Cirkev nemôže fungovať bez Božej moci cez Slovo. A Duch Svätý bude potvrdzovať iba Slovo Božie, lebo to je to, čo On má robiť. To pomazanie má potvrdiť Slovo. A Ježiš bol ten Pomazaný, Slovo sa stalo telom. A preto On tam vošiel do tej vody, On bol Slovo, ktoré prišlo ku prorokovi. Prorok Ho pokrstil. A potom ten prorok povstal a povedal: "Ja sa musím menšiť a On musí rásť." Vidíme že, takým spôsobom postupuje Boh. Ale, či to oni prijali? Mali to poznať. Oni tam stáli a hľadeli na skutky Božie. Videli vyplnenie sa Slova. Vedeli, že písmo tak povedalo, ale aj tak nemohli uveriť, že To príde takým spôsobom. To malo prísť ku farizejom, alebo k sadúceom. Ak by To prišlo ku farizejom, sadúceji by To neprijali. A naopak sadúceovia by To neprijali, keby ľudia hovorili, že farizeovia To majú.
A presne tak isto je to dnes, naše systémy, všetko zhnilo a zanečistilo sa. Och! V akej hodine to žijeme, svet je slepý, chodí v temnosti, upadnutý v systémoch tohto sveta, ako ovce bez pastiera. A veď Slovo živého Boha bolo potvrdené pred ich očami, a predsa od Neho odišli v slepote, opustili Ho. Čo iné teda môžeme očakávať? Amen. Tu sme.
Potom sa svet rozpadá. Prečo? Bolo odvrhnuté práve To Slovo, ktoré je okovami tohto sveta.
1 Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná. Môžete si sadnúť. Veľmi som sa potešil, keď som sa dozvedel, že sem budem môcť dnes večer prísť a počúvať vás ako chválite Pána, že sa budem môcť znovu vrátiť domov a vidieť sa s vami všetkými. Čakal som na túto chvíľu od posledných sviatkov Vďakyvzdania, keď som tu bol, čakal som na tú chvíľu, keď sa budem môcť vrátiť znovu do svojej modlitebne. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen" -- pozn.prekl.] Kde sa schoval? Aha, tam je. Bol som zvedavý, či on stále povie na niečo také "amen", viete. [Brat Moore hovorí:"Amen" – pozn.prekl.] Vždy sa teším, keď tu môžem byť. A očakával som na tú chvíľu, ako som už povedal, od posledných sviatkov Vďakyvzdania.
2 Práve sme odišli z New Yorku, kde sme mali nádhernú kampaň. Pán nás tam úžasne požehnal. Zhromaždenia prebiehali v Morrisovom Auditóriu, davy úplne vyplnili celú miestnosť i ulice. A ľudia stáli vonku a čakali. Keď- keď niekto zaujatý stojacim davom vošiel do vnútra-viete ide o niektorých ľudí, ktorí prídu do cirkvi, a keď počujú niečo, čo sa im nepáči, vstávajú a vychádzajú. A stojaci tam ľudia hlasovali, kto vojde na miesto takého človeka, keď on odíde. Prechádzal som okolo každý večer, a takmer až na vzdialenosť mestského bloku boli ulice úplne zaplnené ľuďmi. Pán nás naozaj požehnal a dal nám duše, mali sme tiež veľa veľkých uzdravení.
3 Potom sme prežili nádherné chvíle na raňajkách Obchodníkov, ktorí vypredali všetky lístky na tie raňajky. A - a zdá sa mi, že tam potom museli stovky ľudí vpustiť bez lístka. Vtedy ľudia vyplnili všetky chodby, okolie miestnosti, stáli vo dverách, atď. Prežili sme jednoducho nádherné chvíle. Bol tam aj kňaz od Episkopálov a mnohí iní, a Pán nás hojne požehnal.
4 A potom sme sa zastavili doma, v mojom druhom dome, v Jeffersonville. Aby ste rozumeli, bývam posledné dva roky v Tucson, v štáte Arizona, ako viete.
5 A teraz sa vraciam do Tucsonu na raňajky Obchodníkov, ktoré sa uskutočnia budúci týždeň vo Phoenixe. A hneď v novom roku začíname kampaň, ktorá sa uskutoční pár dní pred medzinárodným stretnutím Obchodníkov. Tak sa mi zdá, skôr celonárodným, ktorý sa uskutoční v Ramada Inn.
6 Tak sa teším, že môžem byť dnes večer v tomto peknom meste Shreveport.
7 Zvyčajne kážem veľmi dlho, ale vynasnažím sa zo všetkých síl, vmestiť sa teraz do troch alebo štyroch hodín. A viem, že ste z toho vyčerpaní, ale pochopte, že nemám často tú príležitosť vás vidieť. A veľa ľudí odchádza domov, skôr než ja... odídu domov, do Chvály, skôr než vás budem môcť znovu navštíviť. Tak si myslím, že" to môže byť naša posledná zemská beseda pred vaším odletom." Od nášho posledného stretnutia v minulom roku, nepochybne mnohí už odišli. A pravdepodobne, ak Pán bude predlievať a podarí sa nám znovu stretnúť budúci rok tu, alebo niekde inde, bude medzi nami chýbať ešte viacej ľudí, tu na zhromaždení, a možno tiež aj ja. Nevieme, kedy budeme odvolaní z tejto zeme. Pán Ježiš môže tiež prísť, skôr ako sa dnes večer skončí toto zhromaždenie.
8 Nuž poznáte ma, že nie som žiadny krasorečník, ani rečník. Ja proste milujem Pána a robím čo môžem na Jeho chválu. Keď stojím tu na tomto pódiu vediac, že muži ako brat Moore, a tiež mnoho iných mužov stálo tu na tomto pódiu, cítim sa vtedy akoby...niežeby som nebol na mieste, nechcel som to povedať, ale ide o moju gramatiku atď. Myslím, že keby ma ľudia naozaj nemilovali, a uvideli by ma za kazateľňou, vstali by a odišli odtiaľto. Oni ma proste znesú a za to som vďačný.
9 Jednako prichádzam vždy s tým cieľom: Neprichádzam sem na to, aby som bol videný, keby som prišiel s tým cieľom, prišiel by som vás navštíviť ku vám domov, rozumiete. Prichádzam sem, aby som počas môjho pobytu urobil, čo len môžem pre Pána Ježiša Krista. Som tu iba za jedným cieľom: aby som Mu slúžil, a to ako najlepšie viem,aby som vám priniesol Slovo tak, ako bolo dané mne, tiež modliť sa za vašich chorých a trpiacich ľudí. Jeden alebo dva večery posvätíme, dohodneme sa z bratom Moore, modlitbe za chorých ľudí.
10 Okrem toho, každý večer, našou túžbou je, aby každá osoba, ktorá nie je kresťanom - máme nádej, že bude niečo povedané alebo učinené, čo spôsobí, že sa stanete kresťanmi. A ak nie ste...ak ste už uverili v Pána Ježiša Krista a prijali ste Ho, a boli ste pokrstení, ale ste neprijali ešte Ducha Svätého, nedovoľte, žeby vám to prešlo popred nos. Nech je to váš večer. Lebo pamätajte, že len toľko mien bude v tej knihe. A keď posledné meno bude dodané, vtedy je koniec. A vaše meno môže zakončiť tú Knihu.
11 Keď prišiel Baránok a vzal Knihu z pravej ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, bola to Kniha Vykúpenia. A tie mená v nej boli zapísané pred založením sveta. Keď to posledné meno bolo vyvolané, tá Kniha, ten plán, všetko ostatné bolo vtedy zjavené, Sedem Pečatí bolo Baránkom otvorených. Boli tam ukryté Tajomstvá celej Biblii. Keby sme mali čas, chcel by som...
12 Práve nedávno sme skončili preberať tých Sedem Pečatí. Chcel by som ich ešte raz prebrať. Pán nás veľmi požehnal ! Mnohí z vás počuli o tom, a čítali o tom v časopise "Life", o tých veciach, ktoré sa odohrali v tom čase. Ľudia tiež urobili fotografiu tých siedmich Anjelov, čo bolo predpovedané, keď sme išli na západ. A tri mesiace predtým mi On povedal, kde budem, a aj ako budem stáť, a tak sa aj stalo! A - a fotoaparáty zo vzdialenosti stoviek míľ urobili fotografie práve Toho, presne tak, ako To bolo predpovedané! Ak som vyhlásil niečo v mojom živote, čo bolo inšpirované, tak to bolo tých Sedem Pečatí. Nuž tak viem, že sme v poslednom čase.
13 A keď sa posledné meno nájde v tej Knihe, alebo skôr, posledné meno bude vykúpené, ktoré bolo vpísané do tej Knihy, potom je to vybavené. On prichádza, aby si nárokoval, to, čo vykúpil. A môže to byť zvláštny čas. Či ste už niekedy o tom premýšľali? Ľudia budú ďalej kázať, cirkev bude ďalej pracovať, mysliac si, že privádza ľudí ku spaseniu. Ale vtedy už bude neskoro, bude už po všetkom, a Posolstvo pôjde ku úplne strateným ľuďom. Práve takisto, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, počas siedmich dní v arche. Takisto bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. A takisto Ježiš sám, v treťom stupni Jeho služby, On šiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli navždy stratené, ktoré boli vo väzení, a nečinili pokánie, keď Boh trpezlivo vyčkával za dní Noeho. A my nevieme, kedy sa niečo také môže stať.
14 Príjmime varovanie. Nestojte len, prizerajúc sa, urobte s tým niečo. Ak nie sme zmierení s Bohom, zmierme sa s Bohom. Vidíte?
15 Raz, myslím, že to je v 11 kapitole Matúša, asi v 6 verši alebo niekde tam, nie som si istý. To je 11 kapitola, som si celkom istý. Raz Ján poslal svojich učeníkov za Pánom Ježišom, aby sa Ho opýtali, či je naozaj On ten, ktorý mal prísť, alebo majú čakať iného. On povedal:"Choďte a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa deje."Povedzte mu: "Požehnaný je ten, kto sa na mne nepohorší."
16 Keď prešli na druhú stranu vrchu, a Ježiš ich pravdepodobne pozoroval, opýtal sa: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť?" A oni...Opýtal sa: "Vyšli ste vidieť človeka odiateho mäkkým rúchom?" On povedal: "Taký sú v kráľovských palácoch. Alebo možno trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre?" Povedal: "Vyšli ste vidieť proroka?" Povedal: "Hovorím vám, že i viac ako proroka. Ak to môžte prijať, On je ten, o ktorom hovoril prorok u Malachiáša 3 : Pošlem vám Môjho posla pred Mojou tvárou."
17 Raz učeníci položili túto otázku. Spýtali sa: "Prečo učení v Písme, učitelia Písma, hovoria, že Eliáš musí prísť skôr, než sa všetky tieto veci stanú?" Pamätajte, že On hovoril ku učeníkom nie ku farizejom, ale ku učeníkom. Oni sa opýtali: "Prečo učení v písme hovoria, že najskôr musí prísť Eliáš?"
18 On odpovedal: "Eliáš už prišiel a urobili mu, čo chceli a vy ste to nevedeli."
19 Čo by sa stalo, keby ste si jedného dňa uvedomili, že sa nachádzate v čase súženia a povedali by ste: "Myslel som si, že najprv malo byť vytrhnutie?" Vidíte? A hlas by vám odpovedal: "Vytrhnutie už bolo, a vy ste to nevedeli."
21 Pane Ježišu, premýšľajúc o tých veciach, keď ich predkladáme tejto cirkvi, hovoríme o tom tým ľuďom, Bože, prosíme Ťa, aby si v tejto chvíli spasil každú dušu v Shreverporte, ktorá je zapísaná v tej Knihe. Ak sú tu takí, ktorí nie sú spasení, Otče, nech toto bude hodina, v ktorej zostanú spasení. Ak je niekto takí prostred zhromaždených dnes večer, nech to bude ich večer.
22 Požehnaj brata Moore, sestru Moore, ich rodinu, ich deti, deti ich detí. Bože, ďakujeme Ti za nich. Taktiež za brata Lyle, brata Browna a za všetkých bratov, ktorí sú tu v zbore. Za brata Dona, i za tú milú skupinu ľudí, za všetkých členov tohoto zboru, laikov, ďakujeme Ti za nich.
23 Prosíme Ťa tiež, Nebeský Otče, aby toto naše zhromaždenie, teraz týchto sviatkov Vďakyvzdania... To môžu byť posledné sviatky Vďakyvzdania, na ktorých sme sa stretli tu na tej zemi, preto pomôž nám, Bože, využiť to a nepremárniť ten čas. Uvedomujeme si, že sa zpozdieva a chceme učiniť všetko, čo je v našej moci, urobiť všetko pre Pána Ježiša, prv než On príde. Niekedy sa mi zdá, akoby On čakal, až kým dokončíme naše dielo, a tak pomôž nám Pane, dnes večer, jednotlivo, každému z nás, aby sme sa tak zaujímali o iných ľudí, že pôjdeme do ulíc, alebo k susedom a privedieme tých stratených, aby mohli byť spasení.
24 Požehnaj Svoje Slovo. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda, Pane, úplná Pravda. Modlime sa - kedy sa snažíme lámať tento Chlieb Života, Pravdu, a podať to ľuďom - aby prišiel Duch Svätý z dôvodu toho zlámaného tela, tam na Golgote, kde ho zlámal hriech, a rozdelil sa znovu medzi nás, keď máme obecenstvo okolo Slova, lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.
25 Prosím vás otvorte si spolu so mnou svoje Biblie. Mnohí z vás radi sledujú tie miesta Písma, ktoré kazateľ číta, alebo evanjelista. A dnes večer by som chcel prečítať niektoré miesta Písma: zo 4 kapitoly 5 Mojžišovej počnúc od 7 do 14 verša. Chcem tiež prečítať časť z listu Židom, zo 14 kapitoly, od 25 do 29 verša vrátane.
5 Mojžišova 4.
Lebo kde máš nejaký veliký národ, ktorý by mal bohov takých blízkych sebe, jako je Hospodin náš Bôh, blízky nám, kedykoľvek a o čokoľvek voláme k nemu!
Alebo kde máš ktorý veliký národ, ktorý by mal také spravedlivé ustanovenia a súdy, jako je celý tento zákon, ktorý ja dnes predkladám pre vás?!
Len sa maj na pozore a veľmi ostríhaj svoju dušu, aby si nezabudol vecí, ktoré videli tvoje oči, a aby neuhli z tvojho srdca po všetky dni tvojho života, a oznámiš ich svojim synom i synom svojich synov.
Najmä nezabudni na deň, ktorého si stál pred Hospodinom, svojím Bohom, na Horebe, keď mi povedal Hospodin: Shromaždi mi ľud, a dám, aby počuli moje slová, ktorým sa budú učiť, aby sa báli po všetky dni, dokiaľ len budú žiť na zemi, a budú učiť aj svojich synov.
Vtedy ste sa priblížili a stáli ste pod vrchom, ktorý horel ohňom až hore do samého neba, a bola na ňom tma, oblak a mrákava.
A Hospodin vám hovoril zprostred ohňa; hlas slov ste počuli, ale nevideli ste nijakej podoby, krome čo ste počuli hlas.
Oznámil vám svoju zmluvu, ktorú vám prikázal činiť, desať slov, a napísal ich na dve kamenné dosky.
A mne prikázal Hospodin toho času, aby som vás učil ustanoveniam a súdom, aby ste ich činili v zemi, do ktorej idete, hen na druhú stranu, nato, aby ste ju zaujali dedične.
26 Teraz z listu Židom, 14. [12. - pozn.prekl.] kapitola počnúc od 25 verša.
Hľaďte, aby ste neodbyli Toho, ktorý hovorí! Lebo ak tamtí neušli odbyjúc toho, ktorý hovoril na zemi slová božského zjavenia, tým menej my, ktorí sa odvraciame od toho z nebies,
ktorého hlas vtedy pohnul zemou, a teraz zasľúbil a povedal: Ja ešte raz zatrasiem nie len zemou, ale aj nebom.
A to: ešte raz, jasne ukazuje na preloženie vecí, ktoré sa pohybujú, ako učinených, aby zostalo to, čo sa nepohybuje.
Preto, keď prijímame nepohnuteľné kráľovstvo, buďme vďační a vďakou svätoslúžme ľúbe Bohu s úctou a bázňou Božou,
lebo náš Bôh aj je ohňom, spaľujúcim.
27 No, mám tu zopár poznámok a niekoľko zapísaných miest Písma, na ktoré by som sa chcel odvolávať, niekoľko minút. Chcel by som dať tomu zvláštny a krátky názov. Tieto pásky sú pripravené v každom čase, pre každého kto bude chcieť. Pán Maguire, ktorý je tu, vás bude môcť vybaviť v tejto záležitosti. Chcem vziať text z... a skôr na základe prečítaného textu dať tejto kázni nasledujúci titul: Svet sa znovu rozpadá.
28 Včera, presnejšie včera večer, sme prechádzali Memphis, Tennessee. Vošli sme do mesta neskoro popoludní alebo skôr večer. Nemohli sme sa takmer dostať cez ulice, pre veľké množstvo detí a ľudí. Zamyslel som sa: "Čo to môže byť?" Ľudia neboli oblečení tak, ako na nejaké náboženské zhromaždenia, ako napríklad nášho dobrého brata Billy Grahama alebo Orala Robertsa. A nemyslím, žeby tam v tom čase niekde boli. Ženy, ktoré tam stáli, mali oblečené nohavice, malé deti, ktoré stáli pri nich mali oblečené kombinézy, atď. Zamyslel som sa, čo to je a nakoniec sme sa dozvedeli. Bola to Mikulášska zábava. Tisícky ľudí sa vyšlo na ňu pozrieť na ulice atď. Preto sa nám ťažko prechádzalo cez Memphis - lebo prichádza čas Vianoc.
29 Vianoce sa stali časom takého veľkého obchodu, že sviatky Vďakyvzdania sú už proti tomu ničím, aspoň čo sa týka záujmu, lebo sviatky Vianoc majú oveľa väčší vplyv na svet obchodu, pretože veľa ľudí vtedy nakupuje. Preto sviatky Vďakyvzdania plynú jednoducho bez povšimnutia. A vidíme, keď sa znovu približujú Vianoce, rozmýšľal som, žeby bolo dobre kázať na tú tému, ako sa k nim blížime. Vediac, že v skutočnosti Vianoce nie sú...
30 Hoci oslavujeme 25. december ako narodenie Krista, v skutočnosti všetci vedia, že to nebol deň narodenia Krista. To bolo narodenie rímskeho boha slnka a pochádza to z čias, kedy sa cirkev obrátila do, alebo skôr bola vtiahnutá do katolicizmu, čo sa odohralo na Nicejskom koncile. Namiesto narodenia boha slnka, urobili z toho narodenie Syna Božieho. Čo je vtedy, keď slnko, od 20. až... To znamená od 21. do 25. je to akoby vo svojom...Nepamätám si, ako sa to správne volá. Keď slnko prechádza tou fázou, je tam veľmi malý rozdiel. A to bolo narodenie boha slnka, tak ľudia jednoducho zobrali Syna Božieho a učinili tie sviatky Jeho narodením, aby do toho vmiešali svoju pohanskú tradíciu. Preto v žiadnom prípade to nie je narodením Krista.
31 On sa nemohol narodiť v tom ročnom období, pretože Júdea je viacmenej v tej istej zemepisnej šírke ako my. Dozvedáme sa, že zima v Júdei, 25. decembra, tam je veľa snehových víchric a je tam chladno. Pastieri teda nemôžu byť na vrchoch, a taktiež pre veľa iných dôvodov to nemôže byť pravda.
32 Okrem toho On sa narodil s prírodou, ako aj celá ostatná príroda. On sa narodil na jar. Baránky sa rodia obyčajne na jar, a On bol Baránkom. Ja si myslím, že On sa narodil v marci, apríli, alebo niekde v tom období, skoro na jar.
33 Jednako vidíme, že ľudia z toho urobili deň obchodu. Ľudia zaplňujú ulice, derú sa jeden cez druhého, robia zbytočný rozruch okolo toho, či majú niekoho obdarovať a koľko zaplatia za dar.
34 Nedávno ma niečo zaskočilo. Stál som na jednom mieste, kde sa rozprávali dve panie o dare pre svojho otca k narodeninám, a skôr pri príležitosti Vianoc v tomto roku. Jedna z nich povedala: "Kúpila som mu štvrťlitrovú whisky." A druhá povedala: "Kúpila som mu balík, alebo kartón cigariet", alebo niečo také. Oni sa rozprávali o tom - že jedna zaplatí oveľa viac za whisky než za cigarety.
35 Zamyslel som sa: "Či to má byť dar daný pri spomienke na Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho!" Také niečo a je v tom smrť!
36 Vidím náš svet v takom smutnom stave, v akom je teraz, skazený z každej strany, nieto na svete žiadna možnosť aby sa z toho ešte niekedy dostal. Radšej dávajme pozor na to, čo robíme v týchto dňoch. Lebo práve teraz smútime nad jednou z najväčších tragédií, aká nás mohla stretnúť... Nikdy by nám neprišlo na myseľ, že niečo také by sa mohlo stať v Amerike, ale jednako sa to stalo. Popustili sme v evanjeliu, preto sa náš kraj stal celý červivý skrze to čo je v ňom, a bude ešte horšie. Nemám žiadnych pochybností, že jeho stav sa bude neustále zhoršovať.
37 Zisťujeme jednak, že v čase týchto Vianoc, aby som sa dostal ku téme, že pri tohoročných Vianociach je svet takmer v takom istom stave, v akom bol pred 2000 rokmi, kedy prišiel Ježiš. Od toho času sa veľmi nezmenil. Pretože v čase tamtých Vianoc bol svet v rozpade a očakával na Mesiáša, aby ho pomohol udržať pred rozpadom. A dnes je to tak isto, nachádzame sa v tej istej situácii. Svet sa znovu rozpadá.
38 A nie je to len tu v Amerike, ale tiež na celom svete, kamkoľvek by ste išli: v náboženskom svete, v politickom svete, všade, v morálke. To už viac nie je, to je len ... Morálka je už len medzi dobrými ľuďmi a veľmi ťažko ju možno nájsť. To je hanba. Politika a všetko je úplne skorumpované, choré na takom stupni, ako hnilý vred od hlavy až po päty, celý svet. Náš politický systém, náš náboženský systém, náš morálny systém, všetko, čo máme sa rozpadlo! Nie je možné udržať to pohromade. Je to skončené! Sme na konci cesty. A to je všetko.
39 Viem, že sme dlho o tom hovorili, ale v jednom z týchto dní sa prestane o tom hovoriť, bude to história a zistíme, že sa nachádzame vonku, ak nebudeme pozorný na tento čas.
40 Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme my v čase týchto Vianoc, keby Ho Boh znovu poslal, tak ako Ho poslal vtedy pred dvetisíc rokmi, keby nám Ho poslal teraz v 1964 roku, zaujímalo by ma, či by sme s Ním neurobili to isté, čo oni vtedy. Iba sa zamýšľam, či by Jeho príchod bol o niečo viac - či by bol viac vítaný v politickom svete alebo v náboženskom svete, ako bol vtedy? Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme boli aspoň trochu viac schopný prijať Ho, ako oni vtedy? Ale vieme, že On bol vtedy odvrhnutý.
41 Čo by sme s Ním urobili, keby prišiel? Pravdepodobne náboženský svet, na ktorom toto teraz opieram, by s ním spravil to, čo ten vtedy. Ukrižovali by Ho, keby mohli (oni sa nezmenili) pre tú istú príčinu, pre ktorú Ho ukrižovali vtedy.
42 Prečo to spravili? Či neukrižovali práve toho, o ktorého sa modlili aby prišiel na zem a aby ich zachránil, aby ich dostal z toho chaosu? Oni ukrižovali jedinú nádej, ktorú mali. Prečo, prečo to urobili? Pretože, keď Boh odpovedal na ich modlitbu, On na ňu odpovedal tak, ako to oni neočakávali. Keď prišiel, tak vôbec neprišiel podľa chuti ich teológie.
43 A keby On dnes znovu prišiel, On by prišiel tým istým spôsobom, nebolo by to podľa chuti tohto sveta, ani podľa cirkevnej teológii, ani podľa ich predstáv o Ňom. On vždy prichádza. Keď Boží ľud začne mať problémy a modlí sa, vtedy im Boh dá to, za čo sa oni modlia, ale On im to dá v takej forme, aká je pre nich dobrá. A oni to odvrhli, pretože To neprišlo tým spôsobom, ako si to oni predstavovali, že to príde. Oni odvrhli pomazané Božie Slovo, a On je Slovom.
44 Nuž, Boh vo všetkých vekoch, vo všetkých časoch, keď On začal... Keď On mnoho ráz, mnohým spôsobom, vypovedal Svoje Slovo cez prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch cez Ježiša Krista, Svojho Syna. Zisťujeme, že každé jedno z týchto proroctiev bolo presne na svoj daný vek. Tak, ako v prípade kráľa Nabuchodonozora, ktorý mal ten sen, v ktorom videl pohanský svet od hlavy až po päty, a Daniel vyložil ten sen, ktorý bol proroctvom, týkajúcim sa celého sveta, všetkých vekov, každej časti pohanského kráľovstva, ktoré malo prechádzať od hlavy až k pätám. A proroci vždy vypovedali Slová, ktoré sa mali stať v každom veku.
45 A keď Boh... Keď sa ľudia dostávajú do problémov, Boh im odpovedá. Posiela im pomazaného proroka alebo nejakého posla, pretože nemôže cúvnuť z toho Slova, ktoré určil pre ten vek. Ale čo On robí? Posiela posla, aby oživil tú danú časť Slova pre ten vek. On to vždy tak robí. Vidíte? On na začiatku sformoval Svoje Slovo. On poznal koniec od začiatku. Vypovedal Svoje Slovo. V každom veku, keď sa ľudia dostali do problémov, modlili sa, a vtedy im Boh poslal pomazaného muža. A ten pomazaný úplne oživoval to zasľúbenie pre ten vek, ktoré bolo predpovedané pre ten vek. A to je to, čo On celý čas robí. Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program. Nikdy sa nestretneme u Boha s tým, žeby sa zmenil.
46 Boh raz rozhodol akým spôsobom spasí človeka, bolo to v záhrade Eden - pod preliatou krvou. Skúšali sme každý iný systém, od figových listov po vzdelanie, psychológiu, denomináciu systémov, atď., a každá z tých vecí bola odvrhnutá, to nikdy nefungovalo, ani nikdy nebude. Boh sa stretne s človekom iba pod preliatou krvou a to je jediné miesto, kde sa On s ním vždy bude stretávať, lebo také bolo Jeho prvé rozhodnutie. On sa nikdy nestretne s človekom, pod žiadnym systémom etiky. Nikdy, to je úplne nemožné! Len sa vráťte späť na Božiu cestu - do toho, čo On povedal na počiatku. A On je nekonečný, nemôže sa zmeniť, a preto je vždy tým istým. Tam sa On stretáva s človekom, a iba tam. Z toho dôvodu nemáme dnes obecenstva, z toho dôvodu je cirkev tak rozdelená, lebo každá skupina sa oddelila skrze systém, a keď to ľudia robia, vtedy ich Boh odvrhuje. On chce, aby sme sa stretli pod krvou, kde máme všetko spoločné, dole pri Kríži. Boh to určil týmto jediným spôsobom! Boh vždy posiela Svoje Slovo.
47 Dnes vidíme, že dnešný svet je taký istý ako ten vtedajší: nachádza sa - politické systémy, atď. - v úplnom rozpade a očakáva na nejakého mesiáša, ktorý ho udrží pohromade.
48 Nuž, slovo mesiáš znamená: "pomazaný", niečo pomazané. Boh... Toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Celá táto Kniha bola zapečatená Siedmimi Pečaťami zjavenia Ježiša Krista. Ježiš Kristus bol v 1. Mojžišovej, Ježiš Kristus bol v prostriedku tej Knihy. Ježiš Kristus bol v 2. Mojžišovej aj v 1. Mojžišovej, bol tiež v strede tej Knihy, bol tiež v Novom Zákone, taktiež v Zjavení a až do samého konca: "Ten istý včera, dnes, i na veky. " To je celé Boh!
51 No, zisťujeme teda, že sme v takej situácii, teraz v týchto posledných časoch, kedy znova vyhliadame príchod Pánov.
52 Dobre si pamätám starého baptistického kazateľa, ktorý ma pokrstil v Meno Ježiša Krista, keď som bol ešte malým chlapcom. On vždy so mnou diskutoval na, tú tému, tému Jána Krstiteľa. Hovoril: "Brat Billy, " hovoril, " Keď Ján... Keď On povedal: "Nechaj teraz tak, vtedy Ho on nechal. Povedal: "Potom Ján pokrstil... Ježiš pokrstil Jána, pretože vieme, že Ján ešte nebol pokrstený, a predsa kázal krst." Nuž, nad tým som sa vždy trochu pozastavoval.
53 Potom, nedávno mi to bolo zjavené tým spôsobom, že v tôni tej rieky, v tej vodnej priehlbine sa odohralo stretnutie dvoch najväčších poslov, akých kedy ten svet videl: človek, ktorý prevyšoval všetkých prorokov, ktorým bol Ján, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že: "Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy väčší muž ako on"; a bol tam tiež sám Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. A pamätajte, Biblia nám hovorí, že: "Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom." A keď sa Slovo stalo telom; tu vo vode stál prorok. A vtedy Slovo a prorok sa stretli, a rozpoznali sa. To je pravda. Samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, vtelený Syn Boží, prišlo k prorokovi vo vode.
54 Prorok povedal: "Mne je treba, aby som bol pokrstený od Teba, prečo Ty ideš ku mne?"
55 On povedal: "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť."
56 Všimnite si. Ján súc prorokom, vedel, že On je obeť. Obeť musela byť umytá prv, ako bola obetovaná. Preto On musel byť pokrstený.
57 Ó, dnes, sa nám sluší aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť nášho dňa. Tá hodina je tu. Biblia nám hovorí, čo sa má stať v tomto dni. Vieme, čo hovorí Biblia, že sa stane v tomto dni. Je to na nás aby sme sa držali Boha, až kým sa odohrajú tieto veci. Toto je tá hodina. Modlite sa o toho pomazaného, na ktorého očakávame, ktorý nám dá to vyslobodenie, pretože Boh to zasľúbil.
58 Oni vtedy odvrhli pomazané Božie Slovo, preto sa to všetko rozpadlo. Dnes znovu vidíme, že sa to znovu rozpadá. Vidím, ako som už povedal, našu skorumpovanú politiku, a taktiež život cirkvi je skazený. Čo sa stalo? Tu je to čo to spôsobilo; stále keď odídete od Božieho programu, nájdete sa v skazenosti. To nemôže obstáť. Božie Slovo je neomylné, a nič iné nemôže zaujať Jeho miesto, nikdy.
59 Náš vzdelávací systém, náš denominačný systém, zaujal miesto Svätého Ducha, ktorý má viesť cirkev. Naše veľké nádherné kurzy kazateľov, atď. zaujali miesto celonočných modlitebných zhromaždení a našich starodávnych spôsobov, ktorými sme sa dostávali k Bohu. Dnes, namiesto kazateľov máme vykladačov, ľudí, ktorí tak dobre poznajú Slovo, že si sem môžu sadnúť, a tak Ho poskladať, že človeka udivujú ich znalosti. Oni poznajú mechaniku, ale to nie je Dynamika. My chceme Dynamiku. Nechcem sa starať o mechaniku, ja chcem poznať Dynamiku. Čo to spraví?
60 Neviem na akom princípe ide auto. Má v sebe piesty a valce, a ja neviem aké tlaky sú v ňom použité. Poznám iba Dynamiku. Vychádzam s autom z garáže a idem.
61 To vieme, Boh to zasľúbil: "Vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo, vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať." Ako to On spraví? Neviem vám to povedať. Chcem len poznať Dynamiku Božieho systému. To je to hlavné.
62 Tak veľa sme študovali mechaniku, až je dnes všetko úplne zmechanizované. Načo ti je auto, ak nemá v sebe to, vďaka čomu s ním môžeš jazdiť? Načo sú ti svetlá alebo iné zariadenia, ak v nich nemáš prúd? Vidíte, máme celú mechaniku, máme školy, vychovávateľov, atď., ktorí môžu vyškoliť človeka až tak, že sa môže postaviť za kazateľňu a má také spôsoby, že až je z neho vynikajúci rečník. A aj tak to neprivádza moc Božiu. Kde je tá Božia, ktorá kedysi bola v cirkvi. Kde je to letničné Požehnanie, ktoré kedysi pretekalo cez cirkvi? Preto sa náš svet rozpadá, lebo sme odišli od skutočných Božích zásad a cez vzdelanie sme voviedli ľudí do systémov, atď. A práve to spôsobilo, že sme dnes v takom stave. Verím, že práve pre tú príčinu sa náš svet rozpadá.
63 To sa dialo na zemi od čias Noeho. Zisťujeme, že keď Boh mal Noeho, proroka spravodlivosti, ktorý kázal svoje posolstvo. Biblia nám hovorí, že na zemi sa vtedy objavila nemorálnosť:" Ľudia jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali."Čítame, že v tom čase bolo na zemi obžerstvo, nemorálnosť, atď. A potom sa svet rozpadol, pretože ľudia odvrhli posolstvo Božie na tamten deň. Noe bol Božím pomazaným prorokom, Bohom poslaným, s posolstvom od Boha, a on varoval ľudí, prv než nastal súd. A oni pukali od smiechu, vysmievali sa tomu posolstvu, uťahovali si z neho a celý systém sveta sa v tom čase rozpadol, a tí ľudia boli potopení v morských hlbinách. To je pravda. Prečo? Odmietli posolstvo na ich hodinu.
64 Čítame, že to isté sa dialo v Egypte, keď Mojžiš vyvádzal z tade deti Izraela. Celý Egyptský systém sa skazil. Zisťujeme, že sa stalo znovu to isté, keď Boh poslal ku nim Svojho pomazaného posla, kvôli Svojmu Slovu. To bolo naplnenie Jeho Slova. Spýtate sa: "Či to bolo naplnenie Jeho Slova?"
65 On povedal Abrahámovi, že to je presne to čo On učiní. Tak musel niekto prísť na scénu v tom čase, aby to Slovo oživil rovno pred nimi. Boh tam poslal Svojho Mojžiša a učinil presne to, čo zasľúbil, pretože on bol pomazaným Slovom na tamtú hodinu. On povedal, že odsúdi ten svet. Božie Slovo povedalo: "Ja budem súdiť tento národ veľkými a mocnými zázrakmi a znameniami."
66 Stál tam človek, obyčajný človek, taký ako ty alebo ja, ktorý obdržal Slovo od Boha, vyšiel tam a Slovom priviedol stvorenie do existencie. Povedal: " Nech..." Zodvihol zo zeme piesok a povedal: "Nech vyjdú zo zeme blchy." A Slovo Božie skrze ústa toho proroka - lebo to bola presne tá hodina, v ktorej sa to malo stať - na to Slovo blchy pokryli celú zem. On spôsobil, že celá zem bola pokrytá žabami, všami. Všade spadli najrôznejšie nákazy, atď. Pretože Boh to zasľúbil a prišla hodina, aby to bolo pomazané, pomazané Slovo na tú hodinu, v ktorej oni žili.
67 A to je vlastne to, čo potrebujeme dnes, nie návrat do nejakých seminárnych systémov, ale do pomazaného Slova na túto hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, ktoré znovu zrodí svetu Ježiša Krista, Toho istého včera, dnes i na veky. Je určitý plán pripravený na tento deň, zasľúbenie Božie. Jediný spôsob akým sa vôbec kedy môžeme napraviť, to je, že pripustíme, že to Slovo je pomazané. Tak veru. To sa stále vyplnilo.
68 Áno. vidíme veľkú morálnu skazenosť vo dňoch Nabuchodonozora. On mal istého pomazaného muža. A keď ruka písala ten nápis na stenu, on tam mal človeka, ktorý mu to vedel prečítať.
69 Za dní Lóta a Sodomy - znovu vidíme, že sa svet rozpadal. Boh zachránil z neho to, čo mohlo z toho byť zachránené.
70 Vo dňoch Ježiša Krista - vidíme, že ľuďmi zostavené systémy dostali svet do takého stavu, a tiež ich politiky toho dňa, do takého stavu, že celý svet sa rozpadal v čase prvých Vianoc.
71 Teraz sme urobili tú istú vec, vrátili sme sa presne do toho istého stavu a znečistili sme Slovo Božie zorganizovaným náboženstvom, do takého stupňa, až vidíme ako sa to rozpadá. Na ktorý, hoci jediný, z týchto systémov sa môžeme spoliehať? Do akého systému môžeme ísť, do systému metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov alebo do systému letničných? Nie je nič, čoby sme mohli spraviť, iba sa vrátiť do toho pomazaného Slova, ktoré je zasľúbené na túto hodinu. Tie systémy sú pominuteľné a skazené. To sú ľuďmi zostavené systémy a oni vás nespasia. Nie je v nich žiadny život. Jediný Život je v Slove Božom. Ono je Život. On tak povedal.
72 A tak ako bolo vtedy, keď sa modlili, ľudia zistili, že sú na konci svojej cesty, na konci povrazu po ktorom sa šplhali, ako boli vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Mojžiša, a tak ďalej. Keď zistili, že už ďalej nemôžu ísť, vtedy sa začali modliť. A keď sa ľudia začínajú modliť, Boh vždy odpovedá. Vtedy sa narodil Ježiš.
73 Vtedajší svet, ako som už povedal, sa rozpadal. Každý národ vyzeral mesiáša, presne takisto, ako my dnes. Rím vyzeral veľkého génia, ktorý by mohol povstať medzi nimi, nejakého veľkého človeka, ktorý by poznal všetky vojenské triky, a mohol by vytiahnuť, a podmaniť si Grécko a celý svet. Grécko vyzeralo takého istého, niekoho, kto by im mohol povedať, akým spôsobom si podmaniť celý zvyšný svet.
74 Židovský náboženský svet v tých dňoch, vyzeral nejakého generála. Mysleli si, že Mesiáš príde z neba držiac v ruke veľkú železnú palicu a pobije Rimanov, porazí ich a zaženie do mora. Oni vyzerali takého človeka. Oni chceli generála.
75 To veľmi pripomína naše dnešné denominácie, naše denominácie vyzerajú nejakého supermana. Náš národ vyzerá nejakého supermana. Rusko vyzerá nejakého supermana. Takisto východný svet. Organizácia spojených národov vyzerá takého. Cirkvi vyzerajú takého človeka. Ale akého supermana oni vyzerajú?
76 Rusko vyzerá mesiáša, ktorý by bol tak pomazaný na inteligencii, aby vedel, akým spôsobom pre nich dobyť vesmír a všetkých vyhnať na mesiac. Oni chcú dobyť svet. To je proste...
77 Ale vidíte, keď ľudia prosia o tieto veci a prosia o toto, oni neprosia tak, ako to povedal Ježiš. My chceme z Boha urobiť poskoka: "Pane, učiň pre mňa to! Učiň pre mňa tamto! Choď a urob to", hovoríme Mu, čo má urobiť.
78 Ježiš povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, modlite sa takto: Otče náš, ktorý si na nebesiach, posväť sa Meno Tvoje, príď Kráľovstvo Tvoje. Buď vôľa Tvoja." Kto? - Nájdite kde to tak robíme. My vždy chceme, aby Boh behal za našimi vecami, alebo pre nás niečo spravil. Ale keď sme ochotní povedať: "Buď vôľa Tvoja", poručiť sa Jemu, poručiť Jemu naše cesty. Poručiť Jemu všetko, čím sme. Potom Boh začne konať, keď si ochotný nechať Ho aby pracoval na tebe, nie aby si ty pracoval na ňom.
79 Nech On hovorí tebe, nie ty Jemu, ako to prevraciate hovoriac: "Prídi do nášho systému, ó, Pane, Bože, učiň z nás všetkých metodistov, učiň nás všetkých letničnými, vládni nad tými ostatnými. My chceme nejakého génia, my letniční, my metodisti a baptisti." Máme semináre, staviame obrovské semináre a hovoríme, že koniec času je blízko, že príchod Pánov je blízko, a staviame semináre v hodnote miliónov dolárov, a tak ďalej. Čo sa tým snažíme urobiť? Zaobstarať si mesiáša. To je pravda.
80 Nech len Pán vzbudí niečo, čo je niekde pomimo organizácie, vtedy si každá organizácia zaobstará niečo také pre seba. Presne tak. Vidzte, či to tak nie je. Pozrite sa, keď prišlo Božie uzdravenie, koľko povstalo Božích uzdravovateľov? Každý musel byť Božím uzdravovateľom.
81 Jeden Mojžiš bol v časoch toho vyjdenia. Bol jeden Eliáš, jeden Elizeus, jeden Izaiáš, a tak ďalej.
82 A tak vidíme, že svet chce svojho vlastného mesiáša. Rusko chce svojho, Amerika chce svojho a cirkevný svet chce svojho. Každý chce svojho mesiáša, ale oni by chceli takého mesiáša, nad ktorým by mohli vládnuť. Oni chcú riadiť toho mesiáša. Och, samozrejme. Áno, keby oni niečo také mohli mať. Keby im Boh mohol poslať niečo, čo by zodpovedalo ich chuti, vtedy by to určite prijali. Ale vidíte potom, že Boh poznal ich potreby. On nezasľúbil, že nám pošle to, čo chceme a to o čo prosíme, ale že nám pošle to, čo potrebujeme.
83 Oni chceli generála a dostali Nemluvňa. Vidíte? To je to, čo oni potrebovali. Potrebovali Nemluvňa. Prečo? Aby ich pokoril a ponížil.
84 To vlastne potrebuje samozvaná cirkev dnes, potrebuje sa znovu pokoriť. Dostala sa do takého stavu, že ľudia už viac nevyznávajú svoje hriechy, medzi ľuďmi už nie je viac lásky. Zdá sa, akoby to denne umieralo. Do cirkvi prichádza chlad. Všade vidíte, že prebudenie skončilo, vidíte prichádzajúci chlad. Potrebujeme sa pokoriť. A my...
85 Oni prosili o generála a dostali Baránka. Prečo? Pretože Boh vedel, čo oni potrebovali. To je to, čo oni potrebovali. Potrebovali Spasiteľa. Mysleli si, že sú spasení, ale Boh vedel, že nie sú.
86 To je to, čo svet dnes znovu potrebuje, Spasiteľa, Spasiteľa, ktorý ich zachráni z tohoto stavu, niečo, čo ich zachová spolu. Nie nejaké rady vzdelaných ľudí, nejaký druh mechanického systému, alebo vzdelávací systém. To, čo my dnes potrebujeme je moc Pána Ježiša Krista a spasiteľná milosť naspäť v cirkvi, vďaka čomu muži, ženy, chlapci i dievčatá môžu byť spasení.
87 Či sme nečakali už dosť dlho? Či je veľa ľudí vonku, ktorí už nikdy nevojdú? Či bolo už vykúpené posledné meno? Či to je to čo sa dnes deje? Mohlo by to tak byť. Viete, to by mohlo byť celkom možné a vôbec by to nenarušilo Písmo. Mohlo by to tak byť. Nevieme to teraz, tak buďme opatrní.
88 Oni si mysleli, že sú zachránení, ale Boh to vedel lepšie ako oni. A to isté sa deje dnes.
89 Oni vzali Slovo Božie, ktoré im Boh dal na ten deň, vďaka ktorému mali rozpoznať deň Jeho príchodu - a urobili z toho tradíciu. Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste zobrali Slovo Božie a skrze svoje tradície ste Ho pozbavili moci."
90 To isté sa stalo dnes v našom náboženskom systematickom svete. Systémy tohto sveta zobrali Slovo Božie a urobili z Neho tradíciu, a preto Ono nemá v sebe pôsobiacej moci. Ono nič nevypôsobí, pretože bolo pomiešané. Nemôžete vložiť skutočné zrno do niečoho, čo nie...len ak to bude zem, lebo to nebude rásť. Môžete ho položiť na slnko a držať ho v teple, môžete robiť, čo chcete. Ale to potrebuje určitý druh zeme. To zrno musí byť v nej. Ono musí byť pochované. Musí byť v správnej atmosfére, ktorá vypôsobí jeho klíčenie.
