Ó, Bože, urob nás takýmito väzňami od našej vlastnej sebeckej ambície a od našich vlastných úsudkov a nášho lepšieho spôsobu myslenia, aby sme boli väzňami Ježiša Krista. Myslím, že to bolo veľké vyhlásenie, to "Som väzeň Ježiša Krista."
A pamätajte, On je Slovo. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to, čo si niekto iný myslí, to je Slovo. Vidíte? Ak ste väzeň Slova, žiadna denominácia vás nemôže od toho odtrhnúť. To je Slovo. Vy ste len... Vy ste väzňom Toho, to je všetko. Vy musíte konať tým spôsobom, ktorým Ono koná.
Tak, on nemohol ísť na určité miesta, na ktoré chcel, pretože (prečo?), Duch mu bránil. Pamätajte, veľakrát sa Pavol snažil ísť na nejaké miesto, rozmýšľajúc, "To je to miesto, kde by som mohol mať veľké zhromaždenie," ale Duch mu zabránil. No, či to jasne nevyjadruje a nedokazuje, že Pavol bol väzeň? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.] Väzeň Ježiša Krista, zapriahnutý do Jeho Slova, skrze Ducha! Ó! Ja to mám rád.
On bol spútaný. Bol spútaný reťazou a putami lásky činiť vôľu Božiu a jedine ju. On bol väzeň. Bol v putách lásky. On bol v jarme s Kristom. Nemohol sa dať do jarma s nikým iným. On bol ujarmený s Ním. A kde to vedenie išlo, tam on musel ísť. Bez ohľadu na to ako bola pastva zelená, tu na tejto strane alebo na tej strane, on musel ísť tou cestou, ktorou ten Vodca, a to jarmo išli.
1 Sme tu znova, v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme počuli o veľkých a mocných skutkoch, ktoré si Ty už vykonal. A my tu teraz stojíme s očakávaním, ktoré pozdvihuje našu vieru a pomazáva nás, aby sme verili, že to, za čo sme sa modlili, bude dnes večer udelené. Ty poznáš každú potrebu a každého jedného z nich, všetkých ktorí ich požadovali. A my sa modlime za nich, zvlášť Pane za tých, ktorí sú blízko smrti. Daj pokoj ich duši, pokiaľ tam ešte nie je. Daj uzdravenie ich telu. Udeľ to Pane.
2 Požehnaj naše zídenie sa. Modlíme sa, Pane, na tomto stredajšom večernom modlitebnom zhromaždení, ako sme sa zhromaždili, vediac, že kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení spolu, že Ty budeš s nami. A my Ťa prosíme Pane, aby si nám dal dnes večer Svoje Slovo. Hovor ku nám, Pane, a zohrej zvláštnym spôsobom naše srdcia, aby sme vedeli ako sa správať v tom veľkom čase, ktorý leží pred nami, ako my veríme, že sa blížime príchodu Pánovmu.
3 Ďakujeme Ti za ľudí, ktorí začínajú nachádzať vieru, ktorá je im drahá aྭvedia, čo viera znamená. A vedia Ti ďakovať za zhromaždenia, ktoré sú ešte pred nami, veriac, že Ty sa chystáš niečo urobiť, Pane, my sme v očakávaní, ako za dávna, veriac, že je blízko čas, keď Ty pozdvihneš okná nebies a vyleješ zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh zasľúbil v tomto poslednom dni.
4 Tak, Pane, my Ťa prosíme, aby si bol so všetkými vo všetkých národoch, ako sme počuli tak mnohých naokolo, všade, ktorí sú v potrebe. Udeľ im to, čo požadujú Pane. A my sa modlíme, aby sme videli veľkú ruku Božiu, ako sa pohybuje ponad celým svetom medzi tými, ktorí očakávajú tieto veľké veci.
5 Odpusť nám náš hriech. Kázni nás, Pane, Tvojim Duchom a Tvojim Slovom, aby sme boli disciplinovaní, poslušní služobníci, poslušní služobníci vo vôli Božej. Daj nám pamätať a snažiť sa v našich srdciach robiť to, čo robili tí ranní kresťania. Aký druh ľudí by sme stretli ak by sme stretli tých, ktorí boli osobne v kontakte s Tebou. Ako ich tváre museli žiariť vierou a radosťou. Ako ich životy museli byť živým Slovom Božím, jednoducho „napísanými epištolami, čítanými všetkými ľuďmi,“ ako oni chodili medzi ľuďmi. Bože, udeľ to ešte raz.
6 Nech sú Ti naše životy tak poddané, že sám Duch Svätý bude žiť skrze nás a hovoriť skrze nás, Pane. Nech pamätáme v našich mysliach ako kráčame po uliciach a naše ramená sa obtierajú o ten svet, a my nemáme byť takí ako oni. A my sa staviame bokom a dávame im miesto, Pane a ich pravú pozíciu tu na zemi. Berieme si tie zadné sedadlá, vediac že sme delegátmi z iného sveta. Máme kráľovstvo, ktoré prichádza v moci, Pane. A náš veľký Kráľ skoro prijde a prevezme všetky kráľovstvá, ktoré sú, pod svoje panovanie. A On bude panovať a vládnuť;a my s Ním tu na zemi, tisíc rokov a budeme s Ním navždy.
7 S týmto v mysli sa teraz, Pane, tešíme, že odpovieš na našu modlitbu. Dívame sa na naše vyznanie. Ak sme čokoľvek urobili, povedali, alebo mysleli čo bolo proti Tvojej veľkej vôli, nech nás krv Ježiša Krista očistí.
8 Veď nás Pane, ako tá sestra povedala dnes večer o sebe a jej manželovi na ceste do Chicaga. Veď ich, Pane Bože, na miesto kde ich Ty môžeš použiť, aby oni mohli byť lúčmi svetla pre iných, ktorí hľadajú cestu v temnosti, ktorí nepoznajú nášho Pána Ježiša. Tak my sa porúčame do služby Tebe, a počúvaniu Tvojho Slova nápravy, aby sme mohli vedieť, ako sa pripraviť na túto veľkú hodinu, prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
[prázdne miesto na páske, brat Neville komentuje -- pozn.prekl.]
Nech ťa Pán žehná. Vďaka ti, brat.
9 Toto som tak trochu neočakával. Ako som bol tu doma, cítil som sa ako, ak by som skutočne nemusel nikde ísť, ku nejakému naliehavému prípadu, cítil by som sa veľmi zle, ako sedím doma a nejdem na modlitebné zhromaždenie. A ja som prišiel tak trochu náhle, pre mňa samého neočakávane, dokonca pre moju rodinu. Len čo som prišiel a hneď som sa aj bral. A tak som povedal, „Idem na modlitebné zhromaždenie." A ona dokonca nemala ani čas pripraviť sa, aby prišla, tak ona nevedela, že prichádzam.
10Tak som šťastný, že som počul svedectvo tej sestry tu, toho brata, o tom zapálení v Južnej Karolíne alebo Severnej Karolíne, niekde. Bolo to Greenville? [Nejaká sestra hovorí, „Nie. Južné Pines.“-- pozn.prekl.] Južné Pines. Áno.
11Brat Lee Vayle bol práve dnes tu. Pokrstil som ho, dnes, počas dnešnej služby krstu. Brat Lee Vayle, ty vieš a tí kazatelia tam, brat Parker Thomas. Tam je...
12Pamätám si čas, ako bola jedna sestra zatienená. A to bolo veľké potvrdenie, sestra, toho čo... Duch Svätý nás niekedy nechá ísť napred a testuje našu vieru, aby videl, čo bude a aby testoval vieru iných. Keď sa priamo na niečo dívate a vidíte niečo a poviete to, iní sa pozrú a nevidia to, oni hovoria, že to tam nie je. Vidíte? Ale je to tam.
13No, tam nebol nikto, kto by mohol vidieť to svetlo, ktoré viselo nad Pavlom, ale to tam bolo. Nikto nevidel tú holubicu, ktorá zostupovala z neba, v tom svetle, v tej forme a viselo to nad Ježišom, iba Ján. Ale to tam bolo. Vidíte?
14A tak, potom, neskoršie keď som hovoril ľuďom o tomto svetle, ktoré bolo ako Stĺp Ohňa, nikto tomu nechcel veriť. Ale teraz, mechanické oko fotoaparátu to zidentifikovalo, ako to prišlo. A zlý duch je temný.
15Je to ako naše životy, my sme tiene. A my sme... Ak my sme svetlo, ak sa naše životy zrovnávajú s tým Svetlom toho dňa, my chodíme vo Svetle.
16To je ako keď sa pozriete von a poviete, „Vidím slnko,“ počas dňa. Vy vidíte tieň slnka. To je odraz slnka. To nie je samotné slnko, ale to potvrdzuje, že tam je slnko. To potvrdzuje, že tam je slnko.
17A teraz, keď vidím, ako tam sedíte, používate vejár, rozprávate sa, to znamená že vy žijete, ale to je len tieň života.
18Pretože, čokoľvek má v sebe temnosť, to vrhá tieň. Vidíte? Pretože tieň musí zabrať toľko temnosti a toľko svetla, aby urobil tieň. A to nemôže byť celkom tma a to nemôže byť celkom svetlo. Ak je to tma, je to skutočne tma. Ak je to svetlo, nie je tam tieň, nič, čo by spravilo tieň. Ale ak je to svetlo zmiešané s tmou, to vytvára tieň.
19Tak my sme skutočne tieňmi svetla. No, vy odrážate život odniekiaľ. Ak ste kresťanom, toto je tieň, to len potvrdzuje, že tam je Život, kde vy nemôžete zomrieť, pretože tento život má v sebe smrť. Vidíte? Ale to je tieň, pretože vy ste živé, hýbajúce sa stvorenie so schopnosťou vidieť, rozmýšľať a hovoriť, tých päť zmyslov tela. Ale jednako vy viete, oni zomierajú. A tam je toľko problémov. Viete, to nemôže byť len... To je odraz, vidíte, že tam je život a smrť, zmiešané dokopy.
20To telesné musí zomrieť. Ale ak vy odrážate skrze váš smrteľný život to Svetlo z neba, potom odrážate večný život, Boha. Potom keď zomriete, nemôžete nič viac, než ísť do toho Svetla, pretože to je to, čo ste odrážali.
21Ak ste z toho temného sveta, vy to odrážate a nemôžete ísť inou cestou ako do temnosti. Vidíte? Tak vy ste v nejakom odraze. No, my to vidíme. A tak isto, ako Duch Svätý odráža Svetlo Života, tak smrť odráža temnosť.
22A tu sú oni obaja. Koncom týždňa, možno v nedeľu, dostaneme malú fotografiu, ktorá bude zväčšená, tak ju môžeme položiť na tabuľu.
23Tam kde visia vaše fotografie na tabuli. Neviem či ste si to všimli, alebo nie. A potom... A asi pred týždňom, na Jamajke, kde som konal misionársku prácu. Poslali sme pásky po celom svete. A Sedem pečatí má ísť naspäť do... naspäť na ostrovy Jamajky, do vnútrozemia. A tam je to veľmi primitívne, poza Modrými Horami. A tie národy, niekedy, oni majú magnetofón, ktorý sme im dali, že musíte, ako na starej Victrole, natočiť ju a potom to nechať takto hrať. Potom každých päť minút to niekto musí natočiť.
24Táto skupina mala malú baterku, šesťvoltovú baterku, alebo nejakú inú, na ten magnetofón, počúvajúc tie Pečate, myslím, že to bolo to. A zatiaľ ako som hovoril, oni si všimli, prichádzať do izby, prichádzať ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý sa pohyboval tam, kde bol ten magnetofón a zastal nad ním. A oni išli a vzali fotoaparát a odfotili To. A jednoducho ten istý, tam To je, visí to rovno nad tým. Teraz to zväčšujeme, tak aby sme to mohli dať tam na tabuľu, aby ste to mohli vidieť.
25Sme tak vďační za milosť Božiu, ktorá nás priviedla do Jeho prítomnosti v tomto dni. Tak, sme vďační za tak veľa vecí.
26No, myslím, že sa pozriem sem a uvidím či môžem nájsť nejaké, nejaké poznámky, alebo niečo iné, na čo by som hovoril. Alebo, aby som dostal pre nás trochu... Mám zapísaný nejaký text, jednako, vzadu v knihe. Ak môžem jeden nájsť, možno mi Pán dá niečo povedať na určitú tému, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť. Tak my sme v očakávaní na nedeľu.
27Hovoril som v tých posolstvách... a v nedeľu som vás tu dlho zdržal na téme, „Prečo kričíš, ku mne? Hovor ku ľuďom a choď napred.“
28Tak, v nedeľu je služba s uzdravovaním, kde sa budeme modliť za chorých. No, vy sa dostanete ku chorým a musí byť nejaký dôvod, že chorí, keď sa za nich modlíme, keď oni nie sú uzdravení. A ja chcem, ak Pán bude chcieť, kázať tiež len krátke posolstvo v nedeľu ráno. Tak, budem mať službu s uzdravovaním a modliť sa za všetkých tých ľudí. A Billy Paul alebo niekto z nich tu bude v nedeľu ráno asi o ôsmej hodine, keď sa otvára zbor, aby vydal ľuďom karty vo dverách ako oni budú prichádzať alebo kedykoľvek sa dostanú do vnútra.
29A teraz, potom sa chcem pokúsiť, verím, že Pán mi nejako dal trochu nazrieť na dôvody, prečo niektorí ľudia nie sú uzdravení. A ja verím, že to je nedostatok zrozumenia. A verím, možno, budeme hovoriť na tú tému v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán bude chcieť.
30No, zhromaždenie v stredu večer je len krátke zhromaždenie, kde sa zídeme a modlíme sa, ako ho mávame, a schádzame sa spolu.
31Niekedy, verím, že jedna z najväčších vecí, ktorú som zistil v tomto dni, je nedostatok úprimnosti v tom, čo veríme. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak by Boh vo dňoch Johna Wesleya urobil to, čo urobil v tomto dni, čo by to spravilo; v tých dňoch Martina Lutera, alebo v ktoromkoľvek inom dni? To, čo Ho my vidíme robiť, potvrdené skrze cirkev, skrze Ducha a skrze vedu a každý pohyb, je to v pohybe a musí to byť rozpoznané. A Božie Slovo to tu predkladá a hovorí to predtým ako sa to stane. A potom sa to hýbe a vychádza prorokovanie a ukazovanie práve tej veci, o ktorej On povedal. To sa udeje dokonale, presne tak ako to On povedal. A my stále sedíme takí leniví, ako keby sme sa tomu divili. „No, som zvedavý, či by sa to mohlo týkať mňa? Som zvedavý, či by sa to mohlo týkať práve celej cirkvi, alebo, som zvedavý, či ja som v Tomto zahrnutý?” Myslím, že v nedeľu ráno, sa pokúsím pohovoriť na tému o niektorých z týchto princípov, aby nás to možno trochu osvietilo.
32Tak, dnes večer, niečo som našiel, len sa ku tomu obrátim, preto som prišiel. Myslel som, „Čo ak by brat Neville, ak by som sa tam dostal, on zvykne povedať, ́Choď hore a hovor,́ a posadí sa “? Vidíte? Pomyslel som si, „Bude lepšie, ak si zapíšem zopár miest Písma.“ Pretože viem, že on je taký milý brat a my si ho ceníme.
33Predtým, ako sa budeme modliť nad Slovom, chcel by som rozpoznať jedného brata. Nemôžem si dokonca ani spomenúť na jeho meno, dvoch z nich. Oni sú tu, moji priatelia. Oni sú kazatelia a evanjelisti, na poli, na ktoré vychádzajú. Oni počuli to posolstvo na páske. A oni sú z rozdielnych denominačných cirkví, dvaja mladí ľudia. A ten chlapec je tak... jeden z nich je tak zainteresovaný, až on išiel dolu do Tucsonu, len nedávno, keď sa skončilo zhromaždenie. Myslím, že som tam bol na raňajkách obchodníkov plného evanjelia. A prišiel tam ten mladý človek, fajný mladý človek. A on je...
34Oni sú z Kansasu. A oni prešli celú tú cestu sem kvôli mne, aby som ich zosobášil. Cením si to. Pomyslieť, že ľudia, ktorí veria vo vaše modlitby, dostatočne veria, že Boh vypočuje a odpovie, mladí ľudia, ktorí takto začínajú život. A keď oni prišli sem kvôli mne, aby som ich zosobášil, včera, aby zistili požiadavky zákona štátu Indiána, a dokonca ich krvné testy, aby čakali tu v tom štáte, tri dni, pred tým ako môžu byť zosobášení. Tak oni sa nemôžu zobrať skôr ako v piatok ráno.
35A ja sa spýtam nášho brata tam na konci, či by sa postavil a povedal nám kým on je a jeho milá malá pani tam a ten ďalší brat.
36[Ten brat hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, brat Branham. Je to pre mňa privilégium byť tu. A ja som... brat Roger a ja žijeme v Kansase, cestujem po misijných poliach ako evanjelista, hovoriac, že Ježiš žije, uzdravuje, skrze vieru Ježiša...?... ́Vždy si balím...?... Toto je moja snúbenica, Patrícia Brown. V piatok sa chystáme zosobášiť. Môj spoluevanjelista a spolupracovník, brat Ronie...?... na koniec. A pán Peetree na tom istom...?...“ -- pozn.prekl.]
37Ďakujem ti pekne. Pravdaže želáme týmto mladým vyslancom do práce pre Pána Ježiša Krista Božie požehnanie, aby sa im šťastne viedlo na ceste. A ako som zvedavý, očakávajúc príchod Pánov a vidieť mladých mužov a mladé ženy s cieľom v srdci, aby slúžili Kristovi, to ma rozochvieva, vidíte, vidieť ich ako takto povstávajú. Pán nech vás bohato žehná, môj brat, sestra.
38Tak, obráťme sa do malej knihy, z ktorej som nikdy pred tým vo svojom živote nehovoril. A to je veľmi... Len jedna kapitola, knihy Filemonovi. A to je...
39Ja som tak trochu Ír a mám drôt na spodku mojich zubov, aby držal zopár z nich vzadu na mieste. Niekedy nevyslovujem tie mená správne, keď viem, čo znamenajú a niekedy ich nedokážem správne vyslovovať kvôli nedostatku vzdelania. Tak, „Filemon,” niekto to vzadu povedal, čo si ja myslím, že je skutočne správna výslovnosť toho.
40 No, prvý verš, chcem z toho zobrať len jedno, dve slová.
Pavol, väzeň Ježiša Krista,...
41A to je to, čo chcem použiť dnes večer ako text, ak Pán bude chcieť, to je: Väzeň.
42No, sotva by ste si mohli predstaviť Pavla, ako považuje samého seba za väzňa. Slobodne narodený človek, naplnený Duchom Svätým, ale jednako nazýva samého seba “väzeň.“
43A teraz zisťujeme, keď on adresuje list Korinťanom, „Pavol, apoštol Ježiša Krista,“ inokedy zas „Pavol, sluha Ježiša Krista, skrze vôľu Božiu,“ keď hovorí ku Timotejovi, zase nejako inak. Tak, keď on píše Filemonovi, on povedal, „Pavol, väzeň Ježiša Krista.“ „Pavol, apoštol,“ rád by som na to kázal jeden večer. „Pavol, sluha,“ kázal by som na to. A potom, „Pavol väzeň.“
44Ale dnes večer, to by zabralo hodiny, ak by som náležite zvážil jednu z tých tém, rád by som vzal dnes večer, „Pavol, väzeň,“ tú tému: Väzeň.
Skloňme teraz na chvíľu naše hlavy.
45Pane Ježišu, každý človek, ktorý je fyzicky schopný, môže prelistovať stránky tejto Biblie, ale len Duch Svätý Ho môže vyložiť v tom svetle, v ktorom to bolo mienené. Prosíme Ho teraz, aby prišiel a pomohol nám porozumieť, čo toto bolo, v akom zmysle to adresoval, tento veľký, mocný prorok Pavol a jednako nazýva samého seba "väzňom." Nech nám toto Duch Svätý zjaví, ako očakávame na neho, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
46No, môžem si predstaviť, keď Pavol písal tento list Filemonovi, ako on sedel v žalári, tam v mestskom žalári, ako väzeň. A on mohol dobre vedieť, skrze jeho pozíciu, čo to slovo znamená. On bol obklopený mrežami. On mohol byť na slobode len vtedy keď mu to niekto dovolil. A on vedel, čo to bolo byť väzňom. A potom znova, verím, že apoštol znamená tak trochu... neadresuje to presne na stav, v ktorom sa práve nachádzal, ako telesný väzeň, ktorý sedí v žalári. Ale ja verím, že on sa zmieňoval ohľadne svojho bytia, jeho ducha, jeho vôle, ako väzeň Ježiša Krista.
47No, my sme sa všetci narodili ako takí, ktorí máme slobodné morálne rozhodovanie, aby sme robili akékoľvek rozhodnutie, ktoré chceme. Boh to robí spravodlivo. Pretože, On musí postaviť každého človeka na tom istom základe, alebo On postavil zlého človeka na... On postavil prvého človeka na zlom základe, keď ho umiestnil na základe slobodného morálneho rozhodovania. Vidíte? My sme dnes večer presne ako Adama a Eva. Tam nie je žiaden rozdiel. Dobré a zlé stojí pred každým jedným z nás. Život a smrť, môžeme spraviť našu voľbu, je to na vás urobiť to. Vidíte?
48To je ten spôsob, ktorým to Adam a Eva urobili a vidíte, a oni urobili zlú voľbu. A teraz, skrze to, umiestnili celú rasu, ľudskú rasu, pod smrť, pod pokutu smrti.
49A potom Boh zostúpil vo forme človeka a vzal tú smrť a zaplatil tú pokutu smrti, ktorú On... Jeho poddaní, ktorí túžili byť slobodné mohli byť slobodné.
50No, ak by nás On vzal, bez toho že by to urobil tým istým spôsobom ako to urobil pri Adamovi a Eve, jednoducho by nás len potiahol cez niečo a povedal by, "Spasím ťa, či chceš byť spasený alebo nie," potom by On postavil Adama a Evu na zlom základe, rozumiete. Ale každý jeden z nás si musí dnes vybrať medzi životom a smrťou. Môžeme to urobiť.
51Ako som to práve vyjadril, ak vaše svetlo potvrdí, váš život potvrdí presne na ktorej strane stojíte. Nestarám sa o to, čo vy hovoríte, že na ktorej strane stojíte. To, čo robíte každý deň, to potvrdzuje čo ste. Počuli ste starých ľudí hovoriť, "Tvoj život je tak hlasný, že až nemôžem počuť tvoje svedectvo." Vidíte? Vaše konanie je tak hlasné.
52Vždy som veril vo vykrikovanie a skákanie. Ale vždy som hovorieval, "Neskáč vyššie než ako žiješ, pretože svet sa na to bude dívať." Vidíte? Vy musíte skákať len tak vysoko, ako žijete, tak, pretože niekto vás pozoruje.
53A teraz, keď ľudia neprichádzajú do cirkvi... Oni, mnohí z nich, jednoducho neprídu. A niektorí z nich, ktorí neprichádzajú, sú úprimní ľudia. Oni vidia toľko porušenia v cirkvi, až oni s tým nechcú mať nič do činenia. A veľa krát... (hovoríme o tom teraz priamo) ich sotva za to môžete viniť, pretože ľudia, ktorí si hovoria kresťania, takto konajú. Oni sú najväčším kameňom pohoršenia, ktorý ten svet má, a to je muž a žena, ktorí vyznávajú, že sú kresťania a žijú niečo iné od toho čo vyznávajú. Presne tak.
54No, tie sklamania prídu tam na súde. No, hriešnik, kriminálnik, hazardný hráč, cudzoložník, on nebude sklamaný, keď bude čítaný jeho rozsudok, "Odíď do večného ohňa." On nebude sklamaný. Ale človek, ktorý sa snaží skryť za nejaký druh cirkevného vyznania, to je ten chlapík, ktorý bude v deň súdu sklamaný. Vidíte? Ten, ktorý vyznáva, že je kresťanom a žije inak. Bolo by pre neho lepšie, aby nikdy neurobil žiadne vyznanie, s ktorým by začal, než aby začal a žil niečo iné. Pretože on je tým najväčším kameňom potknutia, ktorý máme, je to kvôli tomu vyznávačovi, ktorý hovorí že je kresťanom a žije niečo iné.
55Vždy, neposudzujte svoj život cez to, koľko máte moci na vykonávanie zázrakov. A my sa neposudzujeme podľa toho, koľko známosti máme o Slove. Ale vždy sa rozsudzujte, pozrite sa nazad a spravte si inventúru toho, aký druh ovocia nesie váš súčasný život, ktorý teraz žijete. Vidíte?
56Ako som kázal pred nejakým časom na zhromaždení obchodníkov plného evanjelia vo Phoenixe, Arizona, o odzrkadlení Ježiša, odzrkadľovaní kresťanského života. Povedal som, že som sa narodil v Kentucky, kde je to veľmi primitívne, zvlášť keď som bol dieťa. A istý malý chlapec nikdy nemal domov ako my máme tu, kde sme mali toľko pekných dám, ktoré sa musia pozerať do zrkadiel, po celom dome, aby si udržali svoje vlasy na mieste a tak ďalej. Ale on mal jedno malé zrkadlo, len malý kúsok prichytený vonku na strome, kde bola lavička na umývanie, kde sa jeho otec a matka umývali a česali sa tam a tak ďalej, pri tomto malom kúsku starého zrkadla, ktorý bol uchytený na strome.
57Úprimne, to je typ domu, ktorý sme mali. Každý sa chcel pozrieť do zrkadla, my deti sme si museli zobrať nejakú krabicu a postaviť sa na umývaciu lavičku a pozrieť sa do toho kúska zrkadla, ktoré som ja sám zobral zo smetiska. To nebolo dolu v Kentucky. To bolo tu v Indiáne, tu v Utica Pike.
58Tak tento chlapec sa nikdy pred tým takto nevidel. Tak on prišiel do mesta, aby navštívil svoju starú mamu. A v tom... Keď si prezeral izbu, stará mama mala dom, ktorý mal celé zrkadlo na dverách. A tak, ten malý chlapec ako bežal cez izbu, uvidel pred sebou iného malého chlapca. A ten malý chlapec bežal tiež. Tak on si myslel, že by ho mohol zastaviť na pár minút a pozrieť sa čo ten malý chlapec urobí. A keď sa zastavil, ten malý chlapec sa zastavil. Keď obrátil svoju hlavu, ten malý chlapec obrátil svoju hlavu. Poškriabal sa po hlave, ten malý chlapec si poškriabal svoju. Nakoniec, pristúpil bližšie, aby to vyšetril. A on sa otočil. A jeho matka ho pozorovala i jeho stará mama s údivom. Povedal, "No, mama, to som ja."
59Tak ja som povedal. že, "My tiež niečo odrážame." Vidíte? Náš život niečo odráža.
60A teraz, keď by sme žili vo dňoch Noeho, na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili? Na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili v tom veľkom dni, keď žil Noe? Na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili vo dňoch Mojžiša? Na ktorú stranu vo dňoch Eliáša, proroka, keď celý svet bol zaliaty vo veľkej mase modernizmu, ako moderná Jezábeľ, a zbavila sa všetkých služobníkov Pánových tým, že ich priviedla do svetského spôsobu. A cirkev a kňazi sa jej všetci klaňali. Postavili by ste sa na stranu popularity, alebo by ste sa postavili s Eliášom?
61No, a vo dňoch Pána Ježiša, keď by sme rozmýšľali o tejto nepopulárnej Osobe, podľa sveta nevzdelanej, nemohli nájsť žiadne školy, do ktorých by chodil, a nemal za sebou žiadnu seminárnu skúsenosť. A potom povstáva s menom "nelegitímneho narodenia." A potom vychádza, kážuc evanjelium, ktoré bolo proti všetkému, čomu oni boli učení. A odsúdil kazateľov a ich organizácie a tak ďalej.
62A tie organizácie urobili vyhlásenie, "Ak by dokonca niekto išiel aby počúval toho takzvaného proroka, bude vylúčený zo synagógy," čo bolo smrteľným hriechom. Oni museli byť vylúčení. Ten jediný spôsob, ktorým oni mohli uctievať, bol pod preliatou krvou baránka. Oni museli prísť ku tej obeti. A potom oni boli odvrhnutí, a aká veľká vec to bola.
63A tento muž ignoroval niečo také ako to. A jednako On stál dokonale s Písmom, ale nie tým spôsobom, ktorým Ho poznali oni. Na ktorú stranu by ste sa postavili? Vidíte? No, ne... Váš život, ktorý teraz žijete, odráža presne to, čo by ste urobili vtedy, pretože vy ste stále ovládaní tým istým duchom. Vidíte? Ak sa staviate na ich stranu teraz, vy by ste to urobili vtedy. Pretože ten istý duch, ktorý je vo vás teraz, bol v ľuďoch vtedy. Vidíte?
64Diabol nikdy neberie preč ducha, on len prechádza z jedného človeka do druhého.
65Ani Boh nikdy neberie Svojho Ducha, On ide od jedného ku druhému. Vidíte?
66Tak, ten Duch, ktorý bol na Eliášovi prišiel na Elizea, ten istý na Jána Krstiteľa a tak ďalej.
67Duch Svätý, ktorý bol na Kristovi, prišiel dolu na učeníkov a stále je na ľuďoch. Vidíte? Boh nikdy neberie Svojho Ducha. Tak, tam sme nechaní, aby sme urobili voľbu.
68A ja tu nemôžem vidieť, kde Pavol by niečo ľutoval a kde by ľutoval, že bol väzňom. Ale on adresoval seba... Ja verím, že Pavol, ako on písal tento list perom, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý spôsobil, aby to napísal. Aby, možno dokonca na tento večer, aby sme mohli vytiahnuť kontext z nášho textu, aby sme ukázali prečo Pavol toto urobil. Pretože to je v Písme a Písmo je večné. Ja verím, že ako sedel v tomto špinavom starom žalári, že Pavol písal svojmu kolegovi tu, svojmu bratovi, že on bol "väzňom Ježiša Krista." Tak, on to mohol vyjadriť skrze to, že videl, čo bolo okolo neho. Tak, on bol v žalári, ale to nebolo to, o čom on hovoril, tento sluha Kristov, služobník s ním. On hovoril, že bol väzňom Slova Ježiša Krista, pretože Kristus je Slovo.
69A Pavol bol veľkým učencom v jeho dni. On mal veľké ambície. On bol mužom, ktorý bol trénovaný ľuďmi, chlapíkom menom Gamaliel, ktorý bol veľkým učiteľom svojho dňa, to bola jedna z najväčších škôl do ktorej on mohol chodiť. Napríklad, ako my hovoríme, Wheaton, alebo Bob Jones, alebo nejaká veľká fundamentálna škola. On bol vyučovaný ako kazateľ Slova. A on bol dôkladne vyštudovaný a chytrý a inteligentný chlapec s veľkou ambíciou, aby sa možno stal kňazom alebo najvyšším kňazom pre jeho ľud.
70On mal ambíciu. A potom nachádzame, že on bol trénovaný pre túto veľkú ambíciu a vynaložil celý svoj život od veku možno osem, alebo desať rokov do času, keď mal tridsať alebo tridsaťpäť, keď zakončil univerzitu a mal promócie a mal všetky svoje diplomy a všetko a bol za dobré so všetkým tým duchovenstvom, dokonca s najvyšším kňazom v Jeruzaleme. On mal príkazy od neho, osobné príkazy, napísané, a dôveroval tomuto veľkému Saulovi, "Aby išiel do Damašku a našiel tam všetkých tých, ktorí uctievali Boha v protiklade tomu ako to on povedal a aby ich spútal a uvrhol ich do žalára. Ak by to bolo nevyhnutné, mal príkazy, aby ich zabil, ak by chcel." On bol... Mal veľkú ambíciu.
71A teraz, všetko kvôli čomu sa školil, Boh to od neho vzal. Vidíte? A čo bol jeho cieľ, a na čo jeho otec vynaložil svoje peniaze a ambície jeho otca a matky, všetko to bolo od neho vzaté preč, pretože Boh mal niečo iné. Preto, on bol väzňom, preč od svojho cieľu, ktorý mal v živote a stal sa väzňom Ježiša Krista, ktorý bol Slovom.
72Tá cesta do Damašku Pavla zmenila. Ako išiel, okolo asi jedenástej hodiny cez deň, bol zrazený dolu. A počul Hlas, ktorý hovoril, "Saul, prečo Ma prenasleduješ? A on sa pozrel hore. A pozrel sa hore, on bol Žid a vedel, že ten Stĺp Ohňa bol Pán, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, pretože on vedel čo to bolo.
73Pamätajte, tento Hebrej by nikdy nenazval niečo "Pán," veľké P-Á-N, Elohim, iba ak by bol presvedčený, že to je To, čo to bolo, pretože on bol vyškolený učenec. A keď sa pozrel hore a potom videl Toto Svetlo, Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý viedol jeho ľud po púšti. A on povedal, "Pane," Elohim, veľké P-a... "Pane, Kto Si?"
74A aké prekvapenie to muselo byť pre tohoto teológa, keď počul povedať, "Ja Som Ježiš," Ten, proti ktorému on bol. Čo za obrat! Ó! Ó! To muselo byť pre tohoto muža niečo ohromné, že všetky jeho ambície, ktoré mal, odrazu zistil, že on To prenasledoval. Jeho ambície ho zatiahli ďaleko preč od tej hlavnej veci, ktorú on mienil robiť. A aký veľký šok to musel pre tohoto apoštola byť, keď On povedal, "Ja Som Ježiš," ten ktorého si prenasledoval. "Prečo ma prenasleduješ?"
75Ďalší malý citát, do ktorého tu môžeme vojsť. Vidíte, ako si oni robili žarty z cirkvi, oni si v skutočnosti nerobia žarty z cirkvi, oni si robia žarty z Ježiša. "Prečo Ma prenasleduješ?" Ako mohol potom Pavol so všetkým jeho intelektom, veriť, že toto bolo... že táto skupina, ktorá bola prenasledovaná, bol práve ten Boh, o ktorom on tvrdil že mu slúži? Myslím, že to je, bez toho, že by sme išli do detailov, myslím že sme všetci dobre vytrénovaní, aby sme vedeli čo tu mám na mysli. Tá istá vec sa deje dnes.
