Ten, ktorý je vo vás



Ak by sme len mohli prijať túto pravdu. No, pozastavte sa na chvíľu. Ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, čo toto miesto Písma znamená. „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Nedokážeme to porozumieť a pri tom hovoríme, že tomu rozumieme. A vieme, že je to pravda, ale v skutočnosti tomu nerozumieme. „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Čo je to v tebe, čo je väčšie? To je Kristus, Ten pomazaný. Boh, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v tebe. „Väčší je ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Potom, ak On je v tebe, to si už nie viac ty, ktorý žiješ, to je On, ktorý žije v tebe. Rozumiete? To nie je tvoje myslenie, čo si ty myslíš o tomto. To je to, čo On hovorí o tomto. Rozumiete? Potom, ak On je v tebe, On by absolútne nezaprel to, čo povedal. Nedokáže to urobiť. Ale On zachová to, čo povedal. A On sa snaží nájsť takú osobu, cez ktorú môže potvrdiť Samého Seba.

No, to neznamená, že On to musí urobiť každému. V čase, keď Mojžiš viedol deti Izraela, tam bol jeden, a to bol Mojžiš. Tí ostatní z nich len nasledovali to Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Niektorí z nich sa snažili povstať a napodobniť to a Boh povedal, „Oddeľte sa.“ A len ich pohltil. Rozumiete?

No, ale teraz, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Boh vo vás, ako on bol v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože všetko, čo bol Boh, On prelial do Krista, a všetko, čo bol Kristus, On prelial do cirkvi. Vidíte? To je Boh, ktorý je vo vás, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás.“

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Zostaňme ešte na chvíľu stáť, zatiaľ čo sa ešte modlíme. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Všetci, ktorí by ste chceli byť spomenutí v tejto modlitbe, zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Bože, to som ja.“

2Najsvätejší a milostivý Bože, prinášame pred teba týchto ľudí s ich žiadosťami, ktoré majú. Oni požiadali, aby boli spomenutí. A, Pane, moja ruka je tiež hore. Modlím sa ku Tebe, aby si nám bol milostivý. Ty poznáš naše potreby a my sa chceme modliť, ako si nás Ty učil modliť sa, „Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane na zemi, ako je v nebi.“ Otče, my dnes večer prosíme o milosrdenstvo, o slobodu Ducha, aby sme mohli byť schopní priniesť ľuďom Evanjelium pravdy, a to, čo veríme, že je posolstvom tejto hodiny pre Tvoju cirkev. Pane, modlíme sa, aby sme boli tou porciou cirkvi, ktorá má byť vyvolaná v týchto posledných dňoch. Otče, ak nie sme tou porciou, potom nám zjav, čo musíme robiť, aby sme boli tou porciou. A daj nám milosť, moc v tejto hodine skúšky, ktorá je na zemi, aby skúsila všetkých, ktorí tu prebývajú. Daj nám z Tvojho Svätého Ducha, aby nás viedol a sprevádzal, aby sme na konci mohli prísť ku Tebe v pokoji, k tomu večnému životu, na ktorý sa všetci veriaci tešia od počiatku času. Pomôž nám, Pane. Prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Som skutočne vďačný za to privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžem byť, a za tú milosť Božiu, ktorá nám bola daná skrze Ježiša.

4A potom, ohľadne posolstva dnes ráno, no, chcem, aby to každý celkom porozumel. Tak spolieham na Boha, že to nie je ten čas. Rozumiete. Ale to Posolstvo je pravda. To posolstvo je pravdivé. To bude, to raz bude, ak to nie je už ten čas. A to vyzerá tak veľmi ako ten čas, až som sa cítil, ako Pavol za dávna, ktorý povedal, „Neutiahol som sa zvestovať vám celú radu.“ Rozumiete. Všetko, čo má byť vykonané.

5Je jedna vec, ktorú som dnes ráno urobil, a je mi to ľúto, že som to povedal. Povedal som meno toho brata, o ktorom si myslím, že je v omyle. Nemal som to robiť. Nikdy nehovorím mená ľudí, a ak by sa tá páska náhodou dostala do jeho rúk. A ja ho chcem vidieť a hovoriť s ním, pretože si myslím, že on je brat, veľký človek, dobrý človek, ktorý kázal rovno tu za touto kazateľňou, brat David duPlessis. A ja som nechcel povedať jeho meno. Bol som rozrušený týmto posolstvom atď. o tom, že čo ak je toto ten čas a povedal som meno toho brata. Nerobievam to, je mi ľúto, že som to urobil. Milujem brata Davida duPlessisa. On je náš brat a ja si myslím, že taký chytrý muž, ako je on, by mal byť viac poučený v Písme. Poviem vám, čo to je. Raz sme sa s Dávidom rozprávali...

6Raz pre mňa hovoril na zhromaždeniach. Kázal rovno z tejto kazateľne, alebo z tej kazateľne ešte v tej starej modlitebni. A jeho brat, Justus, bol mojím prekladateľom v Južnej Afrike, kam sa vraciam. A oni pochádzajú z milej rodiny, z letničného domu. Skutočne milá osoba. Myslím si, že Dávid bol raz predsedom svetových letničných zborov a na letničnej svetovej konferencii. On bol jedným z tých predsedov. A neskôr prišiel do Spojených štátov a usadil sa Texase s bratom Gordonom Lindsayom. A potom len začal kázať na rôznych miestach.

7Ale to, čo to bolo, kde si myslím, že náš vzácny brat urobil chybu, práve tak, ako ja som k tomu náchylný, alebo ktokoľvek iný. On začal mať do činenia s uznávanými a rešpektovanými miestami. Stále hovoril o univerzite Printstone a tých miestach, kde ho pozývali. Myslel si, že robí to, čo je správne, a pritom plnil delo pušným prachom. A tak sa radoval.

Ale nielen to, ale Obchodníci plného Evanjelia, ktorí sú sponzormi mojich zhromaždení na celom svete. Rozumiete? Milujem tých ľudí. Rozumiete? Ale, ja s nimi istotne nesúhlasím v tých princípoch, že oni sú, že oni... Oni opustili tie princípy, na ktorých začali. A teraz sa stávajú takými, ako ktorákoľvek organizácia alebo niečo podobné. Rozumiete? A to, čo to je, oni sa nesnažia zostať letničnými, ale oni sa snažia zmiešať letnice a to ostatné dokopy.

8A mne sa zdá, že brat duPlessis, ohromný milý človek ako on, by poznal dostatočne Písmo, že keď vidí tu spiacu pannu, ako sa snaží kúpiť olej, tak ten čas pominul. Rozumiete? Pamätajte. Keď si ona prišla kúpiť olej, žiaden olej tam nezostal. To je Písmo. A ona povedala, „Dajte nám z vášho oleja.“ Tej cirkvi. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] Ale ona to neprijala. Ona mohla skákať hore a dolu, hovoriť v jazykoch a čokoľvek. Ale podľa Božieho vlastného Slova, ona to neprijala. A bola vystrčená do vonkajšej temnosti a tam bol plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov, keď tá vyvolená Nevesta už odišla. Tá múdra panna mala olej vo svojej lampe.

9No, poznám ďalšieho človeka. Niečo sa jedného dňa stalo. To, čo to je, že títo milí ľudia sa dostávajú tak trochu, viete, čo myslím, majú trochu také postavenie medzi ľuďmi. A tá prvá vec, ktorú spoznáte, oni sa cítia, že to je Boh, ktorý to robí. A mnohokrát to je diabol, ktorý to robí. Rozumiete?

10Ježiš mal šancu prísť pred Heroda. On mal šancu pred mnohými. A oni ho chceli použiť ako nejakého šoumena. Rozumiete?

To je všetko to, čo sa oni snažia urobiť s letnicami. Letniční vyšli z tých vecí, aby boli odlišní, „Ako sa sviňa vracia do svojho blata a pes ku svojmu vývratku. Obracia sa rovno znovu naspäť.“ A teraz sú v Ekumenickej Rade. Vidíte? Je to príliš zlé. Je to hanba.

11Nech ma Boh zachová malým a pokorným, aby tak mohol zjaviť svoju pravdu. Rozumiete? Ja to nikdy nechcem robiť. Žiadne ligotavé svetlá, ani žiadne svetlice a blýskanie pre ten svet. Nechajte ma ísť tou cestou s Pánovými pohŕdnutými. Nechajte ma zostať so Slovom.

12Teraz, keď hovoríme o Ekumenickej Rade, ako sa zlučuje s Vatikánom. Vy veríte, že oni by sa mohli zlúčiť so Slovom? Mohli by sa, s organizáciou. Ale oni sa nedokážu so Slovom. To je pravda. Tak nie je nič, s čím by sme mohli robiť kompromis. Rozumiete? Organizácia, to je stále to isté. Všetko je to to isté. Je to presne v jednej línii. Matka a dcéra. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomuto Slovu, som tak pevne proti metodistom a baptistom a presbyteriánom, ako som proti katolicizmu. Pretože to je matka a dcéra podľa tohto Slova. To je toto Slovo, pri ktorom stojím. Rozumiete? Toto. Každé Slovo z toho.

13No, tento vzácny brat, on a jeho žena sú moji blízki priatelia. Mnohí z vás ste videli ten časopis, kde tento vzácny, Bohom poslaný vzácny brat mohol kedy nechať svoju ženu... Niekto jej povedal, že vyzerala ako Jacqueline Kennedyová, a ona si dala spraviť jeden z tých veľkých módnych strihov, veľký účes a tak. Čo je to? Čo je to? Ona sa stretáva s takým druhom ľudí po celý čas a nakoniec...

Keď si dobrý muž berie zlú ženu, buď sa ona stane dobrou ženou, alebo... Mám na mysli, keď si dobrý muž berie zlú ženu, buď sa ona stane dobrou ženou alebo on sa stane zlým mužom. Ukážte mi svoju spoločnosť a ja vám poviem, kto ste. Vtáky rovnakého peria si sadajú spolu. Stojte preč od ligotavých vecí.

14Zliezol som raz dolu do jednej bane, to bolo na vrchoch toho hrebeňa Arizony a Mexika. Brat Sothmann a ja, išli sme tam a boli sme tam spolu. A ja som tam išiel a vykopal som takú kopu toho, čo... Vyzerá to úplne ako zlato. Ale jediný spôsob, ako dokážete povedať, že to nie je zlato, je, že sa to leskne viac ako zlato. To sa leskne. A zlato sa neleskne, ono žiari. Rozumiete? A toto je to, čo nazývajú zlato bláznov. To nemá hodnotu, ani ako je tá obyčajná skala, v ktorej to je. Nazýva sa to železopyrit. Myslím, že v... Vedci tvrdia, že vody a stekajúce kyseliny a rôzne veci sa tam nikdy nedostali tak dostatočne, že by to stvrdili a priviedli to do miesta, kde sa to stane zlatom. A to sa síce viacej leskne, ale nemá to v sebe tie chemikálie.

A tak je to s mnohým tým, čo je takzvaným kresťanstvom, ono sa leskne tak, ako Hollywood. Ale cirkev žiari Evanjeliom. Rozumiete?

15No, nejaká sestra tu. Billy mi to práve ukázal. To bolo dobre ísť a zohnať ten časopis Život, kde je tento obrázok, a priniesť to, o tých siedmych anjeloch. A oni to zobrali a poslali mi to. To je ten obrázok. A ak si tu všimnete, keď to odchádzalo, vystupovalo to hore, keď tí anjeli, potom, ako priniesli svoje posolstvo. To bolo vo forme pyramídy. Presne tak, ako som vám povedal tri mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo, a to, ako sa to stane. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí Amen. - pozn. prekl.]

A ten význačný anjel so svojimi krídlami, tu na tejto strane vzadu. Pamätáte si ho? Povedal... Mal svoju hlavu... Prichádzal takouto rýchlosťou. Vidíte tam dokonca tie krídla? A tam je ten anjel, presne tak, ako to bolo povedané.

16No, jedine Boh to môže urobiť. Oni tam majú tiež fotografiu tej ženy, ktorej bolo povedané... Mnohokrát ľudia hovoria...

17V tom rozpoznaní bolo povedané, „Táto osoba je zatienená na smrť. Je tam temný tieň.“

18No oni povedia, „No, on to len tak hovorí.“ Vidíte, to sú ľudia, ktorí nedokážu ísť celou cestou. Oni to nedokážu vidieť. Oni môžu s vami kričať. Oni sa môžu s vami rozprávať. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, veriť to skutočne všetko, celou svojou dušou a telom, oni to nedokážu.

Tak, ale vidíte. Ak je v tom Boh a hovorí pravdu, tak toto je ten posledný čas histórie. Toto je posledný kúsok svetovej histórie. To sa zakončuje. Nebude už viac času jedného dňa. Boh to všetko potvrdzuje. Oboje, duchovne a vedecky.

19Keď som povedal jednému malému chlapcovi, „Ten stĺp svetla vyzeral ako hviezda.“

20Koľkí z vás si pamätáte tých zo starých dňov? Zvykli to nazývať „hviezda“. Keď sa zjavil tu pri rieke, keď on povedal, „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný...“

21No, nakoniec to zostúpilo a urobili z toho fotku. Zvykli sme to tu niekde mať. Áno, oni hovoria, že je to tam na rohu. Nevidím to. Vedecky to dokazuje, že je to pravda.

22Hovoríme, že tí ľudia boli „zatienení“. No, tu bola nejaká žena, fotografia. Je to tu obyčajne, práve tak, ako hociktorá iná fotografia, ako odfotografované týmto prístrojom. Povedal som... Nejaká osoba sa ohľadne toho divila a tej žene bolo povedané, „Si zatienená na smrť s rakovinou. Je tam temný tieň.“ Ona sa otočila a urobila fotografiu a tá žena tu bola, aby o tom svedčila. A ona môže byť dnes večer tu, pokiaľ viem.

No, tam je tá žena, s niečím, akoby čiernou kapucňou nad hlavou. V poriadku. No, to je vedecký dôkaz, že to je pravda. A ihneď, ako tá žena bola vyhlásená za zdravú, oni urobili ďalšiu fotografiu, a to už tam nebolo. Čo potom zasiahlo ten objektív?

A čo to bolo, čo odišlo, čo potom nebolo na tom objektíve, keď bola vyhlásená za uzdravenú?

No, ako som tu stál, povedal som vám, že tí anjeli prichádzajú.

23Brat Fred bol jeden z... Videl som pred chvíľou brata Freda. Myslel som si, že je rovno tu, ale niekde som ho minul. Ó, tam je, vzadu. To je pravda. On tam stál asi, asi dve míle alebo míľu a pol alebo dve míle od toho miesta, kde som bol a počul tú explóziu. Cítil tie skaly a to všetko ostatné, keď sa to udialo. Je to pravda, brat Fred?

A tam boli tí Anjeli, ktorí boli poslaní späť s posolstvom. A tu to je dokonca vo forme pyramídy, a to vám ukázalo, čo to bude tu. To vám povedalo, že oni tam budú stáť predtým, ako ja odídem.

Fotografia za fotografiou po celej krajine. Oni to odfotografovali až do Mexika. Bolo to 30 míľ vysoko a 27 míľ naprieč. A tak vysoko, že dokonca ani vlhkosť, ani nič tam nemôže... Vlhkosť sa nedostáva viac ako asi 8 alebo 9 míľ vysoko. Potom oni boli na mieste, kde neexistuje žiadna vlhkosť. Rozumiete? A toto bolo, myslím, že to bolo buď 27 míľ vysoko a 30 míľ naprieč. Alebo to bolo 20... Alebo 30 míľ vysoko a 27 míľ naprieč, jedno alebo druhé. Časopis „Život“ to uverejnil, alebo časopis „Pozri“. Ktorý to bol? „Pozri“ alebo „Život“? Časopis „Život“. Myslím, že je to vydanie zo 17. mája. Tak to je.

24No, tam to je, vedecký dôkaz, že toto je pravda. Tak my sa nemusíme obávať, či je toto pravda. Oboje, vedecky a duchovne, a to, čo bolo povedané, že sa stane. Tak tu je posolstvo Siedmich Pečatí, pri svojom zakončovaní, to je posolstvo celej Biblie. Sedem Pečatí ukončuje novú zmluvu a spečaťuje ju. To je pravda. No, my vieme, že to je skrze prorocké vyhlásenie, tiež skrze vedu, a tiež skrze Slovo. Traja musia vydať svedectvo, že to je pravda.

25Preto vieme, že sme v čase konca. Sme tu. Neviem, ako ďaleko ja... On nám to nedá nikdy vedieť, pretože Jeho príchod bude, „ako zlodej v noci.“ Moji priatelia, môj brat, sestra, buďme pripravení bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Buďme prostí a cnostní. Rozumiete? Pretože svet pôjde rovno ďalej. Oni ani nebudú vedieť, že sa to stalo. Keď sa dvere milosti zatvoria, kazatelia budú ďalej kázať spasenie a spôsobia, že ľudia budú činiť pokánie a pôjdu rovno ďalej, ako to bolo vždy. To sa dialo v iných vekoch. To sa dialo v... To bude v tomto veku.

A vytrhnutie bude také náhle a také rýchle, že svet si to ani nevšimne, a oni sú preč. To je pravda. Nebudú o tom nič vedieť. On prichádza a zoberie ju preč. Ona bude preč a oni nebudú o tom nič vedieť.

Tak buďte na modlitbe. Modlite sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nevieme, v ktorej hodine to bude, ale veríme, že to bude skoro. Držte sa preč od ligotavých vecí. Zostaňte s Evanjeliom. Rozumiete? Zostaňte rovno tam a modlite sa.

26Tak, Billy mi tu napísal list, alebo vlastne poznámku, a povedal, že niekto chce dať požehnať dieťa. Ak je to pravda (Je?). Zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak niekto... Áno, dve bábätká. V poriadku. Prineste ich rovno sem. A brat Neville... Aha, som zvedavý, či by mohla naša sestra mohla na chvíľu prísť za piano k tomu požehnaniu dieťaťa. Nechceme ani jedno vynechať.

27No, pamätajte, že o tomto čase zajtra večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, budem v New York City. A budeme tam na bojovom poli bojovať dobrý boj viery.

28Tak rovno tu, sestra, ak môžeš. Tu vpredu, a ja si ich zoberiem. Áno, pani. Ďakujem. A teraz sme...

29Koľkí z vás sa budú za mňa modliť. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“.- pozn. prekl.] No, ak bude Boh chcieť, čo dúfam, že bude. Tak v nedeľu o týždeň... Ak je to v poriadku, čo sa týka brata Nevilleho [Brat Neville hovorí, “To je v poriadku”. – pozn. prekl.] V nedeľu o týždeň budem znovu späť na svojej ceste do Lousianny a zastavím sa tu v cirkvi na zhromaždenie. [Amen.]

30Chcem vám všetkým poďakovať za vašu láskavosť. Tá pani mi tu poslala cukríky, a ja si to cením. Neviem, kto tá pani je. Niekto mi poslal krabičku cukríkov, bolo to skutočne veľmi chutné. Ešte teraz som z toho naplnený. Ďakujem vám. Vy si myslíte, že tie malé veci neznamenajú veľa? Iste znamenajú. To sú malé znaky. A rôzni mi dali svoje malé dary lásky a ukázal som to Billy Paulovi a dal som mu to a tie veci. Dostávam ich. Vy neviete, ako si to cením. Nech vás Boh žehná. A budem na to pamätať. O koľko viac On na to pamätá. „Lebo čokoľvek by ste učinili tomu najmenšiemu z týchto mojich maličkých, Mne ste učinili.“ Rozumiete? Tak, milosrdenstvo bude preukázané tam, kde je milosrdenstvo dané.

31No, máme tu nejaké malé milé osôbky. Či by ste... Chcem, aby ste tam zostali a potom zaspievali „Prineste ich“. V poriadku. Vaši bratia sem prídu za minútku.

No, tak tu je to prvé. Díva sa na mňa malý pár hnedých očiek s veľkým milým úsmevom. Maličké dievčatko. Aké je jej... [Matka hovorí Sharon Rose – pozn.prekl.] Sharon Rose. To je pre mňa veľké meno. [Pomenovali sme ju, brat Branham, po tej tvojej.] Po mojom malom dievčatku, ktoré odišlo. [Pomenovali sme ju ešte pred tým, ako sa narodila, brat Branham.] Pomenovali ju predtým, ako sa narodila. Ak to malo byť dievča, tak ste jej išli dať meno Sharon Rose. [My sme si boli istí, že to bude dievča. Ona musela byť.] Musela byť. [Sharon Rose Goodman.]

Viete čo? Neviem, či to viete, alebo nie. Ak by tu stála moja žena, ona by pravdepodobne odpadla. Toto je ten istý druh šiat, ktoré malo moje malé dievčatko, keď bolo požehnávané. Malá Sharon Rose. Toto možno bude... Nech by toto žilo. Pričom Boh tú moju vzal.

Aké je tvoje priezvisko? [Matka hovorí, „Goodman“. – pozn.prekl.] Pani, a... Ste tu z mesta? [Z Chicaga.] Z Chicaga. Brat a sestra Goodmanoví. Nech vás Boh žehná.

A viete. Moja malá Sharon vyzerala takto. Nemyslím si, že tu je niekto, kto si ju pamätá, ako vyzerala. Mala takéto malé hnedé očká ako jej matka. Skutočne milé malé dievčatko s tmavými vlasmi. Práve o...

Koľko má? [Matka hovorí, „Päť mesiacov“. –pozn. prekl.] Päť mesiacov. Ona mala päť mesiacov, keď ju Boh zavolal hore. Krátko potom som ju videl. Poznáte ten príbeh? [My to máme doma na páske.] Máte to doma na páske.

Sharon Rose pochádza zo Slova. Ja som to obrátil z toho Ruža Sárona. A on potreboval jedno z tých maličkých na svojom oltári, tak on ju vzal. Rozumiete? A ja s ňou znovu budem. Nech vaša malá Sharon žije, aby vyplnila ten život, ktorý by tu ona bola žila tu na zemi. Nech bude s vami v sláve. Ako cítim, že moja Sharon bude so mnou.

Teší ma. Pozrite. Hovoríte o malej priateľskej veci. Pozrite na toto, ona je celý úsmev.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

Drahý Bože, ako držím tento malý poklad, malú Sharon Rose, ty vieš, že vo svojom srdci, Pane, o čom rozmýšľam. Tak ja to nemusím vyjadrovať. Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh, ktorý dáva našim srdciam tieto malé drahokamy. Požehnaj dom Goodmanov. Nech sú tí rodičia uctení, čo sú, tým, že majú doma takýto poklad. Nech to zostane v ich dome, Pane, a ak je ešte nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ju cnostnou ženou pre ten zajtrajšok.

A teraz, Pane Bože, v poslušnosti tomu, čím si nás poveril skrze Tvoj príklad, aby sme robili. Ty si bral malé deti do svojich rúk a žehnal si ich a povedal si, „Nechajte maličkých prísť ku mne.“ A oni prinášajú to dieťa ku mne tým, že som Tvoj sluha. Ako si povedal, že Tvoji sluhovia majú vykonávať Tvoju prácu. A tu stoja Tvoji sluhovia, brat Neville a brat Cubs a ja. A teraz, Pane Bože, z rúk otca a matky ti dávame túto malú Sharon Rose Goodmann, ktorú odovzdávame do života služby v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. [Sestra Goodmanová hovorí, „Brat Branham, my máme doma ešte ďalších päť. Dve dievčatá, dvoch chlapcov.“ – pozn.prek.] Piatich maličkých okrem tohto. [Áno.] Aké milé. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Goodmann. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra Goodmannová. A nech Pán žehná malú Sharon.

Teší ma, brat. No, pozrime sa. Ja... Arned. [Otec hovorí, „Arned“. – pozn.prekl.] Arned. To je pravda. [Je pomenovaný po tebe.] Je to tak? William Arned. [James William Arned.] James Wiliam Arned. Je to milý chlapec. Viete, niektoré veci máme spoločné. On a ja. Už teraz, mená. A potom máme podobné vlasy. Vidíte? Je to milý chlapec, Jimmy. Hádam tak ho nazývate. James. [James.] Potom James. V poriadku.

Rád by som vedel, či ho môžem podržať. [Možno ti to dovolí. – pozn.prekl.] Neviem. Tak Jimmy, sme ozajstní kamaráti. Viete čo? Nemyslíš si to? V poriadku.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

Pane Bože, Ty si požehnal tento dom. Dom Arneda s týmto malým milým chlapcom. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal jeho otca, jeho matku, jeho milovaných. Oni sú Kresťania. Ó, ako tento otec tvrdo bojoval. Tie cigarety a rôzne veci od... A jedného dňa to prišlo cez „Tak hovorí Pán.“ On bol ako tá žena, ktorá bola vytrvalá, že sa tam dostane. Hoci ho jeho obchod sklamal a všetko sa zdalo, že sa rúca. On stále bral tú porciu svojich peňazí a čakal na rozhovor za rozhovorom, až sa to jedného rána stalo. On uveril, že to tak bude.

A teraz ti prináša tohto malého chlapca a Ty si ho ním požehnal. Bože, to ovocie ich zjednotenia. Žehnám tohto malého Jamesa Williama Arneda v mene Ježiša Krista. Daj mu dlhý život. Učiň ho hodným mužom v tvojom Evanjeliu pre ten zajtrajšok, ak ešte bude zajtrajšok. A nakoniec v tom kráľovstve, ktoré má prísť, nech budeme spolu. Ja... Tvoji sluhovia kladieme naše ruky na neho a odovzdávame ho Ježišovi Kristovi pre život služby. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Máš ešte ďalších dvoch? Toto sú tí istí. V poriadku.

Verím, že by si ma mohol takmer zodvihnúť na miesto toho, aby som ja zodvihol teba. A toto je... [Alfred, Al a Marta. – pozn.prekl.] Nechajme len, nech zhromaždenie vidí. Rád by som, aby videli tieto deti. Myslím si, že keď sú malé, sú skutočne milé.

No, položme na nich teraz svoje ruky.

A podobne, Všemohúci Bože, my, tvoji sluhovia, kladieme svoje ruky na tieto deti. Ten milý brat a sestra tohto malého chlapca, ktorého práve teraz odovzdávajú tu. Kladieme na nich svoje ruky k odovzdaniu od matky a otca do rúk Ježiša Krista do života služby. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Al a Marta, sestra, je skutočne milé, znovu vás vidieť. Nech je Pán s vami.

Tento malý chlapec. Ó, on je dobrý chlapec. Zvykol som si kedysi tiež takto česať vlasy. Ako sa volá? [Otec hovorí, „Terel Kate Walker.“ – pozn. prekl.] [Terel Kate Walker.] Terel Kate Walker, aký milý chlapec.

Rád by som vedel. Neviem teraz. Díva sa na mňa tak trochu, že by aj mohol. Som zvedavý, či by som ho mohol podržať. [To dieťa hovorí. – pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda, Kate? Ó, to je milý chlapec. Istotne. Či to nie je zlatý chlapec? Herel. [Matka hovorí, „Terel“.] Herel. Herel Kate Walker.

Všemohúci Bože, z rúk rodičov do rúk Ježiša Krista. Malý Terel Kate Walker. Kladieme svoje ruky na neho k odovzdaniu všemohúcemu Bohu. Ako otec a matka túžia, aby toto dieťa bolo vychovávané v napomínaní Božom. Ak ešte je nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ho sluhom hodným tohto odovzdania, pretože my, tvoji sluhovia, kladieme svoje ruky na toto dieťa a odovzdávame ho Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Walker. Je toto sestra Walker? [Sestra Walker hovorí, „Áno, pane.“ – pozn.prekl.] To je ozaj milé. Máte milého chlapca.

Nech vás Boh žehná.

[Brat Gramby hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, pane. [Brat Gramby ďalej hovorí.] Áno. [“A modlili sme sa za ňu, keď sa narodila. Narodila sa s takou hrčou na sánke a ty si sa za ňu modlil a to ihneď odišlo.“] Toto malé dievčatko, to je brata Grimsleyho, nášho... [Ten brat hovorí, „Gramby.“] Gramby, pomiešalo sa mi to. Myslel som na brata Grimsleyho a ďalej som rozmýšľal... Brat Gramby prináša toto malé dievčatko. A keď sa narodila, mala na tvári veľkú hrču a ja som sa za ňu modlil a tá hrča odišla. A teraz sa chcú modliť, pretože... Sú jej rodičia Kresťania? [Nie sú Kresťania. – pozn.prekl.] Oni nie sú Kresťania. A oni sa boja, že nejaký zlý duch chce toto dieťa vziať. A tak oni chcú, aby to odišlo.

Modlime sa.

Pane Ježišu, na toto malé dieťa, ako sa skláňa nad oltárom... Pričom, Ty si už preukázal Svoju milosť, keď si odobral tú hrču nádoru v jej ústach. A teraz sa nejaký zlý duch snaží zabrať život toho dieťaťa. Niet divu, že ty by si mohol použiť toto dieťa, a že ho plánuješ použiť a satan sa snaží zmariť ten plán. Preto karháme satana v mene Ježiša Krista, aby dal preč aj svoje ruky od toho dieťaťa, ako ju odovzdávame Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Brat Gramby, ty veríš. To dieťa je príliš malé, že sotva môže mať vieru, ale to bude tak.

32Milujem Ho a vy? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „amen“. – pozn.prekl.] On je nádherný.

Tak, všetci. Sľúbil som dnes večer, že skončím do 8:30. A tak, to mi dáva ešte pol hodinu. No, neviem, či to tak bude. Zrejme to trochu prekročím. Ale teraz poďme...

33Som rád, že tu dnes ráno vidím brata Daucha. A ja neviem, kam išiel ten druhý muž ale dnes ráno, ak mal on kedy dvojičku, tam bol jeden muž, ktorý tam sedel, a on bol úplne jeho dvojička. Povedal som, „Ktorý je brat Dauch?“ Pozrel som sa tam a späť a išiel som ich pomenovať a bol som taký zaujatý do posolstva. Vieš, brat Dauch, vyzeráš tak, ako vždy. Som rád, že ťa vidím v takom stave.

34Práve nedávno, mal som medzimestský hovor z Tusconu, aby som sa za neho znovu modlil, že sa mu niečo stalo. Brat Dauch má 90 alebo 91 rokov. Má 90, myslím si, alebo 91. A vaše telo sa opotrebováva. Ale, „Mnohé sú súženia spravodlivého, ale Boh ho z nich všetkých vytrhuje.“ A niekedy, keď sa to telo dostáva na miesto, kde už nevie držať pokope, viem, že on sa drží tej ruky. Hoci by to zostala len hruda hliny, Boh zasľúbil, že to znovu vzkriesi v posledných dňoch. A som taký vďačný.

35Pamätám si brata Daucha, keď prišiel sem do bazénu, aby bol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Keď ani nemal oblečenie, v ktorom by bol pokrstený, ale jednako chcel ísť. A Boh bol tomu mužovi milostivý. Len pomyslite, on o 20 rokov prekročil ten čas, ktorý mu Boh sľúbil. Vidíte? Či to len nie je milosť.

A keď tam vtedy ležal s úplným zlyhaním srdca a ešte ku tomu navrch mal infarkt. A Boh toho muža okamžite uzdravil a priviedol ho odtiaľ sem. A myslím, že jeho lekár už zomrel. Je to pravda? Rozumiem... Áno, dokonca ten doktor, židovský lekár, ktorý mu robil lekára, a tak. Bol tam so mnou na chodbe a hovoril mi o ňom. On sám už odišiel. Vidíte?

Ó, aká veľká, aká hlboká je láska, ó, Pane. Aká veľká je Tvoja láska.

36No, máme tu nejaké vreckovky, nad ktorými sa budeme o niekoľko minút modliť. Ale idem ku vám trošku hovoriť ohľadne viery. A potom uvidíme, ako to Pán bude viesť. Čo budeme robiť potom. Tak nechajme to len na Neho. To je ten najlepší spôsob. Ó, sedieť spolu v ponebeských miestach.

37Hovoril som dnes s jedným z mojich priateľov, potom, ako som sa vrátil z Blueboar. A povedal som, „Zostaneš na zhromaždenia?“


39Povedal som, „Zrejme budeš musieť šoférovať do dvanástej alebo do jednej.“ Oni očakávajú, že sa dostanú domov okolo šiestej ráno. Majú veľmi dlhú cestu. Pamätajte. Oni sú ľudia a unavia sa tak, ako ja. Tam dolu, Tennessee a okolie, to je to, kam idú. Nech ich Pán požehná.

40Je tak mnoho vecí, ktoré by som mohol povedať. Využívam na to čas, ale nevidím vás veľmi často, a tak nejako milujem ku vám hovoriť. A ak sa nedostanem k tomu, aby som vám povedal všetko, čo si o vás myslím tu...

Chcem to vám, bratom, povedať. Niektorí z nich rozpustili svoje cirkvi.

41Brat Jackson tu dnes ráno vydal nádherný výklad neznámych jazykov, v ktorých hovoril jeden brat. A potvrdzovalo to, že to je Boh. Všimli ste si? On nikdy nepovedal niečo, čo by bolo nesprávne. Nikdy nepovedal, že by to tak nebolo. On len dal varovanie, aby ľudia počúvali. Vidíte? Rozumiete? Tak, brat Junior tu bol dnes ráno a rozpustil svoju cirkev.

A rozumiem, že tí iní bratia tam z dola, z tých iných cirkví, tu zo Salesburgu.

42A brat Ruddell, on tu dnes ráno bol. Ale neviem, či je tu dnes večer, alebo nie. V poriadku, dnes večer je znovu tu. No, nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Ruddell. A ty...

Nedokážem to len vyjadriť, čo si myslím. Ale možno... No, keď sa dostaneme na tú druhú stranu, chcem si tam s vami posedieť tak desať tisíc rokov, chvíľku. Vidíte? Potom si o tom všetkom pohovoríme.

43A zatiaľ, čo je žatva dozretá a pracovníkov je málo, kopme rovno v tom, ak by tu náhodou sedel nejaký hriešnik. Môže tu byť dnes večer niekto, komu to môže zmeniť celý smer.

Ak to dnes ráno nebol ten čas, tak dnes večer sa môžu tie knihy zatvoriť. Pamätajte. Tam nebude ani jeden ďalší, ktorý by prišiel, keď sú tie mená vykúpené.

Tak teraz počúvajte každý veľmi pozorne, predtým, ako budem čítať Písmo.

44Všetko, čo bude kedy vykúpené, Boh umiestnil do Baránkovej knihy života ešte predtým, ako svet prišiel do svojho stvorenia. Koľkí to viete? To je Písmo. A antikrist v posledných dňoch bude tak blízko tej skutočnej veci, tej skutočnej cirkvi vo všetkom, bude to práve ako Judáš, až by to zviedlo tých vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Je to pravda? Ale nikto nemôže prísť ku Ježišovi, jedine, že ho pošle Boh, a všetko, čo mu Boh dal, ku Nemu príde. A keď On berie tú knihu, to posledné meno.

45Vidíte? Všetci v Lutherovom veku, On ich vytiahol. Všetkých vo Wesleyovom veku, On ich vytiahol. Všetkých v tých rozličných vekoch a v letničnom veku, On ich vyťahuje. A oni sú tu a nebudú súdení s nimi. Oni idú do vytrhnutia. A keď vychádza to posledné meno, ktoré bolo umiestnené do Baránkovej knihy života, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta, keď to posledné meno zostalo vykúpené, Jeho práca je zakončená. On si prichádza nárokovať to, čo vykúpil. To robí, že naše srdce krváca. Ale, ak by to išlo o tisíc rokov neskôr, nikto by nebol vykúpený.

A nikto nemôže byť vykúpený, jedine, že bol umiestnený do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Kto sú oni? Neviem. Nikto iný nevie, iba sám Boh. Vidíte? Ja spolieham, že každý jeden z nás, že naše mená boli v tej knihe. Ak to moje tam bolo, potom tam s istotou budem. Ak tam nebolo, nebudem tam. To je všetko. Vidíte? To je len na Bohu. „Nie ten, kto chce, kto beží, ale Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.“ Rozumiete?

46Pristúpme teraz ku Slovu so všetkou úctou a úprimnosťou. A myslím, že to je jedna vec, ktorú musíme robiť. Rozumiete? Prestaňme s toľkými nezmyslami. Buďte úctiví, úprimní.

Všimol som si niekedy tie vyznania, keď oni... V televízii, keď tam mali zhromaždenie Billy Grahama. Nič proti Billy Grahamovi. Ale tam v Kalifornii ten muž toho večera kázal ohromné posolstvo. Kázal presne to isté, čo som ja nedávno kázal tu, z Daniela, „Zvážený si na vážkach a si nájdený ľahký.“ Koľkí to videli? Hádam mnohí z vás.

47Pozrite? Všimli ste si tých ľudí, ako prechádzali tými uličkami, žuvali žuvačku, smiali sa, udierali jeden do druhého. To nie je kráčanie medzi smrťou a životom. To nie je ľútosť nad hriechom a pokánie. Vidíte? To je práve to, čo Billy povedal, „Urobiť rozhodnutie.“ A nejaký chladný súhlas, rozhodnutie so suchými očami, to nie je nič, vôbec nič. Musíte mať ľútosť nad hriechom a odvrátiť sa od neho.

A sám Billy povedal, „To dokazuje, že z tridsiatich tisícov nedokážete za rok nájsť ani tridsať.“ Raz povedal, „Čo sa deje s New Yorkom? Mal som tam veľké zhromaždenie. A čo sa stalo? Hriech je tam ešte väčší, ako kedy bol.“

48A to bude stále horšie a horšie. Nebude žiadne národné pokánie. Tento národ je preč. Iba vy, jednotlivci. A veľmi skoro sa to zakončí, ak to už tak nie je. Tak si to len poznačte, vy, malé deti. Vidzte, ako ďaleko brat Branham... To nie je brat Branham. To, čo som povedal, je správne, alebo nesprávne. S hriechom to bude horšie a horšie, až jedného dňa nebesia vzplanú ohňom a spadnú na zem. A zem bude horieť žeravým ohňom. Ale tí vykúpení tu už potom nebudú. Oni budú preč.

49Tak, teraz v knihe svätého Marka v 11.kapitole, 1.Jána 4:4 a Matúš 28:20 by som chcel čítať.

50Tak najprv by som chcel čítať zo svätého Marka z 11. Kapitoly 12. až 24. verš.

Počúvajte skutočne pozorne, ako budeme čítať. A toto bude teraz také pozadie pre jedno malé svedectvo a pár slov napomenutia. A potom uvidíme, čo nám Pán dá robiť. Všetci zostaňte sedieť a modlite sa teraz, ako čítame.

A keď na druhý deň vyšli z Betánie, zlačnel.

A vidiac zďaleka fík, majúci lístie, išiel k nemu, či by snáď nenašiel niečoho na ňom. Ale keď prišiel k nemu, nenašiel ničoho iba lístie; lebo nebol čas fíkov.

Vtedy odpovedal Ježiš a riekol mu: Nech nikto viac až na veky nejie z teba ovocia! A počuli to jeho učeníci.

Potom prišli do Jeruzalema. A Ježiš vojdúc do chrámu začal vyháňať tých, ktorí predávali a kupovali v chráme, a poprevracal stoly peňazomencom a stolice tých, ktorí predávali holubov,

a nedopustil, aby niekto preniesol nádobu cez chrám.

A učil ich hovoriac im: Či nie je napísané, že môj dom sa bude volať domom modlitby u všetkých národov? Ale vy ste ho urobili pelešou lotrov.

A počuli to zákonníci i najvyšší kňazi a hľadali, jako by ho zmárnili, lebo sa ho báli, pretože celý zástup žasnul nad jeho učením.

A keď bol večer, chodievali von z mesta.

A potom včasráno

(to je na druhý deň)

, keď išli popri fíku, videli ho, že je uschlý od koreňa.

Behom 24 hodín, odkedy sa udial ten zázrak, potom, ako ku tomu vypovedal, „Nech nikto z teba neje.“ Nič, zdalo sa že nič sa vtedy nestalo, ale na ďalší deň to bolo vyschnuté.

A Peter rozpamätajúc sa povedal mu: Rabbi, pozri, fík, ktorému si zlorečil, vyschnul.

A Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Majte vieru Božiu!

Lebo ameň vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by povedal tomuto vrchu: Zdvihni sa a hoď sa do mora! a nepochyboval by vo svojom srdci, ale by veril, že sa stane, čo hovorí, bude mu, čokoľvek by povedal.

Preto vám hovorím: Všetko, za čokoľvek modliac sa prosíte, verte, že dostanete, a bude vám.

A keď stojíte na modlitbe, odpúšťajte, ak máte niečo proti niekomu, aby aj váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám odpustil vaše poklesky.

Ale ak vy neodpustíte, ani váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám neodpustí vašich pokleskov.

(To má podmienku)

52Teraz by som chcel čítať z 1. Jána 4:4:

Vy ste z Boha, dieťatká, a zvíťazili ste nad nimi, pretože...

(počúvajte teraz pozorne),

pretože ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.

53Nech to ešte raz prečítam.

Vy ste z Boha, dieťatká, a zvíťazili ste nad nimi

(hovorí o antikristovi)

, pretože ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.

Dve osobné zámená. Vidíte? „On“. Osobné zámeno, „On“. Ten, ktorý je vo svete. A „On“, ktorý je vo vás. „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

54A teraz 28. kapitola svätého Matúša a 20. verš.

Učiac ich zachovávať všetko, čokoľvek som vám prikázal. A hľa, ja som s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta.

55Tak dnes večer, ako text z toho, rád by som použil toto ako text: Ten, ktorý je vo vás. A na tomto by som chcel vybudovať vieru, samozrejme ku službe modlenia sa za chorých. A tak rýchlo, ako...

56No, to je tak, ako som vám povedal. Rád by som vás informoval o tých udalostiach, ktoré sa stali. A obyčajne čakám, kým prídem sem do cirkvi, aby som o tých udalostiach povedal. A potom, ak to tí ostatní chcú počuť, môžu to cez tie pásky. Ale, ja čakám, kým som tu.

A aspoň čo sa týka tejto udalosti, o ktorej vám idem práve teraz hovoriť. Je tu niekoľko mužov, ktorí sú toho svedkami, kresťanskí bratia. Jeden, ktorý bol prítomný, to bol brat Banks Wood. Ďalší, ktorý tam bol, to bol brat David Woods. Ďalší, ktorý je tu, to je brat Evans a jeho syn Ronald. Ten ďalší, ktorý tam bol, je náš šľachetný diakon, brat Wheeler. A ďalší prítomný bol brat Mann. Je brat Mann z New Albany tu? Metodistický kazateľ, ktorého som pokrstil na meno Ježiša Krista, len pred nedávnom. On tam bol tiež, keď sa toto stalo.

57Je to už nejaký čas, nejakých pár rokov, čo som mal na svojej hrudi veľmi hlboké bremeno, ktoré som... vo svojom srdci. Zdalo sa mi to, ako keby som urobil niečo zlé. A preskúmaval som svoj život hore a dolu, aby som videl, čo je nesprávne. „Pane, ak som urobil niečo zlé, potom mi to zjav, čo je zlé, a ja pôjdem a dám to do poriadku.“ Ale nebolo mi nič zjavené. Povedal som, „Či som niekoho zranil? Či som nechal niečo nevykonané? Či som... Či čítam dostatočne? Či sa dostatočne modlím?“ A ja som čítal a modlil som sa. A povedal som, „Zjav mi to. Či som niekomu niekde uškodil? Ak áno, dám to do poriadku. Ukáž mi to len. Nechcem toto bremeno.“ A za posledných 5 rokov, od kedy som odišiel z poľa, bolo tam bremeno, ktoré viselo na mojom srdci.

58Išiel som na hory. Išiel som k moru. Išiel som všade a modlil som sa, a modlil a modlil. A to len neodchádzalo. A rozmýšľal som o všetkom. Či som niečo urobil? Ale to stále, stále to nechcelo odísť. Bol som akoby v takom zviazaní.

A je to veľmi zvláštne, že toto by bolo odobrané práve v čase, keď vychádza toto posolstvo dnes ráno. Tak či to Boh zadržiaval kvôli tomuto? Ja neviem. Rozumiete? Ja... Všetky tieto veci boli v mojej mysli. Viete si predstaviť, čo je v srdci človeka, keď sa s tým vyrovnávate? Vidíte? Myslieť na to, čo sa deje. A viete, keď hovoríte k ľuďom, viete, že niektorí sa nesprávne naklonia, a niektorí pôjdu týmto smerom a iní tamtým smerom a vy viete, ako to je. A niektorí budú veriť a niektorí nebudú. Ale to je niečo, s čím sa musíte vyrovnať.

59Ako to povedať bez toho, aby to zranilo? Ako to povedať, aby to prinieslo efekt? Ako to povedať, aby ste ukázali ľuďom, že do nich nedobiedzate, ale že ich milujete? Ako byť striktný, priamy, a pritom milujúci? A, ó, ako to predstavíte? A potom, beda mi, ak by som to nepredstavoval. Rozumiete? A tu to máte. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že to vás drží nervóznym a rozhádzaným.

60Prišiel som dolu zhora, z Arizony, a stretol som tu skupinu bratov, ktorí so mnou chodia každý rok poľovať do Coloráda.

No, niektorí ľudia sa divili, „Prečo chodíš poľovať? Čo ťa k tomu vedie?“

Pozrite. Tu sa vy napĺňate, ja sa vyprázdňujem. Tam, ja sa napĺňam, aby som sa mohol vyprázdniť. Rozumiete? No, ja tam nechodím, len aby som len niečo upoľoval. No, ľudia, hocikto, kto ide so mnou, vie, že ja miniem stovky hláv zveri a vôbec sa ich nedotknem. Nerobím to.

61Tak, tu nedávno. Začal som poľovať pre kresťanských obchodníkov, kde oni prišli a povedali, „Billy, zožeň mi býka, zožeň mi kravu, zožeň mi soba, zožeň mi toto, tamto a iné.“ A ja som len išiel a bez problémov som niečo zastrelil. A Pán mi pomohol, aby som mohol vidieť a nájsť korisť a mať presnú mušku a trafil som ich. A oni si len posadali okolo a hovorili o svojich obchodoch.

62Potom mi Pán povedal, aby som to už viac nerobil. A ja som sa cítil ohľadne toho zle, tak som Mu sľúbil, že už to viac nebudem robiť. Nie. Povedal som, „Ak je to naliehavý prípad a niekto to potrebuje, urobím to. Ale ak to nepotrebujú, neurobím to.“ Tí mužovia majú dosť peňazí, aby si kúpili mäso a tak. Tak prečo by som to mal robiť? Nech to zviera tam žije, ak to nejdete použiť.

63Tak som išiel, aby som bol sám. A ktokoľvek, kto chodí so mnou poľovať, vie, že ja nepoľujem s niekým. Ja idem sám, aby som bol sám. Ja pôjdem s nimi, aby som s nimi mal po večeroch obecenstvo. Tam zostaneme spolu a modlíme sa, a tak ďalej.

Ale tam bolo mnoho ďalších kazateľov. Tam bol tento rok hore v horách náš brat Palmer. Myslím, že som ho tu niekde pred chvíľou videl... Tu je, sedí rovno tu, brat Palmer. A brat Bob Lambert, on tam bol v to ráno a ja som ho počul niekde strieľať. Myslím, že je stále tu. A potom tam bol brat... Dvaja Martinovi chlapci. Hádam sú tu. Sú tu Martinovi chlapci? Brat, brat Martin. Ty si mi volal v ten deň a to bolo dobre. Ten chlapec bol uzdravený. Ten brat kazateľ.

64Si tu, ten za ktorého sme sa modlili cez telefón toho dňa? Zabudol som jeho meno. On je zdola, z Arkansasu. Zavolala mi jeho žena. Ten muž mal opuchnutý celý bok, a vysokú horúčku, a zomieral. Ten istý človek, ktorý bol vyvolaný dolu v Little Rock alebo v Hot Springs na zhromaždení, keď sedel na zhromaždení.

A on je dobre vyzerajúci človek. Ak tu je, hádam sa teraz vôbec nepostaví, ale zabudol som jeho meno. Neviem si na jeho meno vôbec spomenúť. [Niekto hovorí, „Brat Blair.“ – pozn. prekl.] Blair, brat Blair. Niekto...

Tak teraz, ako sedel na zhromaždení v Little Rock. Koľkí tam boli? Mám na mysli v Hot Springs. Koľkí boli na tom zhromaždení? A Duch Svätý tohto mladého človeka zavolal a povedal mu, že diabol sa ho snaží doviesť do toho, aby sa ma zriekol, aby povedal, že som falošný prorok. A ten muž svedčil, že to je pravda. Vidíte, čo diabol robí? Ten človek nechodí k lekárom. On neverí v chodenie k lekárom. Ale satan vedel, že jeho choroba na neho udrie a on ho tam môže rovno zabiť. Vidíte? Tak on sa snažil doviesť ho do toho, aby sa ma vzdal. A Duch Svätý ho v milosti vyvolal a povedal mu, aby to nerobil, tomu človeku. On bol cudzinec. Povedal mu, aby to nerobil.

65A iného večera mi volala jeho žena a povedala, „Brat Branham, myslím, že zomiera.“ Povedala, „On je, on je celý opuchnutý a má horúčku a takmer stratil rozum.“ A povedala, „Ta posledná vec, ktorú povedal, zavolaj brata Branhama.“

Povedal som, „Máš niečo, svoju kabelku s vreckovkou?“

„Nie.“ Ja som bol v Tuscone a ona bola v Arkansase. A povedal som, „Máš nejakú?“

On povedala, myslím, že mala „šatku.“

Povedal som, „Polož teraz svoju ruku na tú šatku a telefón drž v druhej ruke.“ A ja som sa modlil a poprosil som Boha, aby bol milostivý, a aby ho zbavil toho nepriateľa.

66A ona išla a položila na neho tú šatku a na druhé ráno mi volal už on. Tak, bolo to asi za 24 hodín alebo menej, ako to.

67Náš vzácny brat, ešte som ho dnes večer nevidel, brat Roy Robertson. A viete, ihneď, brat Roy bol taký trochu vojnový tip. Ak tu je, dúfam, že to rozumie? Pretože ja to neodsudzujem. Ale všetko je striktné. On bol seržantom v armáde. Viete? A viete, vy si musíte tak trochu zvyknúť zaobchádzať s takým človekom, ako to robia v armáde. „No, tieto duchovné veci sú pre niekoho iného.“ Nie pre neho. Ale Pán ho ušetril. Bol by už mŕtvy. Položili ho, ako už mŕtveho na dlhý čas. Pán ho uzdravil a on odvtedy nasleduje. Ale všetky tieto duchovné veci, on o nich nevedel. A tie videnia.

68A tu prednedávnom. Mnohí poznajú to videnie, ktoré bolo dané bratovi Royovi, dokonca predtým, ako som tam prišiel. O tom, ako ma videl stáť na jednej hore v tom svetle a vychádzal zo mňa hlas. To od brata Roya vzalo všetky pochybnosti.

69A jedného dňa bol zasiahnutý na takom mieste, až bol tak chorý, a dostal takú vysokú horúčku a rôzne problémy. A lekár mu dal lieky a všetko možné, a to mu vôbec nepomohlo. A on sa dostal až na také miesto, že sa dokonca nemohol ani pohnúť. Jeho nohy a všetko bolo akoby paralyzované.

70A ten biedny, milý brat bol postrelený a celý doráňaný črepinou z 88., z nemeckej 88. A to bolo... A myslím, že celé to jeho mužstvo bolo pozabíjané, okrem neho. A on tu bol celý doráňaný.

71A viete, čo sa stalo? Povedal som jeho šľachetnej manželke, sestre Robertsonovej... Ona povedala... Povedal som, „Máš tam niečo?“

72Ona povedala, „Mám tu vreckovku, za ktorú si sa raz modlil.“

73„Dones ju.“ A ja som bol v Tuscone a nechal som ju položiť na to ruky a ona sa modlila a pokarhala to. A povedal som, „Sestra Robertsonová, to odíde preč.“

74Niečo mi tam povedalo, „To odíde preč. Povedz to.“ A behom pol hodiny bola tá horúčka preč a on bol v kuchyni a hľadal niečo na zjedenie. Vidíte?

75To, čo sa snažím povedať, je, „Nikdy nestrácajte svoju dôveru.“ Nenechajte satana, aby vám hovoril o mne zlé, pretože tam je mnoho, ale zachovajte tú dôveru. Pretože ak to neurobíte, to sa nestane. Nehľaďte na mňa, ako na človeka, ja som človek. Som plný chýb. Ale hľaďte na to, čo hovorím o Ňom. To je On. On je ten.

76Ako sme boli v Coloráde, ako sme tam boli hore, vrátili sme sa a bolo ozaj sucho. Zver bola zriedkavá. Brat Wheeler, Pán ho požehnal a dal mu peknú trofej a boli sme kvôli tomu takí šťastní. To bolo po prvýkrát, čo bol on v lesoch a poľoval, a Pán ho požehnal. A potom som zastrelil veľkú trofej, na ktorú som čakal 20 rokov. Pozoroval som ho. Brat Banks a ja sme už po ňom išli dlhý čas. A keď som to upoľoval... priniesol som svoju pušku zdola, z horúcej krajiny hore do studenej, a to tam navlhlo. Hoci je to vyložkované sklom. A ja som trafil niekoľko palcov vedľa a trafil som to zviera, ako stálo medzi stromami tam, kde ho to nemalo trafiť, nižšie, ako to, čo by normálne to zviera zabilo za sekundu. Ale to ho trafilo tak vysoko, že ono vyskočilo, ako keby takto padalo.

77A Billy bol so mnou a povedal, „Dostalo ho to.“ A ja som si to tiež myslel, ale keď sme tam išli, nebolo to tak. Povedal, „Trafil si strom.“ A ja som sa díval hore a dolu a na strome nebola žiadna stopa. A potom som to šiel hľadať.

A potom tam prišiel varovný signál. Bolo tam niekde nad nami asi sto mužov, a brat Palmer a oni sú toho svedkami. A brat Evans, je to tak, on tam bol. Brat Welch Evans a jeho chlapec Ronnie. Myslím, že som ich pred chvíľou zavolal. A veľké množstvo mužov išlo tam hore nad nami. Ako to tam nazývajú, kravská ohrada, kde sa tí kovboji zdržujú a jazdia a kde oddeľujú tie kravy. Zvykol som tam sám pobudnúť v tom tábore a pásť ten dobytok a držať ich od seba.

78A tak, potom tam bolo asi 100 mužov. Ale každý vie, že v tej krajine, keď je predpovedaná víchrica, tak by ste radšej odtiaľ ihneď mali odísť. Preto brat Palmer a tí ďalší skoro odišli, pretože oni mali na aute len trojstupňovú prevodovku a museli sa odtiaľ dostať. Pretože to počasie, keď ste tam, to by vás mohlo zadržať na týždne. Tak oni povedali, „Prichádza víchrica.“ Predpovede v novinách, v rádiu. Odchádzali jeden za druhým, v podstate zovšadiaľ, z celého okolia, ktorí tam ešte boli. Oni už v tomto čase odišli, pretože sa vedeli odtiaľ dostať.

79Ale moji bratia mali licencie na dvoch jeleňov a nechceli ísť. A tak som povedal, „No, dobre, zostaneme.“ Ale mal som nadchádzajúce zhromaždenie asi o šesť dní a musel som sa vrátiť do Tusconu.

80Tak, moja milá manželka, teraz sme zobratí už 22 rokov. A 20 rokov na naše výročie, zakaždým som bol tam. Vždy sa to akurát tak pritrafí. A mám také malé miesto, kam vždy idem a modlím sa, a to vyzeralo ako to miesto, kde som ju vzal.