92 Takisto je to s Božím Slovom. Nemôžete zobrať cirkev a priviesť ju do života na základe nejakej tradície. Môžete tým získať milióny členov, ale nikdy neprivediete na zem moc Božiu, kým sa nevrátime znovu do originálneho Slova, späť do pôvodného Slova, späť do Krvi, späť do Ježiša Krista, späť do staromódnych modlitebných zhromaždení, späť k Bohu! Môžeme byť teraz tak ďaleko, že tá hodina je už dávno za nami. Ale Evanjelium musí byť tak, či tak kázané. Nie my sme toho sudcami.
93 Boh vedel, čo oni potrebovali, preto im dal to, čo potrebovali. A tak znovu vidíme, že sme znovu spravili to isté, čo oni.
94 Rusko a všetci ostatní chcú mať svojich (mesiášov). Rôzni vedci si chcú sami robiť veľké meno. Každý národ chce nadobudnúť svojich múdrych ľudí. My chceme svojich. Chceme do toho dať vzdelávací systém. Chceme denominacionalizmus. A presne to sme dostali. Práve to ste spravili. To ste chceli, a to vám Boh dal. Nuž, keď ste to dostali, čo s tým teraz spravíte?
95 Nasledujúcich pár minút budeme hovoriť o Rusku. Rusi hľadajú človeka, ktorý môže dobyť vesmír. Oni ich trénujú ako najrýchlejšie vedia, svojich vedcov. Čo, ak natrafia na takého, čo ak dostanú svojho mesiáša? Čo vtedy spravíme? Beda nám, ak takého človeka dostanú. Pamätáte sa, práve nedávno Nemci dostali svojho mesiáša, nedávno, Hitlera. A vieme, čo to s nimi spravilo.
96 No, a čo je s cirkvou, akého mesiáša vyzerá cirkev dnes? Ty cirkev, voláš najhlasnejšie. A tak čo my kričíme o mesiášovi, čo my vyjadrujeme v našom volaní? "Prebudenie v našom čase! Naspäť to a ono." Čo oni vyzerajú, aby to urobilo? Čo viacej chcete? Čo vôbec cirkev chce?
97 Už sme To dostali! Boh nám To dal. To je Jeho zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Pozeráme sa do Biblií a vidíme to všade v celej Biblii. Prichádzajú pomazanci a nanovo oživujú to Slovo, práve v tej hodine, na ktorú to bolo určené. Teda máme Mesiáša! Toto je On, Slovo! "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a Bohom bolo to Slovo." A to Slovo zostane Bohom, Židom 13/8: "Tým istým včera, dnes a na veky." Vieme, čo sa malo stať v našich dňoch. Chceme Mesiáša. A Boh nám dal Mesiáša, Jeho zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Ono len čaká na niekoho, kto má vieru aby Ho pomazal a znovu oživil. Tak veru. To je pravý Mesiáš. To je Božie Slovo, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že: "Oboje, nebesia i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie."
98 Ale cirkev sa nachádza v duchovnej smrti, už je po nej, ich hodina už pominula. Prešľapujú namieste a takmer nevedia, čo majú robiť. Jeden beží na tú stranu, druhý na inú. A každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh položil do Biblie, každé z nich tu leží a je takisto platné ako vždy bolo. To je tá hodina! Čo spôsobuje, že cirkev je v takom stave? Sme v Laodicejskom veku, v ktorom ona musí dôjsť do toho stavu. Nadišla na to hodina.
99 Ale pamätajte, že je tu tiež hodina, v ktorej prichádza spiaca panna, aby si kúpila Olej, a to bola tá istá hodina, v ktorej prichádza Ženích. A vidíme dnes: episkopálov, presbyteriánov a rôzne denominácie - ľudí, ktorých by ste pred pár rokmi, ani za peniaze, nenaklonili ku tomu, aby mali obecenstvo s letničnými veriacimi. Určite nie. Ale dnes vidíme ako tí ľudia prichádzajú. Či neviete, čo povedal Ježiš? Oni prišli, aby si kúpili Olej a povedali: "Dajte nám z vášho oleja." A tí, ktorí mali olej povedali: "Nie, choďte si Ho kúpiť, žeby ne...získať Ho od tých, ktorí Ho predávajú." A zatiaľ čo si Ho oni chceli kúpiť, zatiaľ čo sa ho snažili získať! Či viete v akej hodine žijeme, letniční? Keď oni prišli, mohli dostať trochu zamiešania, mohli učinili to alebo tamto: ale podľa Písma ho oni nezískali! Zatiaľ čo sa ho snažili získať - mohli prežiť všetky možné emócie, a potom vojsť do rôznych izmov a senzácií, ale všetky tie veci dokáže diabol napodobniť. Zatiaľ čo Ho oni kupovali, alebo sa Ho snažili získať, prišiel Ženích a tie, ktoré mali Olej vošli do vnútra.
100 A tu je tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme. Nikdy predtým sme to nevideli. Ježiš povedal, že to tak bude, a tak to aj je! Čo vidíme? Vidíme, že to Slovo, ktoré Boh predpovedal na dnešný čas sa napĺňa rovno pred našimi očami. "Ó, potom, prebuďte sa vy svätí Pánovi, prečo driemete, keď sa približuje koniec! Pripravme sa na to posledné zavolanie", lebo nevieme, kedy to bude. Áno.
101 Náš svetový systém, náš cirkevný systém, náš denominačný systém, všetky naše systémy sú zanečistené a skorumpované. Chýba nám to, čo oni mali včera. To je pravda. Zdá sa akoby to vysychalo z cirkví, ťažko už nájsť takú cirkev, ktorá je živá, v ktorej je Slovo a Duch Boží a diali by sa v nej veľké veci, ako to bolo ešte prednedávnom.
102 Nuž vidíme, že Boh poznal ich potrebu, tak On vždy odpovedá na zasľúbenie. To je proste toto veľké Slovo, ktoré vidíme, zasľúbenie - oni mali vedieť, že to bolo presne to, čo Boh zasľúbil, že sa stane v ich čase. Opýtate sa: "Akým spôsobom, čo sa malo stať?"
103 Izaiáš 9, 6, prorok povedal: "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn, Dieťa - Syn sa nám narodil, Dieťa nám je dané a nazvú Ho Predivný, Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Otec Večnosti a vláda spočinie na Jeho rameni, a Jeho Kráľovstvu nebude konca."
104 Vieme, že v tamtom dni sa nám malo narodiť Dieťa, v tom dni mala panna počať a porodiť Dieťa. A to neprišlo cez žiaden z ich systémov, a preto s tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. Odvrhli to. Ale to pomazané Slovo, Boh (Emanuel), ktorý sa stal telom medzi nimi, stálo tam. On povedal: "Kto z vás Ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu, z nevery? Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte Večný Život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne." On bol dokonale potvrdený, že On bol Mesiášom, Mesiášom, ktorý mal byť v tom dni. Tie systémy zababrali ľudské mysle mnohými pravidlami systémov, a tak ďalej, že zbavili Slovo Božie moci. Ľudia nemohli uvidieť, že On je Mesiášom.
105 A to, čo spravili vtedy, to isté spravili znovu. To je pravda. Systémy tohto sveta, mechanika, viedli k tomu, že piesty sú tam, kde má byť výfuk, v ich veľkom mechanizme. Ako má potom niečo také fungovať? To je nemožné. To nebolo tak postavené.
106 Cirkev nemôže fungovať bez Božej moci cez Slovo. A Duch Svätý bude potvrdzovať iba Slovo Božie, lebo to je to, čo On má robiť. To pomazanie má potvrdiť Slovo.
107 A Ježiš bol ten Pomazaný, Slovo sa stalo telom. A preto On tam vošiel do tej vody, On bol Slovo, ktoré prišlo ku prorokovi. Prorok Ho pokrstil. A potom ten prorok povstal a povedal: "Ja sa musím menšiť a On musí rásť." Vidíme že, takým spôsobom postupuje Boh.
108 Ale, či to oni prijali? Mali to poznať. Oni tam stáli a hľadeli na skutky Božie. Videli vyplnenie sa Slova. Vedeli, že písmo tak povedalo, ale aj tak nemohli uveriť, že To príde takým spôsobom. To malo prísť ku farizejom, alebo k sadúceom. Ak by To prišlo ku farizejom, sadúceji by To neprijali. A naopak sadúceovia by To neprijali, keby ľudia hovorili, že farizeovia To majú.
109 A presne tak isto je to dnes, naše systémy, všetko zhnilo a zanečistilo sa. Och! V akej hodine to žijeme, svet je slepý, chodí v temnosti, upadnutý v systémoch tohto sveta, ako ovce bez pastiera. A veď Slovo živého Boha bolo potvrdené pred ich očami, a predsa od Neho odišli v slepote, opustili Ho. Čo iné teda môžeme očakávať? Amen. Tu sme.
110 Potom sa svet rozpadá. Prečo? Bolo odvrhnuté práve To Slovo, ktoré je okovami tohto sveta. Čítame v 11. kapitole Listu Židom ...
111 Einstein povedal...Počúval som nedávno jeho prednášku, v New Yorku, kde mal jednu zo svojich posledných prednášok. Hovoril o určitom zoskupení hviezd, o malej galaxii vonku v súhvezdí. Povedal, že:"Keby človek vyštartoval do vesmíru, a letel by rýchlosťou svetla..."Koľko to bolo, 8 tisíc... [ Niekto hovorí:"186 tisíc. – pozn.prekl.] "186 tisíc míľ za sekundu, potreboval by 150 miliónov svetelných rokov, aby sa tam dostal." On našiel večnosť. Ďalej povedal, že:"Aby sa vrátil potreboval by ďalších 150 miliónov rokov, čo by spolu bolo 300 miliónov rokov. A čas, za ktorý by bol mimo zemi by bol iba nejakých 50 rokov." Tu to máte, on sa prelomil do večnosti. Och! Aký je Boh veľký, predsa On stvoril celú slnečnú sústavu!
112 A ten astronaut, ktorý nedávno letel okolo zeme, tam z Ruska, povedal, že nevidel Boha, ani anjelov. Akí nerozumní môžu byť ľudia! A predsa Boh...
113 Celú slnečnú sústavu On sfúkol zo svojich rúk, a On sám sa nachádza tak veľa miliónov rokov, svetelných rokov, nad ňou. A všetko je to držané Jeho mocou a Jeho Slovom! Haleluja! Každá hviezda musí visieť na svojom mieste. Tak veru! A pri tom bol až tak pokorný, že zostúpil na zem a stal sa jedným z nás, aby za nás zomrel. Nemáme žiadnu výhovorku. Keby jedna z tých hviezd náhodou opustila svoje miesto, opustila by svoju dráhu, keby sa to stalo, to by malo vplyv na celý systém. Celý ten systém sa musí tak isto otáčať, Lebo jedno závisí od druhého.
114 A Boží systém, keď je v dokonalej harmónii s Ním, všetko pracuje dokonale, to je pravda, pretože musí.
115 Ale cirkev nepriala nikdy Boží systém, vytvorila si svoj vlastný systém. Preto sme v úplnej neharmónii. Preto je cirkev taká rozbitá. A preto sa svet dnes rozpadá, lebo sme prijali svoje vlastné systémy. Preto sa ten politický svet rozpadá. Preto sa náboženský svet rozpadol, stalo sa to preto, lebo sme prijali systém, namiesto aby sme zobrali Večný Boží plán pre veky. Amen. Práve vtom spočíva problém tohto sveta. To je presne to zlé, pretože ľudia prijali niečo iné. A to priviedlo ľudí k tomu, že hovoria:"Ja som presbyterián. Ja som metodista. Ja som jednotár. Ja som trojičiar. A ja..." Och, pre zľutovanie! Nič divného, že nemôžeme udržať spolu, tam nie je nič čo by nás držalo spolu.
116 Pán Nixon vypovedal najrozumnejšiu poznámku zo všetkých výpovedí prezidentov, či viceprezidentov, za posledné roky, keď nedávno povedal:"Čo sa deje s Američanmi, oni stratili vzájomnú lásku a úctu." Keď americký obyvatelia zabíjajú jeden druhého na ulici, ako ju ešte môžeme mať? Och!
117 Ak sa nemôžeš zhodnúť s iným človekom a súčasne ho milovať, potom umĺkni. Keď mu to nedokážeš povedať ako milujúci otec, ktorý napráva svoje dieťa a nie si potom ochotný chytiť ho okolo krku a objať ho, tak to radšej nechaj tak. Ty si ešte nedorástol natoľko, aby si vedel, o čom hovoríš. Tak veru. Samozrejme, môžem mať iný názor, ale on je ďalej mojim bratom, stisnem mu ruku. Nemôžem ho nechať s tým len tak prejsť, keby som ho tak nechal, keby som mu to nepovedal, nebol by som mu skutočným bratom. To je pravda. Ale môžem mu to povedať, a môžem mu povedať, že ho milujem a dokážem mu, že ho milujem.
118 Nemusíte ho zastreliť na ulici. Nezhodoval som sa s pánom Kennedym, z jeho politikou, s jeho náboženstvom a tak ďalej, ale on si niečo také nezaslúžil. Ó, nie. Naozaj nie. Žiadny človek si niečo také nezaslúži.
119 A tak vidíme, že celý svet je skazený. Náš národ, politika, náboženské systémy a všetko je skazené.
120 To len čaká. Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo predpovedané na tento deň, čaká na niekoho, kto príde a potvrdí ho. Zamýšľam sa, či to On už neučinil? Potom, kde sme, ak to On už učinil? Ak to On už učinil, potom kde sme? V najbiednejšom stave.
121 Niekoľko krát som sa tvrdo vyjadril o pani Kennedyovej o tom, že ona udáva módu tohoto sveta svojimi vodovými účesmi. Hovoril som tiež: "Naše sestry a ostatné ženy si strihajú vlasy a češú sa ako pani Kennedyová." Povedal som: "Ako voľakedy dávno Jezábeľ." To je pravda. Verím tomu. Ja - ja - ja ľutujem tú biednu matku dnes večer spolu s jej deťmi, presne tak.
122 Ale dovoľte mi, že vám položím otázku. Keby Jacqueline Kennedyová počula Posolstvo, ktoré ste niektorí z vás letničných počuli, o strihaní vlasov a tak ďalej, možno by si nestrihala vlasy. Nazývate sa letničnými a stále to robíte! Uhm. Uhm. Možno by to neurobila, keby mala tú možnosť počuť to Posolstvo, ktoré ste vy počuli. Tak vidíte. Ľudia, sme v strašnom stave. Presne tak. Skutočne. Ó, Bože, ako morálka, tá vec...
123 Ženskosť je jednou z tých vecí, ktorá drží náš národ. To je chrbtica národa. A ženskosť, tá nádherná cnosť, ktorú Boh dal žene, aby bola matkou, aha, to je - to je - preč. Ženy tohto sveta už dávno stratili svoju cnosť, poklonili sa pred hollywoodskou bohyňou módy, vzorujú sa, obliekajú sa a zachovávajú sa ako tie hviezdy Hollywoodu. A mnohokrát je to tak, že práve bezbožný odev, vzbudzujúci sexuálnu príťažlivosť, je módou prijímanou v cirkvách. A pastori stojaci za kazateľňou nemajú toľko smelosti, nemajú toľko sily Duch Svätého, tak ako Lót, ktorý tam sedel a trápil svoju dušu, príliš sa zaoberal tým z čoho bude žiť, miesto toho, aby povedal ľuďom, že to je nesprávne. Áno.
124 To čo my dnes potrebujeme je vykorenenie. Možno je už na to neskoro. Možno tá hodina už pominula. Nebudeme mať už ďalšie prebudenie. Viem, že naň očakávate, ale ja ho nevidím v Písme.
125 Ja očakávam na vytrhnutie, pre iba hŕstku ľudí. To je pravda, iba hŕstka ľudí. Vôbec nebudú chýbať na svete, Keď oni odídu, vôbec nezistíte, že tu už nie sú. Tak veru. To príde, ako zlodej v noci.
126 Keby On neskrátil tú vec vzhľadom na vyvolených! Sú na zemi vyvolení ku Večnému Životu, vieme o tom; to sú všetci, ktorí majú Večný Život. Ak by to On vzhľadom na nich neskrátil, nebolo by zachránené žiadne telo. Svet každých 2000 rokov prišiel do svojej záhuby. Vieme, že ten systém sa rozpadol. Rozpadol sa vo dňoch Noeho. Vo dňoch Krista sa rozpadol. A teraz prichádza 1964 rok, čo ešte zostalo? 36 rokov do ďalšieho dvojtisícročia, keď príde 21 storočie. Čo sa deje? Tá vec ešte musí byť skrátená. Ježiš povedal, že skazenosť tohto dňa: "Aj vyvolení by boli zvedení a neboli by zachrá- není, keby to bolo možné." Tu to máme. A podľa vedy nám kalendár hovorí, že je okolo 15 rokov rozdiel. Náš rímsky kalendár je pozadu, v porovnaní zo židovským kalendárom. Sme 15, alebo 20 rokov pozadu.
127 A tak kde sme? Vidíme národy sa rozlamujú, a Izrael povstáva, znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia na tento čas. Vidíme, že tie mechanické veci sa dejú. A teraz Duch, dynamika toho zasľúbeného Slova má vojsť do Jeho cirkvi a priviesť ľudí tam na Golgotu a do Vytrhnutia! Tak tu to vidíme.
128 Nie je nič divné, že sa rozpadáme, nie je nič...Práve tá vec, ktorá stvorila túto zem, práve tá vec, ktorá tu bola daná, aby sa zem otáčala, práve tá vec okolo ktorej sa mali otáčať sústavy a všetko ostatné, toto Slovo, cez ktoré Boh utvoril tento svet...Einstein povedal vo svojom, povedal: "Je len jedna možnosť, ako môžeme vysvetliť to písmo ... len jedna možnosť, ako môžeme vysvetliť existenciu tohto sveta", povedal: "Podľa Listu Židom 11: Skrze vieru rozumieme, že svety boli utvorené Slovom Božím." To je všetko. Nikto nemôže vysvetliť, akým spôsobom oni visia v povetrí a akým spôsobom sa môžu otáčať a urobiť svoju otáčku za 24 hodín pozdĺž celého rovníka a tak ďalej, a po svojej obežnej dráhe, všade a vrátiť sa na to isté miesto a neomeškať sa ani o sekundu. A každá hviezda sa otáča tým istým spôsobom, vo svojom cykle a jedna pomáha druhej, kedy všetky krúžia po svojich dráhach.
129 Ako mesiac bdie nad morom. Keby mesiac opustil svoje miesto, boli by sme v priebehu jednej alebo dvoch sekúnd zaplavení stovkami stôp vody. Ten mesiac ... Hlaďte, dokonca, keď vyvŕtate do zeme dieru, vy ľudia, ktorí hľadáte ropu. Keď tu vyvŕtate otvor. Vidíte, ako ďaleko sme od morského pobrežia? Len vyvŕtajte dieru do zeme a uvidíte, keď večer príde príliv, ako on spôsobí, že sa zodvihne voda vo vašich rúrach, slaná voda. Určite. Čo to je? To je mesiac, ktorý to zhora riadi.
130 To je Boží poriadok. To je Boží plán. To je Božie prikázanie. Ale my si robíme svoje vlastné a neprijímame Jeho. Poponáhľajme sa teraz, aby sme to zakončili. Tak isto, ako vtedy aj v čase týchto Vianoc vidíme, že náš svet sa rozpadá. Och!
131 Boh mal pomazané ... A On zasľúbil Svoje Slovo. On pomazal, ako tam vtedy a povedal nám ... povedal im, keď pomazal Ježiša Krista. Peter na Letnice povedal tieto slová: "Ježiša Krista, Človeka Bohom potvrdeného medzi vami znameniami a zázrakmi, ktoré On robil medzi vami, ako dobre viete." Oni sú toho svedkami. Tiež povedal: "Po zmŕtvychvstaní (a tak ďalej, ako On robil.) ... Rukami bezbožných ste vzali Knieža Života a ukrižovali ste Ho, ktorého, tiež Boh vzkriesil, čoho sme my svedkami." Ako Nikodém prišiel a povedal: "Rabbi, my vieme - my farizejovia, Rada Sanhedrinu - vieme, že si učiteľom poslaným od Boha. Nikto by nemohol robiť tie veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol od Boha." Oni vedeli, že to zasľúbenie sa týkalo tých dní, oni to vedeli, ale ich systémy ich tak zviazali, že až s tým nemohli už nič robiť.
132 Tak isto je to dnes, tie isté veci. Nemôžeš to urobiť, prídeš o svoj členský preukaz, hneď ako to spravíš. Poukáž len niekedy na niečo z tohto Slova Božieho a uvidíš, čo sa stane - je s tebou koniec. Nebudeš populárny. Budeš vylúčený z pomedzi nich a zo všetkého ďalšieho.
133 Ó, ak máš malú službu, budú ťa držať aby mohli pritiahnuť zástupy a získať od nich peniaze, a z tvojej služby vytiahnu peniaze a všetko možné. Ale dávajte len pozor, keď to prichádza do Slova, pozorujte ich, ako sa z Toho vycúvajú. Myslíte si, že sluha Boží to nevie? Nuž Ježiš dokonca vedel, že Judáš je v Jeho strede. Prečo Ježiš Judášovi niečo nepovedal? Z toho istého dôvodu, ktorý je aj dnes: musíte čakať, až príde tá hodina na to zvedenie. Je to tak. Oni to dostali. Oni to dostanú.
134 Všimnite si, ale oni nechceli prijať ten spôsob, ktorým On prišiel. Takisto je to dnes. Cirkvi vtedy chceli, aby ich systémy boli pomazané. Farizeji chceli, aby systém farizejov bol pomazaný. Sadúceji chceli, aby systém sadúceov bol pomazaný. Tak isto Herodiani, a tak ďalej. Práve tak je to dnes. Ak oni ... Keby Boh poslal pomazanie a pomazal by jednotárov, och, či by to oni nepovedali vyznávačom dvojice, trojice, či komukoľvek? Či by to zbory Božie nepovedali jednotárom? "Hovoril som ti, že my máme pravdu!" Metodisti by povedali baptistom: "Vidíš, chlapče, my to máme!" Vy chcete, aby váš systém bol pomazaný.
135 Ale Boh zasľúbil pomazať iba svoje Slovo! Amen. Viem, že je to nepríjemné, ale taká je pravda. Boh sa nikdy nemení. On pomazáva svoje Slovo. Tak veru. Pomazané zasľúbené Slovo na daný vek, to je to čo Boh pomazáva: zasľúbené Slovo na daný vek.
136 Oni chcú dnes nejaký systém vzdelania. Prečo? Aby mohli robiť čo chcú a naďalej vyznávať, že sú kresťanmi. Ó, keby mali niečo veľké, kde by ste mohli ísť, prechádzať medzi radami, žuť žuvačku, strkať jeden druhého do boku, a zájsť si niekde a mať zábavné sály a také veci, kde by mohli ísť všetci hrať basketbal a tak ďalej. Nemám nič proti basketbalu, bejzbalu, futbalu či čomukoľvek ... Ak to je všetko, čo je tvoj boh, to je veľký sáčok vzduchu. Dovoľte, že vám poviem, že to čo dnes potrebujeme je Božie Slovo pomazané na tento vek, ktoré nanovo prinesie moc Ducha Svätého. Áno, to je všetko v poriadku, ale to nepatrí do cirkvi. Ó, nie. Ak musíte stavať nejakú takú budovu, aby sa vaša cirkev nerozpadla, potom ju radšej spáľte alebo zbúrajte, alebo doveďte do nej niečo, čo privedie naspäť to Slovo. To sú veci tohto sveta, och, pomiešané s Božím Slovom. Nemôžete to robiť. Ó, nie.
137 Tak veru. Nuž oni chcú systém. Svet príjme systém. No vidíme, že každý malý systém vo svojom vlastnom, každý z nich hovorí: "Chcem, aby to prišlo ku mne. Chcem, aby to prišlo ku nám." Och, stávajú sa veľkou mašinériou, vzdelávajú kazateľov a tak ďalej, vydávajú ich na svet, liahnu ich, chlapče, s takým intelektom, že človek si myslí, že jeho slová, gramatika je taká zlá, až neznášaš, aby za niekým takým vyšiel za kazateľňu. Ale to čo my dnes potrebujeme nie je vzdelávací systém, nepotrebujeme prednášky.
138 To čo my dnes potrebujeme je Evanjelium kázané v moci Božej, ktorá by potvrdila Slovo na túto hodinu. Aby nakoniec prišiel niekto, kto by sa postavil a nazval by čierne čiernym a biele bielym, niekto, kto by povstal a povedal by Pravdu, hoci by to stiahlo ľudí z kože, olúpalo zo šupky, alebo čokoľvek. To je presne to čo - čo je potreba našej hodiny.
139 Ale ľudia niečo chcú. Ľudia dnes, ženy - čo oni chcú? Oni chcú ľudí, pastora, ktorý vstane a povie: "To je v poriadku. Môžeš robiť to či tamto. To je v poriadku, na tom nie je nič zlé, moja drahá." Taký kazateľ potrebuje výprask Evanjeliom, ten, ktorý dovoľuje ženám strihať si vlasy, nosiť makeup...Nie, poviete: "Čo to má s tým spoločné?
140 Či neviete, že váš vonkajšok odzrkadľuje to, čo máte vo vnútri? Či Biblia nehovorí, že to nemáte robiť? "Žene v takom stave sa nepatrí ani modliť."
141 A vy muži, chcete niečo také? Kazatelia, nemôžete to hovoriť, lebo by ste prišli o svoju členskú kartu, veľká rada by vás vyhodila, keby ste niečo o tom povedali. Bože pomôž človeku, ktorý si viac cení kartu nejakej rady, alebo nejakú členskú kartu, ako krst Ducha Svätého, spolu so Slovom! Ako by mohol Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, zapierať to, čo napísal?
143 Keby som vám povedal: "Život Beethovena je vo mne", dokázal by som písať hudbu. Keby Beethoven žil vo mne, žil by som Beethovenovým životom. Keby bol vo mne Shakespeare, dokázal by som písať poéziu. Dokázal by som písať divadelné hry, keby žil vo mne Shakespeare.
144 A ak Ježiš Kristus žije v tebe, skutky, ktoré On činil, a Jeho Slovo, On je Slovo, sa potvrdí v dnešnom dni cez to zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva. Amen. To je to na čo dnes Boh očakáva. To je to, čo drží svet od- , čo drží svet spolu, náboženský svet spolu, Jeho Slovo, drží aj všetko zo Slova spolu. Áno.
145 Ale ľudia jednako chcú taký systém. Dostanú ho. Už v tejto chvíli sú v ňom. Svetová Rada Cirkví im dá presne to, čo chcú, všetci spolu. Ako títo letniční môžu sedieť na tých konferenciách, a ísť do Vatikánu a potom napísať obežník a povedať, že: "To bolo najduchovnejšie prežitie, keď som sedel vedľa svätého otca, pápeža takého a takého", predsa sú letničnými a vedia ako ...To je mŕtve letničné hnutie! To je ... To je všetko mŕtve. To je skazené. To prepadlo! To sa vrátilo rovno naspäť do Konfederácie Cirkví, kde to patrí. Presne tak.
146 Ale Cirkev živého Boha, tá Nevesta ide rovno napred napriek všetkému. A ide do vytrhnutia skrze Slovo, tak veru, Slovo sa stretne spolu so Slovom. Ak sme časťou Krista, časťou Toho musíme byť Jeho Slovom, pretože On je Slovom. To je pravda. Tak veru.
147 Oni odmietli pomazané Slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek, a On je vždy Slovom. Keby nám Boh znova poslal pomazané, zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek, v 1946 roku [1964 – pozn.prekl.], On by bol tým istým, akým bol, keď prišiel na začiatku: pomazaným Slovom na tento vek. List Židom 13, 8 vám to hodí hneď naspäť do lona a povie, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Presne tak. A my ... A On by sa držal Otcovho zasľúbeného Slova na tento vek. Keby prišiel Ježiš, On by bol presne tým, čo Slovo povedalo, že to bude v tomto veku.
148 To je to, čím bol Eliáš vo svojom veku. Čím bol Mojžiš vo svojom veku. Čím bol Noe vo svojom veku. Tak to bolo vždy, Tým bol každý prorok, ktorý kedy prišiel. A keď Slovo prišlo v plnosti, celé Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom medzi nami, robilo presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude robiť v tom veku.
149 Keby To prišlo dnes, On by bol presne Ježišom Kristom, ktorý manifestuje Svoje zasľúbenie - to, čo zasľúbil, že bude robiť; presne, ako To Slovo...
150 On bol Slovo, Izaiáš 9, 6 je Ježišom Kristom. A keď sa Ono stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, Ono svojím životom vyplnilo presne to, čo To Slovo malo urobiť. Mojžiš tam povedal, v 2. Mojžišovej: "Pán váš Boh...", alebo v 5. Mojžišovej: "Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka takého, ako ja a stane sa, že kto ho nebude počúvať, bude vyťatý sprostred ľudu." A keď On prišiel, urobil presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že urobí. A napriek tomu našli na Ňom vinu, pretože ich systémy sa od Toho odsekli a tým spravili, že Slovo Božie nemalo na nich moci. Vidíte? Nemohli uveriť niečomu takému, pretože si mysleli, že to nebolo na ich čas. Och!
151 Napriek tomu On dokázal svoje Slovo, že je ten istý. On by dnes potvrdil to Slovo tak, ako Ho potvrdil vtedy. On by surovo potupil každý denominačný systém na svete, keby dnes prišiel na zem. To je to, čo On urobil prvýkrát. To by bolo to do čoho by udrel. To je presne to do čoho udrel, keď prišiel prvýkrát. To isté, čo robil vtedy, robil by aj teraz. A On to vtedy urobil. Lebo On nikdy nemení Svoje Slovo. On nikdy nemení Svoje postupovanie. To je vždy také isté. To je vždy pomazané Slovo na daný vek. To je pravda.
152 Takže znovu, ako to vidíme dnes, keby On prišiel, Jeho plány na udržanie sveta od rozpadu by boli odvrhnuté práve tak, ako vtedy.
153 Ale počúvajte. Na záver chcem povedať toto. Nemáme zasľúbený systém, nemáme zasľúbenú denomináciu, super denomináciu, nejaký super plán. Ale máme zasľúbené Kráľovstvo, Večné Kráľovstvo. Amen. To je to, čo nám bolo zasľúbené: mať Večný Život v tomto Večnom Kráľovstve. A vládu v ňom riadi Večný Kráľ, Jeho večné Slovo podávané Jeho ľudu, ktorí má Večný Život. A ľudia, ktorí majú Večný Život sa nekŕmia vecami tohto sveta, ale je napísané: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." A tak, keď my ... teraz oboje ... prijímame toto Kráľovstvo, a dozvedáme sa, že: "oboje nebo aj zem pominú, ale toto Slovo nikdy nepominie." A toto Slovo je tým Kráľovstvom. Toto je Kráľ a Kráľovstvo, ten Systém, ten Život, každá jeho časť je v tomto tu.
154 Keby Boh mal súdiť svet skrze cirkev, skrze ktorú by ho mal súdiť? Koľko ich je? Stovky, stovky a stovky rôznych denominačných cirkví. Ak katolícka cirkev je správna, potom ktorá katolícka cirkev? Ak je správna gréckokatolícka, potom rímskokatolícka je zlá. Ak je rímskokatolícka správna, tak gréckokatolícka je zlá. Takže vidíte? Ak je správna metodistická cirkev, potom baptistická je zlá. Ak je správna baptistická, potom letničná je zlá. Ak letničná je správna, potom presbyteriánska je zlá. Vidíte? Tak by ste boli v úplnom zamiešaní.
155 Boh nás jednak nezanechal bez nejakého svedectva, alebo nejakého - nejakého - nejakého štandardu, ktorý by bol základ hodnotenia. To je toto Slovo. On povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje Pravdou." To je pravda.
156 Lebo: " Oboje nebo a zem pominú." Je nám tu povedané, že prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Tak veru. Keď všetky tieto svetové kráľovstvá sa teraz rozpadajú a celý svet sa rozpadá, napriek tomu my sme pokrstený do Kráľovstva, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Amen. Prijímame Kráľovstvo. Tak, keď sa tento svet rozpadá, my sme narodení do tohoto Kráľovstva, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť. To je Večné Božie Slovo a my na tom stojíme. Ono sa nemôže nikdy rozpadnúť.
157 Tak veľa počujeme o tomto novom systéme, o náboženskom systéme, viete, ktorý má priniesť pokoj na zem, v ktorom sa jednotia katolíci a všetci protestanti. Niektorí veria v Božské uzdravenie, niektorí neveria, a niektorí veria v toto, niektorí veria v tamto. A vy sa musíte zriecť vašich veľkých sporov, ktoré ste mali po celý čas, vašej viery v Evanjelium, aby ste sa dostali do Svetovej Rady. A každá denominácia bude musieť do toho vojsť. Takže, ak denominácia je prekliata, čo to potom robí, keď do nej patríte? To vás vrhá rovno späť. Ak Rím je matkou denominácií, a ona je šelma a znamením šelmy, a oni jej robia obraz, radu, všetky tie cirkvi spolu robia obraz tej šelme, takže sa znovu vraciate rovno späť do znamenia šelmy! Systém tohto sveta, denominacionalismus, vytvoril systém, aby priniesol znamenie šelmy.
158 A vidíte to tak isto, ako to ja vidím, že čochvíľa to bude nanútené, a všetci, ktorí v tom nie sú ... už je ustanovené, tá veľká mašinéria je nastavená, tá mechanika v tom čaká na satana aby vstúpil do toho s dynamikou. Vidíte? A keď sa to stane, nikto nebude môcť kázať Evanjelium, nikto, ak nebude patriť do tohoto systému. To je znamenie šelmy. A pamätajte, v tom čase Nevesta tu už nebude, tak vidíte ako je to blízko. V poriadku, tak vidíte, kde sme.
159 Môžete vidieť, čo to je tento veľký pokles, táto vec ktorá nastáva. "Zobuďte sa, vy svätí Pánovi, prečo driemete, keď sa blíži koniec?" Prečo to robíte? Jedného dňa sa skrze svoj hriech odlúčite od vášho dňa milosti. Nikdy to neurobte. Tak veru.
160 No, tento systém neprinesie svetu pokoj. Keby niečo také prinieslo pokoj na svet, čo sa stalo s Kniežaťom Pokoja, ktorý je Slovom? To je antikrist. Jeho náuka je úplne proti tomu, za čím stojí Boh, proti tomu čo nám On povedal. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Tí ľudia to považujú za nezmysel. Skutky 2,38 je ďalšia vec, o ktorej oni nič nevedia. Celé Slovo, a tak ďalej - oni nič o Tom nevedia, a zapierajú To. To vypĺňa presne to, čo povedal prorok v 2. liste Timoteovi v 3. kapitole: "V posledných dňoch budú ľudia opovážliví, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moci."
161 Ten denominačný systém je znamením šelmy. Vedeli ste to. Ak ste ma to nepočuli nikdy predtým povedať, tak preto, že ma to tak veľmi trápilo. Teraz si myslím, keď ten čas dobehol práve do konca, že to môžem vyjasniť a povedať Pravdu o tom. To je ona. To je znamenie šelmy, presne. Rím bol tou šelmou, a on bol denomináciou, prvou organizáciou.
162 A my sme z nej vyšli, my letniční ľudia, aby sme neboli toho účastníkmi, ale otočili sme sa rovno naspäť: "Tak, ako sa pes navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa do váľania sa v blate", rovno naspäť. Nie divu, že náš Letničný systém je hotový, a takisto metodisti, baptisti, Svetová Rada Cirkví a všetci. Oni sú pohltení Radou Cirkví, robia znamenie alebo - obraz šelmy aby jej dali svoju moc. "A jeho hlava bola smrteľne ranená, ale potom ožila", (keď sa) pohanský Rím (zmenil) na pápežský Rím. Och, akí slepí sú protestanti. A tu ste, sedíte rovno v strede toho. A teraz nemôžete nič urobiť. Ten systém je už sformovaný. Oni to prijmú a ani nebudú vedieť, že to prijali. Budú proste v tom, to je všetko. Oni sa nemôžu z toho dostať. To sa už stalo.
163 A nie je to pre ľudí nič nové. Kázalo sa to. Pamätajte, Boh o tom svedčil, potvrdil to Svojím Slovom. On urobil presne tie veci, ktoré povedal že bude robiť. Niet žiadnej výhovorky. Áno.
164 To je falošná mechanika. Ona priviedla presne do toho istého, o čom Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste svojimi tradíciami pozbavili Slovo Božie moci." Za to, že odmietli to pravé Slovo, sú znovu presne naspäť v tom istom, vo svojich náukách a v tom istom, v čom boli na počiatku - proti Kristovi - učiac veriacich v tomto veku Slovo a hovoria im aby odmietli a odstrčili ...
165 Keď Boh urobil Jeho Slovo telom medzi Jeho ľudom v čase Ježiša Krista, v čase prvých Vianoc, čo robili tie hnutia farizejov a všetky tamtie denominácie? Hovorili: "Nechoďte ani na jedno z tých zhromaždení. Ak pôjdete budete vylúčení, keď to urobíte."
166 Či nevidíte, ako sa tie veci znovu zopakovali? "Kto je tento človek? Z akej školy On prišiel? Akú On má členskú kartu? Akú On má skupinu? Odkiaľ sa vzal tento muž?" Nuž On dnes prichádza tak, ako prišiel vtedy. "Nenecháme, aby tento Muž panoval nad nami. Nikto nám nebude hovoriť, čo máme robiť. My sme Jednotári. My sme Trojičiari. My sme Presbyteriáni. My sme toto. Nemusíme sa s tým zhodovať."
167 Viem, že nemusíte, ale buď prijmete to Slovo, alebo zahyniete. To je všetko. Nie je žiadnej inej cesty okrem Tej, ale To je to čo nás drží pohromade. Božie Kráľovstvo nepochádza z tohto, nie je z tohto... Božie Kráľovstvo nie je systém tohto sveta. Ježiš tak povedal. Ježiš povedal: "Moje Kráľovstvo nie je z tohto sveta. Keby bolo, moji vyslanci by bojovali." On je Slovo.
168 Sme takí ako Abrahám. Abrahám prijal Slovo. A všetko, čo bolo nezhodné s tým Slovom, nazýval, akoby nebolo. A každé pravdivo narodené dieťa Božie prijíma Slovo Božie a ja sa nestarám, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, čo systém hovorí proti tomu Slovu, to Slovo je v každom prípade Pravda.
169 Boh je zaviazaný sa s vami stretnúť na základe týchto zasľúbení. Pomimo týchto zasľúbení sa On s vami nemôže stretnúť, lebo už ste sa od Neho odsekli. To je dôvod, prečo sa náš svet rozpadá. Na záver môžeme povedať toto...
170 Všetko, čo je nezhodné s týmto, považujeme, akoby to nebolo. Na taký ľuďmi vytvorený systém sa nikdy nepozeráme. Ó, nie. Súc teda pokrstený do tohoto Kráľovstva sedíme teraz v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, och, a s nami je náš pomazaný Kráľ. Hodujeme v Jeho Kráľovstve na zasľúbenom Slove, pomazanom a potvrdenom rovno medzi nami. Amen. Niečo také. Tu to je: zasľúbenie Jeho Kráľovstva sa naplnilo rovno pred nami, a nič vás nemôže od Toho odvrátiť. Ó, nie.
171 Abrahám, hoci jeho žena bola stará, a on čoraz viac starel celý čas, ale vôbec sa tým netrápil. On sa nezachvel v nevere v zasľúbenie Božie. Bez ohľadu na to ako hovoríte: "To je nemožné. To sa mu nepodarí," on sa aj tak Toho držal. Prečo? Kráľ bol s ním, ukazoval mu videnia a to, čo má prísť, a to sa dialo presne tak, ako On povedal, a tak on poznal, že to bol Boh.
172 A keď Boh dá zasľúbenie a ty ho vidíš, povie to a to sa stane, znova to povie a to sa stane, znova to povie a to sa stane, a to nikdy nezlyhá, to je Boh na ten deň. Ó, hodujeme na tých nebeských zasľúbeniach Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek, ó, vieme s úplnou istotou viery, že prichádzajú nové nebesia a nová zem...Amen. "Nové nebo a nová zem, pretože to prvé nebo a prvá zem pominú." Ale v tomto novom nebi a novej zemi, ako povedal Pavol, tu v Liste Židom, v 20...14:25 [12:28 – pozn.prekl.] povedal: "Preto, keď prijímame nepohnuteľné Kráľovstvo." Ako sme sa do toho dostali? Nie cez nejaký náboženský systém, ale Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Kráľovstvo... Kráľ a Jeho Slovo, to je to isté, a ono je vo vás, potvrdzuje hodinu, v ktorej teraz žijeme. Zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal pre tento vek. Tu sme, žijeme spolu s Kráľom, sedíme v ponebeských miestach, pozorujeme Ho ako činí tie veci.
173 Ako by sme sa mohli odvrátiť od toho Slova do nejakého systému? Čo to robí? On popiera Slovo. Musíš prijať - odmietnuť pravdu, aby si bol v blude. To je presne tak. Veríte tomu?
174 Hodina, v ktorej žijeme, Ó Bože, svet sa rozpadá! Tam v hangároch visia bomby, tam visia tie veci, aby to presne vykonali.
175 Cirkev je pripravená. Ona je zapečatená vo vnútri, pripravená prísť. Bude veľké vyliatie Ducha, tak veru, uchopí cirkev a zoberie ju na nebesia. Presne. Pretože vidíte, Cirkev ... Slovo ... Nevesta a Kristus, Jeho služba je v Jeho Neveste, ktorá je Jeho Telom, nebeským Telom, alebo chcel som povedať, Jeho nadprirodzeným Telom tu na... duchovným Telom na zemi. V Nej je Jeho Duch, ktorý v Nej žije Jeho Život, kým On a Jeho Cirkev sa nestanú jedno na svadbe. Vidíte oni sa stanú jedno. On ich berie, iba malú menšinu v tých posledných dňoch.
176 A potom všetky tie panny, ktoré počas tých vekov pospali, oni všetky vstanú. Vidíte? No, to je v čase siedmej stráže, v siedmom veku cirkvi, poslednom, v čase konca, v Laodicei, na konci, kedy iba malá skupina z nich vošla. Ale to prináša celé zmŕtvychvstanie všetkých tých, ktorí pomreli vo svojich vekoch, ktorí žili tým Slovom, ktoré bolo ustanovené Bohom a kázané, aby sa vyplnilo v tom dni, ako sme prechádzali tými cirkevnými vekmi a videli sme presne to Slovo, s ktorým sa stretli oni v tamtom čase. Ako povstal Luther, ako nachádzame vo veku Luthera, že vyšla živá bytosť s podobou človeka, a vyšla, to bol reformátor, čo znamená človek. A keď, všetky veky - každý vek presne vyplnil požiadavky Božieho Slova..
177 Takisto aj tento vek, presne vyplní znak a zázrak, a to, čo Boh zasľúbil robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A cirkev bude pripravená a pôjde do vytrhnutia s Ježišom, pretože: "My prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže zachvieť. Ono sa nemôže pohnúť. Nebesia a zem pominú, ale toto Kráľovstvo nikdy nepominie." Amen. Teším sa, že som dnes večer, Amen, dnes večer v tom Kráľovstve. Netešíte sa, že ste v Ňom? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Och, byť v Kráľovstve, ktoré ...
178 Pomyslite len, na čo by ste sa mohli nádejať dnes? Za nasledujúcich 10 až 15 rokov, ak svet bude ďalej existovať, ak to on vydrží, každý muž v Shreveporte, každá žena - bude musieť nosiť na ulici pri sebe zbraň, vo vrecku, pre svoju obranu. Zabijáci... Ako to zastavíte? Skúste to. Predsa, všetko...
179 Minulý týždeň som bol v New Yorku. Prechádzal som tadiaľ a na míle nebolo nič, iba títo -násťroční zabijaci s náušnicami v ušiach, s vlasmi ako zmoknuté kura, v tričkách, a dievčatá oblečené v tých skúpych bikinách, ako to oni nazývajú, tam na ulici. A verejnosť im v tom musí ustúpiť. Och, čo sa deje s touto krajinou? To je preto, to je - - znak morálneho úpadku, Bohom odmietnutého národa. To je všetko.
180 Ako môžete budovať na takých zuhoľnatených ruinách ako tieto? Ako to urobíte, keď po uliciach chodia zabijaci a zastrelia prezidenta rovno v jeho aute?
