

Thank you, Brother Hickerson. I'll keep it on my desk in there. And when we write the book, why, then we can have it.

16 I got a little note here was give me. I believe there's been an increase in our number since I was here last. I think his name is--is... least, his father's name, David West. And got a little fellow here that they want to dedicate to the Lord. Is that right? Was it tonight, or was it Wednesday night? I don't know. It's got... Tonight? That's fine. Well, what about... You are David, aren't you? That's what I thought you was. All right. How about bringing the little fellow up?

If our sister will come over here to this piano, and give us the song of Bring Them In. The pastor, if he will, come up here, and we'll dedicate this little boy to the Lord. Now, we try to keep it Scripturally.

17 This is your grandson, Brother West. Don't seem possible, does it? Sister West, what do you think about that? Doesn't it... You know what I think, though? You know, I'm grandpa, too.

It reminds me of Brother Demas Shakarian. He was standing before a great crowd of people. He gets everything mixed up like I do, you know. He was standing there. He said, "You know," said, "I--I told Rose, I felt," that's his wife, said, "felt lots older since I was grandma." He said, "No. I meant grand-..." You know, I...

18You're not alone, Brother West. There's lot of them in here. And it's all right. I think we can really appreciate our grandchildren. This don't... Hope this don't sound bad. But we can have more time with them, I believe, than we did with our--our children. I asked the wife that, other day. Said, "Sure. You love them a little while, turn them back over to their mother, and go on."

19 Well, I've got a little grandson back there. He said, "Papa, preach. Papa, preach." And they took up the offering last Sunday night, and had it laying on the table. They brought him in, back there, and--and he heard me through the microphone. He said, "Papa, preach. Papa, preach."

And Billy said, "Yes, up there."

He said, "No." And the offering went all over the floor. He--he wanted to come out here, you know. And he's always hollering at me, know, see me at any convention. He holler, "Papa, preach." Hollered real loud. So I know they're cute.

19a Say, I wonder if I could borrow some of that hair? He don't need it right now. I do. What's his name? [Sister West says, "David Jonathan."--Ed.] David Jonathan. Isn't that a beautiful name? Well, I hope his life takes after the ones that he's named after. David, the king, David; who, Christ is to set on his throne; and also Jonathan, the beloved friend. I--I tell you, they're lovely little fellows. We appreciate them, very much. I... He's waking up. And he can--he can holler "amen" as good as the rest of them, you know, so we just won't let it bother us. We're dedicating him to the Lord.

I think it's mighty sweet, have a young couple, that God has placed in their care a little fellow like this, and come to give him to the Lord. And when you do that, it shows that you are not... that you are giving back to God that what God give to you. God bless him.

19b Now, if you want to hold him, I believe maybe the mother could hold him a little better than I could. And how about us just laying hands on him? Would you rather do that? Cause, I'm afraid I'd drop him or, not drop him, break him or something another, you know. And I always afraid of breaking them, you know. My--my...

Meda said, back there... I think this is one job at the platform she kind of envies me, you know. She likes to hold the...

Well, looky here, he's going to look at me. He's a fine fellow. Yes, sir. Maybe I could hold him. I wonder. Oh, sister, don't... I hope he don't fall. Here, isn't that cute? That cute? How you do? Well, now, sweet.

19c Let us bow our heads.

Lord Jesus, many years ago, when Christianity was born in the form of a Man called Christ, the anointed Messiah, Jesus was His Name. The people brought their little infants to Him, that He might lay His hands upon them and bless them. And He said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." This lovely little couple, their grandparents and them have been true followers of the Word.

Lord Jesus, I bring, and hold to You, tonight, the pastor and I, this lovely little David Jonathan West. I give him to You, from the mother and daddy. I present him to You, Lord, for health, strength, a long life of service, to honor God Almighty, Who brought him into this world. May the blessings of God rest upon him. May the Holy Spirit rest upon the child. If there is a tomorrow, may he carry the Gospel that his parents and grandparents so cherish today. Grant it, Lord. Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I give You this child, in a dedication of its life. Amen.

19d I believe they want to take a picture of the little fellow. [A camera clicks--Ed.] I jumped, too.

God bless you, sister. May you ever love and cherish the Lord Jesus, and the little fellow be raised in the admonition of God, and have a wonderful little boy. I'm sure. God be with you.

I believe he dropped his little pacifier? Did they get it? Oh, my!

Now let's sing that little song, Bring Them In. Everybody, together now, for the little fellow. All right, sister.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

20I don't know better hands to put them in. Do you? The hands of the Lord Jesus!

21 Now, I know it's hot out there. I want to say to the janitor, my brother, Doc, or other, them takes care of it. Some of the sisters are ruining their skirts on the--on the grease that's on the chair. How many got some of it on them? I know, there's my wife, my two daughters, little Betty Collins, Mrs. Beeler, some of them. It's something, grease on there. If you take a look at it, Doc, when you can. It's, I believe, it's where they... It's grease or paint, or something, right where they work up and down, the seats. And it isn't? [Brother Edgar "Doc" Branham says, "There's no grease on them, to get it off from."--Ed.] Well, I--I don't know what it is, then. Something I just... Is mentioned to me, and I said I'll mention it to--to Doc. All right.

Now, Wednesday night prayer meeting. Is any other? You've announced? You got your announcements in, Brother Neville? Announcements all in.

22 Now, if the Lord willing, next Sunday morning, I want to speak on the subject of indicting this generation for crucifying Christ. You say, "This generation couldn't have done it." We'll find out whether they did, or not, according to the Word. Now, next Sunday morning, if the Lord is willing. If, now, if--if--if something occurs...

23I'm supposed to be in Houston this week, also, in a convention, that take me through Sunday, so I don't know whether I'll be able or not. But we got a couple more Sundays to play on, before it, anyhow. Then we go to Chicago for the convention, or meeting in Chicago, the last week in this month. And then I have to take the family back to Arizona, for--for their vacation is over and the kiddies has to go back to school.

24 Now, how many enjoyed the reading of the Word, and the blessings of the Lord? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We all do, so greatly.

25Now, it's hot, and I know some of you goes back home tonight. I know Brother Rodney and Charlie, and them, has to drive a long ways. And wait a minute, you're on vacation, aren't you? Well, I hear you're going fishing.

"The Lord don't lot time to the man when he's fishing. You don't get any older while you're fishing." So, now, you girls go with them. See? And I'll come down and join you, if I can. And you know, "The good Lord," they said, "don't lot time to a man when he's out fishing." Do lot of it when you--when you feel all twisted up. It's the best thing to relax on, I ever found in my life, is to go fishing.

26 I had a little card, one time, from Mr. Troutman. Anybody ever remember Mr. Troutman, the ice company in New Albany? He had a little card on there, said, "Out fishing." And went ahead, say, "A man that has... Every man, his brothers, out fishing. With a helping hand, they'll always land, out fishing." Had about eight or ten different things. Then when he got down at the bottom, said, "Man is closer to God when he's out fishing." So I think that's about right. "The rich and poor are all the same, out fishing." See? "A helping hand, he'll always land, out fishing." And everything was about, "Out fishing."

27Well, I'll tell you another fishing I've been doing for about the last thirty-three years, has been fishing for the souls of men. May the Lord help us to win every one that we can find.

28 Now, tonight, this is taping. Now, this morning, (if Jim is here, or taping), I--I think, on the tape, somebody called my attention to it, I said, "The second exodus." I didn't mean second. It's, "Third exodus."

The Holy Spirit in the form of a Pillar of Fire, God coming down in manifestation, brought out the first exodus, and--and back in... brought Israel out of Egypt.

The second exodus was Christ bringing the Church out of Judaism.

And, The Third Exodus, is when the same Pillar of Fire takes the Bride from the church. See? Out of the natural; out of the spiritual; and the Spiritual out of the spiritual. The three, see, the Spiritual out of the church, rather. Then we get the three, the three ages of it.

29Now, tonight, I wanted to make another tape, and that was called: Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? Probably wouldn't take very long. Well, just some Scriptures and notes I got here, but first we want to read God's Word. Before we do that, we just bow our hearts to Him just a moment.

30 Lord Jesus, any man, physically, or woman, or child, can move back the pages of this Bible, but there's no one that can reveal It but You. I pray, Lord, of taking this text as it's placed upon my heart to send out across the nations, for the people, that they might know what type of life is required of them to live. For, so many has asked me, "Is the Christian Life a life of church service? Is it helping the poor, the needy? Or is it a constant member? Is it a loyal loyalty to the church?" and such questions. Father, may the correct answer come tonight, through these words, as we make an endeavorance to--to bring them to the people. In the Name of the Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

31 Now turn in your Bibles, to the Book of Saint Luke, and we'll start at the 14th chapter and the 16th verse, to read some Scripture for a basis, for a background, for this that we're going to try to lot about thirty to forty minutes on. Now, the 16th verse of the 14th chapter of Saint Luke.

Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:

And sent his servants at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for--for all things are now ready.

And they all with one accord begin to make excuses. The first said unto him, I... bought a piece of ground, and I must need go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.

And another said, I have bought five yoke of ox, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

... another said, I have married a wife,... therefore I cannot come.

So the servant came, and showed his lord all these thing. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant,...

Notice, it's not servants. "Servant."

... Go out quickly into the streets and the lane, and the cities, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded, and yet there is room.

... the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

32 Now, did you notice, there was three pulls, or three turns, of it? When they went out, first, and call to them that were... or bidden to come, and they didn't do it. So there went out a healing campaign, went out to get the blind and halt. And still there were room, so he went out and compelled the good, bad, and indifferent; they should come in.

33Now, you read another parable of this, something on order of it, in Matthew 22:1 to 10, if you'd like to read it, later on. But I--I drew this subject from there: Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel?

34 Now, Jesus here is saying... Man has always tried to make excuses, not to receive God's Word of His invitation. Though it be firmly proven to them, that it's--that's it's His Supper and His invitation, but man is constantly making excuses. And if you read Saint Matthew 22, you'll find that the excuses were made there, also. And--and they try...

35It went back into all ages. Went back into the age, and said a man bid them, and--and had a vineyard. And we find that parable. And how he sent his servants to collect from this vineyard. First servant come, what did they do? They run him off. The next servant come, they also stoned him. And they run servant after servant off; the cruel men. The king sent, finally, his son. And when his son came, we find out, that, "They said, 'This is an heir. We'll kill him, then we'll have all things.'" Then Jesus said to them, "The king sent forth and slew those murders, and burnt their cities."

36 Now, we see, when God gives a man an invitation, and to do something, or to receive the invitation that He's given him, and he returns it down, then there's nothing left, after mercy is spurned, but judgment. If you step over the boundaries of mercy, then there's only one thing left, and that is judgment. And we find that man has done that in all ages. It's happened, most every age, in the Bible.

37When God sent Noah, His servant, and made a way of escape for all the people who wanted to--to be saved. But the people only laughed and scorned at Noah. But God made the way, but they had an excuse. It wasn't according to their--to their modern thinking. It didn't... It wasn't the way they wanted it, so they made excuses in the days of Noah.

38 They made excuses in the days of Moses. They made excuses in the days of Elijah. They made excuses in the days of Christ. And they make excuses today.

39Now, Him speaking directly to Israel, the ones that was called to the feast, that I would also apply today to men, the church, who has been bidden to come to the feast, and won't do it, the spiritual feast of the Lord. And they won't do it. They don't want to do it. They've got other things to do. They find excuses.

40Now, if Israel, two thousand years ago, would accepted the invitation that they were given, they wouldn't be as they are today. Two thousand years ago, Israel turned down the invitation to come to the wedding supper, and they turned it down and went into judgment. But, as Jesus said, they stoned and kill the prophets that was sent to them, by making excuses, now, the excuses they made in each day.

41 We find, in the days of Jesus, that He didn't--He didn't affiliate with any of them. They said, "When did this Man get this learning? What school is He from? Is not This the carpenter's Son? Isn't His mother called Mary? Is His brothers, Joses and James, so forth? And isn't His sisters with us? Then where did this Man get this authority to do this?" See? Other words, He didn't affiliate with them. So they said, "He's Beelzebub. He's a Samaritan. He's got a devil, and He's mad. He's a--He's a... He's a Man that's got an evil spirit, on the line of religion, and has drove Him crazy. And that's what. He's out there like a wild man. Don't pay any attention to Him." And we know what happened to Israel. And they screamed out. They was so sure that that Man was wrong, until, oh, they condemned Him. He said, he said, "Let His Blood be upon us and upon our children." And It's been there ever since.

42 Jesus was trying to tell them that their excuses was what killed the prophets, and what killed the righteous that come. They accepted their creeds that men had given them, instead of taking the Word of God. And, by doing so, had made the Word of God of no effect.

43Now, you've either got to say, in this, that This is God's will and God's desire, or either something else that you can crop up, that's better than what This is. Now, you have to take one or the other. You can't serve God and mammon. And you've got to say, "This is the Truth," or "That's part of the Truth," or "It isn't all the Truth," or "It isn't put together right," or "It isn't interpreted right."

And the Bible said, that, "The Word of God is no private interpretation." No one else is supposed to put an interpretation to It, It's written just the way God wants It interpreted. Just what It says, That, that's what is supposed to be. Just take It the way It's said, way It's wrote down Here.

44Now, they accept their creeds. They make God's promises of no effect to them. They bypass That. They'll skip away from It.

45 Now, if Russia had accepted the pentecostal Blessing, seventy-five years ago, when the Holy Ghost fell in Russia, they wouldn't have been communists today. Now, seventy-five years ago, they had a great revival in Russia. God come among them, and they had great revivals, way into Siberia. And what did they do? They rejected It. And today, the country is gone, and the churches can't have church, only under permission. And they are doomed into judgment. Has gone off on this wild tantrum of communism; sold out to the Devil.

46Fifty years ago, the Holy Ghost fell in England. Just after that come George Jefferies, and F.F. Bosworth, and Charles Price, Smith Wigglesworth, those great warriors of the faith, fifty years ago, and offered England the Holy Ghost revival. But what did they do? They laughed at them, put them in jail, called them crazy, thought they had lost their minds. The churches refused the people to come hear them. And they healed the sick, and cast out devils, and done great works. And because that England, as a nation, rejected the Gospel, her--her sins is knowed throughout all the world. There's hardly a--a more of an apostate nation in all the world, even including Rome and France, than England. She's a mother of apostasy. Right where Finney and many of the great men preached, in the--the Haymarket, and Charles G. Finney, and Wesley, and on down, and she turned It down.

47 And now, even last week, or two, in the papers, you find out where their great men has so weakened to the--to the sex of women, until spies come in. And their head man found some more of them. The magazines has packed it. Their sin of scandal, right in their government, has sowed their disgraceful name across the world. Why? She rejected the Truth. She had her excuse, and she's finished. England is all washed up, with God, long time ago. If...

48America, fifteen years ago, when the great healing revival continued on from pentecost, broke out in the nation, and there was a revivals on the capital, Washington, DC. The presidents, vice-presidents, great people, governors; great things taken place, governors and--and men were healed. Like, Congressman Upshaw had been a cripple for--for sixty-six years, and they could not turn their face and say it wasn't so. It was right before them, but they turned It down.

49 And, tonight, that's the reason this nation stays. She is doomed. There is no hope for it, at all. She's crossed the line between judgment and mercy. And she's elected in what she has here, to control the nation. And she is rotten, to the core. Her politics is rotten. The morals of this nation is lower than anything I can think of. And her religious system is rottener than the morals. She becomes, in doing this, she has now joined herself, all these churches, and of the nation, into the federation of churches, and has taken the mark of the beast. What a thing! Why? Christ give them the opportunity, "Come to My feast," the feast of pentecost, which means "fifty."

50 When the Holy Spirit poured out on Russia, they was called to a feast of pentecost, spiritual feast, and they turned It down. England, the Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, and they turned It down. America, the Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, and they've turned It down.

51He bid three times. Three times, He sent out, and they did not listen to the feast. Then He sent again, and He said, "Go and compel those people to come. The table has got to be set. The table is ready. There is still room." And I believe, that, maybe, maybe within the next few months, or something, or year, or whatever it is, God is going to send another shaking across the country, for there is somebody still out there, somewhere, that's a predestinated Seed, that the Light has to fall on, somewhere, somewhere in the world. The nation, itself, is gone.

52 I was looking in this week's Life magazine; down at, well, down at Little Rock, the other day, or, rather, Hot Springs. And there I seen, I believe it was a governor of the state of New York, with some kind of a striptease over in Honolulu, dancing with her, now. And here, below that, was another renown man. Oh, what a disgrace! Look at our nation today. Look at the condition of our--of our nation. Look where she's went to, how low she sunk.

53Look at our religious system today. How can it be that the churches can ever get into the condition that they are now? Is because they have rejected and refused the Message of God, the invitation to come to the feast. Could you call a life like that worthy of the Gospel? Could you call a life, that could set and permit their--their people to do the things, to smoke cigarettes?

54 The other day, down here, a certain church, a little league team was playing down here at the park, and my brother-in-law's little boy is a pitcher for one of the teams. And so he was out there pitching, and there was a church league playing. And there was the pastor with these little fellows, out there on the ground, playing. And the pastor smoked cigarette after cigarette, of a real neighborly church right here by us. And could you imagine a man... And even people setting in the audience noticed it. But it's getting so that they don't even pay any attention to it.

55A certain great church, a Baptist church, that I know of, let's the church out from Sunday school, fifteen extra minutes, so that the pastor and all of them can stand outside and smoke, before they come back in to serve the duty of the Lord. John Smith, the founder of that church, prayed so hard, that God send a revival, till his eyes swolled shut at night, and his wife had to lead him to the table and feed him with a spoon. If... That man would turn over in his grave if he knowed that church had got in that condition. What is it? They were bidden to come, and turned it down. That's the only thing. And you remember, Jesus said, in here, that, "Those that were bidden, and turned it down, would not taste His supper."

56 When God sends the Holy Ghost and knocks at a man's door, and he deliberately turns It down, sometime he's going to turn It for his last time, and then you won't be a privileged character. You can set in a church and listen to the Gospel, and agree with the Gospel. You might do so much as say, "I know It's right," but never put a finger on It, to help It, yourself. See? You just listen to It, 'cause you say, "I believe It's right." That's just sympathizing with It.

I could say, "I believe that's a ten thousand dollars." That don't mean I got it. See? I could say, "That's good cold water," but refuse to drink it. You know what I mean?

And this is Eternal Life. And to refuse to do it, one day you'll cross the line between judgment and mercy, and then you won't be have the privilege to come and receive It.

57To you people who come here. I'm not responsible for those who... or--or other ministers are speaking to. But, if It's right, you owe your life to It. What more could you ever find, that would be more of a benefit to you, than to know that you can have Eternal Life?

58 What if I was giving away capsules here, that, scientifically proven, scientifically proven that this capsule would make you live a thousand years? Well, I--I'd have to get a militia out here, and swarm them away from the place. You wouldn't have to make an altar call for it. You just have to beat them away from it, to live a thousand years.

And, yet, scientifically proven that the Eternal God, all His power of His resurrections, which promise you Eternal Life, and Satan will put his legions out there and keep you away from It. See? Yet, you can look, and sensible enough to look in the face of It and see It's right, but then turn It down. See?

59Something, some kind of an excuse. "It's too hot. I'm too tired. I will, tomorrow." Just some kind of an excuse, that's all they do. By rejecting the day of visitation, it separates you from God.

60 Now, we notice. And, in the Old Testament, they had what they called the jubilee year. That was when all the people, that was slaves, could go free when the jubilee sounded. And then if a man did not go out, if there was some excuse that he could give, that he didn't want to return to his land, then he had to be marked in the ear, with an awl, by the post in the temple. And then no matter how many jubilees come along, that man was sold out. He could never no more come back as a citizen in Israel, no more. What did he do? He rejected his invitation. He didn't have to pay nothing. The debt of his slavery was over. His family was free. He could go right back to his homeland and get his own possession. But if he refused to do it, then he wasn't lotted no more with Israel, and his possession was give to another.

61Now, the same thing in the natural applies to the spiritual. That, if we, as inheritants of Eternal Life, and we hear the Gospel and know that It's true, and we reject It, and refuse to do it or to listen to It, we take on the mark of the beast.

62 Now, somebody said, "Now, there's going to be a--a mark of the beast, it's going to come someday." Let me tell you. It's already come. See? As soon as the Holy Ghost begin to fall, the mark of the beast begin to take place. See?

63You only have two things. One of them, is, accept It, takes the Seal of God. To reject It, takes the mark of the beast. To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast. Everybody understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast. For, the Bible said, "All that was not sealed by the Seal of God took the mark of the beast."

64When the trumpet sounded, and all wanted to go free could go. Them that didn't, was marked.

Now, you see, the mark of the beast, if we talk about it in the future, is when it's going to be made manifest, when you realize it's what you've already done. See? And so is the Holy Spirit, It's to be manifested. When we see the Lord Jesus coming in glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and know, in a second longer, we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be made manifest. Then, to see those who rejected It, will be left down, out.

65 Didn't Jesus said the virgins went out to meet Christ? Some of them fell asleep, the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, to the seventh watch. But, in the seventh watch, then came forth the sound, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him." And the ones that were sleeping, awakened. All the age back, to Pentecost, woke up. See? From the seventh age, the seventh church age, all the way back through, woke up. And these that were in this church age, a living, they were changed. And they went in.

At the very time they went in, the sleeping virgin come and said, "We want to buy some of your Oil."

66But they said, "We just got enough for ourself. Go to them that sell It."

"And while they were trying to receive this Oil, the Bridegroom came." There has never been a time in the history of the world, that the Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians... The papers are full. The religious papers are praising God, that those sleeping virgins are now trying to receive pentecost, trying to receive the Holy Ghost. And don't the people realize that it will not happen, according to the Word of God? "While they were trying to come back, the Bridegroom come and took away the Bride. And they were cast into outer darkness, for judgment," because they rejected their invitation.

67All peoples are bidden to come. God, in every age, has sent out His Light, and It's been rejected.

68 And, now, today is no different from any other day, to reject the day of the visitation. When God is making a visit to the Church and to the people, receive It then. Don't put it off till next year, the next revival. That's the hour, "Today is the day of salvation."

69And remember, God has never sent a Message, in any day, but what He vindicated It with the supernatural. Jesus said, Hisself, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works, you believe the works if you can't believe Me," and when you see it clearly cut and--and made manifest.

70Now the time has come that she rejects It, then she's bored in the ear with an awl, then she'll never hear It. Now she takes herself to the confederation of churches, to go right in to take the mark of the beast.

71 "One of the great ambitions," somebody give me the paper just now, this new pope has said, "is to unite the churches together." They'll do it just as certain as I'm standing here. And the Protestants fall for it. See? Because, the church... The Bible said, Paul, the prophet of the Lord, said, "That day will not come except there come a falling away, first, and then the... before the man of sin will be revealed. He that setteth in the temple of God, upholding himself, all that's above God; he, as God," forgiving sins on the earth, and so forth. How that this thing happened! But it couldn't happen until the falling away, until the church begin to get away from the spiritual feast, draw itself back and organize itself. And then the revelation didn't stay with the church.

72 Remember, Israel walked, day and night, by the Pillar of Fire. When that Pillar of Fire moved, they moved with It. And remember, It was a Fire at night, and a Cloud at day. So It might come, day or night, any time. But, wherever It was, there was a propitiation made, that they would not fail to see It. It was a Light at night, and a Cloud in the day time, and they followed It. Yes, sir. The same thing!

73Martin Luther saw It. What did he do? He come out of Catholicism. But what did they do? They built a little fence around, said, "We're Lutherans. This is it."

74Then Wesley saw It moving away from there. He went. What'd they do? Built a little fence around it, said, "This is it." What'd the Light do? Moved right on, again.

75Pentecost saw It. What'd they do? Moved out of the Wesleyan and Nazarenes, and so forth. What do they do? They build little fence around it, called, "We are oneness," and "We're trinity," and "We're the United," and all this. What did He do? God moved right on out of it. See?

76We cannot do that. We've got to follow, every day, every hour of the day, every step of the way. We've got to be led by the Lord Jesus Christ. If we don't, we take an organizational life. And a life that doesn't follow Christ, daily, is not worthy.

77 A man that's a Christian on Sunday, and goes to church, sets back there and thinks he owns the church because he does this, that, or the other, and on Monday will steal and lie. And women that'll go out on the public beaches, and--and out upon the streets, with immoral clothes on!

78I thought of--of the first lady, wouldn't even put on makeup, to go before the pope; and come back, and set a water-head haircut spree for the women in the nation. And all these dresses, that, when she's become mother, every woman in the country wants to wear one of them mother-type dresses now. That's right. It's examples. And they know that those people would do that. They take on a spirit of the world. And that don't belong in the Church of the living God.

79Women ought to look to Jesus Christ. You ought to look to Sarah and them of the Old Testament.

80 Now, they got so that... I was preaching the other night, somewhere, about women to obey their husband. Obey? Yeah. That went out of the marriage ritual, a long time ago. But they ain't going to do that. No, sir. They live in America, and they let you know so. They're not going to obey. But, as long as you don't do it, don't never try to call yourself a Christian, 'cause you're not. I don't care how much you dance and speak with tongues, if you don't obey your husband, you're out of the will of God.

81A woman that wears shorts and does these things that she does on the street, don't call yourself a Christian. You want to have the world and still hold your testimony. You cannot do that in the Presence of God, when you know better than to do it.

82 Notice, "bored in the ear," marked away, then you'll never hear. Remember, that's a sign of closing the ears. You won't hear It no more. You won't listen. You'll never be able again, do it again.

83Oh! "She don't believe That." Oh, my! "Don't tell her. She believes it." No. "She tell you right..." She don't know It. How could a--a lady... Just ask you, how could a lady...

As I spoke Sunday, last Sunday night, a week ago tonight, on "a red flashing light," how that the--the--the run of women has become prettier than it ever was. Now, that's nothing--nothing against the woman, now, that's just but how she controls that. See? The... She's got that way, to put her in a temptation, like Eve was put before the tree.

84 Every man, every son that comes to God, has got to go through that hour of testing. This is the age of women, this nation is, where she has to go through that testing. If she can be a pretty woman, and act like a sister, the Lord's blessings upon her. But when she can get herself to--to know this, and display herself, absolutely shows that she's got a--a bad spirit on her. She don't mean to be that way, I don't think, many of them don't. But they don't realize that.

85Could you tell me that a decent, thinking woman could put herself on, these little clothes that they wear out here on the street?

86I've got two young girls setting here. I don't know what the outcome of them kids will be. I just pray for them. Kids, today, I don't... You can't tell. I don't know. They're not immune from that. They've got to stand on their own two feet, before Jesus Christ, and give an answer. They can't go in on what... on--on what I believe, and what their mother believes. I don't know what they do. But I actually believe, in this hour, if them girls went out on a street, with them kind of clothes on, and a man insulted them, in them kind of clothes, I don't believe, if I had the opportunity, I could even condemn the man. That's right. I condemn the girls. They had no business doing that.

87 Listen. If man thinks, and they teach that, "Man is no more than an animal. He come from the animal race." And look, then, you put him out there like...

88You take the dog to the little female at certain times, through the fences and everything else, because the little female is in that condition; hogs, cows, every other animal. And if we are animal life; which, we are, the physical part. And then when a woman displays herself like that, she proves that she's the same thing the little dog is, or the same thing, exactly, for she wouldn't be doing that. She knows. Nature teaches her that man is going to look at her. And the Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

89 That puts a testing time. And the Devil pretties them women, and strips them down, and set them out there, to give you a test. Men, turn your heads. Be sons of God. Women, you dress like daughters of God. Don't answer for adultery yonder at the Day.

90If that woman, no matter how innocent... She might have never done nothing wrong, never even had it in her mind to do wrong. But when that sinner who looked upon that graceful form of that woman, knowing he's a male; and female sex is in one glands, and one, the male, in the other; and that sinner is going to have to answer for it at the Day of the Judgment, who did it, who is guilty? Not him. You. There you are, immoral.

91 Look at this nation. It used to be, when they--they had the knee-high dresses that the women wore, we had to send to Paris to get them. Today, Paris sends here to get them. It's got so filthy till Paris can't keep up with it. That's right. The whole... Why? Rejecting the Gospel. Why?

Paris didn't have It. It's one hundred percent Catholicism. The Protestants can't even get in there. Look at Billy Graham. I think there's only six hundred Christians in all Paris, out of the millions, six hundred Christians, Protestants. That's not Holy-Ghost-filled. That's just absolutely Protestants, six hundred of them, out of the millions times millions. They didn't get the opportunity to reject It.

92But these people has the Gospel. And when they get away from the Message and the Gospel that they seen demonstrated, make fun of It because some old prostitute doctrine has weaved them around; and some pastor stand in the pulpit, thinking more of a dollar and a meal ticket than he does of the soul, the people that he's preaching to, that's right, that's what's done it. Now she leads the world.

93 Remember, not long ago, in this tabernacle. I preached on a subject, about twenty years ago, "I'll show you the goddess of America," and had the little flapper here, setting there with it. That's what it is. Now they're even, get it. They're getting what they've asked for. And they're going to get it. That's all.

94No. They won't believe it. No, sir. They let you know they're American citizens, and they got a right to--to function any way they want to. I just wish...

95Let me tell you. I'll tell you now. No, sir, politics will never work. No, sir, democracy will never work. Democracy is rotten, to the bone. If it could be run amongst a bunch of Christians, it would be fine. But when you put it out there in the world, it becomes all sails and no anchor. Exactly right.

96Looky here, today. Anything can take place, and they'll be just... Anything, pull a few politics, and they'll get by with murder.

97 When I preached down there, that night to try to save them two kids' life. They're as guilty as guilty could be. Even that attorney got up behind me there, and he said, "It's right." He said, "I don't believe in taking the people's life." He said, "If you'll notice on your criminal records, who is it that gets killed in electric chairs and things? It's not the rich. He can afford to get him a lawyer and some pull, some dirty tricks, and some wheels here, and some over here, and bribe the thing." He said, "It's poor kids like that, that ain't got enough money to buy them a decent meal, that's the kind that gets it. There is the kind they electrocute, somebody that's like they call a bunch of ignorant people, and they just hold up their name of capital punishment."

98I said, "The first murder was ever committed in the world, one brother killed another, and God did not take his life for it. He put a mark on him, that nobody should take his life. Right. That's the Supreme Judge."

I see they took the sentence off of them. Now they're going to get another trial. Course, they'll get life now, which will be eleven years, and maybe stand for parole. They're guilty. Certainly. They're guilty. They ought to be sent to penitentiary, for lifetime, but not their life taken. No man has a right to take another man's life. No, sir. I don't believe in it. No, indeed.

99 Oh! They say... Why, they don't believe that they're out of the will of the Lord, because that's all they know about, all they want to hear about. They turned their ear against the Truth, in there.

100Neither did Egypt want to know that that bunch of holy-rollers down there was the will of the Lord. How'd they want to know that some crazy man come in there, from the wilderness, with whiskers hanging down like this, and said, "Pharaoh, I come in the Name of the Lord. Turn them children loose."

Pharaoh would say, "Who, me? Throw him out." See? "Me?"

"If you don't do it, the Lord's God is going to smite this nation."

101"The old--the old crank, turn him out somewhere. Let him go. The sun has kind of baked his mind." See? But it brought judgment, because the man was a prophet and had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Exactly right. They didn't want to believe it.

Rome didn't want to believe it, either, but it happened just the same.

102 Israel didn't want to believe that that was the Messiah. "How could they, bunch of--bunch of Galileans?" Saying, "Are not all these Galileans? Where did they come from? What kind of a crowd does He go with? The very poorest that can be got together, that's the crowd He associates with. That's who comes to hear Him, is the poor people, them people that don't know nothing. They're not elected. They're not--they're not the intellectual type that we are. They're a poor bunch." You hear it say about the revival in this day. "What kind of crowd hears them? What kind goes to these meetings? What kind of a people are they?"

103 I heard a fellow say, not long ago... Well, he was kind of... He was Hope's stepfather. And I was telling him about the baptism the Holy Spirit. He said, "Now, who would believe a thing like that, 'less some kind of a bunch like you got up there?" He said, "You let So-and-so, a businessman here in the town, wicked as all, let him say that he received the Holy Ghost, then I'd believe it."

104I said, "Don't worry. You'll never say it." The man died instantly, without God. See?

You be careful what you're doing. Be careful what you're saying. You want a life worthy of the Gospel. Right.

105 Israel didn't believe that, that bunch of people. "That madman, by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, born," they thought, "an illegitimate birth." And the people believed it. Because, they said, "That wasn't his. Why, His father is Joseph, and Mary was to have this Baby before they was even... Born, why, it's illegitimate. And what is He? Just a madman. Is one of them funny-sort of a guy. Don't go to hear Him." What did they do? They were sending their souls to hell. They took...

106Jesus said, "Let them alone. If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" That's right. They didn't know it. They wouldn't believe It. They could not.

107They could not see how that a simple people with a simple Message, to be rejected, could cause a great nation to fall to ruins. Now listen. They could not understand that: a simple, ordinary, common bunch of people. You know, the Bible said that, "The common people heard Jesus gladly."

108 I had a little something to happen in Mexico, not long ago. General Valdena, elected of God, the Light shined across his path once, in one of the meetings. That great Catholic warrior, one of the highest generals in Mexico, come humbly to the altar and received the baptism the Holy Ghost. He went back down into Mexico. He kept crying for me, come down there. Finally, I decided to go down. The Lord led me; had a vision. Told my wife. Went down there.

And when he did, him being one their chief generals, four-star general, he went to the headquarters, to the government. And, they, they're hard against Protestants down there, you know. So they know this going to be a terrific meeting, so he went down there and got a militia guard. And when they did, they get the big arena. And they was going to bring me in like that. The government was bringing me in.

So, when they did, the--the bishop, one of the great bishops of the Catholic church, went up to him, to the governor, and said, "Sir, I understand that you're bringing in a non-Catholic."

Said, "Yes. What about it?"

"Why," he said, "you can't have a man like that in here. This government has never knowed of doing a thing like that."

109 "But," said, "we've done it now." He said, "Why," said, "the man is a reputable man. I understand that thousands of people comes out to hear him. General Valdena, he's my bosom friend." He said... And had the... The president himself is Protestant, you know, Methodist. So he said--he said, "The man is a reputable man, as far as I know." Said, "General Valdena here, he is converted under this man." Said, "Why, he is, as far as I know, a reputable person." Said, "Thousands of people, they claim, will come hear him."

And this bishop said, "What kind of a people is it, sir? Just the ignorant. That's the ones that goes, hear a person like that."

110The president said, "Sir, you've had them for five hundred years, why are they ignorant?" That was enough. That settled it. Oh, my! That dehorned them. Yes, sir. Yeah.

111 Then when that little baby was raised from the dead, I sent a runner behind the man. The lady was saying, in Spanish, "The baby died, this morning at nine o'clock." And it was pouring down, rain. Having about ten thousand converts to Christ, each night.

The night before, an old blind man had received his sight on the platform. Oh, three or four times size this tabernacle, and about that high, of old shawls and hats laying. And I just...

112They let me down on ropes, in the ring, to get me in. I just walked out there and started preaching, by faith.

Billy come, said, "Daddy, you going to have to do something, that woman." Said, "I got three hundred ushers standing there. They can't stop a little bitty woman, weigh a hundred pounds, nearly." And pretty, little lady about so high, about, oh, maybe her first baby. I'd say she's twenty-three or twenty-five years old.

113 And she was standing there, and her hair hanging down, and holding a little baby. And she would make a lunge for that line. The men would push her back. She'd climb up over the top of them, that baby on her hip, any way, go between their legs, or anything. They'd get her up there, and have to kick her off the platform.

114And they didn't have no prayer card to give her. He said, "If I let her come in there, daddy, with that dead baby, with no prayer card, and..." Said, "Them others standing there, has been standing here two or three days, in that rain and sun. And let her get ahead of them," said, "it'll cause a--a fuss down there."

115I said, "That's all right." Brother Moore was there, and he's kind of bald-headed like me. I said, "She don't know who is who, so many people." I said, "Send..." And--and a couple the brethren, one of the brethren, from here at tabernacle, that he's gone to Glory now. I can't think of his name just at this time. But he was standing back there. So I said, "Brother Moore, go down, pray for the baby. She'll never know who, whether it's me or you. Just go on down. And not able to speak English."

And so Brother Moore said, "All right, Brother Branham."

116 He started walking down. I said, "As I was saying, fa-..." And I seen a little baby, little Mexican baby setting in front of me, just laughing. I said, "Wait a minute." And I said, "Let the little lady through."

Billy said, "I can't do that, daddy. She..."

I said, "I saw a vision, Billy."

Said, "Oh, that's different."

117So we opened up the crowd like that and brought her through. Here she come, falling on her knees, with the prayer beads in her hand. I said, "Get up."

So I said, "Heavenly Father, now I don't know what You're going to do. I don't know whether You just want me to satisfy the woman by praying for the baby, or what." I said, "I lay my hands upon the little baby, in the Name of the Lord Jesus." Just the same thing I did to Brother Way, laying there on the floor, dead, the other day. And the blanket kicked, and that little baby started screaming. And it was to its life. When...

118 I sent a runner, Brother Espinosa, to go with her to the doctor, and get a sworn affidavit from the doctor, "That baby died." That was about ten o'clock that night. "Died that morning at nine o'clock, in his office, with pneumonia." He got a sworn statement from the doctor.

The papers couldn't keep that still, you know, so they had to come over. They interviewed me. And they said to me, he said, "Do you think that our saints could do that, too?"

I said, "If they're living."

"Oh," he said, "you can't be a saint until you're dead." There you are. See? And the people...

119 You see, other day, where they had this nun they played up, in the paper? So, a new saint died, oh, a hundred years ago, or something like that, and they made a... canonized her now, made a saint out of her. And they said that--that she come back from the dead and prayed for some sick person that had leukemia. Wasn't it? It was in one of the magazines. Just think how they try to play that up, and when there's hundreds and hundreds of cases right under the nose of the people here. What's that thing? For a thing to play the Protestant church right into it, see, make it think something.

And then the real works of the Lord, where it's perfectly vindicated, proved, they are daresn't to touch the paper with it. There you are. They received an invitation and turned it down. Yes, sir.

120They can't understand how a simple Message, a simple people, to reject a thing like that would cause them to go into chaos.

121 A woman said to me, Grant's Pass, Oregon, some time ago, Catholic girl come out there to condemn and write up. She was a newspaper reporter, pack of cigarettes in her hand. And she said, "I want to talk to you."

I said, "What is it you want to say?"

She said, "I wanted to ask you some questions about this religion of yours."

And I said, "What is it you want to ask?"

And she said, "By what authority you do this?"

122I said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, by a Divine call." And she went ahead, smarting off. I said, "Just a minute."

She said, "If I had to associate with that bunch of ignoramuses up there," she said, "I wouldn't even want to be a Christian." She said, "And if them... They say that them people will rule the earth someday." She said, "I hope I'm not here."

I said, "Don't worry. You won't be." I said, "You... have to worry about that."

"Why," she said, "all that there carrying on and screaming!"

I said, "And you claim to be a Catholic?"

She said, "I am."

123I said, "Did you know the blessed virgin Mary had to receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit, the same way they did, before God would receive her? You call her the mother of God."

She said, "That's nonsense."

I said, "Just a minute. I..."

"I'm not supposed to look in the Bible."

124I said, "Then how you going to know what is Truth or not?"

She said, "I take my church's word."

125I said, "This is God's Word. Here It is right here. I challenge you to look at It. And Mary was with them up there in the upper room, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost like the rest of them did. And you call her the mother of God." I said, "Then call that, 'Bunch of trash; backwash'?" I said, "Don't worry. You won't be There. You don't have much to worry about, if that's all you got to worry about. You better worry about your own sinful soul, girl." And I let her go.

126 Now think of all this, a simple. God makes it so simple.

How could Ahab, how could Jezebel, how could those people who thought that Elijah was a witch, thought he was a spiritualist? Even Ahab said, "Here is the one that's caused all this trouble to Israel."

He said, "You're the one has troubled Israel."

127How could that nation think, that, to reject the message of a fuzzy-faced man like that, no priestly garments on, and so forth, would be the condemnation of it?

How could Egypt, the rule the world, pharaohs, and its class and dignity? The world has never come to that place again, in science and so forth. How could they think, to reject an old prophet of eighty years old, with whiskers hanging down, gray hair, stomping out of there, a fugitive? And come out there with a message, "You'll either let them go, or God will destroy the nation." How could Pharaoh? "You'll obey me, Pharaoh."

128 Pharaoh said, "Obey?" Oh, him, Pharaoh! And an old man, "Some old crank," they thought, "turn a guy down like that, destroy a nation?" But it did it. Oh, my!

Let's stop, pause a few minutes and have a prayer, and think. What day are we living in? Where we at? Another modern, scientific age. We better think. Maybe, you stop, people stop and pray a little while, and think a little bit, you'd feel better after you get through doing it. That's right.

129A Christian is not a tool, or some kind of a mechanical wrench to a great big religious regime. That's right. A Christian is not some kind of tool that keeps a religious organization moving. A Christian, that is not a Christian. A Christian is to be Christ-like. And a Christian cannot be a Christian until Christ comes into the man, the Life of Christ in him. Then it produces the Life that Christ lived, and you do the things that Christ did.

130What am I talking about? Personal relationship to Christ. What is it? Is your life worthy of the Gospel?

Now I'm trying to lay that background there, to show you that, men and women who were renown women, men.

131 The Bible said. Did you notice? Last Sunday night, something I forgot to put in, Genesis the 6th chapter and the 4th verse. "Those men who taken to them women, for wives, were men of old, renown." Renown men, predicted to come again. "Like it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the Coming of the Son of man." "Renown men taking women," not wives, "women; going after strange flesh."

132Look in England, a couple weeks ago. Look in the United States. Look everywhere, it's full of prostitution. Great men, great, high offices, bringing disgrace upon the nation, running after women. That great man there in England, some kind of a warlord, like, why, did you notice, he had a pretty wife. Her picture was there, along. Look at that Russian prostitute, but she was all sexy dressed, and throwed herself out there, to display her female flesh. And the man fell for it.

133What we need today is sons of God. We need men in government, that's sons of God. That's right. Therefore, a good, godly king would stop all this nonsense. There wouldn't be no strings to pull. Like David did, he put a stop to it. Certainly did, 'cause he was the king. And there was only...

134 The real way, is, God being the King, and God sends a prophet. Didn't Samuel tell them before they ever got a king? He said, "God is your King. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?"

They said, "No. That's right."

"Have I ever bummed you for your living?"

"No. You never did bum us for a living."

"I've never told you nothing but what was right, before the Lord." Said, "God is your King."

135"Oh, we realize that. And we know you're a good man, Samuel. We believe the Word of the Lord comes to you, but we want a king, anyhow." See? That's what they get.

136Pentecost wanted an organization, anyhow. It got it. That's right. Wanted to be like the rest the churches. You are. Go ahead, that, that's just what it takes. But God is our King. God is our King. Yes, sir.

137 What is it? Is because that the people, like they did in the days of Christ, like they have in every age, they find an excuse. They have their own creeds. You might not want to say, "I--I bought a cow, and I got to go see whether she--she will work or not, or give milk, or--or what stock she is." You might not have that excuse.

But here is the kind excuse the people may say. "I'm a Presbyterian. We don't believe in That. I'm Baptist. We don't believe in no such stuff as That. Well, I'm a Lutheran." Well, that don't have anything to do with It. That don't mean you're a Christian. That means that you belong to a bunch of people that's organized. And you belong to the Lutheran lodge, the Baptist lodge, the Pentecostal lodge. There is no such a thing as Pentecostal Church. There is no such a thing as Baptist Church. It's Baptist lodge, Pentecostal lodge, Presbyterian lodge.

But there's only one Church. And there's only one way you can get into It, and that's by Birth. You're born into the Church of Jesus Christ, and a member of His Body, of the spiritual delegation of Heaven. Then the signs, that Christ is with you, lives through you.

138 Christians, oh, you must have a personal relationship to God. In order to be a son of God, you must become relation to God. He must be your Father, in order for you to be a son. And only His sons and daughters are saved, not the members of a church, but sons and daughters. There's only one thing that will produce that, that's the new Birth. The new Birth is the only thing that will produce relationship to God. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sons and daughters. Then when this takes place, then the men...

139Here's the question I want to get to you. The man says, "What do we do then after we been born again?" So many ask me that question. "What should I do then, Brother Branham?" If you are born again, your entire nature is changed. You are dead to the things you once thought.

140 "Well," you say, "Brother Branham, when I joined church, I got that."

Well, then, when, God said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still heals the sick. He still shows vision."

"But, Brother Branham, my church!" Now, you're not born again. See? You can't be; for, if the very God, if His Life is in you, like you're in the life of your father. And if the very Life of God is in you, the very Spirit that was in Christ, in you, how can the Spirit live in Jesus Christ and write This, and then come back down in you and deny That? See? Can't do it. It'll punctuate every Word to be so.

141Then, if you say, "Well, I'm a good member of the church." That don't have one thing to do with It.

I know the heathen. Down in Africa, amongst my dark brethren down there, I find the morals of them people higher than--than ninety percent of the American people. Why, in some of the tribes there, if a young girl is not married till she's a certain age, or when she's a certain size and no one has taken her yet, they know there's something wrong. They excommunicate her. She take off tribal paint, and she goes to the city, then she just becomes a renegade. And when she's married, she's tested for her virginity. If the little virgin veil is broke, then she has to tell who done it. And they kill them both, together. Wouldn't there be a lot of killing in America if that taken place? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Then you call them heathens? Oh, my! They can come teach people, that call themselves church members, how to live clean. That's right.

142Never found one case of venereal in the whole trip through South Africa. They don't have such a thing. There you are. See? It's just our own dirty filthy ways, as white people. That's right. Got away from God.

143 When this takes place, the thing you'll do then, you'll find out that the Spirit that comes in you, from the new Birth, you will believe and do everything that God says in His Word is for you to do. And everything that the Bible quotes for you to do, you'll punctuate it with an "amen." And you'll not stop, day and night, until you receive it. That's right. That's right. And in all this time, you'll certainly, above everything, bear the fruit of the Spirit.

144You say, "Will I speak with tongues?" You might do that, and you might not. "Will I shout?" You might do that. You might not.

But there's one sure thing you will do. You will bear the fruit of the Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, faith, long-suffering, meekness, gentleness, patient. Your temper will not be, "Oooh!" Just remember, when you got that, that poisons the Holy Spirit away from you. See? When you get to a place that you want to fuss with everybody you come along to, there's something wrong. When you get a place where the... a minister will read from the Bible, that it's wrong to do a certain thing, and, you'll... Just remember, there's no Christianity there at all. That's now, that, "By their fruits you shall know them." That's what Jesus said. See?

145 If it's the Word, and God said so, that Spirit in you will cope with that Word, every time. Cause, genuine Holy Spirit will cope with the Word, 'cause the Word is Life and Spirit. Jesus said, "My Words are Life." And if you've got Eternal Life, and He is the Word, how can the Word deny the Word? See? What kind of a person would you make God? That's one thing to know, that you're a Christian, when you can fully agree upon every Word of God.

146And you find yourself in love with your enemy. Somebody said, "Well, he's nothing but a holy-roller." And you start to get... Be careful. Be careful. But when you really find, yourself, that you love him! Regardless of what they do, you still love them. See?

147 Then you beginning to find, and your patience gets from about that long, till it just don't have no end. Anybody just keeps saying things about you, "Well, I don't care what you say!" Don't get stirred up. If you get stirred up, you better go pray first, 'fore you talk to them again. Yeah. Yeah.

Don't get in fusses. Don't like to get in fuss; if you like to see somebody raise up in church, say, "You know what? I'll tell you, So-and-so did so-and-so."

You say, "Now, brother, shame on you."

148If you say, "Oh, is that so?" Listen to that scandal? Watch out.

The Holy Spirit is not a cesspool. See? No, no. No, no. The heart is occupied by the Holy Spirit, is full of holiness, purity. "Thinketh no evil, doeth no evil; believeth all things; endureth, long-suffering." See?

149 Don't fuss. When the family gets in a fuss, don't fuss with them. Your mother said, "I ain't having you go up there, that old church, anymore. Well, you, all you think about now, you're letting your hair grow out. You look like some old grandma." Don't fuss with her.

