Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári



No, všimnite si len čo sa dialo. Tí proroci kárali tieto ženy vo svojom čase a hovorili o nich, že nenávidia ženy. Je to tak. História dokazuje, že to tak bolo. No počkajte chvíľu. Vy, ktorí si zapisujete miesta Písma, chcete si zapísať I. Timoteovi 5:6. Biblia hovorí: "Žena, ktorá žije v svetskej rozkoši ..." (Nemôže byť v rozkošiach Božích, tak to by muselo, vidíte ...) "Žena, ktorá žije vo svetských rozkošiach je mŕtva hoci žije." To je to čo povedal prorok, sv. Pavol. Žena, ktorá žije v tomto svetskom stave je mŕtva hoci žije. Ak ona odmieta milosť, môže prekročiť tú oddeľujúcu čiaru, kde už viac nie je pre ňu miesto. A kde sa potom nachádza, so svojimi namaľovanými očami, ostrihanými vlasmi? Ona je na druhej strane za tou čiaru a nemá možnosť dostať sa naspäť, a musí jej byť kázané. Ale pamätajte, v tom čase, je po všetkom. Je dokonané - zostáva len znepokojovanie!

Tam bude služba, ktorá ukáže veľké zázraky, Joel tak povedal, ale už nebude čas na vykúpenie. Všetko sa skončilo. Baránok zobral svoju Knihu, a jeho vykupovanie sa skončilo. A Ježiš prv kázal a bol odmietnutý a potom odišiel a znepokojoval tých, ktorí boli tam - kázal tým, ktorí boli v žalári a nečinili pokánie - nebol čas na spasenie.

Tá istá služba sa bude musieť znovu zopakovať. Čo ak to mohlo byť to tretie potiahnutie, pre tých večne zatratených? Čo ak je to tu? Dúfam že nie je. Čo ak je? Zamyslite sa nad tým teraz za chvíľu. Čo ak to je? Bože nedovoľ, ja mám deti. Ale to skutočne vyzerá, že je to tu blízko.

1Ďakujem ti. Skloňme na chvíľu hlavy. Nebeský Otče, sme Ti dnes vďační, že sme sa mohli znovu spolu zhromaždiť, vediac, že jedného dňa sa zhromaždíme naposledy, ako smrteľníci, a potom sa zhromaždíme v oslávenom stave s Tebou, a všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov tam budú zhromaždení.

2Ó, naše srdcia bijú silnejšie vo veľkej nádeji, čakajúc, že nastane tá hodina. Pri tomto vyprchá z nás všetok strach. Z ničoho nemáme strach, ničoho sa nebojíme. Hľadíme dopredu na zasľúbenie, ktoré nám dal večný Boh, a vieme, že je to pravda. Na to žijeme. Žijeme čakajúc na tú hodiny, ten čas, keď toto smrteľné bude premenené, a my sa staneme ako On, a už nebude viacej nemoci, žiaľu, nebude viac trápenia.

3Och, potom všetkému tomu bude koniec. A my, s radosťou v srdci, vo viere a s odvahou, očakávame ten deň. Preto sme sa tu dnes zhromaždili, Pane, aby sme vyznali svoje chyby a prosili o milosť. Preto dnes ráno stojíme pred týmto oltárom, pretože vieme, že sme smrteľní, a je v nás mnoho chýb, a máme plno nedostatkov. Ale prichádzame, aby sme vyznali svoje viny, a potom hľadeli na nášho Nebeského Otca s otvorenými srdcami, očakávajúc na požehnanie a obnovenie sily a viery, čo nám On dá v tejto chvíli, keď sme sa tu zhromaždili podľa zasľúbenia v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Pretože si nárokujeme, že sme prešli zo smrti do Života, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia, a sme zobraní hore do nebeskej atmosféry, sediac teraz s Ním.

4Nech nás On učí dnes ráno veci, ktoré On chce, aby sme poznali a dá nám chlieb života, aby sme mohli byť zachovaní pre tú budúcnosť, ktorá leží pred nami. Udeľ toho, Pane. To je naša modlitba, ktorú prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

5Môžete si sadnúť. Dobré ráno každému. Je to veľmi dobre, že sme tu znovu dnes ráno s vami zhromaždení, v tejto nebeskej atmosfére, keď chválime Boha.

6Prišiel som trošku neskoršie. Boli sme volaný ku naozaj veľmi naliehavému prípadu, práve pred niekoľkými minútami. Zomieral tam chlapec. A tak ako je isté, že tu stojím, Pán sa dotkol jeho tela a poslal ho na tú cestu. Tak ... A stojí tu chlapec, to je syn môjho bratranca. Oni boli stále tvrdí Katolíci, ale dnes ráno išli na omšu a niečo im povedalo, aby išli sem, a tak oni ... To je zmena. A tak oni odišli z tade a prišli sem a pripravujú sa na vodný krst.

7Tak potom ... To je proste niečo ohromné, čo po celý čas náš Pán robí. On proste stále robí takéto niečo. Oni prišli a chceli vojsť a nemohli sa dostať dovnútra. Povedali, že sa proste nedalo dostať dovnútra.

Povedal som: "Dobre, ak sa chcete so mnou rozprávať," povedal som "no, len sem príďte a budeme sa tu o tom rozprávať."

8Rozmýšľal som - teraz na ceste do New Yorku, na to nadchádzajúce zhromaždenie, že by to bolo tak pekne ... Viem budem občerstvený, keď sa tu na chvíľu zastavím a pomôžem zapáliť môj oheň z ohňa, ktorý vy všetci máte, a zastavili sme sa dnes ráno na nejaký deň.

9Prišli sme predvčerom, na poludnie, a potom musíme odísť ... Mal som odísť dnes popoludní, ale myslím, že pôjdem ... vyrazíme včas ráno, skutočne zavčasu ... Môžeme mať na cestách sneh a všetko možné, odtiaľto do New Yorku. Musíme ísť cez Virgíniu, cez hory, a tiež cez Allegheny a potom spodkom Adirondacku. Začíname v ... Zabudol som, je to tam tá aréna, tá nová. Oni zbúrali tú starú arénu Saint Nicholas, tak som počul a postavili túto novú.

10A pokiaľ viem, dostávame niekoľko z prvých večerov, ktoré ... ako to bolo otvorené. Tak sme za to vďační, za tých veľkých letničných ľudí z New Yorku. A myslím, že tam budeme mať v spolupráci niekoľko zborov, a očakávame na krásne chvíle.

11Vrátime sa, ak dá Pán, niekedy na budúci týždeň. A ak bude vôľa Božia dúfame, že sa zastavíme na nedeľu, za týždeň, na nedeľné raňajšie zhromaždenie.

12A potom, znovu som zabehol za na našim pastorom, ako to vždy robím, viete, a myslel som, možno ak ... ak sa sem dostanem... a bolo to dokonca bez pýtania. A potom, je tu milá skupina, a vidím tu ľudí, ktorí sú pomimo mesta; myslel som, že možno, dnes večer, ak pastor nemá nič mimoriadne, že by sme mali dnes večer malé zhromaždenie, len krátke a možno by sme sa modlili za chorých. Ďakujem.

13Dúfame, že sa budeme dnes večer modliť za chorých, hovoriť o Božskom uzdravovaní a - a modliť sa za chorých. Začneme zavčasu, aby sme mohli včas skončiť. A ak pastor bude, čo ... Vy obyčajne začínate o 7:30. Je to tak? Čo poviete začať dnes večer o 7:00? [brat Neville: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] A ja by som mohol začať o 7:30.

14To mi umožní skončiť o 8:00, alebo o 8:30, a tak ľudia budú mať čas ísť domov; ak vám to vyhovuje. Všetci sa smiali, keď som povedal, že skončím o 8:00 alebo 8:30. Dúfam, že dovtedy skončím. Modliť sa za chorých, viete, nikdy nevieme. No prežili sme ohromné chvíle odvtedy ako sme vás opustili začiatkom jesene, a Pán nás požehnal v mnohých veľkých veciach.

15A dnes večer, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem vám povedať o poslednej návšteve, ktorú som mal, od Boha, v Koloráde, pred niekoľkými týždňami. A to je to o čom som rozmýšľal, že vám teraz prinesiem. Možno na povzbudenie viery pre chorých a postihnutých na dobré uzdravovacie zhromaždenie dnes večer.

16No, dnes ráno, aby som hneď vošiel do služby, niečo sa dotklo môjho srdca, asi pred mesiacom, a to mohlo byť ... No, myslím, že sú to ... Nahrávajú toto? No dobre. Tak, aby som vedel kde, keď sa tá páska dostane iným.

17Nemôžem povedať, že to, o čom budem hovoriť dnes ráno ... Nemôžem povedať, že to je ... Viem, že je to pravda. Rozumiete. Čo sa týka Posolstva to bude v poriadku. Ale to, čo chcem povedať, je otázka v mojej mysli. Vyzerá to tak skutočné. A predsa, ako som sem prišiel, a odvtedy ako mi to bolo zjavené, bol som tak prestrašený, aby som nepovedal niečo zle a neurobil na ľudí zlý vplyv.

Poznámky, ktoré som si zapísal, z ktorých som sa chystal hovoriť, časť z nich som vynechal, aby som to neurobil príliš silné. Pretože, viete, ak niekto ... Ja milujem Pána Boha, a jediný spôsob ako viem, že Ho milujem, je ten, že milujem vás. Rozumiete? To je to jediné podľa čoho to viem.

A jednako nechcem zamlčať nič z toho, čo mi bolo zjavené, aby som vám to nepovedal, ak vám to má byť povedané. A potom sa bojím, že ak poviem niečo príliš silno, môže to niekomu ublížiť. A viete to je ... Vy sa musíte dostať na pódium a potom cítiť vedenie do toho čo idete povedať. To je všetko. A potom niekedy môžete povedať niečo, a niekto tomu dá inakší význam, a oni vybehnú na túto stranu; a potom niekto povie: "Ó, toto je toto." Rozumiete.

18Ale ja chcem, aby ste vedeli, že to čo idem povedať je len predpokladanie, a slovo predpoklad znamená, odvážiť sa bez autority. Tak ja ... nehovorím, že toto je pravda, ale je to len malá myšlienka, ktorú vám chcem povedať, aby ste to mohli zvážiť a vidieť, čo si o tom myslíte.

19A potom to bude ... samozrejme, to bude podľa Písma, pretože ja by som nekázal nič ... Ale je to už tá hodina? Prišlo to už do tej hodiny, a znamenajú tieto veci to? Modlím sa, so všetkým, čo je vo mne, nech to nie je. Vidíte? Modlím sa nech to nie je teraz, nech nie je tá hodina. Ona nastane, ale prišlo to už do toho času? Vidíte, to je to nad čím premýšľam.

20No, každý jasne rozumie, že ja neviem. Ja len ... Je toto ten čas? Ak je, Bože buď nám milostivý. Ale, ak toto nie je ten čas, on nastane.

21No, pokiaľ len môžeme, máme pred nami veľký cestovný program, keď dá Pán. A ja mám ísť za more, hneď po Vianociach, do Európy a Ázii; zvlášť do Európy. A potom prídem naspäť sem do Spojených štátov, na niekoľko zhromaždení, a potom pôjdem znovu do Južnej Afriky. Začnem druhého septembra, v Durbane, a pôjdem od druhého, myslím, asi do desiateho, a potom budem mať tri dni, aby som išiel z tade do Johannesburgu a znovu začal. Ale myslím to je v mesiaci apríli, začneme v škandinávskych krajinách, v Nórsku a vo švédsku a vo Fínsku a v Holandsku a vo švajčiarsku a v Nemecku, a tam cez Európu. A tak sa za nás modlite.

22Máme tu niekoľko zhromaždení - teraz budú Vianoce - hneď po Vianociach. Mimochodom, chceme tu byť cez Vianoce - doma. Deti chcú prísť na Vianoce domov. Milujeme Arizonu, ale viete to čo sme stratili a nemôžeme sa cez to dostať, je tento zbor a vy ľudia. Nezáleží kde ideme, čo robíme, to je proste ... Deti, ja, moja žena a všetci. Neexistuje proste takéto miesto ako toto. Je to tak. Nie je takého miesta.

23Preplavil so sa cez sedem morí a bol som všade, ale nie je žiadneho miesta, ktoré pre mňa vyzerá tak posvätené, ako toto malé miesto práve tu. Toto je ono. Odíďte z neho len raz ak chcete ... Niečo tu proste je. Kázal som prakticky po celom svete a nikdy, na žiadnom mieste som necítil tak Ducha Božieho s takou voľnosťou a všetko, ako cítim tu, keď stojím práve tu. Toto je ono.

Bože, nech - ako v ten deň, keď som tam kládol ten uholný kameň, povedal som: "Pane Bože, nedaj aby ono upadlo."

Ľudia povedali: "Za dva mesiace bude z toho garáž."

Povedal som: "Nedaj, aby to upadlo, Pane. Nech ono stojí, a nech Ťa tu ľudia chvália, keď sa Ježiš vráti." Nadejem sa, že to tak bude.

24No, otvorme si teraz Biblie, a očakávame, že nám Pán dá svoje požehnania. A chceme čítať miesto Písma. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať, a nejaké poznámky. A chcem čítať z troch miest z Biblii, a najprv vám ich poviem.

25Chcem čítať z Júdu 5 a 6. Júda je len jedna kniha, viete. A potom chcem čítať z Druhej epištoly Petra, z druhej kapitoly 4-5. Potom chcem čítať z Prvej Petra, 3:18-20. A moja téma dnes ráno, keď Pán dá, je: Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári. Oh. Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári. Zavreté, naveky odsúdené. Nikdy, nie je žiadnej možnosti, aby boli spasené, vidíte, "Duše, ktoré sú teraz uväznené."

26No čítajme prv z knihy Júdu. Myslím, že som si to tu v Júdovi poznačil ako prvé; a potom v 2. Petra, a potom v l. Petra. No, Júda, rád by som to prečítal všetko; ale aby som ušetril čas, pretože je už 10:30, začnem od 5. verša. No, Júda bol brat, nevlastný brat Ježiša Krista, ako to všetci vieme. Vidíte? On bol Jozefov syn.

A chcem vám pripomenúť, ktorí raz viete to všetko, že Pán zachrániac ľud z Egyptskej zeme po druhé tých, ktorí neuverili zatratil.

Prv ich zachránil, vyviedol ich z Egyptu, a potom ich musel zatratiť, pretože oni nenasledovali ďalej svoje posolstvo, vidíte.

A anjelov, ktorí nezachovali svojho kniežatstva, ale opustili svoj vlastný príbytok, zachoval strážených pod mrákavou vo večných putách ku dňu veľkého dňa.


Anjeli, ktorí raz boli v Nebi, a nezachovali svoj stav a cestu na ktorej boli, odpadli, a teraz sú vo večných reťaziach temnoty... vo večných putách pod mrákavou, strážený v tom stave až do Súdu toho veľkého Dňa, keď budú súdení so všetkými ďalšími neveriacimi.

28Teraz v 2. Petra, druhá kapitola, začneme od 4. verša, to je len jednu alebo dve knihy pred tým, viete.

Lebo ak Boh neušetril anjelov, ktorí zhrešili, ale ich v reťaziach mrákoty uvrhol do podsvetného žalára a strážených vydal súdu;

A neušetril ani starodávneho sveta, ale samoôsmeho Noeho, hlásateľa spravodlivosti, zachránil, keď bol uviedol potopu na svet bezbožných


(Neušetril anjelov; dal ich do reťazí temnosti a celý svet odsúdil na zničenie, v čase Noeho.)

29Teraz v l. Petra, 1. kapitola a ... l. Petra, 3. kapitola, a začneme od 18. verša, čítame znovu. No, počúvajte teraz pozorne.

Lebo aj Kristus raz trpel a zomrel za hriechy, spravodlivý za nespravodlivých, aby nás priviedol k Bohu, usmrtený telom, ale oživený Duchom: ... usmrtený telom, ale oživený Duchom.

V ktorom aj odíduc kázal duchom v žalári,

...(On kázal tým ľuďom, v žalári)

ktorí kedysi neposlúchali, keď raz vyčkávala Božia zhovievavosť za dní Noeho, keď sa staval koráb, v ktorom bolo málo, to jest osem duší zachránených vodou,

... ktorý aj nás, protiobraz zachránených v korábe, zachraňuje teraz ako krst,

(čo nie je zloženie špiny tela, ale dobrého svedomia pýtanie sa po Bohu,)

vzkriesením Ježiša Krista,

Ktorý odíduc do Neba je po pravici Boha, keď mu driev boli podriadení anjeli, vrchnosti a moci.

30Modlime sa znovu. Nebeský Otče, takáto súvislosť Písma tu - traja svedkovia. Tri miesta v Písme dávajú svedectvo. A Ty si povedal v Tvojom Slove, že nech na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkov je postavené každé slovo.

31Teraz sa Ti modlím, ó Bože, aby si Ty prišiel ku ľuďom a vyložil im toto Slovo, toto posolstvo, vo svetle, v ktorom ono má byť, aby každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča mohli porozumieť v tej schopnosti, ktorú si Ty pre nich určil, aby to porozumeli. A teraz, keď vieme, že títo traja svedkovia nesú svedectvo o pravde, a ja sa modlím, aby si teraz na nás poslal Ducha Svätého.

A my budeme hľadieť na Neho, ktorý je naším Kráľom, v našom strede dnes ráno, na Pána Ježiša Krista; kde sme teraz postavení skrze vieru, sedíme v tých ponebeských miestach v Ňom. Čakáme na Jeho posolstvo.

32Hovor ho cez nás, Pane, počuj ho cez nás, keď prosíme, aby si obrezal ústa, ktoré hovoria a uši, ktoré počúvajú, aby to mohlo by na Jeho slávu a chválu, ktorý je Písmom. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene. Amen.

33No, pamätajte tá služba dnes večer, uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Myslím, že nebude potrebné rozdávať modlitebné karty, budeme sa len modliť za chorých. Mám niečo, čo vám chcem povedať, a dúfam, že to privedie to zhromaždenie na miesto, že tam budú uzdravenia všetkého druhu. Viem, že to bude, ak to len budeme tak veriť.

34No, toto: "Duše teraz v žalári" ... "Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári." No, duša človeka nie je telo človeka, to je duša. Vidíte? A duša je niečo, to je povaha ducha. A potom, keď povaha človeka ... Keď on povedal: "My sme mŕtvi," Písmo nám to jasne hovorí, že my sme mŕtvi a naše životy sú skryté v Bohu skrze Krista; zapečatené tam Duchom Svätým.

35No, to nezomrelo vaše telo; to nezomrel váš duch. To zomrela povaha vášho ducha. Vidíte. Povaha, ktorou je duša. Povahou vašej duši je Boh, ak ste znovuzrodení. Ak nie je, je zo sveta.

36Všetko čo začalo musí skončiť. Tak teda jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať večný život, je mať život, ktorý nikdy nezačal. A tak váš život začal, keď ste sa narodili.

37Keď Boh vdýchol dych života do vašich nozdier, a vy ste sa stali živou dušou, tak potom ste začali. Ale keď ste ... Tá povaha, ktorá bola vo vás, od prirodzenosti ste boli zo sveta, vzdialení od Boha. Boli ste v skutočnosti zviera. Je to presne tak. Každý vie, že sme cicavce.

38Koľkí vedia, že sme cicavce? Sme teplokrvné zvieratá, ale to je to, čo sme skrze naše zemské stvorenie, ale vidíte, čo nás robí rozdielnych od iných cicavcov je to, že Boh nám dal dušu.

No, iné cicavce nemusia nosiť šaty. Žiadne zviera nemusí nosiť šaty, aby zakrylo svoju hanbu, okrem nás. My sme tí jediní, ktorí nosíme šaty, pretože máme dušu. Ale vidíte, Boh, na začiatku vedel, aký bude človek, a On stvoril zem a priviedol všetky druhy zvierat, od tých najnižších do tých najvyšších; a to najvyššie zviera, ktoré prišlo bol človek.

39A potom ... Prv, človek bol učinený; on bol človek duch, na obraz Boží; Boh je Duch, (ev. Jána 4). No, On je Duch, a tí, ktorí sa Mu modlia, modlia sa Mu v Duchu a v pravde, a Tvoje Slovo je pravda. No, my sa Mu modlíme v Duchu a v pravde. On je Duchovná bytosť.

40Vtedy tam nebol žiadny človek, ktorý by obrábal zem, a tak Boh vyformoval človeka z prachu zeme. Potom On zobral z jeho boku, vedľajší produkt, rebro, a z neho, rozdelil tohoto človeka, ktorý mal dvojakú povahu, ženskú i mužskú, ktorý bol oboje. A On zobral tú ženskosť, pretože to bola láska, a umiestnil ju do osoby nazvanej Eva - ktorú Adam nazval Eva, ktorá bola jeho ženou.

41Tam jeho láska, prirodzená, fileo láska bola verná jeho žene. Takýto má byť muž dnes, a ona tak isto ku svojmu mužovi. Muž, mužskosť; žena, ženskosť. A potom, vidíte, potom, ako On urobil človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, "stvoril ich muža a ženu," nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, a On ho dal do prachu zeme, a tak sa on stal - on bol ten človek.

42Tento ľudský človek bol cicavec. On bol zviera, ale On položil tohoto Ducha Božieho, život do neho a urobil ho na základe, že on mohol urobiť voľbu. A potom, keď tento človek ... My si teraz myslíme, že sme niečo. Pamätajte len, čo sme? Hruda špiny. To je všetko. A pretože: "Prach si a na prach sa obrátiš."

43Tak keď vidíte tohoto človeka kráčať dole ulicou, myslí si, že je niečo, viete; a má trochu vzdelania, a niečo, pamätajte, to je hruda prachu z Indiány. To je všetko. A tá žena, ktorá je celá oblečená v šortkách a fajčí cigarety a správa sa tak na ulici, točí sa, ako by jej patrila celá krajina, to je hruda prachu z Indiány, a tak sa to naspäť na to obráti. Tak nemáte sa čím chváliť, vidíte. No, je to tak. To je to čo ste. Ale, tá duša, ktorá je vo vnútri, tá duša je to, na čom Boh pracuje.

44Ak On len môže dostať tú povahu, toho ducha, aby s Ním súhlasil, potom tá povaha zomiera. Tá povaha a tá láska po tom svete zomiera a veci toho sveta sú mŕtve; pretože ak milujete svet, alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás.

45A človek musí byť znovu narodený, tak táto povaha musí zomrieť, a povaha Božia prichádza a žije vo vás. A Boh je to jediné, čo nikdy nezačalo ani nikdy nemôže skončiť.

46Tak, preto On má spoločenstvo vidíte, a zobral tohoto človeka, zemského, a tohoto večného Ducha a dal to dokopy. Pretože, Boh znovu odzrkadlil Seba Samého, v tom sa On stal človekom, keď sa stal Kristom Ježišom, a On bol Boh. Boh bol v Kristovi. Žil v Ňom, mieriac svet so Sebou, a cez toho dokonalého človeka, každý jeden z nás nedokonalý, ktorý verí v Boha a prijal to, sa stáva Jeho dokonalosťou.

47On nenechal, aby Jeho telo videlo skazenie, ani nezanechal Jeho dušu v pekle, ale Ho vzkriesil na tretí deň a On žije naveky. A my budeme mať telo, ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Preto sme pokrstení do Jeho mena, aby sme mohli prísť v Jeho mene, v Jeho smrti, v Jeho vzkriesení ... Že my znovu povstávame svedčíme svetu, že máme nový život, že ten starý človek je mŕtvy. Pochovali sme tú prvú povahu.

48Tá prvá povaha je preč, a teraz sme Jeho povahou. On žije v nás, a my nerobíme svoju vlastnú vôľu, robíme Jeho vôľu. Nemyslíme svoje vlastné myšlienky - myseľ - myseľ to je to, čo myslíme. Myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi Ježišovi je v každom veriacom. Tam je tá duša, a to je to o čom hovoríme. No, to je tá časť, ktorú teraz mám na mysli, to čo je v nás, duša.

49No, ak si v tomto všimneme, je mnoho vecí, a my sa divíme prečo sa oni stali, a pýtame sa sami seba, a pýtame sa iných. Ale nakoniec po nejakom čase, zisťujeme, že ak sme Kresťania; nejako ste to videli, všetci Kresťania to videli. Divíme sa prečo sme to urobili. Divil som sa niekedy, keď som prvý krát čítal Bibliu: "Prečo nechal Boh Abraháma, toho veľkého muža, ktorý tam kedy stál a povedal, že Sára nie je jeho žena?" A ako to, že On ho nechal tam stáť a klamať o tom, a to čo on urobil. A potom, ako On vôbec nechal Abraháma opustiť zasľúbenú zem, o ktorej mu On povedal, aby ju neopúšťal? Každý Žid, ktorý opúšťa zasľúbenú zem je odpadlík, pretože Boh im ju dal a zasľúbil im, aby tam zostali, a oni ju opustili.

50Tak on odišiel do Gerár. Ale ak by to nebolo pre to ... A potom Abimelech, ten kráľ tam dole, v krajine Filištínov sa zamiloval do Sáry a išiel sa s ňou oženiť, a bol dobrým človekom, a spravodlivým mužom. A potom, keď on možno ... (toto zneje smiešne, ale aby som vám to trochu ozrejmil). Potom, keď sa on večer okúpal a obliekol si pyžamo, a pomodlil sa a išiel do postele, Pán sa mu zjavil a povedal: "Si na tom rovnako, ako mŕtvy človek," a ten človek nič neurobil. On bol naprosto oklamaný od oboch, od Abraháma i Sáry. Je to tak. On povedal: "Máš ženu iného muža, a ja nevypočujem tvoju modlitbu, nezáleží na tom koľko sa budeš modliť. Si tak ako mŕtvy. Ale ten muž je Môj prorok."

51Je to ťažké porozumieť, ale ak to tak nebolo, nepoznali by sme čo je to milosť. Prečo on išiel a vzal si Hagar, po tom čo mal milovanú ženu, ako Sára? A on to nechcel urobiť; ale Sára mu to povedala, a potom mu Pán povedal: "Poslúchni čo ti povedala Sára." Prečo? Tam musel byť Izmael, že tá otrokyňa a jej dieťa nebudú dediť so slobodnou ženou a jej deckom. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Všetky tieto veci sú príklady.

52Prečo si ten prorok musel zobrať prostitútku a mal ... S tými deťmi - mal dve deti s ňou ako znak? Prečo ten prorok ležal na svojom pravom boku 340 dní a potom ležal toľko dní takto na druhom boku, ako znak? Jeden prorok vyzliekol svoje šaty a chodil pred Izraelom. Všetky tieto veci, to boli príklady a tiene, vidíte? My musíme mať tieto veci, aby sme ich vyplnili, a mnohokrát sa nám prihodia veci, že sa divíme prečo to je. To je Boh ukazujúci nám niečo popredku.

53Ako malé dieťa, (a vy poznáte príbeh môjho života) stále som veril odkedy si môžem pamätať ... Jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú si pamätám ... No toto ... No mohli by ste mi včera niečo povedať, a ja by som to do dnes zabudol, ale sú určité veci, ktoré sa stali dávno, v našich detských dňoch, (s mnohými nami je to tak) ktoré si stále pamätáme. A toto čo poviem zneje skoro smiešne, ale ja sa pamätám, keď som chodil kolenačky v dlhej košeli. Malá decká ... Niektorí z vás môjho veku si budú pamätať, že deťom zvykli obliekať takú dlhú košeľu. A ja sa pamätám, ako som chodil kolenačky a bral som sneh z topánok môjho strýka a jedol som ho, keď on prišiel dnu, a stál pri ohnisku.

54Potom ďalšia vec, na ktorú si pamätám, ktorá sa stala v mojom živote bolo videnie; prvé, ktoré som vôbec mal, a bolo mi povedané, že budem žiť veľkú časť svojho života blízko mesta nazvanom New Albany. Bol som malé dieťa tam z hôr, nebolo tam ani doktora, keď som sa narodil; a žil som tu okolo päťdesiat rokov, práve tu - videnie.

55A potom, ako som stále vedel, že niekde je Boh, a ako malý chlapec On prehovoril ku mne, aby som nikdy nefajčil, ani nepil, ani neznečisťoval svoje telo. To je páchať nemorálnosť so ženami a tak ďalej. Stále som mal z toho strach a - bol som mladým mužom.

56A potom som bol raz na poľovačke, čo sa zdá byť mojou druhou povahou, rád poľujem. A bol som na poľovačke s jedným chlapcom, Jim Pole, milý chlapec; (Myslím, že jeho chlapec chodí tu do zboru, malý Jim. Milá rodina. Poznal som Poolovcov. Jimmy a ja sme spávali spolu a bývali spolu, kým sme boli malý chlapci v škole ... Vekove je medzi nami rozdiel asi šesť mesiacov) a Jimovi vystrelila puška a prestrelil mi obe nohy, z blízka, s puškou, a mňa zobrali do nemocnice a tam - tam som ležal a zomieral. (V tom čase nebolo penicilínu ani ničoho). A dali podo mňa gumenú plachtu, a viem tej noci, nasledujúce ráno ma mali operovať. Oni len zobrali a vyčistili tú ranu, a veľké kúsky mäsa vytrhlo, a oni zobrali nožnice a odstrihli to, a ja som sa musel držať niekoho za ruky. A oni mali - Franka Eicha, práve nedávno spáchal samovraždu, a museli vypáčiť moje ruky, aby som uvoľnil jeho zápästia, keď skončili.

57Vrešťal som a kričal, držal som sa takto, a oni odstrihovali tú časť mojej nohy. Mal som štrnásť rokov, len chlapec. A tú noc som sa snažil zaspať a oni ... Prebudil som sa a niečo špliechalo. A tu bola krv, takmer pol galóna, myslím, vytiekla z tých žíl. A oni spravili röntgenový snímok a povedali, že tá guľka leží tak blízko pri tej tepne z každej strany, že len malé škrabnutie by ju preťalo rovno na dve a ja by som začal krvácať. "No," Myslel som: "Toto je môj koniec."

Dal som takto dole ruky a zodvihol som ich, a krv mi stekala po rukách, to bola moja vlastná krv, v ktorej som ležal. Zavolal som - zazvonil. Prišla ošetrovateľka a ona ju len uterákmi vysala, pretože nič iné nemohla robiť. A ráno, v takom oslabenom stave, (v tom čase nedávali transfúziu, viete) ma operovali. Dali mi navoňať éter. A keď som ... Ten éter - hádam si pamätáte, to je stará narkóza. A pod tým éterom, keď som sa dostal z ... Dostával som sa z pod toho éteru osem hodín. Oni mi ho museli dať tak veľa, mysleli si že nebudem môcť ... že sa nepreberiem. Nemohli ma prebrať.

58Pamätám sa pani Roedersová stála vedľa mňa tam v tej nemocnici. Nikdy nezabudnem na tú ženu, nezáleží čo sa stane, nikdy nemôžem na ňu zabudnúť. Ona vtedy bola len mladá. Jej manžel bol superintendant tu dole v automobilovom závode; a pamätám sa ona stála vedľa mňa, ona a pani Stewartová. To oni zaplatili moje nemocničné trovy. My sme v dome nemali ani čo jesť; tak ako by sme zaplatili účet na stovky dolárov?

59Ale ona, cez svoju cirkevnú spoločnosť a Ku Klux Klan zaplatili za mňa nemocničný účet - Slobodný murári. Nikdy na to nezabudnem. Nezáleží na tom, čo oni robia alebo čo, ja stále ... je niečo, že to vystáli so mnou, čo oni pre mňa urobili. A oni zaplatili ten účet Dr. Reederovi. On stále žije - žije tu vo Fortville a môže vám povedať ten príbeh.

60Keď som sa dostal z pod toho éteru, niečo sa mi tam prihodilo. Stále verím, že to bolo videnie. Pretože som bol tak slabý, oni si mysleli že zomieram. Ona kričala. Keď som otvoril oči, aby som sa pozrel, mohol som ju počuť hovoriť, a potom som znovu zaspal. Zobudil som sa dva alebo tri krát.

61A potom som mal videnie ... a potom asi sedem mesiacov neskoršie som musel ísť a vyberali mi z nôh chumáče mastného odevu, ktoré doktor nevybral. Tak som dostal otravu krvi, obidve nohy boli spuchnuté a musel som ísť naspäť, a oni mi chceli amputovať obe nohy od bedier. A ja som povedal: "Nie, len vyššie, tu to odrežte." Nemohol som to proste zniesť. A tak nakoniec, Dr. Reeder a Dr. Perdyl z Louisville, previedli tú operáciu, a tu to rozrezali a vybrali to von; a dnes mám ohromné nohy z milosti Božej.

62Ale pri tom poslednom videní, ktoré som mal ... To prvé videnie, keď som sa prebral, a potom som sa dostal do toho tranzu, a myslím, že som bol v pekle, tak ako jasne ... [Brat Branham je prerušený pretože v publiku je niekto chorý. – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Položte niekto na ňu svoje ruky a zoberte ju na vzduch. Teraz ktokoľvek tam stojí, položte na ňu svoje ruky. Modlime sa.

63Drahý Pane Ježišu, nech naša sestra, ktorá je dnes ráno chorá, a odpadla tam, nech Tvoja milosť a sila a moc - teraz sú tam na nej položené ruky, ktoré reprezentujú Teba. A Písmo povedalo: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Ak budú klásť na chorých ruky oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, nech sa naša sestra dostane z tej nemoci, a nech je zdravá na slávu Božiu. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista, a porúčame ju Tebe. Amen.

64No, dajte ju na vzduch. Je tu strašne dusno. Môžem to tu cítiť, veľmi, veľmi dusno. Na odpadnutie tu hore, na pódiu. Pocítil som to tu štyri alebo päť krát. Len čo sa bude cítiť trochu lepšie, no zoberte ju niekde, kde môže byť na čerstvom vzduchu. To je dobre. Je tu tak strašne dusno viete. Ľudia vytvárajú - každý z nás, tak mnoho štvorcových stôp nemoci. Ak tam niekto má vodu, alebo niečo dajte tej sestre. Ona je - ona má, dobre teraz. Čo to? Dobre. [Nejaký brat hovorí: "Otvorme tie dvere, brat Branham." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, možno ak by ste otvorili tie dvere možno, alebo nejako sem vpustili trochu vzduchu, koľko sa len dá.

65No, v tomto čase, keď som mal toto videnie a myslel som si, že som prešiel z tohoto života do utrpenia. A po siedmych mesiacoch, tu v nemocnici Clark County Memorial Hospitale, som sa podrobil druhej operácii. A v tom čase, keď som sa z toho dostal, zdalo sa mi, že som stál na západe. Mal som iné videnie. A tam na oblohe bol veľký zlatý kríž, a sláva Pánova sa rozlievala z toho kríža. A ja som stál takto so svojimi rukami, a tá sláva padala na moju hruď. A to videnie ma opustilo.

66Môj otec tam stál a díval sa na mňa, keď prišlo to videnie. Stále som cítil ... Všetci ľudia, ktorí ma poznajú, po všetky tie roky vedia, že som stále chcel ísť na západ. Viete ako to bolo. Stále tam bolo niečo, čo ma tiahlo na západ. Ale pretože nejaký astronóm mi raz povedal, to isté, že mám ísť na západ ... Tie hviezdy, keď oni prekrížili svoje cykly a tak ďalej, že som sa narodil pod tým znakom, a že nikdy nebudem mať úspech na východe, budem musieť ísť na západ. A minulý rok som odišiel na západ, aby som vyplnil životnú túžbu, ktorú som mal, aby som to urobil.

67No som tam - je to tá najsmiešnejšia vec. Sedím tam vonku v púšti, platím nájomné 110 dolárov na mesiac, a tu je dom, fara, zariadená pre mňa, ale to je nasledovanie Pána. To je všetko čo viem, že mám robiť. A vy viete o tých videniach a čo sa tam stalo.

68No, v tomto chcem povedať ... (Ak sa naša sestra cíti trochu slabá, brat Roy, ak chceš prísť sem niekde a posadiť ju tu v tej miestnosti, kde môže mať viac vzduchu, alebo niečo, to je úplne v poriadku, pretože ... Cítim, že bude v poriadku. No, vidíte je to dobre, ona je len malátna, chorá. A tak hovorím vám, ak ju chcete sem priniesť, kde vzduch ... Zodvihni tieto okná, brat Roy. Ak tá sestra chce prísť, to bude dobre. Ak chce prísť sem, len sa toho neboj, chcem položiť na ňu ruky, keď pôjde okolo. Vy všetci, prepáčte mi na chvíľu).

Nebeský Otče, tu táto tvoja dcéra tu sedí dnes ráno, a ona prišla, aby počúvala toto posolstvo a Satan sa ju snaží od toho odbiť, ale on to nemôže urobiť. On je porazený, v mene Ježiša Krista.

69Vy hovoríte, že je tu dusno. Mali by ste byť niekde za oceánom, kde sa oni len nahrnú jeden na druhého s leprou a rakovinou a och! Sotva popadnete dych, viete, a takéto veci, ležiace v tých veľkých budovách nainfikovaných nemocami. A viete čo je to lepra! Ležia tam bez uší a polovica ich tváre je zožraná a bez ramien, a drevené protézy miesto nôh a tomu podobné veci - ležia natlačení jeden na druhého a mnohí práve zomierajú, ležia tam, natlačení jeden na druhom, viete snažia sa dostať niekde, aby počuli posolstvo.

A teraz v tomto, poviem vám čo sa stalo: V tom videní, ktoré som mal pôjdem naspäť, pretože som to povedal ... tieto dve videnia, aby som vám ukázal o jednom z nich - mal som byť na západe. Stále som po tom túžil.

70No, účel tohoto posolstva dnes ráno je oznámiť cirkvi o všetkom, čo mi On oznámi pre cirkev, pokiaľ viem, až kým ... ako idem ďalej. A toto ma zarazilo, tak som to chcel oznámiť cirkvi. No, toto je len pre toto zhromaždenia, aby to počuli. A v tomto videní, v tom prvom, tu je to, čo sa stalo: Potom, keď prišlo videnie, a ja som bol taký slabý, a stratil som všetku tú krv, a myslel som si, že sa ponáram do bezodnej večnosti - mnohí z vás ste ma počuli hovoriť toto predtým - a ponáral som sa do bezodnej večnosti.

71Prv, prechádzal som cez mračná, a potom cez temnosť a ponáral som sa dole, dole, dole. A prvé čo viete, dostal som sa do rajónov zatratených. A v tom som kričal, a pozrel som sa a všetko, nemalo to proste žiadny základ. Neprestával som padať - lebo večnosť ... vyzeralo to ako, padal som a nikde to nemalo konca.

72Potom, aký to bol rozdiel od toho videnia, ktoré som tu mal nedávno, o tom, že som bol v chvále s tými ľuďmi, čo za rozdiel. Ale v tomto, ako som padal, nakoniec som - volal som na svojho otca. Samozrejme, bol som len dieťa, to je to čo som mohol robiť. Volal som na svojho otca; a môjho otca tam nebolo. Volal som na mamu; "Niekto ma chytil!" a mama tam nebola. Stále som padal. A kričal som potom na Boha; a Boha tam nebolo. Nebolo tam ničoho.

73A po chvíli som počul najtrúchlivejšie zvuky, aké som kedy počul; a to bol najhorší pocit. Nie je spôsob - ešte aj doslovne horiaci oheň by bol príjemnosťou pri pohľade na toto.

74No, tieto videnia nikdy neboli falošné. A toto bol proste jeden z tých mnohých hrozných pocitov, ktoré som kedy mal, a ktoré ... počul som zvuk znelo to ako niečo strašidelné. A keď to bolo, pozrel som sa a videl som prichádzať, a to boli ženy, a oni mali niečo zelené, mali by ste len vidieť ich tváre, a oni mali zelené mazadlo pod očami, a ich oči vyzerali ako - premietajúc si to naspäť, ako si dnes ženy maľujú oči. Premietajúc si to naspäť, ako toto a len ich oči a tvár, a oni robili: "Ú, ú, ú, ú." Ó! Len som vykríkol: "Ó, Bože, buď mi milostivý. Buď mi milostivý, ó Bože. Kde si. Ak mi len dáš, aby som išiel naspäť a žil, sľubujem Ti, že budem dobrý chlapec." No, to bolo jediné, čo som mohol povedať. No, Boh vie, a v ten deň súdu, On ma bude súdiť za to prehlásenie. To bolo to, čo som povedal: "Pane Bože, daj mi ísť naspäť a ja Ti sľubujem, že budem dobrým chlapcom."

75A keď som bol postrelený, hovoril som klamstvá, urobil som takmer všetko, čo sa dalo, jedine jedna vec, ktorú hovorím ... bol som tak čistý dovtedy, ako som aj teraz. A keď som sa pozrel dole, a videl som, že som bol napoly sfúknutý do dvoch takmer ...Povedal som: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Ty vieš, že som nikdy nezcudzoložil."

76To bola jediná vec, ktorú som mohol Bohu povedať. Neprijal som Jeho prepáčenie ani žiadne tieto veci. Ja som len mohol povedať: "Nikdy som nespáchal cudzoložstvo." A potom ma z tade zobrali, a potom v tom som kričal: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Budem dobrým chlapcom, ak mi len dáš vrátiť sa naspäť," lebo som vedel, že niekde je Boh. A tak skutočne, tieto unavené stvorenia všade dookola - ja som bol len nový príchodiaci. Najodpornejší, najstrašnejší, najhorší pocit v tom ... Vyzerali ako veľké oči - veľké mihalnice ako toto, a hľadiac naspäť, boli ako mačka. Ale - vtedy ako toto, a zelené mazadlo a vyzeralo to ako rakovina alebo niečo a robili: "Ú, ú, ú."

77Ó, čo za pocit! No, keď som ... Potom vo chvíli, znovu som sa vrátil naspäť do prirodzeného života. Táto vec ma trápila. Rozmýšľal som: "Ó, nech by som nikdy neprišiel na takéto miesto. Aby žiadna ľudská bytosť nemusela ísť na takéto miesto." Sedem mesiacov neskoršie som mal videnia, ako som stál na západe a videl ten zlatý kríž prichádzajúci dole na mňa. A vedel som, že tam niekde boli rajóny zatratených.

78No, nikdy som si to príliš nevšímal, až asi pred štyrmi týždňami. Žena ... Nikdy som o tom nepremýšľal v takomto význame. Asi pred štyrmi týždňami, žena a ja sme išli do Tucsonu vykonať nejaké nákupy, a zatiaľ čo sme sedeli ... Žena ... Išli sme dole a tam bola skupina takých zženštilých chlapcov, ktorí mali vypravené vlasy, (viete, ako to nosia ženy), a ofiny zčesané takto tu dopredu, a na sebe mali tieto moderné nohavice, niečo ako - myslím že ich nazývajú bítnici alebo tak nejako.

79A oni tam vošli, a všetci sa na nich dívali, a mali tak veľké hlavy, ako ženy, ktoré nosia vodovú frizúru, viete, a oni boli tam dole. Nejaká mladá žena išla okolo, a povedala: "Čo si o tom myslíte?"

Povedal som: "Potom sa máte hanbiť za seba, ak takto o tom myslite." Povedal som: "On má také isté právo nosiť to, ako aj vy. Ani jeden z vás nemá na to právo."

Tak, ja som išiel hore, a sadol som si, a keď som si sadol - tam boli pohyblivé schody, (to bolo v J.C. Pennyho obchode) a tie schody privážali hore ľudí. Rozbolel ma žalúdok pri pohľade na tie ženy, ako tam prichádzali; mladé, staré, a rôzne, vráskavé, mladé, a všelijaké, vo veľmi krátkych šortkách; ich špinavé telo a tie sexy oblečené ženy s tými s takýmito veľkými hlavami, a oni tu prichádzali, a oni takto prichádzali hore, tie pohyblivé schody, práve tam, kde som sedel na stoličke obrátený chrbtom - sedel som so sklonenou hlavou, a obrátil som sa a pozrel som sa. Jedna z nich prichádzala hore tými schodmi a hovorila (hovorila po španielsky) s druhou ženou - to bola biela žena a hovorila po španielsky s druhou. A keď som sa pozrel, zrazu som bol premenený. Tu som videl to čo vtedy.

80Jej oči (viete ako to ženy teraz robia, maľujú si oči, len odnedávna) ako mačka, viete, takto si ich namaľujú, a nosia mačacie okuliare a všetko také, viete, s takýmito očami. A to zelené mazadlo pod ich očami. Tam bola tá vec, ktorú som videl, keď som bol dieťa. Tam bola presne tá žena. Celý som stŕpol, a začal som sa dívať dookola, a tam tí ľudia mumlali, viete, hovoriac o cenách a veciach v tej budove.

81A ja som len ... Vyzeralo to, akoby som sa na chvíľu zmenil. A pozrel som sa a rozmýšľal som: "To je to, čo som videl v pekle." Tam oni boli, tá rakovina. Rozmýšľal som pretože oni boli v pekle, prečo sa oni takto ... zeleno modré pod ich očami. A tu boli tieto ženy namaľované zeleno modro, práve tak ako hovorilo to videnie asi pred štyridsiatymi rokmi. (To bolo asi pred štyridsiatimi rokmi. Ja mám 54 a mal som 14.) Tak asi pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, a to je predsa číslo súdu.

82No, tam boli ... videl som to a nebol som schopní vypovedať ani len slovo svojej žene, keď prišla. Ona tam bola a chcela kúpiť niečo pre Sáru a deti, niečo, nejaké oblečenie, či niečo do školy, a ja som nemohol ani ... Nebol som schopní s ňou hovoriť. Ona povedala: "Bill, čo sa s tebou deje?"

Povedal som: "Drahá, som akoby mŕtvy."

Ona povedala: "Čo sa deje? Si chorý?"

Povedal som: "Nie. Niečo sa práve stalo." No, ona nevie. Ona čaká na túto pásku. Nepovedal som to nikomu. A myslel som, počkám, ako som zasľúbil, prv to poviem v zbore. To bol môj sľub. A vy poznáte po dnešnom večere dôvod, prečo sa snažím dodržiavať svoje sľuby.

Rozmýšľal som potom, keď som si všimol na tých ženách tie rakovinovo vyzerajúce oči. Tam boli Španielky, francúzsky, indiánky, a biele, a všetky dokopy, ale ich veľké hlavy, viete, načechrané, s tými hrebeňmi, spôsob ako to oni češú naspäť, tupírujú a potom vychádzajú von. Viete ako to robia, takto to upevňujú. A potom, tie rakovinovo vyzerajúce oči a tie oči s tým namaľovaním, oni bežali naspäť ako mačacie oči; a oni hovorili, a ja som tam znovu bol, stojac tam v J.C. Pennyho obchode, znovu v pekle!

Tak som sa vyľakal, myslel som: "Pane, ja som skutočne nezomrel a Ty si mi po tom všetko dal znovu prísť na toto miesto." A tam oni ... takto dookola ... v tom videní, akoby ste to len sotva mohli počuť, viete. Len to mumlanie a vravu ľudí, a tie ženy prichádzali hore tými pohyblivými schodmi a chodili tam okolo a to "ú - ú," a tam boli tie zelené smiešne vyzerajúce oči, trúchlivé.

A žena prišla a ja som povedal: "Nechaj ma len na chvíľu, drahá." Povedal som: "Ak ti nevadí, chcel by som ísť domov."

Ona povedala: "Si chorý?"

Povedal som: "Nie, poďme len, drahá, ak máš ešte niečo kupovať."

Ona povedala: "Nie, som hotová."

A ja som povedal: "Dovoľ nech sa ťa chytím za rameno." Vyšiel som von.

Ona povedala: "Čo sa deje?"

Povedal som: "Meda, ja som ... niečo sa tam stalo." A zatiaľ čo som bol pod tým, rozmýšľal som: "V akom dni žijeme? Mohlo by byť toto to tretie potiahnutie?" No, mám tu nejaké poznámky.

83Ježiš ... Nachádzame, že Ježiš vo svojej službe, potom, čo kázal tým ľuďom ... (No, budeme pri tomto skutočne Biblickí). Potom keď Ježiš skončil svoju službu, a ľudia odmietli jeho službu. (No, budete čítať medzi riadkami. Vytiahnite svoju vlastnú predstavu.) Pamätajte čo som vám povedal ako prvé. Potom, keď On kázal, On prišiel ako ten ktorý bol zasľúbený na ten deň. My to všetci vieme. Písma zidentifikovali Ježiša Krista ako Mesiáša. To je pravda. Dôkladne, jasne, potvrdený od Boha a jeho Slovo, že On je Mesiáš. Nieto pochýb ... Má niekto o tom pochybnosť, (ak máte, potom by ste mali prísť ku oltáru) že On nebol Mesiáš? On bol jasne potvrdený ako Mesiáš. Ale potom čo On jasne ...

84Boh Ho potvrdil, ako povedal Peter v deň letníc, keď hovoril ku Sanhedrinu tam asi o štyri dni neskoršie, on povedal: "Ježiša Nazaretského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného zázrakmi a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, čoho sme my všetci svedkami. Ktorého ste zobrali rukami bezbožných a ukrižovali knieža života, ktorého Boh vzkriesil a ukázal ďalej tieto veci, ktoré vidíte." Kristus žil ďalej, samozrejme, stále dnes žije.

85No, potom čo Ježiš jasne prišiel, potvrdil sa (Boh Ho potvrdil) a On prorokoval a po tých dňoch svojho proroctva, hoci Biblicky potvrdený, ľudia Ho odmietli. Je to tak.

86A On potom kázal, keď Ho oni odmietli - tu tí, ktorí mali možnosť byť spasení. Pamätajte kým On kázal, každý mal možnosť byť spasený. My nevieme kto oni sú (oni sú predurčení), ale On stále kázal. A po dňoch jeho kázania, jeho služba pokračovala, pretože tá posledná skupina, ktorej On kázal, boli duše, ktoré boli v pekle, ktorým nemohlo byť odpustené. Ja som to jasne čítal z Biblii, tu z II. Petra.

87On odišiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári, (čo znamená peklo) zamknutí až do dňa súdu, pretože, viete, súd nie je teraz, a teraz nieto horiaceho pekla. Niekto vám povie, že niekto je teraz v horiacom pekle - to je nesprávne.

88Sudca na tejto zemi je natoľko spravodlivý, že neodsúdi človeka prv, ako by bol vykonaný súdny proces. A Boh neuvrhne človeka do horiaceho ohňa, až kým nie je odsúdený podľa vlastných Božích zákonov. On odvrhol milosť, tak vidíte, on prv musí mať súdny proces a súdny proces je Veľký Biely Trón Súdu, ale teraz je on na mieste nazvanom žalár.

89Ako som videl to videnie o obidvoch tých miestach, z milosti Božej, (nehovorím toto, ako svätokrádež a ak je to zle, Bože odpusť mi) Verím, že som bol na obidvoch miestach - na obidvoch miestach. A videl som tých vykúpených, požehnaných, a videl som tých zatratených a kde oni boli. Preto dnes stojím, ako váš brat, aby som vás varoval, aby ste utiekli z toho chodníka vedúceho dole. Nechoďte nikdy tou cestou.

A máte pre čo žiť, pre tú požehnanú hore idúcu cestu, kde tí vykúpení sú v radosti a pokoji, a oni nemôžu hrešiť, nemôžu trpieť žiaľ. Nie je nič - oni sú dokonalý. Vidiac obe miesta. Viem, že je to hrozné vypovedať takéto tvrdenie, ale Boh je mojím sudcom, ja opravdu verím, že som videl obidve miesta. Verím tomu.

90A och, nech je to preč od každého, aby kedy vošiel do toho rajónu zatratených. Ak by ste stáli s horúcimi drôtmi prevŕtanými cez vaše telo, mučený každým spôsobom, to by nebolo také hrozné, aké je to diabolské trápenie na tom mieste. Tam nemohlo byť nič, ľudská myseľ nemôže ... ľudská myseľ nemôže pochopiť, aké sú rajóny tých zatratených. Je to také strašné a toto je také veľké. To je od absurdnosti do vznešenosti.

91Tak, ak ma niekto počuje ... A ja starnem, neviem ako dlho tu ešte budem. Zanedlho mi bude 55 rokov, a neviem, podľa prírody možno nebudem mať príliš veľa rokov. Neviem kde pôjde táto páska, ale nech tu každý, kto počúva túto pásku, alebo kdekoľvek sa ona dostane, nikdy nechoďte smerom ku tým rajónom tých zatratených! Nedokážete si predstaviť peklo, také zlé aké je! A čokoľvek robíte, nikdy toto nezabudnite, že tie rajóny požehnaných, povedal by som to so sv. Pavlom: "Čoho oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo ani na srdce človeka nevstúpilo, čo Boh prihotovil pre tých, ktorí milujú Jeho!"

92Tak zastaňte, ak počúvate túto pásku, vypnite magnetofón a čiňte pokánie, ak nie ste spasení, a dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom! Hovorím to z priameho prežitia, ako verím vo svojom srdci; a hovorím, ak ma tieto videnia zviedli, Bože buď mi milostivý, keď hovorím takéto tvrdenie, ale s úprimnosťou srdca, vediac, že ani jedno z tých videní nikdy nesklamalo, verím, že som bol na obidvoch miestach. Nech je to preč od každého, aby išiel dole tou cestou.

93No, Ježiš, potom, keď On skončil svoju službu, kázal týmto dušiam, ktoré nebolo možno spasiť, ktoré nemohli byť ani spasené. No, Biblia nám to hovorí. On odišiel a kázal tým dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári, ktorí nečinili pokánie. Keď im bola daná milosť, oni pohrdli milosťou a teraz oni čakajú na súd.

Och, čo za čas to musel byť! Och, prajem si, aby som nejako mohol tým zatriasť svet, aby im dať uvidieť, čo je skutočnosť. A sám Ježiš povedal: "Tak ako mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás."

94A ako Otec poslal Jeho, aby kázal tým živým; tým, ktorí mali nádej, a potom predstavil to isté posolstvo tým, ktorí nemali nádej, to vyzerá, že to pasuje do tohoto času, že to sa bude musieť stať; pretože Duch Kristov žijúci v nás nemení Svoju povahu, ani nemení Boží systém. On musí byť ten istý v každej generácii. On musí byť ten istý. Povedal: "Ako Mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás."

95Tie služby musia byť tie isté. Až tak, že On povedal ...(Vidím, že si niektorí z vás zapisujú tie miesta Písma) Ev. Jána 14:12. "...Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť." Tie skutky, kázanie tým strateným, uzdravovanie nemocných, a potom kázanie tým, pre ktorých je nemožné, aby vôbec boli spasení. Tie skutky postupovali presne tak isto. Tak toto bolo ... bolo toto ... Môžem to takto povedať?

96Služba Ježiša Krista znovu prišla do ľudskej podoby v jeho cirkvi v tomto poslednom dni. To je to čo mnohí z nás veria. Ja to verím s vami. No, ja toto verím. Ak by som to neveril, urobil by som s tým niečo iné, pretože nakoniec, toto som ja, ktorý sa tu podieľam. A ak je Duch Svätý vo vás máte starosť o ľudí. To bolo miesto Písma, nad ktorým som si stále lámal hlavu: Ako to, že Mojžiš mohol povedať Bohu lepší nápad, než ako mal Boh, až kým som nezistil, že to bol Duch Kristov v Mojžišovi.

Boh povedal: "Mojžiš," oddeľ sa od nich. Ja to všetko zničím, a začnem s tebou."

On povedal: "Pane," (on sa postavil do medzery) povedal: "Vytri mňa. Vymaž moje meno."

97Za týchto ľudí, ktorí skutočne rebelovali, jeho srdce sa ich zastalo. A keď kazateľ, ktorý má tých ľudí na svojom srdci ... Ako by som sa vôbec mohol cítiť ospravedlnený pred Bohom a zadržať niekedy niečo pred ľuďmi, ktorých milujete viac, ako seba samého. Ako by niekto mohol zobrať nejakú osobu do zboru podaním ruky, alebo nejakým pofŕkaním, alebo nejakým falošným krstom alebo niečím, a nechať ich spočívať pod vplyvom klamstva a vedieť, že tam leží Biblia a hovorí, že on miluje tú osobu?

Hoci by som musel žobrať na život, čokoľvek to je, daj mi byť čestným voči Bohu a ľuďom, aby som im povedal pravdu. Nech nikdy nie som zvoditeľ. Ako môžem zvádzať toho koho milujem? Hoci ich musím trápiť, jednako ich milujem. To je dôvod že pohlavkujete svoje dieťa, pretože ho milujete. Nie preto, že ho nemáte radi, ale preto, že ho milujete. Ak robí zle, on sa zabije ak ho nenapravíte.

98No, taká bola tá služba. Ako to bolo, tak je to dnes. To bolo kázané, a naprosto potvrdené Slovom Božím, že to nemohol byť človek, to musí byť Boh. Musí byť.

99Všimnite si. Tie isté duchovné znaky, ktoré Ježiš vykonal sa znovu stali na zemi v týchto posledných dňoch - ten istý duchovný znak, ktorým sa On zidentifikoval ako Mesiáš, Ho zidentifikoval dnes; On je stále Mesiáš! Tie isté hmotné znamenia sa zjavili na zemi, ktoré zjavili, čo On bol - ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý videl sv. Pavel, ten istý, všetko toto sa znovu udialo s tou istou povahou, robiac tú istú vec.

100Ježiš tvrdil, že On nerobí nič, až kým Mu to nezjaví Otec, a Otec je Duch Svätý, chápeme to. To je proste úrad Boží. Ak nie je, potom ktorý z nich je Otec Ježiša Krista? Ježiš povedal, že Boh je Jeho Otec, a Biblia povedala, že Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otec. No, vy nemôžete z neho urobiť nezákonné dieťa; tak Duch Svätý je Boh. Tak Ježiš bol Boh.

101Tak Boh, Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý; to sú tri úrady jedného Boha. To sú tri atribúty toho istého Boha. Vy ste časťou Boha, a ja som časťou Boha; ale ja nie som všetko z Boha, a ani vy nie ste všetko z Boha. To sú atribúty Božie na nás, ako synovia adoptovaný skrze Ježiša Krista, v ktorom sám Boh sa stal telom, aby zomrel za nás.

102No, Duch Svätý Mu stále ukazoval prichádzajúce veci, a On sa nikdy nezmýlil. To bolo stále dokonalé. Je to tak? On nedával vážnosť Sebe samému. On dával vážnosť Bohu. On povedal: "Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba, ale čo vidí činiť Otca. A Otec ... Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otec. Je to tak? "Jozef, synu Dávidov. neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju ženu, lebo to čo je v nej splodené je zo Svätého Ducha," ktorý bol Jeho Otcom, a Duch Svätý ukazoval Ježišovi veci, ktoré mali nadísť - povedal Mu veci, ktoré boli, a On bol Boh-Prorok; pretože Slovo Pánovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi, ukazujúc, že tie slová prichádzali v minoritnej forme; tí proroci písali to, čo im Pán povedal, ale On nenapísal nič, pretože On bol Slovo. On bol Slovo.

103Všimnite si, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý žil v Ňom: "Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami i vo vás až do konca sveta. Ja prídem ku vám," On povedal: "Ja" to bol Otec, ktorý bol v Ňom, "ktorý príde ku vám." A On povedal: "Keď Duch Svätý príde na vás, On zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som vás učil a ukáže vám budúce veci." Tu to máte.

104No, všímame si, že tak ako vtedy Duch Svätý pracoval v cirkvi, tak Duch Svätý robí presne to isté dnes: Oznamuje skrze ohnivý stĺp presne to, čo bol na začiatku, to isté. A vidiac toto prichádzať na Ježiša; Ján to oznámil pri rieke Jordáne. A dokázal všetko, ešte aj veda urobila fotografiu toho. Nemožno to vyvrátiť. Bolo to vedecky - bol to materiál. To nebola mýtická myšlienka, to nebola psychológia. Ako George J. Lacy povedal: "Objektív fotoaparátu nezachytí psychológiu. Objektív zachytil to svetlo."

105A čo ty cirkev, keď ste počuli asi pred šiestimi alebo ôsmimi mesiacmi, ako som tu stál a povedal: "Toto je tak hovorí Pán, že pôjdem do Tucsonu, do Arizony. Tam nastane výbuch a zjaví sa sedem anjelov." Pamätáte sa? Ani nie ... Boh to robí tak skutočným, že až časopis Look priniesol fotografiu o tom. Duchovne ... predom ukázané. Stalo sa to presne tak.

106Sedem anjelov, ktorí priniesli rozuzlenie všetkých miest Písma, pretože všetky tajomstvá celej Biblii ležia v týchto siedmich pečatiach. Vieme to. To je ... Tá Kniha, ona je s tým zapečatená i teraz. To je tajomstvo celej Knihy, ktoré ležalo v týchto siedmich pečatiach, ktoré nám Pán dal priniesť, a dnes tu sedia ľudia, ktorý boli práve tam prítomní so mnou, keď sa to stalo.

107Časopis Look dokázal to isté, že to sa skutočne stalo, pretože to bol Boh, ktorý to povedal; to bol Boh, ktorý stojí za svojim Slovom, aby ho vyplnil, keď povedal, že to bude robiť! A tak, to nie je nejaký človek, telesná osoba ako ja, to je medzi vami ľudia. To je večný Boh!

108On používa ľudí, to je pravda. On nerobí nič pomimo toho, čo robí cez človeka. Uvedomujeme si to. On je Jeho agent. To je to, čo On vybral. Ja neviem prečo. On by mohol urobiť, aby slnko kázalo evanjelium, On by mohol urobiť, aby vietor kázal evanjelium, On mohol dať vetru, aby robil tieto veci, ale On vybral človeka.

To bol Jeho nápad, že človek bude hovoril naspäť cez človeka. Nie On sám, ale: "Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo ku prorokom." (proroci, kazatelia) A prorok, ktorý zapiera originálne Slovo, ako on môže byť pravdivý prorok? Nemôže byť, pretože zapiera pravdu Slova. A potom ak to nezapiera, potom toto Slovo, samo o sebe, keď je ono kázané skrze pravdu Slova a skrze pravdivosť Ducha Svätého. Ono bude manifestovať každé zasľúbenie, ktoré ono zasľúbilo. Takto vieme či je to pravda, alebo nie. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš: "Ak nerobím to, čo je napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte."

110V akom dni žijeme? Kde sme? A pamätajte, v tej šiestej pečati, kde zneje všetkých sedem trúb pod touto šiestou pečaťou ... Keď sa dostaneme ku tomu, budete to vidieť. Všetkých sedem trúb sa odohralo v tejto šiestej pečati. Tá siedma je stále tajomstvo. Pozorujte tú siedmu; to je koniec. To bol príchod Pánov. Nebesia utíchli, stíchli. Nikto sa nepohol, pretože sám Ježiš povedal: "Ani anjeli nebeskí nevedia, kedy Ja prídem naspäť. Ani Ja sám to neviem, čo za čas. Otec si to uložil vo Svojej mysli." Boh samotný to vie, Duch. Povedal: "Ja to neviem."

111Vtedy to nebolo zjavené, keď trúbila tá siedma trúba, či tento siedmy anjel ... pečať bola otvorená, potom tam v nebi nastalo ticho: Nebolo to dané na svetlo, čo sa bude diať. Ale počas tejto šiestej pečati, počas ktorej sa tieto trúby otvorili, pamätajte počas toho, sme zistil, že Baránok predstúpil, zjavil sa na scéne. Opustil trón milosti. Jeho práca vykúpenia sa skončila.

112On predstúpil a zobral knihu z pravej ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, a času viacej nebolo. A vzápätí sa zjavil anjel v desiatej kapitole a v siedmom verši, hovoriaci, tento anjel prišiel dole a prisahal, že času viacej nebude. Ale vidíte, v tejto knihe bolo to čo bolo vykúpené; to bola kniha vykúpenia, a všetko čo On vykúpil bolo napísané v tejto knihe. Všetci za ktorých On zomrel boli zapísaní v tej knihe, a On nemohol opustiť svoje miesto prímluvcu, až kým On dôkladne nevykúpil a On to nemohol vykúpiť na kríži, pretože oni boli predurčení v Baránkovej knihe života, a On tam musel zostať, aby vykonával prímluvu, až kým tá posledná osoba nebola hotová. Sláva!

Ale jedného dňa On stadiaľ povstal, predstupuje. Kde bola tá kniha? Ona bola stále u abstraktného majiteľa, Všemohúceho Boha. A Ján sa rozhliadol okolo, a on plakal, pretože žiadny človek nebol ani len hodní pozrieť sa na tú knihu. A nie to ešte otvoriť tie pečate, aby zjaviť čo bolo to skryté tajomstvo. Tie tajomstvá boli v tých siedmich pečatiach.

113Keď týchto sedem pečatí bolo otvorených, to otvorilo celú Bibliu. Sedem pečatí, to bolo zapečatené siedmimi tajomstvami. A v týchto siedmych pečatiach, držal celé tajomstvo toho, a to bola kniha vykúpenia - Nový Zákon. Nie Starý, to bolo vyhlásené len pre Nový Zákon. "Oni nemôžu byť dokonalí bez nás," (Židom 11).

No, vykúpenie prišlo jedine, keď zomrel Vykupiteľ. A oni boli teoreticky pod krvou baránkov; nie Vykupiteľa - ešte neboli vykúpení, až kým neprišiel Vykupiteľ.

114Všimnite si. No, keď tento Vykupiteľ ... Ján sa pozrel dookola, a tu na tróne sedel Boh, s tou knihou vo svojej ruke, ktorá bola zapečatená siedmimi pečaťami, a celý plán vykúpenia bol v nej, ona bola stratené skrze ľudskú rasu, Adama. A Boh ... Ona sa vrátila kde? Satan ju nemohol zobrať; on len spôsobil, že on ju stratil.

115Ale kde potom odišla tá kniha? Ona nepatrila ľudskej rase; tie požehnania nepatrili, ľudská rasa to stratila. Tak ona odišla naspäť ku svojmu pôvodnému majiteľovi; to bol Boh. Tu On s ňou sedí, a On volá na nejakého človeka, na niekoho, aby prišiel a požiadal o ňu.

116Ján sa pozrel dookola, a v nebi nebolo žiadneho človeka, na zemi nebolo žiadneho človeka, nikto, žiadny anjel, nikto nemohol vziať tú knihu, či uvoľniť tie pečate, ani len pozrieť na ňu. Žiadny človek nebol hodný. Ján povedal, že horko plakal. Potom prišiel ku nemu nejaký anjel, povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože lev z pokolenia Júdovho, On zvíťazil a On je hodný."