81Viete, vymyslel som takú malú vec. Viete, nemal som dosť peňazí, aby som išiel na poľovačku a na medové týždne. A tak som viacmenej vzal svoju manželku na poľovačku na medové týždne. Tak sme boli v New Yorku a pamätám si, že som jej pomáhal prechádzať cez tie brvná a veci, aby sme sa dostali na to miesto. A mám tam také malé miesto a vždy na ňu myslím, keď tam idem na naše výročie. 23. októbra je to, kedy sa tu začína sezóna. V ten dátum som nikdy nebol doma už 20 rokov. Vždy som bol tu.

82Tak v ten deň bolo naše výročie. A brat Mann... Povedal som, „No, ak vy bratia...“ Povedal som v to ráno pri ohni, „Tak, ak...“ Vlastne v ten večer. „ Ak teda chcete všetci zostať, pamätajte, môžeme tu byť aj mesiac.“ Pretože ja som videl, že padlo 20 stôp snehu len za chvíľu, za noc. Len ako by ste tam vyšli, bolo sucho a pekne. A na ďalšie ráno bol sneh takto hlboký, možno až ponad vrch vášho stanu. Tak potom som povedal... A potom tam zostávate, až kým sa to neroztopí. A tak ste asi 15 až 20 míľ niekde ďaleko v divočine. A tak som potom povedal... A ak to bude naliehavé, samozrejme, oni pošlú helikoptéry a dostanú vás odtiaľ. Ale obyčajne oni len... A nikto tam nehynie. Tak oni tam len musia čakať.

83Tak každý sa odtiaľ stratí hneď, ako počujú vysielanie, vlastne predpoveď. A tak sme tam boli a ja som povedal, „No, rozhodnite sa. Ak chcete zostať, ja som tu, aby som s vami poľoval. A zavolám svojej manželke a poviem jej 'šťastné výročie'.“ Ale povedal som, „Potom v tom aj ja... a budem... Budeme – zoženieme nejaké potraviny, pretože tu môžeme zostať.“ Minul sa nám vtedy chlieb. A ja už na dlho nechcem vidieť tie placky. Tie palacinky. Tak potom. Ja som ich tam jedol v Kanade asi 21 dní a iste som sa nimi už preplnil. A tak som chcel zohnať nejaký chlieb.

84Tak oni povedali, že chcú zostať. Tak sa nedalo nič robiť... zostať. Ale brat Mann a ja sme išli von a šli sme tam dolu a zohnali nejaké potraviny. A zavolal som manželke a ona nedvíhala telefón. Nikto neodpovedal. Tak som čakal asi hodinu, kým sme urobili nákupy potravín. Vrátil som sa. Zavolal som. Ona neodpovedala. A musel som zavolať sestre Evansovej.

Verím, že sestra Evansová je tu. A povedal som... Áno, brat Evans a sestra Evansová sú tu.

85Tak som zavolal sestru Evansovú pre brata Evansa a povedal som mu. Ona povedala, „Zavolám sestre Branhamovej a poviem jej, 'Šťastné výročie'.“ Samozrejme, viete. Tak ona išla na nákupy, aby nakúpila potraviny pre deti.

A potom sme sa vrátili. A na ďalšie ráno boli na oblohe len oblaky. Nepršalo už celú jeseň a bolo už skutočne sucho. A keď oni predĺžili tú poľovnú sezónu a dali pár dní navyše kvôli tej suchote.

86No povedal som bratom v to ráno, „Keď padne prvá kvapka dažďa, prvý mokrý sneh, čokoľvek, dostaňte sa do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, pretože za 15 minút nebudete musieť vidieť pred sebou svoju ruku. Rozumiete? A bude sa to len krútiť a fúkať. A je mi jedno, ako dobre tú krajinu poznáte, zostanete rovno tam a zahyniete. Pretože niekedy nedokážete dokonca ani dýchať. Ten mokrý dážď tak fúka a rovno tam zomriete.“ A povedal som, „Akonáhle začne ten mokrý dážď, vyštartujte do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete. Je mi jedno, kde sa nachádzate.“

87Dobre, povedal som, „Choďte sem do týchto roklín tu, a ja sa vyšplhám hore na vrch a spustím skaly z kopca, a tak ďalej, aby som vystrašil tých jeleňov z vrchu, a zaženiem ich dolu, aby ste vy mohli uloviť, čo chcete.“

88Tak som sa začal šplhať hore. A asi v čase, keď som sa tam dostal na miesto, ktoré nazývame „sedlo“. Také malé miesto, ktoré vždy prechádzam, keď idem na miesto, ktoré sa nazýva „Quaker Knob“. Rovno vysoko hore na kontinentálnom rozhraní. A keď som sa dostal už takmer do tohto sedla, toto... Oblaky sa stávali tmavšie a tmavšie. Nezostalo tam ani auto, boli sme tam iba my. Tak ďaleko ako... a ten kovboj v tábore. A tak, bolo to horšie a horšie. A o pár minút začalo pršať. No, vzal som si pušku a dal som si ju pod kabát, aby sa mi nezaparil ďalekohľad a hlaveň, aby sa nezamokrila, ak by som natrafil na medveďa alebo niečo, keď sa budem vracať. A tak som držal svoj ďalekohľad takto dolu a sadol som si trochu pod strom a sedel som tam a modlil som sa. Povedal som, „Pane Bože, Ty si veľký Jehova a ja Ťa milujem.“

89Koľko prežití som už mal. Poukázal som tým bratom, bratovi Palmerovi a im, na tie miesta, kde ten orol... Viete. Videl som ho vzniesť sa vtedy. Viete? A ako... Tie miesta, kde sa to všetko stalo, boli tam. Je to pre mňa taká citlivá vec, byť tam. Mal som tam toľko veľa prežití s mojím Pánom, tam v horách. Tak nedokážete tam ísť bez toho, žeby ste Ho videli. On je skrátka všade.

90Tak potom, ako som sa tam usadil a začal padať mokrý sneh a vietor sa začal krútiť takto, a ja som povedal, „No, poznám cestu dolu a lepšie bude, ak sa tam ihneď vyberiem.“ Tak, povedal som...

91A pozrel som sa dolu a nedokázal som už vidieť ani na zem. Oblaky sa len krútili a točili a fúkal ten mokrý sneh. A tam to bolo, víchrica. Predpoveď bola už pár dní, „Prichádza veľká víchrica.“

92Brat Tom je tu. Brat Tom Simpson prichádza z Kanady. On tú predpoveď počul a jemu poradili, aby nešiel cez tú časť krajiny, pretože tá predpoveď povedala, „Bude víchrica.“ Kde si, brat Tom? Myslím, že... Áno, rovno tu. A on... Prichádzala víchrica. Každý sa na to pripravil.

93No, dal som si svoju zbraň pod košeľu. Takto. Pod moju červenú košeľu. A začal som ísť dolu vrchom. A ako som začal, prešiel som asi pol míle od toho sedla. A, ó, to boli také veľké vločky, asi takéto, vietor ich na tej hore krútil a fúkalo. Už som viac nevidel dolu. Mohol som vidieť asi 20 stôp pred seba alebo 30. A vedel som, že keď prejdem dolu k tomuto malému miestu, ktoré nazývame, „Prasací Chrbát.“ Taký malý hrebeň. A potom, keby som sa dostal k tomu potôčiku, a potom, vedel som, že treba nasledovať ten potôčik, a kam ísť, ak by to bolo skutočne zlé.

94A tak som začal ísť dolu a dostal som sa tam asi na pol cesty a niečo ku mne prehovorilo tak jasne, ako ma počujete vy, „Zastav sa a choď späť.“

95No, pomyslel som si, „O čom som rozmýšľal? Možno, že to je len moja myseľ.“ A nedokázal som urobiť ďalší krok vpred.

96Dávid mi v to ráno urobil sendvič a myslím, že sa mi snažil vyrovnať, keď pripravil raz svojmu otcovi s cibuľou a medom. To bolo všetko, čo sme mali. Tak mi jeden pripravil s kadečím možným. A, ó, ja ani neviem, čo všetko tam bolo zabalené. A mal som to vo svojej košeli a celé to cez moju košeľu premoklo. Pomyslel som si, „Zastavím sa a zjem si to a možno budem... A bude to potom v poriadku.“ Tak som vytiahol ten sendvič asi o 10. hodine a začal som ten sendvič jesť. A ako som ho jedol, pomyslel som si, „No, budem v poriadku.“

A začal som sa pohýnať a niečo povedalo, „Vráť sa, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

97„Vrátiť sa do tej búrky pol míle alebo viac, naspäť na ten vrch do toho temného lesa.“ Kde ste mohli sotva vidieť na takú diaľku, ako je ten organ. Ale ja už starnem a som už Kresťanom teraz už asi 33 rokov a viem, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, aké divné to vyzerá, dať pozor na Pána, urobiť to, čo Pán povie.

98A obrátil som sa a išiel som späť do toho sedla. Cítil som, že mám ísť späť. Ó, ten mokrý sneh padal hustejšie a hustejšie a bolo temnejšie a temnejšie. A sadol som si tam a takto som si prehodil svoj kabát a takto svoju košeľu cez ten ďalekohľad a sadol som si. Pomyslel som si, „Čo tu robím? Prečo som sa sem mal vrátiť?“

99A tak som len pár minút čakal. A začal som ísť znovu ďalej. A tak jasno, ako som to len kedy mohol počuť, nejaký hlas povedal, „Ja som Stvoriteľom nebies a zeme. Ja činím vetry a dážď.“ Dal som si dolu svoj klobúk.

100Povedal som, „Veľký Jehova, si to Ty?“

101Povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý utíšil vetry na mori. Ja som bol Ten, ktorý spôsobil, aby vlny prestali. Ja som stvoril nebesia a zem. Či som to nebol Ja, Ten, ktorý ti povedal, aby si vypovedal tie veveričky a ony prišli do existencie? Ja som Boh.“

102No, keď ku vám hovorí nejaký hlas, sledujte Písmo. Ak to nie je podľa Písma, nechajte to tak. Je mi jedno, aké jasné to je. Držte sa od toho preč.

103Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

104On povedal, „Hovor ku tým vetrom a k tej búrke, a to odíde.“ No, táto Biblia tu leží predo mnou a v nej je môj život.

105Zodvihol som sa. Povedal som, „Nepochybujem v Tvoj hlas, Pane.“ Povedal som, „Oblaky, sneh, dážď, mokrý sneh, ja sa vzpieram vášmu príchodu v Mene Ježiša Krista, choďte na svoje miesta. Hovorím, že slnko musí ihneď vyjsť a svietiť štyri dni, kým sa neskončí naša poľovačka, a ja so svojimi bratmi odídem.“

106To len zahučalo, takto to išlo, „ššš...ššš“, takto, a začalo to robiť, „ššš“, a potom to robilo, „Fú... fú... fú“. Zastavilo sa to.

107Stál som naozaj ticho. Moji bratia boli tam a divili sa, čo sa deje. A ten mokrý sneh a dážď sa zastavili. Prišiel vietor a krútil sa na tých vrchoch, zodvihol oblaky, a jeden išiel týmto smerom na východ, na sever, na západ a na juh. O pár minút slnko svietilo skutočne pekne a bolo teplo. To je pravda. Boh vie, že je to pravda.

108Len som tam stál, díval som sa naokolo, mal som na sebe klobúk a díval som sa. Ja... Poviete... Celkom som onemel.

109Pomyslel som si, „Práve ten Boh stvorenia, všetko je to v Jeho rukách. Čo mi to On hovorí?“

110A zodvihol som pušku, utrel na nej teleskop a začal som sa vracať, ísť dolu z toho vrchu. A niečo mi povedalo, „Či sa so Mnou nepoprechádzaš cez túto divočinu? Neprejdeš sa so Mnou?“

111Povedal som, „Áno, Pane, z celého svojho srdca. To by bola jedna z najväčších vecí, ktorú by som mohol urobiť, to je kráčať s Tebou.“ Tak som si prehodil pušku na plece a začal som ísť rovno cez to. Nikdy sa toho nedotkla sekera, panenský les. Kráčal som tade.

112A ako som išiel, kráčal som. Išiel som dolu po stopách tej zveri a cítil som sa ako, „Verím, že pôjdem na to miesto, kde... Včera sme mali výročie. A postavím sa tam na pár minút a vzdám malú poctu Méde. Na mieste, kde je taká hŕstka osík, na takom malom kopčeku.“ A povedal som, „Myslím, že tam pôjdem, aby som jej vzdal poctu na naše výročie, a potom sa vrátim dolu na túto stranu cez tento tmavý hustý les a prejdem sa okolo a pôjdem okolo smerom do Coral Peaks a vrátim sa dolu touto cestou.“ Len som kráčal a radoval sa.

113Hovoril som, „Otče, ja viem, že kráčaš so mnou. A aké je to privilégium. Nie je nikto väčší, s kým by som mohol kráčať, ako práve s Bohom.“ A to teplé slnečné svetlo.

114Dokonca, aj keď som zišiel z tých hôr, zastavil som sa na čerpacej stanici a povedal som, „Aký nádherný deň.“ O tri dni neskôr v tej časti krajiny vôbec nepršalo, kým neprešli tie štyri dni. Slnko svietilo každý deň. Je to pravda, bratia? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Vidíte? A nebol na oblohe ani obláčik.

115A zišiel som dolu k tej čerpacej stanici a povedal som, „Aký nádherný deň.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Je hrozne sucho.“

116Povedal, „To je zvláštna vec.“ Tento človek z obsluhy povedal, „Viete. Povedali nám, že prichádza veľká víchrica, ale odrazu sa zastavila.“

117Zišiel som dolu na líniu Nového Mexica. Billy a ja, môj syn. Išli sme na miesto, kde sme si išli kúpiť nejaké... V to ráno, keď sme vyrazili, a povedal som, „Aký krásny deň.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Zdá sa, že je veľmi sucho.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Ste odtiaľto?“

118Povedal, „Nie, ja som z Wisconsinu,“ alebo odniekadiaľ. Povedal, „Som tu už 20 rokov, tak hádam by ste to nazvali domov.“

119Povedal, „Tak potom ste hádam domáci?“ Tak som povedal, „Áno, pane.“ Povedal som, „Vyzerá, že je hrozne prašno.“

120Povedal, „Viete, stala sa tá najdivnejšia vec.“ Povedal, „Mali sme predpoveď, že prichádza víchrica, veľa snehu, ona vlastne aj začala, a potom sa zastavila.“

121Povedal som, „Ale, nehovorte.“ Povedal som chladne.

122A prichádzam domov a brat Tom povedal, že mu bolo povedané, aby tade nešiel, že tam bude prechádzať víchrica. A on prešiel tou krajinou bez toho, žeby na neho padla kvapka dažďa alebo niečo. On je stále Bohom. Vidíte? Práve takým, akým vždy bol. Rozumiete?

123Ako som tam išiel a prechádzal som... No, táto časť, dúfam, že mojej žene sa nedostane táto páska. Ale idem vám niečo povedať. A teraz, ja vám nehovorím... Ja vám poviem len pravdu. Vidíte? A to je jediný spôsob, ako to urobiť. Často som sa divil, prečo sa ona nesťažuje, keď chodím na tieto výlety počas nášho výročia. Viete, k čomu som došiel vo svojej mysli? Povedal som, „Je tak mnoho ľudí okolo nášho domu a ja som vždy, viete, som nervózny. A všetko to rozprávam, a to, o čom chcem rozprávať, to je Boh, Biblia alebo niečo. Možno si ona myslí, že pre ňu je to trochu odpočinutie, že ja trochu na pár dní odídem a idem poľovať.“ Tak spolovice som o tomto takto rozmýšľal, ako som išiel ďalej.

124Ja som... Ja sa jej za to ospravedlním a ja prosím Boha, aby mi odpustil také myšlienky. Pretože, ako som tade išiel, pomyslel som si, „No, ona si myslí... Och, joj, ona je pracant. Viete? A celý čas je ona v kuchyni alebo niekde v...“

125A vy, všetci, ktorí ju poznáte, viete, že jej práčka beží celý čas. A tak som vyšiel, chytil ju a povedal som, „Neper už toľko. Rozprávaj sa so mnou. Pozri, ja ťa milujem. Chcem, aby si mi niečo povedala. Povedz, že ty ma tiež miluješ.“

126Ona povedala, „No, vieš, že ťa milujem.“ Potom len ďalej prala tak ťažko, ako len mohla.

127„Nechcem, aby si to robila. Chcem, aby si prišla sem a sadla si ku mne.“

128„Ó, Bill, mám toľko práce.“

129A ja som si pomyslel, „No, myslím si, že keď idem sem, tak ona má čas na svoju prácu.“ Keď idem sem, tak som na to myslel.

No, pamätajte. Leží tu predo mnou táto Biblia, aby ste tak mohli vidieť, že som pred Slovom. Ako som kráčal ďalej, niečo sa mi stalo. Začal som...

130Najprv som rozmýšľal o tom, keď som ju tam vzal na medové týždne. Bola pekné, malé, čiernovlasé, hnedooké dievča. A ja som ju nadvihoval cez tieto brvná, viete, a všetko. A snažil som sa ju dostať tam na toto miesto, kde som zabil nejakého medveďa. A chcel som jej jedného ukázať a tak... som dostal tohto medveďa. A ona mala na sebe moje kovbojské boty. A to je asi pred 22 rokmi alebo 21 rokmi. 22 rokmi, myslím, že to je. Zobrali sme sa v roku 1941. A ja som ju zdvíhal ponad tieto brvná.

131A pomyslel som si, „No, chudinka, tým, že ma musí znášať, ona zosivela.“ Áno, pomyslel som si, „Dobre.“ A išiel som... A neholil som sa už pár dní a zistil som, že ja som už tiež šedivý. A videl som, ako mi vytŕča moja brada, sivá. Pomyslel som si, „Starec, už si takmer hotový. Pozri, ak ideš niečo urobiť, mal by si sa poponáhľať. Ty tiež starneš.“ Vidíte?

132A tak, ako som išiel takto ďalej, niečo sa udialo. Po všetkých stránkach som bol zrazu mladým a rozmýšľal som ako mladý. A mal som svoju hlavu sklonenú a pozrel som sa hore. A tak jasno, ako sa len dá, som ju videl, a ona tam stála predo mnou so svojimi rozprestretými ramenami. A ja som sa zastavil. Pretrel som si tvár. Pozrel som sa. Povedal som, „Méda, si to ty, miláčik?“

133Pozrel som sa sem. Pomyslel som si, „No, čo sa to stalo?“ A pomyslel som si, „Áno, kráčam s Ním.“ A to sa potom zmenilo a ja som bol znovu starým mužom a to videnie bolo odo mňa preč.

134A zastavil som sa. Dal som si znovu dole klobúk. Položil som si ho na srdce a povedal som, „Ježišu, moje srdce bolo tak zaťažené bremenom po roky. Ja Ti nemusím hovoriť, že som obťažený bremenom. Činil som pokánie a činil som pokánie. A urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, a prečo ma len toto bremeno neopustí.“

135A kráčal som len ďalej. A ako som sa vyšplhal na tento malý vŕšok asi 30-40 yardov predo mnou. Začal som ísť hore na tento vŕšok a začal som sa cítiť skutočne slabým. A tam bola taká malá osika asi 10 palcov vysoká a takto vychádzala dohora a urobila také L-ko a potom išla znovu hore. A ako som sa tam dostal, zoslabol som a potácal som sa. Tak som len... Znovu som si dal čiapku a oprel som si na to svoju hlavu. To mi rovno pasovalo, aby som si oprel svoju hlavu rovno o tú malú osiku, takto. V skutočnosti je to topoľ. Vyzerá to ako breza. Viete? A je to... A opieral som sa o to. A ako som tam stál so svojou hlavou sklonenou, to teplé slnko mi udieralo na chrbát a pomyslel som si, „Práve ten Boh, ktorý odsunul ten dážď a ten vietor.“

136A počul som, ako niečo robilo, „Kvap, kvap, kvap.“

137Pomyslel som si, „Čo je to, voda je všetka odfúknutá. Slnko vyšlo, a čo je to čľapkanie?“ Pozrel som sa dolu a to bola voda z mojich vlastných očí. Razila si cestu cez moju sivú bradu a kvapkala na suché listy, ktoré Boh vysušil, ktoré ležali predo mnou. A takto som tam stál. Opieral som sa o ten strom. Ruku som mal takto dolu a hlava sa mi opierala o ten strom, rukou som sa takto držal remeňa pušky a stál som tam a plakal.

138Povedal som, „Bože, nie som hodný, aby som bol Tvojím sluhom.“ A povedal som, „Ja, je mi ľúto, urobil som... Urobil som tak mnoho chýb a nechcel som urobiť tie chyby, Pane. Ty si bol ku mne taký dobrý.“

139Oči sa mi zavreli a počul som niečo ako, „Dup, dup, dup, dup.“

140Zodvihol som oči a rovno predo mňa prišli tri srny. A pomyslel som si. Tam bude jedna pre brata Evansa, jedna pre brata Wooda. A tam sú tri srny. Vidíte? Práve to, čo hľadám.“ A uvoľnil som opraty a načiahol som sa pre pušku. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, sľúbil som Bohu, že to neurobím.“ Rozumiete, „Sľúbil som Mu, že to neurobím.“

141Ale niečo mi povedalo, „Ale tam to je.“

142A pomyslel som si, „Áno... To je to, čo ten muž raz povedal Dávidovi, „Boh ho vydal do tvojich rúk, povedal som.“ Viete, kráľ Saul.

143A Joáb mu povedal, povedal mu „Zabi ho, tu leží.“

144A on povedal, „Nech ma Boh chráni, aby som sa dotkol jeho pomazaného.“

145A tie srny tam stáli a dívali sa na mňa. A ja som si pomyslel, „Oni nedokážu utiecť. Nie je pre nich spôsob, ako by utiekli. Nie sú odo mňa ani 30 yardov a ja mám túto pušku a stojím tu a tam sú tri srny. Nie, nemôžem to urobiť, ja to jednoducho nemôžem urobiť.“ Bola to samica s dvomi sŕňatami. A ja som nemohol vziať tú pušku. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť.“ Ani som sa nepohol, len som tam stál. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, pretože som sľúbil Bohu, že to neurobím. Jednako tí bratia, oni tie srny nepotrebujú. Rozumiete? Ja, nemôžem to urobiť. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť.“

146A tá samica prišla, priblížila sa. Teraz počúvajte. Tam bolo asi sto mužov, ktorí tam na nich strieľali počas štyroch alebo piatich dní. Vystrašené? Prvý náznak červeného... A ja som mal na sebe červenú košeľu a červenú čiapku. Ten prvý náznak a ony sú preč. A ony tu stáli všetky tri a dívali sa rovno na mňa.

147Povedal som, „Matka, vezmi si svoje maličké a choď do lesov, si v mojich rukách. Ja... Tvoj život je v mojich rukách, ale ja ti neublížim. Sľúbil som Bohu, že to neurobím.“ Rozumiete? A ona sa priblížila bližšie [Brat Branham dvakrát pleskne o kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] Pozrela sa na mňa. Všetky prikročili bližšie, až kým prišli tak blízko, že mohli takmer jesť z mojich rúk. A oni, ten vietor fúkal rovno na nich. Tak ona sa otočila. Odišla trošku ďalej, všetky tri.

148A tu ona znovu prichádza a prišla až ku mne. Vôbec som sa nepohol, len som tam stál. Povedal som, „Choď do lesov, ja to tiež milujem. Ži. Pozri, tvoj život je v mojich rukách, ale ja ťa ušetrím. Nemohla by si utiecť, vieš, že by si nemohla.“ Mohol som zabiť všetky tri asi v jednej sekunde alebo v troch sekundách. Tak nejako. Tak rýchlo, ako by som mohol vystreliť, a oni by nestihli odbehnúť. Stáli rovno pri mne. Rozumiete? A ja som povedal, „Ušetrím vás. Choďte a žite.“ A stál som tam. Potom sa pohli a odišli do lesa.

149Takto som si pretrel tvár a práve vtedy sa niečo stalo. Nejaký hlas prehovoril, práve taký jasný, rovno z tej modrej oblohy, nie z oblaku. To všetko sa udialo behom... Len v krátkom úseku času. A nejaký hlas prehovoril a povedal, „Ty si pamätáš svoj sľub, že?“

150Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

151On povedal, „Ja si tiež budem pamätať Môj. Nikdy ťa neopustím a nikdy ťa nezanechám.“ To bremeno opustilo moje srdce. Ono tam dovtedy vždy bolo. Nech už tam nikdy viac nie je.

152Potom som išiel do Tusconu. Zvláštna vec, nikdy som nemal toľko vecí, ktoré sa stali, odkedy som prišiel dolu. Verím, že to bol Boh, ktorý to držal pre tú hodinu. Verím, že čas je teraz nablízku, že niečo sa musí stať.

153Ak by sme len mohli prijať túto pravdu. No, pozastavte sa na chvíľu. Ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, čo toto miesto Písma znamená.

„Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

Nedokážeme to porozumieť a pri tom hovoríme, že tomu rozumieme. A vieme, že je to pravda, ale v skutočnosti tomu nerozumieme.

„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

Čo je to v tebe, čo je väčšie? To je Kristus, Ten pomazaný. Boh, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v tebe. „Väčší je ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

154Potom, ak On je v tebe, to si už nie viac ty, ktorý žiješ, to je On, ktorý žije v tebe. Rozumiete? To nie je tvoje myslenie, čo si ty myslíš o tomto. To je to, čo On hovorí o tomto. Rozumiete? Potom, ak On je v tebe, On by absolútne nezaprel to, čo povedal. Nedokáže to urobiť. Ale On zachová to, čo povedal. A On sa snaží nájsť takú osobu, cez ktorú môže potvrdiť Samého Seba.

155No, to neznamená, že On to musí urobiť každému. V čase, keď Mojžiš viedol deti Izraela, tam bol jeden, a to bol Mojžiš. Tí ostatní z nich len nasledovali to Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Niektorí z nich sa snažili povstať a napodobniť to a Boh povedal, „Oddeľte sa.“ A len ich pohltil. Rozumiete?

156No, ale teraz, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Boh vo vás, ako on bol v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože všetko, čo bol Boh, On prelial do Krista, a všetko, čo bol Kristus, On prelial do cirkvi. Vidíte? To je Boh, ktorý je vo vás, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás.“

157Niet divu, že vetry a vlny ho poslúchli. Poslúchli Jeho slová, pretože to bolo Božie Slovo cez Neho. On bol človek, ale On bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom. Rozumiete? A keď prehovoril, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril cez ľudské rty. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že vetry a vlny... Práve ten Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril tie vetry a vlny, bol v Ňom. No, pomyslite na to. Pomyslite teraz hlboko na to, predtým, ako prídeme k tomuto momentu zakončenia. Niet divu, že démoni boli paralyzovaní na Jeho Slovo. To bol Boh v Ňom. To bol Boh v Kristovi. Tí démoni boli paralyzovaní. Niet divu, že mŕtvi, ktorí boli obrátení v prachu, tam už nemohli ležať na Jeho Slovo, pretože On bol Slovom.

On povedal Lazárovi, potom, čo už bol mŕtvy a páchol štyri dni, jeho tvár, nos odpadol za taký čas. „Lazár, vyjdi von.“ A ten mŕtvy človek povstal na svoje nohy. Prečo? To bol Boh. Ten, ktorý bol v Kristovi, to bol Boh. Mŕtvi nemohli obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. To bol Boh v Kristovi.

158Vetry. Pamätajte teraz. Boh stvoril vetry, to je vzduch. Boh stvoril vlny, to je voda. Ale keď sa do toho dostal diabol, on urobil, že sa to začalo prevracať, a priviedol zničenie. Boh stvoril človeka, aby boli Synovia Boží, ale potom, keď sa do nich dostáva diabol. Vidíte? To je ten problém. No, to bol diabol, ktorý sa dostal do tých vetrov, a poslal tú búrku. Či by nemohol Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril ten vietor, povedať, „Vráť sa späť tam, kde som ťa stvoril?“

Či On nie je ten istý Stvoriteľ, ktorý tam stál na tom vrchu v Coloráde, tam toho dňa? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ – pozn. prekl.] Vidíte?

Či On nie je ten, ktorý mohol zobrať kúsok tej ryby a zlomiť ju, a ďalší kúsok dorástol? On to v skutočnosti nemusel mať, On to mohol povedať.

Či to nie je ten istý Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril veveričky? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] Potom, ten, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v nás. Vidíte? Lebo On činí tie isté skutky, ktoré On robil. Tú istú vec.

Mŕtvi nemohli obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti na Jeho Slovo.

159Pozrite. Máme päť potvrdených vyhlásení ľudí, ktorí boli mŕtvi, a Pán dal videnie, že príde k nim a vzkriesi ich. Jeden tu sedí, rovno tu, ktorý raz zomrel, rovno, keď tu sedel. A tu je on dnes večer nažive. Padol vtedy mŕtvy na infarkt. Tam je jeho manželka, zdravotná sestra. Prišli sme k nemu, všetko bolo preč, jeho oči prevrátené a bol preč. A tu je on nažive, „Lebo väčší je Ten, tu v nás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

160Väčší je Ten, to je Boh Stvoriteľ. Vetry a vlny ho museli poslúchnuť, démoni boli paralyzovaní. Celá príroda ho poslúchla, pretože On bol Stvoriteľom tej prírody. Ó, keď na to pomyslíme. Čerpáme z toho. Potom tieto veci rozumieme. Vidíte? Čo je to? To nie je človek. Človek to nedokáže robiť. Človek je časťou stvorenia. Rozumiete? Ale to sú tie vetry a vlny, ktoré poslúchajú Stvoriteľa. Rozumiete?

A je na to potrebný Stvoriteľ, aby to urobil, „Lebo Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Ten, ktorý dokáže zapríčiniť zmätok, to je ten, ktorý je vo svete. Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je Stvoriteľ, ktorý učinil vetry. On môže pokarhať toho diabla v tých vetroch, a potom je ticho. On môže pokarhať diabla v tej búrke, a potom nie je žiadna búrka. On je Stvoriteľ, „A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

161Diabol je zo sveta. Svet mu patrí. Vždy to tak bolo, „Prečo si padol, ó, Lucifer, syn rána?“ Vidíte? Tento svet mu patrí. To je to, kedy on bol vykopnutý z neba a vrátil sa rovno sem. Vidíte?

162On bol ten, ktorý povedal Kristovi, „Tieto kráľovstvá sú moje, robím si s nimi to, čo chcem.“ Oni mu patrili a on je ten, ktorý je „vo svete.“

163Ján práve povedal učeníkom, „Počuli ste o antikristovi, ktorý má prísť, a on už je tu a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti. Ale, dieťatká, vy nie ste z tohto sveta, vy ste z Boha. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To je Kristus vo vás.

164Ten, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem, bol zamanifestovaný v osobe Ježiša Krista, Boh v Kristovi mieriaci svet zo Sebou.

Povedzme, že poviete, „Ale to bol Syn Boží, brat Branham.“ V poriadku. Zistíme, či je On večne trvajúci Boh.

165Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako slnko. A Jozua bol človek, v hriechu narodený ako ty a ja. A väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako v tom slnku, ktoré fungovalo na prikázaní Božom. Boh rozkázal tomu slnku, aby svietilo, aby sa otočilo, a ono je ovládané a kontrolované zákonmi Božími. Ale väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako zákony Božie, pretože ten Stvoriteľ sám bol v Jozuovi, keď sa Jozue pozrel hore na slnko a povedal, „Stoj tam, kde si. A mesiac, ty vis tam, kde si, až kým nezakončím tento boj.“ A Slnko a Mesiac ho poslúchli, pretože ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, bol väčší ako slnko a mesiac. Ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi!

166Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, bol väčší ako Egypt. Egypt bol tými mocnými armádami sveta. Oni mali svet v tom čase podmanený. Ale väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako bol Egypt, pretože Mojžiš premohol Egypt. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako dokonca sama príroda. Či ste na to kedy pomysleli, že Boh, ktorý vzal svoje Slovo, a dal ho Mojžišovi a povedal, „Choď tam a rozkáž slnku, aby nesvietilo?“ A slnko bolo totálne zatemnené. Je to pravda? On môže spôsobiť, že slnko bude svietiť, a že oblaky pôjdu späť, alebo môže spôsobiť, že slnko bude čierne. On je Bohom. On môže robiť, čokoľvek si On praje. A On je vo svojom veriacom dieťati. Amen. To je to.

167Nebola tam na dohľad ani jedna blcha. Možno to bol čas zimy, neboli žiadne muchy, lebo Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď a hovor Moje slová a Ja položím do tvojej mysle, čo máš povedať. A ty choď tam a zodvihni hrudu zeme a vyhoď ju do vzduchu, ten prach.“

168A povedal, „Nech sú blchy.“ A všade po celej zemi sa plazili blchy, možno v hrúbke niekoľko palcov behom pár hodín. Je to pravda? Stvoriteľ.

169Neboli tam žiadne žaby. Tak on vystrel svoju palicu a povedal, „Nech sú žaby.“ A potom boli všade nakopené, až celá zem páchla. Je to pravda?

170Keď prišiel k Červenému moru a ono bolo v jeho ceste, Boh povedal, „Prehovor k tomu moru.“ A Mojžiš prehovoril k tomu moru a väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako samo to more. Je to pravda? Ó, tak vidíte. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako čokoľvek z prírody, čo je na svete. On rozkázal prírode. Na čokoľvek, čo mu Boh povedal, aby povedal, on to povedal, a tak to bolo.

171Ten istý Boh je dnes večer s nami. Nie len s nami, ale v nás. On to dokázal, že je v nás, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Čoho sa bojíme zo sveta?

172Jedného dňa tu našli nejaký druh dinosaurieho zuba, tu hore okolo... Hádam ste o tom všetci počuli? Tu hore pri Niagarských vodopádoch. Povedali, „Vážil šesť libier.“ Myslím, že išli povedať, že je to z človeka, ale myslím, že nakoniec to definovali ako nejaký druh prehistorického zvieraťa. Tie zvieratá pravdepodobne raz žili na zemi. Kde sú teraz?

Či viete, že Všemohúci Boh by mohol rozkázať dinosaurom, aby prišli na túto zem, a behom ďalšej hodiny by boli štyridsať míľ hlboko? Či viete, že Boh by mohol zničiť tento svet blchami? On by mohol zavolať blchy. Kam idú, keď zomrú? Čo sa deje s muchou? Čo sa deje s kobylkou? Prichádza čas zimy a ide to štyridsať stupňov pod nulu a potom na jar vychádzajú von a kobylky sú všade. Odkiaľ prišli? On je Stvoriteľom, ktorý ich vypovie do existencie. On je Bohom. Príroda poslúcha Jeho Slovo.

173Tam, kde sa mnohí z mojich bratov stávajú nadšenými, potom oni majú dojem, že Boh povie aby urobili určitú vec, a oni to hovoria ako 'tak hovorí Pán', pričom to tak nie je. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa to tak nedeje.

Ale keď je to Boh, ktorý ti skutočne niečo hovorí, to sa musí stať, to tak musí byť. Rozumiete? Keď to hovorí Boh, to tak musí byť.

174Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v Egypte. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako čokoľvek, čo mohol faraón urobiť, všetky jeho čary. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v jeho mágoch. Vidíte? Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako všetka príroda.

175Väčší! Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako tie levy. On dokázal tých hladných levov zastaviť. Tak čokoľvek, čo môže niečo druhé zastaviť, je väčší ako to, čo bolo zastavené. Tak tie levy vybehli hladné, aby zjedli Daniela. A väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom levovi.

176No, keď bol lev najprv stvorený, on bol priateľom človeka. To je diabol, ktorý to spôsobuje, že to robí. To je pravda. V Miléniu sa vlk a baránok budú spolu pásť a lev bude jesť slamu ako vôl, bude ležať spolu s volom. Neuškodia, ani nezničia v miléniu. Diabol bude preč. To je diabol, ktorý robí, že divá zver trhá a hryzie a žerie a všetky tie veci, to, ako to robia. To je satan, ktorý to robí. Ale väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v levovi. Vidíte? Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v prorokovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom levovi.

177Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v tých Hebrejských deťoch. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v nich, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom ohni. Lebo oni boli hodení do ohňa a Ten, ktorý bol v nich, bol s nimi a zachoval ten oheň od toho, aby ich spálil, keď tá pec bola rozpálená sedemkrát viac, ako bola kedy rozpálená. Je to pravda? Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v tých Hebrejských deťoch, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete.

178Tam bol Nabuchodonozor alebo Balsazár. Verím, že to bol Nabuchodonozor, ktorý rozpálil tú pec sedemkrát horúcejšie, ako kedy bola rozpálená. Inšpirovaný diablom, aby vzal týchto ľudí, pretože stáli za Slovom Božím a vrhol ich do tejto pece sedemkrát horúcejšej, ako kedy bola, a to ich vôbec nemohlo spáliť. Pretože väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Sádrachovi, Mézachovi a Abednégovi, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Absolútne. Ó!

179Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako tá medená obloha, pretože on mohol priniesť dážď z medenej oblohy, z ktorej nepršalo 3 roky a 6 mesiacov.

Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako smrť. Pretože keď prišiel čas, aby zomrel, Boh videl toho starého unaveného proroka. On karhal Jezábeľ a všetok jej make-up a tie moderné veci. A on bol trochu unavený. A on ho nenechal ani kráčať domov, ako nechal Enocha. Poslal koč a zodvihol ho a vzal ho domov. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v Jeruzaleme a v Júdei a horách. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako sama smrť. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako hrob. Pretože on unikol hrobu, unikol smrti a išiel len hore v koči. Vidíte? On bol väčší a On bol v Eliášovi.

180Poviete, „ Ó, no dobre. To bol veľký človek.“

181Počkajte chvíľu. Biblia hovorí, „On bol človek, ktorý trpel podobným ako my.“ Ako ty a ja. To je pravda. Ale keď sa modlil, on veril, že dostane to, za čo sa modlí, pretože Ježiš nám povedal, „Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete, o čo prosíte, a stane sa to.“ On sa horlivo modlil, aby nepršalo. A nepršalo tri roky a šesť mesiacov. Vidíte? Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako príroda.

182Čo potom s uzdravením chorých? Vidíte? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako choroba. Rozumiete? Pretože, to je prerušenie. Choroba je prerušenie práve tých Božích zákonov. No, väčší je ten, ktorý je v Tebe, ktorý je Uzdraviteľ a Stvoriteľ, ako ten diabol, ktorý prerušil ten program tvojho života. „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi. Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Izaiášovi, ako bol čas alebo ktorýkoľvek z iných prorokov, pretože oni videli poza čas.

183Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Jóbovi, ako boli dokonca tie kožné červy a smrť a hrob. Pretože skrze videnie videl príchod Pánov a povedal, „Môj Vykupiteľ žije a v poslednom dni sa postaví na zemi, a hoci aj moje kožné červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Vidíte? Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Jóbovi, ako smrť. Väčší, pretože smrť sa ho snažila vziať a nemohla to urobiť. Nemohla to urobiť, pretože on povedal, „Ja znovu povstanem.“ A on povstal. On povstal.

184Počúvajte. Prial by som si, aby sme mali čas ísť v tomto ďalej. Ale rád by som sa vás opýtal otázku, ohľadne ktorej som raz počul niečo poznamenať, o tom „Kristus vo vás.“ [Brat Branham klope dvakrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.]

Tak neodpočívajte na niečom, čo ste vy urobili. Poviete, „Cítil som také trasenie. Hovoril som v jazykoch, tancoval som v Duchu.“ Nič proti tomu, to je v poriadku. Vidíte? Ale neodpočívajte na tom. Rozumiete?

Tvoj život musí byť toto, [Brat Branham klope na Bibliu – pozn. prekl.] Toto je to. Ty a toto sa musíte stať jedno. Vidíte? A potom toto manifestuje samo seba. Rozumiete?

185Tak, čo ak dnes večer, čo ak by ste mohli povedať celým svojím srdcom, keby duch Shakespeara žil vo vás, keby Shakespeare žil vo vás. Viete, čo by ste robili? Robili by ste skutky Shakespeara. Skutočne. Robili by ste to. Písali by ste básne a hry a tak ďalej, pretože Shakespeare bol tým typom umelca, veľký pisateľ, pisateľ básní. No, ak by Shakespeare žil vo vás, robili by ste skutky Shakespeara. Je to pravda?

186 Čo ak by vo vás žil Beethoven? Čo ak by vo vás žil Beethoven? Viete, čo by ste robili? Písali by ste piesne, ako Beethoven, ten veľký skladateľ. Písali by ste piesne, ako Beethoven, pretože Beethoven by bol vaším životom. Boli by ste Beethovenom znovu stelesneným. Ak by Beethoven žil vo vás, konali by ste skutky Beethovena, pretože Beethoven by žil vo vás. Je to pravda?

187Ale Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je Kristus. A ak je Kristus vo vás, potom budete konať skutky Krista, ak Kristus žije vo vás. On tak povedal. Sv. Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on bude tiež činiť.“ Ak ste vy v Kristovi, alebo ak Kristus žije vo vás.

Potom Kristus je Slovo. Je to pravda? A Slovo prichádza k Jeho prorokom. Rozumiete? A ak vy, ak Kristus žije vo vás, potom skutky Krista budú cez vás vykonané, život Kristov bude žitý cez vás. Skutky, ktoré On činil, život, ktorý On žil, a všetko, to všetko bude žiť vo vás, práve tak, ako keby Shakespeare alebo Beethoven alebo ktokoľvek by žil vo vás.

188 Ak Jeho život. Ale ak vy stále žijete svoj vlastný život, potom budete konať svoje vlastné skutky. Rozumiete? Ale ak žijete život Kristov, ak Kristus je vo vás, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Ak vaše pochybnosti a frustrácie o Božom zasľúbení sú vo vás, potom tam Kristus nie je. Vidíte? Vy ste len do niečoho vypracovaní. Ale ak ten život, ak Kristus žije vo vás, On rozpozná svoje slovo a učiní svoje zasľúbenie. Rozumiete? On to urobí.

189„Keď sa modlíte, verte, že obdržíte, o čo prosíte, a bude vám to dané. Ak poviete tejto hore, „Pohni sa“, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, čo ste povedali, stane sa to, môžete mať, čo ste povedali. Otec pracuje, aj Ja dosiaľ pracujem. Amen, amen vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič v sebe, ale čo vidí činiť svojho Otca, tak podobne činí aj Syn.“ Vidíte? A keď mu Otec ukázal, čo má robiť, vyšiel tam a bez zlyhania alebo niečoho, a povedal, „Nech sa stane,“ a bolo tak.

A ten istý Kristus žije vo vás. To žije vo vás. Potom budeme činiť Jeho skutky, pretože Kristus je Slovom, a to zasľúbenie Slova vám prináša uzdravenie. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Iste.

190On povedal, „Nezanechám vás bez útechy.“ Ako sa modlím, pýtal som sa pred chvíľou, tam v Matúšovi 24 alebo v Matúšovi 28:20. On povedal, „Prídem ku vám a budem vo vás. Ja.“ Osoba, Kristus vo forme Ducha Svätého, „Príde a bude žiť vo vás. Potom vy nebudete svoji, nebudete už viac sami svoji. Ja budem vo vás. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte? Židom 13:8 hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“

191 Ten, ktorý bol v Noachovi, bol väčší ako súdy vody.

A ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako súdy ohňa. Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší, pretože On zaplatil ten súd a porazil ten súd pre vás. Vidíte? Nie je ohľadne toho žiaden strach. Vidíte? Ste tam. Áno.

Väčší je ten, ktorý bol v Noachovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v súdoch vody, ktorá zničila svet, ktorý neveril. Pretože Noach uveril. A väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v ňom, ktorému uveril, ktorý k nemu hovoril, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete. A to Noe unikol všetkému súdu, kvôli Slovu Božiemu, ktoré bolo väčšie ako to, a to ho pozdvihlo ponad súdy.

„Väčší.“ Ako by sme na tom mohli na chvíľu zostať. Vidíte?

192Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten medveď, ktorý ukradol jeho ovcu. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten lev, ktorý prišiel a vzal jedného z jeho baránkov. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten nepriateľ, Goliáš. Ten veľký Filištín, ktorý tam stál, možno dvanásť, štrnásť stôp vysoký. Mal prsty dlhé asi štrnásť palcov a kopiju ako tkáčsky návoj, celú pokrytú dvomi alebo tromi palcami hrubej vrstvy ocele alebo kovu, medi. Ale to, čo bolo v Dávidovi, bolo väčšie ako to, čo bolo v ňom.

On mal silu, svaly. On bol bojovník. On by mohol len povedať, zodvihol by len Dávida koncom jeho kopije, zavesil by ho hore a nechal by, aby ho zožrali vtáci.

193A Dávid povedal, „Ty ideš ku mne ako Filištín, v mene Filištína. Preklínaš ma v mene filištínského boha.“ A povedal, „Ty si sa chvastal, čo urobíš. A ty ideš ku mne so zbrojou a s kopijou, ale ja idem ku tebe v Mene Pána Boha a dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu z tvojich pliec.“ A on to urobil, pretože väčší bol Ten, ktorý inšpiroval Dávida do takej odvahy.

194Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako to invalidné kreslo. Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako tie nosidlá. Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako tá rakovina. Väčší je ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako to postihnutie. Väčší je On ako čokoľvek, čo existuje, čo môže diabol na teba naložiť. „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Väčší je Ten. Áno.

Väčší bol Dávid, to, čo bolo v Dávidovi. Boh v Dávidovi.

195On je v nás a to je Kristus. On bol premožiteľom každého nepriateľa pre nás. Keď bol On tu na zemi, On porazil hriech, On porazil nemoc, porazil smrť, porazil peklo, porazil hrob a teraz žije v nás ako Premožiteľ. On porazil nemoc, peklo, smrť, hrob a prišiel ku nám, aby nás oslobodil od všetkých týchto vecí. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý dokáže položiť na teba tieto klamy. Áno, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

196To je to, ako sa dejú tieto zázraky. To je to, ako prestal ten vietor tam toho dňa. Či by to mohla urobiť ľudská bytosť? Nie veru, to je nemožné. Keď som tam stál, plakal, a tie vlny sa prevaľovali a...

Koľkí sú tu, ktorí tam boli? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Zodvihnite ruky každý, kto tam bol, tam hore v Coloráde v tom čase. V poriadku. Brat Fred, hádam, je ten jediný, ktorý je tu prítomný, myslel som, že možno brat Mann tu je, ale on... Brat, brat Evans, že tam bol? Brat Evans tam v tom čase bol. Áno, v poriadku. Áno.

197Všimnite si. Či to nie je pravda? Či to nie je to, ako sa to stalo? Tie dažde len ustáli a vetry prestali duť. Čo to bolo? Na moje slovo? Nie, pretože On mi povedal, aby som to urobil. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je v nás, ako akákoľvek príroda. Či to nie je Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol utíšiť vlny na mori, spôsobiť, že vetry sa vrátili na svoje miesto. Či On nie je Ten istý, ktorý mohol zatemniť slnko, ktorý mohol spôsobiť, že slnko bude svietiť? Dobre, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte. V poriadku.

198No, to je to, prečo sa tieto pravdivé zázraky môžu diať, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, „Veci, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť“, Sv.Ján 14:12. On, Kristus, ktorý utíšil vetry a vlny, je ich Stvoriteľom. On je stále toľko Stvoriteľom, ako bol vtedy. On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

On uzdravil chorých a zničil hriech a zmenil to všetko pre teba. A prišiel ku tebe, aby mohol s tebou prebývať. On toto všetko premohol, aby prišiel a žil v nás. On je Ten Premožiteľ, ktorý tieto veci už premohol. Dokázal to v Písmach, vrátil sa a všetko premohol a dokázal ti, že On je ten istý Boh. A po tisíc deväťsto rokoch [Brat Branham klope päťkrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] On tu stále robí medzi nami tú istú vec, akú robil vtedy, ktorá premohla smrť, peklo, nemoc a hrob.

199Tento Kristus, tento „On“, On je ten, ktorý je v tebe. On je Kristus. Ako Ján povedal, „Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To bol Kristus! On je väčší ako všetko zo sveta, pretože On premohol svet a je väčší ako všetky tieto veci, pretože On to premohol pre nás. „A my sme viac ako premožitelia skrze Toho, ktorý nás zamiloval a dal samého seba za nás.“ Aby sa mohol navrátiť a činiť svoje skutky cez nás, aby nám dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

Keď On bol na zemi, On dokázal, keď stál medzi ľuďmi, že bol Mesiášom. On dokázal rozpoznať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. A Biblia hovorí, Mojžiš povedal, že, „On bude prorok.“ Je to pravda? On poznal tajnosti srdca. On vedel, kto sú tí ľudia. On vedel, čo s nimi nebolo v poriadku. Či sme to videli sa diať? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Ustavične jedno za druhým.

200My vieme, že mŕtvi boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych. Niektorí z nich boli mŕtvi jeden a pol dňa. No, zomreli jedno ráno a priviedli ich späť večer a cestovali celú noc, a na ďalší deň okolo obeda alebo krátko po obede prišli tam, kde bol stan. A malé mŕtve dieťa, studené, ležalo v náručí matky a Pán Boh ho priviedol, vypovedal Slovo Života a to dieťa sa zohrialo a začalo plakať. A podal som ju späť do náručia matky.

201Pani Stadsklevová, ktorá tu stojí, videla, ako sa to stalo. To je ten dôvod, prečo ona tak plakala za svojím dieťaťom, chcela, aby som letel do Nemecka. Ale Pán povedal, „To je Moja ruka, nekarhaj to.“ Vidíte? Vtedy viete lepšie.

Keď On povedal Mojžišovi, povedal, „Prehovor k tej skale.“ Nie udri ju. To znamenalo „prehovoriť,“ nie udrieť. Vidíte? Vy musíte poslúchať, čo On hovorí, aby ste urobili. „Ale žiaden človek nemôže činiť nič sám od seba.“ On musí najprv počuť od Boha.

202Tak Slovo Božie zasľúbilo, že On žije. A pretože On žije, vy žijete. On zasľúbil, že, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Tie isté veci, iba viac toho budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi.“ On všetky tieto veci premohol. On je Ten, ktorý zastavil...

On je Ten, ktorý učinil tieto veveričky. To sa stalo dvakrát. Raz sa to stalo dolu na tvojom mieste, Charlie. A to sa stalo potom tu hore, bratia, brat Fred a brat Banks, a oni tam boli s nami.

203Stalo sa to v Nemecku, keď tých pätnásť šamanov na každej strane odo mňa povedali... Pretože Billy a brat Arganbright im nedovolili, aby prišli za mnou. Tak potom povedali, „Dobre, spôsobíme, že tento stan bude odfúknutý.“ A oni si tam sadli so svojimi čarami a začali vzývať svojho boha, diabla, a tu on prichádza s búrkou. Bolo tam asi tridsaťtisíc, štyridsaťtisíc Nemcov a ten stan sa takto dvíhal hore a dolu.

Oni potom vzali, odrezali nožnicami kus nejakej kože a takto to nasmerovali a hovorili svoje, robili všetky tie svoje čary a hovorili tie tri sväté slová, ktoré hovoria, „Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, lu-lu-lu-lu! Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, lu-lu-lu-lu!“

204Takto to išlo a skutočne prišla búrka. Iste. „On je kniežaťom moci povetria.“ Satan. A oni privolali búrku. A teraz dokonca ten veľký stan, ktorý tam bol takto rozložený, ó, to pokrývalo asi jeden mestský blok a bolo to postavené dve na štyri, a na tom bola pripnutá plachta. A ten vietor sa dostal pod to a len to takto zodvihoval. A ten vietor a to blýskanie a lietanie, tak to išlo, a ja som len ďalej kázal.

205A, ó, oni len ďalej pokračovali s týmito svojimi veľkými čarami, pokračovali takto ďalej, hovorili tieto malé sväté slová, hovorili, „Tie tri vysoké sväté slová, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý.“ A takto na oboch stranách. A potom som ho tam videl skloneného a obkľúčeného diablami, ale nie zviazaného.

206A povedal som bratovi Lowsterovi, „Toto neprekladaj.“

207Povedal som, „Brat Arganbright, len sa modli.“

208Povedal som, „Pane Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, Ty si ma tu poslal. Ja som položil svoju nohu na túto nemeckú zem v mene Ježiša Krista, pretože Ty si ma sem poslal. A ten oblak nemá nado mnou žiadnu moc. Nemá, pretože ja som pomazaný a poslaný sem kvôli spaseniu týchto ľudí.“

„Rozkazujem ti v Ježišovom Mene, aby si odtiaľto odišiel!“

209A zhrmelo „Bum, bum, bum“. A urobilo to „Vŕŕŕŕŕ.“ A odvalilo sa to a prešlo to rovno cez ten stan a odfúklo to preč a rozsvietilo sa slnko.

210Behom desiatich minút tam bolo okolo oltárov a tých vecí asi desaťtisíc ľudí, ktorí kričali o milosrdenstvo, pretože videli moc Božiu. Prečo? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

211Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Keď vidíte tie postihnutia v tej veci, ó, brat, nemáme sa vôbec čoho obávať. Tá veľkosť je Boh a On je v tebe. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

212No, už to preťahujem. Je asi pätnásť minút po deviatej. A viem, že títo ľudia musia šoférovať dlhú cestu.

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

213Ó, Otče Bože, ty vieš o Coloráde. Ty vieš, že tie veci sú pravda. A ja to hovorím na tvoju slávu, aby to títo ľudia mohli vedieť. Potom, čo je to všetko vedecky dokázané, tie fotografie a skutky Ducha Svätého. A, Pane, ty vieš, že on... Jasne som to ľuďom vyhlásil a vždy to tak robím, že to je preto, že Ty si to zasľúbil. A Ty si tu a snažíš sa nájsť niekoho, cez koho sa môžeš Sám potvrdiť, a nechať iných, aby videli, že Ty žiješ, a že ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Modlím sa k Tebe, Pane, aby si bol milosrdný, a aby si nás viedol a sprevádzal v našich myšlienkach.

214Sú tu takí, ktorí tu sedia a sú chorí a postihnutí. Sú tu takí, ktorí by možno zomreli, ak by nedostali pomoc od Teba. Mnohí z nich sú možno na konci cesty, kde im už viacej lekári nemôžu pomôcť. Ty si Boh a Ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A Tvoja prítomnosť je tu.

215A, Pane, my nevieme, čo toto tretie potiahnutie, ako sme sa na to odvolávali, bude. Ja to neviem, ale vieme jednu vec, že to prvé potiahnutie bola dokonalosť, druhé potiahnutie, čo je päť, to je milosť.

A, Bože, ja sa dnes večer modlím, aby si nám zjavil Seba, že po týchto veciach, ako hovoríš, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás.“ A Ty si povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež...“ A povedal si, že si nerobil nič, čo by Ti Otec nebol ukázal.

216 A my sme videli, čo si Ty robil, keď si bol schopný povedať apoštolovi Petrovi, kým je, a aké bolo meno jeho otca. Povedal si Natanaelovi, čo bolo jeho poverenie, ako sa to stalo, že tam prišiel, a kde bol predtým a čo robil. Povedal si tej žene pri studni o jej hriechoch, a čím bola, ako žila v tomto cudzoložstve s týmito šiestimi mužmi. Piatich, ktorých mala, a ten, s ktorým žila, nebol jej manželom. Ty si stále ten istý Boh. Ty si povedal...

