Tretí exodus



Duchovná myseľ sa môže pozrieť dole do Egypta a vidieť, že povstáva prenasledovanie, môže vidieť Jozefa, ktorý bol odstránený za tým účelom, aby mohlo povstať prenasledovanie. A potom vidí Boha s jeho kolesom v kolese - všetko sa tak dokonale hýbe. Vidí Putifára, ktorý odmieta Jozefa. Vidí to klamstvo, ktoré bolo povedané a vidí Jozefa vo vezení a jeho brada rástla, vylúčený od svojich bratov, ale potom zrazu náhle, Boh vstúpil na scénu!

Ako môžeme vidieť to koleso v kolese v pohybe - Boží veľký plán, ktorý tiahne všetko do tohoto exodusu, do tohoto času, keď On mohol zavolať svoj ľud znovu naspäť do tej zeme, naspäť na miesto, do pozícii, kde ich On mohol žehnať a postaviť medzi nimi Toho, ktorého zasľúbil, že postaví medzi nich. Oni museli byť vo svojej zemi. Pamätajte, oni museli vyjsť z tej zemi, v ktorej boli a vojsť do zeme zasľúbenia, prv ako ich zasľúbený Mesiáš mohol prísť. A cirkev musí urobiť to isté. Vyjsť von z tej skupiny odmietačov a vojsť do zasľúbenia, prv ako môže byť pred nimi zamanifestovaný Mesiáš. Vidíte to?

Zamanifestovaný život Mesiáša pripravuje cirkev, nevestu ... Žena, ktorá sa vydáva za muža a nezhoduje sa s ním, to by stále boli nejaké hádky. Ale keď muž a jeho žena, jeho priateľka, jeho snúbenka, keď sú v dokonalej harmónii, ako jedna duša a jedna myseľ, pretože budú jedno telo ... Potom keď sa cirkev môže dostať do takejto harmónii s Bohom, že až manifestácia Ženícha je prejavená v jeho Neveste, pretože oni budú jedno. Ó, čo za veľká lekcia.

11 Skloňme teraz hlavy a pomodlime sa. Keď máme sklonené hlavy, chcel by som vedieť či má niekto nejakú zvláštnu potrebu, a chceli by ste aby bola prednesená pred Bohom, zodvihnite len ruku, a pod svojou rukou, držte len svoju potrebu.

2 Nebeský Otče, sme vďační za túto ďalšiu chvíľu, že môžeme byť spolu zhromaždení po tejto strane večnosti. Očakávame na toto ráno na obnovenie sily, ktorá prichádza od teba; aby si nám dal odvahu na cestu, ktorá leží pred nami.

3 Zhromaždili sme sa ako to robili tie hebrejské deti včas ráno, aby nazbierali mannu, ktorá bola pre nich pripravovaná cez noc, aby ich živila cez ten nadchádzajúci deň. My sme za zhromaždili kvôli tej duchovnej manne dnes ráno, aby nám dala silu na našej ceste.

4 Za každou z týchto rúk, ktorá sa zodvihla, Ty vieš, že oni majú nejakú potrebu, Pane. A ja sa modlím svoju modlitbu s ich, pred Tebou, aby si uspokojil každú potrebu, ktorú majú. Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Vieme, že Ty si Boh a môžeš všetko urobiť a zasľúbil si to robiť, ak my budeme len tak postupovať, ako nám to ponúkala tá pieseň, len veriť; a keď počujeme tie nádherné slová, kráčať a rozprávať sa s Kráľom.

5 A teraz, Bože Otče, požehnaj tvoje Slovo, keď bude dnes ráno hovorené a nech môže nájsť svoje miesto odpočinku v našich srdciach, aby mohlo zrodiť veci, ktoré sa od nás vyžadujú, Otče. Prosíme to v mene Pána Ježiša. Amen.

Myslím, že bolo povedané: „Radoval som sa, keď mi hovorili: Poďme do domu Pánovho."

Keď som včera odchádzal z Hot Springs, brat Moore mi povedal: „brat Branham prečo nejdeš so mnou do Texasu na zhromaždenia? Oddýchnuť si niekoľko dní.

Povedal som: „Zajtra mám dve zhromaždenia."

On povedal: „Dve zhromaždenia?"

Povedal som: „Áno."

6 Povedal: „Tak intenzívne ako si tu kázal, človek by si mal týždeň odpočinúť po každej takej kázni. Pozri, nejaký pastor odkáže v nedeľu ráno svoje posolstvo a tak ďalej, a potom do konca týždňa odpočíva. A možno mu to zaberie tridsať minút alebo tak nejako." A povedal: „Ty tu kážeš na raz dve alebo tri hodiny a to deň za dňom a niekedy dva krát za deň a potom sa modlíš za chorých, všetky tie rozpoznávania." Povedal: „A teraz hovoríš, že ideš domov a v nedeľu máš dve zhromaždenia?"

Povedal som: „Tak veru."

Povedal: „Ako to robíš?"

Povedal som: „Moja pomoc prichádza od Pána."

„Je pozdná hodina." ako to niekto povedal pred chvíľou v modlitbe, keď som sem vchádzal. Je pozdná hodina a potreba je veľká a my sme tu, aby sme sa snažili vniesť náš diel aby to pomohlo tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej sa nachádzame.

7 No, keď Pán dá, dnes večer, chcem hovoriť na tému: „Je tvoj život hodný evanjelia?" Chcem, aby sa to nahrávalo. No, neviem či toto dnes ráno budú nahrávať alebo nie; vidím tam niekoho v tej miestnosti. Sú tam nejakí ľudia - myslím, že sú.

8 Myslel som, že toto bude robiť brat Neville. Pýtal som ho minulú nedeľu, aby on kázal aby priniesol svoje posolstvo a potom na záver za ním by som ja niečo povedal. Ale, ak chcú nahrávať lekciu nedeľnej školy, prečo, bude to dobre.

9 Potom, ak Pán dá, na budúcu nedeľu, ak Pán dovolí a budeme tu, chcem hovoriť na tému, na ktorú som už dávno chcel hovoriť a sľúbil som, že budem hovoriť to posolstvo prv tu v tejto modlitebni, ako tie nahrávané posolstvá. Chcem obžalovať túto generáciu za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista, na budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá. No, dnes večer o siedmej alebo o sedem tridsať je posolstvo „Je tvoj život hodný?"

10 No, niekedy, keď hovorím v týchto posolstvách, ako toto, hovorím veci, ktoré skutočne tvrdo sekajú. Ja to nemyslím skutočne, priamo pre tento zbor tu, alebo niečo také. Pamätajte, keď hovorím, to ide do celého sveta. Rozosielame tie pásky po svete a oni počúvajú tieto posolstvá tam v džungliach a všade. A Duch Svätý ma niekedy vedie, aby som povedal niečo a to môže byť práve to, čo On chce povedať niekomu tam niekde v Austrálii alebo niečo také.

11 Tak možno ohľadne nejakého stavu by ste povedali: „No dobre, takýto stav tu nie je. Načo to hovorí?" Možno, že to je niekde inde, viete. Tak, som si istý, že tomu rozumiete.

12 Tieto posolstvá nie sú smerované do žiadneho - to je proste smerované celkove do cirkvi, všade. Čokoľvek do čoho nás Pán bude viesť, aby sme povedali alebo urobili.

Prežili sme pekné chvíle tam v Hot Springs v starodávnom letničnom zhromaždení. Verím, že mnohým vyhovovali tam tí letniční ľudia ... ktorí ste tam boli. No, nepoznám tú skupinu, mal som tam len ísť na týždeň a bol som tam dva, tri dni. Ale jedno chcem povedať. Na tom zhromaždení, oni mali skutočne vieru veriť. Ak ste tam niekto boli. Viem, že tam bola tu táto pani, ktorá sedí tam v rohu - neviem kto je, alebo ona tu, viem, že tam bola. A viem, že tam boli niektorí bratia, brat Jackson a oni, brat Palmer.

13 To je to čo ľudia dostávajú, keď majú vieru. Vidíte? Všimli ste si tých ľudí, ktorí stáli v rade, za ktorých sme sa modlili? Každého jedného z nich Boh uzdravil.

14 Tak, keď máte vieru ... a druhá vec, môžno niekto z vás, možno, že niekto nerozumel tým emóciám - tancovaniu, vykrikovaniu. No dobre, oni len, oni sa nedívali na žiadnu určitú osobu; oni len vykrikovali pred Bohom. To je všetko.

15 Ale, chcem povedať, že to je jedna z najslušnejších skupín žien, akú som kedy videl - dlhé vlasy. A ľudia z tade v džungliach, tam v bušoch, ale myslím, že som tam nevidel nikoho, kto by vyzeral tak moderne (viete čo tým myslím), že by mala niektorá na sebe ten make up a také veci. Možno že nesúhlasím s nimi vo všetkom tom, čo oni učia ale v tomto skutočne s nimi súhlasím. Pre mňa vyzerali ako kresťania.

16 Tak, Pán ma viedol aby som hovoril na tému, včera alebo predvčerom na poludnie, „Ešte raz, Pane." A ak zbor, niektorí z nich tam nevedeli, že som to urobil za určitým účelom, pretože ma Pán do toho viedol. Tá malá skupina sa posúvala do niečoho; a Pán tomu pomohol.

17 Tak, bolo to nádherné. Ja skutočne ... viete veci prebiehajú, ak nemáte duchovné oči, nevidíte to. Musíte sa dívať dopredu na tie veci.

18 Vošiel som a tento brat Ungren - to je asi druhý krát, čo som počul spievať toho muža. Len čo som vošiel do tej miestnosti, on spieval „Chodím a rozprávam sa s Kráľom." Pomyslel som si „Nie je to nádherné, ako ten Kráľ - chodiť a rozprávať sa s ním, to znamená mať nepretržité obecenstvo. Nie len v zbore, ale všade, chodiť a rozprávať sa s Kráľom."

19 A tam bol - pozrel som sa na stenu a tam bol pripichnutý malý obrázok, taká scéna, ktorú pre mňa namaľoval muž, ktorý sa nazýva George Todd. Neviem prečo to vôbec namaľoval, možno, že on nič za tým nemyslel, on to proste namaľoval a to je obrázok na ktorom je kopec, vzadu v lese a dole tečie potok a na druhej strane potoka stojí laň s mláďaťom a majú zodvihnuté oči a dívajú sa na druhú stranu potoka. Neviem či je tu pán Todd, nepoznám ho. Ale chcem povedať toto, Pán ku mne hovoril, keď som sa díval na ten obrázok; a možno že on to nevedel, keď to maľoval.

20 Pamätáte sa na môj príbeh o jeleňovi, ktorého ten človek chcel zastreliť ... No, ona je tam so svojím mláďaťom, pri vodách života. Inšpirácia, ako tam bola tá matka jelenica a jej dieťa a ja som rozmýšľal -- áno, na druhej strane, tam kde je - pri stále zelených stromoch, tiež tam mám matku a dieťa, ktorí tam čakajú.

Ďakujem ti brat George Todd, ak je tu dnes ráno ten muž.

21 No, budem mať lekciu nedeľnej školy, obyčajne mi to trvá dosť dlho. Niečo v mojom srdci sa stále hýbe, neviem, od včera ... No my - ak Pán - je téma. Starnem, a neviem ako dlho ešte tu budem.

22 Ale v cirkvi je veľká otázka, na ktorú majú ľudia rôzne a rozdielne predstavy. Ako napríklad to jedenie jablka a ja som kázal v posolstve a pevne verím a môžem to dokázať pomocou Písma, že to neboli jablká. Vidíte? To spôsobuje mnoho zamiešania.

23 Tak možno skôr ako odídeme - musíme ísť teraz naspäť, za okolo tridsať dní, viete - naspäť do Arizony. Tak skôr ako odídem, ak bude vôľa Pánova, rád by som zobral toto Písmo a nenahrával to. Ak to budete nahrávať, nepredávajte tú pásku - nerozosielajte ju. Chcem vysvetliť skutočnú pravdu o manželstve a rozvode. To je otázka a toto sú posledné hodiny, v ktorých všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť dokončené.

24 Včera, keď som sem išiel cez hory cez deň, zdalo sa mi, že Duch Svätý mi chce povedať, „Nahraj to a odlož."

25 Neviem prečo; ale skutočná pravda o manželstve a rozvode ... Niektorí hovoria: „Ľudia sa môžu zosobášiť, ak je jasný dôkaz, že boli v cudzoložstve," a iní hovoria: „Ak špatne zachádzajú jeden s druhým a nedokážu žiť spolu. Lepšie je žiť na zemi v pokoji, ako žiť na zemi v pekle." A všetky tieto rôzne otázky a niektorí ich sobášia len nejakým starým spôsobom. Niektorí ich chcú pofŕkať svätenou vodou a obrátia ich dozadu a povedia, že nikdy neboli zosobášení, požehnajú ich a znovu ich obrátia čelom ku zboru. Existujú všetky rôzne zamiešania. Ale keď je toľko zamiešania, niekde je pravda.

26 Verím, a hovorím to s úctou: verím, že Pán mi to zjavil, tú pravdu. A keby sa to dostalo medzi cirkvi, roztrhalo by to tú vec na kusy a možno to má tak byť. Ale to je ... Ja by som to radšej dal len pastorom - nech len pastori zborov dostanú tú pásku, potom nech si ju vypočujú a potom môžu ďalej viesť ľudí. Ale rád by som to proste nahral aby bola ukázaná skutočná pravda o tom.

27 Verím, že toto je hodina, keď tieto tajomstvá majú byť dokončené, skompletované. Ľudia na to narážali, ako sme o tom hovoril, vo vekoch na páskach, keď sme to priniesli, tých sedem pečatí a sedem cirkevných vekov a teraz je pred nami čas, aby sme priniesli týchto sedem trúb a potom tie čaše. A možno by sme mohli zariadiť dvojtýždňové zhromaždenia a priniesť to všetko spolu.

28 Rád by som to nahral a potom pomimo toho, teraz sa to snažím znovu prečítať a skontrolovať a urobiť z toho knihy, Cirkevné Veky, sedem kníh cirkevných vekov, sedem pások a urobiť to tak, aby to bolo čím najlacnejšie, aby to každý mohol mať.

29 Potom, ak bude Pán zdržiavať a ja odídem, vy budete vidieť, že to čo som vám povedal v mene Pánovom sa vyplní tak, ako to bolo povedané. Ešte nikdy to nesklamalo a niečo z toho sa musí stať neskoršie.

30 A spolieham sa, že Pán nám to dá hneď urobiť. Budem informovať ľudí, kedy to bude, pretože mnohí chcú prísť a počúvať tieto veci a ja si to cením.

31 Keby tomu nikto neveril alebo to nikto nepočúval, čo by som z toho mal, že by som tu stál a hovoril niečo o tom? Rozumiete? To by bolo ako hádzanie chleba na vodu, to by bolo ako ... Keby tomu nikto neveril, potom by to bolo ako hádzanie periel pred svine. Ale je tisíce a tisíce ľudí, ktorí tomu veria a oni sa držia každého slova a my by sme boli radi, aby ich mohlo prísť čo najviac, keď budeme pripravení mať tieto zhromaždenia na slávu Pánovu. A spoliehame na to, že Pán nám to dá a nechcem to robiť, až kým nebudem Božsky do toho inšpirovaný, aby som to robil.

32 Boh má na všetko čas. Rozumiete? Nemôžete to predbiehať. Ak zožnete svoju pšenicu prv - pustíte do nej kombajn prv, ako by dozrela, stratíte najväčšiu časť pšenice. Vidíte? Tak, keď je kosák pripravený, aby do nej vošiel, Boh ho do nej strčí. Potom pôjdeme žať.

33 Ale ja len - keď cítim takýto tlak, myslel som, že by som sa toho zakrátko striasol. Celý deň včera nemohol som sa zbaviť tej myšlienky, včera celú noc. Išiel som spať okolo dvanástej, predchádzajúcu noc som spal asi tri hodiny a minulú noc som stále nemohol zaspať. Niečo povedalo: „Nahraj to manželstvo a rozvod." Vidíte?

34 Ak Pán bude chcieť, ak to bude stále na mojom srdci a Pán mi ukáže viacej ohľadne toho, potom dobre, môžem to nahrať.

35 Ale pamätajte, len pre kazateľov. Vy príďte a počúvajte, ale samotná tá páska, nech ... Vidíte? Pretože to sa dostane medzi zhromaždenia a niekto je tohoto názoru a niekto tamtoho názoru a oni si urobia svoju vlastnú mienku. A ja chcem, aby slúžiaci bratia to mali na svoje vlastné štúdium a potom nech to ide stade, pretože oni sú tí, ktorí sú zodpovední - oni sú zodpovední.

36 Mohli by sme to pustiť sudcovi - niektorému z týchto advokátov, aby videli čo Pán povedal ohľadne tohoto manželstva a rozvodu. Je to viac sväté, než ako si ľudia myslia. A to bude splývať rovno s týmto semenom hada. Presne to isté, len sa to ďalej posúva; to sú tie tajomstvá.

37 Pamätáte, vo dňoch siedmeho anjela sa majú dokonať všetky tajomstvá Božie - tieto neznáme veci, ktoré Pán zakončí.

38 No, tak ďaleko ... No, pamätajte ... Začínate zhromaždenie o sedem tridsať? No, brat Neville, ak máš na dnes večer posolstvo tak káž. Nezaberie mi to hodinu alebo štyridsať päť minút a ja budem nahrávať ten zbytok. Rád počúvam brata Nevilleho. Milujem ho. Je to môj brat a myslím si, že je veľmi dobrý rečník - výborný kazateľ. To čo mám rád na bratovi Neville, je to, že keď niečo hovorí, on žije podľa toho, čo hovorí. To je to hlavné. Pre niekoho môžete žiť kázeň lepšie, ako mu ju kázať. Pretože vy sami ste napísanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí.

39 No, prv ako môžeme tie strany zobrať naspäť, ale Boh musí otvoriť túto lekciu nedeľnej školy. Tak, poprosme Ho, aby to urobil.

40 Nebeský Otče, skrze vieru hľadíme do budúcnosti. Dívam sa teraz, skrze vieru, na niečo čo prichádza, Pane, na zem, čo potiahne dokopy tvojich ľudí.

41 Keď vidíme tie denominačné cirkvi, ktoré sa tak zovierajú a stávajú sa nezhodné (so slovom) to vytláča skutočne ľudí von.

42 Presne tak ako to bolo v Egypte, povstáva faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa; ako to bolo v Nemecku a hore v Rusku a v Taliansku. Tí ľudia povstali proti Jozefom. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, ktorí nenávideli Židov. Oni museli ísť naspäť do svojej domoviny.

43 Bože, Ty máš spôsoby na vykonanie všetkého, čomu my nerozumieme a Ty si ich zatlačil - v Nemecku už nemali žiadny domov, všetko im bolo zobrané; tak isto v Taliansku, v Rusku - nemali kde ísť a boli poslaní naspäť do svojej domoviny, aby sa vyplnilo Slovo.

44 Ó, milujúca ruka Božia. Ako to niekedy vyzerá kruto, ten spôsob ako ľudia trpia, ale to je stále, to je nežná ruka Jahveho, ktorý vedie svoje malé deti. Ďakujeme Ti Pane.

45 Modlím sa teraz Bohu, keď vidím deň, že denominácie tlačia na veriacich, vylučujú ich, hovoria, že ich meno musí byť zapísané v ich knihe, inak že sú stratení, nemajú nič spoločného s tou inou skupinou. To je len nežná ruka Jehovu, ktorá ich vedie ku stromu života.

46 Modlím sa, Bože aby každý jeden - viem, že oni to urobia, pretože to je podľa Tvojho Slova a ono nemôže sklamať. A nech by sme boli privedení ku stromu života, aby sme mohli mať večný život, videli ruku Božiu, a skrze oči viery, aby sme mohli vidieť poza tieto tiene v ktorých dnes chodíme, aby sme videli zasľúbenú zem, ktorá leží rovno pred nami.

47 Požehnaj dnes ráno tvoje Slovo, Pane, týchto niekoľko miest Písma a poznámok, ktoré som si tu zapísal. Nech Duch Svätý teraz príde, keď sa vydávam na obriezku, svoj jazyk, myšlienky a rozum a zbor vydáva uši svojho porozumenia, svoje srdcia a všetci spolu, aby si hovoril ku nám cez svoje Slovo, lebo tvoje Slovo je pravda. Prosíme to v mene Slova, Ježiša Krista. Amen.

48 A teraz, otvorte si Biblie v knihe Exodus. A teraz, chcem čítať časť Písma z knihy Exodus, tretiu kapitolu od 1. do 12. verša. Dobre počúvajte, keď budeme čítať. Exodus 3. kapitola od 1. do 12. verša.

A Mojžiš pásol stádo Jetra, svojho svokra, kňaza-kniežaťa Madianska. A zahnal pozvoľna stádo až za púšť a prišiel k vrchu Božiemu, k Horebu.

A ukázal sa mu anjel Hospodinov v plameni ohňa z prostriedku kra. A videl, že hľa ker horí ohňom, a ker nie je strávený od ohňa.

A Mojžiš povedal: Nože nech idem ta a vidím toto veľké videnie, prečo nezhorí ker.

A Hospodin videl, že odbočil, aby videl,

(Toto chcem zdôrazniť)

A keď Hospodin videl, že odbočil, aby videl, a Boh zavolal na neho z prostriedku kra a riekol: Mojžišu, Mojžišu! A on odpovedal: Tu som.

A riekol: Nepribližuj sa sem! Zozuj svoju obuv zo svojich nôh, lebo miesto, na ktorom stojíš, je svätá zem.

A riekol: Ja som Boh tvojho otca, Boh Abrahámov, Boh Izákov a Boh Jakobov. A Mojžiš zakryl svoju tvár, lebo sa bál, aby nehľadel na Boha.

A Hospodin riekol: Istotne som videl trápenie svojho ľudu, ktorý je v Egypte, a počul som ich krik pre tých, ktorí ho honia, lebo znám jeho bolesti

a zostúpil som, aby som ho vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov a aby som ho vyviedol z tej zeme hore do zeme, dobrej a priestrannej, do zeme, oplývajúcej mliekom a medom, na miesto Kananeja, Heteja, Amoreja, Ferezeja, Heveja a Jebuzeja.

A teraz hľa, krik synov Izraelových prišiel ku mne, a videl som aj útisk, ktorým ich utiskujú Egypťania.

Tak teraz poď a pošlem ťa k faraonovi ...

Všimli ste si? „Zostúpil som, ale posielam teba." Boh ide vo forme človeka. „Chod ..." Dovoľte, že znovu prečítam ten desiaty verš.

Tak teraz poď a pošlem ťa k faraonovi, a vyveď môj ľud, synov Izraelových, z Egypta.

A Mojžiš povedal Bohu: Kto som ja, aby som išiel k faraonovi a aby som vyviedol synov Izraelových z Egypta?!

A riekol: Však budem s tebou. A toto ti bude znamením, že som ťa ja poslal: keď vyvedieš ľud z Egypta, budete slúžiť Bohu na tomto vrchu.

49 Predtým som si to nevšimol, ale cítim dnes ráno veľmi silnú inšpiráciu Ducha, zachytil som to práve vtedy. Boh posiela svojho sluhu naspäť, tam odkiaľ ušiel, On mu dáva znak vrchu. Nikdy som si to nevšimol až teraz. Toto bude pre teba večný znak. Vidíte?

50 No, dnes ráno budeme hovoriť na tému „Druhý Exodus Božieho ľudu," alebo „Vyvolanie Božieho ľudu." Exodus znamená vyviesť von, vyvolať von, zobrať preč z niekade a chcem to použiť ako tému „Druhý Exodus Božieho ľudu."

51 No, oni mali samozrejme veľa exodusov, ale ja hovorím o čase, ktorý Boh nazval exodus, oddelenie od toho kde boli v tom prítomnom čase.

52 Tu sa Boh pripravuje vyplniť svoje Božské zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré dal Abrahámovi a Izákovi a Jakobovi. Prešli roky, stovky rokov, ale Boh jednako nikdy nezabudol na svoje zasľúbenie. V tomto čase, v tom príhodnom čase, Boh stále ukazuje, že jeho zasľúbenia sú pravda. A tak môžete bezpečne odpočívať na tom, čo Boh zasľúbil v tejto Biblii, že On to vyplní. Vôbec sa netreba snažiť vymýšľať niečo inšie a vravieť: „Dobre, prorok sa možno mýlil, alebo to sa nemôže stať v tomto dni."

53 Tiež to vyzeralo nemožné v tedy, viac nemožné ako to vyzerá teraz, ale Boh to aj tak vyplnil, pretože On zasľúbil, že to urobí. A pozrite sa ako jednoducho to On robí. „Zostúpil som; Počul som nárek; Pamätám na svoje zasľúbenie a zostúpil som, aby som to vyplnil a posielam teba. Ty to urobíš, ja budem s tebou, však budem s tebou. Moja nikdy nezlyhávajúca prítomnosť bude s tebou, kdekoľvek pôjdeš. Neboj sa. Prichádzam dole aby som vyslobodil." Som si istý, že duchovná myseľ to rozumie. „Pošlem ťa, aby si priviedol môj ľud do exodusu, aby si ich vyvolal von a ja budem s tebou."

54 No, ako môžeme odpočívať, ako sa viera môže chytiť tam tej nádeje. Boh to ide urobiť; On to zasľúbil. Nezáleží na tom ako, aké sú okolnosti, alebo čo ktokoľvek hovorí, Boh to aj tak urobí, pretože, On to zasľúbil. A On to robí tak jednoducho, že to prechádza ponad porozumenie vzdelaných myslí, ktorí sa budú snažiť o tom argumentovať. „Ako to môže byť?" Nechcem povedať, že teraz nejaký človek s dobrou zdravou mysľou, s dobrým vzdelaním, že ten tomu nebude rozumieť. To je v poriadku, ohromne, pokiaľ tú vzdelanosť ktorú má používa, nie na argumentovanie, ale aby veril Bohu.

55 Nech je to obrátené do jednoduchosti počúvania toho, čo Boh povedal a verí tomu. Vtedy mu jeho vzdelanie pomôže.

56 Všimnite si, ale keď sa niekto snaží zdôvodňovať, že to sa nemôže stať, vtedy ho to odvádza preč od Boha, stále po celý čas. Keď sa snaží počúvať na to, čo ... svoje vlastné zrozumenie. Vidíte? Ak nerozumiete a Biblia hovorí určitú vec, len to potvrďte „Amen" nechajte to len tak.

57 No, namiesto odvolávania sa na tieto miesta Písma, môžete si ich poznačiť v tejto lekcii nedeľnej školy, ale ja by som ... možno by som sa rád na to pozrel ... ale prv, mám ich tu tak veľa.

58 Zoberme ... prv ako zistíme čo znamená tento exodus, chcem prirovnať ten exodus v tedy s týmto exodusom teraz. A dávajte pozor, či to neprebieha úplne rovnako. Jeden z nich je prirodzený a presne tie isté veci, ktoré On robil v tom prirodzenom, znovu znázorňuje v duchovnom. V duchovnom exoduse.

59 Úžasné vidieť Slovo Božie - ako môže niekto povedať, že nie je inšpirované. Toto bolo asi pred 2 800 rokmi, viete. A ako to On zasľúbil a čo On vykonal a leží to tam ako príklad. Ako On urobil tie tiene niečoho, aby svedčili o tom pozitíve. (Dostanem sa ku tomu dnes večer, na príklade medzi mesiacom a slnkom, ak Pán dá.)

60 Ale prv, sa musíme znovu pozrieť do Genesis aby sme videli, prečo oni boli tam dole v Egypte? Prečo bol Boží ľud pomimo tej zeme? A nakoniec Boh zasľúbil že rovno tam, kde bol ten začiatok s Abrahámom, Izákom a Jakobom, v Palestíne, Boh im dal tú zem a povedal: „Toto je to."

61 No, prečo potom tí ľudia neboli na tom mieste, ktoré im Boh pripravil? To je tiež dnes otázka. Boh nám dal letnice. On nám dal Knihu skutkov. On nám dal Ducha Svätého, aby nás viedol a sprevádzal. On nám dal zem, a prečo sme vonku z toho? Prečo je cirkev vonku z toho? Prečo nežije tá veľká kresťanská cirkev dnes znovu, ako v Knihe skutkov, aby rodila tie isté veci? Na to je nejaký dôvod.

62 My všetci vieme, že sme polámaní a že sme v hroznom stave; a že ten najhorší stav, v akom kresťanská cirkev kedy žila je dnes. A my sme rovno na okraji alebo na pokraji veľkého, strašného súdu, ktorý leží pred cirkvou a prv, ako nastane tento súd, Boh vyvoláva exodus, presne tak ako to urobil vtedy.

63 Hriech Amoreja sa doplnil. Tak on zvoláva duchovný exodus. No, poďme nachvíľu naspäť do toho predobrazu a zistime to.

64 Oni odišli do Egypta jedine kvôli tomu, že závideli bratovi. To je ten dôvod, prečo bol Izrael v tom čase v Egypte, vonku z tej zeme. Pamätajte, Božie zasľúbenia boli len dovtedy, kým oni zostávali v tej zemi.

65 No, či môžete vidieť čo sme hovorili pred chvíľou v modlitbe? Prečo Boh musel zatvrdiť srdce faraóna? Aby doviedol ľudí naspäť do zasľúbenej zeme, prv ako ich mohol požehnať, ako im mohol priviesť Mesiáša.

66 Ako On musel zatvrdiť srdce Hitlera, aby bol proti Židom, keď sám bol polovičný Žid. Ako to On musel urobiť v Stalinovi, v Musoliinim.

Vidíte? Ľudia, ktorí nie sú inšpirovaní, ako národ, oni ... Boh musel zobrať tieto veci, podľa ktorých oni žili, mnohokrát zákony danej zeme, aby sa ukázalo, že jeho zasľúbenia sú pravdou.

67 Tak, On musel zatvrdiť srdcia týchto diktátorov, aby zahnal Židov naspäť do zasľúbenej zeme. To tak muselo byť.

68 No, zisťujeme, že Jozef ide dole ... Poznáme ten príbeh, keď ideme naspäť do Genesis a môžete si to prečítať, pretože ja som sa trochu oneskoril so začiatkom tejto dlhej lekcii nedeľnej školy. Budem sa snažiť poponáhľať.

69 Všimnite si, no, prečítajte si ten príbeh, keď budete môcť o Jozefovi, ktorý sa narodil neskoršie medzi svojimi bratmi, predposledný. Tá duchovná myseľ to hneď teraz porozumie. On nebol posledné dieťa, Benjamin bol; ale v tom vylúčení, dávajte pozor. Jozef a Benjamin boli čistokrvný bratia, a len oni dvaja boli bratia.

70 Benjamin nikdy nedostal uznanie, kým nestretol Jozefa. A ponad tými ostatnými, Benjamin dostal dvojitú porciu všetkého, čo Jozef dával.

71 Dobre, všimnite si teraz, našli sme to tam, že oni boli - on bol zobraný z pomedzi svojich bratov, pretože bol duchovný. On bol veľký človek a tiež najpokornejší v tej skupine, najmenší v tej skupine a oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny. Oni ho nemali nenávidieť. Oni ho mali rešpektovať, pretože ... prečo ho nenávideli? Pretože bol brat? Nie presne pre to. Oni ho nenávideli, pretože Boh s ním jednal viacej, ako jednal s tými ostatnými.

72 On mu dal duchovné porozumenie. On mohol dokonale vykladať sny a mohol predpovedať veci, ktoré sa presne tak stali, presne tak ako boli - nebral žiadne ohľady.

73 On videl ten sen o tých snopoch ako sa klaňali pred jeho snopom a jeho bratia sa vtedy na neho nahnevali. Povedali: „Ty fanatik." Inými slovami: „Či sa budeme musieť jedného dňa pred tebou klaňať."

74 Ale tak sa to stalo. Ako by sa tí veľkí dôležití giganti kedy sklonili pred tým malým bezvýznamným človekom, ktorý tam stál, ale oni sa sklonili. Oni sa skutočne sklonili a prosili o milosť.

75 Ale on vtedy ešte neprišiel do moci. Vidíte? On bol vtedy len vo forme dieťaťa. A potom nachádzame, že tým že toto robili, že Jozef bol zobraný spomedzi svojich bratov, denominácií a postavený preč stade osamote - jeho bratia zostali celkom v tej zemi.

76 Potom prichádza taká veľká vec. Uvedomujeme si, že Izrael, kým oni bývali na svojom mieste prebývania a držali sa ... no to je jedna dobrá vec stáť na svojom mieste, pozične, to je pravda, ale oni sa zbavili Ducha.

77 Fundamentalisti dnes, oni pozične poznajú čo sú, skrze intelektuálne chápanie Biblie, ale nieto tam Duch. Oni odmietli Jozefa, vystrčili ho von. Oni s tým nechcú mať nič spoločného, to je banda fanatikov; to je ... „My s tým nechceme mať nič spoločného." Oni ho vylúčili, predali ho do sveta. Oni boli von z ich obecenstva.

78 No, tým že to urobili boli zobraní z toho miesta, potom neskoršie boli zobraní dole do Egypta. No, ten príbeh o tých závistlivých bratoch je skutočne veľkým prirovnaním s tou duchovnou stranou toho dnes.

79 Všetci sme si toho vedomí, že to bola čistá závisť, nie čistá, to je stará nečistá, špinavá závisť. Vidíte? V závisti nieto žiadna čistota. To nie je nič iné iba špinavá závisť.

80 Keď ľudia vidia tú istú Bibliu a povahu toho istého Boha, ktorý napísal Bibliu, ako sa potvrdzuje a potom to bezdôvodne odstrčia, to je čistá ... no, čistá ako som povedal, to je špinavá závisť. Dívajú sa na Boha, ako uzdravuje chorých, kriesi mŕtvych ... na toho istého Boha, ktorý žil vo dňoch apoštolov. Na to isté evanjelium, ktoré oni napísali pre túto duchovnú cestu. To je ten istý Boh, ktorý robí tie isté veci, tak to nie je nič iné iba závisť; vylúčili a „nebudeme to mať medzi našimi ľuďmi." Vidíte? Vyhnali ich von.

81 Oni si mysleli - tí bratia, že nikdy nebudú potrebovať takého človeka, tak prečo sa ho nezbaviť. To je to, čo ... tá istá vec sa stala dnes. Oni si myslia, že pretože naše cirkvi sa stali intelektuálne, že máme najlepšie oblečených ľudí, najväčšiu organizáciu, najvzdelanejších kazateľov, že nebudeme potrebovať Ducha Svätého tak, ako to bolo voľakedy.

82 Že oni sú plní, inými slovami, skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než slová, že ich semináre a ich - rozum a ich schádzanie sa a prejednávanie tejto veci, že sú viac schopní so svojimi intelektuálnymi mienkami dať cirkev do poriadku lepšie, než ako by to mohol urobiť Duch Svätý, tak oni to už viacej nepotrebujú. To je niečo čo my dnes nepotrebujeme.

83 To je ... tie dni toho pominuli. No, či to nie je presne tak? My nepotrebujeme Ducha Svätého, aby uzdravoval chorých, máme doktorov. Nepotrebujeme Ducha Svätého, aby hovoril v jazykoch, my sme všetci vzdelaní ľudia. A keď to robíte odchádzate od svojho konštrukčného základu, od línii života.

84 Ježiš povedal tým Židom v tých dňoch: „Nečítali ste, že kameň, ktorý zavrhli je hlavným uholným kameňom, na ktorom je postavená celá budova?"

85 No, rozumiete čo chcem povedať? No, som si istý, že ste to porozumeli. Teraz je to preto, že oni si mysleli, že to nikdy nebudú potrebovať. „Nepotrebujeme takých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch. Nepotrebujeme vykladačov jazykov. Nepotrebujeme viacej starozákonných prorokov aby nás dali do poriadku skrze Ducha Svätého. My tomu rozumieme."

86 Vidíte, oni adoptovali ľuďmi zostrojený systém aby nahradil miesto Ducha Svätého. A tak, sú ľudia, ktorí sú vyvolení, ktorí majú svoje meno v Baránkovej knihe života; oni za tým nemôžu ísť. Oni rozmýšľajú duchovne. Preto nemôžu ísť za tým. Nemôžu to zniesť. Bez ohľadu na to, či ich otcovia a matky žili v akejkoľvek organizácii alebo cirkvi - keď nejaká cirkev robí ... možno to hneď nepovedia ...

87 Ó, nie, oni to hneď nepovedia, ale ich skutky to dokazujú. Tu je Slovo a Duch Svätý to potvrdzuje medzi tými, keď ich môže zhromaždiť spolu, že On stále uzdravuje chorých a kriesi mŕtvych a hovorí v jazykoch a vyháňa démonov. Tak, to záleží na tom, čo je vo vnútri v tom človeku.

88Pani Arganbrightová, tam, ona si raz myslela, keď sedela tam vonku, chodila a vyťahovala nejakú trávu - keď kosila lúku. Prechádzal som okolo nej, a ona to nevedela a nechal som ju pokračovať, díval som sa.

89 No, všimnite si, Ducha Svätého a jeho veľké dielo. Cirkev cíti, že nepotrebuje Ducha Svätého. Cirkvi vám to povedia. A ten človek sa môže postaviť a vyhlásiť takú učenú reč, že vás takmer dovedie ku tomu, aby ste tomu verili. No, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu.

90 Či nepovedal Ježiš, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj samotných vyvolených, keby to bolo možné? Tie učené reči budú také hladké, že by to zviedlo ľudí. To je evanjelium. To je človek, ktorý dokáže narábať so Slovom tak, že by mohol takmer nakloniť každú intelektuálnu osobu, ak spoliehate na intelekte, oni odmietajú Ducha Svätého a vyberajú cestu človeka. Vidíme to.

91 No, to je to isté, čo si oni mysleli o Jozefovi a oni sa ho zbavili. A po celý čas v Egypte ... ó, ako si môžeme myslieť ... mohli by sme stráviť hodiny ... Mohli by ste pri tomto zostať tri roky a neodísť od tej témy, dňom aj nocou, a stále tam nachádzať veľké zrná Ducha Svätého.

92 Duchovná myseľ sa môže pozrieť dole do Egypta a vidieť, že povstáva prenasledovanie, môže vidieť Jozefa, ktorý bol odstránený za tým účelom, aby mohlo povstať prenasledovanie. A potom vidí Boha s jeho kolesom v kolese - všetko sa tak dokonale hýbe. Vidí Putifára, ktorý odmieta Jozefa. Vidí to klamstvo, ktoré bolo povedané a vidí Jozefa vo vezení a jeho brada rástla, vylúčený od svojich bratov, ale potom zrazu náhle, Boh vstúpil na scénu!

93 Ako môžeme vidieť to koleso v kolese v pohybe - Boží veľký plán, ktorý tiahne všetko do tohoto exodusu, do tohoto času, keď On mohol zavolať svoj ľud znovu naspäť do tej zeme, naspäť na miesto, do pozícii, kde ich On mohol žehnať a postaviť medzi nimi Toho, ktorého zasľúbil, že postaví medzi nich. Oni museli byť vo svojej zemi. Pamätajte, oni museli vyjsť z tej zemi, v ktorej boli a vojsť do zeme zasľúbenia, prv ako ich zasľúbený Mesiáš mohol prísť. A cirkev musí urobiť to isté. Vyjsť von z tej skupiny odmietačov a vojsť do zasľúbenia, prv ako môže byť pred nimi zamanifestovaný Mesiáš. Vidíte to?

94 Zamanifestovaný život Mesiáša pripravuje cirkev, nevestu ... Žena, ktorá sa vydáva za muža a nezhoduje sa s ním, to by stále boli nejaké hádky. Ale keď muž a jeho žena, jeho priateľka, jeho snúbenka, keď sú v dokonalej harmónii, ako jedna duša a jedna myseľ, pretože budú jedno telo ... Potom keď sa cirkev môže dostať do takejto harmónii s Bohom, že až manifestácia Ženícha je prejavená v jeho Neveste, pretože oni budú jedno. Ó, čo za veľká lekcia.

95 Dobre, no pamätajte, duchovná myseľ toto rozumie, môže vidieť tieto príklady a tú skutočnú vec a vidí, že to pasuje. Mohli by sme pri tom zostať hodiny. Pozorujte čo sa deje. A prečo sme čakali všetky tieto roky až do tejto oázy času?

96 Viete, Biblia hovorí že cirkev utiekla na púšť, kde bola živená za čas a čas. A prečo toto všetko bolo? Aby sme my ... Vidíte, to je stále Božie koleso v kolese. Prečo Boh toto neurobil už dávno, keď muži sedeli s ceruzkou - aj ženy- a snažili sa vypátrať ten čas, ako Judge Rutherford a mnohí ďalší, a že Ježiš prišiel v 1914, a matka Shipton a predtým a tak ďalej - všetky tieto časy a ... Vidíte? Keď išli podľa toho čo sa snažili vypočítať z Písma, (Vidíte?) oni to zruinovali.

97 To je skryté, to je v skutočnosti skryté. A ako by mohlo byť Písmo samo proti sebe, keď Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nevie minútu ani hodinu." Vidíte, oni zobrali len jedno miesto Písma a držali sa toho, musíte zobrať celé Písmo. Potom, keď je v tom Boh, potom to Boh bude manifestovať, že je to pravda. Ako božské uzdravovanie, ak to nie je pravda, potom to nie je pravda. Boh s tým nebude mať nič spoločného, ale ak to On manifestuje, že je to pravda, potom je to pravda.

98 Presne ako Ježiš. Boh povedal: „Ak bude medzi vami prorok alebo niekto duchovný, Ja budem ku nemu hovoriť. A keď sa vyplní to, čo povie, potom ho počúvajte." To je to. Ale keď je jeho proroctvo nesprávne, potom Boh sa nemôže mýliť. On je nekonečný, neomylný, všadeprítomný, a On sa nemôže mýliť. Tak, ak ten človek hovorí, potom to ukazuje, že ten človek - ak hovorí svoje vlastné slová, to sklame, ale ak hovorí Božie slová, to nemôže sklamať, pretože to hovorí Boh. Potom jeho inšpirácia pochádza od Boha, a to musí byť správne. Takýmto spôsobom Boh povedal, aby to bolo povedané.

99 To je spôsob ako Biblia ... v Starom Zákone, On povedal: „Ak oni nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov, to preto, že nemajú v sebe život." Nie je v nich žiadny život, je to tak. Oni musia hovoriť podľa zákona a prorokov. A proroctvo alebo čokoľvek musí byť podľa Slova, ak nie je, je nesprávne.

100 No, zistili sme, že všetko toto sa stalo pretože ... čakali ... prebudenia - metodisti, luteráni, baptisti, cambeliti a všetci ostatní; oni mali veľké prebudenia. Nazaréni, pútnici svätosti, letniční, všetci mali veľké prebudenia, ale ten veľký exodus vtedy ešte neprišiel. Prečo?

101 Boh povedal Abrahámovi hneď vtedy, že ho bude zadržiavať v tej zemi, ale neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila. A Boh trpezlivo čakal. Tí ľudia sa to snažia vypočítať; oni môžu vidieť, že Písma bežia rovno do niečoho - bežia rovno do niečoho a oni povedali: „Toto je ten deň; toto je ten čas," ale nerozumeli ste, že neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila.

102 Štyristo rokov, oni budú putovať dole v Egypte a budú vyvedení; ale oni tam v skutočnosti boli 440 rokov, pretože odmietli proroka. Oni museli trpieť ďalších okolo štyridsať rokov tam na púšti, prv ako ich Boh vyviedol. Mojžiš bol na púšti štyridsať rokov prv ako sa navrátil naspäť aby ich vyslobodil. Vidíte? Štyridsať rokov nadčas, minulo, pretože odmietli to posolstvo.

103 No, štyridsať rokov v Božom čase by bolo okolo jeden a pol minúty podľa nášho. Taký veľký rozdiel to je, tisíc rokov je len jeden deň. To by nebola ani minúta. Všimnite si v tom.

104 No, oneskorujeme sa. Prečo? Boh bol dlho zhovievajúci, čakal, pozoroval. Dovolil, že povstali luteráni a mali prebudenie - potom sa zorganizovali. Dovolil, že povstali metodisti a mali prebudenie - zorganizovali sa. Nechal Johna Smitha, povstať baptistickú cirkev s veľkým prebudením - zorganizovali sa. Nechal povstať letničných s prinavrátením darov - zorganizovali sa; až sa tá neprávosť doplnila, potom sa Boh unavil.

105 Potom nastáva exodus a my to vidíme; že sami ľudia môžu vidieť ako prechádzal čas, že tá vec je prekliata. Znovu zobrali jazyk zlata a pekný babylonský plášť. A to je to, čo spôsobuje kliatbu medzi ľudom, keď sa ľudia snažia vštepiť svoje vlastné predstavy o tých veciach.

106 Musíme zostať s Božím Slovom - to sú prikázania Božie, nedotýkať sa ničoho, čo je v tom meste, to je prekliate mesto. Nedotýkajte sa toho; nechajte to tak.

107 A Achan si myslel, že si môže zobrať tento zlatý jazyk a žiť dobre na úrovni ako ten ostatný svet ... a pekný babylonský plášť. Ó, Achanovia sú v táboroch. Vidíte? Ale tá vec je prekliata, a to je stále prekliate. To bolo prekliate od samotného Nicejského koncilu, v Nicei, v Ríme. Odvtedy je to prekliate, ale Boh nechal aby sa tá neprávosť doplnila, až čas amorejov je takmer vyplnený.

108 A teraz, každý kto má duchovné zrozumenie, pamätajte, stále to hovorím, „duchovné zrozumenie." Môžete vidieť, že tá neprávosť tohoto národa sa doplnila. On organizoval a reorganizoval a organizoval a organizoval a teraz je spolčený a spojený s niečím ďalším. Neprávosť sa doplnila.

109 To je čas na exodus. To je čas na vyvolanie von do zasľúbenej zeme. Nie zasľúbenie, ísť len do druhej krajiny, ale domov, do milénia. To je čas na vyvolanie - neprávosť tohoto národa ... znovu sa toho dotknem dnes večer, ak Pán bude chcieť ... sa doplnila. Je nečistý!

Vy poviete: „brat Branham, národ v ktorom žiješ?" Tak veru! Samozrejme! Vy poviete: „Ako obyvateľ Spojených štátov by si to nemal hovoriť."

110 Potom Eliáš namal zvolávať kliatbu na Izrael a on bol Izraelita! Ostatní proroci nemali nikdy prekliať ten národ, keď oni boli Izraeliti.

111 Ale, oni len hovorili, nie svoje vlastné mysli, ale Slovo Pánove. To záleží odkiaľ ťaháte svoju inšpiráciu; to záleží na tom, ako to prichádza a ak je to nezhodné so Slovom, nechajte to tak. A žiadam každého, aby dokázal, že je to nezhodné so Slovom.

112 Či nepovedala Biblia v Zjavení v 13. kapitole ... (tam sa zjavuje tento národ). Tento národ má číslo 13, ženský národ. To je žena v Biblii. Žena na našich minciach. To je ženský národ.

113 Tam začína skazenosť žien, začína, tam to vošlo. Skazenosť začala v Edene, tým že sa neverilo Božiemu Slovu. Tu je to, čo z toho vyšlo, ženy kazateľky a všetko možné. Špina tohoto sveta vychádza rovno z Hollywoodu, najhorší národ na svete. Viac rozvodov ako vo všetkých ostatných dokopy. Vidíte?

114 Prečo? Zistíte v jednom z týchto dní, ak Pán dá. Budete vidieť prečo táto prekliata vec ... Môžete vidieť tú slepotu v týchto veciach rozvodu, ktorým Satan zakryl ľuďom oči. Nachádzame sa v strašnej hodine. Koniec je teraz takmer na dosah ruky. Verím tomu. Sme zhnití, zhnití do jadra.

115 Ona (Amerika) sa zjavuje v 13. kapitole Zjavenia, číslo trinásť. A pamätajte, povstala ako baránok. Náboženská sloboda, ale potom, dostala moc od šelmy, obraz ako ten. A hovorí s plnou autoritou a robí tie isté skazené veci, ktoré robila šelma pred ním. Povedzte mi potom, že to nie je prorokované o tomto národe.

116 Stav Amoreja už skoro dozrel, pretože oni už na tom pracujú! A dokonca náš nový pápež, jeho hlavným cieľom je zjednotiť spolu bratov! A tomu prirodzenému oku sa zdá že, to je to čo sa má urobiť! Ale v očiach Božích, to nie je zhodné s Duchom svätým! My sa nemôžeme s tým miešať. A každá cirkev bude chytená do tej federácii!

117 Vyjdite z toho tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, lebo inak vezmete na seba znamenie šelmy a nebudete vedieť čo robíte! Vyjdite z toho! Dúfam, že duchovná myseľ to dokáže porozumieť, som si istý že rozumiete, ale som zvedavý, či tí tam vonku. Jednako, nemôžete navštíviť každý národ, môžete tam poslať pásku. Boh bude mať nejaký spôsob aby dal porozumieť tej mysli tam, kde je zasiate to semeno. Je to tak. A len čo to svetlo na to dopadne, hotovo, dostáva život! Ako tá žena pri studni, ona povedala: „To je to." Ona to porozumela. Vyjdite z toho, to je prekliate. Prekliate? Ukážte mi niekde, keď to raz upadlo a znovu povstalo. Ukážte mi jeden prípad, keď to povstalo, že by to neupadlo. Tak, môžete vidieť, že tá vec je zlá.

118 Dobre, tá neprávosť Amorejov nebola ešte vyplnená, tak oni museli otáľať a čakať pred týmto exodusom. Ale keď Amoreji doplnili svoju neprávosť, potom prišiel duchovný exodus, či vlastne telesný exodus, aby viedol ľudí do telesnej zeme, kde raz bývali tí telesní Amorejci - tvrdili, že je to ich zem.

119 A neprávosť Amorejských denominácií, ktorí o sebe tak dlho hovorili, že sú cirkev, že až ich neprávosť sa skoro doplnila. Prichádza exodus, kde Boh ukáže kto je kto, kde sama cirkev, nevesta Ježiša Krista bude zobraná do zeme, ktorá je zasľúbená - v dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov na tom mieste.

120 Vy tam nemusíte ísť a bojovať ako oni, to je už pripravené. Keď tento zemský príbytok bude zničený, máme už iný ktorý na nás očakáva. „Tam kde som ja, tam aj vy budete." Ten veľký exodus je na dosah ruky.

Sledujte ako Boh vykonal ten exodus. Čo On ... aké prípravy urobil a skúmajme to za chvíľu a potom sa pozrite na dnešný deň.

121 Dobre, všimnite si, pred týmto exodusom, tam povstáva faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa. Vidíte? Faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa - nepoznal Jozefa. Čo reprezentoval Jozef, tú duchovnú časť, v tomto duchovnom exoduse. Povstáva teraz ... My máme slobodu.

Tá žena bola živená za čas, čas a pol času.

122 Ale nakoniec povstáva faraón, diktátor, ktorý nepozná náboženskú slobodu. Zjednocuje ich spolu. Nech vám to neunikne. Prichádza čas, kde bol faraón, prv musel prísť. A tie organizácie žili sladko, žili ako naštepené ratolesti do skutočného viniča kresťanstva, ale to stále nieslo ich originálne ovocie.

123 Ženy napoly oblečené, muži intelektuálni a zapierajúci moc Ducha, ale to žilo pod menom kresťanskej cirkvi. To je naštepený vinič, ale hospodár teraz prichádza, aby prerezal ten vinič, ako povedal, že to urobí. A všetci tí, ktorí nemajú ovocie sú odrezaní a hodení do ohňa a spálení. To je strašná vec povedať to, ale pravda niekedy vyzerá strašná ak je vám to len povedané - ako Boh berie svoje deti cez hlboké vody a zablatené piesky a všetko možné. On to tak robí.

124 Pamätajte, hrniec musí byť rozbitý na črepy, otepy, na malé kúsky aby bol znovu premiesený a znovu založený. Zdá sa akoby to bola strašná vec, zničiť ho, ale musí to tak byť, aby mohol byť znovu urobený, váza alebo čokoľvek robíte.

125 Tam bol faraón, ktorý povstal, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa a to bol začiatok začiatku. To bol začiatok exodusu. A keď sa tá vec začala formovať pod politickou mocou, začala sa formovať, Boh sa začal pripravovať.

