Keď som počul o vrahovi Prezidenta Kennedyho, toto Posolstvo prišlo na moje srdce. Myslel som si, čo ten muž urobí? A teraz žiadna cesta von z toho. Možno sa teraz zobudil o tomto čase a uvedomil si, čo leží pred ním. A ty sa raz zobudíš. Tu, alebo pri páske, kdekoľvek si, raz sa zobudíš, hriešnik, a uvedomíš si, že Krv je na tvojich rukách, Krv Syna Božieho, a že si vinný Jeho vraždy. Tvoj hriech Ho zavraždil. Tvoja nevera v Jeho Slovo, tvoja neschopnosť vidieť Jeho identifikáciu, zarmútil si Svätého Ducha. A čo môžeš robiť okrem stáť na Súde Božom, vediac, čo sa ti stane! Áno, krv Johna Kennedyho na rukách Oswalda bude menšia vec, než Krv Ježiša Krista na tvojich rukách, keď sa postavíš pred Bohom.
"Čo urobím s týmto Ježišom zvaným Kristus?" Pilát povedal. On bol umiestnený na jeho rukách. Krv Ježiša Krista je umiestnená znovu na rukách tohoto zhromaždenia. Je umiestnená na rukách tohoto národa, a okolo tohoto sveta, kde sa dostali tieto pásky a veci, ktoré boli potvrdené a dokázané Bohom. No čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je zvaný, "Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky"? Čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom? Ste pripravení zaujať svoje miesto po Jeho boku?
Pilát, a tá istá vec, ktorú urobil Pilát, to pripomína tri veci, ktoré môžeš urobiť ty s Ním. Pilát vyskúšal všetky tri, a nepodarilo sa mu to. Tri schémy, ktoré sa môžeš pokúsiť urobiť, ale nikdy to nebude fungovať. Pilát sa pokúšal dostať Ho zo svojich rúk. Ale keď je raz umiestnený na vašich rukách, je na vašich rukách. Pilát skúšal tri rôzne spôsoby, a neuspel. Musíme čeliť faktom, že On je na našich rukách. Videli sme Ho v Jeho Slove. Vidíme Ho, ako sa potvrdzuje. Vieme, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Je to tak?
1 Pán ti žehnaj, brat Vayle. Dobré ráno, priatelia. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Dobré ráno, brat Branham." – pozn.prekl.] Vždy meškám. Billy mi hovoril, že toto ráno mám, že mám okolo tridsať súkromných rozhovorov, a mal som dva z nich, takže, myslím, že dva alebo tri. Tak ja sa proste nemôžem dostať ku každému, viete, a ľudia čakajú, a čakali na zozname mesiace a mesiace. A Pán tam robil veľké veci. Ó, On je -- On je náš Boh, však? ["Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
2 No, som si istý dnes ráno, že sme si všetci vedomí toho veľkého smútku, ktorý sa stal tomuto národu, zo straty nášho prezidenta, pána Kennedyho. Hoci som nesúhlasil s týmto mužom v jeho politike a v jeho náboženstve, ale napriek tomu si nezaslúži zomrieť takýmto spôsobom. Nie. A zanechať po sebe tieto malé deti, a žiaden otecko. A matku, ktorá... Pani Kennedyová, hoci by som s ňou určite nesúhlasil, a jej spôsoby a veci, možno ... ale pamätajte, ona je matka. Ona práve stratila svoje deti, a stratila svojho manžela. A on padol rovno do jej lona, a krv jej vlastného manžela vytiekla na jej lono. To je hrozné.
3 Pomysleli ste si niekedy... Niekedy si myslíme, že ona udáva krok tomuto národu, v štýloch a rôznych veciach. To tiež môže tak byť. Ale vedeli ste, pani Kennedyová nikdy nepočula žiadne z týchto posolstiev, ktoré som o tom kázal. Ak by mohla jedno z nich počuť, mohla by robiť inak. A niektoré z našich sestier, ktoré to počúvajú, a stále majú problém vyrovnať sa s tým. Vidíte? Ona bola vychovaná ako katolíčka; to je všetko, čo ona pozná. Nič proti tomu, vidíte. Ona... To je systém. Nič proti ľuďom, katolíkom. To je systém, katolícky systém, tak ako presbyteriánsky, metodistický, alebo ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných, vidíte, alebo letničný, ktorýkoľvek. To je systém, nie ľudia.
4 Pán Kennedy, myslím, urobil dobrú robotu ako prezident. A moje srdce súcití s jeho ženou. A som z toho naozaj smutný, že dokonca náš vlastný národ, vrahovia a tak ďalej v našom národe, by urobili takúto vec.
5 Ak nemôžete súhlasiť s nejakou osobou, dobre, a zobrať svoje vlastné stanovisko; a nie je dôvod zabiť iného človeka, len pre tieto veci. A tie malé deti vedia, povedali, ten malý chlapec povedal, "Teraz sa nemám s kým hrať. Ocko odišiel." Vidíte?
Tak, vždy som si myslel, že jedného dňa sa to stane mne. Skoro sa to už stalo niekoľkokrát, ako viete, že som mohol byť zastrelený, v iných krajinách; keď ľudia museli svojimi telami robiť okolo mňa múr, aby ma ochránili pred zastrelením, z diaľky.
6 Tak, ak človek zomiera takýmto spôsobom ... Ale, to je cena, ktorá je zaplatená, ktorá ide na slávu rôznych vecí. Vidíte? Myslím, že dosahujeme v priemere, že každý štvrtý prezident, jeden zo štyroch, je zavraždený, a ja sa kvôli tomu cítim veľmi zle. Je to hanba, že máme takúto osobu v Amerike, ktorá urobila takú vec.
7 A teraz, ešte, ako som povedal, nesúhlasil som s jeho politikou. Ja... ja ne... nesúhlasil som s jeho predstavami o tom, čo sa snažil robiť. Ale, vidíte, on je iný muž. Nesúhlasil som s jeho systémom náboženstva. Ja som s týmto určite nesúhlasil. Ale, jednako, on bol takto vychovaný. To je to, čo to bolo. Ako som povedal, možno, keby bol počul niečo iné, mohlo by to byť inak.
8 Máme tu vec, ktorú robíme, že kdekoľvek jeden z našich ľudí zomrie, alebo niečo, dokonca hoci vonku... myslím ako americká cirkev, ako telo Američanov...
Americkí ľudia zvolili pána Kennedyho za prezidenta. A to bolo... To je dôvod, prečo máme demokraciu. Ja som nevolil pána Kennedyho. Volil som pána Nixona, lebo som poznal pána Nixona, osobne. A mal som ho rád, a volil som jeho, osobne, lebo sa mi páčil. Ale ľudia tejto krajiny, Američania, moji spoluobčania tohto národa, zvolili pána Kennedyho. A spôsob, akým to urobili, nuž, to je medzi nimi a Bohom, ale toho je toľko.
9 Ale myslím, v záujme tejto matky, ľudskej bytosti, matky detí, pani Kennedyovej, mohli by sme povstať na chvíľu a pomodliť sa za ňu?
10 Pane Ježišu, my ľudské bytosti, my máme súcit jeden s druhým. A je nám ľúto, Pane, že náš prezident bol zastrelený takým spôsobom, chladnokrvnou vraždou. A nám je tak ľúto, že náš národ prišiel do tohoto bodu, že takíto ľudia sú v našom národe, ktorí dokážu zabiť ľudskú bytosť chladnokrvnou vraždou; ako nedávno zabili toho farebného brata, a jednoducho ho chladnokrvne zastrelili, kvôli rasovým predsudkom. A nám je tak ľúto, že takíto ľudia existujú medzi nami, Pane. My, naša slabosť, toto priniesla.
11 A my sa modlíme za pani Kennedyovú, tú manželku toho, prezidenta. A vieme, že tie malé deti vyhliadajú na ich otca, ktorý ich opustil a niekoľko dní predtým to bol šťastný muž a šantil a hral sa s nimi na podlahe. Teraz oni nemajú otca. A pre tú ženu, ktorá... jeho manželku, ktorej vlastný manžel padol rovno do jej lona, a jeho krv vytekala na jej šaty; práve pochováva svoje dieťa.
12 A ešte, Pane, my môžeme veriť, že tá žena je v zlom, kvôli spôsobu, ktorým udávala krok v národe, svojím obliekaním a tak ďalej; ale to mohlo byť pre Američanov, v celku, to je to, čo oni chcú. Tak my sa modlíme za ňu, dnes ráno, aby si jej pomohol. A nech je chvíľa v tejto hlbokej bolestnej strate, že nájde, čo je Pravdou, Ježiša Krista! Udeľ to, Pane, Ty, ktorý jediný môžeš dať pokoj a útechu v hodine súženia.
13 A pomôž nám, Pane, pokračovať, aby sme boli celým srdcom, svietiacim svetlom, ktoré ... nevieme, kedy alebo aký vplyv my môžeme mať na niekoho iného. A daj nám svietiť Svetlom Kristovým, kým On príde. A potom ten Veľký Pastier stáda, ktorý pozná všetku spravodlivosť, odplatí každý hriech, a On bude vedieť, ako to urobiť. A dovtedy, porúčame sa do Tvojich rúk, Tvojej lásky a milosti, ktorú si zjavil nad nami. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
14 Áno, nemyslím si, že si nejaký muž zaslúži takto zomrieť. No, pán Lincoln si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť. Pán McKinley si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť. Huey Long si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť; žiaden z týchto mužov. Neverím tomu. Vrahovia, to je zlé. Naši chlapci nebojovali za morom pre niečo také. Naša zástava nebola vyzdvihnutá pre niečo takéto. My nie sme americkými občanmi pre niečo takéto. Nie. Hoci, náš národ je zdeformovaný a trýznený hriechom, to je to, čo spôsobuje tieto veci. To je hriech.
15 No, dnes máme... chystám sa vyučovať nedeľnú školu, a pár vecí, ktoré by som rád spomenul cirkvi. A to je, prvá vec, bol by som rád, keby ste mi odpustili, že vás všetkých držím tak dlho v nedeľné rána, keď mám tieto Posolstvá. A potom, keď Pán bude chcieť... Dôvod, prečo to robím, je, že som tu medzi svojimi ľuďmi a vyučujem náuky tak mocne ako viem. Neučím tieto náuky vonku na iných miestach. Ja len stojím na hlavných základoch Evanjelia. Ale tieto náuky, ktoré sú silné, neučím ich vonku, na iných miestach. A potom, tu, trvá mi to hodinu, niekedy, dve alebo tri hodiny, dostať sa cez moje Posolstvo. A držím vás tu niekedy, do pol jednej, jednej hodiny. A to je stále menej, ako som zvykol robiť. Kázaval som celú noc, skoro, niekedy. Išiel som, začali sme, veľakrát o ôsmej a išli sme domov nasledujúce ráno o druhej alebo o tretej, tak je to, zo zhromaždení.
16 Ale idem sa pokúsiť, keď prichádzam znovu k vám, a len malé... kázanie namiesto tak veľa vyučovania tohoto, dokiaľ vám to neoznámim dopredu, že to bude niečo. Lebo, mám Sedem Trúb, verím, prichádzajú, ktoré sa viažu rovno so Šiestou Pečaťou. Keď znela Šiesta Pečať, všetkých Sedem Trúb vyšlo naraz, vidíte. A tak my... rád by som to dostal do cirkvi pred Jeho Príchodom, ak... alebo mojím odchodom, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, ak budem môcť.
17 No, ak to urobíme, potom vám to oznámime dopredu. A možno potom, ako vidíme dnes ráno, chodby sú preplnené, a steny, a okolo ... Pokúsime sa - máme teraz miesto, tu hore, možno sa nám ho podarí prenajať. To pojme okolo tritisíc ľudí, a je to pekné auditórium školy rovno nad nami. A Sedem Trúb, pokúsime sa ich kázať tam hore v tej škole. A to poskytne veľa miesta na sedenie, vidíte, takže môžeme dostať ľudí dovnútra.
18 Chceme oznámiť, ako sme v New Yorku ... prežili sme tam práve úžasné chvíle. To Morrisovo Auditórium tam, museli sme každý večer jednoducho posielať preč tých ľudí. Oni sa vo vnútri tlačili. Požiarnicky... Muž, ktorý vlastnil to miesto... Veliteľ požiarnikov by zatvoril to miesto, keby sme ich nechali stáť, takto natlačených vo vnútri. A potom sme ich museli poslať preč. A ľudia vonku na ulici, chodili hore dolu po ulici, modlili sa, aby sa niekto unavil a vstal a vyšiel von, tak, aby sa oni mohli dostať dovnútra a dostať miesto. Vidíte? Iba jedna osoba, oni len čakali tam vonku na jednu osobu, aby sa dostali dovnútra. A ten, ktorý je pri dverách, a potom oni takto jedného vpustili dnu. Keď niekto vstal a išiel von, musel ísť skôr domov, nuž, oni vojdú a aspoň toľko môžu mať diel na tom zhromaždení. Vidíte, oni prišli. To je veľmi fajná, fajná skupina ľudí. A ja verím, že svet, kresťanská cirkev, je hladná po Bohu.
19 No, ja-ja verím, že... Ďakujem ti, brat. Verím, že Boh nám udelí tú možnosť, kde môžeme prísť spolu a mať tých posledných Sedem Trúb. Rád by som bol vedený robiť tieto veci, tak potom vy budete vedieť.
20 Potom na raňajkách Obchodníkov plného Evanjelia... Obyčajne, ich miestna skupina tam, myslím, že hovorili, že mali niekde od päťdesiat do sto na svojich raňajkách. A to ráno predali tisíc sedemsto lístkov, a ostatné miesto nechali na státie. A každá chodba a okolo stien, a hore a dolu schodmi, všetko bolo obsadené ľuďmi. A nejakí kazatelia s vysokou hodnosťou, pár kňazov, a tak ďalej, boli tam, aby počuli Posolstvo. A tak, ja rozumiem, verím, že to trochu pomohlo. Mohlo to urobiť trochu viac, lepšie než sme si skutočne mysleli, že to bude.
21 No, potom, dnes večer... Budeme mať... Posolstvo dnes večer, ak Pán bude chcieť, na tému, ako, o vašom stave s Kristom. A teraz to bude...To bude krátke. Chceme začať, chcem byť na pódiu o pol ôsmej. Ak... Kedy obyčajne začínate, o pol ôsmej? [brat hovorí, "Začíname o pol ôsmej, ale začneme o siedmej." – pozn.prekl..] Ó, o siedmej, a ja budem na pódiu o pol ôsmej, a to by som mal skončiť do pol deviatej, ak Pán bude chcieť, lebo ja len... budem sa tak ponáhľať ako len budem môcť, idem si to hneď začať trénovať.
22 Ďalšia vec je, možno sú tu nejakí cudzí, ktorí počujú, že ľudia sa smejú. Lebo, snažím sa dostať preč odtiaľto, ale nedokážem to. Je to druh... Dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale moja mama hovorievala, keď sú ľudia takto spolu, je to ako čirokový sirup v chladné ráno. Viete, je to tučné a tečie to pomaly. A takto to s tým je. Ja tečiem pomaly v týchto Posolstvách, lebo sladkosť Božej cukrovej trstiny, viete, akoby nás to stužovalo spolu. A ja ne... nechcel by som to nijak inak. Chcem to práve takto. Kde, pamätám sa, že sme zvykli stáť a spievať tú pieseň.
Nech je požehnené puto, ktoré spája
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Naše obecenstvo spriaznených myslí
Je ako to Hore. Vidíte?
Keď sme od seba oddelení,
spôsobuje nám to duševnú bolesť;
Ale stále sa budeme v srdci radovať,
A dúfať, že sa stretneme znovu.
23 A verím, že to bude vždy naším cieľom tu. Mnoho tých starých svätých zaspalo odvtedy, ale my sa stále radujeme v srdci. A myslím, že to videnie v to ráno, vidieť ich tam, a požehnanie a sláva tých mladých postáv mužov a žien, stále vyzerajú tak, ako vyzerali tu, keď boli tu na zemi. Myslím, že čakajú na náš príchod. Jedného dňa sa k nim pripojíme, keď bude Boh chcieť. No, ja...
24 A pamätajte, služba, služba piesní začne o siedmej dnes večer, namiesto o pol ôsmej.
A potom, budúci týždeň som v Shreveporte, Louisiana, a tam, v Life Tabernacle v Shreveporte, Louisiana. A myslím, že oni sa pokúsia dostať to auditórium oproti v ulici. Brat Moore volal včera večer, povedal, že oni... Je to výročné zhromaždenie, a očakávajú veľké množstvo ľudí.
25 Chcel by som dať malé svedectvo, predtým, než prečítam Písmo. Nejaká pani tu jedného dňa sedela, tam bolo... Poviem vám, čo je vplyv, keď sa niekto modlí za druhého. Len som sa náhodou pozrel dolu a videl som inú pani, práve som ... sedela tu Margie Cox, manželka brata Rodneyho Coxa ... A myslím, že to bolo minulý týždeň, Duch Svätý dával rozpoznávanie po tejto budove. Viete, ako ľudia hovoria. A ona sedela... Ona tu práve teraz sedí. Ale ona bola tam niekde na druhej strane. A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bola pani, ktorá bola zavolaná, ktorá mala cukrovku. A Margie bola... A vo videní to bola Margie. A Margie stála tam; a ešte som sa pozrel dolu, videl som ju, a to bolo... A myslel som si... A pozrel som sa, aby som videl tú ženu, a Margie bola vo videní, ale svetlo bolo nad tou ženou. Tak som to sledoval.
26 A myslel som si, no, ak zavolám Margie, oni povedia, "Samozrejme, že, iste." Nikto, kto ich pozná, povie, "No, on-on... Jej manžel je jeden z jeho dôverných priateľov. Žijú spolu, spia spolu, poľujú spolu, a-a všetko. Samozrejme, preto to on vie." Ale Margie to nevedela. Ale zavolal som tú druhú pani, ktorá bola... verím, bola to sestra z Chicaga, ako som sa neskôr dozvedel.
27 Ale potom sa stalo, že v jej... tej továrni robili testy na cukrovku. A ona mala cukrovku. A tak predvčerom sa vybrala kvôli tomu na kliniku. A tak, keď to spomenula, vtedy som jej pripomenul toto. A povedal som, "Poď sem, sestra Margie." A povedal som jej o tom, ako strácala cit vo svojich rukách, a ako je to skutočne zlý pocit ...
Tá malá pani pracuje deň a noc, takmer, tam hore, do... verná malá matka, aby pomohla svojmu manželovi platiť za ich domov, ktorý sa snažia stavať. A jej sestra, Nellie, a Charlie, to je Rodneyho brat, jeho manželka, a všetci pracujú spolu tam v tej továrni, tak ťažko ako len môžu. A nesú pohanenie. Nechali si rásť vlasy, zotreli si make-up, takéto veci, keď sa stali kresťankami. Ja verím, že je dobre vyjadriť uznanie, kde je uznanie zaslúžené. A skutočne mám teplé miesto v srdci pre tieto dve mladé ženy.
28 A potom som ju vzal za ruku a modlil som sa za ňu. A ona tam šla a oni nemohli nájsť nikde ani stopu po cukrovke. Je to preč, tak.
Pani, ktorá bola zavolaná, sedela práve tu niekde, a bola to sestra menom Bruce. Nevidím ju dnes ráno, ale ona bola vždy... Ona je veľmi takou ženou, ktorá sa modlí. A táto žena vošla dnu, posledne keď som tu bol, a nedávali sa žiadne modlitebné lístky, ani nič, tak tam nebol nikto, žiadna modlitebná rada, tak oni len... Duch Svätý len vyvolával zo zhromaždenia.
29 A táto slečna Bruce, ona sama bola raz uzdravená z rakoviny - a ona proste stále mala na srdci bremeno za niekoho iného a práve sa modlila. A tam bola pani z Louisville, ktorá zomierala, na rakovinu v hrdle. A zatiaľ čo sa ona modlila, Duch Svätý šiel rovno k tej žene, zavolal ju, a urobil to, že jej povedal, kto ona je, a aký je jej problém, a o tom, že má rakovinu, a povedal, že to bude v poriadku. A tá pani šla domov.
Pár dní po tom, začala sa dusiť na smrť, takmer, hrdlo jej opuchlo. Silno zakašľala a rakovina vyskočila vonku. A ona je zdravá. Vidíte?
30 Čo sa stalo, vidíte, opuchlina, to je zhubný nádor, ktorý má v sebe život. Vidíte? Rakovina, to je zo slova, z medicínskeho názvu "rak (krab)", čo znamená, že to má veľa nôh, ako krab, ktorého vytiahnete z mora a to z vás saje vašu krv. A ten zhubný výrastok v jej hrdle mal, to bolo, to je to, čo to robilo.
No, vidíte, ja sa nezaoberám s výrastkami. Ja sa zaoberám so životom, ktorý je v tom výrastku. Vidíte? Ten život, ktorý je v tom výrastku, je to, s čím sa zaoberám. Vidíte? "V mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov." Slovo diabol je "trýzniteľ", tela. A toto bol diabol. A potom, keď ten život vyšiel von z toho výrastku, samozrejme, že ten výrastok sa začal nadúvať.
31 Tak ako nejaký malý pes, ktorý je zrazený na ulici, niečo také, nechajte to tam ležať na slnku niekoľko dní, potom, a to bude dvakrát také veľké.
No, to je to, čo spôsobovalo, že tej malej žene bolo horšie. Mnohokrát som to vysvetľoval. Keď je vám horšie, to je práve ten znak, že ste uzdravení, vidíte. A tak to sa len stále zhoršovalo, a dusilo ju to, lebo sa to nadúvalo. A... ale to muselo zostať uvoľnené, ten život bol z toho preč. A jej kašeľ, takýto, vidíte, [brat Branham kašle – pozn.prekl.] takto, vyskočilo, potlačilo to preč zo zvyšku jej tela. A tá mŕtva hmota, len to telo bez života, rakovina odišla, vyskočila, vidíte, vypadla.
32 Tak, to je, to telo potom vyšlo. To nebol diabol, ktorý vyšiel von. To bol dom, v ktorom on žil. On vyšiel kvôli viere tej ženy v to, čo jej bolo povedané, vediac, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, to je to, čo zabilo tú rakovinu, vzalo von ten život.
No, ona mohla ísť naspäť k doktorovi, a doktor povedal, "Nezmysel, tá vec je práve tam na tom mieste, kde vždy bola." Ale to bola pravda, výrastok bol tam, ale nie život, nebol tam. Vidíte?
33 No, čo keď to bolo niekde, odkiaľ by to nemohlo odísť?
Je toto tá fotka? [brat Neville hovorí bratovi Branhamovi, "To je fotografia výrastku, ktorý odišiel od pani Bakerovej, zo Springville, Indiana. A ona... toto je zväčšený obrázok, po modlitbe." – pozn.prekl.] Tu je fotka toho výrastku od pani Bakerovej, zo Springfieldu, Indiana, ktorý odišiel, po modlitbe. To je obrázok toho. Vidíte, to je telo, v ktorom diabol žil.
Práve tak, ako vy žijete v ... Toto telo, v ktorom žijete; môže byť malé, veľké, červenovlasé, čiernovlasé, akékoľvek. Vidíte? Buď diabol žije v tomto tele, alebo Kristus žije v tom tele. No, potom, keď ten život z toho ide von, vaše telo je stále tu na zemi, vidíte, ale život tam nie je.
Keď život odišiel, telo tam stále bolo. A potom sa to odtrhlo z jej tela a bolo vyhnané, to telo išlo von.
Ale keď je to na mieste, odkiaľ ono nemôže vyjsť, potom vaše srdce musí pozbierať tú mŕtvu hmotu a prečistiť krv, s každým úderom. To spôsobuje horúčku, a všetko iné, lebo to je infekcia. Vidíte? A vaše srdce musí... Myslím, že srdce prečisťuje krv, ako tadiaľ prechádza. Je to tak, sestra Dauchová? Myslím, že je to tak. Srdce, ako ono bije, to prečisťuje ... (ošetrovateľka, viete, a ďalšia sedí tu pred ňou.) Zbiera tie... A to je to, čo spôsobuje horúčku z infekcie. Ono zbiera infekciu a zvyšuje teplotu.
34 No, ľudia, vidíte, to je vaša viera. To nikdy nie sú vaše pocity. To nie je nič, či to je tak, ak moja ruka nie je rovná. To s tým nemá nič spoločné. To je moja viera, ktorá to robí. Vidíte? Rovno pred nami, vidíme podobu dokonale uzdravenej osoby, skrze vieru. A potom len robíme krok za krokom, až kým nevkročíme rovno do tej osoby, a len rovno ďalej kráčať s tým. Vidíte? Tu to máte. A to, to je to, čo to robí, vaša viera; nie vaše pocity. Vaša viera to robí. Vďaka a chvála buď Bohu!
35 Teraz len chvíľku modlitby, a máme tu tému, ktorej chceme venovať pozornosť, a krátky čas, počas ktorého Pán s nami bude jednať ohľadom tohoto.
A teraz, a potom, ak niekto z vás musí ísť dnes ráno, a nebude na večernom zhromaždení, ak Pán bude chcieť, chcel by som tu byť znovu. Rodina sa vracia späť na vianočný týždeň. A potom, tú nedeľu po Vianociach, ak Pán bude chcieť, chcem kázať moje vianočné Posolstvo tu v tejto modlitebni; nedeľa po vianociach. Ak Pán bude chcieť, text bude, Tulák na ulici.
Tak skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a venujme modlitbu predtým, než prečítame text.
36 Pane Ježišu, buď pri nás práve v tejto chvíli. A my vieme, že je to ťažké v našej malej modlitebni, a keď mnohí stoja. A my tu nie sme kvôli pohodlnosti tohto miesta, ktoré nám dáva telesné pohodlie, pretože to nie je pohodlné. A my tu nie sme, aby sa na nás pozerali. Ale my sme tu, lebo sme cítili Tvoju Prítomnosť. A vieme, že Ty si tu. A my sme tu kvôli napraveniu. A sme tu, vediac, že sme v dome Božom. A cítime sa dobre, že sme tu, bez ohľadu na to, aké nepohodlné to je, státie, a sedenia sú preplnené, ale my sme tu, pretože cítime, že Boh je tu.
37 A presne tak, ako sa musel cítiť ten chlapec v ten večer, keď Pavol kázal celú noc, aké dlhé posolstvo, možno od západu slnka až do východu slnka, do ďalšieho rána. A mladý chlapec, sediac hore, vypadol a oni si mysleli, že je po ňom. A Pavol položil svoje telo naňho, a Duch Boží, ktorý bol na poslovi, priniesol naspäť ducha života do tela toho chlapca. A on povedal, "On bude v poriadku," a mladý muž žil. On sa zaujímal o to, čo Pavol hovoril.
38 A, Bože, my sa zaujímame dnes ráno o to, čo Duch Svätý môže povedať do našich sŕdc. A my sa modlíme, aby si rozlomil ten Chlieb života každému jednému z nás, aby sme dnes odišli odtiaľto, aby sme neopustili túto budovu ako takí istí ľudia, ako sme boli, keď sme sem vstúpili. Nech sú Kresťania bližšie pri Tebe. Nech sa hriešnici dnes obrátia. Nech chorí sú uzdravení. A nech Kráľovstvo Božie príde blízko k nám, alebo nech je dokonca v nás. Lebo prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista, ako očakávame na Jeho Ducha, aby nám dal Slová. Amen.
39 Teraz prečítajme niečo z Písma, ktoré je... Božie Slovo je vždy pravdivé.
A teraz, a každý, vidím, že ste veľmi milí k tým, čo stoja. Vidím, že sa niekto postaví a sadne si a dá miesto niekomu inému. To je veľmi dobré. Prial by som si, aby sme mali viac miesta, ale proste teraz nemáme.
Obráťte si na Matúša 27, a budeme čítať od 11. verša, a potom budeme hovoriť na túto tému.
A Ježiš stál pred vladárom, a vladár sa ho opýtal a riekol: Či si ty ten kráľ Židov? A Ježiš mu povedal: Ty dobre hovoríš.
A kým žalovali na neho najvyšší kňazi a starší, nič nepovedal.
Vtedy mu riekol Pilát: Či nečuješ, aké mnohé veci svedčia proti tebe?
Ale mu neodpovedal ani na jediné slovo, takže sa vladár veľmi divil.
A na veľkonočný sviatok mal vladár obyčaj prepustiť zástupu jedného väzňa, ktorého chceli.
A vtedy mali neobyčajného väzňa, zvaného Barabáša.
Tedy keď sa zišli ľudia, povedal im Pilát: Ktorého chcete, aby som vám prepustil, Barabáša, či Ježiša, zvaného Krista?
Lebo vedel, že ho zo závisti vydali.
A keď sedel na súdnej stolici, poslala k nemu jeho žena s odkazom: Nemaj ničoho s týmto spravodlivým, lebo som dnes vo sne mnoho trpela pre neho.
Ale najvyšší kňazi a starší naviedli zástupy, aby si prosili Barabáša a Ježiša aby zahubili.
A vladár odpovedal a riekol im: Ktorého z tých dvoch chcete, aby som vám prepustil?...
(Len pomyslite na to!)... A oni riekli: Barabáša.
A Pilát im povedal: Čo tedy mám urobiť s Ježišom, zvaným Kristom? ... Čo tedy mám urobiť s Ježišom, zvaným Kristom? Všetci mu povedali: Ukrižovať ho!
A vladár im povedal: A čože zlého učinil? Ale oni ešte väčšmi kričali a hovorili: Ukrižovať ho!
A keď videl Pilát, že nič neosoží, ale že povstáva ešte väčší rozbroj, vzal vodu, umyl si ruky pred zástupom a povedal: Som čistý krvi tohoto spravodlivého; vy už teraz vidzte.
A všetok ľud odpovedal a riekol: Jeho krv na nás a na naše deti!
Vtedy im prepustil Barabáša a Ježiša zbičoval a vydal, aby bol ukrižovaný.
40 Aký smutný obraz! Nazývam tento text, keby ste to chceli označiť takýmto spôsobom, alebo nazvať to tak. A možno páska by sa takto volala: Čo mám urobiť s Ježišom zvaným Kristus? A téma, na ktorú chcem hovoriť, ku tomuto textu; chcem hovoriť na tému, "s Ježišom na svojich rukách." Čo urobíš s Ježišom na svojich rukách?
41 Naša scéna začína, dnes ráno, v súdnej sieni; kde Pilát, vladár, bol zavolaný na scénu, aby konal a vyniesol rozsudok. Bolo to skoro ráno, chvíľu pred svitaním a on bol vyrušený zo svojho spánku, a bol zavolaný von, aby počul ten prípad tohoto Muža.
42 Bol to čas ukrižovania nášho Pána a Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista. On neurobil nič, ako ani nemohli nájsť nič, a On odpovedal na všetko. To bola práve tá hodina, keď to muselo byť takýmto spôsobom.
Nič sa nemôže stať bez toho, aby tam nebolo niečo za tým, čo by spôsobilo, aby sa to stalo takýmto spôsobom. Musí byť nejaký dôvod pre všetko, čo sa deje. Lebo je to motivované, samozrejme, duchom, ktorý je v bytostiach, a v ľudských bytostiach, a tak ďalej. Je motív, motív toho, a cieľ, a musí byť dôvod.
A to, dôvod, že sa to muselo stať tomuto najväčšiemu Mužovi, ktorý kedy žil na tejto zemi, alebo by kedy mohol žiť; dôvod, že sa to stalo takýmto spôsobom, pretože to bol čas, aby sa to stalo. Vidíte? To musí tak byť, a nebola možnosť uniknúť tomu. To musel byť ten čas.
A Ježiš prišiel na zem presne tak, ako Božie Slovo predpovedalo, že príde. Robil presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude robiť. Žil takým životom, presne, a Boh predstavil, alebo manifestoval, Semeno toho času. No, pamätajte, Boh...
43 Biblia začína v Genesis a ide do Zjavenia. No, tu je tá lekcia, ktorú chcem, aby ste rozumeli, že... Vidíte, v každej generácii bolo hovorené, v Biblii, o istej veci, ktorá sa diala, počas každej generácie.
Ako Daniel videl... vyložil ten sen Nabuchodonozora; ako pohanské kráľovstvá vojdú, a ako pôjdu dolu, a ako vyjdu von. A každý z týchto ľudí v tých rasách a tie národy, tie pohanské moci, ktoré riadia, riadili svet, urobili presne tak, ako to videnie povedalo, že budú robiť.
44 Keď Nabuchodonozor, hlava zo zlata, bol vzatý, potom prišli Médoperžania; a ich povaha, podľa druhu materiálu, a podľa toho, čo prorok povedal, presne tak. Nabuchodonozor, hlava zo zlata, čo je najväčšie a prvé kráľovstvo. Potom Médoperžania sú striebro. A potom ďalej dolu do stehien, sú z mosadze. A každý kov je tvrdší a tvrdší; zlato je najmäkšie. A končí to v železe, ktoré je najtvrdšie zo všetkých týchto, je železo.
No, každé z týchto kráľovstiev prichádza presne tak, podľa povahy, tak ako prorok povedal, že budú robiť. A čo on robil? On sial semeno pre národy, aby to pozorovali, a zakaždým, keď povstalo to kráľovstvo, ono muselo robiť podľa toho, čo povedalo to Slovo.
45 A potom mal prísť na scénu Mesiáš. A keď Kristus prišiel na scénu, On musel byť v súlade s tým Slovom Božím, ktoré sa malo vyplniť, o čom prorok hovoril, čo On bude robiť.
Mojžiš povedal, "On bude - On bude Prorok podobný mne." A keby sme mali čas vrátiť sa k tým predobrazom a ukázať len ako, že v tom hroznom čase, keď Izrael bol v zajatí v Egypte, ako sa ten Mojžiš narodil ako podivné, zvláštne dieťa; a ako prišiel, a bol vychovaný, a ako bol schovaný v rákosí; a ako sa stal vodcom, šiel do hôr a dostal zákon, a vrátil sa dolu. A nebol len vodcom; ale bol kňaz, a kráľ, a vládca. Všetky tieto veci, a ako to presne znázorňovalo Krista. A Mojžiš povedal, "Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí Proroka ako mňa." Vidíte?
46 No, keď sa Kristus narodil, Izrael bol znova v zajatí pod Rímskou nadvládou. A čo On bol? Narodil sa ako zvláštne Dieťa, a podivné, ako bol vychovaný. A šiel hore na vrchy, a prišiel dolu a povedal, "Počuli ste, že bolo povedané starým, ´Neukradneš.´ Počuli ste ich povedať, ´Nespáchaš cudzoložstvo,´ ale ja hovorím, ktokoľvek sa žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už spáchal cudzoložstvo." Zákonodarca, vidíte, a Kráľ, Kňaz, Prorok, presne tak, ako on. Tak všetky tieto veci sa museli naplniť, a keď ten priestor, ktorý tam bol odložený pre život Mesiáša, keď to bolo dokonale potvrdené ...
No, to môže byť posledná dlhá lekcia, ktorú učím na nejaký čas. Chcem, aby ste to teraz dobre porozumeli.
47 Keď bolo povedané Slovo pre túto určitú generáciu, bude niekto, kto povstane na scénu, kto vyplní to Slovo, lebo to Boh povedal. To je potvrdenie vypovedaného Slova. A Ježiš splnil každú požiadavku a bol potvrdeným Slovom, ako Mesiáš, presne. Sú tiež Slová, vypovedané v Biblii, pre tento posledný deň. Tieto Slová musia prísť do života.
48 A tu nachádzame, že, keď vo dňoch nášho Pána, cirkev Ho už odmietla, predtým, než prišiel do Pilátovej súdnej siene. Oni Ho zavrhli presne od toho dňa, keď Jeho služba začala prorokovať a hovoriť im Pravdu o Slove. Potom, oni nemohli porozumieť, ako On, súc Človekom, mohol vedieť, čo bolo v ľudských srdciach. Málo vedeli o tom, že Slovo je Boh! "A Slovo," Biblia povedala, "je rozpoznávateľ myšlienok a zámerov srdca."
49 A oni Ho chceli nazvať zlým duchom. A On povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý robiť tieto isté veci, povedať slovo proti Tomu, nebude nikdy odpustené."
A všetky tieto veci, ktoré On prorokoval, že budú v tomto dni, niečo to musí priviesť do života. Ale keď je to privedené do života, to bude tak odlišné od toho, čo si ľudia myslia, že To je, že až - jedine vyvolení to budú vidieť. Vždy, len vyvolení, oni sú jediní, ktorí To uvidia, lebo oni sú vyvolení a ustanovení, aby To videli.
50 Preto, to nemôže ... Žiadnym iným spôsobom. Ježiš povedal, "Vy nemôžete prísť ku Mne. Žiaden človek nemôže prísť okrem toho, ktorého Môj Otec potiahne; a všetci, ktorých mi On dal, prídu ku Mne." Vidíte? Vidíte? Tak nebol žiaden spôsob. On povedal, "Máte oči a nevidíte; uši, nepočujete." Povedal, "Dobre o vás prorokoval Izaiáš." Vidíte? Izaiášovo proroctvo sa vyplnilo, zamanifestovalo sa.
Nezabudnite na to, vy tu alebo vy, ktorí počúvate pásku, že Božie Slovo sa musí zamanifestovať. Boh sa zaviazal, že ono sa vyplní.
51 Práve ako Ján Krstiteľ bol predurčený aby predchádzal príchod Krista, musel povstať nejaký muž, aby zaujal to miesto. To Slovo sa muselo vyplniť.
52 Potom, keď Ježiš prišiel ako pomazaný Mesiáš, a robil presne to, čo Slovo Božie povedalo, že bude robiť ...A predsa, Židia očakávali na niečo iné, "na nejakého kráľa, ktorý príde so železným prútom v ruke," to malo tak byť v budúcnosti. Ale On naplnil každé Slovo.
Jedného dňa v Kafarnaume, keď vzal Písmo a čítal, (všimli ste si?) On prečítal len časť toho Písma. A potom odložil tú Knihu, a povedal, "Dnes sa toto vyplnilo."
53 Keď mal kázať jubilejný rok ... No, prečo On neprečítal zvyšok Toho? Pretože to sa týka Jeho druhého Príchodu. Oni to nepotrebovali vedieť. To je pre ten vek, keď On príde.
Ale pre vek, v ktorom On bol ... Preto mohol povedať, "Toto Písmo sa dnes vyplnilo pred vašimi očami. Presne tu to vidíte ... aby kázal príjemné obdobie, a obväzoval zlomené srdcia, a uzdravoval chorých," to je to, prečo On prišiel.
Zvyšok Toho malo priniesť súd pre pohanov, a tak ďalej, tak to prichádza potom. Vidíte, pohania Ho museli najprv odmietnuť.
54 No, pri ukrižovaní, kde sme dnes, v téme o Ježišovi na vašich rukách ... Božie Slovo bolo perfektne potvrdené, bolo dokázané znovu a znovu, že On je odpoveďou na Božie Slovo. Kde tí učení v Písme ...
55 Vidíte? Boh to už predložil. Nechal tých kazateľov aby to študovali. Ale vidíte, oni berú niečie slovo, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný; nejaká skupina ľudí. Oni sú tak slepí na Pravdu, že keď je Pravda predstavená, nemôžu to vidieť. Ale, vidíte, Boh je spravodlivý. On to tam napísal. On to má napísané, presne tu v tej Knihe, čo sa stane dnes. Tak to sa vyplní. Ale iní, ktorí nie sú určení, aby to videli, to nikdy neuvidia. Vidíte, oni to všetko zmiešali. A tak to vtedy mali. Oni vôbec nevedeli, že to bol On.
56 A podľa znakov, On bol Posol toho času. Nikto to nemohol poprieť. Jeho prorok o tom hovoril; on povedal, "Ja sa musím menšiť, ale On bude rásť. Nie som hoden, aby som rozviazal Jeho topánky, ale On teraz stojí medzi vami," povedal Ján. "A on príde. A sekera je položená na koreň stromu; a stromy, ktoré neprinášajú ovocie, budú odstránené z lesa, alebo z vinohradu, alebo zo sadu. Už to tam viacej nebude."
57 No, nachádzame, že tie veci sa stali presne tak, ako On povedal. On mohol rozpoznávať ich myšlienky v ich srdciach. On bol prorok. Všetko, čo predpovedal, sa stalo presne tak, ako to povedal. "Ja idem hore do Jeruzalema. Tam budem vydaný do rúk hriešnikov. A oni s Ním budú zle zachádzať, a bude ukrižovaný. A na tretí deň znova vstane." Ale povedal, "Hľaďte, aby ste o tom nikomu nepovedali." A On To pred nimi zakryl, aby Tomu nerozumeli, až kým sa to nevyplnilo.
58 Vidíte, On nás mnohokrát necháva oslepnúť, až do hodiny, keď to potrebujeme vidieť. On nás necháva oslepnúť na veci, ktoré vidíme dnes, lebo toto je hodina, kedy to potrebujeme, aby sme potvrdili deň, v ktorom sme. Vidíte? Naši otcovia nepoznali tieto veci. Biblia hovorí, že oni ich nepoznali. On ich ukryl. A v posledných dňoch to bude zjavené synom Božím. Oni sa zamanifestujú, aby bola ukázaná Jeho sláva a Jeho chvála na zemi.
59 A všetko, čo Daniel povedal o posledných dňoch, a ako to, "Tí, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha, budú robiť pozoruhodné výkony." A tak veľa miest Písma súvisí s týmto dňom, v ktorom žijeme! A ako tie zlé, zvodné časy budú na zemi. A presne to, čo máme teraz, to sa vypĺňa.
Oni mali - bola im daná šanca vidieť Ho, ale oni odmietli svojho pravého Mesiáša.
A dnes, to je tá istá vec, práve tá istá vec. Nám je daná možnosť, lebo Boh nemôže súdiť bez toho, aby najprv dal ... bol spravodlivý vo svojom súde.
No, ak vám bolo povedané, že istá osoba ide dolu ulicou, veľkou rýchlosťou; zastavili by ste ju, povedali by ste, "Tam dolu na ceste je jama. Ak budete pokračovať touto rýchlosťou, zabijete sa."
60 A oni povedia, "Nezmysel, viem, čo robím." Potom, vidíte, tá krv nemôže byť na vás, lebo vy ste ich dokonale varovali.
Nuž, Boh robí tú istú vec pomocou svojho Slova. On dokonale varuje ľudí pred prichádzajúcim súdom, a ukazuje svoje znaky a zázraky, ktoré sú predpovedané v Biblii pre tento vek. On ich ukazuje, a ľudia len prechádzajú ponad to.
Nie je jednoduché pre človeka ísť do pekla. Človek si vybojováva svoju cestu do pekla. Prvá lož, ktorú ste kedy povedali, viete, že to je zlé. Prvá cigareta, ktorú ste kedy fajčili, vedeli ste, že to je zlé. Prvé zlo, ktoré ste kedy urobili, vedeli ste, že to je zlé. Ale vo vašom svedomí vám bolo povedané, že to je zlé, ale vy ste ďalej prechádzali na červené svetlo, prechádzali ste cez zátarasy. Neberiete na to ohľad. Vy to aj tak chcete robiť, ukázať sa, že ste nejaký veľký chlapík. Vidíte? Ale, pamätajte, vy si vybojovávate svoju cestu do pekla. Nie je jednoduché ísť do pekla. Vy musíte odmietnuť Pravdu.
61 Prv, ako máte nehodu, musíte prejsť na červenú. Prv, ako máte nehodu, musíte, tam na ceste, máte ... Boli tam dané varovania. Ale vy ku tomu pristupujete svojím vlastným spôsobom, ľudia to dnes tak robia. A taký človek vie viac, než ktokoľvek iný, a on nebude počúvať na znamenia a varovania o prichádzajúcom súde a ... Tí, ktorí odmietajú Krista.
62 No, všimnite si. A čo oni prijali namiesto tohoto Krista. No, pomyslite na cirkev toho dňa, na ich slepotu. Oni odmietli verejného vraha, Barabáša. Muža, ktorý bol dokázaný, že je vrah a skutočne čakal na svoj súd. A bol dokázaný, že je vrah a bol to zlý človek. A len preto, že život Ježiša ... A On ich vyzval, povedal, "Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu?" Hriech je "nevera." "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte; ak som vám nepovedal pravdu Písma. A samo Písmo hovorí o Mne. Skúmajte Písma," povedal, "lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a ony sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne v tomto veku."
63 Ale oni povedali, "On sa robí Bohom. On sa robí niečím ..." On sa nerobil ničím. Boh Ho urobil Bohom; On bol Boh. On bol vyplnením Písma. On sa nikdy ničím nerobil. Boh Ho urobil tým, čím bol. A potom, to - pretože to bola hodina, aby sa to Slovo naplnilo. Tak, ale oni To nemohli vidieť, lebo To bolo proti ich denominačným predstavám, ktoré si vytvorili o Kristovi. A to bolo príliš zaslepené od Slova.
64 No, a okrem toho, aby sa zbavili tohoto Človeka, museli prijať vraha, verejné ohrozenie aby ... To bol dlh voči spoločnosti, dlh voči nim; vrah! Museli to prijať, aby mohli odmietnuť Krista.
A prv, než nejaký muž alebo žena môže prijať zlé, musia odmietnuť dobré. Niečo je v povahe, je to zákon, že musíte odmietnuť správnu vec predtým, než môžete prijať tú nesprávnu vec.
Ako som práve poznamenal, aby ste nehovorili klamstvo ... Povedali ste klamstvo proti tomu o čom ste súdili, že je lepšie. Povedali ste klamstvo proti svojmu svedomiu. Povedali ste klamstvo proti tomu, čo vás učila robiť vaša matka alebo rodičia. Alebo, dokonca príroda sama vás učí, že by ste to nemali robiť. Tak preto, vy ... odmietnuť Pravdu, znamená, že musíte prijať klamstvo. A musíte odmietnuť Pravdu prv, než môžete prijať klamstvo. Vidíte?
65 Tak takým spôsobom to urobili títo ľudia. Oni odmietli Pravdu. A On bol Pravdou. "Ja som Cesta, Pravda a Život."
66 A keby jedna z tých hviezd sa začala pohybovať smerom ku Zemi, desaťtisíc míľ za hodinu, no, trvalo by jej to stovky miliónov rokov, kým by sa tu dostala; to je tak ďaleko. A zoradenie dvoch malých hviezd, ktoré vyzerajú odtiaľto, akoby boli vzdialené asi palec od seba, oni sú od seba vzdialenejšie ako my od nich. A pritom, každá z nich stojí na svojom mieste. A tá veľká galaxia ... Ó. Pozoruhodnosť a ohromná veľkosť Boha, ktorý mohol stvoriť tieto veci ... Každá musí držať tú druhú. Preto to zostáva tak ako to je. Keby vyšli zo súladu, celý systém by padol.
67 A to je to, čo sa stalo v Edene. Keď Eva vyšla zo súladu s prikázaniami Božími, celá rasa upadla.
To je to, čo je problémom dnes. My sa nemáme porozlamovať do organizácií a denominácií, a tak ďalej. My máme byť synmi a dcérami Božími, ktorí držia tú veľkú galaxiu sveta spolu.
68 V New Yorku, som minulý týždeň počúval posolstvo, ktoré predniesol, alebo povedal Einstein, veľký vedec, ktorý je nazvaný mozgom tohto času. A počúval som to. Potom som šiel počúvať Normana Vincenta Pealeho, na tému jeho psychológie o tom, ako ľudia majú robiť, alebo chodiť, a vcítiť sa do psychológie.
Potom, na Einsteinovi, on hovoril o galaxii, ktorá bola vonku mimo tohto systému tu, mimo hviezd. A keby človek mohol cestovať takouto rýchlosťou, verím, že povedal, ako svetlo. No, myslím, koľko to je ... osemdesiatšesť tisíc? [brat Neville hovorí, "Stoosemdesiatšesť" – pozn.prekl.] Sto, stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu ide svetlo. A teraz, rozpíšte to na päť minút, koľko miliónov a biliónov míľ by ste prešli. A stodvadsať miliónov rokov svetelného času by vám trvalo dostať sa do tej galaxie. A potom stodvadsať, alebo stopäťdesiat miliónov rokov; vyše stopäťdesiat miliónov, a stopäťdesiat miliónov naspäť.
69 A oni narazili na niečo, čo ich zmiatlo. A oni ... po vyjdení tam a vrátení sa naspäť, v skutočnosti by vám to trvalo tri milióny rokov, ten výlet, tristo miliónov rokov. Tristo miliónov rokov aby ste urobili ten výlet a keď sa vrátite na zem, v skutočnosti ste boli preč len päťdesiat rokov. Prelamujete sa do Večnosti. To nemá konca.
70 A keď si pomyslíme, že Boh, ktorý toto všetko stvoril a uviedol to do poriadku, a hovoril o tom, prišiel dolu a stal sa telom medzi nami, aby nás vykúpil. A chce nás tak poctiť svojou vznešenou Prítomnosťou, že On - On sa postaví tu na tejto hriešnej zemi v týchto posledných dňoch a potvrdí svoje Slovo, že je to tak, lebo On je zaviazaný tomu Slovu. Amen. Zvrchovanosť a spravodlivosť toho veľkého Jedného, ktorý drží tieto veci vo Svojej ruke!
71 Všimnite si, národy ... Najprv musela cirkev zavrhnúť Jeho Slovo. Potom keď to cirkev zavrhla a nazvala Ho "Belzebubom, alebo zlým duchom," potom to bolo prinesené pred vládu, takže celá rasa musela byť odsúdená. Teraz nachádzame Ježiša, toto ráno, pred vládcom, Pilátom, Rimanom, aby bol vyšetrený. A nachádzame, že najprv Ho zavrhla cirkev, pretože neverili Jeho Posolstvu, pretože nepoznali Slovo.
72 Ježiš im povedal, "Keby ste počúvali Mojžiša, verili by ste Môjmu Slovu, lebo on je ten, ktorý hovoril o Mne." Vidíte? Tu je Slovo, ktoré prorok ... Ktoré ... Pán prichádza ku prorokovi, a prorok hovoril Slovo pre hodinu, ktorá mala prísť. A tu sa To dokázalo. A povedal, "Hovoríte, že poznáte Mojžiša a že on je váš vodca. Nepoznáte Mojžiša, ani nepoznáte jeho Slovo." Inými slovami, On povedal, "Ja som Slovo. Ja som dokázané Slovo, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že príde, a vy Ma odsudzujete." Vidíte? Kvôli ich tradíciám. Vidíte? Cirkev ho odsúdila.
73 No, nachádzame Ho teraz pred Pilátom. Posol toho času Ho cirkvi dokonale potvrdil, identifikoval, pre ten čas. Bola im daná šanca, aby videli a verili, ale to odmietli. Prečo to odmietli? Mnohí z nich tomu chceli veriť; ale ich tradície, nie ľudia, ale ich tradície ...
74 No, vidíte, ako Nikodém prišiel v noci a povedal, "Majster, my vieme, že si prišiel od Boha ako učiteľ. My vieme, že prichádzaš od Boha. Nikto nemôže činiť tieto veci, keby nebol s ním Boh. My..." Kto je to "my", o kom on hovorí? Cirkev, farizeji, vodcovia toho dňa. "My vieme. My sme dokonale presvedčení, že Ty si tou Osobou." Prečo to potom nemohli urobiť? Pretože, ich systém. Chcem, aby to presiaklo poriadne hlboko, lebo to je to, ku čomu sa dostávam. Vidíte? Systém, ku ktorému sa už pripojili, bol ten, ktorým nemohli pohnúť. Hoci oni videli, že To bol Mesiáš, ale systém s ktorým boli spojení, im nedovolil, aby To prijali.
Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teraz sa chcem opýtať, z tohto viditeľného obecenstva, koľkí rozumiete, o čom hovorím? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku. No, systém! Oni tomu verili, a oni vedeli, že to bolo to.
75 Ako rád by som povedal to isté dnes! Vidíme, čo by tu dnes malo byť a vidíme to, ale systém im to nedovolí prijať. Oni sú tak zviazaní s tým systémom! Vidíte, to nie je ten človek, to je systém.
Práve tak, ako som hovoril o prezidentovi, ktorý bol práve zavraždený. Nie človek; pokiaľ viem, bol to dobrý človek, nikdy neurobil nič zlé pokiaľ viem. Ale to je systém. To nie sú ľudia; to je systém.
76 To neboli Židia; to bol ich systém. Ten systém Ho odsúdil, lebo to sa neznášalo s ich systémom. Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] No, tá istá vec sa deje teraz. A oni si vybrali toho verejného nepriateľa, vraha.
Ale ten spor zaplietol teraz do toho vládu. Tak vláda musela vyniesť tento rozsudok, pretože, vziať život, to musí prísť pred vládu. Im to nebolo dovolené urobiť, lebo oni boli pod nadvládou Ríma, a oni nemohli vziať život, nezáleží na tom, ako ich cirkev povedala, "My to musíme urobiť." No, oni to nemohli urobiť bez toho, aby im najprv Rím dal súhlas. Tak, to muselo byť prinesené pred vládu. Teraz je vláda zapojená do tej veci.
No, ak to nie je obraz dneška, tak potom neviem. Vidíte, presne!
77 Cirkev to zavrhuje, teraz je zapojená do toho vláda. Prišiel čas, keď národ, všetci, všetko ... musel prísť taký čas. Povstal spor. Konfrontácia bola na dosah. Celý národ Ho odmietol, a to prináša na nich Boží hnev. A prv ako ... Keď Ho cirkev odmietla, to prinieslo hnev na cirkev. Ale teraz Ho odmietol národ, prinášajúc hnev na všetkých.
A dnes Ho odmietol svet, prinášajúc súd na celý svet. Všetky národy musia byť súdené.
78 A vieme, že to sa stalo v čase veľkého Rímskeho generála Tita. On obliehal Jeruzalem, a potom len ... Oni jedli deti jedni druhých; jedli kôru zo stromov a trávu zo zeme. A potom Títus vtiahol rovno dovnútra a len zboril múry a zapálil mesto, a krv tiekla dolu ulicami takto, kde ich povraždil. A to... Oni museli ... Predtým, než spravodlivý Boh mohol nechať ľudí, ktorých On vybral, prísť pod takú vec ako toto, tam musel byť spravodlivý dôvod. On je spravodlivý. Jeho zákony si vyžadujú Jeho spravodlivosť. A zákon bez trestu nie je zákon.
79 Ak by som povedal, urobil zákon tu v meste, "Prechádzať na červenú, za to je pokuta" a potom by nebol žiaden trest ku tomu, vy by ste len ďalej prechádzali na červenú. Ale tam musí byť trest.
A trest Božieho zákona, odmietnuť Jeho program, je smrť. A tam musela byť smrť, tak to muselo byť zaplatené.
80 My stojíme dnes ráno na podobnom súdnom procese, celý svet. Súdny proces! Všetky denominácie zavrhli Slovo. Viem, že to znie veľmi hrubo. A chcem, aby kazatelia, ktorí počúvajú, ktorí sú tu prítomní a tí pri páskach, tiež, aby sa toto teraz pokúsili porozumieť, že sa to snažím urobiť jasným. Ale podávam svoje vysvetlenie, alebo vysvetľujem to tu jasne a vravím, že stojíme, dnes, v ďalšej Pilátovej súdnej sieni.
81 Poviete, "Keby som tam stál, ja by som sa prihováral za Ježiša Krista." Dobre, čo ohľadom toho robíš teraz? To je to. Vidíte? "Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi Ho cirkev zavrhla, ja by som stál na Jeho strane." Máš príležitosť. Ó, ach. Vidíte? Oni, oni Ho zavrhli.
82 No, dnes je On vyšetrený, alebo práve je vyšetrovaný, alebo - a na súde. Lebo sa má sformovať svetový systém, to čo je nazvané, Rada cirkví, má sa sformovať do Svetovej Rady cirkví. No, a čo oni urobili? Oni hlasovali, že sa absolútne zjednotia spolu a budú mať radu cirkví. A v tejto Rade Cirkví ... že všetky cirkvi musia patriť do tejto rady, alebo, ak nie, nie je vám ani dovolené kázať, nie je vám ani dovolené modliť sa za chorých. A vaša cirkev môže byť použitá na čokoľvek, na čo ju oni chcú použiť. Ak v nej chcú skladovať škatule, alebo muníciu, alebo čokoľvek chcú robiť, vy vôbec nemáte kontrolu nad tým. Vy buď patríte do Rady Cirkví alebo tam vôbec nepatríte.
A to je systém, ktorý je formovaný tu v Spojených štátoch, ktorý vypĺňa Písmo, do bodky. To vypĺňa, čo mi Pán hovoril v roku 1933, vidíte, a my stojíme v tom čase dnes ráno.
A Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, je na súde, dnes, ako to bolo pri ukrižovaní, a teraz je On na našich rukách. On je na rukách sveta. Slovo bolo jasne identifikované, po celom svete, vidíte, a On stojí na súde. Všetky denominácie Ho zavrhli. A teraz je súdený ako... v Rade Cirkví, a oni Ho znovu odmietli a vybrali si radšej tak, ako to urobili vtedy.
83 Vidíte, príroda sa v histórii opakuje, pretože príroda pokračuje stále tak isto. Stromy stále pokračujú v raste, a rastliny vychádzajú, a kvety, a svet sa otáča tak, ako to stále je. To je príroda. A príroda každého veku produkuje znova, a reprodukuje odraz toho, čo príroda bola predtým. A, dnes sa nachádzame, ako znova stojíme na tom istom mieste.
No, Ježiš bol "Slovo", Svätý Ján 1.kapitola. Všetci Tomu veríme. On bol Slovo. A pretože On bol Slovo... Prosím, rozumejte. On bol Slovo, a On musel byť proti tomu systému.
A oni Ho neodmietli kvôli Jeho zázrakom. Nie. Oni povedali... On povedal, "Kto Ma môže usvedčiť?"
