Odhalenie Boha




Odhalenie Boha

Ako sa to stalo v každom veku, Božstvo zahalené v ľudskom tele. Všimnite si, On sa zahalil, tí proroci boli božstvom, zahaleným. Oni boli Božím Slovom, je to pravda? Zacloneným v ľudskom tele. Tak oni nepoznali ani nášho Mojžiša, (vidíte?) Ježiša. Všimnite si, zahalený za tými starými jazvečími kožami v tom starom chráme bolo Slovo, to bolo Slovo zamanifestované na kamenných doskách.

Ale potom tí skutoční veriaci, oni to nedokázali vysvetliť, ale jednako tomu verili. Oni prešli cez všetko. Keď tá opona, tradícia neveriacich je odstránená, vidíte Boha. Keď je tá opona tradícií odstránená, môžete vidieť, že Boh je stále Bohom svojho Slova. On stále dodržuje svoje Slovo. On je Boh, autor svojho Slova, ktoré je pre ostatných skryté za koženými oponami. Áno, je to tak. Pre tých, ktorí nemôžu vojsť za tú oponu, je On stále za koženými oponami.

Všimnite si, potom my - potom sa stávame časťou Neho, keď ste oponou, ktorá Ho zastiera, ste časťou Neho. Ak je Kristus vo vás, ako ... Kristus bol z Boha, pretože Boh bol v ňom, urobil Ho Bohom. A keď je Kristus vo vás, nádej chvály, stávate sa časťou Krista. „Ten kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, tiež bude činiť." Vidíte? Stávate sa časťou Krista pokiaľ je Kristus skrytý vo vás. Potom je to pre neveriaceho zaclonené, ale vy viete, že On je vo vás. Ste chrámom, v ktorom prebýva Kristus, za oponou, za kožou. Znovu opona, v ľudskom tele, skrýva Boha, Slovo pred neveriacimi.

1 Zostaňme chvíľu stáť, kým skloníme hlavy a pomodlíme sa.

2 Náš milostivý Pane, sme skutočne dnes vďační za toto privilégium, že sa môžeme spolu zhromažďovať na zemi pred príchodom Pána. Nech by sme mohli dnes prekontrolovať naše srdcia, pomocou tvojho Slova a aby sme videli či sme vo viere, aby sme boli pripravení na tú hodinu, keď sa On ukáže. Aby sme boli tak ako to hovorí Písmo, že to bude: „Zobraní spolu s tými, ktorí zosnuli a stretneme Pána na povetrí a stále budeme s Ním."

3 Ďakujeme ti za skutočného kresťanského ducha, ktorý je stále na svete, medzi ľuďmi, že oni stále veria Tebe a tvojmu Slovu. Tak prosíme dnes o tvoje požehnania, aby si ich zlial na každého jedného z nás, to je to čo potrebujeme, aby sme mohli byť zvlažení Slovom, aby sme mohli rásť na nástroje, ktoré ty môžeš použiť vo svojich rukách na tento posledný deň. Lebo toto prosíme v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nášho veľkého pastiera, ktorého očakávame, že sa ukáže. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

4 Chcem povedať, že toto pokladám za veľké privilégium dnes ráno, že tu znovu môžem byť. A je mi ľúto, že nemáme dostatok miesta na sedenie. A dnes večer sa chceme modliť za chorých; dnes, teraz ráno by to bolo trochu ťažko.

5 A chcem aby sa toto posolstvo dnes nahrávalo. Zdá sa, že Pán ohľadne toho so mnou jednal, už mesiac alebo dva a je to dlhé. A nemám čas aby som to priniesol na zhromaždeniach, pretože sme na zhromaždenie vymerali tridsať, štyridsať minút. A potom ... Pretože ľudia musia ísť do práce a tak ďalej, preto sa mi zdalo, že bude lepšie keď budem kázať kratšie. A oni tam nemali dosť času aby to nahrávali a tak som myslel, že počkám s tým keď prídem sem do tejto modlitebni a potom to tu nahráme. A to je trochu rozsiahlejšie a viem, že stojíte, budem sa ponáhľať ako len budem môcť. A teraz, nebude mi to vadiť keď sa budete striedať v sedení alebo niečo také, to bude celkom v poriadku, pretože toto je zvláštny deň, keď robíme tieto nahrávky.

6 Máme neobyčajné správy o tom, čo Pán vykonal na misijnom poli ale asi necháme viacej z toho na dnes večer, keď tomu budeme môcť venovať viacej času, budeme mať na to viacej času.

7 A teraz veríme, že vás Pán bude každého žehnať. Viem, že vaše srdcia sú plné radosti, očakávajúce na príchod Pánov. A moje srdce tak isto prekypuje, keď vidím veci ktoré sa dejú, tak ako sa dejú. Spory medzi národmi a cirkev v takom stave v akom je a vidím znamenia Jeho príchodu, obojako telesne aj duchovne a viem, že tento čas, keď sa On ukáže je tak blízko, to jednoducho naplňuje naše srdcia radosťou, keď vieme, že budeme premenení v jednom z týchto dní. Budeme premenení z týchto stvorení, ktorými sme.

8 Myslím, ak tomu rozumiem, že sme telefonicky spojení s niektorými miestami, že toto posolstvo ide cez telefón do Phoenixu a na rôzne miesta. A tak teraz veríme, ak je to tak ... Ja neviem. Povedali mi to predtým ako som sem prišiel. A že všetci ľudia tam vonku sa skutočne tešia dobrému zdraviu a sláve Božej, ktorá je na nich.

9 A teraz, teraz ideme otvoriť Slovo Pánove. A všetci sme tu preto, aby sme sa radovali a dávali pozor na to, čo sme ... Neprišli sme sem ... Každý kto tu je vie, že nikto by tu nesedel v takejto horúčave, len preto aby tu bol. Sme tu za jedným účelom a to aby sme dôkladnejšie chodili s Bohom. A všetko čo môžeme urobiť, je veriť, že Pán Ježiš je s nami. A tu sme preto aby sme dôkladnejšie chodili s Ním.

10 Takáto horúčava je trochu priveľa na mňa. Už som sa nejako prispôsobil na to suché teplo tam v Tucsone, kde je ... Tá vlhkosť tu ... No, tam je o mnoho teplejšie ako tu ale je tam sucho. Naša vlhkosť je niekedy 1/20 z percenta, možno, tak nejako, skoro ako keby sme žili pod kyslíkovým stanom. Ale tu je v tom vlhkosť a to robí, že sa tak cítite „celí vyžmýkaní" ako to zvykneme hovoriť. Tak je to pre vás ťažko, a tak to viem a vy matky s deťmi a vy, ktorí stojíte, starí aj mladí a takto spolu nahromadení. A teraz dúfame, že Boh vám bohate vynahradí vašu obeť.

11 Zdá sa mi, že brat Roy Borders je tu niekde. Počul som ho hlásiť, ale zdá sa mi že sa asi nemohol dostať dovnútra. No dobre. To je vedúci týchto zhromaždení.

12 A tak teraz tiež chceme ohlásiť, že niekto, kto zvykol byť s nami odišiel aby bol dnes ráno s Pánom, muž, brat Jackson z Sturgis, z Michigan. Nikto nevie ako odišiel alebo niečo o tom. Bol celkom v poriadku a zrazu ... Myslím, že ho našli mŕtveho, alebo tak nejako. Neviem všetky tie podrobnosti. A sme veľmi vďační Bohu, že brat Jackson bol kresťan. Nevidel som ho už niekoľko rokov ale on sedával medzi nami a je jedným z nás. Nech dá Boh odpočinok jeho chrabrej duši. Keď sa to tak stalo, veríme, že to bolo možno niečo, že to bol jeho čas aby odišiel. Pán nás nevaroval, ani jeho ohľadne toho, on jednoducho odišiel. Tak sa to stalo. A ja chcem zavolať jeho žene, čím skorej ako sa mi to bude dať a vyjadriť jej náš zármutok. A všetci chceme poďakovať Bohu za jeho chrabrý kresťanský život a čo on tu znamenal na zemi a zvlášť pre nás tu v tomto miestnom zhromaždení.

13 Dnes večer, oznámil som, že dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých a večer budem viac hovoriť ohľadne chorých.

14 Ale teraz, poďme rovno do Slova, pretože je to tu preplnené a je tu horúco. Pôjdeme rovno do Slova. Chcem dnes ráno čítať z dvoch miest Písma, rozsiahlych a to mi dá trochu podklad ku tomu čo chcem hovoriť.

15 No chcem aby zadržali tú pásku, brat Sothmann a oni tam, skôr ako ju začnú predávať, ak je to možné, rád by som si ju predtým vypočul ... prv ako pôjde na verejnosť.

16 A teraz v ... Chcem čítať z listu Filipänom, z 2. kapitoly od 1. do 8. verša a z 2. listu Korinťanom z 3. kapitoly, začneme od 6. verša a budeme čítať do 4. kapitoly 2. Korinťanom, aby sme mali podklad. A teraz budem čítať prv z listu Filipänom, z 2. kapitoly.

Prv ako budeme čítať, pomodlime sa.

17 Pane Ježišu, tvoje Slovo je pravda. A v tejto ťažkej hodine v ktorej žijeme, národ proti národu, mor, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú, strach, vidíme nápis na stene. No, to je v tom telesnom okruhu, že celý svet by toto mal vidieť. Ale je tiež duchovný okruh a vidíme tie veľké udalosti a chcem dnes o nich hovoriť.

18 Požehnaj tvoje Slovo v našich srdciach. Viem, že nieto na nebi ani na zemi človeka, ktorý by bol hodný vziať túto knihu, uvoľniť jej pečate, ani pozrieť sa na ňu. Ale zjavil sa niekto, zabitý Baránok, krvavý, ktorý prišiel a zobral tú knihu a On bol hodný a schopný otvoriť ju. Ó, Baránok Boží, otvor dnes tvoje Slovo pre naše srdcia na povzbudenie. Sme tvoji sluhovia. Odpusť nám naše viny, Pane. A všetko, čo by zadržiavalo Slovo pred tým aby vychádzalo s veľkou mocou a malo vplyv dnes na našich životoch, odstráň Pane, každú prekážku aby sme mohli mať plný prístup do všetkých požehnaní, ktoré sú nám zasľúbené v tvojom Slove. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

19 Filipänom 2:

Ak je tedy nejaké potešenie v Kristovi, ak nejaké povzbudenie lásky, ak nejaké účastenstvo Ducha, ak nejaká srdečná sústrasť a zľutovanie, to robte

a tak naplňte moju radosť, aby ste jedno a to isté mysleli, jednu a tú istú lásku mali a boli sťa jedna duša, aby ste jedno mysleli

nerobiac ničoho zo sváru ani z márnej chvály, ale v pokore majte jedni druhých za vyšších od seba

nehľadiac každý len na svoje, ale každý aj na to, čo je iných.

Lebo nech je také zmýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo aj v Kristu Ježišovi,

ktorý súc v podobe Boha nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu,

ale sám seba zmaril prijmúc podobu sluhu a stal sa podobný ľuďom

a súc v spôsobe nájdený ako človek ponížil sa stanúc sa poslušným až po smrť a to po smrť kríža.

20 A teraz si otvorme 2. List Korinťanom, 3. kapitolu a začneme čítať od 6. verša a budeme čítať toto do 18 a ďalej časť zo 4. kapitoly.

Ktorý nás aj učinil dostatočných za služobníkov novej zmluvy, nie litery, ale Ducha, lebo litera zabíja, ale Duch oživuje.

A jestli služba smrti, v literách, vyrytá na kameňoch, bola slávna, takže nemohli synovia Izraelovi hľadieť do tvári Mojžišovej pre slávu jeho tvári, pominuteľnú,

ako by potom nemala byť služba Ducha slávna!

Lebo ak bola služba odsúdenia slávna, služba spravodlivosti je o mnoho slávnejšia!

Ba zrovna ani nebolo oslávené čo bolo oslávené, v tej čiastke, v službe odsúdenia, pre zvrchovanú slávu nasledujúcej služby Ducha.

Lebo ak to pominuteľné skrze slávu, tým viac to čo trvá je slávne.

Majúc tedy takú nádej používame veľkú smelosť,

a nie ako Mojžiš, ktorý kládol zásteru na svoju tvár, aby nehľadeli synovia Izraelovi na koniec toho, čo išlo pominúť.

Ale ich mysle sa zatvrdili, lebo až do dnešného dňa zostáva tá istá zástera pri čítaní starej zmluvy neodostretá, lebo sa Kristom odstraňuje.

Ale až dodnes, kedykoľvek sa číta Mojžiš, leží zástera na ich srdci;

ale hneď, ako by sa obrátilo k Pánovi, vôkol sa odníma zástera.

A Pán je Duch, a kde je Duch Pánov, tam je sloboda.

No, my všetci odostretou tvárou vzhliadajúc sa v sláve Pánovej sťa v zrkadle meníme sa na ten istý obraz, od slávy v slávu, ako od Ducha Pánovho.

Preto majúc túto službu, ako sme dostali milosrdenstvo, neustávame;

ale sme sa odriekli skrytých vecí hanebnosti a nerobíme chytrácky ani nefalšujeme slova Božieho, ale zjavovaním pravdy odporúčame seba každému svedomiu ľudskému pred Bohom.

A jestli aj je zakryté naše evanjelium, zakryté je u tých, ktorí hynú,

21 Nech Pán pridá svoje požehnanie ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

22 No, moja téma dnes ráno, verím, že Boh toto zjaví. A zakaždým, ak vy ktorí beriete tie pásky a počúvate ich, dúfam a nadejem sa, že máte duchovné porozumenie toho, čo sa Boh snaží povedať do cirkvi bez toho aby to bolo priamo povedané. Rozumiete? To je niekedy niečo ... Niektoré veci musíme povedať takým spôsobom, že to môže preriediť ľudí, že to môže spôsobiť, že niektorí vyjdú, že niektorí odídu a iní začnú nad tým uvažovať. Ale to sa deje za určitým účelom. To musí byť tak podané.

23 Potom to môže byť tak, že niektorí povedia: „Chceš povedať, že Boh by zámerne niečo také robil?" On to skutočne robil! On to ešte tak robí.

24 On jedného dňa povedal, keď mal okolo seba tisíce ľudí, On povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna Božieho, Syna človeka, a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

25 Čo myslíte, čo si pomyslel nejaký doktor alebo zdravotná sestra alebo nejaký dobrý inteligentný človek keď počul takýto výrok od človeka, ktorý mal takúto službu akú mal On? On by povedal: „Jesť telo? To je ľudožrút! Piť ľudskú krv? To je vampír! Inými slovami, On chce aby sme boli ľudožrúti a vampíri." A všetci tí poslucháči odišli preč od Neho.

26 A bolo s Ním kazateľské združenie, sedemdesiati kazatelia, ktorí boli vybraní. A On sa obrátil ku ním a povedal: „Čo si pomyslíte, keď budete vidieť Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel?" On to nevysvetlil. On vôbec nevysvetlil ako sa to stane, Pavel to neskoršie vysvetlil. On to len povedal. Vidíte? A potom, keď toto ... On povedal týmto kazateľom: „Čo poviete, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore odkiaľ prišiel?"

27 Bezpochyby, že tí ľudia povedali: „Počkajte chvíľu. My sme s ním jedli. Chytali sme s ním ryby. Spali sme s Ním. Vieme kde sa narodil. Videli sme tú kolísku, v ktorej ho kolísali. A ako tento človek ... Toto je tvrdá reč."

28 A Biblia hovorí: „Oni už viacej s Ním nechodili." opustili Ho.

29 Potom Mu zostalo dvanásť. On vybral dvanástich a povedal, že jeden z nich je diabol. Tak On sa obrátil ku nim. A ani jeden z nich nedokázal vysvetliť to čo On práve povedal. Ako budú jesť Jeho telo a piť Jeho krv? A ako On prišiel dole, keď sa narodil rovno tu na zemi? Vidíte? Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. A On sa potom obrátil ku tým apoštolom a povedal: „Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

30 A vtedy apoštol Peter povedal ten veľký výrok: „Pane, ku komu pôjdeme?" Vidíte? „Lebo my sme presvedčení. My s istotou vieme, že Ty a jedine Ty máš Slovo života na túto hodinu." Vidíte? „A sme o tom presvedčení." Vidíte, oni to nedokázali vysvetliť. Oni ... Vieru nedokážete vysvetliť. To je niečo, čo veríte a to je také pevné, že nič nenahradí jej miesto. A tak oni vedeli, že to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané na ten vek, v ktorom oni žili, ten Mesiášsky vek, že On presne do toho pasuje. A čo by oni mohli urobiť, vrátiť sa naspäť to tých chladných, formálnych cirkví, z ktorých vyšli? Povedal: „Kde by sme išli?" Vidíte? My sme úplne presvedčení, že Ty máš Slovo života." Vidíte? A oni to nedokázali vysvetliť, ale tomu verili. Rozumiete?

31 A Ježiš to povedal aby preriedil svoj zástup, aby mohol zhromaždiť tú skupinu. A z pomedzi všetkých týchto ľudí, oni, len jedenásti potom skutočne porozumeli kto On je. Oni poznali, že On je Boh, sám Boh.

32 No, moja téma dnes ráno má zjaviť alebo odhaliť toho Boha.

33 Boh sa stále, v každom veku skrýval za oponou, vo všetkých vekoch, ale On bol po celý ten čas Boh. Rozumiete? Ale On bol ukrytý pred svetom a zjavoval sa svojim vyvoleným, ako tým apoštolom v tom čase. No, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril v Kristovi.

34 No, človek stále, to je ľudská prirodzenosť, túžil vidieť toho Boha telesne. On to stále chcel vidieť. Človek si urobil stvorenia, ktoré vyzerali ako On, oni si mysleli ... Indiáni uctievali slnko. V Afrike nachádzame rôzne podoby zvierat a tak ďalej. A hore na totemských stĺpoch na Aljaške a rôzne podoba a oni si mysleli, že tento Boh je v tom. Ako to hovoril Pavel vtedy v Aténach na Marsovom vŕšku a povedal tým ľuďom, že sú poverčiví ohľadne tohto neznámeho Boha, o ktorom vedia, že je a jednako Ho nepoznajú.

35 A nachádzame, že tak to bolo dávno už v čase Jóba. Jób vedel že je Boh. On to vedel. A nieto žiadna ľudská bytosť, ktorá by pri svojom zdravom rozume nevedela, že musí niekde niečo byť. A teraz, Jób sa chcel s Ním rozprávať. A chcem aby ste si všimli tú podobu, ktorú Boh vybral aby cez ňu hovoril ku Jóbovi. Boh bol zahalený keď hovoril ku Jóbovi. On bol zahalený vo víchrici, prišiel dole vo víchrici. Veríte, že Boh stále prichádza vo víchrici aby odhalil samého seba?

36 Sedí tu niekoľko ľudí, niekoľkí, ktorí boli s nami jedného dňa, keď On prišiel vo víchrici. Povedal nám deň predtým, bratovi Banks Wood a ostatným, keď On povedal: „Zodvihni tú skalu, vyhoď ju do vzduchu a povedz: - Tak hovorí Pán! Za chvíľu to uvidíte." A ja som zodvihol skalu, hore na vrchu toho kopca, vyhodil som ju do vzduchu a ... to spôsobilo, ako padala, na následok toho sania povstal vietor.

37 Musíte niečo urobiť čo spôsobí, že za tým niečo bude nasledovať. Ježiš zobral kúsok chleba a zlámal ho a potom ho rozmnožil z toho kúska chleba. On zobral vodu, nalial do nádob. Eliáš zobral soľ a dal do nádoby; odsekol palicu a hodil ju do vody. To je niečo, čo to symbolizuje. A keď som zobral tú skalu a vyhodil som ju do vzduchu a ako padala povstal vietor.

38 A na druhý deň, keď bol tam s nami na poľovačke jeden kazateľ. Stál tam blízko a opýtal sa: „Brat Branham, dáva ti Pán videnia aj takto vonku?"

39 Povedal som: „Áno, ale väčšinou sem chodím aby som si oddýchol." A hneď vtedy prišlo videnie.

40 A brat Borders, (Zdá sa mi, že je teraz vonku), on bol sám; myslím že brat Banks Wood a niekoľko ďalších ktorí boli tam hore, ôsmi alebo desiati. A brat Banks Wood mohol toto vidieť rovno na tom kopci, rovno oproti tomu, presne asi jeden a pol míle od tade kde sa zjavilo tých sedem anjelov, keď som kvôli tomu odišiel stadeto a išiel som tam, potom som sa vrátil a hovoril som - o tých siedmich pečatiach. To bolo len asi jeden a pol míle od toho miesta.

41 A potom na druhý deň, keď sa toto dialo, zatiaľ čo ten ... povedal som tomu bratovi ... tento brat, povedal som: „Aký je tvoj problém, ty máš v oku alergiu. Doktori sa to snažili už niekoľko rokov zastaviť a nedá sa im to. Povedali že budeš ... že ti to vyžerie oko." A povedal som: „Ale neboj sa, Pán Ježiš si váži tvoju vieru." A jemu vypadla puška z ruky. A ja som povedal: „Tvoja matka," presne čo ona bola a čo jej bolo.

A on povedal: „To je pravda."

42 Brat Roy Robertson tu zo zboru bol tam prítomný, myslím, že všetci ho poznáte. Vedel som, že on je veterán a keď som vedel čo sa bude diať, položil som mu ruku na plece a povedal som: „Brat Roberson, buď opatrný, dávaj pozor, niečo sa bude diať."

43 Podišiel som naspäť tam kde som mal stáť a zo vzduchu prichádzal dole víchor. Dole cez ten kaňon, z vrchu. A bolo to také silné, že až to lámalo skaly o priemere osem až desať palcov z vrchu tej hory a metalo ich v okruhu dvesto yardov. A tri razy to takto tresklo a z toho prišiel Hlas. Vidíte?

44 A oni všetci tam stáli. Brat Banks, je tu teraz prítomný, on prišiel a povedal: „To je to, čo si mi včera povedal?"

Odpovedal som: „Áno, to je to."

On povedal: „Čo to povedalo?"

45 Povedal som: „To je len pre mňa, aby som to vedel, brat Banks, (Rozumiete?) pretože to bolo .. To by urobilo medzi ľuďmi poplach."

46 Ale to odišlo ďalej, stalo sa to trochu ... išlo to smerom na sever. A trochu neskoršie, za pár dní to udrelo do oceánu a videli ste čo sa stalo v okolí Fairbanks. To bol znak súdu. No, vidíme, že Boh stále ... Vidíte, to by priviedlo ľudí do paniky, a tak potom to sa muselo stať, viete. To sa proste muselo stať. Veci, ktoré sa musia stať, sa tak či tak musia stať. Vidíte, to sa tak či tak stane.

47 Mojžiš mal raz túžbu vidieť Boha a Boh mu povedal aby sa postavil na skalu. A na tej skale, Mojžiš tam stál a videl ako Boh prechádza okolo a Jeho chrbát vyzeral ako chrbát človeka. Boh bol vo víchrici a Boh ... kým Mojžiš stál na tej skale ...

48 Hádam ste všetci videli tú fotografiu toho tam vtedy. My sme stáli pri tej istej skale. A tu je to svetlo, anjel Pánov presne tam kde to tresklo. Stojí ... Je to teraz znovu tam na nástenke.

49 Všimnite si, Jehova Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového Zákona. Vidíte? On je ten istý Boh, len zmieňa svoju podobu.

50 No, niekto raz povedal, nejaký baptistický kazateľ tam v Tucsone: „Ako môžeš povedať, že Ježiš a Boh je tá istá osoba?"

51 Povedal som: „No, to je veľmi ľahko, keď len dáš nabok svoje vlastné zmýšľanie a budeš myslieť o tom Biblickými termínmi. Oni sú jedna a tá istá osoba. Boh je Duch; Ježiš je telo, v ktorom bol On zahalený. Rozumieš?" Povedal som: „Ako v mojom dome. Ja som pre moju ženu manžel. A mám malú dcéru, Rebeku, ja som jej otec. A mám vnuka, nazýva sa Pavel, a ja som jeho starý otec. Ja som manžel, otec a starý otec. A moja žena sa neobracia na mňa ako na otca alebo starého otca, ona sa obracia na mňa jedine ako na manžela. A moja dcéra sa nemôže obracať na mňa ako manžela alebo starého otca, ona je moje dieťa. Rozumiete? Ale pritom všetky tieto tri osoby, to je jedna a tá istá osoba. Rozumiete? To je Boh: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, to sú len Božie úrady na ktoré sa môžeme obracať. Boh je ten istý, ten istý Boh. Boh sa zmieňal, mení svoju podobu."

52 Keď si všimnete, tu v Liste Filipänom, on povedal: „Nepovažoval to za lúpež, ale zobral podobu človeka."

53 No, to grécke slovo tam na tú podobu, díval som sa včera celý deň na to, snažil som sa prísť na to, čo to znamená, našiel som, že tam je použité slovo „en morphe." Hláskuje sa to e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Díval som sa do gréčtiny čo znamená en morphe ... Možno, že to nevyslovujem správne, ale ... preto som to hláskoval, že keď sa tieto pásky rozídu ku ľuďom, oni budú (tí učení budú) vedieť, čo tým chcem povedať. On ... Keď to en morphe ... To znamená, že On premieňa samého seba. On prichádza dole. No, to grécke slovo tam znamená, že „niečo, čo sa nedá vidieť, jednako tam je a potom sa to premení a oko to môže uvidieť." Rozumiete?

54 Ako keď bol Eliáš v Dotáne. Vidíte? Ten sluha nemohol vidieť všetkých tých anjelov tam okolo a Boh to len premenil; nepriviedol tých anjelov dole, ale zmenil pohľad toho sluhu. A boli tam kopce plné anjelov a oheň a ohnivé kone, ohnivé vozy, všade okolo jeho proroka. Rozumiete? Oni ... On premenil pohľad. Tá vec tam už bola.

55 Tak, to je to čo sa vám snažím povedať, ten Boh, ktorý vždy bol, je tu. To jediné čo On urobil, keď sa stal človekom, On zmenil svoju masku. Rozumiete? On ... Toto en morphe, On - zmenil samého seba na to čo bol, na to čo je, alebo zmenil svoju masku, na ďalšie vystúpenie.

56 Ako v nejakej veľkej dráme. Ako som hovoril dnes ráno, keď som spomenul trochu tohto Sheakespeare. To bolo dávno. Ale keď Sheakespeare písal tú drámu pre anglického kráľa Jakuba, keď on ... tú postavu Macbetha. Vidíte? Sheakespeare neveril v čarodejnice, ale v tej hre ... keď kráľ veril v čarodejnice, tak on do toho musel zahrnúť čarodejnice. Vidíte? A teraz, aby to mohli zahrať, oni zamieňali herecké obsadenie.

57 Tu Rebeka, v hre Carmen, oni to hrali v škole, kde práve maturovala pred pár týždňami. No, možno, že jedna osoba hrala tri alebo štyri role. Aby to mohli zahrať, on premieňal svoju masku. Niekedy vstúpil a predstavoval túto postavu a druhý krát vystupuje a hrá inú postavu. Ale stále po celý čas je to tá istá osoba.

58 A tak je to s Bohom. On sa premenil z ohnivého stĺpu aby sa stal človekom. Potom sa premenil z toho naspäť znovu v Ducha, aby mohol prebývať v človeku. Boh účinkujúci v človeku, to čo On v skutočnosti bol. Ježiš Kristus bol Boh účinkujúci v človeku. V Človeku, v Človeku. To je to čo On bol. On sa premenil z Ohnivého Stĺpa a potom vošiel dovnútra, a to bola tá opona na púšti, ktorá skrývala Boha pred Izraelom. Mojžiš videl tvar jeho tela, ale On v skutočnosti bol skrytý po celý čas za týmto ohnivým stĺpom, ktorým bolo to Logos, ktoré vyšlo z Boha.

59 A teraz tu vidíme, že teraz od Letníc, Boh neúčinkuje v človeku, alebo ... On teraz účinkuje cez človeka. Rozumiete? On vtedy účinkoval v človeku, v Ježišovi. On teraz účinkuje cez ľudí, ktorých za tým účelom vybral. Boh vo forme človeka, On sa premenil z podoby Boha na podobu človeka.

60 On prišiel pod tromi menami, pod menami troch synov. On prišiel v Synovi ... v mene Syna človeka, syna Dávidovho a Syna Božieho; pod menami troch synov.

61 No, On prišiel prv v Synovi človeka, pretože On bol prorok. Sám Jehova nazval Ezechiela a prorokov „syn človeka, čo vidíš?" Ježiš nikdy nepoukazoval na seba ako na Syna Božieho; on poukazoval na seba ako na Syna človeka, pretože Písmo sa nemôže porušiť. V Písmach nemôže byť nič porušené. Každé Slovo musí byť tak. To je spôsob ako ja tomu verím. Takto to musí byť; nie preto, že ja tomu verím, pretože to je Slovo Božie.

62 No, ak si všimnete na začiatku jedno Slovo, na prvej strane v Biblii, v Genesis 1 nachádzame, že celé ... všetky choroby, každý žiaľ, každá bolesť srdca a všetko čo sa kedykoľvek ľuďom stalo, prišlo preto, že jedna osoba zapochybovala v jedno slovo a to spôsobilo všetko toto. To je na prvých stranách Biblii. Na poslednej strane v Biblii, v Zjavení 22, ten istý Boh povedal: „Ktokoľvek odníme z tohto jedno slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo." Vidíte? To musí byť slovo za slovom, presne tak ako to je.

63 A tak, aha zoberiem len takú maličkosť ktorú ... niekto mi stále vyčíta, že hovorím o tom že si ženy strihajú vlasy. No pre mňa, kým si ona strihá vlasy, nestarám sa o to ako sväto ona postupuje ani koľko toho vie, stále nie je v poriadku! Nosí šortky a takéto oblečenie, nestarám sa o to čo robí, ako dobre dokáže spievať, ako dobre môže kázať, čokoľvek by mohla robiť, akým druhom života žije, stále je tam to jedno slovo porušené. Vidíte? Vidíte, to musí byť každé Slovo, nie veta, Slovo, jedno slovo! Tak Biblia to nie je vlastný výklad. To musí byť slovo za slovom tak ako je to napísané. Musíme tomu veriť.

64 A nie len tomu veriť, ale žiť tým. Ak podľa toho nežijeme, potom tomu neveríme; len hovoríme že veríme. Ako ja ... Naspäť ku tomu čo som povedal, títo učeníci do nedokázali vysvetliť, ale oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni to vyznali a žili podľa toho. Keď všetci tí ostatní od toho odišli, oni zostali pri tom! Oni tomu verili! Takto to robíme. Takto to musíte robiť. Nezáleží na tom čo ktokoľvek hovorí, my tomu veríme a potom podľa toho postupujeme. Ak to tak nerobíte, potom tomu neveríte.

65 Všimnite si teraz, keď On prišiel, On musel prísť ako Syn človeka, pretože Duch Svätý povedal, že On príde, že Boh im vzbudí proroka. Tak On nemohol prísť a nazývať sa Synom Božím, pretože to nebolo určené na ten čas. On bol Syn človeka, ktorý prorokoval aby to vyplnil a zjavoval im všetky veci, ktoré sa stali v predobraze a znázorňovali čo On je. Vtedy On bol na zemi ako Syn človeka.

66 Pozrite sa na tú Síroféničanku, ktorá za Ním bežala a hovorila: „Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou!" On vôbec ani nezodvihol hlavu. Ona nemala žiadny nárok obracať sa na Neho ako na Syna Dávidovho, ona bola pohanka. O nič viac ako moja dcéra sa nemôže obracať na mňa ako na manžela, alebo moja žena ako dcéra. A pri tom to je moja dcéra a moja žena, aj keď je moja dcéra v evanjeliu. Ale zemsky, ona nemá žiadne právo aby ma nazývala otcom. Rozumiete? No všimnite si, táto pohanka nemohla uplatňovať na Neho žiadny nárok ako na Syna Dávidovho. Ale slepý Bartimeus mohol. Vidíte? On bol žid. No, On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

67 Musíte poznať tieto slová a tieto veci. Pozrite sa tam vtedy na Hattie Wright, keď toto tretie potiahnutie ... Pamätáte sa na to. To najhlavnejšie na tom všetkom bolo, že tá žena povedala tú správnu vec. Musíte povedať Bohu to správne slovo, tú správnu vec.

68 Všimnite si teraz, On prvýkrát prišiel ako prorok a oni Ho ukrižovali. Jeho vlastní Ho ukrižovali. On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

69 Potom neskoršie prišiel Duch Svätý, vtedy On bol Syn Boží. Boh je Duch. On bol Svätý Duch, Syn Boží. On žil cez tie cirkevné veky ako Syn Boží.

70 No, v miléniu On bude Syn Dávidov, bude sedieť na tróne svojho otca, Dávida. On je Syn Dávidov.

71 A Pamätajte, medzi Synom Božím ... v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku Ho oni vystrčili von. A v Lukášovi On povedal, že sa znovu zjaví ako Syn človeka, prorok, vyplňujúci ten ostatok z toho. Rozumiete? Písma držia dokonale spolu. Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn Dávidov. Čo to bolo? To je po celý čas ten istý Boh, len zmieňajúci svoju podobu, en morphe. On to jednoducho zmieňa. To je pre Neho veľká dráma, On ju odohráva.

72 On prišiel ako Syn človeka, prorok. Vykonal presne ... Ešte aj tá žena tam pri studni, vo všetkých svojich hriechoch, ona Ho rozpoznala. Povedala: „My vieme, že Mesiáš príde, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, to je to čo On bude robiť." Vidíte? Ona to rozpoznala, lebo bola predurčeným semenom. Potom ona ... Zatiaľ čo tí ostatní to nerozpoznali, oni nemali nič, čím by to boli rozpoznali. Oni boli od začiatku v hriechu.

73 Kvôli svojím roliam, On zamieňal svoju podobu. Vtedy prišiel v podobe Syna človeka. Pre vek reformátorov, Wesleya, Luthera a ďalej cez všetky tie ... a potom zisťujeme, že oni to tak zahrčkali, presne tak ako to urobili Izraeliti, že keď sa zjavil v posledných dňoch v tom letničnom veku ako Duch Svätý, oni to odmietli. Oni urobili to isté čo urobil Izrael. A čo On robí teraz? Vracia sa ako Syn človeka. A potom, z tade, ako Syn Dávidov. Vidíte ako sme blízko? Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží. On sa zjavil v týchto posledných dňoch ako Syn človeka, podľa Malachiáša 4, všetky tie ďalšie proroctvá sa týkajú tejto hodiny. Už viacej nejedná s cirkvou, potom keď Ho oni vystrčili von; vonku, klope na dvere. Ešte je tam nejaké predurčené semeno, On ich musí dostať.

74 Boh, v človeku, On vyprázdnil seba samého. Joel 2:28, nachádzame, On povedal: „Ja vylejem v tých posledných dňoch, Svojho Ducha." No, ak si všimnete tam to slovo, grécke slovo ... Možno to nepoviem správne, ale to ktoré som našiel ... Musíte dávať pozor na slovo.

75 V angličtine to niekedy má dvojaký význam. Tak ako slovo, my povieme, „Boh." Boh stvoril nebesia a zem, Genesis 1. Ale v Biblii je povedané: „Na počiatku Elohim." No, Elohim ... Po anglicky sa hovorí „Boh," ale to v skutočnosti nie je Elohim. Čokoľvek môže byť boh, čo sa týka slova boh; nejaký idol môžete urobiť bohom; to piano môžete urobiť bohom; z čohokoľvek môžete urobiť boha.

76 Ale so slovom Elohim to tak nie je, ono znamená „Ten, ktorý existuje sám zo seba." Vidíte? To piano nemôže existovať samo zo seba. Nič nemôže existovať samo zo seba. Tak slovo Elohim znamená „Ten ktorý stále existoval." Boh môže znamenať čokoľvek. Vidíte ten rozdiel v tom slove?

77 No, keď je tam povedané, že On sa vyprázdnil, alebo vylial, no, my by sme takto rozmýšľali, že On „vyzvracal," to anglické slovo ohľadne vyprázdnenia alebo vyliatia zo Seba, vidíte, niečo z Neho vyšlo a to bolo niečo iné ako On. Ale slovo „kenos," v gréčtine, ono neznamená, že On „vyzvracal," alebo niečo ... že odpadlo jeho rameno, alebo vyšlo jeho oko, ďalšia osoba.

78 A to je to, že On sa premenil, On sa prelial do, (Amen!) do inakšej masky, do inej podoby. Nie že z Neho vyšla ďalšia osoba, nazvaná Duch Svätý, ale to bol On sám. Rozumiete tomu? On Sám sa prelial do ľudí. Kristus vo vás! Aké nádherné, aké ohromné, pomyslieť, že Boh prelieva seba samého do ľudskej bytosti, do veriaceho. Vylial! To bola časť jeho drámy, aby to tak urobil. Boh, celá plnosť, všetko Božstvo telesne bolo v tejto osobe, v Ježišovi Kristovi. On bol Boh, sám Boh. Nie tretia osoba alebo druhá osoba alebo prvá osoba; ale tá osoba, Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele.

79 1. Timotejovi 3:16; „A vyznane veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti; lebo B-o-h, Elohim ..." V Biblii B-o-h, veľkým písmenom, to poukazuje naspäť, každý sa tým odvoláva na originál a tam je povedané „Elohim. Na počiatku Elohim." Vidíte? „A Elohim ... Vyznane veľké je tajomstvo Elohima; lebo Elohim sa stal telom a my sme sa Ho dotýkali." Elohim zahalený v ľudskom tele! Ten veľký Jehova, ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor, čas a všade, sa stal človekom. My sme sa Ho dotýkali, Elohima. „Na počiatku, Elohim. A Elohim sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami."

80 Čo? Toto je Jeho spôsob, časti tej drámy. To je spôsob ako to On odohráva, jeho spôsob ako sa nám zjavuje ako nejaká iná osoba. My sme smrteľní, a On to vie. A my chápeme len ako smrteľníci. Poznáme len ako smrteľníci. My to poznáme len tak ako nám to dovolia naše zmysly a to ostatné z toho musíme veriť pomocou viery. Musíme povedať, že je Boh, či sme Ho videli alebo nie, aj tak tomu veríme. Rozumiete? Či to je alebo nie, my stále tomu veríme, pretože Boh to tak povedal.

81 Ako Abrahám, nemohol vidieť toho syna, žiadne znaky, žiadne tehotenstvo u Sáry, ani žiadny menštruačný cyklus ani nič, ale jednako Boh to tak povedal. Všetka nádej, ešte aj jej lono bolo mŕtve a jeho život v ňom pominul a prameň jeho života vyschol a jej život vyschol s ňou. A jednako on sa nepotácal v zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný, oddávajúc chválu, vedel že Boh je schopný urobiť všetko čo povedal. Takto dnes musíme veriť tomu Slovu. Ako sa to stane? Ja neviem. Boh povedal, že to tak bude, a tým je to vybavené.

82 Kto je táto veľká neviditeľná osoba? Kto je toto, ktorého Abrahám videl vo videniach? Hneď v tom poslednom, kde On bol zamanifestovaný v tele, prv ako prišiel ten syn, sám Boh prišiel ku Abrahámovi v podobe človeka, v čase konca. Zamanifestovaný! On ho raz videl v malom svetle, videl ho vo videniach, počul jeho hlas, mal mnoho zjavení; ale tesne pred tým zasľúbeným synom ho videl v podobe človeka a rozprával sa s ním a dal mu jesť a piť. Rozumiete? Všimnite si, sám Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele.