126 Neprávosť Amoreja sa doplnila. Čas, ktorý on zasľúbil Abrahámovi sa vyplnil a čas vyslobodenia bol na dosah ruky. A Boh dovolil, aby povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa, a narodil sa Ramses. Hneď po Setim prichádza Ramses, a Ramses bol ten, ktorý nepoznal požehnania Jozefa.

127 On nevedel aká bola tá duchovná strana, on bol len politický génius, ktorý dokázal zabrať Etiópiu a všetky ostatné krajiny pod vojenskú moc, a to je všetko čo on poznal - vojenskú moc.

128 A myslím, že keď je niekto duchovný, môže vidieť čo sa teraz deje. Dostávame faraóna, ktorý nepozná náboženskú slobodu. Keď náš prezident nastúpil do svojho úradu, on na to neprisahal, že verí v náboženskú slobodu. [Americkým prezidentom v rokoch 1961 - 1963 bol John Fitzgerald Kennedy – pozn.prekl.]

129 A čo ten deň, keď sme mali tú otázku o segregácii, dole na juhu? Keď ten guvernér z Alabami ... Prajem si, aby som sa mohol rozprávať s tým kazateľom - s Martinom Lutherom Kingom, ako ten človek môže byť vodca a viesť svojich ľudí do osídla smrti?

130 Keby títo ľudia boli otroci, bol by som tam dole, vyzliekol si kabát, a bil sa za tých ľudí. Oni nie sú otroci, sú to obyvatelia, sú obyvatelia tohoto národa.

131 Tá otázka ohľadne chodenia do školy ... tí ľudia - ak majú tvrdé srdce a nepoznajú tie veci, nemôžete ľuďom nanútiť duchovné veci, to čo je tam vbité politickými mocami. Oni to musia prijať, byť znovuzrodení, a potom budú vidieť tieto veci.

Ale tento človek, keby som sa s ním len mohol porozprávať - vedie týchto vzácnych ľudí, pod menom náboženstva, do osídla smrti, kde ich zabije na tisíce. Oni ne ... oni vidia len tú telesnú stranu.

132 Tento človek ... farebný brat - keď to veľké povstanie prišlo do Lousiany, bol som tam vtedy. Keď ... jeden farebný kazateľ, vzácny starý brat, postavil sa tam a povedal, požiadal milíciu: „Mohol by som ku ním prehovoriť; to sú moji ľudia."

133 A tento starý kazateľ sa tam postavil a povedal: „Chcem povedať dnes ráno, že nikdy som sa nehanbil za svoju farbu. Môj Stvoriteľ ma stvoril takého aký som."

134 On chce, aby takým pozostal. Takto On chce, aby každý človek pozostal. On urobil biele kvety a modré kvety a všetky fary kvetov. Nekrížte ich. Nekrížte ich. Postupujete proti prírode.

135 On povedal: „Nikdy som sa nehanbil za svoju farbu, až do tohoto dňa." On povedal: „Keď vidím mojich ľudí povstať a robiť veci, ktoré teraz robia," povedal: „pre to sa za nich hanbím."

Pomyslel som si: „Bože požehnaj ten hlas."

136 On povedal: „Spôsobíte len problémy." Povedal: „Pozrite sa tu na školy. Keby sme nemali žiadne školy, to by bolo iné, ale kto má tu v Lousiane najlepšie školy?"

137 On povedal: „Zoberme napríklad naše mesto, Shreveport. Tam je škola pre bielych a to je stará škola. Oni nám postavili inú. Oni nemajú ani jeden nástroj, ani jednu vec pre deti na hranie, my ich máme plný dvor. A okrem toho, postavili nám veľký mramorový plavecký bazén pre naše deti; a máme najlepších učiteľov, akých môžeme mať."

138 Povedal: „Prečo chcete chodiť tam, keď my to tu máme lepšie? Čo sa s vami deje?" Povedal.

139 A tí ľudia len „Ach," to zahlušilo ten hlas. Tu to máte. Vidíte? - zlá inšpirácia. Tí ľudia boli otroci. To sú moji bratia a sestry. Keby boli otroci, povedal by som: „Spojme sa s nimi a poďme dole ulicou a protestujme proti tomu."

140 Oni nie sú otroci. Sú obyvatelia s tými istými právami, ako každý iný. To je proste hromada inšpirácie, ktorá pochádza z pekla aby spôsobila, žeby milióny z nich boli zabití. Oni začnú revolúciu, skutočne. To nie je správne.

141 Muži a ženy majú svoje vlastné práva. Naši farební bratia a naši Japonci a tí žltí, bieli, čierni a akýkoľvek sú - pred Bohom farba kože nehrá žiadnu roľu. My všetci pochádzame z jedného muža, z Adama. Ale keď nás Boh oddelil a zmenil nám kožu na rôzne farby, zostaňme takí. Keby som bol žltý, chcel by som pozostať Japoncom alebo Číňanom. Keby som bol farebný, chcel by som takým zostať, Boh ma takého urobil.

142 Úprimne povedané, je veľa vecí na farebnej rase, ktoré by biela rasa mala mať. Oni sa netrápia, oni sú duchovnejší. Je na nich tisíce vecí, na ktoré biely proste nemajú. Boh ich takých urobil. Kto by dokázal zaspievať tak ako farebný spevácky zbor? Kde by ste na to zobrali hlas?

143 Videl som ich prichádzať tam z tých zemí, nevedeli, ktorá je pravá a ktorá ľavá ruka. Tridsať alebo štyridsať rôznych kmeňov a spievali, keď tam išli a tí odborníci tam stáli a povedali: „Ja sa ku tomu nemôžem ani prirovnať."

144 Roky trénované spevácke zbory a jeden bude o oktávu vyššie a nižšie a všelijako a hovoria: „Počúvajte to tam," tak dokonale, a ešte v rôznych jazykoch. Oni sú obdarení.

145 Ale vidíte, všetko toto sa musí stať; všetko kvôli politikovi, ktorého ste vy ľudia zvolili svojimi nečestnými strojmi. Toho dňa, keď tam stál ten guvernér, pod prísahou a zvolený do tohoto úradu, ľuďmi, a tá otázka ohľadne segregácii podľa konštitúcii je, že každý štát môže voči tomu zastávať svoj vlastný názor.

146 On si nerobil starosti, ale on prečítal konštitúciu a povedal: „No, škola je za segregáciu." Oni majú školu tam a len dve farebné deti chceli navštevovať tú školu, keď oni majú svoju vlastnú vysokú školu. Ale on sa postavil a povedal ... Čo on urobil ... čítal konštitúciu.

147 Potom keď to prišlo ku tomuto človeku, ktorého sme tu dostali, ktorý nepozná Jozefa, slobodu, podporuje tieto farebné voľby a nevie, že to bola v prvom rade republikánska strana, ktorá ich oslobodila, predáva ich prvorodenstvo za takéto niečo, aby ich viedol do osídla smrti, aby sa ukázalo, že každý ľudský systém musí upadnúť. Presne tak.

148 A pán Kenedy znárodnil tú „stráž" a poslal tých mužov rovno proti ich vlastným otcom, stojí tam pod konštitúciou, a to znovu porušuje konštitúciu. Povedali: „Nebudeme bojovať. Nie veru." a povedal: „Dúfam, že národ môže vidieť, že už viacej nežijeme v demokracii ale pod vládou vojenskej diktatúry."

149 Poznáte to staré porekadlo: „Raz som južným demokratom a som ním naveky." No teraz neviem, či je to tak. Určite človek bude mať dosť rozumu aby sa prebudil do niečoho. Nechajte tých vzácnych ľudí, nezabíjajte ich tam, ako ten chlap, zastrelil toho brata zozadu tej noci a jeho malé deti a žena v dome. Nestarám sa kto to bol, to je podlé. Tak veru

150 Chcel by som byť raz sudcom tohoto prípadu. Zastrelil toho muža, ktorý išiel domov ku svojej žene a deťom - on je obyvateľ, má právo stáť za tým čo si myslí, že je správne, dobrý človek.

151 V časopise Život bol obrázok - ten malý chlapec plakal za svojím otcom; a nejaký odpadlík ho tam zastrelil, zozadu. To je to, čo dostávate, keď odmietate Krista. Je to tak. Tam sa dostal celý národ, všetko pod politickú moc. To je taká hanba, ale to je to, čo sme chceli. Potvrdili sme to vo voľbách.

152 Môj malý syn mi povedal dnes ráno: „Ocko, tí pútnickí otcovia, keď oni sem prišli, oni všetci patrili do tejto určitej denominačnej cirkvi? Kde oni všetci ..."Povedal: „Oni mali veľké kabáty."

Povedal som: „Nie, oni sem prišli kvôli náboženskej slobode. Oni sem prišli preto aby sa dostali spod niečoho takého."

Vidíte kde sa to teraz dostalo? To ukazuje, že všetky tieto kráľovstvá musia upadnúť. (Musím sa ponáhľať.)

153 Modlím sa o jedno, aby sa brat Martin Luther King skutočne skoro prebudil. On miluje svojich ľudí; nie je o tom pochýb. Ale keby len videl, odkiaľ jeho inšpirácia ...

Čo z toho, keď budete chodiť do školy a milióny z vás budú ležať mŕtvi? Či to nebude len také isté chodenie do školy?

154 No, kvôli hladu, keby to bolo niečo iné - otroctvo, ten človek by bol mučeník, keby dal svoj život za takú vec, to by bolo hodno; a to by stálo za to. Ale len ohľadne chodenia do školy, nevidíme to.

155 Myslím, že Duch Svätý s ním ani trochu v tomto nesúhlasí. To podnietilo ľudí iba do vystatovania sa. Vidíte. Tak ako to urobil Hitler v Nemecku, viedol ich rovno do osídla smrti, tých vzácnych nemcov; a popadali ich miliardy, či milióny, popadaných jeden na druhom. To je presne to isté a pamätajte, čo hovorím je nahraté na páske, potom to uvidíte, možno potom, keď ja už tu nebudem.

156 To je presne to čo sa stane. Tí vzácni ľudia budú zomierať ako muchy. Začali revolúciu, obaja, biely a farební budú bojovať proti sebe a zomierať ako muchy. A čo z toho budete mať, keď to všetko skončí? Hromadu mŕtvych ľudí.

157 Ale tam povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa. To isté je dnes. Človek, ktorý povstal a zložil prísažný sľub v Bielom Dome, že nebude prisahať vo svojom sľube - nebude prisahať, že verí v náboženskú slobodu.

158 Čo hovorí tento nový pápež? Jedno - štyri veci. Jedna z nich je, zjednotiť spolu protestantov a katolíkov. A každému intelektuálnemu človekovi sa zdá, že to je to, čo treba urobiť. Ale podľa Biblie, to je tá zlá vec, ktorá sa robí a Biblia hovorí, že to urobia. (Poďme trochu ďalej.)

159 V tomto čase Ramses v Egypte rástol. Jeho moc rástla. Ten telesný človek, Ramses rástol. Ten telesný človek, antikrist, rastie teraz cez politiku. On sa už dostal do Bieleho domu.

160 V náboženstve, on dostal všetkých ľudí do takých rozpakov, že oni skutočne rovno na to naletia. A denominační vodcovia ... prakticky každá cirkev, ktorá je v tomto národe, je už v tom spoločenstve cirkví. Ramses rastie a oni sa všetci spolu jednotia a to je to, čo budú mať. A čo to robí? To vytvára moc, šelmu, presne ako je tá prvá.

161 Potom prichádza prenasledovanie na všetkých tých, ktorí sa s tým nezjednotia a bojkot. Potom bude príliš neskoro; už ste prijali znamenie. Nehovorte: „Ja to potom urobím." Radšej to urob teraz. Ramses rástol.

162 Ale pamätajte, zatiaľ čo Ramses rástol do moci v Egypte, Boh mal na púšti Mojžiša. On tiež rástol. Ramses mal politický systém. Boh mal duchovný systém cez účinkovanie proroka, pripraveného prísť, aby hovoril ku ľuďom. Oni obidvaja znovu rástli. V jednom z týchto dní príde odhalenie. Ten čas nie je ďaleko, keď nastane odhalenie.

163 Ako to telesné - ako hovorí Písmo: „To telesné odzrkadľuje duchovné." Nemôžete sa od toho dostať. Tu to je, je to rovno pred vašimi očami. Je to pravda.

164 Pozrite sa dnes na cirkev, vyvolaná, prichádza do moci. Duch Svätý prichádza dole. Tajomstvá Božie sú zjavené a dané do poriadku. Vidíte. A rovno tu, ona je už v Bielom dome a cirkev sa sťahuje dokopy - nie denominácia, ale von z otroctva neprávostí, preč od Amorejov. Ľudia, ktorí sú slobodní. Ó!

165 Boh mal Mojžiša, aby bol jeho prorokom, hoci on už prorokoval a ukázalo sa, že mal pravdu, ale ešte bol na púšti v škole, schovaný pred ostatným svetom. Ale bol vyškolený, vytrénovaný, vonku na púšti.

166 Nepriateľ bude stále ponúkať svoj systém a neveriaci to budú prijímať, pretože nepriateľ je tým intelektuálnym znakom. No, pamätajte, sú len dve ... Nezabudnite toto. Sú len dve moci. Jedna je Duchovná moc Ducha Svätého, tá druhá je diablova, ktorá pôsobí cez intelektuálnu moc. Lebo tam on vošiel do záhrady Eden - skrze intelektuálne moci, aby naviedol Evu aby uverila intelektuálnemu chápaniu proti Slovu. To je proste také jasné, ako len môže byť, deti to môžu porozumieť. Vidíte? A takto to bolo po celý čas. Tu je to v Egypte dnes ráno.

167 Je intelektuálna moc pôsobiaca v Ramsesovi, ktorá ho privádza hore do moci a dvíha ho hore, ktorý nepozná žiadnu slobodu aby nechal - čo vykonal Jozef, čo urobila cirkev na začiatku.

168 A teraz, vidíme to isté, intelektuálna moc sa vpletá pomedzi cirkvi a vyrastá do cirkevnej hlavy, ktorá sa nestará o to, čo hovorí Biblia. Oni majú svoj vlastný systém, to nie je to, čo hovorí Biblia; to je to, čo hovorí cirkev.

169 A protestanti sú vpletení rovno do toho, že až všetky ich malé skupiny ako toto ... „No, samozrejme, ja viem že to tam tak stojí, ale hovorím ti, tie dni pohynuli." Forma pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci moc. Každé Písmo v Biblii ukazuje rovno na to.

170 No, vidíte prečo som toto chcel nahrávať a poslať to ľuďom. Tá hodina nastala! Ľudia musia poznať pravdu! Exodus je na dosah ruky! Vidíte, tá intelektuálna časť vyzerá dokonale a je dokonalá. To je presne ... Ale dokonale, inšpirácia Satana.

171 A potom po celý čas, keď tento intelektuálny Ramses rástol a prichádzal na trón ... A pamätajte, on bol vychovaný, ako Mojžišov brat. Vidíte? Mojžišov brat. Jeden z nich musel zaujať ten intelektuálny trón, presne tak, ako Jozef a jeho bratia. A čo oni urobili s malým Jozefom? - vylúčili ho, zo Slova. Zo Slova Božieho. A oni vylúčili Slovo a prijali vyznanie, a teraz, vyznanie narástlo do moci. Ó Bože, nech to ľudia vidia!

172 Ako môžem použiť ešte viacej hlasu? Ako to môžem povedať ešte jasnejšie skrze Písma pod inšpiráciou Svätého Ducha, že sme tu. „Ó" vy poviete, „ no dobre, keby to prišlo od pápeža Jána, alebo od toho a toho pápeža, alebo biskupa toho a toho ..."

173 Vidíte, že Boh zobral obyčajného, nepatrného človeka, ktorý býval na púšti? Poviete: „Ako toto všetko môže byť nesprávne?" Boh jedná s jednotlivcom, nie so skupinou, s jednotlivcami. Boh berie svojho ... jediné, čo On musí mať je jeden človek, s ktorým môže pracovať. To je všetko, čo On chce, jedného človeka.

174 On sa to snažil získať cez všetky veky, keď sa mu podarí získať jedného človeka. On mal jedného vo dňoch Noeho; jedného vo dňoch Eliáša; jedného vo dňoch Jána Krstiteľa. Proste jeden človek, to je všetko, čo potrebuje.

175 Vo dňoch sudcov, On sa snažil získať jedného človeka, Samsona. Dal mu veľkú moc, ale on to predal žene a bol oslepený. Súd, nebolo to tak, Boh je sudca. Vidíte?

176 Vidíte dnes, On sa snaží získať jedného človeka, ktorého môže zobrať do ruky ... ktorý povie pravdu, ktorý s tým bude nebojácny, ktorý nebude brať žiadne ohľady, nebude to dogmatické. Jeden muž, ktorého On môže držať vo svojej ruke a ukázať, že jeho Slovo je živé, ukázať, že On je živý.

177 Verím, že On môže pripraviť takú osobu. Verím, verím tomu, proste verím dosť Biblii, aby som tomu veril. On to môže dosiahnuť, je to tak, ktorý povie pravdu.

178 Po chvíli sme zistili, potom keď prešiel cez všetky tie školy ... No, dávajte pozor, nepriateľ ponúka niečo - rozumovú myseľ, pretože nepriateľ pracuje na rozumových schopnostiach. A tá myseľ sa posadí a bude to vyhovárať a povie: „No, počkaj chvíľu. Či nie je tak, že koncil ..." Rozprával som sa raz s jedným človekom a on povedal: „Pozri sa, Billy ..." (On pracoval pre Spoločnosť verejných služieb, dobrý človek.) A povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Povedal: „Ty si Ír."

Povedal som: „Áno. Tak trochu sa za to hanbím, ale jednako som."

A on povedal: „Či nevieš, že ty, ty by si mal byť v skutočnosti katolík."

Povedal som: „Ja som, originálny katolík."

179 Viete, prvá cirkev bola katolícka cirkev. Vidíte kde sa to dnes dostalo? To začalo na letnice, ale organizácia to dostala tam, kde je to teraz. Pozrite sa na letničných, išli rovno naspäť a zorganizovali sa a urobili tie veci, ktoré urobila tá prvá katolícka cirkev - a oni sa dostali dnes skoro tak ďaleko, ako oni za dve tisíc rokov. Za päťdesiat rokov sa dostali skoro do toho.

180 On povedal: „Neveríš, že keď spolu zasadne skupina ekumenických myslí (Tu to máte) a odôvodnia niečo a celá skupina s tým súhlasí, či nemyslíš, že oni budú len trochu ... „ Povedal: „Počul som ťa kázať, ale nesúhlasím s tebou."

Povedal som: „Jediný spôsob, ktorým môžeš dokázať to, že nesúhlasíš je logika, dokáž to Bibliou."

On povedal: Biblia s tým nemá nič spoločného."

Povedal som: „Pre teba možno nemá, ale pre mňa ona má s tým všetko spoločné." Vidíte? To je Slovo.

On povedal: „Nemyslíš, že skupina ekumenických myslí zídených spolu môže mať viacej pravdu a byť si istá, že má pravdu, než ako jeden prostý nevzdelaný človek, ako si ty?"

A ja som povedal: „Dobre ..." On povedal: „Čo ty máš do toho hovoriť niečo proti našej cirkvi? Keď cez celé veky - keď oni mali ten prvý cirkevný koncil, ako si to raz večer hovoril, (keď počul cirkevný vek ohľadne ekumenického koncilu, ktorý sa zhromaždil v Nicei, v Ríme a sformoval rímsko katolícku cirkev.) Nevieš, že tam bolo tisíce mužov, duchovných, od Boha poslaných mužov, ktorí sedeli na tom koncile? A nemyslíš, že ich mienka bude mať väčšiu tendenciu poznať vôľu Božiu, než ako tvoja tu, potom čo Boh potvrdil za dve tisíc rokov, že tá cirkev je pravá?"

181 Povedal som: „On to nikdy nepotvrdil." Povedal som: „Ak tá cirkev je cirkev Božia, nech ju vidíme niesť to, čo niesla vtedy tá prvá cirkev. Nech ju vidíme robiť tie veci, ktoré oni robili vtedy na prvom mieste." Keď ešte aj Biblia hovorí, že „ani jedna bodka ani čiarka z toho nesklame." A On povedal: „Ktokoľvek z tohoto odoberie jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho, jeho diel bude z toho odňatý." Či je to ekumenický koncil, alebo čokoľvek to je z knihy života, je s ním koniec.

On povedal: „Billy, ty si proste podivín."

182 A ja som povedal: „Potom myslím, že raz v tom vysokom úrade Izraela, keď sa oni oddelili ako protestanti a katolíci dnes - Izrael chcel zostať Izraelom. Ale povedal som: „Nachádzame, že oni mali kráľa Jozafata, bol to spravodlivý človek, ktorý sa snažil dodržiavať Božie zákony; ale tam oni mali iného, ktorý sa nazýval Achab, ktorý sa oženil, urobil politický manéver, chcel sa spriateliť s iným národom a zobral si za ženu jednu z ich dcér, Jezábeľ, a priviedol ju medzi ľud Boží - to je to isté, čo my robíme. A priviedol ... a ona začala vládnuť. Spravila, že Achab povedal toto a spravila, že Achab povedal tamto - to isté, čo oni robia teraz." A povedal som: „Prišlo odhalenie, oni chceli zjednotiť obidve tie cirkvi spolu, ako sa to snažia teraz." A Achab a dokonca aj Jozafat, ten muž organizácii povedal: „Áno, to bude dobre. Tvoj ľud je môj ľud. My sme všetci kresťania. My sme všetci veriaci. Dajme sa dokopy.

183 Ale keď on prišiel tam dole ku odhaleniu, on povedal: „Nemyslíš, že by sme sa mali za toto modliť? Mali by sme sa poradiť Pána." A on povedal: „Áno." Povedal Achab.

184 Tak on povedal: „Poviem ti čo urobíme. Nájdime proroka Pánovho." Ale vidíte, Achab mal systém, o ktorom si myslel, že je od Pána. Povedal: „Mám ich štyristo, vyškolených, vytrénovaných a oni tvrdia, že sú hebrejskí proroci," (ako to tvrdí dnes ta kazateľská skupina).

185 A oni ich priviedli a opýtali sa ich, či ísť do boja. A všetci sa zjednotili, tak ako to robí dnes ekumenická rada a priniesli odpoveď: „Choď, Pán s tebou, lebo tá zem skutočne patrí nám a vytlačíš z nej Sírov, či Filištínov. Vytlačíš ich, pretože tá zem patrí nám." To znelo veľmi rozumne. Vidíte?

186 Ale predsa v srdci Jozafata to neznelo správne. On povedal: „Viem, že tam máš štyristo dobre vycvičených ekumenických kazateľov a oni sa všetci zhodujú," (Že až jeden si spravil železné rohy a povedal: „Tak hovorí Pán") „ale mohli by sme pohľadať ešte jedného?"

187 On povedal: „Nech tak nehovorí kráľ," ten politik povedal. „Nech tak nehovorí kráľ, pretože títo muži sú vycvičení. Ja sám som ich vycvičil." Tu to máte, to je to. „Ja som vycvičil tých mužov, ale je ešte jeden, ale ja ho nenávidím." Vidíte?

188 Povedal: „To je Micheáš, syn Jimlu, ale ja ho nenávidím. On nie je nič iné, než odpadlík medzi nimi. On stále na nich kričí. On mi stále hovorí, že zle robím a pozri na moje kráľovstvo."

Áno, pozri sa naň. Pozri aké v ňom bolo zamiešanie.

189 Pozrite sa dnes na vašu denomináciu, má formu pobožnosti a zapiera jej moc. Ó, môže vás byť o milióny viacej a o tisíce a môžete mať lepšie vycvičených ľudí, ale kde ste v Duchu? Kde máte silu, ktorá bola v Samsonovi, keď on tam stál, ako som raz povedal, so všetkou svojou veľkou konštrukciou a každé vlákno tam, ale nebol v ňom žiadny život?

190 Duch ho opustil; bol bezmocný, malé dieťa ho viedlo, mal oslepené oči, kvôli nejakej žene. Tak isto ako dnes cirkev, vedená politikmi, biskupmi, staršími a všetkým možným. Muži vyťahujú slamu, aby dostali niečo do klobúka a všetko možné. Kde sme sa dostali?

191 Tak, keď sme sa dostali ku tomuto bodu, oni poslali a zavolali Micheáša syna Jimlu. Poslali a zavolali ho a on prorokoval a povedal im, že Achab bude zabitý, ak tam pôjde a ten arcibiskup ho udrel po ústach. On bol na to hrdý. Povedal: „Kde odišiel Duch Boží odo mňa?" On povedal: „Uvidíš." Povedal: „Zavrite ho do vezenia; zavrite ho do vnútorného vezenia a dávajte mu jesť chlieb súženia a piť vodu súženia a keď sa vrátim v pokoji, vysporiadam sa s týmto človekom."

192 A Jimla vedel, že to bolo zhodné s Bohom ... Prečo? Svoje videnie porovnal so Slovom. On bol prorok a jeho Duch a jeho videnie pasovali presne s tým, čo povedal prorok Eliáš. On povedal: „Ak sa ešte vrátiš, potom Boh nehovoril cezo mňa."

193 No, povedal som tomuto človeku: „Kto mal pravdu, ten ekumenický koncil, kde spolu zasadalo štyristo vyvolených mužov, vyvolených človekom, alebo ten malý odpadlík, vyvolený od Boha?"

On povedal: „Dobre, ako to rozoznáš?"

Povedal som: „Treba ísť naspäť do plánov." Ako môžeme vedieť postaviť nejakú budovu, ak nie sú na to plány?

194 Keby sa boli na chvíľu zastavili a zistili, že ten prorok, Eliáš, preklial Achaba a povedal, že psi budú lízať jeho krv a tak sa stalo. Ako on môže žehnať to čo Boh preklial? Ako môžete žehnať niečo, čo Boh preklial?

Vyjdite z toho, odíďte preč od toho. Poďte do Krista.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... pripravil to, a intelektuálna myseľ povie, že to je správne. Tam bol tento vzácny brat, tento človek. On povedal: „Pozrite ako ... pozrite sa sem, viete že ak sa dáme všetci dokopy ako jedna cirkev, nemyslíte, že budeme na tom lepšie, než ako takto roztrúsení, ako sme teraz?"

195 Nezneje to rozumne, ak sa všetci protestanti a katolíci budú môcť dať dokopy a prídu na nejaké vzájomné porozumenie? Ale ako môžu kráčať dvaja jednou cestou, ak sa nezhodnú? Ako môžete vy, keď jedna skupina tu neverí v uzdravenie a ten ďalší tu hovorí, že tomu veria, iný to kladie do nejakého iného minulého času, (niektorí z nich ani neveria Biblii) a dáte to spolu; čo z toho dostanete? Boh nie je autorom neporiadku.

196 Prv ako Boh mohol vôbec dať svoju cirkev do poriadku, oni čakali desať dní a nocí, až kým sa všetci nedostali na jedno miesto a zhodovali sa, a vtedy prišiel Duch Svätý, aby ich viedol. Nie nejaký ekumenický koncil. Vidíte? Dúfam, že tomuto rozumiete.

197 Všimnite si, to je neveriaci, neverný Božiemu Slovu, ten si nevšíma čo hovorí Slovo, ale všíma si svoje vlastné mudrovanie. To je to, čo na prvom mieste urobila Eva. Ona spoľahla na svoje vlastné úvahy.

198 Satan povedal: „No pozri sa sem, nie je to rozumné? Ja viem, že Slovo to hovorí, ale počkaj chvíľu, nie je to rozumné, že ty budeš na tom lepšie, ak budeš poznať dobré od zlého?"

„Dobre, áno ..." Potom to ona prijala. Skutočne, tak to je; oni uvažujú.

199 No, neveriaci bude stále - začne mudrovať, ale viera sa toho nebude dotýkať! Či to bolo rozumné pre nášho otca Abraháma, ktorý je otcom našej viery, Abrahám - my sme jeho deti, v Kristovi - či to bolo rozumné, že šesťdesiat päť ročná žena a on s ňou žil po všetky tie roky - odkedy bola dievčaťom, žeby mohla mať dieťa? A keď mala sto rokov, alebo deväťdesiat a on sto a stále nemala žiadne dieťa. Bolo to rozumné ... Nejaký veľký lekársky a vedecký personál vyšetrili Sáru a povedali: „No, jej lono vyschlo. Mliečne žľazy vyschli pred štyridsiatimi rokmi." Jej srdce v tom veku - ona sa nemohla veľmi namáhať. Prečo, to sú len múdre reči, ale Abrahám ich odmietol! On nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, voči tým múdrym rečiam - on nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom, bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, lebo mal Boha za takého, ktorý je schopný vykonať všetko, čo povedal.

200 No, kde sú deti Abrahámove dnes ráno? Vy kazatelia, ktorí sa bojíte ... bojíte sa o svoj chlieb a vodu ... že sa dostanete na ulicu, ak opustíte ten Babylon, kde je vaša viera? Dávid povedal: „Bol som mladý a teraz som starý, ale nikdy som nevidel spravodlivého opusteného ani jeho semena žobrať chleba." Nebojte sa. Buďte verní Kristovi.

201 Ale nevera sa chytá múdrych rečí. To je to, čo urobila ... No, rozumiete tomu? Nevera spočíva na múdrych rečiach - na veciach tohoto dňa. Viera to nerobí; viera hľadí na Slovo, ale viera sa stavia na nepohnuteľnú skalu - na Božie večné Slovo. Amen! Viera nehľadí na múdre reči. Nestarám sa o to ako veľmi môžete ukázať, že by to bolo lepšie, ak Slovo hovorí „Nie," viera odpočíva na tom. To je svätyňa, miesto, na ktorom odpočíva viera.

202 Chcem sa vás luteránov dnes ráno opýtať, vás baptistov a vás katolíkov a vás, čokoľvek ste - vás ľudí z denominácií po celom svete, ako môžete postaviť svoju vieru na vašu denomináciu, keď je to nezhodné so Slovom? Aký druh viery máte? Máte moc rozumu a nie vieru. „Lebo viera prichádza z počúvania," počúvania ekumenickej rady? Ha-ha. Či by ste mohli vôbec povedať ... To môžete nájsť v nejakom almanachu narodeninových gratulácií starých žien, ale nikdy to nenájdete v Božom Slove. „Viera prichádza z počúvania a počúvania skrze Slovo Božie." Amen!

203 Ukážte mi toho človeka, ktorý môže hovoriť niečo nezhodne s týmto a vravieť, že je to Slovo Božie, keď nebo aj zem pominú ale to Slovo nepominie. Viera nachádza Slovo, svoju svätyňu odpočinku. Ona sa posúva rovno na vrch tej večnej skaly, Krista Ježiša, Slova, a tam sa uloží a odpočíva.

204 Nech zadujú vetry, nech zatrasú búrky, ona je stále bezpečná. Ona odpočíva rovno tam na tom Slove. Tam odpočíva viera, skutočná kresťanská viera. Miestom odpočinutia je Slovo. Lebo vie, že Boh sa stále dokáže, ako vyššie postavený ponad každým svojím nepriateľom. Bez ohľadu na to, ako zle to vyzerá alebo, že nepriateľ prichádza, že to vyzerá, ako keby ste boli porazení, viera stále vie.

205 No, vy chorí ľudia, ó, ako by som bol rád, aby ste to jasne porozumeli. Keď uchopíte tú vieru, že budete uzdravení, akákoľvek okolnosť, čokoľvek, všetky znaky, všetky príznaky môžu nasvedčovať, že idete zomrieť, vy sa ani nepohnete.

206 Jej miesto odpočinku je v svätyni Božieho Slova, keď sa tam postaví viera, skutočná viera. Teraz nie pretvarovaná viera - viera. Nie nádej - viera. Nádej je tu vonku a dúfa, že bola vo vnútri. Viera je už vo vnútri, díva sa von a hovorí: „Stalo sa." To je viera! Tam viera nachádza svoje miesto odpočinku, lebo vie, že Boh nikdy, nikdy nedá nepriateľovi prejsť ponad Seba. On to nikdy nedal. Viera to vie, tak bez ohľadu na to, ako to vyzerá ...

207 Noe vedel, že koráb bude plávať - skutočne to vedel. Daniel vedel, že Boh môže zavrieť tlamy ľvov! Tie hebrejské deti vedeli, že Boh môže zastaviť ten oheň! Ježiš vedel, že Boh ho znovu vzbudí z mŕtvych, pretože Slovo hovorilo: „Nenechám jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie." On vedel, že porušenie nastáva po sedemdesiatych dvoch hodinách a On povedal: Za tri dni znovu vstanem."

Vidíte? Ona nachádza svoje večné miesto odpočinku vo svätyni Božieho Slova a tam zostáva.

208 Rozum sa bude snažiť svoje najlepšie aby poznal ... Dobre, „Tento systém by mal byť lepší. Toto je to." To vyzerá lepšie, pretože sa na to dívate svojou intelektuálnou mysľou. Múdre reči môžete dokázať ale vieru nemôžete dokázať, pretože keby ste to mohli dokázať, už to viac nie je viera. Ale viera pozná jedine Slovo a zasľúbenie a ona hľadí na to, čo vy nevidíte. „Viera je podstatou toho, na čo sa nadejeme, presvedčením o veciach, ktoré sa nevidia." Nedokážete to odôvodniť. Ja neviem dokázať, ako sa to stane. Ja neviem, ako sa to stane. Ja to neviem, ale verím tomu. Viem, že je to tak, pretože Boh tak povedal, a tým je to vybavené. Preto viem, že toto je pravda.

209 Viem, že Slovo je pravda! Viem, že posolstvo je pravda! Pretože ono je v Slove a vidím živého Boha, ako sa v tom pohybuje a dokazuje to!

210 Sme v exoduse, to je skutočná pravda. Ani sama smrť nemôže zatriasť vierou. Človek môže stáť rovno tvárou v tvár smrti a jasať nad víťazstvom zmŕtvychvstania.

211 Pavel ... „Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo?" Pretože Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, a tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi sa ukážu s ním pri jeho príchode. Vidíte? To sa nemôže zmeniť. Áno, viera činí Božie Slovo svojou svätyňou, svojho večného odpočinku. Leží v Slove Božom.

212 Všimnite si znovu ... Trochu teraz pretiahneme o dvadsať päť minút, ak vám to nevadí. Chcem ešte chvíľu pokračovať pri nahrávaní tejto pásky.

213 Všimnite si, ten kráľ, ten nový kráľ, ktorý povstal, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa - aký bol jeho prvý zámer aby zničil moc Izraela? - to bolo s ich deťmi. Je to tak? On sa snažil zničiť ich deti. No, dobre počúvajte.

214 Ten istý diabol v inej forme kráľovstva sa snažil zničiť Božieho jediného Syna. Vidíte? Zbaviť sa prv tých detí, prv ako začali. Diabol je naozaj prefíkaný, chytrý vtáčik. On vie ako udrieť do niečoho prv ako to začne; on to vie. Vidíte? A jediný spôsob, ako ho môžete poraziť je spočívať na Kristovi a pokoriť sa a dovoliť, aby vás viedol. Nijako inak to nedokážete.

215 Vaša intelektuálna moc to nikdy nedokáže. Vy tomu musíte veriť a spoliehať len na Neho. On je pastier. Nie je vecou oviec, aby odháňali vlka, to je pastierova robota; ale ovce musia zostávať s pastierom, aby zostávali v bezpečí. To je moja bezpečná zóna, v Kristovi a Kristus je Slovo. To je bezpečná zóna.

216 Všimnite si, diabol vo forme Ramsesa, kráľa. Prvé čo urobil, zbavoval sa detí telesnou smrťou a len čo sa narodil Syn Boží, on sa presunul z Egypta; pretože Boh zničil Egypt, preklial ho, odvtedy nikdy nepovstal.

217 Potom on bol v Ríme. Satan preniesol svoju stolicu do Ríma. A to prvé, čo Rím urobil aby to všetko zničil, aby si bol istý ... diabol v tom rímskom systéme sa snažil zničiť čo? Syna Božieho hneď od začiatku, ten istý diabol.

218 A dnes robí to isté, teraz pod znamením ducha náboženstva, vyznávajú kresťanstvo a berú naše dievčatá a vydávajú ich za katolíckych chlapcov a vedú ich, aby svoje deti vychovávali na katolíkov, aby zničili moc tej druhej strany. Tam máte toho démona. Tam je ten diabol, ktorý sedí na siedmich vrchoch, nosí trojitú korunu. Taký úlisný a prefíkaný, chytrý, intelektuálny, ako had, semeno hada, jeho deti používajú tie isté intelektuálne techniky.

219 Pozrite, oni potom zabíjali deti ešte dva krát. Čím oni zabíjali tie deti? Dva krát ... pamätajte teraz, vidíme to dvakrát a potom tretí raz. On zabíjal tie deti v tých prvých dvoch prípadoch telesnou smrťou. A v tomto poslednom čase on dostáva tie deti a zabíja ich duchovnou smrťou - ženením sa a vydávaním.

220 Či Daniel nepovedal to isté v tomto kráľovstve železa a hliny, že oni zmiešali tie semená snažiac sa zlámať silu tých druhých ľudí a čo oni robia? Až kým teraz nedostali tú vec - oni tam majú prezidenta; a teraz to ďalšie, čo musíte urobiť je, len tam postaviť kardinála. Dostať dovnútra celý kabinet, čo urobíte potom?

221 To ďalšie čo urobia, zoberú svoje peniaze a vyplatia dlh Spojených štátov a požičajú to od cirkvi a potom ste predaní. No, dnes žijeme, platíme naše zahraničné dlhy s peniazmi z daní, ktoré nebudú zaplatené až za štyridsať rokov. Nemáme už viacej peniaze, ale cirkev má. Či nehovorí Biblia, že bola pokrytá zlatom a ... Ó! Ale vy ... Takto sa to deje. Vidíte?

222 Berú si za ženy vaše dcéry; vaše dcéry, vydávajú sa za vašich synov, vychovávajú deti na katolíkov, presne - zabíjajú ich duchovnou smrťou. Nepovedala Biblia, že ju hodí na ležisko svetskosti a zabije jej deti duchovnou smrťou - Zjavenie 17. Vidíte?

223 To je stále Slovo. Nestarám sa kde chodíte, to je stále Slovo. To musí pasovať presne do obrazu, ak nie, nie je to Slovo, nie je to Slovo. Ak nemôžete spraviť, aby to išlo celou cestou podľa Biblie, potom je to zlé.

224 Pozrite, v priebehu tohoto času, Boh trénoval svojho sluhu na jeho prácu. Trénoval ho pomimo ich dohľadu, pomimo ich plánov, ich schém. (Zrozumievate to?) Pomimo ich organizovaného systému, Boh cvičil človeka aby vyplnil jeho zámer. On to proste nechal tak bežať.

225 Nechal ho aby sa oženil a mal ženu a deti, dieťa, Geršona. Žil si celkom dobrým životom, žehnal ho tam. Ale po celý ten čas ho pripravoval, cvičil ho. Boh a jeho nepriateľ to robili vtedy v tom prirodzenom, práve tak ako Boh a jeho nepriateľ to robia teraz v tom duchovnom.

226 Oni ich zabíjali telesnou smrťou, teraz duchovnou smrťou. Vidíte? Boh pripravoval telesného človeka, svojho proroka, aby išiel dole do Egypta. A satan pripravoval Ramsesa, svojho telesného človeka, - pripravoval telesného človeka. Načo? Aby zabil alebo zjednotil všetkých Egypťanov a Hebrejov spolu a spravil, aby mu stále slúžili.

227 Preto rozum tak ťažko namieta proti tomu vzdelávaciemu systému, ktorý môže dokázať svoje body. Je to tak, rozum stále pôjde za vzdelaním. Intelektuálna a rozumová myseľ to ani nevidí.

228 Videli ste film „Desať prikázaní" od Cecila DeMille? Myslím, že mnohí z vás ho videli. Nie som za chodením do kina a na predstavenia a také veci, ale doporučujem ho zboru, že každý kto ... ak ľudia nemali nič len to, že to chceli vidieť. Bude to v poriadku, ak to chcú vidieť, pretože to by ne ... Prv, niektorí moji bratia tam išli; prišli a povedali mi, ja som už nebol v kine veľa rokov, nakoniec som išiel, keď to bolo tu v tomto, kde sa pozerá z auta. Díval som sa na to. A videl som čo to bolo, a potom, povedal som v zbore: „Ak sa chcete ísť na to pozrieť, dobre."

229 Tam to bolo pekne, prekrásne, ako ten diablov trik, aký on tam bol chytrý. Ako on tam vošiel, aby zabil tie deti a ako to tá intelektuálna myseľ prijala a verila tomu, pretože to mohli vidieť a to bolo rozumné.

230 Ó, ako Boh po celý čas cvičil tohoto proroka; a ako Egypt sa cvičil v politike, tento Ramses, aby zvíťazil. A potom jedného dňa prišiel ten veľký zápas medzi tou intelektuálnou a duchovnou mocou. A Ramses so všetkými svojimi bohmi - a stál tam vonku a lial tam vodu, aby žehnal boha Nílu. Boh ho udrel a vytiekla z neho krv. Ó, myslím, že to bolo zarážajúce (Vidíte?), vidieť čo sa deje.

231 Ó, teraz, dávajte pozor, ten intelektuálny človek bude stále - ide do rozumového zdôvodňovania, a nemôže vidieť tú duchovnú stranu, pretože je intelektuálny. Ó, nemohli to vidieť v žiadnom čase, nemôžu to vidieť ani teraz.

232 Oni to nemohli vidieť vo dňoch Eliáša, ako by mohol ten starý bradatý prorok - nech mi Boh odpustí, že to takto hovorím, ale len chcem ... Boh vie, že sa to snažím zosmiešniť, ako len môžem, aby ste tak mohli vidieť Ducha Božieho, ako povedal Pavel: „Moja kázeň nezáležala v presviedčavých ľudskej múdrosti slovách, lebo vaša myseľ by sa niesla ku múdrosti; ale ja som prišiel s mocou Ducha Svätého, aby vaša nádej a spoľahnutie odpočívalo, nie v ľudskej múdrosti ale v moci zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista."

233 Preto toto predstavujem takto smiešne, keď hovorím o tomto veľkom Božom prorokovi, že bol bradatý, pretože on mohol vyzerať strašne, keď stál vedľa toho dobre oblečeného kňaza a hovoril o sebe, že je muž Boží. A pozrite sa na nich; v intelektuálnej mysli by ste mohli vidieť svätosť toho kňaza.

234 Mohli ste vidieť na jeho hlave ovinutý turban a tu na hrudi efod. Mohli ste vidieť olej pomazania (prirodzený), ako mu steká z brady až na okraj jeho rúcha. Mohli ste vidieť, ako horí obetný oheň a ako po poriadku prebiehajú všetky tie rituály.

235 No, to je to, do čoho zachádza tá telesná myseľ. To je to, čo sa oni snažia robiť dnes. Oko, dvere do duše, ale vidíte, to duchovné oko vzadu v tom oku. Oni sa dívali na tohoto starého zarasteného človeka, ktorý tam stál, zarastený na prsiach, zavinutý do kusa ovčej kože, opásaný okolo bedier, možno bol bosý, mäso na rukách mu takto viselo a biela brada mu povievala a v ruke mal krivú palicu, stál tam, ale to duchovné oko mohlo vidieť Božiu moc, ako sa tam pohybuje, pretože to bolo presne podľa Slova.

236 Nie to čo vidí rozum, čo vidí duchovné oko. A telesné oko dnes vidí atraktívnu cirkev, obecenstvo so starostom mesta alebo s čímkoľvek - v týchto denomináciách, organizáciách a oni prehliadajú moc Ducha Svätého, keď ona môže kriesiť mŕtvych a uzdravovať chorých a ... a ako, ... oni sa dívajú ... Oni pozorujú Hollywood, a oni pozorujú ľudí na ulici.

237 Ženy si dnes myslia: „Aha, táto žena, Suzy, ona patrí do cirkvi. Má ostrihané vlasy. Maľuje sa. Páči sa každému v meste." Pochybujem, že v nebi. Keď to nesúhlasí so Slovom, Boh sa za tým nemôže podpísať. Podpisoval by to sám proti sebe, zapieral by svoje vlastné Slovo a vieme, že to Boh nikdy neurobí! Hoci nebo aj zem pominú, žena s ostrihanými vlasmi je v Božích očiach zlorečenstvom, alebo žena, ktorá si oblieka odev, ktorý patrí mužovi.

Vidíte? To duchovné oko to zachytáva. Oni žijú pre budúcnosť. Telesná myseľ žije, aby rozumom posudzovala telesné veci daného dňa.

238 Všimnite si teraz, Boh toto robí a predsa to ľudia nevideli. Sprevádzajúcim javom tej telesnej mysli boli rozumové úvahy. Boh teraz vyvoláva duchovný exodus. Vtedy vyvolával telesný exodus pre svoj ľud, dnes vyvoláva duchovný exodus - pre svojich, čo? - Pre svojich vyvolených. Jedine pre svojich vyvolených!

239 No, Egypt nemohol vidieť, že Izrael je v poriadku. Hoci krv baránka bola na dverách a na futrách a tie veci, ktoré sa diali a Boh bol tam dole, pohyboval sa vo svojom prorokovi a reagoval na slovo človeka.

240 Dal mu, aby sa tam postavil a zobral palicu, na ktorú sa opieral a ukázal smerom na východ a povedal: „Nech prídu muchy a nech zaplavia egypťanov."

241 Odišiel a každý povedal: „Nič sa nestalo, nič sa nestalo." Ale hneď potom za chvíľu musela začať krúžiť okolo nejaká zelená mucha. Za chvíľu tam bolo možno dve libry múch na yard štvorcový, stvorenia ktoré človek vypovedaním slova zavolal do existencie.

242 Tu máme intelektuálneho Ramsesa, ktorý tam stojí. Ktorý bol proti ... veľmi nábožný človek a proti Duchu živého Boha. A tá telesná myseľ mohla vidieť len Ramsesa, ale duchovná myseľ videla zasľúbenie a videla, ako sa ono vyplňuje.

243 „Dobre, ak Jozua a Kálef mohli nazvať tých Amalechitov a Hetejov a Jebuzejov, ako keby neboli; oni boli dva alebo tri alebo štyri krát väčší, ako oni a tá telesná myseľ v Kádeš Barnei, keď tí špehovia preskúmali zem a povedali: Och, my to nedokážeme. Ich je príliš veľa! Aha, my sme ako, my sme ako kobylky v porovnaní ku ním." ale Kálef a Jozua videli Božie zasľúbenie a povedali: „My sme viac ako schopní to urobiť." Prečo? Oni sa dívali - Boh povedal: „Dávam vám tú zem." Vidíte?

244 Tá telesná myseľ to nerozumie. Duchovná myseľ to zachytáva. A prečo ... Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Prečo tí Egypťania nevideli tieto veci? Pretože neboli vyvolení.

245 Boh povedal Abrahámovi predtým ako sa to stalo ... (pochop to, spiaca cirkev!) Boh povedal Abrahámovi predtým ako sa to stalo: „Tvoje semeno bude pohostínom v Egypte štyristo rokov a Ja ich z tade vyvediem." Preto to oni videli, pretože boli vyvolení, aby to videli, oni ... vyvolenie.

246 Izrael bol vyvolený aby videl znak Boží a oni vyšli z Egypta, kde tí neveriaci zahynuli! A dnes, Boh volá svojich vyvolených, to duchovné semeno Abraháma skrze vieru, ktorú ono má v Slovo Božie.

247 Nevidíte to duchovné semeno dnes? Ktoré nevidí tú intelektuálnu cirkev, ono vidí Slovo. A ono je vyvolané z tých veľkých denominácií do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista. Je to jasné? Porozumeli ste tomu? Dobre. Pôjdeme ďalej.

248 Jedine vyvolení! Doktor D.L.Ph., oni to nikdy neuvidia. Oni neboli vyvolení. A pamätajte, toto vyvolenie, ktoré teraz prichádza, to nie je odísť do iného národa. To je odchod do slávy, tam kde ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života. Nie pod prirodzeným malým zvieracím baránkom, pod ktorým bol vyvedený Izrael, že oni od toho mohli odpadnúť a ísť naspäť, ale pod týmto nemôžu. Toto je pod krvou Baránka Božieho, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života, pred založením sveta.

249 Oni sú tam, vyvolení, a keď to svetlo takto na nich svieti, potom z nich odpadávajú tie denominačné múry a oni tu prichádzajú. „Vyjdite z pomedzi nich," povedal Duch svätý v týchto posledných dňoch. „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí. Ja budem váš Boh; vy budete Moji synovia a dcéry."

250 Dívajte sa teraz, Izrael dával pozor. Oni vedeli, že Boh jedná s ich prorokmi, Slovo prichádza ku ním a oni prichádzajú, aby to videli a oni to videli. A teraz, ten intelektuálny znak, vidíme to teraz, že oni veria vo svoje organizácie. Oni sú stále vo svojich vyznaniach. Hoci oni ...

Tak ako bol Balám, ktorý vyšiel na vrch, z ktorého videl Izrael. Tam bol Izrael, nie národ, to boli len ľudia, chodiaci z miesta na miesto a boli vinní! A Moáb, jeho brat, intelektuálny, ten zorganizovaný človek, vyšiel hore na vrch toho kopca s biskupom, alebo s prorokom, ktorého mali a postavil oltáre a obetoval tú istú obeť, ale prehliadol medzi Izraelom ohnivý stĺp a udretú skalu.

251 Tak je to dnes. Intelektuálna myseľ sa dívala na tú parádu, ktorá tam prebiehala. Oni nevideli tú udretú skalu. Ani sám biskup, nevidel moc Ducha Svätého a krik Kráľa v tábore. Oni to prehliadli.

252 Tak, takto sa to znovu deje dnes. Boh volá svoj vyvolený ľud a oni sú vyvolení teraz. A teraz, oni sú vyvolení na čo? Na vzkriesenie, a aký znak im On ukazuje? - znak vzkriesenia. Čo im On ukazoval vtedy? znak vyslobodenia, vyslobodil ich z otroctva. Znak moci, ktorá mohla zavrieť nebesia alebo mohla začierniť nebo.

253 A teraz On ukazuje moc vzkriesenia svojho Syna žijúceho medzi nimi, aby ich vzkriesil z tohoto hrobu a z cintorína, v ktorom sme, do zeme, ktorú nám zasľúbil - znak vzkriesenia - vyvoláva z duchovného Egyptu a duchovného Babylonu.

254 Vediac ... Dovoľte mi toto povedať, teraz kľudne, aby ste to porozumeli. Robí to takým istým systémom, akým to robil na začiatku, On robí to isté, zaslepuje oči neveriaceho, otvára oči veriaceho. A všimnite si, na tej intelektuálnej strane to robí politika, politika a cirkev, politika a národy, všetko. A tá druhá strana je skrytá pred nimi, tá duchovná záležitosť.

255 Boh zobral jedného človeka na púšť, vycvičil ho a priviedol ho naspäť a zabral tú vec a vyviedol tých ľudí. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? On nemôže zmeniť svoj program. On je Boh. On nikdy nebude jednať so skupinou; On to nikdy nerobil; On jedná s jednotlivcom a jednal a bude jednať a On zasľúbil ešte aj v Malachiášovi, že to bude robiť. Je to tak.

256 Tak tam je jeho zasľúbenie, čo On bol, zasľúbenie, čo povedal, že bude robiť a tu to máme. Akými šťastnými ľuďmi máme byť. Dáva im znak skrze svoj zasľúbený znak Slova, zasľúbené Slovo. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. A prinavráti vieru ľuďom, srdcia ľudí naspäť do viery originálnych letničných otcov. On to zasľúbil, ukazuje svoje znaky.

A „ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Aký znak videli cirkvi v Sodome? Čo videla intelektuálna cirkev? - dvoch kazateľov. Čo videla tá duchovná cirkev, vyvolení, Abrahám a jeho skupina? - videla Boha zamanifestovaného v tele z mäsa, v ľudskom tele, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať ducha a povedať, čo hovorila Sára za ním.

257 „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíme Ducha Svätého medzi nami robiť tie isté veci, účinkovať v ľudskom tele. To je tá hodina. Vidíte? Sme presne tu, priatelia. Hotovo. Odohráva sa Exodus.