"A čo zlé urobil?" povedala malá pani. "Čo zlého urobil, okrem toho, že uzdravil chorých?"
84 Povedali, "My Ho neodsudzujeme kvôli týmto veciam." Vidíte? "My Ho odsudzujeme lebo On, súc človekom, robí sa Bohom." A ich vlastné Písmo povedalo, že On bude Boh.
V Izaiášovi, veľkom prorokovi, ktorý napísal šesťdesiat šesť kníh Izaiáša, a začína s... Najprv, ako na začiatku; a v strede Knihy prichádza Ján Krstiteľ; a končí v Tisícročnom kráľovstve. A šesťdesiat šesť kníh v Biblii, tak ako je šesťdesiat šesť kapitol v Izaiášovi. Je pozoruhodné, že to ide takýmto spôsobom. Tento Izaiáš 9:6, on povedal, "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný; a Jeho Meno sa nazovie, ´Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec, Predivný.´"
85 A slepé tradície, alebo systémy, nemohli vidieť, že to bol Boh; ich vlastným prorokom, ku ktorému prišlo Slovo, ktorý povedal, že On bude Boh. Slepé systémy! Tak oni odmietli Slovo, a túžili namiesto toho po vrahovi, Barabášovi.
86 A dnes, Slovo, na tento deň, bolo jasne potvrdené. Stalo sa skutočným. Bolo ukázané, že je to Pravda. "A v posledných dňoch," ako Ježiš povedal, "ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," a tak ďalej, "tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Práve ten Boh, On Sám, ktorý bol Slovom, predpovedal ten posledný čas a čo sa stane; a Svetlá vypuknú v čase večera; a ako to Malachiáš 4, On pošle tie veci a dokáže ich. A to bolo prinesené na miesto rozhodnutia, a cirkvi To zavrhli.
87 A po čom cirkvi túžili? Po vrahovi Slova, po niekom, kto berie systém. Keď systém je v rozpore so Slovom, potom je to vrah Slova. A oni túžili po denominačnej tradícii, namiesto pravdivého Slova, ktoré sa manifestovalo a dokázalo, že To je Boh medzi svojimi ľuďmi; pomocou vedy, cez obrázky, Svetlo, ten istý Anjel Pánov, Stĺp Ohňa.
Ten istý, ktorý žil na zemi v tele Ježiša Krista, prišiel na Jeho ľud v posledných dňoch, kde veda To odfotila. Cirkev videla Jeho skutky. Je to dokonale identifikované, páskami a všetkým, okolo a okolo celého sveta, a osobne slúžené.
A stále, vo všetkom tom, ich systémy túžia po Rade Cirkví, aby odsúdili Pravdu. Túžia po vrahovi, ktorý preruší, alebo zastaví, alebo zabráni. A, to bude robiť. Oni zastavia takú Vec. A Rada Cirkví to bude musieť urobiť. Tam je znamenie šelmy; antikrist, proti Slovu, ktoré je Kristus.
88 Ale nie ich ... Oni si myslia, že to je tradícia. Oni si myslia, že ich tradície sú od Boha. Vidíte? Ale to nebude stáť so Slovom, a ani Boh to nepotvrdí ako pravdu. Ježiš stál so Slovom, ale nie s ich radou; ale so Slovom. A Slovo dokázalo, že On bol Boh.
A To dokazuje dnes, že To je Boh, pretože To žije ten istý Život, To robí tie isté veci medzi nami, ktoré To robilo tam vtedy, a predpovedané.
89 Tak čo oni robia? Oni prijímajú niečo, čo... Oni už prijali, práve ten systém, ktorý To ukrižuje. A ukrižovanie slobodných medzidenominačných je na dosah. Tak je to.
90 No, to nie je v rozpore s Písmom. To je zhodné s Písmom. "A utvorili obraz šelme." Zjednocujúc svetové denominácie v jednu Protestantskú, formujúc znamenie šelmy, obraz šelmy, zhodne so Zjavením 13:8. "A utvorili obraz šelme."
Šelma je "Rím." Všetci to vieme. Ale vždy to bol Rím, všetko... Ako to môže byť - ako to môže byť Rusko, keď Biblia hovorí Rím? Vidíte, ľudia len dostávajú zlý dojem. Vidíte? Ako to môže byť nejaká iná vec, keď je to predpovedané, že to musí vyjsť z Ríma?
91 Choďte znovu naspäť do Daniela, železo a hlina v chodidlách nôh; to železo neskončilo pri kolenách, ide dolu do konca. A každý vie, že Rusko nebolo vtedy ani známe. To bol Rím. Červený drak bol Rím. Vždy je to Rím. A to železo sa nikdy nezmení na niečo iné, z Ríma na niečo iné; to zostáva Rímom. A šelma je Rím!
92 A Rím mal náboženský systém, ktorého smrteľná hlava... alebo smrteľná rana ho ranila do jeho hlavy, ale bol znovu oživený, z pohanského Ríma na pápežský Rím. A teraz oni robia obraz tomu, zo šelmy, ktorá vychádza zo Zjavenia 13.
Uvedomili ste si niekedy? Tento národ je očíslovaný trinástkou, a zjavuje... Ja nehovorím, že to je ... Je to zvláštne, hoci, že by sa to stalo matematicky. A dáva to presne do poriadku s Písmom. Nachádza sa v 13.kapitole Zjavenia, tento národ.
93 Všetky ostatné zvieratá vychádzajú z vody, čo je množstvo a veľké zástupy ľudí, Biblia povedala; ale toto malé zviera vychádza zo zeme, kde neboli žiadni ľudia. Pri tom, on bol baránok, náboženská sloboda; potom hovoril ako drak, a zjednotil sa s mocou a robil všetko, čo robil pre ním drak. Presne. Tak tu to máte. To proste muselo byť týmto spôsobom. Nijako inak sa okolo toho nedostanete.
94 A tu sme, dnes, formujúc systém. Systém! Nemôžeme sa dočkať kým nejaký... Snažili sme sa urobiť, aby sa všetci stali Luteránmi; a nemohli sme to urobiť. Snažili sme sa urobiť, aby sa všetci stali Baptistami; nemohli sme to urobiť. Aby sa všetci stali Metodistami, alebo všetci Letničnými; nemohli to urobiť. Tak, aby sa to urobilo, čas je tak krátky, že sformovali radu, hlavu, obraz šelme. To je presne to, čo oni urobili. A čo to je? Ukrižovanie Slova je znovu na dosah. Je to v procese a čoskoro príde do zasadacej sieni.
95 Všimnite si, zamanifestované Slovo ... Od denominácie. To manifestuje Slovo inak než denominácia. Čo je toto? Čo je tento systém? To je satelit Ríma. Či nepovedala Biblia, že to tak bude? Tak veru! Zjavenie 17, oni videli Rím, ako sa pozdvihuje v klerikálnom systéme, zo ženy. Žena, cirkev je vždy reprezentovaná ženou.
Lebo, Nevesta Kristova je žena. Eva bola tá, ktorá upadla; ona je Tá, ktorá má byť vykúpená. A Cirkev (je čo?) je žena, ktorá je vykúpená.
96 A táto žena sedela na šelme so siedmimi hlavami. A my vieme o siedmich vrchoch, a tak ďalej, ako Biblia povedala, že to bude. Tam nie je žiadna chyba. Tam nie je žiadna šanca na chybu. Vidíte?
A všimnite si, potom nachádzame, že ona bola "MATEROU SMILNÍC." Vidíte? A matka a dcéra sa znovu zjednocujú spolu v priateľstve, odkiaľ raz dcéra utiekla od matky, snažiac sa žiť mravne, lebo jej matka bola tak nepoctivá a mizerná, že až to dievča opustilo domov. Ale teraz, odkedy začala byť trochu staršia a sama robila tak veľa zlých vecí; vidí svoju matku, myslí si, že jej matka mala pravdu, tak si formuje svoj vlastný systém. Vidíte? Presne.
97 Zjednocujúc denominačný, Protestantizmus, vypĺňa presne, čo Písmo povedalo v Zjavení 17. "Všetci, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života boli ...náležali do nej." Do jednej alebo do druhej, buď do šelmy alebo do obrazu šelmy. Biblia tak povedala.
A Ježiš hovoril o tomto, nie ako o komunizme. Ale v Matúšovi 24.kapitole, počnúc od 21. do 26.verša, On predpovedal, že duch v tomto systéme bude tak veľmi podobný ako skutočná vec, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné; Vyvolených, ktorých mená sú vložené do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. A otvorene povedané, to ich tak zviazalo, že až On nepovedal, že ak by neskrátil ten čas, kvôli nim, nebolo by žiadne telo zachránené na zemi.
98 A my máme len ... Toto je ´64-tý, však? A myslím, že oni tvrdia, že okolo sedemnásť rokov je mimo toho, podľa kalendára. A my máme ´64-tý, 1964, čo znamená, že (koľko je to?) tridsaťšesť rokov zostáva, do dvadsiateho prvého storočia.
A každých dvetisíc rokov, svet došiel do konca svojho svetového systému, náboženského systému, ku koncu všetkých systémov, a Boh musel vstúpiť. On vstúpil vo dňoch Noeho; prvých dvetisíc rokov. Druhých dvetisíc rokov; systém sa vrátil tam, kde začína náš text, dnes ráno, a On znovu poslal Svoje Slovo. On poslal Svoje Slovo skrze proroka, v Noeho čase, skrze proroka Noeho; a ľudia To odmietli, kvôli svojmu systému. On znovu poslal Svoje Slovo v čase Ježiša, Slovo manifestované v plnosti; ľudia To odmietli.
99 A teraz je 1964, zostáva tridsaťšesť rokov do ďalších dvetisíc rokov; a Slovo bolo prinesené, a systém To odmietol. Ako blízko sme? Môže byť neskoršie, ako si myslíme, vidíte, že hocikedy by sa to mohlo stať. Možno sa to už stalo, pre všetko čo vieme, ako som hovoril minulú nedeľu, keď som tu bol. Posledné meno mohlo byť v tej Knihe; keď je, nedá sa tam už viacej vstúpiť. Svet bude bežať ďalej tak isto, ako predtým, ale Cirkev je zapečatená. Všimnite si teraz, keď tu pokračujeme. Ich mená ... No, on nezvedie tých, ktorých mená sú napísané v ...
100 Čo to je? To musí byť systém. Vidíte? A len pomyslite, patriť do tej denominácie v tom systéme, čo potom robíte? Čo ste urobili? Ste odpečatení preč, vidíte, od Slova, do vražedného systému, ktorý berie preč ... Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc. To je znamenie šelmy. Presne. Vidíte?
101 Tam je šelma, ktorú on urobil; a tu je obraz, tá istá vec. A šelma bola tak veľká, že sformovala tú veľkú univerzálnu cirkev v Nicei, vidíte, že oni spravili, aby celý svet prišiel do toho, do toho jedného systému. A oni si mysleli, že to bolo tak veľké, "Nikto nebol schopný viesť vojnu proti nim," povedala Biblia, kým neurobili obraz šelme, a priniesli všetkých Protestantov do Rady Cirkví; ktorá sformovala systém, že ste neboli ani považovaný za kresťana alebo za nič také, ak ste nepatrili do toho systému.
102 Je rozdiel medzi znamením šelmy a Božím pečatením. Boh pečatí Svojím Slovom. Veríte, že to je Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teraz poviete, "Je to tak, Brat Branham?" Tak veru.
103 No, viem, že vy Sobotisti, alebo Adventisti Siedmeho dňa poviete, "Dodržiavanie sobotného dňa." Ale to nie je. Nechcem sa s vami protiviť, ale to je absolútne nebiblické. Efežanom 4:30, hovorí, "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení do dňa vášho vykúpenia." Vidíte?
104 No, Svätý Duch je Slovo. Boh nie je tri. On je ten istý Boh v troch zriadeniach, v troch úradoch. Boh Otec nad zákonom; Boh Syn v milosti; a Boh Svätý Duch, ako To nazývame, ten istý Boh, v správe Svätého Ducha. Boh Otec bol Slovo; Boh Syn bol Slovo; a Boh Svätý Duch je Slovo. Vidíte, to sú len tri úrady. A, tiež, my... A Svätý Duch vás pečatí, preto ste zapečatení Slovom.
Teraz poviete, "Nuž, ja som zapečatený..."
105 Nuž, potom, to sa samo identifikuje. Vidíte? To sa dokazuje. Vy nemôžete patriť do systému, a byť zapečatení tým systémom a Slovom. Vidíte? Lebo to je v rozpore, jedno s druhým. Vy to nemôžete urobiť. V poriadku.
No, zisťujeme, že mechanika veľkého stroja, mechanika veľkého stroja, ktorý má ... Stroj, to má ... auto, to má piesty, ventily a karburátor, a tak ďalej. To je mechanika.
106 Rád by som povedal niečo Cirkvi práve tu, prichádza mi to na pamäť. Vidíte, to je to, čo... Verím, že sme tak blízko konca, teraz niečo poviem. Vidíte? Vidíte? Mechanika ... Je tak veľa ľudí, ktorí sa snažia vysvetliť mechaniku, keď to nepoznáte. Vidíte? Jediná vec, ktorú vy... A viete, mali by ste to vedieť. Mechanika je známa. No, čo ak Mojžiš...
Čo ak by niekto povedal, "Noe, chcem, aby si mi vysvetlil mechaniku, ako sa archa bude plaviť. Ako to ...?" On to nemohol.
Vy nemusíte poznať mechaniku; len Dynamiku Toho. Vidíte, Dynamika je to, čo chcete poznať. Ako bude ...
Nuž, ak niekto vyšiel k Izraelu, a povedal, "Povedz, Mojžiš, chcem rozumieť. Ako môžeš stvoriť zvieratá svojím vlastným slovom?"
107 On povedal, "To nie je moje slovo. To je Božie Slovo. On mi povedal, aby som to urobil." Vidíte?
109 On to nevedel. On nepoznal mechaniku; on len poznal dynamiku. A takýmto spôsobom vám nedokážem povedať, ako žijem. Nedokážem vám povedať, ako vy žijete, ale žijete. Nedokážem povedať, ako vaše srdce, a vaše jedlo vchádza dovnútra a tvorí krv. A berie silu z toho jedla, a ide do tej tretej steny tráviaceho traktu a premieňa to naspäť do krvného života, a posiela to naspäť hore cez vás. Ja to nemôžem vysvetliť, ale to sa deje. Vidíte, to sa deje. Ja to nemôžem vysvetliť. Ja nepoznám mechaniku. To je dynamika.
110 No, Mojžiš možno poznal mechaniku, ale to nebolo nikoho iného miesto, aby tomu rozumel, len Mojžišovo. Oni vedeli, že to funguje a to uspokojuje. Prečo sa nemôžu dnes ľudia týmto uspokojiť? Vidíte? Každý nemôže byť Mojžiš. Bol len jeden Mojžiš. Oni len vedeli, že to bolo z Boha. Oni videli, že to bolo z Boha.
A nasledovali to a robili dobre, až kým nezačali o tom pochybovať, chceli vychovať niekoho iného, aby robil tú istú vec, Kórach, Dátan. A keď mali niekoho, kto by vniesol nejaké telesné napodobenie, konečne Boh povedal, "Oddeľte sa. Nevchádzajte do toho organizačného systému. Vidíte, vykročte z toho! Idem to pohltiť." A On otvoril zem a pohltil to. Vidíte?
111 Vy nepoznáte ... vy nepotrebujete poznať mechaniku. Len poznať dynamiku, tú vec, ktorá to rozochvieva, ktorá to robí pravdou. A vidíte, ak to udiera do cieľu, ako Biblia zasľúbila, že udrie v tomto dni. Vidíte? To je znovu Slovo, späť do Slova.
112 No, ten veľký stroj je teraz pripravený a hotový pohnúť sa. Mechanika je už tam. Oni už majú ten mechanický systém organizácie, ktorý prinesie, na zem, "mier," hovoria. Oni majú ... ako U.N. (Spojené národy) Národy sú spojené dohromady. To je čas zjednotenia. Práve nedávno som o tom kázal. Oni sa zjednocujú spolu, aby priniesli čo? Svetový mier. Oni to urobili v Lige Národov. Oni to vždy urobili, a nikdy to nefunguje. To nemôže fungovať. Tie U.N. nie sú ničím, len veľkým gumeným balónom, ktorý je nesený skoro každým národným vetrom učenia. On praskne a vybuchne na čomkoľvek. To nemôže fungovať. Ani Rada Cirkví nemôže fungovať. To je organizácia podľa človeka, v rozpore so systémom ... alebo s ich systémom, ktorý je v rozpore so Slovom Božím, a to nemôže fungovať.
114 Tu to máte! To je tá hodina, ku ktorej sme prišli. A to je ten veľký stroj, ktorý je pripravený. Teraz majú mechaniku. Jediná vec, ktorú musia mať, je Satan vo vnútri toho, s dynamikou, aby urobil nátlak a zaviedol znamenie šelmy. Keď je pod nátlakom, potom dynamika pracuje. Mechanika je tam. Oni ich už dostali.
115 Dovoľte mi tiež niečo povedať. Tento čas zjednotenia - vidíte zjednocovanie cirkví, zjednocovanie národov ... To je tiež čas zjednocovania Boha a Jeho Nevesty. A hovorím to s úctou a rešpektom. Verím, že Nevesta Kristova je zavolaná. Verím, že je zapečatená v Kráľovstve Božom. Verím, že mechanika je tam. Oni čakajú na Dynamiku, ktorá Ju vezme z tejto zeme, do Slávy, vo Vytrhnutí. Verím tomu z celého môjho srdca. Tak veru. Nevieme, ako to On urobí, ale On to urobí.
On je Dynamika. My sme sa práve stali členmi toho stroja, Jeho Tela, formujúc sa na Jeho obraz, a vidíme Ho, ako sa zjednocuje s nami, v Jeho dielach, s Jeho darmi lásky, ako nám ich podáva práve pred Svadobnou Večerou. A my čakáme, sledujeme to.
116 Ich veľká cirkev sa má zjednotiť ... Dynamikou tejto Cirkvi bude znovunaplnenie Duchom Svätým, v ktorom sme pracovali v malej miere, keď Hlavový Kameň prichádza dolu, aby sa zjednotil s Telom. Ale keď sa tá Hlava a Telo zjednotia spolu, plná moc Ducha Svätého Ju povznesie práve tak ako ... dokonca mŕtvi, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, stovky rokov dozadu, povstanú v nádhere Jeho svätosti, a zaletia do nebies. Dynamika je Svätý Duch.
117 A teraz dynamika toho veľkého režimu, ktorý oni postavili ... Tento veľký stroj bude raz fungovať v zjednotenej rade - v Svetovej Rade Cirkví, ktorá bude robiť nátlak ... ale pamätajte ... Poviete, "Keď sa to stane..." To bude potom pre vás príliš neskoro. Už ste v tom. Či chcete byť, či nie, už ste tam. Vidíte? Všimnite si, už ste dostali toho ducha na seba ...
118 V tom dni, keď vetry Ducha vejú z východu, severu, a juhu, presviedčajú ľudí, aby z toho vyšli, a ukazujú ľuďom ... To je ten dôvod, prečo som bol tak proti tomu systému. Videl som, že tam niečo bolo, temnota. Ako som videl tie ženy, ten spôsob, ako nosili tú vec na svojich tvárach, ako som vám povedal minulú nedeľu, vedel som, že niečo prichádza.
119 Prečo som bol vždy proti takej veci? Nevedel som to; teraz to viem. Prečo som bol vždy proti organizovanému náboženstvu? Je to preto, lebo (teraz to vidím) to je znamenie šelmy. Vidíte? Nikdy som to nepovedal, len teraz posledných pár týždňov. Vidíte?
No, po cirkevnej politike, potom, čo sa deje? Potom, čo Slovo bolo pravdivo potvrdené? No, pozrite sa, to sa konečne dostalo na miesto, kde musí byť uznesenie.
120 Ich ďalší krok teraz bol ... Aký bol ďalší krok Židov potom, ako To cirkev zavrhla? Cirkev zavrhla Slovo. Oni s Tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. "To bol zlý duch." To poznalo ich myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdci. "To bolo zlé." Jednako to bolo Slovo. Skutky, ktoré On robil, svedčili o Ňom, potvrdzovali, kto On bol. Oni s Tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. Potom, za ďalšie, prichádza pred vládu. A toto je cirkevná vláda, lebo sú zahrnuté celé národy. Tam bol pohanský národ, ktorý vládol nad náboženským národom. Teraz to je ... všetko je náboženstvo. Tak to musí prísť ku svetovému náboženstvu.
Ó, slepý to môže vidieť! A čo hovorí slepý, keď toto uvidí? Keď to uvidí, vyjde zo svojej slepoty.
121 Všimnite si, keď sa táto svetová rada schádza ... "Čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom, zvaným Kristus?" Oni určite nechcú mať s Tým nič spoločné. Tak je len jedna vec, ktorú potom možno urobiť, presne to, čo oni spravili vtedy. Oni To ukrižujú. Iste. Umlčia To. "To nemôže viac byť. Nebude to dovolené robiť."Náboženská sila národov im to viac nedovolí robiť. Taká služba, aká tu prebieha, a veci ako toto, budú úplne zastavené. Nemôžete to robiť bez dovolenia od centrály, hlavy cirkvi. Vidíte? Obraz šelme. Ó! Tu sme, to je všetko. Dorazili sme. A pravdivo dokázané.
122 Ďalší krok je ukrižovať Ho. Tak isto ako teraz. Spôsobuje, že všetci, ktorí sa k nim nepripojili, budú vylúčení a nebude im dovolené kázať. Vidíte? To znovu križuje potvrdené Slovo zasľúbenia. Zastavuje To, "Nie je vám viacej dovolené, aby ste to mali. Žiadne uzdravovacie zhromaždenia. Žiadne modlitby za chorých." Ani nápad! Nemôžete to robiť. Bez ohľadu ... "Toto ďalšie ..." Vôbec nie! Buď prejdete cez Radu Cirkví alebo to nebudete mať vôbec."
123 Teraz môžete vidieť, prečo som proti denominačnému náboženstvu, lebo to je znamenie šelmy. Rím je hlavou toho, tá prvá. To je presne tak. A to núti všetkých, aby to prijali, pripojením sa k dcéram, to je ten obraz matky toho, urobili to isté. Kde bol Rím prvýkrát zorganizovaný? Čo bolo prvým organizovaným náboženstvom na svete? Rímsky Katolicizmus. Ktokoľvek má slovo, ktoré hovorí, že to tak nie je, nech to povie aby som to počul. Nie je tu také. Prvá organizácia, prvá cirkev, ktorá bola kedy zorganizovaná, bola v Nicei, Ríme. Tak veru. A to je presne to, čo oni spravili.
124 A čo urobili Lutheráni po jeho smrti? Oni urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobili v Nicei, v Ríme. Čo urobili po Wesleym? Čo urobili po všetkých týchto veľkých hnutiach, ktoré vyšli? Oni urobili to isté, vytvorili dcéry pre smilnicu. Tak presne, dokonale ... Ako tým istým, zisťujeme tu...
125 Mám tu napísané malé miesto Písma. Možno by som to mal radšej vynechať. Ale ... a sledujte, oni museli ... Organizovanie cirkvi dalo dnes dokopy ten istý systém. Jedinú vec, ktorú potrebujú je dynamika toho. Proste niečo, čo to uvedie do moci a potom to rýchle ukáže svoju pravú tvár.
126 Katolícka cirkev a Protestantské cirkvi sa stanú priateľmi. Hovoril som vám to od kedy, posledných okolo tridsať rokov. Oni sa zjednotia spolu. A vidíte presne, čo robia teraz. Protestanti sa nikdy nestanú Katolíkmi, ale budú združeným bratstvom, znamením šelmy, na podobu šelmy.
127 Podobným spôsobom akým matka Eva narušila celý svet a doviedla ho do fyzickej smrti. Matka, Eva! Počúvajte. Matka Eva skazila celú ľudskú rasu, fyzickou smrťou, (ako?) odmietnutím Slova a prijatím niečoho čo vyzeralo veľmi podobné. Ona spôsobila všetku fyzickú smrť, lebo opustila pravdivé Slovo, a verila pravdivému Slovu, až na jednu maličkosť. Jeden malý nesúhlas s celým Slovom Božím spôsobilo každý srdcový záchvat, každú smrť a všetko, čo kedy bolo na zemi. Eva to urobila, matka smrti. Vidíte ku čomu dochádzame? Matka smrti ... Všimnite si, ona proste neuverila Slovu.
Ona povedala, "Boh povedal..."
Satan povedal, "To je pravda."
Ale Boh povedal, a tým je to vybavené, Slovo! Vidíte, to začalo len s malou nesprávnou interpretáciou Slova, a, tá istá vec, to končí tak isto.
129 Všimnite si, dcéra je produktom matky a otca, skrze zjednotenie. No tu je niečo šokujúce. Ale smrť, fyzická, fyzická smrť je zjednotenie matky Evy a Satana spolu, skrze neveru Božiemu Slovu. Oni sa spojili a priniesli produkt smrti. Ona, ... Smrť je produktom zjednotenia sa spolu Satana a Evy.
130 Eva mala Slovo. Satan je proti Slovu. A pozrite, takmer deväťdesiat deväť percent a deväťdesiat deväť stotín z Toho, Satan uznal, že je pravda. "Tak blízko," Biblia povedala, "v posledných dňoch, by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Vidíte ako to prichádza, ako to vždy bolo, ako to ide von? Tým istým spôsobom, zjednotení neverou v celé plné Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? To je to, čo prinieslo smrť, to je zjednotenie nevery so Slovom. Nevera, len malá, malinká časť z toho; malá, malinká, drobunký kúsok, stotina percenta. Ale To musí byť sto percent! To je všetko.
131 Všimnite si, Božia dcéra, Cirkev, Nevesta, je tiež produktom zjednotenia sa Boha a Jeho Slova. Svätý Duch sa zjednocuje v tele z mäsa, To vyprodukovalo Syna Božieho, produkt spravodlivosti Božej. A v poslednom dni, ako nám bolo povedané, "ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," Nevesta bude zjednotená skrze Slovo Božie zamanifestované v tele, Svätý Duch ich zapečatí do Boha, a nevera bude vonku za tou pečaťou.
132 Ako som povedal, ak by život Beethovena bol vo vás, žili by ste ako Beethoven; ak by život Hitlera bol vo vás, žili by ste ako Hitler. A keď Život Kristov je vo vás, budete žiť ako Kristus, a budete robiť skutky Kristove. A to bude ... Ak by Kristus žil dnes, robil by presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude dnes robiť. A ak Slovo povedalo, že, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky," prečo ten slepý klerikálny svet nemôže vidieť čas, v ktorom žijú? Vidíte?
133 Eva spôsobila všetku fyzickú smrť, tým že sa snažila vniesť do Slova nejaký Satanov blud. A tá istá vec sa stala cirkvi, v Nicei, v Ríme, tým že prijali dogmy namiesto Slova. To isté sa stalo pri Metodistoch, Baptistoch, Presbyteriánoch, keď to Svetlo vytrysklo v každom veku a oni To zavrhli. To je dôvod, prečo Luteráni zomreli, keď vystúpil Wesley. To bol iný vek. Slovo vystúpilo do popredia, a oni To museli prijať alebo zomrieť. To je dôvod, prečo zomierajú teraz Letniční, lebo je tu ten vek. Slovo sa zamanifestovalo, čas orla, čas navrátenia sa naspäť Slova, čas aby viera otcov, bola znova naspäť prinavrátená deťom. A oni sú tak zjednotení, oni To zavrhli, a nie sú ničím iným než duchovnou smrťou. To vždy ...
134 Božie Telo, zjednotené ako Jeho Nevesta, súc Jedno, On a Kristus spolu, a pritom Duch pracuje v tele Cirkvi, tak ako pracoval v tele Ježiša Krista, lebo To je časťou Jeho Tela. Nie dvaja; ale Jedno! Oni sú Jedno. Manžel a manželka už nie sú viac dvaja, ale jedno. A Kristus a Jeho Telo sú Jedno. A ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v Jeho Neveste, v Jeho Tele, to ich zjednocuje spolu s celým Slovom. A Boh žije tam, On Sám, manifestujúc to.
135 A antikrist hovorí, "Ó, ja verím v Krista, verím v evanjelium, verím tým veciam, ale, viete..." Tu to máte. "Ale, viete, dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je nič také ako toto, vidíte." Tu to máte. "Ó, neverím, že musíte byť pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista."
136 Ale Biblia povedala, že musíte. No, chcem nejakého teológa, aby s tým nesúhlasil. Vidíte? Vidíte? To musí byť. Poviete, "Nuž, krst nerobí žiaden rozdiel." Nuž, potom, prečo to bolo napísané? Prečo to robilo rozdiel pre Pavla? Prečo to robilo rozdiel pre všetkých ostatných z nich? Buď ste pokrstení...
Biblia povedala, "Máte meno, že žijete a ste mŕtvi." Lebo nie je iné meno dané pod Nebom ... Prečo v Ňom kážete, modlíte sa v Ňom, všetko ostatné, ale keď prichádzate k bazénu, odmietate Ho? Ó, ach. Vidíte?
Raz som povedal jednému mužovi, povedal som, "Čo ak by človek..."
On povedal, "To nerobí žiaden rozdiel."
137 Povedal som, "Ak príde ku tebe človek, a potom povie, že je pokrstený v mene "Ruže Sáronskej, Ľalie v údolí, a Rannej Hviezdy," povedal by si, že je v poriadku?
Povedal, "Nie, pane."
Povedal som, "Prekrstil by si ho?"
Povedal som, "Ako by si ho pokrstil?"
Povedal, "V mene ´Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha´."
138 Povedal som, "V poriadku, teraz si urobil presne, umiestnil si... Keď nazývaš toto ´menami´, urobil si tú istú vec, ktorú on povedal, ´Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia v údolí, a Ranná Hviezda,´ lebo to sú tituly, a ´Otec, Syn, a Svätý Duch´ sú tituly. Vidíte?
Povedal, "Ale Ježiš povedal krstite, ´v Mene´."
139 Povedal som, "To je presne to, čo On chcel aby robili. Ale čo je ... On nepovedal, ´vyrieknite tieto slová.´ ´Pokrstite ich v Mene,´ v Mene!" Ó! Povedal som, "´Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch´ sú tituly. ´Meno Otca, Syna ... Meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.´" Vidíte? Povedal som, "Čo Peter povedal, že To bolo? Čo tí ostatní z nich povedali, že To bolo? Vidíte? Čo To je? ´Pán Ježiš Kristus´ je Meno ´Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.´" On má okolo tridsaťtisíc domorodcov, ktorých musí teraz znovu prekrstiť. Vidíte? V poriadku. Ale to je správne. Pavol povedal, "Keby anjel z Neba..."
140 Pavol povedal tým ľuďom, ktorí neboli pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista, Skutky 19:5, že aby prijali Svätého Ducha, museli prísť ... Hoci kričali a chválili Boha, a robili veľké veci, on povedal, že sa musia vrátiť a byť znovu pokrstení, vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Po tom, ako ich Ján Krstiteľ pokrstil, museli sa vrátiť a byť znovu pokrstení.
A on povedal, v Galaťanom 1:8, "Keby vás anjel z neba učil niečo iné, než ako som vás ja učil, nech je prekliaty." Tak veru. Tak my musíme zostať presne s týmto Slovom, s každým Slovom z Toho. Vidíte?
141 Všimnite si. Ó, nemajte žiadne trhliny; buďte si úplne istí. Ak je niečo, čo pochybuje vo vašej mysli, mali by ste to dať teraz radšej do poriadku. Nečakajte do vtedy, je príliš neskoro. Nečakajte, až kým príjmete to znamenie tak hlboko, že To už nikdy nebudete môcť vidieť, budete slepí.
On oslepil Izrael, aby mohol manifestovať Svoje Slovo. On robí to isté pohanom, pretože tu oni kráčajú rovno do toho presne tak, ako tí vtedy.
142 Všimnite si, Eva odmietla a prišla o svoje práva. Potom, ako videla Slovo potvrdené Bohom, čo On urobil, ona To odmietla a prišla o svoje práva. Tú istú vec urobili v Nicei, Ríme. A tú istú vec robia teraz v Rade Cirkví, presne tak. Bratia, od Genesis do Zjavenia sa deje tá istá vec. To je to, čo Izrael urobil. To je to, čo Pilát urobil. To je to, čo celá tá vec urobila, vždy, od Evy až do teraz, tá istá vec. Oni odmietajú potvrdené Slovo a berú dogmu, namiesto Toho. To spôsobuje smrť, duchovnú smrť. Smrť! Slovo je stále kázané mŕtvym. Presne! Počas Milénia to teraz nebude. Vidíte? Im už bolo kázané. Možno sa to deje práve teraz. Vidíte?
143 Kainovi synovia, ktorí boli produktom nevery Slovu Božiemu, Kainovi synovia sa posmievali posolstvu proroka Noeho. Všimli ste si to? S Božím Slovom priniesol predpovedaný súd a mal jasné znamenia, potvrdené znamenia, že čas je na konci a Kainovi synovia sa Tomu posmievali.
Tak, ako to robia teraz. Tak to robili vo dňoch Ježiša. Tak to robili počas všetkých vekov. Vždy to tak bolo. Oni sa Tomu posmievali a robili si z Toho žarty. On povedal, "V posledných dňoch budú posmievači, hovoriaci, ´Nie je žiaden rozdiel v čase, odkedy naši otcovia zaspali.´" Vidíte?
144 Tak robili synovia diabla, cez náboženský systém, keď sa manifestovalo Slovo v čase Ježiša Krista. Pozrite, náboženské systémy židovských ľudí, [brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu, a hovorí, "sestra Rose." – pozn.prekl.], židovskí ľudia, ktorí to mali lepšie vedieť, ale ich systém ich priviedol do toho, aby odmietli a posmievali sa Slovu Božiemu, o ktorom tvrdili, že Mu veria, ktoré sa manifestovalo. Každé Slovo pasovalo. Oni urobili tú istú vec.
145 Tak isto, ako to robia dnes v tom náboženskom systéme, v tejto veľkej mašine, ktorú teraz zostrojili, bude absolútne - zavrhli zasľúbenia v čase konca; s Posolstvom času konca,a znak času konca, všetko času konca, čo má byť, ako to Boh predpovedal, Slovo za Slovom. Je to na páske ... Ak ma zastrelia, alebo čokoľvek môžu urobiť, oni nikdy nezastavia to Posolstvo! Vidíte? To bude pokračovať tak isto. Vidíte? Už je to vonku. Je to nahrané. Odišlo to. Vidíte? Nikdy by nemohli ... To je Slovo konca, práve teraz. Dokonale potvrdené a dokázané, ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, znameniami, zázrakmi, mechanikou, dynamikou, vedou, cirkvou, Bohom Samým, bolo to potvrdené v tejto hodine; obojako Slovom, a znameniami a zázrakmi.
146 A Posolstvo, ktoré Boh osvedčil medzi vami, znameniami a zázrakmi tejto hodiny. Posolstvo, že Ježiš Kristus nie je mŕtvy, ale žije taký istý ako vždy bol a vysiela ... A to presne vypĺňa Malachiáša 4 a všetky ostatné Písma, o ktorých Ježiš povedal, že to bude v posledných dňoch; sú úplne vyplnené, obojako vedecky, svetom ... Časopisy priniesli veľké fotky kruhov Svetla, ktoré tu boli predpovedané. A Anjeli Boží, ktorí prišli dolu, o čom oni nič nevedia. A všade, všade je to dokázané, po celom svete!
147 Ďalší krok je ukrižovanie, a my stojíme pred tým. A Ježiš potom povedal, "Čo mám povedať? Vyprosti Ma Otče z tejto hodiny? Nie. "Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa (Vidíte?) na zemi, ako je v Nebi."
148 To je to, čo dnes hovorí Cirkev zo svojho srdca, "Ja a pripojiť sa k niečomu takému ...? Nie, Pane! Nie. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako v Nebi."
149 Všimnite si, po zasľúbenom Slove na ten vek, ktoré bolo dokázané, oni To zavrhli. Dnes urobili to isté. A teraz prichádzam ku koncu. A ako On prišiel vtedy, jasne sa identifikoval, že je Slovom, a to prišlo ku konfrontácii, kde si museli vybrať Slovo alebo prijať systém; dnes to prišlo ku tomu istému, musia si vybrať Slovo alebo prijať systém. A oni prijali systém. No, čo to spôsobuje? (Na záver.) On je na rukách sveta. Presne tak.
150 A teraz, ku môjmu textu. Sú dlhé cesty, ktoré treba okolo postaviť, ale teraz som práve začal. Vidíte? Nevstávajte, len som žartoval. Pozrite, tu je môj text. Vieme ... To bolo kladenie podkladu. Teraz to tu máme všetko uložené v jednej línii. Rozložme si to doma a uvidíme, ako to vyzerá, pozrime sa na to cez lupu.
151 Ježiš je na rukách ľudí. Je na rukách cirkvi. Čo urobíte s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je nazvaný pomazané Slovo? Kristus znamená "pomazané Slovo." Vidíte?
152 Čo svet zvolal? Čo cirkev zvolala? "Ukrižuj To! Zastav To! Nechceme To viacej."
153 Opýtam sa vás niečo. Viete si predstaviť vinu na Oswaldových rukách, toto ráno, ten, ktorý zavraždil Prezidenta? Viete si predstaviť, aký bude jeho súd, ak bude dokázané, že on bol ten, ktorý to urobil? Viete si - vedeli by ste si predstaviť nejaké zľutovanie, ktoré preňho zostáva? Krv Prezidenta Spojených štátov je na jeho rukách. Myslíte si, že Federálny súd... Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa on obhajoval, "Nechcel som to urobiť," to ho ani trochu neospravedlní. On zahynie. Prečo? On má Prezidentovu krv na svojich rukách. Viete si predstaviť jeho pocity? Chceli by ste to na svojich rukách? [Zhromaždenie, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.]
154 Nuž, a čo potom Krv Ježiša Krista? Myslíte si, že by ste boli ospravedlnení, potom, čo je To dokonale potvrdené? Ako Tomu uniknete? Jeho Krv je na vašich rukách, vinní! Hriešnik, kam odtiaľto pôjdeš? Čo budeš robiť po tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno?
155 Myslíte si, poviete, "Nuž, zamýšľal som... nechcel som byť zlý." Oswald by mohol povedať to isté.
Ak spravodlivosť nášho najvyššieho súdu bude volať po spravodlivosti, bude volať. To je náš... To je absolut tohoto národa. Celý národ je zaviazaný tomu najvyššiemu súdu, a nič z toho čo on rozhodne sa nedá obísť. On spáchal zločin. On za to musí platiť. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi to on tak nemyslel, aké boli jeho zámery, alebo nič o tom; on za to zaplatí, každopádne.
Ak náš najvyšší súd a jeho spravodlivosť požaduje odplatu, o koľko viac sa vy nájdete na Súde Božom, keď prídete s Krvou Ježiša Krista na svojich rukách? "Čo urobím s týmto Ježišom zvaným pomazané Slovo?" Počuli ste To. Viete, že je To Pravda. Je to dokonale potvrdené.
156 Vrah? Túžili by ste po denominačnom vrahovi Slova, než po nevinnom Kristovi? Ukrižovali by ste? Odvážili by ste sa vziať Barabáša? Zvolali by ste pre Barabáša? Ako sa niekto odváži urobiť to, zvolať pre Barabáša, vraha Slova; než ako zobrať Slovo, Samo, ktoré je Život. A To je na vašich rukách.
157 Keď som počul o vrahovi Prezidenta Kennedyho, toto Posolstvo prišlo na moje srdce. Myslel som si, čo ten muž urobí? A teraz žiadna cesta von z toho. Možno sa teraz zobudil o tomto čase a uvedomil si, čo leží pred ním.
158 A ty sa raz zobudíš. Tu, alebo pri páske, kdekoľvek si, raz sa zobudíš, hriešnik, a uvedomíš si, že Krv je na tvojich rukách, Krv Syna Božieho, a že si vinný Jeho vraždy. Tvoj hriech Ho zavraždil. Tvoja nevera v Jeho Slovo, tvoja neschopnosť vidieť Jeho identifikáciu, zarmútil si Svätého Ducha. A čo môžeš robiť okrem stáť na Súde Božom, vediac, čo sa ti stane! Áno, krv Johna Kennedyho na rukách Oswalda bude menšia vec, než Krv Ježiša Krista na tvojich rukách, keď sa postavíš pred Bohom.
[Brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazeteľňu – pozn.prekl.] A Krv Ježiša Krista je umiestnená znovu na rukách tohoto zhromaždenia. Je umiestnená na rukách tohoto národa, a okolo tohoto sveta, kde sa dostali tieto pásky a veci, ktoré boli potvrdené a dokázané Bohom.
No čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je zvaný, "Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky"? Čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom? Ste pripravení zaujať svoje miesto po Jeho boku? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
160 Pilát, a tá istá vec, ktorú urobil Pilát, to pripomína tri veci, ktoré môžeš urobiť ty s Ním. Pilát vyskúšal všetky tri, a nepodarilo sa mu to. Tri schémy, ktoré sa môžeš pokúsiť urobiť, ale nikdy to nebude fungovať. Pilát sa pokúšal dostať Ho zo svojich rúk. Ale keď je raz umiestnený na vašich rukách, je na vašich rukách. Pilát skúšal tri rôzne spôsoby, a neuspel.
161 Musíme čeliť faktom, že On je na našich rukách. Videli sme Ho v Jeho Slove. Vidíme Ho, ako sa potvrdzuje. Vieme, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
Potom, nehovorím len ku tomuto zhromaždeniu tu dnes ráno, pretože hovorím len ku šesťsto, sedemsto ľuďom, možno, ale hovorím ku miliónom, na tejto páske, ktorá pôjde okolo sveta. Vidíte? On je na vašich rukách, v krajine kde počúvate pásky, kdekoľvek ste. Viete, že je To pravda. Ak nie, potom ste slepí; nemôžete vidieť Slovo, ani nemôžete vidieť Boha v Slove. A On je na vašich rukách. No čo s Ním urobíte?
162 Pilát sa Ho skúšal zbaviť, ale my musíme čeliť faktom. Pilát Tomu musel čeliť. On vedel. On počul.
Nuž, poviete, "Nikdy som nič z toho nevidel." Počul si To, každopádne. Počuješ To teraz. Vidíte?
On chcel, aby Ježiš urobil zázrak, alebo trik, preňho. Ale On nepredvádzal triky; On robil len to, čo Mu Otec povedal, aby robil.
163 Počuli ste. Viera prichádza z počutia. Máte vieru a dostať to preč zo ... aby ste to dostali zo svojich rúk. Ale on aj tak musí čeliť faktom. On musel, a tak my musíme čeliť faktom. On je plne identifikovaný. Pomyslite, s krvou človeka na svojich rukách!
164 Človek musí dávať pozor, keď má krv iného človeka na svojich rukách. Pozrite sa na lietadlo, na pilota toho lietadla, keď má vyštartovať, musí skontrolovať každý prístroj. Prečo? Na svojich rukách má niečiu krv. Každý malý prístroj, ktorý môže byť skontrolovaný, on to kontroluje. Keď ide na štart a obráti lietadlo, zrýchli motor a vidí, že sa to zahrialo. A drží pedál plynu celý čas, aby videl, že ten prúd bude... či to bude schopné zapnúť vrtuľu, tiež, s dostatočným vzduchom, aby ho to zodvihlo zo zeme. Stáli ste, mnohí z vás, v lietadle, alebo sedeli tam a celé lietadlo takmer triaslo zem. On mu dáva všetko, čo má, aby videl, či všetko správne funguje. Keby niečo nebolo v poriadku, ono zhasne a zastaví motor. Ale on to kontroluje znovu, ak to tam musí nastaviť na chvíľu, kým to neskontroluje znovu. A ak mu nechajú trochu času, znovu to skontroluje.
165 Ako by to mala cirkev kontrolovať znovu, a znovu, a znovu, a znovu! My čakáme na Jeho Príchod. My vstávame, my očakávame na vzatie. Radšej by sme to mali skontrolovať so Slovom, nie s tým čo niekto povedal. Buďte si istí, že vy sami to viete, majúc osobné prežite s Kristom. Skontrolujte to znovu, a znovu, a znovu.
Prečo? On má na svojich rukách krv ľudí. On to radšej skontroluje.
166 A čo doktor, pred operáciou? Máme tu dnes ráno sediacich pár lekárov. Všimnite si, že lekár, čo bude robiť predtým, než ide na operačku. On chce röntgen. On chce skontrolovať krv. On chce skontrolovať srdce. On chce vidieť, či nemáte nejaké prechladnutie, predtým, než dá anestéziu. On skontroluje každý nástroj; vyvarí ich, dokonale, aby videl, že na nich nie sú žiadne baktérie. On robí všetko. On kontroluje ďalej a ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, znovu. Prečo? On má na svojich rukách krv človeka. On si chce byť smrteľne istý, že všetko je práve tak v poriadku, ako len môže byť.
167 A čo vy? Čo ty, hriešnik, čo si pri tom cítil? Mať krv človeka na svojich rukách, zodpovednosť ako pilot, a on kontroluje; lekár, a on kontroluje; a čo ďalšie, tak veľa vedeckých; keď máš krv človeka na svojich rukách, čo budeš robiť!
Keď sudca ide vyniesť rozsudok, pozri ako on číta tie knihy, znovu a znovu a znovu a znovu a znovu, až kým neuvidí každú maličkosť, ktorú môže vidieť, predtým, ako vynesie rozsudok. Pretože na svojich rukách má krv človeka. Musí tu mať niečo, čo mu dáva oprávnenie vyniesť daný rozsudok. Vidíte?
168 A čo my, keď To vidíme dokonale identifikované, že, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky"? On je tu. On je na našich rukách. On je na našich rukách. On je na tvojich rukách! Čo s Ním urobíš? "Čo urobím s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je pomazaným Kristom?"
Zasľúbenie na tento deň, na deň, v ktorom žijeme, je tak veľa toho, čo Písmo hovorí, tak veľa kúskov z Toho sa už vyplnilo. Tieto posledné kúsky tohoto posledného dňa, sú nejaké veci, ktoré sa tu ukladajú, ktoré sa majú stať, a tu to je. Čo to je? Ten istý pomazaný Kristus, pomazané Slovo! Čo s Tým urobíte? Predáte To do denominácie?
169 No čo urobil Pilát? Pilát sa pokúšal zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk tým, že povedal ... prvá vec, ktorú Pilát urobil, bola, že sa pokúsil zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk tým, že povedal, "Ó, On je v poriadku. On je v poriadku." Vidíte?
170 Poviete, "Ó, chudák Pilát." Pilát? Mnohí ho ospravedlňujú? Nie, nie, nie! On bol na jeho rukách. On počul Posolstvo, on videl Slovo a On bol na jeho rukách. A tak je On na vašich rukách. Tak je to.
Čo on urobil? On sa pokúšal povedať, "Ó, nuž, On je dobrý Človek. Nenachádzam na ňom nijakej viny."
171 Či to nie je odpoveď tak mnohých dnes?! "Ó, na tom Slove nie je nič zlé. Hádam je to v poriadku. Biblia je v poriadku, ale my veríme cirkvi. Naša denominácia s Tým nesúhlasí." Vidíte? Vidíte? Je jedna trieda ľudí, ktorí sa snažia zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk.
172 Židom 13:8 Ho dáva znovu naspäť na vaše ruky, nedá sa tomu uniknúť! On je dokonale potvrdený, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Nemáte žiadneho úniku. Nemôžete Ho presunúť do nejakého iného veku. Židom 13:8 zajíma vaše myšlienky, a dáva Ho rovno naspäť znovu na vaše ruky. Tak Ježiš je na vašich rukách, tak ako bol na Pilátových.
Pozrite. Poviete, "Ale ja neviem." Nuž, prečo počúvate?
173 Pilát bol pohan. Jeho žena bola pohanka. Ale Boh, aby to urobil spravodlivé, poslal tam tú ženu a povedala, "Nemaj nič s týmto spravodlivým Mužom." Ona povedala, "Trpela som tento deň ..." (Vtedy bolo ráno a to bolo cez noc. Dvadsaťštyri hodín je považovaných za deň.) "Dnes som vo sne mnoho trpela pre toho spravodlivého Človeka. Nemaj s Tým nič."
174 No on povedal, "Nuž, potom, ak je to tak, ja Ho proste zmyjem zo svojich rúk." Ale nemohol to urobiť.
Ani vy nemôžete. Keď raz počujete Pravdu, musíte Ju prijať alebo zaprieť. Žiadny iný spôsob... Tak veru, musíte to urobiť. Varovania Pánove!
175 Židia zvolali, "Nech je Jeho Krv na nás; lebo my skôr budeme veriť našim kňazom, nášmu denominačnému systému, ako Jemu."
Tu to máte. Vidíte tie druhy ľudí dnes? Ale všetko musí zaujať svoj postoj ku tomu čo predkladá Boh. Vy všetci to musíte urobiť, tak či tak, pohania alebo čokoľvek môžete byť. Neveriaci, metodista, baptista, presbyterián, vlažní, studení, horúci, a čokoľvek môžete byť, tak isto musíte zaujať svoj postoj voči tej veci. Či chcete alebo nie, je To na vašich rukách. Presne tak.
176 Potom sú tí, ktorí skúšajú druhý Pilátov spôsob, ako sa vyhnúť tej spornej veci, podať Ho nejakému inému cisárovi. Vidíte?
Pilát povedal, "No počkajte chvíľu. Nechcem mať s Tým nič spoločné. Ja - ja - ja...No, On je spravodlivý Muž. Nechcem s Ním mať nič spoločné. Ó, verím tomu, čo som počul. Nikdy som Ho nevidel urobiť zázrak, ale je príliš veľa svedectiev o Ňom. Verím, že je spravodlivý Muž. On je dobrý Muž, vidíte, ale ja s Tým nechcem mať nič spoločné, ja osobne. Ja - ja - ja len ... Ja Ho proste zmyjem zo svojich rúk. Prineste mi vodu. Vy všetci tu ste svedkovia." Áno. Ale Boh je tiež svedok, tiež. On bol na jeho rukách.
177 A tak isto je On na vašich rukách. Vidíte? Viete, o čom hovorím. Vidíte? Nie len vy, ale aj pri tejto páske. On je na vašich rukách. Čo s Ním urobíte, s týmto Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Kristus je pomazané Slovo. Vidíte? Čo s Tým urobíte? To je Posolstvo na túto hodinu. Ten deň je tu, dokonale dokázaný Bibliou a Bohom. Čo s Tým urobíte? Ako sa teraz vyhnete tomu problému? Ako chcete tomu uniknúť? On je na vašich rukách! Oswaldov prípad bude menší, oproti vášmu.
178 Žiadny kazateľ, ktokoľvek môžete byť ... Tí Židia boli kňazi, a rabíni, učitelia, svätí muži; ale On bol na ich rukách práve tak isto. On bol Slovo, to čo Boh uverejnil na ten deň, a oni To neboli schopní vidieť. Len tí vyvolení To videli, tí, ktorí Tomu verili.
179 No, všetci musia zaujať svoj postoj voči tomu. V každom veku to bolo tak, v každom čase. Vo veku Evy a Adama, ďalej vo veku Noeho, ďalej v čase Daniela a Baltazára a Nabuchodonozora, ďalej v Kristovom čase, ďalej až do práve tejto hodiny, v ktorej žijeme, stále je to tak isto; vystupuje záležitosť Slova. Nie ich vyznania, ani nie denominácie, nie dogmy, ale záležitosť Slova je proti tým veciam, To je teraz, To je teraz na rukách.
180 Potom tí, ktorí skúšajú Pilátov ďalší spôsob, zbaviť sa Ho, tým, že Ho podá niekomu inému. Pilát povedal, "No, viete čo? Ja Ho proste odstránim zo svojich rúk. Zmyjem Ho zo svojich rúk s touto vodou. Tak ja len ... Musím s Ním niečo urobiť. Tak čo urobím? Pošlem Ho na ústredie, kde je biskup." Ó, ach. Jé.
To je to, čo sa snažia dnes robiť. Vidíte? Oni Ho poslali k Cisárovi. To Ho neodstránilo z Pilátových rúk, neodňalo Ho to z rúk nikoho. Čo to urobilo? To sa obrátilo proti nemu. Prichádza to rovno naspäť ku tomu jednotlivcovi.
181 Poviete, "Nuž, ja by, ja by som to urobil. Ja by som To prijal, keby To moja denominácia prijala."
Tvoja denominácia je v Rade Cirkví, zavrhnutá! Ako to oni príjmu? To sa obracia, rovno naspäť proti tebe. To nie je to, čo povie tvoja denominácia; to je, čo povieš ty? Oni To odmietli; teraz čo s Tým urobíš ty? To je ďalšia vec. Vidíte? To Ho neodstráni z tvojich rúk.
On je dokonale potvrdený. On je dokonale identifikovaný, Slovo na túto hodinu, zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Nie zasľúbenie pre Lutherovu hodinu; to bolo vtedy, to bolo Slovo vo veku reformátorov. Tak, vy všetci, ktorí ste počuli Sedem Pečatí, keď nastal vek reformátorov, vyšlo zviera s tvárou ako človek, to vydalo organizáciu. Ale toto je tvár orla, zviera, ktoré vyšlo urobiť výzvu na dnes.
182 A kto sa odváži povedať, že to nebolo inšpirované Slovo Božie, keď To On tu predpovedal, a poslal tam do Arizony a priniesol To rovno naspäť, dokonca s vedou a všetkým iným, a dokázal, že je To tak! Táto Kniha je už otvorená, je to tak, len čaká na Siedmu Pečať, aby bola zidentifikovaná Príchodom Krista.
183 V poriadku, On je na vašich rukách. Musíte s Ním niečo urobiť. Nedávajte Ho preč. Tak veru! V tejto kategórii, rád by som povedal ... Odovzdávajú Ho niekomu inému ... "Keby To moja denominácia prijala, brat Branham, prijal by som To. Ale, vieš, moja matka patrila k tejto cirkvi." Ona žila vo svojom veku; to nie si ty. Ty si teraz. Pozri, z čoho ona musela vyjsť, aby sa stala tým čím bola. A čo ty? V poriadku.
184 Pozrite. Poviete, "Moja matka bola letničná. Ona urobila to a to, vyšla z organizácie." Ale ja sa teraz snažím hovoriť ku tebe. Čo ty? Vidíte? V tejto kategórii, nachádzame mnoho vzdelaných. No, viem, že tu zraním cítenia, ale nerobím to zámerne. Ak áno, potom by som mal byť dolu pri oltári, činiť pokánie. Hovorím toto v božskej láske.
185 Ježiš, keď tam stál, a tí farizeji; musel povedať, "Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla a robíte jeho skutky." Jednako na kríži volal o pokoj a milosrdenstvo pre nich, ktorí Ho ukrižovali. Vidíte, On nebol na nich nahnevaný. On povedal, "Vy pokolenie hadov." Vidíte? Vidíte? Všetko ... Označil ich všetkými možnými menami, vidíte, a potom sa za nich na kríži modlil. Vidíte? To nebolo, že On ich tak chcel nazývať; to nebolo to, ale oni museli vidieť tú chybu, ktorú robili.
186 A ja hovorím tú istú vec dnes, v tejto kategórii, kde kladú zodpovednosť na niekoho iného. Alebo robia niečo také, čo nazývame v armáde, "podať dolár niekomu inému, nech on hodí a rozhodne." Snažíme sa to podať ďalej, ako to urobili Adam a Eva. Eva sa pokúšala. Adam povedal, "Žena, ktorú Si mi dal," a to nebolo preňho ospravedlnenie. Vidíte? Žena povedala, "Had ma zviedol. On bol ten, ktorý mal so mnou sexuálny pomer. On ma zviedol. On toto urobil." Tým sa tomu nijako nevyhli. Išli rovno na súd, tak isto. Tak veru!
187 V poriadku. Nemôžete to podať inému. Nemôžete povedať, "Ak Tomu bude veriť moja denominácia, ja tiež. Ale, ja som v tejto denominácii." To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Židia boli v tej istej situácii, tak isto vy.
188 A teraz mnohí ľudia v tejto ... Nachádzame dobrých kultúrnych ľudí v tejto kategórii. Teraz dobre počúvajte.
Vidíte, kultúra, čo my dnes nazývame kultúrou, je to, čo Satan predložil Eve; malá múdrosť. Povedal, "Vaše oči nie ešte sú otvorené, takže nerozumiete Tomu všetkému." Ona poznala Slovo, a to bolo všetko ... Ona videla Boha ako potvrdzuje to Slovo, a to malo byť fajn. On ju udržoval vo večnom živote, kým ona stála na tom Slove. Keď porušila to Slovo ... ona mala zasľúbenie od Boha, že v ten deň, keď To poruší zomrie. A, keď To porušila, zomrela. Tak je to.
189 My tu máme potvrdené Slovo Božie, ktoré skrze Ducha potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že On nás prijal a dáva nám krst Svätým Duchom. Sme pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista. To isté Evanjelium, tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, tá istá služba, dokonca ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp viditeľný pred nami, ukazujúci znamenia a zázraky. Nie je tu nikde žiadna výhovorka.
A to je presne to, čo Biblia povedala že sa stane v posledných dňoch; a správa z Malachiáša 4 "navrátiť vieru detí naspäť do viery otcov." A hneď potom, hriešnici kráčajú ... či spravodliví kráčajú po popole bezbožných; celý svet má byť spálený. A tam ďalej visí nad tým atóm, bomby v nosičoch.
190 Vidíte, čo urobilo Nemecko hneď ako zistili, že bol zavraždený prezident? Rýchlo zhromaždili svoju armádu, lebo to bola jediná vec, ktorá držala Rusko aby tam nebombardovali. A oni udreli... Kennedy im práve poslal správu, že v tú hodinu, ako to urobia, že ich zmetie zo zeme, rovno z Nemecka. Vidíte? A oni si mysleli, že tu môžu len tak zabrať, ale to ešte nebola tá hodina. Vidíte?