76Pavol, cez nevedomosť, bol jednako inteligentný a chytrý, oveľa chytrejší než tí nevzdelaní Galileania, ktorých on prenasledoval, ktorí vo svojej pokore už prijali tohoto muža ako Pána. Ale Pavol to vo svojom veľkom učení aྭintelekte nemohol prijať. A aký obrat to pre neho musel byť na tejto ceste. A on bol udretý slepotou, tak on nemohol vykonať svoje poverenie, ale bol vedený do jedného miesta na ulici, ktorá sa nazývala Priama a do jedného domu.
77A potom tam dolu prišiel prorok menom Ananiáš, ktorý videl vo videní ako on prichádzal domov, videl kde sa nachádza, išiel tam dolu kde on bol a vošiel tam. A povedal, "bratu Saule, Pán sa ti zjavil na ceste, poslal ma, aby som položil na teba svoje ruky a aby si prijal svoj zrak a bol naplnený Duchom Svätým."
78Vidíte kde on bol. Čo za vec to musela pre Pavla byť! Vidíte? Všetko to, v čom bol vyškolený aby robil, urobilo pravý opak. Tak teraz, so všetkým vzdelaním, ktoré mal, to sa stalo pre neho ničím.
79No, on vedel, že mal prežitie. Tak, tu je ďalšia dobrá lekcia pre nás, že samotné prežitie nie je dostatočné. To musí byť prežitie podľa Slova Pánovho. No, ako toto videl a vedel, že To bolo Niečo veľké a niekto iný To prijal pred ním, on bol tri roky a šesť mesiacov na púšti v Arábii, vtedy si vzal Bibliu, ako to vtedy bolo, Starú Zmluvu, a išiel tam, aby porovnal toto prežitie, ktoré mal a aby videl, či to bolo podľa Písma.
80No, čo ak by on povedal, "V poriadku, myslím že to bolo len malé zavanutie," a išiel by ďalej? "Budem nasledovať svoj intelekt"?
81No, on sa musel stať uväzneným pre niečo, väzenie. Tak potom ako to porovnal a uvidel, niet divu že on mohol napísať Knihu Židom, v type. Vidíte? Vidíte? Tri a pol roka tam, ležiac v Slove a zisťujúc, že ten Boh, ktorý ho povolal, ho berie nazad a mení celý jeho intelekt, mení všetko, čo si on kedy myslel, všetko to, kvôli čomu sa školil, aby tým bol. Všetky jeho ambície, jednoducho to z neho vytrel, a on sa stal väzňom. Láska Božia bola tak ohromná, a také zjavenie, že on sa od Toho nemohol dostať preč.
82To je to pravé prežitie každého skutočného veriaceho, ktorý stretáva Boha. Vy prichádzate do kontaktu s Niečim čo je tak veľké, že vy... že vy sa stávate väzňom, všetkému ďalšiemu. Vidíte? Vy sa dostávate preč od všetkého, aby ste boli uväznený Jemu.
83To sa raz prejavilo tam, kde Ježiš povedal, "Kráľovstvo Nebeské je podobné mužovi, ktorý kupuje perly. Potom, keď on nachádza tú veľkú perlu, predáva všetko čo má, aby dostal tú jednu."
84A to je ten spôsob ako je to tu. Vy máte intelektuálnu koncepciu, máte teologické prežitie, ale keď to prichádza do času, že keď naozaj nájdete tú skutočnú Vec, vy jednoducho predávate všetko ostatné a zatvárate sa do Toho.
85Pavol vedel čo to bolo. On zistil, že bol zapriahnutý ku Niečomu. Ako my zapriahame koňa, to znamená niečo ťahať. A Pavol vedel po tejto skúsenosti a tri a pol roka porovnávania tých typov s tým prežitím, ktoré mal s Bibliou, on si uvedomil, že Boh ho vyvolil a zapriahol ho Duchom Svätým, skrze tú skúsenosť, ktorú on mal, aby potiahol Evanjelium do prítomnosti pohanov. Duch sám ho zapriahol.
86A dnes sa ako služobníci Boží stávame zapriahnutí, zaháknutí. Nemôžeme ísť. My sme Tým naložení, zapriahnutí do Slova. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, vy ste do toho zapriahnutí. Niečo na Tom je, že vy sa jednoducho nemôžete dostať od Toho preč. Boli ste s tým ujarmení, skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý vás ujarmil do Slova. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, To je Slovo. To je vždy s Tým zapriahnuté, dané do jarma s Tým. Do Slova, skrze Ducha, on bol zapriahnutý.
87On sa učil tam na zadnej strane Arabskej púšte. Keď všetky jeho minulé veci a prežitia a ambície, ktoré mal... on bol z týchto vecí vyzlečený.
88Tak, to je to, kde sa my nachádzame dnes, že musíme byť najprv vyzlečení. A ľudia nechcú byť vyzlečení. Metodistický brat sa chce trochu držať metodistického učenia. Baptistický brat sa chce trochu držať baptistického učenia. Vidíte? Ale vy musíte byť absolútne vyzlečení zo všetkého a byť nanovo znovuzrodení a začať tam, kde Duch Svätý vedie. Nemôžete povedať, "No, teraz, môj tato povedal, keď on vstúpil, išiel do cirkvi, on si potriasol ruky s pastorom. On je dobrým, verným členom." To mohlo byť úplne v poriadku pre jeho rasu, ale my sme iná rasa. Vidíte? Tak, my musíme prísť naspäť do Biblických časov pre tento deň.
89Tí kňazi boli tiež zapriahnutí. Ale, vidíte oni prešli do iného časového úseku, a oni zlyhali vyzliecť si svoj starý záprah a navliecť si nový záprah.
90A tú istú vec nachádzame dnes. Prešli sme cez denominačný vek ako sme to dokázali cez cirkevné veky, Bibliu a tak ďalej, ale teraz prichádzame do slobodného veku, kde sám Duch Svätý zostupuje a potvrdzuje Seba Samého, a dáva sa poznávať, spôsobuje že každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On zasľúbil sa vyplňuje. Ó! Čo za ohromný čas!
91A on vedel to, ďalšia vec, on vedel že nemôže ísť na určité miesta. Pretože bol zapriahnutý do tohoto, on by nemohol. On nešiel, ale chcel ísť. On vedel, že jeho ambícia ho tiahla medzi bratov, kde bol vítaný, a jednako bol tlačený v Duchu urobiť niečo iné. On nepatril sebe samému.
92Možno niekto by povedal, "brat Saul, brat Pavol, chceme, aby si prišiel sem, pretože my máme najväčšiu cirkev. My máme najväčšie zhromaždenie. Tvoje ofery budú veľké a tak ďalej."
93Ale ako bol tlačený v Duchu, on rozmýšľal, "Mám tam brata. Rád by som išiel a zachránil tohoto brata, priviedol ho ku Pánovi." Ale jednako, Duch ho tlačil, aby išiel niekde inde. On bol väzňom. Správne.
94Ó, Bože, urob nás takýmito väzňami od našej vlastnej sebeckej ambície a od našich vlastných úsudkov a nášho lepšieho spôsobu myslenia, aby sme boli väzňami Ježiša Krista. Myslím, že to bolo veľké vyhlásenie, to "Som väzeň Ježiša Krista."
95A pamätajte, On je Slovo. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to, čo si niekto iný myslí, to je Slovo. Vidíte? Ak ste väzeň Slova, žiadna denominácia vás nemôže od toho odtrhnúť. To je Slovo. Vy ste len... Vy ste väzňom Toho, to je všetko. Vy musíte konať tým spôsobom, ktorým Ono koná.
96Tak, on nemohol ísť na určité miesta, na ktoré chcel, pretože (prečo?), Duch mu bránil. Pamätajte, veľakrát sa Pavol snažil ísť na nejaké miesto, rozmýšľajúc, "To je to miesto, kde by som mohol mať veľké zhromaždenie," ale Duch mu zabránil. No, či to jasne nevyjadruje a nedokazuje, že Pavol bol väzeň? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.] Väzeň Ježiša Krista, zapriahnutý do Jeho Slova, skrze Ducha! Ó! Ja to mám rád.
97On bol spútaný. Bol spútaný reťazou a putami lásky činiť vôľu Božiu a jedine ju. On bol väzeň. Bol v putách lásky. On bol v jarme s Kristom. Nemohol sa dať do jarma s nikým iným. On bol ujarmený s Ním. A kde to vedenie išlo, tam on musel ísť. Bez ohľadu na to ako bola pastva zelená, tu na tejto strane alebo na tej strane, on musel ísť tou cestou, ktorou ten Vodca, a to jarmo išli.
98Ó, dnes večer, ak my ako Branhamova modlitebňa, ak by sme sa mohli len stať väzňami; našim vlastným sebeckým bytostiam, našim vlastným ambíciám, aby sme sa mohli úplne vydať a byť ujarmení s Ním, bez ohľadu na to, čo si zvyšok sveta myslí, čo ten svet robí. Sme ujarmení putami lásky. Sme väzňami. "Moja noha je tak ujarmená s Kristom, ona nebude tancovať. Moje oči sú tak ujarmené s Kristom, až ja, keď vidím ten moderný striptíz na ulici, To obracia moju hlavu. Moje srdce je tak ujarmené vྭláske, až viac nemôžem mať lásku pre tento svet. Moja vôľa je tak ujarmená ku Nemu, až dokonca teraz neviem aké sú moje ambície. Jednoducho, ́Kdekoľvek Ty vedieš, ja Ťa budem nasledovať, Pane. Budem väzeň.́" Vidíte?
99Pavol bol presne väzňom. On nespravil žiadne chybné vyhlásenie. On bol trénovaný Svätým Duchom, znova, aby čakal na Slovo. On bol trénovaný jedným smerom, ale Boh ho trénoval iným smerom. On bol trénovaný Duchom Svätým, aby čakal na Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, aké boli jeho ambície.
100Tak, s pomocou Ducha Svätého vám niečo ukážem. Vidíte? No, zoberme nejaký príklad.
101Jedného dňa, Pavol a Sílas, išli dolu ulicou v istom meste, kde mali prebudenecké zhromaždenie. A malé, démonom posadnuté dievča ho stále nasledovalo a kričalo za ním. A bezpochyby, to, čo Pavol vedel, bolo to, že mal autoritu, ako apoštol, aby z tej ženy toho zlého ducha vyhnal. Ale všimli ste si? On čakal deň za dňom, až celkom náhle ku nemu Duch Svätý prehovoril, povedal, "Toto je tá hodina."
102Potom povedal, "Ty duchu, vyjdi z nej." Vidíte? On vedel čakať na Pána.
103A to je to, kde tak veľa ľudí dnes prináša pohanenie na Slovo. Oni vychádzajú s ambíciami. Koľko prebudení kvôli takejto veci stroskotalo, pretože evanjelista nečaká, aby videl, čo má Pán do povedania! Niektorí z nich povedia, "Prídi ku nám," a oni hneď idú, pretože to združenie povedalo, "Choď." A Duch Svätý by povedal niečo iné. Jednako, ambícia toho človeka je stať sa štátnym presbyterom, alebo niečím iným, alebo starším, alebo biskupom, alebo niečím čo by ho potiahlo, "Musíš ísť." A jednako, on vie lepšie. Duch Svätý hovorí, "Poď sem." Vidíte? On je zapriahnutý ku svojej organizácii. On je väzňom tej organizácie.
104Ale ak by bol zapriahnutý s Kristom, on je vedený Duchom Svätým. On...?... Vidíte? On je ujarmený, väzeň. To nerobí žiadny rozdiel čo niekto iný hovorí, to je zvučiaca mosadz a cvendžiaci symbol. On počuje len Boží hlas a on hovorí len keď To vychádza. On nehovorí nič.
105Niekto povie, "Ó, ó, brat Jones!" Brat Roberts, alebo niekto, títo veľký mužovia v našej krajine dnes, ako Tomy Hicks, alebo Oral Roberts, alebo Tomy Osborn, niektorí z tých veľkých evanjelistov. Ak by niekto povedal, "Príď ku nám Tomy. Ty si veľký muž Boží," alebo Oral. A ja mám strýka, ktorý tu leží, celý je zviazaný. A on je chorý. Ja chcem, aby si sem prišiel. Verím, že máš silu ho uzdraviť." Vidíte? A možno Duch Svätý by mu povedal, "Nie teraz."
106Ale jednako pre priateľstvo toho človeka, on je povinný ísť s ním. Ak by on nešiel, stane sa nepriateľom tomu človekovi. Ten človek povie, "No, on išiel ku tomu a tomu, aby uzdravil to dieťa alebo toho chlapca. Viem, že to urobil. A ja som bol jeho priateľom, veľa rokov, vidíte, a ku mne neprišiel."
107Ale ak je on prinútený od Ducha Svätého aby nešiel, je lepšie aby nešiel, ak je ujarmený pre Boha. Jeho priateľ, on ho miluje. Ale pre neho je lepšie, aby bol vedený Duchom Svätým ísť tam, pretože inak to aj tak neurobí nič dobré. Zažil som to veľa krát.
108Ale Pavol len čakal na Ducha, aby mu povedal čo robiť. "Čakal na Ducha," povedal. On sa jednej noci postavil a kázal. A on odtiaľ vyšiel. Uvidel chromého človeka. A celkom zrazu, Duch ku nemu prehovoril a on povedal, "Poznávam." Ako? Tým istým spôsobom, ktorým poznal, že stroskotajú na ostrove. Vidíte? "Poznávam, že máš vieru, aby si bol uzdravený. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil." Vidíte? Tu to máte. On bol... On bol ujarmený. Mohol mať týždenné prebudenecké zhromaždenie a nič by sa nestalo, ale jednako on čakal na Ducha Svätého čo povie. Vidíte? On bol ujarmený ku tomu volaniu.
109No, vy poviete, "brat Branham, ty odsudzuješ to čo si povedal v nedeľu, o tom že si čakal po celý ten čas."
110A ale, pamätajte, to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý hovoril ku mne tam na ceste a povedal, "Posielam ťa späť medzi tých chorých a utrápených." Vidíte? To je poslušnosť Duchu Svätému. Ja som tam nešiel, až kým mi On nepovedal, aby som to urobil. Ja som čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, až som dostal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. No, to je rozdiel. Vidíte? No, To robí rozdiel. Áno.
111On čakal na Slovo Pánovo. On bol tlačený v Duchu, aby robil len to, čo bola Božia výzva, potom sa on stal väzňom Ježiša Krista. Priatelia, ak by sme sa len mohli stať väzňami!
112Viem, že je horúco. Ale rád by som spomenul trochu viac charakterov, ak by ste chceli. Mám ich tu zapísaných asi šesť alebo osem. Ale rád by som spomenul ďalší charakter alebo dva.
113Vezmime charakter Mojžiša. On sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. A on to vedel, že sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ.
114Ale predtým ako budem hovoriť o Mojžišovi, rád by som urobil toto prehlásenie, že Boh vždy musí vziať nejakého muža, ktorý Mu bude verne slúžiť, aby bol Jeho väzňom. Ten muž sa musí vzdať každej ambície, ktorú má, všetkého čím on je, každú vec, svoj život, dušu, telo, vôľu, ambície a všetko ostatné a stať sa úplne väzňom Krista, ktorý je Slovom, aby slúžil Bohu.
115Možno musíte chodiť odlišne od vášho lepšieho posúdenia. Možno, v určitej organizácii si možno myslíte, že oni vás povýšia a dajú vám niečo veľké, že možno zažiarite. Ale kde zistíte, že sa nachádzate? Po chvíli nachádzate samých seba porazených, až kým Boh môže dostať človeka, ktorý sa chce stať pre Neho väzňom.
116Boh hľadá väzňov. On to vždy robil. Môžete si to vyhľadať cez Písmo. Človek musí byť Kristovým väzňom, napriek všetkému. Preto nemôžete byť spojení s ničím iným okrem Krista, ani s vaším otcom, vašou matkou, vaším bratom, vašou sestrou, s vaším manželom, vašou ženou, s nikým. Vy ste spojení len s Kristom a len s Ním, potom vás Boh môže použiť. Až dovtedy, vy nemôžete.
117Keď idem von, niekedy hovorím ku ľuďom drsným spôsobom. Vidíte? Snažím sa vás dostať do toho, aby ste sa odsekli aྭuvoľnili od tých vecí. Musíte mať miesto, z ktorého začnete, ako niekedy kričím na tie ženy, ktoré si strihajú svoje vlasy a obliekajú sa do tých šiat, a držia si svoje vyznanie kresťanstva. Poviete, "To je malá vec." V poriadku, musíte niekde začať. Tak začnite rovno tam, pri vašom ABC. Vidíte? Odseknite tie svetské pohľady, akokoľvek, a staňte sa väzňom Krista. A potom len pokračujte, odseknite všetko, až je na koniec odseknutá posledná linka. Potom ste... Potom ste väzňom. Vy sa ním stávate v jeho zovretí. On, On vás má vo svojom zovretí.
118Tak, Mojžiš vedel, že on sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. On to vedel. A všimli ste si, s tými ambíciami, ktoré Mojžiš mal, poznajúc svoju matku, ktorá mu to povedala, keď bola jeho dojkou.
119Niet divu, keď sa to malé dieťa Mojžiš narodilo, že jeho matka povedala, "Ty vieš Mojžiš, keď... Tvoj otec Amram a ja sme sa stále modlili. Vedeli a videli sme to v Slove, že to bol čas pre príchod vysloboditeľa. A my sme sa modlili, ́Pane Bože, my chceme vidieť toho vysloboditeľa.́ Jednej noci nám Pán povedal, vo videní, že sa narodíš a že ty budeš tým vysloboditeľom. My sme sa neobávali kráľovho príkazu. Nestarali sme sa oྭto, čo kráľ povedal. Potom sme vedeli, že ty si sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. No, Mojžiš, my sme vedeli, že by sme ťa nemohli správne vychovať."
120Pamätajte, oni boli tam dolu v Egypte štyristo rokov. Vidíte?
122A v tých dňoch, pravdaže, oni nemali tieto fľaše, aby na nich vychovali tie deti, tak ona musela mať dojku. Tak...
124Mojžišove ambície začali rásť. "Mama, ja budem študovať. Budem študovať všetko, čo môžem. Vieš čo spravím? Budem študovať ako vojak, a budem vedieť ako tých ľudí odtiaľto dostať. Budem veľký generál, biskup, tak budem vedieť ako sa to robí. A vezmem ich preč. Získam svoj Ph.D alebo LL.D. Dokážem to."
125Ako "Otec Chiniquy," ak ste kedy čítali jeho knihy. V poriadku. On, "vyslobodí všetkých protestantov," viete a on sa stal jedným z nich, on sám. Tak, tento veľký kňaz, pred rokmi, "Otec Chiniquy," mali by ste si zohnať jeho knihu a prečítať si ju. Oni ho volali, "otče." On je brat Chiniquy, to je to, čo on bol. My nevoláme žiadneho človeka "otče," takto. Tak my nachádzame, že my... On čítal Bibliu, tak on sa tam mohol dostať a vyvrátiť protestantské náboženstvo a prerobiť to celé na katolícke. A keď išiel, aby čítal Bibliu, prišiel na neho Duch Svätý a on dostal Ducha Svätého a potom sa stal jedným z nich.
126Tak, potom si všimnite toto, že Mojžiš mal všetko to školenie. Pretože, on vedel. On bol tak chytrý, tak vzdelaný, tak intelektuálny! Až tam nebol nikto... On mohol dokonca učiť tých Egypťanov. Až on mohol učiť tých psychológov. On mohol učiť tých generálov tomu, čo je vojenská moc. On bol veľkým mužom. A ľudia sa báli Mojžiša, kvôli tomu, že bol veľkým mužom. Ó, taká vzdelanosť! Ó! On bol arcibiskup, alebo možno ako pápež. On bol veľký človek. A on bol mocný muž. A on vedel, že sa narodil, aby toto urobil, a trénoval s veľkou ambíciou aby to urobil.
127Práve ako dnes. Ja nehovorím, že ľudia, ktorí sa školia v týchto školách, Ja nehovorím že... Ako sú oni teraz tu na západe, oni idú vybudovať teologickú školu za stopäťdesiat miliónov dolárov, vidíte, Letniční, školu za stopäťdesiat miliónov dolárov. Myslím, že oni by mali byť misionármi na poli. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale čokoľvek, čo oni urobia keď odtiaľ vyjdú? Čím oni sú? Bandov Rikiov. Presne tak. A potom to je tak ako oni odtiaľ vychádzajú. Vždy je to tak, ten zvyšok z nich, a to je tá istá línia. Vidíte?
128Tak nachádzame Mojžiša vo všetkom jeho školení. A dnes, so všetkým tým školením, činiacim veľkých biskupov a tak ďalej, veľkých, veľké ambície, čo my robíme? Naše ambície sa stávajú presne takými, aké boli Mojžišove. Vidíte?
129Predtým ako Boh mohol dostať toho človeka do svojej ruky, On ho musel vyzliecť z jeho ambícii. Musel ho vyzliecť zo všetkého jeho vyškolenia.
130On vyšiel a vyslobodil, zabil jedného Egypťana. A on, keď to urobil, zistil že to bolo zlé. On to nedokázal urobiť. To nebolo tým spôsobom. A Boh ho musel vziať do pustatiny, do púšte, na pusté miesto.
131Všimnite si, trochu čudné ako títo ľudia, pre ktorých má Boh posolstvo. On ich berie na púšť.
132On vzal Pavla na púšť, aby ho trénoval, aby mu povedal čím všetkým boli tieto veľké videnia, do púšte. "Choď na určitú púšť." A on tam zostal až kým mu Boh cele neoznámil čo má robiť.
133A v čase Mojžiša, On ho vzal na púšť. Držal ho tam štyridsať rokov a vyzliekol ho zo všetkej jeho teológie a zo všetkých jeho ambícii. Ó, čo za čas, že on sa mohol pozrieť nazad a vidieť svoj úpadok. A ako by sme my, dnes večer, mali urobiť tú istú vec, keď my vidíme naše ambície.
134Pozrite sa na uzdravovaciu kampaň, a pozrite, či Pán urobil niečo pred pár rokmi, aby začal obnovenie uzdravenia pre nemocných a tak ďalej.
135Každý, každá organizácia, pretože to neprišlo do ich organizácie, oni museli mať uzdravovateľa. A čo sme my urobili? Pozrime sa na to na chvíľu. My sme urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobil Mojžiš. Išli sme a snažili sme sa tak ťažko vyrobiť nejaký druh zázraku. "Zavoňal som nejakú chorobu. Ja mám krv na svojej ruke," a vyrobiť nejaký zázrak. Vidíte? A čo máme? Niektorí z tých mužov v takých ťažkých tlakoch, že sa to prelomilo a stali sa ozajstnými pijanmi, neurotikmi a prišli o rozum. A oni to zvrátili všetko nazad, ten poriadok od letničného cieľu, znovu naspäť do robenia organizácii a tých vecí. Vidíte?
136Čo sme urobili? Zabili sme jedného Egypťana. Je to tak. A skúsili sme to. Vyvinuli sme úsilie. Zaplatili sme. Namáhali sme sa, išli sme na celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenie až sme nemali hlas. A snažili sme sa niečo vyrobiť a niečo vydupať a všetky takéto veci a zistili sme, že to je totálne zlyhanie. Potrebujeme ísť naspäť na púšť. Správne. Tak veru. Stanové zhromaždenia a úsilia. Prečo sa len nevzdať? To je to, čo by sme mali urobiť, vidíte, ísť naspäť a vzdať sa. No, my sme urobili tie isté veci, ktoré oni urobili, tie isté veci, ktoré urobil Mojžiš. To nespravilo nič dobré. Po štyridsiatich rokoch, on našiel samého seba, že je väzňom Božieho Slova. Čo sa my snažíme urobiť?
137Keď tie veľké požehnania vychádzajú a manifestácia všetkých týchto veľkých vecí, o ktorých nám Boh povedal: ako to, že musíme byť znovuzrodení; ako prijať Ducha Svätého; vo meno Ježiša Krista;a všetky tieto veci tu.
138Vidíte, ľudia namiesto toho, aby zostali so Slovom, zapriahnutý do Neho, čo oni robia? Oni začali s ich vlastnou denominačnou teóriou, ktorá už zlyhala a snažia sa vyrobiť niečo, čo vyzerá ako Pravda.
139Radšej to useknem rovno tam. Vidíte? Som si istý, že ste dosť múdri na to, aby ste vedeli, čo tým myslím. Vidíte? Ale pozrite, čo to spravilo. Rozmýšľajte o tom.
140Čo máme dnes večer, len národ plný organizovaných ľudí, ktorí zapierajú Písmo; ktorí nazvali život Ducha Svätého, že "To bola mentálna telepatia," ktorí odmietli niečo také, aby to prišlo do ich cirkvi. A oni by vám nedovolili povedať jedno Slovo o semene hada, večnom bezpečí a veciach, ktoré Duch Svätý zjavil a potvrdil, že to je Slovo. Spravil som výzvu za výzvou, aby prišli a dokázali mi, že sa mýlim.
141Čo oni majú? Tú istú vec, ktorú mal Luther, a tí ostatní, vidíte, zabili Egypťana. Čo musí... Čo to bolo? Možno on spravil, že nejaký človek začal... prestal kradnúť, alebo možno žije verne voči svojej manželke. Ale čo ste z neho urobili? Člena cirkvi. "Príď a pripoj sa ku našej skupine." Vidíte?
142Ten páchnuci mŕtvy muž, bol tou jedinou vecou, na ktorú on ukázal svojim prstom, ohľadne jeho úspechu, za štyridsať rokov školenia; páchnuci Egypťan, ktorý tam ležal, zhnitý a mŕtvy.
143To je asi tak ako dnes večer. Tá jediná vec, na ktorú my môžeme poukázať, že toto prebudenie, ktoré prešlo, takzvané, je páchnuca banda cirkevných členov, ktorí nevedia o Bohu viac, než vie Hotentót o Egyptskom rytierovi. Je to tak. No, povedali by ste im o Slove Božom, oni povedia, "Ja Tomu neverím." Povedia, "Ja sa nestarám čo oni hovoria. Ja Tomu neverím." Vidíte? Vidíte? To je hrozná vec, že musíte poukázať naspäť, na všetky tie úsilia a zápasy a všetko čo my máme.
144Možno by sme mohli poukázať na veľkú školu, ale to je mŕtve. Mohli by sme poukázať na nejakú organizáciu, ale to je mŕtve. To smrdí. To je len ako tá prvá vec, z ktorej sme vytiahnutí. "Ako prasa, ktoré ide naspäť ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate a pes ku svojmu vývratku," keď sa vraciame späť. Jeden mŕtvy Egypťan.
145Bezpochyby, ale niekto povedal, "Mojžiš, v poriadku, ty nemáš už viac cítenie pre ľudí? Ty si bol povolaný pre toto." Niekto, kto poznal Mojžiša, vedel, že on bol na to povolaný . "A ne... Ty si stratil cítenie pre ľudí?" "Nie veru."
147Mojžiš tam bol, aby zostal vyzlečený, až kým mal prežitie pri horiacom kríku, aby predložil Slovo. "Ja som Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Jákobov. A rozpamätal som sa na svoje zasľúbenia. A zostúpil som, aby som ich vyslobodil. Posielam ťa, aby si to urobil." To bolo to.
148On videl Slovo, nie ambíciu ľudí alebo túžby ľudí. Potom, čím sa on stal? On sa už viac nechcel postaviť Egypťanom tvárou v tvár. On sa už nechcel postaviť tvárou tvár tejto veci. Ale on sa stal väzňom. Amen. Štyridsať rokov behania, prestrojovania, ale potom on sa stal väzňom pri horiacom kríku, mocný Mojžiš so všetkým jeho intelektom. Biblia hovorí, že Mojžiš bol mocný muž v slove i skutku, dolu v Egypte.
149Ale pozorujte, čo ten mocný teológ urobil v prítomnosti horiaceho kríku. On len vyznal svoju neschopnosť. Keď uvidel ten skutočný zámer Boží, on vyznal, že je neschopný to spraviť. Jednako on bol trénovaný vo všetkej teológii, ktorú mu oni mohli dať, vyškolený v tej najlepšej škole. Ale jednako, by urobil, keď on... ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý visel tam v púšti? Povedal, "Ja s Ním dokonca ani nemôžem hovoriť. Pane, kto som ja, že by som mal ísť?" Vidíte?
151Nemohol dokonca ani hovoriť. Nakoniec, vyvolený väzeň, vyvolený prorok, práve tak, ako bol vyvolený Pavol. Mojžiš bol vyvolený, vysloboditeľ. A potom, nakoniec, Boh mal svoj vyvolený predmet ako väzňa pre Seba. Ó, haleluja! On sa mohol hýbať iba tak, ako ho hýbalo Slovo Božie. "Kto, poviem, že ma poslal?"
153On ide proti svojmu lepšiemu uvažovaniu. Tak, on bol trénovaný, aby rozkazoval armáde. "Vytasiť meče! Čelom vzad!" Trénovaný, aby išiel, "Vozy, zoradiť!" Kópie napred! Útok!" To je to, ako to on prevezme. To bol jeho tréning. Ale on povedal, "Čo mám použiť?"
Povedal, "Čo máš vo svojej ruke?"
155On bol väzeň. "Ja sa pohnem len keď ma Slovo pohne. Ja budem hovoriť len keď Slovo hovorí."
157Tu to máte. Vy máte len jednu vec do vykonania, ten prvý krok, dnes večer: vzdať sa, stať sa väzňom. Nerozmýšľajte o sebe alebo niečom inom. Staňte sa väzňom.
158Mojžiš sa stal väzňom, vyznal, že nemôže dokonca ani hovoriť. Nakoniec, keď ho Boh dostal do svojej ruky, to, kde sa on mohol pohnúť, bolo len tam, kde ho Boh pohol. No, On mu povedal Slovo. On vedel, že to bolo Slovo, potom sa on poddal tomu Slovu. A Duch Svätý tam, Boh zapriahol Mojžiša do vôli Božej.
159To je tá istá vec, ktorú On urobil Pavlovi. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] zapriahol Pavla, trochu krivý nos, sarkastický žid, ó, s Ph.D. a LL.D. napísaným nad ním. Ale on povedal, "Ja mu ukážem čo on musí vytrpieť pre Slovo." Vidíte? A on...
160A potom ako tam Pavol sedel a videl Slovo a videl, že to bol Ježiš, potom zodvihol svoje ruky a bol Mu zapriahnutý. Láska Božia ho zapriahla do Slova. "On zanesie Moje Meno pred pohanov." Tam on išiel.
162 Zapriahnutý, on sám a išiel dolu. Nakoniec, Boh mal muža, ktorý bol poddaný Jemu, zapriahnutý ku Nemu, a nemohol sa pohnúť až kým ho Slovo Božie nepohlo. Ak by to len ľudia urobili dnes! Potom on bol Jeho väzňom, väzňom lásky, ujarmený v putách lásky, s Bohom, ako Pavol bol ujarmený v putách lásky ku Bohu.
163Tak ako Pavol, obaja boli trénovaní tým istým spôsobom. Mojžiš trénoval, viete, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove skrze vojenskú moc. Pavol trénoval, aby ich vyslobodil z rúk Rimanov a dal im slobodu, skrze jeho veľkú cirkevnú silu vo svete toho dňa. Veľké školy kde ich trénovali, kde vyrástol pod Gamalielom.
164A obaja išli na púšť, vrátili sa ako iní mužovia. Obaja videli Stĺp Ohňa. A obaja boli proroci. Je to tak? [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen" -- pozn.prekl.] Obaja proroci. A ku obom bolo hovorené cez Ohnivý Stĺp, presne tak, ktorý prichádzal pre vysloboditeľa. Tam oni boli, išli na púšť. Zanechali svoje domy a išli na púšť, aby to našli. Zanechali svojich ľudí a všetko, aby našli vôľu Božiu. Vidíte?
165Oni boli trénovaní na jeden smer; Boh ich zmenil na iný. A oni sa museli stať kompletne väzňami, aby nekonali tým spôsobom, ktorým chceli konať, ale konať tým spôsobom, ktorým Boh chcel aby konali. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
166Máme ďalších desať minút, aby sme prešli týmto? [brat Neville hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.]
167Dostanem sa skutočne rýchlo k ďalšiemu charakteru. Vidím teraz jedného predo mnou. Jeho meno je Jozef. On bol vyvolený syn. On bol dokonalým typom Ježiša Krista. Narodil sa ako prorok. On bol tiež prorok. Vidíte? A teraz, on mohol vídať videnia. A keď bol ešte malým chlapcom, videl videnie o sebe samom ako sedí na tróne a jeho bratia sa mu klaňajú. Vidíte? Ale dávajte pozor. On sa stal... On sa cítil, ako by bol veľký človek. Vidíte? Každý z nich...
168Ale čo musel Boh urobiť? On urobil tú istú vec, ktorú urobil tým ostatným. Pretože, Mojžiš bol vysloboditeľ, Pavol bol vysloboditeľ a teraz Jozef bol vysloboditeľ. On zachránil svoj ľud od hladu.
169Čo mu Boh musel urobiť? Dať ho do väzenia, dať ho rovno do väzenia. Tak veru. Pamätajte, on bol predaný svojimi bratmi nejakému Egypťanovi. A oni ho predali Putifarovi. A Putifar mu dal trochu slobody a prvá vec, viete, bolo to od neho vzaté. A tam on sedí vo väzení, plače, plače. Boh to musel vyzliecť.
170No všimnite si. Ale po celý čas, verím že on v tom väzení, on sa mohol rozpamätať, že to videnie povedalo, že on sa posadil na trón a jeho bratia sa mu klaňali, pretože on vedel, že jeho dar prišiel od Boha. A on vedel, že to sa muselo vyplniť.
171Ak by sme to len mohli držať vo svojich mysliach a podľa Slova Božieho, že v týchto posledných dňoch, On bude mať cirkev. A tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil, On ich vykoná. On povedal, že to urobí a my žijeme v tom čase. Sme tam. On sa len snaží dostať nás do toho, aby sme teraz boli skutočnými väzňami, zatvorenými s Ním.
172Počuli ste tú starú pieseň, ktorú spievate, "A vtedy som zatvorený s Bohom"? Ja chcem byť zatvorený s Bohom. No, to je to kde som o tom rozmýšľal. Byť zatvorený s Bohom, s ničím iným a vy sa hýbete len vtedy, keď vás hýbe Boh. Robíte len tak, ako Boh hovorí, aby ste robili, vidíte, potom ste zatvorení s Bohom.