217To bola Bartimeova slepota, ako tam stál, a pritom stále vo svojom srdci on mal zrak, že mohol vidieť, že ak Ten Jehova zamanifestovaný v Synovstve Ježiša Krista, že On bol schopný poznať jeho volanie. A on vykríkol, „Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou.“ A to Ťa zastavilo a Ty si sa obrátil a uzdravil si ho, ó, Otče, a hovoril si mu, že jeho viera ho zachránila.

218Tá malá anemická žena mala tento krvotok a zmenu života a po mnoho rokov sa to nemohlo zastaviť. Ona utratila všetky svoje peniaze na lekárov a ani jeden z nich jej nemohol pomôcť. Ona prišla na jedno z tvojich zhromaždení, ako si tam Ty hovoril k tomu mužovi, tam v Galilei, ako si bol na Svojej ceste do Jairovho domu. Táto malá žena povedala vo svojom srdci bez toho, žeby mala k tomu Písmo, „Ak sa len môžem dotknúť Jeho rúcha, verím, že budem uzdravená.“ A ona dostala svoju túžbu, keď sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. A Ty si jej povedal, že to urobila jej viera, opísal si jej žiadosť a ona bola uzdravená.

219Je nám v Slove povedané, že Ty si Veľkňazom, ktorý sedí na výsostiach, ktorý stále žije a prihovára sa. A tiež to, že Ty, súc Veľkňazom v tomto čase, že môžeš byť dotýkaný našimi slabosťami. Pane Bože, udeľ to, aby tu dnes večer každá osoba mohla byť... Mala to privilégium dotknúť sa dnes večer Teba, toho veľkého Veľkňaza, a bola uzdravená. Na slávu Božiu to prosím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

220Tak ja ne... Sú tam modlitebné karty? Povedal som Billymu, aby ne... Či má niekto modlitebné karty? V poriadku, to je dobré. Ja som mu povedal, aby ich nerozdával. Myslel som si, že možno by to bolo trochu dlhé, ako... Ó, ja tak veľa rozprávam. Ale pozrite. A vy ste mi povedali, keď som povedal, „Budem sa snažiť zakončiť o osem-tridsať.“ Vy ste sa smiali a ja som vedel, že vy viete, o čom hovoríte. Ja som... Ale ja vás milujem. Rozumiete?

221To, čo sa snažím robiť, vždy som sa snažil toto, priateľu, nikdy nie preto, aby niekto povedal, „brat Branham toto urobil.“ Brat Branham nemôže urobiť nič. Rozumiete? To je Ježiš Kristus. A On je Ten, ktorý je vo mne a vo vás. Vy musíte len veriť. Či to nie je pravda? Rozumiete? Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako vaša nemoc.

222Koľkí ľudia sú tu teraz chorí na svojich telách, ktorí ma nepoznajú, ale veríte, že máte dostatok viery, aby ste sa dotkli toho Veľkňaza. Zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „Verím tomu.“

V poriadku. Prakticky všade sú teraz ruky. V poriadku. Koľkí tu, ktorí ma poznajú a vedia, že neviem nič o tom, akú máte potrebu, a chcete, aby sa vás Boh dotkol. Zodvihnite svoju ruku. Vidíte? V poriadku.

223Úprimne povedané, nie je tu nikto, o kom by som tu teraz vedel v tomto prítomnom čase, že by bol chorý. Ale tento chlapec tu, poznám ho. Modlil som sa za neho mnohokrát. Neviem si spomenúť na jeho meno, ale on je tu dolu z Kentucky. Píše mi po celý čas, je to osobný priateľ brata a sestry Woodových a tých a on sem prichádza a navštevuje zhromaždenia dlhý, dlhý čas. To je jediná osoba, ktorú poznám.

224No, brat Dauch, pokiaľ viem, je v poriadku, inak by tu nesedel. On bol jedného dňa veľmi chorý a Pán ho uzdravil.

225Túto osobu nepoznám. Ja neviem, kto je toto, tu s tými barlami, možno tamtá osoba v kresle. Ja neviem.

A mnohých z vás poznám, ale Boh v nebi vie, že v tomto čase, ja neviem, čo vy chcete. Nemám tušenia. Je to tu tak trochu ťažké v modlitebni, pretože vidíte, ja poznám mnoho ľudí.

226No, tu je to, čo to je. Keď prídete na miesto... No, ja tu niekedy prichádzam a hovorím, „V poriadku, dáme každému modlitebnú kartu a zoradíme ich a prídu tu na pódium.“ Niekto odíde... No, vy nemôžete...

Tak, priatelia, idem otvoriť svoje srdce a niečo vám povedať. Nedokážem to ukryť. Práve to, čo si myslíte, ja to viem. To je pravda. Viem, čo si myslíte. Rozumiete? A niekedy hovoríte, „Brat, ja verím.“ No, dobre, veríš do určitej miery. Rozumiete? Ja viem.

227A rovno tu, no teraz, práve teraz, to pomazanie na mňa práve prichádza. Vidíte? A ja môžem len cítiť ten pulz, niečo ako udieranie, taký tlkot z rôznych miest. Rozumiete?

Ale teraz, nepochybujte už viac. Verte celému Posolstvu. Verte to. Ak to nie je to, ak to nie je napísané v Biblii, potom tomu neverte. Ale ak to je v Biblii, potom Duch Svätý, ktorý žije v nás, je zaviazaný uskutočniť to, v čo veríme. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

Viem, že je to ťažké. Vidíte, nič neprichádza ľahko.

228Bolo to pre Neho ťažké zomrieť, aby mohlo byť toto pre vás vyprodukované. Bolo to pre Neho ťažké ísť na Golgotu, On chcel zostať, dokonca až toľko, že zvolal, „Nie moja vôľa, ale Tvoja nech sa stane.“ Vidíte? On nechcel odísť. On bol mladým mužom a mal svojich bratov. On ich miloval tak, ako ja milujem vás. Ale On nemohol žiť, a aby oni tiež žili, tak On zomrel, aby sme my mohli žiť. To nebolo ľahké. Musel to urobiť. Pozrite, aká smrť ležala pred ním, „Otče, prišla hodina, a či mám povedať, aby si odo mňa vzal tento kalich? Nie.“ On to nechcel urobiť. On chcel, aby sa stala Božia vôľa.

229No, pozrite. Ak len budete veriť tej istej veci. No, nie... Nie... Vôbec to nezatieňte. Len tomu verte. [Brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.] Len tomu absolútne verte. Nepochybujte. Verte tomu.

230Ak privádzam ľudí hore do modlitebného radu a hovorím, „V poriadku, teraz táto osoba. Ty vieš, že ťa nepoznám.“

231„Nie, to je pravda, brat Branham.“

232Potom rovno tam niekde zachytávate niekoho, kto hovorí, „No, on len číta to, čo oni dali na tú modlitebnú kartu. Telepatia.“ To iste tak urobí.

233Potom poviem, „V poriadku, teraz túto nedeľu nebudeme rozdávať žiadne modlitebné karty. Chcem, aby tu každý, kto je medzi nami cudzí, ktorý tu nikdy predtým nebol, aby sa postavil.“ Rozumiete? A potom sa Duch Svätý rovno obráti a rozlíši všetko, čo v nich je. Rozumiete? Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Videli ste to oboma spôsobmi.

234„Ó, to, tam je na tom niečo nesprávne.“ Vidíte? Nie je žiaden spôsob, vy nemôžete... Rozumiete? Tak dlho, ako satan môže dostať to vlastníctvo, on spôsobí, že budete veriť čomukoľvek.

A on vám ukáže každú chybu, ktorú mám, a ja ich mám mnoho, ktoré vám môže ukázať. Ale nedívajte sa na to. Nedívajte sa na to, ja som človek. Rozumiete? Ale pamätajte, toto Slovo Božie je pravda a ja sa ním snažím žiť.

235Ak by som tu išiel a začal robiť zlé veci, ktoré nie sú správne, začal hrešiť a piť a fajčiť, alebo robiť veci, ktoré nie sú správne, vy príďte a zavolajte si ma, pretože to sa nepatrí. Ja chcem potom ten svet opustiť. Ja nie... Chcem ho opustiť skôr, ako sa to stane. Rozumiete? Ja to nechcem robiť.

236Ale tak dlho, ako sa snažím žiť podľa toho, čo je správne, a robiť to, čo je správne. Rozumiete? A snažím sa žiť, ako by Kresťan mal žiť, a potom nechávam Boha, aby vzal Svoje Slovo a počul ma, že pri Ňom stojím. Hoci ma to stálo mnohých priateľov a popularitu sveta a také veci a som nenávidený mnohými a denomináciami, vykopnutý. Stále pri tom chcem byť verný tomuto Slovu. To je Božie Slovo a ja Boha milujem. Tak to je Božie Slovo a ja vám hovorím, že „On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky,“ a On je teraz v nás. A ak...

237Ak by život Shakespeara bol vo mne, žil by vo mne, ak by Shakespeare žil vo mne, či by som nerobil skutky Shakespeara? Ak by vo mne žil Beethoven, či by som nerobil skutky Beethovena? Ak by duch Dillingera bol vo mne, ak by John Dillinger žil vo mne, či by som ja nebol Johnom Dillingerom? Ak by bol Beethoven vo mne, nebol by som Beethovenom? Rozumiete? Ak by bol vo mne Castro, či by som nebol Castrom? Rozumiete?

A ak je Ježiš Kristus vo mne, Jeho skutky budem činiť, pretože to je On. A či On nepovedal to isté, že sa tak stane? Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

238Tak, čo by On urobil, ak by tu stál, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? On by povedal, „Ja môžem činiť len to, čo mi Otec ukáže, aby som činil.“ Je to pravda? No, to je to, ako to On robil včera.

A tak, je ten istý? Čo s chorobou? Tvoja cena je už zaplatená. Každý jeden z vás je už uzdravený zo svojej nemoci. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Lebo, to... Každému jednému z vás je odpustené, ale vy to musíte prijať. Každý jeden z vás je uzdravený, ale musíte to prijať.

239No, aby som dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ak by On tu stál, On by vás nemohol uzdraviť, vôbec nie s vašou neverou. Museli by ste tomu veriť práve tak, ako tomu musíte veriť práve teraz. Muselo by to byť to isté. Rozumiete? „Pretože mnoho mocných skutkov On nemohol učiniť vo svojom dni, kvôli ich nevere.“ Je to pravda? Mnoho mocných skutkov On nemôže učiniť dnes kvôli nevere.

240No, kto to mohol predpovedať? Boh. Kto to bol, kto povedal toto? Boh. Kto to bol, kto urobil toto? Boh. Kto to je, kto povedal, že medveď, jeleň, karibu, všetky tieto ostatné veci a tých sedem... Všetky veci, že sa stali. Kto to bol, kto to povedal? On, Kristus, ktorý je v nás, a prorokuje Samého Seba cez nás, zjavuje Samého Seba, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

Kto zastavil vetry? Kto stvoril veveričky? Ten istý, ktorý stvoril toho barana pre Abraháma, keď on... Nazval ho, „Jehova Jireh.“ Tie zložené vykupiteľské mená sa na Neho stále aplikujú. On je stále Jehova Jireh, „Pán si môže poskytnúť obeť.“

241Tak, každý jeden z vás, chcem, aby ste teraz boli vo svojej najhlbšej úprimnosti. Ak to budete skutočne veriť z celého svojho srdca, potom nebude v našom strede ani jedna slabá osoba, v čase, keď sa tie hodiny pohnú o päť minút od teraz. Nebude tu žiadna osoba, ktorá by nestála na svojich nohách, zdravá, ak tomu len budete veriť. Môžete veriť?

242Pozrime sa teraz, či On ku nám príde a zjaví samého seba, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy.

243Pane Ježišu, pomôž mi teraz. A ja poslúchnem Teba, Pane, so všetkým, ako len viem. Odpusť moje hriechy a prestúpenia. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

244No, vezmime teraz túto stranu tu, niekoho tu. Verte, majte vieru, nepochybujte! Niekto, kto ma nepozná, ak je možné. Nedokážem povedať, kam ide to videnie. Musím to len pozorovať. A ak to On urobí, potom viete, či je to pravda alebo nie. Vy len verte a nepochybujte. Ak to On urobí, či budete veriť. Potom, ako sa toto dnes stane. Rozumiete? Len príjmite svoje uzdravenie. Povedzte, „Pane, ja sa teraz dotýkam Ježiša Krista. Verím.“ Nech to teraz Boh neba udelí.

245„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, Kristus, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Tak na zhromaždení, kde sa Ho dotýkame, On na to reaguje, ako sa tá žena dotkla Boha skrze Krista a On reagoval na jej potreby.

246Vidím tu teraz tam v rohu, vyzerá to ako muž, je na tom veľmi vážne. Nie, nie je to, to je žena, ktorá sa modlí za nejakého muža, a ten muž tu nie je. Ale to je žena. Vidím, že tá žena... To je jej otec a on zomiera na rakovinu. [Brat Branham urobil pauzu. – pozn.prekl.] A je na tom veľmi vážne. Ten muž tu nie je. On je na inom mieste. To nie je ani v tejto krajine. Ale je, je to v Georgii. [Brat Branham robí pauzu.]

Len sa ďalej modlite. Veríte teraz z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-pozn.prekl.] Len sa ďalej modlite.

Meno tej ženy, ktorá sa modlí, je pani Jordanová. Ona nie je z Georgie. Ona je zo Severnej Karolíny. Ak je to pravda, pani, postav sa na svoje nohy. V poriadku, je to pravda. [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, Bože! Ďakujem ti, Bože!“-pozn.prekl.] Modlila si sa za to? [Áno, pane, za môjho ocka.] V poriadku, v poriadku. [Tá sestra ďalej hovorí o svojom otcovi.]

Veríš teraz že, „Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete?“ [Tá sestra hovorí, „Verím.“-pozn.prekl.] Či veríš teraz, že On...

247Pozri, tu je ešte niečo iné. Ty si mala nejaký veľký tréning vo svojich včasných dňoch alebo niečo také, pretože vyzerá to tak, že máš niečo spoločné s nejakým druhom kresťanského... Nie je tvoj otec kazateľ, alebo niekto ako to, niekto z tvojich ľudí alebo niečo? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Môj manžel.“ – pozn.prekl.] Tvoj manžel, to je on. Môžem vidieť niekoho ako stojí pri tebe a káže Evanjelium a ty si bola v cirkvi. On má s tebou niečo spoločné. [„Sláva Pánovi“] V poriadku, tu to máte.

No, ja tú pani nepoznám, ale Boh pozná tú ženu.

248No, nemáš niečo vo svojej kabelke, nejakú malú vreckovku, alebo niečo také? V poriadku, potom to daj na... Keď si sadneš, polož svoje ruky na tú vreckovku a nepochybuj, a Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý zabíja tvojho ocka. Ver z celého svojho srdca, aby sa tak stalo, ako veríš.

249Tak, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ja tú ženu nepoznám. Pokiaľ viem, po prvýkrát, hádam, kedy som ju videl. Ale ona tu sedí v zúfalom stave a modlí sa. A ten istý Boh, ktorý sa mohol otočiť a povedať tej žene o jej krvotoku, je ten istý Boh tu a ukazuje, že Ten, ktorý je vo vás, premohol svet. Či veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Ak len máte vieru, nepochybujte.

250Keď hovoríme o rakovine, znovu vidím ten čierny tieň. To je nad jednou ženou, ktorá sedí rovno tu. On má rakovinu hrtanu a je v zlom stave. A za ňu sa niekto modlil, a ona sa snaží prijať svoje uzdravenie. Paní Bartonová, ak len môžeš veriť! Ja tú ženu nepoznám, ale ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca... Skutočne, tá vec...

Dovoľ mi, aby som ti vysvetlil, čo sa snažíš robiť. Ty si stratila svoj hlas z toho a snažíš sa modliť za tvoj hlas, aby bol prinavrátený. Je to pravda? Zamávaj takto rukou. No, tá žena je pre mňa cudzia. Ja ju nepoznám. Vidíte ju? Je to pravda, áno, tam je. Vidíte? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, tá viera, ktorá sa Ho môže dotknúť, ako ten, ktorý je v tvojom hrtane.“

Veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.]

251Sestra Larsenová, teba poznám. Ona je majiteľkou bytu, v ktorom bývame. Ale setra Larsenová, ty si bola u lekára alebo niečo, niečo také. Si pripravená ísť na operáciu. To je pravda. Je to pravda? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, sestra Larsenová, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Ježiš povedal, „Bol som cudzincom a vy ste mňa vzali do vnútra. Nakoľko ste to urobili jednému z mojich najmenších, mojich maličkých, Mne ste to urobili.“

Ó, Nebeský Otče, buď milostivý!

252Čo si myslíš? Ty si tiež pripravená ísť na operáciu. Si mi cudzia. Je to pravda? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ty nie si odtiaľto. [„Ja ťa poznám, ale ty ma nepoznáš.“] Ty ma poznáš, ale ja ťa nepoznám. [Ty ma nepoznáš.] Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? [„Áno, verím.“] Ty si pred operáciou, nežiješ tu. Bývaš blízko Bedfordu, Springville, niečo také ako... To je to, kde to je, Springville. Pani Bartonová... Nie, nie. Prepáč, to som nemyslel, pani Parkerová, to je tvoje meno, že? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý sa ťa snaží zabiť. Je to pravda? Či to veríš z celého svojho srdca? Potom nebudeš potrebovať operáciu, ak veríš.

253Čo si o tomto všetko myslíš, sestra? Ja ťa nepoznám. Si mi cudzia. Či mi veríš, že som Jeho prorok? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Verím tomu.“ – pozn.prekl.] Veríš. Ďakujem ti. Boh to uctí. Ty si pani Whiteová. Prichádzaš z Ford Worth, Texas. Máš svalovú nemoc, nervový stav. Si na tom veľmi zle. Nie je pre teba nádej, čo sa týka medicínskej vedy. Tvoj manžel, on má duchovnú potrebu, za ktorú sa modlíš. Máte tam syna a on má ťažkosti s chrbtom a srdcové ťažkosti. Máte tam malého chlapca, ktorého má na svojich kolenách. Ten malý chlapec má niečo s rečou, za čo sa modlíte. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. [Ten manžel hovorí, „To je pravda. To sú naše potreby.“ – pozn.prekl.]

„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Z celého svojho srdca? [„Amen.“] So všetkým, čo je tam? [„Amen.“]

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

254Teraz On prešiel tou budovou. On vám dokázal, že On je Bohom. „Väčší, to je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To je Pán Boh. Teraz, On, ktorý je vo vás, nechajte Ho, aby mal to prvenstvo. Nech On má ten dohľad toho, čo vy...

Povedzte teraz, rovno teraz vo svojom srdci, ak môžete z celého svojho srdca a verte tomu, „Tá nemoc, ktorá bola v mojom tele, je preč.“ Rozumiete? „Nie som už viacej postihnutý. Nemám už viac nemoc. Ten, ktorý je vo mne, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v mojom tele. Ten, ktorý je v mojom srdci, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v mojom tele. Preto, ten, ktorý je v mojom srdci, stvoril nebo a zem. Moje telo bolo kontaminované satanom a ja som chrámom Ducha Svätého, aby tam žil. Preto satan, ja ti rozkazujem, aby si opustil moje telo. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi zo mňa.“ Rozumiete? Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

Modlime sa teraz všetci svojím vlastným spôsobom, každý jeden, zatiaľ čo sa modlím za vás.

255Všemohúci Bože, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Autor života, Zjavovateľ tajnosti srdca, Ty si povedal, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a je dokonca rozoznávateľom myšlienok mysle.“

256To je ten dôvod, keď sa to Slovo stalo telom, to vedelo, čo si o tebe myslia, ako On prezrel ich myšlienky. On bol Slovom, a to Slovo poznalo tajnosti ich sŕdc.

A to Slovo je stále to isté Slovo. A my to dnes vidíme zjavovať sa v nás po dvetisíc rokoch, pretože On to napísal na papier a je tu, aby to potvrdzoval, ukazoval, a to je pravda.

257Ležia tu vreckovky. Nemocní ľudia sú všade. Modlím sa, aby ten Veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý je prítomný, ktorý tieto veci ukazuje, ktorý hovorí tieto veci a nikdy nezlyháva, ale len to, čo je pravda, ani jedenkrát to nezlyhalo, pretože to je Boh. Nech On pomaže tieto vreckovky Tvojou prítomnosťou a nech uzdraví každú chorú osobu, na ktorú je to položené. A Ten Boh, ktorý môže byť nažive po dvetisíc rokoch a môže sa vyformovať do sŕdc hriešnikov, ktorí boli vykúpení milosťou a vierou a môže hovoriť Svoje Vlastné Slová cez smrteľné pery a sledovať, ako sa to deje presne tak, ako On zasľúbil.

258Ó, Pane Bože, prosím Ťa, aby si nám bol milostivý, a nech každý muž a žena, ktorí sú tu prítomní, ktorí majú akýkoľvek druh nemoci alebo postihnutia, a tak, ako sa Mojžiš postavil do medzery za ľudí, dnes večer ja kladiem svoje srdce pred Teba, Pane. A so všetkou vierou, ktorú mám, ktorá je v Tebe, ktorú si mi Ty dal, ja dávam im. Ako povedal Peter pri bráne, ktorá sa volala Krásna, „To, čo mám, to ti dávam. V Mene Ježiša Krista, vstaň a choď.“ A ten muž, ktorý bol chromý, slabý, za pár chvíľ, ale zatiaľ, čo ho držali, jeho kĺby dostali silu. On vstúpil do domu Božieho a skákal a chválil a žehnal Boha.

259Ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A jeho apoštoli povedali, „To, čo mám, to ti dávam.“ To bola viera. A ja hovorím, to, čo mám, dávam tomuto obecenstvu. V Mene Ježiša Krista z Nazaretu, odmietnite svoju nemoc, pretože väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten diabol, ktorý sa snaží vziať váš život. Ste deti Božie. Ste vykúpení.

260Rozkazujem satanovi, aby opustil týchto ľudí. Nech Boh, ktorý odtlačil tú búrku tam toho dňa. A Ten Boh, ktorý spôsobil, že vetry a vlny prestali, nech môže na to dozrieť, aby každá nemoc bola od týchto ľudí vzatá, a moc Kristova, aby bola prejavená v ich životoch v tejto hodine. Nech každý hriešnik činí pokánie. Nech každá osoba, ktorá nie je blízko Teba, nech sa dá do poriadku v tejto hodine. Nech to tak je v Mene Ježiša Krista.

261Ja, ako váš pastor, váš brat, s vierou, ktorú mám, prosil som Boha, aby to na vás umiestnil. A ja verím, že obdržím to, o čo som prosil. Ak to teraz budete veriť so mnou, s tou vierou, ktorú mám, dávam vám to pre túto hodinu.

A teraz v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, odmietnite svoje postihnutie, svoju nemoc, a povedzte jej, „Musíš ísť.“ Pretože vy máte vieru, plus moju vieru s mocou Ježiša Krista, ktorý je všade prítomný tu a potvrdzuje to, a dokazuje, že On je tu, On vás v tomto čase uzdraví.

262Veríš tomu, pani, ktorá ležíš na tom lehátku? [Tá sestra hovorí, „To je pravda.“ – pozn. prekl.] Hoci by tvoje svaly boli všetky, ako to nazývajú, skleróza a tie veci. Môžeš chodiť, ak sa pokúsiš. Postav sa v Mene Ježiša Krista. Pomôžte jej tam. Tu ide. Či veríte? Vy ostatní z vás, povstaňte, ak veríte. Verte tomu. Jej kĺby dostali silu. [Zhromaždenie sa raduje a hlasno oslavuje Pána – pozn. prekl.]

Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky a oddajme Mu chválu.

263Veľký Jehova Boh, v Mene Ježiša Krista, odovzdávame sa Ti pre uzdravenie. Amen.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you.

Let's just remain standing just a moment while we pray. Let's bow our heads now. And all that would like to be remembered in this prayer, raise your hands and say, "God, it's me."

2 Most Holy and Gracious God, we bring this people before You, with the requests that they have. They asked to be remembered. And, Lord, my hand up also. I pray Thee to be merciful to us. Thou knowest our needs, and we would pray, as You have taught us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven." Father, we would ask tonight for mercy, for liberty of Spirit, that we might be able to bring to the people the Gospel Truth, and the what we believe to be the Message of this hour, for Your Church. Lord, praying that we are a portion of that Church that's to be called out in the last days! Father, if we are not that portion, then reveal to us what we must do to be that portion. And give us grace, power, in this trying hour that's upon the earth to try all them that dwell here. Give us of Thy Holy Spirit, to lead us and guide us, that we might finally, at the end, come to Thee in peace, for that Eternal Life that all believers has looked forward to since the beginning of time. Help us, Lord. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 I am indeed grateful for the privilege of being out here tonight--tonight, and for the grace of God that's been given to us through Jesus.

4And then about the--the Message this morning, now, I want everyone to thoroughly understand. Now, I am trusting to God that it isn't that time. See? But the Message is truth. The Message is true. It will, it will be sometime, if this isn't that time. And it looks so much like the time, till I felt like Paul of old, who said, "I haven't shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel," see, everything that's to be done.

5 There was one thing that I did this morning, that I'm sorry that I said it. I--I called a brother's name that I think is in error. I shouldn't have done that. I never call a person's name; and if the tape would happen to fall in his hands. And I want to see him and talk to him, because I think the brother, a great man, a good man that's preached right here in the pulpit, Brother David duPlessis. And I didn't mean to call his name. I was worried about the Message, and so forth, about whether what if it is this time, and I called the brother's name. I don't do that. I'm sorry I did it. I love Brother David duPlessis. He is our brother, and I--I do think that a smart man like that should be more instructed in the Scripture.

I tell you what it is. It's, the talk that David and I had...

6 He once spoke for me in the meetings. He preached right from this pulpit, or the old church, right here from the pulpit. And his brother, Justus, was my interpreter in South Africa, where I'm returning. And they're out of a fine family, a Pentecostal home, a real fine person. David was, I believe, the chairman, one time, of the World Pentecostal Assemblies, and at the Pentecostal World Conference. He was one of the chairmen. And later he come to the United States and settled in, out in Texas, with Brother Gordon Lindsay, and then just started preaching around different places.

7 But what it was, where I think that our precious brother made the error; just like I'm subject, or anyone else; he started dealing with the up-and-ups. He kept talking about the Princeton University and the places that was inviting him, thinking that he was doing what was right, and was feeding fodder right into the machine; see, and such rejoicing!

As not only that, but the Full Gospel Business Men, which sponsors my meeting, worldwide--wide. See? I--I love those men, see, but I certainly don't agree with them upon the principles that they--they are--they're... They have--they have left from where, their principles, they started, and now becoming just like any other organization or anything. See? And what it is, they're not trying to remain pentecostal, but they're trying to mix pentecost and the rest of it together.

8 And looks to me like that Brother duPlessis, a wonderful, fine man like that, would know enough about the Scripture that when he sees the sleeping virgin trying to buy Oil, the time is passed. See? Remember, when she came to buy Oil, there was no Oil left. That's the Scripture. And she said, "Give us of your Oil," to the Church, but she did not receive It. She might jump up-and-down, speak in tongues, and whatevermore, but, according to God's Own Word, she did not receive It. And she was out into outer darkness; and there was weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, when the elected Bride had done gone in. The--the wise virgin had Oil in her lamp.

9 Now, I--I know another man, something that happened just the other day. What it is, is these fine people, see, getting a little, you know what I mean, a little hold among the people. And the first thing you know, they feel that that's God doing that. And many times, that's the Devil doing that. See?

10Jesus had a chance to come before Herod; He had a chance before many, and they wanted to use Him for showmanship. See?

That's all they are trying to do to Pentecost. Pentecost come out of those things, to be different. "And like a hog to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit, turns right back again," and now in the Ecumenical Council. See? It's too bad. It's a shame.

11 God keep me little and humbles, so that He can reveal His Truth. See? I never want to do that; no bright lights, and no flare and flash to the world. Let me take the way with the Lord's despised few. Let me stay with the Word.

12 Now talking about the Ecumenical Council consolidating with the Vatican. Do you believe that they could consolidate on the Word? They might in organization, but they can't on the Word. See? That's right. So there is nothing to compromise. See? An organization, it's all the same, everything the same; it's perfectly in line, mother and daughter. But when it comes to this Word, I'm just as firmly against Methodist and Baptist and Presbyterians, as I am against Catholicism, 'cause it's mother and daughter, according to this Word. It's this Word that I stand by, see, This, every Word of It.

13 Now, this precious brother, he and his wife are my close friends. Many of you seen the magazine, where how that that precious, God-sent brother could ever let his wife... Somebody told her she looked like Jacqueline Kennedy, and she bushed up a one of them great big haircuts and thing. What is it? She associates with them kind of people, all the time, and finally...

A good man taking a bad woman, she'll either become a good woman or... I mean, a good man taking a bad woman, she'll either become a good woman or he'll become a bad man. Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are. See? Birds of a feather, flock together. Keep away from shiny stuff!

14 I climbed down in a mine, the other day, way in the top of the mountains on the Arizona and--and Mexico line. Brother Sothmann and I, setting here, was up there together. And I got in there and dug out a bunch of what... It looks just exactly like gold. But the only way you can tell it isn't gold, it shines better than gold. It shines. And gold does not shine, it glows. See? And what it's called, is "fool's gold." It's not even worth as much as the rock that it's in. It's called iron pyrite. I think, in the--the... The scientists claim that the waters and the leaking acids, and things, never got there quite enough to harden it and bringing it into a place to make it gold. So it--it shines better, but it don't have the chemical in it.

And that's just the way a lot of make-belief Christianity is, see, it'll shine, and like Hollywood. But the Church glows with the Gospel.

15 Now, some sister here, Billy just showed me, was nice enough to go get this Life magazine, this picture, and blow it up, of that of the seven Angels, and have it taken and sent to me. That is the picture. And now if you'll notice here, as it was leaving, ascending back, when the Angels had brought Their Message, it was in the form of a pyramid; just exactly what I told you, three months before it happened, the way it would be. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

And the notable Angel, with His wings back on the side, back, laying back, you remember Him. Said, "He had His head... coming this speed." Don't you even see the wings there? And there is the Angel there, just exactly the way it was said.

16 Now, only God can do that. They have a photograph laying here, too, of a woman that said... Many times, people say...

17In the--the discernment, say, "This person is shadowed to death, a dark shadow."

18Now they say, "Well, he just says that." See, that's the people that can't go all the way, they can't see that. They can shout with you, they can--they can talk with you; but when it comes to really believing all, whole soul and body, they can't do it.

So, but you see, if God is in it, and telling the Truth, this is the last time of history. This is the last of the world's history. It's closing. There'll be time no more, someday. God is confirming everything, both spiritually and scientifically.

19When I said, a little boy, "A Pillar of Light, looked like a star."

20 How many remembers, old times, they used to call It "Star"? When It appeared down here on the river, when He said, "As John the Baptist, sent..."

21Now, finally, That come down, and the picture was taken of It. We used to have one here, somewhere. Yeah, they say it's over on the corner; I can't see it. Scientifically proves that's the Truth.

22And now, and saying the people were "shadowed." Now, here was a woman, a photograph. There it is, regular, just like any other photograph; like one taking this one, a machine. I said... A person was wondering about that. And said to the woman, "You are shadowed to death, with cancer. There is a dark shadow." She turned and took the picture. The woman has been here to testify, and may be here yet tonight, for all I know. See?

Now, there is the woman with like a black hood over her. All right, now, there is the scientific proof that that is the truth. And immediately after the woman was pronounced "well," they took the picture, and it wasn't there. What struck the lens then? And what left, that didn't--wasn't on the lens when it was pronounced that she was healed? See?

Now, standing here, told you that the Angels was coming.

23 Brother Fred, being one... I seen Brother Fred a while ago. I thought he was right over here, but I've missed him somewhere. Oh, back here, that's right. He was standing within a--a two mile, or a mile and a half, or two mile, of where I was; heard the explosion, felt the rock, and everything else, when it went off. That right, Brother Fred?

And there was the Angels that sent back with them Message. And here it even is in the pyramid form, as I showed you what it would be in here, told you how They'd be standing, before I left.

Photograph after photograph, across the country, took it, plumb into Mexico, being thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it. And so high that even moisture or nothing can... Moisture don't travel over about eight or nine miles, high, then they was out to a place where there's nothing to make moisture. See? And this was, I think it was either twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across it, or either it was--it was twenty-... or thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it, one or the other. The Life magazine packed it, or Look. Which was it, Look or Life? Life, Life magazine. I think, May the 17th, issue. That's it.

24 Now there it is, scientifically, proof that it is the Truth, so therefore we--we don't worry about whether it's Truth; both scientifically, and spiritually, what was said come to pass. So, the Message of the Seven Seals, in their closing, that's the Message of the entire Bible. The Seven Seals closes the New Testament and sealed it up. That is true. Now, we know that that is, by prophetic utterance, by scientific, and by the Word. Three has give the witness to it, that it's the Truth.

25 Therefore, we know that we're at the end time. We're here. I don't know how far away, I--I... He'll never let us know that, because His Coming will be "as a thief in the night." My friends, my brother, sister, let's just be ready, regardless. Let's just chaste ourself. See? Because, the world will go right on. They'll never even know it's happened. When the doors of mercy is closed, preachers will be preaching salvation, be--be causing people to repent, going right on just like it always did. It did in other ages, and it did in... It will in this age.

And the Rapture will be so sudden and so quick, that the world will never even miss them, that they're gone. Right. They'll know nothing about it. He comes and slips Her away. It'll be gone, they'll know nothing about it.

So, be in prayer. Pray for me. I'll pray for you. We don't know when that hour will be, but we believe it'll be soon. Stay away from shiny things. Stay with the Gospel, see, stay right there now, and pray.

26 Now, Billy wrote me a letter here, or a note rather, and said someone wanted to dedicate a baby. If that's right, (is it?) raise up your hand, if some... Yeah, two babies. All right, bring them up right away. And Brother Neville... And I wonder if our sister at the piano would come over here just a moment, for the baby dedication. We don't want to leave out any.

27Now, remember, by this time tomorrow night, the Lord willing, I'll be in New York City. And we're going there on the battleground, to "fight the good fight of Faith."

28So just right here, sister, if you will. Right here in front, and I'll pick them up. Yes, ma'am. Thank you. And now we are...

29How many will pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if God is willing; which, I hope He is; Sunday, a week... If it's all right with Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "That's fine."] Sunday, a week, I'll be back again, on my road to Louisiana, and stop over for a meeting here at the church. ["Amen."]

30 I want to thank you all for your kindness. That lady that sent me that candy up there, I--I appreciate that. Don't know who the lady was. Someone sent me a box of candy and some little puffballs like that. It was really, really delicious. I'm filled up on it right now, and I--I thank you. And you think them little things don't mean much? It sure does; little token. And different ones handing in their little love gifts. And showing Billy Paul, and giving them, and things. I--I get it, see. You don't know how I appreciate it! God bless you. I'll remember it, see, how much more does He remember it. "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones, you have done it to Me." See? Now, mercy will be shown when mercy is given.

31 Now, we have some fine little fellows here. Would you... I want you to stay there and sing Bring Them In, afterwards. All right, you brothers come up here just a minute.

My, here's the first one, a little pair of brown eyes looking at me, with a big, cute smile. Little girl, what's her... [The mother says, "Sharon Rose. Sharon Rose."--Ed.] Sharon Rose, that's a great name to me. ["We named her, Brother Branham, after yours."] After my little girl that's gone on. ["We named her before she was even born, Brother Branham."] Named it before she was born. If it to be a little girl, you was going to name it Sharon Rose. ["We were sure she was going to be a girl. She had to be."] Had to be. ["Sharon Rose Goodman."]

You know what? I don't know that you know it or not; if my wife was standing here, she would probably almost faint. This is the same kind of a dress that my little girl had at the dedication, little Sharon Rose. This one may be... May this one live; where, God taken mine up.

What's your last name? [The mother says, "Goodman."] Mrs. and... Are you from here in the city? ["Chicago."] Chicago. Brother and Sister Goodman, God bless you.

31a You know, my little Sharon looked like that. I don't guess there's anybody here remembers her by how she looked. She had little brown eyes like that, like her mother, real sweet little girl with dark hair. Just about...

How old is the baby? [The mother says, "Five months."--Ed.] Five months. She was eight months when God called her up. I seen her, a little after that. You know the story. ["We have it at home, on the tape."] You have it at home, on the tape.

Sharon Rose comes from the Word. I turned it around, from, "the Rose of Sharon." And He needed a little one, of them, on His altar, so He took it. See? And I'll be with her again. May your little Sharon live to fulfill the life that she would have lived here on earth. And may she be with you in Glory, as I feel that my Sharon will be with me.

31b How do you do? See? You talk about a friendly little thing, look at this! She is just all smile.

Let us bow our heads.

Dear God, as I hold this little treasure, a little Sharon Rose. You know in my heart, Lord, what I'm thinking, so I don't have to express it. Blessed be the Lord God Who gives these little jewels to our hearts! Bless this Goodman home. May the parents be honored, which they are, to have such a jewel in home. May it remain in their home, Lord. And if there is a tomorrow, make it a honorable woman for tomorrow.

And now, Lord God, in obedience to what You commissioned us, by Your example, to do, You took little children in Your arms and blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come to Me." And they bring the baby to me, being Your servant, as You have said Your servants to carry on Your work. And here stands Your servants, Brother Neville, and Brother Capps, and myself. And now, Lord God, from the arms of the father and mother, we give to You little Sharon Rose Goodman, who we dedicate for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you! [Sister Goodman says, "Brother Branham, we also have five more at home, two girls and two boys."--Ed.] Five little ones, besides this! ["Yes."] How sweet! God bless you, Brother Goodman. God bless you, Sister Goodman. And may the Lord bless little Sharon!

31c How do you do, brother? Now let's see, I--I... Arnett. [The father says, "Arnett."--Ed.] Arnett. Arnett, that's right. ["Named after--named after you."] Is that right? William, William Arnett? ["James William Arnett."] James William Arnett. That's a fine boy. You know, some things we have in common, he and I, already; names, and then we part our hair alike, you see. He's a fine boy, Jimmy. Guess that's what you call him, James? ["James."] James, then, all right.

Wonder if I could hold him? ["He might let you."] I don't know. Now, Jimmy, well, we are real buddies. You know that, don't you? All right.

Let us bow our heads.

Lord God, Thou hast blessed this home, the Arnett home with this fine little boy. And I pray that You'll bless his father, his mother, his loved ones. They are Christians. How that his father fought so hard, them cigarettes and different things, from... One day it come through, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." He was like the woman that was persistent that she was going to get there. Although his business failed him, and everything seemed to be failing, he still taken a portion of his money and waited for interview after interview, till one morning it happened. He believed that it would.

Now he brings this little boy that You have blessed him with, O God, the fruit of their union. I bless this little James William Arnett, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Give him a long life. Make him a worthy man of Your Gospel for tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. And, finally, in the Kingdom that is to come, may we be there together. I... Your servants, we lay our hands upon him and dedicate him to Jesus Christ, for this life of service. Amen.

31d Bless you. God bless you, brother. Got two more? These are the same ones. All right.

I believe you could almost lift me, instead of me lifting you. This is... [Brother Arnett says, "That's--that's Al."--Ed.] Alfred, and Al and Martha. Just let the congregation, I like for them to see children. I think, when they're little, young, they're sweet.

Now let's lay our hands upon them.

Likewise, Almighty God, we Your servants, lay our hands upon these children, the little brother and sister of this little boy that just dedicated here. We lay our hands upon them for a--a dedication, from the mother and father, to the arms of Jesus Christ, for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Al and Martha. Sister, really nice seeing you again. The Lord be with you.

31e This young fellow, my, he's a good boy. I used to be able to part my hair like that. See? What's his name? [The father says, "Terrell Keith Walker."--Ed.] Ke-... ["Terrell Keith Walker."] Herrell Keith Walker. What a fine boy!

I wonder, I just don't know, see. He looks at me kind of like he might. Wonder if I could hold him? [The baby speaks--Ed.] Is that right, Keith? Oh, he's a fine boy. Sure. Isn't that a darling little boy? Herrell. [The mother says, "Terrell."] Herrell, Terrell Keith Walker.

Almighty God, from the arms of the parents to the arms of Jesus Christ, little Terrell Keith Walker, we lay our hands upon him in dedication to Almighty God. As the father and mother so desire that this baby shall be raised in the admonition of God. If there is a tomorrow, make him a servant worthy of this dedication, for we Your servants lay our hands upon this baby and dedicate him to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Walker. Is this Sister Walker? [Sister Walker says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] It's really fine. You got a fine boy, and may God bless you.

31f [Brother Gramby speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] All right, sir. [Brother Gramby continues speaking.] Yeah. ["And prayed for her when she was born. She was born with a knot in her jaw. And you prayed for her, and that moved immediately."] This little girl, is Brother Grimsley our... [The brother says, "Gramby."] Gramby. I--I get that mixed up. I got a Brother Grimsley, I keep thinking... Brother Gramby brings this little girl. And when she was born, she had a big knot in her face. And I prayed for her, and the knot moved. And now they want to pray, because... Is the parents Christians? ["Not Christians."] They're not Christians. And they're afraid that a evil spirit is taking the child over, and they want it moved.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, upon this little child, as it leans over the altar... Which, You've showed grace, to remove a tumor knot in its mouth. Now a evil spirit tries to take the child's life. No doubt but what You could use this girl, and planning on doing it, and Satan is trying to beset the plan. Therefore, we charge Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name, to take his--his hands and hisself away from this child; as we give her to the Lord Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. Amen.

Brother Gramby, you believe. The child is too little to hardly have faith, but it'll be.

32 I love Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is wonderful.

Now, everybody, I promised tonight that I would be out by eight-thirty, so that gives me a half hour. I don't know now about that. I may be just a little bit later than that. But let us now...

33 I'm glad to see Brother Dauch here this morning. And I don't know where the other man went; but this morning, if he ever had a second, there was a man setting right back there, was a perfect second to him. I said, "Which is Brother Dauch?" I looked back and forth, and I was going to name it; and I was so wrapped up in the Message. You know, Brother Dauch, you look just like you always did. I'm so glad to see him in that condition.

34Just recently, I had a long-distant call from Tucson, to pray for him again, that something else had happened to him. Brother Dauch is, I think, ninety or either ninety-one. Is ninety years old, I believe, or ninety-one. And your body gets run down. But, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth him out of them all." And sometime, when the body gets to a place to where it will not anymore hold together, I know he's holding to a Hand. Though a clod of dirt, God promised to raise it up again, in the last days. And I'm so thankful.

35 I remember Brother Dauch, when he come into the pool here to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he didn't even have any clothes here to be baptized in, but wanted to go anyhow. And God has been gracious to that man. Just think, he's twenty years over the time that God promised him. See? If that isn't grace!

And still laying, the other day, with a complete heart failure, and a heart attack, see, on top of that. And if God didn't heal that man and bring him up from there, instantly. And I believe, since then, his physician has died. Is that right? I under-... Yeah, that even the physician, the Jewish physician that--that was doctoring him, and things, and stood in the hall and talked to me about him, he has done gone on. See?

My, how much, how deep is Thy love, O Lord! How great is Thy love!

36 Now, we have some handkerchiefs here that we're going to pray over, just in a few moments. But I'm going to speak a little bit on faith, and then we'll see what the Lord leads, what we're going to do from then on. Well, let's just leave it up to Him, that's the best way. Oh, to be setting together in Heavenly places!

37I spoke to some of my friends, today, after I come out of the Blue Boar over there. And I said, "You going to stay for the service?"


39I said, "You'll probably have to drive till twelve or one o'clock." They expect to get home around six in the morning, long ways away. Remember, they're human, and get tired just like me. A way down in Tennessee, and around, they're going. The Lord bless them.

40 There is so many things I could say; I just take up all the time. But I--I don't get to see you so often, and I--I--I just love to talk to you, somehow. But if I don't get to tell you all I think about you, here,... See?

I want to tell them brothers. Some of them dismissed their churches.

41Brother Jackson, here this morning, gave that beautiful interpretation of a--of an unknown tongue that some brother spoke in, and confirming or backing up that It was God. Did you notice, He never said It wasn't wrong, He never said It wasn't so; He just give warning to listen. See? See? So, Brother Junior was here this morning, and dismissed his church.

And I understand that other of the brothers from down... the other churches, from here at Sellersburg.

42And--and Brother Ruddell, he was here this morning. I don't know whether they are here tonight or not. All right, here again tonight! Well, the Lord bless you, Brother Ruddell. And you...

I just can't express it, just what I think. But maybe... Well, when we get over on the other side, I want to set down with you for just ten thousand years, apiece, you see. Then, see, we'll talk it all over.

43 And while the harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few, let's dig right into it, by chance there might be a sinner setting by. There might be someone that tonight might change the whole course.

And if it wasn't the time, this morning, tonight might close the Books. Remember, there will not be one more come in when them names are redeemed.

Before, now, everybody listen real close before I read the Scripture.

44All that ever would be redeemed, God put their name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the world ever come into creation. How many knows that? That's the Scripture. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And the antichrist, in the last days, is going to be so close like the real thing, real Church, everything just like Judas was, until it would deceive that very Elected if it was possible. Is that right? But no man can come to Jesus except God sends him, and all that God did give to Him will come to Him. And when He takes that Book, the last name...

45 See, all in the Lutheran age, He pulled them out. All in the Wesley age, He pulled them out. All in the different ages, and the Pentecostal age, He pulls them out. They're over here, won't be judged with them. They're rapturing. And then when the last name comes out, that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life, that was slain before the foundation of the world; when that last name has been redeemed, His work is finished, He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed. That makes our heart bleed. But if it went on a thousand years later, there would not be one redeemed.

And no one can be redeemed unless they were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Who are they? I don't know. Nobody else knows, see, just God alone. I'm trusting that every one of us, our names were on that Book. If mine was on there, I'm sure to be there; if it wasn't, I won't be there. That's all. See, just, that's just up to God. "It's not him that willeth, him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." See?

46 Now let us now approach the Word, with all reverence and sincerity. And I think that's one thing we must do, see. Let's stop so much nonsense! Be reverent, sincere!

I notice those confessions sometimes when they... On television, when they had that Billy Graham's meeting; not nothing against Billy Graham. But out there in California, the man preached a wonderful message that last night; preached the very same thing that I preached here not long ago, on Daniel, "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." How many saw it? Many of you, I guess.

47 Look, did you notice those people coming from the aisles, chewing chewing gum, laughing, punching one another? That's not walking up between death and Life. That's not sorry for sin, and repentance. See? It's just what Billy said, "Making a decision." And a cold, dry-eyed consent, decision, is nothing, not a thing. You've got to be sorry for sin, and turn from it.

And Billy himself said, "Proves that, out of thirty thousand, you can't find thirty in a year." Said, the other day, "What's the matter with New York? I had that great meeting there, and what happened? Sin is worse than it ever was."

48 And it will continue to get worse. There will be no re-... national repentance. The nation is gone. Just you, individuals; and soon that'll be over, if it isn't already. Now, you just mark that down, you young children. See how far Brother Branham... It ain't Brother Branham. That what I've said is right or wrong. Sin will get worse and worse until one day the skies will catch on fire, she'll fall to the earth, and the earth will burn with fervent heat. But, the Redeemed won't be here then, they'll be gone.

49 Now in the Book of Saint Mark the 11th chapter, First John 4:4 and in Matthew 28:20, I wish to read.

50Now, first, I wish to read from Saint Mark, the 11th chapter, and the 12th verse to the 24th.

Listen real close now as we read. And now this is going to back up for a little testimony, and a few words of exhortation, and then we'll see what the Lord will have us to do. Everybody just remain seated and be prayerful now, as we read.

51Mark 11:12.

And on the morrow, when they... came from Bethany, he was hungry:

And seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if happily he might find any thing thereon: and when he come to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee from henceforth for ever. And his disciples heard it.

And they came to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.

And he taught, saying unto them, It is... written, My Father's house shall be called the... of all nations the house of prayer? but you have made it a den of thieves.

And the scribes and the chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they--for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

And when evening was come, he went out of the city.

And in the morning, (now that's another day), as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Within twenty-four hours, the miracle had taken place, after He said to it, "No man eat." Nothing, looked like, happened then; but, by the next day, it was dried up.

And Peter calling to remembrance said unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou did curse is withered away.

... Jesus answering him, said unto them, Have faith in God.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.

And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. (It's on conditions.)

52 Now I would like to read First John 4:4.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because... (listen close)... greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

53May I read it again now.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: (talking of the antichrist), because greater is he that's in you, than he that is in the world.

Two pronouns, see, "he," personal pronoun; "he" that is in the world, and "He" that's in you. "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world."

54 Now, and the--the 28th chapter of Saint Matthew, and the 20th verse.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:... lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

55Now a text from that, tonight, I would like to use this as a text: He That Is In You. And on this I wish to build faith, of course, for a prayer service. And just as quick...

56 Now, it is as I have told you, I like to post you on events that has taken place. And I usually wait until I come to the--the church here, to say the events. And then if others likes to hear it, they can pick it up through the tapes. But I wait till I'm here.

And there is, at least, to this event that I'm going to tell you about just now, there is several men here that's witness of these, Christian brothers. One that was present, was Brother Banks Woods. Another that was present, was Brother David Woods. Another, that's present here, was Brother Evans and his son, Ronald. Another one was present, is our notable deacon, Brother Wheeler. And another, present, was Brother Mann. Is Brother Mann here, from New Albany? A Methodist preacher that I baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, just recently, he was there, also, when this happened.

57 It's been for some time, for a few years, that I have had a deep burden on my chest that I... in my heart. It felt to me as if I had done something wrong. And I searched my life, over and over and over, to see what was wrong. "Lord, if--if I have done anything wrong, then You just reveal it to me, what's wrong, and I'll go and make it right." But nothing would be revealed to me. I'd say, "Did I hurt somebody? Did I leave something undone? Have I... do I read enough? Do I pray enough?" And I'd read and pray. And--and I'd--I'd say, "Reveal it to me. Did I harm somebody, somewhere? If I did, I'll make it right. Just show me; I don't want this burden." And for the last five years, since I come off the field, there has been a burden hanging in my heart.

58 I've went to the mountains. I've went to the seaside. I've went everywhere, and prayed and prayed and prayed, and it just wouldn't let up. And I thought of everything, if I done anything. But it, still, it wouldn't let up; I was just in bondage, like.

And it's very strange that this would be lifted just at the time this Message come forth, see, of this morning. Now, was it God holding back for this? I don't know. See, I... These things was all in my mind. You can imagine what's in a man's heart when you put up with that, see, to think of what is taking place; and, know, to tell the people, knowing that some will get the wrong slant, and some will go this a way, and that way. And you know how it is. And some will believe, and some won't. And, but that's what you have to put up with.

59 How can you say it without hurting? How can you say it, that it'll take effect? How can you say it, to show the people that you're not--not picking on them, that you love them? How can you be strict and firm, and yet be loving? And, oh, how you going to present it? And then woe unto me if I don't present it! See? And there you are. See? No wonder, it keeps you nervous and tore up.

60 I had come down from--from... come up from Arizona, to meet a bunch of brethren here, that goes hunting with me up in Colorado, each year.

Now, some people has wondered, "Why do you go hunting? What makes you?"

See, here, you are filling up, I'm emptying out; there, I'm filling up, so I can empty out. See? Now, I don't go just to shoot game. Why, people, anyone here that goes with me, knows that I pass by hundreds of head of game and never even touch them. I don't.

61 Now, here not long ago, I begin to shoot game for the Christian businessmen, when they go up and say, "Billy, get me a bull, get me a cow, get me a elk, get me this, or that, the other." I'd go out and just shoot game, from right and left. The Lord helped me so I could see and find game, and pretty fair shooting, and hit them. And--and they just set around and talk about their business.

62Then the Lord told me not to do that no more. And I--I felt bad about it, so I promised Him I wouldn't do it no more. No. I said, "If it's emergency and somebody needs it, I'll do it. But if they don't need it, I won't do it." Just them men, they got plenty of money to buy beef and stuff. So why should I do that? Let the animal live if you're not going to use it.

63 So I just go to be alone. And any man, that ever goes hunting with me, know I don't hunt with anybody. I go out to myself, to get alone. I go with them, to have fellowship at night, stand around and pray, and so forth.

But there was many other ministers there. There was, up in the mountains this year, was our Brother Palmer. I believe I saw him somewhere a while... Here he is, setting here, Brother Palmer. And a Brother Bob Lambert, he was here this morning, I heard him shouting somewhere. I guess he is still here. And then there was a brother... the two Martin boys, I guess they're here. Are they, the Martin boys? Brother, the Brother Martin. You called me the other day, that was good. That boy was healed, that brother minister.

64 Are you here, the one I prayed for, on the phone, the other day? I forget his name, from down in Arkansas there. His wife called me; the man was all swelled up in the side, and high fever, dying. The same man that was called out, down at the--the Little Rock, or the Hot Springs meeting, setting in the meeting.

And it's a fine-looking fellow. If he's here, I guess he won't raise up now, at all. But I forget his name. I can't think of his name. [Someone says, "Brother Blair."--Ed.] Blair, Brother Blair. Somebody...

Well, now, setting in the meeting at Little Rock, how many was at, I mean, at the Hot Springs, how many was at the meeting? And the Holy Spirit called that young fellow and told him that the Devil was trying to get him to renounce me, to say I was a "false prophet." And the man witnessed it was the truth. You see what the Devil was doing? The man don't go to doctors. He don't believe in going to doctors. But the Satan knew this disease was going to strike him, and he could kill him right there. See? So he was trying to get him to renounce me. And the Holy Spirit, in grace, called him out and told him not to do that; the man, being a stranger, called him not to do that.

65 And the other night, his wife called me and said, "Brother Branham, I believe that he's dying." Said, "He is--he is all swelled out. And, his fever, he's out of his head, nearly." And said, "The last thing he said, 'Call Brother Branham.'"

I said, "Have you got anything, your purse with a handkerchief?"

"No." I was in Tucson; she was in Arkansas.

And I said, "You got any?"

She said, I believe, her "scarf."

I said, "Now put your hand on the scarf, and hold the receiver in the other hand." And I prayed and asked God to be merciful and to renounce that enemy.

66And she went and laid the scarf on the man. And the next morning, he called me.

Now, in about twenty-four hours, or less than that.

67 Our precious brother, I haven't seen him tonight yet, Brother Roy Roberson. And at once, you know, Brother Roy was kind of a military man. If he's here, I--I hope he understands, because I--I--I'm not condemning that. But everything is strict, he was a sergeant in the Army, you know, and you have to kind of get use to handling men like they do in the Army. "Well, these spiritual things for somebody else," not him! But the Lord spared him. He would have been dead; they laid him out for dead, for a long time. The Lord healed him; he's followed ever since. But all this spiritual stuff, he didn't know about, and visions.

68 And here not long ago, many know the vision that was give to Brother Roy even before I went out there, about him seeing me standing up on the mountain there, in that Light, and a Voice coming from me. That took all doubt from Brother Roy.

69And the other night he was stricken in such a place until he was so sick, and got so high in fever, and stuff. And the doctor had give him medicine, everything, and then it didn't do no good. And he even become to a place till he couldn't even move hisself anymore. His legs and things was, like, paralyzed.

70And the poor little brother has been shot to pieces, with shrapnel from a eighty-eight, German eighty-eight. And it--it was just the... And I think all of his whole crew was killed, but him, and there he was blowed to pieces.

71And you know what happened? I told his noble wife, Sister Roberson, to... She said... I said, "Got anything there?"