83 Toto bola časť jeho cesty. Toto je spôsob ako sa nám On manifestuje, ako manifestuje to Večné Slovo, Boh, Jehova sa stal telom. Ako v ev. Jána 1 „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to ... Na počiatku bol Elohim a Elohim sa stal Slovom a to Slovo bol Elohim. A to Slovo sa stalo Elohimom." Vidíte? To je tá istá vec, len sa to odvíja.

84 Ako ten atribút. Vidíte? To je v Bohu. Atribútom je vaša myšlienka. Boh na začiatku, ten Večný, On nebol ani Boh. On bol ten Večný. Boh je predmet uctievania alebo niečo také. Tak On ešte tým nebol. On bol Elohim, ten Večný. Ale v ňom boli myšlienky a On chcel aby sa zmaterializovali a čo On urobil? On vtedy vypovedal Slovo a to Slovo sa zmaterializovalo. To je celý obraz od Genesis do Zjavenia. Nieto na tom žiadnej chyby. To je Elohim materializujúci sa aby sme sa ho mohli dotknúť, cítiť ho. A v miléniu sedí Elohim na tróne (Amen! Je to tak.) so všetkými svojimi poddanými okolo seba, ktorých predurčil pred založením sveta.

85 Ako človek, ktorý vyrába alebo odlieva zvony, ten odlievač. Každý zvon musí zvoniť inak ako ten ďalší. Používa ten istý materiál, ale dá tam toľko železa, toľko a toľko oceli, toľko bronzu aby to vydalo ten žiadaný cinkot.

86 Takto to urobil Boh. On dal toto do toho, do tohto a do toho, do tohto a do toho až kým nedostal presne to čo chcel. Takto On prichádza dole. Boh sa odhaľoval v ohnivom stĺpe potom ďalej tam cez prorokov a potom v Synovi Božom, a On bol Boh. To je ten istý Boh ukazujúci sa presne z dokonalosti do dokonalosti, z chvály do chvály. Takouto cestou prechádza cirkev.

87 Všimnite si, cez tie veky, takým istým spôsobom, cez svojich prorokov, On zjavoval seba samého. Oni neboli doslovne proroci, oni boli bohovia. On to tak povedal. Lebo to, čo oni hovorili bolo Božie Slovo. Oni boli telom, v ktorom bol zahalený Boh. Oni boli bohovia. Sám Ježiš povedal: „Ako ma môžete odsudzovať, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží a váš vlastný zákon hovorí, že tí ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo boli bohovia."

88 Tak to bol Boh spodobený v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval prorok. Rozumiete? A Slovo Pánove prišlo ku tomuto človeku, tak to nebol ten prorok, prorok bol tou záclonou, ale to Slovo bol Boh. Ľudské slovo sa nebude takto správať. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Ono sa takto nemôže správať. Ale to bol potenciálne Boh. Vidíte? On bol Slovo Božie v podobe človeka, ktorý bol nazvaný „človek". Všimnite si, On nikde nezmenil svoju povahu, jedine svoju podobu. V Liste Židom 13:8 je povedané: „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Tak On nemenil svoju povahu, keď prichádza. On je stále ten prorok, cez celý vek, tá istá vec, Slovo, Slovo, Slovo, Slovo. Vidíte? On nemôže zmeniť svoju povahu, ale On zmieňa svoju podobu. V liste Židom 13:8 je povedané: „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." On len zmieňal svoju masku.

89 Tak ako som sa ja zmenil od manžela, keď sa mi narodilo dieťa, potom som sa stal otcom. Keď sa narodil môj vnuk, stal som sa starým otcom. Vidíte? Ale ja som sa nezmenil. Ja som stále ... to som stále ja. Rozumiete? A tak je to s Bohom. Ja som len zmieňal svoje ... Vidíte? To len zmieňate svoju podobu. Vidíte? Všimnite si. A povaha to ďalej zmieňa z mladého človeka na človeka v strednom veku a na starého človeka. Tu to máte. Vidíte? Len zmieňate svoju podobu.

90 No, nemohli by ste povedať, že mladý chlapec, ktorý tu stojí povedzme 16 ročný, že je starým otcom. Nemôže byť, jeho podoba sa musí zmeniť. Po niekoľkých rokoch sa ona zmení, potom sa on stane starým otcom. Rozumiete čo myslím?

91 Ale po celý čas je to tá istá osoba, tá istá osoba, Boh po celý čas. Takýmto spôsobom sa On zjavuje svojím ľuďom, že to takto robí. Všimnite si. Počas veku toho Ohnivého Stĺpa sa On zjavil svojim ľuďom. Vo veku Ježiša sa On zjavil svojim ľuďom. Vo veku Ducha Svätého, ako Syn Boží. Syn Dávidov ... On sa stále takým spôsobom zjavoval svojím ľuďom a robil aby ho ľudia poznali. On sa za niečím zakrýval, všimnite si, tým istým spôsobom, alebo s tou istou povahou, stále.

92 Boh zaclonený v Ježišovi, aby vykonal dielo vykúpenia na kríži. Boh nemohol zomrieť, ako Duch, On je večný. Ale On musel zobrať na seba masku a odohrať roľu smrti. On zomrel, ale On to nemohol urobiť vo svojej Božej podobe. On to musel urobiť v podobe Syna, ako Syn človeka, na zemi. Vidíte? On musel byť v podobe Syna. Potom keď na Letnice prišiel naspäť, On bol znovu Syn Boží. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Pochopili ste to? On bol ...

93 On musel prísť do ľudského tela, aby ... a nikto, žiadna sexuálna žiadosť. Pretože to znovu dokazuje naše tvrdenie o semene hada. Vidíte? „Sexuálne" to bol jednoznačne „sex." Nie jablká, sex! Je to tak. Muselo to tak byť. Všimnite si tu. Vidíte? Lebo žiadny dobrý človek ... Pozrite sa tam na tých prorokov, ale On musel byť viac ako prorok. Vidíte? Aby to mohol urobiť On sa musel narodiť z panny a tým je ukázané, to panenské narodenie potvrdilo ... On sa musel narodiť panenským narodením aby odstránil tú kliatbu; Protijed. Rozumiete čo myslím? Tak to musel byť sex; On to dokázal svojím vlastným príchodom, On neprišiel v sexuálnej žiadosti ale cez panenské narodenie. A On zmenil svoju masku z Jehovu na Ježiša za tým účelom aby dokonal dielo vykúpenia v tej dráme ktorú odohrával, ako Boh na kríži.

94 Tí Gréci Ho chceli vidieť. V ev. Jána 12:20, mnohí z vás ste ma počuli kázať na tie slová „Páni, chceme vidieť Ježiša." Všimli ste si to?

95 No, tí Gréci boli učení, to boli veľkí ľudia. A oni mali veľké cítenie pre Boha, ako im Pavel kázal na Marsovom vŕšku. A oni boli prví vo svete vo vede a vo vzdelaní, to boli veľkí ľudia. Ale oni uctievali a verili v mytológiu a tak ďalej, knihy umenia, neobyčajné umenie a tak ďalej.

96 Ale tento muž, ktorý mohol uzdravovať chorých a mohol predpovedať veci, ktoré sa presne vyplnili, vzbudil ich pozornosť. A oni boli vyburcovaní a tak prišli aby Ho videli. No, dávajte teraz dobrý pozor, neprehliadnite toto. A oni prišli a povedal Filipovi, ktorý bol z Betsaidy: „Pane, chceme vidieť Ježiša." A Filip s iným učeníkom ho priviedli ku Ježišovi, aby videl Ježiša.

97 No, všimnite si práve tie slová, ktorými im Ježiš odpovedal, lebo oni prišli aby videli kto On je a oni Ho nemohli vidieť. Oni videli podobu, ale On bol vo svojom chráme. Boh bol vo svojom chráme, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Všimnite si tie slová, ktoré On povedal: „Ak nepadne pšeničné zrno do zeme (Vidíte?) a nezomrie, zostane samotné. (Vidíte?) Prišla hodina, za krátko bude Syn človeka oslávený (Vidíte?) a On musí odísť z tejto zeme. A ak nepríde tá hodina, nebudete To môcť uvidieť." Vidíte?

98 Počúvajte! Prečo nemohli vidieť Ježiša? On bol zamaskovaný. Boh bol zamaskovaný. Tí Gréci chceli Boha, a On tu bol ale oni Ho nemohli vidieť kvôli tej záclone. Tak isto je to dnes. Oni to nemôžu vidieť kvôli tej záclone. Ona je na ich tvári. Títo Gréci boli zamaskovaní, či vlastne Ježiš bol zamaskovaný pred týmito Grékmi.

99 Všimnite si, On im povedal: „Ak toto pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme, zostane samotné."

100 Oni nemohli porozumieť ako, prečo Ho nemôžu vidieť. Tam stál človek. Oni prišli aby videli Boha a videli človeka. Rozumiete? Oni nemohli vidieť Boha pretože Boh bol pred nimi zaclonený. No, zapamätajte si to: Boh bol zahalený v človeku. Oni mohli povedať: „Žiadny človek nemôže činiť tieto skutky, jedine Boh. Žiadny človek to nedokáže robiť a ako - tu stojí človek a pri tom sa cez neho manifestujú skutky Božie!" Vidíte? Oni nemohli porozumieť, že Boh bol zahalený.

101 On sa zahalil v človeku, pretože On bol stále zahalený. Ale On bol pred nimi zahalený. On bol vo svojom ľudskom chráme. Boh bol v ľudskom chráme. No, dávajte dobrý pozor, On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Boh zahalený, skrývajúci sa pred svetom, zahalený v ľudskej bytosti. Vidíte?

102 Tu bol Boh! Títo Gréci hovorili: „chceli by sme ho vidieť," a Ježiš povedal: „Pšeničné zrno musí padnúť do zeme a zomrieť!" Musíte zomrieť všetkým svojim ideám. Musíte vyjsť zo svojich vlastných predstáv. Ako títo učeníci, oni nedokázali vysvetliť ako budú jesť jeho telo a piť jeho krv, ale vidíte, oni zomreli týmto veciam. Oni boli mŕtvi do základu, oni boli mŕtvi pre Krista. Bez ohľadu na tom čo On povedal, ako veľmi to vyzeralo nezhodné čo On povedal, oni tomu aj tak verili. Vidíte? Oni mohli vidieť v tom človeku ... v človeku, ktorý jedol, pil, chytal ryby, spal a všetko ďalšie, narodil sa tu na zemi a chodil s nimi, rozprával sa s nimi, nosil šaty ako aj ostatní, ale to bol Boh.

103 Tak tí Gréci Ho nemohli vidieť, pretože bol pred nimi skrytý, v ľudskej bytosti. Všimnite si jeho slová, ktoré im povedal: „Ak toto pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme ..."

104 Boh zahalený do podoby človeka, skryl sa pred ich pohľadom, oni mohli vidieť len človeka. Ale tí predurčení videli Boha. Jeden videl človeka, druhý videl Boha. A to bol Boh zastretý v ľudskej bytosti, a tak obaja mali pravdu ale vaša viera spočíva v tom čo nevidíte. Aj tak tomu veríte. Boh zastretý v ľudskej bytosti. On bol v tom tele a to telo bolo jeho oponou. Tá opona bola roztrhnutá, (Vidíte?) aby sa Boh jasne preukázal.

105 V Starom Zákone, Boh bol skrytý, keď bol na svojom tróne milosti. [Trón milosti v slovenských Bibliách nazvaný - zľutovnica, pokrývka na truhle zmluvy. - pozn.prekl.] Na tróne milosti, za oponou! V Starom Zákone, Boh bol vo svojom chráme. Ale ľudia tam prichádzali a takto ho uctievali, ale pamätajte, tam bola opona, (Amen.) ktorá skrývala Boha. Oni vedeli, že tam je Boh. Oni Ho nemohli vidieť. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa tam už viacej neukázal. Všimli ste si to? Nie je ani raz v Písme, od toho času ako ten Ohnivý Stĺp vošiel dovnútra za tú oponu, žeby sa niekedy znovu ukázal až kým neprišiel od Ježiša Krista? Boh bol zastretý oponou!

106 Keď On stál na zemi, On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu."

107 Potom Pavel, po jeho smrti, pohrabe a zmŕtvychvstaní, na ceste do Damašku, tam bol znovu ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Čo to bolo? Von z poza tej opony! Sláva Bohu! On vyšiel spoza tej opony.

108 No, On bol za čím? Za koženou oponou. Vidíte? Z jazvečích koží, za tou oponou. A keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá toho dňa keď bol ukrižovaný, tá opona do ktorej bol zahalený bola roztrhnutá v ten deň ukrižovania a celý trón milosti bol vystavený na pohľad.

109 No, židia nemohli pochopiť akoby sa ten Boh mohol zmilovať nad hriešnymi, skazenými ľuďmi ako sme my. Ale oni nemohli vidieť toho, ktorý sa zmilovával, pretože On bol skrytý. On bol za tým trónom milosti, tam vo vnútri, kde viseli tie jazvečie kože, ktoré Ho zakrývali.

110 Predtým, keby on ... Predtým, keby niekto vošiel za tú oponu, to bola náhla smrť. Amen. Ó, za chvíľu sa tu naučíme lekciu, ak to môžete prijať. Vojsť za tie kože, raz sa to pokúšal jeden z kňazových synov a zomrel. Nevchádzajte za tú oponu. Človek, ktorý vošiel za ňu ... Prečo? V tom ešte nebolo vykúpenie. To bolo potenciálne, to ešte nebolo prejavené a všetko potenciálne ešte nie je tou skutočnou vecou. Rozumiete? To ešte nie je prejavené. To bolo vykúpenie ... Hriech bol prikrytý, nie vypustený ... či vlastne odpustený, nebol odpustený. Odpustený, to znamená „odlúčený a odstránený". A tak krv oviec a kozlov to nedokázala urobiť, tak Jehova sa skrýval za tou oponou. No, vojsť tam za túto oponu, kde sa On skrýval, vojsť tam, človek, ktorý sa tam snažil vojsť padol mŕtvy.

111 Ale od Letníc, od ukrižovania, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá od vrchu dole, pre tú generáciu ... Ježiš bol ten Boh, zastretý. A keď On zomrel na Golgote, Boh poslal oheň a blesk a roztrhol tú oponu od vrchu dole aby celý trón milosti bol jasne viditeľný. Ale oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli. Ako tu povedal Mojžiš, Pavel povedal, čítajúc Mojžiša: „Keď je čítaný Mojžiš stále je tá zástera na ich srdciach." Ó, brat, sestra, to je to čo urobili židia, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá a Boh sa stal jasne viditeľný, visiaci na kríži. On bol jasne viditeľný, ale oni to nemohli vidieť.

112 Či by to bolo možné, že by pohania urobili to isté? Ó, Bože! Keď oni mali cirkevné veky, v čase Syna Božieho, ale teraz keď tá opona týchto denominácií a všetkého, táto opona tradícií, ktorú sme mali od Letníc, keď teraz tie cirkevné tradície boli roztrhnuté, to kde ľudia hovorili: „Dni zázrakov pominuli a tieto veci," a Boh odstránil z toho tú oponu a dal to jasne vidieť a oni sú hotoví znovu to ukrižovať. Presne tak!

113 Ten odhalený Boh, jasne viditeľný, oni Ho mali vidieť ako tam stojí. Ale On bol príliš obyčajný, On bol normálny človek. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Rozumiete? Tam stál človek. „Dobre" povedali, „akú školu tento vychodil?"Ale, pamätajte, keď tá kopia prepichla jeho telo, ten Duch ho opustil, ten chrám ... tie kvádre na obetnom oltári sa porúcali a ten blesk preletel dole cez chrám a roztrhol oponu. Čo to bolo? Tam ich Boh visel na Golgote a oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli.

114 Dal Ho jasne vidieť a stále to nevidia! Oni sú zaslepení. Boh, zahalený v ľudskej bytosti.

115 Pamätáte sa On potom prišiel naspäť ku Pavlovi, po tomto a ku Petrovi vo vezení, ako Ohnivý stĺp. Pamätáte sa na to?

116 Ale v týchto posledných dňoch sa On mal znovu navrátiť. Ohnivý Stĺp má prísť znovu naspäť aby zamanifestoval Syna človeka. Vidíte? Aby ukázal Slovo, svetlo. Tie tradície, ktoré boli, budú zmietnuté. Nič v tom nezabráni, to sa aj tak stane. Boh jednoducho strháva tie denominácie a tradície. Akým Duchom to On urobí? Takým akým to robil prvý krát. Pozrite sa čo On urobil vo dňoch Eliáša, vo dňoch Jána. „Nemyslite si, že môžete hovoriť, že máte otca Abraháma, pretože Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov zbudiť deti Abrahámovi." Vidíte? Nemyslite si: „Pretože patrím do tohto alebo do tam toho." Vidíte? Boh trhá tú oponu, (Vidíte?) aby ukázal kto On je. Pozorujte tú oponu keď sa tu teraz trhá. Vidíme ako to je.

117 Voľakedy, ak človek prešiel cez túto oponu, to znamenalo náhlu smrť. A teraz je smrť neprejsť cez ňu! Amen. Ak sa nedokážete preboriť cez tú oponu tradícii, preboriť sa cez tú denominačnú stenu, aby ste videli Boha v jeho moci, to je smrť. Voľakedy bola smrť vojsť tam dovnútra, teraz je smrť zostať vonku. Celý trón milosti je postavený jasne pred našimi očami, každý to môže vidieť, opona je roztrhnutá. Sláva Bohu! Celý trón milosti sa ukazuje jasne pred našimi očami.

118 Ako sa mohol Boh zmilovať nad skazenými hriešnikmi ako my. Vtedy keď sa On skrýval, to bolo tajomstvo. A teraz je to jasne viditeľné, alebo úplne viditeľné, zjavené skrze jeho Slovo. To je stále Slovo, nepretržite, to je Boh. To je Slovo, ktoré to otvára. Keby títo ľudia boli poznali Slovo Božie toho dňa, keď Ježiš zomrel, boli by videli trón milosti, boli by videli kto On je.

119 „Kto to potom bol? Prečo roztrhol tu oponu?" Pamätajte, to znamenalo smrť vojsť tam, nikto to nemohol vidieť. Mojžiš to videl v nejakej forme, to bol vír ... to bol chrbát muža. No, tu to je, krvácajúci chrbát, ten istý muž! Čo to bolo? Boh im chcel ukázať trón milosti. Boh im chcel ukázať kto On je. Tak tá opona v chráme, hore od Božej ruky, bola roztrhnutá od vrchu dole a ukázala Boha jasne viditeľného. To bol Ježiš Kristus visiaci na kríži, trón milosti. A čo to bolo? Tí ľudia boli príliš slepí aby to videli.

120 A teraz sa to znovu zopakovalo. Tradície, ako ... Vtedy na deň letníc Slovo prišlo a bolo vo forme Syna Božieho. A oni to začali organizovať v Nicei, v Ríme. A za krátko sa z toho stali metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční a tak ďalej. To sú zorganizované ľudské tradície, človek nevie kde stojí. Ale sláva Bohu, On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch čo bude robiť: On ukáže svoje Slovo jasne najavo, znovu ho otvorí pred nami, (Vidíte?) tvorí ho.

121 Keby oni len boli poznali Slovo, boli by vedeli kto je Ježiš. Keby bol človek len poznal Slovo Božie, poznal by hodinu v ktorej žijeme a čo sa deje. Oni proste odmietli počúvať to Slovo. Ich tradície ... Čo prekážalo tým židom aby to videli? Čo im prekážalo? Zdalo sa, že by to mohli skutočne vidieť, pretože tá vec bola roztvorená. To bolo roztvorené za určitým účelom.

122 Prečo až doteraz trvá toto prebudenie? Ako to, že mohlo prospievať? Ako to, že mohlo byť požehnané? Nestarám sa o to koľko má napodobovateľov, alebo čokoľvek iné, to všetko ... Keď Mojžiš vyšiel, išiel s ním zmiešaný zástup. Ale prečo sa to stalo? To sám Jehova odstraňuje oponu z Boha aby ukázal rozdiel medzi dobrom a zlom. Kto má pravdu, metodista, baptista, presbyterián, alebo kto má pravdu? Božie Slovo má pravdu! „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a moje pravdou." Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, On podáva svoj vlastný výklad. On ho manifestuje a podáva výklad. Boh odhaľuje seba samého. Ó! Rovno v našom strede, vidíme jeho veľkú ruku, ako hovorí tieto veci, ako činí tieto veci.

123 Mám o tom niečo dnes večer, (Vidíte?) ako môžeme pozorovať tú ruku Božiu, čo to robí, ako sa to odvíja. Rozumiete?

124 A ľudia hovoria: „Ó, to je nezmysel. To je fanatizmus. Na tom nič nie je. To je nezmysel. To je Belzebúb. To je diabol. To je veštenie. To je toto." Vidíte? To isté hovorili o Ňom.

125 Ó cirkev a keď vyjde táto páska, či to nevidíte, kazatelia evanjelia, kde žijete? Či nevidíte hodinu v ktorej žijeme? Boh ukazuje seba samého, dáva nabok ... Pozrite, On zobral tú oponu v chráme a roztrhol ju na kusy aby oni mohli vidieť Boha jasne viditeľného a oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli. A On urobil to isté dnes, keď vystavil do popredia svoje Slovo, to čo zasľúbil. Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré je v Slove leží rovno pred nami, jasne viditeľné!

126 Viete čo robí cirkev z pohanov? To isté, čo urobila židovská cirkev - sú príliš slepí aby to videli. To je všetko. Bude to na ich srdciach presne tak, ako to bolo vtedy.

127 Všimnite si, teraz je to smrť, stáť ďalej od toho. Musíte do toho vojsť cez túto oponu. Inak to neuvidíte. Ako im Boh mohol byť milostivý? Ale pamätajte čo to bolo, čo Boh manifestuje? Čo bolo za tou oponou? Dávajte pozor čo bolo za tou oponou? Slovo! Čo ona zahaľovala? Slovo! Čo to bolo? To je v tej truhle. To bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo skryté za tou oponu. Vidíte? A Ježiš bol to Slovo a On je to Slovo a opona jeho tela to skrývala.

128 A dnes opona tradícii znovu skrýva Slovo. Hovoria: „To nie je tak." Ale je to tak! Boh o tom svedčí, preráža sa cez všetko a vystupuje tak jasno ako slnko, pred každým a ľudia nie sú schopní to vidieť. Bože, buď nám milostivý.

129 V predobraze, Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej so Slovom Božím na ten vek. Dávajte teraz pozor, teraz sme v Exoduse 19. Neprehliadnite to teraz. Exodus 19., Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej, alebo to je 20. a 21., 19:20-21. Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej, on sa nachádzal v tom Slove. To Slovo bolo napísané a on bol v prítomnosti Božej s tým Slovom, on mal Slovo na ten vek. Na každý vek je určité Slovo. A Mojžiš prichádza z tade a jeho tvár tak svietila! Vidíte? Slovo bolo v ňom, pripravené aby sa zamanifestovalo, aby bolo dané ľuďom.

130 To pravé Slovo, Boh ho napísal a to bolo s Mojžišom. Pozrite, ono bolo s Mojžišom a bolo pripravené aby sa zamanifestovalo. On bol pre nich Slovo, on bol to živé Slovo, ukryté. Zakryl sa, Mojžiš musel klásť na svoju tvár zásteru. Prečo? On bol tým Slovom! Amen. Až kým to Slovo nebolo dané na známosť, Mojžiš musel zakrývať svoju tvár. Amen!

131 Vidíte to? Kdekoľvek je to Slovo, ono je zakryté!

Mojžiš mal Slovo. Pamätajte teraz, potom, keď sa Slovo zamanifestovalo, Mojžiš bol znovu Mojžišom. Vidíte? Ale kým bolo v ňom Slovo, nato aby bolo podané, on bol Boh! Lebo on viac nebol Mojžišom, on mal Slovo Pánove na ten vek. Nič sa ho nemohlo dotknúť až kým to nebolo odovzdané, on mal to Slovo so sebou. A tak preto, keď prišiel, ľudia obracali hlavy, oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. On bol premenený, on bol iný. On prišiel s tým Slovom. „A on si dal zásteru," Biblia hovorí, „na svoju tvár," lebo mal Slovo. A on bol pre nich Slovom.

132 No pozrite sa, ak Mojžiš ... Ó brat, toto tu bude urážka. Ale keď Mojžiš ... Ako povedal tu Pavel, v 2. liste Korinťanom v 3. kapitole. Keď Mojžiš musel zahaľovať svoju tvár s takým druhom slávy, ktorá bola na ňom ... Vidíte? Pretože to bola telesná sláva, to bol telesný zákon. A keď Mojžiš ... vediac, že ten zákon musí zahynúť. Ale tá sláva bola taká veľká, že oslepovala ľudí, tak museli na jeho tvár dať zásteru. O čo väčšia ona bude? (Duchovne zaslepení ľudia!) Tá sláva mala pominúť ale táto sláva nepominie. Vidíte? Mojžiš mal telesný zákon, odsúdenie, nie milosť, nie nič, to vás len odsúdilo. Ale toto o čom hovoríme ... To nemalo žiadneho prepáčenia, on vám len hovoril čo ste. Toto vám ukazuje ako sa z toho dostať.

133 A keď je to Slovo odhalené, ó, aká tvár to bude? To bude musieť byť zahalené. To musí byť zahalené. No všimnite si, tak ten Duch je zahalený v ľudskom chráme. Vidíte? On len hovorí prirodzené slová cez prirodzenú záclonu.

134 No, Pavel tu teraz hovorí a v tomto - v tomto význame, to Duchovné Slovo, „My sme služobníci, nie litery zákona, ale dostatočný služobníci Ducha," že Duch berie tú literu a manifestuje to.

135 To bol len zákon, vy ste sa na to museli ísť pozrieť, povedzme: „Nescudzoložíš. Nepokradneš. Nebudeš klamať. Nebudeš robiť toto, to ani tamto." Vidíte? Museli ste sa na to pozrieť.

136 Ale toto je Duch, ktorý prichádza na zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek a prináša a manifestuje, nie dve kamenné dosky ale prítomnosť živého Boha. Nie nejakú tajomnú predstavu, ktorú niekto vymyslel alebo nejaký Houdiniho trik, ale samotné zasľúbenie Božie zjavené a zamanifestované rovno pred nami. Za akou oponou sa to bude nachádzať? A prehliadnuť to ...

137 Vidíte, to bolo také veľké, že tí ľudia povedali, oni povedali, keď videli ako Jehova zostupoval dole v tomto ohnivom stĺpe a začal triasť zemou a to čo robil a videli tú horu v ohni a keby sa niekto pokúsil ísť na tú horu, zahynul by ... To bolo také veľké, že ešte aj Mojžiš sa bál toho zemetrasenia. Tak ak On vtedy zatriasol len tou horou, teraz zatrasie nebom aj zemou.

138 Čo s touto chválou? Vidíte? Ak to bolo zastreté tou prirodzenou zásterou, toto je zastreté duchovnou zásterou. Tak nesnažte sa dívať na to prirodzené, preborte sa do Ducha a viďte kde ste, poznajte v ktorej hodine žijeme.

139 Dáva vám to zmysel? Vidíte? To je duchovná zástera, ktorá je nad ľuďmi, hovoria: „Ja som metodista a ja som tak isto dobrý ako ktokoľvek iný. Ja som baptista, ja som letničný." Neuvedomujete si že tá vec je tradičná zástera? To skrýva pred vami Boha. To je to čo vás zadržiava od vychutnávania všetkých ...

Ó, vy poviete: „Ja som kričal a vyskakoval od radosti."

140 On povedal: „Každé Slovo ..." Eva verila každému Slovo okrem jedného. Vidíte? To je plné Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie Božie na túto hodinu, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Vidíte?

141 Všimnite si, keď pokračujeme. Mám tu veľa toho, čo chcem povedať, mám okolo dvadsať strán poznámok, ale nechcem to všetko hovoriť. Vidíte, ponáhľam sa.

142 On sa zahalil prirodzenou zásterou prv ako mohol hovoriť ľuďom Slovo. No, Boh sa musel zahaliť, ako to zasľúbil, v ľudskom tele. Boh ... Rozumiete tomu? Boh sa musel zahaliť v ľudskom tele a dať na ľudí duchovnú zásteru (že hovoria: „Dobre, ja som toto a ja som tamto.") aby hovoril ku ľuďom. Keď tá zástera, a to je tradičná zástera, je roztrhnutá, potom to ... Čo oni hovoria: „Aha, dni zázrakov pominuli."

143 Jeden človek mi raz povedal, tam vonku jeden baptistický kazateľ, prišiel ku mne, brat Green a povedal: „Brat Branham, mám proti tebe jednu vec. Ty sa snažíš aby ľudia ..." To bolo tam v Ramada Inn, keď sme tam mali tie zhromaždenia. Povedal: „Ty sa snažíš priviesť ľudí ku tomu aby verili v apoštolský vek, aby žili dnes tak ako oni žili v tom apoštolskom veku." Povedal: „Apoštolský vek skončil s apoštolmi."

Opýtal som sa: „Či skončil?"

Povedal som: „Kto bol rečníkom v tom apoštolskom veku?"

On povedal: „Tých dvanásť apoštolov v tej hornej dvorane."

144 Povedal som: „Potom Pavel do toho nepatril." Povedal som: „Rečníkom bol Peter a Peter povedal na letnice, keď všetci videli ako sa toto deje a ako Duch Svätý účinkoval, on povedal: „To zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. Ak On ešte stále povoláva, tak potom je tu to isté. Kedy potom skončil ten apoštolský vek? Apoštolský vek skončí vtedy keď Boh prestane povolávať." On nepovedal ani slovo len zobral svoj klobúk a odišiel.

145 Keď niečo tvrdíme, treba na to Slovo. To je Slovo. Ježiš povedal satanovi: „Je napísané." Vidíte? To je to. „Je napísané!"

146 Povedal som: „Peter povedal, že to nikdy neskončí. Koľkýchkoľvek Pán povolal, tieto požehnania sú pre nich. Vy teraz hovoríte, že On s tým prestal. Kedy?"

„Nevadí? Musím už ísť."

147 Povedal som: „Nie pane, ani trochu. Prosím." Vidíte? Vidíte to? Peter povedal, že to je pre každého, ktorého Boh povolá, že dostane to isté apoštolské požehnanie. To hovorí Slovo Pánove. Vidíte?

148 No, tá prirodzená zástera. Boh, Slovo, zakryté v ľudskom tele. Čo to bolo? Boh bol zakrytý v Mojžišovi. Boh bol v Mojžišovi, zakrytý a prítomnosť Božia bola v ňom. On bol tak dokonale s tým Slovom, ktoré bolo takto v ňom, že až musel zakrývať svoju tvár. A to bol potvrdený prorok, ktorý rozvinul to Slovo a povedal im: „Nebudeš! Budeš! Nebudeš." Vidíte?

149 Aby dal svoje Slovo tej generácii, On sa zakryl v ľudskej bytosti, inak by to Slovo zaslepilo aj tých vyvolaných. Vidíte? Ešte aj tí ľudia, ktorí boli tam na púšti, oni nemohli na to hľadieť. V Exoduse to nachádzame, oni povedali: „Nech ku nám hovorí Mojžiš, nie Boh." Vidíte prečo sa ten Ohnivý Stĺp príliš často nezjavoval? Vidíte?

150 Boh povedal: „Vypočujem to, vzbudím im proroka. (Amen!) Vzbudím im takého." A On presne tak prišiel. „Vzbudím ... A On bude mať ... On bude Slovo."

151 On povedal: „Keď chcú vidieť čím je Slovo," povedal, „no, Mojžiš, Ja som sa ti zjavil tam v tom horiacom kríku," povedal, „Ja zostúpim a tá hora bude v ohni." Povedal: „Oni uvidia, že si hovoril pravdu. Ja sa tu zjavím takým istým ohnivým spôsobom. Ja sa tu zjavím a dokážem tým ľuďom, potvrdím tvoju službu." To je to, čo On tu povedal Mojžišovi, tak mnohými slovami.

152 Všimnite si, On povedal: „Ja ťa teraz oslávim pred ľuďmi." Povedal: „Ty si im povedal, že som ťa tam stretol v horiacom kríku a teraz prídem dole, v tom istom ohni a dám nech ľudia vidia, že si o tom neklamal." A ešte aj vedecky to môžete dokázať, ak chcete. Vidíte? „Prídem rovno dole a dám im to vedieť."

153 A keď On začal hrmieť, keď Jehova začal hrmieť, ľudia hovorili: „Nie! Nie! Nie! Nech nehovorí Jehova, lebo pomrieme."

154 Vidíte? On musel byť zakrytý. Tak Boh sa zahalil v Mojžišovi a dáva Mojžišovi Slovo. A Mojžiš prišiel dole a hovoril to Slovo Pánovo a tvár si zakryl zásterou. Je to tak? Jehova zakrytý v podobe proroka, pretože to by úplne ... A Boh povedal, že už viac nebude takto hovoriť ku ľuďom. On bude ku ním hovoriť jedine cez proroka. To je jediný spôsob ako On odvtedy hovorí. To je jediný spôsob ako On potom hovoril. Je to tak. Nikdy inak. On neklame.

155 Všimnite si, jedine Mojžiš mal Slovo. No, neprišla dole nejaká skupina, neboli to práve farizejovia ani sadúceovia ani to nebola nejaká určitá sekta alebo klan. To bol Mojžiš! On mal jedného človeka. On nemohol mať dva alebo tri rôzne názory. On berie jedného človeka. Mojžiš mal Slovo a jedine Mojžiš. Nemal ho ani Jozue. Nikto iný ho nemal. Amen! Jozua bol generál, Jozua bol veliteľ armády. Jozua bol veriaci, kresťan. Ale Mojžiš bol prorok! Slovo nemohlo prísť ku Jozuovi, ono muselo prísť ku Mojžišovi. On bol hlavný prorok na tú hodinu. Všimnite si, Slovo nikdy neprišlo ku Jozuovi, kým neodišiel Mojžiš. Nie veru. Boh jedná naraz s jedným. Boh je jeden. Vidíte? No, jedine Mojžiš mal Slovo, nie nejaká skupina.

156 Pozrite sa, Boh varoval každého aby sa nepokúšal nasledovať Mojžiša do tej opony. Napodobovateľov. Ženu, muža, kňaza, ktokoľvek by to bol, akýkoľvek pobožný, akýkoľvek vážený, akýkoľvek veľkí ľudia, On ich varoval: „Nech ide len sám Mojžiš! A keby sa niekto toho dotkol, ešte aj zviera, musí byť namieste zabité." Neprelamujte sa pred tú oponu, tá opona patrí jednému človeku. To posolstvo je jedno. Vidíte? V chráme, jeden človek raz za rok vchádzal dovnútra, pomazaný a určený aby tam išiel; nie aby priniesol Slovo, ale aby obetoval krv. Len aby tam vošiel pred to, len jeden. Každý iný zomrel. Vidíte?

157 Oni teraz duchovne zomierajú. Toto je duchovná opona. Vidíte? To bola prirodzená opona. Toto je duchovná opona. Vidíte? Oni stále idú rovno ďalej tam za to. Môžete im povedať. „Ó, ja viem! Ja to poznám, ale ja ..." Nechajte ich, to je v poriadku, to len hovorí ... Pamätajte, posledná pliaga v Egypte bola smrť, pred exodusom. Posledná pliaga na zemi je duchovná smrť, pred exodusom. Potom budú spálení a premenení naspäť na prach a spravodliví budú kráčať po ich popole. Ale posledná vec je duchovná smrť, odmietnutie Slova.

158 No všimnite si, Boh varoval každú osobu aby sa nikto nesnažil nasledovať Mojžiša do tej ohnivej opony. Mojžiš mal byť zahalený, on mal z tade vyjsť. A Mojžiš tam vošiel ako Mojžiš, vošiel do tohoto ohnivého stĺpa; a keď z tade vyšiel, bol zahalený, lebo on tam vošiel, von zo svojich tradícií, z tradícií tých starších. On videl ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ale teraz vošiel do toho ohnivého stĺpa. Amen! A on vystúpil, zahalený. Božie Slovo je v človeku, zahalené! Tu on z tade vychádza, ó, môžem to vidieť. Oni boli varovaní aby sa to nikto nepokúšal urobiť, nikto to nemohol napodobniť. Radšej to nerobte. Vidíte? Ani kňaz alebo svätý muž, ktokoľvek, kardinál, biskup, čokoľvek by bol, keby sa snažil vojsť do tej opony, tak by zomrel. Boh ich varoval. Nebudeme mať žiadne napodobeniny.

159 Jeho Slovo je zjavené jednému. Stále bolo, prorok prišiel so Slovom Pánovým v každom veku, stále, cez celé Písmo. Slovo prichádza ku jednému. V každom veku, tak isto, ešte aj v cirkevných vekoch od prvého veku do posledného. Iní majú svoje miesta, to je v poriadku, všimnite si, ale stoja ďalej od toho Ohnivého Stĺpa. Vidíte? Akú lekciu sa tu učíme! Vidíte? Každý chce byť Mojžišom a každý ...

160 Pamätáte sa čo tam povedal Dátan a tí ostatní? Oni povedali: „No, počkaj chvíľu Mojžiš, ty berieš príliš veľa na seba." Vidíte? „No, sú aj iní muži, ktorých Boh povolal."

161 To bola pravda. Oni ... každý to pekne nasledoval kým išli podľa toho, ale keď sa niekto pokúsil vystúpiť a zaujať Božie miesto, ktoré On dal Mojžišovi, ktorý bol do toho predestinovaný a určený, snažil sa to zaujať, zostúpil oheň a otvorila sa zem a hneď ich strávila. Vidíte? Buďte opatrní! Vidíte? Buďte len dobrí, pobožní kresťania, verte Slovu. Vidíte? Stojte ďalej od toho ohnivého stĺpa! Čo za lekcia!

162 Boh sa prv zjavil Mojžišovi v horiacom kríku, Boh bol zastretý v ohnivom stĺpe. No, dobre teraz počúvajte ešte chvíľu. Boh prišiel prv ku Mojžišovi, On bol zastretý. Boh bol v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, skrytý tam vzadu na púšti v kríku, (Vidíte?) podobne ako za tou kožou (Vidíte?) tam vzadu s tým trónom milosti, na oltári. Vidíte? On bol zastretý. On je stále zastretý. A keď On prišiel ku Mojžišovi bol v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, zastretý v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe. Ale tu pred ľuďmi ho Boh potvrdil tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom. Vidíte? Mojžiš povedal ...

163 No, dávajte pozor! Čítate ... Či necháte aby vaše mysle blúdili niekde inde? Môžete, môžete ... „Kto má uši nech počuje." Vidíte?

164 Keď sa Boh ukázal Mojžišovi, bolo to v ohnivom stĺpe, keď ho povolal do jeho služby. A Mojžiš prišiel a povedal o tom ľuďom. Oni tomu nemohli uveriť. Hoci on už činil zázraky a všetko, ale teraz On sa on ukázal viditeľne, vedecky a potvrdil Mojžišovu službu, že je ten istý Boh, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, pretože On sa ukázal vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa a celá hora bola v ohni. A On prišiel ku Mojžišovi v kríku, hovoril ku nemu. No dobre.