173No, pamätajte, on premýšľal. On sa stal totálnym zlyhaním pre seba samého. Všetko čo on vedel, všetko čomu rozumel a všetko, stal sa totálnym zlyhaním. To nefungovalo. Bol postavený do situácie, kde by ho nikto nepočúval. Bol väzňom. Vidíte? On bol postavený do situácie, že tí neveriaci by tam neverili. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.] Jeho služba bola bez efektu. Ľudia odvrátili svoje hlavy. Oni by mu vo väzení nevenovali žiadnu pozornosť. Čo dobré by jeho služba urobila? Mohol sa postaviť ku väzenským mrežiam a kázať im; ako oni prechádzali dolu ulicou. Vidíte? Ale on sa stal väzňom. A Boh ho držal ako väzňa až to koleso presne zapadlo. Povedal, "On je môj človek." Sláva! Totálne zlyhanie!
174Nakoniec, Boh prišiel ku nemu do väzenia. Ako Pavol, ako všetci tí ostatní, On prišiel ku nim. A On použil ten dar, ktorý mu On dal, aby ho odtiaľ dostal von. Je to tak. On ho vyviedol z jeho väzenia. Čo urobil? Hneď ako ho vyviedol z jeho väzenia, bola mu daná moc od kráľa, jeho kráľa, aby sedel po jeho boku, po boku toho kráľa, pod ktorým on bol. Bol vyvedený z domu väzenia a bola mu daná moc, až kým všetko, čo on povedal, sa jednoducho muselo stať. Amen.
175V jeho väzení, on stále pamätal na to, že sa narodil za určitým cieľom. On mal sedieť po boku kráľa. Všetci tí ostatní sa mu mali pokloniť. Jeho videnie mu to tak povedalo. Amen. Ale pred tým ako sa jeho videnie mohlo úplne vyplniť, on sa stal väzňom. Amen. A potom on sa stal vládcom. A keď prišiel z domu jeho väzenia a stal sa väzňom Božieho Slova, že on mohol hovoriť len to, čo Boh položil do jeho úst, aby povedal, potom sa Boh cez neho hýbal.
176Všimnite si, že Mojžiš mal moc zviazať faraónove kniežatá, ak by on chcel. "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu, ́Pohni sa.́" On mal moc spútať faraónove kniežatá. Či oni boli diakoni alebo presbyteri, alebo oni boli štátnymi zástupcami alebo čokoľvek oni boli. On povedal, "Ja vás zväzujem," a oni boli zviazaní. To bolo to. On to mohol urobiť svojim vlastným slovom, podľa toho, ako sa mu to ľúbilo. Amen. Sláva Bohu! Ó, mám len trochu viac než tri minúty. Dodržím svoje slovo.
177No, zisťujeme, že on sa stal väzňom Boha, z väzňa toho sveta. Pavol tak isto. A Mojžiš, tak isto, z väzňa svojho vlastného myslenia, na väzňa pre Boha. A keď on vyšiel, mal moc Božiu. A keď sa stal Pavlom... Keď to staré Mojžišovo myslenie, on sa toho vzdal a vyzliekol sa z toho, on sa stal väzňom Krista, ktorý je Slovom. Pohnúť sa mohol len tam kde...
179Pamätajte, oni všetci traja boli proroci. Vidíte? A oni museli byť vyzlečení z ich vlastného myslenia, v tom poriadku aby sa stali väzňami vôli Božej a cestám Božím.
180Potom, my si pamätáme, že on mal moc zviazať, jeho vlastným slovom. On mal moc prepustiť svojim vlastným slovom. On mohol povedať, „Prepúšťam ťa v mene môjho kráľa." Amen. Faraón učinil Jozefa svojím synom.
181Kristus činí Svojich väzňov lásky, Svojimi synmi. A on im dáva moc, tú istú, ktorú mal On. Svätý Ján 14:12, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, vidíte, skutky ktoré Ja činím bude on tiež činiť. Dokonca viac než tieto bude činiť." No, väzeň lásky Kristovej sa stáva splnomocnencom svojho Kráľa, ktorým je Kristus. Amen. "Amen, Amen vám hovorím, ak poviete tomuto vrchu, ́Pohni sa,́ a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že to čo ste povedali sa stane, budete mať to čo ste povedali. Ak zostanete vo mne a Moje Slová vo vás, ak ste ujarmení so Mnou," pretože On a Jeho Slovo je to isté. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha. To Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! Ak vy zostanete vo Mne," nie tu a tam. "Zostaňte vo mne, a Moje Slovo vo vás; proste o čo chcete, alebo povedzte čo chcete, to sa vám stane." On mal moc.
182Všimnite si, predtým ako odtiaľ vyšiel, musel byť vzatý a oholený. Muselo byť z neho oholených zopár vecí predtým ako mohol stretnúť svojho kráľa. Vidíte?
183Ó, Boh niekedy berie takto svojich ľudí a oholí zopár ich vlastných vôlí, aby im ukázal, že oni nemôžu robiť to, čo by oni chceli robiť. Viete, čo mám na mysli. Oni nie sú v tej slobode, aby robili to, čo chcú. Predtým, ako oni mohli prísť do plnej moci a byť otrokmi lásky Kristovej, oni museli byť oholení a potom predstavení. Niekedy ich On berie na púšť, aby to urobil, aby ich oholil. A potom ich vyvádza, ako pomazaných, aby vyplnili ten účel, ktorý im On určil, aby tým boli. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli?
Bratia, sme v čase konca.
184Pamätajte, vo všetkých iných časoch, čo On robil. On vždy musel vziať muža a urobiť ho väzňom pre Seba, aby on zabudol na svoje vlastné veci. On musel zabudnúť na to, čo vedel, zabudnúť na všetky svoje školenia, všetko, v tom poriadku, aby poznal vôľu Božiu a aby nasledoval Boha.
185On nemôže nasledovať nič, čo má človek do činenia a čo má Boh do činenia v tom istom čase. Je to až príliš jedno proti druhému. Nemôžete ísť na východ a na západ v tom istom čase. Nemôžete ísť vpravo a vľavo v tom istom čase. Nemôžete nasledovať človeka a Boha v tom istom čase. Nie veru. Vy buď nasledujete Boha alebo nasledujete človeka.
186 No, potom, ak nasledujete Boha a poddali ste sa Bohu, potom sa stávate väzňom tomu Bohu, tomu Slovu, tej vôli. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, vy ste sa Tomu stali väzňom.
187Počúvajte. Sme v čase konca. A chcem toto povedať s úctou a rešpektom, ako prechádza tých zopár posledných minút. Pozrite sa. Čo Boh, podľa môjho názoru urobí a musí urobiť a čo chce urobiť v tomto poslednom dni, je nájsť nástroj na žatvu. On musí nájsť nástroj, aby vymlátil to zrno. Každý farmár, keď ide na svoju žatvu, on musí mať nástroj, s ktorým by to urobil, pravdaže on musí mať ostrý kosák alebo niečo, nejaký nástroj, aby vymlátil to zrno. A žatva je zrelá.
188Bože vezmi nás do svojej ruky. Urob nás otrokmi Tvojej lásky. Použi nás ako nástroj, skrze ktorý by si táto hriešna, prekliata zem, na ktorej my dnes žijeme uvedomila, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.
189Pre mňa, Bože, dovoľ mi byť väzňom. Ak ma všetci moji bratia zavrhnú, ak ma všetci moji priatelia zavrhnú, ja chcem byť väzňom Ježiša Krista a Jeho Slova, aby som mohol byť zapriahnutý do jeho Slova, skrze Ducha Svätého, aby som videl Ducha Svätého potvrdzovať Slovo Božie skrze tie isté veci, ktoré On povedal že budú vykonané. Chcem byť väzňom Ježiša Krista. Modlime sa.
190Som zvedavý dnes večer, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, či tie ambície, ktoré máme, byť niečim iným, alebo možno niečo o čom rozmýšľame, a je to nejaká sebecká vec, som zvedavý, či by sme to nemohli tak nejako odložiť bokom.
191Som zvedavý, či je tu nejaký mladý chlapec, dnes večer, ktorý by sa obzrel a povedal, "Ja budem, keď budem veľký, budem taký a taký." Som zvedavý či ste mohli cítiť vôľu Božiu ako sa hýbe vo vašom živote, a povedať, "Nie, nie. Aha. Ja-ja... Moje ambície sa teraz stratili. Za tých posledných pár dní, Duch Svätý hovoril ku mne. Chcem sa vydať Bohu, aby som bol nástrojom na mlátenie v tomto poslednom dni."
192Nejaké mladé dievča, ktoré možno má ambície mať charakter nejakej milej dámy, alebo možno aby bola peknou malou slečnou, alebo možno jedného dňa aby spravila kariéru v Hollywoode, som zvedavý či by si teraz nechcela vydať svoje ambície v prítomnosti Boha a Jeho Slova, počujúc volanie Božie v tvojom vlastnom živote. Boh vie, kto si.
193Som zvedavý či tu nie je blízko nejaký kazateľ, alebo služobník, pracovník niekde v cirkvi. Vchádzam sem, raz za čas. Nepoznám ani jednu tretinu ľudí, zྭtých, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia, ale ja... táto malá hŕstka, ktorá je tu. Som zvedavý, či je tu taká osoba, ktorá by chcela povedať, "Nestarám sa oྭto, čo niekto iný hovorí. Ja som teraz Boží otrok. Budem kázať Jeho Slovo, navzdory všetkému. Nestarám sa, či ma moja organizácia vyhodí, ja stále zostanem so Slovom. Urobím to. Moja vôľa je Božia vôľa. Božia vôľa je moja vôľa. Ja budem väzeň Ježiša Krista. Skrze Jeho milosť a pomoc to urobím."
194Rozmýšľajte o tom, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy. Koľkí majú tú ambíciu dnes večer? Zodvihli by ste svoju ruku. To je tiež moja. Všetko vydávam. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, teraz pomaly ako nad tým teraz rozmýšľate, ako sa modlíte.
Vydávam všetko,
Vydávam všetko,
Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam všetko.
195Skutočne to tak mienite? " Chcem byť väzňom. Ja... Vezmi ma, Pane. Vezmi ma do Hrnčiarovho domu dnes večer. Zlom ma a znovu ma tam uformuj.
Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam všetko.
196Nebeský Otče, ako je tá pieseň ďalej hraná, rozmýšľam, že to by bola teraz tá najužitočnejšia vec, aby som prerušil tú pieseň a hovoril chvíľu ku Tebe. Ako tí ľudia rozmýšľajú, "Vydávam Ti všetko," Otče, nech to my robíme tak, ako by toto bola naša posledná príležitosť aby sme to urobili. Nech prídeme s úprimnosťou, prídeme ku stolu Pánovmu, ako to bolo, s umytými rúchami, umytými dušami, umytou vôľou, s umytými ambíciami, aby sme sa Ti vydali.
197A nech Boh vezme Svoje Slovo, a ujarmí nás spolu s Ním, Božie Slovo. A nech nás Duch Svätý teraz vezme, ako počujeme to jarmo cvakať okolo našich sŕdc, "Od dnešného večera a ďalej, Ja ťa beriem za tvoje slovo. No nemysli svojim vlastným myslením. Mysli Moje myšlienky. Mysli podľa Mojej vôle. Ja ťa povediem." Bože, udeľ to, aby to bolo prežitie každého jedného z nás.
198Títo mladí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia; manželia; niektorí prichádzajú, aby boli manželmi. Sú tu starší muži, sedia tu, sú to kazatelia, ktorí boli na ceste. A Pane, je tu brat Neville, ja... idem hore po tom rebríku. Naše dni sú teraz zrátané. Naše kroky robíme opatrnejšie, ako sme ich robili. Dávame pozor, kde stúpame. Nekráčame ako takí, ktorí kráčajú na isto, telesne hovoriac, ako sme raz boli. Ale Pane, ako vidíme, že ten smrteľný život vädne, a žiaden z našich krokov nie je istý bez toho, že by si nás Ty mal vo Svojich rukách.
199Teraz Bože, vezmi nás, urobíš to? Vezmi naše srdcia a našu vôľu do Tvojej vlastnej ruky, a daj nám stať sa väzňami Slova dnes večer, väzňami Krista. Nech tu žijeme zbožný život. Nech tieto ženy, tieto mladé ženy, títo mladí mužovia, chlapci a dievčatá, vydajú svoje životy, Pane. A nech ich ambície sa stanú ambíciou slúžiť Ježišovi Kristovi. A dovoľ nám stať sa väzňom Jeho Božskej milosti a vôli. Udeľ to Pane.
200To je všetko, čo ja viem urobiť Pane. Tieto malé polámané slová, a ja dôverujem, že Ty ich dáš správne dokopy. Pretože tu je horúco a ľudia chcú počúvať, ale je skutočne teplo. A mnohí musia ísť domov a ísť skoro do práce. Ale nech tie semená sú položené do ich srdca, "väzeň."
201Choďte domov a povedzte manželke, ako oni... pred tým, ako by sa išli modliť, dnes popoludní, alebo dnes večer, pri posteli, pozrite sa jeden na druhého, povedzte, "A čo to, dnes večer? Stali sme sa skutočne väzňami Krista a Jeho vôle, alebo postupujeme podľa našej vlastnej vôle?“
202Nech tí mladí mužovia a mladé ženy, všade, predovšetkým tí, ktorí počuli to posolstvo dnes večer, nech by si sami sebe položili otázku, "Chcem sa stať väzňom, zanechajúc svoj vlastný život?"
204Jediná vec, ktorú ja viem urobiť, je poručiť to teraz do Tvojej ruky. A nech sa to stane plodným a prinesie to veľké nástroje pre žatvu posledného dňa, mužov a ženy, chlapcov a dievčatá, vydaných do úplnej vôli Božej, a ktorí sa stanú väzňami Ježiša Krista, Jeho lásky, spútaní putami Božskej lásky ku Kristovi. Prosíme to v Jeho mene.
Všetko Ti vydávam,
Všetko Ti vydávam,
Všetko Tebe, môj...?...
205Povedzme to len znovu, s našimi zatvorenými očami a zodvihnutými rukami.
Vydávam Ti všetko,
Vydávam Ti všetko,
Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam Ti všetko.
206Teraz, ak skloníme naše hlavy a predtým ako zaspievame pieseň na rozpustenie, Vezmi so sebou Meno Ježiš. Spýtam sa tohoto brata tu... Zabudol som jeho meno. Tá sestra, ktorá svedčila o tom videní, ako prichádzala temnota, ktorá bola uzdravená. A pamätajte, ako som sa díval späť, ten závoj bol preč. Jej viera to spravila. Rozpustíš nás v modlitbe, urobíš to brat? A popros o Božie požehnania pre nás.
1 Here again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and to hear of the great and mighty works that You have done, before. And now we stand with anticipation, raises our faith and anoints us, to believe that what has been asked for tonight will be granted. Thou knowest each and every one of them, all that they have requested. And we pray for them, especially, Lord, those who are so near death. Bring peace to their soul if it isn't already there. Bring healing to their body. Grant it, Lord.
2Bless our coming together. We--we pray, Lord, on this Wednesday night prayer meeting, that, as we have assembled, knowing that wherever two or more are assembled together, You'll be with us. And we ask You, Lord, to give us Your Word tonight. Speak to us, Lord, and warm our hearts, strangely, that we would know how to discipline ourselves for the great time that lays ahead, as we believe that we're nearing the Coming of the Lord.
3 We thank Thee for people now beginning to find faith dear to them, and knowing what faith means. And knowing, even thanking You for services yet ahead, believing that You're going to do something. Lord, we're waiting with anticipation, like the days of old, believing that the time is near when You're going to just raise up the windows of Heaven and pour out the promises that God has promised in this last day.
4Now we ask You, Lord, to--to be with all, around the nations, as today we heard so many around, everywhere, that's in need. Grant them their requests, Lord. And we pray to see the great hand of God moving all over the world among those who are looking for this great thing.
5Forgive us of our sin. Chasten us, Lord, with Thy Spirit and Thy Word, that we might discipline ourselves, obedient servants, obedient servants in the will of God. Let us remember, and try to think in our hearts, what the early Christians done. What type of people would we meet if we met those who had personally been in contact with You. How their faces must have lit up with faith and joy. How their lives must have been the living Word of God, just "written epistles read of all men," as they walked in and among people. God, grant it once more.
6 May our lives be so submitted to Thee, that the Holy Spirit will live Itself through us, and speak through us, Lord. May we remember, in our minds, as we walk upon the street and rub arms with the world, we're not supposed to be like those. And we step aside and give them the place, Lord, and their rightful position here on earth. We'll take the back seat, knowing that we are delegates from another world. We have a Kingdom that's coming into power, Lord. And our great King will soon arrive and take over all the kingdoms that's in His domain. And He shall rule and reign; with Him here on earth, thousand years, and be with Him forever.
7With this in mind, Lord, now we look forward to the answer of our prayer. We look to our confession. If we have did anything, said anything, or thought anything, that was contrary to Your great will, let the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us.
8Lead us, Lord, as the sister said tonight, about she and her husband on the road to Chicago. Lead them, Lord God, to the place that You can use, that they might be beams of light to others who are groping in darkness, that knows not our Lord Jesus. Now we commit the service to You, and listening for Your Word of correction, that we might know how to prepare for this great hour, in Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.
[Blank.spot.on.tape. Brother Neville comments--Ed.]
Lord bless you. Thank you, brother.
9 I was little bit unexpected of this. I, being here at home, I felt like if I wasn't really had to go somewhere, emergency, I'd feel very bad, me setting at home and not come to prayer meeting. And I kind of dropped in, unexpected, to myself, even to my family. I just got in, and took right off. And so I said, "I'm going down to prayer meeting." And she didn't even have time to get ready to come, so she didn't know I was coming.
10 So I'm happy to hear the sister's testimony there, the brother, about that Light up at South Carolina or North Carolina, somewhere. Greenville, was it? [A sister says, "No. Southern Pines."--Ed] Southern Pines. Yes.
11Brother Lee Vayle was just here today. I baptized him, today, in the baptismal service here today. Brother Lee Vayle you know, and the ministers there, Brother Parker Thomas. There's...
12I remember of--of the time, a sister being shadowed. It was a great confirmation, sister, to what the... The Holy Spirit sometimes will let us go ahead and test our faith, to see what, and tests others' faith. When you're looking directly at something, and see something, and say it; others look and don't see it, they say it's not there. See? But it is there.
13 Now, there was no one could see that Light was hanging over Paul, but It was there. No one seen that dove coming down out of Heaven, in that Light, in a form, and hung over Jesus, but John himself. But It was there. See?
14And so, then, later when I was telling the people about this Light being like a Pillar of Fire, no one wanted to believe it. But now the mechanical eye of the camera identified That, how It come.
And the evil spirit is dark.
15It's just like our lives, we're shadows. And we are... If we're a light, where if our lives cope with the Light of the day, we're walking in Light.
16It's just like you look out and say, "I see the sun," in the daytime. You--you see the shadow of the sun. It's a reflection of the sun. It isn't the sun, itself, but it proves that there is a sun. It proves there is a sun.
17 And now when I see, like you setting out there, using fans, talking, that means you're living, but it's only a shadow of life.
18Because, anything has got to have darkness in it, to make a shadow. See? Because, a shadow has to possess so much darkness and so much light, to make a shadow. And it can't be altogether dark, and it can't be altogether light. If it's dark, it's real dark. If it's light, there's no shadow, nothing to make a shadow. But if it's mixed with dark and light, it makes a shadow.
19So we are really shadows of light. Now you're reflecting a life from somewhere. If you are, and Christian, this being a shadow, it only proves that there is a Life where you can't die, because this life has death in it. See? But it's a shadow, because you're living, moving creature with abilities to see, think, move, and talk, and the five senses of the body. But yet you know, they, they're dying. And there's so much trouble. You know, it can only be the... It's a reflection, see, that there's life and death mixed together.
20 The physical has to die. But if you are reflecting, by your mortal life, the Light of Heaven, then you're reflecting the Eternal Life, God. Then when you die, you can no more than go to that Light, because That's what you've reflected.
21If you are of the dark world, you reflect that, and you can do, go no other way but to darkness. See? So we are in a reflection. So, we see that. And sure as the Holy Spirit reflects Light and Life, so does death reflect darkness.
22 And here they both are. Tomorr-... By end of the week, maybe by Sunday, we're getting the small photograph blowed up to a large size, so it can be put on the billboard.
23Where, your picture hangs out there on the billboard. I don't know whether you noticed it, or not. And then...
And about a week ago, in--in Jamaica, where I was missionary-ing. We send tapes all over the world. And The Seven Seals has got back into... way back into the inlands of Jamaica, way in the interior. And it's very primitive back in there, behind Blue Mountain. And the natives, sometimes, they have a--a tape recorder we get for them, that you have to--to, like the old Victrola, crank it, and then let--let it play like that. Then, every few minutes, somebody has to crank it.
24 This group had a--a little battery, six-volt battery, or something another, playing the tape recorder. And they--they was all setting together, about what is here tonight, listening to those Seals, I believe it was. And while I was speaking, they noticed, coming in the room, came that same Pillar of Fire, moved over where the tape recorder was and settled down over the top of it. And they went and got a camera and took the picture of It. And just the same One, there It is, hanging right there over it. Now we're getting it blowed up, so we can put it on the--the billboard out there, that you can see it.
25 We are so grateful for the grace of God that's been brought into our... us into His Presence in this day. Now we are grateful for many things.
26Now I think I'll look in here and see if I can find some, some notes or some, something another that I spoke on. Or, get us some kind of a--a... I got some text wrote out, anyway, back in here in a book. If I can find one, maybe the Lord will give me something to say on something, while we pray.
Now we're under anticipation for Sunday.
27 I have been speaking in the Messages. And, Sunday, kept you here a long time, on, "Why criest thou unto me? Speak to the people and go forward."
28Now, Sunday is the healing service where the sick is to be prayed for. Now, you get around to the sick, and there's got to be some reason that the sick, when we pray for them, if they're not healed. And I want to, if the Lord willing, for just a short sermon on Sunday morning, too. So, I'm going to have a healing service, and pray for all the people. And Billy Paul or some of them will be here Sunday morning, about eight o'clock, when the church opens, to give the people cards as they come in the door, or whenever they get in.
29 And now, then, I want to try, I believe the Lord has somehow give me a little insight on the reasons why there is some people are not healed. And I--I believe it's lack of understanding. And I--I believe, maybe, we'll speak on that, Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
30Now, Wednesday night prayer meeting is just a short meeting where we get together and pray, as we have, and associate together.
31 Sometimes, I--I believe one of the great things that I find in this day, is the lack of sincerity of what we believe. See? See? If God, in the days of John Wesley, would have done in that day what He has done today, what would it have done; in the days of Martin Luther, or whatmore? As what we see Him doing, both proven by the Church, by the Spirit; and by science, and every move, its--its emulsion has to recognize. And God's Word here declaring It and telling It before It comes to pass. And then moving upon, and prophesying, and showing the very thing that He said. It'll come to pass perfectly, exactly what He said. And still we sit kind of slothful, as if we wonder. "Well, wonder if that could mean me? Wonder if it could mean just the--the church, in whole. Or--or, wonder if I'm really included in This?" I think, Sunday morning, I'll try to talk on some of those principles that might enlighten us a little.
32 Now, tonight, I found something, just turn to it here, 'for I come down. I thought, "What if Brother Neville, if I'd get down there, he happen to say, 'Get up and speak,' and just sit down"? See? I thought, "I better write down a couple Scriptures." Because, I know, he, he's such a lovely brother, and we--we appreciate him.
33 Before we pray over the Word, I want to recognize a--a brother. I can't even call his name at this time, two of them. They are here, friends of mine. The... They're ministers and evangelists, in the field, going out. They heard these Messages by tape. And they're out of different denominational churches, two young fellows. And the boy is so, one of them so interested, till he flew down, Tucson, just recently, in closing out a meeting. I believe I was in the Business Men's Breakfast. And the young fellow, fine young fellow, come down. And he's...
34They're from Kansas. And they come all the way here for me to marry them. I appreciate that. To think that people that believe in your prayers, enough, believe that God would hear and answer; young people starting out in life, like this. And when they got here for me to marry them, yesterday, to find out the state law of Indiana requires, and even though with their blood tests, to wait here in the state, three days, before they can be married. So, they cannot be married until Friday morning.
35 And I'll ask our brother there on the end, if he'll just stand up and tell us who he is, and his lovely little lady there, and the next brother.
36[The brother says, "Thank you, Brother Branham. Privileged to be here. And I'm... Brother Roger and me live in Kansas, travel on the field, as an evangelist, telling, 'Jesus saves, heals, by faith in Jesus...?... ' I've always packing...?... This is my fiancee, Patricia Brown. We're going to be married, Friday. My co-evangelist and co-worker, Brother Ronnie...?... on the end. And Mr. Peetree on the same...?..."--Ed.]
37Thank you, very much. We certainly wish these young ambassadors, for the work of the Lord Jesus, God's blessings, to speed them on the way. And as I wondering, waiting for the Coming of the Lord, and see young men and young women with a purpose in heart, to serve Christ, that thrills me, see, to see them raise up like this. The Lord bless you, richly, my brother, sister.
38 Now let us turn over to a little Book that I never spoke out of before, in my life. And it's a very... Just one chapter, the Book of Philemon. And it's a...
39I'm just a little bit Irish, and I--and I do have a wire around my bottom teeth, to hold a couple in the back in place. Sometimes I don't pronounce these names right, when I do know what they are. And sometimes I can't pronounce them right, for the lack of education. So, "Philemon," someone said back there, which I think is really the correct pronunciation of it.
40Now, the 1st verse, I want to take just a word or two from it.
Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ,...
41And that's what I want to use tonight, as a text, the Lord willing, is: A Prisoner.
42 Now, you could hardly imagine Paul regarding himself a prisoner. A born-free man, filled with the Holy Spirit, but yet he calls himself "a prisoner."
43And now we find out, when he's addressing the Corinthians, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ." Another time, "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ by the will of God," when he's speaking to Timothy, different ones. Now when he's writing here to Philemon, he said, "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ." "Paul, an apostle," I'd like to preach one night on that. "Paul, a--a servant," preach on that. And then, "Paul, a prisoner."
44But, tonight, being it'd take hours to duly consider one of the subjects, I'd like to take, tonight, "Paul, the prisoner," and take the subject of: A Prisoner.
Now let us bow our heads just a moment.
45 Lord Jesus, any man, that's physically able, can pull back the pages of this Bible, but only the Holy Spirit can interpret It in the light that it's been meant to. We ask Him to come now and help us to understand what this was, addressed, this great, mighty prophet, Paul, and yet call himself "a prisoner." May the Holy Spirit reveal this to us as we wait on Him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
46 Now I can imagine, Paul, when he wrote this letter to Philemon, how he was sitting in jail, down there in the dungeon of this city, a--a--a prisoner. And he could well know, by his position what the word meant. He was surrounded by--by--by bars. He--he could only be let free as someone would let him go free. And he knew what it was to be a prisoner. And then, again, I believe that the--the apostle meant just a little... not exactly addressing it to his present condition, as being a prisoner of his--his physical being sitting here in this--in this jail. But I believe he was referring to his--his being, his--his--his spirit, his will, being a prisoner to Jesus Christ.
47 Now, we're all born, a free moral agent, to make any decision that we wish to. God justly does that. Because, He must put every man on the same basis, or He put the wrong man on... He put the first man on the wrong basis, that He put on free moral agency. See? We're just exactly, tonight, like Adam and Eve. There's no different. Right and wrong sets before either one of us. Life and death, we can make our choice; up to you, to make it. See?
48That's the way Adam and Eve did, and, see, and--and they made the wrong choice. And now, by that, put the whole race, of human race, under death, the penalty of death.
49And then God came down in the form of man and took that death, and paid the penalty of death, that the... His subjects that desired to--to be free could go free.
50Now, if He took us, without the same way that He did Adam and Eve, just pulled us through something, said, "I'll save you whether you want saved or not," then He put Adam and Eve on--on the wrong basis, you see. But each one of us has to choose, this day, between death and life. We can do it.
51 As I just expressed, if your light will prove, your life will prove exactly what side you're on. I don't care what side you say you're on. What you do, every day, proves what you are. You've heard the old saying, "Your life is so loud, I can't hear your testimony." See? Your--your actions is so loud.
52I've always believed in shouting and jumping. But I've always said, "Don't jump no higher than you live, 'cause the world is going to watch that." See? You must just jump as high as you live, so, because somebody is watching you. And now when...
53 People won't come to church. They--they, many of them, just won't do it. And some of them, not coming, is sincere people. They seen so much corruption in the church, until they don't want to have anything to do with it. And many times, we're speaking on a flat thought of that, you can hardly blame them, see, because of--of the way the people act. They call themselves Christian. They're the greatest stumbling block that the world has got, is the man and women who professes to be a Christian, and lives something different from their profession. Exactly right.
54 Now, for the disappointments will be coming at the Judgment. Now, the sinner, the bootlegger, the gambler, the adulterous, he--he won't be disappointed to hear his sentence read, "To depart into everlasting fire." He won't be disappointed. But that fellow who is trying to hide himself behind some kind of a church profession, that's the boy is going to be disappointed at the Day of Judgment. See? That professes to be a Christian, and lives some other way. It'd be better for him that he never did even make any kind of profession, started off, than to start and live something different. Because, he's the greatest stumbling block we got, is for that professor that says that he--he--he is a Christian, and lives something different.
55 Always, don't judge your life by how much power you have to perform miracles. And we don't judge ourself by how much knowledge you have of the Word. But always judge yourself, look back and taking inventory of what kind of a fruit that the life you presently live now is bearing. See?
56As I preached sometime ago, at a businessmen's meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, of the reflection of Jesus, reflecting Christian Life. I said I was born up here in Kentucky, where it's very primitive, especially back when I was a kid. And this certain little boy never had a--a--a--a home like we have here, where we had so many pretty ladies that have to look through mirrors, all through the house, to keep their hair just in place, and so forth. But he had one little mirror, just a little piece tacked on a tree on the outside, where the wash bench was, where his mother and father washed, and they combed their hair, and so forth, from this little piece of an old mirror tacked on a tree.
57 Frankly, that's the type of home that we have. Anybody want to see a mirror, we kids, we had to get a box and get up on the wash bench, and look in this piece of a--of a mirror that I picked up, myself, in a dump. That wasn't down in Kentucky. That's here in Indiana, up on Utica Pike here.
58Now, this little kid had never exactly seen himself like that. So, he come to the city, to visit his grandma. And at the... It's on the tour of room, the grandma had a house that had a complete mirror on the door. And so, little boy, running through the--the room, seen another little boy in front of him. And the little boy was running, also. So he thought he should stop a few minutes and see what the little lad was going to do. And when he stopped, the little boy stopped. When he turned his head, the little boy turned his head. He scratched his head, the little boy scratched his. Finally, walked closer, to investigate. And he turned around. And his mother watching him, and his grandmother, with amazement. Said, "Why, mother, that's me."
59 So I said, that, "We, too, are reflecting something." See? Our life is reflected.
60And now, if we lived in the days of Noah, whose side would we take? What side would we took in that great day that Noah lived? What side would we took in the days of Moses? What side in the days of Elijah, the prophet, when all the world was gulfed up in a--a great mass of--of modernism, like the modern Jezebel, and had rid all the servants of the Lord out into a worldly way? And the church and the priests was all bowing to her. Would you have took the side of popularity, or would you have stood with Elijah?
61 Now, and in the days of the Lord Jesus, when we would think of this unpopular Person, uneducated by the world, no schools they could ever find that He went to, and no--no seminary experience. And--and then raise up with a name of "illegitimate birth." And then come out, preaching a Gospel that was contrary to anything that they had been taught. Very... And condemning the ministers and their organizations, and so forth.
62And the organizations had made a--a--a statement, "If anybody even went to hear this so-called prophet, would be put out of the synagogue," which was a--a mortal sin. They had to be accounted. Only way they could worship was under the blood of the lamb. They had to come to this sacrifice. And--and then they were outcasts, and what a great thing it was.
63 And this Man ignored such as that. And yet He was perfectly with the Scripture, but not in the way they knew It. What side would you have took? See? Now, don't... Your life that you live now, reflects now just what you would have done then, because you still are possessed with the same spirit. See? If you take that side now, with them, you'd have done it then. Because, the same spirit that's in you now was in people then. See?
64The Devil never takes his spirit; he just goes off of one man onto another.
65God never takes His Spirit, neither; It goes from one to the other. See?
66So, the very Spirit was upon Elijah come upon Elisha, same one on John the Baptist, and so forth.
67The Holy Spirit, was upon Christ, come upon the disciples, all down, and still upon the people. You see? God never takes His Spirit.
So there we are left, to make a choice.
68 And I--I can't see here where Paul was regretting anything, and saying he was sorry he was a prisoner. But he was addressing hisself... I believe that Paul, as he wrote this letter with that pen, that it was the Holy Spirit causing him to write that. That, maybe, even to this night, that we might pull out the context of our text, to show why Paul did this. Because, it's Scriptural, and Scriptural is Eternal. I believe, that, setting in this dingy old jail, that Paul wrote to his colleague here, that, his brother, that he was "a prisoner of Jesus Christ." So, he could express it by seeing what was around him. Now, he was in jail, but that wasn't what he was speaking to, this--this servant of Christ, a minister with him. He was speaking that he was a prisoner to the Word of Jesus Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word.
69 And Paul had been a great scholar in his day. He had great ambition. He was a--he was a--a--a man that had been trained with, by people, a fellow by the name of Gamaliel, which was a great teacher of his day, one of the greatest schools that he could have went to. For instance, like we say, Wheaton, or Bob Jones, or some great fundamental school. He had been taught as--as--as a minister of the Word. And he was well educated, and smart, and an intelligent boy with a great ambition of maybe someday becoming a priest or a high priest to his people.
70 He had an ambition. And then to find, that, this great ambition he had been trained for, and had spent all of his life, from maybe the age of about eight or ten years old, up to about thirty or thirty-five, when he finished college and graduated; and had all of his diplomas and everything, and stood in good with all the--the clergy, even to the high priest at Jerusalem. He had orders from him, personal orders, written, and trusted with this great Saul, "To go down to Damascus and to find all those down there that worshipped God contrary to what he said, and to bind them and put them in jail. If necessary, he had orders to put them to death, if he wanted to." He was... He had great ambition.
71And now, all that he had trained for, God had took it all out of him. See? And what his objective was, and what his father had spent his money for, and the ambitions of his father and mother, was all had been taken away from him because that--that God had something else. Therefore, he was a prisoner from his objective that he had in life, and he had become a prisoner to Jesus Christ, Who was the Word.
