On sa stará, staráš sa aj ty?



Všimnite si, On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali uniknúť v dňoch Noeho, a On im poslal proroka. A tento prorok ich usmernil na Bohom pripravenú cestu. No, to je Božia cesta konania. Vidíte? Boh prehovoril k Noemu, ktorý bol Slovom (Vtedy nebolo žiadne písané Slovo), a povedal Noemu, aby pripravil archu na spasenie ľudí, a aby varoval všetkých ľudí, že On má jednu cestu spásy. A tento muž bol určený prorok, ktorý im ukázal cestu úniku. Všimnite si, tí pokorní a úprimní počuli tohto muža a uverili mu a unikli. Čomu unikli? Smrti sveta hriechu, ktorý bol zničený v tom dni. Oni unikli smrteľnej ceste, ktorá ležala na celom svete. Boh sa tak staral...

A On povedal, že sa o nich staral, aby ich vyviedol, a On sa staral o nich na ich ceste po tom, ako vyšli. Amen. A ako to bolo v tom telesnom, je to aj v tej duchovnej oblasti. On sa staral. Prečo? On poskytol všetko, čo počas svojej cesty potrebovali. Poskytol? On ich uzdravil, keď boli chorí. On poskytol uzdravenie. On poskytol cestu pre ich choroby. On poskytol medeného hada tak, že oni sa mohli na toho hada, symbol hriechu, pozrieť, a byť uzdravení. On ich kŕmil, keď boli na ceste; kde nebolo chleba, On dával chlebu pršať z neba. On ich kŕmil. Nie iba to, ale On ich odieval, čím ukazoval, že sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali.

Ak sú pripravení vyznať a činiť pokánie a veriť a prijať, Boh sa stará. Ale najprv sa vy musíte starať; musíte prijať to, čo Vám poslal. On sa o nich tak staral, aby si boli istí, že tam nebude žiadna chyba; On potvrdil svojho proroka znamením – Stĺpom Ohňa, aby dal ľuďom vedieť, že to nebol iba tento muž, ktorý tu kráčal popri, ale že to bol Boh priamo nad ním. On ich viedol na ceste. Boh sa staral o ľudí, ktorí sa starali. Boh sa stará o tých, ktorí sa starajú o Neho. Tak On tohoto človeka potvrdil, potvrdil, že bol Božím služobníkom, tým, že im poslal Stĺp Ohňa, aby ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme. A oni vedeli, že pokiaľ tento znak tohto Ohňa, Stĺp mraku a Ohňa ich nasledoval... On povedal, neodňal ten Stĺp Ohňa a ten Oblak. On s nimi bol roky a roky na púšti, štyridsať rokov. Je to tak? Ten Stĺp Ohňa ich viedol. My sme v našom 33. roku, keby to bolo ešte o sedem rokov dlhšie, bolo by to podľa toho predobrazu rovnaké. V poriadku, viedol ich Stĺp Ohňa. On sa o nich staral. A on sa o nich tak staral, až im On dal vedieť, že to nebola nejaká vedecká vec, to nebolo nejaké pošmyknutie, ale On to posolstvo potvrdil a dokazoval to.

1Ďakujem ti, brat. Zostaňme ešte chvíľu stáť na modlitbe. Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, či je tam nejaká vypovedaná prosba, alebo je len daná na známosť zodvihnutím vašej ruky, ak iba takto zodvihnete ruku, dobre, držte len teraz svoju prosbu.

2Náš Nebeský Otče, opäť k Tebe prichádzame s týmito prosbami, ktoré... Oni majú zdvihnuté ruky. A oni sú dnes ráno v potrebe, Pane, kvôli mnohým veciam. Ty vieš, čo myslia vo svojich srdciach, pretože Ty si Slovo, a Slovo je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. Modlím sa k Tebe, najmilostivejší Bože, aby si odpovedal na každú z nich podľa ich potrieb, vediac, že Ty to učiníš podľa ich viery. Daj nám vieru, keď hovoríme Tvoje Slovo, Pane, a nech im to potom pridá viery. Pomôž mi hovoriť Tvoje Slovo (pretože Tvoje Slovo je Pravdou), aby mohlo vzbudiť vieru na to, aby dalo odpoveď na tieto prosby. A potom, môžu tu byť takí, Pane, ktorí zišli z tej úzkej cesty, tí, ktorí nekráčajú v pravde tej cesty. Modlíme sa, Otče, aby bolo dnes niečo vykonané, a dané na známosť, aby sa opäť rýchlo navrátili na cestu obecenstva s Kristom. Dni sa krátia; zlo je všade naokolo; je tam veľké odpadnutie. A my sa modlíme, Otče, aby si sa nám dnes dal spoznať skrze uzdravovanie chorých v našom strede, skrze konanie zázrakov, nie preto, že musíš, Pane, nám dať poznať, že Ty si Boh, ale pretože Ty si to zasľúbil činiť. A my vieme, že ty nám udelíš Tvoje zasľúbenia, ak im len budeme veriť a budeme vedieť, že sú pravdivé. Prosíme si tieto zasľúbenia v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Chvíľu som čítal niektoré zo žiadostí, ktoré tu ležia; sú tu dve alebo tri, jedna z nich je žiadosť o uzdravenie. Samozrejme, ležia tu mnohé vreckovky a budeme sa radi nad nimi modliť, za chvíľu, keď budeme cítiť, že prítomnosť Ducha Svätého je na vrchole. Snažím sa nad týmto modliť vtedy, keď celé zhromaždenie a všetko je pomazané Jeho prítomnosťou.

4Je nám ľúto, že ste obťažení, mnohí musia stáť, a nie je pre nich miesta na sedenie. A toto je deň, keď je veľmi horúce počasie, máme tu asi sto percentnú vlhkosť a približne 39 stupňov Celzia, takže je veľmi vlhko a horúco.

5 A ja som venoval toto ráno modlitbám za uzdravenie, alebo nie... Dôvod, prečo robím toto „uzdravovacie“ zhromaždenie, je ten, že som položil svoju vieru v to, čo On zasľúbil. Rozumiete? Teraz, nemôžem povedať, že On to učiní, ale ja verím, že po počutí Jeho Slova (a zakladám svoju Vieru na tom, čo On zasľúbil), potom máme právo nárokovať si Jeho zasľúbenie uzdravenia, tak, ako si nárokujeme jeho zasľúbenie spasenia.

6Týchto niekoľko prosieb... Neviem, či už zapli nahrávanie alebo nie. Malo by to byť v poriadku. Takže, predpokladám, že je to pre tých vonku v poriadku, pre verejnosť, aby to počula, toto je otázka.
„Prorokoval si, že tam bude milión černochov zabitých, alebo si iba oznámil, že sa to tam stane?“

7 No, dávajte pozor, vždy som Vás žiadal, aby ste boli opatrní, čo počúvate. Vidíte? Tam je tak veľa toho, čo je len z ľudskej stránky. Ale vždy, ak je tam niečo, čo ide napred, to bude hovoriť, To je „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," ešte aj na zjavenia alebo čokoľvek. Videnia na pódiu, v publiku, vy ich sami činíte; to nie je Boh; to ste vy. Rozumiete? Boh netvorí to videnie; vy ho sami činíte Vašou vierou v ten Boží dar.

8 Ako tá žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. On nevedel, kto ona je, alebo čo jej bolo, ale ona to sama učinila. Vidíte? Takže, to nebolo „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ To bolo „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,“ keď jej Ježiš odpovedal a povedal jej, že jej viera ju uzdravila. Ale pozrite, musíte dávať pozor.

9 Nie, ja som len hovoril o Martinovi Lutherovi Kingovi ohľadom tejto veľkej katastrofy, ktorú majú na juhu s tými farebnými ľuďmi. Povedal som, "Ak tí ľudia boli otrokmi, ja by som zobral svoju cirkev a išiel na juh, aby som im pomohol z otroctva.” Iste by som to učinil, pretože do otroctva privádza ľudí človek, nie Boh. Všetci sme z jednej krvi. Všetci pochádzame z jedného stromu, a to bolo z Adama. Boh z jednej krvi stvoril všetky národy. A či je moje, naše sfarbenie hnedé, alebo čierne, alebo žlté, alebo červené, alebo akékoľvek môže byť, my sme všetci stvorenia Všemohúceho (Vidíte?), a tam by nemali byť medzi nami žiadne rozdiely.

10 Témou tam dole je segregácia školy. No, bol som tam v čase toho prvého povstania, a počul som to, a ja viem, o čom hovorím. Farební ľudia majú dobré školy, niekedy oveľa lepšie, ako sú iné školy.

A napríklad v Shreveporte majú lepšie školy, ako je škola pre bielych. Ale to je niekoho idea, ktorá ich inšpiruje, aby išli a navzájom sa miešali. Čo, myslím, že by bolo v poriadku, ale pokiaľ ľudia proti tomu protestujú, tí južania, potom aký je v tom rozdiel?

11 A ja myslím, že Martin Luther King je inšpirovaný komunizmom, ktorý vedie milióny ľudí do absolútnej smrteľnej pasce. Vidíte? Nehovorím, že mi to povedal Pán. Ja verím. Rozumiete? A ja verím, že sa to nemalo stať. Myslím si, že ľudia by mali byť Kresťanmi a vidieť jeden v druhom brata. Ale ja myslím iba, pretože...

12 Tieto Spojené Štáty, táto vláda mi teraz hovorí, že ja teraz ani nemôžem podpísať šek, ktorý mi bol osobne odovzdaný. Vidíte? To sú ústavné práva, ktoré mi boli zobrané, ale čo s tým môžem urobiť? Iba ísť napred; to je všetko. Vidíte? A to musí ísť cez iný systém predtým, ako ja, občan Spojených Štátov, si môžem dať vyplatiť šek; musí to ísť cez túto cirkev; Nemôžem si ho dať preplatiť. Vidíte? A to nie je v poriadku. To je neústavné. Ale čo s tým urobiť môžem? Nič tam nie je. Tento vyberač daní tu dolu mi povedal, že som to nemohol urobiť. Takže dobre, tam je to. Ak to je, tak čo s tým? Len to nechať tak.

13 Myslím, že to by mohla byť rovnaká vec, že moji farební bratia a sestry na juhu by nemali ozbrojene povstať proti ich bratom a podobne, kvôli takej malej veci, ako je táto. Ó, aký je v tom rozdiel, ak jednako idete do školy, kde, alebo v čom? Videl som v to ráno jednu milú farebnú dámu, keď boli...oni tam v Shreveporte mali vzburu, a bol to jeden starý farebný kazateľ, ktorý povedal milícii [milícia = „domobrana“ – pozn.prekl.]; povedal, "Dovoľte mi k nim prehovoriť." A tak on bol starý Boží muž, a on sa tam postavil a povedal, "Nikdy som sa za svoju farbu nehanbil." Povedal, "Môj Stvoriteľ ma stvoril takého, aký som, a nikdy som sa za to nehanbil, až do tohoto rána." Ale povedal, "Keď vás vidím, moji ľudia, že sa takto správate," povedal, "potom sa hanbím, že som farebný." Bola tam zavolaná milícia, oni ho vykričali.

14 Takže nejaká milá, vzdelaná, dobre vyzerajúca farebná dáma vystúpila, ó, s vysokou inteligenciou, povedala, "Po prvé, ja nechcem, aby moje deti učila biela žena." Povedali, "Prečo?"

15 Povedala, "Pretože ona by sa tak nestarala o potreby mojich detí ako farebná učiteľka." A povedala, "Pozrite sa na naše školy, ktoré tu máme. O čo kričíte?" Povedala, "Máme v našich školách plavecké bazény a všetko, a oni to v ich školách nemajú." Povedala, "Takže, ľudia, o čo kričíte?" A oni ju vykričali. Vidíte?

16 Je to inšpirované nesprávnou vecou (rozumiete?), tí ľudia. A to je dôvod, prečo hovorím, že nie je ohľadom toho žiadne—žiadne proroctvo. Ohľadom toho, nemám nič od Pána. A buďte si teraz istí, ak ja poviem čokoľvek od Pána, čo vám mám povedať, to je vždy... Teraz hovorím ja. Ale keď On hovorí, poviem, "To nie ja; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A ja to nemôžem povedať, kým mi to On nepovie. Ja sa môžem úplne mýliť o tom, ako zmýšľam o Martinovi Lutherovi Kingovi. Ja neviem; Neviem povedať. To je iba môj názor. Čokoľvek, čo vyvoláva problémy, to je to, čo je predpovedané, že sa bude v tých posledných dňoch diať. A to je všetko inšpirované satanom na rozbitie nášho spoločenstva a čokoľvek máme, čokoľvek čo takto povstáva. Takže ja som za tých ľudí tam dole; nikdy si nemyslite, že nie som. Ja som za slobodu a za všetko, ale ľudia tam dolu nemajú takú situáciu. Ale to, čo to urobí, verím, že to naštartuje ďalšiu revolúciu, ak to niekto nezastaví. Vidíte, to je komunizmus pracujúci medzi tými ľuďmi.

17Bol som v Afrike, keď oni učinili rovnakú vec. Vidíte? A ja viem, že tam prišli komunisti a povedali tým farebným ľuďom, "Ó, vy ste toto, tamto, alebo niečo iné. Vy ste toto, tamto, alebo niečo iné." A prvá vec, ktorú vidíte, je, že tisíce z nich sú zabití. A kde sa dostali? Nikde (vidíte?), nikde.

18 A ja milujem ľudský život. Slúžme Bohu. Naše Kráľovstvo je hore; nič z týchto vecí tu dole. Pokiaľ jeme, pijeme a môžeme to mať, čo iné chcete? Vidíte? Takže, ja viem, čo to bude. Zisťujem, že to spôsobuje iba problémy..

Tak, tu je iná otázka:

„Ján Krstiteľ, keď sa stretol s Ježišom, prečo povedal, 'Nechaj teraz, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť'? Čo to znamenalo?“

19 Nuž, pamätám si doktora Roya Davisa, môjho osobného priateľa, ktorý ma krstil jediný raz, kedy som bol krstený. A on povedal, že Ján myslel... Pamätám si, že v ich škole, on povedal, “Ján vedel, že on nikdy nebol pokrstený, tak on… Ježiš. Ján nechal Ježiša, aby ho pokrstil." Nuž, ja sa nezhodujem s týmto veľkým doktorom.

20 Nie aby sme mali spor, ale aby som to mohol povedať kvôli Pravde. Nie, tam boli dvaja muži. Dvaja vodcovia tej hodiny; Mesiáš a Jeho prorok sa stretávajú vo vode. No, pamätajte, Ján nekrstil na odpustenie hriechov, ale na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov, pretože tá Obeť ešte nebola prinesená (rozumiete?); nebola tam Obeť. A tá Obeť k nemu prišla vo vode. Teraz dávajte pozor. Ján, ako hľadel hore a videl Ježiša, povedal, "Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený Tebou. A prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

21 Ježiš povedal, "Nechaj, nech sa tak stane," čo tak aj bolo. "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť." Potom Ján, súc prorokom, na ktorého prišlo Slovo Božie, ktoré prichádza iba k prorokovi... Ján, súc prorokom, zrozumel, že to bola tá Obeť.. A podľa zákona, tá obeť musí byť pred predložením umytá, a to je dôvod, prečo Ho pokrstil. Vidíte? Povedal, "Tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť." Obeť, ktorou On bol, musí byť umytá v umyváku pred obetovaním. A Ježiš bol Obeť; a Ján to vedel, a vedel, že On musí byť umytý predtým, ako bude predložený. A ihneď potom, On bol vydaný verejnosťou k súdu a bol Obeťou za celé ľudstvo. Nech vás Pán žehná.

22Teraz ideme mať malé, krátke posolstvo, a veríme, že Pán nás požehná. Teraz, možno, ak sa vrátim... Odchádzam tento nasledujúci týždeň a beriem deti na malú dovolenku hore do hôr. A potom, ak sa vrátim na čas, chceme hovoriť budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak nám to Pán a pastor tu, dovolia. Dáme Vám vedieť v priebehu budúceho týždňa, vám, ktorí ste mimo mesta, listom. Chcem hovoriť na tému presne o tomto: „Prečo veríme veci, ktoré veríme o Kristovi, prečo to musí byť takto a nie inak,“ a dokážeme to Písmom. No, ak je to vôľa Pánova. Ak nie, budem sa snažiť vidieť vás túto zimu alebo nasledujúce leto, keď sa vrátime, ak Pán dá. Vraciame sa domov do Arizony, aby sme mohli dať deti do škôl.

23 No, toto ráno práve pred modlitbami za chorých, ideme čítať niečo z Božieho Slova. Pričom vieme, že bez tohoto Slova je to nemožné, nič nemôže byť vykonané. A iba Slovo môže vyprodukovať tieto požehnania, že prosíme za chorých a tých, ktorí sú v potrebe. A ja chcem teraz čítať niečo z prvej epištoly Petra, piatej kapitoly, od prvého verša. A potom z knihy Židom, chcem čítať Židom 2:2-4.

Tedy starších medzi Vami prosím spolustarší, a svedok utrpení Kristových, ktorý som aj účastníkom slávy, ktorá sa má zjaviť:

paste stádo Božie, ktoré je medzi Vami, dozerajúc nie z prinútenia, ale dobrovoľne, radi, ani nie pre mrzký zisk, ale ochotne;

ani nie ako panujúci nad dedičstvom Pánovým,
ale súc príkladom stádu.

A keď sa ukáže Arcipastier, odnesiete si neuvädnuteľnú korunu slávy.

Podobne mladší, podriaďujte sa starším, a všetci, podriaďujúc sa jedni druhým…oblečte sa do pokory: pretože Boh sa pyšným protiví, a pokorným dáva milosť.

Pokorte sa tedy pod mocnú ruku Božiu, aby Vás povýšil svojím časom.

Každú svoju starosť uhoďte na neho; lebo On sa stará o vás.

24 A v liste Židom, v druhej kapitole, čítame tieto Slová. Teraz ja beriem...dávam text, "Uhoďte vašu starosť." Ja som... môj text je: "On sa stará, staráš sa aj ty?" Chcem čítať túto časť, pokiaľ idete k Židom 2, aby ste mohli vidieť skutočný význam týchto Slov, čo tento text znamená.

Preto musíme tým viacej pozorovať na to, čo sme počuli, aby sme nejako neprešli pomimo.

Lebo ak slovo, hovorené skrze anjelov, bolo pevné, a každé prestúpenie a každý neposluch dostaly spravedlivú odplatu,

jakože my utečieme, ak zanedbáme také veľké spasenie; Ktoré, keď o ňom začal najdriev hovoriť Pán, nám ztvrdili tí, ktorí ho počuli,

Boh taktiež ... potvrdzuje, ... oboma znakmi a zázrakmi, a... rôznymi zázrakmi, darmi Ducha Svätého, podľa jeho vlastnej vôle?

[podľa angl. prekladu Biblie KJV – pozn.prekl.]

25Chcem použiť tému "On sa stará, a ty?" Keď bol tu na zemi, On sa staral o ľudí. Vynárajú sa mi v mysli myšlienky o tom, práve pred hovorením alebo modlením za chorých, pričom neviem, aký druh modlitebnej rady budeme mať. Ja...

26 Najskôr, aby sme sa k tomu mohli dostať, obecenstvo musí byť pomazané vierou. Vy... Ak nemáte vieru, potom tam je—nemá to zmysel, aby ste prišli, aby sme sa za vás modlili, pretože je potrebná vaša a moja viera spolu; moja viera, aby som Mu veril, vaša viera, aby ste Mu verili. Tak, nezabudneme na to teraz, ako ideme ďalej. Musíme mať niečo evidentné, mám na mysli niečo s dôkazom, na čom môžeme založiť našu vieru, pri tom, ako sa niečo pokúšame vykonať. Pretože, ak človek pristupuje ku niečomu, čo chce robiť, a nemá dostatočnú vieru, je isté, že zlyhá. Ale ak ku tomu môže pristúpiť s dostatočnou vierou, potom je zaviazaný k úspechu, ak je to podľa vôle Božej a Božieho zámeru, ako to má robiť.

27 No, myslel som na Neho, ako sa stará. Poslednú noc, akosi, zvláštne, som bol vedený Duchom Svätým, keď som čakal na priateľov, ktorí mali prísť pomôcť Bratovi Woodovi uložiť príves, ktorý postavil na korbu svojho auta. Nevedel som, prečo som chcel nájsť svojho dobrého priateľa brata Evansa, a išiel som, najskôr hore diaľnicou; a moja žena a rodina, ktorí tu vzadu sedia, vedia, že je to pravda. A akosi zvláštne som sa otočil a vrátil som sa na jedno miesto, k motelu.

28Ó, ako sa moje srdce rozochvelo, keď som videl toľko mojich priateľov, ako sa spolu zišli behom dvoch minút, až kým nezablokovali prístupovú cestu, autá tade viac nemohli prejsť. Iba skutoční priatelia, ktorí prešli stovky míľ z Georgie, z Tennessee, z Alabamy a zovšadiaľ, iba aby počuli kázeň... Potom mi prišla na um táto myšlienka, "Potom, čo by som mal tým ľuďom povedať, keď viem, že v deň súdu budem musieť... budem sa musieť zodpovedať za to, čo im hovorím?" A ja som tiež milovník tohto veľkého života, ktorý má prísť, a ja tam chcem byť.

29 A potom, bolo to divné, išiel som na miesto, kde som neobvykle zabočil. Namiesto toho, aby som sa tam otočil, išiel som hore, aby som zabočil. Svetlá zasvietili na dva milé páry vonku, dve milé mladé dámy, ktoré som oddal dvom dobrým mladým kazateľom. A satan, potom, ako videl toho kazateľa, jedného z nich, ako je ustanovená jeho služba a on si zobral životnú družku priamo tu, pri tomto oltári... Oni odišli šťastne na svoje medové týždne a nepriateľ skočil na tohto mladého muža. A ja to hovorím, aby som vyjadril to, čo hovorím, "Stará sa On?" Akosi, s vierou, ktorá by neprijala “nie”, sa otočili a vrátili naspäť sem, vediac, že sú úplne tam (na východe) niekde na svojich medových týždňoch, vrátili sa, sedeli a čakali. A ja som vošiel, ten milý pekný mladý muž; jeho žena sedela vonku, plakala, ona a ich malý spoločník. A ten druhý muž a iný brat prichádzali, bežali, ten, ktorý je priateľom tohto mladého muža, povedal, "Ó, brat Branham, 'to a to' sa stalo."

30 Išiel som tam a videl som toho pekného mladého muža, ako tam sedí, na vrchole svojho života, vodca mladých ľudí a satan ho zviazal. On si to nevšimol, ale ja som mu podal svoju ruku (ľavú) k jeho ruke (pravej), aby som videl, či ho nepostihla nejaká choroba. Ale tam nebol žiadny náznak vibrácie. Išiel som rovno z miestnosti, kde som sa modlil a postil a očakával na Pána, kde bolo pomazanie Ducha Svätého, a to bol ten dôvod, prečo nás To viedlo. Vidíte? A potom som nad ním videl tento tieň tmy. Nikdy som nepovedal, čo som vtedy robil. Ale za niekoľko okamihov bolo všetko preč, chlad jeho rúk bol preč, on kričal a chválil Boha, stačilo niekoľko minút, aby sa našiel. A oni dnes ráno sedia rovno tu, sedia tu v auditóriu. Vidíte, ako sa satan pokúšal rozrušiť toho mladého muža tým, že mu pripomínal akýsi komplex, ktorý vznikol v minulosti, čo Duch Svätý vedel a ja som to videl vo videní od Pána. Ale Boh sa staral o tohto muža. Boh sa staral o tohto mladého chlapca.

31Práve pred chvíľou prichádzala jedna pani, vidím ju tu sedieť v uličke, nemala... alebo práve, ako si našla sedadlo a sadla si. Ona povedala, "Deväť rokov, brat Branham, som sa k tebe snažila dostať." A ona povedala, "Ja som taká zúfalá. Prišla som neskoro a nemôžem ani získať modlitebnú kartu, aby som mohla byť v rade."

32 Billy, „pravdaže, je to jeho úlohou, starať sa, aby som nebol obťažovaný, a privádza ma a odprevádza von. Nemajte mu to za zlé; je mu to nariadené od tejto správcovskej rady, aby to robil. A ak by to nerobil, nemohol by som sa dostať k modlitebnému radu, dostať sa sem. Uvedomujete si to. Pozrite, musí v tom byť systém, čokoľvek robíme. My ho musíme mať. Rozumiete? No, on povedal, "Poďme, ocko, ponáhľaj sa,".

33 Tá pani sa otočila dozadu. A povedala, "brat Branham, iba pár slov s tebou." Ako sme tam stáli, nad touto dobre vyzerajúcou mladou pani sa zjavilo videnie a bolo vidieť, že jej srdce bolo strápené. A ona sa snažila pracovať, aby sa uživila. A stala sa veľká vec, v čase jej rodičov, ktorá spôsobila túto veľkú vec, ktorá sa jej stala, a Pán Ježiš to zjavil a ukázal, čo to bolo. A tam v momente to zobral z tej ženy preč. Ona išla a radovala sa a teraz tu sedí v obecenstve s nami, raduje sa so slzami v očiach, keď si teraz utiera oči, keď vie, že pravda veci bola zjavená. A to, že... čo tá malá úbohá neurotická žena, ktorá bola taká nervózna, že nevedela čo má so sebou robiť, myslela si, že bola stratená, ak by tam nebol Duch Svätý, a toto by bol jej posledný deň…Ona sa deväť rokov pokúšala a ona bola už takmer na konci zúfalstva, Boh sa staral o túto malú ženu, o ktorú sa nik nestaral. Vidíte? Aký čas. On sa stará.

34Keď On tu bol na zemi, ako som povedal, On sa tak veľmi staral o ľudí, až uzdravil ich nemoci, upokojil ich srdcia, povedal im o mieste, kam pôjde a ktoré pre nich pripraví, a že príde opäť, aby ich prijal ku Sebe. On sa o nich staral. A všimnite si, On sa staral tak veľa, až vedel, že musí odísť, aby priviedol túto veľkú vec na nás, On povedal, "Nenechám vás bez útechy, ale pošlem Ducha Svätého, a On bude pokračovať v Mojej starostlivosti o vás,“ až kým sa nevráti. Nie je takého, ktorý by sa staral tak, ako Ježiš. Vedel, že Jeho telo, ako Veľkňaz, v tej prostredníckej práci, ktorú teraz činí, to Telo musí byť neustále v prítomnosti Božej, aby sa prihováral, aby Boh nemohol vidieť hriešnikove hriechy; On vidí iba Krv svojho vlastného Syna. A tým, že to vedel, On poslal späť Ducha Svätého, aby pokračoval v utešovaní Svojich ľudí. Stará sa? Určite, On sa stará. No, On pokračoval v starostlivosti o ľudí, Jeho ľudí tu na zemi, rovnako ako sa o nich staral, keď tu bol. Pretože On povedal v Jánovi v 15. kapitole, ak si chcete... Mám tu poznámky s týmito miestami Písma, na ktoré sa odvolávam, Sv. Ján 15:26 a 27.

35 Mnohých vás vidím, že si zapisujete miesta Písma. Takže ja sa môžem mnoho ráz na to odvolávať, ak ich nepoznáte, tie miesta Písma. Zapisujem si miesta Písma, potom viem, o čom tu hovorím, pretože to je vždy Slovo Božie. Rozumiete?

36On povedal, keď prišiel Duch Svätý, že koho by Otec poslal v Jeho Mene, ten bude svedčiť o Ňom. Inými slovami, On bude činiť rovnakú vec, ako činil On. Duch Svätý, ktorý koná cez ten príbytok, ktorý posvätil, bude činiť rovnakú vec, ako On činil. Teraz, čo by to malo pre nás učiniť. Potom vieme, že dnes priamo medzi nami máme rovnakého utešujúceho Pána Ježiša vo forme Ducha Svätého, iný úrad, v ktorom Sám Boh koná.

37On bol Utešiteľom Izraela, keď sa mohli pozrieť hore a vidieť ten Stĺp Ohňa, a počuť proroka hovoriť Slová, ktoré boli pravdou, a Boh to potvrdil. To bol ich Utešiteľ.

38On bol Utešiteľom, keď tu bol na zemi ako človek, Bohom stvorené telo, Boh reprezentujúci Seba a vyjadrujúci Seba cez Človeka, Krista Ježiša, ktorý sľúbil, že, "Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť. Ja idem k Otcovi a on pošle späť Ducha Svätého, ktorý bude Mnou v duchovnej forme. A ja budem s vami a budem vo vás. A rovnaké veci, aké som ja činil, bude Duch Svätý opäť činiť v Mojom Mene, keď príde." Vidíte? To je to, prečo On povedal, "Hovoriť proti Tomu," teraz po tom, čo vykúpenie už bolo vykonané, bol neodpustiteľný hriech, "rúhať sa Duchu Svätému."

39 A On to bude činiť rovnako, takže my budeme vedieť, či to bolo utešenie z nejakého zemského miesta, alebo budeme vedieť, či to bolo utešenie od akejsi staršej osoby, ktorá nás mohla objať a spôsobiť, aby nám bolo dobre, alebo nejakú teologickú poučku nejakej denominácie, ktorá by mohla povedať, "Teraz k nám patríš, a my to máme; a nepatríš k ostatným, pretože oni to nemajú."

40On to urobil celkom jasným a istým (vidíte?) "On bude hovoriť v Mojom Mene. Skutky, ktoré činím, aj vy budete činiť, keď On je na vás." Vidíte, On bude utešovať rovnako, odpúšťaním všetkých našich hriechov, uzdravovaním našich chorôb, a hovorením k nám o úteche Kráľovstva, ktoré príde (Rozumiete?), potvrdzovaním Samého Seba medzi nami, ako Boh potvrdil Seba medzi nami v Ježišovi Kristovi. A v druhej Timotejovi, v prvej Timotejovi 3:16, je napísané takto, čo máme vedieť o Bohu, "Nepochybne si uvedomujeme, že veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, pretože Boh sa zamanifestoval (prejavil) v tele." Videli sme Boha v tele. To bola Božia útecha, vedieť, že On prišiel až tak veľmi, (On sa o nás staral), až sa stal jedným z nás: Boh manifestovaný (prejavený) v tele, nie iba iná osoba, ale Boh sám.

41 A teraz, aby to urobil o ďalší stupienok bližšie, On posiela Ducha Svätého, aby sa staral o našu útechu, a On prebýva v nás. Ó, On sa stará.

42Teraz tu musíme ísť do iného miesta Písma, alebo k inej myšlienke, aby sme to podopreli. Predtým, ako odídem, môžem povedať toto: Každý nemá tohoto Utešiteľa. Oni Ho nemajú. Tak, ten dôvod, prečo Ho nemajú, je, pretože oni Ho neakceptujú. Je pre nich, ale oni Ho neakceptujú. No, dúfam, že ste dostatočne duchovní, aby ste porozumeli, čo hovorím. Rozumiete? Hovorím ku skupine ľudí, za ktorú sa budeme modliť za niekoľko minút. A my máme túto útechu v Duchu Svätom, ktorý je poslaný ako Utešiteľ, ale všetci ľudia To nemôžu prijať. Oni v To neveria. Vidíte? Oni... Aby to tak činili, potom oni získavajú svoje utešenie z nejakého iného zdroja, iným spôsobom. Ak neakceptujú Bohom určeného Utešiteľa, potom oni musia dostať nejakého iného utešiteľa (vidíte?), pretože nemôžete žiť bez niečoho, pre čo by ste žili.

43 A ja dúfam, že každý z Vás to dostane, zvlášť vy, ľudia, za ktorých sa budeme modliť, ktorí sú dnes ráno takí obťažení, možno so starosťami, ktorých sa doktori nemôžu dotknúť.

44A my veríme, že doktori pomáhajú ľuďom. Verím, že Boh uzdravuje liekmi. Boh uzdravuje chirurgickým zákrokom. Boh uzdravuje porozumením. Boh uzdravuje láskou. Trocha lásky dokáže ísť dlhú cestu. Nech je niekto rozrušený a iba mu ukážte, že sa o neho staráte. Vidíte? Boh uzdravuje láskou. Boh uzdravuje modlitbou. Boh uzdravuje zázrakmi. Boh uzdravuje Jeho Slovom. Boh uzdravuje. Čokoľvek to je, Boh tým uzdravuje. Je to Boh, ktorý uzdravuje, pretože On povedal, "Ja som Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci." Takže všetko toto by malo spolupracovať, a muži v tých rôznych službách by mali spolupracovať pre túto vec. Rozumiete? No, oni to ale nerobia, pretože niekedy to majú zakázané, pretože niekedy majú zakázané zaujať určité stanoviská voči Božiemu Slovu, pretože určité denominácie im to nedovoľujú. Ale to jednako nezastaví pravdu; Boh jednako uzdravuje.

45Takže oni sa snažia získať uspokojenie z nejakého iného zdroja. Hovorme najprv o duši.

46Zisťujeme, že mnohí ľudia sa snažia nájsť uspokojenie prostredníctvom pitia. Viete, hovorí sa taká vec, ktorá je medzi nami celkom dobre známa, že mnoho kazateľov pije určitý čas pred tým, ako idú za kazateľňu, dávajú si poriadne silný alkoholický nápoj. Bolo vidieť kazateľov na pódiu, ktorí sa ešte aj tackajú pod vplyvom alkoholu. A to by nemalo byť. To by nemalo byť. Je to kvôli tomu, pretože my mnohokrát môžeme odsúdiť toho človeka, pričom by sme to nemali urobiť; mali by sme nájsť ten problém. Mnohí z nich boli obrátení od alkoholu. A my zisťujeme, že ak sú v takom stave, to je hanba a potupa, ale nie je to viac potupa, ako by bolo klamať, alebo žiadostiť za ženami, alebo akákoľvek iná vec, ktorá je v Písme. Vidíte? A možno je ten muž narodený ako veľmi žiadostivý, a on vidí tieto moderné striptízové ženy na ulici, a on je neustále v problémoch. Vidíte? On... Muž je tak zrodený. No, to, čo by mal urobiť kazateľ, ktorý pije, alebo žena, ktorá fajčí alebo...

47Nemorálne sa oblieka a snaží sa v tom uspokojiť, je tak dobre sformovaná, že ona chce zapríčiniť, aby sa na ňu nejaký muž pozeral... Nie je tam iná príčina. Ona je čiastočne šialená. Vidíte? Žiadna rozumná žena sa nebude chcieť vyzliekať pred mužmi, tá, ktorá má správnu myseľ. Vidíte? Nie je na to žiaden dôvod. A ona, ale ona skúša, dnes tieto mladé dievčatá, ktoré idú na ulicu, ktoré sú skutočne... Nuž prepáčte ten výrok. A pamätajte, táto páska nie je určená iba pre týchto ľudí tu, ona ide do celého sveta. Rozumiete?

48 A žena, ktorá sa vyzlieka, pretože vie, že je horúco. Ísť von na slnko nahá, a ísť von s nejakým oblečením, čo je chladnejšie? Indiáni tam dolu, Papagovia a Navajovia; Papagovia, zvlášť, a z rezervácie, tie ženy vychádzajú von s veľkými pletenými prikrývkami okolo seba, a sú vonku na slnku, aby ich to ochladilo. Prečo? Sú priedušné, a vietor, ktorý veje, vytvára klimatizáciu. Vidíte? A tieto ženy nemajú iný dôvod, iba... Oni to nevedia; oni si to neuvedomujú. Nehovorím, že si to uvedomujú. Mnohé z nich sú milé ženy, a nehovorím to, aby som bol hrubý. Hovorím to, aby som sa pokúsil ich zobudiť. Rozumiete?

49 To je iba satan. Vidíte? Zistíte, že opačné pohlavie, mužské pohlavie, keď sa na také pozerá, majú na nich taký vplyv, až oni zapištia pneumatikami a zapískajú — zapísknutie vlka. Prečo to robia? Ženy to robia, aby podnietili mužov urobiť to. Prečo idete von, priamo do horúčavy dňa, o štvrtej popoludní, aby ste kosili trávu, keď sa ľudia vracajú z práce a podobne? To ukazuje, že to je duch šialenstva. Viem, že mnohí z nich môžu mať IQ o milión míľ vyššie ako moje, ale ja testujem vaše IQ Slovom Božím a pozrime sa, kde sa to prejaví. Vidíte? To je moderné IQ, ale samotné dôkazy a ovocie života to dokazuje. Takže, oni sa v tom snažia nájsť uspokojenie.

50 Mnohí z nich povedia, "Nuž, ja to nerobím." Ale pokiaľ sa tak obliekate, pokiaľ sa oni snažia byť modernejšie ako žena, ktorá bude sedieť ráno vedľa nich v cirkvi, dať si lepší klobúk alebo trochu lepšie šaty, pretože si to môžete dovoliť. Vidíte? Vidíte, hriech sa dostal až priamo dolu. A oni sa takýmto konaním snažia uspokojiť. A oni majú...

51 Stalo sa to takouto vecou, až kým to absolútne zasiahlo celý národ, nie iba národ, ale celý svet. Mnohé veci som tu mohol povedať, ale aby som ušetril čas na uzdravovacie zhromaždenie, ktoré nasleduje, ja by som mohol o tomto mnoho hovoriť, ale nechcem. Som si istý, že budete rozumieť, čo tým myslím. Toto... To zasiahlo politický život, politický život, sociálny život, morálny život národa, ľudí na celom svete. Dostalo sa to na miesto, až človek chce byť politikom, iba aby mal meno politika. Mať veľa peňazí, môcť získavať hlasy, a najímať si na to štáby, a tak ďalej, iba pre meno, hodné miliónov a miliónov dolárov (vidíte?), iba pre meno byť nejakým veľkým politikom. Povedal som ku tomu dosť; viete o čom hovorím.

52 A sociálny život, ľudia sa snažia v tomto šialenom sociálnom živote zhromažďovať. Nehovorte mi, že svet nie je šialený, keď veci robí tak, ako ich robí. Určite je. Určite. To je neurotický svet. A milosť Božia je jedinou cestou, ako tomu unikneme. Dávajte pozor, v tomto sociálnom živote sa ľudia dostali na miesto, kde vytvárajú malé klany, a oni sa k nim pripájajú a myslia si, "My sme lepší ako tá ďalšia skupina." Vidíte? A to je iba učinené takým spôsobom a to je... Morálka, to zasiahlo morálku ľudí až pokiaľ... úprimne, priatelia, ja ani neverím, že slovo "morálka" je pochopené medzi 90 percentami ľudí v tomto národe. Oni ani nevedia, čo slovo "morálka" znamená. To im uniklo. A to je urobené tak úskočne.

53 Satan je veľmi chytrý (vidíte?), a on to činí takým ľahkým, tak chytro, nechá to trošičku tu a trošičku tam. On má veľa času, takže on ide trošku tu a trošku tu, a prvú vec, ktorú viete, že ľudia sa postupne do toho dostávajú. Čo by sa stalo žene v časoch, keď som bol 16-ročný chlapec, ak by sa prechádzala po ulici tak, ako to robia dnes v tejto striptízovej forme? No, oni by ju dali do väzenia. Takže, ak to bolo zlé vtedy, je to zlé aj teraz. Vidíte? Ale, pozorujte, Satan iba začína skracovať sukne, a posúva ich dolu, a stane sa to, že niekto navrhne jednu trochu za mikini alebo bikini, alebo akokoľvek to voláte, do tvaru figového listu. Pamätajte. Tak je to, to pôjde priamo naspäť. A je to teraz prakticky tam.

54 A teraz, zisťujeme, že všetky tieto veci, pretože ľudia sa snažia nájsť uspokojenie. Oni sa snažia nájsť niečo, čo oni... Pamätajte si, vaša útecha je vaše náboženstvo a vy činíte tie veci vaším náboženstvom. Vidíte? Čo za škodu, keď si uvedomíte, že smrť leží priamo pred vami. Rozumiete? Pokiaľ, všetko toto sa stalo, pokiaľ sa zdá, že tam nezostal pevný základ v národe, na čom by staval.

55Len mi dovoľte opýtať sa vás niečo. Nemôžete ničomu pevne veriť okrem Biblie. My máme stále Krista; vďaka Bohu. Vidíte? Vy nemôžete veriť všetkému. Vy ste nastúpili... Napríklad, ak zapnete svoj televízor (vy, ktorí ho máte), a vidíte tie reklamy, nuž, ak by sa nejaký človek pokúsil žiť podľa jednej stotiny z týchto reklám, do týždňa by zomrel. Vidíte, nemôžete to robiť. A takisto, ak nejaká spoločnosť predloží niečo, ako nejaký výrobok a povie, "Toto tu je tá vec, a neberte tú vec tam," a tá istá spoločnosť predáva rovnaký výrobok. Potom je zverejnená iná reklama, „Vezmite tento tu a nie tamten,“ a od rovnakej spoločnosti. Američania prepadávajú takýmto veciam, až kým nie je celá tá vec zhnitá, až kým nie je žiadna nádej. Nikto nevie, čomu má veriť. Ale o chvíľu vám poviem čomu veriť, ak chcete útechu, ak Pán dá.

56Ľudia, oni klamú, podvádzajú, kradnú, až je takmer nevyhnutné sa poistiť, keď si máte od niekoho požičať dva doláre. To je... Viete, Biblia hovorí, že v posledných dňoch nebude medzi ľuďmi lásky okrem vyvolených. To je pravda. Písmo hovorí o tom, že muž bude proti žene a žena proti mužovi, deti proti rodičom. Iba medzi vyvolenými Božími zostane láska.

57 Cirkvi sa dostali do rovnakej veci cez sociálny život. Oni to priniesli do cirkvi, ich sociálny život a ich politiku, a ich ostatné veci, až kým nemali cirkev tak zmätenú, že ona nevie, čo robiť. Oni uviedli do cirkvi politiku. Oni priviedli aj sociálny život, ich sociálny život do cirkvi, ich sociálne aktivity, “bingo” alebo “bunco”, alebo akokoľvek to oni nazývajú, a tieto večere a tance, a tak ďalej, v dome Pánovom. No, je to – je to škoda. Oni hovoria, "Nuž, teraz, to nie je, to je pridané.“

58Pamätajte, to bolo tiež pridané, keď Ježiš vyhnal obchodníkov so svojím tovarom, a povedal, "Je napísané, 'Dom Môjho Otca je domom modlitby' a vy ste ho učinili pelešou lotrov!" Rozumiete? Je to nesprávne, nestarám sa, kde to je. Pokiaľ cirkev… Cirkev nie je iba budova; to sú ľudia v tej budove. A ak sa tí ľudia na tom zúčastňujú, no, je to nesprávne. A oni uviedli tento zvyk.

59Teraz, zisťujeme, že aj cirkvi stále prisľubujú niečo, ako televízia a tak ďalej, že oni sa nikdy nedostanú k veci, ktorú prisľúbili. Ako som často povedal, ten starý výrok, "Človek vždy chváli Boha za to, čo urobil, chváli Boha za to, čo urobí (teší sa na to, čo učiní), a potom ignoruje to, čo robí." Vidíte, oni zlyhali. A to je to, ako sa stávajú po nejakom čase históriou, je to skazené (vidíte?), pretože oni to teraz nerozpoznávajú. Môžete hovoriť o úteche, ktorú dal Kristus v minulosti, a hovoriť o úteche, ktorú raz v budúcnosti dá, ale odmietať útechu, ktorú má teraz pre vás. Vidíte? Zisťujeme, že to je na rovnakom základe. Nuž, to sa stalo veľkou vecou. No, zisťujeme, že oni prichádzajú...

60To sa ešte dostalo do Letníc, do cirkví. To sa dostalo do letničných sfér, že oni vždy sľubujú niečo, do čoho sa nedostali. Vždy je to tak, že každý člen má iný druh senzácie, a prijímajú to, či je to zhodné s Písmom alebo nie, a oni sľubujú niečo, do čoho sa nikdy nedostali, až kým sa to dostalo do miesta, kde sa nezdá, že je tam vôbec nejaká úprimnosť. Ľudia nejdú do hĺbky k tomu skutočnému jadru úprimnosti. To je stratené... Práve to anglické slovo „úprimnosť“ stratilo pre ľudí svoju hodnotu. Alebo, spôsobom akým ľudia žijú, to u nich stratilo svoju úprimnosť. Teraz, nezdá sa, že by to rozumeli.

61Narovnajme naše vyznania... No, vy ľudia, ktorí prichádzate, alebo ste tu, alebo pri páske, chcem, aby ste chvíľu počúvali pozorne tento výrok. To... Vy...

62Pokiaľ nie si hlboko presvedčený... A ty si nemôžeš byť istý, pokiaľ si to pozitívne neporozumel. Ak predpokladáš alebo hádaš alebo dúfaš, potom tam nemôže byť tá hĺbka úprimnosti, ktorú Boh požaduje. To... Viera nie je "tak dúfam" alebo "to môže byť v poriadku." To musí byť absolútne "Amen." To je vaše všetko. To je vaše všetko. To je vec, s ktorou ste zviazaní. Rozumiete? Musíte sa dostať k svojej podstate, že "To je Pravda a tam je... To je nič iné ako pravda, a to tak musí byť." A potom, keď si to vo svojej mysli uvedomíte, potom k tomu musíte pristupovať s celým svojím životom, dušou, telom, všetkým, čo je vo vás, iba úplne tomu všetko vydať. Ako nás Ježiš tak milostivo učil o tom mužovi, ktorý kupoval perly, a on našiel jednu s veľkou cenou a predal všetky ostatné, aby sa k nej mohol dostať. Všetky pravdy a všetko, čo mal, aj keď oni boli dobré perly, táto pre neho znamenala všetko. A keď nájdete Božiu podstatu, Jeho Slovo, zasľúbenie nad určitou vecou, vy najskôr musíte vedieť, že to je Božie Slovo, že tá vec, ktorú vidíte sa diať, je Boh. Tam nie je "možno tak, mohlo by byť, vyzerá to, že to by mohlo byť", To je Boh! Potom, keď sa dostanete k tomu miestu, potom to je Perla veľkej ceny, musíte sa dostať preč od všetkého, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí v rozpore s Tým. Nesmiete sa pozerať na to, čo dosiahol človek. Musíte pozerať na to, čo povedal Boh, a čo On zasľúbil, a keď Ho vidíte činiť to, potom to je vaše absolútne právo. A potom čokoľvek si, čokoľvek, čo si bol, čokoľvek, čo si dúfal, že budeš, musí byť na Toto umiestnené práve tak, ako by to bolo v tej chvíli otázkou života a smrti.

63Myslím, že jednou z vecí, ktoré zadržiavajú našich ľudí od uzdravenia, je nedostatok vyznania, nedostatok úprimného vyznania. Teraz napríklad, toto môže znieť trochu zle, ale ja to tak nemyslím. Ale pozerám sa na svoju ženu, ktorá tu sedí. Ak by som odtiaľto dnes vyšiel a objal nejakú inú ženu, a miloval ju, a potom, čo som to urobil, by som vedel, že som urobil zle, tak zle. No samozrejme, môj Utešiteľ by ma od toho zadržal, aby som také niečo urobil. Rozumiete? Ale ja myslím, že ak by som tak urobil, a keby sa stalo, že by som niečo také urobil, potom viem, že prvá vec je povedať to svojej žene, predtým, ako môžem povedať Bohu, "Odpusť mi," pretože ja som zhrešil voči nej. Ak idete k oltáru a pamätajte, vy by ste to mali ísť urovnať predtým, ako obetujete svoju obeť. Takže ja by som musel prísť k nej. Verím, že vyznanie tiež urovnáva. To nie je pravé vyznanie, pokiaľ to nie je urovnané.

64Čo ak by som teraz povedal, “Idem to, čo som urobil zle, vyznať,“ a poviem, [brat Branham napodobňuje neúctivý, ľahostajný spôsob reči – pozn. prekl.] “Dobrý Pane, môj starý priateľu, ty vieš, že ťa dobre poznám. Chvála Bohu, haleluja! Ja si myslím, že si môj starý dobrý Priateľ. Odpusť mi. Ty vieš, môj starý Priateľ, ja som to tak nemyslel." ? Vidíte?

65No, poviete, "To je rúhavé." To je. Urobiť také vyznanie, to je rúhavé.

66Ale čo ak poviem, "Pane, ja som to nechcel tak urobiť, pomôž mi a ja to viac neurobím"? On odmietne moju obeť, pokiaľ to najskôr neurovnám so svojou ženou.

67Potom, ak k nej prídem s rovnakou neúctou a poviem, [brat Branham opäť napodobňuje neúctivý, ľahostajný spôsob reči – pozn. prekl.] "Povedz, dievča, moja stará priateľka, matka mojich detí a dávna láska, ty vieš, že my sme už dlhý čas starí kamaráti. Povedz, čo ak by som objal inú ženu? A čo o tom povieš, stará moja, odpustíš mi?"

68Viem si predstaviť, ako by sa pozrela. Ona by si pomyslela, "Čo sa to stalo s mojím manželom?" Vidíte? No, v prvom rade, ona by nevedela, či žartujem alebo nie.

69A vy nejdete takýmto spôsobom urobiť vyznanie vášmu spoločníkovi alebo Bohu. Idete v hĺbke presvedčenia, s Božou ľútosťou nad svojím hriechom. Najskôr musíte ľutovať. Musím jej povedať, "Drahá, poď sem, to môže ovplyvniť zvyšok nášho manželstva.“ Žena, s ktorou žijem, je moja drahá, a „ako som ťa miloval všetky tie roky, ale teraz ma môžeš opustiť, odteraz; nemusíš so mnou zostať; nemusíš ma akceptovať. A ja to viem.“ Ale, aby som to napravil, musím to napraviť, musím jej to povedať z hĺbky svojho srdca.

70Potom to musím povedať Bohu rovnakým spôsobom. A povedať obom – jej a Bohu, s istotou, že to už viac neurobím, skrze milosť Božiu. Vidíte? Nie len... No, možno by som to bol schopný presadiť u nej, a ona, (rozumiete, či nie?)... Možno moja reč k nej by ju presvedčila, ale moja reč by nepresvedčila Boha. On pozerá do môjho srdca a On vie. A nakoniec, iba niekoľko rokov s ňou, ak Boh dovolí a my budeme z tohto sveta vzatí. Ale s Bohom, to je večnosť, takže musím byť s Bohom hlboko úprimný. A potom, ak som úprimný, On ma bude počuť. Ale ak nie som úprimný, nie je mi potrebné mrhať Božím časom, aby ma počúval.

71A tak to ide dnes medzi ľuďmi. Nezdá sa, že by tam bola hĺbka úprimnosti, ktorú by mali mať.

72A ja verím, že muž alebo žena, za ktorých sa máme modliť, by mali najskôr vyznať všetko, čo vykonali, a všetko urovnať. Pretože, vy vidíte, vy pozorujete mnohokrát na pódiu, vy pozorujete, sledujete, ako ďaleko ide „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN“. Rozumiete? Ľudia, videnie sa zmaterializuje, samozrejme ich vierou; Boh to zasľúbil darom. Ale uzdravenie je niečo iné (rozumiete?); Boh to potom rozpoznáva. Rozumiete?

73No, zisťujeme, že keď ľudia robia vyznanie, musia prísť s hĺbkou úprimnosti. Mám tu; nemám čas, aby som to čítal, ale je to v Binghamton, New York, myslím si. Alebo sa mýlim? To bolo, áno, v Binghamton, myslím, že to je tak. Miesto, na ktorom je Endicottská obuvná spoločnosť, Binghamton, myslím, že sa to nazýva Binghamton, Binghamton, správne, New York. Boli sme na mieste “Endicott-Johnson, obuvnícka spoločnosť”, veľké auditórium, a mali sme tam zhromaždenie. A jedného rána, Billy Paul bol vedľa mňa vo dverách, bola poriadna zima, fúkal vietor. A ja som zistil, že medzi ľuďmi sa zdal byť nedostatok úprimnosti. A ja som sa čudoval prečo. Tu bol jeden muž, ktorý bol uzdravený, v tom bol zámer, alebo jeden konkrétny muž, o ktorom hovorím. Ten muž mal veľké postihnutie, a on bol toho večera uzdravený, ako tam stál. A predtým, ako sme odišli, päť dní, to postihnutie mal znovu naspäť. Vidíte? Pretože v prítomnosti Svätého Ducha to z neho bolo sňaté. Práve tak, ako to urobil s touto mladou ženou pred chvíľou, alebo s tým mladým mužom minulého večera. Vidíte? Tam ale musí byť hlboká úprimnosť, vedomie, že Boh, ktorý ťa toho môže teraz zbaviť, s rovnakým pomazaním na tebe to môže aj udržať preč od teba. Rozumiete? A potom Svätý Duch ku mne hovoril jedno ráno približne na svitaní a povedal, "Staň si na pódium alebo niekde, doveď týchto ľudí sem hore a spôsob to, aby vyznali pred tebou všetko, čo urobili, predtým, ako sa budeš za nich modliť.” Rozumiete? Hĺbka úprimnosti...

74Pokiaľ sa svet nebude kajať, tak to zahynie. Rozumiete? A vyznanie je – to, čo svet dnes potrebuje, je úprimné vyznanie.

75Je to ako liek na chorobu. My všetci môžeme čítať na fľaške, aký druh medicíny je v nej a akú chorobu lieči. Ale, vy poznáte, čítate tie pokyny, idem to podobne aplikovať na Bibliu; naše školy a semináre môžu čítať celé Slovo. Ale viete, iba čítanie pokynov a ako to užiť, to nevylieči chorobu. Vidíte? To má liek, takže to musí byť užité. Tak nejaký človek môže povedať, "Ja som teológ. Nehovorte mi, ja o tom-a-tom viem, ja poznám Písma. Teraz, viem, že Biblia hovorí tak-a-tak, že..."

76"Ten, kto počul Moje Slovo," Epištola Sv.Jána 5:24, napríklad. "Ten, kto počul Moje Slovo a uveril v toho, kto Ma poslal, má Večný Život." Alebo, preklad Kráľa Jakuba [anglický preklad Biblie King James (KJV) – pozn. prekl.] to uvádza ako "nekonečný," čo je správne "večný". "Má Večný Život, pretože uveril." Mnohí ľudia povedia, že veria. No, to je pravda. Slovo je správne. Ja čítam predpis; Čítam, aký je predpis, a ja som... je tam protilátka na môj hriech, ale môžem ju užiť? Môžem veriť? Môžem povedať, že verím, ale či ozaj verím? To je ďalšia vec. Iba čítanie a vedomosť pokynov nelieči chorobu. Problém je, že (v našom prípade) nemôžeme zobrať, čo ten Liek hovorí, že dáva. Dostali sme Nápravu, ale my ju nechceme prijať. Hovoríme, že áno, pretože si To môžeme prečítať; ale skutočne To užiť, to nečiníme. Vidíte, Evanjelium je v tomto prípade rovnaký druh medicíny. Ak pacient... A liek bol určený k liečbe pacienta, a ten pacient číta všetko o objavení tohoto lieku, a oni poznajú každú odrobinku medicíny, ktorá je v ňom, oni vedia všetko, meno toho vedca, ktorý objavil tento určitý druh lieku, ako ´Salkova vakcína´ a tak ďalej... Ak o tom všetko vieme, ale odmietneme ho užiť, nepomôže nám. Rozumiete, to nám nepomôže.

77Ale... a potom povieme, "Ale my sme ju užili." A ak poviete, že ste ju užili, a ten pacient neukazuje výsledky, on ho neužil. To je všetko. Čo ak by tie hodiny na stene neboli také neúnavné. Vidíte? Rád by som tu zostal a podal to pre našich ľudí skutočne silne, odkedy Evanjelium potvrdilo tieto veci, a oni tvrdia, že ju užili, a oni ukazujú, že ju neužívajú. Ako môže nejaká osoba čítať Slovo o nejakej malej veci, o ktorej hovorím, o ženách s ostrihanými vlasmi, ktoré nosia šortky, a tak podobne, ako môžu sami seba nazývať Kresťanmi, keď Samotná Medicína hovorí, že to je inak. Vidíte? Ako? Hovoríte, "Ale ja som tancoval v Duchu. Hovoril som v jazykoch." To nič neznamená. Tvoj vlastný život potvrdzuje, že si to neobdržal. Vidíte? Hovoril si, že si to obdržal, ale ty si to neobdržal. Pretože ty stále prejavuješ všetky symptómy, že tá Medicína to ešte musí vyliečiť. A Medicína v línii so Slovom je garantovaná kúra. Musí byť. Teraz, vidíte, musíte ukázať výsledky.

78Zoberiete nejakú osobu, ktorá hovorí, "Ja som, ja som veriaci. Ja verím." Nech ho zasiahne Svetlo Slova, brat, on to rovno zoberie a ukáže výsledky. Určite. Nebudete viac vidieť toho muža v žiadnej plavárni; nebudete ho vidieť vonku s cigaretou v ruke; neuvidíte ho piť. Ó, nie. Neuvidíte ho flirtovať s inými ženami. Nie, nie, nie. Nestarám sa o to, koľko ženského tela pred neho hodia, on zdvihne hlavu ku oblohe a bude hľadieť na Krista. Čo to je? To ukazuje, že ten liek vykonal efekt. A ak nemá efekt, hovoríte, "Nuž ja viem, že som ju prijal," nuž, a v čom si potom dnes? Zomieraš. Ukazuješ... Pozerám sa na teba a diagnostikujem tvoj prípad Bibliou, že si stále v hriechu. A mzdou za hriech je smrť. Nemysli si, že to musí byť jasnejšie. Pozri, tvoje vlastné skutky to dokážu; tvoje vlastné skutky dokazujú, že si ju neužil. Ty si myslíš, že áno. Amen. Ty si mohol byť pri tom celkom úprimný, ale ty si to neurobil. Pretože ak áno, Boh zasľúbil, že to bude mať pri tebe efekt. A ten starý hriech je stále tam, tá stará Adamova povaha tam stále zostáva, stará nevera. Nuž, ty sa pokúsiš ukázať pred niekým druhým a povedať, "Nuž, ja som veriaci. Ó, sláva Bohu. Áno, som veriaci." Ale vidíš, to ti ani trochu nepomohlo.

79Možno ten pacient sám nebol k tomu Lieku predurčený. Ak nebol, nikdy to nebude mať efekt. Tak je. Vidíte?

80Ale pozrite sa na tú malú nemorálnu ženu, keď ju to Svetlo zasiahlo, tam bolo niečo, čo sa postaralo o jej stav. Vidíte? Ak veríme a úprimne vyznáme, tak tento Bohom určený liek bude účinkovať. Boh predurčil cestu pre tieto veci.

81No, vidíme, že niekto pôjde a povie, "Nuž, ja som sa pripojil k cirkvi. Tým je to pre mňa vybavené."

To nie je Bohom predurčená cesta.

82Bohom predurčená cesta je oľutovanie, vyznanie, a ukazovanie výsledkov, prinášanie ovocia pokánia, ukazujúc úprimnosť. Ak to vy, ľudia, za ktorých sa chystáme modliť, urobíte dnes ráno... A vy ľudia, ktorí počúvate túto pásku po celom svete a po prehraní tejto pásky, kazateľ alebo osoba, ktorá ju prehráva v tých cirkevných skupinách niekde tam vonku v džungliach alebo kdekoľvek ste, urobte svoje vyznanie jasným a potom príďte iba s vierou vo svojom srdci, keď sa budeme za teba modliť, potom je tam Medicína, ktorá zaberie.