72She said, "I got a handkerchief you once prayed over."

73"Go get it." And I was in Tucson, and laid her hand upon that, and prayed and rebuked, and said, "Sister Roberson, it's going to be gone."

74Just Something told me there, "It's going to be gone. Say it!" And within a half hour, the fever was gone; he was in the kitchen, hunting something to eat. See? See?

75What I'm trying to say, "Don't never lose your confidence." Don't let Satan tell you evil about me; 'cause, there's much. But you keep that confidence; 'cause, if you don't, it won't happen. Don't look to me, as a man; I'm a man, I'm full of mistakes. But look to what I'm saying about Him. It's Him. He is the One.

76 As we were in Colorado, see, as we were up there, we went back. And it had been real dry. Game was scarce. Brother Wheeler, the Lord blessed him and gave him a--a fine trophy, and we was so happy about that. It was the first time he was ever in the woods hunting, and the Lord blessed him. And then I had shot a big trophy that I had looked for for twenty years, been watching him, Brother Banks and I been after him for a long time. And when I did... Shooting my rifle in down in the hot country, bringing it up into a cold, it swelled the stock, although it glass bedded. And it shot it several inches off, and hit the animal, standing between trees, where it oughtn't to hit him; lower than that, which would have humanely killed the animal in a second. But it hit him so high, it, he jumped, like he fell like that.

77 And Billy was with me, and he said, "That got him." And I thought it did, too; but when we went over there, it wasn't so. He said, "You hit a tree." I looked up and down, there was no mark on the tree. And then I went to searching for it.

And then there come a warning sign. There was practically a hundred men, just above us. And Brother Palmer and them is a witness of that. And Brother Evans, that's right, he was there; Brother Welch Evans and his boy, Ronnie. I believe I called them, a while ago. And great loads of men had went up above us, what they call the cow camp up there, where the cowboys stays and rides, keeps the cows separated. I used to stay in that camp myself and herd those cattle and keep them apart.

78 And then, so, in there, there was about a hundred men. But anyone knows, in that country, when a blizzard is forecast, you better get away right now. That's why Brother Palmer and them left early, because they only had a three-speed transmission in their car, and they had to get out of there; 'cause, weather, you're there, and you might stay for weeks. So they said, "There is a blizzard coming," the forecast, the papers, the radio. Load after load, practically everything from up around in there left out. They'd gone, right now, 'cause they knowed to get out of there.

79 But my brethren had two deer license, and they--they didn't want to go. So I--I said, "Well, we'll stay." But I had a meeting coming up, in about six days, and I had to go back to Tucson.

80So, my little wife, I... we've been married twenty-two years. And twenty years, on our anniversary, I've been up there every time; just happens to hit there. So I--I got a little place I always walk out and pray, and it looked like a place where I had took her.

81You know, I made kind of a little thing, you know, I didn't have enough money to take a hunting trip and my honeymoon, so I--I--I kind of took my wife on a hunting trip for the honeymoon. So we was in New York, and I remember helping her up over logs and things, getting to a place. And I got a little place out there, I always think of her when I go there on our anniversary. October the twenty-third is when season is open there. And, twenty years, I haven't been home, always up there.

82 So that day was our anniversary. And Brother Mann... I said, "Now if you brethren..." I said, to the fire, that morning, "Now if..." That night, rather. "If you all want to stay now, remember, we may be in here for a month." Cause I've seen twenty-foot of snow fall in just a little, overnight. Just, you would go out there, and you're just as dry and nice; and the next morning, snow was this deep, over, maybe over top of your tent. So then I said... And then you stay there till that melts off. So you're about fifteen to twenty miles back in the wilderness. And so then I said... And if it gets emergency, course, they send in helicopters and get you out. But, usually, they just... nobody perishing, they just have to wait there.

83 So everybody scats just as soon as they hear that broadcast, a forecast, rather. So we were back there, and I said, "Now you make up your mind. If you want to stay, I'm here to hunt with you, and I'll call my wife and tell her, 'Happy Anniversary!'" But I said, "Then, in that, I will also, I'll, we will... We'll get some groceries, 'cause we might have to stay in here." We was out of bread then. And I don't want to see anymore flapjacks for a long time, them pancakes! So, then, I had been eating them in Canada, for about twenty-one days, and I sure had a fill of them things. And so then I wanted to get some bread.

84 So they just said they wanted to stay. So there wasn't nothing to do... to stay. But Brother Mann and I went out, and we went down there and I got the groceries. And I called the wife, and the phone wouldn't answer. No one answered; so I waited about a hour till we got the groceries shopped, went back, called, she didn't answer. And I had to call Sister Evans.

I believe Sister Evans is here. And I told... Yeah, Brother Evans, Sister Evans is here.

85So I called Sister Evans, for Brother Evans, and told him. She said, "I'll call Sister Branham and tell her." A "Happy Anniversary," of course, you know. So, but she had gone shopping, to get some groceries for the children.

And then we come back. And the next morning, what was in the skies but clouds. It hadn't rained up there all fall, and it was really dry. And they had to prolong the hunting season, a few days extra, on account of the dryness.

86 Well, I said to the brethren that morning, "Now, the first drop of rain starts to fall, the first snow, the first sleet, anything, take for the camp just as hard as you can, 'cause within fifteen minutes you can't see your hand before you. See? And it'll just twist and blow, and I don't care how well you know the country, you--you're going to stay right there, and you'll perish. Cause sometimes you can't even breathe, the sleet blowing so, and, you die right there." And I said, "As soon as it starts with that sleet, you take for the camp just as hard as you can, I don't care where you are."

87 Well, I said, "Go up here and set in these gulches, and I'll climb way high and roll rocks over the hill, and so forth, scare the deers off the top, and run them down, you pick out what you want."

88So I started climbing high, and about time I got up to where we call, "the saddle," a little place there that I always cross over to go to a place called "Quaker Knob," right on the Continental Divide there, way high. And when I got to almost this little saddle, this... the clouds getting blacker and blacker. Wasn't a car left, just us up there, as far... and the cowboy on the camp. So it got--it got worse and worse. So, in a few minutes, it started raining. Well, I took my gun and put it under my coat, keep the scope from smoking up, and--and the stock getting wet; whether run into a bear or something, coming back, so I--I held my scope like that and set down under a tree, a little bit. And I set there, and praying. I said, "Lord God, You're the Great Jehovah, and I love You."

89 How many experiences have I had! I pointed out to the brethren, Brother Palmer and them, the places. Where, the eagle, you know, I seen him rise up that day, you know, and how... That the places where it all taken place in there. It's a temperamental thing to me, in there. I've had so many great experiences with my Lord, up in them mountains. So you just can't go there without seeing Him; He's just everywhere.

90So then as I--I set there, then the sleet started, and the wind twisting, like that. And I said, "Well, I know the way down, but I better get off of here right now." So I said...

91It looked down, and I couldn't even see the bottoms no more; them clouds just whirling and twisting, and sleet blowing. And there it was, the blizzard! Forecast for several days, "A big blizzard coming!"

92 Brother Tom is here. Brother Tom Simpson, coming down from Canada, heard the forecast, and he was advised not to go through that part of the country, 'cause this forecast said, "It'll be blizzard." Where are you, Brother Tom? I think that, yeah, right here. And he... The blizzard was coming! Everybody had done set in for it.

93 Well, I put my gun back under my shirt, like this, my red shirt, started walking down the mountain. And as I started, I got about a half a mile from the saddle; and, oh, my, the big drops of snow, like that, and the wind twisting up, on that mountain, and blowing. I couldn't see the bottom no more. I could see about twenty feet in front of me, or thirty. And I knowed to come right down this little, what we called, "a little hog back," little ridge, then come off to the creek, and then I knowed to follow the creek, and where to go to, if it got real bad.

94 And so then I started down, and got about half way down there, and Something said to me, just as plain as you hear me, "Stop, and go back!"

95Well, I thought, "What was I thinking about? Maybe it's just my mind." And I just couldn't make another step forward.

96David had fixed me a sandwich that morning, and I think he tried to get even with me for fixing his daddy one, one time, of onion and honey, that's all we had. So he fixed me a baloney and, oh, I don't know what all it was, wrapped in there! And I had it in my shirt, and it done got wet through my shirt. I thought, "I'll just stop and eat this, and maybe I'll... It'll be all right then." So I pulled out the sandwich, about ten o'clock, and I started eating the sandwich. And as I eat the sandwich, I thought, "Now I'll be all right."

And I started to move on, but Something said, "Go back where you come from!"

97 "Go back through that storm, a half a mile or more back up the mountain, into that dark timber?" Where, you can then hardly see as far as that organ! But I'm getting to be an old man, and I've been a Christian now for thirty-three years; and I know, no matter what, how ridiculous it seems, mind the Lord, do what the Lord says.

98And I turned and went back to the saddle, feeling my way back. Oh, the sleet getting harder and harder; getting darker and darker. And I sit down there, and just put my coat up like this, or my shirt over the scope again; set down. I thought, "What am I doing here? Why would I come back up here?"

99 And I just waited a few minutes. And I started to get up again, and just as plain as I'd ever want to hear, a Voice said, "I am the Creator of heavens and earth! I make the winds and the rain." I took off my hat.

100I said, "Great Jehovah, is that You?"

101He said, "I was the One Who made the winds to cease upon the sea. I was the One Who made the waves to go down. I created heavens and earth. Was not I not the One that told you to speak to those, for squirrels, and they come into existence? I am God."

102Now, when a voice speaks to you, watch the Scripture. If it's not Scriptural, you leave it alone; I don't care how plain it is, you stay away from it.

103I said, "Yes, Lord."

104He said, "Speak to those winds and that storm, and it'll go away." Now, this Bible lays before me, which my life is in That.

105I raised up, I said, "I do not doubt Your Voice, Lord." I said, "Clouds, snow, rain, sleet, I resent your coming. In the Name of Jesus Christ, go to your places! I say that the sun must come out immediately and shine for four days, till our hunting trip is over and I leave with my brethren."

106 It was just gushing, just went, "Whoooossssh," like that. And it started go, going, "Whoosh," then it went, "whew, whew, whew, whe." Stopped!

107I stood real still. My brethren up there, and wondering what was happening. And the sleet, rain stopped. There came a wind whirling down through the mountains, lifted up the clouds, and one went this way; east, north, west, and south. And, within a few minutes, the sun was shining nice and warm. That's truth! God knows that's truth!

108I just stood there, just looking around; with my hat off, looking. I... You say... I got numb, all over.

109I thought, "The very God of Creation, it's all in His hands. What's He telling me?"

110And I picked up my gun, wiped off the scope, started to walk back, go down the hill. And Something said to me, "Why don't you stroll with Me through this wilderness, walk with Me?"

111I said, "Yes, Lord, with all my heart; it would be one of the greatest things I could do, was walk with You." So I put my gun over my shoulder, and I started walking down through that; never a axe laid in it, virgin timber, walking through there.

112 And as I did, walked along, down along these game trails, I felt like, "I believe I will go up to the place where... yesterday was our anniversary, and I will stand there just a few minutes; just as a little salute to Meda, at where it's a little bunch of quaking asp, up on a little knob." And I said, "I believe I'll walk up there, just as a salute to our anniversary. Then I'll go back down on this other side, in these dark timbers, and walk around, and go around over by, towards Corral Peaks, and come back down that way." Just walking and rejoicing.

113I was saying, "Father, I know You are walking with me. And what a privilege; there is nobody greater I could be walking with; the very God!" And that warm sunshine!

114 Even to when I come out of the mountains. I stopped at filling stations, and I said, "Beautiful day!" Three days later. It never rained in that part of the country until the four days was over. The sun shined every day. Is that right, brethren? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] See? And not a cloud in the sky.

115And I come out to a filling station, I said, "Sure a beautiful day."

"Yes, it is!"

I said, "Been awful dry."

116Said, "It's a strange thing!" This attendant said, said, "You know, they told us we was going to get a big blizzard, but all of a sudden it stopped!"

117 I come on down, on the New Mexico line. Billy and I, my son, we went into a little place there to get some... the morning we left, and I said, "Sure a pretty day."

"Yes, it is!"

I said, "Look like it been pretty dry."

"Yes, it has been!"

I said, "Are you from here?"

118Said, "No, I'm from Wisconsin," or somewhere. Said, "I been out here about twenty years, so I guess you could call it home."

119I said, "You're a native then, I guess." So I said, "Yes, sir," I said, "looks like it's been awful dusty."

120Said, "You know, the strangest thing happened!" Said, "We had a forecast that we was going to get a blizzard, a lot of snow; and it actually started, and then quit!"

121I said, "You don't say so," and so calm.

122And I come home. And Brother Tom said that he was told not to go that way, a blizzard was through. And he come right through the country, without even a sprinkle of rain or anything! He is still God, see, just as much as He ever was. See?

123 Walking up there, I was going along... Now, this part, I hope my wife don't get this tape. See? But I'm going to tell you something. And, now, I--I don't tell you... I'll just tell you the Truth, see, and that's the only way to do it. I've often wondered why she didn't complain about me going on those trips on our anniversary. You know what I had made up in my mind? I said, "There is so many people around the house. And then I'm always, you know how I am, nervous. And everything I talk, I want to talk about, is God, the Bible, or something. Maybe she just thinks it's a little rest for her. She get me away for a few days, to go hunting." I, half thinking of that, going along there.

124 That, I'm... I, I'll apologize to her, and I'm--I'm asked God to forgive me for such thoughts. Cause, I was going along there, I thought, "Well, she thinks... Well, my goodness! She, she is a worker, you know, and--and all the time when she's out in the kitchen or somewhere out in the..."

125And any of you knows her, that washing machine is going all the time. And so I'd go out, I'd pull her; I said, "Don't be washing like that. Talk to me. See, I love you. I want you to tell me something; tell me you do, too."

126She said, "Well, you know I do," then right on washing just as hard as she ever was.

127"I don't want you to do that. I want you to come in here and set down by me."

128"Oh, Bill, I got so much work to do!"

129And I thought, "Well, see, going up here, she gets time to do her work." Going along there, thinking that.

Now, remember, I laid this Bible up here so you'd see that I'm before the Word.

As I was walking along, something happened to me. I started...

130 First, I was thinking about when I taken her on the honeymoon up there. She was a pretty, little, black-headed, brown-eyed girl, and I was lifting her over these logs, you know, and everything, and trying to get her up there, this place where I had killed some bear. And I wanted to show her one, and so... where I got these bear. And she had on my cowboy boots. And that's about twenty-two years, or twenty-one years before that; twenty-two years, I believe it was, ago. We were married on 1941. And I was picking her up, you know, over these logs.

131And I thought, "Now, poor little fellow, putting up with me, she's done turned gray." Yeah. I thought, "Well," and I went... [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] And I hadn't shaved for a few days, and I found out I was gray, too! And I seen my beard sticking out of here, gray, and I thought, "Old boy, you're just about finished now. See, you, you're going to do anything, you better hurry up. You're getting old, too." See?

132 And so as I went along like that, something taken place. All of a sudden, in every motion, principle, I was a boy, I thought as a boy. And I had my head down, and I looked up. And just as plain as I ever saw her, there she stood before me with her arms out. And I stopped; rubbed my face. I looked. I said, "Meda, is that you, Honey?"

133I looked here, I thought, "Now what's happened?" And I thought, "Yes, I'm walking with Him." And it changed then, I was back an old man again, and the vision was gone from front of me.

134And I stopped; I took my hat off again, put it over my heart. I said, "Jesus, my heart has been so burdened, for years. I don't have to tell You that I'm burdened. I've repented, I've repented, I've done everything I know. And why has it this burden don't leave me?"

135 And I just started walking on. And as I climbed this little knoll, just about thirty, forty yards in front of me; I started up this little knoll, I begin to feel real weak. And there was a little quaking asp, about ten inches through, come up and made like a L, and then went up again. And just as I got there, I felt so weak I was staggering. So I just... I had my cap back on again. And I just laid my head up against this; fit me just right, to lay my head right here against that little quaking asp, like this. It's really a poplar. It's like, looks like a birch, you see. And it's a... I was laid against there. And I was just standing there with my head down, that warm sun hitting me in the back. And I think, "The very God, that departed that rain and that wind!"

136And I heard something going, "pat, pat, spat."

137I thought, "What's that? The water is all blowed off. Sun is out. What's that spat?" I looked down; it was water from my own eyes, cutting down through the gray beard and dropping off on the dry leaves that God had dried up, laying before me. I just stood there like this, just against the tree. My hand, this hand down, my head laying against the tree, my hand on the rifle sling, like this, standing there, crying.

138 I said, "God, I'm not worthy to be Your servant." And I said, "I, I'm sorry, I--I made a... I've made many mistakes. I didn't mean to make mistakes, Lord. You've been so good to me."

139My eyes closed; and I heard something going, "stomp, stomp; stomp, stomp."

140I raised my eyes, and standing right in front of me come three deer. And I thought, "There is Brother Evans' one, Brother Woods'. And there is the three deer, see, just what I'm looking for." Now, the rain dried up; I reached to get my rifle. I said, "I can't do that. I promised God that I wouldn't do that." See? "I promised Him I wouldn't do it."

141And something said to me, "But there it is!"

142And I thought, "Yes, Sa-... That's what a--a man told David, one time, 'God has delivered him, I said, into your hands!'" You know, King Saul.

143And Joab told him, said, "Kill him! There he lays!"

144And he said, "God forbid that I'd touch His anointed."

145 And those deer stood there and looked at me. And I thought, "They can't get away. There is no way for them to get away. They're not thirty yards from me. And I got this rifle, standing here, and there is three deer. Nah, I can't do it. I--I just can't do it." It was a doe and two big fawns. So I--I--I just couldn't take the rifle. I said, "I can't." I--I never moved. I just stayed there. I said, "I can't do it, 'cause I promised God I wouldn't do it. Though, them brethren, they--they don't need them deer. See? I--I can't do this. I just can't do it."

146 And that doe come, walked. Now listen, there had been a hundred men shooting at them up there, for four or five days. Scary? The first sign of red... And I had on a red shirt, red cap. The first sign, they're gone; but they were standing there, all three of them, looking right at me.

147I said, "Mother, take your babies and go on out in the woods. You're in my hands. I... Your life is in my hands, but I ain't going to hurt you. I promised God that I wouldn't." See? And she walked closer. She would look at me. All of them walked closer, till they come so close they could eat out of my hands, nearly. They, and the wind blowing right on them. So she turned around, walked back a little piece, all three of them.

148And here she come back again, walked right up to me. I never moved; just stood there. I said, "Go on out into the woods; I love it, too. Live! See, your life is in my hands, but I'll spare you. You couldn't get away. You know you couldn't." I can kill all three of them in just about one second, three seconds, anyhow, just as fast as I could fire; and they couldn't get away, standing right by me. See? And I said, "I spare you. Go on, live." And I stood there. They went walking on, went on into the woods.

149 I wiped my face like that, and just then something happened. A Voice spoke out, just as clear, right out of them blue skies, not a cloud. It all been within just about... just a little bit of time. And a Voice spoke out, and said, "You remembered your promise, didn't you?"

150I said, "Yes, Lord."

151He said, "I'll remember Mine, too. 'I'll never leave you nor forsake you.'" The burden left my heart. It hasn't been there since; may it never again.

152Then I come to Tucson. Strange thing, I have never had so much happening, since I've come down. I--I believe it was God holding for that hour. I believe the time is now at hand, for something must take place.

153 If we only could receive this Truth! Now just a moment. If we only could realize what this Scripture mean, "He that is in you is greater than he that's in the world." We can't understand That, yet we say we believe It. And we know It's true, but we really don't understand It.

... greater is he that's in you, than he that's in the world.

What is in you, that's greater? It's Christ, the anointed! God, that was in Christ, is in you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."

154Then if He is in you, it's not you any more living, it's Him living in you. See? It's not your thinking, what you would think about This; it's what He said about This. See? Then, if He is in you, He absolutely would not deny what He said. He couldn't do it. But He would keep what He has said, and He is trying to find that person that He can vindicate Himself through.

155 Now, that doesn't mean He has to do it to everybody. In the time that Moses led the children of Israel, there was one, that was Moses. The rest of them just followed the Message. See? Some of them tried to raise up to impersonate it, and God said, "Separate yourself," and just swallowed them up. See? See?

156 Now, but, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world," God in you, like He was in Jesus Christ. Because, what all God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, He poured into the Church. See, that's God in you, "He that's in you."

157No wonder winds and waves obeyed Him, obeyed His Words; obeyed His Words, because It was God's Word through Him. He was a Man; but He was the Word, made flesh. See? And when He spoke, it was God speaking through human lips. See? No wonder the winds and the waves... The very Creator, that created the winds and the waves, was in Him. Now, think of it! Think deep now, 'fore I come to this moment of closing. No wonder demons paralyzed at His Word! It was God in Him. It was God in Christ. The demons was paralyzed. No wonder the dead, that was turning back to the dust, could not lay there, at His Word! For, He was the Word.

He said to Lazarus, after being dead and stinking, four days; his face, nose, had fell in, in that much time. "Lazarus, come forth!" And a man, dead, raised up on his feet. Why? It was God. He that was in Christ was God. The dead could not stand in His Presence. It was God in Christ.

158 The winds, now, remember, God created the winds; it's air. God created the waves; it's water. But when the Devil got into it, he got it tumbling, to bring destruction. God created men, to be sons of God, but when the Devil gets into them, see, it's trouble. Now, that was the Devil that got into the winds that sent that storm. Couldn't the Creator, that created the wind, say, "Go back where I created you"?

Isn't that the same Creator was standing on Colorado hill the other day? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

Isn't that the same One that could take a piece of fish and break it, and another piece grow on? He didn't actually have to have that. He could have said it.

Isn't that the same Creator that created squirrels? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, He that was in Christ is in us, see, for It does the same works He did, the same thing.

The dead could not stand in His Presence, at His Word.

159 Look, we have five bona fide statements, of people "dead," and the Lord giving vision, and going to them and raising them back. Here sets one, right here now, that died right where he is setting right there. And here he is alive, tonight; fell in a heart attack. There is his wife, a nurse. We went down; everything was gone, his eyes set, and gone. Here he is, alive. "For greater is He that's in here, in us, than he that's in the world!" See?

160 Greater is He! It's God, the Creator! The winds and the waves had to obey Him. Demons become paralyzed. All nature obeyed Him, because He was the Creator of nature. Oh, when we think that, it takes the bite out. Then we understand these things, you see. What is it? It isn't man. Man cannot do that; man is part of the creation. See? But it's the winds and the waves that obeys the Creator. See?

And takes the Creator to do it, "For He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." He that can cause the turmoil, that's he that's in the world. He that's in you, is the Creator, Who made the winds. He can rebuke the Devil out of the winds, and there is a calm. He can rebuke the Devil out of the storm, and there is no storm. He's the Creator. "And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

161 The Devil is of the world. The world belonged to him. It's always been his. "Why art thou fallen, O Lucifer, the son of the morning?" See, this world belonged to him. That's when he, kicked out of Heaven, he come back to it. See?

162He was the one who said to Christ, "These kingdoms are mine, I do with them as I will." They belong to him, and he is the one that's "in the world."

163John had just told the disciples, "You've heard of antichrist who is to come, and is already here working in the children of disobedience. But, little children, you're not of this world. You're of God. And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." That's Christ in you!

164 He that--that created the heavens and earth, was made manifest in the Person of Jesus Christ; God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.

Let's say you say, "That was the Son of God, though, Brother Branham." All right, let's find out if He is the Eternal, everlasting God.

165Greater was He that was in Joshua, than the sun. And Joshua was a man, sin-born, like you and I. And greater was He that was in Joshua, and in the sun that was running by the commandment of God. God commanded that sun to shine and turn itself around, and it's governed and controlled by the laws of God. But greater was He that was in Joshua, than the laws of God was; because the Creator, Himself, was in Joshua when Joshua looked up to the sun and said, "You stand there where you're at. And, moon, you hang there where you're at, till I finish this battle." And the sun and the moon obeyed him, for He that was in Joshua was greater than the--the sun and the moon. He that was in Joshua!

166 He that was in Moses, was greater than Egypt. Egypt was the mighty armies of the world, they had the world conquered at that time. But greater was He that was in Moses, than Egypt was, because Moses overcome Egypt. Greater was He that was in Moses, than even nature itself. Did you ever think that God took His Word and give It to Moses, and said, "Go out there and command that the sun don't shine"? And the sun was pitch dark! Is that right? He can make the sun to shine and the clouds to go back, or He can make the sun to be black. He is God; He can do whatever He wishes to, and He is in the believing child! Amen. That's it.

167 There wasn't a flea in sight. It might have been wintertime, there's no flies, but God said to Moses, "Go speak My Words, and I'll put in your mind what to say. And you go out there and pick up some dirt off the ground, and throw it up into the air, the dust."

168And said, "Let there be fleas!" And fleas was crawling probably several inches deep, all over the ground, in a few hours. Is that right? The Creator!

169There wasn't any frogs, so he stretched out his rod and said, "Let there be frogs!" And they were everywhere, piled up, till the whole land was stinking. Is that right?

170 When he come to the Red Sea and it was in his way, God said, "Speak to the sea." And Moses spoke to the sea; and greater is He that was in Moses, than the sea was itself. Is that right? Oh, my! Now, you see, greater was He that was in Moses, than he that's in the world. Greater is He that was in Moses, than any nature there is in the world. He commanded nature. At whatever God told him to say, he said it, and that's the way it was.

171That same God is with us tonight! Not only with us, but in us! He's proved He was in us. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." What are we afraid of, the world?

172 Here the other day they found a--a some kind of a dinosaur tooth, up here around of... I guess you all heard about it; up here at the Niagara Falls. Said, "It weighed six pound." I thought they was going to say it come out of a man, but I--I think they finally defined it as some kind of a prehistoric animal. Those animals probably lived one time on the earth. Where are they now?

Do you know, God Almighty could command dinosaurs to come upon this earth, in the next hour they'd be forty miles deep? You know, God could destroy this world with fleas? He could call for fleas. Where do they go when they die? What happens to the housefly? What happens to the grasshopper? Wintertime comes, and goes forty below zero; and, go out the next spring, grasshoppers all over everywhere. Where did they come from? He's the Creator that speaks it into existence! He is God! Nature obeys His Word.

173 Where many of our brethren gets excited, they get impressed that God says do a certain thing, and they say it's THUS SAITH THE LORD when it isn't. That's the reason it don't happen.

But when it's God really telling you, it's got to happen, it's got to be that way. See? When God speaks it, it has to be.

174Greater is He that was in Moses, than he that was in Egypt. Greater is He that was in Moses, than anything Pharaoh could do, all of his enchantments. Greater was He that was in Moses, than the he that was in the magicians. See? Greater was He that was in Moses, than all nature.

175 Greater! He that was in Daniel was greater than the lions. He could stop them hungry lions. So anything that can stop anything, is greater than what he stopped. So the lions rushed out, hungry, to eat Daniel; and greater was He that was in Daniel, than he that was in the lion.

176Now, when the lion was first created, he was a friend of man. It's the Devil that makes him do that. That's right. In the Millennium, the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and shall lay down with the bullock. They'll not hurt or destroy in the Millennium. The Devil will be gone. It's the Devil that makes wild beasts tear and rip and eat, and things like that, the way they do. It's Satan that does that. But greater was He that was in Daniel, than he that was in the lion. See? Greater was He in that prophet, than he that was in the lion.

177 Greater was He that was in the Hebrew children, greater was He that was in them, than he that was in the fire. For they were throwed into the fire; and He that was in them, was with them, and kept the fire from burning them when the furnace was het seven times hotter than it ever was het, heated. That right? Greater was He that was with the Hebrew children, than he that was in the world.

178There set Nebuchadnezzar, or Belteshazzar. Nebuchadnezzar, I believe it was, that had the furnace het seven times hotter than it ever was. Inspired by the Devil, to take these people, because they were standing for the Word of God; and throwed them into this furnace, seven times hotter than it ever was, and it couldn't even burn them. For greater was He that was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, than he that's in the world. Absolutely! Oh, my!

179 Greater was He that was in Elijah, than the brassy skies was, 'cause he could bring rain out of a brassy skies that hadn't rained for three years and six months.

Greater is He that was in Elijah, than death. For, when it come time for him to die, God seen that old, tired prophet. He had been rebuking Jezebel and all of her paint and modern things, and he was kind of tired, so He didn't even let him walk Home, like He did Enoch. He sent a chariot and picked him up, and took him up Home. Greater is He that was in Elijah, than he that was in Jerusalem and in Judaea, and in the mountains. Greater was He is in Elijah, than death itself. Greater is He that was in Elijah, than the grave; 'cause he escaped the grave, he escaped death, and he just went up Home in a chariot. See, greater was He, and He was in Elijah.

180You say, "Oh, well, that was a great man."

181Wait a minute! The Bible said, "He was a man that had like passions," like you and I. That's right. But when he prayed, he believed he got what he prayed for; what Jesus said to us, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, it shall be done." He prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain, and it didn't rain for three years and six months. See? Greater was He that was in Elijah, than nature.

182 Then what about healing the sick? See? Greater is He that's in you, than the sickness. See? Because, that's an interruption, interrupting the very laws of God, sickness is. Well, the "greater" is He that's in you, that's the Healer and Creator, than the--than the Devil that's interrupted the very program of your life. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

Greater was He that was in Elijah! Greater was He in Isaiah, than time was; or any of those prophets, because they seen past the time. See?

183Greater is He that was in Job, than even the skin worms, and death and the grave. Because, by a vision he saw the coming of the Lord, and said, "My Redeemer liveth, and at the last day He'll stand upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." See? Greater is He that was in Job, than death; greater, 'cause death tried to take him and he couldn't do it. It couldn't do it, because he said, "I'll rise up again," and he did. He did it.

184 Listen, wish we had time to go further on this. But I'd like to ask the question, that I heard remarked the other day, about, "Christ in you."

Now, don't--don't let it rest upon something that you've done; say, "I felt a little shiver. I--I--I spoke in tongues. I--I danced in the spirit." Nothing against that, now. That's all right, see, that's, but don't rest upon that. See?

Your life has got to be This. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] This is It. You and This has to become one, see, and then This manifests Itself. See?

185 Now what if--what if tonight that you could say, with all your heart, that the spirit of Shakespeare lived in you, that Shakespeare lived in you? You know what you'd do? You'd do the works of Shakespeare. You would. You would. You would create poems and--and plays, and so forth, because Shakespeare was that type of an artist, a great writer, poem writer. Now, if Shakespeare lived in you, the works of Shakespeare you would do. Is that right?

186What if Beethoven lived in you? What if Beethoven lived in you? You know what you'd do? You would write songs like Beethoven, the great composer. You would write songs like Beethoven, because Beethoven would be your life. You would be a Beethoven, reincarnated, again. If Beethoven lived in you, the works of Beethoven you would do, 'cause Beethoven lived in you. Is that right?

187 But He that is in you is Christ! And if Christ is in you, the works of Christ you will do, if Christ lives in you. He said so. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also," if you was in Christ, or if Christ lived in you. Then, Christ is the Word. Is that right? And the Word come to His prophets. See? And if, you, Christ lived in you, the works of Christ would be done through you, the Life of Christ would be lived through you. The works He did, the life He lived, and everything, it would live in you; just like if Shakespeare, Beethoven, or--or whoever it was lived in you.

188If His Life! But if you're still living your own life, then your own works you'll do. See? But if you're living the Life of Christ, if Christ is in you, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." If your doubts and flusterations about God's promise is in you, then Christ isn't there; see, you're only worked up. But if the Life, if Christ is living in you, His Word He will recognize and His promise He'll do. See? He'll do.

189 "When thou prayest, believe that you receive what you ask for, and it shall be given to you. If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, you can have what you say. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." See? And when the Father showed Him what to do; walked out there without a failure of anything, and said, "Let it be," and it was.

And that same Christ lives in you. It lives in us. Then His works we'll do, because Christ is the Word, and the promise of the Word brings healing to you. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure!

190 He said, "I will not leave you comfortless." As I pray, asked a while ago, there in Matthew 24, see, or Matthew 28:20. See? He said, "I will come to you, be in you. I," the Person, Christ, in the form of the Holy Ghost, "will come and live in you. Then you won't be your--you won't be yourself no more. I'll be in you. And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See? Hebrews 13:8 says, "He is same, yesterday and forever."

191 He that was in Noah was greater than the judgments of water.

And He that's in you is greater than the judgments of fire. See? He that's in you is greater, because He paid the judgment and conquered the judgment for you. See? There is no fear about it. See, you're in there. Yes.

Greater is He that was in Noah, than he that was in the judgments of the water, that destroyed the world which believed not. Because, Noah believed. And greater was He in him, that believed Him that spoke to him, than he that was in the world. That, Noah escaped all the judgment, because of the Word of God was greater than that, and he lifted above the judgments.

"Greater!" How we could hang on that for a while! See?

192 Greater is He that was in David, than the bear that stole his sheep. Greater is He that was in David, than the lion that come in and took one of his lambs. Greater is He that was in David, than the enemy, Goliath. The great Philistine that stood there, some twelve, fourteen feet tall, with fourteen-inch fingers on him; with a spear like a weaver's needle; and covered all over with two or three inches thick, of steel or metal, brass. But what was in David was greater than what it was in him.

He was power, muscles. He was a warrior. He could, just said he'd pick up David by the end of his spear and hang him up, and let the birds eat him.

193And David said, "You meet me as a Philistine, in the name of a Philistine. You curse me in the name of the Philistine god." And said, "You've made your brag what you'll do. And you meet me with a armor and a spear. But I meet you in the Name of the Lord God, and today I'll take your head from your shoulders." And he did it, because greater was He that was inspiring David for that courage.

194 Greater is He that's in you, than that wheel chair. Greater is He that's in you, than that stretcher. Greater is He that's in you, than that cancer. Greater is He that's in you, than that affliction. Greater is He, than anything that there is the Devil could put on you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Greater is He! Yes!

Greater was David, what was in David; God in David.

195He is in us, that's, the Christ. He was the conqueror of every enemy, for us. When He was here on earth, He conquered sin, He conquered sickness, He conquered death, He conquered hell, He conquered the grave, and now He lives in us as the Conqueror! He conquered sickness, hell, death, grave, and come to us to set us free from all those things. And greater is He that's in you, than he that can put these bluffs over on you. Yes! "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."

196 That's how these miracles happen. That's how that wind ceased, the other day. Could a human being do that? No, sir, it's impossible. When I stood there, crying, and them winds ripping, and...

How many is in here, was up there? Let's see you raise your hands. Raise your hands up, everybody was up there, that up in Colorado then at--at that time. All right. Brother Fred, I guess, is the only one that was present, then. I thought maybe Brother Mann was here, but he... Brother, Brother Evans, wasn't he? Brother Evans was up there at that time. Yeah. All right. And, yeah.

197Notice. Isn't that the truth? Isn't that the way it happened? The rains just ceased, and the winds ceased to blow. What was it? At my word? No! Because He told me to do it. And greater is He that's in us, than any nature. Isn't that the same God that could still the waves on the sea, could make the winds go back to their place? Isn't He the same One that could darken the sun, could make the sun shine? Well, "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See? All right.

198 Now that's why these true miracles can be done, because it's a promise of God, "The things that I do, shall you also." Saint John 14:12. He, Christ, that stilled the winds and the waves, is the Creator of them. He is still just as much Creator as He was then. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He healed the sick and destroyed sin, and changed it all for you, and come to you that He might dwell with you. He conquered all these, to come and live in us. He is that Conqueror that's already conquered these things; proved it in the Scriptures, come back and conquered everything, and proved to you that He is the same God. And after nineteen hundred years, here He is still doing the same thing among us that He did then, that conquered death, hell, sickness, and the grave!

199 This Christ, this "He," He is He that's in you. He is Christ. As John said, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." That was Christ! He is greater than all of the world because He conquered the world, and is the greater, than all those things, because He conquered it for us. "And we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us and gave Hisself for us," that He might come back and do His works through us, to prove to us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

When He was on earth, He proved when He stood among the people, He was Messiah. He could discern the thoughts that's in their hearts. And the Bible said, Moses said, that, "He would be a prophet." Is that right? He knew the secrets of the heart. He knew who the people were. He know what was wrong with them. Have we seen that done? [Congregation says "Amen."--Ed.] Time after time!

200 We know that the dead has been raised, right from the dead. Some of them has been dead for a day and a half. Well, died one morning, and they brought it back that night, and traveled all night; and the next day about noon, or a little after noon, it come in to where the tent was. A little dead baby, cold, and laying in the mother's arms. And the Lord God brought, spoke the Word of Life, and that baby warmed up and started crying; hand it back to its mother's arm.

201Mrs. Stadklev, standing there to see that done, that's the reason she cried so for her baby, wanted me to fly to Germany. But the Lord said, "That's My hand; don't you rebuke that." See, you know better.

When He told Moses, said, "Speak to the rock," don't smite it. That meant "speak," don't smite, see. You got to obey what He says do. "But no man can do nothing in himself," he's got to hear it first from God.

202 Now the Word of God promised that He lives. And, because He lives, you live. He promised, that, "The works that I do shall you also. The same things, only more of it, will you do, because I go to the Father." He conquered all things. He is the One that stopped...

He is the One that made those squirrels. That happened two times. Happened once down at your place, Charlie. And it happened--it happened up here when, brethren, Brother Fred and Brother Banks and them up there with us.

203It's happened in Germany, when them fifteen witch doctors, on each side of me, said... Because Billy and Brother Arganbright wouldn't let them--them see me, they said, "Well, we'll cause that tent to blow away." And they set down there, with their enchantments, and called on their god, the Devil, and here he come with a storm. About thirty thousand, forty thousand Germans out there, and that tent just raising up-and-down like this.

Them, and then cut, took a scissor and cut a feather, and pointed it back like that. And saying their, going through all their enchantments, and saying the three holy words they say, "The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost; lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu! The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost; lu-lu-lu!"

204 Going like that, and actually the storm come up. Sure. "He's the prince of the powers of the air," Satan. And they called the storm. And, now, even that great big tent setting out like that, oh my, it'd cover about a city block; and it built up, built out of two-by-four's, and just canvas tacked over it. The wind got under there and just raised it, like that. And that wind, and lightning flying like that, I just continually preached.

205And, oh, they was just going into a big enchantment, going on and on like that, saying those little holy words they said, "The three high holy words: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," on both sides like that. Then I seen him bow, and surrounded by devils there, but not bound.

206And I said to Brother Lowster, "Don't interpret this."

207I said, "Brother Arganbright, just pray."

208I said, "Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, You sent me here. I set my foot on this German soil, in the Name of Jesus Christ, because You sent me here. That cloud has no power over me. It does not, because I'm anointed and sent here for the salvation of this people."

"I command you, in Jesus' Name, to depart from here."

209 And the thunders, going, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Went, "Grrrrrrrrr," rolled away, and right straight over the tent, blowed back; and the sun shined out.

210Within ten minutes, there was about ten thousand around the altars and things, screaming for mercy, to see the power of God. Why? "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

211"Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See the afflictions in the thing, oh, brother, sister, we have not one worry at all. The greatness is God, and He is in you. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

212 Now I've went way overtime. It's fifteen minutes, about, after nine. And I know these people have a long way to drive.

Let's bow our heads just a moment.

213O Father God, Thou knowest about Colorado. You know those things are true. And I say it for Your glory, that these people might know. After all the scientific proving, of the pictures, and of the works of the Holy Ghost. And, Lord, Thou knowest that He... that I plainly stated to the people, and always do, that it's because You promised it. And You are here, trying to find someone that You can confirm Yourself through, to let others see that You live, and You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I pray Thee, Lord, to be merciful, and to guide and direct us in our thoughts.

214There are those setting here who are sick and afflicted. There are those who perhaps may die if they don't get help from You. Many of them, perhaps, is at the end of the road, where the doctors cannot help no more. Thou art God, and You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Your Presence is here.

215 And, Lord, we don't know what this Third Pull, as we have referred to It, will be. I don't know what. But we know one thing, that the First Pull was perfection. The Second Pull, being the five, was grace.

And, God, I pray tonight that You will reveal Yourself to us, that after these things, saying, "He that's in you!" And You said, "The works that I do shall you also," and said You did nothing till the Father showed You.

216And we seen what You did when You was able to tell Apostle Peter who he was, what his father's name was. Tell Nathanael what his mission was, how he come to be there, where he was beforehands, what he had done. Told the woman, at the well, of her sins and what she was, living in this adultery with these six men; five she had had, and one she was living with now was not her husband. Thou art still the same God. You told...

217 It was Bartimaeus' blind condition, as he stood there; but yet, in his heart, he had a sight, that he could see; that, if that was Jehovah manifested in the Sonship of Jesus Christ, that He was able to know his cry. And he cried out, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!" And it stopped You, and You turned and healed him, O Father, telling him that his faith had saved him.

218That little anemia woman, that through this blood issue and the change of life, and for many years it could not stop. She had spent all of her money for doctors, and none of them could help her. She came to one of Your meetings as You was talking to a man there at--at Galilee, as You was on Your road to Jairus' house. This little woman had said within her heart, without a Scripture behind it, "If I can only touch His garment, I--I believe that I'll be made whole." And she got her desire when she touched Your garment. And You told her that her faith had did this, described her wants, and she was made whole.

219We are told in the Word that You're an High Priest, that's setting on High, ever living to make intercessions. And--and also that You, being the High Priest, at this time, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Lord God, grant that every person here tonight may be... have the privilege of touching You tonight, the great High Priest, and be made well. For the Glory of God, I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

220 Now I don't... Is there prayer cards? I--I told Billy not... has anybody got a prayer cards? All right, that's right, I told him not to give them out. I thought maybe I'd get a little long, as I... oh, I just talk so much. But, look, see, and you told me, when I said, "I'll try to be out at eight-thirty," you laughed, and I--I knew you knew what you were talking about. I--I'm... but I--I love you. See?

221What, what I'm trying to do, I've always tried this, friend; never for somebody to say, "Brother Branham did this." Brother Branham can't do nothing. See? It's Jesus Christ. And He that's in me is in you. You just have to believe. Isn't that right? See? He that's in you is greater than your disease.

222 Now how many people in here is sick in their bodies, don't know me, but you believe that you have faith enough to touch the High Priest, raise up your hand, say, "I believe it"? All right. Oh, there's practically everywhere, hands. All right. How many in here that knows me, and knows I know nothing about what you have need of, and you want God to touch you? Raise up your hand. See? See? All right.

223Frankly, there is nobody in here that I know anything about, right at this present time, of being sick. But this boy setting here, I know him. I've prayed for him, many times. I can't think of his name, but he's from down in Kentucky. He writes to me all the time, personal friend of Brother and Sister Woods and them, and comes up there. And he's attended the meeting for a long, long time. That's the only person that I know.

224Now, Brother Dauch, as far as I know, is all right, or he wouldn't be setting here. He was very sick the other day, and the Lord healed him.

225I don't know this person. And I don't know who it is has these crutches here; maybe that person in the chair. I--I don't know.

And I--I know lots of you. But God in Heaven knows, at this time, I don't know what you want. I have no idea. It's kind of hard here in the tabernacle, 'cause, see, I know a lot of people.

226 Now here is what it is. When you come to a place... Now, I come here, sometimes, and I say, "All right, we'll give everybody a prayer card and line them up. Come up on the platform." Somebody will go away... Now you can't...

Now, friends, I'm going to open up my heart and tell you something. You can't hide that. Just what you're thinking, I know it. That's right. I know what you're thinking. See? And sometimes you say, "Brother, I believe." Why, well, you believe to an extent. See? See? I know.

227And right here, when I... just right now, the anointing is just coming upon me, you see. And I can just feel that pulse, like, a beating, see, a throb from different places. See?

But now don't--don't no more disbelieve. Believe all the Message. Believe That. If it isn't, if it isn't written in the Bible, then don't you believe it. But if It is in the Bible, then the Holy Spirit that's living in us is duty bound to perform that if we believe It. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I know it's hard. See, nothing comes easy.

228 It was hard for Him to die, that this might be produced to you. It was hard for Him to go to Calvary; He wanted to stay, even so much till He cried, "Not My will, but Thine be done." See? See? He don't want to leave; He was a young Man, and He had His brethren. He loved them just like I love you. But He--He couldn't live, and them live also, so He died that we might live. That wasn't easy. He had to do it. Look what a death laid before Him, "Father, the hour has come, and shall I pray that You take this cup away from Me? No." He didn't want to do that; He wanted God's will to be done.

229 Now, look, if you'll believe that same thing! Now, don't--don't--don't shadow It, at all. Just believe it. Just absolutely believe it. Don't doubt. You believe it.

230If I bring the people up in a prayer line, and I say, "All right, now this person, you know I don't know you."

231"No, that's right, Brother Branham."

232Then right out there you'll catch somebody that says, "Uh-huh, but he's reading what they put on that prayer card! Telepathy!" It just verily will do it.

233Then I'll say, "All right, now this Sunday we're not going to give out any prayer cards. I want everybody here, that's a stranger, never was in here before, you stand up." See? And--and then the Holy Spirit will turn right around and discern what was all in them. See? Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You seen it both ways.

234"Oh, well, there is something wrong with that." See? See? There, there is no way, you--you--you can't... See, as long as Satan can get possession, he'll just make you believe anything.

And he'll show you every fault that I've got, and I got plenty of them he can show you. But don't you look at that! Don't you look at that. I'm a man. See? But, remember, this Word of God is the Truth, and I'm trying to live by It.

235 If I go out here and start doing things wrong, that's not right, sinning, and drinking, and, or smoking, or--or doing things that's not right, you--you come and call me down, 'cause that--that ain't becoming. I--I want then to leave the world. I don't... I want to leave before that happens. See? I don't want to do that.

236But as long as I'm trying to live what's right and do what's right, see, and try to live like a Christian ought to, and then let God take His Word and hearing me stand by It. Though It cost me so many friends and popularity of the world, and things like that, and hated by many, and denominations, kicked out, yet I want to be true to this Word. It's God's Word, and I love God. So it's God's Word, and I--I tell you that, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and He is in us now. And if the...

237 Now, if the life of Shakespeare was in me, living in me, if Shakespeare lived in me, wouldn't I do the works of Shakespeare? If Beethoven is in me, wouldn't I do the works of Beethoven? If the spirit of Dillinger was in me, if John Dillinger lived in me, wouldn't I be a John Dillinger? If Beethoven was in me, I'd be a Beethoven? See? If Castro was in me, I'd be a Castro? See?

And if Jesus Christ is in me, His works I'll do, because it's Him. And didn't He say that same thing would take place? See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

238 Now what would He do if He was standing here, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? He say, "I can only do what the Father shows Me to do." Is that right? Well, that's the way He did it yesterday.

Now is He the same? What about the sickness? Your price is already paid. Every one of you is already healed of your sickness. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] For that... Every one of you is forgiven, but you have to accept it. Every one of you is healed, but you have to accept it.

239Now, to prove that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He was standing here, He could not heal you, at all, with your unbelief. You would have to believe it, just the same as you have to believe it right now. It'd have to be the same, see. "Cause, many mighty works He could not do in His day, because of their unbelief." That right? Many mighty works He can't do today, because of the unbelief.

240 Now, Who was it could foretell that? God. Who was it that said this? God. Who was it that did that? God. Who is it that said where the bear, deer, caribou, all these other things, and the seven... all--all these things that's happened? Who was it said that? He, Christ, that's in us, prophesying Himself through us, revealing Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Who stopped the winds? Who created the squirrels? The same One that created a ram for Abraham, when his... called Him "Jehovah-jireh." Them compound redemptive names still apply to Him. He is still Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself a Sacrifice."

241 Now, each one of you, I--I want your deepest of sincerity now. If you will actually believe with all your heart, there won't be a feeble person in the midst of us, by the time that clock turns five more minutes. There won't be a person here but what'll be on their feet, well, if you'll just believe it. Can you believe?

242Now let's just see now if He will come to us and reveal Hisself, while we bow our heads.

243Lord Jesus, now You help me. And I'll obey You, Lord, all I know how. Forgive my sins and trespasses. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

244 Now let's take this side here, someone in here. Believe, have faith, don't doubt! Somebody that doesn't know me, if possible. I can't say where the vision is going. I just have to watch for It. And if It does do that, then you know it, whether it's true or not. You just believe, and don't doubt. If He'll do it, will you believe, see, after all this that's been done today? See? Just accept your healing, see. Say, "Lord, I am now touching Jesus Christ. I'm believing." Now may the God of Heaven grant it.

245"Greater is He that's in you, Christ, than he that's in the world." Now, in the meeting, where we touch Him, He reflects Hisself back; as the woman touched God, through Christ, and reflected back her needs.

246 I see now over in a corner here, it looks like it's a man, he's very seriously. No, it isn't. It's a woman praying for a man, and the man is not here. But it's a woman. I see that that woman... It's her--her father, and he is dying with cancer. And very seriously. The man is not here. He is in another place. It isn't this country, even. It's, he's in Georgia.

Just keep praying. You believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just keep praying, see.

The woman's name, is praying, is Mrs. Jordan. She is not from Georgia. She is from North Carolina. If that's right, lady, stand up on your feet. Right, all the truth. [The sister says, "Thank God! Thank God!"--Ed.] Was you praying for such? ["Yes, sir; my daddy."] All right. All right. [The sister continues to comment about her father.]

Do you believe, that, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world"? [The sister says, "I do."--Ed.] Do you believe that He that...

247 Look, here is something else. You've had a great training in your early days, or something another, because looks like you're mixed up or in some kind of a Christian... Isn't your father a minister, or somebody like that, some of your people, or something? [The sister says, "My husband."--Ed.] Your husband, that's who it is. I can see someone standing by you, preaching the Gospel, and you was in a church. He was connected with you. ["Praise the Lord!"] All right, there you are.

Now, the lady I don't know, but God knows the woman.

248Now, have you got something in your pocketbook, a little handkerchief or something there? All right, then you pla-... When you set down, put your hands on that handkerchief, and don't doubt, and He that's in you is greater than he that's killing your daddy. Believe with all your heart, so shall it be as you believe.

249 Now, I want to ask you something. I don't know that woman. As far as I know, that's the first time, I guess, I ever saw her. But she is setting there in a desperate condition, praying. And the very God that could turn and tell the woman about her blood issue, is the same God that's here, showing that He that's in you has conquered the world. You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you just have faith, don't doubt.

250 Talking of cancer, I see that black shadow again. It's over a woman, setting right here. She has cancer of the throat, and she is in a bad shape. And she has been prayed for, and trying to accept her healing. Mrs. Burton, if you will believe! I don't know the woman. But if you'll believe with all your heart... Really, the thing...

Let me explain this to you, what you're trying to do. You've lost your voice, from it, and you're trying to pray for your voice to come back. Is that right? Wave your hand like this. Now, the woman's a stranger to me. I don't know her. See her? That's her. There, there she is. See? "Greater is He that's in you, the faith that can touch Him, than he that's in your throat."

You believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

251 Sister Larsen, I do know you. She is my landlord. But, Sister Larsen, you've been to a doctor or something, something another. You're up for an operation. That's right. Isn't that right? Greater is He that's in you, Sister Larsen, than he that's in the world. Jesus said, "I was a stranger, and you took Me in. Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me."

O Heavenly Father, be merciful!

252What do you think? You're up for an operation, too. You're a stranger to me. Is that right? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You're not from here. ["I know you, but you don't know me."] You know me, but I don't know you. ["You don't know me."] But God knows you. You believe that? ["Yes, I do."] You're up for an operation. You don't live here. You're near Bedford, Springville, something like... That's where it's at, Springville. Mrs. Burton... No, no, I beg your pardon, I didn't mean that. Mrs. Parker, that's your name. Isn't it? Greater is He that's in you, than he that's trying to kill you. Is that right? Do you believe with all your heart? Then you won't need your operation, if you do.

253 What do you think of all this, sister? I don't know you. You're a stranger to me. Do you believe me to be His prophet? [The sister says, "I believe it."--Ed.] You do. Thank you. God will honor that. You are Mrs. White. You come from Fort Worth, Texas. You got a muscular disease, a nervous condition. You're very bad. There is no hopes for you, as far as medical science is concerned. Your husband, he has a spiritual need that he's praying over. You got a son there, he has trouble with his back, and heart trouble. You got a little boy in his lap. That little boy has some kind of a speech that you're praying over. If that's right, raise up your hand. [The husband says, "That's right. They're our needs."]

"Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] With all your heart? ["Amen."] With all of it? ["Amen."]

Now let's bow our heads.

254 Now He's went through the building. He's proved to you that He's God. "Greater, this He that's in you, than he that's in the world." It's the Lord God. Now, He that's in you, let Him have preeminences. Let Him have the oversaying of--of what you...

You say in your heart right now, if you can, with all your heart, and believe it, "The disease that was in my body is gone." See? "I am no more afflicted. I have no more disease. He that's in me is greater than he that's in my body. He that's in my heart is greater than he that's in my flesh. Therefore, He that's in my heart created the heavens and earth. My flesh has been contaminated by Satan, and I am a temple for the Holy Spirit to live in. Therefore, Satan, I command you to leave my body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of me." See? You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Now let us all pray in our own way now, each one, while I pray for you.

255 Almighty God, the Creator of heavens and earth, the Author of life, the Revealer of the secrets of the heart, You said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and even is a Discerner of the thoughts of the mind."

256That's the reason, when the Word was made flesh, It knowed what they were thinking about, as He perceived their thoughts. He was the Word, and the Word knowed the secrets of their hearts.

And that Word is still the same Word. And tonight we see It revealing Itself in us, after two thousand years, because He wrote It on the paper and is here confirming it, showing it, that It's right.

257Here lays handkerchiefs laying here. Sick people are everywhere. I pray that the great Holy Spirit that's present, that shows these things, that tells these things, and never fails, but what it's right, not one time can It fail, because It's God. Let Him anoint these handkerchiefs with His Presence, and heal every sick person that they're laid upon. And the God Who can be alive, after two thousand years, and can form Himself into sinners' hearts that's been redeemed by grace and faith, and can speak His Own Words through mortal lips, and watch it happen just exactly what He promised.

258 O Lord God, I ask Thee to be merciful to us. And may every man and woman that's setting present, that has any kind of a sickness or affliction; and as Moses throwed hisself in the breach, for the people, tonight I lay my heart out before You, Lord. And with all the faith that I have, that's in You, that You have given me, I give to them. As Peter said at the gate called Beautiful, "Such as I have, give I thee. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And the man was lame and--and weak for a few moments, but, while they held him, his anklebones received strength. And he entered into the House of God, leaping, and praising and blessing God.

259Thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever. And His apostle said, "Such as I have, give I thee." It was faith. And I say: such as I have, give I to this audience! In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, renounce your sickness, 'cause greater is He that's in you, than the Devil that's trying to take your life. You are children of God. You are the redeemed.

260I command that Satan leave this people. May the God Who rolled back that storm the other day, the God Who made the winds and the waves to cease, may He see to it that every disease is taken from these people, and the power of Christ is made manifest in their life at this hour. May every sinner repent. May every person, that's not close to You, get right at this hour. And may it be so, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

261 I, as your pastor, your brother, with what faith I have, I've asked God to place it on you. I believe that I'll receive what I have asked. Now if you will believe it with me; with what faith that I have, I give to you for this hour.

And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, renounce your affliction, your sickness, and say to it, "You have to go," 'cause you have your faith, plus my faith, with the power of Jesus Christ, Whose omnipresence is here to vindicate it and prove that He is here, will make you well at this time.

262Do you believe that, lady, laying on this cot? [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] Though your muscles be all like they call it, a sclerosis and things, you can walk if you'll try. Stand up, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Help her there. There she goes. Don't you believe? The rest of you, stand up. Her anklebones received strength.