72 That road to Damascus changed Paul. Going down, about eleven o'clock, perhaps, in a day, that he was stricken down. And he heard a Voice, saying, "Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" And he looked up. And looking up, being a Jew, and knowed that Pillar of Fire was the Lord that led the children of Israel, because he knew that's what It was.
73Remember, this Hebrew would have never called anything "Lord," capital L-o-r-d, Elohim, unless he had been satisfied that that's what It was, because he was trained scholar. And when he looked up, and he seen This, a Light, a Pillar of Fire that had led his people through the wilderness. And he said, "Lord," Elohim, capital L-o-r-... "Lord, Who are You?"
74 And what a surprise it must have been to this theologian, to say, "I'm Jesus," the very One that he was so against. What a--what a turnaround! Oh! Oh! It must have been something terrific for this man, that all of his ambitions that he had, to find out, all at once, he had been persecuting. His ambitions had drove him to--to farther away from the main thing that he meant to do. And what a--a great shock it must have been, for this apostle, when He said, "I am Jesus," the very One that he was persecuting. "Why persecutest thou Me?"
75Another little quotation we might drop in here. You see, as they make fun of the Church, they're not really making fun of the Church, they are making fun of Jesus. "Why persecutest thou Me?" How could Paul then, with all his intellect, believe that This was... that this Group that he was persecuting was the very God that he claimed to be serving? I think that's, without going into details, I think we're all well trained enough to know what I mean here. The same thing is happening today.
76 Paul, through ignorance, was yet intelligent and smart, much smarter than those uneducated Galileans that he was persecuting, that had already in their humility accepted this Man as Lord. But, Paul, in his great teaching and his intellectuals, could not accept That. And what a turnaround it must be to him, on this road. And he was stricken blind, so he would not carry out his commission, but was led down to a place in a street called Straight, and the house of one.
77And then come the prophet down there, by the name of Ananias, who saw in a vision, him coming down, saw where he was at, went down to where he was, and went in. And said, "Brother Saul, the Lord appeared to you on the road down; sent me, that I might lay my hands upon you, and you receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost."
78 See where he was. What a--what a thing it must have been for Paul! See? All that he had been trained to do was vice versa. So now, with--with all the education he had, it--it was just become naught to him.
79Now, he knew that he had an experience. So here is another good lesson for us, that, experience alone isn't enough. It's got to be experience according to the Word of the Lord. So, him seeing this, and know that It was a great Something, then, that somebody else had received It before him, he took three years and six months down in the--the desert in Arabia; taking the--the Bible, as It was then, the Old Testament, and going down there, to--to compare this experience that he had had, and see if It was Scriptural.
80 Now what if he said, "Well, I guess that was just a little blowover," and went on? "I'm going to follow my intellect"?
81Now, he had to become imprisoned to something, a prison. So after comparing it, and seeing, no wonder he could write the Book of Hebrews, in a type. See? Three years and a half down there, laying in the Word, and finding out that the very God that called him was taking him back, and changing all of his intellects, changing all that he ever thought, all that he trained to be. All his ambition, just wiped it away from him, and he became a prisoner. The love of God had been so tremendous, and such a--a revelation, that he could not get away from It.
82That's the true experience of every real believer who meets God. You--you come in contact with Something that's so great, that you... that--that you become a--a prisoner, to everything else. See? You--you get away from everything, to imprison yourself to This.
83 It's expressed one time where Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is something like a man buying pearls. Then when he finds that great Pearl, he sells all that he's got, to get that One."
84And that's the way here. You--you have an intellectual conception, you have a--a--a--a theological experience; but when it comes to a time that when you--you--you really find the real Thing, you--you just sell out everything else, and you close yourself in to This.
85 Paul knew what it was. He--he found out that he was harnessed to Something. Like we put a--a--a horse in a harness, it's to--it's to pull something. And Paul knew, after this experience, and three years and a half of typing the--the experience he had, with the Bible, he realized that God had chosen him and had harnessed him by the Holy Spirit, the experience that he had, to pull the Gospel in the presence of the Gentiles. The Spirit, Itself, harnessed him.
86 And, today, as servants of Christ, we become harnessed, hooked up. We can't go. We're logged in with It, harnessed to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, you're harnessed to It. There is something about It, that you just can't get away from It. You been yoked up with It, by the Holy Ghost, has yoked you to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, It's the Word. That's always harnessed up with It, put in the yoke with It. To the Word, by the Spirit, he was harnessed.
87He had learned on the--the back side of the Arabian desert there. When, all his former things, and experiences, and ambition, that, he had been stripped of those things.
88Now, that's where we find, today, that we must be stripped, first. And people don't want to be stripped. The Methodist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Methodist teaching. Uh-huh. The Baptist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Baptist teaching. See? But you've got to absolutely be stripped of everything, and just born again, afresh. And take up from there, let the Holy Spirit lead. You can't say, "Well, now, my--my daddy said, when he got in, went in the church, he shook hands with the pastor. He, he's a good loyal member." That might have been all right for his race, but we're another race. See? Now we must come back to the Bible times for this day.
89 The priests was harnessed, too. But, you see, they had come over into another dispensation, and they--they fail to strip off their old harness and put on a new harness.
90And the same thing we find today. We did come through a denominational age, as we proved through the church ages, the Bible, and so forth, but we come now to a free age, where the Holy Spirit Himself comes down and vindicates Himself, and makes Himself known, makes every promise that He promised, come to pass. Oh, my! What a great time!
91And he knew that, another thing, he knew he could not go to places. That, being harnessed to This, that he would not. That he did, but he--he wanted to go. He knew that his ambition drawed him amongst brethren where he was invited to come, and yet he was pressed in the Spirit to do something else. He wasn't his own.
92 Maybe somebody could say, "Brother Saul, Brother Paul, we want you to come over here, because we got the biggest church. We got the biggest congregation. Your offerings will be great, and so forth."
93But being pressed in the Spirit, he thought, "I got a brother over there. I'd like to go over and save this brother, get him to the Lord." But, yet, the Spirit pressed him to go somewhere else. He was a prisoner. Correctly.
94O God, make us prisoners like that, from our own selfish ambition, and from our own judgments and our better way of thinking, to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I think that was a great statement, that, "I'm a prisoner to Jesus Christ."
95And remember, He is the Word. See? No matter what anyone else thinks, it's the Word. See? If you're a prisoner to the Word, no denomination can sway you from It. It's--it's the Word. You're just... You're a prisoner to It, that's all. You must act the way It acts.
96 Now, he could not go to certain places that he wanted, because (why?) the Spirit forbade him. Remember, many time, that Paul was trying to go some place, thinking, "There is where I could have a great meeting," but the Spirit would forbid him. Now, does that clearly state and prove that Paul was a prisoner? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A prisoner to Jesus Christ, harnessed to His Word, by the Spirit! Oh! I like that. Uh-huh.
97He was bound. He was bound by a chain, and by fetters of love, to do the will of God, and that only. He was a prisoner. He was in a fetters of love. He was in the yoke with Christ. He could yoke up with nothing else. He was yoked with Him. And where the Lead went, that's where he had to go. Regardless of how green the pasture was, here on this side or that side, he had to go the way the Leader and the yoke went.
98 Oh, tonight, if we, as the Branham Tabernacle, could only become prisoners; to our own selfish being, to our own ambition, that we could completely surrender ourself and be yoked to Him, no matter what the rest the world thinks, what the rest the world does. We're yoked with fetters of love. We are prisoners. "My feet is so yoked to Christ, it won't dance. My eyes is so yoked to Christ, till I, when I see these modern striptease on the street, It turns my head. My--my heart is so yoked in love to Him, till I can't have love for this world, anymore. My will is so yoked to Him, till I don't even know now what my ambitions are. Just, 'Wherever You lead, I'll follow, Lord.' I'll be a prisoner." See?
99 Paul was correctly a prisoner. He wasn't making any wrong statement. He was trained by the Holy Ghost, again, to wait on the Word. Now, he had been trained one way, but--but God had trained him another way now. He was trained by the Holy Spirit to wait upon the Lord, no matter what his ambitions was.
100Now I'm going to, help by the Holy Spirit, show you something. See? Now let's just take an instance.
101One day, Paul and Silas, coming down the street in a certain city where they was holding a revival. And a little, demon-possessed girl kept following him, crying out after him. And no doubt but what Paul knowed that he had the authority, as an apostle, to rebuke that evil spirit out of that woman. But did you notice? He waited, day after day, until, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit spoke to him, said, "This is the hour."
102 Then he said, "Thou spirit, come out of her." See? He knowed to wait on the Lord.
103And there is where so many people today bring a reproach upon the Word. They go out with an ambition. How many revivals has been left flat because of a thing like that, because the evangelist don't wait to see what the Lord has got to say! Some of them say, "Come over here," and they--they go right now because the--the association said, "Go." And the Holy Spirit would say something different. Yet, the ambition of the man to become the state presbyter, or--or something another, or some elder, or some bishop, or something would pull him, "You must go." And, yet, he knows better. The Holy Spirit saying, "Go here." See? He's yoked to his organization. He's a prisoner to the organization.
104But if he's yoked to Christ, he's led by the Holy Ghost. He...?... See? He, he's yoked, a prisoner. Don't make any different what anything else says; it's--it's a--it's a--a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. He hears only the Voice of God, and he speaks only when It comes out. He says nothing.
105 Somebody say, "Oh, oh, Brother Jones!" Brother Roberts, or some, these great men in our land today, like Tommy Hicks, or--or--or Oral Roberts, or--or Brother Tommy Osborn, some of those great evangelists. If somebody would say, "Say, come over here, Tommy. You're a great man of God," or Oral. And I--I got a--a uncle that's laying over here, that's--that's all bound. And he's--he's sick. I want you come over. I believe you have the strength to heal him." See?
And maybe the Holy Spirit would say to him, "Not now."
106But, yet, to the friendship of that man, he's duty bound to go with him. If he don't, he becomes an enemy to that man. That man say, "Well, he went to so-and-so, heal that child or that boy. I know he did. And I been his friend, for years, see, and he wouldn't come to my place."
107But if he's constrained by the Holy Spirit not to go, he better not go, if he's yoked to God. His friend, he love. But he better be led of the Holy Spirit to go there, because it won't do any good, anyhow. I experience that so many time.
108 But Paul just waited for the Spirit to tell him what to do. "Wait on the Spirit," said. He stood one night, preaching. And he walked out of there. He seen a crippled man. And all at once, the Spirit spoke to him, and he said, "I perceive." How? The same way he perceived they was going to be wrecked, upon an island. See? "I perceive that you have faith to be healed. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ made you well." See? There you are. He--he was... He was yoked. He might have held a week's revival there and nothing had happened, but yet he waited for the Holy Spirit to say. See? He was yoked to that appeal.
109 Now you say, "Brother Branham, you're condemning what you said Sunday, about you been waiting all this time."
110And, but, you remember, it was the Holy Spirit that spoke to me up there on the road, and said, "I'm sending you back amongst the sick and afflicted." See? It's obedient to the Holy Spirit. I didn't go until He told me to do it. I was waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD, till I got THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, that's different. See? Now, It, That makes a difference. Yes.
111He waited for the Word of the Lord. He was pressed in the Spirit, to do only God's bidding, then he become a prisoner of Jesus Christ. Friends, if we could only become prisoners!
112 I know it's hot. But I--I'd like to name a couple more characters, if you would. I got about six or eight wrote down here. But I--I'd like to name just another character or two.
113Let's take the character of Moses. He was born a deliverer. And he--he--he knew that, that he was born a deliverer.
114But before I say about Moses, I'd like to make this statement, that, God always has to take any man, that will serve Him truly, to be His prisoner. A man has to surrender every ambition he's got, everything that he is, every--every thing, his life, soul, body, will, ambitions, and everything else, and become a complete, a prisoner to Christ, Who is the Word, to serve God.
115You might have to walk contrary, in your better judgment. Maybe, in a certain organization, you might think that they could lift you up and give you something great, that you might flash. But what do you find yourself? You find yourself defeated, after while, until God can get a man that's willing to become a prisoner to Him.
116 God is looking for prisoners. He's always done it. You might search it through the Scripture. A man has to be a prisoner to Christ, against anything. Therefore, you cannot be connected with anything but Christ; even your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your husband, your wife, anybody. You're only connected with Christ, and Him only, then God can use you. Until then, you can't.
117Going out, sometimes speaks rough to people. See? I--I am trying to get you to cut loose. You've got to have a starting place, like sometime calls out the women bobbing their hair and wearing these clothes, and hold and maintain their Christian profession. Say, "That's a little thing." Well, you've got to start somewhere. So begin right there, in your ABC's. See? And cut loose the worldly looks, anyhow, and become a prisoner to Christ. And then just keep on, cut loose everything, till finally the last line is cut loose. Then you're--you're... You are a prisoner then. You become in His grip. He, He's got you in His grip.
118 Now, Moses knowed that he was born the deliverer. He knew that. And did you notice, with the ambition that Moses had; knowing his mother had told him over there, as she was his nursemaid.
119No doubt, when Moses the little baby was born, that his mother said, "You know, Moses, when... Your dad, Amram, and I prayed constantly. We knowed, and seen in the Word, it was time for the coming of a deliverer. And we prayed, 'Lord God, we want to see that deliverer.' One night, the Lord told us, in a vision, that you would be born, and you would be the deliverer. We wasn't afraid of the king's commandment. We didn't care what the king said. Then, we knowed that you were born a deliverer. Now, Moses, we knowed that we couldn't bring you up right."
120Now remember, they had been down there, four hundred years in Egypt. See?
121"And we--we wanted to get you the--the right thing, the right education, the right training. So, I took you and put you in a little ark, and set you out into the Nile. And how strange, that the currents taken that little ark down through the reeds and rushes, and brought it right down, miles away, and turned it right into Pharaoh's palace, where his... Pharaoh's daughter was, where her bathing pool was. And how that--that I knowed that she'd need a woman to raise you."
122And in them days, of course, they didn't have these bottles to raise the babies on, so she'd have to have a--a wet nurse. So...
123"And, Miriam, I sent her down. And she stood there, and she said, 'I know where I can find a wet nurse,' and come and got me. And, Moses, the doors are all shut. Honey, you're sixteen years old now, and you're going to be Pharaoh's son. And someday you're going to be the deliverer that's going to take the people out of here."
124 Moses' ambition begin to grow. "I'll study, mother. I'll study everything I can. You know what I'll do? I'll study how to be a military man, and I'll know how to take these people out of here. I'll be a great general, bishop, so I'll know how it's done. And I'll--I'll take it out. I'll get my Ph.D or LL. I'll do it."
125Like "Father Chiniquy," if you ever read his books. All right. He's "going to deliver all the Protestants," you know, and he become one, himself. So, this great priest, years ago, "Father Chiniquy," you ought to get his book and read it. They call him, "father." He's just Brother Chiniquy, what it was. We don't call no man "father," like that. So we find that--that we... He was going to read the Bible, so he could get out there and disprove the Protestant religion and make it all Catholic. And when he went to read the Bible, the Holy Spirit come upon him, and he got the Holy Ghost, and then--then he become one of them.
126 So then notice this, that Moses got all the training. Because, he--he knew. He was so smart, so educated, so intellectual! Till, there's nobody... He could even teach the Egyptians. Till, he could teach their psychologists. He could teach their--their generals what military might was. He was a great man. And people feared Moses, because of his greatness. Oh, such a scholarship! My! He was an archbishop, or maybe like a pope. He was a great fellow. And he was a--a--a mighty man. And he knowed that he was born to do this, and had trained, with great ambition, to do it.
127 Just like today. I don't say that men, training in these schools, I don't say that... Like they're out here in the West now, they're going to build a hundred-and-fifty-million-dollar school of theology, see, Pentecostal, a--a hundred-and-fifty-million-dollar school. To me, that should be missionaries in the field. See? See? See? But, whatever, what do they do when they come out of there? What are they? Bunch of rickies. Just exactly. And then that's how they come out. It always has, the rest of them, and that's the same line. See?
128 Now we find out, that, when, Moses, in all his training. And today, with all the training, making big bishops and so forth, the great, high ambition, what will we do? Our ambitions become just about like what Moses' was. See?
129God, before He could get the man in His hand, He had to strip him of his ambition. He had to strip him of all of his training.
130He did go out, and he delivered; he killed one Egyptian. And he, and when he did, he found out that he was in the wrong. He couldn't do that. It wasn't that way. And God had to take him out into the wilderness, into the desert, a desert place.
131You notice, kind of strange, how these fellows, that God got a message for them. He takes them into a desert.
132He took Paul to the desert, to train, to tell him what all this great vision was, out into the desert. "Go out to a certain desert." And he stayed there until God fully made known what to do.
133 And Moses' time, He took him out in the desert. Kept him out there for forty years, and stripped him of all of his theology and all his ambition. Oh, what a time, that he could look back and see his failure. And how we, tonight, ought to do the same thing, when we see our ambition.
134Look at the healing campaign, and see if the Lord did something a few years ago, to start restoring healing to the sick, and so forth.
135Everybody, every organization, is because It didn't come into their organization, they had to get them a healer. And what have we done? Let's look at it just a moment. We have done the same thing that Moses did. We've went out and tried so hard to manufacture some kind of a miracle. "I smelt a disease. I--I--I got blood in my hand," and manufacture a miracle. See? And what have we got? Some of the men in such hard strains, that's broke up and become regular drunkards, neurotic, and got their minds. And they switched all the way back, the order from the pentecostal objective, back to making organizations and things again. See?
136 What have we done? Slew about one Egyptian. That's right. And we've tried. We've strained. We've paid. We've labored, go all night long in prayer meetings, till we had no voice. And--and try to manufacture something, and soup-up something, and all these type of things, and find it to be a total failure. We need a going-back to the desert. Right. Yes, sir. Camp meetings, and struggles. Why not just give up? That's what you ought to do, see, go back and give up. Why, we done the same thing they did, same thing Moses did. It doesn't do any good. After forty years, he found himself a prisoner to the Word of God. What do we try to do?
137 When, the great Blessing come out, and the manifestation of all these great things that God has told us about: how that we must be born again; how we receive the Holy Ghost; the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ; and all these things here.
138You see, people, instead of staying to that Word, harnessed to It, what do they do? They started with their own denominational theory, which had already failed, and try to manufacture something to look like the Truth.
139 I better cut off right there. See? I'm sure you're wise enough to know what I mean. See? But, why, look what it's done. Think of it.
140What have we got, tonight, but a--a--a nation full of organized people who deny the Scriptures of God; who would call the--the--the Life of the Holy Spirit, that, "It was a--a mental telepathy," who would refuse such to come into their church. And they wouldn't permit you to mention one Word of serpent's seed, Eternal security, and the things that the Holy Spirit has revealed and proved to be the Word. I made challenge after challenge, to come and prove it to me wrong.
141What have they got? The same thing that Luther had, the rest of them, see, slew an Egyptian. What must... What was it? Maybe he made some man start... stop stealing, or maybe live true to his wife. But what did you make him out of that? A church member. "Come and join our group." See?
142 That stinking dead man was only thing he'll point his finger to, of his success, of forty years of training; a stinking Egyptian laying there, rotten and dead.
143That's about the way it is tonight. The only thing we can point, to this revival that's crossed over, (so-called), is a stinking bunch of church members that knows no more about God than a Hottentot would know about Egyptian night. Right. That, would tell them about the Word of God, they say, "I don't believe That." Say, "I don't care what they say. I don't believe It." See? See? That's an awful thing to have to point back to, for all the strains and struggles and everything we got.
144 Maybe we could point to a big school, but it's dead. We could point to an organization, but it's dead. It's stinking. It's just like the first thing that we pulled out of. "Like a hog going to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit," when we return back. One dead Egyptian.
145 No doubt but somebody said, "Moses, well, haven't you got no more feeling for the people? You was called for this." Somebody that knowed Moses, knowed he was called for that. "And don't... You lost the feeling of the people?"
"No, sir."
146"Well, why ain't you out, over, doing this? And why ain't you out here, trying this? And why don't you go on with the rest of them?"
147Moses was out there getting stripped, until he had an experience at the burning bush, that declared the Word. "I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I remember My promises. And I've come down to deliver them. I'm sending you to do it." That was it.
148 He seen the Word, not the ambition of the people or the desires of the people. Then what did he become? He did not want to face the Egyptians any more. He didn't want to face this thing any more. But he become a prisoner. Amen. Forty years of running, stripping down, but then he become a prisoner, at the burning bush, the mighty Moses with all of his intellect. The Bible saying that Moses was a mighty man in word or in deed, down in Egypt.
149But watch what the mighty theologian did in the Presence of the burning bush. He only confessed his inability. When he seen the genuine purpose of God, he confessed that he was inability to do it. Yet, he was trained in all the theology that they could give him, trained in their best school. But, yet, would he do when he... that Pillar of Fire hanging there in the bush? Said, "I can't even talk to Him. Lord, who am I, that I should go?" See?
150"Get your shoes off, Moses. I want to talk to you. Strip yourself down, even your shoes. You're--you're flat on the ground again. I want to talk to you."
151 Couldn't even talk. Finally, a elected prisoner, a elected prophet, just like that Paul was elected. Moses was elected, deliverer. And then, finally, God had His elected subject a prisoner to Him. Oh, hallelujah! He could only move as the Word of God moved him. "Who shall I say sent me?"
"I AM."
"How will I do?"
"I'll be with you."
152"Yes, Lord, just as You say. Here I am." Oh, my! That, he's a prisoner.
153He goes against his better thinking. Now, he had been trained to command an army. "Swords, up! About-face!" Trained to go, "Chariots, all in order! Spears, forward! Charge!" That's how he's going to take it over. That was his training.
But he said, "What am I going to use?"
Said, "What you got in your hand?"
154"A stick." God does things so ridiculous sometimes, to the human mind. See? Got a stick in his hand. Whiskers hanging down. Eighty years old. His wife on a mule; kid setting on her hip. Little, old flabby arms hanging down; a stick. Just his head stood up, for he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Why? He had finally got anchored.
155 He was a prisoner. "I'll only move when the Word moves me. I'll only speak where the Word speaks."
"Where you going?"
156"I got one commission: stand before Pharaoh and show him, by this stick, that God sent me." Amen.
"What you going to do after that?"
"He'll provide the next thing, after I do this."
157There you are. You've only got one thing to do, the first step, tonight: surrender, become a prisoner. Don't think of yourself or something else. Become a prisoner.
158 Moses become a prisoner, confessed he couldn't even talk. Finally, when God got him in His hand, where he could only move where God moved him. Where, He told him the Word. He knowed it was the Word, then he submitted hisself to the Word. And the Holy Spirit there, God, harnessed Moses to the will of God.
159That's the same thing He done to Paul. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He harnessed Paul; little, crooked-nose, sarcastic Jew, oh, with Ph.D. and LL.D.'s wrote all over him. But He said, "I'm going to show him what he's going to suffer for the Word's sake." See? And he...
160 And then Paul sitting there and seeing the Word, and seeing that that was Jesus, then he raised up his hands and become harnessed to Him. The love of God harnessed him to the Word. "He's going to bear My Name before the Gentiles." There he went.
161"Moses, I AM the God of your fathers. I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob. I remember I promised them, and the time of the promise is near. And I see the afflictions of My people. I remember My promise. And I have come down to harness you. You know what the Word said. I've harnessed you to go down there, harnessed you with power, to go down there and deliver My people. And take that stick in your hand, as a witness, 'cause you seen a miracle done by it." Just like David, with the slingshot. See?
162 Harnessed, himself, and he went down. Finally, God had a man that was subject to Him, harnessed to Him, and could not move until the Word of God moved him. If people would just do that, today! Then, he was His prisoner, a prisoner of love, yoked up in the bond of love, with--with God, as Paul was yoked up in the bond of love to God.
163Just like Paul, both of them trained the same way. Moses trained, you know, to deliver the children of Israel by military might. Paul trained to take them out of the hands of the Romans and put them free, by his great ecclesiastical force in the world that day. Great schools of training, come up under Gamaliel.
164And both of them went to the desert; come back different men. Both of them saw the Pillar of Fire. And both of them were prophets. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Both of them, prophets. And they both was talked to by the Pillar of Fire, exactly right, coming for a deliverer. There they was; went to a desert. Left their homes and went to the desert, to find out. Left their people and everything, to find the will of God. See?
165They were trained in one way; God changed them to another. And they had to become a complete prisoner, to not act in the way that they wanted to act, but act in the way that God wanted them to act. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
166 Have we got another ten minutes there, to make these? [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.]
167I'll real quickly get to another character. I see one before me now. His name is Joseph. He was an elected son. He was a perfect type of Jesus Christ. He was born a prophet. He was a prophet, also. See? And now he could see vision. And when he's yet a little boy, he saw a vision of himself sitting on a throne, and his brothers bowing to him. See? But watch. He become... He felt like he was a great guy. See? All of them...
168But what did God have to do? He done the same thing that He did to the rest of them. Because, Moses was a deliverer, Paul was a deliverer, and now Joseph was a deliverer. He saved his people from the famine.
169 What did God have to do to him? Put him in prison, put him right straight to the prison. Yes, sir. Remember, he was sold by his brethren, to an Egyptian. And they sold him to Potiphar. And Potiphar give him a little bit of liberty, and, first thing you know, that was taken from him. And there he sit in the prison, crying, crying. God had to strip it.
170Now notice. But, all the time, I believe, he, in that prison, he could remember that the vision said that he was going to set on a throne, and his brothers was going to bow to him, because he knew that his gift come from God. And he knew that it had to come to pass.
171 If we could only keep that in our mind, and according to the Word of God, that in these last days He's going to have a Church, He's going to have a people. And these things that He promised, He's going to do them. He said He would, and we're living in the time. We're there. He's just trying to get us to be real prisoners now, locked in with Him.
172You heard that old song you sing, "And then I'm a shut-in with God"? I want to be shut in with God. Now, it's where I thought about this. Being shut in with God, nothing else, and you only move when God says move. You only do as God says do, see, then you're shut in with God.
173 Now remember, he was thinking. He also became a total failure, to himself. All that he knew, all that he understood, and everything, he become a total failure. It didn't work. He was put under a situation to where that nobody would listen to him. He was a prisoner. See? He was put into a situation, that unbelievers would not believe. Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] His ministry was of none effect. The people turned their head. They wouldn't pay no attention to him in prison. What good would his ministry do? He might stand to the prison bars and preach to them; they'd walk on down the street. See? But he become a prisoner. And God kept him, a prisoner, until the wheel got rolled up right. Said, "Here is My man." Glory! Total failure!
174 Finally, God came to him in his prison. Like Paul, like all the rest of them, He came to him. And He used the gift that He had give him, to get him out of there. That's right. He brought him from his prison. What did he do? As soon as He brought him from his prison, he was given power by the king, his king, that he set on the side of, that he was under. He was brought from the prison house and given power; till, whatever he said, had to happen. Amen.
175In his prison, he constantly remembered, he was born for a purpose. He was going to sit by a king. All the rest of them was going to bow a knee to him. His vision told him so. Amen. But before his vision could be completely fulfilled, he had become a prisoner. Amen. And then he become a ruler. And when he come from his prison house, and become a prisoner of the Word of God, that he could only say what God put in his mouth to say, then God moved through him.
176 Notice, that Moses had power to bind Pharaoh's princes, at his own will. "If you say to this mountian, 'Be moved.'" He had power to bind Pharaoh's princes. Whether they were deacons, or presbyters, or they're the state representatives or whatever they was. He said, "I bind you," and they were bound. That was it. He could do it at his own word, at his own pleasure. Amen. Glory to God!
Oh, I just got about three more minutes. I keep my word.
177 Now we find out, that he--he become a prisoner to God, from a prisoner to the world. From... Paul, the same way. And Moses, the same way, from a prisoner to his own thinking, to a prisoner to God. And when he come out, he had the power of God. And when he become Paul... When the old thinking, of Moses, he surrendered it and stripped of it, he become a prisoner to Christ's Word. Could only move wherever...
"You say, 'Christ'?"
178"He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." So he was a prisoner to Christ, just like Paul was.
179 Remember, all three of them were prophets. See? And they had to be stripped of their own thinking, in order to become a prisoner to the will and the ways of God.
180Then we remember, now, that he had power to bind, at his own word. He had power to loose, at his own word. He could say, "I loose you, in the name of my king." Amen. Pharaoh made Joseph his son.
181 Christ makes His, prisoners of love, His sons. And He gives them power, the same thing He had. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, see, the works that I do shall he do also. Even more than this shall he do." Now the prisoner of the love of Christ becomes empowered by his King, Who is Christ. Amen. "And verily I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you'll have what you said. If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you; if you're yoked to Me," because Him and His Word is the same. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Same yesterday, today, and forever! If ye abide in Me," not in here and there. "Abide in Me, and My Word in you; ask what you will, or say what you will, it'll be done for you." He had power.
182 Notice, before he come out, he had to be taken out and shaved. A few things had to be shaved off before he could meet his king. See?
183Oh, God sometimes takes His people out like that, and shaves a few of their own wills off, shows them that they can't do just what they wanted to do. You know what I mean. They're not--they're not in liberty to do what they want to do. Before they could come into full power and be a love-slave to Christ, they have to be shaved off and then presented. Sometimes He takes them to the desert, to do that, to shave them off. And then bring them out, the anointed one, to fulfill the purpose that He's ordained them to be. See what I mean?
Brethren, we're at the end time.
184 Remember, all other times, what He's done. He's always had to take a man and make him a prisoner to Him, forsake his own. He had to forsake everything that he knowed, forget all of his trainings, everything, in order to know the will of God, and to follow God.
185He can't follow anything that man has got to do, and God, the same time. It's too contrary, one to another. You can't be going east and west at the same time. You can't be going right and left at the same time. You can't be doing right and wrong at the same time. You can't be following man and God at the same time. No, sir. You're either following God or following man.
186Now, then, if you are following God and have submitted yourself to God, then you become a prisoner to that God, to that Word, to that will. No matter what anything else says, you become a--a prisoner to It.
187 Listen. We're at the end time. And I would say this with reverence and respect, as the last couple minutes is floating by. Look. What God, to my opinion, will do and must do, and will do in this last day, is to find a tool for the harvest. He's got to find a tool, to thrash the floor. Any farmer, when he goes to his harvest, he has to have a tool to do it with; certainly, he's got to have a sharp sickle or something, some instrument, to thrash out the grain. And the harvest is ripe.
188God, take us in Your hand. Make us bond-servants of Your love. Use us for tool, to bring the realization to this sinful, cursed earth that we're living in today, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
189For myself, God, let me be a prisoner. If all my brethren turn me down, if all my friends turn me down, I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ and His Word, that I might be harnessed to His Word, by the Holy Spirit, to see the Holy Spirit make the Word of God be confirmed by the same things that He said would be done. I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
190 I wonder, tonight, with our heads bowed, if that ambition that we have, of being something else, or maybe of something that we might think, be a selfish thing, wonder if we couldn't just kind of lay that aside.
191I wonder if some young boy here, tonight, look around, say, "I'm going to be, when I get big, I'm going to be a certain-certain thing." Wonder if you could feel the will of God move in your life, and say, "No, no. Uh-huh. I--I... My ambitions are lost now. For the last few days, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me. I--I--I--I want to yield myself to God, to be a thrashing instrument of this last day."
192Some young girl that might have ambitions of a fine lady character, or--or maybe be a pretty little misses, or maybe someday make Hollywood your career, I--I wonder if you're not willing now to submit your ambition in the Presence of God and His Word, hear the call of God in your own life. God knows who you are.
193 I wonder if there'd be a minister close, or a servant, a worker somewhere in church. I just get in here, once in a while. I--I don't know one-third of the people sitting here, tonight, but I... this little handful that's here. I wonder if there'd be such a person, that you'd be willing to say, "I don't care what anyone says. I'm God's slave now. I--I--I'm going to preach His Word, regardless. I don't care what, my--my organization turns me out, I'm still going to stay with that Word. I--I'm going to do it. My will is God's will. God's will is my will. I'm going to be a prisoner to Jesus Christ. By His grace and help, I'll do it."
194Think of it, while we have our heads bowed. How many has got that ambition, tonight? Would you raise your hand. That's mine, too. I surrender all. With our heads bowed now, slowly now, as you think it over now, as you pray.
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
I surren-...
195Do you really mean it? "I want to be a prisoner. I... Take me, Lord. Take me down to the Potter's house, tonight. Break me all up, and mold me over again, down here."
To Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
196 Heavenly Father, as the song continues to play, I thought it most profitable at this time, that I--I'd break in on the song and talk to You just a moment. As the people are thinking, "I surrender all," Father, may we do this, with like that this is our last opportunity to do it. Let us come with sincerity, come unto the table of the Lord, as it was, with washed garments, washed souls, washed wills, washed ambitions, to surrender ourselves.
197 And let God take His Word, yoking us up together with It, God's Word. And may the Holy Spirit take us now, as we hear the yoke click around our hearts, "From tonight on, I take you at your word. Now don't think your own thinking. Think My thoughts. Think My will. I will lead you." God, grant that it'll be an experience to every one of us.
198These young people sitting here; husband and wife; and some coming to be husband and wife. There's older men sitting here, that's ministers, been along the road. And, Lord, here is Brother Neville, I, is getting way up on the ladder. Our days are being numbered now. Our steps are made more careful than what we did make them. We watch where we step. We're not as sure-footed, physically speaking, as we once were. But, Lord, as we see that mortal life is fading out, and none of our footsteps are sure without You got our hand.
199 Now, God, take us, will You? Take our hearts and our will in Your Own hand, and let us become prisoners, tonight, to the Word, to Christ. May we live godly lives here. May these women, these young women, these young men, boys and girls, surrender their life, Lord. And may their ambition become the ambition to serve Jesus Christ. And let us become a prisoner of His Divine grace and will. Grant it, Lord.
200It's all I know to do, Lord. These little broke-up words, and I--I trust that You will put them together, rightly. Cause, it's hot in here, and people want to listen, but it's real warm. And many have to go home and go to work early. But may those seeds just lay into their heart, "a prisoner."
201 Go home and say to the wife, as they... 'fore they get ready to get down and pray, this afternoon, or this evening, by the bedside, look across to one another, say, "Dear, what about that, tonight? Have we really become prisoners to Christ and His will, or--or do we work through our own will?"
202May young men and young women, everywhere, especially those who has heard the Message, tonight, ask themselves that same question, "Am I willing to become a prisoner, forsaking my own life?"
203"He that saves his life shall lose it, but he that will lose His life for My sake shall find it." Father, we know, that is: become a prisoner of You, lose our own ambitions and our own desires, to find Yours, then we have Eternal Life. Grant it, Lord.