117A Ján sa pozrel, aby videl leva a čo našiel? Baránka, a to bol krvavý Baránok. Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý. Ako dlho? od založenia sveta. Ten Baránok predstúpil, prišiel ku Tomu, ktorý mal tú knihu vo svojej pravej ruke, a dostal tú knihu. Vyšiel na trón a sadol si. To je ono. To sa skončilo. Kedy? Keď tie pečate boli zjavené. Keď ten posledný, ktorý bol ... Všetko čo On vykúpil, nezostalo nič ... On prišiel vykúpiť. No: "Prečo ich On nevykúpil pred štyridsiatimi rokmi? Pred dvetisíc rokmi?"

118Ich mená boli v knihe života, v tej knihe. A On tam musel stáť, pretože to bol Boží zámer, aby ich vykúpil. Ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života pred založením sveta. Ten Baránok bol tam zapísaný s tým, aby bol zabitý. Tu prichádza ten Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý, prichádza naspäť, aby vykonával prímluvu.

119Pozorujte Ho. Bude mnoho napodobenín, mnoho všetkého ďalšieho, ale bol skutočne niekto, kto mal byť spasený pretože cirkev bola predurčená, aby tam bola. Bez vrásky a poškvrny, ona tam bude, a Baránok zomrel za tým účelom. Potom, keď to posledné meno zapísané v tej knihe zostalo vykúpené, Baránok predstúpil a zobral knihu. Ja som ten, ktorý to vykúpil!

120Anjeli, cherubíni, dvadsať štyri starcov, živé bytosti, všetci, zhromaždili sa, padli pred trónom a povedali: "Hodný si." Ján povedal: "Všetko v nebesiach a na zemi ma počulo volať, 'Amen'." Kričali haleluja a chváli Bohu.

121Nastal krik. Prečo? Ich mená boli v tej knihe, aby boli zjavené, a Baránok to zjavil. Baránok to vykúpil, ale On nepredstúpil, až kým nebolo zjavené každé meno, a to sa dialo počas tej šiestej pečati, prv ako bola zlomená siedma. Potom ten Baránok prišiel pre to čo vykúpil. On prišiel, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil.

On to už má rovno tu v tej knihe. Berúc ju z Jeho ruky ... No, On prichádza, aby prijal to, čo vykúpil; to je Jeho práca, ktorú vykonal, On prišiel, aby to prijal. Ó, čo za čas! Dokázal to. Tá siedma pečať to dokázala. Prichádza naspäť a vzal knihu vykúpenia.

122Všimnite si. To malo byť posolstvo siedmeho anjela, ktoré malo zjaviť sedem pečatí. Zjavenie 10:7, teraz to nájdete. A on videl tohoto anjela zostupovať dole, položil svoju nohu na zem a na more, to bol Kristus. Mal dúhu nad hlavou. Všimnite si Ho, nájdete Ho v Zjavení 1, znovu s dúhou nad hlavou - vyzeral ako jaspis a sardis a tak ďalej.

Tu On prichádza, kladie jednu nohu na zem, jednu na vodu, zodvihol svoju ruku, (on mal ešte dúhu nad hlavou; to je zmluva. On bol anjel zmluvy, ktorým bol Kristus, učinení čosi málo menší od anjelov pre utrpenie). Tam On prichádza a dáva svoje ruky hore na nebesia a prisahá na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov (na toho Večného, Otca - Boha), že času viacej nebude, keď sa toto deje.

On dobehol do konca. Je po ňom; je skončený. A potom Písmo hovorí: A pri posolstve siedmeho zemského anjela, toho posla na zemi, v tom siedmom a poslednom cirkevnom veku; na začiatku jeho služby, keď ono začne na zemi, v tom čase, tajomstvo Božie týchto siedmych pečatí bude v tom čase dané na známosť. No, vidíme kde sa nachádzame. Mohlo by to byť, priatelia? Mohlo by to byť?

123Všimnite si. Všetko je možné. Všetko čo bolo vykúpené v tej knihe, On predstúpil kvôli vykúpeniu. Všetko čo malo byť vykúpené bolo v tej knihe. Predurčené pred založením sveta, On prichádza, aby ich vykúpil. Všetci, ktorých On vykúpil boli zapísaní tam vo vnútri.

124Chcem sa vás teraz niečo opýtať. A vy ľudia pri páskach, počúvajte pozorne. Tie ohavné oči, tie ohavné hlavy - mohlo by to byť to, kvôli čomu toto posolstvo bolo tak proti ženám moderného veku? Prečo On povedal tam dole pri rieke pred asi okolo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi? "Ako Ján bol poslaný ..." Vidíte? "aby oznámil prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje posolstvo oznámi ten druhý príchod."

125Okolo sveta, a to je to čo ono vykonalo. Potom ten príchod musí byť nablízku. Sledujte čo sa teraz deje. Prečo? Lámal som si hlavu, prevaľoval som sa po vankúši; chodil som po izbe. "Čo sa s tebou deje?"

126Pred pár dňami som sa opýtal dvoch ľudí išiel som s nimi v aute - Opýtal som sa raz Jacka Mooreho. (Všetci poznáte Jacka Mooreho. Idem ku nemu do Shreveportu) povedal som: "Brat Jack, ty si mi tak blízkym priateľom, ktorého mám tu na zemi." A prv ako som sa ho opýtal, opýtal som sa svojej ženy. Ak niekto vie niečo o mne ... moje poklesky a všetko, to je moja žena, drahá osoba. A jedného dňa som sa jej opýtal, povedal som: "Drahá, ako tvoj manžel, ja som kazateľ evanjelia. Nechcem priniesť hanbu na toho koho milujem. Nechcem ti ublížiť. Nepriniesol by som na teba žiadnu hanbu. Bože nedovoľ, aby som urobil niekedy niečo, čo by ti uškodilo, a o čo viac si myslíš by to uškodilo Bohu. O čo viac milujem Jeho. Ty si moja žena, On je môj Spasiteľ a Boh. Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Nevyťahujem žiadne dotvrdenie, povedz mi pravdu."

Povedal som: "študoval som tak mnoho ..." A ja som sa divil ... Ja som rozhodný ... smiešny, podivný. Ja to viem. Každý hovorí: "Čo za osoba?"

127No pozri, nemôžete sa sami urobiť. Ste to, čo ste z milosti Božej. A povedal som: "Či som stratil trochu rozum, vieš a niečo ..." Povedal som : "Prečo neustále odsudzujem tieto ženy, keď ich milujem?" Hovoria, že nenávidím ženy, že len ... Že proste nenávidím ženy. To nie je pravda. Ja milujem ženy. Myslím ako moje sestry.

128Ja vás nebudem tľapkať po pleciach, keď vidím, že robíte zle. Ja vám to poviem. Ja vás príliš milujem, než aby som to tak robil. Niekto, kto by to tak robil, to je iný druh lásky. Ja vás milujem, pretože milujem čo ste. Ty si pomocníčka pre syna Božieho, a si jeho časťou. A ja vás milujem, pretože vy ste boli učinené na obraz muža, a muž bol učinený na obraz Boha. A preto spolu ste jedno v Kristovi.

Preto vás milujem. Nie kvôli ničomu inšiemu, Boh to vie. Po celý svoj život - je to pravda. Milujem vás. Prečo by som stál a neustále ... keď oni hovoria: "Povedzte všetkým ženám, ak idete počúvať kázanie brata Branhama nech sa inak učešú. Dajte si na hlavu klobúk, či to, či tamto, pretože on začne hrmieť o krátkych vlasoch, a nenoste žiadny make up a tak ďalej."

To povedali. "Och, on bude o niekom hovoriť." On povedal: "Prečo ne ... " Povedal: "Ľudia veria, že si prorok. Prečo neučíš tie ženy ako prijať väčšie duchovné dary a takéto veci, než ako neustále snažiť sa ich učiť takéto veci ako toto:"

Povedal som: "Ak sa oni nechcú naučiť abecedu, ako budú poznať algebru?"

Prv sa dajte do poriadku. A čím viacej kážem, tým je to horšie. Potom hovoríte: "Prečo neprestaneš?"

129Nie. Musí byť hlas, svedok proti tomu. Jeden z najväčších mužov v službe dnes, položil nedávno na mňa ruky a povedal: "Budem sa za teba modliť, brat Branham, ak mi to dovolíš, aby to Boh odňal z tvojho srdca, aby si nechal tie ženy v tých veciach."

Povedal som: "Ty v to veríš? Ty si kazateľ svätosti."

On povedal: "Samozrejme ja tomu neverím, ale to je na ... Povedal som: "Nie."

On povedal: "To je na pastoroch."

Povedal som: "Oni to nerobia." Niekto to musí robiť! Tá rieka musí byť prebrodená. Koža musí byť stiahnutá. Ja to nechcem robiť; Boh vie, že to nechcem robiť! Mnohé z tých žien kŕmia moje deti, a oni takmer kladú za mňa svoje životy.

130Myslíte... a milosť Božej rozliata doširoka skrze Ducha Svätého, myslíte si, že by som mohol stáť potichu a vidieť tú biednu osobu ísť a rútiť sa ďalej do večnosti bez nádeji a nezavolať proti tomu? Nie byť chytrák, ale duch tohoto národa, duch cirkvi - nie teraz Duch Kristov, duch cirkvi, denominácii, vyviedol tieto ženy vedľa do toho zmätku tam vonku, a ja som len hlas volajúci: "Vyjdite z toho! Utečte od tej špiny!"

131Nenechajte diabla, aby vám robil takéto veci. To je prevrátené! A vy Zhromaždenia Božie, nechávate svoje ženy strihať si vlasy, ale im zakazujete maľovať sa. V skutočnosti nie je v Písme miesto proti maľovaniu, ale je proti strihaniu vlasov. Nepasuje jej ani, aby sa modlila pred Bohom, hovorí Biblia. Jej muž má právo rozviesť sa s ňou a opustiť ju. Ona sa pred svetom reprezentuje ako nečistá žena. Biblia tak hovorí.

132Ona zneuctieva svojho vlastného muža, keď to robí. To je presne to čo hovorí Biblia. Ale žena, ktorá sa maľuje - nachádzame v Biblii ženu, ktorá sa maľovala, len jednu. To bola Jezábeľ. To bola ona. Jediná osoba v Biblii, ktorá nosila make up, bola Jezábeľ, a Boh ju dal hneď zožrať divým psom. Ona sa stala pohanou a ešte aj jej ... Všetko, čo je nehanebné, sa nazýva Jezábeľ. Vy to nesmiete robiť. Vy to nesmiete robiť. Čo vás potom vedie do toho, aby ste to robili? - duch diabla.

133Vy si to neuvedomujete, ja viem, že nie. Vy ste príliš dobrí ľudia. Vy ste dobrí. Potriasate mi ruku, hovoríte so mnou, a ja vás milujem. To je pravda, ale keď to vidím, nebol by som pokrytec? Pavol povedal: "Nevyhýbal som sa oznámiť vám celú radu Božiu."

134Nech nie je na mne krv žiadnej ženy v ten deň, ani žiadneho muža. Povedal som vám pravdu. Nenávidím to robiť - nie nenávidím, pretože nechcem robiť to, čo mi Boh povedal, ale ja vás milujem. Nechcem vám ublížiť, tak čo mám robiť? Ale čistá nebeská láska vás bude viesť do toho, aby ste to robili.

Ježiš sa dokonca modlil, aby sa vyhol krížu. "Je to možné, aby ma ten kalich obišiel, " povedal: "avšak nie moja vôľa, ale Tvoja."

A ja budem musieť byť ten, ktorý toto hovorí? Budem musieť zobrať tie vzácne ženy, ktoré sú tak pekné a všetko a rozbiť ich na kusy? Budem musieť ...? Budem musieť zobrať mojich bratov kazateľov a stáť tam a povedať im, že milujú peniaze a denominácie viac než Boha? Ó, mojim vzácnym bratom, ktorí kladú svoje ruky ... ! Och, musím to robiť?

135Och, Bože, nedaj, aby som to robil. "Ale ja som sa nevyhol, aby som vám oznámil celú radu." To je skutočná láska, ktorá ma vedie do toho, aby som to robil. Či pre to je toto posolstvo je takéto? Nikde inde na svete, či nie? Kde to je? No dobre. Oni majú strach, ale ono je bez strachu. Presne. Boh je stále taký.

136No dobre. Či pre toto sú ženy tak napomenuté týmto posolstvom? Nevediac ... To nebolo zjavené. Bolo mi to ukázané, ale to neprišlo ku mne až do toho dňa. Pozrite sa tam. Dobre. Skutočne tá služba pasuje.

137No, počkajte chvíľu. Bol niekedy čas, žeby sa predtým svet stal ženským? Áno! Podľa histórie, vo dňoch Eliáša, bola žena nazvaná Jezábeľ. Ona mala vládu nad cirkvou Božou, o ktorej Biblia hovorí, že ona bude znovu v posledných dňoch - jej duch, cez cirkev, organizáciu. A ona bude smilnica, a všetky ostatné cirkvi s ňou budú prostitútky, presne ako je ona. Je to pravda?

138Zjavenie 17 hovorí: "Ona je smilnica a ona je matka smilníc." To nemôžu byť muži; to sú ženy. A oni boli všetky hodené zaživa do toho ohnivého jazera a spálené. Je to pravda? Tu to máte.

139Všimnite si. Keď tá Jezábeľ povstala na scéne, tam bol muž, ktorý proti tomu povstal. Boh priviedol muža, my ani neviem odkiaľ on prišiel. On nemal žiadny kazateľský podklad; on nebol žiadny kňaz ani nič. On vystúpil, drsný muž lesa menom Eliáš, a on priložil sekeru na korene stromu, a oni ho nenávideli. Nie len to, ale jeho celé zhromaždenie ho nenávidelo. A raz si on myslel, že zostal sám.

On povedal: "Nie, Ja mám ešte sedem tisíc, ktorí sú tak isto s tebou."

To bola tá vyvolená skupina. To je stále tá skupina. Povedal: "Neboj sa, Eliáš. Ja viem, že si myslíš, že si dobehol do konca, pretože denominácie s tebou vybehli, tam na vrchu toho kopca, ale," povedal: "Ja mám sedem tisíc, ktorí veria to isté, čo ty kážeš. Ja ich mám."

140Potom, po jeho čase zavládol Rím a znovu nastal čas, ako ženský svet. Všetka móda žien. Ako oni vyšli vo svojich baretkách a všetkom, a Boh vzbudil ďalšieho muža, s tým istým Duchom - s Duchom Eliáša. Je to tak?

On povedal: "Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu."

Bola tam nejaká divoká žena vydala sa ... opustila svojho muža a vydala sa za jeho brata, Herodesa. Herodiáda, a ona bola vymaľovaným klaunom v tom čase, tancovala. Učila svoju dcéru, ako má tancovať. Ona mala dcéru od jej pestúna, pestúna, od otca, jeho brata. Herodiáda! To bola dcéra tej ženy. A ona ju potom učila tancovať, a ona sa stala ozajstnou striptérskou tanečnicou, po svojej matke. A ona si myslela, že sa môže vydať štyri alebo päť krát a robiť si čo len chce. A tu prichádza Herodes. Oni všetci boli židia, pamätajte. To boli členovia cirkvi.

141Tu prichádza Herodes so svojou cirkvou, aby počul toho proroka, o ktorom ľudia verili, že je prorok. On podišiel rovno priamo ku nim obom a povedal im do tvári: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať." A či ju to nerozhodilo!

No, nejaký obyčajný človek by povedal: "Ako sa máš Herodiáda? Sme naozaj radi, že ťa máme dnes v našom zhromaždení." Ale nie Ján!

Ježiš povedal: "Koho ste vyšli vidieť," keď ste vyšli, aby ste videli Jána? "Išli ste, aby ste videli niekoho, kto je celý oblečený ako kňaz?"

Nie, takí bozkávajú nemluvňatá a pochovávajú mŕtvych.

On povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu, ktorá sa trasie pri každom vetre?"

Oni povedia: "Poď sem Ján. My ti zaplatíme viac, ak budeš kázať pre nás, a my sme tá najväčšia organizácia."

Ján taký nebol. Nie, on vôbec neišiel, aby videl niečo také Povedal: "Čo ste sa potom chceli vidieť, keď ste vyšli, aby ste počuli a videli Jána? Proroka?" On povedal: "A hovorím vám, on bol viac ako prorok. Ak to môžete prijať. Toto je ten o ktorom hovoril prorok, že má prísť. 'Ja pošlem svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, a on pripraví cestu pre Pána'."

142On bol posol zmluvy. On povedal: "Nie je človek, ktorý sa narodil zo ženy, ktorý by bol väčší od neho." Takého človeka Boh vzbudil na ten čas, Eliáša, drsného muža. Ján bol to isté. Vidíte? Duch Eliášov bol na Jánovi. A on hovorí, že keď znovu príde ženský čas ten duch znovu povstane; pred príchodom Pána, keď zem bude spálená a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných, ako popol pod ich nohami. On to znovu zasľúbil v týchto dňoch.

143Všimnite si, Duch Svätý to zasľúbil. To pasuje do času v ktorom žijeme. Musí niekto povstať. To musí prísť. Pretože to je, tak hovorí Pán. Malachiáš 4. kapitola.

To je presne to čo On povedal, že bude znakom tesne pred príchodom toho veľkého a strašného dňa Pánovho: "Ja vám pošle Eliáša." A čo on bude robiť? Obráti srdcia detí naspäť do náuky otcov. Naspäť do Biblii. Preč z týchto denominačných rozdielov, a poďte naspäť do Biblii - naspäť ku Bohu, to je to, čo on bude robiť.

144Všimnite si, v akom významnom čase žijeme. Títo proroci kárali tie moderné ženy v ich čase, a oni obidvaja zaplatili za to svojim životom. História dokazuje, že v obidvoch týchto časoch bol ženský svet, keď vládli ženy. Pozrite sa na to dnes. V jednom z týchto dní budeme mať takého prezidenta, vyzerá akoby sa to stalo práve teraz. V skutočnosti ona je prezident. On je len figúrka.

145Tu nedávno, v jednom z týchto iných národov, dostalo sa jej toľko chváli a všetkého od všetkých ľudí, že až prezident, on sám, povedal: "Ja som jej muž." Prezident Spojených štátov! Ona zavádza módu a ženy ju nasledujú. Práve tak ako robila Jezábeľ.

146Počuli ste moje kázanie o Náboženstve Jezábeli. Viete o tom. Vidíte kde sme teraz? Vidíte čo sa tu v meste stalo pred týždňom alebo dvoma? Kazateľ od tých Pravoverných Luteránov pozval katolíckeho kňaza z Posväteného Srdca, aby prišiel a kázal pre neho, a on tam kázal, a ten kazateľ Pravoverných Luteránov išiel ku katolíckemu kňazovi a kázal pre neho.

147Tam tá Rada Cirkví má teraz v Ríme zhromaždenie. Tento obežný dopis, ktorý môj dobrý priateľ, David DuPlessis; keď som tam nedávno sedel a nariekal s ním ohľadne toho vo Fourteen Mile Creek, neuvedomoval som si, že on odvedie cirkev rovno do Babylonu. Keď všetci hovoria: Ó, všetky cirkvi budú teraz jedno."

148Áno, ja to viem. To je presne to, čo bolo napísané v mojej knihe proroctiev v 1933, že sa to stane. Prečo, neuvedomujete si, že to je Satan, zjednocujúci sa dokopy! Biblia to hovorí. Za chvíľu - za nejaký čas, len čo sa oni stanú jedno, potom to medzidenominačné je skončené. Tam bude vaše znamenie šelmy, skutočne. Nemám čas, aby som o tom hovoril.

Je skoro štvrť na dvanásť. Chcem toto zakončiť. Porozumejte tento bod. Predkladám tu len tieto miesta Písma, kde môžete vidieť tú možnosť toho kde sme. Potom hneď za niekoľko minút zakončíme.

149No, všimnite si len čo sa dialo. Tí proroci kárali tieto ženy vo svojom čase a hovorili o nich, že nenávidia ženy. Je to tak. História dokazuje, že to tak bolo. No počkajte chvíľu. Vy, ktorí si zapisujete miesta Písma, chcete si zapísať I. Timoteovi 5:6. Biblia hovorí: "Žena, ktorá žije v svetskej rozkoši ..." (Nemôže byť v rozkošiach Božích, tak to by muselo, vidíte ...) "Žena, ktorá žije vo svetských rozkošiach je mŕtva hoci žije."

150To je to čo povedal prorok, sv. Pavol. Žena, ktorá žije v tomto svetskom stave je mŕtva hoci žije. Ak ona odmieta milosť, môže prekročiť tú oddeľujúcu čiaru, kde už viac nie je pre ňu miesto. A kde sa potom nachádza, so svojimi namaľovanými očami, ostrihanými vlasmi? Ona je na druhej strane za tou čiaru a nemá možnosť dostať sa naspäť, a musí jej byť kázané. Ale pamätajte, v tom čase, je po všetkom. Je dokonané - zostáva len znepokojovanie!

151Tam bude služba, ktorá ukáže veľké zázraky, Joel tak povedal, ale už nebude čas na vykúpenie. Všetko sa skončilo. Baránok zobral svoju Knihu, a jeho vykupovanie sa skončilo. A Ježiš prv kázal a bol odmietnutý a potom odišiel a znepokojoval tých, ktorí boli tam - kázal tým, ktorí boli v žalári a nečinili pokánie - nebol čas na spasenie.

152Tá istá služba sa bude musieť znovu zopakovať. Čo ak to mohlo byť to tretie potiahnutie, pre tých večne zatratených? Čo ak je to tu? Dúfam že nie je. Čo ak je? Zamyslite sa nad tým teraz za chvíľu. Čo ak to je? Bože nedovoľ, ja mám deti. Ale to skutočne vyzerá, že je to tu blízko.

153Prečo prišlo to videnie keď som bol dieťa? Prečo som o tom nikdy predtým nepomyslel? Prečo prišlo to vytrženie nedávno tam v tej miestnosti? Aha: "Tu to je." Je to rovno v strede toho och, zatratené duše. A Ježiš im kázal, svedčil; ale oni nečinili pokánie. A čím viacej kážem tým sa stávajú horšie! Nieto pokánia. Nie je naň miesto.

Baránok zobral svoju Knihu, keď tá siedma pečať - práve pripravená na to, aby bola otvorená - šiesta pečať. Pamätajte, On pred nami skryl tú siedmu pečať. On ju neotvoril. Keď ten anjel tam stál deň za dňom hovoriac to, ale potom On to nepovedal pri tejto pečati. Povedal: "V nebi je ticho."

Nikto nevie. To bol príchod Pánov. "Ó" vy poviete, "to nemôže byť."

Dúfam, že nie je. Poďme tu ešte trochu ďalej. Zapísal som si niečo.

154No dobre. Pamätajte: "Tá ktorá žije v svetských rozkošiach," (veciach toho sveta, správa sa ako on. Ona môže chodiť do zboru a správať sa ako svätá. To s tým nemá nič spoločného,) ale ona je mŕtva hoci žije.

155Pozrite sa čo denominácie pre ňu urobili. Urobili ju manipulantkou Svätého Slova, čo je v protiklade s Bibliou. Urobili ju kazateľkou. V Písme je to zakázané. Teraz z nej dokonca robia, že sa stáva vládkyňou, majorom, guvernérkami, všetkým v krajine, a služobníčkou v dome Božom, keď ona je vinná každého hriechu, ktorý bol kedy spáchaní. Ona je jeho príčinou. Nehovorím o pravých ... Ona je vinná.

156Ona príčinou každého dieťaťa, ktoré sa narodilo slepé. Ona je príčinou, každého hrobu, ktorý bol vykopaný. Ona je tou, ktorá zapríčinila hriech, chorobu, žiaľ. Nemôže zahúkať žiadna ambulancia, ak by to žena nespôsobila. Nemôže byť spáchaný žiadny zločin, hriech, smrť, žiaľ, žiadne utrpenie, ak by to žena nespôsobila. A Boh jej zakázal ísť za kazateľňu a kázať, ale oni to jednako robia.

157Denominácia - vidíte kde to je? Ona je bohyňa. Ako diabol pracuje! Prečo katolíci urobili tie ženy, bohmi - modlia sa ku nim. Je to tak. Bohyňa Mária, a tak ďalej. Viem kde v Ekumenickej Rade oni povedali, že sa stane, že oni sa budú modlili trochu viac ku Ježišovi, ak by to pomohlo, žeby protestanti tam vstúpili. Och, tá pocukrovaná nemeniteľnosť, oni hovoria, že to ... To je stále ten starý diabol.

158Biblia povedala, že on spôsobí, aby všetci prijali znamenie na svoje čelo, ktorí nemajú napísané svoje mená v Baránkovej knihe života. To je predurčená cirkev ku ktorej hovorím - nie tým tam vonku. Nie veru. Z každej skupiny, On vytiahol svojich predurčených. To je to kvôli čomu On prichádza, v každom veku. A tam ona stojí. Tam ona je.

To je ona - káže Slovo, manipuluje so Slovom, stáva sa bohyňou, a príčinou každého hriechu. Biblia povedala: "Žene nedovoľujem učiť ani prisvojovať si nejakú autoritu." byť v poslušnosti, ako tiež hovorí zákon. Vidíte, vy to nemôžete robiť. Ale oni ju urobili vládkyňou zeme, majorom, guvernérom; zakrátko bude prezidentom. Skutočne. Tu to máte. Tak to ide. A ľudia to robia, pretože nedbajú na toto Slovo. Oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť.

Pozrite sa na tých židov, ktorí tam stáli - vyučení, dobrí ľudia. A Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla."

Čo keby som Ho priviedol teraz pred vás na súd. Skúsme to len na chvíľu, a Bože odpusť mi, že zaujmem stránku proti Nemu, ale len na chvíľu, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Čo ak by ste povedali: "Dobre, sláva Bohu, hovoril som v jazykoch! Haleluja! Viem, ja to mám. Požehnaný Boh. Áno!"

Aha, robil si to? Pamätaj, tí Izraeliti, Biblia povedala, že potom keď On vyvolal ľudí von a zachránil ich z Egyptu, On ich zničil, pretože nenasledovali to posolstvo. Oni jedli mannu z neba. Oni jedli mannu, ktorú Boh sypal pre nich na zem, aby ju jedli, a stáli v prítomnosti posla, a videli ohnivý stĺp, a počuli hlas Boží, a videli to potvrdené. Ale potom, pretože oni chceli veriť Kóremu -"Môže byť viac svätých mužov. Môže byť toto, to alebo tamto. My sme tiež svätí. My tiež môžeme toto všetko robiť. Všetci ľudia sú svätí."

Boh povedal: "Oddeľte sa. Odstúpte z tade."

Mojžiš povedal: "Všetci, ktorí ste po strane Pána poďte so mnou," a On otvoril zem a pohltil ich. Oni tiež boli dobrí ľudia. Naozaj boli. Oni boli dobrí ľudia. Tak veru, ale to nezáležalo od toho. Nie všetci, ktorí hovoria: "Pane, Pane, ale tí, ktorí činia vôľu môjho Otca."

Nie ten, ktorý začal, ten ktorý dokončuje. Nieto žiadne skratky, na konci behu ste diskvalifikovaní. Žiadne skratky. Musíte ísť presne cestou o ktorej hovorí Písmo. Ak ono hovorí: "Čiňte pokánie, a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého," nieto skratky. Potriasanie rúk, pripájanie sa do cirkvi, či do denominácii - vy prichádzate takto.

159Ak nezomriete sebe samému a nenarodíte sa z Ducha Božieho, ste stratení. To je to. Nieto žiadne skratky. Vy poviete: "Ó, ja patrím do cirkvi." Ja viem. To je dobre. "Moja matka ..." O tom nepochybujem, ale ja hovorím ku tebe. Ty musíš prísť touto cestou, pretože nieto žiadnych skratiek. Na súde si diskvalifikovaný. Prichádzate touto jednou cestou. Je len jedna cesta, a tou cestou je Kristus. Kristus je Slovo, ktoré žije vo vás, ktoré potvrdzuje pravdivosť všetkého, čo On zasľúbil na daný čas. Rozumiete tomu? No dobre.

160Všimnite si, niekto hovorí: "Títo ľudia sú dobrí." Skutočne. Ja nehovorím, že nie sú dobrí. Nehovorím že sv. Cecília a oni všetky neboli dobré ženy; moja matka tiež, ale ja sa ku nej nemodlím. Skutočne nie. Videl som mnoho dobrých ľudí, ale oni nie sú bohyne - oni sú ženy. Muži ... Je len jeden prostredník medzi Bohom a človekom.

161Prečo, prečo by človek, svetový letničný muž - ten obežný dopis, ktorý brat DuPlessis, náš vzácny brat rozposlal. Možno niektorí z vás ho máte. Sedel na Ekumenickom Koncile, vedľa Pápeža a povedal: "Bolo to veľmi duchovné." To je rozoznávanie ducha, čo? "Ó, Duch Pánov tam bol - veľmi duchovné."

Tu to máte. Prečo? Pretože to je príležitosť zjednotiť Protestantov a to dokopy, za čo sme roky bojovali, a Biblia stojí a povedala nám, že to príde. Jeden z našich najväčších vodcov prichádza rovno do toho, povedal: "To je dobre. To je to čo robíme." A celá Protestantská cirkev je tým nadchnutá.

162A presne, ak sa pozriete tam na, tak hovorí Pán ... prv o tom povedalo Slovo, potom Duch Pánov povedal, v 1933, povedal všetky tieto ďalšie veci o tých národoch idúcich do vojny, a aké budú tie mašiny a povedal všetko takéto, že toto je presne to, čo sa stane na konci. A tu to je. Nikdy to nesklamalo. A tu vidíme ako sa to formuje.

163Pamätáte sa nedávno na moju kázeň o Náboženstve Jezábeli? Pamätáte sa, Eliáš prichádza po ceste to ráno, aby im povedal ... Kázal som o tom. A ako som potom predpovedal, že príde čas, keď sa táto Ekumenická Rada nakoniec stane znamením šelmy, pretože to sa zjednotí so šelmou. Ona to robí. V mojom veku, žil som, aby som to videl. A tu Protestanti, miliónmi, sú tým nadchnutí. Prečo? To je to, čo oni očakávajú. Oni sú slepí!

Ježiš povedal tým farizejom: "Vy slepí vodcovia slepých." "Ak slepý vedie slepého," On povedal: "Či nepadnú všetci do jamy?" A oni tam spadli. Ako by som kedy uveril, že muž, ktorý stál so mnou a rozprával sa so mnou, by mohol niekedy tam sedieť a povedať niečo takéto? Vidíte. To je zakryté, pred očami - pred múdrymi a rozumnými, a zjavené je to nemluvňatám, takým ktorí sa budú učiť.

164Viem jedného dňa ma bude toto stáť život. Je to tak. Bude, ale tu je daná najavo pravda.

Prvý ktorý zomrel, za tento Ducha Svätého plán,

bol Ján Krstiteľ, (ale on sa nevyhol)

on zomrel ako muž.

Potom prišiel Pán Ježiš, oni Ho ukrižovali;

On kázal že Duch spasí človeka od hriechu. (Je to tak?);

Potom oni ukameňovali Štefana,

on kázal proti hriechu.

On ich tak rozhneval; rozbili mu hlavu.

Ale on zomrel v Duchu, vzdal sa Duchu;

A išiel sa pripojiť ku ostatným. Tento život dávajúci veľa.

Je Peter a Pavol a Božský Ján.

Oni dali svoje životy,

aby evanjelium mohlo svietiť. (Čo oni robia?)

Oni zmiešali svoju krv s krvou tých dávnych prorokov;

Tak pravdivé Slovo Božie mohlo čestne byť povedané.

Duše pod oltárom kričali ako dlho,

na Pána, aby potrestal všetkých, ktorí robili zle.

Ale bude viac, ktorí dajú svoj život (áno to je pravda)

za Evanjelium Ducha, a to je krvavá potopa.

Ono stále kvapká krvou.

(Áno! Ono to jedného dňa urobí, ale ja čakám na tú hodinu, keď to skončí.)

Jedna sestra mala sen. Poslala mi ho. Povedala: "Videla som ich - tú cirkev, pripravila spôsob - chystá sa ma zabiť, tajne. Jedného dňa, keď budem vystupovať z auta a vchádzať dovnútra, ono bude v plameňoch," ale povedala: "potom Duch povedal, 'Nie teraz, ale to príde neskoršie'."

165Bože nedovoľ mi v ničom urobiť kompromis. Ja nepoznám nič okrem Ježiša Krista a to toho ukrižovaného. Žijeme v strašnom čase. To urobil hriech. Áno, oni ukameňovali Štefana. Oni sťali hlavu Jána Krstiteľa - ona to urobila. Ja neviem ako my položíme svoje, ale jedného dňa to bude.

166No dobre. Všimnite si. V ev. Jána (ak chcete na to miesto Písma), Ev. Jána 6:49, to je kde oni jedli mannu, a Ježiš povedal: "A oni sú všetci mŕtvi." Poviete: "Dobre, moja sestra, videl som túto ženu tancovať v Duchu."

Ó, áno. Och joj. Videl som ich to robiť. "Videl som ju hovoriť v jazykoch. Videl som ju ..."

167Áno. Ježiš povedal: "Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia, 'robil som všetky tieto veci.' Oni jedli mannu na púšti." Ježiš povedal: "A oni sú všetci večne oddelení." Oni sú mŕtvi. To znamená, že je naveky po nich. Oni zahynuli rovno tam na púšti.

168Pamätáte si Židom 6. kapitolu: Tým, ktorým raz bolo dané poznať pravdu a odmietli chodiť v nej, nie je viac pre nich pokánie. Vidíte, hraničná línia ... keď je niekomu predstavená pravda naposledy a oni ju odmietnu prijať, (podľa tejto knihy Židom) nie je na svete nič, čo by ich mohlo ešte spasiť.

169Je s nimi koniec. Žiadne pokánie, žiadne vykúpenie, nič im nezostalo. Oni sú naveky oddelení. Biblia tak povedala: "Strašné očakávanie a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníka." A keď pravda evanjelia bola dokázaná, naprosto potvrdená, a potom sa niekto otočí preč a kráča od nej, je s nimi koniec. Neostáva nič. Je to strašné, ale musím to povedať.

Pamätajte anjeli, ktorí nezachovali svoje prvotné postavenie, ale boli zanechaní tam v tom žalári v temnosti, do ktorého svet dnes kráča, do toho istého žalára, tam nie je viac pokánia.

170Pamätáte sa pred pár rokmi som povedal, keď som prišiel z Chicaga: "Buď to Amerika prijme v tomto roku, alebo to vôbec neprijme." Vidíte kde ona odišla? No, som zvedavý, či by mohlo nastať to tretie potiahnutie? Och, Bože, nech je to ďaleko od toho. Je to tretie potiahnutie pre toto? Mohlo by to byť? Ó, premýšľajte o tom, priatelia, premýšľajte o tom. Nerád by som. Ježiš povedal: "Tento druh pokrytectva ..." (Ak si to chcete zapísať, Matúš 23:7) Mám to tu: "Prečítaj to?" ale môžete vidieť, "Vy slepí Farizejovia."

171Máte čas ešte niekoľko minút? Otvorme si to len, pretože som povedal, prečítaj to. Bolo tam niečo, čo chcem prečítať skôr ... Niečo možno vynechám, ale vezmime len toto, na chvíľu. Matúš 23, na chvíľu. No dobre, a začneme od 27. verša. Počúvajte len teraz. Prečítajte si to celé, keď prídete domov, ak buďte chcieť. Len za chvíľu. No, sledujte to tu. Matúš 23 a začneme od 27. verša.

Beda vám, zákonníci

(No, pamätajte toto sú svätí ľudia, ku ktorým On hovorí.)

Beda vám, zákonníci a farizejovia, pokrytci! pretože sa podobáte hrobom, obieleným vápnom,

(to sú mŕtvi ľudia)

obieleným hrobom, ktoré sa síce z vonku zdajú byť krásnymi, ale vnútri sú plné umrlčích kostí a každej nečistoty.

(pokrytectvá a závisti, sváre vo vnútri nich; navonok: "Ja som Dr. taký a taký.")

Tak aj vy, zvonku síce zdáte sa ľuďom,

(pozrite sa na Ekumenickú Radu a tých letničných, ktorí tam sedia)

ale vnútri ste plní pokrytectva a neprávosti.

(Čo je to neprávosť? Niečo čo skutočne viete, že je to pravda a nebudete to robiť. Ježiš - no, pozrite sa na akú generáciu toto On povedal.)

Beda vám, zákonníci a farizeovia, pokrytci! že staviate hroby prorokov a ozdobujete pomníky spravodlivých.

(Vidíte? "Ó, proroci.")

A hovoríte: Keby sme boli žili za dní našich otcov, neboli by sme bývali ich spoluúčasntníkmi na krvi prorokov.

(My by sme verili Slovu Pánovmu, keby sme boli vtedy žili. Sledujte to.)

A tak sami si vydávate svedectvo, že ste synovia tých, ktorí povraždili prorokov.

Naplňte aj vy mieru svojich otcov!

(To je presne to čo sa deje. No, pozrite sa čo On tu hovorí.)

Hadi! Plemä vreteníc, ako by ste vy utiekli odsúdeniu do pekla?!

172Ako môžete tomu ujsť? Teraz On hovorí ku kazateľom. Je to tak - ku svätým mužom. Ako sa môžete postaviť a pri tom viete čo Biblia predpovedá a hovorí tým ľuďom, aby to nerobili, a vy sa môžete postaviť a robiť kompromis pre niekoľko všivavých, smradľavých dolárov? Alebo pre nejakú popularitu a niekto vás potľapká po pleciach a nazve vás, "Doktor."

Ako môžete povedať, že milujete tých ľudí? Ja to kážem nie len kvôli vám, ale aj kvôli tým páskam. Ako môžete povedať, že milujete tých ľudí, a necháte diať sa takúto vec? Vy farizeovia, vy slepí, vy hadi, vy plemä vreteníc! Ako vy utečiete zatrateniu v pekle, keď vy ...? Ako dnes môže niekto, kto vie, že tieto veci sú nesprávne, ako sa tam môže postaviť, mať svoje zhromaždenie, starať sa, aby rástla jeho denominácia a nepovie to ani ženám ani mužom? Ako vy utečiete pekelnému hnevu, keď on bol pripravený pre vás? Ako tomu utečiete? Počúvajte, počúvajte tu. Čo to bude?


(34. verš.)

hľa, ja posielam k vám prorokov,

(pošlem - v budúcnosti. Tu to máte, znovu prichádzajú farizeovia.) ...

múdrych, ... učených v zákone: a niektorých z nich zabijete a ukrižujete a niektorých z nich zbičujte vo svojich synagógach a budete ich prenasledovať z mesta do mesta.

173On predpovedal, že im pošle prorokov so Slovom Pánovým, a čo oni urobia? To isté, čo urobili ich otcovia, pretože to je to, čo ste. Duchy nezomierajú. Ľudia, ktorí ich mali zomreli, ale duchy nezomierajú. On povedal: "Vy ste ich deti, to ste vy." A všimnite si len, ako to s tým je.

Ako tam stál sv. Pavel, (Veríte, že on bol prorok?) a odsúdil ženy, že si strihali vlasy, odsúdil ich organizácie; ohlásil, že každý, kto nebol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista musí prísť a byť znovu pokrstený. Je to tak.

174Dnes oni robia kompromis a nepokladajú to za dôležité. Nevidia v tom žiadny rozdiel. Je to hrozné. Ak skončila tá hodina, mohol by som povedať toto. Oni boli slepí, predurčení, aby boli slepí. Bože buď milostivý. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste slepí. Vy slepí zákonníci a farizeovia. Vy pokrytci. Keď čítate to isté Slovo, ktoré všetci z nich čítali, a tu prichádzate a odsudzujte Ma. Ja som presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude v tomto dni. Ja som mal byť tým poslom na tento deň. Ja som Mesiáš," On povedal tak mnohými slovami; "Ja som Mesiáš, či som to nedokázal? Ak som neurobil to, čo bolo napísané o Mne, potom Ma odsúďte. A vy slepí farizeovia, vediete svojich ľudí hneď do niečoho takého, a posielate celú skupinu ..." Povedal: "No, slepý vedie slepého." Povedal: "Vy ste ..."

Vy ste povedali: "Och, keby sme žili vtedy v čase sv. Pavla, postavil by som na strane Pavla."

175Vy pokrytci! Prečo sa nepostavíte po strane jeho náuky? Robili by ste to isté, čo robíte teraz, pretože ste deti svojich otcov, vašich organizačných otcov: Farizejov, Sadúceov a samospravodlivých ... To je to. Hovorím vám v tejto hodine, v ktorej žijeme, som zvedavý či by toto mohlo byť to tretie potiahnutie. Už teraz len chvíľu. Ježiš povedal: "Týmto sa dostane prísnejšieho odsúdenia."

176Nie je to strašné? Ako raz jeden veľký američan, keď sa nepriateľ chystal dobyť túto krajinu, tam bol muž, ktorý o polnoci vyskočil na koňa a cválal po ceste a kričal: "Nepriateľ prichádza!" To bol Paul Revere. Ja som tiež Američan, a cválam v tejto polnočnej hodine, nehovorím: "Nepriateľ prichádza," ale, "on je tu." On neprichádza, on je už tu. On už premohol. Bojím sa, je koniec. Premáhanie - táto polnočná hodina!

177Pamätajte, v Tucsone, tých sedem anjelov, čo to bolo za posolstvo? - koniec Božieho tajomstva. Hneď po tom, prichádza to pásmo ...Počuli ste všetci o tých horách. Všimnite si. Brat Fred urobil z nich nejaké fotografie, a brat Tom, a ja máme nejaké fotografie - nejaké filmy a všetko. (Ukážeme to tu jedného dňa. Ukážem vám kde to bolo.)

Poznáte všetci tú udalosť. Pozrite - tie tri končiare. On povedal: "Tam je tvoje prvé, druhé a tretie ..."

178A brat Fred vykonal pozoruhodnú fotografiu, keď on a sestra Marta prechádzali okolo. Z vlhkosti zeme povstali mraky a skryli tie ostatné z tých končiarov, a to proste ukazuje tri potiahnutia. Jedno tu, jedno tu, a jedno tu. Tých sedem ... Pozrite sa.

179Tie prvé tri; tri je dokonalosť. To je keď vystúpila tá služba. Druhé potiahnutie bolo rozoznávanie duchov, proroctvo. Prvé bolo uzdravovanie chorých. Druhé, ktoré vystúpilo bolo proroctvo - boli rozpoznávané tajomstvá myšlienok, keď Slovo samotné sa manifestovalo, a to, to je milosť. Ale pamätajte, ten siedmy je koniec. Mohlo by toto byť to záverečné potiahnutie? Všetko skončilo. Mohlo by to byť? Rozmýšľajte teraz o tom. Len si predstavte kde ste. Sedem je stále dokončenie - tri potiahnutia.

180Ježišova služba pozostávala z troch potiahnutí. Vedeli ste to? Všimnite si. Ak ste kedy boli vo svojom živote úprimní, buďte teraz na chvíľu. Jeho prvé potiahnutie bolo uzdravovanie chorých. On sa stal veľmi populárnym človekom. Vyzeralo, akoby Mu každý veril. Je to tak? Keď On vystúpil a uzdravoval nemocných, všetci Ho chceli do svojej cirkvi, ale jedného dňa sa On obrátil a začal prorokovať, pretože On bol Slovo. A On bol ten prorok, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš.

181Keď On išiel, aby im povedal, a hovoril im, ako žijú a veci, ktoré robia, stal sa veľmi nepopulárny. To bolo Jeho druhé potiahnutie. Som zvedavý, či sa znovu deje to isté? Zamyslite sa len na chvíľu. Mohlo by to byť? To prvé, uzdravuje každého. Druhé ... Och, to mohol byť len Ježiš, to mohol byť Belzebub, to mohol byť ... To je to isté čo urobili tam.

Tie isté duchy žijú v tých istých druhoch ľudí - odsúdených ľuďoch, ktorí nemohli byť spasení, pretože oni boli odsúdení pred ... Ako Judáš Iškariotský, narodený ako syn zatratenia. Vy hovoríte: "Judáš?"

182Samozrejme. Pamätajte on bol veľmi nábožný. Ale on nemohol ísť celou cestou s tým posolstvom. On mohol z neho prijať časť, a to ostatné z neho nemohol stráviť. Oni mohli prijať uzdravovanie a tomu podobné veci, ale keď to prichádza do toho, že Boh slovom povoláva veveričky do existencie, to je pre nich príliš hlboké. "To nemôže byť." To bol Judáš. Jeho duch môže žiť až do tohoto miesta. On nemôže ísť ďalej za to.

Oni mohli prijať Mojžiša bez problémov, keď otvoril Červené More a robil iné takéto veci. Ale keď to prichádza do toho, že hovorí všetkým ostatným, že nemajú robiť toto, tamto, či niečo iné: "On sa robí Bohom nad nami." Oni nemohli s tým súhlasiť - Kóre a oni; tak oni museli mať organizáciu, tak Boh ich prehltol.

183Ježišova služba, keď On uzdravoval chorých, On bol taký ohromný. "Ten mladý prorok z Galilei. Aha, On urobil, že slepý videl, On dokonca vzbudil mŕtveho. Videli sme to v troch prípadoch. On skutočne vzbudil mŕtveho," ale jedného dňa sa On otočil; On povedal: "Vy plemä vreteníc. Vy čistíte vonkajšok nádoby. Ukazujte sa ako svätí, ale vo vnútri nie ste nič iné ako hromada hadov."

184Och, keď začalo to prorokovanie, odsudzovanie tých organizácií, potom sa to zmenilo. Oni sa obrátili proti Nemu. Je to tak. A nakoniec, tým že Ho odmietli, Ho ukrižovali. Ale vy nemôžete zabiť službu, ona žije ďalej. Vy môžete zabiť posla, ale nemôžete zabiť posolstvo. Je to tak. On žil ďalej.

185A všimnite si, keď prichádza tretie potiahnutie Jeho služby, prvé bolo uzdravovanie chorých, druhé bolo karhanie organizácií a prorokovanie, čo oni robili, čo boli, a čo prichádzalo. Čo je, čo príde, čo bolo - čo je a čo bude. To je to, čo On robil. Je to tak? Ale Jeho tretie potiahnutie bolo vtedy, keď kázal tým odsúdeným, ktorí už nemohli byť spasení. Oni boli tam dole, kde boli tie veľké namaľované oči. "Hú." Kázal dušiam v pekle, ktoré neprijali milosť, ale boli naveky oddelení z prítomnosti Božej, jednako oni museli uznať čo On bol, pretože Boh Ho tam postavil. Som zvedavý či Jeho služba vystúpi tak isto v týchto posledných dňoch. Ako to bolo: "Ako mňa poslal Otec, tak ja posielam vás. Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť."

Zatratení - nemohli byť spasení; oni odmietli milosrdenstvo. To bolo Jeho tretie potiahnutie. Je tam niečo nejasné? Jeho prvé potiahnutie, On uzdravoval chorých. Je to tak? Jeho druhá služba, On prorokoval. Jeho tretia služba bolo kázanie večne zatrateným. Tie tri vrchy, a tak ďalej - tí zatratení, večne.

186Noeho služba - všetky služby vykonali to isté. Noe kázal. To je presne tak. On vošiel do archy, a keď vošiel do archy, sedem dní sa nič nestalo. Jeho svedectvo kázalo tým odsúdeným ... Sodoma a Gomora. Ježiš hovoril o oboch, ako: "Pred príchodom Syna človeka, tak to bude ako vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy."

On poukázal na Noeho. Noe mal tri potiahnutia, a jeho tretie potiahnutie bolo ku tým odsúdeným, potom keď dvere boli zavreté. Lebo Boh ho nechal sedieť rovno tam, kde nikto nemohol vojsť ani vyjsť. Oni boli vo vnútri na ... Na siedmom vrchu, tom najvyššom vrchu, tam On usadil tú archu, na vrchu - je to tak?

187Vo dňoch Sodomy, prvé potiahnutie bol spravodlivý Lot. Biblia hovorí: "Hriechy Sodomy trápili deň čo deň jeho spravodlivú dušu," ako sa tie ženy zachovávali a čo robili. Pamätajte: "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." Čo oni robili? Jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali - ženy. Vidíte - ženy. Čo bolo vo dňoch Sodomy? Ženy, a to prvé posolstvo bol Lot. Oni sa mu vysmiali.

Potom On poslal ďalších poslov, dvoch, a oni odišli tam, (to bolo Jeho druhé potiahnutie pre Sodomu), ale pozrite sa na toho, ktorý išiel posledný. Viac a viac milosti, potom tomu všetkému bol koniec - všetko v tom čase skončilo. Ten tretí posol, ktorý tam zišiel ... tretie potiahnutie, čo On bol? Aký druh služby On mal? On sedel s tými vyvolenými, a povedal im, čo sa dialo za Ním. Je to tak? Ale keď On vykročil do Babylonu, či do Sodomy, On išiel nájsť ... Ešte i Abrahám kričal: "Ak by som mohol nájsť päťdesiatich spravodlivých" - a tak ďalej až do desiatich spravodlivých.

Boh povedal: "Áno, nájdi desiatich spravodlivých."

188Dovoľ, že ti niečo poviem, sestra, len chvíľu. Ty môžeš byť staromódna, ale ty máš niečo, čo tieto kráľovné sexu nemajú. Ty máš niečo, čo ona nikdy nemôže mať. Ty môžeš byť staromódna vo svojom obliekaní, a obliekaš sa ako dáma. Oni môžu povedať: "Pozrite sa na tú náboženskú fanatičku." Netráp sa. Ona má niečo, čo táto kráľovná sexu, na ktorú sa tam díva celý svet, nemá. Ona to nemôže mať. Ona je naveky zatratená. Ona je odsúdená. Vidíte?

189Ty máš morálku; ty máš cnosť. Ona nemá nič. Ona má uhryznutie, ktoré chytá zatratené duše do pekla. Slepý kráča do toho. Ty máš niečo. Ty vieš, ty nemusíš byť ani v cirkevnej knihe, ale to môže byť tvoj spravodlivý život, ktorý dnes zadržiava Boží hnev od sveta. Svet nebude tomu veriť. Ty žena, ktorá si nazvaná náboženská fanatička, ty prostý muž, ktorý sotva vieš niečo, ale ty kričíš ku Bohu dňom i nocou za hriechy krajiny, ty môžeš byť ten, ktorý zadržiava hnev. "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich, ušetrím ju." Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich.

190"Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Nie: "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Metodistov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Baptistov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Letničných;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich atlétov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich senátorov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich kazateľov;" ale: "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich spravodlivých."

Je jeden spravodlivý - to je Kristus. Kristus žijúci v tých desiatych. "Ušetrím ju." Ale ten posledný posol kázal odsúdeným. On odišiel tam dole. Písme nehovorí, čo sa stalo, ale nasledujúce ráno padal oheň. Skutočne! Potom keď vykonal tie znaky, hneď potom, ako vykonal svoju prorockú službu: Prečo sa Sára smiala?"

Ona povedala: "Nesmiala som sa."

On povedal: "Áno, smiala si sa:"

191No, hneď potom, On vstúpil do Babylonu, či odišiel dole do Sodomy. On ich nenašiel, tak padal oheň. On našiel Lota a jeho dve dcéry ... povedal: "Hneď z tadeto odíď." To odišlo. On zišiel tam dole. Pamätajte, On išiel tam dole. On poslal pred Sebou poslov, ale On Sám zišiel dole, aby zistil, či to všetko bolo tak, a On to našiel plné čoho? - vymaľovaných žien. Posolstvo pre odsúdených.

192Čo oni robili? Smiali sa z toho. Čo oni robia dnes? - to isté. "Ja patrím do Zborov." "Ja patrím ku Jednotárom." "Ja som tancovala v Duchu. Sláva Bohu, hovorila som v ... " Choď ďalej. "Budem si strihať vlasy, keď budem chcieť." "Ja toto budem robiť." "Ja budem toto hovoriť." "Ja nemusím byť pokrstená v Ježišove meno, nestarám sa čo oni hovoria. Pavol je aj tak dávny nepriateľ žien." No dobre. Choď ďalej.

193V jednom z týchto dní, ak sa to už nestalo, prekročíš tú líniu! Nikdy viac nebudeš túžiť robiť to, čo je správne. Počuli ste čo som povedal? To je záležitosť ... Brat, sestra, uvedomuješ si, čo bolo povedané? Prekročíš tú líniu, a nikdy to nebudeš chcieť robiť. Ty stále budeš počuť evanjelium; skutočne, ale to nikdy neprijmeš. Nemôžeš to prijať. Ale to evanjelium bude kázané odsúdeným - tým, ktorú sú večne zatratení; nemôžu byť viac spasení. Už ste v takom stave, a neviete o tom. Myslíte si, že žijete v radosti, a ste mŕtvi zatiaľ čo žijete.

194Počúvajte. Všetci tí, ktorí odmietli posolstvo na svoju hodinu pred odsúdením - evanjelium bolo kázané najprv odsúdeným, prv ako oni odišli; bez milosti.

Noe zavrel, to bolo svedectvo. Boh zavrel tie dvere. Po jeho treťom potiahnutí. Po tom treťom potiahnutí v Sodome, dvere boli zavreté. Nebolo viac milosti. Tí desiati nemohli byť nájdení. A ku tým zatrateným bolo kázané evanjelium, že nemohli byť spasení, pretože to bolo ... Takto to bolo v každom veku - každý vek odmietol to posolstvo, prv ako nastal súd - odmietli ho oni znovu? Či sa nezjavil v Ohnivom Stĺpe tu dole pri rieke? Či sa nezjavoval v tom posolstve o strihaní žien, kde boli dávané tie miesta tam kde oni majú byť, a káraní títo kazatelia, ktorí zastávajú miesto s denomináciou namiesto toho, aby stáli na Slove, keď to Boh jasne potvrdil, že to je On, a nie niekto prostý neučený, nevzdelaný ako človek. To je Boh! A prišli sme teraz na miesto, kde sa znovu zopakuje to tretie potiahnutie pre tých večne zatratených?

195Či kvôli tomuto mi bolo dané to videnie, keď som bol ešte malý chlapec? A ja som odišiel na západ, a tam svietil dole ten zlatý kríž evanjelia, ktorý ohlásil ten znak z neba, úplne presne. Pamätajte, ten kríž bol v panoráme, postavený tiež ako pyramída. Mohlo by to byť, že to je tá náhlavná časť, kde to skončilo, a začalo to od tadeto a ide hore do hlavy? Ako sa dvíhala tá pyramída cez Lutera, Wesleya, Letničných, a potom zavŕšenie tým kameňom. Mohlo by to byť to? Ak je to to, kde sme?

Toto môže ... Dúfam, že to nie je, ale to sa musí stať. To sa stane. Pamätajte len, tí kazatelia museli ... Oni stále pasovali presne znovu s tým ďalším. To musí prísť; Boh sa nemení. Rozmýšľajte o tom. Uhryznite sa do svedomia svojimi duchovnými zubami, a zistite kde sme. Čo ak to je, a vy ste stále takí akí ste. Potom ste práve mohli prekročiť ... Je s vami koniec. S tými, ktorí sú vonku, potom čo Baránok zobral tú Knihu, šiesta pečať je zjavená a všetky pečate, je koniec. Mohlo by to byť. Dúfam, že nie je; mohlo by byť.

196No dobre. No, či pre toto to tretie potiahnutie dáva na seba tak dlho čakať? Všimnite si to prvé potiahnutie a druhé potiahnutie prechádzali z jedného do druhého. Predpovedal som, pamätáte sa, keď som prv začal pri tom prvom, a povedal som: "Príde čas, keď budem poznať ešte i tajomstvá srdca." Pamätáte sa. Koľkí ... Všetci si to pamätáte na mojich zhromaždeniach. A jeden večer som išiel práve do Reginy, tam hore, a vystúpil som na pódium, a brat Baxter tam - niekoľko tisíc ľudí, a nejaký muž vyšiel hore na pódium, a tam to bolo. A odvtedy to bolo stále tak.

197Ale to sú roky odkedy som odišiel z toho poľa, asi päť rokov odkedy som odišiel ... Čo to je? Čo toto vykonalo? Bolo toto preto, že to bolo ako na počiatku v Genesis, "Božia dlhozhovievavosť." Pamätajte, keď On stvoril svet, siedmy deň On nerobil nič. On odpočíval. Boh bol dlhozhovievavý v tom šiestom roku; nechcel, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu. Boh bol dlhozhovievavý.

198Znovu tiež v Genesis 15:16, (ak si to chcete zapísať) 16:15, On povedal Abrahámovi, v tej zemi Amorejov: "ich neprávosť..." to boli teraz Pohania. "Nemôžem ťa teraz tam zobrať, pretože neprávosť Amorejov, Pohanov, sa ešte nenaplnila, ale Ja ich budem súdiť. Ja prídem vo štvrtom pokolení, a potom budem súdiť ten národ železným prútom."

Je to tak? Je to už tak dlho, že Božia dlhozhovievavosť - tá služba nepretržite, cez pásky a cez všetko prečesávala svet, aby sa ukázalo či je ešte niekto; ale možno, že ten posledný prichádza práve teraz. Je to tá neprávosť, ktorá trvá tak dlho? Ak je Ježiš ten istý, ako aj je, (Židom 13:8) Jeho posolstvo musí byť to isté; (končím) Jeho skutky musia byť tie isté.

199Ak to prvé a druhé potiahnutie je jasné ... Máte niečo nejasné ohľadne prvého a druhého potiahnutia? Či sa to nevyplnilo presne tak, ako to On povedal? Potom prečo pochybovať o tom treťom? Prečo by ste pochybovali ... Tie prvé dve boli potvrdené Písmom. Dokázal som vám dnes ráno, že to tretie je tiež potvrdené Písmom. Pozrite sa na svet a vidzte kde sa ona nachádza. Pozrite sa ako oni odmietli pravdu, a ako ona bola náležite potvrdená - tá prorocká časť. No, kde sa nachádzame? Ó Bože, buď milostivý. Krváca mi z toho srdce vo vnútri. Čo s tým? Kde sa nachádzame?

200Pamätajte týchto sedem končiarov tam, (oni by vám mohli povedať) Za tým nie je už žiadny ďalší vrcholec, a to je na kontinentálnom rozhraní. To prechádza z tade rovno ďalej do púšte - v tom sedí večnosť. Sedem končiarov, rovno na kontinentálnom rozhraní. To je rovno medzi dobrom a zlom. A na konci toho, to tretie potiahnutie bolo to posledné potiahnutie toho pásma. Je to tak?

201No dobre. Noe vošiel dovnútra, potom za sedem dní sa nič nestalo. Po siedmych dňoch prichádza súd. Keby len ... Počúvajte teraz, na záver. Keby oni len v čase Noeho boli poznali ten znak, keby oni len boli vedeli ... (No, budem končiť.) Keby oni len boli poznali ten znak - ten svet v tom čase! To, Boh tu dokázal cez prečítanie toho Písma pred chvíľou, že On zničil tých ľudí. Nie bez milosti.

202Milosť im bola poslaná cez proroka. Oni tomu neverili. Boh je milostivý, ale On poslal milosť, ale oni ju neprijali. On stále prv posiela milosť. Čo keby oni boli poznali, že ten znak bol znak konca? A keď oni uvideli zrazu, spasenie prestalo ... nikto ... Prvé čo viete, dvere boli zavreté. Keby oni ... Len jedna osoba poznala ten znak, to bol Noe a jeho skupina. To bol jediný, kto to poznal. Keď sa tie dvere zabuchli, Noe to vedel. Noe vedel, že to je koniec. On to vedel. Je to tak. Keby oni len poznali ten znak. Ó, keby oni len poznali ten znak.

203Keď oni tam uvideli prichádzať tohoto, ktorý bol tam hore s Abrahámom; keby oni len boli vedeli, že ten moderný Billy Graham toho času, zišiel tam dole, on a Oral Roberts, a kázal to posolstvo tým zaslepeným ľuďom. Keby oni len boli vedeli, tí starí spravodliví Metodisti a Baptisti, tam vtedy to bol pre nich znak na ten deň - Lót, keď tie hriechy trápili ich vlastnú dušu.

204No, do čoho sa obrátili Metodisti a Baptisti? - tak ako urobil Lót, to isté. Ale tí spravodliví z tade vychádzajú von. Naozaj. Čo ak to bolo, keď Billy Graham išiel ... "idúci hore pre rozhodnutie" žuvajúc žuvačku, strkajúc jeden druhého a smejúc sa, ostrihané vlasy, vymaľované tváre, a ani len najmenší odpor proti tomu. Príde naspäť na druhý deň, a Billy povedal: "Mal som tridsať tisíc. Prichádzam za rok a sotva mám tridsiatich." "Ja som urobil rozhodnutie. Ja nepôjdem do pekla, ja pôjdem do neba."

205Vidíte? Brodia sa ďalej v hriechu. A potom, evanjelium je kázané v moci a znameniach a zázrakoch s ohnivým stĺpom nad tým a všetko sa presne deje, a je predpovedané a ukázané ... Oni povedali: "Banda náboženských fanatikov. To je mentálna telepatia. Nejaký čarodejnícky duch, diabol. To je to. Neverte. To v našej organizácii nie je. My s tým nemáme nič spoločného."

206Keby oni len boli poznali ... Keby oni len boli poznali ...Ježiš povedal: "Keby si len bol poznal svoj deň, Jeruzalem. Keby si len mohol poznať, ale," povedal: "Teraz si nechaný na seba samého. Keby si len bol ... Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje kurence, pred súdom, ktorý má prísť, ale vy ste nepoznali svoj deň. Vy ktorí ste ukameňovali prorokov a zabili spravodlivých, keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň. Keby ste len boli vedeli, že môj príchod bol znakom vášho konca. No, vy ste slepí. No, boli ste napomenutí. Váš čas skončil." A bolo. Je to tak. Keby ste len boli poznali ten čas.

207Pozrite sa, keď Ježiš toto povedal, svet bežal ďalej. Svet bežal úplne normálne ďalej. Prečo? Pretože oni nepoznali svoju hodinu. Svet bežal rovno ďalej, keď Noe vošiel do archy, svet sa točil ďalej. Náboženskí posmievači, v tom čase, mali ďalej erotické večierky. Oni stále jedli, pili, ženili sa, robili tieto veci, ktoré robia dnes. Tak isto, normálne. "Ach, ten starý fanatik zavrel dvere. Počuli ste niekedy niečo také? Viete čo on hovorí? My všetci bude potopení. Nezmysel. Kde je tá voda?"

208Náboženskí posmievači, vo dňoch Noeho. "Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." No dobre. Noe poznal ten znak. To isté bolo vo dňoch Lota. To isté vo dňoch Ježiša; a tak je to dnes. Oni sa raz tomu vysmejú posledný krát - tak isto ako v Sodome. Oni nevedeli, kedy tam stál ten posol ... posolstvo od Boha. Oni sa len z nich vysmievali a snažili sa ich zvrátiť do svojich vlastných skutkov. Je to tak? "Poďte a pripojte sa ku nám; buďte jedným z nás." Je to tak? "Poď a pripoj sa ku nám; buď jedným z nás. Budeš jedným z tých chlapcov. Len poď. Pripoj sa ku nám."

Oni nepoznali svoj znak. Oni nevedeli, že keď znelo to posolstvo, že práve ... Oni to nemohli vidieť, že oheň a hnev a súd Boží ... šľahajúci oheň síry sa rozpaľoval na oblohe. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Poslovia mohli. Lót to tiež vedel. On vedel, že to tam bolo. Samozrejme. Tak isto, ako je to dnes. Presne to isté. Hnev sa rozpaľuje; atómové bomby visia. Všetko ja na konci. To je teraz to isté.

209Pozrite, ľudia. Počúvajte. Vedeli ste ... Vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, och, čo toto všetko?" Viete, ľudia môžu ísť ďalej a kázať evanjelium, ako to vždy robili; to čo oni nazývajú evanjelium. To mohlo skončiť. Oni to robili vo dňoch Noeho. Oni to robili vo dňoch Lota. Oni to robili vo dňoch Ježiša. Je to tak? Dokonca židia, po tom keď im Ježiš povedal, že hnev ... "Ste hotoví; je s vami koniec. Nie je viac. Je s vami koniec."

No, on povedal: "Ten fanatik. Z akej školy On vyšiel? Odkiaľ On prišiel ..."

Pamätajte, On bol potom pripravený na Svoje tretie potiahnutie. Je to tak. On povedal: "Ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť."

Lót urobil svoje posledné zavolanie, chcem povedať ten anjel - posol, ktokoľvek on bol: Boh, predstavený na ten deň. Boh predstavený v ľudskom tele, urobil posledný znak, vykonal poslednú povinnosť. Potom všetko skončilo.

210Noe odkázal svoju poslednú kázeň. Dvere sa za ním zavreli. A hotovo. Oni sa z toho smiali, a robili si z toho žarty. Zamyslite sa. Tí ľudia môžu ďalej kázať. Ekumenická Rada sa môže spojiť s katolíckou cirkvou, práve ako to oni sľúbili urobiť. Všetky organizácie môžu prospievať. Ale už je tam znamenie šelmy. Oni to vedú do toho. A hovoria: "Ó haleluja, sláva Bohu. Tak veľa ich bolo spasených včera večer." Bolo?

To nie je znak. Ani trochu. Dovoľte mi porovnať ovocie Ducha medzi Ježišom a farizejmi: Vidzte, kto z nich mal ovocie Ducha. Čo keby som sa postavil, ako som začal pred chvíľou hovoriť, teraz na chvíľu proti Kristovi? Bože odpusť mi, že to vôbec hovorím, ale len, aby som vám niečo ukázal.

211Čo keby som prišiel ku vám a povedal: "Povedzte, zhromaždenie, kto je váš priateľ? Kto ukazuje ovocie Ducha? Váš láskavý starý kňaz. Kto prichádza ku vám do nemocnice keď ste chorí? Váš tichý, starý kňaz. Je to tak. Kto to je, kto vám stále požičiava nejaké peniaze, keď ste v potrebe - v núdzi? Vy členovia jeho zhromaždenia, nepôjdete za svojím milým, starým kňazom, a on vám požičiava peniaze?"

212"Kto to je, kto je stále milujúci a láskavý a ukazuje ovocie Ducha? Váš láskavý, starý kňaz. Kto to je, kto roky a roky študoval tu v synagógach, odkiaľ pochádzal jeho pra-pra-pra-pra-pra-pra-praotec? Po celý čas. Kto študoval a ťažko pracoval a dosiahol doktorský stupeň a Ph.D. a LL.D. aby poznal toto Slovo, a stojí tu a prednáša vám ho každú nedeľu ráno vo svojom zhromaždení? Váš láskavý, starý kňaz."