181 A jednej noci, majiteľ motorestu, známy aférami a všetkým iným, práve vošiel a napadol pred oddielom Texaskej polície, stálo tam viac ako sto ľudí, vošiel tam, a každý pozeral na neho, vytiahol zbraň a chladnokrvne zavraždil človeka, a odišiel. Hájil sa, že je duševne chorý, a slobodne odišiel.
182 Jedného dňa, práve v našom meste, jeden človek vošiel do garáže, do malej kancelárie predavača áut. Nepáčil sa mu, tak on proste vytiahol zbraň a zastrelil ho štyrmi alebo piatimi ranami. Potom povedal, že je duševne chorý a bol prepustený. Ak taký človek sa môže ospravedlniť, že je duševne chorý, potom aj Oswald mal šancu, mal by mať šancu obhájiť sa, že je duševne chorý.
183 O čom to svedčí? Vidíte kam to prišlo, celé to je jednou veľkou skazenosťou. Všetci sú vinní, a celý svet stojí vinný, a cirkev stojí vinná pred Bohom. Amen. Nie divu, že sa rozpadáme. Modlime sa.
184 Pane Bože, tu sme. Tá hodina je tu, Otče. Môže byť neskôr než si myslíme. Môže byť, že tá skazenosť sa rozniesla v takej miere, a chrúst zjedol, a húsenica, až všetok život odišiel. Prosím Ťa, Pane, buď nám milosrdný. Sprav, Pane, ak je nejaký muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, teraz tu, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, aby Ťa teraz prijali, Otče. To môže byť posledné meno zo Shreverportu, ktoré sa nájde v Tej Knihe.
185 Kým máme sklonené hlavy, je tu taká osoba, ktorá by pozdvihla svoju ruku, a povedala: "Brat Branham som úplne presvedčený, že to, čo si povedal je pravda. Svet sa rozpadá a my prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť. A, pokiaľ ide o mňa, nie som si istý, či som v tom Kráľovstve alebo nie."
186 Nespoliehajte sa na to, že ste mali nejaké emocionálne prežitie. Nespoliehajte sa na to, že ste hovorili v jazykoch. Ja verím v tie veci. Iste, ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale počul som diablov hovoriť v jazykoch a dávať tomu výklad, písať neznámymi jazykmi, čarodejníkov. Vidíte? Na niečo také sa nemôžete spoliehať.
187 Ale ak Život Ježiša Krista je v tebe, On sám sa bude manifestovať, bude veriť každému Božiemu Slovu. Lebo On nemôže zaprieť samého seba, On je Slovo.
188 No,ak On je Slovo, a On je v tebe, a ty mi potom povieš: "Nuž, Brat Branham, poviem ti, ja To proste nemôžem prijať. Neverím, že Toto, alebo tieto veci, sú na dnešný deň," a predsa je To tu zasľúbené na tento deň, ó, môj brat, bol si zvedený. Opanoval ťa nejaký duch a zviedol ťa.
189 Pani, ak ty, alebo pán, kýmkoľvek si, ak tieto veci, ktoré sú tak skutočné, skutočné v Slove, za ktoré Ježiš Kristus zomrel - nie preto, aby mal cirkev, alebo aby mal nejakú emocionálnu skupinu, ale nato, aby mal skupinu, ktorá má Jeho Ducha, ktorý žije v ňom, Svoju Nevestu, v ktorej je Jeho Slovo, každé Slovo je pravda. Ak ty vieš o tom, že sa to v tebe neprejavuje tým spôsobom, vieš o tom, že sú v Biblii také veci, ktorým nemôžeš uveriť, a chceš byť spomenutý v modlitbe... Nech všetci majú zavreté oči a sklonené hlavy, som zvedavý, či v tejto neskorej hodine, keď...
190 Môže byť, že čas pocitov takmer pominul (Vidíte?), pretože prichádza taký čas, keď Duch Boží bude zobraní zo zeme a už Ho viac nebude. Cirkev zostane ešte chvíľu (To je pravda.) kázať, pretože ona musí kázať večne strateným, takisto ako to robila každá služba počas tých vekov. Poslednou časťou každej služby bolo kázanie večne strateným. A teraz bude služba, ktorá bude kázať večne strateným potom, keď to oni odmietli prijať.
191Ak sa ti stále zdá, že je iskra v tvojom srdci, že túžiš mať v sebe Krista, a celý svet bol mŕtvy, zdvihni svoju ruku, a povedz: "Spomeň ma v modlitbe, brat Branham." Nech ťa Pán žehná. Áno, áno, desať alebo pätnásť rúk. Bude ešte niekto prv, ako sa budeme modliť? No, chystáme sa zakončiť za dve alebo tri minúty. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani.
192Pomyslite len o tom, pomyslite, pomyslite o tom, čo keby bolo príliš neskoro? Čo, ak ty si poslednou osobou, ktorej On bude klopať na dvere?
193Ona sa rozpadá, vieme to. Nemôžete tu zostať, to je isté. Nemôžete tu zostať. Odchádzate. Poznamenajte si to, odchádzate. A ak ste ...
194Nepodliehajte nejakému prežitiu (emóciám). Nehovorte len: "Ja patrím do cirkvi." Buďte si toho istý. Ak Kristus nežije vami - vo vás, až vy ste - celá vaša myseľ, srdce, duša, telo...
195Ty - ty povieš: "No, ja si myslím..." Ty nemáš svoju vlastnú myseľ, brat. Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi je vo vás! Ja si myslím, že dni by nemali byť... Ja si myslím, že to by nemalo byť. Myslím, že to Slovo to neznamená." Nemáme svoju vlastnú myseľ.
196Ak myseľ Kristova je v nás, potom rozpoznáme, že to Slovo je Pravda a žije rovno cez nás. Nemôžeš si pomôcť, To je Kristus!
197Vyber život z melónovej révy a daj ho do tekvicovej révy, to bude rodiť melóny. Nemôžeš ho od toho zadržať, lebo v ňom je taký život.
198Ale ak - ak hovoríš: "No, ja tomu neverím, tomu Slovu tu...", potom to nie je Duch Kristov. Vidíš? Nejaký iný duch je v tebe.
199Je ešte niekto prv, ako sa budeme modliť? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, teba. Áno, to je dobre. No, ešte niekto, ešte chvíľu. Nech ti Boh žehná, mladý priateľu. Teba, mladá pani. Teba, sestra. Nech teba Boh žehná, aj teba. V poriadku, ešte niekto? Nech teba Boh žehná, tam vzadu.
200Nebojte sa, teraz. Nehanbite sa, teraz. Zajtra večer môže byť príliš neskoro. Vidíte? Môže to byť dnes večer, kedy ti srdce prestane biť. Možno dnes večer sa môžeš od toho odvrátiť posledný krát.
201Koľkí z vás, ktorí ste tu, nemáte krst Ducha Svätého, zodvihnite svoje ruky, vy ktorí viete, že - že Ho nemáte? Och. To je spôsob, ako vchádzate dovnútra. Duch Svätý je Kristus. To je to, čím ste zapečatení do toho Kráľovstva, Efežanom 4, 30 hovorí: "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení ku dňu vášho vykúpenia." A ak vy - a ak si vy myslíte o tejto Biblii, že Ona nie je pravdou, potom duch, ktorý je vo vás, nie je Kristus, pretože Kristus je Slovo.
202Je Kráľovstvo, ktoré je nepohnuteľné, to je to Slovo. To je Kráľovstvo, ktoré je nepohnuteľné. "Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie." Ak to Slovo je vo vás, "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si čo chcete a stane sa vám. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím - Sv. Ján 12,14 - "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť, a ešte väčšie ako to, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi. Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma budete vidieť, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skonania sveta."
203Hľaďte, aké boli Jeho skutky, a hľaďte, či sa oni ku nám vrátili v týchto posledných dňoch. Či To ľudia odmietli? Na celom svete. A svet sa znovu rozpadá, opäť na tieto Vianoce, tak ako to bolo na tie Vianoce.
204Náš nebeský Otče, dnes večer sa pozdvihlo veľa rúk, možno tridsať alebo štyridsať, z tejto malej skupiny ľudí, dnes večer, lebo oni poznali, že nie sú práve tam, kde by mali byť. Oni poznali, že Ty neprebývaš v nich v tej miere. Niektorí, možno bolo niečo v Biblii, o čom oni hovorili: "Ja proste ... Ja To prijímam iba preto, lebo si myslím, že to možno mám urobiť."
205Ale, Pane, Ty si zasľúbil, že Ty budeš Slovom, a Ty si Slovom. "A Ja prídem k vám a dám sa vám poznať." Zisťujeme, že Tvoje systémy, Tvoj systém sa nikdy nemení.
206Keď si Ty prišiel v Starom Zákone, povedal si: "Slovo prišlo ku prorokom." A keď sa to stalo, oni prorokovali a To sa vyplnilo, pretože To bol Boh.
207No, vieme, že kedy si nás poslal na svet, a poveril si nás ísť do celého sveta, aby sme robili učeníkov, a Ty si povedal: "Keď On, ten Duch Svätý zostúpi na vás. pripomenie vám to, čo som vás učil." To je znova. "A ukáže vám budúce veci." Stále... "Boh, veľakrát a mnohými spôsobmi hovoril otcom skrze prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch skrze Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista." Sám Svätý Duch prichádza, ktorý zjavuje napísané Slovo a ukazuje budúce veci. Je povedané: "Slovo Božie (v Židom 4.) je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč a rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca."
208A hriešni a nábožní ľudia dnes môžu sedieť a vidia, že Ty činíš to isté a nazývajú To zlým duchom, práve ako to robili vtedy. "Ak Pána domu nazvú belzebubom..." A my to vidíme.
209Pane, Bože, čo viac môžeme teraz urobiť? Sú tu hladné srdcia, ktoré pozdvihli svoje ruky. Prijmi ich teraz, Pane, naplň každé srdce Svojou Láskou. Udeľ to.
210Kým máme sklonené hlavy. Ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chceli by ste prísť sem ku pódiu, neodkladajte to. Vidíte? Hneď teraz, vstaňte rýchlo, príďte sem, a jednoducho sa sem postavte. Toto môže byť ten večer, keď príjmete Ducha Svätého.
211Priatelia, hľaďte, toto nebude trvať stále. To - to sa raz skončí. To sa končí práve teraz, a možno sa to už skončilo. Ale tak dlho ako vy skúšate, túžite prísť ku Kristovi, potom celkom iste je stále niečo, čo vás ťahá tým smerom.
212Či nechcete teraz prísť a postaviť sa sem, aby sme sa za vás pomodlili? Vy, ktorí máte takú túžbu, podíďte sem ku oltáru, len na chvíľu, pokiaľ máme sklonené naše hlavy. Teraz ľudia prichádzajú rovno sem. Tak veru, príďte rovno sem okolo oltára. Povedzte: "Svet sa rozpadá, nechcem mať v sebe žiaden svet. Chcem mať v sebe Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť."
213Ježiš povedal: "Nič z tohto nebude stratené. Ja to vzbudím opäť v posledných dňoch. Áno, Ja to vzbudím." On to zasľúbil, tak sa to ne- môže rozpadnúť. Boh to vzkriesi. Nestarám sa, čo to je, On to vzkriesi.
214Vedeli ste, že človek nemôže nič zničiť? Nič nemôže byť zničené. Vy poviete: "A čo oheň, keď ten niečo spáli?" On (oheň) to nezničí. On iba rozbije tie chemikálie na atómy, z toho dostávate teplo. To sa vracia rovno späť do svojho originálneho stavu, do stavu, v akom boli na začiatku: kyselín, plynov, svetiel, a tak ďalej, čím boli. Nemôžete nič zničiť. Ak - ak by svet stál dostatočne dlho, tak by sa možno znovu stali ďalším listom papiera, alebo ďalším stromom, alebo čokoľvek, čo spálite. Vidíte, nemôžete to zničiť. Boh to tak učinil.
215Ó, nemôžete zničiť Božie stvorenie, to je presne tak. O koľko viac On môže vzkriesiť to, čo On zasľúbil.
216Nechcete prísť? Príde ešte niekto, teraz? Je tu malá skupina, ani nie polovica z tých, ktorí zdvihli svoje ruky. Myslel som si, že ste zodvihli svoje ruky vážne, zvlášť po takom posolstve ako toto.
217Koľkí z vás tu, teraz s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, vie o tom, že ste videli Boha ako dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie, rovno tu na tomto pódiu, ktorý pozná tajomstvá sŕdc? Raz, nie raz, ale všetko, čo On povedal sa stalo. Vy viete, že je to pravda. Tu na zhromaždeniach, všade, presne to, čo robil Ježiš Kristus, keď bol tu na zemi. On to robí znovu. Vy o tom viete. Uvedomte si to. Myslel som Jeho uzdravenia.
218Pred dvoma týždňami, predtým ako som šiel do New Yorku, prišla istá pani s rakovinou v hrdle. Duch Svätý ku nej prehovoril na zhromaždení. Potom prišla v nedeľu s rakovinou v kuse handry, ktorú vykašľala. Doktori sa na to pozreli a povedali: "Život odišiel z tej rakoviny, a preto sa uvoľnila." A ona ju vykašľala.
219A iná žena mala rakovinu ženských žliaz. A ona to tu mala na zväčšenom obrázku s lekárskym posudkom. Ona ju vylúčila po dvoch dňoch.
220Stál tu mladý priateľ, ktorý na mesiace, a mesiace, a mesiace stratil pamäť. Spadol a udrel si zátylok na hlave. On nevedel, kto bol, a ani kde bol. Iba so slovom modlitby a položením rúk na neho, opýtal som sa: "Ako sa voláš?"
On odpovedal: "Billy Dukes."
Povedal som: "Koľko máš rokov?"
Povedal: "Deväť." Povedal: "Kde som?"
221 Moc Božia. Škoda, že ste neboli so mnou pred niekoľkými týždňami v Koloráde... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]
222 No, ak neprichádzate, vidíte, ja - ja nemôžem, ja - ja ... Všetko, čo môžem urobiť, je iba povedať vám pravdu. Vidíte? To je na vás. Ako Noe, vošiel do archy, archa sa za ním zavrela, a nejakú chvíľu sa nič nedialo, ale vonkajší svet si žil takisto ako predtým a zahynul. Vidíte?
223 Pilát žil ďalej takisto po ukrižovaní Ježiša. Budem na tú tému kázať za niekoľko dní, "Krv na vašich rukách", ak Pán dovolí. Všimnite si teraz, či je ešte niekto, prv ako zakončíme?
224 Teraz poprosím skutočne posvätené ženy a mužov, ktorí poznajú Boha, aby prišli dole a postavili sa sem, a položili ruky na týchto ľudí. To môže byť ich posledná príležitosť. Niekto z vás posvätených ľudí, ktorí poznáte Boha, podíďte sem a postavte sa okolo týchto ľudí. Oni majú ružové karty pripnuté, skoro každý jeden z nich, to znamená, že nie sú odtiaľto. Myslím, že je to pravda. Príďte a položte na nich ruky. Niekto z členov Modlitebne Života, príďte sem. Chce prísť niekto z vás bratov, ktorí tu sedíte? Poďte, toto je tá hodina. Či ne - či nemilujete týchto - ľudí? Ó. Kde je naša horlivosť? Čo sa stalo s tým, čo nás pudilo? Čo sa deje?
No, nech obecenstvo ešte chvíľu počká na modlitbu.
225 Vy, ktorí tu stojíte, pozrite, nespoliehajte na nejaké emócie, hoci To nesie emócie. Nespoliehajte na to, či budete hovoriť jazykmi alebo nie. Nič o tom nemyslite. Boh sa o to postará. Vidíte? Proste Ježiša Krista, aby prišiel do vášho života, a aby Sám žil cez vás. Nechcite viac svoje vlastné myšlienky. Chcite Jeho myšlienky: "Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi je vo vás." Och, toto je ...
226 Toto, nuž, raz budete počuť tieto veci posledný krát. No, hľaďte, chcem, aby celé obecenstvo povstalo na svoje nohy. Vy, drahí ľudia, ktorí ste sem prišli, aby ste obdržali krst Duchom Svätým, zajtra je sviatok Vďakyvzdania, takže nemusíte ísť do práce. Tu ide o tvoju dušu brat, sestra. Tu ide o tvoje večné miesto určenia Teraz, alebo nikdy. A tak dlho ako ty cítiš jedno malé tiahnutie... A pomysli len na tieto Pravdy, ktoré ležia rovno tu pred nami. Nebuďte na tie veci mŕtvy, ľudia. To je skutočnosť. Dokázalo sa to ako skutočnosť, dokonale, vždy. A to je potvrdené Slovo.
227 Pozerám sa na muža, ktorí tu stojí. Nemôžem si spomenúť na jeho meno. Myslím, že Blair, kazateľ Blair. Keď som bol nedávno v Hot Springs, zachytil som to v obecenstve - ten muž tam sedel, a zlý duch sa chcel dostať do toho človeka, a prinútiť ho, aby o mne pochyboval. No, hľaďte, čo sa stalo. Povedal som: "Možno ma budeš niekedy potrebovať." Vidíte? Netrvalo dlho, keď pred niekoľkými týždňami, mi zatelefonovala jeho manželka - ten muž zomieral. Vidíte?
228 A ten človek to vtedy prijal, on vedel, že to bol diabol, ktorý ho chcel doviesť do toho, aby uveril, že je to niečo falošné alebo niečo. Myslel si: "Ako to on vie?" Tak potom on... Modlitbou sme to zlo z neho vyhnali.
229 A neskôr, pred pár týždňami, vidíte, satan vedel, že prichádzal ten čas, keď on bude ležať s opuchlinou na svojom boku. Myslím, že tak to rozprávala jeho žena, mal vysokú horúčku a blúznil, nevedeli, čo to bolo, nejaká infekcia v jeho boku, opuchnuté obidva jeho boky. A jeho malá žena mi telefonovala do Tucsonu. Povedal som: "Sestra, máš vreckovku?" Myslím, že mala niečo iné, malý šál alebo niečo. Povedal som: "Ja - ja to môžem vidieť. Vezmi to a polož na brata Blaira v mene Pána Ježiša." A on ju poprosil, aby mi zavolala.
230 Čo by sa stalo, keby sa satanovi podarilo ho presvedčiť, aby mi neveril, vediac, že to tam je? Potom by tu on dnes večer nestál s Bibliou na srdci.
231 Vidíte, to je satan, ktorý sa vás snaží presvedčiť, aby ste Tomu neverili. Je to tak. Nepočúvajte to. Pamätajte, "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky." Vidíte, tieto veci sú dokázané.
232 No, nech všetci, vy tu pri oltári, zdvihnime svoje ruky a povedzme: "Pane Ježišu pomôž mi teraz," nech sa všetci modlia.
233 Náš nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa tu, ó, Bože, to je medzi životom a smrťou pre týchto ľudí, ktorí tu stoja. Nech Duch Svätý vstúpi do ich života v tejto chvíli. Nech by prišla Moc Božia, ktorá ich priviedla ku tomuto oltáru, nech by ona zostúpila na nich v zmŕtvychvstaní Krista a dala im ten veľký Večný Život, ktorý hľadajú. Pane, cirkvi všade zomierajú, akoby duchovná voda bola zobraná z tejto zeme. A kým títo ľudia majú príležitosť prísť, a ponoriť sa do tohoto Žriedla, sprav to, Pane, aby ich vyprahnuté duše, dnes večer, ktoré sú lačné a smädné po Bohu, mohli byť práve teraz naplnené Duchom Svätým. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech na nich spočinie Tvoje milosrdenstvo a milosť.
234 No, nech sú vaše hlavy... Modlite sa, neprestávajte sa modliť. Všetci, neprestávajte sa modliť. Ja sa za vás modlím. Urobím všetko čo môžem, ale nemôžem vám dať Ducha Svätého. To musí urobiť Boh. Hľaďte, vytvorte pred sebou Krista vo svojich mysliach. Pozrite sa tu a vidzte, či vidíte Krista pred sebou, keď zatvoríte oči. Potom choďte rovno ku Nemu a povedzte, "Pane Ježišu, tu som. Odteraz Ty a ja budeme jedno. Príjmem každé Slovo, ktoré si mi dnes večer povedal." Zostaňte tam, stojte len, hoci by ste tam mali zostať dnes večer, zajtra, nasledujúci deň, stojte, kým to budete mať všetko za sebou, v modlitbe a viere, že vás Boh naplní krstom Ducha Svätého.
235 Poď sem, Don, veď ich v modlitbe. Nech ťa Boh žehná, Don.
1 Amen. The Lord bless you. You can be seated. Sounded so good to come in tonight and hear you praising the Lord, and get back home again and see everybody. I been looking for this since last Thanksgiving when I was here, to get back to my tabernacle again. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I don't know where he went. Here he is over here. I just wonder if he was going to still say "amen" to that, you know. [Brother Moore says, "Amen."] It's always good to be here. And I looked forward, as I said, since last Thanksgiving.
2 We have just left New York City, where we had a wonderful campaign. The Lord blessed us there in a mighty way. And we was at the Morris Auditorium, and the crowds packed in, and up-and-down the streets. And they would stand out there, waiting. If--if one come in, just a bystander, you know, and would think, well, something; some people, you know, go to church, and then the first thing, something said, that they don't like, they'll get up and walk out. And they was out there voting, who would get that seat when they come out. And I come by each night, and nearly a city block away, and they would be piled up-and-down the streets. And the Lord did bless us and give us souls, and many great healings taken place.
3And then at the Business Men's breakfast, we had a wonderful time, sold out their tickets. And--and then I think they had to let hundreds in, that didn't have tickets. Then they filled the corridors, and around the hall and doors, and so forth. And we just had a wonderful time. An Episcopalian priest and everything there, and the Lord blessed us greatly.
4 And then we stopped in at home, my other home, in Jeffersonville. Course, I live now in Tucson, Arizona, as you know, for the last two years.
5And now I'm on the road back to Tucson now, for the Business Men's breakfast next week at Phoenix. Where, right immediately after the first of the year, we start a campaign there, a few days prior to the Business Men's International, I believe, or national convention at--at the Ramada Inn.
6And it's so good to be here in--in this fine city of Shreveport, tonight.
7 Now, usually I speak a long time. But I'm going to try my best to keep it down, three or four hours, anyhow, to this and to this time. And I know I just wear you out, but, see, I don't get to see you so often. And many goes Home before I... go Home to Glory before I get to see you again, and I think, "Well, this will be our last earthly chat together before you take your flight." And many has gone, no doubt, since this time last year. And probably, if the Lord tarries, and we get to get back again next year or sometime, it will be some more, here tonight, maybe myself. We don't know what time we're to be called. And, you know, the Lord Jesus might even come before this services is closed tonight.
8 Now, as you know me, I'm not an orator, I'm not a speaker. I--I just love the Lord and do what I can for His glory. And when I stand here in this platform, knowing that man like Brother Moore and many great man has stood in this platform, it makes me feel kind of--kind of... not out of place, I don't mean that. But, I mean, my grammar and things, I feel like, if the people didn't love me real well, they'd get up and walk out when I got in the pulpit. So they just bear with me, and I'm thankful for it now.
9 But I always come with this--with this objective. I don't come here just to be seen; if I did, I would go to your house for a visit, see. I come here to do the very best I can for the Lord Jesus Christ, while I'm here. I'm here for no other purpose but to serve Him, and the best that I know how, and to bring to you the Word just as It's given to me, pray for your sick and afflicted. Now, we'll have a night, or two, Brother Moore and I will get together, that we're going to pray for the sick.
10 Then, each night, we want every person that's not a Christian, hope something will be said or done, that you'll become a Christian. And if you're not, if you've already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept Him and been baptized, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost as yet, don't let this get by. Just let this be your night. Because, remember, there will be just so many names on that Book. And when the last name is added, that's all of it. And yours might complete It.
11When the Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, that was the Book of Redemption. And those names was put in there before the foundation of the world. When that last name was called, the Book, the plan, everything else was revealed then, the Seven Seals was opened by the Lamb. The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in There. If we had time, I'd like to...
12 Just got through with those Seven Seals, just recently. I'd like to go through them again. And just how the Lord blessed us! Many of you has heard of it, and read in Life magazine, and things, the things that taken place during that time. When, they caught the picture, even, of the seven Angels, as was predicted as we went West. And He told me, three months before, where it would be and how I would be standing there, and there it was! And the--and the cameras, oh, for hundreds of miles, caught the picture of It right there, just exactly. Was foretold exactly! And if I ever preached anything that was inspired, in my life, it's The Seven Seals. And so I know we're at the end time.
13 And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's redeemed, that was put on that Book, that settles it, He comes to claim what He redeemed. And it might be a strange time. Did you ever think: people will go right on preaching, the church will go right on even thinking they're getting people saved. It's too late then, it's all over, see, and the Message will go to the totally lost; just like it did in the days of Noah, seven days in the ark. It did in the days of Sodom. Jesus Himself, His--His third stage of His ministry, He went and preached to souls that were Eternally lost, that were in prison, that repented not, the long-suffering in the days of Noah. And we don't know what time these things might happen.
14And let's be warned. Don't just stand around, let's do something about it. If we're not right with God, let's get right with God.
15 One time, I think, in the 11th chapter of Matthew, I believe it is, about the 6th verse, or something, I'm not sure of that. It's the 11th chapter, I'm pretty sure. John's disciples was sent by John, one time, to see the Lord Jesus, to ask Him if He really was the One, or should they look for another. He said, "Go show John the things that happens. Tell him, 'Blessed is he who is not offended in Me.'"
16And then when they crossed the hill, and Jesus perhaps watched them, He said, "What did you go out to see?" And they... Said, "Did you go to see some kind of a man dressed in fine clothes?" He said, "They're in kings' palaces. And a reed shaken by a wind?" He said, "Did you go to see a prophet?" Said, "I say unto you, and more than a prophet. If you can receive it, this is he who the prophet spoke of, Malachi 3, 'And I'll send My messenger before My face.'"
17 The disciples asked one time about this question. They said, "Why does the scribes say, the teachers of the Scripture, that, 'Elias must first come before these, all these things happen'?" Now remember, He was talking to the disciples, not to the Pharisees. The disciples, they said, "Why did scribes say that, 'Elias must first come'?"
18He said, "Elias is already come, and they did to him what they listed, and you didn't know it."
19What if someday you would find out, we'd hit a tribulation period or something, you say, "Well, I thought the Rapture was to come first"? See? And the voice would speak back and tell you, "The Rapture is already, and you didn't know it."
20"As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved by water, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of man." People go right on, just thinking they're just doing the right thing, and it'll all be over. O God, have mercy on us! Let's, let's check up, right now in these next few nights, see where we're at.
Let us bow our heads again.
21 Lord Jesus, with these things in mind, and presented to this church, presented to these people; God, I pray that You will save every soul in Shreveport, this time, that's wrote in that Book. If there is some here that isn't saved, Father, may this be the hour that they're saved. If there is any in this congregation, tonight, may this be their night.
22Bless Brother Moore, Sister Moore, and their family, their children, their children's children. God, we just thank You for them. And Brother Lyle, Brother Brown and all the--the brethren here at the church, Brother Don, and these fine bunch of people, all the members here, the laity, we just thank You for them.
23 And we pray, Heavenly Father, that our meeting together here at this Thanksgiving... It might be the last Thanksgiving we'll ever meet together on this earth, so, God, let us take advantage and conserve the time. And we realize that it's--it's getting late, and we want everything that we can do, that's in our power, to get the work done for the Lord Jesus before He comes. Somehow, I kind of feel that He is waiting for us to--to finish the job. So, help us, Lord, tonight, as an individual, each one of us, that we might be so concerned about others, that we go out into the streets, or into the neighborhood, and--and bring in the lost, that they might be saved.
24Bless Thy Word. Thy Word is Truth, Lord, all Truth. So we pray, that as we try to endeavor to break this Bread of Life, Truth, to the people, that the Holy Spirit will come, because of that broken body there at Calvary where sin had to break it, and will divide Himself among us again, in fellowship around the Word. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
25 Now, if you will, I want you to turn with me. Many of you like to kind of keep the--the Scriptures where a minister reads, or an evangelist. And I want to read some, tonight, from Deuteronomy, the 4th chapter, beginning with the 7th to the 14th verse. And the Book of Hebrews, 14th chapter, the 25th verse through the 29th, inclusive. Deuteronomy 4.
For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;
Especially the day that thou stood before the LORD thy God in--in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear my words, that they will learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.
And ye came near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire to the midst of heaven, and darkness, and clouds, and thickness, and darkness.
And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard His voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard the voice.
And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.
And the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that you might do them in the land wheresover ye go over to possess it.
26 And now in the Book of Hebrews, the 14th chapter, beginning with the 25th verse.
See that you refuse not him that spake. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaks from heaven:
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he has promised, saying, Yet once more I shall, I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word, Yet once... signifies the removing of... things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. There...
Wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptable with reverence and godly fear:
For our God is a consuming fire.
27 Now I got a few notes here, and some Scriptures written down, that I'd like to refer to for a few minutes, as I would title this a strange little title. And these tapes is ready at any time anyone would want them. Mr. Maguire here will be able to--to furnish you with these things. And I want to take the text, from a text of this subject, rather, like this, The World Is Again Falling Apart.
28 We was coming down yesterday, or last evening, through Memphis, Tennessee, got in there kind of late in the afternoon, or part of the evening. And we could hardly get through the streets, the--the children and people were so crowded. And I thought, "What could this be?" The--the people wasn't dressed like they had been to a religious meeting like maybe our good brother, Billy Graham or Oral Roberts. And I didn't think they were in that district at that time, anyhow. And the women were wearing slacks, and little children around them, were just with overalls on, and so forth, coveralls. And I wondered what it was, and finally we found out. They had had a--a Santa Claus parade. There had been many thousands had been watching it on the streets, and so forth. And we just had an awful time getting through Memphis, because it's coming Christmas time.
29 And Christmas is such a great commercial day, until it's taken Thanksgiving pretty near out of the picture, because... in the--in the world of business, anyhow; because that the--the commercial world is so much greater influenced by Christmas, because there is so many people shop. And they just... Thanksgiving is just a little passing-by. And we find out, as we see Christmas nearing again, I thought it would be a good thing to speak on this subject, as we're nearing it. Seeing that, really, Christmas is not...
30 We celebrate this 25th day of December for the birthday of Christ, but, course, anyone knows that it wasn't Christ's birthday. That was the Roman sun-god's birthday, that when the church was converted into, or, brought into Catholicism, was formed at the council at Nicaea. Instead of it being the "sun god's," they made it the "Son of God's" birthday. That was when, the sun, it's from the 20th until the... I mean the 21st till the 25th, it's kind of in its... Forget what the name you call it, rightly. It's when it's hardly a second-or-two's time when it's passing through that stage. And it was the sun-god's birthday, and they just taken the "Son of God" and made that His birthday, to blend it in with their pagan tradition. And it's no means, at all, being Christ's birthday.
31 He could not been born at that time, because Judaea is about the same on the--on the... high up the equator, as this is, and we--we find out that, in Judaea, in the wintertime, 25th of December, she is blizzardly and cold. Shepherds cannot be on the hill, and many reasons that it couldn't be.
32And then He was nature born, like all other nature, He--He came forth in the Spring. Usually when the lambs are born, in the Spring; and He was the Lamb. Now, I believe, He was born, myself, March, April, or somewhere along in there, in the early Spring.
33 But we find that they made a day of merchandise out of it. People crowding on the streets, and rubbing shoulders, and fussing over things, and wondering about giving somebody a present, how much they will pay for it.
34The other day, I was surprised. In a place I was standing, and two ladies was talking about giving their father the birthday... or the Christmas present for this year. And one of them said, "I got him a quart of whiskey." And the other one said, "I got him a pack, or a carton of cigarettes," or something another like that. And they were saying, one give so much more for the whiskey than they did the cigarettes.
35And I thought, "If that isn't a way to give a--a... swap or give a present in commemoration of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!" What a death-finding thing it is!
36 And I see our world in such a sadness as it is now, polluted from every side, not a way in the world for it to ever come back to itself again. We better take heed, what we're doing in these days. For we have, just now in mourning, of one of the great tragedies, and--and one of the great... We never thought that thing would happen in America, but it's here anyhow. And our own letting-down on the Gospel, it's become worm-eaten with such stuff as that, and will get worse. There is no doubt at all, in my mind, but what it'll just continually getting worse.
37But we find out, at this Christmas, to get down to the subject, that this Christmas finds the world just about like it did two thousand years ago, when Jesus came. It hasn't changed very much since then. Cause, this, that Christmas found the world falling apart, and was looking for a Messiah to help hold it together. And--and that's about the way it is today, we are doing the same thing. The World Is Again Falling Apart.
38 Now, that's not only in America here, but that's all over the world, wherever you go; the religious world, the political world, the everything, the--the world of moral. It--it, there is just no more of it, it's just... Morals is just amongst the good people, anymore, and that's very hard to find. It's--it's a shame. And politics and everything is corrupted, till the whole thing is sick and putrefied sores, from the head to the feet, the whole world. Our political system, our religious system, our moral system, everything we've got, is gone! Just, there is no way to keep it together. She, she is finished! The... We're at the end of the road. That's all there is to it.
39We, I know we talked about it a long time, but one of these days it's going to be passed talking about, it's going to be a historical thing, and we'll find ourself outside if we don't watch at this time.
40 I wonder, if we this Christmas, if God should send Him again like He did back there two thousand years ago, if He would send Him to us in 1964, I wonder if we wouldn't do with Him as they did then? I just wonder if His Coming would be any more, He'd be any more welcomed, in the--in the--in the political world or in the religious world, than He was then? I just wonder if we're in any more shape to receive Him, as He was then? But we know He was rejected then.
41What would we do to Him if He come? Perhaps the religious world, that I'm basing this on, would do to Him like it did the other time. They would crucify Him if they could, (they haven't changed), for the same reason that they did the other time.
42 Why did they do it, did they crucify the very One they were praying to come on the earth, to save them, to get them out of the chaos? They crucified the only hope that they had. Why? Why did they do it? Because, when God answered their prayer, He answered it in a way that they didn't expect it to be answered. When He come, He never come in the taste of their theology.
43And if He come again, today, He would come the same way; out of the taste of the world or the churches' theology, and the way they would think of Him. He always comes. As God's people, when they get in trouble, and pray, then God gives them what they pray for, but He gives it in the way that's good for them. And they refused It, because It don't come the way they think It should have come. They rejected God's anointed Word, and He is the Word.
44 Now, God, in all ages, at all times, when He begin, "When He spoke His Word in sundry times through the prophets, in this last days through Jesus Christ, His Son," we find out that each one of those prophecies was to suit a certain age. Like King Nebuchadnezzar when he had this dream, and the Gentile world from the head to the feet, and Daniel gave the interpretation of this dream; that was a--a prophecy to the whole world, forever, every section of the Gentile Kingdom, as it would come from the head to the feet. And the prophets has always spoke the Words that should happen along each age. And when God...
45 The people gets in trouble, and God answers them. He sends them a anointed prophet or some kind of a messenger, because He cannot go back on His Word that He has destined for that age. But, what He does, He sends a messenger to make that part of the Word live to that age. Always does it, see. He formed His Word in the beginning. He knowed the end from the beginning. He spoke His Word. And each age, when they get in trouble, they would... they would pray, and God would send an anointed one. And that anointed one would absolutely make that promise of that age, that was foretold for that age, live. And that's what He does all the time. God never changes His program. Now, we never find God changing.
46 God settled it one time, how He would save man, that was in the garden of Eden, under the shed blood. We tried every other system, from fig leaves to education, psychology, denominations of systems, and so forth, and every bit of it has--has been rejected; and it never has worked, it never will work. God will only meet man under the shed Blood, and that's the only place that He'll ever meet him, because that was His first decision. He'll never meet man under any kind of an ethical system. He'll never, no way in the world! Just come right back to God's Way, that's what He said first. And He is infinite, cannot change, and He's always the same. That's where He meets man, and there only. That's the reason we fail to have fellowship today, that's the reason the church is so separated, because each one is separated in a system, and, when they do that, then God turns them down, right there. He wants us to meet under the Blood, where we have all things in common, down by the Cross. God's only purpose of doing it! God always sends His Word.
47 And we find, today, that the world today is just like it was in that day; finding itself, its political system, and so forth, all falling apart, and looking for a messiah that will hold it together.
48Now, the word messiah means "the anointed one," something anointed. God! This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, the whole Book was sealed with the Seven Seals of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was in Genesis; Jesus Christ was in the middle of the Book. Jesus Christ was in--in the Exodus and Genesis, and He was in the middle of the Book and He was in the--the New Testament, and in the Revelation and plumb on to the end, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's all God!
49 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
50"God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." When the Word of the Lord came to the prophets, and them only, because they was anointed with the Word, they had the right to interpret the Word. And God worked through them, proving that the Word was right. "If I the... there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, don't hear him." That's no more than good reasoning, to any man.
51Now we find ourselves here, in the last days now, when we're looking for the Coming of the Lord again.
52 Well remember the old Baptist preacher that baptized me into the Name of Jesus Christ, when I was just a little boy. And he used to discuss this subject with me, about John the Baptist. He said, "Brother Billy," he said, "when John... When He said, 'Suffer it to be so,' and then he suffered Him." He said, "Then John, baptized... Jesus baptized John, because we know John had never been baptized, and yet he was preaching baptism." Well, that always kind of stunted me, a little.
53Then here not long ago, it was revealed to me, at this way, that there met in that pool, in that hole of water, the two greatest messengers the world ever seen: a--a man that was above all the prophets, which was John, "there never was a man born of a woman, as great as he"; and there was God, Himself, manifested in a body of flesh. And remember, and the Bible tells us that, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet." And when the Word was made flesh; here stood the prophet in the water. And the Word and the prophet came together, they knowed one another! Right. The Word Itself, made flesh, incarnate Son of God, came to the prophet, in the water.
54 Prophet said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou to me?"
55He said, "Suffer that so, for thus it is becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness."
56Notice! John, being a prophet, knowed that He was the Sacrifice. And the sacrifice must be washed before presented for sacrifice. And that's the reason He had to be baptized.
57Oh, today, it's becoming to us, that we fulfill all righteousness of our day. The hour is here. The Bible tells us what's to be happening in this day. We know what the Bible says will take place in this day. It's up to us to hold onto God until these things happen. It's the hour! Pray for the anointed one that will give us the deliverance that we are looking for, because God has promised it.
58 They rejected God's anointed Word then, and so it fall, fell apart. And again we find out, at this time, it's also falling apart again. I find out, as I said, our politics are corrupted, our church life is corrupted. What taken place? Here is what did it; when you get away from, anytime, away from God's program, you'll find corruption. It cannot stand. God's Word is infallible, and there is nothing else will take Its place, never can.
59 Our educational system, our denominational system, has took the place of the Holy Spirit leading in the church. Our great fine training of ministers and things has taken place of--of the all-night prayer meetings, and the old-time way we used to get to God. Now, instead of having preachers, we got lecturers, men knows the Word just as well, they can sit there and put It together in such a way that it's astounding how they can do it. They know the mechanics, but that ain't the Dynamics. We want the Dynamics. I don't care about the mechanics; I want to know the Dynamics. What does It do?
60I don't know how that car runs out there. It's got pistons and cylinders, and I don't know how much pressure it used. The only thing I know is the dynamics, put her out there and drive it.
61That's what we know, God made the promise, "I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy." How is He going to do it? I can't tell you. I just want to know the Dynamics of God's system. That's the main thing.
62 Today we've studied the mechanics until it's all mechanical. What good is an automobile without something in it to drive it? What good is the lights if the--if the... or the fixtures, if there is no current to go in it? See, we've got all the mechanics, we got schools and educators, and so forth, that can train a man, till he can stand in the pulpit with such manners till he's an eloquent person. That still don't bring the Power of God. Where is the Power of God that used to be to the church? Where is that pentecostal Blessing that used to flow through the churches? That's the reason our world is falling apart, because we've got away from the real principles of God, and educated men into systems and things. And that is what's got us in the condition we are today. I believe that's the reason our world is falling apart.
63 These episodes has been on the earth since the days of Noah. We find out when God's... had Noah, the prophet of righteousness, going forth with his message, there was an episode of immorality in that day, as the Bible said, "Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage." We find out, gluttonous and immorality, and so forth, taken place in that day. And then the world fell apart because the people rejected the message of God, for that day. Noah was a prophet anointed of God, sent of God, with a message from God, and he gave the people a warning before the judgment come. And they snickered and laughed, and made fun of it, and scoffed, and the whole world system fell apart, in that day, and they was drowned beneath the seas. That's right. Why? They rejected the message of the hour.
64 We find out the same thing took place in Egypt, when Moses led the children of Israel out. The whole Egyptian system had become corrupt. And we find now it taken place again, when God sent an anointed messenger down there for His Word. It was to fulfill His Word.
You say, "Was it to fulfill His Word?"
65He told Abraham that's exactly what He would do. And there had to be someone come on the scene, at that time, to make that Word live right before them. God had sent His Moses down there, and, the very thing that He promised to do, he did it, because he was the anointed Word for that hour. He said it would judge that world. God's Word said, "I'll judge that nation with great, mighty wonders and signs."
66 There stood a man, just an ordinary man like you or I, got the Word from God, and went out there and spoke creation into existence. Said, "Let..." Picked up the sand, and said, "Let fleas come from the earth." And the Word of God, through that prophet's mouth, being it was right in the hour that it was supposed to be, fleas covered the whole earth. He covered the earth with frogs, with lice. He covered it with all kinds of--of pestilence and things. Because, God made the promise, and the hour was there for it to be anointed, the anointed Word for that hour that they live in.
67That's what we need today, is not back in some seminary system, but anointed Word for the hour that we live in, to bring forth Jesus Christ to the world again. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." There is a--there is a program laid out for this day, a promise of God. And the only way that we'll ever be able to get right, is to let that Word be anointed. That's right. It's always happened. Yes.
68 We find out the great moral pollution in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. He had a man anointed. When the hand writing come on the wall, He had a man could read it.
69Days of Lot and Sodom, we find again the world falling apart. God saved what could be saved, out of it.
70In the days of Jesus Christ, we find out that man-made systems had got the world in such a condition, and their politics of that day, until, they, the whole world was falling apart, at the first Christmas.
71Now we've done the same thing, turned right back around and corrupted the Word of God, by systematic religion, till we find it falling apart. What one of them systems can we rely upon now? What system can we go to, the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal system? There is nothing at all we can do but come back to that anointed Word of the promise for this hour. These systems are frail, they're faltery. They, they're, they're man-made systems, and they will not save you. There is no Life in them. Only Life is in the Word of God. It is Life. He said so.
72And the way it was then, as they were praying, people finds themselves at the end of their journey, or the end of their ropes, as it was in the days of Noah and the days of Moses, and so forth. When they find themselves, that they can't go no farther, then they begin to pray. And when they begin to pray, God always answers. Then Jesus was born.
73 The world at that time, as I said, was falling apart. Each nation was looking for a messiah, just as we are today. Rome was looking for a great genius who could come among them, a--a great fellow who had all the military gimmicks, that he could go over there and stomp out Greece and the rest of the world. Greece was looking for the same thing, somebody who could tell them how they could conquer the rest of the world.
74The Jewish religious world of that day was looking for a general. They thought there would come a Messiah down from Heaven, with a great rod of iron in his hands, and He would beat Rome down, stomp them off and run them into the sea. And all there, they was looking for that type of a man. They wanted a general.
75 Like a whole lot like our denominations of today, our denominations are looking for a superman. Our nation is looking for a superman. Russia is looking for a superman. The eastern world is looking for one. The U.N. is looking for one. The churches are looking for one. But what kind of a one are they looking for?
76Russia is looking for a messiah that's anointed with--with brains that he knows how to conquer outer space for them, beat everybody to the moon. They want to conquer the world. That's just...
77 But, you see, when they ask these things, and ask for this, they don't ask as Jesus said. We try to make God like a--like an errand boy, "Lord, You do this for me! And You do this for me! And You go do that," tell Him what to do.
78Jesus said, "When you pray, pray like this manner, 'Our Father Who Art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done.'" Who, find where we do that? We're always wanting God to run errands for us, or do something for us. But when we're willing to say, "Thy will be done," commit ourselves to Him, commit our ways to Him. All that we are, commit it to Him. That's when God will move, when you're willing to let Him work on you, not you work on Him.
79Let Him tell you, not you tell Him and twist it around. "Come to our system, O Lord God, make all of us Methodist, all of us Pentecostal, rule over the rest of them. We want a genius, we Pentecostal people, we Methodist and Baptist." We got seminaries, building great big ones, saying, "The--the end of time is at hand, the Coming of the Lord," building millions of dollars worth of seminaries, and so forth. Trying to what? Get us a messiah. That's right.