204 Only thing I know, is to commit it now into Your hand. And may it become fruitful and bring forth great--great tools for the last-day harvest, men and women, boys and girls, surrender to the complete will of God, and become prisoners of Jesus Christ, to His love, shackled with fetters of Divine love to Christ. We ask it in His Name.
I surrender all,
Let's stand.
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my...?...
205Let's just say that again, with our eyes closed and our hands up.
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
206 Now, if we'll bow our heads, and before the dismissing song is sung, of Take The Name Of Jesus With You. I'm going to ask that--that this brother here... I forget his name. The sister that testified about the vision of darkness coming over, which was healed. And remember, looking back, the veil was gone. Her faith did that. You dismiss us in prayer, will you, brother? And ask God's blessings upon us.
1 Sme tu znova, v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme počuli o veľkých a mocných skutkoch, ktoré si Ty už vykonal. A my tu teraz stojíme s očakávaním, ktoré pozdvihuje našu vieru a pomazáva nás, aby sme verili, že to, za čo sme sa modlili, bude dnes večer udelené. Ty poznáš každú potrebu a každého jedného z nich, všetkých ktorí ich požadovali. A my sa modlime za nich, zvlášť Pane za tých, ktorí sú blízko smrti. Daj pokoj ich duši, pokiaľ tam ešte nie je. Daj uzdravenie ich telu. Udeľ to Pane.
2 Požehnaj naše zídenie sa. Modlíme sa, Pane, na tomto stredajšom večernom modlitebnom zhromaždení, ako sme sa zhromaždili, vediac, že kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení spolu, že Ty budeš s nami. A my Ťa prosíme Pane, aby si nám dal dnes večer Svoje Slovo. Hovor ku nám, Pane, a zohrej zvláštnym spôsobom naše srdcia, aby sme vedeli ako sa správať v tom veľkom čase, ktorý leží pred nami, ako my veríme, že sa blížime príchodu Pánovmu.
3 Ďakujeme Ti za ľudí, ktorí začínajú nachádzať vieru, ktorá je im drahá aྭvedia, čo viera znamená. A vedia Ti ďakovať za zhromaždenia, ktoré sú ešte pred nami, veriac, že Ty sa chystáš niečo urobiť, Pane, my sme v očakávaní, ako za dávna, veriac, že je blízko čas, keď Ty pozdvihneš okná nebies a vyleješ zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh zasľúbil v tomto poslednom dni.
4 Tak, Pane, my Ťa prosíme, aby si bol so všetkými vo všetkých národoch, ako sme počuli tak mnohých naokolo, všade, ktorí sú v potrebe. Udeľ im to, čo požadujú Pane. A my sa modlíme, aby sme videli veľkú ruku Božiu, ako sa pohybuje ponad celým svetom medzi tými, ktorí očakávajú tieto veľké veci.
5 Odpusť nám náš hriech. Kázni nás, Pane, Tvojim Duchom a Tvojim Slovom, aby sme boli disciplinovaní, poslušní služobníci, poslušní služobníci vo vôli Božej. Daj nám pamätať a snažiť sa v našich srdciach robiť to, čo robili tí ranní kresťania. Aký druh ľudí by sme stretli ak by sme stretli tých, ktorí boli osobne v kontakte s Tebou. Ako ich tváre museli žiariť vierou a radosťou. Ako ich životy museli byť živým Slovom Božím, jednoducho „napísanými epištolami, čítanými všetkými ľuďmi,“ ako oni chodili medzi ľuďmi. Bože, udeľ to ešte raz.
6 Nech sú Ti naše životy tak poddané, že sám Duch Svätý bude žiť skrze nás a hovoriť skrze nás, Pane. Nech pamätáme v našich mysliach ako kráčame po uliciach a naše ramená sa obtierajú o ten svet, a my nemáme byť takí ako oni. A my sa staviame bokom a dávame im miesto, Pane a ich pravú pozíciu tu na zemi. Berieme si tie zadné sedadlá, vediac že sme delegátmi z iného sveta. Máme kráľovstvo, ktoré prichádza v moci, Pane. A náš veľký Kráľ skoro prijde a prevezme všetky kráľovstvá, ktoré sú, pod svoje panovanie. A On bude panovať a vládnuť;a my s Ním tu na zemi, tisíc rokov a budeme s Ním navždy.
7 S týmto v mysli sa teraz, Pane, tešíme, že odpovieš na našu modlitbu. Dívame sa na naše vyznanie. Ak sme čokoľvek urobili, povedali, alebo mysleli čo bolo proti Tvojej veľkej vôli, nech nás krv Ježiša Krista očistí.
8 Veď nás Pane, ako tá sestra povedala dnes večer o sebe a jej manželovi na ceste do Chicaga. Veď ich, Pane Bože, na miesto kde ich Ty môžeš použiť, aby oni mohli byť lúčmi svetla pre iných, ktorí hľadajú cestu v temnosti, ktorí nepoznajú nášho Pána Ježiša. Tak my sa porúčame do služby Tebe, a počúvaniu Tvojho Slova nápravy, aby sme mohli vedieť, ako sa pripraviť na túto veľkú hodinu, prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
[prázdne miesto na páske, brat Neville komentuje -- pozn.prekl.]
Nech ťa Pán žehná. Vďaka ti, brat.
9 Toto som tak trochu neočakával. Ako som bol tu doma, cítil som sa ako, ak by som skutočne nemusel nikde ísť, ku nejakému naliehavému prípadu, cítil by som sa veľmi zle, ako sedím doma a nejdem na modlitebné zhromaždenie. A ja som prišiel tak trochu náhle, pre mňa samého neočakávane, dokonca pre moju rodinu. Len čo som prišiel a hneď som sa aj bral. A tak som povedal, „Idem na modlitebné zhromaždenie." A ona dokonca nemala ani čas pripraviť sa, aby prišla, tak ona nevedela, že prichádzam.
10Tak som šťastný, že som počul svedectvo tej sestry tu, toho brata, o tom zapálení v Južnej Karolíne alebo Severnej Karolíne, niekde. Bolo to Greenville? [Nejaká sestra hovorí, „Nie. Južné Pines.“-- pozn.prekl.] Južné Pines. Áno.
11Brat Lee Vayle bol práve dnes tu. Pokrstil som ho, dnes, počas dnešnej služby krstu. Brat Lee Vayle, ty vieš a tí kazatelia tam, brat Parker Thomas. Tam je...
12Pamätám si čas, ako bola jedna sestra zatienená. A to bolo veľké potvrdenie, sestra, toho čo... Duch Svätý nás niekedy nechá ísť napred a testuje našu vieru, aby videl, čo bude a aby testoval vieru iných. Keď sa priamo na niečo dívate a vidíte niečo a poviete to, iní sa pozrú a nevidia to, oni hovoria, že to tam nie je. Vidíte? Ale je to tam.
13No, tam nebol nikto, kto by mohol vidieť to svetlo, ktoré viselo nad Pavlom, ale to tam bolo. Nikto nevidel tú holubicu, ktorá zostupovala z neba, v tom svetle, v tej forme a viselo to nad Ježišom, iba Ján. Ale to tam bolo. Vidíte?
14A tak, potom, neskoršie keď som hovoril ľuďom o tomto svetle, ktoré bolo ako Stĺp Ohňa, nikto tomu nechcel veriť. Ale teraz, mechanické oko fotoaparátu to zidentifikovalo, ako to prišlo. A zlý duch je temný.
15Je to ako naše životy, my sme tiene. A my sme... Ak my sme svetlo, ak sa naše životy zrovnávajú s tým Svetlom toho dňa, my chodíme vo Svetle.
16To je ako keď sa pozriete von a poviete, „Vidím slnko,“ počas dňa. Vy vidíte tieň slnka. To je odraz slnka. To nie je samotné slnko, ale to potvrdzuje, že tam je slnko. To potvrdzuje, že tam je slnko.
17A teraz, keď vidím, ako tam sedíte, používate vejár, rozprávate sa, to znamená že vy žijete, ale to je len tieň života.
18Pretože, čokoľvek má v sebe temnosť, to vrhá tieň. Vidíte? Pretože tieň musí zabrať toľko temnosti a toľko svetla, aby urobil tieň. A to nemôže byť celkom tma a to nemôže byť celkom svetlo. Ak je to tma, je to skutočne tma. Ak je to svetlo, nie je tam tieň, nič, čo by spravilo tieň. Ale ak je to svetlo zmiešané s tmou, to vytvára tieň.
19Tak my sme skutočne tieňmi svetla. No, vy odrážate život odniekiaľ. Ak ste kresťanom, toto je tieň, to len potvrdzuje, že tam je Život, kde vy nemôžete zomrieť, pretože tento život má v sebe smrť. Vidíte? Ale to je tieň, pretože vy ste živé, hýbajúce sa stvorenie so schopnosťou vidieť, rozmýšľať a hovoriť, tých päť zmyslov tela. Ale jednako vy viete, oni zomierajú. A tam je toľko problémov. Viete, to nemôže byť len... To je odraz, vidíte, že tam je život a smrť, zmiešané dokopy.
20To telesné musí zomrieť. Ale ak vy odrážate skrze váš smrteľný život to Svetlo z neba, potom odrážate večný život, Boha. Potom keď zomriete, nemôžete nič viac, než ísť do toho Svetla, pretože to je to, čo ste odrážali.
21Ak ste z toho temného sveta, vy to odrážate a nemôžete ísť inou cestou ako do temnosti. Vidíte? Tak vy ste v nejakom odraze. No, my to vidíme. A tak isto, ako Duch Svätý odráža Svetlo Života, tak smrť odráža temnosť.
22A tu sú oni obaja. Koncom týždňa, možno v nedeľu, dostaneme malú fotografiu, ktorá bude zväčšená, tak ju môžeme položiť na tabuľu.
23Tam kde visia vaše fotografie na tabuli. Neviem či ste si to všimli, alebo nie. A potom... A asi pred týždňom, na Jamajke, kde som konal misionársku prácu. Poslali sme pásky po celom svete. A Sedem pečatí má ísť naspäť do... naspäť na ostrovy Jamajky, do vnútrozemia. A tam je to veľmi primitívne, poza Modrými Horami. A tie národy, niekedy, oni majú magnetofón, ktorý sme im dali, že musíte, ako na starej Victrole, natočiť ju a potom to nechať takto hrať. Potom každých päť minút to niekto musí natočiť.
24Táto skupina mala malú baterku, šesťvoltovú baterku, alebo nejakú inú, na ten magnetofón, počúvajúc tie Pečate, myslím, že to bolo to. A zatiaľ ako som hovoril, oni si všimli, prichádzať do izby, prichádzať ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý sa pohyboval tam, kde bol ten magnetofón a zastal nad ním. A oni išli a vzali fotoaparát a odfotili To. A jednoducho ten istý, tam To je, visí to rovno nad tým. Teraz to zväčšujeme, tak aby sme to mohli dať tam na tabuľu, aby ste to mohli vidieť.
25Sme tak vďační za milosť Božiu, ktorá nás priviedla do Jeho prítomnosti v tomto dni. Tak, sme vďační za tak veľa vecí.
26No, myslím, že sa pozriem sem a uvidím či môžem nájsť nejaké, nejaké poznámky, alebo niečo iné, na čo by som hovoril. Alebo, aby som dostal pre nás trochu... Mám zapísaný nejaký text, jednako, vzadu v knihe. Ak môžem jeden nájsť, možno mi Pán dá niečo povedať na určitú tému, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť. Tak my sme v očakávaní na nedeľu.
27Hovoril som v tých posolstvách... a v nedeľu som vás tu dlho zdržal na téme, „Prečo kričíš, ku mne? Hovor ku ľuďom a choď napred.“
28Tak, v nedeľu je služba s uzdravovaním, kde sa budeme modliť za chorých. No, vy sa dostanete ku chorým a musí byť nejaký dôvod, že chorí, keď sa za nich modlíme, keď oni nie sú uzdravení. A ja chcem, ak Pán bude chcieť, kázať tiež len krátke posolstvo v nedeľu ráno. Tak, budem mať službu s uzdravovaním a modliť sa za všetkých tých ľudí. A Billy Paul alebo niekto z nich tu bude v nedeľu ráno asi o ôsmej hodine, keď sa otvára zbor, aby vydal ľuďom karty vo dverách ako oni budú prichádzať alebo kedykoľvek sa dostanú do vnútra.
29A teraz, potom sa chcem pokúsiť, verím, že Pán mi nejako dal trochu nazrieť na dôvody, prečo niektorí ľudia nie sú uzdravení. A ja verím, že to je nedostatok zrozumenia. A verím, možno, budeme hovoriť na tú tému v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán bude chcieť.
30No, zhromaždenie v stredu večer je len krátke zhromaždenie, kde sa zídeme a modlíme sa, ako ho mávame, a schádzame sa spolu.
31Niekedy, verím, že jedna z najväčších vecí, ktorú som zistil v tomto dni, je nedostatok úprimnosti v tom, čo veríme. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ak by Boh vo dňoch Johna Wesleya urobil to, čo urobil v tomto dni, čo by to spravilo; v tých dňoch Martina Lutera, alebo v ktoromkoľvek inom dni? To, čo Ho my vidíme robiť, potvrdené skrze cirkev, skrze Ducha a skrze vedu a každý pohyb, je to v pohybe a musí to byť rozpoznané. A Božie Slovo to tu predkladá a hovorí to predtým ako sa to stane. A potom sa to hýbe a vychádza prorokovanie a ukazovanie práve tej veci, o ktorej On povedal. To sa udeje dokonale, presne tak ako to On povedal. A my stále sedíme takí leniví, ako keby sme sa tomu divili. „No, som zvedavý, či by sa to mohlo týkať mňa? Som zvedavý, či by sa to mohlo týkať práve celej cirkvi, alebo, som zvedavý, či ja som v Tomto zahrnutý?” Myslím, že v nedeľu ráno, sa pokúsím pohovoriť na tému o niektorých z týchto princípov, aby nás to možno trochu osvietilo.
32Tak, dnes večer, niečo som našiel, len sa ku tomu obrátim, preto som prišiel. Myslel som, „Čo ak by brat Neville, ak by som sa tam dostal, on zvykne povedať, ́Choď hore a hovor,́ a posadí sa “? Vidíte? Pomyslel som si, „Bude lepšie, ak si zapíšem zopár miest Písma.“ Pretože viem, že on je taký milý brat a my si ho ceníme.
33Predtým, ako sa budeme modliť nad Slovom, chcel by som rozpoznať jedného brata. Nemôžem si dokonca ani spomenúť na jeho meno, dvoch z nich. Oni sú tu, moji priatelia. Oni sú kazatelia a evanjelisti, na poli, na ktoré vychádzajú. Oni počuli to posolstvo na páske. A oni sú z rozdielnych denominačných cirkví, dvaja mladí ľudia. A ten chlapec je tak... jeden z nich je tak zainteresovaný, až on išiel dolu do Tucsonu, len nedávno, keď sa skončilo zhromaždenie. Myslím, že som tam bol na raňajkách obchodníkov plného evanjelia. A prišiel tam ten mladý človek, fajný mladý človek. A on je...
34Oni sú z Kansasu. A oni prešli celú tú cestu sem kvôli mne, aby som ich zosobášil. Cením si to. Pomyslieť, že ľudia, ktorí veria vo vaše modlitby, dostatočne veria, že Boh vypočuje a odpovie, mladí ľudia, ktorí takto začínajú život. A keď oni prišli sem kvôli mne, aby som ich zosobášil, včera, aby zistili požiadavky zákona štátu Indiána, a dokonca ich krvné testy, aby čakali tu v tom štáte, tri dni, pred tým ako môžu byť zosobášení. Tak oni sa nemôžu zobrať skôr ako v piatok ráno.
35A ja sa spýtam nášho brata tam na konci, či by sa postavil a povedal nám kým on je a jeho milá malá pani tam a ten ďalší brat.
36[Ten brat hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, brat Branham. Je to pre mňa privilégium byť tu. A ja som... brat Roger a ja žijeme v Kansase, cestujem po misijných poliach ako evanjelista, hovoriac, že Ježiš žije, uzdravuje, skrze vieru Ježiša...?... ́Vždy si balím...?... Toto je moja snúbenica, Patrícia Brown. V piatok sa chystáme zosobášiť. Môj spoluevanjelista a spolupracovník, brat Ronie...?... na koniec. A pán Peetree na tom istom...?...“ -- pozn.prekl.]
37Ďakujem ti pekne. Pravdaže želáme týmto mladým vyslancom do práce pre Pána Ježiša Krista Božie požehnanie, aby sa im šťastne viedlo na ceste. A ako som zvedavý, očakávajúc príchod Pánov a vidieť mladých mužov a mladé ženy s cieľom v srdci, aby slúžili Kristovi, to ma rozochvieva, vidíte, vidieť ich ako takto povstávajú. Pán nech vás bohato žehná, môj brat, sestra.
38Tak, obráťme sa do malej knihy, z ktorej som nikdy pred tým vo svojom živote nehovoril. A to je veľmi... Len jedna kapitola, knihy Filemonovi. A to je...
39Ja som tak trochu Ír a mám drôt na spodku mojich zubov, aby držal zopár z nich vzadu na mieste. Niekedy nevyslovujem tie mená správne, keď viem, čo znamenajú a niekedy ich nedokážem správne vyslovovať kvôli nedostatku vzdelania. Tak, „Filemon,” niekto to vzadu povedal, čo si ja myslím, že je skutočne správna výslovnosť toho.
40 No, prvý verš, chcem z toho zobrať len jedno, dve slová.
Pavol, väzeň Ježiša Krista,...
41A to je to, čo chcem použiť dnes večer ako text, ak Pán bude chcieť, to je: Väzeň.
42No, sotva by ste si mohli predstaviť Pavla, ako považuje samého seba za väzňa. Slobodne narodený človek, naplnený Duchom Svätým, ale jednako nazýva samého seba “väzeň.“
43A teraz zisťujeme, keď on adresuje list Korinťanom, „Pavol, apoštol Ježiša Krista,“ inokedy zas „Pavol, sluha Ježiša Krista, skrze vôľu Božiu,“ keď hovorí ku Timotejovi, zase nejako inak. Tak, keď on píše Filemonovi, on povedal, „Pavol, väzeň Ježiša Krista.“ „Pavol, apoštol,“ rád by som na to kázal jeden večer. „Pavol, sluha,“ kázal by som na to. A potom, „Pavol väzeň.“
44Ale dnes večer, to by zabralo hodiny, ak by som náležite zvážil jednu z tých tém, rád by som vzal dnes večer, „Pavol, väzeň,“ tú tému: Väzeň.
Skloňme teraz na chvíľu naše hlavy.
45Pane Ježišu, každý človek, ktorý je fyzicky schopný, môže prelistovať stránky tejto Biblie, ale len Duch Svätý Ho môže vyložiť v tom svetle, v ktorom to bolo mienené. Prosíme Ho teraz, aby prišiel a pomohol nám porozumieť, čo toto bolo, v akom zmysle to adresoval, tento veľký, mocný prorok Pavol a jednako nazýva samého seba "väzňom." Nech nám toto Duch Svätý zjaví, ako očakávame na neho, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
46No, môžem si predstaviť, keď Pavol písal tento list Filemonovi, ako on sedel v žalári, tam v mestskom žalári, ako väzeň. A on mohol dobre vedieť, skrze jeho pozíciu, čo to slovo znamená. On bol obklopený mrežami. On mohol byť na slobode len vtedy keď mu to niekto dovolil. A on vedel, čo to bolo byť väzňom. A potom znova, verím, že apoštol znamená tak trochu... neadresuje to presne na stav, v ktorom sa práve nachádzal, ako telesný väzeň, ktorý sedí v žalári. Ale ja verím, že on sa zmieňoval ohľadne svojho bytia, jeho ducha, jeho vôle, ako väzeň Ježiša Krista.
47No, my sme sa všetci narodili ako takí, ktorí máme slobodné morálne rozhodovanie, aby sme robili akékoľvek rozhodnutie, ktoré chceme. Boh to robí spravodlivo. Pretože, On musí postaviť každého človeka na tom istom základe, alebo On postavil zlého človeka na... On postavil prvého človeka na zlom základe, keď ho umiestnil na základe slobodného morálneho rozhodovania. Vidíte? My sme dnes večer presne ako Adama a Eva. Tam nie je žiaden rozdiel. Dobré a zlé stojí pred každým jedným z nás. Život a smrť, môžeme spraviť našu voľbu, je to na vás urobiť to. Vidíte?
48To je ten spôsob, ktorým to Adam a Eva urobili a vidíte, a oni urobili zlú voľbu. A teraz, skrze to, umiestnili celú rasu, ľudskú rasu, pod smrť, pod pokutu smrti.
49A potom Boh zostúpil vo forme človeka a vzal tú smrť a zaplatil tú pokutu smrti, ktorú On... Jeho poddaní, ktorí túžili byť slobodné mohli byť slobodné.
50No, ak by nás On vzal, bez toho že by to urobil tým istým spôsobom ako to urobil pri Adamovi a Eve, jednoducho by nás len potiahol cez niečo a povedal by, "Spasím ťa, či chceš byť spasený alebo nie," potom by On postavil Adama a Evu na zlom základe, rozumiete. Ale každý jeden z nás si musí dnes vybrať medzi životom a smrťou. Môžeme to urobiť.
51Ako som to práve vyjadril, ak vaše svetlo potvrdí, váš život potvrdí presne na ktorej strane stojíte. Nestarám sa o to, čo vy hovoríte, že na ktorej strane stojíte. To, čo robíte každý deň, to potvrdzuje čo ste. Počuli ste starých ľudí hovoriť, "Tvoj život je tak hlasný, že až nemôžem počuť tvoje svedectvo." Vidíte? Vaše konanie je tak hlasné.
52Vždy som veril vo vykrikovanie a skákanie. Ale vždy som hovorieval, "Neskáč vyššie než ako žiješ, pretože svet sa na to bude dívať." Vidíte? Vy musíte skákať len tak vysoko, ako žijete, tak, pretože niekto vás pozoruje.
53A teraz, keď ľudia neprichádzajú do cirkvi... Oni, mnohí z nich, jednoducho neprídu. A niektorí z nich, ktorí neprichádzajú, sú úprimní ľudia. Oni vidia toľko porušenia v cirkvi, až oni s tým nechcú mať nič do činenia. A veľa krát... (hovoríme o tom teraz priamo) ich sotva za to môžete viniť, pretože ľudia, ktorí si hovoria kresťania, takto konajú. Oni sú najväčším kameňom pohoršenia, ktorý ten svet má, a to je muž a žena, ktorí vyznávajú, že sú kresťania a žijú niečo iné od toho čo vyznávajú. Presne tak.
54No, tie sklamania prídu tam na súde. No, hriešnik, kriminálnik, hazardný hráč, cudzoložník, on nebude sklamaný, keď bude čítaný jeho rozsudok, "Odíď do večného ohňa." On nebude sklamaný. Ale človek, ktorý sa snaží skryť za nejaký druh cirkevného vyznania, to je ten chlapík, ktorý bude v deň súdu sklamaný. Vidíte? Ten, ktorý vyznáva, že je kresťanom a žije inak. Bolo by pre neho lepšie, aby nikdy neurobil žiadne vyznanie, s ktorým by začal, než aby začal a žil niečo iné. Pretože on je tým najväčším kameňom potknutia, ktorý máme, je to kvôli tomu vyznávačovi, ktorý hovorí že je kresťanom a žije niečo iné.
55Vždy, neposudzujte svoj život cez to, koľko máte moci na vykonávanie zázrakov. A my sa neposudzujeme podľa toho, koľko známosti máme o Slove. Ale vždy sa rozsudzujte, pozrite sa nazad a spravte si inventúru toho, aký druh ovocia nesie váš súčasný život, ktorý teraz žijete. Vidíte?
56Ako som kázal pred nejakým časom na zhromaždení obchodníkov plného evanjelia vo Phoenixe, Arizona, o odzrkadlení Ježiša, odzrkadľovaní kresťanského života. Povedal som, že som sa narodil v Kentucky, kde je to veľmi primitívne, zvlášť keď som bol dieťa. A istý malý chlapec nikdy nemal domov ako my máme tu, kde sme mali toľko pekných dám, ktoré sa musia pozerať do zrkadiel, po celom dome, aby si udržali svoje vlasy na mieste a tak ďalej. Ale on mal jedno malé zrkadlo, len malý kúsok prichytený vonku na strome, kde bola lavička na umývanie, kde sa jeho otec a matka umývali a česali sa tam a tak ďalej, pri tomto malom kúsku starého zrkadla, ktorý bol uchytený na strome.
57Úprimne, to je typ domu, ktorý sme mali. Každý sa chcel pozrieť do zrkadla, my deti sme si museli zobrať nejakú krabicu a postaviť sa na umývaciu lavičku a pozrieť sa do toho kúska zrkadla, ktoré som ja sám zobral zo smetiska. To nebolo dolu v Kentucky. To bolo tu v Indiáne, tu v Utica Pike.
58Tak tento chlapec sa nikdy pred tým takto nevidel. Tak on prišiel do mesta, aby navštívil svoju starú mamu. A v tom... Keď si prezeral izbu, stará mama mala dom, ktorý mal celé zrkadlo na dverách. A tak, ten malý chlapec ako bežal cez izbu, uvidel pred sebou iného malého chlapca. A ten malý chlapec bežal tiež. Tak on si myslel, že by ho mohol zastaviť na pár minút a pozrieť sa čo ten malý chlapec urobí. A keď sa zastavil, ten malý chlapec sa zastavil. Keď obrátil svoju hlavu, ten malý chlapec obrátil svoju hlavu. Poškriabal sa po hlave, ten malý chlapec si poškriabal svoju. Nakoniec, pristúpil bližšie, aby to vyšetril. A on sa otočil. A jeho matka ho pozorovala i jeho stará mama s údivom. Povedal, "No, mama, to som ja."
59Tak ja som povedal. že, "My tiež niečo odrážame." Vidíte? Náš život niečo odráža.
60A teraz, keď by sme žili vo dňoch Noeho, na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili? Na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili v tom veľkom dni, keď žil Noe? Na ktorú stranu by sme sa postavili vo dňoch Mojžiša? Na ktorú stranu vo dňoch Eliáša, proroka, keď celý svet bol zaliaty vo veľkej mase modernizmu, ako moderná Jezábeľ, a zbavila sa všetkých služobníkov Pánových tým, že ich priviedla do svetského spôsobu. A cirkev a kňazi sa jej všetci klaňali. Postavili by ste sa na stranu popularity, alebo by ste sa postavili s Eliášom?
61No, a vo dňoch Pána Ježiša, keď by sme rozmýšľali o tejto nepopulárnej Osobe, podľa sveta nevzdelanej, nemohli nájsť žiadne školy, do ktorých by chodil, a nemal za sebou žiadnu seminárnu skúsenosť. A potom povstáva s menom "nelegitímneho narodenia." A potom vychádza, kážuc evanjelium, ktoré bolo proti všetkému, čomu oni boli učení. A odsúdil kazateľov a ich organizácie a tak ďalej.
62A tie organizácie urobili vyhlásenie, "Ak by dokonca niekto išiel aby počúval toho takzvaného proroka, bude vylúčený zo synagógy," čo bolo smrteľným hriechom. Oni museli byť vylúčení. Ten jediný spôsob, ktorým oni mohli uctievať, bol pod preliatou krvou baránka. Oni museli prísť ku tej obeti. A potom oni boli odvrhnutí, a aká veľká vec to bola.
63A tento muž ignoroval niečo také ako to. A jednako On stál dokonale s Písmom, ale nie tým spôsobom, ktorým Ho poznali oni. Na ktorú stranu by ste sa postavili? Vidíte? No, ne... Váš život, ktorý teraz žijete, odráža presne to, čo by ste urobili vtedy, pretože vy ste stále ovládaní tým istým duchom. Vidíte? Ak sa staviate na ich stranu teraz, vy by ste to urobili vtedy. Pretože ten istý duch, ktorý je vo vás teraz, bol v ľuďoch vtedy. Vidíte?
64Diabol nikdy neberie preč ducha, on len prechádza z jedného človeka do druhého.
65Ani Boh nikdy neberie Svojho Ducha, On ide od jedného ku druhému. Vidíte?
66Tak, ten Duch, ktorý bol na Eliášovi prišiel na Elizea, ten istý na Jána Krstiteľa a tak ďalej.
67Duch Svätý, ktorý bol na Kristovi, prišiel dolu na učeníkov a stále je na ľuďoch. Vidíte? Boh nikdy neberie Svojho Ducha. Tak, tam sme nechaní, aby sme urobili voľbu.
68A ja tu nemôžem vidieť, kde Pavol by niečo ľutoval a kde by ľutoval, že bol väzňom. Ale on adresoval seba... Ja verím, že Pavol, ako on písal tento list perom, že to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý spôsobil, aby to napísal. Aby, možno dokonca na tento večer, aby sme mohli vytiahnuť kontext z nášho textu, aby sme ukázali prečo Pavol toto urobil. Pretože to je v Písme a Písmo je večné. Ja verím, že ako sedel v tomto špinavom starom žalári, že Pavol písal svojmu kolegovi tu, svojmu bratovi, že on bol "väzňom Ježiša Krista." Tak, on to mohol vyjadriť skrze to, že videl, čo bolo okolo neho. Tak, on bol v žalári, ale to nebolo to, o čom on hovoril, tento sluha Kristov, služobník s ním. On hovoril, že bol väzňom Slova Ježiša Krista, pretože Kristus je Slovo.
69A Pavol bol veľkým učencom v jeho dni. On mal veľké ambície. On bol mužom, ktorý bol trénovaný ľuďmi, chlapíkom menom Gamaliel, ktorý bol veľkým učiteľom svojho dňa, to bola jedna z najväčších škôl do ktorej on mohol chodiť. Napríklad, ako my hovoríme, Wheaton, alebo Bob Jones, alebo nejaká veľká fundamentálna škola. On bol vyučovaný ako kazateľ Slova. A on bol dôkladne vyštudovaný a chytrý a inteligentný chlapec s veľkou ambíciou, aby sa možno stal kňazom alebo najvyšším kňazom pre jeho ľud.
70On mal ambíciu. A potom nachádzame, že on bol trénovaný pre túto veľkú ambíciu a vynaložil celý svoj život od veku možno osem, alebo desať rokov do času, keď mal tridsať alebo tridsaťpäť, keď zakončil univerzitu a mal promócie a mal všetky svoje diplomy a všetko a bol za dobré so všetkým tým duchovenstvom, dokonca s najvyšším kňazom v Jeruzaleme. On mal príkazy od neho, osobné príkazy, napísané, a dôveroval tomuto veľkému Saulovi, "Aby išiel do Damašku a našiel tam všetkých tých, ktorí uctievali Boha v protiklade tomu ako to on povedal a aby ich spútal a uvrhol ich do žalára. Ak by to bolo nevyhnutné, mal príkazy, aby ich zabil, ak by chcel." On bol... Mal veľkú ambíciu.
71A teraz, všetko kvôli čomu sa školil, Boh to od neho vzal. Vidíte? A čo bol jeho cieľ, a na čo jeho otec vynaložil svoje peniaze a ambície jeho otca a matky, všetko to bolo od neho vzaté preč, pretože Boh mal niečo iné. Preto, on bol väzňom, preč od svojho cieľu, ktorý mal v živote a stal sa väzňom Ježiša Krista, ktorý bol Slovom.
72Tá cesta do Damašku Pavla zmenila. Ako išiel, okolo asi jedenástej hodiny cez deň, bol zrazený dolu. A počul Hlas, ktorý hovoril, "Saul, prečo Ma prenasleduješ? A on sa pozrel hore. A pozrel sa hore, on bol Žid a vedel, že ten Stĺp Ohňa bol Pán, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, pretože on vedel čo to bolo.
73Pamätajte, tento Hebrej by nikdy nenazval niečo "Pán," veľké P-Á-N, Elohim, iba ak by bol presvedčený, že to je To, čo to bolo, pretože on bol vyškolený učenec. A keď sa pozrel hore a potom videl Toto Svetlo, Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý viedol jeho ľud po púšti. A on povedal, "Pane," Elohim, veľké P-a... "Pane, Kto Si?"
74A aké prekvapenie to muselo byť pre tohoto teológa, keď počul povedať, "Ja Som Ježiš," Ten, proti ktorému on bol. Čo za obrat! Ó! Ó! To muselo byť pre tohoto muža niečo ohromné, že všetky jeho ambície, ktoré mal, odrazu zistil, že on To prenasledoval. Jeho ambície ho zatiahli ďaleko preč od tej hlavnej veci, ktorú on mienil robiť. A aký veľký šok to musel pre tohoto apoštola byť, keď On povedal, "Ja Som Ježiš," ten ktorého si prenasledoval. "Prečo ma prenasleduješ?"
75Ďalší malý citát, do ktorého tu môžeme vojsť. Vidíte, ako si oni robili žarty z cirkvi, oni si v skutočnosti nerobia žarty z cirkvi, oni si robia žarty z Ježiša. "Prečo Ma prenasleduješ?" Ako mohol potom Pavol so všetkým jeho intelektom, veriť, že toto bolo... že táto skupina, ktorá bola prenasledovaná, bol práve ten Boh, o ktorom on tvrdil že mu slúži? Myslím, že to je, bez toho, že by sme išli do detailov, myslím že sme všetci dobre vytrénovaní, aby sme vedeli čo tu mám na mysli. Tá istá vec sa deje dnes.
76Pavol, cez nevedomosť, bol jednako inteligentný a chytrý, oveľa chytrejší než tí nevzdelaní Galileania, ktorých on prenasledoval, ktorí vo svojej pokore už prijali tohoto muža ako Pána. Ale Pavol to vo svojom veľkom učení aྭintelekte nemohol prijať. A aký obrat to pre neho musel byť na tejto ceste. A on bol udretý slepotou, tak on nemohol vykonať svoje poverenie, ale bol vedený do jedného miesta na ulici, ktorá sa nazývala Priama a do jedného domu.
77A potom tam dolu prišiel prorok menom Ananiáš, ktorý videl vo videní ako on prichádzal domov, videl kde sa nachádza, išiel tam dolu kde on bol a vošiel tam. A povedal, "bratu Saule, Pán sa ti zjavil na ceste, poslal ma, aby som položil na teba svoje ruky a aby si prijal svoj zrak a bol naplnený Duchom Svätým."
78Vidíte kde on bol. Čo za vec to musela pre Pavla byť! Vidíte? Všetko to, v čom bol vyškolený aby robil, urobilo pravý opak. Tak teraz, so všetkým vzdelaním, ktoré mal, to sa stalo pre neho ničím.