215Nie podľa hovorenia v jazykoch, nie podľa tancovania v Duchu, nie podľa pripájania sa do cirkvi, nie podľa ovocia Ducha; (Kresťanská Veda môže na tom každého z vás zasypať, a pritom ešte zaprieť Ježiša Krista, že bol božský.) nie to - ale to je žijúce Slovo. Tu to máte. Keby sa oni len boli dívali, On bol Mesiáš. On bol žijúce Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A muž, ktorý má v sebe Ducha Božieho, alebo žena, žije - to Slovo, žije rovno v nich. To je to bitie srdca, ten predurčený. Pretože Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku ním, a oni sú Slovom pre ľudí. Napísanými epištolami, čítaní všetkými ľuďmi. Je to tak? Mohlo by toto tretie potiahnutie už byť.

216Ľudia pri páskach, vy ktorí počúvate túto pásku, prajem si, aby ste sa teraz mohli pozrieť na toto zhromaždenie. Dúfam, že sa cítite tak isto. Čo ak to je? Pozrite sa na tieto predložené miesta Písma. Mohlo by to byť? Znamená to tretie potiahnutie kázať tým večne odsúdeným, ktorí odmietli posolstvo spasenia? "No," poviete, "Cirkev bude ..."

217Áno, oni budú. Oni pôjdu ďalej presne tak isto. Ale pamätajte, po celý tento čas, Noe bol v arche. Nevesta je odizolovaná s Kristom. Ten posledný člen zostal vykúpený. Šiesta pečať sa predviedla. Siedma pečať privádza Jeho naspäť na zem. Baránok prichádza a vzal tú knihu z Jeho pravice a sadol si, a žiadal si to, čo vlastnil - to čo On vykúpil. Je to tak? To stále bolo to tretie potiahnutie.

218Tri je dokonalosť. Tá služba prichádza do svojej dokonalosti, keď znovu predviedla Krista priamo medzi ľuďmi. Ako bolo predpovedané: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota." Och! Predstavte si, ľudia môžu ďalej a kázať, myslieť si, že dožívajú spasenie, veriť, že robia dobre, veriť, že ich organizácie vzrastajú. Skutočne. A ani záblesku nádeje. A ak to videnie bolo to, a ono bolo tak tvrdé proti ženám, prišli sme do tej hodiny. Dvere sú zavreté. Je koniec. Kniha je už v Jeho rukách. Pomyslite o tom.

219Dovoľte mi povedať vám toto, teraz prv ako zakončím. Končím. Hovorilo sa o tom v Írsku - hľadiac na tie vody. Bol tam veľký útes, ktorý prechádzal popri pobreží, a na tomto veľkom kopci ... A raz tam išiel nejaký muž, práve v čase, keď nastával príliv. A na tom kopci žil ušľachtilý človek a on dobre poznal tie prílivové vlny. On vedel o koľkej cez deň mal nastať príliv. On poznal čas prílivu. Tento prechádzajúci chlap sa nestaral, aký je čas ... On bol jeden z tých "ja to všetko viem".

220On mal svoju vlastnú predstavu. On bol nejaký športovec; chytrý, inteligentný človek; ale proste nepoznal čas prílivu. On nepoznal tú krajinu. On nepoznal ten čas, že práve nastal ten znak, keď sa mesiac odvrátil od zeme.

221A keď raz Boh odvráti od zeme svojho Ducha, brat, je s ňou koniec. Je po všetkom. Ak by sa tento mesiac niekedy pohol zo svojho miesta, vody by prikryli zem, ako to bolo vtedy, keď Boh začal v Genesis 1. Ale mesiac tam stojí; A keď on len otočí hlavou, vlny začínajú nabiehať. Tento múdry starý muž, ktorý tam žil v prítomnosti toho, poznal aký je to čas. Tento chlap to nepoznal. On to nikdy nepreskúmal. On sa o to nestaral. A tento starý múdry muž tam vybehol a volal: "Môj človeče, neodvažuj sa ísť ďalej. Rýchlo sa vráť naspäť. Tam je stena. Nemôžeš sa dostať na tú stenu. Zahynieš. Nastali príznaky. Je čas, tá prílivová vlna sa tam zrazu vovalí, a ty sa nebudeš môcť vrátiť. Nechoď ďalej."

A ten chlap sa otočil, a vysmial sa mu, povedal: "Choď a staraj sa o seba. Ja viem, čo môžem robiť a čo nie." A tie vlny ho zaplavili.

222Môže byť neskoršie ako si myslíme. Zaplaví vás to. Nechoďte ďalej. Nerobte to, ľudia. Keď ste mi stále verili, ako Božiemu sluhovi, prijmite moje slovo dnes ráno, ak ste ho kedy prijali. Už môže byť príliš neskoro. Toľko miest Písma to takto ukazuje. No, pamätajte, ja nehovorím, že to je. Ja neviem; ale len hľaďte. A ja som tu vynechal asi desať strán, ktoré som sa vám bál povedať. Pani Woodová je svedkom toho, a pán Wood. Keď som tam išiel dnes ráno pozrieť ich, povedal som: "Nemôžem im povedať. Nemôžem ... Ja len predložím toľkoto Písma a nechám to na nich, pretože to sa bude nahrávať."

223To pôjde ku ľuďom, ktorí sa budú smiať z tohoto posolstva. To je v poriadku. To vás prejde a vráti sa vám to naspäť v jednom z týchto dní. Len pokračujte. Buďte len členom cirkvi. Strihajte si vlasy; maľujte si tváre. Pokračujte a používajte Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého ak chcete. Robte z toho troch bohov a buďte pohania. Pokračujte. Držte sa svojej organizácii. Robte tak, ak chcete. Hovorte: "Tancoval som v Duchu. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Mám to."

224Videl som diablov robiť tie isté veci. Videl som čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch a vykladať to a písať v neznámych jazykoch a vykladať to; ktorí pili krv z ľudskej lebky a vzývali diabla. Tancovali v duchu. Mohamedáni tancujú v duchu až tak, že môžu zobrať triesky a vraziť to pod prsty a zobrať oštep a prepichnúť si ho takto cez tvár a vytiahnuť ho a nevytečie im ani kvapka krvi. Indiáni budú tancovať na ohni, bosí, tri stopy hlbokom, a tri alebo štyri stopy na šírku. Rozdúchajú, ovievajú uhlie až je žeravé do biela a vôbec nemajú ani trochu popálené nohy. A zapierajú niečo také, ako Ježiš Kristus.

Nie, nie, priatelia. To je Slovo, ktoré to dokazuje. Tí ľudia musia byť jedno so Slovom. Ježiš a Slovo to bolo to isté; On bol Slovo. A keď Ježiš žije v tom človeku, to spôsobuje, že on a Slovo to je to isté. Váš život dokazuje čo ste.

225No, pozrite sa len na seba v Božom zrkadle, povedzte: "Ako vyzerám dnes ráno?" Zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

[Nejaký brat v zhromaždení hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Iný brat dáva výklad. – pozn.prekl.]

Odtúlal som sa ďaleko od Boha;

Teraz prichádzam domov; (modlite sa ak ste sa kedy modlili) Otvor Svoje láskavé ramená;

Pane, prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Zatiaľ čo spievate, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Je vo vašom srdci nejaké miesto, ktoré vyzerá byť zatemnené hriechom? Ak je, teraz je čas zbaviť sa toho, hneď teraz, ak trvá milosť. Toto, dúfam, nie je tak. Dúfam, že to tam nie je. Ale či nevyzerá, ako by to mohlo byť?

226Počujte čo povedal Duch Svätý v strede ľudu, potom ako som to prebral. To je hlas pre vás. A ak je ... Ak máte nejakú temnosť na svojom živote, zatiaľ čo spievame. Hneď teraz. Ak máte starosť, či je tam nejaká škvrna, neodkladajte to ani na chvíľu. Dúfajúc a spoliehajúc, že toto nie je tak, ale že to bude v jednom z týchto dní, a to môže byť dnes.

Teraz Pane, prichádzam ...

227S dychom vašich nozdier rovno okolo vás - keby tí ľudia pri páskach mohli len vidieť, čo sa tu teraz deje. Jeden sa tlačí cez druhého, volajú, prichádzajú zovšade. Mohlo toto videnie, keď som bol malý chlapec ... Je to tá hodina? Je to ten čas? Keď oni unavení, stiesnení ... Peklo je stvorené rovno tu na zemi.

228Oltáre a uličky a všetko je teraz zaplnené. Ak sa nemôžete dostať okolo oltáru a do uličiek, kdekoľvek medzi tieto stovky tu, povstaňte len ak ... Povedzte: "Chcem stáť a modliť sa, aby len ľudia mohli vedieť."

229Alebo si kľaknite, čokoľvek chcete. Ó! No, sotva môžete vidieť niekoho sedieť, ľudia všade stoja. Smiem povedať toto: "Bože nedovoľ, Bože nedovoľ, že to čo som povedal je teraz. Nech to porozumiem - každý. Bože nedovoľ, ja mám deti, ktoré nevošli. Mám dve dcéry a syna. Mám bratov. Mám rodinu, ktorí nevošli. Bože nedovoľ, aby nás opustila milosť, že všetko toto bude len trúfalosť.

Skončila milosť, Pane? Daj nech sa v tomto mýlim, Pane. Nech je to tentokrát nie tak. Že to nie je, že ľudia stále môžu byť spasení. Udeľ toho, Pane. Prosím a porúčam toto zhromaždenie teraz Tebe, v mene Ježiša Krista.

230Modlite sa teraz všetci, práve ako ... Čo ak to bolo? No, ja neviem či to je, ale čo ak to bolo? Modlite sa svojím spôsobom. Modlite sa len, tak ako sa chcete. Len čo ak toto bola pravda. Čo by sme robili, priatelia? Čo by sme robili? Čo sa stane? Modlite sa teraz, každý. Modlite sa tak ako chcete. Kričte len ku Bohu svojím vlastným spôsobom. Ó, Bože!

Otvor naširoko Svoje láskavé ramená;

Ó Pane, prichádzam domov.

Pane, mal som v zámere urobiť toto už dávno. Čakal som príliš dlho, Pane? Je toto ... je koniec? Ó Bože, otvor Svoje láskavé ramená a prijmi ma. Niečo je v mojom srdci, čo prosí o to, Pane. Otvor ešte raz. Ak moje meno bolo v Baránkovej knihe, hovor teraz ku mne, Pane. Daj mi to hneď teraz prijať. Prosím daj, Bože.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov.
Nikdy sa nebudem
(nebudem Pane) už túlať.
Otvor naširoko Tvoje láskavé ramená,
Ó Pane, prichádzam domov.

Biblia hovorí, že keď oni poznali Ježiša, že každý bude plakať, akoby bol zabitý ich vlastný syn.

231Vy vonku, vy vo svojich autách, cez krátke vlny; vy ktorí stojíte okolo tejto budovy, mnohí z vás opierate svoje hlavy o túto budovu, povedzte: "Pane Bože buď mi milostivý." Buďte smrteľne úprimní, priatelia. Pomyslite len v akom čase žijeme. Kde sa nachádzame?

Pane, prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Pane Ježišu, urobil som to najlepšie čo som vedel. Urobil som všetko, ako som len vedel. Daj, Pane, že tie dvere milosti sú stále otvorené, týmto stovkám, doslovne stovkám, ktorí Ťa hľadajú v tomto čase. Odstráň každú hriešnu škvrnu, Pane, a vezmi ich dnes dovnútra. Prosím z celého svojho srdca, keď vidíme, že to nie len niekto hovorí, ale samotné Písmo, nás privádza do tejto hodiny.

232A to videnie, keď som bol malý chlapec, vidiac tých ľudí v tom stave, a myslím, že peklo samotné - milosť zostala vyhladená zo zeme, a teraz je tu samotné peklo. A ľudia, Pane, sú v tomto ohavnom stave. Ó, mocný Bože, vzhľadom na túto vyvolenú cirkev, prosím, Bože, aby si vylial Tvoje požehnania, aby oni mohli obdržať službu svedectva, takú ako mal Lot, ako mal Noe, ako mal Ježiš; pre tých večne zatratených, keď bude, že oni sami sú zapečatení do kráľovstva Božieho, ale dávajúc svedectvo Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Udeľ to, Pane. Prijmi naše prosby, keď prosíme v Mene Ježiša.

233Modlite sa len teraz, tak ako chcete. Neponáhľajte sa! Nemajte naponáhlo! Čo ak vy ste to posledné meno, ktoré patrí do tej Knihy?

... Prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Brat Neville, poď sem, modli sa chvíľu za nich. Pastor sa bude teraz s vami modliť, zatiaľ čo sa modlíte. Ja budem spievať.

[brat Neville sa modlí: "Všemohúci Bože, náš Nebeský Otče, ako to bolo dnes, sme tak vďační za to, čo si nám dal, ako to bolo, aby sme v tejto chvíli boli schopní posúdiť svoje cesty pred Tebou. Môj Bože, dnes, z hĺbky našej duše voláme ku Tebe, Pane!" - Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Prosím, aby si spasil Rebeku, Sáru, a Jozefa, a ich tiež, Pane. Nech sa toto nestane mojím deťom, Pane. Nech sa to nestane mojím bratom, mojím priateľom. Daj to, Pane. My nevieme. My nevieme, ale vidíme niečo, Pane. Je to otrasujúci znak rovno teraz pred nami? Daj to Pane. Pritiahni nás všetkých bližšie ku Tebe, rýchlo, Pane. My Ťa milujeme, a potrebujeme Ťa. Nech to je, Otče.

234Duchu Svätý daj teraz potešenie do našich sŕdc. Prosíme, aby sme mohli byť Tvojimi svedkami v tejto hodine, pretože vieme, že toto sa musí stať. Bolo to predpovedané cez veky, a my sa musíme s tým stretnúť lebo sme v poslednom čase, keď vidíme zjavovať sa tieto znamenia.

235Vieme a bolo nám hovorené mnoho rokov teraz, že toto sa stane. No, vidíme to rovno vo dverách. Veľký mocný hnev Boží, prechádza cez ulice, zabíja neobrezaných, kde nebola na dverách krv, prichádza anjel smrti. A oni žijú ďalej, akoby nič, ale mŕtvy zatiaľ čo žijú: bez milosti, bez Boha, a nikdy nemôžu byť spasení.

Bože, ako Ti ďakujeme za tých, ktorí sú spasení. Aké veľké požehnanie je to pre naše srdcia, byť teraz vo vnútri, pod krvou, zatiaľ čo ten posledný anjel prechádza po zemi, zabíjajúc ... tí, ktorí nie sú pod krvou - oni zomierajú bez milosti.

236To bolo Mojžišovo posledné potiahnutie. Prvé, mladý muž hovorí ku Izraelovi; druhé, zostúpil, aby ich vyslobodil; tretie, bolo to posledné posolstvo, tie zázraky, ktoré sa stali. Mojžiš bol na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi s vykúpenými. Ó Bože, buď milostivý, prosím v Ježišovom mene.

237A teraz, rád by som sa opýtal toto: Vy ktorí sa modlíte; vy ktorí cítite, že máte milosť, a že Boh ... Cítite, že ste v kráľovstve Božom; vy cítite, že ste jednako boli zakotvení; že v Kristovi máte vieru, aby ste verili, že ste Kresťania, že ste znovuzrodení; viete že ste Kresťania, a bez pochybnosti - chcel by som, aby ste všetci povstali, vy ktorí veríte, že vám teraz bola podaná milosť, a ste Kresťania, a veríte, a vy veríte, že krv bola nanesená do vášho srdca, a že vám je odpustený každý hriech.

238Toto bola veľmi ťažká vec, hovoriť to vám ľuďom. Som tak vďačný, že zovšade vidím stáť ľudí. A vy ... Ja neviem pokiaľ je táto vec pravda, ale raz sa to tak stane. To musí prísť do toho, a mohlo to byť teraz. V každom prípade, svet bude bežať ďalej. Ľudia stále budú prichádzať ku oltáru; oni stále budú kričať, ale na nič to nebude. Bude po tom. Bude koniec. Nebude viacej milosti. Pamätajte že: "A svätyňa sa naplnila dymom." "Ten, kto je špinavý, nech je ďalej špinavý, ten kto je spravodlivý nech je ďalej spravodlivý, a ten kto je svätý nech je ďalej svätý."

239Nie je viacej milosti. Keď Baránok vezme tú Knihu, je hotovo. Je koniec, a vyzerá úplne, akoby to mohlo byť teraz. Možno máme ešte jeden deň. Možno dnes je ten deň. Možno zajtra je ten posledný ... Možno dnes večer je posledný večer. Možno toto je ten posledný rok. Neviem, priatelia. Hovorím vám. Neviem. Nebude mi to povedané, ale keď Boh vezme to posledné meno a vykúpi ho, z tej Knihy života, je koniec.

240Vidíte, tam už nemôže byť žiadne ďalšie meno, nijako. Nemôže tam byť žiadne ďalšie, nijako. To je všetko. Je koniec. Koľkí vedia, že to je pravda? To je pravda. No, že cítime ... A vidím toto zhromaždenie, ktorému som kázal a varoval ich po všetky tieto roky a vidím posolstvo ako toto, ktoré som priniesol v tej amatérskej forme - a pamätajte len, hovorím to tak, aby ste tomu rozumeli - v amatérskej forme. Povedať viac vecí by vás mohlo skoro roztrhať na kusy, ale ja som to proste vynechal. Cítil som, že to mám urobiť; pretože nie som si istý, a keď som si nie istý kde idem, kráčam zľahka - ale len vám hovorím.

241Počúvajte. Či nie ste šťastní? Mohlo by byť niečo väčšie, čo by ste mohli pomyslieť, čo by ste urobili vo svojom živote? Čo ak je teraz tomu koniec? Čo ak je to všetko dokonané? "Ó," vy poviete: "brat Branham, možno ..."

Áno, viem. Oni by mohli ísť ďalej, akoby nič. Sále to s nimi tak bolo. Vysvetlil som to a dokázal Písmom. Svet sa točil ďalej, ale to bolo dokonané. Bláznovstvo kázne dáva spasenie strateným. Pre ľudí je to bláznovstvo; to je múdrosť Božia. Boh je Duch. On pracuje duchovným spôsobom, Jeho zázraky, aby učinili - zázrační spôsob . Ale my sme ľudia; my sme obmedzení. My nevieme. My sa len dívame na to čo môžeme vidieť, ale niečo vo vnútri nás ...

242Keď vyjdete von z tejto miestnosti, ak ste to nikdy nevideli vo svojom živote, ak ste nikdy nevideli denné svetlo, poznali by ste, že ste prešli tu z tejto miestnosti do slnečného svetla, alebo niečoho. To bolo teplo. Mohli by ste to cítiť. Ak by nebol žiadny zmysel vo vašom tele, aby to potvrdil, vedeli by ste to, alebo žiadny zmysel zraku, aby to videl.

243Nemali ste možnosť vidieť zelenú trávu, vidieť prírodu. Nemali ste zrak, nikto ho nikdy nemal. Poznali by ste, že ste v prítomnosti niečoho; váš pocit by vám to povedal. Poznáte to ... Ak by som sa vám snažil povedať: "To je slnko, ono svieti. Ono ukazuje veci." Vy by ste vedeli, že ono tam je, pretože by ste ho mohli cítiť svojimi pocitmi. Je to tak?

244No, my vieme, že Kristus je tu. Možno, že Ho nevidíte svojimi očami. Možno nevidíte, ale skrze videnie, hovorím vám, On je tu. Cítime to. Vieme, že tu je niečo, čo naše zmysly neohlasujú. To je Duch, ktorý to ohlasuje, že Kristus je tu. Ja cítim, že On nás vykúpil. Cítim, že naše mená sú v Jeho Knihe. Verím, že sme boli vykúpení krvou Baránka. Milujem vás, a viem, že vy milujete jeden druhého.

Ó, požehnané zväzky,
ktoré viažu naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;
obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je ako to tam hore.

Mali by sme to stále takto cítiť jeden ku druhému; musíme. Musíme to takto cítiť jeden ku druhému, pretože keď milujeme jeden druhého, milujeme Boha. Či môžete nenávidieť svojho brata, ktorého vidíte, a povedať, že milujte Boha, ktorého nevidíte? Musíme milovať jeden druhého. Nikto nemá väčšiu lásku, než ako On, ktorý položil svoj život za svojich nepriateľov, aby sa oni mohli stať jeho priateľmi.

245Ó, poznáte tú pieseň: "Požehnané tie zväzky, ktoré viažu?" Či je to nie nádherné. Požehnané tie zväzky ... Mohla by si nám to zahrať sestra? Hraj to len za chvíľu ... Čo ak to skončilo? Čo ak to tretie potiahnutie, ktoré teraz prichádza, znamená kázať zatrateným? Čo ak všetky tieto predobrazy nám to teraz dokážu? A sme doma! A sme doma! Nebolo by to nádherné? Čo za obecenstvo.

Ó, požehnané sú zväzky, ktoré viažu (Tu je to, čo to robí.)
Naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí podobá sa tomu hore.

Čo to bolo? Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí. Nech príde Tvoje kráľovstvo, nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa. Vidíte, my sa snažíme urobiť z Boha chlapca, ktorý nám prináša šťastie, poskoka alebo niečo. "Bože urob toto, urob tamto."

Ježiš povedal: "Modlite sa: 'Príď Tvoje kráľovstvo. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako na nebi tak i na zemi'."

Potom nebo je prinesené dole pre nás, a my sme prinesení hore do neba. A sedíme teraz v nebeských miestach, v Kristovi Ježišovi. My všetci veríme, že toto posolstvo je pravda: Že Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží nás vykúpil. Zavrime teraz svoje oči a zodvihnite svoje ruky, zatiaľ čo to spievame.

Nech sú požehnané zväzky,
ktoré viažu naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí podobá sa tomu tam hore.

No, žiadny úsmev. Toto nie je čas na smiech. S najhlbšou úprimnosťou, zatiaľ čo sa hrá tá pieseň, potraste si ruky s tými, ktorí stoja okolo vás, povedzte: "Nech ťa Boh žehná Kresťan." S úprimnosťou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Neville. Zodvihnime ku Nemu teraz svoje ruky.

Keď sa rozdvojíme,
to nás zabolí vo vnútri;
Ale v srdciach stále budeme spojení,
a budeme dúfať, že sa znovu zídeme.

No, skloňme svoje hlavy. A spolu, nevieme v tejto chvíli, čo ostáva v budúcnosti - nevieme že čo skončilo. Ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Neviem. Ale stojac zoči voči týmto faktom, ktoré máme zjavené toto ráno, modlime sa modlitbu, ktorú nám Pán povedal. Aj keď to je: Príď kráľovstvo; nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa. Modlime sa spolu.

Otče náš, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech sa posvätí tvoje meno! Nech príde tvoje kráľovstvo! Nech sa stane tvoja vôľa ako v nebi, tak i na zemi! Daj nám dnes náš každodenný chlieb! A odpusť nám naše viny, ako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom. A neuvoď nás v pokušenie, ale nás zbav zlého lebo tvoje je kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Amen.

No, so svojimi sklonenými srdcami - Biblia povedal, že oni zaspievali pieseň a vyšli. Pamätajte, keď oni toto urobili v Písme, to bolo preto, že oni ukrižovali službu druhého potiahnutia nášho Pána a to tretie potiahnutie bolo pripravené vojsť. A niekoľko hodín potom On zostúpil do pekiel, a kázal tým zatrateným, ktorí odmietli milosť. Refrén: "Moja viera hľadí na Teba."

Moja viera hľadí na teba, Baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ!
Počuj ma teraz kým sa modlím,
odober všetky moje hriechy
a daj mi od tohoto dňa byť cele Tvoj!

Zatiaľ čo v zmätku temnosti kráčam a šíri sa okolo mňa smútok, buď Ty mojím Vodcom;
nech sa temnosť zmení v deň.
Zotri slzy i žiale.
Ó daj mi od tohoto dňa byť cele Tvoj!

246Nech vás Pán žehná, nech Jeho slnko a milosť svieti na vás a Pán nech vám dá večný život, a bude s vami tu v tomto svete, a vo svete, ktorí príde potom. Vo večnom živote, nech Mu slúžite cez všetky eóny času, ktorý má prísť.

Ak je toto ten čas a my sme dorazili na to miesto, nehanbím sa za to, čo som kázal. A ak každý kazateľ musí vstať so svojím zhromaždením a byť súdený, (ako som to videl vo videní) som vďačný za to evanjelium, ktoré som kázal, pretože to je to isté evanjelium, ktoré kázal Pavol a oni.

Som za vás šťastný. Som šťastný, že ste prijali Krista, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Milujte Ho a modlite sa, a uvidím vás toto popoludnie, ak dá Pán o siedmej hodine v zbore. Nech vás Boh žehná. Môžete ísť.

1 Thank you. Let us bow our heads just a moment.

Heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee, today, for this privilege of assembling together one more time, knowing that someday we will assemble for our last time, as mortals, and then we'll assemble in a glorified estate with Thee, and all the redeemed of all ages shall be assembled there.

2Oh, our hearts beat high, of... and of great anticipation, waiting for that hour to arrive! With that, all fears vanish from us. We have nothing to fear, nothing to dread. We look forward to the promise that the Eternal God has made us, and we know that it's Truth. That is why we live. We live for that, that hour, that time, when this mortal will be changed, and we'll be made like Him, and there will be no more sickness, no more sorrow, no more heartaches. Oh, it'll all be over then. And with joy of heart, we, in faith and courage, we look forward for that Day.

3 That's why we are gathered here today, Lord, to confess our wrongs and ask for mercy. That's why we face this altar this morning, because that we know we are mortal, and there is many mistakes in us, and we're full of fault. But we come to confess our wrongs, and then look to our Heavenly Father with open hearts, for the blessings and renewal of strength and faith, that He would give us in this hour, as we have assembled here according to the promise, "in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." For we claim that we have passed from death unto Life, by His promise, and we are caught up in a Heavenly atmosphere, sitting with Him now. May He teach us this morning the things that He would have us to know, and give us the Bread of Life, that we might be sustained for the future that lays before us. Grant it, Lord. This is our prayer that we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

May be seated.

4 Good morning, to everyone. And it's very good to be assembled here with you again this morning, in this Heavenly atmosphere of worship.

5Just a teeny bit late, we had a... some real, real bad calls just a few minutes ago; a boy laying there, dying. And just as sure as I'm standing here, the Lord touched his body and sent him on the road. So...

6And a--a--a boy standing here, which is my cousin's son. They were really Catholic, to begin with, but they went to mass this morning and something told them to come here. And so they... There's a change. So they are--they are coming now at the house, and prepare for water baptism. So then they's a--they's a... just wonderful things that our Lord does all the time. He's just constantly doing things. They come to get in, and they couldn't get in. They said they just no way to get in.

7 I said, "Well, you want to talk to me," and I said, "well, just come on up to the house, and we'll talk that over, there."

8So I thought, on my road to New York now, to this meeting coming up, that it would just be so nice... I know I'd be refreshed to drop in and--and help light my fire from what fire you all had, and we stopped for a day, this morning. And we got in yesterday, day before yesterday, at noon.

9 And then we got to leave. I was going to leave, this afternoon, but I think I'll go... And we start in the morning, early, real early of... We might have some snow on the roads, and things, between here and New York. Got to go through Virginia, through the mountains, and also through the Allegheny's, and just in the bottom part then of the--of the Adirondack.

10 So we begin at, I forget, it's the arena there, a new one. They tore the old Saint Nicholas arena down, I understand. They built this new one. And as far as I know, we're getting about some of the first nights that's ever... that's been let out. So we're grateful for that, for the greater New York Pentecostal people. And I think we got several churches co-operating, and we're expecting a great time.

11And we'll be back, the Lord willing, sometime next week. And--and if it be the will of God, why, we hope to get to stop over for Sunday, a week, for--for the Sunday morning service.

12And then I barged right in on our pastor again, as always do, you see, and--and I thought maybe if I got in, and even without asking. And then being there is a nice group here, and people I see from out of town, are here; I thought maybe, tonight, if the pastor hasn't got anything special, that it would be we'd have a little service tonight, just a short one, and, well, maybe pray for the sick. [Brother Neville and congregation rejoice--Ed.] Thank you.

13 We are hoping to pray for the sick tonight, talk on Divine healing and--and pray for the sick. Start early so we can get out early. And if the pastor will, what... You usually start at seven-thirty. Is that right? How about starting at seven tonight, seven? [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.] And let me get on at seven-thirty, and that will let me out by eight or eight-thirty, and it give people time then to--to go, if that's--that's all--all right. Everybody laughed when I--when I said eight, or eight-thirty. I--I--I hope to be out at that time. Praying for the sick, you know, we never know.

14So we have had a--a great time since leaving you in this last Fall, early, and the Lord has blessed us in many great things. That... And tonight, if the Lord willing, I want to tell you on the last visitation I had, from God, in Colorado, a few weeks ago. And that's what I thought I'd bring you now, maybe stimulate faith for a good healing service tonight, for the sick and the afflicted.

15 Now, this morning, to get right into the service, I... Something struck my heart about a month ago. And it might be, now, I think they're... Are they taping this? Are they taping this? Yeah. All right. So that I would know where, if the tape gets out to others. I can't say that what I'm going to speak on this morning... I can't say that it--it--it is... I know it's right, see, the Message part will be right. But the thing, that I want to do, is a question in my mind. It looks so real. And yet since I come in, and since I... it was revealed to me, I have been so scared that I'd say the wrong thing and might leave the wrong impression upon people. And it's a... And I...

16 What I had notes wrote down, on what I was going to say, I cut part of it out, so that I might not make it too strong. Because, you see, if a--if a person... I--I love the Lord God, and, the only way I know I love Him, is because I love you. See? That's the only way that I know. And yet I--I don't want to have anything that's revealed to me and then not tell you, if it's to tell you. And then I'm afraid that if I say something a little too strong, it might hurt somebody. And, you know, it's a... You just have to almost just get to the platform and then feel led to say what you're going to say. That's all. And then sometimes you might say something, and someone would get the... another slant to it, and they'd run off on that side; and then somebody would say, "Oh, this is this, see."

17 But I want you to know that what I'm going to say is just presuming, and the word presume means to "adventure without authority." So I am... I--I don't say that this is true, but it's just a little thought that I might drop along to you, that you might weigh it out and see what you think about it. And then it'll, course, it'll--it'll be Scriptural, 'cause I wouldn't preach nothing...

18But is that the hour yet? Has this arrived to this hour, and has these things meant that? I pray, with all that's within me, that it isn't. See? I pray that it isn't right, that it isn't that hour. It's going to be, but has it come to that time yet? See, that's what I wonder. Now, everybody understands, thoroughly, that I don't know? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just... Is it this time? If it is, God be merciful to us. But, if it isn't that time, let... it's going to come.

19 Now, as soon as we can, we got a great itinerary in front of us, the Lord willing. And I've got to go overseas, right after Christmas, in Europe and Asia; Europe, especially. And then I come back here to the United States, for a few services, and then I go back down into South Africa. I begin on the second of--of September, in Durban, and go from the second, I think, till about the tenth, and then I have three days to go from there to Johannesburg and begin again. But I think it's the month of April, we start in the Scandinavian countries, in Norway and Sweden and--and Finland, and--and Holland and Switzerland and Germany, and--and through Europe there. So be in prayer for us.

20 We have a few meetings here, Christmas time now, right after Christmas. By the way, we want to be here through Christmas, home. The kids wants to come home, through Christmas. And we--we love Arizona, but you know the--the thing that we miss, and just can't get over it, is this church and you people. No matter where we go, what we do, it's just... Kids, me, wife and all. There's just no place like this. That's right. There's just no place.

21I've sailed the seven seas, and I--I've been everywhere, but there is no place that seems hallowed to me like this little spot right here. This is it. Just get away from it once, if you want to know. There is just something about here. I've preached all over the world, practically, and I've never, any time, any place, ever felt the Spirit of God, with freeness and things, like I do standing right here. This is it.

22"God, let it..." As the day I laid that cornerstone over there, I said, "Lord God, don't let it fall."

People said, "In a two months, it'll be a garage."

23I said, "Don't let it fall, Lord. Let it be standing, and people in here praising You when Jesus returns." I trust it'll be that way.

24 Now let us turn in the Bible now, and--and expect the Lord to give us of His blessings. And we want to read some Scriptures. I got some Scriptures wrote down here that I want to refer to, and some notes. And I want to read out of three places out of the Bible, and I'll give them to you, first. I want to read in Jude 5 and 6. Jude is just one Book, you know. And then I want to read Second Peter the 2nd chapter, 4 and 5. Then I want to read First Peter, 3:18 to 20.

25And my subject this morning, the Lord willing, is: Souls That Are In Prison Now. Uh-huh. Souls That Are In Prison Now, shut up, forever condemned. Never, there's no way of being saved, see, souls that have been imprisoned now.

26 Now let's read over in the Book of Jude, first. I believe I have marked down here for the first place, in Jude; and then over in Second Peter, and then--then over in First Peter. Now, Jude, I would like to read it all; but just to save time, because it's ten-thirty already, I'm going to begin with the 5th verse. Now, Jude was a brother, foster brother, of Jesus Christ, as we all know. See? He was Joseph's son.

I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterwards destroyed them that believed not.

27Saved them, first, brought them out of Egypt, and then had to destroy them because they didn't continue with their message, you see.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting change un-... chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

28Angels which once stayed in Heaven, and kept not their estate and the way that they were in, fell away, and now is in Eternal chains of darkness, everlasting chains of darkness, kept in this condition until the Judgment of the great Day when they'll be judged with all the rest of the unbelievers.

29 Now in Second Peter, the 2nd chapter, beginning with the 4th verse, which will be just a book or two behind it, see.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

And spared not the old world, but saved Noah, and eight persons, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

30Spared not the Angels; put them in chains of darkness, and condemned the whole world by the destruction, of--of Noah.

31 Now in First Peter, the 1st chapter and the... First Peter, the 3rd chapter, and beginning with the 18th verse, we read again. Now, listen close now.

For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:... put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; he preached to these people in prison;

Which sometimes were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

... like figure whereunto even baptism does also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answering of a good conscience towards God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

Let's pray again.

32 Now, Heavenly Father, such a--a line of Scripture here, three witnesses, three places in the Scripture giving testimony. And Thou has said in Thy Word, that, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." Now I pray Thee, O God, that Thou will come to the people and will interpret this Word, this Message, in the light that it should be in, that every man, woman, boy, or girl, might understand in the capacity that You have ordained for them to understand in, and now knowing that these three witnesses bear record of Truth.

33And I pray that You will send the Holy Spirit upon us now. And we'll look to Him Who is our King, in our midst this morning, the Lord Jesus Christ; where we have raised now by faith, sitting in these Heavenly places in Him. We wait for His Message. Speak it through us, Lord, hear it through us, as we ask You to circumcise the lips that speak and the ears that hear, that it might be to the honor and glory of Him Who is the Scripture. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

34 Now, remember the services tonight, a healing service. I don't think it'd be necessary to give out prayer cards, so we just pray for the sick. I have something that I want to tell you, and I--I hope that it'll just bring the congregation into a place till where there'll just be all kinds of healing. I know it will be if we'll just believe it that way.

35Now this, souls now in prison, souls that are now in prison!

36 Now, the soul of man is not the body of man, it's the soul. See? And the soul is something that's the--the nature of the spirit. And then when the nature of a man... When he said, "We are dead," the Scripture plainly tells us that, "we are dead, and our lives are hid in God through Christ, sealed there by the Holy Spirit." Now, it wasn't that your body died; it wasn't your spirit died. It was the nature of your spirit died; see, the nature, which is the soul. The nature of your soul is--is God, if you're born again. If it's not, it's of the world. Anything that begin has to end, so therefore the only way that you can have Eternal Life is to have a Life that never did begin. And then your life did begin when you were born, when God breathed the breath of life into your nostrils and you became a living soul, then you begin then. But when you...

37 That nature that was in you, by nature you was of the world, alienated from God, you were actually an animal. That's exactly right. Anyone knows that we are mammal. How many knows that? We, we are mammal, we are warm-blooded animal, but that is what we are by our earthly creation. But, you see, what made us different from other mammals, that--that God put a soul upon us. See? Now, the other mammals don't have to wear clothes. No other animal has to wear clothes to hide his shame, but us. We're the only ones that does, because we have a soul. But, see, God, in the beginning, knew what a man would be like. And He created the earth, and brought up all kinds of animals, from the very lowest to the highest; and the highest animal come forth, was man.

38 And then, first, man was made, he was a spirit man, in the image of God.

39Which, "God is a Spirit," Saint John 4. Now, "He is a--a Spirit. And they that worship Him, worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. And Thy Word is the Truth." Now, we worship Him in Spirit and Truth. He is a--a Spirit Being.

40Then there was no man to till the soil, and then God formed man out of the dust of the earth.

41Then He taken from his side, a by-product, a rib; and, from that, separated this man which had a dual nature, which was both feminish and masculine. And He taken the feminish out, 'cause it was love, and He placed it into a person called Eve, that Adam called Eve, which was his wife. That's where his love, natural, phileo love, held to his wife. That's the way a man should be today, and her back to her husband. The man, the masculine; the woman, the feminish.

42 And then, see, after He done made man in His Own image, "created He them, male and female," there was no man to till the soil. And He put him in the dust of the earth, and therefore he become... he was that man. This human man was mammal, see, he was animal; but He put this spirit of God, a life, into him, and made him on the basis that he could make a choice. And then when this man...

43 Now we think we're something. Just remember, what are we? A clod of dirt. That's all. "And because dust thou art, dust thou shalt return." So when you see this man walking down the street, thinks he is somebody, you know, and got a little education and things; remember, it's a clod of Indiana dust. That's all. And that woman that's all dressed in shorts, and smoking cigarettes and carrying on down the street, twisting like she owned the whole country, it's a clod of Indiana dust, and that's the way it's turning back. So you're not very much to begin with, see. So that, that's right, that's what you are.

44 But, that soul that's in there, see, that soul is what God is working on, see. If He can only get that nature, that spirit, to agree with Him, then that nature dies, the nature and the love of the world dies, and the things of the world is dead. See? Because, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not in you." See? And a man must be born again. So, this nature has to die, and the nature of God comes and lives in you. And God is the only thing there is that never did begin or never can end.

45 So, therefore, He has partnershipped, you see, and taken this man, earthly, and this Eternal Spirit, and put it together. Because, God reflected Himself back in that, that He become a Man when He become Christ Jesus, and He was God, see. God was in Christ; that, see, lived in Him, reconciling the world to Himself. And, through that perfect Man, each one of us imperfect that believe in God and has accepted That, becomes the perfection of Him.

46 And He never left His body see corruption, neither did He leave His soul in hell, but raised Him up on the third day, and He's alive forevermore. And we will have a body like His Own glorious body.

47That's why we're baptized into His Name, that we might come forth in His Name, in His death, in His resurrection, that we rise again, testifying to the world that we have new Life, that the old man is dead. We buried that first nature. See? That first nature is gone, and now we are the nature of Him. He lives in us, and we don't do our own will. We do His will. We don't think our own thoughts. The mind, the mind is what thinks. The mind that was in Christ Jesus is in every believer. See, there--there is the soul, and that's what we're speaking of. Now, that's the part that I'm thinking of now, that that's within us, the soul.

48 Now, if we notice, in this, there is many things that happen sometime, and we wonder why they happen, and we question ourselves, and we question others. But finally, after a while, we find out that, if we're Christians, it all works out just right, somehow. You've seen that. All Christians see that. We wonder why we did it.

49I wondered sometime, when I first read the Bible, "Why did God let Abraham, that great man, ever stand there and say that Sarah wasn't his wife?" And how that He let him stand there and lie about that, and the things that he did, and then how that He ever let Abraham leave the promised land where He told him not to leave. Any Jew that leaves the promised land is backslid, 'cause God gave that to them and promised them to stay there, see, and they left it. So he went down into Gerar. But if it hadn't have been for that...

50 And then Abimelech, that king down there in the Philistine country, fell in love with Sarah and was going to marry her, and was a good man, a righteous man. And after he probably... This sounds ridiculous, but to make it so real to you. After he had his evening bath and put on his pajamas, and said his prayers and went to bed, the Lord appeared to him and said, "You're just as good as a dead man," and the man had done nothing. See? He was absolutely deceived, by both Abraham and Sarah. That's right. He said, "You've got another man's wife, see. And I--I won't hear your prayers, no matter how much you pray. You're as good as dead. But that man is My prophet." See?

51 See, it's hard to understand that, see. But if it wasn't that, we wouldn't know what grace was.

52Why did he go and marry Hagar, after having a lovely wife like Sarah? And he didn't want to do it, see, but Sarah told him. And then the Lord told him, "You listen to what Sarah told you." Why? There had to be an Ishmael, "that the bondswoman and her child would not be heir with the freewoman and her child." See what I mean?

53All these things are types. Why did that prophet have to marry a prostitute and have... with these children, have two children by her? As a sign. Why did one lay on his right side for three hundred and forty days, and then laid so many days on the other side like that? As a sign. One stripped his clothes and walked before Israel. And, now, all those things, it was types and shadows, see; and we have to have those things, to fill in.

54And, many times, things happen to us that we wonder why it is. It's God foreshowing us something.

55 Now, as a little boy, and you know my life story, I--I always believed, since I can first remember... One of the first things that I remember... Now this, now, you might have told me something yesterday, and I'd forget it by today. But there is some things, back, that happened in our young days, many of us are that way, that we always remember. And this sounds almost ridiculous to say this, but I remember when I was crawling, with a long dress on. Little babies, now some of you people my age would remember that, babies used to wear real long dresses. And I remember crawling, and dipping snow off of my uncle's feet and eating it, when he come in and was standing by the fireplace.

56 And then the next thing I remember taking place in my life, was a vision, the first one I ever had, and told me I would live a big portion of my life near a city called New Albany. And I was a little mountain baby up there, not even a doctor when I was born. And--and I--I... You know, they... I've lived here around fifty years, right here; a vision.

57And then how I've always knew there was God somewhere, and as a little boy He spoke to me, "never to smoke, or drink, or defile my body," that's to run immorally with women and things. I had always had a dread of it, and was a young man.

58 And then I was out hunting one time, which seems to be a second nature to me, to love to hunt. And I was out hunting with a boy, Jim Poole, a lovely kid. I think his boy comes to church here, little Jim, and fine family of people. I know the Pooles. Jimmy and I slept together and lived together since we were little boys in school. We're about six months apart, in age. And Jimmy let his gun go off, and it shot me through both legs, real close to me, with a shotgun. I was taken to the hospital, and, there, laying there dying, no penicillin or nothing in those days. And, now, they had a rubber sheet under me, and I know that night... They was going to operate the next morning.

59They just took and cleaned off the wound, and big pieces of flesh blowed up, and they take scissors and cut if off, and I had to hold a man's hands. And they had Frankie Eich, he just recently committed suicide, and they had to hold, pry my hands loose from his wrists, when--when they got through. I screamed and cried, and holding onto like that, and them cutting that part of the leg off. I was fourteen years old, just a boy.

60 And that night I tried to go to sleep, and they... I woke up, something splashed. And here was blood, nearly a half a gallon, I guess, had come from them veins. And they had... they taken the x-ray, and they said the shot was laying so close to that artery, on either side, that just a little scratch would cut it right in two, and I'd start bleeding. "Well," I thought, "this is the end of me." And I put my hands down like this and raised it up, and the blood running down my hands, it was my own blood I was laying in. I called, rang the bell. The nurse came, and she just soaked it up with towel because there was nothing they could do.

61 And the next morning, under those weakening conditions, they didn't give the blood transfusions in them days, you know, so they--they operated on me. And they gave me ether. And when I... The old ether, I guess you remember, it's the old anesthetic. And under that ether, when I came out, I was coming out of the ether after eight hours. They had to give me so much, they thought I couldn't, I wouldn't wake up. They couldn't get me awake.

62 I remember Mrs. Roeder stood by me, out there in the hospital. I'll never forget that woman. No matter whatever happens, I could never forget her. She was just a young woman then. Her husband was the superintendent down here at the car works. And I--I remember she standing by me, her and Mrs. Stewart. And they was the one actually that paid my hospital bill. I... We didn't even have food to eat, in the house, so how could we pay a hospital bill, hundreds of dollars? But she, through her church society and the Ku Klux Klan, paid the hospital bill for me, Mason's. I can never forget them. See? No matter what they do, or what, I still... there is something, and that stays with me, see, what they did for me. And they paid the bill to Doctor Reeder. He is still living, lives here in Port Fulton, could tell you the story.

63 When I came out from under that ether, there was something happened to me there. I've always believed it to be a vision. Cause, I was so weak, and I... They thought I was dying. She was crying. When I opened my eyes, could look, I could hear her talking, and then I went back to sleep, and woke up, two or three times. And then I had a vision then. And then I had...

64About seven months later, I had to go and have shotgun wads and greasy hunting clothes taken out of my legs; the doctor didn't get it. And so I had blood poison, both legs had swelled up and doubled back under me, and they wanted to take both legs off at my hips. And I just... I said, "No, just come higher and take it off up here." I just couldn't stand it, see. And so finally, Doctor Reeder and Doctor Pirtle, from Louisville, performed the operation, and cut down in there and taken it out; and today I got wonderful legs, by the grace of God.

But under the--the last vision that I had...

65 The first vision, when I come to, and then I went into this trance. And I thought I was in hell, just as plain...

66[A brother in the congregation says, "Pardon me, sir."--Ed.] Uh-huh. ["There is a woman over here that's passed out, right there."] All right, somebody lay your hands on her, and she... probably get her to the air. Now ever who is standing there, lay your hands on her.

Let's pray.

67Dear Lord Jesus, may our sister who is sick this morning, and she's fainted in the room, may Thy grace and strength and power... there is hands laid upon her now, representing You. And the Scripture has said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And now may our sister come out of this sickness, and be made well for the glory of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it, and commit her to You. Amen.

68 Now get her to the air. It's--it's awful stuffy. I can feel it here, real, real bad. It's just a fainty feeling, here on the platform. I felt it, four or five times here. If there is... as soon as she gets feeling a little better, why, get her to where she can get to the air. That's good. Uh-huh. See, it's just so awful stuffy, you know. Human beings create, each one of us, so many square feet of just sickness. If you have, somebody has some water there, or something to put on the sister. She is--she is to, all right now. See? All right. [A brother in the congregation says, "Let's still open the doors, Brother Branham."--Ed.] Yeah, maybe if you could open up the doors, maybe, or give just a little bit of air, as much as we possibly can, in some way, see.

69 Now in this time, as I had this vision, and thinking that I--I had passed from this life into torment.

70And seven months later, here at the Clark County Memorial Hospital, I had the second operation. And at that time, when I come out, I thought I was standing out in the West. I had another vision. And there was a great golden cross in the skies, and the Glory of the Lord flowing off of that cross. And I stood with my hands out like this, and that Glory was falling into my chest. And I... The vision left me. My father was setting there looking at me, when the vision came.

71 I've always felt, you... All people that's knowed me all these years, knows I've always wanted to go West. You know how it is. It's always been something to the West. But because an astronomer told me one time, the same thing, that I should go west... The stars, when they cross their cycles and so forth, I was born under that sign, and I'd never be a success in the East; I'd have to go West. And last year I took off, West, to fulfill what a lifetime's desire has been, see, to--to do it.

72 Why I'm there? It's the most ridiculous thing. Setting out there in the desert, paying a hundred and ten dollars a month, rent, and here is a house sitting up here, a parsonage, furnished to me, see. But it's following the Lord, see, that--that's all I know to do. And you know the visions and what has taken place out there. Now--now in this I want to say to...

73 Now if our sister feels a little weak, Brother Roy, and she'd... want to get her out somewhere and set her in a room over here, where she get more air or something, and that's perfectly all right, because, I feel that she'll be all right now, see. It's okay. She just fainty, sick. And so I--I tell you, if she... if you want to bring her over here where the air... raise these windows, Brother Roy, and if the sister wants to come through, that--that'll be fine. See, if she wants to--to come over here, well, just don't fear that.

74I want to lay hands on her when she passes by here. You all excuse me just a minute. And God forgive me for... That, that's right, brother.

75Heavenly Father, this Your daughter here sits here this morning, and she come to hear the Message, and got... Satan is trying to beat her from it, but he can't do it. He can't do it. "Satan can't, in the Name of Jesus Christ."

All right. Well, that door, I think if a few...?... brethren, then the air can come through here, to you.

76 Oh, you talk about stuffy, you ought to get in some of these places overseas where they just pile in on top of one another, with leprosy and cancer. And, oh, my, you can't hardly get your breath, you know, in things like that. Lay in them great big buildings, just contaminated with--with diseases. And you know what leprosy would be. There, laying there with no ears, and half their face eat off, and no arms, and little pegs for feet, and things like that, laying, piled on one another. And many of them dying right then, laying out there, from piling on one another, trying to get in somewhere, you know, to hear the Message.

77 And now--now in this, I tell you what happened. In the vision that I had, I'll go back, 'cause I brought that, the two visions in, to show you about one of them. I was to be out West. I've always longed for that.

78And now, the purpose of the Message this morning is to post the church, in everything that He will let me post the church to, as far as I know, until the... as I go along. And this struck me, so I wanted to post the church. Now, this is to this tabernacle only, see, to here. Now, and in this vision, the first one, here is what taken place.

79 After the vision struck me, and I was so weak, and I had lost all that blood, and went... I thought I was sinking into a endless Eternity. Many of you has heard me tell this before, and--and sinking into an endless Eternity. First, I was going through like clouds, and then through darkness, and sinking on down, down, down. And the first thing you know, I got into the regions of the lost, and in there I--I screamed. And I looked, and there, just everything, there was no foundation to it. I could never stop falling. For Eternity, looked like, I was going to fall. There was no stopping, nowhere.

80 And then what a difference it was from the vision I had here, not long ago, of being in Glory with the people, the contrast! But in this, as I was falling, I finally, I--I screamed for my daddy. Course, being just a kid, that's what I would do. I screamed for my daddy, and my daddy wasn't there. And I screamed for my mother, "Somebody catch me!" There was no mother there. I was just going. And I screamed then to God. There was no God there. There was nothing there.

81 And after a while I heard the most mournful sound that I ever heard, and it was the awfullest feeling. There is no way... Even a literal burning fire would be a pleasure to the side of what this was. Now those visions has never been wrong. And it was just one of the most horrible feelings I ever had, and what did...

82I heard a noise, sounded like some kind of a--a--a haunted affair. And when it was, I looked, coming, and it was women. And they had green stuff, just could just see their face, and they had green stuff under their eyes. And their eyes looked like run back, like the women today paint their eyes, run back like that, and just their eyes and face. And they were going, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!" Oh, my!

83I just screamed out, "O God, have mercy upon me. Have mercy, O God! Where are You? If You'll only let me go back and live, I promise You, to be a good boy." Now, that's the only thing I could say. Now, God knows, and at the Day of Judgment, He'll judge me for that statement. That's what I said, "Lord God, let me go back, and I'll promise You I'll be a good boy."

84 And when I got shot, I had told lies, I had done pretty near everything there was to be done, only one thing that I say... I might as well just clean it out while I'm right here now. And when I looked down and seen I was half blowed in two, almost, I said, "God, have mercy on me. You know I never did commit adultery." That was the only thing I could say to God. I had never accepted His pardon, and all these things. I just say, could say, "I never did commit adultery."

85And then they taken me out there. And then, in that, I cried, "God, be merciful to me. I'll be a good boy, if You'll only let me go back," for I knew there was a God somewhere. And so help me, those weary creatures all around, I had just been a new arrival. And the most hideous, horrible, ungodly feeling in that... Looked like great big eyes, big eyelashes out like that, and run back like a cat, like back like this; and green stuff, and like it had cankered or something.

And they were--they were going, "Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Oh, what a feeling! Now when I...

86 Then in a moment's time, I had come back to natural life again. That thing has bothered me. I thought, "Oh, let it be that I'll never go to a place like that; no other human being will ever have to go to a place like that."

87Seven months later, I had the vision of standing in the West, and seeing that gold cross coming down upon me. And I--I knew that there was a regions of the damned somewhere.

88 Now, I never noticed it too much until about four weeks ago. The wife... Never thought of it in this terms. About four weeks ago, the wife and I went down to Tucson, to do some shopping. And while we were sitting... The wife, we went in downstairs, and--and there was a bunch of sissy-like boys had their hair ratted, you know, like the women does, and--and bangs combed down here in front, and these real high trousers on, kind of, I guess the beatniks, or ever what you call them. And they were in there, and everybody was looking at them, and their heads was that big, like the women that wears these here water-head haircuts, you know. And they were down there.

89And a young woman came by, and she said, "What do you think about that?"

90I said, "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself, if you can think that." I said, "He has just as much right to do it as you do. Neither one of you have a right."

91 So I went upstairs, and I sat down. And when I did, there was an escalator, it was in J.C. Penney's store, and the escalator bringing the people up. Well, I really turned sick at my stomach, seeing those women come up there; young, old, and indifferent, wrinkled, young, and every way, with little bitty shorts on; their filthy body, and those sexy dressed women, with those great big heads like that, and here they come. And one coming right off that escalator, just coming right up like that, where I was sitting back in a chair, sitting there with my head down.

92 And I turned and looked. And one of them coming up the steps was saying, "Ooh," Spanish speaking, to another woman. She was a white woman speaking to the Spanish woman. And when I looked, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] all at once I was changed. There, I had seen that before. Her eyes, you know how the women are doing now, painting their eyes, just recently, like cat, you know put it up like this, and wearing cat glasses and everything, you know, with eyes up like this, and that green stuff under their eyes. There was that thing that I seen when I was a child. There was the woman just exactly. And I just got numb all over, and begin to look around, and there was those people mumbling, you know, going on about the prices and things in the building. And I just...

93 Looked like that I just changed for a moment. And I looked, and I thought, "That's what I saw in hell." There they was, that canker. I thought because they were in hell what made them that way, a greenish-blue under their eyes. And here was these women painted with greenish-blue, just the way that vision said about forty years ago.

94See, about forty years ago, is what it's been. I'm fifty-four; I was fourteen. So about forty years ago, I... And that's the--the... That's the number, anyhow, of the judgment, you see. Now there was...

95 I had seen that and I couldn't even speak to my wife when she come. She was over there trying to get Sarah and the kids something, kind of a--a dress or something for school, and I--I couldn't even... I couldn't even speak to her. She said, "Bill, what's the matter with you?"

I said, "Honey, I'm as... I'm almost a dead man."

And she said, "What's the matter? Are you sick?"

I said, "No. Something's just happened."

96Now she don't know. She is waiting for this tape to return. I've never said it to nobody. And I thought I'd wait, as I promised, bring it to the church first. See? Bring it to the church. That was my promise. And you'll realize, after tonight, the reason I try to keep my promise. See?

97 I thought then, as I noticed them cankered-looking eyes on them women. There were the Spanish, the French, and Indian, and white, and all together, but that great big heads, you know, bushed up, with that combs, the way they comb it back, way big, and then comes out. You know, you know how they do it, fix it in like they do it. And then them cankered-looking eyes, and the eyes with the paint, they run back like a cat's eyes. And them talking, and there I was again, standing there in J.C. Penney's store, back in hell again.

98I--I--I got so scared. I thought, "Lord, surely I haven't died, and You've let me come to this place after all."

99And there they were, making... just around like that, in that vision like, you could just barely hear it with your ears, you know. Just the mumble and going on, of people, and them women coming up that escalator and walking around there, and that, "Ooh, ooh!" There was them green, funny-looking eyes, and mournful.

100 And wife come up. And I said, "Just let me alone a minute, honey." I said, "If you don't mind, I--I--I want to go home."

And she said, "Are you sick?"

101I said, "No, just go ahead, honey, if you got any shopping to do."

She said, "No, I'm finished."

102And I said, "Let me take you by the arm." See? And I walked out.

She said, "What's the matter?"

I said, "Meda, I--I--I... Something happened up there."

103And while I was under that, I thought this, "What day are we living in? Could this be the Third Pull?" Now I've got some notes here.

104 Jesus. We find out that, Jesus, in His ministry, after He had preached to the people. Now we're going to be real Scriptural on this. After Jesus had finished His ministry, and His ministry was rejected by the people. Now you'll read between the lines, draw your own conception. Remember what I told you at the first. After He had preached...

105He come as a promised One for that day. We all know that. The Scriptures identified Jesus Christ as Messiah. That's right. Thoroughly, firmly, vindicated by God and His Word, that He was Messiah. There is no question. If anybody question it, if you do, then you should come to the altar, that, "He wasn't the Messiah." He was clearly identified as the Messiah. But after He clearly... God identified Him.

106 As Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, when he talked to the Sanhedrin there, at the four... about four days later. He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you by signs and wonders, which God did by Him in the midst, which we all are witnesses. See? You have took, and by wicked hands, and have crucified the Prince of Life; which God has raised up, and shown forth these things that you see." See? Christ lived on. Of course, still lives today.

107 Now after Jesus had clearly came, identified Himself; God identified Him, and He prophesied. And after the days of His prophecy, though Scripturally identified, the people rejected Him. That's right. And He preached then after they rejected Him here, the ones that had a possibility of being saved. Remember, when He was preaching, there was a possibility of anybody being saved. We don't know who they are. They're predestinated. But He continually preached.

108 But after the days of His preaching, His ministry continued on, 'cause the last group He preached to was the souls that were in hell, that could not be forgiven. I have clearly read that from the Bible here, from Second Peter. See? He went and preached to souls that were in prison, which is hell, locked up until the Day of the Judgment.

109Cause, you see, the Judgment isn't now, and there is no burning hell now. Somebody tell you, "The guy is in burning hell now," that's wrong. See? A judge of this earth is just enough to never condemn a man until he's brought to trial. And God will never throw a man into the--the fiery furnace until first he is condemned by God's Own laws. He rejected mercy, so, you see, he first has to have a trial, and the trial is the Great White Throne Judgment. But now he's in a place called a prison house.

110 As I saw the vision of both places, and by the grace of God... I say this not to be sacrilegious, and, if it's wrong, God forgive me. I believe I've been in both places, see, in both places. And I seen the redeemed, the blessed; and I seen the lost, and where they were at. And that's why I stand as your brother, today, to warn you to flee from that downward path. Don't you never go that road. And you've got everything to live for, that blessed upward way, where the redeemed are in joy and peace, and they can't sin. They can't--can't be sorry. They can't. There, there is nothing; they are perfect. Seen both places! I know that's an awful statement for a person to make, but, God being my Judge, I solemnly believe I've seen both places. I--I believe that.

111 And, oh, far be it from any person ever entering that regions of the lost! If you were standing with hot wires bored through you, tormented in every way, it'd be not like that devil torment there is in that place. There could be nothing could... Human mind couldn't, the human mind couldn't comprehend what that regions of the lost is. There is no way to explain it. And there's no way to explain what the regions of the blessed is, it's so great. That's so horrible, and This is so--so great, it's from the ridiculous to the sublime. So if anybody hears me...

112 And I'm getting to be an old man. I don't know how much longer I got. I'll soon be fifty-five years old. And I--I don't know, according to nature, I may not have too many years. I don't know where this tape will go. But let everyone hear, here and on the tape, or wherever it may go. Don't never go towards that regions of the lost. You can't picture hell being that bad. And whatever you do, don't you never get any... forget this, that the regions of the blessed... I would say this, with Saint Paul, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or either could it enter the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." So stop, if you're listening at the tape, turn the machine off, and repent if you're not saved, and get right with God.

113 I saying this by a firsthand experience, as I believe in my heart. And I say, if these, if the visions has deceived me, God be merciful for me make a statement like that. But with the sincerity in my heart, knowing that not one of them visions ever failed, I believe that I have been in both places. Far be it from any human being going that road downward!

114 Now, Jesus, after He had finished His ministry, preached to those souls that were unsaveable, that could not ever be saved. Now the Bible tells us that. "He went and preached to the souls that were in prison, that repented not." When mercy was given to them, they spurned mercy, and now they're waiting for the Judgment. Oh, what a time that must have been! Oh, I wish there was some way I could shake the world with that, to let them see what the reality is.

115 And Jesus said, Himself, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you." And as the Father sent Him to preach to the--the living, to those who had hope, and then present the same Message to those who had no hope, it seems to fitting, at this time, that that will have to be done, 'cause the Spirit of Christ living in us does not change the nature of Him, or doesn't change God's system. He must be the same in every generation. He must be the same. Said, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you."

116 The ministries must be the same, insomuch that He said... I see some of you writing Scriptures down. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." See, "the works," preaching to the lost, healing the sick, and then to the impossible to ever be saved. See? The work went on just the same. So, this has been, (has this been?) may I put it like this, the ministry of Jesus Christ reincarnated in His Church in this last day. That's what many of us believe. I believe with you. I believe this. If I didn't believe it, I'd do something else about it. Because, after all, this is me that's concer-... that's concerned in here. And if the Spirit of God be in you, you're concerned about the people.

117There was a Scripture that always puzzled me, how that Moses could tell God a better idea than God had, till I found out that it was the Spirit of Christ in Moses. See?

118God said, "Moses, separate yourself from them. I'll destroy the whole thing, and start with you."

119 He said, "Lord!" He throwed hisself in the breach, said, "Take me. Blot out my name." Of these very people that had rebelled, his heart went for them. See?

120And when a minister that's got the people on his heart... How could I ever feel justified to my... before God, and to myself, to ever hold anything back from a people that you love better than you love yourself. How could a man take a person into the church by a hand join, or some sprinkle, or some false baptism, or something, and let them lay under the--the influence of a lie and know that Bible lays there, and say he loves the person?

121Though I have to beg for my living, whatever it is, let me be honest with God and the people, to tell them the Truth. Never let me be a deceiver. How can I deceive who I love? Though I have to hurt them, yet I love them. That's the reason you spank your child, is because you love him. Not because you don't like him; because you love him. If he's wrong, he'll get killed if you don't correct him.

122 Now, so has the ministry been. As it was, so is it today. It has been preached, and thoroughly vindicated by the Word of God, that it couldn't be man, it has to be God. It has to be. Notice, the same spiritual signs that Jesus done, has reoccurred on the earth in the last days. The very same spiritual sign that He identified Himself as Messiah, has identified Him today. He is still Messiah! The same material signs has appeared on the earth, that appeared by He, what He was. Same Pillar of Fire that Saint Paul saw, same One, all that has reoccurred with the same nature in it, doing the same thing.

123 Jesus claimed that He's done nothing until the Father showed Him. And the Father is the Holy Spirit, we realize that. It's just a office of God. If it isn't, then which one of them is the Father of Jesus Christ? Jesus said God was His Father, and the Bible said the Holy Ghost was His Father. Now, you can't make Him be an illegitimate child, so the Holy Ghost is God, so was Jesus God. So, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is... It's the... That's three offices of one God. It's three attributes, the same God.

124You're a part of God, and I'm a part of God, see; but I'm not all of God, and neither are you all of God. See? See? It's attributes of God upon us, as sons adopted by Jesus Christ. Which, God Himself became flesh, to die for us.

125 Now, the Holy Spirit always showed Him things to come, and He never was wrong. It was always perfect. Is that right? He did not take credit to Himself. He give credit to God. He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing that." And the Father, the Holy Spirit, was His Father. Is that right? "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost," which was His Father. And the Holy Ghost showed Jesus things to come, told Him things that was.

126And He was the God-Prophet. Because, the Word of the Lord only comes to the prophet; showing that the Words came, in minor form, the prophets wrote what the Lord told them. But He wrote nothing, because He was the Word. He was the Word.

127 Notice, the same Holy Spirit that lived in Him, "Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more; yet ye shall see Me, because I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. I will come to you," He said. "I," was the Father that was in Him, "that will come to you." And He said, "When the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will reveal these things that I've taught you, and will show you things to come." There you are now.

128 Now we notice, that as the Holy Spirit worked in the Church then, so has the Holy Spirit done exactly the same things today; announcing by the Pillar of Fire, just exactly was at the beginning, the same thing. And seeing this come upon Jesus, John announced it at the river of Jordan. And has proved everything, even scientific pictures of it. It can't be disputed. It was scientifically. It was material. It wasn't a mythical thought. It wasn't psychology. As George J. Lacy said, "The mechanical eye of the camera won't take psychology. The Light struck the lens."

129 And what about you, church, that about six or eight months ago here, and standing here, saying, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, that I'm going to Tucson, Arizona. There will be a blast, and seven Angels will appear." You remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not even... God making it so real until the Look magazine took the pictures of it. Spiritual, foresaw, materialized just exactly the same, the seven Angels, which brought forth the winding up of all the Scriptures. Cause, all the mysteries of the entire Bible lays in the Seven Seals. We know that That is the--the Book, Its seal, with That evened out. It's the mystery of the entire Book, laid in those Seven Seals, that the Lord let us bring.

130 And there is men sitting here, today, was right there present with me when it happened. Look magazine proved the same thing, that it--it actually happened. Because, It was God that told it. It was God that stands behind His Word, to perform It when He says He'll do it. Therefore, it's not some man, carnal person like myself, that's among you people. It's the Eternal God.

131He uses men. That's true. He does nothing outside of what He does by men. We realize that. He, that's His--that's His agent. That's what He chose. Why, I don't know. He could have made the sun to preach the Gospel. He could make the wind to preach the Gospel. He could make the wind to do things, but He chose men.

132That was His idea, that human would speak back to human; not hisself, but, "The Word of the Lord came to the prophets," the prophesiers, the preachers. And a prophesier that denies the original Word, how can he be a true prophet? See? He can't be, because he is denying the Truth of the Word. And then if it doesn't, then this Word, Itself, as It's preached by the trueness of the Word and by the trueness of the Holy Spirit, It'll manifest every promise that It promised. That's how we know whether it's right or not. That's what Jesus said, "If I do not that which is written of Me to do, then don't believe Me." See? Now we see these things.

133 Remember, the Seven Seals was finished, and when those seven revealed Truths...

134One of them, He wouldn't permit us to know. We... How many was here at the Seven Seals, and heard? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All of you, I guess. See, the--the Seventh Seal, He wouldn't permit it.

135He stood right there in the room and revealed every one of them. And if I ever preached anything in my life, was inspired, it was that. And it ought to be true, to you. Stand here and tell you that it's going to happen, and go right there, and even science and everything else, the scientific research and everything, mystery to the people, proved that it happened right there. And come right back and hear it unfold, and make every Word exactly right. What day are we living? Where we at?