258 Ale teraz, všimnite si, On to vtedy urobil skrze čo? Všimnite si a zoberte to do svojej duchovnej mysli. Nech teraz Duch svätý odloží nabok tú starú čiapku ľahostajnosti a dávajte dobrý pozor. Boh stále robí rozhodnutie do vykonania čohokoľvek jedným spôsobom, On to nikdy nemôže zmeniť.

259 V záhrade Eden, keď On chcel vykúpiť človeka naspäť do obecenstva, On urobil rozhodnutie, to bola krv. Ľudia skúšali vzdelanie, skúšali denomináciu, skúšali zoštátnenie a všetko možné, a to nikdy nefungovalo.

260 Je len jedno miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom, to je pod preliatou krvou, ako to bolo v Edene. To sa nikdy nezmenilo. Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretol vo dňoch Jóba bolo pod obetným baránkom. Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretol vo dňoch Izraela, pod obetným baránkom, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden, pod obetným baránkom.

261 Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretáva dnes, nie je v denomináciách - oni sa hádajú a dusia medzi sebou; nie v cirkevníctve - oni stále robia to isté; nie vo vzdelaní - oni sú celý zamiešaní, ale pod Krvou Baránka; každý veriaci sa môže stretnúť s obecenstvom, tam kde je život.

262 Boh vybral vo dňoch toho exodusu, On vyvolal skupinu a z tej skupiny ... Chcem aby ste si niečo všimli. On dostal len dvoch, ktorí vošli do zasľúbenej zeme. Čo On vybral, pomocou čoho ich vyviedol? Pomocou politiky? Organizácie? On vybral proroka s nadprirodzeným znakom, Ohnivý Stĺp, aby sa ľudia nepomýlili. Čo prorok povedal, to bola pravda. Boh prišiel dole v Ohnivom Stĺpe a potvrdil sa, ukázal svoje Slovo. Je to tak?

263 To je to, čím On priniesol svoj prvý exodus. Jeho druhý exodus ... Boh ide stále v trojkách. On je dokonalý v trojkách. Všetci ste si všimli ako kážem, to sú stále trojky a sedmičky. Sedem je úplnosť; trojky ukazujú jeho dokonalosť. Prvé, druhé a tretie potiahnutie a všetko. Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, všetko. Vidíte?

264 Všimnite si, čo On urobil v prvom exoduse? On poslal proroka, pomazaného ohnivým stĺpom a on vyvolal ľudí. To bol jeho prvý exodus. A keď prišiel čas Izraela, On znovu poslal -- Boha-proroka, s ohnivým stĺpom. Ján ho videl zostupovať z neba ako holubicu. A On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a odídem naspäť ku Bohu."

Po svojej smrti, pohrabe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Saul z Tarzu, na svojej ceste do Damašku, videl ten istý ohnivý stĺp. A on ako Hebrej, dobre vyučený v Slove, povedal: „Pane, kto si?"

On vedel, že to je Pán, ten ohnivý stĺp. On bol Hebrej. On povedal: „Kto si?"

A On odpovedal: „Ja som Ježiš."

265 Pri druhom exoduse, On priviedol pomazaného proroka, ktorým bol jeho Syn, Boh - prorok. Mojžiš povedal, že On bude prorok a bude mať ohnivý stĺp a bude robiť znamenia a zázraky a ten istý prorok povedal: „Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť."

266 A tu On zasľúbil to isté v exoduse v posledných dňoch a On to nemôže zmeniť. Skrze vedecké potvrdenie, skrze svedectvo Ducha, skrze skutky Ducha to dnes vidíme, ten veľký ohnivý stĺp pohybujúci sa medzi nami. A tie znamenia a zázraky vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista volajú ľudí zo stavu denominácií do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista aby žili - aby išli do zeme.

267 V tom nie je žiadna chyba, priatelia; to nie je to, čo ja hovorím - ja som len váš brat - ale to je to, čo vám Boh dokazuje, a to ukazuje, že je to pravda. Ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý On použil pri tých dvoch predchádzajúcich, On ho dnes priniesol medzi vás a vedecky to dokázal.

268 Ako viete, časopis Život to tam zverejnil minulý mesiac, kde ... Koľkí ste tu boli a počuli ste ma hovoriť, že to sa stane, ešte prv ako sa to stalo? Myslím, že každý v zbore. No vidíte. Ľudia vôbec nevedia čo to je. Vedci sa snažia ... „Každý kto má z toho fotografiu, zavolajte" - oblak dvadsať šesť míľ vysoko v tvare pyramídy - to zachytilo sedem anjelov, ako sa vracali ... a priniesli vám Slovo Božie, pod inšpiráciou a ono vám hovorí o týchto hodinách do ktorých prichádzate a v ktorých žijete. Duchovná myseľ to hneď teraz vezme a pochopí to. To je exodus! V jednom z týchto dní odídeme. Vďaka Bohu. Pamätajte, už teraz za chvíľu zakončím. Mám desať minút.

269 Všimnite si, ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý ich vyvolal, ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme pod pomazaním proroka. Ohnivý stĺp, na ktorý sa mohli dívať, ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme pod pomazaným prorokom. A oni ho stále odmietali. Je to tak? Skutočne.

270 No, viem, že máme krst, zostalo mi tu ešte asi šesť strán, ale za chvíľu skončím.

271 Sledujte to, sme vo vyvolávaní von. „Vyjdite z Babylonu, ľudu môj," povedal hlas anjela. Von z čoho? - zo zamiešania.

272 Metodisti majú pravdu? Alebo baptisti? Alebo Katolíci? Vyjdite von z toho! Boh má pravdu. Ako vieš? „Ale Boh nech je pravdivý a každý človek luhár." Vyjdite z toho. Čo viete? Ten istý ohnivý stĺp, to isté pomazanie Ducha, vedie do zasľúbenej zeme. Všimnite si, viedol ich, vyviedol ich von, viedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme, Izrael, národ; a ten istý Boh, ten istý ohnivý stĺp, to len ... Oni povedali, že ... ten fotoaparát ... Keď čítate čo napísal Georg J. Lacy - nie čo ja teraz hovorím - čítali ste čo napísal Georg J. Lacy, keď preskúmal tú fotografiu (šéf oddelenia F.B.I pre otlačky a dokumenty) to je jeho výrok. Niektorí z nich hovoria: „To je dvakrát exponovaný film."

Desať tisíce ľudí sa na to dívalo svojimi vlastnými očami. My sme tu stáli a dívali sme sa na to; vy ste sa na to dívali. To nie je dvojitá expozícia! Oni povedali, že to bol optický klam. Čo povedal pán Lacy? „Objektív tohoto fotoaparátu nezachytí psychológiu."

273 To nebol žiadny optický klam; to tam bolo - ten istý ohnivý stĺp. Oni potom povedali: „No dobre, to bol trik." No, všetky fotoaparáty - stovky míľ okolo Tucsonu, šesť mesiacov predtým ako sa to stalo sme vám povedali skrze Ducha Svätého, pôjdem tam aby som dostal tie správy. Pretože nápisy na tej pyramíde z vonku ... ako mal ten brat ten sen a ja som vám to vyložil. To je plný výklad.

274 No, všetky tajomstvá o ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým sú vysvetlené. No, to je pozbieranie tých vecí, ktoré neboli dotiahnuté do konca, toho, čo je skryté v siedmich pečatiach. Nie sedem cirkví, sedem pečatí zjavilo tie tajomstvá. A potom otvoril túto vec na vrchole a našiel v tom skalu, bielu, ale na nej nebolo nič napísané, to bolo tajomstvo.

275 Choď do Tucsonu, bolo to predpovedané prv ako sa to stalo. Stál som severne od Tucsonu, (stoja tu svedkovia, ktorí to môžu potvrdiť.) keď sa rozľahol výbuch a zatriasol tými horami takmer od základu. A v tom istom čase, kruh svetla sa vznášal tam vo vzduchu. Keď vedci majú teraz tie fotografie, dvadsať šesť míľ vysoko, vo vzdialenosti asi päť krát väčšej, než ako sa môže nachádzať hmla alebo niečo také; a vôbec nemôžu zistiť z čoho to vzniklo. „V čase večera bude svetlo, chodník do chvály určite nájdete."

276 Ak ste vyvolení; to semeno padá na suché miesta pôdy alebo na skaly, ono nič neurobí. Tvrdé, kamenné srdcia, ktoré chcú byť ľahostajné, ale ak ono spadne na jemnú skyprenú pôdu viery, ono zrodí kresťana, bude niesť ovocie Ducha.

277 Všimnite si, ako to Boh urobil. No, On má ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý je potvrdený. Niekto povedal: „Prečo nejdeš a nepovieš o tom tým vedcom?" Myslíte si, že oni by tomu verili? „Nehádžte perly pred svine." Ježiš povedal, aby sme to nerobili; Nemal som žiadne vedenia, aby som to urobil. Jednako žijem rovno tam v tom meste, kde sa oni na to pýtali, myslel som si, že tam pôjdem, Duch Svätý povedal: „Drž sa od toho. To nie je pre nich. Choď naspäť a povedz o tom v zhromaždení."

278 Dobre, a to sa stane ... „Ak sa stane to, čo oni povedia, pamätajte vtedy, to som Ja hovoril," povedal Pán. Vidíte? Prv ako sa to stalo, tam sa to deje. Počúvajte Bibliu. Hlas Boží volá na vás v tomto dni.

279 No, chcem aby ste si všimli, tento istý ohnivý stĺp, znovu vedie ľudí do zasľúbenej zeme, do milénia, kde sme našli pod inšpiráciou tejto šiestej pečati, čo nikdy predtým nebolo učené, ako musí byť zem očistená pre milénium. Duch Svätý ich vedie do milénia.

280 A všimnite si, ohnivý stĺp, ktorý viedol Izrael v exoduse z otroctva, ten ohnivý stĺp, pod vedením Božím, Boh bol tým ohňom a ten ohnivý stĺp len pomazal proroka. Ten ohnivý stĺp mal stáť ako nebeský svedok, že Mojžiš bol vyvolaný.

281 Pamätáte si Dátana a tých, ktorí povedali: „Dobre, treba urobiť nejakú organizáciu. Mojžiš, berieš na seba príliš veľa. Ty chceš povedať, že ty si jediný svätý medzi nami. Celé zhromaždenie Pánove je sväté. Ako môžeš brať toto na seba?"

A Mojžiš padol na svoju tvár a začal plakať. Boh povedal: „Oddeľte sa od neho. Ja jednoducho otvorím zem a prehltnem ho." Príklad. Ako mohol Mojžiš - povedal im, že im hovorí to, čo povedal Boh - Boh to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

282 Dokonca Miriam, ktorá sama bola prorokyňa a Áron sa vysmievali z Mojžiša, že sa oženil s etiópskym dievčaťom, robili si z neho žarty; a Boh sa nahneval - hovorili proti jeho sluhovi. Čo urobil? Zavolal ich ku dverám stánu zhromaždenia, a Miriam, hoci bola prorokyňa, ale Mojžiš bol viac ako prorok - viac ako prorok.

On povedal: „Nebojíte sa Boha? Ak je medzi vami prorok Ja Pán hovorím ku nemu vo videniach a dávam sa mu poznávať v snoch," ale povedal, „nie tak Mojžiš." Povedal: „Nebojíte sa Boha?" Ona bola v tej chvíli napoly mŕtva, malomocná. Viete o tom.

Či On nepovedal? „Ján krstiteľ ... Vyšli ste vidieť proroka? Áno, viac ako proroka." Prečo, prečo on bol viac ako prorok? On bol posol zmluvy - archa, ktorá prepojila spolu tie dve obdobia.

283 A dnes, čo máme medzi nami, tento veľký Duch Svätý je viac ako prorok. To je Boh zamanifestovaný medzi nami so svojím Slovom, aby ho dokázal. Robí viac ako prorok - tisíckrát viacej než robia proroci.

284 Eliáš, jeden z najväčších prorokov veku vykonal len štyri veci nadprirodzene v celom svojom živote, za okolo osemdesiat rokov. A Elizeus, s dvojitou porciou vykonal osem a my vidíme tisíce krát tisíce, na svoje vlastné oči! Hľaďte na anjela Pánovho v ohnivom stĺpe. Vedecký výskum to priniesol svetu, vedia, že to ich bude súdiť.

285 Čo urobil Baránok? Ten anjel Pánov, ktorým bol Kristus ... Veríte tomu? Ev. Jána 6. kapitola, oni všetci pili tú vodu a prežívali veľkolepé chvíle a radovali sa. On povedal: „Ja som chlieb života, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Ja som tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti."

286 Oni povedali: „Teraz vieme, že blázniš. Ty si blázon; máš démona. Si pobláznený tým diablom." Viete, na ľudí prichádza niekedy duch a stávajú sa veľmi nábožensky aktívni.

287 Oni povedali: „Ty si diabol; je na tebe diabol. Ty si samaritán a je na tebe diabol." Povedali: „Aha, nemáš ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma." Môžem Ho vidieť ako ustúpil niekoľko krokov. Povedal: „Ja som ten Ja Som. Prv ako bol Abrahám Ja Som."

288 To bol horiaci oheň, ten ohnivý stĺp v kríku. Keď On zomrel a vstal na tretí deň a Saul Ho stretol na ceste, On bol znovu v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe. Povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem ku Bohu." Keď bol Peter vo vezení, ten ohnivý stĺp vošiel dovnútra, otvoril dvere a vyviedol ho von. Je to tak.

289 Kde ich viedol ten ohnivý stĺp? No, pamätajte, Mojžiš nebol tým ohnivým stĺpom. On bol pomazaný vodca pod tým Ohnivým stĺpom a ten ohnivý stĺp len potvrdil jeho posolstvo, znameniami a zázrakmi. A ten ohnivý stĺp ich viedol do zeme, ktorú im Boh zasľúbil, kde On sám sa jedného dňa stane telom medzi nimi. Je to tak? Čo oni robili? Šomrali a stavali sa na odpor a všetko možné, aby sa ukázalo, že to bolo pod krvou normálneho baránka.

290 Ale teraz (Chvála Bohu!) stĺp, ktorý my vidíme medzi nami, ohnivý stĺp nás bude viesť do milénia, kde sa On navráti ku svojmu ľudu v tom veľkom panovaní milénia po tomto exoduse, kde oni budú žiť večne s Ním. On má stále Slovo Otca, stále potvrdzuje, že to je pravda.

291 Sme v exoduse. A pri odchode, keď za chvíľu vypnú pásky, ó moji priatelia, moji bratia, vy ktorí ste tu prítomní aj vy, ktorí budete počúvať tieto pásky, dovoľte mi, že ako váš brat a obyvateľ Božieho kráľovstva vám poviem -- vyjdite v tomto exoduse!

292 Lebo všetci, ktorí pozostanú budú niesť znamenie šelmy. Vyjdite z Babylonu; vyjdite z tohoto zamiešania; vyjdite z týchto systémov a slúžte živému Bohu. Nech tento veľký anjel zmluvy, „Ježiš Kristus vo forme Boha, nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu." Teraz On je ohnivý stĺp, v tej istej forme, v akej bol tam vtedy, keď prinášal ten prvý exodus, keď prinášal ten druhý exodus a tu je s tretím exodusom.

293 Prvý exodus, čo On urobil? Vyviedol ich z prirodzenej zeme do prirodzenej zeme. Druhý exodus, On ich vyviedol z duchovného stavu do duchovného krstu Duchom Svätým. A teraz On vyvádza ľudí z duchovného krstu Duchom Svätým, rovno naspäť do večnej zeme milénia a do tej veľkolepej budúcnosti. Ten istý ohnivý stĺp skrze ten istý pomazaný systém, ten istý Boh robí tie isté veci. A to isté Slovo, ktoré oznámilo ten prvý, oznámilo ten druhý. To isté Slovo, ktoré oznámilo ten druhý, oznámilo ten tretí exodus a tu to vidíme medzi nami.

294 Vyjdite! Ó, vyjdite z toho chaosu! Poďte ku živému Bohu! Poďte do Slova! „A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A teraz, On je v našom tele, prebýva medzi nami. Vyjdite a slúžte živému Bohu, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy.

295 [Niekto v zhromaždení prináša proroctvo: „Môj ľud, budem ku tebe hovoriť v tejto hodine. Áno, ako som aj dnes ku vám hovoril cez tohoto proroka -Vyjdite z nej ľud môj. - Hovorím vám Ja som Všemohúci Boh. Dívam sa dnes z nebeských balkónov. Áno, môj hlas je oznamovaný vo vašom strede. Či sa pohnete von a budete nasledovať svetlo, ktoré som vám dal? Lebo vám hovorím, ľud môj, Ja som Všemohúci Boh. Moje Slovo sa nemení. Priniesol som vám ho. Budete mu poslušní? Áno, budete počúvať na všetko, čo som vám dal, hovorí Pán." – pozn.prekl.]

296 So sklonenými hlavami ... z hĺbky svojej duše, z hĺbky všetkého, čo je vo vás, ste ochotný pamätať na ... ste pripravení prestať so všetkými vecami toho sveta a žiť pre Boha. No, ak to takto nemyslíte, nerobte to; ale ak to tak myslíte z celého svojho srdca, že ste teraz presvedčení ... Ako povedal Ježiš na konci svojej služby: „Teraz veríte."

297 Ste presvedčení, že tieto veci sú pravdou, potvrdené Bohom a že sme v čase konca a opravdu chcete teraz prísť ku Kristovi, vojsť do tohoto exodusu vyvolávania z vlažného denominačného stavu, predstáv a vecí tohoto sveta a chcete sa celým srdcom vydať Jemu a vyjsť v exoduse do požehnanej zasľúbenej zeme - zodvihnete ruky, zatiaľ, čo sa budeme modliť? Ste si skutočne istí, že chcete vyjsť? Všetci.

298 Nebeský Otče, tí ktorí zodvihli ruky, daj im teraz vyjsť, Pane. Nech Duch Svätý na zasľúbení Slova, nech Duch Svätý vojde do ich sŕdc. Zodvihlo sa asi dvadsať rúk zo zhromaždenia, Otče, ktorí sú presvedčení a vedia, že to je pravda a oni chcú vyjsť.

299 Ak tam vtedy v tých dňoch vyjdenia Izraela, z pomedzi dva a pol milióna ľudí, len dvaja vošli do tej zeme. Vo dňoch Ježiša Krista ich bolo okolo sto dvadsať. A teraz vo dňoch konca sveta, Ty si povedal: „Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta ale málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu; ale široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zahynutia a mnohí pôjdu po nej." Tie slová nemôžu pominúť; to sú tvoje slová.

300 No, modlím sa za nich, Pane. Prosím aby si Ty, v tejto hodine, skrze Ducha Svätého obrezal ich srdcia. Odstránil všetky veci toho sveta. Obrež ich uši, aby jasne mohli počuť Boží hlas, ktorý volá skrze jeho Slovo a svetlo na tento deň.

301 Sprav Pane, aby ich oči boli otvorené, aby mohli vidieť slávu Božiu v tejto poslednej záverečnej hodine. Ty si povedal: „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne a ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň."

302 Pane, možno je tu mnoho takých, ktorí ešte nerozumeli. Prosím, aby si sa zaoberal s nimi a dal im ďalšiu možnosť, Pane aby mohli porozumieť. Počuť Ťa ako hovoríš cez svoje Slovo, ako sa potvrdzuješ a potom hovoríš ku nám nadprirodzeným hlasom a potom skrze výklad aby sme videli tvoje veľké skutky, ktoré potvrdzujú, že to je pravda podľa Biblie.

303 Prosím Bože aby si nám teraz odpustil naše viny. A ako som sa položil na toto Slovo Bože, myslím, že to bolo asi pred týždňom, položil som sa na mŕtveho muža, ktorý tu ležal na podlahe a videl som veľkého Ducha Božieho, ako ho priviedol naspäť do života. Oči sa mu prevrátili dozadu, ležal mŕtvy a len niekoľko málo slov vzývania tvojho mena a videl som ho živého. Je tu dnes, stále živý.

304 Pane, Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý vtedy, keď sa Pavel položil na toho chlapca, ktorý ho počúval, keď tak dlho kázal, ten ktorý spadol z okna - Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý môže navrátiť život.

305 Ďakujeme Ti Otče. Nech ... neveriaci nech neverí, ale my veríme, Pane. Ty si sa nám dokázal.

306 No, nech meditácia môjho srdca, myšlienky v mojej mysli, moja sila a všetko nech sa rozpustí v tomto Slove. A nech to Slovo a ja spolu, Pane, s ľuďmi, nech pochodujeme do kráľovstva Božieho. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy, uzdrav naše choroby a sprav nás poddanými tvojho kráľovstva.

307 A teraz, keď títo prichádzajú, Pane, a bazén je otvorený, voda je pripravená a krst za niekoľko minút začne, pamätáme, keď bolo kázané toto isté evanjelium, Biblia hovorí: „Všetci ktorí uverili, boli pokrstení."

308 Ležia tu vreckovky, Pane, ktoré žehnám v mene Ježiša Krista, na uzdravenie chorých.

309 Potom keď sú naše zhromaždenia dlhé, pretiahnuté, lebo je pozde - musíme vkladať Slovo zatiaľ, kým je pôda aby bolo do nej vložené, lebo prichádza studená zima. Vidíme to; listy opadávajú a vieme, že zima je na blízku. Musíme poškrabať povrch a zakopať semeno.

310 Tak, prosím, nebeský Otče aby si hovoril ku každému srdcu. A Biblia povedala: „Všetci, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." A Pane, ak nie je ... sú tu mnohí, ktorí uverili a ešte neboli pokrstení v tom mene tvojho milovaného dieťaťa, Ježiša, nech prídu dnes ráno, milo a pokorne, vyznajúc svoj hriech a zomrúc veciam tohoto sveta, aby boli pochovaní aby zobrali na seba meno Ježiša Krista, aby žili ďalej pobožne pomocou Ducha Svätého. Porúčame ich teraz Tebe, Pane, za týmto účelom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

311 A teraz, odovzdávame službu bratovi Nevillemu, a čokoľvek vám on musí povedať, zatiaľ kým sa pripravujete na krst. Dnes večer o pol ôsmej ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem nahrávať to ďalšie posolstvo. Nech vás Boh dovtedy žehná.

1 All things are possible, only believe.

Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer. With our heads bowed, I wonder if there's any special requests would want to be known before God. Just raise the hand and, just underneath your hand, just hold your request.

2 Heavenly Father, we are grateful for this, another time to be assembled together, this side of Eternity. And we are looking this morning for renewal of strength to come from Thee, to give us courage for the journey that lays ahead. We've gathered as the Hebrew children did on the early mornings, to get manna that had been provided for them over the night, to sustain them through the coming day. We gather for the spiritual Manna, this morning, to give us strength for the journey.

3 Beneath each of those hands that went up, You know all they have need of, Lord. And I pray my prayer, with theirs, before Thee, that Thou will supply every need that they have need of. Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. We know Thou art God, and can do all things, and have promised to do them if we could just do as the song has bid us, Only Believe, and as we heard the glorious words, Walk And Talk With The King.

4Now, Father, God, bless Thy Word as It goes forth this morning, and may It find Its resting place in our hearts, that It might bring forth the things that we ask for, Father. In the Name of the Lord Jesus we ask it. Amen.

May be seated. Thank you, sister.

5I believe it's been said, "I was happy when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'"

6 Leaving Hot Springs, yesterday, Brother Moore was saying, "Brother Branham," said, "you, won't you drive down, Texas, and with me at the convention down there," said, "rest up a couple days?"

7I said, "I got two services tomorrow."

He said, "Two services?"

I said, "Yeah."

8Said, "Hard as you preaching here," said, "a man ought to rest a week after each one of them." Said, "You take a pastor, give his Sunday morning message, and so forth," said, "then he rests the rest the week. And, then, and maybe that'll be thirty minutes, or something." And said, "You preached about two or three hours here, at a time," said, "then, day after day, and sometimes two times a day, and then run a prayer line, all that discernment." Said, "Now you say you're going home, have two services on Sunday?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How you do it?"

I said, "My help cometh from the Lord." See?

9The hour is late, as one, someone said a while ago, in prayer, as I just walked in. The hour is late, and the need is great, and we're here to try to put our part in, to help this great hour that we're in.

10 Now, the Lord willing, tonight, I want to speak on the subject, "Is your life reputable to the Gospel?" That's, I want to tape that.

11And now, I don't know whether they're going to tape this this morning, or not. I see some over in the room. There is--there is some of the fellows in there; suppose they are. I did... I thought Brother Neville would do this. I asked, last Sunday, just for him to have, go ahead with his message; and then go ahead, let me just drop in with something behind him. But, if they want to tape the Sunday school lesson, why, it'll be fine.

12 And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday, that is, if the Lord permits and we're here, I want to speak on the subject that I been wanting to for a long time, and promised I'd speak the Messages like that from the tabernacle, first, those taped Messages. I want to indict this generation for crucifying Jesus Christ; next Sunday morning, the Lord willing.

13And now, tonight, at seven o'clock, or seven-thirty, is the--is the Message of "Is your life reputable?"

14 Now, sometimes, in speaking on these Messages like that, I say things that's pretty hard-cutting. And I don't really exactly mean it for this church here, or something. Remember, when I'm speaking, that goes round the world. See? And we got a tape set-up, around the world, and they take these messages back in the jungles and everywhere. And the Holy Spirit sometimes lead me to say something that might be the very thing that He wants for somebody way down in Australia, somewhere, or something. So, maybe, some conditions, you'd say, "Well, now, that condition doesn't exist here. What does he say that for?" Maybe it's for somewhere else, you see. So, yeah, I'm sure you people understand that, that these Messages is not directed to any. It's just directed to the Church, in whole, everywhere, and whatever the Lord would lead us to say and to do.

15 Had a glorious time down in Hot Springs, and at an old-fashion Pentecostal meeting. I'm sure many of you are satisfied that's Pentecostal people down there, since you--you that went down. Well, just, I don't know the group. I just supposed to go down for a week, and I give two or three days. But I want to say one thing. In that meeting, they certainly had faith, to believe. If any of you was there...

16Which, I know, this lady here, sitting on the corner, I don't know who she is. Or, right here, I know she was there. And I know a couple of brethren was there, Brother Jackson, them, Brother Palmer.

17 That's what people get when they have faith. See? Notice that healing line? There wasn't a one come in or went out but what God healed. See? See? And so, when you got faith...

18And another thing, there might be some of you, might not understand that emotion, dancing, shouting. Well, they just... They are not looking to any certain person. They're just shouting, before God. See? That's all right.

19But, I want to say, is one of--one of the cleanest-looking set of women I ever seen, that long hair, and--and people from back there in the jungle, back in the bushes. But I don't believe I seen anybody around that's kind of so modern-looking, you know what I mean, with all kind of make-up's and things on. It shows. I might not agree with them in all they teach, but I can sure agree there. That looked like Christians, to me.

20 So the Lord led me to speak on a subject, yesterday, or day before yesterday, at noon: Just Once More, Lord. And at the church, some of them there didn't know, I did that for a purpose, because the Lord led me to do that. That little group was drifting into something, and the Lord helped for that to--to do it. So, it was just wonderful. I certainly...

21You know, things goes on. If you don't have a spiritual eye, you don't get it. See? You got to look forward to those things.

22 I come in. And this Brother Ungren, that's about the second time I ever heard the man sing. Just as I walked into the room, he was singing I Walk And I Talk With The King. I thought, "Isn't that beautiful!" How that the King ever... See? Walking and talking, that means it's a constant fellowship. Not just in the church, but, everywhere, walk and talk with the King.

23 And there, looked up on the wall, and there was a card sticking on a little picture in there, of kind of a scene that a man named George Todd had--had painted for me. I don't know why the man ever did it. Perhaps, maybe, he just didn't think, and he had painted it. It's a picture of a mountain, back in the forest, and--and the brook rippling down. And on the other side of the brook, stands a doe and a fawn, with their ears up, looking across the brook. I don't know whether Mr. Todd is here. I don't know him. But, I want to say this, the Lord spoke to me when I looked at that picture. And maybe he didn't know, when he was painting it.

24Remember my little story about the deer that the fellow was going to shoot, and his call? Well, she's there with her fawn, so, by the waters of life. See? Inspiration, how that the mother deer and her child was there! And I thought, "Yes. And on the other side, where there is, by the evergreen trees, I got a--a mother and child over there, also, that's waiting there."

25Thank you, brother, Brother George Todd, if the man is here this morning.

26 Now, I would have the Sunday school lesson. I'm usually kind of long with it.

27There's something that keeps moving on my heart, I don't know, since yesterday. Now we... if the Lord... is a--is a subject. I'm getting old, and I--I don't know how much longer I'm to be here. But there's a great question in the church, that's got men at variance, and different ideas.

28Just like the eating of "the apple." And I preached on the Message, and I believe, firmly, can prove it by the Scriptures, that it was not apples. See? Caused a lot of confusion.

29 So, maybe, before we leave... We got to go back now, in about thirty days, you know, back to Arizona. And so if, before I leave, the Lord willing, I would like to take the Scripture. And don't tape it. If they do, don't sell the tape. Don't let it get out. I want to explain the real Truth of marriage and divorce. It's a question. And this is the last hours, that, "When all the mysteries of God should be finished." And yesterday, coming up across the mountains, about daylight, the Holy Spirit seemed to say to me, "Tape that and lay it away," I don't know why, but, "the real Truth of marriage and divorce."

30Some of them says, "People can marry, if they can swear they was in adultery." And others says, "Well, if they mistreat one another, and--and they can't live together; it's better to live, earth, in peace, than live in hell on earth." And all those different questions! And some marry them just any old way. And some wants to sprinkle holy water on them, and turn them back, and say, "They never was married." And blessed them, and turn them over to the church again. There's all kind of confusion. But, if there's that much confusion, there's a Truth somewhere.

31I believe, and say this with reverence, I believe the Lord has revealed it to me, and I... the Truth. And if it would get amongst the churches, it'd tear the thing to pieces. Which, maybe it ought to be. But it's... I'd rather just let the pastors, just let the pastors of the churches, get the tape. And let them play it, and then they can lead from there on. But I'd like to just tape that, to show the real Truth of it. I believe this is the hour when these "mysteries are to be finished," completed. They been struck on, as we said, down through the ages, of the tapes, as we've brought those Seven Seals, and Seven Church Ages.

32 And we're now facing a time for the Seven Trumpets, and then the Vials. And maybe we could put a two-weeks meeting and put both of them together. I'd like to get it taped.

33And then, besides that, I'm trying now to get it proofread, and make books out of it, of Church Ages; seven books of the church age, seven tapes, and make it in such. We can get it done just as cheap as we possibly can, so everybody can get it. Then, if the Lord tarries, and I move on, you'll see that the things I've said in the Name of the Lord will be come to pass just as It was said. Never has failed, yet, and some of It has to happen later.

34 And I--I trust that the Lord let us do that right away. We'll notify the people, a time, because there's many likes to come and hear those things. And I--and I appreciate that.

35 If nobody believed It, or listened to It, what good would it do me, stand here, say anything about It? See? I'd be like casting bread upon the waters. It'd be like... If no one was going to believe it, then it would be like casting pearls before swine. But there's thousands times thousands that believe That. See? And they hold on to every Word. And we'd like to get as many in, as possible, when we--when we get ready to have these services, and for the glory of the Lord. And we trust that God will give it to us.

36And I don't want to have that until I'm Divinely inspired to do it. God has a time for everything. See? You mustn't go ahead of it. If you cut your wheat before... They put the combine in there before it's ripe, you lose the bigger part of your wheat. See? So, when the sickle is ready to be thrust in, God will thrust it in, then we'll go to reaping. But I just...

37 When, I feel pressed like that. I thought I'd shake out of it, in a little while. All day yesterday, I couldn't get it off my mind, all night last night. Went to bed around twelve o'clock. Had about three hours sleep, the night before. And last night I couldn't sleep. Still, Something said, "Tape that, Marriage And Divorce." See? So I--I... The Lord willing, if that keeps on my heart and the Lord shows me some more about it, well, then, I'll... I--I may tape that. See?

38But, remember, only for ministers. You come, but, and listen. But the tape itself, let... See, 'cause it gets out amongst the congregations, and some is this way, and some that way, and draw their own opinion. And I want minister brothers to have this in own study, and then let them go from there, 'cause they're the ones that's responsible. They're the one. Like to go down and play it to the judge, some of these squires. Yeah.

39 See what the Lord said about this, Marriage And Divorce. It's more sacred than people think it is. And it'll blend right in with The Serpent's Seed. Just the same thing, just moving right on, that's them mysteries. Remember, "In the days of the seventh angel, all the mysteries of God should be finished," those unknown things that the Lord would wind up. Now, so far...

40 Now remember, seven-thirty is when you start your meeting. [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Now, Brother Neville, if you got a message for tonight, preach it. See? ["No, sir."] Won't take me about an hour or forty-five minutes, and I'll tape the rest of it.

41I like to listen to Brother Neville. I love him. He's my brother. And I--I think he's a marvelous speaker, wonderful minister. And I... One thing about Brother Neville, I like, when he says anything, he lives what he's talking about. Now, that's--that's the main thing.

42You know, you can live a fellow a sermon better than you can preach him one. "For ye yourselves are written epistles, read of all men." Now, let's, before we...

43 We can pull the pages back, but God has to open this Sunday school lesson, so let us just ask Him to do that.

44Heavenly Father, we--we by faith look towards the future. I'm looking now, by faith, towards a coming something, Lord, upon the earth, that's going to draw Thy people together. When we see the denominational churches so pinning down and getting so different, it's really pushing the people out; just as it was in Egypt, a pharaoh rising, who knew not Joseph.

45As it was in Germany, and--and up into Russia, and Italy, the people raised up Josephes, Hitler and Stalin, Mussolini, who hated the Jew. They had to go back to their homeland. God, You got ways of doing things, that we don't understand. And You pressed them. No home in Germany; everything taken away from them. Also, in Italy, Russia, no place to go. And they were sent back to their homeland, just to fulfill the Word.

46Oh, the loving hand of God! How, sometimes, it looks cruel, the way that people suffer, but it, still, it's the tender hand of Jehovah, leading His little children. We thank You, Lord.

47 Now I pray, God, as I see the day. That, the denomination is pressing the believers, excommunicating them, saying, that, "Their name must be upon their book, or they're lost. Have nothing to do with the other group." It's only the tender hand of Jehovah, leading them to the Tree of Life. I pray, God, that, each one. I know they will. Because, it's Your Word, and It can't fail. And may we be led to the Tree of Life, that we might be a possessor of Eternal Life, see the hand of God, and, by the eyes of faith, look beyond these shadows that we're walking in today, see the promised Land laying just ahead.

48Bless Thy Word, this morning, Lord, these few Scriptures and notes that I got written down here. May the Holy Spirit come now, as I dedicate myself, the circumcision of tongue and thought, mind. And the church dedicates their ears of understanding, their hearts, all of us, together, that You'd speak to us through Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth. In the Name of the Word, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

49 Now, turn in your Bibles, to the Book of Exodus. And now I want to read a portion of the Scripture from Exodus, the 3rd chapter, from 1 to 12. Just listen on, close, as we read. Exodus, the 3rd chapter, 1 to 12.

Now Moses kept the flocks of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and the... he... and he looked, and, behold, the bush burnt with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, which the bush is... why the bush is not burnt.

And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see,...

50Want to lay emphasis on that!

And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

And he said, Draw not nigh hither: but put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt,... I've heard their cry by the reason of the taskmasters; for I know their sorrow;

And I'm come down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptian, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land... a land large, and a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites,... Hittites,... Hivites,... Jebusites.

Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherein the Egyptians have oppressed them.

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh,...

51 You notice? "I have come down." But, "I'm sending thee." God, going in the form of a man. "Go." Let me read the 10th verse again.

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou comest forth...

52Beg your pardon.

... When thou has brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.

53Not noticing, before, but feeling very deeply inspired of the Spirit this morning, I caught that just then. God, sending His servant back where he had run from, He give him the sign of a mountain. Never noticed it till just then. "This will be an Eternal token unto you." See?

54 Now we're going to speak, this morning, on the subject of the second exodus now; of God's people, or the calling out of God's people. Exodus means "brought out; called out; taken away from." And I want to use that as a subject, of the second exodus of God's people. [Brother Branham titles it, The Third Exodus, in the evening service--Ed.]

55 Now, they've had many exoduses, of course, but I'm speaking on the time that God called an exodus, a separation from where they were, at the present time. Here, God is making ready to fulfill His Divine promised Word that He had give to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob. Years, hundreds of years had passed, but, yet, God never forgets His promise. In the season, the due time, God always makes His promise right.

56Therefore, you can rest assure that what God has promised in this Bible, He's going to do it. Just no need of trying to think anything else, and say, "Well, the prophet was, maybe, was wrong," or, "that couldn't happen in this day." Looked almost impossible then, more impossible than it does now. But God did it, anyhow, because He promised He would do it.

57And look how simple He does it. "I have come down. I heard the cry. I remember My promise. I've come down to do it. I'm sending you. You do it. I'm going to be with you. Certainly, I'll be with you. My never-, never-failing Presence will be with you wherever you go. Don't be afraid." See? "I'm coming down to deliver." I'm sure the spiritual mind catches that. See? See? "I--I'm--I'm going to send you, to bring My people to an exodus. Call them out, and I'll be with you."

58 Now, how--how we can rest, how faith can catch that hold there. See? God is going to do it. He promised it. No matter how, what the circumstances is, or what anyone else says, God is going to do it, anyhow, 'cause He promised to. And He does it so simple, that, it--it goes over the--the understanding of the cultured mind who would try to reason about it, "How could it be?"

59I don't mean to say that a man now, with a good, strong mind, fine education, that that man won't understand It. That's all right, and wonderful, as long as he uses that not to reason, but, that culture that he's got, to believe God. Let it be converted unto the simplicity of listening to what God has said, and believe It. His culture will help him then.

60Notice. But when the man tries to reason, "It couldn't be done," then that drives him away from God, constantly, all the time, when he's trying to--to listen to what, his own understanding. See? If you don't understand, and the Bible says a certain thing, just punctuate It, "Amen." Just let it go like that.

61 Now, instead of referring to these Scriptures, you can jot them down, in this Sunday school lesson. But I would, maybe, if you'd like to look at it. But, first, I've got so many here. Let's...

62Before we can find out what this exodus means, I'm going to type the exodus now; exodus then, with the exodus now, and watch if it isn't run exactly parallel. One of them is natural. And the very same things that He did in the natural, He's typing it again, antityping it in spiritual, a spiritual exodus.

63 Marvelous, to see the Word of God! How anyone could say It's not inspired? This was about twenty-eight hundred years ago, you know. And how that He promised, and what He's done and laid it out there for example, how He--He--He makes the shadow of something to testify of the--the positive. I get on that, tonight, between the moon and sun, the Lord willing.

64But, first, we must review Genesis to see why they were down in Egypt. Why would God's people be out of that land? After all, God promised that, right there where the beginning was, with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Palestine. God gave them that land, and said, "This is it." Oh, then, why would the people not be in the place that God provided them?

65That's the question of today, also. God give us a pentecost. He give us the Book of Acts. He give us the Holy Spirit, to lead us and guide us. He give us a Land. And why we out of It? Why is the church out of It? Why isn't the great Christian church today living again like the Book of Acts, bringing forth the same thing? There's some reason for it.

66 We all know that we're broke up, and we're in a terrible condition. And the most terrible condition that--that Christianity has ever lived in, is today. And we're on the... right on the brim or the brink of--of a great, terrific judgment laying for the church. And before this judgment can happen, God is calling an exodus, just like He did then. Amorites' sins was heaped up, so He--He's calling a--a spiritual exodus. Now let's go back just a moment, in type, and find out.

67They went down in Egypt, all because of the jealousy of a brother. That's the reason that Israel was in Egypt at that time, out of the land. Remember, God's promises was only as long as they stayed in that land.

68 Now can you see what we were speaking in prayer, a few moments ago? Why did God have to harden Pharaoh's heart? To put the people back in the promised land, before He could bless them, to bring forth the Messiah to them.

69How did He have to harden Hitler's heart, to be against the Jew, when he was half Jew, himself? How could He have to do that in Stalin, Mussolini? See? People that's not inspired, like a nation, they--they... God has to take the--the things that they are living by, the laws of the land, many times, to make His promises come true. So, He had to harden those dictators' hearts, to run the Jew back to the promised land. It had to be that way.

70 Now we find out, that, going down, Joseph... We know the story, as we go back into Genesis, and you can read it. Because, I'm just a little late to get started on this long Sunday school lesson, and I'll try to hurry.

71Notice now. Read the story when you can, of Joseph, being born the later of his brethren, next to the last. The spiritual mind will catch that right now. He wasn't the last child; Benjamin was. But, in the excommunication, watch. Joseph and Benjamin were full-blooded brothers, and the only two that was brothers. Never did Benjamin get the recognition until he met Joseph. And above the rest of them, Benjamin is given a double portion of everything that Joseph give. All right. Notice now, we find that down there. They were...

72 He was taken from his brothers because that he was spiritual. He was a great man, although the humblest of the bunch, the least of the bunch. "And they hated him without a cause." They should not have hated him. They should have respected him. Because, why did they hate him, because he was a brother? Not exactly that. They hated him because that God dealt with him more than He did the rest of them. See? He give him a--a--a--a spiritual understanding. He could interpret dreams, perfectly. And he could foretell things that would come to pass, perfectly, just exactly the way they were. And he--and he didn't pull no punches.

73He saw the--the dream of those sheaves bowing before his sheaves, and his brothers then got angry with him. Said, "I guess, then, you little holy-roller," in other words, "we'll have to bow down before you someday?" But that's the way it happened. See? How were those great big giants ever bow before that little, insignificant fellow standing there? But they did it, they sure did, and pleaded for mercy. But he hadn't come in power, yet, you see. He was only then just in the child form.

74 And then we find out, by doing this, that Joseph was taken from among his brethren, the denominations, and set out to himself. See? His brothers, all in the land. And then there come such a great thing. We realize that Israel... as long as they dwelt in their dwelling place, and kept up. Now, that's one good thing, to stay in the place. Positionally, that's right. But, they got rid of the Spirit.

75The fundamentals, today, positionally knows what they are, by intellectual conception of the Bible, but there's no Spirit. They've rejected Joseph, turned Him out. They wanted nothing to do with It. "It's a bunch of holy-rollers. It's a... We want nothing to do with It." They've excommunicated Him, sold Him out, to the world. They were out of their fellowship.

76 Now, by doing that, they were taking out of place, taken down into Egypt, later on.

77Now, the story of this jealous brothers is certainly of great comparison with the spiritual side of it today. We--we all are aware of that, that it's pure jealousy, not pure. It's old, dirty, filthy jealousy. See? There's no purity in jealousy. See? It's nothing but filthy jealousy. When, they see the same Bible, and the nature of the same God that wrote the Bible, vindicating Himself, and then turn That down without a reason. Pure... Well, not pure. As I said, it's dirty jealousy. Watching God heal the sick, raise up the dead, the same God that lived in the days of the apostles! The same Gospel that they wrote, for this spiritual journey, is the same God that does the same thing. So they're nothing but jealousy, has excommunicated, "And we'll not have It among our people." See? Run them off!

78 They thought, the brethren, that they would never have use for a man like that, so, "Why not just get rid of him?"

79That's what, same thing has happened today. They think, that, "Because that our churches has become intellectual, that we got the best-dressed crowds, the biggest organization, the most smartest ministers, that we have no use of the Holy Spirit in the way that It was back there." That, they are full. In other words, actions speaks louder than words. That, their seminaries, and they're the brain of their--their being. And their coming together and--and discussing this thing, are more able, with their own intellectual minds, to set a Church in order, better than what the Holy Spirit could do it. So, they don't need It any longer. "It's Something that we don't need today. It's, the days of that is passed." Now, isn't that just right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "We don't need the Holy Spirit to heal the sick. We got doctors. We don't need the Holy Spirit to speak with tongues. We're all intelligent people." And when you do, you take, right from your framework, the Lifeline.

80Jesus said to them Jews, in His days, "Haven't you read that, 'The Stone that was rejected is the Chief Cornerstone that all the building is setting upon'?"

81 Now, you see what I mean? I'm sure you--you can catch that. That, the--the reason of it now, is because they thought they'd never have a need of It. "We don't need speakers with tongues. We don't need interpreters of tongues. We no longer need the Old Testament prophets to set us in order, by the Holy Spirit. We understand It." See? They have adopted a man-made system to take place of the Holy Spirit.

82Therefore, there is people that's elected, has their names on the Lamb's Book of Life, they can't go for that. They are spiritual-minded, and therefore they cannot go for that. They can't stand it, no matter if their fathers and mothers was lived in whatever organizational church.

83 When a church makes, does, maybe it wouldn't speak that right out. Oh, no. They won't speak it right out, but their actions prove it. Here is the Word. And the Holy Spirit proves it amongst those, when He can get them gathered together, that He still heals the sick, and raises the dead, and speaks with tongues, and casts out devils. So, it depends on the... what's on the inside of a person.

84 Mrs. Arganbright there, was thinking that, the other day, setting out there on the walk, pulling out some grass, when she was cutting the lawn. I passed by, right by the side of her. She didn't know me, and I just let her go on. I was watching.

Now notice the Holy Spirit in His great work.

85 The church feels that it don't need the Holy Spirit. The churches will tell you that. And the men can stand up and give you such an intellectual talk, can almost make you believe it. Now let's stop there, a minute. Didn't Jesus say that the two would be so close together, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The intellectual talks would be so smooth, that it would--it would deceive the people. It's gospel, it's men who can handle that word in such a way, that he could almost make any intellectual person, if you're just trusting in their intellectuals. They--they would condemn the Holy Spirit, and--and take the way of the man. We see that.

86 Now, that's the same thing they thought about Joseph, and they got rid of him. And, oh, down in Egypt, oh, how we can think, how I could spend hours. You could stay here for three years and never leave that subject, day and night, and still be finding the great kernels of the Holy Spirit.

86a The spiritual mind can look down in Egypt and see that persecution rise; can see Joseph taken away, in order that the persecution could rise. And then see God, with His wheel in the wheels, everything moving around just perfectly. See Potiphar reject Joseph; see that lie told. And see Joseph in the prison, and his beard is growed out, excommunicated from his brethren. But then, all of a sudden, God moved in. See?

87 How we can see that wheel in the wheels, moving! God's great plan moving everything up to this exodus, to this time when He would call His people back in the land again, back in the place, in position where He could bless them and place among them the One that He promised He would place among them. They had to be in their land. Remember, they had to come out of the land that they were in, and get into the land of promise, before their promised Messiah could ever come.

88 And the Church has to do the same thing; get out of that group of rejecters, over into the promise, before Messiah can ever be manifested before them. You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Life of the Messiah, manifested, making a Church ready, a Bride.

89A woman marry a man, and disagreeing with him, it would be some kind of a--a fuss, continually. But when a man and his wife, his girlfriend, his espoused, when they are in perfect harmony, like one soul and one mind, because they're going to be one flesh.

90Then, when the Church can get in such harmony with God, until the manifestation of the Bridegroom is manifested in the Bride, because they're going to be one! Oh, what a great lesson. All right.

91Now, remember, the spiritual mind picking this up, can see the type and the antitype, and pick it. For one, just, we could go hours on it. Watch what takes place.

92 And why have we waited all these years, since this oasis of time? You know, the Bible speaks, that, "The church fled into the wilderness, where she was nourished for time and time." And why has all this been? That we... See? It's still God's wheels in the wheels.

93Why hasn't God did this, long time ago, when men sit down with pencils, and--and women, and tried to draw out just the time? Like Judge Rutherford and many of them, that, "Jesus come in '14." And--and Mother Shipton, it way back behind that, and so forth, all these times. And, see, when going by this, by what they've tried to figure out the Scripture, see, they ruined it. It's hid. It's actually hid. And how could the Scripture go against Itself, when Jesus said, "No man knows the minute or hour"? See? See? They just get one piece of Scripture and hold It.

94 You must take the whole Thing. Then, if God is in that, then God will manifest that to be the Truth. Like Divine healing, if it isn't Truth, then it isn't Truth; God will have nothing to do with it. But if He manifests It to be the Truth, then It is the Truth. Just as Jesus...

95 God said, "If there be one among you, is a prophet, or spiritual, I'll speak to him. And what he says comes to pass, then hear it. That's it. But if his prophecy is wrong, then..." God can't be wrong. He's infinite, infallible, omnipotent, and He cannot be wrong. So, if the man is speaking, then it shows the man. If he spoke his own words, it'll fail. But if he speaks God's Words, it can't fail, because it's God speaking. Then, his inspiration comes from God, and it--it has to be right. That's the way God said to tell it. That's the way the Bi-...

96In the Old Testament, He said, "If they speak not according to the law and the prophets, it's because they have no Life in them, no Light in them." Right. They have to speak according to the law and prophets. And a prophecy, or anything else, must be according to the Word. If it isn't, it's wrong. See?

97 Now, we find out that all this has took place, because, waited. Revivals: the Methodists, the Lutheran, the Baptists, the Campbellites, and--and all different ones. They've had great revivals. The Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, all had great revivals. But the great exodus hasn't come. Why? God told Abraham He'd keep him in the land right then, but the--the iniquity of the Amorites wasn't yet full. And God has waited, patient. Them people, trying to figure out, they can see the Scripture run right into something. Run right into something, they said, "This is the day. This is the time." But you fail to understand that the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet fulfilled.

98 Four hundred years they would journey down there in Egypt, and be brought out. But they actually stayed four hundred and forty years, because of the rejection of the prophet. They had to suffer another, about forty years down there in the wilderness, before God brought them out. Moses was out in the wilderness forty years before he ever returned back to deliver them, you see. Forty years went overtime, lapsed, because that they rejected the message.

99Now, forty years in God's time would be about one and a half minutes, to our time. That's how much difference is. "Thousand years is only one day." See? Wouldn't be even a minute, hardly. Notice, in that.

100 Now we're running late. Why? God has been long-suffering, waiting, watching. Let the--the Lutheran rise in a revival, then organize. Let the Methodists rise in revival; organize. Let John Smith, the Baptist church, rise up with a great revival; organize. Let the Pentecostals raise up with the restoration of the gifts; organize. Until the iniquity gets plumb full, then God is tired, then there comes an exodus.

101 And we see it, that the people themselves can see back down the stream of time, that the thing is cursed. They take a wedge and a fine Babylonian garment, again. And that's the thing that curses amongst the people, when men tries to inject his own ideas about things.

102We got to stay with that Word. That's the commandments of God, was, "Not to touch nothing in that city, that cursed city. Don't touch it. Leave it alone."

103And Achan thought that he could take this gold wedge and live pretty decently like the rest the world, and fine Babylonian garment. Oh, at the Achans in the camps! See? But the thing is cursed, and it continually is cursed. It was cursed since the very Nicene Council, at Nicaea, Rome, been cursed ever since. But God has let the iniquity fill up, until the time of the Amorites is about fulfilled.

104 And now anybody with spiritual understanding, remember, I keep quoting, spiritual understanding, you can see that the iniquity of this nation is filled up. She's organized and reorganized, and organized and organized. And now she's confederated, and joining with something else. The iniquity is filled up. It's time for exodus, time for a calling-out, to the promised Land. Not the promise, just another country to go to; but a Home, the Millennium, time for a calling-out. The iniquity of this nation (strike one again tonight, the Lord willing) is filled up. She is filthy.

105You say, "Brother Branham, the nation you live in?" Yes, sir. Certainly. You say, "As a citizen of the United States, you shouldn't say that." Then, Elijah shouldn't have called a curse upon Israel, and him being an Israelite then. The rest of the prophets should never have cursed that nation that they were Israelites under.

106 But they only spoke, not their own thoughts, but the Word of the Lord. See? Depends on where you're drawing your inspiration from. Depends on how it's coming. If it's contrary to the Word, leave it alone. I ask anybody to prove that That's contrary to the Word.

107Did not the Bible say, in Revelations 13? That's where this nation appears. This nation is numbered thirteen, a woman's nation. It's a woman, in the Bible. Woman is on our coins. It's a woman's nation. It's where the rottenness of women begins, starts, where it ends at. The rottenness started in Eden, by disbelieving God's Word. Here is where it hatched out women preachers and everything else. The filth of the world comes right out of Hollywood, the worse nation in the world; more divorces, the rest the world put together. See? Why? You'll find out one of these days, the Lord willing. You'll see why, this cursed thing. You can see the blindness of this divorce stuff that Satan has pulled over the eyes of the people. We're in a terrible hour. Our end is almost at hand now, I believe. They're rotten, rotten to the core.