80Let the Lord raise up something out somewhere, every denomination gets them one of the same kind. That's exactly. Find out. Watch when Divine healing struck, how many Divine healers? Every one had to be a Divine healer.
81There was one Moses in the days of that come-out. There was one Elijah, one Elisha, one Isaiah, so forth.
82 Now we find out that the world wants their own messiah. Russia want theirs, and United States wants theirs, the church world wants theirs. Each one wants their own messiah, but they want it in the way that--that they can control it. They want to have control over this messiah. Oh, sure. Yeah, they, if they could have. If God would send it in their own taste, they certainly would accept it. But you see, then, God knew their needs. He, He's not promised to send us our wants and what we ask for, but our needs.
83They wanted a general; they got a Baby. See, that's what they needed. They needed a baby (what?) to humiliate them, to humble them.
84 That's what the self-styled church needs today, humble itself back again. Got to a place, there is no confession and there is no love among the people. It seems like it's dying daily. Church is cooling off. Everywhere, you find the revival is over, and you find a cooling off. We need a humiliating. And we...
85They asked for a general; and got a Lamb. Why? That's, God knew what they needed. That's what they needed. They needed a Saviour. They thought they was saved, but God knew they wasn't.
86And that's what the world needs today, again, is a Saviour, a Saviour of this condition, something that can hold it together. Not an educated regime, some kind of a mechanical system, or some kind of an educational system. What we need is the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and saving grace, back in the church again, when men, women, boys, and girls, can be saved.
87Have we waited too long? Is there many out that will never come in? Has the last name been redeemed? Is that what's the matter today? It could be, you know. You know, it--it could easily be, and never interrupt the Scriptures, at all. It could be. So, we don't know now, let's be careful.
88 But they thought they was saved, and--and, but God knowed better than they did. And the same thing happens today.
89They had took the Word that God had give them for that day, that they ought to have knowed the day that He was coming, and had made a tradition out of It. Jesus said, "You've taken the Word of God and made It of no effect, by your traditions."
90That's the same thing that's happened today in our systematic, religious systematic world. The systems of the world has took the Word of God and made It traditional. And that's the reason It hasn't got any effect in It. There is nothing will come out of It, because It's been mixed up.
91You can't put genuine corn in something that won't, 'less it's earth, and it won't grow. You can lay it in the sun and keep it warm, you can do what you want to, but it takes a certain kind of earth. It must be in there. It must be buried. It must be under the right atmosphere, to make it bring forth.
92 And so does the Word of God! You can't take a church and bring it to life, on some tradition. You might bring members, by the millions, but you'll never bring down the Power of God until we get back to the original Word again, back to the foundational Word, back to the Blood, back to the--the Jesus Christ, back to the old-fashion prayer meetings, and back to God! We may be so far gone, now, that the hour is far passed. But, anyhow, the Gospel must be preached. We're not to judge that.
93God knew what they had need of, so He gave them what they had need of. So again, we find, what they had, we have done the same thing.
94 Russia and all the rest of them wants theirs. And the different scientists wants to make themselves a great name. Each nation wants to get its brainy man. We want ours. We want the educational system in it. We want a denominationalism. That's just exactly what we got. That's what you did. That's what you wanted, that's what God gave you. Now what you going to do with it after you got it?
95We're talking about Russia for another minute. The Russians are calling for a man who can conquer space. They're training them as fast as they can, their scientists. What if they get one, what if they get their messiah, what we going to do? And mercy on us if they get it! Remember, Germany just got such a messiah not long time, not very long ago, a Hitler. And we know what it done to them.
96 Now what about the church, what kind of a messiah is the church looking for, today? You, the church, has cried the loudest. So, what we hollering about a messiah, what are we hollering? "Revival in our time! Back this, that, and the other." What are they looking for, to do it? What more do you want? What does the church want, anyhow?
97We've already got It! God gave It to us. It's His promise for this hour. We look in the Bible, we see it everywhere through the Bible. Anointed ones come on and made that Word live again, right in the hour for that hour. And we've got the Messiah. This is Him, the Word! "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word remains God, Hebrews 13:8, "The same yesterday, today, and forever." We know what is supposed to take place in this day. We're wanting a Messiah. And God gave us the Messiah, His promised Word for this day. It's just waiting for somebody with faith, to anoint It and make It live again. Yes, sir. It's a real Messiah, It's the Word of God's. Which, Jesus said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away."
98 But the church sits spiritually dead, gone, the hour has passed them. They're in a slump, and hardly know what to do, one running this way and one that way. And here every promise that God made in the Bible, every one of them, is laying there just as good as they ever was. It's the hour! What makes the church like this? We're in the age of the Laodicea, when she has to come this way. This is the hour for it.
99 But remember, in there is the hour that the sleeping virgin come to buy Oil, and that was the same hour that the Bridegroom come. We find today, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and different denominations, that, a few years ago, you couldn't have hired to got around a bunch of Pentecostal believers. Certainly not. But there they are, today, coming in. Don't you know what Jesus said? They come in to buy Oil, and said, "Give us some of your Oil." The ones that had Oil, said, "Not so. Go buy It, lest... from them that sell It." And while they were trying to buy It, while they were trying to get It! Do you know what hour we're living in, Pentecostal people? When they come, they might have got a confusion, they might have done this, that, or the other; but, according to the Scriptures, they did not get It. While they were trying to do it, they might have went through all the emotions, and then in all the isms and the sensations, but the Devil can impersonate all those things. While they were buying It, or trying to get It, the Bridegroom came, and the ones that had Oil went in.
100 And there is the hour we're living. We never seen it before. Jesus said it would be so, then it's so! What are we seeing? We're seeing the Word, that God said would happen in this day, happen right under our faces. "Oh, then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing; let's get ready for that final call," for we don't know when it will be. Yes.
101Our world system, our church system, our denominational system, all of our systems, are polluted and corrupted. What we lack today is what they had yesterday. That's right. It seems like a drying out, of the churches, hardly can find a church anymore that's alive with the Word and with the Spirit of God, and great things taking place like it was not long ago.
102 Now, we find out that God knows what they had need of, so He--He always answers a promise. It's just this great Word that we see, a promise, they ought to have knowed that it was just exactly what God promised, that would take place in that day.
You say, "How, what was to take place?"
103Isaiah 9:6, the prophet said, "Unto us a Child is born, the Son, a Child; a Son is born, a Child is given: and His Name shall be called 'Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father'; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and of His Kingdom there will be no end."
104 We know that we was to have a Child born in that day, a virgin should conceive and bring a Child. And It didn't come through any of their systems, therefore they didn't want nothing to do with It. They rejected It. But the anointed Word, God (Emmanuel) made flesh among them, stood there, He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin, unbelief? Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." He was thoroughly identified that He was the Messiah, the Messiah to take place in that day. And the systems had--had messed the people's mind up, in so many systematic rules, and so forth, till they had made the Word of God of no effect. They couldn't see He was the Messiah.
105 And as it did it then, so has it done it again. Right. The systematics of the world, the mechanics, has got the pistons where the--where the exhaust pipe ought to be, in their big mechanics. And therefore how can it run? It can't do it. Wasn't built that way.
106The Church cannot run without the Power of God, through the Word. And the Holy Ghost will only confirm the Word of God, for that's what It's to do. The anointing is to confirm the Word.
107And Jesus was the Anointed One, the Word made flesh. That's the reason He walked out into the water there, He was the Word coming to the prophet. He was baptized by the prophet. And the prophet then raised up, and said, "I must decrease; He shall increase." We find that that's God's way of doing it.
108But did they receive It? They should have knowed It. They should have watched the acts of God. They seen the Word fulfilled. They knowed the Scriptures said it, but they couldn't believe It would come like that. It had to come either to the Pharisees or the Sadducees. If it come to the Pharisees, the Sadducees would not have received It. Vice versa, the--the Sadducees wouldn't receive It, because they said the Pharisees would have It.
109 And that's just the way it is today, our systems, and the whole thing was rotten and polluted. Oh, my! The hour that we're now living, blinded world, walking in darkness, stooped in the systems of this world, like sheep without a shepherd. When they've had the Word of the living God vindicated before them, and walked right away blindly, and leave It, how can you expect anything else? Amen. There we are.
110Then, the world is falling apart. Why? The very Word that bound it together has been rejected. We find that in Hebrews, 11th chapter.
111 Einstein said. I was listening to a lecture of him, here the other night, New York City, that he made one of his last lectures. He was talking about a constellation, a little galaxy, it was, out in the constellation. He said, "If a man started through space, traveling at a speed of light..." What is that, eight thousand... [Someone says, "Hundred and eighty-six thousand."--Ed.] A hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. "It would take him a hundred, take him a hundred and fifty million light years to get there." He found Eternity. Then said, "To come back, it would take him another hundred and fifty million years, which would be three hundred million years. And the space, that he was gone from the earth, would only be fifty years." There you are, broke into Eternity! Oh, my! The greatness of God, when He made the whole solar system!
112 And this astronaut, the other day, flying around over Russia there, and said he "seen no God, Angels." How ignorant can people be! When...
113God! And the whole solar system, He blowed it off His hands; and He sits so many million years, light years, beyond that. And the whole thing is upheld by His Power and His Word. Hallelujah! Every star has to hang to its place. Yes, sir! Then, was humble enough to come down and be made one of us, to die for us; we're without excuse. If one of them stars would happen to move from its sockets, from its orbit where it's at, if that would move, it would affect the whole system. The whole system must turn exactly the same, for one depends on the other.
114 And God's system, when it's in perfectly harmony with Him, the whole thing works perfect. That's right, because it has to.
115But the church never took God's system, it made a system of its own. That's the reason we're all out of harmony. That's the reason the church is so scrupled. That's the reason the world is falling apart today, because we've adopted our own systems. That's the reason the political world is apart. That's the reason the religious world has fell apart, is because we've adopted a system instead of taking God's Eternal plan for the ages. Amen. That's what's the matter with the world. That's exactly what's wrong, is because they've adopted something else. It's got the people so, "I'm Presbyterian. I'm Methodist. I'm Oneness. I'm Threeness. I'm..." Oh, mercy! No wonder we can't hold together, there ain't nothing to hold us together.
116 Mr. Nixon made the brightest remark I've heard any president or a vice-president make in the last few years, when he said the other day, "What's the matter with American people, they've lost love and respect for one another." As American citizens shooting one another down, in the street, how can we? My!
117If you can't different with a man, and love him the same time, then shut up. If you can't tell him, like a daddy correcting his child, with a willing arm to put it around his neck and hug him afterwards, you better leave it alone. You haven't went far enough, yourself, to know what you're talking about. Right. I can differ with a man, certainly; still he is my brother, I'll hold his hand. I can't let him get by with that; if I do, if I didn't tell him, I wouldn't be the correct brother to him. That's correct. But I can tell him, and tell him I love him, and prove it to him, I love him.
118 You don't have to shoot him down, in the street. I differ with Mr. Kennedy and--and his politics, and his religion, and so forth, but he didn't deserve that. No, sir. No, indeedy. No man deserves that.
119So, we find out the whole world is corrupted. Our nation, politics, religious systems, and everything, it's corrupted.
120It's just waiting. The Word of God, that was prophesied for this day, is waiting for somebody to come by and vindicate It. Wonder if He has already done it? Then where we at then if He had done it? If He's done it, then where we at? Most miserable!
121 I said a hard thing about Mrs. Kennedy, a couple times, about her setting fashions for the world, with these water-head haircuts, and, "How our sisters and them cut their hair, and dress like Mrs. Kennedy," I said, "like a Jezebel of old." That's true. I believe that. I--I--I feel sorry for the little mother there tonight, with her children, exactly.
122But let me ask you something. If Jacqueline Kennedy would have heard the Messages that some of you Pentecostal has, about bobbing your hair and things, she might not even had bobbed hair. You're supposed to be pentecostal, and you still do it! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. She might not do it if she had had the opportunity and heard the Message, see, you've heard. There you are. We're in a bad place, folks. That's exactly right. Yes, indeed. O God, how the morals, the thing...
123 Womanhood is one of the thing that holds our nation together. It's the backbone. And womanhood, the fine virtue that God give for a woman to be mother, why, it's--it's--it's gone. Long ago has the--has the--the--the women of this world, the virtue of them, bowed to a Hollywood fashion goddess; patterning themselves, and dressing themselves, and acting as some of these Hollywood stars does. And many times that even ungodly dressing, sex appeal, is regarded as fashions in the churches. And the pastors behind the pulpit, with not the--not the audacity, not the--the strength of the Holy Spirit; like a Lot sitting down there, vexing his soul, and in too much of a meal ticket to tell the people that it's wrong. Yeah.
124 What we need today is a rooting out. We may root out too late now. The hour might be passed. We never have another revival. I know you're looking for it, but I don't see it in the Scripture.
125I look for a Rapture, for just a handful of people. That's right, just a handful of people. They'll never be missed in the world. When they go, you'll never know it's gone. That's right. It'll come like a thief in the night.
126 And if He don't cut the work short, for the Elected sake! There is some elected to Eternal Life, we know that; all of them are, that's got Eternal Life. And if they--and if they... or then He don't cut it short, for their sake, no flesh will be saved. The world has met its doom, every two thousand years. We know the system has fell apart. It fell apart in the days of Noah. Days of Christ, it fell apart. And here is 1964 coming up, what does it leave? Thirty-six years to another two thousand; the twenty-first, twenty-first century coming up. What happens? The work still has got to be cut short. Jesus said, the--the corruption of this day, "The elected would be deceived and wouldn't be saved, if it would be possible." There we are. And the calendar tells us, according to science, that we're about fifteen years off of that. We're behind on the Roman calendar, according to the Jewish calendar, that we're fifteen, twenty years behind on that.
127So where are we at? We see nations breaking, and Israel awakening, the signs that this Bible foretold for this day. We see the mechanical things taking place. Now the Spirit, the dynamics of that promised Word, to get into His Church and drive them into Calvary yonder, and to the Rapture! And there we are.
128 No wonder we're falling apart, there is nothing... The very Thing that created the earth, the very Thing was put here for the earth to turn on, the very Thing that systems and everything else was to revolve around, this Word that, by God, framed the world. Einstein said in his, said, "There is only one explaining of the Scripture... Only one explaining for this world being in existence," said, "that is Hebrews 11, 'By faith we understand the Word of... by the Word of God, that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'" That's all. There is no one can tell how it hangs there in the air, and how it can turn around and make its twenty-four hours around the equator, so forth like that, and around its orbit, everywhere, and come back to the same spot and never miss a second. And every star turning in its cycle like that, and helping one another as they go around.
129 How that moon watches down there upon that sea! If that moon ever moved out of its place, we would be covered over with a hundred foot of water, in just a second, or two. That moon! Watch, even you could drill a hole here, you people drilling oil, drill down here. See how far the coast is from you? You drill a hole down here in the ground, and watch in the evening time, how the tide comes in, it'll bring the water up in your pipe, your salt water. Certainly. What is it? That moon controls it, yonder.
130It's God's system. It's God's plan. It's God's Commandment. But, we make our own, we won't take His. Let's hurry now, as to get through. Like then, is the same this Christmas, we do find our world falling apart. Oh!
131 God got anointed, and He promised His Word. He anointed us back there, and He told us, told them, "When He anointed Jesus Christ..." Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "Jesus Christ, a Man approved of God among you by signs and wonders, which He did in the midst of you; you yourself know." They're witnesses. Also said, "After the resurrection, and so forth, how He had done! How by wicked hands you took the Prince of Life and crucified, Who God raised up; and we are witnesses." How Nicodemus came and said, "Rabbi, we know. We Pharisees, the Sanhedrin Courts up there, we know that You're a Teacher sent from God. No man could do the things that You do unless it be of God." They knowed that promise was for there, and they knowed it was, but their systems had them so tied till they couldn't do nothing about it.
132 So is it today, the very same thing. You can't do it, you'll give up your fellowship card the first time you do it. You just mark out there on that Word of God sometime, see what happens; you are finished. You won't be popular. You'll be kicked out from among them, and everything else.
133Oh, if you got a little ministry, they'll hold you for what money they can, draw a crowd in off of your ministry, pull money and things. But just watch when it comes to the Word, watch them how they back up on That. You think a servant of God don't know that? Well, Jesus even knowed that Judas was among Him. Why didn't Jesus say something to Judas? The same reason it is today, you have to wait till that hour comes for that deceiving. That's right. They got it. They'll get it.
134 Notice, but they didn't want the way that He came, so is it today. The churches then wanted their systems anointed. The Pharisees wanted the Phariseeic system anointed, the Sadducee wanted the Sadducee system, Herodians so, so forth. That's the way today. If they'll... If God will send an anointing, and anoint the Oneness, oh, my, wouldn't they tell the Twoness about it, or a Threeness, or whatever it is? Wouldn't the Assemblies tell the Oneness about it? "I told you we were right!" The Methodist would tell the Baptist, "O boy, see, we got her!" You are wanting your system anointed.
135But God only promised to anoint His Word. Amen! I know that is scorchy, but that's what is Truth. God never changes. He anoints His Word. Yes, sir. The anointed, promised Word for that age is what God anoints. The promised Word for that age!
136 Today they want an educational system, (why?) so they can do anything they want to, and still hold their Christian profession. Oh, if they got a great big something, where you can go in, go down the lines, and things, and chew chewing gum, and--and kick one another in the side; and go out and have the recreation halls and things, where you all go out and play basketball and things like that. I ain't got nothing against basketball, baseball, football, or whatever it is, a big... if that's all your god is, is a big bag of air. But let me tell you, what we need today is the Word of God, anointed for this age, that will bring forth the Power of the Holy Ghost again. Yes, that's all right, but that don't belong in the church. No, sir. Have to build something like that, to keep the church together, you had better burn it down or kick it out, or get something in there that will bring the Word back again. And that's the things of the world, oh, mixing it with the Word of God, you cannot do it. No, sir.
137 Yes, sir, now they are wanting a system. The world will take a system. Now we find out, each little system in its own, each one of them says, "I want It to come to me. I want It to come to mine." Oh, they're getting great machines, and educating preachers, and things like that, and bringing them out, hatching them out, boy, with intellectual; till, my, a fellow feels his words, his grammar, is so bad, he hate to even go in the pulpit behind one. But what we need today is not educational system, it's not lectionaries.
138What we need today is the Gospel handled by the Power of God, to vindicate the Word of this hour, to where will come somebody who will stand up and call black "black," and white "white," somebody that will stand up and tell the Truth, whether It takes the hide off or shucks you down, or what It does. That's exactly what the--what the hour calls for, today.
139 But the people want something. The people today, women, what do they want? They want a--a--a people, a pastor, who will stand up and say, "It's all right. You can do this, or do that. Or, that's all right, there is nothing wrong with that, dear." That preacher needs a Gospel whipping; let bobbed hair, wear paint.
No, you say, "What does that got to do with It?"
140Don't you know the outside of you reflects what is on the inside? Don't the Bible say you shouldn't do that? "It's not even common for a woman to pray like that."
141 And you man want something like that? Preachers, you can't say it, because you'll give up your fellowship card, the big council will kick you out if you say something about it. God help a man that would think more of a council card or a fellowship card than he would the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the Word! How can the Holy Ghost, that wrote the Bible, deny what He wrote?
142"Well, the days of miracles, oh, we don't need that today. Divine healing, these other things, that, there is no such thing. That's fortune-telling, that's, oh, mental telepathy." You, poor, degraded, what's the matter with you? We need--need the Gospel, if the Holy Ghost is in you!
143 If I told you, "The life of Beethoven was in me," I could write music. If Beethoven lived in me, I'd live Beethoven's life. If Shakespeare was in me, I could compose poetry. I could write plays, if Shakespeare lived in me.
144And if Jesus Christ lives in you, the works that He did, and His Word, He is the Word, will confirm Itself this day, by the very promise that He give. Amen. That's what God is waiting for. That's what holds the world, apart, what holds the world together, the religious world together, is His Word, hold any of the Word together. Yeah.
145 The people wants that kind of a system, though. They're going to get it. They are already in it, right now. The World Council of Churches will give them just what they want, every one of them together. How these Pentecostals can sit in these conventions, and get in the Vatican City and write a circulated letter, and say, "The most spiritual thing I ever said, when I set beside Holy Father Pope So-and-so," and be a Pentecostal and know how... It's a dead Pentecostal movement. The whole thing is dead. It's corrupted. It's gone! It's right back in the Confederation of Churches where it belongs. Exactly right.
146 But the Church of the living God, that Bride, moves right on just the same. And She'll go in the Rapture, by the Word, that's right, the Word and the Word will come together. If we're a part of Christ, part of It, we have to be His Word, 'cause He is the Word. Right. Yes, sir.
147 They have refused the anointed Word of promise, of this age, and He is always the Word. If God sent us an anointed, promised Word again, for this age, in 1946, He would be the same He was when He come in the beginning, the anointed Word for the age. Hebrews 13:8 throws it right back in your lap, and says, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's exactly right. And we... And He would stay with the Father's promised Word for this age. If Jesus comes, He would be just exactly what the Word said It would be in this age.
148 That's what Elijah was in his age. That's what Moses was in his age. That's what Noah was in his age. That's what, everywhere, every prophet ever come. And the--the Word, when It come in fulness, the entire Word made flesh among us, It did just exactly what It said It would do in that age.
149If It come today, He would be just exactly Jesus Christ living out His promise of what He promised to do, just as the Word.
150He was the Word. Isaiah 9:6 is Jesus Christ. And when It was made flesh and dwelt among us, It lived just exactly what It did. Moses said over there, in the Book of Exodus, "The Lord your God," or Deuteronomy, "the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet, likened unto me; and it shall come to pass, whoever will not hear Him, will be cut off from amongst the--the people." And when He come, He did just exactly what the Word said He would do. And they found fault with Him, because their systems had cut It off and made the Word of God non-effective to them. See? They couldn't believe such things as That. They couldn't believe those kind of things, because it was passed the time, they thought. Oh!
151 For, He has proven His Word to be the same. He would vindicate the Word today, as He vindicated It then. He would condemn, fiercely, every denominational system in the world, if He come on the earth today. That's what He did, the first place. That would be the thing He would hit. That's exactly what He hit when He come the first place. As He did then, so would they do for this time, too. And He did then, for He never changes His Word. He never changes His system. It's always the same, It's the anointed Word each time, for the age. That's right.
152So again, as we find it today, if He come, His plans for holding the world together would be rejected just like it was then.
153 But listen, in closing, I want to say this. We are not promised a system, we are not promised a denomination, a super denomination, a super plan of some sort. But we are promised the Kingdom, an Eternal Kingdom. Amen. That's what we are promised, having Eternal Life in this Eternal Kingdom. And the Government is controlled by the Eternal King, His Eternal Word given out to His people that has Eternal Life. And the Eternal Life people feast not upon the things of the world, but it's written, that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." So when we both now... We receive this Kingdom, and we find out that, "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but this Word shall never pass away." And this Word is the Kingdom. This is the King and Kingdom, the System, the Life, it's every bit right in Here.
154 If God judges His world by a church, which church is He going to judge it by? How many is there? Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of different denominational churches. If the Catholic is right, which Catholic? If the Greek Catholic is right, then the Roman is wrong. If the Roman is right, the Greek's wrong. So, you see, if the Methodist is right, the Baptist is wrong. If the Baptist is right, the--the Pentecostal is wrong. If the Pentecostal is right, then the Presbyterian is wrong. See? So you would be all so confused.
155 But God hasn't left us without any witness or any--any--any standard that we should stand by. That's this Word! He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." That's right.
156For, "Both heavens and earth will pass away." We're told here, that, "We receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." Yes, sir. When all these worldly kingdoms are falling now, and the whole world falling apart, yet we are baptized into a Kingdom that cannot be moved. Amen. We receive a Kingdom. So, when the world falls apart, we are borned into this Kingdom that cannot fall apart. It's God's Eternal Word, and we stand on that. It can never fall apart.
157 We so hear so much about this new system going to bring, the religious system, you know, going to bring peace upon the earth, when the Catholic and all the Protestants unite together. Some of them believe in Divine healing, some don't believe, and some believe this, and some believe that. And you have to forfeit your big fuss you been fussing about all the time, your evangelical belief, to get into the World Council. And every denomination will have to come in there. So, if denomination is cursed, and to belong into it, what does it do? It throws you right back. If Rome is the mother of denomination, and she is the beast and the mark of the beast, then they made an image unto it, council, the churches all together make an image to the beast, so right straight back to the mark of the beast again! The system of the world, denominationalism, has brought up a system to bring the mark of the beast.
158 And you see it as well as I see it, that right now it's going to be forced, that, all that's not in that already set in order, the big machine sitting there; the mechanics is there waiting for Satan to get into it, with the dynamics. See? And, when it does, no man can preach the Gospel, no man, without belonging to this system. There is the mark of the beast. And remember, at that time, the Bride is gone, so you see how close it is. All right, so you see where we're at.
159You can see what: this great slump, these things they're going on about. "Oh, wake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing?" Why do you do it? Sometime you sin away your day of grace. Don't you never do that. Yes, sir.
160 Now, this system will not bring about a world peace. If that will bring about a world peace, what happened to the Prince of Peace that was the Word? It's antichrist in its teaching. It's against exactly what God stood for, what He told us. "These signs shall follow them that believe," they believe that's nonsense. Acts 2:38 is another thing, to them, they know nothing about. All the Word, and so forth, they know nothing about That, and they deny It. Fulfills exactly what the prophet said in II Timothy, the 3rd chapter, "They'd be heady, high-minded, having a form of godliness, and would deny the Power thereof, in the last days."
161 That denominational system is the mark of the beast. You've knowed. If you never heard me say it before, that's the reason I've racked it so hard. Because now I think the time is just about finished, so might as well let it come forth and tell the Truth about it. There she is. That's the marking of the beast, exactly. Rome was the beast, and she was denomination, the first organization.
162And we come out of her, we Pentecostal people, to not be partakers of it; and turned right back, "like a dog to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow," right back in. No wonder our Pentecostal system is done, and so is the Methodist's, Baptist's, World Council of Churches, and all! They're being swallowed up in the Council of Churches, making a mark or--or an image unto the beast, to give it its power. "And it had a head wounded unto death, and then live," pagan Rome to papal Rome. Oh, my, how blind has Protestants been! And here you are, right now sitting right in the midst of it. And there is nothing you can do now. The system is done formed. They'll take it and don't know they've took it. They'll just be in there, that's all. They can't get out of it. It's already done.
163 It's not foreign to people, though. It's been preached. Remember, God give a witness of it, vindicated it by His Word. The things that He said He would do, He did it just exactly. So, it's without excuse. Yes.
164It's a false mechanics. It's brought about things just exactly what Jesus did, "You by your traditions has made the Word of God of no effect." For rejecting that true Word, they're right back in the same thing again, their teachings and the same thing like they was in the beginning, and, that against Christ, teaching the Word to believers in this age and tell them to--to reject and to turn down.
165 When God made His Word flesh among His people, in the age of Jesus Christ, at the first Christmas, what did the Phariseeic moves and all them denominations? Said, "Don't you even go to one of them meetings. If you do, you'll be excommunicated when you do it."
166Don't you see how things repeated right back again? "Who is this Man? What school did He come from? What fellowship card does He have? What group does He have? Whence cometh this Man?" As, He come today like He did then. "We'll not have this Man rule over us. We'll not have nobody tell us what to do. We are Oneness. We are Threeness. We are Presbyterians. We are this. We don't have to put up with It!"
167I know you don't, but you'll either take the Word or perish! That's all. That's no other way but That, but That's what holds us together. God's Kingdom is not a kingdom of this, it's not, God's Kingdom is not a system of this world. Jesus said so. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it was, My delegates would fight." He is the Word.
168 We're like Abraham. Abraham received the Word. And anything was contrary to the Word, he called it as if it wasn't. And any true born child of God receives God's Word, and, I don't care what anybody says, what system speaks against that Word, the Word is true, anyhow.
169God is obligated to meet you on the basis of them promises. Outside of them promises, He can't meet you, because you done cut yourself off from Him. That's the reason our world is falling apart. In closing, we might say this.
170Anything that's contrary to It, it's though it wasn't. Such a man-made system, we never look at that. No, sir. Being then baptized into this Kingdom, we are now sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, oh, my, with our anointed King with us; feasting on His Kingdom, promised Word anointed and vindicated right among us. Amen. Whew! There it is, His Kingdom promise made right before us, nothing can turn you from It. No, sir.
171 Abraham, though his wife old, and him getting older all the time, didn't bother him a bit. He never staggered at the promise of God, through unbelief. No matter how much you say, "It's impossible. He can't get by with it," he stayed with It, anyhow. Because why? The King was with him, showing him the visions and showing him what would come to pass, and it happened just like He said, and he knowed that was God.
172And when God makes a promise and you see it, and He tells it and it happens, and tells it and it happens, and tells, it happens, and it never fails, it's God for the day. Oh, feasting on these Heavenly promises of His promised Word for this age, oh, knowing, with an absolute assurance of faith, that there is coming a new heavens and a new earth. Amen. "A new heaven and a new earth, for this first heaven and first earth will pass away." But in this new heaven and new earth, Paul said over here in the Book of Hebrews, the twenty-... 14:25, he said, "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." How did we get into it? Not by a religious system; but, a Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom! The King and His Word is the same, and It's within you, vindicating the hour that we're now living in. The promise that God made for this age, here we are, living with the King, sitting in Heavenly places, watching Him doing these things.
173And how can we turn from that Word, to some system? What does it do? It denies the Word. You have to receive to reject Truth, before you can have an error. That is exactly right. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
174 The hour that we're living, O God, the world is falling apart! There hangs in the hangars, bombs, there hangs the thing to do just exactly.
175The Church is ready. She is sealed in, ready to come. There will be a big outpouring of the Spirit, yes, sir, to grab that Church and take Her into the skies. Exactly. Because, see, the Church, the Word, the Bride... And, Christ, His ministry is in His Bride, which is His Body, the celestial Body, or I mean to say, the--the supernatural Body of His here on the spiritual body on earth, His Spirit is in there living His Life right out, until Him and the Church becomes one in the wedding. See, they become one. He takes them, just a little minority in the last days.
176 And then all those virgins that has slept, down through the age, they all rose, you see. Now, that is on the seventh watch, the seventh church age, the last, end time, the Laodicea, at the end, when just a little group of them went in. But, it brings all the resurrection of all those who died in their ages, living to that Word that was ordained of God and preached to happen in that day, as we went through those church ages and seen exactly the Word that would meet them in that time; how Luther raised up, how we find out, in Luther age, went forth the beast like a man's face on it, and went forth, which was a "reformer," meaning man. And, when, all ages, each one met just exactly to the requirements of God's Word.
177 And so will this age meet exactly to the sign and wonder and thing that God promised to do in this last days. And the Church Itself will be ready and will go in the Rapture with Jesus, because, "We receive a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. It cannot be moved. Heavens and earth will pass away, but this Kingdom shall never pass away." Amen. I'm glad to be, tonight, amen, tonight, in that Kingdom. Aren't you happy to be in It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my, to be in a Kingdom, That!
178Just think, what could you promise yourself today? In another ten to fifteen years, if the world shall stand, if it does stand that, every man in Shreveport, every woman, you'll have to pack a gun, on the street, with you, in your pocket, to protect yourself. The hoodlums! How you going to stop it? Try it. Well, the whole...
179 I was in New York, the other week. And went down through there, for miles, was nothing but these teen-age hoodlums with earrings in their ear, and ratted hair, leotards on, and girls with little bikinis, they called it, on like that, out on the street. And the public has to give them the right of way. Oh, what is the matter with this country? It's because it's a--a sign of a moral-decayed, God-rejected nation. That's all.
180How can you build upon the chars of some ruins like that? How you going to do it, when hoodlums walking the street and shoot the very President right out of his car?
181 And another night, a roadhouse man, up for rackets and everything, just walked right in and jumped before the Texas police force with over a hundred and something standing there, walked right in; and everybody looking at him, pulled his gun out and shoot a man in cold-blooded murder, and walk out. He'll plead "insane," and go free.
182Right in our city, a man walked right into a garage, the other day, in a little syndicate, and took a--a--a man that was a--a car dealer. He didn't like him, and he just pulled out a gun and shot him, four or five times. And he said he was insane; they let him go. If it's "insanity" pleaded for that man, then also Oswald had a chance, should have had a chance to plead insane.
183What is it, though? You see where it's at, the whole thing is a big bunch of corruption! The whole thing is guilty, and the whole world stands guilty, and the church stands guilty before God. Amen. No wonder we're falling apart!
Let us pray.
184 Lord God, here we are. The hour is here, Father. It may be later than we think. Maybe corruption has so set in, and the cankerworm has been eating, and the caterpillar, until all the Life is gone. I pray Thee, Lord, to be merciful. Grant, Lord, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in Presence now, that doesn't know You, that they will accept You just now, Father. It might be the last name that will ever go on the Book, out of Shreveport.
185 And while we have our heads bowed. Is that person here would raise up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, I am thoroughly convinced that what you said is right. The world is falling apart, and we receive a Kingdom that cannot fall apart. And, as for me, I am not sure whether I'm in that Kingdom, or not."
186Don't you rely upon whether you have had some kind of an emotional work-up. Don't you rely upon whether you spoke in tongues. I believe in those things. Sure, I believe in speaking in tongues. But I've heard devils speak in tongues and give the interpretation to it, write in unknown tongues, witches, see. You can't go by that.
187But if the Life of Jesus Christ is in you, It'll live Itself out, believing every Word of God. Because, He can't deny Himself, He is the Word.
188Now, if He is the Word, and He is in you, and then you say, "Well, Brother Branham, I tell you, I just can't take That. I don't believe This, these things are for this day," and here It is promised for this day, oh, my brother, you've been deceived. Some spirit has got upon you and deceived you.
189 Lady, if you, or man, or whoever you are, if those things that's so real, real in the Word, that Jesus Christ died for; not just to have a church or to have an emotional bunch, but to have a bunch that's got His Spirit, living in Him; His Bride, His Word is in there, every Word is true. And you know It doesn't operate through you that way, you know there is things, in the Bible, that you just can't believe to be so; and you want to be remembered in prayer? Now with every eye closed, every head bowed, I wonder, if at this late hour when...
190It may be almost passed feeling time, see, because there will come a time like that when the Spirit of God will be withtaken from the earth, there will be no more. The Church will remain a while, that's right, preaching, 'cause it has to preach to the Eternal lost, just as every ministry did, coming down through the age. The last part of every ministry preached to the Eternal lost. And there will be a ministry now that will preach to the Eternal lost after they have refused to receive It.
191 But if there still seems to be a spark in your heart, that you would like to have Christ in you, and all the world dead, would you raise up your hand, say, "Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham." The Lord bless you. Yes, yes, ten or fifteen hands. Would there be another before we pray? Now we're fixing to close, in about two or three minutes. God bless you, young lady.
192Just think of it, think, think of it, what if it would be too late? What if you're the last person He'll ever knock on the door?
193She is falling apart, we know that. You can't stay here, that's one thing sure. You can't stay here. You're going. Just mark it, you are going. And if you're...
194 Just don't be worked-up. Don't say, "I belong to church." You be sure of That. If Christ doesn't live you, in you, till you're... all your mind, heart, soul, body.
195You, you say, "Well, I think..." You haven't got no thought coming, brother. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you! "I think the days oughtn't to be... I think this oughtn't to be. I think the Word don't mean this." We have no thought coming.
196If the mind of Christ is in us, then we will recognize that Word to be the Truth, and It lives right through us. You can't help it, It's Christ!
197Take the life out of a watermelon vine and put it in a pumpkin vine, it'll bear watermelons. You can't keep it from it, 'cause the life in it is.
198And if--and if you say, "Well, I don't believe That, the--the Word here," then that ain't the Spirit of Christ. See, there is some other spirit in you.
199 Is there another before we pray? God bless you. God bless you, and you, you. Yes, that's good. Now, somebody else, just a moment now. God bless you, young fellow. You, little lady. You, sister. God bless you, and you. All right, is there another? God bless you, back there.
200Don't be afraid now. Don't be ashamed now. Tomorrow night may be too late. See? It might be tonight that heart stops beating. It might be tonight you turned It away, your last time.
201 How many in here doesn't have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, raise up your hands, you know that--that you don't have It? My! That's the way you go in. The Holy Ghost is Christ. That's how you are sealed into the Kingdom, Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." And if you--and if you have thoughts of this Bible, that It isn't true, then the spirit in you is not Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word.
202There is the Kingdom that cannot be moved, that's the Word. That's the Kingdom that cannot be moved. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not." If the Word is in you! "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you; ask what you will, it'll be done for you. Works that I do," Saint John 12, 14, "the works that I do, shall you do also; even more than this, because I go to the Father. Yet a little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
203Watch what His works was, see if it's returned to us in the last days. Have they rejected It? Worldwide! And the world is falling apart again, this Christmas, like it was that Christmas.
204 Our Heavenly Father, there was many hands went up here tonight, maybe thirty or forty, in this little group of people, went up tonight, that they knew they wasn't just where they should be. They knew that You did not dwell in them, in the Measure. Some, maybe something in the Bible, they say, "I just... I--I--I accept It because I--I just think maybe I ought to."
205But, Lord, You promised that You would be the Word, and You are the Word. "And I will come to you, and make Myself known unto you." We find that Your systems, Your system, never changes.
206When You come in the Old Testament, You said, "The Word came to the prophets." And when It did, they prophesied and It come to pass, because It was God.
207 Now we realize that when You sent us away, and commissioned us to go into all the world and to make disciples, and You said, "When He the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will bring these things that I have taught you, unto your memory." That's, again! "And will show you things to come." Still! "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets; in this last days through His Son, Christ Jesus." The Holy Ghost Itself, coming, a Revealer of the written Word, and a Shower of things to come! It said, "The Word of God," in Hebrews 4, "is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."
208And sinful and church man, today, can sit and see You do the same thing, and call It an evil spirit, just like they did in the days gone by. "If they call the Master of the house 'Beelzebub,'" and we see it.
209Lord, God, what more can we do now? There is hungry hearts here that's raised their hands. Take them right now, Lord, fill each heart with Thy love. Grant it.
210 And while we have our heads bowed. If you that raised your hands would like to come around the platform here, don't--don't put it off, see. Just this next moment now, just get right up, real quick, and come here, just stand. This might be the night that you receive the Holy Ghost.
211Friends, look, this isn't going to last all the time. It, it's going to end. It's ending right now, and it may already ended. But as long as you're trying to desire to get to Christ, then there surely is something there, yet, pulling you that way.
212 Won't you come now and stand right here for prayer? You that desire to, would walk right up around the altar, just a moment, while we keep our heads bowed. Now the people are coming right up. That's right, come right up around the altar. Say, "The world is falling apart, I don't want no world in me. I want a Kingdom in me, that cannot fall apart."
213Jesus said, "There is nothing will be lost. I'll raise it up again at the last days. Yes, I'll raise it up." He promised, so you cannot fall apart. God is going to raise it up. I don't care what it is, He is going to raise it up.
214 Did you know there is nothing can be annihilated by man? Nothing can be annihilated. You say, "What about fire, when it's burning up something?" It don't annihilate it. It's just the atoms in there breaking those chemicals apart, and you get heat from it. It goes right back to its original condition, the way it was in the beginning; acids, gases, lights, and so forth, as it was. You can't annihilate nothing. If--if the world stood long enough, it might come right back to another piece of paper, or another tree, or whatever you're burning. See, you can't annihilate it. God has made it so.
215Oh, you can't annihilate God's creation, that's exactly right, so how much more can He raise up that what He has promised!
216Won't you come? Will there be some more now? There is a little group here, not half what held their hands up. I thought you really meant it when you raised your hands, especially on a Message like that.
217 How many of you in here, now with your heads bowed, knows this, that you have seen God keep His promise, right here across this platform, and knowed the secrets of the heart? One, not one time has He ever told anything but what happened. You know that's true. In the meetings, everywhere, just exactly what Jesus Christ did when He was here on earth, He has done it again. You know that. You're aware of that. I was thinking of His healing.
218 Two weeks ago, before I went to New York, there was a lady come in with a cancer in the throat. The Holy Spirit spoke to her, in the meeting. Here she was there, Sunday, with a cancer in a piece of a rag, she had coughed it out. The doctors looked at it, and said, "The life went out of the cancer, and it's come loose." And she coughed it out.
219Another one had a cancer in the female glands. And she had it right there, with an enlarged picture, with the doctor's statement with it. She had passed it, two days later.
220 A little fellow standing there, that hadn't had no memory, from--from months and months and months. He had fell and hurt the back of his head. He didn't even know who he was or where he was at. With just a word of prayer, and laid hands on him, I said, "What's your name?"
He said, "Billy Dukes."
I said, "How old are you?"
He said, "Nine years old." Said, "Where am I at?"
221The Power of God! Wish you had been with me in Colorado, a few weeks ago, when something happened that would shake you, to know what it was. We're at the end time, friend.
Don't, don't put this off any longer. Come. If there is another one here, come up. Will you? Will you come?
222 Now, if you're not coming, see, I--I can't, I--I--I--I... All I can do is just tell you the Truth, see, then it's up to you. Like Noah, he went in, the ark shut behind him, nothing happened for a while; but the world perished on the outside, and the world went right on living just the same. See?
223Pilate went right on, after he had crucified Jesus. I'll preach on that, in a few nights, "blood on your hands," the Lord willing.
Notice now, is there another one, before we close?
224 Now I'm going to ask the real consecrated women and men, who knows God, to come down and stand here and lay hands on these people. This might be the last time that they'll ever have this opportunity. Some of you consecrated people that know God, come up and stand with these people. They're having pink cards on them, nearly every one of them, that means that they're, they're strangers among you. I think that's right. Come, lay your hands on them. Some of the Life Tabernacle members, come here. Some of you brethren up here want to come? Come on, this is the hour. Don't you--don't you love this, people? My! Where is our zeal? Where is our something that makes us move on? What's the matter?
Now if the audience will wait just a moment, to this prayer.
225 You people standing here, now look, don't you rely upon some emotion, although it has emotion in It. Don't you rely upon whether you're going to speak with tongues, or not. Don't think nothing about it. God will take care of that, see. You ask for Jesus Christ to come into your life and to live Hisself through you. You don't want more thoughts of your own. You want His thoughts. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." Oh, this is...
226This, well, you're just going to hear these things the last time, once. Now look, I want all the audience to stand to your feet, out there. Now, you dear people that come up here for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, there is no working tomorrow. This is your soul, brother, sister. This is your Eternal destination. This, it's either now or never. And as long as you feel that one little draw! And just think of these Truths, they're laying right before us. Don't be dead on those things, folks. It's real. It's proven, real, perfect every time. And it's the Word, confirmed!
227 I'm looking at a man standing right here. I can't think of his name. I believe it's Blair, Reverend Blair. When I was over at Hot Springs, here not long ago, I picked up out there in the audience, that man setting there, and an evil spirit was trying to get to that man, to make him doubt me. Now watch what happened. I said, "You might need me sometime, see." It wasn't but just a few weeks ago until his wife called me, the man was dying. See?
228And the man accepted, he knowed then it was the Devil trying to get him to believe It was some kind of a hoax or something. "But how would he know that?" he thought. So then he... By prayer we drove the evil from him.
229 And then a few weeks ago, see, Satan knowed that that time was coming, where he would be laying there with swelling in his side, I believe his wife said, or something, with a high fever, delirious in his head; know not what it was, some infection in his side, swell his sides out. And his little wife called me at Tucson. I said, "Sister, have you a handkerchief?" I believe she had something another there, a little scarf or something. I said, "I--I can see it. Take this and lay it on Brother Blair, in the Name of the Lord Jesus." And he had asked her to come call.
230What if Satan would have succeeded and make him disbelieve, and knowing that was there? He wouldn't be standing here tonight with his Bible over his heart. See?
231It's Satan trying to make you disbelieve This. That's right. Don't you listen to it. Remember, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, these things are proven so.
232Now let's just all, you here at the altar, let's just raise up your hands, and say, "Lord Jesus, help me right now," each one praying.
233 Our Heavenly Father, we are assembled here, O God, it's between death and life, for these people standing here. Let the Holy Ghost come into their life right now. May there come the Power of God, that's brought them up around this altar, may It come to them in the resurrection of Christ, and will give to them that great Eternal Life that they are seeking for. Lord, churches everywhere are dying, spiritual water seems to be taken off of the earth. And while there is an opportunity for these people to come beneath the Fountain, grant, Lord, that their parching souls, tonight, that's hungering and thirsting for God, may be filled with the Holy Ghost right now. Grant it, Lord. Let Thy mercies and grace be upon them.