Now let's raise our hands and give Him praise.

263Great Jehovah God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves to You for the healing. Amen.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Zostaňme ešte na chvíľu stáť, zatiaľ čo sa ešte modlíme. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Všetci, ktorí by ste chceli byť spomenutí v tejto modlitbe, zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Bože, to som ja.“

2Najsvätejší a milostivý Bože, prinášame pred teba týchto ľudí s ich žiadosťami, ktoré majú. Oni požiadali, aby boli spomenutí. A, Pane, moja ruka je tiež hore. Modlím sa ku Tebe, aby si nám bol milostivý. Ty poznáš naše potreby a my sa chceme modliť, ako si nás Ty učil modliť sa, „Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane na zemi, ako je v nebi.“ Otče, my dnes večer prosíme o milosrdenstvo, o slobodu Ducha, aby sme mohli byť schopní priniesť ľuďom Evanjelium pravdy, a to, čo veríme, že je posolstvom tejto hodiny pre Tvoju cirkev. Pane, modlíme sa, aby sme boli tou porciou cirkvi, ktorá má byť vyvolaná v týchto posledných dňoch. Otče, ak nie sme tou porciou, potom nám zjav, čo musíme robiť, aby sme boli tou porciou. A daj nám milosť, moc v tejto hodine skúšky, ktorá je na zemi, aby skúsila všetkých, ktorí tu prebývajú. Daj nám z Tvojho Svätého Ducha, aby nás viedol a sprevádzal, aby sme na konci mohli prísť ku Tebe v pokoji, k tomu večnému životu, na ktorý sa všetci veriaci tešia od počiatku času. Pomôž nám, Pane. Prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Som skutočne vďačný za to privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžem byť, a za tú milosť Božiu, ktorá nám bola daná skrze Ježiša.

4A potom, ohľadne posolstva dnes ráno, no, chcem, aby to každý celkom porozumel. Tak spolieham na Boha, že to nie je ten čas. Rozumiete. Ale to Posolstvo je pravda. To posolstvo je pravdivé. To bude, to raz bude, ak to nie je už ten čas. A to vyzerá tak veľmi ako ten čas, až som sa cítil, ako Pavol za dávna, ktorý povedal, „Neutiahol som sa zvestovať vám celú radu.“ Rozumiete. Všetko, čo má byť vykonané.

5Je jedna vec, ktorú som dnes ráno urobil, a je mi to ľúto, že som to povedal. Povedal som meno toho brata, o ktorom si myslím, že je v omyle. Nemal som to robiť. Nikdy nehovorím mená ľudí, a ak by sa tá páska náhodou dostala do jeho rúk. A ja ho chcem vidieť a hovoriť s ním, pretože si myslím, že on je brat, veľký človek, dobrý človek, ktorý kázal rovno tu za touto kazateľňou, brat David duPlessis. A ja som nechcel povedať jeho meno. Bol som rozrušený týmto posolstvom atď. o tom, že čo ak je toto ten čas a povedal som meno toho brata. Nerobievam to, je mi ľúto, že som to urobil. Milujem brata Davida duPlessisa. On je náš brat a ja si myslím, že taký chytrý muž, ako je on, by mal byť viac poučený v Písme. Poviem vám, čo to je. Raz sme sa s Dávidom rozprávali...

6Raz pre mňa hovoril na zhromaždeniach. Kázal rovno z tejto kazateľne, alebo z tej kazateľne ešte v tej starej modlitebni. A jeho brat, Justus, bol mojím prekladateľom v Južnej Afrike, kam sa vraciam. A oni pochádzajú z milej rodiny, z letničného domu. Skutočne milá osoba. Myslím si, že Dávid bol raz predsedom svetových letničných zborov a na letničnej svetovej konferencii. On bol jedným z tých predsedov. A neskôr prišiel do Spojených štátov a usadil sa Texase s bratom Gordonom Lindsayom. A potom len začal kázať na rôznych miestach.

7Ale to, čo to bolo, kde si myslím, že náš vzácny brat urobil chybu, práve tak, ako ja som k tomu náchylný, alebo ktokoľvek iný. On začal mať do činenia s uznávanými a rešpektovanými miestami. Stále hovoril o univerzite Printstone a tých miestach, kde ho pozývali. Myslel si, že robí to, čo je správne, a pritom plnil delo pušným prachom. A tak sa radoval.

Ale nielen to, ale Obchodníci plného Evanjelia, ktorí sú sponzormi mojich zhromaždení na celom svete. Rozumiete? Milujem tých ľudí. Rozumiete? Ale, ja s nimi istotne nesúhlasím v tých princípoch, že oni sú, že oni... Oni opustili tie princípy, na ktorých začali. A teraz sa stávajú takými, ako ktorákoľvek organizácia alebo niečo podobné. Rozumiete? A to, čo to je, oni sa nesnažia zostať letničnými, ale oni sa snažia zmiešať letnice a to ostatné dokopy.

8A mne sa zdá, že brat duPlessis, ohromný milý človek ako on, by poznal dostatočne Písmo, že keď vidí tu spiacu pannu, ako sa snaží kúpiť olej, tak ten čas pominul. Rozumiete? Pamätajte. Keď si ona prišla kúpiť olej, žiaden olej tam nezostal. To je Písmo. A ona povedala, „Dajte nám z vášho oleja.“ Tej cirkvi. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] Ale ona to neprijala. Ona mohla skákať hore a dolu, hovoriť v jazykoch a čokoľvek. Ale podľa Božieho vlastného Slova, ona to neprijala. A bola vystrčená do vonkajšej temnosti a tam bol plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov, keď tá vyvolená Nevesta už odišla. Tá múdra panna mala olej vo svojej lampe.

9No, poznám ďalšieho človeka. Niečo sa jedného dňa stalo. To, čo to je, že títo milí ľudia sa dostávajú tak trochu, viete, čo myslím, majú trochu také postavenie medzi ľuďmi. A tá prvá vec, ktorú spoznáte, oni sa cítia, že to je Boh, ktorý to robí. A mnohokrát to je diabol, ktorý to robí. Rozumiete?

10Ježiš mal šancu prísť pred Heroda. On mal šancu pred mnohými. A oni ho chceli použiť ako nejakého šoumena. Rozumiete?

To je všetko to, čo sa oni snažia urobiť s letnicami. Letniční vyšli z tých vecí, aby boli odlišní, „Ako sa sviňa vracia do svojho blata a pes ku svojmu vývratku. Obracia sa rovno znovu naspäť.“ A teraz sú v Ekumenickej Rade. Vidíte? Je to príliš zlé. Je to hanba.

11Nech ma Boh zachová malým a pokorným, aby tak mohol zjaviť svoju pravdu. Rozumiete? Ja to nikdy nechcem robiť. Žiadne ligotavé svetlá, ani žiadne svetlice a blýskanie pre ten svet. Nechajte ma ísť tou cestou s Pánovými pohŕdnutými. Nechajte ma zostať so Slovom.

12Teraz, keď hovoríme o Ekumenickej Rade, ako sa zlučuje s Vatikánom. Vy veríte, že oni by sa mohli zlúčiť so Slovom? Mohli by sa, s organizáciou. Ale oni sa nedokážu so Slovom. To je pravda. Tak nie je nič, s čím by sme mohli robiť kompromis. Rozumiete? Organizácia, to je stále to isté. Všetko je to to isté. Je to presne v jednej línii. Matka a dcéra. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomuto Slovu, som tak pevne proti metodistom a baptistom a presbyteriánom, ako som proti katolicizmu. Pretože to je matka a dcéra podľa tohto Slova. To je toto Slovo, pri ktorom stojím. Rozumiete? Toto. Každé Slovo z toho.

13No, tento vzácny brat, on a jeho žena sú moji blízki priatelia. Mnohí z vás ste videli ten časopis, kde tento vzácny, Bohom poslaný vzácny brat mohol kedy nechať svoju ženu... Niekto jej povedal, že vyzerala ako Jacqueline Kennedyová, a ona si dala spraviť jeden z tých veľkých módnych strihov, veľký účes a tak. Čo je to? Čo je to? Ona sa stretáva s takým druhom ľudí po celý čas a nakoniec...

Keď si dobrý muž berie zlú ženu, buď sa ona stane dobrou ženou, alebo... Mám na mysli, keď si dobrý muž berie zlú ženu, buď sa ona stane dobrou ženou alebo on sa stane zlým mužom. Ukážte mi svoju spoločnosť a ja vám poviem, kto ste. Vtáky rovnakého peria si sadajú spolu. Stojte preč od ligotavých vecí.

14Zliezol som raz dolu do jednej bane, to bolo na vrchoch toho hrebeňa Arizony a Mexika. Brat Sothmann a ja, išli sme tam a boli sme tam spolu. A ja som tam išiel a vykopal som takú kopu toho, čo... Vyzerá to úplne ako zlato. Ale jediný spôsob, ako dokážete povedať, že to nie je zlato, je, že sa to leskne viac ako zlato. To sa leskne. A zlato sa neleskne, ono žiari. Rozumiete? A toto je to, čo nazývajú zlato bláznov. To nemá hodnotu, ani ako je tá obyčajná skala, v ktorej to je. Nazýva sa to železopyrit. Myslím, že v... Vedci tvrdia, že vody a stekajúce kyseliny a rôzne veci sa tam nikdy nedostali tak dostatočne, že by to stvrdili a priviedli to do miesta, kde sa to stane zlatom. A to sa síce viacej leskne, ale nemá to v sebe tie chemikálie.

A tak je to s mnohým tým, čo je takzvaným kresťanstvom, ono sa leskne tak, ako Hollywood. Ale cirkev žiari Evanjeliom. Rozumiete?

15No, nejaká sestra tu. Billy mi to práve ukázal. To bolo dobre ísť a zohnať ten časopis Život, kde je tento obrázok, a priniesť to, o tých siedmych anjeloch. A oni to zobrali a poslali mi to. To je ten obrázok. A ak si tu všimnete, keď to odchádzalo, vystupovalo to hore, keď tí anjeli, potom, ako priniesli svoje posolstvo. To bolo vo forme pyramídy. Presne tak, ako som vám povedal tri mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo, a to, ako sa to stane. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí Amen. - pozn. prekl.]

A ten význačný anjel so svojimi krídlami, tu na tejto strane vzadu. Pamätáte si ho? Povedal... Mal svoju hlavu... Prichádzal takouto rýchlosťou. Vidíte tam dokonca tie krídla? A tam je ten anjel, presne tak, ako to bolo povedané.

16No, jedine Boh to môže urobiť. Oni tam majú tiež fotografiu tej ženy, ktorej bolo povedané... Mnohokrát ľudia hovoria...

17V tom rozpoznaní bolo povedané, „Táto osoba je zatienená na smrť. Je tam temný tieň.“

18No oni povedia, „No, on to len tak hovorí.“ Vidíte, to sú ľudia, ktorí nedokážu ísť celou cestou. Oni to nedokážu vidieť. Oni môžu s vami kričať. Oni sa môžu s vami rozprávať. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, veriť to skutočne všetko, celou svojou dušou a telom, oni to nedokážu.

Tak, ale vidíte. Ak je v tom Boh a hovorí pravdu, tak toto je ten posledný čas histórie. Toto je posledný kúsok svetovej histórie. To sa zakončuje. Nebude už viac času jedného dňa. Boh to všetko potvrdzuje. Oboje, duchovne a vedecky.

19Keď som povedal jednému malému chlapcovi, „Ten stĺp svetla vyzeral ako hviezda.“

20Koľkí z vás si pamätáte tých zo starých dňov? Zvykli to nazývať „hviezda“. Keď sa zjavil tu pri rieke, keď on povedal, „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný...“

21No, nakoniec to zostúpilo a urobili z toho fotku. Zvykli sme to tu niekde mať. Áno, oni hovoria, že je to tam na rohu. Nevidím to. Vedecky to dokazuje, že je to pravda.

22Hovoríme, že tí ľudia boli „zatienení“. No, tu bola nejaká žena, fotografia. Je to tu obyčajne, práve tak, ako hociktorá iná fotografia, ako odfotografované týmto prístrojom. Povedal som... Nejaká osoba sa ohľadne toho divila a tej žene bolo povedané, „Si zatienená na smrť s rakovinou. Je tam temný tieň.“ Ona sa otočila a urobila fotografiu a tá žena tu bola, aby o tom svedčila. A ona môže byť dnes večer tu, pokiaľ viem.

No, tam je tá žena, s niečím, akoby čiernou kapucňou nad hlavou. V poriadku. No, to je vedecký dôkaz, že to je pravda. A ihneď, ako tá žena bola vyhlásená za zdravú, oni urobili ďalšiu fotografiu, a to už tam nebolo. Čo potom zasiahlo ten objektív?

A čo to bolo, čo odišlo, čo potom nebolo na tom objektíve, keď bola vyhlásená za uzdravenú?

No, ako som tu stál, povedal som vám, že tí anjeli prichádzajú.

23Brat Fred bol jeden z... Videl som pred chvíľou brata Freda. Myslel som si, že je rovno tu, ale niekde som ho minul. Ó, tam je, vzadu. To je pravda. On tam stál asi, asi dve míle alebo míľu a pol alebo dve míle od toho miesta, kde som bol a počul tú explóziu. Cítil tie skaly a to všetko ostatné, keď sa to udialo. Je to pravda, brat Fred?

A tam boli tí Anjeli, ktorí boli poslaní späť s posolstvom. A tu to je dokonca vo forme pyramídy, a to vám ukázalo, čo to bude tu. To vám povedalo, že oni tam budú stáť predtým, ako ja odídem.

Fotografia za fotografiou po celej krajine. Oni to odfotografovali až do Mexika. Bolo to 30 míľ vysoko a 27 míľ naprieč. A tak vysoko, že dokonca ani vlhkosť, ani nič tam nemôže... Vlhkosť sa nedostáva viac ako asi 8 alebo 9 míľ vysoko. Potom oni boli na mieste, kde neexistuje žiadna vlhkosť. Rozumiete? A toto bolo, myslím, že to bolo buď 27 míľ vysoko a 30 míľ naprieč. Alebo to bolo 20... Alebo 30 míľ vysoko a 27 míľ naprieč, jedno alebo druhé. Časopis „Život“ to uverejnil, alebo časopis „Pozri“. Ktorý to bol? „Pozri“ alebo „Život“? Časopis „Život“. Myslím, že je to vydanie zo 17. mája. Tak to je.

24No, tam to je, vedecký dôkaz, že toto je pravda. Tak my sa nemusíme obávať, či je toto pravda. Oboje, vedecky a duchovne, a to, čo bolo povedané, že sa stane. Tak tu je posolstvo Siedmich Pečatí, pri svojom zakončovaní, to je posolstvo celej Biblie. Sedem Pečatí ukončuje novú zmluvu a spečaťuje ju. To je pravda. No, my vieme, že to je skrze prorocké vyhlásenie, tiež skrze vedu, a tiež skrze Slovo. Traja musia vydať svedectvo, že to je pravda.

25Preto vieme, že sme v čase konca. Sme tu. Neviem, ako ďaleko ja... On nám to nedá nikdy vedieť, pretože Jeho príchod bude, „ako zlodej v noci.“ Moji priatelia, môj brat, sestra, buďme pripravení bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Buďme prostí a cnostní. Rozumiete? Pretože svet pôjde rovno ďalej. Oni ani nebudú vedieť, že sa to stalo. Keď sa dvere milosti zatvoria, kazatelia budú ďalej kázať spasenie a spôsobia, že ľudia budú činiť pokánie a pôjdu rovno ďalej, ako to bolo vždy. To sa dialo v iných vekoch. To sa dialo v... To bude v tomto veku.

A vytrhnutie bude také náhle a také rýchle, že svet si to ani nevšimne, a oni sú preč. To je pravda. Nebudú o tom nič vedieť. On prichádza a zoberie ju preč. Ona bude preč a oni nebudú o tom nič vedieť.

Tak buďte na modlitbe. Modlite sa za mňa. Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nevieme, v ktorej hodine to bude, ale veríme, že to bude skoro. Držte sa preč od ligotavých vecí. Zostaňte s Evanjeliom. Rozumiete? Zostaňte rovno tam a modlite sa.

26Tak, Billy mi tu napísal list, alebo vlastne poznámku, a povedal, že niekto chce dať požehnať dieťa. Ak je to pravda (Je?). Zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak niekto... Áno, dve bábätká. V poriadku. Prineste ich rovno sem. A brat Neville... Aha, som zvedavý, či by mohla naša sestra mohla na chvíľu prísť za piano k tomu požehnaniu dieťaťa. Nechceme ani jedno vynechať.

27No, pamätajte, že o tomto čase zajtra večer, ak bude Pán chcieť, budem v New York City. A budeme tam na bojovom poli bojovať dobrý boj viery.

28Tak rovno tu, sestra, ak môžeš. Tu vpredu, a ja si ich zoberiem. Áno, pani. Ďakujem. A teraz sme...

29Koľkí z vás sa budú za mňa modliť. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“.- pozn. prekl.] No, ak bude Boh chcieť, čo dúfam, že bude. Tak v nedeľu o týždeň... Ak je to v poriadku, čo sa týka brata Nevilleho [Brat Neville hovorí, “To je v poriadku”. – pozn. prekl.] V nedeľu o týždeň budem znovu späť na svojej ceste do Lousianny a zastavím sa tu v cirkvi na zhromaždenie. [Amen.]

30Chcem vám všetkým poďakovať za vašu láskavosť. Tá pani mi tu poslala cukríky, a ja si to cením. Neviem, kto tá pani je. Niekto mi poslal krabičku cukríkov, bolo to skutočne veľmi chutné. Ešte teraz som z toho naplnený. Ďakujem vám. Vy si myslíte, že tie malé veci neznamenajú veľa? Iste znamenajú. To sú malé znaky. A rôzni mi dali svoje malé dary lásky a ukázal som to Billy Paulovi a dal som mu to a tie veci. Dostávam ich. Vy neviete, ako si to cením. Nech vás Boh žehná. A budem na to pamätať. O koľko viac On na to pamätá. „Lebo čokoľvek by ste učinili tomu najmenšiemu z týchto mojich maličkých, Mne ste učinili.“ Rozumiete? Tak, milosrdenstvo bude preukázané tam, kde je milosrdenstvo dané.

31No, máme tu nejaké malé milé osôbky. Či by ste... Chcem, aby ste tam zostali a potom zaspievali „Prineste ich“. V poriadku. Vaši bratia sem prídu za minútku.

No, tak tu je to prvé. Díva sa na mňa malý pár hnedých očiek s veľkým milým úsmevom. Maličké dievčatko. Aké je jej... [Matka hovorí Sharon Rose – pozn.prekl.] Sharon Rose. To je pre mňa veľké meno. [Pomenovali sme ju, brat Branham, po tej tvojej.] Po mojom malom dievčatku, ktoré odišlo. [Pomenovali sme ju ešte pred tým, ako sa narodila, brat Branham.] Pomenovali ju predtým, ako sa narodila. Ak to malo byť dievča, tak ste jej išli dať meno Sharon Rose. [My sme si boli istí, že to bude dievča. Ona musela byť.] Musela byť. [Sharon Rose Goodman.]

Viete čo? Neviem, či to viete, alebo nie. Ak by tu stála moja žena, ona by pravdepodobne odpadla. Toto je ten istý druh šiat, ktoré malo moje malé dievčatko, keď bolo požehnávané. Malá Sharon Rose. Toto možno bude... Nech by toto žilo. Pričom Boh tú moju vzal.

Aké je tvoje priezvisko? [Matka hovorí, „Goodman“. – pozn.prekl.] Pani, a... Ste tu z mesta? [Z Chicaga.] Z Chicaga. Brat a sestra Goodmanoví. Nech vás Boh žehná.

A viete. Moja malá Sharon vyzerala takto. Nemyslím si, že tu je niekto, kto si ju pamätá, ako vyzerala. Mala takéto malé hnedé očká ako jej matka. Skutočne milé malé dievčatko s tmavými vlasmi. Práve o...

Koľko má? [Matka hovorí, „Päť mesiacov“. –pozn. prekl.] Päť mesiacov. Ona mala päť mesiacov, keď ju Boh zavolal hore. Krátko potom som ju videl. Poznáte ten príbeh? [My to máme doma na páske.] Máte to doma na páske.

Sharon Rose pochádza zo Slova. Ja som to obrátil z toho Ruža Sárona. A on potreboval jedno z tých maličkých na svojom oltári, tak on ju vzal. Rozumiete? A ja s ňou znovu budem. Nech vaša malá Sharon žije, aby vyplnila ten život, ktorý by tu ona bola žila tu na zemi. Nech bude s vami v sláve. Ako cítim, že moja Sharon bude so mnou.

Teší ma. Pozrite. Hovoríte o malej priateľskej veci. Pozrite na toto, ona je celý úsmev.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

Drahý Bože, ako držím tento malý poklad, malú Sharon Rose, ty vieš, že vo svojom srdci, Pane, o čom rozmýšľam. Tak ja to nemusím vyjadrovať. Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh, ktorý dáva našim srdciam tieto malé drahokamy. Požehnaj dom Goodmanov. Nech sú tí rodičia uctení, čo sú, tým, že majú doma takýto poklad. Nech to zostane v ich dome, Pane, a ak je ešte nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ju cnostnou ženou pre ten zajtrajšok.

A teraz, Pane Bože, v poslušnosti tomu, čím si nás poveril skrze Tvoj príklad, aby sme robili. Ty si bral malé deti do svojich rúk a žehnal si ich a povedal si, „Nechajte maličkých prísť ku mne.“ A oni prinášajú to dieťa ku mne tým, že som Tvoj sluha. Ako si povedal, že Tvoji sluhovia majú vykonávať Tvoju prácu. A tu stoja Tvoji sluhovia, brat Neville a brat Cubs a ja. A teraz, Pane Bože, z rúk otca a matky ti dávame túto malú Sharon Rose Goodmann, ktorú odovzdávame do života služby v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. [Sestra Goodmanová hovorí, „Brat Branham, my máme doma ešte ďalších päť. Dve dievčatá, dvoch chlapcov.“ – pozn.prek.] Piatich maličkých okrem tohto. [Áno.] Aké milé. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Goodmann. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra Goodmannová. A nech Pán žehná malú Sharon.

Teší ma, brat. No, pozrime sa. Ja... Arned. [Otec hovorí, „Arned“. – pozn.prekl.] Arned. To je pravda. [Je pomenovaný po tebe.] Je to tak? William Arned. [James William Arned.] James Wiliam Arned. Je to milý chlapec. Viete, niektoré veci máme spoločné. On a ja. Už teraz, mená. A potom máme podobné vlasy. Vidíte? Je to milý chlapec, Jimmy. Hádam tak ho nazývate. James. [James.] Potom James. V poriadku.

Rád by som vedel, či ho môžem podržať. [Možno ti to dovolí. – pozn.prekl.] Neviem. Tak Jimmy, sme ozajstní kamaráti. Viete čo? Nemyslíš si to? V poriadku.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

Pane Bože, Ty si požehnal tento dom. Dom Arneda s týmto malým milým chlapcom. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal jeho otca, jeho matku, jeho milovaných. Oni sú Kresťania. Ó, ako tento otec tvrdo bojoval. Tie cigarety a rôzne veci od... A jedného dňa to prišlo cez „Tak hovorí Pán.“ On bol ako tá žena, ktorá bola vytrvalá, že sa tam dostane. Hoci ho jeho obchod sklamal a všetko sa zdalo, že sa rúca. On stále bral tú porciu svojich peňazí a čakal na rozhovor za rozhovorom, až sa to jedného rána stalo. On uveril, že to tak bude.

A teraz ti prináša tohto malého chlapca a Ty si ho ním požehnal. Bože, to ovocie ich zjednotenia. Žehnám tohto malého Jamesa Williama Arneda v mene Ježiša Krista. Daj mu dlhý život. Učiň ho hodným mužom v tvojom Evanjeliu pre ten zajtrajšok, ak ešte bude zajtrajšok. A nakoniec v tom kráľovstve, ktoré má prísť, nech budeme spolu. Ja... Tvoji sluhovia kladieme naše ruky na neho a odovzdávame ho Ježišovi Kristovi pre život služby. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Máš ešte ďalších dvoch? Toto sú tí istí. V poriadku.

Verím, že by si ma mohol takmer zodvihnúť na miesto toho, aby som ja zodvihol teba. A toto je... [Alfred, Al a Marta. – pozn.prekl.] Nechajme len, nech zhromaždenie vidí. Rád by som, aby videli tieto deti. Myslím si, že keď sú malé, sú skutočne milé.

No, položme na nich teraz svoje ruky.

A podobne, Všemohúci Bože, my, tvoji sluhovia, kladieme svoje ruky na tieto deti. Ten milý brat a sestra tohto malého chlapca, ktorého práve teraz odovzdávajú tu. Kladieme na nich svoje ruky k odovzdaniu od matky a otca do rúk Ježiša Krista do života služby. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Al a Marta, sestra, je skutočne milé, znovu vás vidieť. Nech je Pán s vami.

Tento malý chlapec. Ó, on je dobrý chlapec. Zvykol som si kedysi tiež takto česať vlasy. Ako sa volá? [Otec hovorí, „Terel Kate Walker.“ – pozn. prekl.] [Terel Kate Walker.] Terel Kate Walker, aký milý chlapec.

Rád by som vedel. Neviem teraz. Díva sa na mňa tak trochu, že by aj mohol. Som zvedavý, či by som ho mohol podržať. [To dieťa hovorí. – pozn.prekl.] Je to pravda, Kate? Ó, to je milý chlapec. Istotne. Či to nie je zlatý chlapec? Herel. [Matka hovorí, „Terel“.] Herel. Herel Kate Walker.

Všemohúci Bože, z rúk rodičov do rúk Ježiša Krista. Malý Terel Kate Walker. Kladieme svoje ruky na neho k odovzdaniu všemohúcemu Bohu. Ako otec a matka túžia, aby toto dieťa bolo vychovávané v napomínaní Božom. Ak ešte je nejaký zajtrajšok, učiň ho sluhom hodným tohto odovzdania, pretože my, tvoji sluhovia, kladieme svoje ruky na toto dieťa a odovzdávame ho Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Walker. Je toto sestra Walker? [Sestra Walker hovorí, „Áno, pane.“ – pozn.prekl.] To je ozaj milé. Máte milého chlapca.

Nech vás Boh žehná.

[Brat Gramby hovorí s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, pane. [Brat Gramby ďalej hovorí.] Áno. [“A modlili sme sa za ňu, keď sa narodila. Narodila sa s takou hrčou na sánke a ty si sa za ňu modlil a to ihneď odišlo.“] Toto malé dievčatko, to je brata Grimsleyho, nášho... [Ten brat hovorí, „Gramby.“] Gramby, pomiešalo sa mi to. Myslel som na brata Grimsleyho a ďalej som rozmýšľal... Brat Gramby prináša toto malé dievčatko. A keď sa narodila, mala na tvári veľkú hrču a ja som sa za ňu modlil a tá hrča odišla. A teraz sa chcú modliť, pretože... Sú jej rodičia Kresťania? [Nie sú Kresťania. – pozn.prekl.] Oni nie sú Kresťania. A oni sa boja, že nejaký zlý duch chce toto dieťa vziať. A tak oni chcú, aby to odišlo.

Modlime sa.

Pane Ježišu, na toto malé dieťa, ako sa skláňa nad oltárom... Pričom, Ty si už preukázal Svoju milosť, keď si odobral tú hrču nádoru v jej ústach. A teraz sa nejaký zlý duch snaží zabrať život toho dieťaťa. Niet divu, že ty by si mohol použiť toto dieťa, a že ho plánuješ použiť a satan sa snaží zmariť ten plán. Preto karháme satana v mene Ježiša Krista, aby dal preč aj svoje ruky od toho dieťaťa, ako ju odovzdávame Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Brat Gramby, ty veríš. To dieťa je príliš malé, že sotva môže mať vieru, ale to bude tak.

32Milujem Ho a vy? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „amen“. – pozn.prekl.] On je nádherný.

Tak, všetci. Sľúbil som dnes večer, že skončím do 8:30. A tak, to mi dáva ešte pol hodinu. No, neviem, či to tak bude. Zrejme to trochu prekročím. Ale teraz poďme...

33Som rád, že tu dnes ráno vidím brata Daucha. A ja neviem, kam išiel ten druhý muž ale dnes ráno, ak mal on kedy dvojičku, tam bol jeden muž, ktorý tam sedel, a on bol úplne jeho dvojička. Povedal som, „Ktorý je brat Dauch?“ Pozrel som sa tam a späť a išiel som ich pomenovať a bol som taký zaujatý do posolstva. Vieš, brat Dauch, vyzeráš tak, ako vždy. Som rád, že ťa vidím v takom stave.

34Práve nedávno, mal som medzimestský hovor z Tusconu, aby som sa za neho znovu modlil, že sa mu niečo stalo. Brat Dauch má 90 alebo 91 rokov. Má 90, myslím si, alebo 91. A vaše telo sa opotrebováva. Ale, „Mnohé sú súženia spravodlivého, ale Boh ho z nich všetkých vytrhuje.“ A niekedy, keď sa to telo dostáva na miesto, kde už nevie držať pokope, viem, že on sa drží tej ruky. Hoci by to zostala len hruda hliny, Boh zasľúbil, že to znovu vzkriesi v posledných dňoch. A som taký vďačný.

35Pamätám si brata Daucha, keď prišiel sem do bazénu, aby bol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Keď ani nemal oblečenie, v ktorom by bol pokrstený, ale jednako chcel ísť. A Boh bol tomu mužovi milostivý. Len pomyslite, on o 20 rokov prekročil ten čas, ktorý mu Boh sľúbil. Vidíte? Či to len nie je milosť.

A keď tam vtedy ležal s úplným zlyhaním srdca a ešte ku tomu navrch mal infarkt. A Boh toho muža okamžite uzdravil a priviedol ho odtiaľ sem. A myslím, že jeho lekár už zomrel. Je to pravda? Rozumiem... Áno, dokonca ten doktor, židovský lekár, ktorý mu robil lekára, a tak. Bol tam so mnou na chodbe a hovoril mi o ňom. On sám už odišiel. Vidíte?

Ó, aká veľká, aká hlboká je láska, ó, Pane. Aká veľká je Tvoja láska.

36No, máme tu nejaké vreckovky, nad ktorými sa budeme o niekoľko minút modliť. Ale idem ku vám trošku hovoriť ohľadne viery. A potom uvidíme, ako to Pán bude viesť. Čo budeme robiť potom. Tak nechajme to len na Neho. To je ten najlepší spôsob. Ó, sedieť spolu v ponebeských miestach.

37Hovoril som dnes s jedným z mojich priateľov, potom, ako som sa vrátil z Blueboar. A povedal som, „Zostaneš na zhromaždenia?“


39Povedal som, „Zrejme budeš musieť šoférovať do dvanástej alebo do jednej.“ Oni očakávajú, že sa dostanú domov okolo šiestej ráno. Majú veľmi dlhú cestu. Pamätajte. Oni sú ľudia a unavia sa tak, ako ja. Tam dolu, Tennessee a okolie, to je to, kam idú. Nech ich Pán požehná.

40Je tak mnoho vecí, ktoré by som mohol povedať. Využívam na to čas, ale nevidím vás veľmi často, a tak nejako milujem ku vám hovoriť. A ak sa nedostanem k tomu, aby som vám povedal všetko, čo si o vás myslím tu...

Chcem to vám, bratom, povedať. Niektorí z nich rozpustili svoje cirkvi.

41Brat Jackson tu dnes ráno vydal nádherný výklad neznámych jazykov, v ktorých hovoril jeden brat. A potvrdzovalo to, že to je Boh. Všimli ste si? On nikdy nepovedal niečo, čo by bolo nesprávne. Nikdy nepovedal, že by to tak nebolo. On len dal varovanie, aby ľudia počúvali. Vidíte? Rozumiete? Tak, brat Junior tu bol dnes ráno a rozpustil svoju cirkev.

A rozumiem, že tí iní bratia tam z dola, z tých iných cirkví, tu zo Salesburgu.

42A brat Ruddell, on tu dnes ráno bol. Ale neviem, či je tu dnes večer, alebo nie. V poriadku, dnes večer je znovu tu. No, nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Ruddell. A ty...

Nedokážem to len vyjadriť, čo si myslím. Ale možno... No, keď sa dostaneme na tú druhú stranu, chcem si tam s vami posedieť tak desať tisíc rokov, chvíľku. Vidíte? Potom si o tom všetkom pohovoríme.

43A zatiaľ, čo je žatva dozretá a pracovníkov je málo, kopme rovno v tom, ak by tu náhodou sedel nejaký hriešnik. Môže tu byť dnes večer niekto, komu to môže zmeniť celý smer.

Ak to dnes ráno nebol ten čas, tak dnes večer sa môžu tie knihy zatvoriť. Pamätajte. Tam nebude ani jeden ďalší, ktorý by prišiel, keď sú tie mená vykúpené.

Tak teraz počúvajte každý veľmi pozorne, predtým, ako budem čítať Písmo.

44Všetko, čo bude kedy vykúpené, Boh umiestnil do Baránkovej knihy života ešte predtým, ako svet prišiel do svojho stvorenia. Koľkí to viete? To je Písmo. A antikrist v posledných dňoch bude tak blízko tej skutočnej veci, tej skutočnej cirkvi vo všetkom, bude to práve ako Judáš, až by to zviedlo tých vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Je to pravda? Ale nikto nemôže prísť ku Ježišovi, jedine, že ho pošle Boh, a všetko, čo mu Boh dal, ku Nemu príde. A keď On berie tú knihu, to posledné meno.

45Vidíte? Všetci v Lutherovom veku, On ich vytiahol. Všetkých vo Wesleyovom veku, On ich vytiahol. Všetkých v tých rozličných vekoch a v letničnom veku, On ich vyťahuje. A oni sú tu a nebudú súdení s nimi. Oni idú do vytrhnutia. A keď vychádza to posledné meno, ktoré bolo umiestnené do Baránkovej knihy života, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta, keď to posledné meno zostalo vykúpené, Jeho práca je zakončená. On si prichádza nárokovať to, čo vykúpil. To robí, že naše srdce krváca. Ale, ak by to išlo o tisíc rokov neskôr, nikto by nebol vykúpený.

A nikto nemôže byť vykúpený, jedine, že bol umiestnený do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Kto sú oni? Neviem. Nikto iný nevie, iba sám Boh. Vidíte? Ja spolieham, že každý jeden z nás, že naše mená boli v tej knihe. Ak to moje tam bolo, potom tam s istotou budem. Ak tam nebolo, nebudem tam. To je všetko. Vidíte? To je len na Bohu. „Nie ten, kto chce, kto beží, ale Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť.“ Rozumiete?

46Pristúpme teraz ku Slovu so všetkou úctou a úprimnosťou. A myslím, že to je jedna vec, ktorú musíme robiť. Rozumiete? Prestaňme s toľkými nezmyslami. Buďte úctiví, úprimní.

Všimol som si niekedy tie vyznania, keď oni... V televízii, keď tam mali zhromaždenie Billy Grahama. Nič proti Billy Grahamovi. Ale tam v Kalifornii ten muž toho večera kázal ohromné posolstvo. Kázal presne to isté, čo som ja nedávno kázal tu, z Daniela, „Zvážený si na vážkach a si nájdený ľahký.“ Koľkí to videli? Hádam mnohí z vás.

47Pozrite? Všimli ste si tých ľudí, ako prechádzali tými uličkami, žuvali žuvačku, smiali sa, udierali jeden do druhého. To nie je kráčanie medzi smrťou a životom. To nie je ľútosť nad hriechom a pokánie. Vidíte? To je práve to, čo Billy povedal, „Urobiť rozhodnutie.“ A nejaký chladný súhlas, rozhodnutie so suchými očami, to nie je nič, vôbec nič. Musíte mať ľútosť nad hriechom a odvrátiť sa od neho.

A sám Billy povedal, „To dokazuje, že z tridsiatich tisícov nedokážete za rok nájsť ani tridsať.“ Raz povedal, „Čo sa deje s New Yorkom? Mal som tam veľké zhromaždenie. A čo sa stalo? Hriech je tam ešte väčší, ako kedy bol.“

48A to bude stále horšie a horšie. Nebude žiadne národné pokánie. Tento národ je preč. Iba vy, jednotlivci. A veľmi skoro sa to zakončí, ak to už tak nie je. Tak si to len poznačte, vy, malé deti. Vidzte, ako ďaleko brat Branham... To nie je brat Branham. To, čo som povedal, je správne, alebo nesprávne. S hriechom to bude horšie a horšie, až jedného dňa nebesia vzplanú ohňom a spadnú na zem. A zem bude horieť žeravým ohňom. Ale tí vykúpení tu už potom nebudú. Oni budú preč.

49Tak, teraz v knihe svätého Marka v 11.kapitole, 1.Jána 4:4 a Matúš 28:20 by som chcel čítať.

50Tak najprv by som chcel čítať zo svätého Marka z 11. Kapitoly 12. až 24. verš.

Počúvajte skutočne pozorne, ako budeme čítať. A toto bude teraz také pozadie pre jedno malé svedectvo a pár slov napomenutia. A potom uvidíme, čo nám Pán dá robiť. Všetci zostaňte sedieť a modlite sa teraz, ako čítame.

A keď na druhý deň vyšli z Betánie, zlačnel.

A vidiac zďaleka fík, majúci lístie, išiel k nemu, či by snáď nenašiel niečoho na ňom. Ale keď prišiel k nemu, nenašiel ničoho iba lístie; lebo nebol čas fíkov.

Vtedy odpovedal Ježiš a riekol mu: Nech nikto viac až na veky nejie z teba ovocia! A počuli to jeho učeníci.

Potom prišli do Jeruzalema. A Ježiš vojdúc do chrámu začal vyháňať tých, ktorí predávali a kupovali v chráme, a poprevracal stoly peňazomencom a stolice tých, ktorí predávali holubov,

a nedopustil, aby niekto preniesol nádobu cez chrám.

A učil ich hovoriac im: Či nie je napísané, že môj dom sa bude volať domom modlitby u všetkých národov? Ale vy ste ho urobili pelešou lotrov.

A počuli to zákonníci i najvyšší kňazi a hľadali, jako by ho zmárnili, lebo sa ho báli, pretože celý zástup žasnul nad jeho učením.

A keď bol večer, chodievali von z mesta.

A potom včasráno

(to je na druhý deň)

, keď išli popri fíku, videli ho, že je uschlý od koreňa.

Behom 24 hodín, odkedy sa udial ten zázrak, potom, ako ku tomu vypovedal, „Nech nikto z teba neje.“ Nič, zdalo sa že nič sa vtedy nestalo, ale na ďalší deň to bolo vyschnuté.

A Peter rozpamätajúc sa povedal mu: Rabbi, pozri, fík, ktorému si zlorečil, vyschnul.

A Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Majte vieru Božiu!

Lebo ameň vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by povedal tomuto vrchu: Zdvihni sa a hoď sa do mora! a nepochyboval by vo svojom srdci, ale by veril, že sa stane, čo hovorí, bude mu, čokoľvek by povedal.

Preto vám hovorím: Všetko, za čokoľvek modliac sa prosíte, verte, že dostanete, a bude vám.

A keď stojíte na modlitbe, odpúšťajte, ak máte niečo proti niekomu, aby aj váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám odpustil vaše poklesky.

Ale ak vy neodpustíte, ani váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám neodpustí vašich pokleskov.

(To má podmienku)

52Teraz by som chcel čítať z 1. Jána 4:4:

Vy ste z Boha, dieťatká, a zvíťazili ste nad nimi, pretože...

(počúvajte teraz pozorne),

pretože ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.

53Nech to ešte raz prečítam.

Vy ste z Boha, dieťatká, a zvíťazili ste nad nimi

(hovorí o antikristovi)

, pretože ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.

Dve osobné zámená. Vidíte? „On“. Osobné zámeno, „On“. Ten, ktorý je vo svete. A „On“, ktorý je vo vás. „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

54A teraz 28. kapitola svätého Matúša a 20. verš.

Učiac ich zachovávať všetko, čokoľvek som vám prikázal. A hľa, ja som s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta.

55Tak dnes večer, ako text z toho, rád by som použil toto ako text: Ten, ktorý je vo vás. A na tomto by som chcel vybudovať vieru, samozrejme ku službe modlenia sa za chorých. A tak rýchlo, ako...

56No, to je tak, ako som vám povedal. Rád by som vás informoval o tých udalostiach, ktoré sa stali. A obyčajne čakám, kým prídem sem do cirkvi, aby som o tých udalostiach povedal. A potom, ak to tí ostatní chcú počuť, môžu to cez tie pásky. Ale, ja čakám, kým som tu.

A aspoň čo sa týka tejto udalosti, o ktorej vám idem práve teraz hovoriť. Je tu niekoľko mužov, ktorí sú toho svedkami, kresťanskí bratia. Jeden, ktorý bol prítomný, to bol brat Banks Wood. Ďalší, ktorý tam bol, to bol brat David Woods. Ďalší, ktorý je tu, to je brat Evans a jeho syn Ronald. Ten ďalší, ktorý tam bol, je náš šľachetný diakon, brat Wheeler. A ďalší prítomný bol brat Mann. Je brat Mann z New Albany tu? Metodistický kazateľ, ktorého som pokrstil na meno Ježiša Krista, len pred nedávnom. On tam bol tiež, keď sa toto stalo.

57Je to už nejaký čas, nejakých pár rokov, čo som mal na svojej hrudi veľmi hlboké bremeno, ktoré som... vo svojom srdci. Zdalo sa mi to, ako keby som urobil niečo zlé. A preskúmaval som svoj život hore a dolu, aby som videl, čo je nesprávne. „Pane, ak som urobil niečo zlé, potom mi to zjav, čo je zlé, a ja pôjdem a dám to do poriadku.“ Ale nebolo mi nič zjavené. Povedal som, „Či som niekoho zranil? Či som nechal niečo nevykonané? Či som... Či čítam dostatočne? Či sa dostatočne modlím?“ A ja som čítal a modlil som sa. A povedal som, „Zjav mi to. Či som niekomu niekde uškodil? Ak áno, dám to do poriadku. Ukáž mi to len. Nechcem toto bremeno.“ A za posledných 5 rokov, od kedy som odišiel z poľa, bolo tam bremeno, ktoré viselo na mojom srdci.

58Išiel som na hory. Išiel som k moru. Išiel som všade a modlil som sa, a modlil a modlil. A to len neodchádzalo. A rozmýšľal som o všetkom. Či som niečo urobil? Ale to stále, stále to nechcelo odísť. Bol som akoby v takom zviazaní.

A je to veľmi zvláštne, že toto by bolo odobrané práve v čase, keď vychádza toto posolstvo dnes ráno. Tak či to Boh zadržiaval kvôli tomuto? Ja neviem. Rozumiete? Ja... Všetky tieto veci boli v mojej mysli. Viete si predstaviť, čo je v srdci človeka, keď sa s tým vyrovnávate? Vidíte? Myslieť na to, čo sa deje. A viete, keď hovoríte k ľuďom, viete, že niektorí sa nesprávne naklonia, a niektorí pôjdu týmto smerom a iní tamtým smerom a vy viete, ako to je. A niektorí budú veriť a niektorí nebudú. Ale to je niečo, s čím sa musíte vyrovnať.

59Ako to povedať bez toho, aby to zranilo? Ako to povedať, aby to prinieslo efekt? Ako to povedať, aby ste ukázali ľuďom, že do nich nedobiedzate, ale že ich milujete? Ako byť striktný, priamy, a pritom milujúci? A, ó, ako to predstavíte? A potom, beda mi, ak by som to nepredstavoval. Rozumiete? A tu to máte. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že to vás drží nervóznym a rozhádzaným.

60Prišiel som dolu zhora, z Arizony, a stretol som tu skupinu bratov, ktorí so mnou chodia každý rok poľovať do Coloráda.

No, niektorí ľudia sa divili, „Prečo chodíš poľovať? Čo ťa k tomu vedie?“

Pozrite. Tu sa vy napĺňate, ja sa vyprázdňujem. Tam, ja sa napĺňam, aby som sa mohol vyprázdniť. Rozumiete? No, ja tam nechodím, len aby som len niečo upoľoval. No, ľudia, hocikto, kto ide so mnou, vie, že ja miniem stovky hláv zveri a vôbec sa ich nedotknem. Nerobím to.

61Tak, tu nedávno. Začal som poľovať pre kresťanských obchodníkov, kde oni prišli a povedali, „Billy, zožeň mi býka, zožeň mi kravu, zožeň mi soba, zožeň mi toto, tamto a iné.“ A ja som len išiel a bez problémov som niečo zastrelil. A Pán mi pomohol, aby som mohol vidieť a nájsť korisť a mať presnú mušku a trafil som ich. A oni si len posadali okolo a hovorili o svojich obchodoch.

62Potom mi Pán povedal, aby som to už viac nerobil. A ja som sa cítil ohľadne toho zle, tak som Mu sľúbil, že už to viac nebudem robiť. Nie. Povedal som, „Ak je to naliehavý prípad a niekto to potrebuje, urobím to. Ale ak to nepotrebujú, neurobím to.“ Tí mužovia majú dosť peňazí, aby si kúpili mäso a tak. Tak prečo by som to mal robiť? Nech to zviera tam žije, ak to nejdete použiť.

63Tak som išiel, aby som bol sám. A ktokoľvek, kto chodí so mnou poľovať, vie, že ja nepoľujem s niekým. Ja idem sám, aby som bol sám. Ja pôjdem s nimi, aby som s nimi mal po večeroch obecenstvo. Tam zostaneme spolu a modlíme sa, a tak ďalej.

Ale tam bolo mnoho ďalších kazateľov. Tam bol tento rok hore v horách náš brat Palmer. Myslím, že som ho tu niekde pred chvíľou videl... Tu je, sedí rovno tu, brat Palmer. A brat Bob Lambert, on tam bol v to ráno a ja som ho počul niekde strieľať. Myslím, že je stále tu. A potom tam bol brat... Dvaja Martinovi chlapci. Hádam sú tu. Sú tu Martinovi chlapci? Brat, brat Martin. Ty si mi volal v ten deň a to bolo dobre. Ten chlapec bol uzdravený. Ten brat kazateľ.

64Si tu, ten za ktorého sme sa modlili cez telefón toho dňa? Zabudol som jeho meno. On je zdola, z Arkansasu. Zavolala mi jeho žena. Ten muž mal opuchnutý celý bok, a vysokú horúčku, a zomieral. Ten istý človek, ktorý bol vyvolaný dolu v Little Rock alebo v Hot Springs na zhromaždení, keď sedel na zhromaždení.

A on je dobre vyzerajúci človek. Ak tu je, hádam sa teraz vôbec nepostaví, ale zabudol som jeho meno. Neviem si na jeho meno vôbec spomenúť. [Niekto hovorí, „Brat Blair.“ – pozn. prekl.] Blair, brat Blair. Niekto...

Tak teraz, ako sedel na zhromaždení v Little Rock. Koľkí tam boli? Mám na mysli v Hot Springs. Koľkí boli na tom zhromaždení? A Duch Svätý tohto mladého človeka zavolal a povedal mu, že diabol sa ho snaží doviesť do toho, aby sa ma zriekol, aby povedal, že som falošný prorok. A ten muž svedčil, že to je pravda. Vidíte, čo diabol robí? Ten človek nechodí k lekárom. On neverí v chodenie k lekárom. Ale satan vedel, že jeho choroba na neho udrie a on ho tam môže rovno zabiť. Vidíte? Tak on sa snažil doviesť ho do toho, aby sa ma vzdal. A Duch Svätý ho v milosti vyvolal a povedal mu, aby to nerobil, tomu človeku. On bol cudzinec. Povedal mu, aby to nerobil.

65A iného večera mi volala jeho žena a povedala, „Brat Branham, myslím, že zomiera.“ Povedala, „On je, on je celý opuchnutý a má horúčku a takmer stratil rozum.“ A povedala, „Ta posledná vec, ktorú povedal, zavolaj brata Branhama.“

Povedal som, „Máš niečo, svoju kabelku s vreckovkou?“

„Nie.“ Ja som bol v Tuscone a ona bola v Arkansase. A povedal som, „Máš nejakú?“

On povedala, myslím, že mala „šatku.“

Povedal som, „Polož teraz svoju ruku na tú šatku a telefón drž v druhej ruke.“ A ja som sa modlil a poprosil som Boha, aby bol milostivý, a aby ho zbavil toho nepriateľa.

66A ona išla a položila na neho tú šatku a na druhé ráno mi volal už on. Tak, bolo to asi za 24 hodín alebo menej, ako to.

67Náš vzácny brat, ešte som ho dnes večer nevidel, brat Roy Robertson. A viete, ihneď, brat Roy bol taký trochu vojnový tip. Ak tu je, dúfam, že to rozumie? Pretože ja to neodsudzujem. Ale všetko je striktné. On bol seržantom v armáde. Viete? A viete, vy si musíte tak trochu zvyknúť zaobchádzať s takým človekom, ako to robia v armáde. „No, tieto duchovné veci sú pre niekoho iného.“ Nie pre neho. Ale Pán ho ušetril. Bol by už mŕtvy. Položili ho, ako už mŕtveho na dlhý čas. Pán ho uzdravil a on odvtedy nasleduje. Ale všetky tieto duchovné veci, on o nich nevedel. A tie videnia.

68A tu prednedávnom. Mnohí poznajú to videnie, ktoré bolo dané bratovi Royovi, dokonca predtým, ako som tam prišiel. O tom, ako ma videl stáť na jednej hore v tom svetle a vychádzal zo mňa hlas. To od brata Roya vzalo všetky pochybnosti.

69A jedného dňa bol zasiahnutý na takom mieste, až bol tak chorý, a dostal takú vysokú horúčku a rôzne problémy. A lekár mu dal lieky a všetko možné, a to mu vôbec nepomohlo. A on sa dostal až na také miesto, že sa dokonca nemohol ani pohnúť. Jeho nohy a všetko bolo akoby paralyzované.

70A ten biedny, milý brat bol postrelený a celý doráňaný črepinou z 88., z nemeckej 88. A to bolo... A myslím, že celé to jeho mužstvo bolo pozabíjané, okrem neho. A on tu bol celý doráňaný.

71A viete, čo sa stalo? Povedal som jeho šľachetnej manželke, sestre Robertsonovej... Ona povedala... Povedal som, „Máš tam niečo?“

72Ona povedala, „Mám tu vreckovku, za ktorú si sa raz modlil.“

73„Dones ju.“ A ja som bol v Tuscone a nechal som ju položiť na to ruky a ona sa modlila a pokarhala to. A povedal som, „Sestra Robertsonová, to odíde preč.“

74Niečo mi tam povedalo, „To odíde preč. Povedz to.“ A behom pol hodiny bola tá horúčka preč a on bol v kuchyni a hľadal niečo na zjedenie. Vidíte?

75To, čo sa snažím povedať, je, „Nikdy nestrácajte svoju dôveru.“ Nenechajte satana, aby vám hovoril o mne zlé, pretože tam je mnoho, ale zachovajte tú dôveru. Pretože ak to neurobíte, to sa nestane. Nehľaďte na mňa, ako na človeka, ja som človek. Som plný chýb. Ale hľaďte na to, čo hovorím o Ňom. To je On. On je ten.

76Ako sme boli v Coloráde, ako sme tam boli hore, vrátili sme sa a bolo ozaj sucho. Zver bola zriedkavá. Brat Wheeler, Pán ho požehnal a dal mu peknú trofej a boli sme kvôli tomu takí šťastní. To bolo po prvýkrát, čo bol on v lesoch a poľoval, a Pán ho požehnal. A potom som zastrelil veľkú trofej, na ktorú som čakal 20 rokov. Pozoroval som ho. Brat Banks a ja sme už po ňom išli dlhý čas. A keď som to upoľoval... priniesol som svoju pušku zdola, z horúcej krajiny hore do studenej, a to tam navlhlo. Hoci je to vyložkované sklom. A ja som trafil niekoľko palcov vedľa a trafil som to zviera, ako stálo medzi stromami tam, kde ho to nemalo trafiť, nižšie, ako to, čo by normálne to zviera zabilo za sekundu. Ale to ho trafilo tak vysoko, že ono vyskočilo, ako keby takto padalo.

77A Billy bol so mnou a povedal, „Dostalo ho to.“ A ja som si to tiež myslel, ale keď sme tam išli, nebolo to tak. Povedal, „Trafil si strom.“ A ja som sa díval hore a dolu a na strome nebola žiadna stopa. A potom som to šiel hľadať.

A potom tam prišiel varovný signál. Bolo tam niekde nad nami asi sto mužov, a brat Palmer a oni sú toho svedkami. A brat Evans, je to tak, on tam bol. Brat Welch Evans a jeho chlapec Ronnie. Myslím, že som ich pred chvíľou zavolal. A veľké množstvo mužov išlo tam hore nad nami. Ako to tam nazývajú, kravská ohrada, kde sa tí kovboji zdržujú a jazdia a kde oddeľujú tie kravy. Zvykol som tam sám pobudnúť v tom tábore a pásť ten dobytok a držať ich od seba.

78A tak, potom tam bolo asi 100 mužov. Ale každý vie, že v tej krajine, keď je predpovedaná víchrica, tak by ste radšej odtiaľ ihneď mali odísť. Preto brat Palmer a tí ďalší skoro odišli, pretože oni mali na aute len trojstupňovú prevodovku a museli sa odtiaľ dostať. Pretože to počasie, keď ste tam, to by vás mohlo zadržať na týždne. Tak oni povedali, „Prichádza víchrica.“ Predpovede v novinách, v rádiu. Odchádzali jeden za druhým, v podstate zovšadiaľ, z celého okolia, ktorí tam ešte boli. Oni už v tomto čase odišli, pretože sa vedeli odtiaľ dostať.

79Ale moji bratia mali licencie na dvoch jeleňov a nechceli ísť. A tak som povedal, „No, dobre, zostaneme.“ Ale mal som nadchádzajúce zhromaždenie asi o šesť dní a musel som sa vrátiť do Tusconu.

80Tak, moja milá manželka, teraz sme zobratí už 22 rokov. A 20 rokov na naše výročie, zakaždým som bol tam. Vždy sa to akurát tak pritrafí. A mám také malé miesto, kam vždy idem a modlím sa, a to vyzeralo ako to miesto, kde som ju vzal.

81Viete, vymyslel som takú malú vec. Viete, nemal som dosť peňazí, aby som išiel na poľovačku a na medové týždne. A tak som viacmenej vzal svoju manželku na poľovačku na medové týždne. Tak sme boli v New Yorku a pamätám si, že som jej pomáhal prechádzať cez tie brvná a veci, aby sme sa dostali na to miesto. A mám tam také malé miesto a vždy na ňu myslím, keď tam idem na naše výročie. 23. októbra je to, kedy sa tu začína sezóna. V ten dátum som nikdy nebol doma už 20 rokov. Vždy som bol tu.

82Tak v ten deň bolo naše výročie. A brat Mann... Povedal som, „No, ak vy bratia...“ Povedal som v to ráno pri ohni, „Tak, ak...“ Vlastne v ten večer. „ Ak teda chcete všetci zostať, pamätajte, môžeme tu byť aj mesiac.“ Pretože ja som videl, že padlo 20 stôp snehu len za chvíľu, za noc. Len ako by ste tam vyšli, bolo sucho a pekne. A na ďalšie ráno bol sneh takto hlboký, možno až ponad vrch vášho stanu. Tak potom som povedal... A potom tam zostávate, až kým sa to neroztopí. A tak ste asi 15 až 20 míľ niekde ďaleko v divočine. A tak som potom povedal... A ak to bude naliehavé, samozrejme, oni pošlú helikoptéry a dostanú vás odtiaľ. Ale obyčajne oni len... A nikto tam nehynie. Tak oni tam len musia čakať.