108 She appears in Revelations 13, number thirteen. And remember, it raised up like a lamb, freedom of religion. But then it received power from the beast; an image like it. And he spoke with all the authority, and done the same rotten things the beast did before him. Then tell me it's not prophesied of this nation? The Amorite condition is just about ripe, 'cause they're already working in it.

109And even our new pope, his main purpose is to unite the brethren together. And, to the natural eye, it's the thing to do. But, in the eyes of God, it's contrary to the Holy Spirit. We can't mix up with that. And every church will be called into that federation. Get out of that thing, as quick as you can. You'll take the mark of the beast, not knowing what you're doing. Get out of it.

110 I hope the spiritual mind can catch it. I'm sure you do. But I wonder, out there. Anyhow, you can't visit every nation. You can send tapes to it. God will have some way to catch that mind out there where that seed is sowed. Right. And as soon as the Light strikes it [Brother Branham claps his hands together once--Ed.], it's gone, takes Life. Like the little woman at the well, she said, "There It is." She caught It.

111Get out of that thing. It's cursed. "Cursed?" Tell me where one ever fell and rose again. Tell me one ever raised that didn't fall. So, you can see that the thing is wrong. All right.

112 The iniquity wasn't full yet, of the Amorites, so they had to linger and wait before the exodus. But when the Amorites got their iniquity filled, then there come a spiritual exodus, or natural exodus, to lead the people to a natural land, where a natural Amorite had once dwelt, called that their land.

113And the iniquity of the Amorite denomination has called themselves "the Church," so long, till their iniquity is about fulfilled.

114There's coming an exodus, where God will show who is who; where the Church Itself, the Bride of Jesus Christ, will be exodus-ed out, into the Land that's promised. "In My Father's House are many mansions, in this place." You don't have to go There and fight like they did. It's already prepared. If this earthly tabernacle dwelling be dissolved, we have one already waiting, "That where I am, there ye will be also." The great exodus at hand!

115 Watch how God did that exodus, what He... what preparations He made, and study just a minute, then look at today. All right. Notice, before this exodus, "There raised up a--a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph." See? A pharaoh who didn't know Joseph. "Didn't know Joseph." What was Joseph represented? The spiritual part in this spiritual exodus.

116There raises up now, "We are freedom." ("The woman was nourished for a time, time, and a dividing of time.") But finally there raised up a--a Jos-... or a pharaoh dictator who knew not the freedom of religion, uniting them together. Don't let it pass you. There come a time where there was a pharaoh, first, had to come.

117And the organizations lived lusciously, lived as a grafted branch, into the real vine of Christianity, but it's still bearing its original fruits: women, half-dressed; men, intellectual, and denying the power of the Spirit. But, it's lived under the name of a Christian church. It's a grafted vine. But the Husbandman is coming by now to prune that vine, as He said He would do. All those that don't have the fruit is cut off and throwed into the fire and consumed.

118 It's an awful thing to say, but Truth sometimes seems awful. As just told you, how God takes His children through the deep waters and the miry sands and thing. He does it that way. Remember, the--the pot must be broke into shivers, sheaves, little pieces to be remolded and ground again. Look like a terrible thing to destroy it, but it has to be done thus, in order to get the pot re-made again, the vase or whatever you're making.

119 "There was a pharaoh who raised up, who did not know Joseph." And that was the beginning of the beginning. That was the beginning of the exodus. And when that thing begin to form, under a--a political power, begin to form, God begin to get ready. The iniquity of the Amorites was fulfilled. The time that He promised Abraham was fulfilled, and the time of deliverance was at hand.

120And God permitted a pharaoh to raise up, who knew not Joseph, and Raamses was born. And right after Seti come Raamses. And Raamses was that one who knew not the blessings of Joseph. And--and he didn't know what the spiritual side was. He was only a political genius, that he could take Ethiopia and all the rest of the countries, under military might. And that's all he knew, was the--the military might.

121 I think, if any man was spiritual, could see what's taking place now. We're getting a pharaoh who knows not freedom of religion. When our president took his office, he would not swear to that, that he believed in freedom of religion.

122 What about the other day when we had this question of segregation, down in the South? When this governor of--of Alabama... I wish I could talk to that minister, that Martin Luther King. How can the man be a leader, and leading his people into a death trap? If those people were slaves, I'd be down there, my coat off, beating away for them people. They're not slaves. They're citizens. They're citizens of the nation. The question of "going to school."

123Them people, if they got a hard heart and don't know those things. You can't drive into a people, spiritual things, what is beat in there with political powers. They've got to accept it, be born again, then they'll see these things.

124 But, this man, if I could only speak to him; leading those precious people, under the name of religion, into a death trap where he's going to kill thousands times thousands of them! They don't... They just get the--the natural side.

125This man, the colored brother, when that great uprise come in Louisiana, I was there at the time. When the... There's a colored minister, precious old brother, stood up out there and said, asked the militia, "Could I speak to them? They're my people." And this old minister stood up, out there, said, "I want to say, this morning, I never was ashamed of my color. My Maker made me what I am."

126That's the way He wants him to remain. That's the way He wants every man to remain. He makes white flowers, and blue flowers, and all colors of flowers. Don't interbreed them. Don't cross them up. You get against nature.

127 He said, "I never been ashamed of my color, until this morning." He said, "When I see my people rise up and do the things they're doing now," he said, "it makes me ashamed of them." O God, bless that voice. He said, "You're only going to cause trouble." Said, "Look at the schools here. If we had no schools," said, "it would be different. But who has got the best schools here in Louisiana?" Said, "Let's take, for instance, our city, Shreveport." Said, "There's a white school over there, it's the old school. They built us another one. They haven't got one instrument, one play thing for the children. We got a yard full. And besides that, they built us a great, big, marble swimming pool for our children. And we got the best of teachers that can be gotten." Said, "Why do you want to go over there, when we got a better here? What's the matter with you?" he said.

128And them people, they, "Rah!" They deadened the voice. There you are, see, wrong inspiration.

129 Them people were slaves. They're my brothers and sisters. They were slaves, I'd say, "Let's just join with them and go down through the street and protest that thing." They're not slaves. They're citizens with the same rights anybody else has got. It's just a bunch of inspiration coming from hell, to cause a million of them to be killed. They start a revolutionary. Certainly, it is. It's not right.

130Men and women have their own rights. Our colored brothers, and our Japanese, and the yellow, white, black, and whatever they was. There's no difference in the color of a god. We all come from one man, Adam. But if God separated us and turned us different colors, let's remain that way. If I was a--a yellow man, I'd want to remain a Japanese, or Chinese. I was a--a--a colored man, I'd want to remain that way. God made me that way.

131 Frankly, there's a lot about the colored race that the white race ought to have. They don't have the worry. They're more spiritual. There's a thousand things about them that the white man can't even touch. God made them thus.

132Who could ever out-sing a colored choir? Where could you find voices? I've seen them come from the lands back there, didn't know which, a right and left hand. Thirty or forty different tribes of them, and they sing to a place, the masters stand there, say, "I just can't touch it." He trained choirs for years, and one will be octave high, and low, and everything. Said, "Listen to that, just perfectly, even in different language." They're gifted.

133 But, you see, all this stuff has to happen, all because of a politician that you people elected with your crooked machines.

134And the other day, when that governor stood there, sworn and elected into that office, by the people, and the question of segregation according to the constitution is, that each--each state can take its own thought about that. He didn't care, but he read the constitution, said, "Now, the school stands for segregation." They got a school over there. And only two colored children wanted to enter that school, when they got their own college. But he stood and said, "What?" He even read the constitution.

135 Then when it come back to this fellow we got up here, that knows not Joseph, freedom. Pulling for those colored votes, and not knowing it was a republican party that freed them, in the first place. Selling out their birthrights, to such a thing as that, to lead them into a death trap, to show that every man-made system has got to fall. Exactly right. And Mr. Kennedy nationalized that guard, and send those men right back into the face of their own fathers standing there under the constitution. That broke the constitution again.

136 Said, "We'll not fight. No, sir." And said, "I hope the nation can find out that we're not living anymore under a democracy, but under military dictatorship."

137 You know the old saying, "Once a southern democrat, always." I don't know now. Uh-huh. Surely a man will have sense enough to wake up to something. See? Let those precious people alone. Don't kill them off, down there.

138Like that guy shot that brother in the back, the other night, with that gun, and his little children and wife in the house. I don't care who he is, that's lowdown and little. Yes, sir. Like to be the judge on that case, once. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Shoot that man, coming home to his wife and children. He's a citizen, has a right to stand for what he thinks is right, a good man. Picture in the Life magazine, that little boy crying for his daddy. And some renegade out there, shoot him in the back, out of an ambush.

139That's what you get to when you reject Christ. That's right. That's where the whole nation has got to, all under politics. It's such a shame, but that's what we wanted. We proved it in this election.

140 My little son said to me, this morning, "Daddy, the pilgrim fathers, when they come over here, were they all belong to this certain denomination of church? Were they all..." Said, "They had on big coats?"

141I said, "No, honey. They come here for freedom of religion. That's what they come here, to get out from under such stuff as that." You see where it's got to now? Shows all these kingdoms must fall.

I must hurry.

142 One thing, I pray that Brother Martin Luther King will certainly soon wake up. He loves his people; there's no doubt. But if he just only see where his inspiration. What good would it do if you went to school, a million of you laying yonder, dead? Wouldn't just be, go to school, just the same? Now, for--for hunger, if it was for something another, slaves, the man would be a martyr to give his life for such a cause, a worthy cause, and that would be a worthy cause. But just to go to school, I--I don't see it. See? I don't think the Holy Spirit is agreeing with him, at all, on that. It's got the people all worked up, in a bunch of ballyhoo, you see.

143Just--just like Hitler did, over in Germany, led them right into a death trap, them precious Germans. And they laid by the billions, or millions, piled up there on top one another.

144And that's exactly the same thing. And remember, I'm on tape. You'll see it, after, maybe after I'm gone. That's exactly what's going to happen. Them precious people will die down there, like flies. Starts a revolutionary, both white and colored will fight again, and die like flies. And what you got when it's all over? A bunch of dead people.

145 "But there raised up a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph." The same thing today, a man has raised up and took oath in the--in the White House, that will not swear to his oath, will not take his oath that he believes in freedom of religion.

146What's this new pope saying? One... Four things that he has. One of them, is to unite the Protestant and the Catholic together. And to any intellectual person, that's the thing to do. But according to the Bible, it's the wrong thing to do. And the Bible said they would do that.

147Let's go a little farther. At this time, Raamses, in Egypt, was growing. His power is growing. The natural man, Raamses, was growing.

148The natural man, the antichrist, is growing now. Through politics, he's already got to the White House. In religion, he's got all the people so scrupled up, till actually they'd fall right for it. And the denominational leaders, practically every church that there is in the nation, is already in the confederation of churches. Raamses is growing. And they're all uniting together, and that's what they'll have. And what does it do? It makes a power, a beast just like the first one.

149 Then there's a persecution coming upon all those who won't unite with it, and a boycott. It'll be too late then. You've already took the mark. Don't say, "I'll do it then." You better do it now. Raamses was growing.

150But remember, while Raamses was growing into power, in Egypt, God had Moses in the wilderness. He was growing, too. Raamses had a political system. God had a spiritual system, under a prophet, ready to come down, to speak to the people.

151 They're both growing again. It'll be a showdown, one of these days. The time ain't far off when there will come a showdown. As the natural... As the Scripture says, "The natural typed the spiritual." You can't get away from it. There it is. It's right before your eyes. It's Truth. Look at the Church now, calling out, coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down, the mysteries of God being revealed and set in order. See? And right here, she's already in the White House. And the Church is pulling Itself together, amen, not a denomination; out of the bondage of iniquities, away from the Amorites, a people that's free. Oh!

152 God had Moses, His to-be prophet. Though he had already prophesied, and it proved that he was right, but yet he was in the school of wilderness, hid away from the rest of the world. But he was schooled, being trained, out in the wilderness.

153The enemies will propose, always, his system. And unbelief will accept it, because the enemy is the intellectual sign.

154Now, remember, there's only two. Don't forget this. There's only two powers. One is spiritual power, of the Holy Spirit. The other one is the Devil, working through intellectual power. For, that's where he entered, in the garden of Eden, through intellectual powers, to make Eve believe in intellectual conception, against the Word. Just as plain as it can be, the kids could get that. See? See? And that's the way it's been, all the way down.

155 Here it is, in Egypt, this morning. There is an intellectual power working in Raamses, bring him up to power. And raise him up, who knows not the freedom to let what Joseph had done, what the church had done in the beginning.

156And now we see the same thing, an intellectual power weaving among the churches, and it's raised up to an ecclesiastical head that don't care about what the Bible said. They got their own system. It's not what the Bible said. It's what the church said. And the Protestants weaved right into that, till all their little groups, like this, "Well, sure. Well, I know It says This, but I tell you, them days is gone."

157"Form of godliness, and denying the power." Every Scripture in the Bible points straight to it.

158Now you see why I want to tape this and send it to the people. The hour has arrived. Truth has got to be known. The exodus is at hand. See?

159The--the intellectual part looks perfect. And it is perfect, it's exactly; but, perfect, the inspiration of Satan.

160 And then, all the time, that, this intellectual Raamses was growing and coming to the throne. And remember, he raised up as a brother to Moses, see, a brother to Moses. One of them had to take the intellectual seat, just like Joseph to his brethren. And what did they do with the little Joseph? Excommunicated him from the Word. The Word is God. And they excommunicated the Word, and accepted a creed. And now the creed has growed to power.

161O God, let people see that! How can I use any more voice? How can I make it any plainer by the Scriptures, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we're here?

162"Oh," you say, "well, now, if that came from Pope John, or Pope So-and-so, or Bishop So-and-so!"

Do you see that God took a little, insignificant desert-dweller?

Say, "How can all of it be wrong?"

163 God deals with an individual, not with groups. With individual; God getting His--His, getting His. Only thing He had to have is one man that He could operate with. That's all He wants is one man. He's tried to get them, through every age. If He could get one man! He got one man in the days of Noah! One man in the days of Elijah! One man in the days of John the Baptist. Just one man is all He needs. In the days of the judges, He tried to get one man, Samson, give him great power, but he sold it out to a woman and was blinded. It's judges; wasn't so. God is the judge. See?

164You see, today, He's trying to get one man He can get in His hand, that'll tell the Truth, that'll be fearless with it, that won't pull no punches, that'll not be dogmatic; one man He can hold in His hand and show His Word alive, and show Himself alive. I believe He could get such a person ready. I do. I believe it. I just believe the Bible enough, to believe that He could get it, that's right, that would tell the Truth.

165 After while, we find out, after went through all these schools. Now watch. The enemy proposes something, the intellectual mind, because the enemy is working on intellects. And the mind will set down and reason it, and say, "Now, wait just a minute. Isn't it so, that a council..."

166I talked to a man the other day, and he said, "Look, Billy!" He works for the Public Service Company, a fine man. And he said, "I want to ask you something." Said, "You are Irish."

I said, "Yes, sir." Said, "I'm kind of ashamed of it, but, yet, I am."

167And he said, "Well," he said, "don't you know that you really, really should be Catholic?"

168I said, "I am the original catholic." You know, the first Church was the catholic Church.

169You see where it's got to, today? It started at Pentecost, but the organization set it where she's at now. Look, and Pentecost come right back and organized, done the thing the first Catholic church. And they're almost as far away today as they, as they been in two thousand years. And fifty years has brought them almost to it. See?

170 He said, "Don't you believe that when a group of ecumenical minds," there you are, "sets together and reasons something, and the entire group can agree, don't you think they'd be just a little... I come to hear you preach," said, "but I disagree with you."

171I said, "The only way that you can prove that you're disagreement is logical, is prove it by the Bible."

He said, "The Bible has nothing to do with it."

172I said, "To you, It might not. But, to me, It's all to do with it. See, It's the Word."

173He said, "Don't you think that a bunch of ecumenical minds setting together, could be more right, and being sure of being right, than just one little, uneducated fellow like yourself?" I said... "Well," said, "what business you got to say anything against that bi-... or against our--our church? When, there's been, down through the age, when they had the first church council, as you spoke of, there one night, we heard this, the church ages, of the ecumenical council gathering at Nicaea, Rome, and formed the Roman Catholic church." Said, "Don't you know there was thousands of men, spirit, God-sent men set in that council? And don't you think that their mind would be more subject to know the will of God, than yours down here, after God has proved through two thousand years that that church is right?"

174 I said, "He's never proved it." I said, "If that church is a Church of God, let us see it bring forth like the first Church did then. Let us see it produce the things they did at the first place. When, even the Bible says, that, 'Even not one tittle or one jot shall fail from It.' And He said, 'Whosoever shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken out,' whether it's ecumenical council or whatever it is, 'from the Book of Life.' He's finished."

Said, "Billy, you're just erratic."

175And I said, "Then, I guess, one time in the great dignity of Israel, when they had separated like the Protestant and Catholic has today, Israel wanted to remain Israel." But I said, "We find out that they had a king named Jehoshaphat, a righteous man who tried to keep the--the--the laws of God. But they had another one over here named Ahab, who married a woman, politics, trying to get friends with another nation, and married one of their daughters, Jezebel, and brought her in, too, among the people of God." Same thing that we're doing, and bringing in. "And she become a ruler; make Ahab say this, and make Ahab say that." Same thing they're doing now. And I said, "The showdown come."

176 They wanted to unite both churches together, as they're trying to do now. And--and to Ahab... And even the Jehoshaphat, the organization man, said, "Yes. That'll be fine. Your people are my people. We're all Christians. We're all believers. Let's get together." But when he got down to the showdown, he said, "Don't you think we ought to go to prayer about this? We ought to consult the Lord."

And he said, "Yes," said Ahab.

So he said, "I'll tell you what. Let's find the prophet of the Lord."

177But, you see, Ahab had a system that he thought was of the Lord. He said, "I got four hundred of them, schooled and trained." And they claim to be Hebrew prophets, as ministerial groups does today.

178And they brought them out, and asked them a question concerning the--the outcome of the battle. And every one of them got together and united, just like the ecumenical council does today, and they come up with the question. "Go up. The Lord is with you, for that land truly belongs to us. And push the Syrians out of there, or the Philistines. Push them out, because the land belongs to us." That sounds very reasonable. See?

179 But, yet, down in the heart of Jehoshaphat, didn't sound right. He said, "I know you got four hundred well-trained ecumenical ministers there. And they're all with one accord, even till they made pair of iron horns and said, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.' But could we just find another one?"

180He said, "Let not the king say so," the politician said. "Let not the king say so, because these men are trained men. I've trained them, myself." That's it. See? That's it. "I've trained these men. But, there is one more, but I hate him." See? Said, "That's Micaiah, the son of Imlah, but," said, "I hate him. He isn't nothing but a renegade among them. He's always bawling them out. He's always telling me that I'm wrong. Look at my kingdom." Yeah, look at it, look what a mess it was in.

181 Look at your denomination, today, "Having a form of godliness and dying the power thereof." See? Oh, you may be a million more, and a thousand more, and better-trained men, but where you at in the Spirit? Where is your strength at, was in Samson, when he stood there, as I said the other day? With all of his big framework there, and every fiber in there, but no Life in it. The Spirit had left him. He was helpless. The little kid leading him around; blinded eyes, because of some woman. Same as the church is, today, led around by politics, bishops, elders, all kinds of stuff. Men pulling straws, to get something in their hat, and everything. Where we at, so when we come to this spot?

182 They sent and got Imlah, or the... not Imlah; but Micaiah, the son of Imlah. Sent and got him. And he prophesied and told them that Ahab would get killed if he went up there.

183And that archbishop smacked him in the mouth. He was honest about it. He said, "Where did the Spirit of God go when It left me?"

Said, "You'll see." Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

184Said, "Put him in the prison. Put him in inner jail. Feed him bread of sorrow, and water of sorrow. And when I return back in peace," said, "I'll deal with this fellow."

185And, Imlah, knowing that he was right with God! Why? His vision compared with the Word. He was a prophet. And his spirit and his vision was exactly with the prophet, Elijah. He said, "If you return, at all, then God hadn't spoke to me."

186Now, I said to this fellow, "Which was right, the ecumenical council where four hundred elected men sat together, elected by men, or one little renegade elected by God?"

"Well," he said, "well, how would you know the difference?"

187I said, "Back to the Blueprint!" How do we know to build a building 'less there's a blueprint?

188If they'd have stopped a minute, and find out that that prophet, Elijah, cursed Ahab, and said, "The dogs would lick his blood." And they did. How could he bless what God had cursed?

189How can you bless anything that God has cursed? Get out of the thing. Get away from it. Come into Christ. Amen.

190 Now notice. But, the enemy will proposition. The enemy will purpose a thing, prepare it, and the intellectual mind say, "That's right."

191That's where this precious brother was. This man, he said, "Look like... Look here. You know, that, if all of us would be together, as one church, don't you think we'd be better off than scattered the way we are now?"

192Don't that sound reasonable, if all the Protestants and the Catholics could get together and come to some mutual ground? "But how can two walk unless they be agreed?" How can you, when one group here don't believe in healing, the other one says they do believe, other one puts it on some other time back? Some don't even believe the Bible. And put that together, what have you got? God is no author of confusion.

193Before God could ever set His Church in order, they waited ten days and nights, till they all become "in one place, in one accord." And there come the Holy Spirit for leadership, not some ecumenical council. See? I hope you get this. Notice.

194 That is the unbeliever, unfaithful to the Word of God, that don't notice what the Word says, but notice to your own reasonings. That's what Eve done, in the first place. She relied upon her reasoning.

195Satan said, "Now, look here. Isn't it reasonable? I know the Word says That. But, wait a minute, isn't it reasonable that--that you'd be better off if you knowed right from wrong?"

"Why, yes." Then she took it. See? Sure.

196 That's the way with reason. Now, unbelief will always goes to reasonings, but faith won't touch it.

197Wouldn't been reasonable to our father; from which is the father of our faith, Abraham, that we're his children by "in Christ." Wouldn't have been reasonable that a woman sixty-five years old, and he had lived with, all since she was a girl, could not have a baby? And when she was a hundred years old, or ninety, and him a hundred, and still no baby. Wouldn't reason, some great staff of doctors and science give Sarah an examination? Said, "Why, her womb is dried up. The milk veins is dried, forty years ago. Her heart, that age, she couldn't go into labor." Why, it's only reasons.

198But Abraham refused it. "He staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief. Against reasons, he staggered not at God's promise, no matter what it was. For he--he had counted God able to perform everything that He said He'd do."

199 Now, where is the children of Abraham this morning? You ministers that afraid, you afraid, of your bread and water, on the street, if you leave that Babylon. Where is your faith? David said, "I was once young, and now I'm old. I've never seen the righteous forsaken, or His Seed begging bread." Don't be afraid. Stay true to Christ.

200 But unbelief will catch reason. That's what it did. Now you get it? Unbelief relies on reasons, present day things. Faith won't do it.

201Faith looks at the Word. But faith places itself upon the unmovable Rock, God's Eternal Word. Amen. Faith don't look at reason. I don't care how much you can show it would be better. If the Word says "no," faith rests there. That is the sanctuary of faith's resting place.

202 Want to ask you Lutheran, this morning, you Baptists, and you Catholic, and you, whatever you are, you denominational people around the world. How can you place your faith upon your denomination, when it's contrary to the Word? What kind of a faith have you got? You got reasoning power, and not faith. "For faith cometh by hearing," hearing the ecumenical council? Could you ever... Said, you might get that in the Old Ladies Birthday Almanac, but you never find it in God's Word.

203 "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Amen. Tell me that one man can speak anything contrary to That, and say it's the Word of God. When, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word shall not."

204Faith finds the Word its sanctuary of rest. It moves right up on top that Eternal Rock, Christ Jesus, the Word, and lays down there and rests. Let the winds howl. Let the storms shake. She is safe, evermore. She rests right there on that Word. That's where faith, genuine Christian faith, rests. Resting place is the Word, for it knows that God will ever prove Hisself superior, over every one of His enemies. No matter how bad it looks, and how the enemy has come in, and how look like you're defeated, faith still knows.

205 Now, to you sick people, oh, how I'd like to drive this home! When you catch that faith, that you're going to be healed; every--every circumstance, everything else, all signs, all symptoms can point that you are dying, you'll never move! Its resting place is in the sanctuary of God's Word, when faith, genuine faith sets itself there. Not make-believe now; faith. Not hope; but faith. Hope is out here, hoping it was in. Faith is already in, looking out, and saying, "It's done." See? That's faith. There is where faith takes its resting place, for it knows that God will never, never let the enemy ride over the top of him. He never has. Faith knows that, so, regardless of what the thing looked.

Noah knowed that ark would float. See? Certainly did.

Daniel knowed that God could close the lions' mouth.

The Hebrew children know that God could stop the fire.

206 Jesus knew that God would raise Him up again, because the Word said, "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." He knowed corruption set in in seventy-two hours. He said, "Within three days I'll raise up again." See? It took its Eternal resting place in the sanctuary of God's Word, and there it stood.

207 Reason will try its best to recognize, "Well, this system is bound to be better. This is That." It looks better because you're looking with the intellectual mind. You can prove reasonings.

208But you can't prove faith. Cause, if you can prove it, it's no longer faith. But faith knows only the Word and the promise, and it looks to that thing that you do not see. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You can't reason. I can't prove how it'll be done. I don't know how it's going to be done. I don't know it, but I believe it. I know that it's so, because God said so. That's settled.

209That's the reason I know that This is right. I know the Word is right. I know the Message is right, for It's in the Word. And I see the living God moving among It, to prove. We're at an exodus, certainly true.

210 Even death itself can't shake faith. Man stand right in the death, in the... right in the face of death, and shout the victory of the resurrection. Paul, "O death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" See? "Cause, Christ raised up, and those that are in Christ will come forth with Him at His Coming." See? Can't change it. Yeah.

211Faith makes the Word of God its sanctuary of its Eternal rest. It lays in the Word of God. Notice, again.

212 Now, we just got a little bit longer, about twenty-five minutes, if you--if you don't mind. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I--I want to continue this tape, just a minute.

213Notice the king, that new king that raised up, that didn't know Joseph. What was his first scheme, to destroy the power of Israel? Was with their children. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He tried to destroy their children. Now listen close. The same Devil, in a different form of a kingship, tried to destroy God's only Son. See? "Get rid of the children, first, before they get a start." The Devil is a real smart, shrewd bird. He knows how to hit the thing before it gets started. He knows it. See?

214And the only thing that you can ever do, to beat him, is rely on Christ, and humble yourself and let Him lead you. See? You'll never do it any other way. Your intellectual powers will never do it. You've got to believe it. Just rely on Him. He is the Shepherd. It ain't the sheep's business to keep the wolf away. It's the Shepherd's business. But the sheep must stay with the Shepherd, in order to stay safe. That's my safety zone, is in Christ; and Christ is the Word. That's the safety zone.

215 Notice. The Devil, in a form of--of Raamses, a king, the first thing he done was get rid of the children, with a natural death. And as soon as the Son of God was born... He had moved from Egypt, 'cause God destroyed Egypt, cursed it. It's never come back, since. Then he was in Rome; Satan moved his--his seat up to Rome. And the first thing Rome did, to destroy it all, to get, be sure; the Devil, in that Roman system, tried to destroy (what?) the Son of God, to begin with. The same Devil!

216And, today, he's done the same thing, under the sign of spirit now, religious, professing Christianity, and taking our girls and marrying them to Catholic boys, and make them bring their children Catholic, to break the power of the other side. There is your demon. There is your Devil seated on seven hills, wearing triple crowns, just as slick and cunning, smart, intellectual like the serpent; the seed of the serpent, his children, using the same intellectual techniques. Look.

217 Then they kill the children, in the other two times. They kill the children with what? Two time. Now remember, watch that two, and them three. See? He killed the children, the first two times, with natural death. And this last time, he's getting the children and kill them with spiritual death, marrying, inter-marrying.

218Didn't Daniel say the same thing, in this kingdom of the iron and clay, that they'll mingle them seeds, trying to break the power of the other people? And that's what they're doing, till they got the thing now. They got a president in. Now, the next thing you have to do, is put--is put the cardinal in. Put the whole cabinet in, and then what are you going to do?

219 Next thing they do, they take their money and--and pay off the debt of the United States, and borrow it from the church, and then you're sold out. Now, we're--we're living today, paying our foreign debts over there, with tax money that won't be paid in until forty years has passed. We have no more money. But the church has it. Don't the Bible say, "She was decked with gold"? And, oh, my! But you...

220That's the way it does, see, marry your daughters, daughters marry your sons, raise your children Catholic, exactly, kills them with spiritual death. Didn't the Bible say, that, "He would throw her in a bed of worldliness, and kill her children with spiritual death"? Revelation 17. See?

221It's always the Word. I don't care where you go, it's still the Word. It has to fit right in the picture. If it don't, it's not the Word, it's not the Word. You can't make it go all the way through the Bible, then it's wrong.

222 Look. During this time, God was training His servant for his work. Training him, out of their sight, out of their plans, their schemes. Are you catching it? Out of their organizational system, God was training a man for His purpose. He just letting it go on. Let him marry, and have his wife and children, child Gershom. He was living pretty good life, blessing him out there. But, all time, He was getting him ready, train him.

223 God and His enemy did, in the natural then, just like God and His enemy is doing in the spiritual now. They killed them with natural death; now with spiritual death. See? God was getting a natural man ready, His prophet, to go down into Egypt. And Satan was getting a Raamses ready, his natural man, see, getting a natural man ready (what?) to kill off, or unite all the Egyptians and Hebrews together, make them still serve them.

224That's why it's so hard for the mind to reason against an educational system that can prove its points. See? That's right. Its mind will always go to the education. Intellectuals and reasoning mind don't even see It.

225 Did you see Cecil DeMille's Ten Commandments? I guess many of you did. I don't believe in going to picture shows, all this stuff. But I recommended to the church, that anybody, if they didn't have nothing but that, that wanted to see it, it would be all right if they want to see it. Because, I would not let... First, some of my brethren went. They come, telling me. I hadn't been around one for many years. Finally, I went down here, when it was at this drive-in. I looked at it. I seen what it was. Then I said to the church, "If you want to go see that, it's all right." There it was. It was lovely, beautiful.

226 How that that trick of the Devil, how sly he was in there, how he--he moved in there to kill those children. And how that the intellectual mind picked it up and believed it, because they could see it! It was reasonable. Oh, how God was, all the time, training this prophet! And how Egypt was training, in politics, this Raamses, to take over! And then the great contest came, one day, between intellectual and spiritual power. And Raamses, with all of his gods, was standing out there and pouring water in, to--to bless the god of the Nile. God struck him, and blood flew out of him. He had... Oh, I--I thought it was striking, see, to see what taken place. Oh!

227 Now watch. The intellectual will always goes to a reasoning. And it can't see the spiritual side, because it's intellectual. Oh, neither could any other time! They can't see it now.

228They couldn't see it in the days of Elijah. How could this one old fuzzy-faced prophet...

God forgive me for saying a thing like that. But I--I miss-make... And God knows I'm trying to make--make it as ridiculous as I can, so that you can see the--the Spirit of God.

229Like Paul said, "I never come to you, speaking with enticing words and wisdom, for your minds would drift off to the wisdom. But I come with the power of the Holy Spirit, that your--that your--your--your hope and trust would rest, not in the wisdom of man, but in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ."

230 That's why I'm making this so ridiculous, by calling the great, godly prophet, "with a fuzzy face." Because, he might have been an--an awful-looking thing, to stand up, side of a well-dressed priest, and call hisself a man of God.

231Look at him. You could see the holiness of that priest, in the intellectual mind. You could see the turban on his head, and the turned around... and the ephod laying on his bosom here. You could see the anointing oil, natural, upon his beard, running down to the hems of his skirt. You could see the sacrifice fires burning, and all the rituals in order. Now, that's what the natural mind would have went to.

232That's what they're trying to do today, the eye, the gate to the soul. But, you see, the spiritual eye back in that eye!

233They looked at this old fuzzy-looking man standing there, hairs on his chest; and a great, big piece of sheepskin wrapped around him, of leather, a girdle over his loins, with, probably barefooted, little old skinny arms, the meat hanging down this a way; and a white, flowing beard all over his face; and a crooked stick in his hand, standing there. But the spiritual eye could see the power of God moving out there, 'cause it was exactly with the Word. Not what the intellect sees; what the spiritual eye sees!

234 And the--the natural eye, today, sees a glamorous church, a fellowship with the mayor of the city, or--or whatmore, in these denominations' organization. And they fail to see the power of the Holy Spirit, when It can raise the dead and heal the sick. And--and--and how... See? They, they look, and they watch Hollywood, and they watch the people on the street.

235The women, today, think, "Well, this woman, Susie, she belongs to the church. She's got her hair bobbed. She wears make-up. Everybody in town likes her."

236I wonder about Heaven? See? When it's contrary to the Word, God can't endorse it. He, He would be endorsing against Himself. He would be denying His Own Word. And be it known, God will never do that, though heavens and earth pass away. A bobbed-hair women is a curse, in the sight of God, or a woman that will put on a garment pertains to a man. See? The spiritual eye catches It; they live for Hereafter. The natural mind lives to reason the carnal things of the day.

237 Notice now, God doing this, and yet the people didn't know it. The carnal mind was going with the reason. God is now calling a spiritual exodus. Where He called a natural exodus for His people, He's calling a spiritual exodus today, to (His what?) His Elected, only to His Elected.

238 Now, Egypt could not see Israel being right, though the lamb's blood on the door and the lintel post, and the things that was taking place.

239And God down there, moving in this prophet, and taking a man's word. Let him stand up there, and take a--a staff that he was leaning on, and reach towards the east, and said, "Let there come flies, and blowth over the Egyptians." Walked back there.

And everybody said, "Nothing happened. Nothing happened."

240But just in a little while, an old green fly must started circling around. After while, they were probably two pounds per square yard, that a man spoke creation into existence.

241There was an intellectual Raamses standing there, that was against; a very religious man, and against the Spirit of the living God. And the natural mind could only see Raamses. But the spiritual mind seen the promise, and seen it coming to pass.

242 Well, if Joshua and Caleb could call those Amalekites, and Hivites, and Jebusities, as though they wasn't there, yet twice, or three or four times their size. And the natural mind, at Kadesh-barnea, when the spies went over, said,"Ah, we can't do it. We... They're--they're too much. Well, we're like--we're like grasshoppers, side of them."

243But Caleb and Joshua seen God's promise, said, "We're more than able to do it." Why? They were looking, "God said, 'I give you the land.'" See? The carnal mind don't get it. The spiritual mind picks it up.

244 And why? Want to ask you something. Why didn't the Egyptians see these things? Because they was not elected. God told Abraham before it happened. Get it, you sleeping church! God told Abraham before it happened, "Your seed will sojourn in--in Egypt, for four hundred years, and I'll bring them out." That's the reason they seen it, because they were elected to see it. They're the election. Israel was elected to see the sign of God, and they went out of Egypt where the unbelievers perished.

245And, today, God is calling His Elected, the spiritual Seed of Abraham, by the faith that he had in the Word of God. Don't you see the spiritual Seed, today? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That don't see the intellectual church. It sees the Word. And It's being called from those big denominations, into the Presence of Jesus Christ. Was that clear? Did you get it? ["Amen."] All right. We'll go further. The Elected, only!

Doctor D.L.Ph., they never see It. They wasn't elected.

246 And, remember, this election, is coming now, is just not going to another nation. It's going to Glory, where their names are wrote on the Lamb's Book of Life. Not under the natural, little animal lamb that brought Israel out, that they could backslide from there and go back. But, this can't. This is under the Blood of the Lamb of God that was slain before the foundation of the world. And their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And they're in there, elected. And when that Light flashes over them, like that, them denominational walls drop away from them, and here they come. "Come out from among them," said the Holy Spirit in these last days. "Touch not their unclean things. I'll be God to you; you be sons and daughter to Me." Watch.

247 Israel was watching. They knowed that God dealt with His prophets. They... Word come to them, and they come to see It. And they seen It.

248And now the intellectual sign, we see it now, that they're believing on their organizations. They're still in their creeds. Yet they...

249Just like Balaam was, that come up to the top of the hill, where Israel was. There was Israel, not a nation, it was just a people floating around, and were guilty. And Moab, his brother, the intellectual, the organized man, come up to the top of the hill, with the bishop or the prophet they had, and put up an altar, and offered the same sacrifice. But he failed to see the Pillar of Fire and the smitten Rock among Israel.

250So is it today. The intellectual mind was looking to the celebrity standing there. They fail to see the smitten Rock. Even the bishop, himself, fail to see the power of the Holy Spirit, the shout of the King in the camp. They fail to see it.

251 So, that's the way it is again today. God is calling His elected people, and they are elected now. And now they are elected for what? For a resurrection. And what kind of a sign is He showing them? Resurrection sign.

252What was He showing them then? A delivering sign, to deliver them from the bondage, a sign of power that could shut the heavens or could black the skies.

253And now He's showing the power of the resurrection of the His Son living among them, to resurrect them from this grave and graveyard that we're in, to the Land that He's promised to us. Resurrection sign, calling out of spiritual Egypt and spiritual Babylon, knowing.

254 Let me say this quietly now, that you'll catch it. Doing it by the same system that He did at the beginning, same thing He's doing. Blinding the eyes of unbeliever; open the eyes of the believer. And notice politics doing it on the intellectual side, politics and church, politics and nations, everything; and the other side is hid away from them, a spiritual cause.

255 God took one man in the wilderness, trained him up. And brought him back, and took the thing over, and brought the people out. See what I mean? He cannot change His program. He is God. He'll never deal with a group. He never did. He deals with an individual; and He did, and He will. And He promised, even in Malachi 4, He would do it. That's right. So there is His promise, what He was; promise what He said He would do, and here we are. What a people, happy, we should be; giving them the sign, by His promised Word sign, promised Word. He promised He would do it. And they... "Shall restore the Faith of the people, the hearts of the people, back to the Faith of the original pentecostal fathers." He promised to do it, showing His signs.

256"And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the Coming of the Son of man." What kind of a sign did the churches see at Sodom? What did the intellectual church see? Two preachers. What did the spiritual Church, elected, Abraham and his group? Saw God manifested in a body of flesh, of human flesh, that could discern the spirit and tell what Sarah was saying behind Him. "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." We see the Holy Spirit among us, doing the same thing, working in human flesh. It's the hour. See? We're just here, friends. That's all. An exodus is on.

257 But now notice, He did it then by what? Notice, and put on your spiritual thinking. May the Holy Spirit just lay back the old cap of indifference now, and look close. God ever makes a decision to do anything, one way, He can never change it.

258In the garden of Eden, when He wanted to redeem a man back to fellowship, He made a decision: it was the blood. They tried education, they've tried denomination, they've tried nationalize, and everything else, and it never works. There's only one place that God will ever meet with a man, that's under the shed blood, like it was in Eden. It's never changed. Only place God met, in the days of Job, was under the sacrificial lamb. Only place He met in the days of Israel, under sacrificial lamb; like He did in the garden of Eden, under the sacrificial lamb.

259The only place He meets today, is not in the denominations; they fuss and stew amongst one another. Not in church-anity; they still do the same thing. Not in the intellectuals; they're all mixed up. But under the Blood of the Lamb, every believer can meet with fellowship, where the Life is.

260 God chose, in the days of the exodus, He called out a group. And out of that group, I want you to notice something, He only got two that went to the promised land. What did He choose to take them out by, politics, organization? He chose a prophet, with a supernatural sign of a Pillar of Fire, that the people wouldn't be mistaken. What the prophet said was the Truth. And God come down, a Pillar of Fire, and vindicated Himself, showed His Word. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what He brought, His first exodus. His second exodus...

261God always goes in threes. He's perfect in threes. You all notice my preaching, it's always threes and sevens. Uh-huh. Seven is the "complete." Threes is His "perfection." First, Second, and Third Pull. And, oh, all, everything. See? Justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Everything! See? Notice.

262 What did He do, the first exodus? He sent a prophet, anointed with a Pillar of Fire, and He called the people out. That was His first exodus.

263And when Israel's time was up, He sent again, a God-Prophet, with a Pillar of Fire. John saw It descending from Heaven like a dove. And He said, "I go to God and I return to God."

264After His death, burial and resurrection; Saul of Tarsus, on his road down to Damascus, saw that same Pillar of Fire. And him being a Hebrew, well taught in the Word, said, "Lord, Who are You?" He knew it was the Lord, that Pillar of Fire. He was a Hebrew. Said, "Who are You?"

And He said, "I am Jesus."

265 The second exodus, He brought a Prophet, anointed, which was His Son, God-Prophet. Moses said He would be a Prophet; and had the Pillar of Fire, and done signs and wonders. And that same Prophet said, that, "Whosoever believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also."

266And here He promised the same thing in the exodus in the last days, and He cannot change it. And by scientific proof, by the witness of the Spirit, by the works of the Spirit, we see it today, the great Pillar of Fire moving among us; and the signs and wonders of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, calling the people from a denominationalism, into the Presence of Jesus Christ, to live, going to a Land. There no mistake, friends. It's not what I'm saying; I'm just your brother. But, it's what God is proving to you, what makes it the Truth. Same Pillar of Fire He used for the other two, He's brought It among you today, and proved It by scientific. As you know, Life magazine packed It last month, over there. Where...

267 How many was here and heard me tell about that, what happened, before it did it? I think, about everyone in the church.

268There it is. They don't know what it's all about; the scientists are trying to. Anybody got a picture of It, called in, "A Cloud, twenty-six miles high, in the shape of a pyramid." Seven Angels represent in there, brought back and brought you the Word of God, under the inspiration. It tells you these hours that you're coming and living in. The spiritual mind will pick that right now, see, and get it. It's an exodus. We're going to leave, one of these days. Thanks be to God. Remember.

I'll close, just a minute. I got ten minutes.

269 Notice the Pillar of Fire that called them out, led them to the promised land, under the anointing of a prophet. A Pillar of Fire that they could look at, led them to the promised land, under anointed prophet. And they constantly turned him down. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure.

270Now, I know we got to have a baptismal service. I got about six pages more here, I guess. But I'm going to stop now, just in a minute.

271Watch it. We are in a calling-out. "'Come out of Babylon, My people,' said the angel's voice." Out of what? Confusion. Is the Methodist right, or the Baptist, or the Catholic? "Come out of it." God is right. How do you know? "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine the Truth. Come out of it." What do you know? The same Pillar of Fire, the same anointing Spirit, leading to the promised Land.

272Notice, led them, brought them out, led them to the promised land; Israel, the nation.

273 And the same God, the same Pillar of Fire! That only... "They say that the... that that camera..." When you read George J. Lacy; not me, now. You read where George J. Lacy examined that picture. The head of the FBI, for fingerprint and documents, there is his statement. "Someone says, 'A double-exposed lens.'" Tens of thousand of people have looked at It, with their own eyes. We stood here and looked at It. You've looked at It. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't. "They said, 'It was an optical illusion.'" What did Mr. Lacy say? "The mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." Uh-huh. Wasn't no optical illusion. It's there, the same Pillar of Fire.

Then they say, "Oh, well, that was illusion."

Now, cameras, all, for in hundreds of miles of Tucson!

274 Six months before it happened, we told you, by the Holy Spirit, I would be going there to pick up the news. Because, the pyramid's Writing on the outside, as the brother had the dream, I interpreted it to you. That's the entire interpretation. Now, all the mysteries of justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost, was done explained. Now picking up the loose ends of that, which was concealed in the Seven Seals, not the seven churches. The Seven Seals reveal the mysteries. And then He opened this thing up, at the top, and found a Rock in there, white, but had never been wrote on. It was a mystery.

275Go to Tucson; foretell it before it happened. Stand north of Tucson, witnesses standing here with it, when a blast come, that shook the mountains off the ground, almost. And at the same time, a circle of Light hanging yonder in the air, when the science took the pictures now. "Twenty-six miles high," about five times the distance of fog or anything could be. And they can't even find what did it.

276"It shall be Light about the evening time." The path to Glory you will surely find, if you're elected. That Seed falls upon dry grounds, upon rocks, it'll never do nothing; hard, stony hearts that wants to be indifferent. But if It'll fall upon the soft, mellow ground of faith, It'll bring forth a Christian, bearing fruits of the Spirit.

277 Notice how that God did that. Now He's got that same Pillar of Fire. That's vindicated.

Somebody said, "Why don't you go tell them scientists about That?"

278You think they'd believe It. "Cast not your pearls before swine." Jesus said not to. I have no leadings to do it, yet living right in the city there where they was calling for it. I thought I'd go down. The Holy Spirit said, "Stay away. It's not to them. Go back and tell the tabernacle." All right.

279"And it shall come to pass. If what they say comes to pass, then, remember, I have spoken," the Lord says, "see, before it happens." There it happens. Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God calling to you in this day.

280 Now I want you to notice. This same Pillar of Fire is leading the people again to a promised Land, the Millennium. Where, we found, under the inspiration of this Sixth Seal, (it's never been taught before), how the earth has to be purified for the Millennium. The Pillar of Fire is leading them to a Millennium.

281And notice the Pillar of Fire that led Israel from the bondage, in that exodus; the Pillar of Fire, under the leadership of God... God was the Fire, and the Pillar of Fire only anointed the prophet. The Pillar of Fire was to stand as a Heavenly witness that Moses was called out.

282Remember Dathan, them, said, "Well, we ought to start an organization. Moses, takes too much upon yourself. You try to say you're the only holy one among us. All the congregation of the Lord is holy. How can you take this upon yourself?"

283And Moses fell on his face and started weeping. God said, "Separate yourself from him. I'll just open up the earth and swallow him away." Type. How can... Moses told them that he was telling them what God had said, God vindicating It to be the Truth.

284 Even Miriam, the prophetess herself, and Aaron, laughed at Moses, for marrying that Ethiopian girl, making fun of him. And God got angry; speak against His servant. What did He do? He called them out to the tabernacle door. And Miriam, yet, she was a prophetess. But Moses was more than a prophet, more than a prophet. He said, "Don't you fear God? If there's a prophet among you, I the Lord will speak to him in visions, and make Myself known to him in dreams, but," said, "not Moses." Said, "Don't you fear God?" And she--she was half dead with leprosy, that minute. You know that.

285 Didn't He say, "John the Baptist. Did you go out to see a prophet? Yes, more than a prophet"? Why? Why was he more than a prophet? He was the messenger of the Covenant, the ark that blended those two dispensations together.

286And today, the... what we have among us, this great Holy Spirit, is more than a prophet. It's God manifested among us, with His Word to prove it. Does more than a prophet, thousand times more than the prophets do.

287 Elijah, the one of the greatest prophets of the age, only done four things supernatural, in all of his life of eighty-some years. And Elisha, with a double portion, done eight.

288And we see thousands times thousands, with our own eyes, look at the Angel of the Lord, in a Pillar of Fire. Scientific search, taking it to the world, knowing that they're going to be judged by It. What did that Lamb do, that Angel of the Lord, which was Christ? You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed]

289Saint John 6. They was all drinking this water, and having a big time and rejoicing. He said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. I'm that Rock that was in the wilderness."

290They said, "Now we know You're crazy. You're--You're crazy. You, You got a devil on You. You're a crazy Man, with a devil." You know, people get a spirit on them, sometime they get very active, religious. They said, "You're--You're a devil. You got a devil on You. You're a Samaritan, and You got a devil on You." Said, "And here, You're not even no more than fifty years old, and say You 'seen Abraham'?"

291 I can see Him step back a couple steps. Said, "I AM THAT I AM. Before Abraham was, I AM." That was a burning Fire, that Pillar of Fire in the bush.

292When He died, and rose on the third day, and Saul met Him on the road down, He was back to that Pillar of Fire. Said, "I come from God, and I go to God."

293When Peter was in prison, that Pillar of Fire come in, opened the doors and took him on the outside. That's right.

Where did that Pillar of Fire lead them?

294Now, remember, Moses was not the Pillar of Fire. He was the anointed leader, under that Pillar of Fire, and the Pillar of Fire only vindicated his Message with signs and wonders.

295And that Pillar of Fire led them to the land that God promised them, where He, Himself, would be made flesh among them, someday. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What did they do? Murmured and squirmer-ed, and everything else, to show it was under the blood of an ordinary lamb.

296But this time (glory to God), the Pillar that we see among us, the Pillar of Fire will lead us to the Millennium, where He will return to His people in that great Millennium reign after this exodus, where we'll live Eternally with Him. He always has the Word of the Father, always proves that It's right.

297 We are in an exodus. And leaving, and turning the tapes off in a moment. Oh, my friends, my brothers, both present and that will hear the tapes, let me... as your brother and citizen of the Kingdom of God. Come out, in this exodus, for all that's left behind will bear the mark of the beast. Come out of Babylon. Come out of this confusion. Come out of these systems, and serve the living God. Let...

298This great Angel of the Covenant! "Jesus Christ, in the form of God, thought it not robbery, but become equal with God." Now He's a Pillar of Fire, in the same form that He was back there, bringing that first exodus, bringing the second exodus, and here He is with the third exodus.

299 The first exodus, what did He do? He brought them out of a natural land, to a natural land.

300The second exodus, He brought them out from a spiritual condition, into a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost.

301Now He is bringing them from the spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the Eternal Land of the Millennium and the great Hereafter. Same Pillar of Fire, by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things! And the same Word, declared the first one, declared the second one. The same Word, declared the second one, has declared the third one, and here we see It among us.

302Come out. Oh! Come out of this chaos. Come to the living God. Come to the Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And now He's in our flesh, dwelling among us. Come out and serve the living God.

303While we bow our heads. [A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

304 With your heads bowed. From the depths of your soul, from the depths of all that's in you, are you willing to remember to... You are ready to stop all the things of the world, and live for God? Now, if you don't mean this, don't you do it. But if you do mean it, with all your heart, that you're now convinced. As Jesus said, at the end of His ministry, "Now do you believe?" Are you convinced that these things are right, vindicated by God, and that we're at the end time, and you truly want to come to Christ now? Come in this exodus, of calling out of indifference, denominationalism, ideas and things of the world. And you want to surrender wholehearted to Him and come out in the exodus, for the blessed promised Land, will you raise your hands while we pray? Are you really sure that you want to come out, everyone?

305 Heavenly Father, those who have their hands up, let them come out now, Lord. Let the Holy Spirit, upon promise of the Word, let the Holy Spirit move into their hearts. Out of our congregation, there was about twenty hands, I suppose, Father, that's satisfied and knows that it's--that it's true, and they want to come out. If there was...

306In the days of the coming out of Israel, out of two and a half million people, only two made the land.

307In the days of Jesus Christ, there was about a hundred and twenty made it.

308And now, in the days of the ending of the world, You said, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and but few there will be that find it. But broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many will go in." Them Words cannot fail. They are Yours.

309 Now I pray for them, Lord. I pray that You will, this hour, by Your Holy Spirit, circumcise them hearts. Take out all the things of the world. Circumcise their ears, for they can hear plainly the God's Voice, calling, through His Word and through the Light of the day. And grant, Lord, that their eyes will be open, that they might see the glory of God in this last closing hour. You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come, and I'll raise them up at the last day."

310Lord, maybe there's many here that doesn't as yet understand. I pray that You'll deal with them, and will let them have another opportunity, Lord, that they might be able to understand, to hear You speaking through Your Word, proving Yourself; and then speak to us in the supernatural voice, and then with an interpretation; to see Your great works proving It true, according to the Bible. I pray, God, that You'll forgive us of our sins, now, and as I laying myself across this Word.

311 God, I'm thinking that, just a week ago, I--I laid myself across a dead man on the floor here. I seen the great Holy Spirit bring him back to life. His eyes turned back in the back of his head, laying, dead. Just a little, few words of calling Your Name, I seen him live. Here he is today, alive, yet. Lord, You're the same God, that, when Paul laid hisself across that boy, listening to him preach so long, that man that fell from the window. You're the same God that can restore life. We thank You, Father. May... The unbeliever may not believe. But we believe, Lord. Thou hast proved Yourself to us.

312 Now let the meditation of my heart, and the thoughts of my mind, my strength and all, be melted into this Word. And let the Word and I, together, Lord, with the people, march towards the Kingdom of God. Grant it, Lord. Forgive our sins. Heal our sickness, and make us subjects of Your Kingdom.

313And now, as these are coming, Lord, and the pool is being opened, the water is ready, and the baptism will be starting in a few minutes, we remember when this same Gospel was preached, the Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized."