136 And remember, in that Sixth Seal, where, all Seven Trumpets sounds under that Sixth Seal. When we get to that, you'll see that. Every (seven) Trumpet took place in that Sixth Seal.

137The seven is always the mystery. Watch that seven, that's the finish. That was the Coming of the Lord. Heaven was quiet, silent, nobody moved. Because, Jesus said Himself, "Not even an Angel of Heaven knows when I will return. I don't even know it, Myself, what time. The Father has put that in His mind." God alone knows it, the Spirit. Said, "I didn't know it." Then, it wasn't revealed. When that Seventh Trumpet sounded... or the Seventh Angel, a--a Seal was opened, then there was silence in the Heaven. See, it wasn't give away, what would take place.

138 But under the Sixth Seal, where these Trumpets opened. Remember, under there, we find out that the Lamb came forth, appeared on the scene. He had left the Mercy Seat. His work of redemption was finished. And He came forth and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, and "time was no more." And immediately an angel appeared in the seventh chapter, or the 10th chapter and the 7th verse, saying... This Angel come down and swore, that, "time was no longer."

139But, you see, in this Book was what was redeemed. It was the Book of Redemption. And everything that He had redeemed was written in that Book. All that He died for was written in the Book, and He could not leave His mediatorial Seat until He had thoroughly redeemed. And He couldn't redeem it at the cross, because they were predestinated in the Lamb's Book of Life, and He had to stay on There to make intercessions until that last person was finished. Glory!

140 But one day He rose from There, come forth. Where was the Book at? It was still in the abstract Owner, God Almighty. And John looked around, and he wept, because there was no man even worthy to look on the Book and, especially, open the Seals, to reveal what the hidden mystery was.

141The mysteries was in the Seven Seals. When these Seven Seals was opened, that opened up the entire Bible. The Seven Seals; It was sealed with Seven Mysteries, and in these Seven Seals held the entire mystery of It. And it was the Book of Redemption, New Testament.

142Not the Old. It only proclaimed for the New Testament. "They have been made... cannot be made perfect without us," Hebrews 11. See? See? Now, the redemption only come when the Redeemer died. And they were potentially under the blood of lambs, not the Redeemer; hadn't been redeemed yet, until the Redeemer came.

143 Notice now when this Redeemer... John looked around, and here sat God on the Throne, with the Book in His hand, that had been sealed with Seven Seals, and the whole plan of redemption was in it.

144And it had been lost by the human race, Adam. And God... It went back where? Satan couldn't take it; he just caused him to lose it. But where did the Book go to then? Didn't belong to the human race. The blessings didn't belong here; here the human race had lost it. So it went right on back to its original Owner, that was God.

145Here He set with It, and He called for some man, somebody, to come and claim It.

146 John looked around, and there was no man in Heaven, no man on earth, nobody, no Angel, nothing could take the Book or to loose the Seals, or to even to look on It. No man was worthy. John said he wept bitterly.

147Then an Angel came to him, said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed, and He is worthy."

148And John looked to see a lamb... or see a lion, and what did he find? A Lamb, and it was a Bloody Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain. How long? Since the foundation of the world.

149The Lamb came forth, walked up to Him that had the Book in His right hand, and received the Book; climbed up on the Throne and sat down. That's it. It was over (when?) when the Seals was revealed. When the last one, that was everything that He had redeemed, there was nothing...

He come to redeem.

150Say, "Why didn't He redeem them forty years ago? Two thousand years ago?"

151 See, their names are on the Book of Life, in that Book. And He had to stand here, because it was God's purpose to redeem them. Their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. The Lamb was put there with it, to be slain. Here come the Lamb, when was slain, come back to make intercessions.

152Watch Him! There'll be a lot of impersonation, lot of everything else, but there was really somebody was going to be saved, for He... The Church was predestinated to be without spot or wrinkle. She is going to be There. And the Lamb died for that purpose. And then when the last name on that Book was redeemed, the Lamb came forth and took the Book, "I'm the One that did it!"

153 The Angels, the Cherubims, the four and twenty Elders, the Beasts, everything, uncrowned themselves, fell down before the Throne, and said, "Worthy art Thou!"

154John said, "Everything in Heaven and earth heard me hollering, 'Amen,' screaming, 'Hallelujah,' and praises to God." The scream went up. Why? Their names was in that Book, to be revealed, and the Lamb had revealed it.

155 The Lamb had redeemed it, but He could not come forth until every name was revealed, and that was taking place under the Sixth Seal, before the Seventh broke. Then the spotless... Then the Lamb came for what He had redeemed. He come to claim what He had redeemed. He's already got it, right here in the Book, taken It from His hand. Now He's coming to receive what He has redeemed. That's His work. He's done. He's come to receive it. Oh, what a--what a time! Has proven it, the Seventh Seal proved it. Come back and took the Book of Redemption!

156 Notice, it was to be the seventh angel's Message that was to reveal the seventh, the Seven Seals. Revelation 10:7, now, you'll find it. See?

157"And he saw this Angel come down, put His foot on the land and on the sea," that was Christ, "had a rainbow over His head." Notice Him, you'll find Him in Revelation 1, again, "with the rainbow over His head; look upon as jasper and sardius," and so forth. Here He come, put one hand... "One foot upon the land, one upon the water; raised up His hand. He had a rainbow over His head," yet. That's a covenant. He was the Covenant Angel, which was Christ; made a little lower than the Angels, to suffer. There He come, "And put His hands up to Heaven, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever," the Eternal One, the Father, God, "that time shall be no more," when this takes place. It's run out. It's done. It's finished.

158 And then the Scripture says, "And at--at the Message of the seventh earthly angel," the messenger on earth, the seventh and last Church Age, "at the beginning of his ministry," when it starts off into the earth, at that time, "the mystery of God, of these Seven Seals, should be made known by that time." Now we see where we're at. Could it be, friends, could it be? Notice, all possible.

159 All that had been redeemed in the Book, He come forth for redemption. All that was to be redeemed was in the Book, predestinated before the foundation of the world. He come to redeem It. All He had redeemed was written therein.

160 I want to ask you a question now. And you people on tape, listen close. Them hideous eyes, that hideous head, could that be why that this Message has been so against women of modern age? Could this be that last angel's Message? What did He say down there at the river, about thirty-three years ago? "As John was sent forth," see, "to announce the first coming of Christ, your Message will announce the second Coming." Around the world, and that's what it's done, then the Coming must be at hand. Watch what's happens now.

161Why? I've scratched my head. I've wallowed on my pillow. I've walked the floor. "What's the matter with you?"

162 A few days ago, I asked two men I was riding with. I asked Jack Moore one time. And all of you know Jack Moore. I'm going to him in Shreveport. I said, "Brother Jack, you've been as close a friend as I've had on earth." And before I asked him, I asked my wife.

163If anybody knows anything about me, my bads and--and all, is my wife, see, a dear person. And I said to her one day, I said, "Honey, as your husband, I'm a minister of the Gospel. I don't want to bring any reproach upon the One that I love. No. I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't bring any reproach on you. God forbid that I ever do anything that would harm you. And how much more anything that would harm God, how much I love Him! You're my wife; He's my Saviour and God. I want to ask you a question. Don't pull no punch. Tell me the truth." I said, "Have I studied so much..."

164 And I have wondered. I'm, I--I'm a make-up, funny, odd. I know that. Everybody said, "What kind of a person!" Well, see, you can't make yourself. You are what you are, by the grace of God.

165And I--I--I said, "Have I lost my mind just a little bit, you know, and--and kind of gone?" I said, "Why am I condemning those women, constantly, when I love them?"

166They call, said I was a "woman-hater," I just don't hate... I just "hate women." See? That's wrong. I love women, I mean, as my sisters.

167I ain't going to pat you on the back, seeing you're wrong. I can tell you that. I love you too much for that. Some men that'd do that, it's a different kind of love. See? I love you because I love what you are; you're a helpmate to a son of God, and you're a part of him. See? And I--I love you because that--that you were made in the image of man, and man was made in the image of God, so therefore, together, you're one in Christ. That's why I love you. Any, other thing, is nothing to it. God knows that, all my life. See? That's right. I love you. Why would I stand up and constantly...

168When they say, "Tell all the women, when, if they're going to come hear Brother Branham preach, comb their hair different. Put on a hat or something or another, 'cause he'll start blasting away about short hair, and your... Don't wear any make-up," and so forth like that. That's what they did. "All he talked about!

169 Somebody said, "Why don't you..." Said, "People believe you to be a prophet. Why don't you teach the women how to receive great spiritual gifts, and things like that, instead of trying to teach them such stuff as that?"

170I said, "If they won't learn their ABC's, how will they know algebra?" See? Get right, first.

171And more I preach, the worse it gets. Then you say, "Why don't you quit?" No, sir. There's got to be a voice, a witness against it.

172One of the greatest man in the ministry today, laid his hands on me not long ago, said, "I'm going to pray for you, Brother Branham, if you'll let me do it, that God will take that out of your heart." Said, "Leave them women alone, in those things."

173I said, I said, "Do you believe in that, sir? You're a holiness preacher."

174He said, "Certainly. I don't believe it, but," said, "that's--that's up to..."

I said, "No."

He said, "That's up to the pastors."

I said, "They're not doing it."

175 Somebody has got to do it. The river has got to be crossed. The skin's got to be shucked off. I don't want to do it. God knows I don't want to do it. Many of them women feed my children, and they would lay their life down for me, almost. You think, and the grace of God shed abroad by the Holy Ghost, you think I could stand still and see that poor person go plunge out yonder into Eternity without hope, if I don't scream out against it?

176Not to be a smart-aleck; but the spirit of this nation, the spirit of the church, not the Spirit of Christ, now; the spirit of the church, denomination, has swung these women out into that mess out yonder. And I'm only a voice, crying, "Get out of it. Flee from that filth." Don't let the devil do a thing like that to you. It's wrong!

177And you Assemblies of God, let them women, let them women bob their hair, but forbid them to wear make-up. There is really not a Scripture against make-up, but there is against bobbing your hair. She ain't even fit to pray before God, the Bible says. Her husband has a right to give her a divorce and leave her. Right. She represents herself to the world as an impure woman. The Bible said so. She dishonors her own husband when she does it. That's exactly what the Bible said. See?

178 Well, but a woman wearing make-up, we find a woman did it in the Bible, only one. It was Jezebel. That's who it was. The only person in the Bible that ever wore make-up, was Jezebel, and God immediately fed her to the--to the wild dogs. She's become a disgrace, and even her... Everything, every thing that's mean is called Jezebel.

179You don't have to do that. You don't have to do it. What makes you do it then? The spirit of the devil.

180You don't realize it. I know you don't. You're--you're too good a people. You're good. You shake my hand, talk to me.

181 And I love you. That's right. But if I see that, wouldn't I be a hypocrite... Paul said, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." May no woman's blood be upon me at that Day, or no man's. I've told you the Truth. And I've hated to do it; not hating because I don't want to do what God tells me to, but I love you. I don't want to hurt you, so what am I going to do? But pure, Divine Love will drive you to do it.

182Jesus even prayed to dodge the cross. "Is it possible that the cup should pass?" Said, "Nevertheless, not My will, Thine."

183 Am I going to have to be the fellow that says this? Am I going to have to take them precious women that's so nice and everything, and just shuck them to pieces? Am I going to have to? Am I going to have to take my minister brothers, and stand there and tell them that they love money and the--the denomination better than they love God? Me, to my precious brothers that put their arm... Oh, do I have to do that? O God, don't let me do it.

184But I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel. It's genuine Love that's drove me to it.

185 Is that why this Message has been this way? Nowhere else in the world is it. Where is it at? All right. They're afraid. See? But it's been fearless. Exactly. God is always that way, see. All right. Is this why women has been so rebuked by this Message? Not knowing, it wasn't revealed. It was showed me, but it didn't come to me till just the other day. See? Look at there. All right. Sure fits the ministry.

186 Now wait a minute. Was there ever a time that it become a woman's world before? Yeah. According to history, in the days of Elijah, there was a woman named Jezebel. And she got rulership over the church of God, which the Bible says she will again in the last days; her spirit, through a church, a organization. And she'll be a whore, and all the other churches with her will be prostitutes, just like she is. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

187Revelation 17, said, "She is a whore, and she is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS." That can't be men. That's women. See? And they were all throwed, alive, into the Lake of Fire, and consumed. That true? There you are.

188 Notice, when that Jezebel rose on the scene, there was a man rose up against it. God brought a man. We don't even know where he come from. He had no background of ministry. He never was no priest or nothing. He come forth, an old rugged woodsman by the name of Elijah, and he laid the axe to the root of the tree, and they hated him. Not only that, but his whole congregation hated him.

189And one time he thought he stood alone. He said, "No, I got seven thousand yet that's right with you." See? That was that elected group, see. There is always that group. Said, "Don't fear, Elijah. I know you think you're run out, because the denominations run you up there on top of the hill. But," said, "I got seven thousand that believes the same thing you're preaching. See, I got them."

190 Then after his day, Rome took over, and there become a time it was a woman's world again, all the fashions of--of the women, how they come out in their bonnets and things, see. And God raised up another one with the same Spirit on him, the Spirit of Elisha. Is that right? And he said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree."

191And there was a little old feisty woman in there, had married her... left her husband, married his brother, Herod. Herodias, and she was a--a painted-up clown of that day, danced. She taught her girl how to dance. She had a daughter, by her foster father, the--the foster father; by the father, his brother. Herodias! That was the daughter of--of--of the woman. And then she taught her to dance, and she became a real striptease dancer, after her mother. And she thought she could marry four or five times, do anything she wanted to.

192 And here come Herod out. They were all Jews, now remember. They were church people. Here come Herod out, and his church, to hear this prophet, the people believed was a prophet.

193He walked right straight into the both their faces, and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." And did that make her blow up! See?

194Now, some ordinary man would have said, "How do you do, Herodias? We're sure glad to have you in our congregation today." But not John.

195Jesus said, "Who did you go to see, when you went out to see John? Did you go to see one that's all dressed up like a priest? No, that can, that kind kisses the baby and buries the dead." See? He said, "What did you go to see? A wind, a reed that's shaken by any wind? They say, 'Come over here, John. We'll pay you more if you preach to us. And, we, we're the biggest organization'?" Not John. No, he never went to see that.

196Said, "What did you go to see, then, when you went to hear and see John, a prophet?" He said, "And I say, to you, more than a prophet!... you can receive it, this is he who the prophet spoke of was coming, 'I'll send My messenger before My face, and he'll prepare the way for the Lord.'" He was a messenger of the Covenant. He said, "There's not been a man, that's born of a woman, as great as he is." See?

197 That's the kind of a man that God raised up for that day, Elijah, a backwoodsman. John, the same thing. See? The Spirit of Elijah was upon John. And He says, when it comes a woman's day again, that Spirit will rise again, "Before the Coming of the Lord, when the earth will be burnt, and the righteous will walk out upon the--the ashes of the wicked, like ashes under their feet." He promised it, again, in these days. Notice, the Holy Spirit promised that. It's a fitting to the time that we're living in.

198 There must be someone rise up. That's got to come, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, Malachi the 4th chapter. That's exactly what He said would be the sign, "Just before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the Lord, I'll send you Elijah." And what will he do? "Turn the hearts of the children back to the Doctrine of the fathers, back to the Bible," out of these denominational difference, "and come back to the Bible, back to God." That's what he would do. Notice what a great time we're living in.

199 Them prophets rebuked them modern women of their days, and they both paid for it by their life. History proves that each one of those times was a woman's world, when women controlled.

200 Look about today. We'll have one, President, one of these days, look like could happen right now. Actually, she is President. See? He's just a figurehead. Here not long ago, in one of the other nations, she was getting so much praise and everything from all the people, till the President, himself, said, "I'm her husband." The President of the United States, see. She sets the fashions, the women following it, see, just like Jezebel did. You heard my sermon on Jezebel Religion. You know. You know about it. You see where we're at now?

201You see what happened here, a week or two ago, here in the city? The Faith Lutheran minister invited the Catholic priest of the Sacred Heart to come up and preach for him, and he did, and the Faith Lutheran minister went down to the Catholic priest and preached for him.

202 The Council of Churches over there now, that's meeting in Rome. This circular letter that my good friend, David duPlessis; when I set there and cried to him about it, at Fourteen-Mile Creek, not long ago; not realize he swung the church right into Babylon, when everybody saying, "Oh, all the churches is going to be one now." Yeah, I know that, see, just exactly what's wrote on my book of prophecy in 1933, that would take place. Why, don't you realize that's Satan uniting together? The Bible says that. And just after a bit, just a little while, as soon as they become one, then the interdenominational is finished, see. There will be your mark of the beast, right. See?

203 Just I ain't got time to go on this, but, nearly a quarter of twelve. See, I want to finish this up, get this point. I'm just laying these Scriptures in here where you can see the possibility of where we're at, and then we'll close just in a few minutes.

204 Now notice just what taken place. The--the prophets rebuked those women in them days and was called "woman-haters." That's right. History proves it was so.

205Now wait just a minute. You're writing down Scriptures, you ought to put down First Timothy 5:6. The Bible said, "The woman that lives in--in worldly pleasure." Can't be the pleasures of God; so it'd have to, see. "The woman that lives in worldly pleasure is dead while she is living." That's what the prophet said, Saint Paul, "The woman that lives in this worldly condition is dead while she is living." And if she rejects mercy, she can cross the separating line where there is no place for her no more. And then where is she at, with her painted eyes, her cut hair? And she's across the line, with no way to come back, and there's got to be a ministry preached to her. But remember, at that time, it's all over. It's done. It's just a haunting.

206 There will be a ministry that will show great wonders, Joel said so, but there'll be no time for redemption. It's all over. The Lamb has done took His Book, and His redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected, and then went and haunted those that were in there, preached to them that were in prison, could not repent, no time for salvation, that same ministry will have to repeat again. What if that could be the Third Pull, to the Eternal lost. What if it is there? I hope it's not. What if it is? Think of it just a minute now. What if it is? God forbid. I got children. See? But it sure looks pretty close here.

207Why did that vision come when I was a kid? Why did I never think of it before? Why did that trance come there in the room the other day, say, "Here it is"? It's right in the midst of the un-... the--the souls lost. And Jesus preached to them, witnessed, but they--they never repented. And more I preach, the worse they get. There is no repentance. No place for it.

208 The Lamb took His Book when, the Seventh Seal just ready for it to be opened, the Sixth Seal. Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood, day by day, telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There is silence in Heaven." No one knew. It was the Coming of the Lord.

"Oh," you say, "it can't be." I hope it isn't.

209Just let's go just a little farther here. I got something wrote down, see. All right.

210 Remember, "She that liveth in worldly pleasure," of the things of the world, acting like it. She could go to church and act like a saint, that don't have one thing to do with it, see, but, "she's dead while she's living."

211Look what the denominations has done for her. They made her a handler of the Holy Word, which is contrary to the Bible. They made her a preacher. It's forbidden of the Scripture. Even makes her now become ruler, mayor, governors, everything in the country, and a minister in the house of God.

212When, she's guilty of every sin that was ever committed, she is the cause of it. Right. Now, I'm not, I'm not speaking of rights. She is guilty. She is the one that caused every baby to be born blind. She is the one that caused every grave to be dug. She is the one that caused sin, sickness, sorrow. A ambulance can't ring unless a woman caused it. No crime can be done, no sin, no death, no sorrow, no suffering, but a woman done it. And God forbids her to go to the pulpit to preach, but yet they do it. Denomination, see where it's at?

213 She is a goddess. How the devil is at work! Why, the Catholic people make them, women, gods, pray to them; that's right, goddess Mary, and so forth. I see where in the Ecumenical Council they said that it would come to pass that they would pray a little bit more to Jesus if it would help the Protestants to come in. See? See? Oh, that sugar-coated! "Inchangeable," they said. See? It's still the same old devil. The Bible said, "And he caused all to receive a mark upon their forehead, that didn't have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life."

214It's the predestinated Church I'm talking to, not those out there. No, sir. Out of every group, He's pulled His predestinated. That's what He's coming for, in every age.

215 But there she stands. There she is. That's her; preach the Word, handle the Word, become a goddess, and the cause of every sin. Bible said, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or usurp any authority, but be in obedience as also saith the--the law." See? And she can't do it. But they make her a ruler of the land, mayor, governor; soon she'll be President. Sure. There you are. That's the way, that's the way it goes, see. And people does that because they don't care about this Word. They'll never see it.

216Look at those Jews standing there, scholars, fine men. And Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil."

217 What if I brought Him to a trial right now before you? Let's just try it a minute, and God forgive me for taking sides against Him; but just a minute, to show you something.

218What if you say, "Well, I, glory to God, I spoke in tongues! Hallelujah! I know. I, yeah, I--I got It. Bless God. Yeah!" Uh-huh, you did?

219Remember them people of Israel. The Bible said, after He called the people out, and saved them out of Egypt, He destroyed them because they didn't follow the Message. See? They eat manna out of Heaven. They eat manna that God rained on the earth for them to eat, and stood in the presence of the messenger, and seen the Pillar of Fire, and heard the Voice of God, and seen it confirmed. And then, because they wanted to believe Korah, "There can be more holy men. There can be this, that, or the other. We got to be holy, too. We got to do all this. All the people is holy."

God said, "Separate yourself from them. Get away from there."

220Moses said, "All is on the Lord's side, come with me." That's right. See? And He just opened up the earth and swallowed them up. See?

221 They were good people, too. Sure, they were. They were fine people. Yes, sir, but that didn't do it. "Not all that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' but the one that doeth the will of My Father." "Not he that starts; it's he that finishes." That, there's no short cuts; you're disqualified at the end of the race. No short cuts. You must come just the way the Scripture said.

222If It says, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost," there is no short cut, shaking hand, joining church or denomination. You come that Way! Except you die to yourself, and be born of the Spirit of God, you're--you're--you're lost. That's all. There is no short cuts.

223You say, "Well, I belong to church." I know. That's good. "Well, my mother..." I don't doubt that, but this is you I'm talking to. See? You've got to come that Way, because there's no short cuts; you're disqualified at the Judgment. You come the one Way.

224There is only one Way, and Christ is that Way. And Christ is the Word that lives in you, that verifies everything that He promised in its season. See? Did you get that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Notice now.

225 Some say, "These people are good." Sure. I don't say they're not good people. I don't say Saint Cecilia and all them wasn't good women; so was my mother, but I sure don't pray to her. Certainly not. Certainly, I've seen lots of good people, but they're not goddesses. They're women, men. "There's only one Mediator between God and man."

226Then why, why would a man, a Pentecostal, world man... that circular letter that Brother duPlessis, our precious brother, has got circulate. Maybe some of you has got it. Set... Yeah, you got it. In the Ecumenical Council, by the side of the pope, and said, "It was very spiritual." That's discernment of spirit, isn't it? "Oh, the Spirit of the Lord was there, very spiritual." Yeah. There you are.

227 Why? Because it's a opportunity to unite the Protestants and that together, which we have fought for for years, and the Bible has stood for and told us that would come. And our... one of our greatest leaders comes right in, said, "That's right. That's what we do," and the whole Protestant church is falling for it.

228And just exactly, if you'll look up there, THUS SAITH THE LORD. First, the Word said it. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, in 1933, that told all these other things about the nations going to war, and how the machines would be, and everything like that, said that's exactly what would happen at the end. And here it is. It's never failed. And here we see it shaping up.

229 You remember my sermon on Jezebel Religion not long ago? You remember Elisha coming down the road that morning, to tell them? That, I preached on that. See? And how I predicted then that the time would come when this Ecumenical Council would finally become the mark of the beast, because it would unite with the beast. It's doing it. In my age, I've lived to see it. And here the Protestants, by the millions, fall for it. Why? That's what they're looking for.

230They are blind! Jesus told those Pharisees, "You blind leaders of the blind. If the blind leads the blind," He said, "won't they all fall in the ditch?" And that's where they fall. How could I ever believe that a man that stood with me and talked with me, could ever sit and make a remark like that! See, "It's hid, the eyes, from the wise and prudent, and reveal It to babes such as will learn."

231 I know someday that's going to cost me my life. That's right. It's going to, but here the Truth is being knowed. Uh-huh.

First one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,

Was John the Baptist, but he didn't shirk; he died like a man;

Then came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,

He preached that the Spirit would save man from sin. (Is that right?)

Then they stoned Stephens, he preached against sin,

He made them so angry, they dashed his head in;

But he died in the Spirit, he gave up the ghost,

And went to join the others, that life-giving host.

There is Peter and Paul, and John the divine,

They give up their lives so the Gospel could shine;

(What'd they do?) They mingled their blood, with the prophets of old,

So the true Word of God would honest be told.

Souls under the altar, were crying, "How long?"

For the Lord to punish all that's done wrong;

But there is going to be more that'll give their life's blood (yep, that's right)

For this Holy Ghost Gospel and its crimson flood.

232Just keeps dripping with blood! Yes, it'll do it someday, but I'm waiting that hour when it's finished.

233 Some sister just had a dream. She sent it to me, said, "I seen them, that church fixed a way is going to kill" me, secretly, sometime when I'm getting out of my car, going in, be fired from... But said, "Then the Spirit said, 'Not at this time, but it'll come later.'" Uh-huh.

234God forbid that I compromise on anything. I know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We're living in a horrible day. Sin has did this. Yep. They--they stoned Stephens. They had John's head cut off, she did. I don't know how we'll give ours, but it'll be someday. All right, notice.

235 In Saint John, if you wanted that Scripture on that. Saint John 6:49, is where they eat manna, and Jesus said, "And they're, every one, dead."

236Say, "Well, my--my sister, I--I seen this woman dance in the Spirit." Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. "I see them do that. I've seen her speak in tongues. I've seen her..." Yeah.

237Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'I've done all these things.'" See? "They eat manna in the wilderness," Jesus said, "and they're, every one, Eternally separated. They're dead." That's Eternally gone. They perished right there in the wilderness.

238 You remember Hebrews the 6th chapter, "Ones that was once made known the Truth, and refused to walk in It, there is no more repentance for them." See, a borderline believe-... When the Truth is presented to a person for the last time, and they refuse to receive It; according to the Book of Hebrews, see, they will... there is not even nothing in the world can ever save them.

239They are finished. No repentance, no redemption, there is nothing left for them. They're Eternally separated. The Bible said so, "Looking for the fearful fire and indignation which shall devour the adversary." And when Truth of the Gospel has been proven, thoroughly vindicated, and then turn around and walk from It, they're finished. That's all. It's awful, but I have to tell it.

240Remember the Angels which kept not their first estate, but left there in that prison house in darkness, where the world is walking today in that same prison, there is no repentance.

241 Remember a few years ago, I said, when I come down from Chicago, "Either America will receive it this year, or she won't receive it at all." See where she's gone? Yeah.

242Now I wonder if the Third Pull could be? O God, may it be far from that! Is that what the Third Pull is for? Could that be? Oh, my! Think of it, friends. Think of it; I don't like to.

243Jesus said, "This kind of hypocrisy..." If you want to put that down, Matthew 23, -seven. I--I got here, "read that," but you can see. "You blind Pharisees!" Let...

244 Have you got just a couple minutes different? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's see. Let's just turn to that, 'cause I said "read it." There was something there I want to read just before... Now I'll maybe cut something else out, but let--let's just get this just a minute. Matthew 23, just a minute, all right, and we're going to begin at the 27th verse. Just listen now. You read the whole thing when you go home, if you will. Just a few more minutes.

245Now watch here. Matthew 23, and begin at the 27th verse, "Woe unto you, scribes!" Now, remember, this is holy men He's talking to.

Woe unto you, scribes and you Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres (that's dead people, see), whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

246Hypocrisies and envies and strife, on the inside of them; outside, "I'm Doctor So-and-so."

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, (look at the Ecumenical Council and the Pentecostals sitting there), but within you're full of hypocrisies and iniquity.

247What is iniquity? Something you actually know is right and you won't do it. Jesus, now watch what He... what generation He puts this on now.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, see, "Oh, the prophets!"

And say, If we had been in them days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

248"We would have believed the Word of the Lord if we'd have lived back there." Watch.

Wherefore you be witness unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

249That's just what's taking place. Now watch what He says here.

Ye serpents, and generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?

250 How can you do it? Now He's talking to ministers, see, that's right, holy men. How can you stand and know the Bible predicts and tells them people not to do that, and you can stand and compromise for a few lousy, stinking dollars, for some popularity, and somebody to pat you on the back and call you a "Doctor"? How can you say you love those people?

I'm preaching on tapes, too. See?

251How can you, how can you say you love those people, and let a thing like that take place? See? You--you Pharisees, you blind, you serpents, you generation of vipers, how are you going to escape the damnation of hell? When you... How can a man today, that knows that these things are wrong, and stand there to hold his congregation, to make his denomination grow, and fail to tell women and men? How you going to escape the wrath of hell, when it was made for you? How you going to do it? See?

252Listen, listen here. What is it going to be? "Therefore..." 34th verse.

... behold, I will send unto you prophets,...

253"I will," in the future. There is your Pharisees coming back again. See?

... wise men,... scribes: and some of them you shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall you scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

254 He predicted He would send them prophets, with the Word of the Lord. And what would they do? The same thing their fathers did, 'cause that's what you are. See, spirits don't die. Men that's possessed of them dies, but spirits don't die. He said, "You are the children. You're the one." And just notice how these things are.

255 How that Saint Paul stood there (you believe he was a prophet?) and condemned women, to bob their hair; condemned their organizations; announced that every man that wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ must come and be baptized over again. That's right.

256And today they compromise and sweeten it around. They don't know no different, though. It's pitiful. If the hour is over, I might say this, see: they were blind, predestinated to be blind. God be merciful. They couldn't see it.

257Jesus said, "You are blind. You blind scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! When you read the same Word that they all of them has read, and here you come and condemn Me. And I'm exactly what the Word said that it would be in this day. I was to be the Messenger of this day. I'm the Messiah," He said, in so many words. "I'm the Messiah. Have I failed to prove it? If I haven't done what was written of Me, then condemn Me. And you blind Pharisees lead your people right off into a thing like that, and send the whole bunch." Said, "Well, the blind leads the blind." Said, "You're..."

258 You said, "Oh, if we would have lived back in the time of Saint Paul, yeah, I would have took sides with Saint Paul."

259You hypocrites! See? Why don't you take the side with his Doctrine? You would have done the same thing then you done now, for you are the children of your fathers, your organizational fathers: Pharisees, Sadducees, and self-righteous. That's--that's it. Uh-huh. I'll tell you, and--and to the hour that we live, wonder if this could be the Third Pull? Just a minute now, see, Jesus said, "This kind receives greater damnation." See? Isn't it awful?

260 As a great American, one time, when the enemy was about to take this country, there's a man in the midnight hour, jumped up on a horse and rode down the road, screaming, "The enemy is coming!" It was Paul Revere.

261I'm an American, too. And I'm riding, this midnight hour, not saying the enemy is coming, but he's here! He ain't coming; he's already here! He has done conquered. I'm afraid it's over; conquering, this midnight hour.

262 Remember, at Tucson, the seven Angels, what the Message was, "The finishing of the mystery of God." Immediately after that, coming down the range...

263You all heard about the mountains. Notice. Brother Fred got some pictures of it, and Brother Tom. And I got some pictures, some movies, everything. We're going to show it here someday, show you just where it was at. You all know the story.

264Watch, the three peaks. He said, "There is your First, Second, and Third."

265 And Brother Fred has got an outstanding picture of it, when he and Sister Martha passed. The clouds had come up from the moisture of the ground, and had hid all the rest of them, and it just showing the Three Pulls; one here, one here, and one there. See? The seven!

266 Watch, the First, three. Three is perfection. That's when the ministry went forth.

267The Second Pull was the discernment of spirits, the prophecy. (First was the healing of the sick.) The Second was the prophecy that went forth, and it knowed the secret of the thoughts, when the Word Itself was made manifest. Which, that's grace.

268But, remember, the seventh is the finish. Could this be the finish Pull, it's all over? Could it be? Think of it now. Just think. Where you at? See? Seven is always the finish. Three Pulls!

269 Jesus' ministry consisted of Three Pulls. Did you know that? Notice! And be sincere, if you ever was in your life, now for a minute, few minutes.

270His First Pull was healing the sick. He become a very popular man. Everybody believed Him, seemed like. Is that right? When He went forth healing the sick, everybody wanted Him in their church.

271But one day He turned around and started prophesying, for He was the Word, and He was the Prophet that Moses spoke of. And when He went to tell them, and tell them how they was living, and the things they were doing, He become very unpopular. That was His Second Pull.

272Wonder if it has typed right back again? Just think a minute. Could it be? The First, healing, everybody. The Second: "Oh, it could be Jesus Only. It could be Beelzebub, it could be a..." That's the same thing they did there. See? Same spirits living in the same kind of people, condemned people that can never be saved, because they were condemned before; they, like Judas Iscariot, born the son of perdition.

You say, "Judas?" Sure.

273 Remember, he was very religious, but he couldn't go all the way with the Message. He could take part of it, but the rest of it he couldn't stomach. They can take healing and things like that, but when it comes to God speaking squirrels into existence, then that's too deep for them. "Can't be!" That was Judas. His spirit can live right up to that spot. He can't go it after that. See?

274They could take Moses all right when he opened the Red Sea, and so forth like that. But when it come down to telling, they wasn't, all the rest of them wasn't to do this or that, or the other: "He makes hisself a God, over us." See, they couldn't go that, Korah and them. So, they had to have a organization, so God just swallowed them up.

275 Jesus' ministry, when He was healing the sick, "He was wonderful, that young Prophet of Galilee! Why, He makes the blind to see. He's even raised the dead. We got three cases of it. He actually raised the dead."

276But one day He turned around, He said, "You generation of vipers. You make the outside of the platter clean. You appear to be holy, but the inside of you, you're nothing but a bunch of snakes." Oh, when that prophecy went forth, condemning that organization, then it changed. They turned against Him. That's right. And finally, by rejecting Him, they crucified Him.

277 But you can't kill the Ministry. It lives on. You can put the messenger to sleep, but you can't put the Message. Uh-huh. Right. He lived on. And notice when the Third Pull of His ministry come. The First was healing the sick.

278The Second was rebuking the organizations, and prophesying; what they had done, what they were, and what was coming. What is, what is, will come; and what was, what is, and what will come. That's what He done. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

279But His Third Pull was when He preached to the lost that couldn't be saved no more. They were down there where them big, painted eyes was, "Ooh, ooh!" Preached to the souls in hell, that did not accept mercy, but were Eternally separated from the Presence of God. But yet they had to recognize it, what He was, because God made Him there.

280Wonder if His ministry climbs out the same way in the last days, as it was? "As the Father sent Me, so send I you. The works that I do shall you also."

281 Lost, could never be saved. They had rejected mercy. That was His Third Pull.

282Now is there any question? His First Pull, He healed the sick. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] His Second Ministry, He was prophesying. His Third Ministry was preaching to the Eternal lost. The three mountains, so forth; the lost, Eternal!

283 Noah's ministry, all ministries, done the same. Noah preached. That exactly right. He went into the ark. And when he went into the ark, there were seven days that nothing happened. His testimony preached to the doomed.

284Sodom and Gomorrah! Jesus referred to both of them as coming. "Before the coming of the Son of man, so shall it be like the days of Noah, so shall it be in like it was in the days of Sodom." He referred to Noah.

285Noah had Three Pulls, and his Third was to the lost after the door was shut. For, God let it sit right there, where nobody could enter or go out. They were inside. For, (as on the seventh mountain) the highest mountain, that's where He settled the ark, mountain. See? That right?

286 In the days of Sodom, the First Pull was the righteous Lot. And the Bible said, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily," how them women acted and done.

287You remember, "As it was in the days of Noah." What was they doing? "Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage." Women, see, women. What was it in the days of--of Sodom? Women.

288And the First message was Lot. They laughed him to scorn.

289Then they sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His Second Pull for Lot... for Sodom.

290But look at that One that went last, there's more and more mercy. It was all over then, all over at that time. That third Messenger that went down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He set with the elected, and told them what was taking place behind Him. That right? But when He stepped off into Babylon, or into Sodom, He wanted to find...

291Even Abraham, crying, "If I could find fifty righteous?" On down to "ten righteous?"

God said, "Yes, find ten righteous."

292 Let me tell you something, sister, just a minute. You might be old-fashioned, but you got something these sex queens hasn't got. You've got something that she can never have. Right. You might be old-fashioned in your dressing, dress up like a lady. They might say, "Look at that old holy-roller." Don't you worry. She's got something that that little old sex queen, that's got all the world looking at her out there, she hasn't got it. She can never have it. She is lost, Eternally. She is doomed. See? She's never... You got moral; you got virtue. She's got nothing. She's got a bait that traps the lost souls into hell. The blind walks into it. Now, you've got something.

293 You know, you might not be even on a church book, but it might be your righteous life that's holding the wrath of God from the world today. The world won't believe it. You woman that's called holy-roller, you little man that don't hardly know anything, but you cry to God, day and night, for the sins of the country, you might be the one that's holding off the wrath. "If I can find ten, I'll spare it. If I can find ten!" "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be." See what I mean?

294Not, "If I can find ten Methodists, if I can find ten Baptists, if I can find ten Pentecostals, if I can find ten athletes, if I can find ten senators, if I can find ten ministers."

295But, "If I can find ten righteous!" There is One righteous, that's Christ. Christ living in One, them ten, see, "I'll spare it."

296 But that last Messenger preached to the doomed. You say... He went down there. Scripture don't say what happened, but the fire fell the next morning, right, after He performed those signs, immediately after He performed His prophecy ministry. "Why did Sarah laugh?"

She said, "I didn't."

Said, "Yes, you did." See?

297Now, immediately after that, He entered Babylon, or went down into Sodom. He never found them, so the fire fell. He found Lot and his two daughters, said, "Get out of here right now." See? It went out. He went down there. Remember, He was on His road down. He sent messengers before Him, but He went down Himself, right, to find out if all this thing was so. And He found it full of what? Painted-faced women. The Message to the doomed. What'd they do? Laughed at it.

298 What do they do today? The same thing. "I belong to the Assemblies. I belong to the Oneness. I'm--I'm... I've danced in the Spirit. Glory to God, I speak in..." All right, go ahead. "I'll cut my hair if I want to. I'll do this. I'll--I'll just say this. I don't have to be baptized in Jesus' Name. I--I don't care what said. Paul is an old woman hater, anyhow. That's a..." All right, go ahead.

299One of these days, if you haven't already, you'll cross that line. You'll never desire no more to do what's right. Did you hear what I said? It's a matter. Brother, sister, do you realize what's been said? You'll cross that line, and you'll never want to do it. You'll still hear the Gospel, sure, but you'll never accept It. You can't accept It. But the Gospel will be preached to the doomed, those that are Eternally lost, can't get saved, no more. You're already in that spot, and don't know it. You think you're living in pleasure, and dead while you're alive.

300 Oh, listen. All those who rejected the Message of the hour, before doom, the Gospel was preached to the doomed, first, before they went; without mercy. Noah, shut up, was a testimony. God shut the door, after his Third Pull. After the Third Pull at Sodom, the doors was shut. There was no more mercy. The ten couldn't be found. And the lost had the Gospel preached, that could not be saved, because it was just... Been that way in every age, every age reject the Message before judgment.

301Have they done it again? Is that appearing in a Pillar of Fire down here on the river? Is that appearing along in the Message of cutting the women, and throwing the places where it should be, and rebuking those ministers who takes the place with the denomination instead of staying on the Word? When, God has thoroughly vindicated that it's Him, and not some poor ignorant unlearned thing like a man. It's God! And have we now come to the spot that the Third Pull would return again to the lost, Eternally?

302 Was that what that vision was give me, as a little bitty boy out yonder? And I have went West, and there is the golden Cross of the Gospel shining down, has declared the sign from the Heaven, just exactly. Remember, the Cross was in a panoramic, like a--like a pyramid, also, built. See? Could it be that it's the head part where it's ended, and started from here and come up to the headship?

303 Like the pyramid, come up through Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and then the capping of the stone. Could it be that? If that's it, where we at? It, this might. I hope it isn't, but it's got to be. It's going to be. Just remember, them ministries has to, they always dovetail just the same, with the other one. It has to come. And God don't change. Think of it!

304Bite your conscience with your spiritual teeth, and find out where we're at. What if it is, and you're still the way you are? Then you just might as well walk... You're finished, them that's outside. After the Book was taken by the Lamb, the Sixth Seal is revealed and all the Seals, it's over. It could be. I hope it isn't. It could be. All right.

Now, is that why this Third Pull has lingered so long?

305 You notice, the First Pull and the Second Pull went from one to the other. I predicted, you remember, when I first started, about the First. And I said, "There'll come a time It'll even know the secrets of the heart." You remember? How many? Why, all of you remember that, in my meetings around. And one night I just walked into Regina, up there, and walked on the platform; and Brother Baxter there, several thousand people. And a man walked up the platform, [Brother Branham snaps his finger once--Ed.] and there it was. And from that it's been the same.

306 But it's been years since I've come off the field, four, about five years since I come off. What is it? What's done this? Has that been why that it was like in the beginning, in Genesis, "God's long-suffering"?

307Remember, when He made the world, the seventh day He made nothing. He rested. See? God was long-suffering in that sixth year, not willing that any should perish, but all might come to repent. God was long-suffering.

308Again, also, in Genesis 15:16, if you want to put it down, 16, 15. He told Abraham, "Over in that land of the Amorites, their iniquity," they were Gentiles now. "I can't take you in there right now, 'cause the iniquity of the Amorites, the Gentiles, is not fulled up yet. But I will judge them. I'll come in that fourth generation, and then I'll judge that nation with a rod of iron." Is that right?

309 Has it been so long, that God's long-suffering, the ministry constantly, through tape and everything else, has combed across the world, to see if there is one more? But maybe that last one come in just recently. Has it been the iniquity that's been--been so long? If Jesus is the same, which He is, Hebrews 13:8, His Message must be the same. (Fixing to close.) His action must be the same.

310 If the First and Second Pull is without question! Is there a question in your mind about the First and Second Pull? Did it come to pass just like He said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then why question the Third? See? Why would you question It? The first two was identified by the Scripture. I've proved to you this morning that the Third is identified by the Scripture, too.

311Look upon the world, see where she's at. Look how they have rejected the Truth, and how it's been properly identified, the prophecy part. Now where we at? O God, be merciful! That makes my heart bleed on the inside. What about it? Where we at?

312 Remember, these seven peaks up there, they could tell you. It's... There is not another peak beyond that. It's on the Continental Divide. It goes right into the desert, from there on. Eternity sets in. Seven peaks, right on the Continental Divide. That's right between right and wrong. And at the end of that, the Third Pull was the last Pull of the range. Is that right? See? All right.

313 Noah went in, then after seven days, nothing happened, see. In seven days the judgment come. If only... Listen now, in closing. If only, in Noah's time, they would've knew that sign! If they would have only knowed! Now I'm going to close. If they would have only knowed that sign, the world in that day! That, God proved here, by the reading of the Scripture, a while ago, He destroyed them people.

314Not without mercy; mercy was sent to them by a prophet. They wouldn't believe it. God is merciful, but, He sent mercy but they wouldn't receive it. He always sends mercy, first.

315What if they would've knowed that sign was the end-time sign? And when they seen, all at once, salvation let up. Nobody, see. Just, the first thing you know, the door was closed. If they... There was only one person knowed that sign, that was Noah and his group. That was the only one knowed. When that door swung together, Noah knew it. Noah knew that was the finish. He knew it. That's right. If you only knew the sign!

316 Oh, if they would have only knew that sign, when they seen this One come in there, had been up there with Abraham!

317If they'd have only knew that that modern Billy Graham of that day, went down there, him and an Oral Roberts, and preached that message to them blinded people! If they'd only know, them old righteous Methodists and Baptists back yonder had been a sign to them of that day, Lot, when the sins vexed their very soul. Then what did the Methodists and Baptists turn into? Like Lot did, same thing. But the righteous, out of there, come out. Sure.

318What if it was when Billy Graham went down, going up for a decision, chewing chewing gum, punching one another, and laughing, bobbed hair, is painted-up faces, and not even make a bit of move about it. Come back the next day, and Billy said, "I have thirty thousand; come back in a year, and I ain't even got thirty."

319"Oh, I made a decision. I--I--I ain't going to hell; I'm going to Heaven, see," wading right on in sin. If they'd have only...

320 And then the Gospel being preached in the Power, and signs and wonders, with the Pillar of Fire over it, and everything going on just exactly, and predicted and set out. If they'd a... They said, "A bunch of holy rollers. It's mental telepathy. Some kind of a witch spirit. A devil, that's all It is. Don't you believe It. It's not in our organization. We don't have nothing to do with That." If they'd have only knew the sign! If they'd have only knowed!

321Jesus said, said, "If you'd have only knowed your day, Jerusalem. If you could have only recognized! But," said, "now you're left to your own." See? "If you'd have only know. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft I would have hovered you, as a hen would her brood, from the judgments that's just to come! But you didn't know your day." "You that stoned the prophets, and killed the righteous, if you'd have only known your day! If you'd have only knowed, and had been up on your Scripture, and knowed that My coming was a sign of your end. Now you're blind. Now you've been rebuked. Your time is over." And it was. That's right. "If you'd have only knowed the time!"

322 Look, when Jesus made that declaration, the world went right on. See? The world went right on, normally. Why? For they knew not their hour.

323The world went right on, when Noah went into the ark. The world moved right on. The scoffers, in that day, they still had sex parties. They still eat, drink, married, done the things they do today. Just exactly, normally. "Ha-ha! That old holy-roller closed the door. Now, did you ever hear of such a thing? Ha-ha! You know what he says? We're all going to be 'drowned.' Nonsense! Where is the water at?"

324Scoffers, in the days of Noah. "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." All right. Noah knew the sign. Same thing in the days of Lot. Same things in the days of Jesus. So is it today. They scoff their last time...?...

325Same at Sodom, they never knew. When that Messenger was standing there, Message from God, they only laughed at them and tried to pervert them to their own acts. Is that right? "Come in and join us. Be one of us." Is that right? "Come in and join us, be one of us. You'll be one of the boys. Come on, join us." See? They never knew their sign.

326 They didn't know that when that Message was going on, that the very... They couldn't see it, that the fire and wrath of judgment, as God, a fire blazes of brimstone was kindling in the skies. They couldn't see it. The messengers could. Uh-huh. Lot knew it, too. He knew it was there. Certainly.

327Same as it is today, just the same thing. Wrath is kindling, atomic bombs are hanging, everything is at the end. It's the same now.

328Look, people, listen. Did you know... You say, "Brother Branham, oh, what about all of it?" You know, people can go right on preaching the Gospel like they always did, what they call the Gospel, it could be over. They did in the days of Noah. They did in the days of Lot. They did in the days of Jesus. That right?

329Even the Jews, after Jesus told them that the wrath... "You're done. You're finished. There is no more. You're finished."

330"Oh," he said, "that holy-roller. What school did He come from? Where did He come, that?"

331Remember, He was ready then for His Third Pull. Uh-huh. That's right. He said, "How oft would I have hovered you!"

332 Lot made his last call... or, I mean, the Angel did, the messenger, ever who He was. God represented for this day, God represented in human flesh, made the last sign, performed the last duty. It was all over then.

333Noah preached his last sermon; the door closed behind him. That was all. They laughed at it, and made fun of it.

334Think, the people can go right on preaching! The Ecumenical Council can join up with the Catholic church, just as they promised to do. All organizations can come on, but the mark of the beast is already there. They take it, in that. See? And they say, "Oh, hallelujah, bless God, there was so many got saved last night." They did? "They danced in the Spirit. They spoke in tongues." That don't mean one thing. See? "Oh, they're meek and gentle and humble. Yes, sir. They got the fruit of the Spirit." That's no sign. Not a bit.

335Let me give you the fruit of the Spirit, between Jesus and the Pharisees, see which one had the fruit of the Spirit. What if I stood, as I started to say a while ago, against Christ now for a minute? God forgive me for even saying it, see, but just to show you something.

336 What if I come to you and say, "Say, you congregation, who is your friend? Who shows the fruit of the Spirit? Your kind old priest. Who comes to you in the hospital when you're sick? Your gentle old priest. That's right. Who is it that always loans you some money when you're up against it, in a tight place? You members of his congregation, don't you go to your kind old priest and he loans you money? See? Who is it that's always loving and kind, and showing the fruit of the Spirit? Your kind old priest.

337"Who is it that studied for years and years, in the synagogues down here, where his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather come from, all the way down? Who is it studied and got... worked hard and got doctor's degrees and PhD's and LLD's, to know this Word, and stand here and deliver it to you every Sunday morning in his congregation? Your kind old priest.

338 "Who is this renegade, called, 'Jesus'? What school did He come from? What school is He out of? Where is His fellowship card? What organization does He belong to?

339"What does he do when you all have a family argument? Who comes to you? Your kind old priest, to try to... And you have an argument against this neighbor over here, and your kind old priest comes and makes you up. Said, 'You all are children of God. You shouldn't do that.' That's what he...

340"What's this Jesus of Nazareth does? Tears the thing up. What does He do? Lambaste your organization. What does He do? Called your priest a 'blind leader of the blind.' He called him a 'snake in the grass.' He took the sacrifice that God ordained, and kicked the tables over, and throwed the money out, and looked upon them with anger. Did you ever see your priest look like that?" Now where is the fruit of the Spirit? Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

341 Not by speaking in tongues. Not by dancing in the Spirit. Not by joining church. Not by fruit of the Spirit; Christian Science can out-smother any of you on that, see, and deny even Jesus Christ was Divine. Not that.

342But it's the Word, living! There it is. If they'd have only looked, He was Messiah. He was the living Word, made manifest.

343And a man that's got the Spirit of God in him, or a woman, lives that Word, lives right out in them. That's the heartbeat, the predestinated, for the Word of the Lord comes to them, and they are the Word to the people. "Written epistles read of all men." Is that right? Could the Third Pull be on?

344 Tape people, that's you that's listening to this tape, I wish you could look at this congregation at this time. Uh-huh. I hope you're feeling the same way.

345What if it is? Look at the Scriptures piled in here. Could it be? Is the Third Pull to preach to the Eternal doomed that's rejected the Message of salvation?

346"Well," you say, "the church is going..." Yeah, they will. They'll go right on, just the same.

347But, remember, all this time, Noah was in the ark. The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the last member has been redeemed. The Sixth Seal has produced itself. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It's always been that Third Pull.

348 Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural, amongst human beings, as was predicted, "As it was in the days of Lot."

349Oh, think, people could go right on preaching, thinking they're getting saved, believing they're doing right, believing their organizations are growing, sure, and not even a ray of hope. And if that vision was that, and it's been so hard against women, we have come to that hour. Door is closed, gone, already the Book is in His hand. Think of it.

350 Let me tell you this just before closing now. I'm closing. It was told, about in Ireland, facing the waters. There was a great reef that goes down along the side of the bank, and up on this great hill. And there was a man going, walking along there one day, just--just at the time for the tides to come in. And there was a noble man who lived on the hill, that knowed these tides. He knowed the time of day that the tides was supposed to come. He knew what time the tide set in. This guy didn't care what time. He was one of these know-it-alls. He had his own idea. He was an athletical man, smart, intelligent fellow, but he just didn't know the time of the tide. He didn't know the country. He didn't know the time the sign was right, when the moon had dropped its back from the earth.

351 And when God ever drops His Spirit from the earth, brother, she is gone, it's all over.

352That moon would ever move out of its place, the waters would cover the earth like it was when God started it, in Genesis 1. But the moon set there, and when it just even turns its head, the tides start running in.

353This wise old man who lived there in the presence of it, knowed what time that was. This guy didn't know. He never studied it. He didn't care about it. And this wise old man run out, and said, "My good man, darest thou go any farther. Turn back, quickly. There is a wall. You can't get up the wall. You'll perish. The... It's the signs are on, the time. The--the tide will gush in all at once, and you cannot return. Don't go any farther."

354And the man turned around, and laughed at him, said, "Go take care of your own business. I know what I can do and what I can't." And the tides caught him. See?

355 It may be later than we think. See? It'll catch you. Don't go any further. Don't you do it, people. If you've always believed in me as being God's servant, take my word this morning, if you ever did. It might be already too late. So much Scripture shows it that way. Now, remember, I don't say that it is. I don't know. But just look.

356And I've cut off about ten pages here, that I was afraid to tell you. See? See? Mrs. Woods is a record of that, and Mr. Woods. When I went down this morning to see them, I said, "I--I can't tell them that, can't go that far. I'll just put this much Scripture, and leave it with them, 'cause it's going to be taped." It'll go.

357And the people will laugh at this Message. It's all right, it'll be a past turning back, one of these days. Go on, just be a church member. Cut off your hair, paint your face. Go on, and take "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," if you want to, that, make it three Gods and be a heathen. Go on, stick to your organization. Do so, if you want to.

358Say, "I danced in the Spirit, I spoke with tongues; I got It."

359 I've seen devils do the same thing. I've seen witches speak in tongues and interpret it; and write in unknown tongues, interpret it; who drank blood out of a human skull, and called on the devil, danced in the spirit.

360The Mohammedans dance in the spirit, like that, until they can take splinters and run it under their fingers; and take a lance and run it up through their face, like that, and pull it out, and not even a drop of blood will come out of it.

361The Indians will walk on fire, barefooted, three-foot deep; and four-, three- or four-foot across; blow, wave coals till they're white hot; and never get a scorch on their feet, and deny there is such a thing as Jesus Christ.

362 No, no, friend. It's the Word that tells it. The people and the Word has got to be one. See? Jesus and the Word was the same; He was the Word. And when Jesus lives in the human being, that makes him and the Word the same. Don't... Your life tells what you are.

363Now just look at yourself in God's looking glass, say, "How do I look this morning?" While we pray.

364[A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation. "My children, today, I say unto thee. Yea, even I, the Almighty God, has looked upon the earth today. I have seen the evil that this creation has been brought to. Yea, I see the sin that man, this day, is walling within. Yea, dost thou not know that I have done a great thing for thee? Yea, I have sent forth a man in this last day, yea, that he might be a mouthpiece unto this generation. But I say unto thee, this day, my people, many have scoffed at this name. Yea, they have turned their backs upon the things that he has spoke. But I say unto thee, those that shall hear these Words, I shall cause great blessings to fall upon them. I am the Almighty God. I shall reward, this day, for those that shall sincerely receive these Words, saith the Lord."--Ed.]

Wandered far away from God,

Now I'm coming home;

Pray, if you ever did pray!

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.


365 While you continue singing, I want to ask you something. Is there a spot in your heart that seems to be darkened by sin? If it is, now is the time to get rid of it, right now, if there is mercy left.

366This, I hope, isn't so. I hope it isn't there. But doesn't it look like it could be? Listen what the Holy Spirit said in the midst of the people, after I got through, "It's a Voice unto you."

367And if there is, if you've got any darkness on your life, won't you come right here around the altar now, while we continue to sing. Right now, if there is a worry, if there is a spot, don't put it off any longer.

368Hoping and trusting that this is not so; but it will be, one of these days, and it might be today.

Now, Lord, I'm come...

369 With the breath of your nostrils right around you! If the tape people could only see what's going on out here now; just crowding over one another, crying, coming from everywhere.

370Could that vision, when I was a little boy, is it the hour? Is this the time when them weary-looking, gloomy; hell being created right here on earth?

371Altars and aisles, and everything, are filled now. If you can't get around a altar or aisles, anywhere amongst these hundreds here; just stand up, if you say, "I want to stand and pray, just the people might know," or kneel, whatever you want to. Oh, my! Now you can't hardly see anyone sitting down. It's people standing everywhere.

372May I say this. God forbid, God forbid that what I've said is now. May I understand it, everybody; God forbid. There is... I got children that's not in. I've got two daughters and a son. I've got brothers. I've got my people that's not in. God forbid that grace has left us; that all this will only be pretending.

373Is there grace left, Lord? Let me be wrong on this, Lord. Let it be wrong at this time. That I, it isn't, that people still can be saved. Grant it, Lord. I pray, and commit this audience to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

374 Everybody pray now, just like... What if it was? Now, I don't know that it is, but what if it was? You pray in your way. You just pray the way you want to pray. Just what if this was the truth, what would we do, friends? What would we do? What, what's going to happen? Now pray, everybody. Just--just cry, just pray the way you want to. Just cry right out to God, in your own way. O God!

Thine arms of love,

O Lord, I'm coming home.

375 "Lord, I intended to do it a long time ago. Have I waited too long, Lord? Is this, is it over? O God, open Your arms of love and receive me. Something in my heart begging for it, Lord. Open once more. If my name was on the Lamb's Book, speak to me now, Lord. Let me receive it right now. Please do, God."

Coming home, coming home,

Oh, never, I'll never no more, Lord, to more to roam;

Open wide Thine arms of love,

O Lord, I'm coming home...

376 The Bible said, when they recognize Jesus, that, "Each one will weep like their only son being killed."

... -ing home,

377You outside, you in your cars, by short wave, you that's standing around the building, many of you, just lean your head against the building, say, "Lord God, be merciful to me. Op-..." Be dying sincere, friends! Think what time we're living! Where are we at?

... love

Lord, I'm now coming home.

Coming home,...

378 Lord Jesus, I have done the best that I know how. I've done all that I know how. Grant, Lord, that the mercy doors are still open. Of these hundreds, literally hundreds seeking Thee at this time, take away every sinful blot, Lord, and take them in today.

379I--I plead, with all my heart, as we see not only somebody talking, but, the Scripture Itself bringing us to this hour. And that vision, of a little boy, seeing those people in that condition; and now, think, that hell itself, mercy has been blotted from the earth, and now hell itself is here, and the people, Lord, are in this hideous condition.

380O Mighty God, on this Elected Church, I pray, God, that You'll pour out Your blessings, that they might receive a--a ministry of testimony, that like Lot had, like Noah had, like Jesus had, unto the Eternal lost, if it be there; that they themselves are sealed into the Kingdom of God, but giving witness to Jesus Christ being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Lord. May You receive our petition, as we plead in Jesus' Name.

381 Just pray the way you want to pray now. Don't be in no hurry. Don't be in no hurry. What if you're the last name to go on the Book?

I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

382Brother Neville, you go up and pray for them. The pastor is going to pray now with you while you're praying. I'll sing.

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

Never more to roam; (Yes, Lord.)

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

Never more to roam;

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

383[Brother Branham and the congregation sang the above song while Brother Neville prayed. "Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, as it were, today, we're so glad that You have given us, as it were, this moment of time to be able to consider our ways before Thee. My God, today, from the depths of our soul, we cry unto Thee, Lord, in behalf, not only of ourselves, but one another. Let this hour, God, be the time, this morning, Father, when Thou shall, if Thou hast yet extended mercy, Father, let it be, that these who have this day forsaken all of their pride, fancy, and other things. Lord Jesus, today, we pray that Thou will grant that the ones that are kneeling, oh, and bowing their head all over this building. O God, let that Voice, from Heaven, speak this morning. Give an assurance, Lord. Let these men, that are dying men and women, Jesus, let us have, this day, the consolation of that Witness coming down from Heaven this morning. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we are pleading, Lord, if there be yet an extension of mercy through the Blood, let it come upon each one, today, according to their coming. May it be so, today."--Ed.]

[Brother Neville continues praying. "And may each one, Lord, satisfied, this day, that Thou being Almighty God. If this be the extension of mercy, let it be unto each one, individually."] Grant it, Lord. ["Let it be now, Father. And let the peace of God, that has always passed understanding, let it come again to waiting hearts."] Yes, Lord. ["Let this be the hour."] Yes. ["We believe that You have heard from Heaven."] God, grant it. ["Whatever is in store for us, if it be over, then, Lord, we know what the final is."] Yes, Lord. ["But, if not, let the Witness come."] Yes, Lord. ["Let these that have come, let them find peace this day,"] Grant it, Lord. ["through Jesus Christ. And in His Name we pray. Amen."--Ed.]

384 Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll save Becky and Sarah and Joseph, and them, too, Lord. Don't let this happen to my children, Lord. Don't let it happen to my brothers and my friends. Grant it, Lord.

385We don't know, we don't know, but we're seeing something, Lord. Is it a shaking sign right now before us? Grant it, Lord. Draw us all close to You, quickly, Lord. We love You and we need You. Let it be, Father, the Holy Spirit give us comfort in our hearts now.

386We pray that we might be witnesses to You in this hour, for we know this has got to happen. It's been predicted through the ages, and we must face it, that we're at the end time when we see these signs appearing. We know, and been told for many years now, that this thing shall take place. Now we see it right in our door, great mighty wrath of God moving through the streets, taking out the uncircumcised. Where there is no Blood on the door, the death angel visits; and they go right on living, but dead while they're living, without mercy, without God, and can never be saved.

387 God, how we thank You for these who are saved! How we... What a great blessing it is to our hearts, to be on the inside now, under the Blood, while that last angel passes through the land, taking out the...

388The ones out from under the blood, they died without mercy. That was Moses' last pull. First, a--a young man talking to Israel; second, went down to deliver them; third, was the last message. The miracles had been done, Moses was on his road to the promised land, with the redeemed.

O God, be merciful, I pray, in Jesus' Name.

389 Now I'd like to ask this. You who are praying, you who feel that you have mercy, and that (God) you feel that you're in the Kingdom of God, you feel that--that you've been anchored somehow another, that in Christ you have faith to believe that you are a Christian, you are born again and you know that you're a Christian, and without doubt. I wish you would all stand up, you that want that, believes that, that that mercy has been extended to you now, and you are Christians, and you--and you believe that--that the Blood is applied to your heart, and--and--and that you're forgiven of every sin.

390 This was a very hard thing to speak to you people. I'm so thankful, and see the people up from everywhere. And you, I--I so...

391I don't know that this thing is true, but it's got to be that way, sometime. See, it's got to come to that, and it could be now. See? In every way, the world will carry right on. People will still come to the altar, they'll still cry out, but it won't do no good. See? They'll be gone, see, it'll be over. There won't be no mercy. Remember that. "And the sanctuary become smoky." "He that's filthy, is filthy still; he that's righteous, is righteous still; and he that's holy, is holy still." There is no more mercy, when the Lamb takes the Book; that's it, that's all of it. And it looks a whole lot like it could be now.

392Maybe we have another day; maybe today is that day. Maybe tomorrow is the la-... Maybe tonight is the last night. Maybe this is the last year. I don't know, friends. I'm telling you, I don't know. It'll never be told me.

393 But when God takes that last name and redeems it from that Book of Life, that's all of it. See, they can't be no more, anyhow. There can't be no more, anyhow. That's all. It's finished.

394How many knows it's the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. It's--it's the Truth. Now that we do feel...

395And I see this congregation that I've preached to and warned, all these years, and see a Message like this that I... that I--I brought in this amateur form. And just remember, I say it so that you'll understand it, amateur form; some more things could just almost shook you to pieces, see. But I just omitted it, felt to do it, 'cause I'm not sure. If I'm not sure where I'm treading, I'll tread easy, see, but just telling you.

396 Listen. Aren't you happy? Could there be anything greater, that you could think of, that you've done in your life?

397What if it's over now? What if it's all done? "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, maybe..." Yeah, I know. They could go right on. They did, each time. I've explained that and proved it by the Scripture, see, the world continued rolling right on, but it was done. See?

398"The foolishness of preaching saves the lost. And it's foolishness, to men. It's the wisdom of God." See? God is a Spirit. He works in spiritual ways, see, His wonders to perform; wondrous ways. But, we are human, we are finite. We don't know; we just look upon what we can see. But Something within us...

399 When you walk out of that room here, if you never had it seen in your life, never had seen daylight, you would know that you passed from this room here, into a sunlight or something. It was warm. You could feel it. If there's no sense of your body to declare it, you would know, oh, no sense of sight to see it. No way to see the green trees, to see the nature; you didn't have sight, nobody ever had it. You would know you would be in the presence of something; your feeling would tell you that. You would know that. If I'd try to tell you, "It's the sun. It reflects. It shows things." See, you would know that it was there because you could feel it with your feelings. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

400 Now, we know that Christ is here. See? Maybe you don't see Him with your eyes. See? Maybe you don't. But through vision, I tell you, He's here. We feel It. We know there is Something here that our senses doesn't declare. It's the Spirit declares it, that Christ is here.

401I feel that He has redeemed us. I feel that our names are on His Book. I believe that we've been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.

I love you, and I know you love one another.

Oh, blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

402We should always feel that way to one another. See, we must, we must feel that way to one another. See? Cause, as we love one another, we love God. "Can you hate your brother who you have seen, and say you love God Who you have not seen?" We must love each other. "Greater love has no man than He that laid down His life for His enemy, that they might become His friends." Oh!

403 Do you know that song, Blest Be The Tie That Binds? Isn't it wonderful? Blest be the tie! Would you give us the chord on that, sister, there? Just let it play a minute.

404What if it's over? What if the Third Pull, coming up now, is to preach to the lost? What if all the types are going to show forth now? And we're in, and we're in, wouldn't that be wonderful? What a fellowship!

Oh, blest be the tie that binds (here's what does it)

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to...

405 What was that? Fellowship of kindred minds. "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." See?

406We try to make God a--a mascot boy, an errand or something, "God, do this, do that."

407Jesus said, "Pray, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.'" Then, Heaven is brought down to us, and we're--we are brought up to Heaven, and we're sitting in Heavenly places now in Christ Jesus. We all believe that Message to be the Truth, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, redeems us.

408Let's close our eyes now and raise our hands, while we sing it.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like... (Keep playing it.)

409 Now, not one smile. This is not smiling time. With a deepness of sincerity, while that song is a playing, let's shake hands with somebody by you, say, "God bless you, Christian," with sincerity.

410God bless you, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "Bless you, Brother Branham!"--Ed.] Fifty-nine years old. ["That's right."] A long ways!

God bless you, Brother...?...

Now let's raise our hands up to Him.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

411 Now let us bow our heads, and, together, not knowing what the future holds, at this moment, not knowing but what it's over. I don't know. I can't say. I can't say. I don't know. But in the face of what facts that we have revealed this morning, let us pray the prayer the Lord told us to. Even if it is, "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." Let us do it together.

412[Brother Branham and the congregation say the following prayer in unison, from Matthew 6:9-13--Ed.]

... Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

413 Now with our hearts bowed. The Bible said, "They sang a hymn, and went out." Remember, when they did that in the Scripture, it was because they had crucified the ministry of our Lord's Second Pull, and the Third Pull was ready to enter. A few hours after that, He ascended into hell and preached to the lost that had rejected their mercy.

414A chord of My Faith Looks Up To Thee.

My--my faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

Nor let me... from this day

Be wholly Thine!