191 Nachádzame bystrých, vzdelaných kazateľov, evanjelistov, ktorí sa snažia zbaviť sa toho a zložiť to na niekoho iného. Vidíte?
Prečo? Prečo Pilát nepovedal, "Nuž, počkaj chvíľu, tento človek... Táto manželka mi prišla povedať, a ja som počul mnoho svedectiev o Tebe. Vieš, mám záujem. Rád by som vedel čo môžem robiť, aby som mal Večný život, Pane? Si na mojich rukách. Čo môžem urobiť?" Nuž, on by povedal... On povedal, "Či si Ty Mesiáš? Či si Ty Kráľ Židov?"
192 On povedal, "To je to, čo si povedal. Ty si to povedal."
On povedal, "Kvôli tomu som sa narodil."
On nemohol nájsť na Ňom nijakej viny. Ó, ach. "Nuž, ja Ho len zmyjem zo svojich rúk."
193 On mu odpovedal, ale on to nemohol prijať. Prečo? To by znížilo jeho prestíž. Tak si myslel, že Ho pošle ku štátnemu presbyterovi a uvidí, čo on s tým urobí. Vidíte?
194 To isté sa deje teraz, znova vystupuje do popredia ten prípad. Čo ty s Tým urobíš, so Slovom? Čo máš urobiť, opýtať sa presbytera, alebo biskupa, alebo niekoho, či môžeš zmeniť svoj motív krstu, či môžeš urobiť toto, alebo urobiť toto; vidíš, tak sa ... "Samozrejme, že nie." Hneď to prenášaš znovu na seba. Ak to urobíš, budeš vykopnutý. Vidíš?
195 To by znížilo prestíž ľudí. Áno, oni si myslia... A denominačná rada sa nepostaví ... Ako Pilát, ktorý to odovzdal Cisárovi; oni by za tým nestáli. Cisár to dal naspäť do ruky Pilátovi. Tak oni sa pokúšajú podať Ho ďalej svojmu denominačnému vedeniu, a to nefunguje. Tento trik nikdy nefungoval a nebude fungovať. Nefungovalo to pre Piláta; nebude to fungovať pre vás; nebude to fungovať pre nikoho iného.
196 No, po druhé, to čo môžete urobiť je ... či vlastne po tretie, je prijať Ho alebo Ho odmietnuť. Nemôžete Ho zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nemôžete Ho podať ďalej nejakému inému systému, alebo nejakému inému, niečomu ďalšiemu. Vy musíte zaujať svoj postoj ku tomu prípadu. Tak čo môžete urobiť?
Ako Pilát, stál pred tým istým problémom, povedal, "Dajte mi vodu, zmyjem to zo svojich rúk, aby som dokázal ..!" Keď sa vrátil, aj tak on musel vykonať súd; tým sa toho nezbavil. Snažil sa povedať, "Nuž, ak Ho nemôžem dostať zo svojich rúk, dám Ho na cisárove ruky." A To sa vrátilo, rovno naspäť na neho. To sa tiež vráti na vás, ako na jednotlivca.
197 Čo urobíte? Nie čo matka urobila, čo ocko urobil, čo robí pastor, čo robí brat Branham, ktokoľvek ... To je na tvojich rukách! Čo ty s Tým urobíš, s týmto Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Pretože ty máš Krv na svojich rukách a To je Krv Božia. No čo urobíš? Budeš vinný za ukrižovanie. Vidíš?
198 Ty Ho môžeš ukrižovať, prijať svoje vierovyznanie alebo čokoľvek chceš, alebo povieš, "No, jednoducho si to nebudem všímať. Nechcem mať nič spoločné s nijakými týmito cirkevnými vecami." Nemôžeš to urobiť. On je na tvojich rukách. Je to tak. Nemôžeš to urobiť. "Zabudnem na celú tú vec." Nemôžeš to urobiť. Je To stále na tvojich rukách. "Nuž, proste poviem, ´Môj pastor ma učil toto.´" To sa vráti, rovno naspäť. Je to na tebe. Vieš o tom. No, ty Ho môžete buď prijať alebo odmietnuť, čokoľvek chceš. Hľaď. Musí nastať jedno alebo druhé.
199 No, hľaďte! Ježiš povedal týmto farizejom, On povedal, "Vy slepí farizejovia ..." Vidíte? On by dnes povedal to isté. "Vy slepí náboženskí učitelia, dokážete rozpoznať čas komunizmu. Tak proti tomu bojujete, a neviete, že Boh vzbudil tú vec, aby vás zničil." Vidíte? Nepoznajú Písma. Vidíte? "Dokážete rozpoznať, že komunizmus ide dobyť svet. To vidíte. To dokážete rozpoznať."
200 Všetky naše témy sa týkajú komunizmu. "Zničte komunizmus!" Počúvam to, až mi je z toho zle. Ja som tiež proti tomu. Samozrejme som proti tomu. Ale viac som proti mužovi alebo žene, ktorí odmietajú Ježiša Krista, Slovo. Či si kazateľ alebo čokoľvek si, viacej si zaviazaný Kristovi, než ten komunista. On je ignorant a nič o tom nevie. Ty by si mal vedieť. Vidíte? Dokážete rozpoznať čas komunizmu, ale nedokážete rozpoznať znamenie toho dňa, v ktorom žijete.
201 Ježiš povedal tým farizejom, povedal, "Vy pokrytci!" Povedal, "Chodíte vonku a pozeráte sa na oblohu, a poviete, že slnko je červené a znižuje sa, zajtra bude škaredo. Ak je nebo čisté," povedal, "poviete, že zajtra bude pekne." Povedal, "Dokážete rozpoznať znamenia času, alebo znamenia na oblohe a počasie, ale znamenia času nepoznáte." Tam On bol, Mesiáš a odmietali to.
A my stále hovoríme o komunizme a o nejakých týchto veciach, ale znameniam času nerozumieme. Vidíte? My to prehliadame, preskakujeme to. Zjednocujú sa spolu práve teraz v nevere a ľudia to prijímajú, ale nedokážu rozumieť a vidieť znamenie času, ktoré Biblia povedala, že bude.
Porozumeli ste To? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Musím zakončiť, naozaj rýchlo teraz. Je neskoro, vidíte.
202 Ako urobili ich otcovia, tak robia oni. To isté sa deje dnes. No, to čo sa rozhodli urobiť, to dosiahli. Muselo ku tomu dojsť. Nejakým spôsobom to musíte docieliť. Vidíte? Znovu ukrižovanie Slova, alebo čo urobíte? Ukrižovanie Slova je na dosah. Ukrižovať a zastaviť potvrdené Slovo, kvôli záujmom denominácie, ako to urobil Pilát, snažil sa to zložiť na niekoho iného. No čo ty, ako jednotlivec urobíš s tým pomazaným Slovom, ktoré je nazvané Kristus? Ten istý včera ... Ten istý Kristus, ktorý pomazal Slovo vo dňoch Noeho. Ten istý Kristus, ktorý ... Ten Strom, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden; to čo Eva opustila, jesť z toho Stromu Života, a vzala strom múdrosti. Opustila Strom Života, aby vzala strom smrti. V Noeho čase urobili to isté. Vo dňoch prorokov, urobili to isté. Vo dňoch Krista, urobili to isté.
A tu ich máme dnes. Lebo každý hovoril o svojom čase, a keď sa tá vec vyplnila, zakaždým tí ľudia prijali názory svojej denominácie, a tak ďalej, a múdrosť toho sveta, namiesto pomazaného Kristovho Slova. Čo urobíš ako jednotlivec?
203 Pilát Ho nijako neodstránil zo svojich rúk. Končím, tak buďte naozaj potichu za chvíľu. Pilátovi sa nijako nepodarilo odstrániť Ho zo svojich rúk. Ani tebe sa to nepodarí, tak ako to robil on, skúšajúc niektorú z týchto možností. Nijako sa mu to nepodarilo. Viete, čo sa stalo Pilátovi? Stratil rozum. Dostal sa do takého stavu, že stále okolo seba počul to ukrižovanie. Všetko čo mohol počuť bolo to zúrivé vystrájanie, že sa nakoniec zbláznil.
204 A hore v Nórsku majú legendu, alebo nie... prepáčte. Vo Švajčiarsku; bol som tam na misii. Oni tvrdia ... Tisíce ľudí sa tam schádza z celého sveta na Veľký Piatok. Je tam jazierko, kde Pilát spáchal samovraždu. On sa nakoniec vrhol a zakončil život v tom jazere. A oni tvrdia, že každý Veľký Piatok, o tretej popoludní sa voda mení na modrú, vzkypí, v mieste kde ležalo Pilátovo telo. On To odmietol. Stále je Krv na jeho rukách. On odmietol ... on odmietol tú vodu. Nemôžete Ho zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nieto voda, nieto mydlo, ktorým by sa to dalo očistiť. On je na vašich rukách. Čo s Ním urobíte?
205 Tu je jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť. Ak Ho nemôžete zmyť zo svojich rúk; nemôžete Ho podať ďalej niekomu inému; nemôžete okolo toho len tak prejsť. Nie je žiaden spôsob na svete. Jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť je prijať To do svojho srdca. To je ten spôsob, ako sa Ho zbaviť. Zobrať Ho zo svojich rúk a položiť Ho do svojho srdca, alebo nechať Ho na svojich rukách a zastať pred súdom. To je jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť.
Pilátov koniec bol strašný.
206 Slovo hovorí, že tí, ktorí Ho držia na svojich rukách... Chcel som To prečítať. Ale je tam povedané, "Kričali na skaly a na vrchy. Modlili sa, ale ich modlitby boli príliš neskoro." Vidíte? Oni kričali, "Prikryte nás pred tvárou Toho, ktorý sedí na Tróne, a pred hnevom Baránka, ktorý má ... Život ... Baránkom, ktorý prišiel. Pretože nadišiel veľký Deň Súdu a kto bude môcť obstáť?"
207 Čo myslíte, že bude robiť teraz Oswald, keď predstúpi pred Najvyšší Súd a uvidí tie nahnevané oči poroty a všetkých, ktorí tam sedia? On vie, čo sa stane. To bude buď plynová komora, alebo visiaci povraz, alebo niečo. On s tým musí počítať.
208 Ale čo ak vy tam predstúpite s Krvou na vašich rukách, pretože ste to odmietli? A viete, že pred vami leží peklo, večná záhuba. Kričanie na skaly a hory; ale modlili sa, ale na modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.
V Židom 10, "Keď dobrovoľne hrešíme ..." Hriech je "nevera." "Keď dobrovoľne neveríme po tom, ako sme prijali Pravdu, poznanie Pravdy." Nemusíte To prijať; iba vedieť o Tom. Nemusíte To mať, vy len... Ó, nie. Vidíte? Tam nie je povedané, "po tom, čo sme prijali pravdu. ...keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti, že to je pravda, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriech, ale jakési... strašné očakávanie... pálivosť ohňa, ... ktorý má žrať protivníkov, ...pretože Boh povedal, Mne pomsta, a Ja odplatím, hovorí Pán.
209 Ak tomu dobrovoľne neveríme, po tom, čo nám bola predstavená Pravda, nebude žiadneho zľutovania. Žiadne zľutovanie nebude dané.
Pastor, ktorý počúvaš túto pásku, čo ty na to? Člen cirkvi, ktorý počúvaš túto pásku, čo ty na to? Čo urobíš, ak Tomu dobrovoľne neveríme? Nemôžeš To zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nemôžeš To podať ďalej na ústredie. Vráti sa to, rovno naspäť na teba. Počul si To. Tak čo ty? Ako obstojíš v ten Deň?
On je buď na tvojich rukách alebo v tvojom srdci, jedno alebo druhé. Bože, pomôž nám.
210 Ak si len viete predstaviť atentát, a aké búšenie prechádza srdcom toho muža. Čo on urobil? Zobudil sa príliš neskoro, po tom, čo to už urobil.
Pozrite, on mal možnosť. Bol narodený ako slobodný Američan. On bol Američan. Ale on chcel predať svoje práva prvorodenstva, stať sa Rusom, a to sa mu vrátilo. Oženil sa s ruským dievčaťom. Teraz je slobodným mysliteľom Kubánskej komunistickej strany.
Slobodné myslenie, "Robím to čo mám v úmysle." Nič ti neprichádza na myseľ. Čo urobíš s Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Ty nie si slobodný mysliteľ. Nie je žiadne slobodné myslenie. Nech je v tebe také zmýšľanie, aké bolo v Kristovi.
Modlime sa.
211 Myslite tieto myšlienky, "Ak je nejaká chvála, ak je nejaká cnosť, myslite na to." V našom strede dnes ráno, a tiež hovorím vám pri tejto páske. Ak ste tu prítomní dnes ráno a viete, že nie ste v poriadku s Bohom a nie ste narodení z Jeho Ducha a Boh ...
Poviete, "No, urobil som vyznanie." To nie je to, o čom hovorím. Či to Boh prijal? Môžeš povedať, "Áno, urobil som vyznanie a tak ďalej. Áno, ja verím." Tak urobil aj Pilát, "Urobil som vyznanie, iste, ´Čo urobím s týmto spravodlivým Mužom?´" Nemôžeš Ho takto zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nie, nie.
212 Čo s Ním urobíš? Ak nie si znovuzrodený kresťan, so Svätým Duchom žijúcim v tebe, obohacujúcim tvoj život, prečo To potom nevezmeš teraz? Nikdy To nezmyješ zo svojich rúk. Toto posolstvo ti stále bude znieť. Bude zvoniť až do ... až kým to posolstvo neprinesieš do svojho srdca, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
213 V tomto viditeľnom obecenstve dnes ráno, budú tu takí, ktorí si uvedomujú, že nie sú v poriadku a zodvihli by ruky. Nemáme miesto na výzvu k oltáru, miesto je také preplnené. Ale len povedzte, "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Bože, pomôž mi." Boh nech ťa žehná, vidím tvoju ruku. To je ... "Teraz chcem, hneď tu. Chcem, pred Bohom. On vie, že som vinný a ja si uvedomujem, že som vinný. Chcem Ho odstrániť zo svojich rúk, chcem Ho do svojho srdca." Pozdvihni svoju ruku, povedz, "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham." Pán nech ťa žehná. Vidím, v tomto množstve ľudí tu, možno štyridsať, päťdesiat rúk sa zodvihlo.
Volá ťa dnes, volá ťa dnes,
Myslite na to teraz, To je On, ktorý volá. Ježiš volá. To je On, ktorý ku vám hovorí.
214 Či ste zhrešili ste až tak hlboko, že vaše srdce je tak zatvrdnuté, že už ne... že To už viacej nemôžete počuť? Raz, ako malý chlapec alebo malé dievča, ste To počuli a mali ste túžbu to robiť, ale dali ste to preč, a len ste sa zatvrdzovali a zatvrdzovali voči tým obrezávaniam a tiahnutiam. Či to zašlo tak ďaleko, že To už viac nemôžete počuť? Či stojíte tam, kde... máte svoje... na mieste, kde stojí Oswald dnes ráno, že viete ... Ách! Ako to môžete robiť?
Bude tam niekto ďalší prv, než zakončíme a budem sa modliť? Proste kdekoľvek v budove, ktorí ste ešte nezodvihli svoju ruku, povedzte, "brat Branham, práve keď si povedal tie posledné slová, cítim že ...." Ktokoľvek, vonku, na chodbách, okolo okien, kdekoľvek, na tom nezáleží. Len ...
215 Boh nech ťa žehná, mladá pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, pane, teba. Videl som ťa. On je na... Boh nech ťa žehná, pani. Niekto ďalší? Boh nech ťa žehná, pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, tu. A Boh nech ťa žehná tam, malý chlapec, malé dievča. Áno, Pán nech ťa žehná. Vzadu tam, pane.
No len myslime na to teraz. Chcem, aby ste to robili, kým jemne spievame toto, Ježiš ťa volá. Teraz chcem, aby ste len povedali, "Pane, buď milostivý mne hriešnikovi, alebo podvodníkovi. Som členom cirkvi, Pane, ale chcem Teba. Chcem Teba. Pomôž mi! Budem Ti slúžiť. Sľubujem Ti to, hneď teraz. Zodvihol som svoju ruku, že Ťa chcem. Teraz Ty pozdvihni moje srdce, že Ty prijímaš mňa, a ja Ťa príjmem do svojho srdca." Kým spievame tento verš znovu, urobíte to?
Volá ťa dnes, volá ťa dnes,
216 Teraz sa modlite svojím vlastným spôsobom. Modlite sa teraz. "Ježiš vo-..." To je On, ktorý hovorí. To je ten dôvod, prečo ste zodvihli svoju ruku.
... volá ťa dnes.
Ježiš ťa volá, ó, počuj Jeho Hlas;
Počuj Ho...
Práve teraz, počúvajte Ho. Povedzte, "Pane, som vinný. Tvoja Krv je na mojich rukách. Som hriešnik. Nechcem To tam viacej. Nemôžem To zmyť preč; skúšal som to, roky. Nejdem Ťa zavrhnúť ako Pilát a skúšať poslať Ťa niekomu inému. Chcem Ťa. Príď do môjho srdca, hneď teraz, Pane. Prijímam Ťa. Vidím Ťa stáť rovno predo mnou, ako obraz stojaci tam; vierou kráčam rovno do Teba, vediac, že mi odpúšťaš. A ja... Odteraz už budeš v mojom srdci."
...dnes, (každý sa modlí)
Ježiš ťa volá,
On nežne volá dnes.
[brat Branham si začína hmkať Ježiš ťa volá – pozn.prekl.]
217 Nebeský Otče, toto malé posolstvo je zakončené. A teraz, rozhodnutia ... súd zasadá dnes ráno. Anjeli sú zhromaždení v miestnosti. Veľký Svätý Duch tu dáva potvrdenia, že Ježiš stále žije. On bol Fontánou Večného Života. Hrob Ho nemohol zadržať, ani peklo Ho nemohlo držať. On vystúpil hore; voľný od pekla, voľný od hrobu. A stojí dnes medzi nami.
A naše vyznania a denominácie zviazali mnoho našich ľudí, Pane. Hriech ich zviazal, ale dnes oni chcú byť voľní. Oni stoja ako Pilát a namiesto toho, aby sa snažili podať Ho ďalej niekomu inému, oni pozdvihli svoje ruky, "Príď do môjho srdca, Pane Ježišu. Nikdy viac Ťa nezmyjem preč od seba. Nemôžem to urobiť. Si stále na mojich rukách. Ja som len zmýval a zmýval a Ty si nešiel dolu, ale teraz Ťa prijímam. Chcem Ťa vo svojom živote, a prijímam Ťa do svojho života. Pane, príjmi ma do Svojho Kráľovstva, odpustením mojich hriechov a daj mi vieru veriť, že ma prijímaš, Otče." Daj to. Prosíme o to skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.
218 A teraz, keď máme sklonené hlavy ... "Viera, skrze vieru ... A Bože, pomôž mi byť úprimným. Ale vediac, že Si zasľúbil, že ten, kto príde ku Mne, toho nevyženiem von. A dám mu Večný Život, a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch. Ten, kto Mňa vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho Ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi. Ten, kto počuje ..." Skutočný, pravý preklad Svätého Jána 5:24 tam, je, "ten, kto rozumie, kto prijíma Moje Slovo. Ten, kto prijíma Moje Slovo, a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život a nebude zavolaný na súd." Vy neprídete pred súdnu stolicu ako príde Oswald. Ale s bezplatným odpustením ste prešli zo smrti do Života.
220 Teraz so svojimi hlavami sklonenými. Vy, ktorí ste tomu uverili, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky pred niekoľkými minútami; a vierou vidíte obraz Krista stojaceho tam, v ktorom by ste mali byť. Teraz kráčate vierou, veríte, že vaše hriechy sú odpustené. A od tohoto dňa, ste pripravení na Kresťanský krst a ste pripravení teraz chodiť v Kristovi. Zodvihli by ste ešte ruky, ako svedectvo pre Neho a poviete, "Vierou verím Tomu celým svojím srdcom"? Boh nech vás žehná. To je fajn. "Teraz To prijímam. Prijímam; nič iné nemôžem robiť." Boh nech vás žehná. Vyzerá, že všetci, ktorých som videl. "Teraz prijímam."
221 Vidíte, nie ste dobrí, nikdy ste neboli dobrí, nemôžete byť nijako dobrí, ale Ježiš zomrel za nedobrých ľudí. "Čo mám urobiť, brat Branham?" Len prijmi, čo On urobil, len príjmite, čo On urobil pre vás. A teraz skrze vieru v To a prijatím Toho ... No, verím, že pastor ... že bazén bude otvorený. [brat Neville hovorí, "Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Bude nasledovať krst. Ak chcete byť pokrstení, ak ste vzali tituly, "Otec, Syn, Svätý Duch," vy ste skutočne ... Hovorím to s úctou a rešpektom, ale, podľa toho, ako to ja vidím, nie ste pokrstení. Nie ste, lebo ste nedodržali to, čo On povedal.
222 On povedal, "Krstite ich vo Meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha." Ak nad vami vyslovili len tieto tituly ... On nikdy nepovedal, "Choďte a vyslovte tie tituly; choďte vyslovte tieto mená." Nikdy to nebolo tak urobené v Biblii. Nikdy to nebolo urobené takým spôsobom. Tam krstili tak, ako Ježiš povedal, "V Mene Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha," a to je Ježiš Kristus.
223 Peter, s kľúčmi, povedal tú istú vec; každý ďalší apoštol, celá Cirkev; až do ranného Nicejského Koncilu, keď sa Rímsko Katolícka cirkev zorganizovala, prijali tituly namiesto Mena. Buď ste pokrstení do Rímskych denominačných dogiem, alebo ste pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista, jedno alebo druhé. Je to na vašich rukách; nemôžete To zmyť. Je To tam.
Teraz ste To prijali. Opýtam sa vás, keď organista a pianista začnú hrať tú známu starú pieseň.
Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe,
Ty Baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ;
Počuj ma teraz, kým sa modlím,
A odstráň všetku moju vinu,
A daj mi od tohoto dňa
Byť cele Tvojím!
224 Nech nikto neodchádza. Len teraz úctivo stojte, a pozdvihnime teraz ruky ku Nemu.
Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe, (A On je Slovo.)
Ty baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ;
Počuj ma teraz, kým sa modlím,
Odstráň všetok môj hriech,
Ó, daj mi od tohoto dňa
Byť cele Tvojím! Cele a úplne Tvojím!
Teraz vydávam svoj život.
225 Voda bude pripravená za niekoľko minút. Ak sa teraz nemôžete dať pokrstiť, večer budeme krstiť znovu.
Myslite na to, celé popoludnie, "Na vašich rukách." Dajte To preč. Jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť je, byť umytí v Krvi Ježiša Krista, ktorý je ... Vidíte? Tak veru. Pamätajte na to teraz, keď skloníme svoje hlavy. Hľaďte teraz na Neho.
Kým temným labyrintom života...
226 To rozhodnutie je teraz vo vašom srdci. On je na súde. Slovo je pripravené na ukrižovanie. Kristus je na súde. Čo urobíte s Ježišom zvaným Kristus?
Buď Ty mojím Vodcom;
Prikáž temnosti, aby sa obrátila na deň,
Utri smútok, slzy preč,
Nenechaj ma nikdy
Odlúčiť sa od Teba.
Teraz skloňme ku tomu naše srdcia. [brat Branham si začína hmkať Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe – pozn.prekl.]
227 Premýšľajte hlboko, priatelia. Možno vaše meno je to posledné, ktoré ide do Knihy. Sme v čase konca. No premýšľajte naozaj hlboko. Či ste ... Je tu niekto, kto Ho odvrhol?
228 Pamätajte, to sa nemusí už nikdy vrátiť. Pilát nemal žiadnu inú šancu. Skúšal, čo mohol, aby bol zachránený a nemohol to urobiť. Bolo To na jeho rukách. A čo vy urobíte s pomazaným Slovom na tento deň, zvaným Kristus?
1 Lord bless you, Brother Vayle. Morning, friends. [Congregation says, "Good morning, Brother Branham."] I'm always late. Billy was telling me I had, this morning, and I got around thirty private interviews, and I've had two of them, so, I believe two or three. So I just can't get to everybody, you know, and people waiting, and been waiting on the list for months and months. And the Lord has been doing some great things in there. Oh, He's--He's our God. Isn't He? ["Amen."]
2 Now I'm sure, this morning, that we're all aware of the great sadness that's happened to this nation, of the loss of our President, Mr. Kennedy. Though I disagreed with the man in his politics and in his religion, but yet he doesn't deserve to die like that. No. And leave those little children behind, and no daddy. And a mother that's... Mrs. Kennedy, though I certainly wouldn't agree with her, and her ways and things, maybe, but, remember, she's a mother. She just lost her babies, and she lost her husband. And he fell right in her lap, and her own husband's blood poured out over her lap. That's awful.
3Did you ever think... Sometimes we think she sets a pace for the nation, in styles and things. That may be so, too. But did you know, Mrs. Kennedy never did hear one of these Messages I preach about that? If she might hear one of them Message, she might do different. And some of our sisters that hear it, and still won't cope with it. See? See? See? She was raised a Catholic; that's all she knows. Nothing against that, see. She... That's a system. Nothing against the people, the Catholic people. That's a system, the Catholic system, just like Presbyterian, Methodist, or any of the rest of them, see, or Pentecostal, any of it. It's the system, not the people.
4Mr. Kennedy, I think, done a--a good job of being President. My heart goes out for his wife. And I feel real sad about it, that even our own nation would, the hoodlums and so forth in our nation, would do a thing like that.
5 If you can't disagree with a person, right, and take your own stand; and is no reason to kill another man, just because of things like that. And them little children know, said, one little fellow said, "Now I don't have nobody to play with me no more. Daddy is gone." See?
So I've always thought that would be my state, someday. It's almost happened several times, as you know, of being shot in foreign nations; when they've had to hold their bodies over me, keep me from being shot, at a distance.
6So if a man dies like that... But, that's the--the price that's paid, that goes with the glory of different things. See? I think we average about every fourth President, one out of four, is assassinated, and I feel very bad about it. Shame that we'd have such a person in America, would do a thing like that.
7And now, yet, as I said, I--I disagreed with his politics. I'm... I don't, didn't agree with his ideas of what he was trying to do. But, you see, he's another man. And I didn't agree with his system of religion. I--I certainly didn't agree with that. But, yet, he--he was raised that way. That's--that's what it was. As I said, maybe he'd a-heard something different, it might have been different.
8 We have a--a thing here we do, that whenever one of our people dies, or something, even though out... I think as a--as a American church, as a body of Americans...
The American people voted Mr. Kennedy in for President. And that was... That's the reason that we're a democracy. I didn't vote for Mr. Kennedy. I voted for Mr. Nixon, 'cause I knowed Mr. Nixon, personally. And I--I liked him, and I--and I voted for him, personally, because I liked him. But the peoples of this country, Americans, my fellow citizens of this nation, elected Mr. Kennedy. And the way they did it, well, that's up between them and God, but that's that much.
9 But I think, for the sake of this mother, a human being, a mother of children, Mrs. Kennedy, couldn't we just stand a moment for a prayer for her?
10Lord Jesus, we human beings, we have a feeling for one another. And we are sorry, Lord, that our President was shot down the way he was, in cold-blooded murder. And we're so sorry that our nation has come to this spot, that such people like that are--are in our nation, that would kill a human being in cold-blooded murder; like they shot that colored brother not long ago, and just shot him right down in cold-blood, of race prejudice. And we're so sorry that such people exist among us, Lord. We, our weakness, has brought this about.
11And we pray for Mrs. Kennedy, that wife of this, the President. And know them little babies looking upon their--their father, that left them a few days before that, happy man, and scuffled and played with them on the floor. Now they have no father. And for that woman that... his wife, that her own husband fell right in her lap, and his blood run out upon her dress; just burying her baby.
12 And yet, Lord, we might believe the woman being in the wrong, of the--the--the way that she has set a pace in the nation, of her dressing and so forth; but that--that could be to the American people, in whole, they, that that's what they want. So we--we pray for her, this morning, that You'll help her. And may there be a time in this deep bereavement that she'll find what is Truth, Jesus Christ! Grant it, Lord, the One Who only can give peace and comfort in the hour of trouble.
13And help us, Lord, to continue to be, with all of our hearts, a shining light, that we don't know what time or what influence we might be having upon somebody else. Let us shine forth the Light of Christ until He comes. Then the Great Shepherd of the flock, Who knows all justice, will bring every sin into recompense, and He'll know just how to do it. And till then, we commit ourselves into Your hands, for Your love and mercy upon us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
14 Yes, I don't think no man deserves to die like that. Now, Mr. Lincoln didn't deserve to die like that. Mr. McKinley didn't deserve to die like that. Huey Long didn't deserve to die like that; none of them fellows. I don't believe in that. Murders, that's bad. Our boys didn't fight oversea for something like that. Our flag wasn't raised for something like that. We're not American citizens for something like that. No. Although, our nation is warped and twisted with sin, that's what--that's what does these things. That's sin.
15 Now, today we got... I'm going to teach Sunday school, and a couple of things that I would like to make mention it to the church. And that is, the first thing, I'd like to you forgive me for holding you all so long on Sunday mornings when I have these Messages. And then if the Lord will... The reason I do this, is because that I--I'm here in among my people and I--I teach doctrines just as strong as I know how. I don't teach these doctrines out to other places. I just stand on the--the main fundamentals of the Gospel. But these doctrines that's strong, I--I don't teach them out in--in other places. And then, here, it takes me an hour, sometime, two or three hours, to get through my Message. And I hold you here sometimes, twelve-thirty, one o'clock. And that's just minor what I used to do. I'd stay all night, nearly, sometime. I've went, we're started in, many a time, to eight o'clock and go home the next morning at two or three, that's right, from my meetings.
16 But I--I--I'm going to try to, when I come with you again, and just a--a little... a sermon instead of so much teaching of this, unless I notify you ahead-of-time that it will be something. Cause, I got the Seven Trumpets, I believe, coming up, which ties right in on the Sixth Seal. When the Sixth Seal sounded, all Seven Trumpets went off at once, you see. And so we... I'd like to get that to the Church before His Coming, if... or my going, or whatever it might be, if I can.
17Now, if we do that, then we'll notify you ahead-of-time. And maybe then, as we see this morning, the halls jammed, and the walls, and around, we'll try... We got a place now we might be able to get up here. It seats about three thousand people, and it's a nice auditorium of a school right above us here. And the Seven Trumpets, we'll try to preach them up there at that school. And that'll give plenty of seating room, you see, so we can get the people in.
18 We want to report, at the New York, we just had a wonderful time. The Morris Auditorium there, we just had to turn the people away, each night. They was jammed in. The fire... The man that owned the place... Fire marshal would close the place down if we let them stand, jammed in like that. And then we had to turn them out. And people out on the street, walking up-and-down the street, praying that somebody would get tired and get up and go out, so that they could get in and get a seat. See? Just one person, they just wait out there for the one person, to get in. And one that's next one at the door, and then they let one in like that. When somebody get up and go out, had to go home early, well, they'd come in and share that much of it. See, they'd come. It's very fine, fine bunch of people. And I believe the world, the Christian church, is hungering for God.
19 Now I'm--I'm--I'm trusting that... Thank you, brother. I'm--I'm trusting that--that God will grant us this opportunity, where we can come together and have those last Seven Trumpets. I like to be led to do those things, so that you'll know.
20Then at the business man's breakfast... Usually, their chapter there, I think they said they had anywhere from fifty up to a hundred at their breakfast. And that morning they sold seventeen hundred tickets, and let the rest of the place in, to pack the place out. And every corridor, and around the walls, and up-and-down the steps, was standing with people. And some high-ranking ministers, a couple of priests, and--and so forth, were there to hear the Message. And so, I understand, I believe it helped a little. It might have done some--some more, better than what we would really think it would be.
21 Now, then, tonight the... We're going to have a... the Message tonight, the Lord willing, on a--on a subject of--of how, about your conditions with Christ. And now that'll... It'll be short. We want to start, I want to be on the platforms at seven-thirty. If... What time do you usually start, at seven-thirty? [A brother says, "We start at seven-thirty, but we'll start at seven."--Ed.] Oh, seven, and I'll be on the platform by seven-thirty, and that ought to get me off by eight-thirty, if the Lord is willing, 'cause I--I just... I'm just going to be as quick as I can, and I'm going to start practicing.
22 Then another thing, is, might be some strangers hear the people laugh. Cause, I try to get away from here, but I can't do it. It's kind of... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious, but my mother used to say, when people get together like that, it's just like sorghum molasses on a cold morning. You know, it's thick, and running slow. And so that's about the way it is. I run slow in these Messages, because the--the sweetness of the sugarcane of God, you know, kind of thickens us up together. And I--I--I don't, wouldn't want it no other way. I--I want it just that way. Where, I remember we used to stand and sing that song.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
Our fellowship of kindred mind
Is like to that Above. See?
We asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
23And I--I trust that that'll always be our--our goal here. Many of those old saints has fell asleep since then, but we're still joined in heart. And I think that vision that morning, to see them over there, and the blessed and glory of the young statures of man and womanhood, still look like they did here, when they was here on earth. I think they're waiting our coming. Someday we will join them, God being willing. Now I--I...
24 And remember the services, the song services will begin at seven o'clock tonight, instead of seven-thirty.
And then, next week, I'm at Shreveport, Louisiana, and there at the Life Tabernacle at Shreveport, Louisiana. And I think they're trying to get the auditorium across the street. Brother Moore called last night, said they... It's a annual convention, and they're expecting a great host of people.
25 I want to give a little testimony just before I read the Scriptures. A--a lady was setting here the other day, there was... Tell you what the influence is of somebody praying for another. I just happened to look down and seen another lady I just... Margie Cox, Brother Rodney Cox's wife setting here. And last week, I believe it was, when we were here, the Holy Spirit was giving discernment across the buildings, you know, how people told. And she was setting... She is setting right here now. But she was just beyond there somewhere. And I--I looked over, and there was a lady that--that was called, that had the sugar diabetes. And Margie was... And in the vision it was Margie. And Margie was standing there; and yet I looked down, I seen her, and it was a... And I thought... And I looked to see this other woman, and Margie was in the vision, but the Light was over the woman. So I--I watched.
26And I thought, well, if I call Margie, they'll say, "Sure, that, sure." Somebody know them, say, "Why, he--he... Her husband is just one of his--his bosom friends. They live together, sleep together, hunt together, and--and everything. Sure, that's, he would know that." But Margie didn't know that. But I called the other lady, which was a... I believe, was a sister out of Chicago, as I learned later.
27 But then come, that in her... the factory, they're giving diabetic tests. And--and she had diabetes. And so she was on her road, day before yesterday, to the clinic for it. And--and so when she mentioned it, then I called her memory of this. And I said, "Come here, Sister Margie." And told her about how she had been getting numb in her hands, and--and how that the real bad feeling.
The little lady works day and night, almost, up there, to... loyal little mother, to help her husband to pay for their home that they're trying to build. And--and her and her little sister, Nellie, and Charlie, that's the brother of Rodney, his wife, and all of them working together at them factories there, just as hard as they can go. And standing the reproach. They let their hair grow out, and taking make-up off, things like that, when become Christians. I believe in giving credit where credit is deserved. And I certainly have a warm place in my heart for those two young women.
28And then took her by the hand and prayed for her. And she went up, and they couldn't find a trace of the diabetes nowhere. It's gone, so.
A lady set right in here somewhere, that was called, and it was a sister by the name of Bruce. I don't see her this morning, but she was always... She's a very much of a woman to pray. And this woman come in and, was last time I was here, and there was no--no prayer cards give, or nothing, so there wouldn't be nobody, no prayer line, so they just... The Holy Spirit just called over the audience.
29 And this little Miss Bruce, she was--was healed once, herself, with cancer. And she--and she just always got a burden on her heart for somebody else, and she was just praying. And there was a lady from Louisville, that was dying, cancer in the throat. And while she was praying, the Holy Spirit goes right to that woman, calls her, and whatever It did, tell her who she was, told her, rather, who she was, and what her trouble was, and about her having cancer, and said she, it would be all right. And the little lady went home.
A couple days after that, she just started choking to death, nearly, just her throat swelled way up. She give a big cough, and the cancer jumped out. And she's perfect. See?
30 What happened, you see, the lump, itself, is a malignancy that's got a life in it. See? Cancer, that comes from the--the word, the medical term, of "crab," which means it got a lot of legs, like the--the crab you get from the sea and--and it sucks your blood from you. And this malignant growth in her throat had, it was, that's what it was doing.
Now, see, I'm not dealing with the growth. I'm dealing with the life that's in the growth. See? The life that's in the growth is what we're dealing with. See? "In My Name they shall cast out devils." The word devil is "tormentor," like of the body. And this was a devil. And then when the life went out of the growth, of course, that let the growth begin to swell.
31 Just like a little dog that's run over on the street, something like that, let it lay there in the sun for a few days, then, and it gets twice its size.
Well, that's what was making the little woman get worse. Many times I've explained it. If you get worse, that's the very sign that you're healed, you see. And so it was just getting worse all the time, and choking her, 'cause it was swelling. And the... But it had let loose, the life was out of it. And her coughing like that, you see, [Brother Branham coughs--Ed.] like that, sprung, pulled it loose from the rest of her flesh. And the dead substance, just the body with no life in it, the cancer gone, jumped out, see, fell out.
32 So, that's what, the body went out then. That wasn't the devil went out. That was the house that he lived in. He went out because the woman's faith in what was told her, knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that's what killed the cancer, took the life out.
Now, she could've went--went back to the doctor, and the doctor said, "Nonsense, the--the--the thing is just there the same as it always was." But that was right, the growth was there, but not the life, wasn't there. See?
33 Now, what if that a-been somewhere where it could not have--have passed out?
Is that the picture? [Brother Neville says to Brother Branham, "That's a picture of a growth that passed from Mrs. Baker, from over at Springville, Indiana. And she... This is an enlarged picture, that she passed, after prayer."--Ed.] Here is the picture of the growth from Mrs. Baker, from Springfield, Indiana, that passed, after prayer. That's a picture of it. See, that's the body that the devil lived in.
Just like you live in this body you live in; it might be little, big, redheaded, blackheaded, whatever it is. See? The devil either lives in this body, or Christ lives in that body. Well, then when the life goes out of it, your body is still here on earth, see, but the life isn't there.
When the life went out, the body was still there. And then it tore loose from her body and was cast out, the body went out.
But if it's in a place it can't pass out, then your heart has to pick up that dead substance and purify the blood, each time it beats. It causes fever, and everything else, because it's an infection. You see? And your heart has to... I think the heart purifies the blood as it passes. Is that right, Sister Dauch? I think that's right. The heart, as it beats, it purifies. A nurse, you know, and another one setting here in front of her. Puri-... picks up the... And that's what causes fever from an infection. It picks up the infection and--and runs up a fever.
34 Now, the people, you see, it's your faith. It's never your feelings. It's nothing, whether it's so, if my hand isn't straight. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's my faith that does that. See? Right before us, we see the image of a perfect healed person, by faith. And then we just make step by step till we step right into that person, and just walk right on with it. See? There you are. And that, that's what does it, your faith; not your feelings. Your faith does it. The thanks and praise be to God!
35 Now just a moment of prayer, and we got a subject here that we want to give a consideration to, and a little time that the Lord would deal with us according to this.
And, now, and then if some of you has to go this morning, and won't be in the evening service, the Lord willing, I--I want to be here again. The family is coming back Christmas week. And then, the Sunday after Christmas, the Lord willing, I want to preach my Christmas Message here at the tabernacle; Sunday after Christmas. The Lord willing, the text will be, The Tramp On The Street.
So let us bow our heads now and offer prayer 'fore we read the text.
36 Lord Jesus, be Thou near us just at this time. And we know that it's difficult in our small church, and when many stand. And--and we're here not because of the comfort of the place, that gives us physically comfort, because it is not comfortable. And we're not here to be seen. But we're here because that we feeled Your Presence. And we know that You're here. And we're here for correction. And we're here, knowing that we're in the house of God. And we feel good to be here, no matter how discomfortable it is, the standing, and--and setting crowded up, but we're here because that we--we feel that God is here.
37And the same way that boy must have felt that night, when Paul preached all night long, what a long message, from probably the going down of the sun until the rising of the sun, the next morning. And a young fellow setting way up high, he fell off and they thought he was gone. And Paul laid his body over him, and the Spirit of God that was on the messenger brought back the spirit of life into the boy's body. And he said, "He'll be all right," and the young man lived. He was interested in what Paul was saying.
38And, God, we're interested this morning what the Holy Spirit might say to our hearts. And we pray that You will break the Bread of Life to each one of us, that when we leave here today, that we'll not leave this building the same people we were when we come in. May the Christians be closer to You. May the sinners turn today. May the sick be healed. And may the Kingdom of God come nigh unto us, or even to be in us. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name, as we wait on His Spirit to give us the Words. Amen.
39 Now let's read some of the Scripture, which is... God's Word is always right.
And now, and each one, I see you're very kind to the ones that's standing. I see somebody raise up and set down, and give somebody else a seat. That's very fine. I wish we had more room, but we just haven't got it, and at this time.
Turn to Matthew 27, and we'll read from the 11th verse, and then we'll speak on this subject.
And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews?... Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.
And when he was accused of the chief priests and the elders, he answered nothing.
Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.
Now at the feast the--the governor... wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would.
And they had then been a noble prisoner, called Barabbas.
Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
And he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have... nothing to do with this just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of these twain will ye that I release unto you?... (Just think of that!)... They said, Barabbas.
Pilate said unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? And they all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
And the governor said,... what evil has he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
Then Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
40 What a sad picture! I call a text of this, if you'd want to letter it that way, or call it that. And maybe the tape would want to be titled this: What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ? And the subject I want to use, after that being the text; I want to use the subject, "with Jesus on your hands." With Jesus on your hands, what will you do?
41 Our scene starts, this morning, in the judgment hall; where Pilate, the governor, had been called on the scene, to--to act and--and make a judgment. It was early in the morning, a while before the daylight, and he had been disturbed out of his sleep, and--and had been called out to hear the--the case of this Man.
42It was a time of the crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He had--He had done nothing, as they could find in Him, and He had--He had answered everything. It was just the hour that it had to be that way.
There is nothing that can happen without there is something behind it to cause it that way. There's got to be some reason for everything that takes place. Because it's--it's motivated, of course, by the--the spirit that's in beings, and in human beings, and so forth. There's a motive, motive of it, and a--and an objective, and there's got to be a reason.
And it, reason this had to happen to this greatest Man that ever lived on the earth, or ever could live; the reason it happened this way, because it was time for it to happen. See? It must be thus, and there was no way to escape it. It, it had to be that time.
And Jesus had come to the earth just exactly the way that God's Word had predicted He would come. He did just exactly what the Word said He would do. He lived the life, just exactly, and God made known, or manifested, the Seed of that time. Now remember, God...
43 The Bible begins in Genesis and goes to Revelations. Now here is the lesson that I--I want you to understand, that... See, in each generation it's been spoke, in the Bible, of a certain thing happening through each generation.
Like Daniel saw the... interpret the dream of Nebuchadnezzar; how the Gentile kingdoms would come in, and how they would go down, and how they would go out. And each one of those people in them races and those nations, that Gentile powers that control, has controlled the world, has done just exactly the way that the vision said they would do.
44 When Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold, was taken, then the Medes-o-Persias came in; and the nature of them, according to the--the nature of the material, and according to what the prophet said, just exactly. Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold, which is the greatest and first of the Kingdom. Then the Medes-o-Persia being silver. And then on down into the thighs, of--of being of brass. And each metal gets harder and harder; gold being the softest. And it ends up in iron, which is the hardest of all of that, is iron.
Now, each one of those kingdoms come down just exactly, by nature, the way that the prophet said that they would do. And what was he doing? He was sowing a seed for the nations to watch, and each time that when that kingdom was issued in, it had to do according to what that Word said.
45 And then Messiah was to come on the scene. And when Christ come on the scene, He had to answer those Words of God that was to be fulfilled, that the prophet spoke of, that what He would do.
Moses said, "He'll be a--He'll be a Prophet likened unto me." And if you would have... we had time to type that back and show just how that in that tremendous time, when Israel was in captivity by Egypt, of how that Moses was born a odd, peculiar child; and how that he--he come up, and was raised up, and how that he was hid in the bulrushes; and how that he become a leader, went into the mountains and got the law, and came back down. And was not only a leader; but he was a priest, and a king, and a governor. All those things, and how that just typed up Christ exactly. And Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like me." See?
46 Now, when Christ was born, Israel was again in captivity by the Roman Empire. And what was He? Born a peculiar Child, and odd, how He was raised up. How He went up into the mountains, and came down and said, "You've heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shall not steal.' You heard them say, 'Thou shall not commit adultery,' but I say, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery ready." A Law-Giver, see, and a King, a Priest, a Prophet, just exactly like him. So all these things had to be fulfilled, and when that space laying there for the life of the Messiah, when that was perfectly vindicated.
Now, this may be the last long lesson I teach for a while. I want you to get it close now.
47 When the Word has been spoken for this certain generation, there is going to be somebody rise on the scene that'll fulfill that Word, because God has spoke It. It's a vindication of the spoken Word. And Jesus met every qualification, and was the Word, vindicated as Messiah, exactly. There is also Words, spoken in the Bible, for the last day. Those Words have to come to life.
48 And we find here that, when in the days of our Lord, the church had already rejected Him before He come to Pilate's judgment hall. They had turned Him down, from the very day that His ministry started to prophesying and telling them a Truth about the Word. Then, they could not understand that, how Him, being a Man, could know what was in the people's hearts. Little did they know, that, the Word is God! "And the Word," the Bible said, "is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
49And they wanted to call Him an evil spirit. He said, "I'll forgive you for that. But when the Holy Spirit comes to do the same thing, to speak a word against It will never be forgiven."
And all these things that He prophesied to be in this day, something has to bring that to life. But when It's brought to life, It'll be so much different than people thinks It is, till it'll--it'll only be the Elected will see It. Always, just the Elected is the only thing that'll see It, because It is elected and ordained to see It. Therefore, it cannot, no other way.
50 Jesus said, "You can't come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him; and all that He has give Me will come to Me." See? See? So there was no way. He said, "You got eyes and you can't see; ears, you can't hear." Said, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you." See? Isaiah's prophecy springing up, being made manifest.
Don't forget that, here or a tape listener, that God's Word must be manifested. God is obligated to see that It does it.
51Just as John the Baptist was foreordained to forerun the coming of Christ, there had to be some man rise up to take that place. That Word has to be fulfilled.
52 Then when Jesus come as the anointed Messiah, and done just exactly what the Word of God said He would do; and yet the Jews were looking for something else, "a King coming with a rod of iron in His hand," which was way in the future. But He fulfilled every Word.
There one day in Capernaum, when He picked up the Scripture and read, (did you notice?) He just read part of that Scripture. And then He laid the Book down, and said, "Today this is fulfilled."
53 When He was to preach the year of jubilee, now, why didn't He read the rest of It? Because It pertains to His other Coming. They had no need of knowing that. That's for the age that when He will come in.
But the age that He was in, that's the reason He could say, "This Scripture is fulfilled today in your eyes. Right here you see It. 'To preach the acceptable season, and bind up the brokenhearted, and heal the sick.'" That's what He come for.
The rest of It was--was to bring judgment to the Gentiles, and so forth, so that comes next. See, the Gentile had to reject Him, first.
54 Now, at the crucifixion, where we are today on the subject, of, "Jesus on your hands." God's Word had been thoroughly vindicated, had been proven over and over, that He was the answer to God's Word. Where that the scribes...
55You see, God has already got It laid out. Let the ministry study It. But, you see, they take somebody else's word about It; some group of man. They're so blinded to the Truth, that, when the Truth is presented, they fail to see It. But, you see, God is just, He's got It wrote out there. He's got wrote out, right here in the Book, what's going to happen today, so It will be fulfilled. But others that's not ordained to see It, will never see It, see, they--they got It all mixed up.
56 And that's the way they had It then. They had never knowed that It was Him. And by the signs that He was the Messenger of that time, nobody could deny it. His prophet spoke of it; he said, "I, I've got to decrease, but He will increase. I'm not worthy to unloose His shoes, but He is standing among you now," said John. "And He will come. And the axe is laid to the root of the tree; and the trees that doesn't bring forth fruit will be taken out of the forest, that, or out of the--the vineyard, or the--or the orchard. It won't be there no more."
57 Now, we find that those things happened just exactly the way that He said. He could discern their thoughts in their heart. He was a prophet. Everything that He foretold, just happened exactly the way He said it.
"I go up to Jerusalem. There I'll be delivered into the hands of sinful man. And they shall evilly mistreat Him, and He'll be crucified. And on the third day He'll rise up again." But said, "See that you tell no man this." And He blinded It from them, that they didn't understand It until That was fulfilled.
58 See, many times that He lets us become blind until the hour that we have need of It. He lets us become blind to the things that we see today, for this is the hour we have need of It, to vindicate the day that we're in. See? Our fathers didn't know these things. The Bible said that they wouldn't know them. He had hid them up, and in--in the last days It would be revealed to the sons of God; or, make, they would be manifested, to be shown His glory and His praises upon the earth.
59 And all that Daniel said about the last days, and how that, "They that know their God will do exploits." And just so many Scriptures tying in this day that we're living in! How that these evil, deceiving times would be on the earth! And just exactly what we're having now fulfills It.
They, they had--they had been given a chance to see Him, and, but they rejected their very Messiah.
And today it's the same thing, the very same thing. We are given the opportunity, because God cannot judge without first having... being justified for His judgment.
Now, if you told a--a certain person going down the road, speeding; you'd stop them, say, "There is a--a hole in the road down there. If you continue that speed, you'll be killed."
60And they say, "Nonsense, I know what I'm doing." Then, you see, the blood can't be upon you, because you have thoroughly warned them.
Well, God does the same thing by His Word. He thoroughly warns the people of oncoming judgment, and shows His signs and wonders that's predicted in the Bible for that age. He shows them, and the people just walk right over It.
It's not easy for a person to go to hell. A man fights his way to hell. The first lie you ever told, you know it was wrong. The first cigarette you ever smoked, you knowed was wrong. The first evil you did, you knowed was wrong. But in your conscience, told you it was wrong, but you continually run through the red light, run over the barricades. You're reckless. You want to do it, anyhow, show you're some big guy. See? But, remember, you fight your way to hell. It's not easy to go to hell. You have to reject Truth.
61 Before you have the wreck, you have to run the red light. Before you have the wreck, you have to, down there in the road, you have the--the warnings that's been put up. But, you, you got your own way about it, man has today. And he knows more than anybody else, and he won't listen to the--the signs and warnings of the oncoming Judgment, and those who reject Christ.
62 Now notice, and what they had accepted in the stead of this Christ. Now think of the church of that day, the blindness of them. They had rejected a public murderer, Barabbas. A man who had been proven to be a murderer, and was really waiting his judgment. And he--he been proven to--to be a murderer, and was a bad man. And just because that--that the Life of Jesus...
Which, He, He challenged them. He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not; if I haven't told you the Truth of the Scripture. And the Scripture has spoke for Me, Itself. Search the Scriptures," He said, "for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me in this age."
63 But they said, "He makes Himself God. He makes Himself something." He made nothing... God made Him God; He was God. He was the fulfilling of the Scripture. He never made Hisself anything. God made Him what He was. And, then, it's because it was the hour for that Word to be fulfilled. So, but they couldn't see It, because It was against their denominational ideas, what they had built up about the Christ. And it was too blinded from the Word.
64 Now, and besides that, to get rid of this Fellow, they had to accept a murderer, a public menace, too. It was an indebtedment to society, indebtedment to them; a murderer! Had to accept that, because, to--to reject Christ.
And before any man or woman can accept wrong, they have to reject right. There is something about nature, got a law to it, that you have to reject the right thing before you can receive the wrong thing.
As I have just quoted, to--to keep from telling a lie... You--you told a lie against your better judgment. You told a lie against your conscience. You told a lie against what your mother or parents taught you to do. Or, even nature itself teaches you shouldn't do it. So, therefore, you, to reject Truth, you have to accept a--a--a lie, and you have to reject Truth before you can accept the lie. See?
65 So that's the way these fellows had done, they had rejected the Truth. And He was the Truth. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and manifested before us." In First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh, handled with our hands." God, Jehovah! It's--it's astounding, it's startling, to think that the God Who put the--the--the solar system into space, that made stars that's a thousand times bigger than this world...
66And if one of those stars would start to the earth, at ten thousand miles an hour, why, it would take it a hundred million years to get here; it's so far away. And two little stars setting, look like a inch apart, from here, they're further apart than we are from them. And, yet, there is not one of them but what holds its place. And that great galaxy, oh, my, the massness and the vastness of God Who could make those things! Each one has to hold the other one. That's the reason it stays the way it is. If they got out of cater, the whole system would fall.
67That's what happened in Eden. When Eve got out of cater with the commandments of God, the whole race fell.
That's what's the trouble today. We shouldn't be broke up in organizations and denominations, and so forth. We should be sons and daughters of God, holding the great galaxy of the world together.
68 New York, last week, I was listening at a message quoted, or said by Einstein, the great scientist, the--the what is called the brain of the--of the time. And I was... heard that. Then I went to hear Norman Vincent Peale, on his psychology about how people should do, or walk, and project themselves into psychology.
Then, on Einstein, he was speaking of a galaxy that was out between the system there, out from stars. And if a person could travel at the speed, I believe he said, of light,... Now, I think, what is that,... eighty-six thousand? [Brother Neville says, "Hundred and eighty-six."--Ed.] Hundred, hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, that light travels. And now break that down in five minutes, how many millions and billions of miles you'd be. And a--a hundred and twenty million years of light-time it would take you to get to that galaxy. And then a hundred and twenty, or a hundred and fifty million years; a hundred and fifty millions over, and a hundred and fifty million back.
69And they hit something that stumped them. And they, after going out there and coming back, you would actually take you three million years to make the trip, three hundred million years. Three hundred million years to make the trip, and, when you come back to the earth, actually you've only been gone fifty years. You break into Eternity. There is no end to It.
70 And to think, that, the God Who made all of that and set it in order, and spoke of it, come down and was made flesh among us, to redeem us. And would so honor us with His august Presence, that He--He would stand here on this sinful earth in the last days, and prove His Word to be so, because He's obligated to that Word. Amen. The sovereignty and the justice of that great One Who holds those things in His hand!
71 Notice, the nations. The--the church has to turn His Word down, first. Then, after the church turned It down, and called Him "a Beelzebub, or an evil spirit," then It was brought before the government, so that the whole race had to be condemned. Now we find Jesus, this morning, before a--a governor, Pilate, a Roman, to be tried. And we find that the church turned Him down, first, because that they didn't believe His Message, because they didn't know the Word.
72 Jesus told them, "If you would have--would have heard Moses, you would believe My Word, because he is the one that spoke of Me." See? There is the Word that the prophet... Which, the--the Lord comes to the prophet, and the prophet spoke the Word for the hour to come. And here It was identified, and said, "You say you know Moses and he is your guide. You don't know Moses, nor you don't know his Word." In other words, He said, "I am the Word. I am the identified Word that Moses spoke would come, and you condemn Me." See? For their traditions, see, the church condemned Him.
73 Now, we find Him now before Pilate, and thoroughly approved, too, identified to the time, or the church, by the messenger of the time. They had been given a chance to see and believe, but rejected It. Why did they reject It? Many of them wanted to believe That; but their traditions, not the people, but their traditions!
74 Now, you see, like Nicodemus came by night, and he said, "Master, we know that You're a teacher comes from God. We know that Thou comest from God. No man can do these things that You do except God be with Him. We..." Who is "we" he's talking of? The church, the Pharisees, the leaders of that day. "We know. We are thoroughly convinced that You're that Person." Why then couldn't they do it? Because, their system. I want that to soak real deep, 'cause that's what I'm getting to. See? The system that they had already joined themselves into, was the one that they couldn't move. Though they did see that That was Messiah, but the system that they was connected with would not let them accept It.
Do you--you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now I want to ask, from this visible audience, how many understands what I'm speaking of? Raise your hands. All right.
75 Now, a system! They believed It, and they knowed It was. How I'd like to say that same thing today! We see what's supposed to be here today, and we see It, but the system won't let them accept It. They are so indocumated with the system! See, it isn't the person, it is the system.
Just as I have spoke of the President that was just assassinated. Not the man; far as I know, he's a good man, he never done anything evil as I know of. But it's the system. It isn't the people; it's the system.
76It wasn't the Jews; it was their system. That system condemned Him, because It didn't tolerate with their system. Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the same things takes place now. And they chose this public enemy, a murderer.
But the issue now has involved the government. So the government has to pronounce this sentence, because, to take a life, it must come before the government. They wasn't allowed to do that, because they were under the--the rulership of Rome, and they couldn't take a life no matter how much their church said, "We got to do it." Why, they--they couldn't do it without, first, Rome giving them the sanction to it. So, it has to be brought before the government. Now the government is involved in the thing.
Now, if that isn't a picture of today, I don't see what. See, just exactly!
77 The church turns It down, now it's the government involved. The time had come where the nation, of all, whole, had to come. The issue was made. The showdown was at hand. The whole nation had rejected Him, and the bringing down the wrath of God upon them. And before the... Even the church had rejected Him, that would bring the wrath upon the church. But now the nation has rejected Him, to bring the wrath upon all.
And, today, the world has rejected Him, to bring judgment to the entire world. All nations must be judged.
78 And we know that that happened in the time of the great Roman general, Titus. He besieged Jerusalem, and then finally just... They eat one another's children; eat the bark off the tree, and the grass off the ground. And--and then Titus rode right in and just tore down the walls and burnt the city, and the blood run down--down the streets like that, where he murdered them in there.