79No, on vedel, že mal prežitie. Tak, tu je ďalšia dobrá lekcia pre nás, že samotné prežitie nie je dostatočné. To musí byť prežitie podľa Slova Pánovho. No, ako toto videl a vedel, že To bolo Niečo veľké a niekto iný To prijal pred ním, on bol tri roky a šesť mesiacov na púšti v Arábii, vtedy si vzal Bibliu, ako to vtedy bolo, Starú Zmluvu, a išiel tam, aby porovnal toto prežitie, ktoré mal a aby videl, či to bolo podľa Písma.
80No, čo ak by on povedal, "V poriadku, myslím že to bolo len malé zavanutie," a išiel by ďalej? "Budem nasledovať svoj intelekt"?
81No, on sa musel stať uväzneným pre niečo, väzenie. Tak potom ako to porovnal a uvidel, niet divu že on mohol napísať Knihu Židom, v type. Vidíte? Vidíte? Tri a pol roka tam, ležiac v Slove a zisťujúc, že ten Boh, ktorý ho povolal, ho berie nazad a mení celý jeho intelekt, mení všetko, čo si on kedy myslel, všetko to, kvôli čomu sa školil, aby tým bol. Všetky jeho ambície, jednoducho to z neho vytrel, a on sa stal väzňom. Láska Božia bola tak ohromná, a také zjavenie, že on sa od Toho nemohol dostať preč.
82To je to pravé prežitie každého skutočného veriaceho, ktorý stretáva Boha. Vy prichádzate do kontaktu s Niečim čo je tak veľké, že vy... že vy sa stávate väzňom, všetkému ďalšiemu. Vidíte? Vy sa dostávate preč od všetkého, aby ste boli uväznený Jemu.
83To sa raz prejavilo tam, kde Ježiš povedal, "Kráľovstvo Nebeské je podobné mužovi, ktorý kupuje perly. Potom, keď on nachádza tú veľkú perlu, predáva všetko čo má, aby dostal tú jednu."
84A to je ten spôsob ako je to tu. Vy máte intelektuálnu koncepciu, máte teologické prežitie, ale keď to prichádza do času, že keď naozaj nájdete tú skutočnú Vec, vy jednoducho predávate všetko ostatné a zatvárate sa do Toho.
85Pavol vedel čo to bolo. On zistil, že bol zapriahnutý ku Niečomu. Ako my zapriahame koňa, to znamená niečo ťahať. A Pavol vedel po tejto skúsenosti a tri a pol roka porovnávania tých typov s tým prežitím, ktoré mal s Bibliou, on si uvedomil, že Boh ho vyvolil a zapriahol ho Duchom Svätým, skrze tú skúsenosť, ktorú on mal, aby potiahol Evanjelium do prítomnosti pohanov. Duch sám ho zapriahol.
86A dnes sa ako služobníci Boží stávame zapriahnutí, zaháknutí. Nemôžeme ísť. My sme Tým naložení, zapriahnutí do Slova. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, vy ste do toho zapriahnutí. Niečo na Tom je, že vy sa jednoducho nemôžete dostať od Toho preč. Boli ste s tým ujarmení, skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý vás ujarmil do Slova. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, To je Slovo. To je vždy s Tým zapriahnuté, dané do jarma s Tým. Do Slova, skrze Ducha, on bol zapriahnutý.
87On sa učil tam na zadnej strane Arabskej púšte. Keď všetky jeho minulé veci a prežitia a ambície, ktoré mal... on bol z týchto vecí vyzlečený.
88Tak, to je to, kde sa my nachádzame dnes, že musíme byť najprv vyzlečení. A ľudia nechcú byť vyzlečení. Metodistický brat sa chce trochu držať metodistického učenia. Baptistický brat sa chce trochu držať baptistického učenia. Vidíte? Ale vy musíte byť absolútne vyzlečení zo všetkého a byť nanovo znovuzrodení a začať tam, kde Duch Svätý vedie. Nemôžete povedať, "No, teraz, môj tato povedal, keď on vstúpil, išiel do cirkvi, on si potriasol ruky s pastorom. On je dobrým, verným členom." To mohlo byť úplne v poriadku pre jeho rasu, ale my sme iná rasa. Vidíte? Tak, my musíme prísť naspäť do Biblických časov pre tento deň.
89Tí kňazi boli tiež zapriahnutí. Ale, vidíte oni prešli do iného časového úseku, a oni zlyhali vyzliecť si svoj starý záprah a navliecť si nový záprah.
90A tú istú vec nachádzame dnes. Prešli sme cez denominačný vek ako sme to dokázali cez cirkevné veky, Bibliu a tak ďalej, ale teraz prichádzame do slobodného veku, kde sám Duch Svätý zostupuje a potvrdzuje Seba Samého, a dáva sa poznávať, spôsobuje že každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On zasľúbil sa vyplňuje. Ó! Čo za ohromný čas!
91A on vedel to, ďalšia vec, on vedel že nemôže ísť na určité miesta. Pretože bol zapriahnutý do tohoto, on by nemohol. On nešiel, ale chcel ísť. On vedel, že jeho ambícia ho tiahla medzi bratov, kde bol vítaný, a jednako bol tlačený v Duchu urobiť niečo iné. On nepatril sebe samému.
92Možno niekto by povedal, "brat Saul, brat Pavol, chceme, aby si prišiel sem, pretože my máme najväčšiu cirkev. My máme najväčšie zhromaždenie. Tvoje ofery budú veľké a tak ďalej."
93Ale ako bol tlačený v Duchu, on rozmýšľal, "Mám tam brata. Rád by som išiel a zachránil tohoto brata, priviedol ho ku Pánovi." Ale jednako, Duch ho tlačil, aby išiel niekde inde. On bol väzňom. Správne.
94Ó, Bože, urob nás takýmito väzňami od našej vlastnej sebeckej ambície a od našich vlastných úsudkov a nášho lepšieho spôsobu myslenia, aby sme boli väzňami Ježiša Krista. Myslím, že to bolo veľké vyhlásenie, to "Som väzeň Ježiša Krista."
95A pamätajte, On je Slovo. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to, čo si niekto iný myslí, to je Slovo. Vidíte? Ak ste väzeň Slova, žiadna denominácia vás nemôže od toho odtrhnúť. To je Slovo. Vy ste len... Vy ste väzňom Toho, to je všetko. Vy musíte konať tým spôsobom, ktorým Ono koná.
96Tak, on nemohol ísť na určité miesta, na ktoré chcel, pretože (prečo?), Duch mu bránil. Pamätajte, veľakrát sa Pavol snažil ísť na nejaké miesto, rozmýšľajúc, "To je to miesto, kde by som mohol mať veľké zhromaždenie," ale Duch mu zabránil. No, či to jasne nevyjadruje a nedokazuje, že Pavol bol väzeň? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.] Väzeň Ježiša Krista, zapriahnutý do Jeho Slova, skrze Ducha! Ó! Ja to mám rád.
97On bol spútaný. Bol spútaný reťazou a putami lásky činiť vôľu Božiu a jedine ju. On bol väzeň. Bol v putách lásky. On bol v jarme s Kristom. Nemohol sa dať do jarma s nikým iným. On bol ujarmený s Ním. A kde to vedenie išlo, tam on musel ísť. Bez ohľadu na to ako bola pastva zelená, tu na tejto strane alebo na tej strane, on musel ísť tou cestou, ktorou ten Vodca, a to jarmo išli.
98Ó, dnes večer, ak my ako Branhamova modlitebňa, ak by sme sa mohli len stať väzňami; našim vlastným sebeckým bytostiam, našim vlastným ambíciám, aby sme sa mohli úplne vydať a byť ujarmení s Ním, bez ohľadu na to, čo si zvyšok sveta myslí, čo ten svet robí. Sme ujarmení putami lásky. Sme väzňami. "Moja noha je tak ujarmená s Kristom, ona nebude tancovať. Moje oči sú tak ujarmené s Kristom, až ja, keď vidím ten moderný striptíz na ulici, To obracia moju hlavu. Moje srdce je tak ujarmené vྭláske, až viac nemôžem mať lásku pre tento svet. Moja vôľa je tak ujarmená ku Nemu, až dokonca teraz neviem aké sú moje ambície. Jednoducho, ́Kdekoľvek Ty vedieš, ja Ťa budem nasledovať, Pane. Budem väzeň.́" Vidíte?
99Pavol bol presne väzňom. On nespravil žiadne chybné vyhlásenie. On bol trénovaný Svätým Duchom, znova, aby čakal na Slovo. On bol trénovaný jedným smerom, ale Boh ho trénoval iným smerom. On bol trénovaný Duchom Svätým, aby čakal na Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, aké boli jeho ambície.
100Tak, s pomocou Ducha Svätého vám niečo ukážem. Vidíte? No, zoberme nejaký príklad.
101Jedného dňa, Pavol a Sílas, išli dolu ulicou v istom meste, kde mali prebudenecké zhromaždenie. A malé, démonom posadnuté dievča ho stále nasledovalo a kričalo za ním. A bezpochyby, to, čo Pavol vedel, bolo to, že mal autoritu, ako apoštol, aby z tej ženy toho zlého ducha vyhnal. Ale všimli ste si? On čakal deň za dňom, až celkom náhle ku nemu Duch Svätý prehovoril, povedal, "Toto je tá hodina."
102Potom povedal, "Ty duchu, vyjdi z nej." Vidíte? On vedel čakať na Pána.
103A to je to, kde tak veľa ľudí dnes prináša pohanenie na Slovo. Oni vychádzajú s ambíciami. Koľko prebudení kvôli takejto veci stroskotalo, pretože evanjelista nečaká, aby videl, čo má Pán do povedania! Niektorí z nich povedia, "Prídi ku nám," a oni hneď idú, pretože to združenie povedalo, "Choď." A Duch Svätý by povedal niečo iné. Jednako, ambícia toho človeka je stať sa štátnym presbyterom, alebo niečím iným, alebo starším, alebo biskupom, alebo niečím čo by ho potiahlo, "Musíš ísť." A jednako, on vie lepšie. Duch Svätý hovorí, "Poď sem." Vidíte? On je zapriahnutý ku svojej organizácii. On je väzňom tej organizácie.
104Ale ak by bol zapriahnutý s Kristom, on je vedený Duchom Svätým. On...?... Vidíte? On je ujarmený, väzeň. To nerobí žiadny rozdiel čo niekto iný hovorí, to je zvučiaca mosadz a cvendžiaci symbol. On počuje len Boží hlas a on hovorí len keď To vychádza. On nehovorí nič.
105Niekto povie, "Ó, ó, brat Jones!" Brat Roberts, alebo niekto, títo veľký mužovia v našej krajine dnes, ako Tomy Hicks, alebo Oral Roberts, alebo Tomy Osborn, niektorí z tých veľkých evanjelistov. Ak by niekto povedal, "Príď ku nám Tomy. Ty si veľký muž Boží," alebo Oral. A ja mám strýka, ktorý tu leží, celý je zviazaný. A on je chorý. Ja chcem, aby si sem prišiel. Verím, že máš silu ho uzdraviť." Vidíte? A možno Duch Svätý by mu povedal, "Nie teraz."
106Ale jednako pre priateľstvo toho človeka, on je povinný ísť s ním. Ak by on nešiel, stane sa nepriateľom tomu človekovi. Ten človek povie, "No, on išiel ku tomu a tomu, aby uzdravil to dieťa alebo toho chlapca. Viem, že to urobil. A ja som bol jeho priateľom, veľa rokov, vidíte, a ku mne neprišiel."
107Ale ak je on prinútený od Ducha Svätého aby nešiel, je lepšie aby nešiel, ak je ujarmený pre Boha. Jeho priateľ, on ho miluje. Ale pre neho je lepšie, aby bol vedený Duchom Svätým ísť tam, pretože inak to aj tak neurobí nič dobré. Zažil som to veľa krát.
108Ale Pavol len čakal na Ducha, aby mu povedal čo robiť. "Čakal na Ducha," povedal. On sa jednej noci postavil a kázal. A on odtiaľ vyšiel. Uvidel chromého človeka. A celkom zrazu, Duch ku nemu prehovoril a on povedal, "Poznávam." Ako? Tým istým spôsobom, ktorým poznal, že stroskotajú na ostrove. Vidíte? "Poznávam, že máš vieru, aby si bol uzdravený. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil." Vidíte? Tu to máte. On bol... On bol ujarmený. Mohol mať týždenné prebudenecké zhromaždenie a nič by sa nestalo, ale jednako on čakal na Ducha Svätého čo povie. Vidíte? On bol ujarmený ku tomu volaniu.
109No, vy poviete, "brat Branham, ty odsudzuješ to čo si povedal v nedeľu, o tom že si čakal po celý ten čas."
110A ale, pamätajte, to bol Duch Svätý, ktorý hovoril ku mne tam na ceste a povedal, "Posielam ťa späť medzi tých chorých a utrápených." Vidíte? To je poslušnosť Duchu Svätému. Ja som tam nešiel, až kým mi On nepovedal, aby som to urobil. Ja som čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, až som dostal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. No, to je rozdiel. Vidíte? No, To robí rozdiel. Áno.
111On čakal na Slovo Pánovo. On bol tlačený v Duchu, aby robil len to, čo bola Božia výzva, potom sa on stal väzňom Ježiša Krista. Priatelia, ak by sme sa len mohli stať väzňami!
112Viem, že je horúco. Ale rád by som spomenul trochu viac charakterov, ak by ste chceli. Mám ich tu zapísaných asi šesť alebo osem. Ale rád by som spomenul ďalší charakter alebo dva.
113Vezmime charakter Mojžiša. On sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. A on to vedel, že sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ.
114Ale predtým ako budem hovoriť o Mojžišovi, rád by som urobil toto prehlásenie, že Boh vždy musí vziať nejakého muža, ktorý Mu bude verne slúžiť, aby bol Jeho väzňom. Ten muž sa musí vzdať každej ambície, ktorú má, všetkého čím on je, každú vec, svoj život, dušu, telo, vôľu, ambície a všetko ostatné a stať sa úplne väzňom Krista, ktorý je Slovom, aby slúžil Bohu.
115Možno musíte chodiť odlišne od vášho lepšieho posúdenia. Možno, v určitej organizácii si možno myslíte, že oni vás povýšia a dajú vám niečo veľké, že možno zažiarite. Ale kde zistíte, že sa nachádzate? Po chvíli nachádzate samých seba porazených, až kým Boh môže dostať človeka, ktorý sa chce stať pre Neho väzňom.
116Boh hľadá väzňov. On to vždy robil. Môžete si to vyhľadať cez Písmo. Človek musí byť Kristovým väzňom, napriek všetkému. Preto nemôžete byť spojení s ničím iným okrem Krista, ani s vaším otcom, vašou matkou, vaším bratom, vašou sestrou, s vaším manželom, vašou ženou, s nikým. Vy ste spojení len s Kristom a len s Ním, potom vás Boh môže použiť. Až dovtedy, vy nemôžete.
117Keď idem von, niekedy hovorím ku ľuďom drsným spôsobom. Vidíte? Snažím sa vás dostať do toho, aby ste sa odsekli aྭuvoľnili od tých vecí. Musíte mať miesto, z ktorého začnete, ako niekedy kričím na tie ženy, ktoré si strihajú svoje vlasy a obliekajú sa do tých šiat, a držia si svoje vyznanie kresťanstva. Poviete, "To je malá vec." V poriadku, musíte niekde začať. Tak začnite rovno tam, pri vašom ABC. Vidíte? Odseknite tie svetské pohľady, akokoľvek, a staňte sa väzňom Krista. A potom len pokračujte, odseknite všetko, až je na koniec odseknutá posledná linka. Potom ste... Potom ste väzňom. Vy sa ním stávate v jeho zovretí. On, On vás má vo svojom zovretí.
118Tak, Mojžiš vedel, že on sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. On to vedel. A všimli ste si, s tými ambíciami, ktoré Mojžiš mal, poznajúc svoju matku, ktorá mu to povedala, keď bola jeho dojkou.
119Niet divu, keď sa to malé dieťa Mojžiš narodilo, že jeho matka povedala, "Ty vieš Mojžiš, keď... Tvoj otec Amram a ja sme sa stále modlili. Vedeli a videli sme to v Slove, že to bol čas pre príchod vysloboditeľa. A my sme sa modlili, ́Pane Bože, my chceme vidieť toho vysloboditeľa.́ Jednej noci nám Pán povedal, vo videní, že sa narodíš a že ty budeš tým vysloboditeľom. My sme sa neobávali kráľovho príkazu. Nestarali sme sa oྭto, čo kráľ povedal. Potom sme vedeli, že ty si sa narodil ako vysloboditeľ. No, Mojžiš, my sme vedeli, že by sme ťa nemohli správne vychovať."
120Pamätajte, oni boli tam dolu v Egypte štyristo rokov. Vidíte?
122A v tých dňoch, pravdaže, oni nemali tieto fľaše, aby na nich vychovali tie deti, tak ona musela mať dojku. Tak...
124Mojžišove ambície začali rásť. "Mama, ja budem študovať. Budem študovať všetko, čo môžem. Vieš čo spravím? Budem študovať ako vojak, a budem vedieť ako tých ľudí odtiaľto dostať. Budem veľký generál, biskup, tak budem vedieť ako sa to robí. A vezmem ich preč. Získam svoj Ph.D alebo LL.D. Dokážem to."
125Ako "Otec Chiniquy," ak ste kedy čítali jeho knihy. V poriadku. On, "vyslobodí všetkých protestantov," viete a on sa stal jedným z nich, on sám. Tak, tento veľký kňaz, pred rokmi, "Otec Chiniquy," mali by ste si zohnať jeho knihu a prečítať si ju. Oni ho volali, "otče." On je brat Chiniquy, to je to, čo on bol. My nevoláme žiadneho človeka "otče," takto. Tak my nachádzame, že my... On čítal Bibliu, tak on sa tam mohol dostať a vyvrátiť protestantské náboženstvo a prerobiť to celé na katolícke. A keď išiel, aby čítal Bibliu, prišiel na neho Duch Svätý a on dostal Ducha Svätého a potom sa stal jedným z nich.
126Tak, potom si všimnite toto, že Mojžiš mal všetko to školenie. Pretože, on vedel. On bol tak chytrý, tak vzdelaný, tak intelektuálny! Až tam nebol nikto... On mohol dokonca učiť tých Egypťanov. Až on mohol učiť tých psychológov. On mohol učiť tých generálov tomu, čo je vojenská moc. On bol veľkým mužom. A ľudia sa báli Mojžiša, kvôli tomu, že bol veľkým mužom. Ó, taká vzdelanosť! Ó! On bol arcibiskup, alebo možno ako pápež. On bol veľký človek. A on bol mocný muž. A on vedel, že sa narodil, aby toto urobil, a trénoval s veľkou ambíciou aby to urobil.
127Práve ako dnes. Ja nehovorím, že ľudia, ktorí sa školia v týchto školách, Ja nehovorím že... Ako sú oni teraz tu na západe, oni idú vybudovať teologickú školu za stopäťdesiat miliónov dolárov, vidíte, Letniční, školu za stopäťdesiat miliónov dolárov. Myslím, že oni by mali byť misionármi na poli. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale čokoľvek, čo oni urobia keď odtiaľ vyjdú? Čím oni sú? Bandov Rikiov. Presne tak. A potom to je tak ako oni odtiaľ vychádzajú. Vždy je to tak, ten zvyšok z nich, a to je tá istá línia. Vidíte?
128Tak nachádzame Mojžiša vo všetkom jeho školení. A dnes, so všetkým tým školením, činiacim veľkých biskupov a tak ďalej, veľkých, veľké ambície, čo my robíme? Naše ambície sa stávajú presne takými, aké boli Mojžišove. Vidíte?
129Predtým ako Boh mohol dostať toho človeka do svojej ruky, On ho musel vyzliecť z jeho ambícii. Musel ho vyzliecť zo všetkého jeho vyškolenia.
130On vyšiel a vyslobodil, zabil jedného Egypťana. A on, keď to urobil, zistil že to bolo zlé. On to nedokázal urobiť. To nebolo tým spôsobom. A Boh ho musel vziať do pustatiny, do púšte, na pusté miesto.
131Všimnite si, trochu čudné ako títo ľudia, pre ktorých má Boh posolstvo. On ich berie na púšť.
132On vzal Pavla na púšť, aby ho trénoval, aby mu povedal čím všetkým boli tieto veľké videnia, do púšte. "Choď na určitú púšť." A on tam zostal až kým mu Boh cele neoznámil čo má robiť.
133A v čase Mojžiša, On ho vzal na púšť. Držal ho tam štyridsať rokov a vyzliekol ho zo všetkej jeho teológie a zo všetkých jeho ambícii. Ó, čo za čas, že on sa mohol pozrieť nazad a vidieť svoj úpadok. A ako by sme my, dnes večer, mali urobiť tú istú vec, keď my vidíme naše ambície.
134Pozrite sa na uzdravovaciu kampaň, a pozrite, či Pán urobil niečo pred pár rokmi, aby začal obnovenie uzdravenia pre nemocných a tak ďalej.
135Každý, každá organizácia, pretože to neprišlo do ich organizácie, oni museli mať uzdravovateľa. A čo sme my urobili? Pozrime sa na to na chvíľu. My sme urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobil Mojžiš. Išli sme a snažili sme sa tak ťažko vyrobiť nejaký druh zázraku. "Zavoňal som nejakú chorobu. Ja mám krv na svojej ruke," a vyrobiť nejaký zázrak. Vidíte? A čo máme? Niektorí z tých mužov v takých ťažkých tlakoch, že sa to prelomilo a stali sa ozajstnými pijanmi, neurotikmi a prišli o rozum. A oni to zvrátili všetko nazad, ten poriadok od letničného cieľu, znovu naspäť do robenia organizácii a tých vecí. Vidíte?
136Čo sme urobili? Zabili sme jedného Egypťana. Je to tak. A skúsili sme to. Vyvinuli sme úsilie. Zaplatili sme. Namáhali sme sa, išli sme na celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenie až sme nemali hlas. A snažili sme sa niečo vyrobiť a niečo vydupať a všetky takéto veci a zistili sme, že to je totálne zlyhanie. Potrebujeme ísť naspäť na púšť. Správne. Tak veru. Stanové zhromaždenia a úsilia. Prečo sa len nevzdať? To je to, čo by sme mali urobiť, vidíte, ísť naspäť a vzdať sa. No, my sme urobili tie isté veci, ktoré oni urobili, tie isté veci, ktoré urobil Mojžiš. To nespravilo nič dobré. Po štyridsiatich rokoch, on našiel samého seba, že je väzňom Božieho Slova. Čo sa my snažíme urobiť?
137Keď tie veľké požehnania vychádzajú a manifestácia všetkých týchto veľkých vecí, o ktorých nám Boh povedal: ako to, že musíme byť znovuzrodení; ako prijať Ducha Svätého; vo meno Ježiša Krista;a všetky tieto veci tu.
138Vidíte, ľudia namiesto toho, aby zostali so Slovom, zapriahnutý do Neho, čo oni robia? Oni začali s ich vlastnou denominačnou teóriou, ktorá už zlyhala a snažia sa vyrobiť niečo, čo vyzerá ako Pravda.
139Radšej to useknem rovno tam. Vidíte? Som si istý, že ste dosť múdri na to, aby ste vedeli, čo tým myslím. Vidíte? Ale pozrite, čo to spravilo. Rozmýšľajte o tom.
140Čo máme dnes večer, len národ plný organizovaných ľudí, ktorí zapierajú Písmo; ktorí nazvali život Ducha Svätého, že "To bola mentálna telepatia," ktorí odmietli niečo také, aby to prišlo do ich cirkvi. A oni by vám nedovolili povedať jedno Slovo o semene hada, večnom bezpečí a veciach, ktoré Duch Svätý zjavil a potvrdil, že to je Slovo. Spravil som výzvu za výzvou, aby prišli a dokázali mi, že sa mýlim.
141Čo oni majú? Tú istú vec, ktorú mal Luther, a tí ostatní, vidíte, zabili Egypťana. Čo musí... Čo to bolo? Možno on spravil, že nejaký človek začal... prestal kradnúť, alebo možno žije verne voči svojej manželke. Ale čo ste z neho urobili? Člena cirkvi. "Príď a pripoj sa ku našej skupine." Vidíte?
142Ten páchnuci mŕtvy muž, bol tou jedinou vecou, na ktorú on ukázal svojim prstom, ohľadne jeho úspechu, za štyridsať rokov školenia; páchnuci Egypťan, ktorý tam ležal, zhnitý a mŕtvy.
143To je asi tak ako dnes večer. Tá jediná vec, na ktorú my môžeme poukázať, že toto prebudenie, ktoré prešlo, takzvané, je páchnuca banda cirkevných členov, ktorí nevedia o Bohu viac, než vie Hotentót o Egyptskom rytierovi. Je to tak. No, povedali by ste im o Slove Božom, oni povedia, "Ja Tomu neverím." Povedia, "Ja sa nestarám čo oni hovoria. Ja Tomu neverím." Vidíte? Vidíte? To je hrozná vec, že musíte poukázať naspäť, na všetky tie úsilia a zápasy a všetko čo my máme.
144Možno by sme mohli poukázať na veľkú školu, ale to je mŕtve. Mohli by sme poukázať na nejakú organizáciu, ale to je mŕtve. To smrdí. To je len ako tá prvá vec, z ktorej sme vytiahnutí. "Ako prasa, ktoré ide naspäť ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate a pes ku svojmu vývratku," keď sa vraciame späť. Jeden mŕtvy Egypťan.
145Bezpochyby, ale niekto povedal, "Mojžiš, v poriadku, ty nemáš už viac cítenie pre ľudí? Ty si bol povolaný pre toto." Niekto, kto poznal Mojžiša, vedel, že on bol na to povolaný . "A ne... Ty si stratil cítenie pre ľudí?" "Nie veru."
147Mojžiš tam bol, aby zostal vyzlečený, až kým mal prežitie pri horiacom kríku, aby predložil Slovo. "Ja som Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Jákobov. A rozpamätal som sa na svoje zasľúbenia. A zostúpil som, aby som ich vyslobodil. Posielam ťa, aby si to urobil." To bolo to.
148On videl Slovo, nie ambíciu ľudí alebo túžby ľudí. Potom, čím sa on stal? On sa už viac nechcel postaviť Egypťanom tvárou v tvár. On sa už nechcel postaviť tvárou tvár tejto veci. Ale on sa stal väzňom. Amen. Štyridsať rokov behania, prestrojovania, ale potom on sa stal väzňom pri horiacom kríku, mocný Mojžiš so všetkým jeho intelektom. Biblia hovorí, že Mojžiš bol mocný muž v slove i skutku, dolu v Egypte.
149Ale pozorujte, čo ten mocný teológ urobil v prítomnosti horiaceho kríku. On len vyznal svoju neschopnosť. Keď uvidel ten skutočný zámer Boží, on vyznal, že je neschopný to spraviť. Jednako on bol trénovaný vo všetkej teológii, ktorú mu oni mohli dať, vyškolený v tej najlepšej škole. Ale jednako, by urobil, keď on... ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý visel tam v púšti? Povedal, "Ja s Ním dokonca ani nemôžem hovoriť. Pane, kto som ja, že by som mal ísť?" Vidíte?
151Nemohol dokonca ani hovoriť. Nakoniec, vyvolený väzeň, vyvolený prorok, práve tak, ako bol vyvolený Pavol. Mojžiš bol vyvolený, vysloboditeľ. A potom, nakoniec, Boh mal svoj vyvolený predmet ako väzňa pre Seba. Ó, haleluja! On sa mohol hýbať iba tak, ako ho hýbalo Slovo Božie. "Kto, poviem, že ma poslal?"
153On ide proti svojmu lepšiemu uvažovaniu. Tak, on bol trénovaný, aby rozkazoval armáde. "Vytasiť meče! Čelom vzad!" Trénovaný, aby išiel, "Vozy, zoradiť!" Kópie napred! Útok!" To je to, ako to on prevezme. To bol jeho tréning. Ale on povedal, "Čo mám použiť?"
Povedal, "Čo máš vo svojej ruke?"
155On bol väzeň. "Ja sa pohnem len keď ma Slovo pohne. Ja budem hovoriť len keď Slovo hovorí."
157Tu to máte. Vy máte len jednu vec do vykonania, ten prvý krok, dnes večer: vzdať sa, stať sa väzňom. Nerozmýšľajte o sebe alebo niečom inom. Staňte sa väzňom.
158Mojžiš sa stal väzňom, vyznal, že nemôže dokonca ani hovoriť. Nakoniec, keď ho Boh dostal do svojej ruky, to, kde sa on mohol pohnúť, bolo len tam, kde ho Boh pohol. No, On mu povedal Slovo. On vedel, že to bolo Slovo, potom sa on poddal tomu Slovu. A Duch Svätý tam, Boh zapriahol Mojžiša do vôli Božej.
159To je tá istá vec, ktorú On urobil Pavlovi. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] zapriahol Pavla, trochu krivý nos, sarkastický žid, ó, s Ph.D. a LL.D. napísaným nad ním. Ale on povedal, "Ja mu ukážem čo on musí vytrpieť pre Slovo." Vidíte? A on...
160A potom ako tam Pavol sedel a videl Slovo a videl, že to bol Ježiš, potom zodvihol svoje ruky a bol Mu zapriahnutý. Láska Božia ho zapriahla do Slova. "On zanesie Moje Meno pred pohanov." Tam on išiel.
162 Zapriahnutý, on sám a išiel dolu. Nakoniec, Boh mal muža, ktorý bol poddaný Jemu, zapriahnutý ku Nemu, a nemohol sa pohnúť až kým ho Slovo Božie nepohlo. Ak by to len ľudia urobili dnes! Potom on bol Jeho väzňom, väzňom lásky, ujarmený v putách lásky, s Bohom, ako Pavol bol ujarmený v putách lásky ku Bohu.
163Tak ako Pavol, obaja boli trénovaní tým istým spôsobom. Mojžiš trénoval, viete, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove skrze vojenskú moc. Pavol trénoval, aby ich vyslobodil z rúk Rimanov a dal im slobodu, skrze jeho veľkú cirkevnú silu vo svete toho dňa. Veľké školy kde ich trénovali, kde vyrástol pod Gamalielom.
164A obaja išli na púšť, vrátili sa ako iní mužovia. Obaja videli Stĺp Ohňa. A obaja boli proroci. Je to tak? [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen" -- pozn.prekl.] Obaja proroci. A ku obom bolo hovorené cez Ohnivý Stĺp, presne tak, ktorý prichádzal pre vysloboditeľa. Tam oni boli, išli na púšť. Zanechali svoje domy a išli na púšť, aby to našli. Zanechali svojich ľudí a všetko, aby našli vôľu Božiu. Vidíte?
165Oni boli trénovaní na jeden smer; Boh ich zmenil na iný. A oni sa museli stať kompletne väzňami, aby nekonali tým spôsobom, ktorým chceli konať, ale konať tým spôsobom, ktorým Boh chcel aby konali. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
166Máme ďalších desať minút, aby sme prešli týmto? [brat Neville hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.]
167Dostanem sa skutočne rýchlo k ďalšiemu charakteru. Vidím teraz jedného predo mnou. Jeho meno je Jozef. On bol vyvolený syn. On bol dokonalým typom Ježiša Krista. Narodil sa ako prorok. On bol tiež prorok. Vidíte? A teraz, on mohol vídať videnia. A keď bol ešte malým chlapcom, videl videnie o sebe samom ako sedí na tróne a jeho bratia sa mu klaňajú. Vidíte? Ale dávajte pozor. On sa stal... On sa cítil, ako by bol veľký človek. Vidíte? Každý z nich...
168Ale čo musel Boh urobiť? On urobil tú istú vec, ktorú urobil tým ostatným. Pretože, Mojžiš bol vysloboditeľ, Pavol bol vysloboditeľ a teraz Jozef bol vysloboditeľ. On zachránil svoj ľud od hladu.
169Čo mu Boh musel urobiť? Dať ho do väzenia, dať ho rovno do väzenia. Tak veru. Pamätajte, on bol predaný svojimi bratmi nejakému Egypťanovi. A oni ho predali Putifarovi. A Putifar mu dal trochu slobody a prvá vec, viete, bolo to od neho vzaté. A tam on sedí vo väzení, plače, plače. Boh to musel vyzliecť.
170No všimnite si. Ale po celý čas, verím že on v tom väzení, on sa mohol rozpamätať, že to videnie povedalo, že on sa posadil na trón a jeho bratia sa mu klaňali, pretože on vedel, že jeho dar prišiel od Boha. A on vedel, že to sa muselo vyplniť.
171Ak by sme to len mohli držať vo svojich mysliach a podľa Slova Božieho, že v týchto posledných dňoch, On bude mať cirkev. A tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil, On ich vykoná. On povedal, že to urobí a my žijeme v tom čase. Sme tam. On sa len snaží dostať nás do toho, aby sme teraz boli skutočnými väzňami, zatvorenými s Ním.
172Počuli ste tú starú pieseň, ktorú spievate, "A vtedy som zatvorený s Bohom"? Ja chcem byť zatvorený s Bohom. No, to je to kde som o tom rozmýšľal. Byť zatvorený s Bohom, s ničím iným a vy sa hýbete len vtedy, keď vás hýbe Boh. Robíte len tak, ako Boh hovorí, aby ste robili, vidíte, potom ste zatvorení s Bohom.
173No, pamätajte, on premýšľal. On sa stal totálnym zlyhaním pre seba samého. Všetko čo on vedel, všetko čomu rozumel a všetko, stal sa totálnym zlyhaním. To nefungovalo. Bol postavený do situácie, kde by ho nikto nepočúval. Bol väzňom. Vidíte? On bol postavený do situácie, že tí neveriaci by tam neverili. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? [zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.] Jeho služba bola bez efektu. Ľudia odvrátili svoje hlavy. Oni by mu vo väzení nevenovali žiadnu pozornosť. Čo dobré by jeho služba urobila? Mohol sa postaviť ku väzenským mrežiam a kázať im; ako oni prechádzali dolu ulicou. Vidíte? Ale on sa stal väzňom. A Boh ho držal ako väzňa až to koleso presne zapadlo. Povedal, "On je môj človek." Sláva! Totálne zlyhanie!