Say, "Okay, mother. It's all right. I love you, just the same. And I'll be praying for you as long as I live." See?

150Now, don't fuss. See? Temper breeds temper. First thing you know, you grieve the Holy Spirit away from you, you'll be fussing back. Then the Holy Spirit takes Its flight. Temper breeds temper.

And love breeds love. Be full of love. Jesus said, "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love, one for another." That's the fruit of the Holy Spirit, love.

151 And did you know, you are a little creator, yourself? You know that? Certainly. You've seen people that you just love to be around. You don't know why. Just that loving type of person. Have you seen that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just as kind, there, you like to be around them. That's... They create that atmosphere, by the life they live, the way they talk, their conversation.

Then, you've seen those that, every time, you--you shun them. All time, they want to talk about something evil, and talk about somebody. Say, "Oh, my! There they come. They're going to criticize somebody there. He's in here now, he's going to talk about this man. All they're going to do is tell dirty jokes, or something about women, or something like that." You just hate to get around them. See? They create. Seemingly, pretty nice people, but they create that atmosphere.

And the things that you think on, the things that you do, the actions, the things you talk about, creates an atmosphere.

152 I went into a man's office, here in this city. And the man is a trustee, or a deacon, it is, in a fine church. I went in there to see that man about some business. And there's a radio over there, with that rock-and-roll or twist, ever what it was, just as hard as it could go. And I guess there was forty pinups in his office, of nude women. Now, you can't tell me how much deacon, or how much more. You let me see what you look at, and what you read, and the kind of music you listen to, the crowd you associate with, and I'll tell you what kind of a spirit is in you. See? Yeah.

153You hear a guy say, "Me do so-and-so? That bunch..." Just remember, I don't care what he says. His words speaks louder. His actions speaks louder than what anything could say. He could testify, say he's a Christian, sure, and maybe do anything. But you just watch the kind of a life he lives. That tells what he is.

154 Now, could you imagine that, a man with a life that would say, "To believe in Divine healing, that's something for the birds. That was back in years ago. There's no such a thing today"? Is that a life worthy of the Gospel, that, "Christ was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were healed"? You say, "But I'm a deacon." I don't care. You might be a bishop.

155When I heard Bishop Sheen say, about two years ago, coming down; never did turn him on again. When he said, "A man that would believe and try to live by that Bible, was like somebody trying to walk though muddy waters." Bishop Sheen, then turn around, said, "When I get to Heaven, you know what? When I meet Jesus, I'm going to tell Him, 'I'm Bishop Sheen,' and He'll say, 'Oh, yes, I heard My mother speak of you.'" Paganism, men that would blaspheme that Word. God be merciful. I ain't the judge. See?

That Word is the Truth. Right. And the Spirit of God will recognize His Own Writing. He's identified by His Writing. It--It--It speaks of Him. And you're identified by believing It, and It gives you your credentials of identification.

156Don't fuss with others. And don't--and don't have these family fusses, as I said. Love breeds love. And temper breeds temper.

157 Now, now let's watch. Look at Jesus, just for a minute. He was your example. I hope you're not getting too tired. Look. Let's look at Jesus, just a minute. He was our example. He said so. "For I have given you an example, that you should do to others as I have done to you."

158Now watch. When He came into the world, when there was more, as much unbelief in the world right then as there ever was, it didn't even slow Him up. He went right on preaching just the same, and healing just the same. Never bothered Him. There was critics. The Man was criticized from the time He was a baby until He died on the cross. Did it stop Him? No, sir. What was His goal? "Always do that which the Father has written. Always do which pleased Him."

159 Look at Jesus. Talk about us humbling ourselves? When God Himself became a baby, instead of coming in a--a little crib somewhere in a decent home, was born out there over a manure pile in a stable, amongst bawling calves. They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, was off the neck of a yoke of an ox. The poorest of the poorest, and, yet, the Creator of heavens and earth.

160One cold, rainy night, they said, "Master, we'll go home with You."

161He said, "The foxes has holes, and the birds has nests, but I don't even have a place to lay My head."

God, Jehovah, humbled Himself and become a Man; represented in sinful flesh, to redeem you and me. Who are we then? He was our example. Who am I? Nothing.

162 I was telling someone, this afternoon, in a little meeting. I said, "Every son that's born of God has to be tried, first, chastened." I remember when I had mine, or my greatest hour. When a--when a man is born again, there's a little spot, like size of his fingernail, that God injects into him, system, and it falls into his heart and there anchors. Then Satan makes him prove it. And if that ain't there, you're gone.

163I remember there in the hospital, I was about twenty-two years old, twenty-three, maybe, along, was a young man. And my father, dying in my arms, and me talking to God as a healer. And my own father in a heart attack, laid his head in my arm, and me praying for him; and see him turn those eyes and look at me, and falled off, to go to meet God. I took him over and buried him by the side of my brother, and the flowers was still fresh on his grave, and me preaching a God that heals the sick. Working for the Public Service Company, for twenty cents an hour, and my wife working out here at the shirt factory; to help us make a living for our little eighteen-months-old boy, Billy Paul, and an eight-month-old child that she was packing.

I seen Sister Wilson nod her head. She remembers that; Roy Slaughter and some of the old-timers.

164 What did I do? Walked the streets, with a sandwich in my hand, come down off the pole, and testifying to everybody come by, about the love of Jesus Christ. Go to their garage and ask them if I could use it, talk to mechanic. Go in there, say, "Men, have you ever been saved yet? I found something in my heart." Go into grocery stores at nighttime. Come home at two or three o'clock in the morning, from making sick calls all night long. Couldn't... Just set down, change and put on my work clothes. And set there in the chair and rest till daylight, get up and go. And so thin, from fasting and praying, till I have to pray to put my spurs on, and get up a pole. Preaching, and preaching, "God was great, God was mercy, God was love," to the people.

And, here, my daddy dying on my arms. And my brothers died, was killed while I was stand in the pulpit down here at this little, colored Pentecostal church, preaching. Come told me, "Your brother was killed up on the highway. A car hit him and killed him." His own brother's blood dripping off his shirt, where he picked him up on the highway. Right after I buried him, my daddy died. Then, there laid my wife out there.

165 And I went, come over here at this tabernacle. From off this, where this platform stands, told the people, six months before it happened, "There'll come a flood. And I seen an Angel take a rod, and measure, 'Twenty-two feet over Spring Street.'"

Sandy Davis and them setting here, laughed, said, "It was only about eight or ten inches in 1884, boy. What's talking to you?"

166I said, "It'll be. Because, I seen one of them trances, and It told me so. And It'll be there." And there's a mark on Spring Street, today, at twenty-two feet of water. I said, "I rode over the top of this tabernacle in a boat." I did.

167During that time, my wife got sick. I prayed for her. And I come to the tabernacle, the people was waiting on her. I said, "She's dying."

"Oh, it's just your wife, that."

168I said, "She's dying."

I went over there and prayed and prayed and prayed. And I'd hold my hands out. She took a hold my hand. She said, "Billy, I'll meet you in the morning, stand over There." Said, "Get the kiddies together and meet me at the Gate."

169I said, "Just start hollering, 'Bill.' I'll be There." See? And she went out. I laid her down there in the morgue.

Went up home, to lay down. And when I did... Little Billy Paul was staying with Mrs. Broy and them, so sick. The doctor expect him to die at any time. Me praying for Billy. And here come Brother Frank and got me. Said, "Your baby is dying, the little girl."

170 I went out the hospital. Doctor Adair wouldn't let me go in, said, "She got meningitis. You'll take it back to Billy Paul." Had the nurse give me some kind of a red stuff to take, for some kind of an anesthetic, of something to quieten me. And I had them to leave the room, throwed it out the window. Slipped out the back door, went down the basement.

There laid the baby there, before the hospital, the isolated ward, flies all in her little eyes like that. I took the old mosquito bar, shooed them away, and put it over her. I got down, I said, "God, there lays my daddy and brother, yonder, and the flowers on their grave. There lays Hope, laying yonder. And here is my baby, dying. Don't take her, Lord."

171He just pulled down the curtain, as if say, "Shut up. I don't want to hear you, at all." He wouldn't even talk to me.

172Then, if He wouldn't talk to me, it was Satan's time. He said, "And I thought you said He was a good God. What's all this you're hollering about? You're just a boy. Look around, over the city. Every girl and every boy you ever associated with think you've lost your mind. You have." Now, he couldn't tell me there's no God, 'cause I had already seen It. But he told me He didn't care for me.

173 Set all night long, all day long. I said that to God, "What have I done? Show me, Lord. Don't let the innocent have to suffer for me, if I done wrong." I didn't know He was trying me. But every son that comes to God has got to be tried. I said, "Tell me what I've done. I'll make it right. What have I done but preach all day long, all night long, and just give Him my life, constantly? What have I done?"

Satan said, "That's right. You see, now, when it comes to you, and you've told all of them that you believe that He's a great healer, and there lays your baby laying there, dying. He refuses to even hear. Your wife died with tubercular pneumonia. You said He could heal cancers, and there He is. Now, you talk about Him being good, and how good He is to people. What about you?"

174Then I begin to listen to him. That's reasoning. I thought, "That's right."

Said, "He can tell. He don't have to speak the Word. Just look to your baby, and it would live."

I said, "That's right."

"And as much as you've done for Him, and yet that's what He does for you."

175I said, "That's right." I begin to think. "Well, what?" See? Everything begin to break away, when it come to reasonings. But, when it come to That, That hung. It stayed there. I was just about ready to say, "Then I'll quit."

But when it got down till all the reasoning powers had broke away, then it come to that Eternal Life, that new Birth. What if It hadn't have been there? What if It hadn't have? We wouldn't have knowed one another the way we do now. This church would not been here like this, the thousands and millions around the world. But, thank God, It was there.

176 Then I thought, "What? Who am I, anyhow? Who am I, to question His Majesty? Who am I, to question the Creator that give me my very life here on earth? Where did I get that baby? Who give it to me? Not mine, anyhow. He just loaned her to me, for a while."

I said, "Satan, get away from me. I went over, laid my hand on the baby. I said, "God bless you, sweetheart. In a minute, daddy will take you down, put you on mommy's arms. The Angels will pack your little soul away. And I'll meet you in that morning."

I said, "Lord, You give her to me. You're taking her away. Though You slay me, like Job said, yet, I love You and I believe You. If You send me to hell, I'll love You, anyhow. I can't get away from that." There you are.

Just an intellectual, it all broke away. But you got to have personal relationship. You've got to be born again.

177 That's the reason ministers get away, great charges and things. They say, "There's no such a thing as Divine healing. No such a thing as these things." They've never been on that sacred ground, as I was speaking this morning. They know nothing of It. How can they say that they're children of God, and deny the Word of God? How can you do it, denying the very Holy Spirit that bought you?

178Oh, just remember, Jesus humbled Himself, to death, for you. He was not fussy. When they spit in His face, He didn't spit back. When they pulled His beard out, He didn't pull at theirs. When they slapped Him on one side the face, the other, He never slapped them. He prayed for them, walked on, humbly. He was an example of humility.

179He was full of faith. Why? He knowed His Words couldn't fail. He so lived by the Word till He became the Word.

O God! Let me hold my both hands to God, before this audience. Let me live like that. Let this Word so become, that me and this Word is the same thing. Let my words be this Word; let the meditation of my heart. Let Him be in my heart, on my mind. Tie His commandments upon the post of my intelligence. Tie them upon the post of my heart. Let me just see Him. When temptation rises, let me see Christ. When things goes wrong, let me just see Him. When I get ready, and the enemy try to make me get angry, let me see Jesus. What would He do?

180 He was so much in the Word, till Him and the Word became the selfsame thing. Watch.

181He didn't have to fuss. He knew He and the Word was the same. He knowed that He was God's Word made manifest, and God's command would finally conquer the world. He knowed that, His Word. He had faith. He knowed where He was at. He didn't have to discuss, and say, "Here, you can come over here."

182Devil said, "Now, look, You can perform miracles. You know You got great faith. You can perform miracles. I'll build You a building, twice size of Oral Roberts'. Cause, the people all... The--the only thing You have to do, show them. Jump off this building here, just go right down, because it's written, see, 'The Angels bear Thee up, lest any time dash a foot against a stone.'" See?

He knowed He had power. He knowed that He could do it. He knew it was in Him, but He didn't want to use it till God told Him to. See? He want it to be God in Him, be the Word in all. And He knowed that, when He spoke anything, that it was God's Word; and though heavens and earth pass away, that Word would someday conquer.

183 He wasn't fussy and stewy. He spoke just the Words of God. Every Word that come from His lips was God's anointed Word.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could say that, "My word and God's Word is the same. What I say, He honors it, because I do nothing till He tells Me first"? Oh, there is your example. There is a life worthy of the Gospel.

184Not those priests that was so educated and polished, and having all those great dignities, and stand and make long prayers, and devour widow houses, and devour the high seats in the--in the congregation, all these things there. They was... That wasn't a life worthy of the Gospel.

But He was worthy of the Gospel, so much, that God said, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm well pleased. Hear ye Him. My Word is He. He is My Word. He and I are the same."

185 Know, watch this now. He knowed that His Word would finally conquer the world. He knew where His Word came from. He knew It could never fail, that's the reason He said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will never fail." See? He could say that. That was a Man Who Him and God's Word become the same. He said to them...

"You ought to do this and that."

186He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin? Who can accuse Me?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I, by the finger of God, cast out devils, who does your sons cast them out by?" See? It wasn't that, so it had to be something else. See? " If I..."

They said, "Well, we've cast out devils."

187He said, "If I do it by the finger of God, a vindicated Word of God, then who does your sons cast them out by? Then you be the judge."

188The people of His days, and the people made fun of Him, talked about Him. But, He, they humiliated Him, every way they could. Told Him of all kinds of evil, against Him, but He went on.

Now I want to close in a minute, by saying this.

189 The people of this days are a bunch of neurotics. The people of this day are a bunch of neurotics. They are afraid to take the promises of God. Church men, church organization, church organizations are afraid to take the challenge of God's Scripture for this day. They realize. They realize that their modern conditions and their social gospel that they preach will not meet the challenge of this hour, no more than Samson could meet it in his condition. It took God.

And here is the program that promised it. I'll get to that just in a minute.

190I want to hold that word, a minute. Though they call themselves Christian, they adopt creeds, man-made creeds, to take the place of God's Word. So, they can take the creed, because the man made it. But they're afraid to lay their faith out there in the God that they claim that they love. That's right. And then you say that life is worthy of the Gospel? Can't be, though they be church members. But that's not worthy of the Gospel. No, indeedy.

191 The Gospel! Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow the believers."

And when you deny that to follow the believers, how can you have a life? No matter, you might not never say a bad word, you might keep all the ten commandments, that won't have one thing to do with it. It's still not worthy of the Gospel. See? It couldn't be.

Those priests kept that, and still was not worthy. He said, "You are of your father, the Devil." Who could lay a finger on one of them men? One guilty mark, and they were stoned without mercy. Holy men! And Jesus said, "You're of your father, the Devil," when the Gospel came in to.

192Though they call themselves Christians, they love to hold to the creeds, their creeds. Oh! The creeds institutes and fulfills the thinking of the modern people of this day. And a man that's going to be a success in this day, has to go with the modern trend of thinking. Let me say that good and clear. See? A man, if you're going to be a success, you have to go with the modern thinking of this day. It... They go around, say, "Oh, isn't he a darling? Isn't he wonderful? He can just stay there so straight, and he never keeps us over fifteen minutes. And our pastor don't always bawl us out about these things."

Shame on that pastor. Any man that can stand in the pulpit and look upon the sin of this day, and not cry out, there is something wrong with that man. He's not worthy of the Gospel that he claims to be preaching. That's right. So, by doing so, they make themselves excuses, by saying, "Now, look, my congregation!"

193 A--a man come here, not long ago, to a certain great church, and he was writing a thesis. And he said, "I'm writing on Divine healing." Said, "Brother Branham, we love you, in our denomination." One of the greatest denominations, one of the greats of the nation, or the world. And he said, "We love you, in this denomination." He was right here at the Jefferson Villa. But, say, "I come to find out about this Divine healing." He said, "There's only one fault that my church really finds." See? He said, "You associate around too many Pentecostals."

I said, "Well, now, you know, that is right." I said, "That's true. You know, I've always wanted an opportunity to get away from them." I said, "I'll tell you what. I'll come to your town, you get your church to sponsor me."

"Oh," he said, "they wouldn't."

I said, "That's what I thought. That's what I thought."

194Said, "You see my denomination won't stand for that." That's as much excuse, as, "I've married a wife," or "bought a yoke of ox." I don't care how many doctor degrees you've got, and how much you're looked up to, by your denomination. That sort of a ministry is not worthy of the Gospel that's wrote in this Book. Right.

195 Any church member that'll side in with such stuff as that, and call themselves a Christian! And go out going and live... And the women bobbing their hair, and wearing clothes that the Bible says for them not to. Men carrying on the way they're doing now, "a form of godliness," taking drinks and smoking cigars, and marrying several times and becoming deacons of the church and even pastors, and so forth. And the people that put up with such as that, that sort of life is not worthy of the Gospel.

196A woman that'll walk, and get on the telephone and tattle, and start fusses in the church, and things like that, that isn't a life worthy of the Gospel that we're going to represent. Any person that'll break up a church, and start a feud between the people, and things like that, is not worthy of the Gospel that we preach. Exactly. "It's a form of godliness, denying the power thereof," the power of God that keeps you from such.

197 Notice, now, they don't do it. They just won't do it. They have the excuse, that, their church don't believe in It. They...

Well, but, Jesus would say--say to a man, tonight, speak to his heart and say, "I want you to go, preach the full Gospel."

"My church doesn't stand for It, Lord. You excuse me, if You will. I've got a fine charge. I--I--I, You know, I'm a pastor, one of the greatest churches in this city, Lord. Oh, we praise Your Name down there! Yes, sir. We sure do. I can't do it." The same excuse, same thing. So they don't come to the spiritual feast of His promised, vindicated Word.

198Did not Jesus say, "Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather"? "Eagles," not buzzards, now. Eagles! Where the slop is, and the--and the--the carrion, then the buzzards gather. But where the fresh, clean Meat is, the eagles will gather. See? Certainly. Where the Word, eagle Food, they'll gather.

199So they don't come to the spiritual feast that they're invited to. Do you believe that God has give America an invitation, the last fifteen years, to a great revival, to a spiritual feast? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Did they come? No, sir. No, sir. Then, to reject to come, is that life worthy of the Gospel, though they call themselves that?

200 When a man come to me, not long ago, and set at a table, and said, "Brother Branham, I want to reach across the table," a great man, "I want to take a hold of your hand. I love you." I was in a church and heard him preaching. Said, "I love you. I believe you're God's servant."

I said, "Thank you, doctor. I love you, too."

He said, "I want to tell you how much I love you, as a brother." And said, "You see my little queen setting here, my wife? You remember her?"

I said, "I do."

Said, "The doctor give her two weeks to live, with sarcomas cancer. And you come to the city and you prayed for her. And looked up, and saw a vision. Looked back and told me, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, "She'll be healed."' Great spot in her back, sunk in like that, looked like a great big... like the part of a woman's breast pulled inwardly, in her back, right on her spine. There's not even a spot of it, today." Said, "There sets my queen, a living today." Said, "How could I do anything but love you, for praying that prayer of faith? How can I keep from believing you to be a--a servant of the Lord, when you saw me, and told just exactly what would happen?" He said, "Now I've got something for you, Brother Branham." He said, "I belong to the greatest Pentecostal league there is."

I said, "Yes, sir. I know that."

He said, "I talked with the brethren, not long ago, and they told me to get in contact with you, and tell you that it was a shame that you took that God-given ministry to a bunch of people off the river and around like that."

I said, "That right?"

Said, "Yes." Said, "God sent that ministry to hit the nerve spots, the big spot, the highlights."

201 I seen the Devil talking right then. I thought, "Yeah. 'Jump down off this mountain, and show, you know, off this building.'" See? See?

I thought, "Just lead him on a little far." My old mother used to say, "Give the cow enough rope, she'll hang her own self."

I said, "Is that right?"

"Yes." Said, "It's a shame, by what you do." Said, "What are you? Today you can hardly buy yourself a meal." And said, "Look at Oral Roberts and them, stepped in, and got out there with the one hundredth of the ministry you got. Look what they go."

I said, "Yeah. That's right." See?

And he said, "My group will take you. We'll take you right in, as--as one of our brethren. We'll all give you the right hand of fellowship, and we'll charter a plane, and give you your wages of five hundred a week, or more if you want it. And we'll send you to every major city in the country." This happened right in Phoenix, Arizona, right across the table. And he said, "And we'll pay your..." Said, "Then let the world, the outside world, let the dignitaries, the big guys, the up-and-up..." Said, "You're always talking about the down-and-out. We got the up-and-out's." Said, "Let them see the hand of the Lord. Then I'll let them take my wife along, and others, can prove that those things that you say comes to pass."

202 Said, "Yes, sir. That'd be great."

Now, see, the man, in the position of a D.L., L.L.D., a writer of books, see, doctor of literature, fine writer, fine man. See? He didn't know the Scripture.

Did you know that Angel that performed them kind of works never did go to Sodom? He stayed with the called-out group, Abraham.

He just didn't know it. I just let him alone, just set there a little bit. I just want to see what the catch was. I said, "Well, what would I have to do?"

Said, "Well, Brother Branham, just only thing they said... We discussed it, a few things, little petty things that you teach, that you just lay them aside."

I said, "For instance, what, brother?"

"Oh," he said, "your baptism, you know. You know, you kind of baptize like the oneness, something like that." Said, "Little things like that."

I said, "Oh?" I went ahead.

And he said, "The initial evidence; and women preachers; and just a few little things like that."

203 I said, "Uh-huh?" I said, "You know, I am surprised that one servant of God would ask another servant of God, after paying the tribute to me you did, and calling me a prophet, and knowing that the Word of the Lord, or the revelation of the Word, comes to the prophet. And you turn around, Doctor Pope, (it don't speak of your good intelligence), and would say and ask, one servant of God, you ask another servant of God to compromise on the thing that...?... means more to him than life itself." I said, "No, sir, Brother Pope. By no means would I do it. No, sir."

What is it? There's a grain of Eternal Life; live or die, whether you're a great guy or not a great guy.

204 I passed by, the other day... No disregards to these two men. I looked over there, and there was a great picture there at Tulsa, Oklahoma; Oral Roberts' new place coming, a seminary to educate ministers. It's going to cost. And I know Demas Shakarian, Brother Carl Williams, and them that are on the board of trustees of it. Fifty million dollars, with a three-million-dollar building; a Pentecostal boy, that's a great lot that God has done for him.

205I think, "Me, with a seminary? I'm against it, to begin with."

206 And it said, "The future home of Oral Roberts' great seminary." Went on down the road, there was a great modern thing. And Oral Roberts, in a little ragged tent, come to my meeting over in Kansas City, Kansas.

It said, "The future home of Tommy Osborn," oh, man, about a three- or four-million-dollar place going up like that.

And there, Tommy Osborn, one of the finest Christian men. He's a real man, a real God-sent man. Stood right across the street there; little, nervous boy, little boy and girl in a car; run around, said...?... "Brother Branham, I was there when I seen that maniac run out. And I seen you point your finger in his face, and say, 'In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of him.' I seen him fall across your feet; after he had put his prophecy, said, 'Tonight, I'll knock you plumb out in the middle of that audience of sixty-five hundred people.'" And said, "I seen you stand there, never raise a voice, and said, 'In the Name of the Lord, because that you have challenged the Spirit of God, tonight, you'll fall over my feet.' He said, 'I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over.'"

207And I said, "Come out of him, Satan." He just fell backwards and pinned my feet right to the floor.

He said, "God is God, Brother Branham. That's all." Said, "I've had myself nailed in a house for two or three days." He don't pull no punches. He'll tell about it. He's not ashamed of it. Said, "You think I got a gift of healing?"

208I said, "Forget it, Tommy. You was sent to preach the Gospel. Go, preach It. Go with Brother Bosworth there."

209 I looked there, and I seen. I started before both of those.

I thought, "There is Oral Roberts with five hundred machines, that not even a human hand touches the letters; four million dollars in the mail, last year." Four million; one-fourth of all the money that was taken up, in the whole Christendom. World, over, one-fourth of the money in all Christendom, come in to one man. What a place! I went out there to see it.

210And, now, Oral is my brother. My! I love him. He's a real fellow, real guy, and I love him. And he just thinks the world of me, and I do of him, too. We just don't agree on--on Scripture.

And, Tommy Osborn, not a better. I just think the world of him. He's one of the finest men that I've met, Tommy Osborn.

"And those men," I thought, "when I went into their office and seen what they had, I think I'd be ashamed for them to come, see mine: one little typewriter, and us trying to get the letters out. And what a thing! Set in the end of a trailer, at that time. I thought, "What would that be?"

Then I walked out. I thought, "Well, 'Future home of Oral Roberts.' 'The future home of Tommy Osborn.' One don't speak to the other one."

So, I went down the road. I thought, "But what about me?"

211And Something said, "Look up."

212Thought, "Yes, Lord, let me lay my treasures in Heaven, for there is where my heart is." Now, I'm not saying that for pity. I'm just saying that because it happened, and God knows that that's right. See?

213Where is your treasures? Do you want to be some great somebody? If you are, you're nobody. You get to a place till you don't want to be a great somebody. You want to be a humble little servant to Christ. That's the way out. That's all.

214 Brother Boze and them is forming a church in Chicago. They just had to give up the Philadelphian church to that denomination. Now they was talking about getting some guy with his coat back like this, some DD. I said, "You're on your road out. If you want to find a real pastor for that church, get a little old humble guy can hardly read his name, and his heart is on fire for God. Just take that guy. That's the one you want to get, somebody that don't know all these things, somebody that won't dictate and drive, and throw you into all kinds of debts, everything else, and just feed you the Word of God. That's the kind of a person to get."

So, they won't come to the spiritual feast. I got to close. I've went overtime now. In about six minutes, we'll be dismissing, the Lord willing.

215 I hear some say, "But, Brother Branham, you better back up on that statement." Saying, "The people are not neurotics. This people is not neurotics. They are only educated." They're educated neurotics, then. That's right. Yeah. "They're not neurotics. They're educated."

Then I want to ask you a question. See? You understand. I want to ask you a question then. Please explain their actions of today, if they're not neurotics. Tell me what makes them act like they do, if they're not neurotics; see, every fellow pulling for his denomination, greedy. Jesus wasn't like that. He wasn't no hurry about nothing. See? He wasn't greedy. He was our example.

216 Crime, the nation, the nation has got more crime than it ever had. What's wrong? Teen-agers, church members, taking lives, men shooting their wives and family, and burning up their children. And look at the crime wave. They're not neurotics? Then what's the matter? What's their actions?

Power-crazy nations, every one wanting to take every... rest and make it one flag, one nation, that be their flag and their nation. Power-crazy!

217Immorality, why, the world is more immoral than it ever was. Nude women on the streets, nude women, and say they're in their right mind? They can't be. They just can't be.

218 Listen. There was one person in the Bible that stripped their clothes off, that was Legion. He was out of his mind. When Jesus found him and give him his right mind, he put on his clothes. Right.

What makes you strip your clothes off? The Devil. That's right. Then say they're not neurotics? Start down the street here, and drive four city blocks without seeing a nude woman, and come back and tell me. All right. Find out.

219Then you say they're not neurotic? Then what's wrong? They can't be in their right mind. A right-minded woman wouldn't do that; she's got better sense. She knows what she's putting herself out. A bunch of lust devils out there, just dirty, filthy, sloppy, drunky men, murderers, everything else. You say...

220The world is drinking more liquor now. They spend more money for liquor, in the United States, than they spend for groceries. I think it's... I forget how many times more the alcohol debt costs each year, in the nation, than it did. And what does alcoholism do? Sends you to the insane institution.

221 Cancer. When the medical doctors from around the world write in the magazines, and tell you, "Cancer by the carloads." Cigarettes. Put it on rats, and has proved that it gives you lung cancer. Seventy percent of them take lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. And them women and men will puff them right down and blow it in your face. If that's not neurotics, what is neurotics?

222When, the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached and proved, and the God of Heaven in the form of His Pillar of Fire wave over the people and show that Jesus Christ is in the last session of His Coming, giving them the last sign. And laugh at It and make fun of It, and call themselves church members; and then say they're not neurotics? Explain that. My time keeps on going. But just ask if they're not neurotic. Sure. They're educated neurotic. That's exactly. Explain their condition. You can't.

223 They cut their hair, wear the worldly clothes, walk out on the street like that. And God's Bible warns against it, even forbids a women to even pray with bobbed hair. And says that a man... And she does that. She claims, herself, to her husband, that she's immoral, herself, and he has a perfect right to give her a divorce and send her away from him. That's exactly right. The Word of God saying that, and a women hear that, and continue to wear short hair, and call herself a Christian. If that isn't a neurotic, what is a neurotic? I want somebody to tell me what a neurotic is, then. Yes. They're neurotics.

224Highly educated, degrees, college! We put more time on educating our children, to--to algebra and biology, than we have to the Bible and Jesus Christ. There ain't a kid in this country can't tell you who David Crockett is. There isn't a third of them can tell you Who Jesus Christ is. Then, it's not neurotics? Certainly, it is. How we could go on and on and on, how they do!

225Just remember. And the churches endorse it, when the Bible condemns it. Is the ministry neurotics? Educated neurotics. That's exactly. Churches endorse it.

226 Remember Lot. He was a smart man. Look at him, just a minute now. Don't--don't... Let's not...

Excuse me for running just a couple minutes over. This is--this is too important. It's going out on... You come to hear me make this tape.

227Look. Look. Now, just stop a minute. Pray just a second, in your heart, "Lord, let me see it." Open your understanding. May God do it. Look at the... Just take this nation, alone. Let's see what God said.

228The Bible said, that, "The sins of Sodom vexed the righteous soul of Lot daily." He just didn't have the plain nerve enough to stand out against it. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He couldn't do it, for he was the mayor of the city. He couldn't. But the Bible said, that, "The sins of the--of the Sodomites vexed his soul." He knowed it was wrong, but he didn't have nerve to do it, to stand out against it.

229 Now look. How many Lots in America, yesterday, reading their Bible, to prepare their message for the day, and run across the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ? How many of them run across the baptism of the Holy Ghost? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe"? John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also"? "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, it shall be done"? How many Lots saw That? But, because of their excuse, of their denomination! It looked out and see in the Bible.

230Look at their congregation of bobbed-haired women, and they know the Bible condemns it. Look going down the street, at their own church members going down the street, with shorts on, and they know the Word is against it. But they haven't got the nerve to call out against it. But, yet, the man professing to be a Christian, his soul within him cries out against it, but he hasn't got the nerve. If that ain't modern Sodom, where is it at?

God, give us somebody that'll cry out against it. That's right. Like John the Baptist said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree." That's what we need today.

231 Watch. They're a modern Sodom. Remember. See? The whole land has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot again living on over. No, living it all over, for his honest convictions tells him by the Word that he's wrong.

232Look in Chicago, greater Chicago, when them three hundred preachers setting there. And the Lord told me that night what they was going to do. They had a trap set for me. Me, go on over there. I went and told Brother Carlson. I said, "You're not have it in that hotel. You'll have to take it to another place, and it be a green room. And they got a trap set for me, haven't they, Brother Carlson?" He dropped his head.

He set there in my office, few days ago, for me come, Chicago meeting. Said, "I'll never forget that, Brother Branham."

And I said, "They got a trap set for me. Why, Brother Carlson? Are you afraid to tell me why, you and Tommy Hicks?" They dropped their head. I said, "Tommy, why don't you go speak?"

Said, "I couldn't do it."

I said, "I thought you said you'd do me a favor."

233I said, "Last night the Lord told me. You're going down there today, and you find out you're not going to get that building. You're going to another building. Doctor Mead will be setting this side. That colored man, his wife, that sings, will be setting right here, and so forth, where they'll all be setting." I said, "There'll be a Buddha priest there." And I said, "Now find out. They got it against me because I preach the water baptism in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. They got it against me 'cause I preach the serpent's seed; and against the evidence, that, every man speaks with tongues has got the Holy Ghost, and things." I said, "Come down and watch God."

234 Got in there, they went down there, and the very two hours from then, or better, some time that afternoon, they called up Brother Carlson. And he said, "The guy that let him have that, and paid a down payment on it, said, 'We have to cancel, because the manager said he had already promised it to a band for that night, or that morning.'" And they couldn't have it.

235So we went out to the Town and Country. And that morning when we got in there, and stood in there. And--and Brother Carlson said, "There's one thing. You brethren might disagree with Brother Branham, but," said, "he's not scared to say what he believes." He said, "He told me these things would happen just exactly the way they are." He said, "Now here he is. Let him speak for hisself."

236 I took the Scripture, "I'm not disobedient to the heavenly vision," as Paul said. I said, "You've got it in for me, for water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. Better than three hundred of you introduce yourself as Doctor So-and-so, and Doctor So-and-so." I said, "I haven't even got a grammar school education. But I challenge any man here to bring your Bible and stand here by my side, and deny one of the Words that's been said."

You got it on tape out here, if you want to hear it. That was the quietest crowd you ever heard. I said, "What's the matter?" Is there anybody here, tonight, was in that morning meeting, let's see you hold your hand. Yeah. Well, sure, look all around.

I said, "Then, if you can't support it, then keep off my back." Right. Lot of howling, when they're around the corner. But come face-to-face with the issue, it's different. That's right. It's... Them men went out.

237 Tommy Hicks said, "I want three hundred of those tapes, to send to every pretender trinitarian preacher I know of."

Them men shaking my hand, said, "We'll come down to the tabernacle and be baptized over."

Where they at? Excuses. "I can't do it. My denomination won't let me do it. I married a wife. I bought an ox of yoke, or yoke of ox, rather. I--I bought a piece of ground. I got to go look at it." See? Some of those things, like, excuses. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is that life worthy of the Gospel? ["No."]

If the Gospel is right, let's sell out everything we got and live for It. Be a Christian. Yes, sir. Amen. Notice now, as we close.

238 But their excuses is their creeds and their denominations.

It's like a tree. I was looking at Brother Banks, other day. I had a--a pine tree, I planted when I first moved up there, about, oh, about fifteen years ago, or better. And I let them vines, the branches grow out on the pine tree, and we couldn't get the mower back under there. And there wasn't a sprig of grass, anyhow. And I went out there, took a saw and sawed them limbs off, until that pine tree was way up here, where you could walk under it with a mower. And the prettiest bunch of grass you ever seen is under it now. What was it? The seed was there. It had to get the light.

239 And as long as the denomination, your excuses, try to shadow that Seed that you know actually lays there, you're taking the part of Lot. Throw them things away, and let the Gospel Light shine in upon there, the power of Jesus Christ. Yes. Keeping the Light off of it, will keep it from living. For, if the Light ever gets to it, it will spring forth to Life.

That's the reason the people say, "Don't go to some of them kind of meeting." They're afraid some of the Light will strike one of their members.

240 Remember the woman at the well. She was a prostitute.

There stood those priests. They seen Jesus tell Nathaniel, "I saw you by, when you was under the fig tree."

And the priests said, "He's Beelzebub. He's a fortune teller. That's the Devil."

241This little women, when she walked up there, in her immoral state, living with six men. And when she walked up there in that state, in that state she was. And Jesus said, "Bring Me a drink." The conversation started. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any."

Said, "You said the truth. You've got five, and the one you're living with, not your husband."

She said, "I perceive that You are a prophet, Sir. I know the Messiah will do that when He comes."

Jesus said, "I am He."

242That settled it. When that Light flashed across that Seed laying in that little old harlot, the harlot days was over. Into the street she went, glorifying God, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't This the Messiah?" What was it? The Light got to that seed back under the shadow of a prostitute shelter. Yes, sir.

Now let's close, in saying this. I don't know how many more pages I got, but I--I sure won't take them all. About ten, but that's just about one-half through. But let's close, in saying this.

243 Let's compare something, one time, of a life worthy. Let's compare the life of Saint Paul to the rich young ruler. The same Light struck both men. Both had the same invitation from Jesus Christ. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] They both was well trained in the Scriptures. They were both theologian. 'Member, Jesus told--told the rich young ruler, "Keep the commandments."

244Said, "I've done this, from my youth."

He was a trained man. So was Saint Paul. Both were well-trained in the Scripture. But, both of them had the Word. One had It from a knowledge; the other one had the germ of Life in it. When that Light flashed across, in front of Paul, he said, "Lord, Who are You?"

Said, "I'm Jesus."

"Here I am, then." He was ready.

245 The Light struck both men. One was germitized; the other is not. That's the way it is today: church spiritual, church natural.

246The rich man had his excuse. He couldn't do it. He was too weighted down with too many friends of the world. He didn't want to quit associating.

That's what's the matter with a lot of people today. You think, because you belong to a lodge, you just couldn't forsake that brotherhood. "They all drink and things like that. They do this." All right, go along with it; nothing against the lodge, nothing against the church. I'm talking about you. See? Yeah. See? Nothing against that. For, six of one, and half a dozen the other. I've just got through telling you the church was nothing but a lodge, the denomination, if they deny the Word of God.

247 Notice. The rich man had his excuses. He never forsaken his testimony, though. We find out that he went to great business. He had knowledge. And he went to such a place till he had to increase so much, till he had to build new barns to put his things in. And when he died; and some bachelor, with his collar turned around, preached his funeral, no doubt. And when he did, he might have said... They half-masted the flags, and said, "Our dear beloved brother, the mayor of this city, now is in the arms of Almighty, because he was a great member of the church. He did so-and-so, and so."

And the Bible said, "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment." See?

248 And remember, he still wanted to hold his profession in hell. He seen Lazarus, in the bosoms of Abraham, and he said, "Father Abraham, send Lazarus down here." Still calling him "father." See?

He took his knowledge, and went to an intellectual church. When the Light struck him, he turned It down.

If that isn't the modern trend of the church today, I don't know it. No matter what God flashes across their path, the Pillar of Fire or whatever it might be; they still, with their knowledge, they can explain It away, and go to the intellectual group, for the social standing.

249But Paul was already in the social standing, with great knowledge, a great scholar under Gamaliel, a right-hand to the high priest, insomuch till he went to the priests and got orders to put all them holy-rollers in jail. But when the Light struck his path, and he seen that that same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness was Jesus Christ, he forsook all he ever knowed. He come to Life.

250 Could you call that rich man's life a life worthy of the Gospel that he heard? Though he was a believer, could you call that kind of a life... Amongst the intellectuals and entertainments, that night up there on the... as the sun went down, giving a toast, and maybe some priest saying a prayer, up on top of there. And he had the entertainments, and a beggar laying at his gate down there. And he give his toast, and talked about his great faith he had in God. And before daylight, the next morning, 'fore the sun could get up, he was in hell. That's right. There is your intellectuals.

251 But Paul, when the Light struck him, let's compare his life and see whether it's worthy. What happened? When, Paul, the Light struck him, he forsook all his knowledge and got away from that intellectual group, and he walked in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Glory to God! Wit, as smart as he was, he never even used big words.

When he come amongst them Corinthians, he said, "I never come to you with the wisdom of man. I never come to you with swelling words, because you put your faith in that. But I come to you in simplicity, in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that your faith would be in there." There's a life. Watch it.

252He never used his education. He never walked with the intellectual bunch. He walked in the Spirit of Christ, humble, obedient to the Word of God, when It was very much contrary to their creeds. But Paul saw the Light and walked in It (that right?), letting the Life of Christ reflect Jesus Christ to the age that he lived in, that the people might see the Spirit of God in him.

And the humble believed it, so much, till they even wanted to bring handkerchiefs in. They take them off of his body. And they believed it, so much, he's such a representation of Jesus Christ, till, whatever he touched, they believe, was blessed. Yes. What a man that was, give his life, his riches, and everything he had! His education; forgot all, to walk down with fishermen, and beggars and bums on the street, to let his lights reflect the love of Jesus Christ.

He said, "I been striped across the back, forty and nine times; don't bother me. Also, I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ." The poor little fellow in such a terrible condition, he said, "I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ." What a different from this great dignitary with the priests all around him.

253 And when he was at Rome, and nobody standing by him. And they was building a block, to cut his head off, out there. There's where she told it. Oh, my! He said, "There is laid up for me a crown, that the Lord, the Righteous Judge will give me at that Day; and not only me, but now all them that love His appearing." There is a life worthy of the Gospel, or, a son.

254He stood for Christ. He let the Gospel reflect through him. Before he did, he went and learned the Gospel. Went down in Arabia and stayed three years, and took the Old Testament. And showed, by the Old Testament, that He was Jesus Christ. And he let It reflect through him, to a humble bunch of people. That, he, when... He said, "I know how to have a belly full, and I know how to be hungry and wanting."

A man with an education like him, and a scholar like him, standing by the... with a scholarship from Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers there was of the day, and stood arm-and-arm with the high priest. Brother, he could have been worth millions of dollars and had all kind of buildings. That's right. But he said, "I..."

255He didn't even have but one coat. And Demas saw a man with such a ministry as that! Second Timothy, the 3rd chapter, he said, "Demas has forsaken me, and all other men, loving this present world." Said, "When you come, bring me that coat I left up there. It's getting cold." A man with a ministry like that, and could only have one coat? Glory to God!

256 Reminds me of Saint Martin, when he was trying to stand for the Gospel, and everything, before he was converted. In the--in the Pre-Nicene, or the Nicaea council, the Nicaea Fathers, in the history. One day, he was going through the gates there. He was from Tours, France. And there was people... An old bum laying there, dying, no clothes. And the people passed by, that could have give him clothes, and they didn't do it. They passed him by and ignored the old fellow. And Saint Martin stood there and looked it. They said he...

257Every soldier had a--had a man to keep his boots shined. And he shined his servant's boots.

And took his coat off, and took a knife and cut it, half, in two, his sword. Wrapped the old bum up in it, said, "We both can live."

He went home and went to bed. Laying there, thinking the old man had cried. Directly, Something woke him up. He looked. Standing in the room, there stood Jesus Christ wrapped in that same old piece of garment that he wrapped the bum in. Said, "Insomuch as you have done unto least of these little ones, you've done it unto Me." That's a life worthy of the Gospel. You know how he sealed his life, too, don't you?

258 Look at Polycarp, standing for the Name of Jesus baptism, against the Roman Catholic church. And they burn him to a stake; tore down a bathhouse and burn him. Look at Irenaeus, the rest of them, that suffered for this cause. That's lives worthy.

259Look at what Paul said in the Book of Hebrews, 11th chapter. Said, "They were sawed asunder, pulled apart; wandered about, in sheepskins and goatskins, and was in desert, and destitute and so forth; lives that this world is not worthy of." There you are. That life is worthy of the Gospel. How is mine and yours going to stand in the Day of Judgment, with men like that?

260 Look at Paul now. We'll go on down. He stood for the Gospel, let Jesus so flow through him. No matter how, what, regardless of what anybody thought about it. Where, the high priest, why, he went and had his head cut off, for It. He was a worthy representation of the Gospel. Letting... Look at there. Regardless of what people thought, letting the current of Eternal Life flow through him, insomuch that he said, "I would be accursed from Christ, for my brethren."

Now you know what you do when you get Eternal Life. There is your question. There is your answer. You take the intellectual side; or, take This side, if you've really got Eternal Life. That's what happens.

261That's what happened. Paul, ready to be accursed from Christ, to let his people... The blind, ignorant people that wouldn't listen to his Gospel!

I think, a shame on my own self. I was ready to give them up, because they wouldn't listen to me. I feel like repenting. And I have repented. See?

262 Notice. Regardless of what others thought, this kind of a life is worthy of the Gospel.

Now I'm closing.

263The rich man, like most of us today, shut out and rejected the Word of Life, and become a church member; and showed a life, that proves in the Bible, was unworthy of the Gospel that he was asked to receive. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How could the Gospel shine through a darkened light like that, denying the power of God?

264 Now, the only way to live a life worthy, is to let Christ and His Word (which, He is the Word) reflect Itself so perfect in you till God vindicates what He said in the Word. For, Christ died that He might present Himself before God, a Sacrifice. And It returned back in the form of the Holy Spirit, to reflect Hisself through His people, to carry on His work; reflecting Hisself through you, to fulfill His promised Word in these future days.

Like John the Baptist heard, when he heard Christ come. And Christ walked out into the water. And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God."

Nobody else saw It. But he saw It, that Light coming down from Heaven, like a dove. And a Voice saying, "This is my beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He saw It coming.

And Jesus walked out into the water, Immanuel, before a--a preacher that was supposed to be a radical. Walked out into the water, before the people, and said, "I want to be baptized of you."

265John said, "Lord, I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?" Both them eyes met one another, a prophet and his God. Amen. Could you... I... Wouldn't I love to stand and watch that? See them stern, deep-set eyes of John peel down and find them stern, deep-set eyes of Jesus; second cousins to one another, in the flesh.

266Jesus said, "John, suffer it to be so now, for thus it behooveth us. We're the Message of this hour. It behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness."

267John thought, "Yes, He's the Sacrifice. The Sacrifice must be washed before It's presented." Then he said "Come on." And he baptized Him. Amen. Other words, "It behooves us to fulfill all righteousness."

Jesus, knowing that that man was genuine, said, "There's never been a man born of a woman, like him. He's more than a prophet; you can receive it, this is more than a prophet." And Jesus, looking into his heart, and knowing that. His own cousin met Him there, face-to-face.

268John said, "Lord, I got need to be baptized of You. And why do You come to me?"

269Said, "Suffer it to be so, John. But, remember, it behooveth us to fulfill all that God has promised. And I am the Sacrifice. I've got to be washed before presented." Oh, my! My!

270 And, today, when the evening Lights are shining, when there's not a man in his right mind but what can't say, any Bible scholar look in the Bible, knows this is the last day. Then, it behooves us to fall from these big walls, or get away from these things, and to get into the righteousness of Jesus Christ in this last day, and take on the Seal of God before the Devil gives us the mark of the beast. Oh, my. Yes.

271Pray God to let the Light of this day raise in you, to be an obedient servant to God. And then let the fruit of the Spirit ever remain in your life. And that is a life is worthy of the Gospel.

272 Let me say this, in closing. The only way, the only way that you can live a life that's worthy of the Gospel, is let the Gospel Itself, every bit of the Gospel, come into you and reflect His promises back, make them vindicated. Let God live in you, to vindicate the promises of this day.

Just as John, as Jesus said to John, "Suffer it to be so, John. That's right. But we are the messengers of this day, and we've got to fulfill all righteousness."

And if we are the Christians of this day, let's receive Jesus Christ into our heart. And He is the Word. Don't deny any of It. Say, "It's the Truth." And place It in your heart, watch the fruit of the Spirit upon you, and fulfill every promise that He made in the Bible. God wants to fulfill His Word, and He don't have any hands but mine and yours. He don't have any eyes but mine and yours. He has no tongue but mine and yours. "I am the Vine. Ye are the branches." The branches bears the fruit. The Vine energizes the branch. That's the life that's worthy.

273 My prayer is, to those in radio or in... on the tape land, and those that are present. May the God of all grace, of Heaven, shine His blessed Holy Spirit upon us all, that we, from this night, henceforth, can live a life that God would say, "I'm well pleased. Enter into the Eternal joys that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Let the God of Heaven send His blessings upon all you people.

274I pray that God will bless you women, tonight, that's got short hair, in such a way that you will see, and get away from this modern trend of the day, and realize that the Bible says that you shouldn't do that. And if you're guilty of wearing immoral clothes, that the God of Heaven will shed His grace in your heart, that you'll never do it again, that you'll never be guilty of such a thing again. May the Holy Spirit just open it up to you and show you. May you, without the baptism of the Holy Ghost...

275 May you men that's got your wives, and let them be the boss of the house and lead you around, may the God of Heaven give you grace to set your foot down and bring that woman back to her right mind again, yeah, and realize that that's your place in Christ. Not a boss, now, but you are the head of the house. Remember, she's not even in the original creation. She's only a by-product of you, give by God, to you, to take care of you, to keep your clothes clean and fix your meals, and so forth. She's not your dictator.

276You American women run around with a gob of paint on your face, and your nose up in the air (it'd rain, it'd drown you), and then think you're some sort of a dictator. You are, to a sissy, but not a real son of God. Right.