234 Now just--just keep your head... keep praying, just keep praying. Everybody, see, just keep praying. I pray for you. I'll do all I can, but I can't give you the Holy Ghost. God has to do it. Look, form Christ right before you, in your mind. Look out there and see if you see Christ before you, as you close your eyes. Then walk right into Him, and say, "Lord Jesus, here I am. You and I are going to be one, from this on. I'll take every Word that You've told me tonight." Now just stay there, just keep staying, if you stay tonight, tomorrow, the next day, just stay until it's all over, praying, believing that God will fill you with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
235Come here, Don, lead them in a prayer. God bless you, Don.
1 Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná. Môžete si sadnúť. Veľmi som sa potešil, keď som sa dozvedel, že sem budem môcť dnes večer prísť a počúvať vás ako chválite Pána, že sa budem môcť znovu vrátiť domov a vidieť sa s vami všetkými. Čakal som na túto chvíľu od posledných sviatkov Vďakyvzdania, keď som tu bol, čakal som na tú chvíľu, keď sa budem môcť vrátiť znovu do svojej modlitebne. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen" -- pozn.prekl.] Kde sa schoval? Aha, tam je. Bol som zvedavý, či on stále povie na niečo také "amen", viete. [Brat Moore hovorí:"Amen" – pozn.prekl.] Vždy sa teším, keď tu môžem byť. A očakával som na tú chvíľu, ako som už povedal, od posledných sviatkov Vďakyvzdania.
2 Práve sme odišli z New Yorku, kde sme mali nádhernú kampaň. Pán nás tam úžasne požehnal. Zhromaždenia prebiehali v Morrisovom Auditóriu, davy úplne vyplnili celú miestnosť i ulice. A ľudia stáli vonku a čakali. Keď- keď niekto zaujatý stojacim davom vošiel do vnútra-viete ide o niektorých ľudí, ktorí prídu do cirkvi, a keď počujú niečo, čo sa im nepáči, vstávajú a vychádzajú. A stojaci tam ľudia hlasovali, kto vojde na miesto takého človeka, keď on odíde. Prechádzal som okolo každý večer, a takmer až na vzdialenosť mestského bloku boli ulice úplne zaplnené ľuďmi. Pán nás naozaj požehnal a dal nám duše, mali sme tiež veľa veľkých uzdravení.
3 Potom sme prežili nádherné chvíle na raňajkách Obchodníkov, ktorí vypredali všetky lístky na tie raňajky. A - a zdá sa mi, že tam potom museli stovky ľudí vpustiť bez lístka. Vtedy ľudia vyplnili všetky chodby, okolie miestnosti, stáli vo dverách, atď. Prežili sme jednoducho nádherné chvíle. Bol tam aj kňaz od Episkopálov a mnohí iní, a Pán nás hojne požehnal.
4 A potom sme sa zastavili doma, v mojom druhom dome, v Jeffersonville. Aby ste rozumeli, bývam posledné dva roky v Tucson, v štáte Arizona, ako viete.
5 A teraz sa vraciam do Tucsonu na raňajky Obchodníkov, ktoré sa uskutočnia budúci týždeň vo Phoenixe. A hneď v novom roku začíname kampaň, ktorá sa uskutoční pár dní pred medzinárodným stretnutím Obchodníkov. Tak sa mi zdá, skôr celonárodným, ktorý sa uskutoční v Ramada Inn.
6 Tak sa teším, že môžem byť dnes večer v tomto peknom meste Shreveport.
7 Zvyčajne kážem veľmi dlho, ale vynasnažím sa zo všetkých síl, vmestiť sa teraz do troch alebo štyroch hodín. A viem, že ste z toho vyčerpaní, ale pochopte, že nemám často tú príležitosť vás vidieť. A veľa ľudí odchádza domov, skôr než ja... odídu domov, do Chvály, skôr než vás budem môcť znovu navštíviť. Tak si myslím, že" to môže byť naša posledná zemská beseda pred vaším odletom." Od nášho posledného stretnutia v minulom roku, nepochybne mnohí už odišli. A pravdepodobne, ak Pán bude predlievať a podarí sa nám znovu stretnúť budúci rok tu, alebo niekde inde, bude medzi nami chýbať ešte viacej ľudí, tu na zhromaždení, a možno tiež aj ja. Nevieme, kedy budeme odvolaní z tejto zeme. Pán Ježiš môže tiež prísť, skôr ako sa dnes večer skončí toto zhromaždenie.
8 Nuž poznáte ma, že nie som žiadny krasorečník, ani rečník. Ja proste milujem Pána a robím čo môžem na Jeho chválu. Keď stojím tu na tomto pódiu vediac, že muži ako brat Moore, a tiež mnoho iných mužov stálo tu na tomto pódiu, cítim sa vtedy akoby...niežeby som nebol na mieste, nechcel som to povedať, ale ide o moju gramatiku atď. Myslím, že keby ma ľudia naozaj nemilovali, a uvideli by ma za kazateľňou, vstali by a odišli odtiaľto. Oni ma proste znesú a za to som vďačný.
9 Jednako prichádzam vždy s tým cieľom: Neprichádzam sem na to, aby som bol videný, keby som prišiel s tým cieľom, prišiel by som vás navštíviť ku vám domov, rozumiete. Prichádzam sem, aby som počas môjho pobytu urobil, čo len môžem pre Pána Ježiša Krista. Som tu iba za jedným cieľom: aby som Mu slúžil, a to ako najlepšie viem,aby som vám priniesol Slovo tak, ako bolo dané mne, tiež modliť sa za vašich chorých a trpiacich ľudí. Jeden alebo dva večery posvätíme, dohodneme sa z bratom Moore, modlitbe za chorých ľudí.
10 Okrem toho, každý večer, našou túžbou je, aby každá osoba, ktorá nie je kresťanom - máme nádej, že bude niečo povedané alebo učinené, čo spôsobí, že sa stanete kresťanmi. A ak nie ste...ak ste už uverili v Pána Ježiša Krista a prijali ste Ho, a boli ste pokrstení, ale ste neprijali ešte Ducha Svätého, nedovoľte, žeby vám to prešlo popred nos. Nech je to váš večer. Lebo pamätajte, že len toľko mien bude v tej knihe. A keď posledné meno bude dodané, vtedy je koniec. A vaše meno môže zakončiť tú Knihu.
11 Keď prišiel Baránok a vzal Knihu z pravej ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, bola to Kniha Vykúpenia. A tie mená v nej boli zapísané pred založením sveta. Keď to posledné meno bolo vyvolané, tá Kniha, ten plán, všetko ostatné bolo vtedy zjavené, Sedem Pečatí bolo Baránkom otvorených. Boli tam ukryté Tajomstvá celej Biblii. Keby sme mali čas, chcel by som...
12 Práve nedávno sme skončili preberať tých Sedem Pečatí. Chcel by som ich ešte raz prebrať. Pán nás veľmi požehnal ! Mnohí z vás počuli o tom, a čítali o tom v časopise "Life", o tých veciach, ktoré sa odohrali v tom čase. Ľudia tiež urobili fotografiu tých siedmich Anjelov, čo bolo predpovedané, keď sme išli na západ. A tri mesiace predtým mi On povedal, kde budem, a aj ako budem stáť, a tak sa aj stalo! A - a fotoaparáty zo vzdialenosti stoviek míľ urobili fotografie práve Toho, presne tak, ako To bolo predpovedané! Ak som vyhlásil niečo v mojom živote, čo bolo inšpirované, tak to bolo tých Sedem Pečatí. Nuž tak viem, že sme v poslednom čase.
13 A keď sa posledné meno nájde v tej Knihe, alebo skôr, posledné meno bude vykúpené, ktoré bolo vpísané do tej Knihy, potom je to vybavené. On prichádza, aby si nárokoval, to, čo vykúpil. A môže to byť zvláštny čas. Či ste už niekedy o tom premýšľali? Ľudia budú ďalej kázať, cirkev bude ďalej pracovať, mysliac si, že privádza ľudí ku spaseniu. Ale vtedy už bude neskoro, bude už po všetkom, a Posolstvo pôjde ku úplne strateným ľuďom. Práve takisto, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, počas siedmich dní v arche. Takisto bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. A takisto Ježiš sám, v treťom stupni Jeho služby, On šiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli navždy stratené, ktoré boli vo väzení, a nečinili pokánie, keď Boh trpezlivo vyčkával za dní Noeho. A my nevieme, kedy sa niečo také môže stať.
14 Príjmime varovanie. Nestojte len, prizerajúc sa, urobte s tým niečo. Ak nie sme zmierení s Bohom, zmierme sa s Bohom. Vidíte?
15 Raz, myslím, že to je v 11 kapitole Matúša, asi v 6 verši alebo niekde tam, nie som si istý. To je 11 kapitola, som si celkom istý. Raz Ján poslal svojich učeníkov za Pánom Ježišom, aby sa Ho opýtali, či je naozaj On ten, ktorý mal prísť, alebo majú čakať iného. On povedal:"Choďte a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa deje."Povedzte mu: "Požehnaný je ten, kto sa na mne nepohorší."
16 Keď prešli na druhú stranu vrchu, a Ježiš ich pravdepodobne pozoroval, opýtal sa: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť?" A oni...Opýtal sa: "Vyšli ste vidieť človeka odiateho mäkkým rúchom?" On povedal: "Taký sú v kráľovských palácoch. Alebo možno trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre?" Povedal: "Vyšli ste vidieť proroka?" Povedal: "Hovorím vám, že i viac ako proroka. Ak to môžte prijať, On je ten, o ktorom hovoril prorok u Malachiáša 3 : Pošlem vám Môjho posla pred Mojou tvárou."
17 Raz učeníci položili túto otázku. Spýtali sa: "Prečo učení v Písme, učitelia Písma, hovoria, že Eliáš musí prísť skôr, než sa všetky tieto veci stanú?" Pamätajte, že On hovoril ku učeníkom nie ku farizejom, ale ku učeníkom. Oni sa opýtali: "Prečo učení v písme hovoria, že najskôr musí prísť Eliáš?"
18 On odpovedal: "Eliáš už prišiel a urobili mu, čo chceli a vy ste to nevedeli."
19 Čo by sa stalo, keby ste si jedného dňa uvedomili, že sa nachádzate v čase súženia a povedali by ste: "Myslel som si, že najprv malo byť vytrhnutie?" Vidíte? A hlas by vám odpovedal: "Vytrhnutie už bolo, a vy ste to nevedeli."
21 Pane Ježišu, premýšľajúc o tých veciach, keď ich predkladáme tejto cirkvi, hovoríme o tom tým ľuďom, Bože, prosíme Ťa, aby si v tejto chvíli spasil každú dušu v Shreverporte, ktorá je zapísaná v tej Knihe. Ak sú tu takí, ktorí nie sú spasení, Otče, nech toto bude hodina, v ktorej zostanú spasení. Ak je niekto takí prostred zhromaždených dnes večer, nech to bude ich večer.
22 Požehnaj brata Moore, sestru Moore, ich rodinu, ich deti, deti ich detí. Bože, ďakujeme Ti za nich. Taktiež za brata Lyle, brata Browna a za všetkých bratov, ktorí sú tu v zbore. Za brata Dona, i za tú milú skupinu ľudí, za všetkých členov tohoto zboru, laikov, ďakujeme Ti za nich.
23 Prosíme Ťa tiež, Nebeský Otče, aby toto naše zhromaždenie, teraz týchto sviatkov Vďakyvzdania... To môžu byť posledné sviatky Vďakyvzdania, na ktorých sme sa stretli tu na tej zemi, preto pomôž nám, Bože, využiť to a nepremárniť ten čas. Uvedomujeme si, že sa zpozdieva a chceme učiniť všetko, čo je v našej moci, urobiť všetko pre Pána Ježiša, prv než On príde. Niekedy sa mi zdá, akoby On čakal, až kým dokončíme naše dielo, a tak pomôž nám Pane, dnes večer, jednotlivo, každému z nás, aby sme sa tak zaujímali o iných ľudí, že pôjdeme do ulíc, alebo k susedom a privedieme tých stratených, aby mohli byť spasení.
24 Požehnaj Svoje Slovo. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda, Pane, úplná Pravda. Modlime sa - kedy sa snažíme lámať tento Chlieb Života, Pravdu, a podať to ľuďom - aby prišiel Duch Svätý z dôvodu toho zlámaného tela, tam na Golgote, kde ho zlámal hriech, a rozdelil sa znovu medzi nás, keď máme obecenstvo okolo Slova, lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.
25 Prosím vás otvorte si spolu so mnou svoje Biblie. Mnohí z vás radi sledujú tie miesta Písma, ktoré kazateľ číta, alebo evanjelista. A dnes večer by som chcel prečítať niektoré miesta Písma: zo 4 kapitoly 5 Mojžišovej počnúc od 7 do 14 verša. Chcem tiež prečítať časť z listu Židom, zo 14 kapitoly, od 25 do 29 verša vrátane.
5 Mojžišova 4.
Lebo kde máš nejaký veliký národ, ktorý by mal bohov takých blízkych sebe, jako je Hospodin náš Bôh, blízky nám, kedykoľvek a o čokoľvek voláme k nemu!
Alebo kde máš ktorý veliký národ, ktorý by mal také spravedlivé ustanovenia a súdy, jako je celý tento zákon, ktorý ja dnes predkladám pre vás?!
Len sa maj na pozore a veľmi ostríhaj svoju dušu, aby si nezabudol vecí, ktoré videli tvoje oči, a aby neuhli z tvojho srdca po všetky dni tvojho života, a oznámiš ich svojim synom i synom svojich synov.
Najmä nezabudni na deň, ktorého si stál pred Hospodinom, svojím Bohom, na Horebe, keď mi povedal Hospodin: Shromaždi mi ľud, a dám, aby počuli moje slová, ktorým sa budú učiť, aby sa báli po všetky dni, dokiaľ len budú žiť na zemi, a budú učiť aj svojich synov.
Vtedy ste sa priblížili a stáli ste pod vrchom, ktorý horel ohňom až hore do samého neba, a bola na ňom tma, oblak a mrákava.
A Hospodin vám hovoril zprostred ohňa; hlas slov ste počuli, ale nevideli ste nijakej podoby, krome čo ste počuli hlas.
Oznámil vám svoju zmluvu, ktorú vám prikázal činiť, desať slov, a napísal ich na dve kamenné dosky.
A mne prikázal Hospodin toho času, aby som vás učil ustanoveniam a súdom, aby ste ich činili v zemi, do ktorej idete, hen na druhú stranu, nato, aby ste ju zaujali dedične.
26 Teraz z listu Židom, 14. [12. - pozn.prekl.] kapitola počnúc od 25 verša.
Hľaďte, aby ste neodbyli Toho, ktorý hovorí! Lebo ak tamtí neušli odbyjúc toho, ktorý hovoril na zemi slová božského zjavenia, tým menej my, ktorí sa odvraciame od toho z nebies,
ktorého hlas vtedy pohnul zemou, a teraz zasľúbil a povedal: Ja ešte raz zatrasiem nie len zemou, ale aj nebom.
A to: ešte raz, jasne ukazuje na preloženie vecí, ktoré sa pohybujú, ako učinených, aby zostalo to, čo sa nepohybuje.
Preto, keď prijímame nepohnuteľné kráľovstvo, buďme vďační a vďakou svätoslúžme ľúbe Bohu s úctou a bázňou Božou,
lebo náš Bôh aj je ohňom, spaľujúcim.
27 No, mám tu zopár poznámok a niekoľko zapísaných miest Písma, na ktoré by som sa chcel odvolávať, niekoľko minút. Chcel by som dať tomu zvláštny a krátky názov. Tieto pásky sú pripravené v každom čase, pre každého kto bude chcieť. Pán Maguire, ktorý je tu, vás bude môcť vybaviť v tejto záležitosti. Chcem vziať text z... a skôr na základe prečítaného textu dať tejto kázni nasledujúci titul: Svet sa znovu rozpadá.
28 Včera, presnejšie včera večer, sme prechádzali Memphis, Tennessee. Vošli sme do mesta neskoro popoludní alebo skôr večer. Nemohli sme sa takmer dostať cez ulice, pre veľké množstvo detí a ľudí. Zamyslel som sa: "Čo to môže byť?" Ľudia neboli oblečení tak, ako na nejaké náboženské zhromaždenia, ako napríklad nášho dobrého brata Billy Grahama alebo Orala Robertsa. A nemyslím, žeby tam v tom čase niekde boli. Ženy, ktoré tam stáli, mali oblečené nohavice, malé deti, ktoré stáli pri nich mali oblečené kombinézy, atď. Zamyslel som sa, čo to je a nakoniec sme sa dozvedeli. Bola to Mikulášska zábava. Tisícky ľudí sa vyšlo na ňu pozrieť na ulice atď. Preto sa nám ťažko prechádzalo cez Memphis - lebo prichádza čas Vianoc.
29 Vianoce sa stali časom takého veľkého obchodu, že sviatky Vďakyvzdania sú už proti tomu ničím, aspoň čo sa týka záujmu, lebo sviatky Vianoc majú oveľa väčší vplyv na svet obchodu, pretože veľa ľudí vtedy nakupuje. Preto sviatky Vďakyvzdania plynú jednoducho bez povšimnutia. A vidíme, keď sa znovu približujú Vianoce, rozmýšľal som, žeby bolo dobre kázať na tú tému, ako sa k nim blížime. Vediac, že v skutočnosti Vianoce nie sú...
30 Hoci oslavujeme 25. december ako narodenie Krista, v skutočnosti všetci vedia, že to nebol deň narodenia Krista. To bolo narodenie rímskeho boha slnka a pochádza to z čias, kedy sa cirkev obrátila do, alebo skôr bola vtiahnutá do katolicizmu, čo sa odohralo na Nicejskom koncile. Namiesto narodenia boha slnka, urobili z toho narodenie Syna Božieho. Čo je vtedy, keď slnko, od 20. až... To znamená od 21. do 25. je to akoby vo svojom...Nepamätám si, ako sa to správne volá. Keď slnko prechádza tou fázou, je tam veľmi malý rozdiel. A to bolo narodenie boha slnka, tak ľudia jednoducho zobrali Syna Božieho a učinili tie sviatky Jeho narodením, aby do toho vmiešali svoju pohanskú tradíciu. Preto v žiadnom prípade to nie je narodením Krista.
31 On sa nemohol narodiť v tom ročnom období, pretože Júdea je viacmenej v tej istej zemepisnej šírke ako my. Dozvedáme sa, že zima v Júdei, 25. decembra, tam je veľa snehových víchric a je tam chladno. Pastieri teda nemôžu byť na vrchoch, a taktiež pre veľa iných dôvodov to nemôže byť pravda.
32 Okrem toho On sa narodil s prírodou, ako aj celá ostatná príroda. On sa narodil na jar. Baránky sa rodia obyčajne na jar, a On bol Baránkom. Ja si myslím, že On sa narodil v marci, apríli, alebo niekde v tom období, skoro na jar.
33 Jednako vidíme, že ľudia z toho urobili deň obchodu. Ľudia zaplňujú ulice, derú sa jeden cez druhého, robia zbytočný rozruch okolo toho, či majú niekoho obdarovať a koľko zaplatia za dar.
34 Nedávno ma niečo zaskočilo. Stál som na jednom mieste, kde sa rozprávali dve panie o dare pre svojho otca k narodeninám, a skôr pri príležitosti Vianoc v tomto roku. Jedna z nich povedala: "Kúpila som mu štvrťlitrovú whisky." A druhá povedala: "Kúpila som mu balík, alebo kartón cigariet", alebo niečo také. Oni sa rozprávali o tom - že jedna zaplatí oveľa viac za whisky než za cigarety.
35 Zamyslel som sa: "Či to má byť dar daný pri spomienke na Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho!" Také niečo a je v tom smrť!
36 Vidím náš svet v takom smutnom stave, v akom je teraz, skazený z každej strany, nieto na svete žiadna možnosť aby sa z toho ešte niekedy dostal. Radšej dávajme pozor na to, čo robíme v týchto dňoch. Lebo práve teraz smútime nad jednou z najväčších tragédií, aká nás mohla stretnúť... Nikdy by nám neprišlo na myseľ, že niečo také by sa mohlo stať v Amerike, ale jednako sa to stalo. Popustili sme v evanjeliu, preto sa náš kraj stal celý červivý skrze to čo je v ňom, a bude ešte horšie. Nemám žiadnych pochybností, že jeho stav sa bude neustále zhoršovať.
37 Zisťujeme jednak, že v čase týchto Vianoc, aby som sa dostal ku téme, že pri tohoročných Vianociach je svet takmer v takom istom stave, v akom bol pred 2000 rokmi, kedy prišiel Ježiš. Od toho času sa veľmi nezmenil. Pretože v čase tamtých Vianoc bol svet v rozpade a očakával na Mesiáša, aby ho pomohol udržať pred rozpadom. A dnes je to tak isto, nachádzame sa v tej istej situácii. Svet sa znovu rozpadá.
38 A nie je to len tu v Amerike, ale tiež na celom svete, kamkoľvek by ste išli: v náboženskom svete, v politickom svete, všade, v morálke. To už viac nie je, to je len ... Morálka je už len medzi dobrými ľuďmi a veľmi ťažko ju možno nájsť. To je hanba. Politika a všetko je úplne skorumpované, choré na takom stupni, ako hnilý vred od hlavy až po päty, celý svet. Náš politický systém, náš náboženský systém, náš morálny systém, všetko, čo máme sa rozpadlo! Nie je možné udržať to pohromade. Je to skončené! Sme na konci cesty. A to je všetko.
39 Viem, že sme dlho o tom hovorili, ale v jednom z týchto dní sa prestane o tom hovoriť, bude to história a zistíme, že sa nachádzame vonku, ak nebudeme pozorný na tento čas.
40 Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme my v čase týchto Vianoc, keby Ho Boh znovu poslal, tak ako Ho poslal vtedy pred dvetisíc rokmi, keby nám Ho poslal teraz v 1964 roku, zaujímalo by ma, či by sme s Ním neurobili to isté, čo oni vtedy. Iba sa zamýšľam, či by Jeho príchod bol o niečo viac - či by bol viac vítaný v politickom svete alebo v náboženskom svete, ako bol vtedy? Zaujímalo by ma, či by sme boli aspoň trochu viac schopný prijať Ho, ako oni vtedy? Ale vieme, že On bol vtedy odvrhnutý.
41 Čo by sme s Ním urobili, keby prišiel? Pravdepodobne náboženský svet, na ktorom toto teraz opieram, by s ním spravil to, čo ten vtedy. Ukrižovali by Ho, keby mohli (oni sa nezmenili) pre tú istú príčinu, pre ktorú Ho ukrižovali vtedy.
42 Prečo to spravili? Či neukrižovali práve toho, o ktorého sa modlili aby prišiel na zem a aby ich zachránil, aby ich dostal z toho chaosu? Oni ukrižovali jedinú nádej, ktorú mali. Prečo, prečo to urobili? Pretože, keď Boh odpovedal na ich modlitbu, On na ňu odpovedal tak, ako to oni neočakávali. Keď prišiel, tak vôbec neprišiel podľa chuti ich teológie.
43 A keby On dnes znovu prišiel, On by prišiel tým istým spôsobom, nebolo by to podľa chuti tohto sveta, ani podľa cirkevnej teológii, ani podľa ich predstáv o Ňom. On vždy prichádza. Keď Boží ľud začne mať problémy a modlí sa, vtedy im Boh dá to, za čo sa oni modlia, ale On im to dá v takej forme, aká je pre nich dobrá. A oni to odvrhli, pretože To neprišlo tým spôsobom, ako si to oni predstavovali, že to príde. Oni odvrhli pomazané Božie Slovo, a On je Slovom.
44 Nuž, Boh vo všetkých vekoch, vo všetkých časoch, keď On začal... Keď On mnoho ráz, mnohým spôsobom, vypovedal Svoje Slovo cez prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch cez Ježiša Krista, Svojho Syna. Zisťujeme, že každé jedno z týchto proroctiev bolo presne na svoj daný vek. Tak, ako v prípade kráľa Nabuchodonozora, ktorý mal ten sen, v ktorom videl pohanský svet od hlavy až po päty, a Daniel vyložil ten sen, ktorý bol proroctvom, týkajúcim sa celého sveta, všetkých vekov, každej časti pohanského kráľovstva, ktoré malo prechádzať od hlavy až k pätám. A proroci vždy vypovedali Slová, ktoré sa mali stať v každom veku.
45 A keď Boh... Keď sa ľudia dostávajú do problémov, Boh im odpovedá. Posiela im pomazaného proroka alebo nejakého posla, pretože nemôže cúvnuť z toho Slova, ktoré určil pre ten vek. Ale čo On robí? Posiela posla, aby oživil tú danú časť Slova pre ten vek. On to vždy tak robí. Vidíte? On na začiatku sformoval Svoje Slovo. On poznal koniec od začiatku. Vypovedal Svoje Slovo. V každom veku, keď sa ľudia dostali do problémov, modlili sa, a vtedy im Boh poslal pomazaného muža. A ten pomazaný úplne oživoval to zasľúbenie pre ten vek, ktoré bolo predpovedané pre ten vek. A to je to, čo On celý čas robí. Boh nikdy nemení Svoj program. Nikdy sa nestretneme u Boha s tým, žeby sa zmenil.
46 Boh raz rozhodol akým spôsobom spasí človeka, bolo to v záhrade Eden - pod preliatou krvou. Skúšali sme každý iný systém, od figových listov po vzdelanie, psychológiu, denomináciu systémov, atď., a každá z tých vecí bola odvrhnutá, to nikdy nefungovalo, ani nikdy nebude. Boh sa stretne s človekom iba pod preliatou krvou a to je jediné miesto, kde sa On s ním vždy bude stretávať, lebo také bolo Jeho prvé rozhodnutie. On sa nikdy nestretne s človekom, pod žiadnym systémom etiky. Nikdy, to je úplne nemožné! Len sa vráťte späť na Božiu cestu - do toho, čo On povedal na počiatku. A On je nekonečný, nemôže sa zmeniť, a preto je vždy tým istým. Tam sa On stretáva s človekom, a iba tam. Z toho dôvodu nemáme dnes obecenstva, z toho dôvodu je cirkev tak rozdelená, lebo každá skupina sa oddelila skrze systém, a keď to ľudia robia, vtedy ich Boh odvrhuje. On chce, aby sme sa stretli pod krvou, kde máme všetko spoločné, dole pri Kríži. Boh to určil týmto jediným spôsobom! Boh vždy posiela Svoje Slovo.
47 Dnes vidíme, že dnešný svet je taký istý ako ten vtedajší: nachádza sa - politické systémy, atď. - v úplnom rozpade a očakáva na nejakého mesiáša, ktorý ho udrží pohromade.
48 Nuž, slovo mesiáš znamená: "pomazaný", niečo pomazané. Boh... Toto je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Celá táto Kniha bola zapečatená Siedmimi Pečaťami zjavenia Ježiša Krista. Ježiš Kristus bol v 1. Mojžišovej, Ježiš Kristus bol v prostriedku tej Knihy. Ježiš Kristus bol v 2. Mojžišovej aj v 1. Mojžišovej, bol tiež v strede tej Knihy, bol tiež v Novom Zákone, taktiež v Zjavení a až do samého konca: "Ten istý včera, dnes, i na veky. " To je celé Boh!
51 No, zisťujeme teda, že sme v takej situácii, teraz v týchto posledných časoch, kedy znova vyhliadame príchod Pánov.
52 Dobre si pamätám starého baptistického kazateľa, ktorý ma pokrstil v Meno Ježiša Krista, keď som bol ešte malým chlapcom. On vždy so mnou diskutoval na, tú tému, tému Jána Krstiteľa. Hovoril: "Brat Billy, " hovoril, " Keď Ján... Keď On povedal: "Nechaj teraz tak, vtedy Ho on nechal. Povedal: "Potom Ján pokrstil... Ježiš pokrstil Jána, pretože vieme, že Ján ešte nebol pokrstený, a predsa kázal krst." Nuž, nad tým som sa vždy trochu pozastavoval.
53 Potom, nedávno mi to bolo zjavené tým spôsobom, že v tôni tej rieky, v tej vodnej priehlbine sa odohralo stretnutie dvoch najväčších poslov, akých kedy ten svet videl: človek, ktorý prevyšoval všetkých prorokov, ktorým bol Ján, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že: "Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy väčší muž ako on"; a bol tam tiež sám Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. A pamätajte, Biblia nám hovorí, že: "Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom." A keď sa Slovo stalo telom; tu vo vode stál prorok. A vtedy Slovo a prorok sa stretli, a rozpoznali sa. To je pravda. Samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, vtelený Syn Boží, prišlo k prorokovi vo vode.
54 Prorok povedal: "Mne je treba, aby som bol pokrstený od Teba, prečo Ty ideš ku mne?"
55 On povedal: "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť."
56 Všimnite si. Ján súc prorokom, vedel, že On je obeť. Obeť musela byť umytá prv, ako bola obetovaná. Preto On musel byť pokrstený.
57 Ó, dnes, sa nám sluší aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť nášho dňa. Tá hodina je tu. Biblia nám hovorí, čo sa má stať v tomto dni. Vieme, čo hovorí Biblia, že sa stane v tomto dni. Je to na nás aby sme sa držali Boha, až kým sa odohrajú tieto veci. Toto je tá hodina. Modlite sa o toho pomazaného, na ktorého očakávame, ktorý nám dá to vyslobodenie, pretože Boh to zasľúbil.
58 Oni vtedy odvrhli pomazané Božie Slovo, preto sa to všetko rozpadlo. Dnes znovu vidíme, že sa to znovu rozpadá. Vidím, ako som už povedal, našu skorumpovanú politiku, a taktiež život cirkvi je skazený. Čo sa stalo? Tu je to čo to spôsobilo; stále keď odídete od Božieho programu, nájdete sa v skazenosti. To nemôže obstáť. Božie Slovo je neomylné, a nič iné nemôže zaujať Jeho miesto, nikdy.
59 Náš vzdelávací systém, náš denominačný systém, zaujal miesto Svätého Ducha, ktorý má viesť cirkev. Naše veľké nádherné kurzy kazateľov, atď. zaujali miesto celonočných modlitebných zhromaždení a našich starodávnych spôsobov, ktorými sme sa dostávali k Bohu. Dnes, namiesto kazateľov máme vykladačov, ľudí, ktorí tak dobre poznajú Slovo, že si sem môžu sadnúť, a tak Ho poskladať, že človeka udivujú ich znalosti. Oni poznajú mechaniku, ale to nie je Dynamika. My chceme Dynamiku. Nechcem sa starať o mechaniku, ja chcem poznať Dynamiku. Čo to spraví?
60 Neviem na akom princípe ide auto. Má v sebe piesty a valce, a ja neviem aké tlaky sú v ňom použité. Poznám iba Dynamiku. Vychádzam s autom z garáže a idem.
61 To vieme, Boh to zasľúbil: "Vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo, vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať." Ako to On spraví? Neviem vám to povedať. Chcem len poznať Dynamiku Božieho systému. To je to hlavné.
62 Tak veľa sme študovali mechaniku, až je dnes všetko úplne zmechanizované. Načo ti je auto, ak nemá v sebe to, vďaka čomu s ním môžeš jazdiť? Načo sú ti svetlá alebo iné zariadenia, ak v nich nemáš prúd? Vidíte, máme celú mechaniku, máme školy, vychovávateľov, atď., ktorí môžu vyškoliť človeka až tak, že sa môže postaviť za kazateľňu a má také spôsoby, že až je z neho vynikajúci rečník. A aj tak to neprivádza moc Božiu. Kde je tá Božia, ktorá kedysi bola v cirkvi. Kde je to letničné Požehnanie, ktoré kedysi pretekalo cez cirkvi? Preto sa náš svet rozpadá, lebo sme odišli od skutočných Božích zásad a cez vzdelanie sme voviedli ľudí do systémov, atď. A práve to spôsobilo, že sme dnes v takom stave. Verím, že práve pre tú príčinu sa náš svet rozpadá.
63 To sa dialo na zemi od čias Noeho. Zisťujeme, že keď Boh mal Noeho, proroka spravodlivosti, ktorý kázal svoje posolstvo. Biblia nám hovorí, že na zemi sa vtedy objavila nemorálnosť:" Ľudia jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali."Čítame, že v tom čase bolo na zemi obžerstvo, nemorálnosť, atď. A potom sa svet rozpadol, pretože ľudia odvrhli posolstvo Božie na tamten deň. Noe bol Božím pomazaným prorokom, Bohom poslaným, s posolstvom od Boha, a on varoval ľudí, prv než nastal súd. A oni pukali od smiechu, vysmievali sa tomu posolstvu, uťahovali si z neho a celý systém sveta sa v tom čase rozpadol, a tí ľudia boli potopení v morských hlbinách. To je pravda. Prečo? Odmietli posolstvo na ich hodinu.
64 Čítame, že to isté sa dialo v Egypte, keď Mojžiš vyvádzal z tade deti Izraela. Celý Egyptský systém sa skazil. Zisťujeme, že sa stalo znovu to isté, keď Boh poslal ku nim Svojho pomazaného posla, kvôli Svojmu Slovu. To bolo naplnenie Jeho Slova. Spýtate sa: "Či to bolo naplnenie Jeho Slova?"
65 On povedal Abrahámovi, že to je presne to čo On učiní. Tak musel niekto prísť na scénu v tom čase, aby to Slovo oživil rovno pred nimi. Boh tam poslal Svojho Mojžiša a učinil presne to, čo zasľúbil, pretože on bol pomazaným Slovom na tamtú hodinu. On povedal, že odsúdi ten svet. Božie Slovo povedalo: "Ja budem súdiť tento národ veľkými a mocnými zázrakmi a znameniami."
66 Stál tam človek, obyčajný človek, taký ako ty alebo ja, ktorý obdržal Slovo od Boha, vyšiel tam a Slovom priviedol stvorenie do existencie. Povedal: " Nech..." Zodvihol zo zeme piesok a povedal: "Nech vyjdú zo zeme blchy." A Slovo Božie skrze ústa toho proroka - lebo to bola presne tá hodina, v ktorej sa to malo stať - na to Slovo blchy pokryli celú zem. On spôsobil, že celá zem bola pokrytá žabami, všami. Všade spadli najrôznejšie nákazy, atď. Pretože Boh to zasľúbil a prišla hodina, aby to bolo pomazané, pomazané Slovo na tú hodinu, v ktorej oni žili.
67 A to je vlastne to, čo potrebujeme dnes, nie návrat do nejakých seminárnych systémov, ale do pomazaného Slova na túto hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, ktoré znovu zrodí svetu Ježiša Krista, Toho istého včera, dnes i na veky. Je určitý plán pripravený na tento deň, zasľúbenie Božie. Jediný spôsob akým sa vôbec kedy môžeme napraviť, to je, že pripustíme, že to Slovo je pomazané. Tak veru. To sa stále vyplnilo.
68 Áno. vidíme veľkú morálnu skazenosť vo dňoch Nabuchodonozora. On mal istého pomazaného muža. A keď ruka písala ten nápis na stenu, on tam mal človeka, ktorý mu to vedel prečítať.
69 Za dní Lóta a Sodomy - znovu vidíme, že sa svet rozpadal. Boh zachránil z neho to, čo mohlo z toho byť zachránené.
70 Vo dňoch Ježiša Krista - vidíme, že ľuďmi zostavené systémy dostali svet do takého stavu, a tiež ich politiky toho dňa, do takého stavu, že celý svet sa rozpadal v čase prvých Vianoc.
71 Teraz sme urobili tú istú vec, vrátili sme sa presne do toho istého stavu a znečistili sme Slovo Božie zorganizovaným náboženstvom, do takého stupňa, až vidíme ako sa to rozpadá. Na ktorý, hoci jediný, z týchto systémov sa môžeme spoliehať? Do akého systému môžeme ísť, do systému metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov alebo do systému letničných? Nie je nič, čoby sme mohli spraviť, iba sa vrátiť do toho pomazaného Slova, ktoré je zasľúbené na túto hodinu. Tie systémy sú pominuteľné a skazené. To sú ľuďmi zostavené systémy a oni vás nespasia. Nie je v nich žiadny život. Jediný Život je v Slove Božom. Ono je Život. On tak povedal.
72 A tak ako bolo vtedy, keď sa modlili, ľudia zistili, že sú na konci svojej cesty, na konci povrazu po ktorom sa šplhali, ako boli vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Mojžiša, a tak ďalej. Keď zistili, že už ďalej nemôžu ísť, vtedy sa začali modliť. A keď sa ľudia začínajú modliť, Boh vždy odpovedá. Vtedy sa narodil Ježiš.
73 Vtedajší svet, ako som už povedal, sa rozpadal. Každý národ vyzeral mesiáša, presne takisto, ako my dnes. Rím vyzeral veľkého génia, ktorý by mohol povstať medzi nimi, nejakého veľkého človeka, ktorý by poznal všetky vojenské triky, a mohol by vytiahnuť, a podmaniť si Grécko a celý svet. Grécko vyzeralo takého istého, niekoho, kto by im mohol povedať, akým spôsobom si podmaniť celý zvyšný svet.
74 Židovský náboženský svet v tých dňoch, vyzeral nejakého generála. Mysleli si, že Mesiáš príde z neba držiac v ruke veľkú železnú palicu a pobije Rimanov, porazí ich a zaženie do mora. Oni vyzerali takého človeka. Oni chceli generála.
75 To veľmi pripomína naše dnešné denominácie, naše denominácie vyzerajú nejakého supermana. Náš národ vyzerá nejakého supermana. Rusko vyzerá nejakého supermana. Takisto východný svet. Organizácia spojených národov vyzerá takého. Cirkvi vyzerajú takého človeka. Ale akého supermana oni vyzerajú?
76 Rusko vyzerá mesiáša, ktorý by bol tak pomazaný na inteligencii, aby vedel, akým spôsobom pre nich dobyť vesmír a všetkých vyhnať na mesiac. Oni chcú dobyť svet. To je proste...
77 Ale vidíte, keď ľudia prosia o tieto veci a prosia o toto, oni neprosia tak, ako to povedal Ježiš. My chceme z Boha urobiť poskoka: "Pane, učiň pre mňa to! Učiň pre mňa tamto! Choď a urob to", hovoríme Mu, čo má urobiť.
78 Ježiš povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, modlite sa takto: Otče náš, ktorý si na nebesiach, posväť sa Meno Tvoje, príď Kráľovstvo Tvoje. Buď vôľa Tvoja." Kto? - Nájdite kde to tak robíme. My vždy chceme, aby Boh behal za našimi vecami, alebo pre nás niečo spravil. Ale keď sme ochotní povedať: "Buď vôľa Tvoja", poručiť sa Jemu, poručiť Jemu naše cesty. Poručiť Jemu všetko, čím sme. Potom Boh začne konať, keď si ochotný nechať Ho aby pracoval na tebe, nie aby si ty pracoval na ňom.
79 Nech On hovorí tebe, nie ty Jemu, ako to prevraciate hovoriac: "Prídi do nášho systému, ó, Pane, Bože, učiň z nás všetkých metodistov, učiň nás všetkých letničnými, vládni nad tými ostatnými. My chceme nejakého génia, my letniční, my metodisti a baptisti." Máme semináre, staviame obrovské semináre a hovoríme, že koniec času je blízko, že príchod Pánov je blízko, a staviame semináre v hodnote miliónov dolárov, a tak ďalej. Čo sa tým snažíme urobiť? Zaobstarať si mesiáša. To je pravda.
80 Nech len Pán vzbudí niečo, čo je niekde pomimo organizácie, vtedy si každá organizácia zaobstará niečo také pre seba. Presne tak. Vidzte, či to tak nie je. Pozrite sa, keď prišlo Božie uzdravenie, koľko povstalo Božích uzdravovateľov? Každý musel byť Božím uzdravovateľom.
81 Jeden Mojžiš bol v časoch toho vyjdenia. Bol jeden Eliáš, jeden Elizeus, jeden Izaiáš, a tak ďalej.
82 A tak vidíme, že svet chce svojho vlastného mesiáša. Rusko chce svojho, Amerika chce svojho a cirkevný svet chce svojho. Každý chce svojho mesiáša, ale oni by chceli takého mesiáša, nad ktorým by mohli vládnuť. Oni chcú riadiť toho mesiáša. Och, samozrejme. Áno, keby oni niečo také mohli mať. Keby im Boh mohol poslať niečo, čo by zodpovedalo ich chuti, vtedy by to určite prijali. Ale vidíte potom, že Boh poznal ich potreby. On nezasľúbil, že nám pošle to, čo chceme a to o čo prosíme, ale že nám pošle to, čo potrebujeme.
83 Oni chceli generála a dostali Nemluvňa. Vidíte? To je to, čo oni potrebovali. Potrebovali Nemluvňa. Prečo? Aby ich pokoril a ponížil.
84 To vlastne potrebuje samozvaná cirkev dnes, potrebuje sa znovu pokoriť. Dostala sa do takého stavu, že ľudia už viac nevyznávajú svoje hriechy, medzi ľuďmi už nie je viac lásky. Zdá sa, akoby to denne umieralo. Do cirkvi prichádza chlad. Všade vidíte, že prebudenie skončilo, vidíte prichádzajúci chlad. Potrebujeme sa pokoriť. A my...
85 Oni prosili o generála a dostali Baránka. Prečo? Pretože Boh vedel, čo oni potrebovali. To je to, čo oni potrebovali. Potrebovali Spasiteľa. Mysleli si, že sú spasení, ale Boh vedel, že nie sú.
86 To je to, čo svet dnes znovu potrebuje, Spasiteľa, Spasiteľa, ktorý ich zachráni z tohoto stavu, niečo, čo ich zachová spolu. Nie nejaké rady vzdelaných ľudí, nejaký druh mechanického systému, alebo vzdelávací systém. To, čo my dnes potrebujeme je moc Pána Ježiša Krista a spasiteľná milosť naspäť v cirkvi, vďaka čomu muži, ženy, chlapci i dievčatá môžu byť spasení.
87 Či sme nečakali už dosť dlho? Či je veľa ľudí vonku, ktorí už nikdy nevojdú? Či bolo už vykúpené posledné meno? Či to je to čo sa dnes deje? Mohlo by to tak byť. Viete, to by mohlo byť celkom možné a vôbec by to nenarušilo Písmo. Mohlo by to tak byť. Nevieme to teraz, tak buďme opatrní.
88 Oni si mysleli, že sú zachránení, ale Boh to vedel lepšie ako oni. A to isté sa deje dnes.
89 Oni vzali Slovo Božie, ktoré im Boh dal na ten deň, vďaka ktorému mali rozpoznať deň Jeho príchodu - a urobili z toho tradíciu. Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste zobrali Slovo Božie a skrze svoje tradície ste Ho pozbavili moci."
90 To isté sa stalo dnes v našom náboženskom systematickom svete. Systémy tohto sveta zobrali Slovo Božie a urobili z Neho tradíciu, a preto Ono nemá v sebe pôsobiacej moci. Ono nič nevypôsobí, pretože bolo pomiešané. Nemôžete vložiť skutočné zrno do niečoho, čo nie...len ak to bude zem, lebo to nebude rásť. Môžete ho položiť na slnko a držať ho v teple, môžete robiť, čo chcete. Ale to potrebuje určitý druh zeme. To zrno musí byť v nej. Ono musí byť pochované. Musí byť v správnej atmosfére, ktorá vypôsobí jeho klíčenie.
92 Takisto je to s Božím Slovom. Nemôžete zobrať cirkev a priviesť ju do života na základe nejakej tradície. Môžete tým získať milióny členov, ale nikdy neprivediete na zem moc Božiu, kým sa nevrátime znovu do originálneho Slova, späť do pôvodného Slova, späť do Krvi, späť do Ježiša Krista, späť do staromódnych modlitebných zhromaždení, späť k Bohu! Môžeme byť teraz tak ďaleko, že tá hodina je už dávno za nami. Ale Evanjelium musí byť tak, či tak kázané. Nie my sme toho sudcami.
93 Boh vedel, čo oni potrebovali, preto im dal to, čo potrebovali. A tak znovu vidíme, že sme znovu spravili to isté, čo oni.
94 Rusko a všetci ostatní chcú mať svojich (mesiášov). Rôzni vedci si chcú sami robiť veľké meno. Každý národ chce nadobudnúť svojich múdrych ľudí. My chceme svojich. Chceme do toho dať vzdelávací systém. Chceme denominacionalizmus. A presne to sme dostali. Práve to ste spravili. To ste chceli, a to vám Boh dal. Nuž, keď ste to dostali, čo s tým teraz spravíte?