165 Boh sa prv ukázal Mojžišovi zastretý v horiacom kríku. Pred ľuďmi sa Boh znovu zastrel a potvrdil Mojžiša, tou zásterou, tým že zastrel samého Seba tým istým ohňom, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp prišiel dole ... Odvtedy ... odvtedy, tak oni mohli počuť len Božie Slovo. Rozumiete? Len Slovo, oni počuli Jeho Hlas. Lebo Mojžiš bol pre nich živým Slovom. Mojžiš! Vidíte? Boh tak potvrdil to Slovo cez Mojžiša! Vidíte? Mojžiš povedal ... Boh povedal Mojžišovi: „Choď tam a Ja budem s tebou, nič neobstojí pred tebou. Ja som ten Ja som."

166 Mojžiš prišiel dole a povedal: „Možno tomuto neveríte, možno, ale Boh sa mi ukázal v ohnivom stĺpe a povedal mi tieto veci."

167 „Ó, u nás sa dejú všetky takéto podobné veci." Povedal Faraón. „Aha!" Pastor Faraón povedal: „No, to je lacný kúzelnícky trik. Aha, ja tu mám kúzelníkov, ktorí dokážu premeniť hada na ... palicu na hada. Poďte sem, kúzelníci." A oni tam prišli a urobili to isté.

168 Mojžiš vedel, nič ho netrápilo. Koľkokoľvek oni mali napodobovateľov, to mu ani trochu nevadilo, Mojžiš stál pevne. A ako viete, oni sa tam za chvíľu plazili okolo a Mojžišov had ich hneď všetky zožral. Prečo? Ako tí apoštolovia. Oni to nevedeli vysvetliť. Mojžiš nevedel ako to Boh urobí, ale On to urobí.

169 Pamätajte, On povedal, že Jannes a Jambres sa navrátia v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Napodobovatelia. „A oni by zviedli aj samotných vyvolených keby to bolo možné," Matúš 24/24. Vidíte? Presne tie isté veci, robia také isté zázraky a všetko. Pozorujte to Slovo! Pozorujte to Slovo! Niekto hovorí, že robí zázraky a stále chce veriť, že sú traja bohovia a všetko také, niečo ako ... Choďte preč od toho. My vieme, že to je zlé. Vidíte? Nič také! Vidíte? Slovo, každé Slovo, každé Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z úst Božích! Genesis, jedno slovo ... A tu povedal: „Neodnímte ani nepridajte jedno slovo." Vidíte? To musí byť to isté Slovo. Vidíte?

170 Všimnite si. Ľudia videli niečo, čo sa už stalo. Mojžiš bol zastretý ako ... On bol prorok a Boh teraz potvrdil jeho Slovo, zostúpil tam dole. A on videl znamenia a zázraky. A potom, po tomto, sa ľudia oddelili, povstala cirkev. Vidíte? Slovo cirkev znamená „vyvolaní." Rozumiete? Potom keď boli vyvolaní zo sveta a stávajú sa ľudom, (Vidíte?) potom sa Boh dáva poznávať, že On je ten Ohnivý Stĺp. On potvrdil Mojžišove posolstvo. Vidíte? On bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Oni si to mohli hádam odfotiť, keby mali fotoaparáty, pretože to bolo celé v ohni. Ale oni potvrdili ... Boh potvrdzuje, že to posolstvo je pravda. To posolstvo bolo na blízku, všetko, potom mal nastať exodus. Zastrel svojho proroka pre týchto ľudí, ktorí mali exodus.

171 Ľudia (zamyslite sa!) , videli že sa mu niečo stalo. On bol teraz inakší od iných izraelitov. On bol iný .. Jeho posolstvo bolo inakšie, on bol iný ako kňazi, on bol iný ako čokoľvek. Vidíte? On bol inakšou osobou. Ľudia videli, že sa niečo stalo. Boh sa zaclonil vo svojom prorokovi, aby ku ním hovoril svoje Slová. To je to čo On urobil. Mojžiš bol tým živým Slovom pre tých ľudí, zastretý ohnivým stĺpom, hovoril to čo neskoršie malo byť zaclonené za tými jazvečími kožami. Vidíte?

172 Slovo muselo vyjsť prv z Mojžiša. Vidíte? Mojžiš mal Slovo. Boh napísal tie slová, nikto ich nemohol vyložiť, Mojžiš ich musel prv vyložiť. To je dôvod, že on zastrel svoju tvár, pretože on ... Vidíte to? Vidíte? Tu to máte. My by sme to mohli zobrať, zobrať to, a všetko to ďalšie tam, ale to musí byť zjavené. Aby to mohlo byť zjavené, Mojžiš sa musel stať pre tých ľudí Bohom.

Vy poviete: „To je nezmysel."

173 Prečo On povedal ... povedal dokonca Mojžišovi, On sám: „Ty budeš Bohom a Áron bude tvojím prorokom." Vidíte to? Vidíte? Tak On tu prichádza, vidíte, On sa musel zakryť, pretože Boh je stále za oponou. Ó! Vidíte to? Boh sa skryl pred verejnosťou!

174 Povedal: „Otče, ďakujem ti, že si to skryl pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, tým ktorí sa chcú učiť." Vidíte?

175 Boh sa skryl za oponou. Mojžiš zastrel svoju tvár. Mojžiš bol živým Slovom, ktoré bolo potom zastreté. Ľudia videli Ohnivý Stĺp a povedali: „No, teraz sme sa presvedčili." Vidíte? „Nech hovorí Mojžiš." Vidíte? Nech nehovorí Boh aby sme nepomreli." Mojžiš vošiel rovno do toho ohnivého stĺpa. Vidíte?

176 A povedal teraz, On povedal: No, už viacej nebudem ku ním takto hovoriť, Ja im dám proroka." Vidíte? A takto to On vždy robil. Vidíte? Povedal: „Nech oni ..." Ale tento prorok musel mať toto Slovo. Ak je on zastretý tradíciou, Boh ho nikdy neposlal. Ak je zastretý Slovom, Boh to potvrdí. Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. Mojžiš im hovoril a Boh to vykladal. Amen.

177 Mojžiš povedal: „Pán tak povedal!" A Pán urobil presne to čo povedal. To ukázalo, že to je pravda.

178 No On povedal: „Teraz, Mojžiš, ty rozumieš, ľudia teraz rozumejú." Vidíte? „Ukázal som ťa, potvrdil som ťa." Boh sa zastrel v tomto prorokovi aby hovoril svoje Slovo ľuďom. Mojžiš bol pre nich živým Bohom, živým Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Preto bola jeho tvár zastretá. Vidíte?

179 A viete, že to isté je dnes zastreté v skutočnom kresťanovi pred neveriacimi? Oni vidia tie ženy s dlhými vlasmi a so všetkým a hovoria: „Pozrite sa na ten starý model." Ženy si zakrúcajú hore vlasy takto vzadu. Ľudia hovoria. „Majú spľasknutú pneumatiku, rezervu." Vidíte? To je všetko zaclonené. Oni sú slepí. „Dobre." Oni hovoria, „Ja mám doktorát Ph.D.L ..." Nestarám sa o to čo ty máš, stále si neoboznámený so Slovom. Presne tak. „Oh to je niečo nepodstatné. Ja ..." Nauč sa prv tie malé lekcie.

180A čo s ľuďmi, ktorí hovoria, že sú zastretí v prítomnosti Božej a kážu nejakú cirkevnú tradíciu? Ó, milosrdenstvo Božie! Ktorá dodáva alebo odoberá a všetko možné, ako vštepovanie ich vlastných úvah a ich vlastných myšlienok a nie Slovo Božie. Vidíte? Čo je to za opona? To je náboženská opona. Boh doširoka roztrhol tú oponu!

181 Oni hovoria: „Nieto niečo také ako proroci. V týchto posledných dňoch nieto niečo také ako apoštolovia a proroci. Nieto niečo také ako Božské uzdravovanie. Nieto už viacej niečo také ako vidiaci. Nieto niečo také ako vyplňovanie sa toho, čo je v Markovi 16. Apoštolský vek skončil." Oni to zastreli pred ľuďmi ale Boh otvorene vystúpil s ohňom svojho Ducha Svätého a roztrhol tie veci od vrchu do spodku. Boh roztrhol tú oponu.

182 Mojžiš bol tou oponou, to živé Slovo Božie zakryté za ľudským telom. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol v Mojžišovi, samozrejme, hovoril to čo malo byť neskoršie zakryté za kožami. Vidíte?

183 No, to - Slovo, Slovo bolo predvedené, potom bolo napísané, potom bolo položené za to a stále bolo zakryté, lebo Boh bol stále v tom Slove. Amen! On je stále Slovo. On bol v tom Slove. Preto to Slovo muselo byť zakryté.

184 Ó, brat, sestra, rozumiete to? Pozrite! Či to nevidíte? To bolo zakryté cez tieto veky, podľa toho čo povedal Boh a bude to otvorené v posledných dňoch, týchto sedem pečatí bude zlomených a celá tá vec sa stane viditeľná pre ľudí, čo sa dialo po celý čas. V hodine posolstva siedmeho anjela majú byť oznámené všetky tajomstvá Božie v tom Eliášovi, v tejto poslednej hodine: ako je Kristus vystrčený zo svojej cirkvi ako Syn Boží; ako sa On znovu zjavil ako Syn človeka; ako má byť cirkev daná do poriadku a všetko na ten posledný deň, žiadne vyznania, žiadne denominácie, len absolútne Slovo žijúce v danom jednotlivcovi. „Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Tohoto vezmem a toho zanechám." Vidíte? Tam nie sú žiadne procesie, žiadne denominácie, žiadne poviazania ani nič také. To je to srdce s Bohom a s Ním samým. Vidíte?

185 Všimnite si, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Mojžiš bol to Slovo, hovoril to čo neskoršie malo byť dané za jazvečiu kožu. Tak to ... Tak je Kristus naším Mojžišom. Kristus je náš Mojžiš. On bol Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele, zahalený v ľudskosti, v tele. Je to tak. A On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On bol zahalený tými jazvečími kožami. On bol zahalený. A teraz bol zahalený v človeku. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, „ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek. On je stále Kristus, zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Slovo Božie.

186 To pomazanie, to je osoba. Slovo Kristus znamená „Ten pomazaný." Vidíte? „Ten pomazaný." Potom Mojžiš bol Kristus na svoj deň, on bol ten pomazaný. Jeremiáš bol Kristus na svoj deň, s porciou Slova na ten deň.

187 Ale keď prišiel Ježiš, On prišiel ako Vykupiteľ, Ten pomazaný. A to bolo oboje Mojžiš a všetko to, čo bolo v Mojžišovi a celé Slovo a celé Božstvo telesne bolo v Ňom. Preto celá chrámová opona bola roztrhnutá a trón milosti sa stal dokonale viditeľný. On bol Ten pomazaný.

188 Všimnite si. Teraz tá opona v ľudskom tele, to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek musí byť tiež zakryté. Všimnite si! Členovia cirkvi, ktorí milujú hriech a hriešnici to nemôžu vidieť kvôli tej ľudskej opone.

189 Preto ľudia nemohli vidieť Jeho. „Aha, On je človek. Odkiaľ prišiel? Aký má členský preukaz? Do akej cirkvi patrí?" (Chcem o tom dnes večer hovoriť, do akej cirkvi On patrí? Vidíte?) A tak, vidíte, „Do akej cirkvi On patrí? Do akej skupiny? Akú má školu? Aké má vzdelanie? No, tento muž sa podľa tradície narodil, podľa legendy, ktorá tu okolo Neho koluje, tento človek sa nenarodil zo svätého manželského zväzku. Skutočne, On je z diabla!" Vidíte? „On je z diabla! On sa nenarodil zo svätého manželského zväzku. A Jozef si ju vzal aby ju zachránil pred ukameňovaním, pretože ona bola cudzoložnica. A ten človek tu chodí a chce povedať nám kňazom, čo máme robiť?"

190 A Boh tam stál a zjavoval to Slovo, volal: „Môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil?" Oni spievali v chráme práve tie piesne, ktoré im pred rokmi zložil Dávid, ktoré poukazovali na Krista. „Počítam všetky svoje kosti a oni hľadia na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky a moje nohy." A oni tam stáli, spievali to a tam na kríži práve zomieral ten Človek. A keď to dospievali a ...

191 Keď On zomrel, Boh neba zostúpil, tak ako to urobil na hore Sinaji, so svätým ohňom a prepálil tú oponu od vrchu až do spodku, roztrhol ju na dvoje, a čo oni mohli uvidieť? Pozreli sa tam cez chrámové okno, na Golgotu a tam bol Boh jasne viditeľný, tá obeť.

192 Ale oni to nevidia ani dnes. Boh v tomto poslednom dni roztrhol tieto tradície a priniesol Slovo na tento vek rovno jasne viditeľne a oni to stále nevedia. Oni to proste nevedia. Je to príliš jednoduché! Vidíte? To je proste tak jednoduché, to je tak ďaleko od vecí tohto sveta.

193 Kázal som raz na jednom zhromaždení na tému „byť šraubnutí - blázon." V jednom z týchto dní chcem o tom hovoriť, „byť šraubnutí." My sme všetci pre niekoho šraubnutí, tak ja budem šraubnutý do Krista. Pavel povedal, že ho pokladali za blázna. Skutočne, musíte takí byť. Vidíte? Aby veci držali spolu treba na to šraub. Vidíte? Je to tak.

194 Tak, všimnite si, opona ľudského tela. Poznať ... no, ľudia, ktorí milovali hriech to nemohli vidieť. Títo tradične nábožní ľudia, oni to nemohli vidieť, pretože On bol človek. Prečo? To ľudské telo skrývalo Boha.

195 No, keby On bol zostúpil ako veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, vidíte, veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý by prišiel dole a ukázal im kto On je, že On je tento veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, tomu by mohli uveriť, keby Jehova prechádzal okolo. Ale vidíte čo On urobil, že mohol prejsť okolo tých chytrých, múdrych ľudí, On sa proste zjavil tak, ako to zasľúbil Mojžišovi. Vidíte? „Ja budem ku ním hovoriť cez proroka." A On bol Syn človeka, prorok. A niektorí z nich to rozpoznali, asi jedna stotina percenta z jednej stotiny ľudí na svete, oni tomu verili. Tí ostatní nie, ale On bol proste taký istý.

196 Ale tam stál Mocný Boh jasne viditeľný, trón milosti. On zomrel keď jeho vlastné deti hovorili ... Jeho vlastné deti tam hovorili: „My Ho nechceme! Preč s Ním!" Pľuli na Neho.

197 Predobraz, dávno predtým, keď Dávid opúšťal chrám, odmietnutý kráľ. Išiel po ulici a malý, chromý človek išiel krívajúc okolo, nikdy ho nemal rád nazýval ho „starý pokrytec" alebo tak nejako, pľul mu rovno do tváre. A ten strážca vytiahol meč a povedal: „Či nezotnem tomu psovi hlavu, pľuje na môjho kráľa?"

198 Dávid povedal: „Nechaj ho tak, Boh mu to povedal." A Dávid možno nevedel čo povedal. Vyšiel hore na vrch, pozeral sa naspäť a plakal.

199 Za osemsto rokov potom, Syn Dávidov vyšiel na ten istý vrch, pozeral sa, plakal nad Jeruzalemom, odmietnutý Kráľ. A oni mu pľuli do tváre.

200 Nevidíte to? To je to isté. Vidíte ako sa to Slovo postupne vyplňuje, ako to s tým dnes ide? Stále je to odmietnuté tou väčšinou a menšina tomu verí.

201 No, vidíte, oni tomu nemohli veriť. Tí Gréci, oni Ho nemohli vidieť, On bol v ľudskom chráme. „Prečo," povedali, „tento muž sa nazýva Ježiš, On pochádza z Nazaretu."

202 No, oni v tých dňoch mávali len jedno meno, ako Ján, Jakub. Oni hovorili: „Ján z Jeffersonville, Jakub z New Albany," alebo tak nejako. Viete.

203 Oni povedali: Toto je Ježiš z Nazaretu. Všeobecne sa verí, že jeho matka otehotnela od nejakého vojaka." Vidíte? A potom, to je presne to, čo oni verili. Skutočne! A oni povedali: „No a toto je Ježiš z Nazaretu." Vidíte? „Kto On je?" Vidíte? Oni tomu nemohli rozumieť. Ale prečo?

204 Toto Slovo na ten deň, On kázal a povedal: „Skúmajte Písma, Vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život a oni svedčia kto som. Ak nemôžete veriť mne, zabudnite na mňa, ako na oponu, verte tomu Slovu, ktoré sa prejavuje. Treba dvoch svedkov," povedal: „Ja hovorím a Otec hovorí a potvrdzuje ma." Amen. Je to tak.

205 Ja hovorím Slovo na tento deň a Otec to potvrdzuje. No, je to pre vás svedectvo? Je. Vidíte? Takto to má byť vyplnené.

206 Všimnite si teraz v 2. liste Korinťanom, to ... v 2. liste Korinťanom 3. kapitola a 6. verš, ten starý chrám bol prístreškom pre Boha, kde bol ukrytý pred židmi za starými kožami. Keď tá stará opona bola roztrhnutá, židia stále ... slepí na to, kto On bol a Kto je. A potom Letnice zjavili kto je ten pravý a živý Boh, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá nadvoje, Boh ju roztrhol od vrchu. Prečo sa tá opona roztrhla? Prečo sa to stalo?

207 Prečo dnes prišlo také posolstvo aby urobilo to, čo urobilo? Prečo to prišlo? Prečo?

208 Tu pred nedávnom mi chcel niekto zavolať, chcel sa so mnou rozprávať o cirkevnom veku, že „Boh je vo svojej svätej cirkvi," a o takýchto veciach. A zistil som, že to bola nejaká žena kazateľka a ja som proste na to zabudol. Vidíte? Keby to bol nejaký muž to by bolo v poriadku, to by bolo iné. Ale tak ... ale aký to má význam, ísť rovno tam do inej krajiny, keď kvôli tomu by som musel opustiť zhromaždenie tu? Vidíte? Tak som ich proste nechal tak. Slepí vodcovia slepých, oni všetci spadnú do jamy.

209 Tak v tomto veku, keď tá stará denominačná a tradičná opona bola strhnutá z Božieho Slova, tak sa to mohlo zamanifestovať! Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Tradícia hovorí: „Všetky tieto veci pominuli." (Nech to vsiakne trochu hlbšie!) „Tie veci pominuli." Ale v tom poslednom dni, tá tradičná opona bola roztrhnutá na dvoje a tu stojí ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidíte? On je tu, manifestuje Slovo na tento deň. Opona je roztrhnutá! No, svet, oni tomu stále neveria. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, oni to nevidia. Oni to nevidia. Nebolo to poslané pre nich.

210 Pamätajte, Syn Boží nebol zjavený Sodome. Dvaja poslovia boli. Je to pravda.

211 Ale sám Boh v ľudskom tele bol zjavený Abrahámovi, vyvolenému. A dávajte pozor čo On urobil aby zjavil Seba samého. A teraz, Abrahám poznal, keď On vedel čo si Sára myslela, hoci bola za Jeho chrbtom, on povedal, nazval Ho „Elohim, tvoj sluha ..."

212 Všimnite si teraz, tak to môže byť zamanifestované. Po všetky tie roky bolo Slovo pre ľudí zastreté oponou: „To sa nemôže stať."

213 Pamätáte sa na kázeň ktorú som kázal ráno toho dňa, keď som prvý krát odišiel odtiaľto, o Goliášovi a Dávidovi? Povedal som: „Pozrite sa tam na tú výzvu, hovorí že dni zázrakov pominuli." Všímajte si tie posolstvá na páskach ako oni prichádzajú, pozorujte každú jednu, ako to prichádza a stáva sa to jasnejšie a jasnejšie; ak máte uši aby ste počuli, (Vidíte?) oči aby ste videli. Dávajte pozor! Povedal som: „Tam stojí ten veľký nábožný svet, oni hovoria, že v tomto vedeckom veku sa To nemôže stať." Ale ja som povedal ... Boh, v tom svetle, predtým to ešte nebolo odfotené. Vtedy tam dole pri rieke to nebolo odfotené, oni to vôbec neodfotili. Vidíte? Povedal som: „On mi povedal, že toto sa stane, On zavolá a to volanie preletí cez všetky národy."

214 A ešte aj doktor Davis povedal: „Ty, so základnou školou, vychodil si len sedem tried a budeš sa modliť za kráľov a monarchov a začneš prebudenie, ktoré prejde cez všetky národy?

Povedal som: „To je to čo On povedal."

215 A to sa stalo. Vidíte? Skutočne, to sa stalo. To hlavné na tom je to, že On nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. On to vyložil. Vidíte? On to už vyplnil, to sa samé vykladá. Vidíte? Volá svojich vyvolených, (Vidíte?) zo všetkých chodníkov života. No, to sa zamanifestovalo.

216 Povedal som ... Ten Dávid stál tam vonku, malý, nepatrný, chudý mládenec s prehnutým chrbtom a s prakom v ruke. A aha, Saul sa pozrel na neho, ten vedúci kazateľského združenia a povedal: „Ako, veď ty nie si ani vytrénovaný!" on povedal: „Počkaj, ak ti budem môcť udeliť titul Ph.D alebo niečo také." Položil na neho toto brnenie a on zistil, že to nepasuje na muža Božieho.

217 Povedal: „Zlož to zo mňa." Povedal: „Ja o tom nič neviem. Nechaj ma ísť podľa toho ako to ja viem, s tým s čím som premohol leva, s čím som premohol medveďa." On bol takým lesným mužom. On povedal: „Nechaj ma takto ísť."

218 A tento Goliášisko povedal: „Či posielate psa aby so mnou bojoval? Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a zavesím tam hore tvoju mŕtvolu a dám ju zožrať vtákom."

219 Dávid povedal: „Ty ideš proti mne ako filištín v brnení a s kopijou a ja idem proti tebe v mene Pána Boha Izraelovho." Pozorujte toho proroka. Dávid povedal: „Dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu z tvojich pliec." Amen. Ó! On vedel čo mal. Komu veril a bol plne presvedčený, že On je schopný dodržať to čo zasľúbil. Vidíte? Tak každopádne sa to vyplnilo.

220 To staré porekadlo: „Dni zázrakov pominuli," tie múry sú zrútené. Jehova stojí stále celkom viditeľný, manifestujúci svoje Slovo, Ten odostretý. Je to tak.

221 Všimnite si, tá pohanská cirkev bola tiež zaslepená tou oponou, potom keď ona bola roztrhnutá a ukázala Boha, tá opona nábožnosti. Ako? Tým že znovu zakrýva Slovo v ľudskej bytosti. To je presne to čo Izrael nedokázal vidieť. Keby bol prišiel anjel alebo niečo také, Izrael by tomu uveril, ale keď to bol ... To nemohol byť anjel, to musel byť človek! Amen. Boh nemôže porušiť svoje Slovo. V posledných dňoch to znovu musí byť to isté. Vidíte? Čo zaslepilo Izrael? Ten človek. „Ty si človek a robíš sa Bohom." Preto Ho oni zabili. A dnes, pretože to posolstvo prichádza cez človeka a nie cez anjelov! Vidíte? Boh nemôže zmeniť svoj spôsob jednania, zmeniť svoje Slovo. On povedal, že On sa nemení. Vidíte?

Všimnite si, pohania sú dnes tak isto zaslepení ako bol Izrael. Kvôli čomu? Kvôli tej záclone. Boh zahalený v ľudskej bytosti zaslepil Izrael. Všimnite si, ako každý zaslepený ... Jedného to zaslepí, druhému to zjaví pravdu. Niektorým To zavrie oči a iným ich otvorí.

222 Pozrite sa! Ježiš sa postavil a povedal: Tvoje meno je Šimon a meno tvojho otca je Jonáš."

On povedal: „Pane Bože!"

Filip ... on povedal: „Ako si vedel?"

On povedal: „Hľa izraelita v ktorom nieto ľsti!"

A on povedal: „Rabi, kedy si ma poznal?"

223 On povedal: Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

224 On povedal: „Rabi, Ty si ten Syn Boží. Ty si kráľ Izraelov."

225 Ale stáli tam iní ľudia a povedali: „On je Belzebub." Vidíte? Čo to robilo? Jedným to otvorilo oči a druhých to oslepilo. Čo povedali tí kňazi? „Aha, ten človek je Belzebub!"

226 Táto obyčajná žena povedala: „Ja viem, že príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Pomazaný." vidíte. „Ten pomazaný príde. My sme nemali prorokov už ... Ty musíš byť prorok. Ale ten pomazaný príde, očakávame na Neho. Toto sú posledné dni pre pohanov ... či pre židov." Povedala: „Toto sú posledné dni." Vidíte, „Toto sú posledné dni." Vidíte? Oboje, samaritáni aj židia očakávali na Mesiáša. Vidíte? Povedal: „Toto je jeho čas aby sa objavil. My vieme, že keď príde, On bude robiť tieto veci, On nám povie tieto veci."

On povedal: „To som Ja."

227 Jej oči boli otvorené, oči kňazov boli zaslepené. To je to čo evanjelium stále robí. Ono otvára niekomu oči, niekomu zjavuje pravdu, zatiaľ čo iných zaslepuje. Má dvojaký význam. Niektorí môžu zobrať to slnko a pozrieť sa rovno na to a odchádzajú slepí; iní to môžu zobrať a vykročiť s tým. To je ten rozdiel.

228 Ako sa to stalo v každom veku, Božstvo zahalené v ľudskom tele. Všimnite si, On sa zahalil, tí proroci boli božstvom, zahaleným. Oni boli Božím Slovom, je to pravda? Zacloneným v ľudskom tele. Tak oni nepoznali ani nášho Mojžiša, (vidíte?) Ježiša.

229 Všimnite si, zahalený za tými starými jazvečími kožami v tom starom chráme bolo Slovo, to bolo Slovo zamanifestované na kamenných doskách.

230 No, budem sa snažiť skončiť asi za dvadsať minút, ak budem môcť, prebrať to do pol dvanástej. Dávajte pozor, ak ste si všimli, prevrátil som tu niekoľko strán aby som ... aby to nebolo príliš dlhé. Viem, že vám je teplo a ste unavení.

231 Čo bolo tam v tom starom chráme tam za tou oponou? Čím bol Jehova? Čo bolo skryté tam vzadu? Čo skrývala tá opona? Ó, haleluja! Čo skrývala tá opona? Ona skrývala Slovo. Tá opona, tie staré jazvečie kože skrývali, skrývali Slovo pred ich telesnými očami. Za tým tiež boli chleby predloženia. Tam za tým bola tiež chvála Šekinah. Ale to všetko bolo pred nimi skryté. To všetko bolo skryté. Všetka sláva Božia bola hneď za tou starou jazvečou kožou, je to tak, všetko bolo skryté pred tým prirodzeným okom.

232 Dnes je to tiež tak. Nazývajú to „banda svätých, fanatici." Ale oni nevedia, čo je za tým ukryté. Je to tak. Oni to nevedia. Vidíte?

233 Potom keď Boh, v milosti, roztrhol pre nich tú záclonu aby videli, oni boli tak zapletení do svojich tradícií, že ... stále to bolo pre nich skryté až do tohto dňa.

234 Tak isto teraz! Sláva, moc Ducha Svätého, sláva Šekinah, ktorá prichádza na veriaceho, (Teraz mám na mysli skutočného veriaceho.) to spôsobuje skutky Božie a viera prichádza do neho aby veril Božiemu Slovu. To všetko je skryté pred ich očami, oni hovoria: „Tie dni pominuli." Vidíte, oni stále žijú za oponou. Vy už viacej nie ste za oponou, maličkí, Boh je pre vás celkom viditeľný!

235 Jedného dňa brat Fred Sothman a brat Tom Simpson (Neviem či sa mu sem podarilo dostať alebo nie), niekoľkí sme boli tam v baptistickom zbore. A ten kazateľ povedal niečo čo znelo celkom dobre, všetci sme povedali: „Amen." Každý v tom zbore natiahol krk a obzreli sa dozadu aby videli. Vidíte? Našli sme omrvinku, ktorá prišla tam spoza toho z chvály Šekinah, viete a boli sme radi, že sme to mohli dostať. A povedali sme, inými slovami: „Ďakujeme Ti, Pane!" Vidíte? A keď to oni urobili, títo ľudia boli tak zaclonení, že sa z nás proste smiali. Oni vôbec nevedeli, čo to je. Vidíte? Oni sú stále zaclonení. Tak niektorí sú vo vnútri a niektorí vonku. A tak ...

236 Ale Boh je pre nás celkom viditeľný, a pri tom skrytý. Tak isto teraz! Potom keď Boh, vo svojej milosti, roztrhol tú oponu, bol vystavený jasne na pohľad. Ale oni boli tak zamotaní vo svojich tradíciách, že On bol pred nimi naďalej skrytý. Tak isto je to teraz! Všetka tá chvála, skrytá, je skrytá pre nás v Kristovi, v Slove, ktorý je naším Chrámom.

237 Ó, teraz budem musieť trochu v tomto kopať hlbšie. Prepáčte mi dnes ráno za moje emócie, ale ó, tak dávno som toto chcel priniesť, ja ... to sa proste vo mne viaže. Vidíte?

238 Všimnite si, všetka sláva ktorá je v Bohu, je v Slove. Všetky požehnania, ktoré sú v Bohu, sú v Slove. Pre neveriaceho je to skryté skrze tradície. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Ale to je všetko v Kristovi. Všetko čím bol Boh, On sa vyprázdnil „kenos" a prišiel do Krista; a my, v Kristovi, ššš (Brat Branham fúkol) sme za oponou ...

239 „Dobre, ja som v Kristovi." hovoríte. A potom veríš v troch bohov? Pokrstený vo meno „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého?" Veríš vo všetky tieto tradície a v podania starších? Nie, ty si stále za oponou. Rozumiete? Vojdite do ten opony. On - Kristus je Slovo. Ako?

240 „Ja neverím v Božské uzdravovanie. Ja neverím v tieto zázraky a v takéto veci."

241 Dobre, vidíš? Ty nie si vo vnútri, v tej opone, ty o tom nič nevieš. Vidíte? Kristus je Slovo! A keď sme v Slove, sme v Kristovi. A ako môžem byť v Kristovi a zapierať Krista? To je On, ktorý povedal: „Ani jedno Slovo nebude pridané ani odobrané z toho." Ako potom môžete z toho niečo odobrať alebo pridať? Vidíte? To vám ukazuje aká opona to pred vami skrýva. Vidíte?

242 My v Ňom ... Potom, keď sme v Ňom, stále sme zaclonení pre nábožných a učených ľudí tohoto sveta. Vidíte? Naša sláva, ktorú máme a z ktorej sa radujeme, pre tých vonku sme stále zaclonení. Oni si znovu myslia, že sme blázni a šrauby. Vidíte? Vidíte? Je to tak. Ale my, ktorí sme tu, v Kristovi, pokrstení do Neho 1. Korinťanom 12, v Neho, sme účastníci tejto slávy. Vidíte? Ale nie navonok, stále sa dívate dovnútra, zapierate to. Vidíte?

243 Tak teraz sme pozvaní do Neho aby sme boli účastníci všetkého toho čo je On. Sme pozvaní do Neho, a to je skryté pred neveriacimi oponou ľudského tela. Rozumiete? Oni poznajú tú slávu, čítajú o tom, to je tu v Slove, o sláve Božej a o takýchto veciach, pre nich je to len slovo. Pre nás je to manifestácia! Vidíte? To už viacej nie je slovo, je to skutočnosť! Amen!

244 Boh povedal: „Buď svetlo!" To bolo slovo, ale teraz je svetlo. To nie je slovo, to je svetlo. Rozumiete, čo tým chcem povedať?

245 No, pre nás to nie je len napísané slovo, to je skutočnosť. My sme v Ňom. Teraz sa z Neho radujeme, hľadíme na Neho, teraz Ho vidíme - Slovo, manifestujúce Jeho samého. To je skryté, pred tými tam vonku, pretože, prečo? To je zaclonené v ľudskom tele. Vidíte?

246 Ó, oni hovoria: „Tá banda ľudí, kde chodili do školy? Aké majú vzdelanie? Odkiaľ prišli? Do akej skupiny patria?" Vidíte, oni to nerozumejú.

247 Jeden človek povedal raz druhému, povedal: „Aby si bol kresťan musíš patriť do nejakej denominácie."

248 On povedal: „Ja som kresťan, ja nepatrím ani do jednej z nich." Povedal: „Boh zobral zo mňa túto rakovinu," povedal: „čo si teraz o tom myslíš?" To bol doktor. Povedal: „Ukáž mi kde to robí denominácia." Vidíte? No dobre. Vidíte, to je stále zaclonené.

249 My sme vo vnútri Krista. Teraz, ako vtedy, všetci skutoční veriaci Ho vidia, Slovo zasľúbenia na tento deň, otvorene zamanifestované. To je veľké slovo ak to môžete porozumieť. Vidíte, vidíte? Všetci ozajstní veriaci, ktorí sú v Slove, vidia otvorene Boha, opona je roztrhnutá a Boh stojí otvorene pred vami, zamanifestovaný. Vidíte? Boh otvorene zamanifestovaný!

250 Aby toto urobil, naša stará denominačná tradičná opona musí byť znovu roztrhnutá. Aby sme skutočne videli čo to je musíte vyjsť z tých vecí. Rozumiete? Nikdy to neuvidíte; oni budú stále pred vás zaťahovať tú oponu, zakaždým. „Ó, na tom nič nie je." Ale tu je napísané a tu sa to zamanifestovalo. Vidíte, vidíte?

251 No, čo keby niekto odmietal vidieť slnko, hovoril by: „Ó, viem, že Boh povedal - Buď svetlo - ale nič také nie je. Ja idem dole do pivnice. Ja sa proste odmietam na to dívať." Taký človek je blázon. Niečo nie je s ním v poriadku.

252 S takým mužom alebo ženou je niečo zlé, keď môžu vidieť zasľúbenie Božie a vidieť to zamanifestované a potom odmietajú tomu veriť, pretože denominácia zaťahuje oponu. Vidíte. Zatiahnuté!

253 Aby sme toto mohli vidieť, naša denominačná tradičná záclona musí byť zlámaná ohňom a mečom Božieho Ducha, ktorým je jeho Slovo. Jeho Slovo je stále jeho meč. Vidíte? On zobral v ten deň svoj meč, plný ohňa a roztrhol tú oponu od vrchu dole. On dnes robí to isté, tým istým mečom! Nie moje vyznanie, nie moja kniha vyznaní, nie môj katechizmus, ale meč Pánov. Roztrháva tú oponu a vy vidíte Boha vystaveného jasne na pohľad, zamanifestovaného vo svojom Slove. Čo za slávny pohľad, dívať sa na to! Rozumiete? Dobre. Boží Duch Svätý a oheň, jeho meč to roztrháva. Slovo roztrháva tú denominačnú oponu.

254 Čo keby ste povedali len Slovo, a to Slovo nefunguje? Na čo by vám tu bol meč ak vravíte: „Nemôže rozseknúť." Poviete: „Ach, on to nerozsekne."

255 Ale keď tam dáte ten Boží meč a vidíte ako rozsekáva, drží ho ruka na to určená. Ktorá je na to poslaná. Vidíte? Rozpára to a tam Ho máte. To ukazuje Boha jasne pred nami, toho veľkého Jehovu. To je jeho zamanifestované Slovo, tá časť, ktorá bola zasľúbená na tento deň. Rozumiete to? Vidíte? Keď ten meč, to čo je zasľúbené na dnes, na tento deň, to čo má byť dnes a Boh berie svoj meč a trhá tú denominačnú záclonu a odťahuje ju a manifestuje sa a ukazuje, že On je tam. Stále ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp! Všimnite si, to je zamanifestované Slovo podľa zasľúbenia na dnes.

256 Vidíme to ako Peter, keď povedal: „Pane, ku komu pôjdeme, keď sme toto videli?" Kde by sme išli? Do akej cirkvi by sme sa mali pripojiť, keď sme sa narodili v jednej? Vidíte? Čo by ste mali ... Do akej denominácii by ste mali vstúpiť, keď viete, že toto je pravda. Vidíte? Keď každá jedna z nich to zapiera. Každá jedna! Nepoznám ani jednu, ktorá by o tom hovorila niečo dobré. Je to tak. Je to tak.

257 Začal som tu tieto misijné cesty a na jednom mieste bolo štyridsať dva cirkví, ktoré to sponzorovali, keď som tam prišiel nemal som ani jednu. Každý z nich hovoril: „On verí vo večnú istotu." To odsunulo odtiaľ tých zákonníkov. Jeden povedal: „On krstí vo meno Ježiš." To spravilo, že odišli všetci tí ostatní. Vidíte? Jeden z nich povedal: „On verí v semeno hada. Had nemá žiadne semeno!" To spravilo ...

258 Biblia hovorí: „Ja položím nepriateľstvo medzi jej semenom a semenom hada."

259 Vidíte? Tá opona bola odtiahnutá zo Slova. Vidíte? Je to tak. To je zjavené nemluvňatám. Je to odtiahnuté, oni to vidia. Bude to tak ako to raz bolo povedané ... Je to tak, potom to bude tak ako to raz bolo povedané: „Keď vidíte ..." Keď je táto opona odstránená zo Slova, tie tradície sú odstránené zo Slova, ako raz povedal Ježiš: „Keď vidíte mňa, vidíte Otca." Vidíte? Boh a jeho Slovo sú jedno. Rozumiete teraz? Keď sa to Slovo zamanifestovalo, čo to je? Vidíte?

260 Ježiš povedal: „Skúmajte písma, vy si myslíte že máte ... Veríte v Boha, verte aj vo mňa. Ak nerobím skutky svojho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak činím tie skutky ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Keď vidíte mňa, videli ste Otca."

261 A keď vidíte, že Slovo sa zamanifestovalo, vidíte Otca, Boha, pretože to Slovo je Otec. To Slovo je Boh. A zamanifestované Slovo je sám Boh, ktorý berie svoje vlastné Slovo a manifestuje ho medzi veriacimi. Nič ho nemôže oživiť iba veriaci, len veriaci. To nie je ... To nebude ...

262 Môžete zobrať pšenicu a zasadiť ju do inakšej pôdy, ona nevyrastie. Ale čo? V tej pôde musí byť určitá úrodnosť aby zobudila pšenicu. A ak nie je ... Ak je ... ak v pôde nie je tá úrodnosť, pšenica nevyklíči, nebude rásť. Tak bez ohľadu kde padá Slovo, ak nepadne do toho správneho druhu srdca ...

263 Ježiš tak povedal: „Niektoré padli vedľa cesty, na skalnatú pôdu a vtáci prišli a pozobali ich." A potom povedal: „Niektoré spadli medzi tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré vyrástli a hneď ich zadusili." Tradície, denominácie, starosti tohto sveta to zadusili. Ale povedal: „Niektoré padli do dobrej pôdy a priniesli stonásobnú úrodu," povedal, „tak je to s kráľovstvom Božím."

To je to isté. Vidíte? Niektorí vôbec nebudú veriť.

264 Niektorí budú chvíľu veriť. Ako tí učeníci, oni Ho nasledovali, mnohí, tí sedemdesiati Ho nasledovali roky, aby zistili, asi rok a pol, alebo dva roky, len aby zistili, či môžu na Ňom niečo nájsť, niečo ... či má nejaký zvláštny spôsob, nejakú moc, že robí tieto veci, nejakú kúzelnú zajačiu labku, či nie je nejakým čarodejníkom, ako to že môže robiť takéto veci, ako môže vedieť čo je v ľudských srdciach a o čo ľudia myslia. A nakoniec zistili, že povedal, že prišiel dole z neba, že On je Slovo samo." A keď to počuli, to bolo pre nich príliš veľa, povedali: „Toto nikto nedokáže pochopiť." A odišli od Neho. To sú tí, ktorí padli medzi tŕne.