277 May God give you men grace, as sons of God, to stop such nonsense as that. That's right. May He give you grace, to throw them cigarettes down, stop listening them dirty jokes, all that nonsense. Let's be sons of God, that we can walk a life that's worthy of the Gospel.

And somebody goes down the street, say, "If there ever was a Christian, there goes one. There goes one that God just shows Himself right through, and that man is a real Christian, there ever was a Christian. You might think she looks old-fashion. She's a genuine lady." There it is.

278Be a reputable Christian, for we are aliens here. This is not our Home. Our Home is Above. We are sons and daughters of a King, of the King. Let us let our lives be a--a reputable life. Let us live a life that'll honor that thing that we claim to be, a Christian. And if you can't live that kind of life, then stop being called a Christian, 'cause you're only bringing reproach upon the Cause.

279 Thank you, people, this hot night, setting here. I trust that there'll not be one of you lost, at that Day. I--I--I trust that you and I, together, will find grace before God, that I'll be able to always stand for that which is Truth, never to hurt you, but never to pull a punch from you. See? If I would, I wouldn't be the right kind of a daddy, if I let my kid just do anything. I'll correct them. Any love will do that. Love is corrective. I remember you writing me that note, that day, Pat. I've still got it. And love is corrective. The Bible said so. And if it isn't correct... That's the reason God corrects us. He loves us.

280May we live a life, from henceforth, that's worthy, with sweetness and gentleness. Don't pay no attention, say, "Well, bless God, I know she's got It. She spoke in tongues. She danced in the Spirit." That's all right. But if she doesn't have the fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit isn't there. She's only impersonating some kind of an emotion, or something, 'cause the Holy Spirit can only live the life of the fruit of the Spirit. That's the only way He can do.

281 God bless you. Let us bow our head, just a moment.

Let the... God, that has shed forth His Light in this last day, That laying here before me, of His Bible; and the picture of these Angels, this mystic Light in the form of a pyramid, that even the scientists don't know how It got here. They can't explain It. But, Father, we're thankful. You told us, months before it happened, and we're grateful to You.

282Let the people, that's called by Thy Name, depart from sin, tonight, Lord, unbelief. May, as... I've had to speak so rashly against our sisters, not because I don't love them, Lord, but I don't want to see the Devil wind them up till they drop dead, one of these days, and then try to meet You in that kind of condition, after hearing the Truth of God, like this. May they feel that they owe it to themself, to go search the Scriptures, and see if that's right. Get down on their knees then, sincerely, and say, "God, is that the Truth?" Then that'll be all is necessary, Lord, they'll be sincere about it, for Thy Word is Truth.

283 The people have set. Many of them, maybe, had things that hurt them. But the Spirit of God spoke to them, and they set still and listened. The hour is getting late. The hour is late in the evening, and it's also late in the time that we're living in. The sun is going down. The world is cooling off. God, darkness will soon set in, and then the Coming of the Lord, to catch away His Church. How we thank You for this, Lord!

284We pray now that You'll bless every person in Divine Presence. Every one that hears this tape, Lord, around the world, may they get away from those old creeds and things, and come and serve the living God, come and invest in It, do like the queen of the South did. She come, took her three months to get to where a man was representing Jesus Christ, or the God of Heaven; Solomon. Jesus said, "She come from the uttermost parts of the world, to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold a greater than Solomon is here." And we know "the greater than Solomon" is here, the great Holy Spirit Himself is here, working through the people. How we thank You for this, Father. I pray the blessing now.

285 Bless our dear pastor, Brother Neville. Lord, as I--as I look at him and think of his labors of love, my heart just jumps. I love him. To see him as he looks upon his wife and his little children, I--I pray, God, that You'll strengthen him. Give him courage. Bless him for many, many more years of service, this great harvest field that we're in.

286Bless all these minister brothers setting here tonight. Many of them are visitors from other places. I pray that You'll be with them there, Junie and Brother Ruddell, and those precious men who are sister churches to this church here, standing and holding the Gospel Light in the different parts of the cities around about, for this same Light, contending for It. Thank You for those men, Lord. Encourage them. And give them grace to stand the great trials and things that comes upon the earth to prove all Christians.

287Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. Be with us through this coming week now. Give us courage. May the little, broken up Sunday school lessons of the day never leave their heart. May they meditate, day and night. Grant these blessings, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.

288 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You believe It? ["Amen."] Let's sing our good song again, "I love Him, I love Him," as we join ourself together. Where is Sister Ungren? Is she here, one of them, or the sister has played the piano, one of the ladies here? I don't see it. Yeah, here she is, the lady over here. That's right.

289I wanted, tonight, with all regards, but I didn't see Brother Ungren. I wanted him to sing for me, tonight, How Great Thou Art! I guess the brother went home. See? I heard that song this morning, and I certainly did appreciate that. My, oh, my! That just rang through my heart. And I--I--I wanted to hear him sing How Great Thou Art!

290 Now let's sing I Love Him, everybody, together. Now just close your eyes. And let's look to Him now, say, "Lord, if there's any of this carnality in me, take it out, right now. Take it out." And you, out, hears this tape, when you hear this song, sing with us, then, right in your chair where you're setting.

If there's that, if you're condemned by the Word, if you don't think It's the Word, search the Scriptures, see if It's right. It behooves you. It means Life or death.

And then while we sing this song, if there's carnality in your life, won't you raise up your hand, in your chair. Have your children and wife to raise up their hand, your loved ones around you. Sing I Love Him, and give your life to Him. Say, "Cleanse me, Lord, from all evil."

While we sing now, let's stand.

I love Him, I...

Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the people, these that's going to wear these handkerchiefs. I bless them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

291 Now, in this great blessing! Just keep playing it, sister. Just close your eyes and think, a minute now. Let's pray, in our heart, "Lord Jesus, search me. Do I really love You? You said, 'If you love Me, you'll keep My sayings. If you love Me, you'll keep My Word.'" And then in your heart, say, "Lord, let me keep Your Word. Let me hide It in my heart, never to sin against You, that's, disbelieve anything that You've said."

292Now while we sing I Love Him, let's shake hands with somebody near us. Just reach over, say, "God bless you, brother, or sister." Real quietly now.

"I..." God bless you, brother. "I..." God bless you, my sister. God bless you, sister. God bless you. God bless you, sister. "And pur-..." God bless you, my sister. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. "... -ry's tree."

293Now let's raise our hands to Him.

I--I love Him


Got something, besides, you want to do? Want you to dismiss.

... me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

294 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] I pray for each one of you, children. What good would it do me to stand here and say these things if I, in my heart, I didn't think it was going to help you? When, I'm tired and wore. I just can't hardly stand here. My feets are hurting. And my shoes, I've stood in them till it sweated in there, and everything, till my feet is galted. And I'm so tired! I'm no kid, no more. And I have preached three- or four-hour sermons, and pray for the sick, and going day and night. Why would I be standing here, do it?

You know, all this thirty years, if it was for popularity, I've shunned that. You know I don't take money. You know that. I haven't. Have I told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? You know that's right.

I love you. It's the love of God that's in my heart for each one of you. I wish I could... I wish I could stand before God, and say, "God, let--let--let me help them. Let--let me do this." I can't do it. Each person has to stand by theirself. See?

295 I--I--I believe we're all going up now, one of these days. And if we happen to fall asleep before that time, I'm taken from you, remember, I'll meet you over There. I know It's there. The very visions that's told you everything, being perfect, has come to pass just as He said. No one, of all these years, can ever here say that I ever told you anything that would come to pass but what it did. The world over, knows that. You never seen it on the platform, what told everybody exactly Truth. See? It's always been. That same God let me look a-past the curtain of time. I seen them women and men throwing their arms around me and hugging me, said, "Oh, Brother Branham."

296I--I just can't set. So, if I'm tired, I go, anyhow. My back hurts. And I, every day... I'm--I'm--I'm fifty-four years old. You know, you get an extra pain every day.

My prayer is, "God, hold me together. Hold me together, to preach the Word, stand on that Truth, until I see my boy, Joseph, old enough, and filled with the Holy Ghost; I can take this old wore-out Bible, lay It in his hand, say, 'Son, carry It to the end of your life. Don't you compromise on It.'"

297 I thought maybe Billy would preach the Gospel. God never called him.

But I believe, Joseph, even the little mean boy that he is, I believe God has called him. That's the reason kids can't get along with him, he's a leader. And I--I--I know that God has called him. I want to train him in the way of the Word, way of the Word of the Lord, that he'll not forsake that Word. I want to do it, myself, if God willing. And when I get old and set back, and can see him there, stand in the pulpit, said, "This same Gospel, my daddy stood for. He is setting there, old and broke, tonight. I want to take his place and fill his shoes, stand there."

298Then I'll look up, and say, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace." That's what I want to see, so bad, until that time come.

299 Then what if I would raise in another generation? I can't. I have to come in this generation. I have to stand with you. You are the ones I have to stand for, and give an account before God, of the Gospel I have preached. You think I'd stand here and try to twist you around, out of Something that I thought was right? I'd be encouraging you to go do It. But I know that, when it's wrong, I want to get you out of that, into what is right. Truly, from my heart, God bear me record, I love you, every one, with real, Divine Christian love. God bless you. Pray for me.

300I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who is holding my future, so I rest in that.

301I turn the, this pulpit over to a man that I have the supreme confidence in, as a servant of Jesus Christ, our pastor, Brother Neville.

1 Zostaňme len na chvíľu stáť, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy a pozrieme sa k Pánovi. Ak sú tu nejaké prosby, ktoré by mali byť spomenuté pred Bohom, či by ste len teraz v tejto chvíli pozdvihli takto svoju ruku k Nemu a držali v srdci to, čo chcete?

2 Náš nebeský Otče, sme vďační za ďalší deň. A teraz sa to začína završovať; bude to históriou. Služby z dnešného rána sú už skončené. Slová, ktoré boli povedané, sú vo vzduchu, na páske, a jedného dňa to budeme musieť stretnúť. Bude to musieť byť buď správne alebo nesprávne. A my veríme, že je To správne, lebo je To Tvoje Slovo.

3 No, modlíme sa, aby si nám dnes večer dal tie prosby, ktoré prosíme. S rukami, ktoré pozdvihujeme, prosíme za želania, o ktorých si Ty vedel, že ich potrebujeme a o čo prosíme. Tak sa modlíme, aby si nám odpovedal, Pane, a dal nám túžby nášho srdca; to je, ak to môžeme použiť na to, aby sme Ťa ctili. Daj to, Pane.

4 Uzdrav chorobu v našom strede. Vezmi preč všetok hriech a neveru. Daj znovu dnes večer nám z Tvojej porcie Tvojich požehnaní, Pane, ako rozjímame nad Slovom a časom, v ktorom žijeme. Zišli sme sa spolu, Otče, kvôli žiadnemu inému zámeru, iba aby sme sa pokúsili naučiť, ako žiť lepšie a žiť bližšie Tebe. Lebo vidíme, že ten deň sa blíži, a musíme sa spolu zhromaždiť mnohokrát a vziať od Teba inštrukcie. Daj to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

5 Viem, že je hrozne teplo a miesto je celé preplnené, tak ako je; a tak je nám ľúto, že nemáme žiadnu klimatizáciu. A ja... Možno to bude... Sú dve veci, ktoré chcem pre zbor urobiť hneď ako sa budem môcť dostať späť, tak ako chcem, ak sa budem môcť príhodne vrátiť na zhromaždenia. Chcem, aby bol klavír umiestnený tak, že klavirista sa bude pozerať oproti zhromaždeniu. Chcem, aby boli organ a klimatizácia na tejto strane, potom sa budem cítiť tak, že by to mohlo byť. A tak sme... Budeme veriť Pánovi a vedieť, že On nám to dá.

6 Myslím, že mi povedali, že brat Hickerson to práve vybral z toho časopisu. Položil to tam vzadu na môj stôl. To je tá konštelácia Anjelov, ktorá je v časopise, o ktorej sme hovorili. Vidíte ten pyramídový tvar? Pozrite sa na toho na tejto strane, to špicaté krídlo a ako vychádza s takto vypnutou hruďou, ten po mojej pravici, ako som hovoril spoza tejto istej kazateľne pred mesiacmi a mesiacmi a mesiacmi. Vidíte? Tam to je. A časopis „POZRI“ a časopis „ŽIVOT“, to má, májové vydanie, zo 17. mája, myslím, že je to (Je to tak?), vydanie zo 17. mája. Pani Woodová mi dnes hovorila, že mnohí jej volali a pýtali sa... Je to v májovom vydaní, 17. mája.

7 Je to tajomný oblak. Oblak je dvadsaťšesť míľ vysoko a tridsať míľ široký. A to je to, o čom sme tu hovorili. A to je to, kde zostúpili tí Anjeli Pánovi a zatriasli tým miestom, a celý... Znelo to hlasnejšie...

8 Viem, že je jeden človek, ak... Myslím, že brat Sothmann, videl som ho niekde pred chvíľou, on je tu, stál (áno, rovno tam vzadu), stál nablízku, keď sa to stalo. Myslím, že som nebol príliš ďaleko od neho; len som ho videl, snažil som sa mu mávať (lenže som mal jeho ďalekohľad), že tie zvieratá, na ktoré sme poľovali, neboli na tomto kopci. No, išiel som na iný kopec. Našiel som ich deň predtým a povedal som im, kam majú ísť. A išiel som tu, kde, keby šli touto cestou, len by som vystrelil do vzduchu a zahnal ich späť tým smerom, aby mohli dostať svoje zvieratá. Tak... Boli to javeliny (niečo ako malé diviaky).

9 A tak, išiel som na túto stranu, a oni neboli, neboli na druhej strane. Videl som, ako brat Fred vyšiel, a oni tam neboli. Vrátil sa a brat Norman išiel hore na kopec. A ja som sa obrátil, išiel som dolu do malej rokliny a išiel som hore, len ja sám, okolo jeden a pol míle cez nejakú skutočnú, drsnú krajinu. A zastavil som sa a len som sa obzeral okolo. Deň už pokročil, oberal som tie, ako to tam nazývame, kozie hlavy, niečo ako pichliače, oberal som ich z mojich nohavíc, presne ten istý druh, ktorý som sa videl robiť, keď som tu bol a hovoril som vám o videní asi šesť mesiacov predtým, ako sa to stalo. A povedal som, „To je zvláštne. A pozrel som sa, ako dokonale na sever som od Tusconu, tak trochu severovýchodne, to robí...“ Tuscon, pamätáte sa, že som povedal trochu juhozápadne. A povedal som, „To je zvláštne.“ A díval som sa takto na tie pichliače, oberajúc ich z mojej, mnoho z nich, z mojej nohavice. Ak ste tam nikdy neboli, je to púštna krajina. To vôbec nie je také ako toto. Okolo dvadsaťkrát jasnejšie, a žiadne stromy a veci ako sú tu, len kaktusy a piesok.

10 Tak som sa len na to takto díval. Len som pozdvihol svoje oči; okolo, povedal by som, pol míle odo mňa som videl celé stádo javelín, ležiac, vychádzajúcich na koniec, kde jedli nejaké byliny. A myslel som si, „Teraz, ak by som tam len mohol dostať brata Freda a brata Normana, to je práve to miesto.“

11 A ten večer predtým, ako bol Duch Svätý tak ohromný v tábore, že mi hovoril veci, ktoré sa stali a udiali, musel som vstať a odísť z tábora. A potom v to ďalšie ráno som išiel tam hore, a začal som... Povedal som, „No, ak by som sa mohol dostať k bratovi Fredovi, prevediem ho okolo tejto hory,“ čo bolo okolo míle týmto smerom. Musel som ísť okolo dve míle, alebo ho radšej vyzdvihnúť, možno tri, späť týmto smerom, dolu týmto, čo my nazývame kozí chrbát, vyjsť takto hore, hore po vrcholoch tých drsných, zubatých hôr a prejsť týmto smerom, prejsť krížom a strihnúť to tadeto a ísť dolu týmto smerom a vyzdvihnúť ho. A potom by sa musel dostať k úpätiu kopca, aby vzal brata Normana, čo by bolo pravdepodobne štyri alebo päť míľ, potom sa dostať späť. A išiel som položiť malý kúsok servítky, ktorú som išiel zavesiť tam na kus kríka, aby som si označil, na ktorý hrebeň mám ísť, keď sa budem vracať.

12 A práve som prešiel malý hrebeň, kde bolo mnoho neotesaných skál, a tam zostupuje jelení chodník na druhej strane, ó, štyridsať, päťdesiat yardov pod útesom. A to bolo, ó, bol už deň. Povedal by som 8 hodín, alebo 9, nemyslíš, že tak nejako, brat Fred? Možno okolo 9-tej hodiny, tak nejak? Bežal som rýchlo na túto stranu, aby ma tie javeliny nevideli. Sú to diviaky, viete, a sú riadne desivé.

13 Tak som išiel týmto smerom na ten kopec, a skrátil a začal som bežať hore na kopec, a bežal som len malým, ako to nazývame, psím poklusom; a zrazu sa celá krajina rozozvučala. Nikdy som nepočul taký strašný výbuch. Proste to zatriaslo a skaly sa rúcali. A cítil som sa ako, musel som vyskočiť päť stôp od zeme, tak nejako. To ma tak vystrašilo. A myslel som si, „Ó...“ Myslel som si, že som zostal zastrelený, že niekto... Mal som na sebe čierny klobúk. Myslel som si, že si možno mysleli, že je to javelina, ktorá beží hore na kopec, že ma niekto zastrelil. Išlo to tak nahlas takto rovno na mňa. Potom zrazu niečo povedalo, „Pozri hore.“ Tam to bolo. Potom mi povedal, „To je otvorenie tých Siedmich Pečatí; vráť sa domov.“ Tak tu prichádzam.

14 Stretol som brata Freda a brata Normana asi o hodinu neskôr, keď som ich našiel, a boli vzrušení a rozprávali o tom. A tam to je. Veda hovorí, že je nemožné pre akýkoľvek druh hmly alebo niečoho, aby sa dostala tak vysoko, mračno, para. Vidíte, to pôjde len... Nevedel som.

15 Ja... my, keď ideme za oceán, cestujeme deväťtisíc stôp; to je nad búrkami. To je priemerne okolo štyri míle. A povedzte, povedzme, možno je to pätnásť míľ, až kým už viac nedostanete žiadnu paru. Ale toto bolo dvadsaťšesť míľ, a visela tam celý deň. Vidíte? Oni nevedia, čo to je. Ale vďaka Pánovi, my áno. Ďakujem, brat Hickerson. Nechám si to tam na mojom stole, a keď napíšu knihu, no, potom to môžeme mať.

16 Mám tu malú poznámku, ktorú mi dali... Myslím, že to bol nárast v našom počte, odkedy som tu bol naposledy. Myslím, že sa volá... Prinajmenšom meno jeho otca je David West. A má tu malého chlapca, ktorého chcú odovzdať Pánovi. Je to tak? Bolo to na dnes večer, alebo to bolo na stredu večer. Ja neviem, to má... Dnes večer? To je dobre. Nuž, čo keby... Ty si Dávid, však? To je to, čo som si myslel, že si. V poriadku, čo takto priniesť toho malého chlapca hore, keby naša sestra prišla k tomuto klavíru a začala nám pieseň „Prineste maličkých.“ Pastor, keby prišiel sem hore, a odovzdáme tohto malého chlapca Pánovi.

17 No, snažíme sa to dodržiavať podľa Písma. Toto je tvoj vnuk, brat West... To vyzerá ako nemožné, však? Sestra Westová, čo si o tom myslíš, ne... Viete, čo si myslím? Viete, ja som tiež starý otec. To mi pripomína brata Demosa Shakariana. Stál pred veľkým zástupom ľudí. A on všetko popletie, ako ja, viete. On tam stál; povedal, „Viete,“ povedal, „povedal som Rose, že cítim (to je jeho žena),“ povedal, „cítim sa oveľa starší, odkedy som starou mamou.“ Povedal, „Ó, mal som na mysli starým otcom.“ (Obecenstvo sa smeje.)

18 Viete, ja... Nie si sám, brat West, je ich tu veľa. A to je v poriadku. Myslím, že si naozaj môžeme ceniť naše vnúčatá. Toto ne... dúfam, že toto neznie zle, ale môžeme mať na nich viac času, verím, ako sme mali s našimi deťmi. A opýtal som sa minule manželky, povedal som, „Iste, na chvíľku ich miluješ a vrátiš ich späť ich matke a ideš ďalej.“ Nuž...

19 Mám tam vzadu malého vnuka. On hovorí, „Dedko, káž, dedko, káž!.“ A minulú nedeľu večer vyberali obete a nechali ich ležať na stole, a priniesli ho tam vzadu. A počul ma cez mikrofón; povedal, „Dedko, káž, dedko, káž!“

A Billy povedal, „Áno, tam hore.“

A on povedal, „Nie.“ A tie obete sa rozsypali po celej podlahe. On chcel ísť sem, viete. A on na mňa vždy vykrikuje, viete. Vidí ma na zhromaždení a bude vykrikovať, „Dedko, káž.“...?... Tak ja viem, že sú rozkošní.

19a Povedz, som zvedavý, či by som si mohol požičať trochu z tých vlasov? Vidíte, on ich práve teraz nepotrebuje; ja áno. Ako sa volá? Dávid Jonatán, nie je to nádherné meno? Nuž, dúfam, že jeho život bude ako tých, po ktorých je pomenovaný, Dávid, kráľ Dávid, na ktorého tróne má sedieť Kristus, a tiež Jonatán, milovaný priateľ.

Poviem vám, sú to milí malí chlapci. Veľmi si ich ceníme.

No, on sa zobúdza, a môže kričať „Amen“ tak dobre ako ostatní, viete, tak sa tým jednoducho nenecháme vyrušovať. Odovzdávame ho Pánovi.

Myslím, že je to silne sladké, mať mladý pár, ktorému Boh dal do starostlivosti malého chlapca ako tento, a prišli, aby ho odovzdali Pánovi. A keď to robíte, to ukazuje, že nie ste, že dávate späť Bohu to, čo vám Boh dal. Nech ho Boh žehná.

19b No, ak ho chcete držať... Myslím, že možno matka by ho mohla držať trochu lepšie ako ja. A čo keby sme na neho položili svoje ruky. Urobíte to radšej? Lebo ja sa bojím, aby som ho nepustil, nezlomil alebo niečo iné, viete. Vždy sa bojím, aby som ich nezlomil, viete. Moja, moja... Méda sedí tam vzadu. Myslím, že toto je jedna práca na pódiu, ktorú mi trochu závidí, viete. Ona rada drží... No, pozrite sa sem, on sa ide na mňa pozrieť. On je milý chlapík. Tak veru. Možno ho môžem podržať. Som zvedavý? (Obecenstvo sa smeje.) Ó, sestra, dúfam, že nespadne. Ty si... Nie je to rozkošné? Ďakujem. Ako sa máš? No, aké sladké.

19c Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pane Ježišu, pred mnohými rokmi, keď sa zrodilo kresťanstvo vo forme Muža, zvaného Kristus, pomazaného Mesiáša, Ježiš bolo Jeho Meno... Ľudia nosili svoje malé nemluvňatá k Nemu, aby na ne mohol položiť Svoje ruky a požehnať ich. A On povedal, „Nebráňte maličkým prichádzať ku Mne, a nezakazujte im, lebo takých je Nebeské Kráľovstvo.“ Tento milý malý pár, ich starí rodičia a oni boli skutoční nasledovníci Slova.

Pane Ježišu, prinášam a držím Ti dnes večer, pastor a ja, tohto milého Davida Jonatána Westa. Dávam ho Tebe. Od matky a ocka, predkladám ho Tebe, Pane, pre zdravie, silu, dlhý život služby, aby ctil Boha Všemohúceho, ktorý ho priniesol na tento svet.

Nech požehnania Božie spočinú na ňom. Nech Duch Svätý spočinie na tomto dieťati; a ak bude zajtrajšok, nech nesie Evanjelium, ktoré jeho rodičia a starí rodičia dnes tak uchovávajú v srdci.

Daj to, Pane. Teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista, dávam Ti toto dieťa v odovzdaní jeho života. Amen.

19d Myslím, že chcú urobiť fotku toho malého chlapca. Ja som tiež vyskočil.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech vždy miluješ a uchovávaš v srdci Pána Ježiša, a nech je malý chlapec vychovávaný v napomínaní Božom, a máte nádherného malého chlapca, som si istý. Nech je Boh s vami.

20 Myslím, že mu spadol jeho malý cumlík. Našli ho?

Ó. No, spievajme tú malú pieseň, „Prineste maličkých.“ Všetci teraz spolu pre malého chlapca. (V poriadku, sestra.)

Prineste maličkých,

prineste k Ježišovi.

Nepoznám lepšie ruky, do ktorých ich vložiť, a vy? Ruky Pána Ježiša...

21 No, viem, že je tam vonku teplo. A chcem povedať správcovi, môjmu bratovi Docovi, alebo tým ostatným, ktorí sa o to starajú, niektoré sestry si ničia sukne na tom mastnom, čo je na kresle. Koľké to na nich máte? Viem, že je tam moja žena, moje dve dcéry, malá Betty Collinsová, pani Beelerová, niektoré z nich... Je tam niečo mastné. Keby si sa na to pozrel, Doc, keď môžeš. Je to... Myslím, že je to tam, kde ony... Je to olej alebo farba alebo niečo také rovno tam, kde sa to skladá hore a dolu, tie sedadlá. A to nie je to? Nuž, ja potom neviem, čo to je. Niečo, práve som... Bolo mi to spomenuté a povedal som, že to len spomeniem Docovi. V poriadku.

No, modlitebné zhromaždenie v stredu večer... [brat Branham hovorí s bratom Neville – pozn.prekl.] Je tam niekto... Oznámil si, urobil si svoje oznámenia, brat Neville? Je všetko oznámené?

22 No, ak bude Pán chcieť, budúcu nedeľu ráno chcem hovoriť na tému obžaloby tejto generácie za ukrižovanie Krista. A poviete, „Táto generácia to nemohla urobiť.“ Zistíme, či to urobili alebo nie, podľa Slova.

23 Takže, budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak bude Pán chcieť. Ak nie... Ak sa niečo vyskytne... Taktiež by som mal byť v Houstone tento týždeň na konferencii a to mi zaberie až do nedele. Tak ja neviem, či budem môcť alebo nie. Ale máme ešte pár nedieľ, ktoré môžeme využiť, pred tým, každopádne, a potom ja...ideme do Chicaga na konferenciu alebo zhromaždenie v Chicagu posledný týždeň v tomto mesiaci. A potom musím zobrať rodinu naspäť do Arizony, lebo sa im skončia prázdniny a deti sa musia vrátiť do školy.

24 No, koľkí z vás sa tešili z prečítaného Slova a z požehnaní Pánových. Všetci sa tak veľmi tešíme.

25 No, je teplo, a viem, že niektorí z vás, čo ste tu, sa dnes večer vraciate domov. Vedel som, že brat Rodney a Charlie a ostatní musia šoférovať dlhé vzdialenosti. A počkajte chvíľu, vy ste na dovolenke, nie? Nuž, počul som, že idete na rybačku. Pán nepridáva človeku čas, keď je na rybačke; vy vôbec nestarnete, keď chytáte ryby. Tak teraz, vy dievčatá, choďte s nimi. Vidíte? A ja prídem dolu a pripojím sa k vám, ak budem môcť. A viete, dobrý Pán, povedali, nepridáva človeku čas, keď je na rybačke. Pridáva, keď sa cítite celý zamotaný. To je najlepšia vec, pri ktorej sa dá relaxovať, akú som kedy vo svojom živote našiel, to je ísť na rybačku.

26 Mal som raz malú kartičku od pána Troutmana. Pamätá sa niekto na pána Troutmana, mraziarenská spoločnosť v New Albany? Mal malú kartičku, na ktorej bolo napísané, „Na rybačke.“ On prišiel a povedal, „Človek, ktorý má... Každý človek, jeho brat je na rybačke. S pomocnou rukou, oni vždy boli „na rybačke“. Mal okolo osem alebo desať rôznych vecí, potom, keď sa dostal dolu, povedal, „Človek je bližšie k Bohu, keď je na rybačke.“ Tak myslím, že to je presne tak. „Bohatí a chudobní sú všetci rovnakí, keď sú na rybačke. (Vidíte?). Pomocná ruka, oni vždy požičajú, na rybačke.“ A všetko bolo o „rybačke.“

27 Nuž, poviem vám, iná rybačka, ktorú som robil počas posledných 33 rokov, bolo chytanie ľudských duší. Nech nám Pán pomôže získať každého, koho môžeme nájsť.

28 Teraz, dnes večer, toto sa nahráva... Teraz, dnes ráno, ak je tu Jim, alebo nahráva, myslím, na pásku, niekto ma na to upozornil, povedal som, „Druhý Exodus.“ Nemyslel som druhý; je to Tretí Exodus. Duch Svätý vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, Boh prichádzajúci dolu v manifestácii, priniesol prvý exodus a naspäť, vyviedol Izrael z Egypta. Druhý Exodus bol Kristus vyvádzajúci cirkev z Judaizmu. A tretí exodus je, keď ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp berie Nevestu z cirkvi. Vidíte? Von z prirodzeného, von z duchovného, a duchovné von z duchovného, tieto tri. Vidíte? Vlastne duchovné von z cirkvi, a potom dostaneme tie tri, tri veky toho.

29 No, dnes večer som chcel nahrať ďalšiu pásku, a volalo by sa to: „Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?“ Pravdepodobne to nebude trvať dlho, mám tu len niekoľko miest Písma a poznámok. Ale najprv chceme čítať Božie Slovo. Predtým, ako to urobíme, skloňme len na chvíľu naše srdcia pred Ním.

30 Pane Ježišu, každý muž, fyzicky, alebo žena, alebo dieťa, môže obracať stránky tejto Biblie, ale nie je nikto, kto by To mohol zjaviť okrem Teba. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si vzal tento text, ako je položený na mojom srdci, aby si ho poslal medzi národy pre ľudí, aby mohli vedieť, aký druh života sa od nich vyžaduje, aby žili, lebo tak mnohí sa ma pýtali: „Je kresťanský život životom služby cirkvi? Je to pomáhanie chudobným, núdznym? Alebo je to neustále členstvo? Je to oddanosť cirkvi?“ a podobné otázky. A, Otče, nech príde správna odpoveď dnes večer skrze tieto slová, ako sa ich usilujeme priniesť ľuďom. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosíme. Amen.

31 Tak, otvorte si svoje Biblie v Knihe sv. Lukáša, a začneme v 14.kapitole a 16.verši, čítať niekoľko miest Písma ako základ, ako pozadie pre to, čo sa budeme snažiť vymedziť na týchto od tridsať do štyridsať minút. No, 16.verš 14.kapitoly sv. Lukáša...

Ale on mu povedal: Nejaký človek urobil veľkú večeru a pozval mnohých.

A v hodinu večere poslal svojho sluhu, aby povedal pozvaným: Poďte, lebo je už všetko hotové.

Ale oni sa začali všetci jednomyseľne vyhovárať. Prvý mu povedal: Kúpil som pole a musím vyjsť a vidieť ho. Prosím ťa, omluv ma!

A iný povedal: Kúpil som päť párov volov a idem ich zkúsiť. Prosím ťa, omluv ma.

A zase iný povedal: Oženil som sa, a preto nemôžem prijsť.

A sluha navrátiac sa zvestoval to svojmu pánovi. Vtedy sa rozhneval domáci pán a povedal svojmu sluhovi

(Všimnite si, to nie sú sluhovia, sluha!)


Vyjdi rýchle do ulíc a uličiek mesta a uveď sem chudobných, chromých, krivých a slepých!

A sluha povedal: Pane, stalo sa, jako si nariadil, a ešte je miesto.

A pán povedal sluhovi: Vyjdi na cesty a medzi ploty a prinúť vojsť, aby sa naplnil môj dom!

Lebo hovorím vám, že niktorý z tamtých pozvaných mužov neokúsi mojej večere.

32 No, všimli ste si, tam boli tri potiahnutia alebo tri zvraty toho, keď vyšli prvýkrát a zavolali tých, ktorí boli pozvaní, aby prišli, a oni to neurobili. Tak tam vyšla uzdravovacia kampaň, vyšla von, aby získala slepých a chromých. A stále bolo miesto, tak on vyšiel von a prinútil dobrých, zlých a ľahostajných, že by mali vojsť.

33 No, čítate iné podobenstvo tohto, niečo na spôsob toho, v Matúšovi 22:1-10, ak si to chcete neskôr prečítať. Ale ja som vybral túto tému odtiaľ: „Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia?“

34 No, Ježiš tu hovorí, že človek sa stále snažil vyhovoriť, aby neprijal Božie Slovo Jeho pozvania. Hoci im to bolo pevne potvrdené, že je to Jeho večera a Jeho pozvanie, ale človek sa neustále vyhovára. A keď čítate sv. Matúša 22, zistíte, že aj tam sa vyhovárali.

35 A pokúšali sa... Išlo to počas všetkých vekov. Išlo to späť do toho veku, a On povedal, že nejaký človek ich najal a mal vinicu, a nachádzame to podobenstvo, a ako poslal svojich sluhov, aby priniesli úrodu z tejto vinice. Prvý sluha prišiel, čo oni urobili? Vyhodili ho von. Ďalší sluha prišiel, tiež ho ukameňovali. A vyhodili sluhu za sluhom, krutí ľudia. Nakoniec poslal kráľ svojho syna. A keď prišiel jeho syn, zisťujeme, že oni povedali, „Toto je dedič; zabijeme ho, potom budeme mať všetko.“ Potom im Ježiš povedal, „Kráľ poslal a zabil tých vrahov a podpálil ich mesto.“

36 No, vidíme, že keď Boh dáva človeku pozvanie a, aby niečo urobil alebo prijal pozvanie, ktoré mu dal, a on to odmieta, potom nezostáva nič iné, keď milosť je odmietnutá, ako súd. Keď vystúpite spoza hraníc milosti, potom zostáva len jedna vec, a to je súd. A zisťujeme, že človek to robil vo všetkých vekoch. Stalo sa to takmer v každom veku v Biblii.

37 Keď Boh poslal Noeho, Svojho služobníka a urobil cestu úniku pre všetkých ľudí, ktorí chceli byť zachránení... Ale ľudia sa len smiali a pohŕdali Noem. Ale Boh urobil cestu, ale oni sa vyhovárali. To nebolo v súlade s ich moderným myslením. To neurobilo, to nebol spôsob, akým to oni chceli. Tak sa vyhovárali v dňoch Noeho.

38 Oni sa vyhovárali vo dňoch Mojžiša. Vyhovárali sa vo dňoch Eliáša. Vyhovárali sa vo dňoch Krista, a vyhovárajú sa dnes.

39 No, On hovorí priamo k Izraelu, tým, ktorí boli pozvaní na hostinu, a ja by som to tiež aplikoval dnes na ľudí, cirkev, ktorá bola pozvaná, aby prišla na hostinu, a neurobí to, duchovnú hostinu Pánovu... A oni to neurobia; oni to nechcú urobiť. Oni majú iné veci na práci. Vyhovárajú sa.

40 No, ak by Izrael pred dvetisíc rokmi prijal pozvanie, ktoré dostali, neboli by na tom tak, ako sú dnes. Pred dvetisíc rokmi Izrael odmietol pozvanie, aby prišiel na svadobnú večeru. A oni to odmietli a šli na súd. Ale ako povedal Ježiš, oni ukameňovali a zabili prorokov, ktorí k nim boli poslaní, tým, že sa vyhovárali.

41 No, tie výhovorky, ktoré robili v každom dni... Zisťujeme, že vo dňoch Ježiša sa On nepripojil k žiadnej z nich. Oni povedali, „Kedy sa toto tento muž naučil? Z akej je školy? Nie je toto tesárov syn? Nevolá sa jeho matka Mária? Nie sú jeho bratia Jonáš a Jakub, a tak ďalej? A nie sú jeho sestry s nami? Potom odkiaľ vzal tento muž túto autoritu, aby toto robil?“ Vidíte? Inými slovami, On sa k nim nepripojil. Tak oni povedali, „On je Belzebub; on je Samaritán. On má diabla, a je šialený. On je, on je, on je človek, ktorý má zlého ducha v línii náboženstva a ktorý ho dohnal do šialenstva. A to je to, čo, on je tam vonku ako divoký muž. Nevšímajte si ho.“ A my vieme, čo sa stalo Izraelu. A oni kričali. Oni si boli tak istí, že ten Muž sa mýli, až kým Ho odsúdili, oni povedali... „Nech Jeho Krv je na nás a na našich deťoch,“ a odvtedy tam je.

42 Ježiš sa im snažil povedať, že ich výhovorky boli to, čo zabilo prorokov a čo zabilo tých spravodlivých, ktorí prišli. Oni prijali svoje vyznania, ktoré im dal človek, namiesto prijatia Slova Božieho, a tým, že tak urobili, zbavili Slovo Božie účinku.

43 No, vy buď musíte povedať, že toto je Božia vôľa a Božia túžba, alebo niečo iné, čo môžete objaviť, čo je lepšie ako toto. No, musíte vziať jedno alebo druhé. Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu. A musíte povedať, „Toto je Pravda,“ alebo, „To je časť Pravdy,“ alebo, „To nie je celá Pravda,“ alebo, „To nie je správne spojené,“ alebo, „To nie je správne vyložené.“ A Biblia povedala, že Božie Slovo nemá súkromný výklad. Nikto iný nemá právo vykladať To; je to napísané práve takým spôsobom, ako To Boh chce vyložiť. Len to, čo To hovorí, je to, čo To má byť. Len To vezmite tak, ako je to povedané, ako je to tu zapísané.

44 No, oni prijali svoje vyznania. Oni zbavili Božie zasľúbenia účinku na seba. Oni to prekročili, jednoducho to vynechali.

45 No, keby Rusko prijalo Letničné požehnanie pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi, keď Duch Svätý padol v Rusku, neboli by dnes komunistami. No, pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi mali v Rusku veľké prebudenie. Boh prišiel medzi nich a oni mali veľké prebudenia na Sibíri. A čo urobili? Oni to odmietli a dnes je tá krajina preč a cirkvi nemôžu mať zbor, iba s dovolením. A oni sú odsúdení na súd a odišli do tohto záchvatu komunizmu, predaní diablovi.

46 Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi padol Svätý Duch v Anglicku. Hneď po tom prišiel George Jefferies a F.F.Bosworth a Charles Price, Smith Wigglesworth, tí veľkí bojovníci viery, pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, a ponúkli Anglicku prebudenie Ducha Svätého. Ale čo oni urobili? Oni sa z nich smiali, dali ich do väzenia, nazývali ich bláznami, mysleli si, že sa zbláznili. Cirkvi nepovolili ľuďom, aby ich prišli počúvať. A oni uzdravovali chorých a vyháňali diablov a robili veľké skutky. A pretože Anglicko ako národ odmietlo Evanjelium, jeho hriech je známy po celom svete. Ťažko existuje odpadlíckejší národ v celom svete, dokonca vrátane Ríma a Francúzska, než je Anglicko. Ono je matkou odpadlíctva. Rovno tam, kde Finney a mnoho veľkých mužov kázalo v Haymarkete, a Charles G. Finney a Wesley, a tak ďalej... A ono to odmietlo.

47 A teraz, dokonca pred týždňom alebo dvomi, v novinách, zisťujete, kde ich veľkí muži sú tak oslabení kvôli ženskému pohlaviu, až dovnútra vchádzajú špióni. A ich vodcovia našli ďalších z nich. Časopisy to uverejnili. Ich hriech škandálu rovno v ich vláde zasialo ich nehanebné meno po celom svete. Prečo? Oni odmietli Pravdu. Oni mali svoju výhovorku, a sú odrovnaní. Anglicko je celé Bohom odpísané už dávno.

48 Keby Amerika pred pätnástimi rokmi, keď veľké uzdravovacie prebudenie pokračovalo od Letníc, vypuklo po národe, a v hlavnom meste, Washingtone, boli prebudenia... Prezidenti, viceprezidenti, veľkí ľudia, guvernéri, diali sa veľké veci... Guvernéri a ľudia boli uzdravovaní. Ako kongresman Upshaw, bol mrzákom 66 rokov, a oni nemohli odvrátiť tvár a povedať, že to tak nebolo. Bolo to rovno pred nimi, ale oni to odmietli.

49 A dnes večer, to je dôvod, prečo tento národ zostáva... Ona je odsúdená; nie je pre ňu vôbec žiadna nádej. Prekročila hranicu medzi súdom a milosťou. A ona je vybraná v tom, čo tu má, aby ovládala národ; a je zhnitá do jadra. Jej politika je zhnitá. Morálka tohto národa je nižšia než čokoľvek, na čo môžem pomyslieť. A náboženský systém je zhnitý ešte viac ako morálka. Stáva sa z nej... Tým, že to robí, pripojila sa teraz, všetky tieto cirkvi národa, do federácie cirkví a prijala znamenie šelmy. Čo za vec? Prečo? Kristus im dal možnosť, „Príďte na Moju hostinu,“ Hostina Letníc, čo znamená „päťdesiat.“

50 Keď sa Duch Svätý vylial na Rusko, boli zavolaní na Hostinu Letníc, Duchovnú hostinu, a oni To odmietli. Anglicko, Duch Svätý bol na nich vyliaty, a oni To odmietli. Amerika, Duch Svätý bol na nich vyliaty, a oni To odmietli.

51 On ponúka trikrát. Trikrát poslal, a oni nepočúvali pozvanie na tú hostinu. Potom poslal znovu, a povedal, „Choďte a prinúťte tých ľudí prísť.“ Stôl musí byť postavený. Stôl je pripravený; stále je miesto. A verím, že možno o niekoľko najbližších mesiacov alebo tak, alebo roka, alebo koľkokoľvek to je, Boh pošle ďalšie zatrasenie po krajine, lebo stále je tam niekde vonku niekto, kto je predurčené semeno, že Svetlo musí niekde padnúť, niekde vo svete. Samotný národ je hotový.

52 Pozeral som sa do tohtotýždňového časopisu „Život“, tam, kde, v Little Rock minule, vlastne v Hot Springs; a tam som videl, myslím, že to bol guvernér štátu New York s nejakým druhom striptízu tam v Honolulu, ako s ňou tancoval. No... A tu dolu pod tým bol ďalší známy muž. Ó, čo sa hanba.

53 Pozrite sa na náš národ dnes. Pozrite sa na stav nášho národa. Pozrite sa, kam išiel, ako nízko klesol. Pozrite sa na náš náboženský systém dnes. Ako to môže byť, že cirkvi sa vôbec mohli dostať do toho stavu, v ktorom sú teraz? Je to preto, že odmietli a zavrhli Posolstvo od Boha, pozvanie, aby prišli na hostinu. Mohli by ste nazvať takýto život hodný Evanjelia? Mohli by ste nazvať život, ktorý mohol ustanoviť a dovoliť svojim ľuďom, aby robili tie veci, fajčili cigarety...

54 Minule tu dolu, istá cirkev... Malý spolkový zväz sa hral tu dolu v parku, a malý chlapec môjho švagra je nadhadzovačom v jednom z tímov. A tak on tam nadhadzoval, a tam sa hral spolkový zväz. A bol tam pastor s tými malými chlapcami, hral sa tam na zemi, a ten pastor fajčil cigaretu za cigaretou, jedna susedná cirkev, celkom tu pri nás. A viete si predstaviť človeka... A dokonca ľudia sediaci v obecenstve si to všimli. Ale dostáva sa to tam, že oni už tomu ani nevenujú pozornosť.

55 Istá veľká cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, o ktorej viem, si necháva na nedeľnú školu pätnásť minút navyše, aby mohol pastor a všetci z nich stáť vonku a fajčiť predtým, ako sa vrátia späť do služby Pánovi. John Smith, zakladateľ tej cirkvi, sa tak veľmi modlil, aby Boh poslal prebudenie, až mal v noci od opuchnutia zavreté oči, a jeho žena ho musela viesť ku stolu a kŕmiť ho lyžičkou. Ak... Ten muž by sa obrátil v hrobe, keby vedel, že cirkev sa dostane do takého stavu. Čo je to? Oni boli pozvaní, aby prišli, a odvrhli to. To je tá jediná vec. A pamätajte, Ježiš tu povedal, že tí, ktorí boli pozvaní, a odmietli to, neochutnajú z Jeho večere.

56 Keď Boh posiela Svätého Ducha a klope na dvere človeka, a on To úmyselne odmieta, raz To odmietne naposledy. A potom nebudete privilegovanou osobou. Môžete sedieť v cirkvi a počúvať Evanjelium a súhlasiť s Evanjeliom. Môžete urobiť tak veľa, ako povedať, „Viem, že je to pravda,“ ale nikdy na to nepoložíte prst, aby vám to pomohlo. Vidíte? Vy to len počúvate, lebo hovoríte, „Verím, že je to správne.“ To je len sympatizovanie s tým. Mohol by som povedať, „Verím, že je to desať tisíc dolárov.“ To neznamená, že ich mám. Vidíte? Mohol by som povedať, „To je dobrá studená voda,“ ale odmietnem ju piť. Viete, čo mám na mysli? A toto je Večný Život. A odmietnuť to urobiť, jedného dňa prekročíte tú hranicu medzi súdom a milosťou, a potom nebudete, nebudete mať to privilégium prísť a prijať to.

57 Pre vás ľudí, ktorí sem prichádzate... Nie som zodpovedný za tých, ku ktorým hovoria iní kazatelia. Ale ak je to správne, dlžíte tomu svoj život. Čo viac by ste kedy mohli nájsť, čo by bolo pre vás užitočnejšie, než vedieť, že môžete mať Večný Život?

58 Čo ak by som tu rozdával kapsule, ktoré by boli vedecky potvrdené, vedecky potvrdené, že táto kapsula môže spôsobiť, že by ste žili tisíc rokov? Nuž, musel by som sem dostať políciu aby držali ten dav ľudí preč odtiaľto. Nemuseli by ste kvôli tomu robiť oltárne zavolanie, len by ste ich od toho museli odháňať. Žiť tisíc rokov... A jednako, vedecky dokázané, že večný Boh, všetka Jeho moc Jeho vzkriesenia, ktorá vám zasľúbila Večný Život, a Satan tam dá svoje legióny a drží vás od Toho preč. Vidíte? A predsa sa môžete dívať, a byť dosť citliví, aby ste sa pozreli tomu do tváre a videli, že je to správne, a potom to odmietli. Vidíte?

59 Niečo, nejaký druh výhovorky: „Je príliš teplo. Som príliš unavený. Urobím to zajtra.“ Skrátka nejaký druh výhovorky, to je všetko, čo oni robia. Tým, že odmietate deň navštívenia, to vás oddeľuje od Boha.

60 No, všimnime si. A v Starom Zákone, oni mali to, čo nazývali Jubilejný rok. To bolo vtedy, keď všetci ľudia, ktorí boli otrokmi, mohli odísť slobodní, keď zaznelo Jubileum. A potom, keď človek nevyšiel von, ak tam bola nejaká výhovorka, ktorú mohol mať, že sa nechcel vrátiť do svojej krajiny, potom musel byť označený na uchu so šidlom pri stĺpe v chráme. A potom nezáleží na tom, koľko Jubileí ešte príde, ten človek bol predaný. On sa už nikdy viac nemohol vrátiť ako občan v Izraeli. Čo on urobil? On odmietol svoje pozvanie. On nemusel nič zaplatiť. Dlh jeho otroctva bol zrušený. Jeho rodina bola slobodná. On mohol ísť rovno späť do svojej rodnej krajiny a dostať svoj vlastný majetok. Ale ak to odmietol urobiť, potom už nebol viac pripojený k Izraelu, a jeho majetok bol daný niekomu inému.

61 No, tá istá vec v prirodzenom platí aj v duchovnom, že ak my, ako dediči Večného Života, a počujeme Evanjelium, a vieme, že je to pravda, a odmietneme to, a odmietneme to urobiť, alebo to počúvať, berieme na seba znamenie šelmy.

62 No, niekto povedal, „No, bude znamenie šelmy; jedného dňa to príde.“ Dovoľte mi povedať; to už prišlo. Vidíte? Hneď ako Duch Svätý začne padať, znamenie šelmy prichádza.