314Here is handkerchiefs laying here, Lord, that I bless in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the healing of the sick. Then when...

315 Our services are long, drawed out, for the hours are late. We must put the Word in while there is a ground to put It in, for the cold winter is coming. We see it. The leaves are falling, and we know that winter is close at hand. We must scratch the surface and bury the Seed. So, I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will speak to every heart.

316And the Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." And, Lord, if there's now many here that has believed, and never been baptized yet in the Name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus, may they come this morning, sweetly and humbly, and confessing their sin, and dying out to the things of the world; to be buried, to take on the Name of Jesus Christ; to live godly, hereafter, by the help of the Holy Spirit. We commit them to You now, Lord, for this purpose, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

317Now we turn the service to Brother Neville, and whatever he's got to say, while getting ready for baptismal service.

318And tonight, at seven-thirty, the Lord willing, I want to tape this other Message. God bless you till then.

11 Skloňme teraz hlavy a pomodlime sa. Keď máme sklonené hlavy, chcel by som vedieť či má niekto nejakú zvláštnu potrebu, a chceli by ste aby bola prednesená pred Bohom, zodvihnite len ruku, a pod svojou rukou, držte len svoju potrebu.

2 Nebeský Otče, sme vďační za túto ďalšiu chvíľu, že môžeme byť spolu zhromaždení po tejto strane večnosti. Očakávame na toto ráno na obnovenie sily, ktorá prichádza od teba; aby si nám dal odvahu na cestu, ktorá leží pred nami.

3 Zhromaždili sme sa ako to robili tie hebrejské deti včas ráno, aby nazbierali mannu, ktorá bola pre nich pripravovaná cez noc, aby ich živila cez ten nadchádzajúci deň. My sme za zhromaždili kvôli tej duchovnej manne dnes ráno, aby nám dala silu na našej ceste.

4 Za každou z týchto rúk, ktorá sa zodvihla, Ty vieš, že oni majú nejakú potrebu, Pane. A ja sa modlím svoju modlitbu s ich, pred Tebou, aby si uspokojil každú potrebu, ktorú majú. Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Vieme, že Ty si Boh a môžeš všetko urobiť a zasľúbil si to robiť, ak my budeme len tak postupovať, ako nám to ponúkala tá pieseň, len veriť; a keď počujeme tie nádherné slová, kráčať a rozprávať sa s Kráľom.

5 A teraz, Bože Otče, požehnaj tvoje Slovo, keď bude dnes ráno hovorené a nech môže nájsť svoje miesto odpočinku v našich srdciach, aby mohlo zrodiť veci, ktoré sa od nás vyžadujú, Otče. Prosíme to v mene Pána Ježiša. Amen.

Myslím, že bolo povedané: „Radoval som sa, keď mi hovorili: Poďme do domu Pánovho."

Keď som včera odchádzal z Hot Springs, brat Moore mi povedal: „brat Branham prečo nejdeš so mnou do Texasu na zhromaždenia? Oddýchnuť si niekoľko dní.

Povedal som: „Zajtra mám dve zhromaždenia."

On povedal: „Dve zhromaždenia?"

Povedal som: „Áno."

6 Povedal: „Tak intenzívne ako si tu kázal, človek by si mal týždeň odpočinúť po každej takej kázni. Pozri, nejaký pastor odkáže v nedeľu ráno svoje posolstvo a tak ďalej, a potom do konca týždňa odpočíva. A možno mu to zaberie tridsať minút alebo tak nejako." A povedal: „Ty tu kážeš na raz dve alebo tri hodiny a to deň za dňom a niekedy dva krát za deň a potom sa modlíš za chorých, všetky tie rozpoznávania." Povedal: „A teraz hovoríš, že ideš domov a v nedeľu máš dve zhromaždenia?"

Povedal som: „Tak veru."

Povedal: „Ako to robíš?"

Povedal som: „Moja pomoc prichádza od Pána."

„Je pozdná hodina." ako to niekto povedal pred chvíľou v modlitbe, keď som sem vchádzal. Je pozdná hodina a potreba je veľká a my sme tu, aby sme sa snažili vniesť náš diel aby to pomohlo tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej sa nachádzame.

7 No, keď Pán dá, dnes večer, chcem hovoriť na tému: „Je tvoj život hodný evanjelia?" Chcem, aby sa to nahrávalo. No, neviem či toto dnes ráno budú nahrávať alebo nie; vidím tam niekoho v tej miestnosti. Sú tam nejakí ľudia - myslím, že sú.

8 Myslel som, že toto bude robiť brat Neville. Pýtal som ho minulú nedeľu, aby on kázal aby priniesol svoje posolstvo a potom na záver za ním by som ja niečo povedal. Ale, ak chcú nahrávať lekciu nedeľnej školy, prečo, bude to dobre.

9 Potom, ak Pán dá, na budúcu nedeľu, ak Pán dovolí a budeme tu, chcem hovoriť na tému, na ktorú som už dávno chcel hovoriť a sľúbil som, že budem hovoriť to posolstvo prv tu v tejto modlitebni, ako tie nahrávané posolstvá. Chcem obžalovať túto generáciu za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista, na budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá. No, dnes večer o siedmej alebo o sedem tridsať je posolstvo „Je tvoj život hodný?"

10 No, niekedy, keď hovorím v týchto posolstvách, ako toto, hovorím veci, ktoré skutočne tvrdo sekajú. Ja to nemyslím skutočne, priamo pre tento zbor tu, alebo niečo také. Pamätajte, keď hovorím, to ide do celého sveta. Rozosielame tie pásky po svete a oni počúvajú tieto posolstvá tam v džungliach a všade. A Duch Svätý ma niekedy vedie, aby som povedal niečo a to môže byť práve to, čo On chce povedať niekomu tam niekde v Austrálii alebo niečo také.

11 Tak možno ohľadne nejakého stavu by ste povedali: „No dobre, takýto stav tu nie je. Načo to hovorí?" Možno, že to je niekde inde, viete. Tak, som si istý, že tomu rozumiete.

12 Tieto posolstvá nie sú smerované do žiadneho - to je proste smerované celkove do cirkvi, všade. Čokoľvek do čoho nás Pán bude viesť, aby sme povedali alebo urobili.

Prežili sme pekné chvíle tam v Hot Springs v starodávnom letničnom zhromaždení. Verím, že mnohým vyhovovali tam tí letniční ľudia ... ktorí ste tam boli. No, nepoznám tú skupinu, mal som tam len ísť na týždeň a bol som tam dva, tri dni. Ale jedno chcem povedať. Na tom zhromaždení, oni mali skutočne vieru veriť. Ak ste tam niekto boli. Viem, že tam bola tu táto pani, ktorá sedí tam v rohu - neviem kto je, alebo ona tu, viem, že tam bola. A viem, že tam boli niektorí bratia, brat Jackson a oni, brat Palmer.

13 To je to čo ľudia dostávajú, keď majú vieru. Vidíte? Všimli ste si tých ľudí, ktorí stáli v rade, za ktorých sme sa modlili? Každého jedného z nich Boh uzdravil.

14 Tak, keď máte vieru ... a druhá vec, môžno niekto z vás, možno, že niekto nerozumel tým emóciám - tancovaniu, vykrikovaniu. No dobre, oni len, oni sa nedívali na žiadnu určitú osobu; oni len vykrikovali pred Bohom. To je všetko.

15 Ale, chcem povedať, že to je jedna z najslušnejších skupín žien, akú som kedy videl - dlhé vlasy. A ľudia z tade v džungliach, tam v bušoch, ale myslím, že som tam nevidel nikoho, kto by vyzeral tak moderne (viete čo tým myslím), že by mala niektorá na sebe ten make up a také veci. Možno že nesúhlasím s nimi vo všetkom tom, čo oni učia ale v tomto skutočne s nimi súhlasím. Pre mňa vyzerali ako kresťania.

16 Tak, Pán ma viedol aby som hovoril na tému, včera alebo predvčerom na poludnie, „Ešte raz, Pane." A ak zbor, niektorí z nich tam nevedeli, že som to urobil za určitým účelom, pretože ma Pán do toho viedol. Tá malá skupina sa posúvala do niečoho; a Pán tomu pomohol.

17 Tak, bolo to nádherné. Ja skutočne ... viete veci prebiehajú, ak nemáte duchovné oči, nevidíte to. Musíte sa dívať dopredu na tie veci.

18 Vošiel som a tento brat Ungren - to je asi druhý krát, čo som počul spievať toho muža. Len čo som vošiel do tej miestnosti, on spieval „Chodím a rozprávam sa s Kráľom." Pomyslel som si „Nie je to nádherné, ako ten Kráľ - chodiť a rozprávať sa s ním, to znamená mať nepretržité obecenstvo. Nie len v zbore, ale všade, chodiť a rozprávať sa s Kráľom."

19 A tam bol - pozrel som sa na stenu a tam bol pripichnutý malý obrázok, taká scéna, ktorú pre mňa namaľoval muž, ktorý sa nazýva George Todd. Neviem prečo to vôbec namaľoval, možno, že on nič za tým nemyslel, on to proste namaľoval a to je obrázok na ktorom je kopec, vzadu v lese a dole tečie potok a na druhej strane potoka stojí laň s mláďaťom a majú zodvihnuté oči a dívajú sa na druhú stranu potoka. Neviem či je tu pán Todd, nepoznám ho. Ale chcem povedať toto, Pán ku mne hovoril, keď som sa díval na ten obrázok; a možno že on to nevedel, keď to maľoval.

20 Pamätáte sa na môj príbeh o jeleňovi, ktorého ten človek chcel zastreliť ... No, ona je tam so svojím mláďaťom, pri vodách života. Inšpirácia, ako tam bola tá matka jelenica a jej dieťa a ja som rozmýšľal -- áno, na druhej strane, tam kde je - pri stále zelených stromoch, tiež tam mám matku a dieťa, ktorí tam čakajú.

Ďakujem ti brat George Todd, ak je tu dnes ráno ten muž.

21 No, budem mať lekciu nedeľnej školy, obyčajne mi to trvá dosť dlho. Niečo v mojom srdci sa stále hýbe, neviem, od včera ... No my - ak Pán - je téma. Starnem, a neviem ako dlho ešte tu budem.

22 Ale v cirkvi je veľká otázka, na ktorú majú ľudia rôzne a rozdielne predstavy. Ako napríklad to jedenie jablka a ja som kázal v posolstve a pevne verím a môžem to dokázať pomocou Písma, že to neboli jablká. Vidíte? To spôsobuje mnoho zamiešania.

23 Tak možno skôr ako odídeme - musíme ísť teraz naspäť, za okolo tridsať dní, viete - naspäť do Arizony. Tak skôr ako odídem, ak bude vôľa Pánova, rád by som zobral toto Písmo a nenahrával to. Ak to budete nahrávať, nepredávajte tú pásku - nerozosielajte ju. Chcem vysvetliť skutočnú pravdu o manželstve a rozvode. To je otázka a toto sú posledné hodiny, v ktorých všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť dokončené.

24 Včera, keď som sem išiel cez hory cez deň, zdalo sa mi, že Duch Svätý mi chce povedať, „Nahraj to a odlož."

25 Neviem prečo; ale skutočná pravda o manželstve a rozvode ... Niektorí hovoria: „Ľudia sa môžu zosobášiť, ak je jasný dôkaz, že boli v cudzoložstve," a iní hovoria: „Ak špatne zachádzajú jeden s druhým a nedokážu žiť spolu. Lepšie je žiť na zemi v pokoji, ako žiť na zemi v pekle." A všetky tieto rôzne otázky a niektorí ich sobášia len nejakým starým spôsobom. Niektorí ich chcú pofŕkať svätenou vodou a obrátia ich dozadu a povedia, že nikdy neboli zosobášení, požehnajú ich a znovu ich obrátia čelom ku zboru. Existujú všetky rôzne zamiešania. Ale keď je toľko zamiešania, niekde je pravda.

26 Verím, a hovorím to s úctou: verím, že Pán mi to zjavil, tú pravdu. A keby sa to dostalo medzi cirkvi, roztrhalo by to tú vec na kusy a možno to má tak byť. Ale to je ... Ja by som to radšej dal len pastorom - nech len pastori zborov dostanú tú pásku, potom nech si ju vypočujú a potom môžu ďalej viesť ľudí. Ale rád by som to proste nahral aby bola ukázaná skutočná pravda o tom.

27 Verím, že toto je hodina, keď tieto tajomstvá majú byť dokončené, skompletované. Ľudia na to narážali, ako sme o tom hovoril, vo vekoch na páskach, keď sme to priniesli, tých sedem pečatí a sedem cirkevných vekov a teraz je pred nami čas, aby sme priniesli týchto sedem trúb a potom tie čaše. A možno by sme mohli zariadiť dvojtýždňové zhromaždenia a priniesť to všetko spolu.

28 Rád by som to nahral a potom pomimo toho, teraz sa to snažím znovu prečítať a skontrolovať a urobiť z toho knihy, Cirkevné Veky, sedem kníh cirkevných vekov, sedem pások a urobiť to tak, aby to bolo čím najlacnejšie, aby to každý mohol mať.

29 Potom, ak bude Pán zdržiavať a ja odídem, vy budete vidieť, že to čo som vám povedal v mene Pánovom sa vyplní tak, ako to bolo povedané. Ešte nikdy to nesklamalo a niečo z toho sa musí stať neskoršie.

30 A spolieham sa, že Pán nám to dá hneď urobiť. Budem informovať ľudí, kedy to bude, pretože mnohí chcú prísť a počúvať tieto veci a ja si to cením.

31 Keby tomu nikto neveril alebo to nikto nepočúval, čo by som z toho mal, že by som tu stál a hovoril niečo o tom? Rozumiete? To by bolo ako hádzanie chleba na vodu, to by bolo ako ... Keby tomu nikto neveril, potom by to bolo ako hádzanie periel pred svine. Ale je tisíce a tisíce ľudí, ktorí tomu veria a oni sa držia každého slova a my by sme boli radi, aby ich mohlo prísť čo najviac, keď budeme pripravení mať tieto zhromaždenia na slávu Pánovu. A spoliehame na to, že Pán nám to dá a nechcem to robiť, až kým nebudem Božsky do toho inšpirovaný, aby som to robil.

32 Boh má na všetko čas. Rozumiete? Nemôžete to predbiehať. Ak zožnete svoju pšenicu prv - pustíte do nej kombajn prv, ako by dozrela, stratíte najväčšiu časť pšenice. Vidíte? Tak, keď je kosák pripravený, aby do nej vošiel, Boh ho do nej strčí. Potom pôjdeme žať.

33 Ale ja len - keď cítim takýto tlak, myslel som, že by som sa toho zakrátko striasol. Celý deň včera nemohol som sa zbaviť tej myšlienky, včera celú noc. Išiel som spať okolo dvanástej, predchádzajúcu noc som spal asi tri hodiny a minulú noc som stále nemohol zaspať. Niečo povedalo: „Nahraj to manželstvo a rozvod." Vidíte?

34 Ak Pán bude chcieť, ak to bude stále na mojom srdci a Pán mi ukáže viacej ohľadne toho, potom dobre, môžem to nahrať.

35 Ale pamätajte, len pre kazateľov. Vy príďte a počúvajte, ale samotná tá páska, nech ... Vidíte? Pretože to sa dostane medzi zhromaždenia a niekto je tohoto názoru a niekto tamtoho názoru a oni si urobia svoju vlastnú mienku. A ja chcem, aby slúžiaci bratia to mali na svoje vlastné štúdium a potom nech to ide stade, pretože oni sú tí, ktorí sú zodpovední - oni sú zodpovední.

36 Mohli by sme to pustiť sudcovi - niektorému z týchto advokátov, aby videli čo Pán povedal ohľadne tohoto manželstva a rozvodu. Je to viac sväté, než ako si ľudia myslia. A to bude splývať rovno s týmto semenom hada. Presne to isté, len sa to ďalej posúva; to sú tie tajomstvá.

37 Pamätáte, vo dňoch siedmeho anjela sa majú dokonať všetky tajomstvá Božie - tieto neznáme veci, ktoré Pán zakončí.

38 No, tak ďaleko ... No, pamätajte ... Začínate zhromaždenie o sedem tridsať? No, brat Neville, ak máš na dnes večer posolstvo tak káž. Nezaberie mi to hodinu alebo štyridsať päť minút a ja budem nahrávať ten zbytok. Rád počúvam brata Nevilleho. Milujem ho. Je to môj brat a myslím si, že je veľmi dobrý rečník - výborný kazateľ. To čo mám rád na bratovi Neville, je to, že keď niečo hovorí, on žije podľa toho, čo hovorí. To je to hlavné. Pre niekoho môžete žiť kázeň lepšie, ako mu ju kázať. Pretože vy sami ste napísanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí.

39 No, prv ako môžeme tie strany zobrať naspäť, ale Boh musí otvoriť túto lekciu nedeľnej školy. Tak, poprosme Ho, aby to urobil.

40 Nebeský Otče, skrze vieru hľadíme do budúcnosti. Dívam sa teraz, skrze vieru, na niečo čo prichádza, Pane, na zem, čo potiahne dokopy tvojich ľudí.

41 Keď vidíme tie denominačné cirkvi, ktoré sa tak zovierajú a stávajú sa nezhodné (so slovom) to vytláča skutočne ľudí von.

42 Presne tak ako to bolo v Egypte, povstáva faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa; ako to bolo v Nemecku a hore v Rusku a v Taliansku. Tí ľudia povstali proti Jozefom. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, ktorí nenávideli Židov. Oni museli ísť naspäť do svojej domoviny.

43 Bože, Ty máš spôsoby na vykonanie všetkého, čomu my nerozumieme a Ty si ich zatlačil - v Nemecku už nemali žiadny domov, všetko im bolo zobrané; tak isto v Taliansku, v Rusku - nemali kde ísť a boli poslaní naspäť do svojej domoviny, aby sa vyplnilo Slovo.

44 Ó, milujúca ruka Božia. Ako to niekedy vyzerá kruto, ten spôsob ako ľudia trpia, ale to je stále, to je nežná ruka Jahveho, ktorý vedie svoje malé deti. Ďakujeme Ti Pane.

45 Modlím sa teraz Bohu, keď vidím deň, že denominácie tlačia na veriacich, vylučujú ich, hovoria, že ich meno musí byť zapísané v ich knihe, inak že sú stratení, nemajú nič spoločného s tou inou skupinou. To je len nežná ruka Jehovu, ktorá ich vedie ku stromu života.

46 Modlím sa, Bože aby každý jeden - viem, že oni to urobia, pretože to je podľa Tvojho Slova a ono nemôže sklamať. A nech by sme boli privedení ku stromu života, aby sme mohli mať večný život, videli ruku Božiu, a skrze oči viery, aby sme mohli vidieť poza tieto tiene v ktorých dnes chodíme, aby sme videli zasľúbenú zem, ktorá leží rovno pred nami.

47 Požehnaj dnes ráno tvoje Slovo, Pane, týchto niekoľko miest Písma a poznámok, ktoré som si tu zapísal. Nech Duch Svätý teraz príde, keď sa vydávam na obriezku, svoj jazyk, myšlienky a rozum a zbor vydáva uši svojho porozumenia, svoje srdcia a všetci spolu, aby si hovoril ku nám cez svoje Slovo, lebo tvoje Slovo je pravda. Prosíme to v mene Slova, Ježiša Krista. Amen.

48 A teraz, otvorte si Biblie v knihe Exodus. A teraz, chcem čítať časť Písma z knihy Exodus, tretiu kapitolu od 1. do 12. verša. Dobre počúvajte, keď budeme čítať. Exodus 3. kapitola od 1. do 12. verša.

A Mojžiš pásol stádo Jetra, svojho svokra, kňaza-kniežaťa Madianska. A zahnal pozvoľna stádo až za púšť a prišiel k vrchu Božiemu, k Horebu.

A ukázal sa mu anjel Hospodinov v plameni ohňa z prostriedku kra. A videl, že hľa ker horí ohňom, a ker nie je strávený od ohňa.

A Mojžiš povedal: Nože nech idem ta a vidím toto veľké videnie, prečo nezhorí ker.

A Hospodin videl, že odbočil, aby videl,

(Toto chcem zdôrazniť)

A keď Hospodin videl, že odbočil, aby videl, a Boh zavolal na neho z prostriedku kra a riekol: Mojžišu, Mojžišu! A on odpovedal: Tu som.

A riekol: Nepribližuj sa sem! Zozuj svoju obuv zo svojich nôh, lebo miesto, na ktorom stojíš, je svätá zem.

A riekol: Ja som Boh tvojho otca, Boh Abrahámov, Boh Izákov a Boh Jakobov. A Mojžiš zakryl svoju tvár, lebo sa bál, aby nehľadel na Boha.

A Hospodin riekol: Istotne som videl trápenie svojho ľudu, ktorý je v Egypte, a počul som ich krik pre tých, ktorí ho honia, lebo znám jeho bolesti

a zostúpil som, aby som ho vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov a aby som ho vyviedol z tej zeme hore do zeme, dobrej a priestrannej, do zeme, oplývajúcej mliekom a medom, na miesto Kananeja, Heteja, Amoreja, Ferezeja, Heveja a Jebuzeja.

A teraz hľa, krik synov Izraelových prišiel ku mne, a videl som aj útisk, ktorým ich utiskujú Egypťania.

Tak teraz poď a pošlem ťa k faraonovi ...

Všimli ste si? „Zostúpil som, ale posielam teba." Boh ide vo forme človeka. „Chod ..." Dovoľte, že znovu prečítam ten desiaty verš.

Tak teraz poď a pošlem ťa k faraonovi, a vyveď môj ľud, synov Izraelových, z Egypta.

A Mojžiš povedal Bohu: Kto som ja, aby som išiel k faraonovi a aby som vyviedol synov Izraelových z Egypta?!

A riekol: Však budem s tebou. A toto ti bude znamením, že som ťa ja poslal: keď vyvedieš ľud z Egypta, budete slúžiť Bohu na tomto vrchu.

49 Predtým som si to nevšimol, ale cítim dnes ráno veľmi silnú inšpiráciu Ducha, zachytil som to práve vtedy. Boh posiela svojho sluhu naspäť, tam odkiaľ ušiel, On mu dáva znak vrchu. Nikdy som si to nevšimol až teraz. Toto bude pre teba večný znak. Vidíte?

50 No, dnes ráno budeme hovoriť na tému „Druhý Exodus Božieho ľudu," alebo „Vyvolanie Božieho ľudu." Exodus znamená vyviesť von, vyvolať von, zobrať preč z niekade a chcem to použiť ako tému „Druhý Exodus Božieho ľudu."

51 No, oni mali samozrejme veľa exodusov, ale ja hovorím o čase, ktorý Boh nazval exodus, oddelenie od toho kde boli v tom prítomnom čase.

52 Tu sa Boh pripravuje vyplniť svoje Božské zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré dal Abrahámovi a Izákovi a Jakobovi. Prešli roky, stovky rokov, ale Boh jednako nikdy nezabudol na svoje zasľúbenie. V tomto čase, v tom príhodnom čase, Boh stále ukazuje, že jeho zasľúbenia sú pravda. A tak môžete bezpečne odpočívať na tom, čo Boh zasľúbil v tejto Biblii, že On to vyplní. Vôbec sa netreba snažiť vymýšľať niečo inšie a vravieť: „Dobre, prorok sa možno mýlil, alebo to sa nemôže stať v tomto dni."

53 Tiež to vyzeralo nemožné v tedy, viac nemožné ako to vyzerá teraz, ale Boh to aj tak vyplnil, pretože On zasľúbil, že to urobí. A pozrite sa ako jednoducho to On robí. „Zostúpil som; Počul som nárek; Pamätám na svoje zasľúbenie a zostúpil som, aby som to vyplnil a posielam teba. Ty to urobíš, ja budem s tebou, však budem s tebou. Moja nikdy nezlyhávajúca prítomnosť bude s tebou, kdekoľvek pôjdeš. Neboj sa. Prichádzam dole aby som vyslobodil." Som si istý, že duchovná myseľ to rozumie. „Pošlem ťa, aby si priviedol môj ľud do exodusu, aby si ich vyvolal von a ja budem s tebou."

54 No, ako môžeme odpočívať, ako sa viera môže chytiť tam tej nádeje. Boh to ide urobiť; On to zasľúbil. Nezáleží na tom ako, aké sú okolnosti, alebo čo ktokoľvek hovorí, Boh to aj tak urobí, pretože, On to zasľúbil. A On to robí tak jednoducho, že to prechádza ponad porozumenie vzdelaných myslí, ktorí sa budú snažiť o tom argumentovať. „Ako to môže byť?" Nechcem povedať, že teraz nejaký človek s dobrou zdravou mysľou, s dobrým vzdelaním, že ten tomu nebude rozumieť. To je v poriadku, ohromne, pokiaľ tú vzdelanosť ktorú má používa, nie na argumentovanie, ale aby veril Bohu.

55 Nech je to obrátené do jednoduchosti počúvania toho, čo Boh povedal a verí tomu. Vtedy mu jeho vzdelanie pomôže.

56 Všimnite si, ale keď sa niekto snaží zdôvodňovať, že to sa nemôže stať, vtedy ho to odvádza preč od Boha, stále po celý čas. Keď sa snaží počúvať na to, čo ... svoje vlastné zrozumenie. Vidíte? Ak nerozumiete a Biblia hovorí určitú vec, len to potvrďte „Amen" nechajte to len tak.

57 No, namiesto odvolávania sa na tieto miesta Písma, môžete si ich poznačiť v tejto lekcii nedeľnej školy, ale ja by som ... možno by som sa rád na to pozrel ... ale prv, mám ich tu tak veľa.

58 Zoberme ... prv ako zistíme čo znamená tento exodus, chcem prirovnať ten exodus v tedy s týmto exodusom teraz. A dávajte pozor, či to neprebieha úplne rovnako. Jeden z nich je prirodzený a presne tie isté veci, ktoré On robil v tom prirodzenom, znovu znázorňuje v duchovnom. V duchovnom exoduse.

59 Úžasné vidieť Slovo Božie - ako môže niekto povedať, že nie je inšpirované. Toto bolo asi pred 2 800 rokmi, viete. A ako to On zasľúbil a čo On vykonal a leží to tam ako príklad. Ako On urobil tie tiene niečoho, aby svedčili o tom pozitíve. (Dostanem sa ku tomu dnes večer, na príklade medzi mesiacom a slnkom, ak Pán dá.)

60 Ale prv, sa musíme znovu pozrieť do Genesis aby sme videli, prečo oni boli tam dole v Egypte? Prečo bol Boží ľud pomimo tej zeme? A nakoniec Boh zasľúbil že rovno tam, kde bol ten začiatok s Abrahámom, Izákom a Jakobom, v Palestíne, Boh im dal tú zem a povedal: „Toto je to."

61 No, prečo potom tí ľudia neboli na tom mieste, ktoré im Boh pripravil? To je tiež dnes otázka. Boh nám dal letnice. On nám dal Knihu skutkov. On nám dal Ducha Svätého, aby nás viedol a sprevádzal. On nám dal zem, a prečo sme vonku z toho? Prečo je cirkev vonku z toho? Prečo nežije tá veľká kresťanská cirkev dnes znovu, ako v Knihe skutkov, aby rodila tie isté veci? Na to je nejaký dôvod.

62 My všetci vieme, že sme polámaní a že sme v hroznom stave; a že ten najhorší stav, v akom kresťanská cirkev kedy žila je dnes. A my sme rovno na okraji alebo na pokraji veľkého, strašného súdu, ktorý leží pred cirkvou a prv, ako nastane tento súd, Boh vyvoláva exodus, presne tak ako to urobil vtedy.

63 Hriech Amoreja sa doplnil. Tak on zvoláva duchovný exodus. No, poďme nachvíľu naspäť do toho predobrazu a zistime to.

64 Oni odišli do Egypta jedine kvôli tomu, že závideli bratovi. To je ten dôvod, prečo bol Izrael v tom čase v Egypte, vonku z tej zeme. Pamätajte, Božie zasľúbenia boli len dovtedy, kým oni zostávali v tej zemi.

65 No, či môžete vidieť čo sme hovorili pred chvíľou v modlitbe? Prečo Boh musel zatvrdiť srdce faraóna? Aby doviedol ľudí naspäť do zasľúbenej zeme, prv ako ich mohol požehnať, ako im mohol priviesť Mesiáša.

66 Ako On musel zatvrdiť srdce Hitlera, aby bol proti Židom, keď sám bol polovičný Žid. Ako to On musel urobiť v Stalinovi, v Musoliinim.

Vidíte? Ľudia, ktorí nie sú inšpirovaní, ako národ, oni ... Boh musel zobrať tieto veci, podľa ktorých oni žili, mnohokrát zákony danej zeme, aby sa ukázalo, že jeho zasľúbenia sú pravdou.

67 Tak, On musel zatvrdiť srdcia týchto diktátorov, aby zahnal Židov naspäť do zasľúbenej zeme. To tak muselo byť.

68 No, zisťujeme, že Jozef ide dole ... Poznáme ten príbeh, keď ideme naspäť do Genesis a môžete si to prečítať, pretože ja som sa trochu oneskoril so začiatkom tejto dlhej lekcii nedeľnej školy. Budem sa snažiť poponáhľať.

69 Všimnite si, no, prečítajte si ten príbeh, keď budete môcť o Jozefovi, ktorý sa narodil neskoršie medzi svojimi bratmi, predposledný. Tá duchovná myseľ to hneď teraz porozumie. On nebol posledné dieťa, Benjamin bol; ale v tom vylúčení, dávajte pozor. Jozef a Benjamin boli čistokrvný bratia, a len oni dvaja boli bratia.

70 Benjamin nikdy nedostal uznanie, kým nestretol Jozefa. A ponad tými ostatnými, Benjamin dostal dvojitú porciu všetkého, čo Jozef dával.

71 Dobre, všimnite si teraz, našli sme to tam, že oni boli - on bol zobraný z pomedzi svojich bratov, pretože bol duchovný. On bol veľký človek a tiež najpokornejší v tej skupine, najmenší v tej skupine a oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny. Oni ho nemali nenávidieť. Oni ho mali rešpektovať, pretože ... prečo ho nenávideli? Pretože bol brat? Nie presne pre to. Oni ho nenávideli, pretože Boh s ním jednal viacej, ako jednal s tými ostatnými.

72 On mu dal duchovné porozumenie. On mohol dokonale vykladať sny a mohol predpovedať veci, ktoré sa presne tak stali, presne tak ako boli - nebral žiadne ohľady.

73 On videl ten sen o tých snopoch ako sa klaňali pred jeho snopom a jeho bratia sa vtedy na neho nahnevali. Povedali: „Ty fanatik." Inými slovami: „Či sa budeme musieť jedného dňa pred tebou klaňať."

74 Ale tak sa to stalo. Ako by sa tí veľkí dôležití giganti kedy sklonili pred tým malým bezvýznamným človekom, ktorý tam stál, ale oni sa sklonili. Oni sa skutočne sklonili a prosili o milosť.

75 Ale on vtedy ešte neprišiel do moci. Vidíte? On bol vtedy len vo forme dieťaťa. A potom nachádzame, že tým že toto robili, že Jozef bol zobraný spomedzi svojich bratov, denominácií a postavený preč stade osamote - jeho bratia zostali celkom v tej zemi.

76 Potom prichádza taká veľká vec. Uvedomujeme si, že Izrael, kým oni bývali na svojom mieste prebývania a držali sa ... no to je jedna dobrá vec stáť na svojom mieste, pozične, to je pravda, ale oni sa zbavili Ducha.

77 Fundamentalisti dnes, oni pozične poznajú čo sú, skrze intelektuálne chápanie Biblie, ale nieto tam Duch. Oni odmietli Jozefa, vystrčili ho von. Oni s tým nechcú mať nič spoločného, to je banda fanatikov; to je ... „My s tým nechceme mať nič spoločného." Oni ho vylúčili, predali ho do sveta. Oni boli von z ich obecenstva.

78 No, tým že to urobili boli zobraní z toho miesta, potom neskoršie boli zobraní dole do Egypta. No, ten príbeh o tých závistlivých bratoch je skutočne veľkým prirovnaním s tou duchovnou stranou toho dnes.

79 Všetci sme si toho vedomí, že to bola čistá závisť, nie čistá, to je stará nečistá, špinavá závisť. Vidíte? V závisti nieto žiadna čistota. To nie je nič iné iba špinavá závisť.

80 Keď ľudia vidia tú istú Bibliu a povahu toho istého Boha, ktorý napísal Bibliu, ako sa potvrdzuje a potom to bezdôvodne odstrčia, to je čistá ... no, čistá ako som povedal, to je špinavá závisť. Dívajú sa na Boha, ako uzdravuje chorých, kriesi mŕtvych ... na toho istého Boha, ktorý žil vo dňoch apoštolov. Na to isté evanjelium, ktoré oni napísali pre túto duchovnú cestu. To je ten istý Boh, ktorý robí tie isté veci, tak to nie je nič iné iba závisť; vylúčili a „nebudeme to mať medzi našimi ľuďmi." Vidíte? Vyhnali ich von.

81 Oni si mysleli - tí bratia, že nikdy nebudú potrebovať takého človeka, tak prečo sa ho nezbaviť. To je to, čo ... tá istá vec sa stala dnes. Oni si myslia, že pretože naše cirkvi sa stali intelektuálne, že máme najlepšie oblečených ľudí, najväčšiu organizáciu, najvzdelanejších kazateľov, že nebudeme potrebovať Ducha Svätého tak, ako to bolo voľakedy.

82 Že oni sú plní, inými slovami, skutky hovoria hlasnejšie než slová, že ich semináre a ich - rozum a ich schádzanie sa a prejednávanie tejto veci, že sú viac schopní so svojimi intelektuálnymi mienkami dať cirkev do poriadku lepšie, než ako by to mohol urobiť Duch Svätý, tak oni to už viacej nepotrebujú. To je niečo čo my dnes nepotrebujeme.

83 To je ... tie dni toho pominuli. No, či to nie je presne tak? My nepotrebujeme Ducha Svätého, aby uzdravoval chorých, máme doktorov. Nepotrebujeme Ducha Svätého, aby hovoril v jazykoch, my sme všetci vzdelaní ľudia. A keď to robíte odchádzate od svojho konštrukčného základu, od línii života.

84 Ježiš povedal tým Židom v tých dňoch: „Nečítali ste, že kameň, ktorý zavrhli je hlavným uholným kameňom, na ktorom je postavená celá budova?"

85 No, rozumiete čo chcem povedať? No, som si istý, že ste to porozumeli. Teraz je to preto, že oni si mysleli, že to nikdy nebudú potrebovať. „Nepotrebujeme takých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch. Nepotrebujeme vykladačov jazykov. Nepotrebujeme viacej starozákonných prorokov aby nás dali do poriadku skrze Ducha Svätého. My tomu rozumieme."

86 Vidíte, oni adoptovali ľuďmi zostrojený systém aby nahradil miesto Ducha Svätého. A tak, sú ľudia, ktorí sú vyvolení, ktorí majú svoje meno v Baránkovej knihe života; oni za tým nemôžu ísť. Oni rozmýšľajú duchovne. Preto nemôžu ísť za tým. Nemôžu to zniesť. Bez ohľadu na to, či ich otcovia a matky žili v akejkoľvek organizácii alebo cirkvi - keď nejaká cirkev robí ... možno to hneď nepovedia ...

87 Ó, nie, oni to hneď nepovedia, ale ich skutky to dokazujú. Tu je Slovo a Duch Svätý to potvrdzuje medzi tými, keď ich môže zhromaždiť spolu, že On stále uzdravuje chorých a kriesi mŕtvych a hovorí v jazykoch a vyháňa démonov. Tak, to záleží na tom, čo je vo vnútri v tom človeku.

88Pani Arganbrightová, tam, ona si raz myslela, keď sedela tam vonku, chodila a vyťahovala nejakú trávu - keď kosila lúku. Prechádzal som okolo nej, a ona to nevedela a nechal som ju pokračovať, díval som sa.

89 No, všimnite si, Ducha Svätého a jeho veľké dielo. Cirkev cíti, že nepotrebuje Ducha Svätého. Cirkvi vám to povedia. A ten človek sa môže postaviť a vyhlásiť takú učenú reč, že vás takmer dovedie ku tomu, aby ste tomu verili. No, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu.

90 Či nepovedal Ježiš, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj samotných vyvolených, keby to bolo možné? Tie učené reči budú také hladké, že by to zviedlo ľudí. To je evanjelium. To je človek, ktorý dokáže narábať so Slovom tak, že by mohol takmer nakloniť každú intelektuálnu osobu, ak spoliehate na intelekte, oni odmietajú Ducha Svätého a vyberajú cestu človeka. Vidíme to.

91 No, to je to isté, čo si oni mysleli o Jozefovi a oni sa ho zbavili. A po celý čas v Egypte ... ó, ako si môžeme myslieť ... mohli by sme stráviť hodiny ... Mohli by ste pri tomto zostať tri roky a neodísť od tej témy, dňom aj nocou, a stále tam nachádzať veľké zrná Ducha Svätého.

92 Duchovná myseľ sa môže pozrieť dole do Egypta a vidieť, že povstáva prenasledovanie, môže vidieť Jozefa, ktorý bol odstránený za tým účelom, aby mohlo povstať prenasledovanie. A potom vidí Boha s jeho kolesom v kolese - všetko sa tak dokonale hýbe. Vidí Putifára, ktorý odmieta Jozefa. Vidí to klamstvo, ktoré bolo povedané a vidí Jozefa vo vezení a jeho brada rástla, vylúčený od svojich bratov, ale potom zrazu náhle, Boh vstúpil na scénu!

93 Ako môžeme vidieť to koleso v kolese v pohybe - Boží veľký plán, ktorý tiahne všetko do tohoto exodusu, do tohoto času, keď On mohol zavolať svoj ľud znovu naspäť do tej zeme, naspäť na miesto, do pozícii, kde ich On mohol žehnať a postaviť medzi nimi Toho, ktorého zasľúbil, že postaví medzi nich. Oni museli byť vo svojej zemi. Pamätajte, oni museli vyjsť z tej zemi, v ktorej boli a vojsť do zeme zasľúbenia, prv ako ich zasľúbený Mesiáš mohol prísť. A cirkev musí urobiť to isté. Vyjsť von z tej skupiny odmietačov a vojsť do zasľúbenia, prv ako môže byť pred nimi zamanifestovaný Mesiáš. Vidíte to?

94 Zamanifestovaný život Mesiáša pripravuje cirkev, nevestu ... Žena, ktorá sa vydáva za muža a nezhoduje sa s ním, to by stále boli nejaké hádky. Ale keď muž a jeho žena, jeho priateľka, jeho snúbenka, keď sú v dokonalej harmónii, ako jedna duša a jedna myseľ, pretože budú jedno telo ... Potom keď sa cirkev môže dostať do takejto harmónii s Bohom, že až manifestácia Ženícha je prejavená v jeho Neveste, pretože oni budú jedno. Ó, čo za veľká lekcia.

95 Dobre, no pamätajte, duchovná myseľ toto rozumie, môže vidieť tieto príklady a tú skutočnú vec a vidí, že to pasuje. Mohli by sme pri tom zostať hodiny. Pozorujte čo sa deje. A prečo sme čakali všetky tieto roky až do tejto oázy času?

96 Viete, Biblia hovorí že cirkev utiekla na púšť, kde bola živená za čas a čas. A prečo toto všetko bolo? Aby sme my ... Vidíte, to je stále Božie koleso v kolese. Prečo Boh toto neurobil už dávno, keď muži sedeli s ceruzkou - aj ženy- a snažili sa vypátrať ten čas, ako Judge Rutherford a mnohí ďalší, a že Ježiš prišiel v 1914, a matka Shipton a predtým a tak ďalej - všetky tieto časy a ... Vidíte? Keď išli podľa toho čo sa snažili vypočítať z Písma, (Vidíte?) oni to zruinovali.

97 To je skryté, to je v skutočnosti skryté. A ako by mohlo byť Písmo samo proti sebe, keď Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nevie minútu ani hodinu." Vidíte, oni zobrali len jedno miesto Písma a držali sa toho, musíte zobrať celé Písmo. Potom, keď je v tom Boh, potom to Boh bude manifestovať, že je to pravda. Ako božské uzdravovanie, ak to nie je pravda, potom to nie je pravda. Boh s tým nebude mať nič spoločného, ale ak to On manifestuje, že je to pravda, potom je to pravda.

98 Presne ako Ježiš. Boh povedal: „Ak bude medzi vami prorok alebo niekto duchovný, Ja budem ku nemu hovoriť. A keď sa vyplní to, čo povie, potom ho počúvajte." To je to. Ale keď je jeho proroctvo nesprávne, potom Boh sa nemôže mýliť. On je nekonečný, neomylný, všadeprítomný, a On sa nemôže mýliť. Tak, ak ten človek hovorí, potom to ukazuje, že ten človek - ak hovorí svoje vlastné slová, to sklame, ale ak hovorí Božie slová, to nemôže sklamať, pretože to hovorí Boh. Potom jeho inšpirácia pochádza od Boha, a to musí byť správne. Takýmto spôsobom Boh povedal, aby to bolo povedané.

99 To je spôsob ako Biblia ... v Starom Zákone, On povedal: „Ak oni nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov, to preto, že nemajú v sebe život." Nie je v nich žiadny život, je to tak. Oni musia hovoriť podľa zákona a prorokov. A proroctvo alebo čokoľvek musí byť podľa Slova, ak nie je, je nesprávne.

100 No, zistili sme, že všetko toto sa stalo pretože ... čakali ... prebudenia - metodisti, luteráni, baptisti, cambeliti a všetci ostatní; oni mali veľké prebudenia. Nazaréni, pútnici svätosti, letniční, všetci mali veľké prebudenia, ale ten veľký exodus vtedy ešte neprišiel. Prečo?

101 Boh povedal Abrahámovi hneď vtedy, že ho bude zadržiavať v tej zemi, ale neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila. A Boh trpezlivo čakal. Tí ľudia sa to snažia vypočítať; oni môžu vidieť, že Písma bežia rovno do niečoho - bežia rovno do niečoho a oni povedali: „Toto je ten deň; toto je ten čas," ale nerozumeli ste, že neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila.

102 Štyristo rokov, oni budú putovať dole v Egypte a budú vyvedení; ale oni tam v skutočnosti boli 440 rokov, pretože odmietli proroka. Oni museli trpieť ďalších okolo štyridsať rokov tam na púšti, prv ako ich Boh vyviedol. Mojžiš bol na púšti štyridsať rokov prv ako sa navrátil naspäť aby ich vyslobodil. Vidíte? Štyridsať rokov nadčas, minulo, pretože odmietli to posolstvo.

103 No, štyridsať rokov v Božom čase by bolo okolo jeden a pol minúty podľa nášho. Taký veľký rozdiel to je, tisíc rokov je len jeden deň. To by nebola ani minúta. Všimnite si v tom.

104 No, oneskorujeme sa. Prečo? Boh bol dlho zhovievajúci, čakal, pozoroval. Dovolil, že povstali luteráni a mali prebudenie - potom sa zorganizovali. Dovolil, že povstali metodisti a mali prebudenie - zorganizovali sa. Nechal Johna Smitha, povstať baptistickú cirkev s veľkým prebudením - zorganizovali sa. Nechal povstať letničných s prinavrátením darov - zorganizovali sa; až sa tá neprávosť doplnila, potom sa Boh unavil.

105 Potom nastáva exodus a my to vidíme; že sami ľudia môžu vidieť ako prechádzal čas, že tá vec je prekliata. Znovu zobrali jazyk zlata a pekný babylonský plášť. A to je to, čo spôsobuje kliatbu medzi ľudom, keď sa ľudia snažia vštepiť svoje vlastné predstavy o tých veciach.

106 Musíme zostať s Božím Slovom - to sú prikázania Božie, nedotýkať sa ničoho, čo je v tom meste, to je prekliate mesto. Nedotýkajte sa toho; nechajte to tak.

107 A Achan si myslel, že si môže zobrať tento zlatý jazyk a žiť dobre na úrovni ako ten ostatný svet ... a pekný babylonský plášť. Ó, Achanovia sú v táboroch. Vidíte? Ale tá vec je prekliata, a to je stále prekliate. To bolo prekliate od samotného Nicejského koncilu, v Nicei, v Ríme. Odvtedy je to prekliate, ale Boh nechal aby sa tá neprávosť doplnila, až čas amorejov je takmer vyplnený.

108 A teraz, každý kto má duchovné zrozumenie, pamätajte, stále to hovorím, „duchovné zrozumenie." Môžete vidieť, že tá neprávosť tohoto národa sa doplnila. On organizoval a reorganizoval a organizoval a organizoval a teraz je spolčený a spojený s niečím ďalším. Neprávosť sa doplnila.

109 To je čas na exodus. To je čas na vyvolanie von do zasľúbenej zeme. Nie zasľúbenie, ísť len do druhej krajiny, ale domov, do milénia. To je čas na vyvolanie - neprávosť tohoto národa ... znovu sa toho dotknem dnes večer, ak Pán bude chcieť ... sa doplnila. Je nečistý!

Vy poviete: „brat Branham, národ v ktorom žiješ?" Tak veru! Samozrejme! Vy poviete: „Ako obyvateľ Spojených štátov by si to nemal hovoriť."

110 Potom Eliáš namal zvolávať kliatbu na Izrael a on bol Izraelita! Ostatní proroci nemali nikdy prekliať ten národ, keď oni boli Izraeliti.

111 Ale, oni len hovorili, nie svoje vlastné mysli, ale Slovo Pánove. To záleží odkiaľ ťaháte svoju inšpiráciu; to záleží na tom, ako to prichádza a ak je to nezhodné so Slovom, nechajte to tak. A žiadam každého, aby dokázal, že je to nezhodné so Slovom.

112 Či nepovedala Biblia v Zjavení v 13. kapitole ... (tam sa zjavuje tento národ). Tento národ má číslo 13, ženský národ. To je žena v Biblii. Žena na našich minciach. To je ženský národ.

113 Tam začína skazenosť žien, začína, tam to vošlo. Skazenosť začala v Edene, tým že sa neverilo Božiemu Slovu. Tu je to, čo z toho vyšlo, ženy kazateľky a všetko možné. Špina tohoto sveta vychádza rovno z Hollywoodu, najhorší národ na svete. Viac rozvodov ako vo všetkých ostatných dokopy. Vidíte?

114 Prečo? Zistíte v jednom z týchto dní, ak Pán dá. Budete vidieť prečo táto prekliata vec ... Môžete vidieť tú slepotu v týchto veciach rozvodu, ktorým Satan zakryl ľuďom oči. Nachádzame sa v strašnej hodine. Koniec je teraz takmer na dosah ruky. Verím tomu. Sme zhnití, zhnití do jadra.

115 Ona (Amerika) sa zjavuje v 13. kapitole Zjavenia, číslo trinásť. A pamätajte, povstala ako baránok. Náboženská sloboda, ale potom, dostala moc od šelmy, obraz ako ten. A hovorí s plnou autoritou a robí tie isté skazené veci, ktoré robila šelma pred ním. Povedzte mi potom, že to nie je prorokované o tomto národe.

116 Stav Amoreja už skoro dozrel, pretože oni už na tom pracujú! A dokonca náš nový pápež, jeho hlavným cieľom je zjednotiť spolu bratov! A tomu prirodzenému oku sa zdá že, to je to čo sa má urobiť! Ale v očiach Božích, to nie je zhodné s Duchom svätým! My sa nemôžeme s tým miešať. A každá cirkev bude chytená do tej federácii!

117 Vyjdite z toho tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, lebo inak vezmete na seba znamenie šelmy a nebudete vedieť čo robíte! Vyjdite z toho! Dúfam, že duchovná myseľ to dokáže porozumieť, som si istý že rozumiete, ale som zvedavý, či tí tam vonku. Jednako, nemôžete navštíviť každý národ, môžete tam poslať pásku. Boh bude mať nejaký spôsob aby dal porozumieť tej mysli tam, kde je zasiate to semeno. Je to tak. A len čo to svetlo na to dopadne, hotovo, dostáva život! Ako tá žena pri studni, ona povedala: „To je to." Ona to porozumela. Vyjdite z toho, to je prekliate. Prekliate? Ukážte mi niekde, keď to raz upadlo a znovu povstalo. Ukážte mi jeden prípad, keď to povstalo, že by to neupadlo. Tak, môžete vidieť, že tá vec je zlá.

118 Dobre, tá neprávosť Amorejov nebola ešte vyplnená, tak oni museli otáľať a čakať pred týmto exodusom. Ale keď Amoreji doplnili svoju neprávosť, potom prišiel duchovný exodus, či vlastne telesný exodus, aby viedol ľudí do telesnej zeme, kde raz bývali tí telesní Amorejci - tvrdili, že je to ich zem.

119 A neprávosť Amorejských denominácií, ktorí o sebe tak dlho hovorili, že sú cirkev, že až ich neprávosť sa skoro doplnila. Prichádza exodus, kde Boh ukáže kto je kto, kde sama cirkev, nevesta Ježiša Krista bude zobraná do zeme, ktorá je zasľúbená - v dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov na tom mieste.

120 Vy tam nemusíte ísť a bojovať ako oni, to je už pripravené. Keď tento zemský príbytok bude zničený, máme už iný ktorý na nás očakáva. „Tam kde som ja, tam aj vy budete." Ten veľký exodus je na dosah ruky.

Sledujte ako Boh vykonal ten exodus. Čo On ... aké prípravy urobil a skúmajme to za chvíľu a potom sa pozrite na dnešný deň.

121 Dobre, všimnite si, pred týmto exodusom, tam povstáva faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa. Vidíte? Faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa - nepoznal Jozefa. Čo reprezentoval Jozef, tú duchovnú časť, v tomto duchovnom exoduse. Povstáva teraz ... My máme slobodu.

Tá žena bola živená za čas, čas a pol času.

122 Ale nakoniec povstáva faraón, diktátor, ktorý nepozná náboženskú slobodu. Zjednocuje ich spolu. Nech vám to neunikne. Prichádza čas, kde bol faraón, prv musel prísť. A tie organizácie žili sladko, žili ako naštepené ratolesti do skutočného viniča kresťanstva, ale to stále nieslo ich originálne ovocie.

123 Ženy napoly oblečené, muži intelektuálni a zapierajúci moc Ducha, ale to žilo pod menom kresťanskej cirkvi. To je naštepený vinič, ale hospodár teraz prichádza, aby prerezal ten vinič, ako povedal, že to urobí. A všetci tí, ktorí nemajú ovocie sú odrezaní a hodení do ohňa a spálení. To je strašná vec povedať to, ale pravda niekedy vyzerá strašná ak je vám to len povedané - ako Boh berie svoje deti cez hlboké vody a zablatené piesky a všetko možné. On to tak robí.

124 Pamätajte, hrniec musí byť rozbitý na črepy, otepy, na malé kúsky aby bol znovu premiesený a znovu založený. Zdá sa akoby to bola strašná vec, zničiť ho, ale musí to tak byť, aby mohol byť znovu urobený, váza alebo čokoľvek robíte.

125 Tam bol faraón, ktorý povstal, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa a to bol začiatok začiatku. To bol začiatok exodusu. A keď sa tá vec začala formovať pod politickou mocou, začala sa formovať, Boh sa začal pripravovať.

126 Neprávosť Amoreja sa doplnila. Čas, ktorý on zasľúbil Abrahámovi sa vyplnil a čas vyslobodenia bol na dosah ruky. A Boh dovolil, aby povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa, a narodil sa Ramses. Hneď po Setim prichádza Ramses, a Ramses bol ten, ktorý nepoznal požehnania Jozefa.

127 On nevedel aká bola tá duchovná strana, on bol len politický génius, ktorý dokázal zabrať Etiópiu a všetky ostatné krajiny pod vojenskú moc, a to je všetko čo on poznal - vojenskú moc.

128 A myslím, že keď je niekto duchovný, môže vidieť čo sa teraz deje. Dostávame faraóna, ktorý nepozná náboženskú slobodu. Keď náš prezident nastúpil do svojho úradu, on na to neprisahal, že verí v náboženskú slobodu. [Americkým prezidentom v rokoch 1961 - 1963 bol John Fitzgerald Kennedy – pozn.prekl.]