265 To prichádza naspäť do toho istého, v každom zhromaždení, máte ľudí, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, potom neveriacich a veriacich. To je v každom zhromaždení. Nájdete ich po celý čas. Niektorí z nich vyzerajú akoby boli veriaci, to je ten najhorší druh. A potom sú tí, ktorí sú skutočne neveriaci, taký vás nebude trápiť, on proste odíde preč a bude kývať hlavou. Ale tí, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, hovoria že sú veriaci, to je ten druh na ktorých si musíte dávať pozor, to sú tí ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich. A potom sú skutoční veriaci. Vidíte tam tých troch?

266 Tam boli neveriaci. Len čo On povedal: „Jedzte telo syna človeka," ó, človeče, to bolo to!

267 Tí ďalší boli, ktorí sa pretvarovali za veriacich. Oni zostali až (presne ako to urobil Judáš) až do konca.

268 Ale potom tí skutoční veriaci, oni to nedokázali vysvetliť, ale jednako tomu verili. Oni prešli cez všetko.

269 Keď tá opona, tradícia neveriacich je odstránená, vidíte Boha. Keď je tá opona tradícií odstránená, môžete vidieť, že Boh je stále Bohom svojho Slova. On stále dodržuje svoje Slovo. On je Boh, autor svojho Slova, ktoré je pre ostatných skryté za koženými oponami. Áno, je to tak. Pre tých, ktorí nemôžu vojsť za tú oponu, je On stále za koženými oponami.

270 Všimnite si, potom my - potom sa stávame časťou Neho, keď ste oponou, ktorá Ho zastiera, ste časťou Neho. Ak je Kristus vo vás, ako ... Kristus bol z Boha, pretože Boh bol v ňom, urobil Ho Bohom. A keď je Kristus vo vás, nádej chvály, stávate sa časťou Krista. „Ten kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, tiež bude činiť." Vidíte? Stávate sa časťou Krista pokiaľ je Kristus skrytý vo vás. Potom je to pre neveriaceho zaclonené, ale vy viete, že On je vo vás. Ste chrámom, v ktorom prebýva Kristus, za oponou, za kožou. Znovu opona, v ľudskom tele, skrýva Boha, Slovo pred neveriacimi.

271 Ako je napísané. Vidíte? Napísané: „Vy ste písanými epištolami," hovorí Biblia. A čo je epištola? To je „napísané slovo." A vy ste napísaným ... Inými slovami, keby ste to takto čítali, vy ... on povedal: „Vy ste napísanými epištolami," alebo „Vy ste slovom, ktoré bolo napísané, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo." Nič nemôže byť do toho pridané. Nemôžete povedať: „Ja som písanou epištolou" a potom žiť podľa niečoho iného a nie podľa toho, čo Toto už napísalo, pretože nič nemôže byť pridané ani odobrané.

272 Ako doktor Lee Vayle píše túto vynikajúcu knihu, chcem aby ste si ju potom pozreli, zanedlho. Brat Vayle je tu, niekde dole. Videl som ho vonku, myslím, že sa mu nepodarilo dostať sa dovnútra. Ale on píše knihu, je to veľmi ohromujúce, o Laodicejskom veku. A chcem aby ste si ju ... zanedlho bude vytlačená, tak teraz robíme na nej poslednú kontrolu. A bolo napísané, diskutovali sme o tom, viete, ohľadne ...

273 Všetci stále ku mne chodili a pýtali sa: „Brat Branham, tých sedem hromov, ktoré vydali svoj hlas a On povedal - nepíš toho (vidíte?) ale zapečať to - či to bude tých sedem hromov, ktoré budú zjavené v tých posledných dňoch? Sedem hromov, ktoré nám povedia?" No, nežnie to celkom dobre? Vidíte? Ale dávajte pozor o čom vravíte keď to hovoríte. On povedal: „"Hľaď aby si to nepísal." Vidíte? Týchto sedem hromov vydali svoje hlasy, vidíte, a On povedal: „Nepíš to, (Vidíte?) ale to musí byť zapečatené v tej knihe až do posledných dní."

274 No, niektorí mi hovorili, mnohí a teológovia povedali: „Brat Branham, ak Pán Boh ..." Povedali: „Či ty s tvojimi prežitiami, ktoré ti dal Pán pre jeho ľud," hovorím toto s pokorou, povedal: „ty by si bol schopný sám napísať Bibliu, tvoje slovo, ktoré Boh manifestuje."

275 Povedal som: „To by mohla byť pravda." Vidíte? On sa ma snažil nachytať. Vidíte? A ja som povedal: Ale vidíš, ja by som to nemohol urobiť."

On povedal: „Prečo by si to nemohol? Máš na to všetky kvalifikácie."

276 Povedal som: „Ale, pozri sa, nemôže byť pridané ani jedno slovo ani odobrané." Vidíte?

277 A on povedal: „Dobre, potom tých sedem hromov (Viete)." Povedal: „Či tých sedem hromov, ktoré zahrmia, či to nebude nejaké zjavenie, ktoré bude dané nejakému mužovi?"

278 Povedal som: „Nie pane, to by znamenalo niečo do toho pridať alebo niečo od toho odobrať." To je tam všetko zjavené a tých sedem pečatí otvorilo to zjavenie, čo to bolo. Vidíte?

279 To je stále v Slove. Vidíte? Nemôžete vyjsť z toho Slova. To neopustí to Slovo. A Boží Duch nikdy neopustí to Slovo. To bude stáť rovno na Slove, jedných to bude zaslepovať a iným otvárať oči. To stále tak bude.

280 Vy ste napísanými epištolami, čítaní od všetkých ľudí." Alebo „Vy ste naším ..." Preložte to, obráťte to takto, (Vidíte?) len to obráťte: „Vy ste epištole, ktoré boli napísané," pretože nič nemôžete do toho pridať, „čítané od všetkých ľudí." „Zamanifestované Slovo Božie," inými slovami. Aby sme to ukázali, Peter a Ján, keď tam prišli, oni poznali že sú neučení a prostí, nemali žiadne vzdelanie, ale si všimli, že oni boli s Ježišom. Vidíte? Oni boli neučení a prostí, ale boli napísanými epištolami, vidíte, čítali na nich, že boli s Ježišom, pretože Ježiš manifestoval cez nich seba samého, Kristus zaclonený v ich tele. Zamanifestovaný, oživený, tak ako bol v Mojžišovi.

281 Keď Slovo bolo v Mojžišovi, on bol Boh v tele. Keď bolo v Ježišovi, to bol Boh v tele. Vidíte?? Jediná vec, ktorú On urobil bolo to, že zmenil svoju masku, nie svoje Slovo, nie svoju povahu. On je ten istý včera dnes a naveky. On len zmieňal svoju podobu. On ju zmenil z Noeho na Mojžiša; On ju zmenil z Mojžiša na Dávida; z Dávida, Jozefa a tak ďalej až kým neprišiel do plnosti Božstva telesne. Rozumiete?

282 To je stále ten istý Boh! Amen! Amen! Dúfam že to rozumiete. Vidíte? To je ten istý Boh, ale On sa len zakrýva inou zásterou. Vidíte? Zakrýva sa inou zásterou.

283 On to robil v reformátoroch, zakryl sa zásterou, zakryl sa zásterou, až nakoniec to prichádza cez vek Luthera, ďalej cez ďalší vek a potom nakoniec to prichádza do Úplnosti. Tesne predtým ako To prichádza, znovu povstáva prorok. Keď sa to deje, to predzvestuje Slovo, ukazuje tam naspäť, zjavuje čo sa stalo, čo bolo vynechané, aby cirkev nebola bez porozumenia. Potom keď toto ustane, potom, ako to povedal Ján: „Ja sa musím menšiť a On musí rásť." Potom všetko vo všetkom vchádza do Neho. On je plne zamanifestovaný. Cez Luthera, Wesleya a Letničný vek a tak ďalej a tak ďalej. On je plne zamanifestovaný. Vidíte? Prichádza dole, len manifestácia, Boh odhaľujúci sa. Vidíte? No všimnite si, vyplnený vo svojich zasľúbeniach na tento deň, ako to oni mali.

284 No, Mojžiš bol Slovom tamtoho dňa, pretože mu bolo dané Slovo na tamten deň. Mojžiš. Jozef bol Slovom vo svojich dňoch, znázorňoval presne Krista. Vidíte? Každý jeden z nich bol Slovom.

285 A keď prišiel Ježiš, On bol Slovo v jeho plnosti, pretože celý plán vykúpenia ležal v Ňom. Celý plán vykúpenia neležal v Mojžišovi, neležal v Jozefovi, neležal v Eliášovi. Vidíte? Oni boli len časťou Slova, ukazujúci na to. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, rozmýšľajte, tu to prichádza, ako som povedal. Vidíte, celý plán nebol v nich. Oni na to ukazovali.

286 A tak teda po Ňom, po tej plnosti, my nemôžeme ukazovať na niečo iné, to ukazuje naspäť na Neho, na Slovo. [Brat Branham zodvihol Bibliu. - pozn.prekl.] Toto je kompletné zjavenie, nič ku tomu nemôže byť pridané ani z toho odobrané. To je kompletné zjavenie. To všetko, predobraz Jeho, ktorý mal prísť, ale keď On prišiel, On bol ten dokonalý. Židom 1 - „Boh za dávna hovoril ku otcom skrze prorokov," Boh hovoril cez zástery, cez prorokov, - „ale v týchto posledných dňoch cez svojho Syna Ježiša Krista." Tu to máte. Odhalený tam na Golgote, Syn Boží, odclonený.

287 Všimnite si, „oživil," a dnes, keď je Slovo zamanifestované v ľudských nádobách, zásterách, to je úplné Slovo vyplnené na daný deň, ktoré prichádza naspäť ku Bohu. Keď sme pokrstení v Neho, podľa 1. Korinťanom 12, stali sme sa zidentifikovaní s Ním. Amen!

288 Povedal som pol hodinu, ale môžem to trochu pretiahnuť? Dobre? Pozrite, nemôžem to tu proste vynechať. Všimnite si, zidentifikovaní s Ním!

289 Všimnite si teraz. Koľko je tu amerických obyvateľov? Zodvihnite ruku. Dobre, vy ste americký obyvatelia, potom ste zidentifikovaní s týmto národom. Musíte byť tým, čímkoľvek je tento národ. Je to tak? Vy ste všetkou jeho slávou a tiež všetkou jeho hanbou. Ste s ním zidentifikovaní. Keď ste američania, tak beriete na seba Ameriku. Halleluja!

290 Bol som s Georgem Washingtonom keď prešiel cez Delaware. Som s ním zidentifikovaný. Je to tak. Bol som s Abrahámom Linkolnom na Gettysburg Address. Ja som tam stál, bol som s vojakmi na Guam, s vami chlapci, keď ste vztýčili tú zástavu. Ja som tam bol. Ja som američan, ja som s tým zidentifikovaný. Amen. No, keď som Američan, akákoľvek je jej hanba v tej revolúcii, ja ju nesiem, pretože som Američan. Je to tak.

291 A ako kresťan, som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Amen! Bol som s Noem, keď vošiel do korábu. Bol som s Mojžišom, keď vyšiel z Egypta. Amen! Bol som s Eliášom na hore Karmel. Tak veru! Sláva Bohu! Bol som s ním keď to tam urobil. Bol som skutočne s Ním, identifikujúc sa v Jeho smrti tam na Golgote keď som zomrel veciam tohto sveta, sebe samému a všetkým tradíciám. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním vo Veľkonočné ráno keď vstal z mŕtvych. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním v deň Letníc, keď zostúpil dole Duch Svätý ako silný nesúci sa vietor. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Všetko čo bol On, som ja, všetko čo som ja, bol On; Amen. Keď sme mŕtvi v Ňom sme s Ním zidentifikovaní. Čo je On to som ja. Amen!

292 Čím je tento národ tým som aj ja. Som na to hrdý. Som pripravený niesť jeho hanbu, som pripravený niesť pohanu, keď som američan. Je to tak. A dvojnásobne od toho som pripravený niesť to pre Ježiša Krista! Všetko čo kedy bol On som ja. Rád som s Ním zidentifikovaný.

293 Tí apoštolovia, keď prišli naspäť, oni si mysleli ... ľudia sa z nich vysmievali a nazývali ich všetkým možným, oni to pokladali za veľkú česť niesť pohanenie pre Jeho meno.

294 Som šťastný, že dnes som jeden z nich, že som zidentifikovaný so Slovom, ktorým je Kristus. Zidentifikovaný s Ním! Pokrstený v Neho, stávame sa zidentifikovaní, zidentifikovaní v jeho podobe, zidentifikovaní s jeho Slovom, ktorým je On. Keď som v Kristovi, som jeho Slovom, lebo On je Slovo a to čo je On to som ja. Amen! Rozumiete tomu? Dobre.

295 Slovo zamanifestované alebo zjavené tam v tom zjavení. Čo mi to potom dáva? Ak je On tou chválou Shekinah, ja som časťou toho. Amen! Ó! Amen! Je to tak. Samo zjavené Slovo, zjavuje seba. Zamyslite sa! Tajomstvá Božie sú nám dané poznať v tomto dni skrze toho istého nebeského posla, ktorý to dal poznať im v tých dňoch. Všimnite si, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý poslal Mojžiša, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi, ktorý písal Bibliu. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý Pavel stretol na ceste do Damašku a Pavel napísal Nový Zákon.

296 Pamätajte, Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján, oni písali len to čo videli, ale Pavel mal zjavenie. On to vyniesol na svetlo, lebo on sám stretol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. A zamyslite sa, to isté ...

297 Tam, Jozef, oni všetci písali to čo sa dialo, každý písal vtedy v tom čase. Ale keď prišiel na scénu Mojžiš, on mal zjavenie. On stretol Ohnivý Stĺp a to bolo Mojžišovi zjavené, ako Genesis. On napísal prvé štyri knihy Biblie, Mojžiš. Je to tak? Lebo on stretol Boha vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa, zahaleného v Ohnivom Stĺpe.

298 Keď Ho Pavel stretol na ceste ... Učeníci písali to, čo Ho videli robiť, ale Mojžiš mal zjavenie. Odišiel dole do Egypta na tri roky a skúmal to a videl, že ten Boh Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového Zákona. Zjavenie. „Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Je to tak. Skutočne!

299 A zamyslite sa nad tým! Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý prišiel na tých ľudí, ktorí písali Bibliu, je ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je dnes tu a vykladá Bibliu! Amen! Ako mu za to ďakujeme! Ten istý! Aké uspokojenie, aká identifikácia! Som tak rád, že som v tom zidentifikovaný, neviem čo robiť. Račej by som bol zidentifikovaný v tom, než so všetkými baptistami, metodistami, presbyteriánmi, luteránmi a so všetkými ostatnými. Zidentifikovaní v tom Slove, kde leží Sláva Shekinah a zjavenie!

300 Ohnivý Stĺp sa zjavuje viditeľne medzi nami, identifikuje, že toto posolstvo je pravda, tak ako to urobil na hore Sinaj. Pamätajte, predtým ako vyšlo to pravé posolstvo, Mojžiš kázal a viedol ich von z Egypta ale tam predtým ako boli ustanovené tie skutočné prikázania, ako boli prinesené pečate, Boh prišiel dole pred ľudí a potvrdil, že Mojžiš bol poslaný od Neho, (je to tak?) v ohnivom stĺpe, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že ho videl v kríku a rozprával sa s Ním.

301 Ó, v týchto posledných dňoch vidieť ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp rovno medzi nami, ktorý hovorí to isté Slovo! Nie len to ale to vykladá tým, že to manifestuje a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Tak ľudia nemajú jedinú príčinu aby neverili, jedine že by úmyselne nechceli veriť a potom, „Ten kto úmyselne hreší, potom keď mu bolo dané poznať pravdu, nepozostáva žiadnej obeti za hriech."

302 Všimnite si, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol poslaný ku Mojžišovi a ku Pavlovi, ktorí napísali Bibliu, je teraz poslaný aby ju zjavil. Milosť Božia, nemeniaci sa Boh vyplňuje zasľúbenie z Matúša 28 - „Hľa ja som stále s vami," vyplňuje ev. Jána 14:12 - „Skutky ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť," vyplňuje ev. Lukáša 17:28-29 - V posledných dňoch sa zjaví Syn človeka." Vidíte? Vidíte? Malachiáš 4 - „Hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, ktorý prinavráti vieru ľudí naspäť do originálneho Slova." Vidíte ako toto ... Vidíte? Ó!

303 On zomrel aby nám zjavil samého seba. A teraz my zomrime sebe aby sme iným zjavili Jeho. Zomrime tradíciám a všetkému aby sme Jeho zjavili iným. Zomrime denomináciám aby sme Ho zjavili iným.

304 Všimnite si, ten starý chrám mal vo vnútri chválu Shekinah a to svetlo Shekinah bolo nad Slovom. Slovo je semeno, ono prinášalo chleby predloženia jedine pre veriacich. Na tej zmluve bola tiež krv; a krv to je voda, voda, ktorá oživuje to zrno, pšenicu, semeno, ktorým je Slovo.

305 Ako povedal Ježiš: „Ako Mojžiš vyvýšil medeného hada," a potom znovu povedal: „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného syna, aby každý kto verí v neho nezahynul." Mojžiš udrel tú skalu na púšti aby zachránil hynúci ľud, aby priniesol vodu. Boh udrel Ježiša aby z Neho priniesol Ducha pre hynúci ľud. Vyšla z Neho krv, ktorou je „voda umytia skrze Slovo," a táto voda prináša život semenu a to prináša chválu Shekinah, ktorá svietila na Slovo, ktoré prinášalo chlieb predloženia. A ten chlieb predloženia bol len pre vybraných ľudí. Je to pravda?

306 Teraz keď sa prelamujeme do tej opony, cez tú oponu, do Jeho prítomnosti, tam kde je Slovo, nie vyznanie, Slovo, tam vidíme chválu Shekinah, Shekinah, moc, Ducha Svätého, ktorý svieti na Slovo, privádza to zasľúbenie, ukazuje, že ste za záclonou. Amen!

Prešiel som cez tú roztrhnutú oponu, tam kde chvála nikdy neprestáva, Halleluja, Halleluja žijem v prítomnosti Kráľa. Prešiel som cez tú roztrhnutú oponu, tam kde chvála nikdy neprestáva, žijem v prítomnosti Kráľa.

307 Tá stará jazvečia koža, denominácie, to je roztrhnuté. Preboril som sa cez to do chvály Shekinah a vidím Slovo. Vidím ako sa pohybuje Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidím zamanifestované Slovo. To, čo On povedal, že bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, vidím to narastať. Vidím deti ako jedia ten chlieb Shekinah, ktorý prichádza z dozrievania toho Slova, tých ktorí tomu veria. Amen! Čo za nádherná hodina, v ktorej žijeme! Vidíte, tá chvála Shekinah bola nad Slovom a pod tým bol chlieb a bolo tam pokropenie krvou, ktoré tomu dáva vodu. Duch dáva Slovu život. A ... (Koľkí ste počuli pásku „Súdny proces"? Áno, mnohí.) Vidíte tam, je treba ... to Slovo musí rásť. Aby mohlo rásť, musí sa nachádzať v tom správnom druhu pôdy. Vidíte? A Boh dáva zasľúbenie a to naráža na to srdce, to nemôže sklamať!

308 Noe čakal sto dvadsať rokov. Abrahám čakal na to dieťa dvadsať päť rokov. Boh tak povedal, a tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte? Čo to je? To slovo tam bolo zalievané vierou, verili tomu a to prinieslo výsledky. To prinieslo syna, to prinieslo dážď, to prinieslo potopu, to prinieslo pannu, ktorá počala.

309 A prorok povedal: „Panna počne." Bez pochyby, že každé mladé dievča išlo a pripravilo si oblečenie pre svoje nemluvňa. Prečo? Tento prorok Izaiáš bol preukázaný prorok, potvrdený od Boha. A Pán povedal: „Panna počne. Dám im nadprirodzený znak, veľký znak, panna počne."

310 A všetci tí ľudia, tí veriaci, tak ako vy, oni to počuli povedať toho proroka, každé mladé dievča ... Každý muž povedal: „To bude moja dcéra. Tak veru." Každý išiel a kúpil topánočky a bodkované šatočky a všetko pripravil, pretože vedeli, že ona to bude mať. Tá generácia pominula, oni si mysleli: „To je preukázaný prorok, Bohom potvrdený, ako by mohol povedať niečo nesprávne? Musí to tak byť!"

311 Bolo to za osemsto rokov neskoršie, ale ona porodila to dieťa! „Nebo i zem pominú ale moje slová nepominú."

312 „A stane sa v posledných dňoch, povedal Boh!" Vidíte, tu sme. Svetlo nad Slovom. Ako svetlo slnka premieňa semeno z chvály do chvály, my sa tiež stávame viac podobní Jemu, keď žijeme v Jeho prítomnosti, ako On, sme upravení na Jeho požehnaný obraz, keď chodíme s Ním.

313 Pozorujte čo robí slnko. Zasadíte rastlinu, čo sa deje? To semeno hnije. Vo vnútri toho semena je život. Ten život vystupuje a prináša steblo. No, to nevyzerá ako to prvé. Tam je Luther, to bolo steblo. Dobre, steblo rástlo ďalej a potom ako viete prichádza klas. Vidíte, to bolo prebudenie Wesleya, to nevyzeralo ako tam to. Potom ďalej prichádza prebudenie letničných. Vidíte? Prinieslo krst Duchom Svätým. No dobre, čo sa stalo? Dávame na ten klas pleseň, on začína vyzerať zle, túto vec, tamtú vec, to nevyzerá ako Slovo, nie je to také ako to ostatné, nevyzerá to tak ako to originálne zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Ale Boh je stále tam aby to urobil presne také isté.

314 Všimnite si, čo to robí? To sa nakoniec vracia naspäť znovu do originálneho semena. Keď On prichádza vo forme Martina Luthera, keď prichádza vo forme Johna Wesleya, keď prichádza vo forme letničných, On mal v úmysle znovu zjaviť Seba samého, ako to isté semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme, Syna človeka. On sa zjavoval ako Syn Boží vo veku stebla a tak ďalej ale v tomto poslednom veku sa On musel znovu zjaviť ako Syn človeka. Rozumiete tomu? Dobre. Sformovaný ako na začiatku.

315 A čo dáva rast tomu steblu? Ono rastie po celý čas. To malé steblo rastie, stále to nie je také ako to originálne zrno. Ani posolstvo Luthera nebolo také. Nie. Pritom prichádzajú ďalšie posolstvá, Finney, Sankey, Knox, Calvin a ďalej, žiadny z nich, oni boli stále tým posolstvom ale čo to bolo? Oni nedostali úplné zjavenie toho, pretože to nebol ten čas. Nemôžete dostať na tom zrne klas skôr ako nastane jeho čas. Rozumiete? A potom nakoniec prichádza znovu naspäť to originálne semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme.

316 Vidíte? Boh postupuje presne podľa prírody. Vidíte? On sa narodil ako baránok, preto sa narodil vonku v jasliach. Baránky sa nerodia v posteli. Rozumiete? On bol vedený na Golgotu. Ovce sa vodia. Je to tak. Kozly ich vedú na zabitie, viete, to je jatka. Kozol ich vedie, ale oni musia byť vedené. Je to tak. Tak On bol vedený na zabitie, vidíte, pretože On bol baránok.

317 V prírode Ho všetko identifikuje. Preto sa On narodil v marci alebo v apríli; nie v decembri, On sa nemohol vtedy narodiť, v tom ročnom období je tam dvadsať stôp snehu. Nie žiadny slnečný boh ale On bol Syn Boží. Vidíte? Rímsky slnečný boh dvadsiateho piateho decembra, keď tam slnko prechádza na svojej dráhe a Imania mali cirkusy a nazývali to narodeninami slnečného boha a z toho spravili Syna Božieho. Nie, nie. On bol Syn Boží. Jeho narodeniny pasovali so všetkým ostatným v prírode. Presne.

Všimnite si teraz znovu ako ideme ďalej, zostalo nám trochu času.

318 Teraz do dokonalosti ... Potom keď sa sformovalo steblo, potom keď bol sformovaný klas, potom keď zrno prišlo do klasu, potom to musí prísť do dokonalosti, znovu naspäť do skutočného zrna. A pamätajte, to zrno musí byť opelené. Rozumiete? Ak nie je, nebude žiť. Vidíte? Žiadne, ktoré bolo pomimo tých posolstiev nikdy nepríde do života. Ono musí byť do toho opelené. Ale pamätajte, ten istý život, ktorý bol v steble je v zrne. On len dozrieva a prichádza naspäť. Vidíte? On sa zjavil ako čo? Syn človeka, zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Rozumiete tomu posolstvu

Tí Gréci mu povedali: „Chceme vidieť Ježiša."

319 On povedal: „Jedine keď padne pšeničné zrno do zeme." Vidíte? Tak to je.

320 No, ako sa On zjavil ďalej? V inej forme, v steble a v klase a tak ďalej a vo všetkých lístkoch a vo všetkom. Potom sa zjavil ako čo? Ten istý Duch ale v inej forme. Vidíte? Ale čo je poslednou fázou tej pšenice? Prichádza to naspäť do toho originálneho zrna. Je to tak?

321 A jeho služba prichádza od tých reformátorov znovu naspäť do originálneho Slova. Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi a On zasľúbil v Malachiášovi 4 prinavrátiť vieru ľudí naspäť do originálneho zrna. To ktoré padlo do zeme je tu také isté. To zrno prešlo cez všetko až sem. Ono vyrastá ako Syn Boží, teraz sa tu zjavuje ako Syn človeka a potom sa zjaví ako syn Dávidov na tróne. Vidíte tých troch synov, úplne presne. Ó, znovu ako originál!

322 No, to prichádza do dokonalej služby Jeho samého, nie nejakého človeka, nie nejakej denominácie (Ako oni pracovali tam cez ten vek. Vidíte?) ale On sám sa zamanifestoval, manifestuje sa podľa zasľúbenia a presne vyplňuje ev. Lukáša 17:28 a Malachiáša 4 a tak ďalej, Židom 13:8. V tom čase, aký to má byť čas? Keď to kráľovské semeno Abraháma očakáva zasľúbeného Syna. A všetky predobrazy sa musia vyplniť. A sám Boh sa ukázal vo forme ľudskej bytosti Abrahámovmu prirodzenému semenu pred tým zničením a Ježiš povedal, že tak isto bude s týmto kráľovským semenom predtým ako sa navráti zasľúbený Syn.

323 Všimnite si tú starú oponu, ktorá skrývala tú Slávu. Tie staré jazvečie kože, na tom nebolo krásy po ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví, tak isto ani na Jeho tele. Preto ľudia hovoria „Taký obyčajný, zhrbený človek?" Možno tridsať ročný a šedivý, so šedivou bradou, nič zvláštneho na pohľad. Biblia hovorí: „Nebolo na ňom krásy po ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví." On nevyzeral ako kráľ, stará jazvečia koža. Ale, ó, čo bolo vo vnútri!

324 A nejaká skupinka „svätých fanatikov" ako ich nazývajú, sedí spolu v takejto horúcej budove, neveľa krásy po ktorej by boli ľudia žiadostiví, ale čo je vo vnútri! Som si istý, že pred mnohými srdcami je to zakryté, vidíte. Vidíte?

325 V poriadku, navonok to nebolo nič, ale všetko bolo vo vnútri. Keď raz vojdete dovnútra, potom to uvidíte. Ako sa dostanete dovnútra? Potrasením rúk, pripojením sa? Nie. Že sa narodíte do toho. Keď zomriete, zbavíte sa svojej starej jazvečej koži (Vidíte?) svojho starého ja, aby ste sa dostali do toho nového. Vidíte? Keď opustíte tú starú jazvečiu kožu.

326 To svetlo Shekinah ne... Počúvajte, kazatelia! Kazatelia, chcem aby ste toto počúvali. Keď raz vo vnútri ... No chcem to povedať celkom prosto aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete. Keď sa raz nájdete vo vnútri za tou oponou, pod chválou Shekinah, to svetlo Shekinah nezoberie Slovo Božie a nezjaví, že Ježiš je veštec. Nie. Ako to robia dnes denominácie, že to je „mentálna telepatia, fanatik, Belzebub." Tá sláva Shekinah Ho tak nezjavuje.

327 Ale tá sláva Shekinah dáva dozrievať tomu semenu, ktoré je zasľúbené na túto hodinu, v Slove a ukazuje, že On je stále Ľalia z údolia. Ona rodí to semeno, Ľaliu z údolia, chlieb života, alfu a omegu, toho istého včera dnes i naveky. On je porciou pre veriaceho. Sláva Shekinah zjavuje veriacemu, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nie, že dni ... že On pominul a zomrel a všetko skončilo.

328 Tak priateľ, ak to tak veríš, ak to tak veríš, nikdy si nenarazil na chválu Shekinah. Ako by Ho chvála Shekinah mohla kedy zjaviť v troch osobách? Vidíte? Ako by Ho chvála Shekinah mohla kedy zjaviť, že ľudia majú byť pokrstení vo meno Otca, syna a Ducha Svätého, keď v Biblii nikto nikdy nebol takto pokrstený? Akoby Ho chvála Shekinah mohla ohraničiť len pre apoštolov, keď On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky?

329 Vidíte? Chvála Shekinah Ho manifestuje. Ona prináša Slovo zasľúbenia rovno pre vás. Preto On musel zacloniť Mojžišovu tvár, pretože v ňom bolo Slovo. On zaclonil Ježiša ako pokorného prostého človeka, aby nemohli vidieť Jehovu. A On sa zacláňa dnes v zemských nádobách, s chválou Shekinah. Navonok vyzerajú ako banda fanatikov, staré jazvečie kože. Ale vnútro skrýva v sebe Chválu Shekinah a ona dáva dozrievať chlebu predloženia, na ktorom sa hostíme a kvôli ktorému cestujeme cez celú krajinu, stovky míľ. Vidíte? To je pokrm veriacich. To je len pre veriaceho. Pamätajte, chlieb predloženia bol len pre veriaceho. Vidíte? Semeno chleba predloženia. Všimnite si, čo to robí? Tá chvála Shekinah nad chlebom predloženia ho chráni aby sa neskazil.

330 Pamätajte, tá manna, ktorá prichádzala z neba ona pretrvávala v chvále Shekinah od jednej generácie do druhej. Vonku za jednu noc sčervivela, zhnila. Je to tak?

331 Vonku pomimo chvály Shekinah „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Vidíte? To je všetko fanatizmus." Ale vo vnútri ...

332 Pozrite sa, v Egypte objavili v nejakej sýpke slnečnicové semeno, ktoré tam bolo uložené vo dňoch Jozefa, skoro pred štyritisíc rokmi. Jozef ho uložil do tej sýpky. Zasadili tie semená, oni žili. Prečo? Oni mali život.

333 Čo je dnes táto chvála Shekinah, vlámať sa za tú oponu aby ste videli kto je Boh, ktorý stojí pred vami? Aby sme videli kto je Boh, ktorý stojí tu pred nami? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, On je zaclonený v ľudskom tele. Ale čo to robí ... ? Čo to urobilo? To semeno chleba predloženia, Slovo, skrze ktoré žijeme v tomto dni skrze tieto zasľúbenia, tá chvála Shekinah dáva dozrievať tomu chlebu predloženia, spôsobuje že to sa vyplňuje, robí to chlebom pre veriaceho, ležalo to na stranách Biblie roky a roky, Slovo na tento vek.

334 Pre denominácie je to kameň úrazu. Pre denominácie, oni sa na tom potkýnajú. Cez všetky tie roky, Luther, Wesley, Martin Luther a všetci, Sankey, Finney, John Smith, Knox, všetci sa na tom potkýnali.

335 Ale čo sa má stať v tých posledných dňoch? Čo znamená zjaviť? „vyvolať do života." Čo má urobiť Malachiáš 4? Obrátiť ľudí naspäť od toho kameňa úrazu aby sa prelámali cez tradície a zjaviť chlieb s chválou Shekinah. Pozorujte ako to dozrieva a produkuje presne to čo bolo povedané, že to urobí. (Ó!) Chlieb predloženia na tento vek. Pre denominácie, kameň úrazu, banda fanatikov. Ale my, ktorí veríme ...

336 Ale teraz ako to zasľúbilo Zjavenie 10: „Všetky tajomstvá Božie, ktoré boli ukryté na týchto stranách po všetky tie roky, dozrú, prídu do života vo veku posolstva siedmeho anjela." Je to pravda? Čo On povedal pred rokom a pol, už to budú teraz okolo dva roky? „Choď do Tucsonu. Buď severne od Tucsonu, nastane veľký výbuch," A čo sa stane? Pečate budú otvorené. Pečate, ktoré zjavili tieto veci. Prichádzam naspäť presne ako to On povedal. Čo to je? To ukazuje, že to nemôže byť človek. To stále dokonale pasuje, tak presne ako len môže. Čo to je? To je ruka Božia (Vidíte?) pred nami. A pretože to je v malej skupine, zaclonené v ľudskom tele, je to zaclonené pred tým vonkajším svetom. On je zaclonený pred tým vonkajším svetom. On sa zjavuje nemluvňatám, takým ktorí sa budú učiť. Vidíte? Je to tak? Každé ...

337 Vidíte? Každé podobenstvo v Biblii, každý predobraz Biblii sa zamanifestoval rovno tu pred nami. Ten istý Boh v ohnivom stĺpe, ktorý napísal Bibliu, oboje v Starom aj v Novom Zákone, je rovno tu a manifestuje to, ukazuje presne čo to bolo, hneď to vykladá a uisťuje, že to je ten výklad.

338 „My máme výklad!" Nech potom vidíme, že to sa stalo. Rozumiete? To je to. Nech potom vidíme manifestáciu toho.

339 Manifestácia! Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca tak mi neverte." Vidíte? To musí byť dokázané.

340 Ale teraz, nie tak dokázané ako chceli od Ježiša, dali mu na hlavu handru a bili Ho po hlave a vraveli - „Keď si prorok, povedz nám kto ťa udrel." „A ak si Syn Boží premeň tento chlieb ..." Vidíte, to je diabol. „Ak si Syn Boží, zíď z ... „ Ja mám na mysli zjavenie, ktoré On mal vykonať, to je to o čo sa jedná.

341 Ale teraz, keď je zjavené Zjavenie 10, tajomstvá Božie sú zamanifestované, poznané, ako to zasľubovala sedem krát zapečatená kniha.

342 Nech je vaša viera v ňom, ktorý je Slovo. Pretože v Zjavení 10 je povedané ... či vlastne v Zjavení 19 ... Zapísal som si to tu, Zjavenie 10, aby som išiel do toho, ale to nie je 10, to je 19. Keď On prichádza, On bude nazvaný „Slovo Božie," ide na bielom koni a stúpenci neba pôjdu za Ním.

343 Preborte tu denominačnú oponu vzdelania! Preborte tú denominačnú oponu tradícií! Preborte tie opony, ktoré Ho skrývajú pred vami! Preborte tie opony pýchy, vy ženy. Vy ste kráľovské dcéry, správajte sa podľa toho, žite podľa toho. Preborte každú oponu! Bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí Ph.D a LL.D, ak je to nezhodné s touto Bibliou, prelámte sa cez tú oponu, lebo sme prešli cez tú roztrhnutú oponu. Teraz sme na druhej strane, na druhej strane. A budete vidieť, ak to len urobíte, ak sa prelámete cez tie staré tradície a všetko ostatné a prídete ku Nemu, budete Ho vidieť stáť, toho mocného víťaza, zamanifestované slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek. Budete vidieť toho mocného Boha odcloneného, budete Ho vidieť rovno tu medzi nami, odcloneného. Mocného Boha, neporazeného tradíciami.

344 Oni sa Ho snažili za tým ukryť, robili to veľa rokov ale čas zasľúbenia sa priblížil. Boh vzbudil raz Mojžiša a on vyslobodil tie deti z tých vecí. A On je stále ... Jeho nemožno poraziť. „Nebesia i zem pominú ale Moje slová nepominú." On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

345 Oni povedali: „To sa nemôže stať." Ale to sa stalo. Potom, keď sa to stalo, oni povedali: „To je z diabla."

346 Ale to ani trochu nezmenilo Slovo Božie, pre veriaceho je to stále Boh. Mocný víťaz, ten istý včera dnes i naveky; podľa Jeho povahy, podľa Jeho Slova, Židom 13:8.

347 Na záver chcem povedať toto, pretože je za päť minút dvanásť, chcem povedať len toto. Mám ešte desať, dvanásť strán. Prinesiem to niekedy inokedy, možno dnes večer.

348 Všimnite si, všimnite si toto. Bola raz nejaká dražba a mali tam staré husle. Počuli ste to už veľa krát, staré husle. Ten dražiteľ povedal: „Čo ponúknete za toto?" Možno to nehovorím presne podľa tej poviedky. Je tomu už veľa rokov ale prišlo mi to na rozum. Zodvihli tie staré husle, nevyzerali veľmi pekne, vyzerali biedne, všetko. Nedostal skoro žiadnu ponuku. Nakoniec niekto ponúkol dolár alebo niečo také.

349 A stál tam jeden človek, ktorý si myslel, že by to nemalo byť predané tak lacno a tak tam prišiel a zobral ich do ruky. Brnkol po strunách, zobral sláčik, natrel ho kolofóniou a zahral melódiu. A keď zahral, všetci začali plakať. Nikdy v živote nepočuli takú muziku.

Potom licitátor povedal: „Koľko ponúkate?"

350 „Dvetisíc!" „Päť tisíc!" „Desať tisíc!" Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Ruka majstra zjavila, čo bolo skryté v tom starom inštrumente.

351 Tak isto je to teraz! Tá stará Kniha je odrená, vysmiata, bola pálená, robili si z nej žarty. Ale prišiel čas, keď oni majú denominačnú dražbu, Svetovú Radu Cirkví. Oni ju predávajú ako keby nikto nemal o ňu záujem. Nastáva denominačná dražba.

352 Ale pamätajte, v tej starej Knihe je niečo, čo zasľúbilo, že jedného dňa príde predestinovaná, určená na to ruka, ktorá ju zoberie a spraví, že to Slovo tejto Knihy cez predestinované srdce, vyplní úlohu, ktorú mala, zjaví zasľúbenia, ktoré sú v nej. Môže to vyzerať ako nejaká banda fanatikov, alebo niečo také; ale to proste potrebuje ruku Majstra, Slovo, aby bolo zjavené to Slovo a to sa stane viac než fanatikom. To sa stáva takým pre každého jedného z nás, či nie? To nie je hromada fanatizmu. To záleží na tom v čej ruke je ten sláčik.

Modlime sa:

353 Náš nebeský Otče, dnes skrze vieru vidím Majstra tej starej Knihy, ktorú ľudia vymenili za tradície, vymenili ju za denominácie, oni sa ju snažili vymeniť. Teraz ju vymieňajú za Svetovú Radu ľudí, cirkví, za komunizmus, ateizmus. Dražba prebieha, Pane.

354 Bože, vystúp! Skutočne, Ty vystúpiš. Pošli nám toho proroka, Pane, ktorý zoberie ten sláčik, ktorý zoberie toto Slovo a dokáže, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pane, mnohí predajú svoje životy, odhodia svoje staré tradície, polámu tie záclony. Oni to chcú, Pane. Oni dajú všetko, všetko, len im daj Ježiša.