63 Vidíte, máte len dve veci: Jedna z nich je, prijať To, prijať Pečať Božiu; odmietnuť To, prijať znamenie šelmy. Odmietnuť Pečať Božiu znamená prijať znamenie šelmy. Rozumie tomu každý? Odmietnuť Pečať Božiu znamená prijať znamenie šelmy, lebo Biblia povedala, že všetci, ktorí neboli zapečatení Pečaťou Božou, prijali znamenie šelmy.

64 Keď znela trúba a všetci, ktorí chceli, mohli slobodne odísť, tí, ktorí neodišli, boli označení. Teraz, vidíte, znamenie šelmy, ak o tom rozprávame v budúcnosti, to je to, kedy sa to zamanifestuje, keď si uvedomíte, že to je to, čo ste už urobili. Vidíte? A tak je to s Duchom Svätým; to má byť zamanifestované, keď vidíme Pána Ježiša prichádzať v sláve, a cítime tú moc premeny, a vidíme mŕtvych, ako vstávajú z hrobu, a vieme, že v sekunde budeme premenení a budeme mať telo, ako má On. To bude zamanifestované. Potom vidieť tých, ktorí to odmietli, budú zanechaní dolu.

65 Nepovedal Ježiš, že panny išli v ústrety Kristovi? Niektoré zaspali počas prvej stráže, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, piatej, šiestej, až do siedmej stráže. Ale počas siedmej stráže, zaznel zvuk, „Hľa, Ženích prichádza, vyjdite Mu v ústrety.“ A tie, ktoré spali, sa zobudili; celý ten vek až po Letnice sa zobudil. Vidíte, zo siedmeho veku, siedmeho cirkevného veku, celou cestou až k tomu prvému, sa prebudili; a tí, ktorí boli v tomto cirkevnom veku, žijúci, sa premenili, a vošli dnu. A práve v tom čase, keď vošli dnu, spiaca panna prišla a povedala, „Chceme si kúpiť trochu z vášho oleja.“

66 Ale oni povedali, „My máme dosť akurát pre seba. Choďte k tým, ktorí ho predávajú.“ A zatiaľ čo sa pokúšali získať tento olej, prišiel Ženích. Nebol taký čas v histórii sveta, že by Episkopáli, Baptisti, Metodisti, Presbyteriani... Noviny sú plné; náboženské noviny oslavujú Boha, že tieto spiace panny sa teraz snažia prijať Letnice, snažia sa prijať Ducha Svätého. A či si tí ľudia neuvedomujú, že to sa nestane, podľa Slova Božieho?

67 Zatiaľ čo sa pokúšali vrátiť späť, Ženích prišiel a vzal preč Nevestu, a oni boli hodení do vonkajšej tmy na súd, lebo odmietli svoje pozvanie. Všetkým ľuďom je ponúknuté, aby prišli. Boh v každom veku poslal Svoje Svetlo, a To bolo odmietnuté. A teraz, dnes to nie je inak ako v ktoromkoľvek inom dni.

68 Odmietnuť deň navštívenia... Keď Boh navštevuje cirkev a ľudí, potom to prijmite. Neodkladajte to na budúci rok alebo do budúceho prebudenia; to je tá hodina: „Dnes je deň spasenia.“

69 A pamätajte, Boh nikdy neposlal posolstvo v žiadnom dni, okrem toho, čo potvrdil nadprirodzeným. Sám Ježiš povedal, „Ak nečiním skutkov Svojho Otca, neverte mi. Ale ak činím tie skutky, verte tým skutkom, ak nemôžete veriť Mne.“ A keď to vidíte tak jasne krájané... a zamanifestované...

70 No, prišiel čas, že ona to odmieta, potom je prerazená šidlom do ucha, potom to nikdy nebude počuť. No, ona odchádza do konfederácie cirkví, aby šla rovno do toho, aby prijala znamenie šelmy.

71 Jednou z veľkých ambícií (Niekto mi práve pred chvíľou dal noviny), čo povedal tento nový pápež, je zjednotiť spolu cirkvi. Oni to urobia s takou istotou, ako ja tu stojím, a protestanti na tom upadnú (Vidíte?), lebo cirkev... Biblia povedala, Pavol, prorok Pánov povedal, „Ten deň nepríde, kým najprv nepríde odpadnutie, a potom človek, predtým, ako bude zjavený človek hriechu, ten, ktorý sedí v chráme Božom, vyvyšujúc seba samého, nad všetko, čo je Boh, on ako Boh, odpúšťajúc hriechy na zemi a tak ďalej...“ Ako to, že táto vec sa stala, ale to by sa nemohlo stať, kým by nebolo odpadnutie, kým by sa cirkev nezačala dostávať preč od duchovnej hostiny, odtiahla sa späť a zorganizovala sa. A potom zjavenie nezostalo s cirkvou.

72 Pamätajte, Izrael kráčal deň a noc skrze ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Keď sa Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, pohli sa s Ním. A pamätajte, To bol oheň v noci a oblak cez deň. Tak To mohlo prísť cez deň alebo v noci, kedykoľvek. Ale kdekoľvek To bolo, bolo učinené zmierenie, že oni To neprestanú vidieť. Bolo To Svetlo v noci a Oblak cez deň, a oni To nasledovali. Tak veru.

73 Tá istá vec... Martin Luther To videl. Čo on urobil? On vyšiel z katolicizmu, ale čo oni urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot, povedali, „My sme luteráni. Toto je to.“

74 Potom To uvidel Wesley, ako sa to hýbe preč odtiaľ. On išiel. Čo oni urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot, povedali, „Toto je to.“ Čo urobilo Svetlo? Znova sa pohlo ďalej.

75 Letniční To videli. Čo urobili? Vyšli z Wesleyovcov, a Nazarénov, a tak ďalej. Čo urobili? Postavili okolo malý plot nazvaný, „My sme jednotári“ a; „My sme trojičiari“ a; „My sme Zjednotení.“ a všetko toto. Čo On urobil? Boh sa rovno z toho presunul.

76 Vidíte, my to nemôžeme urobiť. Musíme nasledovať každý deň, každú hodinu dňa, každý krok tej cesty. Musíme byť vedení Pánom Ježišom Kristom. Ak nie sme, berieme organizačný život. A život, ktorý nenasleduje Krista denne, nie je hodný.

77 Človek, ktorý je kresťanom v nedeľu a ide do zboru, sadne si tam vzadu a myslí si, že vlastní cirkev, lebo robí toto, tamto, alebo iné, a v pondelok bude kradnúť a klamať... A ženy, ktoré vyjdú na verejné pláže a vonku do ulíc v nemorálnych šatách...

78 Myslel som na prvú dámu, nedala si ani make-up, keď išla pred pápeža, a vrátila sa a stanovila vyčíňanie s trvalou na vlasoch pre ženy v národe. A všetky tieto šaty, ktoré, keď sa stala matkou, každá žena v krajine chce teraz nosiť niektoré z tých materských šiat. To je v poriadku. To sú príklady a oni vedia, že tí ľudia to budú robiť. Oni na seba berú ducha sveta, a to nepatrí do cirkvi živého Boha.

79 Ženy by sa mali dívať na Ježiša Krista. Mali by ste sa dívať na Sáru a na tie v Starom Zákone.

80 No, teraz to majú tak... Minule večer som kázal, niekde, o tom, aby ženy poslúchali svojich manželov. Poslúchali? Áno. To pochádzalo zo svadobného rituálu veľmi dávno. Ale... Ony to nebudú robiť. Nie, veru. Ony žijú v Amerike, a ony ti to dajú najavo. Ony nebudú poslúchať. Ale akonáhle to nerobíš, nepokúšaj sa nazvať kresťankou, lebo ňou nie si. Nestarám sa o to, koľko tancuješ a hovoríš v jazykoch, ak neposlúchaš svojho manžela, si mimo vôle Božej.

81 A žena, ktorá nosí šortky a robí tieto veci, ktoré robí na ulici, nenazývaj sa kresťankou. Chceš mať svet a stále sa držať svojho svedectva. Nemôžeš to robiť v Prítomnosti Božej, keď pritom to sama dobre vieš.

82 Všimnite si. Prevŕtaný v uchu, označený, potom už nikdy nebudeš počuť. Pamätajte, to je znak zavretia uší. Už to viac nebudeš počuť. Nebudeš počúvať; nebudeš nikdy viac schopný to znovu urobiť.

83 Ó, ona tomu neverí. Ó. Nehovorte jej, že tomu verí. Nie. Ona by vám povedala rovno... Ona to nevie. Ako by mohla dáma (len sa vás pýtam), ako by mohla dáma... Ako som hovoril v nedeľu, minulú nedeľu večer, pred týždňom o Blikajúcom červenom svetle, ako, množstvo žien sa stalo krajšími, ako to kedy bolo v... No, to nie je nič, nič proti ženám teraz, to je len.. ale ako to ona riadi... Vidíte, to... Ona má ten spôsob, ako sa dostať do pokušenia, ako Eva bola postavená pred ten strom.

84 Každý muž, každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí prejsť cez túto hodinu skúšok. Toto je vek žien, tento národ je, kde ona musí prejsť cez toto skúšanie. Ak môže byť peknou ženou a správať sa ako sestra, požehnanie Pánovo je na nej. Ale keď sa ona dostane do stavu, že ona o tomto vie a odhalí sa, tak absolútne ukazuje, že má na sebe zlého ducha. Ona nechce byť taká, nemyslím si; mnoho z nich nechce, ale ony si to neuvedomujú...

85 Mohli by ste mi povedať, že jemná, mysliaca žena by si mohla na seba obliecť tieto malé šaty, ktoré nosia tu vonku na ulici?

86 Mám tu dve mladé dievčatá, ktoré tu sedia. Ja neviem, aké tie deti budú; ja sa za nich len modlím. Dnešné deti, ja ne..., nemôžete to povedať. Ja neviem. Oni nie sú voči tomu imúnne. Ony sa musia postaviť na svoje vlastné nohy pred Ježišom Kristom a zodpovedať sa. Ony nemôžu vojsť na základe toho, čo ja verím, čo verí ich matka. Ja neviem, čo urobia, ale v podstate verím v tejto hodine, že ak by tie dievčatá vyšli von na ulicu s tým druhom oblečenia na sebe a nejaký muž by ich urážal, že sú v takých šatách, neverím, ak by som mal príležitosť, či by som mohol vôbec odsudzovať toho muža. To je pravda. Odsúdil by som tie dievčatá. Oni to nemajú robiť.

87 Počúvajte. Ak si človek myslí, a oni to učia, že človek nie je viac ako nejaké zviera, on pochádza zo zvieracej rasy. A pozrite sa potom... A postavíte ho tam vonku ako...

88 Vezmete psa k malej samici v určitý čas... Cez ploty a všetko ostatné, lebo malá samica je v tom stave, prasatá, kravy, každé iné zviera... A ak my sme zvierací život, čo sme, tá telesná časť... A potom, ak sa žena takto ukazuje, ona dokazuje, že je taká istá ako je malý pes, je to tá istá vec. Je to presne tak. Lebo ona by to nemala robiť. Ona vie; príroda ju učí, že muž sa na ňu bude pozerať. A Biblia hovorí, „Ktokoľvek by sa pozrel na ženu so žiadosťou, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“

89 To stavia čas skúšky. A diabol skrášľuje tie ženy, a vyzlieka ich, a stavia ich tam vonku, aby ťa vyskúšal. Muži, odvráťte svoje hlavy; buďte synovia Boží. Ženy, obliekajte sa ako dcéry Božie; nezodpovedajte sa z cudzoložstva v ten deň.

90 Ak tá žena, nezáleží na tom, aká je nevinná... Ona možno nikdy neurobila nič zlé, ani dokonca nemala v úmysle urobiť niečo zlé, ale keď ten hriešnik, ktorý sa pozrel na tú ladnú postavu tej ženy, vediac, že má on mužské a tam to je ženské pohlavie, v jednom (ženské žľazy v jednej a mužské v druhej), a ten hriešnik sa za to bude zodpovedať v deň súdu, kto to urobil? Kto je vinný? Nie on, ty. Tu to máš. Nemorálne...

91 A pozrite sa na tento národ. Zvyklo to byť, keď sme, keď oni mali šaty po kolená, ktoré ženy nosili, museli sme poslať do Paríža, aby sme ich zohnali. Dnes ich Paríž zháňa tu. Stalo sa to tak špinavým, že Paríž s tým už nemôže držať krok. Je to tak. Je to celá... Prečo? Odmietli Evanjelium. Prečo? Paríž to nemal; to je stopercentný katolicizmus. Protestanti sa tam ani nemôžu dostať. Pozrite na Billyho Grahama. Myslím, že v celom Paríži je len šesťsto kresťanov, z miliónov, šesťsto kresťanov, protestantov. To nie sú naplnení Duchom Svätým; to sú len obyčajní protestanti. Šesťsto z milión krát miliónov. Oni nemali možnosť to odmietnuť.

92 Ale títo ľudia mali Evanjelium, a keď odišli od Posolstva a Evanjelia, ktoré videli demonštrované, robili si z toho žarty, lebo nejaké staré prostitútske učenie ich namotalo, a nejaký pastor stojaci za kazateľňou, mysliaci viac na doláre a stravné lístky ako na duše ľudí, ktorým káže... Je to tak. To je to, čo to urobilo. A teraz riadi svet.

93 Pamätáte sa prednedávnom v tejto Modlitebni, kázal som na tému, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, „Ukážem vám bohyňu Ameriky“ a sedela tu medzi nami jedna odvážna emancipovaná žena. To je to, čo to je. No, oni to dokonca dostávajú... Oni dostávajú to, za čo prosili, a oni to dostanú; to je všetko.

94 Nie, oni tomu nebudú veriť. Nie, pane. Oni vám dajú najavo, že sú americkými občanmi, a oni majú právo fungovať, akokoľvek oni chcú. Prial by som si len...

95 Dovoľte, aby som vám povedal. Teraz vám poviem. Nie, veru, politika nebude nikdy fungovať. Nie, veru, demokracia nebude nikdy fungovať. Demokracia je zhnitá do kosti. Ak by to mohlo fungovať medzi skupinou kresťanov, bolo by to fajn; ale keď to dáte tam von do sveta, celé sa to stane „samá plachta, žiadna kotva“. To je presne tak.

96 Pozrite sa dnes sem, čokoľvek sa môže stať, a oni budú len... A ak potiahnu niekoľko politikov, prejde im aj vražda.

97 Keď som tam v ten večer kázal, snažil som sa zachrániť životy tých dvoch detí. Oni sú tak vinní, ako len môžu byť. Dokonca ten advokát za mnou vstal a povedal, „Je to tak.“ Povedal, „Neverím v to, aby sa brali ľudské životy.“ Povedal, „Ak si všimnete vo vašich kriminálnych záznamoch, kto je to, kto je zabíjaný v elektrických kreslách a týchto veciach? To nie sú bohatí; on si môže dovoliť získať právnika a nejaké špinavé triky, a majú tam páky, a niečo tam, a dokážu to podplatiť.“ Povedal, „Sú to chudobné deti, ako tieto, ktoré nemajú dosť peňazí, aby si kúpili poriadne jedlo; to je ten druh, ktorý to dostáva. To je ten druh, ktorý popravujú na elektrickom kresle, niekto, kto je ako, čo oni volajú bandou ignorantov, a oni len vydajú ich mená trestu smrti.“

98 Povedal som, „Prvá vražda, ktorá kedy bola na svete spáchaná, jeden brat zabil druhého, a Boh mu za to nevzal život. On na neho dal znamenie, aby mu nikto nevzal život.“ Je to tak. To je Najvyšší Sudca. A vidím, že zrušili ten rozsudok o nich. Teraz, oni budú mať ďalší súd. Samozrejme teraz dostanú život, čo bude jedenásť rokov, a možno zostanú na podmienke. Oni sú vinní. Určite, sú vinní. Mali by byť poslaní do väzenia na celý život, ale nie vziať im život. Nikto nemá právo vziať život niekomu inému. Nie veru. Neverím v to. Naozaj nie.

99 Ó, oni hovoria... Prečo, oni neveria, že sú mimo vôle Pánovej, lebo to je všetko, o čom vedia, a všetko, o čom chcú počuť. Obrátili svoje ucho proti pravde a sú...

100 Ani Egypt nechcel vedieť, že tá banda „náboženských fanatikov“ tam dolu, je Pánovou vôľou. Ako by mohli chcieť vedieť, že nejaký blázon tam prišiel z púšte s fúzami visiacimi takto dolu, a povedal, „Faraón, prichádzam v Mene Pánovom; uvoľni tie deti.“

101 Faraón by povedal, „Kto, ja? Vyhoďte ho von.“ Vidíte? „Ja?“

„Ak to neurobíš, Boh potresce tento národ.“

„Starý pomätenec, vyhoďte ho niekam von; nech ide preč; slnko mu trochu zohrialo hlavu.“ Vidíte? Ale to prinieslo súd, lebo ten muž bol prorok a mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Presne tak. Oni tomu nechceli veriť. Ani Rím tomu nechcel veriť, ale stalo sa to presne tak.

102 Izrael nechcel veriť, že to bol Mesiáš. Ako by mohla tá banda Galilejčanov... Povedal, „Nie sú títo všetci Galilejčania? Odkiaľ prišli? S akým druhom zástupu on chodí, tí najchudobnejší, akí sa spolu môžu zhromaždiť. To je ten zástup, s ktorým sa on spája. To sú tí, ktorí ho prichádzajú počúvať, sú to chudobní ľudia, tí ľudia, čo nevedia nič. Oni nie sú vyvolení. Oni nie sú, nie sú to intelektuálne typy, ako sme my. Oni sú chudobnou bandou.“ Počujete to povedať o prebudení v tomto dni. „Aký druh zástupu ich počúva? Aký druh chodí na tie zhromaždenia? Aký druh ľudí oni sú?“

103 Prednedávnom som počul povedať jedného chlapíka... No, on bol tak trochu... Bol to nevlastný otec Hope, a ja som mu hovoril o krste Duchom Svätým. Povedal, „No, kto by veril takej veci, okrem nejakého druhu bandy, ako máš ty tam hore?“ Povedal, „Dovoľ nech Ten a ten (obchodník tu v meste, tak hriešny ako neviem čo...), nech on povie, že prijal Ducha Svätého, potom tomu uverím.“

104 Povedal som, „Netráp sa, on to nikdy nepovie.“ Ten muž okamžite zomrel bez Boha. Vidíte? Dávajte pozor, čo robíte; dávajte pozor, čo hovoríte. Chcete život hodný Evanjelia. To je pravda.

105 Izrael neveril, že tá banda ľudí, ten šialený Muž Menom Ježiš z Nazaretu, narodený, ako si mysleli, nemanželsky narodený... A ľudia tomu verili, lebo oni povedali, že to nebol Jeho... „Prečo, jeho otec je Jozef, a Mária mala mať toto dieťa predtým, než sa vôbec narodil. No, to je nemanželské. A čo on je, iba šialený muž. On je jedným z tých smiešnych chlapíkov. Nechoďte ho počúvať.“ Čo robili? Oni posielali svoje duše do pekla. Oni vzali...

106 Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ich tak. Keď slepý vedie slepého, či nepadnú obaja do jamy?“ Je to tak. Oni to nevedeli. Oni by tomu neverili. Nemohli.

107 Oni nemohli vidieť, ako tí jednoduchí ľudia s takým jednoduchým Posolstvom, ktoré bolo odmietnuté, mohli spôsobiť, aby sa taký veľký národ obrátil na ruiny. Teraz, počúvajte! Oni nemohli porozumieť, že tí jednoduchí, obyčajní, bežní ľudia... Viete, Biblia povedala, že obyčajní ľudia radi počúvali Ježiša.

108 Niečo malé sa mi nedávno stalo v Mexiku, generál Valdena, vyvolený Boží, Svetlo svietilo cez jeho chodník raz v jednom zo zhromaždení. Veľký katolícky bojovník, jeden z najvyšších generálov v Mexiku, prišiel pokorne ku oltáru a prijal krst Duchom Svätým. Vrátil sa dolu do Mexika; stále plakal, aby som tam prišiel. Nakoniec som sa rozhodol ísť dolu; Pán ma viedol, mal som videnie, povedal som to svojej žene. Išiel tam dolu, a keď prišiel, on bol jedným z ich hlavných generálov, štvorhviezdičkový generál, išiel na veliteľstvo, k vláde. A oni sú tvrdo proti protestantom tam dolu, viete. Tak oni vedeli, že to bude ohromné stretnutie, tak on išiel tam dolu a dostal policajnú ochranku. A keď to dostali, dostali veľkú arénu. A oni ma tam chceli takto dostať. Vláda ma tam priviedla. Tak keď to urobili, biskup, jeden z tých veľkých biskupov katolíckej cirkvi išiel hore k nemu, ku guvernérovi, a povedal, „Pane, počul som, že sem privádzate nekatolíka.“

Povedal, „Áno, a čo?“

„No,“ povedal, „nemôžete tu mať takého človeka. Táto vláda nikdy o niečom takom nepočula.“

109 Ale on povedal, „Teraz sme to urobili.“ Povedal, „No,“ povedal, „ten muž je uznávaný človek. Počul som, že tisícky ľudí ho chodia počúvať. Generál Valdena, on je môj blízky priateľ,“ povedal... A mal... Sám prezident je protestant, viete, Metodista. Tak on povedal, „Ten muž je uznávaný človek pokiaľ viem.“ Povedal, „Generál Valdena tu, on sa obrátil vďaka tomu mužovi.“ Povedal, „No, on je pokiaľ viem, uznávaný človek.“ Povedal, tisícky ľudí, oni tvrdia, ho prídu počúvať.“ A tento biskup povedal, „Aký druh ľudí je to, pane? Len ignoranti, to sú tí, čo chodia počúvať takú osobu.“

110 Prezident povedal, „Pane, mali ste ich päťsto rokov, prečo sú ignoranti?“ To stačilo. To to vybavilo. Ó. To ich zbavilo rohov. Tak veru. Áno.

111 Potom, keď to malé dieťa bolo vzkriesené z mŕtvych, poslal som za tým mužom posla. Pani hovorila v španielčine, „To dieťa zomrelo dnes ráno o deviatej hodine.“ A vonku lialo, každý večer sme mali okolo desaťtisíc obrátených ku Kristovi. Večer predtým jeden starý slepý muž znovu získal svoj zrak na pódiu. Ó, tri alebo štyrikrát väčšia ako táto modlitebňa a asi takto vysoko ležali tie staré šály a klobúky, a ja som len... Dostali ma dolu do toho ringu po povrazoch.

112 Vošiel som tam a začal som kázať vo viere. Billy prišiel, povedal, „Oci, budeš musieť niečo urobiť s tou ženou.“ Povedal, „Mám tam tristo uvádzačov, a oni nemôžu zastaviť jednu malú drobnú ženu, ktorá váži okolo 50 kíl.“ A pekná malá dáma, asi takto vysoká, ó, možno jej prvé dieťa. Povedal by som, že mala 23 alebo 25 rokov.

113 A stála tam a vlasy jej viseli a držala malé dieťa. A skočila do toho radu a tí muži ju tlačili späť. A vyliezla na nejaký vŕšok, dieťaťom mala na boku, akokoľvek, išla pomedzi ich nohy alebo čokoľvek. Dostali ju tam hore a museli ju vytlačiť z pódia. A nemali žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, ktorú by jej mohli dať.

114 Povedal, „Ak ju nechám prísť sem, oci, s tým mŕtvym dieťaťom, bez modlitebnej karty,“ a povedal, „tí ostatní, čo tam stoja, ktorí tu stáli dva alebo tri dni v tom daždi a slnku, a nechať ju ísť pred nimi,“ povedal, „to tam spôsobí zmätok.“

115 Povedal som, „To je v poriadku.“ bol tam brat Moore, a on je tak trochu plešatý ako ja. A povedal som, „Ona nevie, kto je kto, tak mnoho ľudí.“ Povedal som, „Pošli...“ A pár bratov... Jeden z bratov tu odtiaľto z modlitebne, ktorý... On je teraz v sláve. Neviem si práve teraz spomenúť na jeho meno. Ale on tam vzadu stál. Tak som povedal, „Brat Moore, choď dolu, a pomodli sa za to dieťa; a ona nebude vedieť, kto, či som to ja, alebo ty, len choď dolu... a nevedela po anglicky.“

A tak brat Moore povedal, „Dobre, brat Branham.“

116 Vybral sa dolu. A povedal som, „Ako som hovoril, vier...“ A videl som malé dieťa, malé mexické dieťa ako sedí predo mnou, ako sa smeje; povedal som, „Počkaj chvíľu.“ A povedal som, „Nech tá malá dáma prejde.“

Billy povedal, „Nemôžem to urobiť, oci, ona...“

Povedal som, „Videl som videnie, Billy.“

Povedal, „Ó, to je niečo iné.“

117 Tak sme otvorili takto ten zástup a previedli sme ju. Prišla sem padnúc na kolená s ružencom v ruke. Povedal som, „Postav sa.“ Tak som povedal, „Nebeský Otče, nuž neviem, čo ideš učiniť; ja neviem, či chceš len, aby som uspokojil tú ženu tým, že sa pomodlím za to dieťa, alebo čo,“ ale povedal som, „kladiem svoje ruky na to malé dieťa v Mene Pána Ježiša.“ Presne tá istá vec, ktorú som urobil bratovi Wayovi, ležiacemu mŕtvemu tam na zemi minule, a tá prikrývka kopla, a to bábätko začalo plakať, a to bolo k jeho životu.

118 Keď som poslal posla, brata Espinosu, aby išiel s ňou k lekárovi a získal prísažné vyhlásenie od lekára, že to dieťa zomrelo (to bolo okolo desiatej v ten večer), zomrelo v to ráno o deviatej hodine v jeho ordinácii na zápal pľúc. Dostal prísažné vyhlásenie od lekára. A noviny o tom nemohli mlčať, viete, tak museli prísť. A robili so mnou rozhovor, a povedali mi; povedal, „Myslíte si, že naši svätí by to tiež mohli robiť?“

Povedal som, „Ak žijú.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „nemôžete byť svätý, kým nezomriete.“ To bolo... Tu to máte. Vidíte? A ľudia...

119 Vidíte, minule, kde mali túto mníšku, ktorú v novinách tak zveličovali? Nová svätá zomrela, ó, pred stovkami rokov alebo tak nejak, a oni urobili, kanonizovali ju teraz a urobili z nej svätú. A povedali, že sa vrátila od mŕtvych a modlila sa za nejakého chorého, ktorý mal leukémiu, že? Bolo to v jednom z časopisov. Len si pomyslite, ako sa to snažili zahrať, pričom sú tam stovky a stovky prípadov rovno pred nosom tých ľudí tu. Lebo to chcú zahrať pred protestantskou cirkvou, aby ju rovno do toho vtiahli (Vidíte?), aby si o tom niečo mysleli. A potom skutočné skutky Pánove, kde je to dokonale potvrdené, dokázané, o tom sa neodvážia ani napísať. Tu to máte. Oni obdržali pozvanie a zahodili ho. Tak veru.

120 Nemôžu pochopiť, ako také jednoduché Posolstvo, takí jednoduchí ľudia, ako odmietnuť takúto vec zapríčiní, že pôjdu do chaosu.

121 Jedna žena mi povedala, v Grants Pass, Oregon, prednedávnom, katolícke dievča tam vyšlo, aby odsúdilo a napísalo... Ona bola novinárka, so škatuľkou cigariet v ruke.

122 A povedala, „Chcem s vami hovoriť.“

Povedal som, „Čo je to, čo chcete povedať?“

Povedala, „Chcem sa vás opýtať niekoľko otázok o tomto vašom náboženstve.“

A povedal som, „Čo sa chcete opýtať?“

A povedala, „Z akej autority toto robíte?“

Povedal som, „V Mene Ježiša Krista skrze Božské povolanie.“ A pokračovala ďalej a mudrovala. Povedal som, „Moment.“

123 Povedala, „Ak by som sa mala spojiť s tou bandou primitívov tam hore,“ povedala, „ani by som nechcela byť kresťankou.“ Povedala, „A ak oni... Hovoria, že tí ľudia budú raz vládnuť na zemi.“ Povedala, „Dúfam, že tu nebudem.“

Povedal som, „Netrápte sa, ani nebudete.“ Povedal som, „Nemusíte sa o to trápiť.“

„Prečo,“ povedala, „všetko to divné správanie a kričanie...“

Povedal som, „A vy tvrdíte, že ste katolíčka?“

Povedala, „Som.“

124 Povedal som, „Vedeli ste, že požehnaná panna Mária musela prijať Ducha Svätého, a hovoriť v jazykoch a tancovať v duchu presne tak, ako oni, predtým, ako by ju Boh prijal? Voláte ju matkou Božou.“

Povedala, „To je nezmysel.“

Pomyslel som si, „Počkaj chvíľu, ja...“

„Nepotrebujem sa pozerať do Biblie.“

Povedal som, „Potom ako budete vedieť, čo je Pravda a čo nie?“

Povedala, „Vezmem slovo mojej cirkvi.“

125 Povedal som, „Toto je Božie Slovo. Tu je To správne. Vyzývam vás, aby ste sa na To pozreli. A Mária tam bola s nimi v tej hornej miestnosti a prijala krst Duchom Svätým, ako tí ostatní, a vy ju nazývate matkou Božou?“ Povedal som, „Potom to nazývate bandou odpadkov, výplach.“ Povedal som, „Netrápte sa, vy tam nebudete; nemáte sa o čo trápiť; ak je to všetko, o čo sa máte trápiť. Radšej by ste sa mali trápiť o svoju vlastnú hriešnu dušu, dievča.“ A nechal som ju ísť.

126 Teraz, myslite na toto všetko. Jednoduché... Boh to robí tak jednoduchým. Ako mohol Achab, ako mohla Jezábeľ, ako mohli tí ľudia, ktorí si mysleli, že Eliáš je čarodejník, mysleli si, že je špiritista... Dokonca Achab povedal, „Tu je ten, čo spôsobil všetky tie problémy v Izraeli.“

Povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý spôsobil Izraelu problémy.“

127 Ako si ten národ mohol myslieť, že odmietnutie posolstva takéhoto chlpatého muža, bez nejakého kňažského rúcha a tak ďalej, bude odsúdením? Ako mohol Egypt, ktorý vládol svetu, faraón vo svojej triede a rešpekte (Svet nikdy znovu neprišiel do toho miesta vo vede a tak ďalej.), ako si oni mohli myslieť, že odmietnuť starého osemdesiatročného proroka s visiacimi fúzami, sivými vlasmi, dupajúceho tam, utečenca, a prišiel tam s posolstvom, „Buď ich necháš ísť alebo Boh zničí ten národ.“ Ako mohol faraón? „Poslúchneš ma, faraón.“

Faraón povedal, „Poslúchnuť?“ On, faraón, a nejaký starý muž, nejaký starý cvok, mysleli si, „Odmietnuť tohto chlapíka a bude zničený národ?“ Ale stalo sa to. Ó.

128 Zastavme sa, na niekoľko minút, a modlime sa, a rozmýšľajme. V akom dni žijeme my? Kde sme? V ďalšom modernom vedeckom veku. Mali by sme radšej rozmýšľať. Možno ak sa zastavíte, keď sa ľudia zastavia a chvíľu sa modlia a trochu porozmýšľajú, budete sa cítiť lepšie, keď to urobíte. To je pravda.

129 Kresťan nie je nástroj alebo nejaký druh mechanickej vývrtky pre nejaký veľký náboženský režim. To je pravda. Kresťan nie je nejaký druh nástroja, ktorý udržiava náboženskú organizáciu v pohybe. Kresťan... To nie je kresťan. Kresťan, to znamená byť ako Kristus. A kresťan nemôže byť kresťanom, až kým Kristus nevojde do toho človeka, Život Kristov v ňom. Potom to produkuje ten Život, ktorý žil Kristus, a vy robíte tie veci, ktoré robil Kristus.

130 O čom hovorím? Osobný vzťah s Kristom. Čo je to? Je tvoj život hodný Evanjelia? No, snažím sa tam položiť to pozadie, aby som vám ukázal, že muži a ženy, ktoré boli povestnými ženami...

131 Muži... Biblia povedala... Všimli ste si minulú nedeľu večer, niečo, čo som zabudol doplniť, Genesis 6.kapitola a 4.verš? Tí muži, ktorí si brali tie ženy za manželky, boli muži starého veku, povestní, povestní muži, predurčení, aby prišli znovu. Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, povestní muži si berú ženy, nie manželky, ženy, idú za cudzím telom.

132 Pozrite v Anglicku pred pár týždňami. Pozrite v Spojených... Pozrite sa všade; je to plné prostitúcie. Slávni muži, veľkí, vysoké úrady, prinášajú hanbu na národy, behajú za ženami. Ten veľký muž tam v Anglicku, nejaký druh vojenského diktátora, no, všimli ste si, mal peknú ženu. Jej fotka tam bola tiež. A pozrite na tú ruskú prostitútku, ale ona bola celá sexy oblečená a hodila sa tam vonku, aby vystavila svoje ženské telo, a ten muž na tom upadol.

133 To, čo dnes potrebujeme, sú synovia Boží. Potrebujeme mužov vo vláde, ktorí sú synovia Boží. To je pravda. Preto, dobrý zbožný kráľ by zastavil celý tento nezmysel. Neboli by žiadne šnúrky na potiahnutie. Ako to urobil Dávid, on to zastavil. Určite, lebo bol kráľ, a tam bol jediný...

134 Ten skutočný spôsob je, že Boh je Kráľ a Boh posiela prorokov. Nepovedal im Samuel pred tým, ako vôbec mali kráľa, povedal, „Boh je váš Kráľ. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?“

135 Povedali, „Nie, je to tak.“

„Či som od vás niekedy drankal na živobytie?“

„Nie, nikdy si od nás nedrankal na živobytie.“

„A nikdy som vám nepovedal nič iné ako to, čo bola pravda pred Pánom.“ Povedal, „Boh je váš Kráľ.“

„Ó, my si to uvedomujeme, a vieme, že si dobrý človek, Samuel. Veríme, že Slovo Pánovo prichádza k tebe, ale aj tak chceme kráľa.“ Vidíte? To je to, čo dostali.

136 Letniční aj tak chceli organizáciu. Dostali ju. Je to tak. Chceli byť ako ostatné cirkvi. Ste. Pokračujte, to je skrátka to, čo to obnáša, ale Boh je náš Kráľ. Boh je náš Kráľ. Tak veru.

137 Čo je to? Je to preto, lebo tí ľudia, ako to robili vo dňoch Kristových, ako to mali v každom veku, hľadajú výhovorku. Majú svoje vlastné vyznania. Možno nechcete povedať, „Kúpil som si kravu, a musím sa presvedčiť, či ona, či bude dobre pracovať alebo nie, alebo dávať mlieko, alebo akého je pôvodu.“ Možno nemáte takú výhovorku, ale tu je druh výhovorky, aký ľudia robia, povedia, „Som presbyterián. My to neveríme.“ „Som baptista. Neveríme v žiadne také veci ako toto.“ Alebo, „Som luterán.“ Nuž, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. To neznamená, že si kresťan. To znamená, že patríš k skupine ľudí, ktorí sú zorganizovaní. A patríš do Luteránskej lóže, Baptistickej lóže, Letničnej lóže. Neexistuje taká vec ako Letničná cirkev. Neexistuje taká vec ako Baptistická cirkev; to je Baptistická lóža, Letničná lóža, Presbyteriánska lóža. Ale je len jedna Cirkev, a je len jeden spôsob, ako sa do nej môžete dostať, a to je narodením. Ste narodení do Cirkvi Ježiša Krista a ste členom Jeho Tela, duchovnej delegácie neba. A potom tie znaky, že Kristus je s vami, žije skrze vás.

138 Kresťania, ó, musíte mať osobný vzťah s Bohom. Aby ste mohli byť synom Božím, musíte sa stať príbuzným Boha. On musí byť váš Otec, aby ste vy mohli byť synom. A jedine Jeho synovia a dcéry sú spasené, nie členovia cirkvi, ale synovia a dcéry. Je jediná vec, len jedna vec, ktorá to spôsobí; to je nové narodenie. Nové narodenie je tou jedinou vecou, ktorá vyprodukuje vzťah s Bohom. Je to tak? Synovia a dcéry...

139 Potom, keď sa toto deje, potom ten človek (Tu je tá otázka, ktorú vám chcem položiť.), človek povedal, „Čo robíme po tom, čo sme sa znovuzrodili?“ Tak mnohí sa ma pýtajú túto otázku. „Čo by som mal potom robiť, brat Branham?“ Ak ste znovuzrodení, vaša celá prirodzenosť je zmenená. Ste mŕtvi veciam, o ktorých ste kedysi rozmýšľali.

140 „Nuž,“ poviete, „brat Branham, keď sa pripojím k cirkvi, mám to.“ Nuž, potom, keď Boh povedal, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; On stále uzdravuje chorých; On stále ukazuje videnia... „Ale, brat Branham, moja cirkev...“ No, ty nie si znovuzrodený. Vidíte? Nemôžeš byť, lebo keď Sám Boh, keď je Jeho Život v tebe, ako ty si v živote svojho otca, a ak ten Život Boha je v tebe a ten sám Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, v tebe, ako môže ten Duch žiť v Ježišovi Kristovi a napísať toto, a potom sa vrátiť dolu do teba a zaprieť to? Vidíte? To nemôže byť. To označí každé slovo, že je pravdou.

141 Potom, ak poviete, „Nuž, ja som dobrý člen zboru.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Poznám pohanov... Dolu v Afrike medzi mojimi tmavými bratmi tam dolu, nachádzam morálku tých ľudí vyššiu ako deväťdesiat percent Američanov. Prečo, v niektorých kmeňoch tam, ak sa mladé dievča nevydá do určitého veku, alebo ak má určitú výšku, a nikto si ju zatiaľ nevzal, tak vedia, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Oni ju vylúčia. Ona si zotrie kmeňové pomaľovanie, a ide do mesta, a stáva sa jednoducho odpadlíkom. A keď sa vydá, testuje sa jej panenstvo. Ak ten malý panenský závoj je zrušený, potom musí povedať, kto to urobil. A oni ich oboch spolu zabijú. Nebolo by tu v Amerike veľa zabíjania, keby sa to dialo? Vidíte? A potom ich nazývate pohanmi. Ó. Oni môžu prísť učiť ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú členmi cirkvi, ako sa žije čisto. Tak je to.

142 Nikdy som nenašiel jediný prípad pohlavnej choroby, počas celého výletu v Južnej Afrike. Oni nemajú také veci. Tu to máte. Vidíte, sú to len naše vlastné špinavé nečisté spôsoby, belochov. Je to tak. Dostali sme sa preč od Boha.

143 Keď sa toto deje, to, čo potom urobíte, zistíte, že Duch, ktorý prichádza do vás z nového narodenia, budete veriť a robiť všetko, čo Boh povie vo Svojom Slove pre vás, aby ste robili. A všetko, čo hovorí Biblia, aby ste robili, potvrdíte to svojím „Amen.“ A nezastavíte sa deň ani noc, až kým to nezískate. Tak je to. Tak je to. A počas celého tohto času, istotne budete ponad všetko niesť ovocie Ducha.

144 Poviete, „Budem hovoriť v jazykoch?“ Môžete to robiť, a nemusíte. „Budem kričať?“ Môžete to robiť, a nemusíte. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú určite budete robiť. Budete niesť ovocie Ducha; a ovocie Ducha je láska, radosť, pokoj, viera, dlhozhovievavosť, miernosť, láskavosť, trpezlivosť. Vaša výbušnosť nebude...?... [brat Branham znázorňuje. - pozn.prekl.] Pamätajte, keď to máte, to odpudzuje Ducha Svätého preč od vás. Vidíte? Keď sa dostanete do miesta, že sa chcete hádať s každým, ku komu prídete, niečo nie je v poriadku. Keď sa dostanete do miesta, že kazateľ bude čítať z Biblie, že je zlé robiť určitú vec, a vy [brat Branham znázorňuje zlý postoj. - pozn.prekl.], len pamätajte, tam vôbec nie je žiadne kresťanstvo. To je... No, to... „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte,“ to je to, čo Ježiš povedal. Vidíte?

145 Ak je to Slovo a Boh tak povedal, ten Duch vo vás bude zakaždým súhlasiť s tým Slovom, lebo skutočný Duch Svätý bude súhlasiť so Slovom, lebo Slovo je Život a Duch. Ježiš povedal, „Moje Slová sú Život.“ A keď máte Večný Život, a On je to Slovo, ako môže Slovo zaprieť Slovo? Vidíte? Akým druhom osoby by ste urobili Boha? To je jedna vec, podľa ktorej poznáte, že ste kresťanom, keď sa môžete plne zhodnúť na každom Slove Božom, a nachádzate samých seba v láske k vašim nepriateľom.

146 Niekto povedal, „On je len taký svätuškár.“ A vy začínate mať... Ó, buďte opatrní; buďte opatrní... Ale keď sa naozaj nájdete tam, že vy ho milujete, bez ohľadu na to, čo robia, stále ich milujete (Vidíte?), potom začínate zisťovať...

147 A vaša trpezlivosť sa dostáva až tak ďaleko, že už jednoducho nemá konca. Ktokoľvek len stále o vás hovorí veci, „Nuž, nestarám sa, čo hovoríš...“ Nenechajte sa roznietiť. Ak sa roznietite, radšej sa choďte najprv modliť, predtým, ako sa s nimi budete znova rozprávať. Vidíte? Áno. Nedostávajte sa do hádok. Nemajte to radi dostať sa do hádok. Ak povedzme vidíte niekoho, ako povstane v zbore a povie, „Viete čo? Poviem vám, že Ten a ten urobil to a to,“ poviete, „No, brat, hanbi sa.“

148 A ak povieš, „Ó, je to tak? Počúvaš ten škandál?“ Dávaj pozor, Svätý Duch nie je žumpa. Vidíte? Nie, nie, nie, nie. Srdce, ktoré je zaujaté Duchom Svätým, je plné svätosti, čistoty, nemyslí na zlé, nerobí zle, verí všetky veci, vytrvá, dlhozhovieva. Vidíte?

149 Nehádajte sa. Keď sa rodina dostane do hádky, nehádajte sa s nimi. Tvoja matka povedala, „Nenechám ťa už viac ísť tam hore do tej starej cirkvi. Čo si... Všetko, o čom teraz rozmýšľaš, nechávaš si rásť vlasy; vyzeráš ako nejaká stará babka.“ Nehádaj sa s ňou. Povedz, „Dobre, mami. To je v poriadku, milujem ťa stále rovnako, a budem sa za teba modliť tak dlho, kým budem žiť.“ Vidíte?

150 No, nehádajte sa. Vidíte? Prchkosť plodí prchkosť. Prvá vec, o ktorej vieš, je, že zarmucuješ Ducha Svätého preč od seba, a budeš sa znova hádať. Potom Duch Svätý odlieta. Je to tak. Prchkosť plodí prchkosť a láska plodí lásku. Buď plný lásky. Ježiš povedal, „Podľa toho budú všetci ľudia poznať, že ste mojimi učeníkmi, keď budete mať lásku jeden k druhému.“ To je ovocie Ducha Svätého: láska.

151 A vedeli ste, že sami ste malým stvoriteľom? Vedeli ste to? Určite. Videli ste ľudí, pri ktorých jednoducho milujete byť; neviete prečo, sú taký milujúci typ osoby. Nevideli ste to? Skrátka sú takí milí... Radi ste pri nich. To je... Oni utvárajú tú atmosféru tým životom, ktorý žijú, spôsobom, akým rozprávajú, ich konverzáciou. Potom ste videli takých, ktorým sa stále vyhýbate. Po celý čas chcú hovoriť o niečom zlom, a hovoriť o niekom, a poviete, „Ó, nie, už idú, idú niekoho kritizovať. Oni sú... On je teraz tu; on bude hovoriť o tom človeku. Všetko, čo budú robiť, je, že budú hovoriť špinavé vtipy, alebo niečo o ženách, alebo niečo také.“ Nenávidíte byť pri nich. Vidíte? Oni utvárajú. Zdanlivo celkom milí ľudia, ale oni utvárajú tú atmosféru. A veci, o ktorých rozmýšľate, veci, ktoré robíte, skutky, veci, o ktorých hovoríte, to utvára určitú atmosféru...

152 Išiel som do kancelárie istého muža v tomto meste, a ten muž je dôverníkom, alebo diakonom v jednom dobrom zbore. A išiel som tam za tým mužom kvôli nejakému obchodu, a bolo tam rádio s tým rock and rollom alebo twistom, čokoľvek to bolo, to bolo také tvrdé, ako to len mohlo byť, a myslím, že v jeho kancelárii bolo štyridsať plagátov nahých žien. No, nemusíte mi hovoriť, ako veľmi je diakonom alebo ako viac... Dovoľ mi vidieť, na čo sa dívaš, čo čítaš, a aký druh hudby počúvaš, zástup, s ktorým si spojený, a ja ti poviem, aký druh ducha v tebe je. Vidíte? Áno.

153 Počujete, ako chlapík povie, „Ja, robiť to a to? Tá banda...“ Len pamätajte, nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí; jeho slová hovoria hlasnejšie, jeho skutky hovoria hlasnejšie ako čokoľvek, čo by mohol povedať. Môže svedčiť, povedať, že je kresťanom (iste), a možno robiť čokoľvek, ale vy len sledujete druh života, aký žije. To hovorí, kým je.

154 No, môžete si predstaviť, že človek so životom, ktorý povie, „Veriť v Božské uzdravenie, to je niečo pre vtákov. To bolo pred rokmi; dnes také niečo neexistuje.“ Či je to život hodný Evanjelia, v ktorom Kristus bol ranený pre naše neprávosti a Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení?

155 Poviete, „Ale ja som diakon.“ Nestarám sa; môžeš byť aj biskup.

Keď som počul povedať biskupa Sheena, keď tu bol asi pred dvomi rokmi... Nikdy som si ho viac nezapol, keď povedal, „Človek, ktorý verí a snaží sa žiť podľa Biblie je ako niekto, kto sa pokúša kráčať po bahnitých vodách...“-- biskup Sheen. Potom sa otočil a povedal, „Keď sa dostanem do neba... Viete čo? Keď stretnem Ježiša, poviem mu, 'Som biskup Sheen,' a On mi povie, 'Ó, áno, počul som moju matku o tebe hovoriť.'“ Pohanstvo, ľudia, ktorí sa rúhajú tomu Slovu, Bože, buď milostivý. Ja nebudem súdiť. Vidíte? To Slovo je Pravda. Je to tak. A Duch Boží rozpozná Svoj vlastný rukopis. On je identifikovaný podľa Svojho rukopisu. To hovorí o Ňom. A vy ste identifikovaní podľa toho, že Tomu veríte. To vám dáva vaše odporúčajúce listiny identifikácie.

156 Nehádajte sa s druhými a nemajte tieto rodinné hádky, ako som povedal. Láska plodí lásku a prchkosť plodí prchkosť.

157 No, teraz, sledujme. Pozrite sa na Ježiša na chvíľu. On bol váš Príklad. (Dúfam, že nie ste príliš unavení.) Pozrite. Pozrime sa na Ježiša na chvíľu. On bol náš Príklad. On tak povedal. „Lebo som vám dal príklad, ako by ste mali robiť druhým, ako som ja robil vám.“

158 No, sledujte. Keď prišiel na svet, keď vtedy bolo viac alebo toľko nevery na svete, ako kedykoľvek bolo, to Ho vôbec nazabrzdilo. On rovno pokračoval v kázaní tak isto a v uzdravovaní tak isto: nikdy Ho to neznepokojilo. Boli kritici. Ten Muž bol kritizovaný od času, kedy bol Bábätkom až kým nezomrel na kríži. Zastavilo Ho to? Nie, veru. Aký bol Jeho cieľ? „Vždy robiť to, čo Otec napísal, vždy robiť to, čo je príjemné.“

159 Pozrite sa na Ježiša. Hovoríme o sebe, ako sa pokorujeme, zatiaľ čo Sám Boh sa stal Dieťaťom namiesto toho, aby prišiel v malej kolíske niekde v poriadnom domove, narodil sa tam vonku na kope hnoja v maštali medzi ručiacim teľatami. Zavinuli ho do zavinovačky, ktorá bola z jarma vola. Najbiednejší z najbiednejších, a predsa Stvoriteľ neba a zeme...