129 A čo ten deň, keď sme mali tú otázku o segregácii, dole na juhu? Keď ten guvernér z Alabami ... Prajem si, aby som sa mohol rozprávať s tým kazateľom - s Martinom Lutherom Kingom, ako ten človek môže byť vodca a viesť svojich ľudí do osídla smrti?

130 Keby títo ľudia boli otroci, bol by som tam dole, vyzliekol si kabát, a bil sa za tých ľudí. Oni nie sú otroci, sú to obyvatelia, sú obyvatelia tohoto národa.

131 Tá otázka ohľadne chodenia do školy ... tí ľudia - ak majú tvrdé srdce a nepoznajú tie veci, nemôžete ľuďom nanútiť duchovné veci, to čo je tam vbité politickými mocami. Oni to musia prijať, byť znovuzrodení, a potom budú vidieť tieto veci.

Ale tento človek, keby som sa s ním len mohol porozprávať - vedie týchto vzácnych ľudí, pod menom náboženstva, do osídla smrti, kde ich zabije na tisíce. Oni ne ... oni vidia len tú telesnú stranu.

132 Tento človek ... farebný brat - keď to veľké povstanie prišlo do Lousiany, bol som tam vtedy. Keď ... jeden farebný kazateľ, vzácny starý brat, postavil sa tam a povedal, požiadal milíciu: „Mohol by som ku ním prehovoriť; to sú moji ľudia."

133 A tento starý kazateľ sa tam postavil a povedal: „Chcem povedať dnes ráno, že nikdy som sa nehanbil za svoju farbu. Môj Stvoriteľ ma stvoril takého aký som."

134 On chce, aby takým pozostal. Takto On chce, aby každý človek pozostal. On urobil biele kvety a modré kvety a všetky fary kvetov. Nekrížte ich. Nekrížte ich. Postupujete proti prírode.

135 On povedal: „Nikdy som sa nehanbil za svoju farbu, až do tohoto dňa." On povedal: „Keď vidím mojich ľudí povstať a robiť veci, ktoré teraz robia," povedal: „pre to sa za nich hanbím."

Pomyslel som si: „Bože požehnaj ten hlas."

136 On povedal: „Spôsobíte len problémy." Povedal: „Pozrite sa tu na školy. Keby sme nemali žiadne školy, to by bolo iné, ale kto má tu v Lousiane najlepšie školy?"

137 On povedal: „Zoberme napríklad naše mesto, Shreveport. Tam je škola pre bielych a to je stará škola. Oni nám postavili inú. Oni nemajú ani jeden nástroj, ani jednu vec pre deti na hranie, my ich máme plný dvor. A okrem toho, postavili nám veľký mramorový plavecký bazén pre naše deti; a máme najlepších učiteľov, akých môžeme mať."

138 Povedal: „Prečo chcete chodiť tam, keď my to tu máme lepšie? Čo sa s vami deje?" Povedal.

139 A tí ľudia len „Ach," to zahlušilo ten hlas. Tu to máte. Vidíte? - zlá inšpirácia. Tí ľudia boli otroci. To sú moji bratia a sestry. Keby boli otroci, povedal by som: „Spojme sa s nimi a poďme dole ulicou a protestujme proti tomu."

140 Oni nie sú otroci. Sú obyvatelia s tými istými právami, ako každý iný. To je proste hromada inšpirácie, ktorá pochádza z pekla aby spôsobila, žeby milióny z nich boli zabití. Oni začnú revolúciu, skutočne. To nie je správne.

141 Muži a ženy majú svoje vlastné práva. Naši farební bratia a naši Japonci a tí žltí, bieli, čierni a akýkoľvek sú - pred Bohom farba kože nehrá žiadnu roľu. My všetci pochádzame z jedného muža, z Adama. Ale keď nás Boh oddelil a zmenil nám kožu na rôzne farby, zostaňme takí. Keby som bol žltý, chcel by som pozostať Japoncom alebo Číňanom. Keby som bol farebný, chcel by som takým zostať, Boh ma takého urobil.

142 Úprimne povedané, je veľa vecí na farebnej rase, ktoré by biela rasa mala mať. Oni sa netrápia, oni sú duchovnejší. Je na nich tisíce vecí, na ktoré biely proste nemajú. Boh ich takých urobil. Kto by dokázal zaspievať tak ako farebný spevácky zbor? Kde by ste na to zobrali hlas?

143 Videl som ich prichádzať tam z tých zemí, nevedeli, ktorá je pravá a ktorá ľavá ruka. Tridsať alebo štyridsať rôznych kmeňov a spievali, keď tam išli a tí odborníci tam stáli a povedali: „Ja sa ku tomu nemôžem ani prirovnať."

144 Roky trénované spevácke zbory a jeden bude o oktávu vyššie a nižšie a všelijako a hovoria: „Počúvajte to tam," tak dokonale, a ešte v rôznych jazykoch. Oni sú obdarení.

145 Ale vidíte, všetko toto sa musí stať; všetko kvôli politikovi, ktorého ste vy ľudia zvolili svojimi nečestnými strojmi. Toho dňa, keď tam stál ten guvernér, pod prísahou a zvolený do tohoto úradu, ľuďmi, a tá otázka ohľadne segregácii podľa konštitúcii je, že každý štát môže voči tomu zastávať svoj vlastný názor.

146 On si nerobil starosti, ale on prečítal konštitúciu a povedal: „No, škola je za segregáciu." Oni majú školu tam a len dve farebné deti chceli navštevovať tú školu, keď oni majú svoju vlastnú vysokú školu. Ale on sa postavil a povedal ... Čo on urobil ... čítal konštitúciu.

147 Potom keď to prišlo ku tomuto človeku, ktorého sme tu dostali, ktorý nepozná Jozefa, slobodu, podporuje tieto farebné voľby a nevie, že to bola v prvom rade republikánska strana, ktorá ich oslobodila, predáva ich prvorodenstvo za takéto niečo, aby ich viedol do osídla smrti, aby sa ukázalo, že každý ľudský systém musí upadnúť. Presne tak.

148 A pán Kenedy znárodnil tú „stráž" a poslal tých mužov rovno proti ich vlastným otcom, stojí tam pod konštitúciou, a to znovu porušuje konštitúciu. Povedali: „Nebudeme bojovať. Nie veru." a povedal: „Dúfam, že národ môže vidieť, že už viacej nežijeme v demokracii ale pod vládou vojenskej diktatúry."

149 Poznáte to staré porekadlo: „Raz som južným demokratom a som ním naveky." No teraz neviem, či je to tak. Určite človek bude mať dosť rozumu aby sa prebudil do niečoho. Nechajte tých vzácnych ľudí, nezabíjajte ich tam, ako ten chlap, zastrelil toho brata zozadu tej noci a jeho malé deti a žena v dome. Nestarám sa kto to bol, to je podlé. Tak veru

150 Chcel by som byť raz sudcom tohoto prípadu. Zastrelil toho muža, ktorý išiel domov ku svojej žene a deťom - on je obyvateľ, má právo stáť za tým čo si myslí, že je správne, dobrý človek.

151 V časopise Život bol obrázok - ten malý chlapec plakal za svojím otcom; a nejaký odpadlík ho tam zastrelil, zozadu. To je to, čo dostávate, keď odmietate Krista. Je to tak. Tam sa dostal celý národ, všetko pod politickú moc. To je taká hanba, ale to je to, čo sme chceli. Potvrdili sme to vo voľbách.

152 Môj malý syn mi povedal dnes ráno: „Ocko, tí pútnickí otcovia, keď oni sem prišli, oni všetci patrili do tejto určitej denominačnej cirkvi? Kde oni všetci ..."Povedal: „Oni mali veľké kabáty."

Povedal som: „Nie, oni sem prišli kvôli náboženskej slobode. Oni sem prišli preto aby sa dostali spod niečoho takého."

Vidíte kde sa to teraz dostalo? To ukazuje, že všetky tieto kráľovstvá musia upadnúť. (Musím sa ponáhľať.)

153 Modlím sa o jedno, aby sa brat Martin Luther King skutočne skoro prebudil. On miluje svojich ľudí; nie je o tom pochýb. Ale keby len videl, odkiaľ jeho inšpirácia ...

Čo z toho, keď budete chodiť do školy a milióny z vás budú ležať mŕtvi? Či to nebude len také isté chodenie do školy?

154 No, kvôli hladu, keby to bolo niečo iné - otroctvo, ten človek by bol mučeník, keby dal svoj život za takú vec, to by bolo hodno; a to by stálo za to. Ale len ohľadne chodenia do školy, nevidíme to.

155 Myslím, že Duch Svätý s ním ani trochu v tomto nesúhlasí. To podnietilo ľudí iba do vystatovania sa. Vidíte. Tak ako to urobil Hitler v Nemecku, viedol ich rovno do osídla smrti, tých vzácnych nemcov; a popadali ich miliardy, či milióny, popadaných jeden na druhom. To je presne to isté a pamätajte, čo hovorím je nahraté na páske, potom to uvidíte, možno potom, keď ja už tu nebudem.

156 To je presne to čo sa stane. Tí vzácni ľudia budú zomierať ako muchy. Začali revolúciu, obaja, biely a farební budú bojovať proti sebe a zomierať ako muchy. A čo z toho budete mať, keď to všetko skončí? Hromadu mŕtvych ľudí.

157 Ale tam povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa. To isté je dnes. Človek, ktorý povstal a zložil prísažný sľub v Bielom Dome, že nebude prisahať vo svojom sľube - nebude prisahať, že verí v náboženskú slobodu.

158 Čo hovorí tento nový pápež? Jedno - štyri veci. Jedna z nich je, zjednotiť spolu protestantov a katolíkov. A každému intelektuálnemu človekovi sa zdá, že to je to, čo treba urobiť. Ale podľa Biblie, to je tá zlá vec, ktorá sa robí a Biblia hovorí, že to urobia. (Poďme trochu ďalej.)

159 V tomto čase Ramses v Egypte rástol. Jeho moc rástla. Ten telesný človek, Ramses rástol. Ten telesný človek, antikrist, rastie teraz cez politiku. On sa už dostal do Bieleho domu.

160 V náboženstve, on dostal všetkých ľudí do takých rozpakov, že oni skutočne rovno na to naletia. A denominační vodcovia ... prakticky každá cirkev, ktorá je v tomto národe, je už v tom spoločenstve cirkví. Ramses rastie a oni sa všetci spolu jednotia a to je to, čo budú mať. A čo to robí? To vytvára moc, šelmu, presne ako je tá prvá.

161 Potom prichádza prenasledovanie na všetkých tých, ktorí sa s tým nezjednotia a bojkot. Potom bude príliš neskoro; už ste prijali znamenie. Nehovorte: „Ja to potom urobím." Radšej to urob teraz. Ramses rástol.

162 Ale pamätajte, zatiaľ čo Ramses rástol do moci v Egypte, Boh mal na púšti Mojžiša. On tiež rástol. Ramses mal politický systém. Boh mal duchovný systém cez účinkovanie proroka, pripraveného prísť, aby hovoril ku ľuďom. Oni obidvaja znovu rástli. V jednom z týchto dní príde odhalenie. Ten čas nie je ďaleko, keď nastane odhalenie.

163 Ako to telesné - ako hovorí Písmo: „To telesné odzrkadľuje duchovné." Nemôžete sa od toho dostať. Tu to je, je to rovno pred vašimi očami. Je to pravda.

164 Pozrite sa dnes na cirkev, vyvolaná, prichádza do moci. Duch Svätý prichádza dole. Tajomstvá Božie sú zjavené a dané do poriadku. Vidíte. A rovno tu, ona je už v Bielom dome a cirkev sa sťahuje dokopy - nie denominácia, ale von z otroctva neprávostí, preč od Amorejov. Ľudia, ktorí sú slobodní. Ó!

165 Boh mal Mojžiša, aby bol jeho prorokom, hoci on už prorokoval a ukázalo sa, že mal pravdu, ale ešte bol na púšti v škole, schovaný pred ostatným svetom. Ale bol vyškolený, vytrénovaný, vonku na púšti.

166 Nepriateľ bude stále ponúkať svoj systém a neveriaci to budú prijímať, pretože nepriateľ je tým intelektuálnym znakom. No, pamätajte, sú len dve ... Nezabudnite toto. Sú len dve moci. Jedna je Duchovná moc Ducha Svätého, tá druhá je diablova, ktorá pôsobí cez intelektuálnu moc. Lebo tam on vošiel do záhrady Eden - skrze intelektuálne moci, aby naviedol Evu aby uverila intelektuálnemu chápaniu proti Slovu. To je proste také jasné, ako len môže byť, deti to môžu porozumieť. Vidíte? A takto to bolo po celý čas. Tu je to v Egypte dnes ráno.

167 Je intelektuálna moc pôsobiaca v Ramsesovi, ktorá ho privádza hore do moci a dvíha ho hore, ktorý nepozná žiadnu slobodu aby nechal - čo vykonal Jozef, čo urobila cirkev na začiatku.

168 A teraz, vidíme to isté, intelektuálna moc sa vpletá pomedzi cirkvi a vyrastá do cirkevnej hlavy, ktorá sa nestará o to, čo hovorí Biblia. Oni majú svoj vlastný systém, to nie je to, čo hovorí Biblia; to je to, čo hovorí cirkev.

169 A protestanti sú vpletení rovno do toho, že až všetky ich malé skupiny ako toto ... „No, samozrejme, ja viem že to tam tak stojí, ale hovorím ti, tie dni pohynuli." Forma pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci moc. Každé Písmo v Biblii ukazuje rovno na to.

170 No, vidíte prečo som toto chcel nahrávať a poslať to ľuďom. Tá hodina nastala! Ľudia musia poznať pravdu! Exodus je na dosah ruky! Vidíte, tá intelektuálna časť vyzerá dokonale a je dokonalá. To je presne ... Ale dokonale, inšpirácia Satana.

171 A potom po celý čas, keď tento intelektuálny Ramses rástol a prichádzal na trón ... A pamätajte, on bol vychovaný, ako Mojžišov brat. Vidíte? Mojžišov brat. Jeden z nich musel zaujať ten intelektuálny trón, presne tak, ako Jozef a jeho bratia. A čo oni urobili s malým Jozefom? - vylúčili ho, zo Slova. Zo Slova Božieho. A oni vylúčili Slovo a prijali vyznanie, a teraz, vyznanie narástlo do moci. Ó Bože, nech to ľudia vidia!

172 Ako môžem použiť ešte viacej hlasu? Ako to môžem povedať ešte jasnejšie skrze Písma pod inšpiráciou Svätého Ducha, že sme tu. „Ó" vy poviete, „ no dobre, keby to prišlo od pápeža Jána, alebo od toho a toho pápeža, alebo biskupa toho a toho ..."

173 Vidíte, že Boh zobral obyčajného, nepatrného človeka, ktorý býval na púšti? Poviete: „Ako toto všetko môže byť nesprávne?" Boh jedná s jednotlivcom, nie so skupinou, s jednotlivcami. Boh berie svojho ... jediné, čo On musí mať je jeden človek, s ktorým môže pracovať. To je všetko, čo On chce, jedného človeka.

174 On sa to snažil získať cez všetky veky, keď sa mu podarí získať jedného človeka. On mal jedného vo dňoch Noeho; jedného vo dňoch Eliáša; jedného vo dňoch Jána Krstiteľa. Proste jeden človek, to je všetko, čo potrebuje.

175 Vo dňoch sudcov, On sa snažil získať jedného človeka, Samsona. Dal mu veľkú moc, ale on to predal žene a bol oslepený. Súd, nebolo to tak, Boh je sudca. Vidíte?

176 Vidíte dnes, On sa snaží získať jedného človeka, ktorého môže zobrať do ruky ... ktorý povie pravdu, ktorý s tým bude nebojácny, ktorý nebude brať žiadne ohľady, nebude to dogmatické. Jeden muž, ktorého On môže držať vo svojej ruke a ukázať, že jeho Slovo je živé, ukázať, že On je živý.

177 Verím, že On môže pripraviť takú osobu. Verím, verím tomu, proste verím dosť Biblii, aby som tomu veril. On to môže dosiahnuť, je to tak, ktorý povie pravdu.

178 Po chvíli sme zistili, potom keď prešiel cez všetky tie školy ... No, dávajte pozor, nepriateľ ponúka niečo - rozumovú myseľ, pretože nepriateľ pracuje na rozumových schopnostiach. A tá myseľ sa posadí a bude to vyhovárať a povie: „No, počkaj chvíľu. Či nie je tak, že koncil ..." Rozprával som sa raz s jedným človekom a on povedal: „Pozri sa, Billy ..." (On pracoval pre Spoločnosť verejných služieb, dobrý človek.) A povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Povedal: „Ty si Ír."

Povedal som: „Áno. Tak trochu sa za to hanbím, ale jednako som."

A on povedal: „Či nevieš, že ty, ty by si mal byť v skutočnosti katolík."

Povedal som: „Ja som, originálny katolík."

179 Viete, prvá cirkev bola katolícka cirkev. Vidíte kde sa to dnes dostalo? To začalo na letnice, ale organizácia to dostala tam, kde je to teraz. Pozrite sa na letničných, išli rovno naspäť a zorganizovali sa a urobili tie veci, ktoré urobila tá prvá katolícka cirkev - a oni sa dostali dnes skoro tak ďaleko, ako oni za dve tisíc rokov. Za päťdesiat rokov sa dostali skoro do toho.

180 On povedal: „Neveríš, že keď spolu zasadne skupina ekumenických myslí (Tu to máte) a odôvodnia niečo a celá skupina s tým súhlasí, či nemyslíš, že oni budú len trochu ... „ Povedal: „Počul som ťa kázať, ale nesúhlasím s tebou."

Povedal som: „Jediný spôsob, ktorým môžeš dokázať to, že nesúhlasíš je logika, dokáž to Bibliou."

On povedal: Biblia s tým nemá nič spoločného."

Povedal som: „Pre teba možno nemá, ale pre mňa ona má s tým všetko spoločné." Vidíte? To je Slovo.

On povedal: „Nemyslíš, že skupina ekumenických myslí zídených spolu môže mať viacej pravdu a byť si istá, že má pravdu, než ako jeden prostý nevzdelaný človek, ako si ty?"

A ja som povedal: „Dobre ..." On povedal: „Čo ty máš do toho hovoriť niečo proti našej cirkvi? Keď cez celé veky - keď oni mali ten prvý cirkevný koncil, ako si to raz večer hovoril, (keď počul cirkevný vek ohľadne ekumenického koncilu, ktorý sa zhromaždil v Nicei, v Ríme a sformoval rímsko katolícku cirkev.) Nevieš, že tam bolo tisíce mužov, duchovných, od Boha poslaných mužov, ktorí sedeli na tom koncile? A nemyslíš, že ich mienka bude mať väčšiu tendenciu poznať vôľu Božiu, než ako tvoja tu, potom čo Boh potvrdil za dve tisíc rokov, že tá cirkev je pravá?"

181 Povedal som: „On to nikdy nepotvrdil." Povedal som: „Ak tá cirkev je cirkev Božia, nech ju vidíme niesť to, čo niesla vtedy tá prvá cirkev. Nech ju vidíme robiť tie veci, ktoré oni robili vtedy na prvom mieste." Keď ešte aj Biblia hovorí, že „ani jedna bodka ani čiarka z toho nesklame." A On povedal: „Ktokoľvek z tohoto odoberie jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho, jeho diel bude z toho odňatý." Či je to ekumenický koncil, alebo čokoľvek to je z knihy života, je s ním koniec.

On povedal: „Billy, ty si proste podivín."

182 A ja som povedal: „Potom myslím, že raz v tom vysokom úrade Izraela, keď sa oni oddelili ako protestanti a katolíci dnes - Izrael chcel zostať Izraelom. Ale povedal som: „Nachádzame, že oni mali kráľa Jozafata, bol to spravodlivý človek, ktorý sa snažil dodržiavať Božie zákony; ale tam oni mali iného, ktorý sa nazýval Achab, ktorý sa oženil, urobil politický manéver, chcel sa spriateliť s iným národom a zobral si za ženu jednu z ich dcér, Jezábeľ, a priviedol ju medzi ľud Boží - to je to isté, čo my robíme. A priviedol ... a ona začala vládnuť. Spravila, že Achab povedal toto a spravila, že Achab povedal tamto - to isté, čo oni robia teraz." A povedal som: „Prišlo odhalenie, oni chceli zjednotiť obidve tie cirkvi spolu, ako sa to snažia teraz." A Achab a dokonca aj Jozafat, ten muž organizácii povedal: „Áno, to bude dobre. Tvoj ľud je môj ľud. My sme všetci kresťania. My sme všetci veriaci. Dajme sa dokopy.

183 Ale keď on prišiel tam dole ku odhaleniu, on povedal: „Nemyslíš, že by sme sa mali za toto modliť? Mali by sme sa poradiť Pána." A on povedal: „Áno." Povedal Achab.

184 Tak on povedal: „Poviem ti čo urobíme. Nájdime proroka Pánovho." Ale vidíte, Achab mal systém, o ktorom si myslel, že je od Pána. Povedal: „Mám ich štyristo, vyškolených, vytrénovaných a oni tvrdia, že sú hebrejskí proroci," (ako to tvrdí dnes ta kazateľská skupina).

185 A oni ich priviedli a opýtali sa ich, či ísť do boja. A všetci sa zjednotili, tak ako to robí dnes ekumenická rada a priniesli odpoveď: „Choď, Pán s tebou, lebo tá zem skutočne patrí nám a vytlačíš z nej Sírov, či Filištínov. Vytlačíš ich, pretože tá zem patrí nám." To znelo veľmi rozumne. Vidíte?

186 Ale predsa v srdci Jozafata to neznelo správne. On povedal: „Viem, že tam máš štyristo dobre vycvičených ekumenických kazateľov a oni sa všetci zhodujú," (Že až jeden si spravil železné rohy a povedal: „Tak hovorí Pán") „ale mohli by sme pohľadať ešte jedného?"

187 On povedal: „Nech tak nehovorí kráľ," ten politik povedal. „Nech tak nehovorí kráľ, pretože títo muži sú vycvičení. Ja sám som ich vycvičil." Tu to máte, to je to. „Ja som vycvičil tých mužov, ale je ešte jeden, ale ja ho nenávidím." Vidíte?

188 Povedal: „To je Micheáš, syn Jimlu, ale ja ho nenávidím. On nie je nič iné, než odpadlík medzi nimi. On stále na nich kričí. On mi stále hovorí, že zle robím a pozri na moje kráľovstvo."

Áno, pozri sa naň. Pozri aké v ňom bolo zamiešanie.

189 Pozrite sa dnes na vašu denomináciu, má formu pobožnosti a zapiera jej moc. Ó, môže vás byť o milióny viacej a o tisíce a môžete mať lepšie vycvičených ľudí, ale kde ste v Duchu? Kde máte silu, ktorá bola v Samsonovi, keď on tam stál, ako som raz povedal, so všetkou svojou veľkou konštrukciou a každé vlákno tam, ale nebol v ňom žiadny život?

190 Duch ho opustil; bol bezmocný, malé dieťa ho viedlo, mal oslepené oči, kvôli nejakej žene. Tak isto ako dnes cirkev, vedená politikmi, biskupmi, staršími a všetkým možným. Muži vyťahujú slamu, aby dostali niečo do klobúka a všetko možné. Kde sme sa dostali?

191 Tak, keď sme sa dostali ku tomuto bodu, oni poslali a zavolali Micheáša syna Jimlu. Poslali a zavolali ho a on prorokoval a povedal im, že Achab bude zabitý, ak tam pôjde a ten arcibiskup ho udrel po ústach. On bol na to hrdý. Povedal: „Kde odišiel Duch Boží odo mňa?" On povedal: „Uvidíš." Povedal: „Zavrite ho do vezenia; zavrite ho do vnútorného vezenia a dávajte mu jesť chlieb súženia a piť vodu súženia a keď sa vrátim v pokoji, vysporiadam sa s týmto človekom."

192 A Jimla vedel, že to bolo zhodné s Bohom ... Prečo? Svoje videnie porovnal so Slovom. On bol prorok a jeho Duch a jeho videnie pasovali presne s tým, čo povedal prorok Eliáš. On povedal: „Ak sa ešte vrátiš, potom Boh nehovoril cezo mňa."

193 No, povedal som tomuto človeku: „Kto mal pravdu, ten ekumenický koncil, kde spolu zasadalo štyristo vyvolených mužov, vyvolených človekom, alebo ten malý odpadlík, vyvolený od Boha?"

On povedal: „Dobre, ako to rozoznáš?"

Povedal som: „Treba ísť naspäť do plánov." Ako môžeme vedieť postaviť nejakú budovu, ak nie sú na to plány?

194 Keby sa boli na chvíľu zastavili a zistili, že ten prorok, Eliáš, preklial Achaba a povedal, že psi budú lízať jeho krv a tak sa stalo. Ako on môže žehnať to čo Boh preklial? Ako môžete žehnať niečo, čo Boh preklial?

Vyjdite z toho, odíďte preč od toho. Poďte do Krista.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... pripravil to, a intelektuálna myseľ povie, že to je správne. Tam bol tento vzácny brat, tento človek. On povedal: „Pozrite ako ... pozrite sa sem, viete že ak sa dáme všetci dokopy ako jedna cirkev, nemyslíte, že budeme na tom lepšie, než ako takto roztrúsení, ako sme teraz?"

195 Nezneje to rozumne, ak sa všetci protestanti a katolíci budú môcť dať dokopy a prídu na nejaké vzájomné porozumenie? Ale ako môžu kráčať dvaja jednou cestou, ak sa nezhodnú? Ako môžete vy, keď jedna skupina tu neverí v uzdravenie a ten ďalší tu hovorí, že tomu veria, iný to kladie do nejakého iného minulého času, (niektorí z nich ani neveria Biblii) a dáte to spolu; čo z toho dostanete? Boh nie je autorom neporiadku.

196 Prv ako Boh mohol vôbec dať svoju cirkev do poriadku, oni čakali desať dní a nocí, až kým sa všetci nedostali na jedno miesto a zhodovali sa, a vtedy prišiel Duch Svätý, aby ich viedol. Nie nejaký ekumenický koncil. Vidíte? Dúfam, že tomuto rozumiete.

197 Všimnite si, to je neveriaci, neverný Božiemu Slovu, ten si nevšíma čo hovorí Slovo, ale všíma si svoje vlastné mudrovanie. To je to, čo na prvom mieste urobila Eva. Ona spoľahla na svoje vlastné úvahy.

198 Satan povedal: „No pozri sa sem, nie je to rozumné? Ja viem, že Slovo to hovorí, ale počkaj chvíľu, nie je to rozumné, že ty budeš na tom lepšie, ak budeš poznať dobré od zlého?"

„Dobre, áno ..." Potom to ona prijala. Skutočne, tak to je; oni uvažujú.

199 No, neveriaci bude stále - začne mudrovať, ale viera sa toho nebude dotýkať! Či to bolo rozumné pre nášho otca Abraháma, ktorý je otcom našej viery, Abrahám - my sme jeho deti, v Kristovi - či to bolo rozumné, že šesťdesiat päť ročná žena a on s ňou žil po všetky tie roky - odkedy bola dievčaťom, žeby mohla mať dieťa? A keď mala sto rokov, alebo deväťdesiat a on sto a stále nemala žiadne dieťa. Bolo to rozumné ... Nejaký veľký lekársky a vedecký personál vyšetrili Sáru a povedali: „No, jej lono vyschlo. Mliečne žľazy vyschli pred štyridsiatimi rokmi." Jej srdce v tom veku - ona sa nemohla veľmi namáhať. Prečo, to sú len múdre reči, ale Abrahám ich odmietol! On nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, voči tým múdrym rečiam - on nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom, bez ohľadu na to, čo to bolo, lebo mal Boha za takého, ktorý je schopný vykonať všetko, čo povedal.

200 No, kde sú deti Abrahámove dnes ráno? Vy kazatelia, ktorí sa bojíte ... bojíte sa o svoj chlieb a vodu ... že sa dostanete na ulicu, ak opustíte ten Babylon, kde je vaša viera? Dávid povedal: „Bol som mladý a teraz som starý, ale nikdy som nevidel spravodlivého opusteného ani jeho semena žobrať chleba." Nebojte sa. Buďte verní Kristovi.

201 Ale nevera sa chytá múdrych rečí. To je to, čo urobila ... No, rozumiete tomu? Nevera spočíva na múdrych rečiach - na veciach tohoto dňa. Viera to nerobí; viera hľadí na Slovo, ale viera sa stavia na nepohnuteľnú skalu - na Božie večné Slovo. Amen! Viera nehľadí na múdre reči. Nestarám sa o to ako veľmi môžete ukázať, že by to bolo lepšie, ak Slovo hovorí „Nie," viera odpočíva na tom. To je svätyňa, miesto, na ktorom odpočíva viera.

202 Chcem sa vás luteránov dnes ráno opýtať, vás baptistov a vás katolíkov a vás, čokoľvek ste - vás ľudí z denominácií po celom svete, ako môžete postaviť svoju vieru na vašu denomináciu, keď je to nezhodné so Slovom? Aký druh viery máte? Máte moc rozumu a nie vieru. „Lebo viera prichádza z počúvania," počúvania ekumenickej rady? Ha-ha. Či by ste mohli vôbec povedať ... To môžete nájsť v nejakom almanachu narodeninových gratulácií starých žien, ale nikdy to nenájdete v Božom Slove. „Viera prichádza z počúvania a počúvania skrze Slovo Božie." Amen!

203 Ukážte mi toho človeka, ktorý môže hovoriť niečo nezhodne s týmto a vravieť, že je to Slovo Božie, keď nebo aj zem pominú ale to Slovo nepominie. Viera nachádza Slovo, svoju svätyňu odpočinku. Ona sa posúva rovno na vrch tej večnej skaly, Krista Ježiša, Slova, a tam sa uloží a odpočíva.

204 Nech zadujú vetry, nech zatrasú búrky, ona je stále bezpečná. Ona odpočíva rovno tam na tom Slove. Tam odpočíva viera, skutočná kresťanská viera. Miestom odpočinutia je Slovo. Lebo vie, že Boh sa stále dokáže, ako vyššie postavený ponad každým svojím nepriateľom. Bez ohľadu na to, ako zle to vyzerá alebo, že nepriateľ prichádza, že to vyzerá, ako keby ste boli porazení, viera stále vie.

205 No, vy chorí ľudia, ó, ako by som bol rád, aby ste to jasne porozumeli. Keď uchopíte tú vieru, že budete uzdravení, akákoľvek okolnosť, čokoľvek, všetky znaky, všetky príznaky môžu nasvedčovať, že idete zomrieť, vy sa ani nepohnete.

206 Jej miesto odpočinku je v svätyni Božieho Slova, keď sa tam postaví viera, skutočná viera. Teraz nie pretvarovaná viera - viera. Nie nádej - viera. Nádej je tu vonku a dúfa, že bola vo vnútri. Viera je už vo vnútri, díva sa von a hovorí: „Stalo sa." To je viera! Tam viera nachádza svoje miesto odpočinku, lebo vie, že Boh nikdy, nikdy nedá nepriateľovi prejsť ponad Seba. On to nikdy nedal. Viera to vie, tak bez ohľadu na to, ako to vyzerá ...

207 Noe vedel, že koráb bude plávať - skutočne to vedel. Daniel vedel, že Boh môže zavrieť tlamy ľvov! Tie hebrejské deti vedeli, že Boh môže zastaviť ten oheň! Ježiš vedel, že Boh ho znovu vzbudí z mŕtvych, pretože Slovo hovorilo: „Nenechám jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie." On vedel, že porušenie nastáva po sedemdesiatych dvoch hodinách a On povedal: Za tri dni znovu vstanem."

Vidíte? Ona nachádza svoje večné miesto odpočinku vo svätyni Božieho Slova a tam zostáva.

208 Rozum sa bude snažiť svoje najlepšie aby poznal ... Dobre, „Tento systém by mal byť lepší. Toto je to." To vyzerá lepšie, pretože sa na to dívate svojou intelektuálnou mysľou. Múdre reči môžete dokázať ale vieru nemôžete dokázať, pretože keby ste to mohli dokázať, už to viac nie je viera. Ale viera pozná jedine Slovo a zasľúbenie a ona hľadí na to, čo vy nevidíte. „Viera je podstatou toho, na čo sa nadejeme, presvedčením o veciach, ktoré sa nevidia." Nedokážete to odôvodniť. Ja neviem dokázať, ako sa to stane. Ja neviem, ako sa to stane. Ja to neviem, ale verím tomu. Viem, že je to tak, pretože Boh tak povedal, a tým je to vybavené. Preto viem, že toto je pravda.

209 Viem, že Slovo je pravda! Viem, že posolstvo je pravda! Pretože ono je v Slove a vidím živého Boha, ako sa v tom pohybuje a dokazuje to!

210 Sme v exoduse, to je skutočná pravda. Ani sama smrť nemôže zatriasť vierou. Človek môže stáť rovno tvárou v tvár smrti a jasať nad víťazstvom zmŕtvychvstania.

211 Pavel ... „Ó, smrť, kde je tvoj osteň, hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo?" Pretože Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, a tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi sa ukážu s ním pri jeho príchode. Vidíte? To sa nemôže zmeniť. Áno, viera činí Božie Slovo svojou svätyňou, svojho večného odpočinku. Leží v Slove Božom.

212 Všimnite si znovu ... Trochu teraz pretiahneme o dvadsať päť minút, ak vám to nevadí. Chcem ešte chvíľu pokračovať pri nahrávaní tejto pásky.

213 Všimnite si, ten kráľ, ten nový kráľ, ktorý povstal, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa - aký bol jeho prvý zámer aby zničil moc Izraela? - to bolo s ich deťmi. Je to tak? On sa snažil zničiť ich deti. No, dobre počúvajte.

214 Ten istý diabol v inej forme kráľovstva sa snažil zničiť Božieho jediného Syna. Vidíte? Zbaviť sa prv tých detí, prv ako začali. Diabol je naozaj prefíkaný, chytrý vtáčik. On vie ako udrieť do niečoho prv ako to začne; on to vie. Vidíte? A jediný spôsob, ako ho môžete poraziť je spočívať na Kristovi a pokoriť sa a dovoliť, aby vás viedol. Nijako inak to nedokážete.

215 Vaša intelektuálna moc to nikdy nedokáže. Vy tomu musíte veriť a spoliehať len na Neho. On je pastier. Nie je vecou oviec, aby odháňali vlka, to je pastierova robota; ale ovce musia zostávať s pastierom, aby zostávali v bezpečí. To je moja bezpečná zóna, v Kristovi a Kristus je Slovo. To je bezpečná zóna.

216 Všimnite si, diabol vo forme Ramsesa, kráľa. Prvé čo urobil, zbavoval sa detí telesnou smrťou a len čo sa narodil Syn Boží, on sa presunul z Egypta; pretože Boh zničil Egypt, preklial ho, odvtedy nikdy nepovstal.

217 Potom on bol v Ríme. Satan preniesol svoju stolicu do Ríma. A to prvé, čo Rím urobil aby to všetko zničil, aby si bol istý ... diabol v tom rímskom systéme sa snažil zničiť čo? Syna Božieho hneď od začiatku, ten istý diabol.

218 A dnes robí to isté, teraz pod znamením ducha náboženstva, vyznávajú kresťanstvo a berú naše dievčatá a vydávajú ich za katolíckych chlapcov a vedú ich, aby svoje deti vychovávali na katolíkov, aby zničili moc tej druhej strany. Tam máte toho démona. Tam je ten diabol, ktorý sedí na siedmich vrchoch, nosí trojitú korunu. Taký úlisný a prefíkaný, chytrý, intelektuálny, ako had, semeno hada, jeho deti používajú tie isté intelektuálne techniky.

219 Pozrite, oni potom zabíjali deti ešte dva krát. Čím oni zabíjali tie deti? Dva krát ... pamätajte teraz, vidíme to dvakrát a potom tretí raz. On zabíjal tie deti v tých prvých dvoch prípadoch telesnou smrťou. A v tomto poslednom čase on dostáva tie deti a zabíja ich duchovnou smrťou - ženením sa a vydávaním.

220 Či Daniel nepovedal to isté v tomto kráľovstve železa a hliny, že oni zmiešali tie semená snažiac sa zlámať silu tých druhých ľudí a čo oni robia? Až kým teraz nedostali tú vec - oni tam majú prezidenta; a teraz to ďalšie, čo musíte urobiť je, len tam postaviť kardinála. Dostať dovnútra celý kabinet, čo urobíte potom?

221 To ďalšie čo urobia, zoberú svoje peniaze a vyplatia dlh Spojených štátov a požičajú to od cirkvi a potom ste predaní. No, dnes žijeme, platíme naše zahraničné dlhy s peniazmi z daní, ktoré nebudú zaplatené až za štyridsať rokov. Nemáme už viacej peniaze, ale cirkev má. Či nehovorí Biblia, že bola pokrytá zlatom a ... Ó! Ale vy ... Takto sa to deje. Vidíte?

222 Berú si za ženy vaše dcéry; vaše dcéry, vydávajú sa za vašich synov, vychovávajú deti na katolíkov, presne - zabíjajú ich duchovnou smrťou. Nepovedala Biblia, že ju hodí na ležisko svetskosti a zabije jej deti duchovnou smrťou - Zjavenie 17. Vidíte?

223 To je stále Slovo. Nestarám sa kde chodíte, to je stále Slovo. To musí pasovať presne do obrazu, ak nie, nie je to Slovo, nie je to Slovo. Ak nemôžete spraviť, aby to išlo celou cestou podľa Biblie, potom je to zlé.

224 Pozrite, v priebehu tohoto času, Boh trénoval svojho sluhu na jeho prácu. Trénoval ho pomimo ich dohľadu, pomimo ich plánov, ich schém. (Zrozumievate to?) Pomimo ich organizovaného systému, Boh cvičil človeka aby vyplnil jeho zámer. On to proste nechal tak bežať.

225 Nechal ho aby sa oženil a mal ženu a deti, dieťa, Geršona. Žil si celkom dobrým životom, žehnal ho tam. Ale po celý ten čas ho pripravoval, cvičil ho. Boh a jeho nepriateľ to robili vtedy v tom prirodzenom, práve tak ako Boh a jeho nepriateľ to robia teraz v tom duchovnom.

226 Oni ich zabíjali telesnou smrťou, teraz duchovnou smrťou. Vidíte? Boh pripravoval telesného človeka, svojho proroka, aby išiel dole do Egypta. A satan pripravoval Ramsesa, svojho telesného človeka, - pripravoval telesného človeka. Načo? Aby zabil alebo zjednotil všetkých Egypťanov a Hebrejov spolu a spravil, aby mu stále slúžili.

227 Preto rozum tak ťažko namieta proti tomu vzdelávaciemu systému, ktorý môže dokázať svoje body. Je to tak, rozum stále pôjde za vzdelaním. Intelektuálna a rozumová myseľ to ani nevidí.

228 Videli ste film „Desať prikázaní" od Cecila DeMille? Myslím, že mnohí z vás ho videli. Nie som za chodením do kina a na predstavenia a také veci, ale doporučujem ho zboru, že každý kto ... ak ľudia nemali nič len to, že to chceli vidieť. Bude to v poriadku, ak to chcú vidieť, pretože to by ne ... Prv, niektorí moji bratia tam išli; prišli a povedali mi, ja som už nebol v kine veľa rokov, nakoniec som išiel, keď to bolo tu v tomto, kde sa pozerá z auta. Díval som sa na to. A videl som čo to bolo, a potom, povedal som v zbore: „Ak sa chcete ísť na to pozrieť, dobre."

229 Tam to bolo pekne, prekrásne, ako ten diablov trik, aký on tam bol chytrý. Ako on tam vošiel, aby zabil tie deti a ako to tá intelektuálna myseľ prijala a verila tomu, pretože to mohli vidieť a to bolo rozumné.

230 Ó, ako Boh po celý čas cvičil tohoto proroka; a ako Egypt sa cvičil v politike, tento Ramses, aby zvíťazil. A potom jedného dňa prišiel ten veľký zápas medzi tou intelektuálnou a duchovnou mocou. A Ramses so všetkými svojimi bohmi - a stál tam vonku a lial tam vodu, aby žehnal boha Nílu. Boh ho udrel a vytiekla z neho krv. Ó, myslím, že to bolo zarážajúce (Vidíte?), vidieť čo sa deje.

231 Ó, teraz, dávajte pozor, ten intelektuálny človek bude stále - ide do rozumového zdôvodňovania, a nemôže vidieť tú duchovnú stranu, pretože je intelektuálny. Ó, nemohli to vidieť v žiadnom čase, nemôžu to vidieť ani teraz.

232 Oni to nemohli vidieť vo dňoch Eliáša, ako by mohol ten starý bradatý prorok - nech mi Boh odpustí, že to takto hovorím, ale len chcem ... Boh vie, že sa to snažím zosmiešniť, ako len môžem, aby ste tak mohli vidieť Ducha Božieho, ako povedal Pavel: „Moja kázeň nezáležala v presviedčavých ľudskej múdrosti slovách, lebo vaša myseľ by sa niesla ku múdrosti; ale ja som prišiel s mocou Ducha Svätého, aby vaša nádej a spoľahnutie odpočívalo, nie v ľudskej múdrosti ale v moci zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista."

233 Preto toto predstavujem takto smiešne, keď hovorím o tomto veľkom Božom prorokovi, že bol bradatý, pretože on mohol vyzerať strašne, keď stál vedľa toho dobre oblečeného kňaza a hovoril o sebe, že je muž Boží. A pozrite sa na nich; v intelektuálnej mysli by ste mohli vidieť svätosť toho kňaza.

234 Mohli ste vidieť na jeho hlave ovinutý turban a tu na hrudi efod. Mohli ste vidieť olej pomazania (prirodzený), ako mu steká z brady až na okraj jeho rúcha. Mohli ste vidieť, ako horí obetný oheň a ako po poriadku prebiehajú všetky tie rituály.

235 No, to je to, do čoho zachádza tá telesná myseľ. To je to, čo sa oni snažia robiť dnes. Oko, dvere do duše, ale vidíte, to duchovné oko vzadu v tom oku. Oni sa dívali na tohoto starého zarasteného človeka, ktorý tam stál, zarastený na prsiach, zavinutý do kusa ovčej kože, opásaný okolo bedier, možno bol bosý, mäso na rukách mu takto viselo a biela brada mu povievala a v ruke mal krivú palicu, stál tam, ale to duchovné oko mohlo vidieť Božiu moc, ako sa tam pohybuje, pretože to bolo presne podľa Slova.

236 Nie to čo vidí rozum, čo vidí duchovné oko. A telesné oko dnes vidí atraktívnu cirkev, obecenstvo so starostom mesta alebo s čímkoľvek - v týchto denomináciách, organizáciách a oni prehliadajú moc Ducha Svätého, keď ona môže kriesiť mŕtvych a uzdravovať chorých a ... a ako, ... oni sa dívajú ... Oni pozorujú Hollywood, a oni pozorujú ľudí na ulici.

237 Ženy si dnes myslia: „Aha, táto žena, Suzy, ona patrí do cirkvi. Má ostrihané vlasy. Maľuje sa. Páči sa každému v meste." Pochybujem, že v nebi. Keď to nesúhlasí so Slovom, Boh sa za tým nemôže podpísať. Podpisoval by to sám proti sebe, zapieral by svoje vlastné Slovo a vieme, že to Boh nikdy neurobí! Hoci nebo aj zem pominú, žena s ostrihanými vlasmi je v Božích očiach zlorečenstvom, alebo žena, ktorá si oblieka odev, ktorý patrí mužovi.

Vidíte? To duchovné oko to zachytáva. Oni žijú pre budúcnosť. Telesná myseľ žije, aby rozumom posudzovala telesné veci daného dňa.

238 Všimnite si teraz, Boh toto robí a predsa to ľudia nevideli. Sprevádzajúcim javom tej telesnej mysli boli rozumové úvahy. Boh teraz vyvoláva duchovný exodus. Vtedy vyvolával telesný exodus pre svoj ľud, dnes vyvoláva duchovný exodus - pre svojich, čo? - Pre svojich vyvolených. Jedine pre svojich vyvolených!

239 No, Egypt nemohol vidieť, že Izrael je v poriadku. Hoci krv baránka bola na dverách a na futrách a tie veci, ktoré sa diali a Boh bol tam dole, pohyboval sa vo svojom prorokovi a reagoval na slovo človeka.

240 Dal mu, aby sa tam postavil a zobral palicu, na ktorú sa opieral a ukázal smerom na východ a povedal: „Nech prídu muchy a nech zaplavia egypťanov."

241 Odišiel a každý povedal: „Nič sa nestalo, nič sa nestalo." Ale hneď potom za chvíľu musela začať krúžiť okolo nejaká zelená mucha. Za chvíľu tam bolo možno dve libry múch na yard štvorcový, stvorenia ktoré človek vypovedaním slova zavolal do existencie.

242 Tu máme intelektuálneho Ramsesa, ktorý tam stojí. Ktorý bol proti ... veľmi nábožný človek a proti Duchu živého Boha. A tá telesná myseľ mohla vidieť len Ramsesa, ale duchovná myseľ videla zasľúbenie a videla, ako sa ono vyplňuje.

243 „Dobre, ak Jozua a Kálef mohli nazvať tých Amalechitov a Hetejov a Jebuzejov, ako keby neboli; oni boli dva alebo tri alebo štyri krát väčší, ako oni a tá telesná myseľ v Kádeš Barnei, keď tí špehovia preskúmali zem a povedali: Och, my to nedokážeme. Ich je príliš veľa! Aha, my sme ako, my sme ako kobylky v porovnaní ku ním." ale Kálef a Jozua videli Božie zasľúbenie a povedali: „My sme viac ako schopní to urobiť." Prečo? Oni sa dívali - Boh povedal: „Dávam vám tú zem." Vidíte?

244 Tá telesná myseľ to nerozumie. Duchovná myseľ to zachytáva. A prečo ... Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Prečo tí Egypťania nevideli tieto veci? Pretože neboli vyvolení.

245 Boh povedal Abrahámovi predtým ako sa to stalo ... (pochop to, spiaca cirkev!) Boh povedal Abrahámovi predtým ako sa to stalo: „Tvoje semeno bude pohostínom v Egypte štyristo rokov a Ja ich z tade vyvediem." Preto to oni videli, pretože boli vyvolení, aby to videli, oni ... vyvolenie.

246 Izrael bol vyvolený aby videl znak Boží a oni vyšli z Egypta, kde tí neveriaci zahynuli! A dnes, Boh volá svojich vyvolených, to duchovné semeno Abraháma skrze vieru, ktorú ono má v Slovo Božie.

247 Nevidíte to duchovné semeno dnes? Ktoré nevidí tú intelektuálnu cirkev, ono vidí Slovo. A ono je vyvolané z tých veľkých denominácií do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista. Je to jasné? Porozumeli ste tomu? Dobre. Pôjdeme ďalej.

248 Jedine vyvolení! Doktor D.L.Ph., oni to nikdy neuvidia. Oni neboli vyvolení. A pamätajte, toto vyvolenie, ktoré teraz prichádza, to nie je odísť do iného národa. To je odchod do slávy, tam kde ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života. Nie pod prirodzeným malým zvieracím baránkom, pod ktorým bol vyvedený Izrael, že oni od toho mohli odpadnúť a ísť naspäť, ale pod týmto nemôžu. Toto je pod krvou Baránka Božieho, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života, pred založením sveta.

249 Oni sú tam, vyvolení, a keď to svetlo takto na nich svieti, potom z nich odpadávajú tie denominačné múry a oni tu prichádzajú. „Vyjdite z pomedzi nich," povedal Duch svätý v týchto posledných dňoch. „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí. Ja budem váš Boh; vy budete Moji synovia a dcéry."

250 Dívajte sa teraz, Izrael dával pozor. Oni vedeli, že Boh jedná s ich prorokmi, Slovo prichádza ku ním a oni prichádzajú, aby to videli a oni to videli. A teraz, ten intelektuálny znak, vidíme to teraz, že oni veria vo svoje organizácie. Oni sú stále vo svojich vyznaniach. Hoci oni ...

Tak ako bol Balám, ktorý vyšiel na vrch, z ktorého videl Izrael. Tam bol Izrael, nie národ, to boli len ľudia, chodiaci z miesta na miesto a boli vinní! A Moáb, jeho brat, intelektuálny, ten zorganizovaný človek, vyšiel hore na vrch toho kopca s biskupom, alebo s prorokom, ktorého mali a postavil oltáre a obetoval tú istú obeť, ale prehliadol medzi Izraelom ohnivý stĺp a udretú skalu.

251 Tak je to dnes. Intelektuálna myseľ sa dívala na tú parádu, ktorá tam prebiehala. Oni nevideli tú udretú skalu. Ani sám biskup, nevidel moc Ducha Svätého a krik Kráľa v tábore. Oni to prehliadli.

252 Tak, takto sa to znovu deje dnes. Boh volá svoj vyvolený ľud a oni sú vyvolení teraz. A teraz, oni sú vyvolení na čo? Na vzkriesenie, a aký znak im On ukazuje? - znak vzkriesenia. Čo im On ukazoval vtedy? znak vyslobodenia, vyslobodil ich z otroctva. Znak moci, ktorá mohla zavrieť nebesia alebo mohla začierniť nebo.

253 A teraz On ukazuje moc vzkriesenia svojho Syna žijúceho medzi nimi, aby ich vzkriesil z tohoto hrobu a z cintorína, v ktorom sme, do zeme, ktorú nám zasľúbil - znak vzkriesenia - vyvoláva z duchovného Egyptu a duchovného Babylonu.

254 Vediac ... Dovoľte mi toto povedať, teraz kľudne, aby ste to porozumeli. Robí to takým istým systémom, akým to robil na začiatku, On robí to isté, zaslepuje oči neveriaceho, otvára oči veriaceho. A všimnite si, na tej intelektuálnej strane to robí politika, politika a cirkev, politika a národy, všetko. A tá druhá strana je skrytá pred nimi, tá duchovná záležitosť.

255 Boh zobral jedného človeka na púšť, vycvičil ho a priviedol ho naspäť a zabral tú vec a vyviedol tých ľudí. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? On nemôže zmeniť svoj program. On je Boh. On nikdy nebude jednať so skupinou; On to nikdy nerobil; On jedná s jednotlivcom a jednal a bude jednať a On zasľúbil ešte aj v Malachiášovi, že to bude robiť. Je to tak.

256 Tak tam je jeho zasľúbenie, čo On bol, zasľúbenie, čo povedal, že bude robiť a tu to máme. Akými šťastnými ľuďmi máme byť. Dáva im znak skrze svoj zasľúbený znak Slova, zasľúbené Slovo. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. A prinavráti vieru ľuďom, srdcia ľudí naspäť do viery originálnych letničných otcov. On to zasľúbil, ukazuje svoje znaky.

A „ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Aký znak videli cirkvi v Sodome? Čo videla intelektuálna cirkev? - dvoch kazateľov. Čo videla tá duchovná cirkev, vyvolení, Abrahám a jeho skupina? - videla Boha zamanifestovaného v tele z mäsa, v ľudskom tele, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať ducha a povedať, čo hovorila Sára za ním.

257 „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíme Ducha Svätého medzi nami robiť tie isté veci, účinkovať v ľudskom tele. To je tá hodina. Vidíte? Sme presne tu, priatelia. Hotovo. Odohráva sa Exodus.

258 Ale teraz, všimnite si, On to vtedy urobil skrze čo? Všimnite si a zoberte to do svojej duchovnej mysli. Nech teraz Duch svätý odloží nabok tú starú čiapku ľahostajnosti a dávajte dobrý pozor. Boh stále robí rozhodnutie do vykonania čohokoľvek jedným spôsobom, On to nikdy nemôže zmeniť.

259 V záhrade Eden, keď On chcel vykúpiť človeka naspäť do obecenstva, On urobil rozhodnutie, to bola krv. Ľudia skúšali vzdelanie, skúšali denomináciu, skúšali zoštátnenie a všetko možné, a to nikdy nefungovalo.

260 Je len jedno miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom, to je pod preliatou krvou, ako to bolo v Edene. To sa nikdy nezmenilo. Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretol vo dňoch Jóba bolo pod obetným baránkom. Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretol vo dňoch Izraela, pod obetným baránkom, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden, pod obetným baránkom.

261 Jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On stretáva dnes, nie je v denomináciách - oni sa hádajú a dusia medzi sebou; nie v cirkevníctve - oni stále robia to isté; nie vo vzdelaní - oni sú celý zamiešaní, ale pod Krvou Baránka; každý veriaci sa môže stretnúť s obecenstvom, tam kde je život.