355 Pane, myslím, že si im to teraz dokázal. Oni prichádzajú zovšade. Obetujú svoje prostriedky na život, robia všetko aby mohli prísť na tieto zhromaždenia, robia všetko čo môžu, pretože našli tú Perlu veľkej ceny. Tie ostatné veci majú veľmi malú cenu. Ale požehnaj ich, Otče.

356 Pane, ležia tu dnes ráno na tejto kazateľni vreckovky. Možno niektorí ľudia budú musieť odísť skorej ako sa dnes večer budeme modliť za chorých. Ó, večný Bože, pohliadni dole. Viem, že si tu, Ty si zaclonený. Pane, ja posielam tieto malé záclony, ktoré sa nazývajú vreckovky a malé zásterky a malé topánočky pre malé deti. A ja ich posielam ako znaky malej záclony, nad ktorou bolo dnes ráno kázané tvoje Slovo a ako veriaci kladiem na ne svoje ruky, svoje telo, naznačujúc tým, že tomu verím. A skrze vieru každý v tejto budove robí to isté, Pane. Nech sú tí chorí uzdravení.

357 Ty tu môžeš rozzvučať svoje Slovo, Pane, ako to urobil ten huslista s tými husľami, urob to tak, Pane. Nech ono vydáva ten správny tón, sláčik v ruke Majstra, potom Ho budeme vidieť stojaceho jasne pred nami.

358 Čo si museli myslieť tí ľudia toho dňa, keď nechceli dať nič, keď nič nedávali za tie staré husle, oni ich nechceli. Nechceli ich mať vo svojom dome. Ale keď ich zobral ten, ktorý vedel na nich majstrovsky zahrať, potom oni predali všetko čo mali aby ich získali. Robili paniku a bojovali za ne. Vtedy bolo príliš neskoro.

359 Tak to raz bude keď zatrúbi trúba Pánova, času viacej nebude. A tí ktorí sa na to dívali a robili si z toho žarty, ktorí stáli pred otvorenou oponou a videli zamanifestované Slovo Božie ... Iní budú kvôli tomu kričať ale ako si Ty povedal: „Vtedy bude príliš neskoro" oni vošli na svadobnú večeru a oni boli zanechaní vonku kde je plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov.

360 Pomôž veriť dnes ráno každej osobe, Otče. Preborte sa cez každú oponu sebectva, cez každú oponu nevery a viďte toho mocného víťaza odhaleného pred veriacimi. Lebo „Hľa, ja som stále s vami až do konca sveta. A ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí ale vy ma uvidíte." Ukáž sa medzi nami, Pane, ako si to robil. Zostávaj stále takto až kým nebudeme viditeľne pred Tebou, keď sa to en morphe zmenilo a Ty si sa znovu stal Synom človeka a Synom Dávida. Daj to, Pane, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.

Kým máme sklonené hlavy a všetci sa modlíme:

361 Chcel by som vedieť, či je tu dnes niekto ... vo vnútri alebo vonku. Nedá sa tu robiť výzvu ku oltáru, pretože nemáme miesto. Ale chcel by som vedieť. Veríte úprimne, že toto je pravda? Veríte, že v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme a vo všetkom tomto chaose a vedeckom veku, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch Krista, že Boh, ten veľký Otec všetkých nás, ktorý sme narodení do Neho, že stojí dnes medzi nami?

632 Tento viditeľný Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je vedecky potvrdený, pred mnohými rokmi, keď som bol malý chlapec, hovoril tam ku mne a povedal mi, že budem žiť práve tu, čo sa stane. Hovoril som vám o tom a potom to ... Jedného dňa dole pri rieke, predtým ako začala tá služba, prvé prebudenie, On sa ukázal na oblohe, zidentifikoval sa a dal to poverenie. Po všetky tie roky som to skrýval vo svojom srdci, zahaľujúci sa Kristus, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp vykladá to Slovo, ako zasľúbil. Sme v posledných dňoch, práve v príchode Pánovom. A ak zisťujete, že ste z vonku tej opony, a to je smrť, stáť vonku, či poviete skrze vieru dnes ráno: „S Božou pomocou. A s Tvojou pomocou, Pane, chcem sa preboriť cez tú oponu. Chcem sa dostať dovnútra tam kde si Ty, aby som videl plné Slovo Božie?"

363 Nesnažte sa byť Mojžišom. Nesnažte sa byť Áronom. Nie! Buďte len tým čím ste, ale buďte Kresťanmi.

364 Zodvihnete, so sklonenými hlavami, ruky ku Bohu a poviete, „Pane, Bože pomôž mi vojsť dovnútra za oponu." Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Len sa pozrite.

365 Vonku, pamätajte, nemusím ani vidieť vaše ruky. Pre mňa to aj tak nemá takú cenu aby som ich videl, to je Boh. To len ... pre mňa, to mi len dáva vidieť, že to semeno niekde spadlo a ... ale Boh vidí to skutočné srdce.

366 Ak sú ešte iní, ktorí nezodvihli ruky a chcú ich teraz zodvihnúť, zodvihnite ruky a budete spomenutí v modlitbe. Zodvihnite ruky. Nech vás Boh žehná. To je dobre. Nech vás Boh žehná.

367 Otče, prosíme dnes aby títo, Pane, ktorí neprešli ešte cez tú oponu. Oni stoja tam vonku ako Izrael, oni to pozorujú. Oni veria, ale ešte sa do tohto nepreborili, aby videli to veľké svetlo Shekinah, obojako duchovne aj telesne, až tak, že objektív fotoaparátu zachytil ten obraz. Práve pred dvoma týždňami to bolo znovu odfotené. Ty sa zjavuješ, Pane, mocný Boh odclonený veriacemu; stále zaclonený pre neveriaceho, ale odclonený veriacemu. Nech sa prelámu dnes cez to, Pane, aby videli jeho veľkú nádheru a slávu. Nech sú ich srdcia premenené ešte skorej ako prídeme sem dnes večer na zhromaždenie. Nech budú všetci naplnení tvojím Duchom, tvojou prítomnosťou. Nech ten Majster zoberie tú vieru, ktorú majú, mihne ňou po Slove, nech vydá tón: „Ty si bol určený pred založením sveta aby si tomuto veril. Ver, dieťa moje a buď spasený."

368 Otče, Bože, porúčame ich teraz do Tvojich rúk a uvedomujeme si, že nič viacej nemôžeme urobiť. Všetko je to teraz na Tebe, Otče. Dávam ich Tebe. V mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgotskom kríži.

369 Milujete Ho?

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj vykupiteľ, sláva jeho menu!

Bol som raz stratený, teraz som nájdený;

oslobodený od odsúdenia, Ježiš dáva slobodu a plné spasenie;

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

O, Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Ó, Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

370 Koľkí Ho vidíte stáť, mocného Víťaza, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, odclonený pred nami, Alfa, Omega, Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde, koreň a ratolesť Dávidova; bol Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn človeka a bude Syn Dávidov? Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? Odhaľujúci sa v každom veku, veriacemu, zahaľujúci sa v ľudskom tele pred neveriacim. On je skrytý za oponou. Nech Boh zláme každú oponu a uvidíme Ho takého aký je!

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, Ježiš láme všetky putá,

keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Na druhej strane Jordánu,

v tej krásnej záhrade Eden,

tam kde kvitne Strom Života,

tam je odpočinok pre mňa.

Ježiš láme ...

371 Nechcete prejsť teraz cez Jordán? Už ste dosť dlho boli na púšti, prejdime do zasľúbení!

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Zodvihnime teraz ruky:

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

lebo ma vyslobodil! (Amen)

372 Necítite sa pri tom dobre? Ó, aký nádherný! Aký nádherný! Či nie je? Potrasme si navzájom ruky a hovorme:

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, Ježiš láme všetky putá,

keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť, ...

Toho mocného Boha, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, len zmieňa svoju formu.

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

lebo On odstránil zo mňa všetky vyznania,

urobil, aby som veril Jeho Slovu.

373 Ó! Môžete počuť Majstrove husle ako ťahá sláčikom po Slove? On je ten istý včera i dnes!

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

... (Jeho, Slovo!) ...Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť; (Čo On robí?) Lebo On (za oponou) ma vyslobodil.

374 S láva Bohu! Milujem Ho. Či Ho nemilujete? Nie je toto nebeské? Mám rád tie atribúty Slova, proste Ducha svätého v jeho nežnosti, pokore. Proste to mám rád. Ó, predstavte si len:

Na druhej strane Jordánu; (Približujem sa tam teraz)

V tom sladkom nesmrteľnom Edene; (Čo tam nájdem?)

Kde kvitne Strom Života ... (to bolo v záhrade Eden) ...

Tam je odpočinutie pre mňa ...

375 Chcete ísť? On láme všetky putá.

Ježiš láme (všetky tradície) všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá, (všetky denominácie, všetky vyznania)...

láme všetky putá,

keď ma vyslobodzuje!

376 Sláva Bohu! Proste Ho milujem. Nie divu, že Izaiáš povedal „On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh, Otec večnosti", nádherné!

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby,

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

377 Ó! To rozjasňuje moje srdce. Aký je On nádherný! Hovorím vám, toto nemá konca. To ... Vošiel som do tohto pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a stále to tak cítim. A keby On predlieval, jedného dňa zavriem svoje oči, pôjdem po tej istej ceste. Amen.

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je radca, moje Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby,

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

378 Mohol by som tu v tom zostať do konca dňa. Pavel povedal: „Keď spievam, budem spievať v Duchu. Keď kážem, kážem v Duchu. Keď chodím, budem chodiť v Duchu. Keď hovorím, budem hovoriť v Duchu." Nech je všetko vykonané Slovom a Duchom. Tak veru. Amen! To je všetko Božia pravda.

379 Vidím Ho, Mocného Boha, odcloneného. Vidím Ho odťahuje vyznania, denominácie, odťahuje skeptikov, vzdelávacie programy a všetko kráča dopredu, stojí tam. Myslíte si, že tie vyznania Ho premôžu? Myslíte si, že tie denominácie Ho môžu premôcť? Myslíte si, že Svetová Rada Ho môže premôcť? On premohol všetko, roztrhol každé puto, roztrhol peklo, strhol pečate, vošiel do svätyni svätých, odclonil sa nám, že je Slovo, ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Amen. Milujem Ho.

380 No, až kým sa zídeme dnes popoludní, chceme robiť jedno. Toto.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

zarmútené a ustarostené dieťa,

to ti dá radosť a potešenie,

vezmi ho kdekoľvek pôjdeš.

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

381 Ak sa ťa Satan snaží pokúšať, že sa nedívaš na tú správnu vec, ukáž mu na Slovo ako to urobil Ježiš. Vidíte? Amen!

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš,

padajúc ku Jeho nohám,

budeme Ho korunovať v nebi Kráľa Kráľov,

keď sa dokoná naša cesta.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno!) ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

382 Billy tu bude okolo šiestej, bude rozdávať modlitebné karty, ktorí chcú prísť a postaviť sa do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili. Myslím, že bude lepšie keď to tak urobíme. Neplánovali sme to ale keď je veľa ľudí bude lepšie keď to tak urobíme. Viete.

383 No, pamätajte na Neho! Majte Ho stále vo svojej mysli, vo svojom srdci, kdekoľvek idete. Vidíte? Majte Ježiša vo svojej mysli.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš (Počúvajte teraz!)

Ako štít pred každou pascou; (Čo sa deje?)

Keď sa nahromadia pokušenia, (Čo musíš urobiť?)

Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno!)

ó aké milé! Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

384 Skloňme teraz hlavy. Chcem poprosiť pastora aby sem prišiel a rozpustil zhromaždenie. Brat Neville. Nech ťa Boh žehná brat Neville.

1 Let us remain standing just a moment while we bow our heads for prayer.

2Our Gracious Lord, we are indeed grateful today for this privilege that we have of assembling ourselves together upon the earth before the Coming of the Lord. May we examine our hearts today, by Thy Word, and see if we are in the Faith, that we might be ready, that, the hour of His Appearing. That we should be as the Scripture has said would be, "Caught up together, with those who are asleep, and meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with Him."

3We thank Thee for the true Christian Spirit that's still in the world, among the people, that they still believe Thee and Thy Word. So we ask Your blessings upon us today, that You'll shower out to each one of us that which we have need of, that we might be watered by the Word, that we might grow into instruments of use in Thy hands, for this last day. For we ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Shepherd, that we are looking to appear. Amen.

May be seated.

4 And I want to say that I deem this a grand privilege this morning of being here again. And sorry that we don't have the adequate seating room. And we are going to try, tonight, now to have prayer for the sick; today, this morning, it would be a little hard.

5And--and I was going to tape this Message today. I... The Lord seemed to deal with me concerning it, oh, a month or two ago, and it's long. And I don't have the time out in the meetings, because we allow that to thirty, forty minutes of service. And then we... Because of the people having to go to work and things, I found it better if I make my Messages short. And they didn't have time out there to record it, so I thought I'd just wait till I got to the tabernacle here and then record it from here. And it's a little lengthy, and I know you're standing, and I--I'm going to hurry just as fast as I can. And, now, you won't bother me if you're switching seats, or whatevermore, that'll--that'll be perfectly all right with me because this is a special day that we just make these recordings.

6And so we got great reports from what the Lord has done out in the field, but we'll probably give more of that tonight when we can give more time to it, have more time to give.

7 And now we trust that the Lord will bless each one of you. I know your hearts are full of joy, looking for the Coming of the Lord. And mine also, bubbling over, to see things a happening the way they are. And--and national strife, and the church in the condition it's in, and see the signs of His Coming, both physically and spiritually, and knowing that this time of His Appearing is so close, it just fills our heart with joy to know that we're going to be changed one of these days. We're going to be changed from these creatures that we are.

8 Now, I believe, if I understand, they got a telephone hookup somewhere, that this Message is going into Phoenix and to--and to different parts, by telephone. And so now we trust that if that's so... I don't know; just told that before coming in. And--and all the people out there are really enjoying good health and--and the Glory of the Lord upon them.

9 And now--now we're going to open the Word of the Lord. And what we are all here for is to enjoy ourselves and to take heed to what we are... We--we never come here and we're... No one that's present knows that any man would sit in this heat like this, and just to the idea of being here. We are here for one purpose, and that's, "closer walk with God." That's all we can do, is to believe the Lord Jesus is with us. And we're here to--to walk closer with Him.

10 Now this heat's a little hard on me. I kind of got customized to that dry heat out there in Tucson, which is... The humidity here now; our heat there is much hotter than this, but it's dry. Our humidity sometime is one twentieth of one percent, maybe, something like that, just almost like living under an oxygen tent. But here it's got the--the--the moisture in it, and it makes you just kind of feel "all wrung out," as we used to call it. So it's hard on you, so I know that, and you mothers with the little babies and you people standing, old and young, and placed together like you are. And now we are--we are hoping that God will reward you richly for your sacrifice.

11 I understand that Brother Roy Borders is here somewhere. I heard him announced, but I guess maybe he couldn't get in. All right. That's the manager of the meetings.

12So now we are also want to announce that one that used to be among us went to be with the Lord this morning, a man, Brother Jackson from Sturgis, Michigan. No one knows how he went or what about it. He was just doing fine, and he just... I think they found him dead, or something. I--I didn't get the full detail of it. And we are very grateful to God that Brother Jackson was a Christian. I haven't seen him for several years, but he set among us and he's one of us. God rest his gallant soul! Going like that, we believe that maybe that it was something, that it was time for him to go. The Lord never warned us of it, or him of it, he just went. That was the way it was. And I want to call his wife just soon as I can, and tell her our sorrow. And we all want to give thanks to God for his gallant Christian life, and what he meant here on earth, and especially to us here in this local assembly.

13 Now tonight, I've announced there will be prayer for the sick tonight, and I'll speak more about on the sick tonight.

14But for this time, let's get straight into the Word now, because it's congested and hot. We'll get right straight to the Word. I want to read from two portions of Scripture this morning, lengthy, so that it'll give me a little background on what I want to say.

15And, now, I wish that they would hold the tape, Brother Sothmann and them, before selling it, if possible, and I--I'd like to listen to it before we... before it goes out to the public.

16 Now in... I want to read from Philippians, the 2nd chapter, 1 to 8; and Second Corinthians 3, beginning with 6, and reading into the 4th chapter of Second Corinthians, just for a background. Now in Philippians, 2nd chapter, I will read first.

Before reading, let's pray.

17 Lord Jesus, Thy Word is Truth. And in this troublesome hour that we're living, nation against nation, pestilence, earthquakes in many places, man's hearts failing, fear, we see the handwriting on the wall. Now, that is in the natural realm, that all the world should see this. But now there is a spiritual realm, also, and we see the great happenings, and we want to speak of them today.

18Bless Thy Word to our heart. We know that there is no man in Heaven or in earth is worthy to take this Book, to loose the Seals, or to look upon It, even. But there was One appeared, a slain Lamb, bloody, that came and took the Book, and was worthy and able to open It. O Lamb of God, open Thy Word to our hearts today, for comfort. We are Your servants. Forgive our sins, Lord. And anything that would keep the Word from going forth with great power and influence today on our lives, take it away, Lord, any hindrance, that we might have full access to all the blessings promised to us through Thy Word. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 Philippians 2.

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels of mercy,

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of--of one mind.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves.

Look not every man to his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Let this mind be in you, which also was in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man:

And being found in fashion of a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.

20 Now if we shall turn now over to Second Corinthians, the 3rd chapter, we will begin with the 6th verse, and reading this to the 18th, and down to part of the 4th chapter.

Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

But if the ministration of death, written and engraved in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfast behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:

How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?

For if the ministration of condemnation be glorious, much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

For even that which was made glorious has no glory in this respect, by reasons of the glory that excelleth.

For if that which is done away was glory, much more hath... which remaineth is glory.

Seeing then that we have such a hope, we must greatly... plainness of speech, use great plainness of speech.

And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which was abolished:

But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.

But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their hearts.

Nevertheless when it shall be turned to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord... there is liberty.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, has changed into the same image from glory unto glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

But have renounced the hidden things and the dishonest, not walking in craftiness and handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth condemning ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them which are lost:

21 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word!

22Now, my subject this morning, I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that--that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been trying to get over to the Church without saying it right out. See? It's a thing, sometime, we have to say things in such a way that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to--to--to ponder over. But that's done purposely. It must be done that way.

23 Then it might be that some would say, "You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?" He certainly did. He does yet.

24He said one day, when He had thousands around Him, He said, "Except you eat of the Flesh of the Son of God, or Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

25What kind of a statement do you think that a medical doctor or a nurse, or any fine intellectual person would think of a statement like that, for a Man that had a ministry like He had? Why, he would say, "Eat the flesh? That's cannibal! To drink human blood? It's a vampire! In other words, He wants us to be cannibals and vampires." And the whole audience walked away from Him.

26 And there was a ministerial association with Him, of seventy, that had been chosen. And He turned to them, and He said, "What will you think when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He came from?" Now, He didn't explain that. He never explained how; Paul did that later on. He just said It. See? And then when this, He said, "What will you say," to these ministers, "when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He come from?"

27No doubt them man said, "Now, just a moment. Oh, we eat with Him. We fish with Him. We sleep with Him. We--we know where He was born. We seen the cradle that He--He was rocked in. And how does this Man... This is a hard saying."

28And the Bible said, "They didn't walk with Him anymore." They left Him.

29 Then He had twelve left. He had chose twelve, and one of them was a devil, He said. So He turned to them.

And there's no one could explain what He had just said. "How are they going to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood? And how did He come down, when He was born right here on earth?" See? They couldn't understand It.

And then He turned to the apostles, and He said, "Do you want to go also?"

30And that's when Apostle Peter made that great statement, "Lord, to whom would we go?" See? "For we are satisfied. We know a surely that You, and You alone, have the Word of Life of this hour." See? "And we are satisfied of that." See, they could not explain It. They...

You can't explain faith. It's something that you believe, and it's so solid that there is nothing else will take its place.

Therefore, they knowed that the Word that was written for that age that they were living in, the Messianic age, that He fit that place exactly. And what could they do to go back in them cold, formal churches that they had come out of? Said, "Where would we go to?" See? "We are fully persuaded that You have the Word of Life." See? And they--they couldn't explain It, but they believed It. See?

31 And Jesus said that to weed down His crowd, see, till He could get the group together. And out of all those people, they, only eleven of them then understood actually Who He was. They knowed that He was God, and God alone. Now, the...

32My subject this morning is to reveal, or, unveil that God.

33God has always, in every age, has hid behind a veil, all ages, but He's been God all the time. See? But He's kept Hisself hid from the world, and reveals Hisself to His Elected, like the apostles at that day. Now, that was God speaking in Christ.

34Now, man has always, it's been the nature of man, he sought to see (physically) that God. He has always wanted to see It. Man has made creatures that look like Him. They think of a... The Indians worshiped the sun. And--and we find, in Africa, different forms of animals, and so forth. And up... the totem poles in Alaska, and--and different forms that they think this God is in. As Paul spoke there at Athens that time, on Mars' hill, and told them that they were superstitious concerning this unknown God, that, they knowed He was there but yet they didn't know Him.

35 And so we find even back as far as Job. Job knew that there was a God. He knew it. And there's not a--a--a human being, in their right mind, but what knows there has got to be Something somewhere. And, now, Job wanted to talk to Him.

And I want you to notice the form that God chose to talk to Job in. God was veiled when He talked to Job. He was veiled in a whirlwind, came down in a whirlwind. You believe that God still comes in a whirlwind can come where you see? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

36 There is several sitting here, a number, that was with us the other day when He came in a whirlwind. Told us the day before, Brother Banks Woods and them, when He said, "Take up this rock, throw it up in the air, and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD! You will see it right away.'" And I picked up the rock, up on top the mountain, threw it up in the air, and the... course, coming down, it started the whirlwind, see, the suction of it.

37You have to do something to cause something to follow it. Jesus took a piece of bread and broke it, then multiplied from that piece of bread. He took water, poured it into a pitcher. Elijah took salt, put it in a cruse; cut down a stick, throwed it on the water. It's something to symbolize.

And picking up this rock and throwing it into the air, and coming down started the whirlwind.

38 The next day, why, there was a minister with us on a hunting trip. He was standing close, and he said to me, "Does the Lord give visions out like this, Brother Branham?"

39I said, "Yes, but I usually come out here to rest." And just then the vision came.

40And Brother Borders, I think he's outside now, he was along. Brother Banks Woods, I think, and, oh, several was up there, eight or ten. And Brother Banks Woods watching for this. Right on the mountain, right across from, exactly, about one half mile where the seven Angels appeared, that I left here to go there for, that come back and told the... about the Seven Seals. Just about a half a mile from that.

41 And then the next day, when this was going on, why, the... I said to brother, this brother, I said, "What's your trouble, you've got an allergy in your eye. The doctors has tried for a couple years to stop it and they can't do it. They say you're going to... it's going to eat your eye out." And I said, "But don't worry, the Lord Jesus has honored your faith." And he just dropped his gun. And I said, "your mother," just what she was and what was wrong with her.

And he said, "That's the truth."

42 Brother Roy Roberson from the church here, standing present, I guess all of you know him. Knowing he was a veteran, and knowing what was going to take place, I put my hand on his shoulder; I said, "Brother Roberson, be careful, watch, something is fixing to happen."

43I walked back to where I was supposed to be standing, and out of the air came a whirlwind, down through a canyon, from above, that was so great till it tore rocks, eight or ten inches through, out of the top of the mountain, and throwed them two hundred yards out in. And clapped three times like that, and a Voice came from it. See?

44And all of them standing there. Brother Banks, present now, came up and said, "That was what you told me yesterday?"

I said, "Yes, sir, that's it."

He said, "Now, what did It say?"

45I said, "Now, that's just for me to know, Brother Banks, see, because it was... It would alarm people."

46 But It went ahead, it happened just a little... traveling northward. A little, few days later It hit in the ocean, and you seen what happened around Fairbanks. It was a judgment sign. Now we find that--that God still... You see, it'd throw people into panics. And so then they had... That had to happen, see. It just has to happen. The things that's got to happen has got to happen, anyhow. See, it's going to happen, anyhow.

47 Moses one time desired to see God, and God told him to stand on the rock. And, on the rock, Moses stood and he seen God pass by, and His back looked like the back of a man. God was in a whirlwind, and God... while Moses standing on the rock.

48I guess you all seen the picture out there the other day, we stood by that same rock. And here is that Light, the Angel of the Lord, right there where It clapped. Standing... It's right on the bulletin board there now, again.

49 Notice, Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament. See? He is the same God, just changing His form.

50Now, someone said the other day, a--a--a Baptist minister out in Tucson, "How can you say that--that Jesus and God would be the same Person?"

51I said, "Well, it's very easy if you just let your own thinking get away, and think the Bible terms of it. They are the selfsame Being. God is a Spirit; Jesus is the body that He was veiled in. See?" I said, "Like in my home. To my wife, I am her husband. And I have a young daughter, Rebekah, I am her father. And I have a grandson, and his name is Paul, I am his grandfather. I am husband, father, and grandfather. And my wife has no claims on me as father or grandfather; she has claims on me alone as husband. And my daughter has no claims on me as husband or grandfather; she is my child. See? But yet all these three persons is the same person. See? That's God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is just the dispensation claims." God is same, the same God.

52 God changed Himself, changes His form. If you notice here in Philippians, He said, "Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man."

53Now, the Greek word there for that form, I've been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of "en morphe." It's spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek, to find out what en morphe was... I may pronounce that wrong, but reason I spell it, when if a tape is released, the people will, scholars will, know what I--I mean by it. He, when the en morphe, that means that He changed Hisself. He, He come down. Now, the Greek word there means, that, "Something that could not be seen, yet it's there, and then it's changed and the eye can catch it." See?

54 Like Elijah was, at Dothan. See, the--the servant couldn't see all those Angels around there, and God just changed; not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See, they, He changed the seeing. The--the thing is already there.

55So, that what I'm trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He--He, this en morphe, He--He changed Himself to what He was to what He is, or His mask, another act.

56 Like in a great drama. As I was speaking this morning, kind of catching up on this of Shakespeare. It's been a long time. But when Shakespeare wrote the--the--the drama, the... for King James of England, when he... the character of Macbeth. See, Shakespeare did not believe in witches; but in the play, for the king did believe in witches, so he had to include witches. See? And now, in order to do this, they change the cast.

57Becky here, in Carmen, they acted that in the--in the school where she just graduated a few weeks ago. Now, maybe one person played three or four parts. In order to do that, he--he changed his mask. Sometimes he comes out, he's this character; and the next time he comes out, he's another character. But it is the same person all the time.

58 And that's God. He changed Himself from--from a Pillar of Fire, to become a Man. Then changed Hisself from that, back in the Spirit again, that He might dwell in man. God acting in man what He really was. Jesus Christ, was God acting in Man, in a Man. In a Man, that's what He was. He had changed from the Pillar of Fire, and then had come in; which was a veil in the wilderness, that hid God from Israel. Moses seen the shape of His body, but really He was hid all the time behind this Pillar of Fire, which was the Logos that went from God.

59Now we find here, now since Pentecost, God is not acting in man, or act... now He is acting through man. See? He was acting in a Man then, Jesus. Now He is acting through man that He has chosen for this purpose. God, in the form of man, He changed Himself from the form of--of a... of God, to a form of man.

60 He came in three names, three sons' names. He came in the Son... name of the Son of--of man, the Son of David, and the Son of God; three sons' names.

61Now, He came first in the Son of Da-... Son of man, because He was a Prophet. Now, Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel and the prophets, "son of man, what seest thou?" Jesus never referred to Himself as Son of God; He referred to Himself as Son of man, because the--the Scriptures cannot be broken.

There can be nothing broken in the Scriptures. Every Word must be so. That's the way that I believe it. That's the way It's got to be, not because I believe it, because It's the Word of God.

62 Now if you notice in the beginning, one Word, page one in the Bible, in Genesis 1, we find out that the whole... All the sickness, all the sorrow, all the heartaches, and everything that's ever happened to human beings, came because one person disbelieved one Word, caused all this. That's the first of the Bible. In the last of the Bible, Revelation 22, the same God said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It." See, it must be Word by Word, just the way It is.

63 So, therefore, and just take the little thing like I'm going... someone always going on to me about the women bobbing their hair. Now, to me, as long as she does that, I don't care how saintly she does and how much she knows, she is still wrong. She wears shorts and these clothes like that; I don't care what she does, how much she can sing, how well she can preach, whatever she could do, what kind of a life she lives, it's still that one Word is broke. See? See, it's got to be every Word. Not a sentence; a Word, one Word! So, the Bible is no private interpretation. It must be Word by Word, the way It's written. We must believe That.

64 And not only believe It, but live It. If we don't live It, then we don't believe It; we just say we do. Like I... Basing back to what I said, those disciples could not explain It, but they believed It, anyhow, and they made their confession and lived to it. When all the rest of them walked away from It, they stayed with It! They believed It! That's the way we do. That's the way you got to do it. No matter what anybody else does, we believe It and then we act upon It. If you don't do it, then you don't believe It.

65 Now notice now as He came, He had to come as Son of man, because the Holy Scripture said that He would, "God would raise up a Prophet to them." So He could not come calling Himself the Son of God, because it wasn't that dispensation. He was the Son of man prophesying, to fulfill, and revealing to them all the things that had been done, and typed what He was. Then He was on earth as Son of man.

66 Look at that Syrophenician woman run to Him, and said, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!" He never as much as raised His head. She had no claims on Him as Son of David. She was a Gentile.

No more than my daughter has claims on me as husband; or, my wife, as daughter. Yet, she is my daughter and my wife, she is my daughter in the Gospel. But, earthly, she has no rights to call me a--a father. See?

Now notice, this Gentile woman had no claims on Him as Son of David. But blind Bartimaeus did, see, he was a Jew. Now, He came as Son of man.

67You have to know these words and these things. Look at Hattie Wright that time, when the Third Pull. You remember it. Of all the everything, that woman said the right thing. You've got to say that right word, the right thing to God.

68 Notice now, He came first as the Prophet, and they crucified Him. His Own crucified Him. He came as the Son of man.

69Then after the Holy Spirit came, He was then the Son of God. God is a Spirit. He was the Holy Spirit, Son of God. He lived through the church ages as Son of God.

70Now, in the Millennium, He'll be Son of David, sitting upon the Throne of His father, David. He is the Son of David, now.

71And, remember, between the Son of God... In the Laodicea church age, they put Him out. And in Luke, He said He would be revealed again as Son of man, the Prophet, fulfilling the rest of it. See? The Scriptures tie perfectly together. Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. What was it? It's the same God all the time, just changing His form, en morphe. He just change it. It's a great drama to Him. He is acting it out.

72 He came as Son of man, the Prophet. Done exactly. Even that little woman in all of her sin, there at the well, she recognized Him. She said, "We know the Messiah is coming, which is called the Christ, that's what He'll do." See, she recognized because she was a predestinated Seed. Then she...

Where, the rest of them didn't recognize It. They had nothing to recognize with. They were in sin, to begin with.

73 For, for His acts, He changes His form. Then He came the form of Son of man.

For the reformers' age, Wesley, Luther, and all down through, then we find out that they got it so bundled up, just like the Israelites did, till when He does appear in the last days, in the pentecostal age, as the Holy Spirit, they rejected It. They did the same thing Israel did.

And what does He do now? Return as Son of man. And then, from that, Son of David. See how close we are? Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He is revealed in the last days as Son of man, according to Malachi 4, all the rest the prophecies pertaining to this hour. No more dealing with the church after He... They put Him out; on the outside, knocking at the door. Some predestinated Seed in there, yet. He must get to them.

74 And God, in man, had emptied Himself. Joel 2:28, we find out, He said, "I will pour out, in the last days, My Spirit." Now, if you notice the word there, Greek word. I may have this wrong, but the one I could find...

75You have to watch the words. The English sometime means double meanings. Just like the word we say, "god." God created the heavens and earth, Genesis 1. But now, in the Bible, It said, "In the beginning Elohim." Now, Elohim, the English calls "god," but it really wasn't Elohim. Anything can be god, to the word god; you can make an idol a god; you can make that piano a god; you can make anything a god.

76But it isn't so in the word Elohim; It means, "the self-existing One." See? That piano cannot be self-existing, nothing else can be self-existent. So, the word Elohim, means, "He that always existed." God can mean anything. See the difference in the word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

77 Now, when It said here that He emptied Himself, or poured out, now, we would think like this, that He "vomit up," the English word of emptied, or poured out from Him, see, something went out of Him that was different from Him. But the word kenos, in the Greek, does not mean that He "vomit up," or some... His arm went off, or His eye went out, another person.

78That is, He changed Himself, He "poured Himself into," (Amen!), into another mask, into another form. Not another person went out of Him, called the Holy Spirit, but It was He Himself. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He Himself poured Himself into the people. "Christ in you!" How beautiful, how wonderful, to think, God pouring Himself into the human being, into the believer. "Pour out!" It was a part of His drama, to do so.

God, all the fullness, all the Godhead bodily was in this Person, Jesus Christ. He was God, and God alone. Not a third person or a second person, or a first person; but the Person, God veiled in human flesh.

79 First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; for G-o-d, Elohim," capital G-o-d, in the Bible. Refer it back, anybody. It refers to, in the original, It said, "Elohim." "In the beginning, Elohim." See? "And, Elohim, without controversy great is the mystery of Elohim; for Elohim was made flesh, and we handled Him." Elohim, veiled in human flesh! The great Jehovah that covered all space, time, and everywhere, was made man. We handled Him, Elohim. "In the beginning, Elohim. And Elohim was made flesh, dwelt among us."

80 What? This is His way, the parts of the drama. That's the way He's to act it out, His way of revealing Himself to us as some different person. We are mortal, and He knows that. And we only understand as mortals. We only know as mortals. We only know as our senses will let us know, and the rest of it we have to believe by faith. We have to say there is a God; whether we see Him, or not, we believe it, anyhow. See? Whether there is or not, we still believe it because God said so.

81 Like Abraham, could not see that son, no signs, no pregnancy of--of Sarah, no even any menstruation periods or anything, but yet God said so. All hopes, even her--her womb was dead, and his life in him was gone, and the--the stream of his life had dried up, and her--her life had dried up within her. "And yet he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise, knowing that God was able to perform anything He said He would do."

There's the way we got to believe that Word today. How is it going to be? I don't know. God said it's going to be that way, and that settles it.

82 Who is this great unseen Person? Who is This that Abraham seen in visions? Right at last, though, He was manifested in flesh, before the son came. God Himself came to Abraham in the form of a man, at the end time. Manifested! He saw Him in a little Light one time; he saw Him in visions; he heard His Voice; many revelations. But just before the promised son, he saw Him in the form of a man, and talked to Him, and fed Him meat and drink. See? Notice, God Himself veiled in human flesh.

83 This is a part of His way. This is the way that He manifests Himself to us, manifests the Eternal Word, God, Jehovah made flesh. Like in Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the... In the beginning was Elohim, and Elohim was... became the Word, and the Word was Elohim. And the Word was made Elohim." See? It's the same thing, just unfolding.

84Like the attribute, see, it is in God. A attribute is your thought. God in the beginning, the Eternal, He wasn't even a God. He was the Eternal. He wasn't even God; God is an object of worship, or something. See? So He wasn't even that. He was Elohim, the Eternal. But in Him was thoughts He wanted to become material. And what did He do? Then He spoke a Word, and the Word was materialized. That's the whole picture, from Genesis to Revelations. Is nothing wrong. It's Elohim materializing so He can be touched, feel. And in the Millennium, there is Elohim sitting on the Throne, see, that's right, with all of His subjects around Him, that He predestinated before the foundation of the world.

85 Like a man building chimes or making chimes, the molder. Each bell has got to ring different from the other. The same materials, but so much iron, so much steel, so much brass, to make it give the "ting."

86That's the way God did. He bred this one to that one, to this one to that one, to this one to that one, till He got exactly what He wanted. That's how He come down. God unveiled Himself in a Pillar of Fire down through the prophets, then into the Son of God, which, He was God. See, it's the same God bringing out exactly, from perfection to perfection, from glory unto glory. That's the way the Church goes.

87 Notice, through the ages, the same way, by His prophets, He has revealed Himself. Them wasn't exactly prophets, they were gods. He said so. For, what they spoke was God's Word. They were the flesh that God was veiled in. They were gods. Jesus said, Himself, said, "How can you condemn Me when I say I'm the Son of God, and your own law says that them who the Word of the Lord came to was gods?" See?

88So it was God formed in a man called a prophet. See? And the Word of the Lord came to this man, so it wasn't the prophet; the prophet was the veil, but the Word was God. The man's word won't act like that. See what I mean? It cannot act in that manner. But potentially it was God. See, He was the Word of God in the form of a man, called "a man."

Notice, He never changed His nature, only His form. Hebrews 13:8, said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." So He did not change His nature when He come. He is always that Prophet, all down through the age, same thing: the Word, the Word, the Word, the Word. See? He cannot change His nature, but He changed His form. Hebrews 13:8, said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." He just changed His mask.

89 Like I changed from husband, when my child is born, then I'm father. When my grandchild is born, I'm grandfather. See? But, I don't change; that's still--still me. See? (And that's God.) It's just I changed my... See, it's just change your form. See?

Notice. And nature changes it down from a young man to a middle-aged, to an old man. And there you are, you see, you just change your form.

90Now, you couldn't say a little fellow standing up here, sixteen years old, say he was grandfather. He couldn't be. His form has to be changed. A few years changes it, then he becomes grandpa. See what I mean?

91But it's the same Person all the time, the same Person, God all the time. In this way He reveals Himself to His people, in doing this. Notice, through the age of the Pillar of Fire, He revealed Himself to His people. In the age of--of Jesus, He revealed Himself to His people. In the age of the Holy Spirit, as Son of God. Son of David... He always reveals Himself in that manner to His people, making the people to know Him. He is veiled behind something, notice, in the same way, or same nature, every time.

92 God veiled in Jesus, to do the work of redemption at the cross. God could not die, as a Spirit. He's Eternal. But He had to put on a mask and act the part of death. He did die, but He couldn't do it in His God form. He had to do it in Son form, as Son of man, on earth. See? He had to be Son form. Then when He returned on Pentecost, He was Son of God again. See what I mean? Get the idea? He was...

93 He had to come into human flesh, to... and nobody, no sexual desire. Because that proves again our statement of the serpent's seed, see, "sexual," absolutely sex. Not apples; sex! That's right. That had to be. Notice here, see, for any good man... Look at those prophets back there, but He had to be more than a prophet. See? In order to do that, He had to come virgin birth, showing that virgin birth proved... He had to be born virgin birth, to take the curse off, the Antidote. See what I mean? So, it had to be sex. He proved it in His Own coming; He come not in sexual desire, but through virgin birth. And He changed His mask from Jehovah to Jesus, in order to take the redemptive work in the drama that He was acting out, in God at the cross.

94 The Greeks wanted to see Him. In Saint John 12:20, many of you heard me preach on that saying, "Sirs, we would see Jesus." Did you notice that?

95Now, the Greeks were scholars, they were great man. And they had a--they had a--a great feeling for God, as Paul preached to them on Mars' hill. And they were, they--they led--they led the world in science and--and education, they were great people. But they worshiped and believed in mythology and so, books of art and curious arts, and so forth.

96But they--they--they got stirred up about this Man Who could heal the sick and could foretell things that happened, to the dot. And they got stirred up, so they come to see Him. Now, watch close now, don't miss this. See? And they come and they said to Philip, which was of Bethsaida, "Sir, we would see Jesus." And Philip and another disciple brought him to Jesus, to see Jesus.