160 Jednej chladnej daždivej noci povedali, „Pane, pôjdeme s tebou domov.“

161 Povedal, „Líšky majú svoje diery a vtáci svoje hniezda, ale ja nemám miesta, kde by som hlavu sklonil.“ Boh, Jehova ponížil Samého seba a stal sa Človekom, reprezentovaným v hriešnom tele, aby vykúpil teba aj mňa. Kým potom sme? On bol náš Príklad. Kto som ja? Nič.

162 Dnes popoludní na jednom malom stretnutí som niekomu hovoril; povedal som, „Každý syn, ktorý je narodený z Boha, musí byť najprv skúšaný, naprávaný.“ A pamätám sa, keď som bol ja. V mojej najväčšej hodine... Keď je človek znovuzrodený, je tam malé miesto veľkosti ako necht jeho prsta, ktoré Boh vpichuje do jeho systému, a padá to do jeho srdca a tam sa zakotvuje. Potom ho Satan skúša. A ak to tam nie je, si stratený.

163 Pamätám sa tam v nemocnici; mal som okolo dvadsaťdva rokov, možno dvadsaťtri, bol som mladý muž. A môj otec, umieral v mojom náručí a ja som rozprával o tom, že Boh je Uzdravovateľ... A môj vlastný otec v srdcovom záchvate položil hlavu do mojich rúk a ja som sa za neho modlil, a videl som, ako obrátil tie oči a pozrel sa na mňa, a padol, aby sa išiel stretnúť s Bohom. Vzal som ho a pochoval po boku môjho brata, a kvety boli ešte čerstvé na jeho hrobe a ja som kázal, že Boh uzdravuje chorých, pracoval som pre Verejné služby za dvadsať centov na hodinu, a moja žena pracovala tam ďaleko v závode na výrobu košelí, aby nám pomohla zarobiť na živobytie pre malého osemnásťmesačného chlapca, Billy Paula, a osemmesačné dieťa, ktoré nosila so sebou.

Videl som sestru Wilsonovú, ako prikývla hlavou. Ona si to pamätá. Roy Slaughter a niektorí z tých starších...

164 Čo som robil? Kráčal som po uliciach so sendvičom v ruke, schádzal som zo stožiara, a svedčil každému, ktorý išiel okolo, o láske Ježiša Krista. išiel som do servisu, a opýtal sa ich, či by som to mohol použiť, hovoril som s tými mechanikmi, išiel som tam a povedal, „Chlapi, ste už spasení? Našiel som niečo v mojom srdci.“ Chodieval som večer do potravín, prišiel som domov o druhej alebo tretej ráno po tom, čo som robieval zavolanie chorých po celú noc. Nemohlo to... Len som si sadol, prezliekol som si pracovné oblečenie, a sadol si do kresla a oddychoval som do rána, vstal som a išiel a... Tak chudý z postenia a modlenia, až som sa musel modliť, aby som si dokázal nasadiť ostrohy, aby som sa mohol dostať na telegrafný stĺp. Kázal som a kázal, že Boh je veľký, Boh je milostivý, Boh je láska, ľuďom, a tu môj ocko umieral v mojom náručí a môj brat bol mŕtvy, zabili ho, zatiaľ čo ja som stál za kazateľňou tu dolu v tejto malej farebnej Letničnej cirkvi, kázal som. Prišli mi povedať, „Tvoj brat bol zabitý na diaľnici. Auto ho zachytilo a zabilo.“ Krv jeho vlastného brata kvapkala z jeho košele, keď ho zobral z diaľnice. Hneď po tom, ako som ho pochoval, môj otec zomrel. Potom tam bola pochovaná moja manželka.

165 A išiel som tu do tejto Modlitebne. Odtiaľto, kde stojí toto pódium, som povedal ľuďom, šesť mesiacov predtým, než sa to stalo, že príde potopa. A videl som Anjela, ako vzal palicu a nameral dvadsaťdva stôp na ulici Spring Street.

166 Sandy Davis a ostatní, čo tu sedia, sa smiali, povedali, „V roku 1884 to bolo len asi osem alebo desať palcov, chlapče, odkiaľ to máš?“

167 Povedal som, „Bude to tak, lebo som videl jeden z tých tranzov. A povedalo mi to, že to tak bude, a bude to tam.“ A dnes je tam na ulici Spring Street značka „dvadsaťdva stôp vody“. Povedal som, „Budem sa plaviť v člne nad vrcholom tejto modlitebne,“ a bolo to tak.

Počas toho obdobia, moja manželka ochorela. Modlil som sa za ňu, a prišiel som do modlitebne, bolo tam... Ľudia na mňa čakali. Povedal som, „Ona zomiera.“

„Ó, je to tvoja žena, čo...“

168 Povedal som, „Zomiera.“ Išiel som tam a modlil sa a modlil sa a modlil sa. A držal som svoje ruky; a ona sa držala mojej ruky, povedala, „Billy, stretnem sa s tebou ráno, budem tam stáť.“ Povedala, „Zhromaždi deti a stretnete sa so mnou pri bráne.“

169 Povedal som, „Len začni volať 'Bill', budem tam.“ Vidíte? A odišla. Položil som ju tam do márnice, išiel som si domov ľahnúť; a keď som si ľahol... Malý Billy Paul bol u pani Broyovej a u nich, tak chorý, že lekár očakával, že kedykoľvek môže zomrieť. Modlil som sa za Billyho a tu prichádza brat Frank, prišiel za mnou a povedal, „Tvoje dieťa zomiera,“ to malé dievčatko.

170 A išiel som do nemocnice. Doktor Adair ma nechcel pustiť dnu, povedal, „Ty... Ona má zápal mozgových blán; prenesieš to na Billy Paula.“ Sestrička mi dala nejaký druh červenej látky, aby som to vzal, nejaké anestetikum, aby ma to upokojilo. A musel som počkať, kým odídu z miestnosti, vyhodil som to von oknom, a vkĺzol som zadnými dverami, a išiel som dolu do suterénu. Tam ležalo to dieťa, pred nemocnicou, izolačné oddelenie, mala takto muchy na svojich malých očkách. A vzal som starú placačku na komáre, odohnal som ich, a položil som to na to. Sklonil som sa; povedal som, „Bože, tam leží môj otec a brat, a na ich hrobe sú kvety. Tam ďalej leží Hope, a tu zomiera moje dieťa. Neber ju, Pane.“

171 A On len zatiahol oponu, akoby chcel povedať, „Buď ticho; nechcem ťa vôbec počúvať.“ On so mnou vôbec nehovoril.

172 A vtedy, keď On so mnou nehovoril, to bol čas pre Satana. Povedal, „No, myslel som, že si povedal, že je to dobrý Boh. Čo je toto všetko, o čom vykrikuješ? Si len chlapec. Porozhliadaj sa po meste; každé dievča a každý chlapec, s ktorým si sa kedy stretol, si myslí, že si stratil rozum. Stratil si.“ No, on mi nemohol povedať, že Boh neexistuje, lebo som To už videl. Ale povedal mi, že On sa o mňa nestará.

173 Sedel som celú noc, celý deň, povedal som Bohu toto: „Čo som urobil? Ukáž mi, Pane. Nenechaj, aby nevinný trpel kvôli mne, keď som urobil zle.“ Nevedel som, že On ma skúša. Ale každý syn, ktorý prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšaný. Povedal som, „Povedz mi, čo som urobil; napravím to. Čo iné som robil, ak nie to, že som kázal celý deň a celú noc, a neustále som vydával svoj život. Čo som urobil?“

174 Satan povedal, „To je pravda. A vidíš, teraz, keď to prichádza k tebe, a všetkým si povedal, že veríš, že On je veľký uzdravovateľ a tam leží tvoje dieťa a umiera, On dokonca odmietol počúvať. Tvoja žena zomrela na tuberkulózu. Povedal si, že môže uzdraviť rakoviny, a tu to máš. No, hovoríš o Ňom, aký je dobrý, a aký je dobrý k ľuďom. A čo ty?“

175 Vtedy som ho začal počúvať. To je argumentovanie. Myslel som si, „To je pravda.“

Povedal, „On by mohol povedať... On nemusí povedať ani slovo, len sa pozrieť na tvoje dieťa a žilo by.“

Povedal som, „To je pravda.“

„A toľko, čo si ty pre neho spravil, a predsa, tu je to, čo on robí pre teba.“

Povedal som, „To je pravda.“ Začal som rozmýšľať, „Nuž, čo...“ Vidíte, všetko sa začína trhať na kusy, keď to prichádza k argumentovaniu. Ale keď to prichádza k tomuto, to sa zavesí. Zostalo to tam. Už som bol práve pripravený povedať, „V tom prípade končím.“ Ale keď to prišlo dolu, až kým sa všetky moci argumentácie roztrhli, potom prišlo k tomu Večnému Životu, tomu novému narodeniu. Čo ak by to tam nebolo. Čo ak by to nemalo? Nepoznali by sme jeden druhého tým spôsobom, akým sa poznáme teraz. Táto cirkev by tu takto nebola. Tisíce a milióny po celom svete... Ale vďaka Bohu, že to tam bolo.

176 Potom, keď som si myslel, „Čo... Kto vlastne som? Kto som, aby som sa spochybňoval Jeho Veličenstvo? Kto som ja, aby som sa spochybňoval Stvoriteľa, ktorý mi dal život tu na zemi? Odkiaľ som zobral to dieťa; Kto mi ho dal? Každopádne nie je moje. On mi ju len nachvíľu požičal.“ Povedal som, „Satan, choď odo mňa preč.“ Išiel som a položil som na to dieťa ruku. Povedal som, „ Nech ťa Boh žehná, miláčik. Zachvíľku ťa ocko vezme a položí do mamičkinho náručia. Anjeli vezmú tvoju malú dušu preč, a ja sa s tebou stretnem v to ráno.“ Povedal som, „Pane, Ty si mi ju dal; berieš ju preč, a hoci by si ma zabil, ako povedal Jób, stále ťa milujem a verím Ti. Ak ma pošleš do pekla, aj tak Ťa budem milovať. Nemôžem od toho odísť.“ Tu to máte. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

177 Byť len intelektuálny, to sa všetko rozláme, ale ty musíš mať osobný vzťah, musíš byť z Neho narodený. To je dôvod, prečo sa kazatelia dostávajú od toho preč, veľké poplatky, hovoria, že neexistuje taká vec ako Božské uzdravovanie, žiadna taká vec ako tieto veci, oni nikdy neboli na tej svätej pôde, ako som hovoril dnes ráno; oni o tom nič nevedia. Ako môžu povedať, že sú deťmi Božími, a zapierať Slovo Božie? Ako to môžete robiť, zapierať práve toho Svätého Ducha, ktorý vás kúpil.

178 Ó, len pamätajte; Ježiš sa pre vás ponížil až na smrť. On sa nehádal. Keď Mu pľuli do tváre, On im to nevracal. Keď Mu trhali bradu, On im to nevracal. Keď Ho udreli po tvári, ten druhý, On im to vôbec nevrátil; modlil sa za nich, ďalej kráčal pokorne. On bol príkladom pokory.

179 On bol plný viery. Prečo? On vedel, že jeho slová nemôžu zlyhať. On tak žil tým Slovom, že sa stal Slovom. Ó, Bože, nech sa držím oboma rukami Boha pred týmto obecenstvom, nech žijem takto. Nech sa toto Slovo stane tak, že ja a toto Slovo budeme to isté. Nech sú moje slová týmto Slovom. Nech rozjímanie môjho srdca... Nech je On v mojom srdci, v mojej mysli. Priviaž Jeho prikázania na schránku mojej inteligencie, priviaž ich na schránku môjho srdca. Nech Ho môžem vidieť. Keď povstávajú pokušenia, nech môžem vidieť Krista. Keď veci idú zle, nech len môžem vidieť Jeho. Keď sa pripravím, a nepriateľ sa ma snaží rozhnevať, nech môžem vidieť Ježiša, čo by robil On?

180 On bol tak veľmi v Slove, až kým sa On a to Slovo nestali tou istou vecou. Sledujte. On nemusel byť nervózny. On vedel, že On a to Slovo sú to isté. On vedel, že On je zamanifestované Božie Slovo, a že Božie nariadenie nakoniec premôže svet. On vedel, že Jeho Slovo... On mal vieru; On vedel, na čom je. On nemusel diskutovať a povedať, „Sem, môžeš prísť sem.“

181 Diabol povedal, „No, pozrime sa, ty dokážeš predvádzať zázraky. Vieš, že máš veľkú vieru. Dokážeš predvádzať zázraky. Vybudujem ti dvakrát väčšiu budovu ako má Oral Roberts, lebo všetci ľudia dajú. Jediná vec, ktorú musíš robiť... Ukáž im, zoskoč tu z tejto budovy a choď rovno dolu, lebo je napísané, 'Pošle anjelov, aby ťa niesli, aby si si neudrel nohu o kameň.'“

182 Vidíte? On vedel, že má moc. On vedel, že by to mohol urobiť. On vedel, že to bolo v Ňom, ale nechcel to použiť, dokiaľ Mu Boh nepovedal, aby to urobil. Vidíte, On chcel byť Bohom a tým, že bol Slovom a všetko... a On vedel, že keď čokoľvek vypovie, že to je Božie Slovo; a hoci nebo a zem pominú, to Slovo jedného dňa zvíťazí.

183 On nebol nervózny a ustarostený. On vypovedal len slová Božie. Každé Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z Jeho pier, bolo Božie pomazané Slovo. Nebolo by to nádherné, keby sme to my mohli povedať? „Moje Slovo a Božie Slovo je to isté. Čo poviem, On to uctí, lebo nerobím nič, kým Mi On prv nepovie.“ Ó, tu je váš Príklad. To je Život hodný Evanjelia.

184 Nie tí kňazi, ktorí boli tak vzdelaní a uhladení, a mali všetky tie veľké hodnosti, a stáli a vykonávali dlhé modlitby, a zožierali domovy vdôv, a rozdeľovali vysoké miesta v zhromaždení, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré, oni... to nebol život hodný Evanjelia. Ale On bol hodný Evanjelia, tak veľmi, že Boh povedal, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo. Jeho počúvajte. Moje Slovo je On; On je Moje Slovo. On a Ja sme to isté.“

185 Nie. Sledujte toto teraz. On vedel, že Jeho Slovo nakoniec premôže svet. On vedel, odkiaľ Jeho Slovo prišlo. Vedel, že To nemôže nikdy zlyhať; to je ten dôvod, prečo povedal, „Oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.“ Vidíte? On to mohol povedať. To bol Muž, ktorého Slovo a Božie Slovo sa stalo tým istým. On im povedal...

„Mali by ste robiť toto a tamto.“

186 Povedal, „Kto Ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu? Kto Ma môže obviniť? (Hriech je nevera.) A keď aj prstom Božím vyháňam diablov, čím ich vyháňajú vaši synovia?“ Vidíte, to nebolo to, tak to muselo byť niečo iné. Vidíte? „Ak ja...“

Povedali, „Nuž, my vyháňame diablov.“

187 Povedal, „Ak to ja robím prstom Božím (potvrdené Slovo Božie), potom kým ich vyháňajú vaši synovia? Rozsúďte sami.“

188 Ľudia v Jeho dňoch, alebo ľudia... si z Neho robili žarty, hovorili o Ňom, ale On... Ponižovali Ho ako len mohli. Hovorili proti Nemu všetky druhy zla, ale On pokračoval ďalej.

189 No, chcem za minútku zakončiť na tomto: Ľudia týchto dní sú skupinou neurotikov. Ľudia tohto dňa sú skupinou neurotikov. Boja sa vziať zasľúbenia Božie. Cirkevní ľudia, cirkevné organizácie, cirkevné organizácie sa boja urobiť výzvu na Božie Písmo pre ich deň. Oni si uvedomujú, že ich moderné podmienky a ich sociálne evanjelium, ktoré kážu, to sa nestretne s výzvou tejto hodiny, nie viac, ako sa s tým mohol stretnúť Samson v jeho stave. To vyžadovalo Boha, a tu je program, ktorý to zasľúbil. (Dostanem sa k tomu zachvíľu. Chcem na chvíľu podržať to Slovo.)

190 Hoci sa nazývali Kresťanmi, prijali vyznania, ľuďmi vyrobené vyznania, aby vzali miesto Božiemu Slovu. Tak oni môžu vziať vyznanie, lebo to urobil človek, ale boja sa položiť svoju vieru tam v Boha, o ktorom si nárokujú, že Ho milujú. Je to tak. A potom poviete, že to je život hodný Evanjelia? Nemôže byť.

191 Hoci môžu byť členmi cirkvi, ale nie je to hodné Evanjelia. Vôbec nie. Evanjelium.. Ježiš povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu; tieto znaky budú nasledovať veriacich.“ A keď zapierate, že to nasleduje veriacich, ako môžete mať život... Nezáleží, možno ste nikdy nepovedali zlého slova. Mohli ste dodržiavať všetkých Desať prikázaní. To s tým nebude mať nič spoločného; stále to nie je hodné Evanjelia. Vidíte, nemôže to byť. Tí kňazi to dodržiavali a stále neboli hodní. On povedal, „Ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Kto by mohol položiť prst na jedného z tých mužov? Jedna škvrna viny, a boli ukameňovaní bez milosti. Svätí muži, a Ježiš povedal, „Ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ Keď Evanjelium prišlo do...

192 Hoci sa nazývali kresťanmi, oni sa radi držali vyznaní. Svojich vyznaní... Och. Vyznania ustanovujú a napĺňajú myslenie moderných ľudí tohto dňa. A človek, ktorý bude v dnešnom dni úspešný, musí ísť spolu s tým moderným trendom myslenia. Dovoľte mi, aby som to povedal dobre a jasne. Vidíte? Človek, ak máš byť úspešný, musíš ísť spolu s tým moderným myslením tohto dňa. To... Oni idú dolu a povedia, „Ó, nie je on miláčik? Nie je on úžasný? On tam vie stáť tak rovno, a nikdy nás nedrží dlhšie ako pätnásť minút. A náš pastor na nás vždy nereve kvôli týmto veciam.“ Hanba tomu pastorovi. Každý muž, ktorý môže stáť za kazateľňou a pozrieť sa na hriech tohto dňa a nekričať, tak niečo nie je v poriadku s tým mužom. On nie je hoden Evanjelia, o ktorom si nárokuje, že ho káže. To je pravda.

Tak tým, že to tak robia, sa vyhovárajú, a hovoria, „No, pozri, moje zhromaždenie...“

193 Prednedávnom sem prišiel jeden muž, do istej veľkej cirkvi, a písal doktorantskú prácu; a povedal, „Píšem o Božskom uzdravovaní.“ Povedal, „brat Branham, my ťa v našej denominácii milujeme.“ Jedna z najväčších denominácií, jedna z najväčších v národe, alebo na svete. A povedal, „My ťa v tejto denominácii milujeme.“ Bol rovno tu v Jefferson Villa. Ale povedal, „Prichádzam, aby som zistil niečo o tomto Božskom uzdravovaní.“ Povedal, „Je len jedna chyba, ktorú moja denominácia nachádza.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „Spájaš sa s príliš veľa letničnými.“

194 Povedal som, „Nuž, vieš, to je pravda.“ Povedal som, „To je pravda. Vieš, vždy som chcel mať možnosť dostať sa od nich preč.“ Povedal som, „Poviem ti čo; prídem do tvojho mesta; ty priprav svoj zbor, aby ma sponzoroval.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „Oni nebudú...“

Povedal som, „To som si myslel; to som si myslel.“

Povedal, „Vieš, moja denominácia za tým nebude stáť.“ To je taká istá výhovorka ako „oženil som sa, alebo kúpil som si jarmo volov.“ Nestarám sa o to, koľko doktorských titulov máš, a nakoľko si obdivovaný svojou denomináciou; taký druh služby nie je hodný Evanjelia, ktoré je napísané v tejto Knihe. Tak je to.

195 Ktorýkoľvek člen cirkvi, ktorý bude podporovať takú vec ako toto, a bude sa nazývať kresťanom, a ide tam a žije... A ženy si strihajú vlasy a nosia šaty, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, aby ich nenosili; muži pokračujú v tom spôsobe ako teraz s formou pobožnosti, pijú, fajčia cigary, a ženia sa niekoľkokrát, a sú diakonmi v zbore, a dokonca pastormi a tak ďalej; a tí ľudia, ktorí sa pridŕžajú s takými ako toto, taký druh života nie je hodný Evanjelia.

196 Žena, ktorá bude kráčať, a vezme telefón a tára a začína hádky v zbore a takéto veci, to nie je život hodný Evanjelia, ktorý sa snažíme reprezentovať. Ktorákoľvek osoba, ktorá rozdelí zbor a začne roztržku medzi ľuďmi a takéto veci, to nie je hodné Evanjelia, ktoré kážeme. Je to presne tak. Je to forma pobožnosti, zapierajúca jej moc, moc Božiu, ktorá vás drží od toho.

197 Všimnite si. No, oni to nerobia; oni to jednoducho nebudú robiť. Oni majú výhovorku, že ich cirkev v to neverí. Oni... prečo... Ale Ježiš by dnes večer povedal tomu človeku, hovoril by do jeho srdca a povedal, „Chcem, aby si išiel kázať plné Evanjelium.“

„Moja cirkev za tým nestojí, Pane. Ospravedlň ma, ak môžeš. Mám dobrú starostlivosť. Ja... ja... ja... Vieš, ja som pastor jednej z najväčších cirkví v tomto meste, Pane. Ó, my tam chválime Tvoje Meno. Tak veru, iste to robíme. Nemôžem to urobiť.“ Tá istá výhovorka, tá istá vec. Tak oni neprichádzajú na duchovnú hostinu Jeho zasľúbeného, potvrdeného Slova.

198 Či nepovedal Ježiš, že tam, kde je to mŕtve telo, tam sa zhromaždia orli, orli, nie supy teraz, orli. Kde sú pomyje a rozkladajúca sa zdochlina, potom sa zhromaždia supy. Ale kde je čerstvé, čisté mäso, tam sa zhromaždia orli. Vidíte? Iste. Kde je Slovo, Orlia Potrava, tam sa oni zhromaždia.

199 Tak oni neprídu na duchovnú hostinu, na ktorú sú pozvaní. Veríte tomu, že Boh dal Amerike pozvanie počas posledných pätnástich rokov na veľké prebudenie, na duchovnú hostinu? Prišli? Nie veru, nie veru. Potom odmietnuť prísť, je ten život hodný Evanjelia, hoci oni to tak nazývajú?

200 Keď ku mne prišiel nedávno jeden človek, a sadol si na stôl a povedal, „brat Branham, chcem dosiahnuť ponad ten stôl (veľký muž); chcem sa chytiť tvojej ruky. Milujem ťa (bol som v zbore a počul som ho kázať.)“ Povedal, „Milujem ťa. Verím, že si Boží sluha.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem ti, doktor. Aj ja ťa milujem.“

Povedal, „Chcem ti povedať, ako veľmi ťa milujem ako brata.“ A povedal, „Vidíš moju malú kráľovnú, ako tu sedí, moju manželku, pamätáš si ju?“

Povedal som, „Áno.“

Povedal, „Lekár je dal dva týždne života so zhubným nádorom; a ty si prišiel do mesta a modlil si sa za ňu, a pozrel si sa, a videl si videnie, a pozrel si sa späť, a povedal mi 'TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bude uzdravená.': veľké miesto v jej chrbte sa takto vsiaklo, vyzeralo ako veľká časť ženského prsníka vtiahnutého dovnútra jej chrbta, rovno do jej chrbtice. Dnes po tom nie je ani stopy.“ Povedal, „Tam sedí dnes moja kráľovná – živá.“

Povedal, „Ako by som mohol robiť niečo iné ako ťa milovať za to, že si sa modlil tú modlitbu viery. Ako by som mohol zabrániť viere, že si služobník Pánov, keď si ma videl a presne si povedal, čo sa stane.“ Povedal, „No, mám niečo pre teba, brat Branham.“ Povedal, „Patrím k najväčšej Letničnej lige, aká existuje.“

Povedal som, „Áno, pane, viem.“

Povedal, „Prednedávnom som hovoril s bratmi, a povedali mi, aby som sa s tebou skontaktoval a povedal ti, že to bola hanba, že si vzal tú Bohom danú službu k bande ľudí mimo tej rieky a z hocikiaľ.“

Povedal som, „Je to tak?“

Povedal, „Áno.“ Povedal, „Boh poslal tú službu, aby udrela tie nervové miesta, veľké miesta, tie najvýznamnejšie.“

201 Videl som rovno vtedy hovoriť diabla. Myslel som si, „Áno, zoskoč z tejto hory a ukáž, viete, z tejto budovy.“ Vidíte, vidíte? Pomyslel som si, že som ho len dovediem trochu ďalej. Moja matka zvykla hovoriť, „Daj krave dosť povrazu; sama sa obesí.“ Povedal som, „Je to pravda?“

„Áno,“ povedal, „je to hanba. Ale čo robíš...“ Povedal, „Čo si? Dnes si len ťažko môžeš kúpiť jedlo.“ A povedal, „Pozri sa na Orala Robertsa a tých, čo vkročili dnu, a dostali sa odtiaľto von so stotinou služby, akú máš ty, a pozri kam išli.“

Povedal som, „Áno, to je pravda.“ Vidíte?

A povedal, „Moja skupina ťa vezme. Vezmete ťa rovno dovnútra ako jedného z našich bratov. Všetci ti dajú pravú ruku obecenstva, a prenajmeme lietadlo a dáme ti mzdu päťsto na týždeň, alebo viac, ak chceš, a pošleme ťa do každého hlavného mesta v krajine.“ Toto sa stalo rovno vo Phoenixe, Arizona, rovno pri stole. A povedal, „A zaplatíme tvoje...“ Povedal, „Potom nech ten svet, ten vonkajší svet, nech tí hodnostári, veľkí muži, vysokopostavení...“ Povedal, „Ty stále hovoríš o tej spodine; my máme tých, čo sú navrchu...“ Povedal, „Nech vidia ruku Pánovu. Potom im privediem moju ženu, a iní môžu dokázať, že tie veci, ktoré hovoríš, sa dejú.“

202 Povedal som, „Áno, pane, to by bolo skvelé.“ No, vidíte, ten muž v pozícii D.L, L.L.D, pisateľ kníh (Vidíte?), Doktor Literatúry, skvelý spisovateľ, skvelý človek... Vidíte, on nepoznal Písmo. Vedeli ste, že ten Anjel, ktorý robil tie druhy skutkov, nikdy neišiel do Sodomy? On zostal s tou vyvolanou skupinou, Abrahámom. On to jednoducho nevedel. Len som ho nechal tak, len som to tam tak položil. A chcel som len vidieť, čo v tom bolo. A povedal som, „Nuž, čo by som mal robiť?“

Povedal, „Nuž, brat Branham, len, jediná vec, ktorú povedali, diskutovali sme o tom: pár vecí, drobné malicherné veci, ktoré učíš, ktoré... daj ich len bokom.“

Povedal som, „Napríklad čo, brat?“

„Ó,“ povedali, „tvoj krst, vieš. Vieš, krstíš tak trochu ako jednotári, nejako tak,“ a povedal, „takéto malé veci.“

Povedal som, „Ó?“ Išiel som ďalej.

A on povedal, „Počiatočný dôkaz, a kazateľky ženy a malé, len pár malých vecí ako toto.“

203 Povedal som, „A-ha.“ Povedal som, „Vieš, som prekvapený, že jeden sluha Boží prosí iného sluhu Božieho, po tom, čo mi vzdal hold, ako si to urobil, a nazval si ma prorokom, a vieš, že Slovo Pánovo, alebo zjavenie Slova prichádza k prorokovi, a otočíš sa, doktor pápež, to nehovorí o tvojej dobrej inteligencii, a povieš a požiadaš jedného sluhu Božieho, požiadaš iného sluhu Božieho, aby urobil kompromis na veci, ktorá pre neho znamená doslovne viac ako samotný život.“ Povedal som, „Nie, pane, brat pápež, v nijakom prípade to neurobím. Nie, veru.“ Čo je to? Je tam zrnko Večného Života, ži alebo zomri, či si veľký človek alebo nie veľký človek...

204 Prechádzal som minule okolo, nechcem uraziť týchto dvoch mužov, pozrel som sa tam, a bol tam veľký obraz v Tulsa, Oklahoma, nové miesto Orala Robertsa, seminár na vzdelávanie kazateľov. Bude to stáť (a poznám Demosa Shakariana, brata Carla Williamsa, a tých, čo sú členmi predsedníctva) päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, s trojmiliónovou budovou, letničný chlapec. To je veľká nádielka, čo pre neho Boh urobil.

205 A pomyslel som si, „Ja a seminár. V prvom rade som proti tomu.“ A tam bolo napísané, „Budúce sídlo veľkého seminára Orala Robertsa.“

206 Šiel som ďalej dolu ulicou, bola tam veľká moderná vec, a Oral Roberts v malom otrhanom stane prišiel na moje zhromaždenia v Kansas City, Kansas. Bolo tam napísané, „Budúce sídlo Tommyho Osborna,“ ó, človeče, bude to asi troj alebo štvormiliónové miesto. A tam... Tommy Osborn, jeden z najlepších kresťanských mužov, on je skutočný muž, skutočný Bohom poslaný muž, stál rovno tam na ulici, malý nervózny chlapec, a malý chlapec a dievča v aute, behali okolo, povedal, „brat Branham, bol som tam, keď som videl bežať toho maniaka; a videl som ťa, ako si na neho ukázal prstom do jeho tváre a povedal si, 'V Mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z neho.' Videl som, ako padol na tvoje nohy, po tom, ako vypovedal svoje proroctvo a povedal, 'Dnes večer ťa vykopnem uprostred tohoto obecenstva 6500 ľudí.'“ A povedal, „Videl som ťa tam stáť, vôbec si nezvýšil hlas, a povedal si, 'V Mene Pánovom, pretože si vyzval Ducha Božieho, dnes večer padneš k mojim nohám.' Povedal, 'Ja ti ukážem, ku koho nohám padnem.'“

A povedal som, „Vyjdi z neho, satan“; on len padol dozadu a pritlačil mi nohy k podlahe.

207 Povedal, „Boh je Boh, brat Branham; to je všetko.“ Povedal, „Bol som v dome zavretý na dva alebo tri dni.“ On sa nebojí povedať pravdu. On o tom povie. On sa za to nehanbí. Povedal, „Myslíš, že mám dar uzdravovania?“

208 Povedal som, „Zabudni na to, Tommy, bol si poslaný kázať Evanjelium; choď a káž to. Choď tam s bratom Bosworthom.“

209 Pozrel som sa tam, a videl som... Začal som pred nimi oboma. Myslel som si, „Je tam Oral Roberts s päťsto strojmi, že dokonca ani ľudská ruka sa nedotýka tých písmen, štyri milióny dolárov v pošte minulý rok, štyri milióny.“ Štvrtina zo všetkých tých peňazí, ktoré boli vzaté v celom Kresťanskom svete, štvrtina peňazí z celého Kresťanstva prichádza k jednému človeku. Čo za miesto. Vyšiel som tam von, aby som to videl, a...

210 Nuž, Oral je môj brat. Ó, ako ho milujem. On je skutočný chlapík, skutočný muž, a ja ho mám rád. A on si o mne myslí len to najlepšie, a ja o ňom tiež. My sa len nezhodujeme v Písme. A Tommy Osborn, to isté, myslím si o ňom len to najlepšie; on je jedným z najlepších mužov, ktorých som stretol, Tommy Osborn. A tí muži... A pomyslel som si, „Keď som vošiel do ich kancelárií a videl som, čo mali, myslel som si, že by som sa hanbil, keby prišli a videli moju, jeden malý písací stôl a ako sa snažíme dostať tie písmená von a...“ Čo za vec by to bola v tom čase sedieť na konci obytného prívesu. Pomyslel som si, „Čo by to bolo?“ Potom som vyšiel von, a pomyslel som si, „Nuž, budúci domov Orala Robertsa, budúci domov Tommyho Osborna, jeden sa nerozpráva s tým druhým.“ Tak som išiel dolu ulicou a pomyslel som si, „Ale čo ja?“

211 A niečo povedalo, „Pozri hore.“

212 Myslel som si, „Áno, Pane, daj nech si ukladám svoje poklady v nebi, lebo to je to, kde je moje srdce.“ Nehovorím to z ľútosti; hovorím to preto, lebo sa to stalo, a Boh vie, že je to tak. Vidíte?

213 Kde sú tvoje poklady? Chceš byť nejakým veľkým niekým? Ak si, si nikým. Dostaň sa až na miesto, kedy nebudeš chcieť byť niekým veľkým, budeš chcieť byť pokorným malým sluhom Kristovým. To je cesta úniku. To je všetko...

214 Brat Boze a ostatní formovali zbor v Chicagu. Oni sa museli vzdať Filadelfskej cirkvi kvôli tej denominácii. No, hovorili o tom, že zoženú nejakého chlapíka s plášťom takto vzadu, nejakého D.D. Povedal som, „Ste na ceste von. Ak chcete nájsť skutočného pastora pre ten zbor, zožeňte malého starého pokorného človeka, ktorý ledva prečíta svoje meno a jeho srdce je v ohni pre Boha. Len vezmite toho muža; to je ten, ktorého chcete vziať, niekoho, ktorý nepozná všetky tieto veci, niekoho, kto nebude diktovať, a riadiť, a neuvrhne vás do všetkých druhov dlžôb a všetkého ostatného, a bude vás len kŕmiť Slovom Božím. To je ten druh osoby, ktorú treba vziať.“

Tak oni neprídu na duchovnú hostinu... Musím zakončiť. Už som teraz prekročil čas; asi o šesť minút vás prepustíme, ak Pán dá.

215 Počujem, ako niektorí povedia, „Ale brat Branham, mal by si ten názor podložiť... Ľudia nie sú neurotici. Títo ľudia nie sú neurotici; oni sú len vzdelaní.“ Oni sú vzdelaní neurotici. Tak je to. Áno. „Oni nie sú neurotici; oni sú vzdelaní.“ Potom sa vás chcem opýtať otázku. Vidíte, rozumiete? Chcem sa vás potom opýtať. Prosím, vysvetlite ich správanie dneška, ak nie sú neurotici. Povedzte mi, čo ich vedie k takému správaniu, ak nie sú neurotici? Vidíte? Každý ťahá za svoju denomináciu, nenásytní... Ježiš taký nebol. On sa s ničím neponáhľal. Vidíte? On nebol nenásytný, On bol náš Príklad.

216 Zločin, národ, národ má viac zločinu, ako kedy mal, a čo sa deje?

217 Dospievajúci, členovia cirkvi si berú životy, muži strieľajú na svoje manželky a rodiny a pália svoje deti... A pozrite sa na tú vlnu zločinu. A oni nie sú neurotici? Tak potom, čo sa deje? Sledujte ich konanie. Národy zbláznené za mocou. Každý chce zobrať všetko, ten zvyšok, aby urobili jednu zástavu, jeden národ, a to bude ich zástava a ich národ; sú pobláznení za mocou. Nemorálnosť, no svet je nemorálnejší ako kedy bol. Nahé ženy na uliciach, nahé ženy, a hovoria, že sú v zdravej mysli? Nemôžu byť. Jednoducho nemôžu byť.

218 Počúvajte. V Biblii bola jedna osoba, ktorá si vyzliekala šaty; bol to Legion; bol pomätený. Keď ho Ježiš našiel a vrátil mu rozum, obliekol si šaty. Je to tak. Čo ťa vedie k tomu, aby si si vyzliekala šaty? Diabol. Tak je to. Potom povedia, že nie sú neurotici? Choďte dolu ulicou a prejdite štyri mestské bloky bez toho, aby ste videli nahú ženu, a vráťte sa a povedzte mi. Vidíte? V poriadku. Zistite to.

219 Potom hovoríte, že oni nie sú neurotici? Potom, čo je nesprávne? Oni nemôžu mať zdravý rozum. Žena so zdravým rozumom by to nerobila. Ona má lepší zmysel. Ona vie, čo si oblieka keď ide von. Tam vonku to je banda žiadostivých diablov, sú takí špinaví, nečistí, lajdácki, opití muži, vrahovia a všetko ďalšie...

220 A ty povieš... Svet teraz pije viac alkoholu. V Spojených štátoch utrácajú za alkohol viac peňazí, ako míňajú na potraviny. Myslím, že to je... Zabudol som, o koľko viacej stojí každý rok alkoholová dlžoba v národe, ako to bývalo predtým. A čo robí alkoholizmus? Posiela vás do blázinca.

221 Rakovina... Keď medicínski doktori z celého sveta píšu do časopisov a hovoria ti, „Rakovina v naložených autách.“ Cigarety, dávajú to na potkany a je dokázané, že z toho dostanete rakovinu pľúc. Sedemdesiat percent z nich má rakovinu pľúc z fajčenia cigariet. A tie ženy a tí muži ich budú hneď bafkať a vydychovať vám to do tváre. Ak to nie je neurotické, čo je neurotické?

222 Keď môže byť Evanjelium Ježiša Krista kázané a dokázané a Boh neba vo forme Jeho Ohnivého Stĺpu máva nad ľuďmi a ukazuje, že Ježiš Kristus je v poslednej fáze Svojho príchodu, dávajúc im posledné znamenie, a oni sa Tomu smejú, a robia si z Toho žarty, a nazývajú sa členmi cirkvi, a potom povedzte, že nie sú neurotici? Vysvetlite to. (Môj čas sa stále posúva.) Ale opýtajte sa len, či nie sú neurotici. Iste, oni sú vzdelaní neurotici. Je to presne tak.

223 Vysvetlite ich stav. Nemôžete. Strihajú si vlasy, nosia svetské šaty, kráčajú takto po ulici. A Božia Biblia proti tomu varuje, a dokonca zakazuje žene modliť sa s ostrihanými vlasmi. A hovorí, že muž... Ak to ona robí, ona dokazuje svojmu mužovi, že ona sama je nemorálna, a on má dokonalé právo rozviesť sa s ňou a poslať ju preč. Je to presne tak. Slovo Božie to hovorí, a tá žena to počuje a keď pokračuje v nosení krátkych vlasov a nazýva sa kresťankou, ak to nie je neurotik, čo je neurotik? Chcem, aby mi potom niekto povedal, čo je neurotik.

224 Áno, oni sú neurotici, vysoko vzdelaní, tituly, vysoké školy. Dávame viac času na vzdelanie našich detí v algebre a biológii, než ako by sme mali o Biblii a Ježišovi Kristovi. Nie je v tejto krajine dieťa, ktoré by vám nepovedalo, kto je David Crockett. Tretina z nich vám nepovie, kto je Ježiš Kristus. Potom to nie je neurotické? Určite je. Ako môžeme takto ísť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, ako idú oni.

225 Len pamätajte. A cirkvi to schvaľujú, zatiaľ čo Biblia to odsudzuje. Je tá služba neurotická? Vzdelaní neurotici. Je to presne tak. Cirkvi to schvaľujú.

226 Spomeňte si na Lota; on bol chytrý muž. Pozrite sa na neho na chvíľu. Ne... ne.... Ne... Prepáčte mi, že pár minút už preťahujem. Toto je... toto je... je príliš dôležité. To ide von... Prišli ste ma počúvať, ako nahrávam túto pásku.

227 Pozrite, pozrite. Zastavme sa na chvíľu; modlite sa na chvíľu vo svojom srdci, „Pane, daj mi to vidieť.“ Otvor svoj um; nech to Boh učiní. Pozrite na... Len vezmime samotný tento národ. Povedzme, čo Boh povedal.

228 Biblia povedala, že hriechy Sodomy dennodenne trápili spravodlivú dušu Lota. On jednoducho nemal dosť odvahy na to, aby sa proti tomu postavil. Je to tak? On to nemohol urobiť, lebo bol starostom mesta. On nemohol, ale Biblia povedala, že tie hriechy Sodomänov trápili jeho dušu. On vedel, že je to zlé, ale nemal odvahu robiť to, postaviť sa proti tomu.

229 No, pozrite. Koľko Lótov včera v Amerike, čítali svoju Bibliu, aby si pripravili svoje posolstvo na dnes, a preleteli cez vodný krst v Meno Ježiša Krista? Koľkí z nich preleteli cez krst Svätým Duchom, Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky; Marek 16, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria“; Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, aj on bude činiť“; Ak zostávate vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste čo chcete a bude vám“? Koľko Lótov to videlo, ale kvôli ich výhovorkám ich denominácií, to...

230 Pozrite sa a vidzte v Biblii. Pozrite sa na ich zhromaždenia ostrihaných žien, a oni vedia, že Biblia to odsudzuje. Pozrite sa dolu ulicou na ich vlastných členov zboru, chodia po ulici v šortkách, a vedia, že Slovo je proti tomu. Ale nemajú odvahu volať proti tomu. Ale jednako človek, ktorý tvrdí, že je kresťan, jeho duša v ňom kričí proti tomu. Ale on nemá odvahu. Ak to nie je moderná Sodoma, kde to je? Bože, daj nám niekoho, kto bude proti tomu kričať. Je to tak. Ako Ján Krstiteľ povedal, „Sekera je už položená na koreň stromu.“ To je to, čo dnes potrebujeme.

231 Sledujte. Oni sú modernou Sodomou. Pamätajte. Vidíte, celá krajina sa stala modernou Sodomou a Gomorou. Lót to znovu zažíva... znovu cez to všetko prechádza. Lebo jeho najúprimnejšie presvedčenia mu hovoria skrze Slovo, že je v blude.

232 Pozrite sa v Chicagu, väčšie Chicago, keď tam sedelo tých tristo kazateľov, a oni... Pán mi v ten večer povedal, čo oni urobia. Oni mali pre mňa prichystanú pascu. Ja, išiel som tam. A išiel som a povedal som bratovi Carlsonovi; povedal som, „Nebudete to mať v tom hoteli. Budete to musieť vziať na iné miesto, a bude to zelená miestnosť. A oni na mňa pripravili pascu, však, brat Carlson?“ Sklonil hlavu.

Sadol si v mojej pracovni pred pár dňami, aby som prišiel do Chicaga na stretnutie. Povedal, „Nikdy na to nezabudnem, brat Branham.“

Povedal som, „Oni majú pre mňa pripravenú pascu. Prečo, brat Carlson? Bojíš sa mi povedať, prečo, ty a Tommy Hicks?“ Sklonili hlavy. Povedal som, „Tommy, prečo nehovoríš?“

Povedal, „Nemohol som to urobiť.“

233 Povedal som, „Myslel som si, že si povedal, že mi urobíš láskavosť.“ Povedal som, „Minulú noc mi Pán povedal, 'Dnes tam pôjdeš, a zistíš, že nedostanete tú budovu. Pôjdeš do inej budovy. Dr. Mead bude sedieť na tejto strane, ten farebný muž a jeho žena, ktorá spieva, budú sedieť rovno tu a tak ďalej, kde budú všetci sedieť.'“ Povedal som, „Bude tam budhistický kazateľ.“ A povedal som, „No, zistite to. Majú to proti mne, lebo kážem vodný krst v Meno nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Majú to proti mne, lebo kážem semeno hada, a proti dôkazu, že každý, kto hovorí v jazykoch, má Ducha Svätého, a tieto veci.“ Povedal som, „Poďte dolu a sledujte Boha.“

234 Prišli sme tam... Šli tam dolu a práve... Dve hodiny po tom, alebo ešte lepšie niekedy v to popoludnie, oni zavolali bratovi Carlsonovi a povedal. Ten človek, čo mu dal ten, čo zaplatil ten poplatok za to, povedal, „Musíme to zrušiť, lebo manažér povedal, že to už na dnes večer sľúbil nejakej skupine, alebo v to ráno.“

235 A nemohli to mať. Tak sme šli von do mesta a na vidiek. A v to ráno, keď sme sa tam dostali a stáli sme tam a ja... A brat Carlson povedal, „Je tu jedna vec, s ktorou vy bratia nebudete súhlasiť s bratom Branhamom,“ ale povedal, „on sa nebojí povedať, čomu verí.“ Povedal, „Povedal mi, že tieto veci sa stanú presne tak, ako sa stali.“ Povedal, „No, tu ho máte. Nech hovorí sám za seba.“

236 Vzal som to Písmo, „Nebol som neposlušný nebeskému videniu,“ ako povedal Pavol. Povedal som, „Zazlievate mi vodný krst v Meno Ježiša Krista. Viac než tristo z vás sa predstavilo ako Doktor Taký a taký a Doktor Taký a taký.“ Povedal som, „Ja nemám ani len základné školské vzdelanie, ale vyzývam kohokoľvek tu, aby si vzal svoju Bibliu, a postavil sa tu ku mne, a poprel jedno z tých slov, ktoré boli povedané.“ Máte to tu na páske, ak si to chcete vypočuť. To bol ten najtichší dav, aký som kedy počul. Povedal som, „Čo sa deje?“ Je tu dnes večer niekto, kto bol na tom rannom zhromaždení, nech vidíme vaše ruky. Áno, pozrite, iste, pozrite sa všade dookola. Povedal som, „Potom, ak to nemôžete podporiť, potom sa držte odo mňa ďalej.“ Je to tak. Kopa rečí, keď sú tam za rohom, ale postaviť sa tej veci tvárou v tvár, to je už niečo iné. Je to tak. To je...

237 Tí muži vyšli von. Tommy Hicks povedal, „Chcem tristo tých pások, aby som ich poslal každému trojičnému kazateľovi, ktorého poznám.“ Tí muži mi potriasli rukou, povedali, „Prídem dolu do Modlitebne a dáme sa nanovo pokrstiť.“ Kde sú? Výhovorky. „Nemôžem to urobiť; moja denominácia mi to nedovolí.“ „Oženil som sa.“ „Kúpil som volie jarmo, vlastne jarmo volov.“ Kúpil som kus zeme; musím sa ísť na ňu pozrieť.“ Vidíte? Niektoré z tých vecí ako... Výhovorky, je to tak? Je taký život hodný Evanjelia? Ak je to Evanjelium správne, predajme všetko, čo máme a žime pre neho. Buď kresťanom. Tak veru. Amen. Všimnite si teraz, ako končíme.

238 Ale ich výhovorky sú ich vyznania a ich denominácie. Je to ako strom. Pozeral som sa minule na brata Banksa. Mal som borovicu, ktorú som zasadil, keď sa tam prvýkrát presťahoval asi, ó, pred asi pätnástimi rokmi alebo tak nejak. A nechal som tie konáre, výhonky rásť na tej borovici, a nemohli sme dostať kosačku dolu pod to. A aj tak tam nebola tráva. A išiel som tam a vzal pílu, a odpílil som tie konáre, až kým tá borovica nebola tak vysoko, že ste mohli pod ňou prejsť s kosačkou; a ten najkrajší kus trávy, aký ste kedy videli je teraz pod ňou. Čo to bolo? Bolo tam semeno. Muselo dostať svetlo. Vidíte, vidíte?

239 A tak dlho, kým denominácia, vaše výhovorky, sa snažia zatieniť to semeno, o ktorom viete, že tam vlastne leží, beriete si Lótov diel. Odhoďte tie veci preč a nechajte to svetlo Evanjelia svietiť na to, moc Ježiša Krista. Áno. Držať to Svetlo preč od toho, to zdrží do života, lebo keď sa k tomu niekedy dostane Svetlo, vyrastie to k životu. To je ten dôvod, prečo ľudia hovoria, „Nechoď na niektoré z tých zhromaždení.“ Oni sa boja, že niečo z toho Svetla zasiahne niektorého ich člena.

240 Pamätajte na ženu pri studni. Bola prostitútkou. Tam stáli tí kňazi, a oni videli Ježiša ako povedal Natanaelovi, „Videl som ťa, keď si bol pod tým fíkom.“

A kňazi povedali, „On je Belzebub. On je veštec. To je diabol.“

Táto malá žena, keď tam kráčala vo svojom nemorálnom stave, žijúc so šiestimi mužmi a keď tam kráčala v tom stave, v tom stave bola, a Ježiš povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť,“ začal rozhovor. Povedal, „Choď a priveď svojho manžela a príďte sem.“

Povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“

On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu. Máš piatich, a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

Povedala, „Pochopila som, že si prorok, Pane. Viem, že Mesiáš toto bude robiť, keď príde.