95 Nasledujúcich pár minút budeme hovoriť o Rusku. Rusi hľadajú človeka, ktorý môže dobyť vesmír. Oni ich trénujú ako najrýchlejšie vedia, svojich vedcov. Čo, ak natrafia na takého, čo ak dostanú svojho mesiáša? Čo vtedy spravíme? Beda nám, ak takého človeka dostanú. Pamätáte sa, práve nedávno Nemci dostali svojho mesiáša, nedávno, Hitlera. A vieme, čo to s nimi spravilo.
96 No, a čo je s cirkvou, akého mesiáša vyzerá cirkev dnes? Ty cirkev, voláš najhlasnejšie. A tak čo my kričíme o mesiášovi, čo my vyjadrujeme v našom volaní? "Prebudenie v našom čase! Naspäť to a ono." Čo oni vyzerajú, aby to urobilo? Čo viacej chcete? Čo vôbec cirkev chce?
97 Už sme To dostali! Boh nám To dal. To je Jeho zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Pozeráme sa do Biblií a vidíme to všade v celej Biblii. Prichádzajú pomazanci a nanovo oživujú to Slovo, práve v tej hodine, na ktorú to bolo určené. Teda máme Mesiáša! Toto je On, Slovo! "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a Bohom bolo to Slovo." A to Slovo zostane Bohom, Židom 13/8: "Tým istým včera, dnes a na veky." Vieme, čo sa malo stať v našich dňoch. Chceme Mesiáša. A Boh nám dal Mesiáša, Jeho zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Ono len čaká na niekoho, kto má vieru aby Ho pomazal a znovu oživil. Tak veru. To je pravý Mesiáš. To je Božie Slovo, o ktorom Ježiš povedal, že: "Oboje, nebesia i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie."
98 Ale cirkev sa nachádza v duchovnej smrti, už je po nej, ich hodina už pominula. Prešľapujú namieste a takmer nevedia, čo majú robiť. Jeden beží na tú stranu, druhý na inú. A každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh položil do Biblie, každé z nich tu leží a je takisto platné ako vždy bolo. To je tá hodina! Čo spôsobuje, že cirkev je v takom stave? Sme v Laodicejskom veku, v ktorom ona musí dôjsť do toho stavu. Nadišla na to hodina.
99 Ale pamätajte, že je tu tiež hodina, v ktorej prichádza spiaca panna, aby si kúpila Olej, a to bola tá istá hodina, v ktorej prichádza Ženích. A vidíme dnes: episkopálov, presbyteriánov a rôzne denominácie - ľudí, ktorých by ste pred pár rokmi, ani za peniaze, nenaklonili ku tomu, aby mali obecenstvo s letničnými veriacimi. Určite nie. Ale dnes vidíme ako tí ľudia prichádzajú. Či neviete, čo povedal Ježiš? Oni prišli, aby si kúpili Olej a povedali: "Dajte nám z vášho oleja." A tí, ktorí mali olej povedali: "Nie, choďte si Ho kúpiť, žeby ne...získať Ho od tých, ktorí Ho predávajú." A zatiaľ čo si Ho oni chceli kúpiť, zatiaľ čo sa ho snažili získať! Či viete v akej hodine žijeme, letniční? Keď oni prišli, mohli dostať trochu zamiešania, mohli učinili to alebo tamto: ale podľa Písma ho oni nezískali! Zatiaľ čo sa ho snažili získať - mohli prežiť všetky možné emócie, a potom vojsť do rôznych izmov a senzácií, ale všetky tie veci dokáže diabol napodobniť. Zatiaľ čo Ho oni kupovali, alebo sa Ho snažili získať, prišiel Ženích a tie, ktoré mali Olej vošli do vnútra.
100 A tu je tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme. Nikdy predtým sme to nevideli. Ježiš povedal, že to tak bude, a tak to aj je! Čo vidíme? Vidíme, že to Slovo, ktoré Boh predpovedal na dnešný čas sa napĺňa rovno pred našimi očami. "Ó, potom, prebuďte sa vy svätí Pánovi, prečo driemete, keď sa približuje koniec! Pripravme sa na to posledné zavolanie", lebo nevieme, kedy to bude. Áno.
101 Náš svetový systém, náš cirkevný systém, náš denominačný systém, všetky naše systémy sú zanečistené a skorumpované. Chýba nám to, čo oni mali včera. To je pravda. Zdá sa akoby to vysychalo z cirkví, ťažko už nájsť takú cirkev, ktorá je živá, v ktorej je Slovo a Duch Boží a diali by sa v nej veľké veci, ako to bolo ešte prednedávnom.
102 Nuž vidíme, že Boh poznal ich potrebu, tak On vždy odpovedá na zasľúbenie. To je proste toto veľké Slovo, ktoré vidíme, zasľúbenie - oni mali vedieť, že to bolo presne to, čo Boh zasľúbil, že sa stane v ich čase. Opýtate sa: "Akým spôsobom, čo sa malo stať?"
103 Izaiáš 9, 6, prorok povedal: "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn, Dieťa - Syn sa nám narodil, Dieťa nám je dané a nazvú Ho Predivný, Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Otec Večnosti a vláda spočinie na Jeho rameni, a Jeho Kráľovstvu nebude konca."
104 Vieme, že v tamtom dni sa nám malo narodiť Dieťa, v tom dni mala panna počať a porodiť Dieťa. A to neprišlo cez žiaden z ich systémov, a preto s tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. Odvrhli to. Ale to pomazané Slovo, Boh (Emanuel), ktorý sa stal telom medzi nimi, stálo tam. On povedal: "Kto z vás Ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu, z nevery? Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte Večný Život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne." On bol dokonale potvrdený, že On bol Mesiášom, Mesiášom, ktorý mal byť v tom dni. Tie systémy zababrali ľudské mysle mnohými pravidlami systémov, a tak ďalej, že zbavili Slovo Božie moci. Ľudia nemohli uvidieť, že On je Mesiášom.
105 A to, čo spravili vtedy, to isté spravili znovu. To je pravda. Systémy tohto sveta, mechanika, viedli k tomu, že piesty sú tam, kde má byť výfuk, v ich veľkom mechanizme. Ako má potom niečo také fungovať? To je nemožné. To nebolo tak postavené.
106 Cirkev nemôže fungovať bez Božej moci cez Slovo. A Duch Svätý bude potvrdzovať iba Slovo Božie, lebo to je to, čo On má robiť. To pomazanie má potvrdiť Slovo.
107 A Ježiš bol ten Pomazaný, Slovo sa stalo telom. A preto On tam vošiel do tej vody, On bol Slovo, ktoré prišlo ku prorokovi. Prorok Ho pokrstil. A potom ten prorok povstal a povedal: "Ja sa musím menšiť a On musí rásť." Vidíme že, takým spôsobom postupuje Boh.
108 Ale, či to oni prijali? Mali to poznať. Oni tam stáli a hľadeli na skutky Božie. Videli vyplnenie sa Slova. Vedeli, že písmo tak povedalo, ale aj tak nemohli uveriť, že To príde takým spôsobom. To malo prísť ku farizejom, alebo k sadúceom. Ak by To prišlo ku farizejom, sadúceji by To neprijali. A naopak sadúceovia by To neprijali, keby ľudia hovorili, že farizeovia To majú.
109 A presne tak isto je to dnes, naše systémy, všetko zhnilo a zanečistilo sa. Och! V akej hodine to žijeme, svet je slepý, chodí v temnosti, upadnutý v systémoch tohto sveta, ako ovce bez pastiera. A veď Slovo živého Boha bolo potvrdené pred ich očami, a predsa od Neho odišli v slepote, opustili Ho. Čo iné teda môžeme očakávať? Amen. Tu sme.
110 Potom sa svet rozpadá. Prečo? Bolo odvrhnuté práve To Slovo, ktoré je okovami tohto sveta. Čítame v 11. kapitole Listu Židom ...
111 Einstein povedal...Počúval som nedávno jeho prednášku, v New Yorku, kde mal jednu zo svojich posledných prednášok. Hovoril o určitom zoskupení hviezd, o malej galaxii vonku v súhvezdí. Povedal, že:"Keby človek vyštartoval do vesmíru, a letel by rýchlosťou svetla..."Koľko to bolo, 8 tisíc... [ Niekto hovorí:"186 tisíc. – pozn.prekl.] "186 tisíc míľ za sekundu, potreboval by 150 miliónov svetelných rokov, aby sa tam dostal." On našiel večnosť. Ďalej povedal, že:"Aby sa vrátil potreboval by ďalších 150 miliónov rokov, čo by spolu bolo 300 miliónov rokov. A čas, za ktorý by bol mimo zemi by bol iba nejakých 50 rokov." Tu to máte, on sa prelomil do večnosti. Och! Aký je Boh veľký, predsa On stvoril celú slnečnú sústavu!
112 A ten astronaut, ktorý nedávno letel okolo zeme, tam z Ruska, povedal, že nevidel Boha, ani anjelov. Akí nerozumní môžu byť ľudia! A predsa Boh...
113 Celú slnečnú sústavu On sfúkol zo svojich rúk, a On sám sa nachádza tak veľa miliónov rokov, svetelných rokov, nad ňou. A všetko je to držané Jeho mocou a Jeho Slovom! Haleluja! Každá hviezda musí visieť na svojom mieste. Tak veru! A pri tom bol až tak pokorný, že zostúpil na zem a stal sa jedným z nás, aby za nás zomrel. Nemáme žiadnu výhovorku. Keby jedna z tých hviezd náhodou opustila svoje miesto, opustila by svoju dráhu, keby sa to stalo, to by malo vplyv na celý systém. Celý ten systém sa musí tak isto otáčať, Lebo jedno závisí od druhého.
114 A Boží systém, keď je v dokonalej harmónii s Ním, všetko pracuje dokonale, to je pravda, pretože musí.
115 Ale cirkev nepriala nikdy Boží systém, vytvorila si svoj vlastný systém. Preto sme v úplnej neharmónii. Preto je cirkev taká rozbitá. A preto sa svet dnes rozpadá, lebo sme prijali svoje vlastné systémy. Preto sa ten politický svet rozpadá. Preto sa náboženský svet rozpadol, stalo sa to preto, lebo sme prijali systém, namiesto aby sme zobrali Večný Boží plán pre veky. Amen. Práve vtom spočíva problém tohto sveta. To je presne to zlé, pretože ľudia prijali niečo iné. A to priviedlo ľudí k tomu, že hovoria:"Ja som presbyterián. Ja som metodista. Ja som jednotár. Ja som trojičiar. A ja..." Och, pre zľutovanie! Nič divného, že nemôžeme udržať spolu, tam nie je nič čo by nás držalo spolu.
116 Pán Nixon vypovedal najrozumnejšiu poznámku zo všetkých výpovedí prezidentov, či viceprezidentov, za posledné roky, keď nedávno povedal:"Čo sa deje s Američanmi, oni stratili vzájomnú lásku a úctu." Keď americký obyvatelia zabíjajú jeden druhého na ulici, ako ju ešte môžeme mať? Och!
117 Ak sa nemôžeš zhodnúť s iným človekom a súčasne ho milovať, potom umĺkni. Keď mu to nedokážeš povedať ako milujúci otec, ktorý napráva svoje dieťa a nie si potom ochotný chytiť ho okolo krku a objať ho, tak to radšej nechaj tak. Ty si ešte nedorástol natoľko, aby si vedel, o čom hovoríš. Tak veru. Samozrejme, môžem mať iný názor, ale on je ďalej mojim bratom, stisnem mu ruku. Nemôžem ho nechať s tým len tak prejsť, keby som ho tak nechal, keby som mu to nepovedal, nebol by som mu skutočným bratom. To je pravda. Ale môžem mu to povedať, a môžem mu povedať, že ho milujem a dokážem mu, že ho milujem.
118 Nemusíte ho zastreliť na ulici. Nezhodoval som sa s pánom Kennedym, z jeho politikou, s jeho náboženstvom a tak ďalej, ale on si niečo také nezaslúžil. Ó, nie. Naozaj nie. Žiadny človek si niečo také nezaslúži.
119 A tak vidíme, že celý svet je skazený. Náš národ, politika, náboženské systémy a všetko je skazené.
120 To len čaká. Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo predpovedané na tento deň, čaká na niekoho, kto príde a potvrdí ho. Zamýšľam sa, či to On už neučinil? Potom, kde sme, ak to On už učinil? Ak to On už učinil, potom kde sme? V najbiednejšom stave.
121 Niekoľko krát som sa tvrdo vyjadril o pani Kennedyovej o tom, že ona udáva módu tohoto sveta svojimi vodovými účesmi. Hovoril som tiež: "Naše sestry a ostatné ženy si strihajú vlasy a češú sa ako pani Kennedyová." Povedal som: "Ako voľakedy dávno Jezábeľ." To je pravda. Verím tomu. Ja - ja - ja ľutujem tú biednu matku dnes večer spolu s jej deťmi, presne tak.
122 Ale dovoľte mi, že vám položím otázku. Keby Jacqueline Kennedyová počula Posolstvo, ktoré ste niektorí z vás letničných počuli, o strihaní vlasov a tak ďalej, možno by si nestrihala vlasy. Nazývate sa letničnými a stále to robíte! Uhm. Uhm. Možno by to neurobila, keby mala tú možnosť počuť to Posolstvo, ktoré ste vy počuli. Tak vidíte. Ľudia, sme v strašnom stave. Presne tak. Skutočne. Ó, Bože, ako morálka, tá vec...
123 Ženskosť je jednou z tých vecí, ktorá drží náš národ. To je chrbtica národa. A ženskosť, tá nádherná cnosť, ktorú Boh dal žene, aby bola matkou, aha, to je - to je - preč. Ženy tohto sveta už dávno stratili svoju cnosť, poklonili sa pred hollywoodskou bohyňou módy, vzorujú sa, obliekajú sa a zachovávajú sa ako tie hviezdy Hollywoodu. A mnohokrát je to tak, že práve bezbožný odev, vzbudzujúci sexuálnu príťažlivosť, je módou prijímanou v cirkvách. A pastori stojaci za kazateľňou nemajú toľko smelosti, nemajú toľko sily Duch Svätého, tak ako Lót, ktorý tam sedel a trápil svoju dušu, príliš sa zaoberal tým z čoho bude žiť, miesto toho, aby povedal ľuďom, že to je nesprávne. Áno.
124 To čo my dnes potrebujeme je vykorenenie. Možno je už na to neskoro. Možno tá hodina už pominula. Nebudeme mať už ďalšie prebudenie. Viem, že naň očakávate, ale ja ho nevidím v Písme.
125 Ja očakávam na vytrhnutie, pre iba hŕstku ľudí. To je pravda, iba hŕstka ľudí. Vôbec nebudú chýbať na svete, Keď oni odídu, vôbec nezistíte, že tu už nie sú. Tak veru. To príde, ako zlodej v noci.
126 Keby On neskrátil tú vec vzhľadom na vyvolených! Sú na zemi vyvolení ku Večnému Životu, vieme o tom; to sú všetci, ktorí majú Večný Život. Ak by to On vzhľadom na nich neskrátil, nebolo by zachránené žiadne telo. Svet každých 2000 rokov prišiel do svojej záhuby. Vieme, že ten systém sa rozpadol. Rozpadol sa vo dňoch Noeho. Vo dňoch Krista sa rozpadol. A teraz prichádza 1964 rok, čo ešte zostalo? 36 rokov do ďalšieho dvojtisícročia, keď príde 21 storočie. Čo sa deje? Tá vec ešte musí byť skrátená. Ježiš povedal, že skazenosť tohto dňa: "Aj vyvolení by boli zvedení a neboli by zachrá- není, keby to bolo možné." Tu to máme. A podľa vedy nám kalendár hovorí, že je okolo 15 rokov rozdiel. Náš rímsky kalendár je pozadu, v porovnaní zo židovským kalendárom. Sme 15, alebo 20 rokov pozadu.
127 A tak kde sme? Vidíme národy sa rozlamujú, a Izrael povstáva, znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia na tento čas. Vidíme, že tie mechanické veci sa dejú. A teraz Duch, dynamika toho zasľúbeného Slova má vojsť do Jeho cirkvi a priviesť ľudí tam na Golgotu a do Vytrhnutia! Tak tu to vidíme.
128 Nie je nič divné, že sa rozpadáme, nie je nič...Práve tá vec, ktorá stvorila túto zem, práve tá vec, ktorá tu bola daná, aby sa zem otáčala, práve tá vec okolo ktorej sa mali otáčať sústavy a všetko ostatné, toto Slovo, cez ktoré Boh utvoril tento svet...Einstein povedal vo svojom, povedal: "Je len jedna možnosť, ako môžeme vysvetliť to písmo ... len jedna možnosť, ako môžeme vysvetliť existenciu tohto sveta", povedal: "Podľa Listu Židom 11: Skrze vieru rozumieme, že svety boli utvorené Slovom Božím." To je všetko. Nikto nemôže vysvetliť, akým spôsobom oni visia v povetrí a akým spôsobom sa môžu otáčať a urobiť svoju otáčku za 24 hodín pozdĺž celého rovníka a tak ďalej, a po svojej obežnej dráhe, všade a vrátiť sa na to isté miesto a neomeškať sa ani o sekundu. A každá hviezda sa otáča tým istým spôsobom, vo svojom cykle a jedna pomáha druhej, kedy všetky krúžia po svojich dráhach.
129 Ako mesiac bdie nad morom. Keby mesiac opustil svoje miesto, boli by sme v priebehu jednej alebo dvoch sekúnd zaplavení stovkami stôp vody. Ten mesiac ... Hlaďte, dokonca, keď vyvŕtate do zeme dieru, vy ľudia, ktorí hľadáte ropu. Keď tu vyvŕtate otvor. Vidíte, ako ďaleko sme od morského pobrežia? Len vyvŕtajte dieru do zeme a uvidíte, keď večer príde príliv, ako on spôsobí, že sa zodvihne voda vo vašich rúrach, slaná voda. Určite. Čo to je? To je mesiac, ktorý to zhora riadi.
130 To je Boží poriadok. To je Boží plán. To je Božie prikázanie. Ale my si robíme svoje vlastné a neprijímame Jeho. Poponáhľajme sa teraz, aby sme to zakončili. Tak isto, ako vtedy aj v čase týchto Vianoc vidíme, že náš svet sa rozpadá. Och!
131 Boh mal pomazané ... A On zasľúbil Svoje Slovo. On pomazal, ako tam vtedy a povedal nám ... povedal im, keď pomazal Ježiša Krista. Peter na Letnice povedal tieto slová: "Ježiša Krista, Človeka Bohom potvrdeného medzi vami znameniami a zázrakmi, ktoré On robil medzi vami, ako dobre viete." Oni sú toho svedkami. Tiež povedal: "Po zmŕtvychvstaní (a tak ďalej, ako On robil.) ... Rukami bezbožných ste vzali Knieža Života a ukrižovali ste Ho, ktorého, tiež Boh vzkriesil, čoho sme my svedkami." Ako Nikodém prišiel a povedal: "Rabbi, my vieme - my farizejovia, Rada Sanhedrinu - vieme, že si učiteľom poslaným od Boha. Nikto by nemohol robiť tie veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol od Boha." Oni vedeli, že to zasľúbenie sa týkalo tých dní, oni to vedeli, ale ich systémy ich tak zviazali, že až s tým nemohli už nič robiť.
132 Tak isto je to dnes, tie isté veci. Nemôžeš to urobiť, prídeš o svoj členský preukaz, hneď ako to spravíš. Poukáž len niekedy na niečo z tohto Slova Božieho a uvidíš, čo sa stane - je s tebou koniec. Nebudeš populárny. Budeš vylúčený z pomedzi nich a zo všetkého ďalšieho.
133 Ó, ak máš malú službu, budú ťa držať aby mohli pritiahnuť zástupy a získať od nich peniaze, a z tvojej služby vytiahnu peniaze a všetko možné. Ale dávajte len pozor, keď to prichádza do Slova, pozorujte ich, ako sa z Toho vycúvajú. Myslíte si, že sluha Boží to nevie? Nuž Ježiš dokonca vedel, že Judáš je v Jeho strede. Prečo Ježiš Judášovi niečo nepovedal? Z toho istého dôvodu, ktorý je aj dnes: musíte čakať, až príde tá hodina na to zvedenie. Je to tak. Oni to dostali. Oni to dostanú.
134 Všimnite si, ale oni nechceli prijať ten spôsob, ktorým On prišiel. Takisto je to dnes. Cirkvi vtedy chceli, aby ich systémy boli pomazané. Farizeji chceli, aby systém farizejov bol pomazaný. Sadúceji chceli, aby systém sadúceov bol pomazaný. Tak isto Herodiani, a tak ďalej. Práve tak je to dnes. Ak oni ... Keby Boh poslal pomazanie a pomazal by jednotárov, och, či by to oni nepovedali vyznávačom dvojice, trojice, či komukoľvek? Či by to zbory Božie nepovedali jednotárom? "Hovoril som ti, že my máme pravdu!" Metodisti by povedali baptistom: "Vidíš, chlapče, my to máme!" Vy chcete, aby váš systém bol pomazaný.
135 Ale Boh zasľúbil pomazať iba svoje Slovo! Amen. Viem, že je to nepríjemné, ale taká je pravda. Boh sa nikdy nemení. On pomazáva svoje Slovo. Tak veru. Pomazané zasľúbené Slovo na daný vek, to je to čo Boh pomazáva: zasľúbené Slovo na daný vek.
136 Oni chcú dnes nejaký systém vzdelania. Prečo? Aby mohli robiť čo chcú a naďalej vyznávať, že sú kresťanmi. Ó, keby mali niečo veľké, kde by ste mohli ísť, prechádzať medzi radami, žuť žuvačku, strkať jeden druhého do boku, a zájsť si niekde a mať zábavné sály a také veci, kde by mohli ísť všetci hrať basketbal a tak ďalej. Nemám nič proti basketbalu, bejzbalu, futbalu či čomukoľvek ... Ak to je všetko, čo je tvoj boh, to je veľký sáčok vzduchu. Dovoľte, že vám poviem, že to čo dnes potrebujeme je Božie Slovo pomazané na tento vek, ktoré nanovo prinesie moc Ducha Svätého. Áno, to je všetko v poriadku, ale to nepatrí do cirkvi. Ó, nie. Ak musíte stavať nejakú takú budovu, aby sa vaša cirkev nerozpadla, potom ju radšej spáľte alebo zbúrajte, alebo doveďte do nej niečo, čo privedie naspäť to Slovo. To sú veci tohto sveta, och, pomiešané s Božím Slovom. Nemôžete to robiť. Ó, nie.
137 Tak veru. Nuž oni chcú systém. Svet príjme systém. No vidíme, že každý malý systém vo svojom vlastnom, každý z nich hovorí: "Chcem, aby to prišlo ku mne. Chcem, aby to prišlo ku nám." Och, stávajú sa veľkou mašinériou, vzdelávajú kazateľov a tak ďalej, vydávajú ich na svet, liahnu ich, chlapče, s takým intelektom, že človek si myslí, že jeho slová, gramatika je taká zlá, až neznášaš, aby za niekým takým vyšiel za kazateľňu. Ale to čo my dnes potrebujeme nie je vzdelávací systém, nepotrebujeme prednášky.
138 To čo my dnes potrebujeme je Evanjelium kázané v moci Božej, ktorá by potvrdila Slovo na túto hodinu. Aby nakoniec prišiel niekto, kto by sa postavil a nazval by čierne čiernym a biele bielym, niekto, kto by povstal a povedal by Pravdu, hoci by to stiahlo ľudí z kože, olúpalo zo šupky, alebo čokoľvek. To je presne to čo - čo je potreba našej hodiny.
139 Ale ľudia niečo chcú. Ľudia dnes, ženy - čo oni chcú? Oni chcú ľudí, pastora, ktorý vstane a povie: "To je v poriadku. Môžeš robiť to či tamto. To je v poriadku, na tom nie je nič zlé, moja drahá." Taký kazateľ potrebuje výprask Evanjeliom, ten, ktorý dovoľuje ženám strihať si vlasy, nosiť makeup...Nie, poviete: "Čo to má s tým spoločné?
140 Či neviete, že váš vonkajšok odzrkadľuje to, čo máte vo vnútri? Či Biblia nehovorí, že to nemáte robiť? "Žene v takom stave sa nepatrí ani modliť."
141 A vy muži, chcete niečo také? Kazatelia, nemôžete to hovoriť, lebo by ste prišli o svoju členskú kartu, veľká rada by vás vyhodila, keby ste niečo o tom povedali. Bože pomôž človeku, ktorý si viac cení kartu nejakej rady, alebo nejakú členskú kartu, ako krst Ducha Svätého, spolu so Slovom! Ako by mohol Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, zapierať to, čo napísal?
143 Keby som vám povedal: "Život Beethovena je vo mne", dokázal by som písať hudbu. Keby Beethoven žil vo mne, žil by som Beethovenovým životom. Keby bol vo mne Shakespeare, dokázal by som písať poéziu. Dokázal by som písať divadelné hry, keby žil vo mne Shakespeare.
144 A ak Ježiš Kristus žije v tebe, skutky, ktoré On činil, a Jeho Slovo, On je Slovo, sa potvrdí v dnešnom dni cez to zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva. Amen. To je to na čo dnes Boh očakáva. To je to, čo drží svet od- , čo drží svet spolu, náboženský svet spolu, Jeho Slovo, drží aj všetko zo Slova spolu. Áno.
145 Ale ľudia jednako chcú taký systém. Dostanú ho. Už v tejto chvíli sú v ňom. Svetová Rada Cirkví im dá presne to, čo chcú, všetci spolu. Ako títo letniční môžu sedieť na tých konferenciách, a ísť do Vatikánu a potom napísať obežník a povedať, že: "To bolo najduchovnejšie prežitie, keď som sedel vedľa svätého otca, pápeža takého a takého", predsa sú letničnými a vedia ako ...To je mŕtve letničné hnutie! To je ... To je všetko mŕtve. To je skazené. To prepadlo! To sa vrátilo rovno naspäť do Konfederácie Cirkví, kde to patrí. Presne tak.
146 Ale Cirkev živého Boha, tá Nevesta ide rovno napred napriek všetkému. A ide do vytrhnutia skrze Slovo, tak veru, Slovo sa stretne spolu so Slovom. Ak sme časťou Krista, časťou Toho musíme byť Jeho Slovom, pretože On je Slovom. To je pravda. Tak veru.
147 Oni odmietli pomazané Slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek, a On je vždy Slovom. Keby nám Boh znova poslal pomazané, zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek, v 1946 roku [1964 – pozn.prekl.], On by bol tým istým, akým bol, keď prišiel na začiatku: pomazaným Slovom na tento vek. List Židom 13, 8 vám to hodí hneď naspäť do lona a povie, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky. Presne tak. A my ... A On by sa držal Otcovho zasľúbeného Slova na tento vek. Keby prišiel Ježiš, On by bol presne tým, čo Slovo povedalo, že to bude v tomto veku.
148 To je to, čím bol Eliáš vo svojom veku. Čím bol Mojžiš vo svojom veku. Čím bol Noe vo svojom veku. Tak to bolo vždy, Tým bol každý prorok, ktorý kedy prišiel. A keď Slovo prišlo v plnosti, celé Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom medzi nami, robilo presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude robiť v tom veku.
149 Keby To prišlo dnes, On by bol presne Ježišom Kristom, ktorý manifestuje Svoje zasľúbenie - to, čo zasľúbil, že bude robiť; presne, ako To Slovo...
150 On bol Slovo, Izaiáš 9, 6 je Ježišom Kristom. A keď sa Ono stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, Ono svojím životom vyplnilo presne to, čo To Slovo malo urobiť. Mojžiš tam povedal, v 2. Mojžišovej: "Pán váš Boh...", alebo v 5. Mojžišovej: "Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka takého, ako ja a stane sa, že kto ho nebude počúvať, bude vyťatý sprostred ľudu." A keď On prišiel, urobil presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že urobí. A napriek tomu našli na Ňom vinu, pretože ich systémy sa od Toho odsekli a tým spravili, že Slovo Božie nemalo na nich moci. Vidíte? Nemohli uveriť niečomu takému, pretože si mysleli, že to nebolo na ich čas. Och!
151 Napriek tomu On dokázal svoje Slovo, že je ten istý. On by dnes potvrdil to Slovo tak, ako Ho potvrdil vtedy. On by surovo potupil každý denominačný systém na svete, keby dnes prišiel na zem. To je to, čo On urobil prvýkrát. To by bolo to do čoho by udrel. To je presne to do čoho udrel, keď prišiel prvýkrát. To isté, čo robil vtedy, robil by aj teraz. A On to vtedy urobil. Lebo On nikdy nemení Svoje Slovo. On nikdy nemení Svoje postupovanie. To je vždy také isté. To je vždy pomazané Slovo na daný vek. To je pravda.
152 Takže znovu, ako to vidíme dnes, keby On prišiel, Jeho plány na udržanie sveta od rozpadu by boli odvrhnuté práve tak, ako vtedy.
153 Ale počúvajte. Na záver chcem povedať toto. Nemáme zasľúbený systém, nemáme zasľúbenú denomináciu, super denomináciu, nejaký super plán. Ale máme zasľúbené Kráľovstvo, Večné Kráľovstvo. Amen. To je to, čo nám bolo zasľúbené: mať Večný Život v tomto Večnom Kráľovstve. A vládu v ňom riadi Večný Kráľ, Jeho večné Slovo podávané Jeho ľudu, ktorí má Večný Život. A ľudia, ktorí majú Večný Život sa nekŕmia vecami tohto sveta, ale je napísané: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." A tak, keď my ... teraz oboje ... prijímame toto Kráľovstvo, a dozvedáme sa, že: "oboje nebo aj zem pominú, ale toto Slovo nikdy nepominie." A toto Slovo je tým Kráľovstvom. Toto je Kráľ a Kráľovstvo, ten Systém, ten Život, každá jeho časť je v tomto tu.
154 Keby Boh mal súdiť svet skrze cirkev, skrze ktorú by ho mal súdiť? Koľko ich je? Stovky, stovky a stovky rôznych denominačných cirkví. Ak katolícka cirkev je správna, potom ktorá katolícka cirkev? Ak je správna gréckokatolícka, potom rímskokatolícka je zlá. Ak je rímskokatolícka správna, tak gréckokatolícka je zlá. Takže vidíte? Ak je správna metodistická cirkev, potom baptistická je zlá. Ak je správna baptistická, potom letničná je zlá. Ak letničná je správna, potom presbyteriánska je zlá. Vidíte? Tak by ste boli v úplnom zamiešaní.
155 Boh nás jednak nezanechal bez nejakého svedectva, alebo nejakého - nejakého - nejakého štandardu, ktorý by bol základ hodnotenia. To je toto Slovo. On povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje Pravdou." To je pravda.
156 Lebo: " Oboje nebo a zem pominú." Je nám tu povedané, že prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Tak veru. Keď všetky tieto svetové kráľovstvá sa teraz rozpadajú a celý svet sa rozpadá, napriek tomu my sme pokrstený do Kráľovstva, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Amen. Prijímame Kráľovstvo. Tak, keď sa tento svet rozpadá, my sme narodení do tohoto Kráľovstva, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť. To je Večné Božie Slovo a my na tom stojíme. Ono sa nemôže nikdy rozpadnúť.
157 Tak veľa počujeme o tomto novom systéme, o náboženskom systéme, viete, ktorý má priniesť pokoj na zem, v ktorom sa jednotia katolíci a všetci protestanti. Niektorí veria v Božské uzdravenie, niektorí neveria, a niektorí veria v toto, niektorí veria v tamto. A vy sa musíte zriecť vašich veľkých sporov, ktoré ste mali po celý čas, vašej viery v Evanjelium, aby ste sa dostali do Svetovej Rady. A každá denominácia bude musieť do toho vojsť. Takže, ak denominácia je prekliata, čo to potom robí, keď do nej patríte? To vás vrhá rovno späť. Ak Rím je matkou denominácií, a ona je šelma a znamením šelmy, a oni jej robia obraz, radu, všetky tie cirkvi spolu robia obraz tej šelme, takže sa znovu vraciate rovno späť do znamenia šelmy! Systém tohto sveta, denominacionalismus, vytvoril systém, aby priniesol znamenie šelmy.
158 A vidíte to tak isto, ako to ja vidím, že čochvíľa to bude nanútené, a všetci, ktorí v tom nie sú ... už je ustanovené, tá veľká mašinéria je nastavená, tá mechanika v tom čaká na satana aby vstúpil do toho s dynamikou. Vidíte? A keď sa to stane, nikto nebude môcť kázať Evanjelium, nikto, ak nebude patriť do tohoto systému. To je znamenie šelmy. A pamätajte, v tom čase Nevesta tu už nebude, tak vidíte ako je to blízko. V poriadku, tak vidíte, kde sme.
159 Môžete vidieť, čo to je tento veľký pokles, táto vec ktorá nastáva. "Zobuďte sa, vy svätí Pánovi, prečo driemete, keď sa blíži koniec?" Prečo to robíte? Jedného dňa sa skrze svoj hriech odlúčite od vášho dňa milosti. Nikdy to neurobte. Tak veru.
160 No, tento systém neprinesie svetu pokoj. Keby niečo také prinieslo pokoj na svet, čo sa stalo s Kniežaťom Pokoja, ktorý je Slovom? To je antikrist. Jeho náuka je úplne proti tomu, za čím stojí Boh, proti tomu čo nám On povedal. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Tí ľudia to považujú za nezmysel. Skutky 2,38 je ďalšia vec, o ktorej oni nič nevedia. Celé Slovo, a tak ďalej - oni nič o Tom nevedia, a zapierajú To. To vypĺňa presne to, čo povedal prorok v 2. liste Timoteovi v 3. kapitole: "V posledných dňoch budú ľudia opovážliví, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moci."
161 Ten denominačný systém je znamením šelmy. Vedeli ste to. Ak ste ma to nepočuli nikdy predtým povedať, tak preto, že ma to tak veľmi trápilo. Teraz si myslím, keď ten čas dobehol práve do konca, že to môžem vyjasniť a povedať Pravdu o tom. To je ona. To je znamenie šelmy, presne. Rím bol tou šelmou, a on bol denomináciou, prvou organizáciou.
162 A my sme z nej vyšli, my letniční ľudia, aby sme neboli toho účastníkmi, ale otočili sme sa rovno naspäť: "Tak, ako sa pes navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa do váľania sa v blate", rovno naspäť. Nie divu, že náš Letničný systém je hotový, a takisto metodisti, baptisti, Svetová Rada Cirkví a všetci. Oni sú pohltení Radou Cirkví, robia znamenie alebo - obraz šelmy aby jej dali svoju moc. "A jeho hlava bola smrteľne ranená, ale potom ožila", (keď sa) pohanský Rím (zmenil) na pápežský Rím. Och, akí slepí sú protestanti. A tu ste, sedíte rovno v strede toho. A teraz nemôžete nič urobiť. Ten systém je už sformovaný. Oni to prijmú a ani nebudú vedieť, že to prijali. Budú proste v tom, to je všetko. Oni sa nemôžu z toho dostať. To sa už stalo.
163 A nie je to pre ľudí nič nové. Kázalo sa to. Pamätajte, Boh o tom svedčil, potvrdil to Svojím Slovom. On urobil presne tie veci, ktoré povedal že bude robiť. Niet žiadnej výhovorky. Áno.
164 To je falošná mechanika. Ona priviedla presne do toho istého, o čom Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste svojimi tradíciami pozbavili Slovo Božie moci." Za to, že odmietli to pravé Slovo, sú znovu presne naspäť v tom istom, vo svojich náukách a v tom istom, v čom boli na počiatku - proti Kristovi - učiac veriacich v tomto veku Slovo a hovoria im aby odmietli a odstrčili ...
165 Keď Boh urobil Jeho Slovo telom medzi Jeho ľudom v čase Ježiša Krista, v čase prvých Vianoc, čo robili tie hnutia farizejov a všetky tamtie denominácie? Hovorili: "Nechoďte ani na jedno z tých zhromaždení. Ak pôjdete budete vylúčení, keď to urobíte."
166 Či nevidíte, ako sa tie veci znovu zopakovali? "Kto je tento človek? Z akej školy On prišiel? Akú On má členskú kartu? Akú On má skupinu? Odkiaľ sa vzal tento muž?" Nuž On dnes prichádza tak, ako prišiel vtedy. "Nenecháme, aby tento Muž panoval nad nami. Nikto nám nebude hovoriť, čo máme robiť. My sme Jednotári. My sme Trojičiari. My sme Presbyteriáni. My sme toto. Nemusíme sa s tým zhodovať."
167 Viem, že nemusíte, ale buď prijmete to Slovo, alebo zahyniete. To je všetko. Nie je žiadnej inej cesty okrem Tej, ale To je to čo nás drží pohromade. Božie Kráľovstvo nepochádza z tohto, nie je z tohto... Božie Kráľovstvo nie je systém tohto sveta. Ježiš tak povedal. Ježiš povedal: "Moje Kráľovstvo nie je z tohto sveta. Keby bolo, moji vyslanci by bojovali." On je Slovo.
168 Sme takí ako Abrahám. Abrahám prijal Slovo. A všetko, čo bolo nezhodné s tým Slovom, nazýval, akoby nebolo. A každé pravdivo narodené dieťa Božie prijíma Slovo Božie a ja sa nestarám, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, čo systém hovorí proti tomu Slovu, to Slovo je v každom prípade Pravda.
169 Boh je zaviazaný sa s vami stretnúť na základe týchto zasľúbení. Pomimo týchto zasľúbení sa On s vami nemôže stretnúť, lebo už ste sa od Neho odsekli. To je dôvod, prečo sa náš svet rozpadá. Na záver môžeme povedať toto...
170 Všetko, čo je nezhodné s týmto, považujeme, akoby to nebolo. Na taký ľuďmi vytvorený systém sa nikdy nepozeráme. Ó, nie. Súc teda pokrstený do tohoto Kráľovstva sedíme teraz v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, och, a s nami je náš pomazaný Kráľ. Hodujeme v Jeho Kráľovstve na zasľúbenom Slove, pomazanom a potvrdenom rovno medzi nami. Amen. Niečo také. Tu to je: zasľúbenie Jeho Kráľovstva sa naplnilo rovno pred nami, a nič vás nemôže od Toho odvrátiť. Ó, nie.
171 Abrahám, hoci jeho žena bola stará, a on čoraz viac starel celý čas, ale vôbec sa tým netrápil. On sa nezachvel v nevere v zasľúbenie Božie. Bez ohľadu na to ako hovoríte: "To je nemožné. To sa mu nepodarí," on sa aj tak Toho držal. Prečo? Kráľ bol s ním, ukazoval mu videnia a to, čo má prísť, a to sa dialo presne tak, ako On povedal, a tak on poznal, že to bol Boh.
172 A keď Boh dá zasľúbenie a ty ho vidíš, povie to a to sa stane, znova to povie a to sa stane, znova to povie a to sa stane, a to nikdy nezlyhá, to je Boh na ten deň. Ó, hodujeme na tých nebeských zasľúbeniach Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek, ó, vieme s úplnou istotou viery, že prichádzajú nové nebesia a nová zem...Amen. "Nové nebo a nová zem, pretože to prvé nebo a prvá zem pominú." Ale v tomto novom nebi a novej zemi, ako povedal Pavol, tu v Liste Židom, v 20...14:25 [12:28 – pozn.prekl.] povedal: "Preto, keď prijímame nepohnuteľné Kráľovstvo." Ako sme sa do toho dostali? Nie cez nejaký náboženský systém, ale Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Kráľovstvo... Kráľ a Jeho Slovo, to je to isté, a ono je vo vás, potvrdzuje hodinu, v ktorej teraz žijeme. Zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal pre tento vek. Tu sme, žijeme spolu s Kráľom, sedíme v ponebeských miestach, pozorujeme Ho ako činí tie veci.
173 Ako by sme sa mohli odvrátiť od toho Slova do nejakého systému? Čo to robí? On popiera Slovo. Musíš prijať - odmietnuť pravdu, aby si bol v blude. To je presne tak. Veríte tomu?
174 Hodina, v ktorej žijeme, Ó Bože, svet sa rozpadá! Tam v hangároch visia bomby, tam visia tie veci, aby to presne vykonali.
175 Cirkev je pripravená. Ona je zapečatená vo vnútri, pripravená prísť. Bude veľké vyliatie Ducha, tak veru, uchopí cirkev a zoberie ju na nebesia. Presne. Pretože vidíte, Cirkev ... Slovo ... Nevesta a Kristus, Jeho služba je v Jeho Neveste, ktorá je Jeho Telom, nebeským Telom, alebo chcel som povedať, Jeho nadprirodzeným Telom tu na... duchovným Telom na zemi. V Nej je Jeho Duch, ktorý v Nej žije Jeho Život, kým On a Jeho Cirkev sa nestanú jedno na svadbe. Vidíte oni sa stanú jedno. On ich berie, iba malú menšinu v tých posledných dňoch.
176 A potom všetky tie panny, ktoré počas tých vekov pospali, oni všetky vstanú. Vidíte? No, to je v čase siedmej stráže, v siedmom veku cirkvi, poslednom, v čase konca, v Laodicei, na konci, kedy iba malá skupina z nich vošla. Ale to prináša celé zmŕtvychvstanie všetkých tých, ktorí pomreli vo svojich vekoch, ktorí žili tým Slovom, ktoré bolo ustanovené Bohom a kázané, aby sa vyplnilo v tom dni, ako sme prechádzali tými cirkevnými vekmi a videli sme presne to Slovo, s ktorým sa stretli oni v tamtom čase. Ako povstal Luther, ako nachádzame vo veku Luthera, že vyšla živá bytosť s podobou človeka, a vyšla, to bol reformátor, čo znamená človek. A keď, všetky veky - každý vek presne vyplnil požiadavky Božieho Slova..
177 Takisto aj tento vek, presne vyplní znak a zázrak, a to, čo Boh zasľúbil robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A cirkev bude pripravená a pôjde do vytrhnutia s Ježišom, pretože: "My prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže zachvieť. Ono sa nemôže pohnúť. Nebesia a zem pominú, ale toto Kráľovstvo nikdy nepominie." Amen. Teším sa, že som dnes večer, Amen, dnes večer v tom Kráľovstve. Netešíte sa, že ste v Ňom? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Och, byť v Kráľovstve, ktoré ...
178 Pomyslite len, na čo by ste sa mohli nádejať dnes? Za nasledujúcich 10 až 15 rokov, ak svet bude ďalej existovať, ak to on vydrží, každý muž v Shreveporte, každá žena - bude musieť nosiť na ulici pri sebe zbraň, vo vrecku, pre svoju obranu. Zabijáci... Ako to zastavíte? Skúste to. Predsa, všetko...
179 Minulý týždeň som bol v New Yorku. Prechádzal som tadiaľ a na míle nebolo nič, iba títo -násťroční zabijaci s náušnicami v ušiach, s vlasmi ako zmoknuté kura, v tričkách, a dievčatá oblečené v tých skúpych bikinách, ako to oni nazývajú, tam na ulici. A verejnosť im v tom musí ustúpiť. Och, čo sa deje s touto krajinou? To je preto, to je - - znak morálneho úpadku, Bohom odmietnutého národa. To je všetko.
180 Ako môžete budovať na takých zuhoľnatených ruinách ako tieto? Ako to urobíte, keď po uliciach chodia zabijaci a zastrelia prezidenta rovno v jeho aute?
181 A jednej noci, majiteľ motorestu, známy aférami a všetkým iným, práve vošiel a napadol pred oddielom Texaskej polície, stálo tam viac ako sto ľudí, vošiel tam, a každý pozeral na neho, vytiahol zbraň a chladnokrvne zavraždil človeka, a odišiel. Hájil sa, že je duševne chorý, a slobodne odišiel.
182 Jedného dňa, práve v našom meste, jeden človek vošiel do garáže, do malej kancelárie predavača áut. Nepáčil sa mu, tak on proste vytiahol zbraň a zastrelil ho štyrmi alebo piatimi ranami. Potom povedal, že je duševne chorý a bol prepustený. Ak taký človek sa môže ospravedlniť, že je duševne chorý, potom aj Oswald mal šancu, mal by mať šancu obhájiť sa, že je duševne chorý.