83 Ježiš povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý z vás." Mám na mysli Petra, on to povedal na deň Letníc, "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť v Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého." Ak úplne činíte pokánie a veríte v Pána, a ste pokrstení v Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, vy činíte Boha luhárom, ak nedostanete Ducha Svätého. Ak... Ježiš povedal toto posledné poverenie Jeho cirkvi, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení." A keď vidíte tie znamenia, ako nasledujú veriaceho, a idete a ten veriaci vzkladá na vás ruky, a nič sa nedeje, potom nie je niečo v poriadku s vašou vierou. Vidíte? Veriaci... Boh zasľúbil pripravenú cestu.

84Snažíme sa sami uspokojiť, "Ja nemusím počúvať." Nie, to je Pravda, ty nemusíš počúvať.

85Ale ak si predurčený k Večnému Životu, budeš počúvať a budeš sa z Toho radovať. To je tvoja útecha. Je to vec, ktorú si hľadal celý život. To je tá Perla, že ty si pripravený opustiť všetko. Vidíte? Ty to chceš, pretože vieš, že to je Božia milujúca starosť o teba. To je niečo, čo urovnáva otázku hriechu, čo urovnáva neveru, čo ti urovnáva čokoľvek, ak to chceš. To je ten, ktorý je skutočne chorý a vie, že je chorý, ktorý si zháňa lekára. Vidíte? Nie ten, ktorý nie je chorý, nepotrebuje ho, povedal Ježiš. Ale sú to tí, ktorí sú chorí. Ak môžete rozpoznať svoj stav, potom máte činiť tak, ako On povedal. Potom to musí zaujať miesto, alebo potom niečo, čo Boh povedal, bolo nesprávne. Rozumiete?

86Niekedy tak veľa ľudí na tých uzdravovacích zhromaždeniach nezačínajú od úplného základu. Vy si musíte vyčistiť život; vy musíte byť v stave; vy musíte skutočne povedať, "Áno, verím to", a to musí byť z tvojho srdca. Potom ťa nikto nemusí vodiť za ruku, "No, ó, milý brat. Milá sestra, ty by si mal robiť toto, ty by si mala robiť tamto." Ty si veriaci, nič to nemôže od teba zobrať. Nestarám sa, čo by ktokoľvek iný povedal, čo by nejaká iná útecha povedala, čo by nejaký iný utešiteľ povedal, čo by nejaký iný doktor povedal, čo by nejaká iná nemocnica povedala, čo by nejaká iná diagnóza povedala, ty tomu stále neveríš. Ty to jednoducho vieš. Netreba o tom nič viac povedať, ty to vieš! Tak, to je skutočná vec.

87Máme vo všetkom tak veľa napodobňovania. To tak musí byť. Necíťte sa kvôli tomu zle. To tam musí byť. To tak vždy bolo a bude. Ale ja vám dnes ráno hovorím to, čo je Pravda a fakty. Sme v čase konca. Musíme túto vec položiť na pravdu (Rozumiete?) a dať poznať, čo je pravda.

88Teraz zisťujeme, že ľudia nechcú v tejto veci zobrať Božiu cestu. Oni chcú, oni... Boh má pripravenú cestu pre vašu útechu. Boh má pripravenú cestu pre všetky tieto veci. Ale ľudia to nechcú. Ľudia idú za inými cestami a zakaždým, keď to robia nejakou inou cestou, ako tou Božou cestou, privádzajú na seba hnev Boží zakaždým, keď to robia. V poriadku.

89 A všetky tieto veci, o ktorých som povedal, to nás privádza k tomuto, ku svetu, všetko toto nasledovanie iných vedeckých výdobytkov, nasledovanie cirkevných výdobytkov, nasledovanie rôznych vecí nás priviedlo ku koncu sveta. Sme na konci. Nezostala žiadna nádej. Sme bez nádeje na prežitie. Nemáme vôbec žiadnu šancu na prežitie. No, nechajte ma toto na chvíľu rozobrať a dokázať vám to.

90 A každý z vás máte, ak nemáte, mali by ste si zaobstarať lekársky časopis; mali by ste zobrať "Reader's Digest," a tak ďalej, kde čítate o týchto výdobytkoch. No, urobiť...

91 Nejaký kazateľ tu posiela toto Posolstvo okolo sveta. Urobiť také vyhlásenie ako toto, že sme bez nádeje, že sme pomimo vykúpenia, že sme prekročili líniu medzi vykúpením a súdom, no musím dať cirkvi nejaký základ, na ktorý toto stanovisko postavím. Tam musí byť dôvod, že človek, ak je pri svojej zdravej mysli, čo si myslím, že som, mohol by som urobiť takéto vyhlásenie, povedať svojmu národu, povedať svojej cirkvi, povedať ľuďom, kde to pôjde okolo sveta do 30 alebo 40 rôznych národov, možno, okolo sveta, a ľudom a jazykom, že sme na konci času; patrí sa urobiť vyhlásenie alebo vysvetliť to trochu, skôr, ako sa dostaneme k nášmu hlavnému textu pre toto ráno.

92Pozrite, pozrime sa, čo nám priniesla veda a vzdelanie, a to je tá vec, ktorú človek prijal namiesto Slova Božieho, vedecký dôkaz. A veda musela vždy vziať späť to, čo povedala. Čítal som tu pred istým časom, kde jeden francúzsky vedec pred dvesto rokmi povedal, alebo pred tristo rokmi, "Gúľajte guľu okolo sveta," a povedal, "ak táto guľa, pri tejto rýchlosti... Ak svet vynájde nejaký druh niečoho, čo umožní, aby mohla cestovať rýchlosťou aspoň tridsať míľ za hodinu, niečo také, okolo sveta," že on to vedecky dokáže, "že by bola vlastnou váhou pri zemskej gravitácii zodvihnutá." Vidíte? No, myslíte, že veda sa ešte bude odvolávať na tohto chlapíka? Určite nie. To je pre nich minulosťou.

93 Teraz, zamyslime sa, my všetci chceme povedať, "Chcem to vedecky dokázať." To je to, čo mnohé denominácie tých nábožných ľudí dnes hovoria. Oni chcú vedecký dôkaz. Nuž, môžem sa teraz otočiť naspäť a povedať, "Vedecky mi dokážte Boha vo vašom zhromaždení. Dokážte mi vedecky čokoľvek, čo je reálne. Dokážte..."

94Čo je reálne? Život. Chcem, aby ste mi dali za štvrťdolár z toho, alebo nechajte ma predať všetko, čo mám, aby som dostal časť života. A je život reálny? Ak by nebol, na čo by sme tu boli?

95Život, viera, láska, radosť, pokoj, dlhozhovievavosť, vľúdnosť, pokora, trpezlivosť, veda sa toho nemôže ani dotknúť. A to je jediná skutočne trvalá vec, ktorá tam je. Celá Kresťanská zbroj je pozerať sa na to neviditeľné. Zmysly tieto veci nepotvrdzujú, ale oni tam sú. To je ten dôvod, to vyžaduje vieru, veriť tomu, a to tvorí vo vás to, čo viera potvrdila, že tam je. To ti dáva skutočné Božské uzdravovanie. Oni nemôžu dokázať to, čo Božsky uzdravuje, ale oni vedia, že tam Božské uzdravenie je. Oni nevedia dokázať, čo zachraňuje od hriechu, ale oni vedia, že ľudia bývajú od hriechu zachránení. Takže to nemôže byť vedecky dokázané, ale to je vedecky dokázané v hľadení na to tým Božím spôsobom.

96 No, čo nám priniesla veda? No, to vás môže na moment šokovať. Veda nám priniesla nemoci, smrť a choroby. No, vy ste boli učení iba jednej strane obrazu. Ale tam sú dve strany. Poviete, "Veda vynašla toto, tamto a iné." Nuž, necháme vám tú výsadu. Pozrime sa však na druhú stranu. Veda nám priniesla chorobu. Veda nám priniesla choroby, smrť.

97 Pozrite. Vedecké kríženie prinieslo smrť generácii, z potravín a tých vecí. Urobilo to ľudí takými mäkkými a tak, až muži a ženy sú tvorení z kopy blata a tam v tom nie je vôbec žiadna štruktúra. To sa stalo zhlukom nejakej mäkkej želatíny. Oni nemôžu žiť bez klimatizácie; oni hynú. Oni nemôžu hrať baseball. Ak jedného z nich niekde udrú, to ho zabije... v tých boxerských ringoch a kdekoľvek. A to je také mäkké, až muži a ženy, nuž, to ich prevracia.

98 A oni vstrekujú do dobytka tento hybrid, ktorý sa teraz vrátil späť k ľudstvu, podľa samotnej vedy, a to ich prevracia. Pretože, ak je krava skrížená, alebo akákoľvek potrava je skrížená, tá potrava vytvára krvnú bunku, a krvná bunka je váš život. Vidíte, čo to spravilo? A potom vstrekujú do mäsa tieto injekcie, a teraz je dokázané, že tieto injekcie sa prejavujú na ľudskej rase. Vedecké...

99 Oni rozstrekujú na polia tento DDT, raz som to videl, a teraz máme v tejto oblasti osemsto ľudí chorých z jedenia vajec. Pamätáte si pred rokmi, keď sme tu mali takú malú budovu a ja som prorokoval a povedal som, "Stane sa v posledných dňoch, nebývajte v údolí a nejedzte vajcia." Mám to vo svojej knihe. Myslel som si, že tam bolo niečo ohľadom toho a ja som išiel a pozrel sa na to. "Nejedzte vajcia." To bolo v roku 1933. Do vajec sa teraz niečo dostalo, a videl som to, kde veda hovorí, že človek starší ako 50 rokov by nikdy nemal jesť vajcia, pretože to je najťažšia vec na srdce, ktorá len môže byť. Choroby...

100 Mlieko, to zvyklo byť našou najvyváženejšou diétou. Doktori vám povedia, "Stráňte sa toho." To spôsobuje fistulu a všetko možné. Je to rovnaký človek, ktorý to zvykol piť a žil roky a nikdy nepoznal fistulu, ale kríženie a tak ďalej porušilo tú ľudskú štruktúru, až kým to nie je nič iné iba kopa blata a guča chorôb. Čo to spôsobilo? Veda.

101 Pozrite. To spôsobilo, že gény medzi mužom a ženou sa oslabili, fyzická slabosť človeka cez gény, a zvýšenie počtu spastických detí je okolo 30 percent. Mongoloidi sú na vzostupe. A táto slabosť kríženia potravy, ktorú konzumujeme, oslabuje telo, čo spôsobuje rakovinu, duševné problémy a všetky druhy chorôb, ktoré sa dostávajú na ľudské telo pre jeho slabosť. Vedecky ničíme samých seba, vzďaľujeme sa od Božieho plánu... On povedal, "Nech každé semeno prinesie podľa svojho druhu."

102 Vidíte, kde sme? Mohol by som pokračovať ďalej a ďalej; ale náš čas plynie. Ale všimnite si, čo to robí? Veda priniesla smrť, chorobu a deštrukciu.

103 Jedného dňa som videl, rozprával som sa s mojím dobrým priateľom, doktorom Vayle-om, ktorý tu sedí, že niekto napísal článok o ľuďoch, ktorých zabil penicilín. To v skutočnosti nie je penicilín; to je tá špina, ktorú nechajú do toho vniknúť počas výroby toho penicilínu. To je chamtivý plán na zarobenie peňazí. Doktori to niekedy predpisujú a nepoznajú ani vzorec aspirínu, a ten otec potom posiela niekam zohnať špecialistu na niečo iné, a oni ani nevedia ako liečiť dieťa, keď ho bolí brucho. Ale čo sme dostali? Chamtivosť, nejaké potiahnutie, alebo niečo malé. Oni sotva majú niečo z toho starého vidieckeho lekára, ktorý zvykol prísť, hovoriť s vami a potešiť vás a urobiť, čo mohol. Oni nechávajú Boha mimo obraz, pretože nasledujú svoju vlastnú cestu. Aby Boha dostali mimo, oni Ho celkom vyvrátili svojimi argumentami. Tam sme.

104 To je to, čo sme spôsobili krížením. Vidíte, telo... Čo robí zdravá rastlina, zárodok sa do nej ťažko dostane. To sú tieto skleníkové rastliny, tieto skrížené rastliny, ktoré musíte stále postrekovať. A mnohí z Vás čítali moje posolstvo "Skrížené náboženstvo," udržujte to, postrekujte a rozmaznávajte, a tak ďalej. Všimnite si, skutočná originálna rastlina nemusí byť postrekovaná; ona je originálna.

105Čo spôsobuje, že do ľudského tela sa dostane choroba? Je telo... Ako mi povedal jeden vzácny lekár, môj priateľ, ktorého meno nechcem teraz spomínať, ale on je veľmi dobrý brat, nedávno mi čítal z jedného lekárskeho časopisu, z knihy vo svojej kancelárii, kde má všetky tieto dobré knihy a posledné novinky z medicíny. Je to slabosť. Všimnite si kohokoľvek, kto je skutočne... Hovoríte, že vaše telo je zničené, rýchlo prechladnete. Čo to je? Je to slabosť tvojho tela, ktorá produkuje hlien z tvojich žliaz. A v tom sa zahniezdia zárodky a ty prechladneš. Ale ak by to telo bolo silné, odstránilo by tie zárodky prechladnutia; nemohlo by sa ho to dotknúť.

106 Takže, vidíte, keď Boh stvoril prvého muža, on bol imúnny voči akejkoľvek chorobe. Rozumiete? Ale nevera a veda... Veda a vzdelania boli prvé veci, ktoré vzdialili človeka od Boha, a stále to tak je.

107Len pozrite, čo cigarety a pitie a tieto striptízy a tak ďalej, spôsobili úpadok tejto generácie. Predpokladám, že sa vždy čudujete... Idem tu urobiť jedno vyhlásenie. Nemal som to v úmysle, ale verím, že mám.

108 Pozrite, oni sa niekedy čudujú a hovoria mi, "brat Branham, čo ťa k tomu vedie, aby si takto poukazoval na tieto veci? Nepočuješ to... Hovoríš, že ideš do niekoho cirkvi, no, ja môžem zobrať moje ženské obecenstvo a ony tam, kde hovoríš, ani nemôžu pohodlne sedieť. Vždy na nich nakričíš, nuž, o ich krátkych vlasoch a o obliekaní si vecí, ktoré patria mužom, a o všetkých takýchto veciach. Povedz, prečo to robíš?" No, ja som...

109Viete, toto môže byť moje posledné posolstvo až do budúceho leta, ale chcem vám niečo povedať. Tu to je. Je to Duch rozpoznania pre tieto posledné dni, ktorý vie, že pred Bohom je to prevrátená vec. Niekedy sa čudujem, či ten kazateľ vôbec dostáva to rozpoznanie tých posledných dní? Samotný Boh, ktorý tu na pódiu hovorí o vašom stave a čo ste urobili, a čo budete, a aké máte potiaže, ten istý Duch vo vás pozerá von a môže rozpoznať znaky času, a nemôže zadržať, aby proti tomu kričal. To je Duch rozpoznania, pretože Sám Duch Svätý hovorí, že tá vec je hriech, a ktokoľvek sa na nej účastní, zahynie. A potom, ako môžem byť ospravedlnený v Božích očiach, keď vidím moje sestry a bratov v takomto stave, ak nebudem proti tomu hovoriť? Aj keď sa na mňa nahnevajú, stále musím proti tomu volať. To je rozpoznanie. Niekedy sa odlišujú v Slove a tak ďalej; to je nedostatok rozpoznania. Konfrontujme to so Slovom. Vidíte? Vidíte, my vieme, že to je v poriadku. Nuž, to znamená vedieť, že je to pravda. To je rozpoznanie tých posledných dní.

110 No, rozumieme to ohľadne vedy. Ja už nechcem o tom ďalej hovoriť; môj čas beží. No, ako druhú vec, pozrime sa teraz na vzdelanie, a čo to spôsobilo. Rozumiete? No, vo všeobecnosti máme dve cirkvi.

111Tak zisťujeme, že to bolo... že to bolo rozumovanie, obyčajné rozumovanie, ktoré začalo na začiatku gúľať tú guľu hriechu. Čo to bolo za rozumovanie? Rozumovanie proti Slovu Božiemu. Keď Boh povedal Adamovi a Eve, "V deň, keď z neho budete jesť, v ten deň zomriete," tým to bolo vybavené; to je všetko. A On ich opevnil proti nepriateľovi, za Svojím Slovom. Ale keď Eva počúvala satanove rozumovanie (vidíte?): kultúra, porozumenie, vzdelanie, pokrok, ona spoza toho vykročila a počúvala satanovo rozumovanie, a urobila tú vec, o ktorej povedal Boh, že ju nemá robiť. A ak jedno rozumovanie, počúvanie rozumovania proti Slovu spôsobilo tento chaos, jedno rozumovanie proti Slovu ťa zase nemôže dostať naspäť na rovnaké miesto, pretože aké bláznivé by to bolo od Boha, aby priviedol ľudí naspäť na rovnakom základe, ako Ho poslal von. Vidíte, vidíte? Musíte prísť k tej preliatej Krvi Kristovej. Vaša denominácia nebude fungovať, vaše rozumovanie nebude fungovať. To je Krv a narodenie, a To vo vás tvorí nové stvorenie, Kristus, a formu Krista, ktorú žijete, pretože ten Toxín, ktorý beriete, zabíja hriech nevery, On je proti všetkému, okrem Slova Božieho.

112 Vzdelanie nám dáva... Dnes ráno vidíme dve cirkvi. Jedna z nich je Letničná cirkev, ktorá bola zorganizovaná na Letnice Duchom Svätým; druhá je Rímsko-Katolícka cirkev, ktorá bola zorganizovaná v Nicei v Ríme. Jedna z nich je z duchovného zrodenia; druhá z nich je intelektuálnym členstvom. Z tej cirkvi vyšli všetci protestanti, pochádzajú z nej všetky denominácie. To bola prvá denominácia. Všetky denominácie pochádzajú z nej a sú príbuzné tamtej. Zjavenie 17 to hovorí. Ona bola prostitútka a ona bola mater smilníc. Tak je to. Tak tam nie je... Hrniec nemôže nazývať kotlík mastným, (rozumiete?), tak je to, pretože to je jedno a to isté. To je zorganizované; to je preč; to je v Ríme. Nestarám sa o to, čo to je; je to preč. Biblia, ideme práve cez tie cirkevné veky, aby sme to potvrdili. Jedna je založená na duchovnom rozpoznaní; druhá je založená na vzdelaní a intelektuálnej predstave.

113 No, to nás opäť privádza priamo do záhrady Eden, priamo naspäť na to isté miesto. Žena (cirkev) bola tá, ktorá počúvala, nie Adam, žena. Oni teraz chcú byť matkou cirkví, pokračujte. Je to presne tak. Nič nie je mimo času. Oni sami činia ich vlastné vyznanie. Vidíte? Vidíte, priamo naspäť k rovnakej veci, k nevere v Slovo Božie. V Nicei, v Ríme, keď vyvstala otázka vodného krstu, a o ostatných takýchto veciach, a o krste Duchom Svätým, biskupi sa do toho zorganizovali, čo bolo nazvané Rímsko-katolícka cirkev, ktorá bola „kráľovská“ Rímska, tak bola nazývaná. Práve včera sme cez to išli, brali sme históriu, a počúvali to, opäť sme cez to hľadeli. A to malo byť iba pre samotný Rím, v Ríme bola kráľovská cirkev. Ostatné boli iba jej malé sesterské cirkvi, nazývané Katolícke.

114 Naša cirkev je tiež katolícka, univerzálna cirkev, ktorá je univerzálnou vierou všetkých veriacich. Jedna z nich je zrodená z Ducha Svätého a má v nej Ducha Svätého, a je to potvrdené jej životom, náukou a konaním, že Duch Svätý je v nej, pretože to je Utešiteľ, ktorého Kristus zasľúbil, Kristus, pôsobiaci v Jeho cirkvi, konajúci rovnako ako na počiatku. To je to, ako ten toxín Kristovho spasenia účinkoval na začiatku, to je to, ako účinkuje dnes: prináša rovnakú vec.

115 Druhá je intelektuálne poňatie z denominácie tvorenej skupinou ľudí, ktorá má formu pobožnosti, ako nám povedal prorok, a ktorá odmietla túto pravdivú moc. Nuž, to je tak jasné, ako som to len vedel objasniť.

116 Tak, to sú tie dve cirkvi. Jedna z nich bola zrodená v Nicei; a druhá sa zrodila na Letnice. A jedna bola vždy proti tej druhej. Prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, aby sme to dokázali; jedna je proti druhej. Jedna z nich je elegantná, uctievaná, intelektuálna cirkev so vznešenými učencami a tak ďalej; druhá je zaradená ako banda náboženských fanatikov. To bolo na začiatku, "opití, nevzdelaní rybári," a to je rovnaké dnes; je to zaradené v rovnakej kategórii. Jedni z nich sú vedeckí; druhí duchovní. Jedna je vedecký systém; druhá je duchovným zjavením Slova. Jedna je vedecky zostavená tým, čo hovoria nejaké skupiny ľudí, intelektuálni biskupi. Druhá je úplne zrodená z Ducha Božieho, a žije Duchom Božím, a to koná a spôsobuje vyplnenie Slova, ktoré Boh zasľúbil. To ukazuje, ktorý toxín beriete. Máte vzdelanecký toxín? Máte toxín Ducha Svätého? Vidíte? V poriadku.

117 Ó, tá prefíkanosť satana, ako môže maľovať ten obraz, intelektuálne môže doviesť človeka, nezrodeného z Ducha Božieho, do toho, že sa točí a točí dookola. A tam nie je spôsob, intelektuálne ich tým uspokojiť. Tam nie je spôsob.

118 To je zjavenie vierou (rozumiete?), zjavenie. Vidíme, čo hovorí Slovo, veríme mu.

119 "Potom, brat Branham, oni hovoria, že majú zjavenie." Potom nechajme nech Duch Boží vyprodukuje presne to, čo zasľúbil vyprodukovať, potom tomu budeme veriť. Rozumiete?

Tam je dôkaz toho.

120Ako účinkoval ten Toxín, keď zasiahol nejakú osobu? "Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí uverili." Povedal. Ak to Toxín zasiahol, potom je to všetko v poriadku. Vidíte, vidíte?

121 Takže oni nás privádzajú... Toto nás teraz privádza v tých niekoľkých nasledujúcich minútach k záveru. Takže toto nás berie od Ábela a Kaina k súdu Noeho času, z toho samotného príchodu dní Noeho. No, pred tým, ako budeme mať modlitebný rad, počúvajte pozorne, ako tu idem cez niektoré Písma v tom malom texte.

122Zisťujeme, že po tom, čo svet prijal jeho intelektuálny výklad Slova, tí muži sa stali veľkými, známymi mužmi. Biblia tak hovorí, Genesis 6:4. Renomovaní muži, ktorí behali za skutočne krásnymi ženami a podobné veci, ako to máme všade na svete. Iba som cez to prešiel v kázni "Blikajúce červené svetlo jeho príchodu," hovorili sme jedného večera, ako sa ženy v posledných dňoch stávajú krajšími, ako muži, renomovaní muži, o tých škandáloch v Anglicku a Spojených Štátoch. A to bude zjavené v jednom z tých dní. Vidíte? Vy iba neviete, o čom sú všetky tieto „dievčatá na zavolanie“ [v originále “call-girls” - pozn.prekl.] a všetko to ďalšie. Rozumiete? Viete, že tam je každá tretia barmanka stredoškolská alebo vysokoškolská študentka? Tri ku jednej barmanke, ktorá je stredoškolská alebo vysokoškolská študentka. Viete, že určité percento (neviem ho naspamäť, nemám ho pred sebou). Nikdy som si to nepoznačil, ale takmer tretina stredoškolských detí v národe bola alebo dokázaná ako nemorálna, alebo musela ísť domov, aby boli matkami? Viete, že brať penicilín proti pohlavným chorobám iba spôsobilo medzi ľuďmi porušenie, a pritom tá vec nie je mŕtva? Ale v... (Vidíte?) Boh povedal, že to navštívi až do štvrtej generácie. Spôsobuje to mongolizmus a čokoľvek iné, a deti sú...
Ó, aké hriešne, aké chytré to je. Ako tí ľudia, tí kazatelia tam budú stáť a nekázať proti nim, proti tým striptízom na ulici, a nechajú ich spievať v zbore, a rôzne veci, a vidíme, že to je tá vec, ktorá poslala náš národ do pekla, poslala našu rasu do pekla. Tak je to.

123 Takže teraz zisťujeme, že po tom, čo Boh má toho dosť, ako verím, že má dnes... Teraz sa dostávam k môjmu textu. Mám divný spôsob prinášania... Rád staviam veľa vecí a potom idem na môj text. Teraz zisťujeme, že v časoch Noeho, keď Boh išiel súdiť svet, keď to prišlo práve tak, ako je to teraz, pretože Ježiš povedal, že to bolo. Staral sa? Staral sa? On, on sa určite staral. Staral sa o čo? Teraz, po tom, čo On už vedel, že súd prichádzal, a vyniesol súd, On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali. A to je rovnaké ako dnes. On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa chceli starať. A zisťujeme, že im poslal proroka, aby ich viedol, viedol Jeho vyvolený ľud na Ním pripravenú cestu úniku. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Vidíte? Zisťujeme, že Boh sa o svojich ľudí staral. [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

124 Sme na konci, a my vidíme, že sme na konci. Nie je tam žiadna možnosť budovať na tom porušení. Ako môžeme vybudovať mesto na zuhoľnatených ruinách Sodomy a Gomory? Ako to môžeme urobiť? Zostal iba jeden fénix, a to je príchod Pána Ježiša; ó, očistenie cez čas súženia, navrátenie a obnovenie sveta, pre ľudí, ktorí sú spravodliví v Božích očiach a žijú Jeho Slovom.

125 Všimnite si, On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali uniknúť v dňoch Noeho, a On im poslal proroka. A tento prorok ich usmernil na Bohom pripravenú cestu. No, to je Božia cesta konania. Vidíte? Boh prehovoril k Noemu, ktorý bol Slovom (Vtedy nebolo žiadne písané Slovo), a povedal Noemu, aby pripravil archu na spasenie ľudí, a aby varoval všetkých ľudí, že On má jednu cestu spásy. A tento muž bol určený prorok, ktorý im ukázal cestu úniku. Všimnite si, tí pokorní a úprimní počuli tohto muža a uverili mu a unikli. Čomu unikli? Smrti sveta hriechu, ktorý bol zničený v tom dni. Oni unikli smrteľnej ceste, ktorá ležala na celom svete. Boh sa tak staral... (Ó, Bože, pomôž, aby to teraz išlo hlboko, pred tým modlitebným radom.) Boh sa staral.

126On teraz hľadí na svet, a On volal a On volal, a oni to odmietli a otočili sa. Na začiatku tam bola šanca na pokánie. Keď Boh povedal Izaiášovi, aby išiel hore, a povedal Ezechiášovi, že zomrie, Ezechiáš oľutoval a tam bola milosť. Keď Boh povedal Jonášovi, aby išiel do Ninive a kričal, že za štyridsať dní On to mesto zničí, oni kričali o milosť a tam bola ľútosť. Ale keď to odmietli, tam nie je nič iné, iba súd. A tento národ odmietol Krista. Oni to volanie ignorovali, takže nič iné nezostalo a my budeme čeliť súdu.

127 No, stará sa Boh o tých, ktorí činili pokánie? Urobil pre nich cestu? No, ideme sa pozrieť, čo urobil v minulosti.

128 V Noeho čase sa On staral. On poslal proroka, a On dal cestu, a On im ukázal cestu, a On im pripravil cestu úniku, a oni unikli súdu. On sa tiež o nich staral. Zisťujeme, že ich privádza na miesto, kde On v tých posledných dňoch, kde predovšetkým... pred príchodom veľkého súdu, On sa o nich tak staral, až pripravil cestu, ktorou môžu prísť a môžu byť oslobodení od všetkých súdov, ktoré prichádzali.

129No, On tak urobil tým vyvoleným. Teraz to vieme. On tak urobil tým vyvoleným, tak, iba vyvoleným. Oni boli tí jediní, ktorí tento zárodok Života prijali. Oni boli tí jediní, ktorí boli predurčení vidieť to. Oni boli tí jediní. My všetci, ak veríme Biblii, musíme veriť v predurčenie. Vidíte? Tak je to v poriadku. Nie že Boh chce, aby niekto trpel, ale On vedel, kto to prijme a kto nie.

130On sa staral o Jeho vyvolených ľudí v čase zničenia Egypta. Oni tam boli v Egypte a stali sa otrokmi. V Mojžišových dňoch, On sa staral o ľudí. Čo im On poslal? Opäť proroka. Je to tak? A On oddelil Jeho ľudí od toho neveriaceho sveta, od prichádzajúceho súdu toho dňa. Urobil to? On sa staral, keď Egypt nahromadil ich hriechy tak vysoko, až Boh poslal súd, pretože On povedal Abrahámovi, "A Ja budem konať s tým národom." Tak namiesto toho, aby vylial svoj hnev na nich všetkých, On k nim poslal svoju starosť. On k nim poslal svojho Utešiteľa. Poslal k nim svoje Slovo. A On vždy posiela Svoje Slovo prostredníctvom Svojho proroka tak, ako v Noeho čase. On urobil rovnakú vec v Noeho čase. V čase Eliáša – alebo Mojžiša, zisťujeme, že urobil rovnakú vec. Poslal k nim Svojho proroka a oni sa oddelili od nevery. Teraz, to je ten druh, ktorý vychádza. To je ten druh, ktorý tomu verí. Oni verili Mojžišovi, že on bol... vo faraónových očiach on bol fanatik, on bol kúzelník, on bol pokrytec, on bol niečo strašné. Ale u vyvolených ľudí, to bolo podľa Božieho Slova ("Ja ich vyvediem."), on bol pre nich prorokom. On bol tou Bohom pripravenou cestou. A on tiež... Dávajte pozor, oni mu verili a ušli súdu toho dňa. Oni verili Mojžišovi.

131 A On povedal, že sa o nich staral, aby ich vyviedol, a On sa staral o nich na ich ceste po tom, ako vyšli. Amen. A ako to bolo v tom telesnom, je to aj v tej duchovnej oblasti. On sa staral. Prečo? On poskytol všetko, čo počas svojej cesty potrebovali. Poskytol? On ich uzdravil, keď boli chorí. On poskytol uzdravenie. On poskytol cestu pre ich choroby. On poskytol medeného hada tak, že oni sa mohli na toho hada, symbol hriechu, pozrieť, a byť uzdravení. On ich kŕmil, keď boli na ceste; kde nebolo chleba, On dával chlebu pršať z neba. On ich kŕmil. Nie iba to, ale On ich odieval, čím ukazoval, že sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali.

132Ak sú pripravení vyznať a činiť pokánie a veriť a prijať, Boh sa stará. Ale najprv sa vy musíte starať; musíte prijať to, čo Vám poslal. On sa o nich tak staral, aby si boli istí, že tam nebude žiadna chyba; On potvrdil svojho proroka znamením – Stĺpom Ohňa, aby dal ľuďom vedieť, že to nebol iba tento muž, ktorý tu kráčal popri, ale že to bol Boh priamo nad ním. On ich viedol na ceste. Boh sa staral o ľudí, ktorí sa starali. Boh sa stará o tých, ktorí sa starajú o Neho. Tak On tohoto človeka potvrdil, potvrdil, že bol Božím služobníkom, tým, že im poslal Stĺp Ohňa, aby ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme. A oni vedeli, že pokiaľ tento znak tohto Ohňa, Stĺp mraku a Ohňa ich nasledoval... On povedal, neodňal ten Stĺp Ohňa a ten Oblak. On s nimi bol roky a roky na púšti, štyridsať rokov. Je to tak? Ten Stĺp Ohňa ich viedol. My sme v našom 33. roku, keby to bolo ešte o sedem rokov dlhšie, bolo by to podľa toho predobrazu rovnaké. V poriadku, viedol ich Stĺp Ohňa. On sa o nich staral. A on sa o nich tak staral, až im On dal vedieť, že to nebola nejaká vedecká vec, to nebolo nejaké pošmyknutie, ale On to posolstvo potvrdil a dokazoval to.

133 On sa tak staral ešte aj o tú ženu, ktorá bola vonku, nie Izraelitka. Ona nepatrila k tej skupine, ale ona bola mimo nich, presbyteriánka, metodistka, alebo niečo. Ona bola na tej druhej strane. Ale keď počula... Jej meno bolo Rachab; ona žije... Ona bola smilnica. Ale keď počula, ako bol Boh v tom Stĺpe Ohňa a viedol ich, povedala, "Nech...", volajúc k Bohu, a ona prejavila milosť voči tým vyzvedačom, ktorí išli preskúmať zem. A pretože ona sa starala o seba a svojich ľudí, Boh sa staral o ňu. Až tak, že táto smilnica odovzdala svoj život Kristovi, tej Záležitosti, pretože ona videla ten znak Nadprirodzeného Boha, a to slúžila bohom priamo vo svojej denominácii. Ale keď videla tento veľký nadprirodzený znak, ona kričala a žiadala o milosť, a o milosť pre jej rodinu, a Boh sa tak o ňu staral, že keď sa celé mesto na seba zrútilo, na jej dome nebol pohnutý ani jeden kameň. On sa stará. Aj keď ona bola cudzia, nebola v tom čase v tej skupine, ale On sa staral. On sa vždy stará.

134On sa staral o Eliáša, keď sa on a jedine on staral o Boha. Haleluja. To je to, kam to ide. "Uhoďte na neho vaše starosti, pretože On sa o Vás stará." Peter, keď hovoril k vyvoleným starším, starším a im v cirkvi povedal, "Zložte svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa stará o vás. Zložte tam všetko, pretože ste čistí pred Bohom. Vy chodíte ako služobníci Boží".

135Boh sa staral o Eliáša, pretože Eliáš sa staral o Boha. Všetci ostatní kazatelia stratili videnie toho dňa, stratili vôľu Božiu a lásku Jeho Slova, a všetko sa to zmodernizovalo. Ale bez ohľadu na to, ako to nosila tá moderná Jezábeľ, prvá dáma tej krajiny, bez ohľadu na to, koľko veľa tí ostatní kazatelia dovolili ženám konať a postupovať; Eliáš volal proti tomu v Mene Pánovom. On sa staral o to, čo Boh povedal, a Boh sa potom staral o to, čo Eliáš povedal, pretože on hovoril Slovo Božie. Boh sa stará, ak sa vy staráte, ale najprv sa vy musíte starať. Áno.

136Všimnite si, On sa staral, keď Svojím Slovom vyvolal Eliáša spomedzi denominácií. Vyzeralo to, že bude musieť zomrieť od hladu, pretože tam pre neho nebudú žiadne desiatky a obete. Ale On sa tak staral o Eliáša, On ho nenechal hladovať, keď poslúchal Slovo Božie. On prikázal krkavcom, aby ho kŕmili. On sa staral o Eliáša, pretože Eliáš sa staral o Neho a On je Slovo.

137On sa staral o Daniela, keď sa Daniel dostatočne staral o Božie Slovo a modlil sa úprimne. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ten kráľ povedal, "Nechcem viac, aby sa to dialo," Eliáš [Daniel – pozn.prekl] iba otvoril okenice a pozrel sa k Jeruzalemu a modlil sa. Eliáš [Daniel – pozn.prekl] sa staral o Boha, a Boh sa staral o Eliáša [Daniela – pozn.prekl]. Daniel sa staral o Božie Slovo, a Boh sa staral o Eliáša [Daniela – pozn.prekl]. On poslal Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý odstrašil toho leva a zostal tam dolu s ním celú noc. Boh sa staral. Pretože Daniel sa staral. Áno, tak. Určite sa modlil, vediac, že to znamená byť hodený do jamy levov, ak neposlúchne denominačné príkazy. Ale on kľačal pri okne a nemal strach z toho, čo povedal človek. Nechal okná otvorené, pretože to bolo Božie nariadenie, a modlil sa úprimne a poctivo k svojmu Bohu každý deň. Staral sa o Boha a Jeho nariadenie, a Boh sa otočil a staral sa o Daniela a jeho prikázanie--jeho postoj. Daniel sa staral o Boha a Jeho Slovo, a Boh sa staral o Daniela a jeho postoj voči Slovu. On to bude robiť v každom čase. Amen.

138 On sa staral o Hebrejské deti, keď úprimne rešpektovali a starali sa o vieru, ktorá im raz bola daná, o Božie Slovo. On sa tak o nich staral, keď trúbili na trúbu... Oni mali Božie prikázanie, "Neklaňajte sa žiadnemu pohanskému bohu, žiadnej soche. Neklaňajte sa; neuctievajte ich." To bolo prikázanie. A keď trúbili na trúbu a povedali, "Vrhneme do pece tých, ktorí nebudú," oni sa tak starali, až sa tomu obrazu otočili chrbtom. Tak je to. Boh sa o nich tak staral, že keď nastala horúčava, On poslal štvrtého Muža tam do ohnivej pece a zachoval ich v chlade. On sa staral, pretože oni sa starali.

139Ak sa chcete držať nejakého vyznania, Boh sa nestará o to, čo robíte. Ak to chcete robiť, On sa o vás nikdy nebude starať, pretože činíte to, čo povedal nejaký človek. Ale ak sa budete držať Božieho Slova, vaše pravdivé vyznanie a viera, že Boh je Uzdravovateľ, ten istý včera, dnes aj na veky, On sa o Vás bude starať.

140 On sa potom staral; On sa staral o tie Hebrejské deti, a On im poslal štvrtého Muža, ktorým bol Kristus, aby ich preniesol. Vieme to.

141Keď tí malomocní kričali, "Pane..." Desať malomocných vyšlo a úprimne kričalo, "Pane, zľutuj sa nad nami." Oni mali dosť, aby sa starali o svoje vlastné potreby; On mal moc starať sa o nich. On sa staral o tých malomocných, pretože tí malomocní sa starali, aby urobili svoje vyznanie, volajúc Ho, "Pane."

142On sa staral, keď sa ten stotník dostatočne staral o svoje... aby poslal po Ježiša, aby mu pomohol. Keď ten stotník preukázal svoju vieru, odmietol svoje rímske modly, staral sa dostatočne verejným svedectvom, aby po Neho poslal, aby uzdravil jeho syna, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral o to, aby išiel a uzdravil ho. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte. Ale vy sa musíte starať prv. On sa staral.

143On sa staral, keď sa Jairus dostatočne staral o Ježiša; on bol tajný veriaci. On veril, že On má pravdu, ale pre jeho denominačné stanovisko nemohol vyjsť a vyznať to, ale keď jeho malá dcérka ochorela a zomrela, Jairus vedel, keď pozeral na smrť svojej dcéry, alebo aby vyjadril svoju starostlivosť, on sa dostatočne staral, aby odmietol neveriacich okolo seba, a dal si na hlavu svoj malý kazateľský klobúk, vyšiel a našiel Ježiša. Keď Jairus ukázal, že sa stará, Ježiš ukázal, že sa dostatočne staral, aby prišiel a vzkriesil ju z mŕtvych. Uhoďte vaše starosti na Neho, pretože On sa stará. Bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, On sa stará.

144On sa dostatočne staral aj vtedy, keď tam ani nebolo také prikázanie, nič také tam nebolo povedané; nikdy sa o tom nezmienil, ale On sa staral, pretože tá malá žena sa nemohla dostať do modlitebného radu, a ona povedala, "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť okraja Jeho rúcha, Ja mu verím." On sa staral o jej vieru v to až tak veľmi, že sa otočil a vyvolal ju z publika, a povedal jej, že jej viera ju uzdravila. On sa staral, pretože tá žena sa starala.

145On sa staral, keď sa jeden neurotik menom Legion dostatočne staral, pod opozíciou, aby sa vyteperil spod tých náhrobných kameňov diablov a vyšiel sa stretnúť s Ježišom, a pokoril sa. Keď Legion... Tí diabli by nikdy neprišli, ak by sa Legion nepohol stretnúť sa s Ním. A keď sa on dostatočne staral a vynaložil tú snahu, že zastal v jeho viere, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral a vyhnal z neho ten pluk démonov, a jeho neurotický stav bol preč. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte. Tak veru. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte.

146 No, keď ten slepý muž kričal v bránach Jericha, "Ó, Ježiš..." On bol Žid, ortodoxný, dobrý, mal dobré postavenie v synagóge, ale keď povedal, "Čo je to tu naokolo za hluk?" Oni povedali, "Ježiš Nazaretský prechádza okolo, prorok."

147 Povedal, "Ježiš, Ty Synu Dávidov!" Ó, čo za úder to bol pre jeho pastora a kňazov, ktorí tam stáli. Ale on sa o to nestaral, čo pastor, kňaz, alebo niekto iný povedal; on prejavoval záujem. A On sa staral, aby získal zrak, tak zavolal. A keď bol ten slepý muž pripravený, a staral sa dostatočne, aby zavolal, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral, aby ho uzdravil. On je ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte, ale vy sa musíte starať prv. Musíte dokázať, že sa staráte.

148On sa staral tak veľmi, až sa žena, žijúca so šiestimi mužmi, identifikovala a spoznala a rozpoznala Jeho Mesiášske znamenie rozpoznania; On sa dostatočne staral, až kým jej odpustil každý hriech a vody, ktoré tam neprišla nabrať, On jej dal, pretože ona rozpoznala. Ona povedala, "Pane, vidím, že si prorok," keď jej povedal, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku. A ako ona v ten deň, ktorý mal prísť, očakávala, bola len zviazaná v tej cirkvi, ona to nemala šancu urobiť. Ale keď videla Muža, Ktorý jej mohol povedať, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku, ona povedala, "Pane, ja si uvedomujem, že si Prorok. Viem, že keď Mesiáš príde, bude činiť tieto veci." On povedal, "Ja som to."

149To stačilo. Ona sa starala. Ona tam nechala svoju nádobu na vodu a išla do mesta a povedala, "Poďte sa pozrieť na Muža, Ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som porobila. Nie je toto samotný Mesiáš?" Ona bola niečo ako Rachab; ona sa starala, až kým zobudila celé mesto. Ona sa starala, pretože niečo bolo vykonané, potvrdené Písmo sa pevne vyplnilo, a ona sa starala. Ona sa nestarala o to, čo ľudia povedali, alebo čo niekto iný povedal; ona to videla; ona tam bola, keď sa to stalo. Ona sa starala. A ona sa starala o svojich ľudí, až kým to nepovedala každému z nich, a to spôsobilo, že celé mesto uverilo v Ježiša Krista. Ona sa starala a On sa staral. Určite, On sa staral.

150 Ježiš sa dostatočne staral o Posolstvo tohoto dňa, aby sa tieto rovnaké veci vyplnili, ako On povedal, až kým nezomrel a opäť nevstal, aby poslal skrze Ducha Svätého Utešiteľa, a ukázal Jeho službu dnes, že On je stále živý. On sa dostatočne staral. Nebudeme sa my starať? To je tá vec: nemáme sa starať? On za túto službu zomrel. On zomrel, aby tu v tomto dni mohol byť Duch Svätý, aby tieto veci ukázal. On sa o vás staral. On sa staral, aby to sem priniesol. On sa staral, aby to bolo vyhlásené. On sa staral, pretože vás miloval. On sa dostatočne staral, aby to urobil, aby k tomuto poslal Ducha Svätého, aby vytvoril túto službu dnes.

151 To je to, ako to On potvrdil, že sa staral v tom dni, pretože prišiel potvrdiť to, čo Boh povedal, že On bude. To je ten dôvod, že ho tá žena rozpoznala. Povedala, "Viem, že keď príde Mesiáš, On je prorok. Keď Mesiáš príde, povie nám tieto veci." Vidíte, On sa dostatočne staral o Slovo Božie, aby jej ho potvrdil. Amen.

152 Teraz poslal Ducha Svätého, aby v tomto dni intelektuálneho ponímania, aby nám mohol potvrdiť skrze toho istého Ducha Svätého, že On je stále Mesiáš, potvrdiť to rovnakým spôsobom. On je ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. Teraz je otázkou, staráš sa aj ty? Čo si o tom myslíš? Je to tu. Bolo to potvrdené znovu a znovu. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si tomu veril? Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si vyznal svoje hriechy, že sa mýliš? Vyznaj svoju neveru a prijmi to. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si to prijal? On sa dostatočne staral, aby zomrel a znovu vstal, aby ti to dal. Staráte sa dostatočne, aby ste ho prijali? Myslím si, že to je úplne potvrdené, od čias Noeho až od Genesis. Nemáme čas úplne sa do toho dostať. Ale vidíte, že On sa stará, a zomrel, aby ste sa mohli starať, aby ste mohli mať cestu. A On priniesol tú cestu. On presne povedal, čo tento spôsob vykoná, a teraz je tu dnes a ukazuje, že je to pravda. No, v tejto zlej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, staráte sa tiež o to dostatočne, celým svojím srdcom, veríte tomu?

153Či sa dostanete do modlitebného radu alebo čokoľvek sa udeje, to nie je o tom; ale či sa staráte? Uhoďte svoje starosti na Neho; On sa o vás stará. Buďte v tom úprimní. Starajte sa dostatočne, aby ste boli úprimní, pretože On to potvrdil Svojím potvrdeným Slovom, že On sa stará. On to zasľúbil poslať; On to urobil. On to zasľúbil v Slove; tu To je. On sa stará; teraz čo vy? To ste vy, čo by ste sa mali teraz starať.

154On sa dostatočne staral, On sa dostatočne staral, aby pre teba premohol každého nepriateľa, všetko, čo musíte robiť je byť úprimní a veriť tomu. On zaujal smrť. Smrť na mne nemá čo premôcť; to je už premožené. Choroba na mne nemá čo zaujať; to na Kristovi nemá čo zaujať; to je už premožené. Ja sa iba musím dostatočne starať, aby som to veril. Obávate sa toho, čo vám povedal niekto iný? Obávate sa doktorovej diagnózy? Obávate sa, čo vám povie cirkev? Obávate sa postaviť sa diablovi tvárou v tvár? Povedzte, "Vyznal som svoje hriechy, všetko som položil nabok, uveril som každému Slovu. Tu som, Pane. Stvor vo mne tú starostlivosť. Ja... Ty si sa o mňa staral; Ja sa starám o Teba."

155Myslím na tú starú slávnu pieseň, "On stará sa. Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň, On stará sa ."

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, my nemôžeme ísť ďalej.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

(Spievajme mu so sklonenými hlavami, a našimi srdcami.)

On stará sa o teba,... (Pozrime sa, čo všetko urobil.)

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

On stará sa...

(Teraz, ak sa staráš, zodvihni ruku, keď to spievaš.)

On stará sa o teba;

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

156Nebeský Otče, v tomto čase pokročilej hodiny dňa, činíme naše vyznanie z hĺbok našich sŕdc, že vieme skrze Slovo, že si sa vždy staral o Svojich vlastných. Ale ten problém je, Pane, či sa my staráme? Chcete iba získať vzdelanie, povediac, "Nuž, získal som doktorský titul, alebo LL.D."? Poznať ten Predpis, to nie je jeho užitie.

157 Bože, modlím sa dnes, aby každý z nás zobral tie strasti Krista do svojho vlastného srdca a zobral Jeho utrpenia na seba, aby sme zistili, že musíme tiež trpieť pohanenie Jeho Mena, že musíme trpieť. A nech sme ako tí dávni učeníci, navracajúci a radujúci sa, že nám bolo počítané za privilégium niesť pohanenie Jeho Mena. Udeľ to, Otče.

158Idem sa modliť za chorých, Pane, vzkladať na nich ruky. Oni majú zdvihnuté ruky, mnohí z nich, a mnohí prichádzajú, aby sme sa za nich modlili, ako držia modlitebné karty. A niektorí sú tu, ktorí sa sem nedostali načas, aby získali modlitebné karty, ale oni budú veriť, Pane. Oni môžu zdvihnúť ruky, pozerať na mňa, celé zhromaždenie. Mnohí z nich sú chorí. Tu ležia tieto vreckovky, cítime Tvoju Božskú Prítomnosť skrze to pomazané Slovo, uzdrav ich Pane. Udeľ to, aby ich žiadosti boli splnené.

159 A teraz, od vreckoviek k obecenstvu, k ľudským bytostiam, ktoré tam sedia a trpia, ó, Prítomnosť Božia, príď, Otče, a uzdrav ich všetkých. Uzdravíš dnes ráno v tej Božskej milosti, keď my vyznáme, Otče? Ja, Tvoj služobník, vyznávam neschopnosť. Nemám žiadnu vec, Pane, ktorú Ti môžem predložiť ako zásluhu. Sme nehodní. Nikto z nás to nemôže, Pane. Nie sme hodní vecí, o ktoré ideme prosiť. Ale, Pane, vieme, že Ježiš odišiel hore do slávy, aby tam pripravil miesto, kde môžeme prísť a prijal nás do Seba. A On nám povedal, že nám pošle Utešiteľa, ktorým bude Duch Svätý, a On urobí jeho prácu a bude s nami navždy prebývať.

160Ó, Duchu Svätý, Duchu Boží, príď na nás a občerstvi nás dnes ráno, a potvrď Svoju Prítomnosť, Pane, rovnako, ako si to urobil, keď si kráčal po tejto Zemi, aby toto obecenstvo mohlo rozpoznať, že si tu v týchto posledných dňoch, aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo a potvrdil, že "ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Pane, prosíme to na Tvoju česť a slávu, ako sa Ti poddávame s naším vyznaním. Očisti nás svojou Krvou, Pane. Umy nás vodou Slova a očisti nás v tej Krvi. A predstav nás, Pane, ako vzory tomu neveriacemu svetu, ako toto ráno povedal Peter v tom čítanom texte. O to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

161Idem teraz poprosiť sestru pri klavíri, na chvíľu. Možno budeme dnes trochu neskôr, ale, ó, nedá sa mi chodiť príliš často. Majte s nami strpenie, iba, vydržíte všetci iba niekoľko minút? Teraz sa ideme modliť za každého. Billy, Billy Paul, kde je? Je tu? Kde si rozdal... rozdal si modlitebné karty? Čo to bolo? B od 1 po 100. Zoberme niekoľko z radu B a vidzme, či príde rozpoznanie. Ako to je? Pozrime, či je tu s nami. Iba ho poproste... Veríte, že On to učiní? Kázal som, a bol som pomazaný, ale teraz som kázal iné ako to. Rozumiete?

162 A ja... Povstaňme. Nuž ideme sa modliť za nich všetkých, každopádne, začnime od čísla 1. Kto má číslo B-číslo-1? Postavte sa, kto má modlitebnú kartu... Nie, idem ich sem priviesť, rovno sem, oni idú z tejto uličky a idú dole. Nech B-číslo-1, kto ju má, modlitebnú kartu číslo 1? Myslíte, že nie je v budove? V poriadku, začneme... Ó, je mi ľúto, pani. V poriadku, v poriadku. B-číslo-2, potom, ak sme začali od čísla 1. Nech B-číslo-2, kto ho má, zodvihnete ruky tak, aby sme ich videli. Poď sem, pani, rovno sem. Tri, kto má tri? No, nech je náš rad pozdĺž celej tej steny, posuňme sa, alebo niekde tam vzadu. Takže v poriadku, modlitebná karta číslo 3, kto príde? Je to tá pani, ktorá prichádza? Nevidím tvoju ruku, prepáč mi, sestra. Číslo 4, kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo 4? Môžete zdvihnúť ruku tak, aby som mohol vidieť, kto si? Muž tam vzadu, farebný brat, prišiel by si priamo sem, pane, číslo 4. Číslo 5, kto má číslo 5? Pán tam vzadu, prišiel by si sem ak—ak chceš? Číslo 6, kto má modlitebnú kartu 6, zdvihol by si ruku? Tu, v poriadku, 6, pane. 7. Teraz, toto predíde tomu, aby ste sa tu tlačili. 7, v poriadku, poďte rovno sem dolu, 7. Teraz, číslo 8, práve, ako ste... Prišiel by si pane? Číslo 9? V poriadku, pane. Číslo 10? V poriadku, chlapček.

163 Zatiaľ čo o tom rozmýšľame, tá najmilšia vec; keď som sem prišiel, takí malí chlapci, skoro ma to zabilo myslieť o tom. Jeden malý chlapec tam pred chvíľou stál; on povedal, "brat Branham, urobíš pre mňa niečo?" Asi taký veľký ako tento chlapček tu.

Povedal som, "Čo je to, synku?"

164On povedal, "Modli sa za moju mamu." Povedal, "Ona berie Božie meno nadarmo a ona má taký hrozný život."

Povedal som, "Kde bývaš? Tu v meste?"

Povedal, "Áno, pane."

165 On chcel, aby jeho mama bola dobrá žena. A niet sa čo čudovať, Izaiáš povedal, "dieťa ich povedie."

166Číslo 10, číslo, nie je to číslo 10? V poriadku, číslo 11? V poriadku, číslo 12, číslo 12? V poriadku, číslo 13, 14? V poriadku, 15. 15, Nevidím to, číslo 15? 16. V poriadku, príď tadiaľ, pane, ak chceš, 16. 17, 18, 18, nevidel som to. V poriadku, pani, alebo sestra, 18. V poriadku, teraz choď tým smerom, pani, ak chceš, choď tade. Teraz, pozrite, ako modlitebný rad... stačí, keď tam budú takto spolu stáť.

167 Ako sa modlitebný rad začína zmenšovať (Vidíte?), potom nech Billy Paul alebo niektorí z tých tu z pódia... brat Neville, brat Neville, nech brat Neville po chvíli, ak ich vidíte... Teraz, keď uvidíte brata Nevilleho a budete vidieť modlitebný rad, ako sa... On vám dá pokyn, pretože sa budem modliť o Ducha Svätého...

168 No, tento muž, máš modlitebnú kartu, ty v tom invalidnom kresle, pane? On má svoju modlitebnú kartu. V poriadku, môžete ho zobrať priamo do modlitebného radu. No, je niekto ďalší, ktorý je tu a nevie sa dostať hore? Pomôžte im niekto, ak oni... ak prídu na rad. Vidíte? Teraz, iba myslite, začneme, kde som prestal, tam okolo 18 alebo 20, niekde okolo toho, potom začnite 21, 22, poznajte svoje miesto, ako sem prichádzate.

169 No, staráte sa? Veríte, že On sa vždy staral? Veríte, že sa teraz stará? Ak sa On staral, On sa vždy bude starať. Veríte tomu? No, chcem, aby bol každý len skutočne úctivý, buďte na svojom mieste a modlite sa. Teraz, vy v obecenstve, modlite sa tiež. No, ako sa On staral? Pretože sa viac nemôže starať, a žiaden človek alebo žiaden prorok nemôže ísť poza hranice Božieho zasľúbeného Slova. Je to tak? No, je mi jedno; mohli ste prejsť sto ráz modlitebnými radmi, ale vy, ktorí stojíte, a vy, ktorí sedíte, ak je vo vašom živote hriech, nevera, vyznajte to teraz. Nepokúšajte sa sem prísť bez toho. Ak... vy by ste sem mohli prísť a bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi je ten človek pomazaný, stál by tu a kládol by na vás ruky, určite to miniete o stovky míľ, pokiaľ tomu nebudete veriť. Musíte to veriť. Musíte to vyznať. Musíte. Vidíte, potom ak vy... Pozrite sa sem, ako je tam... Dúfam, že ste to pochopili. Rozumiete? Je úplne nemožné pre Boha, aby nedodržal svoje Slovo voči vám, ak ste vy dodržali svoje slovo voči Bohu. Rozumiete? Ak tomu skutočne veríte, nič vás neprinúti, aby ste o tom pochybovali. Čas, priestor, nič iné vás nemôže prinútiť, aby ste o tom pochybovali. Veríte to, Veríte tomu?

170 Teraz, idem sa pozrieť na tento modlitebný rad. Pokiaľ viem, pokiaľ to je tento muž práve tu, poznám ho; a viem, že ... poznám tam Gene Slaughtera; poznám ho; mimo to... A ja neviem, kvôli čomu tam stoja. Nemám tušenie, kvôli čomu tam sú. Boh vie. A teraz, ak vy všetci viete, že ja o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite ruky, vy, ktorí tam stojíte. Teraz, koľkí v tomto obecenstve viete, že o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite ruky. Teraz, koľkí sú si vedomí, že Ježiš Kristus o vás vie?

171A koľkí to budú chcieť povedať? Verím [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Verím" – pozn.prekl.] celým svojím srdcom ["celým svojím srdcom"], že Ježiš ["že Ježiš"] ma uzdravil ["ma uzdravil"], keď bol ukrižovaný ["keď bol ukrižovaný"] na Kalvárii ["na Kalvárii."]. V poriadku. Vidíte? Tak, ak to už urobil, potom je to tvoja viera prijať to. No, On sa dostatočne staral, aby to činil, staráte sa vy dostatočne, aby ste dali nabok každú pochybnosť a verili tomu? Uvaľte všetky svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa o vás stará.

172 Tak, ak ste chorí, ak ste postihnutí, videl som, nuž, viete, desaťtisíce krát tisíce vecí, ktoré Duch Svätý učinil. A vy to viete, spasticita, ešte aj mŕtvi...

173 Jeden muž sa tu na pódiu zvalil mŕtvy, priamo pred nami, asi pred troma týždňami. Jeho žena je registrovaná zdravotná sestra, ona tu sedí. A ten muž sa zrútil. On tu niekde sedí. Tu sedí jeho žena, a on... a tu je niekde, teraz je niekde tu. Áno, tu stojí. Oči sa mu prevrátili dozadu, stmavli, rovno... padol, a zrútil sa. Ona ho prehliadla, nemal žiaden tlkot srdca, žiaden pulz. Položil som na neho ruky, bol preč, zavolal som jeho ducha v Mene Ježiša Krista, a on potom hneď vstal. Vidíte?

174Čo to je? On je Vzkriesenie a Život. To som nebol ja. To bol Utešiteľ, ktorý konal, Duch Svätý, ktorý sa prihovára za nás. Vidíte? Akceptovali sme Ho; teraz je na ňom, aby urobil prímluvu. Ako by som ťa mohol... Môže ťa Boh spasiť proti tvojej vôli? Určite nie. On ťa nemôže uzdraviť proti tvojej vôli. Musíš tomu veriť.

175 No, čo by to bolo, ak On môže potvrdiť, Boh ma nechá Božským darom ukázať vám, že Ježiš Kristus je tu s nami, že tento Utešiteľ je Ježiš Kristus, On je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo." Je to tak? "Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A Biblia povedala, v Židom 4, že "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako obojstranne nabrúsený meč, a Ono je Zjavovateľom myšlienok srdca." Je to tak? A to je to, čo Ježiš urobil, aby potvrdil, že On bol tým pomazaným Slovom, Mesiášom. Ó. Nevidíte to? Čo je Mesiáš? Pomazaný. Čo pomazané? Pomazané Slovo. "A Slovo bolo učinené telom." On bol pomazaným Slovom. Vidíš to, brat Vayle? Vidíš, On je pomazané Slovo.

176 Teraz, keď sa mu odovzdáš, potom ťa On používa poza to, čo vieš, a dokazuje, že On je stále pomazaným Slovom a Zjavovateľom myšlienok srdca. Ó, ako v to môže niekto pochybovať? Iba verte, nepochybujte. A teraz, vy, ktorí tam sedíte, ja som sa dnes ráno dotkol tejto témy. Keď sa tá malá žena starala, možno sa nedostala do modlitebného radu, ale ona sa dotkla okraja Jeho rúcha, a On sa otočil. Veríte tomu? Veríte, že sa to dnes opäť môže stať? Áno. No, ako by ste sa toho dotkli?