Ježiš povedal, „Ja som On.“

241 To to vyriešilo. Keď to Svetlo zablyslo cez to semeno, ktoré ležalo v tej malej starej prostitútke, dni tej prostitútky sa skončili. Šla do ulice, oslavujúc Boha, povedala, „Poďte a vidzte Muža, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Nie je Toto Mesiáš?“ Čo to bolo? Svetlo sa dostalo späť k tomu semenu pod tieňom prístrešku prostitútka. Tak veru.

242 No, už končím týmto: Neviem, koľko mám ešte strán, ale určite ich nevezmem všetky. Je tam asi desať, ale to je asi len polovica. Ale zakončime týmto.

243 Porovnajme teraz niečo, čo je hodné života, aspoň jeden príklad. Porovnajme život svätého Pavla s mladým bohatým mládencom. To isté Svetlo zasiahlo oboch tých mužov. Obaja mali to isté pozvanie od Ježiša Krista. Je to tak? Obaja boli dobre učení v Písme. Obaja boli teológovia. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal bohatému mládencovi, „Dodržuješ prikázania?“

244 Povedal, „Robil som to od môjho detstva.“ Bol to vycvičený muž. Tak isto aj svätý Pavol. Obaja boli dobre trénovaní v Písme; ale, obaja mali Slovo. Jeden ho mal z naučenia; ten druhý v tom mal zárodok Života. Keď to Svetlo zablyslo pred Pavlom, povedal, „Pane, Kto Si?“

Povedal, „Ja Som Ježiš.“

„Tak tu ma máš.“ On bol pripravený.

245 To Svetlo zasiahlo oboch mužov. Jeden bol oplodnený, ten druhý nebol. Tak je to aj dnes: Cirkev duchovná, cirkev telesná.

246 Bohatý mládenec mal svoju výhovorku. On to nemohol urobiť. Bol príliš obtiažený príliš mnohými priateľmi vo svete. Nechcel skončiť s tou spoločnosťou. To je to, čo sa stalo s mnohými ľuďmi dnes. Myslíte si, že keď patríte do klubu, vy by ste nemohli opustiť to bratstvo: „Oni všetci pijú a tieto veci, a robia toto.“ V poriadku, pokračujte v tom. Nič proti klubu, nič proti cirkvi, hovorím o vás. Vidíte, áno. Vidíte? Nič proti tomu. Lebo jeden... Šesť z jedného a polovica tucta z druhého. Práve sa mi podarilo povedať vám, že cirkev nie je nič iné ako klub, denominácia, ak zapierajú Slovo Božie.

247 Všimnite si. Bohatý mládenec mal svoje výhovorky. Hoci sa nikdy nevzdal svojho svedectva. Zisťujeme, že išiel do veľkého obchodovania. Mal znalosti, a išiel na také miesto, že až musel nazhromaždiť toľko, že musel vybudovať nové stodoly, aby mal kam uložiť svoj majetok. A keď zomrel... A nejaký starý mládenec s golierom omotaným okolo krku kázal na jeho pohrebe, nepochybne. A keď kázal, možno povedal... Spustili vlajky na pol žrde a povedal, „Náš drahý milovaný brat, starosta tohto mesta, teraz je v rukách Všemohúceho, lebo bol veľkým členom cirkvi. On robil to a to a to.“ A Biblia povedala, „V pekle pozdvihol svoje oči v súžení.“ Vidíte?

248 A pamätajte, on sa stále chcel držať svojich vyhlásení i v pekle. Videl Lazara v lone Abrahámovom, a povedal, „Otec Abrahám, pošli Lazára dolu.“ (Vidíte?) stále ho nazýval svojím otcom. Vidíte? Použil svoje vedomosti a išiel do intelektuálnej cirkvi. Keď ho zasiahlo Svetlo, odmietol Ho. Ak to nie je moderný trend dnešnej cirkvi, potom neviem. Nezáleží, ako Boh žiari cez ich chodník, Ohnivý Stĺp alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, oni stále so svojimi vedomosťami, oni To môžu vyvrátiť a ísť do tej intelektuálnej skupiny kvôli sociálnemu postoju.

249 Ale Pavol bol už v sociálnom postoji, s veľkými vedomosťami, veľký žiak pod Gamalielom, pravá ruka najvyššieho kňaza, až tak, že išiel ku kňazovi a dostal pokyny, aby dal všetkých tých fanatikov do väzenia. Ale keď to Svetlo zasiahlo jeho cestu, a on videl, že ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý viedol Izrael cez púšť, bol Ježiš Kristus, on sa vzdal všetkého, čo kedy vedel. On prišiel do Života.

250 Mohli by ste nazvať život toho bohatého muža životom hodným Evanjelia, ktoré počul? Hoci bol veriacim, mohli by ste nazvať ten druh života medzi intelektuálmi a zábavkami a... V tú noc, keď slnko zapadalo, mali prípitok a možno sa nejaký kňaz nad tým pomodlil... A on mal zábavy a nejaký žobrák tam ležal pri jeho bráne. A on si dával prípitok a hovoril o svojej veľkej viere, ktorú mal v Boha, a pred svitaním v to ďalšie ráno, predtým, ako slnko vstalo, bol v pekle. Je to tak. Tu máte svojich intelektuálov.

251 Ale Pavol, keď ho zasiahlo Svetlo, porovnajme jeho život a pozrime sa, či je hodný. Čo sa stalo? Keď Pavol, keď ho Svetlo zasiahlo, on sa vzdal všetkých svojich vedomostí a odišiel z tej intelektuálnej skupiny, a kráčal v Duchu Ježiša Krista. (Sláva Bohu.) Ale hoci bol tak múdry, nikdy nepoužíval veľké slová. Keď prišiel od tých Korinťanov, povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s ľudskou múdrosťou. Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s nadutými slovami, lebo by ste do toho vložili voju vieru, ale prišiel som k vám v jednoduchosti, v moci vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, aby vaša viera bola v tom.“ Tam je život. Sledujte to.

252 On nikdy nepoužíval svoje vzdelanie. Nikdy nechodil s tou intelektuálnou skupinou. Kráčal v Duchu Kristovom, pokorný, poslušný Slovu Božiemu, keď bolo tak veľmi v protiklade s ich vyznaniami. Ale Pavol videl to Svetlo a kráčal v ňom (Je to tak?), nechal ten Život Kristov odrážať Ježiša Krista veku, v ktorom žil, aby ľudia mohli vidieť Ducha Božieho v ňom. A tí pokorní tomu tak veľmi verili, že dokonca chceli prinášať svoje vreckovky. Brali ich z jeho tela. A oni tomu tak verili... On bol takou reprezentáciou Ježiša Krista, že čohokoľvek sa dotkol, oni verili, že to bolo požehnané. Áno. Čo za muž to bol. Dal svoj život, svoje bohatstvo, všetko, čo mal, svoje vzdelanie, zabudol na všetko, aby kráčal dolu s rybármi, a žobrákmi, a povaľačmi na ulici, aby jeho svetlá mohli odrážať lásku Ježiša Krista. Povedal, „Bol som švihaný po chrbte štyridsať deväť krát. Nevadí mi to, lebo nesiem na svojom tele znamenia Ježiša Krista.“ Chudák chlapík v takom hroznom stave, povedal, „Nesiem na svojom tele znamenia Ježiša Krista.“ Aký rozdiel od toho hodnostára s tými kňazmi okolo seba.

253 A keď bol v Ríme a nikto pri ňom nestál a oni stavali nejaký podstavec, aby mu tam zoťali hlavu, tam je to, kde to povedal. Ó. Povedal, „Tam pre mňa leží koruna, ktorú mi Pán, ten Spravodlivý Sudca, dá toho dňa, a nielen mne, ale tým, všetkým tým, ktorí milujú Jeho príchod.“ Tam je život hodný Evanjelia.

254 Čo ešte o ňom? On stál pre Krista. On nechal Evanjelium odrážať cez seba. Predtým, než to urobil, on išiel a učil sa Evanjelium. Išiel dolu do Arábie a zostal tam tri roky, a zobral Starú Zmluvu a ukázal cez Starú Zmluvu, že On bol Ježiš Kristus. A nechal To cez seba odrážať tej pokornej skupine ľudí, ktorú on... keď povedal, „Ja viem, aké je to mať plné brucho, a viem, aké je to byť hladný a žiadostivý.“ Muž s takým vzdelaním ako on a taký študent, stojaci so vzdelaním do Gamaliela, jedného z najväčších učiteľov, ktorí boli v tých dňoch, a stál bok po boku s najvyšším kňazom... Brat, on mohol byť hodný miliónov dolárov a mohol mať všetky druhy budov. To je pravda. Ale on povedal, „Ja...“ On dokonca nemal ani nič iné, iba jeden kabát.

255 A Démas videl toho muža s takou službou ako je táto, v II. Timotejovi, 3.kapitole povedal, „Démas ma opustil, a všetci ostatní muži, milujúci tento súčasný svet.“ Povedal, „Keď prídete, prineste mi ten kabát, ktorý som tam nechal. Začína byť chladno.“ Muž s takou službou, on mohol mať len jeden kabát... Sláva Bohu.

256 To mi pripomína svätého Martina, keď sa snažil stáť za Evanjeliom a všetkým, predtým ako sa obrátil. V prednicejskom, vlastne Nicejskom koncile, Nicejskí otcovia, v histórii... Jedného dňa išiel cez tie brány... Bol z Tours, Francúzska. A tam sú ľudia, nejaký starý povaľač tam ležal umierajúc, bez šiat, a ľudia prechádzali okolo, mohli mu dať šaty, a neurobili to. Prechádzali okolo neho a ignorovali toho starého chudáka. A svätý Martin tam stál a pozeral na to. Hovorili, že on...

257 Každý vojak mal muža, ktorý mu leštil topánky a on leštil topánky svojich sluhov. Vyzliekol si svoj plášť a vzal nôž a rozrezal ho napoly, svoj meč, zabalil do neho toho starého tuláka, povedal, „Obaja môžeme žiť.“ Išiel domov a ľahol si spať. Ležal tam a myslel na toho starého muža, a plakal; niečo ho priamo zobudilo. Pozrel sa, stojac v izbe a tam stál Ježiš Kristus zahalený v tom istom starom kuse rúcha, do ktorého zahalil toho tuláka. Povedal, „Tak ako si urobil tomu najmenšiemu z týchto maličkých, urobil si to Mne.“ To je život hodný Evanjelia. Viete, ako aj on zapečatil svoj život, však?

258 Pozrite sa na Polykarpa, ako stál za krstom na Meno Ježiša proti rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, a upálili ho na hranici, zrútili kúpeľný dom a upálili ho. Pozrite sa na Irenea, a tých ostatných, ktorí trpeli pre tú príčinu. To sú životy, ktoré sú hodné.

259 Pozrite sa, čo povedal Pavol v Knihe Židom v 11.kapitole, povedal, že boli rezaní na kusy a trhaní od seba, túlali sa v ovčích kožiach a kozích kožiach po púšti a chudobní a tak ďalej, životy, ktorých tento svet nie je hoden. Tu to máte. Ten život je hodný Evanjelia. Ako obstojí ten môj a ten váš v deň súdu s takými ľuďmi?

260 Pozrite sa teraz na Pavla, ako ideme ďalej. On stál za Evanjeliom a nechal Ježiša prechádzať cez neho, nezáleží na tom ako, bez ohľadu na to, čo si o tom ktokoľvek myslel, či najvyšší kňaz... No, on išiel a bola mu za to odseknutá hlava. On bol hodnou reprezentáciou Evanjelia, nechajúc (Pozrite sa tam na to.), bez ohľadu na to, čo si ľudia mysleli, nechajúc ten prúd Večného Života prechádzať cez seba až tak, že povedal, „Bol by som prekliaty od Krista za mojich bratov.“ No, vy viete, čo robíte, keď získate Večný Život, tam je vaša otázka; tam je vaša odpoveď. Môžete vziať tú intelektuálnu stranu alebo vziať túto stranu. Ak ste skutočne získali Večný Život, to je to, čo sa deje. To je to, čo sa deje.

261 Pavol, hotový byť prekliatym od Krista, aby nechal svojich ľudí, slepých, ignorantských ľudí, ktorí nepočúvali jeho Evanjelium... A ja myslím na svoju vlastnú hanbu. Bol som hotový vzdať sa ich, lebo ma nepočúvali. Cítim, že by som mal činiť pokánie a ja som činil pokánie. Vidíte?

262 Všimnite si, bez ohľadu na to, čo si iní mysleli, tento druh života je hodný Evanjelia. No, končím.

263 Bohatý muž, ako väčšina z nás dnes, zabránil a odmietol Slovo Života, a stal sa členom cirkvi a ukázal život, ktorý je dokázaný v Biblii, že bol nehodný Evanjelia, ktoré mal prijať. Je to tak? Ako mohlo Evanjelium žiariť cez zatemnené svetlo ako toto, zapierajúc moc Božiu?

264 Teraz, jediný spôsob, ako žiť hodný život, je nechať Krista a Jeho Slovo, ktorým je On Sám, odrážať Seba vo vás tak dokonale, až Boh potvrdí, čo povedal v Slove. Lebo Kristus zomrel, aby mohol ukázať Samého Seba pred Bohom ako Obeť, a to sa navrátilo späť vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby sa On Sám odrážal cez Svojich ľudí, aby niesol ďalej svoje dielo, odrážajúc Seba cez vás, aby vyplnil Svoje zasľúbené Slovo v týchto budúcich dňoch, ako počul Ján Krstiteľ, keď počul prichádzať Krista. A Kristus vošiel do vody, a Ján povedal, „Hľa, Baránok Boží.“ Nikto iný To nevidel, ale on To videl, to Svetlo prichádzajúce dolu z neba ako holubica, a Hlas hovoriaci, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ On To videl prichádzať, a Ježiš vykročil do vody, Emanuel, pred kazateľom, ktorý mal byť radikálny, vykročil do vody pred ľuďmi a povedal, „Chcem, aby si ma pokrstil.“

265 Ján povedal, „Pane, ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba. Prečo prichádzaš Ty ku mne?“ Obidvoje očí sa stretlo, prorok a Jeho Boh. Amen. Mohli by ste, ako rád by som tam stál a sledoval to, videl tie Jánove prísne, hlboko položené oči ako sa stretnú s tými prísnymi, hlboko položenými očami Ježiša, podľa tela boli bratrancami z druhého kolena.

266 Ježiš povedal, „Ján, nechaj to tak, lebo tak sa nám patrí. My sme Poslom na túto hodinu. Patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“

267 Ján si myslel, „Áno, On je Obeť. Obeť musí byť umytá pred tým, ako bude položená.“ Potom povedal, „Poď.“ A pokrstil Ho. Amen. Inými slovami, „Patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť.“ Ježiš vediac, že ten muž bol pravý, povedal, „Nikdy nebol muž narodený zo ženy taký ako on. On je viac ako prorok. Ak to môžete prijať, toto je viac ako prorok.“

268 A Ježiš hľadiac do jeho srdca a vediac to, Jeho vlastný bratranec sa tam s ním stretol tvárou v tvár. Ján povedal, „Pane, ja musím byť pokrstený Tebou, a prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

269 Povedal, „Vytrpíme to, Ján, ale pamätaj, patrí sa nám, aby sme vyplnili všetko, čo Boh zasľúbil, a Ja som tá Obeť. Musím byť umytý pred položením.“ Ó, ó.

270 A dnes, keď večerné Svetlá žiaria, keď neexistuje človek so zdravým rozumom, ktorý by nepovedal... Každý študent Biblie, ktorý pozrie do Biblie, vie, že toto je ten posledný deň. Potom sa nám patrí, aby sme padli z týchto veľkých múrov alebo utiekli od týchto vecí a dostali sa do spravodlivosti Ježiša Krista v týchto posledných dňoch a vzali na seba Pečať Božiu predtým, ako by nám diabol dal znamenie šelmy. Ó.

271 Áno. Modli sa k Bohu, aby nechal to Svetlo tohto dňa povstať v tebe, aby si bol poslušný služobník Boží, a potom nech to ovocie Ducha navždy zostáva v tvojom živote. A to je život hodný Evanjelia.

272 Nechajte ma povedať toto, keď končím. Jediný spôsob, ten jediný spôsob, ako môžete žiť život, ktorý je hodný Evanjelia, je nechať Evanjelium samé, každý kúsok Evanjelia, prísť do vás a odrážať Jeho zasľúbenia späť, učiniť ich potvrdenými. Nech Boh žije vo vás, aby potvrdil tie zasľúbenia tohto dňa. Práve ako Ján, a Ježiš povedal Jánovi, „Nechajme to, Ján, to je v poriadku, ale my sme Poslami tohto dňa, a My máme vyplniť všetku spravodlivosť.“ A ak my sme kresťanmi tohto dňa, prijmime Ježiša Krista do našich sŕdc. A On je Slovo. Nezaprite nič z Toho, povedzte, „To je Pravda.“ A umiestnite To do vášho srdca, a sledujte ovocie Ducha na vás, a vyplňte každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On zasľúbil v Biblii. Boh chce vyplniť Svoje Slovo, a On nemá iné ruky ako moje a vaše. On nemá iné oči ako moje a vaše. On nemá iný jazyk ako môj a váš. „Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty.“ Letorasty nesú ovocie. Vinič vyživuje letorasty. To je život, ktorý je hoden.

273 Moja modlitba je pre tých pri rádiu alebo pri páske a tých, ktorí sú prítomní, nech Boh všetkej milosti z neba žiaril Svojim požehnaným Svätým Duchom na nás všetkých, aby sme od tohto večera mohli žiť život, o ktorom by Boh mohol povedať, „Som potešený; vojdi do večných radostí, ktoré boli pre teba pripravené od založenia sveta.“ Nech Boh neba pošle Svoje požehnania na všetkých vás ľudí.

274 Modlím sa, aby Boh požehnal vás, ženy, dnes večer, ktoré máte krátke vlasy, takým spôsobom, že uvidíte, a odídete od tohto moderného trendu dňa a uvedomíte si, že Biblia hovorí, že by ste to nemali robiť. A ak ste vinné nosenia nemorálneho oblečenia, aby Boh neba vylial Svoju milosť do vašich sŕdc, aby ste to už nikdy viac nerobili, aby ste už nikdy neboli znovu vinnými takej veci. Nech to Svätý Duch pred vami otvorí a ukáže vám to. Nech vy, bez krstu Duchom Svätým...

275 Nech vy, muži, ktorí máte svoje ženy a dovoľujete im, aby boli šéfkami v dome a viedli vás, nech vám dá Boh neba milosť postaviť sa na nohy a priviesť tú ženu naspäť do k zdravému rozumu, a uvedomiť si, že to je vaše miesto v Kristovi. Nie už viac šéfka, ale ty si hlavou v dome. Pamätajte, ona nie je ani v originálnom stvorení; ona je len tvoj vedľajší produkt, daná ti od Boha, aby sa o teba starala, udržiavala tvoje oblečenie čisté, pripravovala ti jedlo, a tak ďalej. Ona nie je tvoj diktátor.

276 Vy, americké ženy, pobehujete s množstvom farby na tvári a s nosom vytrčeným do hora tak, že ak by pršalo, utopilo by vás to, a potom si myslíte, že ste nejakými diktátormi. Si ním pre nejakú bábovku, ale nie pre skutočného syna Božieho. Je to pravda, je to pravda. Nech vám, muži, dá Boh milosť ako synom Božím, aby ste zastavili takéto nezmysly. Je to tak.

277 Nech vám dá milosť, aby ste odhodili tie cigarety, prestali počúvať tie špinavé vtipy, všetky tie nezmysly. Buďme synmi Božími, aby sme mohli kráčať život, ktorý je hodný Evanjelia. Keď niekto ide dolu ulicou, povedia, „Ak kedy bol nejaký kresťan, tak tam jeden ide. Tam ide jeden, cez ktorého sa Boh prejavuje, a ten človek je skutočný kresťan.“ Ak kedy bol nejaký kresťan... Možno si myslíte, že vyzerá staromódne. Ona je skutočná dáma. Tam to je.

278 Buďte uznávaným kresťanom, lebo my sme tu cudzincami. Toto nie je náš domov. Náš domov je hore. My sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa, Toho Kráľa. Nechajme, aby naše životy boli uznávané životy, nech žijeme život, ktorý uctí tú vec, ktorú si nárokujeme, že sme, kresťania. A ak nemôžete žiť ten druh života, potom sa prestaňte nazývať kresťanmi, lebo robíte iba hanbu.

279 Ďakujem vám, ľudia. Ako tu sedíte v túto horúcu noc, dúfam, že nikto z vás nebude stratený toho dňa. Dúfam, že vy a ja spolu nájdeme milosť pred Bohom, že budem schopný vždy stáť za tým, čo je Pravda, nikdy vás nezraniť, ale nikdy sa nebáť povedať vám celú pravdu. Vidíte? Ak by som to robil, nebol by som dobrým druhom otca, ak by som nechal svoje deti robiť čokoľvek. Napravím ich. Ktorákoľvek láska to urobí. Láska napráva. Pamätám si, ako si mi vtedy napísal ten odkaz, Pat. Stále ho mám. Tá láska je naprávajúca, Biblia tak hovorí. A ak nie je naprá... To je ten dôvod, prečo nás Boh napráva; On nás miluje.

280 Nech odteraz žijeme život, ktorý je hodný, so sladkosťou a jemnosťou. Nevšímajte si, povedzte... „Nuž, nech je požehnaný Boh, viem, že ona to má; hovorila v jazykoch; tancovala v Duchu.“ To je v poriadku, ale ak ona nemá ovocie Ducha, Duch tam nie je. Ona len napodobňuje nejaký druh emócie alebo niečoho, lebo Svätý Duch môže žiť len život ovocia Ducha; to je jediný spôsob, ako to môže robiť.

281 Nech vás Boh žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Nech Boh, ktorý vylial Svoje Svetlo v tomto poslednom dni, ktoré leží tu predo mnou z Jeho Biblie, a fotka toho Anjela, toto tajomné Svetlo vo forme pyramídy, že dokonca ani vedci nevedia, ako sa to tu dostalo... Oni to nemôžu vysvetliť, ale, Otče, my sme vďační; Ty si nám povedal mesiace predtým, ako sa to stalo; a my sme Ti vďační. Nech sa ľudia, ktorí sú nazývaní Tvojím Menom, oddelia dnes večer od hriechu, Pane, od nevery.

282 Možno, ak som musel hovoriť tak prudko proti našim sestrám, to nie je preto, že ich nemám rád, Pane, ale ja nechcem vidieť diabla, ako s nimi skoncuje, až kým v jednom z týchto dní nepadnú mŕtve, a potom sa snažia stretnúť sa s Tebou v takom stave, po tom, čo počuli Pravdu Božiu ako toto. Nech cítia, že to dlžia samy sebe, aby šli skúmať Písma a videli, či je to pravda, potom šli dolu na kolená úprimne, a povedali, „Bože, je to Pravda?“ Potom to bude všetko, čo bude potrebné, Pane, ak v tom budú úprimné, lebo Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.

283 Ľudia tu sedeli... mnohí z nich mali možno veci, ktoré ich zranili. Ale Duch Boží k nim hovoril, a oni ticho sedeli a počúvali. Je neskorá hodina. Je neskorá hodina večer, a je tiež neskoro v čase, v ktorom žijeme. Slnko zapadá; svet chladne. Bože, temnota čoskoro padne, a potom príchod Pánov, aby vzal svoju cirkev preč. Ako Ti za to ďakujeme, Pane.

284 Modlíme sa teraz, aby si požehnal každú osobu v Božskej Prítomnosti. Každého, kto počúva túto pásku, Pane, všade po svete, nech utečú od všetkých tých vyznaní a vecí, a prídu a slúžia živému Bohu, prídu a investujú do toho, nech robia ako kráľovná z juhu. Ona prišla, trvalo je to tri mesiace, aby sa dostala tam, kde človek reprezentoval Ježiša Krista, alebo Boha neba, Šalamúna. Ježiš povedal, že ona prišla z najvzdialenejších častí zeme, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu, a hľa, väčší ako Šalamún je tu. A my vieme, že väčší ako Šalamún je tu, ten Sám veľký Svätý Duch je tu, konajúc cez ľudí. Ako Ti za to ďakujeme, Otče. Modlím sa, aby požehnania...

285 Nuž, požehnaj nášho drahého pastora, brata Nevilleho. Pane, ako sa na neho dívam a myslím na jeho úsilie lásky, moje srdce len skáče. Milujem ho. Vidím ho, ako sa díva na svoju manželku a svoje malé deti, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ho posilnil, dal mu odvahu, požehnal ho na mnoho, mnoho rokov služby v tomto veľkom žatevnom poli, v ktorom sa nachádzame.

286 Požehnaj všetkých týchto slúžiacich bratov, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia. Mnohí z nich sú návštevníci z iných miest. Modlím sa, aby si bol s nimi. Tam je Junie, a brat Ruddell, a tí vzácni muži, ktorí sú sesterskou cirkvou k tejto tu cirkvi, stojaci a držiaci Svetlo Evanjelia v rôznych častiach miest na okolí, pre to isté Svetlo, zápasiaci za Neho. Ďakujem Ti za týchto mužov, Pane. Povzbuď ich a daj im milosť, aby vydržali tie veľké skúšky a veci, ktoré prichádzajú na zem, aby vyskúšali všetkých kresťanov.

287 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Buď s nami teraz počas tohto nasledujúceho týždňa. Daj nám odvahu. Nech tie malé potrhané nedeľné lekcie dňa nikdy neopustia ich srdce. Nech rozjímajú deň i noc. Daj tieto požehnania, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosím. Amen.

288 Milujete Ho? Veríte tomu? Zaspievajme znovu našu dobrú pieseň, „Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,“ ako sa spolu zjednotíme. Kde je sestra Ungrenová, je tu? Jeden z nich, alebo sestra, ktorá hrala na piane... Jedna z tých dám tu... Nevidím... Áno, tu je tá dáma. V poriadku.

289 Chcel som dnes večer, so všetkou úctou, ale nevidel som brata Ungrena, chcel som, aby dnes večer pre mňa zaspieval, „Preslávny Bože.“ A myslím, že brat odišiel domov. Vidíte? Počul som dnes ráno tú pieseň a veľmi som si to cenil. Ó, ó, to v mojom srdci zvonilo. A chcem ho počuť spievať, „Preslávny Bože.“

290 No, spievajme, „Milujem Ho.“ Všetci spolu. No, len zavrite oči a pozrime sa teraz na Neho. Povedzte, „Pane, keď je vo mne niečo z tejto telesnosti, vezmi to preč hneď teraz. Vezmi to preč.“ A vy vonku, ktorí počúvate túto pásku, keď počujete túto pieseň, spievajte s nami, potom rovno v tom kresle, kde sedíte, ak je tam... ak ste obvinení Slovom... Ak si nemyslíte, že je to Slovo, skúmajte Písma, vidzte, či je to správne. Tak sa vám patrí; znamená to Život alebo smrť. A potom, zatiaľ čo spievame túto pieseň, ak je v tvojom živote telesnosť, či nezdvihneš svoju ruku vo svojom kresle. Nech tvoje deti a manželka pozdvihnú svoje ruky, tvoji milovaní okolo teba, spievajte „Milujem Ho,“ a dajte Mu svoj život, a povedzte, „Očisti ma, Pane, od všetkého zla.“ Zatiaľ čo teraz spievame, povstaňme.

Milujem Ho, mi...

(Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil ľudí, ktorí budú nosiť tieto vreckovky. Žehnám ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.)

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

291 Teraz, v tomto veľkom požehnaní (Len to ďalej hraj, sestra.), zavrite len oči a premýšľajte teraz chvíľu. Modlime sa vo svojom srdci. „Pane Ježišu, preskúmaj ma. Skutočne Ťa milujem? Povedal si, „Ak Ma milujete, zachováte moje prikázania. Ak Ma milujete, zachováte Moje Slovo.“ A potom vo svojom srdci povedzte, „Pane, daj, nech zachovám Tvoje Slovo. Nech to zachovám vo svojom srdci, aby som nikdy proti Tebe nezhrešil (To je nevera v čokoľvek, čo si povedal.).“

292 A teraz, zatiaľ čo spievame, „Milujem Ho,“ potrasme si ruky s niekým, kto je blízko nás; len sa natiahnime a povedzme, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat alebo sestra.“ Skutočne potichu teraz.

Milujem Ho...

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.)

A vy...

(Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná... Nech ťa Boh žehná.)

na Golgote.

293 Teraz, pozdvihnime ku Nemu svoje ruky.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa,

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

294 Milujete Ho? Nie je On nádherný? Modlím sa za každého z vás, deti. Na čo by to bolo dobré, aby som tu stál a hovoril tieto veci, ak, vo svojom srdci by som si nemyslel, že vám to pomôže? Keď som unavený a zničený... Proste tu ledva stojím. Bolia ma nohy, a moje topánky, stál som v nich až sú úplne spotené, a všetko, až mám otlaky. A som tak unavený. Už nie som dieťa, a kázal som troj až štvorhodinové kázne a modlil som sa za chorých a chodil som dňom i nocou. Prečo by som tu stál a robil to? Viete o všetkom tomto po tridsať rokov, ak to bola popularita, vyhýbam sa tomu. Viete, že neberiem peniaze; viete to. A ja som ne... Či som vám povedal niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Viete, že je to pravda. Milujem vás. Je to láska Božia, ktorá je v mojom srdci za každého jedného z vás. Prajem si, aby som mohol... Prajem si, aby som mohol stáť pred Bohom a povedať, „Bože, daj, nech im pomôžem. Nechaj ma to urobiť.“ Nemôžem to urobiť. Každá osoba musí stáť za seba. Vidíte?

295 Verím, že všetci teraz ideme hore, v jednom z týchto dní. A ak sa stane, že zaspíme pred tým časom, ak od vás budem zobratý, pamätajte, stretnem vás tam. Viem, že to tam je. Práve to videnie, ktoré vám všetko povedalo, bolo dokonalé, sa stalo práve tak, ako to On povedal. Ani jedno o ktorom ste počuli počas tých všetkých rokov, že by som vám kedy povedal niečo, čo sa stane, že by sa to nebolo stalo. Ten svet tam viem o tom. Nikdy ste to nevideli na pódiu iné, ako že To každému povedalo pravdu. Vidíte? Vždy to tak bolo. Ten istý Boh ma nechal pozrieť za oponu času, a videl som tie ženy a tých mužov, ako kládli ruky okolo mňa a objímali ma, povedali, „Ó, brat Branham.“ Ja jednoducho nemôžem sedieť. Ak som unavený, aj tak pôjdem.

296 Bolí ma chrbát a … Každý deň... Ja, ja, ja mám 54 rokov. Viete, každý deň vás niečo nové bolí. Mojou modlitbou je: Bože, drž ma pokope; drž ma pokope, aby som mohol kázať Slovo a stáť na tej Pravde, až kým neuvidím môjho chlapca, Jozefa, dosť veľkého a naplneného Svätým Duchom, že budem môcť vziať tú starú opotrebovanú Bibliu a vložiť Ju do jeho rúk a povedať, „Synu, nes To do konca svojho života. Nerob na Tom kompromisy.“

297 Myslel som si, že možno Billy bude kázať Evanjelium. Boh ho nikdy nepovolal, ale verím, že Jozef, dokonca ten malý neriadny chlapec, akým on je, verím, že Boh ho povolal. To je ten dôvod, prečo s ním deti nevychádzajú. On je vodca. A ja viem, že Boh ho povolal. Chcem ho vytrénovať v spôsobe Slova, spôsobe Slova Pánovho, aby neopustil to Slovo, chcem to sám urobiť, ak Boh bude chcieť. A keď zostarnem a ustúpim a uvidím ho stáť za kazateľňou a povedať, „Pre toto isté Evanjelium stál môj otec. On tam dnes večer sedí starý a zlomený, ale chcem zaujať jeho miesto a obuť jeho topánky.“ Stáť tam.

298 Potom sa pozriem hore a poviem, „Pane, nechaj svojho služobníka odísť v pokoji.“ To je to, čo tak veľmi túžim vidieť. Dokiaľ príde ten čas...

299 Potom, čo ak by som povstal v ďalšej generácii. Nemôžem. Musím prísť s touto generáciou. Musím stáť s vami. Vy ste tí, za ktorých musím stáť a vydať počet pred Bohom z Evanjelia, ktoré som kázal. Myslíte si, že by som tu stál a snažil sa vás odvrátiť od niečoho, čo si myslím, že je správne? Povzbudil by som vás, aby ste to šli urobiť, ale viem, že keď je to nesprávne, chcem vás z toho dostať, do toho, čo je správne. Skutočne z môjho srdca, Boh mi je svedkom, milujem každého z vás skutočnou Božskou kresťanskou láskou. Nech vás Boh žehná. Modlite sa za mňa.

300 Neviem, čo drží moja budúcnosť, ale viem, kto drží moju budúcnosť, tak v tom odpočívam.

301Predávam túto kazateľňu človeku, v ktorého mám najvyššiu dôveru ako v služobníka Ježiša Krista, nášmu pastorovi, bratovi Nevillemu.

IS YOUR LIFE WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL?, 63-0630E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 153 min

1 Let us remain standing just a moment, as we bow our heads now and look to the Lord. If there's any requests to be known to God, would you just now at this time raise your hand to Him, like that, and hold on your heart what you want.

2Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful for another day. And now it's begin to mark up; it'll be history. The services of this morning is already past. The Words that's been said is in the air, on the tape, and we'll have to meet It someday. It'll either have to be right or wrong. And we--we believe that It's right, because that It's Your Word.

3Now, we pray that You'll grant to us, tonight, the requests that we're asking. With our hands, we raise, asking for requests. Thou did know what we had need of, and what we're asking for. So we pray that You'll answer us, Lord, and give us the desires of our heart, that is, if we can use it to honor You. Grant it, Lord.

4Heal the sickness in the midst of us. Take away all sin and unbelief. Give us of Thy... a portion of Thy blessings again, tonight, Lord, as we meditate upon the Word, and the time that we're living. We have assembled together, Father, for no other purpose but to try to learn how to live better, and to live closer to You. For we see the day approaching, and we must assemble ourselves together oft, and take instructions from You. Grant it, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thank you. You may be seated.

5 I know it's awfully warm, and place all packed out the way it is. And so we're sorry we don't have the... any air conditioning. And I... Maybe that'll be... There's two things that I want to do for the church, as soon as I can get back in the way I want to, if I get back in the meetings properly. I want, too, a--a piano, where it sets this way, so the pianist will be looking towards the congregation. I want an organ over on this side; and an air conditioner. Then I feel like that'd be it. And so we are... We'll trust the Lord, and know that He will grant it to us.

6 I believe, they told me, Brother Hickerson just took this out of the magazine. He put it on my desk back there. That is that constellation of Angels that's in the magazine that was spoke of. See the pyramid shape? Look at this One on this side, the pointed wing, coming with His chest out like that, on my right-hand side. As I spoke from this same pulpit, months and months and months ago, see, there It is. And Look maga-... Or, Life magazine has It, the--the May issue, May the 17th, I believe it is. That right? May the 17th, issue. Mrs. Woods was telling me today that many called her and asked. That's in the May issue, May the 17th.

7It's a mysterious cloud. The cloud is twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across. And that's what we were speaking of here. That's where the Angel of the Lord came down and shook the place. And the whole... It sound louder...

8 I know there's one man, if... I think, Brother Sothmann, I seen him a while ago, somewhere. He's here. He was standing... Yeah. Right back here. He was standing near when it happened. I guess I wasn't too far from him. I just see him, tried to wave to him. Only, I had his binoculars. That, the--the animals, in which we were hunting, had... Wasn't on this hill. Now it went on the other hill. I found them, the day before, and told them where to go to. I went over here, where, if they come this way, I'd just shoot up in the air and run them back that way, so that they could get their--their--their animal. So, javelina is what it was.

9 And so I went over, this side, and they wasn't. They wasn't on either side. I seen Brother Fred walk out, and they wasn't there. He went back, and Brother Norman went over the hill. And I turned, went down in a little chasm and come up, just by myself, about a mile and a half through some real rugged country. And I was set down and was just looking around. It was getting up in the day.

And I was picking those, what we call there, goat-headers. It's something like a burr. Picking them off of my trouser leg, just exactly the same kind that I saw myself doing when I was here telling you about the vision, six months, about, 'fore it happened. I said, "That's strange. Look how perfect north I am of Tucson, kind of northeast. Makes...

"Tucson," remember, I said, "little southwest."

And I said, "That's strange." I was looking at the burr, like this, picking them off of my... many of them, off of my trouser legs. If you never been there, that's a desert country. It isn't like this, at all. About twenty times brighter; and there's no trees and things like there is here. It's just cactus and sand.

10So I--I just looking at it, like that. I just raised my eyes up. And about, I'd say, half a mile from me, I saw a whole head of... herd of javelina. They coming out on the end, where they was eating some phyllary. And I thought, "Now, if I can just get Brother Fred and Brother Norman to there, that's just the place.

11 And the evening before, the Holy Spirit was so tremendous in the camp, that He was telling me things that had happened and taking place. I had to get up and walk away from my camp.

And then, that next morning, I had went up there. And I started... I said, "Now, if I can get to Brother Fred, I'll get him around this mountain," which is about a--a mile this way. I had to go about--about two mile, or better, pick him up, maybe three. Back this way, down this what we call hogback, come up like this, up top these rugged, jagged mountains, and run down this way, cut across and come over, and go down in this direction and pick him up. Then he have to go plumb, the bottom of the hill, to get Brother Norman, which would probably been about four or five miles, then get back. And I was going to put a--a little piece of Kleenex that I was going to hang on a piece of--of the mesquite there, so I could point myself to which ridge to go out when I come back.

12 And I just come up over a little ridge where there's lot of jagged rock, and there's a--a deer trail come down the other side, about, oh, forty, fifty yards beneath the cliff. It was about, oh, it was up in the day, I say eight o'clock, or nine. Would you think something like that, Brother Fred, maybe nine o'clock, something? I run over on this side, quickly, to keep the javelinas from seeing me. They're a wild boar, you know, and they're pretty scary.

13So I--I went over the hill this way, and cut, started, run up the hill. And I just run along, in a little, what we call, a dog trot. And all of a sudden, the whole country just rung out. I never heard such a terrific blast! Just shook, and the rocks rolled. And I felt like I--I must have jumped five feet off the ground, looked like. It just--just scared me. I thought, "Oh, my!" I thought I had gotten shot. That somebody... I had on a black hat. I thought they might have thought was a javelina running up the mountain, somebody had shot me. It went so loud, right on me, like that. Then, all at once, Something said, "Look up." There It was. Then He told me, "It's the opening of those Seven Seals. Turn home." So, here I come.

14 I met Brother Fred and Brother Norman, about a hour later, when I found them. They were excited and talking about it. There it is. And science says that it's impossible for--for any kind of a--a mist or anything get that high, fog, vapor. See? It'll only go just... I wouldn't know. I--I...

15We, when we go overseas, we travel nine thousand feet. That's above the storms. That's approximately about four miles. And say, let's say, maybe it's fifteen miles till you can't get no more vapor. But this is twenty-six miles, and she hung there all day. See? They don't know what It is. But, thank the Lord, we do.

Thank you, Brother Hickerson. I'll keep it on my desk in there. And when we write the book, why, then we can have it.

16 I got a little note here was give me. I believe there's been an increase in our number since I was here last. I think his name is--is... least, his father's name, David West. And got a little fellow here that they want to dedicate to the Lord. Is that right? Was it tonight, or was it Wednesday night? I don't know. It's got... Tonight? That's fine. Well, what about... You are David, aren't you? That's what I thought you was. All right. How about bringing the little fellow up?

If our sister will come over here to this piano, and give us the song of Bring Them In. The pastor, if he will, come up here, and we'll dedicate this little boy to the Lord. Now, we try to keep it Scripturally.

17 This is your grandson, Brother West. Don't seem possible, does it? Sister West, what do you think about that? Doesn't it... You know what I think, though? You know, I'm grandpa, too.

It reminds me of Brother Demas Shakarian. He was standing before a great crowd of people. He gets everything mixed up like I do, you know. He was standing there. He said, "You know," said, "I--I told Rose, I felt," that's his wife, said, "felt lots older since I was grandma." He said, "No. I meant grand-..." You know, I...

18You're not alone, Brother West. There's lot of them in here. And it's all right. I think we can really appreciate our grandchildren. This don't... Hope this don't sound bad. But we can have more time with them, I believe, than we did with our--our children. I asked the wife that, other day. Said, "Sure. You love them a little while, turn them back over to their mother, and go on."

19 Well, I've got a little grandson back there. He said, "Papa, preach. Papa, preach." And they took up the offering last Sunday night, and had it laying on the table. They brought him in, back there, and--and he heard me through the microphone. He said, "Papa, preach. Papa, preach."

And Billy said, "Yes, up there."

He said, "No." And the offering went all over the floor. He--he wanted to come out here, you know. And he's always hollering at me, know, see me at any convention. He holler, "Papa, preach." Hollered real loud. So I know they're cute.

19a Say, I wonder if I could borrow some of that hair? He don't need it right now. I do. What's his name? [Sister West says, "David Jonathan."--Ed.] David Jonathan. Isn't that a beautiful name? Well, I hope his life takes after the ones that he's named after. David, the king, David; who, Christ is to set on his throne; and also Jonathan, the beloved friend. I--I tell you, they're lovely little fellows. We appreciate them, very much. I... He's waking up. And he can--he can holler "amen" as good as the rest of them, you know, so we just won't let it bother us. We're dedicating him to the Lord.

I think it's mighty sweet, have a young couple, that God has placed in their care a little fellow like this, and come to give him to the Lord. And when you do that, it shows that you are not... that you are giving back to God that what God give to you. God bless him.

19b Now, if you want to hold him, I believe maybe the mother could hold him a little better than I could. And how about us just laying hands on him? Would you rather do that? Cause, I'm afraid I'd drop him or, not drop him, break him or something another, you know. And I always afraid of breaking them, you know. My--my...

Meda said, back there... I think this is one job at the platform she kind of envies me, you know. She likes to hold the...

Well, looky here, he's going to look at me. He's a fine fellow. Yes, sir. Maybe I could hold him. I wonder. Oh, sister, don't... I hope he don't fall. Here, isn't that cute? That cute? How you do? Well, now, sweet.

19c Let us bow our heads.

Lord Jesus, many years ago, when Christianity was born in the form of a Man called Christ, the anointed Messiah, Jesus was His Name. The people brought their little infants to Him, that He might lay His hands upon them and bless them. And He said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." This lovely little couple, their grandparents and them have been true followers of the Word.

Lord Jesus, I bring, and hold to You, tonight, the pastor and I, this lovely little David Jonathan West. I give him to You, from the mother and daddy. I present him to You, Lord, for health, strength, a long life of service, to honor God Almighty, Who brought him into this world. May the blessings of God rest upon him. May the Holy Spirit rest upon the child. If there is a tomorrow, may he carry the Gospel that his parents and grandparents so cherish today. Grant it, Lord. Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I give You this child, in a dedication of its life. Amen.

19d I believe they want to take a picture of the little fellow. [A camera clicks--Ed.] I jumped, too.

God bless you, sister. May you ever love and cherish the Lord Jesus, and the little fellow be raised in the admonition of God, and have a wonderful little boy. I'm sure. God be with you.

I believe he dropped his little pacifier? Did they get it? Oh, my!

Now let's sing that little song, Bring Them In. Everybody, together now, for the little fellow. All right, sister.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

20I don't know better hands to put them in. Do you? The hands of the Lord Jesus!

21 Now, I know it's hot out there. I want to say to the janitor, my brother, Doc, or other, them takes care of it. Some of the sisters are ruining their skirts on the--on the grease that's on the chair. How many got some of it on them? I know, there's my wife, my two daughters, little Betty Collins, Mrs. Beeler, some of them. It's something, grease on there. If you take a look at it, Doc, when you can. It's, I believe, it's where they... It's grease or paint, or something, right where they work up and down, the seats. And it isn't? [Brother Edgar "Doc" Branham says, "There's no grease on them, to get it off from."--Ed.] Well, I--I don't know what it is, then. Something I just... Is mentioned to me, and I said I'll mention it to--to Doc. All right.

Now, Wednesday night prayer meeting. Is any other? You've announced? You got your announcements in, Brother Neville? Announcements all in.

22 Now, if the Lord willing, next Sunday morning, I want to speak on the subject of indicting this generation for crucifying Christ. You say, "This generation couldn't have done it." We'll find out whether they did, or not, according to the Word. Now, next Sunday morning, if the Lord is willing. If, now, if--if--if something occurs...

23I'm supposed to be in Houston this week, also, in a convention, that take me through Sunday, so I don't know whether I'll be able or not. But we got a couple more Sundays to play on, before it, anyhow. Then we go to Chicago for the convention, or meeting in Chicago, the last week in this month. And then I have to take the family back to Arizona, for--for their vacation is over and the kiddies has to go back to school.

24 Now, how many enjoyed the reading of the Word, and the blessings of the Lord? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We all do, so greatly.

25Now, it's hot, and I know some of you goes back home tonight. I know Brother Rodney and Charlie, and them, has to drive a long ways. And wait a minute, you're on vacation, aren't you? Well, I hear you're going fishing.

"The Lord don't lot time to the man when he's fishing. You don't get any older while you're fishing." So, now, you girls go with them. See? And I'll come down and join you, if I can. And you know, "The good Lord," they said, "don't lot time to a man when he's out fishing." Do lot of it when you--when you feel all twisted up. It's the best thing to relax on, I ever found in my life, is to go fishing.

26 I had a little card, one time, from Mr. Troutman. Anybody ever remember Mr. Troutman, the ice company in New Albany? He had a little card on there, said, "Out fishing." And went ahead, say, "A man that has... Every man, his brothers, out fishing. With a helping hand, they'll always land, out fishing." Had about eight or ten different things. Then when he got down at the bottom, said, "Man is closer to God when he's out fishing." So I think that's about right. "The rich and poor are all the same, out fishing." See? "A helping hand, he'll always land, out fishing." And everything was about, "Out fishing."

27Well, I'll tell you another fishing I've been doing for about the last thirty-three years, has been fishing for the souls of men. May the Lord help us to win every one that we can find.

28 Now, tonight, this is taping. Now, this morning, (if Jim is here, or taping), I--I think, on the tape, somebody called my attention to it, I said, "The second exodus." I didn't mean second. It's, "Third exodus."

The Holy Spirit in the form of a Pillar of Fire, God coming down in manifestation, brought out the first exodus, and--and back in... brought Israel out of Egypt.

The second exodus was Christ bringing the Church out of Judaism.

And, The Third Exodus, is when the same Pillar of Fire takes the Bride from the church. See? Out of the natural; out of the spiritual; and the Spiritual out of the spiritual. The three, see, the Spiritual out of the church, rather. Then we get the three, the three ages of it.

29Now, tonight, I wanted to make another tape, and that was called: Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? Probably wouldn't take very long. Well, just some Scriptures and notes I got here, but first we want to read God's Word. Before we do that, we just bow our hearts to Him just a moment.

30 Lord Jesus, any man, physically, or woman, or child, can move back the pages of this Bible, but there's no one that can reveal It but You. I pray, Lord, of taking this text as it's placed upon my heart to send out across the nations, for the people, that they might know what type of life is required of them to live. For, so many has asked me, "Is the Christian Life a life of church service? Is it helping the poor, the needy? Or is it a constant member? Is it a loyal loyalty to the church?" and such questions. Father, may the correct answer come tonight, through these words, as we make an endeavorance to--to bring them to the people. In the Name of the Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

31 Now turn in your Bibles, to the Book of Saint Luke, and we'll start at the 14th chapter and the 16th verse, to read some Scripture for a basis, for a background, for this that we're going to try to lot about thirty to forty minutes on. Now, the 16th verse of the 14th chapter of Saint Luke.

Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:

And sent his servants at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for--for all things are now ready.

And they all with one accord begin to make excuses. The first said unto him, I... bought a piece of ground, and I must need go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.

And another said, I have bought five yoke of ox, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

... another said, I have married a wife,... therefore I cannot come.

So the servant came, and showed his lord all these thing. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant,...

Notice, it's not servants. "Servant."

... Go out quickly into the streets and the lane, and the cities, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded, and yet there is room.