And it had to. Before a just God could let a people, that He had chosen, to come under such a thing as that, there--there has to be a just reason. He is just. His--His laws demand His justice. And a law without penalty is not law.
79If I would say, made a law here in the city, "It's a--a--a fine to run a red light," and then there's no penalty to it, you'd just keep on running red lights. But there's got to be a penalty.
And the penalty of God's law, to reject His program, is death. And there had to be a death, so it had to be paid.
80 We stand in a similar trial this morning, the world over, a trial. All denominations has turned down the Word. I know this sounds very harsh. And I want the ministers who is listening, here present and those on tape, also, to try to understand this now, that I try to make it plain. But I'm holding my point, or making my point here, and saying that we are standing, today, in another Pilate's judgment hall.
81You say, "If I'd a-have stood there, I'd a spoke out for Jesus Christ." And, well, what are you doing about it now? That's the thing. See? "No matter how much the church had turned Him down, I'd a stood by His side." You've got the opportunity. Uh-huh. See? They, they turned Him down.
82 Now He is tried, today, or just has been tried, or, and on trial, for a world system to be formed, of what's called, the council of churches, to--to--to form in the--in the World Council of church. Now, and what have they done? They have voted that they will absolutely unite themselves together and have a council of churches.
And in this Council of Churches, that all churches must belong to this council, or, if they don't, you're not even allowed to preach, you're not even allowed to have a prayer for the sick. And your church can be used for anything they want to use it for. If they want to store boxes in it, or ammunition, or whatever they want to do, you have no control of it at all. You either belong to the Council of Churches or you don't belong at all.
And that's the system that's being formed here in the United States, that fulfills the Scripture, to the dot. It fulfills what the Lord spoke to me in 1933, see, and we're standing at that time this morning.
And Jesus Christ, the Word, is at trial, today, as it was on the crucifixion, and now He's on our hands. He's on the hands of the world. The Word has been clearly identified, around the world, see, and He stands in on trial. All denominations turned Him down. And now He is tried as a... in the Council of the Churches, and they reject Him again and choose rather as they did then.
83 You see, the nature in history repeats itself, because nature continues the same. Trees still continue to grow, and vegetables come up, and flowers, and the world turns just as it always is. It's nature. And the nature of each age produces, again, and re-reproduces the--the reflection of what a--a--a nature was before them. And, today, we find ourselves again standing on that same place.
Now, Jesus was "the Word," Saint John, the 1st chapter. We all believe That. He was the Word. And because He was the Word... Please understand. He was the Word, and He had to be against the system.
And they did not--they did not reject Him because of His miracles. They did not. They said... He said, "Which can accuse Me?"
"And what evil had He done?" said the little lady. "What evil has He done but heal the sick?"
84 Said, "We don't condemn Him for these things." See? "We condemn Him because Him, being a man, makes Hisself God." And their own Scriptures said that He would be God.
In Isaiah, the great prophet who wrote a sixty-six Books of Isaiah, and starts off with the... At the first, like the beginning; and in the middle of the Book come John the Baptist; and ends up in the Millennium reign. And sixty-six Books in the Bible, like there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. It's remarkable it falls that way. This Isaiah 9:6, he said, "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and His Name shall be called, 'Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, The everlasting Father, Wonderful.'"
85And the blind traditions, or systems, could not see that That was God; by their own prophet, that who the Word came to, that said that He would be God. The blind systems! So they had rejected the Word, and desired a murderer instead, Barabbas.
86 And, today, the Word, being clearly for this day, has been vindicated. It's been made real. It's been shown to be the Truth. "And at the last days," as Jesus said, "as it was in the days of Sodom," and so forth, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." The very God, Himself, Who was the Word, predicted the end-time and what would happen; and the Lights would break forth in the evening time; and how that, Malachi 4, He would send forth these things and prove them.
87 And it's been brought to the place of a decision, and the churches has turned It down. And what have the churches desired? A murderer of the Word, one who takes a system. If the system is contrary to the Word, then it's a murderer to the Word. And they've desired a denomination tradition, in the stead of the true Word being manifested and proved that It's God amongst the people; by science, through pictures, a Light, the same Angel of the Lord, the Pillar of Fire.
The same One that lived on earth in the--in the body of Jesus Christ, has come upon His people in the last days, where science has took the picture of It. The church has seen Its works. It's thoroughly identified, by tapes and everything, around and around the world, and personally ministered.
And still, in all of that, their systems are desiring a Council of Churches to condemn the Truth. See? Desiring a murderer that would shut off, or stop, or shut out. And, it'll do it, they'll stop such a Thing. And the Council of Churches will have to do it. There's the mark of the beast; antichrist, against the Word, which is Christ. But not their creden-...
88 They think it's tradition. They think that their traditions is of God. See? But it won't stand up with the Word, and neither does God vindicate it to be right. Jesus stood up with the Word, but not with their council; but with the Word. And the Word proved that He was God.
And It proves today that It's God, because It lives the same Life, It does the same thing among us that It did back there, and predicted.
89So what do they do? They accept something that... They have accepted, already, the very system that'll crucify That. And the crucifixion of free interdenominational is at hand. That's right.
90 Now, that doesn't contrary the Scriptures. It's with the Scriptures. "And they formed a image unto the beast." Uniting the world denominations in one Protestant, forming the mark of the beast, the image of the beast, according to Revelations 13:8. "And they made an image unto the beast."
The beast is "Rome." We all know that. But always it's been Rome, all... How can it be--how can it be Russia, when the Bible says Rome? See, the people just get the wrong impression. See? How can it be some other thing, when it's predicted it has to come out of Rome?
91 Go back to Daniel again, the iron and clay in the feet; the iron never ceased, from the knees down to the end. And anyone knows that Russia wasn't even known of then. It was Rome. The red dragon was Rome. It's always Rome. And that iron never changed to something else, from Rome to something else; it remained Rome. And the beast is Rome!
92 And the Rome had a religious system whose deadly head... or deadly wound killed him in his head, but he was revived again, from pagan Rome to papal Rome. And now they're to make an image to it, out of the beast that comes up out of Revelations 13.
Did you ever notice? This nation is numbered thirteen, and appears... I don't say this is... It's--it's strange, though, that it would happen mathematically, ma-... just exactly in order with the Scripture. It's found in the 13th chapter of Revelations, this nation.
93All the other beasts come up out of water, which is thickness and multitudes of people, the Bible said; but this little beast come up out of the earth, where there was no people. Yet, he was a lamb, freedom of religion; then he spake like a dragon, and united himself with the power and done all that the dragon did before him. Exactly. So there you are. It's--it's just got to be that way. No other way of getting around it.
94 And here we are, today, forming a system. A system! We can't wait till some... We tried to make everybody become a--a Lutheran; and couldn't do it. Try to make them all become a Baptist; we couldn't do it. All become a Methodist, or all a Pentecostal; they couldn't do it. So, to order to do this, the time is so short, they have formed a council, a head, a image to the beast. That's exactly what they've done. And what is it? The crucifixion of the Word, again, is at hand. It's on trial and will soon come to the floor.
95 Notice, the manifested Word, from the denomination. It manifests. The--the Word difference from the denomination.
What is this, what is this system? It's a satellite to Rome. Did the Bible say it would be that? Yes, sir! Revelation 17, they saw Rome raise up itself in an ecclesiastical system, of a woman. A woman, the church is always represented by a woman.
Cause, the Bride of Christ is a woman. Eve was the one fell; she is the One to be redeemed. And the Church (is what?) is a woman that's redeemed.
96 And this woman set upon the beast with seven heads. And we know about the seven hills, and so forth, as the Bible said it would be. There is no mistake. There is no chance for a mistake. See?
And notice then, we find out, that she was a "MOTHER OF HARLOTS." See? And mother and daughter unites together again in friendship. Where, once, the daughter run away from the mother, to try to live decent, for her mother was so low-down and ornery till the girl left home. Uh-huh. But now, since she's begin to get a little age, she, and doing so many evil things, herself; she sees her mother, she thinks her mother was right, so she is forming a system of her own. See? Exactly.
97 Uniting denominational, Protestantism, fulfills exactly what the Scripture said of Revelation 17. "All, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life, was belong to her." One or the other, either the beast or the image of the beast. The Bible said so.
And Jesus spoke of this, not as communism. But in Matthew the 24th chapter, beginning with the 21st to the 26th verse, He predicted that the spirit in this system would be so much like the real thing till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible; the Elected, whose Names are put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And, frankly, it got them so tied up, until He said if He didn't cut the work short, for their sake, there would be no flesh saved upon the earth. And we've only got...
98 This is--this is '64, isn't it? And I think they claim about seventeen years is off of that, so, according to the calendar. And we got '64, 1964, which will make (what is that?) thirty-six years left, to the twenty-first century.
And every two thousand years, the world has come to the end of its world system, religious system, to the end of all systems, and God had to step in. He did in the days of Noah; first two thousand years. The second two thousand years; the system come back to where our text calls, this morning, and He sent again His Word. He sent His Word by a prophet, Noah's time, prophet Noah; and the people rejected It, for their system. He sent His Word again in the time of Jesus, the Word manifested in the fullness; the people rejected It. And now it's 1964, leaving thirty-six years until the even two thousand more years; and the Word has been brought forth, and the system has rejected It.
99 How close are we? May be later than we think, see, that anytime it could happen. Maybe it's already happened, for all we know, as I spoke the last Sunday being here. The last name might have been on that Book; when it is, there is no more coming in. The world will move on just as it was, but the Church is sealed. Notice now as we go on here. Their names, now, he will not deceive those whose names are written on.
100 What is it? It's got to be a system. See? And just think, to belong to that denomination in that system, what do you do then? Where have you done? You're sealed away, see, from the Word, to a murderous system that takes away, "Of having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof." It's the mark of the beast. Exactly. See?
101 It's the beast over there, what he did; and here is the image, the same thing. And the beast was so great, that formed that great universal church at Nicaea, see, that they made all the--all the world come to that, to that one system. And they thought it was so great, "Nobody was able to make war with them," said the Bible, until they made a image unto the beast, and brought all Protestants into the Council of Churches; which formed a system, that you were not even thought of as a Christian or anything else unless you belonged to that system.
102 There is the difference between the mark of the beast and the Sealing of God. God seals by His Word. You believe the Word is? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Now you say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" Yes, sir.
103Now, I know you Sabbatarians, or Seventh-day Adventists, say, "The keeping the Sabbath day." But that is not. Not to be nasty with you, but that's absolutely unscriptural.
Ephesians 4:30, says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." See?
104 Now, the Holy Spirit is the Word. God is not three. He is the same God in three dispensations, three offices. God, the Father, over the law; God, the Son, in grace; and God, the Holy Ghost, as you call It, the same God in the Holy Ghost dispensation. God, the Father, was the Word; God, the Son, was the Word; and God, the Holy Ghost, is the Word. See, it's just three offices. And to re-... And the Holy Ghost seals you, therefore you're sealed by the Word.
Now you say, "Well, I'm sealed by..."
105 Well, then, it identifies itself. See? It proves. You can't belong to a system, and be sealed with the system and the Word, see, 'cause it's contrary, one to the other. You can't do it. All right.
Now we find out, that, the big machine mechanics, the mechanics of the big machine, that is to...
The machine, it's got... a automobile, it's got pistons, valves, and carburetor, and so forth. That's the--that's the mechanics.
106 I'd like to say something to the Church right here, brings to my memory. See, that's what's... I believe we're so close to the end, I--I'm going to say something now. See? See? The--the mechanics, there is so many people trying to explain the mechanics when you don't know it. See? The only thing you... And, you know, you should know it. The mechanics is known. Now what if Moses...
What if somebody would have said, "Noah, I want you to explain the--the mechanics of how the ark float. How that?" He couldn't do it.
You don't have to know the mechanics; just the Dynamics of It. See, the Dynamics is what you want to know.
"How?" Well, if somebody come up to Israel, and said, "Say, Moses, I want to understand. How could you create animals with your own word?"
107He said, said, "It ain't my word. It's God's Word. He told me to do it." See?
108 "I--I--I... Tell, explain to me how that you made flies come upon the earth, when there wasn't any, that many flies on the earth." See? Moses couldn't explained it, himself. You don't have to. "How'd you make the east wind come and blow a hole across the Red Sea, and we all followed you on dry land. Explain the mechanics of that. What--what--what was the--the--the system that you used, Moses? What? Tell me the scientific research of what atom you let loose." See? See?
109He didn't know it. He, well, he didn't know the mechanics; he just knowed the dynamics. And--and that's the way.
I can't tell you how I'm living. I can't tell you how you're living, but you're living. I can't tell how your heart, and your food goes in and makes blood. And takes the--the strength of that food, and--and goes into that third wall of the intestinal track and turns it back to a blood life, and sends it back up through you. I--I can't explain that, but it does it. See, it does it. I--I can't explain it. I don't know the mechanics. It's the dynamics.
110 Now, Moses might have knowed the mechanics, but it wasn't nobody else's place to understand it but Moses. They knowed it worked, and that satisfies. Why can't the people be satisfied that way today? See? Everybody couldn't be a Moses. There was just one Moses. They just knowed it was of God. They seen it was of God.
And they followed on and done fine until they begin to question it, wanted to raise up somebody else to do the same thing, Korah, Dathan. And when they got somebody to bring some carnal impersonations in, finally God said, "Separate yourself. Don't get into that organizational system. See, step out of it! I'm going to swallow it up." And He opened the earth and swallowed it. See?
111 You don't know, you don't have to know the mechanics. Just know the dynamics, the thing that pulsates it, that makes it true, and see if it hits the target that the Bible promised it would hit in this day. See, it's the Word again, back to the Word.
112 Now, the big machine is setting up now, and ready to move. The mechanics is already there. They've already got the mechanical system of an organization that's going to bring, upon the earth, "a peace," they say. They got a... like a U.N.
The nations are united together. It's a uniting time. I just preached on it, recently. The... They're uniting together, to bring what? A world peace. They did that in the League of Nations. They've always done it, and it never works. It can't work. The U.N. is nothing but a big rubber balloon that's carried about by every nation's wind of doctrine. It'll bust and blow up at anything. It can't work.
Neither can the Council of Churches work. It's an organization by man, contrary to the system... or with their system contrary to the Word of God, and it can't work. "How can two walk together unless they be agreed?" You can't do it. And how can the Christian church, will have to...
113 The--the Pentecostals, the Assemblies of God, and the--the great other churches of the--of the Pentecostal kingdom, and of the Full Gospel people, how can they forfeit their evangelical teachings, the very principles that they've stood on? And where they was raised up, to come out of those organizations and condemn it; and they have to forfeit their evangelical doctrine, to walk with man who disagree upon the principles of the Bible, and Divine Healing, and the Power of God, and Jesus Christ. "How can two walk together except they be agreed?"
114 There you are, that's the hour that we have arrived at, and that's the big machine that's set up. Now they've got the mechanics. The only thing they have to have is Satan in there, with the dynamics, to force the marking of the beast. When she is forced down, then the dynamics is working. The mechanics is there. They've already got them.
115 Let me say something, too; this uniting time, to see churches uniting, nations uniting. It's a uniting time of God and His Bride, too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called. I believe She is sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They're waiting for the Dynamics that'll take Her off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture. I believe it with all my heart. Yes, sir. We don't know how He's going to do it, but He shall do it.
He is the Dynamics. We just become members of the machine, of His Body, forming ourself into His image, and see Him uniting Himself with us, in His works, with His love gifts, as He hands them to us just before the Wedding Supper. And we're waiting, watching for that.
Their big church is to be united.
116 The Dynamics of this Church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit that we have worked in a small measure while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together, the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up just exactly like that; even the dead, that's dead in Christ, for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His holiness, and take a flight to the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.
117 And now the dynamics of this great regime that they've got built, this big machine will work someday in the united council of the World Council of Churches, which will make a forcing, too. Remem-... but remember...
You say, "When that happens..." It's going to be too late then for you. You're already in it. Whether you want to be, or not, you're already there. See? Notice, you've already got that spirit upon you.
118In the day when the--when the--the winds of the Spirit is blowing from east, north, west, and south, persuading people out of it, and showing the people!
That's the reason I've been so against that system. I seen there was something there, a darkness. As I seen them women the way they wore that stuff on their face, I told you last Sunday, I knew there was something coming.
119Why was I always against such stuff? I didn't know it; I know it now. Why was I always against organized religion? Is because (I see it now) it's the mark of the beast. See? I never said that till just the last couple weeks. See?
Now, after the church politics, then what happens? After the Word has been truly vindicated? Now, look, it's finally got to a place there's got to be a settlement. Their next move now was...
120 What was the Jews' next move after the church turned It down? Church turned the Word down. They wanted nothing to do with It. "It was a evil spirit." It knowed the thoughts that was in their heart. "It was evil." Yet, It was the Word. The works that He did, testified of Him, vindicated Who He was. They didn't want nothing to do with It.
Then, the next thing, comes to a government. And this is a church government, because the whole nations is involved. There was a heathen nation controlling over a religious nation. Now, it's, all thing is religion, so it has to come to a world religion.
Oh, my, a blind man could see that! And what does a blind man say when he sees this? When he sees it, he'll come out of his blindness.
121 Notice there when this world council comes together, "What will we do with this Jesus called Christ?" They certainly don't want nothing to do with It. So there is only one thing to do, then, exactly what they did then, they'll crucify It, certainly, shut It up. "It can't be no more. It won't be allowed to do it." The force of the religion of the nations won't let them do it no more. Such ministry that goes on here, and things like that, will be absolutely closed out. You can't do without a sanction from the headquarters, the head of the church, see, a image unto the beast. Oh! We're here, that's all. We--we--we've arrived.
And truly vindicated; next move is to crucify Him.
122 Same as now, causing all who don't join with them, will be shut out and not be allowed to preach, you see. That crucifies, afresh, the vindicated Word of promise. Stops it, "You're not allowed to have it no more. No more healing services. No more prayer for the sick. No, sir! You can't do it. No, none of this other. No, sir! You'll come through the Council of Churches or you don't have it at all."
123Now you can see why I'm against denomination religion, because it is the mark of the beast. Rome is the head of it, the first one. That's exactly right. And it causes all to take it by joining the daughters, that is the image. The mother of it made the same thing. Where was Rome first organized? What was the first organized religion in the world? The Roman Catholic. Anybody got a word that says it isn't so, just let me hear it. It's not here. The first organization, the first church was ever organized, was at Nicaea, Rome. Yes, sir. And that's exactly what they did.
124 And what did Luther do after his death? They did the same thing they done at Nicaea, Rome. What'd they do after Wesley? What'd they do after all the great moves that's come up? They did the same thing, made daughters unto the harlot, just exactly as perfect. Like, by the same, we find out here...
125 I had a little Scripture wrote down here. Maybe I better omit that. But, and watch, they had...
The organizing of the church has got the same system together today. Only thing they need is the dynamics of it, just something to set it in force. And it's coming to a showdown, right away.
126The Catholic church and the Protestant churches will become friends. I've told you that ever--ever since, for the last thirty something years. They will unite together. And you see exactly what they're doing now. The--the Protestant will never become Catholic, but they'll be associated brotherhood, a mark of the beast, likened unto the beast.
127 Like by the same means that the mother, Eve, corrupted the whole world to a physical death. The mother, Eve! Listen. Mother Eve corrupted the whole human race, by physical death, (how?) by rejecting the Word and accepting something almost like It. She caused all physical death because she left the true Word, and believed the true Word all but just a little bit. One little disagreement with the full Word of God caused every heartache, every death and everything has ever been on the earth. Eve done it, the mother of death. Now you see where we're coming? The mother of death, notice, she just disbelieved the Word.
She said, "God has said..."
Satan said, "That's right."
"God has said..."
"That's right."
"God has said..."
"That's right."
"God has said..."
128"Yes, that, that's exact. In--in a way, that's right, but, see, that--that--that isn't all of It. See, you'll--you'll have your eyes opened, you'll be..."
But God has said, and that settles it, the Word! See, it started with just a little misconstruing of the Word, and, the same thing, it's ending the same way.
129 Notice, a daughter is a product of a mother and father, by a union. Now here is something shocking. But death, physical, physical death is the uniting of mother Eve and Satan, together, by disbelieving God's Word. They united and brought in the--the product of death. She, the... Death is a product of uniting Satan and Eve, together.
130Eve had the Word. Satan is against the Word. And, look, almost ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredths of It, Satan admitted was right. "So close," the Bible said, "in the last days, would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See how it comes in, how it's always been, how it's going out? The same way, united of unbelief in all the full Word of God. You got it? That's what brought death, is uniting unbelief with the Word. Unbelief, just a little, bitty part of it; little, bitty, teeny bit, one hundredth of one percent. But It must be one-hundred percent! That's all.
131 Notice, God's daughter, the Church, the Bride, is also a product, of God and His Word, uniting. The Holy Spirit uniting in a body of flesh, It produced the Son of God, a product of the righteousness of God. And in the last day, as we're told, "as it was in the days of Sodom," the Bride will be united by the Word of God made manifest in the flesh, the Holy Spirit sealing them into God, and sealing unbelief out, on the outside.
132 As I said, if the life of Beethoven was in you, you would live like Beethoven; if the life of Hitler was in you, you would live like Hitler. And when the Life of Christ is in you, you'll live like Christ, and the works of Christ you do. And that'll be. If Christ lived today, He would do exactly what the Word said He would do today. And the Word said that, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Why can't this blind ecclesiastical world see the time that they're living? See?
133 Eve caused all physical death, by trying to inject some heresy of Satan into the Word. And that's the same thing that happened to the church, at Nicaea, Rome, by taking dogmas instead of the Word. That's the same thing in the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, as the Light springs forth in each age and they turn It down.
That's the reason the Lutheran died when Wesley rose up. It was in another age. The Word come forth, and they had to accept It or die. That's the reason that the Pentecostals are dying now, because the age is here. The Word has been made manifest, the eagle time, the time of the Word to return back, "to restore the Faith of the fathers, back to the children again." And they're so united, they turn It down, and they ain't nothing but spiritual death. At always...
134 God's Body, united as His Bride, being One; Him and Christ, together, is the Spirit working in the flesh of the Church like It worked in the flesh of Jesus Christ, 'cause It's part of His Body. Not twain; but One! They are One. A husband and wife is no longer two, but one. And Christ and His Body is One. And the same Spirit was in Christ is in His Bride, in His Body, that unites Them together with all the Word. And God living in there, Himself, manifesting it.
135 And the antichrist, is to say, "Oh, I believe in Christ, I believe in the Gospel, I believe in these Things, but, you know..." There you are. "But, you know, the days of miracles is past. There is no such as that, see." There you are. "Oh, I don't believe you have to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."
136But the Bible said you did. Now I want some theologian to disagree with that. See? See? It's got to be. You say, "Well, baptism don't make any difference." Well, then, why was it written? Why did it make a difference to Paul? Why did it make a difference to all the rest of them? You're either baptized...
The Bible said, "You have a name that you live, and you're dead," 'cause there's not another name given under Heaven.
Why will you preach in It, pray in It, everything else, but, when you come to the pool, you reject It? Uh-huh. See?
I said to a man the other day, I said, "What if a man..."
He said, "Don't make any difference."
137 I said, "If a man come to you, and then said he was baptized in the name of 'the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and the Morning Star,' would you say he's all right?"
He said, "No, sir."
I said, "Would you rebaptize him?"
I say, "How would you baptize?"
Said, "In the name of 'the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.'"
138I said, "All right, now you did exactly, you placed... If you call those 'names,' you did the same thing he did when he said, 'Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star,' because that's a title, and 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' is a title. See?"
He said, "But Jesus said baptize, 'the Name.'"
139I said, "That's exactly what He meant do. But what in, not--not... He didn't say, 'call these words.' 'Baptize them in the Name,' Name! Oh, my!" I said, "'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' is titles. 'The Name of the Father, Son... The Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.' See?" I said, "What did Peter say It was? What did the rest of them say It was? See? What is It? Uh-huh. The 'Lord Jesus Christ' is the Name of the 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.'" He's got about thirty thousand natives you have to rebaptized again now. See? All right. But that's right. Paul said, "If an Angel from Heaven..."
140 Paul told those people that wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, Acts 19:5, that, in order to receive the Holy Ghost, they had to come. Though they were shouting and praising God, and doing great things, he said they had to come back and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. After John the Baptist had baptized them, had to come back and be rebaptized.
And he said, in Galatians 1:8, "If a Angel from Heaven teaches any other thing than I've taught you, let him be accursed." Yes, sir. So we have to stay right with that Word, every Word of It. See?
141 Notice. Oh, don't have no flaws; be absolutely sure. If there's anything doubting in your mind, you better straighten it up now. Don't wait till then, it's too late. Don't wait till you take the mark so deep you'll never see It any more, you'll be blind.
He blinded Israel, that He might manifest His Word. He's doing the same thing to the Gentiles, 'cause here--here they are walking right into it just the same as they did then.
142 Notice, Eve rejected and forfeited her rights. After she had seen the Word vindicated by God, what He had done, she rejected It and forfeited her rights. The same thing they done at Nicaea, Rome. And the same thing they're doing now at the Council of Churches, just exactly. Brethren, there is, from Genesis to Revelation, the same thing. That's what Israel done. That's what Pilate done. That's what the whole thing done, always, from Eve till now, same thing. They reject the vindicated Word and take a dogma, instead. That forms death, spiritual death.
Dead! The Word is still preached to the dead. Exactly! Won't be through the Millennium, now, see. They're--they're, already preached to. May be getting It right now. See?
143 Cain's sons, which was the product of unbelief of the Word of God, Cain's sons scoffed at prophet Noah's message. You notice that? With God's Word he had brought the--the predicted judgment, and had vivid signs, vindicated signs that the time was at the end, and Cain's sons scoffed at It.
So as they do now. So, that, they did in the day of Jesus. So they did all through the ages. It's always been. They scoff and make fun of It. He said, "In the last days there will come scoffers, saying, 'There is no difference in the time, since our fathers fell asleep.'" You, see?
144So did the sons of the devil, through the religious system, at the Word made manifest in the time of Jesus Christ. Look, religious systems of Jewish people (Sister Rose), Jewish people who should have knowed better, but their system caused them to reject and scoff at the Word of God (that they claimed they believed) made manifest, not one Word out of the way. They did the same thing.
145 Same as they do today. The religious system in this big machine that they've got set up now will, absolutely, has turned down the promises at the end-time; with the end-time Message, and the end-time sign, the end-time everything that's supposed to be, as God predicted it, Word by Word.
It's on tape. If--if they shoot me down, or whatever they might do, they'll never stop that Message! See? It'll go on just the same. See? It's already out. It's taped. It's gone. See? They could never... It's--It's the Word of the end, right now. Per-... Thoroughly vindicated and proved, over and over and over, by signs, wonders, by mechanics, by--by--by Dynamics, by--by science, by the church, by God Himself, has proved that it's the hour; both by the Word, and by signs and wonders.
146 A Message approved of God among you, by signs and wonders of the hour. A Message that Jesus Christ is not dead, but a living just the same as He ever was, and sending forth. And it exactly fulfills Malachi 4 and all the other Scriptures that Jesus said would be in the last days, is totally fulfilled, both scientifically, by the world. And the magazines packed big pictures of circles of Light, that was predicted here. And Angels of God, which has come down, that they know nothing about. And all over, everywhere, it's proven, world-over!
147Next is crucifixion, and we're facing it. As Jesus said then, "What shall I say, 'Save Me, Father, from this hour'? But, no. Thy will be done, see, on earth, as it is in Heaven."
148That's what the Church says, today, from its heart, "Me join with something...? No, Lord, no. Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven."
149 Notice, after promised Word for the age that was vindicated, they turned It down. They done the same today. And now I'm coming down to the close now. And as He came then clearly identifying Himself to be the Word, and it come to the showdown where they must choose the Word or take the system; it's come to the same thing today, must choose the Word or take the system. And they have took the system. Now what does that do? In closing. He is on the hands of the world. Right.
150 Now, my text. That's a long ways to build around, but now I just got started, you see. Don't get up, I was just teasing. Look, here is my text. We know that. That's laying the backgrounds. We got it all laying in one streak here now. Let's set it right down home and see what it looks like, put her under the glass.
151Jesus is on the hands of the people. It's on the hands of the church. What will you do with this Jesus that's called the anointed Word? The Christ means the "anointed Word." See?
"What will you do with this Jesus?" Pilate said. "What shall I do with It? What, what's my move? What can I do with this Jesus that's called Christ?"
152What did the world call out? What did the church call out? "Crucify It! Stop It! We don't want It no more."
153 Going to ask you something. Can you imagine the guilt on Oswald's hands, this morning, the one that murdered the President? Can you imagine what his judgment will be if he's proven to be the one that did it? Can you--could you imagine any mercy be left for him? The blood of the President of the United States is on his hands. Do you think the Federal Court... No matter how much he pleaded, "I didn't mean to do it," that won't excuse him a bit. He'll perish. Why? He's got the President's blood on his hands. Could you imagine his feelings? Would you want that on your hands? [Congregation says, "No."]
154Well, what about the Blood of Jesus Christ then? Do you think you'll be excused, after It's thoroughly a vindicated? How you going to escape It? His Blood is on your hands, guilty! Sinner, where are you going from here? What are you going to do after the meeting this morning?
155 Do you think, you say, "Well, I intended... I didn't mean to be bad." Oswald might say the same thing.
If the justice of our Supreme Court will call for justice, it'll call. It's--it's our... It's the absolute of the nation. The whole nation is tied to that Supreme Court, and there can be nothing left. He's committed the crime. He has to pay for it. No matter how much he didn't mean, how his intentions was, or nothing about it; he is going to pay for it, anyhow.
If our Supreme Court and its justice demands a recompense of reward, how much more will you find yourself at the Judgment Bar of God, when you come with the Blood of Jesus Christ on your hands? "What will I do with this Jesus called the anointed Word?" You've heard It. You know It's the Truth. It's thoroughly a vindicated.
156 A murderer? Would you desire a denominational murderer of the Word, than the innocent Christ? Would you crucify? Would you--would you dare to take Barabbas? Could you call for Barabbas? How dare anyone to do that, to call for Barabbas, the murderer of the Word; than to take the Word, Itself, which is Life. And It's on your hands.
157When I heard of the murder of President Kennedy, this Message fell on my heart. I thought, what will that man do? And no way out of it now. He might awoke up by this time and realized what lays ahead.
158 And you're going to awake sometime. Here, or on the tape, wherever you're at, you're going to wake sometime, sinner, and realize that there is a Blood on your hand, and the Blood of the Son of God, and you're guilty of murdering Him. Your sin murdered Him. Your unbelief in His Word, your failing to see His identification, grieved away the Holy Spirit. And what can you do but stand at the Judgment of God, knowing what's going to happen to you! Yes, the blood of John Kennedy on the hands of Oswald will be a minor thing, than the Blood of Jesus Christ on your hands when you stand before God.
159 "What will I do with this Jesus called Christ?" Pilate said. He had been placed on his hands.
And the Blood of Jesus Christ is placed again on the hands of this congregation. It's placed on the hands of this nation, and around this world, where these tapes has been, and the things that's been vindicated and proved of God.
Now what will we do with this Jesus that's called, "The same yesterday, today, and forever"? What will we do with this Jesus? Are you ready to take your place at His side? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
160Pilate, and at the same thing Pilate did, there remains three things you can do with Him. Pilate tried all three, and he missed it. Three schemes that you might try to work, but it'll never work. Pilate tried to get Him off of his hands. But when once placed on your hands, It's on your hands. Pilate tried three different ways, and failed.
161 We must face the facts that He's on our hands. We've seen Him in His Word. We see Him a vindicate Hisself. We know that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Then, I'm not only talking to this congregation here this morning, 'cause I'm only talking to six, seven hundred people, maybe, but I'm talking to millions in this tape that will go around the world. See? He's on your hands, in tape-land, wherever you are. You know It's the Truth. If you don't, then you're blind; you can't see the Word, neither can you see God in the Word. And He's on your hands. Now what are you going to do with Him?
162 Pilate tried to get rid of Him, but we have to face the facts. Pilate had to face It. He knowed. He had heard.
Well, you say, "I never did see any of it." You've heard It, anyhow. You're hearing It now. See?
He wanted Jesus to do a miracle, or a trick, for him. But He wasn't playing tricks; He was only doing as God told Him to do.
163You've heard. "Faith cometh by hearing." You have faith, and get away from, to get this off your hands. But he have to face the facts, anyhow. He did, and so do we have to face the facts. He is fully identified. Think, with the Blood of a Man on your hands!
164 Man has to watch when he's got another man's blood on his hands. Look at an airplane. A pilot out of a plane, when he runs that plane out, he checks every instrument. Why? He's got the blood of somebody on his hands. Every little instrument that can be checked, he checks it. When he gets out and turns the plane around, he--he--he rev's up the--the--the motor, the engine, and see that it's warmed up. And throw the throttle all the way on it, to see that the blast will--will... if it'll be able to--to--to compel, or throw the propeller, too, with enough air to take it off the ground.
You've stood, many of you, in a plane, or set down there, and the whole plane shake off the ground, nearly. He's giving it all it's got, to see if there is anything out of line. If it will, it'll spit and conk out. But he checks it again, if he has to set there a moment, till he checks it again. And if they hold his time a little, he checks it again.
165 How the Church ought to be checking it again, and again, and again, and again! We're waiting for His Coming. We're waking, we're waiting for the takeoff. We better check it with the Word, not what somebody said. Be sure you know, yourself, as a personal experience with Christ. Check it again, and again, and again.
Why? He's got the blood of man upon his hands. He better check.
166 How about a doctor, before an operation? We got a couple doctors setting here this morning. Notice, that a doctor, what he'll do before he goes to surgery. He wants a x-ray. He wants to check the blood. He wants to check the heart. He wants to see if you got any cold, before he gives the anesthetic. He checks every instrument; he boils them, thoroughly, to see there is no germs on it. He does everything. He checks over, and over, and over, and over, again. Why? He's got the blood of a man on his hand. He wants to be dead sure that everything is just as right as it can be right.
167 What about you? What about you, sinner, what do you feeled about it?
To have the blood of a man on your hand, responsibility like a pilot, and he checks; the doctor, and he checks; and what else more, so many scientific; when you got the blood of a man on your hands, what you'll do!
When a judge is going to pronounce sentence, look how he reads those books, over and over and over and over and over, to every little thing that he can see, before he pronounces sentence. Cause, he's got the blood of a man on his hands, there must be something here to justify that. See?
168 How about us, when we see It thoroughly identified, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever"? He is here. He's on our hands. He's on our hands. He's on your hands! What are you going to do with Him? "What will I do with this Jesus that's the anointed Christ?"
"What does It do? How you know It's Him?"
The promise of this day, the day that we're living in, there is so much of the Scripture say, so many inches of It is supposed to be fulfilled, these last inches of this last day. There is some things setting here that's supposed to happen, and here it is. What is it? The same anointed Christ, the anointed Word! What are you going to do with It? Are you going to sell It off to the denomination?
169 Now what did Pilate do? Pilate tried to wash Him off of his hands, by saying... The first thing Pilate did was try to wash Him off of his hands, by saying, "Oh, He's okay. He's all right." See?
170You say, "Oh, poor Pilate." Pilate, a lot of them justify him? No, no, no! He was on his hands. He had heard the Message, he had seen the Word, and He was on his hands. And so is He on your hands. That's right.
What did he do? He tried to say, "Oh, well, He's a good Man. I find no fault in Him."
171 If that ain't the--the--the answer of so many today! "Oh, there is nothing wrong with the Word. I guess it's okay. The Bible is all right, but we believe the church. Our denomination don't agree with It." See? See? There is one class of people trying to wash Him off his hand.
"I find no fault in the Word. It was okay for the apostles in their day, but we live in another day. We don't live in the apostles' day, so therefore I don't have to do like the apostles did. I don't have to be baptized the way they were; I live in another day. I don't have to have the things that they had; I live in another day. The Holy Ghost was just given for that bunch."
172 Hebrews 13:8 puts Him back on your hands again. [Brother Branham knocks three times on pulpit--Ed.] No escape! He is thoroughly vindicated, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." You have no escape. You can't pass Him off to some other age. Hebrews 13:8 condemns your thoughts, and puts Him right back on your hands again. So Jesus is on your hands, just like on Pilate's was.
Look. You say, "But I don't know." Well, why you listening for?
173Pilate was a pagan. His wife was a pagan. But God, to make it just, sent that woman in there and said, "Don't you have nothing to do with this just Man." She said, "I suffered this day." Course, was morning, it was over the night, and one twenty-four hours is considered a day. "I suffered some dreams tonight, of that just Man. Don't you have nothing to do with It."
174Now he said, "Well, then, if that be so, I'll just wash Him off my hands." But he couldn't do it.
Neither can you. Once hear the Truth, you've got to accept It or deny It. No way... Yes, sir, you have to do it. Warnings of the Lord!
175 The Jews screamed out, "Let His Blood be upon us; for we would believe our priests, our denominational system, before we would believe Him."
There you are. See the classes today? But all must face God's issue. You've all got to do it, anyhow, pagan or whatever you might be. Unbeliever, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, lukewarm, cold, hot, and whatever you might be, you got to face the issue just the same. Whether you want to, or not, It's on your hands. That's exactly.
176 Then there are those who try Pilate's other scheme to dodge the issue, pass Him on to some other Caesar. See?
Pilate said, "Now wait a minute. I--I--I--I don't want nothing to do with It. I--I--I--I... He's a just Man. I--I don't want nothing to do with Him. Oh, I--I believe what I've heard. I've never seen Him do a miracle, but there is too many witnesses for Him. I--I--I believe He's a just Man. He's a good Man, see, but--but I--I don't want nothing to do with It, myself. I--I--I just... I'll just wash Him off of my hands. Bring me some water. You all bear me record here." Yeah. But God was bearing record, too. He was on his hands.
177 And so is He on your hands. See, you, you know what I'm talking about. See? Not only you, but this tape. He's on your hands. What are you going to do with Him, this Jesus called Christ? Christ is the Anointed Word. See? What are you going to do with It? It's the Message of the hour. The day is here, thoroughly proved by the Bible and by God. What are you going to do with It? How you going to dodge the issue now? How you going to get by with it? He's on your hands! And Oswald's case will be a minor one, to yours, though minister or whoever you may be.
178 Them Jews were priests, and rabbis, teachers, holy men; but He was on the hands just the same. He was the Word, the issue of God for that day, and they failed to see It. Just the elected saw It, the ones that believed It.
179Now all must face the issue. In every age it's been so, every time. Through the age of Eve and Adam, on down to the age of Noah, on down in the time of Daniel and Belteshazzar and Nebuchadnezzar, on down into Christ's time, on down into this very hour we're living, it's been the same, the issue of the Word has come forth. Not their creed, or not the denomination, not the dogma, but, the issue of the Word has been against those things. So, now, It's on the hands now.
180 Then those who try Pilate's other scheme, to rid Him, by passing Him off to somebody else. Pilate said, "Now, you know what? I'll just get Him off my hand. I'll wash Him off my hands with this water. So I'll just... I've got to do something with Him. So what will I do? I'll send Him over to the headquarters, with the bishop." Uh-huh. Yeah.
That's what they try to do today. See? They sent Him to a Caesar. That didn't take Him off Pilate's hands, take Him off of nobody's hand. What did it do? It backfired on him. Comes right back to the individual.
181 You say, "Well, I would, I would do it. I would accept It if my denomination would accept It."
Your denomination is in the Council of Churches, condemned! How they going to receive It? It backfires, right back to you. It ain't what your denomination says; it's, what do you say? They've rejected It; now what are you going to do with It? That's the next thing. See? That don't take Him off your hands.
He is thoroughly a vindicated. He is thoroughly identified, the Word of this hour, the promise of this hour. Not the promise of Luther's hour; that was It then, that was the Word in the reformer's age. As, you all who has heard the Seven Seals, when the reformers age went out, the Beast with the face like a man (organization) issued; but this is the face of the eagle, the Beast that went to make the challenge today.
182 And who would dare to say that wasn't the inspired Word of God, when He foretold It here, and sent out yonder to Arizona and brought It right back, even with science and everything else, and proved It so! This Book is already opened, that's right, just waiting for the Seventh Seal to be identified of the Coming of Christ.
183 All right, He is on your hands. You got to do something with Him. Don't take Him off. Yes, sir. In this category, I'd like to say, "passing Him on to somebody else."
"If my denomination would accept It, Brother Branham, I'd--I'd accept It. But, you see, my mother belonged to this church." She lived in her age; that ain't you. It's you now. Look what she had to come out of, to do what she was. What about you? All right.
184Look. You say, "My mother was a Pentecostal. She did so-and-so. She come out of the organization." But I'm trying to talk to you now. What about you? See?
In this category, we find many educated. Now, I know I'm going to hurt feelings here, but I don't do it intentionally. If I do, then I--I should be down at the altar, repenting. I'm saying this in godly love.
185 Jesus, when He stood there, and them Pharisees; had to say, "You are of your father, the devil; his works you'll do." Yet call for peace and mercy for them, at the cross, that crucified Him. See, He wasn't angry with them. He said, "You generation of snakes." See? See? Everything, He cursed them to everything He could, see, and then prayed for them at the cross. See? It wasn't He wanted to do that; it wasn't that, but they had to see the mistake they were making.
186And I'm saying the same thing today, in this category of "passing the buck on to somebody else," or something we call it in the army, "passing the dollar on to somebody else." We are trying to pass it on, like Adam and Eve did.
Eve tried. Adam said, "The woman You give me," and that was no excuse for him. See? The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me. She... He was the one that had the sexual affair with me. He beguiled me. He did this." That didn't keep it away, at all. They went right on to the judgment, just the same. Yes, sir. All right.
187 They can't pass it, one... Can't say, "If my denomination would believe This, I--I do too. But, I've been in this denomination." That ain't got one thing to do with it. The Jews had the same thing, so do you.
188And, note, many in this, we find fine-cultured man in this category. Now listen close.
See, culture, what we call culture today, is what Satan produced to Eve, a little wisdom. Said, "Your eyes are not open, that you don't understand all of It." She knowed the Word, and that was all. She seen God vindicating that Word, and that ought to a-been fine. He was keeping her in Eternal Life, as long as she stayed with that Word. When she broke that Word, she had the promise of God that she would die the day that she broke It. And, when she broke It, she died. That's right.
189 We got the vindicated Word of God here, vindicating, proving by the Spirit, that He's received us and give us the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ. The same Gospel, the same signs, the same wonders, the same ministry, even the same Pillar of Fire visible before us, showing the signs and wonders. There is not an excuse, nowhere.
And that's exactly what the Bible said would take place in the last days, and a call from Malachi 4, "to restore the Faith of the children back to their fathers again." And right after that, the wicked walked... or the righteous walked out upon the ashes of the wicked; the whole world was to be burned. And the atoms are hanging over yonder, the bombs in the rack.
190You see what Germany done as soon as they found out the Pres-... the President was assassinated? They throwed their army together real quick, because that was the only thing was holding Russia from bombing there. And they hit... Kennedy just sent them word, that, the hour they do that, that he would sweep them off the earth, right out of Germany. See? And they thought they could take it over, but it wasn't the hour yet, see. See?
191 We find smart, educated preachers, evangelists, trying to pass It on to somebody else. See?
Why, why didn't Pilate say, "Well, wait a minute, this Man... this wife has come told me, and I've heard many testimonies of Thee. You know, I--I'm interested. I'd like to find out. What can I do to have Eternal Life, Sir? You're on my hands. What can I do?" Well, he'd say--he'd say... He said, "Are--are You the Messiah? Are--are You the--the King of the Jews?"
192He said, "That's what you said. You said it."
"Or, tell us, truly, are You the King of Jews?"
He said, "To that end I was born."
He said, "I can't find no fault in Him." Uh-huh. "Well, I'll just wash Him off my hands."
193He answered him, but he couldn't receive It. Why? It would lower his prestige. So he thought he would send up to the state presbyter, and see what he did about It. See?
194The same thing now, the issue comes forth again. What will you do with It, the Word? What do you have to do, ask the presbyter, or the bishop, or somebody, if you can change your motive of baptism, if you can do this, or do this? You see so, and, "Certainly, you're not." You pass right back to you. If you do, you'll be kicked out. See?
195 It would lower the prestige of the people. Yes, they--they think... And the denominational council wouldn't stand... Like--like Pilate passing It to Caesar; they wouldn't stand for It. Caesar put It back in Pilate's hand. So they try to pass Him on to their--to their denominational heads, and it don't work. This trick has never worked, and it won't work. It didn't work for Pilate; won't work for you; it won't work for nobody else. Now, secondly, the thing you can do is...
196 Thirdly, rather, is to accept Him or reject Him. You can't wash Him off your hands. You can't pass Him on to some other system, or some other something else. You've got to face the issue. So what can you do?
Like Pilate, stood with the same thing, he said, "Give me some water, I'll wash It off my hands, to prove!" When he returned back, he still had to pass the judgment; didn't excuse him. He tried to say, "Well, I, if I can't get Him off my hands, I'll put Him on Caesar's hands." And It backfired, right back to him.
197It does to you, too, as an individual. What are you going to do? Not what mother did, what papa did, what the pastor does, what Brother Branham does, what any; It's on your hands! What are you going to do about It, with this Jesus called Christ? Cause, you got Blood on your hands, and It's the Blood of God. Now what are you going to do? Be guilty of the crucifixion. See?
198You can crucify Him, accept your creed or whatever you want to, or say, "Well, I'll just pass on off. I won't have nothing to do with none of this church stuff." You can't do that. He's on your hands. That's right. You can't do it. "I'll just forget the whole thing." You can't do it. It's still on your hands. "Well, I'll just say, 'My pastor taught me this.'" It backfires, right back. It's to you. You know. Now, you can either receive Him or you can reject Him, just either way you want to do it. What? It has to come to one of them.
199 Now what? As Jesus said to these Pharisees, He said, "As you're the blind Pharisees," see, Who would say it the same thing today, "you blind religious teachers, you can discern the time of communism. You're so fighting that, and know that God raised the very thing up to destroy you." See, not knowing the Scriptures. See? "You, you can discern that communism is going to take the world. You can see that. You can discern that."
200All of our subjects is on communism. "Beat communism out!" I hear it till I get sick of listening at it. I'm against it, too. Certainly, I'm against it. But I'm more against the man or the woman that rejects Jesus Christ, the Word. Or, whether you be a preacher or whatever you are, you're a more indebtment to the Christ than that communist is. He is ignorant and knows nothing about It. You are supposed to know. See? You can discern the time of communism, but you can't discern the sign of the day you're living in.
201 Jesus told them Pharisees, said, "You hypocrites!" Said, "You go out and look at the skies, and say the sun is red and lowering, tomorrow will be foul. If the sky clear," said, "you say tomorrow will be a clear day." Said, "You can discern the signs of the time, or the signs of the skies and the weather, but the signs of the time you don't know." There He was, the Messiah, and rejecting It.
And we always talking about communism and some of this stuff, but, the sign of the time, we don't get It. See? We overlook that, omit that. Uniting together right now in unbelief, and they receive it, but fail to understand and see the sign of the time that the Bible said would be.
Have you got It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Have to close, real quick now. It's getting late, see.
202 As their fathers did, so do they, same thing today. Now, the decision has been reached. It's got to be reached. You've got to reach it, some way. See? Crucifixion of the Word again, or what are you going to do? Crucifixion of the Word is at hand. Crucify and stop the vindicated Word, for--for the denominational sake, like Pilate did, trying to pass off somebody. Now what will you, as an individual, do with the anointed Word which is called the Christ?
The same yesterday, the same Christ that anointed the Word in the days of Noah. The same Christ, that--that Tree that was in the Garden of Eden; that Eve left, eating off of this Tree of Life, to take the tree of wisdom; he, she left the Tree of Life, to take the tree of death. Noah's time did the same thing. In the days of the prophets, they did the same thing. In the days of Christ, they did the same thing.
And here they are today. For each one speaking of his time, and, when that thing was fulfilled, each time they took their denominational reasons, and so forth, and the wisdom of the world instead of the anointed Word of Christ. What will you do, as an individual?
203 Pilate never got Him off of his hands. I'm--I'm closing, so be real quiet just a moment. Pilate never got Him off of his hands. Neither will you, in the way that he did, trying any of these schemes. He never did it. You know what happened to Pilate? He lost his mind. It got so all he could hear was that crucifixion. All he could hear was a rage, that he finally went insane.
204And they got a legend way up in Norway, or not... I beg your pardon. Up in Switzerland; where, I've been up there, a missionary. They claim thousands gather there, from world over, on Good Friday; a hole of water where Pilate committed suicide. He finally dashed himself to death in this pool of water. And they claim that every Good Friday, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the water turns blue, it boils up from where Pilate's body laid. He rejected It. There is still Blood on his hands. And he reject, he refused; the water.
You can't wash Him off your hands. There is no water, no fullers' soap, that can cleanse It. He is on your hands. What will you do with Him?
205Here is the only thing that you can do. If you cannot wash Him off your hands; you can't pass Him on to something else; you can't just mythically pass it by. There is no way in the world. The only thing you can do is accept It, in your heart. That's the way to get rid of Him. Take Him off your hands and put Him in your heart, or leave Him on your hands and stand the Judgment. That's the only thing that you can do.
Pilate's end was a terrible one.
206 The Word says that these who keep Him on their hands... I was going to read It. But It said, "They cried to the rocks and the mountains. They prayed, but their prayers were too late." See? They cried, "Hide us from the face of Him that sets upon the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, that is to the Ram, the Life of the Lamb that's come. For, the great Day of Judgment has happened, and who shall be able to stand?"
207What do you think Oswald is going to do now when he walks out before the Supreme Court, and see those angry eyes of the--the jury and all setting there? He knows what's going to happen. It'll be either a gas chamber, or a rope hanging there, or something. He's got to face it.
208 But what if you walk out there with the Blood on your hands, of rejecting? And know that hell lays before you, Eternal destructions; crying for the rocks and the mountains; but prayed, for the prayers were too late.
In Hebrews 10, "If we sin willfully." Sin is "unbelief." "If we unbelieve willfully after we have received the Truth, the knowledge of the Truth." You don't have to receive It; just know about It. You don't have to have It, you just... Oh, no, no. See? Didn't say, "after we received the Truth."
... if we sin wilfully after we... received the knowledge that it is the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a... fearful looking for... the fiery indignation,... shall devour the adversary,
... Because God said, Vengeance is Mine, and I will recompense, saith--saith the Lord.
209 If we disbelieve It, willfully, after the Truth has been presented to us, there will be no more mercy. No more mercy will be granted.
Pastor, listening to this tape, what about it? Member of the church, listening to this tape, what about it? What are you going to do, if we disbelieve It willfully? Can't wash It off your hands. You can't pass It on to the headquarters. It's going to backfire, right back to you. You've heard It. What about you? How are you going to stand in that Day?
He is either on your hands or in your heart, one or the other. God help us.
210 If--if you can just imagine an assassination, and what's bound to be going through that man's heart. What has he done? He woke up too late, after he had already done it.
Look, he had the opportunity. He was born a free American. He was an American. But he wanted to sell his birthrights, to become a Russian, and it backfired. He married a Russian girl. Now he's a free-thinker of the communistic party of Cuba.
Free thinking, "I do my own thinking." You ain't got no thought coming. What will you do with Jesus called Christ? You ain't no free-thinker. There is no free thinking. Let the mind that was in the Christ be in you.
Let's pray.
211 Think these thoughts, "If there be any praise, if there be any virtue, think on this." In our midst this morning, and in this tape, also, I'm speaking. If you are here present this morning, and you know that you're not right with God, and you're not born of His Spirit, and God has...
You say, "Well, I've made a confession." That ain't what I'm talking about. Has God accepted it? You can say, "Yes, I, I've made a confession, and so forth. Yes, I believe." So did Pilate, "I made a confession, surely, 'What will I do with this just Man?'" You can't wash Him off your hands like that. No, no.
212What will you do with Him? If you're not a born-again Christian, with the Holy Spirit living in you, enriching your Life, then why don't you take It now? You'll never wash This off your hands. You'll never hear the last of this Message. It'll ring through until you bring the Message into your heart, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
213 In this visible audience this morning, will there be those here who realize that, that they're wrong, and would raise up your hands. We have no room for an altar call, the place is so packed. But just say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. God help me." God bless you, I see your hand. "It's, I want to, now. Right here I want, before God, Him know that I'm guilty, and I realize I'm guilty. I--I want Him off my hands; I want Him in my heart." Raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." The Lord bless you. I see, in this number of people here, maybe forty, fifty hands up here.
Calling today,
Calling today,
Think of it now, that's Him calling. Jesus is calling. That's Him speaking to you.
214 Have you sinned so far, till your heart is so calloused, till you won't, can't even hear It no more? Once, as a little boy or a little girl, you heard It. You had a desire to do it, but you put It off, and you just calloused and calloused those cuts and pulls. Is it so far gone that you can't hear It no more? Are you standing where... have your... at the place where like Oswald stands this morning, that you know? Uh! How can you do it?
Will there be another before we close and I'll offer prayer? Just anywhere in the building, that never raised your hand, say, "Brother Branham, just since you said the last words, I--I feel that." Anybody, outside, in the corridors, around the windows, anywhere, doesn't matter. Just...
215 God bless you, young lady. God bless you, sir, you. Got you. He's on... God bless you, lady. Someone else? God bless you, lady. God bless you, here. And God bless you over there, little boy, little girl. Yes, the Lord bless you. Back there, sir. Yeah.
Now just let's think of it now. I want you to do this while we softly sing this, Jesus Is Calling. Now I want you just to say, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner, or a pretender. I'm a church member, Lord, but I--I--I want You. I want You. Help me! I'll--I'll serve You. I promise it, right now. I've raised my hand, that I want You. Now You raise my heart, that I receive You, and I will receive You into my heart." While we sing this verse again, will you do it?
Calling today,
Calling today,
216 Now pray your own way. Pray now. "Jesus call-..." That's Him speaking. That's the reason you raised your hand.
... -derly calling today.
Jesus is calling, O list to His Voice;
Hear Him...
Right now, hear Him. Say, "Lord, I'm guilty. Your Blood is on my hands. I'm a sinner. I don't want It on there no more. I can't wash It off; I've tried it, for years. I'm not going to turn You away like Pilate did, and try to send You to somebody else. I want You. Come into my heart, right now, Lord. I receive You. I see You standing right before me, like an image standing there; by faith I'm walking right into You, knowing that You forgive me. And I'm... You're going to be in my heart, from this on."
... today, (everybody pray)
Jesus is calling,
He's tenderly calling today.
[Brother Branham begins to hum Jesus Is Calling--Ed.]
217 Heavenly Father, the little message is ended. And now, the decisions, the courts is set this morning. Angels are gathered into the room. The great Holy Spirit here giving vindications that Jesus still lives. He was the fountain of Eternal Life. The grave couldn't hold Him, neither could hell keep Him. He ascended up; loose from hell, loose from the grave. And He stands among us, today.
And our creeds and denominations has bound many our people, Lord. Sin has bound them, but today they want to be free. They stand like Pilate, and, instead of trying to pass Him on to somebody else, they've raised their hands, "Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I'll not wash You away from me no more. I can't do it. You're still on my hands. I've just washed and washed, and You wouldn't come off, but now I receive You. I want You in my life, and I receive You into my life. Lord, receive me into Your Kingdom, by the pardoning of my sins, and give me faith to believe that You receive me, Father." Grant it. Through Jesus Christ's Name, we pray.
218 And now as you have our heads bowed. Faith, by faith... "And, God, You help me to be honest. But knowing that You promise that..."
"He that will come to Me, I will in no wise turn him out. And I'll give him Eternal Life, and I'll raise him up at the last days. He that will confess Me before man, him will I confess before My Father and the holy Angels. He that heareth," the real, true interpretation of Saint John 5:24 there, is, "he that understandeth, that receiveth My Word. He that receiveth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and will not be called to the Judgment." You won't come to the Judgment Bar like Oswald will. "But you've passed," with a free pardon, "from death unto Life."
219"Lord, I don't know how, I don't know why, but--but I believe it's happened. I believe that, in my heart, my unbelief is gone. I can freely say 'amen' to every Word that You say, and I accept It right now. I believe it."
220 Now with your heads bowed. You that believed that, that raised your hands a few moments ago; and by faith you see the image of Christ standing there, which you should be in. You're walking now by faith, believe that your sins are pardoned. And from this day on, you're ready for Christian baptism, and you're ready now to walk in Christ. Would you, as a testimony to Him, raise your hands back, say, "By faith I believe It with all my heart"? God bless you. That's fine. "I now accept It. I--I accept; nothing I can do." God bless you. Looked like every one that I seen. "I now accept."
221 See, you're no good, you never was no good, you can't be no good, but Jesus died for no-good people. "What do I have to do, Brother Branham?" Just accept what He did, just accept what He did for you. And now by believing It and accepting It...
Now, I believe, the pastor, the pool will be open. [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Baptism will be in order, if you want to be baptized.
If you have took the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you are truly... I say this with reverence and respect, but, to my way of seeing it, you are not baptized. You are not, for you haven't carried out what He said.
222He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." If you just had those titles called over you; He never said, "Go call these titles; go call these names." It never was done in the Bible. It never was done that way. It was, baptize the way Jesus said, "In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," which is Jesus Christ.
223 Peter, with the keys, said the same thing; every other apostle, the whole Church; until the early Nicaea Council when Roman Catholic church organized, accepted titles instead of Name. You're either baptized into the Roman dogmas of denomination, or baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, one or the other. It's on your hands; you can't wash It off. It's there.
You've accepted It now. I'll ask you, as the--as the organist and the pianist turn to the famous old hymn.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
And take all my guilt away,
And let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
224Don't no one leave the building. Just reverently stand now, and let's just raise our hands to Him now.
My faith looks up to Thee, (and He is the Word)
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly, wholly and completely, Thine! I now surrender my life.