183 O čom to svedčí? Vidíte kam to prišlo, celé to je jednou veľkou skazenosťou. Všetci sú vinní, a celý svet stojí vinný, a cirkev stojí vinná pred Bohom. Amen. Nie divu, že sa rozpadáme. Modlime sa.
184 Pane Bože, tu sme. Tá hodina je tu, Otče. Môže byť neskôr než si myslíme. Môže byť, že tá skazenosť sa rozniesla v takej miere, a chrúst zjedol, a húsenica, až všetok život odišiel. Prosím Ťa, Pane, buď nám milosrdný. Sprav, Pane, ak je nejaký muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, teraz tu, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, aby Ťa teraz prijali, Otče. To môže byť posledné meno zo Shreverportu, ktoré sa nájde v Tej Knihe.
185 Kým máme sklonené hlavy, je tu taká osoba, ktorá by pozdvihla svoju ruku, a povedala: "Brat Branham som úplne presvedčený, že to, čo si povedal je pravda. Svet sa rozpadá a my prijímame Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť. A, pokiaľ ide o mňa, nie som si istý, či som v tom Kráľovstve alebo nie."
186 Nespoliehajte sa na to, že ste mali nejaké emocionálne prežitie. Nespoliehajte sa na to, že ste hovorili v jazykoch. Ja verím v tie veci. Iste, ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale počul som diablov hovoriť v jazykoch a dávať tomu výklad, písať neznámymi jazykmi, čarodejníkov. Vidíte? Na niečo také sa nemôžete spoliehať.
187 Ale ak Život Ježiša Krista je v tebe, On sám sa bude manifestovať, bude veriť každému Božiemu Slovu. Lebo On nemôže zaprieť samého seba, On je Slovo.
188 No,ak On je Slovo, a On je v tebe, a ty mi potom povieš: "Nuž, Brat Branham, poviem ti, ja To proste nemôžem prijať. Neverím, že Toto, alebo tieto veci, sú na dnešný deň," a predsa je To tu zasľúbené na tento deň, ó, môj brat, bol si zvedený. Opanoval ťa nejaký duch a zviedol ťa.
189 Pani, ak ty, alebo pán, kýmkoľvek si, ak tieto veci, ktoré sú tak skutočné, skutočné v Slove, za ktoré Ježiš Kristus zomrel - nie preto, aby mal cirkev, alebo aby mal nejakú emocionálnu skupinu, ale nato, aby mal skupinu, ktorá má Jeho Ducha, ktorý žije v ňom, Svoju Nevestu, v ktorej je Jeho Slovo, každé Slovo je pravda. Ak ty vieš o tom, že sa to v tebe neprejavuje tým spôsobom, vieš o tom, že sú v Biblii také veci, ktorým nemôžeš uveriť, a chceš byť spomenutý v modlitbe... Nech všetci majú zavreté oči a sklonené hlavy, som zvedavý, či v tejto neskorej hodine, keď...
190 Môže byť, že čas pocitov takmer pominul (Vidíte?), pretože prichádza taký čas, keď Duch Boží bude zobraní zo zeme a už Ho viac nebude. Cirkev zostane ešte chvíľu (To je pravda.) kázať, pretože ona musí kázať večne strateným, takisto ako to robila každá služba počas tých vekov. Poslednou časťou každej služby bolo kázanie večne strateným. A teraz bude služba, ktorá bude kázať večne strateným potom, keď to oni odmietli prijať.
191Ak sa ti stále zdá, že je iskra v tvojom srdci, že túžiš mať v sebe Krista, a celý svet bol mŕtvy, zdvihni svoju ruku, a povedz: "Spomeň ma v modlitbe, brat Branham." Nech ťa Pán žehná. Áno, áno, desať alebo pätnásť rúk. Bude ešte niekto prv, ako sa budeme modliť? No, chystáme sa zakončiť za dve alebo tri minúty. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani.
192Pomyslite len o tom, pomyslite, pomyslite o tom, čo keby bolo príliš neskoro? Čo, ak ty si poslednou osobou, ktorej On bude klopať na dvere?
193Ona sa rozpadá, vieme to. Nemôžete tu zostať, to je isté. Nemôžete tu zostať. Odchádzate. Poznamenajte si to, odchádzate. A ak ste ...
194Nepodliehajte nejakému prežitiu (emóciám). Nehovorte len: "Ja patrím do cirkvi." Buďte si toho istý. Ak Kristus nežije vami - vo vás, až vy ste - celá vaša myseľ, srdce, duša, telo...
195Ty - ty povieš: "No, ja si myslím..." Ty nemáš svoju vlastnú myseľ, brat. Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi je vo vás! Ja si myslím, že dni by nemali byť... Ja si myslím, že to by nemalo byť. Myslím, že to Slovo to neznamená." Nemáme svoju vlastnú myseľ.
196Ak myseľ Kristova je v nás, potom rozpoznáme, že to Slovo je Pravda a žije rovno cez nás. Nemôžeš si pomôcť, To je Kristus!
197Vyber život z melónovej révy a daj ho do tekvicovej révy, to bude rodiť melóny. Nemôžeš ho od toho zadržať, lebo v ňom je taký život.
198Ale ak - ak hovoríš: "No, ja tomu neverím, tomu Slovu tu...", potom to nie je Duch Kristov. Vidíš? Nejaký iný duch je v tebe.
199Je ešte niekto prv, ako sa budeme modliť? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, teba. Áno, to je dobre. No, ešte niekto, ešte chvíľu. Nech ti Boh žehná, mladý priateľu. Teba, mladá pani. Teba, sestra. Nech teba Boh žehná, aj teba. V poriadku, ešte niekto? Nech teba Boh žehná, tam vzadu.
200Nebojte sa, teraz. Nehanbite sa, teraz. Zajtra večer môže byť príliš neskoro. Vidíte? Môže to byť dnes večer, kedy ti srdce prestane biť. Možno dnes večer sa môžeš od toho odvrátiť posledný krát.
201Koľkí z vás, ktorí ste tu, nemáte krst Ducha Svätého, zodvihnite svoje ruky, vy ktorí viete, že - že Ho nemáte? Och. To je spôsob, ako vchádzate dovnútra. Duch Svätý je Kristus. To je to, čím ste zapečatení do toho Kráľovstva, Efežanom 4, 30 hovorí: "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení ku dňu vášho vykúpenia." A ak vy - a ak si vy myslíte o tejto Biblii, že Ona nie je pravdou, potom duch, ktorý je vo vás, nie je Kristus, pretože Kristus je Slovo.
202Je Kráľovstvo, ktoré je nepohnuteľné, to je to Slovo. To je Kráľovstvo, ktoré je nepohnuteľné. "Nebesia i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie." Ak to Slovo je vo vás, "Ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slovo vo vás, proste si čo chcete a stane sa vám. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím - Sv. Ján 12,14 - "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť, a ešte väčšie ako to, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi. Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma budete vidieť, lebo Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skonania sveta."
203Hľaďte, aké boli Jeho skutky, a hľaďte, či sa oni ku nám vrátili v týchto posledných dňoch. Či To ľudia odmietli? Na celom svete. A svet sa znovu rozpadá, opäť na tieto Vianoce, tak ako to bolo na tie Vianoce.
204Náš nebeský Otče, dnes večer sa pozdvihlo veľa rúk, možno tridsať alebo štyridsať, z tejto malej skupiny ľudí, dnes večer, lebo oni poznali, že nie sú práve tam, kde by mali byť. Oni poznali, že Ty neprebývaš v nich v tej miere. Niektorí, možno bolo niečo v Biblii, o čom oni hovorili: "Ja proste ... Ja To prijímam iba preto, lebo si myslím, že to možno mám urobiť."
205Ale, Pane, Ty si zasľúbil, že Ty budeš Slovom, a Ty si Slovom. "A Ja prídem k vám a dám sa vám poznať." Zisťujeme, že Tvoje systémy, Tvoj systém sa nikdy nemení.
206Keď si Ty prišiel v Starom Zákone, povedal si: "Slovo prišlo ku prorokom." A keď sa to stalo, oni prorokovali a To sa vyplnilo, pretože To bol Boh.
207No, vieme, že kedy si nás poslal na svet, a poveril si nás ísť do celého sveta, aby sme robili učeníkov, a Ty si povedal: "Keď On, ten Duch Svätý zostúpi na vás. pripomenie vám to, čo som vás učil." To je znova. "A ukáže vám budúce veci." Stále... "Boh, veľakrát a mnohými spôsobmi hovoril otcom skrze prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch skrze Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista." Sám Svätý Duch prichádza, ktorý zjavuje napísané Slovo a ukazuje budúce veci. Je povedané: "Slovo Božie (v Židom 4.) je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč a rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca."
208A hriešni a nábožní ľudia dnes môžu sedieť a vidia, že Ty činíš to isté a nazývajú To zlým duchom, práve ako to robili vtedy. "Ak Pána domu nazvú belzebubom..." A my to vidíme.
209Pane, Bože, čo viac môžeme teraz urobiť? Sú tu hladné srdcia, ktoré pozdvihli svoje ruky. Prijmi ich teraz, Pane, naplň každé srdce Svojou Láskou. Udeľ to.
210Kým máme sklonené hlavy. Ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, chceli by ste prísť sem ku pódiu, neodkladajte to. Vidíte? Hneď teraz, vstaňte rýchlo, príďte sem, a jednoducho sa sem postavte. Toto môže byť ten večer, keď príjmete Ducha Svätého.
211Priatelia, hľaďte, toto nebude trvať stále. To - to sa raz skončí. To sa končí práve teraz, a možno sa to už skončilo. Ale tak dlho ako vy skúšate, túžite prísť ku Kristovi, potom celkom iste je stále niečo, čo vás ťahá tým smerom.
212Či nechcete teraz prísť a postaviť sa sem, aby sme sa za vás pomodlili? Vy, ktorí máte takú túžbu, podíďte sem ku oltáru, len na chvíľu, pokiaľ máme sklonené naše hlavy. Teraz ľudia prichádzajú rovno sem. Tak veru, príďte rovno sem okolo oltára. Povedzte: "Svet sa rozpadá, nechcem mať v sebe žiaden svet. Chcem mať v sebe Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže rozpadnúť."
213Ježiš povedal: "Nič z tohto nebude stratené. Ja to vzbudím opäť v posledných dňoch. Áno, Ja to vzbudím." On to zasľúbil, tak sa to ne- môže rozpadnúť. Boh to vzkriesi. Nestarám sa, čo to je, On to vzkriesi.
214Vedeli ste, že človek nemôže nič zničiť? Nič nemôže byť zničené. Vy poviete: "A čo oheň, keď ten niečo spáli?" On (oheň) to nezničí. On iba rozbije tie chemikálie na atómy, z toho dostávate teplo. To sa vracia rovno späť do svojho originálneho stavu, do stavu, v akom boli na začiatku: kyselín, plynov, svetiel, a tak ďalej, čím boli. Nemôžete nič zničiť. Ak - ak by svet stál dostatočne dlho, tak by sa možno znovu stali ďalším listom papiera, alebo ďalším stromom, alebo čokoľvek, čo spálite. Vidíte, nemôžete to zničiť. Boh to tak učinil.
215Ó, nemôžete zničiť Božie stvorenie, to je presne tak. O koľko viac On môže vzkriesiť to, čo On zasľúbil.
216Nechcete prísť? Príde ešte niekto, teraz? Je tu malá skupina, ani nie polovica z tých, ktorí zdvihli svoje ruky. Myslel som si, že ste zodvihli svoje ruky vážne, zvlášť po takom posolstve ako toto.
217Koľkí z vás tu, teraz s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, vie o tom, že ste videli Boha ako dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie, rovno tu na tomto pódiu, ktorý pozná tajomstvá sŕdc? Raz, nie raz, ale všetko, čo On povedal sa stalo. Vy viete, že je to pravda. Tu na zhromaždeniach, všade, presne to, čo robil Ježiš Kristus, keď bol tu na zemi. On to robí znovu. Vy o tom viete. Uvedomte si to. Myslel som Jeho uzdravenia.
218Pred dvoma týždňami, predtým ako som šiel do New Yorku, prišla istá pani s rakovinou v hrdle. Duch Svätý ku nej prehovoril na zhromaždení. Potom prišla v nedeľu s rakovinou v kuse handry, ktorú vykašľala. Doktori sa na to pozreli a povedali: "Život odišiel z tej rakoviny, a preto sa uvoľnila." A ona ju vykašľala.
219A iná žena mala rakovinu ženských žliaz. A ona to tu mala na zväčšenom obrázku s lekárskym posudkom. Ona ju vylúčila po dvoch dňoch.
220Stál tu mladý priateľ, ktorý na mesiace, a mesiace, a mesiace stratil pamäť. Spadol a udrel si zátylok na hlave. On nevedel, kto bol, a ani kde bol. Iba so slovom modlitby a položením rúk na neho, opýtal som sa: "Ako sa voláš?"
On odpovedal: "Billy Dukes."
Povedal som: "Koľko máš rokov?"
Povedal: "Deväť." Povedal: "Kde som?"
221 Moc Božia. Škoda, že ste neboli so mnou pred niekoľkými týždňami v Koloráde... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]
222 No, ak neprichádzate, vidíte, ja - ja nemôžem, ja - ja ... Všetko, čo môžem urobiť, je iba povedať vám pravdu. Vidíte? To je na vás. Ako Noe, vošiel do archy, archa sa za ním zavrela, a nejakú chvíľu sa nič nedialo, ale vonkajší svet si žil takisto ako predtým a zahynul. Vidíte?
223 Pilát žil ďalej takisto po ukrižovaní Ježiša. Budem na tú tému kázať za niekoľko dní, "Krv na vašich rukách", ak Pán dovolí. Všimnite si teraz, či je ešte niekto, prv ako zakončíme?
224 Teraz poprosím skutočne posvätené ženy a mužov, ktorí poznajú Boha, aby prišli dole a postavili sa sem, a položili ruky na týchto ľudí. To môže byť ich posledná príležitosť. Niekto z vás posvätených ľudí, ktorí poznáte Boha, podíďte sem a postavte sa okolo týchto ľudí. Oni majú ružové karty pripnuté, skoro každý jeden z nich, to znamená, že nie sú odtiaľto. Myslím, že je to pravda. Príďte a položte na nich ruky. Niekto z členov Modlitebne Života, príďte sem. Chce prísť niekto z vás bratov, ktorí tu sedíte? Poďte, toto je tá hodina. Či ne - či nemilujete týchto - ľudí? Ó. Kde je naša horlivosť? Čo sa stalo s tým, čo nás pudilo? Čo sa deje?
No, nech obecenstvo ešte chvíľu počká na modlitbu.
225 Vy, ktorí tu stojíte, pozrite, nespoliehajte na nejaké emócie, hoci To nesie emócie. Nespoliehajte na to, či budete hovoriť jazykmi alebo nie. Nič o tom nemyslite. Boh sa o to postará. Vidíte? Proste Ježiša Krista, aby prišiel do vášho života, a aby Sám žil cez vás. Nechcite viac svoje vlastné myšlienky. Chcite Jeho myšlienky: "Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi je vo vás." Och, toto je ...
226 Toto, nuž, raz budete počuť tieto veci posledný krát. No, hľaďte, chcem, aby celé obecenstvo povstalo na svoje nohy. Vy, drahí ľudia, ktorí ste sem prišli, aby ste obdržali krst Duchom Svätým, zajtra je sviatok Vďakyvzdania, takže nemusíte ísť do práce. Tu ide o tvoju dušu brat, sestra. Tu ide o tvoje večné miesto určenia Teraz, alebo nikdy. A tak dlho ako ty cítiš jedno malé tiahnutie... A pomysli len na tieto Pravdy, ktoré ležia rovno tu pred nami. Nebuďte na tie veci mŕtvy, ľudia. To je skutočnosť. Dokázalo sa to ako skutočnosť, dokonale, vždy. A to je potvrdené Slovo.
227 Pozerám sa na muža, ktorí tu stojí. Nemôžem si spomenúť na jeho meno. Myslím, že Blair, kazateľ Blair. Keď som bol nedávno v Hot Springs, zachytil som to v obecenstve - ten muž tam sedel, a zlý duch sa chcel dostať do toho človeka, a prinútiť ho, aby o mne pochyboval. No, hľaďte, čo sa stalo. Povedal som: "Možno ma budeš niekedy potrebovať." Vidíte? Netrvalo dlho, keď pred niekoľkými týždňami, mi zatelefonovala jeho manželka - ten muž zomieral. Vidíte?
228 A ten človek to vtedy prijal, on vedel, že to bol diabol, ktorý ho chcel doviesť do toho, aby uveril, že je to niečo falošné alebo niečo. Myslel si: "Ako to on vie?" Tak potom on... Modlitbou sme to zlo z neho vyhnali.
229 A neskôr, pred pár týždňami, vidíte, satan vedel, že prichádzal ten čas, keď on bude ležať s opuchlinou na svojom boku. Myslím, že tak to rozprávala jeho žena, mal vysokú horúčku a blúznil, nevedeli, čo to bolo, nejaká infekcia v jeho boku, opuchnuté obidva jeho boky. A jeho malá žena mi telefonovala do Tucsonu. Povedal som: "Sestra, máš vreckovku?" Myslím, že mala niečo iné, malý šál alebo niečo. Povedal som: "Ja - ja to môžem vidieť. Vezmi to a polož na brata Blaira v mene Pána Ježiša." A on ju poprosil, aby mi zavolala.
230 Čo by sa stalo, keby sa satanovi podarilo ho presvedčiť, aby mi neveril, vediac, že to tam je? Potom by tu on dnes večer nestál s Bibliou na srdci.
231 Vidíte, to je satan, ktorý sa vás snaží presvedčiť, aby ste Tomu neverili. Je to tak. Nepočúvajte to. Pamätajte, "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky." Vidíte, tieto veci sú dokázané.
232 No, nech všetci, vy tu pri oltári, zdvihnime svoje ruky a povedzme: "Pane Ježišu pomôž mi teraz," nech sa všetci modlia.
233 Náš nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa tu, ó, Bože, to je medzi životom a smrťou pre týchto ľudí, ktorí tu stoja. Nech Duch Svätý vstúpi do ich života v tejto chvíli. Nech by prišla Moc Božia, ktorá ich priviedla ku tomuto oltáru, nech by ona zostúpila na nich v zmŕtvychvstaní Krista a dala im ten veľký Večný Život, ktorý hľadajú. Pane, cirkvi všade zomierajú, akoby duchovná voda bola zobraná z tejto zeme. A kým títo ľudia majú príležitosť prísť, a ponoriť sa do tohoto Žriedla, sprav to, Pane, aby ich vyprahnuté duše, dnes večer, ktoré sú lačné a smädné po Bohu, mohli byť práve teraz naplnené Duchom Svätým. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech na nich spočinie Tvoje milosrdenstvo a milosť.
234 No, nech sú vaše hlavy... Modlite sa, neprestávajte sa modliť. Všetci, neprestávajte sa modliť. Ja sa za vás modlím. Urobím všetko čo môžem, ale nemôžem vám dať Ducha Svätého. To musí urobiť Boh. Hľaďte, vytvorte pred sebou Krista vo svojich mysliach. Pozrite sa tu a vidzte, či vidíte Krista pred sebou, keď zatvoríte oči. Potom choďte rovno ku Nemu a povedzte, "Pane Ježišu, tu som. Odteraz Ty a ja budeme jedno. Príjmem každé Slovo, ktoré si mi dnes večer povedal." Zostaňte tam, stojte len, hoci by ste tam mali zostať dnes večer, zajtra, nasledujúci deň, stojte, kým to budete mať všetko za sebou, v modlitbe a viere, že vás Boh naplní krstom Ducha Svätého.
235 Poď sem, Don, veď ich v modlitbe. Nech ťa Boh žehná, Don.
1 Amen. The Lord bless you. You can be seated. Sounded so good to come in tonight and hear you praising the Lord, and get back home again and see everybody. I been looking for this since last Thanksgiving when I was here, to get back to my tabernacle again. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I don't know where he went. Here he is over here. I just wonder if he was going to still say "amen" to that, you know. [Brother Moore says, "Amen."] It's always good to be here. And I looked forward, as I said, since last Thanksgiving.
2 We have just left New York City, where we had a wonderful campaign. The Lord blessed us there in a mighty way. And we was at the Morris Auditorium, and the crowds packed in, and up-and-down the streets. And they would stand out there, waiting. If--if one come in, just a bystander, you know, and would think, well, something; some people, you know, go to church, and then the first thing, something said, that they don't like, they'll get up and walk out. And they was out there voting, who would get that seat when they come out. And I come by each night, and nearly a city block away, and they would be piled up-and-down the streets. And the Lord did bless us and give us souls, and many great healings taken place.
3And then at the Business Men's breakfast, we had a wonderful time, sold out their tickets. And--and then I think they had to let hundreds in, that didn't have tickets. Then they filled the corridors, and around the hall and doors, and so forth. And we just had a wonderful time. An Episcopalian priest and everything there, and the Lord blessed us greatly.
4 And then we stopped in at home, my other home, in Jeffersonville. Course, I live now in Tucson, Arizona, as you know, for the last two years.
5And now I'm on the road back to Tucson now, for the Business Men's breakfast next week at Phoenix. Where, right immediately after the first of the year, we start a campaign there, a few days prior to the Business Men's International, I believe, or national convention at--at the Ramada Inn.
6And it's so good to be here in--in this fine city of Shreveport, tonight.
7 Now, usually I speak a long time. But I'm going to try my best to keep it down, three or four hours, anyhow, to this and to this time. And I know I just wear you out, but, see, I don't get to see you so often. And many goes Home before I... go Home to Glory before I get to see you again, and I think, "Well, this will be our last earthly chat together before you take your flight." And many has gone, no doubt, since this time last year. And probably, if the Lord tarries, and we get to get back again next year or sometime, it will be some more, here tonight, maybe myself. We don't know what time we're to be called. And, you know, the Lord Jesus might even come before this services is closed tonight.
8 Now, as you know me, I'm not an orator, I'm not a speaker. I--I just love the Lord and do what I can for His glory. And when I stand here in this platform, knowing that man like Brother Moore and many great man has stood in this platform, it makes me feel kind of--kind of... not out of place, I don't mean that. But, I mean, my grammar and things, I feel like, if the people didn't love me real well, they'd get up and walk out when I got in the pulpit. So they just bear with me, and I'm thankful for it now.
9 But I always come with this--with this objective. I don't come here just to be seen; if I did, I would go to your house for a visit, see. I come here to do the very best I can for the Lord Jesus Christ, while I'm here. I'm here for no other purpose but to serve Him, and the best that I know how, and to bring to you the Word just as It's given to me, pray for your sick and afflicted. Now, we'll have a night, or two, Brother Moore and I will get together, that we're going to pray for the sick.
10 Then, each night, we want every person that's not a Christian, hope something will be said or done, that you'll become a Christian. And if you're not, if you've already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept Him and been baptized, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost as yet, don't let this get by. Just let this be your night. Because, remember, there will be just so many names on that Book. And when the last name is added, that's all of it. And yours might complete It.
11When the Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, that was the Book of Redemption. And those names was put in there before the foundation of the world. When that last name was called, the Book, the plan, everything else was revealed then, the Seven Seals was opened by the Lamb. The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in There. If we had time, I'd like to...
12 Just got through with those Seven Seals, just recently. I'd like to go through them again. And just how the Lord blessed us! Many of you has heard of it, and read in Life magazine, and things, the things that taken place during that time. When, they caught the picture, even, of the seven Angels, as was predicted as we went West. And He told me, three months before, where it would be and how I would be standing there, and there it was! And the--and the cameras, oh, for hundreds of miles, caught the picture of It right there, just exactly. Was foretold exactly! And if I ever preached anything that was inspired, in my life, it's The Seven Seals. And so I know we're at the end time.
13 And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's redeemed, that was put on that Book, that settles it, He comes to claim what He redeemed. And it might be a strange time. Did you ever think: people will go right on preaching, the church will go right on even thinking they're getting people saved. It's too late then, it's all over, see, and the Message will go to the totally lost; just like it did in the days of Noah, seven days in the ark. It did in the days of Sodom. Jesus Himself, His--His third stage of His ministry, He went and preached to souls that were Eternally lost, that were in prison, that repented not, the long-suffering in the days of Noah. And we don't know what time these things might happen.
14And let's be warned. Don't just stand around, let's do something about it. If we're not right with God, let's get right with God.
15 One time, I think, in the 11th chapter of Matthew, I believe it is, about the 6th verse, or something, I'm not sure of that. It's the 11th chapter, I'm pretty sure. John's disciples was sent by John, one time, to see the Lord Jesus, to ask Him if He really was the One, or should they look for another. He said, "Go show John the things that happens. Tell him, 'Blessed is he who is not offended in Me.'"
16And then when they crossed the hill, and Jesus perhaps watched them, He said, "What did you go out to see?" And they... Said, "Did you go to see some kind of a man dressed in fine clothes?" He said, "They're in kings' palaces. And a reed shaken by a wind?" He said, "Did you go to see a prophet?" Said, "I say unto you, and more than a prophet. If you can receive it, this is he who the prophet spoke of, Malachi 3, 'And I'll send My messenger before My face.'"
17 The disciples asked one time about this question. They said, "Why does the scribes say, the teachers of the Scripture, that, 'Elias must first come before these, all these things happen'?" Now remember, He was talking to the disciples, not to the Pharisees. The disciples, they said, "Why did scribes say that, 'Elias must first come'?"
18He said, "Elias is already come, and they did to him what they listed, and you didn't know it."
19What if someday you would find out, we'd hit a tribulation period or something, you say, "Well, I thought the Rapture was to come first"? See? And the voice would speak back and tell you, "The Rapture is already, and you didn't know it."
20"As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved by water, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of man." People go right on, just thinking they're just doing the right thing, and it'll all be over. O God, have mercy on us! Let's, let's check up, right now in these next few nights, see where we're at.
Let us bow our heads again.
21 Lord Jesus, with these things in mind, and presented to this church, presented to these people; God, I pray that You will save every soul in Shreveport, this time, that's wrote in that Book. If there is some here that isn't saved, Father, may this be the hour that they're saved. If there is any in this congregation, tonight, may this be their night.
22Bless Brother Moore, Sister Moore, and their family, their children, their children's children. God, we just thank You for them. And Brother Lyle, Brother Brown and all the--the brethren here at the church, Brother Don, and these fine bunch of people, all the members here, the laity, we just thank You for them.
23 And we pray, Heavenly Father, that our meeting together here at this Thanksgiving... It might be the last Thanksgiving we'll ever meet together on this earth, so, God, let us take advantage and conserve the time. And we realize that it's--it's getting late, and we want everything that we can do, that's in our power, to get the work done for the Lord Jesus before He comes. Somehow, I kind of feel that He is waiting for us to--to finish the job. So, help us, Lord, tonight, as an individual, each one of us, that we might be so concerned about others, that we go out into the streets, or into the neighborhood, and--and bring in the lost, that they might be saved.
24Bless Thy Word. Thy Word is Truth, Lord, all Truth. So we pray, that as we try to endeavor to break this Bread of Life, Truth, to the people, that the Holy Spirit will come, because of that broken body there at Calvary where sin had to break it, and will divide Himself among us again, in fellowship around the Word. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
25 Now, if you will, I want you to turn with me. Many of you like to kind of keep the--the Scriptures where a minister reads, or an evangelist. And I want to read some, tonight, from Deuteronomy, the 4th chapter, beginning with the 7th to the 14th verse. And the Book of Hebrews, 14th chapter, the 25th verse through the 29th, inclusive. Deuteronomy 4.
For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;
Especially the day that thou stood before the LORD thy God in--in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear my words, that they will learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.
And ye came near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire to the midst of heaven, and darkness, and clouds, and thickness, and darkness.
And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard His voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard the voice.
And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.
And the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that you might do them in the land wheresover ye go over to possess it.
26 And now in the Book of Hebrews, the 14th chapter, beginning with the 25th verse.
See that you refuse not him that spake. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaks from heaven:
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he has promised, saying, Yet once more I shall, I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word, Yet once... signifies the removing of... things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. There...
Wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptable with reverence and godly fear:
For our God is a consuming fire.
27 Now I got a few notes here, and some Scriptures written down, that I'd like to refer to for a few minutes, as I would title this a strange little title. And these tapes is ready at any time anyone would want them. Mr. Maguire here will be able to--to furnish you with these things. And I want to take the text, from a text of this subject, rather, like this, The World Is Again Falling Apart.
28 We was coming down yesterday, or last evening, through Memphis, Tennessee, got in there kind of late in the afternoon, or part of the evening. And we could hardly get through the streets, the--the children and people were so crowded. And I thought, "What could this be?" The--the people wasn't dressed like they had been to a religious meeting like maybe our good brother, Billy Graham or Oral Roberts. And I didn't think they were in that district at that time, anyhow. And the women were wearing slacks, and little children around them, were just with overalls on, and so forth, coveralls. And I wondered what it was, and finally we found out. They had had a--a Santa Claus parade. There had been many thousands had been watching it on the streets, and so forth. And we just had an awful time getting through Memphis, because it's coming Christmas time.
29 And Christmas is such a great commercial day, until it's taken Thanksgiving pretty near out of the picture, because... in the--in the world of business, anyhow; because that the--the commercial world is so much greater influenced by Christmas, because there is so many people shop. And they just... Thanksgiving is just a little passing-by. And we find out, as we see Christmas nearing again, I thought it would be a good thing to speak on this subject, as we're nearing it. Seeing that, really, Christmas is not...
30 We celebrate this 25th day of December for the birthday of Christ, but, course, anyone knows that it wasn't Christ's birthday. That was the Roman sun-god's birthday, that when the church was converted into, or, brought into Catholicism, was formed at the council at Nicaea. Instead of it being the "sun god's," they made it the "Son of God's" birthday. That was when, the sun, it's from the 20th until the... I mean the 21st till the 25th, it's kind of in its... Forget what the name you call it, rightly. It's when it's hardly a second-or-two's time when it's passing through that stage. And it was the sun-god's birthday, and they just taken the "Son of God" and made that His birthday, to blend it in with their pagan tradition. And it's no means, at all, being Christ's birthday.
31 He could not been born at that time, because Judaea is about the same on the--on the... high up the equator, as this is, and we--we find out that, in Judaea, in the wintertime, 25th of December, she is blizzardly and cold. Shepherds cannot be on the hill, and many reasons that it couldn't be.
32And then He was nature born, like all other nature, He--He came forth in the Spring. Usually when the lambs are born, in the Spring; and He was the Lamb. Now, I believe, He was born, myself, March, April, or somewhere along in there, in the early Spring.
33 But we find that they made a day of merchandise out of it. People crowding on the streets, and rubbing shoulders, and fussing over things, and wondering about giving somebody a present, how much they will pay for it.
34The other day, I was surprised. In a place I was standing, and two ladies was talking about giving their father the birthday... or the Christmas present for this year. And one of them said, "I got him a quart of whiskey." And the other one said, "I got him a pack, or a carton of cigarettes," or something another like that. And they were saying, one give so much more for the whiskey than they did the cigarettes.
35And I thought, "If that isn't a way to give a--a... swap or give a present in commemoration of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!" What a death-finding thing it is!
36 And I see our world in such a sadness as it is now, polluted from every side, not a way in the world for it to ever come back to itself again. We better take heed, what we're doing in these days. For we have, just now in mourning, of one of the great tragedies, and--and one of the great... We never thought that thing would happen in America, but it's here anyhow. And our own letting-down on the Gospel, it's become worm-eaten with such stuff as that, and will get worse. There is no doubt at all, in my mind, but what it'll just continually getting worse.
37But we find out, at this Christmas, to get down to the subject, that this Christmas finds the world just about like it did two thousand years ago, when Jesus came. It hasn't changed very much since then. Cause, this, that Christmas found the world falling apart, and was looking for a Messiah to help hold it together. And--and that's about the way it is today, we are doing the same thing. The World Is Again Falling Apart.
38 Now, that's not only in America here, but that's all over the world, wherever you go; the religious world, the political world, the everything, the--the world of moral. It--it, there is just no more of it, it's just... Morals is just amongst the good people, anymore, and that's very hard to find. It's--it's a shame. And politics and everything is corrupted, till the whole thing is sick and putrefied sores, from the head to the feet, the whole world. Our political system, our religious system, our moral system, everything we've got, is gone! Just, there is no way to keep it together. She, she is finished! The... We're at the end of the road. That's all there is to it.
39We, I know we talked about it a long time, but one of these days it's going to be passed talking about, it's going to be a historical thing, and we'll find ourself outside if we don't watch at this time.
40 I wonder, if we this Christmas, if God should send Him again like He did back there two thousand years ago, if He would send Him to us in 1964, I wonder if we wouldn't do with Him as they did then? I just wonder if His Coming would be any more, He'd be any more welcomed, in the--in the--in the political world or in the religious world, than He was then? I just wonder if we're in any more shape to receive Him, as He was then? But we know He was rejected then.
41What would we do to Him if He come? Perhaps the religious world, that I'm basing this on, would do to Him like it did the other time. They would crucify Him if they could, (they haven't changed), for the same reason that they did the other time.
42 Why did they do it, did they crucify the very One they were praying to come on the earth, to save them, to get them out of the chaos? They crucified the only hope that they had. Why? Why did they do it? Because, when God answered their prayer, He answered it in a way that they didn't expect it to be answered. When He come, He never come in the taste of their theology.
43And if He come again, today, He would come the same way; out of the taste of the world or the churches' theology, and the way they would think of Him. He always comes. As God's people, when they get in trouble, and pray, then God gives them what they pray for, but He gives it in the way that's good for them. And they refused It, because It don't come the way they think It should have come. They rejected God's anointed Word, and He is the Word.
44 Now, God, in all ages, at all times, when He begin, "When He spoke His Word in sundry times through the prophets, in this last days through Jesus Christ, His Son," we find out that each one of those prophecies was to suit a certain age. Like King Nebuchadnezzar when he had this dream, and the Gentile world from the head to the feet, and Daniel gave the interpretation of this dream; that was a--a prophecy to the whole world, forever, every section of the Gentile Kingdom, as it would come from the head to the feet. And the prophets has always spoke the Words that should happen along each age. And when God...
45 The people gets in trouble, and God answers them. He sends them a anointed prophet or some kind of a messenger, because He cannot go back on His Word that He has destined for that age. But, what He does, He sends a messenger to make that part of the Word live to that age. Always does it, see. He formed His Word in the beginning. He knowed the end from the beginning. He spoke His Word. And each age, when they get in trouble, they would... they would pray, and God would send an anointed one. And that anointed one would absolutely make that promise of that age, that was foretold for that age, live. And that's what He does all the time. God never changes His program. Now, we never find God changing.
46 God settled it one time, how He would save man, that was in the garden of Eden, under the shed blood. We tried every other system, from fig leaves to education, psychology, denominations of systems, and so forth, and every bit of it has--has been rejected; and it never has worked, it never will work. God will only meet man under the shed Blood, and that's the only place that He'll ever meet him, because that was His first decision. He'll never meet man under any kind of an ethical system. He'll never, no way in the world! Just come right back to God's Way, that's what He said first. And He is infinite, cannot change, and He's always the same. That's where He meets man, and there only. That's the reason we fail to have fellowship today, that's the reason the church is so separated, because each one is separated in a system, and, when they do that, then God turns them down, right there. He wants us to meet under the Blood, where we have all things in common, down by the Cross. God's only purpose of doing it! God always sends His Word.
47 And we find, today, that the world today is just like it was in that day; finding itself, its political system, and so forth, all falling apart, and looking for a messiah that will hold it together.
48Now, the word messiah means "the anointed one," something anointed. God! This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, the whole Book was sealed with the Seven Seals of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was in Genesis; Jesus Christ was in the middle of the Book. Jesus Christ was in--in the Exodus and Genesis, and He was in the middle of the Book and He was in the--the New Testament, and in the Revelation and plumb on to the end, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's all God!
49 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
50"God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." When the Word of the Lord came to the prophets, and them only, because they was anointed with the Word, they had the right to interpret the Word. And God worked through them, proving that the Word was right. "If I the... there be one among you who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, don't hear him." That's no more than good reasoning, to any man.
51Now we find ourselves here, in the last days now, when we're looking for the Coming of the Lord again.
52 Well remember the old Baptist preacher that baptized me into the Name of Jesus Christ, when I was just a little boy. And he used to discuss this subject with me, about John the Baptist. He said, "Brother Billy," he said, "when John... When He said, 'Suffer it to be so,' and then he suffered Him." He said, "Then John, baptized... Jesus baptized John, because we know John had never been baptized, and yet he was preaching baptism." Well, that always kind of stunted me, a little.
53Then here not long ago, it was revealed to me, at this way, that there met in that pool, in that hole of water, the two greatest messengers the world ever seen: a--a man that was above all the prophets, which was John, "there never was a man born of a woman, as great as he"; and there was God, Himself, manifested in a body of flesh. And remember, and the Bible tells us that, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet." And when the Word was made flesh; here stood the prophet in the water. And the Word and the prophet came together, they knowed one another! Right. The Word Itself, made flesh, incarnate Son of God, came to the prophet, in the water.
54 Prophet said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou to me?"
55He said, "Suffer that so, for thus it is becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness."
56Notice! John, being a prophet, knowed that He was the Sacrifice. And the sacrifice must be washed before presented for sacrifice. And that's the reason He had to be baptized.
57Oh, today, it's becoming to us, that we fulfill all righteousness of our day. The hour is here. The Bible tells us what's to be happening in this day. We know what the Bible says will take place in this day. It's up to us to hold onto God until these things happen. It's the hour! Pray for the anointed one that will give us the deliverance that we are looking for, because God has promised it.
58 They rejected God's anointed Word then, and so it fall, fell apart. And again we find out, at this time, it's also falling apart again. I find out, as I said, our politics are corrupted, our church life is corrupted. What taken place? Here is what did it; when you get away from, anytime, away from God's program, you'll find corruption. It cannot stand. God's Word is infallible, and there is nothing else will take Its place, never can.
59 Our educational system, our denominational system, has took the place of the Holy Spirit leading in the church. Our great fine training of ministers and things has taken place of--of the all-night prayer meetings, and the old-time way we used to get to God. Now, instead of having preachers, we got lecturers, men knows the Word just as well, they can sit there and put It together in such a way that it's astounding how they can do it. They know the mechanics, but that ain't the Dynamics. We want the Dynamics. I don't care about the mechanics; I want to know the Dynamics. What does It do?
60I don't know how that car runs out there. It's got pistons and cylinders, and I don't know how much pressure it used. The only thing I know is the dynamics, put her out there and drive it.
61That's what we know, God made the promise, "I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy." How is He going to do it? I can't tell you. I just want to know the Dynamics of God's system. That's the main thing.
62 Today we've studied the mechanics until it's all mechanical. What good is an automobile without something in it to drive it? What good is the lights if the--if the... or the fixtures, if there is no current to go in it? See, we've got all the mechanics, we got schools and educators, and so forth, that can train a man, till he can stand in the pulpit with such manners till he's an eloquent person. That still don't bring the Power of God. Where is the Power of God that used to be to the church? Where is that pentecostal Blessing that used to flow through the churches? That's the reason our world is falling apart, because we've got away from the real principles of God, and educated men into systems and things. And that is what's got us in the condition we are today. I believe that's the reason our world is falling apart.
63 These episodes has been on the earth since the days of Noah. We find out when God's... had Noah, the prophet of righteousness, going forth with his message, there was an episode of immorality in that day, as the Bible said, "Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage." We find out, gluttonous and immorality, and so forth, taken place in that day. And then the world fell apart because the people rejected the message of God, for that day. Noah was a prophet anointed of God, sent of God, with a message from God, and he gave the people a warning before the judgment come. And they snickered and laughed, and made fun of it, and scoffed, and the whole world system fell apart, in that day, and they was drowned beneath the seas. That's right. Why? They rejected the message of the hour.
64 We find out the same thing took place in Egypt, when Moses led the children of Israel out. The whole Egyptian system had become corrupt. And we find now it taken place again, when God sent an anointed messenger down there for His Word. It was to fulfill His Word.
You say, "Was it to fulfill His Word?"
65He told Abraham that's exactly what He would do. And there had to be someone come on the scene, at that time, to make that Word live right before them. God had sent His Moses down there, and, the very thing that He promised to do, he did it, because he was the anointed Word for that hour. He said it would judge that world. God's Word said, "I'll judge that nation with great, mighty wonders and signs."
66 There stood a man, just an ordinary man like you or I, got the Word from God, and went out there and spoke creation into existence. Said, "Let..." Picked up the sand, and said, "Let fleas come from the earth." And the Word of God, through that prophet's mouth, being it was right in the hour that it was supposed to be, fleas covered the whole earth. He covered the earth with frogs, with lice. He covered it with all kinds of--of pestilence and things. Because, God made the promise, and the hour was there for it to be anointed, the anointed Word for that hour that they live in.
67That's what we need today, is not back in some seminary system, but anointed Word for the hour that we live in, to bring forth Jesus Christ to the world again. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." There is a--there is a program laid out for this day, a promise of God. And the only way that we'll ever be able to get right, is to let that Word be anointed. That's right. It's always happened. Yes.
68 We find out the great moral pollution in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. He had a man anointed. When the hand writing come on the wall, He had a man could read it.
69Days of Lot and Sodom, we find again the world falling apart. God saved what could be saved, out of it.
70In the days of Jesus Christ, we find out that man-made systems had got the world in such a condition, and their politics of that day, until, they, the whole world was falling apart, at the first Christmas.
71Now we've done the same thing, turned right back around and corrupted the Word of God, by systematic religion, till we find it falling apart. What one of them systems can we rely upon now? What system can we go to, the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal system? There is nothing at all we can do but come back to that anointed Word of the promise for this hour. These systems are frail, they're faltery. They, they're, they're man-made systems, and they will not save you. There is no Life in them. Only Life is in the Word of God. It is Life. He said so.
72And the way it was then, as they were praying, people finds themselves at the end of their journey, or the end of their ropes, as it was in the days of Noah and the days of Moses, and so forth. When they find themselves, that they can't go no farther, then they begin to pray. And when they begin to pray, God always answers. Then Jesus was born.
73 The world at that time, as I said, was falling apart. Each nation was looking for a messiah, just as we are today. Rome was looking for a great genius who could come among them, a--a great fellow who had all the military gimmicks, that he could go over there and stomp out Greece and the rest of the world. Greece was looking for the same thing, somebody who could tell them how they could conquer the rest of the world.
74The Jewish religious world of that day was looking for a general. They thought there would come a Messiah down from Heaven, with a great rod of iron in his hands, and He would beat Rome down, stomp them off and run them into the sea. And all there, they was looking for that type of a man. They wanted a general.
75 Like a whole lot like our denominations of today, our denominations are looking for a superman. Our nation is looking for a superman. Russia is looking for a superman. The eastern world is looking for one. The U.N. is looking for one. The churches are looking for one. But what kind of a one are they looking for?
76Russia is looking for a messiah that's anointed with--with brains that he knows how to conquer outer space for them, beat everybody to the moon. They want to conquer the world. That's just...
77 But, you see, when they ask these things, and ask for this, they don't ask as Jesus said. We try to make God like a--like an errand boy, "Lord, You do this for me! And You do this for me! And You go do that," tell Him what to do.
78Jesus said, "When you pray, pray like this manner, 'Our Father Who Art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done.'" Who, find where we do that? We're always wanting God to run errands for us, or do something for us. But when we're willing to say, "Thy will be done," commit ourselves to Him, commit our ways to Him. All that we are, commit it to Him. That's when God will move, when you're willing to let Him work on you, not you work on Him.
79Let Him tell you, not you tell Him and twist it around. "Come to our system, O Lord God, make all of us Methodist, all of us Pentecostal, rule over the rest of them. We want a genius, we Pentecostal people, we Methodist and Baptist." We got seminaries, building great big ones, saying, "The--the end of time is at hand, the Coming of the Lord," building millions of dollars worth of seminaries, and so forth. Trying to what? Get us a messiah. That's right.
80Let the Lord raise up something out somewhere, every denomination gets them one of the same kind. That's exactly. Find out. Watch when Divine healing struck, how many Divine healers? Every one had to be a Divine healer.
81There was one Moses in the days of that come-out. There was one Elijah, one Elisha, one Isaiah, so forth.
82 Now we find out that the world wants their own messiah. Russia want theirs, and United States wants theirs, the church world wants theirs. Each one wants their own messiah, but they want it in the way that--that they can control it. They want to have control over this messiah. Oh, sure. Yeah, they, if they could have. If God would send it in their own taste, they certainly would accept it. But you see, then, God knew their needs. He, He's not promised to send us our wants and what we ask for, but our needs.