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wash sorrow, fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

415 The Lord bless you, make His Son and grace to shine upon you. And the Lord give you Eternal Life, and be with you here in this world, and the world that is to come hereafter. And, Life Eternal, may you serve Him all through the aeons of time that is to come.

416If this is the time, and we have arrived at that place, I am not ashamed of what I have preached. And if each minister has to stand with his congregation and be judged, as I saw in the vision, I'm thankful for the Gospel that I have preached, because it's the same Gospel that Paul and them preached.

417I am happy for you. I am happy that you have received Christ as your Saviour. Love Him, and pray.

418And I'll see you this afternoon, the Lord willing, at seven o'clock, here at the church. God bless you. You're dismissed.

1Ďakujem ti. Skloňme na chvíľu hlavy. Nebeský Otče, sme Ti dnes vďační, že sme sa mohli znovu spolu zhromaždiť, vediac, že jedného dňa sa zhromaždíme naposledy, ako smrteľníci, a potom sa zhromaždíme v oslávenom stave s Tebou, a všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov tam budú zhromaždení.

2Ó, naše srdcia bijú silnejšie vo veľkej nádeji, čakajúc, že nastane tá hodina. Pri tomto vyprchá z nás všetok strach. Z ničoho nemáme strach, ničoho sa nebojíme. Hľadíme dopredu na zasľúbenie, ktoré nám dal večný Boh, a vieme, že je to pravda. Na to žijeme. Žijeme čakajúc na tú hodiny, ten čas, keď toto smrteľné bude premenené, a my sa staneme ako On, a už nebude viacej nemoci, žiaľu, nebude viac trápenia.

3Och, potom všetkému tomu bude koniec. A my, s radosťou v srdci, vo viere a s odvahou, očakávame ten deň. Preto sme sa tu dnes zhromaždili, Pane, aby sme vyznali svoje chyby a prosili o milosť. Preto dnes ráno stojíme pred týmto oltárom, pretože vieme, že sme smrteľní, a je v nás mnoho chýb, a máme plno nedostatkov. Ale prichádzame, aby sme vyznali svoje viny, a potom hľadeli na nášho Nebeského Otca s otvorenými srdcami, očakávajúc na požehnanie a obnovenie sily a viery, čo nám On dá v tejto chvíli, keď sme sa tu zhromaždili podľa zasľúbenia v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Pretože si nárokujeme, že sme prešli zo smrti do Života, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia, a sme zobraní hore do nebeskej atmosféry, sediac teraz s Ním.

4Nech nás On učí dnes ráno veci, ktoré On chce, aby sme poznali a dá nám chlieb života, aby sme mohli byť zachovaní pre tú budúcnosť, ktorá leží pred nami. Udeľ toho, Pane. To je naša modlitba, ktorú prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

5Môžete si sadnúť. Dobré ráno každému. Je to veľmi dobre, že sme tu znovu dnes ráno s vami zhromaždení, v tejto nebeskej atmosfére, keď chválime Boha.

6Prišiel som trošku neskoršie. Boli sme volaný ku naozaj veľmi naliehavému prípadu, práve pred niekoľkými minútami. Zomieral tam chlapec. A tak ako je isté, že tu stojím, Pán sa dotkol jeho tela a poslal ho na tú cestu. Tak ... A stojí tu chlapec, to je syn môjho bratranca. Oni boli stále tvrdí Katolíci, ale dnes ráno išli na omšu a niečo im povedalo, aby išli sem, a tak oni ... To je zmena. A tak oni odišli z tade a prišli sem a pripravujú sa na vodný krst.

7Tak potom ... To je proste niečo ohromné, čo po celý čas náš Pán robí. On proste stále robí takéto niečo. Oni prišli a chceli vojsť a nemohli sa dostať dovnútra. Povedali, že sa proste nedalo dostať dovnútra.

Povedal som: "Dobre, ak sa chcete so mnou rozprávať," povedal som "no, len sem príďte a budeme sa tu o tom rozprávať."

8Rozmýšľal som - teraz na ceste do New Yorku, na to nadchádzajúce zhromaždenie, že by to bolo tak pekne ... Viem budem občerstvený, keď sa tu na chvíľu zastavím a pomôžem zapáliť môj oheň z ohňa, ktorý vy všetci máte, a zastavili sme sa dnes ráno na nejaký deň.

9Prišli sme predvčerom, na poludnie, a potom musíme odísť ... Mal som odísť dnes popoludní, ale myslím, že pôjdem ... vyrazíme včas ráno, skutočne zavčasu ... Môžeme mať na cestách sneh a všetko možné, odtiaľto do New Yorku. Musíme ísť cez Virgíniu, cez hory, a tiež cez Allegheny a potom spodkom Adirondacku. Začíname v ... Zabudol som, je to tam tá aréna, tá nová. Oni zbúrali tú starú arénu Saint Nicholas, tak som počul a postavili túto novú.

10A pokiaľ viem, dostávame niekoľko z prvých večerov, ktoré ... ako to bolo otvorené. Tak sme za to vďační, za tých veľkých letničných ľudí z New Yorku. A myslím, že tam budeme mať v spolupráci niekoľko zborov, a očakávame na krásne chvíle.

11Vrátime sa, ak dá Pán, niekedy na budúci týždeň. A ak bude vôľa Božia dúfame, že sa zastavíme na nedeľu, za týždeň, na nedeľné raňajšie zhromaždenie.

12A potom, znovu som zabehol za na našim pastorom, ako to vždy robím, viete, a myslel som, možno ak ... ak sa sem dostanem... a bolo to dokonca bez pýtania. A potom, je tu milá skupina, a vidím tu ľudí, ktorí sú pomimo mesta; myslel som, že možno, dnes večer, ak pastor nemá nič mimoriadne, že by sme mali dnes večer malé zhromaždenie, len krátke a možno by sme sa modlili za chorých. Ďakujem.

13Dúfame, že sa budeme dnes večer modliť za chorých, hovoriť o Božskom uzdravovaní a - a modliť sa za chorých. Začneme zavčasu, aby sme mohli včas skončiť. A ak pastor bude, čo ... Vy obyčajne začínate o 7:30. Je to tak? Čo poviete začať dnes večer o 7:00? [brat Neville: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] A ja by som mohol začať o 7:30.

14To mi umožní skončiť o 8:00, alebo o 8:30, a tak ľudia budú mať čas ísť domov; ak vám to vyhovuje. Všetci sa smiali, keď som povedal, že skončím o 8:00 alebo 8:30. Dúfam, že dovtedy skončím. Modliť sa za chorých, viete, nikdy nevieme. No prežili sme ohromné chvíle odvtedy ako sme vás opustili začiatkom jesene, a Pán nás požehnal v mnohých veľkých veciach.

15A dnes večer, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem vám povedať o poslednej návšteve, ktorú som mal, od Boha, v Koloráde, pred niekoľkými týždňami. A to je to o čom som rozmýšľal, že vám teraz prinesiem. Možno na povzbudenie viery pre chorých a postihnutých na dobré uzdravovacie zhromaždenie dnes večer.

16No, dnes ráno, aby som hneď vošiel do služby, niečo sa dotklo môjho srdca, asi pred mesiacom, a to mohlo byť ... No, myslím, že sú to ... Nahrávajú toto? No dobre. Tak, aby som vedel kde, keď sa tá páska dostane iným.

17Nemôžem povedať, že to, o čom budem hovoriť dnes ráno ... Nemôžem povedať, že to je ... Viem, že je to pravda. Rozumiete. Čo sa týka Posolstva to bude v poriadku. Ale to, čo chcem povedať, je otázka v mojej mysli. Vyzerá to tak skutočné. A predsa, ako som sem prišiel, a odvtedy ako mi to bolo zjavené, bol som tak prestrašený, aby som nepovedal niečo zle a neurobil na ľudí zlý vplyv.

Poznámky, ktoré som si zapísal, z ktorých som sa chystal hovoriť, časť z nich som vynechal, aby som to neurobil príliš silné. Pretože, viete, ak niekto ... Ja milujem Pána Boha, a jediný spôsob ako viem, že Ho milujem, je ten, že milujem vás. Rozumiete? To je to jediné podľa čoho to viem.

A jednako nechcem zamlčať nič z toho, čo mi bolo zjavené, aby som vám to nepovedal, ak vám to má byť povedané. A potom sa bojím, že ak poviem niečo príliš silno, môže to niekomu ublížiť. A viete to je ... Vy sa musíte dostať na pódium a potom cítiť vedenie do toho čo idete povedať. To je všetko. A potom niekedy môžete povedať niečo, a niekto tomu dá inakší význam, a oni vybehnú na túto stranu; a potom niekto povie: "Ó, toto je toto." Rozumiete.

18Ale ja chcem, aby ste vedeli, že to čo idem povedať je len predpokladanie, a slovo predpoklad znamená, odvážiť sa bez autority. Tak ja ... nehovorím, že toto je pravda, ale je to len malá myšlienka, ktorú vám chcem povedať, aby ste to mohli zvážiť a vidieť, čo si o tom myslíte.

19A potom to bude ... samozrejme, to bude podľa Písma, pretože ja by som nekázal nič ... Ale je to už tá hodina? Prišlo to už do tej hodiny, a znamenajú tieto veci to? Modlím sa, so všetkým, čo je vo mne, nech to nie je. Vidíte? Modlím sa nech to nie je teraz, nech nie je tá hodina. Ona nastane, ale prišlo to už do toho času? Vidíte, to je to nad čím premýšľam.

20No, každý jasne rozumie, že ja neviem. Ja len ... Je toto ten čas? Ak je, Bože buď nám milostivý. Ale, ak toto nie je ten čas, on nastane.

21No, pokiaľ len môžeme, máme pred nami veľký cestovný program, keď dá Pán. A ja mám ísť za more, hneď po Vianociach, do Európy a Ázii; zvlášť do Európy. A potom prídem naspäť sem do Spojených štátov, na niekoľko zhromaždení, a potom pôjdem znovu do Južnej Afriky. Začnem druhého septembra, v Durbane, a pôjdem od druhého, myslím, asi do desiateho, a potom budem mať tri dni, aby som išiel z tade do Johannesburgu a znovu začal. Ale myslím to je v mesiaci apríli, začneme v škandinávskych krajinách, v Nórsku a vo švédsku a vo Fínsku a v Holandsku a vo švajčiarsku a v Nemecku, a tam cez Európu. A tak sa za nás modlite.

22Máme tu niekoľko zhromaždení - teraz budú Vianoce - hneď po Vianociach. Mimochodom, chceme tu byť cez Vianoce - doma. Deti chcú prísť na Vianoce domov. Milujeme Arizonu, ale viete to čo sme stratili a nemôžeme sa cez to dostať, je tento zbor a vy ľudia. Nezáleží kde ideme, čo robíme, to je proste ... Deti, ja, moja žena a všetci. Neexistuje proste takéto miesto ako toto. Je to tak. Nie je takého miesta.

23Preplavil so sa cez sedem morí a bol som všade, ale nie je žiadneho miesta, ktoré pre mňa vyzerá tak posvätené, ako toto malé miesto práve tu. Toto je ono. Odíďte z neho len raz ak chcete ... Niečo tu proste je. Kázal som prakticky po celom svete a nikdy, na žiadnom mieste som necítil tak Ducha Božieho s takou voľnosťou a všetko, ako cítim tu, keď stojím práve tu. Toto je ono.

Bože, nech - ako v ten deň, keď som tam kládol ten uholný kameň, povedal som: "Pane Bože, nedaj aby ono upadlo."

Ľudia povedali: "Za dva mesiace bude z toho garáž."

Povedal som: "Nedaj, aby to upadlo, Pane. Nech ono stojí, a nech Ťa tu ľudia chvália, keď sa Ježiš vráti." Nadejem sa, že to tak bude.

24No, otvorme si teraz Biblie, a očakávame, že nám Pán dá svoje požehnania. A chceme čítať miesto Písma. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať, a nejaké poznámky. A chcem čítať z troch miest z Biblii, a najprv vám ich poviem.

25Chcem čítať z Júdu 5 a 6. Júda je len jedna kniha, viete. A potom chcem čítať z Druhej epištoly Petra, z druhej kapitoly 4-5. Potom chcem čítať z Prvej Petra, 3:18-20. A moja téma dnes ráno, keď Pán dá, je: Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári. Oh. Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári. Zavreté, naveky odsúdené. Nikdy, nie je žiadnej možnosti, aby boli spasené, vidíte, "Duše, ktoré sú teraz uväznené."

26No čítajme prv z knihy Júdu. Myslím, že som si to tu v Júdovi poznačil ako prvé; a potom v 2. Petra, a potom v l. Petra. No, Júda, rád by som to prečítal všetko; ale aby som ušetril čas, pretože je už 10:30, začnem od 5. verša. No, Júda bol brat, nevlastný brat Ježiša Krista, ako to všetci vieme. Vidíte? On bol Jozefov syn.

A chcem vám pripomenúť, ktorí raz viete to všetko, že Pán zachrániac ľud z Egyptskej zeme po druhé tých, ktorí neuverili zatratil.

Prv ich zachránil, vyviedol ich z Egyptu, a potom ich musel zatratiť, pretože oni nenasledovali ďalej svoje posolstvo, vidíte.

A anjelov, ktorí nezachovali svojho kniežatstva, ale opustili svoj vlastný príbytok, zachoval strážených pod mrákavou vo večných putách ku dňu veľkého dňa.


Anjeli, ktorí raz boli v Nebi, a nezachovali svoj stav a cestu na ktorej boli, odpadli, a teraz sú vo večných reťaziach temnoty... vo večných putách pod mrákavou, strážený v tom stave až do Súdu toho veľkého Dňa, keď budú súdení so všetkými ďalšími neveriacimi.

28Teraz v 2. Petra, druhá kapitola, začneme od 4. verša, to je len jednu alebo dve knihy pred tým, viete.

Lebo ak Boh neušetril anjelov, ktorí zhrešili, ale ich v reťaziach mrákoty uvrhol do podsvetného žalára a strážených vydal súdu;

A neušetril ani starodávneho sveta, ale samoôsmeho Noeho, hlásateľa spravodlivosti, zachránil, keď bol uviedol potopu na svet bezbožných


(Neušetril anjelov; dal ich do reťazí temnosti a celý svet odsúdil na zničenie, v čase Noeho.)

29Teraz v l. Petra, 1. kapitola a ... l. Petra, 3. kapitola, a začneme od 18. verša, čítame znovu. No, počúvajte teraz pozorne.

Lebo aj Kristus raz trpel a zomrel za hriechy, spravodlivý za nespravodlivých, aby nás priviedol k Bohu, usmrtený telom, ale oživený Duchom: ... usmrtený telom, ale oživený Duchom.

V ktorom aj odíduc kázal duchom v žalári,

...(On kázal tým ľuďom, v žalári)

ktorí kedysi neposlúchali, keď raz vyčkávala Božia zhovievavosť za dní Noeho, keď sa staval koráb, v ktorom bolo málo, to jest osem duší zachránených vodou,

... ktorý aj nás, protiobraz zachránených v korábe, zachraňuje teraz ako krst,

(čo nie je zloženie špiny tela, ale dobrého svedomia pýtanie sa po Bohu,)

vzkriesením Ježiša Krista,

Ktorý odíduc do Neba je po pravici Boha, keď mu driev boli podriadení anjeli, vrchnosti a moci.

30Modlime sa znovu. Nebeský Otče, takáto súvislosť Písma tu - traja svedkovia. Tri miesta v Písme dávajú svedectvo. A Ty si povedal v Tvojom Slove, že nech na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkov je postavené každé slovo.

31Teraz sa Ti modlím, ó Bože, aby si Ty prišiel ku ľuďom a vyložil im toto Slovo, toto posolstvo, vo svetle, v ktorom ono má byť, aby každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča mohli porozumieť v tej schopnosti, ktorú si Ty pre nich určil, aby to porozumeli. A teraz, keď vieme, že títo traja svedkovia nesú svedectvo o pravde, a ja sa modlím, aby si teraz na nás poslal Ducha Svätého.

A my budeme hľadieť na Neho, ktorý je naším Kráľom, v našom strede dnes ráno, na Pána Ježiša Krista; kde sme teraz postavení skrze vieru, sedíme v tých ponebeských miestach v Ňom. Čakáme na Jeho posolstvo.

32Hovor ho cez nás, Pane, počuj ho cez nás, keď prosíme, aby si obrezal ústa, ktoré hovoria a uši, ktoré počúvajú, aby to mohlo by na Jeho slávu a chválu, ktorý je Písmom. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene. Amen.

33No, pamätajte tá služba dnes večer, uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Myslím, že nebude potrebné rozdávať modlitebné karty, budeme sa len modliť za chorých. Mám niečo, čo vám chcem povedať, a dúfam, že to privedie to zhromaždenie na miesto, že tam budú uzdravenia všetkého druhu. Viem, že to bude, ak to len budeme tak veriť.

34No, toto: "Duše teraz v žalári" ... "Duše, ktoré sú teraz v žalári." No, duša človeka nie je telo človeka, to je duša. Vidíte? A duša je niečo, to je povaha ducha. A potom, keď povaha človeka ... Keď on povedal: "My sme mŕtvi," Písmo nám to jasne hovorí, že my sme mŕtvi a naše životy sú skryté v Bohu skrze Krista; zapečatené tam Duchom Svätým.

35No, to nezomrelo vaše telo; to nezomrel váš duch. To zomrela povaha vášho ducha. Vidíte. Povaha, ktorou je duša. Povahou vašej duši je Boh, ak ste znovuzrodení. Ak nie je, je zo sveta.

36Všetko čo začalo musí skončiť. Tak teda jediný spôsob, ako môžete mať večný život, je mať život, ktorý nikdy nezačal. A tak váš život začal, keď ste sa narodili.

37Keď Boh vdýchol dych života do vašich nozdier, a vy ste sa stali živou dušou, tak potom ste začali. Ale keď ste ... Tá povaha, ktorá bola vo vás, od prirodzenosti ste boli zo sveta, vzdialení od Boha. Boli ste v skutočnosti zviera. Je to presne tak. Každý vie, že sme cicavce.

38Koľkí vedia, že sme cicavce? Sme teplokrvné zvieratá, ale to je to, čo sme skrze naše zemské stvorenie, ale vidíte, čo nás robí rozdielnych od iných cicavcov je to, že Boh nám dal dušu.

No, iné cicavce nemusia nosiť šaty. Žiadne zviera nemusí nosiť šaty, aby zakrylo svoju hanbu, okrem nás. My sme tí jediní, ktorí nosíme šaty, pretože máme dušu. Ale vidíte, Boh, na začiatku vedel, aký bude človek, a On stvoril zem a priviedol všetky druhy zvierat, od tých najnižších do tých najvyšších; a to najvyššie zviera, ktoré prišlo bol človek.

39A potom ... Prv, človek bol učinený; on bol človek duch, na obraz Boží; Boh je Duch, (ev. Jána 4). No, On je Duch, a tí, ktorí sa Mu modlia, modlia sa Mu v Duchu a v pravde, a Tvoje Slovo je pravda. No, my sa Mu modlíme v Duchu a v pravde. On je Duchovná bytosť.

40Vtedy tam nebol žiadny človek, ktorý by obrábal zem, a tak Boh vyformoval človeka z prachu zeme. Potom On zobral z jeho boku, vedľajší produkt, rebro, a z neho, rozdelil tohoto človeka, ktorý mal dvojakú povahu, ženskú i mužskú, ktorý bol oboje. A On zobral tú ženskosť, pretože to bola láska, a umiestnil ju do osoby nazvanej Eva - ktorú Adam nazval Eva, ktorá bola jeho ženou.

41Tam jeho láska, prirodzená, fileo láska bola verná jeho žene. Takýto má byť muž dnes, a ona tak isto ku svojmu mužovi. Muž, mužskosť; žena, ženskosť. A potom, vidíte, potom, ako On urobil človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, "stvoril ich muža a ženu," nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, a On ho dal do prachu zeme, a tak sa on stal - on bol ten človek.

42Tento ľudský človek bol cicavec. On bol zviera, ale On položil tohoto Ducha Božieho, život do neho a urobil ho na základe, že on mohol urobiť voľbu. A potom, keď tento človek ... My si teraz myslíme, že sme niečo. Pamätajte len, čo sme? Hruda špiny. To je všetko. A pretože: "Prach si a na prach sa obrátiš."

43Tak keď vidíte tohoto človeka kráčať dole ulicou, myslí si, že je niečo, viete; a má trochu vzdelania, a niečo, pamätajte, to je hruda prachu z Indiány. To je všetko. A tá žena, ktorá je celá oblečená v šortkách a fajčí cigarety a správa sa tak na ulici, točí sa, ako by jej patrila celá krajina, to je hruda prachu z Indiány, a tak sa to naspäť na to obráti. Tak nemáte sa čím chváliť, vidíte. No, je to tak. To je to čo ste. Ale, tá duša, ktorá je vo vnútri, tá duša je to, na čom Boh pracuje.

44Ak On len môže dostať tú povahu, toho ducha, aby s Ním súhlasil, potom tá povaha zomiera. Tá povaha a tá láska po tom svete zomiera a veci toho sveta sú mŕtve; pretože ak milujete svet, alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás.

45A človek musí byť znovu narodený, tak táto povaha musí zomrieť, a povaha Božia prichádza a žije vo vás. A Boh je to jediné, čo nikdy nezačalo ani nikdy nemôže skončiť.

46Tak, preto On má spoločenstvo vidíte, a zobral tohoto človeka, zemského, a tohoto večného Ducha a dal to dokopy. Pretože, Boh znovu odzrkadlil Seba Samého, v tom sa On stal človekom, keď sa stal Kristom Ježišom, a On bol Boh. Boh bol v Kristovi. Žil v Ňom, mieriac svet so Sebou, a cez toho dokonalého človeka, každý jeden z nás nedokonalý, ktorý verí v Boha a prijal to, sa stáva Jeho dokonalosťou.

47On nenechal, aby Jeho telo videlo skazenie, ani nezanechal Jeho dušu v pekle, ale Ho vzkriesil na tretí deň a On žije naveky. A my budeme mať telo, ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Preto sme pokrstení do Jeho mena, aby sme mohli prísť v Jeho mene, v Jeho smrti, v Jeho vzkriesení ... Že my znovu povstávame svedčíme svetu, že máme nový život, že ten starý človek je mŕtvy. Pochovali sme tú prvú povahu.

48Tá prvá povaha je preč, a teraz sme Jeho povahou. On žije v nás, a my nerobíme svoju vlastnú vôľu, robíme Jeho vôľu. Nemyslíme svoje vlastné myšlienky - myseľ - myseľ to je to, čo myslíme. Myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi Ježišovi je v každom veriacom. Tam je tá duša, a to je to o čom hovoríme. No, to je tá časť, ktorú teraz mám na mysli, to čo je v nás, duša.

49No, ak si v tomto všimneme, je mnoho vecí, a my sa divíme prečo sa oni stali, a pýtame sa sami seba, a pýtame sa iných. Ale nakoniec po nejakom čase, zisťujeme, že ak sme Kresťania; nejako ste to videli, všetci Kresťania to videli. Divíme sa prečo sme to urobili. Divil som sa niekedy, keď som prvý krát čítal Bibliu: "Prečo nechal Boh Abraháma, toho veľkého muža, ktorý tam kedy stál a povedal, že Sára nie je jeho žena?" A ako to, že On ho nechal tam stáť a klamať o tom, a to čo on urobil. A potom, ako On vôbec nechal Abraháma opustiť zasľúbenú zem, o ktorej mu On povedal, aby ju neopúšťal? Každý Žid, ktorý opúšťa zasľúbenú zem je odpadlík, pretože Boh im ju dal a zasľúbil im, aby tam zostali, a oni ju opustili.

50Tak on odišiel do Gerár. Ale ak by to nebolo pre to ... A potom Abimelech, ten kráľ tam dole, v krajine Filištínov sa zamiloval do Sáry a išiel sa s ňou oženiť, a bol dobrým človekom, a spravodlivým mužom. A potom, keď on možno ... (toto zneje smiešne, ale aby som vám to trochu ozrejmil). Potom, keď sa on večer okúpal a obliekol si pyžamo, a pomodlil sa a išiel do postele, Pán sa mu zjavil a povedal: "Si na tom rovnako, ako mŕtvy človek," a ten človek nič neurobil. On bol naprosto oklamaný od oboch, od Abraháma i Sáry. Je to tak. On povedal: "Máš ženu iného muža, a ja nevypočujem tvoju modlitbu, nezáleží na tom koľko sa budeš modliť. Si tak ako mŕtvy. Ale ten muž je Môj prorok."

51Je to ťažké porozumieť, ale ak to tak nebolo, nepoznali by sme čo je to milosť. Prečo on išiel a vzal si Hagar, po tom čo mal milovanú ženu, ako Sára? A on to nechcel urobiť; ale Sára mu to povedala, a potom mu Pán povedal: "Poslúchni čo ti povedala Sára." Prečo? Tam musel byť Izmael, že tá otrokyňa a jej dieťa nebudú dediť so slobodnou ženou a jej deckom. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Všetky tieto veci sú príklady.

52Prečo si ten prorok musel zobrať prostitútku a mal ... S tými deťmi - mal dve deti s ňou ako znak? Prečo ten prorok ležal na svojom pravom boku 340 dní a potom ležal toľko dní takto na druhom boku, ako znak? Jeden prorok vyzliekol svoje šaty a chodil pred Izraelom. Všetky tieto veci, to boli príklady a tiene, vidíte? My musíme mať tieto veci, aby sme ich vyplnili, a mnohokrát sa nám prihodia veci, že sa divíme prečo to je. To je Boh ukazujúci nám niečo popredku.

53Ako malé dieťa, (a vy poznáte príbeh môjho života) stále som veril odkedy si môžem pamätať ... Jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú si pamätám ... No toto ... No mohli by ste mi včera niečo povedať, a ja by som to do dnes zabudol, ale sú určité veci, ktoré sa stali dávno, v našich detských dňoch, (s mnohými nami je to tak) ktoré si stále pamätáme. A toto čo poviem zneje skoro smiešne, ale ja sa pamätám, keď som chodil kolenačky v dlhej košeli. Malá decká ... Niektorí z vás môjho veku si budú pamätať, že deťom zvykli obliekať takú dlhú košeľu. A ja sa pamätám, ako som chodil kolenačky a bral som sneh z topánok môjho strýka a jedol som ho, keď on prišiel dnu, a stál pri ohnisku.

54Potom ďalšia vec, na ktorú si pamätám, ktorá sa stala v mojom živote bolo videnie; prvé, ktoré som vôbec mal, a bolo mi povedané, že budem žiť veľkú časť svojho života blízko mesta nazvanom New Albany. Bol som malé dieťa tam z hôr, nebolo tam ani doktora, keď som sa narodil; a žil som tu okolo päťdesiat rokov, práve tu - videnie.

55A potom, ako som stále vedel, že niekde je Boh, a ako malý chlapec On prehovoril ku mne, aby som nikdy nefajčil, ani nepil, ani neznečisťoval svoje telo. To je páchať nemorálnosť so ženami a tak ďalej. Stále som mal z toho strach a - bol som mladým mužom.

56A potom som bol raz na poľovačke, čo sa zdá byť mojou druhou povahou, rád poľujem. A bol som na poľovačke s jedným chlapcom, Jim Pole, milý chlapec; (Myslím, že jeho chlapec chodí tu do zboru, malý Jim. Milá rodina. Poznal som Poolovcov. Jimmy a ja sme spávali spolu a bývali spolu, kým sme boli malý chlapci v škole ... Vekove je medzi nami rozdiel asi šesť mesiacov) a Jimovi vystrelila puška a prestrelil mi obe nohy, z blízka, s puškou, a mňa zobrali do nemocnice a tam - tam som ležal a zomieral. (V tom čase nebolo penicilínu ani ničoho). A dali podo mňa gumenú plachtu, a viem tej noci, nasledujúce ráno ma mali operovať. Oni len zobrali a vyčistili tú ranu, a veľké kúsky mäsa vytrhlo, a oni zobrali nožnice a odstrihli to, a ja som sa musel držať niekoho za ruky. A oni mali - Franka Eicha, práve nedávno spáchal samovraždu, a museli vypáčiť moje ruky, aby som uvoľnil jeho zápästia, keď skončili.

57Vrešťal som a kričal, držal som sa takto, a oni odstrihovali tú časť mojej nohy. Mal som štrnásť rokov, len chlapec. A tú noc som sa snažil zaspať a oni ... Prebudil som sa a niečo špliechalo. A tu bola krv, takmer pol galóna, myslím, vytiekla z tých žíl. A oni spravili röntgenový snímok a povedali, že tá guľka leží tak blízko pri tej tepne z každej strany, že len malé škrabnutie by ju preťalo rovno na dve a ja by som začal krvácať. "No," Myslel som: "Toto je môj koniec."

Dal som takto dole ruky a zodvihol som ich, a krv mi stekala po rukách, to bola moja vlastná krv, v ktorej som ležal. Zavolal som - zazvonil. Prišla ošetrovateľka a ona ju len uterákmi vysala, pretože nič iné nemohla robiť. A ráno, v takom oslabenom stave, (v tom čase nedávali transfúziu, viete) ma operovali. Dali mi navoňať éter. A keď som ... Ten éter - hádam si pamätáte, to je stará narkóza. A pod tým éterom, keď som sa dostal z ... Dostával som sa z pod toho éteru osem hodín. Oni mi ho museli dať tak veľa, mysleli si že nebudem môcť ... že sa nepreberiem. Nemohli ma prebrať.

58Pamätám sa pani Roedersová stála vedľa mňa tam v tej nemocnici. Nikdy nezabudnem na tú ženu, nezáleží čo sa stane, nikdy nemôžem na ňu zabudnúť. Ona vtedy bola len mladá. Jej manžel bol superintendant tu dole v automobilovom závode; a pamätám sa ona stála vedľa mňa, ona a pani Stewartová. To oni zaplatili moje nemocničné trovy. My sme v dome nemali ani čo jesť; tak ako by sme zaplatili účet na stovky dolárov?

59Ale ona, cez svoju cirkevnú spoločnosť a Ku Klux Klan zaplatili za mňa nemocničný účet - Slobodný murári. Nikdy na to nezabudnem. Nezáleží na tom, čo oni robia alebo čo, ja stále ... je niečo, že to vystáli so mnou, čo oni pre mňa urobili. A oni zaplatili ten účet Dr. Reederovi. On stále žije - žije tu vo Fortville a môže vám povedať ten príbeh.

60Keď som sa dostal z pod toho éteru, niečo sa mi tam prihodilo. Stále verím, že to bolo videnie. Pretože som bol tak slabý, oni si mysleli že zomieram. Ona kričala. Keď som otvoril oči, aby som sa pozrel, mohol som ju počuť hovoriť, a potom som znovu zaspal. Zobudil som sa dva alebo tri krát.

61A potom som mal videnie ... a potom asi sedem mesiacov neskoršie som musel ísť a vyberali mi z nôh chumáče mastného odevu, ktoré doktor nevybral. Tak som dostal otravu krvi, obidve nohy boli spuchnuté a musel som ísť naspäť, a oni mi chceli amputovať obe nohy od bedier. A ja som povedal: "Nie, len vyššie, tu to odrežte." Nemohol som to proste zniesť. A tak nakoniec, Dr. Reeder a Dr. Perdyl z Louisville, previedli tú operáciu, a tu to rozrezali a vybrali to von; a dnes mám ohromné nohy z milosti Božej.

62Ale pri tom poslednom videní, ktoré som mal ... To prvé videnie, keď som sa prebral, a potom som sa dostal do toho tranzu, a myslím, že som bol v pekle, tak ako jasne ... [Brat Branham je prerušený pretože v publiku je niekto chorý. – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Položte niekto na ňu svoje ruky a zoberte ju na vzduch. Teraz ktokoľvek tam stojí, položte na ňu svoje ruky. Modlime sa.

63Drahý Pane Ježišu, nech naša sestra, ktorá je dnes ráno chorá, a odpadla tam, nech Tvoja milosť a sila a moc - teraz sú tam na nej položené ruky, ktoré reprezentujú Teba. A Písmo povedalo: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Ak budú klásť na chorých ruky oni budú uzdravení." A teraz, nech sa naša sestra dostane z tej nemoci, a nech je zdravá na slávu Božiu. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista, a porúčame ju Tebe. Amen.

64No, dajte ju na vzduch. Je tu strašne dusno. Môžem to tu cítiť, veľmi, veľmi dusno. Na odpadnutie tu hore, na pódiu. Pocítil som to tu štyri alebo päť krát. Len čo sa bude cítiť trochu lepšie, no zoberte ju niekde, kde môže byť na čerstvom vzduchu. To je dobre. Je tu tak strašne dusno viete. Ľudia vytvárajú - každý z nás, tak mnoho štvorcových stôp nemoci. Ak tam niekto má vodu, alebo niečo dajte tej sestre. Ona je - ona má, dobre teraz. Čo to? Dobre. [Nejaký brat hovorí: "Otvorme tie dvere, brat Branham." – pozn.prekl.] Dobre, možno ak by ste otvorili tie dvere možno, alebo nejako sem vpustili trochu vzduchu, koľko sa len dá.

65No, v tomto čase, keď som mal toto videnie a myslel som si, že som prešiel z tohoto života do utrpenia. A po siedmych mesiacoch, tu v nemocnici Clark County Memorial Hospitale, som sa podrobil druhej operácii. A v tom čase, keď som sa z toho dostal, zdalo sa mi, že som stál na západe. Mal som iné videnie. A tam na oblohe bol veľký zlatý kríž, a sláva Pánova sa rozlievala z toho kríža. A ja som stál takto so svojimi rukami, a tá sláva padala na moju hruď. A to videnie ma opustilo.

66Môj otec tam stál a díval sa na mňa, keď prišlo to videnie. Stále som cítil ... Všetci ľudia, ktorí ma poznajú, po všetky tie roky vedia, že som stále chcel ísť na západ. Viete ako to bolo. Stále tam bolo niečo, čo ma tiahlo na západ. Ale pretože nejaký astronóm mi raz povedal, to isté, že mám ísť na západ ... Tie hviezdy, keď oni prekrížili svoje cykly a tak ďalej, že som sa narodil pod tým znakom, a že nikdy nebudem mať úspech na východe, budem musieť ísť na západ. A minulý rok som odišiel na západ, aby som vyplnil životnú túžbu, ktorú som mal, aby som to urobil.

67No som tam - je to tá najsmiešnejšia vec. Sedím tam vonku v púšti, platím nájomné 110 dolárov na mesiac, a tu je dom, fara, zariadená pre mňa, ale to je nasledovanie Pána. To je všetko čo viem, že mám robiť. A vy viete o tých videniach a čo sa tam stalo.

68No, v tomto chcem povedať ... (Ak sa naša sestra cíti trochu slabá, brat Roy, ak chceš prísť sem niekde a posadiť ju tu v tej miestnosti, kde môže mať viac vzduchu, alebo niečo, to je úplne v poriadku, pretože ... Cítim, že bude v poriadku. No, vidíte je to dobre, ona je len malátna, chorá. A tak hovorím vám, ak ju chcete sem priniesť, kde vzduch ... Zodvihni tieto okná, brat Roy. Ak tá sestra chce prísť, to bude dobre. Ak chce prísť sem, len sa toho neboj, chcem položiť na ňu ruky, keď pôjde okolo. Vy všetci, prepáčte mi na chvíľu).

Nebeský Otče, tu táto tvoja dcéra tu sedí dnes ráno, a ona prišla, aby počúvala toto posolstvo a Satan sa ju snaží od toho odbiť, ale on to nemôže urobiť. On je porazený, v mene Ježiša Krista.

69Vy hovoríte, že je tu dusno. Mali by ste byť niekde za oceánom, kde sa oni len nahrnú jeden na druhého s leprou a rakovinou a och! Sotva popadnete dych, viete, a takéto veci, ležiace v tých veľkých budovách nainfikovaných nemocami. A viete čo je to lepra! Ležia tam bez uší a polovica ich tváre je zožraná a bez ramien, a drevené protézy miesto nôh a tomu podobné veci - ležia natlačení jeden na druhého a mnohí práve zomierajú, ležia tam, natlačení jeden na druhom, viete snažia sa dostať niekde, aby počuli posolstvo.

A teraz v tomto, poviem vám čo sa stalo: V tom videní, ktoré som mal pôjdem naspäť, pretože som to povedal ... tieto dve videnia, aby som vám ukázal o jednom z nich - mal som byť na západe. Stále som po tom túžil.

70No, účel tohoto posolstva dnes ráno je oznámiť cirkvi o všetkom, čo mi On oznámi pre cirkev, pokiaľ viem, až kým ... ako idem ďalej. A toto ma zarazilo, tak som to chcel oznámiť cirkvi. No, toto je len pre toto zhromaždenia, aby to počuli. A v tomto videní, v tom prvom, tu je to, čo sa stalo: Potom, keď prišlo videnie, a ja som bol taký slabý, a stratil som všetku tú krv, a myslel som si, že sa ponáram do bezodnej večnosti - mnohí z vás ste ma počuli hovoriť toto predtým - a ponáral som sa do bezodnej večnosti.

71Prv, prechádzal som cez mračná, a potom cez temnosť a ponáral som sa dole, dole, dole. A prvé čo viete, dostal som sa do rajónov zatratených. A v tom som kričal, a pozrel som sa a všetko, nemalo to proste žiadny základ. Neprestával som padať - lebo večnosť ... vyzeralo to ako, padal som a nikde to nemalo konca.

72Potom, aký to bol rozdiel od toho videnia, ktoré som tu mal nedávno, o tom, že som bol v chvále s tými ľuďmi, čo za rozdiel. Ale v tomto, ako som padal, nakoniec som - volal som na svojho otca. Samozrejme, bol som len dieťa, to je to čo som mohol robiť. Volal som na svojho otca; a môjho otca tam nebolo. Volal som na mamu; "Niekto ma chytil!" a mama tam nebola. Stále som padal. A kričal som potom na Boha; a Boha tam nebolo. Nebolo tam ničoho.

73A po chvíli som počul najtrúchlivejšie zvuky, aké som kedy počul; a to bol najhorší pocit. Nie je spôsob - ešte aj doslovne horiaci oheň by bol príjemnosťou pri pohľade na toto.

74No, tieto videnia nikdy neboli falošné. A toto bol proste jeden z tých mnohých hrozných pocitov, ktoré som kedy mal, a ktoré ... počul som zvuk znelo to ako niečo strašidelné. A keď to bolo, pozrel som sa a videl som prichádzať, a to boli ženy, a oni mali niečo zelené, mali by ste len vidieť ich tváre, a oni mali zelené mazadlo pod očami, a ich oči vyzerali ako - premietajúc si to naspäť, ako si dnes ženy maľujú oči. Premietajúc si to naspäť, ako toto a len ich oči a tvár, a oni robili: "Ú, ú, ú, ú." Ó! Len som vykríkol: "Ó, Bože, buď mi milostivý. Buď mi milostivý, ó Bože. Kde si. Ak mi len dáš, aby som išiel naspäť a žil, sľubujem Ti, že budem dobrý chlapec." No, to bolo jediné, čo som mohol povedať. No, Boh vie, a v ten deň súdu, On ma bude súdiť za to prehlásenie. To bolo to, čo som povedal: "Pane Bože, daj mi ísť naspäť a ja Ti sľubujem, že budem dobrým chlapcom."

75A keď som bol postrelený, hovoril som klamstvá, urobil som takmer všetko, čo sa dalo, jedine jedna vec, ktorú hovorím ... bol som tak čistý dovtedy, ako som aj teraz. A keď som sa pozrel dole, a videl som, že som bol napoly sfúknutý do dvoch takmer ...Povedal som: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Ty vieš, že som nikdy nezcudzoložil."

76To bola jediná vec, ktorú som mohol Bohu povedať. Neprijal som Jeho prepáčenie ani žiadne tieto veci. Ja som len mohol povedať: "Nikdy som nespáchal cudzoložstvo." A potom ma z tade zobrali, a potom v tom som kričal: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Budem dobrým chlapcom, ak mi len dáš vrátiť sa naspäť," lebo som vedel, že niekde je Boh. A tak skutočne, tieto unavené stvorenia všade dookola - ja som bol len nový príchodiaci. Najodpornejší, najstrašnejší, najhorší pocit v tom ... Vyzerali ako veľké oči - veľké mihalnice ako toto, a hľadiac naspäť, boli ako mačka. Ale - vtedy ako toto, a zelené mazadlo a vyzeralo to ako rakovina alebo niečo a robili: "Ú, ú, ú."

77Ó, čo za pocit! No, keď som ... Potom vo chvíli, znovu som sa vrátil naspäť do prirodzeného života. Táto vec ma trápila. Rozmýšľal som: "Ó, nech by som nikdy neprišiel na takéto miesto. Aby žiadna ľudská bytosť nemusela ísť na takéto miesto." Sedem mesiacov neskoršie som mal videnia, ako som stál na západe a videl ten zlatý kríž prichádzajúci dole na mňa. A vedel som, že tam niekde boli rajóny zatratených.

78No, nikdy som si to príliš nevšímal, až asi pred štyrmi týždňami. Žena ... Nikdy som o tom nepremýšľal v takomto význame. Asi pred štyrmi týždňami, žena a ja sme išli do Tucsonu vykonať nejaké nákupy, a zatiaľ čo sme sedeli ... Žena ... Išli sme dole a tam bola skupina takých zženštilých chlapcov, ktorí mali vypravené vlasy, (viete, ako to nosia ženy), a ofiny zčesané takto tu dopredu, a na sebe mali tieto moderné nohavice, niečo ako - myslím že ich nazývajú bítnici alebo tak nejako.

79A oni tam vošli, a všetci sa na nich dívali, a mali tak veľké hlavy, ako ženy, ktoré nosia vodovú frizúru, viete, a oni boli tam dole. Nejaká mladá žena išla okolo, a povedala: "Čo si o tom myslíte?"

Povedal som: "Potom sa máte hanbiť za seba, ak takto o tom myslite." Povedal som: "On má také isté právo nosiť to, ako aj vy. Ani jeden z vás nemá na to právo."

Tak, ja som išiel hore, a sadol som si, a keď som si sadol - tam boli pohyblivé schody, (to bolo v J.C. Pennyho obchode) a tie schody privážali hore ľudí. Rozbolel ma žalúdok pri pohľade na tie ženy, ako tam prichádzali; mladé, staré, a rôzne, vráskavé, mladé, a všelijaké, vo veľmi krátkych šortkách; ich špinavé telo a tie sexy oblečené ženy s tými s takýmito veľkými hlavami, a oni tu prichádzali, a oni takto prichádzali hore, tie pohyblivé schody, práve tam, kde som sedel na stoličke obrátený chrbtom - sedel som so sklonenou hlavou, a obrátil som sa a pozrel som sa. Jedna z nich prichádzala hore tými schodmi a hovorila (hovorila po španielsky) s druhou ženou - to bola biela žena a hovorila po španielsky s druhou. A keď som sa pozrel, zrazu som bol premenený. Tu som videl to čo vtedy.

80Jej oči (viete ako to ženy teraz robia, maľujú si oči, len odnedávna) ako mačka, viete, takto si ich namaľujú, a nosia mačacie okuliare a všetko také, viete, s takýmito očami. A to zelené mazadlo pod ich očami. Tam bola tá vec, ktorú som videl, keď som bol dieťa. Tam bola presne tá žena. Celý som stŕpol, a začal som sa dívať dookola, a tam tí ľudia mumlali, viete, hovoriac o cenách a veciach v tej budove.

81A ja som len ... Vyzeralo to, akoby som sa na chvíľu zmenil. A pozrel som sa a rozmýšľal som: "To je to, čo som videl v pekle." Tam oni boli, tá rakovina. Rozmýšľal som pretože oni boli v pekle, prečo sa oni takto ... zeleno modré pod ich očami. A tu boli tieto ženy namaľované zeleno modro, práve tak ako hovorilo to videnie asi pred štyridsiatymi rokmi. (To bolo asi pred štyridsiatimi rokmi. Ja mám 54 a mal som 14.) Tak asi pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, a to je predsa číslo súdu.

82No, tam boli ... videl som to a nebol som schopní vypovedať ani len slovo svojej žene, keď prišla. Ona tam bola a chcela kúpiť niečo pre Sáru a deti, niečo, nejaké oblečenie, či niečo do školy, a ja som nemohol ani ... Nebol som schopní s ňou hovoriť. Ona povedala: "Bill, čo sa s tebou deje?"

Povedal som: "Drahá, som akoby mŕtvy."

Ona povedala: "Čo sa deje? Si chorý?"

Povedal som: "Nie. Niečo sa práve stalo." No, ona nevie. Ona čaká na túto pásku. Nepovedal som to nikomu. A myslel som, počkám, ako som zasľúbil, prv to poviem v zbore. To bol môj sľub. A vy poznáte po dnešnom večere dôvod, prečo sa snažím dodržiavať svoje sľuby.

Rozmýšľal som potom, keď som si všimol na tých ženách tie rakovinovo vyzerajúce oči. Tam boli Španielky, francúzsky, indiánky, a biele, a všetky dokopy, ale ich veľké hlavy, viete, načechrané, s tými hrebeňmi, spôsob ako to oni češú naspäť, tupírujú a potom vychádzajú von. Viete ako to robia, takto to upevňujú. A potom, tie rakovinovo vyzerajúce oči a tie oči s tým namaľovaním, oni bežali naspäť ako mačacie oči; a oni hovorili, a ja som tam znovu bol, stojac tam v J.C. Pennyho obchode, znovu v pekle!

Tak som sa vyľakal, myslel som: "Pane, ja som skutočne nezomrel a Ty si mi po tom všetko dal znovu prísť na toto miesto." A tam oni ... takto dookola ... v tom videní, akoby ste to len sotva mohli počuť, viete. Len to mumlanie a vravu ľudí, a tie ženy prichádzali hore tými pohyblivými schodmi a chodili tam okolo a to "ú - ú," a tam boli tie zelené smiešne vyzerajúce oči, trúchlivé.

A žena prišla a ja som povedal: "Nechaj ma len na chvíľu, drahá." Povedal som: "Ak ti nevadí, chcel by som ísť domov."

Ona povedala: "Si chorý?"

Povedal som: "Nie, poďme len, drahá, ak máš ešte niečo kupovať."

Ona povedala: "Nie, som hotová."

A ja som povedal: "Dovoľ nech sa ťa chytím za rameno." Vyšiel som von.

Ona povedala: "Čo sa deje?"

Povedal som: "Meda, ja som ... niečo sa tam stalo." A zatiaľ čo som bol pod tým, rozmýšľal som: "V akom dni žijeme? Mohlo by byť toto to tretie potiahnutie?" No, mám tu nejaké poznámky.

83Ježiš ... Nachádzame, že Ježiš vo svojej službe, potom, čo kázal tým ľuďom ... (No, budeme pri tomto skutočne Biblickí). Potom keď Ježiš skončil svoju službu, a ľudia odmietli jeho službu. (No, budete čítať medzi riadkami. Vytiahnite svoju vlastnú predstavu.) Pamätajte čo som vám povedal ako prvé. Potom, keď On kázal, On prišiel ako ten ktorý bol zasľúbený na ten deň. My to všetci vieme. Písma zidentifikovali Ježiša Krista ako Mesiáša. To je pravda. Dôkladne, jasne, potvrdený od Boha a jeho Slovo, že On je Mesiáš. Nieto pochýb ... Má niekto o tom pochybnosť, (ak máte, potom by ste mali prísť ku oltáru) že On nebol Mesiáš? On bol jasne potvrdený ako Mesiáš. Ale potom čo On jasne ...

84Boh Ho potvrdil, ako povedal Peter v deň letníc, keď hovoril ku Sanhedrinu tam asi o štyri dni neskoršie, on povedal: "Ježiša Nazaretského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného zázrakmi a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, čoho sme my všetci svedkami. Ktorého ste zobrali rukami bezbožných a ukrižovali knieža života, ktorého Boh vzkriesil a ukázal ďalej tieto veci, ktoré vidíte." Kristus žil ďalej, samozrejme, stále dnes žije.

85No, potom čo Ježiš jasne prišiel, potvrdil sa (Boh Ho potvrdil) a On prorokoval a po tých dňoch svojho proroctva, hoci Biblicky potvrdený, ľudia Ho odmietli. Je to tak.

86A On potom kázal, keď Ho oni odmietli - tu tí, ktorí mali možnosť byť spasení. Pamätajte kým On kázal, každý mal možnosť byť spasený. My nevieme kto oni sú (oni sú predurčení), ale On stále kázal. A po dňoch jeho kázania, jeho služba pokračovala, pretože tá posledná skupina, ktorej On kázal, boli duše, ktoré boli v pekle, ktorým nemohlo byť odpustené. Ja som to jasne čítal z Biblii, tu z II. Petra.

87On odišiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári, (čo znamená peklo) zamknutí až do dňa súdu, pretože, viete, súd nie je teraz, a teraz nieto horiaceho pekla. Niekto vám povie, že niekto je teraz v horiacom pekle - to je nesprávne.

88Sudca na tejto zemi je natoľko spravodlivý, že neodsúdi človeka prv, ako by bol vykonaný súdny proces. A Boh neuvrhne človeka do horiaceho ohňa, až kým nie je odsúdený podľa vlastných Božích zákonov. On odvrhol milosť, tak vidíte, on prv musí mať súdny proces a súdny proces je Veľký Biely Trón Súdu, ale teraz je on na mieste nazvanom žalár.

89Ako som videl to videnie o obidvoch tých miestach, z milosti Božej, (nehovorím toto, ako svätokrádež a ak je to zle, Bože odpusť mi) Verím, že som bol na obidvoch miestach - na obidvoch miestach. A videl som tých vykúpených, požehnaných, a videl som tých zatratených a kde oni boli. Preto dnes stojím, ako váš brat, aby som vás varoval, aby ste utiekli z toho chodníka vedúceho dole. Nechoďte nikdy tou cestou.

A máte pre čo žiť, pre tú požehnanú hore idúcu cestu, kde tí vykúpení sú v radosti a pokoji, a oni nemôžu hrešiť, nemôžu trpieť žiaľ. Nie je nič - oni sú dokonalý. Vidiac obe miesta. Viem, že je to hrozné vypovedať takéto tvrdenie, ale Boh je mojím sudcom, ja opravdu verím, že som videl obidve miesta. Verím tomu.

90A och, nech je to preč od každého, aby kedy vošiel do toho rajónu zatratených. Ak by ste stáli s horúcimi drôtmi prevŕtanými cez vaše telo, mučený každým spôsobom, to by nebolo také hrozné, aké je to diabolské trápenie na tom mieste. Tam nemohlo byť nič, ľudská myseľ nemôže ... ľudská myseľ nemôže pochopiť, aké sú rajóny tých zatratených. Je to také strašné a toto je také veľké. To je od absurdnosti do vznešenosti.

91Tak, ak ma niekto počuje ... A ja starnem, neviem ako dlho tu ešte budem. Zanedlho mi bude 55 rokov, a neviem, podľa prírody možno nebudem mať príliš veľa rokov. Neviem kde pôjde táto páska, ale nech tu každý, kto počúva túto pásku, alebo kdekoľvek sa ona dostane, nikdy nechoďte smerom ku tým rajónom tých zatratených! Nedokážete si predstaviť peklo, také zlé aké je! A čokoľvek robíte, nikdy toto nezabudnite, že tie rajóny požehnaných, povedal by som to so sv. Pavlom: "Čoho oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo ani na srdce človeka nevstúpilo, čo Boh prihotovil pre tých, ktorí milujú Jeho!"

92Tak zastaňte, ak počúvate túto pásku, vypnite magnetofón a čiňte pokánie, ak nie ste spasení, a dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom! Hovorím to z priameho prežitia, ako verím vo svojom srdci; a hovorím, ak ma tieto videnia zviedli, Bože buď mi milostivý, keď hovorím takéto tvrdenie, ale s úprimnosťou srdca, vediac, že ani jedno z tých videní nikdy nesklamalo, verím, že som bol na obidvoch miestach. Nech je to preč od každého, aby išiel dole tou cestou.

93No, Ježiš, potom, keď On skončil svoju službu, kázal týmto dušiam, ktoré nebolo možno spasiť, ktoré nemohli byť ani spasené. No, Biblia nám to hovorí. On odišiel a kázal tým dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári, ktorí nečinili pokánie. Keď im bola daná milosť, oni pohrdli milosťou a teraz oni čakajú na súd.

Och, čo za čas to musel byť! Och, prajem si, aby som nejako mohol tým zatriasť svet, aby im dať uvidieť, čo je skutočnosť. A sám Ježiš povedal: "Tak ako mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás."

94A ako Otec poslal Jeho, aby kázal tým živým; tým, ktorí mali nádej, a potom predstavil to isté posolstvo tým, ktorí nemali nádej, to vyzerá, že to pasuje do tohoto času, že to sa bude musieť stať; pretože Duch Kristov žijúci v nás nemení Svoju povahu, ani nemení Boží systém. On musí byť ten istý v každej generácii. On musí byť ten istý. Povedal: "Ako Mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás."

95Tie služby musia byť tie isté. Až tak, že On povedal ...(Vidím, že si niektorí z vás zapisujú tie miesta Písma) Ev. Jána 14:12. "...Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť." Tie skutky, kázanie tým strateným, uzdravovanie nemocných, a potom kázanie tým, pre ktorých je nemožné, aby vôbec boli spasení. Tie skutky postupovali presne tak isto. Tak toto bolo ... bolo toto ... Môžem to takto povedať?

96Služba Ježiša Krista znovu prišla do ľudskej podoby v jeho cirkvi v tomto poslednom dni. To je to čo mnohí z nás veria. Ja to verím s vami. No, ja toto verím. Ak by som to neveril, urobil by som s tým niečo iné, pretože nakoniec, toto som ja, ktorý sa tu podieľam. A ak je Duch Svätý vo vás máte starosť o ľudí. To bolo miesto Písma, nad ktorým som si stále lámal hlavu: Ako to, že Mojžiš mohol povedať Bohu lepší nápad, než ako mal Boh, až kým som nezistil, že to bol Duch Kristov v Mojžišovi.

Boh povedal: "Mojžiš," oddeľ sa od nich. Ja to všetko zničím, a začnem s tebou."

On povedal: "Pane," (on sa postavil do medzery) povedal: "Vytri mňa. Vymaž moje meno."

97Za týchto ľudí, ktorí skutočne rebelovali, jeho srdce sa ich zastalo. A keď kazateľ, ktorý má tých ľudí na svojom srdci ... Ako by som sa vôbec mohol cítiť ospravedlnený pred Bohom a zadržať niekedy niečo pred ľuďmi, ktorých milujete viac, ako seba samého. Ako by niekto mohol zobrať nejakú osobu do zboru podaním ruky, alebo nejakým pofŕkaním, alebo nejakým falošným krstom alebo niečím, a nechať ich spočívať pod vplyvom klamstva a vedieť, že tam leží Biblia a hovorí, že on miluje tú osobu?

Hoci by som musel žobrať na život, čokoľvek to je, daj mi byť čestným voči Bohu a ľuďom, aby som im povedal pravdu. Nech nikdy nie som zvoditeľ. Ako môžem zvádzať toho koho milujem? Hoci ich musím trápiť, jednako ich milujem. To je dôvod že pohlavkujete svoje dieťa, pretože ho milujete. Nie preto, že ho nemáte radi, ale preto, že ho milujete. Ak robí zle, on sa zabije ak ho nenapravíte.

98No, taká bola tá služba. Ako to bolo, tak je to dnes. To bolo kázané, a naprosto potvrdené Slovom Božím, že to nemohol byť človek, to musí byť Boh. Musí byť.

99Všimnite si. Tie isté duchovné znaky, ktoré Ježiš vykonal sa znovu stali na zemi v týchto posledných dňoch - ten istý duchovný znak, ktorým sa On zidentifikoval ako Mesiáš, Ho zidentifikoval dnes; On je stále Mesiáš! Tie isté hmotné znamenia sa zjavili na zemi, ktoré zjavili, čo On bol - ten istý ohnivý stĺp, ktorý videl sv. Pavel, ten istý, všetko toto sa znovu udialo s tou istou povahou, robiac tú istú vec.

100Ježiš tvrdil, že On nerobí nič, až kým Mu to nezjaví Otec, a Otec je Duch Svätý, chápeme to. To je proste úrad Boží. Ak nie je, potom ktorý z nich je Otec Ježiša Krista? Ježiš povedal, že Boh je Jeho Otec, a Biblia povedala, že Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otec. No, vy nemôžete z neho urobiť nezákonné dieťa; tak Duch Svätý je Boh. Tak Ježiš bol Boh.

101Tak Boh, Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý; to sú tri úrady jedného Boha. To sú tri atribúty toho istého Boha. Vy ste časťou Boha, a ja som časťou Boha; ale ja nie som všetko z Boha, a ani vy nie ste všetko z Boha. To sú atribúty Božie na nás, ako synovia adoptovaný skrze Ježiša Krista, v ktorom sám Boh sa stal telom, aby zomrel za nás.

102No, Duch Svätý Mu stále ukazoval prichádzajúce veci, a On sa nikdy nezmýlil. To bolo stále dokonalé. Je to tak? On nedával vážnosť Sebe samému. On dával vážnosť Bohu. On povedal: "Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba, ale čo vidí činiť Otca. A Otec ... Duch Svätý bol Jeho Otec. Je to tak? "Jozef, synu Dávidov. neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju ženu, lebo to čo je v nej splodené je zo Svätého Ducha," ktorý bol Jeho Otcom, a Duch Svätý ukazoval Ježišovi veci, ktoré mali nadísť - povedal Mu veci, ktoré boli, a On bol Boh-Prorok; pretože Slovo Pánovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi, ukazujúc, že tie slová prichádzali v minoritnej forme; tí proroci písali to, čo im Pán povedal, ale On nenapísal nič, pretože On bol Slovo. On bol Slovo.

103Všimnite si, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý žil v Ňom: "Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami i vo vás až do konca sveta. Ja prídem ku vám," On povedal: "Ja" to bol Otec, ktorý bol v Ňom, "ktorý príde ku vám." A On povedal: "Keď Duch Svätý príde na vás, On zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som vás učil a ukáže vám budúce veci." Tu to máte.

104No, všímame si, že tak ako vtedy Duch Svätý pracoval v cirkvi, tak Duch Svätý robí presne to isté dnes: Oznamuje skrze ohnivý stĺp presne to, čo bol na začiatku, to isté. A vidiac toto prichádzať na Ježiša; Ján to oznámil pri rieke Jordáne. A dokázal všetko, ešte aj veda urobila fotografiu toho. Nemožno to vyvrátiť. Bolo to vedecky - bol to materiál. To nebola mýtická myšlienka, to nebola psychológia. Ako George J. Lacy povedal: "Objektív fotoaparátu nezachytí psychológiu. Objektív zachytil to svetlo."

105A čo ty cirkev, keď ste počuli asi pred šiestimi alebo ôsmimi mesiacmi, ako som tu stál a povedal: "Toto je tak hovorí Pán, že pôjdem do Tucsonu, do Arizony. Tam nastane výbuch a zjaví sa sedem anjelov." Pamätáte sa? Ani nie ... Boh to robí tak skutočným, že až časopis Look priniesol fotografiu o tom. Duchovne ... predom ukázané. Stalo sa to presne tak.

106Sedem anjelov, ktorí priniesli rozuzlenie všetkých miest Písma, pretože všetky tajomstvá celej Biblii ležia v týchto siedmich pečatiach. Vieme to. To je ... Tá Kniha, ona je s tým zapečatená i teraz. To je tajomstvo celej Knihy, ktoré ležalo v týchto siedmich pečatiach, ktoré nám Pán dal priniesť, a dnes tu sedia ľudia, ktorý boli práve tam prítomní so mnou, keď sa to stalo.

107Časopis Look dokázal to isté, že to sa skutočne stalo, pretože to bol Boh, ktorý to povedal; to bol Boh, ktorý stojí za svojim Slovom, aby ho vyplnil, keď povedal, že to bude robiť! A tak, to nie je nejaký človek, telesná osoba ako ja, to je medzi vami ľudia. To je večný Boh!

108On používa ľudí, to je pravda. On nerobí nič pomimo toho, čo robí cez človeka. Uvedomujeme si to. On je Jeho agent. To je to, čo On vybral. Ja neviem prečo. On by mohol urobiť, aby slnko kázalo evanjelium, On by mohol urobiť, aby vietor kázal evanjelium, On mohol dať vetru, aby robil tieto veci, ale On vybral človeka.

To bol Jeho nápad, že človek bude hovoril naspäť cez človeka. Nie On sám, ale: "Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo ku prorokom." (proroci, kazatelia) A prorok, ktorý zapiera originálne Slovo, ako on môže byť pravdivý prorok? Nemôže byť, pretože zapiera pravdu Slova. A potom ak to nezapiera, potom toto Slovo, samo o sebe, keď je ono kázané skrze pravdu Slova a skrze pravdivosť Ducha Svätého. Ono bude manifestovať každé zasľúbenie, ktoré ono zasľúbilo. Takto vieme či je to pravda, alebo nie. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš: "Ak nerobím to, čo je napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte."

110V akom dni žijeme? Kde sme? A pamätajte, v tej šiestej pečati, kde zneje všetkých sedem trúb pod touto šiestou pečaťou ... Keď sa dostaneme ku tomu, budete to vidieť. Všetkých sedem trúb sa odohralo v tejto šiestej pečati. Tá siedma je stále tajomstvo. Pozorujte tú siedmu; to je koniec. To bol príchod Pánov. Nebesia utíchli, stíchli. Nikto sa nepohol, pretože sám Ježiš povedal: "Ani anjeli nebeskí nevedia, kedy Ja prídem naspäť. Ani Ja sám to neviem, čo za čas. Otec si to uložil vo Svojej mysli." Boh samotný to vie, Duch. Povedal: "Ja to neviem."

111Vtedy to nebolo zjavené, keď trúbila tá siedma trúba, či tento siedmy anjel ... pečať bola otvorená, potom tam v nebi nastalo ticho: Nebolo to dané na svetlo, čo sa bude diať. Ale počas tejto šiestej pečati, počas ktorej sa tieto trúby otvorili, pamätajte počas toho, sme zistil, že Baránok predstúpil, zjavil sa na scéne. Opustil trón milosti. Jeho práca vykúpenia sa skončila.

112On predstúpil a zobral knihu z pravej ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, a času viacej nebolo. A vzápätí sa zjavil anjel v desiatej kapitole a v siedmom verši, hovoriaci, tento anjel prišiel dole a prisahal, že času viacej nebude. Ale vidíte, v tejto knihe bolo to čo bolo vykúpené; to bola kniha vykúpenia, a všetko čo On vykúpil bolo napísané v tejto knihe. Všetci za ktorých On zomrel boli zapísaní v tej knihe, a On nemohol opustiť svoje miesto prímluvcu, až kým On dôkladne nevykúpil a On to nemohol vykúpiť na kríži, pretože oni boli predurčení v Baránkovej knihe života, a On tam musel zostať, aby vykonával prímluvu, až kým tá posledná osoba nebola hotová. Sláva!

Ale jedného dňa On stadiaľ povstal, predstupuje. Kde bola tá kniha? Ona bola stále u abstraktného majiteľa, Všemohúceho Boha. A Ján sa rozhliadol okolo, a on plakal, pretože žiadny človek nebol ani len hodní pozrieť sa na tú knihu. A nie to ešte otvoriť tie pečate, aby zjaviť čo bolo to skryté tajomstvo. Tie tajomstvá boli v tých siedmich pečatiach.

113Keď týchto sedem pečatí bolo otvorených, to otvorilo celú Bibliu. Sedem pečatí, to bolo zapečatené siedmimi tajomstvami. A v týchto siedmych pečatiach, držal celé tajomstvo toho, a to bola kniha vykúpenia - Nový Zákon. Nie Starý, to bolo vyhlásené len pre Nový Zákon. "Oni nemôžu byť dokonalí bez nás," (Židom 11).

No, vykúpenie prišlo jedine, keď zomrel Vykupiteľ. A oni boli teoreticky pod krvou baránkov; nie Vykupiteľa - ešte neboli vykúpení, až kým neprišiel Vykupiteľ.

114Všimnite si. No, keď tento Vykupiteľ ... Ján sa pozrel dookola, a tu na tróne sedel Boh, s tou knihou vo svojej ruke, ktorá bola zapečatená siedmimi pečaťami, a celý plán vykúpenia bol v nej, ona bola stratené skrze ľudskú rasu, Adama. A Boh ... Ona sa vrátila kde? Satan ju nemohol zobrať; on len spôsobil, že on ju stratil.

115Ale kde potom odišla tá kniha? Ona nepatrila ľudskej rase; tie požehnania nepatrili, ľudská rasa to stratila. Tak ona odišla naspäť ku svojmu pôvodnému majiteľovi; to bol Boh. Tu On s ňou sedí, a On volá na nejakého človeka, na niekoho, aby prišiel a požiadal o ňu.

116Ján sa pozrel dookola, a v nebi nebolo žiadneho človeka, na zemi nebolo žiadneho človeka, nikto, žiadny anjel, nikto nemohol vziať tú knihu, či uvoľniť tie pečate, ani len pozrieť na ňu. Žiadny človek nebol hodný. Ján povedal, že horko plakal. Potom prišiel ku nemu nejaký anjel, povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože lev z pokolenia Júdovho, On zvíťazil a On je hodný."

117A Ján sa pozrel, aby videl leva a čo našiel? Baránka, a to bol krvavý Baránok. Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý. Ako dlho? od založenia sveta. Ten Baránok predstúpil, prišiel ku Tomu, ktorý mal tú knihu vo svojej pravej ruke, a dostal tú knihu. Vyšiel na trón a sadol si. To je ono. To sa skončilo. Kedy? Keď tie pečate boli zjavené. Keď ten posledný, ktorý bol ... Všetko čo On vykúpil, nezostalo nič ... On prišiel vykúpiť. No: "Prečo ich On nevykúpil pred štyridsiatimi rokmi? Pred dvetisíc rokmi?"

118Ich mená boli v knihe života, v tej knihe. A On tam musel stáť, pretože to bol Boží zámer, aby ich vykúpil. Ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života pred založením sveta. Ten Baránok bol tam zapísaný s tým, aby bol zabitý. Tu prichádza ten Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý, prichádza naspäť, aby vykonával prímluvu.