225 The water will be ready in a few minutes. If you can't take the baptism now, we'll baptize again tonight.
Think of it, all afternoon, "On your hands." Get It off. The only way you can do, is, washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, Who is... See? Yes, sir. Remember it now as we bow our heads. Look to Him now.
While life's dark maze...
226The decision is in your heart now. He is on trial. The Word is ready for crucifixion. Christ is on trial. What will you do with Jesus called Christ?
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow, tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
Now bowing our hearts to it. [Brother Branham begins humming My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]
227 Think deeply, friends. Might be your name is the last one that goes on the Book. We're at the end time. Now think real deeply. Are you, is there anyone here who has turned Him away?
228Remember, it may never come again. Pilate didn't have no other chance. He tried his best to get saved, and he couldn't do it. It was on his hands. And what will you do with the anointed Word for this day, called the Christ?
1 Pán ti žehnaj, brat Vayle. Dobré ráno, priatelia. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Dobré ráno, brat Branham." – pozn.prekl.] Vždy meškám. Billy mi hovoril, že toto ráno mám, že mám okolo tridsať súkromných rozhovorov, a mal som dva z nich, takže, myslím, že dva alebo tri. Tak ja sa proste nemôžem dostať ku každému, viete, a ľudia čakajú, a čakali na zozname mesiace a mesiace. A Pán tam robil veľké veci. Ó, On je -- On je náš Boh, však? ["Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
2 No, som si istý dnes ráno, že sme si všetci vedomí toho veľkého smútku, ktorý sa stal tomuto národu, zo straty nášho prezidenta, pána Kennedyho. Hoci som nesúhlasil s týmto mužom v jeho politike a v jeho náboženstve, ale napriek tomu si nezaslúži zomrieť takýmto spôsobom. Nie. A zanechať po sebe tieto malé deti, a žiaden otecko. A matku, ktorá... Pani Kennedyová, hoci by som s ňou určite nesúhlasil, a jej spôsoby a veci, možno ... ale pamätajte, ona je matka. Ona práve stratila svoje deti, a stratila svojho manžela. A on padol rovno do jej lona, a krv jej vlastného manžela vytiekla na jej lono. To je hrozné.
3 Pomysleli ste si niekedy... Niekedy si myslíme, že ona udáva krok tomuto národu, v štýloch a rôznych veciach. To tiež môže tak byť. Ale vedeli ste, pani Kennedyová nikdy nepočula žiadne z týchto posolstiev, ktoré som o tom kázal. Ak by mohla jedno z nich počuť, mohla by robiť inak. A niektoré z našich sestier, ktoré to počúvajú, a stále majú problém vyrovnať sa s tým. Vidíte? Ona bola vychovaná ako katolíčka; to je všetko, čo ona pozná. Nič proti tomu, vidíte. Ona... To je systém. Nič proti ľuďom, katolíkom. To je systém, katolícky systém, tak ako presbyteriánsky, metodistický, alebo ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných, vidíte, alebo letničný, ktorýkoľvek. To je systém, nie ľudia.
4 Pán Kennedy, myslím, urobil dobrú robotu ako prezident. A moje srdce súcití s jeho ženou. A som z toho naozaj smutný, že dokonca náš vlastný národ, vrahovia a tak ďalej v našom národe, by urobili takúto vec.
5 Ak nemôžete súhlasiť s nejakou osobou, dobre, a zobrať svoje vlastné stanovisko; a nie je dôvod zabiť iného človeka, len pre tieto veci. A tie malé deti vedia, povedali, ten malý chlapec povedal, "Teraz sa nemám s kým hrať. Ocko odišiel." Vidíte?
Tak, vždy som si myslel, že jedného dňa sa to stane mne. Skoro sa to už stalo niekoľkokrát, ako viete, že som mohol byť zastrelený, v iných krajinách; keď ľudia museli svojimi telami robiť okolo mňa múr, aby ma ochránili pred zastrelením, z diaľky.
6 Tak, ak človek zomiera takýmto spôsobom ... Ale, to je cena, ktorá je zaplatená, ktorá ide na slávu rôznych vecí. Vidíte? Myslím, že dosahujeme v priemere, že každý štvrtý prezident, jeden zo štyroch, je zavraždený, a ja sa kvôli tomu cítim veľmi zle. Je to hanba, že máme takúto osobu v Amerike, ktorá urobila takú vec.
7 A teraz, ešte, ako som povedal, nesúhlasil som s jeho politikou. Ja... ja ne... nesúhlasil som s jeho predstavami o tom, čo sa snažil robiť. Ale, vidíte, on je iný muž. Nesúhlasil som s jeho systémom náboženstva. Ja som s týmto určite nesúhlasil. Ale, jednako, on bol takto vychovaný. To je to, čo to bolo. Ako som povedal, možno, keby bol počul niečo iné, mohlo by to byť inak.
8 Máme tu vec, ktorú robíme, že kdekoľvek jeden z našich ľudí zomrie, alebo niečo, dokonca hoci vonku... myslím ako americká cirkev, ako telo Američanov...
Americkí ľudia zvolili pána Kennedyho za prezidenta. A to bolo... To je dôvod, prečo máme demokraciu. Ja som nevolil pána Kennedyho. Volil som pána Nixona, lebo som poznal pána Nixona, osobne. A mal som ho rád, a volil som jeho, osobne, lebo sa mi páčil. Ale ľudia tejto krajiny, Američania, moji spoluobčania tohto národa, zvolili pána Kennedyho. A spôsob, akým to urobili, nuž, to je medzi nimi a Bohom, ale toho je toľko.
9 Ale myslím, v záujme tejto matky, ľudskej bytosti, matky detí, pani Kennedyovej, mohli by sme povstať na chvíľu a pomodliť sa za ňu?
10 Pane Ježišu, my ľudské bytosti, my máme súcit jeden s druhým. A je nám ľúto, Pane, že náš prezident bol zastrelený takým spôsobom, chladnokrvnou vraždou. A nám je tak ľúto, že náš národ prišiel do tohoto bodu, že takíto ľudia sú v našom národe, ktorí dokážu zabiť ľudskú bytosť chladnokrvnou vraždou; ako nedávno zabili toho farebného brata, a jednoducho ho chladnokrvne zastrelili, kvôli rasovým predsudkom. A nám je tak ľúto, že takíto ľudia existujú medzi nami, Pane. My, naša slabosť, toto priniesla.
11 A my sa modlíme za pani Kennedyovú, tú manželku toho, prezidenta. A vieme, že tie malé deti vyhliadajú na ich otca, ktorý ich opustil a niekoľko dní predtým to bol šťastný muž a šantil a hral sa s nimi na podlahe. Teraz oni nemajú otca. A pre tú ženu, ktorá... jeho manželku, ktorej vlastný manžel padol rovno do jej lona, a jeho krv vytekala na jej šaty; práve pochováva svoje dieťa.
12 A ešte, Pane, my môžeme veriť, že tá žena je v zlom, kvôli spôsobu, ktorým udávala krok v národe, svojím obliekaním a tak ďalej; ale to mohlo byť pre Američanov, v celku, to je to, čo oni chcú. Tak my sa modlíme za ňu, dnes ráno, aby si jej pomohol. A nech je chvíľa v tejto hlbokej bolestnej strate, že nájde, čo je Pravdou, Ježiša Krista! Udeľ to, Pane, Ty, ktorý jediný môžeš dať pokoj a útechu v hodine súženia.
13 A pomôž nám, Pane, pokračovať, aby sme boli celým srdcom, svietiacim svetlom, ktoré ... nevieme, kedy alebo aký vplyv my môžeme mať na niekoho iného. A daj nám svietiť Svetlom Kristovým, kým On príde. A potom ten Veľký Pastier stáda, ktorý pozná všetku spravodlivosť, odplatí každý hriech, a On bude vedieť, ako to urobiť. A dovtedy, porúčame sa do Tvojich rúk, Tvojej lásky a milosti, ktorú si zjavil nad nami. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
14 Áno, nemyslím si, že si nejaký muž zaslúži takto zomrieť. No, pán Lincoln si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť. Pán McKinley si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť. Huey Long si nezaslúžil takto zomrieť; žiaden z týchto mužov. Neverím tomu. Vrahovia, to je zlé. Naši chlapci nebojovali za morom pre niečo také. Naša zástava nebola vyzdvihnutá pre niečo takéto. My nie sme americkými občanmi pre niečo takéto. Nie. Hoci, náš národ je zdeformovaný a trýznený hriechom, to je to, čo spôsobuje tieto veci. To je hriech.
15 No, dnes máme... chystám sa vyučovať nedeľnú školu, a pár vecí, ktoré by som rád spomenul cirkvi. A to je, prvá vec, bol by som rád, keby ste mi odpustili, že vás všetkých držím tak dlho v nedeľné rána, keď mám tieto Posolstvá. A potom, keď Pán bude chcieť... Dôvod, prečo to robím, je, že som tu medzi svojimi ľuďmi a vyučujem náuky tak mocne ako viem. Neučím tieto náuky vonku na iných miestach. Ja len stojím na hlavných základoch Evanjelia. Ale tieto náuky, ktoré sú silné, neučím ich vonku, na iných miestach. A potom, tu, trvá mi to hodinu, niekedy, dve alebo tri hodiny, dostať sa cez moje Posolstvo. A držím vás tu niekedy, do pol jednej, jednej hodiny. A to je stále menej, ako som zvykol robiť. Kázaval som celú noc, skoro, niekedy. Išiel som, začali sme, veľakrát o ôsmej a išli sme domov nasledujúce ráno o druhej alebo o tretej, tak je to, zo zhromaždení.
16 Ale idem sa pokúsiť, keď prichádzam znovu k vám, a len malé... kázanie namiesto tak veľa vyučovania tohoto, dokiaľ vám to neoznámim dopredu, že to bude niečo. Lebo, mám Sedem Trúb, verím, prichádzajú, ktoré sa viažu rovno so Šiestou Pečaťou. Keď znela Šiesta Pečať, všetkých Sedem Trúb vyšlo naraz, vidíte. A tak my... rád by som to dostal do cirkvi pred Jeho Príchodom, ak... alebo mojím odchodom, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, ak budem môcť.
17 No, ak to urobíme, potom vám to oznámime dopredu. A možno potom, ako vidíme dnes ráno, chodby sú preplnené, a steny, a okolo ... Pokúsime sa - máme teraz miesto, tu hore, možno sa nám ho podarí prenajať. To pojme okolo tritisíc ľudí, a je to pekné auditórium školy rovno nad nami. A Sedem Trúb, pokúsime sa ich kázať tam hore v tej škole. A to poskytne veľa miesta na sedenie, vidíte, takže môžeme dostať ľudí dovnútra.
18 Chceme oznámiť, ako sme v New Yorku ... prežili sme tam práve úžasné chvíle. To Morrisovo Auditórium tam, museli sme každý večer jednoducho posielať preč tých ľudí. Oni sa vo vnútri tlačili. Požiarnicky... Muž, ktorý vlastnil to miesto... Veliteľ požiarnikov by zatvoril to miesto, keby sme ich nechali stáť, takto natlačených vo vnútri. A potom sme ich museli poslať preč. A ľudia vonku na ulici, chodili hore dolu po ulici, modlili sa, aby sa niekto unavil a vstal a vyšiel von, tak, aby sa oni mohli dostať dovnútra a dostať miesto. Vidíte? Iba jedna osoba, oni len čakali tam vonku na jednu osobu, aby sa dostali dovnútra. A ten, ktorý je pri dverách, a potom oni takto jedného vpustili dnu. Keď niekto vstal a išiel von, musel ísť skôr domov, nuž, oni vojdú a aspoň toľko môžu mať diel na tom zhromaždení. Vidíte, oni prišli. To je veľmi fajná, fajná skupina ľudí. A ja verím, že svet, kresťanská cirkev, je hladná po Bohu.
19 No, ja-ja verím, že... Ďakujem ti, brat. Verím, že Boh nám udelí tú možnosť, kde môžeme prísť spolu a mať tých posledných Sedem Trúb. Rád by som bol vedený robiť tieto veci, tak potom vy budete vedieť.
20 Potom na raňajkách Obchodníkov plného Evanjelia... Obyčajne, ich miestna skupina tam, myslím, že hovorili, že mali niekde od päťdesiat do sto na svojich raňajkách. A to ráno predali tisíc sedemsto lístkov, a ostatné miesto nechali na státie. A každá chodba a okolo stien, a hore a dolu schodmi, všetko bolo obsadené ľuďmi. A nejakí kazatelia s vysokou hodnosťou, pár kňazov, a tak ďalej, boli tam, aby počuli Posolstvo. A tak, ja rozumiem, verím, že to trochu pomohlo. Mohlo to urobiť trochu viac, lepšie než sme si skutočne mysleli, že to bude.
21 No, potom, dnes večer... Budeme mať... Posolstvo dnes večer, ak Pán bude chcieť, na tému, ako, o vašom stave s Kristom. A teraz to bude...To bude krátke. Chceme začať, chcem byť na pódiu o pol ôsmej. Ak... Kedy obyčajne začínate, o pol ôsmej? [brat hovorí, "Začíname o pol ôsmej, ale začneme o siedmej." – pozn.prekl..] Ó, o siedmej, a ja budem na pódiu o pol ôsmej, a to by som mal skončiť do pol deviatej, ak Pán bude chcieť, lebo ja len... budem sa tak ponáhľať ako len budem môcť, idem si to hneď začať trénovať.
22 Ďalšia vec je, možno sú tu nejakí cudzí, ktorí počujú, že ľudia sa smejú. Lebo, snažím sa dostať preč odtiaľto, ale nedokážem to. Je to druh... Dúfam, že to neznie ako svätokrádež, ale moja mama hovorievala, keď sú ľudia takto spolu, je to ako čirokový sirup v chladné ráno. Viete, je to tučné a tečie to pomaly. A takto to s tým je. Ja tečiem pomaly v týchto Posolstvách, lebo sladkosť Božej cukrovej trstiny, viete, akoby nás to stužovalo spolu. A ja ne... nechcel by som to nijak inak. Chcem to práve takto. Kde, pamätám sa, že sme zvykli stáť a spievať tú pieseň.
Nech je požehnené puto, ktoré spája
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Naše obecenstvo spriaznených myslí
Je ako to Hore. Vidíte?
Keď sme od seba oddelení,
spôsobuje nám to duševnú bolesť;
Ale stále sa budeme v srdci radovať,
A dúfať, že sa stretneme znovu.
23 A verím, že to bude vždy naším cieľom tu. Mnoho tých starých svätých zaspalo odvtedy, ale my sa stále radujeme v srdci. A myslím, že to videnie v to ráno, vidieť ich tam, a požehnanie a sláva tých mladých postáv mužov a žien, stále vyzerajú tak, ako vyzerali tu, keď boli tu na zemi. Myslím, že čakajú na náš príchod. Jedného dňa sa k nim pripojíme, keď bude Boh chcieť. No, ja...
24 A pamätajte, služba, služba piesní začne o siedmej dnes večer, namiesto o pol ôsmej.
A potom, budúci týždeň som v Shreveporte, Louisiana, a tam, v Life Tabernacle v Shreveporte, Louisiana. A myslím, že oni sa pokúsia dostať to auditórium oproti v ulici. Brat Moore volal včera večer, povedal, že oni... Je to výročné zhromaždenie, a očakávajú veľké množstvo ľudí.
25 Chcel by som dať malé svedectvo, predtým, než prečítam Písmo. Nejaká pani tu jedného dňa sedela, tam bolo... Poviem vám, čo je vplyv, keď sa niekto modlí za druhého. Len som sa náhodou pozrel dolu a videl som inú pani, práve som ... sedela tu Margie Cox, manželka brata Rodneyho Coxa ... A myslím, že to bolo minulý týždeň, Duch Svätý dával rozpoznávanie po tejto budove. Viete, ako ľudia hovoria. A ona sedela... Ona tu práve teraz sedí. Ale ona bola tam niekde na druhej strane. A ja som sa pozrel, a tam bola pani, ktorá bola zavolaná, ktorá mala cukrovku. A Margie bola... A vo videní to bola Margie. A Margie stála tam; a ešte som sa pozrel dolu, videl som ju, a to bolo... A myslel som si... A pozrel som sa, aby som videl tú ženu, a Margie bola vo videní, ale svetlo bolo nad tou ženou. Tak som to sledoval.
26 A myslel som si, no, ak zavolám Margie, oni povedia, "Samozrejme, že, iste." Nikto, kto ich pozná, povie, "No, on-on... Jej manžel je jeden z jeho dôverných priateľov. Žijú spolu, spia spolu, poľujú spolu, a-a všetko. Samozrejme, preto to on vie." Ale Margie to nevedela. Ale zavolal som tú druhú pani, ktorá bola... verím, bola to sestra z Chicaga, ako som sa neskôr dozvedel.
27 Ale potom sa stalo, že v jej... tej továrni robili testy na cukrovku. A ona mala cukrovku. A tak predvčerom sa vybrala kvôli tomu na kliniku. A tak, keď to spomenula, vtedy som jej pripomenul toto. A povedal som, "Poď sem, sestra Margie." A povedal som jej o tom, ako strácala cit vo svojich rukách, a ako je to skutočne zlý pocit ...
Tá malá pani pracuje deň a noc, takmer, tam hore, do... verná malá matka, aby pomohla svojmu manželovi platiť za ich domov, ktorý sa snažia stavať. A jej sestra, Nellie, a Charlie, to je Rodneyho brat, jeho manželka, a všetci pracujú spolu tam v tej továrni, tak ťažko ako len môžu. A nesú pohanenie. Nechali si rásť vlasy, zotreli si make-up, takéto veci, keď sa stali kresťankami. Ja verím, že je dobre vyjadriť uznanie, kde je uznanie zaslúžené. A skutočne mám teplé miesto v srdci pre tieto dve mladé ženy.
28 A potom som ju vzal za ruku a modlil som sa za ňu. A ona tam šla a oni nemohli nájsť nikde ani stopu po cukrovke. Je to preč, tak.
Pani, ktorá bola zavolaná, sedela práve tu niekde, a bola to sestra menom Bruce. Nevidím ju dnes ráno, ale ona bola vždy... Ona je veľmi takou ženou, ktorá sa modlí. A táto žena vošla dnu, posledne keď som tu bol, a nedávali sa žiadne modlitebné lístky, ani nič, tak tam nebol nikto, žiadna modlitebná rada, tak oni len... Duch Svätý len vyvolával zo zhromaždenia.
29 A táto slečna Bruce, ona sama bola raz uzdravená z rakoviny - a ona proste stále mala na srdci bremeno za niekoho iného a práve sa modlila. A tam bola pani z Louisville, ktorá zomierala, na rakovinu v hrdle. A zatiaľ čo sa ona modlila, Duch Svätý šiel rovno k tej žene, zavolal ju, a urobil to, že jej povedal, kto ona je, a aký je jej problém, a o tom, že má rakovinu, a povedal, že to bude v poriadku. A tá pani šla domov.
Pár dní po tom, začala sa dusiť na smrť, takmer, hrdlo jej opuchlo. Silno zakašľala a rakovina vyskočila vonku. A ona je zdravá. Vidíte?
30 Čo sa stalo, vidíte, opuchlina, to je zhubný nádor, ktorý má v sebe život. Vidíte? Rakovina, to je zo slova, z medicínskeho názvu "rak (krab)", čo znamená, že to má veľa nôh, ako krab, ktorého vytiahnete z mora a to z vás saje vašu krv. A ten zhubný výrastok v jej hrdle mal, to bolo, to je to, čo to robilo.
No, vidíte, ja sa nezaoberám s výrastkami. Ja sa zaoberám so životom, ktorý je v tom výrastku. Vidíte? Ten život, ktorý je v tom výrastku, je to, s čím sa zaoberám. Vidíte? "V mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov." Slovo diabol je "trýzniteľ", tela. A toto bol diabol. A potom, keď ten život vyšiel von z toho výrastku, samozrejme, že ten výrastok sa začal nadúvať.
31 Tak ako nejaký malý pes, ktorý je zrazený na ulici, niečo také, nechajte to tam ležať na slnku niekoľko dní, potom, a to bude dvakrát také veľké.
No, to je to, čo spôsobovalo, že tej malej žene bolo horšie. Mnohokrát som to vysvetľoval. Keď je vám horšie, to je práve ten znak, že ste uzdravení, vidíte. A tak to sa len stále zhoršovalo, a dusilo ju to, lebo sa to nadúvalo. A... ale to muselo zostať uvoľnené, ten život bol z toho preč. A jej kašeľ, takýto, vidíte, [brat Branham kašle – pozn.prekl.] takto, vyskočilo, potlačilo to preč zo zvyšku jej tela. A tá mŕtva hmota, len to telo bez života, rakovina odišla, vyskočila, vidíte, vypadla.
32 Tak, to je, to telo potom vyšlo. To nebol diabol, ktorý vyšiel von. To bol dom, v ktorom on žil. On vyšiel kvôli viere tej ženy v to, čo jej bolo povedané, vediac, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, to je to, čo zabilo tú rakovinu, vzalo von ten život.
No, ona mohla ísť naspäť k doktorovi, a doktor povedal, "Nezmysel, tá vec je práve tam na tom mieste, kde vždy bola." Ale to bola pravda, výrastok bol tam, ale nie život, nebol tam. Vidíte?
33 No, čo keď to bolo niekde, odkiaľ by to nemohlo odísť?
Je toto tá fotka? [brat Neville hovorí bratovi Branhamovi, "To je fotografia výrastku, ktorý odišiel od pani Bakerovej, zo Springville, Indiana. A ona... toto je zväčšený obrázok, po modlitbe." – pozn.prekl.] Tu je fotka toho výrastku od pani Bakerovej, zo Springfieldu, Indiana, ktorý odišiel, po modlitbe. To je obrázok toho. Vidíte, to je telo, v ktorom diabol žil.
Práve tak, ako vy žijete v ... Toto telo, v ktorom žijete; môže byť malé, veľké, červenovlasé, čiernovlasé, akékoľvek. Vidíte? Buď diabol žije v tomto tele, alebo Kristus žije v tom tele. No, potom, keď ten život z toho ide von, vaše telo je stále tu na zemi, vidíte, ale život tam nie je.
Keď život odišiel, telo tam stále bolo. A potom sa to odtrhlo z jej tela a bolo vyhnané, to telo išlo von.
Ale keď je to na mieste, odkiaľ ono nemôže vyjsť, potom vaše srdce musí pozbierať tú mŕtvu hmotu a prečistiť krv, s každým úderom. To spôsobuje horúčku, a všetko iné, lebo to je infekcia. Vidíte? A vaše srdce musí... Myslím, že srdce prečisťuje krv, ako tadiaľ prechádza. Je to tak, sestra Dauchová? Myslím, že je to tak. Srdce, ako ono bije, to prečisťuje ... (ošetrovateľka, viete, a ďalšia sedí tu pred ňou.) Zbiera tie... A to je to, čo spôsobuje horúčku z infekcie. Ono zbiera infekciu a zvyšuje teplotu.
34 No, ľudia, vidíte, to je vaša viera. To nikdy nie sú vaše pocity. To nie je nič, či to je tak, ak moja ruka nie je rovná. To s tým nemá nič spoločné. To je moja viera, ktorá to robí. Vidíte? Rovno pred nami, vidíme podobu dokonale uzdravenej osoby, skrze vieru. A potom len robíme krok za krokom, až kým nevkročíme rovno do tej osoby, a len rovno ďalej kráčať s tým. Vidíte? Tu to máte. A to, to je to, čo to robí, vaša viera; nie vaše pocity. Vaša viera to robí. Vďaka a chvála buď Bohu!
35 Teraz len chvíľku modlitby, a máme tu tému, ktorej chceme venovať pozornosť, a krátky čas, počas ktorého Pán s nami bude jednať ohľadom tohoto.
A teraz, a potom, ak niekto z vás musí ísť dnes ráno, a nebude na večernom zhromaždení, ak Pán bude chcieť, chcel by som tu byť znovu. Rodina sa vracia späť na vianočný týždeň. A potom, tú nedeľu po Vianociach, ak Pán bude chcieť, chcem kázať moje vianočné Posolstvo tu v tejto modlitebni; nedeľa po vianociach. Ak Pán bude chcieť, text bude, Tulák na ulici.
Tak skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a venujme modlitbu predtým, než prečítame text.
36 Pane Ježišu, buď pri nás práve v tejto chvíli. A my vieme, že je to ťažké v našej malej modlitebni, a keď mnohí stoja. A my tu nie sme kvôli pohodlnosti tohto miesta, ktoré nám dáva telesné pohodlie, pretože to nie je pohodlné. A my tu nie sme, aby sa na nás pozerali. Ale my sme tu, lebo sme cítili Tvoju Prítomnosť. A vieme, že Ty si tu. A my sme tu kvôli napraveniu. A sme tu, vediac, že sme v dome Božom. A cítime sa dobre, že sme tu, bez ohľadu na to, aké nepohodlné to je, státie, a sedenia sú preplnené, ale my sme tu, pretože cítime, že Boh je tu.
37 A presne tak, ako sa musel cítiť ten chlapec v ten večer, keď Pavol kázal celú noc, aké dlhé posolstvo, možno od západu slnka až do východu slnka, do ďalšieho rána. A mladý chlapec, sediac hore, vypadol a oni si mysleli, že je po ňom. A Pavol položil svoje telo naňho, a Duch Boží, ktorý bol na poslovi, priniesol naspäť ducha života do tela toho chlapca. A on povedal, "On bude v poriadku," a mladý muž žil. On sa zaujímal o to, čo Pavol hovoril.
38 A, Bože, my sa zaujímame dnes ráno o to, čo Duch Svätý môže povedať do našich sŕdc. A my sa modlíme, aby si rozlomil ten Chlieb života každému jednému z nás, aby sme dnes odišli odtiaľto, aby sme neopustili túto budovu ako takí istí ľudia, ako sme boli, keď sme sem vstúpili. Nech sú Kresťania bližšie pri Tebe. Nech sa hriešnici dnes obrátia. Nech chorí sú uzdravení. A nech Kráľovstvo Božie príde blízko k nám, alebo nech je dokonca v nás. Lebo prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista, ako očakávame na Jeho Ducha, aby nám dal Slová. Amen.
39 Teraz prečítajme niečo z Písma, ktoré je... Božie Slovo je vždy pravdivé.
A teraz, a každý, vidím, že ste veľmi milí k tým, čo stoja. Vidím, že sa niekto postaví a sadne si a dá miesto niekomu inému. To je veľmi dobré. Prial by som si, aby sme mali viac miesta, ale proste teraz nemáme.
Obráťte si na Matúša 27, a budeme čítať od 11. verša, a potom budeme hovoriť na túto tému.
A Ježiš stál pred vladárom, a vladár sa ho opýtal a riekol: Či si ty ten kráľ Židov? A Ježiš mu povedal: Ty dobre hovoríš.
A kým žalovali na neho najvyšší kňazi a starší, nič nepovedal.
Vtedy mu riekol Pilát: Či nečuješ, aké mnohé veci svedčia proti tebe?
Ale mu neodpovedal ani na jediné slovo, takže sa vladár veľmi divil.
A na veľkonočný sviatok mal vladár obyčaj prepustiť zástupu jedného väzňa, ktorého chceli.
A vtedy mali neobyčajného väzňa, zvaného Barabáša.
Tedy keď sa zišli ľudia, povedal im Pilát: Ktorého chcete, aby som vám prepustil, Barabáša, či Ježiša, zvaného Krista?
Lebo vedel, že ho zo závisti vydali.
A keď sedel na súdnej stolici, poslala k nemu jeho žena s odkazom: Nemaj ničoho s týmto spravodlivým, lebo som dnes vo sne mnoho trpela pre neho.
Ale najvyšší kňazi a starší naviedli zástupy, aby si prosili Barabáša a Ježiša aby zahubili.
A vladár odpovedal a riekol im: Ktorého z tých dvoch chcete, aby som vám prepustil?...
(Len pomyslite na to!)... A oni riekli: Barabáša.
A Pilát im povedal: Čo tedy mám urobiť s Ježišom, zvaným Kristom? ... Čo tedy mám urobiť s Ježišom, zvaným Kristom? Všetci mu povedali: Ukrižovať ho!
A vladár im povedal: A čože zlého učinil? Ale oni ešte väčšmi kričali a hovorili: Ukrižovať ho!
A keď videl Pilát, že nič neosoží, ale že povstáva ešte väčší rozbroj, vzal vodu, umyl si ruky pred zástupom a povedal: Som čistý krvi tohoto spravodlivého; vy už teraz vidzte.
A všetok ľud odpovedal a riekol: Jeho krv na nás a na naše deti!
Vtedy im prepustil Barabáša a Ježiša zbičoval a vydal, aby bol ukrižovaný.
40 Aký smutný obraz! Nazývam tento text, keby ste to chceli označiť takýmto spôsobom, alebo nazvať to tak. A možno páska by sa takto volala: Čo mám urobiť s Ježišom zvaným Kristus? A téma, na ktorú chcem hovoriť, ku tomuto textu; chcem hovoriť na tému, "s Ježišom na svojich rukách." Čo urobíš s Ježišom na svojich rukách?
41 Naša scéna začína, dnes ráno, v súdnej sieni; kde Pilát, vladár, bol zavolaný na scénu, aby konal a vyniesol rozsudok. Bolo to skoro ráno, chvíľu pred svitaním a on bol vyrušený zo svojho spánku, a bol zavolaný von, aby počul ten prípad tohoto Muža.
42 Bol to čas ukrižovania nášho Pána a Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista. On neurobil nič, ako ani nemohli nájsť nič, a On odpovedal na všetko. To bola práve tá hodina, keď to muselo byť takýmto spôsobom.
Nič sa nemôže stať bez toho, aby tam nebolo niečo za tým, čo by spôsobilo, aby sa to stalo takýmto spôsobom. Musí byť nejaký dôvod pre všetko, čo sa deje. Lebo je to motivované, samozrejme, duchom, ktorý je v bytostiach, a v ľudských bytostiach, a tak ďalej. Je motív, motív toho, a cieľ, a musí byť dôvod.
A to, dôvod, že sa to muselo stať tomuto najväčšiemu Mužovi, ktorý kedy žil na tejto zemi, alebo by kedy mohol žiť; dôvod, že sa to stalo takýmto spôsobom, pretože to bol čas, aby sa to stalo. Vidíte? To musí tak byť, a nebola možnosť uniknúť tomu. To musel byť ten čas.
A Ježiš prišiel na zem presne tak, ako Božie Slovo predpovedalo, že príde. Robil presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude robiť. Žil takým životom, presne, a Boh predstavil, alebo manifestoval, Semeno toho času. No, pamätajte, Boh...
43 Biblia začína v Genesis a ide do Zjavenia. No, tu je tá lekcia, ktorú chcem, aby ste rozumeli, že... Vidíte, v každej generácii bolo hovorené, v Biblii, o istej veci, ktorá sa diala, počas každej generácie.
Ako Daniel videl... vyložil ten sen Nabuchodonozora; ako pohanské kráľovstvá vojdú, a ako pôjdu dolu, a ako vyjdu von. A každý z týchto ľudí v tých rasách a tie národy, tie pohanské moci, ktoré riadia, riadili svet, urobili presne tak, ako to videnie povedalo, že budú robiť.
44 Keď Nabuchodonozor, hlava zo zlata, bol vzatý, potom prišli Médoperžania; a ich povaha, podľa druhu materiálu, a podľa toho, čo prorok povedal, presne tak. Nabuchodonozor, hlava zo zlata, čo je najväčšie a prvé kráľovstvo. Potom Médoperžania sú striebro. A potom ďalej dolu do stehien, sú z mosadze. A každý kov je tvrdší a tvrdší; zlato je najmäkšie. A končí to v železe, ktoré je najtvrdšie zo všetkých týchto, je železo.
No, každé z týchto kráľovstiev prichádza presne tak, podľa povahy, tak ako prorok povedal, že budú robiť. A čo on robil? On sial semeno pre národy, aby to pozorovali, a zakaždým, keď povstalo to kráľovstvo, ono muselo robiť podľa toho, čo povedalo to Slovo.
45 A potom mal prísť na scénu Mesiáš. A keď Kristus prišiel na scénu, On musel byť v súlade s tým Slovom Božím, ktoré sa malo vyplniť, o čom prorok hovoril, čo On bude robiť.
Mojžiš povedal, "On bude - On bude Prorok podobný mne." A keby sme mali čas vrátiť sa k tým predobrazom a ukázať len ako, že v tom hroznom čase, keď Izrael bol v zajatí v Egypte, ako sa ten Mojžiš narodil ako podivné, zvláštne dieťa; a ako prišiel, a bol vychovaný, a ako bol schovaný v rákosí; a ako sa stal vodcom, šiel do hôr a dostal zákon, a vrátil sa dolu. A nebol len vodcom; ale bol kňaz, a kráľ, a vládca. Všetky tieto veci, a ako to presne znázorňovalo Krista. A Mojžiš povedal, "Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí Proroka ako mňa." Vidíte?
46 No, keď sa Kristus narodil, Izrael bol znova v zajatí pod Rímskou nadvládou. A čo On bol? Narodil sa ako zvláštne Dieťa, a podivné, ako bol vychovaný. A šiel hore na vrchy, a prišiel dolu a povedal, "Počuli ste, že bolo povedané starým, ´Neukradneš.´ Počuli ste ich povedať, ´Nespáchaš cudzoložstvo,´ ale ja hovorím, ktokoľvek sa žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už spáchal cudzoložstvo." Zákonodarca, vidíte, a Kráľ, Kňaz, Prorok, presne tak, ako on. Tak všetky tieto veci sa museli naplniť, a keď ten priestor, ktorý tam bol odložený pre život Mesiáša, keď to bolo dokonale potvrdené ...
No, to môže byť posledná dlhá lekcia, ktorú učím na nejaký čas. Chcem, aby ste to teraz dobre porozumeli.
47 Keď bolo povedané Slovo pre túto určitú generáciu, bude niekto, kto povstane na scénu, kto vyplní to Slovo, lebo to Boh povedal. To je potvrdenie vypovedaného Slova. A Ježiš splnil každú požiadavku a bol potvrdeným Slovom, ako Mesiáš, presne. Sú tiež Slová, vypovedané v Biblii, pre tento posledný deň. Tieto Slová musia prísť do života.
48 A tu nachádzame, že, keď vo dňoch nášho Pána, cirkev Ho už odmietla, predtým, než prišiel do Pilátovej súdnej siene. Oni Ho zavrhli presne od toho dňa, keď Jeho služba začala prorokovať a hovoriť im Pravdu o Slove. Potom, oni nemohli porozumieť, ako On, súc Človekom, mohol vedieť, čo bolo v ľudských srdciach. Málo vedeli o tom, že Slovo je Boh! "A Slovo," Biblia povedala, "je rozpoznávateľ myšlienok a zámerov srdca."
49 A oni Ho chceli nazvať zlým duchom. A On povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý robiť tieto isté veci, povedať slovo proti Tomu, nebude nikdy odpustené."
A všetky tieto veci, ktoré On prorokoval, že budú v tomto dni, niečo to musí priviesť do života. Ale keď je to privedené do života, to bude tak odlišné od toho, čo si ľudia myslia, že To je, že až - jedine vyvolení to budú vidieť. Vždy, len vyvolení, oni sú jediní, ktorí To uvidia, lebo oni sú vyvolení a ustanovení, aby To videli.
50 Preto, to nemôže ... Žiadnym iným spôsobom. Ježiš povedal, "Vy nemôžete prísť ku Mne. Žiaden človek nemôže prísť okrem toho, ktorého Môj Otec potiahne; a všetci, ktorých mi On dal, prídu ku Mne." Vidíte? Vidíte? Tak nebol žiaden spôsob. On povedal, "Máte oči a nevidíte; uši, nepočujete." Povedal, "Dobre o vás prorokoval Izaiáš." Vidíte? Izaiášovo proroctvo sa vyplnilo, zamanifestovalo sa.
Nezabudnite na to, vy tu alebo vy, ktorí počúvate pásku, že Božie Slovo sa musí zamanifestovať. Boh sa zaviazal, že ono sa vyplní.
51 Práve ako Ján Krstiteľ bol predurčený aby predchádzal príchod Krista, musel povstať nejaký muž, aby zaujal to miesto. To Slovo sa muselo vyplniť.
52 Potom, keď Ježiš prišiel ako pomazaný Mesiáš, a robil presne to, čo Slovo Božie povedalo, že bude robiť ...A predsa, Židia očakávali na niečo iné, "na nejakého kráľa, ktorý príde so železným prútom v ruke," to malo tak byť v budúcnosti. Ale On naplnil každé Slovo.
Jedného dňa v Kafarnaume, keď vzal Písmo a čítal, (všimli ste si?) On prečítal len časť toho Písma. A potom odložil tú Knihu, a povedal, "Dnes sa toto vyplnilo."
53 Keď mal kázať jubilejný rok ... No, prečo On neprečítal zvyšok Toho? Pretože to sa týka Jeho druhého Príchodu. Oni to nepotrebovali vedieť. To je pre ten vek, keď On príde.
Ale pre vek, v ktorom On bol ... Preto mohol povedať, "Toto Písmo sa dnes vyplnilo pred vašimi očami. Presne tu to vidíte ... aby kázal príjemné obdobie, a obväzoval zlomené srdcia, a uzdravoval chorých," to je to, prečo On prišiel.
Zvyšok Toho malo priniesť súd pre pohanov, a tak ďalej, tak to prichádza potom. Vidíte, pohania Ho museli najprv odmietnuť.
54 No, pri ukrižovaní, kde sme dnes, v téme o Ježišovi na vašich rukách ... Božie Slovo bolo perfektne potvrdené, bolo dokázané znovu a znovu, že On je odpoveďou na Božie Slovo. Kde tí učení v Písme ...
55 Vidíte? Boh to už predložil. Nechal tých kazateľov aby to študovali. Ale vidíte, oni berú niečie slovo, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný; nejaká skupina ľudí. Oni sú tak slepí na Pravdu, že keď je Pravda predstavená, nemôžu to vidieť. Ale, vidíte, Boh je spravodlivý. On to tam napísal. On to má napísané, presne tu v tej Knihe, čo sa stane dnes. Tak to sa vyplní. Ale iní, ktorí nie sú určení, aby to videli, to nikdy neuvidia. Vidíte, oni to všetko zmiešali. A tak to vtedy mali. Oni vôbec nevedeli, že to bol On.
56 A podľa znakov, On bol Posol toho času. Nikto to nemohol poprieť. Jeho prorok o tom hovoril; on povedal, "Ja sa musím menšiť, ale On bude rásť. Nie som hoden, aby som rozviazal Jeho topánky, ale On teraz stojí medzi vami," povedal Ján. "A on príde. A sekera je položená na koreň stromu; a stromy, ktoré neprinášajú ovocie, budú odstránené z lesa, alebo z vinohradu, alebo zo sadu. Už to tam viacej nebude."
57 No, nachádzame, že tie veci sa stali presne tak, ako On povedal. On mohol rozpoznávať ich myšlienky v ich srdciach. On bol prorok. Všetko, čo predpovedal, sa stalo presne tak, ako to povedal. "Ja idem hore do Jeruzalema. Tam budem vydaný do rúk hriešnikov. A oni s Ním budú zle zachádzať, a bude ukrižovaný. A na tretí deň znova vstane." Ale povedal, "Hľaďte, aby ste o tom nikomu nepovedali." A On To pred nimi zakryl, aby Tomu nerozumeli, až kým sa to nevyplnilo.
58 Vidíte, On nás mnohokrát necháva oslepnúť, až do hodiny, keď to potrebujeme vidieť. On nás necháva oslepnúť na veci, ktoré vidíme dnes, lebo toto je hodina, kedy to potrebujeme, aby sme potvrdili deň, v ktorom sme. Vidíte? Naši otcovia nepoznali tieto veci. Biblia hovorí, že oni ich nepoznali. On ich ukryl. A v posledných dňoch to bude zjavené synom Božím. Oni sa zamanifestujú, aby bola ukázaná Jeho sláva a Jeho chvála na zemi.
59 A všetko, čo Daniel povedal o posledných dňoch, a ako to, "Tí, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha, budú robiť pozoruhodné výkony." A tak veľa miest Písma súvisí s týmto dňom, v ktorom žijeme! A ako tie zlé, zvodné časy budú na zemi. A presne to, čo máme teraz, to sa vypĺňa.
Oni mali - bola im daná šanca vidieť Ho, ale oni odmietli svojho pravého Mesiáša.
A dnes, to je tá istá vec, práve tá istá vec. Nám je daná možnosť, lebo Boh nemôže súdiť bez toho, aby najprv dal ... bol spravodlivý vo svojom súde.
No, ak vám bolo povedané, že istá osoba ide dolu ulicou, veľkou rýchlosťou; zastavili by ste ju, povedali by ste, "Tam dolu na ceste je jama. Ak budete pokračovať touto rýchlosťou, zabijete sa."
60 A oni povedia, "Nezmysel, viem, čo robím." Potom, vidíte, tá krv nemôže byť na vás, lebo vy ste ich dokonale varovali.
Nuž, Boh robí tú istú vec pomocou svojho Slova. On dokonale varuje ľudí pred prichádzajúcim súdom, a ukazuje svoje znaky a zázraky, ktoré sú predpovedané v Biblii pre tento vek. On ich ukazuje, a ľudia len prechádzajú ponad to.
Nie je jednoduché pre človeka ísť do pekla. Človek si vybojováva svoju cestu do pekla. Prvá lož, ktorú ste kedy povedali, viete, že to je zlé. Prvá cigareta, ktorú ste kedy fajčili, vedeli ste, že to je zlé. Prvé zlo, ktoré ste kedy urobili, vedeli ste, že to je zlé. Ale vo vašom svedomí vám bolo povedané, že to je zlé, ale vy ste ďalej prechádzali na červené svetlo, prechádzali ste cez zátarasy. Neberiete na to ohľad. Vy to aj tak chcete robiť, ukázať sa, že ste nejaký veľký chlapík. Vidíte? Ale, pamätajte, vy si vybojovávate svoju cestu do pekla. Nie je jednoduché ísť do pekla. Vy musíte odmietnuť Pravdu.
61 Prv, ako máte nehodu, musíte prejsť na červenú. Prv, ako máte nehodu, musíte, tam na ceste, máte ... Boli tam dané varovania. Ale vy ku tomu pristupujete svojím vlastným spôsobom, ľudia to dnes tak robia. A taký človek vie viac, než ktokoľvek iný, a on nebude počúvať na znamenia a varovania o prichádzajúcom súde a ... Tí, ktorí odmietajú Krista.
62 No, všimnite si. A čo oni prijali namiesto tohoto Krista. No, pomyslite na cirkev toho dňa, na ich slepotu. Oni odmietli verejného vraha, Barabáša. Muža, ktorý bol dokázaný, že je vrah a skutočne čakal na svoj súd. A bol dokázaný, že je vrah a bol to zlý človek. A len preto, že život Ježiša ... A On ich vyzval, povedal, "Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť z hriechu?" Hriech je "nevera." "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, potom Mi neverte; ak som vám nepovedal pravdu Písma. A samo Písmo hovorí o Mne. Skúmajte Písma," povedal, "lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a ony sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne v tomto veku."
63 Ale oni povedali, "On sa robí Bohom. On sa robí niečím ..." On sa nerobil ničím. Boh Ho urobil Bohom; On bol Boh. On bol vyplnením Písma. On sa nikdy ničím nerobil. Boh Ho urobil tým, čím bol. A potom, to - pretože to bola hodina, aby sa to Slovo naplnilo. Tak, ale oni To nemohli vidieť, lebo To bolo proti ich denominačným predstavám, ktoré si vytvorili o Kristovi. A to bolo príliš zaslepené od Slova.
64 No, a okrem toho, aby sa zbavili tohoto Človeka, museli prijať vraha, verejné ohrozenie aby ... To bol dlh voči spoločnosti, dlh voči nim; vrah! Museli to prijať, aby mohli odmietnuť Krista.
A prv, než nejaký muž alebo žena môže prijať zlé, musia odmietnuť dobré. Niečo je v povahe, je to zákon, že musíte odmietnuť správnu vec predtým, než môžete prijať tú nesprávnu vec.
Ako som práve poznamenal, aby ste nehovorili klamstvo ... Povedali ste klamstvo proti tomu o čom ste súdili, že je lepšie. Povedali ste klamstvo proti svojmu svedomiu. Povedali ste klamstvo proti tomu, čo vás učila robiť vaša matka alebo rodičia. Alebo, dokonca príroda sama vás učí, že by ste to nemali robiť. Tak preto, vy ... odmietnuť Pravdu, znamená, že musíte prijať klamstvo. A musíte odmietnuť Pravdu prv, než môžete prijať klamstvo. Vidíte?
65 Tak takým spôsobom to urobili títo ľudia. Oni odmietli Pravdu. A On bol Pravdou. "Ja som Cesta, Pravda a Život."
66 A keby jedna z tých hviezd sa začala pohybovať smerom ku Zemi, desaťtisíc míľ za hodinu, no, trvalo by jej to stovky miliónov rokov, kým by sa tu dostala; to je tak ďaleko. A zoradenie dvoch malých hviezd, ktoré vyzerajú odtiaľto, akoby boli vzdialené asi palec od seba, oni sú od seba vzdialenejšie ako my od nich. A pritom, každá z nich stojí na svojom mieste. A tá veľká galaxia ... Ó. Pozoruhodnosť a ohromná veľkosť Boha, ktorý mohol stvoriť tieto veci ... Každá musí držať tú druhú. Preto to zostáva tak ako to je. Keby vyšli zo súladu, celý systém by padol.
67 A to je to, čo sa stalo v Edene. Keď Eva vyšla zo súladu s prikázaniami Božími, celá rasa upadla.
To je to, čo je problémom dnes. My sa nemáme porozlamovať do organizácií a denominácií, a tak ďalej. My máme byť synmi a dcérami Božími, ktorí držia tú veľkú galaxiu sveta spolu.
68 V New Yorku, som minulý týždeň počúval posolstvo, ktoré predniesol, alebo povedal Einstein, veľký vedec, ktorý je nazvaný mozgom tohto času. A počúval som to. Potom som šiel počúvať Normana Vincenta Pealeho, na tému jeho psychológie o tom, ako ľudia majú robiť, alebo chodiť, a vcítiť sa do psychológie.
Potom, na Einsteinovi, on hovoril o galaxii, ktorá bola vonku mimo tohto systému tu, mimo hviezd. A keby človek mohol cestovať takouto rýchlosťou, verím, že povedal, ako svetlo. No, myslím, koľko to je ... osemdesiatšesť tisíc? [brat Neville hovorí, "Stoosemdesiatšesť" – pozn.prekl.] Sto, stoosemdesiatšesť tisíc míľ za sekundu ide svetlo. A teraz, rozpíšte to na päť minút, koľko miliónov a biliónov míľ by ste prešli. A stodvadsať miliónov rokov svetelného času by vám trvalo dostať sa do tej galaxie. A potom stodvadsať, alebo stopäťdesiat miliónov rokov; vyše stopäťdesiat miliónov, a stopäťdesiat miliónov naspäť.
69 A oni narazili na niečo, čo ich zmiatlo. A oni ... po vyjdení tam a vrátení sa naspäť, v skutočnosti by vám to trvalo tri milióny rokov, ten výlet, tristo miliónov rokov. Tristo miliónov rokov aby ste urobili ten výlet a keď sa vrátite na zem, v skutočnosti ste boli preč len päťdesiat rokov. Prelamujete sa do Večnosti. To nemá konca.
70 A keď si pomyslíme, že Boh, ktorý toto všetko stvoril a uviedol to do poriadku, a hovoril o tom, prišiel dolu a stal sa telom medzi nami, aby nás vykúpil. A chce nás tak poctiť svojou vznešenou Prítomnosťou, že On - On sa postaví tu na tejto hriešnej zemi v týchto posledných dňoch a potvrdí svoje Slovo, že je to tak, lebo On je zaviazaný tomu Slovu. Amen. Zvrchovanosť a spravodlivosť toho veľkého Jedného, ktorý drží tieto veci vo Svojej ruke!
71 Všimnite si, národy ... Najprv musela cirkev zavrhnúť Jeho Slovo. Potom keď to cirkev zavrhla a nazvala Ho "Belzebubom, alebo zlým duchom," potom to bolo prinesené pred vládu, takže celá rasa musela byť odsúdená. Teraz nachádzame Ježiša, toto ráno, pred vládcom, Pilátom, Rimanom, aby bol vyšetrený. A nachádzame, že najprv Ho zavrhla cirkev, pretože neverili Jeho Posolstvu, pretože nepoznali Slovo.
72 Ježiš im povedal, "Keby ste počúvali Mojžiša, verili by ste Môjmu Slovu, lebo on je ten, ktorý hovoril o Mne." Vidíte? Tu je Slovo, ktoré prorok ... Ktoré ... Pán prichádza ku prorokovi, a prorok hovoril Slovo pre hodinu, ktorá mala prísť. A tu sa To dokázalo. A povedal, "Hovoríte, že poznáte Mojžiša a že on je váš vodca. Nepoznáte Mojžiša, ani nepoznáte jeho Slovo." Inými slovami, On povedal, "Ja som Slovo. Ja som dokázané Slovo, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že príde, a vy Ma odsudzujete." Vidíte? Kvôli ich tradíciám. Vidíte? Cirkev ho odsúdila.
73 No, nachádzame Ho teraz pred Pilátom. Posol toho času Ho cirkvi dokonale potvrdil, identifikoval, pre ten čas. Bola im daná šanca, aby videli a verili, ale to odmietli. Prečo to odmietli? Mnohí z nich tomu chceli veriť; ale ich tradície, nie ľudia, ale ich tradície ...
74 No, vidíte, ako Nikodém prišiel v noci a povedal, "Majster, my vieme, že si prišiel od Boha ako učiteľ. My vieme, že prichádzaš od Boha. Nikto nemôže činiť tieto veci, keby nebol s ním Boh. My..." Kto je to "my", o kom on hovorí? Cirkev, farizeji, vodcovia toho dňa. "My vieme. My sme dokonale presvedčení, že Ty si tou Osobou." Prečo to potom nemohli urobiť? Pretože, ich systém. Chcem, aby to presiaklo poriadne hlboko, lebo to je to, ku čomu sa dostávam. Vidíte? Systém, ku ktorému sa už pripojili, bol ten, ktorým nemohli pohnúť. Hoci oni videli, že To bol Mesiáš, ale systém s ktorým boli spojení, im nedovolil, aby To prijali.
Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teraz sa chcem opýtať, z tohto viditeľného obecenstva, koľkí rozumiete, o čom hovorím? Zdvihnite svoje ruky. V poriadku. No, systém! Oni tomu verili, a oni vedeli, že to bolo to.
75 Ako rád by som povedal to isté dnes! Vidíme, čo by tu dnes malo byť a vidíme to, ale systém im to nedovolí prijať. Oni sú tak zviazaní s tým systémom! Vidíte, to nie je ten človek, to je systém.
Práve tak, ako som hovoril o prezidentovi, ktorý bol práve zavraždený. Nie človek; pokiaľ viem, bol to dobrý človek, nikdy neurobil nič zlé pokiaľ viem. Ale to je systém. To nie sú ľudia; to je systém.
76 To neboli Židia; to bol ich systém. Ten systém Ho odsúdil, lebo to sa neznášalo s ich systémom. Rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] No, tá istá vec sa deje teraz. A oni si vybrali toho verejného nepriateľa, vraha.
Ale ten spor zaplietol teraz do toho vládu. Tak vláda musela vyniesť tento rozsudok, pretože, vziať život, to musí prísť pred vládu. Im to nebolo dovolené urobiť, lebo oni boli pod nadvládou Ríma, a oni nemohli vziať život, nezáleží na tom, ako ich cirkev povedala, "My to musíme urobiť." No, oni to nemohli urobiť bez toho, aby im najprv Rím dal súhlas. Tak, to muselo byť prinesené pred vládu. Teraz je vláda zapojená do tej veci.
No, ak to nie je obraz dneška, tak potom neviem. Vidíte, presne!
77 Cirkev to zavrhuje, teraz je zapojená do toho vláda. Prišiel čas, keď národ, všetci, všetko ... musel prísť taký čas. Povstal spor. Konfrontácia bola na dosah. Celý národ Ho odmietol, a to prináša na nich Boží hnev. A prv ako ... Keď Ho cirkev odmietla, to prinieslo hnev na cirkev. Ale teraz Ho odmietol národ, prinášajúc hnev na všetkých.
A dnes Ho odmietol svet, prinášajúc súd na celý svet. Všetky národy musia byť súdené.
78 A vieme, že to sa stalo v čase veľkého Rímskeho generála Tita. On obliehal Jeruzalem, a potom len ... Oni jedli deti jedni druhých; jedli kôru zo stromov a trávu zo zeme. A potom Títus vtiahol rovno dovnútra a len zboril múry a zapálil mesto, a krv tiekla dolu ulicami takto, kde ich povraždil. A to... Oni museli ... Predtým, než spravodlivý Boh mohol nechať ľudí, ktorých On vybral, prísť pod takú vec ako toto, tam musel byť spravodlivý dôvod. On je spravodlivý. Jeho zákony si vyžadujú Jeho spravodlivosť. A zákon bez trestu nie je zákon.
79 Ak by som povedal, urobil zákon tu v meste, "Prechádzať na červenú, za to je pokuta" a potom by nebol žiaden trest ku tomu, vy by ste len ďalej prechádzali na červenú. Ale tam musí byť trest.
A trest Božieho zákona, odmietnuť Jeho program, je smrť. A tam musela byť smrť, tak to muselo byť zaplatené.
80 My stojíme dnes ráno na podobnom súdnom procese, celý svet. Súdny proces! Všetky denominácie zavrhli Slovo. Viem, že to znie veľmi hrubo. A chcem, aby kazatelia, ktorí počúvajú, ktorí sú tu prítomní a tí pri páskach, tiež, aby sa toto teraz pokúsili porozumieť, že sa to snažím urobiť jasným. Ale podávam svoje vysvetlenie, alebo vysvetľujem to tu jasne a vravím, že stojíme, dnes, v ďalšej Pilátovej súdnej sieni.
81 Poviete, "Keby som tam stál, ja by som sa prihováral za Ježiša Krista." Dobre, čo ohľadom toho robíš teraz? To je to. Vidíte? "Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi Ho cirkev zavrhla, ja by som stál na Jeho strane." Máš príležitosť. Ó, ach. Vidíte? Oni, oni Ho zavrhli.
82 No, dnes je On vyšetrený, alebo práve je vyšetrovaný, alebo - a na súde. Lebo sa má sformovať svetový systém, to čo je nazvané, Rada cirkví, má sa sformovať do Svetovej Rady cirkví. No, a čo oni urobili? Oni hlasovali, že sa absolútne zjednotia spolu a budú mať radu cirkví. A v tejto Rade Cirkví ... že všetky cirkvi musia patriť do tejto rady, alebo, ak nie, nie je vám ani dovolené kázať, nie je vám ani dovolené modliť sa za chorých. A vaša cirkev môže byť použitá na čokoľvek, na čo ju oni chcú použiť. Ak v nej chcú skladovať škatule, alebo muníciu, alebo čokoľvek chcú robiť, vy vôbec nemáte kontrolu nad tým. Vy buď patríte do Rady Cirkví alebo tam vôbec nepatríte.
A to je systém, ktorý je formovaný tu v Spojených štátoch, ktorý vypĺňa Písmo, do bodky. To vypĺňa, čo mi Pán hovoril v roku 1933, vidíte, a my stojíme v tom čase dnes ráno.
A Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, je na súde, dnes, ako to bolo pri ukrižovaní, a teraz je On na našich rukách. On je na rukách sveta. Slovo bolo jasne identifikované, po celom svete, vidíte, a On stojí na súde. Všetky denominácie Ho zavrhli. A teraz je súdený ako... v Rade Cirkví, a oni Ho znovu odmietli a vybrali si radšej tak, ako to urobili vtedy.
83 Vidíte, príroda sa v histórii opakuje, pretože príroda pokračuje stále tak isto. Stromy stále pokračujú v raste, a rastliny vychádzajú, a kvety, a svet sa otáča tak, ako to stále je. To je príroda. A príroda každého veku produkuje znova, a reprodukuje odraz toho, čo príroda bola predtým. A, dnes sa nachádzame, ako znova stojíme na tom istom mieste.
No, Ježiš bol "Slovo", Svätý Ján 1.kapitola. Všetci Tomu veríme. On bol Slovo. A pretože On bol Slovo... Prosím, rozumejte. On bol Slovo, a On musel byť proti tomu systému.
A oni Ho neodmietli kvôli Jeho zázrakom. Nie. Oni povedali... On povedal, "Kto Ma môže usvedčiť?"
"A čo zlé urobil?" povedala malá pani. "Čo zlého urobil, okrem toho, že uzdravil chorých?"
84 Povedali, "My Ho neodsudzujeme kvôli týmto veciam." Vidíte? "My Ho odsudzujeme lebo On, súc človekom, robí sa Bohom." A ich vlastné Písmo povedalo, že On bude Boh.
V Izaiášovi, veľkom prorokovi, ktorý napísal šesťdesiat šesť kníh Izaiáša, a začína s... Najprv, ako na začiatku; a v strede Knihy prichádza Ján Krstiteľ; a končí v Tisícročnom kráľovstve. A šesťdesiat šesť kníh v Biblii, tak ako je šesťdesiat šesť kapitol v Izaiášovi. Je pozoruhodné, že to ide takýmto spôsobom. Tento Izaiáš 9:6, on povedal, "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný; a Jeho Meno sa nazovie, ´Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec, Predivný.´"
85 A slepé tradície, alebo systémy, nemohli vidieť, že to bol Boh; ich vlastným prorokom, ku ktorému prišlo Slovo, ktorý povedal, že On bude Boh. Slepé systémy! Tak oni odmietli Slovo, a túžili namiesto toho po vrahovi, Barabášovi.