262 Boh vybral vo dňoch toho exodusu, On vyvolal skupinu a z tej skupiny ... Chcem aby ste si niečo všimli. On dostal len dvoch, ktorí vošli do zasľúbenej zeme. Čo On vybral, pomocou čoho ich vyviedol? Pomocou politiky? Organizácie? On vybral proroka s nadprirodzeným znakom, Ohnivý Stĺp, aby sa ľudia nepomýlili. Čo prorok povedal, to bola pravda. Boh prišiel dole v Ohnivom Stĺpe a potvrdil sa, ukázal svoje Slovo. Je to tak?

263 To je to, čím On priniesol svoj prvý exodus. Jeho druhý exodus ... Boh ide stále v trojkách. On je dokonalý v trojkách. Všetci ste si všimli ako kážem, to sú stále trojky a sedmičky. Sedem je úplnosť; trojky ukazujú jeho dokonalosť. Prvé, druhé a tretie potiahnutie a všetko. Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, všetko. Vidíte?

264 Všimnite si, čo On urobil v prvom exoduse? On poslal proroka, pomazaného ohnivým stĺpom a on vyvolal ľudí. To bol jeho prvý exodus. A keď prišiel čas Izraela, On znovu poslal -- Boha-proroka, s ohnivým stĺpom. Ján ho videl zostupovať z neba ako holubicu. A On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a odídem naspäť ku Bohu."

Po svojej smrti, pohrabe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Saul z Tarzu, na svojej ceste do Damašku, videl ten istý ohnivý stĺp. A on ako Hebrej, dobre vyučený v Slove, povedal: „Pane, kto si?"

On vedel, že to je Pán, ten ohnivý stĺp. On bol Hebrej. On povedal: „Kto si?"

A On odpovedal: „Ja som Ježiš."

265 Pri druhom exoduse, On priviedol pomazaného proroka, ktorým bol jeho Syn, Boh - prorok. Mojžiš povedal, že On bude prorok a bude mať ohnivý stĺp a bude robiť znamenia a zázraky a ten istý prorok povedal: „Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť."

266 A tu On zasľúbil to isté v exoduse v posledných dňoch a On to nemôže zmeniť. Skrze vedecké potvrdenie, skrze svedectvo Ducha, skrze skutky Ducha to dnes vidíme, ten veľký ohnivý stĺp pohybujúci sa medzi nami. A tie znamenia a zázraky vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista volajú ľudí zo stavu denominácií do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista aby žili - aby išli do zeme.

267 V tom nie je žiadna chyba, priatelia; to nie je to, čo ja hovorím - ja som len váš brat - ale to je to, čo vám Boh dokazuje, a to ukazuje, že je to pravda. Ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý On použil pri tých dvoch predchádzajúcich, On ho dnes priniesol medzi vás a vedecky to dokázal.

268 Ako viete, časopis Život to tam zverejnil minulý mesiac, kde ... Koľkí ste tu boli a počuli ste ma hovoriť, že to sa stane, ešte prv ako sa to stalo? Myslím, že každý v zbore. No vidíte. Ľudia vôbec nevedia čo to je. Vedci sa snažia ... „Každý kto má z toho fotografiu, zavolajte" - oblak dvadsať šesť míľ vysoko v tvare pyramídy - to zachytilo sedem anjelov, ako sa vracali ... a priniesli vám Slovo Božie, pod inšpiráciou a ono vám hovorí o týchto hodinách do ktorých prichádzate a v ktorých žijete. Duchovná myseľ to hneď teraz vezme a pochopí to. To je exodus! V jednom z týchto dní odídeme. Vďaka Bohu. Pamätajte, už teraz za chvíľu zakončím. Mám desať minút.

269 Všimnite si, ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý ich vyvolal, ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme pod pomazaním proroka. Ohnivý stĺp, na ktorý sa mohli dívať, ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme pod pomazaným prorokom. A oni ho stále odmietali. Je to tak? Skutočne.

270 No, viem, že máme krst, zostalo mi tu ešte asi šesť strán, ale za chvíľu skončím.

271 Sledujte to, sme vo vyvolávaní von. „Vyjdite z Babylonu, ľudu môj," povedal hlas anjela. Von z čoho? - zo zamiešania.

272 Metodisti majú pravdu? Alebo baptisti? Alebo Katolíci? Vyjdite von z toho! Boh má pravdu. Ako vieš? „Ale Boh nech je pravdivý a každý človek luhár." Vyjdite z toho. Čo viete? Ten istý ohnivý stĺp, to isté pomazanie Ducha, vedie do zasľúbenej zeme. Všimnite si, viedol ich, vyviedol ich von, viedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme, Izrael, národ; a ten istý Boh, ten istý ohnivý stĺp, to len ... Oni povedali, že ... ten fotoaparát ... Keď čítate čo napísal Georg J. Lacy - nie čo ja teraz hovorím - čítali ste čo napísal Georg J. Lacy, keď preskúmal tú fotografiu (šéf oddelenia F.B.I pre otlačky a dokumenty) to je jeho výrok. Niektorí z nich hovoria: „To je dvakrát exponovaný film."

Desať tisíce ľudí sa na to dívalo svojimi vlastnými očami. My sme tu stáli a dívali sme sa na to; vy ste sa na to dívali. To nie je dvojitá expozícia! Oni povedali, že to bol optický klam. Čo povedal pán Lacy? „Objektív tohoto fotoaparátu nezachytí psychológiu."

273 To nebol žiadny optický klam; to tam bolo - ten istý ohnivý stĺp. Oni potom povedali: „No dobre, to bol trik." No, všetky fotoaparáty - stovky míľ okolo Tucsonu, šesť mesiacov predtým ako sa to stalo sme vám povedali skrze Ducha Svätého, pôjdem tam aby som dostal tie správy. Pretože nápisy na tej pyramíde z vonku ... ako mal ten brat ten sen a ja som vám to vyložil. To je plný výklad.

274 No, všetky tajomstvá o ospravedlnení, posvätení, krste Duchom Svätým sú vysvetlené. No, to je pozbieranie tých vecí, ktoré neboli dotiahnuté do konca, toho, čo je skryté v siedmich pečatiach. Nie sedem cirkví, sedem pečatí zjavilo tie tajomstvá. A potom otvoril túto vec na vrchole a našiel v tom skalu, bielu, ale na nej nebolo nič napísané, to bolo tajomstvo.

275 Choď do Tucsonu, bolo to predpovedané prv ako sa to stalo. Stál som severne od Tucsonu, (stoja tu svedkovia, ktorí to môžu potvrdiť.) keď sa rozľahol výbuch a zatriasol tými horami takmer od základu. A v tom istom čase, kruh svetla sa vznášal tam vo vzduchu. Keď vedci majú teraz tie fotografie, dvadsať šesť míľ vysoko, vo vzdialenosti asi päť krát väčšej, než ako sa môže nachádzať hmla alebo niečo také; a vôbec nemôžu zistiť z čoho to vzniklo. „V čase večera bude svetlo, chodník do chvály určite nájdete."

276 Ak ste vyvolení; to semeno padá na suché miesta pôdy alebo na skaly, ono nič neurobí. Tvrdé, kamenné srdcia, ktoré chcú byť ľahostajné, ale ak ono spadne na jemnú skyprenú pôdu viery, ono zrodí kresťana, bude niesť ovocie Ducha.

277 Všimnite si, ako to Boh urobil. No, On má ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý je potvrdený. Niekto povedal: „Prečo nejdeš a nepovieš o tom tým vedcom?" Myslíte si, že oni by tomu verili? „Nehádžte perly pred svine." Ježiš povedal, aby sme to nerobili; Nemal som žiadne vedenia, aby som to urobil. Jednako žijem rovno tam v tom meste, kde sa oni na to pýtali, myslel som si, že tam pôjdem, Duch Svätý povedal: „Drž sa od toho. To nie je pre nich. Choď naspäť a povedz o tom v zhromaždení."

278 Dobre, a to sa stane ... „Ak sa stane to, čo oni povedia, pamätajte vtedy, to som Ja hovoril," povedal Pán. Vidíte? Prv ako sa to stalo, tam sa to deje. Počúvajte Bibliu. Hlas Boží volá na vás v tomto dni.

279 No, chcem aby ste si všimli, tento istý ohnivý stĺp, znovu vedie ľudí do zasľúbenej zeme, do milénia, kde sme našli pod inšpiráciou tejto šiestej pečati, čo nikdy predtým nebolo učené, ako musí byť zem očistená pre milénium. Duch Svätý ich vedie do milénia.

280 A všimnite si, ohnivý stĺp, ktorý viedol Izrael v exoduse z otroctva, ten ohnivý stĺp, pod vedením Božím, Boh bol tým ohňom a ten ohnivý stĺp len pomazal proroka. Ten ohnivý stĺp mal stáť ako nebeský svedok, že Mojžiš bol vyvolaný.

281 Pamätáte si Dátana a tých, ktorí povedali: „Dobre, treba urobiť nejakú organizáciu. Mojžiš, berieš na seba príliš veľa. Ty chceš povedať, že ty si jediný svätý medzi nami. Celé zhromaždenie Pánove je sväté. Ako môžeš brať toto na seba?"

A Mojžiš padol na svoju tvár a začal plakať. Boh povedal: „Oddeľte sa od neho. Ja jednoducho otvorím zem a prehltnem ho." Príklad. Ako mohol Mojžiš - povedal im, že im hovorí to, čo povedal Boh - Boh to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

282 Dokonca Miriam, ktorá sama bola prorokyňa a Áron sa vysmievali z Mojžiša, že sa oženil s etiópskym dievčaťom, robili si z neho žarty; a Boh sa nahneval - hovorili proti jeho sluhovi. Čo urobil? Zavolal ich ku dverám stánu zhromaždenia, a Miriam, hoci bola prorokyňa, ale Mojžiš bol viac ako prorok - viac ako prorok.

On povedal: „Nebojíte sa Boha? Ak je medzi vami prorok Ja Pán hovorím ku nemu vo videniach a dávam sa mu poznávať v snoch," ale povedal, „nie tak Mojžiš." Povedal: „Nebojíte sa Boha?" Ona bola v tej chvíli napoly mŕtva, malomocná. Viete o tom.

Či On nepovedal? „Ján krstiteľ ... Vyšli ste vidieť proroka? Áno, viac ako proroka." Prečo, prečo on bol viac ako prorok? On bol posol zmluvy - archa, ktorá prepojila spolu tie dve obdobia.

283 A dnes, čo máme medzi nami, tento veľký Duch Svätý je viac ako prorok. To je Boh zamanifestovaný medzi nami so svojím Slovom, aby ho dokázal. Robí viac ako prorok - tisíckrát viacej než robia proroci.

284 Eliáš, jeden z najväčších prorokov veku vykonal len štyri veci nadprirodzene v celom svojom živote, za okolo osemdesiat rokov. A Elizeus, s dvojitou porciou vykonal osem a my vidíme tisíce krát tisíce, na svoje vlastné oči! Hľaďte na anjela Pánovho v ohnivom stĺpe. Vedecký výskum to priniesol svetu, vedia, že to ich bude súdiť.

285 Čo urobil Baránok? Ten anjel Pánov, ktorým bol Kristus ... Veríte tomu? Ev. Jána 6. kapitola, oni všetci pili tú vodu a prežívali veľkolepé chvíle a radovali sa. On povedal: „Ja som chlieb života, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Ja som tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti."

286 Oni povedali: „Teraz vieme, že blázniš. Ty si blázon; máš démona. Si pobláznený tým diablom." Viete, na ľudí prichádza niekedy duch a stávajú sa veľmi nábožensky aktívni.

287 Oni povedali: „Ty si diabol; je na tebe diabol. Ty si samaritán a je na tebe diabol." Povedali: „Aha, nemáš ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma." Môžem Ho vidieť ako ustúpil niekoľko krokov. Povedal: „Ja som ten Ja Som. Prv ako bol Abrahám Ja Som."

288 To bol horiaci oheň, ten ohnivý stĺp v kríku. Keď On zomrel a vstal na tretí deň a Saul Ho stretol na ceste, On bol znovu v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe. Povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem ku Bohu." Keď bol Peter vo vezení, ten ohnivý stĺp vošiel dovnútra, otvoril dvere a vyviedol ho von. Je to tak.

289 Kde ich viedol ten ohnivý stĺp? No, pamätajte, Mojžiš nebol tým ohnivým stĺpom. On bol pomazaný vodca pod tým Ohnivým stĺpom a ten ohnivý stĺp len potvrdil jeho posolstvo, znameniami a zázrakmi. A ten ohnivý stĺp ich viedol do zeme, ktorú im Boh zasľúbil, kde On sám sa jedného dňa stane telom medzi nimi. Je to tak? Čo oni robili? Šomrali a stavali sa na odpor a všetko možné, aby sa ukázalo, že to bolo pod krvou normálneho baránka.

290 Ale teraz (Chvála Bohu!) stĺp, ktorý my vidíme medzi nami, ohnivý stĺp nás bude viesť do milénia, kde sa On navráti ku svojmu ľudu v tom veľkom panovaní milénia po tomto exoduse, kde oni budú žiť večne s Ním. On má stále Slovo Otca, stále potvrdzuje, že to je pravda.

291 Sme v exoduse. A pri odchode, keď za chvíľu vypnú pásky, ó moji priatelia, moji bratia, vy ktorí ste tu prítomní aj vy, ktorí budete počúvať tieto pásky, dovoľte mi, že ako váš brat a obyvateľ Božieho kráľovstva vám poviem -- vyjdite v tomto exoduse!

292 Lebo všetci, ktorí pozostanú budú niesť znamenie šelmy. Vyjdite z Babylonu; vyjdite z tohoto zamiešania; vyjdite z týchto systémov a slúžte živému Bohu. Nech tento veľký anjel zmluvy, „Ježiš Kristus vo forme Boha, nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu." Teraz On je ohnivý stĺp, v tej istej forme, v akej bol tam vtedy, keď prinášal ten prvý exodus, keď prinášal ten druhý exodus a tu je s tretím exodusom.

293 Prvý exodus, čo On urobil? Vyviedol ich z prirodzenej zeme do prirodzenej zeme. Druhý exodus, On ich vyviedol z duchovného stavu do duchovného krstu Duchom Svätým. A teraz On vyvádza ľudí z duchovného krstu Duchom Svätým, rovno naspäť do večnej zeme milénia a do tej veľkolepej budúcnosti. Ten istý ohnivý stĺp skrze ten istý pomazaný systém, ten istý Boh robí tie isté veci. A to isté Slovo, ktoré oznámilo ten prvý, oznámilo ten druhý. To isté Slovo, ktoré oznámilo ten druhý, oznámilo ten tretí exodus a tu to vidíme medzi nami.

294 Vyjdite! Ó, vyjdite z toho chaosu! Poďte ku živému Bohu! Poďte do Slova! „A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A teraz, On je v našom tele, prebýva medzi nami. Vyjdite a slúžte živému Bohu, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy.

295 [Niekto v zhromaždení prináša proroctvo: „Môj ľud, budem ku tebe hovoriť v tejto hodine. Áno, ako som aj dnes ku vám hovoril cez tohoto proroka -Vyjdite z nej ľud môj. - Hovorím vám Ja som Všemohúci Boh. Dívam sa dnes z nebeských balkónov. Áno, môj hlas je oznamovaný vo vašom strede. Či sa pohnete von a budete nasledovať svetlo, ktoré som vám dal? Lebo vám hovorím, ľud môj, Ja som Všemohúci Boh. Moje Slovo sa nemení. Priniesol som vám ho. Budete mu poslušní? Áno, budete počúvať na všetko, čo som vám dal, hovorí Pán." – pozn.prekl.]

296 So sklonenými hlavami ... z hĺbky svojej duše, z hĺbky všetkého, čo je vo vás, ste ochotný pamätať na ... ste pripravení prestať so všetkými vecami toho sveta a žiť pre Boha. No, ak to takto nemyslíte, nerobte to; ale ak to tak myslíte z celého svojho srdca, že ste teraz presvedčení ... Ako povedal Ježiš na konci svojej služby: „Teraz veríte."

297 Ste presvedčení, že tieto veci sú pravdou, potvrdené Bohom a že sme v čase konca a opravdu chcete teraz prísť ku Kristovi, vojsť do tohoto exodusu vyvolávania z vlažného denominačného stavu, predstáv a vecí tohoto sveta a chcete sa celým srdcom vydať Jemu a vyjsť v exoduse do požehnanej zasľúbenej zeme - zodvihnete ruky, zatiaľ, čo sa budeme modliť? Ste si skutočne istí, že chcete vyjsť? Všetci.

298 Nebeský Otče, tí ktorí zodvihli ruky, daj im teraz vyjsť, Pane. Nech Duch Svätý na zasľúbení Slova, nech Duch Svätý vojde do ich sŕdc. Zodvihlo sa asi dvadsať rúk zo zhromaždenia, Otče, ktorí sú presvedčení a vedia, že to je pravda a oni chcú vyjsť.

299 Ak tam vtedy v tých dňoch vyjdenia Izraela, z pomedzi dva a pol milióna ľudí, len dvaja vošli do tej zeme. Vo dňoch Ježiša Krista ich bolo okolo sto dvadsať. A teraz vo dňoch konca sveta, Ty si povedal: „Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta ale málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu; ale široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zahynutia a mnohí pôjdu po nej." Tie slová nemôžu pominúť; to sú tvoje slová.

300 No, modlím sa za nich, Pane. Prosím aby si Ty, v tejto hodine, skrze Ducha Svätého obrezal ich srdcia. Odstránil všetky veci toho sveta. Obrež ich uši, aby jasne mohli počuť Boží hlas, ktorý volá skrze jeho Slovo a svetlo na tento deň.

301 Sprav Pane, aby ich oči boli otvorené, aby mohli vidieť slávu Božiu v tejto poslednej záverečnej hodine. Ty si povedal: „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne a ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň."

302 Pane, možno je tu mnoho takých, ktorí ešte nerozumeli. Prosím, aby si sa zaoberal s nimi a dal im ďalšiu možnosť, Pane aby mohli porozumieť. Počuť Ťa ako hovoríš cez svoje Slovo, ako sa potvrdzuješ a potom hovoríš ku nám nadprirodzeným hlasom a potom skrze výklad aby sme videli tvoje veľké skutky, ktoré potvrdzujú, že to je pravda podľa Biblie.

303 Prosím Bože aby si nám teraz odpustil naše viny. A ako som sa položil na toto Slovo Bože, myslím, že to bolo asi pred týždňom, položil som sa na mŕtveho muža, ktorý tu ležal na podlahe a videl som veľkého Ducha Božieho, ako ho priviedol naspäť do života. Oči sa mu prevrátili dozadu, ležal mŕtvy a len niekoľko málo slov vzývania tvojho mena a videl som ho živého. Je tu dnes, stále živý.

304 Pane, Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý vtedy, keď sa Pavel položil na toho chlapca, ktorý ho počúval, keď tak dlho kázal, ten ktorý spadol z okna - Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý môže navrátiť život.

305 Ďakujeme Ti Otče. Nech ... neveriaci nech neverí, ale my veríme, Pane. Ty si sa nám dokázal.

306 No, nech meditácia môjho srdca, myšlienky v mojej mysli, moja sila a všetko nech sa rozpustí v tomto Slove. A nech to Slovo a ja spolu, Pane, s ľuďmi, nech pochodujeme do kráľovstva Božieho. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy, uzdrav naše choroby a sprav nás poddanými tvojho kráľovstva.

307 A teraz, keď títo prichádzajú, Pane, a bazén je otvorený, voda je pripravená a krst za niekoľko minút začne, pamätáme, keď bolo kázané toto isté evanjelium, Biblia hovorí: „Všetci ktorí uverili, boli pokrstení."

308 Ležia tu vreckovky, Pane, ktoré žehnám v mene Ježiša Krista, na uzdravenie chorých.

309 Potom keď sú naše zhromaždenia dlhé, pretiahnuté, lebo je pozde - musíme vkladať Slovo zatiaľ, kým je pôda aby bolo do nej vložené, lebo prichádza studená zima. Vidíme to; listy opadávajú a vieme, že zima je na blízku. Musíme poškrabať povrch a zakopať semeno.

310 Tak, prosím, nebeský Otče aby si hovoril ku každému srdcu. A Biblia povedala: „Všetci, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." A Pane, ak nie je ... sú tu mnohí, ktorí uverili a ešte neboli pokrstení v tom mene tvojho milovaného dieťaťa, Ježiša, nech prídu dnes ráno, milo a pokorne, vyznajúc svoj hriech a zomrúc veciam tohoto sveta, aby boli pochovaní aby zobrali na seba meno Ježiša Krista, aby žili ďalej pobožne pomocou Ducha Svätého. Porúčame ich teraz Tebe, Pane, za týmto účelom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

311 A teraz, odovzdávame službu bratovi Nevillemu, a čokoľvek vám on musí povedať, zatiaľ kým sa pripravujete na krst. Dnes večer o pol ôsmej ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem nahrávať to ďalšie posolstvo. Nech vás Boh dovtedy žehná.

THE THIRD EXODUS, 63-0630M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 136 min

1 All things are possible, only believe.

Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer. With our heads bowed, I wonder if there's any special requests would want to be known before God. Just raise the hand and, just underneath your hand, just hold your request.

2 Heavenly Father, we are grateful for this, another time to be assembled together, this side of Eternity. And we are looking this morning for renewal of strength to come from Thee, to give us courage for the journey that lays ahead. We've gathered as the Hebrew children did on the early mornings, to get manna that had been provided for them over the night, to sustain them through the coming day. We gather for the spiritual Manna, this morning, to give us strength for the journey.

3 Beneath each of those hands that went up, You know all they have need of, Lord. And I pray my prayer, with theirs, before Thee, that Thou will supply every need that they have need of. Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. We know Thou art God, and can do all things, and have promised to do them if we could just do as the song has bid us, Only Believe, and as we heard the glorious words, Walk And Talk With The King.

4Now, Father, God, bless Thy Word as It goes forth this morning, and may It find Its resting place in our hearts, that It might bring forth the things that we ask for, Father. In the Name of the Lord Jesus we ask it. Amen.

May be seated. Thank you, sister.

5I believe it's been said, "I was happy when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'"

6 Leaving Hot Springs, yesterday, Brother Moore was saying, "Brother Branham," said, "you, won't you drive down, Texas, and with me at the convention down there," said, "rest up a couple days?"

7I said, "I got two services tomorrow."

He said, "Two services?"

I said, "Yeah."

8Said, "Hard as you preaching here," said, "a man ought to rest a week after each one of them." Said, "You take a pastor, give his Sunday morning message, and so forth," said, "then he rests the rest the week. And, then, and maybe that'll be thirty minutes, or something." And said, "You preached about two or three hours here, at a time," said, "then, day after day, and sometimes two times a day, and then run a prayer line, all that discernment." Said, "Now you say you're going home, have two services on Sunday?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How you do it?"

I said, "My help cometh from the Lord." See?

9The hour is late, as one, someone said a while ago, in prayer, as I just walked in. The hour is late, and the need is great, and we're here to try to put our part in, to help this great hour that we're in.

10 Now, the Lord willing, tonight, I want to speak on the subject, "Is your life reputable to the Gospel?" That's, I want to tape that.

11And now, I don't know whether they're going to tape this this morning, or not. I see some over in the room. There is--there is some of the fellows in there; suppose they are. I did... I thought Brother Neville would do this. I asked, last Sunday, just for him to have, go ahead with his message; and then go ahead, let me just drop in with something behind him. But, if they want to tape the Sunday school lesson, why, it'll be fine.

12 And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday, that is, if the Lord permits and we're here, I want to speak on the subject that I been wanting to for a long time, and promised I'd speak the Messages like that from the tabernacle, first, those taped Messages. I want to indict this generation for crucifying Jesus Christ; next Sunday morning, the Lord willing.

13And now, tonight, at seven o'clock, or seven-thirty, is the--is the Message of "Is your life reputable?"

14 Now, sometimes, in speaking on these Messages like that, I say things that's pretty hard-cutting. And I don't really exactly mean it for this church here, or something. Remember, when I'm speaking, that goes round the world. See? And we got a tape set-up, around the world, and they take these messages back in the jungles and everywhere. And the Holy Spirit sometimes lead me to say something that might be the very thing that He wants for somebody way down in Australia, somewhere, or something. So, maybe, some conditions, you'd say, "Well, now, that condition doesn't exist here. What does he say that for?" Maybe it's for somewhere else, you see. So, yeah, I'm sure you people understand that, that these Messages is not directed to any. It's just directed to the Church, in whole, everywhere, and whatever the Lord would lead us to say and to do.

15 Had a glorious time down in Hot Springs, and at an old-fashion Pentecostal meeting. I'm sure many of you are satisfied that's Pentecostal people down there, since you--you that went down. Well, just, I don't know the group. I just supposed to go down for a week, and I give two or three days. But I want to say one thing. In that meeting, they certainly had faith, to believe. If any of you was there...

16Which, I know, this lady here, sitting on the corner, I don't know who she is. Or, right here, I know she was there. And I know a couple of brethren was there, Brother Jackson, them, Brother Palmer.

17 That's what people get when they have faith. See? Notice that healing line? There wasn't a one come in or went out but what God healed. See? See? And so, when you got faith...

18And another thing, there might be some of you, might not understand that emotion, dancing, shouting. Well, they just... They are not looking to any certain person. They're just shouting, before God. See? That's all right.

19But, I want to say, is one of--one of the cleanest-looking set of women I ever seen, that long hair, and--and people from back there in the jungle, back in the bushes. But I don't believe I seen anybody around that's kind of so modern-looking, you know what I mean, with all kind of make-up's and things on. It shows. I might not agree with them in all they teach, but I can sure agree there. That looked like Christians, to me.

20 So the Lord led me to speak on a subject, yesterday, or day before yesterday, at noon: Just Once More, Lord. And at the church, some of them there didn't know, I did that for a purpose, because the Lord led me to do that. That little group was drifting into something, and the Lord helped for that to--to do it. So, it was just wonderful. I certainly...

21You know, things goes on. If you don't have a spiritual eye, you don't get it. See? You got to look forward to those things.

22 I come in. And this Brother Ungren, that's about the second time I ever heard the man sing. Just as I walked into the room, he was singing I Walk And I Talk With The King. I thought, "Isn't that beautiful!" How that the King ever... See? Walking and talking, that means it's a constant fellowship. Not just in the church, but, everywhere, walk and talk with the King.

23 And there, looked up on the wall, and there was a card sticking on a little picture in there, of kind of a scene that a man named George Todd had--had painted for me. I don't know why the man ever did it. Perhaps, maybe, he just didn't think, and he had painted it. It's a picture of a mountain, back in the forest, and--and the brook rippling down. And on the other side of the brook, stands a doe and a fawn, with their ears up, looking across the brook. I don't know whether Mr. Todd is here. I don't know him. But, I want to say this, the Lord spoke to me when I looked at that picture. And maybe he didn't know, when he was painting it.

24Remember my little story about the deer that the fellow was going to shoot, and his call? Well, she's there with her fawn, so, by the waters of life. See? Inspiration, how that the mother deer and her child was there! And I thought, "Yes. And on the other side, where there is, by the evergreen trees, I got a--a mother and child over there, also, that's waiting there."

25Thank you, brother, Brother George Todd, if the man is here this morning.

26 Now, I would have the Sunday school lesson. I'm usually kind of long with it.

27There's something that keeps moving on my heart, I don't know, since yesterday. Now we... if the Lord... is a--is a subject. I'm getting old, and I--I don't know how much longer I'm to be here. But there's a great question in the church, that's got men at variance, and different ideas.

28Just like the eating of "the apple." And I preached on the Message, and I believe, firmly, can prove it by the Scriptures, that it was not apples. See? Caused a lot of confusion.

29 So, maybe, before we leave... We got to go back now, in about thirty days, you know, back to Arizona. And so if, before I leave, the Lord willing, I would like to take the Scripture. And don't tape it. If they do, don't sell the tape. Don't let it get out. I want to explain the real Truth of marriage and divorce. It's a question. And this is the last hours, that, "When all the mysteries of God should be finished." And yesterday, coming up across the mountains, about daylight, the Holy Spirit seemed to say to me, "Tape that and lay it away," I don't know why, but, "the real Truth of marriage and divorce."

30Some of them says, "People can marry, if they can swear they was in adultery." And others says, "Well, if they mistreat one another, and--and they can't live together; it's better to live, earth, in peace, than live in hell on earth." And all those different questions! And some marry them just any old way. And some wants to sprinkle holy water on them, and turn them back, and say, "They never was married." And blessed them, and turn them over to the church again. There's all kind of confusion. But, if there's that much confusion, there's a Truth somewhere.

31I believe, and say this with reverence, I believe the Lord has revealed it to me, and I... the Truth. And if it would get amongst the churches, it'd tear the thing to pieces. Which, maybe it ought to be. But it's... I'd rather just let the pastors, just let the pastors of the churches, get the tape. And let them play it, and then they can lead from there on. But I'd like to just tape that, to show the real Truth of it. I believe this is the hour when these "mysteries are to be finished," completed. They been struck on, as we said, down through the ages, of the tapes, as we've brought those Seven Seals, and Seven Church Ages.

32 And we're now facing a time for the Seven Trumpets, and then the Vials. And maybe we could put a two-weeks meeting and put both of them together. I'd like to get it taped.

33And then, besides that, I'm trying now to get it proofread, and make books out of it, of Church Ages; seven books of the church age, seven tapes, and make it in such. We can get it done just as cheap as we possibly can, so everybody can get it. Then, if the Lord tarries, and I move on, you'll see that the things I've said in the Name of the Lord will be come to pass just as It was said. Never has failed, yet, and some of It has to happen later.

34 And I--I trust that the Lord let us do that right away. We'll notify the people, a time, because there's many likes to come and hear those things. And I--and I appreciate that.

35 If nobody believed It, or listened to It, what good would it do me, stand here, say anything about It? See? I'd be like casting bread upon the waters. It'd be like... If no one was going to believe it, then it would be like casting pearls before swine. But there's thousands times thousands that believe That. See? And they hold on to every Word. And we'd like to get as many in, as possible, when we--when we get ready to have these services, and for the glory of the Lord. And we trust that God will give it to us.

36And I don't want to have that until I'm Divinely inspired to do it. God has a time for everything. See? You mustn't go ahead of it. If you cut your wheat before... They put the combine in there before it's ripe, you lose the bigger part of your wheat. See? So, when the sickle is ready to be thrust in, God will thrust it in, then we'll go to reaping. But I just...

37 When, I feel pressed like that. I thought I'd shake out of it, in a little while. All day yesterday, I couldn't get it off my mind, all night last night. Went to bed around twelve o'clock. Had about three hours sleep, the night before. And last night I couldn't sleep. Still, Something said, "Tape that, Marriage And Divorce." See? So I--I... The Lord willing, if that keeps on my heart and the Lord shows me some more about it, well, then, I'll... I--I may tape that. See?

38But, remember, only for ministers. You come, but, and listen. But the tape itself, let... See, 'cause it gets out amongst the congregations, and some is this way, and some that way, and draw their own opinion. And I want minister brothers to have this in own study, and then let them go from there, 'cause they're the ones that's responsible. They're the one. Like to go down and play it to the judge, some of these squires. Yeah.

39 See what the Lord said about this, Marriage And Divorce. It's more sacred than people think it is. And it'll blend right in with The Serpent's Seed. Just the same thing, just moving right on, that's them mysteries. Remember, "In the days of the seventh angel, all the mysteries of God should be finished," those unknown things that the Lord would wind up. Now, so far...

40 Now remember, seven-thirty is when you start your meeting. [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Now, Brother Neville, if you got a message for tonight, preach it. See? ["No, sir."] Won't take me about an hour or forty-five minutes, and I'll tape the rest of it.

41I like to listen to Brother Neville. I love him. He's my brother. And I--I think he's a marvelous speaker, wonderful minister. And I... One thing about Brother Neville, I like, when he says anything, he lives what he's talking about. Now, that's--that's the main thing.

42You know, you can live a fellow a sermon better than you can preach him one. "For ye yourselves are written epistles, read of all men." Now, let's, before we...

43 We can pull the pages back, but God has to open this Sunday school lesson, so let us just ask Him to do that.

44Heavenly Father, we--we by faith look towards the future. I'm looking now, by faith, towards a coming something, Lord, upon the earth, that's going to draw Thy people together. When we see the denominational churches so pinning down and getting so different, it's really pushing the people out; just as it was in Egypt, a pharaoh rising, who knew not Joseph.

45As it was in Germany, and--and up into Russia, and Italy, the people raised up Josephes, Hitler and Stalin, Mussolini, who hated the Jew. They had to go back to their homeland. God, You got ways of doing things, that we don't understand. And You pressed them. No home in Germany; everything taken away from them. Also, in Italy, Russia, no place to go. And they were sent back to their homeland, just to fulfill the Word.

46Oh, the loving hand of God! How, sometimes, it looks cruel, the way that people suffer, but it, still, it's the tender hand of Jehovah, leading His little children. We thank You, Lord.

47 Now I pray, God, as I see the day. That, the denomination is pressing the believers, excommunicating them, saying, that, "Their name must be upon their book, or they're lost. Have nothing to do with the other group." It's only the tender hand of Jehovah, leading them to the Tree of Life. I pray, God, that, each one. I know they will. Because, it's Your Word, and It can't fail. And may we be led to the Tree of Life, that we might be a possessor of Eternal Life, see the hand of God, and, by the eyes of faith, look beyond these shadows that we're walking in today, see the promised Land laying just ahead.

48Bless Thy Word, this morning, Lord, these few Scriptures and notes that I got written down here. May the Holy Spirit come now, as I dedicate myself, the circumcision of tongue and thought, mind. And the church dedicates their ears of understanding, their hearts, all of us, together, that You'd speak to us through Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth. In the Name of the Word, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

49 Now, turn in your Bibles, to the Book of Exodus. And now I want to read a portion of the Scripture from Exodus, the 3rd chapter, from 1 to 12. Just listen on, close, as we read. Exodus, the 3rd chapter, 1 to 12.

Now Moses kept the flocks of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and the... he... and he looked, and, behold, the bush burnt with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, which the bush is... why the bush is not burnt.

And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see,...

50Want to lay emphasis on that!

And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

And he said, Draw not nigh hither: but put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt,... I've heard their cry by the reason of the taskmasters; for I know their sorrow;

And I'm come down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptian, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land... a land large, and a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites,... Hittites,... Hivites,... Jebusites.

Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherein the Egyptians have oppressed them.

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh,...

51 You notice? "I have come down." But, "I'm sending thee." God, going in the form of a man. "Go." Let me read the 10th verse again.

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou comest forth...

52Beg your pardon.

... When thou has brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.

53Not noticing, before, but feeling very deeply inspired of the Spirit this morning, I caught that just then. God, sending His servant back where he had run from, He give him the sign of a mountain. Never noticed it till just then. "This will be an Eternal token unto you." See?

54 Now we're going to speak, this morning, on the subject of the second exodus now; of God's people, or the calling out of God's people. Exodus means "brought out; called out; taken away from." And I want to use that as a subject, of the second exodus of God's people. [Brother Branham titles it, The Third Exodus, in the evening service--Ed.]

55 Now, they've had many exoduses, of course, but I'm speaking on the time that God called an exodus, a separation from where they were, at the present time. Here, God is making ready to fulfill His Divine promised Word that He had give to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob. Years, hundreds of years had passed, but, yet, God never forgets His promise. In the season, the due time, God always makes His promise right.

56Therefore, you can rest assure that what God has promised in this Bible, He's going to do it. Just no need of trying to think anything else, and say, "Well, the prophet was, maybe, was wrong," or, "that couldn't happen in this day." Looked almost impossible then, more impossible than it does now. But God did it, anyhow, because He promised He would do it.

57And look how simple He does it. "I have come down. I heard the cry. I remember My promise. I've come down to do it. I'm sending you. You do it. I'm going to be with you. Certainly, I'll be with you. My never-, never-failing Presence will be with you wherever you go. Don't be afraid." See? "I'm coming down to deliver." I'm sure the spiritual mind catches that. See? See? "I--I'm--I'm going to send you, to bring My people to an exodus. Call them out, and I'll be with you."

58 Now, how--how we can rest, how faith can catch that hold there. See? God is going to do it. He promised it. No matter how, what the circumstances is, or what anyone else says, God is going to do it, anyhow, 'cause He promised to. And He does it so simple, that, it--it goes over the--the understanding of the cultured mind who would try to reason about it, "How could it be?"

59I don't mean to say that a man now, with a good, strong mind, fine education, that that man won't understand It. That's all right, and wonderful, as long as he uses that not to reason, but, that culture that he's got, to believe God. Let it be converted unto the simplicity of listening to what God has said, and believe It. His culture will help him then.

60Notice. But when the man tries to reason, "It couldn't be done," then that drives him away from God, constantly, all the time, when he's trying to--to listen to what, his own understanding. See? If you don't understand, and the Bible says a certain thing, just punctuate It, "Amen." Just let it go like that.

61 Now, instead of referring to these Scriptures, you can jot them down, in this Sunday school lesson. But I would, maybe, if you'd like to look at it. But, first, I've got so many here. Let's...

62Before we can find out what this exodus means, I'm going to type the exodus now; exodus then, with the exodus now, and watch if it isn't run exactly parallel. One of them is natural. And the very same things that He did in the natural, He's typing it again, antityping it in spiritual, a spiritual exodus.

63 Marvelous, to see the Word of God! How anyone could say It's not inspired? This was about twenty-eight hundred years ago, you know. And how that He promised, and what He's done and laid it out there for example, how He--He--He makes the shadow of something to testify of the--the positive. I get on that, tonight, between the moon and sun, the Lord willing.

64But, first, we must review Genesis to see why they were down in Egypt. Why would God's people be out of that land? After all, God promised that, right there where the beginning was, with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Palestine. God gave them that land, and said, "This is it." Oh, then, why would the people not be in the place that God provided them?

65That's the question of today, also. God give us a pentecost. He give us the Book of Acts. He give us the Holy Spirit, to lead us and guide us. He give us a Land. And why we out of It? Why is the church out of It? Why isn't the great Christian church today living again like the Book of Acts, bringing forth the same thing? There's some reason for it.

66 We all know that we're broke up, and we're in a terrible condition. And the most terrible condition that--that Christianity has ever lived in, is today. And we're on the... right on the brim or the brink of--of a great, terrific judgment laying for the church. And before this judgment can happen, God is calling an exodus, just like He did then. Amorites' sins was heaped up, so He--He's calling a--a spiritual exodus. Now let's go back just a moment, in type, and find out.

67They went down in Egypt, all because of the jealousy of a brother. That's the reason that Israel was in Egypt at that time, out of the land. Remember, God's promises was only as long as they stayed in that land.

68 Now can you see what we were speaking in prayer, a few moments ago? Why did God have to harden Pharaoh's heart? To put the people back in the promised land, before He could bless them, to bring forth the Messiah to them.

69How did He have to harden Hitler's heart, to be against the Jew, when he was half Jew, himself? How could He have to do that in Stalin, Mussolini? See? People that's not inspired, like a nation, they--they... God has to take the--the things that they are living by, the laws of the land, many times, to make His promises come true. So, He had to harden those dictators' hearts, to run the Jew back to the promised land. It had to be that way.

70 Now we find out, that, going down, Joseph... We know the story, as we go back into Genesis, and you can read it. Because, I'm just a little late to get started on this long Sunday school lesson, and I'll try to hurry.

71Notice now. Read the story when you can, of Joseph, being born the later of his brethren, next to the last. The spiritual mind will catch that right now. He wasn't the last child; Benjamin was. But, in the excommunication, watch. Joseph and Benjamin were full-blooded brothers, and the only two that was brothers. Never did Benjamin get the recognition until he met Joseph. And above the rest of them, Benjamin is given a double portion of everything that Joseph give. All right. Notice now, we find that down there. They were...

72 He was taken from his brothers because that he was spiritual. He was a great man, although the humblest of the bunch, the least of the bunch. "And they hated him without a cause." They should not have hated him. They should have respected him. Because, why did they hate him, because he was a brother? Not exactly that. They hated him because that God dealt with him more than He did the rest of them. See? He give him a--a--a--a spiritual understanding. He could interpret dreams, perfectly. And he could foretell things that would come to pass, perfectly, just exactly the way they were. And he--and he didn't pull no punches.

73He saw the--the dream of those sheaves bowing before his sheaves, and his brothers then got angry with him. Said, "I guess, then, you little holy-roller," in other words, "we'll have to bow down before you someday?" But that's the way it happened. See? How were those great big giants ever bow before that little, insignificant fellow standing there? But they did it, they sure did, and pleaded for mercy. But he hadn't come in power, yet, you see. He was only then just in the child form.

74 And then we find out, by doing this, that Joseph was taken from among his brethren, the denominations, and set out to himself. See? His brothers, all in the land. And then there come such a great thing. We realize that Israel... as long as they dwelt in their dwelling place, and kept up. Now, that's one good thing, to stay in the place. Positionally, that's right. But, they got rid of the Spirit.

75The fundamentals, today, positionally knows what they are, by intellectual conception of the Bible, but there's no Spirit. They've rejected Joseph, turned Him out. They wanted nothing to do with It. "It's a bunch of holy-rollers. It's a... We want nothing to do with It." They've excommunicated Him, sold Him out, to the world. They were out of their fellowship.

76 Now, by doing that, they were taking out of place, taken down into Egypt, later on.

77Now, the story of this jealous brothers is certainly of great comparison with the spiritual side of it today. We--we all are aware of that, that it's pure jealousy, not pure. It's old, dirty, filthy jealousy. See? There's no purity in jealousy. See? It's nothing but filthy jealousy. When, they see the same Bible, and the nature of the same God that wrote the Bible, vindicating Himself, and then turn That down without a reason. Pure... Well, not pure. As I said, it's dirty jealousy. Watching God heal the sick, raise up the dead, the same God that lived in the days of the apostles! The same Gospel that they wrote, for this spiritual journey, is the same God that does the same thing. So they're nothing but jealousy, has excommunicated, "And we'll not have It among our people." See? Run them off!

78 They thought, the brethren, that they would never have use for a man like that, so, "Why not just get rid of him?"

79That's what, same thing has happened today. They think, that, "Because that our churches has become intellectual, that we got the best-dressed crowds, the biggest organization, the most smartest ministers, that we have no use of the Holy Spirit in the way that It was back there." That, they are full. In other words, actions speaks louder than words. That, their seminaries, and they're the brain of their--their being. And their coming together and--and discussing this thing, are more able, with their own intellectual minds, to set a Church in order, better than what the Holy Spirit could do it. So, they don't need It any longer. "It's Something that we don't need today. It's, the days of that is passed." Now, isn't that just right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "We don't need the Holy Spirit to heal the sick. We got doctors. We don't need the Holy Spirit to speak with tongues. We're all intelligent people." And when you do, you take, right from your framework, the Lifeline.

80Jesus said to them Jews, in His days, "Haven't you read that, 'The Stone that was rejected is the Chief Cornerstone that all the building is setting upon'?"

81 Now, you see what I mean? I'm sure you--you can catch that. That, the--the reason of it now, is because they thought they'd never have a need of It. "We don't need speakers with tongues. We don't need interpreters of tongues. We no longer need the Old Testament prophets to set us in order, by the Holy Spirit. We understand It." See? They have adopted a man-made system to take place of the Holy Spirit.

82Therefore, there is people that's elected, has their names on the Lamb's Book of Life, they can't go for that. They are spiritual-minded, and therefore they cannot go for that. They can't stand it, no matter if their fathers and mothers was lived in whatever organizational church.

83 When a church makes, does, maybe it wouldn't speak that right out. Oh, no. They won't speak it right out, but their actions prove it. Here is the Word. And the Holy Spirit proves it amongst those, when He can get them gathered together, that He still heals the sick, and raises the dead, and speaks with tongues, and casts out devils. So, it depends on the... what's on the inside of a person.

84 Mrs. Arganbright there, was thinking that, the other day, setting out there on the walk, pulling out some grass, when she was cutting the lawn. I passed by, right by the side of her. She didn't know me, and I just let her go on. I was watching.

Now notice the Holy Spirit in His great work.

85 The church feels that it don't need the Holy Spirit. The churches will tell you that. And the men can stand up and give you such an intellectual talk, can almost make you believe it. Now let's stop there, a minute. Didn't Jesus say that the two would be so close together, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The intellectual talks would be so smooth, that it would--it would deceive the people. It's gospel, it's men who can handle that word in such a way, that he could almost make any intellectual person, if you're just trusting in their intellectuals. They--they would condemn the Holy Spirit, and--and take the way of the man. We see that.

86 Now, that's the same thing they thought about Joseph, and they got rid of him. And, oh, down in Egypt, oh, how we can think, how I could spend hours. You could stay here for three years and never leave that subject, day and night, and still be finding the great kernels of the Holy Spirit.

86a The spiritual mind can look down in Egypt and see that persecution rise; can see Joseph taken away, in order that the persecution could rise. And then see God, with His wheel in the wheels, everything moving around just perfectly. See Potiphar reject Joseph; see that lie told. And see Joseph in the prison, and his beard is growed out, excommunicated from his brethren. But then, all of a sudden, God moved in. See?

87 How we can see that wheel in the wheels, moving! God's great plan moving everything up to this exodus, to this time when He would call His people back in the land again, back in the place, in position where He could bless them and place among them the One that He promised He would place among them. They had to be in their land. Remember, they had to come out of the land that they were in, and get into the land of promise, before their promised Messiah could ever come.

88 And the Church has to do the same thing; get out of that group of rejecters, over into the promise, before Messiah can ever be manifested before them. You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Life of the Messiah, manifested, making a Church ready, a Bride.

89A woman marry a man, and disagreeing with him, it would be some kind of a--a fuss, continually. But when a man and his wife, his girlfriend, his espoused, when they are in perfect harmony, like one soul and one mind, because they're going to be one flesh.

90Then, when the Church can get in such harmony with God, until the manifestation of the Bridegroom is manifested in the Bride, because they're going to be one! Oh, what a great lesson. All right.

91Now, remember, the spiritual mind picking this up, can see the type and the antitype, and pick it. For one, just, we could go hours on it. Watch what takes place.

92 And why have we waited all these years, since this oasis of time? You know, the Bible speaks, that, "The church fled into the wilderness, where she was nourished for time and time." And why has all this been? That we... See? It's still God's wheels in the wheels.

93Why hasn't God did this, long time ago, when men sit down with pencils, and--and women, and tried to draw out just the time? Like Judge Rutherford and many of them, that, "Jesus come in '14." And--and Mother Shipton, it way back behind that, and so forth, all these times. And, see, when going by this, by what they've tried to figure out the Scripture, see, they ruined it. It's hid. It's actually hid. And how could the Scripture go against Itself, when Jesus said, "No man knows the minute or hour"? See? See? They just get one piece of Scripture and hold It.

94 You must take the whole Thing. Then, if God is in that, then God will manifest that to be the Truth. Like Divine healing, if it isn't Truth, then it isn't Truth; God will have nothing to do with it. But if He manifests It to be the Truth, then It is the Truth. Just as Jesus...

95 God said, "If there be one among you, is a prophet, or spiritual, I'll speak to him. And what he says comes to pass, then hear it. That's it. But if his prophecy is wrong, then..." God can't be wrong. He's infinite, infallible, omnipotent, and He cannot be wrong. So, if the man is speaking, then it shows the man. If he spoke his own words, it'll fail. But if he speaks God's Words, it can't fail, because it's God speaking. Then, his inspiration comes from God, and it--it has to be right. That's the way God said to tell it. That's the way the Bi-...

96In the Old Testament, He said, "If they speak not according to the law and the prophets, it's because they have no Life in them, no Light in them." Right. They have to speak according to the law and prophets. And a prophecy, or anything else, must be according to the Word. If it isn't, it's wrong. See?

97 Now, we find out that all this has took place, because, waited. Revivals: the Methodists, the Lutheran, the Baptists, the Campbellites, and--and all different ones. They've had great revivals. The Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, all had great revivals. But the great exodus hasn't come. Why? God told Abraham He'd keep him in the land right then, but the--the iniquity of the Amorites wasn't yet full. And God has waited, patient. Them people, trying to figure out, they can see the Scripture run right into something. Run right into something, they said, "This is the day. This is the time." But you fail to understand that the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet fulfilled.

98 Four hundred years they would journey down there in Egypt, and be brought out. But they actually stayed four hundred and forty years, because of the rejection of the prophet. They had to suffer another, about forty years down there in the wilderness, before God brought them out. Moses was out in the wilderness forty years before he ever returned back to deliver them, you see. Forty years went overtime, lapsed, because that they rejected the message.

99Now, forty years in God's time would be about one and a half minutes, to our time. That's how much difference is. "Thousand years is only one day." See? Wouldn't be even a minute, hardly. Notice, in that.

100 Now we're running late. Why? God has been long-suffering, waiting, watching. Let the--the Lutheran rise in a revival, then organize. Let the Methodists rise in revival; organize. Let John Smith, the Baptist church, rise up with a great revival; organize. Let the Pentecostals raise up with the restoration of the gifts; organize. Until the iniquity gets plumb full, then God is tired, then there comes an exodus.

101 And we see it, that the people themselves can see back down the stream of time, that the thing is cursed. They take a wedge and a fine Babylonian garment, again. And that's the thing that curses amongst the people, when men tries to inject his own ideas about things.

102We got to stay with that Word. That's the commandments of God, was, "Not to touch nothing in that city, that cursed city. Don't touch it. Leave it alone."

103And Achan thought that he could take this gold wedge and live pretty decently like the rest the world, and fine Babylonian garment. Oh, at the Achans in the camps! See? But the thing is cursed, and it continually is cursed. It was cursed since the very Nicene Council, at Nicaea, Rome, been cursed ever since. But God has let the iniquity fill up, until the time of the Amorites is about fulfilled.

104 And now anybody with spiritual understanding, remember, I keep quoting, spiritual understanding, you can see that the iniquity of this nation is filled up. She's organized and reorganized, and organized and organized. And now she's confederated, and joining with something else. The iniquity is filled up. It's time for exodus, time for a calling-out, to the promised Land. Not the promise, just another country to go to; but a Home, the Millennium, time for a calling-out. The iniquity of this nation (strike one again tonight, the Lord willing) is filled up. She is filthy.

105You say, "Brother Branham, the nation you live in?" Yes, sir. Certainly. You say, "As a citizen of the United States, you shouldn't say that." Then, Elijah shouldn't have called a curse upon Israel, and him being an Israelite then. The rest of the prophets should never have cursed that nation that they were Israelites under.

106 But they only spoke, not their own thoughts, but the Word of the Lord. See? Depends on where you're drawing your inspiration from. Depends on how it's coming. If it's contrary to the Word, leave it alone. I ask anybody to prove that That's contrary to the Word.

107Did not the Bible say, in Revelations 13? That's where this nation appears. This nation is numbered thirteen, a woman's nation. It's a woman, in the Bible. Woman is on our coins. It's a woman's nation. It's where the rottenness of women begins, starts, where it ends at. The rottenness started in Eden, by disbelieving God's Word. Here is where it hatched out women preachers and everything else. The filth of the world comes right out of Hollywood, the worse nation in the world; more divorces, the rest the world put together. See? Why? You'll find out one of these days, the Lord willing. You'll see why, this cursed thing. You can see the blindness of this divorce stuff that Satan has pulled over the eyes of the people. We're in a terrible hour. Our end is almost at hand now, I believe. They're rotten, rotten to the core.

108 She appears in Revelations 13, number thirteen. And remember, it raised up like a lamb, freedom of religion. But then it received power from the beast; an image like it. And he spoke with all the authority, and done the same rotten things the beast did before him. Then tell me it's not prophesied of this nation? The Amorite condition is just about ripe, 'cause they're already working in it.

109And even our new pope, his main purpose is to unite the brethren together. And, to the natural eye, it's the thing to do. But, in the eyes of God, it's contrary to the Holy Spirit. We can't mix up with that. And every church will be called into that federation. Get out of that thing, as quick as you can. You'll take the mark of the beast, not knowing what you're doing. Get out of it.

110 I hope the spiritual mind can catch it. I'm sure you do. But I wonder, out there. Anyhow, you can't visit every nation. You can send tapes to it. God will have some way to catch that mind out there where that seed is sowed. Right. And as soon as the Light strikes it [Brother Branham claps his hands together once--Ed.], it's gone, takes Life. Like the little woman at the well, she said, "There It is." She caught It.