119Pozorujte Ho. Bude mnoho napodobenín, mnoho všetkého ďalšieho, ale bol skutočne niekto, kto mal byť spasený pretože cirkev bola predurčená, aby tam bola. Bez vrásky a poškvrny, ona tam bude, a Baránok zomrel za tým účelom. Potom, keď to posledné meno zapísané v tej knihe zostalo vykúpené, Baránok predstúpil a zobral knihu. Ja som ten, ktorý to vykúpil!

120Anjeli, cherubíni, dvadsať štyri starcov, živé bytosti, všetci, zhromaždili sa, padli pred trónom a povedali: "Hodný si." Ján povedal: "Všetko v nebesiach a na zemi ma počulo volať, 'Amen'." Kričali haleluja a chváli Bohu.

121Nastal krik. Prečo? Ich mená boli v tej knihe, aby boli zjavené, a Baránok to zjavil. Baránok to vykúpil, ale On nepredstúpil, až kým nebolo zjavené každé meno, a to sa dialo počas tej šiestej pečati, prv ako bola zlomená siedma. Potom ten Baránok prišiel pre to čo vykúpil. On prišiel, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil.

On to už má rovno tu v tej knihe. Berúc ju z Jeho ruky ... No, On prichádza, aby prijal to, čo vykúpil; to je Jeho práca, ktorú vykonal, On prišiel, aby to prijal. Ó, čo za čas! Dokázal to. Tá siedma pečať to dokázala. Prichádza naspäť a vzal knihu vykúpenia.

122Všimnite si. To malo byť posolstvo siedmeho anjela, ktoré malo zjaviť sedem pečatí. Zjavenie 10:7, teraz to nájdete. A on videl tohoto anjela zostupovať dole, položil svoju nohu na zem a na more, to bol Kristus. Mal dúhu nad hlavou. Všimnite si Ho, nájdete Ho v Zjavení 1, znovu s dúhou nad hlavou - vyzeral ako jaspis a sardis a tak ďalej.

Tu On prichádza, kladie jednu nohu na zem, jednu na vodu, zodvihol svoju ruku, (on mal ešte dúhu nad hlavou; to je zmluva. On bol anjel zmluvy, ktorým bol Kristus, učinení čosi málo menší od anjelov pre utrpenie). Tam On prichádza a dáva svoje ruky hore na nebesia a prisahá na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov (na toho Večného, Otca - Boha), že času viacej nebude, keď sa toto deje.

On dobehol do konca. Je po ňom; je skončený. A potom Písmo hovorí: A pri posolstve siedmeho zemského anjela, toho posla na zemi, v tom siedmom a poslednom cirkevnom veku; na začiatku jeho služby, keď ono začne na zemi, v tom čase, tajomstvo Božie týchto siedmych pečatí bude v tom čase dané na známosť. No, vidíme kde sa nachádzame. Mohlo by to byť, priatelia? Mohlo by to byť?

123Všimnite si. Všetko je možné. Všetko čo bolo vykúpené v tej knihe, On predstúpil kvôli vykúpeniu. Všetko čo malo byť vykúpené bolo v tej knihe. Predurčené pred založením sveta, On prichádza, aby ich vykúpil. Všetci, ktorých On vykúpil boli zapísaní tam vo vnútri.

124Chcem sa vás teraz niečo opýtať. A vy ľudia pri páskach, počúvajte pozorne. Tie ohavné oči, tie ohavné hlavy - mohlo by to byť to, kvôli čomu toto posolstvo bolo tak proti ženám moderného veku? Prečo On povedal tam dole pri rieke pred asi okolo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi? "Ako Ján bol poslaný ..." Vidíte? "aby oznámil prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje posolstvo oznámi ten druhý príchod."

125Okolo sveta, a to je to čo ono vykonalo. Potom ten príchod musí byť nablízku. Sledujte čo sa teraz deje. Prečo? Lámal som si hlavu, prevaľoval som sa po vankúši; chodil som po izbe. "Čo sa s tebou deje?"

126Pred pár dňami som sa opýtal dvoch ľudí išiel som s nimi v aute - Opýtal som sa raz Jacka Mooreho. (Všetci poznáte Jacka Mooreho. Idem ku nemu do Shreveportu) povedal som: "Brat Jack, ty si mi tak blízkym priateľom, ktorého mám tu na zemi." A prv ako som sa ho opýtal, opýtal som sa svojej ženy. Ak niekto vie niečo o mne ... moje poklesky a všetko, to je moja žena, drahá osoba. A jedného dňa som sa jej opýtal, povedal som: "Drahá, ako tvoj manžel, ja som kazateľ evanjelia. Nechcem priniesť hanbu na toho koho milujem. Nechcem ti ublížiť. Nepriniesol by som na teba žiadnu hanbu. Bože nedovoľ, aby som urobil niekedy niečo, čo by ti uškodilo, a o čo viac si myslíš by to uškodilo Bohu. O čo viac milujem Jeho. Ty si moja žena, On je môj Spasiteľ a Boh. Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Nevyťahujem žiadne dotvrdenie, povedz mi pravdu."

Povedal som: "študoval som tak mnoho ..." A ja som sa divil ... Ja som rozhodný ... smiešny, podivný. Ja to viem. Každý hovorí: "Čo za osoba?"

127No pozri, nemôžete sa sami urobiť. Ste to, čo ste z milosti Božej. A povedal som: "Či som stratil trochu rozum, vieš a niečo ..." Povedal som : "Prečo neustále odsudzujem tieto ženy, keď ich milujem?" Hovoria, že nenávidím ženy, že len ... Že proste nenávidím ženy. To nie je pravda. Ja milujem ženy. Myslím ako moje sestry.

128Ja vás nebudem tľapkať po pleciach, keď vidím, že robíte zle. Ja vám to poviem. Ja vás príliš milujem, než aby som to tak robil. Niekto, kto by to tak robil, to je iný druh lásky. Ja vás milujem, pretože milujem čo ste. Ty si pomocníčka pre syna Božieho, a si jeho časťou. A ja vás milujem, pretože vy ste boli učinené na obraz muža, a muž bol učinený na obraz Boha. A preto spolu ste jedno v Kristovi.

Preto vás milujem. Nie kvôli ničomu inšiemu, Boh to vie. Po celý svoj život - je to pravda. Milujem vás. Prečo by som stál a neustále ... keď oni hovoria: "Povedzte všetkým ženám, ak idete počúvať kázanie brata Branhama nech sa inak učešú. Dajte si na hlavu klobúk, či to, či tamto, pretože on začne hrmieť o krátkych vlasoch, a nenoste žiadny make up a tak ďalej."

To povedali. "Och, on bude o niekom hovoriť." On povedal: "Prečo ne ... " Povedal: "Ľudia veria, že si prorok. Prečo neučíš tie ženy ako prijať väčšie duchovné dary a takéto veci, než ako neustále snažiť sa ich učiť takéto veci ako toto:"

Povedal som: "Ak sa oni nechcú naučiť abecedu, ako budú poznať algebru?"

Prv sa dajte do poriadku. A čím viacej kážem, tým je to horšie. Potom hovoríte: "Prečo neprestaneš?"

129Nie. Musí byť hlas, svedok proti tomu. Jeden z najväčších mužov v službe dnes, položil nedávno na mňa ruky a povedal: "Budem sa za teba modliť, brat Branham, ak mi to dovolíš, aby to Boh odňal z tvojho srdca, aby si nechal tie ženy v tých veciach."

Povedal som: "Ty v to veríš? Ty si kazateľ svätosti."

On povedal: "Samozrejme ja tomu neverím, ale to je na ... Povedal som: "Nie."

On povedal: "To je na pastoroch."

Povedal som: "Oni to nerobia." Niekto to musí robiť! Tá rieka musí byť prebrodená. Koža musí byť stiahnutá. Ja to nechcem robiť; Boh vie, že to nechcem robiť! Mnohé z tých žien kŕmia moje deti, a oni takmer kladú za mňa svoje životy.

130Myslíte... a milosť Božej rozliata doširoka skrze Ducha Svätého, myslíte si, že by som mohol stáť potichu a vidieť tú biednu osobu ísť a rútiť sa ďalej do večnosti bez nádeji a nezavolať proti tomu? Nie byť chytrák, ale duch tohoto národa, duch cirkvi - nie teraz Duch Kristov, duch cirkvi, denominácii, vyviedol tieto ženy vedľa do toho zmätku tam vonku, a ja som len hlas volajúci: "Vyjdite z toho! Utečte od tej špiny!"

131Nenechajte diabla, aby vám robil takéto veci. To je prevrátené! A vy Zhromaždenia Božie, nechávate svoje ženy strihať si vlasy, ale im zakazujete maľovať sa. V skutočnosti nie je v Písme miesto proti maľovaniu, ale je proti strihaniu vlasov. Nepasuje jej ani, aby sa modlila pred Bohom, hovorí Biblia. Jej muž má právo rozviesť sa s ňou a opustiť ju. Ona sa pred svetom reprezentuje ako nečistá žena. Biblia tak hovorí.

132Ona zneuctieva svojho vlastného muža, keď to robí. To je presne to čo hovorí Biblia. Ale žena, ktorá sa maľuje - nachádzame v Biblii ženu, ktorá sa maľovala, len jednu. To bola Jezábeľ. To bola ona. Jediná osoba v Biblii, ktorá nosila make up, bola Jezábeľ, a Boh ju dal hneď zožrať divým psom. Ona sa stala pohanou a ešte aj jej ... Všetko, čo je nehanebné, sa nazýva Jezábeľ. Vy to nesmiete robiť. Vy to nesmiete robiť. Čo vás potom vedie do toho, aby ste to robili? - duch diabla.

133Vy si to neuvedomujete, ja viem, že nie. Vy ste príliš dobrí ľudia. Vy ste dobrí. Potriasate mi ruku, hovoríte so mnou, a ja vás milujem. To je pravda, ale keď to vidím, nebol by som pokrytec? Pavol povedal: "Nevyhýbal som sa oznámiť vám celú radu Božiu."

134Nech nie je na mne krv žiadnej ženy v ten deň, ani žiadneho muža. Povedal som vám pravdu. Nenávidím to robiť - nie nenávidím, pretože nechcem robiť to, čo mi Boh povedal, ale ja vás milujem. Nechcem vám ublížiť, tak čo mám robiť? Ale čistá nebeská láska vás bude viesť do toho, aby ste to robili.

Ježiš sa dokonca modlil, aby sa vyhol krížu. "Je to možné, aby ma ten kalich obišiel, " povedal: "avšak nie moja vôľa, ale Tvoja."

A ja budem musieť byť ten, ktorý toto hovorí? Budem musieť zobrať tie vzácne ženy, ktoré sú tak pekné a všetko a rozbiť ich na kusy? Budem musieť ...? Budem musieť zobrať mojich bratov kazateľov a stáť tam a povedať im, že milujú peniaze a denominácie viac než Boha? Ó, mojim vzácnym bratom, ktorí kladú svoje ruky ... ! Och, musím to robiť?

135Och, Bože, nedaj, aby som to robil. "Ale ja som sa nevyhol, aby som vám oznámil celú radu." To je skutočná láska, ktorá ma vedie do toho, aby som to robil. Či pre to je toto posolstvo je takéto? Nikde inde na svete, či nie? Kde to je? No dobre. Oni majú strach, ale ono je bez strachu. Presne. Boh je stále taký.

136No dobre. Či pre toto sú ženy tak napomenuté týmto posolstvom? Nevediac ... To nebolo zjavené. Bolo mi to ukázané, ale to neprišlo ku mne až do toho dňa. Pozrite sa tam. Dobre. Skutočne tá služba pasuje.

137No, počkajte chvíľu. Bol niekedy čas, žeby sa predtým svet stal ženským? Áno! Podľa histórie, vo dňoch Eliáša, bola žena nazvaná Jezábeľ. Ona mala vládu nad cirkvou Božou, o ktorej Biblia hovorí, že ona bude znovu v posledných dňoch - jej duch, cez cirkev, organizáciu. A ona bude smilnica, a všetky ostatné cirkvi s ňou budú prostitútky, presne ako je ona. Je to pravda?

138Zjavenie 17 hovorí: "Ona je smilnica a ona je matka smilníc." To nemôžu byť muži; to sú ženy. A oni boli všetky hodené zaživa do toho ohnivého jazera a spálené. Je to pravda? Tu to máte.

139Všimnite si. Keď tá Jezábeľ povstala na scéne, tam bol muž, ktorý proti tomu povstal. Boh priviedol muža, my ani neviem odkiaľ on prišiel. On nemal žiadny kazateľský podklad; on nebol žiadny kňaz ani nič. On vystúpil, drsný muž lesa menom Eliáš, a on priložil sekeru na korene stromu, a oni ho nenávideli. Nie len to, ale jeho celé zhromaždenie ho nenávidelo. A raz si on myslel, že zostal sám.

On povedal: "Nie, Ja mám ešte sedem tisíc, ktorí sú tak isto s tebou."

To bola tá vyvolená skupina. To je stále tá skupina. Povedal: "Neboj sa, Eliáš. Ja viem, že si myslíš, že si dobehol do konca, pretože denominácie s tebou vybehli, tam na vrchu toho kopca, ale," povedal: "Ja mám sedem tisíc, ktorí veria to isté, čo ty kážeš. Ja ich mám."

140Potom, po jeho čase zavládol Rím a znovu nastal čas, ako ženský svet. Všetka móda žien. Ako oni vyšli vo svojich baretkách a všetkom, a Boh vzbudil ďalšieho muža, s tým istým Duchom - s Duchom Eliáša. Je to tak?

On povedal: "Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu."

Bola tam nejaká divoká žena vydala sa ... opustila svojho muža a vydala sa za jeho brata, Herodesa. Herodiáda, a ona bola vymaľovaným klaunom v tom čase, tancovala. Učila svoju dcéru, ako má tancovať. Ona mala dcéru od jej pestúna, pestúna, od otca, jeho brata. Herodiáda! To bola dcéra tej ženy. A ona ju potom učila tancovať, a ona sa stala ozajstnou striptérskou tanečnicou, po svojej matke. A ona si myslela, že sa môže vydať štyri alebo päť krát a robiť si čo len chce. A tu prichádza Herodes. Oni všetci boli židia, pamätajte. To boli členovia cirkvi.

141Tu prichádza Herodes so svojou cirkvou, aby počul toho proroka, o ktorom ľudia verili, že je prorok. On podišiel rovno priamo ku nim obom a povedal im do tvári: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať." A či ju to nerozhodilo!

No, nejaký obyčajný človek by povedal: "Ako sa máš Herodiáda? Sme naozaj radi, že ťa máme dnes v našom zhromaždení." Ale nie Ján!

Ježiš povedal: "Koho ste vyšli vidieť," keď ste vyšli, aby ste videli Jána? "Išli ste, aby ste videli niekoho, kto je celý oblečený ako kňaz?"

Nie, takí bozkávajú nemluvňatá a pochovávajú mŕtvych.

On povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu, ktorá sa trasie pri každom vetre?"

Oni povedia: "Poď sem Ján. My ti zaplatíme viac, ak budeš kázať pre nás, a my sme tá najväčšia organizácia."

Ján taký nebol. Nie, on vôbec neišiel, aby videl niečo také Povedal: "Čo ste sa potom chceli vidieť, keď ste vyšli, aby ste počuli a videli Jána? Proroka?" On povedal: "A hovorím vám, on bol viac ako prorok. Ak to môžete prijať. Toto je ten o ktorom hovoril prorok, že má prísť. 'Ja pošlem svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, a on pripraví cestu pre Pána'."

142On bol posol zmluvy. On povedal: "Nie je človek, ktorý sa narodil zo ženy, ktorý by bol väčší od neho." Takého človeka Boh vzbudil na ten čas, Eliáša, drsného muža. Ján bol to isté. Vidíte? Duch Eliášov bol na Jánovi. A on hovorí, že keď znovu príde ženský čas ten duch znovu povstane; pred príchodom Pána, keď zem bude spálená a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných, ako popol pod ich nohami. On to znovu zasľúbil v týchto dňoch.

143Všimnite si, Duch Svätý to zasľúbil. To pasuje do času v ktorom žijeme. Musí niekto povstať. To musí prísť. Pretože to je, tak hovorí Pán. Malachiáš 4. kapitola.

To je presne to čo On povedal, že bude znakom tesne pred príchodom toho veľkého a strašného dňa Pánovho: "Ja vám pošle Eliáša." A čo on bude robiť? Obráti srdcia detí naspäť do náuky otcov. Naspäť do Biblii. Preč z týchto denominačných rozdielov, a poďte naspäť do Biblii - naspäť ku Bohu, to je to, čo on bude robiť.

144Všimnite si, v akom významnom čase žijeme. Títo proroci kárali tie moderné ženy v ich čase, a oni obidvaja zaplatili za to svojim životom. História dokazuje, že v obidvoch týchto časoch bol ženský svet, keď vládli ženy. Pozrite sa na to dnes. V jednom z týchto dní budeme mať takého prezidenta, vyzerá akoby sa to stalo práve teraz. V skutočnosti ona je prezident. On je len figúrka.

145Tu nedávno, v jednom z týchto iných národov, dostalo sa jej toľko chváli a všetkého od všetkých ľudí, že až prezident, on sám, povedal: "Ja som jej muž." Prezident Spojených štátov! Ona zavádza módu a ženy ju nasledujú. Práve tak ako robila Jezábeľ.

146Počuli ste moje kázanie o Náboženstve Jezábeli. Viete o tom. Vidíte kde sme teraz? Vidíte čo sa tu v meste stalo pred týždňom alebo dvoma? Kazateľ od tých Pravoverných Luteránov pozval katolíckeho kňaza z Posväteného Srdca, aby prišiel a kázal pre neho, a on tam kázal, a ten kazateľ Pravoverných Luteránov išiel ku katolíckemu kňazovi a kázal pre neho.

147Tam tá Rada Cirkví má teraz v Ríme zhromaždenie. Tento obežný dopis, ktorý môj dobrý priateľ, David DuPlessis; keď som tam nedávno sedel a nariekal s ním ohľadne toho vo Fourteen Mile Creek, neuvedomoval som si, že on odvedie cirkev rovno do Babylonu. Keď všetci hovoria: Ó, všetky cirkvi budú teraz jedno."

148Áno, ja to viem. To je presne to, čo bolo napísané v mojej knihe proroctiev v 1933, že sa to stane. Prečo, neuvedomujete si, že to je Satan, zjednocujúci sa dokopy! Biblia to hovorí. Za chvíľu - za nejaký čas, len čo sa oni stanú jedno, potom to medzidenominačné je skončené. Tam bude vaše znamenie šelmy, skutočne. Nemám čas, aby som o tom hovoril.

Je skoro štvrť na dvanásť. Chcem toto zakončiť. Porozumejte tento bod. Predkladám tu len tieto miesta Písma, kde môžete vidieť tú možnosť toho kde sme. Potom hneď za niekoľko minút zakončíme.

149No, všimnite si len čo sa dialo. Tí proroci kárali tieto ženy vo svojom čase a hovorili o nich, že nenávidia ženy. Je to tak. História dokazuje, že to tak bolo. No počkajte chvíľu. Vy, ktorí si zapisujete miesta Písma, chcete si zapísať I. Timoteovi 5:6. Biblia hovorí: "Žena, ktorá žije v svetskej rozkoši ..." (Nemôže byť v rozkošiach Božích, tak to by muselo, vidíte ...) "Žena, ktorá žije vo svetských rozkošiach je mŕtva hoci žije."

150To je to čo povedal prorok, sv. Pavol. Žena, ktorá žije v tomto svetskom stave je mŕtva hoci žije. Ak ona odmieta milosť, môže prekročiť tú oddeľujúcu čiaru, kde už viac nie je pre ňu miesto. A kde sa potom nachádza, so svojimi namaľovanými očami, ostrihanými vlasmi? Ona je na druhej strane za tou čiaru a nemá možnosť dostať sa naspäť, a musí jej byť kázané. Ale pamätajte, v tom čase, je po všetkom. Je dokonané - zostáva len znepokojovanie!

151Tam bude služba, ktorá ukáže veľké zázraky, Joel tak povedal, ale už nebude čas na vykúpenie. Všetko sa skončilo. Baránok zobral svoju Knihu, a jeho vykupovanie sa skončilo. A Ježiš prv kázal a bol odmietnutý a potom odišiel a znepokojoval tých, ktorí boli tam - kázal tým, ktorí boli v žalári a nečinili pokánie - nebol čas na spasenie.

152Tá istá služba sa bude musieť znovu zopakovať. Čo ak to mohlo byť to tretie potiahnutie, pre tých večne zatratených? Čo ak je to tu? Dúfam že nie je. Čo ak je? Zamyslite sa nad tým teraz za chvíľu. Čo ak to je? Bože nedovoľ, ja mám deti. Ale to skutočne vyzerá, že je to tu blízko.

153Prečo prišlo to videnie keď som bol dieťa? Prečo som o tom nikdy predtým nepomyslel? Prečo prišlo to vytrženie nedávno tam v tej miestnosti? Aha: "Tu to je." Je to rovno v strede toho och, zatratené duše. A Ježiš im kázal, svedčil; ale oni nečinili pokánie. A čím viacej kážem tým sa stávajú horšie! Nieto pokánia. Nie je naň miesto.

Baránok zobral svoju Knihu, keď tá siedma pečať - práve pripravená na to, aby bola otvorená - šiesta pečať. Pamätajte, On pred nami skryl tú siedmu pečať. On ju neotvoril. Keď ten anjel tam stál deň za dňom hovoriac to, ale potom On to nepovedal pri tejto pečati. Povedal: "V nebi je ticho."

Nikto nevie. To bol príchod Pánov. "Ó" vy poviete, "to nemôže byť."

Dúfam, že nie je. Poďme tu ešte trochu ďalej. Zapísal som si niečo.

154No dobre. Pamätajte: "Tá ktorá žije v svetských rozkošiach," (veciach toho sveta, správa sa ako on. Ona môže chodiť do zboru a správať sa ako svätá. To s tým nemá nič spoločného,) ale ona je mŕtva hoci žije.

155Pozrite sa čo denominácie pre ňu urobili. Urobili ju manipulantkou Svätého Slova, čo je v protiklade s Bibliou. Urobili ju kazateľkou. V Písme je to zakázané. Teraz z nej dokonca robia, že sa stáva vládkyňou, majorom, guvernérkami, všetkým v krajine, a služobníčkou v dome Božom, keď ona je vinná každého hriechu, ktorý bol kedy spáchaní. Ona je jeho príčinou. Nehovorím o pravých ... Ona je vinná.

156Ona príčinou každého dieťaťa, ktoré sa narodilo slepé. Ona je príčinou, každého hrobu, ktorý bol vykopaný. Ona je tou, ktorá zapríčinila hriech, chorobu, žiaľ. Nemôže zahúkať žiadna ambulancia, ak by to žena nespôsobila. Nemôže byť spáchaný žiadny zločin, hriech, smrť, žiaľ, žiadne utrpenie, ak by to žena nespôsobila. A Boh jej zakázal ísť za kazateľňu a kázať, ale oni to jednako robia.

157Denominácia - vidíte kde to je? Ona je bohyňa. Ako diabol pracuje! Prečo katolíci urobili tie ženy, bohmi - modlia sa ku nim. Je to tak. Bohyňa Mária, a tak ďalej. Viem kde v Ekumenickej Rade oni povedali, že sa stane, že oni sa budú modlili trochu viac ku Ježišovi, ak by to pomohlo, žeby protestanti tam vstúpili. Och, tá pocukrovaná nemeniteľnosť, oni hovoria, že to ... To je stále ten starý diabol.

158Biblia povedala, že on spôsobí, aby všetci prijali znamenie na svoje čelo, ktorí nemajú napísané svoje mená v Baránkovej knihe života. To je predurčená cirkev ku ktorej hovorím - nie tým tam vonku. Nie veru. Z každej skupiny, On vytiahol svojich predurčených. To je to kvôli čomu On prichádza, v každom veku. A tam ona stojí. Tam ona je.

To je ona - káže Slovo, manipuluje so Slovom, stáva sa bohyňou, a príčinou každého hriechu. Biblia povedala: "Žene nedovoľujem učiť ani prisvojovať si nejakú autoritu." byť v poslušnosti, ako tiež hovorí zákon. Vidíte, vy to nemôžete robiť. Ale oni ju urobili vládkyňou zeme, majorom, guvernérom; zakrátko bude prezidentom. Skutočne. Tu to máte. Tak to ide. A ľudia to robia, pretože nedbajú na toto Slovo. Oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť.

Pozrite sa na tých židov, ktorí tam stáli - vyučení, dobrí ľudia. A Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla."

Čo keby som Ho priviedol teraz pred vás na súd. Skúsme to len na chvíľu, a Bože odpusť mi, že zaujmem stránku proti Nemu, ale len na chvíľu, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Čo ak by ste povedali: "Dobre, sláva Bohu, hovoril som v jazykoch! Haleluja! Viem, ja to mám. Požehnaný Boh. Áno!"

Aha, robil si to? Pamätaj, tí Izraeliti, Biblia povedala, že potom keď On vyvolal ľudí von a zachránil ich z Egyptu, On ich zničil, pretože nenasledovali to posolstvo. Oni jedli mannu z neba. Oni jedli mannu, ktorú Boh sypal pre nich na zem, aby ju jedli, a stáli v prítomnosti posla, a videli ohnivý stĺp, a počuli hlas Boží, a videli to potvrdené. Ale potom, pretože oni chceli veriť Kóremu -"Môže byť viac svätých mužov. Môže byť toto, to alebo tamto. My sme tiež svätí. My tiež môžeme toto všetko robiť. Všetci ľudia sú svätí."

Boh povedal: "Oddeľte sa. Odstúpte z tade."

Mojžiš povedal: "Všetci, ktorí ste po strane Pána poďte so mnou," a On otvoril zem a pohltil ich. Oni tiež boli dobrí ľudia. Naozaj boli. Oni boli dobrí ľudia. Tak veru, ale to nezáležalo od toho. Nie všetci, ktorí hovoria: "Pane, Pane, ale tí, ktorí činia vôľu môjho Otca."

Nie ten, ktorý začal, ten ktorý dokončuje. Nieto žiadne skratky, na konci behu ste diskvalifikovaní. Žiadne skratky. Musíte ísť presne cestou o ktorej hovorí Písmo. Ak ono hovorí: "Čiňte pokánie, a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého," nieto skratky. Potriasanie rúk, pripájanie sa do cirkvi, či do denominácii - vy prichádzate takto.

159Ak nezomriete sebe samému a nenarodíte sa z Ducha Božieho, ste stratení. To je to. Nieto žiadne skratky. Vy poviete: "Ó, ja patrím do cirkvi." Ja viem. To je dobre. "Moja matka ..." O tom nepochybujem, ale ja hovorím ku tebe. Ty musíš prísť touto cestou, pretože nieto žiadnych skratiek. Na súde si diskvalifikovaný. Prichádzate touto jednou cestou. Je len jedna cesta, a tou cestou je Kristus. Kristus je Slovo, ktoré žije vo vás, ktoré potvrdzuje pravdivosť všetkého, čo On zasľúbil na daný čas. Rozumiete tomu? No dobre.

160Všimnite si, niekto hovorí: "Títo ľudia sú dobrí." Skutočne. Ja nehovorím, že nie sú dobrí. Nehovorím že sv. Cecília a oni všetky neboli dobré ženy; moja matka tiež, ale ja sa ku nej nemodlím. Skutočne nie. Videl som mnoho dobrých ľudí, ale oni nie sú bohyne - oni sú ženy. Muži ... Je len jeden prostredník medzi Bohom a človekom.

161Prečo, prečo by človek, svetový letničný muž - ten obežný dopis, ktorý brat DuPlessis, náš vzácny brat rozposlal. Možno niektorí z vás ho máte. Sedel na Ekumenickom Koncile, vedľa Pápeža a povedal: "Bolo to veľmi duchovné." To je rozoznávanie ducha, čo? "Ó, Duch Pánov tam bol - veľmi duchovné."

Tu to máte. Prečo? Pretože to je príležitosť zjednotiť Protestantov a to dokopy, za čo sme roky bojovali, a Biblia stojí a povedala nám, že to príde. Jeden z našich najväčších vodcov prichádza rovno do toho, povedal: "To je dobre. To je to čo robíme." A celá Protestantská cirkev je tým nadchnutá.

162A presne, ak sa pozriete tam na, tak hovorí Pán ... prv o tom povedalo Slovo, potom Duch Pánov povedal, v 1933, povedal všetky tieto ďalšie veci o tých národoch idúcich do vojny, a aké budú tie mašiny a povedal všetko takéto, že toto je presne to, čo sa stane na konci. A tu to je. Nikdy to nesklamalo. A tu vidíme ako sa to formuje.

163Pamätáte sa nedávno na moju kázeň o Náboženstve Jezábeli? Pamätáte sa, Eliáš prichádza po ceste to ráno, aby im povedal ... Kázal som o tom. A ako som potom predpovedal, že príde čas, keď sa táto Ekumenická Rada nakoniec stane znamením šelmy, pretože to sa zjednotí so šelmou. Ona to robí. V mojom veku, žil som, aby som to videl. A tu Protestanti, miliónmi, sú tým nadchnutí. Prečo? To je to, čo oni očakávajú. Oni sú slepí!

Ježiš povedal tým farizejom: "Vy slepí vodcovia slepých." "Ak slepý vedie slepého," On povedal: "Či nepadnú všetci do jamy?" A oni tam spadli. Ako by som kedy uveril, že muž, ktorý stál so mnou a rozprával sa so mnou, by mohol niekedy tam sedieť a povedať niečo takéto? Vidíte. To je zakryté, pred očami - pred múdrymi a rozumnými, a zjavené je to nemluvňatám, takým ktorí sa budú učiť.

164Viem jedného dňa ma bude toto stáť život. Je to tak. Bude, ale tu je daná najavo pravda.

Prvý ktorý zomrel, za tento Ducha Svätého plán,

bol Ján Krstiteľ, (ale on sa nevyhol)

on zomrel ako muž.

Potom prišiel Pán Ježiš, oni Ho ukrižovali;

On kázal že Duch spasí človeka od hriechu. (Je to tak?);

Potom oni ukameňovali Štefana,

on kázal proti hriechu.

On ich tak rozhneval; rozbili mu hlavu.

Ale on zomrel v Duchu, vzdal sa Duchu;

A išiel sa pripojiť ku ostatným. Tento život dávajúci veľa.

Je Peter a Pavol a Božský Ján.

Oni dali svoje životy,

aby evanjelium mohlo svietiť. (Čo oni robia?)

Oni zmiešali svoju krv s krvou tých dávnych prorokov;

Tak pravdivé Slovo Božie mohlo čestne byť povedané.

Duše pod oltárom kričali ako dlho,

na Pána, aby potrestal všetkých, ktorí robili zle.

Ale bude viac, ktorí dajú svoj život (áno to je pravda)

za Evanjelium Ducha, a to je krvavá potopa.

Ono stále kvapká krvou.

(Áno! Ono to jedného dňa urobí, ale ja čakám na tú hodinu, keď to skončí.)

Jedna sestra mala sen. Poslala mi ho. Povedala: "Videla som ich - tú cirkev, pripravila spôsob - chystá sa ma zabiť, tajne. Jedného dňa, keď budem vystupovať z auta a vchádzať dovnútra, ono bude v plameňoch," ale povedala: "potom Duch povedal, 'Nie teraz, ale to príde neskoršie'."

165Bože nedovoľ mi v ničom urobiť kompromis. Ja nepoznám nič okrem Ježiša Krista a to toho ukrižovaného. Žijeme v strašnom čase. To urobil hriech. Áno, oni ukameňovali Štefana. Oni sťali hlavu Jána Krstiteľa - ona to urobila. Ja neviem ako my položíme svoje, ale jedného dňa to bude.

166No dobre. Všimnite si. V ev. Jána (ak chcete na to miesto Písma), Ev. Jána 6:49, to je kde oni jedli mannu, a Ježiš povedal: "A oni sú všetci mŕtvi." Poviete: "Dobre, moja sestra, videl som túto ženu tancovať v Duchu."

Ó, áno. Och joj. Videl som ich to robiť. "Videl som ju hovoriť v jazykoch. Videl som ju ..."

167Áno. Ježiš povedal: "Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia, 'robil som všetky tieto veci.' Oni jedli mannu na púšti." Ježiš povedal: "A oni sú všetci večne oddelení." Oni sú mŕtvi. To znamená, že je naveky po nich. Oni zahynuli rovno tam na púšti.

168Pamätáte si Židom 6. kapitolu: Tým, ktorým raz bolo dané poznať pravdu a odmietli chodiť v nej, nie je viac pre nich pokánie. Vidíte, hraničná línia ... keď je niekomu predstavená pravda naposledy a oni ju odmietnu prijať, (podľa tejto knihy Židom) nie je na svete nič, čo by ich mohlo ešte spasiť.

169Je s nimi koniec. Žiadne pokánie, žiadne vykúpenie, nič im nezostalo. Oni sú naveky oddelení. Biblia tak povedala: "Strašné očakávanie a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníka." A keď pravda evanjelia bola dokázaná, naprosto potvrdená, a potom sa niekto otočí preč a kráča od nej, je s nimi koniec. Neostáva nič. Je to strašné, ale musím to povedať.

Pamätajte anjeli, ktorí nezachovali svoje prvotné postavenie, ale boli zanechaní tam v tom žalári v temnosti, do ktorého svet dnes kráča, do toho istého žalára, tam nie je viac pokánia.

170Pamätáte sa pred pár rokmi som povedal, keď som prišiel z Chicaga: "Buď to Amerika prijme v tomto roku, alebo to vôbec neprijme." Vidíte kde ona odišla? No, som zvedavý, či by mohlo nastať to tretie potiahnutie? Och, Bože, nech je to ďaleko od toho. Je to tretie potiahnutie pre toto? Mohlo by to byť? Ó, premýšľajte o tom, priatelia, premýšľajte o tom. Nerád by som. Ježiš povedal: "Tento druh pokrytectva ..." (Ak si to chcete zapísať, Matúš 23:7) Mám to tu: "Prečítaj to?" ale môžete vidieť, "Vy slepí Farizejovia."

171Máte čas ešte niekoľko minút? Otvorme si to len, pretože som povedal, prečítaj to. Bolo tam niečo, čo chcem prečítať skôr ... Niečo možno vynechám, ale vezmime len toto, na chvíľu. Matúš 23, na chvíľu. No dobre, a začneme od 27. verša. Počúvajte len teraz. Prečítajte si to celé, keď prídete domov, ak buďte chcieť. Len za chvíľu. No, sledujte to tu. Matúš 23 a začneme od 27. verša.

Beda vám, zákonníci

(No, pamätajte toto sú svätí ľudia, ku ktorým On hovorí.)

Beda vám, zákonníci a farizejovia, pokrytci! pretože sa podobáte hrobom, obieleným vápnom,

(to sú mŕtvi ľudia)

obieleným hrobom, ktoré sa síce z vonku zdajú byť krásnymi, ale vnútri sú plné umrlčích kostí a každej nečistoty.

(pokrytectvá a závisti, sváre vo vnútri nich; navonok: "Ja som Dr. taký a taký.")

Tak aj vy, zvonku síce zdáte sa ľuďom,

(pozrite sa na Ekumenickú Radu a tých letničných, ktorí tam sedia)

ale vnútri ste plní pokrytectva a neprávosti.

(Čo je to neprávosť? Niečo čo skutočne viete, že je to pravda a nebudete to robiť. Ježiš - no, pozrite sa na akú generáciu toto On povedal.)

Beda vám, zákonníci a farizeovia, pokrytci! že staviate hroby prorokov a ozdobujete pomníky spravodlivých.

(Vidíte? "Ó, proroci.")

A hovoríte: Keby sme boli žili za dní našich otcov, neboli by sme bývali ich spoluúčasntníkmi na krvi prorokov.

(My by sme verili Slovu Pánovmu, keby sme boli vtedy žili. Sledujte to.)

A tak sami si vydávate svedectvo, že ste synovia tých, ktorí povraždili prorokov.

Naplňte aj vy mieru svojich otcov!

(To je presne to čo sa deje. No, pozrite sa čo On tu hovorí.)

Hadi! Plemä vreteníc, ako by ste vy utiekli odsúdeniu do pekla?!

172Ako môžete tomu ujsť? Teraz On hovorí ku kazateľom. Je to tak - ku svätým mužom. Ako sa môžete postaviť a pri tom viete čo Biblia predpovedá a hovorí tým ľuďom, aby to nerobili, a vy sa môžete postaviť a robiť kompromis pre niekoľko všivavých, smradľavých dolárov? Alebo pre nejakú popularitu a niekto vás potľapká po pleciach a nazve vás, "Doktor."

Ako môžete povedať, že milujete tých ľudí? Ja to kážem nie len kvôli vám, ale aj kvôli tým páskam. Ako môžete povedať, že milujete tých ľudí, a necháte diať sa takúto vec? Vy farizeovia, vy slepí, vy hadi, vy plemä vreteníc! Ako vy utečiete zatrateniu v pekle, keď vy ...? Ako dnes môže niekto, kto vie, že tieto veci sú nesprávne, ako sa tam môže postaviť, mať svoje zhromaždenie, starať sa, aby rástla jeho denominácia a nepovie to ani ženám ani mužom? Ako vy utečiete pekelnému hnevu, keď on bol pripravený pre vás? Ako tomu utečiete? Počúvajte, počúvajte tu. Čo to bude?


(34. verš.)

hľa, ja posielam k vám prorokov,

(pošlem - v budúcnosti. Tu to máte, znovu prichádzajú farizeovia.) ...

múdrych, ... učených v zákone: a niektorých z nich zabijete a ukrižujete a niektorých z nich zbičujte vo svojich synagógach a budete ich prenasledovať z mesta do mesta.

173On predpovedal, že im pošle prorokov so Slovom Pánovým, a čo oni urobia? To isté, čo urobili ich otcovia, pretože to je to, čo ste. Duchy nezomierajú. Ľudia, ktorí ich mali zomreli, ale duchy nezomierajú. On povedal: "Vy ste ich deti, to ste vy." A všimnite si len, ako to s tým je.

Ako tam stál sv. Pavel, (Veríte, že on bol prorok?) a odsúdil ženy, že si strihali vlasy, odsúdil ich organizácie; ohlásil, že každý, kto nebol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista musí prísť a byť znovu pokrstený. Je to tak.

174Dnes oni robia kompromis a nepokladajú to za dôležité. Nevidia v tom žiadny rozdiel. Je to hrozné. Ak skončila tá hodina, mohol by som povedať toto. Oni boli slepí, predurčení, aby boli slepí. Bože buď milostivý. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste slepí. Vy slepí zákonníci a farizeovia. Vy pokrytci. Keď čítate to isté Slovo, ktoré všetci z nich čítali, a tu prichádzate a odsudzujte Ma. Ja som presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude v tomto dni. Ja som mal byť tým poslom na tento deň. Ja som Mesiáš," On povedal tak mnohými slovami; "Ja som Mesiáš, či som to nedokázal? Ak som neurobil to, čo bolo napísané o Mne, potom Ma odsúďte. A vy slepí farizeovia, vediete svojich ľudí hneď do niečoho takého, a posielate celú skupinu ..." Povedal: "No, slepý vedie slepého." Povedal: "Vy ste ..."

Vy ste povedali: "Och, keby sme žili vtedy v čase sv. Pavla, postavil by som na strane Pavla."

175Vy pokrytci! Prečo sa nepostavíte po strane jeho náuky? Robili by ste to isté, čo robíte teraz, pretože ste deti svojich otcov, vašich organizačných otcov: Farizejov, Sadúceov a samospravodlivých ... To je to. Hovorím vám v tejto hodine, v ktorej žijeme, som zvedavý či by toto mohlo byť to tretie potiahnutie. Už teraz len chvíľu. Ježiš povedal: "Týmto sa dostane prísnejšieho odsúdenia."

176Nie je to strašné? Ako raz jeden veľký američan, keď sa nepriateľ chystal dobyť túto krajinu, tam bol muž, ktorý o polnoci vyskočil na koňa a cválal po ceste a kričal: "Nepriateľ prichádza!" To bol Paul Revere. Ja som tiež Američan, a cválam v tejto polnočnej hodine, nehovorím: "Nepriateľ prichádza," ale, "on je tu." On neprichádza, on je už tu. On už premohol. Bojím sa, je koniec. Premáhanie - táto polnočná hodina!

177Pamätajte, v Tucsone, tých sedem anjelov, čo to bolo za posolstvo? - koniec Božieho tajomstva. Hneď po tom, prichádza to pásmo ...Počuli ste všetci o tých horách. Všimnite si. Brat Fred urobil z nich nejaké fotografie, a brat Tom, a ja máme nejaké fotografie - nejaké filmy a všetko. (Ukážeme to tu jedného dňa. Ukážem vám kde to bolo.)

Poznáte všetci tú udalosť. Pozrite - tie tri končiare. On povedal: "Tam je tvoje prvé, druhé a tretie ..."

178A brat Fred vykonal pozoruhodnú fotografiu, keď on a sestra Marta prechádzali okolo. Z vlhkosti zeme povstali mraky a skryli tie ostatné z tých končiarov, a to proste ukazuje tri potiahnutia. Jedno tu, jedno tu, a jedno tu. Tých sedem ... Pozrite sa.

179Tie prvé tri; tri je dokonalosť. To je keď vystúpila tá služba. Druhé potiahnutie bolo rozoznávanie duchov, proroctvo. Prvé bolo uzdravovanie chorých. Druhé, ktoré vystúpilo bolo proroctvo - boli rozpoznávané tajomstvá myšlienok, keď Slovo samotné sa manifestovalo, a to, to je milosť. Ale pamätajte, ten siedmy je koniec. Mohlo by toto byť to záverečné potiahnutie? Všetko skončilo. Mohlo by to byť? Rozmýšľajte teraz o tom. Len si predstavte kde ste. Sedem je stále dokončenie - tri potiahnutia.

180Ježišova služba pozostávala z troch potiahnutí. Vedeli ste to? Všimnite si. Ak ste kedy boli vo svojom živote úprimní, buďte teraz na chvíľu. Jeho prvé potiahnutie bolo uzdravovanie chorých. On sa stal veľmi populárnym človekom. Vyzeralo, akoby Mu každý veril. Je to tak? Keď On vystúpil a uzdravoval nemocných, všetci Ho chceli do svojej cirkvi, ale jedného dňa sa On obrátil a začal prorokovať, pretože On bol Slovo. A On bol ten prorok, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš.

181Keď On išiel, aby im povedal, a hovoril im, ako žijú a veci, ktoré robia, stal sa veľmi nepopulárny. To bolo Jeho druhé potiahnutie. Som zvedavý, či sa znovu deje to isté? Zamyslite sa len na chvíľu. Mohlo by to byť? To prvé, uzdravuje každého. Druhé ... Och, to mohol byť len Ježiš, to mohol byť Belzebub, to mohol byť ... To je to isté čo urobili tam.

Tie isté duchy žijú v tých istých druhoch ľudí - odsúdených ľuďoch, ktorí nemohli byť spasení, pretože oni boli odsúdení pred ... Ako Judáš Iškariotský, narodený ako syn zatratenia. Vy hovoríte: "Judáš?"

182Samozrejme. Pamätajte on bol veľmi nábožný. Ale on nemohol ísť celou cestou s tým posolstvom. On mohol z neho prijať časť, a to ostatné z neho nemohol stráviť. Oni mohli prijať uzdravovanie a tomu podobné veci, ale keď to prichádza do toho, že Boh slovom povoláva veveričky do existencie, to je pre nich príliš hlboké. "To nemôže byť." To bol Judáš. Jeho duch môže žiť až do tohoto miesta. On nemôže ísť ďalej za to.

Oni mohli prijať Mojžiša bez problémov, keď otvoril Červené More a robil iné takéto veci. Ale keď to prichádza do toho, že hovorí všetkým ostatným, že nemajú robiť toto, tamto, či niečo iné: "On sa robí Bohom nad nami." Oni nemohli s tým súhlasiť - Kóre a oni; tak oni museli mať organizáciu, tak Boh ich prehltol.

183Ježišova služba, keď On uzdravoval chorých, On bol taký ohromný. "Ten mladý prorok z Galilei. Aha, On urobil, že slepý videl, On dokonca vzbudil mŕtveho. Videli sme to v troch prípadoch. On skutočne vzbudil mŕtveho," ale jedného dňa sa On otočil; On povedal: "Vy plemä vreteníc. Vy čistíte vonkajšok nádoby. Ukazujte sa ako svätí, ale vo vnútri nie ste nič iné ako hromada hadov."

184Och, keď začalo to prorokovanie, odsudzovanie tých organizácií, potom sa to zmenilo. Oni sa obrátili proti Nemu. Je to tak. A nakoniec, tým že Ho odmietli, Ho ukrižovali. Ale vy nemôžete zabiť službu, ona žije ďalej. Vy môžete zabiť posla, ale nemôžete zabiť posolstvo. Je to tak. On žil ďalej.

185A všimnite si, keď prichádza tretie potiahnutie Jeho služby, prvé bolo uzdravovanie chorých, druhé bolo karhanie organizácií a prorokovanie, čo oni robili, čo boli, a čo prichádzalo. Čo je, čo príde, čo bolo - čo je a čo bude. To je to, čo On robil. Je to tak? Ale Jeho tretie potiahnutie bolo vtedy, keď kázal tým odsúdeným, ktorí už nemohli byť spasení. Oni boli tam dole, kde boli tie veľké namaľované oči. "Hú." Kázal dušiam v pekle, ktoré neprijali milosť, ale boli naveky oddelení z prítomnosti Božej, jednako oni museli uznať čo On bol, pretože Boh Ho tam postavil. Som zvedavý či Jeho služba vystúpi tak isto v týchto posledných dňoch. Ako to bolo: "Ako mňa poslal Otec, tak ja posielam vás. Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť."

Zatratení - nemohli byť spasení; oni odmietli milosrdenstvo. To bolo Jeho tretie potiahnutie. Je tam niečo nejasné? Jeho prvé potiahnutie, On uzdravoval chorých. Je to tak? Jeho druhá služba, On prorokoval. Jeho tretia služba bolo kázanie večne zatrateným. Tie tri vrchy, a tak ďalej - tí zatratení, večne.

186Noeho služba - všetky služby vykonali to isté. Noe kázal. To je presne tak. On vošiel do archy, a keď vošiel do archy, sedem dní sa nič nestalo. Jeho svedectvo kázalo tým odsúdeným ... Sodoma a Gomora. Ježiš hovoril o oboch, ako: "Pred príchodom Syna človeka, tak to bude ako vo dňoch Noeho, tak to bude ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy."

On poukázal na Noeho. Noe mal tri potiahnutia, a jeho tretie potiahnutie bolo ku tým odsúdeným, potom keď dvere boli zavreté. Lebo Boh ho nechal sedieť rovno tam, kde nikto nemohol vojsť ani vyjsť. Oni boli vo vnútri na ... Na siedmom vrchu, tom najvyššom vrchu, tam On usadil tú archu, na vrchu - je to tak?

187Vo dňoch Sodomy, prvé potiahnutie bol spravodlivý Lot. Biblia hovorí: "Hriechy Sodomy trápili deň čo deň jeho spravodlivú dušu," ako sa tie ženy zachovávali a čo robili. Pamätajte: "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." Čo oni robili? Jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali - ženy. Vidíte - ženy. Čo bolo vo dňoch Sodomy? Ženy, a to prvé posolstvo bol Lot. Oni sa mu vysmiali.

Potom On poslal ďalších poslov, dvoch, a oni odišli tam, (to bolo Jeho druhé potiahnutie pre Sodomu), ale pozrite sa na toho, ktorý išiel posledný. Viac a viac milosti, potom tomu všetkému bol koniec - všetko v tom čase skončilo. Ten tretí posol, ktorý tam zišiel ... tretie potiahnutie, čo On bol? Aký druh služby On mal? On sedel s tými vyvolenými, a povedal im, čo sa dialo za Ním. Je to tak? Ale keď On vykročil do Babylonu, či do Sodomy, On išiel nájsť ... Ešte i Abrahám kričal: "Ak by som mohol nájsť päťdesiatich spravodlivých" - a tak ďalej až do desiatich spravodlivých.

Boh povedal: "Áno, nájdi desiatich spravodlivých."

188Dovoľ, že ti niečo poviem, sestra, len chvíľu. Ty môžeš byť staromódna, ale ty máš niečo, čo tieto kráľovné sexu nemajú. Ty máš niečo, čo ona nikdy nemôže mať. Ty môžeš byť staromódna vo svojom obliekaní, a obliekaš sa ako dáma. Oni môžu povedať: "Pozrite sa na tú náboženskú fanatičku." Netráp sa. Ona má niečo, čo táto kráľovná sexu, na ktorú sa tam díva celý svet, nemá. Ona to nemôže mať. Ona je naveky zatratená. Ona je odsúdená. Vidíte?

189Ty máš morálku; ty máš cnosť. Ona nemá nič. Ona má uhryznutie, ktoré chytá zatratené duše do pekla. Slepý kráča do toho. Ty máš niečo. Ty vieš, ty nemusíš byť ani v cirkevnej knihe, ale to môže byť tvoj spravodlivý život, ktorý dnes zadržiava Boží hnev od sveta. Svet nebude tomu veriť. Ty žena, ktorá si nazvaná náboženská fanatička, ty prostý muž, ktorý sotva vieš niečo, ale ty kričíš ku Bohu dňom i nocou za hriechy krajiny, ty môžeš byť ten, ktorý zadržiava hnev. "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich, ušetrím ju." Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich.

190"Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Nie: "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Metodistov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Baptistov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich Letničných;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich atlétov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich senátorov;" "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich kazateľov;" ale: "Ak budem môcť nájsť desiatich spravodlivých."

Je jeden spravodlivý - to je Kristus. Kristus žijúci v tých desiatych. "Ušetrím ju." Ale ten posledný posol kázal odsúdeným. On odišiel tam dole. Písme nehovorí, čo sa stalo, ale nasledujúce ráno padal oheň. Skutočne! Potom keď vykonal tie znaky, hneď potom, ako vykonal svoju prorockú službu: Prečo sa Sára smiala?"

Ona povedala: "Nesmiala som sa."

On povedal: "Áno, smiala si sa:"

191No, hneď potom, On vstúpil do Babylonu, či odišiel dole do Sodomy. On ich nenašiel, tak padal oheň. On našiel Lota a jeho dve dcéry ... povedal: "Hneď z tadeto odíď." To odišlo. On zišiel tam dole. Pamätajte, On išiel tam dole. On poslal pred Sebou poslov, ale On Sám zišiel dole, aby zistil, či to všetko bolo tak, a On to našiel plné čoho? - vymaľovaných žien. Posolstvo pre odsúdených.

192Čo oni robili? Smiali sa z toho. Čo oni robia dnes? - to isté. "Ja patrím do Zborov." "Ja patrím ku Jednotárom." "Ja som tancovala v Duchu. Sláva Bohu, hovorila som v ... " Choď ďalej. "Budem si strihať vlasy, keď budem chcieť." "Ja toto budem robiť." "Ja budem toto hovoriť." "Ja nemusím byť pokrstená v Ježišove meno, nestarám sa čo oni hovoria. Pavol je aj tak dávny nepriateľ žien." No dobre. Choď ďalej.

193V jednom z týchto dní, ak sa to už nestalo, prekročíš tú líniu! Nikdy viac nebudeš túžiť robiť to, čo je správne. Počuli ste čo som povedal? To je záležitosť ... Brat, sestra, uvedomuješ si, čo bolo povedané? Prekročíš tú líniu, a nikdy to nebudeš chcieť robiť. Ty stále budeš počuť evanjelium; skutočne, ale to nikdy neprijmeš. Nemôžeš to prijať. Ale to evanjelium bude kázané odsúdeným - tým, ktorú sú večne zatratení; nemôžu byť viac spasení. Už ste v takom stave, a neviete o tom. Myslíte si, že žijete v radosti, a ste mŕtvi zatiaľ čo žijete.

194Počúvajte. Všetci tí, ktorí odmietli posolstvo na svoju hodinu pred odsúdením - evanjelium bolo kázané najprv odsúdeným, prv ako oni odišli; bez milosti.

Noe zavrel, to bolo svedectvo. Boh zavrel tie dvere. Po jeho treťom potiahnutí. Po tom treťom potiahnutí v Sodome, dvere boli zavreté. Nebolo viac milosti. Tí desiati nemohli byť nájdení. A ku tým zatrateným bolo kázané evanjelium, že nemohli byť spasení, pretože to bolo ... Takto to bolo v každom veku - každý vek odmietol to posolstvo, prv ako nastal súd - odmietli ho oni znovu? Či sa nezjavil v Ohnivom Stĺpe tu dole pri rieke? Či sa nezjavoval v tom posolstve o strihaní žien, kde boli dávané tie miesta tam kde oni majú byť, a káraní títo kazatelia, ktorí zastávajú miesto s denomináciou namiesto toho, aby stáli na Slove, keď to Boh jasne potvrdil, že to je On, a nie niekto prostý neučený, nevzdelaný ako človek. To je Boh! A prišli sme teraz na miesto, kde sa znovu zopakuje to tretie potiahnutie pre tých večne zatratených?

195Či kvôli tomuto mi bolo dané to videnie, keď som bol ešte malý chlapec? A ja som odišiel na západ, a tam svietil dole ten zlatý kríž evanjelia, ktorý ohlásil ten znak z neba, úplne presne. Pamätajte, ten kríž bol v panoráme, postavený tiež ako pyramída. Mohlo by to byť, že to je tá náhlavná časť, kde to skončilo, a začalo to od tadeto a ide hore do hlavy? Ako sa dvíhala tá pyramída cez Lutera, Wesleya, Letničných, a potom zavŕšenie tým kameňom. Mohlo by to byť to? Ak je to to, kde sme?

Toto môže ... Dúfam, že to nie je, ale to sa musí stať. To sa stane. Pamätajte len, tí kazatelia museli ... Oni stále pasovali presne znovu s tým ďalším. To musí prísť; Boh sa nemení. Rozmýšľajte o tom. Uhryznite sa do svedomia svojimi duchovnými zubami, a zistite kde sme. Čo ak to je, a vy ste stále takí akí ste. Potom ste práve mohli prekročiť ... Je s vami koniec. S tými, ktorí sú vonku, potom čo Baránok zobral tú Knihu, šiesta pečať je zjavená a všetky pečate, je koniec. Mohlo by to byť. Dúfam, že nie je; mohlo by byť.

196No dobre. No, či pre toto to tretie potiahnutie dáva na seba tak dlho čakať? Všimnite si to prvé potiahnutie a druhé potiahnutie prechádzali z jedného do druhého. Predpovedal som, pamätáte sa, keď som prv začal pri tom prvom, a povedal som: "Príde čas, keď budem poznať ešte i tajomstvá srdca." Pamätáte sa. Koľkí ... Všetci si to pamätáte na mojich zhromaždeniach. A jeden večer som išiel práve do Reginy, tam hore, a vystúpil som na pódium, a brat Baxter tam - niekoľko tisíc ľudí, a nejaký muž vyšiel hore na pódium, a tam to bolo. A odvtedy to bolo stále tak.

197Ale to sú roky odkedy som odišiel z toho poľa, asi päť rokov odkedy som odišiel ... Čo to je? Čo toto vykonalo? Bolo toto preto, že to bolo ako na počiatku v Genesis, "Božia dlhozhovievavosť." Pamätajte, keď On stvoril svet, siedmy deň On nerobil nič. On odpočíval. Boh bol dlhozhovievavý v tom šiestom roku; nechcel, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu. Boh bol dlhozhovievavý.

198Znovu tiež v Genesis 15:16, (ak si to chcete zapísať) 16:15, On povedal Abrahámovi, v tej zemi Amorejov: "ich neprávosť..." to boli teraz Pohania. "Nemôžem ťa teraz tam zobrať, pretože neprávosť Amorejov, Pohanov, sa ešte nenaplnila, ale Ja ich budem súdiť. Ja prídem vo štvrtom pokolení, a potom budem súdiť ten národ železným prútom."

Je to tak? Je to už tak dlho, že Božia dlhozhovievavosť - tá služba nepretržite, cez pásky a cez všetko prečesávala svet, aby sa ukázalo či je ešte niekto; ale možno, že ten posledný prichádza práve teraz. Je to tá neprávosť, ktorá trvá tak dlho? Ak je Ježiš ten istý, ako aj je, (Židom 13:8) Jeho posolstvo musí byť to isté; (končím) Jeho skutky musia byť tie isté.

199Ak to prvé a druhé potiahnutie je jasné ... Máte niečo nejasné ohľadne prvého a druhého potiahnutia? Či sa to nevyplnilo presne tak, ako to On povedal? Potom prečo pochybovať o tom treťom? Prečo by ste pochybovali ... Tie prvé dve boli potvrdené Písmom. Dokázal som vám dnes ráno, že to tretie je tiež potvrdené Písmom. Pozrite sa na svet a vidzte kde sa ona nachádza. Pozrite sa ako oni odmietli pravdu, a ako ona bola náležite potvrdená - tá prorocká časť. No, kde sa nachádzame? Ó Bože, buď milostivý. Krváca mi z toho srdce vo vnútri. Čo s tým? Kde sa nachádzame?

200Pamätajte týchto sedem končiarov tam, (oni by vám mohli povedať) Za tým nie je už žiadny ďalší vrcholec, a to je na kontinentálnom rozhraní. To prechádza z tade rovno ďalej do púšte - v tom sedí večnosť. Sedem končiarov, rovno na kontinentálnom rozhraní. To je rovno medzi dobrom a zlom. A na konci toho, to tretie potiahnutie bolo to posledné potiahnutie toho pásma. Je to tak?

201No dobre. Noe vošiel dovnútra, potom za sedem dní sa nič nestalo. Po siedmych dňoch prichádza súd. Keby len ... Počúvajte teraz, na záver. Keby oni len v čase Noeho boli poznali ten znak, keby oni len boli vedeli ... (No, budem končiť.) Keby oni len boli poznali ten znak - ten svet v tom čase! To, Boh tu dokázal cez prečítanie toho Písma pred chvíľou, že On zničil tých ľudí. Nie bez milosti.

202Milosť im bola poslaná cez proroka. Oni tomu neverili. Boh je milostivý, ale On poslal milosť, ale oni ju neprijali. On stále prv posiela milosť. Čo keby oni boli poznali, že ten znak bol znak konca? A keď oni uvideli zrazu, spasenie prestalo ... nikto ... Prvé čo viete, dvere boli zavreté. Keby oni ... Len jedna osoba poznala ten znak, to bol Noe a jeho skupina. To bol jediný, kto to poznal. Keď sa tie dvere zabuchli, Noe to vedel. Noe vedel, že to je koniec. On to vedel. Je to tak. Keby oni len poznali ten znak. Ó, keby oni len poznali ten znak.

203Keď oni tam uvideli prichádzať tohoto, ktorý bol tam hore s Abrahámom; keby oni len boli vedeli, že ten moderný Billy Graham toho času, zišiel tam dole, on a Oral Roberts, a kázal to posolstvo tým zaslepeným ľuďom. Keby oni len boli vedeli, tí starí spravodliví Metodisti a Baptisti, tam vtedy to bol pre nich znak na ten deň - Lót, keď tie hriechy trápili ich vlastnú dušu.

204No, do čoho sa obrátili Metodisti a Baptisti? - tak ako urobil Lót, to isté. Ale tí spravodliví z tade vychádzajú von. Naozaj. Čo ak to bolo, keď Billy Graham išiel ... "idúci hore pre rozhodnutie" žuvajúc žuvačku, strkajúc jeden druhého a smejúc sa, ostrihané vlasy, vymaľované tváre, a ani len najmenší odpor proti tomu. Príde naspäť na druhý deň, a Billy povedal: "Mal som tridsať tisíc. Prichádzam za rok a sotva mám tridsiatich." "Ja som urobil rozhodnutie. Ja nepôjdem do pekla, ja pôjdem do neba."

205Vidíte? Brodia sa ďalej v hriechu. A potom, evanjelium je kázané v moci a znameniach a zázrakoch s ohnivým stĺpom nad tým a všetko sa presne deje, a je predpovedané a ukázané ... Oni povedali: "Banda náboženských fanatikov. To je mentálna telepatia. Nejaký čarodejnícky duch, diabol. To je to. Neverte. To v našej organizácii nie je. My s tým nemáme nič spoločného."

206Keby oni len boli poznali ... Keby oni len boli poznali ...Ježiš povedal: "Keby si len bol poznal svoj deň, Jeruzalem. Keby si len mohol poznať, ale," povedal: "Teraz si nechaný na seba samého. Keby si len bol ... Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje kurence, pred súdom, ktorý má prísť, ale vy ste nepoznali svoj deň. Vy ktorí ste ukameňovali prorokov a zabili spravodlivých, keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň. Keby ste len boli vedeli, že môj príchod bol znakom vášho konca. No, vy ste slepí. No, boli ste napomenutí. Váš čas skončil." A bolo. Je to tak. Keby ste len boli poznali ten čas.

207Pozrite sa, keď Ježiš toto povedal, svet bežal ďalej. Svet bežal úplne normálne ďalej. Prečo? Pretože oni nepoznali svoju hodinu. Svet bežal rovno ďalej, keď Noe vošiel do archy, svet sa točil ďalej. Náboženskí posmievači, v tom čase, mali ďalej erotické večierky. Oni stále jedli, pili, ženili sa, robili tieto veci, ktoré robia dnes. Tak isto, normálne. "Ach, ten starý fanatik zavrel dvere. Počuli ste niekedy niečo také? Viete čo on hovorí? My všetci bude potopení. Nezmysel. Kde je tá voda?"

208Náboženskí posmievači, vo dňoch Noeho. "Tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." No dobre. Noe poznal ten znak. To isté bolo vo dňoch Lota. To isté vo dňoch Ježiša; a tak je to dnes. Oni sa raz tomu vysmejú posledný krát - tak isto ako v Sodome. Oni nevedeli, kedy tam stál ten posol ... posolstvo od Boha. Oni sa len z nich vysmievali a snažili sa ich zvrátiť do svojich vlastných skutkov. Je to tak? "Poďte a pripojte sa ku nám; buďte jedným z nás." Je to tak? "Poď a pripoj sa ku nám; buď jedným z nás. Budeš jedným z tých chlapcov. Len poď. Pripoj sa ku nám."

Oni nepoznali svoj znak. Oni nevedeli, že keď znelo to posolstvo, že práve ... Oni to nemohli vidieť, že oheň a hnev a súd Boží ... šľahajúci oheň síry sa rozpaľoval na oblohe. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Poslovia mohli. Lót to tiež vedel. On vedel, že to tam bolo. Samozrejme. Tak isto, ako je to dnes. Presne to isté. Hnev sa rozpaľuje; atómové bomby visia. Všetko ja na konci. To je teraz to isté.

209Pozrite, ľudia. Počúvajte. Vedeli ste ... Vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, och, čo toto všetko?" Viete, ľudia môžu ísť ďalej a kázať evanjelium, ako to vždy robili; to čo oni nazývajú evanjelium. To mohlo skončiť. Oni to robili vo dňoch Noeho. Oni to robili vo dňoch Lota. Oni to robili vo dňoch Ježiša. Je to tak? Dokonca židia, po tom keď im Ježiš povedal, že hnev ... "Ste hotoví; je s vami koniec. Nie je viac. Je s vami koniec."

No, on povedal: "Ten fanatik. Z akej školy On vyšiel? Odkiaľ On prišiel ..."

Pamätajte, On bol potom pripravený na Svoje tretie potiahnutie. Je to tak. On povedal: "Ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť."

Lót urobil svoje posledné zavolanie, chcem povedať ten anjel - posol, ktokoľvek on bol: Boh, predstavený na ten deň. Boh predstavený v ľudskom tele, urobil posledný znak, vykonal poslednú povinnosť. Potom všetko skončilo.

210Noe odkázal svoju poslednú kázeň. Dvere sa za ním zavreli. A hotovo. Oni sa z toho smiali, a robili si z toho žarty. Zamyslite sa. Tí ľudia môžu ďalej kázať. Ekumenická Rada sa môže spojiť s katolíckou cirkvou, práve ako to oni sľúbili urobiť. Všetky organizácie môžu prospievať. Ale už je tam znamenie šelmy. Oni to vedú do toho. A hovoria: "Ó haleluja, sláva Bohu. Tak veľa ich bolo spasených včera večer." Bolo?

To nie je znak. Ani trochu. Dovoľte mi porovnať ovocie Ducha medzi Ježišom a farizejmi: Vidzte, kto z nich mal ovocie Ducha. Čo keby som sa postavil, ako som začal pred chvíľou hovoriť, teraz na chvíľu proti Kristovi? Bože odpusť mi, že to vôbec hovorím, ale len, aby som vám niečo ukázal.

211Čo keby som prišiel ku vám a povedal: "Povedzte, zhromaždenie, kto je váš priateľ? Kto ukazuje ovocie Ducha? Váš láskavý starý kňaz. Kto prichádza ku vám do nemocnice keď ste chorí? Váš tichý, starý kňaz. Je to tak. Kto to je, kto vám stále požičiava nejaké peniaze, keď ste v potrebe - v núdzi? Vy členovia jeho zhromaždenia, nepôjdete za svojím milým, starým kňazom, a on vám požičiava peniaze?"

212"Kto to je, kto je stále milujúci a láskavý a ukazuje ovocie Ducha? Váš láskavý, starý kňaz. Kto to je, kto roky a roky študoval tu v synagógach, odkiaľ pochádzal jeho pra-pra-pra-pra-pra-pra-praotec? Po celý čas. Kto študoval a ťažko pracoval a dosiahol doktorský stupeň a Ph.D. a LL.D. aby poznal toto Slovo, a stojí tu a prednáša vám ho každú nedeľu ráno vo svojom zhromaždení? Váš láskavý, starý kňaz."

215Nie podľa hovorenia v jazykoch, nie podľa tancovania v Duchu, nie podľa pripájania sa do cirkvi, nie podľa ovocia Ducha; (Kresťanská Veda môže na tom každého z vás zasypať, a pritom ešte zaprieť Ježiša Krista, že bol božský.) nie to - ale to je žijúce Slovo. Tu to máte. Keby sa oni len boli dívali, On bol Mesiáš. On bol žijúce Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A muž, ktorý má v sebe Ducha Božieho, alebo žena, žije - to Slovo, žije rovno v nich. To je to bitie srdca, ten predurčený. Pretože Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku ním, a oni sú Slovom pre ľudí. Napísanými epištolami, čítaní všetkými ľuďmi. Je to tak? Mohlo by toto tretie potiahnutie už byť.