83They wanted a general; they got a Baby. See, that's what they needed. They needed a baby (what?) to humiliate them, to humble them.
84 That's what the self-styled church needs today, humble itself back again. Got to a place, there is no confession and there is no love among the people. It seems like it's dying daily. Church is cooling off. Everywhere, you find the revival is over, and you find a cooling off. We need a humiliating. And we...
85They asked for a general; and got a Lamb. Why? That's, God knew what they needed. That's what they needed. They needed a Saviour. They thought they was saved, but God knew they wasn't.
86And that's what the world needs today, again, is a Saviour, a Saviour of this condition, something that can hold it together. Not an educated regime, some kind of a mechanical system, or some kind of an educational system. What we need is the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and saving grace, back in the church again, when men, women, boys, and girls, can be saved.
87Have we waited too long? Is there many out that will never come in? Has the last name been redeemed? Is that what's the matter today? It could be, you know. You know, it--it could easily be, and never interrupt the Scriptures, at all. It could be. So, we don't know now, let's be careful.
88 But they thought they was saved, and--and, but God knowed better than they did. And the same thing happens today.
89They had took the Word that God had give them for that day, that they ought to have knowed the day that He was coming, and had made a tradition out of It. Jesus said, "You've taken the Word of God and made It of no effect, by your traditions."
90That's the same thing that's happened today in our systematic, religious systematic world. The systems of the world has took the Word of God and made It traditional. And that's the reason It hasn't got any effect in It. There is nothing will come out of It, because It's been mixed up.
91You can't put genuine corn in something that won't, 'less it's earth, and it won't grow. You can lay it in the sun and keep it warm, you can do what you want to, but it takes a certain kind of earth. It must be in there. It must be buried. It must be under the right atmosphere, to make it bring forth.
92 And so does the Word of God! You can't take a church and bring it to life, on some tradition. You might bring members, by the millions, but you'll never bring down the Power of God until we get back to the original Word again, back to the foundational Word, back to the Blood, back to the--the Jesus Christ, back to the old-fashion prayer meetings, and back to God! We may be so far gone, now, that the hour is far passed. But, anyhow, the Gospel must be preached. We're not to judge that.
93God knew what they had need of, so He gave them what they had need of. So again, we find, what they had, we have done the same thing.
94 Russia and all the rest of them wants theirs. And the different scientists wants to make themselves a great name. Each nation wants to get its brainy man. We want ours. We want the educational system in it. We want a denominationalism. That's just exactly what we got. That's what you did. That's what you wanted, that's what God gave you. Now what you going to do with it after you got it?
95We're talking about Russia for another minute. The Russians are calling for a man who can conquer space. They're training them as fast as they can, their scientists. What if they get one, what if they get their messiah, what we going to do? And mercy on us if they get it! Remember, Germany just got such a messiah not long time, not very long ago, a Hitler. And we know what it done to them.
96 Now what about the church, what kind of a messiah is the church looking for, today? You, the church, has cried the loudest. So, what we hollering about a messiah, what are we hollering? "Revival in our time! Back this, that, and the other." What are they looking for, to do it? What more do you want? What does the church want, anyhow?
97We've already got It! God gave It to us. It's His promise for this hour. We look in the Bible, we see it everywhere through the Bible. Anointed ones come on and made that Word live again, right in the hour for that hour. And we've got the Messiah. This is Him, the Word! "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word remains God, Hebrews 13:8, "The same yesterday, today, and forever." We know what is supposed to take place in this day. We're wanting a Messiah. And God gave us the Messiah, His promised Word for this day. It's just waiting for somebody with faith, to anoint It and make It live again. Yes, sir. It's a real Messiah, It's the Word of God's. Which, Jesus said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away."
98 But the church sits spiritually dead, gone, the hour has passed them. They're in a slump, and hardly know what to do, one running this way and one that way. And here every promise that God made in the Bible, every one of them, is laying there just as good as they ever was. It's the hour! What makes the church like this? We're in the age of the Laodicea, when she has to come this way. This is the hour for it.
99 But remember, in there is the hour that the sleeping virgin come to buy Oil, and that was the same hour that the Bridegroom come. We find today, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and different denominations, that, a few years ago, you couldn't have hired to got around a bunch of Pentecostal believers. Certainly not. But there they are, today, coming in. Don't you know what Jesus said? They come in to buy Oil, and said, "Give us some of your Oil." The ones that had Oil, said, "Not so. Go buy It, lest... from them that sell It." And while they were trying to buy It, while they were trying to get It! Do you know what hour we're living in, Pentecostal people? When they come, they might have got a confusion, they might have done this, that, or the other; but, according to the Scriptures, they did not get It. While they were trying to do it, they might have went through all the emotions, and then in all the isms and the sensations, but the Devil can impersonate all those things. While they were buying It, or trying to get It, the Bridegroom came, and the ones that had Oil went in.
100 And there is the hour we're living. We never seen it before. Jesus said it would be so, then it's so! What are we seeing? We're seeing the Word, that God said would happen in this day, happen right under our faces. "Oh, then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing; let's get ready for that final call," for we don't know when it will be. Yes.
101Our world system, our church system, our denominational system, all of our systems, are polluted and corrupted. What we lack today is what they had yesterday. That's right. It seems like a drying out, of the churches, hardly can find a church anymore that's alive with the Word and with the Spirit of God, and great things taking place like it was not long ago.
102 Now, we find out that God knows what they had need of, so He--He always answers a promise. It's just this great Word that we see, a promise, they ought to have knowed that it was just exactly what God promised, that would take place in that day.
You say, "How, what was to take place?"
103Isaiah 9:6, the prophet said, "Unto us a Child is born, the Son, a Child; a Son is born, a Child is given: and His Name shall be called 'Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father'; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and of His Kingdom there will be no end."
104 We know that we was to have a Child born in that day, a virgin should conceive and bring a Child. And It didn't come through any of their systems, therefore they didn't want nothing to do with It. They rejected It. But the anointed Word, God (Emmanuel) made flesh among them, stood there, He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin, unbelief? Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." He was thoroughly identified that He was the Messiah, the Messiah to take place in that day. And the systems had--had messed the people's mind up, in so many systematic rules, and so forth, till they had made the Word of God of no effect. They couldn't see He was the Messiah.
105 And as it did it then, so has it done it again. Right. The systematics of the world, the mechanics, has got the pistons where the--where the exhaust pipe ought to be, in their big mechanics. And therefore how can it run? It can't do it. Wasn't built that way.
106The Church cannot run without the Power of God, through the Word. And the Holy Ghost will only confirm the Word of God, for that's what It's to do. The anointing is to confirm the Word.
107And Jesus was the Anointed One, the Word made flesh. That's the reason He walked out into the water there, He was the Word coming to the prophet. He was baptized by the prophet. And the prophet then raised up, and said, "I must decrease; He shall increase." We find that that's God's way of doing it.
108But did they receive It? They should have knowed It. They should have watched the acts of God. They seen the Word fulfilled. They knowed the Scriptures said it, but they couldn't believe It would come like that. It had to come either to the Pharisees or the Sadducees. If it come to the Pharisees, the Sadducees would not have received It. Vice versa, the--the Sadducees wouldn't receive It, because they said the Pharisees would have It.
109 And that's just the way it is today, our systems, and the whole thing was rotten and polluted. Oh, my! The hour that we're now living, blinded world, walking in darkness, stooped in the systems of this world, like sheep without a shepherd. When they've had the Word of the living God vindicated before them, and walked right away blindly, and leave It, how can you expect anything else? Amen. There we are.
110Then, the world is falling apart. Why? The very Word that bound it together has been rejected. We find that in Hebrews, 11th chapter.
111 Einstein said. I was listening to a lecture of him, here the other night, New York City, that he made one of his last lectures. He was talking about a constellation, a little galaxy, it was, out in the constellation. He said, "If a man started through space, traveling at a speed of light..." What is that, eight thousand... [Someone says, "Hundred and eighty-six thousand."--Ed.] A hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. "It would take him a hundred, take him a hundred and fifty million light years to get there." He found Eternity. Then said, "To come back, it would take him another hundred and fifty million years, which would be three hundred million years. And the space, that he was gone from the earth, would only be fifty years." There you are, broke into Eternity! Oh, my! The greatness of God, when He made the whole solar system!
112 And this astronaut, the other day, flying around over Russia there, and said he "seen no God, Angels." How ignorant can people be! When...
113God! And the whole solar system, He blowed it off His hands; and He sits so many million years, light years, beyond that. And the whole thing is upheld by His Power and His Word. Hallelujah! Every star has to hang to its place. Yes, sir! Then, was humble enough to come down and be made one of us, to die for us; we're without excuse. If one of them stars would happen to move from its sockets, from its orbit where it's at, if that would move, it would affect the whole system. The whole system must turn exactly the same, for one depends on the other.
114 And God's system, when it's in perfectly harmony with Him, the whole thing works perfect. That's right, because it has to.
115But the church never took God's system, it made a system of its own. That's the reason we're all out of harmony. That's the reason the church is so scrupled. That's the reason the world is falling apart today, because we've adopted our own systems. That's the reason the political world is apart. That's the reason the religious world has fell apart, is because we've adopted a system instead of taking God's Eternal plan for the ages. Amen. That's what's the matter with the world. That's exactly what's wrong, is because they've adopted something else. It's got the people so, "I'm Presbyterian. I'm Methodist. I'm Oneness. I'm Threeness. I'm..." Oh, mercy! No wonder we can't hold together, there ain't nothing to hold us together.
116 Mr. Nixon made the brightest remark I've heard any president or a vice-president make in the last few years, when he said the other day, "What's the matter with American people, they've lost love and respect for one another." As American citizens shooting one another down, in the street, how can we? My!
117If you can't different with a man, and love him the same time, then shut up. If you can't tell him, like a daddy correcting his child, with a willing arm to put it around his neck and hug him afterwards, you better leave it alone. You haven't went far enough, yourself, to know what you're talking about. Right. I can differ with a man, certainly; still he is my brother, I'll hold his hand. I can't let him get by with that; if I do, if I didn't tell him, I wouldn't be the correct brother to him. That's correct. But I can tell him, and tell him I love him, and prove it to him, I love him.
118 You don't have to shoot him down, in the street. I differ with Mr. Kennedy and--and his politics, and his religion, and so forth, but he didn't deserve that. No, sir. No, indeedy. No man deserves that.
119So, we find out the whole world is corrupted. Our nation, politics, religious systems, and everything, it's corrupted.
120It's just waiting. The Word of God, that was prophesied for this day, is waiting for somebody to come by and vindicate It. Wonder if He has already done it? Then where we at then if He had done it? If He's done it, then where we at? Most miserable!
121 I said a hard thing about Mrs. Kennedy, a couple times, about her setting fashions for the world, with these water-head haircuts, and, "How our sisters and them cut their hair, and dress like Mrs. Kennedy," I said, "like a Jezebel of old." That's true. I believe that. I--I--I feel sorry for the little mother there tonight, with her children, exactly.
122But let me ask you something. If Jacqueline Kennedy would have heard the Messages that some of you Pentecostal has, about bobbing your hair and things, she might not even had bobbed hair. You're supposed to be pentecostal, and you still do it! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. She might not do it if she had had the opportunity and heard the Message, see, you've heard. There you are. We're in a bad place, folks. That's exactly right. Yes, indeed. O God, how the morals, the thing...
123 Womanhood is one of the thing that holds our nation together. It's the backbone. And womanhood, the fine virtue that God give for a woman to be mother, why, it's--it's--it's gone. Long ago has the--has the--the--the women of this world, the virtue of them, bowed to a Hollywood fashion goddess; patterning themselves, and dressing themselves, and acting as some of these Hollywood stars does. And many times that even ungodly dressing, sex appeal, is regarded as fashions in the churches. And the pastors behind the pulpit, with not the--not the audacity, not the--the strength of the Holy Spirit; like a Lot sitting down there, vexing his soul, and in too much of a meal ticket to tell the people that it's wrong. Yeah.
124 What we need today is a rooting out. We may root out too late now. The hour might be passed. We never have another revival. I know you're looking for it, but I don't see it in the Scripture.
125I look for a Rapture, for just a handful of people. That's right, just a handful of people. They'll never be missed in the world. When they go, you'll never know it's gone. That's right. It'll come like a thief in the night.
126 And if He don't cut the work short, for the Elected sake! There is some elected to Eternal Life, we know that; all of them are, that's got Eternal Life. And if they--and if they... or then He don't cut it short, for their sake, no flesh will be saved. The world has met its doom, every two thousand years. We know the system has fell apart. It fell apart in the days of Noah. Days of Christ, it fell apart. And here is 1964 coming up, what does it leave? Thirty-six years to another two thousand; the twenty-first, twenty-first century coming up. What happens? The work still has got to be cut short. Jesus said, the--the corruption of this day, "The elected would be deceived and wouldn't be saved, if it would be possible." There we are. And the calendar tells us, according to science, that we're about fifteen years off of that. We're behind on the Roman calendar, according to the Jewish calendar, that we're fifteen, twenty years behind on that.
127So where are we at? We see nations breaking, and Israel awakening, the signs that this Bible foretold for this day. We see the mechanical things taking place. Now the Spirit, the dynamics of that promised Word, to get into His Church and drive them into Calvary yonder, and to the Rapture! And there we are.
128 No wonder we're falling apart, there is nothing... The very Thing that created the earth, the very Thing was put here for the earth to turn on, the very Thing that systems and everything else was to revolve around, this Word that, by God, framed the world. Einstein said in his, said, "There is only one explaining of the Scripture... Only one explaining for this world being in existence," said, "that is Hebrews 11, 'By faith we understand the Word of... by the Word of God, that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'" That's all. There is no one can tell how it hangs there in the air, and how it can turn around and make its twenty-four hours around the equator, so forth like that, and around its orbit, everywhere, and come back to the same spot and never miss a second. And every star turning in its cycle like that, and helping one another as they go around.
129 How that moon watches down there upon that sea! If that moon ever moved out of its place, we would be covered over with a hundred foot of water, in just a second, or two. That moon! Watch, even you could drill a hole here, you people drilling oil, drill down here. See how far the coast is from you? You drill a hole down here in the ground, and watch in the evening time, how the tide comes in, it'll bring the water up in your pipe, your salt water. Certainly. What is it? That moon controls it, yonder.
130It's God's system. It's God's plan. It's God's Commandment. But, we make our own, we won't take His. Let's hurry now, as to get through. Like then, is the same this Christmas, we do find our world falling apart. Oh!
131 God got anointed, and He promised His Word. He anointed us back there, and He told us, told them, "When He anointed Jesus Christ..." Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "Jesus Christ, a Man approved of God among you by signs and wonders, which He did in the midst of you; you yourself know." They're witnesses. Also said, "After the resurrection, and so forth, how He had done! How by wicked hands you took the Prince of Life and crucified, Who God raised up; and we are witnesses." How Nicodemus came and said, "Rabbi, we know. We Pharisees, the Sanhedrin Courts up there, we know that You're a Teacher sent from God. No man could do the things that You do unless it be of God." They knowed that promise was for there, and they knowed it was, but their systems had them so tied till they couldn't do nothing about it.
132 So is it today, the very same thing. You can't do it, you'll give up your fellowship card the first time you do it. You just mark out there on that Word of God sometime, see what happens; you are finished. You won't be popular. You'll be kicked out from among them, and everything else.
133Oh, if you got a little ministry, they'll hold you for what money they can, draw a crowd in off of your ministry, pull money and things. But just watch when it comes to the Word, watch them how they back up on That. You think a servant of God don't know that? Well, Jesus even knowed that Judas was among Him. Why didn't Jesus say something to Judas? The same reason it is today, you have to wait till that hour comes for that deceiving. That's right. They got it. They'll get it.
134 Notice, but they didn't want the way that He came, so is it today. The churches then wanted their systems anointed. The Pharisees wanted the Phariseeic system anointed, the Sadducee wanted the Sadducee system, Herodians so, so forth. That's the way today. If they'll... If God will send an anointing, and anoint the Oneness, oh, my, wouldn't they tell the Twoness about it, or a Threeness, or whatever it is? Wouldn't the Assemblies tell the Oneness about it? "I told you we were right!" The Methodist would tell the Baptist, "O boy, see, we got her!" You are wanting your system anointed.
135But God only promised to anoint His Word. Amen! I know that is scorchy, but that's what is Truth. God never changes. He anoints His Word. Yes, sir. The anointed, promised Word for that age is what God anoints. The promised Word for that age!
136 Today they want an educational system, (why?) so they can do anything they want to, and still hold their Christian profession. Oh, if they got a great big something, where you can go in, go down the lines, and things, and chew chewing gum, and--and kick one another in the side; and go out and have the recreation halls and things, where you all go out and play basketball and things like that. I ain't got nothing against basketball, baseball, football, or whatever it is, a big... if that's all your god is, is a big bag of air. But let me tell you, what we need today is the Word of God, anointed for this age, that will bring forth the Power of the Holy Ghost again. Yes, that's all right, but that don't belong in the church. No, sir. Have to build something like that, to keep the church together, you had better burn it down or kick it out, or get something in there that will bring the Word back again. And that's the things of the world, oh, mixing it with the Word of God, you cannot do it. No, sir.
137 Yes, sir, now they are wanting a system. The world will take a system. Now we find out, each little system in its own, each one of them says, "I want It to come to me. I want It to come to mine." Oh, they're getting great machines, and educating preachers, and things like that, and bringing them out, hatching them out, boy, with intellectual; till, my, a fellow feels his words, his grammar, is so bad, he hate to even go in the pulpit behind one. But what we need today is not educational system, it's not lectionaries.
138What we need today is the Gospel handled by the Power of God, to vindicate the Word of this hour, to where will come somebody who will stand up and call black "black," and white "white," somebody that will stand up and tell the Truth, whether It takes the hide off or shucks you down, or what It does. That's exactly what the--what the hour calls for, today.
139 But the people want something. The people today, women, what do they want? They want a--a--a people, a pastor, who will stand up and say, "It's all right. You can do this, or do that. Or, that's all right, there is nothing wrong with that, dear." That preacher needs a Gospel whipping; let bobbed hair, wear paint.
No, you say, "What does that got to do with It?"
140Don't you know the outside of you reflects what is on the inside? Don't the Bible say you shouldn't do that? "It's not even common for a woman to pray like that."
141 And you man want something like that? Preachers, you can't say it, because you'll give up your fellowship card, the big council will kick you out if you say something about it. God help a man that would think more of a council card or a fellowship card than he would the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the Word! How can the Holy Ghost, that wrote the Bible, deny what He wrote?
142"Well, the days of miracles, oh, we don't need that today. Divine healing, these other things, that, there is no such thing. That's fortune-telling, that's, oh, mental telepathy." You, poor, degraded, what's the matter with you? We need--need the Gospel, if the Holy Ghost is in you!
143 If I told you, "The life of Beethoven was in me," I could write music. If Beethoven lived in me, I'd live Beethoven's life. If Shakespeare was in me, I could compose poetry. I could write plays, if Shakespeare lived in me.
144And if Jesus Christ lives in you, the works that He did, and His Word, He is the Word, will confirm Itself this day, by the very promise that He give. Amen. That's what God is waiting for. That's what holds the world, apart, what holds the world together, the religious world together, is His Word, hold any of the Word together. Yeah.
145 The people wants that kind of a system, though. They're going to get it. They are already in it, right now. The World Council of Churches will give them just what they want, every one of them together. How these Pentecostals can sit in these conventions, and get in the Vatican City and write a circulated letter, and say, "The most spiritual thing I ever said, when I set beside Holy Father Pope So-and-so," and be a Pentecostal and know how... It's a dead Pentecostal movement. The whole thing is dead. It's corrupted. It's gone! It's right back in the Confederation of Churches where it belongs. Exactly right.
146 But the Church of the living God, that Bride, moves right on just the same. And She'll go in the Rapture, by the Word, that's right, the Word and the Word will come together. If we're a part of Christ, part of It, we have to be His Word, 'cause He is the Word. Right. Yes, sir.
147 They have refused the anointed Word of promise, of this age, and He is always the Word. If God sent us an anointed, promised Word again, for this age, in 1946, He would be the same He was when He come in the beginning, the anointed Word for the age. Hebrews 13:8 throws it right back in your lap, and says, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's exactly right. And we... And He would stay with the Father's promised Word for this age. If Jesus comes, He would be just exactly what the Word said It would be in this age.
148 That's what Elijah was in his age. That's what Moses was in his age. That's what Noah was in his age. That's what, everywhere, every prophet ever come. And the--the Word, when It come in fulness, the entire Word made flesh among us, It did just exactly what It said It would do in that age.
149If It come today, He would be just exactly Jesus Christ living out His promise of what He promised to do, just as the Word.
150He was the Word. Isaiah 9:6 is Jesus Christ. And when It was made flesh and dwelt among us, It lived just exactly what It did. Moses said over there, in the Book of Exodus, "The Lord your God," or Deuteronomy, "the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet, likened unto me; and it shall come to pass, whoever will not hear Him, will be cut off from amongst the--the people." And when He come, He did just exactly what the Word said He would do. And they found fault with Him, because their systems had cut It off and made the Word of God non-effective to them. See? They couldn't believe such things as That. They couldn't believe those kind of things, because it was passed the time, they thought. Oh!
151 For, He has proven His Word to be the same. He would vindicate the Word today, as He vindicated It then. He would condemn, fiercely, every denominational system in the world, if He come on the earth today. That's what He did, the first place. That would be the thing He would hit. That's exactly what He hit when He come the first place. As He did then, so would they do for this time, too. And He did then, for He never changes His Word. He never changes His system. It's always the same, It's the anointed Word each time, for the age. That's right.
152So again, as we find it today, if He come, His plans for holding the world together would be rejected just like it was then.
153 But listen, in closing, I want to say this. We are not promised a system, we are not promised a denomination, a super denomination, a super plan of some sort. But we are promised the Kingdom, an Eternal Kingdom. Amen. That's what we are promised, having Eternal Life in this Eternal Kingdom. And the Government is controlled by the Eternal King, His Eternal Word given out to His people that has Eternal Life. And the Eternal Life people feast not upon the things of the world, but it's written, that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." So when we both now... We receive this Kingdom, and we find out that, "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but this Word shall never pass away." And this Word is the Kingdom. This is the King and Kingdom, the System, the Life, it's every bit right in Here.
154 If God judges His world by a church, which church is He going to judge it by? How many is there? Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of different denominational churches. If the Catholic is right, which Catholic? If the Greek Catholic is right, then the Roman is wrong. If the Roman is right, the Greek's wrong. So, you see, if the Methodist is right, the Baptist is wrong. If the Baptist is right, the--the Pentecostal is wrong. If the Pentecostal is right, then the Presbyterian is wrong. See? So you would be all so confused.
155 But God hasn't left us without any witness or any--any--any standard that we should stand by. That's this Word! He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." That's right.
156For, "Both heavens and earth will pass away." We're told here, that, "We receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." Yes, sir. When all these worldly kingdoms are falling now, and the whole world falling apart, yet we are baptized into a Kingdom that cannot be moved. Amen. We receive a Kingdom. So, when the world falls apart, we are borned into this Kingdom that cannot fall apart. It's God's Eternal Word, and we stand on that. It can never fall apart.
157 We so hear so much about this new system going to bring, the religious system, you know, going to bring peace upon the earth, when the Catholic and all the Protestants unite together. Some of them believe in Divine healing, some don't believe, and some believe this, and some believe that. And you have to forfeit your big fuss you been fussing about all the time, your evangelical belief, to get into the World Council. And every denomination will have to come in there. So, if denomination is cursed, and to belong into it, what does it do? It throws you right back. If Rome is the mother of denomination, and she is the beast and the mark of the beast, then they made an image unto it, council, the churches all together make an image to the beast, so right straight back to the mark of the beast again! The system of the world, denominationalism, has brought up a system to bring the mark of the beast.
158 And you see it as well as I see it, that right now it's going to be forced, that, all that's not in that already set in order, the big machine sitting there; the mechanics is there waiting for Satan to get into it, with the dynamics. See? And, when it does, no man can preach the Gospel, no man, without belonging to this system. There is the mark of the beast. And remember, at that time, the Bride is gone, so you see how close it is. All right, so you see where we're at.
159You can see what: this great slump, these things they're going on about. "Oh, wake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing?" Why do you do it? Sometime you sin away your day of grace. Don't you never do that. Yes, sir.
160 Now, this system will not bring about a world peace. If that will bring about a world peace, what happened to the Prince of Peace that was the Word? It's antichrist in its teaching. It's against exactly what God stood for, what He told us. "These signs shall follow them that believe," they believe that's nonsense. Acts 2:38 is another thing, to them, they know nothing about. All the Word, and so forth, they know nothing about That, and they deny It. Fulfills exactly what the prophet said in II Timothy, the 3rd chapter, "They'd be heady, high-minded, having a form of godliness, and would deny the Power thereof, in the last days."
161 That denominational system is the mark of the beast. You've knowed. If you never heard me say it before, that's the reason I've racked it so hard. Because now I think the time is just about finished, so might as well let it come forth and tell the Truth about it. There she is. That's the marking of the beast, exactly. Rome was the beast, and she was denomination, the first organization.
162And we come out of her, we Pentecostal people, to not be partakers of it; and turned right back, "like a dog to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow," right back in. No wonder our Pentecostal system is done, and so is the Methodist's, Baptist's, World Council of Churches, and all! They're being swallowed up in the Council of Churches, making a mark or--or an image unto the beast, to give it its power. "And it had a head wounded unto death, and then live," pagan Rome to papal Rome. Oh, my, how blind has Protestants been! And here you are, right now sitting right in the midst of it. And there is nothing you can do now. The system is done formed. They'll take it and don't know they've took it. They'll just be in there, that's all. They can't get out of it. It's already done.
163 It's not foreign to people, though. It's been preached. Remember, God give a witness of it, vindicated it by His Word. The things that He said He would do, He did it just exactly. So, it's without excuse. Yes.
164It's a false mechanics. It's brought about things just exactly what Jesus did, "You by your traditions has made the Word of God of no effect." For rejecting that true Word, they're right back in the same thing again, their teachings and the same thing like they was in the beginning, and, that against Christ, teaching the Word to believers in this age and tell them to--to reject and to turn down.
165 When God made His Word flesh among His people, in the age of Jesus Christ, at the first Christmas, what did the Phariseeic moves and all them denominations? Said, "Don't you even go to one of them meetings. If you do, you'll be excommunicated when you do it."
166Don't you see how things repeated right back again? "Who is this Man? What school did He come from? What fellowship card does He have? What group does He have? Whence cometh this Man?" As, He come today like He did then. "We'll not have this Man rule over us. We'll not have nobody tell us what to do. We are Oneness. We are Threeness. We are Presbyterians. We are this. We don't have to put up with It!"
167I know you don't, but you'll either take the Word or perish! That's all. That's no other way but That, but That's what holds us together. God's Kingdom is not a kingdom of this, it's not, God's Kingdom is not a system of this world. Jesus said so. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it was, My delegates would fight." He is the Word.
168 We're like Abraham. Abraham received the Word. And anything was contrary to the Word, he called it as if it wasn't. And any true born child of God receives God's Word, and, I don't care what anybody says, what system speaks against that Word, the Word is true, anyhow.
169God is obligated to meet you on the basis of them promises. Outside of them promises, He can't meet you, because you done cut yourself off from Him. That's the reason our world is falling apart. In closing, we might say this.
170Anything that's contrary to It, it's though it wasn't. Such a man-made system, we never look at that. No, sir. Being then baptized into this Kingdom, we are now sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, oh, my, with our anointed King with us; feasting on His Kingdom, promised Word anointed and vindicated right among us. Amen. Whew! There it is, His Kingdom promise made right before us, nothing can turn you from It. No, sir.
171 Abraham, though his wife old, and him getting older all the time, didn't bother him a bit. He never staggered at the promise of God, through unbelief. No matter how much you say, "It's impossible. He can't get by with it," he stayed with It, anyhow. Because why? The King was with him, showing him the visions and showing him what would come to pass, and it happened just like He said, and he knowed that was God.
172And when God makes a promise and you see it, and He tells it and it happens, and tells it and it happens, and tells, it happens, and it never fails, it's God for the day. Oh, feasting on these Heavenly promises of His promised Word for this age, oh, knowing, with an absolute assurance of faith, that there is coming a new heavens and a new earth. Amen. "A new heaven and a new earth, for this first heaven and first earth will pass away." But in this new heaven and new earth, Paul said over here in the Book of Hebrews, the twenty-... 14:25, he said, "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." How did we get into it? Not by a religious system; but, a Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom! The King and His Word is the same, and It's within you, vindicating the hour that we're now living in. The promise that God made for this age, here we are, living with the King, sitting in Heavenly places, watching Him doing these things.
173And how can we turn from that Word, to some system? What does it do? It denies the Word. You have to receive to reject Truth, before you can have an error. That is exactly right. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
174 The hour that we're living, O God, the world is falling apart! There hangs in the hangars, bombs, there hangs the thing to do just exactly.
175The Church is ready. She is sealed in, ready to come. There will be a big outpouring of the Spirit, yes, sir, to grab that Church and take Her into the skies. Exactly. Because, see, the Church, the Word, the Bride... And, Christ, His ministry is in His Bride, which is His Body, the celestial Body, or I mean to say, the--the supernatural Body of His here on the spiritual body on earth, His Spirit is in there living His Life right out, until Him and the Church becomes one in the wedding. See, they become one. He takes them, just a little minority in the last days.
176 And then all those virgins that has slept, down through the age, they all rose, you see. Now, that is on the seventh watch, the seventh church age, the last, end time, the Laodicea, at the end, when just a little group of them went in. But, it brings all the resurrection of all those who died in their ages, living to that Word that was ordained of God and preached to happen in that day, as we went through those church ages and seen exactly the Word that would meet them in that time; how Luther raised up, how we find out, in Luther age, went forth the beast like a man's face on it, and went forth, which was a "reformer," meaning man. And, when, all ages, each one met just exactly to the requirements of God's Word.
177 And so will this age meet exactly to the sign and wonder and thing that God promised to do in this last days. And the Church Itself will be ready and will go in the Rapture with Jesus, because, "We receive a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. It cannot be moved. Heavens and earth will pass away, but this Kingdom shall never pass away." Amen. I'm glad to be, tonight, amen, tonight, in that Kingdom. Aren't you happy to be in It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my, to be in a Kingdom, That!
178Just think, what could you promise yourself today? In another ten to fifteen years, if the world shall stand, if it does stand that, every man in Shreveport, every woman, you'll have to pack a gun, on the street, with you, in your pocket, to protect yourself. The hoodlums! How you going to stop it? Try it. Well, the whole...
179 I was in New York, the other week. And went down through there, for miles, was nothing but these teen-age hoodlums with earrings in their ear, and ratted hair, leotards on, and girls with little bikinis, they called it, on like that, out on the street. And the public has to give them the right of way. Oh, what is the matter with this country? It's because it's a--a sign of a moral-decayed, God-rejected nation. That's all.
180How can you build upon the chars of some ruins like that? How you going to do it, when hoodlums walking the street and shoot the very President right out of his car?
181 And another night, a roadhouse man, up for rackets and everything, just walked right in and jumped before the Texas police force with over a hundred and something standing there, walked right in; and everybody looking at him, pulled his gun out and shoot a man in cold-blooded murder, and walk out. He'll plead "insane," and go free.
182Right in our city, a man walked right into a garage, the other day, in a little syndicate, and took a--a--a man that was a--a car dealer. He didn't like him, and he just pulled out a gun and shot him, four or five times. And he said he was insane; they let him go. If it's "insanity" pleaded for that man, then also Oswald had a chance, should have had a chance to plead insane.
183What is it, though? You see where it's at, the whole thing is a big bunch of corruption! The whole thing is guilty, and the whole world stands guilty, and the church stands guilty before God. Amen. No wonder we're falling apart!
Let us pray.
184 Lord God, here we are. The hour is here, Father. It may be later than we think. Maybe corruption has so set in, and the cankerworm has been eating, and the caterpillar, until all the Life is gone. I pray Thee, Lord, to be merciful. Grant, Lord, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in Presence now, that doesn't know You, that they will accept You just now, Father. It might be the last name that will ever go on the Book, out of Shreveport.
185 And while we have our heads bowed. Is that person here would raise up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, I am thoroughly convinced that what you said is right. The world is falling apart, and we receive a Kingdom that cannot fall apart. And, as for me, I am not sure whether I'm in that Kingdom, or not."
186Don't you rely upon whether you have had some kind of an emotional work-up. Don't you rely upon whether you spoke in tongues. I believe in those things. Sure, I believe in speaking in tongues. But I've heard devils speak in tongues and give the interpretation to it, write in unknown tongues, witches, see. You can't go by that.
187But if the Life of Jesus Christ is in you, It'll live Itself out, believing every Word of God. Because, He can't deny Himself, He is the Word.
188Now, if He is the Word, and He is in you, and then you say, "Well, Brother Branham, I tell you, I just can't take That. I don't believe This, these things are for this day," and here It is promised for this day, oh, my brother, you've been deceived. Some spirit has got upon you and deceived you.
189 Lady, if you, or man, or whoever you are, if those things that's so real, real in the Word, that Jesus Christ died for; not just to have a church or to have an emotional bunch, but to have a bunch that's got His Spirit, living in Him; His Bride, His Word is in there, every Word is true. And you know It doesn't operate through you that way, you know there is things, in the Bible, that you just can't believe to be so; and you want to be remembered in prayer? Now with every eye closed, every head bowed, I wonder, if at this late hour when...
190It may be almost passed feeling time, see, because there will come a time like that when the Spirit of God will be withtaken from the earth, there will be no more. The Church will remain a while, that's right, preaching, 'cause it has to preach to the Eternal lost, just as every ministry did, coming down through the age. The last part of every ministry preached to the Eternal lost. And there will be a ministry now that will preach to the Eternal lost after they have refused to receive It.
191 But if there still seems to be a spark in your heart, that you would like to have Christ in you, and all the world dead, would you raise up your hand, say, "Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham." The Lord bless you. Yes, yes, ten or fifteen hands. Would there be another before we pray? Now we're fixing to close, in about two or three minutes. God bless you, young lady.
192Just think of it, think, think of it, what if it would be too late? What if you're the last person He'll ever knock on the door?
193She is falling apart, we know that. You can't stay here, that's one thing sure. You can't stay here. You're going. Just mark it, you are going. And if you're...
194 Just don't be worked-up. Don't say, "I belong to church." You be sure of That. If Christ doesn't live you, in you, till you're... all your mind, heart, soul, body.
195You, you say, "Well, I think..." You haven't got no thought coming, brother. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you! "I think the days oughtn't to be... I think this oughtn't to be. I think the Word don't mean this." We have no thought coming.
196If the mind of Christ is in us, then we will recognize that Word to be the Truth, and It lives right through us. You can't help it, It's Christ!
197Take the life out of a watermelon vine and put it in a pumpkin vine, it'll bear watermelons. You can't keep it from it, 'cause the life in it is.
198And if--and if you say, "Well, I don't believe That, the--the Word here," then that ain't the Spirit of Christ. See, there is some other spirit in you.
199 Is there another before we pray? God bless you. God bless you, and you, you. Yes, that's good. Now, somebody else, just a moment now. God bless you, young fellow. You, little lady. You, sister. God bless you, and you. All right, is there another? God bless you, back there.
200Don't be afraid now. Don't be ashamed now. Tomorrow night may be too late. See? It might be tonight that heart stops beating. It might be tonight you turned It away, your last time.
201 How many in here doesn't have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, raise up your hands, you know that--that you don't have It? My! That's the way you go in. The Holy Ghost is Christ. That's how you are sealed into the Kingdom, Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." And if you--and if you have thoughts of this Bible, that It isn't true, then the spirit in you is not Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word.
202There is the Kingdom that cannot be moved, that's the Word. That's the Kingdom that cannot be moved. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not." If the Word is in you! "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you; ask what you will, it'll be done for you. Works that I do," Saint John 12, 14, "the works that I do, shall you do also; even more than this, because I go to the Father. Yet a little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
203Watch what His works was, see if it's returned to us in the last days. Have they rejected It? Worldwide! And the world is falling apart again, this Christmas, like it was that Christmas.
204 Our Heavenly Father, there was many hands went up here tonight, maybe thirty or forty, in this little group of people, went up tonight, that they knew they wasn't just where they should be. They knew that You did not dwell in them, in the Measure. Some, maybe something in the Bible, they say, "I just... I--I--I accept It because I--I just think maybe I ought to."
205But, Lord, You promised that You would be the Word, and You are the Word. "And I will come to you, and make Myself known unto you." We find that Your systems, Your system, never changes.
206When You come in the Old Testament, You said, "The Word came to the prophets." And when It did, they prophesied and It come to pass, because It was God.
207 Now we realize that when You sent us away, and commissioned us to go into all the world and to make disciples, and You said, "When He the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will bring these things that I have taught you, unto your memory." That's, again! "And will show you things to come." Still! "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets; in this last days through His Son, Christ Jesus." The Holy Ghost Itself, coming, a Revealer of the written Word, and a Shower of things to come! It said, "The Word of God," in Hebrews 4, "is sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."
208And sinful and church man, today, can sit and see You do the same thing, and call It an evil spirit, just like they did in the days gone by. "If they call the Master of the house 'Beelzebub,'" and we see it.
209Lord, God, what more can we do now? There is hungry hearts here that's raised their hands. Take them right now, Lord, fill each heart with Thy love. Grant it.
210 And while we have our heads bowed. If you that raised your hands would like to come around the platform here, don't--don't put it off, see. Just this next moment now, just get right up, real quick, and come here, just stand. This might be the night that you receive the Holy Ghost.
211Friends, look, this isn't going to last all the time. It, it's going to end. It's ending right now, and it may already ended. But as long as you're trying to desire to get to Christ, then there surely is something there, yet, pulling you that way.
212 Won't you come now and stand right here for prayer? You that desire to, would walk right up around the altar, just a moment, while we keep our heads bowed. Now the people are coming right up. That's right, come right up around the altar. Say, "The world is falling apart, I don't want no world in me. I want a Kingdom in me, that cannot fall apart."
213Jesus said, "There is nothing will be lost. I'll raise it up again at the last days. Yes, I'll raise it up." He promised, so you cannot fall apart. God is going to raise it up. I don't care what it is, He is going to raise it up.
214 Did you know there is nothing can be annihilated by man? Nothing can be annihilated. You say, "What about fire, when it's burning up something?" It don't annihilate it. It's just the atoms in there breaking those chemicals apart, and you get heat from it. It goes right back to its original condition, the way it was in the beginning; acids, gases, lights, and so forth, as it was. You can't annihilate nothing. If--if the world stood long enough, it might come right back to another piece of paper, or another tree, or whatever you're burning. See, you can't annihilate it. God has made it so.
215Oh, you can't annihilate God's creation, that's exactly right, so how much more can He raise up that what He has promised!
216Won't you come? Will there be some more now? There is a little group here, not half what held their hands up. I thought you really meant it when you raised your hands, especially on a Message like that.
217 How many of you in here, now with your heads bowed, knows this, that you have seen God keep His promise, right here across this platform, and knowed the secrets of the heart? One, not one time has He ever told anything but what happened. You know that's true. In the meetings, everywhere, just exactly what Jesus Christ did when He was here on earth, He has done it again. You know that. You're aware of that. I was thinking of His healing.
218 Two weeks ago, before I went to New York, there was a lady come in with a cancer in the throat. The Holy Spirit spoke to her, in the meeting. Here she was there, Sunday, with a cancer in a piece of a rag, she had coughed it out. The doctors looked at it, and said, "The life went out of the cancer, and it's come loose." And she coughed it out.
219Another one had a cancer in the female glands. And she had it right there, with an enlarged picture, with the doctor's statement with it. She had passed it, two days later.
220 A little fellow standing there, that hadn't had no memory, from--from months and months and months. He had fell and hurt the back of his head. He didn't even know who he was or where he was at. With just a word of prayer, and laid hands on him, I said, "What's your name?"
He said, "Billy Dukes."
I said, "How old are you?"
He said, "Nine years old." Said, "Where am I at?"
221The Power of God! Wish you had been with me in Colorado, a few weeks ago, when something happened that would shake you, to know what it was. We're at the end time, friend.
Don't, don't put this off any longer. Come. If there is another one here, come up. Will you? Will you come?
222 Now, if you're not coming, see, I--I can't, I--I--I--I... All I can do is just tell you the Truth, see, then it's up to you. Like Noah, he went in, the ark shut behind him, nothing happened for a while; but the world perished on the outside, and the world went right on living just the same. See?
223Pilate went right on, after he had crucified Jesus. I'll preach on that, in a few nights, "blood on your hands," the Lord willing.
Notice now, is there another one, before we close?
224 Now I'm going to ask the real consecrated women and men, who knows God, to come down and stand here and lay hands on these people. This might be the last time that they'll ever have this opportunity. Some of you consecrated people that know God, come up and stand with these people. They're having pink cards on them, nearly every one of them, that means that they're, they're strangers among you. I think that's right. Come, lay your hands on them. Some of the Life Tabernacle members, come here. Some of you brethren up here want to come? Come on, this is the hour. Don't you--don't you love this, people? My! Where is our zeal? Where is our something that makes us move on? What's the matter?
Now if the audience will wait just a moment, to this prayer.
225 You people standing here, now look, don't you rely upon some emotion, although it has emotion in It. Don't you rely upon whether you're going to speak with tongues, or not. Don't think nothing about it. God will take care of that, see. You ask for Jesus Christ to come into your life and to live Hisself through you. You don't want more thoughts of your own. You want His thoughts. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." Oh, this is...
226This, well, you're just going to hear these things the last time, once. Now look, I want all the audience to stand to your feet, out there. Now, you dear people that come up here for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, there is no working tomorrow. This is your soul, brother, sister. This is your Eternal destination. This, it's either now or never. And as long as you feel that one little draw! And just think of these Truths, they're laying right before us. Don't be dead on those things, folks. It's real. It's proven, real, perfect every time. And it's the Word, confirmed!
227 I'm looking at a man standing right here. I can't think of his name. I believe it's Blair, Reverend Blair. When I was over at Hot Springs, here not long ago, I picked up out there in the audience, that man setting there, and an evil spirit was trying to get to that man, to make him doubt me. Now watch what happened. I said, "You might need me sometime, see." It wasn't but just a few weeks ago until his wife called me, the man was dying. See?
228And the man accepted, he knowed then it was the Devil trying to get him to believe It was some kind of a hoax or something. "But how would he know that?" he thought. So then he... By prayer we drove the evil from him.
229 And then a few weeks ago, see, Satan knowed that that time was coming, where he would be laying there with swelling in his side, I believe his wife said, or something, with a high fever, delirious in his head; know not what it was, some infection in his side, swell his sides out. And his little wife called me at Tucson. I said, "Sister, have you a handkerchief?" I believe she had something another there, a little scarf or something. I said, "I--I can see it. Take this and lay it on Brother Blair, in the Name of the Lord Jesus." And he had asked her to come call.
230What if Satan would have succeeded and make him disbelieve, and knowing that was there? He wouldn't be standing here tonight with his Bible over his heart. See?
231It's Satan trying to make you disbelieve This. That's right. Don't you listen to it. Remember, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, these things are proven so.
232Now let's just all, you here at the altar, let's just raise up your hands, and say, "Lord Jesus, help me right now," each one praying.
233 Our Heavenly Father, we are assembled here, O God, it's between death and life, for these people standing here. Let the Holy Ghost come into their life right now. May there come the Power of God, that's brought them up around this altar, may It come to them in the resurrection of Christ, and will give to them that great Eternal Life that they are seeking for. Lord, churches everywhere are dying, spiritual water seems to be taken off of the earth. And while there is an opportunity for these people to come beneath the Fountain, grant, Lord, that their parching souls, tonight, that's hungering and thirsting for God, may be filled with the Holy Ghost right now. Grant it, Lord. Let Thy mercies and grace be upon them.
234 Now just--just keep your head... keep praying, just keep praying. Everybody, see, just keep praying. I pray for you. I'll do all I can, but I can't give you the Holy Ghost. God has to do it. Look, form Christ right before you, in your mind. Look out there and see if you see Christ before you, as you close your eyes. Then walk right into Him, and say, "Lord Jesus, here I am. You and I are going to be one, from this on. I'll take every Word that You've told me tonight." Now just stay there, just keep staying, if you stay tonight, tomorrow, the next day, just stay until it's all over, praying, believing that God will fill you with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
235Come here, Don, lead them in a prayer. God bless you, Don.