83Tak každý sa odtiaľ stratí hneď, ako počujú vysielanie, vlastne predpoveď. A tak sme tam boli a ja som povedal, „No, rozhodnite sa. Ak chcete zostať, ja som tu, aby som s vami poľoval. A zavolám svojej manželke a poviem jej 'šťastné výročie'.“ Ale povedal som, „Potom v tom aj ja... a budem... Budeme – zoženieme nejaké potraviny, pretože tu môžeme zostať.“ Minul sa nám vtedy chlieb. A ja už na dlho nechcem vidieť tie placky. Tie palacinky. Tak potom. Ja som ich tam jedol v Kanade asi 21 dní a iste som sa nimi už preplnil. A tak som chcel zohnať nejaký chlieb.

84Tak oni povedali, že chcú zostať. Tak sa nedalo nič robiť... zostať. Ale brat Mann a ja sme išli von a šli sme tam dolu a zohnali nejaké potraviny. A zavolal som manželke a ona nedvíhala telefón. Nikto neodpovedal. Tak som čakal asi hodinu, kým sme urobili nákupy potravín. Vrátil som sa. Zavolal som. Ona neodpovedala. A musel som zavolať sestre Evansovej.

Verím, že sestra Evansová je tu. A povedal som... Áno, brat Evans a sestra Evansová sú tu.

85Tak som zavolal sestru Evansovú pre brata Evansa a povedal som mu. Ona povedala, „Zavolám sestre Branhamovej a poviem jej, 'Šťastné výročie'.“ Samozrejme, viete. Tak ona išla na nákupy, aby nakúpila potraviny pre deti.

A potom sme sa vrátili. A na ďalšie ráno boli na oblohe len oblaky. Nepršalo už celú jeseň a bolo už skutočne sucho. A keď oni predĺžili tú poľovnú sezónu a dali pár dní navyše kvôli tej suchote.

86No povedal som bratom v to ráno, „Keď padne prvá kvapka dažďa, prvý mokrý sneh, čokoľvek, dostaňte sa do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete, pretože za 15 minút nebudete musieť vidieť pred sebou svoju ruku. Rozumiete? A bude sa to len krútiť a fúkať. A je mi jedno, ako dobre tú krajinu poznáte, zostanete rovno tam a zahyniete. Pretože niekedy nedokážete dokonca ani dýchať. Ten mokrý dážď tak fúka a rovno tam zomriete.“ A povedal som, „Akonáhle začne ten mokrý dážď, vyštartujte do tábora tak rýchlo, ako len môžete. Je mi jedno, kde sa nachádzate.“

87Dobre, povedal som, „Choďte sem do týchto roklín tu, a ja sa vyšplhám hore na vrch a spustím skaly z kopca, a tak ďalej, aby som vystrašil tých jeleňov z vrchu, a zaženiem ich dolu, aby ste vy mohli uloviť, čo chcete.“

88Tak som sa začal šplhať hore. A asi v čase, keď som sa tam dostal na miesto, ktoré nazývame „sedlo“. Také malé miesto, ktoré vždy prechádzam, keď idem na miesto, ktoré sa nazýva „Quaker Knob“. Rovno vysoko hore na kontinentálnom rozhraní. A keď som sa dostal už takmer do tohto sedla, toto... Oblaky sa stávali tmavšie a tmavšie. Nezostalo tam ani auto, boli sme tam iba my. Tak ďaleko ako... a ten kovboj v tábore. A tak, bolo to horšie a horšie. A o pár minút začalo pršať. No, vzal som si pušku a dal som si ju pod kabát, aby sa mi nezaparil ďalekohľad a hlaveň, aby sa nezamokrila, ak by som natrafil na medveďa alebo niečo, keď sa budem vracať. A tak som držal svoj ďalekohľad takto dolu a sadol som si trochu pod strom a sedel som tam a modlil som sa. Povedal som, „Pane Bože, Ty si veľký Jehova a ja Ťa milujem.“

89Koľko prežití som už mal. Poukázal som tým bratom, bratovi Palmerovi a im, na tie miesta, kde ten orol... Viete. Videl som ho vzniesť sa vtedy. Viete? A ako... Tie miesta, kde sa to všetko stalo, boli tam. Je to pre mňa taká citlivá vec, byť tam. Mal som tam toľko veľa prežití s mojím Pánom, tam v horách. Tak nedokážete tam ísť bez toho, žeby ste Ho videli. On je skrátka všade.

90Tak potom, ako som sa tam usadil a začal padať mokrý sneh a vietor sa začal krútiť takto, a ja som povedal, „No, poznám cestu dolu a lepšie bude, ak sa tam ihneď vyberiem.“ Tak, povedal som...

91A pozrel som sa dolu a nedokázal som už vidieť ani na zem. Oblaky sa len krútili a točili a fúkal ten mokrý sneh. A tam to bolo, víchrica. Predpoveď bola už pár dní, „Prichádza veľká víchrica.“

92Brat Tom je tu. Brat Tom Simpson prichádza z Kanady. On tú predpoveď počul a jemu poradili, aby nešiel cez tú časť krajiny, pretože tá predpoveď povedala, „Bude víchrica.“ Kde si, brat Tom? Myslím, že... Áno, rovno tu. A on... Prichádzala víchrica. Každý sa na to pripravil.

93No, dal som si svoju zbraň pod košeľu. Takto. Pod moju červenú košeľu. A začal som ísť dolu vrchom. A ako som začal, prešiel som asi pol míle od toho sedla. A, ó, to boli také veľké vločky, asi takéto, vietor ich na tej hore krútil a fúkalo. Už som viac nevidel dolu. Mohol som vidieť asi 20 stôp pred seba alebo 30. A vedel som, že keď prejdem dolu k tomuto malému miestu, ktoré nazývame, „Prasací Chrbát.“ Taký malý hrebeň. A potom, keby som sa dostal k tomu potôčiku, a potom, vedel som, že treba nasledovať ten potôčik, a kam ísť, ak by to bolo skutočne zlé.

94A tak som začal ísť dolu a dostal som sa tam asi na pol cesty a niečo ku mne prehovorilo tak jasne, ako ma počujete vy, „Zastav sa a choď späť.“

95No, pomyslel som si, „O čom som rozmýšľal? Možno, že to je len moja myseľ.“ A nedokázal som urobiť ďalší krok vpred.

96Dávid mi v to ráno urobil sendvič a myslím, že sa mi snažil vyrovnať, keď pripravil raz svojmu otcovi s cibuľou a medom. To bolo všetko, čo sme mali. Tak mi jeden pripravil s kadečím možným. A, ó, ja ani neviem, čo všetko tam bolo zabalené. A mal som to vo svojej košeli a celé to cez moju košeľu premoklo. Pomyslel som si, „Zastavím sa a zjem si to a možno budem... A bude to potom v poriadku.“ Tak som vytiahol ten sendvič asi o 10. hodine a začal som ten sendvič jesť. A ako som ho jedol, pomyslel som si, „No, budem v poriadku.“

A začal som sa pohýnať a niečo povedalo, „Vráť sa, odkiaľ si prišiel.“

97„Vrátiť sa do tej búrky pol míle alebo viac, naspäť na ten vrch do toho temného lesa.“ Kde ste mohli sotva vidieť na takú diaľku, ako je ten organ. Ale ja už starnem a som už Kresťanom teraz už asi 33 rokov a viem, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, aké divné to vyzerá, dať pozor na Pána, urobiť to, čo Pán povie.

98A obrátil som sa a išiel som späť do toho sedla. Cítil som, že mám ísť späť. Ó, ten mokrý sneh padal hustejšie a hustejšie a bolo temnejšie a temnejšie. A sadol som si tam a takto som si prehodil svoj kabát a takto svoju košeľu cez ten ďalekohľad a sadol som si. Pomyslel som si, „Čo tu robím? Prečo som sa sem mal vrátiť?“

99A tak som len pár minút čakal. A začal som ísť znovu ďalej. A tak jasno, ako som to len kedy mohol počuť, nejaký hlas povedal, „Ja som Stvoriteľom nebies a zeme. Ja činím vetry a dážď.“ Dal som si dolu svoj klobúk.

100Povedal som, „Veľký Jehova, si to Ty?“

101Povedal, „Ja som Ten, ktorý utíšil vetry na mori. Ja som bol Ten, ktorý spôsobil, aby vlny prestali. Ja som stvoril nebesia a zem. Či som to nebol Ja, Ten, ktorý ti povedal, aby si vypovedal tie veveričky a ony prišli do existencie? Ja som Boh.“

102No, keď ku vám hovorí nejaký hlas, sledujte Písmo. Ak to nie je podľa Písma, nechajte to tak. Je mi jedno, aké jasné to je. Držte sa od toho preč.

103Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

104On povedal, „Hovor ku tým vetrom a k tej búrke, a to odíde.“ No, táto Biblia tu leží predo mnou a v nej je môj život.

105Zodvihol som sa. Povedal som, „Nepochybujem v Tvoj hlas, Pane.“ Povedal som, „Oblaky, sneh, dážď, mokrý sneh, ja sa vzpieram vášmu príchodu v Mene Ježiša Krista, choďte na svoje miesta. Hovorím, že slnko musí ihneď vyjsť a svietiť štyri dni, kým sa neskončí naša poľovačka, a ja so svojimi bratmi odídem.“

106To len zahučalo, takto to išlo, „ššš...ššš“, takto, a začalo to robiť, „ššš“, a potom to robilo, „Fú... fú... fú“. Zastavilo sa to.

107Stál som naozaj ticho. Moji bratia boli tam a divili sa, čo sa deje. A ten mokrý sneh a dážď sa zastavili. Prišiel vietor a krútil sa na tých vrchoch, zodvihol oblaky, a jeden išiel týmto smerom na východ, na sever, na západ a na juh. O pár minút slnko svietilo skutočne pekne a bolo teplo. To je pravda. Boh vie, že je to pravda.

108Len som tam stál, díval som sa naokolo, mal som na sebe klobúk a díval som sa. Ja... Poviete... Celkom som onemel.

109Pomyslel som si, „Práve ten Boh stvorenia, všetko je to v Jeho rukách. Čo mi to On hovorí?“

110A zodvihol som pušku, utrel na nej teleskop a začal som sa vracať, ísť dolu z toho vrchu. A niečo mi povedalo, „Či sa so Mnou nepoprechádzaš cez túto divočinu? Neprejdeš sa so Mnou?“

111Povedal som, „Áno, Pane, z celého svojho srdca. To by bola jedna z najväčších vecí, ktorú by som mohol urobiť, to je kráčať s Tebou.“ Tak som si prehodil pušku na plece a začal som ísť rovno cez to. Nikdy sa toho nedotkla sekera, panenský les. Kráčal som tade.

112A ako som išiel, kráčal som. Išiel som dolu po stopách tej zveri a cítil som sa ako, „Verím, že pôjdem na to miesto, kde... Včera sme mali výročie. A postavím sa tam na pár minút a vzdám malú poctu Méde. Na mieste, kde je taká hŕstka osík, na takom malom kopčeku.“ A povedal som, „Myslím, že tam pôjdem, aby som jej vzdal poctu na naše výročie, a potom sa vrátim dolu na túto stranu cez tento tmavý hustý les a prejdem sa okolo a pôjdem okolo smerom do Coral Peaks a vrátim sa dolu touto cestou.“ Len som kráčal a radoval sa.

113Hovoril som, „Otče, ja viem, že kráčaš so mnou. A aké je to privilégium. Nie je nikto väčší, s kým by som mohol kráčať, ako práve s Bohom.“ A to teplé slnečné svetlo.

114Dokonca, aj keď som zišiel z tých hôr, zastavil som sa na čerpacej stanici a povedal som, „Aký nádherný deň.“ O tri dni neskôr v tej časti krajiny vôbec nepršalo, kým neprešli tie štyri dni. Slnko svietilo každý deň. Je to pravda, bratia? [Bratia hovoria, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Vidíte? A nebol na oblohe ani obláčik.

115A zišiel som dolu k tej čerpacej stanici a povedal som, „Aký nádherný deň.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Je hrozne sucho.“

116Povedal, „To je zvláštna vec.“ Tento človek z obsluhy povedal, „Viete. Povedali nám, že prichádza veľká víchrica, ale odrazu sa zastavila.“

117Zišiel som dolu na líniu Nového Mexica. Billy a ja, môj syn. Išli sme na miesto, kde sme si išli kúpiť nejaké... V to ráno, keď sme vyrazili, a povedal som, „Aký krásny deň.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Zdá sa, že je veľmi sucho.“

„Áno, to je.“

Povedal som, „Ste odtiaľto?“

118Povedal, „Nie, ja som z Wisconsinu,“ alebo odniekadiaľ. Povedal, „Som tu už 20 rokov, tak hádam by ste to nazvali domov.“

119Povedal, „Tak potom ste hádam domáci?“ Tak som povedal, „Áno, pane.“ Povedal som, „Vyzerá, že je hrozne prašno.“

120Povedal, „Viete, stala sa tá najdivnejšia vec.“ Povedal, „Mali sme predpoveď, že prichádza víchrica, veľa snehu, ona vlastne aj začala, a potom sa zastavila.“

121Povedal som, „Ale, nehovorte.“ Povedal som chladne.

122A prichádzam domov a brat Tom povedal, že mu bolo povedané, aby tade nešiel, že tam bude prechádzať víchrica. A on prešiel tou krajinou bez toho, žeby na neho padla kvapka dažďa alebo niečo. On je stále Bohom. Vidíte? Práve takým, akým vždy bol. Rozumiete?

123Ako som tam išiel a prechádzal som... No, táto časť, dúfam, že mojej žene sa nedostane táto páska. Ale idem vám niečo povedať. A teraz, ja vám nehovorím... Ja vám poviem len pravdu. Vidíte? A to je jediný spôsob, ako to urobiť. Často som sa divil, prečo sa ona nesťažuje, keď chodím na tieto výlety počas nášho výročia. Viete, k čomu som došiel vo svojej mysli? Povedal som, „Je tak mnoho ľudí okolo nášho domu a ja som vždy, viete, som nervózny. A všetko to rozprávam, a to, o čom chcem rozprávať, to je Boh, Biblia alebo niečo. Možno si ona myslí, že pre ňu je to trochu odpočinutie, že ja trochu na pár dní odídem a idem poľovať.“ Tak spolovice som o tomto takto rozmýšľal, ako som išiel ďalej.

124Ja som... Ja sa jej za to ospravedlním a ja prosím Boha, aby mi odpustil také myšlienky. Pretože, ako som tade išiel, pomyslel som si, „No, ona si myslí... Och, joj, ona je pracant. Viete? A celý čas je ona v kuchyni alebo niekde v...“

125A vy, všetci, ktorí ju poznáte, viete, že jej práčka beží celý čas. A tak som vyšiel, chytil ju a povedal som, „Neper už toľko. Rozprávaj sa so mnou. Pozri, ja ťa milujem. Chcem, aby si mi niečo povedala. Povedz, že ty ma tiež miluješ.“

126Ona povedala, „No, vieš, že ťa milujem.“ Potom len ďalej prala tak ťažko, ako len mohla.

127„Nechcem, aby si to robila. Chcem, aby si prišla sem a sadla si ku mne.“

128„Ó, Bill, mám toľko práce.“

129A ja som si pomyslel, „No, myslím si, že keď idem sem, tak ona má čas na svoju prácu.“ Keď idem sem, tak som na to myslel.

No, pamätajte. Leží tu predo mnou táto Biblia, aby ste tak mohli vidieť, že som pred Slovom. Ako som kráčal ďalej, niečo sa mi stalo. Začal som...

130Najprv som rozmýšľal o tom, keď som ju tam vzal na medové týždne. Bola pekné, malé, čiernovlasé, hnedooké dievča. A ja som ju nadvihoval cez tieto brvná, viete, a všetko. A snažil som sa ju dostať tam na toto miesto, kde som zabil nejakého medveďa. A chcel som jej jedného ukázať a tak... som dostal tohto medveďa. A ona mala na sebe moje kovbojské boty. A to je asi pred 22 rokmi alebo 21 rokmi. 22 rokmi, myslím, že to je. Zobrali sme sa v roku 1941. A ja som ju zdvíhal ponad tieto brvná.

131A pomyslel som si, „No, chudinka, tým, že ma musí znášať, ona zosivela.“ Áno, pomyslel som si, „Dobre.“ A išiel som... A neholil som sa už pár dní a zistil som, že ja som už tiež šedivý. A videl som, ako mi vytŕča moja brada, sivá. Pomyslel som si, „Starec, už si takmer hotový. Pozri, ak ideš niečo urobiť, mal by si sa poponáhľať. Ty tiež starneš.“ Vidíte?

132A tak, ako som išiel takto ďalej, niečo sa udialo. Po všetkých stránkach som bol zrazu mladým a rozmýšľal som ako mladý. A mal som svoju hlavu sklonenú a pozrel som sa hore. A tak jasno, ako sa len dá, som ju videl, a ona tam stála predo mnou so svojimi rozprestretými ramenami. A ja som sa zastavil. Pretrel som si tvár. Pozrel som sa. Povedal som, „Méda, si to ty, miláčik?“

133Pozrel som sa sem. Pomyslel som si, „No, čo sa to stalo?“ A pomyslel som si, „Áno, kráčam s Ním.“ A to sa potom zmenilo a ja som bol znovu starým mužom a to videnie bolo odo mňa preč.

134A zastavil som sa. Dal som si znovu dole klobúk. Položil som si ho na srdce a povedal som, „Ježišu, moje srdce bolo tak zaťažené bremenom po roky. Ja Ti nemusím hovoriť, že som obťažený bremenom. Činil som pokánie a činil som pokánie. A urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, a prečo ma len toto bremeno neopustí.“

135A kráčal som len ďalej. A ako som sa vyšplhal na tento malý vŕšok asi 30-40 yardov predo mnou. Začal som ísť hore na tento vŕšok a začal som sa cítiť skutočne slabým. A tam bola taká malá osika asi 10 palcov vysoká a takto vychádzala dohora a urobila také L-ko a potom išla znovu hore. A ako som sa tam dostal, zoslabol som a potácal som sa. Tak som len... Znovu som si dal čiapku a oprel som si na to svoju hlavu. To mi rovno pasovalo, aby som si oprel svoju hlavu rovno o tú malú osiku, takto. V skutočnosti je to topoľ. Vyzerá to ako breza. Viete? A je to... A opieral som sa o to. A ako som tam stál so svojou hlavou sklonenou, to teplé slnko mi udieralo na chrbát a pomyslel som si, „Práve ten Boh, ktorý odsunul ten dážď a ten vietor.“

136A počul som, ako niečo robilo, „Kvap, kvap, kvap.“

137Pomyslel som si, „Čo je to, voda je všetka odfúknutá. Slnko vyšlo, a čo je to čľapkanie?“ Pozrel som sa dolu a to bola voda z mojich vlastných očí. Razila si cestu cez moju sivú bradu a kvapkala na suché listy, ktoré Boh vysušil, ktoré ležali predo mnou. A takto som tam stál. Opieral som sa o ten strom. Ruku som mal takto dolu a hlava sa mi opierala o ten strom, rukou som sa takto držal remeňa pušky a stál som tam a plakal.

138Povedal som, „Bože, nie som hodný, aby som bol Tvojím sluhom.“ A povedal som, „Ja, je mi ľúto, urobil som... Urobil som tak mnoho chýb a nechcel som urobiť tie chyby, Pane. Ty si bol ku mne taký dobrý.“

139Oči sa mi zavreli a počul som niečo ako, „Dup, dup, dup, dup.“

140Zodvihol som oči a rovno predo mňa prišli tri srny. A pomyslel som si. Tam bude jedna pre brata Evansa, jedna pre brata Wooda. A tam sú tri srny. Vidíte? Práve to, čo hľadám.“ A uvoľnil som opraty a načiahol som sa pre pušku. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, sľúbil som Bohu, že to neurobím.“ Rozumiete, „Sľúbil som Mu, že to neurobím.“

141Ale niečo mi povedalo, „Ale tam to je.“

142A pomyslel som si, „Áno... To je to, čo ten muž raz povedal Dávidovi, „Boh ho vydal do tvojich rúk, povedal som.“ Viete, kráľ Saul.

143A Joáb mu povedal, povedal mu „Zabi ho, tu leží.“

144A on povedal, „Nech ma Boh chráni, aby som sa dotkol jeho pomazaného.“

145A tie srny tam stáli a dívali sa na mňa. A ja som si pomyslel, „Oni nedokážu utiecť. Nie je pre nich spôsob, ako by utiekli. Nie sú odo mňa ani 30 yardov a ja mám túto pušku a stojím tu a tam sú tri srny. Nie, nemôžem to urobiť, ja to jednoducho nemôžem urobiť.“ Bola to samica s dvomi sŕňatami. A ja som nemohol vziať tú pušku. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť.“ Ani som sa nepohol, len som tam stál. Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť, pretože som sľúbil Bohu, že to neurobím. Jednako tí bratia, oni tie srny nepotrebujú. Rozumiete? Ja, nemôžem to urobiť. Jednoducho to nemôžem urobiť.“

146A tá samica prišla, priblížila sa. Teraz počúvajte. Tam bolo asi sto mužov, ktorí tam na nich strieľali počas štyroch alebo piatich dní. Vystrašené? Prvý náznak červeného... A ja som mal na sebe červenú košeľu a červenú čiapku. Ten prvý náznak a ony sú preč. A ony tu stáli všetky tri a dívali sa rovno na mňa.

147Povedal som, „Matka, vezmi si svoje maličké a choď do lesov, si v mojich rukách. Ja... Tvoj život je v mojich rukách, ale ja ti neublížim. Sľúbil som Bohu, že to neurobím.“ Rozumiete? A ona sa priblížila bližšie [Brat Branham dvakrát pleskne o kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] Pozrela sa na mňa. Všetky prikročili bližšie, až kým prišli tak blízko, že mohli takmer jesť z mojich rúk. A oni, ten vietor fúkal rovno na nich. Tak ona sa otočila. Odišla trošku ďalej, všetky tri.

148A tu ona znovu prichádza a prišla až ku mne. Vôbec som sa nepohol, len som tam stál. Povedal som, „Choď do lesov, ja to tiež milujem. Ži. Pozri, tvoj život je v mojich rukách, ale ja ťa ušetrím. Nemohla by si utiecť, vieš, že by si nemohla.“ Mohol som zabiť všetky tri asi v jednej sekunde alebo v troch sekundách. Tak nejako. Tak rýchlo, ako by som mohol vystreliť, a oni by nestihli odbehnúť. Stáli rovno pri mne. Rozumiete? A ja som povedal, „Ušetrím vás. Choďte a žite.“ A stál som tam. Potom sa pohli a odišli do lesa.

149Takto som si pretrel tvár a práve vtedy sa niečo stalo. Nejaký hlas prehovoril, práve taký jasný, rovno z tej modrej oblohy, nie z oblaku. To všetko sa udialo behom... Len v krátkom úseku času. A nejaký hlas prehovoril a povedal, „Ty si pamätáš svoj sľub, že?“

150Povedal som, „Áno, Pane.“

151On povedal, „Ja si tiež budem pamätať Môj. Nikdy ťa neopustím a nikdy ťa nezanechám.“ To bremeno opustilo moje srdce. Ono tam dovtedy vždy bolo. Nech už tam nikdy viac nie je.

152Potom som išiel do Tusconu. Zvláštna vec, nikdy som nemal toľko vecí, ktoré sa stali, odkedy som prišiel dolu. Verím, že to bol Boh, ktorý to držal pre tú hodinu. Verím, že čas je teraz nablízku, že niečo sa musí stať.

153Ak by sme len mohli prijať túto pravdu. No, pozastavte sa na chvíľu. Ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, čo toto miesto Písma znamená.

„Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

Nedokážeme to porozumieť a pri tom hovoríme, že tomu rozumieme. A vieme, že je to pravda, ale v skutočnosti tomu nerozumieme.

„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

Čo je to v tebe, čo je väčšie? To je Kristus, Ten pomazaný. Boh, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v tebe. „Väčší je ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

154Potom, ak On je v tebe, to si už nie viac ty, ktorý žiješ, to je On, ktorý žije v tebe. Rozumiete? To nie je tvoje myslenie, čo si ty myslíš o tomto. To je to, čo On hovorí o tomto. Rozumiete? Potom, ak On je v tebe, On by absolútne nezaprel to, čo povedal. Nedokáže to urobiť. Ale On zachová to, čo povedal. A On sa snaží nájsť takú osobu, cez ktorú môže potvrdiť Samého Seba.

155No, to neznamená, že On to musí urobiť každému. V čase, keď Mojžiš viedol deti Izraela, tam bol jeden, a to bol Mojžiš. Tí ostatní z nich len nasledovali to Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Niektorí z nich sa snažili povstať a napodobniť to a Boh povedal, „Oddeľte sa.“ A len ich pohltil. Rozumiete?

156No, ale teraz, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Boh vo vás, ako on bol v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože všetko, čo bol Boh, On prelial do Krista, a všetko, čo bol Kristus, On prelial do cirkvi. Vidíte? To je Boh, ktorý je vo vás, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás.“

157Niet divu, že vetry a vlny ho poslúchli. Poslúchli Jeho slová, pretože to bolo Božie Slovo cez Neho. On bol človek, ale On bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom. Rozumiete? A keď prehovoril, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril cez ľudské rty. Rozumiete? Niet divu, že vetry a vlny... Práve ten Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril tie vetry a vlny, bol v Ňom. No, pomyslite na to. Pomyslite teraz hlboko na to, predtým, ako prídeme k tomuto momentu zakončenia. Niet divu, že démoni boli paralyzovaní na Jeho Slovo. To bol Boh v Ňom. To bol Boh v Kristovi. Tí démoni boli paralyzovaní. Niet divu, že mŕtvi, ktorí boli obrátení v prachu, tam už nemohli ležať na Jeho Slovo, pretože On bol Slovom.

On povedal Lazárovi, potom, čo už bol mŕtvy a páchol štyri dni, jeho tvár, nos odpadol za taký čas. „Lazár, vyjdi von.“ A ten mŕtvy človek povstal na svoje nohy. Prečo? To bol Boh. Ten, ktorý bol v Kristovi, to bol Boh. Mŕtvi nemohli obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. To bol Boh v Kristovi.

158Vetry. Pamätajte teraz. Boh stvoril vetry, to je vzduch. Boh stvoril vlny, to je voda. Ale keď sa do toho dostal diabol, on urobil, že sa to začalo prevracať, a priviedol zničenie. Boh stvoril človeka, aby boli Synovia Boží, ale potom, keď sa do nich dostáva diabol. Vidíte? To je ten problém. No, to bol diabol, ktorý sa dostal do tých vetrov, a poslal tú búrku. Či by nemohol Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril ten vietor, povedať, „Vráť sa späť tam, kde som ťa stvoril?“

Či On nie je ten istý Stvoriteľ, ktorý tam stál na tom vrchu v Coloráde, tam toho dňa? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen“ – pozn. prekl.] Vidíte?

Či On nie je ten, ktorý mohol zobrať kúsok tej ryby a zlomiť ju, a ďalší kúsok dorástol? On to v skutočnosti nemusel mať, On to mohol povedať.

Či to nie je ten istý Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril veveričky? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] Potom, ten, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v nás. Vidíte? Lebo On činí tie isté skutky, ktoré On robil. Tú istú vec.

Mŕtvi nemohli obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti na Jeho Slovo.

159Pozrite. Máme päť potvrdených vyhlásení ľudí, ktorí boli mŕtvi, a Pán dal videnie, že príde k nim a vzkriesi ich. Jeden tu sedí, rovno tu, ktorý raz zomrel, rovno, keď tu sedel. A tu je on dnes večer nažive. Padol vtedy mŕtvy na infarkt. Tam je jeho manželka, zdravotná sestra. Prišli sme k nemu, všetko bolo preč, jeho oči prevrátené a bol preč. A tu je on nažive, „Lebo väčší je Ten, tu v nás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

160Väčší je Ten, to je Boh Stvoriteľ. Vetry a vlny ho museli poslúchnuť, démoni boli paralyzovaní. Celá príroda ho poslúchla, pretože On bol Stvoriteľom tej prírody. Ó, keď na to pomyslíme. Čerpáme z toho. Potom tieto veci rozumieme. Vidíte? Čo je to? To nie je človek. Človek to nedokáže robiť. Človek je časťou stvorenia. Rozumiete? Ale to sú tie vetry a vlny, ktoré poslúchajú Stvoriteľa. Rozumiete?

A je na to potrebný Stvoriteľ, aby to urobil, „Lebo Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Ten, ktorý dokáže zapríčiniť zmätok, to je ten, ktorý je vo svete. Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je Stvoriteľ, ktorý učinil vetry. On môže pokarhať toho diabla v tých vetroch, a potom je ticho. On môže pokarhať diabla v tej búrke, a potom nie je žiadna búrka. On je Stvoriteľ, „A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

161Diabol je zo sveta. Svet mu patrí. Vždy to tak bolo, „Prečo si padol, ó, Lucifer, syn rána?“ Vidíte? Tento svet mu patrí. To je to, kedy on bol vykopnutý z neba a vrátil sa rovno sem. Vidíte?

162On bol ten, ktorý povedal Kristovi, „Tieto kráľovstvá sú moje, robím si s nimi to, čo chcem.“ Oni mu patrili a on je ten, ktorý je „vo svete.“

163Ján práve povedal učeníkom, „Počuli ste o antikristovi, ktorý má prísť, a on už je tu a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti. Ale, dieťatká, vy nie ste z tohto sveta, vy ste z Boha. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To je Kristus vo vás.

164Ten, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem, bol zamanifestovaný v osobe Ježiša Krista, Boh v Kristovi mieriaci svet zo Sebou.

Povedzme, že poviete, „Ale to bol Syn Boží, brat Branham.“ V poriadku. Zistíme, či je On večne trvajúci Boh.

165Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako slnko. A Jozua bol človek, v hriechu narodený ako ty a ja. A väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako v tom slnku, ktoré fungovalo na prikázaní Božom. Boh rozkázal tomu slnku, aby svietilo, aby sa otočilo, a ono je ovládané a kontrolované zákonmi Božími. Ale väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, ako zákony Božie, pretože ten Stvoriteľ sám bol v Jozuovi, keď sa Jozue pozrel hore na slnko a povedal, „Stoj tam, kde si. A mesiac, ty vis tam, kde si, až kým nezakončím tento boj.“ A Slnko a Mesiac ho poslúchli, pretože ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi, bol väčší ako slnko a mesiac. Ten, ktorý bol v Jozuovi!

166Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, bol väčší ako Egypt. Egypt bol tými mocnými armádami sveta. Oni mali svet v tom čase podmanený. Ale väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako bol Egypt, pretože Mojžiš premohol Egypt. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako dokonca sama príroda. Či ste na to kedy pomysleli, že Boh, ktorý vzal svoje Slovo, a dal ho Mojžišovi a povedal, „Choď tam a rozkáž slnku, aby nesvietilo?“ A slnko bolo totálne zatemnené. Je to pravda? On môže spôsobiť, že slnko bude svietiť, a že oblaky pôjdu späť, alebo môže spôsobiť, že slnko bude čierne. On je Bohom. On môže robiť, čokoľvek si On praje. A On je vo svojom veriacom dieťati. Amen. To je to.

167Nebola tam na dohľad ani jedna blcha. Možno to bol čas zimy, neboli žiadne muchy, lebo Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď a hovor Moje slová a Ja položím do tvojej mysle, čo máš povedať. A ty choď tam a zodvihni hrudu zeme a vyhoď ju do vzduchu, ten prach.“

168A povedal, „Nech sú blchy.“ A všade po celej zemi sa plazili blchy, možno v hrúbke niekoľko palcov behom pár hodín. Je to pravda? Stvoriteľ.

169Neboli tam žiadne žaby. Tak on vystrel svoju palicu a povedal, „Nech sú žaby.“ A potom boli všade nakopené, až celá zem páchla. Je to pravda?

170Keď prišiel k Červenému moru a ono bolo v jeho ceste, Boh povedal, „Prehovor k tomu moru.“ A Mojžiš prehovoril k tomu moru a väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako samo to more. Je to pravda? Ó, tak vidíte. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako čokoľvek z prírody, čo je na svete. On rozkázal prírode. Na čokoľvek, čo mu Boh povedal, aby povedal, on to povedal, a tak to bolo.

171Ten istý Boh je dnes večer s nami. Nie len s nami, ale v nás. On to dokázal, že je v nás, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Čoho sa bojíme zo sveta?

172Jedného dňa tu našli nejaký druh dinosaurieho zuba, tu hore okolo... Hádam ste o tom všetci počuli? Tu hore pri Niagarských vodopádoch. Povedali, „Vážil šesť libier.“ Myslím, že išli povedať, že je to z človeka, ale myslím, že nakoniec to definovali ako nejaký druh prehistorického zvieraťa. Tie zvieratá pravdepodobne raz žili na zemi. Kde sú teraz?

Či viete, že Všemohúci Boh by mohol rozkázať dinosaurom, aby prišli na túto zem, a behom ďalšej hodiny by boli štyridsať míľ hlboko? Či viete, že Boh by mohol zničiť tento svet blchami? On by mohol zavolať blchy. Kam idú, keď zomrú? Čo sa deje s muchou? Čo sa deje s kobylkou? Prichádza čas zimy a ide to štyridsať stupňov pod nulu a potom na jar vychádzajú von a kobylky sú všade. Odkiaľ prišli? On je Stvoriteľom, ktorý ich vypovie do existencie. On je Bohom. Príroda poslúcha Jeho Slovo.

173Tam, kde sa mnohí z mojich bratov stávajú nadšenými, potom oni majú dojem, že Boh povie aby urobili určitú vec, a oni to hovoria ako 'tak hovorí Pán', pričom to tak nie je. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa to tak nedeje.

Ale keď je to Boh, ktorý ti skutočne niečo hovorí, to sa musí stať, to tak musí byť. Rozumiete? Keď to hovorí Boh, to tak musí byť.

174Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v Egypte. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako čokoľvek, čo mohol faraón urobiť, všetky jeho čary. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v jeho mágoch. Vidíte? Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi, ako všetka príroda.

175Väčší! Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako tie levy. On dokázal tých hladných levov zastaviť. Tak čokoľvek, čo môže niečo druhé zastaviť, je väčší ako to, čo bolo zastavené. Tak tie levy vybehli hladné, aby zjedli Daniela. A väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom levovi.

176No, keď bol lev najprv stvorený, on bol priateľom človeka. To je diabol, ktorý to spôsobuje, že to robí. To je pravda. V Miléniu sa vlk a baránok budú spolu pásť a lev bude jesť slamu ako vôl, bude ležať spolu s volom. Neuškodia, ani nezničia v miléniu. Diabol bude preč. To je diabol, ktorý robí, že divá zver trhá a hryzie a žerie a všetky tie veci, to, ako to robia. To je satan, ktorý to robí. Ale väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Danielovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v levovi. Vidíte? Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v prorokovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom levovi.

177Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v tých Hebrejských deťoch. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v nich, ako ten, ktorý bol v tom ohni. Lebo oni boli hodení do ohňa a Ten, ktorý bol v nich, bol s nimi a zachoval ten oheň od toho, aby ich spálil, keď tá pec bola rozpálená sedemkrát viac, ako bola kedy rozpálená. Je to pravda? Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v tých Hebrejských deťoch, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete.

178Tam bol Nabuchodonozor alebo Balsazár. Verím, že to bol Nabuchodonozor, ktorý rozpálil tú pec sedemkrát horúcejšie, ako kedy bola rozpálená. Inšpirovaný diablom, aby vzal týchto ľudí, pretože stáli za Slovom Božím a vrhol ich do tejto pece sedemkrát horúcejšej, ako kedy bola, a to ich vôbec nemohlo spáliť. Pretože väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Sádrachovi, Mézachovi a Abednégovi, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Absolútne. Ó!

179Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako tá medená obloha, pretože on mohol priniesť dážď z medenej oblohy, z ktorej nepršalo 3 roky a 6 mesiacov.

Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako smrť. Pretože keď prišiel čas, aby zomrel, Boh videl toho starého unaveného proroka. On karhal Jezábeľ a všetok jej make-up a tie moderné veci. A on bol trochu unavený. A on ho nenechal ani kráčať domov, ako nechal Enocha. Poslal koč a zodvihol ho a vzal ho domov. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v Jeruzaleme a v Júdei a horách. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako sama smrť. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako hrob. Pretože on unikol hrobu, unikol smrti a išiel len hore v koči. Vidíte? On bol väčší a On bol v Eliášovi.

180Poviete, „ Ó, no dobre. To bol veľký človek.“

181Počkajte chvíľu. Biblia hovorí, „On bol človek, ktorý trpel podobným ako my.“ Ako ty a ja. To je pravda. Ale keď sa modlil, on veril, že dostane to, za čo sa modlí, pretože Ježiš nám povedal, „Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete, o čo prosíte, a stane sa to.“ On sa horlivo modlil, aby nepršalo. A nepršalo tri roky a šesť mesiacov. Vidíte? Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi, ako príroda.

182Čo potom s uzdravením chorých? Vidíte? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako choroba. Rozumiete? Pretože, to je prerušenie. Choroba je prerušenie práve tých Božích zákonov. No, väčší je ten, ktorý je v Tebe, ktorý je Uzdraviteľ a Stvoriteľ, ako ten diabol, ktorý prerušil ten program tvojho života. „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Eliášovi. Väčší bol ten, ktorý bol v Izaiášovi, ako bol čas alebo ktorýkoľvek z iných prorokov, pretože oni videli poza čas.

183Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Jóbovi, ako boli dokonca tie kožné červy a smrť a hrob. Pretože skrze videnie videl príchod Pánov a povedal, „Môj Vykupiteľ žije a v poslednom dni sa postaví na zemi, a hoci aj moje kožné červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Vidíte? Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Jóbovi, ako smrť. Väčší, pretože smrť sa ho snažila vziať a nemohla to urobiť. Nemohla to urobiť, pretože on povedal, „Ja znovu povstanem.“ A on povstal. On povstal.

184Počúvajte. Prial by som si, aby sme mali čas ísť v tomto ďalej. Ale rád by som sa vás opýtal otázku, ohľadne ktorej som raz počul niečo poznamenať, o tom „Kristus vo vás.“ [Brat Branham klope dvakrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.]

Tak neodpočívajte na niečom, čo ste vy urobili. Poviete, „Cítil som také trasenie. Hovoril som v jazykoch, tancoval som v Duchu.“ Nič proti tomu, to je v poriadku. Vidíte? Ale neodpočívajte na tom. Rozumiete?

Tvoj život musí byť toto, [Brat Branham klope na Bibliu – pozn. prekl.] Toto je to. Ty a toto sa musíte stať jedno. Vidíte? A potom toto manifestuje samo seba. Rozumiete?

185Tak, čo ak dnes večer, čo ak by ste mohli povedať celým svojím srdcom, keby duch Shakespeara žil vo vás, keby Shakespeare žil vo vás. Viete, čo by ste robili? Robili by ste skutky Shakespeara. Skutočne. Robili by ste to. Písali by ste básne a hry a tak ďalej, pretože Shakespeare bol tým typom umelca, veľký pisateľ, pisateľ básní. No, ak by Shakespeare žil vo vás, robili by ste skutky Shakespeara. Je to pravda?

186 Čo ak by vo vás žil Beethoven? Čo ak by vo vás žil Beethoven? Viete, čo by ste robili? Písali by ste piesne, ako Beethoven, ten veľký skladateľ. Písali by ste piesne, ako Beethoven, pretože Beethoven by bol vaším životom. Boli by ste Beethovenom znovu stelesneným. Ak by Beethoven žil vo vás, konali by ste skutky Beethovena, pretože Beethoven by žil vo vás. Je to pravda?

187Ale Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je Kristus. A ak je Kristus vo vás, potom budete konať skutky Krista, ak Kristus žije vo vás. On tak povedal. Sv. Ján 14:12, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on bude tiež činiť.“ Ak ste vy v Kristovi, alebo ak Kristus žije vo vás.

Potom Kristus je Slovo. Je to pravda? A Slovo prichádza k Jeho prorokom. Rozumiete? A ak vy, ak Kristus žije vo vás, potom skutky Krista budú cez vás vykonané, život Kristov bude žitý cez vás. Skutky, ktoré On činil, život, ktorý On žil, a všetko, to všetko bude žiť vo vás, práve tak, ako keby Shakespeare alebo Beethoven alebo ktokoľvek by žil vo vás.

188 Ak Jeho život. Ale ak vy stále žijete svoj vlastný život, potom budete konať svoje vlastné skutky. Rozumiete? Ale ak žijete život Kristov, ak Kristus je vo vás, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Ak vaše pochybnosti a frustrácie o Božom zasľúbení sú vo vás, potom tam Kristus nie je. Vidíte? Vy ste len do niečoho vypracovaní. Ale ak ten život, ak Kristus žije vo vás, On rozpozná svoje slovo a učiní svoje zasľúbenie. Rozumiete? On to urobí.

189„Keď sa modlíte, verte, že obdržíte, o čo prosíte, a bude vám to dané. Ak poviete tejto hore, „Pohni sa“, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, čo ste povedali, stane sa to, môžete mať, čo ste povedali. Otec pracuje, aj Ja dosiaľ pracujem. Amen, amen vám hovorím, že Syn nemôže činiť nič v sebe, ale čo vidí činiť svojho Otca, tak podobne činí aj Syn.“ Vidíte? A keď mu Otec ukázal, čo má robiť, vyšiel tam a bez zlyhania alebo niečoho, a povedal, „Nech sa stane,“ a bolo tak.

A ten istý Kristus žije vo vás. To žije vo vás. Potom budeme činiť Jeho skutky, pretože Kristus je Slovom, a to zasľúbenie Slova vám prináša uzdravenie. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Iste.

190On povedal, „Nezanechám vás bez útechy.“ Ako sa modlím, pýtal som sa pred chvíľou, tam v Matúšovi 24 alebo v Matúšovi 28:20. On povedal, „Prídem ku vám a budem vo vás. Ja.“ Osoba, Kristus vo forme Ducha Svätého, „Príde a bude žiť vo vás. Potom vy nebudete svoji, nebudete už viac sami svoji. Ja budem vo vás. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte? Židom 13:8 hovorí, „On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“

191 Ten, ktorý bol v Noachovi, bol väčší ako súdy vody.

A ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako súdy ohňa. Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší, pretože On zaplatil ten súd a porazil ten súd pre vás. Vidíte? Nie je ohľadne toho žiaden strach. Vidíte? Ste tam. Áno.

Väčší je ten, ktorý bol v Noachovi, ako ten, ktorý bol v súdoch vody, ktorá zničila svet, ktorý neveril. Pretože Noach uveril. A väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v ňom, ktorému uveril, ktorý k nemu hovoril, ako ten, ktorý bol vo svete. A to Noe unikol všetkému súdu, kvôli Slovu Božiemu, ktoré bolo väčšie ako to, a to ho pozdvihlo ponad súdy.

„Väčší.“ Ako by sme na tom mohli na chvíľu zostať. Vidíte?

192Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten medveď, ktorý ukradol jeho ovcu. Väčší bol Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten lev, ktorý prišiel a vzal jedného z jeho baránkov. Väčší je Ten, ktorý bol v Dávidovi, ako ten nepriateľ, Goliáš. Ten veľký Filištín, ktorý tam stál, možno dvanásť, štrnásť stôp vysoký. Mal prsty dlhé asi štrnásť palcov a kopiju ako tkáčsky návoj, celú pokrytú dvomi alebo tromi palcami hrubej vrstvy ocele alebo kovu, medi. Ale to, čo bolo v Dávidovi, bolo väčšie ako to, čo bolo v ňom.

On mal silu, svaly. On bol bojovník. On by mohol len povedať, zodvihol by len Dávida koncom jeho kopije, zavesil by ho hore a nechal by, aby ho zožrali vtáci.

193A Dávid povedal, „Ty ideš ku mne ako Filištín, v mene Filištína. Preklínaš ma v mene filištínského boha.“ A povedal, „Ty si sa chvastal, čo urobíš. A ty ideš ku mne so zbrojou a s kopijou, ale ja idem ku tebe v Mene Pána Boha a dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu z tvojich pliec.“ A on to urobil, pretože väčší bol Ten, ktorý inšpiroval Dávida do takej odvahy.

194Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako to invalidné kreslo. Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako tie nosidlá. Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako tá rakovina. Väčší je ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako to postihnutie. Väčší je On ako čokoľvek, čo existuje, čo môže diabol na teba naložiť. „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Väčší je Ten. Áno.

Väčší bol Dávid, to, čo bolo v Dávidovi. Boh v Dávidovi.

195On je v nás a to je Kristus. On bol premožiteľom každého nepriateľa pre nás. Keď bol On tu na zemi, On porazil hriech, On porazil nemoc, porazil smrť, porazil peklo, porazil hrob a teraz žije v nás ako Premožiteľ. On porazil nemoc, peklo, smrť, hrob a prišiel ku nám, aby nás oslobodil od všetkých týchto vecí. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý dokáže položiť na teba tieto klamy. Áno, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“

196To je to, ako sa dejú tieto zázraky. To je to, ako prestal ten vietor tam toho dňa. Či by to mohla urobiť ľudská bytosť? Nie veru, to je nemožné. Keď som tam stál, plakal, a tie vlny sa prevaľovali a...

Koľkí sú tu, ktorí tam boli? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Zodvihnite ruky každý, kto tam bol, tam hore v Coloráde v tom čase. V poriadku. Brat Fred, hádam, je ten jediný, ktorý je tu prítomný, myslel som, že možno brat Mann tu je, ale on... Brat, brat Evans, že tam bol? Brat Evans tam v tom čase bol. Áno, v poriadku. Áno.

197Všimnite si. Či to nie je pravda? Či to nie je to, ako sa to stalo? Tie dažde len ustáli a vetry prestali duť. Čo to bolo? Na moje slovo? Nie, pretože On mi povedal, aby som to urobil. A väčší je Ten, ktorý je v nás, ako akákoľvek príroda. Či to nie je Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol utíšiť vlny na mori, spôsobiť, že vetry sa vrátili na svoje miesto. Či On nie je Ten istý, ktorý mohol zatemniť slnko, ktorý mohol spôsobiť, že slnko bude svietiť? Dobre, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte. V poriadku.

198No, to je to, prečo sa tieto pravdivé zázraky môžu diať, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, „Veci, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť“, Sv.Ján 14:12. On, Kristus, ktorý utíšil vetry a vlny, je ich Stvoriteľom. On je stále toľko Stvoriteľom, ako bol vtedy. On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

On uzdravil chorých a zničil hriech a zmenil to všetko pre teba. A prišiel ku tebe, aby mohol s tebou prebývať. On toto všetko premohol, aby prišiel a žil v nás. On je Ten Premožiteľ, ktorý tieto veci už premohol. Dokázal to v Písmach, vrátil sa a všetko premohol a dokázal ti, že On je ten istý Boh. A po tisíc deväťsto rokoch [Brat Branham klope päťkrát na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.] On tu stále robí medzi nami tú istú vec, akú robil vtedy, ktorá premohla smrť, peklo, nemoc a hrob.

199Tento Kristus, tento „On“, On je ten, ktorý je v tebe. On je Kristus. Ako Ján povedal, „Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To bol Kristus! On je väčší ako všetko zo sveta, pretože On premohol svet a je väčší ako všetky tieto veci, pretože On to premohol pre nás. „A my sme viac ako premožitelia skrze Toho, ktorý nás zamiloval a dal samého seba za nás.“ Aby sa mohol navrátiť a činiť svoje skutky cez nás, aby nám dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

Keď On bol na zemi, On dokázal, keď stál medzi ľuďmi, že bol Mesiášom. On dokázal rozpoznať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. A Biblia hovorí, Mojžiš povedal, že, „On bude prorok.“ Je to pravda? On poznal tajnosti srdca. On vedel, kto sú tí ľudia. On vedel, čo s nimi nebolo v poriadku. Či sme to videli sa diať? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Ustavične jedno za druhým.

200My vieme, že mŕtvi boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych. Niektorí z nich boli mŕtvi jeden a pol dňa. No, zomreli jedno ráno a priviedli ich späť večer a cestovali celú noc, a na ďalší deň okolo obeda alebo krátko po obede prišli tam, kde bol stan. A malé mŕtve dieťa, studené, ležalo v náručí matky a Pán Boh ho priviedol, vypovedal Slovo Života a to dieťa sa zohrialo a začalo plakať. A podal som ju späť do náručia matky.

201Pani Stadsklevová, ktorá tu stojí, videla, ako sa to stalo. To je ten dôvod, prečo ona tak plakala za svojím dieťaťom, chcela, aby som letel do Nemecka. Ale Pán povedal, „To je Moja ruka, nekarhaj to.“ Vidíte? Vtedy viete lepšie.

Keď On povedal Mojžišovi, povedal, „Prehovor k tej skale.“ Nie udri ju. To znamenalo „prehovoriť,“ nie udrieť. Vidíte? Vy musíte poslúchať, čo On hovorí, aby ste urobili. „Ale žiaden človek nemôže činiť nič sám od seba.“ On musí najprv počuť od Boha.

202Tak Slovo Božie zasľúbilo, že On žije. A pretože On žije, vy žijete. On zasľúbil, že, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Tie isté veci, iba viac toho budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi.“ On všetky tieto veci premohol. On je Ten, ktorý zastavil...

On je Ten, ktorý učinil tieto veveričky. To sa stalo dvakrát. Raz sa to stalo dolu na tvojom mieste, Charlie. A to sa stalo potom tu hore, bratia, brat Fred a brat Banks, a oni tam boli s nami.

203Stalo sa to v Nemecku, keď tých pätnásť šamanov na každej strane odo mňa povedali... Pretože Billy a brat Arganbright im nedovolili, aby prišli za mnou. Tak potom povedali, „Dobre, spôsobíme, že tento stan bude odfúknutý.“ A oni si tam sadli so svojimi čarami a začali vzývať svojho boha, diabla, a tu on prichádza s búrkou. Bolo tam asi tridsaťtisíc, štyridsaťtisíc Nemcov a ten stan sa takto dvíhal hore a dolu.

Oni potom vzali, odrezali nožnicami kus nejakej kože a takto to nasmerovali a hovorili svoje, robili všetky tie svoje čary a hovorili tie tri sväté slová, ktoré hovoria, „Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, lu-lu-lu-lu! Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, lu-lu-lu-lu!“

204Takto to išlo a skutočne prišla búrka. Iste. „On je kniežaťom moci povetria.“ Satan. A oni privolali búrku. A teraz dokonca ten veľký stan, ktorý tam bol takto rozložený, ó, to pokrývalo asi jeden mestský blok a bolo to postavené dve na štyri, a na tom bola pripnutá plachta. A ten vietor sa dostal pod to a len to takto zodvihoval. A ten vietor a to blýskanie a lietanie, tak to išlo, a ja som len ďalej kázal.

205A, ó, oni len ďalej pokračovali s týmito svojimi veľkými čarami, pokračovali takto ďalej, hovorili tieto malé sväté slová, hovorili, „Tie tri vysoké sväté slová, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý.“ A takto na oboch stranách. A potom som ho tam videl skloneného a obkľúčeného diablami, ale nie zviazaného.

206A povedal som bratovi Lowsterovi, „Toto neprekladaj.“

207Povedal som, „Brat Arganbright, len sa modli.“

208Povedal som, „Pane Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, Ty si ma tu poslal. Ja som položil svoju nohu na túto nemeckú zem v mene Ježiša Krista, pretože Ty si ma sem poslal. A ten oblak nemá nado mnou žiadnu moc. Nemá, pretože ja som pomazaný a poslaný sem kvôli spaseniu týchto ľudí.“

„Rozkazujem ti v Ježišovom Mene, aby si odtiaľto odišiel!“

209A zhrmelo „Bum, bum, bum“. A urobilo to „Vŕŕŕŕŕ.“ A odvalilo sa to a prešlo to rovno cez ten stan a odfúklo to preč a rozsvietilo sa slnko.

210Behom desiatich minút tam bolo okolo oltárov a tých vecí asi desaťtisíc ľudí, ktorí kričali o milosrdenstvo, pretože videli moc Božiu. Prečo? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?

211Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Keď vidíte tie postihnutia v tej veci, ó, brat, nemáme sa vôbec čoho obávať. Tá veľkosť je Boh a On je v tebe. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

212No, už to preťahujem. Je asi pätnásť minút po deviatej. A viem, že títo ľudia musia šoférovať dlhú cestu.

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

213Ó, Otče Bože, ty vieš o Coloráde. Ty vieš, že tie veci sú pravda. A ja to hovorím na tvoju slávu, aby to títo ľudia mohli vedieť. Potom, čo je to všetko vedecky dokázané, tie fotografie a skutky Ducha Svätého. A, Pane, ty vieš, že on... Jasne som to ľuďom vyhlásil a vždy to tak robím, že to je preto, že Ty si to zasľúbil. A Ty si tu a snažíš sa nájsť niekoho, cez koho sa môžeš Sám potvrdiť, a nechať iných, aby videli, že Ty žiješ, a že ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Modlím sa k Tebe, Pane, aby si bol milosrdný, a aby si nás viedol a sprevádzal v našich myšlienkach.

214Sú tu takí, ktorí tu sedia a sú chorí a postihnutí. Sú tu takí, ktorí by možno zomreli, ak by nedostali pomoc od Teba. Mnohí z nich sú možno na konci cesty, kde im už viacej lekári nemôžu pomôcť. Ty si Boh a Ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A Tvoja prítomnosť je tu.

215A, Pane, my nevieme, čo toto tretie potiahnutie, ako sme sa na to odvolávali, bude. Ja to neviem, ale vieme jednu vec, že to prvé potiahnutie bola dokonalosť, druhé potiahnutie, čo je päť, to je milosť.

A, Bože, ja sa dnes večer modlím, aby si nám zjavil Seba, že po týchto veciach, ako hovoríš, „Ten, ktorý je vo vás.“ A Ty si povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež...“ A povedal si, že si nerobil nič, čo by Ti Otec nebol ukázal.

216 A my sme videli, čo si Ty robil, keď si bol schopný povedať apoštolovi Petrovi, kým je, a aké bolo meno jeho otca. Povedal si Natanaelovi, čo bolo jeho poverenie, ako sa to stalo, že tam prišiel, a kde bol predtým a čo robil. Povedal si tej žene pri studni o jej hriechoch, a čím bola, ako žila v tomto cudzoložstve s týmito šiestimi mužmi. Piatich, ktorých mala, a ten, s ktorým žila, nebol jej manželom. Ty si stále ten istý Boh. Ty si povedal...

217To bola Bartimeova slepota, ako tam stál, a pritom stále vo svojom srdci on mal zrak, že mohol vidieť, že ak Ten Jehova zamanifestovaný v Synovstve Ježiša Krista, že On bol schopný poznať jeho volanie. A on vykríkol, „Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou.“ A to Ťa zastavilo a Ty si sa obrátil a uzdravil si ho, ó, Otče, a hovoril si mu, že jeho viera ho zachránila.