86 A dnes, Slovo, na tento deň, bolo jasne potvrdené. Stalo sa skutočným. Bolo ukázané, že je to Pravda. "A v posledných dňoch," ako Ježiš povedal, "ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," a tak ďalej, "tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Práve ten Boh, On Sám, ktorý bol Slovom, predpovedal ten posledný čas a čo sa stane; a Svetlá vypuknú v čase večera; a ako to Malachiáš 4, On pošle tie veci a dokáže ich. A to bolo prinesené na miesto rozhodnutia, a cirkvi To zavrhli.
87 A po čom cirkvi túžili? Po vrahovi Slova, po niekom, kto berie systém. Keď systém je v rozpore so Slovom, potom je to vrah Slova. A oni túžili po denominačnej tradícii, namiesto pravdivého Slova, ktoré sa manifestovalo a dokázalo, že To je Boh medzi svojimi ľuďmi; pomocou vedy, cez obrázky, Svetlo, ten istý Anjel Pánov, Stĺp Ohňa.
Ten istý, ktorý žil na zemi v tele Ježiša Krista, prišiel na Jeho ľud v posledných dňoch, kde veda To odfotila. Cirkev videla Jeho skutky. Je to dokonale identifikované, páskami a všetkým, okolo a okolo celého sveta, a osobne slúžené.
A stále, vo všetkom tom, ich systémy túžia po Rade Cirkví, aby odsúdili Pravdu. Túžia po vrahovi, ktorý preruší, alebo zastaví, alebo zabráni. A, to bude robiť. Oni zastavia takú Vec. A Rada Cirkví to bude musieť urobiť. Tam je znamenie šelmy; antikrist, proti Slovu, ktoré je Kristus.
88 Ale nie ich ... Oni si myslia, že to je tradícia. Oni si myslia, že ich tradície sú od Boha. Vidíte? Ale to nebude stáť so Slovom, a ani Boh to nepotvrdí ako pravdu. Ježiš stál so Slovom, ale nie s ich radou; ale so Slovom. A Slovo dokázalo, že On bol Boh.
A To dokazuje dnes, že To je Boh, pretože To žije ten istý Život, To robí tie isté veci medzi nami, ktoré To robilo tam vtedy, a predpovedané.
89 Tak čo oni robia? Oni prijímajú niečo, čo... Oni už prijali, práve ten systém, ktorý To ukrižuje. A ukrižovanie slobodných medzidenominačných je na dosah. Tak je to.
90 No, to nie je v rozpore s Písmom. To je zhodné s Písmom. "A utvorili obraz šelme." Zjednocujúc svetové denominácie v jednu Protestantskú, formujúc znamenie šelmy, obraz šelmy, zhodne so Zjavením 13:8. "A utvorili obraz šelme."
Šelma je "Rím." Všetci to vieme. Ale vždy to bol Rím, všetko... Ako to môže byť - ako to môže byť Rusko, keď Biblia hovorí Rím? Vidíte, ľudia len dostávajú zlý dojem. Vidíte? Ako to môže byť nejaká iná vec, keď je to predpovedané, že to musí vyjsť z Ríma?
91 Choďte znovu naspäť do Daniela, železo a hlina v chodidlách nôh; to železo neskončilo pri kolenách, ide dolu do konca. A každý vie, že Rusko nebolo vtedy ani známe. To bol Rím. Červený drak bol Rím. Vždy je to Rím. A to železo sa nikdy nezmení na niečo iné, z Ríma na niečo iné; to zostáva Rímom. A šelma je Rím!
92 A Rím mal náboženský systém, ktorého smrteľná hlava... alebo smrteľná rana ho ranila do jeho hlavy, ale bol znovu oživený, z pohanského Ríma na pápežský Rím. A teraz oni robia obraz tomu, zo šelmy, ktorá vychádza zo Zjavenia 13.
Uvedomili ste si niekedy? Tento národ je očíslovaný trinástkou, a zjavuje... Ja nehovorím, že to je ... Je to zvláštne, hoci, že by sa to stalo matematicky. A dáva to presne do poriadku s Písmom. Nachádza sa v 13.kapitole Zjavenia, tento národ.
93 Všetky ostatné zvieratá vychádzajú z vody, čo je množstvo a veľké zástupy ľudí, Biblia povedala; ale toto malé zviera vychádza zo zeme, kde neboli žiadni ľudia. Pri tom, on bol baránok, náboženská sloboda; potom hovoril ako drak, a zjednotil sa s mocou a robil všetko, čo robil pre ním drak. Presne. Tak tu to máte. To proste muselo byť týmto spôsobom. Nijako inak sa okolo toho nedostanete.
94 A tu sme, dnes, formujúc systém. Systém! Nemôžeme sa dočkať kým nejaký... Snažili sme sa urobiť, aby sa všetci stali Luteránmi; a nemohli sme to urobiť. Snažili sme sa urobiť, aby sa všetci stali Baptistami; nemohli sme to urobiť. Aby sa všetci stali Metodistami, alebo všetci Letničnými; nemohli to urobiť. Tak, aby sa to urobilo, čas je tak krátky, že sformovali radu, hlavu, obraz šelme. To je presne to, čo oni urobili. A čo to je? Ukrižovanie Slova je znovu na dosah. Je to v procese a čoskoro príde do zasadacej sieni.
95 Všimnite si, zamanifestované Slovo ... Od denominácie. To manifestuje Slovo inak než denominácia. Čo je toto? Čo je tento systém? To je satelit Ríma. Či nepovedala Biblia, že to tak bude? Tak veru! Zjavenie 17, oni videli Rím, ako sa pozdvihuje v klerikálnom systéme, zo ženy. Žena, cirkev je vždy reprezentovaná ženou.
Lebo, Nevesta Kristova je žena. Eva bola tá, ktorá upadla; ona je Tá, ktorá má byť vykúpená. A Cirkev (je čo?) je žena, ktorá je vykúpená.
96 A táto žena sedela na šelme so siedmimi hlavami. A my vieme o siedmich vrchoch, a tak ďalej, ako Biblia povedala, že to bude. Tam nie je žiadna chyba. Tam nie je žiadna šanca na chybu. Vidíte?
A všimnite si, potom nachádzame, že ona bola "MATEROU SMILNÍC." Vidíte? A matka a dcéra sa znovu zjednocujú spolu v priateľstve, odkiaľ raz dcéra utiekla od matky, snažiac sa žiť mravne, lebo jej matka bola tak nepoctivá a mizerná, že až to dievča opustilo domov. Ale teraz, odkedy začala byť trochu staršia a sama robila tak veľa zlých vecí; vidí svoju matku, myslí si, že jej matka mala pravdu, tak si formuje svoj vlastný systém. Vidíte? Presne.
97 Zjednocujúc denominačný, Protestantizmus, vypĺňa presne, čo Písmo povedalo v Zjavení 17. "Všetci, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života boli ...náležali do nej." Do jednej alebo do druhej, buď do šelmy alebo do obrazu šelmy. Biblia tak povedala.
A Ježiš hovoril o tomto, nie ako o komunizme. Ale v Matúšovi 24.kapitole, počnúc od 21. do 26.verša, On predpovedal, že duch v tomto systéme bude tak veľmi podobný ako skutočná vec, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné; Vyvolených, ktorých mená sú vložené do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. A otvorene povedané, to ich tak zviazalo, že až On nepovedal, že ak by neskrátil ten čas, kvôli nim, nebolo by žiadne telo zachránené na zemi.
98 A my máme len ... Toto je ´64-tý, však? A myslím, že oni tvrdia, že okolo sedemnásť rokov je mimo toho, podľa kalendára. A my máme ´64-tý, 1964, čo znamená, že (koľko je to?) tridsaťšesť rokov zostáva, do dvadsiateho prvého storočia.
A každých dvetisíc rokov, svet došiel do konca svojho svetového systému, náboženského systému, ku koncu všetkých systémov, a Boh musel vstúpiť. On vstúpil vo dňoch Noeho; prvých dvetisíc rokov. Druhých dvetisíc rokov; systém sa vrátil tam, kde začína náš text, dnes ráno, a On znovu poslal Svoje Slovo. On poslal Svoje Slovo skrze proroka, v Noeho čase, skrze proroka Noeho; a ľudia To odmietli, kvôli svojmu systému. On znovu poslal Svoje Slovo v čase Ježiša, Slovo manifestované v plnosti; ľudia To odmietli.
99 A teraz je 1964, zostáva tridsaťšesť rokov do ďalších dvetisíc rokov; a Slovo bolo prinesené, a systém To odmietol. Ako blízko sme? Môže byť neskoršie, ako si myslíme, vidíte, že hocikedy by sa to mohlo stať. Možno sa to už stalo, pre všetko čo vieme, ako som hovoril minulú nedeľu, keď som tu bol. Posledné meno mohlo byť v tej Knihe; keď je, nedá sa tam už viacej vstúpiť. Svet bude bežať ďalej tak isto, ako predtým, ale Cirkev je zapečatená. Všimnite si teraz, keď tu pokračujeme. Ich mená ... No, on nezvedie tých, ktorých mená sú napísané v ...
100 Čo to je? To musí byť systém. Vidíte? A len pomyslite, patriť do tej denominácie v tom systéme, čo potom robíte? Čo ste urobili? Ste odpečatení preč, vidíte, od Slova, do vražedného systému, ktorý berie preč ... Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc. To je znamenie šelmy. Presne. Vidíte?
101 Tam je šelma, ktorú on urobil; a tu je obraz, tá istá vec. A šelma bola tak veľká, že sformovala tú veľkú univerzálnu cirkev v Nicei, vidíte, že oni spravili, aby celý svet prišiel do toho, do toho jedného systému. A oni si mysleli, že to bolo tak veľké, "Nikto nebol schopný viesť vojnu proti nim," povedala Biblia, kým neurobili obraz šelme, a priniesli všetkých Protestantov do Rady Cirkví; ktorá sformovala systém, že ste neboli ani považovaný za kresťana alebo za nič také, ak ste nepatrili do toho systému.
102 Je rozdiel medzi znamením šelmy a Božím pečatením. Boh pečatí Svojím Slovom. Veríte, že to je Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teraz poviete, "Je to tak, Brat Branham?" Tak veru.
103 No, viem, že vy Sobotisti, alebo Adventisti Siedmeho dňa poviete, "Dodržiavanie sobotného dňa." Ale to nie je. Nechcem sa s vami protiviť, ale to je absolútne nebiblické. Efežanom 4:30, hovorí, "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení do dňa vášho vykúpenia." Vidíte?
104 No, Svätý Duch je Slovo. Boh nie je tri. On je ten istý Boh v troch zriadeniach, v troch úradoch. Boh Otec nad zákonom; Boh Syn v milosti; a Boh Svätý Duch, ako To nazývame, ten istý Boh, v správe Svätého Ducha. Boh Otec bol Slovo; Boh Syn bol Slovo; a Boh Svätý Duch je Slovo. Vidíte, to sú len tri úrady. A, tiež, my... A Svätý Duch vás pečatí, preto ste zapečatení Slovom.
Teraz poviete, "Nuž, ja som zapečatený..."
105 Nuž, potom, to sa samo identifikuje. Vidíte? To sa dokazuje. Vy nemôžete patriť do systému, a byť zapečatení tým systémom a Slovom. Vidíte? Lebo to je v rozpore, jedno s druhým. Vy to nemôžete urobiť. V poriadku.
No, zisťujeme, že mechanika veľkého stroja, mechanika veľkého stroja, ktorý má ... Stroj, to má ... auto, to má piesty, ventily a karburátor, a tak ďalej. To je mechanika.
106 Rád by som povedal niečo Cirkvi práve tu, prichádza mi to na pamäť. Vidíte, to je to, čo... Verím, že sme tak blízko konca, teraz niečo poviem. Vidíte? Vidíte? Mechanika ... Je tak veľa ľudí, ktorí sa snažia vysvetliť mechaniku, keď to nepoznáte. Vidíte? Jediná vec, ktorú vy... A viete, mali by ste to vedieť. Mechanika je známa. No, čo ak Mojžiš...
Čo ak by niekto povedal, "Noe, chcem, aby si mi vysvetlil mechaniku, ako sa archa bude plaviť. Ako to ...?" On to nemohol.
Vy nemusíte poznať mechaniku; len Dynamiku Toho. Vidíte, Dynamika je to, čo chcete poznať. Ako bude ...
Nuž, ak niekto vyšiel k Izraelu, a povedal, "Povedz, Mojžiš, chcem rozumieť. Ako môžeš stvoriť zvieratá svojím vlastným slovom?"
107 On povedal, "To nie je moje slovo. To je Božie Slovo. On mi povedal, aby som to urobil." Vidíte?
109 On to nevedel. On nepoznal mechaniku; on len poznal dynamiku. A takýmto spôsobom vám nedokážem povedať, ako žijem. Nedokážem vám povedať, ako vy žijete, ale žijete. Nedokážem povedať, ako vaše srdce, a vaše jedlo vchádza dovnútra a tvorí krv. A berie silu z toho jedla, a ide do tej tretej steny tráviaceho traktu a premieňa to naspäť do krvného života, a posiela to naspäť hore cez vás. Ja to nemôžem vysvetliť, ale to sa deje. Vidíte, to sa deje. Ja to nemôžem vysvetliť. Ja nepoznám mechaniku. To je dynamika.
110 No, Mojžiš možno poznal mechaniku, ale to nebolo nikoho iného miesto, aby tomu rozumel, len Mojžišovo. Oni vedeli, že to funguje a to uspokojuje. Prečo sa nemôžu dnes ľudia týmto uspokojiť? Vidíte? Každý nemôže byť Mojžiš. Bol len jeden Mojžiš. Oni len vedeli, že to bolo z Boha. Oni videli, že to bolo z Boha.
A nasledovali to a robili dobre, až kým nezačali o tom pochybovať, chceli vychovať niekoho iného, aby robil tú istú vec, Kórach, Dátan. A keď mali niekoho, kto by vniesol nejaké telesné napodobenie, konečne Boh povedal, "Oddeľte sa. Nevchádzajte do toho organizačného systému. Vidíte, vykročte z toho! Idem to pohltiť." A On otvoril zem a pohltil to. Vidíte?
111 Vy nepoznáte ... vy nepotrebujete poznať mechaniku. Len poznať dynamiku, tú vec, ktorá to rozochvieva, ktorá to robí pravdou. A vidíte, ak to udiera do cieľu, ako Biblia zasľúbila, že udrie v tomto dni. Vidíte? To je znovu Slovo, späť do Slova.
112 No, ten veľký stroj je teraz pripravený a hotový pohnúť sa. Mechanika je už tam. Oni už majú ten mechanický systém organizácie, ktorý prinesie, na zem, "mier," hovoria. Oni majú ... ako U.N. (Spojené národy) Národy sú spojené dohromady. To je čas zjednotenia. Práve nedávno som o tom kázal. Oni sa zjednocujú spolu, aby priniesli čo? Svetový mier. Oni to urobili v Lige Národov. Oni to vždy urobili, a nikdy to nefunguje. To nemôže fungovať. Tie U.N. nie sú ničím, len veľkým gumeným balónom, ktorý je nesený skoro každým národným vetrom učenia. On praskne a vybuchne na čomkoľvek. To nemôže fungovať. Ani Rada Cirkví nemôže fungovať. To je organizácia podľa človeka, v rozpore so systémom ... alebo s ich systémom, ktorý je v rozpore so Slovom Božím, a to nemôže fungovať.
114 Tu to máte! To je tá hodina, ku ktorej sme prišli. A to je ten veľký stroj, ktorý je pripravený. Teraz majú mechaniku. Jediná vec, ktorú musia mať, je Satan vo vnútri toho, s dynamikou, aby urobil nátlak a zaviedol znamenie šelmy. Keď je pod nátlakom, potom dynamika pracuje. Mechanika je tam. Oni ich už dostali.
115 Dovoľte mi tiež niečo povedať. Tento čas zjednotenia - vidíte zjednocovanie cirkví, zjednocovanie národov ... To je tiež čas zjednocovania Boha a Jeho Nevesty. A hovorím to s úctou a rešpektom. Verím, že Nevesta Kristova je zavolaná. Verím, že je zapečatená v Kráľovstve Božom. Verím, že mechanika je tam. Oni čakajú na Dynamiku, ktorá Ju vezme z tejto zeme, do Slávy, vo Vytrhnutí. Verím tomu z celého môjho srdca. Tak veru. Nevieme, ako to On urobí, ale On to urobí.
On je Dynamika. My sme sa práve stali členmi toho stroja, Jeho Tela, formujúc sa na Jeho obraz, a vidíme Ho, ako sa zjednocuje s nami, v Jeho dielach, s Jeho darmi lásky, ako nám ich podáva práve pred Svadobnou Večerou. A my čakáme, sledujeme to.
116 Ich veľká cirkev sa má zjednotiť ... Dynamikou tejto Cirkvi bude znovunaplnenie Duchom Svätým, v ktorom sme pracovali v malej miere, keď Hlavový Kameň prichádza dolu, aby sa zjednotil s Telom. Ale keď sa tá Hlava a Telo zjednotia spolu, plná moc Ducha Svätého Ju povznesie práve tak ako ... dokonca mŕtvi, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, stovky rokov dozadu, povstanú v nádhere Jeho svätosti, a zaletia do nebies. Dynamika je Svätý Duch.
117 A teraz dynamika toho veľkého režimu, ktorý oni postavili ... Tento veľký stroj bude raz fungovať v zjednotenej rade - v Svetovej Rade Cirkví, ktorá bude robiť nátlak ... ale pamätajte ... Poviete, "Keď sa to stane..." To bude potom pre vás príliš neskoro. Už ste v tom. Či chcete byť, či nie, už ste tam. Vidíte? Všimnite si, už ste dostali toho ducha na seba ...
118 V tom dni, keď vetry Ducha vejú z východu, severu, a juhu, presviedčajú ľudí, aby z toho vyšli, a ukazujú ľuďom ... To je ten dôvod, prečo som bol tak proti tomu systému. Videl som, že tam niečo bolo, temnota. Ako som videl tie ženy, ten spôsob, ako nosili tú vec na svojich tvárach, ako som vám povedal minulú nedeľu, vedel som, že niečo prichádza.
119 Prečo som bol vždy proti takej veci? Nevedel som to; teraz to viem. Prečo som bol vždy proti organizovanému náboženstvu? Je to preto, lebo (teraz to vidím) to je znamenie šelmy. Vidíte? Nikdy som to nepovedal, len teraz posledných pár týždňov. Vidíte?
No, po cirkevnej politike, potom, čo sa deje? Potom, čo Slovo bolo pravdivo potvrdené? No, pozrite sa, to sa konečne dostalo na miesto, kde musí byť uznesenie.
120 Ich ďalší krok teraz bol ... Aký bol ďalší krok Židov potom, ako To cirkev zavrhla? Cirkev zavrhla Slovo. Oni s Tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. "To bol zlý duch." To poznalo ich myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdci. "To bolo zlé." Jednako to bolo Slovo. Skutky, ktoré On robil, svedčili o Ňom, potvrdzovali, kto On bol. Oni s Tým nechceli mať nič spoločného. Potom, za ďalšie, prichádza pred vládu. A toto je cirkevná vláda, lebo sú zahrnuté celé národy. Tam bol pohanský národ, ktorý vládol nad náboženským národom. Teraz to je ... všetko je náboženstvo. Tak to musí prísť ku svetovému náboženstvu.
Ó, slepý to môže vidieť! A čo hovorí slepý, keď toto uvidí? Keď to uvidí, vyjde zo svojej slepoty.
121 Všimnite si, keď sa táto svetová rada schádza ... "Čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom, zvaným Kristus?" Oni určite nechcú mať s Tým nič spoločné. Tak je len jedna vec, ktorú potom možno urobiť, presne to, čo oni spravili vtedy. Oni To ukrižujú. Iste. Umlčia To. "To nemôže viac byť. Nebude to dovolené robiť."Náboženská sila národov im to viac nedovolí robiť. Taká služba, aká tu prebieha, a veci ako toto, budú úplne zastavené. Nemôžete to robiť bez dovolenia od centrály, hlavy cirkvi. Vidíte? Obraz šelme. Ó! Tu sme, to je všetko. Dorazili sme. A pravdivo dokázané.
122 Ďalší krok je ukrižovať Ho. Tak isto ako teraz. Spôsobuje, že všetci, ktorí sa k nim nepripojili, budú vylúčení a nebude im dovolené kázať. Vidíte? To znovu križuje potvrdené Slovo zasľúbenia. Zastavuje To, "Nie je vám viacej dovolené, aby ste to mali. Žiadne uzdravovacie zhromaždenia. Žiadne modlitby za chorých." Ani nápad! Nemôžete to robiť. Bez ohľadu ... "Toto ďalšie ..." Vôbec nie! Buď prejdete cez Radu Cirkví alebo to nebudete mať vôbec."
123 Teraz môžete vidieť, prečo som proti denominačnému náboženstvu, lebo to je znamenie šelmy. Rím je hlavou toho, tá prvá. To je presne tak. A to núti všetkých, aby to prijali, pripojením sa k dcéram, to je ten obraz matky toho, urobili to isté. Kde bol Rím prvýkrát zorganizovaný? Čo bolo prvým organizovaným náboženstvom na svete? Rímsky Katolicizmus. Ktokoľvek má slovo, ktoré hovorí, že to tak nie je, nech to povie aby som to počul. Nie je tu také. Prvá organizácia, prvá cirkev, ktorá bola kedy zorganizovaná, bola v Nicei, Ríme. Tak veru. A to je presne to, čo oni spravili.
124 A čo urobili Lutheráni po jeho smrti? Oni urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobili v Nicei, v Ríme. Čo urobili po Wesleym? Čo urobili po všetkých týchto veľkých hnutiach, ktoré vyšli? Oni urobili to isté, vytvorili dcéry pre smilnicu. Tak presne, dokonale ... Ako tým istým, zisťujeme tu...
125 Mám tu napísané malé miesto Písma. Možno by som to mal radšej vynechať. Ale ... a sledujte, oni museli ... Organizovanie cirkvi dalo dnes dokopy ten istý systém. Jedinú vec, ktorú potrebujú je dynamika toho. Proste niečo, čo to uvedie do moci a potom to rýchle ukáže svoju pravú tvár.
126 Katolícka cirkev a Protestantské cirkvi sa stanú priateľmi. Hovoril som vám to od kedy, posledných okolo tridsať rokov. Oni sa zjednotia spolu. A vidíte presne, čo robia teraz. Protestanti sa nikdy nestanú Katolíkmi, ale budú združeným bratstvom, znamením šelmy, na podobu šelmy.
127 Podobným spôsobom akým matka Eva narušila celý svet a doviedla ho do fyzickej smrti. Matka, Eva! Počúvajte. Matka Eva skazila celú ľudskú rasu, fyzickou smrťou, (ako?) odmietnutím Slova a prijatím niečoho čo vyzeralo veľmi podobné. Ona spôsobila všetku fyzickú smrť, lebo opustila pravdivé Slovo, a verila pravdivému Slovu, až na jednu maličkosť. Jeden malý nesúhlas s celým Slovom Božím spôsobilo každý srdcový záchvat, každú smrť a všetko, čo kedy bolo na zemi. Eva to urobila, matka smrti. Vidíte ku čomu dochádzame? Matka smrti ... Všimnite si, ona proste neuverila Slovu.
Ona povedala, "Boh povedal..."
Satan povedal, "To je pravda."
Ale Boh povedal, a tým je to vybavené, Slovo! Vidíte, to začalo len s malou nesprávnou interpretáciou Slova, a, tá istá vec, to končí tak isto.
129 Všimnite si, dcéra je produktom matky a otca, skrze zjednotenie. No tu je niečo šokujúce. Ale smrť, fyzická, fyzická smrť je zjednotenie matky Evy a Satana spolu, skrze neveru Božiemu Slovu. Oni sa spojili a priniesli produkt smrti. Ona, ... Smrť je produktom zjednotenia sa spolu Satana a Evy.
130 Eva mala Slovo. Satan je proti Slovu. A pozrite, takmer deväťdesiat deväť percent a deväťdesiat deväť stotín z Toho, Satan uznal, že je pravda. "Tak blízko," Biblia povedala, "v posledných dňoch, by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Vidíte ako to prichádza, ako to vždy bolo, ako to ide von? Tým istým spôsobom, zjednotení neverou v celé plné Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? To je to, čo prinieslo smrť, to je zjednotenie nevery so Slovom. Nevera, len malá, malinká časť z toho; malá, malinká, drobunký kúsok, stotina percenta. Ale To musí byť sto percent! To je všetko.
131 Všimnite si, Božia dcéra, Cirkev, Nevesta, je tiež produktom zjednotenia sa Boha a Jeho Slova. Svätý Duch sa zjednocuje v tele z mäsa, To vyprodukovalo Syna Božieho, produkt spravodlivosti Božej. A v poslednom dni, ako nám bolo povedané, "ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," Nevesta bude zjednotená skrze Slovo Božie zamanifestované v tele, Svätý Duch ich zapečatí do Boha, a nevera bude vonku za tou pečaťou.
132 Ako som povedal, ak by život Beethovena bol vo vás, žili by ste ako Beethoven; ak by život Hitlera bol vo vás, žili by ste ako Hitler. A keď Život Kristov je vo vás, budete žiť ako Kristus, a budete robiť skutky Kristove. A to bude ... Ak by Kristus žil dnes, robil by presne to, čo Slovo povedalo, že bude dnes robiť. A ak Slovo povedalo, že, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky," prečo ten slepý klerikálny svet nemôže vidieť čas, v ktorom žijú? Vidíte?
133 Eva spôsobila všetku fyzickú smrť, tým že sa snažila vniesť do Slova nejaký Satanov blud. A tá istá vec sa stala cirkvi, v Nicei, v Ríme, tým že prijali dogmy namiesto Slova. To isté sa stalo pri Metodistoch, Baptistoch, Presbyteriánoch, keď to Svetlo vytrysklo v každom veku a oni To zavrhli. To je dôvod, prečo Luteráni zomreli, keď vystúpil Wesley. To bol iný vek. Slovo vystúpilo do popredia, a oni To museli prijať alebo zomrieť. To je dôvod, prečo zomierajú teraz Letniční, lebo je tu ten vek. Slovo sa zamanifestovalo, čas orla, čas navrátenia sa naspäť Slova, čas aby viera otcov, bola znova naspäť prinavrátená deťom. A oni sú tak zjednotení, oni To zavrhli, a nie sú ničím iným než duchovnou smrťou. To vždy ...
134 Božie Telo, zjednotené ako Jeho Nevesta, súc Jedno, On a Kristus spolu, a pritom Duch pracuje v tele Cirkvi, tak ako pracoval v tele Ježiša Krista, lebo To je časťou Jeho Tela. Nie dvaja; ale Jedno! Oni sú Jedno. Manžel a manželka už nie sú viac dvaja, ale jedno. A Kristus a Jeho Telo sú Jedno. A ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, je v Jeho Neveste, v Jeho Tele, to ich zjednocuje spolu s celým Slovom. A Boh žije tam, On Sám, manifestujúc to.
135 A antikrist hovorí, "Ó, ja verím v Krista, verím v evanjelium, verím tým veciam, ale, viete..." Tu to máte. "Ale, viete, dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je nič také ako toto, vidíte." Tu to máte. "Ó, neverím, že musíte byť pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista."
136 Ale Biblia povedala, že musíte. No, chcem nejakého teológa, aby s tým nesúhlasil. Vidíte? Vidíte? To musí byť. Poviete, "Nuž, krst nerobí žiaden rozdiel." Nuž, potom, prečo to bolo napísané? Prečo to robilo rozdiel pre Pavla? Prečo to robilo rozdiel pre všetkých ostatných z nich? Buď ste pokrstení...
Biblia povedala, "Máte meno, že žijete a ste mŕtvi." Lebo nie je iné meno dané pod Nebom ... Prečo v Ňom kážete, modlíte sa v Ňom, všetko ostatné, ale keď prichádzate k bazénu, odmietate Ho? Ó, ach. Vidíte?
Raz som povedal jednému mužovi, povedal som, "Čo ak by človek..."
On povedal, "To nerobí žiaden rozdiel."
137 Povedal som, "Ak príde ku tebe človek, a potom povie, že je pokrstený v mene "Ruže Sáronskej, Ľalie v údolí, a Rannej Hviezdy," povedal by si, že je v poriadku?
Povedal, "Nie, pane."
Povedal som, "Prekrstil by si ho?"
Povedal som, "Ako by si ho pokrstil?"
Povedal, "V mene ´Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha´."
138 Povedal som, "V poriadku, teraz si urobil presne, umiestnil si... Keď nazývaš toto ´menami´, urobil si tú istú vec, ktorú on povedal, ´Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia v údolí, a Ranná Hviezda,´ lebo to sú tituly, a ´Otec, Syn, a Svätý Duch´ sú tituly. Vidíte?
Povedal, "Ale Ježiš povedal krstite, ´v Mene´."
139 Povedal som, "To je presne to, čo On chcel aby robili. Ale čo je ... On nepovedal, ´vyrieknite tieto slová.´ ´Pokrstite ich v Mene,´ v Mene!" Ó! Povedal som, "´Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch´ sú tituly. ´Meno Otca, Syna ... Meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.´" Vidíte? Povedal som, "Čo Peter povedal, že To bolo? Čo tí ostatní z nich povedali, že To bolo? Vidíte? Čo To je? ´Pán Ježiš Kristus´ je Meno ´Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.´" On má okolo tridsaťtisíc domorodcov, ktorých musí teraz znovu prekrstiť. Vidíte? V poriadku. Ale to je správne. Pavol povedal, "Keby anjel z Neba..."
140 Pavol povedal tým ľuďom, ktorí neboli pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista, Skutky 19:5, že aby prijali Svätého Ducha, museli prísť ... Hoci kričali a chválili Boha, a robili veľké veci, on povedal, že sa musia vrátiť a byť znovu pokrstení, vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Po tom, ako ich Ján Krstiteľ pokrstil, museli sa vrátiť a byť znovu pokrstení.
A on povedal, v Galaťanom 1:8, "Keby vás anjel z neba učil niečo iné, než ako som vás ja učil, nech je prekliaty." Tak veru. Tak my musíme zostať presne s týmto Slovom, s každým Slovom z Toho. Vidíte?
141 Všimnite si. Ó, nemajte žiadne trhliny; buďte si úplne istí. Ak je niečo, čo pochybuje vo vašej mysli, mali by ste to dať teraz radšej do poriadku. Nečakajte do vtedy, je príliš neskoro. Nečakajte, až kým príjmete to znamenie tak hlboko, že To už nikdy nebudete môcť vidieť, budete slepí.
On oslepil Izrael, aby mohol manifestovať Svoje Slovo. On robí to isté pohanom, pretože tu oni kráčajú rovno do toho presne tak, ako tí vtedy.
142 Všimnite si, Eva odmietla a prišla o svoje práva. Potom, ako videla Slovo potvrdené Bohom, čo On urobil, ona To odmietla a prišla o svoje práva. Tú istú vec urobili v Nicei, Ríme. A tú istú vec robia teraz v Rade Cirkví, presne tak. Bratia, od Genesis do Zjavenia sa deje tá istá vec. To je to, čo Izrael urobil. To je to, čo Pilát urobil. To je to, čo celá tá vec urobila, vždy, od Evy až do teraz, tá istá vec. Oni odmietajú potvrdené Slovo a berú dogmu, namiesto Toho. To spôsobuje smrť, duchovnú smrť. Smrť! Slovo je stále kázané mŕtvym. Presne! Počas Milénia to teraz nebude. Vidíte? Im už bolo kázané. Možno sa to deje práve teraz. Vidíte?
143 Kainovi synovia, ktorí boli produktom nevery Slovu Božiemu, Kainovi synovia sa posmievali posolstvu proroka Noeho. Všimli ste si to? S Božím Slovom priniesol predpovedaný súd a mal jasné znamenia, potvrdené znamenia, že čas je na konci a Kainovi synovia sa Tomu posmievali.
Tak, ako to robia teraz. Tak to robili vo dňoch Ježiša. Tak to robili počas všetkých vekov. Vždy to tak bolo. Oni sa Tomu posmievali a robili si z Toho žarty. On povedal, "V posledných dňoch budú posmievači, hovoriaci, ´Nie je žiaden rozdiel v čase, odkedy naši otcovia zaspali.´" Vidíte?
144 Tak robili synovia diabla, cez náboženský systém, keď sa manifestovalo Slovo v čase Ježiša Krista. Pozrite, náboženské systémy židovských ľudí, [brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu, a hovorí, "sestra Rose." – pozn.prekl.], židovskí ľudia, ktorí to mali lepšie vedieť, ale ich systém ich priviedol do toho, aby odmietli a posmievali sa Slovu Božiemu, o ktorom tvrdili, že Mu veria, ktoré sa manifestovalo. Každé Slovo pasovalo. Oni urobili tú istú vec.
145 Tak isto, ako to robia dnes v tom náboženskom systéme, v tejto veľkej mašine, ktorú teraz zostrojili, bude absolútne - zavrhli zasľúbenia v čase konca; s Posolstvom času konca,a znak času konca, všetko času konca, čo má byť, ako to Boh predpovedal, Slovo za Slovom. Je to na páske ... Ak ma zastrelia, alebo čokoľvek môžu urobiť, oni nikdy nezastavia to Posolstvo! Vidíte? To bude pokračovať tak isto. Vidíte? Už je to vonku. Je to nahrané. Odišlo to. Vidíte? Nikdy by nemohli ... To je Slovo konca, práve teraz. Dokonale potvrdené a dokázané, ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, znameniami, zázrakmi, mechanikou, dynamikou, vedou, cirkvou, Bohom Samým, bolo to potvrdené v tejto hodine; obojako Slovom, a znameniami a zázrakmi.
146 A Posolstvo, ktoré Boh osvedčil medzi vami, znameniami a zázrakmi tejto hodiny. Posolstvo, že Ježiš Kristus nie je mŕtvy, ale žije taký istý ako vždy bol a vysiela ... A to presne vypĺňa Malachiáša 4 a všetky ostatné Písma, o ktorých Ježiš povedal, že to bude v posledných dňoch; sú úplne vyplnené, obojako vedecky, svetom ... Časopisy priniesli veľké fotky kruhov Svetla, ktoré tu boli predpovedané. A Anjeli Boží, ktorí prišli dolu, o čom oni nič nevedia. A všade, všade je to dokázané, po celom svete!
147 Ďalší krok je ukrižovanie, a my stojíme pred tým. A Ježiš potom povedal, "Čo mám povedať? Vyprosti Ma Otče z tejto hodiny? Nie. "Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa (Vidíte?) na zemi, ako je v Nebi."
148 To je to, čo dnes hovorí Cirkev zo svojho srdca, "Ja a pripojiť sa k niečomu takému ...? Nie, Pane! Nie. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, ako v Nebi."
149 Všimnite si, po zasľúbenom Slove na ten vek, ktoré bolo dokázané, oni To zavrhli. Dnes urobili to isté. A teraz prichádzam ku koncu. A ako On prišiel vtedy, jasne sa identifikoval, že je Slovom, a to prišlo ku konfrontácii, kde si museli vybrať Slovo alebo prijať systém; dnes to prišlo ku tomu istému, musia si vybrať Slovo alebo prijať systém. A oni prijali systém. No, čo to spôsobuje? (Na záver.) On je na rukách sveta. Presne tak.
150 A teraz, ku môjmu textu. Sú dlhé cesty, ktoré treba okolo postaviť, ale teraz som práve začal. Vidíte? Nevstávajte, len som žartoval. Pozrite, tu je môj text. Vieme ... To bolo kladenie podkladu. Teraz to tu máme všetko uložené v jednej línii. Rozložme si to doma a uvidíme, ako to vyzerá, pozrime sa na to cez lupu.
151 Ježiš je na rukách ľudí. Je na rukách cirkvi. Čo urobíte s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je nazvaný pomazané Slovo? Kristus znamená "pomazané Slovo." Vidíte?
152 Čo svet zvolal? Čo cirkev zvolala? "Ukrižuj To! Zastav To! Nechceme To viacej."
153 Opýtam sa vás niečo. Viete si predstaviť vinu na Oswaldových rukách, toto ráno, ten, ktorý zavraždil Prezidenta? Viete si predstaviť, aký bude jeho súd, ak bude dokázané, že on bol ten, ktorý to urobil? Viete si - vedeli by ste si predstaviť nejaké zľutovanie, ktoré preňho zostáva? Krv Prezidenta Spojených štátov je na jeho rukách. Myslíte si, že Federálny súd... Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa on obhajoval, "Nechcel som to urobiť," to ho ani trochu neospravedlní. On zahynie. Prečo? On má Prezidentovu krv na svojich rukách. Viete si predstaviť jeho pocity? Chceli by ste to na svojich rukách? [Zhromaždenie, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.]
154 Nuž, a čo potom Krv Ježiša Krista? Myslíte si, že by ste boli ospravedlnení, potom, čo je To dokonale potvrdené? Ako Tomu uniknete? Jeho Krv je na vašich rukách, vinní! Hriešnik, kam odtiaľto pôjdeš? Čo budeš robiť po tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno?
155 Myslíte si, poviete, "Nuž, zamýšľal som... nechcel som byť zlý." Oswald by mohol povedať to isté.
Ak spravodlivosť nášho najvyššieho súdu bude volať po spravodlivosti, bude volať. To je náš... To je absolut tohoto národa. Celý národ je zaviazaný tomu najvyššiemu súdu, a nič z toho čo on rozhodne sa nedá obísť. On spáchal zločin. On za to musí platiť. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi to on tak nemyslel, aké boli jeho zámery, alebo nič o tom; on za to zaplatí, každopádne.
Ak náš najvyšší súd a jeho spravodlivosť požaduje odplatu, o koľko viac sa vy nájdete na Súde Božom, keď prídete s Krvou Ježiša Krista na svojich rukách? "Čo urobím s týmto Ježišom zvaným pomazané Slovo?" Počuli ste To. Viete, že je To Pravda. Je to dokonale potvrdené.
156 Vrah? Túžili by ste po denominačnom vrahovi Slova, než po nevinnom Kristovi? Ukrižovali by ste? Odvážili by ste sa vziať Barabáša? Zvolali by ste pre Barabáša? Ako sa niekto odváži urobiť to, zvolať pre Barabáša, vraha Slova; než ako zobrať Slovo, Samo, ktoré je Život. A To je na vašich rukách.
157 Keď som počul o vrahovi Prezidenta Kennedyho, toto Posolstvo prišlo na moje srdce. Myslel som si, čo ten muž urobí? A teraz žiadna cesta von z toho. Možno sa teraz zobudil o tomto čase a uvedomil si, čo leží pred ním.
158 A ty sa raz zobudíš. Tu, alebo pri páske, kdekoľvek si, raz sa zobudíš, hriešnik, a uvedomíš si, že Krv je na tvojich rukách, Krv Syna Božieho, a že si vinný Jeho vraždy. Tvoj hriech Ho zavraždil. Tvoja nevera v Jeho Slovo, tvoja neschopnosť vidieť Jeho identifikáciu, zarmútil si Svätého Ducha. A čo môžeš robiť okrem stáť na Súde Božom, vediac, čo sa ti stane! Áno, krv Johna Kennedyho na rukách Oswalda bude menšia vec, než Krv Ježiša Krista na tvojich rukách, keď sa postavíš pred Bohom.
[Brat Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazeteľňu – pozn.prekl.] A Krv Ježiša Krista je umiestnená znovu na rukách tohoto zhromaždenia. Je umiestnená na rukách tohoto národa, a okolo tohoto sveta, kde sa dostali tieto pásky a veci, ktoré boli potvrdené a dokázané Bohom.
No čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je zvaný, "Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky"? Čo urobíme s týmto Ježišom? Ste pripravení zaujať svoje miesto po Jeho boku? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
160 Pilát, a tá istá vec, ktorú urobil Pilát, to pripomína tri veci, ktoré môžeš urobiť ty s Ním. Pilát vyskúšal všetky tri, a nepodarilo sa mu to. Tri schémy, ktoré sa môžeš pokúsiť urobiť, ale nikdy to nebude fungovať. Pilát sa pokúšal dostať Ho zo svojich rúk. Ale keď je raz umiestnený na vašich rukách, je na vašich rukách. Pilát skúšal tri rôzne spôsoby, a neuspel.
161 Musíme čeliť faktom, že On je na našich rukách. Videli sme Ho v Jeho Slove. Vidíme Ho, ako sa potvrdzuje. Vieme, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]
Potom, nehovorím len ku tomuto zhromaždeniu tu dnes ráno, pretože hovorím len ku šesťsto, sedemsto ľuďom, možno, ale hovorím ku miliónom, na tejto páske, ktorá pôjde okolo sveta. Vidíte? On je na vašich rukách, v krajine kde počúvate pásky, kdekoľvek ste. Viete, že je To pravda. Ak nie, potom ste slepí; nemôžete vidieť Slovo, ani nemôžete vidieť Boha v Slove. A On je na vašich rukách. No čo s Ním urobíte?
162 Pilát sa Ho skúšal zbaviť, ale my musíme čeliť faktom. Pilát Tomu musel čeliť. On vedel. On počul.
Nuž, poviete, "Nikdy som nič z toho nevidel." Počul si To, každopádne. Počuješ To teraz. Vidíte?
On chcel, aby Ježiš urobil zázrak, alebo trik, preňho. Ale On nepredvádzal triky; On robil len to, čo Mu Otec povedal, aby robil.
163 Počuli ste. Viera prichádza z počutia. Máte vieru a dostať to preč zo ... aby ste to dostali zo svojich rúk. Ale on aj tak musí čeliť faktom. On musel, a tak my musíme čeliť faktom. On je plne identifikovaný. Pomyslite, s krvou človeka na svojich rukách!
164 Človek musí dávať pozor, keď má krv iného človeka na svojich rukách. Pozrite sa na lietadlo, na pilota toho lietadla, keď má vyštartovať, musí skontrolovať každý prístroj. Prečo? Na svojich rukách má niečiu krv. Každý malý prístroj, ktorý môže byť skontrolovaný, on to kontroluje. Keď ide na štart a obráti lietadlo, zrýchli motor a vidí, že sa to zahrialo. A drží pedál plynu celý čas, aby videl, že ten prúd bude... či to bude schopné zapnúť vrtuľu, tiež, s dostatočným vzduchom, aby ho to zodvihlo zo zeme. Stáli ste, mnohí z vás, v lietadle, alebo sedeli tam a celé lietadlo takmer triaslo zem. On mu dáva všetko, čo má, aby videl, či všetko správne funguje. Keby niečo nebolo v poriadku, ono zhasne a zastaví motor. Ale on to kontroluje znovu, ak to tam musí nastaviť na chvíľu, kým to neskontroluje znovu. A ak mu nechajú trochu času, znovu to skontroluje.
165 Ako by to mala cirkev kontrolovať znovu, a znovu, a znovu, a znovu! My čakáme na Jeho Príchod. My vstávame, my očakávame na vzatie. Radšej by sme to mali skontrolovať so Slovom, nie s tým čo niekto povedal. Buďte si istí, že vy sami to viete, majúc osobné prežite s Kristom. Skontrolujte to znovu, a znovu, a znovu.
Prečo? On má na svojich rukách krv ľudí. On to radšej skontroluje.
166 A čo doktor, pred operáciou? Máme tu dnes ráno sediacich pár lekárov. Všimnite si, že lekár, čo bude robiť predtým, než ide na operačku. On chce röntgen. On chce skontrolovať krv. On chce skontrolovať srdce. On chce vidieť, či nemáte nejaké prechladnutie, predtým, než dá anestéziu. On skontroluje každý nástroj; vyvarí ich, dokonale, aby videl, že na nich nie sú žiadne baktérie. On robí všetko. On kontroluje ďalej a ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, znovu. Prečo? On má na svojich rukách krv človeka. On si chce byť smrteľne istý, že všetko je práve tak v poriadku, ako len môže byť.
167 A čo vy? Čo ty, hriešnik, čo si pri tom cítil? Mať krv človeka na svojich rukách, zodpovednosť ako pilot, a on kontroluje; lekár, a on kontroluje; a čo ďalšie, tak veľa vedeckých; keď máš krv človeka na svojich rukách, čo budeš robiť!
Keď sudca ide vyniesť rozsudok, pozri ako on číta tie knihy, znovu a znovu a znovu a znovu a znovu, až kým neuvidí každú maličkosť, ktorú môže vidieť, predtým, ako vynesie rozsudok. Pretože na svojich rukách má krv človeka. Musí tu mať niečo, čo mu dáva oprávnenie vyniesť daný rozsudok. Vidíte?
168 A čo my, keď To vidíme dokonale identifikované, že, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky"? On je tu. On je na našich rukách. On je na našich rukách. On je na tvojich rukách! Čo s Ním urobíš? "Čo urobím s týmto Ježišom, ktorý je pomazaným Kristom?"
Zasľúbenie na tento deň, na deň, v ktorom žijeme, je tak veľa toho, čo Písmo hovorí, tak veľa kúskov z Toho sa už vyplnilo. Tieto posledné kúsky tohoto posledného dňa, sú nejaké veci, ktoré sa tu ukladajú, ktoré sa majú stať, a tu to je. Čo to je? Ten istý pomazaný Kristus, pomazané Slovo! Čo s Tým urobíte? Predáte To do denominácie?
169 No čo urobil Pilát? Pilát sa pokúšal zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk tým, že povedal ... prvá vec, ktorú Pilát urobil, bola, že sa pokúsil zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk tým, že povedal, "Ó, On je v poriadku. On je v poriadku." Vidíte?
170 Poviete, "Ó, chudák Pilát." Pilát? Mnohí ho ospravedlňujú? Nie, nie, nie! On bol na jeho rukách. On počul Posolstvo, on videl Slovo a On bol na jeho rukách. A tak je On na vašich rukách. Tak je to.
Čo on urobil? On sa pokúšal povedať, "Ó, nuž, On je dobrý Človek. Nenachádzam na ňom nijakej viny."
171 Či to nie je odpoveď tak mnohých dnes?! "Ó, na tom Slove nie je nič zlé. Hádam je to v poriadku. Biblia je v poriadku, ale my veríme cirkvi. Naša denominácia s Tým nesúhlasí." Vidíte? Vidíte? Je jedna trieda ľudí, ktorí sa snažia zmyť Ho zo svojich rúk.
172 Židom 13:8 Ho dáva znovu naspäť na vaše ruky, nedá sa tomu uniknúť! On je dokonale potvrdený, "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Nemáte žiadneho úniku. Nemôžete Ho presunúť do nejakého iného veku. Židom 13:8 zajíma vaše myšlienky, a dáva Ho rovno naspäť znovu na vaše ruky. Tak Ježiš je na vašich rukách, tak ako bol na Pilátových.
Pozrite. Poviete, "Ale ja neviem." Nuž, prečo počúvate?
173 Pilát bol pohan. Jeho žena bola pohanka. Ale Boh, aby to urobil spravodlivé, poslal tam tú ženu a povedala, "Nemaj nič s týmto spravodlivým Mužom." Ona povedala, "Trpela som tento deň ..." (Vtedy bolo ráno a to bolo cez noc. Dvadsaťštyri hodín je považovaných za deň.) "Dnes som vo sne mnoho trpela pre toho spravodlivého Človeka. Nemaj s Tým nič."
174 No on povedal, "Nuž, potom, ak je to tak, ja Ho proste zmyjem zo svojich rúk." Ale nemohol to urobiť.
Ani vy nemôžete. Keď raz počujete Pravdu, musíte Ju prijať alebo zaprieť. Žiadny iný spôsob... Tak veru, musíte to urobiť. Varovania Pánove!
175 Židia zvolali, "Nech je Jeho Krv na nás; lebo my skôr budeme veriť našim kňazom, nášmu denominačnému systému, ako Jemu."
Tu to máte. Vidíte tie druhy ľudí dnes? Ale všetko musí zaujať svoj postoj ku tomu čo predkladá Boh. Vy všetci to musíte urobiť, tak či tak, pohania alebo čokoľvek môžete byť. Neveriaci, metodista, baptista, presbyterián, vlažní, studení, horúci, a čokoľvek môžete byť, tak isto musíte zaujať svoj postoj voči tej veci. Či chcete alebo nie, je To na vašich rukách. Presne tak.
176 Potom sú tí, ktorí skúšajú druhý Pilátov spôsob, ako sa vyhnúť tej spornej veci, podať Ho nejakému inému cisárovi. Vidíte?
Pilát povedal, "No počkajte chvíľu. Nechcem mať s Tým nič spoločné. Ja - ja - ja...No, On je spravodlivý Muž. Nechcem s Ním mať nič spoločné. Ó, verím tomu, čo som počul. Nikdy som Ho nevidel urobiť zázrak, ale je príliš veľa svedectiev o Ňom. Verím, že je spravodlivý Muž. On je dobrý Muž, vidíte, ale ja s Tým nechcem mať nič spoločné, ja osobne. Ja - ja - ja len ... Ja Ho proste zmyjem zo svojich rúk. Prineste mi vodu. Vy všetci tu ste svedkovia." Áno. Ale Boh je tiež svedok, tiež. On bol na jeho rukách.
177 A tak isto je On na vašich rukách. Vidíte? Viete, o čom hovorím. Vidíte? Nie len vy, ale aj pri tejto páske. On je na vašich rukách. Čo s Ním urobíte, s týmto Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Kristus je pomazané Slovo. Vidíte? Čo s Tým urobíte? To je Posolstvo na túto hodinu. Ten deň je tu, dokonale dokázaný Bibliou a Bohom. Čo s Tým urobíte? Ako sa teraz vyhnete tomu problému? Ako chcete tomu uniknúť? On je na vašich rukách! Oswaldov prípad bude menší, oproti vášmu.
178 Žiadny kazateľ, ktokoľvek môžete byť ... Tí Židia boli kňazi, a rabíni, učitelia, svätí muži; ale On bol na ich rukách práve tak isto. On bol Slovo, to čo Boh uverejnil na ten deň, a oni To neboli schopní vidieť. Len tí vyvolení To videli, tí, ktorí Tomu verili.
179 No, všetci musia zaujať svoj postoj voči tomu. V každom veku to bolo tak, v každom čase. Vo veku Evy a Adama, ďalej vo veku Noeho, ďalej v čase Daniela a Baltazára a Nabuchodonozora, ďalej v Kristovom čase, ďalej až do práve tejto hodiny, v ktorej žijeme, stále je to tak isto; vystupuje záležitosť Slova. Nie ich vyznania, ani nie denominácie, nie dogmy, ale záležitosť Slova je proti tým veciam, To je teraz, To je teraz na rukách.
180 Potom tí, ktorí skúšajú Pilátov ďalší spôsob, zbaviť sa Ho, tým, že Ho podá niekomu inému. Pilát povedal, "No, viete čo? Ja Ho proste odstránim zo svojich rúk. Zmyjem Ho zo svojich rúk s touto vodou. Tak ja len ... Musím s Ním niečo urobiť. Tak čo urobím? Pošlem Ho na ústredie, kde je biskup." Ó, ach. Jé.
To je to, čo sa snažia dnes robiť. Vidíte? Oni Ho poslali k Cisárovi. To Ho neodstránilo z Pilátových rúk, neodňalo Ho to z rúk nikoho. Čo to urobilo? To sa obrátilo proti nemu. Prichádza to rovno naspäť ku tomu jednotlivcovi.
181 Poviete, "Nuž, ja by, ja by som to urobil. Ja by som To prijal, keby To moja denominácia prijala."
Tvoja denominácia je v Rade Cirkví, zavrhnutá! Ako to oni príjmu? To sa obracia, rovno naspäť proti tebe. To nie je to, čo povie tvoja denominácia; to je, čo povieš ty? Oni To odmietli; teraz čo s Tým urobíš ty? To je ďalšia vec. Vidíte? To Ho neodstráni z tvojich rúk.
On je dokonale potvrdený. On je dokonale identifikovaný, Slovo na túto hodinu, zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Nie zasľúbenie pre Lutherovu hodinu; to bolo vtedy, to bolo Slovo vo veku reformátorov. Tak, vy všetci, ktorí ste počuli Sedem Pečatí, keď nastal vek reformátorov, vyšlo zviera s tvárou ako človek, to vydalo organizáciu. Ale toto je tvár orla, zviera, ktoré vyšlo urobiť výzvu na dnes.
182 A kto sa odváži povedať, že to nebolo inšpirované Slovo Božie, keď To On tu predpovedal, a poslal tam do Arizony a priniesol To rovno naspäť, dokonca s vedou a všetkým iným, a dokázal, že je To tak! Táto Kniha je už otvorená, je to tak, len čaká na Siedmu Pečať, aby bola zidentifikovaná Príchodom Krista.
183 V poriadku, On je na vašich rukách. Musíte s Ním niečo urobiť. Nedávajte Ho preč. Tak veru! V tejto kategórii, rád by som povedal ... Odovzdávajú Ho niekomu inému ... "Keby To moja denominácia prijala, brat Branham, prijal by som To. Ale, vieš, moja matka patrila k tejto cirkvi." Ona žila vo svojom veku; to nie si ty. Ty si teraz. Pozri, z čoho ona musela vyjsť, aby sa stala tým čím bola. A čo ty? V poriadku.
184 Pozrite. Poviete, "Moja matka bola letničná. Ona urobila to a to, vyšla z organizácie." Ale ja sa teraz snažím hovoriť ku tebe. Čo ty? Vidíte? V tejto kategórii, nachádzame mnoho vzdelaných. No, viem, že tu zraním cítenia, ale nerobím to zámerne. Ak áno, potom by som mal byť dolu pri oltári, činiť pokánie. Hovorím toto v božskej láske.
185 Ježiš, keď tam stál, a tí farizeji; musel povedať, "Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla a robíte jeho skutky." Jednako na kríži volal o pokoj a milosrdenstvo pre nich, ktorí Ho ukrižovali. Vidíte, On nebol na nich nahnevaný. On povedal, "Vy pokolenie hadov." Vidíte? Vidíte? Všetko ... Označil ich všetkými možnými menami, vidíte, a potom sa za nich na kríži modlil. Vidíte? To nebolo, že On ich tak chcel nazývať; to nebolo to, ale oni museli vidieť tú chybu, ktorú robili.
186 A ja hovorím tú istú vec dnes, v tejto kategórii, kde kladú zodpovednosť na niekoho iného. Alebo robia niečo také, čo nazývame v armáde, "podať dolár niekomu inému, nech on hodí a rozhodne." Snažíme sa to podať ďalej, ako to urobili Adam a Eva. Eva sa pokúšala. Adam povedal, "Žena, ktorú Si mi dal," a to nebolo preňho ospravedlnenie. Vidíte? Žena povedala, "Had ma zviedol. On bol ten, ktorý mal so mnou sexuálny pomer. On ma zviedol. On toto urobil." Tým sa tomu nijako nevyhli. Išli rovno na súd, tak isto. Tak veru!
187 V poriadku. Nemôžete to podať inému. Nemôžete povedať, "Ak Tomu bude veriť moja denominácia, ja tiež. Ale, ja som v tejto denominácii." To s tým nemá nič spoločné. Židia boli v tej istej situácii, tak isto vy.
188 A teraz mnohí ľudia v tejto ... Nachádzame dobrých kultúrnych ľudí v tejto kategórii. Teraz dobre počúvajte.
Vidíte, kultúra, čo my dnes nazývame kultúrou, je to, čo Satan predložil Eve; malá múdrosť. Povedal, "Vaše oči nie ešte sú otvorené, takže nerozumiete Tomu všetkému." Ona poznala Slovo, a to bolo všetko ... Ona videla Boha ako potvrdzuje to Slovo, a to malo byť fajn. On ju udržoval vo večnom živote, kým ona stála na tom Slove. Keď porušila to Slovo ... ona mala zasľúbenie od Boha, že v ten deň, keď To poruší zomrie. A, keď To porušila, zomrela. Tak je to.
189 My tu máme potvrdené Slovo Božie, ktoré skrze Ducha potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že On nás prijal a dáva nám krst Svätým Duchom. Sme pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista. To isté Evanjelium, tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, tá istá služba, dokonca ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp viditeľný pred nami, ukazujúci znamenia a zázraky. Nie je tu nikde žiadna výhovorka.
A to je presne to, čo Biblia povedala že sa stane v posledných dňoch; a správa z Malachiáša 4 "navrátiť vieru detí naspäť do viery otcov." A hneď potom, hriešnici kráčajú ... či spravodliví kráčajú po popole bezbožných; celý svet má byť spálený. A tam ďalej visí nad tým atóm, bomby v nosičoch.
190 Vidíte, čo urobilo Nemecko hneď ako zistili, že bol zavraždený prezident? Rýchlo zhromaždili svoju armádu, lebo to bola jediná vec, ktorá držala Rusko aby tam nebombardovali. A oni udreli... Kennedy im práve poslal správu, že v tú hodinu, ako to urobia, že ich zmetie zo zeme, rovno z Nemecka. Vidíte? A oni si mysleli, že tu môžu len tak zabrať, ale to ešte nebola tá hodina. Vidíte?
191 Nachádzame bystrých, vzdelaných kazateľov, evanjelistov, ktorí sa snažia zbaviť sa toho a zložiť to na niekoho iného. Vidíte?
Prečo? Prečo Pilát nepovedal, "Nuž, počkaj chvíľu, tento človek... Táto manželka mi prišla povedať, a ja som počul mnoho svedectiev o Tebe. Vieš, mám záujem. Rád by som vedel čo môžem robiť, aby som mal Večný život, Pane? Si na mojich rukách. Čo môžem urobiť?" Nuž, on by povedal... On povedal, "Či si Ty Mesiáš? Či si Ty Kráľ Židov?"
192 On povedal, "To je to, čo si povedal. Ty si to povedal."
On povedal, "Kvôli tomu som sa narodil."
On nemohol nájsť na Ňom nijakej viny. Ó, ach. "Nuž, ja Ho len zmyjem zo svojich rúk."