97Now notice the very words that Jesus reported back to them, for they come to see Who He was, and they could not see Him. They seen the form, but He was in His temple. God was in His temple, veiled in human flesh. Notice the words He said, "Except the corn of wheat falls into the ground, see, and dies, it abides alone." See? "The hour has come, it'll soon be that the Son of man be glorified, see, and He must pass from this earth. And except this hour comes, you'll never be able to see It." See?

98 Here, why couldn't they see Jesus? He was masked. God was masked. The Greeks wanted a God, and here He was, but they couldn't see Him because of the veil. And that's the same thing today, they can't see Him because of the veil. It's over their face. These Greeks were masked, or Jesus was masked to these Greeks.

99Notice, He said to them, "Except this corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone."

100They, they couldn't understand how, why that they couldn't see Him. There stood a man. They come to see God, and they seen a man. See? They couldn't see God because God was veiled to them. Now keep that on your mind, God was veiled in a man. They could say, "No man could do these works except it be God. No man can do it, and how here stands a man and yet the works of God is manifested through Him!" See, they couldn't understand that God was veiled.

101 He is veiled in a man, as He always was veiled. But, He was veiled unto them, He was in His human temple. God was in a human temple. Now, be real careful, now He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See, God veiled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in human being. See? Here was God! Those Greeks saying, "We would see Him."

102And Jesus said, "A corn of wheat has to fall and die." You have to die to all your ideas. You have to get out of your own thoughts.

Like those disciples was, they couldn't explain about eating His body and--and drinking His Blood, but, see, they had done died to those things. They were dead to a Principle, they were dead to Christ. No matter what it is, or how much defeat looked like He had, they still believed It anyhow. See? They could see in that Man; a Man that eat, drank, fished, slept, everything else, was born here on the earth, and walked with them, talked with them, wore clothes like the rest of them, but that was God.

103 So the Greeks couldn't see Him, because He was hid from them, in a human being. Notice His Word to them, "Except this corn of wheat falls in the ground."

104God veiled in the form of a man, hid Himself from their view. They could only see a man. But those Predestinated seen God. One saw a man, the other one saw God. See? And it was God veiled in a human being, making both of them right, but your faith in that what you don't see. You believe it, anyhow. God veiled in a human being. He was in that flesh, and that flesh was His veil. The veil was rent, see, that God might be made manifest.

105 In the Old Testament, God was hid when He was on His mercy seat; on the mercy seat, by a veil. In the Old Testament, God was in His temple. But the people come in and worship like this, but, remember, there was a veil (amen) that hid God. They knowed God was there. They couldn't see Him. That Pillar of Fire never appeared anymore there. Did you notice? There's not one time in the Scripture, from the time that Pillar of Fire went in behind that veil, that It ever showed again, till It come from Jesus Christ. God was veiled!

106When He stood on earth, He said, "I come from God and I go to God."

107Then Paul, (after His death, burial, and resurrection), on his road to Damascus, there was that Pillar of Fire again. What was It? Out from behind the veil! Glory to God!

108 He was in behind the veil. Now He was behind what? Skin veil. See, "badger skins," behind the veil. And when that veil was rent on the day of crucifixion, the veil that He was wrapped in was rent on the day of the crucifixion, the whole mercy seat came into view.

109Now, the Jews could not understand how that God could have mercy upon a sinful, foul people like we are. But they couldn't see this One who was giving mercy, because He was hid. He was behind the mercy seat, on the inside, with badger skins hanging down, covering Him. Before...

110 Before, if any man walked in behind that veil, it was sudden death. Amen. Oh, we're going to get a lesson here in a minute, see, if you can--you can receive It. To walk behind them skins... Even one of the priest's sons tried to do it one time, and died. "Don't go behind that veil." The man that walked behind... Why? There was no redemption yet, in that. It was potentially. It was just potential. And anything potential is not the real thing yet, see, just potentially. It was redemption... Sin was covered, not omitted... remitted, rather, not remitted. Remitted is "divorce and put away." And so the blood of sheep and goats could not do that, so Jehovah was hid behind a veil. Now, back behind this veil where He was hid, to enter into that, a man dropped dead, to try to enter into It.

111 But since Pentecost, since the Crucifixion, when that veil was rent from the top to the bottom, for that generation... Jesus was that God, veiled. And when He died at Calvary, God sent fire and lightning, and ripped that veil from top to the bottom, that the whole mercy seat was in plain view. But they were too blind to see It. As Moses said here, though, or... Paul said, reading of Moses, "When Moses is read, yet, that veil is still on their heart." Oh, brother, sister, that's what the Jews did when the veil was rent and brought God into plain view, hanging on the cross. He was in plain view, but they couldn't see It.

112 Could it be possible that the Gentiles has did the same thing? O God! When they've had the church ages, of the Son of God; but when now the veil of this denominations and things, this veil of tradition that we've got since Pentecost, when the church traditions has been rent, the things that the people said, "Days of miracles is past, and these things," and God has took the veil off of It, and brought It in plain view, and they're ready to crucify It again, just exactly like.

113 The unveiled God, plain view, they should have seen Him standing there. Yet He was too common, He was an ordinary man. They couldn't see It. See, there stood a man. "Well," they said, "this guy, what school did He come from?" But, remember, when that spear struck His body, that Spirit left Him, the temple... the sacrifices' blocks turned over, and the lightning whipped down through the temple and rent the veil. What was it? There was their God hanging on Calvary, and they were too blind to see it.

114Brought Him in open view, and still they don't see It! They are blinded. God, veiled in a human being!

115 You remember, He returned then to Paul after that, and to Peter in the prison, as the Pillar of Fire. Remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

116But in the last days He is supposed to return again, but a Pillar of Fire is supposed to come back again to manifest the Son of man, see, to show the Word, the Light. The traditions, has been, will be wiped away. There is nothing going to bother It; it's going to be done, anyhow. God just tear them denominations and traditions down.

What kind of a Spirit will He do with it? Like He did in the first place. Look what He done in the days of Elijah, in the days of John. "Don't you think to say within yourself you 'have Abraham to the father,' 'cause God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See? Don't you think, "Cause, I belong to this and I belong to that." See? God tearing off the veil, see, to show Who He is. See, watch the veil when it rents here now, we find now.

117 Now, and one time, if a man walked through that veil, it was sudden death. Now it's death not to go through It! Amen. If you can't break that veil of tradition, break through that wall of denomination, to see God in His power, it's death. Once where it was death to go in, now it's death to stay out. The whole Mercy Seat is setting in plain view, anybody can see It, the veil is rent. Glory to God! The whole mercy seat comes into plain view.

118 How God could have mercy on foul sinners as us, when He hid Himself, was a mystery. And now It's in plain view, or in full view, revealed by His Word. It's always the Word, constantly, that is God. It's the Word that opens it up. If those people would have knowed the Word of God that day when Jesus died, they would have seen the Mercy Seat, they would have seen Who He was.

119"Who was That then? Why did the veil rent?" Remember, it was death to go into It. Nobody could see It. Moses saw It in a form, It was a whirl... it was a--a Man's back. Well, here It is, a bleeding back, that same Man! What was It? God wanted to show them the Mercy Seat. God wanted to show them Who He was. So the veil in the temple, from the hand of God, above, was rent from top to the bottom, and showed God in plain view. It was Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, the Mercy Seat. And what was it? The people were too blind to see It.

120 Now it's repeated again, their traditions! How, then, on the Day of Pentecost, the Word came and was in a form of "Son of God." And they began to organize it at Nicaea, Rome. And, the first thing, they went to Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, and so forth. It's organized tradition till a man don't know where he stands.

But, glory to God, He promised in the last days what He would do. He would show His Word in plain view, open before us again, see, open It up.

121If they'd have only knowed the Word, they'd have knowed Who Jesus was. If a man only knowed the Word of God, he would know the hour we're living and what's going on. They just refuse to listen to that Word. Their traditions! What caused those Jews to see that? What? Looked like they could have actually seen, because the thing was tore open. It was tore open for a purpose.

122 What's this revival on for now? How could it prosper? How could it be blessed? I don't care how many impersonations it's got, or anything else, that don't... When Moses went out, there was a mixed multitude went with him. But what's it done for? It's Jehovah Himself taking the veil off of God, to show the difference between right and wrong. Which is, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or who is right? God's Word is right! "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine the Truth." God needs no interpreter. He does His Own interpretation. He manifests It, and ma-... it gives the interpretation. God unveiling Himself. Oh, my! Right in the midst of us, we see His great hand telling these things, doing these things.

123Got something on that tonight, see, of how to watch the hand of God, what It does, how It unfolds itself. See?

124And people say, "Oh, That's nonsense. That's fanaticism there. There's nothing to That. That's nonsense. That's Beelzebub. That's a devil. That's fortune-telling. That's this." See, the same thing they said about Him.

125 O church, and if this tape goes out, can't you see, ministers of the Gospel, where you're living? Can't you see the hour that we're in? God, showing Himself, setting aside... Look, He took that temple veil and tore it to pieces, that they might see God in plain view, and they was too blind to see It. And He's done the same thing today, putting His Word right out in front, what He promised. Every promise in the Word, laying right before us, in plain view!

126You know what the Gentile church does? The same thing the Jewish church did, too blind to see It. That's all. It'll be on their hearts just as it was in that day.

127 Notice, death, to stay away from It now. You must go into It through this veil, or you won't. How God could have mercy on them, but remember what it was, that God is manifesting what was behind that veil. Watch what was behind the veil, the Word! What did it veil? The Word! What was it? It's in the ark. It was the Word that that veil hid. See? And Jesus was that Word, and He is that Word, and the veil of His flesh hid It.

128And today the veil of tradition hides the Word again, saying, "It's not so." But It is so! God is testifying of It, blasting Hisself right out as bright as the sun, before everyone, and they fail to see It. God, be merciful to us.

129 In type, Moses coming from the Presence of God, with the Word of God for that age. Now watch, we're now in Exodus 19. Don't miss this now. Exodus 19, Moses is coming from the Presence of God, or 20 and 21, 19:20 and 21. Moses is coming from the Presence of God. He has been into the Word. The Word has been wrote. And he, in the Presence of God, with the Word, he had the Word for that age. There is a Word for each age. And Moses coming forth, his face shined so! See? The Word was in him, ready to be manifested, give out to the people.

130The true Word, God had wrote It, and It was with Moses. Notice, It was with Moses and was ready to be manifested. He was the Word to them, he was the living Word, hid. Veiled himself, Moses had to put a veil over his own face. Why? He was that Word. Amen. Until that Word was made known, Moses had to veil himself. Amen!

Do you see It? Wherever the Word is, It's veiled.

131 Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God; well, he wasn't Moses no more. He had the Word of the Lord for that age. Nothing could touch him till that was over; had that Word with him. So, therefore, when he come, the people turned their heads; they couldn't understand. They had been changed. He was a different fellow. He come with that Word. "And he put a veil," the Bible said, "over his face," for he had the Word. And he was the Word to them.

132 Now look, if Moses... O brother, here is going to be an insult. But if Moses... As Paul said here in Second Corinthians, the 3rd chapter. If Moses had to veil his face with that type of Glory upon him; see, because that was natural glory, that was a natural law. And if Moses, knowing that that law had to perish, but the Glory was so great that it blinded the people, so they had to put a veil over his face. How much more will It be? Spiritual blinded people! Uh-huh. That glory was to fade away, but This Glory won't fade away. See? Moses had the carnal laws, the condemnation, no grace, no nothing; it just condemned you. But This we're speaking about... That had no pardon, that just told you what you was. This gives you a way out.

133And when that Word is unveiled, oh, my, what kind of a face will It be? It'll have to be veiled. It's got to be veiled. Now notice. So the Spirit is veiled in a human temple, see, He to speak the natural words with a natural veil.

134 Now, Paul speaking here now, and in this--this sense, the Spirit-Word, "We are ministers, not of the letter, the law; but able ministers of the Spirit," that the Spirit takes the letter and manifests It.

135That was just law, you had to go look at it, say, "Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not lie. Thou shall not do this, that, or the other." See? You had to look at that.

136But this is Spirit that comes upon the promised Word for this age, and brings forth and manifests, not two tables of stone, but the Presence of the living God. Not a mythical thought somebody made up, or some Houdini, a trick; but the very promise of God revealed and made manifest right before us. What sort of a veil will that be behind? And to--to lose that...

137 See, that was so great till even the people said, they said when they seen Jehovah come down in this Pillar of Fire, and begin to shake the earth, and--and the things He done, and the mountain on fire. And even if anybody tried to go to that mountain, perished. It was so great till even Moses feared the quake. Then, if that time He shook just the mountain, this time He'll shake heavens and earth.

138What about This Glory? If that was veiled by a natural veil, this is very... veiled by a spiritual veil. So don't try to look at the natural; break into the Spirit and see where you're at, see what hour we're living in.

139 Does It make sense to you? See, It's a spiritual veil that's over the people, say, "I'm Methodist. I'm as good as anybody. I'm Baptist. And I'm Pentecostal." Don't you realize it, that thing is a traditional veil? It's hiding God from you. That's the things that keeps you from enjoying all...

Oh, you say, "I shout and jump up-and-down."

140He said, "Every Word!" Eve believed every Word but one. See? It's the full Word of God, the promise of this hour made manifest. See?

141Notice now as we go on. Got plenty here to speak of, but I got about twenty pages, but it... of--of notes, but I--I just won't speak on them all. See, I'll hurry.

142 He is veiled with a natural veil before he could speak the Word to the people. Now, God has to veil Hisself, as He promised, in human flesh. God! Do you get It? [Congregation says, "Amen. "--Ed.] God has to veil Hisself in human flesh, and put a spiritual veil over them, (say, "Well, I'm this and I'm that"), in order to speak to the people. When that's veil, which is the traditional veil, is tore apart, then the... that what they say, "Why, the days of miracles is past."

143 A guy said to me the other day, a--a little Baptist preacher out there, come to me, Brother Green, and he said, "Brother Branham, here is one thing I got against you." He said, "You're trying to make the people..." It was down at the Ramada Inn, when we had the meeting down there. Said, "You're trying to make the people believe in an apostolic age, to live today like they were in the apostolic age." Said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles."

I said, "It did?"


I said, "Who was the spokesman in the apostolic age?"

He said, "The twelve apostles in the upper room."

144I said, "Then Paul was out." I said, "The spokesman was Peter. And Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, when they seen all this going on, and the Holy Ghost working, he said, 'The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall ever call.' If He is still calling, then the same Thing is here. When did the apostolic age cease then? The apostolic age ceases when God ceases to call." He never said a thing but picked up his hat and walked away.

145It takes the Word to do it. It's the Word. Jesus told Satan, "It's written." See? That's it, "It's written."

146I said, "Peter said that it would never end. As many as the Lord called, this Blessing was for them. Now you say, 'He stopped.' When?"

"No harm done?"

I said, "No, sir, not a bit. Go ahead." All right. See?

147Peter said that it was for everyone God would call for, would receive the same apostolic Blessing. That's--that's the Word of the Lord. See?

148 Now the natural veil. God, the Word, veiled in human flesh. What was it? God was veiled in Moses. God was in Moses, veiled, and the Presence of God was in him. He was so perfect with that Word in him like that, till he had to veil his face. And it was a vindicated prophet that unfolded the Word and told them, "Thou shalt not! Thou shall! And thou shall not!" See?

149 To give His Word to that generation, He veiled Himself in a human being, or the Word would have blinded even the called-out. See? Even the people that was out there, they could not stand to see that. In--in Exodus we find that, they said, "Let Moses speak, not God." See why the Pillar of Fire don't appear too much? See?

150God said, "I--I--I'll do that. I'll raise them up a Prophet." Amen! "I'll raise them up one." And He came just exactly. "I'll raise, and He'll have, be the Word."

151He said, "If they want to see what the Word is..." Said, "Now, Moses, I appeared to you yonder in that burning bush." Said, "I'm going to come down and set that mountain afire." Said, "They'll see that you've told the truth. I'll appear here in the--in the--the same burning way. I'll appear here and prove to the people, I'll vindicate your ministry." That's what He told Moses here, so many words.

152 Notice, He said, "Now I'm going to--I'm going to glorify you before the people." Said, "Now, you told them that I met you out there in a burning bush; now I'm going to come down, same Fire, and I'm going to let the people see that you never lied about It." You can scientifically prove It, even, if you want to. See? "I'm going to come right down and let them know."

153And when He begin to thunder, when Jehovah started thundering, the people said, "No! No! No! Don't let Jehovah speak; we'll--we'll die."

154See, He had to be veiled, so God veiled Himself in Moses and give Moses the Word. And Moses come down and spoke the Word of the Lord, in a veil over his face. That right? Jehovah veiled in a form of a prophet, 'cause it would've absolutely... And God said He wouldn't speak to them anymore like that. He would only speak to them by a prophet. That's the only way He would ever speak from then on. That's the only way He's ever spoke. That's right. Never any other way. He don't lie.

155 Notice, only Moses had the Word. Now, there wasn't a--a group came down, there wasn't just the Pharisees, or the Sadducees, or it wasn't a--a certain sect or a clan. It was Moses! He got one man. He can't get two or three different minds. He takes one man. Moses had the Word, and Moses alone. Joshua even didn't have It. No one else had It. Amen! Joshua was a--a general; Joshua was a commander of the army; Joshua was a believer, a Christian. But Moses was a prophet! The Word can't come to Joshua; It's got to come to Moses. He was the major prophet of the hour. Notice, the Word never did come to Joshua till Moses was gone. No, sir. God deals with one at a time. God is one. See? Now, only Moses had the Word, not a group.

156 Look, God warned any persons not to try to follow Moses into that veil; impersonators. See? Woman, man, priest, whoever it was, how godly, how man, how much honor, how much they was; He warned, "Let Moses come alone! And if any man, even an animal, touches it, must be killed right there." Never break before that veil. That veil belongs to one person. That Message is one. See? In the temple, one man went in once a year, anointed and fixed to go in; not to bring out the Word, but to offer blood. To even walk in there before It, only one. Any other man died. See?

157 They spiritually die now. This is a spiritual veil. See? That was a natural veil. This is spiritual veil. See? They keep walking right on in behind there, you can tell them. "Oh, I know! I know that, but I..." See, go ahead, it's all right, it only speaks... You remember, the last plague in Egypt was death, before the exodus. The last plague on earth is spiritual death, before the exodus. Then they'll be cremated and turned back to the dust, and the righteous will walk out upon their ashes. But the last thing is spiritual death, rejecting the Word.

158 Now notice, God warned any persons not to try to follow Moses into the veil of Fire. Moses was to be veiled, he had to come out of there. Moses went in as Moses, went into this Pillar of Fire; and when he walked back out, he was veiled. For, he went into There, out of his traditions, the traditions of the elders. He had saw the Pillar of Fire, but now he goes into the Pillar of Fire. See? Amen! And he come forth, veiled. God's Word in a man, veiled! Here he come walking out, oh, my, I can see it. Warned nobody else to try it, nobody can impersonate That. You better not. See? Even a priest or a holy man, whoever it was, cardinal, bishop, anything else, trying to go in that veil, died. God warned them. We'll have no impersonations.

159 His Word is revealed to one. It's always been, a prophet came with the Word of the Lord, each age, every time, down through the Scripture. The Word comes to one. In every age, the same, even in the church ages, from the very first to the last. Others have their places, that's right, notice, but stay away from that Pillar of Fire. See? What a lesson we learn here! See, everybody wanting to be a Moses, and everybody...

160 You remember what Dathan and them said out there? They said, "Now, Moses, wait here just a minute! You take too much upon yourself, see. Now, there is other man here that God has called."

161That is true. They, each one, were following fine as long as they went along, but when one tried to step up and take God's position that He give Moses, which was predestinated and ordained to that job, tried to take it, fire come down and opened up the earth and swallowed them right into it. See? See? Be careful. See? Just be a good, God's godly Christian, believing the Word. See? Stay away from that Pillar. What a lesson!

162 God had first appeared to Moses in a burning bush, God was veiled in the Pillar of Fire. Now listen real close now for a minute. God, first come to Moses, He was veiled. God was in a Pillar of Fire, hid back in a bush, see; like behind the skins, see, back by the mercy seat at the altar. See? He was veiled. He is always veiled. And when He come to Moses, He was in a Pillar of Fire, veiled in the Pillar of Fire. But here, before the people, God vindicated him by the same Pillar of Fire. See? Moses said...

163 Now watch. Are you reading? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Are you letting your minds drift way out? Can you? Can... "He who has got ears, let him hear." See?

164When God appeared to Moses, it was in a Pillar of Fire, when He called him to his ministry. And Moses come and told the people about it. They couldn't believe it, yet he done the miracles and things. But, this time, He visibly, scientifically appeared and vindicated Moses' ministry to be the same God that spoke to him, 'cause He appeared in the form of the Pillar of Fire and set the mountain on fire. And It come to Moses in a bush, spoke to him. All right.

165 God's first appearing, to Moses, in the burning bush, veil. Before the people, God veiled again and vindicated Moses, by the veil, by veiling Himself with the same Fire, same Pillar of Fire came down. From--from then... From them, so they could only hear God's Word. You get it? Just the Word, they heard His Voice. For, Moses was, to them, the living Word. Moses! See, God had so proven that Word by Moses! See, Moses said... God said to Moses, "Go down there. I'll be with you. He's... Not nothing going to stand before you. I AM THAT I AM."

166Moses come down, and said, "You might not believe this, maybe, but God appeared to me in the Pillar of Fire and He told me these things."

167"Oh, we have all kind of things like going on." Pharaoh said, "Why!" Pastor Pharaoh said, "Well, you got a cheap magician trick. Why, I got magicians here that can turn a serpent into... a stick--a stick into a serpent. Come here, magicians." And they come over there and done the same thing.

168 Moses knowed. No nothing bothered him. How many impersonators they had, didn't make a bit of difference. Moses just stood still. The first thing you know, they crawled around a while, and, directly, Moses' snake just eat the rest of them up. See? Why? Like them apostles, they couldn't explain It. Moses didn't know how God was going to do it, but He was going to do it.

169Remember, He said Jambres and Jannes will return in the last days, see, impersonations. "And would deceive the very Elect if possible," Matthew 24:24. See? Just exactly the same things, do the same kind of miracles and everything. Watch that Word! Watch that Word! The man says he does a miracle and still wants to believe there is three Gods, and there is all these kind; you get away from that kind. We know that's--that's wrong, see, no such thing. See? The Word, every Word, every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God! Genesis, one Word! Over here, said, "Don't take or add one word." See, It's got to be that same Word. See?

170 Notice, the people seen something that had happened. Moses had been veiled as a... He was a prophet, and God had vindicated His Word now, went down there. And he seen signs and wonders. And then, all right, this people got separated unto themselves, a church. See, church means "called out." See? After they was called out of the world and became a people, see, then God let Hisself be known that He was that Pillar of Fire. He proved Moses' message. See? He was the Pillar of Fire. They might have took the picture of It, I guess, if they'd have had cameras, 'cause it was all on Fire. But they--they proved that, God proving that the Message was right. The Message was at hand, everything was, they was going to be exodused then. Veiled His prophet to this exodus people.

171 The people, think, seen something had happened to him. He was now different from the rest of the Israelites. He was a different, his message was different, he was different from the priests, he was different from anything. See, he was a different person. The people seen something had happened. God had veiled Himself in His prophet, to speak His Words to them. That's what He had done. Moses was that living Word to the people, veiled by the Pillar of Fire, speaking what was to be veiled later behind badger skins. See?

172 The Word had to come from Moses, first. See? Moses had the Word. They were written by God, nobody could interpret Them, Moses had to interpret Them, first. That's the reason he veiled his face, 'cause he... Do you see It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

Here It is. [Brother Branham picks up his Bible--Ed.] We could pick It, pack It up, and everything else there, but It's got to be revealed. In order to reveal, Moses had to become God to the people.

You say, "That's nonsense."

173Why, He told, even told Moses, Hisself, "You'll be God, and Aaron will be your prophet!...?..." See? So there He come, see, He had to veil Himself, 'cause God is always behind a veil. Oh, my! Do you see It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God is hid from the public.

174Said, "Father, I thank You, You've hid It from the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes, to them that wants to learn." See?

175 God hid behind the veil. Moses veiled his face. Moses was the living Word veiled then. The people saw that Pillar of Fire, said, "Now we are satisfied." See? "Let Moses speak." See? "Don't let God speak, lest we die." Moses walked right into that Pillar of Fire. See?

176And said now, He said, "Now I--I won't speak to them no more like this. I'll give them a prophet." See? And that's the way He always did it. See? Said, "Now let them go up." But this prophet has to have this Word. If he's veiled with a tradition, God never sent him. If he's veiled with the Word, God will vindicate It. God interprets His Own Word. Moses spoke Them; God interpreted Them. Amen.

177Moses said, "The Lord said so!" And the Lord did just what He said. That made It right.

178 Now He said, "Now, Moses, you understand. The people understand now. See, I have showed you, I have vindicated you." God had veiled Himself in this prophet, to speak His Word to the people. Moses was the living God to them, the living Word of God made manifest. That's the reason his face is veiled. See?

179And do you know the same thing in a genuine Christian is veiled today, to unbelievers? They see them women with long hair and things, say it's... "Look at that old model." Women twist their hair up on the back, say, "Got a flat tire, spare tire up there." See, It's all veiled. They're blind. "Oh," they say, "I got a Ph.D, L..." I don't care what you got, you're still ignorant of the Word. Exactly right. "Oh, that, that's just something minor. I..." Take the small lessons first.

180 How about the people who say that they are veiled in the Presence of God, and preach some church tradition? Oh, mercy, goodness! Which adds to and takes from, and everything else, by injecting their own subjects and their own thoughts, and not the Word of God, see, what kind of a veil? That's got an ecclesiastical veil. God has tore that veil wide open!

181They said, "There is no such a thing as prophets. There is no such a thing, in these last days, as apostles and prophets. There is no such a thing as Divine healing. There is no such a thing as seers, anymore. There is no such a thing as Mark 16 being fulfilled. Apostolic age is done." They veiled It from the people. But God walked right out with His Holy Spirit of Fire, and rent that thing from the top to the bot-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God has rent the veil.

182 Moses was the veil, the living Word of God veiled behind human flesh. The Pillar of Fire was in Moses, of course, speaking what was to be veiled later behind skins, you see.

183Now, that, the Word, the Word was brought forth, then It was written out, then It was put behind and still veiled, for God was always in that Word. Amen! He's the Word, always. He was in that Word. That's the reason that Word had to be veiled.

184 Oh, brother, sister, are you catching It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Look! Don't you see? It's been veiled through these ages, according to what God said, and It will be opened in the last days, those Seven Seals would be broke, and the full Thing would come into view of the people, what's took place all along. The hour of the seventh angel's Message, all the mysteries of God should be made known in that Elijah, this last hour; how that Christ is put out of His church, the Son of God; how He is revealed as Son of man again; how that the Church is to be put in order, and everything for the last day, no creed, no denomination, just absolutely the Word living in the individual. "I'll take one, and leave one. I'll take this, and leave that one." See? There's just... There's no strings, no denominations, no bindings or nothing; it's the heart with God, and Him alone. See?

185 Notice, veiled in a human flesh. Moses with that Word, speaking what was to be later put behind badger skin. So that... So is Christ our Moses. Christ is our Moses. He was God veiled in human flesh, veiled in humanity, in flesh. That's right. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was veiled by badger skins. He was veiled. And this time He was veiled in a man. See? Now notice, "same yesterday, today, and forever," promised His Word to this age. He is still Christ, the promised Word to this age, veiled in human flesh. The Word is God.

186 The anointing is a person. The word Christ means a anointed one, see, "the anointed one." Then, Moses was Christ in his days, he was the anointed one. Jeremiah was Christ in his days, with a portion of the Word for that day.

187But when Jesus came, He came as the Redeemer Anointed One; and that was both Moses and all that was in Moses, and all the Word, and all the Godhead bodily was in Him. That's the reason the whole temple veil rent, and the mercy seat come in perfect view, He was the anointed One.

188 Notice now, the veil in human flesh, the promised Word to this age must also be veiled. Notice. Sin-loving church members and sinners cannot see It because of the human veil.

189That's the reason they couldn't see Him. "Why, He's a man. Where did He come from? What fellowship card does He have? What church does He belong to?" I want to speak on that tonight, "What church does He belong to?" See? And so, see, now, "What church does He belong to, what--what group? What school did He have? Where did He get His education? Well, this Man was born, according to the tradition, or according to the--the legend of Him around here, this Man was born out of holy wedlock. Why, He, sure, He's of the Devil. See, He's--He's of the Devil. He was born out of holy wedlock, and Joseph just married her to keep her from being stoned, 'cause she was an adulteress. And that Man come around and tell us priests what to do?"

190 And there was God standing there, revealing that Word, crying, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" The very songs they were singing in the temple, that David had made for them years ago, pertaining to Christ. "All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." And there they was standing there, singing that, and the very Man dying on the cross. And when they got through and the...

191When He died, the God of Heaven come down, like He did on Mount Sinai, with Holy Fire, and burnt that temple veil from top to bottom, tore it apart. And what could they do? Look right there out of the temple window, on Calvary, and there was God in plain view, the Sacrifice.

192 But they don't see It yet, today. God in this last day has rent those traditions away, and brought the Word for this age right plain in view, and they still don't know It. They just don't know It. It's--it's so simple. See, it's just so simple. It's so far away from the things of the world.

193I preached the other day at a certain gathering, of, "Being a nut." One of these days I want to speak on that, "Being a nut." We're all nuts for somebody, so--so I'll be one for Christ. Paul said he "was counted a fool." Sure, you have to be. See, it takes a nut to hold the things together. See? That's right.

194 So notice the veil, the human flesh. No, now, the sin-loving people could not see that. Those traditional religious people, they couldn't see that, because He was a man. Why? That human flesh hid God.

195Now, if He had been a great Pillar of Fire that come down, see, a great Pillar of Fire had come down and showed them that what He was, that He was this great Pillar of Fire, they might have believed that; if Jehovah would have went around.

But you see what He did, so that He could bypass all them smart, wise people, He just revealed Himself like He promised Moses, see, "I'll speak to them through a Prophet." And He was Son of man, a Prophet. And some of them recognized It, about one hundredth percent of one hundred in the world, they believed It; the rest of them didn't. But, He was, just the same.

196 But there was the Mighty God standing in full view, the Mercy Seat! He died when His Own children saying... His Own children there, saying, "We won't have Him! Away with Him!" Spit on Him.

197A type, way back, when David was leaving the temple, rejected king. Went down through the street, and a little, old crippled-up fellow crawling along, never did like him, he called him "old hypocrite" or something, spit right in his face. And that guard pulled the sword, said, "I'll let that dog's head stay on him; and spit on my king?"

198David said, "Let him alone, God told him that." And David probably didn't know what he said. Went up on the mountain, looking back, crying.

199Eight hundred years from there, the Son of David was climbing the same mountain, looking out, weeping over Jerusalem, a rejected King. And they spit in His face.

200Don't you see? It's the same thing. See that Word coming on down, following on down today? Always rejected by the majority, see, and believed in the minority.

201 Now, see, they couldn't believe It. Those Greeks, they couldn't see Him, He was in His human temple. "Why," they said, "this man's name is Jesus; He comes from Nazareth."

202Now, they only had one name there in them days. Like, "John, Jim," they say, "John from Jeffersonville, Jim from New Albany," or something like that, you see.

203He said, "This is Jesus from Nazareth. It's common believed that His mother was pregnated by a soldier." See? And then that's exactly what they believed. Sure! And say they said, now, "And this is Jesus of Nazareth." You see? "Who is He?" See, they couldn't understand That.

204 But, why, this Word for that day, when He was preaching, said, "Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They testify Who I am. If you can't believe Me; forget Me, as a veil, believe the Word that's coming forth. Two is a witness," He said, "I speak and the Father speaks for Me." Amen. That's right.

205I speak of the Word of this day, and the Father confirms It. Now is that a witness to you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It is, see. That's how it's to be fulfilled.

206 Notice in Second Corinthians now, the... in Second Corinthians, 3rd chapter, the 6th verse, the old temple housed God behind old skins, from the Jews. When the old veil was rent, still the Jews... blinded to Who He was, and Who He is yet. And then Pentecost revealed Who the true and living God was, when that veil was cut in two, with God, from the top. Why did that veil do that? Why did it do it?

207Why did there come such a Message today to do what It's done? Why did It come? Why?

208 There was someone going to call me, some day here not long ago, wanted to debate with me about the--the church age, that, "God was in His holy church," and things like that. And I found out it was some woman preacher, and I just forgot about it. See, if it had been some man that was going to be all right, it'd been different. But, so, but what's the use of going plumb over into another country there, when I've got to leave a meeting here to do it, you see? So I just let them alone. The blind leads the blind, they--they all fall in the ditch.

209 So, so now in this age, when the old denominational and traditional veil has been rent, from the Word of God, so It can be manifested! You see what I mean? The tradition says, "All those things are past." Let It soak a little bit. "The things are past." But, in this last day, that traditional veil has been rent apart, and here stands the Pillar of Fire. See? Here He is, manifesting the Word for this day. The veil is rent.

Now, the world, still they don't believe It. No matter what, they don't see It. They don't see It. It wasn't sent to them.

210Remember, the Son of God was not revealed to Sodom; two messengers was. That's right.

211But, this, God Himself in human flesh was revealed to Abraham, the Elected. And watch what He done to reveal Himself. And now Abraham knew, when He knew what was in Sarah's thought behind Him, he said, called Him, "Elohim! Thy servant..."

212 Notice now, so it can be manifested. The Word has had a veil over It all these years, to the people, "It can't be done."

213You remember the sermon. I preached the morning when I left here the first time, about Goliath and David? I said, "Look at the challenger out there, saying that 'the days of miracles is past.'"

Watch them tapes as they come down, watch each one, how It's come in more plainer and plainer; if you have ears to hear, see, eyes to see.

What? I said, "There stands that great ecclesiastical world out there, that's in this scientific age, that it cannot be done." But I said, "God..." In that Light, 'fore It was ever taken, but once; never was taken then. It was down on the river there; they never took the picture of It. See? I said, "He told me that it would be done; He would make a call and it would sweep the nations."

214And even to Doctor Davis, said, "You, with a grammar school education, passed into the seventh grade, will be praying for kings and monarchs, and will start a revival that will sweep the nations?"

I said, "That's what He said."

215And it's been done. See? See, it's been done. That's the thing of it, is, He don't need no interpretation. He's done it. See, He's already done it, that interprets itself, see, calling His Elected, see, from--from all walks of life. Now it's made manifest.

216 I said that David stood out there, a little, bitty, scrawny fellow with his back all bowed in, a slingshot in his hand. And, why, Saul looked at him, the head of the ministerial association, said, "Why, you, you're not even trained!" He said, "Let me see if I can give you a Ph.D. or some." Put this armor on him, it... He found out it didn't fit a man of God.

217Said, "Take the thing off of me." Said, "I don't know nothing about that." Said, "Let me go in the way that I know, what I fought the lion with, what I fought the bear with." He was kind of a woodsman. He said, "Let me go in this way."

218And this old Goliath said, "Do you send a dog out to fight me?" Said, "I'll pick you on the end of my spear and hang your carcass up there and let the birds eat it."

219David said, "You meet me as a Philistine, and an armor and a spear, and I'll meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." Watch the prophet, David, said, "Today I'll cut your head from your shoulder." Amen! Oh, my! He knowed what he had, Whom he had believed, and was fully persuaded He was able to keep that which he committed to Him. See? So it happened anyhow.

220The old saying, "The days of miracles is past," the walls is tore down! Jehovah still stands in full view, manifesting His Word, unveiled One. That's right. Notice.

221 The Gentile church has also been blinded from the veil, after it's been tore off and showed God, the ecclesiastical veil. How? By veiling the Word in human being again. That's exactly what Israel failed to see. If it would have been some Angel or something, Israel would have believed It. But being... It could not be an Angel. It had to be a man. Amen!

God can't break His Word. In the last days it has to be the same thing again. See? What blinded Israel? That Man. "You're a Man making Yourself God." That's what they killed Him for, and, today, because the Message come through man and not Angels. See? God can't change His way, change His Word. He said He changed not. See? Notice, promised! And the Gentiles are just as blinded today as Israel was, because (what?) the veil. God veiled in a human being, blinded Israel.

Notice, has ever blinded one. One, It will blind; the other, It will reveal the Truth. It'll close the eyes of some, and open the eyes of the other.

222 Look, Jesus stood and said, "Well, your name is--is--is Simon, and your father's name was Jonas."

He said, "Lord God!" See? Philip...

He said, "When did You know?"

He said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile!"

And he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

223He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

224He said, "Rabbi, You're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."

225Well, there stood those there, said, "He is Beelzebub." See? What did It do? Open one's eyes, blinded the other. What did the priests say? "Why, that Guy is Beelzebub!"

226 The little woman said, "I know Messiah is coming, which is called the anointed One. See, the Anointed One will come. We haven't had prophets... You must be a prophet. But the Anointed One will come. We're looking for Him. This is the last days for the Gentiles... or for the Jews." Said, "This is the last day." See, both Samaritan and Jew were looking for a Messiah. See? Said, "This is the time for Him to appear. We know, when He comes, He'll do these things. He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

Her eyes was opened; the police, priests was blinded.

227That's what the Gospel always does. It opens the eyes of some, reveals the Truth to some, while It blinds the others; has a twofold meaning. Some can take that Son and look straight into It, and go blind; others can take It and walk out with It. It's the different.

228 As it was done in every age, Deity veiled in human flesh. Notice, He did. The prophets was Deity, veiled. They was the Word of God (is that right?) veiled in human flesh. So, they didn't notice our Moses neither, see, Jesus.

229Notice veiled behind the old badger skins in the old temple, was the Word, was the Word manifested on tables of stone.

230 Now, I'm going to try to get away in about twenty minutes now, if I can, make it half past eleven. Notice, if you notice, I've turned some pages here, you see, to keep from getting... so I'd keep from cutting the... making it too long. I know you're hot, tired.

231 Behind the old temple, in the veil, what was back behind there? What was Jehovah? What was hid back there? What was the veil hiding? Oh, hallelujah! What was the veil hiding? It was hiding the Word. The veil, old badger skins, was hidden, hiding the Word to their eyes, natural. Behind there, also, was the shewbread. Behind there, also, was the Shekinah Glory. But It was all hid from them. It was all hid. All the Glory of God was right behind that old badger skin, that's right, all hid to the natural eye.

232It is today, too. It's called "a bunch of holy rollers, fanatics," but they don't know what's hid behind there. That's what they don't know. See?

233 Then when God, in mercy, rent the veil for them to see, they were so wrapped up in their traditions they... it was still hid to them, even to this day.

234Same now! The Glory, the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah Glory that comes upon the believer, now I mean the real believer, that causes the works of God and the faith to come into him, to believe the Word of God, that's all hid to them eyes. They say, "Them things are passed." You see, they're still living behind the veil.

You're not behind that veil anymore, little Ones, God has come in full view of you.

235 The other day, Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Tom Simpson... I don't know whether he ever got here or not. Several of us was up at a Baptist church, and the minister said something that sounded pretty good. All of us said, "Amen!" Everybody in the church stretched up their neck and looked back. See? See? We found a crumb that come from behind the Shekinah there, you know, and we was kind of glad to get it. We said, in other words, "Thank You, Lord!" See? And, when they did, these fellows was so veiled they just laughed at it. They didn't know what It was all about. See? They're still veiled. So, there is some inside and some outside. And so... But God is in full view of us, hid. Same now!