177 Biblia hovorí, že On je Veľkňazom, práve teraz je Veľkňazom, sediacim po pravici Majestátu Boha, aby sa prihováral za naše vyznanie. Vyznávame, že tomu veríme, a chceme sa dotknúť Veľkňaza. A keď sa Ho dotýkame, ako by On konal? Je tu vo forme Ducha Svätého. Potom On bude hovoriť rovno späť a povie vám to presne. Je to v poriadku? No, veríte tomu a seďte ticho, zostaňte úctiví a pozorujte. No, ak On to bude robiť aspoň trikrát, to bude dostatočné, či nie? Trikrát, ak to On bude robiť. Raz, dva, tri, ak to On bude robiť.

178 Ako sa máš? No, čakajte, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme. Vidíte, toto je... Ja nie... Toto je niečo, čo je práve teraz trochu odlišné; kázal som, a potom sa obraciam k tomuto. No, nevolal som k Pánovi ohľadne tohto dlhý čas, ale Pán Boh pozná moje srdce, a nech splní Vaše žiadosti. Teraz, ja tomu verím, že to učiní.

179 No, stojí tu žena; nepoznáme sa. Pokiaľ sa pamätám, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona možno sedela v niektorom obecenstve niekde alebo ma poznala z nejakej literatúry, ale nebeský Otec vie, pokiaľ sa pamätám, nikdy vo svojom živote som sa na ňu nepozrel. Ona je cudzinka.

180No, ak je On ten istý, tu sa stretáva muž a žena rovnako, ako Ježiš stretol tú ženu pri studni, o čom som pred chvíľou hovoril. On sa o ňu staral. No, táto žena možno nie je vinná rovnakej veci, ako bola tamtá, ale niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Ale On sa o ňu stará práve tak veľmi, ako sa staral o tamtú ženu. Vidíte, On sa stará. No a keď to videla, ona to rozpoznala. Tak, obaja tu takto stojíme. No, nikdy som ju nevidel.

181 No, ak ten veľký Duch Svätý, ten Neviditeľný, teraz, ak mi Ho zmysel viery potvrdí... On dal zmysly viery a Jeho Slovo to prinieslo v týchto posledných dňoch do takej blízkosti, až tam On má tento obraz Toho. On to priniesol tak blízko k našim zmyslom, pomazal to, odišiel a uvideli sme Ho prísť sem a pohybovať sa tu v tejto forme Stĺpa Ohňa. Či nie? Teraz, On je tu; viem, že je tu. Moja viera hovorí, že On je tu. No, ak sa tu môže práve dostatočne materializovať, aby uchytil život tejto ženy (Rozumiete?), ako zasľúbil, že bude konať... Duch Boží bude konať rovnako, ako On.

182 Teraz, ja, potom, ako som kázal, iba k vám chcem chvíľu hovoriť, iba aby som videl.

183Ako to učinil tej žene pri studni, On povedal, "Daj sa mi napiť." Vy viete, On bol práve... On tam možno sedel a myslel na nich, keď odišli nakúpiť potraviny, a potom On musel k nej chvíľu hovoriť, viete. Otec ho tam poslal. On musel... Išiel do Jericha; a išiel hore do Samárie, to je na hore; On mal potrebu, aby tade prechádzal.

184 Nuž, tak nejako, ja som mal potrebu, Otec ma sem poslal z Arizony a vy ste prišli. Tak je to isté. Nič sa nedeje náhodne; všetko sa deje z určitého dôvodu. Milosť Božia je správna.

185 Teraz, nepoznám ťa, a ty vyzeráš celkom zdravá, ale to nemusí byť to, kvôli čomu si tu. Môže to byť niečo iné. Môže to byť niekto milovaný; to môže byť domáca záležitosť, finančná. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som to vedel; viete to. Ale ak mi to On vysvetlí, prečo ste tu, vy to budete vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. A bude potom obecenstvo veriť jedným srdcom? No, vy nás počujete, a je to nahrávané, a my tu práve stojíme na pódiu.

186Nejaká pani, vidím ju držať si takto hlavu. Ona má bolesti hlavy, ktoré ju obťažujú, niečo ako bolesti hlavy pri migréne. Je to vytrvalá bolesť hlavy, ktorá sa stále opakuje. To je pravda. Ak je to tak, zdvihni ruku. Vidíte? To je pravda. Iná vec, ona má problémy so štítnou žľazou, ako jej bolo povedané, napriek tomu, to ťa obťažovalo, a on má pravdu, to je štítna žľaza. A potom, ty máš komplikácie, dosť veľa vecí u teba nie je v poriadku: nervozita, rozčúlenie, nepokoj, "niekedy sa čudujem, kde stojím a či som vnútri alebo vonku." A to je pravda. To je pravda. Teraz, On ťa pozná, nemôžeš sa teraz schovať, ak by si sa musela. Vidíte? Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, čo, kto si? Nuž, Viola, vráť sa domov, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Veríte?

187 Ja neviem tie veci. Ježiš Kristus vie všetko. Tento ďalší mi je tiež neznámy. Boh nás oboch pozná. Veríš, že som jeho prorok, jeho služobník? Veríš týmto veciam, ktoré som kázal z tohto Slova, že sú pravdou? Áno? Ak mi Pán Ježiš Kristus povie, prečo si tu, uveríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? A On to urobí, pretože sa o teba stará. Jeho starostlivosť je pre teba; On to robí, pretože On sa o teba stará. On sa stará o týchto ostatných, ktorí prichádzajú v tom rade. On sa o nich postaral. Ty si mal potiaže, nehodu, automobilovú nehodu. Ty sa toho obávaš. Tak je to. Máš potiaže so svojou končatinou. Tak je to. Bude to v poriadku, a tá nervozita ťa opustí, tak choď rovno domov a ďakuj Pánovi a hovor, "Chvála Pánovi." Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné. V poriadku.

188 Veríte? Nepoznám ťa; si mi neznáma. Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať dôvod, prečo si tu alebo niečo iné o tebe? Môžeš tomu veriť? Tam je iná žena; to si nebola ty, koho vidím... Nie, nebola. To si ty, si tu pre niekoho. Si tu pre nie... Je to tvoja matka. Tak, to je pravda. Tiež sa stalo niečo zlé s jej končatinou. Presne tak. Ona tu nie je. Ona je blízko miesta ako, ktoré mi pripomína Anglicko, akosi, niekde tu dolu. Ty, je to v poriadku, veríš? V poriadku, choď. Je uzdravená.

189 Tam boli dve ženy. Jedna z nich bola oveľa staršia, takže ja som sa divil, kde to bolo. Pozeral som sa, aby som videl, kde to bolo. Pán Boh vie všetko? A On môže urobiť všetko. Veríte tomu? Amen. Nie je nádherný? Milujem Ho. On je mojím životom. On je všetkým, čo mám. On je všetkým, čo chcem.

190 To pomazanie nasledovalo tú pani. Tam je iná pani, ktorá sedí tam, je obťažená nervozitou, a má pod svojou rukou výrastok. Je to tak? Potom, keď na teba položila svoje ruky, cítila si skutočne zvláštny pocit. Nebolo to tak? To je to, keď ťa On uzdravil. Bude vám dobre...?... Pozrite, kde je. Žena, za ktorú som sa tu modlil. Vidíte? Zaregistrovali ste, keď sa modlila, ja som sa za ňu modlil, čo sa stalo? Vidíte? Videl som inú ženu, a pozrel som sa tým smerom. Tam bolo zvláštny pocit. Oni sa musia poznať, niečo, alebo... oni sa poznajú, pretože tá žena mala pre túto ženu tu cítenie. A potom táto žena ide dolu a dotkne sa jej, a ako to urobila, pozrel som sa a videl som tam ďalej, a ona tam stála. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Boh na nebesiach to vie. Ó!. Prečo by ste pochybovali?

191Ak len môžeš veriť, On môže, On ťa môže zbaviť zlých zvykov. Veríš v to? Veríš, že On ťa celkom uzdraví? Choď napred, a ty prestaneš okamžite a nikdy viac ďalšiu nevyfajčíš. Choď napred a ver celým svojím srdcom. Ver Bohu. Nepochybuj.

192 Veríte? Mali sme už číslo 3? Verte Bohu. Nepochybujte. Iba verte. Veríte, že jeho pomazanie je teraz tu? Amen. Nepochybujte. Verte.

193Idem na teba položiť ruky a veriť. Budeš veriť so mnou? V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tento brat uzdravený. Amen. Majte teraz vieru; nepochybujte. Moment.

194 Tam v obecenstve sa niečo stalo a nemohol som to vidieť; je to rovno tu. Myslím, že je mi to teraz ukryté. Tu to je. Vidím to zastrene. Je to nejaký muž a trpí nervozitou. Má chlapca, ktorý má epilepsiu. Ver celým svojím srdcom, pane. Veríš? Tak. V poriadku, polož svoju ruku tam na toho chlapca a on bude v poriadku. Amen. Chvála Pánovi.

195 Veríte teraz? Ten démon si myslel, že sa môže skryť, ale zlyhal. Veríte? Tá vec sa niekde stále pohybuje. Ó, pre milosť a starosť. Držte to. Je tu niekde iný epileptik. Áno, tu je, rovno tu. Veríš? Maj vieru. Veríš, že Boh ťa pozná? Môžeš ísť naspäť do Ohia, buď uzdravený, pán Nelson T. Grant. To je tvoje meno. Ak budeš veriť, tie veci ťa opustia a nikdy viac ťa nebudú obťažovať. Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, neviem o ňom nič. Nemôžete to skryť, Duch Boží je tu.

196Skloňme naše hlavy a vzdajme Bohu chválu. Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme ti. Ty si ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. Tvoja milosť nikdy nezlyhá, Pane; je stále rovnaká. Modlím sa, aby Tvoja veľká milosť a dobrota spočinula na ľuďoch. Ty sa dostatočne staráš, Pane, aby si prišiel a potvrdil Sa. Ty si Boh. Ty si ten veľký Svätý, veľký Duch Svätý. Teraz, nech môžu títo ľudia veriť, Pane, ako tadiaľto prechádzajú, a nech je každý z nich uzdravený. Ako je Tvoje pomazanie tu, skláňam sa nad týmito vreckovkami. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si udelil ich žiadosti, Otče. Udeľ to, Pane, tu, aj v publiku.

197A nech sa každá osoba, ktorá je v Božej prítomnosti, dostatočne stará, aby verila, že Ty si sa dostatočne staral, aby si povstal v tom poslednom dni medzi Tvojimi ľuďmi, aby si to potvrdil. Ty ich nemôžeš uzdraviť, Pane; Ty nemôžeš urobiť, čo si už urobil. Už si ich uzdravil. A toto je jediná vec, ktorá môže byť učinená, aby verili. A Ty sa dostatočne staráš; aj napriek tak mnohej nevere, cez ktorú sme sa predrali, Ty sa stále dostatočne staráš a ukazuješ Sa živý a vzkriesený z mŕtvych medzi nami. Nech uvalíme svoje starosti na Teba, a nech je každá osoba v Božskej Prítomnosti uzdravená, na duchu aj v tele. Skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

198 V poriadku, poďte priamo cez tento priechod; nech ľudia idú priamo popri tom. V poriadku, Billy ich bude volať, kúsok po kúsku. Ne... Nehovorme viacej, to Pomazanie je na mne. Rozumiete? Chcem na neho položiť ruky, pokiaľ je To tu. Rozumiete? Nemôžem sa zastaviť na tom rozpoznaní. Ak ja ... Koľkí sú tu, za ktorých sa máme modliť, zodvihnite ruku. Asi sedemdesiat percent. Vidíte? Teraz je za desať minút jedna. Služba s krstom bude po tomto zhromaždení. Ja to nemôžem urobiť, ale vy môžete veriť. Ak sa On dostatočne stará, aby sa zjavil, vy by ste sa mali dostatočne starať, aby ste verili. Je to v poriadku? V poriadku, modlime sa všetci. A Billy alebo brat Neville použijú tieto, použijú tento mikrofón. Nechajme naše hlavy sklonené a modlime sa, zatiaľ čo prechádzajú cez modlitebný rad. Teraz sa idem modliť za každého z vás, klásť ruky na vás a žiadať, aby akékoľvek posadnutie, ktoré máte od diabla, od vás odišlo, ako teraz prechádzate pod týmto pomazaným miestom, ak to mám tak povedať. Pomazanie tam vzadu je rovnaké ako tu. Ja som to urobil pre vašu vieru, preto som to povedal. Modlime sa všetci.

199 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tento malý chlapec uzdravený, Pane. Amen. Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.
V Mene Ježiša Krista, som poslušný Tvojmu prikázaniu, Pane. Povedal si, "Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať veriacich." Veriacich, nás oboch. "Ak kladú ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." V Ježišovom Mene, Činím práve to. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na tohto brata. Amen. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na nášho brata pre jeho uzdravenie. Amen.

200 On sa o teba stará, sestra. Ja sa starám, aby som kládol ruky. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si verila? Amen. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tak, aby naša sestra bola uzdravená.

201 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Brat, On sa stará. Aj ty? V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav.

202 Modlime sa všetci. Toto sú tvoji ľudia, ktorí tadeto prechádzajú.

203 V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav tohto môjho brata. Amen.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto nášho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru, môjho brata.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru, v Ježišovom Mene

204 Sestra, On sa stará. Aj ty? V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi tvoje uzdravenie.

V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi svoje uzdravenie, sestra.

V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi svoje uzdravenie.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, prijmi svoje uzdravenie.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Otče,v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho brata, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

205 Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav malého chlapca v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav brata Creecha, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto našu sestru, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav ich, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Je to tvoje dieťa, tvoja žena? Ja to neviem. Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav ich Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

206 Ponúkam svoju úprimnú modlitbu každému. Vy sa teraz starajte. Ježiš sa stará. Ježiš poslal Posolstvo. Ježiš poslal Svojho Ducha. Ježiš poslal Svoje Slovo. Ježiš poslal Svojho služobníka. My sa všetci staráme. Teraz, staráte sa? Ak sa staráte, verte tomu, akceptujte to s úprimnosťou; to bude učinené.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru. Udeľ to, Otče.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho drahého...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Pane, v Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju.

Ó, nebeský Otče, maj na ľuďmi milosť; udeľ to, Bože. Nech príde sila na to telo, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto môjho brata.

Bože, tu naša sestra v tomto kresle, modlím sa, aby si ju uzdravil a učiň nech jej je dobre, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, uzdrav našu sestru tu v jej čistom skutku dobročinnosti, pomáhajúc nám...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Bože, uzdrav môjho brata, modlím sa, v Mene Ježiša...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto môjho...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav...?...

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?..., Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto, Pane.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho...?... Pane.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?...

Uzdrav môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav brata v ...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske—pozn.prekl.]

206aPríďte s plnou istotou; o ničom nepochybujte; iba verte. A každý sa teraz modlite. Toto sú naši ľudia, ktorí tu prechádzajú, Božie deti. Verte.

Uzdrav našu malú sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho vzácneho...?... Pane. Bože, on čakal tak dlho, smie toto byť tá hodina, keď...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto...?...

V Mene Ježiša...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene...?...

V Mene Ježiša, kladieme ruky na...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, Pane. On...?...

V Mene...?...

Bože, uzdrav môjho...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Bože, v Ježišovom mene, zober...?... z môjho brata, Pane, učiň nech mu je dobre, Otče...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša, uzdrav tohto môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto môjho švagra, modlím sa.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane a Bože uzdrav ju...?... v Mene Ježiša.

Uzdrav našu sestru, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?... služobník...?...

Ó, Bože, keď počujem niektoré zo žiadostí, udeľ ich vyplnenie. Nech to tak je v Tvojom Mene, Pane...?...

206b Teraz, to je spôsob, ako to prijať, brat. Teraz, pretože Pán to urobil. Chvála Pánovi.

Pozrite, či to dieťa nie je...?... Teraz, iba nechajte vedieť, čo je s Vami v neporiadku. Ja som to iba nevyvolal...?... v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista...

Ó, Bože, tu stojí...?... Modlím sa za ňu, ako tu stojí za Edith. Myslíme na tú malú nervozitu, Pane. Ona je určite práve teraz potlačená. Jej sestra tu stojí za ňu, Pane. Udeľ, ó Bože, udeľ jej tieto žiadosti, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, buď milostivý voči nášmu bratovi a uzdrav ho, Otče, v Ježišovom...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, dotkni sa tohto môjho vzácneho brata a učiň mu, nech sa má dobre, Otče.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, Pane, uzdrav našu sestru.

Uzdrav nášho brata, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto našu sestru.

Ó, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto...?...

Bože, uzdrav tohto malého chlapca v Mene Ježiša Krista.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav nášho...?...

Ó, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto kresťanského brata.

Uzdrav našu sestru...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

Ó Bože, uzdrav túto našu sestru, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, uzdrav našu sestru, za čo sa modlím v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, učiň, nech jej je dobre; udeľ to, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

206c Bože, dotkni sa nášho brata; je to Tvoje Slovo; zasľúbil si ho, Pane, a my prichádzame veriac tomu...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru, Pane; teraz prišla s istotou, veriac; nech môže odísť a mať sa dobre.

V Ježišovom Mene, nech môže ísť a byť uzdravená, Pane.

Bože, polož Tvoju uzdravujúcu ruku na túto...?... Otče, nech sa vrátia do jej domu s jej prosbou. Ó, Bože, udeľ uzdravenie, Pane.

Uzdrav našu sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože nebeský, uzdrav môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

A moja sestra, v Mene Pána Ježiša.

Uzdrav tohto...?... Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju švagrinú v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho brata, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Teraz, On sa stará; urob to tiež, brat. Choď a vzdaj mu chválu a ďakuj Mu a ver s... Udeľ to Pane, o mnohých si si robil starosti; osvieť ich, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata.

206d Môžeš...?... Udeľ to...?... Bože, udeľ jej uzdravenie...?... drahí svätí, ktorí čakajú na Ducha Svätého okolo nej. Bože nech môže ísť a veriť Ti. Udeľ to, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene, nech môže ísť slobodne, Otče..

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

V Ježišovom Mene...?... a uzdrav ju.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru..

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

Bože, učiň, aby bolo môjmu bratovi dobre, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože...?... poď, poď sem...?... sila mu učiní, že mu bude dobre.

Ó, Bože, uzdrav našu sestru a ukáž jej, Pane, miesto tu. Pane, učiň, aby to odišlo a nech ona...?... pocíti Božiu silu, v Ježišovom Mene...?... jej prosby...?...

Bože, uzdrav nášho brata, Pane, a nech je v poriadku.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru, Bože.

Bože, uzdrav...?... urob ho...?... tak veľmi. Udeľ teraz, oni všetci budú...?...

Uzdrav, náš Pane, modlím sa za milosť, drahý Pane Ježišu...?...

Bože, uzdrav túto moju sestru a nech jej je dobre, Otče...?... Pane, a o mnohých mala starosť a my ich zdieľame. Teraz, môže byť...?...

206eV Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

Uzdrav môjho brata v Mene...?...

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, učiň, aby mu bolo dobre...?...

Uzdrav našu sestru, Pane, v... Ježiša Krista?...

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho malého brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, uzdrav moju sestru. V Mene Ježiša, nech je uzdravená.

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, nech je v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

Ó, Otče, uzdrav ho v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav...?... túto sestru, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech môže ísť a ...?...

Bože, udeľ jej požiadavku v Mene Ježiša Krista, modlím sa, aby Si udelil tú prosbu.

Bože, sestra Spencerová, nech sláva a milosť Božia, nech ona očakáva na túto hodinu, čas, keď to ona môže zhodiť...?... A nech jej je dobre...?...

Bože, brat Ungren...?... Bože nech to ide...?... nech trúbi Evanjelium. Zachovaj ho v poriadku, Bože; udeľ to, v Ježišovom Mene.
Bože...?... tu je vzývané Tvoje Meno...?... Modlím sa, aby ju teraz Tvoja sila oslobodila...?... s úprimnosťou táto malá matka tu...?... či nie je to tak, v siedmich dňoch ona mohla byť...?... Udeľ to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, pre jej deti, ó, Bože, oni sa čudujú, a mnohí z nich sú chorí, a to dievča je choré, a ona nebola...?... Ó, Bože, modlím sa, aby si to udelil skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

Tak som ti vďačný za brata Toma, Pane, modlíme sa, aby si ho uzdravil a pomohol mu. Nech je požehnané Meno...?...

Tam dolu je muž...?... Chceš, aby sme sa tiež za teba modlili, brat? Pane Ježišu...

[Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl]

206f On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba, (potom iba daj svoje starosti na Neho.)

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

207Staráš sa o Neho? Staráš sa o Jeho Slovo? Amen. Pán nech vás žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Verím, že som zodpovedal tieto prosby. Zodpovedal som žiadosti, či nie, každému z vás?

208Pred chvíľou som urobil malú chybu v zhromaždení; Som si istý, že niekto si to všimol. Pán mi práve na to niekde poukázal. Povedal som niečo nad niekým, keď som to povedal pre niekoho iného. Nemôžem... nemôžem vidieť tú osobu, kde to bolo, ale bol to niekto, komu som dal požehnanie pre niekoho iného. A ja... Oni prechádzali skutočne rýchlo, a ja som si to nevšimol. A ja som ne... Áno, to bolo; Teraz to vidím. Je to tento muž a táto žena, ktorí sedia rovno tu. Ak sa nemýlim, potriasol som si s nimi ruky včera večer v motelovej izbe, alebo niekde na pozemku motela, tu v Jefferson Villa. Povedal som niečo k tomu mužovi, a povedal som "sestra" namiesto "brat," keď ste prechádzali okolo. Všimli ste si to? To bolo pre tvoju ženu. No, ona mala určitý čas problémy, dlhý čas mala ťažkosti s vnútornosťami. Vy ste z Illinois. Pani Mongalandová, tak je to, to je tvoje meno. Nuž, vieš, že ťa nepoznám, ale teraz si priamo v kontakte. Ver celým svojím srdcom, a tam to úplne zmizne, bude to normálne, ako to vždy bolo, ak veríš. Aby ste mohli vidieť, že po celý čas, no ja...

209 Jediná vec, ktorú viem, spomínam si, že poslednú noc som myslel na muža, myslím, že mal taký slušný účes, vlasy rozdelené na cestičku v strede, tento sivovlasý muž, ktorý tu sedí. Ja som sa iba pozrel a tam bolo to Svetlo, svietilo priamo nad nimi. A to je to, čo to bolo. A potom sa mi zjavilo videnie. Nevedel som, kto sú, ani nič o tom. Tá pani bola tam vonku posledný večer; Povedal som, "Idete na zhromaždenie?" Ona povedala, "Áno." Ale milosť Božia to potiahla opäť priamo naspäť, a to je to, kto to bol. Všimol si si to v modlitebnej rade, brat, že niečo bolo povedané, čo bolo zamenené? To bolo pre sestru namiesto pre teba. To bolo v poriadku, išlo to tam k sestre.

210 No, aby ste mohli poznať, že cez ten modlitebný rad, Anjel Pánov tam bol. On môže zavolať. Ale ako voláte, to slabne, slabne, slabne. Rozumiete? Tak On sa o vás stará a ja sa starám o Vás. Mohol by som ísť ďalej štyri alebo päťkrát viac, a potom, prvá vec, ktorú viete, Billy by tam bol a bral by ma od kazateľne. Ale myslel som si, že ak, istotne, ja som tu žil s vami po všetky tieto roky, a vy všetci v celom národe, vy viete, že vás milujem. Ó, milujem Vás, ako by ste boli moje vlastné deti, a vy ste moje deti v Evanjeliu. Splodil som vás Kristovi, skrze Evanjelium. A teraz, myslím, že tieto, táto žiadosť tu a tak ďalej, ja som na ne odpovedal.

211 No, ja vás milujem. A myslel som, že ak pôjdem dole a položím na vás ruky a vy uvidíte, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý to robil, a potom na zhromaždení v tom rade začali nejaké pochybnosti. Ja som to minul, a išiel som cez to rýchlo a vyslovil som jedno požehnanie niekomu inému a potom, a potom Duch Svätý to rovno vrátil, po skončení zhromaždenia a spätne nám to ukázal. Vidíte? Nevidíte to? On sa stará. No, staráte sa vy? Staráte sa dostatočne, aby ste povedali, "Odteraz je niečo v mojom srdci, čo hovorí, že moje ťažkosti sú preč. Je mi dobre; bude mi dobre"? Veríte tomu? Zodvihnite ruky, "Verím, že ja..." Pán Vás žehnaj.

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

212Toto je taký veľký sviatok lásky. Spievajme to a potrasme si navzájom ruky.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

213Zdržal som vás dnes ráno tak dlho pokiaľ ja... Môj pastor nekáže tak dlho ako ja. Ja áno. On sa pokúsi priniesť vám posolstvo dnes večer, a my vám dáme vedieť o tom, či bude budúcu nedeľu zhromaždenie s tým názvom. Ak tu ja nebudem, služby jednako budú. Tak vás všetkých, nech vás Pán žehná, každého. Myslím, že práve nasleduje služba s krstom.

214Tak, ak by ste na chvíľu vstali pred rozchodom. Spievajme to opäť. "Uhoďte svoje starosti na Neho, On sa o vás stará." A teraz, ak sa o Neho staráte, povedzte, "Pane, ja..." Ak toto činíte, vy činíte toto vyhlásenie, "Pane, viem, že si sa o mňa staral. A ja zdvíham ruky; Starám sa o Teba." Nechajme svoje ruky v tomto milostivom sviatku lásky zdvihnuté, ako spievame.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

215Teraz, pokiaľ máme sklonené hlavy, povedzme... [brat Branham hmká "On stará sa o teba" - pozn.prekl] Ó, prívetivosť môjho Pána. Necítite Jeho lásku, ako vás ťahá rovno hore k Nemu? Povedzte, "Pane, milujem Ťa. Milujem Ťa. Ty sa o mňa staráš, Pane. Ty si sa o mňa toľko staral, až si za mňa hriešnika zomrel. Ty si bol ranený za moje prestúpenia, Tvojimi ranami som bol uzdravený."

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

216Len na to teraz pamätajte, keď máte sklonené hlavy. Brat Edwards, poď, prosím, sem a rozpusti nás modlitbou. Ale najskôr, hmkajme to ešte raz. [brat Branham začína hmkať "He Careth For You" (On stará sa o teba) — pozn.prekl] Rozpamätajte sa, či je slnečno alebo zamračené, On sa stále stará. Staráš sa aj ty? Povedz, "Áno, Pane, sľubujem, že sa starám. Práve od teraz. Od teraz sa starám. Starám sa o moje svedectvo." [brat Branham pokračuje hmkajúc "On stará sa o Teba" – pozn.prekl.]

On stará sa o teba. (Brat Edwards.)

1 Thank you, Brother. Let's remain standing just a moment now for prayer. Now with our heads bowed, is there any spoken request, or made known by just the lifting of your hand, if you just raise up your hand like, right, just hold your request now.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thee again, for these requests that's... they have their hands lifted into the air. And they are needy this morning, Lord, of many things. Thou dost know what they are thinking in their heart, because You are the Word, and the Word is a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. And I pray Thee, Most Gracious God, that You will answer each of them according to their needs, knowing this, that Thou will do it according to their faith. Give us faith as we speak Thy Word then, Lord, may It bring faith to them. Help me to speak Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth, that It might bring faith to give answer to these requests. And then there might be some here, Lord, who has wandered off of that narrow way, that's not walking in the Truth of the way. We pray, Father, that something will be done today, and made known, that they will come quickly back to that path of fellowship again with Christ. The days are growing late, evil is on every hand, there's a great falling away. And we pray, Father, that You will make Yourself known to us today, by healing the sick in our midst, performing miracles. Not that You have to do it, Lord, to let us know that You're God, but because You promised to do it. And we know that Thou will grant to us Your promises if we'll only believe them and know they are true. We ask this favors in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (May be seated.)

3 I was just taking a moment to read some of the requests laying here, there's two or three, one of them is a request for prayer. Course, there's many handkerchiefs laying here that we'd be glad to--to pray over them just in a little while, when we feel that the Presence of the Holy Spirit is--is at Its peak. That's when I try to pray over this, when all the congregation, all is anointed with His Presence.

4 We're so sorry to--to bother, have so many standing, and not room for them to sit down. And--and this is the day of hot weather at its very peak of heat, we're having about a hundred percent of humidity and about a hundred degrees, so it's very sticky and hot.

5And I gave out this morning for healing services, or not... Reason I make that "healing" service, because I put my faith in what He promised. See? Now, I cannot say that He will do it, but I believe after hearing His Word and basing our faith upon what He has promised, then we have a right to claim His healing promises, just as we do His salvation promises.

6 These couple requests. I don't know whether they got the recorders going yet for this, or not. It might be good. Well, I guess it's all right for the outside, the public to hear this, it's a request.

Did you prophesy that there'd be a--a million Negroes killed on the... or did you just announce that there would be this happening?

7Now, see, I've always asked you to be careful what you're listening to. See? There's so much of it that it's just the human side. But always if there is something that goes forth, it will speak it, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD," even to visions or anything. The visions on the platform, in the audience, you are doing that yourself; it isn't God, it's you. See? God doesn't produce that vision, you do it yourself, by your faith in a Divine gift.

8Like the woman touched His garment, He didn't know who she was or what was wrong with her, but she did that herself. See? Now, that wasn't THUS SAITH THE LORD. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD when Jesus spoke back and told her that her faith had saved her. But, see, you have to watch.

9 No, I just was talking about Martin Luther King, on this great disaster that they're having in the South, with the--the colored people. I said, "If those people were slaves, I'd take my church and go south to help them people out of slavery." I sure would, because man makes slaves, not God. We're all of one blood. We all come from one tree, and that was from Adam. God, by one blood, has made all nations. And whether we, our colors are brown, or black, or yellow, or red, or whatever it might be, we are all creatures of the Almighty, see, and there shouldn't be any differences in us.

10 The question down there is "segregation of school." Now, I was there at the first uprise, and I heard it, and I--I know from what I speak of. The colored people has fine schools, sometimes much better than the other schools. And, for instance, in Shreveport they got finer schools than the white school is. But it's the idea of somebody inspiring them that they should go and mix themselves together. Which, I think that it'd be all right, but as long as the people are protesting it, those southern people, then what difference does it make anyhow?

11And I think that Martin Luther King is Communistic inspired, which is going to lead about a million people to a absolutely a death trap. See? I don't say the Lord told me that. "I" believe, see. And I believe it shouldn't be done. I think that people ought to be Christians and recognize one another as brothers. And, but I think just because...

12This United States, this government now tells me that I can't even sign a check that--that's be... give to me personally. See? That's constitutional rights taken from me, but what can I do about it? Just go ahead, that's all. See? And it has to go through another system before I as a citizen of the United States can cash a check, has to come through this church, I can't cash it. See? And that's not right. That's unconstitutional. But what--what can I do about it? There's nothing. This tax collector down here is the one told me I couldn't do it, so, well, there it is. If it is, what of it. So just let it go.

13 I think it ought to be the same thing, that the... that my colored brothers and sisters in the South oughtn't to rise up to arms against their brethren and things like over such a little thing as that. My, what difference does it make if you go to school where or what? I seen a fine colored lady that morning when they was... they had the revolt there at Shreveport, and it was an old colored minister kept telling the militia, he said, "Let me speak to them." And so he was a godly old man, and he stood up there and he said, "I've never been ashamed of my color." He said, "My Maker made me what I am, and I've never been ashamed of it, but, until this morning." But said, "When I see you, my people, acting like this," said, "then I'm ashamed of being a colored man." There was the militia called, hollered him down.

14 So some fine, educated, fine-looking colored lady stood up, with an intelligence, my, supreme. She said, "The first thing, I don't want my children taught by a white woman."

Said, "Why?"

15Said, "Because that she won't take the interest of my children that my... a colored teacher would." And said, "Look at our schools over here. What are you hollering about?" Said, "We got swimming pools and everything in our schools, and they haven't got it over there." Said, "Now, what are you people hollering about?" And they hollered her down, see.

16 It's inspired of the wrong thing, you see, see, they, them people. And that's the reason I say that, not that there is any--any prophecy concerning it. I have nothing on it from the Lord. And be you sure now, if I say anything from the Lord like that, to tell you, it's always... I'm speaking now. But when He speaks, I say "It's not me, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And I can't say it until He tells me. I could be altogether wrong in my thought about Martin Luther King. I don't know, I can't say. That's just my opinion. Anything that rises up trouble, that's what's supposed to be in the last days. And it's all inspired of Satan, to break up our commonwealth and whatever we have, anything that rises up like that. So I'm for those people down there, don't you never think that I'm not. I--I'm for freedom and for everything, but the people doesn't have that situation under now. But what it will do, I believe it'll start another revolution if somebody doesn't stop it. See, it's the Communists working among those people.

17 I was in Africa when they done the same thing. See? And I know there was Communists come in there telling those colored people, "Oh, you're this, that, or the other. You're this, that, or the other." And the first thing you know, it caused thousands of them to be killed. And where did they get? Nowhere, see, nowhere.

18 And I--I love human life. Let's serve the Lord. Our Kingdom is Above; nothing about this thing here. As long as we eat, drink, and can have, what else do you want? See? So I know what it would be. I--I realize that it just cause trouble.

Now, another question is here.

John the Baptist, when meeting Jesus, see, why did He say, "Thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness"? What did it mean?

19Well, I remember Dr. Roy Davis, a--a--a personal friend of mine, who baptized me the only time I've ever been baptized. And he said that John was meaning, I remember this in their school, he said, "John knowed that he had never been baptized, himself, so he... Jesus. John suffered Jesus to baptize him." Well, that, I--I different with the--the great doctor there.

20 Not for controversy, but for the sake of Truth I might say this. No, there was two men, the two leaders of the hour, the Messiah and His prophet met in the water. Now remember, John was baptizing not for remission of sins, but unto repentance. Not for remission of sins, 'cause the offering had not yet been made, see, there was no Sacrifice. And the Sacrifice come to him in the water. Now notice. John looking up and seeing Jesus, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. And why comest Thou unto me?"

21Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so," which it was. "Suffer it to be so, for thus it behooveth us, or it's becoming to us, to fulfill all righteousness." Then John, being a prophet on who the Word of the Lord come, comes only to the prophet. John, being a prophet, understood that that was the Sacrifice. And according to the Law, that the sacrifice had to be washed before presented, and that's the reason he baptized Him. See? He said, "Thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness." The Sacrifice, which He was, must be washed in the laver before presented for sacrifice. And Jesus was the Sacrifice; and John knew it, and he knew that He must be washed before presented. And then immediately afterwards, He was presented to the public for trial and was the Sacrifice for all human life. The Lord bless you.

22 Now we're going to have a little short Message, and trusting the Lord will grant to us His blessings. Now, probably, if I get back... I'm leaving this next week to take the kiddies on a little vacation up in the hills. And then if I--if I get back in time, we want to speak next Sunday morning, if it's permissible to God and to the pastor here. We'll let you know this week farther, you that's out of town, by the way of letter. I want to speak on a subject of exactly why we believe the things that we believe about Christ, why it must be this way and cannot be no other way. See? And prove it by the Scriptures. Now, if the Lord willing. If I don't, I'll try to see you this winter or next summer, one, when we get back, if the Lord tarries. We're going now back home to Arizona, so we can get the children in school.

23 Now, this morning, just prior to the prayer for the sick, we're going to read some of God's Word. Which, we know that without this Word, it's impossible, there's nothing can be done. And only the Word can produce these blessings that we're asking for the sick and the needy. And I want to read some now from First Peter, the 5th chapter, beginning with the 1st verse. And then from the Book of Hebrews, I want to read Hebrews 2:2-4.

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the suffering of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

Feed the flock of God which is among you, take the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be not clothed... and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Humble yourselves... under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

24 In Hebrews, the 2nd chapter, we read these Words. Now I'm pulling for giving for a text, "casting your care." I'm... My text is: He Cares. Do You Care? Want to read this portion now, while you're turning to Hebrews 2, that you might see the--the real meaning of these Words, what they, what this text means.

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

For if the word spoken by angels were--was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

God also bearing... witness, with... both with signs and wonders, and... divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

25 I want to use the subject here, of, "He cares." And, "Do you?" When He was here on earth, He cared for the people. The thought of it rises in my mind just before speaking or praying for the sick, not knowing just what kind of a--of a prayer line that we'll have.

26First, and to approach this, the audience must be anointed with faith. You, if you do not have faith, then there's--there's no need of even coming to be prayed for, because it's going to take your faith and my faith together; my faith to believe Him, your faith to believe Him. So we don't forget this now as I go along. We've got to have something evidently, with evidence, I mean, that we can base our faith upon what we're trying to do. Cause if a man approaches anything that he wants to do, without sufficient faith, he's bound to be a failure. But if he can approach it with sufficient faith, then he's bound to succeed if it is according to God's will and purpose to do it.

27 Now, I was thinking of Him caring. Last evening, somehow, strangely, I was led by the Holy Spirit. When I was waiting on some fellows to come to help Brother Wood to put a--a trailer that he had built on the back of his truck. I didn't know why I was trying to find my good friend, Brother Evans, and I went, started up the highway. Which, my wife and family sitting back here knows it to be true. And somehow, strangely, I turned around and went back to a place, a motel.

28And, oh, how it thrilled my heart to see so many of my friends gathered there in about two minutes time, till it clogged the pathway, the cars couldn't pass through no more, just real friends, driving for hundreds of miles, from Georgia and Tennessee and Alabama, and all around, just to--to hear a service. Then that thought come on my mind, "Then what should I say to those people, knowing that in the Day of Judgment I'll have to answer for what I tell them?" And I too am a--am a lover of this great life that is to come, and I--I want to be there.

29 And then strangely I went to a place where I made an odd turn. Instead of turning around there, I went up to make a turn. The lights flashed on a lovely couples on the outside, two fine young ladies that I had just married to two fine young ministers. And Satan, after he seen the--the minister, one of them his ministry being set and he took a--a life's companion right here, this altar. They went away happily on their honeymoon, and--and the enemy jumped on to this young man. And I'm saying this to express what I'm saying, "Does He care?" Somehow, with faith that would not take "no," they turned and returned back here, knowing after they was all the way over in (way in the east) here somewhere on their honeymoon, returned back and was sitting, waiting. And I walked in, fine handsome young man; his wife sitting on the outside, crying, her and their little companion. And the other man and the other brother coming, running, which is a friend of this young man, saying, "Oh, Brother Branham, such and such has happened."

30 Went there and seen this handsome young man sitting there, just in the peak of his life, a leader of young men, sitting there, and Satan bound him. He never noticed, but I took my hand (left) to shake hands with his hand (right), to see if some disease had plagued him. But there was no sign of vibration. Coming right out of the room from praying and fasting, and waiting upon the Lord, the anointing of the Holy Spirit was there, and that's why It led us, see. And then seeing this shadow of darkness over him. I never said what I was doing. But in less than a couple of moments time it was all gone, the coldness of his hands had left, he was shouting and praising God, a few minutes to find himself. And here they sit right here this morning, sitting in the audience. See how Satan was trying to upset that young man, by referring to him of some complex to be built back, which the Holy Spirit knew, and I seen it by the vision of the Lord. But God cared for that man. God cared for that young boy.

31 Just coming in a few moments ago, a--a lady, I see her sitting here in the aisle, with no... just got her a seat some way, and set down. She said, "Nine years, Brother Branham, I've tried to get a hold of you." And she said, "I'm so desperate! I here late, and couldn't even get a prayer card to be in the line."

32Billy, of course, it's his orders to see that I'm not bothered, take me in and out. Don't feel hard at Billy, he's commanded by this board of trustees to do that. And if he didn't, I wouldn't be able to get to the prayer line, get in here. You realize that. See, there's got to be a system to whatever we're doing. We--we got to have it, see. But him saying, "Come on, daddy, hurry up," this.

33 The lady moved back. And she said, "Brother Branham, just a word with you." Standing there, a vision broke over this fine-looking young woman, and see that her heart was burdened. And she was trying to work to make a living. And a--a great thing happened back, way back in the time of her parents, that had caused this great thing to happen to her, and the Lord Jesus revealed It and showed what it was. And there, in a moment's time, took it from the woman. She went around rejoicing. And now sitting here in the audience with us now, rejoicing, with tears, as she's wiping her eyes now, knowing that the truth of the thing was made known. And that, what, that poor little neurotic woman, that was so nervous she didn't know what to do with herself, and thinking that she was gone, and there was no Holy Spirit, and this is her last day. She had tried for nine years and she was about at the end of despair, God cared for that little woman who no one cares for. See? What a time! He does care.

34 When He was here on earth, as I say, He cared for the people so much till He healed their sick, comforted their hearts, told them about a--a place that where He would go and prepare for them, and would come again to receive them unto Himself. He cared for them. And notice, He cared so much until, when He knowed He must leave in order to bring this great thing to us, He said, "I'll not leave you comfortless, but I will send the Holy Spirit, and He shall continue My care for you," until He returns. There's no one cares like Jesus. Knowing that His body, as a High Priest, in a mediatorial work that He's doing now, that Body must be in the Presence of God at all times, for intercession, that God cannot see the sinner's sin; He sees only the Blood of His Own Son. And knowing that, He sent back the Holy Spirit to continue to comfort His people. Does He care? Certainly, He cares. Now, He was to continue to care for the people, His people here on earth, in the same manner that He cared for them when He was here. Because He said in Saint John, the 15th chapter, if you want to make... I got notes laying here with these Scriptures where I'm referring to, Saint John 15:26 and 27.

35 I see many of you writing the Scriptures down. So I may refer to this if you don't know it, many times, to the Scripture. I write the Scripture down, then I know what I'm speaking of from here, 'cause it's always in the Word of the Lord. See?

36He said, when the Holy Spirit has come, Who the Father would send in His Name, He would testify of Him. In other words, He would do the same thing He did. The Holy Spirit working through a tabernacle that He had sanctified, would do the same thing that He did. Now, what that ought to do for us! Then we know that right among us today we have the same comforting Lord Jesus in the form of the Holy Ghost, another office that God Himself is working in.

37 He was a Comfort to Israel when they could look up and see the Pillar of Fire, and hear the prophet speak the Words that was true, and God vindicate It. That was their Comfort.

38He was a Comfort when He was here on earth as a man, God made flesh. God representing Himself and expressing Himself through a--a Man, Christ Jesus, Who promised that "The works that I do shall you do also. And I am going to the Father, and going to send back the Holy Spirit, Which will be Me in Spirit form. And I'll be with you, and dwell in you. And the very same things that I've done here, the Holy Spirit will do again in My Name, when He comes." See? That's why He said, "To speak against That" now after the atonement's already made, was unpardonable sin, to "blaspheme the Holy Ghost."

39 And He would do it in the same way, so that we would know whether it was a comfort from some earthly standpoint, whether we'd know it was a comfort from some elderly person who could put their arms around us and hug us a little and make us feel good, or--or some theological term of a denomination that would say "now you belong to us, and we got it; and don't belong to the rest of them, 'cause they haven't."

40 He made this directly sure, see, "He will speak in My Name. The works that I do will you do also, when He's upon you." See, He would comfort in the same way, by forgiving all of our sins, healing all of our sicknesses, and speaking to us of comfort of a Kingdom that is to come. See, proving Himself among us, as God proved Hisself among us by Jesus Christ. And in--in Second Timothy... First Timothy 3:16, it's written this way, know about God, "Without controversy we realize that great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh." We saw God in flesh. That was God's comfort, to know that He come so much (He cared for us) until He become one of us. God manifested in the flesh. Not just another person, but God Himself!

41And now to make it another step closer, He sends the Holy Spirit to care for our comforts, and He abides in us. Oh, He does care!

42 Now we must go on to another portion of Scripture here, or another thought to back this up. Before I go, I might say this: everybody doesn't have this Comforter. They, they don't, they don't have It. So the reason they don't have It, is because they don't accept It. It's for them, but they don't accept It. Now, I hope that you're spiritual enough to--to read what I'm saying. See? I'm speaking to a group of people that's to be prayed for in a few minutes. And we have this Comfort in Holy Spirit that's sent for the Comforter, but all people won't receive That. They don't believe in It. See? They, in order to do that, then they gather their comfort from some other resource, some other means. If they don't accept God's provided Comforter, then they have to get some other comforter, see, because you can't live without something to live for.

43 And I hope that each of you get that, especially you people that's to be prayed for, that's so uncomfortable this morning, with maybe troubles that doctors cannot touch.

44And we believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. God heals! Whatever source it is, God heals by it. It's God that heals, for He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." So all of it should work together, and man in different ministries should work together for that. See? Now, but they don't do it, because sometimes they're forbidden to take certain stands upon God's Word, because their certain denominations doesn't permit them to do that. But that doesn't stop the Truth, just the same, God goes on healing just the same.

45 So they try to draw comfort from some other resource. Let's speak first of the soul.

46We find out that many people try to find comfort by drinking. You know, we have a saying which is pretty well known among us today, that--that many ministers drink sometime before going to the pulpit, take a--a--a good heavy drink of intoxication. It's been known to seeing ministers on the platform, that even stagger under the influence of liquor. And that--that ought not be. It should not be. Is because many times we might condemn the man when maybe we ought not do that, we ought to find back what's the trouble. Many of them was converted from alcohol. And we find out, if they are in that condition, it's a disgrace and a reproach. But no more a reproach than it would be to lie, steal, or lust after women, or any other thing that's in the commandment. See? And maybe a man's born high-passioned, and he sees these modern strip teases on the street, and he--he constantly in trouble. See? He, that, the man is born like that. Now, what he ought to do, the minister that drinks, or the--or the woman that smokes or that...

47Dresses immorally, trying to draw her a comfort from being so well put together, that she wants to cause man to look at her. There's no other reason. She is partially insane. See? No sensible woman would know to strip herself before man, that has her right mind. See? There's no reason for it at all. And she, but she's trying to, these young girls today that go out on the street, they're real... Well, you excuse the expression. And remember, this tape don't only just to this people here, it goes around the world. See?

48 And a--a woman that would take her clothes off from her, for she knows it's hotter. Walk out there in the sun, naked, and then walk out with some clothes on, and which is the coolest? The Indians down there in the Papagos and Navajos; the Papagos, especially, and of the reservation, those women come out with big yarn blankets around them, and sit out there in the sun to keep cool. Why? They perspire, and the wind that blows sets up an air conditioning, you see. And these women have no other reason but just... They don't know it, they don't realize it. I'm not saying that they do. Many of them are fine women, and I'm not saying it to be rude. I'm saying it to--to try to--to--to wake them up. See?

49 It's only Satan, see. You realize the other sex, the male sex looking upon such, give such an influence to them till they'll--they'll squeak their tires and whistle the--the--the wolf whistle. And--and--and what do they do that for? The women does it in order to get the man to do that. Why do you get out, right in the heat of the day, and four o'clock in the afternoon, to mow the grass when people are coming from their work and things like that? It shows it's a spirit of insanity. And I know many of them might have an IQ a million miles higher than mine, but I test your IQ with God's Word and see where it comes out. See? That's modern IQ, but the very evidence and fruits of the life proves. So they try to find comfort with that.

50Many of them say, "Well, I don't do that." But you so dress themselves in such an appeal till they try to be more modern than the woman that's going to sit by them in church the next morning, wear a better hat or a little better clothes, because you can afford to do it. See? See, sin reaches way down. And they try to find comfort by doing so. And they have...

51 It's become such a thing until it's absolutely struck the nation in whole, not only the nation, but the world in whole. Many things I could say here, but, to save time, the healing service coming up, I--I could speak at large on this, but I won't. I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. This, it struck the political world, the political life, the social life, the moral life of the nation, of the peoples around the world. It's got to a place till man wants to be a politician just to have the name of being a politician. Got plenty of money, can pull votes and hire machines to do it, and--and so forth, just for the name, and worth millions and millions of dollars, see, just for the name of being some great politician. Enough is said at that, you know what I'm talking about.

52 And social life! The people try to get together in this insane social life. Don't tell me the world's not insane, and doing the way it's doing. It sure is. Certainly. It's a neurotic world. And by the grace of God is the only way we'll escape it. Notice, in this social life, the people has come to a place that they--they socialize little clans, and they get into there and think, "We're better than the next group." See? And it, it's just done that way. And it's the morals, it's hit the morals of the people until, honest, friends, I don't even believe that (the world) the word "moral" is recognized among ninety percent of the people of this nation. They don't even know what (the world) the word "moral" means. It's--it's escaped from them. And it's done it so trickery.

53 Satan is very subtle, see, and he does it so easy, so--so subtle, just a little teeny bit here and a little there, and let it. He's got plenty of time, so he just runs a little bit in here and a little bit in here and, the first thing you know, the people are just gradually moved into it. What would have happened of a woman, back when I was a boy of sixteen years old, if she'd have walked down the street like she does today in this striptease form? Why, they'd had her in jail. Well, if it was wrong then, it's wrong now. See? But, you see, Satan just begin to cut off the skirts, and to lower them down, and--and it'll come to pass that there's somebody will design one a little beyond the mikini or bikini, or what you call the thing, to a fig leaf. You remember! That's right, it'll go right straight back. And it's, it's there practically now.

54 And now we find, all those things is because people are trying to find comfort. They're trying to find something that they... And remember, your comfort is your religion, and you make those things your religion. See? What a pity in realizing that death lays right before you. See? Until, all this has happened until it seems like that there's not a--a solid foundation left in the nation to build anything on.

55 Just let me ask you something. You can't believe nothing, hardly, but the Bible. We still have Christ; thanks to God. See? You--you can't believe anything. You get on... For instance, when you turn your television on (you that have such), and when you turn your television on and see the--the commercials, well, if a person tried to live by one hundredth of those commercials, you'd die in a week. See, you couldn't do it. And the very thing that some company will break down, like a product, and say, "This is the thing here, and don't have this one over here," and the same company sells the same product. Then another commercial will come on, take this on this side and not that, and the same company. The American people fall for such stuff as that, till the whole thing is become a rotten, until there's no hopes at all. Nobody knows what to believe. But I'm going to tell you after a while what to believe, if you want comfort, if the Lord willing.

56 The people, they lie, cheat, steal, till you almost have to have a bond of security to borrow five dollars from somebody. It's a... You know, the Bible speaks that, that there'd be no love in the last days but just amongst the elect people. That's right. The Scripture speaks of that, that the husband would be against wife, and wife against husband, children against parents. Just among the Elected of the Lord will there be any love left.

57 The churches has got into the same thing out of social life. They brought it into the church, their social life and their politics and their other things, until they've got the church so confused that it doesn't know what to do. They brought politics into church. They brought also social life, their social life in the church, their social activities, bingo or bunco, or ever what they call it, and these suppers and dances, and so forth, in the house of the Lord. Why, it's--it's a pity.

They say, "Well, now, that isn't, that's on the annex."

58Remember, it was the annex also that Jesus beat the--the merchants out with their merchandise, and said, "It's written, 'My Father's house is made a house of Prayer,' and you have made it a den of thieves." See? It's wrong, I don't care where it's at. As long as the church... The church is not so much the building, it's the people in the building. And if those people are anticipating in this, why, it's wrong. And they've brought that practice.

59 Now we find out that the churches, too, are always promising something, like television and so forth, that they never get to the--the thing they promised. As I have often said, an old quotation, "Man is always praising God for what He did, praising God for what He will do (looking forward to what He will do), and then ignore what He's doing." See, they--they--they fail. And that's the way they become history after a while, of the polluted, see, because they fail to recognize now! You can talk of the comfort Christ give once, and say that a comfort He will give in the ages to come, but refuse the comfort that He's got here now for you. See? It's on the same basis we find that. Well, it's become a great thing. Now find out that they--they come...

60 That's even become in Pentecost, in the churches. It's become into the Pentecostal realms, that they're always promising something that they never get to it. It's always that every fellow has a different sensation, and--and make it whether it's Scriptural or not, and they're promising something that they never do get to it, until it seems like it's got to a place to where there doesn't seem to be any sincerity. The--the people don't get down to that real kernel of sincerity. It's lost the... The very English word of sincerity has lost its--its value to the people. Or, by the people's way of--of living, it's lost its sincerity to them. Now they don't seem to understand.

61 Even to our confessions! Now, I want you people that are coming, or here and hold... or on the--the tape, I want you to listen close now for a moment to this quotation. It--it...

62Unless you are deeply sincere! And you cannot be sincere until you're positive understand. If you're presuming, or guessing, or hoping so, then there cannot be a depths of sincerity that God requires. It, faith, is not a "hope so" or "it could be right." It's got to be absolutely "Amen!" It's your ultimate. It--it--it's your--it's your absolute. It's the thing that you're tied to. See? You have come to your ultimate, that "It is the Truth and there's... It's nothing but the truth, and It must be thus!" And then when you realize that in your mind, then you've got to approach It with your whole life, soul, body, all that's in you, just completely sell out everything to it. As Jesus so graciously taught us in the man buying pearls, and he found the One of great price and he sold all his others to get to It. All the truths and everything that he had, thought they were good pearls, he--he... this One meant all to him. And when you find God's Ultimate, His Word, a promise upon a certain thing, you must know first that it is God's Word, that the thing that you're seeing being done is God. There--there's no--there's no "maybe so, it could be, it looks like it might be." "It is God!" Then when you get to that spot, then that's the Pearl of great price, you must get away from anything that anybody else tells you contrary to It. You must not look to what man has achieved. You must look to what God has said and what He promised, and see Him to do it, then that's your Ultimate right there. And then everything that you are, everything that you was, everything that you hope to be, must be placed upon This just as though it was death and life to you at that moment.

63 I think one of the thing that keeps our people from being healed is the lack of confession, is the lack of sincere confession. Now, for instance, this might sound a little bad, but I don't mean it in this way. But, looking at my wife sitting here. If I would go out here today and throw my arms around some other woman and--and make love to her, and I'd know then, after I did that, that I was wrong, so wrong. Now, of course, my Comforter would keep me from doing that. See? See? But I mean if I--if I did that, and I... it happened that I did it or anything similar to it. And then I know the first thing is to say to my wife, before I can say to God, "forgive me," 'cause I sinned against her. If you come to the altar and remember you have ought, go make that right first, before you offer your gift. So I've got to go to her. I believe in confession is straightening up also. It isn't true confession unless it is.

64 What if I said now, "I'm going to confess it, that I done wrong, I say, 'Good Lord, O Friend of mine, You know that I know You real well. Praise God! Hallelujah! I--I--I--I think You're a good old Fellow. Forgive me. You know, old, old Friend, I--I didn't mean it that way'"? See?

65Now, you say, "That's sacrilegious." It is. To make a confession like that, it is.

66But what if I go say, "Lord, I--I didn't mean to do it just that way, and You help me and I won't do it again"? He'll refuse my sacrifice until I first go and make that right with my wife.

67 Then what if I come to her with the same irreverence, and say, "Say, old girl, old friend of mine, old mother of my children, and old sweetheart, you know we been old chums for a long time. Say, what if I put my arms around another woman? And what do you say about it, old kid, would you forgive me?"

68I imagine how she'd look. She'd think, "What's happened to my husband?" See? Now, the first thing, she wouldn't know whether I was kidding or whether I wasn't.

69And you don't go that way to make a confession to your fellow man or God. You go with the depths of sincerity, with godly sorrow of your sin. First, you must be sorry. I must tell her, "Sweetheart, come here, it may mean the rest of our married life. The woman that I live with, that's my sweetheart, and how I've loved you all these years. But now you may leave me, from this on, you may not stay with me, you may not accept me. And I'm knowing that. But yet, to make it right, I got to get right." I got to tell her with the depths of my heart.

70 Then I've got to tell God the same way. And tell both her and God, with the sincerity, that I'll never do it again, by the grace of God. See? Don't just really... Now, I might be able to put it over her, and she (see?) won't see. Maybe my speech to her would--would convince her, but my speech won't convince God. He looks in my heart and He knows. And after all, just a few more years with her, if God permits, and we'll be taken out of this world. But with God, it's Eternity, so I must be deeply sincere with God. And then if I am sincere, He'll hear me. But if I'm not sincere, there's no need of me wasting God's time listening to me.

71And that's where it's come to today, amongst people, there doesn't seem to be the depths of sincerity that--that they ought to have.

72And I believe that a man or woman coming to be prayed for, should first confess everything that they have did, and make everything right. Because, you see, you notice lots of times on the platform, you notice, watch how far away that THUS SAITH THE LORD is. See? See? The people, the vision will materialize, of course, with their faith, God promised that by a gift. But the healing is something different, see; God recognizes it then, see.

73 Now, we notice, that is, the people making their confession, has got to come with deepness of sincerity. I have here, I ain't got time to read it, but it's in Binghamton, New York, I believe. Or, I've got that wrong? Yeah, Binghamton, I believe it's right. The place where the Endicott Shoe Company is there. Binghamton, I believe it's called Binghamton, Binghamton, that's right, New York. We was there in the Endicott-Johnson shoe place, a big auditorium, and we was having a meeting there. And one morning, Billy Paul was next door to me, real cold, winds blowing. And I had found, among the people, a lack of sincerity, seemed like. And I--I wondered why. Here was one man that was healed, purpose, or one man in--in particular I'm speaking of. The man had a great affliction, and he was healed this night standing there. And before we left, five days, the affliction was back to him again. See? Because, in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, It took that off of him. Just like It did this young woman a while ago out here in the yard, the young man last night, see. But there must be a deep sincerity to know that the God that can take it away from you now, with that same anointing on you, can keep it away from you. See? And then the Holy Spirit spoke to me one morning, about daylight, and said, "Get up on the platform or somewhere, and bring these people up there and make them confess everything that they've did, before you pray for them." See? The deepness of sincerity!

74 Unless the world repents, it's got to perish. See? And confession is what the world needs today, is honest confession.

75It's like medicine for disease. We all can read on the bottle what kind of a medicine it is and what disease it--it's to cure. But, you know, the reading the directions, I'm going to apply that like to the Bible, our schools and seminaries can read all the Word. But, you know, just reading the directions and how to take it, it--it doesn't cure the disease. See? It--it's got the medicine, so it's got to be taken! So a man can say, "I am a--a theologian. Now, don't speak to me, I--I--I... about such-and-such, I know the Scriptures. I--I know that the Bible speaks thus-and-thus, that."

76 "He that heareth My Word," Saint John 5:24, for instance. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life." Or, King James puts it "everlasting," which is "Eternal," rightly. "Has Eternal Life because he's believed." Many people say they believe. Now, that is true. The--the--the Scripture is correct. I--I'm reading the--the--the Prescription, I'm reading what the Prescription is, and the Antidote for my sin, but can I take It? Can I believe? I might say "I believe," but do I believe? That's the next thing. Just read It and know the directions, doesn't cure the disease. The trouble is that (in our case) we won't take what the Remedy says do. We got the Remedy, but we won't take It. We say we do, because we can read It; but to really take It, we don't do it. See, the Gospel is the same way, a medicine, in this case. If the patient... And the remedy has been proven to cure the patient, and the patient reads all about the--the discovery of this drug, and they know every ounce of medicine that's in it, they know all the--the scientist's name that found this certain drug, like the Salk vaccine and so forth. If we--if we know all the Word about It, but refuse to take It, It won't help us. See, It--It won't help us.