193 On mu odpovedal, ale on to nemohol prijať. Prečo? To by znížilo jeho prestíž. Tak si myslel, že Ho pošle ku štátnemu presbyterovi a uvidí, čo on s tým urobí. Vidíte?
194 To isté sa deje teraz, znova vystupuje do popredia ten prípad. Čo ty s Tým urobíš, so Slovom? Čo máš urobiť, opýtať sa presbytera, alebo biskupa, alebo niekoho, či môžeš zmeniť svoj motív krstu, či môžeš urobiť toto, alebo urobiť toto; vidíš, tak sa ... "Samozrejme, že nie." Hneď to prenášaš znovu na seba. Ak to urobíš, budeš vykopnutý. Vidíš?
195 To by znížilo prestíž ľudí. Áno, oni si myslia... A denominačná rada sa nepostaví ... Ako Pilát, ktorý to odovzdal Cisárovi; oni by za tým nestáli. Cisár to dal naspäť do ruky Pilátovi. Tak oni sa pokúšajú podať Ho ďalej svojmu denominačnému vedeniu, a to nefunguje. Tento trik nikdy nefungoval a nebude fungovať. Nefungovalo to pre Piláta; nebude to fungovať pre vás; nebude to fungovať pre nikoho iného.
196 No, po druhé, to čo môžete urobiť je ... či vlastne po tretie, je prijať Ho alebo Ho odmietnuť. Nemôžete Ho zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nemôžete Ho podať ďalej nejakému inému systému, alebo nejakému inému, niečomu ďalšiemu. Vy musíte zaujať svoj postoj ku tomu prípadu. Tak čo môžete urobiť?
Ako Pilát, stál pred tým istým problémom, povedal, "Dajte mi vodu, zmyjem to zo svojich rúk, aby som dokázal ..!" Keď sa vrátil, aj tak on musel vykonať súd; tým sa toho nezbavil. Snažil sa povedať, "Nuž, ak Ho nemôžem dostať zo svojich rúk, dám Ho na cisárove ruky." A To sa vrátilo, rovno naspäť na neho. To sa tiež vráti na vás, ako na jednotlivca.
197 Čo urobíte? Nie čo matka urobila, čo ocko urobil, čo robí pastor, čo robí brat Branham, ktokoľvek ... To je na tvojich rukách! Čo ty s Tým urobíš, s týmto Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Pretože ty máš Krv na svojich rukách a To je Krv Božia. No čo urobíš? Budeš vinný za ukrižovanie. Vidíš?
198 Ty Ho môžeš ukrižovať, prijať svoje vierovyznanie alebo čokoľvek chceš, alebo povieš, "No, jednoducho si to nebudem všímať. Nechcem mať nič spoločné s nijakými týmito cirkevnými vecami." Nemôžeš to urobiť. On je na tvojich rukách. Je to tak. Nemôžeš to urobiť. "Zabudnem na celú tú vec." Nemôžeš to urobiť. Je To stále na tvojich rukách. "Nuž, proste poviem, ´Môj pastor ma učil toto.´" To sa vráti, rovno naspäť. Je to na tebe. Vieš o tom. No, ty Ho môžete buď prijať alebo odmietnuť, čokoľvek chceš. Hľaď. Musí nastať jedno alebo druhé.
199 No, hľaďte! Ježiš povedal týmto farizejom, On povedal, "Vy slepí farizejovia ..." Vidíte? On by dnes povedal to isté. "Vy slepí náboženskí učitelia, dokážete rozpoznať čas komunizmu. Tak proti tomu bojujete, a neviete, že Boh vzbudil tú vec, aby vás zničil." Vidíte? Nepoznajú Písma. Vidíte? "Dokážete rozpoznať, že komunizmus ide dobyť svet. To vidíte. To dokážete rozpoznať."
200 Všetky naše témy sa týkajú komunizmu. "Zničte komunizmus!" Počúvam to, až mi je z toho zle. Ja som tiež proti tomu. Samozrejme som proti tomu. Ale viac som proti mužovi alebo žene, ktorí odmietajú Ježiša Krista, Slovo. Či si kazateľ alebo čokoľvek si, viacej si zaviazaný Kristovi, než ten komunista. On je ignorant a nič o tom nevie. Ty by si mal vedieť. Vidíte? Dokážete rozpoznať čas komunizmu, ale nedokážete rozpoznať znamenie toho dňa, v ktorom žijete.
201 Ježiš povedal tým farizejom, povedal, "Vy pokrytci!" Povedal, "Chodíte vonku a pozeráte sa na oblohu, a poviete, že slnko je červené a znižuje sa, zajtra bude škaredo. Ak je nebo čisté," povedal, "poviete, že zajtra bude pekne." Povedal, "Dokážete rozpoznať znamenia času, alebo znamenia na oblohe a počasie, ale znamenia času nepoznáte." Tam On bol, Mesiáš a odmietali to.
A my stále hovoríme o komunizme a o nejakých týchto veciach, ale znameniam času nerozumieme. Vidíte? My to prehliadame, preskakujeme to. Zjednocujú sa spolu práve teraz v nevere a ľudia to prijímajú, ale nedokážu rozumieť a vidieť znamenie času, ktoré Biblia povedala, že bude.
Porozumeli ste To? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Musím zakončiť, naozaj rýchlo teraz. Je neskoro, vidíte.
202 Ako urobili ich otcovia, tak robia oni. To isté sa deje dnes. No, to čo sa rozhodli urobiť, to dosiahli. Muselo ku tomu dojsť. Nejakým spôsobom to musíte docieliť. Vidíte? Znovu ukrižovanie Slova, alebo čo urobíte? Ukrižovanie Slova je na dosah. Ukrižovať a zastaviť potvrdené Slovo, kvôli záujmom denominácie, ako to urobil Pilát, snažil sa to zložiť na niekoho iného. No čo ty, ako jednotlivec urobíš s tým pomazaným Slovom, ktoré je nazvané Kristus? Ten istý včera ... Ten istý Kristus, ktorý pomazal Slovo vo dňoch Noeho. Ten istý Kristus, ktorý ... Ten Strom, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden; to čo Eva opustila, jesť z toho Stromu Života, a vzala strom múdrosti. Opustila Strom Života, aby vzala strom smrti. V Noeho čase urobili to isté. Vo dňoch prorokov, urobili to isté. Vo dňoch Krista, urobili to isté.
A tu ich máme dnes. Lebo každý hovoril o svojom čase, a keď sa tá vec vyplnila, zakaždým tí ľudia prijali názory svojej denominácie, a tak ďalej, a múdrosť toho sveta, namiesto pomazaného Kristovho Slova. Čo urobíš ako jednotlivec?
203 Pilát Ho nijako neodstránil zo svojich rúk. Končím, tak buďte naozaj potichu za chvíľu. Pilátovi sa nijako nepodarilo odstrániť Ho zo svojich rúk. Ani tebe sa to nepodarí, tak ako to robil on, skúšajúc niektorú z týchto možností. Nijako sa mu to nepodarilo. Viete, čo sa stalo Pilátovi? Stratil rozum. Dostal sa do takého stavu, že stále okolo seba počul to ukrižovanie. Všetko čo mohol počuť bolo to zúrivé vystrájanie, že sa nakoniec zbláznil.
204 A hore v Nórsku majú legendu, alebo nie... prepáčte. Vo Švajčiarsku; bol som tam na misii. Oni tvrdia ... Tisíce ľudí sa tam schádza z celého sveta na Veľký Piatok. Je tam jazierko, kde Pilát spáchal samovraždu. On sa nakoniec vrhol a zakončil život v tom jazere. A oni tvrdia, že každý Veľký Piatok, o tretej popoludní sa voda mení na modrú, vzkypí, v mieste kde ležalo Pilátovo telo. On To odmietol. Stále je Krv na jeho rukách. On odmietol ... on odmietol tú vodu. Nemôžete Ho zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nieto voda, nieto mydlo, ktorým by sa to dalo očistiť. On je na vašich rukách. Čo s Ním urobíte?
205 Tu je jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť. Ak Ho nemôžete zmyť zo svojich rúk; nemôžete Ho podať ďalej niekomu inému; nemôžete okolo toho len tak prejsť. Nie je žiaden spôsob na svete. Jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť je prijať To do svojho srdca. To je ten spôsob, ako sa Ho zbaviť. Zobrať Ho zo svojich rúk a položiť Ho do svojho srdca, alebo nechať Ho na svojich rukách a zastať pred súdom. To je jediná vec, ktorú môžete urobiť.
Pilátov koniec bol strašný.
206 Slovo hovorí, že tí, ktorí Ho držia na svojich rukách... Chcel som To prečítať. Ale je tam povedané, "Kričali na skaly a na vrchy. Modlili sa, ale ich modlitby boli príliš neskoro." Vidíte? Oni kričali, "Prikryte nás pred tvárou Toho, ktorý sedí na Tróne, a pred hnevom Baránka, ktorý má ... Život ... Baránkom, ktorý prišiel. Pretože nadišiel veľký Deň Súdu a kto bude môcť obstáť?"
207 Čo myslíte, že bude robiť teraz Oswald, keď predstúpi pred Najvyšší Súd a uvidí tie nahnevané oči poroty a všetkých, ktorí tam sedia? On vie, čo sa stane. To bude buď plynová komora, alebo visiaci povraz, alebo niečo. On s tým musí počítať.
208 Ale čo ak vy tam predstúpite s Krvou na vašich rukách, pretože ste to odmietli? A viete, že pred vami leží peklo, večná záhuba. Kričanie na skaly a hory; ale modlili sa, ale na modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.
V Židom 10, "Keď dobrovoľne hrešíme ..." Hriech je "nevera." "Keď dobrovoľne neveríme po tom, ako sme prijali Pravdu, poznanie Pravdy." Nemusíte To prijať; iba vedieť o Tom. Nemusíte To mať, vy len... Ó, nie. Vidíte? Tam nie je povedané, "po tom, čo sme prijali pravdu. ...keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti, že to je pravda, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriech, ale jakési... strašné očakávanie... pálivosť ohňa, ... ktorý má žrať protivníkov, ...pretože Boh povedal, Mne pomsta, a Ja odplatím, hovorí Pán.
209 Ak tomu dobrovoľne neveríme, po tom, čo nám bola predstavená Pravda, nebude žiadneho zľutovania. Žiadne zľutovanie nebude dané.
Pastor, ktorý počúvaš túto pásku, čo ty na to? Člen cirkvi, ktorý počúvaš túto pásku, čo ty na to? Čo urobíš, ak Tomu dobrovoľne neveríme? Nemôžeš To zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nemôžeš To podať ďalej na ústredie. Vráti sa to, rovno naspäť na teba. Počul si To. Tak čo ty? Ako obstojíš v ten Deň?
On je buď na tvojich rukách alebo v tvojom srdci, jedno alebo druhé. Bože, pomôž nám.
210 Ak si len viete predstaviť atentát, a aké búšenie prechádza srdcom toho muža. Čo on urobil? Zobudil sa príliš neskoro, po tom, čo to už urobil.
Pozrite, on mal možnosť. Bol narodený ako slobodný Američan. On bol Američan. Ale on chcel predať svoje práva prvorodenstva, stať sa Rusom, a to sa mu vrátilo. Oženil sa s ruským dievčaťom. Teraz je slobodným mysliteľom Kubánskej komunistickej strany.
Slobodné myslenie, "Robím to čo mám v úmysle." Nič ti neprichádza na myseľ. Čo urobíš s Ježišom zvaným Kristus? Ty nie si slobodný mysliteľ. Nie je žiadne slobodné myslenie. Nech je v tebe také zmýšľanie, aké bolo v Kristovi.
Modlime sa.
211 Myslite tieto myšlienky, "Ak je nejaká chvála, ak je nejaká cnosť, myslite na to." V našom strede dnes ráno, a tiež hovorím vám pri tejto páske. Ak ste tu prítomní dnes ráno a viete, že nie ste v poriadku s Bohom a nie ste narodení z Jeho Ducha a Boh ...
Poviete, "No, urobil som vyznanie." To nie je to, o čom hovorím. Či to Boh prijal? Môžeš povedať, "Áno, urobil som vyznanie a tak ďalej. Áno, ja verím." Tak urobil aj Pilát, "Urobil som vyznanie, iste, ´Čo urobím s týmto spravodlivým Mužom?´" Nemôžeš Ho takto zmyť zo svojich rúk. Nie, nie.
212 Čo s Ním urobíš? Ak nie si znovuzrodený kresťan, so Svätým Duchom žijúcim v tebe, obohacujúcim tvoj život, prečo To potom nevezmeš teraz? Nikdy To nezmyješ zo svojich rúk. Toto posolstvo ti stále bude znieť. Bude zvoniť až do ... až kým to posolstvo neprinesieš do svojho srdca, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
213 V tomto viditeľnom obecenstve dnes ráno, budú tu takí, ktorí si uvedomujú, že nie sú v poriadku a zodvihli by ruky. Nemáme miesto na výzvu k oltáru, miesto je také preplnené. Ale len povedzte, "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Bože, pomôž mi." Boh nech ťa žehná, vidím tvoju ruku. To je ... "Teraz chcem, hneď tu. Chcem, pred Bohom. On vie, že som vinný a ja si uvedomujem, že som vinný. Chcem Ho odstrániť zo svojich rúk, chcem Ho do svojho srdca." Pozdvihni svoju ruku, povedz, "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham." Pán nech ťa žehná. Vidím, v tomto množstve ľudí tu, možno štyridsať, päťdesiat rúk sa zodvihlo.
Volá ťa dnes, volá ťa dnes,
Myslite na to teraz, To je On, ktorý volá. Ježiš volá. To je On, ktorý ku vám hovorí.
214 Či ste zhrešili ste až tak hlboko, že vaše srdce je tak zatvrdnuté, že už ne... že To už viacej nemôžete počuť? Raz, ako malý chlapec alebo malé dievča, ste To počuli a mali ste túžbu to robiť, ale dali ste to preč, a len ste sa zatvrdzovali a zatvrdzovali voči tým obrezávaniam a tiahnutiam. Či to zašlo tak ďaleko, že To už viac nemôžete počuť? Či stojíte tam, kde... máte svoje... na mieste, kde stojí Oswald dnes ráno, že viete ... Ách! Ako to môžete robiť?
Bude tam niekto ďalší prv, než zakončíme a budem sa modliť? Proste kdekoľvek v budove, ktorí ste ešte nezodvihli svoju ruku, povedzte, "brat Branham, práve keď si povedal tie posledné slová, cítim že ...." Ktokoľvek, vonku, na chodbách, okolo okien, kdekoľvek, na tom nezáleží. Len ...
215 Boh nech ťa žehná, mladá pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, pane, teba. Videl som ťa. On je na... Boh nech ťa žehná, pani. Niekto ďalší? Boh nech ťa žehná, pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, tu. A Boh nech ťa žehná tam, malý chlapec, malé dievča. Áno, Pán nech ťa žehná. Vzadu tam, pane.
No len myslime na to teraz. Chcem, aby ste to robili, kým jemne spievame toto, Ježiš ťa volá. Teraz chcem, aby ste len povedali, "Pane, buď milostivý mne hriešnikovi, alebo podvodníkovi. Som členom cirkvi, Pane, ale chcem Teba. Chcem Teba. Pomôž mi! Budem Ti slúžiť. Sľubujem Ti to, hneď teraz. Zodvihol som svoju ruku, že Ťa chcem. Teraz Ty pozdvihni moje srdce, že Ty prijímaš mňa, a ja Ťa príjmem do svojho srdca." Kým spievame tento verš znovu, urobíte to?
Volá ťa dnes, volá ťa dnes,
216 Teraz sa modlite svojím vlastným spôsobom. Modlite sa teraz. "Ježiš vo-..." To je On, ktorý hovorí. To je ten dôvod, prečo ste zodvihli svoju ruku.
... volá ťa dnes.
Ježiš ťa volá, ó, počuj Jeho Hlas;
Počuj Ho...
Práve teraz, počúvajte Ho. Povedzte, "Pane, som vinný. Tvoja Krv je na mojich rukách. Som hriešnik. Nechcem To tam viacej. Nemôžem To zmyť preč; skúšal som to, roky. Nejdem Ťa zavrhnúť ako Pilát a skúšať poslať Ťa niekomu inému. Chcem Ťa. Príď do môjho srdca, hneď teraz, Pane. Prijímam Ťa. Vidím Ťa stáť rovno predo mnou, ako obraz stojaci tam; vierou kráčam rovno do Teba, vediac, že mi odpúšťaš. A ja... Odteraz už budeš v mojom srdci."
...dnes, (každý sa modlí)
Ježiš ťa volá,
On nežne volá dnes.
[brat Branham si začína hmkať Ježiš ťa volá – pozn.prekl.]
217 Nebeský Otče, toto malé posolstvo je zakončené. A teraz, rozhodnutia ... súd zasadá dnes ráno. Anjeli sú zhromaždení v miestnosti. Veľký Svätý Duch tu dáva potvrdenia, že Ježiš stále žije. On bol Fontánou Večného Života. Hrob Ho nemohol zadržať, ani peklo Ho nemohlo držať. On vystúpil hore; voľný od pekla, voľný od hrobu. A stojí dnes medzi nami.
A naše vyznania a denominácie zviazali mnoho našich ľudí, Pane. Hriech ich zviazal, ale dnes oni chcú byť voľní. Oni stoja ako Pilát a namiesto toho, aby sa snažili podať Ho ďalej niekomu inému, oni pozdvihli svoje ruky, "Príď do môjho srdca, Pane Ježišu. Nikdy viac Ťa nezmyjem preč od seba. Nemôžem to urobiť. Si stále na mojich rukách. Ja som len zmýval a zmýval a Ty si nešiel dolu, ale teraz Ťa prijímam. Chcem Ťa vo svojom živote, a prijímam Ťa do svojho života. Pane, príjmi ma do Svojho Kráľovstva, odpustením mojich hriechov a daj mi vieru veriť, že ma prijímaš, Otče." Daj to. Prosíme o to skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.
218 A teraz, keď máme sklonené hlavy ... "Viera, skrze vieru ... A Bože, pomôž mi byť úprimným. Ale vediac, že Si zasľúbil, že ten, kto príde ku Mne, toho nevyženiem von. A dám mu Večný Život, a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch. Ten, kto Mňa vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho Ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi. Ten, kto počuje ..." Skutočný, pravý preklad Svätého Jána 5:24 tam, je, "ten, kto rozumie, kto prijíma Moje Slovo. Ten, kto prijíma Moje Slovo, a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný Život a nebude zavolaný na súd." Vy neprídete pred súdnu stolicu ako príde Oswald. Ale s bezplatným odpustením ste prešli zo smrti do Života.
220 Teraz so svojimi hlavami sklonenými. Vy, ktorí ste tomu uverili, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky pred niekoľkými minútami; a vierou vidíte obraz Krista stojaceho tam, v ktorom by ste mali byť. Teraz kráčate vierou, veríte, že vaše hriechy sú odpustené. A od tohoto dňa, ste pripravení na Kresťanský krst a ste pripravení teraz chodiť v Kristovi. Zodvihli by ste ešte ruky, ako svedectvo pre Neho a poviete, "Vierou verím Tomu celým svojím srdcom"? Boh nech vás žehná. To je fajn. "Teraz To prijímam. Prijímam; nič iné nemôžem robiť." Boh nech vás žehná. Vyzerá, že všetci, ktorých som videl. "Teraz prijímam."
221 Vidíte, nie ste dobrí, nikdy ste neboli dobrí, nemôžete byť nijako dobrí, ale Ježiš zomrel za nedobrých ľudí. "Čo mám urobiť, brat Branham?" Len prijmi, čo On urobil, len príjmite, čo On urobil pre vás. A teraz skrze vieru v To a prijatím Toho ... No, verím, že pastor ... že bazén bude otvorený. [brat Neville hovorí, "Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Bude nasledovať krst. Ak chcete byť pokrstení, ak ste vzali tituly, "Otec, Syn, Svätý Duch," vy ste skutočne ... Hovorím to s úctou a rešpektom, ale, podľa toho, ako to ja vidím, nie ste pokrstení. Nie ste, lebo ste nedodržali to, čo On povedal.
222 On povedal, "Krstite ich vo Meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha." Ak nad vami vyslovili len tieto tituly ... On nikdy nepovedal, "Choďte a vyslovte tie tituly; choďte vyslovte tieto mená." Nikdy to nebolo tak urobené v Biblii. Nikdy to nebolo urobené takým spôsobom. Tam krstili tak, ako Ježiš povedal, "V Mene Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha," a to je Ježiš Kristus.
223 Peter, s kľúčmi, povedal tú istú vec; každý ďalší apoštol, celá Cirkev; až do ranného Nicejského Koncilu, keď sa Rímsko Katolícka cirkev zorganizovala, prijali tituly namiesto Mena. Buď ste pokrstení do Rímskych denominačných dogiem, alebo ste pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista, jedno alebo druhé. Je to na vašich rukách; nemôžete To zmyť. Je To tam.
Teraz ste To prijali. Opýtam sa vás, keď organista a pianista začnú hrať tú známu starú pieseň.
Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe,
Ty Baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ;
Počuj ma teraz, kým sa modlím,
A odstráň všetku moju vinu,
A daj mi od tohoto dňa
Byť cele Tvojím!
224 Nech nikto neodchádza. Len teraz úctivo stojte, a pozdvihnime teraz ruky ku Nemu.
Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe, (A On je Slovo.)
Ty baránok z Golgoty,
Božský Spasiteľ;
Počuj ma teraz, kým sa modlím,
Odstráň všetok môj hriech,
Ó, daj mi od tohoto dňa
Byť cele Tvojím! Cele a úplne Tvojím!
Teraz vydávam svoj život.
225 Voda bude pripravená za niekoľko minút. Ak sa teraz nemôžete dať pokrstiť, večer budeme krstiť znovu.
Myslite na to, celé popoludnie, "Na vašich rukách." Dajte To preč. Jediný spôsob, ako to môžete urobiť je, byť umytí v Krvi Ježiša Krista, ktorý je ... Vidíte? Tak veru. Pamätajte na to teraz, keď skloníme svoje hlavy. Hľaďte teraz na Neho.
Kým temným labyrintom života...
226 To rozhodnutie je teraz vo vašom srdci. On je na súde. Slovo je pripravené na ukrižovanie. Kristus je na súde. Čo urobíte s Ježišom zvaným Kristus?
Buď Ty mojím Vodcom;
Prikáž temnosti, aby sa obrátila na deň,
Utri smútok, slzy preč,
Nenechaj ma nikdy
Odlúčiť sa od Teba.
Teraz skloňme ku tomu naše srdcia. [brat Branham si začína hmkať Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe – pozn.prekl.]
227 Premýšľajte hlboko, priatelia. Možno vaše meno je to posledné, ktoré ide do Knihy. Sme v čase konca. No premýšľajte naozaj hlboko. Či ste ... Je tu niekto, kto Ho odvrhol?
228 Pamätajte, to sa nemusí už nikdy vrátiť. Pilát nemal žiadnu inú šancu. Skúšal, čo mohol, aby bol zachránený a nemohol to urobiť. Bolo To na jeho rukách. A čo vy urobíte s pomazaným Slovom na tento deň, zvaným Kristus?
1 Lord bless you, Brother Vayle. Morning, friends. [Congregation says, "Good morning, Brother Branham."] I'm always late. Billy was telling me I had, this morning, and I got around thirty private interviews, and I've had two of them, so, I believe two or three. So I just can't get to everybody, you know, and people waiting, and been waiting on the list for months and months. And the Lord has been doing some great things in there. Oh, He's--He's our God. Isn't He? ["Amen."]
2 Now I'm sure, this morning, that we're all aware of the great sadness that's happened to this nation, of the loss of our President, Mr. Kennedy. Though I disagreed with the man in his politics and in his religion, but yet he doesn't deserve to die like that. No. And leave those little children behind, and no daddy. And a mother that's... Mrs. Kennedy, though I certainly wouldn't agree with her, and her ways and things, maybe, but, remember, she's a mother. She just lost her babies, and she lost her husband. And he fell right in her lap, and her own husband's blood poured out over her lap. That's awful.
3Did you ever think... Sometimes we think she sets a pace for the nation, in styles and things. That may be so, too. But did you know, Mrs. Kennedy never did hear one of these Messages I preach about that? If she might hear one of them Message, she might do different. And some of our sisters that hear it, and still won't cope with it. See? See? See? She was raised a Catholic; that's all she knows. Nothing against that, see. She... That's a system. Nothing against the people, the Catholic people. That's a system, the Catholic system, just like Presbyterian, Methodist, or any of the rest of them, see, or Pentecostal, any of it. It's the system, not the people.
4Mr. Kennedy, I think, done a--a good job of being President. My heart goes out for his wife. And I feel real sad about it, that even our own nation would, the hoodlums and so forth in our nation, would do a thing like that.
5 If you can't disagree with a person, right, and take your own stand; and is no reason to kill another man, just because of things like that. And them little children know, said, one little fellow said, "Now I don't have nobody to play with me no more. Daddy is gone." See?
So I've always thought that would be my state, someday. It's almost happened several times, as you know, of being shot in foreign nations; when they've had to hold their bodies over me, keep me from being shot, at a distance.
6So if a man dies like that... But, that's the--the price that's paid, that goes with the glory of different things. See? I think we average about every fourth President, one out of four, is assassinated, and I feel very bad about it. Shame that we'd have such a person in America, would do a thing like that.
7And now, yet, as I said, I--I disagreed with his politics. I'm... I don't, didn't agree with his ideas of what he was trying to do. But, you see, he's another man. And I didn't agree with his system of religion. I--I certainly didn't agree with that. But, yet, he--he was raised that way. That's--that's what it was. As I said, maybe he'd a-heard something different, it might have been different.
8 We have a--a thing here we do, that whenever one of our people dies, or something, even though out... I think as a--as a American church, as a body of Americans...
The American people voted Mr. Kennedy in for President. And that was... That's the reason that we're a democracy. I didn't vote for Mr. Kennedy. I voted for Mr. Nixon, 'cause I knowed Mr. Nixon, personally. And I--I liked him, and I--and I voted for him, personally, because I liked him. But the peoples of this country, Americans, my fellow citizens of this nation, elected Mr. Kennedy. And the way they did it, well, that's up between them and God, but that's that much.
9 But I think, for the sake of this mother, a human being, a mother of children, Mrs. Kennedy, couldn't we just stand a moment for a prayer for her?
10Lord Jesus, we human beings, we have a feeling for one another. And we are sorry, Lord, that our President was shot down the way he was, in cold-blooded murder. And we're so sorry that our nation has come to this spot, that such people like that are--are in our nation, that would kill a human being in cold-blooded murder; like they shot that colored brother not long ago, and just shot him right down in cold-blood, of race prejudice. And we're so sorry that such people exist among us, Lord. We, our weakness, has brought this about.
11And we pray for Mrs. Kennedy, that wife of this, the President. And know them little babies looking upon their--their father, that left them a few days before that, happy man, and scuffled and played with them on the floor. Now they have no father. And for that woman that... his wife, that her own husband fell right in her lap, and his blood run out upon her dress; just burying her baby.
12 And yet, Lord, we might believe the woman being in the wrong, of the--the--the way that she has set a pace in the nation, of her dressing and so forth; but that--that could be to the American people, in whole, they, that that's what they want. So we--we pray for her, this morning, that You'll help her. And may there be a time in this deep bereavement that she'll find what is Truth, Jesus Christ! Grant it, Lord, the One Who only can give peace and comfort in the hour of trouble.
13And help us, Lord, to continue to be, with all of our hearts, a shining light, that we don't know what time or what influence we might be having upon somebody else. Let us shine forth the Light of Christ until He comes. Then the Great Shepherd of the flock, Who knows all justice, will bring every sin into recompense, and He'll know just how to do it. And till then, we commit ourselves into Your hands, for Your love and mercy upon us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
14 Yes, I don't think no man deserves to die like that. Now, Mr. Lincoln didn't deserve to die like that. Mr. McKinley didn't deserve to die like that. Huey Long didn't deserve to die like that; none of them fellows. I don't believe in that. Murders, that's bad. Our boys didn't fight oversea for something like that. Our flag wasn't raised for something like that. We're not American citizens for something like that. No. Although, our nation is warped and twisted with sin, that's what--that's what does these things. That's sin.
15 Now, today we got... I'm going to teach Sunday school, and a couple of things that I would like to make mention it to the church. And that is, the first thing, I'd like to you forgive me for holding you all so long on Sunday mornings when I have these Messages. And then if the Lord will... The reason I do this, is because that I--I'm here in among my people and I--I teach doctrines just as strong as I know how. I don't teach these doctrines out to other places. I just stand on the--the main fundamentals of the Gospel. But these doctrines that's strong, I--I don't teach them out in--in other places. And then, here, it takes me an hour, sometime, two or three hours, to get through my Message. And I hold you here sometimes, twelve-thirty, one o'clock. And that's just minor what I used to do. I'd stay all night, nearly, sometime. I've went, we're started in, many a time, to eight o'clock and go home the next morning at two or three, that's right, from my meetings.
16 But I--I--I'm going to try to, when I come with you again, and just a--a little... a sermon instead of so much teaching of this, unless I notify you ahead-of-time that it will be something. Cause, I got the Seven Trumpets, I believe, coming up, which ties right in on the Sixth Seal. When the Sixth Seal sounded, all Seven Trumpets went off at once, you see. And so we... I'd like to get that to the Church before His Coming, if... or my going, or whatever it might be, if I can.
17Now, if we do that, then we'll notify you ahead-of-time. And maybe then, as we see this morning, the halls jammed, and the walls, and around, we'll try... We got a place now we might be able to get up here. It seats about three thousand people, and it's a nice auditorium of a school right above us here. And the Seven Trumpets, we'll try to preach them up there at that school. And that'll give plenty of seating room, you see, so we can get the people in.
18 We want to report, at the New York, we just had a wonderful time. The Morris Auditorium there, we just had to turn the people away, each night. They was jammed in. The fire... The man that owned the place... Fire marshal would close the place down if we let them stand, jammed in like that. And then we had to turn them out. And people out on the street, walking up-and-down the street, praying that somebody would get tired and get up and go out, so that they could get in and get a seat. See? Just one person, they just wait out there for the one person, to get in. And one that's next one at the door, and then they let one in like that. When somebody get up and go out, had to go home early, well, they'd come in and share that much of it. See, they'd come. It's very fine, fine bunch of people. And I believe the world, the Christian church, is hungering for God.
19 Now I'm--I'm--I'm trusting that... Thank you, brother. I'm--I'm trusting that--that God will grant us this opportunity, where we can come together and have those last Seven Trumpets. I like to be led to do those things, so that you'll know.
20Then at the business man's breakfast... Usually, their chapter there, I think they said they had anywhere from fifty up to a hundred at their breakfast. And that morning they sold seventeen hundred tickets, and let the rest of the place in, to pack the place out. And every corridor, and around the walls, and up-and-down the steps, was standing with people. And some high-ranking ministers, a couple of priests, and--and so forth, were there to hear the Message. And so, I understand, I believe it helped a little. It might have done some--some more, better than what we would really think it would be.
21 Now, then, tonight the... We're going to have a... the Message tonight, the Lord willing, on a--on a subject of--of how, about your conditions with Christ. And now that'll... It'll be short. We want to start, I want to be on the platforms at seven-thirty. If... What time do you usually start, at seven-thirty? [A brother says, "We start at seven-thirty, but we'll start at seven."--Ed.] Oh, seven, and I'll be on the platform by seven-thirty, and that ought to get me off by eight-thirty, if the Lord is willing, 'cause I--I just... I'm just going to be as quick as I can, and I'm going to start practicing.
22 Then another thing, is, might be some strangers hear the people laugh. Cause, I try to get away from here, but I can't do it. It's kind of... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious, but my mother used to say, when people get together like that, it's just like sorghum molasses on a cold morning. You know, it's thick, and running slow. And so that's about the way it is. I run slow in these Messages, because the--the sweetness of the sugarcane of God, you know, kind of thickens us up together. And I--I--I don't, wouldn't want it no other way. I--I want it just that way. Where, I remember we used to stand and sing that song.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
Our fellowship of kindred mind
Is like to that Above. See?
We asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
23And I--I trust that that'll always be our--our goal here. Many of those old saints has fell asleep since then, but we're still joined in heart. And I think that vision that morning, to see them over there, and the blessed and glory of the young statures of man and womanhood, still look like they did here, when they was here on earth. I think they're waiting our coming. Someday we will join them, God being willing. Now I--I...
24 And remember the services, the song services will begin at seven o'clock tonight, instead of seven-thirty.
And then, next week, I'm at Shreveport, Louisiana, and there at the Life Tabernacle at Shreveport, Louisiana. And I think they're trying to get the auditorium across the street. Brother Moore called last night, said they... It's a annual convention, and they're expecting a great host of people.
25 I want to give a little testimony just before I read the Scriptures. A--a lady was setting here the other day, there was... Tell you what the influence is of somebody praying for another. I just happened to look down and seen another lady I just... Margie Cox, Brother Rodney Cox's wife setting here. And last week, I believe it was, when we were here, the Holy Spirit was giving discernment across the buildings, you know, how people told. And she was setting... She is setting right here now. But she was just beyond there somewhere. And I--I looked over, and there was a lady that--that was called, that had the sugar diabetes. And Margie was... And in the vision it was Margie. And Margie was standing there; and yet I looked down, I seen her, and it was a... And I thought... And I looked to see this other woman, and Margie was in the vision, but the Light was over the woman. So I--I watched.
26And I thought, well, if I call Margie, they'll say, "Sure, that, sure." Somebody know them, say, "Why, he--he... Her husband is just one of his--his bosom friends. They live together, sleep together, hunt together, and--and everything. Sure, that's, he would know that." But Margie didn't know that. But I called the other lady, which was a... I believe, was a sister out of Chicago, as I learned later.
27 But then come, that in her... the factory, they're giving diabetic tests. And--and she had diabetes. And so she was on her road, day before yesterday, to the clinic for it. And--and so when she mentioned it, then I called her memory of this. And I said, "Come here, Sister Margie." And told her about how she had been getting numb in her hands, and--and how that the real bad feeling.
The little lady works day and night, almost, up there, to... loyal little mother, to help her husband to pay for their home that they're trying to build. And--and her and her little sister, Nellie, and Charlie, that's the brother of Rodney, his wife, and all of them working together at them factories there, just as hard as they can go. And standing the reproach. They let their hair grow out, and taking make-up off, things like that, when become Christians. I believe in giving credit where credit is deserved. And I certainly have a warm place in my heart for those two young women.
28And then took her by the hand and prayed for her. And she went up, and they couldn't find a trace of the diabetes nowhere. It's gone, so.
A lady set right in here somewhere, that was called, and it was a sister by the name of Bruce. I don't see her this morning, but she was always... She's a very much of a woman to pray. And this woman come in and, was last time I was here, and there was no--no prayer cards give, or nothing, so there wouldn't be nobody, no prayer line, so they just... The Holy Spirit just called over the audience.
29 And this little Miss Bruce, she was--was healed once, herself, with cancer. And she--and she just always got a burden on her heart for somebody else, and she was just praying. And there was a lady from Louisville, that was dying, cancer in the throat. And while she was praying, the Holy Spirit goes right to that woman, calls her, and whatever It did, tell her who she was, told her, rather, who she was, and what her trouble was, and about her having cancer, and said she, it would be all right. And the little lady went home.
A couple days after that, she just started choking to death, nearly, just her throat swelled way up. She give a big cough, and the cancer jumped out. And she's perfect. See?
30 What happened, you see, the lump, itself, is a malignancy that's got a life in it. See? Cancer, that comes from the--the word, the medical term, of "crab," which means it got a lot of legs, like the--the crab you get from the sea and--and it sucks your blood from you. And this malignant growth in her throat had, it was, that's what it was doing.
Now, see, I'm not dealing with the growth. I'm dealing with the life that's in the growth. See? The life that's in the growth is what we're dealing with. See? "In My Name they shall cast out devils." The word devil is "tormentor," like of the body. And this was a devil. And then when the life went out of the growth, of course, that let the growth begin to swell.
31 Just like a little dog that's run over on the street, something like that, let it lay there in the sun for a few days, then, and it gets twice its size.
Well, that's what was making the little woman get worse. Many times I've explained it. If you get worse, that's the very sign that you're healed, you see. And so it was just getting worse all the time, and choking her, 'cause it was swelling. And the... But it had let loose, the life was out of it. And her coughing like that, you see, [Brother Branham coughs--Ed.] like that, sprung, pulled it loose from the rest of her flesh. And the dead substance, just the body with no life in it, the cancer gone, jumped out, see, fell out.
32 So, that's what, the body went out then. That wasn't the devil went out. That was the house that he lived in. He went out because the woman's faith in what was told her, knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that's what killed the cancer, took the life out.
Now, she could've went--went back to the doctor, and the doctor said, "Nonsense, the--the--the thing is just there the same as it always was." But that was right, the growth was there, but not the life, wasn't there. See?
33 Now, what if that a-been somewhere where it could not have--have passed out?
Is that the picture? [Brother Neville says to Brother Branham, "That's a picture of a growth that passed from Mrs. Baker, from over at Springville, Indiana. And she... This is an enlarged picture, that she passed, after prayer."--Ed.] Here is the picture of the growth from Mrs. Baker, from Springfield, Indiana, that passed, after prayer. That's a picture of it. See, that's the body that the devil lived in.
Just like you live in this body you live in; it might be little, big, redheaded, blackheaded, whatever it is. See? The devil either lives in this body, or Christ lives in that body. Well, then when the life goes out of it, your body is still here on earth, see, but the life isn't there.
When the life went out, the body was still there. And then it tore loose from her body and was cast out, the body went out.
But if it's in a place it can't pass out, then your heart has to pick up that dead substance and purify the blood, each time it beats. It causes fever, and everything else, because it's an infection. You see? And your heart has to... I think the heart purifies the blood as it passes. Is that right, Sister Dauch? I think that's right. The heart, as it beats, it purifies. A nurse, you know, and another one setting here in front of her. Puri-... picks up the... And that's what causes fever from an infection. It picks up the infection and--and runs up a fever.
34 Now, the people, you see, it's your faith. It's never your feelings. It's nothing, whether it's so, if my hand isn't straight. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's my faith that does that. See? Right before us, we see the image of a perfect healed person, by faith. And then we just make step by step till we step right into that person, and just walk right on with it. See? There you are. And that, that's what does it, your faith; not your feelings. Your faith does it. The thanks and praise be to God!
35 Now just a moment of prayer, and we got a subject here that we want to give a consideration to, and a little time that the Lord would deal with us according to this.
And, now, and then if some of you has to go this morning, and won't be in the evening service, the Lord willing, I--I want to be here again. The family is coming back Christmas week. And then, the Sunday after Christmas, the Lord willing, I want to preach my Christmas Message here at the tabernacle; Sunday after Christmas. The Lord willing, the text will be, The Tramp On The Street.
So let us bow our heads now and offer prayer 'fore we read the text.
36 Lord Jesus, be Thou near us just at this time. And we know that it's difficult in our small church, and when many stand. And--and we're here not because of the comfort of the place, that gives us physically comfort, because it is not comfortable. And we're not here to be seen. But we're here because that we feeled Your Presence. And we know that You're here. And we're here for correction. And we're here, knowing that we're in the house of God. And we feel good to be here, no matter how discomfortable it is, the standing, and--and setting crowded up, but we're here because that we--we feel that God is here.
37And the same way that boy must have felt that night, when Paul preached all night long, what a long message, from probably the going down of the sun until the rising of the sun, the next morning. And a young fellow setting way up high, he fell off and they thought he was gone. And Paul laid his body over him, and the Spirit of God that was on the messenger brought back the spirit of life into the boy's body. And he said, "He'll be all right," and the young man lived. He was interested in what Paul was saying.
38And, God, we're interested this morning what the Holy Spirit might say to our hearts. And we pray that You will break the Bread of Life to each one of us, that when we leave here today, that we'll not leave this building the same people we were when we come in. May the Christians be closer to You. May the sinners turn today. May the sick be healed. And may the Kingdom of God come nigh unto us, or even to be in us. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name, as we wait on His Spirit to give us the Words. Amen.
39 Now let's read some of the Scripture, which is... God's Word is always right.
And now, and each one, I see you're very kind to the ones that's standing. I see somebody raise up and set down, and give somebody else a seat. That's very fine. I wish we had more room, but we just haven't got it, and at this time.
Turn to Matthew 27, and we'll read from the 11th verse, and then we'll speak on this subject.
And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews?... Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.
And when he was accused of the chief priests and the elders, he answered nothing.
Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.
Now at the feast the--the governor... wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would.
And they had then been a noble prisoner, called Barabbas.
Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
And he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have... nothing to do with this just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of these twain will ye that I release unto you?... (Just think of that!)... They said, Barabbas.
Pilate said unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? And they all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
And the governor said,... what evil has he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
Then Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
40 What a sad picture! I call a text of this, if you'd want to letter it that way, or call it that. And maybe the tape would want to be titled this: What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ? And the subject I want to use, after that being the text; I want to use the subject, "with Jesus on your hands." With Jesus on your hands, what will you do?
41 Our scene starts, this morning, in the judgment hall; where Pilate, the governor, had been called on the scene, to--to act and--and make a judgment. It was early in the morning, a while before the daylight, and he had been disturbed out of his sleep, and--and had been called out to hear the--the case of this Man.
42It was a time of the crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He had--He had done nothing, as they could find in Him, and He had--He had answered everything. It was just the hour that it had to be that way.
There is nothing that can happen without there is something behind it to cause it that way. There's got to be some reason for everything that takes place. Because it's--it's motivated, of course, by the--the spirit that's in beings, and in human beings, and so forth. There's a motive, motive of it, and a--and an objective, and there's got to be a reason.
And it, reason this had to happen to this greatest Man that ever lived on the earth, or ever could live; the reason it happened this way, because it was time for it to happen. See? It must be thus, and there was no way to escape it. It, it had to be that time.
And Jesus had come to the earth just exactly the way that God's Word had predicted He would come. He did just exactly what the Word said He would do. He lived the life, just exactly, and God made known, or manifested, the Seed of that time. Now remember, God...
43 The Bible begins in Genesis and goes to Revelations. Now here is the lesson that I--I want you to understand, that... See, in each generation it's been spoke, in the Bible, of a certain thing happening through each generation.
Like Daniel saw the... interpret the dream of Nebuchadnezzar; how the Gentile kingdoms would come in, and how they would go down, and how they would go out. And each one of those people in them races and those nations, that Gentile powers that control, has controlled the world, has done just exactly the way that the vision said they would do.
44 When Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold, was taken, then the Medes-o-Persias came in; and the nature of them, according to the--the nature of the material, and according to what the prophet said, just exactly. Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold, which is the greatest and first of the Kingdom. Then the Medes-o-Persia being silver. And then on down into the thighs, of--of being of brass. And each metal gets harder and harder; gold being the softest. And it ends up in iron, which is the hardest of all of that, is iron.
Now, each one of those kingdoms come down just exactly, by nature, the way that the prophet said that they would do. And what was he doing? He was sowing a seed for the nations to watch, and each time that when that kingdom was issued in, it had to do according to what that Word said.
45 And then Messiah was to come on the scene. And when Christ come on the scene, He had to answer those Words of God that was to be fulfilled, that the prophet spoke of, that what He would do.
Moses said, "He'll be a--He'll be a Prophet likened unto me." And if you would have... we had time to type that back and show just how that in that tremendous time, when Israel was in captivity by Egypt, of how that Moses was born a odd, peculiar child; and how that he--he come up, and was raised up, and how that he was hid in the bulrushes; and how that he become a leader, went into the mountains and got the law, and came back down. And was not only a leader; but he was a priest, and a king, and a governor. All those things, and how that just typed up Christ exactly. And Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like me." See?
46 Now, when Christ was born, Israel was again in captivity by the Roman Empire. And what was He? Born a peculiar Child, and odd, how He was raised up. How He went up into the mountains, and came down and said, "You've heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shall not steal.' You heard them say, 'Thou shall not commit adultery,' but I say, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery ready." A Law-Giver, see, and a King, a Priest, a Prophet, just exactly like him. So all these things had to be fulfilled, and when that space laying there for the life of the Messiah, when that was perfectly vindicated.
Now, this may be the last long lesson I teach for a while. I want you to get it close now.
47 When the Word has been spoken for this certain generation, there is going to be somebody rise on the scene that'll fulfill that Word, because God has spoke It. It's a vindication of the spoken Word. And Jesus met every qualification, and was the Word, vindicated as Messiah, exactly. There is also Words, spoken in the Bible, for the last day. Those Words have to come to life.
48 And we find here that, when in the days of our Lord, the church had already rejected Him before He come to Pilate's judgment hall. They had turned Him down, from the very day that His ministry started to prophesying and telling them a Truth about the Word. Then, they could not understand that, how Him, being a Man, could know what was in the people's hearts. Little did they know, that, the Word is God! "And the Word," the Bible said, "is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
49And they wanted to call Him an evil spirit. He said, "I'll forgive you for that. But when the Holy Spirit comes to do the same thing, to speak a word against It will never be forgiven."
And all these things that He prophesied to be in this day, something has to bring that to life. But when It's brought to life, It'll be so much different than people thinks It is, till it'll--it'll only be the Elected will see It. Always, just the Elected is the only thing that'll see It, because It is elected and ordained to see It. Therefore, it cannot, no other way.
50 Jesus said, "You can't come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him; and all that He has give Me will come to Me." See? See? So there was no way. He said, "You got eyes and you can't see; ears, you can't hear." Said, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you." See? Isaiah's prophecy springing up, being made manifest.
Don't forget that, here or a tape listener, that God's Word must be manifested. God is obligated to see that It does it.
51Just as John the Baptist was foreordained to forerun the coming of Christ, there had to be some man rise up to take that place. That Word has to be fulfilled.
52 Then when Jesus come as the anointed Messiah, and done just exactly what the Word of God said He would do; and yet the Jews were looking for something else, "a King coming with a rod of iron in His hand," which was way in the future. But He fulfilled every Word.
There one day in Capernaum, when He picked up the Scripture and read, (did you notice?) He just read part of that Scripture. And then He laid the Book down, and said, "Today this is fulfilled."
53 When He was to preach the year of jubilee, now, why didn't He read the rest of It? Because It pertains to His other Coming. They had no need of knowing that. That's for the age that when He will come in.
But the age that He was in, that's the reason He could say, "This Scripture is fulfilled today in your eyes. Right here you see It. 'To preach the acceptable season, and bind up the brokenhearted, and heal the sick.'" That's what He come for.
The rest of It was--was to bring judgment to the Gentiles, and so forth, so that comes next. See, the Gentile had to reject Him, first.
54 Now, at the crucifixion, where we are today on the subject, of, "Jesus on your hands." God's Word had been thoroughly vindicated, had been proven over and over, that He was the answer to God's Word. Where that the scribes...
55You see, God has already got It laid out. Let the ministry study It. But, you see, they take somebody else's word about It; some group of man. They're so blinded to the Truth, that, when the Truth is presented, they fail to see It. But, you see, God is just, He's got It wrote out there. He's got wrote out, right here in the Book, what's going to happen today, so It will be fulfilled. But others that's not ordained to see It, will never see It, see, they--they got It all mixed up.
56 And that's the way they had It then. They had never knowed that It was Him. And by the signs that He was the Messenger of that time, nobody could deny it. His prophet spoke of it; he said, "I, I've got to decrease, but He will increase. I'm not worthy to unloose His shoes, but He is standing among you now," said John. "And He will come. And the axe is laid to the root of the tree; and the trees that doesn't bring forth fruit will be taken out of the forest, that, or out of the--the vineyard, or the--or the orchard. It won't be there no more."
57 Now, we find that those things happened just exactly the way that He said. He could discern their thoughts in their heart. He was a prophet. Everything that He foretold, just happened exactly the way He said it.
"I go up to Jerusalem. There I'll be delivered into the hands of sinful man. And they shall evilly mistreat Him, and He'll be crucified. And on the third day He'll rise up again." But said, "See that you tell no man this." And He blinded It from them, that they didn't understand It until That was fulfilled.
58 See, many times that He lets us become blind until the hour that we have need of It. He lets us become blind to the things that we see today, for this is the hour we have need of It, to vindicate the day that we're in. See? Our fathers didn't know these things. The Bible said that they wouldn't know them. He had hid them up, and in--in the last days It would be revealed to the sons of God; or, make, they would be manifested, to be shown His glory and His praises upon the earth.
59 And all that Daniel said about the last days, and how that, "They that know their God will do exploits." And just so many Scriptures tying in this day that we're living in! How that these evil, deceiving times would be on the earth! And just exactly what we're having now fulfills It.
They, they had--they had been given a chance to see Him, and, but they rejected their very Messiah.
And today it's the same thing, the very same thing. We are given the opportunity, because God cannot judge without first having... being justified for His judgment.
Now, if you told a--a certain person going down the road, speeding; you'd stop them, say, "There is a--a hole in the road down there. If you continue that speed, you'll be killed."
60And they say, "Nonsense, I know what I'm doing." Then, you see, the blood can't be upon you, because you have thoroughly warned them.
Well, God does the same thing by His Word. He thoroughly warns the people of oncoming judgment, and shows His signs and wonders that's predicted in the Bible for that age. He shows them, and the people just walk right over It.
It's not easy for a person to go to hell. A man fights his way to hell. The first lie you ever told, you know it was wrong. The first cigarette you ever smoked, you knowed was wrong. The first evil you did, you knowed was wrong. But in your conscience, told you it was wrong, but you continually run through the red light, run over the barricades. You're reckless. You want to do it, anyhow, show you're some big guy. See? But, remember, you fight your way to hell. It's not easy to go to hell. You have to reject Truth.
61 Before you have the wreck, you have to run the red light. Before you have the wreck, you have to, down there in the road, you have the--the warnings that's been put up. But, you, you got your own way about it, man has today. And he knows more than anybody else, and he won't listen to the--the signs and warnings of the oncoming Judgment, and those who reject Christ.
62 Now notice, and what they had accepted in the stead of this Christ. Now think of the church of that day, the blindness of them. They had rejected a public murderer, Barabbas. A man who had been proven to be a murderer, and was really waiting his judgment. And he--he been proven to--to be a murderer, and was a bad man. And just because that--that the Life of Jesus...
Which, He, He challenged them. He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?" Sin is "unbelief." "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not; if I haven't told you the Truth of the Scripture. And the Scripture has spoke for Me, Itself. Search the Scriptures," He said, "for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me in this age."
63 But they said, "He makes Himself God. He makes Himself something." He made nothing... God made Him God; He was God. He was the fulfilling of the Scripture. He never made Hisself anything. God made Him what He was. And, then, it's because it was the hour for that Word to be fulfilled. So, but they couldn't see It, because It was against their denominational ideas, what they had built up about the Christ. And it was too blinded from the Word.
64 Now, and besides that, to get rid of this Fellow, they had to accept a murderer, a public menace, too. It was an indebtedment to society, indebtedment to them; a murderer! Had to accept that, because, to--to reject Christ.
And before any man or woman can accept wrong, they have to reject right. There is something about nature, got a law to it, that you have to reject the right thing before you can receive the wrong thing.
As I have just quoted, to--to keep from telling a lie... You--you told a lie against your better judgment. You told a lie against your conscience. You told a lie against what your mother or parents taught you to do. Or, even nature itself teaches you shouldn't do it. So, therefore, you, to reject Truth, you have to accept a--a--a lie, and you have to reject Truth before you can accept the lie. See?
65 So that's the way these fellows had done, they had rejected the Truth. And He was the Truth. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and manifested before us." In First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh, handled with our hands." God, Jehovah! It's--it's astounding, it's startling, to think that the God Who put the--the--the solar system into space, that made stars that's a thousand times bigger than this world...
66And if one of those stars would start to the earth, at ten thousand miles an hour, why, it would take it a hundred million years to get here; it's so far away. And two little stars setting, look like a inch apart, from here, they're further apart than we are from them. And, yet, there is not one of them but what holds its place. And that great galaxy, oh, my, the massness and the vastness of God Who could make those things! Each one has to hold the other one. That's the reason it stays the way it is. If they got out of cater, the whole system would fall.
67That's what happened in Eden. When Eve got out of cater with the commandments of God, the whole race fell.
That's what's the trouble today. We shouldn't be broke up in organizations and denominations, and so forth. We should be sons and daughters of God, holding the great galaxy of the world together.
68 New York, last week, I was listening at a message quoted, or said by Einstein, the great scientist, the--the what is called the brain of the--of the time. And I was... heard that. Then I went to hear Norman Vincent Peale, on his psychology about how people should do, or walk, and project themselves into psychology.
Then, on Einstein, he was speaking of a galaxy that was out between the system there, out from stars. And if a person could travel at the speed, I believe he said, of light,... Now, I think, what is that,... eighty-six thousand? [Brother Neville says, "Hundred and eighty-six."--Ed.] Hundred, hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, that light travels. And now break that down in five minutes, how many millions and billions of miles you'd be. And a--a hundred and twenty million years of light-time it would take you to get to that galaxy. And then a hundred and twenty, or a hundred and fifty million years; a hundred and fifty millions over, and a hundred and fifty million back.
69And they hit something that stumped them. And they, after going out there and coming back, you would actually take you three million years to make the trip, three hundred million years. Three hundred million years to make the trip, and, when you come back to the earth, actually you've only been gone fifty years. You break into Eternity. There is no end to It.
70 And to think, that, the God Who made all of that and set it in order, and spoke of it, come down and was made flesh among us, to redeem us. And would so honor us with His august Presence, that He--He would stand here on this sinful earth in the last days, and prove His Word to be so, because He's obligated to that Word. Amen. The sovereignty and the justice of that great One Who holds those things in His hand!
71 Notice, the nations. The--the church has to turn His Word down, first. Then, after the church turned It down, and called Him "a Beelzebub, or an evil spirit," then It was brought before the government, so that the whole race had to be condemned. Now we find Jesus, this morning, before a--a governor, Pilate, a Roman, to be tried. And we find that the church turned Him down, first, because that they didn't believe His Message, because they didn't know the Word.
72 Jesus told them, "If you would have--would have heard Moses, you would believe My Word, because he is the one that spoke of Me." See? There is the Word that the prophet... Which, the--the Lord comes to the prophet, and the prophet spoke the Word for the hour to come. And here It was identified, and said, "You say you know Moses and he is your guide. You don't know Moses, nor you don't know his Word." In other words, He said, "I am the Word. I am the identified Word that Moses spoke would come, and you condemn Me." See? For their traditions, see, the church condemned Him.
73 Now, we find Him now before Pilate, and thoroughly approved, too, identified to the time, or the church, by the messenger of the time. They had been given a chance to see and believe, but rejected It. Why did they reject It? Many of them wanted to believe That; but their traditions, not the people, but their traditions!
74 Now, you see, like Nicodemus came by night, and he said, "Master, we know that You're a teacher comes from God. We know that Thou comest from God. No man can do these things that You do except God be with Him. We..." Who is "we" he's talking of? The church, the Pharisees, the leaders of that day. "We know. We are thoroughly convinced that You're that Person." Why then couldn't they do it? Because, their system. I want that to soak real deep, 'cause that's what I'm getting to. See? The system that they had already joined themselves into, was the one that they couldn't move. Though they did see that That was Messiah, but the system that they was connected with would not let them accept It.
Do you--you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now I want to ask, from this visible audience, how many understands what I'm speaking of? Raise your hands. All right.
75 Now, a system! They believed It, and they knowed It was. How I'd like to say that same thing today! We see what's supposed to be here today, and we see It, but the system won't let them accept It. They are so indocumated with the system! See, it isn't the person, it is the system.
Just as I have spoke of the President that was just assassinated. Not the man; far as I know, he's a good man, he never done anything evil as I know of. But it's the system. It isn't the people; it's the system.
76It wasn't the Jews; it was their system. That system condemned Him, because It didn't tolerate with their system. Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the same things takes place now. And they chose this public enemy, a murderer.
But the issue now has involved the government. So the government has to pronounce this sentence, because, to take a life, it must come before the government. They wasn't allowed to do that, because they were under the--the rulership of Rome, and they couldn't take a life no matter how much their church said, "We got to do it." Why, they--they couldn't do it without, first, Rome giving them the sanction to it. So, it has to be brought before the government. Now the government is involved in the thing.
Now, if that isn't a picture of today, I don't see what. See, just exactly!
77 The church turns It down, now it's the government involved. The time had come where the nation, of all, whole, had to come. The issue was made. The showdown was at hand. The whole nation had rejected Him, and the bringing down the wrath of God upon them. And before the... Even the church had rejected Him, that would bring the wrath upon the church. But now the nation has rejected Him, to bring the wrath upon all.
And, today, the world has rejected Him, to bring judgment to the entire world. All nations must be judged.
78 And we know that that happened in the time of the great Roman general, Titus. He besieged Jerusalem, and then finally just... They eat one another's children; eat the bark off the tree, and the grass off the ground. And--and then Titus rode right in and just tore down the walls and burnt the city, and the blood run down--down the streets like that, where he murdered them in there.
And it had to. Before a just God could let a people, that He had chosen, to come under such a thing as that, there--there has to be a just reason. He is just. His--His laws demand His justice. And a law without penalty is not law.
79If I would say, made a law here in the city, "It's a--a--a fine to run a red light," and then there's no penalty to it, you'd just keep on running red lights. But there's got to be a penalty.
And the penalty of God's law, to reject His program, is death. And there had to be a death, so it had to be paid.
80 We stand in a similar trial this morning, the world over, a trial. All denominations has turned down the Word. I know this sounds very harsh. And I want the ministers who is listening, here present and those on tape, also, to try to understand this now, that I try to make it plain. But I'm holding my point, or making my point here, and saying that we are standing, today, in another Pilate's judgment hall.