236 Then when God, in His mercy, rent the veil, He was brought into plain view. But, they were so wrapped in their traditions, He was still hid from them.

Same now! All that Glory, hid, is hid for us in Christ, the Word, Who is our Temple.

237Oh, now, I'm going to have to dig down in this a little bit. Excuse me for my emotions this morning, but, oh, I've--I've wanted to give this out so long, I... it's just binding up in me. See?

238 Notice, all the Glory that is in God is in the Word. All the blessings that's in God is in the Word. It's hid, to the unbeliever, by traditions. See what I mean? But It's all in Christ. All that God was, He emptied Himself, "kenos," and came into Christ; and we, into Christ, are behind the veil.

239"Well, I'm into Christ," you say. And then believe there is three Gods? Baptize in the name of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"? Believe in all these traditions and things that you believe in, of the elders? No, you're still behind the veil. See? Come into the veil. He, Christ, is the Word.

240"How? I don't believe in Divine healing. I don't believe in these miracles and things like That."

241Well, you see, you're--you're not in, inside the veil. You don't know nothing about It. See? Christ is the Word! And when we are in the Word, we're in Christ. And how can I be in Christ, denying Christ? It was He that said, "Not one word shall be added to or taken from." How can you take from and add to, then? See, it shows you what veil has got you veiled away. See?

242 We in Him! Then we, being in Him, we are still veiled to the religionists and professors of the world. See, our Glory that we have and enjoying, we are still veiled to them outsiders. They think we're "crazy, a nut," again. See? See? That's right. But we who are in here, in Christ, baptized into Him, (First Corinthians 12), into Him, we are partakers of this Glory. See? But not on the outside; you're still looking in, denying It. See?

243So now we are invited into Him, to be partakers of all that He is. We're invited into Him, which is hid to unbelievers, by the veil of human flesh. See? They know that Glory, they read of It, It's in the Word here, "the Glory of God" and things like that, it's just a word to them. To us, it's a manifestation! See? It is no more a word; it's a reality! Amen!

244God said, "Let there be light," that was the word. But now there is light. It ain't the word; it's the light. See what I mean?

245 Now it isn't just a written Word to us, it's a reality. We are in Him. Now we're enjoying. Now we behold Him. Now we see Him, the Word, manifesting Himself. It's hid, out there, because (why?) It's veiled in human flesh. See?

246Oh, they say, "That bunch of people, where did they go to school? What--what education do they have? Where, what--what did they come from? What--what--what group do they belong to?" See? Huh! See, they don't get It.

247A man said to another man, the other day, said, "You have to belong to a denomination to be a Christian."

248He said, "I am a Christian; I don't belong to any of them." Uh-huh. Said, "God taken this cancer out of me," said, "now what do you think about that?" It was a doctor. He said, "Show me the denominations doing it." See? All right. See? It's still veiled.

249 We're inside of Christ. Now, as then, all true believers see Him, the Word of promise of this day, openly manifested. That's a big word if you can get it. See? See? All true believers, that's in the Word, see God openly. The veil is rent, and God stands openly before you, manifested. See? God, manifested, open.

250In order to do this, our old denomination traditional veil must be rent again. In order to really see what It is, you've got to come out from among that stuff. See? You'll never do it; they'll keep pulling that veil before you, every time, "Oh, there is nothing to That." But here It is written, and here It is made manifest, you see. See?

251 Now, what if a fellow refuses to see the sun, say, "Oh, there, I know God said, 'Let there be light,' but there is no such a thing. I'm going down in the basement. I--I just refuse to see it"? The guy is crazy. There is something wrong with him.

252There is something wrong with a man or woman, can see the promise of God and see It manifested, and then refuse to believe It because the denomination pulls the veil down. See, veiled!

253 In order to do this, our denomination traditional veils must be broke, by God's Spirit of Fire and Sword, which is His Word. Always His Word is His Sword. See? And He took His Sword that day, full of Fire, and ripped that veil from top to bottom. He does the same thing with the same Sword today! Not "my creed, my book of creeds, my--my catechism." But the Sword of the Lord, see, rips the veil down, and you see God standing in plain view, manifested in His Word. What a glorious view to look at! See? All right. God's Holy Spirit and Fire, His Sword, rips it. The Word rips the denominational veil.

254 Well, if you just said, "the Word," and the Word don't work? What good would the Sword be here, and say, "It can't rip"? Say, "Uh," and it won't rip?

255But when you lay that Sword of God up there and watch her rip, she is--she is held by an ordained hand sent to do so. See, rips it open, and there He is. There it shows God plainly in view, the great Jehovah. That is His Word made manifest, the portion that's promised to the day. Do you get It? See? When the Sword, promise of today, in this day, what's supposed to be, and God takes His Sword and rips down the denominational veil and pulls it back, and manifests Himself and shows that He is there, still that same Pillar of Fire. Notice, that is the Word made manifest for today's promises.

256 We see It as did Peter when he said, "Lord, to whom would we go, after seeing This?" Where would we go? What church could we join, when we're born in One? See? What could you... What denomination could you join after knowing these Truths, see, when they (every one) deny It? Every one of them! I haven't got a one that'll say or do a thing for It. Right. That's right.

257 I started off on these trips down here, where forty-two churches in one place was the sponsor; when I got there, I had none. Every one of them said, "He believes in Eternal security." That let the legalists out. One said, "He baptizes in Jesus' Name." That lets all the rest of them out, see. One of them said, "He believes in the serpent's seed. The serpent has no seed!" That let...

258The Bible said, "I'll put enmity between her Seed and the serpent's seed." See that?

259It, the--the veil, has been lifted off of the Word. See? That's right. It's revealed to babes. It's--it's lifted. They see It. And will be, as once said... That's right. Then it will be, as once said, "When you see," when this veil is took off of the Word, the traditions is taken off the Word, as Jesus once said, "when you see Me, you see the Father." See? God and His Word is one. Now you understand? When the Word is manifested, what is It? See?

260 Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, you think you have E-.... You've believed in God, believe also in Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if I do do the works, I and My Father are one. When you see Me, you have seen the Father."

261And when you see the Word made manifest, you see the Father, God, because the Word is the Father. The Word is God. And the Word, made manifest, is God Himself taking His Own Word and manifesting It among believers. Nothing can make It live but believers, just believers. It's not... It won't...

262 You can take wheat and plant it in a--in a--a different kind of a soil, it'll never grow. But, what, it's got to have certain fertilize in the ground to raise wheat. And if there is no--if there... if the fertilize in the ground isn't--isn't, the wheat isn't germitized to that fertilize, it'll never grow. So no matter where the Word falls, if It doesn't fall in the right kind of a heart...

263Jesus said so. "Some fell by the wayside, on stony grounds, and the fowls of the air come and fed on it." And then He said, "Some fell in the thorns and thistles, which raised up and choked out right away," traditions, denominations, cares of the world choked It. But said, "Some went over into good ground and brought forth a hundredfold," said, "that's the Kingdom of God."

It's the same thing, see, some will not believe at all.

264Some will believe for a little while, like the disciples. They followed Him, many of them, the seventy followed Him for years, to find out; about a year and a half, or two years; just to find out, till they could find something in Him, some... like some way He had some power to do these things, or like a rabbit foot, a magician of some sort, what He could do to produce these things, how He could know what was in the people's heart and what they were thinking. And they finally found out that He said that He "come down from Heaven," He "was the Word Himself." And when they did that, that was too much for them. They said, "No man can understand This." And they walked away from Him. That's those who fell among thorns.

265 It brings back to the same thing, in every congregation, you have make-believers, unbelievers, and believers. It's been in every congregation. You find them all the time. Some of them make out like they're believers, that's the worst of type. And then they have those who are actually unbelievers; he won't bother you, he'll just walk away and shake his head. But those who make-believe, say they're believers, that's the kind, that's the kind you have to watch, is those make-believers. And then there is some genuine believers. See them three there?

266There was the unbelievers. As soon as He said, "Eat the Flesh of the Son of man," oh, man, that was it!

267The others was make-believers. They stayed till, just like Judas did, right up to the end.

268But then the real believers, they couldn't explain It, but they believed It, anyhow. They went on through.

269 The veil, tradition of unbelievers, taken away, you see God. When the veil of traditions has been removed, you can see that God is still God of His Word. He still keeps His Word. He is the--He is the God, Author of His Word.

That is hid behind skin veils, to others. Yes, that is right. To those who cannot go behind the veil, He is still behind skin veils.

270 Notice. Then, we, then we become part of Him, as you are the veil that veils Him. You are part of Him, as long as Christ is in you, as Christ was of God. Because God was in Him, made Him God. And as Christ is in you, the hope of Glory, you become part of Christ. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." See? You become part of Christ as long as Christ is hid in you. Then it's veiled to the unbeliever, but you know He is in you. You are temple-ing Christ that's behind the veil, the skin. Then we, becau-... Behind, because of this veil, the veil again in human flesh, hides God (the Word) from the unbeliever.

271 As it is written, see, "Written, you are written epistles," the Bible said. Now, what is epistle? Is a "written word." And you are the "written." Other words, you'd read It like this, "You," It said, "you are written epistles," or, "you are the Word, that has been written, made manifest," nothing can be added to It. You can't say, "I'm a written epistle," and living some other kind of a something but what This has already wrote, [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] because nothing can be added or taken away.

272 As Doctor Lee Vayle is writing this famous book, I want you to see it after a while. Brother Vayle is here, is on the grounds somewhere. I seen him outside. I don't think he can get in. But he's writing a book there, and--and is very astounding, of the Laodicean Age. And I want you... It'll be off of presses pretty soon. So, we're taking the last reading of it now. And was writing, and we was discussing It in there, see, about...

273 Everyone has always come to me, said, "Brother Branham, them seven thunders that the voice thundered, and He said, 'Write It not, see, but close It up,'" said, "that'll be seven thunders that will be revealed in the last days, see, seven thunders that'll tell us?" Now, don't that sound real good? See? But watch what you're talking about when you say that.

He said, "See that you write It not." See? These seven thunders utter their voices, see, and He said, "Don't write that, see, but It's to be sealed up in the Book until the last days."

274 Now someone has been, many has been saying to me, and theologians said, "Brother Branham, if the Lord God..." Said, "If--if... With your experience, that the Lord has given you for His people," humbly saying this, said, "you would be eligible to write a--a Bible yourself, your Word, if God has manifested."

275I said "That might be true." See, he was trying to catch me. See? And I said, "But, you see, I couldn't do that."

He said, "Why couldn't you? You have all the qualifications."

276I said, "But, you look, one word cannot be added or taken away." See?

277And he said, "Well, then, them seven thunders, you see," said, "wouldn't them seven thunders blasting out, won't that be a Revelation be give to some man?"

278I said, "No, sir, it would be adding something to It or taking Something from It."

279It's all revealed in There, and the Seven Seals opened up the revelation of what That was. That's what it was. See, it's still in the Word. You see, you can't get out of that Word. It won't leave the Word. And God's Spirit will never leave that Word. It'll stay right with the Word; blinding some, and open the eyes of others. It'll always do that.

280 "Ye are written epistles, read of all man." Or, you are... I translate That, turn around this a way, see, just turn It around, "You are epistles that has been written," 'cause you can't add nothing to It, "that's read of all man; manifested Word of God," in other words.

And Peter and John, to show it, when they went up there, they perceived they were ignorant and unlearned, they had no education, but they taken notice they had been with Jesus. See? They were ignorant and unlearned, but they were written epistles, see, read that they had been with Jesus. Cause, Jesus was manifesting Himself through them, Christ veiled in their flesh; manifested, made alive.

281 Like He was in Moses. When the Word was in Moses, he was God in flesh. When It was in Jesus, It was God in flesh. See? Only thing He done was change His mask, not His Word, not His nature. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He only changed His form. He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the fullness of the Godhead bodily. See?

282It's still the same God! Amen. Amen. I hope that gets through. See? It is the same God, but He just takes on another veil. See, He puts on another veil.

283 He did it in the reformers, taken on a veil, taken on a veil. Until, finally, It come down through the Lutheran age, down through the other age, then finally It comes out into the Complete. Just before It comes, a prophet arises again. What it does, it foreshadows the Word, showing back here, revealing what's been done, what's been left off, that the Church will be without... not without understanding. Then when this fades out, then, like John said, "I must decrease, He must increase," then all-in-all comes into Him. He is fully manifested, through Luther, Wesley, and Pentecostal age, and on down, on on down, He is fully manifested, you see, come down, just the manifestation, God unfolding: See Him (Now, notice.) fulfilled in His promises for this day, as they had.

284 Now Moses was the Word that day, because the Word was given to him for that day; Moses. Joseph was the Word in his days, portraying Christ exactly. See, each one of them was the Word.

285And when Jesus came, He was the Word in Its fullness, because the whole plan of redemption laid in Him. The whole plan of redemption didn't lay in Moses, didn't lay in Joseph, didn't lay in Elijah. See, they were only part of the Word, pointing to It. See? Now notice, keep your thought; here It comes, as I say. See, the whole plan wasn't in them. They were pointing to It.

286 Therefore, after Him, the Fullness, we cannot point to something else. It points back to Him, the Word. [Brother Branham picks up his Bible--Ed.] This is the complete Revelation; nothing can be added or taken away from It. There is the complete Revelation. All that, a shadow of Him to come; but when He come, He was the Perfect. Hebrews 1, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets," God spoke through veils, the prophets, "but in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." There you are. Unveiled out there on Calvary, the Son of God, unveiled.

287 Notice, "made alive." And, today, when the Word is manifested in human vessels, veils, it's absolutely the Word fulfilled in that day, which comes back to God. Being baptized into Him, according to First Corinthians 12, we become identified with Him. Amen.

288 I said a half hour, but can I have just a little bit longer? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Look, I just can't miss this right in here. Notice, identified with Him!

289 Now notice. How many American citizens is here? Raise up your hands. All right, you are an American citizen, then you are identified with this nation. Whatever this nation is, you must be. Is that right? You are all of her glory and you are all of her shame. You're identified with her. You are an American, so you take on America. Hallelujah!

290I was with George Washington when he crossed the Delaware. I'm identified with him. That's right. I was with Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address. I was standing there. I was with the soldiers on Guam, you boys, when you hoisted that flag. I was there. I'm American; I'm identified with it. Amen. Now, to be an American, whatever her shame is in the Revolutionary, I bear it, 'cause I'm an American. That's right.

291 And as a Christian, I'm identified with Him. Amen! I was with Noah when he went in the ark. I was with Moses when he come out of Egypt. Amen! I was Elijah on Mount Carmel. Yes, sir! Glory to God! I was with him when he did that. I was truly with Him, I identified myself in His death there on Calvary when I died to the things of the world, to myself and all traditions. I was identified with Him. I was identified with Him on Easter morning when He rose from the dead. I was identified with Him on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came down like a rushing mighty wind. I was identified with Him. All that He was I am, all that I am He was; amen, being dead in Him we are identified with Him. What He is I am. Amen!

292 What this nation is I am. I'm proud to be that. I'm ready to bear her shame. I'm ready to bear a reproach to be American. That's right. But I'm double that to Jesus Christ! All that He ever was I am. I like to be identified with Him.

293Them apostles, when they come back, they thought... they was made fun of, and called everything else, they thought it was a great honor to bear the reproach of His Name.

294I am happy today to be one of them, being identified with the Word, which is Christ. Identified with Him! Being baptized into Him, we become identified; identified in His likeness, identified with His Word, which is Him. If I am in Christ, I am His Word; for He is the Word, and what He is I am. Amen! Do you get It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

295 The Word manifested, or revealed in that Revelation in there, then what does that puts me? If He is that Shekinah Glory, I'm part of It. Amen! Oh! Amen! That's right. The Word Itself revealed, reveals Itself.

Think! The mysteries of God made known to us in this day, by the same Heavenly Messenger that was made known to them in them days; notice, the same Pillar of Fire that sent Moses; the same Pillar of Fire that was on Moses that wrote the Bible; the same Pillar of Fire that Paul met on his road down to Damascus.

296And Paul wrote the New Testament. Remember, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they only wrote what they seen; but Paul had the Revelation. He pulled It out, for he had met the Pillar of Fire, himself. And think, the same...

297 There, Joseph, all them wrote what went on, everyone wrote back in that day. But when Moses came on the scene, he had the Revelation. He had met the Pillar of Fire, and It was revealed to Moses how Genesis. He wrote the first four books of the Bible, Moses did. Is that right? For he met God in the form of the Pillar of Fire, veiled in the Pillar of Fire.

298When Paul met Him on the road... The disciples just wrote what they seen Him do, but Moses had the Revelation; went down into Egypt for three years and studied, and seen that God of the Old Testament was Jesus of the New, the Revelation! "I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision." That's right. Right!

299And think of It! The same Pillar of Fire that come upon those men that wrote the Bible, is the same Pillar of Fire here, today, interpreting the Bible. Amen! How we thank Him for that! Same! What a comfort! What identification! I'm so glad to be identified in that, I don't know what to do! I'd rather be identified in That than all the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and all the rest of them. Identified in that Word where that Shekinah Glory and Revelation lays!

300 The Pillar of Fire appearing visibly among us, identifying that the Message is right, like He did at Mount Sinai. Remember, before the true message come forth, Moses preached and he led them out of Egypt; but there, before the real commandments was laid down (the Seals was brought in), God come down before the people and proved that Moses was sent from Him, (that right?) in a Pillar of Fire that Moses said he had seen in a bush and talked to him.

301Oh, in this last days, to see that same Pillar of Fire right among us, speaking the same Word; not only that, but interpreting It by making It manifest, and proving It, It's the Truth.

So, the people has not one way to disbelieve, lest they just willfully want to. And, then, "He that sins willfully after having a knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."

302 Notice, same Pillar of Fire sent to Moses and to Paul, that wrote the Bible, now sent to reveal It. The grace of God, the unchanging God, fulfilling the promises of Matthew 28, "Lo, I am with you always"; fulfilling Saint John 14:12, "The works that I do, you also"; fulfilling Saint Luke 17:28-29, "In the last days the Son of man will be revealed," see, see; Malachi 4, "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, that will restore the Faith of the people back to the original Word." See? How this... See? Oh, my!

303 He died, to reveal Himself to us. Now let us die to self, to reveal Him to others. Let us die to the traditions and things, to reveal Him to other. Die to the denominations, to reveal Him to others.

304 Notice, the old temple had in it the Shekinah Glory, and the Light of the Shekinah over the Word. The Word is a Seed; It brought forth the shewbread to believers only. The blood also was upon the covenant; and the Blood is the water, the water that life-ens the grain, the wheat, the seed, which is the Word.

305Like Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent," and then again He said, "God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son; whosoever believeth on Him should not perish." Moses smote the rock in the wilderness, to save a perishing people, or bring water. God smote Jesus, to bring forth the Spirit out of Him, for a perishing people. The Blood came from Him, which is, "The water of the washing by the Word." Which, the Water brings Life to the Seed. And it brought forth the Shekinah Glory; shined upon the Word, which brought forth the shewbread. And the shewbread was just for a chosen people. Uh-huh. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

306 Now breaking into the veil, through the veil, into His Presence, where the Word is (not the creed), the Word; in there seeing the Shekinah Glory, the Shekinah, the Power, the Holy Spirit shining upon the Word, bringing forth the promise, shows you're behind the veil. Amen!

I've crossed the riven veils where the Glory never fails, (Uh!)

Hallelujah, hallelujah; I'm living in the Presence of the King.

I've crossed the riven veils where the Glory never fails,

I'm living in the Presence of the King.

307 The old badger skin, denominations, is tore down. I've broke through that, into the Shekinah Glory, and I see the Word. I see the Pillar of Fire moving. I see the Word made manifest. What He said He would do in these last days, I see it growing. I see the children eating that Shekinah Bread coming from the ripening of that Word, which believes It. Amen! What a wonderful hour we're living in! See, the Shekinah was over the Word; and under there was the Bread. And there was the Blood, sprinkled, which gives It water. The Spirit gives Life to the Word. And the...

How many read, heard the tape on The Trial? Guess, many of you have. You see there, it takes...

That Word must grow. In order to grow, It's got to be in the right kind of ground. See? And God makes a promise, and it hits that heart, it cannot fail.

308 Noah waited a hundred and twenty years. Abraham waited twenty-five years, on the child. God said so, and that settled it. See? What is it? The Word was there being watered by faith, believing It, it brought forth the results. It brought forth a son; it brought forth the rain; it brought forth the flood; it brought forth the virgin that was conceived.

309A prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive." No doubt but what every little young girl went and got her baby clothes ready. Well, this prophet Isaiah was identified prophet, vindicated of God. And the Lord said, "A virgin shall conceive. I'm going to give them a supernatural sign, a great sign; a virgin shall conceive."

310 There, all them people, them believers, just like you all. And they heard that prophet say that, every little girl... Every man said, "That's going to be my daughter. Yes, sir." Everybody went and bought the booties and the birdeye and everything, getting ready, 'cause they knowed she was going to have it. That generation passed, and they thought, "That identified prophet, vindicated of God, how could he tell anything was wrong? It must be so!"

311It was eight hundred years later, but she brought forth the baby. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away."

312 "And it shall come to pass in the last days," saith God. See, here we are, the--the Light over the Word. As the light of the sun changes the seed from glory to glory, we also became--become more like Him as we live in His Presence; like Him, being conformed to His blessed image as we walk with Him.

313Watch what the sun does. You plant a seed, what happens? That seed rots. Inside the seed is a life. The life comes forth and brings forth a stalk. Now, that don't look like the first.

There is Luther. It was a stalk. All right.

The stalk went on and, the first thing you know, it brought forth a tassel. See, that was the Wesleyan revival; wasn't like the other.

Then along come the Pentecostal revival, see, brought forth the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All right.

What happened? We get fungus on the ear. It begins to look wrong. This thing, that thing, it don't look like the Word. It's not like the rest of It. It's not like the original Grain went in.

314 But God is still there to make that--that just the same. Notice, what does it do? It finally returns back to the original Seed again. When He come in the form of Martin Luther; when He come in the form of John Wesley; when He come in the form of the Pentecostal; He is supposed to reveal Himself again like the same Seed went in, the Son of man. He revealed Hisself as Son of God, through the stalk age and so forth, but in this last age He's to reveal Hisself as Son of man again. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, like the beginning, molded!

315 And what does that stalk grow? It's growing all the time. That little stalk grows, still it's not like the original grain. Neither was Luther's message; no, along come the--the other messages, Finney, Sankey, Knox, Calvin, on down, none of them. They were still the message but, what it was, they didn't get the complete Revelation of It 'cause it wasn't time. You can't put the ear on the corn before it's time to come. See? And then, finally, there comes back again the original Seed that went into the ground.

316 See God follows nature exactly. See, He was born a lamb, that's the reason He was born out in a manger. Lambs are not born in beds. See, He was led to the Calvary. Lamb, sheep are led. That's right. Goats lead them to the slaughter, you know that, a slaughterhouse. A goat leads them, but they have to be led. Huh! That's right. So He was led to the slaughter, see, because He was a Lamb.

317Everything identified Him in nature. That's the reason He was born in March or April, not in December; He couldn't be, there's twenty-foot of snow up there in that time of year. Not no sun-god, but He was the Son of God. See? Roman sun-god on the twenty-fifth day of December, when the solar passes its places in there and they had the Roman circuses, and called the sun-god's birthday, and they make it the Son of God. No, no. He was the Son of God. His birthday was with the rest of nature. Exactly.

Now notice again now as we go on, we got a little time left.

318 Now to the perfect. After the stalk has been formed; after the tassel has been formed; after the grain has come onto the cob; then it has to come to perfection, back to a regular grain again.

And, remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life. It has to be germitized to It. But, remember, the same Life that was in the stalk is in the grain. It's just maturing itself right back, see. He revealed Hisself, (what?) Son of man, the grain that went into the ground. Get the Message? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The Greeks said to Him, "We would see Jesus."

319He said, "Except the grain of corn falls into the ground." See? All right.

320 Now what did He reveal Hisself next? In a different form; stalk and tassel, and so forth, and all the leaves and everything. He revealed Hisself then, (what?) same Spirit, but in a different form. See? But what's the last of that corn? It comes back to the original grain. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

321And His ministry comes, from them reformations, back to the original Word again. The Word comes to a prophet. And He promised it, in Malachi 4, "And to restore the Faith of the people back to the original grain." What went in the ground is here the same. The grain is come up through here. It come up as Son of God, now It reveals Itself here as Son of man, and then It reveals Itself as Son of David on the Throne. See, them three sons, just exactly. Oh, my, again like the original!

322 Now to the perfect ministry of Himself; not some man, not some denomination, as they've worked down through that age there, see; but Himself made manifest, manifests Himself to the promise, making Saint Luke 17:28, Malachi 4, and so forth, Hebrews 13:8, just exactly right. At that time, what time should it be? When the royal Seed of Abraham is looking for the promised Son. And all types must be fulfilled. And God Himself appeared in the form of a human being, to Abraham's natural seed, before the destruction, and Jesus said it would be the same thing to this royal Seed before the promised Son returns.

323 Notice the old veil that hid the Glory. The old badger skins, there was no beauty to be desired of it; neither was His flesh. That's the reason people said, "A little old stooped over Fellow like that?" Probably thirty years old, and gray, and His beard gray, wasn't much to look at. The Bible said, "There's no beauty we should desire Him." He didn't look like a King, the old badger skin, but, oh, what was on the inside!

324And a little bunch of "holy-rollers" sitting together in a hot building like this, they call them, not much beauty to be desired, but what's on the inside! I'm sure it's veiled from many hearts, you see. You see? All right.

325 Outwardly It was nothing, but all was on the inside. Once inside of It, then you see It. How do you get into It; shaking hands, joining? No. Born into It. Dying, getting rid of your old badger skin, see, your old self, to get into a new one. See? Forsake the old badger skin.

326The Shekinah Light does not... Listen, ministers! Ministers, I want you to listen to This. When once inside... Now I'm going to take this real easy, so you'll be sure to get It. Once inside the veil, under the Shekinah Glory, the Shekinah Light does not take the Word of God and reveal Jesus to be a "fortuneteller," no, like the denominations do today, "mental telepathy, holy-roller, Beelzebub." The Shekinah Glory doesn't reveal Him of that.

327But the Shekinah Glory ripens the Seed that's promised for that hour, of the Word, showing Him to be still the Lily of the Valley. It brings forth that Seed, the Lily of the Valley, the Bread of Life, the Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the believers' portion. The Shekinah Glory reveals, to the believer, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

328 Not, "The days, He is past, and He died and it's all over." So friend, if you believe that, if you believe that, you've never struck the Shekinah Glory. How could the Shekinah Glory ever reveal Him in three persons? See? How could the Shekinah Glory ever reveal Him as being baptized, people, in the name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," when there's never a person in the Bible baptized that way? How could the Shekinah Glory limit Him to an apostle, when He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? See?

329The Shekinah Glory manifests Him. It brings forth the Word of promise, right out to you. That's the reason that He had to veil Moses' face, because in him was the Word. He veiled Jesus, as a humble little Man, to keep them from seeing Jehovah. And He veils Hisself today, in earthen vessels, with the Shekinah. The outside looks like a bunch of holy-rollers, old badger skins, but the inside hides the Shekinah Glory.

And It ripens the Shewbread that we feast on, and drive across the country for, hundreds of miles, see. It's the believers' Food. It's only for a believer. Remember, the Shewbread was only for the believer only, see, Shewbread Seed. Notice. What does it do? That Shekinah Glory, over the Shewbread, kept It from spoiling.

330 Remember, the manna that came from Heaven, it was stayed in the Shekinah Glory, from one generation to another. Outside, it got wiggletails in it, overnight, it contaminated. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

331Outside of the Shekinah Glory, "The days of miracles is past. See, it's all fanaticism." But inside...

332 Look, they got some sunflower seed out of a garner in Egypt that was put in there in the days of Joseph, four thousand years, nearly, ago. Joseph put them in the garner. They planted them. They lived. Why? They had life.

333 What's this Shekinah Glory today? To break beyond the veil, to see Who God is standing before you, see Who God is standing here before us, the--the Pillar of Fire. He is veiled in human flesh. But what does the Shek'nah, what did it do? The Shewbread Seed, the Word that we're to live on in this day, by these promises, the Shekinah Glory ripens that Shewbread, brings it to pass, makes it Bread to the believer; that laid in the pages of the Bible, year after year, the Word for this age.

334To the denominations, It's a stumbling block. To the denominations, they stumble at It. Down through the years, Luther, Wesley, Martin Luther, and all, Sankey, Finney, John Smith, Knox, all stumbled at It.

335 But what's it to be done in the last days? What is "to reveal"? "Bring forth!" What's Malachi 4 to do? To turn back the people from that stumbling block, to break down the traditions, and to reveal the Bread with the Shekinah Glory. Watch It ripen and produce just exactly what It said It would do, oh, my, the Shewbread for this age. To the denomination, a stumbling block, "a bunch of fanatics." But, we who believe!

336 But now as Revelations 10 has promised, "All the mysteries of God, that's been hid in the pages down through them years, would be ripened, brought forth in the age of the seventh angel's Message." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

What did He say, a year and six months ago, about on two years now? "Go out to Tucson; be north of Tucson, a great blast," and what would take place, "the Seals would be opened," the Seals that reveal these things. Come back just as He said.

What is it? It shows It cannot be man. It hits perfectly, just as straight as it can be, each time. What is it? It's the hand of God, see, before us. And because it's in a little group, veiled in human flesh, it's veiled to the outside world. He is hid from the outside world. He is revealing Himself to babes such as will learn. See? That's right.

337 Every, see, every parable in the Bible, every type of the Bible, is made manifest right here before us. The same God, in the Pillar of Fire, that wrote the Bible, both in the Old and New Testament, is right here manifesting It, showing just exactly what it was, interpreting right back, and to make it sure that it's the interpretation.

338"We got the interpretation!" Then let's see it happen. See, that's it, let's see it made manifest.

339Manifest! Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not." See, it's got to be proven.

340But now--now, not proven like Jesus, they put a--a rag around His head and hit Him on the head, said, "If You're a Prophet, tell us who hit You." "And if You are the Son of God, turn these bread." See, that's the Devil. "If You're the Son of God, come off that cr-..."

341 I mean, the Revelation that He is supposed to do, that's what It is. But now, as Revelation 10 is revealed, the mysteries of God is made manifest, known, as the Seven-Seal Book promised.

Now let your faith in Him Who is the Word. Cause, in Revelations 10 it says...

342Or, Revelations 19, rather. I had it wrote down here, Revelations 10, to go to it; but it ain't 10, it's 19. When He comes, He is going to be called, "The Word of God," riding upon a white horse, and the followers of Heaven will be behind Him.

343Break the denominational veil of education! Break the denominational veil of tradition! Break those veils that's hiding Him from you! Break those veils of pride, you women. You're--you're King's daughters; act like it, live like it. Break every veil, no matter what Ph.D. and LL.D. says. If it's contrary to that Bible, break through that veil!

For, we've crossed the riven veil. We're on the other side now, on the other side. And you will see, if you'll just do that, break those old traditions and things, and come to Him, you'll see Him standing, the Mighty Conqueror, the Word of promise for this age, made manifest. You'll see the Mighty God unveiled, see Him right among us here, unveiled, the Mighty God, unconquered by traditions.

344 They tried to hide Him behind there; they did, for years, but the time of the promise drew near. God raised up a Moses one time, and he set the children free from them things. And He is still... He can't be conquered. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

345They say, "It can't be done." But it was done. Then, when it was done, they said, "It's of the Devil."

346But that don't change the Word of God, a bit. It still remains "God," to the believer, "the Mighty Conqueror; the same yesterday, today, and forever," by His nature, by His Word, Hebrews 13:8.

347 I'm closing, in saying this, 'cause it's five minutes to twelve, just saying this. I got about ten, twelve more pages. I'll get it some other time, maybe tonight.

348Notice, notice this. There was an auction one time, and they got an old fiddle up. You've heard it many times. An old violin; and the auctioneer said, "What am I offered for it?" I may not have this just right, according to the poem. It's been many, many years, but it comes on my mind. And they picked up the old fiddle, it didn't look very much; looks crummy, everything. He couldn't even get a bid on it. Finally, I think he got a bid for a dollar, or something like that.

349 And there was one standing there that didn't think it ought to sell for that, so he went and picked it up. He struck it in his hands, and picked up the bow and rosined it, and he played a tune. And when he did, everyone started crying. They never heard such music in their life.

Then the auctioneer said, "What am I offered?"

350"Two thousand!" "Five thousand!" "Ten thousand!" See? What was it? The master's hand revealed what was veiled in the old instrument.

351Same now! The old Book, It's ragged, It's been laughed at, burnt, made fun of. But the time has come that they got a denominational auction, the World Council of Churches. They're selling It like nobody's business. There is a denominational auction coming.

352 But, remember, there is something in the old Book that promised that there would be a predestinated, ordained hand come one day, that would pick It up and make the Word of this Book, through a predestinated heart, to the task that It's made for, reveal the promises that's in It. It might look, oh, like an old bunch of holy-rollers, or something other; but just takes the Master's hand, the Word on It, to reveal that Word, and it becomes more than a holy-roller. It's become that to every one of us, hasn't it, friends? It's not a bunch of fanaticism. It depends on whose hand the bow is in.

Let us pray.

353 Our Heavenly Father, by faith today I see the Master of the old Book, that they have swapped for traditions. They swapped It for denominations. They tried to trade It off. Now they're trading It for a--a World Council of man, of churches, communistic, atheistic. The auction is on, Lord.

354God, step forth! Surely, You will. Send us that prophet, Lord, that picks up that bow, that picks up this Word and proves that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Many, Lord, will sell their lives, they'll throw away the old traditions, they'll break the veils. They want It, Lord. They'll give anything, anything, just give them Jesus.

355Lord, I think You've proved It to them now. They come from everywhere. They spend their livings. They do everything, to try to get to the meetings, to do all they can, because they've found that Pearl of great price. Other things are very little. Bless them, Father.

356 Laying on this pulpit, this morning, Lord, lays handkerchiefs. Maybe some of them will have to leave today, before the healing service tonight. O Eternal God, look down. I know You're here, You're veiled. And I'm sending these little veils, Lord, called "handkerchiefs," and little "aprons," and little "booties" for little babies. And I'm sending them as little veil tokens, that Your Word has been preached over it this morning, and, as a believer, I lay my hands upon them, my body, a signifying that I believe It. And, by faith, each one in this building is doing the same, Lord. May the sick get well.

357 You can stroke the--the Word from here, Lord, like the old violinist did to the violin, make it so, Lord. Make it play the right tune, bow in the Master's hand, then we'll see Him standing in full view.

358How those people must have thought that day, when they wouldn't give nothing, when they didn't give nothing for the old violin. They didn't want it. They wouldn't have it in their house. But when once picked up by the one who could master it, then they sold everything they had, to get it. They were fussing and fighting over it. It was too late then.

359 So will it be sometime when the Trumpet of the Lord shall be sounded out, time shall be no more. Those who have been looked at and made fun of, that stood there before the open veil and seen the Word of God manifested (others will scream for It, but, as You said, "It'll be too late then"), they went into the Wedding Supper; and they were left out where there's weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

360Help every person to believe, this morning, Father; break through every veil of selfishness, every veil of unbelief, and see the Mighty Conqueror unveiled before the believers. For, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Show Yourself among us, Lord, as You have been doing. Ever remain that way until we are visibly before You, when the en morphe has been changed and You become again Son of man, and Son of David. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus Christ's Name.

While we have our heads bowed, all in prayer.

361 Wonder today if there's some here that... inside or out. There is no way to bring an altar call up here, because there's no room. But I wonder, sincerely, do you believe this to be the Truth? Do you believe that in this day that we're living, and all this chaos and scientific age like was in the days of Noah, in the days of Moses, the days of Christ, that God, the great Father of all of us who are born into Him, stands among us today?

362 This visible Pillar of Fire that's scientifically proven, many years ago, as a little boy, spoke to me out there and told me I'd live right here, what would take place. Telling you about it, and then It... One day down on the river, before the ministry started, first revival, He appeared in the skies, identified Himself and give the commission. All these years I've hid it in my heart, veiling Christ, same Pillar of Fire interpreting the Word, as promised. We're in the last day, just the Coming of the Lord. And if you find yourself outside that veil, which is death to stay out, will you by faith, this morning, say, "By God's help. And with Your help, Lord, I want to break through that veil. I want to get in where You're at, to see the full Word of God"?

363 Don't try to be a Moses. Don't try to be an Aaron. Don't. Just be who you are, but be a Christian.

364Would you, with your heads bowed, raise your hands to God, and say, "Lord God, help me inside the veil"? God bless you. God bless you. That's, just look at the hands!

365Outside, remember, I might not never see your hand. It isn't--it isn't worth much for me to see it, anyhow; it is, God. It only, to me, it just makes me see that the--the Seed has fell somewhere, and, but God sees the real heart.

366If there are any others that didn't raise their hands, would want to be raised now, raise your hands and be remembered in prayer. Raise your hands. God bless you. That's good. God bless you.

367 Father, we pray today that these, Lord, who are not yet through that veil. They're standing out there like Israel; they're watching. They believe, but they've never broke into This yet, to see that great Shekinah Light, both spiritual and physical, insomuch that a mechanical eye of the camera keeps taking the picture; just two weeks ago, caught It again. You're revealing Yourself, Lord, the Mighty God unveiled to the believer; still veiled to the unbeliever, but unveiled to the believer.

May they break through, today, Lord, see His great splendor and Glory. May their hearts be changed before we even get back to this church tonight. May they all be filled with Your Spirit, Your Presence. May the Master pick up that faith that they've got, streak it across the Word; may the tune come back, "Thou has been ordained, before the foundation of the world, to believe This. Believe, My child, and be saved."

368 Father, God, we commit them into Your hands now, realizing there's nothing more that we can do. It's all with You now, Father. I give them to Thee. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

369Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

The Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;

He's saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

I once was lost, now I'm found, free from condemnation,

Jesus gives liberty and a full salvation;

Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

Oh, wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

The Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God is He;

Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

370 How many sees Him standing, the Mighty Conqueror, the Word made flesh, unveiled before us; the Alpha, the Omega; He that Was, Which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and the Offspring of David; was the Son of man, Son of God, Son of man, and will be Son of David? You believe It with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Unveiling Himself in each age, brought to the believer, veiling Himself in human flesh from the unbeliever. He is hid behind a veil. May God break every veil, and we see Him as He is!

Jesus breaks every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, Jesus break every fetter,

When He set you free!

On the other side of Jordan,

In the sweet fields of Eden

Where the Tree of Life is blooming,

There is rest for me.

Jesus break...

Don't you want to cross Jordan now? Ain't it long enough in the wilderness? Let's go over in the promises!

Jesus break every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, when He set you free!

371Let's raise our hand now.

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

For He sets me free!

372 Amen! Don't that make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how wonderful! How wonderful, isn't He, then? Let's shake hands with one another now, saying:

Jesus break every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, Jesus break every fetter, (God bless you, brother.)

Oh, and He sets you free!

I will ever, ever praise Him, (the Mighty God)

I... ("Same yesterday, today, and forever," just changed His form.)... praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

For He's (took all the creeds away from me) set me... (to believe His Word).

373 Oh, can't you hear the Master's Violin pull across, the bow across this Word? He's the same yesterday, today!

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I... (Him, the Word!)... ever, ever praise Him, (What did He do?)