174Nakoniec, Boh prišiel ku nemu do väzenia. Ako Pavol, ako všetci tí ostatní, On prišiel ku nim. A On použil ten dar, ktorý mu On dal, aby ho odtiaľ dostal von. Je to tak. On ho vyviedol z jeho väzenia. Čo urobil? Hneď ako ho vyviedol z jeho väzenia, bola mu daná moc od kráľa, jeho kráľa, aby sedel po jeho boku, po boku toho kráľa, pod ktorým on bol. Bol vyvedený z domu väzenia a bola mu daná moc, až kým všetko, čo on povedal, sa jednoducho muselo stať. Amen.
175V jeho väzení, on stále pamätal na to, že sa narodil za určitým cieľom. On mal sedieť po boku kráľa. Všetci tí ostatní sa mu mali pokloniť. Jeho videnie mu to tak povedalo. Amen. Ale pred tým ako sa jeho videnie mohlo úplne vyplniť, on sa stal väzňom. Amen. A potom on sa stal vládcom. A keď prišiel z domu jeho väzenia a stal sa väzňom Božieho Slova, že on mohol hovoriť len to, čo Boh položil do jeho úst, aby povedal, potom sa Boh cez neho hýbal.
176Všimnite si, že Mojžiš mal moc zviazať faraónove kniežatá, ak by on chcel. "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu, ́Pohni sa.́" On mal moc spútať faraónove kniežatá. Či oni boli diakoni alebo presbyteri, alebo oni boli štátnymi zástupcami alebo čokoľvek oni boli. On povedal, "Ja vás zväzujem," a oni boli zviazaní. To bolo to. On to mohol urobiť svojim vlastným slovom, podľa toho, ako sa mu to ľúbilo. Amen. Sláva Bohu! Ó, mám len trochu viac než tri minúty. Dodržím svoje slovo.
177No, zisťujeme, že on sa stal väzňom Boha, z väzňa toho sveta. Pavol tak isto. A Mojžiš, tak isto, z väzňa svojho vlastného myslenia, na väzňa pre Boha. A keď on vyšiel, mal moc Božiu. A keď sa stal Pavlom... Keď to staré Mojžišovo myslenie, on sa toho vzdal a vyzliekol sa z toho, on sa stal väzňom Krista, ktorý je Slovom. Pohnúť sa mohol len tam kde...
179Pamätajte, oni všetci traja boli proroci. Vidíte? A oni museli byť vyzlečení z ich vlastného myslenia, v tom poriadku aby sa stali väzňami vôli Božej a cestám Božím.
180Potom, my si pamätáme, že on mal moc zviazať, jeho vlastným slovom. On mal moc prepustiť svojim vlastným slovom. On mohol povedať, „Prepúšťam ťa v mene môjho kráľa." Amen. Faraón učinil Jozefa svojím synom.
181Kristus činí Svojich väzňov lásky, Svojimi synmi. A on im dáva moc, tú istú, ktorú mal On. Svätý Ján 14:12, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, vidíte, skutky ktoré Ja činím bude on tiež činiť. Dokonca viac než tieto bude činiť." No, väzeň lásky Kristovej sa stáva splnomocnencom svojho Kráľa, ktorým je Kristus. Amen. "Amen, Amen vám hovorím, ak poviete tomuto vrchu, ́Pohni sa,́ a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že to čo ste povedali sa stane, budete mať to čo ste povedali. Ak zostanete vo mne a Moje Slová vo vás, ak ste ujarmení so Mnou," pretože On a Jeho Slovo je to isté. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha. To Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! Ak vy zostanete vo Mne," nie tu a tam. "Zostaňte vo mne, a Moje Slovo vo vás; proste o čo chcete, alebo povedzte čo chcete, to sa vám stane." On mal moc.
182Všimnite si, predtým ako odtiaľ vyšiel, musel byť vzatý a oholený. Muselo byť z neho oholených zopár vecí predtým ako mohol stretnúť svojho kráľa. Vidíte?
183Ó, Boh niekedy berie takto svojich ľudí a oholí zopár ich vlastných vôlí, aby im ukázal, že oni nemôžu robiť to, čo by oni chceli robiť. Viete, čo mám na mysli. Oni nie sú v tej slobode, aby robili to, čo chcú. Predtým, ako oni mohli prísť do plnej moci a byť otrokmi lásky Kristovej, oni museli byť oholení a potom predstavení. Niekedy ich On berie na púšť, aby to urobil, aby ich oholil. A potom ich vyvádza, ako pomazaných, aby vyplnili ten účel, ktorý im On určil, aby tým boli. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli?
Bratia, sme v čase konca.
184Pamätajte, vo všetkých iných časoch, čo On robil. On vždy musel vziať muža a urobiť ho väzňom pre Seba, aby on zabudol na svoje vlastné veci. On musel zabudnúť na to, čo vedel, zabudnúť na všetky svoje školenia, všetko, v tom poriadku, aby poznal vôľu Božiu a aby nasledoval Boha.
185On nemôže nasledovať nič, čo má človek do činenia a čo má Boh do činenia v tom istom čase. Je to až príliš jedno proti druhému. Nemôžete ísť na východ a na západ v tom istom čase. Nemôžete ísť vpravo a vľavo v tom istom čase. Nemôžete nasledovať človeka a Boha v tom istom čase. Nie veru. Vy buď nasledujete Boha alebo nasledujete človeka.
186 No, potom, ak nasledujete Boha a poddali ste sa Bohu, potom sa stávate väzňom tomu Bohu, tomu Slovu, tej vôli. Bez ohľadu na to, čo niekto iný hovorí, vy ste sa Tomu stali väzňom.
187Počúvajte. Sme v čase konca. A chcem toto povedať s úctou a rešpektom, ako prechádza tých zopár posledných minút. Pozrite sa. Čo Boh, podľa môjho názoru urobí a musí urobiť a čo chce urobiť v tomto poslednom dni, je nájsť nástroj na žatvu. On musí nájsť nástroj, aby vymlátil to zrno. Každý farmár, keď ide na svoju žatvu, on musí mať nástroj, s ktorým by to urobil, pravdaže on musí mať ostrý kosák alebo niečo, nejaký nástroj, aby vymlátil to zrno. A žatva je zrelá.
188Bože vezmi nás do svojej ruky. Urob nás otrokmi Tvojej lásky. Použi nás ako nástroj, skrze ktorý by si táto hriešna, prekliata zem, na ktorej my dnes žijeme uvedomila, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.
189Pre mňa, Bože, dovoľ mi byť väzňom. Ak ma všetci moji bratia zavrhnú, ak ma všetci moji priatelia zavrhnú, ja chcem byť väzňom Ježiša Krista a Jeho Slova, aby som mohol byť zapriahnutý do jeho Slova, skrze Ducha Svätého, aby som videl Ducha Svätého potvrdzovať Slovo Božie skrze tie isté veci, ktoré On povedal že budú vykonané. Chcem byť väzňom Ježiša Krista. Modlime sa.
190Som zvedavý dnes večer, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, či tie ambície, ktoré máme, byť niečim iným, alebo možno niečo o čom rozmýšľame, a je to nejaká sebecká vec, som zvedavý, či by sme to nemohli tak nejako odložiť bokom.
191Som zvedavý, či je tu nejaký mladý chlapec, dnes večer, ktorý by sa obzrel a povedal, "Ja budem, keď budem veľký, budem taký a taký." Som zvedavý či ste mohli cítiť vôľu Božiu ako sa hýbe vo vašom živote, a povedať, "Nie, nie. Aha. Ja-ja... Moje ambície sa teraz stratili. Za tých posledných pár dní, Duch Svätý hovoril ku mne. Chcem sa vydať Bohu, aby som bol nástrojom na mlátenie v tomto poslednom dni."
192Nejaké mladé dievča, ktoré možno má ambície mať charakter nejakej milej dámy, alebo možno aby bola peknou malou slečnou, alebo možno jedného dňa aby spravila kariéru v Hollywoode, som zvedavý či by si teraz nechcela vydať svoje ambície v prítomnosti Boha a Jeho Slova, počujúc volanie Božie v tvojom vlastnom živote. Boh vie, kto si.
193Som zvedavý či tu nie je blízko nejaký kazateľ, alebo služobník, pracovník niekde v cirkvi. Vchádzam sem, raz za čas. Nepoznám ani jednu tretinu ľudí, zྭtých, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia, ale ja... táto malá hŕstka, ktorá je tu. Som zvedavý, či je tu taká osoba, ktorá by chcela povedať, "Nestarám sa oྭto, čo niekto iný hovorí. Ja som teraz Boží otrok. Budem kázať Jeho Slovo, navzdory všetkému. Nestarám sa, či ma moja organizácia vyhodí, ja stále zostanem so Slovom. Urobím to. Moja vôľa je Božia vôľa. Božia vôľa je moja vôľa. Ja budem väzeň Ježiša Krista. Skrze Jeho milosť a pomoc to urobím."
194Rozmýšľajte o tom, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy. Koľkí majú tú ambíciu dnes večer? Zodvihli by ste svoju ruku. To je tiež moja. Všetko vydávam. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, teraz pomaly ako nad tým teraz rozmýšľate, ako sa modlíte.
Vydávam všetko,
Vydávam všetko,
Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam všetko.
195Skutočne to tak mienite? " Chcem byť väzňom. Ja... Vezmi ma, Pane. Vezmi ma do Hrnčiarovho domu dnes večer. Zlom ma a znovu ma tam uformuj.
Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam všetko.
196Nebeský Otče, ako je tá pieseň ďalej hraná, rozmýšľam, že to by bola teraz tá najužitočnejšia vec, aby som prerušil tú pieseň a hovoril chvíľu ku Tebe. Ako tí ľudia rozmýšľajú, "Vydávam Ti všetko," Otče, nech to my robíme tak, ako by toto bola naša posledná príležitosť aby sme to urobili. Nech prídeme s úprimnosťou, prídeme ku stolu Pánovmu, ako to bolo, s umytými rúchami, umytými dušami, umytou vôľou, s umytými ambíciami, aby sme sa Ti vydali.
197A nech Boh vezme Svoje Slovo, a ujarmí nás spolu s Ním, Božie Slovo. A nech nás Duch Svätý teraz vezme, ako počujeme to jarmo cvakať okolo našich sŕdc, "Od dnešného večera a ďalej, Ja ťa beriem za tvoje slovo. No nemysli svojim vlastným myslením. Mysli Moje myšlienky. Mysli podľa Mojej vôle. Ja ťa povediem." Bože, udeľ to, aby to bolo prežitie každého jedného z nás.
198Títo mladí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia; manželia; niektorí prichádzajú, aby boli manželmi. Sú tu starší muži, sedia tu, sú to kazatelia, ktorí boli na ceste. A Pane, je tu brat Neville, ja... idem hore po tom rebríku. Naše dni sú teraz zrátané. Naše kroky robíme opatrnejšie, ako sme ich robili. Dávame pozor, kde stúpame. Nekráčame ako takí, ktorí kráčajú na isto, telesne hovoriac, ako sme raz boli. Ale Pane, ako vidíme, že ten smrteľný život vädne, a žiaden z našich krokov nie je istý bez toho, že by si nás Ty mal vo Svojich rukách.
199Teraz Bože, vezmi nás, urobíš to? Vezmi naše srdcia a našu vôľu do Tvojej vlastnej ruky, a daj nám stať sa väzňami Slova dnes večer, väzňami Krista. Nech tu žijeme zbožný život. Nech tieto ženy, tieto mladé ženy, títo mladí mužovia, chlapci a dievčatá, vydajú svoje životy, Pane. A nech ich ambície sa stanú ambíciou slúžiť Ježišovi Kristovi. A dovoľ nám stať sa väzňom Jeho Božskej milosti a vôli. Udeľ to Pane.
200To je všetko, čo ja viem urobiť Pane. Tieto malé polámané slová, a ja dôverujem, že Ty ich dáš správne dokopy. Pretože tu je horúco a ľudia chcú počúvať, ale je skutočne teplo. A mnohí musia ísť domov a ísť skoro do práce. Ale nech tie semená sú položené do ich srdca, "väzeň."
201Choďte domov a povedzte manželke, ako oni... pred tým, ako by sa išli modliť, dnes popoludní, alebo dnes večer, pri posteli, pozrite sa jeden na druhého, povedzte, "A čo to, dnes večer? Stali sme sa skutočne väzňami Krista a Jeho vôle, alebo postupujeme podľa našej vlastnej vôle?“
202Nech tí mladí mužovia a mladé ženy, všade, predovšetkým tí, ktorí počuli to posolstvo dnes večer, nech by si sami sebe položili otázku, "Chcem sa stať väzňom, zanechajúc svoj vlastný život?"
204Jediná vec, ktorú ja viem urobiť, je poručiť to teraz do Tvojej ruky. A nech sa to stane plodným a prinesie to veľké nástroje pre žatvu posledného dňa, mužov a ženy, chlapcov a dievčatá, vydaných do úplnej vôli Božej, a ktorí sa stanú väzňami Ježiša Krista, Jeho lásky, spútaní putami Božskej lásky ku Kristovi. Prosíme to v Jeho mene.
Všetko Ti vydávam,
Všetko Ti vydávam,
Všetko Tebe, môj...?...
205Povedzme to len znovu, s našimi zatvorenými očami a zodvihnutými rukami.
Vydávam Ti všetko,
Vydávam Ti všetko,
Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,
Vydávam Ti všetko.
206Teraz, ak skloníme naše hlavy a predtým ako zaspievame pieseň na rozpustenie, Vezmi so sebou Meno Ježiš. Spýtam sa tohoto brata tu... Zabudol som jeho meno. Tá sestra, ktorá svedčila o tom videní, ako prichádzala temnota, ktorá bola uzdravená. A pamätajte, ako som sa díval späť, ten závoj bol preč. Jej viera to spravila. Rozpustíš nás v modlitbe, urobíš to brat? A popros o Božie požehnania pre nás.
1 Here again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and to hear of the great and mighty works that You have done, before. And now we stand with anticipation, raises our faith and anoints us, to believe that what has been asked for tonight will be granted. Thou knowest each and every one of them, all that they have requested. And we pray for them, especially, Lord, those who are so near death. Bring peace to their soul if it isn't already there. Bring healing to their body. Grant it, Lord.
2Bless our coming together. We--we pray, Lord, on this Wednesday night prayer meeting, that, as we have assembled, knowing that wherever two or more are assembled together, You'll be with us. And we ask You, Lord, to give us Your Word tonight. Speak to us, Lord, and warm our hearts, strangely, that we would know how to discipline ourselves for the great time that lays ahead, as we believe that we're nearing the Coming of the Lord.
3 We thank Thee for people now beginning to find faith dear to them, and knowing what faith means. And knowing, even thanking You for services yet ahead, believing that You're going to do something. Lord, we're waiting with anticipation, like the days of old, believing that the time is near when You're going to just raise up the windows of Heaven and pour out the promises that God has promised in this last day.
4Now we ask You, Lord, to--to be with all, around the nations, as today we heard so many around, everywhere, that's in need. Grant them their requests, Lord. And we pray to see the great hand of God moving all over the world among those who are looking for this great thing.
5Forgive us of our sin. Chasten us, Lord, with Thy Spirit and Thy Word, that we might discipline ourselves, obedient servants, obedient servants in the will of God. Let us remember, and try to think in our hearts, what the early Christians done. What type of people would we meet if we met those who had personally been in contact with You. How their faces must have lit up with faith and joy. How their lives must have been the living Word of God, just "written epistles read of all men," as they walked in and among people. God, grant it once more.
6 May our lives be so submitted to Thee, that the Holy Spirit will live Itself through us, and speak through us, Lord. May we remember, in our minds, as we walk upon the street and rub arms with the world, we're not supposed to be like those. And we step aside and give them the place, Lord, and their rightful position here on earth. We'll take the back seat, knowing that we are delegates from another world. We have a Kingdom that's coming into power, Lord. And our great King will soon arrive and take over all the kingdoms that's in His domain. And He shall rule and reign; with Him here on earth, thousand years, and be with Him forever.
7With this in mind, Lord, now we look forward to the answer of our prayer. We look to our confession. If we have did anything, said anything, or thought anything, that was contrary to Your great will, let the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us.
8Lead us, Lord, as the sister said tonight, about she and her husband on the road to Chicago. Lead them, Lord God, to the place that You can use, that they might be beams of light to others who are groping in darkness, that knows not our Lord Jesus. Now we commit the service to You, and listening for Your Word of correction, that we might know how to prepare for this great hour, in Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.
[Blank.spot.on.tape. Brother Neville comments--Ed.]
Lord bless you. Thank you, brother.
9 I was little bit unexpected of this. I, being here at home, I felt like if I wasn't really had to go somewhere, emergency, I'd feel very bad, me setting at home and not come to prayer meeting. And I kind of dropped in, unexpected, to myself, even to my family. I just got in, and took right off. And so I said, "I'm going down to prayer meeting." And she didn't even have time to get ready to come, so she didn't know I was coming.
10 So I'm happy to hear the sister's testimony there, the brother, about that Light up at South Carolina or North Carolina, somewhere. Greenville, was it? [A sister says, "No. Southern Pines."--Ed] Southern Pines. Yes.
11Brother Lee Vayle was just here today. I baptized him, today, in the baptismal service here today. Brother Lee Vayle you know, and the ministers there, Brother Parker Thomas. There's...
12I remember of--of the time, a sister being shadowed. It was a great confirmation, sister, to what the... The Holy Spirit sometimes will let us go ahead and test our faith, to see what, and tests others' faith. When you're looking directly at something, and see something, and say it; others look and don't see it, they say it's not there. See? But it is there.
13 Now, there was no one could see that Light was hanging over Paul, but It was there. No one seen that dove coming down out of Heaven, in that Light, in a form, and hung over Jesus, but John himself. But It was there. See?
14And so, then, later when I was telling the people about this Light being like a Pillar of Fire, no one wanted to believe it. But now the mechanical eye of the camera identified That, how It come.
And the evil spirit is dark.
15It's just like our lives, we're shadows. And we are... If we're a light, where if our lives cope with the Light of the day, we're walking in Light.
16It's just like you look out and say, "I see the sun," in the daytime. You--you see the shadow of the sun. It's a reflection of the sun. It isn't the sun, itself, but it proves that there is a sun. It proves there is a sun.
17 And now when I see, like you setting out there, using fans, talking, that means you're living, but it's only a shadow of life.
18Because, anything has got to have darkness in it, to make a shadow. See? Because, a shadow has to possess so much darkness and so much light, to make a shadow. And it can't be altogether dark, and it can't be altogether light. If it's dark, it's real dark. If it's light, there's no shadow, nothing to make a shadow. But if it's mixed with dark and light, it makes a shadow.
19So we are really shadows of light. Now you're reflecting a life from somewhere. If you are, and Christian, this being a shadow, it only proves that there is a Life where you can't die, because this life has death in it. See? But it's a shadow, because you're living, moving creature with abilities to see, think, move, and talk, and the five senses of the body. But yet you know, they, they're dying. And there's so much trouble. You know, it can only be the... It's a reflection, see, that there's life and death mixed together.
20 The physical has to die. But if you are reflecting, by your mortal life, the Light of Heaven, then you're reflecting the Eternal Life, God. Then when you die, you can no more than go to that Light, because That's what you've reflected.
21If you are of the dark world, you reflect that, and you can do, go no other way but to darkness. See? So we are in a reflection. So, we see that. And sure as the Holy Spirit reflects Light and Life, so does death reflect darkness.
22 And here they both are. Tomorr-... By end of the week, maybe by Sunday, we're getting the small photograph blowed up to a large size, so it can be put on the billboard.
23Where, your picture hangs out there on the billboard. I don't know whether you noticed it, or not. And then...
And about a week ago, in--in Jamaica, where I was missionary-ing. We send tapes all over the world. And The Seven Seals has got back into... way back into the inlands of Jamaica, way in the interior. And it's very primitive back in there, behind Blue Mountain. And the natives, sometimes, they have a--a tape recorder we get for them, that you have to--to, like the old Victrola, crank it, and then let--let it play like that. Then, every few minutes, somebody has to crank it.
24 This group had a--a little battery, six-volt battery, or something another, playing the tape recorder. And they--they was all setting together, about what is here tonight, listening to those Seals, I believe it was. And while I was speaking, they noticed, coming in the room, came that same Pillar of Fire, moved over where the tape recorder was and settled down over the top of it. And they went and got a camera and took the picture of It. And just the same One, there It is, hanging right there over it. Now we're getting it blowed up, so we can put it on the--the billboard out there, that you can see it.
25 We are so grateful for the grace of God that's been brought into our... us into His Presence in this day. Now we are grateful for many things.
26Now I think I'll look in here and see if I can find some, some notes or some, something another that I spoke on. Or, get us some kind of a--a... I got some text wrote out, anyway, back in here in a book. If I can find one, maybe the Lord will give me something to say on something, while we pray.
Now we're under anticipation for Sunday.
27 I have been speaking in the Messages. And, Sunday, kept you here a long time, on, "Why criest thou unto me? Speak to the people and go forward."
28Now, Sunday is the healing service where the sick is to be prayed for. Now, you get around to the sick, and there's got to be some reason that the sick, when we pray for them, if they're not healed. And I want to, if the Lord willing, for just a short sermon on Sunday morning, too. So, I'm going to have a healing service, and pray for all the people. And Billy Paul or some of them will be here Sunday morning, about eight o'clock, when the church opens, to give the people cards as they come in the door, or whenever they get in.
29 And now, then, I want to try, I believe the Lord has somehow give me a little insight on the reasons why there is some people are not healed. And I--I believe it's lack of understanding. And I--I believe, maybe, we'll speak on that, Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
30Now, Wednesday night prayer meeting is just a short meeting where we get together and pray, as we have, and associate together.
31 Sometimes, I--I believe one of the great things that I find in this day, is the lack of sincerity of what we believe. See? See? If God, in the days of John Wesley, would have done in that day what He has done today, what would it have done; in the days of Martin Luther, or whatmore? As what we see Him doing, both proven by the Church, by the Spirit; and by science, and every move, its--its emulsion has to recognize. And God's Word here declaring It and telling It before It comes to pass. And then moving upon, and prophesying, and showing the very thing that He said. It'll come to pass perfectly, exactly what He said. And still we sit kind of slothful, as if we wonder. "Well, wonder if that could mean me? Wonder if it could mean just the--the church, in whole. Or--or, wonder if I'm really included in This?" I think, Sunday morning, I'll try to talk on some of those principles that might enlighten us a little.
32 Now, tonight, I found something, just turn to it here, 'for I come down. I thought, "What if Brother Neville, if I'd get down there, he happen to say, 'Get up and speak,' and just sit down"? See? I thought, "I better write down a couple Scriptures." Because, I know, he, he's such a lovely brother, and we--we appreciate him.
33 Before we pray over the Word, I want to recognize a--a brother. I can't even call his name at this time, two of them. They are here, friends of mine. The... They're ministers and evangelists, in the field, going out. They heard these Messages by tape. And they're out of different denominational churches, two young fellows. And the boy is so, one of them so interested, till he flew down, Tucson, just recently, in closing out a meeting. I believe I was in the Business Men's Breakfast. And the young fellow, fine young fellow, come down. And he's...
34They're from Kansas. And they come all the way here for me to marry them. I appreciate that. To think that people that believe in your prayers, enough, believe that God would hear and answer; young people starting out in life, like this. And when they got here for me to marry them, yesterday, to find out the state law of Indiana requires, and even though with their blood tests, to wait here in the state, three days, before they can be married. So, they cannot be married until Friday morning.
35 And I'll ask our brother there on the end, if he'll just stand up and tell us who he is, and his lovely little lady there, and the next brother.
36[The brother says, "Thank you, Brother Branham. Privileged to be here. And I'm... Brother Roger and me live in Kansas, travel on the field, as an evangelist, telling, 'Jesus saves, heals, by faith in Jesus...?... ' I've always packing...?... This is my fiancee, Patricia Brown. We're going to be married, Friday. My co-evangelist and co-worker, Brother Ronnie...?... on the end. And Mr. Peetree on the same...?..."--Ed.]
37Thank you, very much. We certainly wish these young ambassadors, for the work of the Lord Jesus, God's blessings, to speed them on the way. And as I wondering, waiting for the Coming of the Lord, and see young men and young women with a purpose in heart, to serve Christ, that thrills me, see, to see them raise up like this. The Lord bless you, richly, my brother, sister.
38 Now let us turn over to a little Book that I never spoke out of before, in my life. And it's a very... Just one chapter, the Book of Philemon. And it's a...
39I'm just a little bit Irish, and I--and I do have a wire around my bottom teeth, to hold a couple in the back in place. Sometimes I don't pronounce these names right, when I do know what they are. And sometimes I can't pronounce them right, for the lack of education. So, "Philemon," someone said back there, which I think is really the correct pronunciation of it.
40Now, the 1st verse, I want to take just a word or two from it.
Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ,...
41And that's what I want to use tonight, as a text, the Lord willing, is: A Prisoner.
42 Now, you could hardly imagine Paul regarding himself a prisoner. A born-free man, filled with the Holy Spirit, but yet he calls himself "a prisoner."
43And now we find out, when he's addressing the Corinthians, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ." Another time, "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ by the will of God," when he's speaking to Timothy, different ones. Now when he's writing here to Philemon, he said, "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ." "Paul, an apostle," I'd like to preach one night on that. "Paul, a--a servant," preach on that. And then, "Paul, a prisoner."
44But, tonight, being it'd take hours to duly consider one of the subjects, I'd like to take, tonight, "Paul, the prisoner," and take the subject of: A Prisoner.
Now let us bow our heads just a moment.
45 Lord Jesus, any man, that's physically able, can pull back the pages of this Bible, but only the Holy Spirit can interpret It in the light that it's been meant to. We ask Him to come now and help us to understand what this was, addressed, this great, mighty prophet, Paul, and yet call himself "a prisoner." May the Holy Spirit reveal this to us as we wait on Him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
46 Now I can imagine, Paul, when he wrote this letter to Philemon, how he was sitting in jail, down there in the dungeon of this city, a--a--a prisoner. And he could well know, by his position what the word meant. He was surrounded by--by--by bars. He--he could only be let free as someone would let him go free. And he knew what it was to be a prisoner. And then, again, I believe that the--the apostle meant just a little... not exactly addressing it to his present condition, as being a prisoner of his--his physical being sitting here in this--in this jail. But I believe he was referring to his--his being, his--his--his spirit, his will, being a prisoner to Jesus Christ.
47 Now, we're all born, a free moral agent, to make any decision that we wish to. God justly does that. Because, He must put every man on the same basis, or He put the wrong man on... He put the first man on the wrong basis, that He put on free moral agency. See? We're just exactly, tonight, like Adam and Eve. There's no different. Right and wrong sets before either one of us. Life and death, we can make our choice; up to you, to make it. See?
48That's the way Adam and Eve did, and, see, and--and they made the wrong choice. And now, by that, put the whole race, of human race, under death, the penalty of death.
49And then God came down in the form of man and took that death, and paid the penalty of death, that the... His subjects that desired to--to be free could go free.
50Now, if He took us, without the same way that He did Adam and Eve, just pulled us through something, said, "I'll save you whether you want saved or not," then He put Adam and Eve on--on the wrong basis, you see. But each one of us has to choose, this day, between death and life. We can do it.
51 As I just expressed, if your light will prove, your life will prove exactly what side you're on. I don't care what side you say you're on. What you do, every day, proves what you are. You've heard the old saying, "Your life is so loud, I can't hear your testimony." See? Your--your actions is so loud.
52I've always believed in shouting and jumping. But I've always said, "Don't jump no higher than you live, 'cause the world is going to watch that." See? You must just jump as high as you live, so, because somebody is watching you. And now when...
53 People won't come to church. They--they, many of them, just won't do it. And some of them, not coming, is sincere people. They seen so much corruption in the church, until they don't want to have anything to do with it. And many times, we're speaking on a flat thought of that, you can hardly blame them, see, because of--of the way the people act. They call themselves Christian. They're the greatest stumbling block that the world has got, is the man and women who professes to be a Christian, and lives something different from their profession. Exactly right.
54 Now, for the disappointments will be coming at the Judgment. Now, the sinner, the bootlegger, the gambler, the adulterous, he--he won't be disappointed to hear his sentence read, "To depart into everlasting fire." He won't be disappointed. But that fellow who is trying to hide himself behind some kind of a church profession, that's the boy is going to be disappointed at the Day of Judgment. See? That professes to be a Christian, and lives some other way. It'd be better for him that he never did even make any kind of profession, started off, than to start and live something different. Because, he's the greatest stumbling block we got, is for that professor that says that he--he--he is a Christian, and lives something different.
55 Always, don't judge your life by how much power you have to perform miracles. And we don't judge ourself by how much knowledge you have of the Word. But always judge yourself, look back and taking inventory of what kind of a fruit that the life you presently live now is bearing. See?
56As I preached sometime ago, at a businessmen's meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, of the reflection of Jesus, reflecting Christian Life. I said I was born up here in Kentucky, where it's very primitive, especially back when I was a kid. And this certain little boy never had a--a--a--a home like we have here, where we had so many pretty ladies that have to look through mirrors, all through the house, to keep their hair just in place, and so forth. But he had one little mirror, just a little piece tacked on a tree on the outside, where the wash bench was, where his mother and father washed, and they combed their hair, and so forth, from this little piece of an old mirror tacked on a tree.
57 Frankly, that's the type of home that we have. Anybody want to see a mirror, we kids, we had to get a box and get up on the wash bench, and look in this piece of a--of a mirror that I picked up, myself, in a dump. That wasn't down in Kentucky. That's here in Indiana, up on Utica Pike here.
58Now, this little kid had never exactly seen himself like that. So, he come to the city, to visit his grandma. And at the... It's on the tour of room, the grandma had a house that had a complete mirror on the door. And so, little boy, running through the--the room, seen another little boy in front of him. And the little boy was running, also. So he thought he should stop a few minutes and see what the little lad was going to do. And when he stopped, the little boy stopped. When he turned his head, the little boy turned his head. He scratched his head, the little boy scratched his. Finally, walked closer, to investigate. And he turned around. And his mother watching him, and his grandmother, with amazement. Said, "Why, mother, that's me."
59 So I said, that, "We, too, are reflecting something." See? Our life is reflected.
60And now, if we lived in the days of Noah, whose side would we take? What side would we took in that great day that Noah lived? What side would we took in the days of Moses? What side in the days of Elijah, the prophet, when all the world was gulfed up in a--a great mass of--of modernism, like the modern Jezebel, and had rid all the servants of the Lord out into a worldly way? And the church and the priests was all bowing to her. Would you have took the side of popularity, or would you have stood with Elijah?
61 Now, and in the days of the Lord Jesus, when we would think of this unpopular Person, uneducated by the world, no schools they could ever find that He went to, and no--no seminary experience. And--and then raise up with a name of "illegitimate birth." And then come out, preaching a Gospel that was contrary to anything that they had been taught. Very... And condemning the ministers and their organizations, and so forth.
62And the organizations had made a--a--a statement, "If anybody even went to hear this so-called prophet, would be put out of the synagogue," which was a--a mortal sin. They had to be accounted. Only way they could worship was under the blood of the lamb. They had to come to this sacrifice. And--and then they were outcasts, and what a great thing it was.
63 And this Man ignored such as that. And yet He was perfectly with the Scripture, but not in the way they knew It. What side would you have took? See? Now, don't... Your life that you live now, reflects now just what you would have done then, because you still are possessed with the same spirit. See? If you take that side now, with them, you'd have done it then. Because, the same spirit that's in you now was in people then. See?
64The Devil never takes his spirit; he just goes off of one man onto another.
65God never takes His Spirit, neither; It goes from one to the other. See?
66So, the very Spirit was upon Elijah come upon Elisha, same one on John the Baptist, and so forth.
67The Holy Spirit, was upon Christ, come upon the disciples, all down, and still upon the people. You see? God never takes His Spirit.
So there we are left, to make a choice.
68 And I--I can't see here where Paul was regretting anything, and saying he was sorry he was a prisoner. But he was addressing hisself... I believe that Paul, as he wrote this letter with that pen, that it was the Holy Spirit causing him to write that. That, maybe, even to this night, that we might pull out the context of our text, to show why Paul did this. Because, it's Scriptural, and Scriptural is Eternal. I believe, that, setting in this dingy old jail, that Paul wrote to his colleague here, that, his brother, that he was "a prisoner of Jesus Christ." So, he could express it by seeing what was around him. Now, he was in jail, but that wasn't what he was speaking to, this--this servant of Christ, a minister with him. He was speaking that he was a prisoner to the Word of Jesus Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word.
69 And Paul had been a great scholar in his day. He had great ambition. He was a--he was a--a--a man that had been trained with, by people, a fellow by the name of Gamaliel, which was a great teacher of his day, one of the greatest schools that he could have went to. For instance, like we say, Wheaton, or Bob Jones, or some great fundamental school. He had been taught as--as--as a minister of the Word. And he was well educated, and smart, and an intelligent boy with a great ambition of maybe someday becoming a priest or a high priest to his people.
70 He had an ambition. And then to find, that, this great ambition he had been trained for, and had spent all of his life, from maybe the age of about eight or ten years old, up to about thirty or thirty-five, when he finished college and graduated; and had all of his diplomas and everything, and stood in good with all the--the clergy, even to the high priest at Jerusalem. He had orders from him, personal orders, written, and trusted with this great Saul, "To go down to Damascus and to find all those down there that worshipped God contrary to what he said, and to bind them and put them in jail. If necessary, he had orders to put them to death, if he wanted to." He was... He had great ambition.
71And now, all that he had trained for, God had took it all out of him. See? And what his objective was, and what his father had spent his money for, and the ambitions of his father and mother, was all had been taken away from him because that--that God had something else. Therefore, he was a prisoner from his objective that he had in life, and he had become a prisoner to Jesus Christ, Who was the Word.
72 That road to Damascus changed Paul. Going down, about eleven o'clock, perhaps, in a day, that he was stricken down. And he heard a Voice, saying, "Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" And he looked up. And looking up, being a Jew, and knowed that Pillar of Fire was the Lord that led the children of Israel, because he knew that's what It was.
73Remember, this Hebrew would have never called anything "Lord," capital L-o-r-d, Elohim, unless he had been satisfied that that's what It was, because he was trained scholar. And when he looked up, and he seen This, a Light, a Pillar of Fire that had led his people through the wilderness. And he said, "Lord," Elohim, capital L-o-r-... "Lord, Who are You?"