... the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

32 Now, did you notice, there was three pulls, or three turns, of it? When they went out, first, and call to them that were... or bidden to come, and they didn't do it. So there went out a healing campaign, went out to get the blind and halt. And still there were room, so he went out and compelled the good, bad, and indifferent; they should come in.

33Now, you read another parable of this, something on order of it, in Matthew 22:1 to 10, if you'd like to read it, later on. But I--I drew this subject from there: Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel?

34 Now, Jesus here is saying... Man has always tried to make excuses, not to receive God's Word of His invitation. Though it be firmly proven to them, that it's--that's it's His Supper and His invitation, but man is constantly making excuses. And if you read Saint Matthew 22, you'll find that the excuses were made there, also. And--and they try...

35It went back into all ages. Went back into the age, and said a man bid them, and--and had a vineyard. And we find that parable. And how he sent his servants to collect from this vineyard. First servant come, what did they do? They run him off. The next servant come, they also stoned him. And they run servant after servant off; the cruel men. The king sent, finally, his son. And when his son came, we find out, that, "They said, 'This is an heir. We'll kill him, then we'll have all things.'" Then Jesus said to them, "The king sent forth and slew those murders, and burnt their cities."

36 Now, we see, when God gives a man an invitation, and to do something, or to receive the invitation that He's given him, and he returns it down, then there's nothing left, after mercy is spurned, but judgment. If you step over the boundaries of mercy, then there's only one thing left, and that is judgment. And we find that man has done that in all ages. It's happened, most every age, in the Bible.

37When God sent Noah, His servant, and made a way of escape for all the people who wanted to--to be saved. But the people only laughed and scorned at Noah. But God made the way, but they had an excuse. It wasn't according to their--to their modern thinking. It didn't... It wasn't the way they wanted it, so they made excuses in the days of Noah.

38 They made excuses in the days of Moses. They made excuses in the days of Elijah. They made excuses in the days of Christ. And they make excuses today.

39Now, Him speaking directly to Israel, the ones that was called to the feast, that I would also apply today to men, the church, who has been bidden to come to the feast, and won't do it, the spiritual feast of the Lord. And they won't do it. They don't want to do it. They've got other things to do. They find excuses.

40Now, if Israel, two thousand years ago, would accepted the invitation that they were given, they wouldn't be as they are today. Two thousand years ago, Israel turned down the invitation to come to the wedding supper, and they turned it down and went into judgment. But, as Jesus said, they stoned and kill the prophets that was sent to them, by making excuses, now, the excuses they made in each day.

41 We find, in the days of Jesus, that He didn't--He didn't affiliate with any of them. They said, "When did this Man get this learning? What school is He from? Is not This the carpenter's Son? Isn't His mother called Mary? Is His brothers, Joses and James, so forth? And isn't His sisters with us? Then where did this Man get this authority to do this?" See? Other words, He didn't affiliate with them. So they said, "He's Beelzebub. He's a Samaritan. He's got a devil, and He's mad. He's a--He's a... He's a Man that's got an evil spirit, on the line of religion, and has drove Him crazy. And that's what. He's out there like a wild man. Don't pay any attention to Him." And we know what happened to Israel. And they screamed out. They was so sure that that Man was wrong, until, oh, they condemned Him. He said, he said, "Let His Blood be upon us and upon our children." And It's been there ever since.

42 Jesus was trying to tell them that their excuses was what killed the prophets, and what killed the righteous that come. They accepted their creeds that men had given them, instead of taking the Word of God. And, by doing so, had made the Word of God of no effect.

43Now, you've either got to say, in this, that This is God's will and God's desire, or either something else that you can crop up, that's better than what This is. Now, you have to take one or the other. You can't serve God and mammon. And you've got to say, "This is the Truth," or "That's part of the Truth," or "It isn't all the Truth," or "It isn't put together right," or "It isn't interpreted right."

And the Bible said, that, "The Word of God is no private interpretation." No one else is supposed to put an interpretation to It, It's written just the way God wants It interpreted. Just what It says, That, that's what is supposed to be. Just take It the way It's said, way It's wrote down Here.

44Now, they accept their creeds. They make God's promises of no effect to them. They bypass That. They'll skip away from It.

45 Now, if Russia had accepted the pentecostal Blessing, seventy-five years ago, when the Holy Ghost fell in Russia, they wouldn't have been communists today. Now, seventy-five years ago, they had a great revival in Russia. God come among them, and they had great revivals, way into Siberia. And what did they do? They rejected It. And today, the country is gone, and the churches can't have church, only under permission. And they are doomed into judgment. Has gone off on this wild tantrum of communism; sold out to the Devil.

46Fifty years ago, the Holy Ghost fell in England. Just after that come George Jefferies, and F.F. Bosworth, and Charles Price, Smith Wigglesworth, those great warriors of the faith, fifty years ago, and offered England the Holy Ghost revival. But what did they do? They laughed at them, put them in jail, called them crazy, thought they had lost their minds. The churches refused the people to come hear them. And they healed the sick, and cast out devils, and done great works. And because that England, as a nation, rejected the Gospel, her--her sins is knowed throughout all the world. There's hardly a--a more of an apostate nation in all the world, even including Rome and France, than England. She's a mother of apostasy. Right where Finney and many of the great men preached, in the--the Haymarket, and Charles G. Finney, and Wesley, and on down, and she turned It down.

47 And now, even last week, or two, in the papers, you find out where their great men has so weakened to the--to the sex of women, until spies come in. And their head man found some more of them. The magazines has packed it. Their sin of scandal, right in their government, has sowed their disgraceful name across the world. Why? She rejected the Truth. She had her excuse, and she's finished. England is all washed up, with God, long time ago. If...

48America, fifteen years ago, when the great healing revival continued on from pentecost, broke out in the nation, and there was a revivals on the capital, Washington, DC. The presidents, vice-presidents, great people, governors; great things taken place, governors and--and men were healed. Like, Congressman Upshaw had been a cripple for--for sixty-six years, and they could not turn their face and say it wasn't so. It was right before them, but they turned It down.

49 And, tonight, that's the reason this nation stays. She is doomed. There is no hope for it, at all. She's crossed the line between judgment and mercy. And she's elected in what she has here, to control the nation. And she is rotten, to the core. Her politics is rotten. The morals of this nation is lower than anything I can think of. And her religious system is rottener than the morals. She becomes, in doing this, she has now joined herself, all these churches, and of the nation, into the federation of churches, and has taken the mark of the beast. What a thing! Why? Christ give them the opportunity, "Come to My feast," the feast of pentecost, which means "fifty."

50 When the Holy Spirit poured out on Russia, they was called to a feast of pentecost, spiritual feast, and they turned It down. England, the Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, and they turned It down. America, the Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, and they've turned It down.

51He bid three times. Three times, He sent out, and they did not listen to the feast. Then He sent again, and He said, "Go and compel those people to come. The table has got to be set. The table is ready. There is still room." And I believe, that, maybe, maybe within the next few months, or something, or year, or whatever it is, God is going to send another shaking across the country, for there is somebody still out there, somewhere, that's a predestinated Seed, that the Light has to fall on, somewhere, somewhere in the world. The nation, itself, is gone.

52 I was looking in this week's Life magazine; down at, well, down at Little Rock, the other day, or, rather, Hot Springs. And there I seen, I believe it was a governor of the state of New York, with some kind of a striptease over in Honolulu, dancing with her, now. And here, below that, was another renown man. Oh, what a disgrace! Look at our nation today. Look at the condition of our--of our nation. Look where she's went to, how low she sunk.

53Look at our religious system today. How can it be that the churches can ever get into the condition that they are now? Is because they have rejected and refused the Message of God, the invitation to come to the feast. Could you call a life like that worthy of the Gospel? Could you call a life, that could set and permit their--their people to do the things, to smoke cigarettes?

54 The other day, down here, a certain church, a little league team was playing down here at the park, and my brother-in-law's little boy is a pitcher for one of the teams. And so he was out there pitching, and there was a church league playing. And there was the pastor with these little fellows, out there on the ground, playing. And the pastor smoked cigarette after cigarette, of a real neighborly church right here by us. And could you imagine a man... And even people setting in the audience noticed it. But it's getting so that they don't even pay any attention to it.

55A certain great church, a Baptist church, that I know of, let's the church out from Sunday school, fifteen extra minutes, so that the pastor and all of them can stand outside and smoke, before they come back in to serve the duty of the Lord. John Smith, the founder of that church, prayed so hard, that God send a revival, till his eyes swolled shut at night, and his wife had to lead him to the table and feed him with a spoon. If... That man would turn over in his grave if he knowed that church had got in that condition. What is it? They were bidden to come, and turned it down. That's the only thing. And you remember, Jesus said, in here, that, "Those that were bidden, and turned it down, would not taste His supper."

56 When God sends the Holy Ghost and knocks at a man's door, and he deliberately turns It down, sometime he's going to turn It for his last time, and then you won't be a privileged character. You can set in a church and listen to the Gospel, and agree with the Gospel. You might do so much as say, "I know It's right," but never put a finger on It, to help It, yourself. See? You just listen to It, 'cause you say, "I believe It's right." That's just sympathizing with It.

I could say, "I believe that's a ten thousand dollars." That don't mean I got it. See? I could say, "That's good cold water," but refuse to drink it. You know what I mean?

And this is Eternal Life. And to refuse to do it, one day you'll cross the line between judgment and mercy, and then you won't be have the privilege to come and receive It.

57To you people who come here. I'm not responsible for those who... or--or other ministers are speaking to. But, if It's right, you owe your life to It. What more could you ever find, that would be more of a benefit to you, than to know that you can have Eternal Life?

58 What if I was giving away capsules here, that, scientifically proven, scientifically proven that this capsule would make you live a thousand years? Well, I--I'd have to get a militia out here, and swarm them away from the place. You wouldn't have to make an altar call for it. You just have to beat them away from it, to live a thousand years.

And, yet, scientifically proven that the Eternal God, all His power of His resurrections, which promise you Eternal Life, and Satan will put his legions out there and keep you away from It. See? Yet, you can look, and sensible enough to look in the face of It and see It's right, but then turn It down. See?

59Something, some kind of an excuse. "It's too hot. I'm too tired. I will, tomorrow." Just some kind of an excuse, that's all they do. By rejecting the day of visitation, it separates you from God.

60 Now, we notice. And, in the Old Testament, they had what they called the jubilee year. That was when all the people, that was slaves, could go free when the jubilee sounded. And then if a man did not go out, if there was some excuse that he could give, that he didn't want to return to his land, then he had to be marked in the ear, with an awl, by the post in the temple. And then no matter how many jubilees come along, that man was sold out. He could never no more come back as a citizen in Israel, no more. What did he do? He rejected his invitation. He didn't have to pay nothing. The debt of his slavery was over. His family was free. He could go right back to his homeland and get his own possession. But if he refused to do it, then he wasn't lotted no more with Israel, and his possession was give to another.

61Now, the same thing in the natural applies to the spiritual. That, if we, as inheritants of Eternal Life, and we hear the Gospel and know that It's true, and we reject It, and refuse to do it or to listen to It, we take on the mark of the beast.

62 Now, somebody said, "Now, there's going to be a--a mark of the beast, it's going to come someday." Let me tell you. It's already come. See? As soon as the Holy Ghost begin to fall, the mark of the beast begin to take place. See?

63You only have two things. One of them, is, accept It, takes the Seal of God. To reject It, takes the mark of the beast. To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast. Everybody understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast. For, the Bible said, "All that was not sealed by the Seal of God took the mark of the beast."

64When the trumpet sounded, and all wanted to go free could go. Them that didn't, was marked.

Now, you see, the mark of the beast, if we talk about it in the future, is when it's going to be made manifest, when you realize it's what you've already done. See? And so is the Holy Spirit, It's to be manifested. When we see the Lord Jesus coming in glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and know, in a second longer, we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be made manifest. Then, to see those who rejected It, will be left down, out.

65 Didn't Jesus said the virgins went out to meet Christ? Some of them fell asleep, the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, to the seventh watch. But, in the seventh watch, then came forth the sound, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him." And the ones that were sleeping, awakened. All the age back, to Pentecost, woke up. See? From the seventh age, the seventh church age, all the way back through, woke up. And these that were in this church age, a living, they were changed. And they went in.

At the very time they went in, the sleeping virgin come and said, "We want to buy some of your Oil."

66But they said, "We just got enough for ourself. Go to them that sell It."

"And while they were trying to receive this Oil, the Bridegroom came." There has never been a time in the history of the world, that the Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians... The papers are full. The religious papers are praising God, that those sleeping virgins are now trying to receive pentecost, trying to receive the Holy Ghost. And don't the people realize that it will not happen, according to the Word of God? "While they were trying to come back, the Bridegroom come and took away the Bride. And they were cast into outer darkness, for judgment," because they rejected their invitation.

67All peoples are bidden to come. God, in every age, has sent out His Light, and It's been rejected.

68 And, now, today is no different from any other day, to reject the day of the visitation. When God is making a visit to the Church and to the people, receive It then. Don't put it off till next year, the next revival. That's the hour, "Today is the day of salvation."

69And remember, God has never sent a Message, in any day, but what He vindicated It with the supernatural. Jesus said, Hisself, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works, you believe the works if you can't believe Me," and when you see it clearly cut and--and made manifest.

70Now the time has come that she rejects It, then she's bored in the ear with an awl, then she'll never hear It. Now she takes herself to the confederation of churches, to go right in to take the mark of the beast.

71 "One of the great ambitions," somebody give me the paper just now, this new pope has said, "is to unite the churches together." They'll do it just as certain as I'm standing here. And the Protestants fall for it. See? Because, the church... The Bible said, Paul, the prophet of the Lord, said, "That day will not come except there come a falling away, first, and then the... before the man of sin will be revealed. He that setteth in the temple of God, upholding himself, all that's above God; he, as God," forgiving sins on the earth, and so forth. How that this thing happened! But it couldn't happen until the falling away, until the church begin to get away from the spiritual feast, draw itself back and organize itself. And then the revelation didn't stay with the church.

72 Remember, Israel walked, day and night, by the Pillar of Fire. When that Pillar of Fire moved, they moved with It. And remember, It was a Fire at night, and a Cloud at day. So It might come, day or night, any time. But, wherever It was, there was a propitiation made, that they would not fail to see It. It was a Light at night, and a Cloud in the day time, and they followed It. Yes, sir. The same thing!

73Martin Luther saw It. What did he do? He come out of Catholicism. But what did they do? They built a little fence around, said, "We're Lutherans. This is it."

74Then Wesley saw It moving away from there. He went. What'd they do? Built a little fence around it, said, "This is it." What'd the Light do? Moved right on, again.

75Pentecost saw It. What'd they do? Moved out of the Wesleyan and Nazarenes, and so forth. What do they do? They build little fence around it, called, "We are oneness," and "We're trinity," and "We're the United," and all this. What did He do? God moved right on out of it. See?

76We cannot do that. We've got to follow, every day, every hour of the day, every step of the way. We've got to be led by the Lord Jesus Christ. If we don't, we take an organizational life. And a life that doesn't follow Christ, daily, is not worthy.

77 A man that's a Christian on Sunday, and goes to church, sets back there and thinks he owns the church because he does this, that, or the other, and on Monday will steal and lie. And women that'll go out on the public beaches, and--and out upon the streets, with immoral clothes on!

78I thought of--of the first lady, wouldn't even put on makeup, to go before the pope; and come back, and set a water-head haircut spree for the women in the nation. And all these dresses, that, when she's become mother, every woman in the country wants to wear one of them mother-type dresses now. That's right. It's examples. And they know that those people would do that. They take on a spirit of the world. And that don't belong in the Church of the living God.

79Women ought to look to Jesus Christ. You ought to look to Sarah and them of the Old Testament.

80 Now, they got so that... I was preaching the other night, somewhere, about women to obey their husband. Obey? Yeah. That went out of the marriage ritual, a long time ago. But they ain't going to do that. No, sir. They live in America, and they let you know so. They're not going to obey. But, as long as you don't do it, don't never try to call yourself a Christian, 'cause you're not. I don't care how much you dance and speak with tongues, if you don't obey your husband, you're out of the will of God.

81A woman that wears shorts and does these things that she does on the street, don't call yourself a Christian. You want to have the world and still hold your testimony. You cannot do that in the Presence of God, when you know better than to do it.

82 Notice, "bored in the ear," marked away, then you'll never hear. Remember, that's a sign of closing the ears. You won't hear It no more. You won't listen. You'll never be able again, do it again.

83Oh! "She don't believe That." Oh, my! "Don't tell her. She believes it." No. "She tell you right..." She don't know It. How could a--a lady... Just ask you, how could a lady...

As I spoke Sunday, last Sunday night, a week ago tonight, on "a red flashing light," how that the--the--the run of women has become prettier than it ever was. Now, that's nothing--nothing against the woman, now, that's just but how she controls that. See? The... She's got that way, to put her in a temptation, like Eve was put before the tree.

84 Every man, every son that comes to God, has got to go through that hour of testing. This is the age of women, this nation is, where she has to go through that testing. If she can be a pretty woman, and act like a sister, the Lord's blessings upon her. But when she can get herself to--to know this, and display herself, absolutely shows that she's got a--a bad spirit on her. She don't mean to be that way, I don't think, many of them don't. But they don't realize that.

85Could you tell me that a decent, thinking woman could put herself on, these little clothes that they wear out here on the street?

86I've got two young girls setting here. I don't know what the outcome of them kids will be. I just pray for them. Kids, today, I don't... You can't tell. I don't know. They're not immune from that. They've got to stand on their own two feet, before Jesus Christ, and give an answer. They can't go in on what... on--on what I believe, and what their mother believes. I don't know what they do. But I actually believe, in this hour, if them girls went out on a street, with them kind of clothes on, and a man insulted them, in them kind of clothes, I don't believe, if I had the opportunity, I could even condemn the man. That's right. I condemn the girls. They had no business doing that.

87 Listen. If man thinks, and they teach that, "Man is no more than an animal. He come from the animal race." And look, then, you put him out there like...

88You take the dog to the little female at certain times, through the fences and everything else, because the little female is in that condition; hogs, cows, every other animal. And if we are animal life; which, we are, the physical part. And then when a woman displays herself like that, she proves that she's the same thing the little dog is, or the same thing, exactly, for she wouldn't be doing that. She knows. Nature teaches her that man is going to look at her. And the Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

89 That puts a testing time. And the Devil pretties them women, and strips them down, and set them out there, to give you a test. Men, turn your heads. Be sons of God. Women, you dress like daughters of God. Don't answer for adultery yonder at the Day.

90If that woman, no matter how innocent... She might have never done nothing wrong, never even had it in her mind to do wrong. But when that sinner who looked upon that graceful form of that woman, knowing he's a male; and female sex is in one glands, and one, the male, in the other; and that sinner is going to have to answer for it at the Day of the Judgment, who did it, who is guilty? Not him. You. There you are, immoral.

91 Look at this nation. It used to be, when they--they had the knee-high dresses that the women wore, we had to send to Paris to get them. Today, Paris sends here to get them. It's got so filthy till Paris can't keep up with it. That's right. The whole... Why? Rejecting the Gospel. Why?

Paris didn't have It. It's one hundred percent Catholicism. The Protestants can't even get in there. Look at Billy Graham. I think there's only six hundred Christians in all Paris, out of the millions, six hundred Christians, Protestants. That's not Holy-Ghost-filled. That's just absolutely Protestants, six hundred of them, out of the millions times millions. They didn't get the opportunity to reject It.

92But these people has the Gospel. And when they get away from the Message and the Gospel that they seen demonstrated, make fun of It because some old prostitute doctrine has weaved them around; and some pastor stand in the pulpit, thinking more of a dollar and a meal ticket than he does of the soul, the people that he's preaching to, that's right, that's what's done it. Now she leads the world.

93 Remember, not long ago, in this tabernacle. I preached on a subject, about twenty years ago, "I'll show you the goddess of America," and had the little flapper here, setting there with it. That's what it is. Now they're even, get it. They're getting what they've asked for. And they're going to get it. That's all.

94No. They won't believe it. No, sir. They let you know they're American citizens, and they got a right to--to function any way they want to. I just wish...

95Let me tell you. I'll tell you now. No, sir, politics will never work. No, sir, democracy will never work. Democracy is rotten, to the bone. If it could be run amongst a bunch of Christians, it would be fine. But when you put it out there in the world, it becomes all sails and no anchor. Exactly right.

96Looky here, today. Anything can take place, and they'll be just... Anything, pull a few politics, and they'll get by with murder.

97 When I preached down there, that night to try to save them two kids' life. They're as guilty as guilty could be. Even that attorney got up behind me there, and he said, "It's right." He said, "I don't believe in taking the people's life." He said, "If you'll notice on your criminal records, who is it that gets killed in electric chairs and things? It's not the rich. He can afford to get him a lawyer and some pull, some dirty tricks, and some wheels here, and some over here, and bribe the thing." He said, "It's poor kids like that, that ain't got enough money to buy them a decent meal, that's the kind that gets it. There is the kind they electrocute, somebody that's like they call a bunch of ignorant people, and they just hold up their name of capital punishment."

98I said, "The first murder was ever committed in the world, one brother killed another, and God did not take his life for it. He put a mark on him, that nobody should take his life. Right. That's the Supreme Judge."

I see they took the sentence off of them. Now they're going to get another trial. Course, they'll get life now, which will be eleven years, and maybe stand for parole. They're guilty. Certainly. They're guilty. They ought to be sent to penitentiary, for lifetime, but not their life taken. No man has a right to take another man's life. No, sir. I don't believe in it. No, indeed.

99 Oh! They say... Why, they don't believe that they're out of the will of the Lord, because that's all they know about, all they want to hear about. They turned their ear against the Truth, in there.

100Neither did Egypt want to know that that bunch of holy-rollers down there was the will of the Lord. How'd they want to know that some crazy man come in there, from the wilderness, with whiskers hanging down like this, and said, "Pharaoh, I come in the Name of the Lord. Turn them children loose."

Pharaoh would say, "Who, me? Throw him out." See? "Me?"

"If you don't do it, the Lord's God is going to smite this nation."

101"The old--the old crank, turn him out somewhere. Let him go. The sun has kind of baked his mind." See? But it brought judgment, because the man was a prophet and had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Exactly right. They didn't want to believe it.

Rome didn't want to believe it, either, but it happened just the same.

102 Israel didn't want to believe that that was the Messiah. "How could they, bunch of--bunch of Galileans?" Saying, "Are not all these Galileans? Where did they come from? What kind of a crowd does He go with? The very poorest that can be got together, that's the crowd He associates with. That's who comes to hear Him, is the poor people, them people that don't know nothing. They're not elected. They're not--they're not the intellectual type that we are. They're a poor bunch." You hear it say about the revival in this day. "What kind of crowd hears them? What kind goes to these meetings? What kind of a people are they?"

103 I heard a fellow say, not long ago... Well, he was kind of... He was Hope's stepfather. And I was telling him about the baptism the Holy Spirit. He said, "Now, who would believe a thing like that, 'less some kind of a bunch like you got up there?" He said, "You let So-and-so, a businessman here in the town, wicked as all, let him say that he received the Holy Ghost, then I'd believe it."

104I said, "Don't worry. You'll never say it." The man died instantly, without God. See?

You be careful what you're doing. Be careful what you're saying. You want a life worthy of the Gospel. Right.

105 Israel didn't believe that, that bunch of people. "That madman, by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, born," they thought, "an illegitimate birth." And the people believed it. Because, they said, "That wasn't his. Why, His father is Joseph, and Mary was to have this Baby before they was even... Born, why, it's illegitimate. And what is He? Just a madman. Is one of them funny-sort of a guy. Don't go to hear Him." What did they do? They were sending their souls to hell. They took...

106Jesus said, "Let them alone. If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" That's right. They didn't know it. They wouldn't believe It. They could not.

107They could not see how that a simple people with a simple Message, to be rejected, could cause a great nation to fall to ruins. Now listen. They could not understand that: a simple, ordinary, common bunch of people. You know, the Bible said that, "The common people heard Jesus gladly."

108 I had a little something to happen in Mexico, not long ago. General Valdena, elected of God, the Light shined across his path once, in one of the meetings. That great Catholic warrior, one of the highest generals in Mexico, come humbly to the altar and received the baptism the Holy Ghost. He went back down into Mexico. He kept crying for me, come down there. Finally, I decided to go down. The Lord led me; had a vision. Told my wife. Went down there.

And when he did, him being one their chief generals, four-star general, he went to the headquarters, to the government. And, they, they're hard against Protestants down there, you know. So they know this going to be a terrific meeting, so he went down there and got a militia guard. And when they did, they get the big arena. And they was going to bring me in like that. The government was bringing me in.

So, when they did, the--the bishop, one of the great bishops of the Catholic church, went up to him, to the governor, and said, "Sir, I understand that you're bringing in a non-Catholic."

Said, "Yes. What about it?"

"Why," he said, "you can't have a man like that in here. This government has never knowed of doing a thing like that."

109 "But," said, "we've done it now." He said, "Why," said, "the man is a reputable man. I understand that thousands of people comes out to hear him. General Valdena, he's my bosom friend." He said... And had the... The president himself is Protestant, you know, Methodist. So he said--he said, "The man is a reputable man, as far as I know." Said, "General Valdena here, he is converted under this man." Said, "Why, he is, as far as I know, a reputable person." Said, "Thousands of people, they claim, will come hear him."

And this bishop said, "What kind of a people is it, sir? Just the ignorant. That's the ones that goes, hear a person like that."

110The president said, "Sir, you've had them for five hundred years, why are they ignorant?" That was enough. That settled it. Oh, my! That dehorned them. Yes, sir. Yeah.

111 Then when that little baby was raised from the dead, I sent a runner behind the man. The lady was saying, in Spanish, "The baby died, this morning at nine o'clock." And it was pouring down, rain. Having about ten thousand converts to Christ, each night.

The night before, an old blind man had received his sight on the platform. Oh, three or four times size this tabernacle, and about that high, of old shawls and hats laying. And I just...

112They let me down on ropes, in the ring, to get me in. I just walked out there and started preaching, by faith.

Billy come, said, "Daddy, you going to have to do something, that woman." Said, "I got three hundred ushers standing there. They can't stop a little bitty woman, weigh a hundred pounds, nearly." And pretty, little lady about so high, about, oh, maybe her first baby. I'd say she's twenty-three or twenty-five years old.

113 And she was standing there, and her hair hanging down, and holding a little baby. And she would make a lunge for that line. The men would push her back. She'd climb up over the top of them, that baby on her hip, any way, go between their legs, or anything. They'd get her up there, and have to kick her off the platform.

114And they didn't have no prayer card to give her. He said, "If I let her come in there, daddy, with that dead baby, with no prayer card, and..." Said, "Them others standing there, has been standing here two or three days, in that rain and sun. And let her get ahead of them," said, "it'll cause a--a fuss down there."

115I said, "That's all right." Brother Moore was there, and he's kind of bald-headed like me. I said, "She don't know who is who, so many people." I said, "Send..." And--and a couple the brethren, one of the brethren, from here at tabernacle, that he's gone to Glory now. I can't think of his name just at this time. But he was standing back there. So I said, "Brother Moore, go down, pray for the baby. She'll never know who, whether it's me or you. Just go on down. And not able to speak English."

And so Brother Moore said, "All right, Brother Branham."

116 He started walking down. I said, "As I was saying, fa-..." And I seen a little baby, little Mexican baby setting in front of me, just laughing. I said, "Wait a minute." And I said, "Let the little lady through."

Billy said, "I can't do that, daddy. She..."

I said, "I saw a vision, Billy."

Said, "Oh, that's different."

117So we opened up the crowd like that and brought her through. Here she come, falling on her knees, with the prayer beads in her hand. I said, "Get up."

So I said, "Heavenly Father, now I don't know what You're going to do. I don't know whether You just want me to satisfy the woman by praying for the baby, or what." I said, "I lay my hands upon the little baby, in the Name of the Lord Jesus." Just the same thing I did to Brother Way, laying there on the floor, dead, the other day. And the blanket kicked, and that little baby started screaming. And it was to its life. When...

118 I sent a runner, Brother Espinosa, to go with her to the doctor, and get a sworn affidavit from the doctor, "That baby died." That was about ten o'clock that night. "Died that morning at nine o'clock, in his office, with pneumonia." He got a sworn statement from the doctor.

The papers couldn't keep that still, you know, so they had to come over. They interviewed me. And they said to me, he said, "Do you think that our saints could do that, too?"

I said, "If they're living."

"Oh," he said, "you can't be a saint until you're dead." There you are. See? And the people...

119 You see, other day, where they had this nun they played up, in the paper? So, a new saint died, oh, a hundred years ago, or something like that, and they made a... canonized her now, made a saint out of her. And they said that--that she come back from the dead and prayed for some sick person that had leukemia. Wasn't it? It was in one of the magazines. Just think how they try to play that up, and when there's hundreds and hundreds of cases right under the nose of the people here. What's that thing? For a thing to play the Protestant church right into it, see, make it think something.

And then the real works of the Lord, where it's perfectly vindicated, proved, they are daresn't to touch the paper with it. There you are. They received an invitation and turned it down. Yes, sir.

120They can't understand how a simple Message, a simple people, to reject a thing like that would cause them to go into chaos.

121 A woman said to me, Grant's Pass, Oregon, some time ago, Catholic girl come out there to condemn and write up. She was a newspaper reporter, pack of cigarettes in her hand. And she said, "I want to talk to you."

I said, "What is it you want to say?"

She said, "I wanted to ask you some questions about this religion of yours."

And I said, "What is it you want to ask?"

And she said, "By what authority you do this?"

122I said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, by a Divine call." And she went ahead, smarting off. I said, "Just a minute."

She said, "If I had to associate with that bunch of ignoramuses up there," she said, "I wouldn't even want to be a Christian." She said, "And if them... They say that them people will rule the earth someday." She said, "I hope I'm not here."

I said, "Don't worry. You won't be." I said, "You... have to worry about that."

"Why," she said, "all that there carrying on and screaming!"

I said, "And you claim to be a Catholic?"

She said, "I am."

123I said, "Did you know the blessed virgin Mary had to receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit, the same way they did, before God would receive her? You call her the mother of God."

She said, "That's nonsense."

I said, "Just a minute. I..."

"I'm not supposed to look in the Bible."

124I said, "Then how you going to know what is Truth or not?"

She said, "I take my church's word."

125I said, "This is God's Word. Here It is right here. I challenge you to look at It. And Mary was with them up there in the upper room, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost like the rest of them did. And you call her the mother of God." I said, "Then call that, 'Bunch of trash; backwash'?" I said, "Don't worry. You won't be There. You don't have much to worry about, if that's all you got to worry about. You better worry about your own sinful soul, girl." And I let her go.

126 Now think of all this, a simple. God makes it so simple.

How could Ahab, how could Jezebel, how could those people who thought that Elijah was a witch, thought he was a spiritualist? Even Ahab said, "Here is the one that's caused all this trouble to Israel."

He said, "You're the one has troubled Israel."

127How could that nation think, that, to reject the message of a fuzzy-faced man like that, no priestly garments on, and so forth, would be the condemnation of it?

How could Egypt, the rule the world, pharaohs, and its class and dignity? The world has never come to that place again, in science and so forth. How could they think, to reject an old prophet of eighty years old, with whiskers hanging down, gray hair, stomping out of there, a fugitive? And come out there with a message, "You'll either let them go, or God will destroy the nation." How could Pharaoh? "You'll obey me, Pharaoh."

128 Pharaoh said, "Obey?" Oh, him, Pharaoh! And an old man, "Some old crank," they thought, "turn a guy down like that, destroy a nation?" But it did it. Oh, my!

Let's stop, pause a few minutes and have a prayer, and think. What day are we living in? Where we at? Another modern, scientific age. We better think. Maybe, you stop, people stop and pray a little while, and think a little bit, you'd feel better after you get through doing it. That's right.

129A Christian is not a tool, or some kind of a mechanical wrench to a great big religious regime. That's right. A Christian is not some kind of tool that keeps a religious organization moving. A Christian, that is not a Christian. A Christian is to be Christ-like. And a Christian cannot be a Christian until Christ comes into the man, the Life of Christ in him. Then it produces the Life that Christ lived, and you do the things that Christ did.

130What am I talking about? Personal relationship to Christ. What is it? Is your life worthy of the Gospel?

Now I'm trying to lay that background there, to show you that, men and women who were renown women, men.

131 The Bible said. Did you notice? Last Sunday night, something I forgot to put in, Genesis the 6th chapter and the 4th verse. "Those men who taken to them women, for wives, were men of old, renown." Renown men, predicted to come again. "Like it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the Coming of the Son of man." "Renown men taking women," not wives, "women; going after strange flesh."

132Look in England, a couple weeks ago. Look in the United States. Look everywhere, it's full of prostitution. Great men, great, high offices, bringing disgrace upon the nation, running after women. That great man there in England, some kind of a warlord, like, why, did you notice, he had a pretty wife. Her picture was there, along. Look at that Russian prostitute, but she was all sexy dressed, and throwed herself out there, to display her female flesh. And the man fell for it.

133What we need today is sons of God. We need men in government, that's sons of God. That's right. Therefore, a good, godly king would stop all this nonsense. There wouldn't be no strings to pull. Like David did, he put a stop to it. Certainly did, 'cause he was the king. And there was only...

134 The real way, is, God being the King, and God sends a prophet. Didn't Samuel tell them before they ever got a king? He said, "God is your King. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?"

They said, "No. That's right."

"Have I ever bummed you for your living?"

"No. You never did bum us for a living."

"I've never told you nothing but what was right, before the Lord." Said, "God is your King."

135"Oh, we realize that. And we know you're a good man, Samuel. We believe the Word of the Lord comes to you, but we want a king, anyhow." See? That's what they get.

136Pentecost wanted an organization, anyhow. It got it. That's right. Wanted to be like the rest the churches. You are. Go ahead, that, that's just what it takes. But God is our King. God is our King. Yes, sir.

137 What is it? Is because that the people, like they did in the days of Christ, like they have in every age, they find an excuse. They have their own creeds. You might not want to say, "I--I bought a cow, and I got to go see whether she--she will work or not, or give milk, or--or what stock she is." You might not have that excuse.

But here is the kind excuse the people may say. "I'm a Presbyterian. We don't believe in That. I'm Baptist. We don't believe in no such stuff as That. Well, I'm a Lutheran." Well, that don't have anything to do with It. That don't mean you're a Christian. That means that you belong to a bunch of people that's organized. And you belong to the Lutheran lodge, the Baptist lodge, the Pentecostal lodge. There is no such a thing as Pentecostal Church. There is no such a thing as Baptist Church. It's Baptist lodge, Pentecostal lodge, Presbyterian lodge.

But there's only one Church. And there's only one way you can get into It, and that's by Birth. You're born into the Church of Jesus Christ, and a member of His Body, of the spiritual delegation of Heaven. Then the signs, that Christ is with you, lives through you.

138 Christians, oh, you must have a personal relationship to God. In order to be a son of God, you must become relation to God. He must be your Father, in order for you to be a son. And only His sons and daughters are saved, not the members of a church, but sons and daughters. There's only one thing that will produce that, that's the new Birth. The new Birth is the only thing that will produce relationship to God. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sons and daughters. Then when this takes place, then the men...

139Here's the question I want to get to you. The man says, "What do we do then after we been born again?" So many ask me that question. "What should I do then, Brother Branham?" If you are born again, your entire nature is changed. You are dead to the things you once thought.

140 "Well," you say, "Brother Branham, when I joined church, I got that."

Well, then, when, God said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still heals the sick. He still shows vision."

"But, Brother Branham, my church!" Now, you're not born again. See? You can't be; for, if the very God, if His Life is in you, like you're in the life of your father. And if the very Life of God is in you, the very Spirit that was in Christ, in you, how can the Spirit live in Jesus Christ and write This, and then come back down in you and deny That? See? Can't do it. It'll punctuate every Word to be so.

141Then, if you say, "Well, I'm a good member of the church." That don't have one thing to do with It.

I know the heathen. Down in Africa, amongst my dark brethren down there, I find the morals of them people higher than--than ninety percent of the American people. Why, in some of the tribes there, if a young girl is not married till she's a certain age, or when she's a certain size and no one has taken her yet, they know there's something wrong. They excommunicate her. She take off tribal paint, and she goes to the city, then she just becomes a renegade. And when she's married, she's tested for her virginity. If the little virgin veil is broke, then she has to tell who done it. And they kill them both, together. Wouldn't there be a lot of killing in America if that taken place? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Then you call them heathens? Oh, my! They can come teach people, that call themselves church members, how to live clean. That's right.

142Never found one case of venereal in the whole trip through South Africa. They don't have such a thing. There you are. See? It's just our own dirty filthy ways, as white people. That's right. Got away from God.

143 When this takes place, the thing you'll do then, you'll find out that the Spirit that comes in you, from the new Birth, you will believe and do everything that God says in His Word is for you to do. And everything that the Bible quotes for you to do, you'll punctuate it with an "amen." And you'll not stop, day and night, until you receive it. That's right. That's right. And in all this time, you'll certainly, above everything, bear the fruit of the Spirit.

144You say, "Will I speak with tongues?" You might do that, and you might not. "Will I shout?" You might do that. You might not.

But there's one sure thing you will do. You will bear the fruit of the Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, faith, long-suffering, meekness, gentleness, patient. Your temper will not be, "Oooh!" Just remember, when you got that, that poisons the Holy Spirit away from you. See? When you get to a place that you want to fuss with everybody you come along to, there's something wrong. When you get a place where the... a minister will read from the Bible, that it's wrong to do a certain thing, and, you'll... Just remember, there's no Christianity there at all. That's now, that, "By their fruits you shall know them." That's what Jesus said. See?

145 If it's the Word, and God said so, that Spirit in you will cope with that Word, every time. Cause, genuine Holy Spirit will cope with the Word, 'cause the Word is Life and Spirit. Jesus said, "My Words are Life." And if you've got Eternal Life, and He is the Word, how can the Word deny the Word? See? What kind of a person would you make God? That's one thing to know, that you're a Christian, when you can fully agree upon every Word of God.

146And you find yourself in love with your enemy. Somebody said, "Well, he's nothing but a holy-roller." And you start to get... Be careful. Be careful. But when you really find, yourself, that you love him! Regardless of what they do, you still love them. See?

147 Then you beginning to find, and your patience gets from about that long, till it just don't have no end. Anybody just keeps saying things about you, "Well, I don't care what you say!" Don't get stirred up. If you get stirred up, you better go pray first, 'fore you talk to them again. Yeah. Yeah.

Don't get in fusses. Don't like to get in fuss; if you like to see somebody raise up in church, say, "You know what? I'll tell you, So-and-so did so-and-so."

You say, "Now, brother, shame on you."

148If you say, "Oh, is that so?" Listen to that scandal? Watch out.

The Holy Spirit is not a cesspool. See? No, no. No, no. The heart is occupied by the Holy Spirit, is full of holiness, purity. "Thinketh no evil, doeth no evil; believeth all things; endureth, long-suffering." See?

149 Don't fuss. When the family gets in a fuss, don't fuss with them. Your mother said, "I ain't having you go up there, that old church, anymore. Well, you, all you think about now, you're letting your hair grow out. You look like some old grandma." Don't fuss with her.

Say, "Okay, mother. It's all right. I love you, just the same. And I'll be praying for you as long as I live." See?

150Now, don't fuss. See? Temper breeds temper. First thing you know, you grieve the Holy Spirit away from you, you'll be fussing back. Then the Holy Spirit takes Its flight. Temper breeds temper.

And love breeds love. Be full of love. Jesus said, "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love, one for another." That's the fruit of the Holy Spirit, love.

151 And did you know, you are a little creator, yourself? You know that? Certainly. You've seen people that you just love to be around. You don't know why. Just that loving type of person. Have you seen that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just as kind, there, you like to be around them. That's... They create that atmosphere, by the life they live, the way they talk, their conversation.

Then, you've seen those that, every time, you--you shun them. All time, they want to talk about something evil, and talk about somebody. Say, "Oh, my! There they come. They're going to criticize somebody there. He's in here now, he's going to talk about this man. All they're going to do is tell dirty jokes, or something about women, or something like that." You just hate to get around them. See? They create. Seemingly, pretty nice people, but they create that atmosphere.

And the things that you think on, the things that you do, the actions, the things you talk about, creates an atmosphere.

152 I went into a man's office, here in this city. And the man is a trustee, or a deacon, it is, in a fine church. I went in there to see that man about some business. And there's a radio over there, with that rock-and-roll or twist, ever what it was, just as hard as it could go. And I guess there was forty pinups in his office, of nude women. Now, you can't tell me how much deacon, or how much more. You let me see what you look at, and what you read, and the kind of music you listen to, the crowd you associate with, and I'll tell you what kind of a spirit is in you. See? Yeah.

153You hear a guy say, "Me do so-and-so? That bunch..." Just remember, I don't care what he says. His words speaks louder. His actions speaks louder than what anything could say. He could testify, say he's a Christian, sure, and maybe do anything. But you just watch the kind of a life he lives. That tells what he is.

154 Now, could you imagine that, a man with a life that would say, "To believe in Divine healing, that's something for the birds. That was back in years ago. There's no such a thing today"? Is that a life worthy of the Gospel, that, "Christ was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were healed"? You say, "But I'm a deacon." I don't care. You might be a bishop.

155When I heard Bishop Sheen say, about two years ago, coming down; never did turn him on again. When he said, "A man that would believe and try to live by that Bible, was like somebody trying to walk though muddy waters." Bishop Sheen, then turn around, said, "When I get to Heaven, you know what? When I meet Jesus, I'm going to tell Him, 'I'm Bishop Sheen,' and He'll say, 'Oh, yes, I heard My mother speak of you.'" Paganism, men that would blaspheme that Word. God be merciful. I ain't the judge. See?

That Word is the Truth. Right. And the Spirit of God will recognize His Own Writing. He's identified by His Writing. It--It--It speaks of Him. And you're identified by believing It, and It gives you your credentials of identification.

156Don't fuss with others. And don't--and don't have these family fusses, as I said. Love breeds love. And temper breeds temper.

157 Now, now let's watch. Look at Jesus, just for a minute. He was your example. I hope you're not getting too tired. Look. Let's look at Jesus, just a minute. He was our example. He said so. "For I have given you an example, that you should do to others as I have done to you."

158Now watch. When He came into the world, when there was more, as much unbelief in the world right then as there ever was, it didn't even slow Him up. He went right on preaching just the same, and healing just the same. Never bothered Him. There was critics. The Man was criticized from the time He was a baby until He died on the cross. Did it stop Him? No, sir. What was His goal? "Always do that which the Father has written. Always do which pleased Him."

159 Look at Jesus. Talk about us humbling ourselves? When God Himself became a baby, instead of coming in a--a little crib somewhere in a decent home, was born out there over a manure pile in a stable, amongst bawling calves. They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, was off the neck of a yoke of an ox. The poorest of the poorest, and, yet, the Creator of heavens and earth.

160One cold, rainy night, they said, "Master, we'll go home with You."

161He said, "The foxes has holes, and the birds has nests, but I don't even have a place to lay My head."

God, Jehovah, humbled Himself and become a Man; represented in sinful flesh, to redeem you and me. Who are we then? He was our example. Who am I? Nothing.

162 I was telling someone, this afternoon, in a little meeting. I said, "Every son that's born of God has to be tried, first, chastened." I remember when I had mine, or my greatest hour. When a--when a man is born again, there's a little spot, like size of his fingernail, that God injects into him, system, and it falls into his heart and there anchors. Then Satan makes him prove it. And if that ain't there, you're gone.

163I remember there in the hospital, I was about twenty-two years old, twenty-three, maybe, along, was a young man. And my father, dying in my arms, and me talking to God as a healer. And my own father in a heart attack, laid his head in my arm, and me praying for him; and see him turn those eyes and look at me, and falled off, to go to meet God. I took him over and buried him by the side of my brother, and the flowers was still fresh on his grave, and me preaching a God that heals the sick. Working for the Public Service Company, for twenty cents an hour, and my wife working out here at the shirt factory; to help us make a living for our little eighteen-months-old boy, Billy Paul, and an eight-month-old child that she was packing.

I seen Sister Wilson nod her head. She remembers that; Roy Slaughter and some of the old-timers.

164 What did I do? Walked the streets, with a sandwich in my hand, come down off the pole, and testifying to everybody come by, about the love of Jesus Christ. Go to their garage and ask them if I could use it, talk to mechanic. Go in there, say, "Men, have you ever been saved yet? I found something in my heart." Go into grocery stores at nighttime. Come home at two or three o'clock in the morning, from making sick calls all night long. Couldn't... Just set down, change and put on my work clothes. And set there in the chair and rest till daylight, get up and go. And so thin, from fasting and praying, till I have to pray to put my spurs on, and get up a pole. Preaching, and preaching, "God was great, God was mercy, God was love," to the people.

And, here, my daddy dying on my arms. And my brothers died, was killed while I was stand in the pulpit down here at this little, colored Pentecostal church, preaching. Come told me, "Your brother was killed up on the highway. A car hit him and killed him." His own brother's blood dripping off his shirt, where he picked him up on the highway. Right after I buried him, my daddy died. Then, there laid my wife out there.

165 And I went, come over here at this tabernacle. From off this, where this platform stands, told the people, six months before it happened, "There'll come a flood. And I seen an Angel take a rod, and measure, 'Twenty-two feet over Spring Street.'"

Sandy Davis and them setting here, laughed, said, "It was only about eight or ten inches in 1884, boy. What's talking to you?"

166I said, "It'll be. Because, I seen one of them trances, and It told me so. And It'll be there." And there's a mark on Spring Street, today, at twenty-two feet of water. I said, "I rode over the top of this tabernacle in a boat." I did.

167During that time, my wife got sick. I prayed for her. And I come to the tabernacle, the people was waiting on her. I said, "She's dying."

"Oh, it's just your wife, that."

168I said, "She's dying."

I went over there and prayed and prayed and prayed. And I'd hold my hands out. She took a hold my hand. She said, "Billy, I'll meet you in the morning, stand over There." Said, "Get the kiddies together and meet me at the Gate."

169I said, "Just start hollering, 'Bill.' I'll be There." See? And she went out. I laid her down there in the morgue.

Went up home, to lay down. And when I did... Little Billy Paul was staying with Mrs. Broy and them, so sick. The doctor expect him to die at any time. Me praying for Billy. And here come Brother Frank and got me. Said, "Your baby is dying, the little girl."

170 I went out the hospital. Doctor Adair wouldn't let me go in, said, "She got meningitis. You'll take it back to Billy Paul." Had the nurse give me some kind of a red stuff to take, for some kind of an anesthetic, of something to quieten me. And I had them to leave the room, throwed it out the window. Slipped out the back door, went down the basement.

There laid the baby there, before the hospital, the isolated ward, flies all in her little eyes like that. I took the old mosquito bar, shooed them away, and put it over her. I got down, I said, "God, there lays my daddy and brother, yonder, and the flowers on their grave. There lays Hope, laying yonder. And here is my baby, dying. Don't take her, Lord."

171He just pulled down the curtain, as if say, "Shut up. I don't want to hear you, at all." He wouldn't even talk to me.

172Then, if He wouldn't talk to me, it was Satan's time. He said, "And I thought you said He was a good God. What's all this you're hollering about? You're just a boy. Look around, over the city. Every girl and every boy you ever associated with think you've lost your mind. You have." Now, he couldn't tell me there's no God, 'cause I had already seen It. But he told me He didn't care for me.

173 Set all night long, all day long. I said that to God, "What have I done? Show me, Lord. Don't let the innocent have to suffer for me, if I done wrong." I didn't know He was trying me. But every son that comes to God has got to be tried. I said, "Tell me what I've done. I'll make it right. What have I done but preach all day long, all night long, and just give Him my life, constantly? What have I done?"

Satan said, "That's right. You see, now, when it comes to you, and you've told all of them that you believe that He's a great healer, and there lays your baby laying there, dying. He refuses to even hear. Your wife died with tubercular pneumonia. You said He could heal cancers, and there He is. Now, you talk about Him being good, and how good He is to people. What about you?"

174Then I begin to listen to him. That's reasoning. I thought, "That's right."

Said, "He can tell. He don't have to speak the Word. Just look to your baby, and it would live."

I said, "That's right."

"And as much as you've done for Him, and yet that's what He does for you."