111Get out of that thing. It's cursed. "Cursed?" Tell me where one ever fell and rose again. Tell me one ever raised that didn't fall. So, you can see that the thing is wrong. All right.

112 The iniquity wasn't full yet, of the Amorites, so they had to linger and wait before the exodus. But when the Amorites got their iniquity filled, then there come a spiritual exodus, or natural exodus, to lead the people to a natural land, where a natural Amorite had once dwelt, called that their land.

113And the iniquity of the Amorite denomination has called themselves "the Church," so long, till their iniquity is about fulfilled.

114There's coming an exodus, where God will show who is who; where the Church Itself, the Bride of Jesus Christ, will be exodus-ed out, into the Land that's promised. "In My Father's House are many mansions, in this place." You don't have to go There and fight like they did. It's already prepared. If this earthly tabernacle dwelling be dissolved, we have one already waiting, "That where I am, there ye will be also." The great exodus at hand!

115 Watch how God did that exodus, what He... what preparations He made, and study just a minute, then look at today. All right. Notice, before this exodus, "There raised up a--a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph." See? A pharaoh who didn't know Joseph. "Didn't know Joseph." What was Joseph represented? The spiritual part in this spiritual exodus.

116There raises up now, "We are freedom." ("The woman was nourished for a time, time, and a dividing of time.") But finally there raised up a--a Jos-... or a pharaoh dictator who knew not the freedom of religion, uniting them together. Don't let it pass you. There come a time where there was a pharaoh, first, had to come.

117And the organizations lived lusciously, lived as a grafted branch, into the real vine of Christianity, but it's still bearing its original fruits: women, half-dressed; men, intellectual, and denying the power of the Spirit. But, it's lived under the name of a Christian church. It's a grafted vine. But the Husbandman is coming by now to prune that vine, as He said He would do. All those that don't have the fruit is cut off and throwed into the fire and consumed.

118 It's an awful thing to say, but Truth sometimes seems awful. As just told you, how God takes His children through the deep waters and the miry sands and thing. He does it that way. Remember, the--the pot must be broke into shivers, sheaves, little pieces to be remolded and ground again. Look like a terrible thing to destroy it, but it has to be done thus, in order to get the pot re-made again, the vase or whatever you're making.

119 "There was a pharaoh who raised up, who did not know Joseph." And that was the beginning of the beginning. That was the beginning of the exodus. And when that thing begin to form, under a--a political power, begin to form, God begin to get ready. The iniquity of the Amorites was fulfilled. The time that He promised Abraham was fulfilled, and the time of deliverance was at hand.

120And God permitted a pharaoh to raise up, who knew not Joseph, and Raamses was born. And right after Seti come Raamses. And Raamses was that one who knew not the blessings of Joseph. And--and he didn't know what the spiritual side was. He was only a political genius, that he could take Ethiopia and all the rest of the countries, under military might. And that's all he knew, was the--the military might.

121 I think, if any man was spiritual, could see what's taking place now. We're getting a pharaoh who knows not freedom of religion. When our president took his office, he would not swear to that, that he believed in freedom of religion.

122 What about the other day when we had this question of segregation, down in the South? When this governor of--of Alabama... I wish I could talk to that minister, that Martin Luther King. How can the man be a leader, and leading his people into a death trap? If those people were slaves, I'd be down there, my coat off, beating away for them people. They're not slaves. They're citizens. They're citizens of the nation. The question of "going to school."

123Them people, if they got a hard heart and don't know those things. You can't drive into a people, spiritual things, what is beat in there with political powers. They've got to accept it, be born again, then they'll see these things.

124 But, this man, if I could only speak to him; leading those precious people, under the name of religion, into a death trap where he's going to kill thousands times thousands of them! They don't... They just get the--the natural side.

125This man, the colored brother, when that great uprise come in Louisiana, I was there at the time. When the... There's a colored minister, precious old brother, stood up out there and said, asked the militia, "Could I speak to them? They're my people." And this old minister stood up, out there, said, "I want to say, this morning, I never was ashamed of my color. My Maker made me what I am."

126That's the way He wants him to remain. That's the way He wants every man to remain. He makes white flowers, and blue flowers, and all colors of flowers. Don't interbreed them. Don't cross them up. You get against nature.

127 He said, "I never been ashamed of my color, until this morning." He said, "When I see my people rise up and do the things they're doing now," he said, "it makes me ashamed of them." O God, bless that voice. He said, "You're only going to cause trouble." Said, "Look at the schools here. If we had no schools," said, "it would be different. But who has got the best schools here in Louisiana?" Said, "Let's take, for instance, our city, Shreveport." Said, "There's a white school over there, it's the old school. They built us another one. They haven't got one instrument, one play thing for the children. We got a yard full. And besides that, they built us a great, big, marble swimming pool for our children. And we got the best of teachers that can be gotten." Said, "Why do you want to go over there, when we got a better here? What's the matter with you?" he said.

128And them people, they, "Rah!" They deadened the voice. There you are, see, wrong inspiration.

129 Them people were slaves. They're my brothers and sisters. They were slaves, I'd say, "Let's just join with them and go down through the street and protest that thing." They're not slaves. They're citizens with the same rights anybody else has got. It's just a bunch of inspiration coming from hell, to cause a million of them to be killed. They start a revolutionary. Certainly, it is. It's not right.

130Men and women have their own rights. Our colored brothers, and our Japanese, and the yellow, white, black, and whatever they was. There's no difference in the color of a god. We all come from one man, Adam. But if God separated us and turned us different colors, let's remain that way. If I was a--a yellow man, I'd want to remain a Japanese, or Chinese. I was a--a--a colored man, I'd want to remain that way. God made me that way.

131 Frankly, there's a lot about the colored race that the white race ought to have. They don't have the worry. They're more spiritual. There's a thousand things about them that the white man can't even touch. God made them thus.

132Who could ever out-sing a colored choir? Where could you find voices? I've seen them come from the lands back there, didn't know which, a right and left hand. Thirty or forty different tribes of them, and they sing to a place, the masters stand there, say, "I just can't touch it." He trained choirs for years, and one will be octave high, and low, and everything. Said, "Listen to that, just perfectly, even in different language." They're gifted.

133 But, you see, all this stuff has to happen, all because of a politician that you people elected with your crooked machines.

134And the other day, when that governor stood there, sworn and elected into that office, by the people, and the question of segregation according to the constitution is, that each--each state can take its own thought about that. He didn't care, but he read the constitution, said, "Now, the school stands for segregation." They got a school over there. And only two colored children wanted to enter that school, when they got their own college. But he stood and said, "What?" He even read the constitution.

135 Then when it come back to this fellow we got up here, that knows not Joseph, freedom. Pulling for those colored votes, and not knowing it was a republican party that freed them, in the first place. Selling out their birthrights, to such a thing as that, to lead them into a death trap, to show that every man-made system has got to fall. Exactly right. And Mr. Kennedy nationalized that guard, and send those men right back into the face of their own fathers standing there under the constitution. That broke the constitution again.

136 Said, "We'll not fight. No, sir." And said, "I hope the nation can find out that we're not living anymore under a democracy, but under military dictatorship."

137 You know the old saying, "Once a southern democrat, always." I don't know now. Uh-huh. Surely a man will have sense enough to wake up to something. See? Let those precious people alone. Don't kill them off, down there.

138Like that guy shot that brother in the back, the other night, with that gun, and his little children and wife in the house. I don't care who he is, that's lowdown and little. Yes, sir. Like to be the judge on that case, once. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Shoot that man, coming home to his wife and children. He's a citizen, has a right to stand for what he thinks is right, a good man. Picture in the Life magazine, that little boy crying for his daddy. And some renegade out there, shoot him in the back, out of an ambush.

139That's what you get to when you reject Christ. That's right. That's where the whole nation has got to, all under politics. It's such a shame, but that's what we wanted. We proved it in this election.

140 My little son said to me, this morning, "Daddy, the pilgrim fathers, when they come over here, were they all belong to this certain denomination of church? Were they all..." Said, "They had on big coats?"

141I said, "No, honey. They come here for freedom of religion. That's what they come here, to get out from under such stuff as that." You see where it's got to now? Shows all these kingdoms must fall.

I must hurry.

142 One thing, I pray that Brother Martin Luther King will certainly soon wake up. He loves his people; there's no doubt. But if he just only see where his inspiration. What good would it do if you went to school, a million of you laying yonder, dead? Wouldn't just be, go to school, just the same? Now, for--for hunger, if it was for something another, slaves, the man would be a martyr to give his life for such a cause, a worthy cause, and that would be a worthy cause. But just to go to school, I--I don't see it. See? I don't think the Holy Spirit is agreeing with him, at all, on that. It's got the people all worked up, in a bunch of ballyhoo, you see.

143Just--just like Hitler did, over in Germany, led them right into a death trap, them precious Germans. And they laid by the billions, or millions, piled up there on top one another.

144And that's exactly the same thing. And remember, I'm on tape. You'll see it, after, maybe after I'm gone. That's exactly what's going to happen. Them precious people will die down there, like flies. Starts a revolutionary, both white and colored will fight again, and die like flies. And what you got when it's all over? A bunch of dead people.

145 "But there raised up a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph." The same thing today, a man has raised up and took oath in the--in the White House, that will not swear to his oath, will not take his oath that he believes in freedom of religion.

146What's this new pope saying? One... Four things that he has. One of them, is to unite the Protestant and the Catholic together. And to any intellectual person, that's the thing to do. But according to the Bible, it's the wrong thing to do. And the Bible said they would do that.

147Let's go a little farther. At this time, Raamses, in Egypt, was growing. His power is growing. The natural man, Raamses, was growing.

148The natural man, the antichrist, is growing now. Through politics, he's already got to the White House. In religion, he's got all the people so scrupled up, till actually they'd fall right for it. And the denominational leaders, practically every church that there is in the nation, is already in the confederation of churches. Raamses is growing. And they're all uniting together, and that's what they'll have. And what does it do? It makes a power, a beast just like the first one.

149 Then there's a persecution coming upon all those who won't unite with it, and a boycott. It'll be too late then. You've already took the mark. Don't say, "I'll do it then." You better do it now. Raamses was growing.

150But remember, while Raamses was growing into power, in Egypt, God had Moses in the wilderness. He was growing, too. Raamses had a political system. God had a spiritual system, under a prophet, ready to come down, to speak to the people.

151 They're both growing again. It'll be a showdown, one of these days. The time ain't far off when there will come a showdown. As the natural... As the Scripture says, "The natural typed the spiritual." You can't get away from it. There it is. It's right before your eyes. It's Truth. Look at the Church now, calling out, coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down, the mysteries of God being revealed and set in order. See? And right here, she's already in the White House. And the Church is pulling Itself together, amen, not a denomination; out of the bondage of iniquities, away from the Amorites, a people that's free. Oh!

152 God had Moses, His to-be prophet. Though he had already prophesied, and it proved that he was right, but yet he was in the school of wilderness, hid away from the rest of the world. But he was schooled, being trained, out in the wilderness.

153The enemies will propose, always, his system. And unbelief will accept it, because the enemy is the intellectual sign.

154Now, remember, there's only two. Don't forget this. There's only two powers. One is spiritual power, of the Holy Spirit. The other one is the Devil, working through intellectual power. For, that's where he entered, in the garden of Eden, through intellectual powers, to make Eve believe in intellectual conception, against the Word. Just as plain as it can be, the kids could get that. See? See? And that's the way it's been, all the way down.

155 Here it is, in Egypt, this morning. There is an intellectual power working in Raamses, bring him up to power. And raise him up, who knows not the freedom to let what Joseph had done, what the church had done in the beginning.

156And now we see the same thing, an intellectual power weaving among the churches, and it's raised up to an ecclesiastical head that don't care about what the Bible said. They got their own system. It's not what the Bible said. It's what the church said. And the Protestants weaved right into that, till all their little groups, like this, "Well, sure. Well, I know It says This, but I tell you, them days is gone."

157"Form of godliness, and denying the power." Every Scripture in the Bible points straight to it.

158Now you see why I want to tape this and send it to the people. The hour has arrived. Truth has got to be known. The exodus is at hand. See?

159The--the intellectual part looks perfect. And it is perfect, it's exactly; but, perfect, the inspiration of Satan.

160 And then, all the time, that, this intellectual Raamses was growing and coming to the throne. And remember, he raised up as a brother to Moses, see, a brother to Moses. One of them had to take the intellectual seat, just like Joseph to his brethren. And what did they do with the little Joseph? Excommunicated him from the Word. The Word is God. And they excommunicated the Word, and accepted a creed. And now the creed has growed to power.

161O God, let people see that! How can I use any more voice? How can I make it any plainer by the Scriptures, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we're here?

162"Oh," you say, "well, now, if that came from Pope John, or Pope So-and-so, or Bishop So-and-so!"

Do you see that God took a little, insignificant desert-dweller?

Say, "How can all of it be wrong?"

163 God deals with an individual, not with groups. With individual; God getting His--His, getting His. Only thing He had to have is one man that He could operate with. That's all He wants is one man. He's tried to get them, through every age. If He could get one man! He got one man in the days of Noah! One man in the days of Elijah! One man in the days of John the Baptist. Just one man is all He needs. In the days of the judges, He tried to get one man, Samson, give him great power, but he sold it out to a woman and was blinded. It's judges; wasn't so. God is the judge. See?

164You see, today, He's trying to get one man He can get in His hand, that'll tell the Truth, that'll be fearless with it, that won't pull no punches, that'll not be dogmatic; one man He can hold in His hand and show His Word alive, and show Himself alive. I believe He could get such a person ready. I do. I believe it. I just believe the Bible enough, to believe that He could get it, that's right, that would tell the Truth.

165 After while, we find out, after went through all these schools. Now watch. The enemy proposes something, the intellectual mind, because the enemy is working on intellects. And the mind will set down and reason it, and say, "Now, wait just a minute. Isn't it so, that a council..."

166I talked to a man the other day, and he said, "Look, Billy!" He works for the Public Service Company, a fine man. And he said, "I want to ask you something." Said, "You are Irish."

I said, "Yes, sir." Said, "I'm kind of ashamed of it, but, yet, I am."

167And he said, "Well," he said, "don't you know that you really, really should be Catholic?"

168I said, "I am the original catholic." You know, the first Church was the catholic Church.

169You see where it's got to, today? It started at Pentecost, but the organization set it where she's at now. Look, and Pentecost come right back and organized, done the thing the first Catholic church. And they're almost as far away today as they, as they been in two thousand years. And fifty years has brought them almost to it. See?

170 He said, "Don't you believe that when a group of ecumenical minds," there you are, "sets together and reasons something, and the entire group can agree, don't you think they'd be just a little... I come to hear you preach," said, "but I disagree with you."

171I said, "The only way that you can prove that you're disagreement is logical, is prove it by the Bible."

He said, "The Bible has nothing to do with it."

172I said, "To you, It might not. But, to me, It's all to do with it. See, It's the Word."

173He said, "Don't you think that a bunch of ecumenical minds setting together, could be more right, and being sure of being right, than just one little, uneducated fellow like yourself?" I said... "Well," said, "what business you got to say anything against that bi-... or against our--our church? When, there's been, down through the age, when they had the first church council, as you spoke of, there one night, we heard this, the church ages, of the ecumenical council gathering at Nicaea, Rome, and formed the Roman Catholic church." Said, "Don't you know there was thousands of men, spirit, God-sent men set in that council? And don't you think that their mind would be more subject to know the will of God, than yours down here, after God has proved through two thousand years that that church is right?"

174 I said, "He's never proved it." I said, "If that church is a Church of God, let us see it bring forth like the first Church did then. Let us see it produce the things they did at the first place. When, even the Bible says, that, 'Even not one tittle or one jot shall fail from It.' And He said, 'Whosoever shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken out,' whether it's ecumenical council or whatever it is, 'from the Book of Life.' He's finished."

Said, "Billy, you're just erratic."

175And I said, "Then, I guess, one time in the great dignity of Israel, when they had separated like the Protestant and Catholic has today, Israel wanted to remain Israel." But I said, "We find out that they had a king named Jehoshaphat, a righteous man who tried to keep the--the--the laws of God. But they had another one over here named Ahab, who married a woman, politics, trying to get friends with another nation, and married one of their daughters, Jezebel, and brought her in, too, among the people of God." Same thing that we're doing, and bringing in. "And she become a ruler; make Ahab say this, and make Ahab say that." Same thing they're doing now. And I said, "The showdown come."

176 They wanted to unite both churches together, as they're trying to do now. And--and to Ahab... And even the Jehoshaphat, the organization man, said, "Yes. That'll be fine. Your people are my people. We're all Christians. We're all believers. Let's get together." But when he got down to the showdown, he said, "Don't you think we ought to go to prayer about this? We ought to consult the Lord."

And he said, "Yes," said Ahab.

So he said, "I'll tell you what. Let's find the prophet of the Lord."

177But, you see, Ahab had a system that he thought was of the Lord. He said, "I got four hundred of them, schooled and trained." And they claim to be Hebrew prophets, as ministerial groups does today.

178And they brought them out, and asked them a question concerning the--the outcome of the battle. And every one of them got together and united, just like the ecumenical council does today, and they come up with the question. "Go up. The Lord is with you, for that land truly belongs to us. And push the Syrians out of there, or the Philistines. Push them out, because the land belongs to us." That sounds very reasonable. See?

179 But, yet, down in the heart of Jehoshaphat, didn't sound right. He said, "I know you got four hundred well-trained ecumenical ministers there. And they're all with one accord, even till they made pair of iron horns and said, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.' But could we just find another one?"

180He said, "Let not the king say so," the politician said. "Let not the king say so, because these men are trained men. I've trained them, myself." That's it. See? That's it. "I've trained these men. But, there is one more, but I hate him." See? Said, "That's Micaiah, the son of Imlah, but," said, "I hate him. He isn't nothing but a renegade among them. He's always bawling them out. He's always telling me that I'm wrong. Look at my kingdom." Yeah, look at it, look what a mess it was in.

181 Look at your denomination, today, "Having a form of godliness and dying the power thereof." See? Oh, you may be a million more, and a thousand more, and better-trained men, but where you at in the Spirit? Where is your strength at, was in Samson, when he stood there, as I said the other day? With all of his big framework there, and every fiber in there, but no Life in it. The Spirit had left him. He was helpless. The little kid leading him around; blinded eyes, because of some woman. Same as the church is, today, led around by politics, bishops, elders, all kinds of stuff. Men pulling straws, to get something in their hat, and everything. Where we at, so when we come to this spot?

182 They sent and got Imlah, or the... not Imlah; but Micaiah, the son of Imlah. Sent and got him. And he prophesied and told them that Ahab would get killed if he went up there.

183And that archbishop smacked him in the mouth. He was honest about it. He said, "Where did the Spirit of God go when It left me?"

Said, "You'll see." Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

184Said, "Put him in the prison. Put him in inner jail. Feed him bread of sorrow, and water of sorrow. And when I return back in peace," said, "I'll deal with this fellow."

185And, Imlah, knowing that he was right with God! Why? His vision compared with the Word. He was a prophet. And his spirit and his vision was exactly with the prophet, Elijah. He said, "If you return, at all, then God hadn't spoke to me."

186Now, I said to this fellow, "Which was right, the ecumenical council where four hundred elected men sat together, elected by men, or one little renegade elected by God?"

"Well," he said, "well, how would you know the difference?"

187I said, "Back to the Blueprint!" How do we know to build a building 'less there's a blueprint?

188If they'd have stopped a minute, and find out that that prophet, Elijah, cursed Ahab, and said, "The dogs would lick his blood." And they did. How could he bless what God had cursed?

189How can you bless anything that God has cursed? Get out of the thing. Get away from it. Come into Christ. Amen.

190 Now notice. But, the enemy will proposition. The enemy will purpose a thing, prepare it, and the intellectual mind say, "That's right."

191That's where this precious brother was. This man, he said, "Look like... Look here. You know, that, if all of us would be together, as one church, don't you think we'd be better off than scattered the way we are now?"

192Don't that sound reasonable, if all the Protestants and the Catholics could get together and come to some mutual ground? "But how can two walk unless they be agreed?" How can you, when one group here don't believe in healing, the other one says they do believe, other one puts it on some other time back? Some don't even believe the Bible. And put that together, what have you got? God is no author of confusion.

193Before God could ever set His Church in order, they waited ten days and nights, till they all become "in one place, in one accord." And there come the Holy Spirit for leadership, not some ecumenical council. See? I hope you get this. Notice.

194 That is the unbeliever, unfaithful to the Word of God, that don't notice what the Word says, but notice to your own reasonings. That's what Eve done, in the first place. She relied upon her reasoning.

195Satan said, "Now, look here. Isn't it reasonable? I know the Word says That. But, wait a minute, isn't it reasonable that--that you'd be better off if you knowed right from wrong?"

"Why, yes." Then she took it. See? Sure.

196 That's the way with reason. Now, unbelief will always goes to reasonings, but faith won't touch it.

197Wouldn't been reasonable to our father; from which is the father of our faith, Abraham, that we're his children by "in Christ." Wouldn't have been reasonable that a woman sixty-five years old, and he had lived with, all since she was a girl, could not have a baby? And when she was a hundred years old, or ninety, and him a hundred, and still no baby. Wouldn't reason, some great staff of doctors and science give Sarah an examination? Said, "Why, her womb is dried up. The milk veins is dried, forty years ago. Her heart, that age, she couldn't go into labor." Why, it's only reasons.

198But Abraham refused it. "He staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief. Against reasons, he staggered not at God's promise, no matter what it was. For he--he had counted God able to perform everything that He said He'd do."

199 Now, where is the children of Abraham this morning? You ministers that afraid, you afraid, of your bread and water, on the street, if you leave that Babylon. Where is your faith? David said, "I was once young, and now I'm old. I've never seen the righteous forsaken, or His Seed begging bread." Don't be afraid. Stay true to Christ.

200 But unbelief will catch reason. That's what it did. Now you get it? Unbelief relies on reasons, present day things. Faith won't do it.

201Faith looks at the Word. But faith places itself upon the unmovable Rock, God's Eternal Word. Amen. Faith don't look at reason. I don't care how much you can show it would be better. If the Word says "no," faith rests there. That is the sanctuary of faith's resting place.

202 Want to ask you Lutheran, this morning, you Baptists, and you Catholic, and you, whatever you are, you denominational people around the world. How can you place your faith upon your denomination, when it's contrary to the Word? What kind of a faith have you got? You got reasoning power, and not faith. "For faith cometh by hearing," hearing the ecumenical council? Could you ever... Said, you might get that in the Old Ladies Birthday Almanac, but you never find it in God's Word.

203 "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Amen. Tell me that one man can speak anything contrary to That, and say it's the Word of God. When, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word shall not."

204Faith finds the Word its sanctuary of rest. It moves right up on top that Eternal Rock, Christ Jesus, the Word, and lays down there and rests. Let the winds howl. Let the storms shake. She is safe, evermore. She rests right there on that Word. That's where faith, genuine Christian faith, rests. Resting place is the Word, for it knows that God will ever prove Hisself superior, over every one of His enemies. No matter how bad it looks, and how the enemy has come in, and how look like you're defeated, faith still knows.

205 Now, to you sick people, oh, how I'd like to drive this home! When you catch that faith, that you're going to be healed; every--every circumstance, everything else, all signs, all symptoms can point that you are dying, you'll never move! Its resting place is in the sanctuary of God's Word, when faith, genuine faith sets itself there. Not make-believe now; faith. Not hope; but faith. Hope is out here, hoping it was in. Faith is already in, looking out, and saying, "It's done." See? That's faith. There is where faith takes its resting place, for it knows that God will never, never let the enemy ride over the top of him. He never has. Faith knows that, so, regardless of what the thing looked.

Noah knowed that ark would float. See? Certainly did.

Daniel knowed that God could close the lions' mouth.

The Hebrew children know that God could stop the fire.

206 Jesus knew that God would raise Him up again, because the Word said, "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." He knowed corruption set in in seventy-two hours. He said, "Within three days I'll raise up again." See? It took its Eternal resting place in the sanctuary of God's Word, and there it stood.

207 Reason will try its best to recognize, "Well, this system is bound to be better. This is That." It looks better because you're looking with the intellectual mind. You can prove reasonings.

208But you can't prove faith. Cause, if you can prove it, it's no longer faith. But faith knows only the Word and the promise, and it looks to that thing that you do not see. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You can't reason. I can't prove how it'll be done. I don't know how it's going to be done. I don't know it, but I believe it. I know that it's so, because God said so. That's settled.

209That's the reason I know that This is right. I know the Word is right. I know the Message is right, for It's in the Word. And I see the living God moving among It, to prove. We're at an exodus, certainly true.

210 Even death itself can't shake faith. Man stand right in the death, in the... right in the face of death, and shout the victory of the resurrection. Paul, "O death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" See? "Cause, Christ raised up, and those that are in Christ will come forth with Him at His Coming." See? Can't change it. Yeah.

211Faith makes the Word of God its sanctuary of its Eternal rest. It lays in the Word of God. Notice, again.

212 Now, we just got a little bit longer, about twenty-five minutes, if you--if you don't mind. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I--I want to continue this tape, just a minute.

213Notice the king, that new king that raised up, that didn't know Joseph. What was his first scheme, to destroy the power of Israel? Was with their children. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He tried to destroy their children. Now listen close. The same Devil, in a different form of a kingship, tried to destroy God's only Son. See? "Get rid of the children, first, before they get a start." The Devil is a real smart, shrewd bird. He knows how to hit the thing before it gets started. He knows it. See?

214And the only thing that you can ever do, to beat him, is rely on Christ, and humble yourself and let Him lead you. See? You'll never do it any other way. Your intellectual powers will never do it. You've got to believe it. Just rely on Him. He is the Shepherd. It ain't the sheep's business to keep the wolf away. It's the Shepherd's business. But the sheep must stay with the Shepherd, in order to stay safe. That's my safety zone, is in Christ; and Christ is the Word. That's the safety zone.

215 Notice. The Devil, in a form of--of Raamses, a king, the first thing he done was get rid of the children, with a natural death. And as soon as the Son of God was born... He had moved from Egypt, 'cause God destroyed Egypt, cursed it. It's never come back, since. Then he was in Rome; Satan moved his--his seat up to Rome. And the first thing Rome did, to destroy it all, to get, be sure; the Devil, in that Roman system, tried to destroy (what?) the Son of God, to begin with. The same Devil!

216And, today, he's done the same thing, under the sign of spirit now, religious, professing Christianity, and taking our girls and marrying them to Catholic boys, and make them bring their children Catholic, to break the power of the other side. There is your demon. There is your Devil seated on seven hills, wearing triple crowns, just as slick and cunning, smart, intellectual like the serpent; the seed of the serpent, his children, using the same intellectual techniques. Look.

217 Then they kill the children, in the other two times. They kill the children with what? Two time. Now remember, watch that two, and them three. See? He killed the children, the first two times, with natural death. And this last time, he's getting the children and kill them with spiritual death, marrying, inter-marrying.

218Didn't Daniel say the same thing, in this kingdom of the iron and clay, that they'll mingle them seeds, trying to break the power of the other people? And that's what they're doing, till they got the thing now. They got a president in. Now, the next thing you have to do, is put--is put the cardinal in. Put the whole cabinet in, and then what are you going to do?

219 Next thing they do, they take their money and--and pay off the debt of the United States, and borrow it from the church, and then you're sold out. Now, we're--we're living today, paying our foreign debts over there, with tax money that won't be paid in until forty years has passed. We have no more money. But the church has it. Don't the Bible say, "She was decked with gold"? And, oh, my! But you...

220That's the way it does, see, marry your daughters, daughters marry your sons, raise your children Catholic, exactly, kills them with spiritual death. Didn't the Bible say, that, "He would throw her in a bed of worldliness, and kill her children with spiritual death"? Revelation 17. See?

221It's always the Word. I don't care where you go, it's still the Word. It has to fit right in the picture. If it don't, it's not the Word, it's not the Word. You can't make it go all the way through the Bible, then it's wrong.

222 Look. During this time, God was training His servant for his work. Training him, out of their sight, out of their plans, their schemes. Are you catching it? Out of their organizational system, God was training a man for His purpose. He just letting it go on. Let him marry, and have his wife and children, child Gershom. He was living pretty good life, blessing him out there. But, all time, He was getting him ready, train him.

223 God and His enemy did, in the natural then, just like God and His enemy is doing in the spiritual now. They killed them with natural death; now with spiritual death. See? God was getting a natural man ready, His prophet, to go down into Egypt. And Satan was getting a Raamses ready, his natural man, see, getting a natural man ready (what?) to kill off, or unite all the Egyptians and Hebrews together, make them still serve them.

224That's why it's so hard for the mind to reason against an educational system that can prove its points. See? That's right. Its mind will always go to the education. Intellectuals and reasoning mind don't even see It.

225 Did you see Cecil DeMille's Ten Commandments? I guess many of you did. I don't believe in going to picture shows, all this stuff. But I recommended to the church, that anybody, if they didn't have nothing but that, that wanted to see it, it would be all right if they want to see it. Because, I would not let... First, some of my brethren went. They come, telling me. I hadn't been around one for many years. Finally, I went down here, when it was at this drive-in. I looked at it. I seen what it was. Then I said to the church, "If you want to go see that, it's all right." There it was. It was lovely, beautiful.

226 How that that trick of the Devil, how sly he was in there, how he--he moved in there to kill those children. And how that the intellectual mind picked it up and believed it, because they could see it! It was reasonable. Oh, how God was, all the time, training this prophet! And how Egypt was training, in politics, this Raamses, to take over! And then the great contest came, one day, between intellectual and spiritual power. And Raamses, with all of his gods, was standing out there and pouring water in, to--to bless the god of the Nile. God struck him, and blood flew out of him. He had... Oh, I--I thought it was striking, see, to see what taken place. Oh!

227 Now watch. The intellectual will always goes to a reasoning. And it can't see the spiritual side, because it's intellectual. Oh, neither could any other time! They can't see it now.

228They couldn't see it in the days of Elijah. How could this one old fuzzy-faced prophet...

God forgive me for saying a thing like that. But I--I miss-make... And God knows I'm trying to make--make it as ridiculous as I can, so that you can see the--the Spirit of God.

229Like Paul said, "I never come to you, speaking with enticing words and wisdom, for your minds would drift off to the wisdom. But I come with the power of the Holy Spirit, that your--that your--your--your hope and trust would rest, not in the wisdom of man, but in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ."

230 That's why I'm making this so ridiculous, by calling the great, godly prophet, "with a fuzzy face." Because, he might have been an--an awful-looking thing, to stand up, side of a well-dressed priest, and call hisself a man of God.

231Look at him. You could see the holiness of that priest, in the intellectual mind. You could see the turban on his head, and the turned around... and the ephod laying on his bosom here. You could see the anointing oil, natural, upon his beard, running down to the hems of his skirt. You could see the sacrifice fires burning, and all the rituals in order. Now, that's what the natural mind would have went to.

232That's what they're trying to do today, the eye, the gate to the soul. But, you see, the spiritual eye back in that eye!

233They looked at this old fuzzy-looking man standing there, hairs on his chest; and a great, big piece of sheepskin wrapped around him, of leather, a girdle over his loins, with, probably barefooted, little old skinny arms, the meat hanging down this a way; and a white, flowing beard all over his face; and a crooked stick in his hand, standing there. But the spiritual eye could see the power of God moving out there, 'cause it was exactly with the Word. Not what the intellect sees; what the spiritual eye sees!

234 And the--the natural eye, today, sees a glamorous church, a fellowship with the mayor of the city, or--or whatmore, in these denominations' organization. And they fail to see the power of the Holy Spirit, when It can raise the dead and heal the sick. And--and--and how... See? They, they look, and they watch Hollywood, and they watch the people on the street.

235The women, today, think, "Well, this woman, Susie, she belongs to the church. She's got her hair bobbed. She wears make-up. Everybody in town likes her."

236I wonder about Heaven? See? When it's contrary to the Word, God can't endorse it. He, He would be endorsing against Himself. He would be denying His Own Word. And be it known, God will never do that, though heavens and earth pass away. A bobbed-hair women is a curse, in the sight of God, or a woman that will put on a garment pertains to a man. See? The spiritual eye catches It; they live for Hereafter. The natural mind lives to reason the carnal things of the day.

237 Notice now, God doing this, and yet the people didn't know it. The carnal mind was going with the reason. God is now calling a spiritual exodus. Where He called a natural exodus for His people, He's calling a spiritual exodus today, to (His what?) His Elected, only to His Elected.

238 Now, Egypt could not see Israel being right, though the lamb's blood on the door and the lintel post, and the things that was taking place.

239And God down there, moving in this prophet, and taking a man's word. Let him stand up there, and take a--a staff that he was leaning on, and reach towards the east, and said, "Let there come flies, and blowth over the Egyptians." Walked back there.

And everybody said, "Nothing happened. Nothing happened."

240But just in a little while, an old green fly must started circling around. After while, they were probably two pounds per square yard, that a man spoke creation into existence.

241There was an intellectual Raamses standing there, that was against; a very religious man, and against the Spirit of the living God. And the natural mind could only see Raamses. But the spiritual mind seen the promise, and seen it coming to pass.

242 Well, if Joshua and Caleb could call those Amalekites, and Hivites, and Jebusities, as though they wasn't there, yet twice, or three or four times their size. And the natural mind, at Kadesh-barnea, when the spies went over, said,"Ah, we can't do it. We... They're--they're too much. Well, we're like--we're like grasshoppers, side of them."

243But Caleb and Joshua seen God's promise, said, "We're more than able to do it." Why? They were looking, "God said, 'I give you the land.'" See? The carnal mind don't get it. The spiritual mind picks it up.

244 And why? Want to ask you something. Why didn't the Egyptians see these things? Because they was not elected. God told Abraham before it happened. Get it, you sleeping church! God told Abraham before it happened, "Your seed will sojourn in--in Egypt, for four hundred years, and I'll bring them out." That's the reason they seen it, because they were elected to see it. They're the election. Israel was elected to see the sign of God, and they went out of Egypt where the unbelievers perished.

245And, today, God is calling His Elected, the spiritual Seed of Abraham, by the faith that he had in the Word of God. Don't you see the spiritual Seed, today? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That don't see the intellectual church. It sees the Word. And It's being called from those big denominations, into the Presence of Jesus Christ. Was that clear? Did you get it? ["Amen."] All right. We'll go further. The Elected, only!

Doctor D.L.Ph., they never see It. They wasn't elected.

246 And, remember, this election, is coming now, is just not going to another nation. It's going to Glory, where their names are wrote on the Lamb's Book of Life. Not under the natural, little animal lamb that brought Israel out, that they could backslide from there and go back. But, this can't. This is under the Blood of the Lamb of God that was slain before the foundation of the world. And their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And they're in there, elected. And when that Light flashes over them, like that, them denominational walls drop away from them, and here they come. "Come out from among them," said the Holy Spirit in these last days. "Touch not their unclean things. I'll be God to you; you be sons and daughter to Me." Watch.

247 Israel was watching. They knowed that God dealt with His prophets. They... Word come to them, and they come to see It. And they seen It.

248And now the intellectual sign, we see it now, that they're believing on their organizations. They're still in their creeds. Yet they...

249Just like Balaam was, that come up to the top of the hill, where Israel was. There was Israel, not a nation, it was just a people floating around, and were guilty. And Moab, his brother, the intellectual, the organized man, come up to the top of the hill, with the bishop or the prophet they had, and put up an altar, and offered the same sacrifice. But he failed to see the Pillar of Fire and the smitten Rock among Israel.

250So is it today. The intellectual mind was looking to the celebrity standing there. They fail to see the smitten Rock. Even the bishop, himself, fail to see the power of the Holy Spirit, the shout of the King in the camp. They fail to see it.

251 So, that's the way it is again today. God is calling His elected people, and they are elected now. And now they are elected for what? For a resurrection. And what kind of a sign is He showing them? Resurrection sign.

252What was He showing them then? A delivering sign, to deliver them from the bondage, a sign of power that could shut the heavens or could black the skies.

253And now He's showing the power of the resurrection of the His Son living among them, to resurrect them from this grave and graveyard that we're in, to the Land that He's promised to us. Resurrection sign, calling out of spiritual Egypt and spiritual Babylon, knowing.

254 Let me say this quietly now, that you'll catch it. Doing it by the same system that He did at the beginning, same thing He's doing. Blinding the eyes of unbeliever; open the eyes of the believer. And notice politics doing it on the intellectual side, politics and church, politics and nations, everything; and the other side is hid away from them, a spiritual cause.

255 God took one man in the wilderness, trained him up. And brought him back, and took the thing over, and brought the people out. See what I mean? He cannot change His program. He is God. He'll never deal with a group. He never did. He deals with an individual; and He did, and He will. And He promised, even in Malachi 4, He would do it. That's right. So there is His promise, what He was; promise what He said He would do, and here we are. What a people, happy, we should be; giving them the sign, by His promised Word sign, promised Word. He promised He would do it. And they... "Shall restore the Faith of the people, the hearts of the people, back to the Faith of the original pentecostal fathers." He promised to do it, showing His signs.

256"And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the Coming of the Son of man." What kind of a sign did the churches see at Sodom? What did the intellectual church see? Two preachers. What did the spiritual Church, elected, Abraham and his group? Saw God manifested in a body of flesh, of human flesh, that could discern the spirit and tell what Sarah was saying behind Him. "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." We see the Holy Spirit among us, doing the same thing, working in human flesh. It's the hour. See? We're just here, friends. That's all. An exodus is on.

257 But now notice, He did it then by what? Notice, and put on your spiritual thinking. May the Holy Spirit just lay back the old cap of indifference now, and look close. God ever makes a decision to do anything, one way, He can never change it.

258In the garden of Eden, when He wanted to redeem a man back to fellowship, He made a decision: it was the blood. They tried education, they've tried denomination, they've tried nationalize, and everything else, and it never works. There's only one place that God will ever meet with a man, that's under the shed blood, like it was in Eden. It's never changed. Only place God met, in the days of Job, was under the sacrificial lamb. Only place He met in the days of Israel, under sacrificial lamb; like He did in the garden of Eden, under the sacrificial lamb.

259The only place He meets today, is not in the denominations; they fuss and stew amongst one another. Not in church-anity; they still do the same thing. Not in the intellectuals; they're all mixed up. But under the Blood of the Lamb, every believer can meet with fellowship, where the Life is.

260 God chose, in the days of the exodus, He called out a group. And out of that group, I want you to notice something, He only got two that went to the promised land. What did He choose to take them out by, politics, organization? He chose a prophet, with a supernatural sign of a Pillar of Fire, that the people wouldn't be mistaken. What the prophet said was the Truth. And God come down, a Pillar of Fire, and vindicated Himself, showed His Word. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what He brought, His first exodus. His second exodus...

261God always goes in threes. He's perfect in threes. You all notice my preaching, it's always threes and sevens. Uh-huh. Seven is the "complete." Threes is His "perfection." First, Second, and Third Pull. And, oh, all, everything. See? Justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Everything! See? Notice.

262 What did He do, the first exodus? He sent a prophet, anointed with a Pillar of Fire, and He called the people out. That was His first exodus.

263And when Israel's time was up, He sent again, a God-Prophet, with a Pillar of Fire. John saw It descending from Heaven like a dove. And He said, "I go to God and I return to God."

264After His death, burial and resurrection; Saul of Tarsus, on his road down to Damascus, saw that same Pillar of Fire. And him being a Hebrew, well taught in the Word, said, "Lord, Who are You?" He knew it was the Lord, that Pillar of Fire. He was a Hebrew. Said, "Who are You?"

And He said, "I am Jesus."

265 The second exodus, He brought a Prophet, anointed, which was His Son, God-Prophet. Moses said He would be a Prophet; and had the Pillar of Fire, and done signs and wonders. And that same Prophet said, that, "Whosoever believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also."

266And here He promised the same thing in the exodus in the last days, and He cannot change it. And by scientific proof, by the witness of the Spirit, by the works of the Spirit, we see it today, the great Pillar of Fire moving among us; and the signs and wonders of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, calling the people from a denominationalism, into the Presence of Jesus Christ, to live, going to a Land. There no mistake, friends. It's not what I'm saying; I'm just your brother. But, it's what God is proving to you, what makes it the Truth. Same Pillar of Fire He used for the other two, He's brought It among you today, and proved It by scientific. As you know, Life magazine packed It last month, over there. Where...

267 How many was here and heard me tell about that, what happened, before it did it? I think, about everyone in the church.

268There it is. They don't know what it's all about; the scientists are trying to. Anybody got a picture of It, called in, "A Cloud, twenty-six miles high, in the shape of a pyramid." Seven Angels represent in there, brought back and brought you the Word of God, under the inspiration. It tells you these hours that you're coming and living in. The spiritual mind will pick that right now, see, and get it. It's an exodus. We're going to leave, one of these days. Thanks be to God. Remember.

I'll close, just a minute. I got ten minutes.

269 Notice the Pillar of Fire that called them out, led them to the promised land, under the anointing of a prophet. A Pillar of Fire that they could look at, led them to the promised land, under anointed prophet. And they constantly turned him down. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure.

270Now, I know we got to have a baptismal service. I got about six pages more here, I guess. But I'm going to stop now, just in a minute.

271Watch it. We are in a calling-out. "'Come out of Babylon, My people,' said the angel's voice." Out of what? Confusion. Is the Methodist right, or the Baptist, or the Catholic? "Come out of it." God is right. How do you know? "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine the Truth. Come out of it." What do you know? The same Pillar of Fire, the same anointing Spirit, leading to the promised Land.

272Notice, led them, brought them out, led them to the promised land; Israel, the nation.

273 And the same God, the same Pillar of Fire! That only... "They say that the... that that camera..." When you read George J. Lacy; not me, now. You read where George J. Lacy examined that picture. The head of the FBI, for fingerprint and documents, there is his statement. "Someone says, 'A double-exposed lens.'" Tens of thousand of people have looked at It, with their own eyes. We stood here and looked at It. You've looked at It. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't. "They said, 'It was an optical illusion.'" What did Mr. Lacy say? "The mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." Uh-huh. Wasn't no optical illusion. It's there, the same Pillar of Fire.

Then they say, "Oh, well, that was illusion."

Now, cameras, all, for in hundreds of miles of Tucson!

274 Six months before it happened, we told you, by the Holy Spirit, I would be going there to pick up the news. Because, the pyramid's Writing on the outside, as the brother had the dream, I interpreted it to you. That's the entire interpretation. Now, all the mysteries of justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost, was done explained. Now picking up the loose ends of that, which was concealed in the Seven Seals, not the seven churches. The Seven Seals reveal the mysteries. And then He opened this thing up, at the top, and found a Rock in there, white, but had never been wrote on. It was a mystery.

275Go to Tucson; foretell it before it happened. Stand north of Tucson, witnesses standing here with it, when a blast come, that shook the mountains off the ground, almost. And at the same time, a circle of Light hanging yonder in the air, when the science took the pictures now. "Twenty-six miles high," about five times the distance of fog or anything could be. And they can't even find what did it.

276"It shall be Light about the evening time." The path to Glory you will surely find, if you're elected. That Seed falls upon dry grounds, upon rocks, it'll never do nothing; hard, stony hearts that wants to be indifferent. But if It'll fall upon the soft, mellow ground of faith, It'll bring forth a Christian, bearing fruits of the Spirit.

277 Notice how that God did that. Now He's got that same Pillar of Fire. That's vindicated.

Somebody said, "Why don't you go tell them scientists about That?"

278You think they'd believe It. "Cast not your pearls before swine." Jesus said not to. I have no leadings to do it, yet living right in the city there where they was calling for it. I thought I'd go down. The Holy Spirit said, "Stay away. It's not to them. Go back and tell the tabernacle." All right.

279"And it shall come to pass. If what they say comes to pass, then, remember, I have spoken," the Lord says, "see, before it happens." There it happens. Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God calling to you in this day.

280 Now I want you to notice. This same Pillar of Fire is leading the people again to a promised Land, the Millennium. Where, we found, under the inspiration of this Sixth Seal, (it's never been taught before), how the earth has to be purified for the Millennium. The Pillar of Fire is leading them to a Millennium.

281And notice the Pillar of Fire that led Israel from the bondage, in that exodus; the Pillar of Fire, under the leadership of God... God was the Fire, and the Pillar of Fire only anointed the prophet. The Pillar of Fire was to stand as a Heavenly witness that Moses was called out.

282Remember Dathan, them, said, "Well, we ought to start an organization. Moses, takes too much upon yourself. You try to say you're the only holy one among us. All the congregation of the Lord is holy. How can you take this upon yourself?"

283And Moses fell on his face and started weeping. God said, "Separate yourself from him. I'll just open up the earth and swallow him away." Type. How can... Moses told them that he was telling them what God had said, God vindicating It to be the Truth.

284 Even Miriam, the prophetess herself, and Aaron, laughed at Moses, for marrying that Ethiopian girl, making fun of him. And God got angry; speak against His servant. What did He do? He called them out to the tabernacle door. And Miriam, yet, she was a prophetess. But Moses was more than a prophet, more than a prophet. He said, "Don't you fear God? If there's a prophet among you, I the Lord will speak to him in visions, and make Myself known to him in dreams, but," said, "not Moses." Said, "Don't you fear God?" And she--she was half dead with leprosy, that minute. You know that.

285 Didn't He say, "John the Baptist. Did you go out to see a prophet? Yes, more than a prophet"? Why? Why was he more than a prophet? He was the messenger of the Covenant, the ark that blended those two dispensations together.

286And today, the... what we have among us, this great Holy Spirit, is more than a prophet. It's God manifested among us, with His Word to prove it. Does more than a prophet, thousand times more than the prophets do.

287 Elijah, the one of the greatest prophets of the age, only done four things supernatural, in all of his life of eighty-some years. And Elisha, with a double portion, done eight.

288And we see thousands times thousands, with our own eyes, look at the Angel of the Lord, in a Pillar of Fire. Scientific search, taking it to the world, knowing that they're going to be judged by It. What did that Lamb do, that Angel of the Lord, which was Christ? You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed]

289Saint John 6. They was all drinking this water, and having a big time and rejoicing. He said, "I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. I'm that Rock that was in the wilderness."

290They said, "Now we know You're crazy. You're--You're crazy. You, You got a devil on You. You're a crazy Man, with a devil." You know, people get a spirit on them, sometime they get very active, religious. They said, "You're--You're a devil. You got a devil on You. You're a Samaritan, and You got a devil on You." Said, "And here, You're not even no more than fifty years old, and say You 'seen Abraham'?"

291 I can see Him step back a couple steps. Said, "I AM THAT I AM. Before Abraham was, I AM." That was a burning Fire, that Pillar of Fire in the bush.

292When He died, and rose on the third day, and Saul met Him on the road down, He was back to that Pillar of Fire. Said, "I come from God, and I go to God."

293When Peter was in prison, that Pillar of Fire come in, opened the doors and took him on the outside. That's right.

Where did that Pillar of Fire lead them?

294Now, remember, Moses was not the Pillar of Fire. He was the anointed leader, under that Pillar of Fire, and the Pillar of Fire only vindicated his Message with signs and wonders.

295And that Pillar of Fire led them to the land that God promised them, where He, Himself, would be made flesh among them, someday. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What did they do? Murmured and squirmer-ed, and everything else, to show it was under the blood of an ordinary lamb.

296But this time (glory to God), the Pillar that we see among us, the Pillar of Fire will lead us to the Millennium, where He will return to His people in that great Millennium reign after this exodus, where we'll live Eternally with Him. He always has the Word of the Father, always proves that It's right.

297 We are in an exodus. And leaving, and turning the tapes off in a moment. Oh, my friends, my brothers, both present and that will hear the tapes, let me... as your brother and citizen of the Kingdom of God. Come out, in this exodus, for all that's left behind will bear the mark of the beast. Come out of Babylon. Come out of this confusion. Come out of these systems, and serve the living God. Let...

298This great Angel of the Covenant! "Jesus Christ, in the form of God, thought it not robbery, but become equal with God." Now He's a Pillar of Fire, in the same form that He was back there, bringing that first exodus, bringing the second exodus, and here He is with the third exodus.

299 The first exodus, what did He do? He brought them out of a natural land, to a natural land.

300The second exodus, He brought them out from a spiritual condition, into a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost.

301Now He is bringing them from the spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the Eternal Land of the Millennium and the great Hereafter. Same Pillar of Fire, by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things! And the same Word, declared the first one, declared the second one. The same Word, declared the second one, has declared the third one, and here we see It among us.

302Come out. Oh! Come out of this chaos. Come to the living God. Come to the Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And now He's in our flesh, dwelling among us. Come out and serve the living God.

303While we bow our heads. [A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

304 With your heads bowed. From the depths of your soul, from the depths of all that's in you, are you willing to remember to... You are ready to stop all the things of the world, and live for God? Now, if you don't mean this, don't you do it. But if you do mean it, with all your heart, that you're now convinced. As Jesus said, at the end of His ministry, "Now do you believe?" Are you convinced that these things are right, vindicated by God, and that we're at the end time, and you truly want to come to Christ now? Come in this exodus, of calling out of indifference, denominationalism, ideas and things of the world. And you want to surrender wholehearted to Him and come out in the exodus, for the blessed promised Land, will you raise your hands while we pray? Are you really sure that you want to come out, everyone?

305 Heavenly Father, those who have their hands up, let them come out now, Lord. Let the Holy Spirit, upon promise of the Word, let the Holy Spirit move into their hearts. Out of our congregation, there was about twenty hands, I suppose, Father, that's satisfied and knows that it's--that it's true, and they want to come out. If there was...

306In the days of the coming out of Israel, out of two and a half million people, only two made the land.

307In the days of Jesus Christ, there was about a hundred and twenty made it.

308And now, in the days of the ending of the world, You said, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and but few there will be that find it. But broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many will go in." Them Words cannot fail. They are Yours.

309 Now I pray for them, Lord. I pray that You will, this hour, by Your Holy Spirit, circumcise them hearts. Take out all the things of the world. Circumcise their ears, for they can hear plainly the God's Voice, calling, through His Word and through the Light of the day. And grant, Lord, that their eyes will be open, that they might see the glory of God in this last closing hour. You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come, and I'll raise them up at the last day."

310Lord, maybe there's many here that doesn't as yet understand. I pray that You'll deal with them, and will let them have another opportunity, Lord, that they might be able to understand, to hear You speaking through Your Word, proving Yourself; and then speak to us in the supernatural voice, and then with an interpretation; to see Your great works proving It true, according to the Bible. I pray, God, that You'll forgive us of our sins, now, and as I laying myself across this Word.

311 God, I'm thinking that, just a week ago, I--I laid myself across a dead man on the floor here. I seen the great Holy Spirit bring him back to life. His eyes turned back in the back of his head, laying, dead. Just a little, few words of calling Your Name, I seen him live. Here he is today, alive, yet. Lord, You're the same God, that, when Paul laid hisself across that boy, listening to him preach so long, that man that fell from the window. You're the same God that can restore life. We thank You, Father. May... The unbeliever may not believe. But we believe, Lord. Thou hast proved Yourself to us.

312 Now let the meditation of my heart, and the thoughts of my mind, my strength and all, be melted into this Word. And let the Word and I, together, Lord, with the people, march towards the Kingdom of God. Grant it, Lord. Forgive our sins. Heal our sickness, and make us subjects of Your Kingdom.

313And now, as these are coming, Lord, and the pool is being opened, the water is ready, and the baptism will be starting in a few minutes, we remember when this same Gospel was preached, the Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized."

314Here is handkerchiefs laying here, Lord, that I bless in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the healing of the sick. Then when...

315 Our services are long, drawed out, for the hours are late. We must put the Word in while there is a ground to put It in, for the cold winter is coming. We see it. The leaves are falling, and we know that winter is close at hand. We must scratch the surface and bury the Seed. So, I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will speak to every heart.

316And the Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." And, Lord, if there's now many here that has believed, and never been baptized yet in the Name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus, may they come this morning, sweetly and humbly, and confessing their sin, and dying out to the things of the world; to be buried, to take on the Name of Jesus Christ; to live godly, hereafter, by the help of the Holy Spirit. We commit them to You now, Lord, for this purpose, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

317Now we turn the service to Brother Neville, and whatever he's got to say, while getting ready for baptismal service.

318And tonight, at seven-thirty, the Lord willing, I want to tape this other Message. God bless you till then.