218Tá malá anemická žena mala tento krvotok a zmenu života a po mnoho rokov sa to nemohlo zastaviť. Ona utratila všetky svoje peniaze na lekárov a ani jeden z nich jej nemohol pomôcť. Ona prišla na jedno z tvojich zhromaždení, ako si tam Ty hovoril k tomu mužovi, tam v Galilei, ako si bol na Svojej ceste do Jairovho domu. Táto malá žena povedala vo svojom srdci bez toho, žeby mala k tomu Písmo, „Ak sa len môžem dotknúť Jeho rúcha, verím, že budem uzdravená.“ A ona dostala svoju túžbu, keď sa dotkla Jeho rúcha. A Ty si jej povedal, že to urobila jej viera, opísal si jej žiadosť a ona bola uzdravená.

219Je nám v Slove povedané, že Ty si Veľkňazom, ktorý sedí na výsostiach, ktorý stále žije a prihovára sa. A tiež to, že Ty, súc Veľkňazom v tomto čase, že môžeš byť dotýkaný našimi slabosťami. Pane Bože, udeľ to, aby tu dnes večer každá osoba mohla byť... Mala to privilégium dotknúť sa dnes večer Teba, toho veľkého Veľkňaza, a bola uzdravená. Na slávu Božiu to prosím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

220Tak ja ne... Sú tam modlitebné karty? Povedal som Billymu, aby ne... Či má niekto modlitebné karty? V poriadku, to je dobré. Ja som mu povedal, aby ich nerozdával. Myslel som si, že možno by to bolo trochu dlhé, ako... Ó, ja tak veľa rozprávam. Ale pozrite. A vy ste mi povedali, keď som povedal, „Budem sa snažiť zakončiť o osem-tridsať.“ Vy ste sa smiali a ja som vedel, že vy viete, o čom hovoríte. Ja som... Ale ja vás milujem. Rozumiete?

221To, čo sa snažím robiť, vždy som sa snažil toto, priateľu, nikdy nie preto, aby niekto povedal, „brat Branham toto urobil.“ Brat Branham nemôže urobiť nič. Rozumiete? To je Ježiš Kristus. A On je Ten, ktorý je vo mne a vo vás. Vy musíte len veriť. Či to nie je pravda? Rozumiete? Ten, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako vaša nemoc.

222Koľkí ľudia sú tu teraz chorí na svojich telách, ktorí ma nepoznajú, ale veríte, že máte dostatok viery, aby ste sa dotkli toho Veľkňaza. Zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „Verím tomu.“

V poriadku. Prakticky všade sú teraz ruky. V poriadku. Koľkí tu, ktorí ma poznajú a vedia, že neviem nič o tom, akú máte potrebu, a chcete, aby sa vás Boh dotkol. Zodvihnite svoju ruku. Vidíte? V poriadku.

223Úprimne povedané, nie je tu nikto, o kom by som tu teraz vedel v tomto prítomnom čase, že by bol chorý. Ale tento chlapec tu, poznám ho. Modlil som sa za neho mnohokrát. Neviem si spomenúť na jeho meno, ale on je tu dolu z Kentucky. Píše mi po celý čas, je to osobný priateľ brata a sestry Woodových a tých a on sem prichádza a navštevuje zhromaždenia dlhý, dlhý čas. To je jediná osoba, ktorú poznám.

224No, brat Dauch, pokiaľ viem, je v poriadku, inak by tu nesedel. On bol jedného dňa veľmi chorý a Pán ho uzdravil.

225Túto osobu nepoznám. Ja neviem, kto je toto, tu s tými barlami, možno tamtá osoba v kresle. Ja neviem.

A mnohých z vás poznám, ale Boh v nebi vie, že v tomto čase, ja neviem, čo vy chcete. Nemám tušenia. Je to tu tak trochu ťažké v modlitebni, pretože vidíte, ja poznám mnoho ľudí.

226No, tu je to, čo to je. Keď prídete na miesto... No, ja tu niekedy prichádzam a hovorím, „V poriadku, dáme každému modlitebnú kartu a zoradíme ich a prídu tu na pódium.“ Niekto odíde... No, vy nemôžete...

Tak, priatelia, idem otvoriť svoje srdce a niečo vám povedať. Nedokážem to ukryť. Práve to, čo si myslíte, ja to viem. To je pravda. Viem, čo si myslíte. Rozumiete? A niekedy hovoríte, „Brat, ja verím.“ No, dobre, veríš do určitej miery. Rozumiete? Ja viem.

227A rovno tu, no teraz, práve teraz, to pomazanie na mňa práve prichádza. Vidíte? A ja môžem len cítiť ten pulz, niečo ako udieranie, taký tlkot z rôznych miest. Rozumiete?

Ale teraz, nepochybujte už viac. Verte celému Posolstvu. Verte to. Ak to nie je to, ak to nie je napísané v Biblii, potom tomu neverte. Ale ak to je v Biblii, potom Duch Svätý, ktorý žije v nás, je zaviazaný uskutočniť to, v čo veríme. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

Viem, že je to ťažké. Vidíte, nič neprichádza ľahko.

228Bolo to pre Neho ťažké zomrieť, aby mohlo byť toto pre vás vyprodukované. Bolo to pre Neho ťažké ísť na Golgotu, On chcel zostať, dokonca až toľko, že zvolal, „Nie moja vôľa, ale Tvoja nech sa stane.“ Vidíte? On nechcel odísť. On bol mladým mužom a mal svojich bratov. On ich miloval tak, ako ja milujem vás. Ale On nemohol žiť, a aby oni tiež žili, tak On zomrel, aby sme my mohli žiť. To nebolo ľahké. Musel to urobiť. Pozrite, aká smrť ležala pred ním, „Otče, prišla hodina, a či mám povedať, aby si odo mňa vzal tento kalich? Nie.“ On to nechcel urobiť. On chcel, aby sa stala Božia vôľa.

229No, pozrite. Ak len budete veriť tej istej veci. No, nie... Nie... Vôbec to nezatieňte. Len tomu verte. [Brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.] Len tomu absolútne verte. Nepochybujte. Verte tomu.

230Ak privádzam ľudí hore do modlitebného radu a hovorím, „V poriadku, teraz táto osoba. Ty vieš, že ťa nepoznám.“

231„Nie, to je pravda, brat Branham.“

232Potom rovno tam niekde zachytávate niekoho, kto hovorí, „No, on len číta to, čo oni dali na tú modlitebnú kartu. Telepatia.“ To iste tak urobí.

233Potom poviem, „V poriadku, teraz túto nedeľu nebudeme rozdávať žiadne modlitebné karty. Chcem, aby tu každý, kto je medzi nami cudzí, ktorý tu nikdy predtým nebol, aby sa postavil.“ Rozumiete? A potom sa Duch Svätý rovno obráti a rozlíši všetko, čo v nich je. Rozumiete? Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Videli ste to oboma spôsobmi.

234„Ó, to, tam je na tom niečo nesprávne.“ Vidíte? Nie je žiaden spôsob, vy nemôžete... Rozumiete? Tak dlho, ako satan môže dostať to vlastníctvo, on spôsobí, že budete veriť čomukoľvek.

A on vám ukáže každú chybu, ktorú mám, a ja ich mám mnoho, ktoré vám môže ukázať. Ale nedívajte sa na to. Nedívajte sa na to, ja som človek. Rozumiete? Ale pamätajte, toto Slovo Božie je pravda a ja sa ním snažím žiť.

235Ak by som tu išiel a začal robiť zlé veci, ktoré nie sú správne, začal hrešiť a piť a fajčiť, alebo robiť veci, ktoré nie sú správne, vy príďte a zavolajte si ma, pretože to sa nepatrí. Ja chcem potom ten svet opustiť. Ja nie... Chcem ho opustiť skôr, ako sa to stane. Rozumiete? Ja to nechcem robiť.

236Ale tak dlho, ako sa snažím žiť podľa toho, čo je správne, a robiť to, čo je správne. Rozumiete? A snažím sa žiť, ako by Kresťan mal žiť, a potom nechávam Boha, aby vzal Svoje Slovo a počul ma, že pri Ňom stojím. Hoci ma to stálo mnohých priateľov a popularitu sveta a také veci a som nenávidený mnohými a denomináciami, vykopnutý. Stále pri tom chcem byť verný tomuto Slovu. To je Božie Slovo a ja Boha milujem. Tak to je Božie Slovo a ja vám hovorím, že „On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky,“ a On je teraz v nás. A ak...

237Ak by život Shakespeara bol vo mne, žil by vo mne, ak by Shakespeare žil vo mne, či by som nerobil skutky Shakespeara? Ak by vo mne žil Beethoven, či by som nerobil skutky Beethovena? Ak by duch Dillingera bol vo mne, ak by John Dillinger žil vo mne, či by som ja nebol Johnom Dillingerom? Ak by bol Beethoven vo mne, nebol by som Beethovenom? Rozumiete? Ak by bol vo mne Castro, či by som nebol Castrom? Rozumiete?

A ak je Ježiš Kristus vo mne, Jeho skutky budem činiť, pretože to je On. A či On nepovedal to isté, že sa tak stane? Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

238Tak, čo by On urobil, ak by tu stál, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? On by povedal, „Ja môžem činiť len to, čo mi Otec ukáže, aby som činil.“ Je to pravda? No, to je to, ako to On robil včera.

A tak, je ten istý? Čo s chorobou? Tvoja cena je už zaplatená. Každý jeden z vás je už uzdravený zo svojej nemoci. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Lebo, to... Každému jednému z vás je odpustené, ale vy to musíte prijať. Každý jeden z vás je uzdravený, ale musíte to prijať.

239No, aby som dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ak by On tu stál, On by vás nemohol uzdraviť, vôbec nie s vašou neverou. Museli by ste tomu veriť práve tak, ako tomu musíte veriť práve teraz. Muselo by to byť to isté. Rozumiete? „Pretože mnoho mocných skutkov On nemohol učiniť vo svojom dni, kvôli ich nevere.“ Je to pravda? Mnoho mocných skutkov On nemôže učiniť dnes kvôli nevere.

240No, kto to mohol predpovedať? Boh. Kto to bol, kto povedal toto? Boh. Kto to bol, kto urobil toto? Boh. Kto to je, kto povedal, že medveď, jeleň, karibu, všetky tieto ostatné veci a tých sedem... Všetky veci, že sa stali. Kto to bol, kto to povedal? On, Kristus, ktorý je v nás, a prorokuje Samého Seba cez nás, zjavuje Samého Seba, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

Kto zastavil vetry? Kto stvoril veveričky? Ten istý, ktorý stvoril toho barana pre Abraháma, keď on... Nazval ho, „Jehova Jireh.“ Tie zložené vykupiteľské mená sa na Neho stále aplikujú. On je stále Jehova Jireh, „Pán si môže poskytnúť obeť.“

241Tak, každý jeden z vás, chcem, aby ste teraz boli vo svojej najhlbšej úprimnosti. Ak to budete skutočne veriť z celého svojho srdca, potom nebude v našom strede ani jedna slabá osoba, v čase, keď sa tie hodiny pohnú o päť minút od teraz. Nebude tu žiadna osoba, ktorá by nestála na svojich nohách, zdravá, ak tomu len budete veriť. Môžete veriť?

242Pozrime sa teraz, či On ku nám príde a zjaví samého seba, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy.

243Pane Ježišu, pomôž mi teraz. A ja poslúchnem Teba, Pane, so všetkým, ako len viem. Odpusť moje hriechy a prestúpenia. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

244No, vezmime teraz túto stranu tu, niekoho tu. Verte, majte vieru, nepochybujte! Niekto, kto ma nepozná, ak je možné. Nedokážem povedať, kam ide to videnie. Musím to len pozorovať. A ak to On urobí, potom viete, či je to pravda alebo nie. Vy len verte a nepochybujte. Ak to On urobí, či budete veriť. Potom, ako sa toto dnes stane. Rozumiete? Len príjmite svoje uzdravenie. Povedzte, „Pane, ja sa teraz dotýkam Ježiša Krista. Verím.“ Nech to teraz Boh neba udelí.

245„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, Kristus, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Tak na zhromaždení, kde sa Ho dotýkame, On na to reaguje, ako sa tá žena dotkla Boha skrze Krista a On reagoval na jej potreby.

246Vidím tu teraz tam v rohu, vyzerá to ako muž, je na tom veľmi vážne. Nie, nie je to, to je žena, ktorá sa modlí za nejakého muža, a ten muž tu nie je. Ale to je žena. Vidím, že tá žena... To je jej otec a on zomiera na rakovinu. [Brat Branham urobil pauzu. – pozn.prekl.] A je na tom veľmi vážne. Ten muž tu nie je. On je na inom mieste. To nie je ani v tejto krajine. Ale je, je to v Georgii. [Brat Branham robí pauzu.]

Len sa ďalej modlite. Veríte teraz z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-pozn.prekl.] Len sa ďalej modlite.

Meno tej ženy, ktorá sa modlí, je pani Jordanová. Ona nie je z Georgie. Ona je zo Severnej Karolíny. Ak je to pravda, pani, postav sa na svoje nohy. V poriadku, je to pravda. [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ďakujem ti, Bože! Ďakujem ti, Bože!“-pozn.prekl.] Modlila si sa za to? [Áno, pane, za môjho ocka.] V poriadku, v poriadku. [Tá sestra ďalej hovorí o svojom otcovi.]

Veríš teraz že, „Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete?“ [Tá sestra hovorí, „Verím.“-pozn.prekl.] Či veríš teraz, že On...

247Pozri, tu je ešte niečo iné. Ty si mala nejaký veľký tréning vo svojich včasných dňoch alebo niečo také, pretože vyzerá to tak, že máš niečo spoločné s nejakým druhom kresťanského... Nie je tvoj otec kazateľ, alebo niekto ako to, niekto z tvojich ľudí alebo niečo? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Môj manžel.“ – pozn.prekl.] Tvoj manžel, to je on. Môžem vidieť niekoho ako stojí pri tebe a káže Evanjelium a ty si bola v cirkvi. On má s tebou niečo spoločné. [„Sláva Pánovi“] V poriadku, tu to máte.

No, ja tú pani nepoznám, ale Boh pozná tú ženu.

248No, nemáš niečo vo svojej kabelke, nejakú malú vreckovku, alebo niečo také? V poriadku, potom to daj na... Keď si sadneš, polož svoje ruky na tú vreckovku a nepochybuj, a Ten, ktorý je v tebe, je väčší ako ten, ktorý zabíja tvojho ocka. Ver z celého svojho srdca, aby sa tak stalo, ako veríš.

249Tak, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ja tú ženu nepoznám. Pokiaľ viem, po prvýkrát, hádam, kedy som ju videl. Ale ona tu sedí v zúfalom stave a modlí sa. A ten istý Boh, ktorý sa mohol otočiť a povedať tej žene o jej krvotoku, je ten istý Boh tu a ukazuje, že Ten, ktorý je vo vás, premohol svet. Či veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Ak len máte vieru, nepochybujte.

250Keď hovoríme o rakovine, znovu vidím ten čierny tieň. To je nad jednou ženou, ktorá sedí rovno tu. On má rakovinu hrtanu a je v zlom stave. A za ňu sa niekto modlil, a ona sa snaží prijať svoje uzdravenie. Paní Bartonová, ak len môžeš veriť! Ja tú ženu nepoznám, ale ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca... Skutočne, tá vec...

Dovoľ mi, aby som ti vysvetlil, čo sa snažíš robiť. Ty si stratila svoj hlas z toho a snažíš sa modliť za tvoj hlas, aby bol prinavrátený. Je to pravda? Zamávaj takto rukou. No, tá žena je pre mňa cudzia. Ja ju nepoznám. Vidíte ju? Je to pravda, áno, tam je. Vidíte? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, tá viera, ktorá sa Ho môže dotknúť, ako ten, ktorý je v tvojom hrtane.“

Veríte z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.]

251Sestra Larsenová, teba poznám. Ona je majiteľkou bytu, v ktorom bývame. Ale setra Larsenová, ty si bola u lekára alebo niečo, niečo také. Si pripravená ísť na operáciu. To je pravda. Je to pravda? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, sestra Larsenová, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Ježiš povedal, „Bol som cudzincom a vy ste mňa vzali do vnútra. Nakoľko ste to urobili jednému z mojich najmenších, mojich maličkých, Mne ste to urobili.“

Ó, Nebeský Otče, buď milostivý!

252Čo si myslíš? Ty si tiež pripravená ísť na operáciu. Si mi cudzia. Je to pravda? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ty nie si odtiaľto. [„Ja ťa poznám, ale ty ma nepoznáš.“] Ty ma poznáš, ale ja ťa nepoznám. [Ty ma nepoznáš.] Ale Boh ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? [„Áno, verím.“] Ty si pred operáciou, nežiješ tu. Bývaš blízko Bedfordu, Springville, niečo také ako... To je to, kde to je, Springville. Pani Bartonová... Nie, nie. Prepáč, to som nemyslel, pani Parkerová, to je tvoje meno, že? Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý sa ťa snaží zabiť. Je to pravda? Či to veríš z celého svojho srdca? Potom nebudeš potrebovať operáciu, ak veríš.

253Čo si o tomto všetko myslíš, sestra? Ja ťa nepoznám. Si mi cudzia. Či mi veríš, že som Jeho prorok? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Verím tomu.“ – pozn.prekl.] Veríš. Ďakujem ti. Boh to uctí. Ty si pani Whiteová. Prichádzaš z Ford Worth, Texas. Máš svalovú nemoc, nervový stav. Si na tom veľmi zle. Nie je pre teba nádej, čo sa týka medicínskej vedy. Tvoj manžel, on má duchovnú potrebu, za ktorú sa modlíš. Máte tam syna a on má ťažkosti s chrbtom a srdcové ťažkosti. Máte tam malého chlapca, ktorého má na svojich kolenách. Ten malý chlapec má niečo s rečou, za čo sa modlíte. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. [Ten manžel hovorí, „To je pravda. To sú naše potreby.“ – pozn.prekl.]

„Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Z celého svojho srdca? [„Amen.“] So všetkým, čo je tam? [„Amen.“]

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

254Teraz On prešiel tou budovou. On vám dokázal, že On je Bohom. „Väčší, to je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ To je Pán Boh. Teraz, On, ktorý je vo vás, nechajte Ho, aby mal to prvenstvo. Nech On má ten dohľad toho, čo vy...

Povedzte teraz, rovno teraz vo svojom srdci, ak môžete z celého svojho srdca a verte tomu, „Tá nemoc, ktorá bola v mojom tele, je preč.“ Rozumiete? „Nie som už viacej postihnutý. Nemám už viac nemoc. Ten, ktorý je vo mne, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v mojom tele. Ten, ktorý je v mojom srdci, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v mojom tele. Preto, ten, ktorý je v mojom srdci, stvoril nebo a zem. Moje telo bolo kontaminované satanom a ja som chrámom Ducha Svätého, aby tam žil. Preto satan, ja ti rozkazujem, aby si opustil moje telo. V Mene Ježiša Krista vyjdi zo mňa.“ Rozumiete? Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

Modlime sa teraz všetci svojím vlastným spôsobom, každý jeden, zatiaľ čo sa modlím za vás.

255Všemohúci Bože, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, Autor života, Zjavovateľ tajnosti srdca, Ty si povedal, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a je dokonca rozoznávateľom myšlienok mysle.“

256To je ten dôvod, keď sa to Slovo stalo telom, to vedelo, čo si o tebe myslia, ako On prezrel ich myšlienky. On bol Slovom, a to Slovo poznalo tajnosti ich sŕdc.

A to Slovo je stále to isté Slovo. A my to dnes vidíme zjavovať sa v nás po dvetisíc rokoch, pretože On to napísal na papier a je tu, aby to potvrdzoval, ukazoval, a to je pravda.

257Ležia tu vreckovky. Nemocní ľudia sú všade. Modlím sa, aby ten Veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý je prítomný, ktorý tieto veci ukazuje, ktorý hovorí tieto veci a nikdy nezlyháva, ale len to, čo je pravda, ani jedenkrát to nezlyhalo, pretože to je Boh. Nech On pomaže tieto vreckovky Tvojou prítomnosťou a nech uzdraví každú chorú osobu, na ktorú je to položené. A Ten Boh, ktorý môže byť nažive po dvetisíc rokoch a môže sa vyformovať do sŕdc hriešnikov, ktorí boli vykúpení milosťou a vierou a môže hovoriť Svoje Vlastné Slová cez smrteľné pery a sledovať, ako sa to deje presne tak, ako On zasľúbil.

258Ó, Pane Bože, prosím Ťa, aby si nám bol milostivý, a nech každý muž a žena, ktorí sú tu prítomní, ktorí majú akýkoľvek druh nemoci alebo postihnutia, a tak, ako sa Mojžiš postavil do medzery za ľudí, dnes večer ja kladiem svoje srdce pred Teba, Pane. A so všetkou vierou, ktorú mám, ktorá je v Tebe, ktorú si mi Ty dal, ja dávam im. Ako povedal Peter pri bráne, ktorá sa volala Krásna, „To, čo mám, to ti dávam. V Mene Ježiša Krista, vstaň a choď.“ A ten muž, ktorý bol chromý, slabý, za pár chvíľ, ale zatiaľ, čo ho držali, jeho kĺby dostali silu. On vstúpil do domu Božieho a skákal a chválil a žehnal Boha.

259Ty si Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A jeho apoštoli povedali, „To, čo mám, to ti dávam.“ To bola viera. A ja hovorím, to, čo mám, dávam tomuto obecenstvu. V Mene Ježiša Krista z Nazaretu, odmietnite svoju nemoc, pretože väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten diabol, ktorý sa snaží vziať váš život. Ste deti Božie. Ste vykúpení.

260Rozkazujem satanovi, aby opustil týchto ľudí. Nech Boh, ktorý odtlačil tú búrku tam toho dňa. A Ten Boh, ktorý spôsobil, že vetry a vlny prestali, nech môže na to dozrieť, aby každá nemoc bola od týchto ľudí vzatá, a moc Kristova, aby bola prejavená v ich životoch v tejto hodine. Nech každý hriešnik činí pokánie. Nech každá osoba, ktorá nie je blízko Teba, nech sa dá do poriadku v tejto hodine. Nech to tak je v Mene Ježiša Krista.

261Ja, ako váš pastor, váš brat, s vierou, ktorú mám, prosil som Boha, aby to na vás umiestnil. A ja verím, že obdržím to, o čo som prosil. Ak to teraz budete veriť so mnou, s tou vierou, ktorú mám, dávam vám to pre túto hodinu.

A teraz v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, odmietnite svoje postihnutie, svoju nemoc, a povedzte jej, „Musíš ísť.“ Pretože vy máte vieru, plus moju vieru s mocou Ježiša Krista, ktorý je všade prítomný tu a potvrdzuje to, a dokazuje, že On je tu, On vás v tomto čase uzdraví.

262Veríš tomu, pani, ktorá ležíš na tom lehátku? [Tá sestra hovorí, „To je pravda.“ – pozn. prekl.] Hoci by tvoje svaly boli všetky, ako to nazývajú, skleróza a tie veci. Môžeš chodiť, ak sa pokúsiš. Postav sa v Mene Ježiša Krista. Pomôžte jej tam. Tu ide. Či veríte? Vy ostatní z vás, povstaňte, ak veríte. Verte tomu. Jej kĺby dostali silu. [Zhromaždenie sa raduje a hlasno oslavuje Pána – pozn. prekl.]

Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky a oddajme Mu chválu.

263Veľký Jehova Boh, v Mene Ježiša Krista, odovzdávame sa Ti pre uzdravenie. Amen.

HE THAT IS IN YOU, 63-1110E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 124 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you.

Let's just remain standing just a moment while we pray. Let's bow our heads now. And all that would like to be remembered in this prayer, raise your hands and say, "God, it's me."

2 Most Holy and Gracious God, we bring this people before You, with the requests that they have. They asked to be remembered. And, Lord, my hand up also. I pray Thee to be merciful to us. Thou knowest our needs, and we would pray, as You have taught us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven." Father, we would ask tonight for mercy, for liberty of Spirit, that we might be able to bring to the people the Gospel Truth, and the what we believe to be the Message of this hour, for Your Church. Lord, praying that we are a portion of that Church that's to be called out in the last days! Father, if we are not that portion, then reveal to us what we must do to be that portion. And give us grace, power, in this trying hour that's upon the earth to try all them that dwell here. Give us of Thy Holy Spirit, to lead us and guide us, that we might finally, at the end, come to Thee in peace, for that Eternal Life that all believers has looked forward to since the beginning of time. Help us, Lord. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 I am indeed grateful for the privilege of being out here tonight--tonight, and for the grace of God that's been given to us through Jesus.

4And then about the--the Message this morning, now, I want everyone to thoroughly understand. Now, I am trusting to God that it isn't that time. See? But the Message is truth. The Message is true. It will, it will be sometime, if this isn't that time. And it looks so much like the time, till I felt like Paul of old, who said, "I haven't shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel," see, everything that's to be done.

5 There was one thing that I did this morning, that I'm sorry that I said it. I--I called a brother's name that I think is in error. I shouldn't have done that. I never call a person's name; and if the tape would happen to fall in his hands. And I want to see him and talk to him, because I think the brother, a great man, a good man that's preached right here in the pulpit, Brother David duPlessis. And I didn't mean to call his name. I was worried about the Message, and so forth, about whether what if it is this time, and I called the brother's name. I don't do that. I'm sorry I did it. I love Brother David duPlessis. He is our brother, and I--I do think that a smart man like that should be more instructed in the Scripture.

I tell you what it is. It's, the talk that David and I had...

6 He once spoke for me in the meetings. He preached right from this pulpit, or the old church, right here from the pulpit. And his brother, Justus, was my interpreter in South Africa, where I'm returning. And they're out of a fine family, a Pentecostal home, a real fine person. David was, I believe, the chairman, one time, of the World Pentecostal Assemblies, and at the Pentecostal World Conference. He was one of the chairmen. And later he come to the United States and settled in, out in Texas, with Brother Gordon Lindsay, and then just started preaching around different places.

7 But what it was, where I think that our precious brother made the error; just like I'm subject, or anyone else; he started dealing with the up-and-ups. He kept talking about the Princeton University and the places that was inviting him, thinking that he was doing what was right, and was feeding fodder right into the machine; see, and such rejoicing!

As not only that, but the Full Gospel Business Men, which sponsors my meeting, worldwide--wide. See? I--I love those men, see, but I certainly don't agree with them upon the principles that they--they are--they're... They have--they have left from where, their principles, they started, and now becoming just like any other organization or anything. See? And what it is, they're not trying to remain pentecostal, but they're trying to mix pentecost and the rest of it together.

8 And looks to me like that Brother duPlessis, a wonderful, fine man like that, would know enough about the Scripture that when he sees the sleeping virgin trying to buy Oil, the time is passed. See? Remember, when she came to buy Oil, there was no Oil left. That's the Scripture. And she said, "Give us of your Oil," to the Church, but she did not receive It. She might jump up-and-down, speak in tongues, and whatevermore, but, according to God's Own Word, she did not receive It. And she was out into outer darkness; and there was weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, when the elected Bride had done gone in. The--the wise virgin had Oil in her lamp.

9 Now, I--I know another man, something that happened just the other day. What it is, is these fine people, see, getting a little, you know what I mean, a little hold among the people. And the first thing you know, they feel that that's God doing that. And many times, that's the Devil doing that. See?

10Jesus had a chance to come before Herod; He had a chance before many, and they wanted to use Him for showmanship. See?

That's all they are trying to do to Pentecost. Pentecost come out of those things, to be different. "And like a hog to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit, turns right back again," and now in the Ecumenical Council. See? It's too bad. It's a shame.

11 God keep me little and humbles, so that He can reveal His Truth. See? I never want to do that; no bright lights, and no flare and flash to the world. Let me take the way with the Lord's despised few. Let me stay with the Word.

12 Now talking about the Ecumenical Council consolidating with the Vatican. Do you believe that they could consolidate on the Word? They might in organization, but they can't on the Word. See? That's right. So there is nothing to compromise. See? An organization, it's all the same, everything the same; it's perfectly in line, mother and daughter. But when it comes to this Word, I'm just as firmly against Methodist and Baptist and Presbyterians, as I am against Catholicism, 'cause it's mother and daughter, according to this Word. It's this Word that I stand by, see, This, every Word of It.

13 Now, this precious brother, he and his wife are my close friends. Many of you seen the magazine, where how that that precious, God-sent brother could ever let his wife... Somebody told her she looked like Jacqueline Kennedy, and she bushed up a one of them great big haircuts and thing. What is it? She associates with them kind of people, all the time, and finally...

A good man taking a bad woman, she'll either become a good woman or... I mean, a good man taking a bad woman, she'll either become a good woman or he'll become a bad man. Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are. See? Birds of a feather, flock together. Keep away from shiny stuff!

14 I climbed down in a mine, the other day, way in the top of the mountains on the Arizona and--and Mexico line. Brother Sothmann and I, setting here, was up there together. And I got in there and dug out a bunch of what... It looks just exactly like gold. But the only way you can tell it isn't gold, it shines better than gold. It shines. And gold does not shine, it glows. See? And what it's called, is "fool's gold." It's not even worth as much as the rock that it's in. It's called iron pyrite. I think, in the--the... The scientists claim that the waters and the leaking acids, and things, never got there quite enough to harden it and bringing it into a place to make it gold. So it--it shines better, but it don't have the chemical in it.

And that's just the way a lot of make-belief Christianity is, see, it'll shine, and like Hollywood. But the Church glows with the Gospel.

15 Now, some sister here, Billy just showed me, was nice enough to go get this Life magazine, this picture, and blow it up, of that of the seven Angels, and have it taken and sent to me. That is the picture. And now if you'll notice here, as it was leaving, ascending back, when the Angels had brought Their Message, it was in the form of a pyramid; just exactly what I told you, three months before it happened, the way it would be. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

And the notable Angel, with His wings back on the side, back, laying back, you remember Him. Said, "He had His head... coming this speed." Don't you even see the wings there? And there is the Angel there, just exactly the way it was said.

16 Now, only God can do that. They have a photograph laying here, too, of a woman that said... Many times, people say...

17In the--the discernment, say, "This person is shadowed to death, a dark shadow."

18Now they say, "Well, he just says that." See, that's the people that can't go all the way, they can't see that. They can shout with you, they can--they can talk with you; but when it comes to really believing all, whole soul and body, they can't do it.

So, but you see, if God is in it, and telling the Truth, this is the last time of history. This is the last of the world's history. It's closing. There'll be time no more, someday. God is confirming everything, both spiritually and scientifically.

19When I said, a little boy, "A Pillar of Light, looked like a star."

20 How many remembers, old times, they used to call It "Star"? When It appeared down here on the river, when He said, "As John the Baptist, sent..."

21Now, finally, That come down, and the picture was taken of It. We used to have one here, somewhere. Yeah, they say it's over on the corner; I can't see it. Scientifically proves that's the Truth.

22And now, and saying the people were "shadowed." Now, here was a woman, a photograph. There it is, regular, just like any other photograph; like one taking this one, a machine. I said... A person was wondering about that. And said to the woman, "You are shadowed to death, with cancer. There is a dark shadow." She turned and took the picture. The woman has been here to testify, and may be here yet tonight, for all I know. See?

Now, there is the woman with like a black hood over her. All right, now, there is the scientific proof that that is the truth. And immediately after the woman was pronounced "well," they took the picture, and it wasn't there. What struck the lens then? And what left, that didn't--wasn't on the lens when it was pronounced that she was healed? See?

Now, standing here, told you that the Angels was coming.

23 Brother Fred, being one... I seen Brother Fred a while ago. I thought he was right over here, but I've missed him somewhere. Oh, back here, that's right. He was standing within a--a two mile, or a mile and a half, or two mile, of where I was; heard the explosion, felt the rock, and everything else, when it went off. That right, Brother Fred?

And there was the Angels that sent back with them Message. And here it even is in the pyramid form, as I showed you what it would be in here, told you how They'd be standing, before I left.

Photograph after photograph, across the country, took it, plumb into Mexico, being thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it. And so high that even moisture or nothing can... Moisture don't travel over about eight or nine miles, high, then they was out to a place where there's nothing to make moisture. See? And this was, I think it was either twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across it, or either it was--it was twenty-... or thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it, one or the other. The Life magazine packed it, or Look. Which was it, Look or Life? Life, Life magazine. I think, May the 17th, issue. That's it.

24 Now there it is, scientifically, proof that it is the Truth, so therefore we--we don't worry about whether it's Truth; both scientifically, and spiritually, what was said come to pass. So, the Message of the Seven Seals, in their closing, that's the Message of the entire Bible. The Seven Seals closes the New Testament and sealed it up. That is true. Now, we know that that is, by prophetic utterance, by scientific, and by the Word. Three has give the witness to it, that it's the Truth.

25 Therefore, we know that we're at the end time. We're here. I don't know how far away, I--I... He'll never let us know that, because His Coming will be "as a thief in the night." My friends, my brother, sister, let's just be ready, regardless. Let's just chaste ourself. See? Because, the world will go right on. They'll never even know it's happened. When the doors of mercy is closed, preachers will be preaching salvation, be--be causing people to repent, going right on just like it always did. It did in other ages, and it did in... It will in this age.

And the Rapture will be so sudden and so quick, that the world will never even miss them, that they're gone. Right. They'll know nothing about it. He comes and slips Her away. It'll be gone, they'll know nothing about it.

So, be in prayer. Pray for me. I'll pray for you. We don't know when that hour will be, but we believe it'll be soon. Stay away from shiny things. Stay with the Gospel, see, stay right there now, and pray.

26 Now, Billy wrote me a letter here, or a note rather, and said someone wanted to dedicate a baby. If that's right, (is it?) raise up your hand, if some... Yeah, two babies. All right, bring them up right away. And Brother Neville... And I wonder if our sister at the piano would come over here just a moment, for the baby dedication. We don't want to leave out any.

27Now, remember, by this time tomorrow night, the Lord willing, I'll be in New York City. And we're going there on the battleground, to "fight the good fight of Faith."

28So just right here, sister, if you will. Right here in front, and I'll pick them up. Yes, ma'am. Thank you. And now we are...

29How many will pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if God is willing; which, I hope He is; Sunday, a week... If it's all right with Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "That's fine."] Sunday, a week, I'll be back again, on my road to Louisiana, and stop over for a meeting here at the church. ["Amen."]

30 I want to thank you all for your kindness. That lady that sent me that candy up there, I--I appreciate that. Don't know who the lady was. Someone sent me a box of candy and some little puffballs like that. It was really, really delicious. I'm filled up on it right now, and I--I thank you. And you think them little things don't mean much? It sure does; little token. And different ones handing in their little love gifts. And showing Billy Paul, and giving them, and things. I--I get it, see. You don't know how I appreciate it! God bless you. I'll remember it, see, how much more does He remember it. "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones, you have done it to Me." See? Now, mercy will be shown when mercy is given.

31 Now, we have some fine little fellows here. Would you... I want you to stay there and sing Bring Them In, afterwards. All right, you brothers come up here just a minute.

My, here's the first one, a little pair of brown eyes looking at me, with a big, cute smile. Little girl, what's her... [The mother says, "Sharon Rose. Sharon Rose."--Ed.] Sharon Rose, that's a great name to me. ["We named her, Brother Branham, after yours."] After my little girl that's gone on. ["We named her before she was even born, Brother Branham."] Named it before she was born. If it to be a little girl, you was going to name it Sharon Rose. ["We were sure she was going to be a girl. She had to be."] Had to be. ["Sharon Rose Goodman."]

You know what? I don't know that you know it or not; if my wife was standing here, she would probably almost faint. This is the same kind of a dress that my little girl had at the dedication, little Sharon Rose. This one may be... May this one live; where, God taken mine up.

What's your last name? [The mother says, "Goodman."] Mrs. and... Are you from here in the city? ["Chicago."] Chicago. Brother and Sister Goodman, God bless you.

31a You know, my little Sharon looked like that. I don't guess there's anybody here remembers her by how she looked. She had little brown eyes like that, like her mother, real sweet little girl with dark hair. Just about...

How old is the baby? [The mother says, "Five months."--Ed.] Five months. She was eight months when God called her up. I seen her, a little after that. You know the story. ["We have it at home, on the tape."] You have it at home, on the tape.

Sharon Rose comes from the Word. I turned it around, from, "the Rose of Sharon." And He needed a little one, of them, on His altar, so He took it. See? And I'll be with her again. May your little Sharon live to fulfill the life that she would have lived here on earth. And may she be with you in Glory, as I feel that my Sharon will be with me.

31b How do you do? See? You talk about a friendly little thing, look at this! She is just all smile.

Let us bow our heads.

Dear God, as I hold this little treasure, a little Sharon Rose. You know in my heart, Lord, what I'm thinking, so I don't have to express it. Blessed be the Lord God Who gives these little jewels to our hearts! Bless this Goodman home. May the parents be honored, which they are, to have such a jewel in home. May it remain in their home, Lord. And if there is a tomorrow, make it a honorable woman for tomorrow.

And now, Lord God, in obedience to what You commissioned us, by Your example, to do, You took little children in Your arms and blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come to Me." And they bring the baby to me, being Your servant, as You have said Your servants to carry on Your work. And here stands Your servants, Brother Neville, and Brother Capps, and myself. And now, Lord God, from the arms of the father and mother, we give to You little Sharon Rose Goodman, who we dedicate for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you! [Sister Goodman says, "Brother Branham, we also have five more at home, two girls and two boys."--Ed.] Five little ones, besides this! ["Yes."] How sweet! God bless you, Brother Goodman. God bless you, Sister Goodman. And may the Lord bless little Sharon!

31c How do you do, brother? Now let's see, I--I... Arnett. [The father says, "Arnett."--Ed.] Arnett. Arnett, that's right. ["Named after--named after you."] Is that right? William, William Arnett? ["James William Arnett."] James William Arnett. That's a fine boy. You know, some things we have in common, he and I, already; names, and then we part our hair alike, you see. He's a fine boy, Jimmy. Guess that's what you call him, James? ["James."] James, then, all right.

Wonder if I could hold him? ["He might let you."] I don't know. Now, Jimmy, well, we are real buddies. You know that, don't you? All right.

Let us bow our heads.

Lord God, Thou hast blessed this home, the Arnett home with this fine little boy. And I pray that You'll bless his father, his mother, his loved ones. They are Christians. How that his father fought so hard, them cigarettes and different things, from... One day it come through, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." He was like the woman that was persistent that she was going to get there. Although his business failed him, and everything seemed to be failing, he still taken a portion of his money and waited for interview after interview, till one morning it happened. He believed that it would.

Now he brings this little boy that You have blessed him with, O God, the fruit of their union. I bless this little James William Arnett, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Give him a long life. Make him a worthy man of Your Gospel for tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. And, finally, in the Kingdom that is to come, may we be there together. I... Your servants, we lay our hands upon him and dedicate him to Jesus Christ, for this life of service. Amen.

31d Bless you. God bless you, brother. Got two more? These are the same ones. All right.

I believe you could almost lift me, instead of me lifting you. This is... [Brother Arnett says, "That's--that's Al."--Ed.] Alfred, and Al and Martha. Just let the congregation, I like for them to see children. I think, when they're little, young, they're sweet.

Now let's lay our hands upon them.

Likewise, Almighty God, we Your servants, lay our hands upon these children, the little brother and sister of this little boy that just dedicated here. We lay our hands upon them for a--a dedication, from the mother and father, to the arms of Jesus Christ, for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Al and Martha. Sister, really nice seeing you again. The Lord be with you.

31e This young fellow, my, he's a good boy. I used to be able to part my hair like that. See? What's his name? [The father says, "Terrell Keith Walker."--Ed.] Ke-... ["Terrell Keith Walker."] Herrell Keith Walker. What a fine boy!

I wonder, I just don't know, see. He looks at me kind of like he might. Wonder if I could hold him? [The baby speaks--Ed.] Is that right, Keith? Oh, he's a fine boy. Sure. Isn't that a darling little boy? Herrell. [The mother says, "Terrell."] Herrell, Terrell Keith Walker.

Almighty God, from the arms of the parents to the arms of Jesus Christ, little Terrell Keith Walker, we lay our hands upon him in dedication to Almighty God. As the father and mother so desire that this baby shall be raised in the admonition of God. If there is a tomorrow, make him a servant worthy of this dedication, for we Your servants lay our hands upon this baby and dedicate him to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Walker. Is this Sister Walker? [Sister Walker says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] It's really fine. You got a fine boy, and may God bless you.

31f [Brother Gramby speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] All right, sir. [Brother Gramby continues speaking.] Yeah. ["And prayed for her when she was born. She was born with a knot in her jaw. And you prayed for her, and that moved immediately."] This little girl, is Brother Grimsley our... [The brother says, "Gramby."] Gramby. I--I get that mixed up. I got a Brother Grimsley, I keep thinking... Brother Gramby brings this little girl. And when she was born, she had a big knot in her face. And I prayed for her, and the knot moved. And now they want to pray, because... Is the parents Christians? ["Not Christians."] They're not Christians. And they're afraid that a evil spirit is taking the child over, and they want it moved.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, upon this little child, as it leans over the altar... Which, You've showed grace, to remove a tumor knot in its mouth. Now a evil spirit tries to take the child's life. No doubt but what You could use this girl, and planning on doing it, and Satan is trying to beset the plan. Therefore, we charge Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name, to take his--his hands and hisself away from this child; as we give her to the Lord Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. Amen.

Brother Gramby, you believe. The child is too little to hardly have faith, but it'll be.

32 I love Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is wonderful.

Now, everybody, I promised tonight that I would be out by eight-thirty, so that gives me a half hour. I don't know now about that. I may be just a little bit later than that. But let us now...

33 I'm glad to see Brother Dauch here this morning. And I don't know where the other man went; but this morning, if he ever had a second, there was a man setting right back there, was a perfect second to him. I said, "Which is Brother Dauch?" I looked back and forth, and I was going to name it; and I was so wrapped up in the Message. You know, Brother Dauch, you look just like you always did. I'm so glad to see him in that condition.

34Just recently, I had a long-distant call from Tucson, to pray for him again, that something else had happened to him. Brother Dauch is, I think, ninety or either ninety-one. Is ninety years old, I believe, or ninety-one. And your body gets run down. But, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth him out of them all." And sometime, when the body gets to a place to where it will not anymore hold together, I know he's holding to a Hand. Though a clod of dirt, God promised to raise it up again, in the last days. And I'm so thankful.

35 I remember Brother Dauch, when he come into the pool here to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he didn't even have any clothes here to be baptized in, but wanted to go anyhow. And God has been gracious to that man. Just think, he's twenty years over the time that God promised him. See? If that isn't grace!

And still laying, the other day, with a complete heart failure, and a heart attack, see, on top of that. And if God didn't heal that man and bring him up from there, instantly. And I believe, since then, his physician has died. Is that right? I under-... Yeah, that even the physician, the Jewish physician that--that was doctoring him, and things, and stood in the hall and talked to me about him, he has done gone on. See?

My, how much, how deep is Thy love, O Lord! How great is Thy love!

36 Now, we have some handkerchiefs here that we're going to pray over, just in a few moments. But I'm going to speak a little bit on faith, and then we'll see what the Lord leads, what we're going to do from then on. Well, let's just leave it up to Him, that's the best way. Oh, to be setting together in Heavenly places!

37I spoke to some of my friends, today, after I come out of the Blue Boar over there. And I said, "You going to stay for the service?"


39I said, "You'll probably have to drive till twelve or one o'clock." They expect to get home around six in the morning, long ways away. Remember, they're human, and get tired just like me. A way down in Tennessee, and around, they're going. The Lord bless them.

40 There is so many things I could say; I just take up all the time. But I--I don't get to see you so often, and I--I--I just love to talk to you, somehow. But if I don't get to tell you all I think about you, here,... See?

I want to tell them brothers. Some of them dismissed their churches.

41Brother Jackson, here this morning, gave that beautiful interpretation of a--of an unknown tongue that some brother spoke in, and confirming or backing up that It was God. Did you notice, He never said It wasn't wrong, He never said It wasn't so; He just give warning to listen. See? See? So, Brother Junior was here this morning, and dismissed his church.

And I understand that other of the brothers from down... the other churches, from here at Sellersburg.

42And--and Brother Ruddell, he was here this morning. I don't know whether they are here tonight or not. All right, here again tonight! Well, the Lord bless you, Brother Ruddell. And you...

I just can't express it, just what I think. But maybe... Well, when we get over on the other side, I want to set down with you for just ten thousand years, apiece, you see. Then, see, we'll talk it all over.

43 And while the harvest is ripe, and the laborers are few, let's dig right into it, by chance there might be a sinner setting by. There might be someone that tonight might change the whole course.

And if it wasn't the time, this morning, tonight might close the Books. Remember, there will not be one more come in when them names are redeemed.

Before, now, everybody listen real close before I read the Scripture.

44All that ever would be redeemed, God put their name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the world ever come into creation. How many knows that? That's the Scripture. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And the antichrist, in the last days, is going to be so close like the real thing, real Church, everything just like Judas was, until it would deceive that very Elected if it was possible. Is that right? But no man can come to Jesus except God sends him, and all that God did give to Him will come to Him. And when He takes that Book, the last name...

45 See, all in the Lutheran age, He pulled them out. All in the Wesley age, He pulled them out. All in the different ages, and the Pentecostal age, He pulls them out. They're over here, won't be judged with them. They're rapturing. And then when the last name comes out, that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life, that was slain before the foundation of the world; when that last name has been redeemed, His work is finished, He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed. That makes our heart bleed. But if it went on a thousand years later, there would not be one redeemed.

And no one can be redeemed unless they were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Who are they? I don't know. Nobody else knows, see, just God alone. I'm trusting that every one of us, our names were on that Book. If mine was on there, I'm sure to be there; if it wasn't, I won't be there. That's all. See, just, that's just up to God. "It's not him that willeth, him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." See?

46 Now let us now approach the Word, with all reverence and sincerity. And I think that's one thing we must do, see. Let's stop so much nonsense! Be reverent, sincere!

I notice those confessions sometimes when they... On television, when they had that Billy Graham's meeting; not nothing against Billy Graham. But out there in California, the man preached a wonderful message that last night; preached the very same thing that I preached here not long ago, on Daniel, "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." How many saw it? Many of you, I guess.

47 Look, did you notice those people coming from the aisles, chewing chewing gum, laughing, punching one another? That's not walking up between death and Life. That's not sorry for sin, and repentance. See? It's just what Billy said, "Making a decision." And a cold, dry-eyed consent, decision, is nothing, not a thing. You've got to be sorry for sin, and turn from it.

And Billy himself said, "Proves that, out of thirty thousand, you can't find thirty in a year." Said, the other day, "What's the matter with New York? I had that great meeting there, and what happened? Sin is worse than it ever was."

48 And it will continue to get worse. There will be no re-... national repentance. The nation is gone. Just you, individuals; and soon that'll be over, if it isn't already. Now, you just mark that down, you young children. See how far Brother Branham... It ain't Brother Branham. That what I've said is right or wrong. Sin will get worse and worse until one day the skies will catch on fire, she'll fall to the earth, and the earth will burn with fervent heat. But, the Redeemed won't be here then, they'll be gone.

49 Now in the Book of Saint Mark the 11th chapter, First John 4:4 and in Matthew 28:20, I wish to read.

50Now, first, I wish to read from Saint Mark, the 11th chapter, and the 12th verse to the 24th.

Listen real close now as we read. And now this is going to back up for a little testimony, and a few words of exhortation, and then we'll see what the Lord will have us to do. Everybody just remain seated and be prayerful now, as we read.

51Mark 11:12.

And on the morrow, when they... came from Bethany, he was hungry:

And seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if happily he might find any thing thereon: and when he come to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee from henceforth for ever. And his disciples heard it.

And they came to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.

And he taught, saying unto them, It is... written, My Father's house shall be called the... of all nations the house of prayer? but you have made it a den of thieves.

And the scribes and the chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they--for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

And when evening was come, he went out of the city.

And in the morning, (now that's another day), as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Within twenty-four hours, the miracle had taken place, after He said to it, "No man eat." Nothing, looked like, happened then; but, by the next day, it was dried up.

And Peter calling to remembrance said unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou did curse is withered away.

... Jesus answering him, said unto them, Have faith in God.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.

And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. (It's on conditions.)

52 Now I would like to read First John 4:4.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because... (listen close)... greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

53May I read it again now.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: (talking of the antichrist), because greater is he that's in you, than he that is in the world.

Two pronouns, see, "he," personal pronoun; "he" that is in the world, and "He" that's in you. "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world."

54 Now, and the--the 28th chapter of Saint Matthew, and the 20th verse.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:... lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

55Now a text from that, tonight, I would like to use this as a text: He That Is In You. And on this I wish to build faith, of course, for a prayer service. And just as quick...

56 Now, it is as I have told you, I like to post you on events that has taken place. And I usually wait until I come to the--the church here, to say the events. And then if others likes to hear it, they can pick it up through the tapes. But I wait till I'm here.

And there is, at least, to this event that I'm going to tell you about just now, there is several men here that's witness of these, Christian brothers. One that was present, was Brother Banks Woods. Another that was present, was Brother David Woods. Another, that's present here, was Brother Evans and his son, Ronald. Another one was present, is our notable deacon, Brother Wheeler. And another, present, was Brother Mann. Is Brother Mann here, from New Albany? A Methodist preacher that I baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, just recently, he was there, also, when this happened.

57 It's been for some time, for a few years, that I have had a deep burden on my chest that I... in my heart. It felt to me as if I had done something wrong. And I searched my life, over and over and over, to see what was wrong. "Lord, if--if I have done anything wrong, then You just reveal it to me, what's wrong, and I'll go and make it right." But nothing would be revealed to me. I'd say, "Did I hurt somebody? Did I leave something undone? Have I... do I read enough? Do I pray enough?" And I'd read and pray. And--and I'd--I'd say, "Reveal it to me. Did I harm somebody, somewhere? If I did, I'll make it right. Just show me; I don't want this burden." And for the last five years, since I come off the field, there has been a burden hanging in my heart.

58 I've went to the mountains. I've went to the seaside. I've went everywhere, and prayed and prayed and prayed, and it just wouldn't let up. And I thought of everything, if I done anything. But it, still, it wouldn't let up; I was just in bondage, like.

And it's very strange that this would be lifted just at the time this Message come forth, see, of this morning. Now, was it God holding back for this? I don't know. See, I... These things was all in my mind. You can imagine what's in a man's heart when you put up with that, see, to think of what is taking place; and, know, to tell the people, knowing that some will get the wrong slant, and some will go this a way, and that way. And you know how it is. And some will believe, and some won't. And, but that's what you have to put up with.

59 How can you say it without hurting? How can you say it, that it'll take effect? How can you say it, to show the people that you're not--not picking on them, that you love them? How can you be strict and firm, and yet be loving? And, oh, how you going to present it? And then woe unto me if I don't present it! See? And there you are. See? No wonder, it keeps you nervous and tore up.

60 I had come down from--from... come up from Arizona, to meet a bunch of brethren here, that goes hunting with me up in Colorado, each year.

Now, some people has wondered, "Why do you go hunting? What makes you?"

See, here, you are filling up, I'm emptying out; there, I'm filling up, so I can empty out. See? Now, I don't go just to shoot game. Why, people, anyone here that goes with me, knows that I pass by hundreds of head of game and never even touch them. I don't.

61 Now, here not long ago, I begin to shoot game for the Christian businessmen, when they go up and say, "Billy, get me a bull, get me a cow, get me a elk, get me this, or that, the other." I'd go out and just shoot game, from right and left. The Lord helped me so I could see and find game, and pretty fair shooting, and hit them. And--and they just set around and talk about their business.

62Then the Lord told me not to do that no more. And I--I felt bad about it, so I promised Him I wouldn't do it no more. No. I said, "If it's emergency and somebody needs it, I'll do it. But if they don't need it, I won't do it." Just them men, they got plenty of money to buy beef and stuff. So why should I do that? Let the animal live if you're not going to use it.

63 So I just go to be alone. And any man, that ever goes hunting with me, know I don't hunt with anybody. I go out to myself, to get alone. I go with them, to have fellowship at night, stand around and pray, and so forth.

But there was many other ministers there. There was, up in the mountains this year, was our Brother Palmer. I believe I saw him somewhere a while... Here he is, setting here, Brother Palmer. And a Brother Bob Lambert, he was here this morning, I heard him shouting somewhere. I guess he is still here. And then there was a brother... the two Martin boys, I guess they're here. Are they, the Martin boys? Brother, the Brother Martin. You called me the other day, that was good. That boy was healed, that brother minister.

64 Are you here, the one I prayed for, on the phone, the other day? I forget his name, from down in Arkansas there. His wife called me; the man was all swelled up in the side, and high fever, dying. The same man that was called out, down at the--the Little Rock, or the Hot Springs meeting, setting in the meeting.

And it's a fine-looking fellow. If he's here, I guess he won't raise up now, at all. But I forget his name. I can't think of his name. [Someone says, "Brother Blair."--Ed.] Blair, Brother Blair. Somebody...

Well, now, setting in the meeting at Little Rock, how many was at, I mean, at the Hot Springs, how many was at the meeting? And the Holy Spirit called that young fellow and told him that the Devil was trying to get him to renounce me, to say I was a "false prophet." And the man witnessed it was the truth. You see what the Devil was doing? The man don't go to doctors. He don't believe in going to doctors. But the Satan knew this disease was going to strike him, and he could kill him right there. See? So he was trying to get him to renounce me. And the Holy Spirit, in grace, called him out and told him not to do that; the man, being a stranger, called him not to do that.

65 And the other night, his wife called me and said, "Brother Branham, I believe that he's dying." Said, "He is--he is all swelled out. And, his fever, he's out of his head, nearly." And said, "The last thing he said, 'Call Brother Branham.'"

I said, "Have you got anything, your purse with a handkerchief?"

"No." I was in Tucson; she was in Arkansas.

And I said, "You got any?"

She said, I believe, her "scarf."

I said, "Now put your hand on the scarf, and hold the receiver in the other hand." And I prayed and asked God to be merciful and to renounce that enemy.

66And she went and laid the scarf on the man. And the next morning, he called me.

Now, in about twenty-four hours, or less than that.

67 Our precious brother, I haven't seen him tonight yet, Brother Roy Roberson. And at once, you know, Brother Roy was kind of a military man. If he's here, I--I hope he understands, because I--I--I'm not condemning that. But everything is strict, he was a sergeant in the Army, you know, and you have to kind of get use to handling men like they do in the Army. "Well, these spiritual things for somebody else," not him! But the Lord spared him. He would have been dead; they laid him out for dead, for a long time. The Lord healed him; he's followed ever since. But all this spiritual stuff, he didn't know about, and visions.

68 And here not long ago, many know the vision that was give to Brother Roy even before I went out there, about him seeing me standing up on the mountain there, in that Light, and a Voice coming from me. That took all doubt from Brother Roy.

69And the other night he was stricken in such a place until he was so sick, and got so high in fever, and stuff. And the doctor had give him medicine, everything, and then it didn't do no good. And he even become to a place till he couldn't even move hisself anymore. His legs and things was, like, paralyzed.

70And the poor little brother has been shot to pieces, with shrapnel from a eighty-eight, German eighty-eight. And it--it was just the... And I think all of his whole crew was killed, but him, and there he was blowed to pieces.

71And you know what happened? I told his noble wife, Sister Roberson, to... She said... I said, "Got anything there?"

72She said, "I got a handkerchief you once prayed over."

73"Go get it." And I was in Tucson, and laid her hand upon that, and prayed and rebuked, and said, "Sister Roberson, it's going to be gone."