77 But, and then how we say, "But we took it!" And if you say you took it, and the patient shows no results, he didn't take it. That's all. How, if that clock on the wall wasn't such a busybody, see. I'd like to stay here and bring down real strong for our--our people, since the Gospel has been proved these things, and they claim they take It, and they show that they don't take It! How can a person read the Scriptures upon the little thing that I talk about, about women with the bobbed hair and wearing shorts, and so forth like that, how can they call themselves Christians when the very Medicine Itself says that it's different! See? How? You say, "But I danced in the Spirit, I spoke in tongues." That don't mean one thing. Your own life proves that you didn't take It! See? You said you--you took It, but you didn't! For, you still are showing all the symptoms that the Medicine is supposed to cure. And the Medicine, in the Gospel line, is a guaranteed cure! It's got to be. Now, you see, you got to show results.

78 You take a person says that they are, "I am. I'm a believer. I believe." Let the Gospel Light strike them, brother, they take It right now! And they'll show results. Certainly. You'll not see that man in any more pool rooms, you'll not see him out here with a cigarette in his hand, you won't see him drinking. Oh, no. You won't see him flirting with other women. No, no, no. I don't care how much they throw their female flesh before him, he'll turn his head towards the skies and look towards Christ. What is? It shows that the Remedy took effect. And if It don't take effect, you say, "Well, I know I took It," well, then where you at today then? You are dying. You show! I'm looking at you as diagnosing your case, by the--by the Bible, that you're still in sin. And the wages of sin is death. Don't think it has to be made any plainer. See, your own actions prove, your own actions prove that you didn't take It. You thought you did. Amen. You--you might have been all sincere in doing it, but you didn't do it! For, if you did, God promised It would take effect on you. And the old sin is still there, the old Adam nature still lingers there, the old unbelief. Yet you try to make yourself, before your fellowman, say, "Well, I'm a believer. Oh, glory to God! Yes, I'm a believer." But, you see, It didn't help you any.

79Maybe the patient itself wasn't even predestinated to--to the Medicine. If it did, It'll never take effect. That's right. You see?

80 But look at that little immoral woman when the Light struck her, there was something laying there to take care of her condition. See? If we believe and sincerely confess, this Remedy of God's way takes effect. God has a provided way for these things.

81Now, see, man will go, say, "Well, I joined the church. That settles it with me." That isn't God's provided way.

82God's provided way is repentance, confessions, and showing a results, bringing forth fruit meet for repentance, showing sincerity. If you people will just do that this morning, that's going to be prayed for! And you people that hear this tape, all over the world, and after this tape is played and the minister or the person that's playing it in congregation groups out in the jungles or wherever you are, that's playing it, will first make your confession clear, and then come with nothing in your heart at all, but faith, and be prayed for, there's the Medicine will take place.

83 Jesus said, "Repent, every one of you!" I mean Peter did on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." When you thoroughly repent and believe on the Lord, and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, you make God a liar if you don't receive the Holy Ghost. If... Jesus said this, the last commission to His church, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And you see those signs following a believer, and you come up and that believer lays hands on you, and something doesn't take place, then there's something wrong with your belief. See? "The believer!" God promised a provided way.

84 We try to find comfort by saying, "I don't have to listen." No, that's true, you don't have to listen.

85But if you are predestinated to Eternal Life, you will listen to It and you'll rejoice to It. It's your Comfort. It's the Thing you've longed for all your life. It's--It's that Pearl, that, you're--you're ready to forsake everything. See? You want It because you know it's God's loving care for you. It's something to settle the sin question, to settle the unbelief, to settle everything, to you, if you want It. It's he that's really sick and knows he's sick, that hunts a physician. See? Not he that's not sick, doesn't need one, Jesus said. But it's those who are sick. If you can realize your condition, then you've got to do as He said do. Then it's got to take place, or God told something was wrong. See?

86 So many people sometime, healing services, you don't start from the bottom of it. You've got to get a life cleaned up, you've got to be in condition, you've got to really say, "Yes, I believe It," and that's got to be from your heart. Then you, nobody have to baby you around, say, "Now, oh, brother dear, sister dear, you ought to do this, you ought to do that." You're a believer, there's nothing can take It away from you. I don't care what anybody else would say, what any consolace, what any comforter, what any doctor, what any hospital, what any diagnosis would say, you still don't believe it. You just know It! There's no need of saying anything else about It, you know It! Now, that's the genuine thing.

87 We have so much impersonation in all things. It has to be that way. Don't feel bad about it. It's got to be there. It's always has been and it will be. But I'm telling you this morning what's Truth and facts. We're at the end time. We got to lay this thing down at the Truth, see, and let it know what's the Truth.

88Now we find out that people won't take God's way about it. They want, they... God has a way provided for your comfort. God has a way provided for all these things. But people don't want It, people go after other ways. And every time they do it some other way besides God's way, they bring the wrath of God upon them every time they do it. All right.

89 And all these things that I have spoken of, it brings us to this, the world, all of these going after other scientific achievements, going after church achievements, going after different things has brought us to the end of the world. We're at the end. There's not one hope left. We are without a hope of survival. We haven't even got one chance of survival. Now just let me break this down just for a few minutes, and just prove it to you.

90And each one of you, you get, if you don't, you ought to get a medical journal, you ought to take the Reader's Digest, and so forth, where you read these achievements. Now to make...

91 A minister here is sending this Message around the world. To make a statement like that, that we're without hope, that we are beyond redemption, that we have passed the line between redemption and judgment, now I must give the congregation some grounds to base this statement upon. There must be some reason that a man, if he's in his right mind as I think that I am, would make a statement like that, to tell his nation, to tell his congregation, to tell the people where it'll go around the world in thirty or forty different nations, maybe, around the world, and peoples and languages, that "we're at the end time," it behooves us to give a statement or--or--or explain a little of it till we get down to our main text for the morning.

92 Look, now let us look what science and education has brought us to, and that's the very thing that man accepted in the stead of the Word of God, a scientific approval. And science has always have to take back what they said. I was reading here sometime ago where a French scientist said, about two hundred years ago, or three hundred, "Rolling a ball around the earth," and said, "if this ball, at this speed... If the world ever invented some kind of a something that would make them travel at least thirty miles an hour, something like that, around the world," that he scientifically prove it, "that it on its weight would be lifted by gravitation from the earth." See? Now, you think science would ever refer back to that guy? Certainly not. That's in the past, to them.

93 Now, let's just think now, we all want to say, "I want to scientifically prove it." That's what a lot of denominations of religious people say today. They want a scientific proof. Well, I could turn right back around and say, "Scientifically prove me, God in your congregation. Prove me anything, scientifically, that's real. Prove!"

94What is real? Life. I want you to get me a quarter's-worth of it, or--or let me sell everything I got, to get that part of life. And is life real? If it isn't, what are we all here for?

95Life, faith, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, science can't touch it. And that's the only real, lasting thing that there is. The whole Christian armor is looking at the unseen. But the senses don't declare those things, but they're there. That's the reason it takes faith to believe it, and it produces in you what faith has declared is out there. It brings it to you, Divine healing and thing. They can't prove what heals Divinely, but they know there is a Divine healing. I... They can't prove what saves from sin, but they know people are saved from sin. So it cannot be proven scientifically, but it is scientifically in God's way of looking at it.

96 Now, what has science brought to us? Now, you may be shocked just for a moment. Science has brought to us sickness, death, and diseases. Now, you're only been taught one side of the picture. But there's two sides to it. You say, "Science has invented this, that, and the other." Well, we're going to grant you that privilege. But lets look at the other side. Science has brought us sickness. Science has brought us diseases, death.

97Look! Scientific hybreeding has brought death to the generation, of foods and things. It's got the people so soft and so, until the--the man and women are made up out of a bunch of muck, and there's no--there's no--there's no structure in it. It's become a bunch of soft jellyfish. They can't live without an air conditioner, they perish. They can't play a baseball game, if one of them gets tapped somewhere, it kills him, in the boxing rings and whatmore. And it's so soft till men and women, well, it's perverting them.

98 And they're injecting this hybreed into cattle which has come back into mankind now, according to science themselves, and is making perversions out of them. Because, when a--a cow is hybrid, or any food is hybrid, that food makes blood cell, and blood cell is your life. See what it's done? And then, into meat, they inject these here injections into the meat, and now it's proved that these injections take effect upon the human race. Scientific!

99They spray the fields with this DDT, I seen the other day, and now we got eight hundred sick people in this community from eating eggs. Do you remember years ago when I first, when we had the little bitty structure here, and I was prophesying, and said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, don't live in a valley and don't eat eggs." I've got it on my book. I thought there was something about that, and I went and looked at it. "Don't eat eggs." That was way back in 1933. Eggs has got something in them now, and I see where science says that a man over fifty years old should never eat an egg, because it's the hardest thing on a heart that can be eaten. Diseases!

100 Milk, it used to be our most balanced diet was milk. The doctors will tell you, "Stay away from it." It's making sinus and everything else. It's the same human being that used to drink it and live for years and never know sinus, but the interbreeding and so forth has broke down the structure of the human being till it's nothing but a bunch of muck, a ball--a ball of sickness. What done it? Science!

101Look! It's caused the genes between the--the man and the woman to weaken, the physical weakness of the human being, through the genes, and the increase of spastic children is around thirty percent. Mongolian is on the great climb. And these weakness of interbreeding of the foods that we are eating for life, is weakening the body, which causes cancer, mental troubles, and all kinds of diseases is setting in upon the human body because its weakness. Scientific, destroying themselves, getting away from God's plan.

He said, "Let every seed bring forth of its kind."

102See where we're at? I could go on and on; our time's getting away. But, notice, what's that's doing it? Science has brought death, sickness, and destruction.

103 And I seen the other day, I was talking to my good friend, Doctor Vayle sitting here, that where there's an article that people getting killed by penicillin. It really isn't the penicillin, it's the filth that they let get into it when they're manufacturing the penicillin. It's a money-making, greed scheme. Doctors giving it sometime who don't even know the formula of an aspirin, and their father sends them away to get a--a specialist in something another, and don't know even how to cure a tummyache for a kid. But what have we got? Greed, some pull, or a little something. They don't have hardly anymore of the old-fashioned country doctor that used to get down and talk to you and console you and do everything. They leave God right out of the picture, because they went after their own way. In order to get God out of the picture, they explained Him plumb away. There we are.

104 That's what we've done by interbreeding. You see, the body... What makes a healthy plant, a germ can hardly get to it. It's these hotbed plants, these hybrid plants you have to keep sprayed all the time. And many of you has read my message on Hybrid Religion, keep it sprayed and babied and--and so forth. Notice, but the real genuine plant don't have to be sprayed, he's the original.

105 What makes disease come to the human body? Is the body... As I am told by a precious doctor friend of mine, that I wouldn't want to call his name right now, but he's a very fine brother, reading to me recently out of a medical journal, a book in his office where he keeps all these fine books and the latest stuff on medicine. It is weakness. You notice anybody that's real... You say your body's run down, you take a cold right quick. What is it? It's the weakness of your body that produces a mucus out of your glands. And, in that, the cold germ beds itself and you got a cold. But if that body was strong, it would throw away that cold germ, it couldn't touch it.

106So, you see, when God constructed a man in the first place, he was immune from any disease. See? But unbelief and science, science and education was the first thing that took a man away from God, and it's still taking him.

107 Just look what cigarettes and drinking, and these strip teases and so forth, has done to the decline of this generation. I guess you always wonder... I'm going to make a statement here. I wasn't going to do it, but I believe I will.

108See, they wonder sometime, they always telling me, "Brother Branham, what--what makes you always picking on things like that? You don't hear it... Say you go to a man's church, why, I can take my women folks and they can't even sit in comfort where you're speaking. You're always bawling them out, well, about their short hair, and about wearing clothes pertains to man, and all these things like that. Say, why do you do it?" Now I--I--I'm...

109 This may be my last Message till next summer, you know, but I want to tell you. Here it is. It's the Spirit of discernment for this last days, that knows that that's a cursed thing before God. I just wonder sometime a minister's got any discernment of the last days? The very God that tells on the platform here the conditions of you and what you've done, and--and what you was going to be, and--and what the troubles you got, that same Spirit within you looks out and can discern the signs of time, and It can't keep from crying out. It's the Spirit of discernment, 'cause the Holy Spirit Himself says that thing is sin, and whoever partakes of it will perish. And then how can I be justified in the sight of God, and seeing my sisters and brothers in that kind of condition, if I don't call out against it? Even though they get angry with me, I still must call out against it. It's discernment. Sometimes they differ in the Word and so forth, and it's lack of discernment. Come face it down by the Word. See? See, we--we know that's right. Well, it's, it's know it's the truth. It's the discernment of the last days.

110 Now we see about science, I--I don't want to go any farther on that, my time's just getting so running away. Now let's take a second look at education and see what it's done. See? Now we have two churches at large.

111Now, we realize that it was that, that it was reason, common reasonings that started the ball of sin rolling at the first place. It was reasonings what? Reasoning against the Word of God. When God told Adam and Eve, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." That settle, that's all of it. And He fortified them against the enemy, behind His Word. But when Eve, listening to Satan's reasonings, see, culture, understanding, education, advancement, see, she stepped out behind there and listened to Satan's reasonings, and did the thing that God said "don't do." And if one reasoning, listening to one reasoning against the Word caused all this chaos, one reasoning against the Word again won't take you back to the same place, 'cause how foolish it would be of God to bring man back upon the same basis He sent him out from. See? See? You got to come to the shed Blood of Christ. Your denomination won't work, and your reasonings won't work. It's the Blood and birth, and It produces in you a new creature, Christ, and after the fashion of Christ you live, because the Toxin that you take shows It kills the sin of unbelief, against anything but the Word of God.

112 Education give us... We got two churches at hand this morning. One of them is the Church of pentecost that was organized at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit; the second is the church of the Roman Catholic which was organized in Nicaea, Rome. One of them is a spiritual birth; the other one is an intellectual membership. From that church come all Protestants, all denominations come. That was the first denomination. All denominations come from that one and are relation to that one, Revelation 17 says so, "She was a whore and she was the mother of harlots." That's right. So there's no... Pot can't call kettle greasy, see, because it's--it's right, it's just one. It's organized, it's gone, it's in Rome. I don't care what it is, it's gone! The Bible, we just come through those church ages, to prove that. One is based on spiritual discernment; the other one is based on educational and intellectual conception.

113 Now, that puts us right back in the Garden of Eden again, right back the same place. The woman (church) was the one who listened, not Adam, the woman! Now they want to be mother church, go on! It's exactly right. There's nothing out of time. They make their own confession, see. See, right back to the same thing, to disbelieving the Word of God! At Nicaea, Rome, when the question come up about water baptism, about other things like that, and about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the--the bishops altogether organized what was called the Roman Catholic church, which was a "royal" Roman, it was called. Just got through taking the history yesterday, and listening to it, looking over it again. And it was only to be for Rome alone, in Rome was the royal church. Others was just little sister churches to it, just called Catholic.

114 Our Church is also the catholic, universal Church, which is a--a universal belief of all believers. One of them is borned of the Spirit of God and has the Holy Spirit in It, and it proves by its Life, Doctrine, and action, that the Holy Spirit is in there, because It's the Comforter that Christ--Christ promised, working in His church, doing the same thing He did at the beginning. That's how the Toxin of Christ's salvation worked in the beginning, that's the way It works today, brings forth the same thing.

115The other one is an intellectual conception of a denomination made up by a group of men, which has a "form of godliness," as the prophet told us, "and denied this Truth of Power." Now, that's just as plain as I know how to make it.

116 Now, there is the two church. One of them was born at Nicaea; and the other one was born at Pentecost. And--and one has always been against the other. We've come through the church ages to prove it, one's against the other. One of them is a fine, dignified, intellectual church with fine scholars and so forth; the other is classed as a "bunch of holy rollers." It was at the beginning, "drunk, illiterate fishermen," and it's the same thing today, it's still classed in the same category. One of them is scientific; the other one is spiritual. One is scientific arrangement; the other one is spiritual discernment of the Word. One is scientifically arranged, what groups of men says, intellectual bishop. The other one is absolutely born of the Spirit of God, and lives by the Spirit of God, and it performs and makes come to pass the Words that God promised. Shows what toxin you're taking. Have you got educational toxin? Have you got the Holy Spirit Toxin? See? All right.

117 Oh, that subtleness of Satan! How he can paint that picture, intellectually can make a man that's not borned of the Spirit of God just turn around and around! And there's no way, intellectually, to down them with it. There's not a way.

118It is a discernment by faith, see, a discernment. We see what the Word says, we believe It.

119"Then, Brother Branham, they say they have the discernment." Then let the Holy Spirit produce exactly what He promised to produce, then we'll believe it. See? There's the evidence of It.

120How did the Toxin act when It struck the person? "These signs shall follow them that believe," He said. If the Toxin struck that, then that's all right. See? So they bring us...

121 This brings us now, in closing, for the next few minutes, so this brings us from Abel and Cain, to the judgment of Noah's time, from that very coming forth of the days of Noah. Now, 'fore we have the prayer line, listen closely while I run through some Scriptures here in a little--a little text.

122We find that after the world had took its intellectual conception of the Word, those men become great men, renown men. The Bible says so, Genesis 6:4. Renown men running after real pretty women and things, like we had the whole world. Just went through it on The Flashing Red Lights, we've talked the other night how the women were to be prettier in the last days, how men, renown men, like the scandal in England and United States. And it'll still be discovered one of these days. See, you just don't know what all these call girls and everything else is all about. See? Do you know there's three-to-one barmaid than there is high school or college girl? Three-to-one barmaids than high school and college girl. Do you know, a certain percent, I can't call it now 'cause it isn't before me, I never wrote it down, but almost a third of the high school children over the nation is either been proven immoral or had to go home to be mothers? Do you know that taking penicillin to drive back venereal has only set in a corruption amongst the people, which, that thing is not dead? But yet, see, God said it would visit to the fourth generation. It's causing Mongolian and everything else, and children are... Oh, how sin, how subtle it is! How them people, them ministers will stand and not preach against them strip teases on the street, and let them sing in the choir, and everything like that, and see that's the very thing that sent our nation to hell, sent our race to hell. That's right. So now we find that after God got enough of it, as I believe He has today...

123 Now I'm coming to my text. I have a funny way of bringing a... I like to build up a lot of things and then hit my text. Now, we find that in the days of Noah, when God was going to judge the world, when it come just like it is now, 'cause Jesus said it was, did He care? Did He care? He, certainly He cared. He cared for what? Now, after He had already knowed judgment was coming, and had pronounced judgment, He cared for those who cared. And that's the same as it is today. He cared for those who were willing to care. And we find that He sent them a prophet to direct them, to direct His elected people to its provided way for their escape. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See? We find that God cared for His people. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

124 We're at the end, and we see we're at the end! There's not no way to build upon that corruption. How can we build a city upon the charred ruins of a Sodom and Gomorrah? How can we do it? There's only one phoenix left, and that's the coming of the Lord Jesus; oh, my, a purification through the Tribulation period, to bring back a restoring of a world, for a people who are just in the sight of God and live by His Word.

125 Notice, He cared for those who cared to escape in the days of Noah, and He sent them a prophet. And this prophet directed them to God's provided way. Now, that's God's way of doing things. See? God spoke to Noah, which was the Word (it wasn't the written Word then), and told Noah to prepare an ark for the saving of the people, and to warn all the people that He had "one way of salvation." And this man was a vindicated prophet that proved them the way of escape. Notice, the humble and sincere heard this man and believed him, and they escaped. They escaped what? The death of the world of sin that was being destroyed in that day, they escaped the death route that was laying upon the whole world. God so cared! (O God, help this to go down deep now, before the prayer line.) God cared!

126 He looks upon the world now today, and He's called and He's called, and they spurned and turned down. There was a chance of repentance at the beginning. When God told Isaiah to go up and put... tell Hezekiah he was going to die, Hezekiah repented and there was mercy. When God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and cry out, 'cause in forty days He'd destroy the city, they cried out for mercy and there was repentance. But when they reject it, there's nothing left but judgment! And the nation has rejected Christ. They've failed to heed the call, so there's nothing left but we're facing judgment.

127 Now, does God care about those who have repented? Has He made a way for them? Now we're going to see what He did in times past.

128Noah's time, He cared! He sent the prophet, and He--He brought the way and He showed them the way, and He made them a way of escape and they escaped the judgment. He also cared for them. We find out that He brings them to a place where He, in the last days, to where (of all) before the great judgment come, He so cared for them until He prepared a way that they could come into and would be free from all the judgments that was coming.

129Now, He did that to the--the Elected. Now, we know that. He did that to the Elect, only to the Elected, now! They was the one who had accepted this germ of Life. They were the one who were predestinated to see it. They were the one. We all, if we believe the Bible, we have to believe in predestination. See? That's right. Not God is willing that any should suffer, but He knowed who would receive It and who wouldn't.

130 He also cared for His elected people in the days of the destruction of Egypt. They was down there in Egypt and become slaves. The days of Moses, He cared for the people. He sent them what? A prophet, again. Is that right? And He separated His people from the unbelieving world, from the coming judgment of that day. Did He do it? He cared when Egypt had heaped their sins so high until God had to send judgment, because He had already told Abraham, "And I will deal with that nation." So instead of pouring out His wrath upon all of them, He sent His care to them. He sent His Comforter to them. He sent His Word to them. And He always sends His Word by His prophet, as He did in Noah's time. He did the same thing in the days of Noah. In the days of Eli-... of Moses, we find out He done the same thing. He sent them His prophet, and they separated themselves from unbelief. Now, that's the kind that come out. That's the kind that believed It. They believed Moses, that he was a... In the eyes of Pharaoh, he was a fanatic, he was a magician, he was a hypocrite, he was something horrible. But to the people that was elected, that come out according to God's Word ("I will bring them out"), he was a prophet to them. He was God's provided way. And he also... Notice, they believed him and escaped from the judgment of that day. They believed Moses.

131 And He said He also cared for them to bring them out, and He cared for them in the journey after they come out. Amen. As that was in the physical, this is in the spiritual realm. He cared! Why? He provided everything they had need of while they were in the journey. Did He? He healed them when they were sick. He provided healing, He provided a way for their sickness. He provided a--a brass serpent, that they could look upon that brass serpent, a symbol of sin, and be healed. He fed them while they were in the way, where there was no bread He rained bread out of Heaven. He fed them. Not only that, but He clothed them, showing He cares for those who care.

132 If they're ready to confess and repent and believe and accept, God cares! But you got to care first, you've got to accept what He sent you. He so cared for them that they'd be sure that there would be no mistake, He vindicated His prophet by a sign of a Pillar of Fire, to let the people see that it wasn't just this man walking along here, that it was God right above him, He was the One that was leading the way. God cares for people who cares. God cares for those who care for Him. So He vindicated this man and proved that he was God's servant, by sending them a Pillar of Fire to lead them to the very land. And they knowed as long as this sign of this Fire, a Pillar of Cloud and Fire was following them... He said He "took not away the Pillar of Fire and Cloud." He was with them for years and years in the wilderness, forty years. Is that right? That Pillar of Fire led them! We're in our thirty-third year, leaving seven years longer it would type the same. All right, a Pillar of Fire led them. He cared for them. And He cared so much for them till He just let them know that--that it wasn't some scientific thing, it wasn't some slip-up, but He vindicated the Message, proving It.

133 He so cared even for a woman that was an outsider, not an Israelite. She didn't belong to the group, but she was an outsider, Presbyterian, Methodist, or something, she was on the other side. But when she heard! Her name was Rahab, she was living... she was a harlot. But when she heard how God was in a Pillar of Fire and was leading them, she said let... called out to God, and she showed mercy to the spies that had come to look out the land. And because she cared for her and her people, God cared for her. Insomuch till this harlot that would give her life to Christ, to the Cause, because she had seen the sign of a Supernatural God, and she served her gods right in her own denomination. But when she seen this great Supernatural sign, she cried out and asked for mercy, and for mercy for her family, and God so cared for her that the whole city lapped down, one on top of the other, but there wasn't one rock moved on her house. He cares! Though her be an outsider, she wasn't in the group at that time, but He cared. He always cares.

He cared for Elijah when he, and he alone, cared for God.

134 Hallelujah! That's where it comes to. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." Peter, speaking to the elect elders, the elders and them in the church, he said, "Put your cares on Him, because He cares for you. Put everything there, because you're clean before God. You're--you're walking as servants of God."

135God cared for Elijah because Elijah cared for God. All the other preachers had lost the vision of that day, had lost the will of God and the love of His Word, and it all went modern. But no matter how modern Jezebel had them, the first lady of the land, no matter how much them other preachers let them women act and do. Elijah called out against it, in the Name of the Lord. He cared for what God said, and God cared for what Elijah said then, 'cause he said the Word of the Lord. God cares when you care, but you got to care first. Yeah.

136 Notice, He cared when He called Elijah, by His Word, off from amongst the denominations. Looked like he'd have to starve to death, 'cause there'd be no tithe and offerings coming to him. But He so cared for Elijah, He didn't let him starve during the time he was obeying the Word of God. He commanded the ravens to feed him. He cared for Elijah because Elijah cared for Him, and He is the Word.

137 He cared for Daniel when Daniel cared for God's Word enough to pray sincerely. No matter what the king said, "I don't want no more of that done," Elijah just threw open the shutters and looked towards Jerusalem and prayed. Elijah cared for God, and--and God cared for Elijah. Daniel cared for God's Word, and God cared for Elijah. He sent a Pillar of Fire that scared that lion off of him and stayed down there all night long. God cared because Daniel cared. Yes, sir. Sincerely prayed, knowing that it going to mean throwed into the lions' den if he disobeyed the denominational orders. But he knelt down by the window, not fearing what man said. He threw open the windows because it was a commandment of God, and he prayed sincerely and honestly to his God every day. He cared for God and His commandment, and God turned around and cared for Daniel and his command, his stand. Daniel cared for God and His Word, and God cared for Daniel and his stand for the Word. He'll do it every time. Amen.

138 He cared for the Hebrew children when they respected sincerely and cared for the faith that was once delivered to them, the Word of God. He so cared for them till when they blowed the trumpet... They had a commandment from God, "Don't bow before any heathen god, any statues. Don't bow and don't worship them." That was the commandment. And when they sounded the trumpet and said "we'll throw into the furnace those who don't," they so cared till they turned their back upon the statue. That's right. God so cared for them, that when the heat come on, He sent the fourth Man down there in the fiery furnace and kept them cool. He cared because they cared.

139 If you want to hold onto some creed, God don't care what you do. If you want to do that, He'll never care for you, 'cause you're doing what man said. But if you'll hold to God's Word, your true sincere confession and believe God is a Healer, the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'll care for you.

140He cared then, He cared for the Hebrew children, and He sent them the fourth Man to deliver them, which was Christ. We know that.

141When the leper cried, "Lord!" Ten lepers come out and cried sincerely, "Lord, have mercy on us." They had enough to care for their own wants, He had a power to care for them. He cared for the leper because the leper cared to make their confession, call Him "Lord!"

142 He cared, when the centurion cared enough about hisself to send for help from Jesus. When the centurion showed by his faith, denounced his idols of Rome, and cared enough (by public witness) to send for Him to come heal his son, Jesus cared enough to go heal him. He cares when you care. You got to care first, though. He cared.

143He cared when Jairus cared enough about Jesus. He was a secret believer. He believed He was right, but because of his denominational stand he couldn't come out and confess it, but when his little daughter got sick and died, Jairus knowed, looking at the death of his daughter, or to express his care, he cared enough to denounce the unbelievers that was around him, and put on his little ministerial hat, and went and found Jesus. When Jairus showed he cared, Jesus showed He cared enough to come and raise her up from the dead. Cast your cares on Him, for He cares! No matter what it is, He careth!

144 He cared enough when there was not even a commandment so, there was nothing said so, He had never made mention of it, but He cared because the little woman couldn't get in the prayer line, and she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I believe Him." He cared for her faith in that, insomuch that He turned and called her out in the audience, and told her her faith had made her well. He cared because the woman cared.

145He cared when the neurotic called Legion cared enough, under opposition, to wiggle out from under those tombstones of devils and go out to meet Jesus, and throw hisself prostrate. When, Legion! Them devils would have never come if Legion hadn't have pushed his way out there to meet Him. And when he cared enough to make that effort, that stand in his belief, Jesus cared enough to cast out this legion of devils from him, and his neurotic condition was gone. He cared when you care. Yes, sir. He cares when you care.

146 Now, when the blind man cried at the Jericho gate, "O Jesus!" Being a Jew, Orthodox, good standing in the synagogue. But when he said, "What's that noise goes by?"

They said, "Jesus of Nazareth passes, a Prophet."

147Said, "Jesus, Thou Son of David!" Oh, what a rebuke that was to his pastor and priests that stood by. But he didn't care what pastor, priest, or nothing else said, he was interested! And he cared enough to get his sight, so he called out! And when that blind man was ready, and cared enough to call out, Jesus cared enough to heal him. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! He cares when you care, but you got to care first. You got to prove that you care.

148 He cared so much till when a woman, living with six men, identified and knowed and recognized His Messiahic sign of discernment, He cared enough till He forgive every sin and give her waters that she didn't come there to draw, because she recognized. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet," when He told her what was wrong with her. And they, she was looking for that day to come, only she had been all church grouped, she didn't have a chance to do it. But when she seen a Man Who could tell her what was wrong with her, she said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. I know when the Messiah cometh He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He."

149That's enough! She cared. She left her waterpot, and into the city she went, and she said, "Come see a Man Who's told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" She was something like Rahab, she cared until she alarmed the whole city. She cared because something had been done, the vindicated Scripture had been brought to pass and made positive sure, and she cared! She didn't care what the men said or somebody else said; she seen It, she was there when it happened. She cared. And she cared for her people till she told every one of them, and it caused the whole city to believe on Jesus Christ. She cared, and He cared. Certainly, He did.

150 Jesus cared enough for the Message of today to bring these same things to pass as He said, till He died and rose again to send them by the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to show His ministry today that He's still alive. He cared enough. Won't we care? That's the thing, won't we care? He died for this ministry. He died in order that the Holy Spirit could be here in this day to show these things. He cared for you. He cared to bring It here. He cared to make the statement. He cared because He loved you. He cared enough to do it, to send the Holy Spirit to this, make this ministry today.

151That's how He proved He cared in that day, because He come to vindicate what God said He would be. That's the reason the woman recognized Him. She said, "I know when Messiah cometh, He's a Prophet. When Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things." See, He cared enough about the Word of God to vindicate It to her. Amen.

152 Now He sent the Holy Ghost, that in this day of intellectual conception, that He might by the same Holy Spirit prove through us that He's still the Messiah, prove it in the same way. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now the question is, do you care? What do you think about it? It's here. It's been proven over and over. Do you care enough to believe it? Do you care enough to confess your sins, that you're wrong? Confess your unbelief and accept it. Do you care enough to accept it? He cared enough to die and rise again, to bring it to you. Do you care enough to accept it. I think it's proven all through, from Noah's time, all the way back from Genesis all the way through. We ain't got time to get to it all. But you see that He cares, and He died that you might care, that you might have a way. And He's brought that way. He said exactly what that way would done, would do, and now here He is today showing it's the Truth. Now, in this evil hour that we're living in, do you care enough about it to, with all your heart, believe it?

153 Whether you strike a prayer line or whatever it is, that isn't it, do you care? Cast your cares upon Him, He cares for you. Be sincere about it. You care enough to be sincere, for He has proven by His a-vindicated Word that He cares. He promised to send It, He's done it! He promised in the Word, here It is! He cares, now what about you? It's, you ought to care, next.

154He cared enough, He cared enough to conquer every enemy for you, that all you have to do is to be sincere and believe it. He conquered death. Death ain't nothing for me to conquer; it's already conquered. Sickness ain't for me to conquer; it ain't for Christ to conquer; it's already conquered. I just have to care enough to believe it. Are you afraid of what somebody else has told you? Are you afraid of the doctor's diagnosis? Are you afraid of what the church will say to you? Are you afraid to stand there toe to toe, to the Devil? Say, "I've confessed my sins, I've laid aside everything. I've believed every Word. Here I am, Lord. Create in me a care. I... You cared for me, I care for You."

155 I think of that gracious old song, "He careth for you. Through sunshines or shadows, He cares for you."

Let's bow our heads now, we just can't go any farther.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

Let's sing it to Him, with our heads bowed, and our heart.

He careth for...

Let's look what all He's done.

He careth for you,

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

He care...

Now, if you care, raise up your hand while you sing that.

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

156 Heavenly Father, at this time in the late hour of the day, we are making confession from the depths of our heart, that we know by the Word now that You've always cared for Your Own. But the trouble, Lord, do we care? Do we just want to get an education, say, "Well, I've got a doctor's degree, or--or LL.D."? That's knowing the Prescription, that isn't taking It.

157God, I pray today that each one of us will take the sorrows of Christ into our own heart, take His suffering upon us, to realize that we must suffer also the reproach of His Name, that we must suffer. And may we be like the disciples of old, return, rejoicing that we have been counted privileged to bear the reproach of His Name. Grant it, Father.

158I'm going to pray for the sick, Lord, laying hands upon them. They've got their hands up, many of them, and many is going to be prayed for, and holding prayer cards. And some is in here that didn't get in in time for the prayer cards, but they're--they're--they're going to believe, Lord. They could put up their hands, looked like, to me, the whole congregation. Many of them are sick. Here's these handkerchiefs laying here, feeling Your Divine Presence by the anointed Word, heal them, Lord. Grant that their request will be answered.

159 And now from the handkerchiefs, to the audience, to human beings who are sitting out there suffering. Oh, the Presence of the Lord, let It come, Father, and heal them all. Will You, this morning in Divine grace, when we confess, Lord? I Your servant, I confess an inability. I don't even have one thing, Lord, that I can present to You as a merit. We're unworthy. None of us can do that, Lord. We're not worthy for the things that we're going to ask for. But, Lord, we know that Jesus went away, up into Glory, and there preparing a place to come and receive us unto Himself. And He told us that He would send us a Comforter, which would be the Holy Spirit, and He would do His work and would abide with us forever.

160O Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, come afresh this morning upon us, and a-vindicate Your Presence, Lord, in the same manner that You did when You walked here on earth, that this audience might know that You are here in these last days to vindicate Your Word, and to prove that "as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Lord, it's to Your honor and glory we ask this, as we submit ourselves to You with our confession. Cleanse us by Thy Blood, Lord. Wash us by the water of the Word, and cleanse us in the Blood. And present us, Lord, as "examples," as Peter said in the text reading this morning, to the unbelieving world. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

161 I'm going to ask the sister now with the... and the piano, just a moment. We may be a teeny bit late today, but, oh, I don't get to come too often. Just have patience with us, just, will everybody just stay for a few minutes now, we're going to pray for everyone. Billy, Billy Paul, where is--is he here? Where did you give, you give out prayer cards? What was it? B, one to a hundred. Let's just take a few of the B's and see if He'll give us the discernment. How's that? See if He's here with us. Just ask Him, you believe He'll do it? I've preached and I--I was anointed, but now I've done preached away from it, you see.

162 And let's have the people to stand up. Well, we're going to pray for all of them, anyhow, just start from number one. Who has B, number one? Stand up, who has prayer card. No, I'm just going to bring them right around here, they come out this aisle and come down. Let B, number one, who has it, prayer card number one? You mean it's not in the building? All right, we'll start... Oh, I'm sorry, lady. Okay, all right. B, number two, then if we're already started from one. Let B, number two. Who has it, will you raise your hand up like that so we can see it? Come here, lady, right here. Three, who has three? Now lets get our line all the way down the wall, we move, or back that way somewhere. So, all right, prayer card number three, who will come? Is this the lady coming here? I didn't see your hand, excuse me, sister. Number four, who has prayer card number four? Will you raise your hand so I can see who you are? The man back there, the colored brother, would you come right here, sir, number four. Number five, who has number five? The gentlemen back there, would you come here if you--you will? Number six, who has prayer card six, would you raise your hand? Over here, all right, six, sir. Seven. Now, this will cause you to keep from just crowding in. Seven, all right, come right down here, seven. Now number eight, just as you're... Would you come, sir? Number nine. All right, sir. Number ten. All right, little boy.

163 While we're thinking of that, the sweetest thing; when I come in, a little boys, just nearly kills me to think about it. A little boy stood there a while ago, he said, "Brother Branham, will you do something for me?' Just about the size of this little lad.

I said, "What is it, son?"

164He said, "Pray for my mother." Said, "She just takes God's Name in vain, and she just has such an awful life."

I said, "Where do you live? Here in the city?"

Said, "Yes, sir."

165He wanted his mommy to be a good woman. And, no wonder, Isaiah said "a child shall lead them."

166 Number ten number, is it not number ten? All right, number eleven. All right, number twelve, number twelve. All right, number thirteen, fourteen. All right, fifteen. Fifteen, I didn't see it, number fifteen. Sixteen. All right, come around that way, sir, if you will, sixteen. Seventeen, eighteen. Eighteen, I didn't see it. All right, lady, or sister, eighteen. All right, now go that way, lady, if you will, go out that way. Now look, as the prayer line, that's enough for them to stand at one time.

167As the prayer line begins to dwindle, see, then let Billy Paul or some of them here from the platform... Brother Neville, Brother Neville, let Brother Neville after while, when you see them... Now, when you see Brother Neville sees the prayer line getting... he'll motion like that, 'cause I'm going to pray for the Holy Spirit...

168 Now, this man, you got a prayer card, in the wheel chair, sir? He--he--he had his prayer card. All right, now you can take him right into the prayer line. Now, is anybody else that--that--that's here, that you can't get up? Somebody help them if they... when their--their time comes, see. Now, you just think, start where I left off there about eighteen or twenty, somewhere along there, then you start twenty-one, twenty-two, you know your place as you come in.

169 Now do you care? Do you believe He's always cared? Do you believe that He cares now? If--if He--if He once cared, He'll always care. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Yes!"--Ed.] Now I want everybody just to be real reverent, keep your place and pray. Now, you in the audience, pray too. Now, how did He care? Because He could not care any more, and no man or no prophet, no one else can go beyond the boundaries of God's promised work. Is that right? Now, I don't care now, you might have been through prayer lines a hundred times, but you standing now and you that's sitting, if there is sin in your life, unbelief, confess it right now. Don't dare to come in here without that. If you--you could come through here and no matter how much a man was anointed, and would stand and lay hands on you, you'll certainly miss it a--a hundred miles unless you believe it. You must believe it. You've got to confess it. You've got to. See, then if you look here, how there's... I hope you got the picture. See? It is totally impossible for God not to keep His Word to you, if you've kept your word to God. See? If you truly believe it, there's nothing can make you doubt it. Time, space, nothing else can make you doubt it. You believe it. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Yes! Amen!"--Ed.]

170 Now, now I'm going to look down this prayer line. So far as I know, unless it's this man right here, I know him; and I know that, I know Gene Slaughter down there, I know him; outside of that... and I don't know what's--what they're standing there for. I have no idea what they're there for. God does know. And now if you all know that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, you standing there. Now, how many in this audience knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands. Now how many is conscious that Jesus Christ knows about you?

171 And how many will be willing to say this? I believe [Congregation says, "I believe"--Ed.] with all my heart ["with all my heart"] that Jesus ["that Jesus"] healed me ["healed me"] when He was crucified ["when He was crucified"] at Calvary ["at Calvary."]. That's right. See? Now, if He has already done it, then it's your faith to accept it. Now, He cared enough to do it, do you care enough to lay aside every doubt, and believe it? Cast your cares on him, for He cares for you.

172Now, if you're sick, if you're afflicted, I have seen, well, you know, tens of thousands times thousands of things that the Holy Spirit has done. And you know that; spastic, even to being dead.

173 A man dropped dead right here on the platform, right here in front of us, about three weeks ago. His wife is a registered nurse sitting here. And the man went right down. He's sitting here somewhere. Here's his wife sitting here now, and--and here he is up here somewhere now. Yeah, here he's standing right here. Eyes went back, turned dark like that, right... fell, and I went down. She examined him, no heart, no pulse. I put my hands on him (he was gone) and just called for his spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he rose up. See? See?

174What is it? He is the Resurrection and Life. Wasn't me. That was the Comforter that acted, the Holy Spirit making intercessions for us. See? We've accepted Him, now it's up to Him to make intercessions. Then how much could I... Could God save you against your will? Certainly not. He can't heal you against your will. You got to believe it.

175 Now, what would be this, if--if He can prove, if God will let me by a Divine gift show you that Jesus Christ is here with us, that this Comforter is Jesus Christ, He's the Word. "In the beginning was the Word." Is that right? "The Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And the Bible said, in Hebrews 4, that "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Is that right? And that's what Jesus did to prove He was the anointed Word, Messiah. Oh, my! Don't you see that? What is Messiah? The anointed One. The anointed what? The anointed Word! "And the Word was made flesh." He was that anointed Word! You see that, Brother Vayle? See, He is the anointed Word!

176 And now when you commit yourself to Him, then He uses you beyond what you know, proving He's still the anointed Word, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart. Oh, how, how can anyone doubt? Just believe. Don't doubt. And now you sitting out there, I--I hit that subject this morning. When a little woman cared that she wasn't going to get in the prayer line, perhaps, but she touched the border of His garment and He turned around. Do you believe that? You believe it can be done again today? Yeah. Now, how would you touch it?

177 The Bible said He's the High Priest, right now a High Priest, sitting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions upon our confession. We confess we believe Him, and we want to touch the High Priest. And we touch Him, how would He act? He's here in the form of the Holy Ghost. Then He'd speak right back through and tell you just exactly. Is that right? Now you believe that and just keep seated, keep quiet, keep reverent and watch. Now, if He'll just do it at least three times, that'll be sufficient, won't it? Three times, if He'll do it. One, two, three, if He'll do it.

How do you do?

178Now, just a moment while we just pray. See, this is, I don't... This is something that's a little different right now; been preaching, and then turn to this. Now, I haven't called on the Lord for this for a long time, but Lord God knows my heart, and may He grant your request. And I'm believing it, that He'll do it.

179 Now, here stands a woman, we are strangers to each other. Far as I know, I never seen her in my life. She might have set in some audience somewhere or knowed me by some literature, but the Heavenly Father knows, as far as I know, I never laid eyes on her in my life. She's a stranger.

180Now, if He's the same, here's a man and a woman meeting here like Jesus met a woman at the well, that I talked about a while ago. He cared for her. Now, this woman perhaps are not guilty of the same thing the woman was, but there's something wrong. But He cares just as much about her as He does that woman. See, He cares. Now, and when she saw it, she recognized it. Now here both of us standing here like this. Now, I never seen her.

181 Now, if the great Holy Spirit, the Unseen, now if the senses of faith will declare Him to me. He's brought the senses of faith, and His Word has brought it so close in this last days till He's got the picture of It there. He's brought it so close to our senses, anointed, has went away and seen Him come in here and move around in that form of a Pillar of Fire. Hasn't He? Now He's here, I know He's here. My faith says He's here. Now if He can just materialize Himself enough in here to catch this woman's life, see, as He promised He would do. The Holy Spirit would do the same work He did.

182 Now I, being I been preaching, I just want to talk to you a minute in order just to see.

183Like He did the woman at the well, He said, "Bring Me a drink." You know, He was just... He was probably sitting there thinking about them going away getting food, and then He--He had to talk to her a minute, you know. The Father had sent Him up there. He had to. He was going to Jericho; and He went up to Samaria, that's up on the mountain, He had "need go by there."

184Well, somehow or another, I had need, the Father sent me from Arizona, here, and you come in. So it's all just the same thing. Nothing happens by chance, it all happens for some reason. Grace of God, is right.

185 Now, not knowing you, and you look real healthy, and it might not be that you're here for. It might be something else. It might be some loved one, it might be domestic, financial. I have no way of knowing, you know that. But if He'll explain to me what you're here for, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. And will the audience believe with one heart then? Now you hear us, and it's taped, and we're just standing here on the platform.

186The lady, I see her holding her head up like this. She's got, she has headaches that's bothering her, like migraine headaches. It's persistent headaches coming all the time. That it true. If that's right, raise up your hand. See? That's right. Another thing, she has a thyroid trouble, that she's been told, anyhow, that's--that's bothering you, and he's right, it's a thyroid. And then you just have complications, just many things wrong with you; nervous, upset, get flusterations, "sometimes wonder where I'm standing, and whether I'm in or out." And that's right. It's the truth. Now, He knows you, you couldn't hide now if you had to. See? You believe He can tell me what you, who you are? Well, Viola, you return home, Jesus Christ makes you well.

Do you believe?

187 I know not. Jesus Christ knows all things. It's another stranger to me. God knows both of us. Do you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? Do you believe these things that I've preached out of this Word is the Truth? You do? If the Lord Jesus will tell me what you're here for, you believe me to be His servant. And He's doing this because He cares for you. He, His care is for you, He's doing that because He cares for you. He's caring for these others that's come in the line. He cares for them. You've had trouble, an accident, automobile accident. You're all shook up about it. That's right. You got trouble with your limb. That's right. It's going to get well, and the nervousness is going to leave you, so just go ahead home, thanking the Lord, and saying, "Praise the Lord!"

"If thou canst believe, all things are possible." All right.

188 Do you believe? I don't know you, you're a stranger to me. But God knows you. Do you believe He can tell me the reason that you're here, or something another about you? Would you believe it? [The woman says, "Yes"--Ed.] There's another woman. Wasn't you, see. No, it isn't. It's you, you're here for somebody. You're for some, it's your mother. That's right. She's got something wrong with her limb, too. That's right. She isn't here. She's near a place look like, looks to me like English, about, somewhere down here. You, that's right, do you believe? All right, go on. She's healed. Just go on.

189There was two women. One of them was much older, so I--I wondered where it was at. I looked to see where--where it was at. The Lord God knows all things, doesn't He? And He can do all things. Do you believe that? Amen. Isn't He wonderful? I love Him. He, He's my Life. He's all that I have. He's all that I want. Just go ahead, He made you well, sir.

190 The anointing followed that lady. There's another lady sitting there that's bothered with nervousness, and she's got a growth under her arm. Is that right? When she put her hands on you then, you felt a real funny feeling. Wasn't that right? That's when He healed you. You're going to be well. Jesus Christ. Look where she's at. The woman that was praying, or here, see. Did you notice when she was praying, I was praying for her, what happened? See? I seen another woman, and I looked that way. There was a great feeling. They must know one another, something, or they're acquainted with each other, 'cause that woman was having a feeling for this woman here. And then this woman goes down and touches her, and, when she did, I looked and I seen something yonder, and there she was standing right there. I never seen that woman in my life. God in Heaven knows that. Oh, my! Why would you doubt?

191 If thou canst believe, He could even take habits away from you. Do you believe that? Do you believe He'll make you whole? Go ahead, and you'll stop it right now and never smoke another one. Go on, and believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. Don't doubt.

192Are you believing? Have we had three yet? Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Just believe. You believe there is anointing is here now? [Congregation says, "Yes. Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Don't doubt. Believe!

193I'm going to lay hands on you, and believe. Will you believe with me? [The man says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] In the Name of Jesus Christ, let this brother be healed. Amen. Have faith now, don't doubt. Just a moment.

194 There's something happened back out there in the audience and I couldn't see it, it's right back in here. I think it's hid from me right now. Here it is. I see it in a shadow. It's a man, and he's suffering with nervousness. He's got a boy that's got epilepsy. Believe with all your heart, sir. Do you? That's it. All right, lay your hand on that boy there and he'll be all right. Amen. Praise the Lord.

195Are you believing? That Devil thought he could hide from that, but he failed it. Do you believe? That thing is still moving somewhere. Oh, my, for grace and care! There's another epileptic here somewhere. Yeah, here it is right here. You believe? Have faith. You believe God knows you? You can go back to Ohio, be made well, Mr. Nelson T. Grant. That's your name. If you'll believe, them things will leave you and never bother you no more. I never seen the man in my life, don't know nothing about him.

You can't hide it now, the Holy Spirit is here!

196 Let's just bow our heads and give praise to God. Lord Jesus, we thank You. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your grace never fails, Lord, it's the same all the time. I pray that Your great mercy and goodness will rest upon the people. You cared enough, Lord, to come and vindicate Yourself. You are God. You are the great Holy One, the great Holy Spirit. Now may these people believe, Lord, as they pass through here, and every one of them be healed. As Your anointing is here, I lay myself across these handkerchiefs. I pray, Lord, that You'll grant these requests, Father. Grant it, Lord, both here in the audience.

197And may every person that's in Divine Presence care enough now to believe that You cared enough to raise up in the last day among Your people, and to prove! You can't heal them, Lord, You can't do what You've already done. You already healed them. And this is the only thing that can be done, to make them believe. And You care enough, although as much unbelief that we stagger through, You still care enough to show Yourself alive and raised from the dead, among us. May we cast our cares on Thee, and every person in Divine Presence be healed, both of their soul and body. Through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

198 All right, come right through this a-way, let the people come right along this. All right, Billy will call them, section by section. Don't, now let's not talk no more, the--the anointing's on me, see. I want to lay hands on him while This is here. See? I can't stop on that discernment. If I do... How many's here to be prayed for, raise up your hand. About seventy percent. See? It's right now ten minutes to one. The baptismal service coming up after this. I can't do it, but you can believe. If He cares enough to show Hisself, you ought to care enough to believe. Is that right? All right, let the whole audience pray. And Billy or Brother Neville, one, will use these, will use this microphone. Let's keep our heads down and pray while they pass through the line. Now, I'm going to pray for every one of you now, lay hands upon you and ask that every possessed that you have, of evil, will pass from you as you pass under this anointed spot just now, if I have to put it like that. The anointing's back there the same as it is here. But I make it for your faith, say that. Everybody pray now.

199 In the Name of Jesus Christ, let this little boy be healed. Amen. God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ. I'm obeying Your commandment, Lord. You said, "These signs shall follow believers." Believers, both of them. "If they lay their hands on the sick, they'll recover." In Jesus' Name, I do just that. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon this brother. Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon our brother, for his healing. Amen.

200He cares for you, sister. I care to lay hands on. Do you care enough to believe? Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let it so be that our sister will be healed.

201 In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus, heal my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Brother, He cares. Do you? In Jesus' Name, heal!

202 Everybody in prayer now, everybody pray. This is your people coming through.

203In Jesus' Name, heal my sister. In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother. Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In Jesus Christ's Name, heal my sister. In Jesus' Name, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister, Lord. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister, my brother. Heal this my sister. Heal this my sister, Lord. Heal this my sister, I pray in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

204 Sister, He cares. Do you? In Jesus' Name, receive your healing. In Jesus' Name, receive your healing, sister. In Jesus' Name, receive your healing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. Heal this my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal my brother, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal the little boy, in Jesus' Name. Heal Brother Creech, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Heal this our sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal this our sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal them, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

205God bless you, brother. Is that your child? Well, I didn't know it. The Lord bless you, brother. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, God, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal this my brother, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal this my sister, in Jesus Christ's Name. Heal this my brother, in the Name of Jesus. Heal them, Father, in Jesus' Name.

206 I offer my sincere prayer, each one. You care now. Jesus cares. Jesus sent the Message. Jesus sent His Spirit. Jesus sent His Word. Jesus sent His servant. We all care. Now, do you? If you care, believe it, accept it with sincerity; it'll be done. [Brother Branham continues praying for the sick.--Ed.]

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus, heal this my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. Grant it, Father.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my dear...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Lord, in the Jesus' Name, heal her.

O God of heaven, have mercy to people; grant it, Lord. May flesh and strength come in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my brother.

God, our sister here in this chair, I pray that You heal her and make her well, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

God, heal our sister here in her fine act of charity, helping us...?... in Jesus' Name.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

God, heal my brother, I pray, in the Name of Jesus.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ heal...?...

In Jesus' Name heal...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal...?... Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this one, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my...?... Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

In Jesus Christ's Name, heal...?...

Heal my brother in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal brother in the...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

206a Come with all sincerity; don't doubt nothing; just believe. And everybody praying now. This is our people passing here, God's children. Believe.

Heal our little sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my precious...?... Lord. God, he's waited so long, may this be that very hour when...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal this...?...

In the Name of Jesus...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her, Father.

In the Name of Jesus, heal...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her, Father.

In Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus, we lay our hands upon...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother, Lord. He...?...

In the Name of...?...

God, heal my...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

God, in the Name of Jesus take...?... from my brother, Lord, and make him well, Father...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus, heal this my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother-in-law, I pray.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord, and, God, heal her...?... in the Name of Jesus.

Heal our sister, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... servant...?...

O God, when I hear of some requests, grant that it be so. Let it be so in Your Name, Lord...?...

206b Now, That's the way to receive it, brother. Now, for that the Lord has done it. Praise the Lord.

See if that child isn't...?... Now, he lets me know what's wrong with you. I just don't call it out...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ...

O God, here stands...?... I pray for her as she standing here for Edith. We think of that little thing, Lord. She sure to be pushed by just now. Her sister's standing in her place, Lord. Grant, O God, grant these requests, in Jesus' Name, for her.

God, have mercy upon our brother and heal him, Father, in Jesus...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, touch this my precious brother and make him well, Father.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal our sister.

In the Name Jesus Christ, Lord, heal our sister.

Heal our brother, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal this our sister.

O God, in the Name Jesus Christ, heal this...?...

God, heal this little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal our brother, Lord.

In the Jesus' Name, heal our...?...

O God, in the Name Jesus Christ, heal our sister.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal this Christian brother.

Hear our sister...?... in Jesus' Name.

O God, heal this our sister, I pray, in Jesus' Name.

God, heal our sister, for I pray in Jesus' Name.

God, make her well; grant it, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

206c God, touch our brother; it's Your Word; You promised it, Lord, and we're coming believing that...?... in Jesus' Name.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our sister, Lord; she's come with sincerity, believing now; may she go and be well.

In Jesus' Name may she go and be healed, Lord.

God, lay Thy healing hand upon this...?... Father, may they return to her home with her request. O God, grant the healing, Lord.

Heal our sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

God of heaven, heal my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

And my sister, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Heal this...?... Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal this my sister-in-law, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, Father, in the Name of Jesus.

Heal my brother, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Now, He cares; you do too, brother. Go give Him praise and thank Him, and believe with...?... Grant it, Lord, many has been his burdens; lighten them now, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our brother.

206d May you...?... Grant it...?...

God, grant her healing...?... the dear saints who are waiting the Holy Spirit around her. God, may she go and believe You. Grant it, Father.

In Jesus' Name, may he go free, Father.

God, in Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In Jesus' Name...?... and heal her.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

God, make my brother well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God...?... come by...?... power will make him well.

O God, heal our sister and show her, Lord, a place here. Make it go down, Lord, and may she...?... feel the power of God, in Jesus' Name...?... her requests...?...

God, heal our brother, Lord, and may he well.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our sister, God.

God, heal...?... make him...?... so many. Grant now they'll all be...?...

Heal our Lord, I pray for mercy, dear Lord Jesus...?...

God, heal this my sister and make her well, Father...?... Lord, and many has been her sorrows and we share them. Now, may she be...?...

206e In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord.

Heal my brother, in the Name...?...

God, heal this my brother, and make him well...?...

Heal our sister, Lord, in Jesus Christ...?...

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my little brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, heal this my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.

God, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus, may she be healed.

God, heal this my brother, may in the Name of Jesus Christ be...?...

O Father, heal him, in Jesus Christ's Name.

Heal...?... this sister here, Lord, in the Name Jesus Christ, may she go and...?...

God, grant her request, in Jesus Christ's Name, I pray that You grant that request.

God, Sister Spencer, let the grace and mercy of God, may as she's waited for this hour, time where she can cast it down...?... And may she be made well...?...

God, Brother Ungren...?... God let it go...?... trumpeting out the Gospel. Keep him well, God; grant it, in the Name of Jesus.

God...?... here is calling Your Name...?... I pray that Your power will set her free now...?... with sincerity this little mother here...?... isn't it right on seven days she should be...?... Grant it, Father, in Jesus' Name.

God, for her children, O God, they're wandering, and many of them are sick, and that girl is sick, and she hasn't been...?... O God, I pray that You'll grant it, through Jesus Christ's Name.

So thankful for Brother Tom, Lord, I pray that You'll heal him and help him. Blessed be the Name...?...

There's a man down here a...?... You want to be prayed for too, brother? Lord Jesus...

206f [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

He careth for you,

Just cast your cares on Him, then.

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

207Do you care for Him? Do you care for His Word? Amen. Lord bless you. Let us bow our heads just a moment. I believe I answered these requests. I answered the requests, didn't I, every one of you.

208 A while ago I made a little error in the meeting, I'm sure somebody noticed it. And the Lord just pointed out to me now somewhere. I said something across somebody when I said it for somebody else. I can't--can't see the person where it was at, but it was somebody that I placed a blessing upon them for somebody else. And I... They was coming through real fast, and I wasn't noticing. And I didn't... Yes, it was, I see it now. It's this man and woman sitting right here. If I'm not mistaken, I shook their hand last night in a--in a--in a motel room, or something another, in a motel yard, up here at the JeffersonVilla. I said something to the man, called it "sister" instead of "brother," when you passed through. Did you notice that? I was meaning it for your wife. Now, she's been having trouble for some time, a bowel trouble for a long time. You're from Illinois. Mrs. Mongaland, that's right, that's your name. Now, you know I didn't know you, but you're right in contact now. You believe with all your heart, and there will be a complete elimination just normally like it always was, if you'll believe. That you might see that all the time, now I...

209 Only thing I know, last night I remember thinking the man, I thought he had such pretty hair, parting his hair in the middle, this gray-headed man sitting here. I just happened to look, and there was that Light shining right around over the top of them like that. And that's what it was. And then I seen the vision break forth. I don't know who they were nor nothing about it. The lady was out there last night, I said, "Are you coming to the meeting?" She said, "Yes." But the grace of God pulled it right back again, and that's who it was. Did you notice it in the prayer line, brother, that something was said that crossed over? It was for sister instead of yours. That, that was right, went to--to the sister there.

210 Now that you might know that, through that prayer line, that Angel of the Lord was there. It could call. But as you call, it weakens, weakens, weakens. See? So He cares for you, and I--I care for you. I could have just went on four or five more, and then, first thing you know, Billy been here taking me out of the pulpit. But I thought if, surely, I--I've lived here with you all all these years, and around and across the nation, you--you know I love you. Oh, I love you like you was my own children, and you are my children in the Gospel. I have begotten you to Christ, through the Gospel. And now I think these, this request and so forth here, I've answered it.

211 Now, I love you. And I thought, if I went and laid hands on you, and you seen that the Holy Spirit was doing that, and then some scruple started in the meeting along in the line like that. I missed it, going through so fast, and pronounced one blessing to the other, and then the Holy Spirit turn right around after the meeting's over and show it right back again. See? Don't you see, He cares! Now do you care? Do you care enough to say, "From this time on, there's something in my heart tells me that my troubles are over. I'm--I'm well, I'm going to be well"? Do you believe it? Raise up your hands, "I believe That!" God bless you.

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

212This is just a great big love feast. Let's sing it and shake hands with one another.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

213 I've kept you so long this morning till I--I... My pastor don't preach as long as I do. He'll try to bring the message for you tonight, and we'll let you know about whether there'll be the service for next Sunday under the... that title. If I don't, there'll be services just the same. So you all, the Lord bless you, every one. I think there's a baptismal service coming off right now.

214So if you'll just stand up for a moment, for dismissing. Let's sing that again. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." And now if you care for Him, let's say, "Lord, I..." When you do this, you're--you're making this statement, "Lord, I know You care for me. And I'm raising my hands, I care for You." And let's hold our hands up now in this love feast of charity, as we sing.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

215 Now as we bow our heads, say... [Brother Branham hums He Careth For You--Ed.] Oh, the sweetness of my Lord! Don't you feel His love just pulling you right up close to Him? Say, "And, Lord, I love You. I love You. You care for me, Lord. You cared so much till when I was a sinner You died for me. You was wounded for my transgressions, with Your stripes I was healed."