81You say, "If I'd a-have stood there, I'd a spoke out for Jesus Christ." And, well, what are you doing about it now? That's the thing. See? "No matter how much the church had turned Him down, I'd a stood by His side." You've got the opportunity. Uh-huh. See? They, they turned Him down.
82 Now He is tried, today, or just has been tried, or, and on trial, for a world system to be formed, of what's called, the council of churches, to--to--to form in the--in the World Council of church. Now, and what have they done? They have voted that they will absolutely unite themselves together and have a council of churches.
And in this Council of Churches, that all churches must belong to this council, or, if they don't, you're not even allowed to preach, you're not even allowed to have a prayer for the sick. And your church can be used for anything they want to use it for. If they want to store boxes in it, or ammunition, or whatever they want to do, you have no control of it at all. You either belong to the Council of Churches or you don't belong at all.
And that's the system that's being formed here in the United States, that fulfills the Scripture, to the dot. It fulfills what the Lord spoke to me in 1933, see, and we're standing at that time this morning.
And Jesus Christ, the Word, is at trial, today, as it was on the crucifixion, and now He's on our hands. He's on the hands of the world. The Word has been clearly identified, around the world, see, and He stands in on trial. All denominations turned Him down. And now He is tried as a... in the Council of the Churches, and they reject Him again and choose rather as they did then.
83 You see, the nature in history repeats itself, because nature continues the same. Trees still continue to grow, and vegetables come up, and flowers, and the world turns just as it always is. It's nature. And the nature of each age produces, again, and re-reproduces the--the reflection of what a--a--a nature was before them. And, today, we find ourselves again standing on that same place.
Now, Jesus was "the Word," Saint John, the 1st chapter. We all believe That. He was the Word. And because He was the Word... Please understand. He was the Word, and He had to be against the system.
And they did not--they did not reject Him because of His miracles. They did not. They said... He said, "Which can accuse Me?"
"And what evil had He done?" said the little lady. "What evil has He done but heal the sick?"
84 Said, "We don't condemn Him for these things." See? "We condemn Him because Him, being a man, makes Hisself God." And their own Scriptures said that He would be God.
In Isaiah, the great prophet who wrote a sixty-six Books of Isaiah, and starts off with the... At the first, like the beginning; and in the middle of the Book come John the Baptist; and ends up in the Millennium reign. And sixty-six Books in the Bible, like there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. It's remarkable it falls that way. This Isaiah 9:6, he said, "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and His Name shall be called, 'Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, The everlasting Father, Wonderful.'"
85And the blind traditions, or systems, could not see that That was God; by their own prophet, that who the Word came to, that said that He would be God. The blind systems! So they had rejected the Word, and desired a murderer instead, Barabbas.
86 And, today, the Word, being clearly for this day, has been vindicated. It's been made real. It's been shown to be the Truth. "And at the last days," as Jesus said, "as it was in the days of Sodom," and so forth, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." The very God, Himself, Who was the Word, predicted the end-time and what would happen; and the Lights would break forth in the evening time; and how that, Malachi 4, He would send forth these things and prove them.
87 And it's been brought to the place of a decision, and the churches has turned It down. And what have the churches desired? A murderer of the Word, one who takes a system. If the system is contrary to the Word, then it's a murderer to the Word. And they've desired a denomination tradition, in the stead of the true Word being manifested and proved that It's God amongst the people; by science, through pictures, a Light, the same Angel of the Lord, the Pillar of Fire.
The same One that lived on earth in the--in the body of Jesus Christ, has come upon His people in the last days, where science has took the picture of It. The church has seen Its works. It's thoroughly identified, by tapes and everything, around and around the world, and personally ministered.
And still, in all of that, their systems are desiring a Council of Churches to condemn the Truth. See? Desiring a murderer that would shut off, or stop, or shut out. And, it'll do it, they'll stop such a Thing. And the Council of Churches will have to do it. There's the mark of the beast; antichrist, against the Word, which is Christ. But not their creden-...
88 They think it's tradition. They think that their traditions is of God. See? But it won't stand up with the Word, and neither does God vindicate it to be right. Jesus stood up with the Word, but not with their council; but with the Word. And the Word proved that He was God.
And It proves today that It's God, because It lives the same Life, It does the same thing among us that It did back there, and predicted.
89So what do they do? They accept something that... They have accepted, already, the very system that'll crucify That. And the crucifixion of free interdenominational is at hand. That's right.
90 Now, that doesn't contrary the Scriptures. It's with the Scriptures. "And they formed a image unto the beast." Uniting the world denominations in one Protestant, forming the mark of the beast, the image of the beast, according to Revelations 13:8. "And they made an image unto the beast."
The beast is "Rome." We all know that. But always it's been Rome, all... How can it be--how can it be Russia, when the Bible says Rome? See, the people just get the wrong impression. See? How can it be some other thing, when it's predicted it has to come out of Rome?
91 Go back to Daniel again, the iron and clay in the feet; the iron never ceased, from the knees down to the end. And anyone knows that Russia wasn't even known of then. It was Rome. The red dragon was Rome. It's always Rome. And that iron never changed to something else, from Rome to something else; it remained Rome. And the beast is Rome!
92 And the Rome had a religious system whose deadly head... or deadly wound killed him in his head, but he was revived again, from pagan Rome to papal Rome. And now they're to make an image to it, out of the beast that comes up out of Revelations 13.
Did you ever notice? This nation is numbered thirteen, and appears... I don't say this is... It's--it's strange, though, that it would happen mathematically, ma-... just exactly in order with the Scripture. It's found in the 13th chapter of Revelations, this nation.
93All the other beasts come up out of water, which is thickness and multitudes of people, the Bible said; but this little beast come up out of the earth, where there was no people. Yet, he was a lamb, freedom of religion; then he spake like a dragon, and united himself with the power and done all that the dragon did before him. Exactly. So there you are. It's--it's just got to be that way. No other way of getting around it.
94 And here we are, today, forming a system. A system! We can't wait till some... We tried to make everybody become a--a Lutheran; and couldn't do it. Try to make them all become a Baptist; we couldn't do it. All become a Methodist, or all a Pentecostal; they couldn't do it. So, to order to do this, the time is so short, they have formed a council, a head, a image to the beast. That's exactly what they've done. And what is it? The crucifixion of the Word, again, is at hand. It's on trial and will soon come to the floor.
95 Notice, the manifested Word, from the denomination. It manifests. The--the Word difference from the denomination.
What is this, what is this system? It's a satellite to Rome. Did the Bible say it would be that? Yes, sir! Revelation 17, they saw Rome raise up itself in an ecclesiastical system, of a woman. A woman, the church is always represented by a woman.
Cause, the Bride of Christ is a woman. Eve was the one fell; she is the One to be redeemed. And the Church (is what?) is a woman that's redeemed.
96 And this woman set upon the beast with seven heads. And we know about the seven hills, and so forth, as the Bible said it would be. There is no mistake. There is no chance for a mistake. See?
And notice then, we find out, that she was a "MOTHER OF HARLOTS." See? And mother and daughter unites together again in friendship. Where, once, the daughter run away from the mother, to try to live decent, for her mother was so low-down and ornery till the girl left home. Uh-huh. But now, since she's begin to get a little age, she, and doing so many evil things, herself; she sees her mother, she thinks her mother was right, so she is forming a system of her own. See? Exactly.
97 Uniting denominational, Protestantism, fulfills exactly what the Scripture said of Revelation 17. "All, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life, was belong to her." One or the other, either the beast or the image of the beast. The Bible said so.
And Jesus spoke of this, not as communism. But in Matthew the 24th chapter, beginning with the 21st to the 26th verse, He predicted that the spirit in this system would be so much like the real thing till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible; the Elected, whose Names are put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And, frankly, it got them so tied up, until He said if He didn't cut the work short, for their sake, there would be no flesh saved upon the earth. And we've only got...
98 This is--this is '64, isn't it? And I think they claim about seventeen years is off of that, so, according to the calendar. And we got '64, 1964, which will make (what is that?) thirty-six years left, to the twenty-first century.
And every two thousand years, the world has come to the end of its world system, religious system, to the end of all systems, and God had to step in. He did in the days of Noah; first two thousand years. The second two thousand years; the system come back to where our text calls, this morning, and He sent again His Word. He sent His Word by a prophet, Noah's time, prophet Noah; and the people rejected It, for their system. He sent His Word again in the time of Jesus, the Word manifested in the fullness; the people rejected It. And now it's 1964, leaving thirty-six years until the even two thousand more years; and the Word has been brought forth, and the system has rejected It.
99 How close are we? May be later than we think, see, that anytime it could happen. Maybe it's already happened, for all we know, as I spoke the last Sunday being here. The last name might have been on that Book; when it is, there is no more coming in. The world will move on just as it was, but the Church is sealed. Notice now as we go on here. Their names, now, he will not deceive those whose names are written on.
100 What is it? It's got to be a system. See? And just think, to belong to that denomination in that system, what do you do then? Where have you done? You're sealed away, see, from the Word, to a murderous system that takes away, "Of having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof." It's the mark of the beast. Exactly. See?
101 It's the beast over there, what he did; and here is the image, the same thing. And the beast was so great, that formed that great universal church at Nicaea, see, that they made all the--all the world come to that, to that one system. And they thought it was so great, "Nobody was able to make war with them," said the Bible, until they made a image unto the beast, and brought all Protestants into the Council of Churches; which formed a system, that you were not even thought of as a Christian or anything else unless you belonged to that system.
102 There is the difference between the mark of the beast and the Sealing of God. God seals by His Word. You believe the Word is? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Now you say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" Yes, sir.
103Now, I know you Sabbatarians, or Seventh-day Adventists, say, "The keeping the Sabbath day." But that is not. Not to be nasty with you, but that's absolutely unscriptural.
Ephesians 4:30, says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." See?
104 Now, the Holy Spirit is the Word. God is not three. He is the same God in three dispensations, three offices. God, the Father, over the law; God, the Son, in grace; and God, the Holy Ghost, as you call It, the same God in the Holy Ghost dispensation. God, the Father, was the Word; God, the Son, was the Word; and God, the Holy Ghost, is the Word. See, it's just three offices. And to re-... And the Holy Ghost seals you, therefore you're sealed by the Word.
Now you say, "Well, I'm sealed by..."
105 Well, then, it identifies itself. See? It proves. You can't belong to a system, and be sealed with the system and the Word, see, 'cause it's contrary, one to the other. You can't do it. All right.
Now we find out, that, the big machine mechanics, the mechanics of the big machine, that is to...
The machine, it's got... a automobile, it's got pistons, valves, and carburetor, and so forth. That's the--that's the mechanics.
106 I'd like to say something to the Church right here, brings to my memory. See, that's what's... I believe we're so close to the end, I--I'm going to say something now. See? See? The--the mechanics, there is so many people trying to explain the mechanics when you don't know it. See? The only thing you... And, you know, you should know it. The mechanics is known. Now what if Moses...
What if somebody would have said, "Noah, I want you to explain the--the mechanics of how the ark float. How that?" He couldn't do it.
You don't have to know the mechanics; just the Dynamics of It. See, the Dynamics is what you want to know.
"How?" Well, if somebody come up to Israel, and said, "Say, Moses, I want to understand. How could you create animals with your own word?"
107He said, said, "It ain't my word. It's God's Word. He told me to do it." See?
108 "I--I--I... Tell, explain to me how that you made flies come upon the earth, when there wasn't any, that many flies on the earth." See? Moses couldn't explained it, himself. You don't have to. "How'd you make the east wind come and blow a hole across the Red Sea, and we all followed you on dry land. Explain the mechanics of that. What--what--what was the--the--the system that you used, Moses? What? Tell me the scientific research of what atom you let loose." See? See?
109He didn't know it. He, well, he didn't know the mechanics; he just knowed the dynamics. And--and that's the way.
I can't tell you how I'm living. I can't tell you how you're living, but you're living. I can't tell how your heart, and your food goes in and makes blood. And takes the--the strength of that food, and--and goes into that third wall of the intestinal track and turns it back to a blood life, and sends it back up through you. I--I can't explain that, but it does it. See, it does it. I--I can't explain it. I don't know the mechanics. It's the dynamics.
110 Now, Moses might have knowed the mechanics, but it wasn't nobody else's place to understand it but Moses. They knowed it worked, and that satisfies. Why can't the people be satisfied that way today? See? Everybody couldn't be a Moses. There was just one Moses. They just knowed it was of God. They seen it was of God.
And they followed on and done fine until they begin to question it, wanted to raise up somebody else to do the same thing, Korah, Dathan. And when they got somebody to bring some carnal impersonations in, finally God said, "Separate yourself. Don't get into that organizational system. See, step out of it! I'm going to swallow it up." And He opened the earth and swallowed it. See?
111 You don't know, you don't have to know the mechanics. Just know the dynamics, the thing that pulsates it, that makes it true, and see if it hits the target that the Bible promised it would hit in this day. See, it's the Word again, back to the Word.
112 Now, the big machine is setting up now, and ready to move. The mechanics is already there. They've already got the mechanical system of an organization that's going to bring, upon the earth, "a peace," they say. They got a... like a U.N.
The nations are united together. It's a uniting time. I just preached on it, recently. The... They're uniting together, to bring what? A world peace. They did that in the League of Nations. They've always done it, and it never works. It can't work. The U.N. is nothing but a big rubber balloon that's carried about by every nation's wind of doctrine. It'll bust and blow up at anything. It can't work.
Neither can the Council of Churches work. It's an organization by man, contrary to the system... or with their system contrary to the Word of God, and it can't work. "How can two walk together unless they be agreed?" You can't do it. And how can the Christian church, will have to...
113 The--the Pentecostals, the Assemblies of God, and the--the great other churches of the--of the Pentecostal kingdom, and of the Full Gospel people, how can they forfeit their evangelical teachings, the very principles that they've stood on? And where they was raised up, to come out of those organizations and condemn it; and they have to forfeit their evangelical doctrine, to walk with man who disagree upon the principles of the Bible, and Divine Healing, and the Power of God, and Jesus Christ. "How can two walk together except they be agreed?"
114 There you are, that's the hour that we have arrived at, and that's the big machine that's set up. Now they've got the mechanics. The only thing they have to have is Satan in there, with the dynamics, to force the marking of the beast. When she is forced down, then the dynamics is working. The mechanics is there. They've already got them.
115 Let me say something, too; this uniting time, to see churches uniting, nations uniting. It's a uniting time of God and His Bride, too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called. I believe She is sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They're waiting for the Dynamics that'll take Her off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture. I believe it with all my heart. Yes, sir. We don't know how He's going to do it, but He shall do it.
He is the Dynamics. We just become members of the machine, of His Body, forming ourself into His image, and see Him uniting Himself with us, in His works, with His love gifts, as He hands them to us just before the Wedding Supper. And we're waiting, watching for that.
Their big church is to be united.
116 The Dynamics of this Church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit that we have worked in a small measure while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together, the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up just exactly like that; even the dead, that's dead in Christ, for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His holiness, and take a flight to the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.
117 And now the dynamics of this great regime that they've got built, this big machine will work someday in the united council of the World Council of Churches, which will make a forcing, too. Remem-... but remember...
You say, "When that happens..." It's going to be too late then for you. You're already in it. Whether you want to be, or not, you're already there. See? Notice, you've already got that spirit upon you.
118In the day when the--when the--the winds of the Spirit is blowing from east, north, west, and south, persuading people out of it, and showing the people!
That's the reason I've been so against that system. I seen there was something there, a darkness. As I seen them women the way they wore that stuff on their face, I told you last Sunday, I knew there was something coming.
119Why was I always against such stuff? I didn't know it; I know it now. Why was I always against organized religion? Is because (I see it now) it's the mark of the beast. See? I never said that till just the last couple weeks. See?
Now, after the church politics, then what happens? After the Word has been truly vindicated? Now, look, it's finally got to a place there's got to be a settlement. Their next move now was...
120 What was the Jews' next move after the church turned It down? Church turned the Word down. They wanted nothing to do with It. "It was a evil spirit." It knowed the thoughts that was in their heart. "It was evil." Yet, It was the Word. The works that He did, testified of Him, vindicated Who He was. They didn't want nothing to do with It.
Then, the next thing, comes to a government. And this is a church government, because the whole nations is involved. There was a heathen nation controlling over a religious nation. Now, it's, all thing is religion, so it has to come to a world religion.
Oh, my, a blind man could see that! And what does a blind man say when he sees this? When he sees it, he'll come out of his blindness.
121 Notice there when this world council comes together, "What will we do with this Jesus called Christ?" They certainly don't want nothing to do with It. So there is only one thing to do, then, exactly what they did then, they'll crucify It, certainly, shut It up. "It can't be no more. It won't be allowed to do it." The force of the religion of the nations won't let them do it no more. Such ministry that goes on here, and things like that, will be absolutely closed out. You can't do without a sanction from the headquarters, the head of the church, see, a image unto the beast. Oh! We're here, that's all. We--we--we've arrived.
And truly vindicated; next move is to crucify Him.
122 Same as now, causing all who don't join with them, will be shut out and not be allowed to preach, you see. That crucifies, afresh, the vindicated Word of promise. Stops it, "You're not allowed to have it no more. No more healing services. No more prayer for the sick. No, sir! You can't do it. No, none of this other. No, sir! You'll come through the Council of Churches or you don't have it at all."
123Now you can see why I'm against denomination religion, because it is the mark of the beast. Rome is the head of it, the first one. That's exactly right. And it causes all to take it by joining the daughters, that is the image. The mother of it made the same thing. Where was Rome first organized? What was the first organized religion in the world? The Roman Catholic. Anybody got a word that says it isn't so, just let me hear it. It's not here. The first organization, the first church was ever organized, was at Nicaea, Rome. Yes, sir. And that's exactly what they did.
124 And what did Luther do after his death? They did the same thing they done at Nicaea, Rome. What'd they do after Wesley? What'd they do after all the great moves that's come up? They did the same thing, made daughters unto the harlot, just exactly as perfect. Like, by the same, we find out here...
125 I had a little Scripture wrote down here. Maybe I better omit that. But, and watch, they had...
The organizing of the church has got the same system together today. Only thing they need is the dynamics of it, just something to set it in force. And it's coming to a showdown, right away.
126The Catholic church and the Protestant churches will become friends. I've told you that ever--ever since, for the last thirty something years. They will unite together. And you see exactly what they're doing now. The--the Protestant will never become Catholic, but they'll be associated brotherhood, a mark of the beast, likened unto the beast.
127 Like by the same means that the mother, Eve, corrupted the whole world to a physical death. The mother, Eve! Listen. Mother Eve corrupted the whole human race, by physical death, (how?) by rejecting the Word and accepting something almost like It. She caused all physical death because she left the true Word, and believed the true Word all but just a little bit. One little disagreement with the full Word of God caused every heartache, every death and everything has ever been on the earth. Eve done it, the mother of death. Now you see where we're coming? The mother of death, notice, she just disbelieved the Word.
She said, "God has said..."
Satan said, "That's right."
"God has said..."
"That's right."
"God has said..."
"That's right."
"God has said..."
128"Yes, that, that's exact. In--in a way, that's right, but, see, that--that--that isn't all of It. See, you'll--you'll have your eyes opened, you'll be..."
But God has said, and that settles it, the Word! See, it started with just a little misconstruing of the Word, and, the same thing, it's ending the same way.
129 Notice, a daughter is a product of a mother and father, by a union. Now here is something shocking. But death, physical, physical death is the uniting of mother Eve and Satan, together, by disbelieving God's Word. They united and brought in the--the product of death. She, the... Death is a product of uniting Satan and Eve, together.
130Eve had the Word. Satan is against the Word. And, look, almost ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredths of It, Satan admitted was right. "So close," the Bible said, "in the last days, would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See how it comes in, how it's always been, how it's going out? The same way, united of unbelief in all the full Word of God. You got it? That's what brought death, is uniting unbelief with the Word. Unbelief, just a little, bitty part of it; little, bitty, teeny bit, one hundredth of one percent. But It must be one-hundred percent! That's all.
131 Notice, God's daughter, the Church, the Bride, is also a product, of God and His Word, uniting. The Holy Spirit uniting in a body of flesh, It produced the Son of God, a product of the righteousness of God. And in the last day, as we're told, "as it was in the days of Sodom," the Bride will be united by the Word of God made manifest in the flesh, the Holy Spirit sealing them into God, and sealing unbelief out, on the outside.
132 As I said, if the life of Beethoven was in you, you would live like Beethoven; if the life of Hitler was in you, you would live like Hitler. And when the Life of Christ is in you, you'll live like Christ, and the works of Christ you do. And that'll be. If Christ lived today, He would do exactly what the Word said He would do today. And the Word said that, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Why can't this blind ecclesiastical world see the time that they're living? See?
133 Eve caused all physical death, by trying to inject some heresy of Satan into the Word. And that's the same thing that happened to the church, at Nicaea, Rome, by taking dogmas instead of the Word. That's the same thing in the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, as the Light springs forth in each age and they turn It down.
That's the reason the Lutheran died when Wesley rose up. It was in another age. The Word come forth, and they had to accept It or die. That's the reason that the Pentecostals are dying now, because the age is here. The Word has been made manifest, the eagle time, the time of the Word to return back, "to restore the Faith of the fathers, back to the children again." And they're so united, they turn It down, and they ain't nothing but spiritual death. At always...
134 God's Body, united as His Bride, being One; Him and Christ, together, is the Spirit working in the flesh of the Church like It worked in the flesh of Jesus Christ, 'cause It's part of His Body. Not twain; but One! They are One. A husband and wife is no longer two, but one. And Christ and His Body is One. And the same Spirit was in Christ is in His Bride, in His Body, that unites Them together with all the Word. And God living in there, Himself, manifesting it.
135 And the antichrist, is to say, "Oh, I believe in Christ, I believe in the Gospel, I believe in these Things, but, you know..." There you are. "But, you know, the days of miracles is past. There is no such as that, see." There you are. "Oh, I don't believe you have to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."
136But the Bible said you did. Now I want some theologian to disagree with that. See? See? It's got to be. You say, "Well, baptism don't make any difference." Well, then, why was it written? Why did it make a difference to Paul? Why did it make a difference to all the rest of them? You're either baptized...
The Bible said, "You have a name that you live, and you're dead," 'cause there's not another name given under Heaven.
Why will you preach in It, pray in It, everything else, but, when you come to the pool, you reject It? Uh-huh. See?
I said to a man the other day, I said, "What if a man..."
He said, "Don't make any difference."
137 I said, "If a man come to you, and then said he was baptized in the name of 'the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and the Morning Star,' would you say he's all right?"
He said, "No, sir."
I said, "Would you rebaptize him?"
I say, "How would you baptize?"
Said, "In the name of 'the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.'"
138I said, "All right, now you did exactly, you placed... If you call those 'names,' you did the same thing he did when he said, 'Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star,' because that's a title, and 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' is a title. See?"
He said, "But Jesus said baptize, 'the Name.'"
139I said, "That's exactly what He meant do. But what in, not--not... He didn't say, 'call these words.' 'Baptize them in the Name,' Name! Oh, my!" I said, "'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' is titles. 'The Name of the Father, Son... The Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.' See?" I said, "What did Peter say It was? What did the rest of them say It was? See? What is It? Uh-huh. The 'Lord Jesus Christ' is the Name of the 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.'" He's got about thirty thousand natives you have to rebaptized again now. See? All right. But that's right. Paul said, "If an Angel from Heaven..."
140 Paul told those people that wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, Acts 19:5, that, in order to receive the Holy Ghost, they had to come. Though they were shouting and praising God, and doing great things, he said they had to come back and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. After John the Baptist had baptized them, had to come back and be rebaptized.
And he said, in Galatians 1:8, "If a Angel from Heaven teaches any other thing than I've taught you, let him be accursed." Yes, sir. So we have to stay right with that Word, every Word of It. See?
141 Notice. Oh, don't have no flaws; be absolutely sure. If there's anything doubting in your mind, you better straighten it up now. Don't wait till then, it's too late. Don't wait till you take the mark so deep you'll never see It any more, you'll be blind.
He blinded Israel, that He might manifest His Word. He's doing the same thing to the Gentiles, 'cause here--here they are walking right into it just the same as they did then.
142 Notice, Eve rejected and forfeited her rights. After she had seen the Word vindicated by God, what He had done, she rejected It and forfeited her rights. The same thing they done at Nicaea, Rome. And the same thing they're doing now at the Council of Churches, just exactly. Brethren, there is, from Genesis to Revelation, the same thing. That's what Israel done. That's what Pilate done. That's what the whole thing done, always, from Eve till now, same thing. They reject the vindicated Word and take a dogma, instead. That forms death, spiritual death.
Dead! The Word is still preached to the dead. Exactly! Won't be through the Millennium, now, see. They're--they're, already preached to. May be getting It right now. See?
143 Cain's sons, which was the product of unbelief of the Word of God, Cain's sons scoffed at prophet Noah's message. You notice that? With God's Word he had brought the--the predicted judgment, and had vivid signs, vindicated signs that the time was at the end, and Cain's sons scoffed at It.
So as they do now. So, that, they did in the day of Jesus. So they did all through the ages. It's always been. They scoff and make fun of It. He said, "In the last days there will come scoffers, saying, 'There is no difference in the time, since our fathers fell asleep.'" You, see?
144So did the sons of the devil, through the religious system, at the Word made manifest in the time of Jesus Christ. Look, religious systems of Jewish people (Sister Rose), Jewish people who should have knowed better, but their system caused them to reject and scoff at the Word of God (that they claimed they believed) made manifest, not one Word out of the way. They did the same thing.
145 Same as they do today. The religious system in this big machine that they've got set up now will, absolutely, has turned down the promises at the end-time; with the end-time Message, and the end-time sign, the end-time everything that's supposed to be, as God predicted it, Word by Word.
It's on tape. If--if they shoot me down, or whatever they might do, they'll never stop that Message! See? It'll go on just the same. See? It's already out. It's taped. It's gone. See? They could never... It's--It's the Word of the end, right now. Per-... Thoroughly vindicated and proved, over and over and over, by signs, wonders, by mechanics, by--by--by Dynamics, by--by science, by the church, by God Himself, has proved that it's the hour; both by the Word, and by signs and wonders.
146 A Message approved of God among you, by signs and wonders of the hour. A Message that Jesus Christ is not dead, but a living just the same as He ever was, and sending forth. And it exactly fulfills Malachi 4 and all the other Scriptures that Jesus said would be in the last days, is totally fulfilled, both scientifically, by the world. And the magazines packed big pictures of circles of Light, that was predicted here. And Angels of God, which has come down, that they know nothing about. And all over, everywhere, it's proven, world-over!
147Next is crucifixion, and we're facing it. As Jesus said then, "What shall I say, 'Save Me, Father, from this hour'? But, no. Thy will be done, see, on earth, as it is in Heaven."
148That's what the Church says, today, from its heart, "Me join with something...? No, Lord, no. Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven."
149 Notice, after promised Word for the age that was vindicated, they turned It down. They done the same today. And now I'm coming down to the close now. And as He came then clearly identifying Himself to be the Word, and it come to the showdown where they must choose the Word or take the system; it's come to the same thing today, must choose the Word or take the system. And they have took the system. Now what does that do? In closing. He is on the hands of the world. Right.
150 Now, my text. That's a long ways to build around, but now I just got started, you see. Don't get up, I was just teasing. Look, here is my text. We know that. That's laying the backgrounds. We got it all laying in one streak here now. Let's set it right down home and see what it looks like, put her under the glass.
151Jesus is on the hands of the people. It's on the hands of the church. What will you do with this Jesus that's called the anointed Word? The Christ means the "anointed Word." See?
"What will you do with this Jesus?" Pilate said. "What shall I do with It? What, what's my move? What can I do with this Jesus that's called Christ?"
152What did the world call out? What did the church call out? "Crucify It! Stop It! We don't want It no more."
153 Going to ask you something. Can you imagine the guilt on Oswald's hands, this morning, the one that murdered the President? Can you imagine what his judgment will be if he's proven to be the one that did it? Can you--could you imagine any mercy be left for him? The blood of the President of the United States is on his hands. Do you think the Federal Court... No matter how much he pleaded, "I didn't mean to do it," that won't excuse him a bit. He'll perish. Why? He's got the President's blood on his hands. Could you imagine his feelings? Would you want that on your hands? [Congregation says, "No."]
154Well, what about the Blood of Jesus Christ then? Do you think you'll be excused, after It's thoroughly a vindicated? How you going to escape It? His Blood is on your hands, guilty! Sinner, where are you going from here? What are you going to do after the meeting this morning?
155 Do you think, you say, "Well, I intended... I didn't mean to be bad." Oswald might say the same thing.
If the justice of our Supreme Court will call for justice, it'll call. It's--it's our... It's the absolute of the nation. The whole nation is tied to that Supreme Court, and there can be nothing left. He's committed the crime. He has to pay for it. No matter how much he didn't mean, how his intentions was, or nothing about it; he is going to pay for it, anyhow.
If our Supreme Court and its justice demands a recompense of reward, how much more will you find yourself at the Judgment Bar of God, when you come with the Blood of Jesus Christ on your hands? "What will I do with this Jesus called the anointed Word?" You've heard It. You know It's the Truth. It's thoroughly a vindicated.
156 A murderer? Would you desire a denominational murderer of the Word, than the innocent Christ? Would you crucify? Would you--would you dare to take Barabbas? Could you call for Barabbas? How dare anyone to do that, to call for Barabbas, the murderer of the Word; than to take the Word, Itself, which is Life. And It's on your hands.
157When I heard of the murder of President Kennedy, this Message fell on my heart. I thought, what will that man do? And no way out of it now. He might awoke up by this time and realized what lays ahead.
158 And you're going to awake sometime. Here, or on the tape, wherever you're at, you're going to wake sometime, sinner, and realize that there is a Blood on your hand, and the Blood of the Son of God, and you're guilty of murdering Him. Your sin murdered Him. Your unbelief in His Word, your failing to see His identification, grieved away the Holy Spirit. And what can you do but stand at the Judgment of God, knowing what's going to happen to you! Yes, the blood of John Kennedy on the hands of Oswald will be a minor thing, than the Blood of Jesus Christ on your hands when you stand before God.
159 "What will I do with this Jesus called Christ?" Pilate said. He had been placed on his hands.
And the Blood of Jesus Christ is placed again on the hands of this congregation. It's placed on the hands of this nation, and around this world, where these tapes has been, and the things that's been vindicated and proved of God.
Now what will we do with this Jesus that's called, "The same yesterday, today, and forever"? What will we do with this Jesus? Are you ready to take your place at His side? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
160Pilate, and at the same thing Pilate did, there remains three things you can do with Him. Pilate tried all three, and he missed it. Three schemes that you might try to work, but it'll never work. Pilate tried to get Him off of his hands. But when once placed on your hands, It's on your hands. Pilate tried three different ways, and failed.
161 We must face the facts that He's on our hands. We've seen Him in His Word. We see Him a vindicate Hisself. We know that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Then, I'm not only talking to this congregation here this morning, 'cause I'm only talking to six, seven hundred people, maybe, but I'm talking to millions in this tape that will go around the world. See? He's on your hands, in tape-land, wherever you are. You know It's the Truth. If you don't, then you're blind; you can't see the Word, neither can you see God in the Word. And He's on your hands. Now what are you going to do with Him?
162 Pilate tried to get rid of Him, but we have to face the facts. Pilate had to face It. He knowed. He had heard.
Well, you say, "I never did see any of it." You've heard It, anyhow. You're hearing It now. See?
He wanted Jesus to do a miracle, or a trick, for him. But He wasn't playing tricks; He was only doing as God told Him to do.
163You've heard. "Faith cometh by hearing." You have faith, and get away from, to get this off your hands. But he have to face the facts, anyhow. He did, and so do we have to face the facts. He is fully identified. Think, with the Blood of a Man on your hands!
164 Man has to watch when he's got another man's blood on his hands. Look at an airplane. A pilot out of a plane, when he runs that plane out, he checks every instrument. Why? He's got the blood of somebody on his hands. Every little instrument that can be checked, he checks it. When he gets out and turns the plane around, he--he--he rev's up the--the--the motor, the engine, and see that it's warmed up. And throw the throttle all the way on it, to see that the blast will--will... if it'll be able to--to--to compel, or throw the propeller, too, with enough air to take it off the ground.
You've stood, many of you, in a plane, or set down there, and the whole plane shake off the ground, nearly. He's giving it all it's got, to see if there is anything out of line. If it will, it'll spit and conk out. But he checks it again, if he has to set there a moment, till he checks it again. And if they hold his time a little, he checks it again.
165 How the Church ought to be checking it again, and again, and again, and again! We're waiting for His Coming. We're waking, we're waiting for the takeoff. We better check it with the Word, not what somebody said. Be sure you know, yourself, as a personal experience with Christ. Check it again, and again, and again.
Why? He's got the blood of man upon his hands. He better check.
166 How about a doctor, before an operation? We got a couple doctors setting here this morning. Notice, that a doctor, what he'll do before he goes to surgery. He wants a x-ray. He wants to check the blood. He wants to check the heart. He wants to see if you got any cold, before he gives the anesthetic. He checks every instrument; he boils them, thoroughly, to see there is no germs on it. He does everything. He checks over, and over, and over, and over, again. Why? He's got the blood of a man on his hand. He wants to be dead sure that everything is just as right as it can be right.
167 What about you? What about you, sinner, what do you feeled about it?
To have the blood of a man on your hand, responsibility like a pilot, and he checks; the doctor, and he checks; and what else more, so many scientific; when you got the blood of a man on your hands, what you'll do!
When a judge is going to pronounce sentence, look how he reads those books, over and over and over and over and over, to every little thing that he can see, before he pronounces sentence. Cause, he's got the blood of a man on his hands, there must be something here to justify that. See?
168 How about us, when we see It thoroughly identified, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever"? He is here. He's on our hands. He's on our hands. He's on your hands! What are you going to do with Him? "What will I do with this Jesus that's the anointed Christ?"
"What does It do? How you know It's Him?"
The promise of this day, the day that we're living in, there is so much of the Scripture say, so many inches of It is supposed to be fulfilled, these last inches of this last day. There is some things setting here that's supposed to happen, and here it is. What is it? The same anointed Christ, the anointed Word! What are you going to do with It? Are you going to sell It off to the denomination?
169 Now what did Pilate do? Pilate tried to wash Him off of his hands, by saying... The first thing Pilate did was try to wash Him off of his hands, by saying, "Oh, He's okay. He's all right." See?
170You say, "Oh, poor Pilate." Pilate, a lot of them justify him? No, no, no! He was on his hands. He had heard the Message, he had seen the Word, and He was on his hands. And so is He on your hands. That's right.
What did he do? He tried to say, "Oh, well, He's a good Man. I find no fault in Him."
171 If that ain't the--the--the answer of so many today! "Oh, there is nothing wrong with the Word. I guess it's okay. The Bible is all right, but we believe the church. Our denomination don't agree with It." See? See? There is one class of people trying to wash Him off his hand.
"I find no fault in the Word. It was okay for the apostles in their day, but we live in another day. We don't live in the apostles' day, so therefore I don't have to do like the apostles did. I don't have to be baptized the way they were; I live in another day. I don't have to have the things that they had; I live in another day. The Holy Ghost was just given for that bunch."
172 Hebrews 13:8 puts Him back on your hands again. [Brother Branham knocks three times on pulpit--Ed.] No escape! He is thoroughly vindicated, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." You have no escape. You can't pass Him off to some other age. Hebrews 13:8 condemns your thoughts, and puts Him right back on your hands again. So Jesus is on your hands, just like on Pilate's was.
Look. You say, "But I don't know." Well, why you listening for?
173Pilate was a pagan. His wife was a pagan. But God, to make it just, sent that woman in there and said, "Don't you have nothing to do with this just Man." She said, "I suffered this day." Course, was morning, it was over the night, and one twenty-four hours is considered a day. "I suffered some dreams tonight, of that just Man. Don't you have nothing to do with It."
174Now he said, "Well, then, if that be so, I'll just wash Him off my hands." But he couldn't do it.
Neither can you. Once hear the Truth, you've got to accept It or deny It. No way... Yes, sir, you have to do it. Warnings of the Lord!
175 The Jews screamed out, "Let His Blood be upon us; for we would believe our priests, our denominational system, before we would believe Him."
There you are. See the classes today? But all must face God's issue. You've all got to do it, anyhow, pagan or whatever you might be. Unbeliever, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, lukewarm, cold, hot, and whatever you might be, you got to face the issue just the same. Whether you want to, or not, It's on your hands. That's exactly.
176 Then there are those who try Pilate's other scheme to dodge the issue, pass Him on to some other Caesar. See?
Pilate said, "Now wait a minute. I--I--I--I don't want nothing to do with It. I--I--I--I... He's a just Man. I--I don't want nothing to do with Him. Oh, I--I believe what I've heard. I've never seen Him do a miracle, but there is too many witnesses for Him. I--I--I believe He's a just Man. He's a good Man, see, but--but I--I don't want nothing to do with It, myself. I--I--I just... I'll just wash Him off of my hands. Bring me some water. You all bear me record here." Yeah. But God was bearing record, too. He was on his hands.
177 And so is He on your hands. See, you, you know what I'm talking about. See? Not only you, but this tape. He's on your hands. What are you going to do with Him, this Jesus called Christ? Christ is the Anointed Word. See? What are you going to do with It? It's the Message of the hour. The day is here, thoroughly proved by the Bible and by God. What are you going to do with It? How you going to dodge the issue now? How you going to get by with it? He's on your hands! And Oswald's case will be a minor one, to yours, though minister or whoever you may be.
178 Them Jews were priests, and rabbis, teachers, holy men; but He was on the hands just the same. He was the Word, the issue of God for that day, and they failed to see It. Just the elected saw It, the ones that believed It.
179Now all must face the issue. In every age it's been so, every time. Through the age of Eve and Adam, on down to the age of Noah, on down in the time of Daniel and Belteshazzar and Nebuchadnezzar, on down into Christ's time, on down into this very hour we're living, it's been the same, the issue of the Word has come forth. Not their creed, or not the denomination, not the dogma, but, the issue of the Word has been against those things. So, now, It's on the hands now.
180 Then those who try Pilate's other scheme, to rid Him, by passing Him off to somebody else. Pilate said, "Now, you know what? I'll just get Him off my hand. I'll wash Him off my hands with this water. So I'll just... I've got to do something with Him. So what will I do? I'll send Him over to the headquarters, with the bishop." Uh-huh. Yeah.
That's what they try to do today. See? They sent Him to a Caesar. That didn't take Him off Pilate's hands, take Him off of nobody's hand. What did it do? It backfired on him. Comes right back to the individual.
181 You say, "Well, I would, I would do it. I would accept It if my denomination would accept It."
Your denomination is in the Council of Churches, condemned! How they going to receive It? It backfires, right back to you. It ain't what your denomination says; it's, what do you say? They've rejected It; now what are you going to do with It? That's the next thing. See? That don't take Him off your hands.
He is thoroughly a vindicated. He is thoroughly identified, the Word of this hour, the promise of this hour. Not the promise of Luther's hour; that was It then, that was the Word in the reformer's age. As, you all who has heard the Seven Seals, when the reformers age went out, the Beast with the face like a man (organization) issued; but this is the face of the eagle, the Beast that went to make the challenge today.
182 And who would dare to say that wasn't the inspired Word of God, when He foretold It here, and sent out yonder to Arizona and brought It right back, even with science and everything else, and proved It so! This Book is already opened, that's right, just waiting for the Seventh Seal to be identified of the Coming of Christ.
183 All right, He is on your hands. You got to do something with Him. Don't take Him off. Yes, sir. In this category, I'd like to say, "passing Him on to somebody else."
"If my denomination would accept It, Brother Branham, I'd--I'd accept It. But, you see, my mother belonged to this church." She lived in her age; that ain't you. It's you now. Look what she had to come out of, to do what she was. What about you? All right.
184Look. You say, "My mother was a Pentecostal. She did so-and-so. She come out of the organization." But I'm trying to talk to you now. What about you? See?
In this category, we find many educated. Now, I know I'm going to hurt feelings here, but I don't do it intentionally. If I do, then I--I should be down at the altar, repenting. I'm saying this in godly love.
185 Jesus, when He stood there, and them Pharisees; had to say, "You are of your father, the devil; his works you'll do." Yet call for peace and mercy for them, at the cross, that crucified Him. See, He wasn't angry with them. He said, "You generation of snakes." See? See? Everything, He cursed them to everything He could, see, and then prayed for them at the cross. See? It wasn't He wanted to do that; it wasn't that, but they had to see the mistake they were making.
186And I'm saying the same thing today, in this category of "passing the buck on to somebody else," or something we call it in the army, "passing the dollar on to somebody else." We are trying to pass it on, like Adam and Eve did.
Eve tried. Adam said, "The woman You give me," and that was no excuse for him. See? The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me. She... He was the one that had the sexual affair with me. He beguiled me. He did this." That didn't keep it away, at all. They went right on to the judgment, just the same. Yes, sir. All right.
187 They can't pass it, one... Can't say, "If my denomination would believe This, I--I do too. But, I've been in this denomination." That ain't got one thing to do with it. The Jews had the same thing, so do you.
188And, note, many in this, we find fine-cultured man in this category. Now listen close.
See, culture, what we call culture today, is what Satan produced to Eve, a little wisdom. Said, "Your eyes are not open, that you don't understand all of It." She knowed the Word, and that was all. She seen God vindicating that Word, and that ought to a-been fine. He was keeping her in Eternal Life, as long as she stayed with that Word. When she broke that Word, she had the promise of God that she would die the day that she broke It. And, when she broke It, she died. That's right.
189 We got the vindicated Word of God here, vindicating, proving by the Spirit, that He's received us and give us the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ. The same Gospel, the same signs, the same wonders, the same ministry, even the same Pillar of Fire visible before us, showing the signs and wonders. There is not an excuse, nowhere.
And that's exactly what the Bible said would take place in the last days, and a call from Malachi 4, "to restore the Faith of the children back to their fathers again." And right after that, the wicked walked... or the righteous walked out upon the ashes of the wicked; the whole world was to be burned. And the atoms are hanging over yonder, the bombs in the rack.
190You see what Germany done as soon as they found out the Pres-... the President was assassinated? They throwed their army together real quick, because that was the only thing was holding Russia from bombing there. And they hit... Kennedy just sent them word, that, the hour they do that, that he would sweep them off the earth, right out of Germany. See? And they thought they could take it over, but it wasn't the hour yet, see. See?
191 We find smart, educated preachers, evangelists, trying to pass It on to somebody else. See?
Why, why didn't Pilate say, "Well, wait a minute, this Man... this wife has come told me, and I've heard many testimonies of Thee. You know, I--I'm interested. I'd like to find out. What can I do to have Eternal Life, Sir? You're on my hands. What can I do?" Well, he'd say--he'd say... He said, "Are--are You the Messiah? Are--are You the--the King of the Jews?"
192He said, "That's what you said. You said it."
"Or, tell us, truly, are You the King of Jews?"
He said, "To that end I was born."
He said, "I can't find no fault in Him." Uh-huh. "Well, I'll just wash Him off my hands."
193He answered him, but he couldn't receive It. Why? It would lower his prestige. So he thought he would send up to the state presbyter, and see what he did about It. See?
194The same thing now, the issue comes forth again. What will you do with It, the Word? What do you have to do, ask the presbyter, or the bishop, or somebody, if you can change your motive of baptism, if you can do this, or do this? You see so, and, "Certainly, you're not." You pass right back to you. If you do, you'll be kicked out. See?
195 It would lower the prestige of the people. Yes, they--they think... And the denominational council wouldn't stand... Like--like Pilate passing It to Caesar; they wouldn't stand for It. Caesar put It back in Pilate's hand. So they try to pass Him on to their--to their denominational heads, and it don't work. This trick has never worked, and it won't work. It didn't work for Pilate; won't work for you; it won't work for nobody else. Now, secondly, the thing you can do is...
196 Thirdly, rather, is to accept Him or reject Him. You can't wash Him off your hands. You can't pass Him on to some other system, or some other something else. You've got to face the issue. So what can you do?
Like Pilate, stood with the same thing, he said, "Give me some water, I'll wash It off my hands, to prove!" When he returned back, he still had to pass the judgment; didn't excuse him. He tried to say, "Well, I, if I can't get Him off my hands, I'll put Him on Caesar's hands." And It backfired, right back to him.
197It does to you, too, as an individual. What are you going to do? Not what mother did, what papa did, what the pastor does, what Brother Branham does, what any; It's on your hands! What are you going to do about It, with this Jesus called Christ? Cause, you got Blood on your hands, and It's the Blood of God. Now what are you going to do? Be guilty of the crucifixion. See?
198You can crucify Him, accept your creed or whatever you want to, or say, "Well, I'll just pass on off. I won't have nothing to do with none of this church stuff." You can't do that. He's on your hands. That's right. You can't do it. "I'll just forget the whole thing." You can't do it. It's still on your hands. "Well, I'll just say, 'My pastor taught me this.'" It backfires, right back. It's to you. You know. Now, you can either receive Him or you can reject Him, just either way you want to do it. What? It has to come to one of them.
199 Now what? As Jesus said to these Pharisees, He said, "As you're the blind Pharisees," see, Who would say it the same thing today, "you blind religious teachers, you can discern the time of communism. You're so fighting that, and know that God raised the very thing up to destroy you." See, not knowing the Scriptures. See? "You, you can discern that communism is going to take the world. You can see that. You can discern that."
200All of our subjects is on communism. "Beat communism out!" I hear it till I get sick of listening at it. I'm against it, too. Certainly, I'm against it. But I'm more against the man or the woman that rejects Jesus Christ, the Word. Or, whether you be a preacher or whatever you are, you're a more indebtment to the Christ than that communist is. He is ignorant and knows nothing about It. You are supposed to know. See? You can discern the time of communism, but you can't discern the sign of the day you're living in.
201 Jesus told them Pharisees, said, "You hypocrites!" Said, "You go out and look at the skies, and say the sun is red and lowering, tomorrow will be foul. If the sky clear," said, "you say tomorrow will be a clear day." Said, "You can discern the signs of the time, or the signs of the skies and the weather, but the signs of the time you don't know." There He was, the Messiah, and rejecting It.
And we always talking about communism and some of this stuff, but, the sign of the time, we don't get It. See? We overlook that, omit that. Uniting together right now in unbelief, and they receive it, but fail to understand and see the sign of the time that the Bible said would be.
Have you got It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Have to close, real quick now. It's getting late, see.
202 As their fathers did, so do they, same thing today. Now, the decision has been reached. It's got to be reached. You've got to reach it, some way. See? Crucifixion of the Word again, or what are you going to do? Crucifixion of the Word is at hand. Crucify and stop the vindicated Word, for--for the denominational sake, like Pilate did, trying to pass off somebody. Now what will you, as an individual, do with the anointed Word which is called the Christ?
The same yesterday, the same Christ that anointed the Word in the days of Noah. The same Christ, that--that Tree that was in the Garden of Eden; that Eve left, eating off of this Tree of Life, to take the tree of wisdom; he, she left the Tree of Life, to take the tree of death. Noah's time did the same thing. In the days of the prophets, they did the same thing. In the days of Christ, they did the same thing.
And here they are today. For each one speaking of his time, and, when that thing was fulfilled, each time they took their denominational reasons, and so forth, and the wisdom of the world instead of the anointed Word of Christ. What will you do, as an individual?
203 Pilate never got Him off of his hands. I'm--I'm closing, so be real quiet just a moment. Pilate never got Him off of his hands. Neither will you, in the way that he did, trying any of these schemes. He never did it. You know what happened to Pilate? He lost his mind. It got so all he could hear was that crucifixion. All he could hear was a rage, that he finally went insane.
204And they got a legend way up in Norway, or not... I beg your pardon. Up in Switzerland; where, I've been up there, a missionary. They claim thousands gather there, from world over, on Good Friday; a hole of water where Pilate committed suicide. He finally dashed himself to death in this pool of water. And they claim that every Good Friday, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the water turns blue, it boils up from where Pilate's body laid. He rejected It. There is still Blood on his hands. And he reject, he refused; the water.
You can't wash Him off your hands. There is no water, no fullers' soap, that can cleanse It. He is on your hands. What will you do with Him?
205Here is the only thing that you can do. If you cannot wash Him off your hands; you can't pass Him on to something else; you can't just mythically pass it by. There is no way in the world. The only thing you can do is accept It, in your heart. That's the way to get rid of Him. Take Him off your hands and put Him in your heart, or leave Him on your hands and stand the Judgment. That's the only thing that you can do.
Pilate's end was a terrible one.
206 The Word says that these who keep Him on their hands... I was going to read It. But It said, "They cried to the rocks and the mountains. They prayed, but their prayers were too late." See? They cried, "Hide us from the face of Him that sets upon the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, that is to the Ram, the Life of the Lamb that's come. For, the great Day of Judgment has happened, and who shall be able to stand?"
207What do you think Oswald is going to do now when he walks out before the Supreme Court, and see those angry eyes of the--the jury and all setting there? He knows what's going to happen. It'll be either a gas chamber, or a rope hanging there, or something. He's got to face it.
208 But what if you walk out there with the Blood on your hands, of rejecting? And know that hell lays before you, Eternal destructions; crying for the rocks and the mountains; but prayed, for the prayers were too late.
In Hebrews 10, "If we sin willfully." Sin is "unbelief." "If we unbelieve willfully after we have received the Truth, the knowledge of the Truth." You don't have to receive It; just know about It. You don't have to have It, you just... Oh, no, no. See? Didn't say, "after we received the Truth."
... if we sin wilfully after we... received the knowledge that it is the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a... fearful looking for... the fiery indignation,... shall devour the adversary,
... Because God said, Vengeance is Mine, and I will recompense, saith--saith the Lord.
209 If we disbelieve It, willfully, after the Truth has been presented to us, there will be no more mercy. No more mercy will be granted.
Pastor, listening to this tape, what about it? Member of the church, listening to this tape, what about it? What are you going to do, if we disbelieve It willfully? Can't wash It off your hands. You can't pass It on to the headquarters. It's going to backfire, right back to you. You've heard It. What about you? How are you going to stand in that Day?
He is either on your hands or in your heart, one or the other. God help us.
210 If--if you can just imagine an assassination, and what's bound to be going through that man's heart. What has he done? He woke up too late, after he had already done it.
Look, he had the opportunity. He was born a free American. He was an American. But he wanted to sell his birthrights, to become a Russian, and it backfired. He married a Russian girl. Now he's a free-thinker of the communistic party of Cuba.
Free thinking, "I do my own thinking." You ain't got no thought coming. What will you do with Jesus called Christ? You ain't no free-thinker. There is no free thinking. Let the mind that was in the Christ be in you.
Let's pray.
211 Think these thoughts, "If there be any praise, if there be any virtue, think on this." In our midst this morning, and in this tape, also, I'm speaking. If you are here present this morning, and you know that you're not right with God, and you're not born of His Spirit, and God has...
You say, "Well, I've made a confession." That ain't what I'm talking about. Has God accepted it? You can say, "Yes, I, I've made a confession, and so forth. Yes, I believe." So did Pilate, "I made a confession, surely, 'What will I do with this just Man?'" You can't wash Him off your hands like that. No, no.
212What will you do with Him? If you're not a born-again Christian, with the Holy Spirit living in you, enriching your Life, then why don't you take It now? You'll never wash This off your hands. You'll never hear the last of this Message. It'll ring through until you bring the Message into your heart, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
213 In this visible audience this morning, will there be those here who realize that, that they're wrong, and would raise up your hands. We have no room for an altar call, the place is so packed. But just say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. God help me." God bless you, I see your hand. "It's, I want to, now. Right here I want, before God, Him know that I'm guilty, and I realize I'm guilty. I--I want Him off my hands; I want Him in my heart." Raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham." The Lord bless you. I see, in this number of people here, maybe forty, fifty hands up here.
Calling today,
Calling today,
Think of it now, that's Him calling. Jesus is calling. That's Him speaking to you.
214 Have you sinned so far, till your heart is so calloused, till you won't, can't even hear It no more? Once, as a little boy or a little girl, you heard It. You had a desire to do it, but you put It off, and you just calloused and calloused those cuts and pulls. Is it so far gone that you can't hear It no more? Are you standing where... have your... at the place where like Oswald stands this morning, that you know? Uh! How can you do it?
Will there be another before we close and I'll offer prayer? Just anywhere in the building, that never raised your hand, say, "Brother Branham, just since you said the last words, I--I feel that." Anybody, outside, in the corridors, around the windows, anywhere, doesn't matter. Just...
215 God bless you, young lady. God bless you, sir, you. Got you. He's on... God bless you, lady. Someone else? God bless you, lady. God bless you, here. And God bless you over there, little boy, little girl. Yes, the Lord bless you. Back there, sir. Yeah.
Now just let's think of it now. I want you to do this while we softly sing this, Jesus Is Calling. Now I want you just to say, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner, or a pretender. I'm a church member, Lord, but I--I--I want You. I want You. Help me! I'll--I'll serve You. I promise it, right now. I've raised my hand, that I want You. Now You raise my heart, that I receive You, and I will receive You into my heart." While we sing this verse again, will you do it?
Calling today,
Calling today,
216 Now pray your own way. Pray now. "Jesus call-..." That's Him speaking. That's the reason you raised your hand.
... -derly calling today.
Jesus is calling, O list to His Voice;
Hear Him...
Right now, hear Him. Say, "Lord, I'm guilty. Your Blood is on my hands. I'm a sinner. I don't want It on there no more. I can't wash It off; I've tried it, for years. I'm not going to turn You away like Pilate did, and try to send You to somebody else. I want You. Come into my heart, right now, Lord. I receive You. I see You standing right before me, like an image standing there; by faith I'm walking right into You, knowing that You forgive me. And I'm... You're going to be in my heart, from this on."
... today, (everybody pray)
Jesus is calling,
He's tenderly calling today.
[Brother Branham begins to hum Jesus Is Calling--Ed.]
217 Heavenly Father, the little message is ended. And now, the decisions, the courts is set this morning. Angels are gathered into the room. The great Holy Spirit here giving vindications that Jesus still lives. He was the fountain of Eternal Life. The grave couldn't hold Him, neither could hell keep Him. He ascended up; loose from hell, loose from the grave. And He stands among us, today.
And our creeds and denominations has bound many our people, Lord. Sin has bound them, but today they want to be free. They stand like Pilate, and, instead of trying to pass Him on to somebody else, they've raised their hands, "Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I'll not wash You away from me no more. I can't do it. You're still on my hands. I've just washed and washed, and You wouldn't come off, but now I receive You. I want You in my life, and I receive You into my life. Lord, receive me into Your Kingdom, by the pardoning of my sins, and give me faith to believe that You receive me, Father." Grant it. Through Jesus Christ's Name, we pray.
218 And now as you have our heads bowed. Faith, by faith... "And, God, You help me to be honest. But knowing that You promise that..."
"He that will come to Me, I will in no wise turn him out. And I'll give him Eternal Life, and I'll raise him up at the last days. He that will confess Me before man, him will I confess before My Father and the holy Angels. He that heareth," the real, true interpretation of Saint John 5:24 there, is, "he that understandeth, that receiveth My Word. He that receiveth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and will not be called to the Judgment." You won't come to the Judgment Bar like Oswald will. "But you've passed," with a free pardon, "from death unto Life."
219"Lord, I don't know how, I don't know why, but--but I believe it's happened. I believe that, in my heart, my unbelief is gone. I can freely say 'amen' to every Word that You say, and I accept It right now. I believe it."
220 Now with your heads bowed. You that believed that, that raised your hands a few moments ago; and by faith you see the image of Christ standing there, which you should be in. You're walking now by faith, believe that your sins are pardoned. And from this day on, you're ready for Christian baptism, and you're ready now to walk in Christ. Would you, as a testimony to Him, raise your hands back, say, "By faith I believe It with all my heart"? God bless you. That's fine. "I now accept It. I--I accept; nothing I can do." God bless you. Looked like every one that I seen. "I now accept."
221 See, you're no good, you never was no good, you can't be no good, but Jesus died for no-good people. "What do I have to do, Brother Branham?" Just accept what He did, just accept what He did for you. And now by believing It and accepting It...
Now, I believe, the pastor, the pool will be open. [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] Baptism will be in order, if you want to be baptized.
If you have took the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you are truly... I say this with reverence and respect, but, to my way of seeing it, you are not baptized. You are not, for you haven't carried out what He said.
222He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." If you just had those titles called over you; He never said, "Go call these titles; go call these names." It never was done in the Bible. It never was done that way. It was, baptize the way Jesus said, "In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," which is Jesus Christ.
223 Peter, with the keys, said the same thing; every other apostle, the whole Church; until the early Nicaea Council when Roman Catholic church organized, accepted titles instead of Name. You're either baptized into the Roman dogmas of denomination, or baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, one or the other. It's on your hands; you can't wash It off. It's there.
You've accepted It now. I'll ask you, as the--as the organist and the pianist turn to the famous old hymn.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
And take all my guilt away,
And let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
224Don't no one leave the building. Just reverently stand now, and let's just raise our hands to Him now.
My faith looks up to Thee, (and He is the Word)
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sin away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly, wholly and completely, Thine! I now surrender my life.
225 The water will be ready in a few minutes. If you can't take the baptism now, we'll baptize again tonight.
Think of it, all afternoon, "On your hands." Get It off. The only way you can do, is, washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, Who is... See? Yes, sir. Remember it now as we bow our heads. Look to Him now.
While life's dark maze...
226The decision is in your heart now. He is on trial. The Word is ready for crucifixion. Christ is on trial. What will you do with Jesus called Christ?
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow, tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
Now bowing our hearts to it. [Brother Branham begins humming My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]
227 Think deeply, friends. Might be your name is the last one that goes on the Book. We're at the end time. Now think real deeply. Are you, is there anyone here who has turned Him away?
228Remember, it may never come again. Pilate didn't have no other chance. He tried his best to get saved, and he couldn't do it. It was on his hands. And what will you do with the anointed Word for this day, called the Christ?