74Just Something told me there, "It's going to be gone. Say it!" And within a half hour, the fever was gone; he was in the kitchen, hunting something to eat. See? See?

75What I'm trying to say, "Don't never lose your confidence." Don't let Satan tell you evil about me; 'cause, there's much. But you keep that confidence; 'cause, if you don't, it won't happen. Don't look to me, as a man; I'm a man, I'm full of mistakes. But look to what I'm saying about Him. It's Him. He is the One.

76 As we were in Colorado, see, as we were up there, we went back. And it had been real dry. Game was scarce. Brother Wheeler, the Lord blessed him and gave him a--a fine trophy, and we was so happy about that. It was the first time he was ever in the woods hunting, and the Lord blessed him. And then I had shot a big trophy that I had looked for for twenty years, been watching him, Brother Banks and I been after him for a long time. And when I did... Shooting my rifle in down in the hot country, bringing it up into a cold, it swelled the stock, although it glass bedded. And it shot it several inches off, and hit the animal, standing between trees, where it oughtn't to hit him; lower than that, which would have humanely killed the animal in a second. But it hit him so high, it, he jumped, like he fell like that.

77 And Billy was with me, and he said, "That got him." And I thought it did, too; but when we went over there, it wasn't so. He said, "You hit a tree." I looked up and down, there was no mark on the tree. And then I went to searching for it.

And then there come a warning sign. There was practically a hundred men, just above us. And Brother Palmer and them is a witness of that. And Brother Evans, that's right, he was there; Brother Welch Evans and his boy, Ronnie. I believe I called them, a while ago. And great loads of men had went up above us, what they call the cow camp up there, where the cowboys stays and rides, keeps the cows separated. I used to stay in that camp myself and herd those cattle and keep them apart.

78 And then, so, in there, there was about a hundred men. But anyone knows, in that country, when a blizzard is forecast, you better get away right now. That's why Brother Palmer and them left early, because they only had a three-speed transmission in their car, and they had to get out of there; 'cause, weather, you're there, and you might stay for weeks. So they said, "There is a blizzard coming," the forecast, the papers, the radio. Load after load, practically everything from up around in there left out. They'd gone, right now, 'cause they knowed to get out of there.

79 But my brethren had two deer license, and they--they didn't want to go. So I--I said, "Well, we'll stay." But I had a meeting coming up, in about six days, and I had to go back to Tucson.

80So, my little wife, I... we've been married twenty-two years. And twenty years, on our anniversary, I've been up there every time; just happens to hit there. So I--I got a little place I always walk out and pray, and it looked like a place where I had took her.

81You know, I made kind of a little thing, you know, I didn't have enough money to take a hunting trip and my honeymoon, so I--I--I kind of took my wife on a hunting trip for the honeymoon. So we was in New York, and I remember helping her up over logs and things, getting to a place. And I got a little place out there, I always think of her when I go there on our anniversary. October the twenty-third is when season is open there. And, twenty years, I haven't been home, always up there.

82 So that day was our anniversary. And Brother Mann... I said, "Now if you brethren..." I said, to the fire, that morning, "Now if..." That night, rather. "If you all want to stay now, remember, we may be in here for a month." Cause I've seen twenty-foot of snow fall in just a little, overnight. Just, you would go out there, and you're just as dry and nice; and the next morning, snow was this deep, over, maybe over top of your tent. So then I said... And then you stay there till that melts off. So you're about fifteen to twenty miles back in the wilderness. And so then I said... And if it gets emergency, course, they send in helicopters and get you out. But, usually, they just... nobody perishing, they just have to wait there.

83 So everybody scats just as soon as they hear that broadcast, a forecast, rather. So we were back there, and I said, "Now you make up your mind. If you want to stay, I'm here to hunt with you, and I'll call my wife and tell her, 'Happy Anniversary!'" But I said, "Then, in that, I will also, I'll, we will... We'll get some groceries, 'cause we might have to stay in here." We was out of bread then. And I don't want to see anymore flapjacks for a long time, them pancakes! So, then, I had been eating them in Canada, for about twenty-one days, and I sure had a fill of them things. And so then I wanted to get some bread.

84 So they just said they wanted to stay. So there wasn't nothing to do... to stay. But Brother Mann and I went out, and we went down there and I got the groceries. And I called the wife, and the phone wouldn't answer. No one answered; so I waited about a hour till we got the groceries shopped, went back, called, she didn't answer. And I had to call Sister Evans.

I believe Sister Evans is here. And I told... Yeah, Brother Evans, Sister Evans is here.

85So I called Sister Evans, for Brother Evans, and told him. She said, "I'll call Sister Branham and tell her." A "Happy Anniversary," of course, you know. So, but she had gone shopping, to get some groceries for the children.

And then we come back. And the next morning, what was in the skies but clouds. It hadn't rained up there all fall, and it was really dry. And they had to prolong the hunting season, a few days extra, on account of the dryness.

86 Well, I said to the brethren that morning, "Now, the first drop of rain starts to fall, the first snow, the first sleet, anything, take for the camp just as hard as you can, 'cause within fifteen minutes you can't see your hand before you. See? And it'll just twist and blow, and I don't care how well you know the country, you--you're going to stay right there, and you'll perish. Cause sometimes you can't even breathe, the sleet blowing so, and, you die right there." And I said, "As soon as it starts with that sleet, you take for the camp just as hard as you can, I don't care where you are."

87 Well, I said, "Go up here and set in these gulches, and I'll climb way high and roll rocks over the hill, and so forth, scare the deers off the top, and run them down, you pick out what you want."

88So I started climbing high, and about time I got up to where we call, "the saddle," a little place there that I always cross over to go to a place called "Quaker Knob," right on the Continental Divide there, way high. And when I got to almost this little saddle, this... the clouds getting blacker and blacker. Wasn't a car left, just us up there, as far... and the cowboy on the camp. So it got--it got worse and worse. So, in a few minutes, it started raining. Well, I took my gun and put it under my coat, keep the scope from smoking up, and--and the stock getting wet; whether run into a bear or something, coming back, so I--I held my scope like that and set down under a tree, a little bit. And I set there, and praying. I said, "Lord God, You're the Great Jehovah, and I love You."

89 How many experiences have I had! I pointed out to the brethren, Brother Palmer and them, the places. Where, the eagle, you know, I seen him rise up that day, you know, and how... That the places where it all taken place in there. It's a temperamental thing to me, in there. I've had so many great experiences with my Lord, up in them mountains. So you just can't go there without seeing Him; He's just everywhere.

90So then as I--I set there, then the sleet started, and the wind twisting, like that. And I said, "Well, I know the way down, but I better get off of here right now." So I said...

91It looked down, and I couldn't even see the bottoms no more; them clouds just whirling and twisting, and sleet blowing. And there it was, the blizzard! Forecast for several days, "A big blizzard coming!"

92 Brother Tom is here. Brother Tom Simpson, coming down from Canada, heard the forecast, and he was advised not to go through that part of the country, 'cause this forecast said, "It'll be blizzard." Where are you, Brother Tom? I think that, yeah, right here. And he... The blizzard was coming! Everybody had done set in for it.

93 Well, I put my gun back under my shirt, like this, my red shirt, started walking down the mountain. And as I started, I got about a half a mile from the saddle; and, oh, my, the big drops of snow, like that, and the wind twisting up, on that mountain, and blowing. I couldn't see the bottom no more. I could see about twenty feet in front of me, or thirty. And I knowed to come right down this little, what we called, "a little hog back," little ridge, then come off to the creek, and then I knowed to follow the creek, and where to go to, if it got real bad.

94 And so then I started down, and got about half way down there, and Something said to me, just as plain as you hear me, "Stop, and go back!"

95Well, I thought, "What was I thinking about? Maybe it's just my mind." And I just couldn't make another step forward.

96David had fixed me a sandwich that morning, and I think he tried to get even with me for fixing his daddy one, one time, of onion and honey, that's all we had. So he fixed me a baloney and, oh, I don't know what all it was, wrapped in there! And I had it in my shirt, and it done got wet through my shirt. I thought, "I'll just stop and eat this, and maybe I'll... It'll be all right then." So I pulled out the sandwich, about ten o'clock, and I started eating the sandwich. And as I eat the sandwich, I thought, "Now I'll be all right."

And I started to move on, but Something said, "Go back where you come from!"

97 "Go back through that storm, a half a mile or more back up the mountain, into that dark timber?" Where, you can then hardly see as far as that organ! But I'm getting to be an old man, and I've been a Christian now for thirty-three years; and I know, no matter what, how ridiculous it seems, mind the Lord, do what the Lord says.

98And I turned and went back to the saddle, feeling my way back. Oh, the sleet getting harder and harder; getting darker and darker. And I sit down there, and just put my coat up like this, or my shirt over the scope again; set down. I thought, "What am I doing here? Why would I come back up here?"

99 And I just waited a few minutes. And I started to get up again, and just as plain as I'd ever want to hear, a Voice said, "I am the Creator of heavens and earth! I make the winds and the rain." I took off my hat.

100I said, "Great Jehovah, is that You?"

101He said, "I was the One Who made the winds to cease upon the sea. I was the One Who made the waves to go down. I created heavens and earth. Was not I not the One that told you to speak to those, for squirrels, and they come into existence? I am God."

102Now, when a voice speaks to you, watch the Scripture. If it's not Scriptural, you leave it alone; I don't care how plain it is, you stay away from it.

103I said, "Yes, Lord."

104He said, "Speak to those winds and that storm, and it'll go away." Now, this Bible lays before me, which my life is in That.

105I raised up, I said, "I do not doubt Your Voice, Lord." I said, "Clouds, snow, rain, sleet, I resent your coming. In the Name of Jesus Christ, go to your places! I say that the sun must come out immediately and shine for four days, till our hunting trip is over and I leave with my brethren."

106 It was just gushing, just went, "Whoooossssh," like that. And it started go, going, "Whoosh," then it went, "whew, whew, whew, whe." Stopped!

107I stood real still. My brethren up there, and wondering what was happening. And the sleet, rain stopped. There came a wind whirling down through the mountains, lifted up the clouds, and one went this way; east, north, west, and south. And, within a few minutes, the sun was shining nice and warm. That's truth! God knows that's truth!

108I just stood there, just looking around; with my hat off, looking. I... You say... I got numb, all over.

109I thought, "The very God of Creation, it's all in His hands. What's He telling me?"

110And I picked up my gun, wiped off the scope, started to walk back, go down the hill. And Something said to me, "Why don't you stroll with Me through this wilderness, walk with Me?"

111I said, "Yes, Lord, with all my heart; it would be one of the greatest things I could do, was walk with You." So I put my gun over my shoulder, and I started walking down through that; never a axe laid in it, virgin timber, walking through there.

112 And as I did, walked along, down along these game trails, I felt like, "I believe I will go up to the place where... yesterday was our anniversary, and I will stand there just a few minutes; just as a little salute to Meda, at where it's a little bunch of quaking asp, up on a little knob." And I said, "I believe I'll walk up there, just as a salute to our anniversary. Then I'll go back down on this other side, in these dark timbers, and walk around, and go around over by, towards Corral Peaks, and come back down that way." Just walking and rejoicing.

113I was saying, "Father, I know You are walking with me. And what a privilege; there is nobody greater I could be walking with; the very God!" And that warm sunshine!

114 Even to when I come out of the mountains. I stopped at filling stations, and I said, "Beautiful day!" Three days later. It never rained in that part of the country until the four days was over. The sun shined every day. Is that right, brethren? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] See? And not a cloud in the sky.

115And I come out to a filling station, I said, "Sure a beautiful day."

"Yes, it is!"

I said, "Been awful dry."

116Said, "It's a strange thing!" This attendant said, said, "You know, they told us we was going to get a big blizzard, but all of a sudden it stopped!"

117 I come on down, on the New Mexico line. Billy and I, my son, we went into a little place there to get some... the morning we left, and I said, "Sure a pretty day."

"Yes, it is!"

I said, "Look like it been pretty dry."

"Yes, it has been!"

I said, "Are you from here?"

118Said, "No, I'm from Wisconsin," or somewhere. Said, "I been out here about twenty years, so I guess you could call it home."

119I said, "You're a native then, I guess." So I said, "Yes, sir," I said, "looks like it's been awful dusty."

120Said, "You know, the strangest thing happened!" Said, "We had a forecast that we was going to get a blizzard, a lot of snow; and it actually started, and then quit!"

121I said, "You don't say so," and so calm.

122And I come home. And Brother Tom said that he was told not to go that way, a blizzard was through. And he come right through the country, without even a sprinkle of rain or anything! He is still God, see, just as much as He ever was. See?

123 Walking up there, I was going along... Now, this part, I hope my wife don't get this tape. See? But I'm going to tell you something. And, now, I--I don't tell you... I'll just tell you the Truth, see, and that's the only way to do it. I've often wondered why she didn't complain about me going on those trips on our anniversary. You know what I had made up in my mind? I said, "There is so many people around the house. And then I'm always, you know how I am, nervous. And everything I talk, I want to talk about, is God, the Bible, or something. Maybe she just thinks it's a little rest for her. She get me away for a few days, to go hunting." I, half thinking of that, going along there.

124 That, I'm... I, I'll apologize to her, and I'm--I'm asked God to forgive me for such thoughts. Cause, I was going along there, I thought, "Well, she thinks... Well, my goodness! She, she is a worker, you know, and--and all the time when she's out in the kitchen or somewhere out in the..."

125And any of you knows her, that washing machine is going all the time. And so I'd go out, I'd pull her; I said, "Don't be washing like that. Talk to me. See, I love you. I want you to tell me something; tell me you do, too."

126She said, "Well, you know I do," then right on washing just as hard as she ever was.

127"I don't want you to do that. I want you to come in here and set down by me."

128"Oh, Bill, I got so much work to do!"

129And I thought, "Well, see, going up here, she gets time to do her work." Going along there, thinking that.

Now, remember, I laid this Bible up here so you'd see that I'm before the Word.

As I was walking along, something happened to me. I started...

130 First, I was thinking about when I taken her on the honeymoon up there. She was a pretty, little, black-headed, brown-eyed girl, and I was lifting her over these logs, you know, and everything, and trying to get her up there, this place where I had killed some bear. And I wanted to show her one, and so... where I got these bear. And she had on my cowboy boots. And that's about twenty-two years, or twenty-one years before that; twenty-two years, I believe it was, ago. We were married on 1941. And I was picking her up, you know, over these logs.

131And I thought, "Now, poor little fellow, putting up with me, she's done turned gray." Yeah. I thought, "Well," and I went... [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] And I hadn't shaved for a few days, and I found out I was gray, too! And I seen my beard sticking out of here, gray, and I thought, "Old boy, you're just about finished now. See, you, you're going to do anything, you better hurry up. You're getting old, too." See?

132 And so as I went along like that, something taken place. All of a sudden, in every motion, principle, I was a boy, I thought as a boy. And I had my head down, and I looked up. And just as plain as I ever saw her, there she stood before me with her arms out. And I stopped; rubbed my face. I looked. I said, "Meda, is that you, Honey?"

133I looked here, I thought, "Now what's happened?" And I thought, "Yes, I'm walking with Him." And it changed then, I was back an old man again, and the vision was gone from front of me.

134And I stopped; I took my hat off again, put it over my heart. I said, "Jesus, my heart has been so burdened, for years. I don't have to tell You that I'm burdened. I've repented, I've repented, I've done everything I know. And why has it this burden don't leave me?"

135 And I just started walking on. And as I climbed this little knoll, just about thirty, forty yards in front of me; I started up this little knoll, I begin to feel real weak. And there was a little quaking asp, about ten inches through, come up and made like a L, and then went up again. And just as I got there, I felt so weak I was staggering. So I just... I had my cap back on again. And I just laid my head up against this; fit me just right, to lay my head right here against that little quaking asp, like this. It's really a poplar. It's like, looks like a birch, you see. And it's a... I was laid against there. And I was just standing there with my head down, that warm sun hitting me in the back. And I think, "The very God, that departed that rain and that wind!"

136And I heard something going, "pat, pat, spat."

137I thought, "What's that? The water is all blowed off. Sun is out. What's that spat?" I looked down; it was water from my own eyes, cutting down through the gray beard and dropping off on the dry leaves that God had dried up, laying before me. I just stood there like this, just against the tree. My hand, this hand down, my head laying against the tree, my hand on the rifle sling, like this, standing there, crying.

138 I said, "God, I'm not worthy to be Your servant." And I said, "I, I'm sorry, I--I made a... I've made many mistakes. I didn't mean to make mistakes, Lord. You've been so good to me."

139My eyes closed; and I heard something going, "stomp, stomp; stomp, stomp."

140I raised my eyes, and standing right in front of me come three deer. And I thought, "There is Brother Evans' one, Brother Woods'. And there is the three deer, see, just what I'm looking for." Now, the rain dried up; I reached to get my rifle. I said, "I can't do that. I promised God that I wouldn't do that." See? "I promised Him I wouldn't do it."

141And something said to me, "But there it is!"

142And I thought, "Yes, Sa-... That's what a--a man told David, one time, 'God has delivered him, I said, into your hands!'" You know, King Saul.

143And Joab told him, said, "Kill him! There he lays!"

144And he said, "God forbid that I'd touch His anointed."

145 And those deer stood there and looked at me. And I thought, "They can't get away. There is no way for them to get away. They're not thirty yards from me. And I got this rifle, standing here, and there is three deer. Nah, I can't do it. I--I just can't do it." It was a doe and two big fawns. So I--I--I just couldn't take the rifle. I said, "I can't." I--I never moved. I just stayed there. I said, "I can't do it, 'cause I promised God I wouldn't do it. Though, them brethren, they--they don't need them deer. See? I--I can't do this. I just can't do it."

146 And that doe come, walked. Now listen, there had been a hundred men shooting at them up there, for four or five days. Scary? The first sign of red... And I had on a red shirt, red cap. The first sign, they're gone; but they were standing there, all three of them, looking right at me.

147I said, "Mother, take your babies and go on out in the woods. You're in my hands. I... Your life is in my hands, but I ain't going to hurt you. I promised God that I wouldn't." See? And she walked closer. She would look at me. All of them walked closer, till they come so close they could eat out of my hands, nearly. They, and the wind blowing right on them. So she turned around, walked back a little piece, all three of them.

148And here she come back again, walked right up to me. I never moved; just stood there. I said, "Go on out into the woods; I love it, too. Live! See, your life is in my hands, but I'll spare you. You couldn't get away. You know you couldn't." I can kill all three of them in just about one second, three seconds, anyhow, just as fast as I could fire; and they couldn't get away, standing right by me. See? And I said, "I spare you. Go on, live." And I stood there. They went walking on, went on into the woods.

149 I wiped my face like that, and just then something happened. A Voice spoke out, just as clear, right out of them blue skies, not a cloud. It all been within just about... just a little bit of time. And a Voice spoke out, and said, "You remembered your promise, didn't you?"

150I said, "Yes, Lord."

151He said, "I'll remember Mine, too. 'I'll never leave you nor forsake you.'" The burden left my heart. It hasn't been there since; may it never again.

152Then I come to Tucson. Strange thing, I have never had so much happening, since I've come down. I--I believe it was God holding for that hour. I believe the time is now at hand, for something must take place.

153 If we only could receive this Truth! Now just a moment. If we only could realize what this Scripture mean, "He that is in you is greater than he that's in the world." We can't understand That, yet we say we believe It. And we know It's true, but we really don't understand It.

... greater is he that's in you, than he that's in the world.

What is in you, that's greater? It's Christ, the anointed! God, that was in Christ, is in you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."

154Then if He is in you, it's not you any more living, it's Him living in you. See? It's not your thinking, what you would think about This; it's what He said about This. See? Then, if He is in you, He absolutely would not deny what He said. He couldn't do it. But He would keep what He has said, and He is trying to find that person that He can vindicate Himself through.

155 Now, that doesn't mean He has to do it to everybody. In the time that Moses led the children of Israel, there was one, that was Moses. The rest of them just followed the Message. See? Some of them tried to raise up to impersonate it, and God said, "Separate yourself," and just swallowed them up. See? See?

156 Now, but, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world," God in you, like He was in Jesus Christ. Because, what all God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, He poured into the Church. See, that's God in you, "He that's in you."

157No wonder winds and waves obeyed Him, obeyed His Words; obeyed His Words, because It was God's Word through Him. He was a Man; but He was the Word, made flesh. See? And when He spoke, it was God speaking through human lips. See? No wonder the winds and the waves... The very Creator, that created the winds and the waves, was in Him. Now, think of it! Think deep now, 'fore I come to this moment of closing. No wonder demons paralyzed at His Word! It was God in Him. It was God in Christ. The demons was paralyzed. No wonder the dead, that was turning back to the dust, could not lay there, at His Word! For, He was the Word.

He said to Lazarus, after being dead and stinking, four days; his face, nose, had fell in, in that much time. "Lazarus, come forth!" And a man, dead, raised up on his feet. Why? It was God. He that was in Christ was God. The dead could not stand in His Presence. It was God in Christ.

158 The winds, now, remember, God created the winds; it's air. God created the waves; it's water. But when the Devil got into it, he got it tumbling, to bring destruction. God created men, to be sons of God, but when the Devil gets into them, see, it's trouble. Now, that was the Devil that got into the winds that sent that storm. Couldn't the Creator, that created the wind, say, "Go back where I created you"?

Isn't that the same Creator was standing on Colorado hill the other day? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

Isn't that the same One that could take a piece of fish and break it, and another piece grow on? He didn't actually have to have that. He could have said it.

Isn't that the same Creator that created squirrels? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, He that was in Christ is in us, see, for It does the same works He did, the same thing.

The dead could not stand in His Presence, at His Word.

159 Look, we have five bona fide statements, of people "dead," and the Lord giving vision, and going to them and raising them back. Here sets one, right here now, that died right where he is setting right there. And here he is alive, tonight; fell in a heart attack. There is his wife, a nurse. We went down; everything was gone, his eyes set, and gone. Here he is, alive. "For greater is He that's in here, in us, than he that's in the world!" See?

160 Greater is He! It's God, the Creator! The winds and the waves had to obey Him. Demons become paralyzed. All nature obeyed Him, because He was the Creator of nature. Oh, when we think that, it takes the bite out. Then we understand these things, you see. What is it? It isn't man. Man cannot do that; man is part of the creation. See? But it's the winds and the waves that obeys the Creator. See?

And takes the Creator to do it, "For He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." He that can cause the turmoil, that's he that's in the world. He that's in you, is the Creator, Who made the winds. He can rebuke the Devil out of the winds, and there is a calm. He can rebuke the Devil out of the storm, and there is no storm. He's the Creator. "And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

161 The Devil is of the world. The world belonged to him. It's always been his. "Why art thou fallen, O Lucifer, the son of the morning?" See, this world belonged to him. That's when he, kicked out of Heaven, he come back to it. See?

162He was the one who said to Christ, "These kingdoms are mine, I do with them as I will." They belong to him, and he is the one that's "in the world."

163John had just told the disciples, "You've heard of antichrist who is to come, and is already here working in the children of disobedience. But, little children, you're not of this world. You're of God. And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." That's Christ in you!

164 He that--that created the heavens and earth, was made manifest in the Person of Jesus Christ; God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.

Let's say you say, "That was the Son of God, though, Brother Branham." All right, let's find out if He is the Eternal, everlasting God.

165Greater was He that was in Joshua, than the sun. And Joshua was a man, sin-born, like you and I. And greater was He that was in Joshua, and in the sun that was running by the commandment of God. God commanded that sun to shine and turn itself around, and it's governed and controlled by the laws of God. But greater was He that was in Joshua, than the laws of God was; because the Creator, Himself, was in Joshua when Joshua looked up to the sun and said, "You stand there where you're at. And, moon, you hang there where you're at, till I finish this battle." And the sun and the moon obeyed him, for He that was in Joshua was greater than the--the sun and the moon. He that was in Joshua!

166 He that was in Moses, was greater than Egypt. Egypt was the mighty armies of the world, they had the world conquered at that time. But greater was He that was in Moses, than Egypt was, because Moses overcome Egypt. Greater was He that was in Moses, than even nature itself. Did you ever think that God took His Word and give It to Moses, and said, "Go out there and command that the sun don't shine"? And the sun was pitch dark! Is that right? He can make the sun to shine and the clouds to go back, or He can make the sun to be black. He is God; He can do whatever He wishes to, and He is in the believing child! Amen. That's it.

167 There wasn't a flea in sight. It might have been wintertime, there's no flies, but God said to Moses, "Go speak My Words, and I'll put in your mind what to say. And you go out there and pick up some dirt off the ground, and throw it up into the air, the dust."

168And said, "Let there be fleas!" And fleas was crawling probably several inches deep, all over the ground, in a few hours. Is that right? The Creator!

169There wasn't any frogs, so he stretched out his rod and said, "Let there be frogs!" And they were everywhere, piled up, till the whole land was stinking. Is that right?

170 When he come to the Red Sea and it was in his way, God said, "Speak to the sea." And Moses spoke to the sea; and greater is He that was in Moses, than the sea was itself. Is that right? Oh, my! Now, you see, greater was He that was in Moses, than he that's in the world. Greater is He that was in Moses, than any nature there is in the world. He commanded nature. At whatever God told him to say, he said it, and that's the way it was.

171That same God is with us tonight! Not only with us, but in us! He's proved He was in us. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." What are we afraid of, the world?

172 Here the other day they found a--a some kind of a dinosaur tooth, up here around of... I guess you all heard about it; up here at the Niagara Falls. Said, "It weighed six pound." I thought they was going to say it come out of a man, but I--I think they finally defined it as some kind of a prehistoric animal. Those animals probably lived one time on the earth. Where are they now?

Do you know, God Almighty could command dinosaurs to come upon this earth, in the next hour they'd be forty miles deep? You know, God could destroy this world with fleas? He could call for fleas. Where do they go when they die? What happens to the housefly? What happens to the grasshopper? Wintertime comes, and goes forty below zero; and, go out the next spring, grasshoppers all over everywhere. Where did they come from? He's the Creator that speaks it into existence! He is God! Nature obeys His Word.

173 Where many of our brethren gets excited, they get impressed that God says do a certain thing, and they say it's THUS SAITH THE LORD when it isn't. That's the reason it don't happen.

But when it's God really telling you, it's got to happen, it's got to be that way. See? When God speaks it, it has to be.

174Greater is He that was in Moses, than he that was in Egypt. Greater is He that was in Moses, than anything Pharaoh could do, all of his enchantments. Greater was He that was in Moses, than the he that was in the magicians. See? Greater was He that was in Moses, than all nature.

175 Greater! He that was in Daniel was greater than the lions. He could stop them hungry lions. So anything that can stop anything, is greater than what he stopped. So the lions rushed out, hungry, to eat Daniel; and greater was He that was in Daniel, than he that was in the lion.

176Now, when the lion was first created, he was a friend of man. It's the Devil that makes him do that. That's right. In the Millennium, the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock, and shall lay down with the bullock. They'll not hurt or destroy in the Millennium. The Devil will be gone. It's the Devil that makes wild beasts tear and rip and eat, and things like that, the way they do. It's Satan that does that. But greater was He that was in Daniel, than he that was in the lion. See? Greater was He in that prophet, than he that was in the lion.

177 Greater was He that was in the Hebrew children, greater was He that was in them, than he that was in the fire. For they were throwed into the fire; and He that was in them, was with them, and kept the fire from burning them when the furnace was het seven times hotter than it ever was het, heated. That right? Greater was He that was with the Hebrew children, than he that was in the world.

178There set Nebuchadnezzar, or Belteshazzar. Nebuchadnezzar, I believe it was, that had the furnace het seven times hotter than it ever was. Inspired by the Devil, to take these people, because they were standing for the Word of God; and throwed them into this furnace, seven times hotter than it ever was, and it couldn't even burn them. For greater was He that was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, than he that's in the world. Absolutely! Oh, my!

179 Greater was He that was in Elijah, than the brassy skies was, 'cause he could bring rain out of a brassy skies that hadn't rained for three years and six months.

Greater is He that was in Elijah, than death. For, when it come time for him to die, God seen that old, tired prophet. He had been rebuking Jezebel and all of her paint and modern things, and he was kind of tired, so He didn't even let him walk Home, like He did Enoch. He sent a chariot and picked him up, and took him up Home. Greater is He that was in Elijah, than he that was in Jerusalem and in Judaea, and in the mountains. Greater was He is in Elijah, than death itself. Greater is He that was in Elijah, than the grave; 'cause he escaped the grave, he escaped death, and he just went up Home in a chariot. See, greater was He, and He was in Elijah.

180You say, "Oh, well, that was a great man."

181Wait a minute! The Bible said, "He was a man that had like passions," like you and I. That's right. But when he prayed, he believed he got what he prayed for; what Jesus said to us, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, it shall be done." He prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain, and it didn't rain for three years and six months. See? Greater was He that was in Elijah, than nature.

182 Then what about healing the sick? See? Greater is He that's in you, than the sickness. See? Because, that's an interruption, interrupting the very laws of God, sickness is. Well, the "greater" is He that's in you, that's the Healer and Creator, than the--than the Devil that's interrupted the very program of your life. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

Greater was He that was in Elijah! Greater was He in Isaiah, than time was; or any of those prophets, because they seen past the time. See?

183Greater is He that was in Job, than even the skin worms, and death and the grave. Because, by a vision he saw the coming of the Lord, and said, "My Redeemer liveth, and at the last day He'll stand upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." See? Greater is He that was in Job, than death; greater, 'cause death tried to take him and he couldn't do it. It couldn't do it, because he said, "I'll rise up again," and he did. He did it.

184 Listen, wish we had time to go further on this. But I'd like to ask the question, that I heard remarked the other day, about, "Christ in you."

Now, don't--don't let it rest upon something that you've done; say, "I felt a little shiver. I--I--I spoke in tongues. I--I danced in the spirit." Nothing against that, now. That's all right, see, that's, but don't rest upon that. See?

Your life has got to be This. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] This is It. You and This has to become one, see, and then This manifests Itself. See?

185 Now what if--what if tonight that you could say, with all your heart, that the spirit of Shakespeare lived in you, that Shakespeare lived in you? You know what you'd do? You'd do the works of Shakespeare. You would. You would. You would create poems and--and plays, and so forth, because Shakespeare was that type of an artist, a great writer, poem writer. Now, if Shakespeare lived in you, the works of Shakespeare you would do. Is that right?

186What if Beethoven lived in you? What if Beethoven lived in you? You know what you'd do? You would write songs like Beethoven, the great composer. You would write songs like Beethoven, because Beethoven would be your life. You would be a Beethoven, reincarnated, again. If Beethoven lived in you, the works of Beethoven you would do, 'cause Beethoven lived in you. Is that right?

187 But He that is in you is Christ! And if Christ is in you, the works of Christ you will do, if Christ lives in you. He said so. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also," if you was in Christ, or if Christ lived in you. Then, Christ is the Word. Is that right? And the Word come to His prophets. See? And if, you, Christ lived in you, the works of Christ would be done through you, the Life of Christ would be lived through you. The works He did, the life He lived, and everything, it would live in you; just like if Shakespeare, Beethoven, or--or whoever it was lived in you.

188If His Life! But if you're still living your own life, then your own works you'll do. See? But if you're living the Life of Christ, if Christ is in you, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." If your doubts and flusterations about God's promise is in you, then Christ isn't there; see, you're only worked up. But if the Life, if Christ is living in you, His Word He will recognize and His promise He'll do. See? He'll do.

189 "When thou prayest, believe that you receive what you ask for, and it shall be given to you. If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, you can have what you say. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." See? And when the Father showed Him what to do; walked out there without a failure of anything, and said, "Let it be," and it was.

And that same Christ lives in you. It lives in us. Then His works we'll do, because Christ is the Word, and the promise of the Word brings healing to you. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure!

190 He said, "I will not leave you comfortless." As I pray, asked a while ago, there in Matthew 24, see, or Matthew 28:20. See? He said, "I will come to you, be in you. I," the Person, Christ, in the form of the Holy Ghost, "will come and live in you. Then you won't be your--you won't be yourself no more. I'll be in you. And greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See? Hebrews 13:8 says, "He is same, yesterday and forever."

191 He that was in Noah was greater than the judgments of water.

And He that's in you is greater than the judgments of fire. See? He that's in you is greater, because He paid the judgment and conquered the judgment for you. See? There is no fear about it. See, you're in there. Yes.

Greater is He that was in Noah, than he that was in the judgments of the water, that destroyed the world which believed not. Because, Noah believed. And greater was He in him, that believed Him that spoke to him, than he that was in the world. That, Noah escaped all the judgment, because of the Word of God was greater than that, and he lifted above the judgments.

"Greater!" How we could hang on that for a while! See?

192 Greater is He that was in David, than the bear that stole his sheep. Greater is He that was in David, than the lion that come in and took one of his lambs. Greater is He that was in David, than the enemy, Goliath. The great Philistine that stood there, some twelve, fourteen feet tall, with fourteen-inch fingers on him; with a spear like a weaver's needle; and covered all over with two or three inches thick, of steel or metal, brass. But what was in David was greater than what it was in him.

He was power, muscles. He was a warrior. He could, just said he'd pick up David by the end of his spear and hang him up, and let the birds eat him.

193And David said, "You meet me as a Philistine, in the name of a Philistine. You curse me in the name of the Philistine god." And said, "You've made your brag what you'll do. And you meet me with a armor and a spear. But I meet you in the Name of the Lord God, and today I'll take your head from your shoulders." And he did it, because greater was He that was inspiring David for that courage.

194 Greater is He that's in you, than that wheel chair. Greater is He that's in you, than that stretcher. Greater is He that's in you, than that cancer. Greater is He that's in you, than that affliction. Greater is He, than anything that there is the Devil could put on you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Greater is He! Yes!

Greater was David, what was in David; God in David.

195He is in us, that's, the Christ. He was the conqueror of every enemy, for us. When He was here on earth, He conquered sin, He conquered sickness, He conquered death, He conquered hell, He conquered the grave, and now He lives in us as the Conqueror! He conquered sickness, hell, death, grave, and come to us to set us free from all those things. And greater is He that's in you, than he that can put these bluffs over on you. Yes! "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."

196 That's how these miracles happen. That's how that wind ceased, the other day. Could a human being do that? No, sir, it's impossible. When I stood there, crying, and them winds ripping, and...

How many is in here, was up there? Let's see you raise your hands. Raise your hands up, everybody was up there, that up in Colorado then at--at that time. All right. Brother Fred, I guess, is the only one that was present, then. I thought maybe Brother Mann was here, but he... Brother, Brother Evans, wasn't he? Brother Evans was up there at that time. Yeah. All right. And, yeah.

197Notice. Isn't that the truth? Isn't that the way it happened? The rains just ceased, and the winds ceased to blow. What was it? At my word? No! Because He told me to do it. And greater is He that's in us, than any nature. Isn't that the same God that could still the waves on the sea, could make the winds go back to their place? Isn't He the same One that could darken the sun, could make the sun shine? Well, "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See? All right.

198 Now that's why these true miracles can be done, because it's a promise of God, "The things that I do, shall you also." Saint John 14:12. He, Christ, that stilled the winds and the waves, is the Creator of them. He is still just as much Creator as He was then. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He healed the sick and destroyed sin, and changed it all for you, and come to you that He might dwell with you. He conquered all these, to come and live in us. He is that Conqueror that's already conquered these things; proved it in the Scriptures, come back and conquered everything, and proved to you that He is the same God. And after nineteen hundred years, here He is still doing the same thing among us that He did then, that conquered death, hell, sickness, and the grave!

199 This Christ, this "He," He is He that's in you. He is Christ. As John said, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." That was Christ! He is greater than all of the world because He conquered the world, and is the greater, than all those things, because He conquered it for us. "And we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us and gave Hisself for us," that He might come back and do His works through us, to prove to us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

When He was on earth, He proved when He stood among the people, He was Messiah. He could discern the thoughts that's in their hearts. And the Bible said, Moses said, that, "He would be a prophet." Is that right? He knew the secrets of the heart. He knew who the people were. He know what was wrong with them. Have we seen that done? [Congregation says "Amen."--Ed.] Time after time!

200 We know that the dead has been raised, right from the dead. Some of them has been dead for a day and a half. Well, died one morning, and they brought it back that night, and traveled all night; and the next day about noon, or a little after noon, it come in to where the tent was. A little dead baby, cold, and laying in the mother's arms. And the Lord God brought, spoke the Word of Life, and that baby warmed up and started crying; hand it back to its mother's arm.

201Mrs. Stadklev, standing there to see that done, that's the reason she cried so for her baby, wanted me to fly to Germany. But the Lord said, "That's My hand; don't you rebuke that." See, you know better.

When He told Moses, said, "Speak to the rock," don't smite it. That meant "speak," don't smite, see. You got to obey what He says do. "But no man can do nothing in himself," he's got to hear it first from God.

202 Now the Word of God promised that He lives. And, because He lives, you live. He promised, that, "The works that I do shall you also. The same things, only more of it, will you do, because I go to the Father." He conquered all things. He is the One that stopped...

He is the One that made those squirrels. That happened two times. Happened once down at your place, Charlie. And it happened--it happened up here when, brethren, Brother Fred and Brother Banks and them up there with us.

203It's happened in Germany, when them fifteen witch doctors, on each side of me, said... Because Billy and Brother Arganbright wouldn't let them--them see me, they said, "Well, we'll cause that tent to blow away." And they set down there, with their enchantments, and called on their god, the Devil, and here he come with a storm. About thirty thousand, forty thousand Germans out there, and that tent just raising up-and-down like this.

Them, and then cut, took a scissor and cut a feather, and pointed it back like that. And saying their, going through all their enchantments, and saying the three holy words they say, "The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost; lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu! The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost; lu-lu-lu!"

204 Going like that, and actually the storm come up. Sure. "He's the prince of the powers of the air," Satan. And they called the storm. And, now, even that great big tent setting out like that, oh my, it'd cover about a city block; and it built up, built out of two-by-four's, and just canvas tacked over it. The wind got under there and just raised it, like that. And that wind, and lightning flying like that, I just continually preached.

205And, oh, they was just going into a big enchantment, going on and on like that, saying those little holy words they said, "The three high holy words: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," on both sides like that. Then I seen him bow, and surrounded by devils there, but not bound.

206And I said to Brother Lowster, "Don't interpret this."

207I said, "Brother Arganbright, just pray."

208I said, "Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, You sent me here. I set my foot on this German soil, in the Name of Jesus Christ, because You sent me here. That cloud has no power over me. It does not, because I'm anointed and sent here for the salvation of this people."

"I command you, in Jesus' Name, to depart from here."

209 And the thunders, going, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Went, "Grrrrrrrrr," rolled away, and right straight over the tent, blowed back; and the sun shined out.

210Within ten minutes, there was about ten thousand around the altars and things, screaming for mercy, to see the power of God. Why? "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?

211"Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See the afflictions in the thing, oh, brother, sister, we have not one worry at all. The greatness is God, and He is in you. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

212 Now I've went way overtime. It's fifteen minutes, about, after nine. And I know these people have a long way to drive.

Let's bow our heads just a moment.

213O Father God, Thou knowest about Colorado. You know those things are true. And I say it for Your glory, that these people might know. After all the scientific proving, of the pictures, and of the works of the Holy Ghost. And, Lord, Thou knowest that He... that I plainly stated to the people, and always do, that it's because You promised it. And You are here, trying to find someone that You can confirm Yourself through, to let others see that You live, and You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I pray Thee, Lord, to be merciful, and to guide and direct us in our thoughts.

214There are those setting here who are sick and afflicted. There are those who perhaps may die if they don't get help from You. Many of them, perhaps, is at the end of the road, where the doctors cannot help no more. Thou art God, and You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Your Presence is here.

215 And, Lord, we don't know what this Third Pull, as we have referred to It, will be. I don't know what. But we know one thing, that the First Pull was perfection. The Second Pull, being the five, was grace.

And, God, I pray tonight that You will reveal Yourself to us, that after these things, saying, "He that's in you!" And You said, "The works that I do shall you also," and said You did nothing till the Father showed You.

216And we seen what You did when You was able to tell Apostle Peter who he was, what his father's name was. Tell Nathanael what his mission was, how he come to be there, where he was beforehands, what he had done. Told the woman, at the well, of her sins and what she was, living in this adultery with these six men; five she had had, and one she was living with now was not her husband. Thou art still the same God. You told...

217 It was Bartimaeus' blind condition, as he stood there; but yet, in his heart, he had a sight, that he could see; that, if that was Jehovah manifested in the Sonship of Jesus Christ, that He was able to know his cry. And he cried out, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!" And it stopped You, and You turned and healed him, O Father, telling him that his faith had saved him.

218That little anemia woman, that through this blood issue and the change of life, and for many years it could not stop. She had spent all of her money for doctors, and none of them could help her. She came to one of Your meetings as You was talking to a man there at--at Galilee, as You was on Your road to Jairus' house. This little woman had said within her heart, without a Scripture behind it, "If I can only touch His garment, I--I believe that I'll be made whole." And she got her desire when she touched Your garment. And You told her that her faith had did this, described her wants, and she was made whole.

219We are told in the Word that You're an High Priest, that's setting on High, ever living to make intercessions. And--and also that You, being the High Priest, at this time, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Lord God, grant that every person here tonight may be... have the privilege of touching You tonight, the great High Priest, and be made well. For the Glory of God, I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

220 Now I don't... Is there prayer cards? I--I told Billy not... has anybody got a prayer cards? All right, that's right, I told him not to give them out. I thought maybe I'd get a little long, as I... oh, I just talk so much. But, look, see, and you told me, when I said, "I'll try to be out at eight-thirty," you laughed, and I--I knew you knew what you were talking about. I--I'm... but I--I love you. See?

221What, what I'm trying to do, I've always tried this, friend; never for somebody to say, "Brother Branham did this." Brother Branham can't do nothing. See? It's Jesus Christ. And He that's in me is in you. You just have to believe. Isn't that right? See? He that's in you is greater than your disease.

222 Now how many people in here is sick in their bodies, don't know me, but you believe that you have faith enough to touch the High Priest, raise up your hand, say, "I believe it"? All right. Oh, there's practically everywhere, hands. All right. How many in here that knows me, and knows I know nothing about what you have need of, and you want God to touch you? Raise up your hand. See? See? All right.

223Frankly, there is nobody in here that I know anything about, right at this present time, of being sick. But this boy setting here, I know him. I've prayed for him, many times. I can't think of his name, but he's from down in Kentucky. He writes to me all the time, personal friend of Brother and Sister Woods and them, and comes up there. And he's attended the meeting for a long, long time. That's the only person that I know.

224Now, Brother Dauch, as far as I know, is all right, or he wouldn't be setting here. He was very sick the other day, and the Lord healed him.

225I don't know this person. And I don't know who it is has these crutches here; maybe that person in the chair. I--I don't know.

And I--I know lots of you. But God in Heaven knows, at this time, I don't know what you want. I have no idea. It's kind of hard here in the tabernacle, 'cause, see, I know a lot of people.

226 Now here is what it is. When you come to a place... Now, I come here, sometimes, and I say, "All right, we'll give everybody a prayer card and line them up. Come up on the platform." Somebody will go away... Now you can't...

Now, friends, I'm going to open up my heart and tell you something. You can't hide that. Just what you're thinking, I know it. That's right. I know what you're thinking. See? And sometimes you say, "Brother, I believe." Why, well, you believe to an extent. See? See? I know.

227And right here, when I... just right now, the anointing is just coming upon me, you see. And I can just feel that pulse, like, a beating, see, a throb from different places. See?

But now don't--don't no more disbelieve. Believe all the Message. Believe That. If it isn't, if it isn't written in the Bible, then don't you believe it. But if It is in the Bible, then the Holy Spirit that's living in us is duty bound to perform that if we believe It. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I know it's hard. See, nothing comes easy.

228 It was hard for Him to die, that this might be produced to you. It was hard for Him to go to Calvary; He wanted to stay, even so much till He cried, "Not My will, but Thine be done." See? See? He don't want to leave; He was a young Man, and He had His brethren. He loved them just like I love you. But He--He couldn't live, and them live also, so He died that we might live. That wasn't easy. He had to do it. Look what a death laid before Him, "Father, the hour has come, and shall I pray that You take this cup away from Me? No." He didn't want to do that; He wanted God's will to be done.

229 Now, look, if you'll believe that same thing! Now, don't--don't--don't shadow It, at all. Just believe it. Just absolutely believe it. Don't doubt. You believe it.

230If I bring the people up in a prayer line, and I say, "All right, now this person, you know I don't know you."

231"No, that's right, Brother Branham."

232Then right out there you'll catch somebody that says, "Uh-huh, but he's reading what they put on that prayer card! Telepathy!" It just verily will do it.

233Then I'll say, "All right, now this Sunday we're not going to give out any prayer cards. I want everybody here, that's a stranger, never was in here before, you stand up." See? And--and then the Holy Spirit will turn right around and discern what was all in them. See? Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You seen it both ways.

234"Oh, well, there is something wrong with that." See? See? There, there is no way, you--you--you can't... See, as long as Satan can get possession, he'll just make you believe anything.

And he'll show you every fault that I've got, and I got plenty of them he can show you. But don't you look at that! Don't you look at that. I'm a man. See? But, remember, this Word of God is the Truth, and I'm trying to live by It.

235 If I go out here and start doing things wrong, that's not right, sinning, and drinking, and, or smoking, or--or doing things that's not right, you--you come and call me down, 'cause that--that ain't becoming. I--I want then to leave the world. I don't... I want to leave before that happens. See? I don't want to do that.

236But as long as I'm trying to live what's right and do what's right, see, and try to live like a Christian ought to, and then let God take His Word and hearing me stand by It. Though It cost me so many friends and popularity of the world, and things like that, and hated by many, and denominations, kicked out, yet I want to be true to this Word. It's God's Word, and I love God. So it's God's Word, and I--I tell you that, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and He is in us now. And if the...

237 Now, if the life of Shakespeare was in me, living in me, if Shakespeare lived in me, wouldn't I do the works of Shakespeare? If Beethoven is in me, wouldn't I do the works of Beethoven? If the spirit of Dillinger was in me, if John Dillinger lived in me, wouldn't I be a John Dillinger? If Beethoven was in me, I'd be a Beethoven? See? If Castro was in me, I'd be a Castro? See?

And if Jesus Christ is in me, His works I'll do, because it's Him. And didn't He say that same thing would take place? See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

238 Now what would He do if He was standing here, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? He say, "I can only do what the Father shows Me to do." Is that right? Well, that's the way He did it yesterday.

Now is He the same? What about the sickness? Your price is already paid. Every one of you is already healed of your sickness. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] For that... Every one of you is forgiven, but you have to accept it. Every one of you is healed, but you have to accept it.

239Now, to prove that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He was standing here, He could not heal you, at all, with your unbelief. You would have to believe it, just the same as you have to believe it right now. It'd have to be the same, see. "Cause, many mighty works He could not do in His day, because of their unbelief." That right? Many mighty works He can't do today, because of the unbelief.

240 Now, Who was it could foretell that? God. Who was it that said this? God. Who was it that did that? God. Who is it that said where the bear, deer, caribou, all these other things, and the seven... all--all these things that's happened? Who was it said that? He, Christ, that's in us, prophesying Himself through us, revealing Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Who stopped the winds? Who created the squirrels? The same One that created a ram for Abraham, when his... called Him "Jehovah-jireh." Them compound redemptive names still apply to Him. He is still Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself a Sacrifice."

241 Now, each one of you, I--I want your deepest of sincerity now. If you will actually believe with all your heart, there won't be a feeble person in the midst of us, by the time that clock turns five more minutes. There won't be a person here but what'll be on their feet, well, if you'll just believe it. Can you believe?

242Now let's just see now if He will come to us and reveal Hisself, while we bow our heads.

243Lord Jesus, now You help me. And I'll obey You, Lord, all I know how. Forgive my sins and trespasses. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

244 Now let's take this side here, someone in here. Believe, have faith, don't doubt! Somebody that doesn't know me, if possible. I can't say where the vision is going. I just have to watch for It. And if It does do that, then you know it, whether it's true or not. You just believe, and don't doubt. If He'll do it, will you believe, see, after all this that's been done today? See? Just accept your healing, see. Say, "Lord, I am now touching Jesus Christ. I'm believing." Now may the God of Heaven grant it.

245"Greater is He that's in you, Christ, than he that's in the world." Now, in the meeting, where we touch Him, He reflects Hisself back; as the woman touched God, through Christ, and reflected back her needs.

246 I see now over in a corner here, it looks like it's a man, he's very seriously. No, it isn't. It's a woman praying for a man, and the man is not here. But it's a woman. I see that that woman... It's her--her father, and he is dying with cancer. And very seriously. The man is not here. He is in another place. It isn't this country, even. It's, he's in Georgia.

Just keep praying. You believe with all your heart now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just keep praying, see.

The woman's name, is praying, is Mrs. Jordan. She is not from Georgia. She is from North Carolina. If that's right, lady, stand up on your feet. Right, all the truth. [The sister says, "Thank God! Thank God!"--Ed.] Was you praying for such? ["Yes, sir; my daddy."] All right. All right. [The sister continues to comment about her father.]

Do you believe, that, "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world"? [The sister says, "I do."--Ed.] Do you believe that He that...

247 Look, here is something else. You've had a great training in your early days, or something another, because looks like you're mixed up or in some kind of a Christian... Isn't your father a minister, or somebody like that, some of your people, or something? [The sister says, "My husband."--Ed.] Your husband, that's who it is. I can see someone standing by you, preaching the Gospel, and you was in a church. He was connected with you. ["Praise the Lord!"] All right, there you are.

Now, the lady I don't know, but God knows the woman.

248Now, have you got something in your pocketbook, a little handkerchief or something there? All right, then you pla-... When you set down, put your hands on that handkerchief, and don't doubt, and He that's in you is greater than he that's killing your daddy. Believe with all your heart, so shall it be as you believe.

249 Now, I want to ask you something. I don't know that woman. As far as I know, that's the first time, I guess, I ever saw her. But she is setting there in a desperate condition, praying. And the very God that could turn and tell the woman about her blood issue, is the same God that's here, showing that He that's in you has conquered the world. You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you just have faith, don't doubt.

250 Talking of cancer, I see that black shadow again. It's over a woman, setting right here. She has cancer of the throat, and she is in a bad shape. And she has been prayed for, and trying to accept her healing. Mrs. Burton, if you will believe! I don't know the woman. But if you'll believe with all your heart... Really, the thing...

Let me explain this to you, what you're trying to do. You've lost your voice, from it, and you're trying to pray for your voice to come back. Is that right? Wave your hand like this. Now, the woman's a stranger to me. I don't know her. See her? That's her. There, there she is. See? "Greater is He that's in you, the faith that can touch Him, than he that's in your throat."

You believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

251 Sister Larsen, I do know you. She is my landlord. But, Sister Larsen, you've been to a doctor or something, something another. You're up for an operation. That's right. Isn't that right? Greater is He that's in you, Sister Larsen, than he that's in the world. Jesus said, "I was a stranger, and you took Me in. Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me."

O Heavenly Father, be merciful!

252What do you think? You're up for an operation, too. You're a stranger to me. Is that right? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You're not from here. ["I know you, but you don't know me."] You know me, but I don't know you. ["You don't know me."] But God knows you. You believe that? ["Yes, I do."] You're up for an operation. You don't live here. You're near Bedford, Springville, something like... That's where it's at, Springville. Mrs. Burton... No, no, I beg your pardon, I didn't mean that. Mrs. Parker, that's your name. Isn't it? Greater is He that's in you, than he that's trying to kill you. Is that right? Do you believe with all your heart? Then you won't need your operation, if you do.

253 What do you think of all this, sister? I don't know you. You're a stranger to me. Do you believe me to be His prophet? [The sister says, "I believe it."--Ed.] You do. Thank you. God will honor that. You are Mrs. White. You come from Fort Worth, Texas. You got a muscular disease, a nervous condition. You're very bad. There is no hopes for you, as far as medical science is concerned. Your husband, he has a spiritual need that he's praying over. You got a son there, he has trouble with his back, and heart trouble. You got a little boy in his lap. That little boy has some kind of a speech that you're praying over. If that's right, raise up your hand. [The husband says, "That's right. They're our needs."]

"Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] With all your heart? ["Amen."] With all of it? ["Amen."]

Now let's bow our heads.

254 Now He's went through the building. He's proved to you that He's God. "Greater, this He that's in you, than he that's in the world." It's the Lord God. Now, He that's in you, let Him have preeminences. Let Him have the oversaying of--of what you...

You say in your heart right now, if you can, with all your heart, and believe it, "The disease that was in my body is gone." See? "I am no more afflicted. I have no more disease. He that's in me is greater than he that's in my body. He that's in my heart is greater than he that's in my flesh. Therefore, He that's in my heart created the heavens and earth. My flesh has been contaminated by Satan, and I am a temple for the Holy Spirit to live in. Therefore, Satan, I command you to leave my body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of me." See? You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Now let us all pray in our own way now, each one, while I pray for you.

255 Almighty God, the Creator of heavens and earth, the Author of life, the Revealer of the secrets of the heart, You said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and even is a Discerner of the thoughts of the mind."

256That's the reason, when the Word was made flesh, It knowed what they were thinking about, as He perceived their thoughts. He was the Word, and the Word knowed the secrets of their hearts.

And that Word is still the same Word. And tonight we see It revealing Itself in us, after two thousand years, because He wrote It on the paper and is here confirming it, showing it, that It's right.

257Here lays handkerchiefs laying here. Sick people are everywhere. I pray that the great Holy Spirit that's present, that shows these things, that tells these things, and never fails, but what it's right, not one time can It fail, because It's God. Let Him anoint these handkerchiefs with His Presence, and heal every sick person that they're laid upon. And the God Who can be alive, after two thousand years, and can form Himself into sinners' hearts that's been redeemed by grace and faith, and can speak His Own Words through mortal lips, and watch it happen just exactly what He promised.

258 O Lord God, I ask Thee to be merciful to us. And may every man and woman that's setting present, that has any kind of a sickness or affliction; and as Moses throwed hisself in the breach, for the people, tonight I lay my heart out before You, Lord. And with all the faith that I have, that's in You, that You have given me, I give to them. As Peter said at the gate called Beautiful, "Such as I have, give I thee. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And the man was lame and--and weak for a few moments, but, while they held him, his anklebones received strength. And he entered into the House of God, leaping, and praising and blessing God.

259Thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever. And His apostle said, "Such as I have, give I thee." It was faith. And I say: such as I have, give I to this audience! In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, renounce your sickness, 'cause greater is He that's in you, than the Devil that's trying to take your life. You are children of God. You are the redeemed.

260I command that Satan leave this people. May the God Who rolled back that storm the other day, the God Who made the winds and the waves to cease, may He see to it that every disease is taken from these people, and the power of Christ is made manifest in their life at this hour. May every sinner repent. May every person, that's not close to You, get right at this hour. And may it be so, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

261 I, as your pastor, your brother, with what faith I have, I've asked God to place it on you. I believe that I'll receive what I have asked. Now if you will believe it with me; with what faith that I have, I give to you for this hour.

And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, renounce your affliction, your sickness, and say to it, "You have to go," 'cause you have your faith, plus my faith, with the power of Jesus Christ, Whose omnipresence is here to vindicate it and prove that He is here, will make you well at this time.

262Do you believe that, lady, laying on this cot? [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] Though your muscles be all like they call it, a sclerosis and things, you can walk if you'll try. Stand up, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Help her there. There she goes. Don't you believe? The rest of you, stand up. Her anklebones received strength.

Now let's raise our hands and give Him praise.

263Great Jehovah God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves to You for the healing. Amen.