175I said, "That's right." I begin to think. "Well, what?" See? Everything begin to break away, when it come to reasonings. But, when it come to That, That hung. It stayed there. I was just about ready to say, "Then I'll quit."

But when it got down till all the reasoning powers had broke away, then it come to that Eternal Life, that new Birth. What if It hadn't have been there? What if It hadn't have? We wouldn't have knowed one another the way we do now. This church would not been here like this, the thousands and millions around the world. But, thank God, It was there.

176 Then I thought, "What? Who am I, anyhow? Who am I, to question His Majesty? Who am I, to question the Creator that give me my very life here on earth? Where did I get that baby? Who give it to me? Not mine, anyhow. He just loaned her to me, for a while."

I said, "Satan, get away from me. I went over, laid my hand on the baby. I said, "God bless you, sweetheart. In a minute, daddy will take you down, put you on mommy's arms. The Angels will pack your little soul away. And I'll meet you in that morning."

I said, "Lord, You give her to me. You're taking her away. Though You slay me, like Job said, yet, I love You and I believe You. If You send me to hell, I'll love You, anyhow. I can't get away from that." There you are.

Just an intellectual, it all broke away. But you got to have personal relationship. You've got to be born again.

177 That's the reason ministers get away, great charges and things. They say, "There's no such a thing as Divine healing. No such a thing as these things." They've never been on that sacred ground, as I was speaking this morning. They know nothing of It. How can they say that they're children of God, and deny the Word of God? How can you do it, denying the very Holy Spirit that bought you?

178Oh, just remember, Jesus humbled Himself, to death, for you. He was not fussy. When they spit in His face, He didn't spit back. When they pulled His beard out, He didn't pull at theirs. When they slapped Him on one side the face, the other, He never slapped them. He prayed for them, walked on, humbly. He was an example of humility.

179He was full of faith. Why? He knowed His Words couldn't fail. He so lived by the Word till He became the Word.

O God! Let me hold my both hands to God, before this audience. Let me live like that. Let this Word so become, that me and this Word is the same thing. Let my words be this Word; let the meditation of my heart. Let Him be in my heart, on my mind. Tie His commandments upon the post of my intelligence. Tie them upon the post of my heart. Let me just see Him. When temptation rises, let me see Christ. When things goes wrong, let me just see Him. When I get ready, and the enemy try to make me get angry, let me see Jesus. What would He do?

180 He was so much in the Word, till Him and the Word became the selfsame thing. Watch.

181He didn't have to fuss. He knew He and the Word was the same. He knowed that He was God's Word made manifest, and God's command would finally conquer the world. He knowed that, His Word. He had faith. He knowed where He was at. He didn't have to discuss, and say, "Here, you can come over here."

182Devil said, "Now, look, You can perform miracles. You know You got great faith. You can perform miracles. I'll build You a building, twice size of Oral Roberts'. Cause, the people all... The--the only thing You have to do, show them. Jump off this building here, just go right down, because it's written, see, 'The Angels bear Thee up, lest any time dash a foot against a stone.'" See?

He knowed He had power. He knowed that He could do it. He knew it was in Him, but He didn't want to use it till God told Him to. See? He want it to be God in Him, be the Word in all. And He knowed that, when He spoke anything, that it was God's Word; and though heavens and earth pass away, that Word would someday conquer.

183 He wasn't fussy and stewy. He spoke just the Words of God. Every Word that come from His lips was God's anointed Word.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could say that, "My word and God's Word is the same. What I say, He honors it, because I do nothing till He tells Me first"? Oh, there is your example. There is a life worthy of the Gospel.

184Not those priests that was so educated and polished, and having all those great dignities, and stand and make long prayers, and devour widow houses, and devour the high seats in the--in the congregation, all these things there. They was... That wasn't a life worthy of the Gospel.

But He was worthy of the Gospel, so much, that God said, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm well pleased. Hear ye Him. My Word is He. He is My Word. He and I are the same."

185 Know, watch this now. He knowed that His Word would finally conquer the world. He knew where His Word came from. He knew It could never fail, that's the reason He said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will never fail." See? He could say that. That was a Man Who Him and God's Word become the same. He said to them...

"You ought to do this and that."

186He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin? Who can accuse Me?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I, by the finger of God, cast out devils, who does your sons cast them out by?" See? It wasn't that, so it had to be something else. See? " If I..."

They said, "Well, we've cast out devils."

187He said, "If I do it by the finger of God, a vindicated Word of God, then who does your sons cast them out by? Then you be the judge."

188The people of His days, and the people made fun of Him, talked about Him. But, He, they humiliated Him, every way they could. Told Him of all kinds of evil, against Him, but He went on.

Now I want to close in a minute, by saying this.

189 The people of this days are a bunch of neurotics. The people of this day are a bunch of neurotics. They are afraid to take the promises of God. Church men, church organization, church organizations are afraid to take the challenge of God's Scripture for this day. They realize. They realize that their modern conditions and their social gospel that they preach will not meet the challenge of this hour, no more than Samson could meet it in his condition. It took God.

And here is the program that promised it. I'll get to that just in a minute.

190I want to hold that word, a minute. Though they call themselves Christian, they adopt creeds, man-made creeds, to take the place of God's Word. So, they can take the creed, because the man made it. But they're afraid to lay their faith out there in the God that they claim that they love. That's right. And then you say that life is worthy of the Gospel? Can't be, though they be church members. But that's not worthy of the Gospel. No, indeedy.

191 The Gospel! Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow the believers."

And when you deny that to follow the believers, how can you have a life? No matter, you might not never say a bad word, you might keep all the ten commandments, that won't have one thing to do with it. It's still not worthy of the Gospel. See? It couldn't be.

Those priests kept that, and still was not worthy. He said, "You are of your father, the Devil." Who could lay a finger on one of them men? One guilty mark, and they were stoned without mercy. Holy men! And Jesus said, "You're of your father, the Devil," when the Gospel came in to.

192Though they call themselves Christians, they love to hold to the creeds, their creeds. Oh! The creeds institutes and fulfills the thinking of the modern people of this day. And a man that's going to be a success in this day, has to go with the modern trend of thinking. Let me say that good and clear. See? A man, if you're going to be a success, you have to go with the modern thinking of this day. It... They go around, say, "Oh, isn't he a darling? Isn't he wonderful? He can just stay there so straight, and he never keeps us over fifteen minutes. And our pastor don't always bawl us out about these things."

Shame on that pastor. Any man that can stand in the pulpit and look upon the sin of this day, and not cry out, there is something wrong with that man. He's not worthy of the Gospel that he claims to be preaching. That's right. So, by doing so, they make themselves excuses, by saying, "Now, look, my congregation!"

193 A--a man come here, not long ago, to a certain great church, and he was writing a thesis. And he said, "I'm writing on Divine healing." Said, "Brother Branham, we love you, in our denomination." One of the greatest denominations, one of the greats of the nation, or the world. And he said, "We love you, in this denomination." He was right here at the Jefferson Villa. But, say, "I come to find out about this Divine healing." He said, "There's only one fault that my church really finds." See? He said, "You associate around too many Pentecostals."

I said, "Well, now, you know, that is right." I said, "That's true. You know, I've always wanted an opportunity to get away from them." I said, "I'll tell you what. I'll come to your town, you get your church to sponsor me."

"Oh," he said, "they wouldn't."

I said, "That's what I thought. That's what I thought."

194Said, "You see my denomination won't stand for that." That's as much excuse, as, "I've married a wife," or "bought a yoke of ox." I don't care how many doctor degrees you've got, and how much you're looked up to, by your denomination. That sort of a ministry is not worthy of the Gospel that's wrote in this Book. Right.

195 Any church member that'll side in with such stuff as that, and call themselves a Christian! And go out going and live... And the women bobbing their hair, and wearing clothes that the Bible says for them not to. Men carrying on the way they're doing now, "a form of godliness," taking drinks and smoking cigars, and marrying several times and becoming deacons of the church and even pastors, and so forth. And the people that put up with such as that, that sort of life is not worthy of the Gospel.

196A woman that'll walk, and get on the telephone and tattle, and start fusses in the church, and things like that, that isn't a life worthy of the Gospel that we're going to represent. Any person that'll break up a church, and start a feud between the people, and things like that, is not worthy of the Gospel that we preach. Exactly. "It's a form of godliness, denying the power thereof," the power of God that keeps you from such.

197 Notice, now, they don't do it. They just won't do it. They have the excuse, that, their church don't believe in It. They...

Well, but, Jesus would say--say to a man, tonight, speak to his heart and say, "I want you to go, preach the full Gospel."

"My church doesn't stand for It, Lord. You excuse me, if You will. I've got a fine charge. I--I--I, You know, I'm a pastor, one of the greatest churches in this city, Lord. Oh, we praise Your Name down there! Yes, sir. We sure do. I can't do it." The same excuse, same thing. So they don't come to the spiritual feast of His promised, vindicated Word.

198Did not Jesus say, "Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather"? "Eagles," not buzzards, now. Eagles! Where the slop is, and the--and the--the carrion, then the buzzards gather. But where the fresh, clean Meat is, the eagles will gather. See? Certainly. Where the Word, eagle Food, they'll gather.

199So they don't come to the spiritual feast that they're invited to. Do you believe that God has give America an invitation, the last fifteen years, to a great revival, to a spiritual feast? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Did they come? No, sir. No, sir. Then, to reject to come, is that life worthy of the Gospel, though they call themselves that?

200 When a man come to me, not long ago, and set at a table, and said, "Brother Branham, I want to reach across the table," a great man, "I want to take a hold of your hand. I love you." I was in a church and heard him preaching. Said, "I love you. I believe you're God's servant."

I said, "Thank you, doctor. I love you, too."

He said, "I want to tell you how much I love you, as a brother." And said, "You see my little queen setting here, my wife? You remember her?"

I said, "I do."

Said, "The doctor give her two weeks to live, with sarcomas cancer. And you come to the city and you prayed for her. And looked up, and saw a vision. Looked back and told me, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, "She'll be healed."' Great spot in her back, sunk in like that, looked like a great big... like the part of a woman's breast pulled inwardly, in her back, right on her spine. There's not even a spot of it, today." Said, "There sets my queen, a living today." Said, "How could I do anything but love you, for praying that prayer of faith? How can I keep from believing you to be a--a servant of the Lord, when you saw me, and told just exactly what would happen?" He said, "Now I've got something for you, Brother Branham." He said, "I belong to the greatest Pentecostal league there is."

I said, "Yes, sir. I know that."

He said, "I talked with the brethren, not long ago, and they told me to get in contact with you, and tell you that it was a shame that you took that God-given ministry to a bunch of people off the river and around like that."

I said, "That right?"

Said, "Yes." Said, "God sent that ministry to hit the nerve spots, the big spot, the highlights."

201 I seen the Devil talking right then. I thought, "Yeah. 'Jump down off this mountain, and show, you know, off this building.'" See? See?

I thought, "Just lead him on a little far." My old mother used to say, "Give the cow enough rope, she'll hang her own self."

I said, "Is that right?"

"Yes." Said, "It's a shame, by what you do." Said, "What are you? Today you can hardly buy yourself a meal." And said, "Look at Oral Roberts and them, stepped in, and got out there with the one hundredth of the ministry you got. Look what they go."

I said, "Yeah. That's right." See?

And he said, "My group will take you. We'll take you right in, as--as one of our brethren. We'll all give you the right hand of fellowship, and we'll charter a plane, and give you your wages of five hundred a week, or more if you want it. And we'll send you to every major city in the country." This happened right in Phoenix, Arizona, right across the table. And he said, "And we'll pay your..." Said, "Then let the world, the outside world, let the dignitaries, the big guys, the up-and-up..." Said, "You're always talking about the down-and-out. We got the up-and-out's." Said, "Let them see the hand of the Lord. Then I'll let them take my wife along, and others, can prove that those things that you say comes to pass."

202 Said, "Yes, sir. That'd be great."

Now, see, the man, in the position of a D.L., L.L.D., a writer of books, see, doctor of literature, fine writer, fine man. See? He didn't know the Scripture.

Did you know that Angel that performed them kind of works never did go to Sodom? He stayed with the called-out group, Abraham.

He just didn't know it. I just let him alone, just set there a little bit. I just want to see what the catch was. I said, "Well, what would I have to do?"

Said, "Well, Brother Branham, just only thing they said... We discussed it, a few things, little petty things that you teach, that you just lay them aside."

I said, "For instance, what, brother?"

"Oh," he said, "your baptism, you know. You know, you kind of baptize like the oneness, something like that." Said, "Little things like that."

I said, "Oh?" I went ahead.

And he said, "The initial evidence; and women preachers; and just a few little things like that."

203 I said, "Uh-huh?" I said, "You know, I am surprised that one servant of God would ask another servant of God, after paying the tribute to me you did, and calling me a prophet, and knowing that the Word of the Lord, or the revelation of the Word, comes to the prophet. And you turn around, Doctor Pope, (it don't speak of your good intelligence), and would say and ask, one servant of God, you ask another servant of God to compromise on the thing that...?... means more to him than life itself." I said, "No, sir, Brother Pope. By no means would I do it. No, sir."

What is it? There's a grain of Eternal Life; live or die, whether you're a great guy or not a great guy.

204 I passed by, the other day... No disregards to these two men. I looked over there, and there was a great picture there at Tulsa, Oklahoma; Oral Roberts' new place coming, a seminary to educate ministers. It's going to cost. And I know Demas Shakarian, Brother Carl Williams, and them that are on the board of trustees of it. Fifty million dollars, with a three-million-dollar building; a Pentecostal boy, that's a great lot that God has done for him.

205I think, "Me, with a seminary? I'm against it, to begin with."

206 And it said, "The future home of Oral Roberts' great seminary." Went on down the road, there was a great modern thing. And Oral Roberts, in a little ragged tent, come to my meeting over in Kansas City, Kansas.

It said, "The future home of Tommy Osborn," oh, man, about a three- or four-million-dollar place going up like that.

And there, Tommy Osborn, one of the finest Christian men. He's a real man, a real God-sent man. Stood right across the street there; little, nervous boy, little boy and girl in a car; run around, said...?... "Brother Branham, I was there when I seen that maniac run out. And I seen you point your finger in his face, and say, 'In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of him.' I seen him fall across your feet; after he had put his prophecy, said, 'Tonight, I'll knock you plumb out in the middle of that audience of sixty-five hundred people.'" And said, "I seen you stand there, never raise a voice, and said, 'In the Name of the Lord, because that you have challenged the Spirit of God, tonight, you'll fall over my feet.' He said, 'I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over.'"

207And I said, "Come out of him, Satan." He just fell backwards and pinned my feet right to the floor.

He said, "God is God, Brother Branham. That's all." Said, "I've had myself nailed in a house for two or three days." He don't pull no punches. He'll tell about it. He's not ashamed of it. Said, "You think I got a gift of healing?"

208I said, "Forget it, Tommy. You was sent to preach the Gospel. Go, preach It. Go with Brother Bosworth there."

209 I looked there, and I seen. I started before both of those.

I thought, "There is Oral Roberts with five hundred machines, that not even a human hand touches the letters; four million dollars in the mail, last year." Four million; one-fourth of all the money that was taken up, in the whole Christendom. World, over, one-fourth of the money in all Christendom, come in to one man. What a place! I went out there to see it.

210And, now, Oral is my brother. My! I love him. He's a real fellow, real guy, and I love him. And he just thinks the world of me, and I do of him, too. We just don't agree on--on Scripture.

And, Tommy Osborn, not a better. I just think the world of him. He's one of the finest men that I've met, Tommy Osborn.

"And those men," I thought, "when I went into their office and seen what they had, I think I'd be ashamed for them to come, see mine: one little typewriter, and us trying to get the letters out. And what a thing! Set in the end of a trailer, at that time. I thought, "What would that be?"

Then I walked out. I thought, "Well, 'Future home of Oral Roberts.' 'The future home of Tommy Osborn.' One don't speak to the other one."

So, I went down the road. I thought, "But what about me?"

211And Something said, "Look up."

212Thought, "Yes, Lord, let me lay my treasures in Heaven, for there is where my heart is." Now, I'm not saying that for pity. I'm just saying that because it happened, and God knows that that's right. See?

213Where is your treasures? Do you want to be some great somebody? If you are, you're nobody. You get to a place till you don't want to be a great somebody. You want to be a humble little servant to Christ. That's the way out. That's all.

214 Brother Boze and them is forming a church in Chicago. They just had to give up the Philadelphian church to that denomination. Now they was talking about getting some guy with his coat back like this, some DD. I said, "You're on your road out. If you want to find a real pastor for that church, get a little old humble guy can hardly read his name, and his heart is on fire for God. Just take that guy. That's the one you want to get, somebody that don't know all these things, somebody that won't dictate and drive, and throw you into all kinds of debts, everything else, and just feed you the Word of God. That's the kind of a person to get."

So, they won't come to the spiritual feast. I got to close. I've went overtime now. In about six minutes, we'll be dismissing, the Lord willing.

215 I hear some say, "But, Brother Branham, you better back up on that statement." Saying, "The people are not neurotics. This people is not neurotics. They are only educated." They're educated neurotics, then. That's right. Yeah. "They're not neurotics. They're educated."

Then I want to ask you a question. See? You understand. I want to ask you a question then. Please explain their actions of today, if they're not neurotics. Tell me what makes them act like they do, if they're not neurotics; see, every fellow pulling for his denomination, greedy. Jesus wasn't like that. He wasn't no hurry about nothing. See? He wasn't greedy. He was our example.

216 Crime, the nation, the nation has got more crime than it ever had. What's wrong? Teen-agers, church members, taking lives, men shooting their wives and family, and burning up their children. And look at the crime wave. They're not neurotics? Then what's the matter? What's their actions?

Power-crazy nations, every one wanting to take every... rest and make it one flag, one nation, that be their flag and their nation. Power-crazy!

217Immorality, why, the world is more immoral than it ever was. Nude women on the streets, nude women, and say they're in their right mind? They can't be. They just can't be.

218 Listen. There was one person in the Bible that stripped their clothes off, that was Legion. He was out of his mind. When Jesus found him and give him his right mind, he put on his clothes. Right.

What makes you strip your clothes off? The Devil. That's right. Then say they're not neurotics? Start down the street here, and drive four city blocks without seeing a nude woman, and come back and tell me. All right. Find out.

219Then you say they're not neurotic? Then what's wrong? They can't be in their right mind. A right-minded woman wouldn't do that; she's got better sense. She knows what she's putting herself out. A bunch of lust devils out there, just dirty, filthy, sloppy, drunky men, murderers, everything else. You say...

220The world is drinking more liquor now. They spend more money for liquor, in the United States, than they spend for groceries. I think it's... I forget how many times more the alcohol debt costs each year, in the nation, than it did. And what does alcoholism do? Sends you to the insane institution.

221 Cancer. When the medical doctors from around the world write in the magazines, and tell you, "Cancer by the carloads." Cigarettes. Put it on rats, and has proved that it gives you lung cancer. Seventy percent of them take lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. And them women and men will puff them right down and blow it in your face. If that's not neurotics, what is neurotics?

222When, the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached and proved, and the God of Heaven in the form of His Pillar of Fire wave over the people and show that Jesus Christ is in the last session of His Coming, giving them the last sign. And laugh at It and make fun of It, and call themselves church members; and then say they're not neurotics? Explain that. My time keeps on going. But just ask if they're not neurotic. Sure. They're educated neurotic. That's exactly. Explain their condition. You can't.

223 They cut their hair, wear the worldly clothes, walk out on the street like that. And God's Bible warns against it, even forbids a women to even pray with bobbed hair. And says that a man... And she does that. She claims, herself, to her husband, that she's immoral, herself, and he has a perfect right to give her a divorce and send her away from him. That's exactly right. The Word of God saying that, and a women hear that, and continue to wear short hair, and call herself a Christian. If that isn't a neurotic, what is a neurotic? I want somebody to tell me what a neurotic is, then. Yes. They're neurotics.

224Highly educated, degrees, college! We put more time on educating our children, to--to algebra and biology, than we have to the Bible and Jesus Christ. There ain't a kid in this country can't tell you who David Crockett is. There isn't a third of them can tell you Who Jesus Christ is. Then, it's not neurotics? Certainly, it is. How we could go on and on and on, how they do!

225Just remember. And the churches endorse it, when the Bible condemns it. Is the ministry neurotics? Educated neurotics. That's exactly. Churches endorse it.

226 Remember Lot. He was a smart man. Look at him, just a minute now. Don't--don't... Let's not...

Excuse me for running just a couple minutes over. This is--this is too important. It's going out on... You come to hear me make this tape.

227Look. Look. Now, just stop a minute. Pray just a second, in your heart, "Lord, let me see it." Open your understanding. May God do it. Look at the... Just take this nation, alone. Let's see what God said.

228The Bible said, that, "The sins of Sodom vexed the righteous soul of Lot daily." He just didn't have the plain nerve enough to stand out against it. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He couldn't do it, for he was the mayor of the city. He couldn't. But the Bible said, that, "The sins of the--of the Sodomites vexed his soul." He knowed it was wrong, but he didn't have nerve to do it, to stand out against it.

229 Now look. How many Lots in America, yesterday, reading their Bible, to prepare their message for the day, and run across the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ? How many of them run across the baptism of the Holy Ghost? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe"? John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also"? "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, it shall be done"? How many Lots saw That? But, because of their excuse, of their denomination! It looked out and see in the Bible.

230Look at their congregation of bobbed-haired women, and they know the Bible condemns it. Look going down the street, at their own church members going down the street, with shorts on, and they know the Word is against it. But they haven't got the nerve to call out against it. But, yet, the man professing to be a Christian, his soul within him cries out against it, but he hasn't got the nerve. If that ain't modern Sodom, where is it at?

God, give us somebody that'll cry out against it. That's right. Like John the Baptist said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree." That's what we need today.

231 Watch. They're a modern Sodom. Remember. See? The whole land has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot again living on over. No, living it all over, for his honest convictions tells him by the Word that he's wrong.

232Look in Chicago, greater Chicago, when them three hundred preachers setting there. And the Lord told me that night what they was going to do. They had a trap set for me. Me, go on over there. I went and told Brother Carlson. I said, "You're not have it in that hotel. You'll have to take it to another place, and it be a green room. And they got a trap set for me, haven't they, Brother Carlson?" He dropped his head.

He set there in my office, few days ago, for me come, Chicago meeting. Said, "I'll never forget that, Brother Branham."

And I said, "They got a trap set for me. Why, Brother Carlson? Are you afraid to tell me why, you and Tommy Hicks?" They dropped their head. I said, "Tommy, why don't you go speak?"

Said, "I couldn't do it."

I said, "I thought you said you'd do me a favor."

233I said, "Last night the Lord told me. You're going down there today, and you find out you're not going to get that building. You're going to another building. Doctor Mead will be setting this side. That colored man, his wife, that sings, will be setting right here, and so forth, where they'll all be setting." I said, "There'll be a Buddha priest there." And I said, "Now find out. They got it against me because I preach the water baptism in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. They got it against me 'cause I preach the serpent's seed; and against the evidence, that, every man speaks with tongues has got the Holy Ghost, and things." I said, "Come down and watch God."

234 Got in there, they went down there, and the very two hours from then, or better, some time that afternoon, they called up Brother Carlson. And he said, "The guy that let him have that, and paid a down payment on it, said, 'We have to cancel, because the manager said he had already promised it to a band for that night, or that morning.'" And they couldn't have it.

235So we went out to the Town and Country. And that morning when we got in there, and stood in there. And--and Brother Carlson said, "There's one thing. You brethren might disagree with Brother Branham, but," said, "he's not scared to say what he believes." He said, "He told me these things would happen just exactly the way they are." He said, "Now here he is. Let him speak for hisself."

236 I took the Scripture, "I'm not disobedient to the heavenly vision," as Paul said. I said, "You've got it in for me, for water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. Better than three hundred of you introduce yourself as Doctor So-and-so, and Doctor So-and-so." I said, "I haven't even got a grammar school education. But I challenge any man here to bring your Bible and stand here by my side, and deny one of the Words that's been said."

You got it on tape out here, if you want to hear it. That was the quietest crowd you ever heard. I said, "What's the matter?" Is there anybody here, tonight, was in that morning meeting, let's see you hold your hand. Yeah. Well, sure, look all around.

I said, "Then, if you can't support it, then keep off my back." Right. Lot of howling, when they're around the corner. But come face-to-face with the issue, it's different. That's right. It's... Them men went out.

237 Tommy Hicks said, "I want three hundred of those tapes, to send to every pretender trinitarian preacher I know of."

Them men shaking my hand, said, "We'll come down to the tabernacle and be baptized over."

Where they at? Excuses. "I can't do it. My denomination won't let me do it. I married a wife. I bought an ox of yoke, or yoke of ox, rather. I--I bought a piece of ground. I got to go look at it." See? Some of those things, like, excuses. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is that life worthy of the Gospel? ["No."]

If the Gospel is right, let's sell out everything we got and live for It. Be a Christian. Yes, sir. Amen. Notice now, as we close.

238 But their excuses is their creeds and their denominations.

It's like a tree. I was looking at Brother Banks, other day. I had a--a pine tree, I planted when I first moved up there, about, oh, about fifteen years ago, or better. And I let them vines, the branches grow out on the pine tree, and we couldn't get the mower back under there. And there wasn't a sprig of grass, anyhow. And I went out there, took a saw and sawed them limbs off, until that pine tree was way up here, where you could walk under it with a mower. And the prettiest bunch of grass you ever seen is under it now. What was it? The seed was there. It had to get the light.

239 And as long as the denomination, your excuses, try to shadow that Seed that you know actually lays there, you're taking the part of Lot. Throw them things away, and let the Gospel Light shine in upon there, the power of Jesus Christ. Yes. Keeping the Light off of it, will keep it from living. For, if the Light ever gets to it, it will spring forth to Life.

That's the reason the people say, "Don't go to some of them kind of meeting." They're afraid some of the Light will strike one of their members.

240 Remember the woman at the well. She was a prostitute.

There stood those priests. They seen Jesus tell Nathaniel, "I saw you by, when you was under the fig tree."

And the priests said, "He's Beelzebub. He's a fortune teller. That's the Devil."

241This little women, when she walked up there, in her immoral state, living with six men. And when she walked up there in that state, in that state she was. And Jesus said, "Bring Me a drink." The conversation started. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any."

Said, "You said the truth. You've got five, and the one you're living with, not your husband."

She said, "I perceive that You are a prophet, Sir. I know the Messiah will do that when He comes."

Jesus said, "I am He."

242That settled it. When that Light flashed across that Seed laying in that little old harlot, the harlot days was over. Into the street she went, glorifying God, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't This the Messiah?" What was it? The Light got to that seed back under the shadow of a prostitute shelter. Yes, sir.

Now let's close, in saying this. I don't know how many more pages I got, but I--I sure won't take them all. About ten, but that's just about one-half through. But let's close, in saying this.

243 Let's compare something, one time, of a life worthy. Let's compare the life of Saint Paul to the rich young ruler. The same Light struck both men. Both had the same invitation from Jesus Christ. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] They both was well trained in the Scriptures. They were both theologian. 'Member, Jesus told--told the rich young ruler, "Keep the commandments."

244Said, "I've done this, from my youth."

He was a trained man. So was Saint Paul. Both were well-trained in the Scripture. But, both of them had the Word. One had It from a knowledge; the other one had the germ of Life in it. When that Light flashed across, in front of Paul, he said, "Lord, Who are You?"

Said, "I'm Jesus."

"Here I am, then." He was ready.

245 The Light struck both men. One was germitized; the other is not. That's the way it is today: church spiritual, church natural.

246The rich man had his excuse. He couldn't do it. He was too weighted down with too many friends of the world. He didn't want to quit associating.

That's what's the matter with a lot of people today. You think, because you belong to a lodge, you just couldn't forsake that brotherhood. "They all drink and things like that. They do this." All right, go along with it; nothing against the lodge, nothing against the church. I'm talking about you. See? Yeah. See? Nothing against that. For, six of one, and half a dozen the other. I've just got through telling you the church was nothing but a lodge, the denomination, if they deny the Word of God.

247 Notice. The rich man had his excuses. He never forsaken his testimony, though. We find out that he went to great business. He had knowledge. And he went to such a place till he had to increase so much, till he had to build new barns to put his things in. And when he died; and some bachelor, with his collar turned around, preached his funeral, no doubt. And when he did, he might have said... They half-masted the flags, and said, "Our dear beloved brother, the mayor of this city, now is in the arms of Almighty, because he was a great member of the church. He did so-and-so, and so."

And the Bible said, "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment." See?

248 And remember, he still wanted to hold his profession in hell. He seen Lazarus, in the bosoms of Abraham, and he said, "Father Abraham, send Lazarus down here." Still calling him "father." See?

He took his knowledge, and went to an intellectual church. When the Light struck him, he turned It down.

If that isn't the modern trend of the church today, I don't know it. No matter what God flashes across their path, the Pillar of Fire or whatever it might be; they still, with their knowledge, they can explain It away, and go to the intellectual group, for the social standing.

249But Paul was already in the social standing, with great knowledge, a great scholar under Gamaliel, a right-hand to the high priest, insomuch till he went to the priests and got orders to put all them holy-rollers in jail. But when the Light struck his path, and he seen that that same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness was Jesus Christ, he forsook all he ever knowed. He come to Life.

250 Could you call that rich man's life a life worthy of the Gospel that he heard? Though he was a believer, could you call that kind of a life... Amongst the intellectuals and entertainments, that night up there on the... as the sun went down, giving a toast, and maybe some priest saying a prayer, up on top of there. And he had the entertainments, and a beggar laying at his gate down there. And he give his toast, and talked about his great faith he had in God. And before daylight, the next morning, 'fore the sun could get up, he was in hell. That's right. There is your intellectuals.

251 But Paul, when the Light struck him, let's compare his life and see whether it's worthy. What happened? When, Paul, the Light struck him, he forsook all his knowledge and got away from that intellectual group, and he walked in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Glory to God! Wit, as smart as he was, he never even used big words.

When he come amongst them Corinthians, he said, "I never come to you with the wisdom of man. I never come to you with swelling words, because you put your faith in that. But I come to you in simplicity, in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that your faith would be in there." There's a life. Watch it.

252He never used his education. He never walked with the intellectual bunch. He walked in the Spirit of Christ, humble, obedient to the Word of God, when It was very much contrary to their creeds. But Paul saw the Light and walked in It (that right?), letting the Life of Christ reflect Jesus Christ to the age that he lived in, that the people might see the Spirit of God in him.

And the humble believed it, so much, till they even wanted to bring handkerchiefs in. They take them off of his body. And they believed it, so much, he's such a representation of Jesus Christ, till, whatever he touched, they believe, was blessed. Yes. What a man that was, give his life, his riches, and everything he had! His education; forgot all, to walk down with fishermen, and beggars and bums on the street, to let his lights reflect the love of Jesus Christ.

He said, "I been striped across the back, forty and nine times; don't bother me. Also, I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ." The poor little fellow in such a terrible condition, he said, "I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ." What a different from this great dignitary with the priests all around him.

253 And when he was at Rome, and nobody standing by him. And they was building a block, to cut his head off, out there. There's where she told it. Oh, my! He said, "There is laid up for me a crown, that the Lord, the Righteous Judge will give me at that Day; and not only me, but now all them that love His appearing." There is a life worthy of the Gospel, or, a son.

254He stood for Christ. He let the Gospel reflect through him. Before he did, he went and learned the Gospel. Went down in Arabia and stayed three years, and took the Old Testament. And showed, by the Old Testament, that He was Jesus Christ. And he let It reflect through him, to a humble bunch of people. That, he, when... He said, "I know how to have a belly full, and I know how to be hungry and wanting."

A man with an education like him, and a scholar like him, standing by the... with a scholarship from Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers there was of the day, and stood arm-and-arm with the high priest. Brother, he could have been worth millions of dollars and had all kind of buildings. That's right. But he said, "I..."

255He didn't even have but one coat. And Demas saw a man with such a ministry as that! Second Timothy, the 3rd chapter, he said, "Demas has forsaken me, and all other men, loving this present world." Said, "When you come, bring me that coat I left up there. It's getting cold." A man with a ministry like that, and could only have one coat? Glory to God!

256 Reminds me of Saint Martin, when he was trying to stand for the Gospel, and everything, before he was converted. In the--in the Pre-Nicene, or the Nicaea council, the Nicaea Fathers, in the history. One day, he was going through the gates there. He was from Tours, France. And there was people... An old bum laying there, dying, no clothes. And the people passed by, that could have give him clothes, and they didn't do it. They passed him by and ignored the old fellow. And Saint Martin stood there and looked it. They said he...

257Every soldier had a--had a man to keep his boots shined. And he shined his servant's boots.

And took his coat off, and took a knife and cut it, half, in two, his sword. Wrapped the old bum up in it, said, "We both can live."

He went home and went to bed. Laying there, thinking the old man had cried. Directly, Something woke him up. He looked. Standing in the room, there stood Jesus Christ wrapped in that same old piece of garment that he wrapped the bum in. Said, "Insomuch as you have done unto least of these little ones, you've done it unto Me." That's a life worthy of the Gospel. You know how he sealed his life, too, don't you?

258 Look at Polycarp, standing for the Name of Jesus baptism, against the Roman Catholic church. And they burn him to a stake; tore down a bathhouse and burn him. Look at Irenaeus, the rest of them, that suffered for this cause. That's lives worthy.

259Look at what Paul said in the Book of Hebrews, 11th chapter. Said, "They were sawed asunder, pulled apart; wandered about, in sheepskins and goatskins, and was in desert, and destitute and so forth; lives that this world is not worthy of." There you are. That life is worthy of the Gospel. How is mine and yours going to stand in the Day of Judgment, with men like that?

260 Look at Paul now. We'll go on down. He stood for the Gospel, let Jesus so flow through him. No matter how, what, regardless of what anybody thought about it. Where, the high priest, why, he went and had his head cut off, for It. He was a worthy representation of the Gospel. Letting... Look at there. Regardless of what people thought, letting the current of Eternal Life flow through him, insomuch that he said, "I would be accursed from Christ, for my brethren."

Now you know what you do when you get Eternal Life. There is your question. There is your answer. You take the intellectual side; or, take This side, if you've really got Eternal Life. That's what happens.

261That's what happened. Paul, ready to be accursed from Christ, to let his people... The blind, ignorant people that wouldn't listen to his Gospel!

I think, a shame on my own self. I was ready to give them up, because they wouldn't listen to me. I feel like repenting. And I have repented. See?

262 Notice. Regardless of what others thought, this kind of a life is worthy of the Gospel.

Now I'm closing.

263The rich man, like most of us today, shut out and rejected the Word of Life, and become a church member; and showed a life, that proves in the Bible, was unworthy of the Gospel that he was asked to receive. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How could the Gospel shine through a darkened light like that, denying the power of God?

264 Now, the only way to live a life worthy, is to let Christ and His Word (which, He is the Word) reflect Itself so perfect in you till God vindicates what He said in the Word. For, Christ died that He might present Himself before God, a Sacrifice. And It returned back in the form of the Holy Spirit, to reflect Hisself through His people, to carry on His work; reflecting Hisself through you, to fulfill His promised Word in these future days.

Like John the Baptist heard, when he heard Christ come. And Christ walked out into the water. And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God."

Nobody else saw It. But he saw It, that Light coming down from Heaven, like a dove. And a Voice saying, "This is my beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He saw It coming.

And Jesus walked out into the water, Immanuel, before a--a preacher that was supposed to be a radical. Walked out into the water, before the people, and said, "I want to be baptized of you."

265John said, "Lord, I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?" Both them eyes met one another, a prophet and his God. Amen. Could you... I... Wouldn't I love to stand and watch that? See them stern, deep-set eyes of John peel down and find them stern, deep-set eyes of Jesus; second cousins to one another, in the flesh.

266Jesus said, "John, suffer it to be so now, for thus it behooveth us. We're the Message of this hour. It behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness."

267John thought, "Yes, He's the Sacrifice. The Sacrifice must be washed before It's presented." Then he said "Come on." And he baptized Him. Amen. Other words, "It behooves us to fulfill all righteousness."

Jesus, knowing that that man was genuine, said, "There's never been a man born of a woman, like him. He's more than a prophet; you can receive it, this is more than a prophet." And Jesus, looking into his heart, and knowing that. His own cousin met Him there, face-to-face.

268John said, "Lord, I got need to be baptized of You. And why do You come to me?"

269Said, "Suffer it to be so, John. But, remember, it behooveth us to fulfill all that God has promised. And I am the Sacrifice. I've got to be washed before presented." Oh, my! My!

270 And, today, when the evening Lights are shining, when there's not a man in his right mind but what can't say, any Bible scholar look in the Bible, knows this is the last day. Then, it behooves us to fall from these big walls, or get away from these things, and to get into the righteousness of Jesus Christ in this last day, and take on the Seal of God before the Devil gives us the mark of the beast. Oh, my. Yes.

271Pray God to let the Light of this day raise in you, to be an obedient servant to God. And then let the fruit of the Spirit ever remain in your life. And that is a life is worthy of the Gospel.

272 Let me say this, in closing. The only way, the only way that you can live a life that's worthy of the Gospel, is let the Gospel Itself, every bit of the Gospel, come into you and reflect His promises back, make them vindicated. Let God live in you, to vindicate the promises of this day.

Just as John, as Jesus said to John, "Suffer it to be so, John. That's right. But we are the messengers of this day, and we've got to fulfill all righteousness."

And if we are the Christians of this day, let's receive Jesus Christ into our heart. And He is the Word. Don't deny any of It. Say, "It's the Truth." And place It in your heart, watch the fruit of the Spirit upon you, and fulfill every promise that He made in the Bible. God wants to fulfill His Word, and He don't have any hands but mine and yours. He don't have any eyes but mine and yours. He has no tongue but mine and yours. "I am the Vine. Ye are the branches." The branches bears the fruit. The Vine energizes the branch. That's the life that's worthy.

273 My prayer is, to those in radio or in... on the tape land, and those that are present. May the God of all grace, of Heaven, shine His blessed Holy Spirit upon us all, that we, from this night, henceforth, can live a life that God would say, "I'm well pleased. Enter into the Eternal joys that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Let the God of Heaven send His blessings upon all you people.

274I pray that God will bless you women, tonight, that's got short hair, in such a way that you will see, and get away from this modern trend of the day, and realize that the Bible says that you shouldn't do that. And if you're guilty of wearing immoral clothes, that the God of Heaven will shed His grace in your heart, that you'll never do it again, that you'll never be guilty of such a thing again. May the Holy Spirit just open it up to you and show you. May you, without the baptism of the Holy Ghost...

275 May you men that's got your wives, and let them be the boss of the house and lead you around, may the God of Heaven give you grace to set your foot down and bring that woman back to her right mind again, yeah, and realize that that's your place in Christ. Not a boss, now, but you are the head of the house. Remember, she's not even in the original creation. She's only a by-product of you, give by God, to you, to take care of you, to keep your clothes clean and fix your meals, and so forth. She's not your dictator.

276You American women run around with a gob of paint on your face, and your nose up in the air (it'd rain, it'd drown you), and then think you're some sort of a dictator. You are, to a sissy, but not a real son of God. Right.

277 May God give you men grace, as sons of God, to stop such nonsense as that. That's right. May He give you grace, to throw them cigarettes down, stop listening them dirty jokes, all that nonsense. Let's be sons of God, that we can walk a life that's worthy of the Gospel.

And somebody goes down the street, say, "If there ever was a Christian, there goes one. There goes one that God just shows Himself right through, and that man is a real Christian, there ever was a Christian. You might think she looks old-fashion. She's a genuine lady." There it is.

278Be a reputable Christian, for we are aliens here. This is not our Home. Our Home is Above. We are sons and daughters of a King, of the King. Let us let our lives be a--a reputable life. Let us live a life that'll honor that thing that we claim to be, a Christian. And if you can't live that kind of life, then stop being called a Christian, 'cause you're only bringing reproach upon the Cause.

279 Thank you, people, this hot night, setting here. I trust that there'll not be one of you lost, at that Day. I--I--I trust that you and I, together, will find grace before God, that I'll be able to always stand for that which is Truth, never to hurt you, but never to pull a punch from you. See? If I would, I wouldn't be the right kind of a daddy, if I let my kid just do anything. I'll correct them. Any love will do that. Love is corrective. I remember you writing me that note, that day, Pat. I've still got it. And love is corrective. The Bible said so. And if it isn't correct... That's the reason God corrects us. He loves us.

280May we live a life, from henceforth, that's worthy, with sweetness and gentleness. Don't pay no attention, say, "Well, bless God, I know she's got It. She spoke in tongues. She danced in the Spirit." That's all right. But if she doesn't have the fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit isn't there. She's only impersonating some kind of an emotion, or something, 'cause the Holy Spirit can only live the life of the fruit of the Spirit. That's the only way He can do.

281 God bless you. Let us bow our head, just a moment.

Let the... God, that has shed forth His Light in this last day, That laying here before me, of His Bible; and the picture of these Angels, this mystic Light in the form of a pyramid, that even the scientists don't know how It got here. They can't explain It. But, Father, we're thankful. You told us, months before it happened, and we're grateful to You.

282Let the people, that's called by Thy Name, depart from sin, tonight, Lord, unbelief. May, as... I've had to speak so rashly against our sisters, not because I don't love them, Lord, but I don't want to see the Devil wind them up till they drop dead, one of these days, and then try to meet You in that kind of condition, after hearing the Truth of God, like this. May they feel that they owe it to themself, to go search the Scriptures, and see if that's right. Get down on their knees then, sincerely, and say, "God, is that the Truth?" Then that'll be all is necessary, Lord, they'll be sincere about it, for Thy Word is Truth.

283 The people have set. Many of them, maybe, had things that hurt them. But the Spirit of God spoke to them, and they set still and listened. The hour is getting late. The hour is late in the evening, and it's also late in the time that we're living in. The sun is going down. The world is cooling off. God, darkness will soon set in, and then the Coming of the Lord, to catch away His Church. How we thank You for this, Lord!

284We pray now that You'll bless every person in Divine Presence. Every one that hears this tape, Lord, around the world, may they get away from those old creeds and things, and come and serve the living God, come and invest in It, do like the queen of the South did. She come, took her three months to get to where a man was representing Jesus Christ, or the God of Heaven; Solomon. Jesus said, "She come from the uttermost parts of the world, to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold a greater than Solomon is here." And we know "the greater than Solomon" is here, the great Holy Spirit Himself is here, working through the people. How we thank You for this, Father. I pray the blessing now.

285 Bless our dear pastor, Brother Neville. Lord, as I--as I look at him and think of his labors of love, my heart just jumps. I love him. To see him as he looks upon his wife and his little children, I--I pray, God, that You'll strengthen him. Give him courage. Bless him for many, many more years of service, this great harvest field that we're in.

286Bless all these minister brothers setting here tonight. Many of them are visitors from other places. I pray that You'll be with them there, Junie and Brother Ruddell, and those precious men who are sister churches to this church here, standing and holding the Gospel Light in the different parts of the cities around about, for this same Light, contending for It. Thank You for those men, Lord. Encourage them. And give them grace to stand the great trials and things that comes upon the earth to prove all Christians.

287Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. Be with us through this coming week now. Give us courage. May the little, broken up Sunday school lessons of the day never leave their heart. May they meditate, day and night. Grant these blessings, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.

288 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You believe It? ["Amen."] Let's sing our good song again, "I love Him, I love Him," as we join ourself together. Where is Sister Ungren? Is she here, one of them, or the sister has played the piano, one of the ladies here? I don't see it. Yeah, here she is, the lady over here. That's right.

289I wanted, tonight, with all regards, but I didn't see Brother Ungren. I wanted him to sing for me, tonight, How Great Thou Art! I guess the brother went home. See? I heard that song this morning, and I certainly did appreciate that. My, oh, my! That just rang through my heart. And I--I--I wanted to hear him sing How Great Thou Art!

290 Now let's sing I Love Him, everybody, together. Now just close your eyes. And let's look to Him now, say, "Lord, if there's any of this carnality in me, take it out, right now. Take it out." And you, out, hears this tape, when you hear this song, sing with us, then, right in your chair where you're setting.

If there's that, if you're condemned by the Word, if you don't think It's the Word, search the Scriptures, see if It's right. It behooves you. It means Life or death.

And then while we sing this song, if there's carnality in your life, won't you raise up your hand, in your chair. Have your children and wife to raise up their hand, your loved ones around you. Sing I Love Him, and give your life to Him. Say, "Cleanse me, Lord, from all evil."

While we sing now, let's stand.

I love Him, I...

Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the people, these that's going to wear these handkerchiefs. I bless them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

291 Now, in this great blessing! Just keep playing it, sister. Just close your eyes and think, a minute now. Let's pray, in our heart, "Lord Jesus, search me. Do I really love You? You said, 'If you love Me, you'll keep My sayings. If you love Me, you'll keep My Word.'" And then in your heart, say, "Lord, let me keep Your Word. Let me hide It in my heart, never to sin against You, that's, disbelieve anything that You've said."

292Now while we sing I Love Him, let's shake hands with somebody near us. Just reach over, say, "God bless you, brother, or sister." Real quietly now.

"I..." God bless you, brother. "I..." God bless you, my sister. God bless you, sister. God bless you. God bless you, sister. "And pur-..." God bless you, my sister. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. "... -ry's tree."

293Now let's raise our hands to Him.

I--I love Him


Got something, besides, you want to do? Want you to dismiss.

... me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

294 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] I pray for each one of you, children. What good would it do me to stand here and say these things if I, in my heart, I didn't think it was going to help you? When, I'm tired and wore. I just can't hardly stand here. My feets are hurting. And my shoes, I've stood in them till it sweated in there, and everything, till my feet is galted. And I'm so tired! I'm no kid, no more. And I have preached three- or four-hour sermons, and pray for the sick, and going day and night. Why would I be standing here, do it?

You know, all this thirty years, if it was for popularity, I've shunned that. You know I don't take money. You know that. I haven't. Have I told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? You know that's right.

I love you. It's the love of God that's in my heart for each one of you. I wish I could... I wish I could stand before God, and say, "God, let--let--let me help them. Let--let me do this." I can't do it. Each person has to stand by theirself. See?

295 I--I--I believe we're all going up now, one of these days. And if we happen to fall asleep before that time, I'm taken from you, remember, I'll meet you over There. I know It's there. The very visions that's told you everything, being perfect, has come to pass just as He said. No one, of all these years, can ever here say that I ever told you anything that would come to pass but what it did. The world over, knows that. You never seen it on the platform, what told everybody exactly Truth. See? It's always been. That same God let me look a-past the curtain of time. I seen them women and men throwing their arms around me and hugging me, said, "Oh, Brother Branham."

296I--I just can't set. So, if I'm tired, I go, anyhow. My back hurts. And I, every day... I'm--I'm--I'm fifty-four years old. You know, you get an extra pain every day.

My prayer is, "God, hold me together. Hold me together, to preach the Word, stand on that Truth, until I see my boy, Joseph, old enough, and filled with the Holy Ghost; I can take this old wore-out Bible, lay It in his hand, say, 'Son, carry It to the end of your life. Don't you compromise on It.'"

297 I thought maybe Billy would preach the Gospel. God never called him.

But I believe, Joseph, even the little mean boy that he is, I believe God has called him. That's the reason kids can't get along with him, he's a leader. And I--I--I know that God has called him. I want to train him in the way of the Word, way of the Word of the Lord, that he'll not forsake that Word. I want to do it, myself, if God willing. And when I get old and set back, and can see him there, stand in the pulpit, said, "This same Gospel, my daddy stood for. He is setting there, old and broke, tonight. I want to take his place and fill his shoes, stand there."

298Then I'll look up, and say, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace." That's what I want to see, so bad, until that time come.

299 Then what if I would raise in another generation? I can't. I have to come in this generation. I have to stand with you. You are the ones I have to stand for, and give an account before God, of the Gospel I have preached. You think I'd stand here and try to twist you around, out of Something that I thought was right? I'd be encouraging you to go do It. But I know that, when it's wrong, I want to get you out of that, into what is right. Truly, from my heart, God bear me record, I love you, every one, with real, Divine Christian love. God bless you. Pray for me.

300I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who is holding my future, so I rest in that.

301I turn the, this pulpit over to a man that I have the supreme confidence in, as a servant of Jesus Christ, our pastor, Brother Neville.