216Ľudia pri páskach, vy ktorí počúvate túto pásku, prajem si, aby ste sa teraz mohli pozrieť na toto zhromaždenie. Dúfam, že sa cítite tak isto. Čo ak to je? Pozrite sa na tieto predložené miesta Písma. Mohlo by to byť? Znamená to tretie potiahnutie kázať tým večne odsúdeným, ktorí odmietli posolstvo spasenia? "No," poviete, "Cirkev bude ..."

217Áno, oni budú. Oni pôjdu ďalej presne tak isto. Ale pamätajte, po celý tento čas, Noe bol v arche. Nevesta je odizolovaná s Kristom. Ten posledný člen zostal vykúpený. Šiesta pečať sa predviedla. Siedma pečať privádza Jeho naspäť na zem. Baránok prichádza a vzal tú knihu z Jeho pravice a sadol si, a žiadal si to, čo vlastnil - to čo On vykúpil. Je to tak? To stále bolo to tretie potiahnutie.

218Tri je dokonalosť. Tá služba prichádza do svojej dokonalosti, keď znovu predviedla Krista priamo medzi ľuďmi. Ako bolo predpovedané: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota." Och! Predstavte si, ľudia môžu ďalej a kázať, myslieť si, že dožívajú spasenie, veriť, že robia dobre, veriť, že ich organizácie vzrastajú. Skutočne. A ani záblesku nádeje. A ak to videnie bolo to, a ono bolo tak tvrdé proti ženám, prišli sme do tej hodiny. Dvere sú zavreté. Je koniec. Kniha je už v Jeho rukách. Pomyslite o tom.

219Dovoľte mi povedať vám toto, teraz prv ako zakončím. Končím. Hovorilo sa o tom v Írsku - hľadiac na tie vody. Bol tam veľký útes, ktorý prechádzal popri pobreží, a na tomto veľkom kopci ... A raz tam išiel nejaký muž, práve v čase, keď nastával príliv. A na tom kopci žil ušľachtilý človek a on dobre poznal tie prílivové vlny. On vedel o koľkej cez deň mal nastať príliv. On poznal čas prílivu. Tento prechádzajúci chlap sa nestaral, aký je čas ... On bol jeden z tých "ja to všetko viem".

220On mal svoju vlastnú predstavu. On bol nejaký športovec; chytrý, inteligentný človek; ale proste nepoznal čas prílivu. On nepoznal tú krajinu. On nepoznal ten čas, že práve nastal ten znak, keď sa mesiac odvrátil od zeme.

221A keď raz Boh odvráti od zeme svojho Ducha, brat, je s ňou koniec. Je po všetkom. Ak by sa tento mesiac niekedy pohol zo svojho miesta, vody by prikryli zem, ako to bolo vtedy, keď Boh začal v Genesis 1. Ale mesiac tam stojí; A keď on len otočí hlavou, vlny začínajú nabiehať. Tento múdry starý muž, ktorý tam žil v prítomnosti toho, poznal aký je to čas. Tento chlap to nepoznal. On to nikdy nepreskúmal. On sa o to nestaral. A tento starý múdry muž tam vybehol a volal: "Môj človeče, neodvažuj sa ísť ďalej. Rýchlo sa vráť naspäť. Tam je stena. Nemôžeš sa dostať na tú stenu. Zahynieš. Nastali príznaky. Je čas, tá prílivová vlna sa tam zrazu vovalí, a ty sa nebudeš môcť vrátiť. Nechoď ďalej."

A ten chlap sa otočil, a vysmial sa mu, povedal: "Choď a staraj sa o seba. Ja viem, čo môžem robiť a čo nie." A tie vlny ho zaplavili.

222Môže byť neskoršie ako si myslíme. Zaplaví vás to. Nechoďte ďalej. Nerobte to, ľudia. Keď ste mi stále verili, ako Božiemu sluhovi, prijmite moje slovo dnes ráno, ak ste ho kedy prijali. Už môže byť príliš neskoro. Toľko miest Písma to takto ukazuje. No, pamätajte, ja nehovorím, že to je. Ja neviem; ale len hľaďte. A ja som tu vynechal asi desať strán, ktoré som sa vám bál povedať. Pani Woodová je svedkom toho, a pán Wood. Keď som tam išiel dnes ráno pozrieť ich, povedal som: "Nemôžem im povedať. Nemôžem ... Ja len predložím toľkoto Písma a nechám to na nich, pretože to sa bude nahrávať."

223To pôjde ku ľuďom, ktorí sa budú smiať z tohoto posolstva. To je v poriadku. To vás prejde a vráti sa vám to naspäť v jednom z týchto dní. Len pokračujte. Buďte len členom cirkvi. Strihajte si vlasy; maľujte si tváre. Pokračujte a používajte Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého ak chcete. Robte z toho troch bohov a buďte pohania. Pokračujte. Držte sa svojej organizácii. Robte tak, ak chcete. Hovorte: "Tancoval som v Duchu. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Mám to."

224Videl som diablov robiť tie isté veci. Videl som čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch a vykladať to a písať v neznámych jazykoch a vykladať to; ktorí pili krv z ľudskej lebky a vzývali diabla. Tancovali v duchu. Mohamedáni tancujú v duchu až tak, že môžu zobrať triesky a vraziť to pod prsty a zobrať oštep a prepichnúť si ho takto cez tvár a vytiahnuť ho a nevytečie im ani kvapka krvi. Indiáni budú tancovať na ohni, bosí, tri stopy hlbokom, a tri alebo štyri stopy na šírku. Rozdúchajú, ovievajú uhlie až je žeravé do biela a vôbec nemajú ani trochu popálené nohy. A zapierajú niečo také, ako Ježiš Kristus.

Nie, nie, priatelia. To je Slovo, ktoré to dokazuje. Tí ľudia musia byť jedno so Slovom. Ježiš a Slovo to bolo to isté; On bol Slovo. A keď Ježiš žije v tom človeku, to spôsobuje, že on a Slovo to je to isté. Váš život dokazuje čo ste.

225No, pozrite sa len na seba v Božom zrkadle, povedzte: "Ako vyzerám dnes ráno?" Zatiaľ čo sa modlíme.

[Nejaký brat v zhromaždení hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Iný brat dáva výklad. – pozn.prekl.]

Odtúlal som sa ďaleko od Boha;

Teraz prichádzam domov; (modlite sa ak ste sa kedy modlili) Otvor Svoje láskavé ramená;

Pane, prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Zatiaľ čo spievate, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Je vo vašom srdci nejaké miesto, ktoré vyzerá byť zatemnené hriechom? Ak je, teraz je čas zbaviť sa toho, hneď teraz, ak trvá milosť. Toto, dúfam, nie je tak. Dúfam, že to tam nie je. Ale či nevyzerá, ako by to mohlo byť?

226Počujte čo povedal Duch Svätý v strede ľudu, potom ako som to prebral. To je hlas pre vás. A ak je ... Ak máte nejakú temnosť na svojom živote, zatiaľ čo spievame. Hneď teraz. Ak máte starosť, či je tam nejaká škvrna, neodkladajte to ani na chvíľu. Dúfajúc a spoliehajúc, že toto nie je tak, ale že to bude v jednom z týchto dní, a to môže byť dnes.

Teraz Pane, prichádzam ...

227S dychom vašich nozdier rovno okolo vás - keby tí ľudia pri páskach mohli len vidieť, čo sa tu teraz deje. Jeden sa tlačí cez druhého, volajú, prichádzajú zovšade. Mohlo toto videnie, keď som bol malý chlapec ... Je to tá hodina? Je to ten čas? Keď oni unavení, stiesnení ... Peklo je stvorené rovno tu na zemi.

228Oltáre a uličky a všetko je teraz zaplnené. Ak sa nemôžete dostať okolo oltáru a do uličiek, kdekoľvek medzi tieto stovky tu, povstaňte len ak ... Povedzte: "Chcem stáť a modliť sa, aby len ľudia mohli vedieť."

229Alebo si kľaknite, čokoľvek chcete. Ó! No, sotva môžete vidieť niekoho sedieť, ľudia všade stoja. Smiem povedať toto: "Bože nedovoľ, Bože nedovoľ, že to čo som povedal je teraz. Nech to porozumiem - každý. Bože nedovoľ, ja mám deti, ktoré nevošli. Mám dve dcéry a syna. Mám bratov. Mám rodinu, ktorí nevošli. Bože nedovoľ, aby nás opustila milosť, že všetko toto bude len trúfalosť.

Skončila milosť, Pane? Daj nech sa v tomto mýlim, Pane. Nech je to tentokrát nie tak. Že to nie je, že ľudia stále môžu byť spasení. Udeľ toho, Pane. Prosím a porúčam toto zhromaždenie teraz Tebe, v mene Ježiša Krista.

230Modlite sa teraz všetci, práve ako ... Čo ak to bolo? No, ja neviem či to je, ale čo ak to bolo? Modlite sa svojím spôsobom. Modlite sa len, tak ako sa chcete. Len čo ak toto bola pravda. Čo by sme robili, priatelia? Čo by sme robili? Čo sa stane? Modlite sa teraz, každý. Modlite sa tak ako chcete. Kričte len ku Bohu svojím vlastným spôsobom. Ó, Bože!

Otvor naširoko Svoje láskavé ramená;

Ó Pane, prichádzam domov.

Pane, mal som v zámere urobiť toto už dávno. Čakal som príliš dlho, Pane? Je toto ... je koniec? Ó Bože, otvor Svoje láskavé ramená a prijmi ma. Niečo je v mojom srdci, čo prosí o to, Pane. Otvor ešte raz. Ak moje meno bolo v Baránkovej knihe, hovor teraz ku mne, Pane. Daj mi to hneď teraz prijať. Prosím daj, Bože.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov.
Nikdy sa nebudem
(nebudem Pane) už túlať.
Otvor naširoko Tvoje láskavé ramená,
Ó Pane, prichádzam domov.

Biblia hovorí, že keď oni poznali Ježiša, že každý bude plakať, akoby bol zabitý ich vlastný syn.

231Vy vonku, vy vo svojich autách, cez krátke vlny; vy ktorí stojíte okolo tejto budovy, mnohí z vás opierate svoje hlavy o túto budovu, povedzte: "Pane Bože buď mi milostivý." Buďte smrteľne úprimní, priatelia. Pomyslite len v akom čase žijeme. Kde sa nachádzame?

Pane, prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Pane Ježišu, urobil som to najlepšie čo som vedel. Urobil som všetko, ako som len vedel. Daj, Pane, že tie dvere milosti sú stále otvorené, týmto stovkám, doslovne stovkám, ktorí Ťa hľadajú v tomto čase. Odstráň každú hriešnu škvrnu, Pane, a vezmi ich dnes dovnútra. Prosím z celého svojho srdca, keď vidíme, že to nie len niekto hovorí, ale samotné Písmo, nás privádza do tejto hodiny.

232A to videnie, keď som bol malý chlapec, vidiac tých ľudí v tom stave, a myslím, že peklo samotné - milosť zostala vyhladená zo zeme, a teraz je tu samotné peklo. A ľudia, Pane, sú v tomto ohavnom stave. Ó, mocný Bože, vzhľadom na túto vyvolenú cirkev, prosím, Bože, aby si vylial Tvoje požehnania, aby oni mohli obdržať službu svedectva, takú ako mal Lot, ako mal Noe, ako mal Ježiš; pre tých večne zatratených, keď bude, že oni sami sú zapečatení do kráľovstva Božieho, ale dávajúc svedectvo Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Udeľ to, Pane. Prijmi naše prosby, keď prosíme v Mene Ježiša.

233Modlite sa len teraz, tak ako chcete. Neponáhľajte sa! Nemajte naponáhlo! Čo ak vy ste to posledné meno, ktoré patrí do tej Knihy?

... Prichádzam domov.

Prichádzam domov, prichádzam domov ...

Brat Neville, poď sem, modli sa chvíľu za nich. Pastor sa bude teraz s vami modliť, zatiaľ čo sa modlíte. Ja budem spievať.

[brat Neville sa modlí: "Všemohúci Bože, náš Nebeský Otče, ako to bolo dnes, sme tak vďační za to, čo si nám dal, ako to bolo, aby sme v tejto chvíli boli schopní posúdiť svoje cesty pred Tebou. Môj Bože, dnes, z hĺbky našej duše voláme ku Tebe, Pane!" - Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

Prosím, aby si spasil Rebeku, Sáru, a Jozefa, a ich tiež, Pane. Nech sa toto nestane mojím deťom, Pane. Nech sa to nestane mojím bratom, mojím priateľom. Daj to, Pane. My nevieme. My nevieme, ale vidíme niečo, Pane. Je to otrasujúci znak rovno teraz pred nami? Daj to Pane. Pritiahni nás všetkých bližšie ku Tebe, rýchlo, Pane. My Ťa milujeme, a potrebujeme Ťa. Nech to je, Otče.

234Duchu Svätý daj teraz potešenie do našich sŕdc. Prosíme, aby sme mohli byť Tvojimi svedkami v tejto hodine, pretože vieme, že toto sa musí stať. Bolo to predpovedané cez veky, a my sa musíme s tým stretnúť lebo sme v poslednom čase, keď vidíme zjavovať sa tieto znamenia.

235Vieme a bolo nám hovorené mnoho rokov teraz, že toto sa stane. No, vidíme to rovno vo dverách. Veľký mocný hnev Boží, prechádza cez ulice, zabíja neobrezaných, kde nebola na dverách krv, prichádza anjel smrti. A oni žijú ďalej, akoby nič, ale mŕtvy zatiaľ čo žijú: bez milosti, bez Boha, a nikdy nemôžu byť spasení.

Bože, ako Ti ďakujeme za tých, ktorí sú spasení. Aké veľké požehnanie je to pre naše srdcia, byť teraz vo vnútri, pod krvou, zatiaľ čo ten posledný anjel prechádza po zemi, zabíjajúc ... tí, ktorí nie sú pod krvou - oni zomierajú bez milosti.

236To bolo Mojžišovo posledné potiahnutie. Prvé, mladý muž hovorí ku Izraelovi; druhé, zostúpil, aby ich vyslobodil; tretie, bolo to posledné posolstvo, tie zázraky, ktoré sa stali. Mojžiš bol na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi s vykúpenými. Ó Bože, buď milostivý, prosím v Ježišovom mene.

237A teraz, rád by som sa opýtal toto: Vy ktorí sa modlíte; vy ktorí cítite, že máte milosť, a že Boh ... Cítite, že ste v kráľovstve Božom; vy cítite, že ste jednako boli zakotvení; že v Kristovi máte vieru, aby ste verili, že ste Kresťania, že ste znovuzrodení; viete že ste Kresťania, a bez pochybnosti - chcel by som, aby ste všetci povstali, vy ktorí veríte, že vám teraz bola podaná milosť, a ste Kresťania, a veríte, a vy veríte, že krv bola nanesená do vášho srdca, a že vám je odpustený každý hriech.

238Toto bola veľmi ťažká vec, hovoriť to vám ľuďom. Som tak vďačný, že zovšade vidím stáť ľudí. A vy ... Ja neviem pokiaľ je táto vec pravda, ale raz sa to tak stane. To musí prísť do toho, a mohlo to byť teraz. V každom prípade, svet bude bežať ďalej. Ľudia stále budú prichádzať ku oltáru; oni stále budú kričať, ale na nič to nebude. Bude po tom. Bude koniec. Nebude viacej milosti. Pamätajte že: "A svätyňa sa naplnila dymom." "Ten, kto je špinavý, nech je ďalej špinavý, ten kto je spravodlivý nech je ďalej spravodlivý, a ten kto je svätý nech je ďalej svätý."

239Nie je viacej milosti. Keď Baránok vezme tú Knihu, je hotovo. Je koniec, a vyzerá úplne, akoby to mohlo byť teraz. Možno máme ešte jeden deň. Možno dnes je ten deň. Možno zajtra je ten posledný ... Možno dnes večer je posledný večer. Možno toto je ten posledný rok. Neviem, priatelia. Hovorím vám. Neviem. Nebude mi to povedané, ale keď Boh vezme to posledné meno a vykúpi ho, z tej Knihy života, je koniec.

240Vidíte, tam už nemôže byť žiadne ďalšie meno, nijako. Nemôže tam byť žiadne ďalšie, nijako. To je všetko. Je koniec. Koľkí vedia, že to je pravda? To je pravda. No, že cítime ... A vidím toto zhromaždenie, ktorému som kázal a varoval ich po všetky tieto roky a vidím posolstvo ako toto, ktoré som priniesol v tej amatérskej forme - a pamätajte len, hovorím to tak, aby ste tomu rozumeli - v amatérskej forme. Povedať viac vecí by vás mohlo skoro roztrhať na kusy, ale ja som to proste vynechal. Cítil som, že to mám urobiť; pretože nie som si istý, a keď som si nie istý kde idem, kráčam zľahka - ale len vám hovorím.

241Počúvajte. Či nie ste šťastní? Mohlo by byť niečo väčšie, čo by ste mohli pomyslieť, čo by ste urobili vo svojom živote? Čo ak je teraz tomu koniec? Čo ak je to všetko dokonané? "Ó," vy poviete: "brat Branham, možno ..."

Áno, viem. Oni by mohli ísť ďalej, akoby nič. Sále to s nimi tak bolo. Vysvetlil som to a dokázal Písmom. Svet sa točil ďalej, ale to bolo dokonané. Bláznovstvo kázne dáva spasenie strateným. Pre ľudí je to bláznovstvo; to je múdrosť Božia. Boh je Duch. On pracuje duchovným spôsobom, Jeho zázraky, aby učinili - zázrační spôsob . Ale my sme ľudia; my sme obmedzení. My nevieme. My sa len dívame na to čo môžeme vidieť, ale niečo vo vnútri nás ...

242Keď vyjdete von z tejto miestnosti, ak ste to nikdy nevideli vo svojom živote, ak ste nikdy nevideli denné svetlo, poznali by ste, že ste prešli tu z tejto miestnosti do slnečného svetla, alebo niečoho. To bolo teplo. Mohli by ste to cítiť. Ak by nebol žiadny zmysel vo vašom tele, aby to potvrdil, vedeli by ste to, alebo žiadny zmysel zraku, aby to videl.

243Nemali ste možnosť vidieť zelenú trávu, vidieť prírodu. Nemali ste zrak, nikto ho nikdy nemal. Poznali by ste, že ste v prítomnosti niečoho; váš pocit by vám to povedal. Poznáte to ... Ak by som sa vám snažil povedať: "To je slnko, ono svieti. Ono ukazuje veci." Vy by ste vedeli, že ono tam je, pretože by ste ho mohli cítiť svojimi pocitmi. Je to tak?

244No, my vieme, že Kristus je tu. Možno, že Ho nevidíte svojimi očami. Možno nevidíte, ale skrze videnie, hovorím vám, On je tu. Cítime to. Vieme, že tu je niečo, čo naše zmysly neohlasujú. To je Duch, ktorý to ohlasuje, že Kristus je tu. Ja cítim, že On nás vykúpil. Cítim, že naše mená sú v Jeho Knihe. Verím, že sme boli vykúpení krvou Baránka. Milujem vás, a viem, že vy milujete jeden druhého.

Ó, požehnané zväzky,
ktoré viažu naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;
obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je ako to tam hore.

Mali by sme to stále takto cítiť jeden ku druhému; musíme. Musíme to takto cítiť jeden ku druhému, pretože keď milujeme jeden druhého, milujeme Boha. Či môžete nenávidieť svojho brata, ktorého vidíte, a povedať, že milujte Boha, ktorého nevidíte? Musíme milovať jeden druhého. Nikto nemá väčšiu lásku, než ako On, ktorý položil svoj život za svojich nepriateľov, aby sa oni mohli stať jeho priateľmi.

245Ó, poznáte tú pieseň: "Požehnané tie zväzky, ktoré viažu?" Či je to nie nádherné. Požehnané tie zväzky ... Mohla by si nám to zahrať sestra? Hraj to len za chvíľu ... Čo ak to skončilo? Čo ak to tretie potiahnutie, ktoré teraz prichádza, znamená kázať zatrateným? Čo ak všetky tieto predobrazy nám to teraz dokážu? A sme doma! A sme doma! Nebolo by to nádherné? Čo za obecenstvo.

Ó, požehnané sú zväzky, ktoré viažu (Tu je to, čo to robí.)
Naše srdcia v Kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí podobá sa tomu hore.

Čo to bolo? Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí. Nech príde Tvoje kráľovstvo, nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa. Vidíte, my sa snažíme urobiť z Boha chlapca, ktorý nám prináša šťastie, poskoka alebo niečo. "Bože urob toto, urob tamto."

Ježiš povedal: "Modlite sa: 'Príď Tvoje kráľovstvo. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako na nebi tak i na zemi'."

Potom nebo je prinesené dole pre nás, a my sme prinesení hore do neba. A sedíme teraz v nebeských miestach, v Kristovi Ježišovi. My všetci veríme, že toto posolstvo je pravda: Že Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží nás vykúpil. Zavrime teraz svoje oči a zodvihnite svoje ruky, zatiaľ čo to spievame.

Nech sú požehnané zväzky,
ktoré viažu naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí podobá sa tomu tam hore.

No, žiadny úsmev. Toto nie je čas na smiech. S najhlbšou úprimnosťou, zatiaľ čo sa hrá tá pieseň, potraste si ruky s tými, ktorí stoja okolo vás, povedzte: "Nech ťa Boh žehná Kresťan." S úprimnosťou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Neville. Zodvihnime ku Nemu teraz svoje ruky.

Keď sa rozdvojíme,
to nás zabolí vo vnútri;
Ale v srdciach stále budeme spojení,
a budeme dúfať, že sa znovu zídeme.

No, skloňme svoje hlavy. A spolu, nevieme v tejto chvíli, čo ostáva v budúcnosti - nevieme že čo skončilo. Ja neviem. Nemôžem povedať. Neviem. Ale stojac zoči voči týmto faktom, ktoré máme zjavené toto ráno, modlime sa modlitbu, ktorú nám Pán povedal. Aj keď to je: Príď kráľovstvo; nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa. Modlime sa spolu.

Otče náš, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech sa posvätí tvoje meno! Nech príde tvoje kráľovstvo! Nech sa stane tvoja vôľa ako v nebi, tak i na zemi! Daj nám dnes náš každodenný chlieb! A odpusť nám naše viny, ako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom. A neuvoď nás v pokušenie, ale nás zbav zlého lebo tvoje je kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Amen.

No, so svojimi sklonenými srdcami - Biblia povedal, že oni zaspievali pieseň a vyšli. Pamätajte, keď oni toto urobili v Písme, to bolo preto, že oni ukrižovali službu druhého potiahnutia nášho Pána a to tretie potiahnutie bolo pripravené vojsť. A niekoľko hodín potom On zostúpil do pekiel, a kázal tým zatrateným, ktorí odmietli milosť. Refrén: "Moja viera hľadí na Teba."

Moja viera hľadí na teba, Baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ!
Počuj ma teraz kým sa modlím,
odober všetky moje hriechy
a daj mi od tohoto dňa byť cele Tvoj!

Zatiaľ čo v zmätku temnosti kráčam a šíri sa okolo mňa smútok, buď Ty mojím Vodcom;
nech sa temnosť zmení v deň.
Zotri slzy i žiale.
Ó daj mi od tohoto dňa byť cele Tvoj!

246Nech vás Pán žehná, nech Jeho slnko a milosť svieti na vás a Pán nech vám dá večný život, a bude s vami tu v tomto svete, a vo svete, ktorí príde potom. Vo večnom živote, nech Mu slúžite cez všetky eóny času, ktorý má prísť.

Ak je toto ten čas a my sme dorazili na to miesto, nehanbím sa za to, čo som kázal. A ak každý kazateľ musí vstať so svojím zhromaždením a byť súdený, (ako som to videl vo videní) som vďačný za to evanjelium, ktoré som kázal, pretože to je to isté evanjelium, ktoré kázal Pavol a oni.

Som za vás šťastný. Som šťastný, že ste prijali Krista, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Milujte Ho a modlite sa, a uvidím vás toto popoludnie, ak dá Pán o siedmej hodine v zbore. Nech vás Boh žehná. Môžete ísť.

SOULS THAT ARE IN PRISON NOW, 63-1110M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 167 min

1 Thank you. Let us bow our heads just a moment.

Heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee, today, for this privilege of assembling together one more time, knowing that someday we will assemble for our last time, as mortals, and then we'll assemble in a glorified estate with Thee, and all the redeemed of all ages shall be assembled there.

2Oh, our hearts beat high, of... and of great anticipation, waiting for that hour to arrive! With that, all fears vanish from us. We have nothing to fear, nothing to dread. We look forward to the promise that the Eternal God has made us, and we know that it's Truth. That is why we live. We live for that, that hour, that time, when this mortal will be changed, and we'll be made like Him, and there will be no more sickness, no more sorrow, no more heartaches. Oh, it'll all be over then. And with joy of heart, we, in faith and courage, we look forward for that Day.

3 That's why we are gathered here today, Lord, to confess our wrongs and ask for mercy. That's why we face this altar this morning, because that we know we are mortal, and there is many mistakes in us, and we're full of fault. But we come to confess our wrongs, and then look to our Heavenly Father with open hearts, for the blessings and renewal of strength and faith, that He would give us in this hour, as we have assembled here according to the promise, "in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." For we claim that we have passed from death unto Life, by His promise, and we are caught up in a Heavenly atmosphere, sitting with Him now. May He teach us this morning the things that He would have us to know, and give us the Bread of Life, that we might be sustained for the future that lays before us. Grant it, Lord. This is our prayer that we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

May be seated.

4 Good morning, to everyone. And it's very good to be assembled here with you again this morning, in this Heavenly atmosphere of worship.

5Just a teeny bit late, we had a... some real, real bad calls just a few minutes ago; a boy laying there, dying. And just as sure as I'm standing here, the Lord touched his body and sent him on the road. So...

6And a--a--a boy standing here, which is my cousin's son. They were really Catholic, to begin with, but they went to mass this morning and something told them to come here. And so they... There's a change. So they are--they are coming now at the house, and prepare for water baptism. So then they's a--they's a... just wonderful things that our Lord does all the time. He's just constantly doing things. They come to get in, and they couldn't get in. They said they just no way to get in.

7 I said, "Well, you want to talk to me," and I said, "well, just come on up to the house, and we'll talk that over, there."

8So I thought, on my road to New York now, to this meeting coming up, that it would just be so nice... I know I'd be refreshed to drop in and--and help light my fire from what fire you all had, and we stopped for a day, this morning. And we got in yesterday, day before yesterday, at noon.

9 And then we got to leave. I was going to leave, this afternoon, but I think I'll go... And we start in the morning, early, real early of... We might have some snow on the roads, and things, between here and New York. Got to go through Virginia, through the mountains, and also through the Allegheny's, and just in the bottom part then of the--of the Adirondack.

10 So we begin at, I forget, it's the arena there, a new one. They tore the old Saint Nicholas arena down, I understand. They built this new one. And as far as I know, we're getting about some of the first nights that's ever... that's been let out. So we're grateful for that, for the greater New York Pentecostal people. And I think we got several churches co-operating, and we're expecting a great time.

11And we'll be back, the Lord willing, sometime next week. And--and if it be the will of God, why, we hope to get to stop over for Sunday, a week, for--for the Sunday morning service.

12And then I barged right in on our pastor again, as always do, you see, and--and I thought maybe if I got in, and even without asking. And then being there is a nice group here, and people I see from out of town, are here; I thought maybe, tonight, if the pastor hasn't got anything special, that it would be we'd have a little service tonight, just a short one, and, well, maybe pray for the sick. [Brother Neville and congregation rejoice--Ed.] Thank you.

13 We are hoping to pray for the sick tonight, talk on Divine healing and--and pray for the sick. Start early so we can get out early. And if the pastor will, what... You usually start at seven-thirty. Is that right? How about starting at seven tonight, seven? [Brother Neville says, "Amen."--Ed.] And let me get on at seven-thirty, and that will let me out by eight or eight-thirty, and it give people time then to--to go, if that's--that's all--all right. Everybody laughed when I--when I said eight, or eight-thirty. I--I--I hope to be out at that time. Praying for the sick, you know, we never know.

14So we have had a--a great time since leaving you in this last Fall, early, and the Lord has blessed us in many great things. That... And tonight, if the Lord willing, I want to tell you on the last visitation I had, from God, in Colorado, a few weeks ago. And that's what I thought I'd bring you now, maybe stimulate faith for a good healing service tonight, for the sick and the afflicted.

15 Now, this morning, to get right into the service, I... Something struck my heart about a month ago. And it might be, now, I think they're... Are they taping this? Are they taping this? Yeah. All right. So that I would know where, if the tape gets out to others. I can't say that what I'm going to speak on this morning... I can't say that it--it--it is... I know it's right, see, the Message part will be right. But the thing, that I want to do, is a question in my mind. It looks so real. And yet since I come in, and since I... it was revealed to me, I have been so scared that I'd say the wrong thing and might leave the wrong impression upon people. And it's a... And I...

16 What I had notes wrote down, on what I was going to say, I cut part of it out, so that I might not make it too strong. Because, you see, if a--if a person... I--I love the Lord God, and, the only way I know I love Him, is because I love you. See? That's the only way that I know. And yet I--I don't want to have anything that's revealed to me and then not tell you, if it's to tell you. And then I'm afraid that if I say something a little too strong, it might hurt somebody. And, you know, it's a... You just have to almost just get to the platform and then feel led to say what you're going to say. That's all. And then sometimes you might say something, and someone would get the... another slant to it, and they'd run off on that side; and then somebody would say, "Oh, this is this, see."

17 But I want you to know that what I'm going to say is just presuming, and the word presume means to "adventure without authority." So I am... I--I don't say that this is true, but it's just a little thought that I might drop along to you, that you might weigh it out and see what you think about it. And then it'll, course, it'll--it'll be Scriptural, 'cause I wouldn't preach nothing...

18But is that the hour yet? Has this arrived to this hour, and has these things meant that? I pray, with all that's within me, that it isn't. See? I pray that it isn't right, that it isn't that hour. It's going to be, but has it come to that time yet? See, that's what I wonder. Now, everybody understands, thoroughly, that I don't know? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just... Is it this time? If it is, God be merciful to us. But, if it isn't that time, let... it's going to come.

19 Now, as soon as we can, we got a great itinerary in front of us, the Lord willing. And I've got to go overseas, right after Christmas, in Europe and Asia; Europe, especially. And then I come back here to the United States, for a few services, and then I go back down into South Africa. I begin on the second of--of September, in Durban, and go from the second, I think, till about the tenth, and then I have three days to go from there to Johannesburg and begin again. But I think it's the month of April, we start in the Scandinavian countries, in Norway and Sweden and--and Finland, and--and Holland and Switzerland and Germany, and--and through Europe there. So be in prayer for us.

20 We have a few meetings here, Christmas time now, right after Christmas. By the way, we want to be here through Christmas, home. The kids wants to come home, through Christmas. And we--we love Arizona, but you know the--the thing that we miss, and just can't get over it, is this church and you people. No matter where we go, what we do, it's just... Kids, me, wife and all. There's just no place like this. That's right. There's just no place.

21I've sailed the seven seas, and I--I've been everywhere, but there is no place that seems hallowed to me like this little spot right here. This is it. Just get away from it once, if you want to know. There is just something about here. I've preached all over the world, practically, and I've never, any time, any place, ever felt the Spirit of God, with freeness and things, like I do standing right here. This is it.

22"God, let it..." As the day I laid that cornerstone over there, I said, "Lord God, don't let it fall."

People said, "In a two months, it'll be a garage."

23I said, "Don't let it fall, Lord. Let it be standing, and people in here praising You when Jesus returns." I trust it'll be that way.

24 Now let us turn in the Bible now, and--and expect the Lord to give us of His blessings. And we want to read some Scriptures. I got some Scriptures wrote down here that I want to refer to, and some notes. And I want to read out of three places out of the Bible, and I'll give them to you, first. I want to read in Jude 5 and 6. Jude is just one Book, you know. And then I want to read Second Peter the 2nd chapter, 4 and 5. Then I want to read First Peter, 3:18 to 20.

25And my subject this morning, the Lord willing, is: Souls That Are In Prison Now. Uh-huh. Souls That Are In Prison Now, shut up, forever condemned. Never, there's no way of being saved, see, souls that have been imprisoned now.

26 Now let's read over in the Book of Jude, first. I believe I have marked down here for the first place, in Jude; and then over in Second Peter, and then--then over in First Peter. Now, Jude, I would like to read it all; but just to save time, because it's ten-thirty already, I'm going to begin with the 5th verse. Now, Jude was a brother, foster brother, of Jesus Christ, as we all know. See? He was Joseph's son.

I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterwards destroyed them that believed not.

27Saved them, first, brought them out of Egypt, and then had to destroy them because they didn't continue with their message, you see.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting change un-... chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

28Angels which once stayed in Heaven, and kept not their estate and the way that they were in, fell away, and now is in Eternal chains of darkness, everlasting chains of darkness, kept in this condition until the Judgment of the great Day when they'll be judged with all the rest of the unbelievers.

29 Now in Second Peter, the 2nd chapter, beginning with the 4th verse, which will be just a book or two behind it, see.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

And spared not the old world, but saved Noah, and eight persons, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

30Spared not the Angels; put them in chains of darkness, and condemned the whole world by the destruction, of--of Noah.

31 Now in First Peter, the 1st chapter and the... First Peter, the 3rd chapter, and beginning with the 18th verse, we read again. Now, listen close now.

For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:... put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; he preached to these people in prison;

Which sometimes were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

... like figure whereunto even baptism does also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answering of a good conscience towards God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

Let's pray again.

32 Now, Heavenly Father, such a--a line of Scripture here, three witnesses, three places in the Scripture giving testimony. And Thou has said in Thy Word, that, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." Now I pray Thee, O God, that Thou will come to the people and will interpret this Word, this Message, in the light that it should be in, that every man, woman, boy, or girl, might understand in the capacity that You have ordained for them to understand in, and now knowing that these three witnesses bear record of Truth.

33And I pray that You will send the Holy Spirit upon us now. And we'll look to Him Who is our King, in our midst this morning, the Lord Jesus Christ; where we have raised now by faith, sitting in these Heavenly places in Him. We wait for His Message. Speak it through us, Lord, hear it through us, as we ask You to circumcise the lips that speak and the ears that hear, that it might be to the honor and glory of Him Who is the Scripture. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

34 Now, remember the services tonight, a healing service. I don't think it'd be necessary to give out prayer cards, so we just pray for the sick. I have something that I want to tell you, and I--I hope that it'll just bring the congregation into a place till where there'll just be all kinds of healing. I know it will be if we'll just believe it that way.

35Now this, souls now in prison, souls that are now in prison!

36 Now, the soul of man is not the body of man, it's the soul. See? And the soul is something that's the--the nature of the spirit. And then when the nature of a man... When he said, "We are dead," the Scripture plainly tells us that, "we are dead, and our lives are hid in God through Christ, sealed there by the Holy Spirit." Now, it wasn't that your body died; it wasn't your spirit died. It was the nature of your spirit died; see, the nature, which is the soul. The nature of your soul is--is God, if you're born again. If it's not, it's of the world. Anything that begin has to end, so therefore the only way that you can have Eternal Life is to have a Life that never did begin. And then your life did begin when you were born, when God breathed the breath of life into your nostrils and you became a living soul, then you begin then. But when you...

37 That nature that was in you, by nature you was of the world, alienated from God, you were actually an animal. That's exactly right. Anyone knows that we are mammal. How many knows that? We, we are mammal, we are warm-blooded animal, but that is what we are by our earthly creation. But, you see, what made us different from other mammals, that--that God put a soul upon us. See? Now, the other mammals don't have to wear clothes. No other animal has to wear clothes to hide his shame, but us. We're the only ones that does, because we have a soul. But, see, God, in the beginning, knew what a man would be like. And He created the earth, and brought up all kinds of animals, from the very lowest to the highest; and the highest animal come forth, was man.

38 And then, first, man was made, he was a spirit man, in the image of God.

39Which, "God is a Spirit," Saint John 4. Now, "He is a--a Spirit. And they that worship Him, worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. And Thy Word is the Truth." Now, we worship Him in Spirit and Truth. He is a--a Spirit Being.

40Then there was no man to till the soil, and then God formed man out of the dust of the earth.

41Then He taken from his side, a by-product, a rib; and, from that, separated this man which had a dual nature, which was both feminish and masculine. And He taken the feminish out, 'cause it was love, and He placed it into a person called Eve, that Adam called Eve, which was his wife. That's where his love, natural, phileo love, held to his wife. That's the way a man should be today, and her back to her husband. The man, the masculine; the woman, the feminish.

42 And then, see, after He done made man in His Own image, "created He them, male and female," there was no man to till the soil. And He put him in the dust of the earth, and therefore he become... he was that man. This human man was mammal, see, he was animal; but He put this spirit of God, a life, into him, and made him on the basis that he could make a choice. And then when this man...

43 Now we think we're something. Just remember, what are we? A clod of dirt. That's all. "And because dust thou art, dust thou shalt return." So when you see this man walking down the street, thinks he is somebody, you know, and got a little education and things; remember, it's a clod of Indiana dust. That's all. And that woman that's all dressed in shorts, and smoking cigarettes and carrying on down the street, twisting like she owned the whole country, it's a clod of Indiana dust, and that's the way it's turning back. So you're not very much to begin with, see. So that, that's right, that's what you are.

44 But, that soul that's in there, see, that soul is what God is working on, see. If He can only get that nature, that spirit, to agree with Him, then that nature dies, the nature and the love of the world dies, and the things of the world is dead. See? Because, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not in you." See? And a man must be born again. So, this nature has to die, and the nature of God comes and lives in you. And God is the only thing there is that never did begin or never can end.

45 So, therefore, He has partnershipped, you see, and taken this man, earthly, and this Eternal Spirit, and put it together. Because, God reflected Himself back in that, that He become a Man when He become Christ Jesus, and He was God, see. God was in Christ; that, see, lived in Him, reconciling the world to Himself. And, through that perfect Man, each one of us imperfect that believe in God and has accepted That, becomes the perfection of Him.

46 And He never left His body see corruption, neither did He leave His soul in hell, but raised Him up on the third day, and He's alive forevermore. And we will have a body like His Own glorious body.

47That's why we're baptized into His Name, that we might come forth in His Name, in His death, in His resurrection, that we rise again, testifying to the world that we have new Life, that the old man is dead. We buried that first nature. See? That first nature is gone, and now we are the nature of Him. He lives in us, and we don't do our own will. We do His will. We don't think our own thoughts. The mind, the mind is what thinks. The mind that was in Christ Jesus is in every believer. See, there--there is the soul, and that's what we're speaking of. Now, that's the part that I'm thinking of now, that that's within us, the soul.

48 Now, if we notice, in this, there is many things that happen sometime, and we wonder why they happen, and we question ourselves, and we question others. But finally, after a while, we find out that, if we're Christians, it all works out just right, somehow. You've seen that. All Christians see that. We wonder why we did it.

49I wondered sometime, when I first read the Bible, "Why did God let Abraham, that great man, ever stand there and say that Sarah wasn't his wife?" And how that He let him stand there and lie about that, and the things that he did, and then how that He ever let Abraham leave the promised land where He told him not to leave. Any Jew that leaves the promised land is backslid, 'cause God gave that to them and promised them to stay there, see, and they left it. So he went down into Gerar. But if it hadn't have been for that...

50 And then Abimelech, that king down there in the Philistine country, fell in love with Sarah and was going to marry her, and was a good man, a righteous man. And after he probably... This sounds ridiculous, but to make it so real to you. After he had his evening bath and put on his pajamas, and said his prayers and went to bed, the Lord appeared to him and said, "You're just as good as a dead man," and the man had done nothing. See? He was absolutely deceived, by both Abraham and Sarah. That's right. He said, "You've got another man's wife, see. And I--I won't hear your prayers, no matter how much you pray. You're as good as dead. But that man is My prophet." See?

51 See, it's hard to understand that, see. But if it wasn't that, we wouldn't know what grace was.

52Why did he go and marry Hagar, after having a lovely wife like Sarah? And he didn't want to do it, see, but Sarah told him. And then the Lord told him, "You listen to what Sarah told you." Why? There had to be an Ishmael, "that the bondswoman and her child would not be heir with the freewoman and her child." See what I mean?

53All these things are types. Why did that prophet have to marry a prostitute and have... with these children, have two children by her? As a sign. Why did one lay on his right side for three hundred and forty days, and then laid so many days on the other side like that? As a sign. One stripped his clothes and walked before Israel. And, now, all those things, it was types and shadows, see; and we have to have those things, to fill in.

54And, many times, things happen to us that we wonder why it is. It's God foreshowing us something.

55 Now, as a little boy, and you know my life story, I--I always believed, since I can first remember... One of the first things that I remember... Now this, now, you might have told me something yesterday, and I'd forget it by today. But there is some things, back, that happened in our young days, many of us are that way, that we always remember. And this sounds almost ridiculous to say this, but I remember when I was crawling, with a long dress on. Little babies, now some of you people my age would remember that, babies used to wear real long dresses. And I remember crawling, and dipping snow off of my uncle's feet and eating it, when he come in and was standing by the fireplace.

56 And then the next thing I remember taking place in my life, was a vision, the first one I ever had, and told me I would live a big portion of my life near a city called New Albany. And I was a little mountain baby up there, not even a doctor when I was born. And--and I--I... You know, they... I've lived here around fifty years, right here; a vision.

57And then how I've always knew there was God somewhere, and as a little boy He spoke to me, "never to smoke, or drink, or defile my body," that's to run immorally with women and things. I had always had a dread of it, and was a young man.

58 And then I was out hunting one time, which seems to be a second nature to me, to love to hunt. And I was out hunting with a boy, Jim Poole, a lovely kid. I think his boy comes to church here, little Jim, and fine family of people. I know the Pooles. Jimmy and I slept together and lived together since we were little boys in school. We're about six months apart, in age. And Jimmy let his gun go off, and it shot me through both legs, real close to me, with a shotgun. I was taken to the hospital, and, there, laying there dying, no penicillin or nothing in those days. And, now, they had a rubber sheet under me, and I know that night... They was going to operate the next morning.

59They just took and cleaned off the wound, and big pieces of flesh blowed up, and they take scissors and cut if off, and I had to hold a man's hands. And they had Frankie Eich, he just recently committed suicide, and they had to hold, pry my hands loose from his wrists, when--when they got through. I screamed and cried, and holding onto like that, and them cutting that part of the leg off. I was fourteen years old, just a boy.

60 And that night I tried to go to sleep, and they... I woke up, something splashed. And here was blood, nearly a half a gallon, I guess, had come from them veins. And they had... they taken the x-ray, and they said the shot was laying so close to that artery, on either side, that just a little scratch would cut it right in two, and I'd start bleeding. "Well," I thought, "this is the end of me." And I put my hands down like this and raised it up, and the blood running down my hands, it was my own blood I was laying in. I called, rang the bell. The nurse came, and she just soaked it up with towel because there was nothing they could do.

61 And the next morning, under those weakening conditions, they didn't give the blood transfusions in them days, you know, so they--they operated on me. And they gave me ether. And when I... The old ether, I guess you remember, it's the old anesthetic. And under that ether, when I came out, I was coming out of the ether after eight hours. They had to give me so much, they thought I couldn't, I wouldn't wake up. They couldn't get me awake.

62 I remember Mrs. Roeder stood by me, out there in the hospital. I'll never forget that woman. No matter whatever happens, I could never forget her. She was just a young woman then. Her husband was the superintendent down here at the car works. And I--I remember she standing by me, her and Mrs. Stewart. And they was the one actually that paid my hospital bill. I... We didn't even have food to eat, in the house, so how could we pay a hospital bill, hundreds of dollars? But she, through her church society and the Ku Klux Klan, paid the hospital bill for me, Mason's. I can never forget them. See? No matter what they do, or what, I still... there is something, and that stays with me, see, what they did for me. And they paid the bill to Doctor Reeder. He is still living, lives here in Port Fulton, could tell you the story.

63 When I came out from under that ether, there was something happened to me there. I've always believed it to be a vision. Cause, I was so weak, and I... They thought I was dying. She was crying. When I opened my eyes, could look, I could hear her talking, and then I went back to sleep, and woke up, two or three times. And then I had a vision then. And then I had...

64About seven months later, I had to go and have shotgun wads and greasy hunting clothes taken out of my legs; the doctor didn't get it. And so I had blood poison, both legs had swelled up and doubled back under me, and they wanted to take both legs off at my hips. And I just... I said, "No, just come higher and take it off up here." I just couldn't stand it, see. And so finally, Doctor Reeder and Doctor Pirtle, from Louisville, performed the operation, and cut down in there and taken it out; and today I got wonderful legs, by the grace of God.

But under the--the last vision that I had...

65 The first vision, when I come to, and then I went into this trance. And I thought I was in hell, just as plain...

66[A brother in the congregation says, "Pardon me, sir."--Ed.] Uh-huh. ["There is a woman over here that's passed out, right there."] All right, somebody lay your hands on her, and she... probably get her to the air. Now ever who is standing there, lay your hands on her.

Let's pray.

67Dear Lord Jesus, may our sister who is sick this morning, and she's fainted in the room, may Thy grace and strength and power... there is hands laid upon her now, representing You. And the Scripture has said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And now may our sister come out of this sickness, and be made well for the glory of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it, and commit her to You. Amen.

68 Now get her to the air. It's--it's awful stuffy. I can feel it here, real, real bad. It's just a fainty feeling, here on the platform. I felt it, four or five times here. If there is... as soon as she gets feeling a little better, why, get her to where she can get to the air. That's good. Uh-huh. See, it's just so awful stuffy, you know. Human beings create, each one of us, so many square feet of just sickness. If you have, somebody has some water there, or something to put on the sister. She is--she is to, all right now. See? All right. [A brother in the congregation says, "Let's still open the doors, Brother Branham."--Ed.] Yeah, maybe if you could open up the doors, maybe, or give just a little bit of air, as much as we possibly can, in some way, see.

69 Now in this time, as I had this vision, and thinking that I--I had passed from this life into torment.

70And seven months later, here at the Clark County Memorial Hospital, I had the second operation. And at that time, when I come out, I thought I was standing out in the West. I had another vision. And there was a great golden cross in the skies, and the Glory of the Lord flowing off of that cross. And I stood with my hands out like this, and that Glory was falling into my chest. And I... The vision left me. My father was setting there looking at me, when the vision came.

71 I've always felt, you... All people that's knowed me all these years, knows I've always wanted to go West. You know how it is. It's always been something to the West. But because an astronomer told me one time, the same thing, that I should go west... The stars, when they cross their cycles and so forth, I was born under that sign, and I'd never be a success in the East; I'd have to go West. And last year I took off, West, to fulfill what a lifetime's desire has been, see, to--to do it.

72 Why I'm there? It's the most ridiculous thing. Setting out there in the desert, paying a hundred and ten dollars a month, rent, and here is a house sitting up here, a parsonage, furnished to me, see. But it's following the Lord, see, that--that's all I know to do. And you know the visions and what has taken place out there. Now--now in this I want to say to...

73 Now if our sister feels a little weak, Brother Roy, and she'd... want to get her out somewhere and set her in a room over here, where she get more air or something, and that's perfectly all right, because, I feel that she'll be all right now, see. It's okay. She just fainty, sick. And so I--I tell you, if she... if you want to bring her over here where the air... raise these windows, Brother Roy, and if the sister wants to come through, that--that'll be fine. See, if she wants to--to come over here, well, just don't fear that.

74I want to lay hands on her when she passes by here. You all excuse me just a minute. And God forgive me for... That, that's right, brother.

75Heavenly Father, this Your daughter here sits here this morning, and she come to hear the Message, and got... Satan is trying to beat her from it, but he can't do it. He can't do it. "Satan can't, in the Name of Jesus Christ."

All right. Well, that door, I think if a few...?... brethren, then the air can come through here, to you.

76 Oh, you talk about stuffy, you ought to get in some of these places overseas where they just pile in on top of one another, with leprosy and cancer. And, oh, my, you can't hardly get your breath, you know, in things like that. Lay in them great big buildings, just contaminated with--with diseases. And you know what leprosy would be. There, laying there with no ears, and half their face eat off, and no arms, and little pegs for feet, and things like that, laying, piled on one another. And many of them dying right then, laying out there, from piling on one another, trying to get in somewhere, you know, to hear the Message.

77 And now--now in this, I tell you what happened. In the vision that I had, I'll go back, 'cause I brought that, the two visions in, to show you about one of them. I was to be out West. I've always longed for that.

78And now, the purpose of the Message this morning is to post the church, in everything that He will let me post the church to, as far as I know, until the... as I go along. And this struck me, so I wanted to post the church. Now, this is to this tabernacle only, see, to here. Now, and in this vision, the first one, here is what taken place.

79 After the vision struck me, and I was so weak, and I had lost all that blood, and went... I thought I was sinking into a endless Eternity. Many of you has heard me tell this before, and--and sinking into an endless Eternity. First, I was going through like clouds, and then through darkness, and sinking on down, down, down. And the first thing you know, I got into the regions of the lost, and in there I--I screamed. And I looked, and there, just everything, there was no foundation to it. I could never stop falling. For Eternity, looked like, I was going to fall. There was no stopping, nowhere.

80 And then what a difference it was from the vision I had here, not long ago, of being in Glory with the people, the contrast! But in this, as I was falling, I finally, I--I screamed for my daddy. Course, being just a kid, that's what I would do. I screamed for my daddy, and my daddy wasn't there. And I screamed for my mother, "Somebody catch me!" There was no mother there. I was just going. And I screamed then to God. There was no God there. There was nothing there.

81 And after a while I heard the most mournful sound that I ever heard, and it was the awfullest feeling. There is no way... Even a literal burning fire would be a pleasure to the side of what this was. Now those visions has never been wrong. And it was just one of the most horrible feelings I ever had, and what did...

82I heard a noise, sounded like some kind of a--a--a haunted affair. And when it was, I looked, coming, and it was women. And they had green stuff, just could just see their face, and they had green stuff under their eyes. And their eyes looked like run back, like the women today paint their eyes, run back like that, and just their eyes and face. And they were going, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!" Oh, my!

83I just screamed out, "O God, have mercy upon me. Have mercy, O God! Where are You? If You'll only let me go back and live, I promise You, to be a good boy." Now, that's the only thing I could say. Now, God knows, and at the Day of Judgment, He'll judge me for that statement. That's what I said, "Lord God, let me go back, and I'll promise You I'll be a good boy."

84 And when I got shot, I had told lies, I had done pretty near everything there was to be done, only one thing that I say... I might as well just clean it out while I'm right here now. And when I looked down and seen I was half blowed in two, almost, I said, "God, have mercy on me. You know I never did commit adultery." That was the only thing I could say to God. I had never accepted His pardon, and all these things. I just say, could say, "I never did commit adultery."

85And then they taken me out there. And then, in that, I cried, "God, be merciful to me. I'll be a good boy, if You'll only let me go back," for I knew there was a God somewhere. And so help me, those weary creatures all around, I had just been a new arrival. And the most hideous, horrible, ungodly feeling in that... Looked like great big eyes, big eyelashes out like that, and run back like a cat, like back like this; and green stuff, and like it had cankered or something.

And they were--they were going, "Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Oh, what a feeling! Now when I...

86 Then in a moment's time, I had come back to natural life again. That thing has bothered me. I thought, "Oh, let it be that I'll never go to a place like that; no other human being will ever have to go to a place like that."

87Seven months later, I had the vision of standing in the West, and seeing that gold cross coming down upon me. And I--I knew that there was a regions of the damned somewhere.

88 Now, I never noticed it too much until about four weeks ago. The wife... Never thought of it in this terms. About four weeks ago, the wife and I went down to Tucson, to do some shopping. And while we were sitting... The wife, we went in downstairs, and--and there was a bunch of sissy-like boys had their hair ratted, you know, like the women does, and--and bangs combed down here in front, and these real high trousers on, kind of, I guess the beatniks, or ever what you call them. And they were in there, and everybody was looking at them, and their heads was that big, like the women that wears these here water-head haircuts, you know. And they were down there.

89And a young woman came by, and she said, "What do you think about that?"

90I said, "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself, if you can think that." I said, "He has just as much right to do it as you do. Neither one of you have a right."

91 So I went upstairs, and I sat down. And when I did, there was an escalator, it was in J.C. Penney's store, and the escalator bringing the people up. Well, I really turned sick at my stomach, seeing those women come up there; young, old, and indifferent, wrinkled, young, and every way, with little bitty shorts on; their filthy body, and those sexy dressed women, with those great big heads like that, and here they come. And one coming right off that escalator, just coming right up like that, where I was sitting back in a chair, sitting there with my head down.

92 And I turned and looked. And one of them coming up the steps was saying, "Ooh," Spanish speaking, to another woman. She was a white woman speaking to the Spanish woman. And when I looked, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] all at once I was changed. There, I had seen that before. Her eyes, you know how the women are doing now, painting their eyes, just recently, like cat, you know put it up like this, and wearing cat glasses and everything, you know, with eyes up like this, and that green stuff under their eyes. There was that thing that I seen when I was a child. There was the woman just exactly. And I just got numb all over, and begin to look around, and there was those people mumbling, you know, going on about the prices and things in the building. And I just...

93 Looked like that I just changed for a moment. And I looked, and I thought, "That's what I saw in hell." There they was, that canker. I thought because they were in hell what made them that way, a greenish-blue under their eyes. And here was these women painted with greenish-blue, just the way that vision said about forty years ago.

94See, about forty years ago, is what it's been. I'm fifty-four; I was fourteen. So about forty years ago, I... And that's the--the... That's the number, anyhow, of the judgment, you see. Now there was...

95 I had seen that and I couldn't even speak to my wife when she come. She was over there trying to get Sarah and the kids something, kind of a--a dress or something for school, and I--I couldn't even... I couldn't even speak to her. She said, "Bill, what's the matter with you?"

I said, "Honey, I'm as... I'm almost a dead man."

And she said, "What's the matter? Are you sick?"

I said, "No. Something's just happened."

96Now she don't know. She is waiting for this tape to return. I've never said it to nobody. And I thought I'd wait, as I promised, bring it to the church first. See? Bring it to the church. That was my promise. And you'll realize, after tonight, the reason I try to keep my promise. See?

97 I thought then, as I noticed them cankered-looking eyes on them women. There were the Spanish, the French, and Indian, and white, and all together, but that great big heads, you know, bushed up, with that combs, the way they comb it back, way big, and then comes out. You know, you know how they do it, fix it in like they do it. And then them cankered-looking eyes, and the eyes with the paint, they run back like a cat's eyes. And them talking, and there I was again, standing there in J.C. Penney's store, back in hell again.

98I--I--I got so scared. I thought, "Lord, surely I haven't died, and You've let me come to this place after all."

99And there they were, making... just around like that, in that vision like, you could just barely hear it with your ears, you know. Just the mumble and going on, of people, and them women coming up that escalator and walking around there, and that, "Ooh, ooh!" There was them green, funny-looking eyes, and mournful.

100 And wife come up. And I said, "Just let me alone a minute, honey." I said, "If you don't mind, I--I--I want to go home."

And she said, "Are you sick?"

101I said, "No, just go ahead, honey, if you got any shopping to do."

She said, "No, I'm finished."

102And I said, "Let me take you by the arm." See? And I walked out.

She said, "What's the matter?"

I said, "Meda, I--I--I... Something happened up there."

103And while I was under that, I thought this, "What day are we living in? Could this be the Third Pull?" Now I've got some notes here.

104 Jesus. We find out that, Jesus, in His ministry, after He had preached to the people. Now we're going to be real Scriptural on this. After Jesus had finished His ministry, and His ministry was rejected by the people. Now you'll read between the lines, draw your own conception. Remember what I told you at the first. After He had preached...

105He come as a promised One for that day. We all know that. The Scriptures identified Jesus Christ as Messiah. That's right. Thoroughly, firmly, vindicated by God and His Word, that He was Messiah. There is no question. If anybody question it, if you do, then you should come to the altar, that, "He wasn't the Messiah." He was clearly identified as the Messiah. But after He clearly... God identified Him.

106 As Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, when he talked to the Sanhedrin there, at the four... about four days later. He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you by signs and wonders, which God did by Him in the midst, which we all are witnesses. See? You have took, and by wicked hands, and have crucified the Prince of Life; which God has raised up, and shown forth these things that you see." See? Christ lived on. Of course, still lives today.

107 Now after Jesus had clearly came, identified Himself; God identified Him, and He prophesied. And after the days of His prophecy, though Scripturally identified, the people rejected Him. That's right. And He preached then after they rejected Him here, the ones that had a possibility of being saved. Remember, when He was preaching, there was a possibility of anybody being saved. We don't know who they are. They're predestinated. But He continually preached.

108 But after the days of His preaching, His ministry continued on, 'cause the last group He preached to was the souls that were in hell, that could not be forgiven. I have clearly read that from the Bible here, from Second Peter. See? He went and preached to souls that were in prison, which is hell, locked up until the Day of the Judgment.

109Cause, you see, the Judgment isn't now, and there is no burning hell now. Somebody tell you, "The guy is in burning hell now," that's wrong. See? A judge of this earth is just enough to never condemn a man until he's brought to trial. And God will never throw a man into the--the fiery furnace until first he is condemned by God's Own laws. He rejected mercy, so, you see, he first has to have a trial, and the trial is the Great White Throne Judgment. But now he's in a place called a prison house.

110 As I saw the vision of both places, and by the grace of God... I say this not to be sacrilegious, and, if it's wrong, God forgive me. I believe I've been in both places, see, in both places. And I seen the redeemed, the blessed; and I seen the lost, and where they were at. And that's why I stand as your brother, today, to warn you to flee from that downward path. Don't you never go that road. And you've got everything to live for, that blessed upward way, where the redeemed are in joy and peace, and they can't sin. They can't--can't be sorry. They can't. There, there is nothing; they are perfect. Seen both places! I know that's an awful statement for a person to make, but, God being my Judge, I solemnly believe I've seen both places. I--I believe that.

111 And, oh, far be it from any person ever entering that regions of the lost! If you were standing with hot wires bored through you, tormented in every way, it'd be not like that devil torment there is in that place. There could be nothing could... Human mind couldn't, the human mind couldn't comprehend what that regions of the lost is. There is no way to explain it. And there's no way to explain what the regions of the blessed is, it's so great. That's so horrible, and This is so--so great, it's from the ridiculous to the sublime. So if anybody hears me...

112 And I'm getting to be an old man. I don't know how much longer I got. I'll soon be fifty-five years old. And I--I don't know, according to nature, I may not have too many years. I don't know where this tape will go. But let everyone hear, here and on the tape, or wherever it may go. Don't never go towards that regions of the lost. You can't picture hell being that bad. And whatever you do, don't you never get any... forget this, that the regions of the blessed... I would say this, with Saint Paul, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or either could it enter the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." So stop, if you're listening at the tape, turn the machine off, and repent if you're not saved, and get right with God.

113 I saying this by a firsthand experience, as I believe in my heart. And I say, if these, if the visions has deceived me, God be merciful for me make a statement like that. But with the sincerity in my heart, knowing that not one of them visions ever failed, I believe that I have been in both places. Far be it from any human being going that road downward!

114 Now, Jesus, after He had finished His ministry, preached to those souls that were unsaveable, that could not ever be saved. Now the Bible tells us that. "He went and preached to the souls that were in prison, that repented not." When mercy was given to them, they spurned mercy, and now they're waiting for the Judgment. Oh, what a time that must have been! Oh, I wish there was some way I could shake the world with that, to let them see what the reality is.

115 And Jesus said, Himself, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you." And as the Father sent Him to preach to the--the living, to those who had hope, and then present the same Message to those who had no hope, it seems to fitting, at this time, that that will have to be done, 'cause the Spirit of Christ living in us does not change the nature of Him, or doesn't change God's system. He must be the same in every generation. He must be the same. Said, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you."

116 The ministries must be the same, insomuch that He said... I see some of you writing Scriptures down. Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." See, "the works," preaching to the lost, healing the sick, and then to the impossible to ever be saved. See? The work went on just the same. So, this has been, (has this been?) may I put it like this, the ministry of Jesus Christ reincarnated in His Church in this last day. That's what many of us believe. I believe with you. I believe this. If I didn't believe it, I'd do something else about it. Because, after all, this is me that's concer-... that's concerned in here. And if the Spirit of God be in you, you're concerned about the people.

117There was a Scripture that always puzzled me, how that Moses could tell God a better idea than God had, till I found out that it was the Spirit of Christ in Moses. See?

118God said, "Moses, separate yourself from them. I'll destroy the whole thing, and start with you."

119 He said, "Lord!" He throwed hisself in the breach, said, "Take me. Blot out my name." Of these very people that had rebelled, his heart went for them. See?

120And when a minister that's got the people on his heart... How could I ever feel justified to my... before God, and to myself, to ever hold anything back from a people that you love better than you love yourself. How could a man take a person into the church by a hand join, or some sprinkle, or some false baptism, or something, and let them lay under the--the influence of a lie and know that Bible lays there, and say he loves the person?

121Though I have to beg for my living, whatever it is, let me be honest with God and the people, to tell them the Truth. Never let me be a deceiver. How can I deceive who I love? Though I have to hurt them, yet I love them. That's the reason you spank your child, is because you love him. Not because you don't like him; because you love him. If he's wrong, he'll get killed if you don't correct him.

122 Now, so has the ministry been. As it was, so is it today. It has been preached, and thoroughly vindicated by the Word of God, that it couldn't be man, it has to be God. It has to be. Notice, the same spiritual signs that Jesus done, has reoccurred on the earth in the last days. The very same spiritual sign that He identified Himself as Messiah, has identified Him today. He is still Messiah! The same material signs has appeared on the earth, that appeared by He, what He was. Same Pillar of Fire that Saint Paul saw, same One, all that has reoccurred with the same nature in it, doing the same thing.

123 Jesus claimed that He's done nothing until the Father showed Him. And the Father is the Holy Spirit, we realize that. It's just a office of God. If it isn't, then which one of them is the Father of Jesus Christ? Jesus said God was His Father, and the Bible said the Holy Ghost was His Father. Now, you can't make Him be an illegitimate child, so the Holy Ghost is God, so was Jesus God. So, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is... It's the... That's three offices of one God. It's three attributes, the same God.

124You're a part of God, and I'm a part of God, see; but I'm not all of God, and neither are you all of God. See? See? It's attributes of God upon us, as sons adopted by Jesus Christ. Which, God Himself became flesh, to die for us.

125 Now, the Holy Spirit always showed Him things to come, and He never was wrong. It was always perfect. Is that right? He did not take credit to Himself. He give credit to God. He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing that." And the Father, the Holy Spirit, was His Father. Is that right? "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost," which was His Father. And the Holy Ghost showed Jesus things to come, told Him things that was.

126And He was the God-Prophet. Because, the Word of the Lord only comes to the prophet; showing that the Words came, in minor form, the prophets wrote what the Lord told them. But He wrote nothing, because He was the Word. He was the Word.

127 Notice, the same Holy Spirit that lived in Him, "Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more; yet ye shall see Me, because I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. I will come to you," He said. "I," was the Father that was in Him, "that will come to you." And He said, "When the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will reveal these things that I've taught you, and will show you things to come." There you are now.

128 Now we notice, that as the Holy Spirit worked in the Church then, so has the Holy Spirit done exactly the same things today; announcing by the Pillar of Fire, just exactly was at the beginning, the same thing. And seeing this come upon Jesus, John announced it at the river of Jordan. And has proved everything, even scientific pictures of it. It can't be disputed. It was scientifically. It was material. It wasn't a mythical thought. It wasn't psychology. As George J. Lacy said, "The mechanical eye of the camera won't take psychology. The Light struck the lens."

129 And what about you, church, that about six or eight months ago here, and standing here, saying, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, that I'm going to Tucson, Arizona. There will be a blast, and seven Angels will appear." You remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not even... God making it so real until the Look magazine took the pictures of it. Spiritual, foresaw, materialized just exactly the same, the seven Angels, which brought forth the winding up of all the Scriptures. Cause, all the mysteries of the entire Bible lays in the Seven Seals. We know that That is the--the Book, Its seal, with That evened out. It's the mystery of the entire Book, laid in those Seven Seals, that the Lord let us bring.

130 And there is men sitting here, today, was right there present with me when it happened. Look magazine proved the same thing, that it--it actually happened. Because, It was God that told it. It was God that stands behind His Word, to perform It when He says He'll do it. Therefore, it's not some man, carnal person like myself, that's among you people. It's the Eternal God.

131He uses men. That's true. He does nothing outside of what He does by men. We realize that. He, that's His--that's His agent. That's what He chose. Why, I don't know. He could have made the sun to preach the Gospel. He could make the wind to preach the Gospel. He could make the wind to do things, but He chose men.

132That was His idea, that human would speak back to human; not hisself, but, "The Word of the Lord came to the prophets," the prophesiers, the preachers. And a prophesier that denies the original Word, how can he be a true prophet? See? He can't be, because he is denying the Truth of the Word. And then if it doesn't, then this Word, Itself, as It's preached by the trueness of the Word and by the trueness of the Holy Spirit, It'll manifest every promise that It promised. That's how we know whether it's right or not. That's what Jesus said, "If I do not that which is written of Me to do, then don't believe Me." See? Now we see these things.

133 Remember, the Seven Seals was finished, and when those seven revealed Truths...

134One of them, He wouldn't permit us to know. We... How many was here at the Seven Seals, and heard? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All of you, I guess. See, the--the Seventh Seal, He wouldn't permit it.

135He stood right there in the room and revealed every one of them. And if I ever preached anything in my life, was inspired, it was that. And it ought to be true, to you. Stand here and tell you that it's going to happen, and go right there, and even science and everything else, the scientific research and everything, mystery to the people, proved that it happened right there. And come right back and hear it unfold, and make every Word exactly right. What day are we living? Where we at?

136 And remember, in that Sixth Seal, where, all Seven Trumpets sounds under that Sixth Seal. When we get to that, you'll see that. Every (seven) Trumpet took place in that Sixth Seal.

137The seven is always the mystery. Watch that seven, that's the finish. That was the Coming of the Lord. Heaven was quiet, silent, nobody moved. Because, Jesus said Himself, "Not even an Angel of Heaven knows when I will return. I don't even know it, Myself, what time. The Father has put that in His mind." God alone knows it, the Spirit. Said, "I didn't know it." Then, it wasn't revealed. When that Seventh Trumpet sounded... or the Seventh Angel, a--a Seal was opened, then there was silence in the Heaven. See, it wasn't give away, what would take place.