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He still careth for you.

216Just remember that now as you bow your heads. I'm going to ask Brother Edwards over here if he'll dismiss us in a word of prayer. But, first, let's hum that again. [Brother Branham begins humming He Careth For You--Ed.] Remember, sunshine or shadow, He still cares. He cared. Do you care? Say, "Yes, Lord, I promise I care. I'm going on right now. From here on, I care. I care for my testimony." [Brother Branham continues humming He Careth For You.] "He careth for you." Brother Edwards.

1Ďakujem ti, brat. Zostaňme ešte chvíľu stáť na modlitbe. Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, či je tam nejaká vypovedaná prosba, alebo je len daná na známosť zodvihnutím vašej ruky, ak iba takto zodvihnete ruku, dobre, držte len teraz svoju prosbu.

2Náš Nebeský Otče, opäť k Tebe prichádzame s týmito prosbami, ktoré... Oni majú zdvihnuté ruky. A oni sú dnes ráno v potrebe, Pane, kvôli mnohým veciam. Ty vieš, čo myslia vo svojich srdciach, pretože Ty si Slovo, a Slovo je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. Modlím sa k Tebe, najmilostivejší Bože, aby si odpovedal na každú z nich podľa ich potrieb, vediac, že Ty to učiníš podľa ich viery. Daj nám vieru, keď hovoríme Tvoje Slovo, Pane, a nech im to potom pridá viery. Pomôž mi hovoriť Tvoje Slovo (pretože Tvoje Slovo je Pravdou), aby mohlo vzbudiť vieru na to, aby dalo odpoveď na tieto prosby. A potom, môžu tu byť takí, Pane, ktorí zišli z tej úzkej cesty, tí, ktorí nekráčajú v pravde tej cesty. Modlíme sa, Otče, aby bolo dnes niečo vykonané, a dané na známosť, aby sa opäť rýchlo navrátili na cestu obecenstva s Kristom. Dni sa krátia; zlo je všade naokolo; je tam veľké odpadnutie. A my sa modlíme, Otče, aby si sa nám dnes dal spoznať skrze uzdravovanie chorých v našom strede, skrze konanie zázrakov, nie preto, že musíš, Pane, nám dať poznať, že Ty si Boh, ale pretože Ty si to zasľúbil činiť. A my vieme, že ty nám udelíš Tvoje zasľúbenia, ak im len budeme veriť a budeme vedieť, že sú pravdivé. Prosíme si tieto zasľúbenia v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Chvíľu som čítal niektoré zo žiadostí, ktoré tu ležia; sú tu dve alebo tri, jedna z nich je žiadosť o uzdravenie. Samozrejme, ležia tu mnohé vreckovky a budeme sa radi nad nimi modliť, za chvíľu, keď budeme cítiť, že prítomnosť Ducha Svätého je na vrchole. Snažím sa nad týmto modliť vtedy, keď celé zhromaždenie a všetko je pomazané Jeho prítomnosťou.

4Je nám ľúto, že ste obťažení, mnohí musia stáť, a nie je pre nich miesta na sedenie. A toto je deň, keď je veľmi horúce počasie, máme tu asi sto percentnú vlhkosť a približne 39 stupňov Celzia, takže je veľmi vlhko a horúco.

5 A ja som venoval toto ráno modlitbám za uzdravenie, alebo nie... Dôvod, prečo robím toto „uzdravovacie“ zhromaždenie, je ten, že som položil svoju vieru v to, čo On zasľúbil. Rozumiete? Teraz, nemôžem povedať, že On to učiní, ale ja verím, že po počutí Jeho Slova (a zakladám svoju Vieru na tom, čo On zasľúbil), potom máme právo nárokovať si Jeho zasľúbenie uzdravenia, tak, ako si nárokujeme jeho zasľúbenie spasenia.

6Týchto niekoľko prosieb... Neviem, či už zapli nahrávanie alebo nie. Malo by to byť v poriadku. Takže, predpokladám, že je to pre tých vonku v poriadku, pre verejnosť, aby to počula, toto je otázka.
„Prorokoval si, že tam bude milión černochov zabitých, alebo si iba oznámil, že sa to tam stane?“

7 No, dávajte pozor, vždy som Vás žiadal, aby ste boli opatrní, čo počúvate. Vidíte? Tam je tak veľa toho, čo je len z ľudskej stránky. Ale vždy, ak je tam niečo, čo ide napred, to bude hovoriť, To je „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," ešte aj na zjavenia alebo čokoľvek. Videnia na pódiu, v publiku, vy ich sami činíte; to nie je Boh; to ste vy. Rozumiete? Boh netvorí to videnie; vy ho sami činíte Vašou vierou v ten Boží dar.

8 Ako tá žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. On nevedel, kto ona je, alebo čo jej bolo, ale ona to sama učinila. Vidíte? Takže, to nebolo „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ To bolo „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,“ keď jej Ježiš odpovedal a povedal jej, že jej viera ju uzdravila. Ale pozrite, musíte dávať pozor.

9 Nie, ja som len hovoril o Martinovi Lutherovi Kingovi ohľadom tejto veľkej katastrofy, ktorú majú na juhu s tými farebnými ľuďmi. Povedal som, "Ak tí ľudia boli otrokmi, ja by som zobral svoju cirkev a išiel na juh, aby som im pomohol z otroctva.” Iste by som to učinil, pretože do otroctva privádza ľudí človek, nie Boh. Všetci sme z jednej krvi. Všetci pochádzame z jedného stromu, a to bolo z Adama. Boh z jednej krvi stvoril všetky národy. A či je moje, naše sfarbenie hnedé, alebo čierne, alebo žlté, alebo červené, alebo akékoľvek môže byť, my sme všetci stvorenia Všemohúceho (Vidíte?), a tam by nemali byť medzi nami žiadne rozdiely.

10 Témou tam dole je segregácia školy. No, bol som tam v čase toho prvého povstania, a počul som to, a ja viem, o čom hovorím. Farební ľudia majú dobré školy, niekedy oveľa lepšie, ako sú iné školy.

A napríklad v Shreveporte majú lepšie školy, ako je škola pre bielych. Ale to je niekoho idea, ktorá ich inšpiruje, aby išli a navzájom sa miešali. Čo, myslím, že by bolo v poriadku, ale pokiaľ ľudia proti tomu protestujú, tí južania, potom aký je v tom rozdiel?

11 A ja myslím, že Martin Luther King je inšpirovaný komunizmom, ktorý vedie milióny ľudí do absolútnej smrteľnej pasce. Vidíte? Nehovorím, že mi to povedal Pán. Ja verím. Rozumiete? A ja verím, že sa to nemalo stať. Myslím si, že ľudia by mali byť Kresťanmi a vidieť jeden v druhom brata. Ale ja myslím iba, pretože...

12 Tieto Spojené Štáty, táto vláda mi teraz hovorí, že ja teraz ani nemôžem podpísať šek, ktorý mi bol osobne odovzdaný. Vidíte? To sú ústavné práva, ktoré mi boli zobrané, ale čo s tým môžem urobiť? Iba ísť napred; to je všetko. Vidíte? A to musí ísť cez iný systém predtým, ako ja, občan Spojených Štátov, si môžem dať vyplatiť šek; musí to ísť cez túto cirkev; Nemôžem si ho dať preplatiť. Vidíte? A to nie je v poriadku. To je neústavné. Ale čo s tým urobiť môžem? Nič tam nie je. Tento vyberač daní tu dolu mi povedal, že som to nemohol urobiť. Takže dobre, tam je to. Ak to je, tak čo s tým? Len to nechať tak.

13 Myslím, že to by mohla byť rovnaká vec, že moji farební bratia a sestry na juhu by nemali ozbrojene povstať proti ich bratom a podobne, kvôli takej malej veci, ako je táto. Ó, aký je v tom rozdiel, ak jednako idete do školy, kde, alebo v čom? Videl som v to ráno jednu milú farebnú dámu, keď boli...oni tam v Shreveporte mali vzburu, a bol to jeden starý farebný kazateľ, ktorý povedal milícii [milícia = „domobrana“ – pozn.prekl.]; povedal, "Dovoľte mi k nim prehovoriť." A tak on bol starý Boží muž, a on sa tam postavil a povedal, "Nikdy som sa za svoju farbu nehanbil." Povedal, "Môj Stvoriteľ ma stvoril takého, aký som, a nikdy som sa za to nehanbil, až do tohoto rána." Ale povedal, "Keď vás vidím, moji ľudia, že sa takto správate," povedal, "potom sa hanbím, že som farebný." Bola tam zavolaná milícia, oni ho vykričali.

14 Takže nejaká milá, vzdelaná, dobre vyzerajúca farebná dáma vystúpila, ó, s vysokou inteligenciou, povedala, "Po prvé, ja nechcem, aby moje deti učila biela žena." Povedali, "Prečo?"

15 Povedala, "Pretože ona by sa tak nestarala o potreby mojich detí ako farebná učiteľka." A povedala, "Pozrite sa na naše školy, ktoré tu máme. O čo kričíte?" Povedala, "Máme v našich školách plavecké bazény a všetko, a oni to v ich školách nemajú." Povedala, "Takže, ľudia, o čo kričíte?" A oni ju vykričali. Vidíte?

16 Je to inšpirované nesprávnou vecou (rozumiete?), tí ľudia. A to je dôvod, prečo hovorím, že nie je ohľadom toho žiadne—žiadne proroctvo. Ohľadom toho, nemám nič od Pána. A buďte si teraz istí, ak ja poviem čokoľvek od Pána, čo vám mám povedať, to je vždy... Teraz hovorím ja. Ale keď On hovorí, poviem, "To nie ja; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A ja to nemôžem povedať, kým mi to On nepovie. Ja sa môžem úplne mýliť o tom, ako zmýšľam o Martinovi Lutherovi Kingovi. Ja neviem; Neviem povedať. To je iba môj názor. Čokoľvek, čo vyvoláva problémy, to je to, čo je predpovedané, že sa bude v tých posledných dňoch diať. A to je všetko inšpirované satanom na rozbitie nášho spoločenstva a čokoľvek máme, čokoľvek čo takto povstáva. Takže ja som za tých ľudí tam dole; nikdy si nemyslite, že nie som. Ja som za slobodu a za všetko, ale ľudia tam dolu nemajú takú situáciu. Ale to, čo to urobí, verím, že to naštartuje ďalšiu revolúciu, ak to niekto nezastaví. Vidíte, to je komunizmus pracujúci medzi tými ľuďmi.

17Bol som v Afrike, keď oni učinili rovnakú vec. Vidíte? A ja viem, že tam prišli komunisti a povedali tým farebným ľuďom, "Ó, vy ste toto, tamto, alebo niečo iné. Vy ste toto, tamto, alebo niečo iné." A prvá vec, ktorú vidíte, je, že tisíce z nich sú zabití. A kde sa dostali? Nikde (vidíte?), nikde.

18 A ja milujem ľudský život. Slúžme Bohu. Naše Kráľovstvo je hore; nič z týchto vecí tu dole. Pokiaľ jeme, pijeme a môžeme to mať, čo iné chcete? Vidíte? Takže, ja viem, čo to bude. Zisťujem, že to spôsobuje iba problémy..

Tak, tu je iná otázka:

„Ján Krstiteľ, keď sa stretol s Ježišom, prečo povedal, 'Nechaj teraz, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť'? Čo to znamenalo?“

19 Nuž, pamätám si doktora Roya Davisa, môjho osobného priateľa, ktorý ma krstil jediný raz, kedy som bol krstený. A on povedal, že Ján myslel... Pamätám si, že v ich škole, on povedal, “Ján vedel, že on nikdy nebol pokrstený, tak on… Ježiš. Ján nechal Ježiša, aby ho pokrstil." Nuž, ja sa nezhodujem s týmto veľkým doktorom.

20 Nie aby sme mali spor, ale aby som to mohol povedať kvôli Pravde. Nie, tam boli dvaja muži. Dvaja vodcovia tej hodiny; Mesiáš a Jeho prorok sa stretávajú vo vode. No, pamätajte, Ján nekrstil na odpustenie hriechov, ale na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov, pretože tá Obeť ešte nebola prinesená (rozumiete?); nebola tam Obeť. A tá Obeť k nemu prišla vo vode. Teraz dávajte pozor. Ján, ako hľadel hore a videl Ježiša, povedal, "Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený Tebou. A prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

21 Ježiš povedal, "Nechaj, nech sa tak stane," čo tak aj bolo. "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť." Potom Ján, súc prorokom, na ktorého prišlo Slovo Božie, ktoré prichádza iba k prorokovi... Ján, súc prorokom, zrozumel, že to bola tá Obeť.. A podľa zákona, tá obeť musí byť pred predložením umytá, a to je dôvod, prečo Ho pokrstil. Vidíte? Povedal, "Tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť." Obeť, ktorou On bol, musí byť umytá v umyváku pred obetovaním. A Ježiš bol Obeť; a Ján to vedel, a vedel, že On musí byť umytý predtým, ako bude predložený. A ihneď potom, On bol vydaný verejnosťou k súdu a bol Obeťou za celé ľudstvo. Nech vás Pán žehná.

22Teraz ideme mať malé, krátke posolstvo, a veríme, že Pán nás požehná. Teraz, možno, ak sa vrátim... Odchádzam tento nasledujúci týždeň a beriem deti na malú dovolenku hore do hôr. A potom, ak sa vrátim na čas, chceme hovoriť budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak nám to Pán a pastor tu, dovolia. Dáme Vám vedieť v priebehu budúceho týždňa, vám, ktorí ste mimo mesta, listom. Chcem hovoriť na tému presne o tomto: „Prečo veríme veci, ktoré veríme o Kristovi, prečo to musí byť takto a nie inak,“ a dokážeme to Písmom. No, ak je to vôľa Pánova. Ak nie, budem sa snažiť vidieť vás túto zimu alebo nasledujúce leto, keď sa vrátime, ak Pán dá. Vraciame sa domov do Arizony, aby sme mohli dať deti do škôl.

23 No, toto ráno práve pred modlitbami za chorých, ideme čítať niečo z Božieho Slova. Pričom vieme, že bez tohoto Slova je to nemožné, nič nemôže byť vykonané. A iba Slovo môže vyprodukovať tieto požehnania, že prosíme za chorých a tých, ktorí sú v potrebe. A ja chcem teraz čítať niečo z prvej epištoly Petra, piatej kapitoly, od prvého verša. A potom z knihy Židom, chcem čítať Židom 2:2-4.

Tedy starších medzi Vami prosím spolustarší, a svedok utrpení Kristových, ktorý som aj účastníkom slávy, ktorá sa má zjaviť:

paste stádo Božie, ktoré je medzi Vami, dozerajúc nie z prinútenia, ale dobrovoľne, radi, ani nie pre mrzký zisk, ale ochotne;

ani nie ako panujúci nad dedičstvom Pánovým,
ale súc príkladom stádu.

A keď sa ukáže Arcipastier, odnesiete si neuvädnuteľnú korunu slávy.

Podobne mladší, podriaďujte sa starším, a všetci, podriaďujúc sa jedni druhým…oblečte sa do pokory: pretože Boh sa pyšným protiví, a pokorným dáva milosť.

Pokorte sa tedy pod mocnú ruku Božiu, aby Vás povýšil svojím časom.

Každú svoju starosť uhoďte na neho; lebo On sa stará o vás.

24 A v liste Židom, v druhej kapitole, čítame tieto Slová. Teraz ja beriem...dávam text, "Uhoďte vašu starosť." Ja som... môj text je: "On sa stará, staráš sa aj ty?" Chcem čítať túto časť, pokiaľ idete k Židom 2, aby ste mohli vidieť skutočný význam týchto Slov, čo tento text znamená.

Preto musíme tým viacej pozorovať na to, čo sme počuli, aby sme nejako neprešli pomimo.

Lebo ak slovo, hovorené skrze anjelov, bolo pevné, a každé prestúpenie a každý neposluch dostaly spravedlivú odplatu,

jakože my utečieme, ak zanedbáme také veľké spasenie; Ktoré, keď o ňom začal najdriev hovoriť Pán, nám ztvrdili tí, ktorí ho počuli,

Boh taktiež ... potvrdzuje, ... oboma znakmi a zázrakmi, a... rôznymi zázrakmi, darmi Ducha Svätého, podľa jeho vlastnej vôle?

[podľa angl. prekladu Biblie KJV – pozn.prekl.]

25Chcem použiť tému "On sa stará, a ty?" Keď bol tu na zemi, On sa staral o ľudí. Vynárajú sa mi v mysli myšlienky o tom, práve pred hovorením alebo modlením za chorých, pričom neviem, aký druh modlitebnej rady budeme mať. Ja...

26 Najskôr, aby sme sa k tomu mohli dostať, obecenstvo musí byť pomazané vierou. Vy... Ak nemáte vieru, potom tam je—nemá to zmysel, aby ste prišli, aby sme sa za vás modlili, pretože je potrebná vaša a moja viera spolu; moja viera, aby som Mu veril, vaša viera, aby ste Mu verili. Tak, nezabudneme na to teraz, ako ideme ďalej. Musíme mať niečo evidentné, mám na mysli niečo s dôkazom, na čom môžeme založiť našu vieru, pri tom, ako sa niečo pokúšame vykonať. Pretože, ak človek pristupuje ku niečomu, čo chce robiť, a nemá dostatočnú vieru, je isté, že zlyhá. Ale ak ku tomu môže pristúpiť s dostatočnou vierou, potom je zaviazaný k úspechu, ak je to podľa vôle Božej a Božieho zámeru, ako to má robiť.

27 No, myslel som na Neho, ako sa stará. Poslednú noc, akosi, zvláštne, som bol vedený Duchom Svätým, keď som čakal na priateľov, ktorí mali prísť pomôcť Bratovi Woodovi uložiť príves, ktorý postavil na korbu svojho auta. Nevedel som, prečo som chcel nájsť svojho dobrého priateľa brata Evansa, a išiel som, najskôr hore diaľnicou; a moja žena a rodina, ktorí tu vzadu sedia, vedia, že je to pravda. A akosi zvláštne som sa otočil a vrátil som sa na jedno miesto, k motelu.

28Ó, ako sa moje srdce rozochvelo, keď som videl toľko mojich priateľov, ako sa spolu zišli behom dvoch minút, až kým nezablokovali prístupovú cestu, autá tade viac nemohli prejsť. Iba skutoční priatelia, ktorí prešli stovky míľ z Georgie, z Tennessee, z Alabamy a zovšadiaľ, iba aby počuli kázeň... Potom mi prišla na um táto myšlienka, "Potom, čo by som mal tým ľuďom povedať, keď viem, že v deň súdu budem musieť... budem sa musieť zodpovedať za to, čo im hovorím?" A ja som tiež milovník tohto veľkého života, ktorý má prísť, a ja tam chcem byť.

29 A potom, bolo to divné, išiel som na miesto, kde som neobvykle zabočil. Namiesto toho, aby som sa tam otočil, išiel som hore, aby som zabočil. Svetlá zasvietili na dva milé páry vonku, dve milé mladé dámy, ktoré som oddal dvom dobrým mladým kazateľom. A satan, potom, ako videl toho kazateľa, jedného z nich, ako je ustanovená jeho služba a on si zobral životnú družku priamo tu, pri tomto oltári... Oni odišli šťastne na svoje medové týždne a nepriateľ skočil na tohto mladého muža. A ja to hovorím, aby som vyjadril to, čo hovorím, "Stará sa On?" Akosi, s vierou, ktorá by neprijala “nie”, sa otočili a vrátili naspäť sem, vediac, že sú úplne tam (na východe) niekde na svojich medových týždňoch, vrátili sa, sedeli a čakali. A ja som vošiel, ten milý pekný mladý muž; jeho žena sedela vonku, plakala, ona a ich malý spoločník. A ten druhý muž a iný brat prichádzali, bežali, ten, ktorý je priateľom tohto mladého muža, povedal, "Ó, brat Branham, 'to a to' sa stalo."

30 Išiel som tam a videl som toho pekného mladého muža, ako tam sedí, na vrchole svojho života, vodca mladých ľudí a satan ho zviazal. On si to nevšimol, ale ja som mu podal svoju ruku (ľavú) k jeho ruke (pravej), aby som videl, či ho nepostihla nejaká choroba. Ale tam nebol žiadny náznak vibrácie. Išiel som rovno z miestnosti, kde som sa modlil a postil a očakával na Pána, kde bolo pomazanie Ducha Svätého, a to bol ten dôvod, prečo nás To viedlo. Vidíte? A potom som nad ním videl tento tieň tmy. Nikdy som nepovedal, čo som vtedy robil. Ale za niekoľko okamihov bolo všetko preč, chlad jeho rúk bol preč, on kričal a chválil Boha, stačilo niekoľko minút, aby sa našiel. A oni dnes ráno sedia rovno tu, sedia tu v auditóriu. Vidíte, ako sa satan pokúšal rozrušiť toho mladého muža tým, že mu pripomínal akýsi komplex, ktorý vznikol v minulosti, čo Duch Svätý vedel a ja som to videl vo videní od Pána. Ale Boh sa staral o tohto muža. Boh sa staral o tohto mladého chlapca.

31Práve pred chvíľou prichádzala jedna pani, vidím ju tu sedieť v uličke, nemala... alebo práve, ako si našla sedadlo a sadla si. Ona povedala, "Deväť rokov, brat Branham, som sa k tebe snažila dostať." A ona povedala, "Ja som taká zúfalá. Prišla som neskoro a nemôžem ani získať modlitebnú kartu, aby som mohla byť v rade."

32 Billy, „pravdaže, je to jeho úlohou, starať sa, aby som nebol obťažovaný, a privádza ma a odprevádza von. Nemajte mu to za zlé; je mu to nariadené od tejto správcovskej rady, aby to robil. A ak by to nerobil, nemohol by som sa dostať k modlitebnému radu, dostať sa sem. Uvedomujete si to. Pozrite, musí v tom byť systém, čokoľvek robíme. My ho musíme mať. Rozumiete? No, on povedal, "Poďme, ocko, ponáhľaj sa,".

33 Tá pani sa otočila dozadu. A povedala, "brat Branham, iba pár slov s tebou." Ako sme tam stáli, nad touto dobre vyzerajúcou mladou pani sa zjavilo videnie a bolo vidieť, že jej srdce bolo strápené. A ona sa snažila pracovať, aby sa uživila. A stala sa veľká vec, v čase jej rodičov, ktorá spôsobila túto veľkú vec, ktorá sa jej stala, a Pán Ježiš to zjavil a ukázal, čo to bolo. A tam v momente to zobral z tej ženy preč. Ona išla a radovala sa a teraz tu sedí v obecenstve s nami, raduje sa so slzami v očiach, keď si teraz utiera oči, keď vie, že pravda veci bola zjavená. A to, že... čo tá malá úbohá neurotická žena, ktorá bola taká nervózna, že nevedela čo má so sebou robiť, myslela si, že bola stratená, ak by tam nebol Duch Svätý, a toto by bol jej posledný deň…Ona sa deväť rokov pokúšala a ona bola už takmer na konci zúfalstva, Boh sa staral o túto malú ženu, o ktorú sa nik nestaral. Vidíte? Aký čas. On sa stará.

34Keď On tu bol na zemi, ako som povedal, On sa tak veľmi staral o ľudí, až uzdravil ich nemoci, upokojil ich srdcia, povedal im o mieste, kam pôjde a ktoré pre nich pripraví, a že príde opäť, aby ich prijal ku Sebe. On sa o nich staral. A všimnite si, On sa staral tak veľa, až vedel, že musí odísť, aby priviedol túto veľkú vec na nás, On povedal, "Nenechám vás bez útechy, ale pošlem Ducha Svätého, a On bude pokračovať v Mojej starostlivosti o vás,“ až kým sa nevráti. Nie je takého, ktorý by sa staral tak, ako Ježiš. Vedel, že Jeho telo, ako Veľkňaz, v tej prostredníckej práci, ktorú teraz činí, to Telo musí byť neustále v prítomnosti Božej, aby sa prihováral, aby Boh nemohol vidieť hriešnikove hriechy; On vidí iba Krv svojho vlastného Syna. A tým, že to vedel, On poslal späť Ducha Svätého, aby pokračoval v utešovaní Svojich ľudí. Stará sa? Určite, On sa stará. No, On pokračoval v starostlivosti o ľudí, Jeho ľudí tu na zemi, rovnako ako sa o nich staral, keď tu bol. Pretože On povedal v Jánovi v 15. kapitole, ak si chcete... Mám tu poznámky s týmito miestami Písma, na ktoré sa odvolávam, Sv. Ján 15:26 a 27.

35 Mnohých vás vidím, že si zapisujete miesta Písma. Takže ja sa môžem mnoho ráz na to odvolávať, ak ich nepoznáte, tie miesta Písma. Zapisujem si miesta Písma, potom viem, o čom tu hovorím, pretože to je vždy Slovo Božie. Rozumiete?

36On povedal, keď prišiel Duch Svätý, že koho by Otec poslal v Jeho Mene, ten bude svedčiť o Ňom. Inými slovami, On bude činiť rovnakú vec, ako činil On. Duch Svätý, ktorý koná cez ten príbytok, ktorý posvätil, bude činiť rovnakú vec, ako On činil. Teraz, čo by to malo pre nás učiniť. Potom vieme, že dnes priamo medzi nami máme rovnakého utešujúceho Pána Ježiša vo forme Ducha Svätého, iný úrad, v ktorom Sám Boh koná.

37On bol Utešiteľom Izraela, keď sa mohli pozrieť hore a vidieť ten Stĺp Ohňa, a počuť proroka hovoriť Slová, ktoré boli pravdou, a Boh to potvrdil. To bol ich Utešiteľ.

38On bol Utešiteľom, keď tu bol na zemi ako človek, Bohom stvorené telo, Boh reprezentujúci Seba a vyjadrujúci Seba cez Človeka, Krista Ježiša, ktorý sľúbil, že, "Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť. Ja idem k Otcovi a on pošle späť Ducha Svätého, ktorý bude Mnou v duchovnej forme. A ja budem s vami a budem vo vás. A rovnaké veci, aké som ja činil, bude Duch Svätý opäť činiť v Mojom Mene, keď príde." Vidíte? To je to, prečo On povedal, "Hovoriť proti Tomu," teraz po tom, čo vykúpenie už bolo vykonané, bol neodpustiteľný hriech, "rúhať sa Duchu Svätému."

39 A On to bude činiť rovnako, takže my budeme vedieť, či to bolo utešenie z nejakého zemského miesta, alebo budeme vedieť, či to bolo utešenie od akejsi staršej osoby, ktorá nás mohla objať a spôsobiť, aby nám bolo dobre, alebo nejakú teologickú poučku nejakej denominácie, ktorá by mohla povedať, "Teraz k nám patríš, a my to máme; a nepatríš k ostatným, pretože oni to nemajú."

40On to urobil celkom jasným a istým (vidíte?) "On bude hovoriť v Mojom Mene. Skutky, ktoré činím, aj vy budete činiť, keď On je na vás." Vidíte, On bude utešovať rovnako, odpúšťaním všetkých našich hriechov, uzdravovaním našich chorôb, a hovorením k nám o úteche Kráľovstva, ktoré príde (Rozumiete?), potvrdzovaním Samého Seba medzi nami, ako Boh potvrdil Seba medzi nami v Ježišovi Kristovi. A v druhej Timotejovi, v prvej Timotejovi 3:16, je napísané takto, čo máme vedieť o Bohu, "Nepochybne si uvedomujeme, že veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti, pretože Boh sa zamanifestoval (prejavil) v tele." Videli sme Boha v tele. To bola Božia útecha, vedieť, že On prišiel až tak veľmi, (On sa o nás staral), až sa stal jedným z nás: Boh manifestovaný (prejavený) v tele, nie iba iná osoba, ale Boh sám.

41 A teraz, aby to urobil o ďalší stupienok bližšie, On posiela Ducha Svätého, aby sa staral o našu útechu, a On prebýva v nás. Ó, On sa stará.

42Teraz tu musíme ísť do iného miesta Písma, alebo k inej myšlienke, aby sme to podopreli. Predtým, ako odídem, môžem povedať toto: Každý nemá tohoto Utešiteľa. Oni Ho nemajú. Tak, ten dôvod, prečo Ho nemajú, je, pretože oni Ho neakceptujú. Je pre nich, ale oni Ho neakceptujú. No, dúfam, že ste dostatočne duchovní, aby ste porozumeli, čo hovorím. Rozumiete? Hovorím ku skupine ľudí, za ktorú sa budeme modliť za niekoľko minút. A my máme túto útechu v Duchu Svätom, ktorý je poslaný ako Utešiteľ, ale všetci ľudia To nemôžu prijať. Oni v To neveria. Vidíte? Oni... Aby to tak činili, potom oni získavajú svoje utešenie z nejakého iného zdroja, iným spôsobom. Ak neakceptujú Bohom určeného Utešiteľa, potom oni musia dostať nejakého iného utešiteľa (vidíte?), pretože nemôžete žiť bez niečoho, pre čo by ste žili.

43 A ja dúfam, že každý z Vás to dostane, zvlášť vy, ľudia, za ktorých sa budeme modliť, ktorí sú dnes ráno takí obťažení, možno so starosťami, ktorých sa doktori nemôžu dotknúť.

44A my veríme, že doktori pomáhajú ľuďom. Verím, že Boh uzdravuje liekmi. Boh uzdravuje chirurgickým zákrokom. Boh uzdravuje porozumením. Boh uzdravuje láskou. Trocha lásky dokáže ísť dlhú cestu. Nech je niekto rozrušený a iba mu ukážte, že sa o neho staráte. Vidíte? Boh uzdravuje láskou. Boh uzdravuje modlitbou. Boh uzdravuje zázrakmi. Boh uzdravuje Jeho Slovom. Boh uzdravuje. Čokoľvek to je, Boh tým uzdravuje. Je to Boh, ktorý uzdravuje, pretože On povedal, "Ja som Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci." Takže všetko toto by malo spolupracovať, a muži v tých rôznych službách by mali spolupracovať pre túto vec. Rozumiete? No, oni to ale nerobia, pretože niekedy to majú zakázané, pretože niekedy majú zakázané zaujať určité stanoviská voči Božiemu Slovu, pretože určité denominácie im to nedovoľujú. Ale to jednako nezastaví pravdu; Boh jednako uzdravuje.

45Takže oni sa snažia získať uspokojenie z nejakého iného zdroja. Hovorme najprv o duši.

46Zisťujeme, že mnohí ľudia sa snažia nájsť uspokojenie prostredníctvom pitia. Viete, hovorí sa taká vec, ktorá je medzi nami celkom dobre známa, že mnoho kazateľov pije určitý čas pred tým, ako idú za kazateľňu, dávajú si poriadne silný alkoholický nápoj. Bolo vidieť kazateľov na pódiu, ktorí sa ešte aj tackajú pod vplyvom alkoholu. A to by nemalo byť. To by nemalo byť. Je to kvôli tomu, pretože my mnohokrát môžeme odsúdiť toho človeka, pričom by sme to nemali urobiť; mali by sme nájsť ten problém. Mnohí z nich boli obrátení od alkoholu. A my zisťujeme, že ak sú v takom stave, to je hanba a potupa, ale nie je to viac potupa, ako by bolo klamať, alebo žiadostiť za ženami, alebo akákoľvek iná vec, ktorá je v Písme. Vidíte? A možno je ten muž narodený ako veľmi žiadostivý, a on vidí tieto moderné striptízové ženy na ulici, a on je neustále v problémoch. Vidíte? On... Muž je tak zrodený. No, to, čo by mal urobiť kazateľ, ktorý pije, alebo žena, ktorá fajčí alebo...

47Nemorálne sa oblieka a snaží sa v tom uspokojiť, je tak dobre sformovaná, že ona chce zapríčiniť, aby sa na ňu nejaký muž pozeral... Nie je tam iná príčina. Ona je čiastočne šialená. Vidíte? Žiadna rozumná žena sa nebude chcieť vyzliekať pred mužmi, tá, ktorá má správnu myseľ. Vidíte? Nie je na to žiaden dôvod. A ona, ale ona skúša, dnes tieto mladé dievčatá, ktoré idú na ulicu, ktoré sú skutočne... Nuž prepáčte ten výrok. A pamätajte, táto páska nie je určená iba pre týchto ľudí tu, ona ide do celého sveta. Rozumiete?

48 A žena, ktorá sa vyzlieka, pretože vie, že je horúco. Ísť von na slnko nahá, a ísť von s nejakým oblečením, čo je chladnejšie? Indiáni tam dolu, Papagovia a Navajovia; Papagovia, zvlášť, a z rezervácie, tie ženy vychádzajú von s veľkými pletenými prikrývkami okolo seba, a sú vonku na slnku, aby ich to ochladilo. Prečo? Sú priedušné, a vietor, ktorý veje, vytvára klimatizáciu. Vidíte? A tieto ženy nemajú iný dôvod, iba... Oni to nevedia; oni si to neuvedomujú. Nehovorím, že si to uvedomujú. Mnohé z nich sú milé ženy, a nehovorím to, aby som bol hrubý. Hovorím to, aby som sa pokúsil ich zobudiť. Rozumiete?

49 To je iba satan. Vidíte? Zistíte, že opačné pohlavie, mužské pohlavie, keď sa na také pozerá, majú na nich taký vplyv, až oni zapištia pneumatikami a zapískajú — zapísknutie vlka. Prečo to robia? Ženy to robia, aby podnietili mužov urobiť to. Prečo idete von, priamo do horúčavy dňa, o štvrtej popoludní, aby ste kosili trávu, keď sa ľudia vracajú z práce a podobne? To ukazuje, že to je duch šialenstva. Viem, že mnohí z nich môžu mať IQ o milión míľ vyššie ako moje, ale ja testujem vaše IQ Slovom Božím a pozrime sa, kde sa to prejaví. Vidíte? To je moderné IQ, ale samotné dôkazy a ovocie života to dokazuje. Takže, oni sa v tom snažia nájsť uspokojenie.

50 Mnohí z nich povedia, "Nuž, ja to nerobím." Ale pokiaľ sa tak obliekate, pokiaľ sa oni snažia byť modernejšie ako žena, ktorá bude sedieť ráno vedľa nich v cirkvi, dať si lepší klobúk alebo trochu lepšie šaty, pretože si to môžete dovoliť. Vidíte? Vidíte, hriech sa dostal až priamo dolu. A oni sa takýmto konaním snažia uspokojiť. A oni majú...

51 Stalo sa to takouto vecou, až kým to absolútne zasiahlo celý národ, nie iba národ, ale celý svet. Mnohé veci som tu mohol povedať, ale aby som ušetril čas na uzdravovacie zhromaždenie, ktoré nasleduje, ja by som mohol o tomto mnoho hovoriť, ale nechcem. Som si istý, že budete rozumieť, čo tým myslím. Toto... To zasiahlo politický život, politický život, sociálny život, morálny život národa, ľudí na celom svete. Dostalo sa to na miesto, až človek chce byť politikom, iba aby mal meno politika. Mať veľa peňazí, môcť získavať hlasy, a najímať si na to štáby, a tak ďalej, iba pre meno, hodné miliónov a miliónov dolárov (vidíte?), iba pre meno byť nejakým veľkým politikom. Povedal som ku tomu dosť; viete o čom hovorím.

52 A sociálny život, ľudia sa snažia v tomto šialenom sociálnom živote zhromažďovať. Nehovorte mi, že svet nie je šialený, keď veci robí tak, ako ich robí. Určite je. Určite. To je neurotický svet. A milosť Božia je jedinou cestou, ako tomu unikneme. Dávajte pozor, v tomto sociálnom živote sa ľudia dostali na miesto, kde vytvárajú malé klany, a oni sa k nim pripájajú a myslia si, "My sme lepší ako tá ďalšia skupina." Vidíte? A to je iba učinené takým spôsobom a to je... Morálka, to zasiahlo morálku ľudí až pokiaľ... úprimne, priatelia, ja ani neverím, že slovo "morálka" je pochopené medzi 90 percentami ľudí v tomto národe. Oni ani nevedia, čo slovo "morálka" znamená. To im uniklo. A to je urobené tak úskočne.

53 Satan je veľmi chytrý (vidíte?), a on to činí takým ľahkým, tak chytro, nechá to trošičku tu a trošičku tam. On má veľa času, takže on ide trošku tu a trošku tu, a prvú vec, ktorú viete, že ľudia sa postupne do toho dostávajú. Čo by sa stalo žene v časoch, keď som bol 16-ročný chlapec, ak by sa prechádzala po ulici tak, ako to robia dnes v tejto striptízovej forme? No, oni by ju dali do väzenia. Takže, ak to bolo zlé vtedy, je to zlé aj teraz. Vidíte? Ale, pozorujte, Satan iba začína skracovať sukne, a posúva ich dolu, a stane sa to, že niekto navrhne jednu trochu za mikini alebo bikini, alebo akokoľvek to voláte, do tvaru figového listu. Pamätajte. Tak je to, to pôjde priamo naspäť. A je to teraz prakticky tam.

54 A teraz, zisťujeme, že všetky tieto veci, pretože ľudia sa snažia nájsť uspokojenie. Oni sa snažia nájsť niečo, čo oni... Pamätajte si, vaša útecha je vaše náboženstvo a vy činíte tie veci vaším náboženstvom. Vidíte? Čo za škodu, keď si uvedomíte, že smrť leží priamo pred vami. Rozumiete? Pokiaľ, všetko toto sa stalo, pokiaľ sa zdá, že tam nezostal pevný základ v národe, na čom by staval.

55Len mi dovoľte opýtať sa vás niečo. Nemôžete ničomu pevne veriť okrem Biblie. My máme stále Krista; vďaka Bohu. Vidíte? Vy nemôžete veriť všetkému. Vy ste nastúpili... Napríklad, ak zapnete svoj televízor (vy, ktorí ho máte), a vidíte tie reklamy, nuž, ak by sa nejaký človek pokúsil žiť podľa jednej stotiny z týchto reklám, do týždňa by zomrel. Vidíte, nemôžete to robiť. A takisto, ak nejaká spoločnosť predloží niečo, ako nejaký výrobok a povie, "Toto tu je tá vec, a neberte tú vec tam," a tá istá spoločnosť predáva rovnaký výrobok. Potom je zverejnená iná reklama, „Vezmite tento tu a nie tamten,“ a od rovnakej spoločnosti. Američania prepadávajú takýmto veciam, až kým nie je celá tá vec zhnitá, až kým nie je žiadna nádej. Nikto nevie, čomu má veriť. Ale o chvíľu vám poviem čomu veriť, ak chcete útechu, ak Pán dá.

56Ľudia, oni klamú, podvádzajú, kradnú, až je takmer nevyhnutné sa poistiť, keď si máte od niekoho požičať dva doláre. To je... Viete, Biblia hovorí, že v posledných dňoch nebude medzi ľuďmi lásky okrem vyvolených. To je pravda. Písmo hovorí o tom, že muž bude proti žene a žena proti mužovi, deti proti rodičom. Iba medzi vyvolenými Božími zostane láska.

57 Cirkvi sa dostali do rovnakej veci cez sociálny život. Oni to priniesli do cirkvi, ich sociálny život a ich politiku, a ich ostatné veci, až kým nemali cirkev tak zmätenú, že ona nevie, čo robiť. Oni uviedli do cirkvi politiku. Oni priviedli aj sociálny život, ich sociálny život do cirkvi, ich sociálne aktivity, “bingo” alebo “bunco”, alebo akokoľvek to oni nazývajú, a tieto večere a tance, a tak ďalej, v dome Pánovom. No, je to – je to škoda. Oni hovoria, "Nuž, teraz, to nie je, to je pridané.“

58Pamätajte, to bolo tiež pridané, keď Ježiš vyhnal obchodníkov so svojím tovarom, a povedal, "Je napísané, 'Dom Môjho Otca je domom modlitby' a vy ste ho učinili pelešou lotrov!" Rozumiete? Je to nesprávne, nestarám sa, kde to je. Pokiaľ cirkev… Cirkev nie je iba budova; to sú ľudia v tej budove. A ak sa tí ľudia na tom zúčastňujú, no, je to nesprávne. A oni uviedli tento zvyk.

59Teraz, zisťujeme, že aj cirkvi stále prisľubujú niečo, ako televízia a tak ďalej, že oni sa nikdy nedostanú k veci, ktorú prisľúbili. Ako som často povedal, ten starý výrok, "Človek vždy chváli Boha za to, čo urobil, chváli Boha za to, čo urobí (teší sa na to, čo učiní), a potom ignoruje to, čo robí." Vidíte, oni zlyhali. A to je to, ako sa stávajú po nejakom čase históriou, je to skazené (vidíte?), pretože oni to teraz nerozpoznávajú. Môžete hovoriť o úteche, ktorú dal Kristus v minulosti, a hovoriť o úteche, ktorú raz v budúcnosti dá, ale odmietať útechu, ktorú má teraz pre vás. Vidíte? Zisťujeme, že to je na rovnakom základe. Nuž, to sa stalo veľkou vecou. No, zisťujeme, že oni prichádzajú...

60To sa ešte dostalo do Letníc, do cirkví. To sa dostalo do letničných sfér, že oni vždy sľubujú niečo, do čoho sa nedostali. Vždy je to tak, že každý člen má iný druh senzácie, a prijímajú to, či je to zhodné s Písmom alebo nie, a oni sľubujú niečo, do čoho sa nikdy nedostali, až kým sa to dostalo do miesta, kde sa nezdá, že je tam vôbec nejaká úprimnosť. Ľudia nejdú do hĺbky k tomu skutočnému jadru úprimnosti. To je stratené... Práve to anglické slovo „úprimnosť“ stratilo pre ľudí svoju hodnotu. Alebo, spôsobom akým ľudia žijú, to u nich stratilo svoju úprimnosť. Teraz, nezdá sa, že by to rozumeli.

61Narovnajme naše vyznania... No, vy ľudia, ktorí prichádzate, alebo ste tu, alebo pri páske, chcem, aby ste chvíľu počúvali pozorne tento výrok. To... Vy...

62Pokiaľ nie si hlboko presvedčený... A ty si nemôžeš byť istý, pokiaľ si to pozitívne neporozumel. Ak predpokladáš alebo hádaš alebo dúfaš, potom tam nemôže byť tá hĺbka úprimnosti, ktorú Boh požaduje. To... Viera nie je "tak dúfam" alebo "to môže byť v poriadku." To musí byť absolútne "Amen." To je vaše všetko. To je vaše všetko. To je vec, s ktorou ste zviazaní. Rozumiete? Musíte sa dostať k svojej podstate, že "To je Pravda a tam je... To je nič iné ako pravda, a to tak musí byť." A potom, keď si to vo svojej mysli uvedomíte, potom k tomu musíte pristupovať s celým svojím životom, dušou, telom, všetkým, čo je vo vás, iba úplne tomu všetko vydať. Ako nás Ježiš tak milostivo učil o tom mužovi, ktorý kupoval perly, a on našiel jednu s veľkou cenou a predal všetky ostatné, aby sa k nej mohol dostať. Všetky pravdy a všetko, čo mal, aj keď oni boli dobré perly, táto pre neho znamenala všetko. A keď nájdete Božiu podstatu, Jeho Slovo, zasľúbenie nad určitou vecou, vy najskôr musíte vedieť, že to je Božie Slovo, že tá vec, ktorú vidíte sa diať, je Boh. Tam nie je "možno tak, mohlo by byť, vyzerá to, že to by mohlo byť", To je Boh! Potom, keď sa dostanete k tomu miestu, potom to je Perla veľkej ceny, musíte sa dostať preč od všetkého, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí v rozpore s Tým. Nesmiete sa pozerať na to, čo dosiahol človek. Musíte pozerať na to, čo povedal Boh, a čo On zasľúbil, a keď Ho vidíte činiť to, potom to je vaše absolútne právo. A potom čokoľvek si, čokoľvek, čo si bol, čokoľvek, čo si dúfal, že budeš, musí byť na Toto umiestnené práve tak, ako by to bolo v tej chvíli otázkou života a smrti.

63Myslím, že jednou z vecí, ktoré zadržiavajú našich ľudí od uzdravenia, je nedostatok vyznania, nedostatok úprimného vyznania. Teraz napríklad, toto môže znieť trochu zle, ale ja to tak nemyslím. Ale pozerám sa na svoju ženu, ktorá tu sedí. Ak by som odtiaľto dnes vyšiel a objal nejakú inú ženu, a miloval ju, a potom, čo som to urobil, by som vedel, že som urobil zle, tak zle. No samozrejme, môj Utešiteľ by ma od toho zadržal, aby som také niečo urobil. Rozumiete? Ale ja myslím, že ak by som tak urobil, a keby sa stalo, že by som niečo také urobil, potom viem, že prvá vec je povedať to svojej žene, predtým, ako môžem povedať Bohu, "Odpusť mi," pretože ja som zhrešil voči nej. Ak idete k oltáru a pamätajte, vy by ste to mali ísť urovnať predtým, ako obetujete svoju obeť. Takže ja by som musel prísť k nej. Verím, že vyznanie tiež urovnáva. To nie je pravé vyznanie, pokiaľ to nie je urovnané.

64Čo ak by som teraz povedal, “Idem to, čo som urobil zle, vyznať,“ a poviem, [brat Branham napodobňuje neúctivý, ľahostajný spôsob reči – pozn. prekl.] “Dobrý Pane, môj starý priateľu, ty vieš, že ťa dobre poznám. Chvála Bohu, haleluja! Ja si myslím, že si môj starý dobrý Priateľ. Odpusť mi. Ty vieš, môj starý Priateľ, ja som to tak nemyslel." ? Vidíte?

65No, poviete, "To je rúhavé." To je. Urobiť také vyznanie, to je rúhavé.

66Ale čo ak poviem, "Pane, ja som to nechcel tak urobiť, pomôž mi a ja to viac neurobím"? On odmietne moju obeť, pokiaľ to najskôr neurovnám so svojou ženou.

67Potom, ak k nej prídem s rovnakou neúctou a poviem, [brat Branham opäť napodobňuje neúctivý, ľahostajný spôsob reči – pozn. prekl.] "Povedz, dievča, moja stará priateľka, matka mojich detí a dávna láska, ty vieš, že my sme už dlhý čas starí kamaráti. Povedz, čo ak by som objal inú ženu? A čo o tom povieš, stará moja, odpustíš mi?"

68Viem si predstaviť, ako by sa pozrela. Ona by si pomyslela, "Čo sa to stalo s mojím manželom?" Vidíte? No, v prvom rade, ona by nevedela, či žartujem alebo nie.

69A vy nejdete takýmto spôsobom urobiť vyznanie vášmu spoločníkovi alebo Bohu. Idete v hĺbke presvedčenia, s Božou ľútosťou nad svojím hriechom. Najskôr musíte ľutovať. Musím jej povedať, "Drahá, poď sem, to môže ovplyvniť zvyšok nášho manželstva.“ Žena, s ktorou žijem, je moja drahá, a „ako som ťa miloval všetky tie roky, ale teraz ma môžeš opustiť, odteraz; nemusíš so mnou zostať; nemusíš ma akceptovať. A ja to viem.“ Ale, aby som to napravil, musím to napraviť, musím jej to povedať z hĺbky svojho srdca.

70Potom to musím povedať Bohu rovnakým spôsobom. A povedať obom – jej a Bohu, s istotou, že to už viac neurobím, skrze milosť Božiu. Vidíte? Nie len... No, možno by som to bol schopný presadiť u nej, a ona, (rozumiete, či nie?)... Možno moja reč k nej by ju presvedčila, ale moja reč by nepresvedčila Boha. On pozerá do môjho srdca a On vie. A nakoniec, iba niekoľko rokov s ňou, ak Boh dovolí a my budeme z tohto sveta vzatí. Ale s Bohom, to je večnosť, takže musím byť s Bohom hlboko úprimný. A potom, ak som úprimný, On ma bude počuť. Ale ak nie som úprimný, nie je mi potrebné mrhať Božím časom, aby ma počúval.

71A tak to ide dnes medzi ľuďmi. Nezdá sa, že by tam bola hĺbka úprimnosti, ktorú by mali mať.

72A ja verím, že muž alebo žena, za ktorých sa máme modliť, by mali najskôr vyznať všetko, čo vykonali, a všetko urovnať. Pretože, vy vidíte, vy pozorujete mnohokrát na pódiu, vy pozorujete, sledujete, ako ďaleko ide „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN“. Rozumiete? Ľudia, videnie sa zmaterializuje, samozrejme ich vierou; Boh to zasľúbil darom. Ale uzdravenie je niečo iné (rozumiete?); Boh to potom rozpoznáva. Rozumiete?

73No, zisťujeme, že keď ľudia robia vyznanie, musia prísť s hĺbkou úprimnosti. Mám tu; nemám čas, aby som to čítal, ale je to v Binghamton, New York, myslím si. Alebo sa mýlim? To bolo, áno, v Binghamton, myslím, že to je tak. Miesto, na ktorom je Endicottská obuvná spoločnosť, Binghamton, myslím, že sa to nazýva Binghamton, Binghamton, správne, New York. Boli sme na mieste “Endicott-Johnson, obuvnícka spoločnosť”, veľké auditórium, a mali sme tam zhromaždenie. A jedného rána, Billy Paul bol vedľa mňa vo dverách, bola poriadna zima, fúkal vietor. A ja som zistil, že medzi ľuďmi sa zdal byť nedostatok úprimnosti. A ja som sa čudoval prečo. Tu bol jeden muž, ktorý bol uzdravený, v tom bol zámer, alebo jeden konkrétny muž, o ktorom hovorím. Ten muž mal veľké postihnutie, a on bol toho večera uzdravený, ako tam stál. A predtým, ako sme odišli, päť dní, to postihnutie mal znovu naspäť. Vidíte? Pretože v prítomnosti Svätého Ducha to z neho bolo sňaté. Práve tak, ako to urobil s touto mladou ženou pred chvíľou, alebo s tým mladým mužom minulého večera. Vidíte? Tam ale musí byť hlboká úprimnosť, vedomie, že Boh, ktorý ťa toho môže teraz zbaviť, s rovnakým pomazaním na tebe to môže aj udržať preč od teba. Rozumiete? A potom Svätý Duch ku mne hovoril jedno ráno približne na svitaní a povedal, "Staň si na pódium alebo niekde, doveď týchto ľudí sem hore a spôsob to, aby vyznali pred tebou všetko, čo urobili, predtým, ako sa budeš za nich modliť.” Rozumiete? Hĺbka úprimnosti...

74Pokiaľ sa svet nebude kajať, tak to zahynie. Rozumiete? A vyznanie je – to, čo svet dnes potrebuje, je úprimné vyznanie.

75Je to ako liek na chorobu. My všetci môžeme čítať na fľaške, aký druh medicíny je v nej a akú chorobu lieči. Ale, vy poznáte, čítate tie pokyny, idem to podobne aplikovať na Bibliu; naše školy a semináre môžu čítať celé Slovo. Ale viete, iba čítanie pokynov a ako to užiť, to nevylieči chorobu. Vidíte? To má liek, takže to musí byť užité. Tak nejaký človek môže povedať, "Ja som teológ. Nehovorte mi, ja o tom-a-tom viem, ja poznám Písma. Teraz, viem, že Biblia hovorí tak-a-tak, že..."

76"Ten, kto počul Moje Slovo," Epištola Sv.Jána 5:24, napríklad. "Ten, kto počul Moje Slovo a uveril v toho, kto Ma poslal, má Večný Život." Alebo, preklad Kráľa Jakuba [anglický preklad Biblie King James (KJV) – pozn. prekl.] to uvádza ako "nekonečný," čo je správne "večný". "Má Večný Život, pretože uveril." Mnohí ľudia povedia, že veria. No, to je pravda. Slovo je správne. Ja čítam predpis; Čítam, aký je predpis, a ja som... je tam protilátka na môj hriech, ale môžem ju užiť? Môžem veriť? Môžem povedať, že verím, ale či ozaj verím? To je ďalšia vec. Iba čítanie a vedomosť pokynov nelieči chorobu. Problém je, že (v našom prípade) nemôžeme zobrať, čo ten Liek hovorí, že dáva. Dostali sme Nápravu, ale my ju nechceme prijať. Hovoríme, že áno, pretože si To môžeme prečítať; ale skutočne To užiť, to nečiníme. Vidíte, Evanjelium je v tomto prípade rovnaký druh medicíny. Ak pacient... A liek bol určený k liečbe pacienta, a ten pacient číta všetko o objavení tohoto lieku, a oni poznajú každú odrobinku medicíny, ktorá je v ňom, oni vedia všetko, meno toho vedca, ktorý objavil tento určitý druh lieku, ako ´Salkova vakcína´ a tak ďalej... Ak o tom všetko vieme, ale odmietneme ho užiť, nepomôže nám. Rozumiete, to nám nepomôže.

77Ale... a potom povieme, "Ale my sme ju užili." A ak poviete, že ste ju užili, a ten pacient neukazuje výsledky, on ho neužil. To je všetko. Čo ak by tie hodiny na stene neboli také neúnavné. Vidíte? Rád by som tu zostal a podal to pre našich ľudí skutočne silne, odkedy Evanjelium potvrdilo tieto veci, a oni tvrdia, že ju užili, a oni ukazujú, že ju neužívajú. Ako môže nejaká osoba čítať Slovo o nejakej malej veci, o ktorej hovorím, o ženách s ostrihanými vlasmi, ktoré nosia šortky, a tak podobne, ako môžu sami seba nazývať Kresťanmi, keď Samotná Medicína hovorí, že to je inak. Vidíte? Ako? Hovoríte, "Ale ja som tancoval v Duchu. Hovoril som v jazykoch." To nič neznamená. Tvoj vlastný život potvrdzuje, že si to neobdržal. Vidíte? Hovoril si, že si to obdržal, ale ty si to neobdržal. Pretože ty stále prejavuješ všetky symptómy, že tá Medicína to ešte musí vyliečiť. A Medicína v línii so Slovom je garantovaná kúra. Musí byť. Teraz, vidíte, musíte ukázať výsledky.

78Zoberiete nejakú osobu, ktorá hovorí, "Ja som, ja som veriaci. Ja verím." Nech ho zasiahne Svetlo Slova, brat, on to rovno zoberie a ukáže výsledky. Určite. Nebudete viac vidieť toho muža v žiadnej plavárni; nebudete ho vidieť vonku s cigaretou v ruke; neuvidíte ho piť. Ó, nie. Neuvidíte ho flirtovať s inými ženami. Nie, nie, nie. Nestarám sa o to, koľko ženského tela pred neho hodia, on zdvihne hlavu ku oblohe a bude hľadieť na Krista. Čo to je? To ukazuje, že ten liek vykonal efekt. A ak nemá efekt, hovoríte, "Nuž ja viem, že som ju prijal," nuž, a v čom si potom dnes? Zomieraš. Ukazuješ... Pozerám sa na teba a diagnostikujem tvoj prípad Bibliou, že si stále v hriechu. A mzdou za hriech je smrť. Nemysli si, že to musí byť jasnejšie. Pozri, tvoje vlastné skutky to dokážu; tvoje vlastné skutky dokazujú, že si ju neužil. Ty si myslíš, že áno. Amen. Ty si mohol byť pri tom celkom úprimný, ale ty si to neurobil. Pretože ak áno, Boh zasľúbil, že to bude mať pri tebe efekt. A ten starý hriech je stále tam, tá stará Adamova povaha tam stále zostáva, stará nevera. Nuž, ty sa pokúsiš ukázať pred niekým druhým a povedať, "Nuž, ja som veriaci. Ó, sláva Bohu. Áno, som veriaci." Ale vidíš, to ti ani trochu nepomohlo.

79Možno ten pacient sám nebol k tomu Lieku predurčený. Ak nebol, nikdy to nebude mať efekt. Tak je. Vidíte?

80Ale pozrite sa na tú malú nemorálnu ženu, keď ju to Svetlo zasiahlo, tam bolo niečo, čo sa postaralo o jej stav. Vidíte? Ak veríme a úprimne vyznáme, tak tento Bohom určený liek bude účinkovať. Boh predurčil cestu pre tieto veci.

81No, vidíme, že niekto pôjde a povie, "Nuž, ja som sa pripojil k cirkvi. Tým je to pre mňa vybavené."

To nie je Bohom predurčená cesta.

82Bohom predurčená cesta je oľutovanie, vyznanie, a ukazovanie výsledkov, prinášanie ovocia pokánia, ukazujúc úprimnosť. Ak to vy, ľudia, za ktorých sa chystáme modliť, urobíte dnes ráno... A vy ľudia, ktorí počúvate túto pásku po celom svete a po prehraní tejto pásky, kazateľ alebo osoba, ktorá ju prehráva v tých cirkevných skupinách niekde tam vonku v džungliach alebo kdekoľvek ste, urobte svoje vyznanie jasným a potom príďte iba s vierou vo svojom srdci, keď sa budeme za teba modliť, potom je tam Medicína, ktorá zaberie.

83 Ježiš povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý z vás." Mám na mysli Petra, on to povedal na deň Letníc, "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť v Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého." Ak úplne činíte pokánie a veríte v Pána, a ste pokrstení v Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, vy činíte Boha luhárom, ak nedostanete Ducha Svätého. Ak... Ježiš povedal toto posledné poverenie Jeho cirkvi, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení." A keď vidíte tie znamenia, ako nasledujú veriaceho, a idete a ten veriaci vzkladá na vás ruky, a nič sa nedeje, potom nie je niečo v poriadku s vašou vierou. Vidíte? Veriaci... Boh zasľúbil pripravenú cestu.

84Snažíme sa sami uspokojiť, "Ja nemusím počúvať." Nie, to je Pravda, ty nemusíš počúvať.

85Ale ak si predurčený k Večnému Životu, budeš počúvať a budeš sa z Toho radovať. To je tvoja útecha. Je to vec, ktorú si hľadal celý život. To je tá Perla, že ty si pripravený opustiť všetko. Vidíte? Ty to chceš, pretože vieš, že to je Božia milujúca starosť o teba. To je niečo, čo urovnáva otázku hriechu, čo urovnáva neveru, čo ti urovnáva čokoľvek, ak to chceš. To je ten, ktorý je skutočne chorý a vie, že je chorý, ktorý si zháňa lekára. Vidíte? Nie ten, ktorý nie je chorý, nepotrebuje ho, povedal Ježiš. Ale sú to tí, ktorí sú chorí. Ak môžete rozpoznať svoj stav, potom máte činiť tak, ako On povedal. Potom to musí zaujať miesto, alebo potom niečo, čo Boh povedal, bolo nesprávne. Rozumiete?

86Niekedy tak veľa ľudí na tých uzdravovacích zhromaždeniach nezačínajú od úplného základu. Vy si musíte vyčistiť život; vy musíte byť v stave; vy musíte skutočne povedať, "Áno, verím to", a to musí byť z tvojho srdca. Potom ťa nikto nemusí vodiť za ruku, "No, ó, milý brat. Milá sestra, ty by si mal robiť toto, ty by si mala robiť tamto." Ty si veriaci, nič to nemôže od teba zobrať. Nestarám sa, čo by ktokoľvek iný povedal, čo by nejaká iná útecha povedala, čo by nejaký iný utešiteľ povedal, čo by nejaký iný doktor povedal, čo by nejaká iná nemocnica povedala, čo by nejaká iná diagnóza povedala, ty tomu stále neveríš. Ty to jednoducho vieš. Netreba o tom nič viac povedať, ty to vieš! Tak, to je skutočná vec.