74 And what a surprise it must have been to this theologian, to say, "I'm Jesus," the very One that he was so against. What a--what a turnaround! Oh! Oh! It must have been something terrific for this man, that all of his ambitions that he had, to find out, all at once, he had been persecuting. His ambitions had drove him to--to farther away from the main thing that he meant to do. And what a--a great shock it must have been, for this apostle, when He said, "I am Jesus," the very One that he was persecuting. "Why persecutest thou Me?"
75Another little quotation we might drop in here. You see, as they make fun of the Church, they're not really making fun of the Church, they are making fun of Jesus. "Why persecutest thou Me?" How could Paul then, with all his intellect, believe that This was... that this Group that he was persecuting was the very God that he claimed to be serving? I think that's, without going into details, I think we're all well trained enough to know what I mean here. The same thing is happening today.
76 Paul, through ignorance, was yet intelligent and smart, much smarter than those uneducated Galileans that he was persecuting, that had already in their humility accepted this Man as Lord. But, Paul, in his great teaching and his intellectuals, could not accept That. And what a turnaround it must be to him, on this road. And he was stricken blind, so he would not carry out his commission, but was led down to a place in a street called Straight, and the house of one.
77And then come the prophet down there, by the name of Ananias, who saw in a vision, him coming down, saw where he was at, went down to where he was, and went in. And said, "Brother Saul, the Lord appeared to you on the road down; sent me, that I might lay my hands upon you, and you receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost."
78 See where he was. What a--what a thing it must have been for Paul! See? All that he had been trained to do was vice versa. So now, with--with all the education he had, it--it was just become naught to him.
79Now, he knew that he had an experience. So here is another good lesson for us, that, experience alone isn't enough. It's got to be experience according to the Word of the Lord. So, him seeing this, and know that It was a great Something, then, that somebody else had received It before him, he took three years and six months down in the--the desert in Arabia; taking the--the Bible, as It was then, the Old Testament, and going down there, to--to compare this experience that he had had, and see if It was Scriptural.
80 Now what if he said, "Well, I guess that was just a little blowover," and went on? "I'm going to follow my intellect"?
81Now, he had to become imprisoned to something, a prison. So after comparing it, and seeing, no wonder he could write the Book of Hebrews, in a type. See? Three years and a half down there, laying in the Word, and finding out that the very God that called him was taking him back, and changing all of his intellects, changing all that he ever thought, all that he trained to be. All his ambition, just wiped it away from him, and he became a prisoner. The love of God had been so tremendous, and such a--a revelation, that he could not get away from It.
82That's the true experience of every real believer who meets God. You--you come in contact with Something that's so great, that you... that--that you become a--a prisoner, to everything else. See? You--you get away from everything, to imprison yourself to This.
83 It's expressed one time where Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is something like a man buying pearls. Then when he finds that great Pearl, he sells all that he's got, to get that One."
84And that's the way here. You--you have an intellectual conception, you have a--a--a--a theological experience; but when it comes to a time that when you--you--you really find the real Thing, you--you just sell out everything else, and you close yourself in to This.
85 Paul knew what it was. He--he found out that he was harnessed to Something. Like we put a--a--a horse in a harness, it's to--it's to pull something. And Paul knew, after this experience, and three years and a half of typing the--the experience he had, with the Bible, he realized that God had chosen him and had harnessed him by the Holy Spirit, the experience that he had, to pull the Gospel in the presence of the Gentiles. The Spirit, Itself, harnessed him.
86 And, today, as servants of Christ, we become harnessed, hooked up. We can't go. We're logged in with It, harnessed to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, you're harnessed to It. There is something about It, that you just can't get away from It. You been yoked up with It, by the Holy Ghost, has yoked you to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, It's the Word. That's always harnessed up with It, put in the yoke with It. To the Word, by the Spirit, he was harnessed.
87He had learned on the--the back side of the Arabian desert there. When, all his former things, and experiences, and ambition, that, he had been stripped of those things.
88Now, that's where we find, today, that we must be stripped, first. And people don't want to be stripped. The Methodist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Methodist teaching. Uh-huh. The Baptist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Baptist teaching. See? But you've got to absolutely be stripped of everything, and just born again, afresh. And take up from there, let the Holy Spirit lead. You can't say, "Well, now, my--my daddy said, when he got in, went in the church, he shook hands with the pastor. He, he's a good loyal member." That might have been all right for his race, but we're another race. See? Now we must come back to the Bible times for this day.
89 The priests was harnessed, too. But, you see, they had come over into another dispensation, and they--they fail to strip off their old harness and put on a new harness.
90And the same thing we find today. We did come through a denominational age, as we proved through the church ages, the Bible, and so forth, but we come now to a free age, where the Holy Spirit Himself comes down and vindicates Himself, and makes Himself known, makes every promise that He promised, come to pass. Oh, my! What a great time!
91And he knew that, another thing, he knew he could not go to places. That, being harnessed to This, that he would not. That he did, but he--he wanted to go. He knew that his ambition drawed him amongst brethren where he was invited to come, and yet he was pressed in the Spirit to do something else. He wasn't his own.
92 Maybe somebody could say, "Brother Saul, Brother Paul, we want you to come over here, because we got the biggest church. We got the biggest congregation. Your offerings will be great, and so forth."
93But being pressed in the Spirit, he thought, "I got a brother over there. I'd like to go over and save this brother, get him to the Lord." But, yet, the Spirit pressed him to go somewhere else. He was a prisoner. Correctly.
94O God, make us prisoners like that, from our own selfish ambition, and from our own judgments and our better way of thinking, to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I think that was a great statement, that, "I'm a prisoner to Jesus Christ."
95And remember, He is the Word. See? No matter what anyone else thinks, it's the Word. See? If you're a prisoner to the Word, no denomination can sway you from It. It's--it's the Word. You're just... You're a prisoner to It, that's all. You must act the way It acts.
96 Now, he could not go to certain places that he wanted, because (why?) the Spirit forbade him. Remember, many time, that Paul was trying to go some place, thinking, "There is where I could have a great meeting," but the Spirit would forbid him. Now, does that clearly state and prove that Paul was a prisoner? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A prisoner to Jesus Christ, harnessed to His Word, by the Spirit! Oh! I like that. Uh-huh.
97He was bound. He was bound by a chain, and by fetters of love, to do the will of God, and that only. He was a prisoner. He was in a fetters of love. He was in the yoke with Christ. He could yoke up with nothing else. He was yoked with Him. And where the Lead went, that's where he had to go. Regardless of how green the pasture was, here on this side or that side, he had to go the way the Leader and the yoke went.
98 Oh, tonight, if we, as the Branham Tabernacle, could only become prisoners; to our own selfish being, to our own ambition, that we could completely surrender ourself and be yoked to Him, no matter what the rest the world thinks, what the rest the world does. We're yoked with fetters of love. We are prisoners. "My feet is so yoked to Christ, it won't dance. My eyes is so yoked to Christ, till I, when I see these modern striptease on the street, It turns my head. My--my heart is so yoked in love to Him, till I can't have love for this world, anymore. My will is so yoked to Him, till I don't even know now what my ambitions are. Just, 'Wherever You lead, I'll follow, Lord.' I'll be a prisoner." See?
99 Paul was correctly a prisoner. He wasn't making any wrong statement. He was trained by the Holy Ghost, again, to wait on the Word. Now, he had been trained one way, but--but God had trained him another way now. He was trained by the Holy Spirit to wait upon the Lord, no matter what his ambitions was.
100Now I'm going to, help by the Holy Spirit, show you something. See? Now let's just take an instance.
101One day, Paul and Silas, coming down the street in a certain city where they was holding a revival. And a little, demon-possessed girl kept following him, crying out after him. And no doubt but what Paul knowed that he had the authority, as an apostle, to rebuke that evil spirit out of that woman. But did you notice? He waited, day after day, until, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit spoke to him, said, "This is the hour."
102 Then he said, "Thou spirit, come out of her." See? He knowed to wait on the Lord.
103And there is where so many people today bring a reproach upon the Word. They go out with an ambition. How many revivals has been left flat because of a thing like that, because the evangelist don't wait to see what the Lord has got to say! Some of them say, "Come over here," and they--they go right now because the--the association said, "Go." And the Holy Spirit would say something different. Yet, the ambition of the man to become the state presbyter, or--or something another, or some elder, or some bishop, or something would pull him, "You must go." And, yet, he knows better. The Holy Spirit saying, "Go here." See? He's yoked to his organization. He's a prisoner to the organization.
104But if he's yoked to Christ, he's led by the Holy Ghost. He...?... See? He, he's yoked, a prisoner. Don't make any different what anything else says; it's--it's a--it's a--a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. He hears only the Voice of God, and he speaks only when It comes out. He says nothing.
105 Somebody say, "Oh, oh, Brother Jones!" Brother Roberts, or some, these great men in our land today, like Tommy Hicks, or--or--or Oral Roberts, or--or Brother Tommy Osborn, some of those great evangelists. If somebody would say, "Say, come over here, Tommy. You're a great man of God," or Oral. And I--I got a--a uncle that's laying over here, that's--that's all bound. And he's--he's sick. I want you come over. I believe you have the strength to heal him." See?
And maybe the Holy Spirit would say to him, "Not now."
106But, yet, to the friendship of that man, he's duty bound to go with him. If he don't, he becomes an enemy to that man. That man say, "Well, he went to so-and-so, heal that child or that boy. I know he did. And I been his friend, for years, see, and he wouldn't come to my place."
107But if he's constrained by the Holy Spirit not to go, he better not go, if he's yoked to God. His friend, he love. But he better be led of the Holy Spirit to go there, because it won't do any good, anyhow. I experience that so many time.
108 But Paul just waited for the Spirit to tell him what to do. "Wait on the Spirit," said. He stood one night, preaching. And he walked out of there. He seen a crippled man. And all at once, the Spirit spoke to him, and he said, "I perceive." How? The same way he perceived they was going to be wrecked, upon an island. See? "I perceive that you have faith to be healed. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ made you well." See? There you are. He--he was... He was yoked. He might have held a week's revival there and nothing had happened, but yet he waited for the Holy Spirit to say. See? He was yoked to that appeal.
109 Now you say, "Brother Branham, you're condemning what you said Sunday, about you been waiting all this time."
110And, but, you remember, it was the Holy Spirit that spoke to me up there on the road, and said, "I'm sending you back amongst the sick and afflicted." See? It's obedient to the Holy Spirit. I didn't go until He told me to do it. I was waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD, till I got THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, that's different. See? Now, It, That makes a difference. Yes.
111He waited for the Word of the Lord. He was pressed in the Spirit, to do only God's bidding, then he become a prisoner of Jesus Christ. Friends, if we could only become prisoners!
112 I know it's hot. But I--I'd like to name a couple more characters, if you would. I got about six or eight wrote down here. But I--I'd like to name just another character or two.
113Let's take the character of Moses. He was born a deliverer. And he--he--he knew that, that he was born a deliverer.
114But before I say about Moses, I'd like to make this statement, that, God always has to take any man, that will serve Him truly, to be His prisoner. A man has to surrender every ambition he's got, everything that he is, every--every thing, his life, soul, body, will, ambitions, and everything else, and become a complete, a prisoner to Christ, Who is the Word, to serve God.
115You might have to walk contrary, in your better judgment. Maybe, in a certain organization, you might think that they could lift you up and give you something great, that you might flash. But what do you find yourself? You find yourself defeated, after while, until God can get a man that's willing to become a prisoner to Him.
116 God is looking for prisoners. He's always done it. You might search it through the Scripture. A man has to be a prisoner to Christ, against anything. Therefore, you cannot be connected with anything but Christ; even your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your husband, your wife, anybody. You're only connected with Christ, and Him only, then God can use you. Until then, you can't.
117Going out, sometimes speaks rough to people. See? I--I am trying to get you to cut loose. You've got to have a starting place, like sometime calls out the women bobbing their hair and wearing these clothes, and hold and maintain their Christian profession. Say, "That's a little thing." Well, you've got to start somewhere. So begin right there, in your ABC's. See? And cut loose the worldly looks, anyhow, and become a prisoner to Christ. And then just keep on, cut loose everything, till finally the last line is cut loose. Then you're--you're... You are a prisoner then. You become in His grip. He, He's got you in His grip.
118 Now, Moses knowed that he was born the deliverer. He knew that. And did you notice, with the ambition that Moses had; knowing his mother had told him over there, as she was his nursemaid.
119No doubt, when Moses the little baby was born, that his mother said, "You know, Moses, when... Your dad, Amram, and I prayed constantly. We knowed, and seen in the Word, it was time for the coming of a deliverer. And we prayed, 'Lord God, we want to see that deliverer.' One night, the Lord told us, in a vision, that you would be born, and you would be the deliverer. We wasn't afraid of the king's commandment. We didn't care what the king said. Then, we knowed that you were born a deliverer. Now, Moses, we knowed that we couldn't bring you up right."
120Now remember, they had been down there, four hundred years in Egypt. See?
121"And we--we wanted to get you the--the right thing, the right education, the right training. So, I took you and put you in a little ark, and set you out into the Nile. And how strange, that the currents taken that little ark down through the reeds and rushes, and brought it right down, miles away, and turned it right into Pharaoh's palace, where his... Pharaoh's daughter was, where her bathing pool was. And how that--that I knowed that she'd need a woman to raise you."
122And in them days, of course, they didn't have these bottles to raise the babies on, so she'd have to have a--a wet nurse. So...
123"And, Miriam, I sent her down. And she stood there, and she said, 'I know where I can find a wet nurse,' and come and got me. And, Moses, the doors are all shut. Honey, you're sixteen years old now, and you're going to be Pharaoh's son. And someday you're going to be the deliverer that's going to take the people out of here."
124 Moses' ambition begin to grow. "I'll study, mother. I'll study everything I can. You know what I'll do? I'll study how to be a military man, and I'll know how to take these people out of here. I'll be a great general, bishop, so I'll know how it's done. And I'll--I'll take it out. I'll get my Ph.D or LL. I'll do it."
125Like "Father Chiniquy," if you ever read his books. All right. He's "going to deliver all the Protestants," you know, and he become one, himself. So, this great priest, years ago, "Father Chiniquy," you ought to get his book and read it. They call him, "father." He's just Brother Chiniquy, what it was. We don't call no man "father," like that. So we find that--that we... He was going to read the Bible, so he could get out there and disprove the Protestant religion and make it all Catholic. And when he went to read the Bible, the Holy Spirit come upon him, and he got the Holy Ghost, and then--then he become one of them.
126 So then notice this, that Moses got all the training. Because, he--he knew. He was so smart, so educated, so intellectual! Till, there's nobody... He could even teach the Egyptians. Till, he could teach their psychologists. He could teach their--their generals what military might was. He was a great man. And people feared Moses, because of his greatness. Oh, such a scholarship! My! He was an archbishop, or maybe like a pope. He was a great fellow. And he was a--a--a mighty man. And he knowed that he was born to do this, and had trained, with great ambition, to do it.
127 Just like today. I don't say that men, training in these schools, I don't say that... Like they're out here in the West now, they're going to build a hundred-and-fifty-million-dollar school of theology, see, Pentecostal, a--a hundred-and-fifty-million-dollar school. To me, that should be missionaries in the field. See? See? See? But, whatever, what do they do when they come out of there? What are they? Bunch of rickies. Just exactly. And then that's how they come out. It always has, the rest of them, and that's the same line. See?
128 Now we find out, that, when, Moses, in all his training. And today, with all the training, making big bishops and so forth, the great, high ambition, what will we do? Our ambitions become just about like what Moses' was. See?
129God, before He could get the man in His hand, He had to strip him of his ambition. He had to strip him of all of his training.
130He did go out, and he delivered; he killed one Egyptian. And he, and when he did, he found out that he was in the wrong. He couldn't do that. It wasn't that way. And God had to take him out into the wilderness, into the desert, a desert place.
131You notice, kind of strange, how these fellows, that God got a message for them. He takes them into a desert.
132He took Paul to the desert, to train, to tell him what all this great vision was, out into the desert. "Go out to a certain desert." And he stayed there until God fully made known what to do.
133 And Moses' time, He took him out in the desert. Kept him out there for forty years, and stripped him of all of his theology and all his ambition. Oh, what a time, that he could look back and see his failure. And how we, tonight, ought to do the same thing, when we see our ambition.
134Look at the healing campaign, and see if the Lord did something a few years ago, to start restoring healing to the sick, and so forth.
135Everybody, every organization, is because It didn't come into their organization, they had to get them a healer. And what have we done? Let's look at it just a moment. We have done the same thing that Moses did. We've went out and tried so hard to manufacture some kind of a miracle. "I smelt a disease. I--I--I got blood in my hand," and manufacture a miracle. See? And what have we got? Some of the men in such hard strains, that's broke up and become regular drunkards, neurotic, and got their minds. And they switched all the way back, the order from the pentecostal objective, back to making organizations and things again. See?
136 What have we done? Slew about one Egyptian. That's right. And we've tried. We've strained. We've paid. We've labored, go all night long in prayer meetings, till we had no voice. And--and try to manufacture something, and soup-up something, and all these type of things, and find it to be a total failure. We need a going-back to the desert. Right. Yes, sir. Camp meetings, and struggles. Why not just give up? That's what you ought to do, see, go back and give up. Why, we done the same thing they did, same thing Moses did. It doesn't do any good. After forty years, he found himself a prisoner to the Word of God. What do we try to do?
137 When, the great Blessing come out, and the manifestation of all these great things that God has told us about: how that we must be born again; how we receive the Holy Ghost; the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ; and all these things here.
138You see, people, instead of staying to that Word, harnessed to It, what do they do? They started with their own denominational theory, which had already failed, and try to manufacture something to look like the Truth.
139 I better cut off right there. See? I'm sure you're wise enough to know what I mean. See? But, why, look what it's done. Think of it.
140What have we got, tonight, but a--a--a nation full of organized people who deny the Scriptures of God; who would call the--the--the Life of the Holy Spirit, that, "It was a--a mental telepathy," who would refuse such to come into their church. And they wouldn't permit you to mention one Word of serpent's seed, Eternal security, and the things that the Holy Spirit has revealed and proved to be the Word. I made challenge after challenge, to come and prove it to me wrong.
141What have they got? The same thing that Luther had, the rest of them, see, slew an Egyptian. What must... What was it? Maybe he made some man start... stop stealing, or maybe live true to his wife. But what did you make him out of that? A church member. "Come and join our group." See?
142 That stinking dead man was only thing he'll point his finger to, of his success, of forty years of training; a stinking Egyptian laying there, rotten and dead.
143That's about the way it is tonight. The only thing we can point, to this revival that's crossed over, (so-called), is a stinking bunch of church members that knows no more about God than a Hottentot would know about Egyptian night. Right. That, would tell them about the Word of God, they say, "I don't believe That." Say, "I don't care what they say. I don't believe It." See? See? That's an awful thing to have to point back to, for all the strains and struggles and everything we got.
144 Maybe we could point to a big school, but it's dead. We could point to an organization, but it's dead. It's stinking. It's just like the first thing that we pulled out of. "Like a hog going to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit," when we return back. One dead Egyptian.
145 No doubt but somebody said, "Moses, well, haven't you got no more feeling for the people? You was called for this." Somebody that knowed Moses, knowed he was called for that. "And don't... You lost the feeling of the people?"
"No, sir."
146"Well, why ain't you out, over, doing this? And why ain't you out here, trying this? And why don't you go on with the rest of them?"
147Moses was out there getting stripped, until he had an experience at the burning bush, that declared the Word. "I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I remember My promises. And I've come down to deliver them. I'm sending you to do it." That was it.
148 He seen the Word, not the ambition of the people or the desires of the people. Then what did he become? He did not want to face the Egyptians any more. He didn't want to face this thing any more. But he become a prisoner. Amen. Forty years of running, stripping down, but then he become a prisoner, at the burning bush, the mighty Moses with all of his intellect. The Bible saying that Moses was a mighty man in word or in deed, down in Egypt.
149But watch what the mighty theologian did in the Presence of the burning bush. He only confessed his inability. When he seen the genuine purpose of God, he confessed that he was inability to do it. Yet, he was trained in all the theology that they could give him, trained in their best school. But, yet, would he do when he... that Pillar of Fire hanging there in the bush? Said, "I can't even talk to Him. Lord, who am I, that I should go?" See?
150"Get your shoes off, Moses. I want to talk to you. Strip yourself down, even your shoes. You're--you're flat on the ground again. I want to talk to you."
151 Couldn't even talk. Finally, a elected prisoner, a elected prophet, just like that Paul was elected. Moses was elected, deliverer. And then, finally, God had His elected subject a prisoner to Him. Oh, hallelujah! He could only move as the Word of God moved him. "Who shall I say sent me?"
"I AM."
"How will I do?"
"I'll be with you."
152"Yes, Lord, just as You say. Here I am." Oh, my! That, he's a prisoner.
153He goes against his better thinking. Now, he had been trained to command an army. "Swords, up! About-face!" Trained to go, "Chariots, all in order! Spears, forward! Charge!" That's how he's going to take it over. That was his training.
But he said, "What am I going to use?"
Said, "What you got in your hand?"
154"A stick." God does things so ridiculous sometimes, to the human mind. See? Got a stick in his hand. Whiskers hanging down. Eighty years old. His wife on a mule; kid setting on her hip. Little, old flabby arms hanging down; a stick. Just his head stood up, for he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. Why? He had finally got anchored.
155 He was a prisoner. "I'll only move when the Word moves me. I'll only speak where the Word speaks."
"Where you going?"
156"I got one commission: stand before Pharaoh and show him, by this stick, that God sent me." Amen.
"What you going to do after that?"
"He'll provide the next thing, after I do this."
157There you are. You've only got one thing to do, the first step, tonight: surrender, become a prisoner. Don't think of yourself or something else. Become a prisoner.
158 Moses become a prisoner, confessed he couldn't even talk. Finally, when God got him in His hand, where he could only move where God moved him. Where, He told him the Word. He knowed it was the Word, then he submitted hisself to the Word. And the Holy Spirit there, God, harnessed Moses to the will of God.
159That's the same thing He done to Paul. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He harnessed Paul; little, crooked-nose, sarcastic Jew, oh, with Ph.D. and LL.D.'s wrote all over him. But He said, "I'm going to show him what he's going to suffer for the Word's sake." See? And he...
160 And then Paul sitting there and seeing the Word, and seeing that that was Jesus, then he raised up his hands and become harnessed to Him. The love of God harnessed him to the Word. "He's going to bear My Name before the Gentiles." There he went.
161"Moses, I AM the God of your fathers. I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob. I remember I promised them, and the time of the promise is near. And I see the afflictions of My people. I remember My promise. And I have come down to harness you. You know what the Word said. I've harnessed you to go down there, harnessed you with power, to go down there and deliver My people. And take that stick in your hand, as a witness, 'cause you seen a miracle done by it." Just like David, with the slingshot. See?
162 Harnessed, himself, and he went down. Finally, God had a man that was subject to Him, harnessed to Him, and could not move until the Word of God moved him. If people would just do that, today! Then, he was His prisoner, a prisoner of love, yoked up in the bond of love, with--with God, as Paul was yoked up in the bond of love to God.
163Just like Paul, both of them trained the same way. Moses trained, you know, to deliver the children of Israel by military might. Paul trained to take them out of the hands of the Romans and put them free, by his great ecclesiastical force in the world that day. Great schools of training, come up under Gamaliel.
164And both of them went to the desert; come back different men. Both of them saw the Pillar of Fire. And both of them were prophets. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Both of them, prophets. And they both was talked to by the Pillar of Fire, exactly right, coming for a deliverer. There they was; went to a desert. Left their homes and went to the desert, to find out. Left their people and everything, to find the will of God. See?
165They were trained in one way; God changed them to another. And they had to become a complete prisoner, to not act in the way that they wanted to act, but act in the way that God wanted them to act. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
166 Have we got another ten minutes there, to make these? [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.]
167I'll real quickly get to another character. I see one before me now. His name is Joseph. He was an elected son. He was a perfect type of Jesus Christ. He was born a prophet. He was a prophet, also. See? And now he could see vision. And when he's yet a little boy, he saw a vision of himself sitting on a throne, and his brothers bowing to him. See? But watch. He become... He felt like he was a great guy. See? All of them...
168But what did God have to do? He done the same thing that He did to the rest of them. Because, Moses was a deliverer, Paul was a deliverer, and now Joseph was a deliverer. He saved his people from the famine.
169 What did God have to do to him? Put him in prison, put him right straight to the prison. Yes, sir. Remember, he was sold by his brethren, to an Egyptian. And they sold him to Potiphar. And Potiphar give him a little bit of liberty, and, first thing you know, that was taken from him. And there he sit in the prison, crying, crying. God had to strip it.
170Now notice. But, all the time, I believe, he, in that prison, he could remember that the vision said that he was going to set on a throne, and his brothers was going to bow to him, because he knew that his gift come from God. And he knew that it had to come to pass.
171 If we could only keep that in our mind, and according to the Word of God, that in these last days He's going to have a Church, He's going to have a people. And these things that He promised, He's going to do them. He said He would, and we're living in the time. We're there. He's just trying to get us to be real prisoners now, locked in with Him.
172You heard that old song you sing, "And then I'm a shut-in with God"? I want to be shut in with God. Now, it's where I thought about this. Being shut in with God, nothing else, and you only move when God says move. You only do as God says do, see, then you're shut in with God.
173 Now remember, he was thinking. He also became a total failure, to himself. All that he knew, all that he understood, and everything, he become a total failure. It didn't work. He was put under a situation to where that nobody would listen to him. He was a prisoner. See? He was put into a situation, that unbelievers would not believe. Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] His ministry was of none effect. The people turned their head. They wouldn't pay no attention to him in prison. What good would his ministry do? He might stand to the prison bars and preach to them; they'd walk on down the street. See? But he become a prisoner. And God kept him, a prisoner, until the wheel got rolled up right. Said, "Here is My man." Glory! Total failure!
174 Finally, God came to him in his prison. Like Paul, like all the rest of them, He came to him. And He used the gift that He had give him, to get him out of there. That's right. He brought him from his prison. What did he do? As soon as He brought him from his prison, he was given power by the king, his king, that he set on the side of, that he was under. He was brought from the prison house and given power; till, whatever he said, had to happen. Amen.
175In his prison, he constantly remembered, he was born for a purpose. He was going to sit by a king. All the rest of them was going to bow a knee to him. His vision told him so. Amen. But before his vision could be completely fulfilled, he had become a prisoner. Amen. And then he become a ruler. And when he come from his prison house, and become a prisoner of the Word of God, that he could only say what God put in his mouth to say, then God moved through him.
176 Notice, that Moses had power to bind Pharaoh's princes, at his own will. "If you say to this mountian, 'Be moved.'" He had power to bind Pharaoh's princes. Whether they were deacons, or presbyters, or they're the state representatives or whatever they was. He said, "I bind you," and they were bound. That was it. He could do it at his own word, at his own pleasure. Amen. Glory to God!
Oh, I just got about three more minutes. I keep my word.
177 Now we find out, that he--he become a prisoner to God, from a prisoner to the world. From... Paul, the same way. And Moses, the same way, from a prisoner to his own thinking, to a prisoner to God. And when he come out, he had the power of God. And when he become Paul... When the old thinking, of Moses, he surrendered it and stripped of it, he become a prisoner to Christ's Word. Could only move wherever...
"You say, 'Christ'?"
178"He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." So he was a prisoner to Christ, just like Paul was.
179 Remember, all three of them were prophets. See? And they had to be stripped of their own thinking, in order to become a prisoner to the will and the ways of God.
180Then we remember, now, that he had power to bind, at his own word. He had power to loose, at his own word. He could say, "I loose you, in the name of my king." Amen. Pharaoh made Joseph his son.
181 Christ makes His, prisoners of love, His sons. And He gives them power, the same thing He had. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, see, the works that I do shall he do also. Even more than this shall he do." Now the prisoner of the love of Christ becomes empowered by his King, Who is Christ. Amen. "And verily I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you'll have what you said. If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you; if you're yoked to Me," because Him and His Word is the same. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Same yesterday, today, and forever! If ye abide in Me," not in here and there. "Abide in Me, and My Word in you; ask what you will, or say what you will, it'll be done for you." He had power.
182 Notice, before he come out, he had to be taken out and shaved. A few things had to be shaved off before he could meet his king. See?
183Oh, God sometimes takes His people out like that, and shaves a few of their own wills off, shows them that they can't do just what they wanted to do. You know what I mean. They're not--they're not in liberty to do what they want to do. Before they could come into full power and be a love-slave to Christ, they have to be shaved off and then presented. Sometimes He takes them to the desert, to do that, to shave them off. And then bring them out, the anointed one, to fulfill the purpose that He's ordained them to be. See what I mean?
Brethren, we're at the end time.
184 Remember, all other times, what He's done. He's always had to take a man and make him a prisoner to Him, forsake his own. He had to forsake everything that he knowed, forget all of his trainings, everything, in order to know the will of God, and to follow God.
185He can't follow anything that man has got to do, and God, the same time. It's too contrary, one to another. You can't be going east and west at the same time. You can't be going right and left at the same time. You can't be doing right and wrong at the same time. You can't be following man and God at the same time. No, sir. You're either following God or following man.
186Now, then, if you are following God and have submitted yourself to God, then you become a prisoner to that God, to that Word, to that will. No matter what anything else says, you become a--a prisoner to It.
187 Listen. We're at the end time. And I would say this with reverence and respect, as the last couple minutes is floating by. Look. What God, to my opinion, will do and must do, and will do in this last day, is to find a tool for the harvest. He's got to find a tool, to thrash the floor. Any farmer, when he goes to his harvest, he has to have a tool to do it with; certainly, he's got to have a sharp sickle or something, some instrument, to thrash out the grain. And the harvest is ripe.
188God, take us in Your hand. Make us bond-servants of Your love. Use us for tool, to bring the realization to this sinful, cursed earth that we're living in today, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
189For myself, God, let me be a prisoner. If all my brethren turn me down, if all my friends turn me down, I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ and His Word, that I might be harnessed to His Word, by the Holy Spirit, to see the Holy Spirit make the Word of God be confirmed by the same things that He said would be done. I want to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
190 I wonder, tonight, with our heads bowed, if that ambition that we have, of being something else, or maybe of something that we might think, be a selfish thing, wonder if we couldn't just kind of lay that aside.
191I wonder if some young boy here, tonight, look around, say, "I'm going to be, when I get big, I'm going to be a certain-certain thing." Wonder if you could feel the will of God move in your life, and say, "No, no. Uh-huh. I--I... My ambitions are lost now. For the last few days, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me. I--I--I--I want to yield myself to God, to be a thrashing instrument of this last day."
192Some young girl that might have ambitions of a fine lady character, or--or maybe be a pretty little misses, or maybe someday make Hollywood your career, I--I wonder if you're not willing now to submit your ambition in the Presence of God and His Word, hear the call of God in your own life. God knows who you are.
193 I wonder if there'd be a minister close, or a servant, a worker somewhere in church. I just get in here, once in a while. I--I don't know one-third of the people sitting here, tonight, but I... this little handful that's here. I wonder if there'd be such a person, that you'd be willing to say, "I don't care what anyone says. I'm God's slave now. I--I--I'm going to preach His Word, regardless. I don't care what, my--my organization turns me out, I'm still going to stay with that Word. I--I'm going to do it. My will is God's will. God's will is my will. I'm going to be a prisoner to Jesus Christ. By His grace and help, I'll do it."
194Think of it, while we have our heads bowed. How many has got that ambition, tonight? Would you raise your hand. That's mine, too. I surrender all. With our heads bowed now, slowly now, as you think it over now, as you pray.
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
I surren-...
195Do you really mean it? "I want to be a prisoner. I... Take me, Lord. Take me down to the Potter's house, tonight. Break me all up, and mold me over again, down here."
To Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
196 Heavenly Father, as the song continues to play, I thought it most profitable at this time, that I--I'd break in on the song and talk to You just a moment. As the people are thinking, "I surrender all," Father, may we do this, with like that this is our last opportunity to do it. Let us come with sincerity, come unto the table of the Lord, as it was, with washed garments, washed souls, washed wills, washed ambitions, to surrender ourselves.
197 And let God take His Word, yoking us up together with It, God's Word. And may the Holy Spirit take us now, as we hear the yoke click around our hearts, "From tonight on, I take you at your word. Now don't think your own thinking. Think My thoughts. Think My will. I will lead you." God, grant that it'll be an experience to every one of us.
198These young people sitting here; husband and wife; and some coming to be husband and wife. There's older men sitting here, that's ministers, been along the road. And, Lord, here is Brother Neville, I, is getting way up on the ladder. Our days are being numbered now. Our steps are made more careful than what we did make them. We watch where we step. We're not as sure-footed, physically speaking, as we once were. But, Lord, as we see that mortal life is fading out, and none of our footsteps are sure without You got our hand.
199 Now, God, take us, will You? Take our hearts and our will in Your Own hand, and let us become prisoners, tonight, to the Word, to Christ. May we live godly lives here. May these women, these young women, these young men, boys and girls, surrender their life, Lord. And may their ambition become the ambition to serve Jesus Christ. And let us become a prisoner of His Divine grace and will. Grant it, Lord.
200It's all I know to do, Lord. These little broke-up words, and I--I trust that You will put them together, rightly. Cause, it's hot in here, and people want to listen, but it's real warm. And many have to go home and go to work early. But may those seeds just lay into their heart, "a prisoner."
201 Go home and say to the wife, as they... 'fore they get ready to get down and pray, this afternoon, or this evening, by the bedside, look across to one another, say, "Dear, what about that, tonight? Have we really become prisoners to Christ and His will, or--or do we work through our own will?"
202May young men and young women, everywhere, especially those who has heard the Message, tonight, ask themselves that same question, "Am I willing to become a prisoner, forsaking my own life?"
203"He that saves his life shall lose it, but he that will lose His life for My sake shall find it." Father, we know, that is: become a prisoner of You, lose our own ambitions and our own desires, to find Yours, then we have Eternal Life. Grant it, Lord.
204 Only thing I know, is to commit it now into Your hand. And may it become fruitful and bring forth great--great tools for the last-day harvest, men and women, boys and girls, surrender to the complete will of God, and become prisoners of Jesus Christ, to His love, shackled with fetters of Divine love to Christ. We ask it in His Name.
I surrender all,
Let's stand.
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my...?...
205Let's just say that again, with our eyes closed and our hands up.
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all.
206 Now, if we'll bow our heads, and before the dismissing song is sung, of Take The Name Of Jesus With You. I'm going to ask that--that this brother here... I forget his name. The sister that testified about the vision of darkness coming over, which was healed. And remember, looking back, the veil was gone. Her faith did that. You dismiss us in prayer, will you, brother? And ask God's blessings upon us.