138 But under the Sixth Seal, where these Trumpets opened. Remember, under there, we find out that the Lamb came forth, appeared on the scene. He had left the Mercy Seat. His work of redemption was finished. And He came forth and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, and "time was no more." And immediately an angel appeared in the seventh chapter, or the 10th chapter and the 7th verse, saying... This Angel come down and swore, that, "time was no longer."

139But, you see, in this Book was what was redeemed. It was the Book of Redemption. And everything that He had redeemed was written in that Book. All that He died for was written in the Book, and He could not leave His mediatorial Seat until He had thoroughly redeemed. And He couldn't redeem it at the cross, because they were predestinated in the Lamb's Book of Life, and He had to stay on There to make intercessions until that last person was finished. Glory!

140 But one day He rose from There, come forth. Where was the Book at? It was still in the abstract Owner, God Almighty. And John looked around, and he wept, because there was no man even worthy to look on the Book and, especially, open the Seals, to reveal what the hidden mystery was.

141The mysteries was in the Seven Seals. When these Seven Seals was opened, that opened up the entire Bible. The Seven Seals; It was sealed with Seven Mysteries, and in these Seven Seals held the entire mystery of It. And it was the Book of Redemption, New Testament.

142Not the Old. It only proclaimed for the New Testament. "They have been made... cannot be made perfect without us," Hebrews 11. See? See? Now, the redemption only come when the Redeemer died. And they were potentially under the blood of lambs, not the Redeemer; hadn't been redeemed yet, until the Redeemer came.

143 Notice now when this Redeemer... John looked around, and here sat God on the Throne, with the Book in His hand, that had been sealed with Seven Seals, and the whole plan of redemption was in it.

144And it had been lost by the human race, Adam. And God... It went back where? Satan couldn't take it; he just caused him to lose it. But where did the Book go to then? Didn't belong to the human race. The blessings didn't belong here; here the human race had lost it. So it went right on back to its original Owner, that was God.

145Here He set with It, and He called for some man, somebody, to come and claim It.

146 John looked around, and there was no man in Heaven, no man on earth, nobody, no Angel, nothing could take the Book or to loose the Seals, or to even to look on It. No man was worthy. John said he wept bitterly.

147Then an Angel came to him, said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed, and He is worthy."

148And John looked to see a lamb... or see a lion, and what did he find? A Lamb, and it was a Bloody Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain. How long? Since the foundation of the world.

149The Lamb came forth, walked up to Him that had the Book in His right hand, and received the Book; climbed up on the Throne and sat down. That's it. It was over (when?) when the Seals was revealed. When the last one, that was everything that He had redeemed, there was nothing...

He come to redeem.

150Say, "Why didn't He redeem them forty years ago? Two thousand years ago?"

151 See, their names are on the Book of Life, in that Book. And He had to stand here, because it was God's purpose to redeem them. Their names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. The Lamb was put there with it, to be slain. Here come the Lamb, when was slain, come back to make intercessions.

152Watch Him! There'll be a lot of impersonation, lot of everything else, but there was really somebody was going to be saved, for He... The Church was predestinated to be without spot or wrinkle. She is going to be There. And the Lamb died for that purpose. And then when the last name on that Book was redeemed, the Lamb came forth and took the Book, "I'm the One that did it!"

153 The Angels, the Cherubims, the four and twenty Elders, the Beasts, everything, uncrowned themselves, fell down before the Throne, and said, "Worthy art Thou!"

154John said, "Everything in Heaven and earth heard me hollering, 'Amen,' screaming, 'Hallelujah,' and praises to God." The scream went up. Why? Their names was in that Book, to be revealed, and the Lamb had revealed it.

155 The Lamb had redeemed it, but He could not come forth until every name was revealed, and that was taking place under the Sixth Seal, before the Seventh broke. Then the spotless... Then the Lamb came for what He had redeemed. He come to claim what He had redeemed. He's already got it, right here in the Book, taken It from His hand. Now He's coming to receive what He has redeemed. That's His work. He's done. He's come to receive it. Oh, what a--what a time! Has proven it, the Seventh Seal proved it. Come back and took the Book of Redemption!

156 Notice, it was to be the seventh angel's Message that was to reveal the seventh, the Seven Seals. Revelation 10:7, now, you'll find it. See?

157"And he saw this Angel come down, put His foot on the land and on the sea," that was Christ, "had a rainbow over His head." Notice Him, you'll find Him in Revelation 1, again, "with the rainbow over His head; look upon as jasper and sardius," and so forth. Here He come, put one hand... "One foot upon the land, one upon the water; raised up His hand. He had a rainbow over His head," yet. That's a covenant. He was the Covenant Angel, which was Christ; made a little lower than the Angels, to suffer. There He come, "And put His hands up to Heaven, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever," the Eternal One, the Father, God, "that time shall be no more," when this takes place. It's run out. It's done. It's finished.

158 And then the Scripture says, "And at--at the Message of the seventh earthly angel," the messenger on earth, the seventh and last Church Age, "at the beginning of his ministry," when it starts off into the earth, at that time, "the mystery of God, of these Seven Seals, should be made known by that time." Now we see where we're at. Could it be, friends, could it be? Notice, all possible.

159 All that had been redeemed in the Book, He come forth for redemption. All that was to be redeemed was in the Book, predestinated before the foundation of the world. He come to redeem It. All He had redeemed was written therein.

160 I want to ask you a question now. And you people on tape, listen close. Them hideous eyes, that hideous head, could that be why that this Message has been so against women of modern age? Could this be that last angel's Message? What did He say down there at the river, about thirty-three years ago? "As John was sent forth," see, "to announce the first coming of Christ, your Message will announce the second Coming." Around the world, and that's what it's done, then the Coming must be at hand. Watch what's happens now.

161Why? I've scratched my head. I've wallowed on my pillow. I've walked the floor. "What's the matter with you?"

162 A few days ago, I asked two men I was riding with. I asked Jack Moore one time. And all of you know Jack Moore. I'm going to him in Shreveport. I said, "Brother Jack, you've been as close a friend as I've had on earth." And before I asked him, I asked my wife.

163If anybody knows anything about me, my bads and--and all, is my wife, see, a dear person. And I said to her one day, I said, "Honey, as your husband, I'm a minister of the Gospel. I don't want to bring any reproach upon the One that I love. No. I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't bring any reproach on you. God forbid that I ever do anything that would harm you. And how much more anything that would harm God, how much I love Him! You're my wife; He's my Saviour and God. I want to ask you a question. Don't pull no punch. Tell me the truth." I said, "Have I studied so much..."

164 And I have wondered. I'm, I--I'm a make-up, funny, odd. I know that. Everybody said, "What kind of a person!" Well, see, you can't make yourself. You are what you are, by the grace of God.

165And I--I--I said, "Have I lost my mind just a little bit, you know, and--and kind of gone?" I said, "Why am I condemning those women, constantly, when I love them?"

166They call, said I was a "woman-hater," I just don't hate... I just "hate women." See? That's wrong. I love women, I mean, as my sisters.

167I ain't going to pat you on the back, seeing you're wrong. I can tell you that. I love you too much for that. Some men that'd do that, it's a different kind of love. See? I love you because I love what you are; you're a helpmate to a son of God, and you're a part of him. See? And I--I love you because that--that you were made in the image of man, and man was made in the image of God, so therefore, together, you're one in Christ. That's why I love you. Any, other thing, is nothing to it. God knows that, all my life. See? That's right. I love you. Why would I stand up and constantly...

168When they say, "Tell all the women, when, if they're going to come hear Brother Branham preach, comb their hair different. Put on a hat or something or another, 'cause he'll start blasting away about short hair, and your... Don't wear any make-up," and so forth like that. That's what they did. "All he talked about!

169 Somebody said, "Why don't you..." Said, "People believe you to be a prophet. Why don't you teach the women how to receive great spiritual gifts, and things like that, instead of trying to teach them such stuff as that?"

170I said, "If they won't learn their ABC's, how will they know algebra?" See? Get right, first.

171And more I preach, the worse it gets. Then you say, "Why don't you quit?" No, sir. There's got to be a voice, a witness against it.

172One of the greatest man in the ministry today, laid his hands on me not long ago, said, "I'm going to pray for you, Brother Branham, if you'll let me do it, that God will take that out of your heart." Said, "Leave them women alone, in those things."

173I said, I said, "Do you believe in that, sir? You're a holiness preacher."

174He said, "Certainly. I don't believe it, but," said, "that's--that's up to..."

I said, "No."

He said, "That's up to the pastors."

I said, "They're not doing it."

175 Somebody has got to do it. The river has got to be crossed. The skin's got to be shucked off. I don't want to do it. God knows I don't want to do it. Many of them women feed my children, and they would lay their life down for me, almost. You think, and the grace of God shed abroad by the Holy Ghost, you think I could stand still and see that poor person go plunge out yonder into Eternity without hope, if I don't scream out against it?

176Not to be a smart-aleck; but the spirit of this nation, the spirit of the church, not the Spirit of Christ, now; the spirit of the church, denomination, has swung these women out into that mess out yonder. And I'm only a voice, crying, "Get out of it. Flee from that filth." Don't let the devil do a thing like that to you. It's wrong!

177And you Assemblies of God, let them women, let them women bob their hair, but forbid them to wear make-up. There is really not a Scripture against make-up, but there is against bobbing your hair. She ain't even fit to pray before God, the Bible says. Her husband has a right to give her a divorce and leave her. Right. She represents herself to the world as an impure woman. The Bible said so. She dishonors her own husband when she does it. That's exactly what the Bible said. See?

178 Well, but a woman wearing make-up, we find a woman did it in the Bible, only one. It was Jezebel. That's who it was. The only person in the Bible that ever wore make-up, was Jezebel, and God immediately fed her to the--to the wild dogs. She's become a disgrace, and even her... Everything, every thing that's mean is called Jezebel.

179You don't have to do that. You don't have to do it. What makes you do it then? The spirit of the devil.

180You don't realize it. I know you don't. You're--you're too good a people. You're good. You shake my hand, talk to me.

181 And I love you. That's right. But if I see that, wouldn't I be a hypocrite... Paul said, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." May no woman's blood be upon me at that Day, or no man's. I've told you the Truth. And I've hated to do it; not hating because I don't want to do what God tells me to, but I love you. I don't want to hurt you, so what am I going to do? But pure, Divine Love will drive you to do it.

182Jesus even prayed to dodge the cross. "Is it possible that the cup should pass?" Said, "Nevertheless, not My will, Thine."

183 Am I going to have to be the fellow that says this? Am I going to have to take them precious women that's so nice and everything, and just shuck them to pieces? Am I going to have to? Am I going to have to take my minister brothers, and stand there and tell them that they love money and the--the denomination better than they love God? Me, to my precious brothers that put their arm... Oh, do I have to do that? O God, don't let me do it.

184But I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel. It's genuine Love that's drove me to it.

185 Is that why this Message has been this way? Nowhere else in the world is it. Where is it at? All right. They're afraid. See? But it's been fearless. Exactly. God is always that way, see. All right. Is this why women has been so rebuked by this Message? Not knowing, it wasn't revealed. It was showed me, but it didn't come to me till just the other day. See? Look at there. All right. Sure fits the ministry.

186 Now wait a minute. Was there ever a time that it become a woman's world before? Yeah. According to history, in the days of Elijah, there was a woman named Jezebel. And she got rulership over the church of God, which the Bible says she will again in the last days; her spirit, through a church, a organization. And she'll be a whore, and all the other churches with her will be prostitutes, just like she is. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

187Revelation 17, said, "She is a whore, and she is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS." That can't be men. That's women. See? And they were all throwed, alive, into the Lake of Fire, and consumed. That true? There you are.

188 Notice, when that Jezebel rose on the scene, there was a man rose up against it. God brought a man. We don't even know where he come from. He had no background of ministry. He never was no priest or nothing. He come forth, an old rugged woodsman by the name of Elijah, and he laid the axe to the root of the tree, and they hated him. Not only that, but his whole congregation hated him.

189And one time he thought he stood alone. He said, "No, I got seven thousand yet that's right with you." See? That was that elected group, see. There is always that group. Said, "Don't fear, Elijah. I know you think you're run out, because the denominations run you up there on top of the hill. But," said, "I got seven thousand that believes the same thing you're preaching. See, I got them."

190 Then after his day, Rome took over, and there become a time it was a woman's world again, all the fashions of--of the women, how they come out in their bonnets and things, see. And God raised up another one with the same Spirit on him, the Spirit of Elisha. Is that right? And he said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree."

191And there was a little old feisty woman in there, had married her... left her husband, married his brother, Herod. Herodias, and she was a--a painted-up clown of that day, danced. She taught her girl how to dance. She had a daughter, by her foster father, the--the foster father; by the father, his brother. Herodias! That was the daughter of--of--of the woman. And then she taught her to dance, and she became a real striptease dancer, after her mother. And she thought she could marry four or five times, do anything she wanted to.

192 And here come Herod out. They were all Jews, now remember. They were church people. Here come Herod out, and his church, to hear this prophet, the people believed was a prophet.

193He walked right straight into the both their faces, and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." And did that make her blow up! See?

194Now, some ordinary man would have said, "How do you do, Herodias? We're sure glad to have you in our congregation today." But not John.

195Jesus said, "Who did you go to see, when you went out to see John? Did you go to see one that's all dressed up like a priest? No, that can, that kind kisses the baby and buries the dead." See? He said, "What did you go to see? A wind, a reed that's shaken by any wind? They say, 'Come over here, John. We'll pay you more if you preach to us. And, we, we're the biggest organization'?" Not John. No, he never went to see that.

196Said, "What did you go to see, then, when you went to hear and see John, a prophet?" He said, "And I say, to you, more than a prophet!... you can receive it, this is he who the prophet spoke of was coming, 'I'll send My messenger before My face, and he'll prepare the way for the Lord.'" He was a messenger of the Covenant. He said, "There's not been a man, that's born of a woman, as great as he is." See?

197 That's the kind of a man that God raised up for that day, Elijah, a backwoodsman. John, the same thing. See? The Spirit of Elijah was upon John. And He says, when it comes a woman's day again, that Spirit will rise again, "Before the Coming of the Lord, when the earth will be burnt, and the righteous will walk out upon the--the ashes of the wicked, like ashes under their feet." He promised it, again, in these days. Notice, the Holy Spirit promised that. It's a fitting to the time that we're living in.

198 There must be someone rise up. That's got to come, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, Malachi the 4th chapter. That's exactly what He said would be the sign, "Just before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the Lord, I'll send you Elijah." And what will he do? "Turn the hearts of the children back to the Doctrine of the fathers, back to the Bible," out of these denominational difference, "and come back to the Bible, back to God." That's what he would do. Notice what a great time we're living in.

199 Them prophets rebuked them modern women of their days, and they both paid for it by their life. History proves that each one of those times was a woman's world, when women controlled.

200 Look about today. We'll have one, President, one of these days, look like could happen right now. Actually, she is President. See? He's just a figurehead. Here not long ago, in one of the other nations, she was getting so much praise and everything from all the people, till the President, himself, said, "I'm her husband." The President of the United States, see. She sets the fashions, the women following it, see, just like Jezebel did. You heard my sermon on Jezebel Religion. You know. You know about it. You see where we're at now?

201You see what happened here, a week or two ago, here in the city? The Faith Lutheran minister invited the Catholic priest of the Sacred Heart to come up and preach for him, and he did, and the Faith Lutheran minister went down to the Catholic priest and preached for him.

202 The Council of Churches over there now, that's meeting in Rome. This circular letter that my good friend, David duPlessis; when I set there and cried to him about it, at Fourteen-Mile Creek, not long ago; not realize he swung the church right into Babylon, when everybody saying, "Oh, all the churches is going to be one now." Yeah, I know that, see, just exactly what's wrote on my book of prophecy in 1933, that would take place. Why, don't you realize that's Satan uniting together? The Bible says that. And just after a bit, just a little while, as soon as they become one, then the interdenominational is finished, see. There will be your mark of the beast, right. See?

203 Just I ain't got time to go on this, but, nearly a quarter of twelve. See, I want to finish this up, get this point. I'm just laying these Scriptures in here where you can see the possibility of where we're at, and then we'll close just in a few minutes.

204 Now notice just what taken place. The--the prophets rebuked those women in them days and was called "woman-haters." That's right. History proves it was so.

205Now wait just a minute. You're writing down Scriptures, you ought to put down First Timothy 5:6. The Bible said, "The woman that lives in--in worldly pleasure." Can't be the pleasures of God; so it'd have to, see. "The woman that lives in worldly pleasure is dead while she is living." That's what the prophet said, Saint Paul, "The woman that lives in this worldly condition is dead while she is living." And if she rejects mercy, she can cross the separating line where there is no place for her no more. And then where is she at, with her painted eyes, her cut hair? And she's across the line, with no way to come back, and there's got to be a ministry preached to her. But remember, at that time, it's all over. It's done. It's just a haunting.

206 There will be a ministry that will show great wonders, Joel said so, but there'll be no time for redemption. It's all over. The Lamb has done took His Book, and His redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected, and then went and haunted those that were in there, preached to them that were in prison, could not repent, no time for salvation, that same ministry will have to repeat again. What if that could be the Third Pull, to the Eternal lost. What if it is there? I hope it's not. What if it is? Think of it just a minute now. What if it is? God forbid. I got children. See? But it sure looks pretty close here.

207Why did that vision come when I was a kid? Why did I never think of it before? Why did that trance come there in the room the other day, say, "Here it is"? It's right in the midst of the un-... the--the souls lost. And Jesus preached to them, witnessed, but they--they never repented. And more I preach, the worse they get. There is no repentance. No place for it.

208 The Lamb took His Book when, the Seventh Seal just ready for it to be opened, the Sixth Seal. Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood, day by day, telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There is silence in Heaven." No one knew. It was the Coming of the Lord.

"Oh," you say, "it can't be." I hope it isn't.

209Just let's go just a little farther here. I got something wrote down, see. All right.

210 Remember, "She that liveth in worldly pleasure," of the things of the world, acting like it. She could go to church and act like a saint, that don't have one thing to do with it, see, but, "she's dead while she's living."

211Look what the denominations has done for her. They made her a handler of the Holy Word, which is contrary to the Bible. They made her a preacher. It's forbidden of the Scripture. Even makes her now become ruler, mayor, governors, everything in the country, and a minister in the house of God.

212When, she's guilty of every sin that was ever committed, she is the cause of it. Right. Now, I'm not, I'm not speaking of rights. She is guilty. She is the one that caused every baby to be born blind. She is the one that caused every grave to be dug. She is the one that caused sin, sickness, sorrow. A ambulance can't ring unless a woman caused it. No crime can be done, no sin, no death, no sorrow, no suffering, but a woman done it. And God forbids her to go to the pulpit to preach, but yet they do it. Denomination, see where it's at?

213 She is a goddess. How the devil is at work! Why, the Catholic people make them, women, gods, pray to them; that's right, goddess Mary, and so forth. I see where in the Ecumenical Council they said that it would come to pass that they would pray a little bit more to Jesus if it would help the Protestants to come in. See? See? Oh, that sugar-coated! "Inchangeable," they said. See? It's still the same old devil. The Bible said, "And he caused all to receive a mark upon their forehead, that didn't have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life."

214It's the predestinated Church I'm talking to, not those out there. No, sir. Out of every group, He's pulled His predestinated. That's what He's coming for, in every age.

215 But there she stands. There she is. That's her; preach the Word, handle the Word, become a goddess, and the cause of every sin. Bible said, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or usurp any authority, but be in obedience as also saith the--the law." See? And she can't do it. But they make her a ruler of the land, mayor, governor; soon she'll be President. Sure. There you are. That's the way, that's the way it goes, see. And people does that because they don't care about this Word. They'll never see it.

216Look at those Jews standing there, scholars, fine men. And Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil."

217 What if I brought Him to a trial right now before you? Let's just try it a minute, and God forgive me for taking sides against Him; but just a minute, to show you something.

218What if you say, "Well, I, glory to God, I spoke in tongues! Hallelujah! I know. I, yeah, I--I got It. Bless God. Yeah!" Uh-huh, you did?

219Remember them people of Israel. The Bible said, after He called the people out, and saved them out of Egypt, He destroyed them because they didn't follow the Message. See? They eat manna out of Heaven. They eat manna that God rained on the earth for them to eat, and stood in the presence of the messenger, and seen the Pillar of Fire, and heard the Voice of God, and seen it confirmed. And then, because they wanted to believe Korah, "There can be more holy men. There can be this, that, or the other. We got to be holy, too. We got to do all this. All the people is holy."

God said, "Separate yourself from them. Get away from there."

220Moses said, "All is on the Lord's side, come with me." That's right. See? And He just opened up the earth and swallowed them up. See?

221 They were good people, too. Sure, they were. They were fine people. Yes, sir, but that didn't do it. "Not all that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' but the one that doeth the will of My Father." "Not he that starts; it's he that finishes." That, there's no short cuts; you're disqualified at the end of the race. No short cuts. You must come just the way the Scripture said.

222If It says, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost," there is no short cut, shaking hand, joining church or denomination. You come that Way! Except you die to yourself, and be born of the Spirit of God, you're--you're--you're lost. That's all. There is no short cuts.

223You say, "Well, I belong to church." I know. That's good. "Well, my mother..." I don't doubt that, but this is you I'm talking to. See? You've got to come that Way, because there's no short cuts; you're disqualified at the Judgment. You come the one Way.

224There is only one Way, and Christ is that Way. And Christ is the Word that lives in you, that verifies everything that He promised in its season. See? Did you get that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Notice now.

225 Some say, "These people are good." Sure. I don't say they're not good people. I don't say Saint Cecilia and all them wasn't good women; so was my mother, but I sure don't pray to her. Certainly not. Certainly, I've seen lots of good people, but they're not goddesses. They're women, men. "There's only one Mediator between God and man."

226Then why, why would a man, a Pentecostal, world man... that circular letter that Brother duPlessis, our precious brother, has got circulate. Maybe some of you has got it. Set... Yeah, you got it. In the Ecumenical Council, by the side of the pope, and said, "It was very spiritual." That's discernment of spirit, isn't it? "Oh, the Spirit of the Lord was there, very spiritual." Yeah. There you are.

227 Why? Because it's a opportunity to unite the Protestants and that together, which we have fought for for years, and the Bible has stood for and told us that would come. And our... one of our greatest leaders comes right in, said, "That's right. That's what we do," and the whole Protestant church is falling for it.

228And just exactly, if you'll look up there, THUS SAITH THE LORD. First, the Word said it. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, in 1933, that told all these other things about the nations going to war, and how the machines would be, and everything like that, said that's exactly what would happen at the end. And here it is. It's never failed. And here we see it shaping up.

229 You remember my sermon on Jezebel Religion not long ago? You remember Elisha coming down the road that morning, to tell them? That, I preached on that. See? And how I predicted then that the time would come when this Ecumenical Council would finally become the mark of the beast, because it would unite with the beast. It's doing it. In my age, I've lived to see it. And here the Protestants, by the millions, fall for it. Why? That's what they're looking for.

230They are blind! Jesus told those Pharisees, "You blind leaders of the blind. If the blind leads the blind," He said, "won't they all fall in the ditch?" And that's where they fall. How could I ever believe that a man that stood with me and talked with me, could ever sit and make a remark like that! See, "It's hid, the eyes, from the wise and prudent, and reveal It to babes such as will learn."

231 I know someday that's going to cost me my life. That's right. It's going to, but here the Truth is being knowed. Uh-huh.

First one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,

Was John the Baptist, but he didn't shirk; he died like a man;

Then came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,

He preached that the Spirit would save man from sin. (Is that right?)

Then they stoned Stephens, he preached against sin,

He made them so angry, they dashed his head in;

But he died in the Spirit, he gave up the ghost,

And went to join the others, that life-giving host.

There is Peter and Paul, and John the divine,

They give up their lives so the Gospel could shine;

(What'd they do?) They mingled their blood, with the prophets of old,

So the true Word of God would honest be told.

Souls under the altar, were crying, "How long?"

For the Lord to punish all that's done wrong;

But there is going to be more that'll give their life's blood (yep, that's right)

For this Holy Ghost Gospel and its crimson flood.

232Just keeps dripping with blood! Yes, it'll do it someday, but I'm waiting that hour when it's finished.

233 Some sister just had a dream. She sent it to me, said, "I seen them, that church fixed a way is going to kill" me, secretly, sometime when I'm getting out of my car, going in, be fired from... But said, "Then the Spirit said, 'Not at this time, but it'll come later.'" Uh-huh.

234God forbid that I compromise on anything. I know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We're living in a horrible day. Sin has did this. Yep. They--they stoned Stephens. They had John's head cut off, she did. I don't know how we'll give ours, but it'll be someday. All right, notice.

235 In Saint John, if you wanted that Scripture on that. Saint John 6:49, is where they eat manna, and Jesus said, "And they're, every one, dead."

236Say, "Well, my--my sister, I--I seen this woman dance in the Spirit." Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. "I see them do that. I've seen her speak in tongues. I've seen her..." Yeah.

237Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'I've done all these things.'" See? "They eat manna in the wilderness," Jesus said, "and they're, every one, Eternally separated. They're dead." That's Eternally gone. They perished right there in the wilderness.

238 You remember Hebrews the 6th chapter, "Ones that was once made known the Truth, and refused to walk in It, there is no more repentance for them." See, a borderline believe-... When the Truth is presented to a person for the last time, and they refuse to receive It; according to the Book of Hebrews, see, they will... there is not even nothing in the world can ever save them.

239They are finished. No repentance, no redemption, there is nothing left for them. They're Eternally separated. The Bible said so, "Looking for the fearful fire and indignation which shall devour the adversary." And when Truth of the Gospel has been proven, thoroughly vindicated, and then turn around and walk from It, they're finished. That's all. It's awful, but I have to tell it.

240Remember the Angels which kept not their first estate, but left there in that prison house in darkness, where the world is walking today in that same prison, there is no repentance.

241 Remember a few years ago, I said, when I come down from Chicago, "Either America will receive it this year, or she won't receive it at all." See where she's gone? Yeah.

242Now I wonder if the Third Pull could be? O God, may it be far from that! Is that what the Third Pull is for? Could that be? Oh, my! Think of it, friends. Think of it; I don't like to.

243Jesus said, "This kind of hypocrisy..." If you want to put that down, Matthew 23, -seven. I--I got here, "read that," but you can see. "You blind Pharisees!" Let...

244 Have you got just a couple minutes different? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's see. Let's just turn to that, 'cause I said "read it." There was something there I want to read just before... Now I'll maybe cut something else out, but let--let's just get this just a minute. Matthew 23, just a minute, all right, and we're going to begin at the 27th verse. Just listen now. You read the whole thing when you go home, if you will. Just a few more minutes.

245Now watch here. Matthew 23, and begin at the 27th verse, "Woe unto you, scribes!" Now, remember, this is holy men He's talking to.

Woe unto you, scribes and you Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres (that's dead people, see), whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

246Hypocrisies and envies and strife, on the inside of them; outside, "I'm Doctor So-and-so."

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, (look at the Ecumenical Council and the Pentecostals sitting there), but within you're full of hypocrisies and iniquity.

247What is iniquity? Something you actually know is right and you won't do it. Jesus, now watch what He... what generation He puts this on now.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, see, "Oh, the prophets!"

And say, If we had been in them days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

248"We would have believed the Word of the Lord if we'd have lived back there." Watch.

Wherefore you be witness unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

249That's just what's taking place. Now watch what He says here.

Ye serpents, and generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?

250 How can you do it? Now He's talking to ministers, see, that's right, holy men. How can you stand and know the Bible predicts and tells them people not to do that, and you can stand and compromise for a few lousy, stinking dollars, for some popularity, and somebody to pat you on the back and call you a "Doctor"? How can you say you love those people?

I'm preaching on tapes, too. See?

251How can you, how can you say you love those people, and let a thing like that take place? See? You--you Pharisees, you blind, you serpents, you generation of vipers, how are you going to escape the damnation of hell? When you... How can a man today, that knows that these things are wrong, and stand there to hold his congregation, to make his denomination grow, and fail to tell women and men? How you going to escape the wrath of hell, when it was made for you? How you going to do it? See?

252Listen, listen here. What is it going to be? "Therefore..." 34th verse.

... behold, I will send unto you prophets,...

253"I will," in the future. There is your Pharisees coming back again. See?

... wise men,... scribes: and some of them you shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall you scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

254 He predicted He would send them prophets, with the Word of the Lord. And what would they do? The same thing their fathers did, 'cause that's what you are. See, spirits don't die. Men that's possessed of them dies, but spirits don't die. He said, "You are the children. You're the one." And just notice how these things are.

255 How that Saint Paul stood there (you believe he was a prophet?) and condemned women, to bob their hair; condemned their organizations; announced that every man that wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ must come and be baptized over again. That's right.

256And today they compromise and sweeten it around. They don't know no different, though. It's pitiful. If the hour is over, I might say this, see: they were blind, predestinated to be blind. God be merciful. They couldn't see it.

257Jesus said, "You are blind. You blind scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! When you read the same Word that they all of them has read, and here you come and condemn Me. And I'm exactly what the Word said that it would be in this day. I was to be the Messenger of this day. I'm the Messiah," He said, in so many words. "I'm the Messiah. Have I failed to prove it? If I haven't done what was written of Me, then condemn Me. And you blind Pharisees lead your people right off into a thing like that, and send the whole bunch." Said, "Well, the blind leads the blind." Said, "You're..."

258 You said, "Oh, if we would have lived back in the time of Saint Paul, yeah, I would have took sides with Saint Paul."

259You hypocrites! See? Why don't you take the side with his Doctrine? You would have done the same thing then you done now, for you are the children of your fathers, your organizational fathers: Pharisees, Sadducees, and self-righteous. That's--that's it. Uh-huh. I'll tell you, and--and to the hour that we live, wonder if this could be the Third Pull? Just a minute now, see, Jesus said, "This kind receives greater damnation." See? Isn't it awful?

260 As a great American, one time, when the enemy was about to take this country, there's a man in the midnight hour, jumped up on a horse and rode down the road, screaming, "The enemy is coming!" It was Paul Revere.

261I'm an American, too. And I'm riding, this midnight hour, not saying the enemy is coming, but he's here! He ain't coming; he's already here! He has done conquered. I'm afraid it's over; conquering, this midnight hour.

262 Remember, at Tucson, the seven Angels, what the Message was, "The finishing of the mystery of God." Immediately after that, coming down the range...

263You all heard about the mountains. Notice. Brother Fred got some pictures of it, and Brother Tom. And I got some pictures, some movies, everything. We're going to show it here someday, show you just where it was at. You all know the story.

264Watch, the three peaks. He said, "There is your First, Second, and Third."

265 And Brother Fred has got an outstanding picture of it, when he and Sister Martha passed. The clouds had come up from the moisture of the ground, and had hid all the rest of them, and it just showing the Three Pulls; one here, one here, and one there. See? The seven!

266 Watch, the First, three. Three is perfection. That's when the ministry went forth.

267The Second Pull was the discernment of spirits, the prophecy. (First was the healing of the sick.) The Second was the prophecy that went forth, and it knowed the secret of the thoughts, when the Word Itself was made manifest. Which, that's grace.

268But, remember, the seventh is the finish. Could this be the finish Pull, it's all over? Could it be? Think of it now. Just think. Where you at? See? Seven is always the finish. Three Pulls!

269 Jesus' ministry consisted of Three Pulls. Did you know that? Notice! And be sincere, if you ever was in your life, now for a minute, few minutes.

270His First Pull was healing the sick. He become a very popular man. Everybody believed Him, seemed like. Is that right? When He went forth healing the sick, everybody wanted Him in their church.

271But one day He turned around and started prophesying, for He was the Word, and He was the Prophet that Moses spoke of. And when He went to tell them, and tell them how they was living, and the things they were doing, He become very unpopular. That was His Second Pull.

272Wonder if it has typed right back again? Just think a minute. Could it be? The First, healing, everybody. The Second: "Oh, it could be Jesus Only. It could be Beelzebub, it could be a..." That's the same thing they did there. See? Same spirits living in the same kind of people, condemned people that can never be saved, because they were condemned before; they, like Judas Iscariot, born the son of perdition.

You say, "Judas?" Sure.

273 Remember, he was very religious, but he couldn't go all the way with the Message. He could take part of it, but the rest of it he couldn't stomach. They can take healing and things like that, but when it comes to God speaking squirrels into existence, then that's too deep for them. "Can't be!" That was Judas. His spirit can live right up to that spot. He can't go it after that. See?

274They could take Moses all right when he opened the Red Sea, and so forth like that. But when it come down to telling, they wasn't, all the rest of them wasn't to do this or that, or the other: "He makes hisself a God, over us." See, they couldn't go that, Korah and them. So, they had to have a organization, so God just swallowed them up.

275 Jesus' ministry, when He was healing the sick, "He was wonderful, that young Prophet of Galilee! Why, He makes the blind to see. He's even raised the dead. We got three cases of it. He actually raised the dead."

276But one day He turned around, He said, "You generation of vipers. You make the outside of the platter clean. You appear to be holy, but the inside of you, you're nothing but a bunch of snakes." Oh, when that prophecy went forth, condemning that organization, then it changed. They turned against Him. That's right. And finally, by rejecting Him, they crucified Him.

277 But you can't kill the Ministry. It lives on. You can put the messenger to sleep, but you can't put the Message. Uh-huh. Right. He lived on. And notice when the Third Pull of His ministry come. The First was healing the sick.

278The Second was rebuking the organizations, and prophesying; what they had done, what they were, and what was coming. What is, what is, will come; and what was, what is, and what will come. That's what He done. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

279But His Third Pull was when He preached to the lost that couldn't be saved no more. They were down there where them big, painted eyes was, "Ooh, ooh!" Preached to the souls in hell, that did not accept mercy, but were Eternally separated from the Presence of God. But yet they had to recognize it, what He was, because God made Him there.

280Wonder if His ministry climbs out the same way in the last days, as it was? "As the Father sent Me, so send I you. The works that I do shall you also."

281 Lost, could never be saved. They had rejected mercy. That was His Third Pull.

282Now is there any question? His First Pull, He healed the sick. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] His Second Ministry, He was prophesying. His Third Ministry was preaching to the Eternal lost. The three mountains, so forth; the lost, Eternal!

283 Noah's ministry, all ministries, done the same. Noah preached. That exactly right. He went into the ark. And when he went into the ark, there were seven days that nothing happened. His testimony preached to the doomed.

284Sodom and Gomorrah! Jesus referred to both of them as coming. "Before the coming of the Son of man, so shall it be like the days of Noah, so shall it be in like it was in the days of Sodom." He referred to Noah.

285Noah had Three Pulls, and his Third was to the lost after the door was shut. For, God let it sit right there, where nobody could enter or go out. They were inside. For, (as on the seventh mountain) the highest mountain, that's where He settled the ark, mountain. See? That right?

286 In the days of Sodom, the First Pull was the righteous Lot. And the Bible said, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily," how them women acted and done.

287You remember, "As it was in the days of Noah." What was they doing? "Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage." Women, see, women. What was it in the days of--of Sodom? Women.

288And the First message was Lot. They laughed him to scorn.

289Then they sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His Second Pull for Lot... for Sodom.

290But look at that One that went last, there's more and more mercy. It was all over then, all over at that time. That third Messenger that went down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He set with the elected, and told them what was taking place behind Him. That right? But when He stepped off into Babylon, or into Sodom, He wanted to find...

291Even Abraham, crying, "If I could find fifty righteous?" On down to "ten righteous?"

God said, "Yes, find ten righteous."

292 Let me tell you something, sister, just a minute. You might be old-fashioned, but you got something these sex queens hasn't got. You've got something that she can never have. Right. You might be old-fashioned in your dressing, dress up like a lady. They might say, "Look at that old holy-roller." Don't you worry. She's got something that that little old sex queen, that's got all the world looking at her out there, she hasn't got it. She can never have it. She is lost, Eternally. She is doomed. See? She's never... You got moral; you got virtue. She's got nothing. She's got a bait that traps the lost souls into hell. The blind walks into it. Now, you've got something.

293 You know, you might not be even on a church book, but it might be your righteous life that's holding the wrath of God from the world today. The world won't believe it. You woman that's called holy-roller, you little man that don't hardly know anything, but you cry to God, day and night, for the sins of the country, you might be the one that's holding off the wrath. "If I can find ten, I'll spare it. If I can find ten!" "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be." See what I mean?

294Not, "If I can find ten Methodists, if I can find ten Baptists, if I can find ten Pentecostals, if I can find ten athletes, if I can find ten senators, if I can find ten ministers."

295But, "If I can find ten righteous!" There is One righteous, that's Christ. Christ living in One, them ten, see, "I'll spare it."

296 But that last Messenger preached to the doomed. You say... He went down there. Scripture don't say what happened, but the fire fell the next morning, right, after He performed those signs, immediately after He performed His prophecy ministry. "Why did Sarah laugh?"

She said, "I didn't."

Said, "Yes, you did." See?

297Now, immediately after that, He entered Babylon, or went down into Sodom. He never found them, so the fire fell. He found Lot and his two daughters, said, "Get out of here right now." See? It went out. He went down there. Remember, He was on His road down. He sent messengers before Him, but He went down Himself, right, to find out if all this thing was so. And He found it full of what? Painted-faced women. The Message to the doomed. What'd they do? Laughed at it.

298 What do they do today? The same thing. "I belong to the Assemblies. I belong to the Oneness. I'm--I'm... I've danced in the Spirit. Glory to God, I speak in..." All right, go ahead. "I'll cut my hair if I want to. I'll do this. I'll--I'll just say this. I don't have to be baptized in Jesus' Name. I--I don't care what said. Paul is an old woman hater, anyhow. That's a..." All right, go ahead.

299One of these days, if you haven't already, you'll cross that line. You'll never desire no more to do what's right. Did you hear what I said? It's a matter. Brother, sister, do you realize what's been said? You'll cross that line, and you'll never want to do it. You'll still hear the Gospel, sure, but you'll never accept It. You can't accept It. But the Gospel will be preached to the doomed, those that are Eternally lost, can't get saved, no more. You're already in that spot, and don't know it. You think you're living in pleasure, and dead while you're alive.

300 Oh, listen. All those who rejected the Message of the hour, before doom, the Gospel was preached to the doomed, first, before they went; without mercy. Noah, shut up, was a testimony. God shut the door, after his Third Pull. After the Third Pull at Sodom, the doors was shut. There was no more mercy. The ten couldn't be found. And the lost had the Gospel preached, that could not be saved, because it was just... Been that way in every age, every age reject the Message before judgment.

301Have they done it again? Is that appearing in a Pillar of Fire down here on the river? Is that appearing along in the Message of cutting the women, and throwing the places where it should be, and rebuking those ministers who takes the place with the denomination instead of staying on the Word? When, God has thoroughly vindicated that it's Him, and not some poor ignorant unlearned thing like a man. It's God! And have we now come to the spot that the Third Pull would return again to the lost, Eternally?

302 Was that what that vision was give me, as a little bitty boy out yonder? And I have went West, and there is the golden Cross of the Gospel shining down, has declared the sign from the Heaven, just exactly. Remember, the Cross was in a panoramic, like a--like a pyramid, also, built. See? Could it be that it's the head part where it's ended, and started from here and come up to the headship?

303 Like the pyramid, come up through Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and then the capping of the stone. Could it be that? If that's it, where we at? It, this might. I hope it isn't, but it's got to be. It's going to be. Just remember, them ministries has to, they always dovetail just the same, with the other one. It has to come. And God don't change. Think of it!

304Bite your conscience with your spiritual teeth, and find out where we're at. What if it is, and you're still the way you are? Then you just might as well walk... You're finished, them that's outside. After the Book was taken by the Lamb, the Sixth Seal is revealed and all the Seals, it's over. It could be. I hope it isn't. It could be. All right.

Now, is that why this Third Pull has lingered so long?

305 You notice, the First Pull and the Second Pull went from one to the other. I predicted, you remember, when I first started, about the First. And I said, "There'll come a time It'll even know the secrets of the heart." You remember? How many? Why, all of you remember that, in my meetings around. And one night I just walked into Regina, up there, and walked on the platform; and Brother Baxter there, several thousand people. And a man walked up the platform, [Brother Branham snaps his finger once--Ed.] and there it was. And from that it's been the same.

306 But it's been years since I've come off the field, four, about five years since I come off. What is it? What's done this? Has that been why that it was like in the beginning, in Genesis, "God's long-suffering"?

307Remember, when He made the world, the seventh day He made nothing. He rested. See? God was long-suffering in that sixth year, not willing that any should perish, but all might come to repent. God was long-suffering.

308Again, also, in Genesis 15:16, if you want to put it down, 16, 15. He told Abraham, "Over in that land of the Amorites, their iniquity," they were Gentiles now. "I can't take you in there right now, 'cause the iniquity of the Amorites, the Gentiles, is not fulled up yet. But I will judge them. I'll come in that fourth generation, and then I'll judge that nation with a rod of iron." Is that right?

309 Has it been so long, that God's long-suffering, the ministry constantly, through tape and everything else, has combed across the world, to see if there is one more? But maybe that last one come in just recently. Has it been the iniquity that's been--been so long? If Jesus is the same, which He is, Hebrews 13:8, His Message must be the same. (Fixing to close.) His action must be the same.

310 If the First and Second Pull is without question! Is there a question in your mind about the First and Second Pull? Did it come to pass just like He said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then why question the Third? See? Why would you question It? The first two was identified by the Scripture. I've proved to you this morning that the Third is identified by the Scripture, too.

311Look upon the world, see where she's at. Look how they have rejected the Truth, and how it's been properly identified, the prophecy part. Now where we at? O God, be merciful! That makes my heart bleed on the inside. What about it? Where we at?

312 Remember, these seven peaks up there, they could tell you. It's... There is not another peak beyond that. It's on the Continental Divide. It goes right into the desert, from there on. Eternity sets in. Seven peaks, right on the Continental Divide. That's right between right and wrong. And at the end of that, the Third Pull was the last Pull of the range. Is that right? See? All right.

313 Noah went in, then after seven days, nothing happened, see. In seven days the judgment come. If only... Listen now, in closing. If only, in Noah's time, they would've knew that sign! If they would have only knowed! Now I'm going to close. If they would have only knowed that sign, the world in that day! That, God proved here, by the reading of the Scripture, a while ago, He destroyed them people.

314Not without mercy; mercy was sent to them by a prophet. They wouldn't believe it. God is merciful, but, He sent mercy but they wouldn't receive it. He always sends mercy, first.

315What if they would've knowed that sign was the end-time sign? And when they seen, all at once, salvation let up. Nobody, see. Just, the first thing you know, the door was closed. If they... There was only one person knowed that sign, that was Noah and his group. That was the only one knowed. When that door swung together, Noah knew it. Noah knew that was the finish. He knew it. That's right. If you only knew the sign!

316 Oh, if they would have only knew that sign, when they seen this One come in there, had been up there with Abraham!

317If they'd have only knew that that modern Billy Graham of that day, went down there, him and an Oral Roberts, and preached that message to them blinded people! If they'd only know, them old righteous Methodists and Baptists back yonder had been a sign to them of that day, Lot, when the sins vexed their very soul. Then what did the Methodists and Baptists turn into? Like Lot did, same thing. But the righteous, out of there, come out. Sure.

318What if it was when Billy Graham went down, going up for a decision, chewing chewing gum, punching one another, and laughing, bobbed hair, is painted-up faces, and not even make a bit of move about it. Come back the next day, and Billy said, "I have thirty thousand; come back in a year, and I ain't even got thirty."

319"Oh, I made a decision. I--I--I ain't going to hell; I'm going to Heaven, see," wading right on in sin. If they'd have only...

320 And then the Gospel being preached in the Power, and signs and wonders, with the Pillar of Fire over it, and everything going on just exactly, and predicted and set out. If they'd a... They said, "A bunch of holy rollers. It's mental telepathy. Some kind of a witch spirit. A devil, that's all It is. Don't you believe It. It's not in our organization. We don't have nothing to do with That." If they'd have only knew the sign! If they'd have only knowed!

321Jesus said, said, "If you'd have only knowed your day, Jerusalem. If you could have only recognized! But," said, "now you're left to your own." See? "If you'd have only know. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft I would have hovered you, as a hen would her brood, from the judgments that's just to come! But you didn't know your day." "You that stoned the prophets, and killed the righteous, if you'd have only known your day! If you'd have only knowed, and had been up on your Scripture, and knowed that My coming was a sign of your end. Now you're blind. Now you've been rebuked. Your time is over." And it was. That's right. "If you'd have only knowed the time!"

322 Look, when Jesus made that declaration, the world went right on. See? The world went right on, normally. Why? For they knew not their hour.

323The world went right on, when Noah went into the ark. The world moved right on. The scoffers, in that day, they still had sex parties. They still eat, drink, married, done the things they do today. Just exactly, normally. "Ha-ha! That old holy-roller closed the door. Now, did you ever hear of such a thing? Ha-ha! You know what he says? We're all going to be 'drowned.' Nonsense! Where is the water at?"

324Scoffers, in the days of Noah. "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." All right. Noah knew the sign. Same thing in the days of Lot. Same things in the days of Jesus. So is it today. They scoff their last time...?...

325Same at Sodom, they never knew. When that Messenger was standing there, Message from God, they only laughed at them and tried to pervert them to their own acts. Is that right? "Come in and join us. Be one of us." Is that right? "Come in and join us, be one of us. You'll be one of the boys. Come on, join us." See? They never knew their sign.

326 They didn't know that when that Message was going on, that the very... They couldn't see it, that the fire and wrath of judgment, as God, a fire blazes of brimstone was kindling in the skies. They couldn't see it. The messengers could. Uh-huh. Lot knew it, too. He knew it was there. Certainly.

327Same as it is today, just the same thing. Wrath is kindling, atomic bombs are hanging, everything is at the end. It's the same now.

328Look, people, listen. Did you know... You say, "Brother Branham, oh, what about all of it?" You know, people can go right on preaching the Gospel like they always did, what they call the Gospel, it could be over. They did in the days of Noah. They did in the days of Lot. They did in the days of Jesus. That right?

329Even the Jews, after Jesus told them that the wrath... "You're done. You're finished. There is no more. You're finished."

330"Oh," he said, "that holy-roller. What school did He come from? Where did He come, that?"

331Remember, He was ready then for His Third Pull. Uh-huh. That's right. He said, "How oft would I have hovered you!"

332 Lot made his last call... or, I mean, the Angel did, the messenger, ever who He was. God represented for this day, God represented in human flesh, made the last sign, performed the last duty. It was all over then.

333Noah preached his last sermon; the door closed behind him. That was all. They laughed at it, and made fun of it.

334Think, the people can go right on preaching! The Ecumenical Council can join up with the Catholic church, just as they promised to do. All organizations can come on, but the mark of the beast is already there. They take it, in that. See? And they say, "Oh, hallelujah, bless God, there was so many got saved last night." They did? "They danced in the Spirit. They spoke in tongues." That don't mean one thing. See? "Oh, they're meek and gentle and humble. Yes, sir. They got the fruit of the Spirit." That's no sign. Not a bit.

335Let me give you the fruit of the Spirit, between Jesus and the Pharisees, see which one had the fruit of the Spirit. What if I stood, as I started to say a while ago, against Christ now for a minute? God forgive me for even saying it, see, but just to show you something.

336 What if I come to you and say, "Say, you congregation, who is your friend? Who shows the fruit of the Spirit? Your kind old priest. Who comes to you in the hospital when you're sick? Your gentle old priest. That's right. Who is it that always loans you some money when you're up against it, in a tight place? You members of his congregation, don't you go to your kind old priest and he loans you money? See? Who is it that's always loving and kind, and showing the fruit of the Spirit? Your kind old priest.

337"Who is it that studied for years and years, in the synagogues down here, where his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather come from, all the way down? Who is it studied and got... worked hard and got doctor's degrees and PhD's and LLD's, to know this Word, and stand here and deliver it to you every Sunday morning in his congregation? Your kind old priest.

338 "Who is this renegade, called, 'Jesus'? What school did He come from? What school is He out of? Where is His fellowship card? What organization does He belong to?

339"What does he do when you all have a family argument? Who comes to you? Your kind old priest, to try to... And you have an argument against this neighbor over here, and your kind old priest comes and makes you up. Said, 'You all are children of God. You shouldn't do that.' That's what he...

340"What's this Jesus of Nazareth does? Tears the thing up. What does He do? Lambaste your organization. What does He do? Called your priest a 'blind leader of the blind.' He called him a 'snake in the grass.' He took the sacrifice that God ordained, and kicked the tables over, and throwed the money out, and looked upon them with anger. Did you ever see your priest look like that?" Now where is the fruit of the Spirit? Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

341 Not by speaking in tongues. Not by dancing in the Spirit. Not by joining church. Not by fruit of the Spirit; Christian Science can out-smother any of you on that, see, and deny even Jesus Christ was Divine. Not that.

342But it's the Word, living! There it is. If they'd have only looked, He was Messiah. He was the living Word, made manifest.

343And a man that's got the Spirit of God in him, or a woman, lives that Word, lives right out in them. That's the heartbeat, the predestinated, for the Word of the Lord comes to them, and they are the Word to the people. "Written epistles read of all men." Is that right? Could the Third Pull be on?

344 Tape people, that's you that's listening to this tape, I wish you could look at this congregation at this time. Uh-huh. I hope you're feeling the same way.

345What if it is? Look at the Scriptures piled in here. Could it be? Is the Third Pull to preach to the Eternal doomed that's rejected the Message of salvation?

346"Well," you say, "the church is going..." Yeah, they will. They'll go right on, just the same.

347But, remember, all this time, Noah was in the ark. The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the last member has been redeemed. The Sixth Seal has produced itself. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It's always been that Third Pull.

348 Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural, amongst human beings, as was predicted, "As it was in the days of Lot."

349Oh, think, people could go right on preaching, thinking they're getting saved, believing they're doing right, believing their organizations are growing, sure, and not even a ray of hope. And if that vision was that, and it's been so hard against women, we have come to that hour. Door is closed, gone, already the Book is in His hand. Think of it.

350 Let me tell you this just before closing now. I'm closing. It was told, about in Ireland, facing the waters. There was a great reef that goes down along the side of the bank, and up on this great hill. And there was a man going, walking along there one day, just--just at the time for the tides to come in. And there was a noble man who lived on the hill, that knowed these tides. He knowed the time of day that the tides was supposed to come. He knew what time the tide set in. This guy didn't care what time. He was one of these know-it-alls. He had his own idea. He was an athletical man, smart, intelligent fellow, but he just didn't know the time of the tide. He didn't know the country. He didn't know the time the sign was right, when the moon had dropped its back from the earth.

351 And when God ever drops His Spirit from the earth, brother, she is gone, it's all over.

352That moon would ever move out of its place, the waters would cover the earth like it was when God started it, in Genesis 1. But the moon set there, and when it just even turns its head, the tides start running in.

353This wise old man who lived there in the presence of it, knowed what time that was. This guy didn't know. He never studied it. He didn't care about it. And this wise old man run out, and said, "My good man, darest thou go any farther. Turn back, quickly. There is a wall. You can't get up the wall. You'll perish. The... It's the signs are on, the time. The--the tide will gush in all at once, and you cannot return. Don't go any farther."

354And the man turned around, and laughed at him, said, "Go take care of your own business. I know what I can do and what I can't." And the tides caught him. See?

355 It may be later than we think. See? It'll catch you. Don't go any further. Don't you do it, people. If you've always believed in me as being God's servant, take my word this morning, if you ever did. It might be already too late. So much Scripture shows it that way. Now, remember, I don't say that it is. I don't know. But just look.

356And I've cut off about ten pages here, that I was afraid to tell you. See? See? Mrs. Woods is a record of that, and Mr. Woods. When I went down this morning to see them, I said, "I--I can't tell them that, can't go that far. I'll just put this much Scripture, and leave it with them, 'cause it's going to be taped." It'll go.

357And the people will laugh at this Message. It's all right, it'll be a past turning back, one of these days. Go on, just be a church member. Cut off your hair, paint your face. Go on, and take "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," if you want to, that, make it three Gods and be a heathen. Go on, stick to your organization. Do so, if you want to.

358Say, "I danced in the Spirit, I spoke with tongues; I got It."

359 I've seen devils do the same thing. I've seen witches speak in tongues and interpret it; and write in unknown tongues, interpret it; who drank blood out of a human skull, and called on the devil, danced in the spirit.

360The Mohammedans dance in the spirit, like that, until they can take splinters and run it under their fingers; and take a lance and run it up through their face, like that, and pull it out, and not even a drop of blood will come out of it.

361The Indians will walk on fire, barefooted, three-foot deep; and four-, three- or four-foot across; blow, wave coals till they're white hot; and never get a scorch on their feet, and deny there is such a thing as Jesus Christ.

362 No, no, friend. It's the Word that tells it. The people and the Word has got to be one. See? Jesus and the Word was the same; He was the Word. And when Jesus lives in the human being, that makes him and the Word the same. Don't... Your life tells what you are.

363Now just look at yourself in God's looking glass, say, "How do I look this morning?" While we pray.

364[A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation. "My children, today, I say unto thee. Yea, even I, the Almighty God, has looked upon the earth today. I have seen the evil that this creation has been brought to. Yea, I see the sin that man, this day, is walling within. Yea, dost thou not know that I have done a great thing for thee? Yea, I have sent forth a man in this last day, yea, that he might be a mouthpiece unto this generation. But I say unto thee, this day, my people, many have scoffed at this name. Yea, they have turned their backs upon the things that he has spoke. But I say unto thee, those that shall hear these Words, I shall cause great blessings to fall upon them. I am the Almighty God. I shall reward, this day, for those that shall sincerely receive these Words, saith the Lord."--Ed.]

Wandered far away from God,

Now I'm coming home;

Pray, if you ever did pray!

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.


365 While you continue singing, I want to ask you something. Is there a spot in your heart that seems to be darkened by sin? If it is, now is the time to get rid of it, right now, if there is mercy left.

366This, I hope, isn't so. I hope it isn't there. But doesn't it look like it could be? Listen what the Holy Spirit said in the midst of the people, after I got through, "It's a Voice unto you."

367And if there is, if you've got any darkness on your life, won't you come right here around the altar now, while we continue to sing. Right now, if there is a worry, if there is a spot, don't put it off any longer.

368Hoping and trusting that this is not so; but it will be, one of these days, and it might be today.

Now, Lord, I'm come...

369 With the breath of your nostrils right around you! If the tape people could only see what's going on out here now; just crowding over one another, crying, coming from everywhere.

370Could that vision, when I was a little boy, is it the hour? Is this the time when them weary-looking, gloomy; hell being created right here on earth?

371Altars and aisles, and everything, are filled now. If you can't get around a altar or aisles, anywhere amongst these hundreds here; just stand up, if you say, "I want to stand and pray, just the people might know," or kneel, whatever you want to. Oh, my! Now you can't hardly see anyone sitting down. It's people standing everywhere.

372May I say this. God forbid, God forbid that what I've said is now. May I understand it, everybody; God forbid. There is... I got children that's not in. I've got two daughters and a son. I've got brothers. I've got my people that's not in. God forbid that grace has left us; that all this will only be pretending.

373Is there grace left, Lord? Let me be wrong on this, Lord. Let it be wrong at this time. That I, it isn't, that people still can be saved. Grant it, Lord. I pray, and commit this audience to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

374 Everybody pray now, just like... What if it was? Now, I don't know that it is, but what if it was? You pray in your way. You just pray the way you want to pray. Just what if this was the truth, what would we do, friends? What would we do? What, what's going to happen? Now pray, everybody. Just--just cry, just pray the way you want to. Just cry right out to God, in your own way. O God!

Thine arms of love,

O Lord, I'm coming home.

375 "Lord, I intended to do it a long time ago. Have I waited too long, Lord? Is this, is it over? O God, open Your arms of love and receive me. Something in my heart begging for it, Lord. Open once more. If my name was on the Lamb's Book, speak to me now, Lord. Let me receive it right now. Please do, God."

Coming home, coming home,

Oh, never, I'll never no more, Lord, to more to roam;

Open wide Thine arms of love,

O Lord, I'm coming home...

376 The Bible said, when they recognize Jesus, that, "Each one will weep like their only son being killed."

... -ing home,

377You outside, you in your cars, by short wave, you that's standing around the building, many of you, just lean your head against the building, say, "Lord God, be merciful to me. Op-..." Be dying sincere, friends! Think what time we're living! Where are we at?

... love

Lord, I'm now coming home.

Coming home,...

378 Lord Jesus, I have done the best that I know how. I've done all that I know how. Grant, Lord, that the mercy doors are still open. Of these hundreds, literally hundreds seeking Thee at this time, take away every sinful blot, Lord, and take them in today.

379I--I plead, with all my heart, as we see not only somebody talking, but, the Scripture Itself bringing us to this hour. And that vision, of a little boy, seeing those people in that condition; and now, think, that hell itself, mercy has been blotted from the earth, and now hell itself is here, and the people, Lord, are in this hideous condition.

380O Mighty God, on this Elected Church, I pray, God, that You'll pour out Your blessings, that they might receive a--a ministry of testimony, that like Lot had, like Noah had, like Jesus had, unto the Eternal lost, if it be there; that they themselves are sealed into the Kingdom of God, but giving witness to Jesus Christ being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Lord. May You receive our petition, as we plead in Jesus' Name.

381 Just pray the way you want to pray now. Don't be in no hurry. Don't be in no hurry. What if you're the last name to go on the Book?

I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

382Brother Neville, you go up and pray for them. The pastor is going to pray now with you while you're praying. I'll sing.

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

Never more to roam; (Yes, Lord.)

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home,

Never more to roam;

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I'm coming home.

383[Brother Branham and the congregation sang the above song while Brother Neville prayed. "Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, as it were, today, we're so glad that You have given us, as it were, this moment of time to be able to consider our ways before Thee. My God, today, from the depths of our soul, we cry unto Thee, Lord, in behalf, not only of ourselves, but one another. Let this hour, God, be the time, this morning, Father, when Thou shall, if Thou hast yet extended mercy, Father, let it be, that these who have this day forsaken all of their pride, fancy, and other things. Lord Jesus, today, we pray that Thou will grant that the ones that are kneeling, oh, and bowing their head all over this building. O God, let that Voice, from Heaven, speak this morning. Give an assurance, Lord. Let these men, that are dying men and women, Jesus, let us have, this day, the consolation of that Witness coming down from Heaven this morning. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we are pleading, Lord, if there be yet an extension of mercy through the Blood, let it come upon each one, today, according to their coming. May it be so, today."--Ed.]

[Brother Neville continues praying. "And may each one, Lord, satisfied, this day, that Thou being Almighty God. If this be the extension of mercy, let it be unto each one, individually."] Grant it, Lord. ["Let it be now, Father. And let the peace of God, that has always passed understanding, let it come again to waiting hearts."] Yes, Lord. ["Let this be the hour."] Yes. ["We believe that You have heard from Heaven."] God, grant it. ["Whatever is in store for us, if it be over, then, Lord, we know what the final is."] Yes, Lord. ["But, if not, let the Witness come."] Yes, Lord. ["Let these that have come, let them find peace this day,"] Grant it, Lord. ["through Jesus Christ. And in His Name we pray. Amen."--Ed.]

384 Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll save Becky and Sarah and Joseph, and them, too, Lord. Don't let this happen to my children, Lord. Don't let it happen to my brothers and my friends. Grant it, Lord.

385We don't know, we don't know, but we're seeing something, Lord. Is it a shaking sign right now before us? Grant it, Lord. Draw us all close to You, quickly, Lord. We love You and we need You. Let it be, Father, the Holy Spirit give us comfort in our hearts now.

386We pray that we might be witnesses to You in this hour, for we know this has got to happen. It's been predicted through the ages, and we must face it, that we're at the end time when we see these signs appearing. We know, and been told for many years now, that this thing shall take place. Now we see it right in our door, great mighty wrath of God moving through the streets, taking out the uncircumcised. Where there is no Blood on the door, the death angel visits; and they go right on living, but dead while they're living, without mercy, without God, and can never be saved.

387 God, how we thank You for these who are saved! How we... What a great blessing it is to our hearts, to be on the inside now, under the Blood, while that last angel passes through the land, taking out the...

388The ones out from under the blood, they died without mercy. That was Moses' last pull. First, a--a young man talking to Israel; second, went down to deliver them; third, was the last message. The miracles had been done, Moses was on his road to the promised land, with the redeemed.

O God, be merciful, I pray, in Jesus' Name.

389 Now I'd like to ask this. You who are praying, you who feel that you have mercy, and that (God) you feel that you're in the Kingdom of God, you feel that--that you've been anchored somehow another, that in Christ you have faith to believe that you are a Christian, you are born again and you know that you're a Christian, and without doubt. I wish you would all stand up, you that want that, believes that, that that mercy has been extended to you now, and you are Christians, and you--and you believe that--that the Blood is applied to your heart, and--and--and that you're forgiven of every sin.

390 This was a very hard thing to speak to you people. I'm so thankful, and see the people up from everywhere. And you, I--I so...

391I don't know that this thing is true, but it's got to be that way, sometime. See, it's got to come to that, and it could be now. See? In every way, the world will carry right on. People will still come to the altar, they'll still cry out, but it won't do no good. See? They'll be gone, see, it'll be over. There won't be no mercy. Remember that. "And the sanctuary become smoky." "He that's filthy, is filthy still; he that's righteous, is righteous still; and he that's holy, is holy still." There is no more mercy, when the Lamb takes the Book; that's it, that's all of it. And it looks a whole lot like it could be now.

392Maybe we have another day; maybe today is that day. Maybe tomorrow is the la-... Maybe tonight is the last night. Maybe this is the last year. I don't know, friends. I'm telling you, I don't know. It'll never be told me.

393 But when God takes that last name and redeems it from that Book of Life, that's all of it. See, they can't be no more, anyhow. There can't be no more, anyhow. That's all. It's finished.

394How many knows it's the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. It's--it's the Truth. Now that we do feel...

395And I see this congregation that I've preached to and warned, all these years, and see a Message like this that I... that I--I brought in this amateur form. And just remember, I say it so that you'll understand it, amateur form; some more things could just almost shook you to pieces, see. But I just omitted it, felt to do it, 'cause I'm not sure. If I'm not sure where I'm treading, I'll tread easy, see, but just telling you.

396 Listen. Aren't you happy? Could there be anything greater, that you could think of, that you've done in your life?

397What if it's over now? What if it's all done? "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, maybe..." Yeah, I know. They could go right on. They did, each time. I've explained that and proved it by the Scripture, see, the world continued rolling right on, but it was done. See?

398"The foolishness of preaching saves the lost. And it's foolishness, to men. It's the wisdom of God." See? God is a Spirit. He works in spiritual ways, see, His wonders to perform; wondrous ways. But, we are human, we are finite. We don't know; we just look upon what we can see. But Something within us...

399 When you walk out of that room here, if you never had it seen in your life, never had seen daylight, you would know that you passed from this room here, into a sunlight or something. It was warm. You could feel it. If there's no sense of your body to declare it, you would know, oh, no sense of sight to see it. No way to see the green trees, to see the nature; you didn't have sight, nobody ever had it. You would know you would be in the presence of something; your feeling would tell you that. You would know that. If I'd try to tell you, "It's the sun. It reflects. It shows things." See, you would know that it was there because you could feel it with your feelings. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

400 Now, we know that Christ is here. See? Maybe you don't see Him with your eyes. See? Maybe you don't. But through vision, I tell you, He's here. We feel It. We know there is Something here that our senses doesn't declare. It's the Spirit declares it, that Christ is here.

401I feel that He has redeemed us. I feel that our names are on His Book. I believe that we've been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.

I love you, and I know you love one another.

Oh, blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

402We should always feel that way to one another. See, we must, we must feel that way to one another. See? Cause, as we love one another, we love God. "Can you hate your brother who you have seen, and say you love God Who you have not seen?" We must love each other. "Greater love has no man than He that laid down His life for His enemy, that they might become His friends." Oh!

403 Do you know that song, Blest Be The Tie That Binds? Isn't it wonderful? Blest be the tie! Would you give us the chord on that, sister, there? Just let it play a minute.

404What if it's over? What if the Third Pull, coming up now, is to preach to the lost? What if all the types are going to show forth now? And we're in, and we're in, wouldn't that be wonderful? What a fellowship!

Oh, blest be the tie that binds (here's what does it)

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to...

405 What was that? Fellowship of kindred minds. "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." See?

406We try to make God a--a mascot boy, an errand or something, "God, do this, do that."

407Jesus said, "Pray, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.'" Then, Heaven is brought down to us, and we're--we are brought up to Heaven, and we're sitting in Heavenly places now in Christ Jesus. We all believe that Message to be the Truth, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, redeems us.

408Let's close our eyes now and raise our hands, while we sing it.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like... (Keep playing it.)

409 Now, not one smile. This is not smiling time. With a deepness of sincerity, while that song is a playing, let's shake hands with somebody by you, say, "God bless you, Christian," with sincerity.

410God bless you, Brother Neville. [Brother Neville says, "Bless you, Brother Branham!"--Ed.] Fifty-nine years old. ["That's right."] A long ways!

God bless you, Brother...?...

Now let's raise our hands up to Him.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

411 Now let us bow our heads, and, together, not knowing what the future holds, at this moment, not knowing but what it's over. I don't know. I can't say. I can't say. I don't know. But in the face of what facts that we have revealed this morning, let us pray the prayer the Lord told us to. Even if it is, "Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." Let us do it together.

412[Brother Branham and the congregation say the following prayer in unison, from Matthew 6:9-13--Ed.]

... Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

413 Now with our hearts bowed. The Bible said, "They sang a hymn, and went out." Remember, when they did that in the Scripture, it was because they had crucified the ministry of our Lord's Second Pull, and the Third Pull was ready to enter. A few hours after that, He ascended into hell and preached to the lost that had rejected their mercy.

414A chord of My Faith Looks Up To Thee.

My--my faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

Nor let me... from this day

Be wholly Thine!

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wash sorrow, fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

415 The Lord bless you, make His Son and grace to shine upon you. And the Lord give you Eternal Life, and be with you here in this world, and the world that is to come hereafter. And, Life Eternal, may you serve Him all through the aeons of time that is to come.

416If this is the time, and we have arrived at that place, I am not ashamed of what I have preached. And if each minister has to stand with his congregation and be judged, as I saw in the vision, I'm thankful for the Gospel that I have preached, because it's the same Gospel that Paul and them preached.

417I am happy for you. I am happy that you have received Christ as your Saviour. Love Him, and pray.

418And I'll see you this afternoon, the Lord willing, at seven o'clock, here at the church. God bless you. You're dismissed.