87Máme vo všetkom tak veľa napodobňovania. To tak musí byť. Necíťte sa kvôli tomu zle. To tam musí byť. To tak vždy bolo a bude. Ale ja vám dnes ráno hovorím to, čo je Pravda a fakty. Sme v čase konca. Musíme túto vec položiť na pravdu (Rozumiete?) a dať poznať, čo je pravda.

88Teraz zisťujeme, že ľudia nechcú v tejto veci zobrať Božiu cestu. Oni chcú, oni... Boh má pripravenú cestu pre vašu útechu. Boh má pripravenú cestu pre všetky tieto veci. Ale ľudia to nechcú. Ľudia idú za inými cestami a zakaždým, keď to robia nejakou inou cestou, ako tou Božou cestou, privádzajú na seba hnev Boží zakaždým, keď to robia. V poriadku.

89 A všetky tieto veci, o ktorých som povedal, to nás privádza k tomuto, ku svetu, všetko toto nasledovanie iných vedeckých výdobytkov, nasledovanie cirkevných výdobytkov, nasledovanie rôznych vecí nás priviedlo ku koncu sveta. Sme na konci. Nezostala žiadna nádej. Sme bez nádeje na prežitie. Nemáme vôbec žiadnu šancu na prežitie. No, nechajte ma toto na chvíľu rozobrať a dokázať vám to.

90 A každý z vás máte, ak nemáte, mali by ste si zaobstarať lekársky časopis; mali by ste zobrať "Reader's Digest," a tak ďalej, kde čítate o týchto výdobytkoch. No, urobiť...

91 Nejaký kazateľ tu posiela toto Posolstvo okolo sveta. Urobiť také vyhlásenie ako toto, že sme bez nádeje, že sme pomimo vykúpenia, že sme prekročili líniu medzi vykúpením a súdom, no musím dať cirkvi nejaký základ, na ktorý toto stanovisko postavím. Tam musí byť dôvod, že človek, ak je pri svojej zdravej mysli, čo si myslím, že som, mohol by som urobiť takéto vyhlásenie, povedať svojmu národu, povedať svojej cirkvi, povedať ľuďom, kde to pôjde okolo sveta do 30 alebo 40 rôznych národov, možno, okolo sveta, a ľudom a jazykom, že sme na konci času; patrí sa urobiť vyhlásenie alebo vysvetliť to trochu, skôr, ako sa dostaneme k nášmu hlavnému textu pre toto ráno.

92Pozrite, pozrime sa, čo nám priniesla veda a vzdelanie, a to je tá vec, ktorú človek prijal namiesto Slova Božieho, vedecký dôkaz. A veda musela vždy vziať späť to, čo povedala. Čítal som tu pred istým časom, kde jeden francúzsky vedec pred dvesto rokmi povedal, alebo pred tristo rokmi, "Gúľajte guľu okolo sveta," a povedal, "ak táto guľa, pri tejto rýchlosti... Ak svet vynájde nejaký druh niečoho, čo umožní, aby mohla cestovať rýchlosťou aspoň tridsať míľ za hodinu, niečo také, okolo sveta," že on to vedecky dokáže, "že by bola vlastnou váhou pri zemskej gravitácii zodvihnutá." Vidíte? No, myslíte, že veda sa ešte bude odvolávať na tohto chlapíka? Určite nie. To je pre nich minulosťou.

93 Teraz, zamyslime sa, my všetci chceme povedať, "Chcem to vedecky dokázať." To je to, čo mnohé denominácie tých nábožných ľudí dnes hovoria. Oni chcú vedecký dôkaz. Nuž, môžem sa teraz otočiť naspäť a povedať, "Vedecky mi dokážte Boha vo vašom zhromaždení. Dokážte mi vedecky čokoľvek, čo je reálne. Dokážte..."

94Čo je reálne? Život. Chcem, aby ste mi dali za štvrťdolár z toho, alebo nechajte ma predať všetko, čo mám, aby som dostal časť života. A je život reálny? Ak by nebol, na čo by sme tu boli?

95Život, viera, láska, radosť, pokoj, dlhozhovievavosť, vľúdnosť, pokora, trpezlivosť, veda sa toho nemôže ani dotknúť. A to je jediná skutočne trvalá vec, ktorá tam je. Celá Kresťanská zbroj je pozerať sa na to neviditeľné. Zmysly tieto veci nepotvrdzujú, ale oni tam sú. To je ten dôvod, to vyžaduje vieru, veriť tomu, a to tvorí vo vás to, čo viera potvrdila, že tam je. To ti dáva skutočné Božské uzdravovanie. Oni nemôžu dokázať to, čo Božsky uzdravuje, ale oni vedia, že tam Božské uzdravenie je. Oni nevedia dokázať, čo zachraňuje od hriechu, ale oni vedia, že ľudia bývajú od hriechu zachránení. Takže to nemôže byť vedecky dokázané, ale to je vedecky dokázané v hľadení na to tým Božím spôsobom.

96 No, čo nám priniesla veda? No, to vás môže na moment šokovať. Veda nám priniesla nemoci, smrť a choroby. No, vy ste boli učení iba jednej strane obrazu. Ale tam sú dve strany. Poviete, "Veda vynašla toto, tamto a iné." Nuž, necháme vám tú výsadu. Pozrime sa však na druhú stranu. Veda nám priniesla chorobu. Veda nám priniesla choroby, smrť.

97 Pozrite. Vedecké kríženie prinieslo smrť generácii, z potravín a tých vecí. Urobilo to ľudí takými mäkkými a tak, až muži a ženy sú tvorení z kopy blata a tam v tom nie je vôbec žiadna štruktúra. To sa stalo zhlukom nejakej mäkkej želatíny. Oni nemôžu žiť bez klimatizácie; oni hynú. Oni nemôžu hrať baseball. Ak jedného z nich niekde udrú, to ho zabije... v tých boxerských ringoch a kdekoľvek. A to je také mäkké, až muži a ženy, nuž, to ich prevracia.

98 A oni vstrekujú do dobytka tento hybrid, ktorý sa teraz vrátil späť k ľudstvu, podľa samotnej vedy, a to ich prevracia. Pretože, ak je krava skrížená, alebo akákoľvek potrava je skrížená, tá potrava vytvára krvnú bunku, a krvná bunka je váš život. Vidíte, čo to spravilo? A potom vstrekujú do mäsa tieto injekcie, a teraz je dokázané, že tieto injekcie sa prejavujú na ľudskej rase. Vedecké...

99 Oni rozstrekujú na polia tento DDT, raz som to videl, a teraz máme v tejto oblasti osemsto ľudí chorých z jedenia vajec. Pamätáte si pred rokmi, keď sme tu mali takú malú budovu a ja som prorokoval a povedal som, "Stane sa v posledných dňoch, nebývajte v údolí a nejedzte vajcia." Mám to vo svojej knihe. Myslel som si, že tam bolo niečo ohľadom toho a ja som išiel a pozrel sa na to. "Nejedzte vajcia." To bolo v roku 1933. Do vajec sa teraz niečo dostalo, a videl som to, kde veda hovorí, že človek starší ako 50 rokov by nikdy nemal jesť vajcia, pretože to je najťažšia vec na srdce, ktorá len môže byť. Choroby...

100 Mlieko, to zvyklo byť našou najvyváženejšou diétou. Doktori vám povedia, "Stráňte sa toho." To spôsobuje fistulu a všetko možné. Je to rovnaký človek, ktorý to zvykol piť a žil roky a nikdy nepoznal fistulu, ale kríženie a tak ďalej porušilo tú ľudskú štruktúru, až kým to nie je nič iné iba kopa blata a guča chorôb. Čo to spôsobilo? Veda.

101 Pozrite. To spôsobilo, že gény medzi mužom a ženou sa oslabili, fyzická slabosť človeka cez gény, a zvýšenie počtu spastických detí je okolo 30 percent. Mongoloidi sú na vzostupe. A táto slabosť kríženia potravy, ktorú konzumujeme, oslabuje telo, čo spôsobuje rakovinu, duševné problémy a všetky druhy chorôb, ktoré sa dostávajú na ľudské telo pre jeho slabosť. Vedecky ničíme samých seba, vzďaľujeme sa od Božieho plánu... On povedal, "Nech každé semeno prinesie podľa svojho druhu."

102 Vidíte, kde sme? Mohol by som pokračovať ďalej a ďalej; ale náš čas plynie. Ale všimnite si, čo to robí? Veda priniesla smrť, chorobu a deštrukciu.

103 Jedného dňa som videl, rozprával som sa s mojím dobrým priateľom, doktorom Vayle-om, ktorý tu sedí, že niekto napísal článok o ľuďoch, ktorých zabil penicilín. To v skutočnosti nie je penicilín; to je tá špina, ktorú nechajú do toho vniknúť počas výroby toho penicilínu. To je chamtivý plán na zarobenie peňazí. Doktori to niekedy predpisujú a nepoznajú ani vzorec aspirínu, a ten otec potom posiela niekam zohnať špecialistu na niečo iné, a oni ani nevedia ako liečiť dieťa, keď ho bolí brucho. Ale čo sme dostali? Chamtivosť, nejaké potiahnutie, alebo niečo malé. Oni sotva majú niečo z toho starého vidieckeho lekára, ktorý zvykol prísť, hovoriť s vami a potešiť vás a urobiť, čo mohol. Oni nechávajú Boha mimo obraz, pretože nasledujú svoju vlastnú cestu. Aby Boha dostali mimo, oni Ho celkom vyvrátili svojimi argumentami. Tam sme.

104 To je to, čo sme spôsobili krížením. Vidíte, telo... Čo robí zdravá rastlina, zárodok sa do nej ťažko dostane. To sú tieto skleníkové rastliny, tieto skrížené rastliny, ktoré musíte stále postrekovať. A mnohí z Vás čítali moje posolstvo "Skrížené náboženstvo," udržujte to, postrekujte a rozmaznávajte, a tak ďalej. Všimnite si, skutočná originálna rastlina nemusí byť postrekovaná; ona je originálna.

105Čo spôsobuje, že do ľudského tela sa dostane choroba? Je telo... Ako mi povedal jeden vzácny lekár, môj priateľ, ktorého meno nechcem teraz spomínať, ale on je veľmi dobrý brat, nedávno mi čítal z jedného lekárskeho časopisu, z knihy vo svojej kancelárii, kde má všetky tieto dobré knihy a posledné novinky z medicíny. Je to slabosť. Všimnite si kohokoľvek, kto je skutočne... Hovoríte, že vaše telo je zničené, rýchlo prechladnete. Čo to je? Je to slabosť tvojho tela, ktorá produkuje hlien z tvojich žliaz. A v tom sa zahniezdia zárodky a ty prechladneš. Ale ak by to telo bolo silné, odstránilo by tie zárodky prechladnutia; nemohlo by sa ho to dotknúť.

106 Takže, vidíte, keď Boh stvoril prvého muža, on bol imúnny voči akejkoľvek chorobe. Rozumiete? Ale nevera a veda... Veda a vzdelania boli prvé veci, ktoré vzdialili človeka od Boha, a stále to tak je.

107Len pozrite, čo cigarety a pitie a tieto striptízy a tak ďalej, spôsobili úpadok tejto generácie. Predpokladám, že sa vždy čudujete... Idem tu urobiť jedno vyhlásenie. Nemal som to v úmysle, ale verím, že mám.

108 Pozrite, oni sa niekedy čudujú a hovoria mi, "brat Branham, čo ťa k tomu vedie, aby si takto poukazoval na tieto veci? Nepočuješ to... Hovoríš, že ideš do niekoho cirkvi, no, ja môžem zobrať moje ženské obecenstvo a ony tam, kde hovoríš, ani nemôžu pohodlne sedieť. Vždy na nich nakričíš, nuž, o ich krátkych vlasoch a o obliekaní si vecí, ktoré patria mužom, a o všetkých takýchto veciach. Povedz, prečo to robíš?" No, ja som...

109Viete, toto môže byť moje posledné posolstvo až do budúceho leta, ale chcem vám niečo povedať. Tu to je. Je to Duch rozpoznania pre tieto posledné dni, ktorý vie, že pred Bohom je to prevrátená vec. Niekedy sa čudujem, či ten kazateľ vôbec dostáva to rozpoznanie tých posledných dní? Samotný Boh, ktorý tu na pódiu hovorí o vašom stave a čo ste urobili, a čo budete, a aké máte potiaže, ten istý Duch vo vás pozerá von a môže rozpoznať znaky času, a nemôže zadržať, aby proti tomu kričal. To je Duch rozpoznania, pretože Sám Duch Svätý hovorí, že tá vec je hriech, a ktokoľvek sa na nej účastní, zahynie. A potom, ako môžem byť ospravedlnený v Božích očiach, keď vidím moje sestry a bratov v takomto stave, ak nebudem proti tomu hovoriť? Aj keď sa na mňa nahnevajú, stále musím proti tomu volať. To je rozpoznanie. Niekedy sa odlišujú v Slove a tak ďalej; to je nedostatok rozpoznania. Konfrontujme to so Slovom. Vidíte? Vidíte, my vieme, že to je v poriadku. Nuž, to znamená vedieť, že je to pravda. To je rozpoznanie tých posledných dní.

110 No, rozumieme to ohľadne vedy. Ja už nechcem o tom ďalej hovoriť; môj čas beží. No, ako druhú vec, pozrime sa teraz na vzdelanie, a čo to spôsobilo. Rozumiete? No, vo všeobecnosti máme dve cirkvi.

111Tak zisťujeme, že to bolo... že to bolo rozumovanie, obyčajné rozumovanie, ktoré začalo na začiatku gúľať tú guľu hriechu. Čo to bolo za rozumovanie? Rozumovanie proti Slovu Božiemu. Keď Boh povedal Adamovi a Eve, "V deň, keď z neho budete jesť, v ten deň zomriete," tým to bolo vybavené; to je všetko. A On ich opevnil proti nepriateľovi, za Svojím Slovom. Ale keď Eva počúvala satanove rozumovanie (vidíte?): kultúra, porozumenie, vzdelanie, pokrok, ona spoza toho vykročila a počúvala satanovo rozumovanie, a urobila tú vec, o ktorej povedal Boh, že ju nemá robiť. A ak jedno rozumovanie, počúvanie rozumovania proti Slovu spôsobilo tento chaos, jedno rozumovanie proti Slovu ťa zase nemôže dostať naspäť na rovnaké miesto, pretože aké bláznivé by to bolo od Boha, aby priviedol ľudí naspäť na rovnakom základe, ako Ho poslal von. Vidíte, vidíte? Musíte prísť k tej preliatej Krvi Kristovej. Vaša denominácia nebude fungovať, vaše rozumovanie nebude fungovať. To je Krv a narodenie, a To vo vás tvorí nové stvorenie, Kristus, a formu Krista, ktorú žijete, pretože ten Toxín, ktorý beriete, zabíja hriech nevery, On je proti všetkému, okrem Slova Božieho.

112 Vzdelanie nám dáva... Dnes ráno vidíme dve cirkvi. Jedna z nich je Letničná cirkev, ktorá bola zorganizovaná na Letnice Duchom Svätým; druhá je Rímsko-Katolícka cirkev, ktorá bola zorganizovaná v Nicei v Ríme. Jedna z nich je z duchovného zrodenia; druhá z nich je intelektuálnym členstvom. Z tej cirkvi vyšli všetci protestanti, pochádzajú z nej všetky denominácie. To bola prvá denominácia. Všetky denominácie pochádzajú z nej a sú príbuzné tamtej. Zjavenie 17 to hovorí. Ona bola prostitútka a ona bola mater smilníc. Tak je to. Tak tam nie je... Hrniec nemôže nazývať kotlík mastným, (rozumiete?), tak je to, pretože to je jedno a to isté. To je zorganizované; to je preč; to je v Ríme. Nestarám sa o to, čo to je; je to preč. Biblia, ideme práve cez tie cirkevné veky, aby sme to potvrdili. Jedna je založená na duchovnom rozpoznaní; druhá je založená na vzdelaní a intelektuálnej predstave.

113 No, to nás opäť privádza priamo do záhrady Eden, priamo naspäť na to isté miesto. Žena (cirkev) bola tá, ktorá počúvala, nie Adam, žena. Oni teraz chcú byť matkou cirkví, pokračujte. Je to presne tak. Nič nie je mimo času. Oni sami činia ich vlastné vyznanie. Vidíte? Vidíte, priamo naspäť k rovnakej veci, k nevere v Slovo Božie. V Nicei, v Ríme, keď vyvstala otázka vodného krstu, a o ostatných takýchto veciach, a o krste Duchom Svätým, biskupi sa do toho zorganizovali, čo bolo nazvané Rímsko-katolícka cirkev, ktorá bola „kráľovská“ Rímska, tak bola nazývaná. Práve včera sme cez to išli, brali sme históriu, a počúvali to, opäť sme cez to hľadeli. A to malo byť iba pre samotný Rím, v Ríme bola kráľovská cirkev. Ostatné boli iba jej malé sesterské cirkvi, nazývané Katolícke.

114 Naša cirkev je tiež katolícka, univerzálna cirkev, ktorá je univerzálnou vierou všetkých veriacich. Jedna z nich je zrodená z Ducha Svätého a má v nej Ducha Svätého, a je to potvrdené jej životom, náukou a konaním, že Duch Svätý je v nej, pretože to je Utešiteľ, ktorého Kristus zasľúbil, Kristus, pôsobiaci v Jeho cirkvi, konajúci rovnako ako na počiatku. To je to, ako ten toxín Kristovho spasenia účinkoval na začiatku, to je to, ako účinkuje dnes: prináša rovnakú vec.

115 Druhá je intelektuálne poňatie z denominácie tvorenej skupinou ľudí, ktorá má formu pobožnosti, ako nám povedal prorok, a ktorá odmietla túto pravdivú moc. Nuž, to je tak jasné, ako som to len vedel objasniť.

116 Tak, to sú tie dve cirkvi. Jedna z nich bola zrodená v Nicei; a druhá sa zrodila na Letnice. A jedna bola vždy proti tej druhej. Prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, aby sme to dokázali; jedna je proti druhej. Jedna z nich je elegantná, uctievaná, intelektuálna cirkev so vznešenými učencami a tak ďalej; druhá je zaradená ako banda náboženských fanatikov. To bolo na začiatku, "opití, nevzdelaní rybári," a to je rovnaké dnes; je to zaradené v rovnakej kategórii. Jedni z nich sú vedeckí; druhí duchovní. Jedna je vedecký systém; druhá je duchovným zjavením Slova. Jedna je vedecky zostavená tým, čo hovoria nejaké skupiny ľudí, intelektuálni biskupi. Druhá je úplne zrodená z Ducha Božieho, a žije Duchom Božím, a to koná a spôsobuje vyplnenie Slova, ktoré Boh zasľúbil. To ukazuje, ktorý toxín beriete. Máte vzdelanecký toxín? Máte toxín Ducha Svätého? Vidíte? V poriadku.

117 Ó, tá prefíkanosť satana, ako môže maľovať ten obraz, intelektuálne môže doviesť človeka, nezrodeného z Ducha Božieho, do toho, že sa točí a točí dookola. A tam nie je spôsob, intelektuálne ich tým uspokojiť. Tam nie je spôsob.

118 To je zjavenie vierou (rozumiete?), zjavenie. Vidíme, čo hovorí Slovo, veríme mu.

119 "Potom, brat Branham, oni hovoria, že majú zjavenie." Potom nechajme nech Duch Boží vyprodukuje presne to, čo zasľúbil vyprodukovať, potom tomu budeme veriť. Rozumiete?

Tam je dôkaz toho.

120Ako účinkoval ten Toxín, keď zasiahol nejakú osobu? "Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí uverili." Povedal. Ak to Toxín zasiahol, potom je to všetko v poriadku. Vidíte, vidíte?

121 Takže oni nás privádzajú... Toto nás teraz privádza v tých niekoľkých nasledujúcich minútach k záveru. Takže toto nás berie od Ábela a Kaina k súdu Noeho času, z toho samotného príchodu dní Noeho. No, pred tým, ako budeme mať modlitebný rad, počúvajte pozorne, ako tu idem cez niektoré Písma v tom malom texte.

122Zisťujeme, že po tom, čo svet prijal jeho intelektuálny výklad Slova, tí muži sa stali veľkými, známymi mužmi. Biblia tak hovorí, Genesis 6:4. Renomovaní muži, ktorí behali za skutočne krásnymi ženami a podobné veci, ako to máme všade na svete. Iba som cez to prešiel v kázni "Blikajúce červené svetlo jeho príchodu," hovorili sme jedného večera, ako sa ženy v posledných dňoch stávajú krajšími, ako muži, renomovaní muži, o tých škandáloch v Anglicku a Spojených Štátoch. A to bude zjavené v jednom z tých dní. Vidíte? Vy iba neviete, o čom sú všetky tieto „dievčatá na zavolanie“ [v originále “call-girls” - pozn.prekl.] a všetko to ďalšie. Rozumiete? Viete, že tam je každá tretia barmanka stredoškolská alebo vysokoškolská študentka? Tri ku jednej barmanke, ktorá je stredoškolská alebo vysokoškolská študentka. Viete, že určité percento (neviem ho naspamäť, nemám ho pred sebou). Nikdy som si to nepoznačil, ale takmer tretina stredoškolských detí v národe bola alebo dokázaná ako nemorálna, alebo musela ísť domov, aby boli matkami? Viete, že brať penicilín proti pohlavným chorobám iba spôsobilo medzi ľuďmi porušenie, a pritom tá vec nie je mŕtva? Ale v... (Vidíte?) Boh povedal, že to navštívi až do štvrtej generácie. Spôsobuje to mongolizmus a čokoľvek iné, a deti sú...
Ó, aké hriešne, aké chytré to je. Ako tí ľudia, tí kazatelia tam budú stáť a nekázať proti nim, proti tým striptízom na ulici, a nechajú ich spievať v zbore, a rôzne veci, a vidíme, že to je tá vec, ktorá poslala náš národ do pekla, poslala našu rasu do pekla. Tak je to.

123 Takže teraz zisťujeme, že po tom, čo Boh má toho dosť, ako verím, že má dnes... Teraz sa dostávam k môjmu textu. Mám divný spôsob prinášania... Rád staviam veľa vecí a potom idem na môj text. Teraz zisťujeme, že v časoch Noeho, keď Boh išiel súdiť svet, keď to prišlo práve tak, ako je to teraz, pretože Ježiš povedal, že to bolo. Staral sa? Staral sa? On, on sa určite staral. Staral sa o čo? Teraz, po tom, čo On už vedel, že súd prichádzal, a vyniesol súd, On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali. A to je rovnaké ako dnes. On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa chceli starať. A zisťujeme, že im poslal proroka, aby ich viedol, viedol Jeho vyvolený ľud na Ním pripravenú cestu úniku. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Vidíte? Zisťujeme, že Boh sa o svojich ľudí staral. [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

124 Sme na konci, a my vidíme, že sme na konci. Nie je tam žiadna možnosť budovať na tom porušení. Ako môžeme vybudovať mesto na zuhoľnatených ruinách Sodomy a Gomory? Ako to môžeme urobiť? Zostal iba jeden fénix, a to je príchod Pána Ježiša; ó, očistenie cez čas súženia, navrátenie a obnovenie sveta, pre ľudí, ktorí sú spravodliví v Božích očiach a žijú Jeho Slovom.

125 Všimnite si, On sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali uniknúť v dňoch Noeho, a On im poslal proroka. A tento prorok ich usmernil na Bohom pripravenú cestu. No, to je Božia cesta konania. Vidíte? Boh prehovoril k Noemu, ktorý bol Slovom (Vtedy nebolo žiadne písané Slovo), a povedal Noemu, aby pripravil archu na spasenie ľudí, a aby varoval všetkých ľudí, že On má jednu cestu spásy. A tento muž bol určený prorok, ktorý im ukázal cestu úniku. Všimnite si, tí pokorní a úprimní počuli tohto muža a uverili mu a unikli. Čomu unikli? Smrti sveta hriechu, ktorý bol zničený v tom dni. Oni unikli smrteľnej ceste, ktorá ležala na celom svete. Boh sa tak staral... (Ó, Bože, pomôž, aby to teraz išlo hlboko, pred tým modlitebným radom.) Boh sa staral.

126On teraz hľadí na svet, a On volal a On volal, a oni to odmietli a otočili sa. Na začiatku tam bola šanca na pokánie. Keď Boh povedal Izaiášovi, aby išiel hore, a povedal Ezechiášovi, že zomrie, Ezechiáš oľutoval a tam bola milosť. Keď Boh povedal Jonášovi, aby išiel do Ninive a kričal, že za štyridsať dní On to mesto zničí, oni kričali o milosť a tam bola ľútosť. Ale keď to odmietli, tam nie je nič iné, iba súd. A tento národ odmietol Krista. Oni to volanie ignorovali, takže nič iné nezostalo a my budeme čeliť súdu.

127 No, stará sa Boh o tých, ktorí činili pokánie? Urobil pre nich cestu? No, ideme sa pozrieť, čo urobil v minulosti.

128 V Noeho čase sa On staral. On poslal proroka, a On dal cestu, a On im ukázal cestu, a On im pripravil cestu úniku, a oni unikli súdu. On sa tiež o nich staral. Zisťujeme, že ich privádza na miesto, kde On v tých posledných dňoch, kde predovšetkým... pred príchodom veľkého súdu, On sa o nich tak staral, až pripravil cestu, ktorou môžu prísť a môžu byť oslobodení od všetkých súdov, ktoré prichádzali.

129No, On tak urobil tým vyvoleným. Teraz to vieme. On tak urobil tým vyvoleným, tak, iba vyvoleným. Oni boli tí jediní, ktorí tento zárodok Života prijali. Oni boli tí jediní, ktorí boli predurčení vidieť to. Oni boli tí jediní. My všetci, ak veríme Biblii, musíme veriť v predurčenie. Vidíte? Tak je to v poriadku. Nie že Boh chce, aby niekto trpel, ale On vedel, kto to prijme a kto nie.

130On sa staral o Jeho vyvolených ľudí v čase zničenia Egypta. Oni tam boli v Egypte a stali sa otrokmi. V Mojžišových dňoch, On sa staral o ľudí. Čo im On poslal? Opäť proroka. Je to tak? A On oddelil Jeho ľudí od toho neveriaceho sveta, od prichádzajúceho súdu toho dňa. Urobil to? On sa staral, keď Egypt nahromadil ich hriechy tak vysoko, až Boh poslal súd, pretože On povedal Abrahámovi, "A Ja budem konať s tým národom." Tak namiesto toho, aby vylial svoj hnev na nich všetkých, On k nim poslal svoju starosť. On k nim poslal svojho Utešiteľa. Poslal k nim svoje Slovo. A On vždy posiela Svoje Slovo prostredníctvom Svojho proroka tak, ako v Noeho čase. On urobil rovnakú vec v Noeho čase. V čase Eliáša – alebo Mojžiša, zisťujeme, že urobil rovnakú vec. Poslal k nim Svojho proroka a oni sa oddelili od nevery. Teraz, to je ten druh, ktorý vychádza. To je ten druh, ktorý tomu verí. Oni verili Mojžišovi, že on bol... vo faraónových očiach on bol fanatik, on bol kúzelník, on bol pokrytec, on bol niečo strašné. Ale u vyvolených ľudí, to bolo podľa Božieho Slova ("Ja ich vyvediem."), on bol pre nich prorokom. On bol tou Bohom pripravenou cestou. A on tiež... Dávajte pozor, oni mu verili a ušli súdu toho dňa. Oni verili Mojžišovi.

131 A On povedal, že sa o nich staral, aby ich vyviedol, a On sa staral o nich na ich ceste po tom, ako vyšli. Amen. A ako to bolo v tom telesnom, je to aj v tej duchovnej oblasti. On sa staral. Prečo? On poskytol všetko, čo počas svojej cesty potrebovali. Poskytol? On ich uzdravil, keď boli chorí. On poskytol uzdravenie. On poskytol cestu pre ich choroby. On poskytol medeného hada tak, že oni sa mohli na toho hada, symbol hriechu, pozrieť, a byť uzdravení. On ich kŕmil, keď boli na ceste; kde nebolo chleba, On dával chlebu pršať z neba. On ich kŕmil. Nie iba to, ale On ich odieval, čím ukazoval, že sa staral o tých, ktorí sa starali.

132Ak sú pripravení vyznať a činiť pokánie a veriť a prijať, Boh sa stará. Ale najprv sa vy musíte starať; musíte prijať to, čo Vám poslal. On sa o nich tak staral, aby si boli istí, že tam nebude žiadna chyba; On potvrdil svojho proroka znamením – Stĺpom Ohňa, aby dal ľuďom vedieť, že to nebol iba tento muž, ktorý tu kráčal popri, ale že to bol Boh priamo nad ním. On ich viedol na ceste. Boh sa staral o ľudí, ktorí sa starali. Boh sa stará o tých, ktorí sa starajú o Neho. Tak On tohoto človeka potvrdil, potvrdil, že bol Božím služobníkom, tým, že im poslal Stĺp Ohňa, aby ich viedol do zasľúbenej zeme. A oni vedeli, že pokiaľ tento znak tohto Ohňa, Stĺp mraku a Ohňa ich nasledoval... On povedal, neodňal ten Stĺp Ohňa a ten Oblak. On s nimi bol roky a roky na púšti, štyridsať rokov. Je to tak? Ten Stĺp Ohňa ich viedol. My sme v našom 33. roku, keby to bolo ešte o sedem rokov dlhšie, bolo by to podľa toho predobrazu rovnaké. V poriadku, viedol ich Stĺp Ohňa. On sa o nich staral. A on sa o nich tak staral, až im On dal vedieť, že to nebola nejaká vedecká vec, to nebolo nejaké pošmyknutie, ale On to posolstvo potvrdil a dokazoval to.

133 On sa tak staral ešte aj o tú ženu, ktorá bola vonku, nie Izraelitka. Ona nepatrila k tej skupine, ale ona bola mimo nich, presbyteriánka, metodistka, alebo niečo. Ona bola na tej druhej strane. Ale keď počula... Jej meno bolo Rachab; ona žije... Ona bola smilnica. Ale keď počula, ako bol Boh v tom Stĺpe Ohňa a viedol ich, povedala, "Nech...", volajúc k Bohu, a ona prejavila milosť voči tým vyzvedačom, ktorí išli preskúmať zem. A pretože ona sa starala o seba a svojich ľudí, Boh sa staral o ňu. Až tak, že táto smilnica odovzdala svoj život Kristovi, tej Záležitosti, pretože ona videla ten znak Nadprirodzeného Boha, a to slúžila bohom priamo vo svojej denominácii. Ale keď videla tento veľký nadprirodzený znak, ona kričala a žiadala o milosť, a o milosť pre jej rodinu, a Boh sa tak o ňu staral, že keď sa celé mesto na seba zrútilo, na jej dome nebol pohnutý ani jeden kameň. On sa stará. Aj keď ona bola cudzia, nebola v tom čase v tej skupine, ale On sa staral. On sa vždy stará.

134On sa staral o Eliáša, keď sa on a jedine on staral o Boha. Haleluja. To je to, kam to ide. "Uhoďte na neho vaše starosti, pretože On sa o Vás stará." Peter, keď hovoril k vyvoleným starším, starším a im v cirkvi povedal, "Zložte svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa stará o vás. Zložte tam všetko, pretože ste čistí pred Bohom. Vy chodíte ako služobníci Boží".

135Boh sa staral o Eliáša, pretože Eliáš sa staral o Boha. Všetci ostatní kazatelia stratili videnie toho dňa, stratili vôľu Božiu a lásku Jeho Slova, a všetko sa to zmodernizovalo. Ale bez ohľadu na to, ako to nosila tá moderná Jezábeľ, prvá dáma tej krajiny, bez ohľadu na to, koľko veľa tí ostatní kazatelia dovolili ženám konať a postupovať; Eliáš volal proti tomu v Mene Pánovom. On sa staral o to, čo Boh povedal, a Boh sa potom staral o to, čo Eliáš povedal, pretože on hovoril Slovo Božie. Boh sa stará, ak sa vy staráte, ale najprv sa vy musíte starať. Áno.

136Všimnite si, On sa staral, keď Svojím Slovom vyvolal Eliáša spomedzi denominácií. Vyzeralo to, že bude musieť zomrieť od hladu, pretože tam pre neho nebudú žiadne desiatky a obete. Ale On sa tak staral o Eliáša, On ho nenechal hladovať, keď poslúchal Slovo Božie. On prikázal krkavcom, aby ho kŕmili. On sa staral o Eliáša, pretože Eliáš sa staral o Neho a On je Slovo.

137On sa staral o Daniela, keď sa Daniel dostatočne staral o Božie Slovo a modlil sa úprimne. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ten kráľ povedal, "Nechcem viac, aby sa to dialo," Eliáš [Daniel – pozn.prekl] iba otvoril okenice a pozrel sa k Jeruzalemu a modlil sa. Eliáš [Daniel – pozn.prekl] sa staral o Boha, a Boh sa staral o Eliáša [Daniela – pozn.prekl]. Daniel sa staral o Božie Slovo, a Boh sa staral o Eliáša [Daniela – pozn.prekl]. On poslal Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý odstrašil toho leva a zostal tam dolu s ním celú noc. Boh sa staral. Pretože Daniel sa staral. Áno, tak. Určite sa modlil, vediac, že to znamená byť hodený do jamy levov, ak neposlúchne denominačné príkazy. Ale on kľačal pri okne a nemal strach z toho, čo povedal človek. Nechal okná otvorené, pretože to bolo Božie nariadenie, a modlil sa úprimne a poctivo k svojmu Bohu každý deň. Staral sa o Boha a Jeho nariadenie, a Boh sa otočil a staral sa o Daniela a jeho prikázanie--jeho postoj. Daniel sa staral o Boha a Jeho Slovo, a Boh sa staral o Daniela a jeho postoj voči Slovu. On to bude robiť v každom čase. Amen.

138 On sa staral o Hebrejské deti, keď úprimne rešpektovali a starali sa o vieru, ktorá im raz bola daná, o Božie Slovo. On sa tak o nich staral, keď trúbili na trúbu... Oni mali Božie prikázanie, "Neklaňajte sa žiadnemu pohanskému bohu, žiadnej soche. Neklaňajte sa; neuctievajte ich." To bolo prikázanie. A keď trúbili na trúbu a povedali, "Vrhneme do pece tých, ktorí nebudú," oni sa tak starali, až sa tomu obrazu otočili chrbtom. Tak je to. Boh sa o nich tak staral, že keď nastala horúčava, On poslal štvrtého Muža tam do ohnivej pece a zachoval ich v chlade. On sa staral, pretože oni sa starali.

139Ak sa chcete držať nejakého vyznania, Boh sa nestará o to, čo robíte. Ak to chcete robiť, On sa o vás nikdy nebude starať, pretože činíte to, čo povedal nejaký človek. Ale ak sa budete držať Božieho Slova, vaše pravdivé vyznanie a viera, že Boh je Uzdravovateľ, ten istý včera, dnes aj na veky, On sa o Vás bude starať.

140 On sa potom staral; On sa staral o tie Hebrejské deti, a On im poslal štvrtého Muža, ktorým bol Kristus, aby ich preniesol. Vieme to.

141Keď tí malomocní kričali, "Pane..." Desať malomocných vyšlo a úprimne kričalo, "Pane, zľutuj sa nad nami." Oni mali dosť, aby sa starali o svoje vlastné potreby; On mal moc starať sa o nich. On sa staral o tých malomocných, pretože tí malomocní sa starali, aby urobili svoje vyznanie, volajúc Ho, "Pane."

142On sa staral, keď sa ten stotník dostatočne staral o svoje... aby poslal po Ježiša, aby mu pomohol. Keď ten stotník preukázal svoju vieru, odmietol svoje rímske modly, staral sa dostatočne verejným svedectvom, aby po Neho poslal, aby uzdravil jeho syna, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral o to, aby išiel a uzdravil ho. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte. Ale vy sa musíte starať prv. On sa staral.

143On sa staral, keď sa Jairus dostatočne staral o Ježiša; on bol tajný veriaci. On veril, že On má pravdu, ale pre jeho denominačné stanovisko nemohol vyjsť a vyznať to, ale keď jeho malá dcérka ochorela a zomrela, Jairus vedel, keď pozeral na smrť svojej dcéry, alebo aby vyjadril svoju starostlivosť, on sa dostatočne staral, aby odmietol neveriacich okolo seba, a dal si na hlavu svoj malý kazateľský klobúk, vyšiel a našiel Ježiša. Keď Jairus ukázal, že sa stará, Ježiš ukázal, že sa dostatočne staral, aby prišiel a vzkriesil ju z mŕtvych. Uhoďte vaše starosti na Neho, pretože On sa stará. Bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, On sa stará.

144On sa dostatočne staral aj vtedy, keď tam ani nebolo také prikázanie, nič také tam nebolo povedané; nikdy sa o tom nezmienil, ale On sa staral, pretože tá malá žena sa nemohla dostať do modlitebného radu, a ona povedala, "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť okraja Jeho rúcha, Ja mu verím." On sa staral o jej vieru v to až tak veľmi, že sa otočil a vyvolal ju z publika, a povedal jej, že jej viera ju uzdravila. On sa staral, pretože tá žena sa starala.

145On sa staral, keď sa jeden neurotik menom Legion dostatočne staral, pod opozíciou, aby sa vyteperil spod tých náhrobných kameňov diablov a vyšiel sa stretnúť s Ježišom, a pokoril sa. Keď Legion... Tí diabli by nikdy neprišli, ak by sa Legion nepohol stretnúť sa s Ním. A keď sa on dostatočne staral a vynaložil tú snahu, že zastal v jeho viere, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral a vyhnal z neho ten pluk démonov, a jeho neurotický stav bol preč. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte. Tak veru. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte.

146 No, keď ten slepý muž kričal v bránach Jericha, "Ó, Ježiš..." On bol Žid, ortodoxný, dobrý, mal dobré postavenie v synagóge, ale keď povedal, "Čo je to tu naokolo za hluk?" Oni povedali, "Ježiš Nazaretský prechádza okolo, prorok."

147 Povedal, "Ježiš, Ty Synu Dávidov!" Ó, čo za úder to bol pre jeho pastora a kňazov, ktorí tam stáli. Ale on sa o to nestaral, čo pastor, kňaz, alebo niekto iný povedal; on prejavoval záujem. A On sa staral, aby získal zrak, tak zavolal. A keď bol ten slepý muž pripravený, a staral sa dostatočne, aby zavolal, Ježiš sa dostatočne staral, aby ho uzdravil. On je ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. On sa stará, keď sa vy staráte, ale vy sa musíte starať prv. Musíte dokázať, že sa staráte.

148On sa staral tak veľmi, až sa žena, žijúca so šiestimi mužmi, identifikovala a spoznala a rozpoznala Jeho Mesiášske znamenie rozpoznania; On sa dostatočne staral, až kým jej odpustil každý hriech a vody, ktoré tam neprišla nabrať, On jej dal, pretože ona rozpoznala. Ona povedala, "Pane, vidím, že si prorok," keď jej povedal, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku. A ako ona v ten deň, ktorý mal prísť, očakávala, bola len zviazaná v tej cirkvi, ona to nemala šancu urobiť. Ale keď videla Muža, Ktorý jej mohol povedať, čo s ňou nebolo v poriadku, ona povedala, "Pane, ja si uvedomujem, že si Prorok. Viem, že keď Mesiáš príde, bude činiť tieto veci." On povedal, "Ja som to."

149To stačilo. Ona sa starala. Ona tam nechala svoju nádobu na vodu a išla do mesta a povedala, "Poďte sa pozrieť na Muža, Ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som porobila. Nie je toto samotný Mesiáš?" Ona bola niečo ako Rachab; ona sa starala, až kým zobudila celé mesto. Ona sa starala, pretože niečo bolo vykonané, potvrdené Písmo sa pevne vyplnilo, a ona sa starala. Ona sa nestarala o to, čo ľudia povedali, alebo čo niekto iný povedal; ona to videla; ona tam bola, keď sa to stalo. Ona sa starala. A ona sa starala o svojich ľudí, až kým to nepovedala každému z nich, a to spôsobilo, že celé mesto uverilo v Ježiša Krista. Ona sa starala a On sa staral. Určite, On sa staral.

150 Ježiš sa dostatočne staral o Posolstvo tohoto dňa, aby sa tieto rovnaké veci vyplnili, ako On povedal, až kým nezomrel a opäť nevstal, aby poslal skrze Ducha Svätého Utešiteľa, a ukázal Jeho službu dnes, že On je stále živý. On sa dostatočne staral. Nebudeme sa my starať? To je tá vec: nemáme sa starať? On za túto službu zomrel. On zomrel, aby tu v tomto dni mohol byť Duch Svätý, aby tieto veci ukázal. On sa o vás staral. On sa staral, aby to sem priniesol. On sa staral, aby to bolo vyhlásené. On sa staral, pretože vás miloval. On sa dostatočne staral, aby to urobil, aby k tomuto poslal Ducha Svätého, aby vytvoril túto službu dnes.

151 To je to, ako to On potvrdil, že sa staral v tom dni, pretože prišiel potvrdiť to, čo Boh povedal, že On bude. To je ten dôvod, že ho tá žena rozpoznala. Povedala, "Viem, že keď príde Mesiáš, On je prorok. Keď Mesiáš príde, povie nám tieto veci." Vidíte, On sa dostatočne staral o Slovo Božie, aby jej ho potvrdil. Amen.

152 Teraz poslal Ducha Svätého, aby v tomto dni intelektuálneho ponímania, aby nám mohol potvrdiť skrze toho istého Ducha Svätého, že On je stále Mesiáš, potvrdiť to rovnakým spôsobom. On je ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. Teraz je otázkou, staráš sa aj ty? Čo si o tom myslíš? Je to tu. Bolo to potvrdené znovu a znovu. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si tomu veril? Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si vyznal svoje hriechy, že sa mýliš? Vyznaj svoju neveru a prijmi to. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si to prijal? On sa dostatočne staral, aby zomrel a znovu vstal, aby ti to dal. Staráte sa dostatočne, aby ste ho prijali? Myslím si, že to je úplne potvrdené, od čias Noeho až od Genesis. Nemáme čas úplne sa do toho dostať. Ale vidíte, že On sa stará, a zomrel, aby ste sa mohli starať, aby ste mohli mať cestu. A On priniesol tú cestu. On presne povedal, čo tento spôsob vykoná, a teraz je tu dnes a ukazuje, že je to pravda. No, v tejto zlej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, staráte sa tiež o to dostatočne, celým svojím srdcom, veríte tomu?

153Či sa dostanete do modlitebného radu alebo čokoľvek sa udeje, to nie je o tom; ale či sa staráte? Uhoďte svoje starosti na Neho; On sa o vás stará. Buďte v tom úprimní. Starajte sa dostatočne, aby ste boli úprimní, pretože On to potvrdil Svojím potvrdeným Slovom, že On sa stará. On to zasľúbil poslať; On to urobil. On to zasľúbil v Slove; tu To je. On sa stará; teraz čo vy? To ste vy, čo by ste sa mali teraz starať.

154On sa dostatočne staral, On sa dostatočne staral, aby pre teba premohol každého nepriateľa, všetko, čo musíte robiť je byť úprimní a veriť tomu. On zaujal smrť. Smrť na mne nemá čo premôcť; to je už premožené. Choroba na mne nemá čo zaujať; to na Kristovi nemá čo zaujať; to je už premožené. Ja sa iba musím dostatočne starať, aby som to veril. Obávate sa toho, čo vám povedal niekto iný? Obávate sa doktorovej diagnózy? Obávate sa, čo vám povie cirkev? Obávate sa postaviť sa diablovi tvárou v tvár? Povedzte, "Vyznal som svoje hriechy, všetko som položil nabok, uveril som každému Slovu. Tu som, Pane. Stvor vo mne tú starostlivosť. Ja... Ty si sa o mňa staral; Ja sa starám o Teba."

155Myslím na tú starú slávnu pieseň, "On stará sa. Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň, On stará sa ."

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, my nemôžeme ísť ďalej.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

(Spievajme mu so sklonenými hlavami, a našimi srdcami.)

On stará sa o teba,... (Pozrime sa, čo všetko urobil.)

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

On stará sa...

(Teraz, ak sa staráš, zodvihni ruku, keď to spievaš.)

On stará sa o teba;

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

156Nebeský Otče, v tomto čase pokročilej hodiny dňa, činíme naše vyznanie z hĺbok našich sŕdc, že vieme skrze Slovo, že si sa vždy staral o Svojich vlastných. Ale ten problém je, Pane, či sa my staráme? Chcete iba získať vzdelanie, povediac, "Nuž, získal som doktorský titul, alebo LL.D."? Poznať ten Predpis, to nie je jeho užitie.

157 Bože, modlím sa dnes, aby každý z nás zobral tie strasti Krista do svojho vlastného srdca a zobral Jeho utrpenia na seba, aby sme zistili, že musíme tiež trpieť pohanenie Jeho Mena, že musíme trpieť. A nech sme ako tí dávni učeníci, navracajúci a radujúci sa, že nám bolo počítané za privilégium niesť pohanenie Jeho Mena. Udeľ to, Otče.

158Idem sa modliť za chorých, Pane, vzkladať na nich ruky. Oni majú zdvihnuté ruky, mnohí z nich, a mnohí prichádzajú, aby sme sa za nich modlili, ako držia modlitebné karty. A niektorí sú tu, ktorí sa sem nedostali načas, aby získali modlitebné karty, ale oni budú veriť, Pane. Oni môžu zdvihnúť ruky, pozerať na mňa, celé zhromaždenie. Mnohí z nich sú chorí. Tu ležia tieto vreckovky, cítime Tvoju Božskú Prítomnosť skrze to pomazané Slovo, uzdrav ich Pane. Udeľ to, aby ich žiadosti boli splnené.

159 A teraz, od vreckoviek k obecenstvu, k ľudským bytostiam, ktoré tam sedia a trpia, ó, Prítomnosť Božia, príď, Otče, a uzdrav ich všetkých. Uzdravíš dnes ráno v tej Božskej milosti, keď my vyznáme, Otče? Ja, Tvoj služobník, vyznávam neschopnosť. Nemám žiadnu vec, Pane, ktorú Ti môžem predložiť ako zásluhu. Sme nehodní. Nikto z nás to nemôže, Pane. Nie sme hodní vecí, o ktoré ideme prosiť. Ale, Pane, vieme, že Ježiš odišiel hore do slávy, aby tam pripravil miesto, kde môžeme prísť a prijal nás do Seba. A On nám povedal, že nám pošle Utešiteľa, ktorým bude Duch Svätý, a On urobí jeho prácu a bude s nami navždy prebývať.

160Ó, Duchu Svätý, Duchu Boží, príď na nás a občerstvi nás dnes ráno, a potvrď Svoju Prítomnosť, Pane, rovnako, ako si to urobil, keď si kráčal po tejto Zemi, aby toto obecenstvo mohlo rozpoznať, že si tu v týchto posledných dňoch, aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo a potvrdil, že "ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Pane, prosíme to na Tvoju česť a slávu, ako sa Ti poddávame s naším vyznaním. Očisti nás svojou Krvou, Pane. Umy nás vodou Slova a očisti nás v tej Krvi. A predstav nás, Pane, ako vzory tomu neveriacemu svetu, ako toto ráno povedal Peter v tom čítanom texte. O to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

161Idem teraz poprosiť sestru pri klavíri, na chvíľu. Možno budeme dnes trochu neskôr, ale, ó, nedá sa mi chodiť príliš často. Majte s nami strpenie, iba, vydržíte všetci iba niekoľko minút? Teraz sa ideme modliť za každého. Billy, Billy Paul, kde je? Je tu? Kde si rozdal... rozdal si modlitebné karty? Čo to bolo? B od 1 po 100. Zoberme niekoľko z radu B a vidzme, či príde rozpoznanie. Ako to je? Pozrime, či je tu s nami. Iba ho poproste... Veríte, že On to učiní? Kázal som, a bol som pomazaný, ale teraz som kázal iné ako to. Rozumiete?

162 A ja... Povstaňme. Nuž ideme sa modliť za nich všetkých, každopádne, začnime od čísla 1. Kto má číslo B-číslo-1? Postavte sa, kto má modlitebnú kartu... Nie, idem ich sem priviesť, rovno sem, oni idú z tejto uličky a idú dole. Nech B-číslo-1, kto ju má, modlitebnú kartu číslo 1? Myslíte, že nie je v budove? V poriadku, začneme... Ó, je mi ľúto, pani. V poriadku, v poriadku. B-číslo-2, potom, ak sme začali od čísla 1. Nech B-číslo-2, kto ho má, zodvihnete ruky tak, aby sme ich videli. Poď sem, pani, rovno sem. Tri, kto má tri? No, nech je náš rad pozdĺž celej tej steny, posuňme sa, alebo niekde tam vzadu. Takže v poriadku, modlitebná karta číslo 3, kto príde? Je to tá pani, ktorá prichádza? Nevidím tvoju ruku, prepáč mi, sestra. Číslo 4, kto má modlitebnú kartu číslo 4? Môžete zdvihnúť ruku tak, aby som mohol vidieť, kto si? Muž tam vzadu, farebný brat, prišiel by si priamo sem, pane, číslo 4. Číslo 5, kto má číslo 5? Pán tam vzadu, prišiel by si sem ak—ak chceš? Číslo 6, kto má modlitebnú kartu 6, zdvihol by si ruku? Tu, v poriadku, 6, pane. 7. Teraz, toto predíde tomu, aby ste sa tu tlačili. 7, v poriadku, poďte rovno sem dolu, 7. Teraz, číslo 8, práve, ako ste... Prišiel by si pane? Číslo 9? V poriadku, pane. Číslo 10? V poriadku, chlapček.

163 Zatiaľ čo o tom rozmýšľame, tá najmilšia vec; keď som sem prišiel, takí malí chlapci, skoro ma to zabilo myslieť o tom. Jeden malý chlapec tam pred chvíľou stál; on povedal, "brat Branham, urobíš pre mňa niečo?" Asi taký veľký ako tento chlapček tu.

Povedal som, "Čo je to, synku?"

164On povedal, "Modli sa za moju mamu." Povedal, "Ona berie Božie meno nadarmo a ona má taký hrozný život."

Povedal som, "Kde bývaš? Tu v meste?"

Povedal, "Áno, pane."

165 On chcel, aby jeho mama bola dobrá žena. A niet sa čo čudovať, Izaiáš povedal, "dieťa ich povedie."

166Číslo 10, číslo, nie je to číslo 10? V poriadku, číslo 11? V poriadku, číslo 12, číslo 12? V poriadku, číslo 13, 14? V poriadku, 15. 15, Nevidím to, číslo 15? 16. V poriadku, príď tadiaľ, pane, ak chceš, 16. 17, 18, 18, nevidel som to. V poriadku, pani, alebo sestra, 18. V poriadku, teraz choď tým smerom, pani, ak chceš, choď tade. Teraz, pozrite, ako modlitebný rad... stačí, keď tam budú takto spolu stáť.

167 Ako sa modlitebný rad začína zmenšovať (Vidíte?), potom nech Billy Paul alebo niektorí z tých tu z pódia... brat Neville, brat Neville, nech brat Neville po chvíli, ak ich vidíte... Teraz, keď uvidíte brata Nevilleho a budete vidieť modlitebný rad, ako sa... On vám dá pokyn, pretože sa budem modliť o Ducha Svätého...

168 No, tento muž, máš modlitebnú kartu, ty v tom invalidnom kresle, pane? On má svoju modlitebnú kartu. V poriadku, môžete ho zobrať priamo do modlitebného radu. No, je niekto ďalší, ktorý je tu a nevie sa dostať hore? Pomôžte im niekto, ak oni... ak prídu na rad. Vidíte? Teraz, iba myslite, začneme, kde som prestal, tam okolo 18 alebo 20, niekde okolo toho, potom začnite 21, 22, poznajte svoje miesto, ako sem prichádzate.

169 No, staráte sa? Veríte, že On sa vždy staral? Veríte, že sa teraz stará? Ak sa On staral, On sa vždy bude starať. Veríte tomu? No, chcem, aby bol každý len skutočne úctivý, buďte na svojom mieste a modlite sa. Teraz, vy v obecenstve, modlite sa tiež. No, ako sa On staral? Pretože sa viac nemôže starať, a žiaden človek alebo žiaden prorok nemôže ísť poza hranice Božieho zasľúbeného Slova. Je to tak? No, je mi jedno; mohli ste prejsť sto ráz modlitebnými radmi, ale vy, ktorí stojíte, a vy, ktorí sedíte, ak je vo vašom živote hriech, nevera, vyznajte to teraz. Nepokúšajte sa sem prísť bez toho. Ak... vy by ste sem mohli prísť a bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi je ten človek pomazaný, stál by tu a kládol by na vás ruky, určite to miniete o stovky míľ, pokiaľ tomu nebudete veriť. Musíte to veriť. Musíte to vyznať. Musíte. Vidíte, potom ak vy... Pozrite sa sem, ako je tam... Dúfam, že ste to pochopili. Rozumiete? Je úplne nemožné pre Boha, aby nedodržal svoje Slovo voči vám, ak ste vy dodržali svoje slovo voči Bohu. Rozumiete? Ak tomu skutočne veríte, nič vás neprinúti, aby ste o tom pochybovali. Čas, priestor, nič iné vás nemôže prinútiť, aby ste o tom pochybovali. Veríte to, Veríte tomu?

170 Teraz, idem sa pozrieť na tento modlitebný rad. Pokiaľ viem, pokiaľ to je tento muž práve tu, poznám ho; a viem, že ... poznám tam Gene Slaughtera; poznám ho; mimo to... A ja neviem, kvôli čomu tam stoja. Nemám tušenie, kvôli čomu tam sú. Boh vie. A teraz, ak vy všetci viete, že ja o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite ruky, vy, ktorí tam stojíte. Teraz, koľkí v tomto obecenstve viete, že o vás nič neviem, zodvihnite ruky. Teraz, koľkí sú si vedomí, že Ježiš Kristus o vás vie?

171A koľkí to budú chcieť povedať? Verím [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Verím" – pozn.prekl.] celým svojím srdcom ["celým svojím srdcom"], že Ježiš ["že Ježiš"] ma uzdravil ["ma uzdravil"], keď bol ukrižovaný ["keď bol ukrižovaný"] na Kalvárii ["na Kalvárii."]. V poriadku. Vidíte? Tak, ak to už urobil, potom je to tvoja viera prijať to. No, On sa dostatočne staral, aby to činil, staráte sa vy dostatočne, aby ste dali nabok každú pochybnosť a verili tomu? Uvaľte všetky svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa o vás stará.

172 Tak, ak ste chorí, ak ste postihnutí, videl som, nuž, viete, desaťtisíce krát tisíce vecí, ktoré Duch Svätý učinil. A vy to viete, spasticita, ešte aj mŕtvi...

173 Jeden muž sa tu na pódiu zvalil mŕtvy, priamo pred nami, asi pred troma týždňami. Jeho žena je registrovaná zdravotná sestra, ona tu sedí. A ten muž sa zrútil. On tu niekde sedí. Tu sedí jeho žena, a on... a tu je niekde, teraz je niekde tu. Áno, tu stojí. Oči sa mu prevrátili dozadu, stmavli, rovno... padol, a zrútil sa. Ona ho prehliadla, nemal žiaden tlkot srdca, žiaden pulz. Položil som na neho ruky, bol preč, zavolal som jeho ducha v Mene Ježiša Krista, a on potom hneď vstal. Vidíte?

174Čo to je? On je Vzkriesenie a Život. To som nebol ja. To bol Utešiteľ, ktorý konal, Duch Svätý, ktorý sa prihovára za nás. Vidíte? Akceptovali sme Ho; teraz je na ňom, aby urobil prímluvu. Ako by som ťa mohol... Môže ťa Boh spasiť proti tvojej vôli? Určite nie. On ťa nemôže uzdraviť proti tvojej vôli. Musíš tomu veriť.

175 No, čo by to bolo, ak On môže potvrdiť, Boh ma nechá Božským darom ukázať vám, že Ježiš Kristus je tu s nami, že tento Utešiteľ je Ježiš Kristus, On je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo." Je to tak? "Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A Biblia povedala, v Židom 4, že "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako obojstranne nabrúsený meč, a Ono je Zjavovateľom myšlienok srdca." Je to tak? A to je to, čo Ježiš urobil, aby potvrdil, že On bol tým pomazaným Slovom, Mesiášom. Ó. Nevidíte to? Čo je Mesiáš? Pomazaný. Čo pomazané? Pomazané Slovo. "A Slovo bolo učinené telom." On bol pomazaným Slovom. Vidíš to, brat Vayle? Vidíš, On je pomazané Slovo.

176 Teraz, keď sa mu odovzdáš, potom ťa On používa poza to, čo vieš, a dokazuje, že On je stále pomazaným Slovom a Zjavovateľom myšlienok srdca. Ó, ako v to môže niekto pochybovať? Iba verte, nepochybujte. A teraz, vy, ktorí tam sedíte, ja som sa dnes ráno dotkol tejto témy. Keď sa tá malá žena starala, možno sa nedostala do modlitebného radu, ale ona sa dotkla okraja Jeho rúcha, a On sa otočil. Veríte tomu? Veríte, že sa to dnes opäť môže stať? Áno. No, ako by ste sa toho dotkli?

177 Biblia hovorí, že On je Veľkňazom, práve teraz je Veľkňazom, sediacim po pravici Majestátu Boha, aby sa prihováral za naše vyznanie. Vyznávame, že tomu veríme, a chceme sa dotknúť Veľkňaza. A keď sa Ho dotýkame, ako by On konal? Je tu vo forme Ducha Svätého. Potom On bude hovoriť rovno späť a povie vám to presne. Je to v poriadku? No, veríte tomu a seďte ticho, zostaňte úctiví a pozorujte. No, ak On to bude robiť aspoň trikrát, to bude dostatočné, či nie? Trikrát, ak to On bude robiť. Raz, dva, tri, ak to On bude robiť.

178 Ako sa máš? No, čakajte, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme. Vidíte, toto je... Ja nie... Toto je niečo, čo je práve teraz trochu odlišné; kázal som, a potom sa obraciam k tomuto. No, nevolal som k Pánovi ohľadne tohto dlhý čas, ale Pán Boh pozná moje srdce, a nech splní Vaše žiadosti. Teraz, ja tomu verím, že to učiní.

179 No, stojí tu žena; nepoznáme sa. Pokiaľ sa pamätám, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona možno sedela v niektorom obecenstve niekde alebo ma poznala z nejakej literatúry, ale nebeský Otec vie, pokiaľ sa pamätám, nikdy vo svojom živote som sa na ňu nepozrel. Ona je cudzinka.

180No, ak je On ten istý, tu sa stretáva muž a žena rovnako, ako Ježiš stretol tú ženu pri studni, o čom som pred chvíľou hovoril. On sa o ňu staral. No, táto žena možno nie je vinná rovnakej veci, ako bola tamtá, ale niečo tam nie je v poriadku. Ale On sa o ňu stará práve tak veľmi, ako sa staral o tamtú ženu. Vidíte, On sa stará. No a keď to videla, ona to rozpoznala. Tak, obaja tu takto stojíme. No, nikdy som ju nevidel.

181 No, ak ten veľký Duch Svätý, ten Neviditeľný, teraz, ak mi Ho zmysel viery potvrdí... On dal zmysly viery a Jeho Slovo to prinieslo v týchto posledných dňoch do takej blízkosti, až tam On má tento obraz Toho. On to priniesol tak blízko k našim zmyslom, pomazal to, odišiel a uvideli sme Ho prísť sem a pohybovať sa tu v tejto forme Stĺpa Ohňa. Či nie? Teraz, On je tu; viem, že je tu. Moja viera hovorí, že On je tu. No, ak sa tu môže práve dostatočne materializovať, aby uchytil život tejto ženy (Rozumiete?), ako zasľúbil, že bude konať... Duch Boží bude konať rovnako, ako On.

182 Teraz, ja, potom, ako som kázal, iba k vám chcem chvíľu hovoriť, iba aby som videl.

183Ako to učinil tej žene pri studni, On povedal, "Daj sa mi napiť." Vy viete, On bol práve... On tam možno sedel a myslel na nich, keď odišli nakúpiť potraviny, a potom On musel k nej chvíľu hovoriť, viete. Otec ho tam poslal. On musel... Išiel do Jericha; a išiel hore do Samárie, to je na hore; On mal potrebu, aby tade prechádzal.

184 Nuž, tak nejako, ja som mal potrebu, Otec ma sem poslal z Arizony a vy ste prišli. Tak je to isté. Nič sa nedeje náhodne; všetko sa deje z určitého dôvodu. Milosť Božia je správna.

185 Teraz, nepoznám ťa, a ty vyzeráš celkom zdravá, ale to nemusí byť to, kvôli čomu si tu. Môže to byť niečo iné. Môže to byť niekto milovaný; to môže byť domáca záležitosť, finančná. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som to vedel; viete to. Ale ak mi to On vysvetlí, prečo ste tu, vy to budete vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. A bude potom obecenstvo veriť jedným srdcom? No, vy nás počujete, a je to nahrávané, a my tu práve stojíme na pódiu.

186Nejaká pani, vidím ju držať si takto hlavu. Ona má bolesti hlavy, ktoré ju obťažujú, niečo ako bolesti hlavy pri migréne. Je to vytrvalá bolesť hlavy, ktorá sa stále opakuje. To je pravda. Ak je to tak, zdvihni ruku. Vidíte? To je pravda. Iná vec, ona má problémy so štítnou žľazou, ako jej bolo povedané, napriek tomu, to ťa obťažovalo, a on má pravdu, to je štítna žľaza. A potom, ty máš komplikácie, dosť veľa vecí u teba nie je v poriadku: nervozita, rozčúlenie, nepokoj, "niekedy sa čudujem, kde stojím a či som vnútri alebo vonku." A to je pravda. To je pravda. Teraz, On ťa pozná, nemôžeš sa teraz schovať, ak by si sa musela. Vidíte? Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, čo, kto si? Nuž, Viola, vráť sa domov, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Veríte?

187 Ja neviem tie veci. Ježiš Kristus vie všetko. Tento ďalší mi je tiež neznámy. Boh nás oboch pozná. Veríš, že som jeho prorok, jeho služobník? Veríš týmto veciam, ktoré som kázal z tohto Slova, že sú pravdou? Áno? Ak mi Pán Ježiš Kristus povie, prečo si tu, uveríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? A On to urobí, pretože sa o teba stará. Jeho starostlivosť je pre teba; On to robí, pretože On sa o teba stará. On sa stará o týchto ostatných, ktorí prichádzajú v tom rade. On sa o nich postaral. Ty si mal potiaže, nehodu, automobilovú nehodu. Ty sa toho obávaš. Tak je to. Máš potiaže so svojou končatinou. Tak je to. Bude to v poriadku, a tá nervozita ťa opustí, tak choď rovno domov a ďakuj Pánovi a hovor, "Chvála Pánovi." Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné. V poriadku.

188 Veríte? Nepoznám ťa; si mi neznáma. Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať dôvod, prečo si tu alebo niečo iné o tebe? Môžeš tomu veriť? Tam je iná žena; to si nebola ty, koho vidím... Nie, nebola. To si ty, si tu pre niekoho. Si tu pre nie... Je to tvoja matka. Tak, to je pravda. Tiež sa stalo niečo zlé s jej končatinou. Presne tak. Ona tu nie je. Ona je blízko miesta ako, ktoré mi pripomína Anglicko, akosi, niekde tu dolu. Ty, je to v poriadku, veríš? V poriadku, choď. Je uzdravená.

189 Tam boli dve ženy. Jedna z nich bola oveľa staršia, takže ja som sa divil, kde to bolo. Pozeral som sa, aby som videl, kde to bolo. Pán Boh vie všetko? A On môže urobiť všetko. Veríte tomu? Amen. Nie je nádherný? Milujem Ho. On je mojím životom. On je všetkým, čo mám. On je všetkým, čo chcem.

190 To pomazanie nasledovalo tú pani. Tam je iná pani, ktorá sedí tam, je obťažená nervozitou, a má pod svojou rukou výrastok. Je to tak? Potom, keď na teba položila svoje ruky, cítila si skutočne zvláštny pocit. Nebolo to tak? To je to, keď ťa On uzdravil. Bude vám dobre...?... Pozrite, kde je. Žena, za ktorú som sa tu modlil. Vidíte? Zaregistrovali ste, keď sa modlila, ja som sa za ňu modlil, čo sa stalo? Vidíte? Videl som inú ženu, a pozrel som sa tým smerom. Tam bolo zvláštny pocit. Oni sa musia poznať, niečo, alebo... oni sa poznajú, pretože tá žena mala pre túto ženu tu cítenie. A potom táto žena ide dolu a dotkne sa jej, a ako to urobila, pozrel som sa a videl som tam ďalej, a ona tam stála. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Boh na nebesiach to vie. Ó!. Prečo by ste pochybovali?

191Ak len môžeš veriť, On môže, On ťa môže zbaviť zlých zvykov. Veríš v to? Veríš, že On ťa celkom uzdraví? Choď napred, a ty prestaneš okamžite a nikdy viac ďalšiu nevyfajčíš. Choď napred a ver celým svojím srdcom. Ver Bohu. Nepochybuj.

192 Veríte? Mali sme už číslo 3? Verte Bohu. Nepochybujte. Iba verte. Veríte, že jeho pomazanie je teraz tu? Amen. Nepochybujte. Verte.

193Idem na teba položiť ruky a veriť. Budeš veriť so mnou? V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tento brat uzdravený. Amen. Majte teraz vieru; nepochybujte. Moment.

194 Tam v obecenstve sa niečo stalo a nemohol som to vidieť; je to rovno tu. Myslím, že je mi to teraz ukryté. Tu to je. Vidím to zastrene. Je to nejaký muž a trpí nervozitou. Má chlapca, ktorý má epilepsiu. Ver celým svojím srdcom, pane. Veríš? Tak. V poriadku, polož svoju ruku tam na toho chlapca a on bude v poriadku. Amen. Chvála Pánovi.

195 Veríte teraz? Ten démon si myslel, že sa môže skryť, ale zlyhal. Veríte? Tá vec sa niekde stále pohybuje. Ó, pre milosť a starosť. Držte to. Je tu niekde iný epileptik. Áno, tu je, rovno tu. Veríš? Maj vieru. Veríš, že Boh ťa pozná? Môžeš ísť naspäť do Ohia, buď uzdravený, pán Nelson T. Grant. To je tvoje meno. Ak budeš veriť, tie veci ťa opustia a nikdy viac ťa nebudú obťažovať. Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, neviem o ňom nič. Nemôžete to skryť, Duch Boží je tu.

196Skloňme naše hlavy a vzdajme Bohu chválu. Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme ti. Ty si ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky. Tvoja milosť nikdy nezlyhá, Pane; je stále rovnaká. Modlím sa, aby Tvoja veľká milosť a dobrota spočinula na ľuďoch. Ty sa dostatočne staráš, Pane, aby si prišiel a potvrdil Sa. Ty si Boh. Ty si ten veľký Svätý, veľký Duch Svätý. Teraz, nech môžu títo ľudia veriť, Pane, ako tadiaľto prechádzajú, a nech je každý z nich uzdravený. Ako je Tvoje pomazanie tu, skláňam sa nad týmito vreckovkami. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si udelil ich žiadosti, Otče. Udeľ to, Pane, tu, aj v publiku.

197A nech sa každá osoba, ktorá je v Božej prítomnosti, dostatočne stará, aby verila, že Ty si sa dostatočne staral, aby si povstal v tom poslednom dni medzi Tvojimi ľuďmi, aby si to potvrdil. Ty ich nemôžeš uzdraviť, Pane; Ty nemôžeš urobiť, čo si už urobil. Už si ich uzdravil. A toto je jediná vec, ktorá môže byť učinená, aby verili. A Ty sa dostatočne staráš; aj napriek tak mnohej nevere, cez ktorú sme sa predrali, Ty sa stále dostatočne staráš a ukazuješ Sa živý a vzkriesený z mŕtvych medzi nami. Nech uvalíme svoje starosti na Teba, a nech je každá osoba v Božskej Prítomnosti uzdravená, na duchu aj v tele. Skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

198 V poriadku, poďte priamo cez tento priechod; nech ľudia idú priamo popri tom. V poriadku, Billy ich bude volať, kúsok po kúsku. Ne... Nehovorme viacej, to Pomazanie je na mne. Rozumiete? Chcem na neho položiť ruky, pokiaľ je To tu. Rozumiete? Nemôžem sa zastaviť na tom rozpoznaní. Ak ja ... Koľkí sú tu, za ktorých sa máme modliť, zodvihnite ruku. Asi sedemdesiat percent. Vidíte? Teraz je za desať minút jedna. Služba s krstom bude po tomto zhromaždení. Ja to nemôžem urobiť, ale vy môžete veriť. Ak sa On dostatočne stará, aby sa zjavil, vy by ste sa mali dostatočne starať, aby ste verili. Je to v poriadku? V poriadku, modlime sa všetci. A Billy alebo brat Neville použijú tieto, použijú tento mikrofón. Nechajme naše hlavy sklonené a modlime sa, zatiaľ čo prechádzajú cez modlitebný rad. Teraz sa idem modliť za každého z vás, klásť ruky na vás a žiadať, aby akékoľvek posadnutie, ktoré máte od diabla, od vás odišlo, ako teraz prechádzate pod týmto pomazaným miestom, ak to mám tak povedať. Pomazanie tam vzadu je rovnaké ako tu. Ja som to urobil pre vašu vieru, preto som to povedal. Modlime sa všetci.

199 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tento malý chlapec uzdravený, Pane. Amen. Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.
V Mene Ježiša Krista, som poslušný Tvojmu prikázaniu, Pane. Povedal si, "Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať veriacich." Veriacich, nás oboch. "Ak kladú ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." V Ježišovom Mene, Činím práve to. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na tohto brata. Amen. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem ruky na nášho brata pre jeho uzdravenie. Amen.

200 On sa o teba stará, sestra. Ja sa starám, aby som kládol ruky. Staráš sa dostatočne, aby si verila? Amen. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je tak, aby naša sestra bola uzdravená.

201 V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je náš brat uzdravený.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech je naša sestra uzdravená.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Brat, On sa stará. Aj ty? V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav.

202 Modlime sa všetci. Toto sú tvoji ľudia, ktorí tadeto prechádzajú.

203 V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav tohto môjho brata. Amen.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto nášho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru, môjho brata.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru, v Ježišovom Mene

204 Sestra, On sa stará. Aj ty? V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi tvoje uzdravenie.

V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi svoje uzdravenie, sestra.

V Ježišovom Mene, prijmi svoje uzdravenie.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, prijmi svoje uzdravenie.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Otče,v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho brata, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

205 Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav malého chlapca v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav brata Creecha, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto našu sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto našu sestru, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav ich, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Je to tvoje dieťa, tvoja žena? Ja to neviem. Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav túto moju sestru, Bože, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav ich Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

206 Ponúkam svoju úprimnú modlitbu každému. Vy sa teraz starajte. Ježiš sa stará. Ježiš poslal Posolstvo. Ježiš poslal Svojho Ducha. Ježiš poslal Svoje Slovo. Ježiš poslal Svojho služobníka. My sa všetci staráme. Teraz, staráte sa? Ak sa staráte, verte tomu, akceptujte to s úprimnosťou; to bude učinené.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru. Udeľ to, Otče.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho drahého...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Pane, v Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju.

Ó, nebeský Otče, maj na ľuďmi milosť; udeľ to, Bože. Nech príde sila na to telo, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto môjho brata.

Bože, tu naša sestra v tomto kresle, modlím sa, aby si ju uzdravil a učiň nech jej je dobre, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, uzdrav našu sestru tu v jej čistom skutku dobročinnosti, pomáhajúc nám...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

Bože, uzdrav môjho brata, modlím sa, v Mene Ježiša...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto môjho...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav...?...

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?..., Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto, Pane.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho...?... Pane.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto moju sestru.

V Ježišovom Mene uzdrav...?...

Uzdrav môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav brata v ...?... [Prázdne miesto na páske—pozn.prekl.]

206aPríďte s plnou istotou; o ničom nepochybujte; iba verte. A každý sa teraz modlite. Toto sú naši ľudia, ktorí tu prechádzajú, Božie deti. Verte.

Uzdrav našu malú sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho vzácneho...?... Pane. Bože, on čakal tak dlho, smie toto byť tá hodina, keď...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto...?...

V Mene Ježiša...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene...?...

V Mene Ježiša, kladieme ruky na...?...

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav ju...?...

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, Pane. On...?...

V Mene...?...

Bože, uzdrav môjho...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav moju sestru.

Bože, v Ježišovom mene, zober...?... z môjho brata, Pane, učiň nech mu je dobre, Otče...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša, uzdrav tohto môjho brata.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav tohto môjho švagra, modlím sa.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane a Bože uzdrav ju...?... v Mene Ježiša.

Uzdrav našu sestru, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?... služobník...?...

Ó, Bože, keď počujem niektoré zo žiadostí, udeľ ich vyplnenie. Nech to tak je v Tvojom Mene, Pane...?...

206b Teraz, to je spôsob, ako to prijať, brat. Teraz, pretože Pán to urobil. Chvála Pánovi.

Pozrite, či to dieťa nie je...?... Teraz, iba nechajte vedieť, čo je s Vami v neporiadku. Ja som to iba nevyvolal...?... v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista...

Ó, Bože, tu stojí...?... Modlím sa za ňu, ako tu stojí za Edith. Myslíme na tú malú nervozitu, Pane. Ona je určite práve teraz potlačená. Jej sestra tu stojí za ňu, Pane. Udeľ, ó Bože, udeľ jej tieto žiadosti, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, buď milostivý voči nášmu bratovi a uzdrav ho, Otče, v Ježišovom...?...

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, dotkni sa tohto môjho vzácneho brata a učiň mu, nech sa má dobre, Otče.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, Pane, uzdrav našu sestru.

Uzdrav nášho brata, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav túto našu sestru.

Ó, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto...?...

Bože, uzdrav tohto malého chlapca v Mene Ježiša Krista.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata, Pane.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav nášho...?...

Ó, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav tohto kresťanského brata.

Uzdrav našu sestru...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

Ó Bože, uzdrav túto našu sestru, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, uzdrav našu sestru, za čo sa modlím v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, učiň, nech jej je dobre; udeľ to, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

206c Bože, dotkni sa nášho brata; je to Tvoje Slovo; zasľúbil si ho, Pane, a my prichádzame veriac tomu...?... v Ježišovom Mene.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru, Pane; teraz prišla s istotou, veriac; nech môže odísť a mať sa dobre.

V Ježišovom Mene, nech môže ísť a byť uzdravená, Pane.

Bože, polož Tvoju uzdravujúcu ruku na túto...?... Otče, nech sa vrátia do jej domu s jej prosbou. Ó, Bože, udeľ uzdravenie, Pane.

Uzdrav našu sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože nebeský, uzdrav môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

A moja sestra, v Mene Pána Ježiša.

Uzdrav tohto...?... Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav túto moju švagrinú v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav moju sestru, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho brata, Pane, v Ježišovom Mene.

Teraz, On sa stará; urob to tiež, brat. Choď a vzdaj mu chválu a ďakuj Mu a ver s... Udeľ to Pane, o mnohých si si robil starosti; osvieť ich, Otče, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav nášho brata.

206d Môžeš...?... Udeľ to...?... Bože, udeľ jej uzdravenie...?... drahí svätí, ktorí čakajú na Ducha Svätého okolo nej. Bože nech môže ísť a veriť Ti. Udeľ to, Otče.

V Ježišovom Mene, nech môže ísť slobodne, Otče..

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

V Ježišovom Mene...?... a uzdrav ju.

V Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru..

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

Bože, učiň, aby bolo môjmu bratovi dobre, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože...?... poď, poď sem...?... sila mu učiní, že mu bude dobre.

Ó, Bože, uzdrav našu sestru a ukáž jej, Pane, miesto tu. Pane, učiň, aby to odišlo a nech ona...?... pocíti Božiu silu, v Ježišovom Mene...?... jej prosby...?...

Bože, uzdrav nášho brata, Pane, a nech je v poriadku.

V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav našu sestru, Bože.

Bože, uzdrav...?... urob ho...?... tak veľmi. Udeľ teraz, oni všetci budú...?...

Uzdrav, náš Pane, modlím sa za milosť, drahý Pane Ježišu...?...

Bože, uzdrav túto moju sestru a nech jej je dobre, Otče...?... Pane, a o mnohých mala starosť a my ich zdieľame. Teraz, môže byť...?...

206eV Ježišovom Mene, uzdrav túto moju sestru, Pane.

Uzdrav môjho brata v Mene...?...

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, učiň, aby mu bolo dobre...?...

Uzdrav našu sestru, Pane, v... Ježiša Krista?...

Uzdrav moju sestru v Ježišovom Mene.

Uzdrav môjho malého brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav môjho brata.

Bože, uzdrav moju sestru. V Mene Ježiša, nech je uzdravená.

Bože, uzdrav tohto môjho brata, nech je v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...

Ó, Otče, uzdrav ho v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Uzdrav...?... túto sestru, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech môže ísť a ...?...

Bože, udeľ jej požiadavku v Mene Ježiša Krista, modlím sa, aby Si udelil tú prosbu.

Bože, sestra Spencerová, nech sláva a milosť Božia, nech ona očakáva na túto hodinu, čas, keď to ona môže zhodiť...?... A nech jej je dobre...?...

Bože, brat Ungren...?... Bože nech to ide...?... nech trúbi Evanjelium. Zachovaj ho v poriadku, Bože; udeľ to, v Ježišovom Mene.
Bože...?... tu je vzývané Tvoje Meno...?... Modlím sa, aby ju teraz Tvoja sila oslobodila...?... s úprimnosťou táto malá matka tu...?... či nie je to tak, v siedmich dňoch ona mohla byť...?... Udeľ to, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

Bože, pre jej deti, ó, Bože, oni sa čudujú, a mnohí z nich sú chorí, a to dievča je choré, a ona nebola...?... Ó, Bože, modlím sa, aby si to udelil skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.

Tak som ti vďačný za brata Toma, Pane, modlíme sa, aby si ho uzdravil a pomohol mu. Nech je požehnané Meno...?...

Tam dolu je muž...?... Chceš, aby sme sa tiež za teba modlili, brat? Pane Ježišu...

[Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl]

206f On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba, (potom iba daj svoje starosti na Neho.)

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

207Staráš sa o Neho? Staráš sa o Jeho Slovo? Amen. Pán nech vás žehná. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Verím, že som zodpovedal tieto prosby. Zodpovedal som žiadosti, či nie, každému z vás?

208Pred chvíľou som urobil malú chybu v zhromaždení; Som si istý, že niekto si to všimol. Pán mi práve na to niekde poukázal. Povedal som niečo nad niekým, keď som to povedal pre niekoho iného. Nemôžem... nemôžem vidieť tú osobu, kde to bolo, ale bol to niekto, komu som dal požehnanie pre niekoho iného. A ja... Oni prechádzali skutočne rýchlo, a ja som si to nevšimol. A ja som ne... Áno, to bolo; Teraz to vidím. Je to tento muž a táto žena, ktorí sedia rovno tu. Ak sa nemýlim, potriasol som si s nimi ruky včera večer v motelovej izbe, alebo niekde na pozemku motela, tu v Jefferson Villa. Povedal som niečo k tomu mužovi, a povedal som "sestra" namiesto "brat," keď ste prechádzali okolo. Všimli ste si to? To bolo pre tvoju ženu. No, ona mala určitý čas problémy, dlhý čas mala ťažkosti s vnútornosťami. Vy ste z Illinois. Pani Mongalandová, tak je to, to je tvoje meno. Nuž, vieš, že ťa nepoznám, ale teraz si priamo v kontakte. Ver celým svojím srdcom, a tam to úplne zmizne, bude to normálne, ako to vždy bolo, ak veríš. Aby ste mohli vidieť, že po celý čas, no ja...

209 Jediná vec, ktorú viem, spomínam si, že poslednú noc som myslel na muža, myslím, že mal taký slušný účes, vlasy rozdelené na cestičku v strede, tento sivovlasý muž, ktorý tu sedí. Ja som sa iba pozrel a tam bolo to Svetlo, svietilo priamo nad nimi. A to je to, čo to bolo. A potom sa mi zjavilo videnie. Nevedel som, kto sú, ani nič o tom. Tá pani bola tam vonku posledný večer; Povedal som, "Idete na zhromaždenie?" Ona povedala, "Áno." Ale milosť Božia to potiahla opäť priamo naspäť, a to je to, kto to bol. Všimol si si to v modlitebnej rade, brat, že niečo bolo povedané, čo bolo zamenené? To bolo pre sestru namiesto pre teba. To bolo v poriadku, išlo to tam k sestre.

210 No, aby ste mohli poznať, že cez ten modlitebný rad, Anjel Pánov tam bol. On môže zavolať. Ale ako voláte, to slabne, slabne, slabne. Rozumiete? Tak On sa o vás stará a ja sa starám o Vás. Mohol by som ísť ďalej štyri alebo päťkrát viac, a potom, prvá vec, ktorú viete, Billy by tam bol a bral by ma od kazateľne. Ale myslel som si, že ak, istotne, ja som tu žil s vami po všetky tieto roky, a vy všetci v celom národe, vy viete, že vás milujem. Ó, milujem Vás, ako by ste boli moje vlastné deti, a vy ste moje deti v Evanjeliu. Splodil som vás Kristovi, skrze Evanjelium. A teraz, myslím, že tieto, táto žiadosť tu a tak ďalej, ja som na ne odpovedal.

211 No, ja vás milujem. A myslel som, že ak pôjdem dole a položím na vás ruky a vy uvidíte, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý to robil, a potom na zhromaždení v tom rade začali nejaké pochybnosti. Ja som to minul, a išiel som cez to rýchlo a vyslovil som jedno požehnanie niekomu inému a potom, a potom Duch Svätý to rovno vrátil, po skončení zhromaždenia a spätne nám to ukázal. Vidíte? Nevidíte to? On sa stará. No, staráte sa vy? Staráte sa dostatočne, aby ste povedali, "Odteraz je niečo v mojom srdci, čo hovorí, že moje ťažkosti sú preč. Je mi dobre; bude mi dobre"? Veríte tomu? Zodvihnite ruky, "Verím, že ja..." Pán Vás žehnaj.

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

212Toto je taký veľký sviatok lásky. Spievajme to a potrasme si navzájom ruky.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

213Zdržal som vás dnes ráno tak dlho pokiaľ ja... Môj pastor nekáže tak dlho ako ja. Ja áno. On sa pokúsi priniesť vám posolstvo dnes večer, a my vám dáme vedieť o tom, či bude budúcu nedeľu zhromaždenie s tým názvom. Ak tu ja nebudem, služby jednako budú. Tak vás všetkých, nech vás Pán žehná, každého. Myslím, že práve nasleduje služba s krstom.

214Tak, ak by ste na chvíľu vstali pred rozchodom. Spievajme to opäť. "Uhoďte svoje starosti na Neho, On sa o vás stará." A teraz, ak sa o Neho staráte, povedzte, "Pane, ja..." Ak toto činíte, vy činíte toto vyhlásenie, "Pane, viem, že si sa o mňa staral. A ja zdvíham ruky; Starám sa o Teba." Nechajme svoje ruky v tomto milostivom sviatku lásky zdvihnuté, ako spievame.

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

215Teraz, pokiaľ máme sklonené hlavy, povedzme... [brat Branham hmká "On stará sa o teba" - pozn.prekl] Ó, prívetivosť môjho Pána. Necítite Jeho lásku, ako vás ťahá rovno hore k Nemu? Povedzte, "Pane, milujem Ťa. Milujem Ťa. Ty sa o mňa staráš, Pane. Ty si sa o mňa toľko staral, až si za mňa hriešnika zomrel. Ty si bol ranený za moje prestúpenia, Tvojimi ranami som bol uzdravený."

On stará sa o teba,

On stará sa o teba,

Cez slnečný svit alebo cez tieň,

On stará sa o teba.

216Len na to teraz pamätajte, keď máte sklonené hlavy. Brat Edwards, poď, prosím, sem a rozpusti nás modlitbou. Ale najskôr, hmkajme to ešte raz. [brat Branham začína hmkať "He Careth For You" (On stará sa o teba) — pozn.prekl] Rozpamätajte sa, či je slnečno alebo zamračené, On sa stále stará. Staráš sa aj ty? Povedz, "Áno, Pane, sľubujem, že sa starám. Práve od teraz. Od teraz sa starám. Starám sa o moje svedectvo." [brat Branham pokračuje hmkajúc "On stará sa o Teba" – pozn.prekl.]

On stará sa o teba. (Brat Edwards.)

HE CARES. DO YOU CARE?, 63-0721, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 148 min

1 Thank you, Brother. Let's remain standing just a moment now for prayer. Now with our heads bowed, is there any spoken request, or made known by just the lifting of your hand, if you just raise up your hand like, right, just hold your request now.

2 Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thee again, for these requests that's... they have their hands lifted into the air. And they are needy this morning, Lord, of many things. Thou dost know what they are thinking in their heart, because You are the Word, and the Word is a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. And I pray Thee, Most Gracious God, that You will answer each of them according to their needs, knowing this, that Thou will do it according to their faith. Give us faith as we speak Thy Word then, Lord, may It bring faith to them. Help me to speak Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth, that It might bring faith to give answer to these requests. And then there might be some here, Lord, who has wandered off of that narrow way, that's not walking in the Truth of the way. We pray, Father, that something will be done today, and made known, that they will come quickly back to that path of fellowship again with Christ. The days are growing late, evil is on every hand, there's a great falling away. And we pray, Father, that You will make Yourself known to us today, by healing the sick in our midst, performing miracles. Not that You have to do it, Lord, to let us know that You're God, but because You promised to do it. And we know that Thou will grant to us Your promises if we'll only believe them and know they are true. We ask this favors in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (May be seated.)

3 I was just taking a moment to read some of the requests laying here, there's two or three, one of them is a request for prayer. Course, there's many handkerchiefs laying here that we'd be glad to--to pray over them just in a little while, when we feel that the Presence of the Holy Spirit is--is at Its peak. That's when I try to pray over this, when all the congregation, all is anointed with His Presence.

4 We're so sorry to--to bother, have so many standing, and not room for them to sit down. And--and this is the day of hot weather at its very peak of heat, we're having about a hundred percent of humidity and about a hundred degrees, so it's very sticky and hot.

5And I gave out this morning for healing services, or not... Reason I make that "healing" service, because I put my faith in what He promised. See? Now, I cannot say that He will do it, but I believe after hearing His Word and basing our faith upon what He has promised, then we have a right to claim His healing promises, just as we do His salvation promises.

6 These couple requests. I don't know whether they got the recorders going yet for this, or not. It might be good. Well, I guess it's all right for the outside, the public to hear this, it's a request.

Did you prophesy that there'd be a--a million Negroes killed on the... or did you just announce that there would be this happening?

7Now, see, I've always asked you to be careful what you're listening to. See? There's so much of it that it's just the human side. But always if there is something that goes forth, it will speak it, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD," even to visions or anything. The visions on the platform, in the audience, you are doing that yourself; it isn't God, it's you. See? God doesn't produce that vision, you do it yourself, by your faith in a Divine gift.

8Like the woman touched His garment, He didn't know who she was or what was wrong with her, but she did that herself. See? Now, that wasn't THUS SAITH THE LORD. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD when Jesus spoke back and told her that her faith had saved her. But, see, you have to watch.

9 No, I just was talking about Martin Luther King, on this great disaster that they're having in the South, with the--the colored people. I said, "If those people were slaves, I'd take my church and go south to help them people out of slavery." I sure would, because man makes slaves, not God. We're all of one blood. We all come from one tree, and that was from Adam. God, by one blood, has made all nations. And whether we, our colors are brown, or black, or yellow, or red, or whatever it might be, we are all creatures of the Almighty, see, and there shouldn't be any differences in us.

10 The question down there is "segregation of school." Now, I was there at the first uprise, and I heard it, and I--I know from what I speak of. The colored people has fine schools, sometimes much better than the other schools. And, for instance, in Shreveport they got finer schools than the white school is. But it's the idea of somebody inspiring them that they should go and mix themselves together. Which, I think that it'd be all right, but as long as the people are protesting it, those southern people, then what difference does it make anyhow?

11And I think that Martin Luther King is Communistic inspired, which is going to lead about a million people to a absolutely a death trap. See? I don't say the Lord told me that. "I" believe, see. And I believe it shouldn't be done. I think that people ought to be Christians and recognize one another as brothers. And, but I think just because...

12This United States, this government now tells me that I can't even sign a check that--that's be... give to me personally. See? That's constitutional rights taken from me, but what can I do about it? Just go ahead, that's all. See? And it has to go through another system before I as a citizen of the United States can cash a check, has to come through this church, I can't cash it. See? And that's not right. That's unconstitutional. But what--what can I do about it? There's nothing. This tax collector down here is the one told me I couldn't do it, so, well, there it is. If it is, what of it. So just let it go.

13 I think it ought to be the same thing, that the... that my colored brothers and sisters in the South oughtn't to rise up to arms against their brethren and things like over such a little thing as that. My, what difference does it make if you go to school where or what? I seen a fine colored lady that morning when they was... they had the revolt there at Shreveport, and it was an old colored minister kept telling the militia, he said, "Let me speak to them." And so he was a godly old man, and he stood up there and he said, "I've never been ashamed of my color." He said, "My Maker made me what I am, and I've never been ashamed of it, but, until this morning." But said, "When I see you, my people, acting like this," said, "then I'm ashamed of being a colored man." There was the militia called, hollered him down.

14 So some fine, educated, fine-looking colored lady stood up, with an intelligence, my, supreme. She said, "The first thing, I don't want my children taught by a white woman."

Said, "Why?"

15Said, "Because that she won't take the interest of my children that my... a colored teacher would." And said, "Look at our schools over here. What are you hollering about?" Said, "We got swimming pools and everything in our schools, and they haven't got it over there." Said, "Now, what are you people hollering about?" And they hollered her down, see.

16 It's inspired of the wrong thing, you see, see, they, them people. And that's the reason I say that, not that there is any--any prophecy concerning it. I have nothing on it from the Lord. And be you sure now, if I say anything from the Lord like that, to tell you, it's always... I'm speaking now. But when He speaks, I say "It's not me, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And I can't say it until He tells me. I could be altogether wrong in my thought about Martin Luther King. I don't know, I can't say. That's just my opinion. Anything that rises up trouble, that's what's supposed to be in the last days. And it's all inspired of Satan, to break up our commonwealth and whatever we have, anything that rises up like that. So I'm for those people down there, don't you never think that I'm not. I--I'm for freedom and for everything, but the people doesn't have that situation under now. But what it will do, I believe it'll start another revolution if somebody doesn't stop it. See, it's the Communists working among those people.

17 I was in Africa when they done the same thing. See? And I know there was Communists come in there telling those colored people, "Oh, you're this, that, or the other. You're this, that, or the other." And the first thing you know, it caused thousands of them to be killed. And where did they get? Nowhere, see, nowhere.

18 And I--I love human life. Let's serve the Lord. Our Kingdom is Above; nothing about this thing here. As long as we eat, drink, and can have, what else do you want? See? So I know what it would be. I--I realize that it just cause trouble.

Now, another question is here.

John the Baptist, when meeting Jesus, see, why did He say, "Thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness"? What did it mean?

19Well, I remember Dr. Roy Davis, a--a--a personal friend of mine, who baptized me the only time I've ever been baptized. And he said that John was meaning, I remember this in their school, he said, "John knowed that he had never been baptized, himself, so he... Jesus. John suffered Jesus to baptize him." Well, that, I--I different with the--the great doctor there.

20 Not for controversy, but for the sake of Truth I might say this. No, there was two men, the two leaders of the hour, the Messiah and His prophet met in the water. Now remember, John was baptizing not for remission of sins, but unto repentance. Not for remission of sins, 'cause the offering had not yet been made, see, there was no Sacrifice. And the Sacrifice come to him in the water. Now notice. John looking up and seeing Jesus, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. And why comest Thou unto me?"

21Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so," which it was. "Suffer it to be so, for thus it behooveth us, or it's becoming to us, to fulfill all righteousness." Then John, being a prophet on who the Word of the Lord come, comes only to the prophet. John, being a prophet, understood that that was the Sacrifice. And according to the Law, that the sacrifice had to be washed before presented, and that's the reason he baptized Him. See? He said, "Thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness." The Sacrifice, which He was, must be washed in the laver before presented for sacrifice. And Jesus was the Sacrifice; and John knew it, and he knew that He must be washed before presented. And then immediately afterwards, He was presented to the public for trial and was the Sacrifice for all human life. The Lord bless you.

22 Now we're going to have a little short Message, and trusting the Lord will grant to us His blessings. Now, probably, if I get back... I'm leaving this next week to take the kiddies on a little vacation up in the hills. And then if I--if I get back in time, we want to speak next Sunday morning, if it's permissible to God and to the pastor here. We'll let you know this week farther, you that's out of town, by the way of letter. I want to speak on a subject of exactly why we believe the things that we believe about Christ, why it must be this way and cannot be no other way. See? And prove it by the Scriptures. Now, if the Lord willing. If I don't, I'll try to see you this winter or next summer, one, when we get back, if the Lord tarries. We're going now back home to Arizona, so we can get the children in school.

23 Now, this morning, just prior to the prayer for the sick, we're going to read some of God's Word. Which, we know that without this Word, it's impossible, there's nothing can be done. And only the Word can produce these blessings that we're asking for the sick and the needy. And I want to read some now from First Peter, the 5th chapter, beginning with the 1st verse. And then from the Book of Hebrews, I want to read Hebrews 2:2-4.

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the suffering of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

Feed the flock of God which is among you, take the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be not clothed... and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Humble yourselves... under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

24 In Hebrews, the 2nd chapter, we read these Words. Now I'm pulling for giving for a text, "casting your care." I'm... My text is: He Cares. Do You Care? Want to read this portion now, while you're turning to Hebrews 2, that you might see the--the real meaning of these Words, what they, what this text means.

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

For if the word spoken by angels were--was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

God also bearing... witness, with... both with signs and wonders, and... divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

25 I want to use the subject here, of, "He cares." And, "Do you?" When He was here on earth, He cared for the people. The thought of it rises in my mind just before speaking or praying for the sick, not knowing just what kind of a--of a prayer line that we'll have.

26First, and to approach this, the audience must be anointed with faith. You, if you do not have faith, then there's--there's no need of even coming to be prayed for, because it's going to take your faith and my faith together; my faith to believe Him, your faith to believe Him. So we don't forget this now as I go along. We've got to have something evidently, with evidence, I mean, that we can base our faith upon what we're trying to do. Cause if a man approaches anything that he wants to do, without sufficient faith, he's bound to be a failure. But if he can approach it with sufficient faith, then he's bound to succeed if it is according to God's will and purpose to do it.

27 Now, I was thinking of Him caring. Last evening, somehow, strangely, I was led by the Holy Spirit. When I was waiting on some fellows to come to help Brother Wood to put a--a trailer that he had built on the back of his truck. I didn't know why I was trying to find my good friend, Brother Evans, and I went, started up the highway. Which, my wife and family sitting back here knows it to be true. And somehow, strangely, I turned around and went back to a place, a motel.

28And, oh, how it thrilled my heart to see so many of my friends gathered there in about two minutes time, till it clogged the pathway, the cars couldn't pass through no more, just real friends, driving for hundreds of miles, from Georgia and Tennessee and Alabama, and all around, just to--to hear a service. Then that thought come on my mind, "Then what should I say to those people, knowing that in the Day of Judgment I'll have to answer for what I tell them?" And I too am a--am a lover of this great life that is to come, and I--I want to be there.

29 And then strangely I went to a place where I made an odd turn. Instead of turning around there, I went up to make a turn. The lights flashed on a lovely couples on the outside, two fine young ladies that I had just married to two fine young ministers. And Satan, after he seen the--the minister, one of them his ministry being set and he took a--a life's companion right here, this altar. They went away happily on their honeymoon, and--and the enemy jumped on to this young man. And I'm saying this to express what I'm saying, "Does He care?" Somehow, with faith that would not take "no," they turned and returned back here, knowing after they was all the way over in (way in the east) here somewhere on their honeymoon, returned back and was sitting, waiting. And I walked in, fine handsome young man; his wife sitting on the outside, crying, her and their little companion. And the other man and the other brother coming, running, which is a friend of this young man, saying, "Oh, Brother Branham, such and such has happened."

30 Went there and seen this handsome young man sitting there, just in the peak of his life, a leader of young men, sitting there, and Satan bound him. He never noticed, but I took my hand (left) to shake hands with his hand (right), to see if some disease had plagued him. But there was no sign of vibration. Coming right out of the room from praying and fasting, and waiting upon the Lord, the anointing of the Holy Spirit was there, and that's why It led us, see. And then seeing this shadow of darkness over him. I never said what I was doing. But in less than a couple of moments time it was all gone, the coldness of his hands had left, he was shouting and praising God, a few minutes to find himself. And here they sit right here this morning, sitting in the audience. See how Satan was trying to upset that young man, by referring to him of some complex to be built back, which the Holy Spirit knew, and I seen it by the vision of the Lord. But God cared for that man. God cared for that young boy.

31 Just coming in a few moments ago, a--a lady, I see her sitting here in the aisle, with no... just got her a seat some way, and set down. She said, "Nine years, Brother Branham, I've tried to get a hold of you." And she said, "I'm so desperate! I here late, and couldn't even get a prayer card to be in the line."

32Billy, of course, it's his orders to see that I'm not bothered, take me in and out. Don't feel hard at Billy, he's commanded by this board of trustees to do that. And if he didn't, I wouldn't be able to get to the prayer line, get in here. You realize that. See, there's got to be a system to whatever we're doing. We--we got to have it, see. But him saying, "Come on, daddy, hurry up," this.

33 The lady moved back. And she said, "Brother Branham, just a word with you." Standing there, a vision broke over this fine-looking young woman, and see that her heart was burdened. And she was trying to work to make a living. And a--a great thing happened back, way back in the time of her parents, that had caused this great thing to happen to her, and the Lord Jesus revealed It and showed what it was. And there, in a moment's time, took it from the woman. She went around rejoicing. And now sitting here in the audience with us now, rejoicing, with tears, as she's wiping her eyes now, knowing that the truth of the thing was made known. And that, what, that poor little neurotic woman, that was so nervous she didn't know what to do with herself, and thinking that she was gone, and there was no Holy Spirit, and this is her last day. She had tried for nine years and she was about at the end of despair, God cared for that little woman who no one cares for. See? What a time! He does care.

34 When He was here on earth, as I say, He cared for the people so much till He healed their sick, comforted their hearts, told them about a--a place that where He would go and prepare for them, and would come again to receive them unto Himself. He cared for them. And notice, He cared so much until, when He knowed He must leave in order to bring this great thing to us, He said, "I'll not leave you comfortless, but I will send the Holy Spirit, and He shall continue My care for you," until He returns. There's no one cares like Jesus. Knowing that His body, as a High Priest, in a mediatorial work that He's doing now, that Body must be in the Presence of God at all times, for intercession, that God cannot see the sinner's sin; He sees only the Blood of His Own Son. And knowing that, He sent back the Holy Spirit to continue to comfort His people. Does He care? Certainly, He cares. Now, He was to continue to care for the people, His people here on earth, in the same manner that He cared for them when He was here. Because He said in Saint John, the 15th chapter, if you want to make... I got notes laying here with these Scriptures where I'm referring to, Saint John 15:26 and 27.

35 I see many of you writing the Scriptures down. So I may refer to this if you don't know it, many times, to the Scripture. I write the Scripture down, then I know what I'm speaking of from here, 'cause it's always in the Word of the Lord. See?

36He said, when the Holy Spirit has come, Who the Father would send in His Name, He would testify of Him. In other words, He would do the same thing He did. The Holy Spirit working through a tabernacle that He had sanctified, would do the same thing that He did. Now, what that ought to do for us! Then we know that right among us today we have the same comforting Lord Jesus in the form of the Holy Ghost, another office that God Himself is working in.

37 He was a Comfort to Israel when they could look up and see the Pillar of Fire, and hear the prophet speak the Words that was true, and God vindicate It. That was their Comfort.

38He was a Comfort when He was here on earth as a man, God made flesh. God representing Himself and expressing Himself through a--a Man, Christ Jesus, Who promised that "The works that I do shall you do also. And I am going to the Father, and going to send back the Holy Spirit, Which will be Me in Spirit form. And I'll be with you, and dwell in you. And the very same things that I've done here, the Holy Spirit will do again in My Name, when He comes." See? That's why He said, "To speak against That" now after the atonement's already made, was unpardonable sin, to "blaspheme the Holy Ghost."

39 And He would do it in the same way, so that we would know whether it was a comfort from some earthly standpoint, whether we'd know it was a comfort from some elderly person who could put their arms around us and hug us a little and make us feel good, or--or some theological term of a denomination that would say "now you belong to us, and we got it; and don't belong to the rest of them, 'cause they haven't."

40 He made this directly sure, see, "He will speak in My Name. The works that I do will you do also, when He's upon you." See, He would comfort in the same way, by forgiving all of our sins, healing all of our sicknesses, and speaking to us of comfort of a Kingdom that is to come. See, proving Himself among us, as God proved Hisself among us by Jesus Christ. And in--in Second Timothy... First Timothy 3:16, it's written this way, know about God, "Without controversy we realize that great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh." We saw God in flesh. That was God's comfort, to know that He come so much (He cared for us) until He become one of us. God manifested in the flesh. Not just another person, but God Himself!

41And now to make it another step closer, He sends the Holy Spirit to care for our comforts, and He abides in us. Oh, He does care!

42 Now we must go on to another portion of Scripture here, or another thought to back this up. Before I go, I might say this: everybody doesn't have this Comforter. They, they don't, they don't have It. So the reason they don't have It, is because they don't accept It. It's for them, but they don't accept It. Now, I hope that you're spiritual enough to--to read what I'm saying. See? I'm speaking to a group of people that's to be prayed for in a few minutes. And we have this Comfort in Holy Spirit that's sent for the Comforter, but all people won't receive That. They don't believe in It. See? They, in order to do that, then they gather their comfort from some other resource, some other means. If they don't accept God's provided Comforter, then they have to get some other comforter, see, because you can't live without something to live for.

43 And I hope that each of you get that, especially you people that's to be prayed for, that's so uncomfortable this morning, with maybe troubles that doctors cannot touch.

44And we believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. God heals! Whatever source it is, God heals by it. It's God that heals, for He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." So all of it should work together, and man in different ministries should work together for that. See? Now, but they don't do it, because sometimes they're forbidden to take certain stands upon God's Word, because their certain denominations doesn't permit them to do that. But that doesn't stop the Truth, just the same, God goes on healing just the same.

45 So they try to draw comfort from some other resource. Let's speak first of the soul.

46We find out that many people try to find comfort by drinking. You know, we have a saying which is pretty well known among us today, that--that many ministers drink sometime before going to the pulpit, take a--a--a good heavy drink of intoxication. It's been known to seeing ministers on the platform, that even stagger under the influence of liquor. And that--that ought not be. It should not be. Is because many times we might condemn the man when maybe we ought not do that, we ought to find back what's the trouble. Many of them was converted from alcohol. And we find out, if they are in that condition, it's a disgrace and a reproach. But no more a reproach than it would be to lie, steal, or lust after women, or any other thing that's in the commandment. See? And maybe a man's born high-passioned, and he sees these modern strip teases on the street, and he--he constantly in trouble. See? He, that, the man is born like that. Now, what he ought to do, the minister that drinks, or the--or the woman that smokes or that...

47Dresses immorally, trying to draw her a comfort from being so well put together, that she wants to cause man to look at her. There's no other reason. She is partially insane. See? No sensible woman would know to strip herself before man, that has her right mind. See? There's no reason for it at all. And she, but she's trying to, these young girls today that go out on the street, they're real... Well, you excuse the expression. And remember, this tape don't only just to this people here, it goes around the world. See?

48 And a--a woman that would take her clothes off from her, for she knows it's hotter. Walk out there in the sun, naked, and then walk out with some clothes on, and which is the coolest? The Indians down there in the Papagos and Navajos; the Papagos, especially, and of the reservation, those women come out with big yarn blankets around them, and sit out there in the sun to keep cool. Why? They perspire, and the wind that blows sets up an air conditioning, you see. And these women have no other reason but just... They don't know it, they don't realize it. I'm not saying that they do. Many of them are fine women, and I'm not saying it to be rude. I'm saying it to--to try to--to--to wake them up. See?

49 It's only Satan, see. You realize the other sex, the male sex looking upon such, give such an influence to them till they'll--they'll squeak their tires and whistle the--the--the wolf whistle. And--and--and what do they do that for? The women does it in order to get the man to do that. Why do you get out, right in the heat of the day, and four o'clock in the afternoon, to mow the grass when people are coming from their work and things like that? It shows it's a spirit of insanity. And I know many of them might have an IQ a million miles higher than mine, but I test your IQ with God's Word and see where it comes out. See? That's modern IQ, but the very evidence and fruits of the life proves. So they try to find comfort with that.

50Many of them say, "Well, I don't do that." But you so dress themselves in such an appeal till they try to be more modern than the woman that's going to sit by them in church the next morning, wear a better hat or a little better clothes, because you can afford to do it. See? See, sin reaches way down. And they try to find comfort by doing so. And they have...

51 It's become such a thing until it's absolutely struck the nation in whole, not only the nation, but the world in whole. Many things I could say here, but, to save time, the healing service coming up, I--I could speak at large on this, but I won't. I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. This, it struck the political world, the political life, the social life, the moral life of the nation, of the peoples around the world. It's got to a place till man wants to be a politician just to have the name of being a politician. Got plenty of money, can pull votes and hire machines to do it, and--and so forth, just for the name, and worth millions and millions of dollars, see, just for the name of being some great politician. Enough is said at that, you know what I'm talking about.

52 And social life! The people try to get together in this insane social life. Don't tell me the world's not insane, and doing the way it's doing. It sure is. Certainly. It's a neurotic world. And by the grace of God is the only way we'll escape it. Notice, in this social life, the people has come to a place that they--they socialize little clans, and they get into there and think, "We're better than the next group." See? And it, it's just done that way. And it's the morals, it's hit the morals of the people until, honest, friends, I don't even believe that (the world) the word "moral" is recognized among ninety percent of the people of this nation. They don't even know what (the world) the word "moral" means. It's--it's escaped from them. And it's done it so trickery.

53 Satan is very subtle, see, and he does it so easy, so--so subtle, just a little teeny bit here and a little there, and let it. He's got plenty of time, so he just runs a little bit in here and a little bit in here and, the first thing you know, the people are just gradually moved into it. What would have happened of a woman, back when I was a boy of sixteen years old, if she'd have walked down the street like she does today in this striptease form? Why, they'd had her in jail. Well, if it was wrong then, it's wrong now. See? But, you see, Satan just begin to cut off the skirts, and to lower them down, and--and it'll come to pass that there's somebody will design one a little beyond the mikini or bikini, or what you call the thing, to a fig leaf. You remember! That's right, it'll go right straight back. And it's, it's there practically now.

54 And now we find, all those things is because people are trying to find comfort. They're trying to find something that they... And remember, your comfort is your religion, and you make those things your religion. See? What a pity in realizing that death lays right before you. See? Until, all this has happened until it seems like that there's not a--a solid foundation left in the nation to build anything on.

55 Just let me ask you something. You can't believe nothing, hardly, but the Bible. We still have Christ; thanks to God. See? You--you can't believe anything. You get on... For instance, when you turn your television on (you that have such), and when you turn your television on and see the--the commercials, well, if a person tried to live by one hundredth of those commercials, you'd die in a week. See, you couldn't do it. And the very thing that some company will break down, like a product, and say, "This is the thing here, and don't have this one over here," and the same company sells the same product. Then another commercial will come on, take this on this side and not that, and the same company. The American people fall for such stuff as that, till the whole thing is become a rotten, until there's no hopes at all. Nobody knows what to believe. But I'm going to tell you after a while what to believe, if you want comfort, if the Lord willing.

56 The people, they lie, cheat, steal, till you almost have to have a bond of security to borrow five dollars from somebody. It's a... You know, the Bible speaks that, that there'd be no love in the last days but just amongst the elect people. That's right. The Scripture speaks of that, that the husband would be against wife, and wife against husband, children against parents. Just among the Elected of the Lord will there be any love left.

57 The churches has got into the same thing out of social life. They brought it into the church, their social life and their politics and their other things, until they've got the church so confused that it doesn't know what to do. They brought politics into church. They brought also social life, their social life in the church, their social activities, bingo or bunco, or ever what they call it, and these suppers and dances, and so forth, in the house of the Lord. Why, it's--it's a pity.

They say, "Well, now, that isn't, that's on the annex."

58Remember, it was the annex also that Jesus beat the--the merchants out with their merchandise, and said, "It's written, 'My Father's house is made a house of Prayer,' and you have made it a den of thieves." See? It's wrong, I don't care where it's at. As long as the church... The church is not so much the building, it's the people in the building. And if those people are anticipating in this, why, it's wrong. And they've brought that practice.

59 Now we find out that the churches, too, are always promising something, like television and so forth, that they never get to the--the thing they promised. As I have often said, an old quotation, "Man is always praising God for what He did, praising God for what He will do (looking forward to what He will do), and then ignore what He's doing." See, they--they--they fail. And that's the way they become history after a while, of the polluted, see, because they fail to recognize now! You can talk of the comfort Christ give once, and say that a comfort He will give in the ages to come, but refuse the comfort that He's got here now for you. See? It's on the same basis we find that. Well, it's become a great thing. Now find out that they--they come...

60 That's even become in Pentecost, in the churches. It's become into the Pentecostal realms, that they're always promising something that they never get to it. It's always that every fellow has a different sensation, and--and make it whether it's Scriptural or not, and they're promising something that they never do get to it, until it seems like it's got to a place to where there doesn't seem to be any sincerity. The--the people don't get down to that real kernel of sincerity. It's lost the... The very English word of sincerity has lost its--its value to the people. Or, by the people's way of--of living, it's lost its sincerity to them. Now they don't seem to understand.

61 Even to our confessions! Now, I want you people that are coming, or here and hold... or on the--the tape, I want you to listen close now for a moment to this quotation. It--it...

62Unless you are deeply sincere! And you cannot be sincere until you're positive understand. If you're presuming, or guessing, or hoping so, then there cannot be a depths of sincerity that God requires. It, faith, is not a "hope so" or "it could be right." It's got to be absolutely "Amen!" It's your ultimate. It--it--it's your--it's your absolute. It's the thing that you're tied to. See? You have come to your ultimate, that "It is the Truth and there's... It's nothing but the truth, and It must be thus!" And then when you realize that in your mind, then you've got to approach It with your whole life, soul, body, all that's in you, just completely sell out everything to it. As Jesus so graciously taught us in the man buying pearls, and he found the One of great price and he sold all his others to get to It. All the truths and everything that he had, thought they were good pearls, he--he... this One meant all to him. And when you find God's Ultimate, His Word, a promise upon a certain thing, you must know first that it is God's Word, that the thing that you're seeing being done is God. There--there's no--there's no "maybe so, it could be, it looks like it might be." "It is God!" Then when you get to that spot, then that's the Pearl of great price, you must get away from anything that anybody else tells you contrary to It. You must not look to what man has achieved. You must look to what God has said and what He promised, and see Him to do it, then that's your Ultimate right there. And then everything that you are, everything that you was, everything that you hope to be, must be placed upon This just as though it was death and life to you at that moment.

63 I think one of the thing that keeps our people from being healed is the lack of confession, is the lack of sincere confession. Now, for instance, this might sound a little bad, but I don't mean it in this way. But, looking at my wife sitting here. If I would go out here today and throw my arms around some other woman and--and make love to her, and I'd know then, after I did that, that I was wrong, so wrong. Now, of course, my Comforter would keep me from doing that. See? See? But I mean if I--if I did that, and I... it happened that I did it or anything similar to it. And then I know the first thing is to say to my wife, before I can say to God, "forgive me," 'cause I sinned against her. If you come to the altar and remember you have ought, go make that right first, before you offer your gift. So I've got to go to her. I believe in confession is straightening up also. It isn't true confession unless it is.

64 What if I said now, "I'm going to confess it, that I done wrong, I say, 'Good Lord, O Friend of mine, You know that I know You real well. Praise God! Hallelujah! I--I--I--I think You're a good old Fellow. Forgive me. You know, old, old Friend, I--I didn't mean it that way'"? See?

65Now, you say, "That's sacrilegious." It is. To make a confession like that, it is.

66But what if I go say, "Lord, I--I didn't mean to do it just that way, and You help me and I won't do it again"? He'll refuse my sacrifice until I first go and make that right with my wife.

67 Then what if I come to her with the same irreverence, and say, "Say, old girl, old friend of mine, old mother of my children, and old sweetheart, you know we been old chums for a long time. Say, what if I put my arms around another woman? And what do you say about it, old kid, would you forgive me?"

68I imagine how she'd look. She'd think, "What's happened to my husband?" See? Now, the first thing, she wouldn't know whether I was kidding or whether I wasn't.

69And you don't go that way to make a confession to your fellow man or God. You go with the depths of sincerity, with godly sorrow of your sin. First, you must be sorry. I must tell her, "Sweetheart, come here, it may mean the rest of our married life. The woman that I live with, that's my sweetheart, and how I've loved you all these years. But now you may leave me, from this on, you may not stay with me, you may not accept me. And I'm knowing that. But yet, to make it right, I got to get right." I got to tell her with the depths of my heart.

70 Then I've got to tell God the same way. And tell both her and God, with the sincerity, that I'll never do it again, by the grace of God. See? Don't just really... Now, I might be able to put it over her, and she (see?) won't see. Maybe my speech to her would--would convince her, but my speech won't convince God. He looks in my heart and He knows. And after all, just a few more years with her, if God permits, and we'll be taken out of this world. But with God, it's Eternity, so I must be deeply sincere with God. And then if I am sincere, He'll hear me. But if I'm not sincere, there's no need of me wasting God's time listening to me.

71And that's where it's come to today, amongst people, there doesn't seem to be the depths of sincerity that--that they ought to have.

72And I believe that a man or woman coming to be prayed for, should first confess everything that they have did, and make everything right. Because, you see, you notice lots of times on the platform, you notice, watch how far away that THUS SAITH THE LORD is. See? See? The people, the vision will materialize, of course, with their faith, God promised that by a gift. But the healing is something different, see; God recognizes it then, see.

73 Now, we notice, that is, the people making their confession, has got to come with deepness of sincerity. I have here, I ain't got time to read it, but it's in Binghamton, New York, I believe. Or, I've got that wrong? Yeah, Binghamton, I believe it's right. The place where the Endicott Shoe Company is there. Binghamton, I believe it's called Binghamton, Binghamton, that's right, New York. We was there in the Endicott-Johnson shoe place, a big auditorium, and we was having a meeting there. And one morning, Billy Paul was next door to me, real cold, winds blowing. And I had found, among the people, a lack of sincerity, seemed like. And I--I wondered why. Here was one man that was healed, purpose, or one man in--in particular I'm speaking of. The man had a great affliction, and he was healed this night standing there. And before we left, five days, the affliction was back to him again. See? Because, in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, It took that off of him. Just like It did this young woman a while ago out here in the yard, the young man last night, see. But there must be a deep sincerity to know that the God that can take it away from you now, with that same anointing on you, can keep it away from you. See? And then the Holy Spirit spoke to me one morning, about daylight, and said, "Get up on the platform or somewhere, and bring these people up there and make them confess everything that they've did, before you pray for them." See? The deepness of sincerity!

74 Unless the world repents, it's got to perish. See? And confession is what the world needs today, is honest confession.

75It's like medicine for disease. We all can read on the bottle what kind of a medicine it is and what disease it--it's to cure. But, you know, the reading the directions, I'm going to apply that like to the Bible, our schools and seminaries can read all the Word. But, you know, just reading the directions and how to take it, it--it doesn't cure the disease. See? It--it's got the medicine, so it's got to be taken! So a man can say, "I am a--a theologian. Now, don't speak to me, I--I--I... about such-and-such, I know the Scriptures. I--I know that the Bible speaks thus-and-thus, that."

76 "He that heareth My Word," Saint John 5:24, for instance. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life." Or, King James puts it "everlasting," which is "Eternal," rightly. "Has Eternal Life because he's believed." Many people say they believe. Now, that is true. The--the--the Scripture is correct. I--I'm reading the--the--the Prescription, I'm reading what the Prescription is, and the Antidote for my sin, but can I take It? Can I believe? I might say "I believe," but do I believe? That's the next thing. Just read It and know the directions, doesn't cure the disease. The trouble is that (in our case) we won't take what the Remedy says do. We got the Remedy, but we won't take It. We say we do, because we can read It; but to really take It, we don't do it. See, the Gospel is the same way, a medicine, in this case. If the patient... And the remedy has been proven to cure the patient, and the patient reads all about the--the discovery of this drug, and they know every ounce of medicine that's in it, they know all the--the scientist's name that found this certain drug, like the Salk vaccine and so forth. If we--if we know all the Word about It, but refuse to take It, It won't help us. See, It--It won't help us.

77 But, and then how we say, "But we took it!" And if you say you took it, and the patient shows no results, he didn't take it. That's all. How, if that clock on the wall wasn't such a busybody, see. I'd like to stay here and bring down real strong for our--our people, since the Gospel has been proved these things, and they claim they take It, and they show that they don't take It! How can a person read the Scriptures upon the little thing that I talk about, about women with the bobbed hair and wearing shorts, and so forth like that, how can they call themselves Christians when the very Medicine Itself says that it's different! See? How? You say, "But I danced in the Spirit, I spoke in tongues." That don't mean one thing. Your own life proves that you didn't take It! See? You said you--you took It, but you didn't! For, you still are showing all the symptoms that the Medicine is supposed to cure. And the Medicine, in the Gospel line, is a guaranteed cure! It's got to be. Now, you see, you got to show results.

78 You take a person says that they are, "I am. I'm a believer. I believe." Let the Gospel Light strike them, brother, they take It right now! And they'll show results. Certainly. You'll not see that man in any more pool rooms, you'll not see him out here with a cigarette in his hand, you won't see him drinking. Oh, no. You won't see him flirting with other women. No, no, no. I don't care how much they throw their female flesh before him, he'll turn his head towards the skies and look towards Christ. What is? It shows that the Remedy took effect. And if It don't take effect, you say, "Well, I know I took It," well, then where you at today then? You are dying. You show! I'm looking at you as diagnosing your case, by the--by the Bible, that you're still in sin. And the wages of sin is death. Don't think it has to be made any plainer. See, your own actions prove, your own actions prove that you didn't take It. You thought you did. Amen. You--you might have been all sincere in doing it, but you didn't do it! For, if you did, God promised It would take effect on you. And the old sin is still there, the old Adam nature still lingers there, the old unbelief. Yet you try to make yourself, before your fellowman, say, "Well, I'm a believer. Oh, glory to God! Yes, I'm a believer." But, you see, It didn't help you any.

79Maybe the patient itself wasn't even predestinated to--to the Medicine. If it did, It'll never take effect. That's right. You see?

80 But look at that little immoral woman when the Light struck her, there was something laying there to take care of her condition. See? If we believe and sincerely confess, this Remedy of God's way takes effect. God has a provided way for these things.

81Now, see, man will go, say, "Well, I joined the church. That settles it with me." That isn't God's provided way.

82God's provided way is repentance, confessions, and showing a results, bringing forth fruit meet for repentance, showing sincerity. If you people will just do that this morning, that's going to be prayed for! And you people that hear this tape, all over the world, and after this tape is played and the minister or the person that's playing it in congregation groups out in the jungles or wherever you are, that's playing it, will first make your confession clear, and then come with nothing in your heart at all, but faith, and be prayed for, there's the Medicine will take place.

83 Jesus said, "Repent, every one of you!" I mean Peter did on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." When you thoroughly repent and believe on the Lord, and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, you make God a liar if you don't receive the Holy Ghost. If... Jesus said this, the last commission to His church, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And you see those signs following a believer, and you come up and that believer lays hands on you, and something doesn't take place, then there's something wrong with your belief. See? "The believer!" God promised a provided way.

84 We try to find comfort by saying, "I don't have to listen." No, that's true, you don't have to listen.

85But if you are predestinated to Eternal Life, you will listen to It and you'll rejoice to It. It's your Comfort. It's the Thing you've longed for all your life. It's--It's that Pearl, that, you're--you're ready to forsake everything. See? You want It because you know it's God's loving care for you. It's something to settle the sin question, to settle the unbelief, to settle everything, to you, if you want It. It's he that's really sick and knows he's sick, that hunts a physician. See? Not he that's not sick, doesn't need one, Jesus said. But it's those who are sick. If you can realize your condition, then you've got to do as He said do. Then it's got to take place, or God told something was wrong. See?

86 So many people sometime, healing services, you don't start from the bottom of it. You've got to get a life cleaned up, you've got to be in condition, you've got to really say, "Yes, I believe It," and that's got to be from your heart. Then you, nobody have to baby you around, say, "Now, oh, brother dear, sister dear, you ought to do this, you ought to do that." You're a believer, there's nothing can take It away from you. I don't care what anybody else would say, what any consolace, what any comforter, what any doctor, what any hospital, what any diagnosis would say, you still don't believe it. You just know It! There's no need of saying anything else about It, you know It! Now, that's the genuine thing.

87 We have so much impersonation in all things. It has to be that way. Don't feel bad about it. It's got to be there. It's always has been and it will be. But I'm telling you this morning what's Truth and facts. We're at the end time. We got to lay this thing down at the Truth, see, and let it know what's the Truth.

88Now we find out that people won't take God's way about it. They want, they... God has a way provided for your comfort. God has a way provided for all these things. But people don't want It, people go after other ways. And every time they do it some other way besides God's way, they bring the wrath of God upon them every time they do it. All right.

89 And all these things that I have spoken of, it brings us to this, the world, all of these going after other scientific achievements, going after church achievements, going after different things has brought us to the end of the world. We're at the end. There's not one hope left. We are without a hope of survival. We haven't even got one chance of survival. Now just let me break this down just for a few minutes, and just prove it to you.

90And each one of you, you get, if you don't, you ought to get a medical journal, you ought to take the Reader's Digest, and so forth, where you read these achievements. Now to make...

91 A minister here is sending this Message around the world. To make a statement like that, that we're without hope, that we are beyond redemption, that we have passed the line between redemption and judgment, now I must give the congregation some grounds to base this statement upon. There must be some reason that a man, if he's in his right mind as I think that I am, would make a statement like that, to tell his nation, to tell his congregation, to tell the people where it'll go around the world in thirty or forty different nations, maybe, around the world, and peoples and languages, that "we're at the end time," it behooves us to give a statement or--or--or explain a little of it till we get down to our main text for the morning.

92 Look, now let us look what science and education has brought us to, and that's the very thing that man accepted in the stead of the Word of God, a scientific approval. And science has always have to take back what they said. I was reading here sometime ago where a French scientist said, about two hundred years ago, or three hundred, "Rolling a ball around the earth," and said, "if this ball, at this speed... If the world ever invented some kind of a something that would make them travel at least thirty miles an hour, something like that, around the world," that he scientifically prove it, "that it on its weight would be lifted by gravitation from the earth." See? Now, you think science would ever refer back to that guy? Certainly not. That's in the past, to them.

93 Now, let's just think now, we all want to say, "I want to scientifically prove it." That's what a lot of denominations of religious people say today. They want a scientific proof. Well, I could turn right back around and say, "Scientifically prove me, God in your congregation. Prove me anything, scientifically, that's real. Prove!"

94What is real? Life. I want you to get me a quarter's-worth of it, or--or let me sell everything I got, to get that part of life. And is life real? If it isn't, what are we all here for?

95Life, faith, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, science can't touch it. And that's the only real, lasting thing that there is. The whole Christian armor is looking at the unseen. But the senses don't declare those things, but they're there. That's the reason it takes faith to believe it, and it produces in you what faith has declared is out there. It brings it to you, Divine healing and thing. They can't prove what heals Divinely, but they know there is a Divine healing. I... They can't prove what saves from sin, but they know people are saved from sin. So it cannot be proven scientifically, but it is scientifically in God's way of looking at it.

96 Now, what has science brought to us? Now, you may be shocked just for a moment. Science has brought to us sickness, death, and diseases. Now, you're only been taught one side of the picture. But there's two sides to it. You say, "Science has invented this, that, and the other." Well, we're going to grant you that privilege. But lets look at the other side. Science has brought us sickness. Science has brought us diseases, death.

97Look! Scientific hybreeding has brought death to the generation, of foods and things. It's got the people so soft and so, until the--the man and women are made up out of a bunch of muck, and there's no--there's no--there's no structure in it. It's become a bunch of soft jellyfish. They can't live without an air conditioner, they perish. They can't play a baseball game, if one of them gets tapped somewhere, it kills him, in the boxing rings and whatmore. And it's so soft till men and women, well, it's perverting them.

98 And they're injecting this hybreed into cattle which has come back into mankind now, according to science themselves, and is making perversions out of them. Because, when a--a cow is hybrid, or any food is hybrid, that food makes blood cell, and blood cell is your life. See what it's done? And then, into meat, they inject these here injections into the meat, and now it's proved that these injections take effect upon the human race. Scientific!

99They spray the fields with this DDT, I seen the other day, and now we got eight hundred sick people in this community from eating eggs. Do you remember years ago when I first, when we had the little bitty structure here, and I was prophesying, and said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, don't live in a valley and don't eat eggs." I've got it on my book. I thought there was something about that, and I went and looked at it. "Don't eat eggs." That was way back in 1933. Eggs has got something in them now, and I see where science says that a man over fifty years old should never eat an egg, because it's the hardest thing on a heart that can be eaten. Diseases!

100 Milk, it used to be our most balanced diet was milk. The doctors will tell you, "Stay away from it." It's making sinus and everything else. It's the same human being that used to drink it and live for years and never know sinus, but the interbreeding and so forth has broke down the structure of the human being till it's nothing but a bunch of muck, a ball--a ball of sickness. What done it? Science!

101Look! It's caused the genes between the--the man and the woman to weaken, the physical weakness of the human being, through the genes, and the increase of spastic children is around thirty percent. Mongolian is on the great climb. And these weakness of interbreeding of the foods that we are eating for life, is weakening the body, which causes cancer, mental troubles, and all kinds of diseases is setting in upon the human body because its weakness. Scientific, destroying themselves, getting away from God's plan.

He said, "Let every seed bring forth of its kind."

102See where we're at? I could go on and on; our time's getting away. But, notice, what's that's doing it? Science has brought death, sickness, and destruction.

103 And I seen the other day, I was talking to my good friend, Doctor Vayle sitting here, that where there's an article that people getting killed by penicillin. It really isn't the penicillin, it's the filth that they let get into it when they're manufacturing the penicillin. It's a money-making, greed scheme. Doctors giving it sometime who don't even know the formula of an aspirin, and their father sends them away to get a--a specialist in something another, and don't know even how to cure a tummyache for a kid. But what have we got? Greed, some pull, or a little something. They don't have hardly anymore of the old-fashioned country doctor that used to get down and talk to you and console you and do everything. They leave God right out of the picture, because they went after their own way. In order to get God out of the picture, they explained Him plumb away. There we are.

104 That's what we've done by interbreeding. You see, the body... What makes a healthy plant, a germ can hardly get to it. It's these hotbed plants, these hybrid plants you have to keep sprayed all the time. And many of you has read my message on Hybrid Religion, keep it sprayed and babied and--and so forth. Notice, but the real genuine plant don't have to be sprayed, he's the original.

105 What makes disease come to the human body? Is the body... As I am told by a precious doctor friend of mine, that I wouldn't want to call his name right now, but he's a very fine brother, reading to me recently out of a medical journal, a book in his office where he keeps all these fine books and the latest stuff on medicine. It is weakness. You notice anybody that's real... You say your body's run down, you take a cold right quick. What is it? It's the weakness of your body that produces a mucus out of your glands. And, in that, the cold germ beds itself and you got a cold. But if that body was strong, it would throw away that cold germ, it couldn't touch it.

106So, you see, when God constructed a man in the first place, he was immune from any disease. See? But unbelief and science, science and education was the first thing that took a man away from God, and it's still taking him.

107 Just look what cigarettes and drinking, and these strip teases and so forth, has done to the decline of this generation. I guess you always wonder... I'm going to make a statement here. I wasn't going to do it, but I believe I will.

108See, they wonder sometime, they always telling me, "Brother Branham, what--what makes you always picking on things like that? You don't hear it... Say you go to a man's church, why, I can take my women folks and they can't even sit in comfort where you're speaking. You're always bawling them out, well, about their short hair, and about wearing clothes pertains to man, and all these things like that. Say, why do you do it?" Now I--I--I'm...

109 This may be my last Message till next summer, you know, but I want to tell you. Here it is. It's the Spirit of discernment for this last days, that knows that that's a cursed thing before God. I just wonder sometime a minister's got any discernment of the last days? The very God that tells on the platform here the conditions of you and what you've done, and--and what you was going to be, and--and what the troubles you got, that same Spirit within you looks out and can discern the signs of time, and It can't keep from crying out. It's the Spirit of discernment, 'cause the Holy Spirit Himself says that thing is sin, and whoever partakes of it will perish. And then how can I be justified in the sight of God, and seeing my sisters and brothers in that kind of condition, if I don't call out against it? Even though they get angry with me, I still must call out against it. It's discernment. Sometimes they differ in the Word and so forth, and it's lack of discernment. Come face it down by the Word. See? See, we--we know that's right. Well, it's, it's know it's the truth. It's the discernment of the last days.

110 Now we see about science, I--I don't want to go any farther on that, my time's just getting so running away. Now let's take a second look at education and see what it's done. See? Now we have two churches at large.

111Now, we realize that it was that, that it was reason, common reasonings that started the ball of sin rolling at the first place. It was reasonings what? Reasoning against the Word of God. When God told Adam and Eve, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." That settle, that's all of it. And He fortified them against the enemy, behind His Word. But when Eve, listening to Satan's reasonings, see, culture, understanding, education, advancement, see, she stepped out behind there and listened to Satan's reasonings, and did the thing that God said "don't do." And if one reasoning, listening to one reasoning against the Word caused all this chaos, one reasoning against the Word again won't take you back to the same place, 'cause how foolish it would be of God to bring man back upon the same basis He sent him out from. See? See? You got to come to the shed Blood of Christ. Your denomination won't work, and your reasonings won't work. It's the Blood and birth, and It produces in you a new creature, Christ, and after the fashion of Christ you live, because the Toxin that you take shows It kills the sin of unbelief, against anything but the Word of God.

112 Education give us... We got two churches at hand this morning. One of them is the Church of pentecost that was organized at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit; the second is the church of the Roman Catholic which was organized in Nicaea, Rome. One of them is a spiritual birth; the other one is an intellectual membership. From that church come all Protestants, all denominations come. That was the first denomination. All denominations come from that one and are relation to that one, Revelation 17 says so, "She was a whore and she was the mother of harlots." That's right. So there's no... Pot can't call kettle greasy, see, because it's--it's right, it's just one. It's organized, it's gone, it's in Rome. I don't care what it is, it's gone! The Bible, we just come through those church ages, to prove that. One is based on spiritual discernment; the other one is based on educational and intellectual conception.

113 Now, that puts us right back in the Garden of Eden again, right back the same place. The woman (church) was the one who listened, not Adam, the woman! Now they want to be mother church, go on! It's exactly right. There's nothing out of time. They make their own confession, see. See, right back to the same thing, to disbelieving the Word of God! At Nicaea, Rome, when the question come up about water baptism, about other things like that, and about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the--the bishops altogether organized what was called the Roman Catholic church, which was a "royal" Roman, it was called. Just got through taking the history yesterday, and listening to it, looking over it again. And it was only to be for Rome alone, in Rome was the royal church. Others was just little sister churches to it, just called Catholic.

114 Our Church is also the catholic, universal Church, which is a--a universal belief of all believers. One of them is borned of the Spirit of God and has the Holy Spirit in It, and it proves by its Life, Doctrine, and action, that the Holy Spirit is in there, because It's the Comforter that Christ--Christ promised, working in His church, doing the same thing He did at the beginning. That's how the Toxin of Christ's salvation worked in the beginning, that's the way It works today, brings forth the same thing.

115The other one is an intellectual conception of a denomination made up by a group of men, which has a "form of godliness," as the prophet told us, "and denied this Truth of Power." Now, that's just as plain as I know how to make it.

116 Now, there is the two church. One of them was born at Nicaea; and the other one was born at Pentecost. And--and one has always been against the other. We've come through the church ages to prove it, one's against the other. One of them is a fine, dignified, intellectual church with fine scholars and so forth; the other is classed as a "bunch of holy rollers." It was at the beginning, "drunk, illiterate fishermen," and it's the same thing today, it's still classed in the same category. One of them is scientific; the other one is spiritual. One is scientific arrangement; the other one is spiritual discernment of the Word. One is scientifically arranged, what groups of men says, intellectual bishop. The other one is absolutely born of the Spirit of God, and lives by the Spirit of God, and it performs and makes come to pass the Words that God promised. Shows what toxin you're taking. Have you got educational toxin? Have you got the Holy Spirit Toxin? See? All right.

117 Oh, that subtleness of Satan! How he can paint that picture, intellectually can make a man that's not borned of the Spirit of God just turn around and around! And there's no way, intellectually, to down them with it. There's not a way.

118It is a discernment by faith, see, a discernment. We see what the Word says, we believe It.

119"Then, Brother Branham, they say they have the discernment." Then let the Holy Spirit produce exactly what He promised to produce, then we'll believe it. See? There's the evidence of It.

120How did the Toxin act when It struck the person? "These signs shall follow them that believe," He said. If the Toxin struck that, then that's all right. See? So they bring us...

121 This brings us now, in closing, for the next few minutes, so this brings us from Abel and Cain, to the judgment of Noah's time, from that very coming forth of the days of Noah. Now, 'fore we have the prayer line, listen closely while I run through some Scriptures here in a little--a little text.

122We find that after the world had took its intellectual conception of the Word, those men become great men, renown men. The Bible says so, Genesis 6:4. Renown men running after real pretty women and things, like we had the whole world. Just went through it on The Flashing Red Lights, we've talked the other night how the women were to be prettier in the last days, how men, renown men, like the scandal in England and United States. And it'll still be discovered one of these days. See, you just don't know what all these call girls and everything else is all about. See? Do you know there's three-to-one barmaid than there is high school or college girl? Three-to-one barmaids than high school and college girl. Do you know, a certain percent, I can't call it now 'cause it isn't before me, I never wrote it down, but almost a third of the high school children over the nation is either been proven immoral or had to go home to be mothers? Do you know that taking penicillin to drive back venereal has only set in a corruption amongst the people, which, that thing is not dead? But yet, see, God said it would visit to the fourth generation. It's causing Mongolian and everything else, and children are... Oh, how sin, how subtle it is! How them people, them ministers will stand and not preach against them strip teases on the street, and let them sing in the choir, and everything like that, and see that's the very thing that sent our nation to hell, sent our race to hell. That's right. So now we find that after God got enough of it, as I believe He has today...

123 Now I'm coming to my text. I have a funny way of bringing a... I like to build up a lot of things and then hit my text. Now, we find that in the days of Noah, when God was going to judge the world, when it come just like it is now, 'cause Jesus said it was, did He care? Did He care? He, certainly He cared. He cared for what? Now, after He had already knowed judgment was coming, and had pronounced judgment, He cared for those who cared. And that's the same as it is today. He cared for those who were willing to care. And we find that He sent them a prophet to direct them, to direct His elected people to its provided way for their escape. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See? We find that God cared for His people. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

124 We're at the end, and we see we're at the end! There's not no way to build upon that corruption. How can we build a city upon the charred ruins of a Sodom and Gomorrah? How can we do it? There's only one phoenix left, and that's the coming of the Lord Jesus; oh, my, a purification through the Tribulation period, to bring back a restoring of a world, for a people who are just in the sight of God and live by His Word.

125 Notice, He cared for those who cared to escape in the days of Noah, and He sent them a prophet. And this prophet directed them to God's provided way. Now, that's God's way of doing things. See? God spoke to Noah, which was the Word (it wasn't the written Word then), and told Noah to prepare an ark for the saving of the people, and to warn all the people that He had "one way of salvation." And this man was a vindicated prophet that proved them the way of escape. Notice, the humble and sincere heard this man and believed him, and they escaped. They escaped what? The death of the world of sin that was being destroyed in that day, they escaped the death route that was laying upon the whole world. God so cared! (O God, help this to go down deep now, before the prayer line.) God cared!

126 He looks upon the world now today, and He's called and He's called, and they spurned and turned down. There was a chance of repentance at the beginning. When God told Isaiah to go up and put... tell Hezekiah he was going to die, Hezekiah repented and there was mercy. When God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and cry out, 'cause in forty days He'd destroy the city, they cried out for mercy and there was repentance. But when they reject it, there's nothing left but judgment! And the nation has rejected Christ. They've failed to heed the call, so there's nothing left but we're facing judgment.

127 Now, does God care about those who have repented? Has He made a way for them? Now we're going to see what He did in times past.

128Noah's time, He cared! He sent the prophet, and He--He brought the way and He showed them the way, and He made them a way of escape and they escaped the judgment. He also cared for them. We find out that He brings them to a place where He, in the last days, to where (of all) before the great judgment come, He so cared for them until He prepared a way that they could come into and would be free from all the judgments that was coming.

129Now, He did that to the--the Elected. Now, we know that. He did that to the Elect, only to the Elected, now! They was the one who had accepted this germ of Life. They were the one who were predestinated to see it. They were the one. We all, if we believe the Bible, we have to believe in predestination. See? That's right. Not God is willing that any should suffer, but He knowed who would receive It and who wouldn't.

130 He also cared for His elected people in the days of the destruction of Egypt. They was down there in Egypt and become slaves. The days of Moses, He cared for the people. He sent them what? A prophet, again. Is that right? And He separated His people from the unbelieving world, from the coming judgment of that day. Did He do it? He cared when Egypt had heaped their sins so high until God had to send judgment, because He had already told Abraham, "And I will deal with that nation." So instead of pouring out His wrath upon all of them, He sent His care to them. He sent His Comforter to them. He sent His Word to them. And He always sends His Word by His prophet, as He did in Noah's time. He did the same thing in the days of Noah. In the days of Eli-... of Moses, we find out He done the same thing. He sent them His prophet, and they separated themselves from unbelief. Now, that's the kind that come out. That's the kind that believed It. They believed Moses, that he was a... In the eyes of Pharaoh, he was a fanatic, he was a magician, he was a hypocrite, he was something horrible. But to the people that was elected, that come out according to God's Word ("I will bring them out"), he was a prophet to them. He was God's provided way. And he also... Notice, they believed him and escaped from the judgment of that day. They believed Moses.

131 And He said He also cared for them to bring them out, and He cared for them in the journey after they come out. Amen. As that was in the physical, this is in the spiritual realm. He cared! Why? He provided everything they had need of while they were in the journey. Did He? He healed them when they were sick. He provided healing, He provided a way for their sickness. He provided a--a brass serpent, that they could look upon that brass serpent, a symbol of sin, and be healed. He fed them while they were in the way, where there was no bread He rained bread out of Heaven. He fed them. Not only that, but He clothed them, showing He cares for those who care.

132 If they're ready to confess and repent and believe and accept, God cares! But you got to care first, you've got to accept what He sent you. He so cared for them that they'd be sure that there would be no mistake, He vindicated His prophet by a sign of a Pillar of Fire, to let the people see that it wasn't just this man walking along here, that it was God right above him, He was the One that was leading the way. God cares for people who cares. God cares for those who care for Him. So He vindicated this man and proved that he was God's servant, by sending them a Pillar of Fire to lead them to the very land. And they knowed as long as this sign of this Fire, a Pillar of Cloud and Fire was following them... He said He "took not away the Pillar of Fire and Cloud." He was with them for years and years in the wilderness, forty years. Is that right? That Pillar of Fire led them! We're in our thirty-third year, leaving seven years longer it would type the same. All right, a Pillar of Fire led them. He cared for them. And He cared so much for them till He just let them know that--that it wasn't some scientific thing, it wasn't some slip-up, but He vindicated the Message, proving It.

133 He so cared even for a woman that was an outsider, not an Israelite. She didn't belong to the group, but she was an outsider, Presbyterian, Methodist, or something, she was on the other side. But when she heard! Her name was Rahab, she was living... she was a harlot. But when she heard how God was in a Pillar of Fire and was leading them, she said let... called out to God, and she showed mercy to the spies that had come to look out the land. And because she cared for her and her people, God cared for her. Insomuch till this harlot that would give her life to Christ, to the Cause, because she had seen the sign of a Supernatural God, and she served her gods right in her own denomination. But when she seen this great Supernatural sign, she cried out and asked for mercy, and for mercy for her family, and God so cared for her that the whole city lapped down, one on top of the other, but there wasn't one rock moved on her house. He cares! Though her be an outsider, she wasn't in the group at that time, but He cared. He always cares.

He cared for Elijah when he, and he alone, cared for God.

134 Hallelujah! That's where it comes to. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." Peter, speaking to the elect elders, the elders and them in the church, he said, "Put your cares on Him, because He cares for you. Put everything there, because you're clean before God. You're--you're walking as servants of God."

135God cared for Elijah because Elijah cared for God. All the other preachers had lost the vision of that day, had lost the will of God and the love of His Word, and it all went modern. But no matter how modern Jezebel had them, the first lady of the land, no matter how much them other preachers let them women act and do. Elijah called out against it, in the Name of the Lord. He cared for what God said, and God cared for what Elijah said then, 'cause he said the Word of the Lord. God cares when you care, but you got to care first. Yeah.

136 Notice, He cared when He called Elijah, by His Word, off from amongst the denominations. Looked like he'd have to starve to death, 'cause there'd be no tithe and offerings coming to him. But He so cared for Elijah, He didn't let him starve during the time he was obeying the Word of God. He commanded the ravens to feed him. He cared for Elijah because Elijah cared for Him, and He is the Word.

137 He cared for Daniel when Daniel cared for God's Word enough to pray sincerely. No matter what the king said, "I don't want no more of that done," Elijah just threw open the shutters and looked towards Jerusalem and prayed. Elijah cared for God, and--and God cared for Elijah. Daniel cared for God's Word, and God cared for Elijah. He sent a Pillar of Fire that scared that lion off of him and stayed down there all night long. God cared because Daniel cared. Yes, sir. Sincerely prayed, knowing that it going to mean throwed into the lions' den if he disobeyed the denominational orders. But he knelt down by the window, not fearing what man said. He threw open the windows because it was a commandment of God, and he prayed sincerely and honestly to his God every day. He cared for God and His commandment, and God turned around and cared for Daniel and his command, his stand. Daniel cared for God and His Word, and God cared for Daniel and his stand for the Word. He'll do it every time. Amen.

138 He cared for the Hebrew children when they respected sincerely and cared for the faith that was once delivered to them, the Word of God. He so cared for them till when they blowed the trumpet... They had a commandment from God, "Don't bow before any heathen god, any statues. Don't bow and don't worship them." That was the commandment. And when they sounded the trumpet and said "we'll throw into the furnace those who don't," they so cared till they turned their back upon the statue. That's right. God so cared for them, that when the heat come on, He sent the fourth Man down there in the fiery furnace and kept them cool. He cared because they cared.

139 If you want to hold onto some creed, God don't care what you do. If you want to do that, He'll never care for you, 'cause you're doing what man said. But if you'll hold to God's Word, your true sincere confession and believe God is a Healer, the same yesterday, today, and forever, He'll care for you.

140He cared then, He cared for the Hebrew children, and He sent them the fourth Man to deliver them, which was Christ. We know that.

141When the leper cried, "Lord!" Ten lepers come out and cried sincerely, "Lord, have mercy on us." They had enough to care for their own wants, He had a power to care for them. He cared for the leper because the leper cared to make their confession, call Him "Lord!"

142 He cared, when the centurion cared enough about hisself to send for help from Jesus. When the centurion showed by his faith, denounced his idols of Rome, and cared enough (by public witness) to send for Him to come heal his son, Jesus cared enough to go heal him. He cares when you care. You got to care first, though. He cared.

143He cared when Jairus cared enough about Jesus. He was a secret believer. He believed He was right, but because of his denominational stand he couldn't come out and confess it, but when his little daughter got sick and died, Jairus knowed, looking at the death of his daughter, or to express his care, he cared enough to denounce the unbelievers that was around him, and put on his little ministerial hat, and went and found Jesus. When Jairus showed he cared, Jesus showed He cared enough to come and raise her up from the dead. Cast your cares on Him, for He cares! No matter what it is, He careth!

144 He cared enough when there was not even a commandment so, there was nothing said so, He had never made mention of it, but He cared because the little woman couldn't get in the prayer line, and she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I believe Him." He cared for her faith in that, insomuch that He turned and called her out in the audience, and told her her faith had made her well. He cared because the woman cared.

145He cared when the neurotic called Legion cared enough, under opposition, to wiggle out from under those tombstones of devils and go out to meet Jesus, and throw hisself prostrate. When, Legion! Them devils would have never come if Legion hadn't have pushed his way out there to meet Him. And when he cared enough to make that effort, that stand in his belief, Jesus cared enough to cast out this legion of devils from him, and his neurotic condition was gone. He cared when you care. Yes, sir. He cares when you care.

146 Now, when the blind man cried at the Jericho gate, "O Jesus!" Being a Jew, Orthodox, good standing in the synagogue. But when he said, "What's that noise goes by?"

They said, "Jesus of Nazareth passes, a Prophet."

147Said, "Jesus, Thou Son of David!" Oh, what a rebuke that was to his pastor and priests that stood by. But he didn't care what pastor, priest, or nothing else said, he was interested! And he cared enough to get his sight, so he called out! And when that blind man was ready, and cared enough to call out, Jesus cared enough to heal him. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! He cares when you care, but you got to care first. You got to prove that you care.

148 He cared so much till when a woman, living with six men, identified and knowed and recognized His Messiahic sign of discernment, He cared enough till He forgive every sin and give her waters that she didn't come there to draw, because she recognized. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet," when He told her what was wrong with her. And they, she was looking for that day to come, only she had been all church grouped, she didn't have a chance to do it. But when she seen a Man Who could tell her what was wrong with her, she said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. I know when the Messiah cometh He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He."

149That's enough! She cared. She left her waterpot, and into the city she went, and she said, "Come see a Man Who's told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" She was something like Rahab, she cared until she alarmed the whole city. She cared because something had been done, the vindicated Scripture had been brought to pass and made positive sure, and she cared! She didn't care what the men said or somebody else said; she seen It, she was there when it happened. She cared. And she cared for her people till she told every one of them, and it caused the whole city to believe on Jesus Christ. She cared, and He cared. Certainly, He did.

150 Jesus cared enough for the Message of today to bring these same things to pass as He said, till He died and rose again to send them by the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to show His ministry today that He's still alive. He cared enough. Won't we care? That's the thing, won't we care? He died for this ministry. He died in order that the Holy Spirit could be here in this day to show these things. He cared for you. He cared to bring It here. He cared to make the statement. He cared because He loved you. He cared enough to do it, to send the Holy Spirit to this, make this ministry today.

151That's how He proved He cared in that day, because He come to vindicate what God said He would be. That's the reason the woman recognized Him. She said, "I know when Messiah cometh, He's a Prophet. When Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things." See, He cared enough about the Word of God to vindicate It to her. Amen.

152 Now He sent the Holy Ghost, that in this day of intellectual conception, that He might by the same Holy Spirit prove through us that He's still the Messiah, prove it in the same way. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now the question is, do you care? What do you think about it? It's here. It's been proven over and over. Do you care enough to believe it? Do you care enough to confess your sins, that you're wrong? Confess your unbelief and accept it. Do you care enough to accept it? He cared enough to die and rise again, to bring it to you. Do you care enough to accept it. I think it's proven all through, from Noah's time, all the way back from Genesis all the way through. We ain't got time to get to it all. But you see that He cares, and He died that you might care, that you might have a way. And He's brought that way. He said exactly what that way would done, would do, and now here He is today showing it's the Truth. Now, in this evil hour that we're living in, do you care enough about it to, with all your heart, believe it?

153 Whether you strike a prayer line or whatever it is, that isn't it, do you care? Cast your cares upon Him, He cares for you. Be sincere about it. You care enough to be sincere, for He has proven by His a-vindicated Word that He cares. He promised to send It, He's done it! He promised in the Word, here It is! He cares, now what about you? It's, you ought to care, next.

154He cared enough, He cared enough to conquer every enemy for you, that all you have to do is to be sincere and believe it. He conquered death. Death ain't nothing for me to conquer; it's already conquered. Sickness ain't for me to conquer; it ain't for Christ to conquer; it's already conquered. I just have to care enough to believe it. Are you afraid of what somebody else has told you? Are you afraid of the doctor's diagnosis? Are you afraid of what the church will say to you? Are you afraid to stand there toe to toe, to the Devil? Say, "I've confessed my sins, I've laid aside everything. I've believed every Word. Here I am, Lord. Create in me a care. I... You cared for me, I care for You."

155 I think of that gracious old song, "He careth for you. Through sunshines or shadows, He cares for you."

Let's bow our heads now, we just can't go any farther.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

Let's sing it to Him, with our heads bowed, and our heart.

He careth for...

Let's look what all He's done.

He careth for you,

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

He care...

Now, if you care, raise up your hand while you sing that.

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

156 Heavenly Father, at this time in the late hour of the day, we are making confession from the depths of our heart, that we know by the Word now that You've always cared for Your Own. But the trouble, Lord, do we care? Do we just want to get an education, say, "Well, I've got a doctor's degree, or--or LL.D."? That's knowing the Prescription, that isn't taking It.

157God, I pray today that each one of us will take the sorrows of Christ into our own heart, take His suffering upon us, to realize that we must suffer also the reproach of His Name, that we must suffer. And may we be like the disciples of old, return, rejoicing that we have been counted privileged to bear the reproach of His Name. Grant it, Father.

158I'm going to pray for the sick, Lord, laying hands upon them. They've got their hands up, many of them, and many is going to be prayed for, and holding prayer cards. And some is in here that didn't get in in time for the prayer cards, but they're--they're--they're going to believe, Lord. They could put up their hands, looked like, to me, the whole congregation. Many of them are sick. Here's these handkerchiefs laying here, feeling Your Divine Presence by the anointed Word, heal them, Lord. Grant that their request will be answered.

159 And now from the handkerchiefs, to the audience, to human beings who are sitting out there suffering. Oh, the Presence of the Lord, let It come, Father, and heal them all. Will You, this morning in Divine grace, when we confess, Lord? I Your servant, I confess an inability. I don't even have one thing, Lord, that I can present to You as a merit. We're unworthy. None of us can do that, Lord. We're not worthy for the things that we're going to ask for. But, Lord, we know that Jesus went away, up into Glory, and there preparing a place to come and receive us unto Himself. And He told us that He would send us a Comforter, which would be the Holy Spirit, and He would do His work and would abide with us forever.

160O Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, come afresh this morning upon us, and a-vindicate Your Presence, Lord, in the same manner that You did when You walked here on earth, that this audience might know that You are here in these last days to vindicate Your Word, and to prove that "as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Lord, it's to Your honor and glory we ask this, as we submit ourselves to You with our confession. Cleanse us by Thy Blood, Lord. Wash us by the water of the Word, and cleanse us in the Blood. And present us, Lord, as "examples," as Peter said in the text reading this morning, to the unbelieving world. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

161 I'm going to ask the sister now with the... and the piano, just a moment. We may be a teeny bit late today, but, oh, I don't get to come too often. Just have patience with us, just, will everybody just stay for a few minutes now, we're going to pray for everyone. Billy, Billy Paul, where is--is he here? Where did you give, you give out prayer cards? What was it? B, one to a hundred. Let's just take a few of the B's and see if He'll give us the discernment. How's that? See if He's here with us. Just ask Him, you believe He'll do it? I've preached and I--I was anointed, but now I've done preached away from it, you see.

162 And let's have the people to stand up. Well, we're going to pray for all of them, anyhow, just start from number one. Who has B, number one? Stand up, who has prayer card. No, I'm just going to bring them right around here, they come out this aisle and come down. Let B, number one, who has it, prayer card number one? You mean it's not in the building? All right, we'll start... Oh, I'm sorry, lady. Okay, all right. B, number two, then if we're already started from one. Let B, number two. Who has it, will you raise your hand up like that so we can see it? Come here, lady, right here. Three, who has three? Now lets get our line all the way down the wall, we move, or back that way somewhere. So, all right, prayer card number three, who will come? Is this the lady coming here? I didn't see your hand, excuse me, sister. Number four, who has prayer card number four? Will you raise your hand so I can see who you are? The man back there, the colored brother, would you come right here, sir, number four. Number five, who has number five? The gentlemen back there, would you come here if you--you will? Number six, who has prayer card six, would you raise your hand? Over here, all right, six, sir. Seven. Now, this will cause you to keep from just crowding in. Seven, all right, come right down here, seven. Now number eight, just as you're... Would you come, sir? Number nine. All right, sir. Number ten. All right, little boy.

163 While we're thinking of that, the sweetest thing; when I come in, a little boys, just nearly kills me to think about it. A little boy stood there a while ago, he said, "Brother Branham, will you do something for me?' Just about the size of this little lad.

I said, "What is it, son?"

164He said, "Pray for my mother." Said, "She just takes God's Name in vain, and she just has such an awful life."

I said, "Where do you live? Here in the city?"

Said, "Yes, sir."

165He wanted his mommy to be a good woman. And, no wonder, Isaiah said "a child shall lead them."

166 Number ten number, is it not number ten? All right, number eleven. All right, number twelve, number twelve. All right, number thirteen, fourteen. All right, fifteen. Fifteen, I didn't see it, number fifteen. Sixteen. All right, come around that way, sir, if you will, sixteen. Seventeen, eighteen. Eighteen, I didn't see it. All right, lady, or sister, eighteen. All right, now go that way, lady, if you will, go out that way. Now look, as the prayer line, that's enough for them to stand at one time.

167As the prayer line begins to dwindle, see, then let Billy Paul or some of them here from the platform... Brother Neville, Brother Neville, let Brother Neville after while, when you see them... Now, when you see Brother Neville sees the prayer line getting... he'll motion like that, 'cause I'm going to pray for the Holy Spirit...

168 Now, this man, you got a prayer card, in the wheel chair, sir? He--he--he had his prayer card. All right, now you can take him right into the prayer line. Now, is anybody else that--that--that's here, that you can't get up? Somebody help them if they... when their--their time comes, see. Now, you just think, start where I left off there about eighteen or twenty, somewhere along there, then you start twenty-one, twenty-two, you know your place as you come in.

169 Now do you care? Do you believe He's always cared? Do you believe that He cares now? If--if He--if He once cared, He'll always care. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Yes!"--Ed.] Now I want everybody just to be real reverent, keep your place and pray. Now, you in the audience, pray too. Now, how did He care? Because He could not care any more, and no man or no prophet, no one else can go beyond the boundaries of God's promised work. Is that right? Now, I don't care now, you might have been through prayer lines a hundred times, but you standing now and you that's sitting, if there is sin in your life, unbelief, confess it right now. Don't dare to come in here without that. If you--you could come through here and no matter how much a man was anointed, and would stand and lay hands on you, you'll certainly miss it a--a hundred miles unless you believe it. You must believe it. You've got to confess it. You've got to. See, then if you look here, how there's... I hope you got the picture. See? It is totally impossible for God not to keep His Word to you, if you've kept your word to God. See? If you truly believe it, there's nothing can make you doubt it. Time, space, nothing else can make you doubt it. You believe it. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Yes! Amen!"--Ed.]

170 Now, now I'm going to look down this prayer line. So far as I know, unless it's this man right here, I know him; and I know that, I know Gene Slaughter down there, I know him; outside of that... and I don't know what's--what they're standing there for. I have no idea what they're there for. God does know. And now if you all know that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, you standing there. Now, how many in this audience knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands. Now how many is conscious that Jesus Christ knows about you?

171 And how many will be willing to say this? I believe [Congregation says, "I believe"--Ed.] with all my heart ["with all my heart"] that Jesus ["that Jesus"] healed me ["healed me"] when He was crucified ["when He was crucified"] at Calvary ["at Calvary."]. That's right. See? Now, if He has already done it, then it's your faith to accept it. Now, He cared enough to do it, do you care enough to lay aside every doubt, and believe it? Cast your cares on him, for He cares for you.

172Now, if you're sick, if you're afflicted, I have seen, well, you know, tens of thousands times thousands of things that the Holy Spirit has done. And you know that; spastic, even to being dead.

173 A man dropped dead right here on the platform, right here in front of us, about three weeks ago. His wife is a registered nurse sitting here. And the man went right down. He's sitting here somewhere. Here's his wife sitting here now, and--and here he is up here somewhere now. Yeah, here he's standing right here. Eyes went back, turned dark like that, right... fell, and I went down. She examined him, no heart, no pulse. I put my hands on him (he was gone) and just called for his spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he rose up. See? See?

174What is it? He is the Resurrection and Life. Wasn't me. That was the Comforter that acted, the Holy Spirit making intercessions for us. See? We've accepted Him, now it's up to Him to make intercessions. Then how much could I... Could God save you against your will? Certainly not. He can't heal you against your will. You got to believe it.

175 Now, what would be this, if--if He can prove, if God will let me by a Divine gift show you that Jesus Christ is here with us, that this Comforter is Jesus Christ, He's the Word. "In the beginning was the Word." Is that right? "The Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And the Bible said, in Hebrews 4, that "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Is that right? And that's what Jesus did to prove He was the anointed Word, Messiah. Oh, my! Don't you see that? What is Messiah? The anointed One. The anointed what? The anointed Word! "And the Word was made flesh." He was that anointed Word! You see that, Brother Vayle? See, He is the anointed Word!

176 And now when you commit yourself to Him, then He uses you beyond what you know, proving He's still the anointed Word, a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart. Oh, how, how can anyone doubt? Just believe. Don't doubt. And now you sitting out there, I--I hit that subject this morning. When a little woman cared that she wasn't going to get in the prayer line, perhaps, but she touched the border of His garment and He turned around. Do you believe that? You believe it can be done again today? Yeah. Now, how would you touch it?

177 The Bible said He's the High Priest, right now a High Priest, sitting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions upon our confession. We confess we believe Him, and we want to touch the High Priest. And we touch Him, how would He act? He's here in the form of the Holy Ghost. Then He'd speak right back through and tell you just exactly. Is that right? Now you believe that and just keep seated, keep quiet, keep reverent and watch. Now, if He'll just do it at least three times, that'll be sufficient, won't it? Three times, if He'll do it. One, two, three, if He'll do it.

How do you do?

178Now, just a moment while we just pray. See, this is, I don't... This is something that's a little different right now; been preaching, and then turn to this. Now, I haven't called on the Lord for this for a long time, but Lord God knows my heart, and may He grant your request. And I'm believing it, that He'll do it.

179 Now, here stands a woman, we are strangers to each other. Far as I know, I never seen her in my life. She might have set in some audience somewhere or knowed me by some literature, but the Heavenly Father knows, as far as I know, I never laid eyes on her in my life. She's a stranger.

180Now, if He's the same, here's a man and a woman meeting here like Jesus met a woman at the well, that I talked about a while ago. He cared for her. Now, this woman perhaps are not guilty of the same thing the woman was, but there's something wrong. But He cares just as much about her as He does that woman. See, He cares. Now, and when she saw it, she recognized it. Now here both of us standing here like this. Now, I never seen her.

181 Now, if the great Holy Spirit, the Unseen, now if the senses of faith will declare Him to me. He's brought the senses of faith, and His Word has brought it so close in this last days till He's got the picture of It there. He's brought it so close to our senses, anointed, has went away and seen Him come in here and move around in that form of a Pillar of Fire. Hasn't He? Now He's here, I know He's here. My faith says He's here. Now if He can just materialize Himself enough in here to catch this woman's life, see, as He promised He would do. The Holy Spirit would do the same work He did.

182 Now I, being I been preaching, I just want to talk to you a minute in order just to see.

183Like He did the woman at the well, He said, "Bring Me a drink." You know, He was just... He was probably sitting there thinking about them going away getting food, and then He--He had to talk to her a minute, you know. The Father had sent Him up there. He had to. He was going to Jericho; and He went up to Samaria, that's up on the mountain, He had "need go by there."

184Well, somehow or another, I had need, the Father sent me from Arizona, here, and you come in. So it's all just the same thing. Nothing happens by chance, it all happens for some reason. Grace of God, is right.

185 Now, not knowing you, and you look real healthy, and it might not be that you're here for. It might be something else. It might be some loved one, it might be domestic, financial. I have no way of knowing, you know that. But if He'll explain to me what you're here for, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. And will the audience believe with one heart then? Now you hear us, and it's taped, and we're just standing here on the platform.

186The lady, I see her holding her head up like this. She's got, she has headaches that's bothering her, like migraine headaches. It's persistent headaches coming all the time. That it true. If that's right, raise up your hand. See? That's right. Another thing, she has a thyroid trouble, that she's been told, anyhow, that's--that's bothering you, and he's right, it's a thyroid. And then you just have complications, just many things wrong with you; nervous, upset, get flusterations, "sometimes wonder where I'm standing, and whether I'm in or out." And that's right. It's the truth. Now, He knows you, you couldn't hide now if you had to. See? You believe He can tell me what you, who you are? Well, Viola, you return home, Jesus Christ makes you well.

Do you believe?

187 I know not. Jesus Christ knows all things. It's another stranger to me. God knows both of us. Do you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? Do you believe these things that I've preached out of this Word is the Truth? You do? If the Lord Jesus will tell me what you're here for, you believe me to be His servant. And He's doing this because He cares for you. He, His care is for you, He's doing that because He cares for you. He's caring for these others that's come in the line. He cares for them. You've had trouble, an accident, automobile accident. You're all shook up about it. That's right. You got trouble with your limb. That's right. It's going to get well, and the nervousness is going to leave you, so just go ahead home, thanking the Lord, and saying, "Praise the Lord!"

"If thou canst believe, all things are possible." All right.

188 Do you believe? I don't know you, you're a stranger to me. But God knows you. Do you believe He can tell me the reason that you're here, or something another about you? Would you believe it? [The woman says, "Yes"--Ed.] There's another woman. Wasn't you, see. No, it isn't. It's you, you're here for somebody. You're for some, it's your mother. That's right. She's got something wrong with her limb, too. That's right. She isn't here. She's near a place look like, looks to me like English, about, somewhere down here. You, that's right, do you believe? All right, go on. She's healed. Just go on.

189There was two women. One of them was much older, so I--I wondered where it was at. I looked to see where--where it was at. The Lord God knows all things, doesn't He? And He can do all things. Do you believe that? Amen. Isn't He wonderful? I love Him. He, He's my Life. He's all that I have. He's all that I want. Just go ahead, He made you well, sir.

190 The anointing followed that lady. There's another lady sitting there that's bothered with nervousness, and she's got a growth under her arm. Is that right? When she put her hands on you then, you felt a real funny feeling. Wasn't that right? That's when He healed you. You're going to be well. Jesus Christ. Look where she's at. The woman that was praying, or here, see. Did you notice when she was praying, I was praying for her, what happened? See? I seen another woman, and I looked that way. There was a great feeling. They must know one another, something, or they're acquainted with each other, 'cause that woman was having a feeling for this woman here. And then this woman goes down and touches her, and, when she did, I looked and I seen something yonder, and there she was standing right there. I never seen that woman in my life. God in Heaven knows that. Oh, my! Why would you doubt?

191 If thou canst believe, He could even take habits away from you. Do you believe that? Do you believe He'll make you whole? Go ahead, and you'll stop it right now and never smoke another one. Go on, and believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. Don't doubt.

192Are you believing? Have we had three yet? Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Just believe. You believe there is anointing is here now? [Congregation says, "Yes. Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Don't doubt. Believe!

193I'm going to lay hands on you, and believe. Will you believe with me? [The man says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] In the Name of Jesus Christ, let this brother be healed. Amen. Have faith now, don't doubt. Just a moment.

194 There's something happened back out there in the audience and I couldn't see it, it's right back in here. I think it's hid from me right now. Here it is. I see it in a shadow. It's a man, and he's suffering with nervousness. He's got a boy that's got epilepsy. Believe with all your heart, sir. Do you? That's it. All right, lay your hand on that boy there and he'll be all right. Amen. Praise the Lord.

195Are you believing? That Devil thought he could hide from that, but he failed it. Do you believe? That thing is still moving somewhere. Oh, my, for grace and care! There's another epileptic here somewhere. Yeah, here it is right here. You believe? Have faith. You believe God knows you? You can go back to Ohio, be made well, Mr. Nelson T. Grant. That's your name. If you'll believe, them things will leave you and never bother you no more. I never seen the man in my life, don't know nothing about him.

You can't hide it now, the Holy Spirit is here!

196 Let's just bow our heads and give praise to God. Lord Jesus, we thank You. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your grace never fails, Lord, it's the same all the time. I pray that Your great mercy and goodness will rest upon the people. You cared enough, Lord, to come and vindicate Yourself. You are God. You are the great Holy One, the great Holy Spirit. Now may these people believe, Lord, as they pass through here, and every one of them be healed. As Your anointing is here, I lay myself across these handkerchiefs. I pray, Lord, that You'll grant these requests, Father. Grant it, Lord, both here in the audience.

197And may every person that's in Divine Presence care enough now to believe that You cared enough to raise up in the last day among Your people, and to prove! You can't heal them, Lord, You can't do what You've already done. You already healed them. And this is the only thing that can be done, to make them believe. And You care enough, although as much unbelief that we stagger through, You still care enough to show Yourself alive and raised from the dead, among us. May we cast our cares on Thee, and every person in Divine Presence be healed, both of their soul and body. Through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

198 All right, come right through this a-way, let the people come right along this. All right, Billy will call them, section by section. Don't, now let's not talk no more, the--the anointing's on me, see. I want to lay hands on him while This is here. See? I can't stop on that discernment. If I do... How many's here to be prayed for, raise up your hand. About seventy percent. See? It's right now ten minutes to one. The baptismal service coming up after this. I can't do it, but you can believe. If He cares enough to show Hisself, you ought to care enough to believe. Is that right? All right, let the whole audience pray. And Billy or Brother Neville, one, will use these, will use this microphone. Let's keep our heads down and pray while they pass through the line. Now, I'm going to pray for every one of you now, lay hands upon you and ask that every possessed that you have, of evil, will pass from you as you pass under this anointed spot just now, if I have to put it like that. The anointing's back there the same as it is here. But I make it for your faith, say that. Everybody pray now.

199 In the Name of Jesus Christ, let this little boy be healed. Amen. God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ. I'm obeying Your commandment, Lord. You said, "These signs shall follow believers." Believers, both of them. "If they lay their hands on the sick, they'll recover." In Jesus' Name, I do just that. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon this brother. Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands upon our brother, for his healing. Amen.

200He cares for you, sister. I care to lay hands on. Do you care enough to believe? Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let it so be that our sister will be healed.

201 In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother be healed. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our sister be healed. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus, heal my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Brother, He cares. Do you? In Jesus' Name, heal!

202 Everybody in prayer now, everybody pray. This is your people coming through.

203In Jesus' Name, heal my sister. In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother. Amen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister. In Jesus Christ's Name, heal my sister. In Jesus' Name, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister, Lord. In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister, my brother. Heal this my sister. Heal this my sister, Lord. Heal this my sister, I pray in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

204 Sister, He cares. Do you? In Jesus' Name, receive your healing. In Jesus' Name, receive your healing, sister. In Jesus' Name, receive your healing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. Heal this my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal my brother, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal the little boy, in Jesus' Name. Heal Brother Creech, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Heal this our sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal this our sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal them, Father, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

205God bless you, brother. Is that your child? Well, I didn't know it. The Lord bless you, brother. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, God, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my brother, in Jesus' Name. Heal this my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal this my brother, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Heal this my sister, in Jesus Christ's Name. Heal this my brother, in the Name of Jesus. Heal them, Father, in Jesus' Name.

206 I offer my sincere prayer, each one. You care now. Jesus cares. Jesus sent the Message. Jesus sent His Spirit. Jesus sent His Word. Jesus sent His servant. We all care. Now, do you? If you care, believe it, accept it with sincerity; it'll be done. [Brother Branham continues praying for the sick.--Ed.]

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus, heal this my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister. Grant it, Father.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my dear...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Lord, in the Jesus' Name, heal her.

O God of heaven, have mercy to people; grant it, Lord. May flesh and strength come in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my brother.

God, our sister here in this chair, I pray that You heal her and make her well, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

God, heal our sister here in her fine act of charity, helping us...?... in Jesus' Name.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

God, heal my brother, I pray, in the Name of Jesus.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ heal...?...

In Jesus' Name heal...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal...?... Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this one, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my...?... Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this my sister.

In Jesus Christ's Name, heal...?...

Heal my brother in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal brother in the...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

206a Come with all sincerity; don't doubt nothing; just believe. And everybody praying now. This is our people passing here, God's children. Believe.

Heal our little sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my precious...?... Lord. God, he's waited so long, may this be that very hour when...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal this...?...

In the Name of Jesus...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her, Father.

In the Name of Jesus, heal...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her, Father.

In Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus, we lay our hands upon...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal her...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

Heal my sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother, Lord. He...?...

In the Name of...?...

God, heal my...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

God, in the Name of Jesus take...?... from my brother, Lord, and make him well, Father...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus, heal this my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother-in-law, I pray.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord, and, God, heal her...?... in the Name of Jesus.

Heal our sister, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... servant...?...

O God, when I hear of some requests, grant that it be so. Let it be so in Your Name, Lord...?...

206b Now, That's the way to receive it, brother. Now, for that the Lord has done it. Praise the Lord.

See if that child isn't...?... Now, he lets me know what's wrong with you. I just don't call it out...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ...

O God, here stands...?... I pray for her as she standing here for Edith. We think of that little thing, Lord. She sure to be pushed by just now. Her sister's standing in her place, Lord. Grant, O God, grant these requests, in Jesus' Name, for her.

God, have mercy upon our brother and heal him, Father, in Jesus...?...

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, touch this my precious brother and make him well, Father.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal our sister.

In the Name Jesus Christ, Lord, heal our sister.

Heal our brother, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal this our sister.

O God, in the Name Jesus Christ, heal this...?...

God, heal this little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal our brother, Lord.

In the Jesus' Name, heal our...?...

O God, in the Name Jesus Christ, heal our sister.

In the Name Jesus Christ, heal this Christian brother.

Hear our sister...?... in Jesus' Name.

O God, heal this our sister, I pray, in Jesus' Name.

God, heal our sister, for I pray in Jesus' Name.

God, make her well; grant it, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

206c God, touch our brother; it's Your Word; You promised it, Lord, and we're coming believing that...?... in Jesus' Name.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our sister, Lord; she's come with sincerity, believing now; may she go and be well.

In Jesus' Name may she go and be healed, Lord.

God, lay Thy healing hand upon this...?... Father, may they return to her home with her request. O God, grant the healing, Lord.

Heal our sister, Father, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

God of heaven, heal my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

And my sister, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Heal this...?... Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal this my sister-in-law, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, Father, in the Name of Jesus.

Heal my brother, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Now, He cares; you do too, brother. Go give Him praise and thank Him, and believe with...?... Grant it, Lord, many has been his burdens; lighten them now, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our brother.

206d May you...?... Grant it...?...

God, grant her healing...?... the dear saints who are waiting the Holy Spirit around her. God, may she go and believe You. Grant it, Father.

In Jesus' Name, may he go free, Father.

God, in Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In Jesus' Name...?... and heal her.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

God, make my brother well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God...?... come by...?... power will make him well.

O God, heal our sister and show her, Lord, a place here. Make it go down, Lord, and may she...?... feel the power of God, in Jesus' Name...?... her requests...?...

God, heal our brother, Lord, and may he well.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our sister, God.

God, heal...?... make him...?... so many. Grant now they'll all be...?...

Heal our Lord, I pray for mercy, dear Lord Jesus...?...

God, heal this my sister and make her well, Father...?... Lord, and many has been her sorrows and we share them. Now, may she be...?...

206e In Jesus' Name, heal this my sister, Lord.

Heal my brother, in the Name...?...

God, heal this my brother, and make him well...?...

Heal our sister, Lord, in Jesus Christ...?...

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my little brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, heal this my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.

God, heal my sister. In the Name of Jesus, may she be healed.

God, heal this my brother, may in the Name of Jesus Christ be...?...

O Father, heal him, in Jesus Christ's Name.

Heal...?... this sister here, Lord, in the Name Jesus Christ, may she go and...?...

God, grant her request, in Jesus Christ's Name, I pray that You grant that request.

God, Sister Spencer, let the grace and mercy of God, may as she's waited for this hour, time where she can cast it down...?... And may she be made well...?...

God, Brother Ungren...?... God let it go...?... trumpeting out the Gospel. Keep him well, God; grant it, in the Name of Jesus.

God...?... here is calling Your Name...?... I pray that Your power will set her free now...?... with sincerity this little mother here...?... isn't it right on seven days she should be...?... Grant it, Father, in Jesus' Name.

God, for her children, O God, they're wandering, and many of them are sick, and that girl is sick, and she hasn't been...?... O God, I pray that You'll grant it, through Jesus Christ's Name.

So thankful for Brother Tom, Lord, I pray that You'll heal him and help him. Blessed be the Name...?...

There's a man down here a...?... You want to be prayed for too, brother? Lord Jesus...

206f [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

He careth for you,

Just cast your cares on Him, then.

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

207Do you care for Him? Do you care for His Word? Amen. Lord bless you. Let us bow our heads just a moment. I believe I answered these requests. I answered the requests, didn't I, every one of you.

208 A while ago I made a little error in the meeting, I'm sure somebody noticed it. And the Lord just pointed out to me now somewhere. I said something across somebody when I said it for somebody else. I can't--can't see the person where it was at, but it was somebody that I placed a blessing upon them for somebody else. And I... They was coming through real fast, and I wasn't noticing. And I didn't... Yes, it was, I see it now. It's this man and woman sitting right here. If I'm not mistaken, I shook their hand last night in a--in a--in a motel room, or something another, in a motel yard, up here at the JeffersonVilla. I said something to the man, called it "sister" instead of "brother," when you passed through. Did you notice that? I was meaning it for your wife. Now, she's been having trouble for some time, a bowel trouble for a long time. You're from Illinois. Mrs. Mongaland, that's right, that's your name. Now, you know I didn't know you, but you're right in contact now. You believe with all your heart, and there will be a complete elimination just normally like it always was, if you'll believe. That you might see that all the time, now I...

209 Only thing I know, last night I remember thinking the man, I thought he had such pretty hair, parting his hair in the middle, this gray-headed man sitting here. I just happened to look, and there was that Light shining right around over the top of them like that. And that's what it was. And then I seen the vision break forth. I don't know who they were nor nothing about it. The lady was out there last night, I said, "Are you coming to the meeting?" She said, "Yes." But the grace of God pulled it right back again, and that's who it was. Did you notice it in the prayer line, brother, that something was said that crossed over? It was for sister instead of yours. That, that was right, went to--to the sister there.

210 Now that you might know that, through that prayer line, that Angel of the Lord was there. It could call. But as you call, it weakens, weakens, weakens. See? So He cares for you, and I--I care for you. I could have just went on four or five more, and then, first thing you know, Billy been here taking me out of the pulpit. But I thought if, surely, I--I've lived here with you all all these years, and around and across the nation, you--you know I love you. Oh, I love you like you was my own children, and you are my children in the Gospel. I have begotten you to Christ, through the Gospel. And now I think these, this request and so forth here, I've answered it.

211 Now, I love you. And I thought, if I went and laid hands on you, and you seen that the Holy Spirit was doing that, and then some scruple started in the meeting along in the line like that. I missed it, going through so fast, and pronounced one blessing to the other, and then the Holy Spirit turn right around after the meeting's over and show it right back again. See? Don't you see, He cares! Now do you care? Do you care enough to say, "From this time on, there's something in my heart tells me that my troubles are over. I'm--I'm well, I'm going to be well"? Do you believe it? Raise up your hands, "I believe That!" God bless you.

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

212This is just a great big love feast. Let's sing it and shake hands with one another.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

213 I've kept you so long this morning till I--I... My pastor don't preach as long as I do. He'll try to bring the message for you tonight, and we'll let you know about whether there'll be the service for next Sunday under the... that title. If I don't, there'll be services just the same. So you all, the Lord bless you, every one. I think there's a baptismal service coming off right now.

214So if you'll just stand up for a moment, for dismissing. Let's sing that again. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." And now if you care for Him, let's say, "Lord, I..." When you do this, you're--you're making this statement, "Lord, I know You care for me. And I'm raising my hands, I care for You." And let's hold our hands up now in this love feast of charity, as we sing.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

215 Now as we bow our heads, say... [Brother Branham hums He Careth For You--Ed.] Oh, the sweetness of my Lord! Don't you feel His love just pulling you right up close to Him? Say, "And, Lord, I love You. I love You. You care for me, Lord. You cared so much till when I was a sinner You died for me. You was wounded for my transgressions, with Your stripes I was healed."

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He still careth for you.

216Just remember that now as you bow your heads. I'm going to ask Brother Edwards over here if he'll dismiss us in a word of prayer. But, first, let's hum that again. [Brother Branham begins humming He Careth For You--Ed.] Remember, sunshine or shadow, He still cares. He cared. Do you care? Say, "Yes, Lord, I promise I care. I'm going on right now. From here on, I care. I care for my testimony." [Brother Branham continues humming He Careth For You.] "He careth for you." Brother Edwards.