For He set (behind the curtain) me free!

374Praise be to God! I love Him. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't this Heavenly? ["Amen."] I like that attributes of the Word, see, just the Holy Spirit in that sweet, humble way. I--I just like That. Oh, just think!

On the other side of Jordan, (I'm nearing there now)

In the sweet... (immortal) of Eden,... (What will I find there?)

Where the Tree of... (that was in the garden of Eden) is blooming,

There is rest for me.

375You want to go? He breaks every fetter.

Jesus break (every tradition) every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter (all denominations, all creeds),

Break every fetter,

And He set you free!

376 Praise be to God! I just love Him. No wonder Isaiah said, "He's the Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, Wonderful!"

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

Counselor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God is He;

Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful, my Redeemer, praise His Name!

377Oh, my! That moves my heart. How wonderful He is! I tell you, there's no end to This. It, I come into This thirty-three years ago, feeling this a way. And if He tarries, one day I'm going to close my eyes, I'm going out in the same way. Amen!

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

He's the Counselor, my Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;

He's saving me, He's keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful, my Redeemer, praise His Name!

378 I could stay here the rest of the day, in That. Paul said, "If I sing, I'll sing in the Spirit." Uh-huh. "If I preach, I'll preach in the Spirit. If I walk, I'll walk in the Spirit. If I talk, I'll talk in the Spirit." Let everything be done by the Word and the Spirit. Yes, sir. Amen! It's all God's Truth.

379I see Him, the Mighty God, unveiled. I see Him pull back the creeds, the denominations; pull back the--the skeptics, the educational programs, and everything; walk forward, stand there. You think the creeds could conquer Him? You think the denominations could conquer Him? You think the World Council can conquer Him? He conquered everything, broke every fetter, ripped open hell; tore off the seal, entered into the Holiest of holies; unveiled Himself to us, being the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. I love Him.

380 Now, until we meet this afternoon, we want to do one thing, that is:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name... (Yeah, I got them, already.)... O how sweet!

Hope of earth and...

[Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.]

381If the Satan tries to tempt you, that you're not looking at the right thing, point him to the Word like Jesus did. See? See? Amen!

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

382 Billy will be in, about six o'clock, giving out prayer cards to those who wants to come in the prayer line. I think we better do it. We wasn't going to, but, being a crowd, we better do it, you see.

383Now remember Him! Keep Him always on your mind, in your heart. Wherever you go, see, keep Jesus on your mind.

Take the Name of Jesus with (now listen) you,

As a shield from every snare; (what happens?)

When temptations round you gather, (what must you do?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

384Let us bow our heads now. I'm going to ask the pastor if he'll come and dismiss the audience. Brother Neville, God bless you, Brother Neville.

1 Zostaňme chvíľu stáť, kým skloníme hlavy a pomodlíme sa.

2 Náš milostivý Pane, sme skutočne dnes vďační za toto privilégium, že sa môžeme spolu zhromažďovať na zemi pred príchodom Pána. Nech by sme mohli dnes prekontrolovať naše srdcia, pomocou tvojho Slova a aby sme videli či sme vo viere, aby sme boli pripravení na tú hodinu, keď sa On ukáže. Aby sme boli tak ako to hovorí Písmo, že to bude: „Zobraní spolu s tými, ktorí zosnuli a stretneme Pána na povetrí a stále budeme s Ním."

3 Ďakujeme ti za skutočného kresťanského ducha, ktorý je stále na svete, medzi ľuďmi, že oni stále veria Tebe a tvojmu Slovu. Tak prosíme dnes o tvoje požehnania, aby si ich zlial na každého jedného z nás, to je to čo potrebujeme, aby sme mohli byť zvlažení Slovom, aby sme mohli rásť na nástroje, ktoré ty môžeš použiť vo svojich rukách na tento posledný deň. Lebo toto prosíme v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nášho veľkého pastiera, ktorého očakávame, že sa ukáže. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

4 Chcem povedať, že toto pokladám za veľké privilégium dnes ráno, že tu znovu môžem byť. A je mi ľúto, že nemáme dostatok miesta na sedenie. A dnes večer sa chceme modliť za chorých; dnes, teraz ráno by to bolo trochu ťažko.

5 A chcem aby sa toto posolstvo dnes nahrávalo. Zdá sa, že Pán ohľadne toho so mnou jednal, už mesiac alebo dva a je to dlhé. A nemám čas aby som to priniesol na zhromaždeniach, pretože sme na zhromaždenie vymerali tridsať, štyridsať minút. A potom ... Pretože ľudia musia ísť do práce a tak ďalej, preto sa mi zdalo, že bude lepšie keď budem kázať kratšie. A oni tam nemali dosť času aby to nahrávali a tak som myslel, že počkám s tým keď prídem sem do tejto modlitebni a potom to tu nahráme. A to je trochu rozsiahlejšie a viem, že stojíte, budem sa ponáhľať ako len budem môcť. A teraz, nebude mi to vadiť keď sa budete striedať v sedení alebo niečo také, to bude celkom v poriadku, pretože toto je zvláštny deň, keď robíme tieto nahrávky.

6 Máme neobyčajné správy o tom, čo Pán vykonal na misijnom poli ale asi necháme viacej z toho na dnes večer, keď tomu budeme môcť venovať viacej času, budeme mať na to viacej času.

7 A teraz veríme, že vás Pán bude každého žehnať. Viem, že vaše srdcia sú plné radosti, očakávajúce na príchod Pánov. A moje srdce tak isto prekypuje, keď vidím veci ktoré sa dejú, tak ako sa dejú. Spory medzi národmi a cirkev v takom stave v akom je a vidím znamenia Jeho príchodu, obojako telesne aj duchovne a viem, že tento čas, keď sa On ukáže je tak blízko, to jednoducho naplňuje naše srdcia radosťou, keď vieme, že budeme premenení v jednom z týchto dní. Budeme premenení z týchto stvorení, ktorými sme.

8 Myslím, ak tomu rozumiem, že sme telefonicky spojení s niektorými miestami, že toto posolstvo ide cez telefón do Phoenixu a na rôzne miesta. A tak teraz veríme, ak je to tak ... Ja neviem. Povedali mi to predtým ako som sem prišiel. A že všetci ľudia tam vonku sa skutočne tešia dobrému zdraviu a sláve Božej, ktorá je na nich.

9 A teraz, teraz ideme otvoriť Slovo Pánove. A všetci sme tu preto, aby sme sa radovali a dávali pozor na to, čo sme ... Neprišli sme sem ... Každý kto tu je vie, že nikto by tu nesedel v takejto horúčave, len preto aby tu bol. Sme tu za jedným účelom a to aby sme dôkladnejšie chodili s Bohom. A všetko čo môžeme urobiť, je veriť, že Pán Ježiš je s nami. A tu sme preto aby sme dôkladnejšie chodili s Ním.

10 Takáto horúčava je trochu priveľa na mňa. Už som sa nejako prispôsobil na to suché teplo tam v Tucsone, kde je ... Tá vlhkosť tu ... No, tam je o mnoho teplejšie ako tu ale je tam sucho. Naša vlhkosť je niekedy 1/20 z percenta, možno, tak nejako, skoro ako keby sme žili pod kyslíkovým stanom. Ale tu je v tom vlhkosť a to robí, že sa tak cítite „celí vyžmýkaní" ako to zvykneme hovoriť. Tak je to pre vás ťažko, a tak to viem a vy matky s deťmi a vy, ktorí stojíte, starí aj mladí a takto spolu nahromadení. A teraz dúfame, že Boh vám bohate vynahradí vašu obeť.

11 Zdá sa mi, že brat Roy Borders je tu niekde. Počul som ho hlásiť, ale zdá sa mi že sa asi nemohol dostať dovnútra. No dobre. To je vedúci týchto zhromaždení.

12 A tak teraz tiež chceme ohlásiť, že niekto, kto zvykol byť s nami odišiel aby bol dnes ráno s Pánom, muž, brat Jackson z Sturgis, z Michigan. Nikto nevie ako odišiel alebo niečo o tom. Bol celkom v poriadku a zrazu ... Myslím, že ho našli mŕtveho, alebo tak nejako. Neviem všetky tie podrobnosti. A sme veľmi vďační Bohu, že brat Jackson bol kresťan. Nevidel som ho už niekoľko rokov ale on sedával medzi nami a je jedným z nás. Nech dá Boh odpočinok jeho chrabrej duši. Keď sa to tak stalo, veríme, že to bolo možno niečo, že to bol jeho čas aby odišiel. Pán nás nevaroval, ani jeho ohľadne toho, on jednoducho odišiel. Tak sa to stalo. A ja chcem zavolať jeho žene, čím skorej ako sa mi to bude dať a vyjadriť jej náš zármutok. A všetci chceme poďakovať Bohu za jeho chrabrý kresťanský život a čo on tu znamenal na zemi a zvlášť pre nás tu v tomto miestnom zhromaždení.

13 Dnes večer, oznámil som, že dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých a večer budem viac hovoriť ohľadne chorých.

14 Ale teraz, poďme rovno do Slova, pretože je to tu preplnené a je tu horúco. Pôjdeme rovno do Slova. Chcem dnes ráno čítať z dvoch miest Písma, rozsiahlych a to mi dá trochu podklad ku tomu čo chcem hovoriť.

15 No chcem aby zadržali tú pásku, brat Sothmann a oni tam, skôr ako ju začnú predávať, ak je to možné, rád by som si ju predtým vypočul ... prv ako pôjde na verejnosť.

16 A teraz v ... Chcem čítať z listu Filipänom, z 2. kapitoly od 1. do 8. verša a z 2. listu Korinťanom z 3. kapitoly, začneme od 6. verša a budeme čítať do 4. kapitoly 2. Korinťanom, aby sme mali podklad. A teraz budem čítať prv z listu Filipänom, z 2. kapitoly.

Prv ako budeme čítať, pomodlime sa.

17 Pane Ježišu, tvoje Slovo je pravda. A v tejto ťažkej hodine v ktorej žijeme, národ proti národu, mor, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú, strach, vidíme nápis na stene. No, to je v tom telesnom okruhu, že celý svet by toto mal vidieť. Ale je tiež duchovný okruh a vidíme tie veľké udalosti a chcem dnes o nich hovoriť.

18 Požehnaj tvoje Slovo v našich srdciach. Viem, že nieto na nebi ani na zemi človeka, ktorý by bol hodný vziať túto knihu, uvoľniť jej pečate, ani pozrieť sa na ňu. Ale zjavil sa niekto, zabitý Baránok, krvavý, ktorý prišiel a zobral tú knihu a On bol hodný a schopný otvoriť ju. Ó, Baránok Boží, otvor dnes tvoje Slovo pre naše srdcia na povzbudenie. Sme tvoji sluhovia. Odpusť nám naše viny, Pane. A všetko, čo by zadržiavalo Slovo pred tým aby vychádzalo s veľkou mocou a malo vplyv dnes na našich životoch, odstráň Pane, každú prekážku aby sme mohli mať plný prístup do všetkých požehnaní, ktoré sú nám zasľúbené v tvojom Slove. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

19 Filipänom 2:

Ak je tedy nejaké potešenie v Kristovi, ak nejaké povzbudenie lásky, ak nejaké účastenstvo Ducha, ak nejaká srdečná sústrasť a zľutovanie, to robte

a tak naplňte moju radosť, aby ste jedno a to isté mysleli, jednu a tú istú lásku mali a boli sťa jedna duša, aby ste jedno mysleli

nerobiac ničoho zo sváru ani z márnej chvály, ale v pokore majte jedni druhých za vyšších od seba

nehľadiac každý len na svoje, ale každý aj na to, čo je iných.

Lebo nech je také zmýšľanie vo vás, aké bolo aj v Kristu Ježišovi,

ktorý súc v podobe Boha nepovažoval toho za lúpež byť rovný Bohu,

ale sám seba zmaril prijmúc podobu sluhu a stal sa podobný ľuďom

a súc v spôsobe nájdený ako človek ponížil sa stanúc sa poslušným až po smrť a to po smrť kríža.

20 A teraz si otvorme 2. List Korinťanom, 3. kapitolu a začneme čítať od 6. verša a budeme čítať toto do 18 a ďalej časť zo 4. kapitoly.

Ktorý nás aj učinil dostatočných za služobníkov novej zmluvy, nie litery, ale Ducha, lebo litera zabíja, ale Duch oživuje.

A jestli služba smrti, v literách, vyrytá na kameňoch, bola slávna, takže nemohli synovia Izraelovi hľadieť do tvári Mojžišovej pre slávu jeho tvári, pominuteľnú,

ako by potom nemala byť služba Ducha slávna!

Lebo ak bola služba odsúdenia slávna, služba spravodlivosti je o mnoho slávnejšia!

Ba zrovna ani nebolo oslávené čo bolo oslávené, v tej čiastke, v službe odsúdenia, pre zvrchovanú slávu nasledujúcej služby Ducha.

Lebo ak to pominuteľné skrze slávu, tým viac to čo trvá je slávne.

Majúc tedy takú nádej používame veľkú smelosť,

a nie ako Mojžiš, ktorý kládol zásteru na svoju tvár, aby nehľadeli synovia Izraelovi na koniec toho, čo išlo pominúť.

Ale ich mysle sa zatvrdili, lebo až do dnešného dňa zostáva tá istá zástera pri čítaní starej zmluvy neodostretá, lebo sa Kristom odstraňuje.

Ale až dodnes, kedykoľvek sa číta Mojžiš, leží zástera na ich srdci;

ale hneď, ako by sa obrátilo k Pánovi, vôkol sa odníma zástera.

A Pán je Duch, a kde je Duch Pánov, tam je sloboda.

No, my všetci odostretou tvárou vzhliadajúc sa v sláve Pánovej sťa v zrkadle meníme sa na ten istý obraz, od slávy v slávu, ako od Ducha Pánovho.

Preto majúc túto službu, ako sme dostali milosrdenstvo, neustávame;

ale sme sa odriekli skrytých vecí hanebnosti a nerobíme chytrácky ani nefalšujeme slova Božieho, ale zjavovaním pravdy odporúčame seba každému svedomiu ľudskému pred Bohom.

A jestli aj je zakryté naše evanjelium, zakryté je u tých, ktorí hynú,

21 Nech Pán pridá svoje požehnanie ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

22 No, moja téma dnes ráno, verím, že Boh toto zjaví. A zakaždým, ak vy ktorí beriete tie pásky a počúvate ich, dúfam a nadejem sa, že máte duchovné porozumenie toho, čo sa Boh snaží povedať do cirkvi bez toho aby to bolo priamo povedané. Rozumiete? To je niekedy niečo ... Niektoré veci musíme povedať takým spôsobom, že to môže preriediť ľudí, že to môže spôsobiť, že niektorí vyjdú, že niektorí odídu a iní začnú nad tým uvažovať. Ale to sa deje za určitým účelom. To musí byť tak podané.

23 Potom to môže byť tak, že niektorí povedia: „Chceš povedať, že Boh by zámerne niečo také robil?" On to skutočne robil! On to ešte tak robí.

24 On jedného dňa povedal, keď mal okolo seba tisíce ľudí, On povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna Božieho, Syna človeka, a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

25 Čo myslíte, čo si pomyslel nejaký doktor alebo zdravotná sestra alebo nejaký dobrý inteligentný človek keď počul takýto výrok od človeka, ktorý mal takúto službu akú mal On? On by povedal: „Jesť telo? To je ľudožrút! Piť ľudskú krv? To je vampír! Inými slovami, On chce aby sme boli ľudožrúti a vampíri." A všetci tí poslucháči odišli preč od Neho.

26 A bolo s Ním kazateľské združenie, sedemdesiati kazatelia, ktorí boli vybraní. A On sa obrátil ku ním a povedal: „Čo si pomyslíte, keď budete vidieť Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel?" On to nevysvetlil. On vôbec nevysvetlil ako sa to stane, Pavel to neskoršie vysvetlil. On to len povedal. Vidíte? A potom, keď toto ... On povedal týmto kazateľom: „Čo poviete, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore odkiaľ prišiel?"

27 Bezpochyby, že tí ľudia povedali: „Počkajte chvíľu. My sme s ním jedli. Chytali sme s ním ryby. Spali sme s Ním. Vieme kde sa narodil. Videli sme tú kolísku, v ktorej ho kolísali. A ako tento človek ... Toto je tvrdá reč."

28 A Biblia hovorí: „Oni už viacej s Ním nechodili." opustili Ho.

29 Potom Mu zostalo dvanásť. On vybral dvanástich a povedal, že jeden z nich je diabol. Tak On sa obrátil ku nim. A ani jeden z nich nedokázal vysvetliť to čo On práve povedal. Ako budú jesť Jeho telo a piť Jeho krv? A ako On prišiel dole, keď sa narodil rovno tu na zemi? Vidíte? Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. A On sa potom obrátil ku tým apoštolom a povedal: „Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

30 A vtedy apoštol Peter povedal ten veľký výrok: „Pane, ku komu pôjdeme?" Vidíte? „Lebo my sme presvedčení. My s istotou vieme, že Ty a jedine Ty máš Slovo života na túto hodinu." Vidíte? „A sme o tom presvedčení." Vidíte, oni to nedokázali vysvetliť. Oni ... Vieru nedokážete vysvetliť. To je niečo, čo veríte a to je také pevné, že nič nenahradí jej miesto. A tak oni vedeli, že to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané na ten vek, v ktorom oni žili, ten Mesiášsky vek, že On presne do toho pasuje. A čo by oni mohli urobiť, vrátiť sa naspäť to tých chladných, formálnych cirkví, z ktorých vyšli? Povedal: „Kde by sme išli?" Vidíte? My sme úplne presvedčení, že Ty máš Slovo života." Vidíte? A oni to nedokázali vysvetliť, ale tomu verili. Rozumiete?

31 A Ježiš to povedal aby preriedil svoj zástup, aby mohol zhromaždiť tú skupinu. A z pomedzi všetkých týchto ľudí, oni, len jedenásti potom skutočne porozumeli kto On je. Oni poznali, že On je Boh, sám Boh.

32 No, moja téma dnes ráno má zjaviť alebo odhaliť toho Boha.

33 Boh sa stále, v každom veku skrýval za oponou, vo všetkých vekoch, ale On bol po celý ten čas Boh. Rozumiete? Ale On bol ukrytý pred svetom a zjavoval sa svojim vyvoleným, ako tým apoštolom v tom čase. No, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril v Kristovi.

34 No, človek stále, to je ľudská prirodzenosť, túžil vidieť toho Boha telesne. On to stále chcel vidieť. Človek si urobil stvorenia, ktoré vyzerali ako On, oni si mysleli ... Indiáni uctievali slnko. V Afrike nachádzame rôzne podoby zvierat a tak ďalej. A hore na totemských stĺpoch na Aljaške a rôzne podoba a oni si mysleli, že tento Boh je v tom. Ako to hovoril Pavel vtedy v Aténach na Marsovom vŕšku a povedal tým ľuďom, že sú poverčiví ohľadne tohto neznámeho Boha, o ktorom vedia, že je a jednako Ho nepoznajú.

35 A nachádzame, že tak to bolo dávno už v čase Jóba. Jób vedel že je Boh. On to vedel. A nieto žiadna ľudská bytosť, ktorá by pri svojom zdravom rozume nevedela, že musí niekde niečo byť. A teraz, Jób sa chcel s Ním rozprávať. A chcem aby ste si všimli tú podobu, ktorú Boh vybral aby cez ňu hovoril ku Jóbovi. Boh bol zahalený keď hovoril ku Jóbovi. On bol zahalený vo víchrici, prišiel dole vo víchrici. Veríte, že Boh stále prichádza vo víchrici aby odhalil samého seba?

36 Sedí tu niekoľko ľudí, niekoľkí, ktorí boli s nami jedného dňa, keď On prišiel vo víchrici. Povedal nám deň predtým, bratovi Banks Wood a ostatným, keď On povedal: „Zodvihni tú skalu, vyhoď ju do vzduchu a povedz: - Tak hovorí Pán! Za chvíľu to uvidíte." A ja som zodvihol skalu, hore na vrchu toho kopca, vyhodil som ju do vzduchu a ... to spôsobilo, ako padala, na následok toho sania povstal vietor.

37 Musíte niečo urobiť čo spôsobí, že za tým niečo bude nasledovať. Ježiš zobral kúsok chleba a zlámal ho a potom ho rozmnožil z toho kúska chleba. On zobral vodu, nalial do nádob. Eliáš zobral soľ a dal do nádoby; odsekol palicu a hodil ju do vody. To je niečo, čo to symbolizuje. A keď som zobral tú skalu a vyhodil som ju do vzduchu a ako padala povstal vietor.

38 A na druhý deň, keď bol tam s nami na poľovačke jeden kazateľ. Stál tam blízko a opýtal sa: „Brat Branham, dáva ti Pán videnia aj takto vonku?"

39 Povedal som: „Áno, ale väčšinou sem chodím aby som si oddýchol." A hneď vtedy prišlo videnie.

40 A brat Borders, (Zdá sa mi, že je teraz vonku), on bol sám; myslím že brat Banks Wood a niekoľko ďalších ktorí boli tam hore, ôsmi alebo desiati. A brat Banks Wood mohol toto vidieť rovno na tom kopci, rovno oproti tomu, presne asi jeden a pol míle od tade kde sa zjavilo tých sedem anjelov, keď som kvôli tomu odišiel stadeto a išiel som tam, potom som sa vrátil a hovoril som - o tých siedmich pečatiach. To bolo len asi jeden a pol míle od toho miesta.

41 A potom na druhý deň, keď sa toto dialo, zatiaľ čo ten ... povedal som tomu bratovi ... tento brat, povedal som: „Aký je tvoj problém, ty máš v oku alergiu. Doktori sa to snažili už niekoľko rokov zastaviť a nedá sa im to. Povedali že budeš ... že ti to vyžerie oko." A povedal som: „Ale neboj sa, Pán Ježiš si váži tvoju vieru." A jemu vypadla puška z ruky. A ja som povedal: „Tvoja matka," presne čo ona bola a čo jej bolo.

A on povedal: „To je pravda."

42 Brat Roy Robertson tu zo zboru bol tam prítomný, myslím, že všetci ho poznáte. Vedel som, že on je veterán a keď som vedel čo sa bude diať, položil som mu ruku na plece a povedal som: „Brat Roberson, buď opatrný, dávaj pozor, niečo sa bude diať."

43 Podišiel som naspäť tam kde som mal stáť a zo vzduchu prichádzal dole víchor. Dole cez ten kaňon, z vrchu. A bolo to také silné, že až to lámalo skaly o priemere osem až desať palcov z vrchu tej hory a metalo ich v okruhu dvesto yardov. A tri razy to takto tresklo a z toho prišiel Hlas. Vidíte?

44 A oni všetci tam stáli. Brat Banks, je tu teraz prítomný, on prišiel a povedal: „To je to, čo si mi včera povedal?"

Odpovedal som: „Áno, to je to."

On povedal: „Čo to povedalo?"

45 Povedal som: „To je len pre mňa, aby som to vedel, brat Banks, (Rozumiete?) pretože to bolo .. To by urobilo medzi ľuďmi poplach."

46 Ale to odišlo ďalej, stalo sa to trochu ... išlo to smerom na sever. A trochu neskoršie, za pár dní to udrelo do oceánu a videli ste čo sa stalo v okolí Fairbanks. To bol znak súdu. No, vidíme, že Boh stále ... Vidíte, to by priviedlo ľudí do paniky, a tak potom to sa muselo stať, viete. To sa proste muselo stať. Veci, ktoré sa musia stať, sa tak či tak musia stať. Vidíte, to sa tak či tak stane.

47 Mojžiš mal raz túžbu vidieť Boha a Boh mu povedal aby sa postavil na skalu. A na tej skale, Mojžiš tam stál a videl ako Boh prechádza okolo a Jeho chrbát vyzeral ako chrbát človeka. Boh bol vo víchrici a Boh ... kým Mojžiš stál na tej skale ...

48 Hádam ste všetci videli tú fotografiu toho tam vtedy. My sme stáli pri tej istej skale. A tu je to svetlo, anjel Pánov presne tam kde to tresklo. Stojí ... Je to teraz znovu tam na nástenke.

49 Všimnite si, Jehova Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového Zákona. Vidíte? On je ten istý Boh, len zmieňa svoju podobu.

50 No, niekto raz povedal, nejaký baptistický kazateľ tam v Tucsone: „Ako môžeš povedať, že Ježiš a Boh je tá istá osoba?"

51 Povedal som: „No, to je veľmi ľahko, keď len dáš nabok svoje vlastné zmýšľanie a budeš myslieť o tom Biblickými termínmi. Oni sú jedna a tá istá osoba. Boh je Duch; Ježiš je telo, v ktorom bol On zahalený. Rozumieš?" Povedal som: „Ako v mojom dome. Ja som pre moju ženu manžel. A mám malú dcéru, Rebeku, ja som jej otec. A mám vnuka, nazýva sa Pavel, a ja som jeho starý otec. Ja som manžel, otec a starý otec. A moja žena sa neobracia na mňa ako na otca alebo starého otca, ona sa obracia na mňa jedine ako na manžela. A moja dcéra sa nemôže obracať na mňa ako manžela alebo starého otca, ona je moje dieťa. Rozumiete? Ale pritom všetky tieto tri osoby, to je jedna a tá istá osoba. Rozumiete? To je Boh: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, to sú len Božie úrady na ktoré sa môžeme obracať. Boh je ten istý, ten istý Boh. Boh sa zmieňal, mení svoju podobu."

52 Keď si všimnete, tu v Liste Filipänom, on povedal: „Nepovažoval to za lúpež, ale zobral podobu človeka."

53 No, to grécke slovo tam na tú podobu, díval som sa včera celý deň na to, snažil som sa prísť na to, čo to znamená, našiel som, že tam je použité slovo „en morphe." Hláskuje sa to e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Díval som sa do gréčtiny čo znamená en morphe ... Možno, že to nevyslovujem správne, ale ... preto som to hláskoval, že keď sa tieto pásky rozídu ku ľuďom, oni budú (tí učení budú) vedieť, čo tým chcem povedať. On ... Keď to en morphe ... To znamená, že On premieňa samého seba. On prichádza dole. No, to grécke slovo tam znamená, že „niečo, čo sa nedá vidieť, jednako tam je a potom sa to premení a oko to môže uvidieť." Rozumiete?

54 Ako keď bol Eliáš v Dotáne. Vidíte? Ten sluha nemohol vidieť všetkých tých anjelov tam okolo a Boh to len premenil; nepriviedol tých anjelov dole, ale zmenil pohľad toho sluhu. A boli tam kopce plné anjelov a oheň a ohnivé kone, ohnivé vozy, všade okolo jeho proroka. Rozumiete? Oni ... On premenil pohľad. Tá vec tam už bola.

55 Tak, to je to čo sa vám snažím povedať, ten Boh, ktorý vždy bol, je tu. To jediné čo On urobil, keď sa stal človekom, On zmenil svoju masku. Rozumiete? On ... Toto en morphe, On - zmenil samého seba na to čo bol, na to čo je, alebo zmenil svoju masku, na ďalšie vystúpenie.

56 Ako v nejakej veľkej dráme. Ako som hovoril dnes ráno, keď som spomenul trochu tohto Sheakespeare. To bolo dávno. Ale keď Sheakespeare písal tú drámu pre anglického kráľa Jakuba, keď on ... tú postavu Macbetha. Vidíte? Sheakespeare neveril v čarodejnice, ale v tej hre ... keď kráľ veril v čarodejnice, tak on do toho musel zahrnúť čarodejnice. Vidíte? A teraz, aby to mohli zahrať, oni zamieňali herecké obsadenie.

57 Tu Rebeka, v hre Carmen, oni to hrali v škole, kde práve maturovala pred pár týždňami. No, možno, že jedna osoba hrala tri alebo štyri role. Aby to mohli zahrať, on premieňal svoju masku. Niekedy vstúpil a predstavoval túto postavu a druhý krát vystupuje a hrá inú postavu. Ale stále po celý čas je to tá istá osoba.

58 A tak je to s Bohom. On sa premenil z ohnivého stĺpu aby sa stal človekom. Potom sa premenil z toho naspäť znovu v Ducha, aby mohol prebývať v človeku. Boh účinkujúci v človeku, to čo On v skutočnosti bol. Ježiš Kristus bol Boh účinkujúci v človeku. V Človeku, v Človeku. To je to čo On bol. On sa premenil z Ohnivého Stĺpa a potom vošiel dovnútra, a to bola tá opona na púšti, ktorá skrývala Boha pred Izraelom. Mojžiš videl tvar jeho tela, ale On v skutočnosti bol skrytý po celý čas za týmto ohnivým stĺpom, ktorým bolo to Logos, ktoré vyšlo z Boha.

59 A teraz tu vidíme, že teraz od Letníc, Boh neúčinkuje v človeku, alebo ... On teraz účinkuje cez človeka. Rozumiete? On vtedy účinkoval v človeku, v Ježišovi. On teraz účinkuje cez ľudí, ktorých za tým účelom vybral. Boh vo forme človeka, On sa premenil z podoby Boha na podobu človeka.

60 On prišiel pod tromi menami, pod menami troch synov. On prišiel v Synovi ... v mene Syna človeka, syna Dávidovho a Syna Božieho; pod menami troch synov.

61 No, On prišiel prv v Synovi človeka, pretože On bol prorok. Sám Jehova nazval Ezechiela a prorokov „syn človeka, čo vidíš?" Ježiš nikdy nepoukazoval na seba ako na Syna Božieho; on poukazoval na seba ako na Syna človeka, pretože Písmo sa nemôže porušiť. V Písmach nemôže byť nič porušené. Každé Slovo musí byť tak. To je spôsob ako ja tomu verím. Takto to musí byť; nie preto, že ja tomu verím, pretože to je Slovo Božie.

62 No, ak si všimnete na začiatku jedno Slovo, na prvej strane v Biblii, v Genesis 1 nachádzame, že celé ... všetky choroby, každý žiaľ, každá bolesť srdca a všetko čo sa kedykoľvek ľuďom stalo, prišlo preto, že jedna osoba zapochybovala v jedno slovo a to spôsobilo všetko toto. To je na prvých stranách Biblii. Na poslednej strane v Biblii, v Zjavení 22, ten istý Boh povedal: „Ktokoľvek odníme z tohto jedno slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo." Vidíte? To musí byť slovo za slovom, presne tak ako to je.

63 A tak, aha zoberiem len takú maličkosť ktorú ... niekto mi stále vyčíta, že hovorím o tom že si ženy strihajú vlasy. No pre mňa, kým si ona strihá vlasy, nestarám sa o to ako sväto ona postupuje ani koľko toho vie, stále nie je v poriadku! Nosí šortky a takéto oblečenie, nestarám sa o to čo robí, ako dobre dokáže spievať, ako dobre môže kázať, čokoľvek by mohla robiť, akým druhom života žije, stále je tam to jedno slovo porušené. Vidíte? Vidíte, to musí byť každé Slovo, nie veta, Slovo, jedno slovo! Tak Biblia to nie je vlastný výklad. To musí byť slovo za slovom tak ako je to napísané. Musíme tomu veriť.

64 A nie len tomu veriť, ale žiť tým. Ak podľa toho nežijeme, potom tomu neveríme; len hovoríme že veríme. Ako ja ... Naspäť ku tomu čo som povedal, títo učeníci do nedokázali vysvetliť, ale oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni to vyznali a žili podľa toho. Keď všetci tí ostatní od toho odišli, oni zostali pri tom! Oni tomu verili! Takto to robíme. Takto to musíte robiť. Nezáleží na tom čo ktokoľvek hovorí, my tomu veríme a potom podľa toho postupujeme. Ak to tak nerobíte, potom tomu neveríte.

65 Všimnite si teraz, keď On prišiel, On musel prísť ako Syn človeka, pretože Duch Svätý povedal, že On príde, že Boh im vzbudí proroka. Tak On nemohol prísť a nazývať sa Synom Božím, pretože to nebolo určené na ten čas. On bol Syn človeka, ktorý prorokoval aby to vyplnil a zjavoval im všetky veci, ktoré sa stali v predobraze a znázorňovali čo On je. Vtedy On bol na zemi ako Syn človeka.

66 Pozrite sa na tú Síroféničanku, ktorá za Ním bežala a hovorila: „Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou!" On vôbec ani nezodvihol hlavu. Ona nemala žiadny nárok obracať sa na Neho ako na Syna Dávidovho, ona bola pohanka. O nič viac ako moja dcéra sa nemôže obracať na mňa ako na manžela, alebo moja žena ako dcéra. A pri tom to je moja dcéra a moja žena, aj keď je moja dcéra v evanjeliu. Ale zemsky, ona nemá žiadne právo aby ma nazývala otcom. Rozumiete? No všimnite si, táto pohanka nemohla uplatňovať na Neho žiadny nárok ako na Syna Dávidovho. Ale slepý Bartimeus mohol. Vidíte? On bol žid. No, On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

67 Musíte poznať tieto slová a tieto veci. Pozrite sa tam vtedy na Hattie Wright, keď toto tretie potiahnutie ... Pamätáte sa na to. To najhlavnejšie na tom všetkom bolo, že tá žena povedala tú správnu vec. Musíte povedať Bohu to správne slovo, tú správnu vec.

68 Všimnite si teraz, On prvýkrát prišiel ako prorok a oni Ho ukrižovali. Jeho vlastní Ho ukrižovali. On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

69 Potom neskoršie prišiel Duch Svätý, vtedy On bol Syn Boží. Boh je Duch. On bol Svätý Duch, Syn Boží. On žil cez tie cirkevné veky ako Syn Boží.

70 No, v miléniu On bude Syn Dávidov, bude sedieť na tróne svojho otca, Dávida. On je Syn Dávidov.

71 A Pamätajte, medzi Synom Božím ... v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku Ho oni vystrčili von. A v Lukášovi On povedal, že sa znovu zjaví ako Syn človeka, prorok, vyplňujúci ten ostatok z toho. Rozumiete? Písma držia dokonale spolu. Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn Dávidov. Čo to bolo? To je po celý čas ten istý Boh, len zmieňajúci svoju podobu, en morphe. On to jednoducho zmieňa. To je pre Neho veľká dráma, On ju odohráva.

72 On prišiel ako Syn človeka, prorok. Vykonal presne ... Ešte aj tá žena tam pri studni, vo všetkých svojich hriechoch, ona Ho rozpoznala. Povedala: „My vieme, že Mesiáš príde, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, to je to čo On bude robiť." Vidíte? Ona to rozpoznala, lebo bola predurčeným semenom. Potom ona ... Zatiaľ čo tí ostatní to nerozpoznali, oni nemali nič, čím by to boli rozpoznali. Oni boli od začiatku v hriechu.

73 Kvôli svojím roliam, On zamieňal svoju podobu. Vtedy prišiel v podobe Syna človeka. Pre vek reformátorov, Wesleya, Luthera a ďalej cez všetky tie ... a potom zisťujeme, že oni to tak zahrčkali, presne tak ako to urobili Izraeliti, že keď sa zjavil v posledných dňoch v tom letničnom veku ako Duch Svätý, oni to odmietli. Oni urobili to isté čo urobil Izrael. A čo On robí teraz? Vracia sa ako Syn človeka. A potom, z tade, ako Syn Dávidov. Vidíte ako sme blízko? Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží. On sa zjavil v týchto posledných dňoch ako Syn človeka, podľa Malachiáša 4, všetky tie ďalšie proroctvá sa týkajú tejto hodiny. Už viacej nejedná s cirkvou, potom keď Ho oni vystrčili von; vonku, klope na dvere. Ešte je tam nejaké predurčené semeno, On ich musí dostať.

74 Boh, v človeku, On vyprázdnil seba samého. Joel 2:28, nachádzame, On povedal: „Ja vylejem v tých posledných dňoch, Svojho Ducha." No, ak si všimnete tam to slovo, grécke slovo ... Možno to nepoviem správne, ale to ktoré som našiel ... Musíte dávať pozor na slovo.

75 V angličtine to niekedy má dvojaký význam. Tak ako slovo, my povieme, „Boh." Boh stvoril nebesia a zem, Genesis 1. Ale v Biblii je povedané: „Na počiatku Elohim." No, Elohim ... Po anglicky sa hovorí „Boh," ale to v skutočnosti nie je Elohim. Čokoľvek môže byť boh, čo sa týka slova boh; nejaký idol môžete urobiť bohom; to piano môžete urobiť bohom; z čohokoľvek môžete urobiť boha.

76 Ale so slovom Elohim to tak nie je, ono znamená „Ten, ktorý existuje sám zo seba." Vidíte? To piano nemôže existovať samo zo seba. Nič nemôže existovať samo zo seba. Tak slovo Elohim znamená „Ten ktorý stále existoval." Boh môže znamenať čokoľvek. Vidíte ten rozdiel v tom slove?

77 No, keď je tam povedané, že On sa vyprázdnil, alebo vylial, no, my by sme takto rozmýšľali, že On „vyzvracal," to anglické slovo ohľadne vyprázdnenia alebo vyliatia zo Seba, vidíte, niečo z Neho vyšlo a to bolo niečo iné ako On. Ale slovo „kenos," v gréčtine, ono neznamená, že On „vyzvracal," alebo niečo ... že odpadlo jeho rameno, alebo vyšlo jeho oko, ďalšia osoba.

78 A to je to, že On sa premenil, On sa prelial do, (Amen!) do inakšej masky, do inej podoby. Nie že z Neho vyšla ďalšia osoba, nazvaná Duch Svätý, ale to bol On sám. Rozumiete tomu? On Sám sa prelial do ľudí. Kristus vo vás! Aké nádherné, aké ohromné, pomyslieť, že Boh prelieva seba samého do ľudskej bytosti, do veriaceho. Vylial! To bola časť jeho drámy, aby to tak urobil. Boh, celá plnosť, všetko Božstvo telesne bolo v tejto osobe, v Ježišovi Kristovi. On bol Boh, sám Boh. Nie tretia osoba alebo druhá osoba alebo prvá osoba; ale tá osoba, Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele.

79 1. Timotejovi 3:16; „A vyznane veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti; lebo B-o-h, Elohim ..." V Biblii B-o-h, veľkým písmenom, to poukazuje naspäť, každý sa tým odvoláva na originál a tam je povedané „Elohim. Na počiatku Elohim." Vidíte? „A Elohim ... Vyznane veľké je tajomstvo Elohima; lebo Elohim sa stal telom a my sme sa Ho dotýkali." Elohim zahalený v ľudskom tele! Ten veľký Jehova, ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor, čas a všade, sa stal človekom. My sme sa Ho dotýkali, Elohima. „Na počiatku, Elohim. A Elohim sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami."

80 Čo? Toto je Jeho spôsob, časti tej drámy. To je spôsob ako to On odohráva, jeho spôsob ako sa nám zjavuje ako nejaká iná osoba. My sme smrteľní, a On to vie. A my chápeme len ako smrteľníci. Poznáme len ako smrteľníci. My to poznáme len tak ako nám to dovolia naše zmysly a to ostatné z toho musíme veriť pomocou viery. Musíme povedať, že je Boh, či sme Ho videli alebo nie, aj tak tomu veríme. Rozumiete? Či to je alebo nie, my stále tomu veríme, pretože Boh to tak povedal.

81 Ako Abrahám, nemohol vidieť toho syna, žiadne znaky, žiadne tehotenstvo u Sáry, ani žiadny menštruačný cyklus ani nič, ale jednako Boh to tak povedal. Všetka nádej, ešte aj jej lono bolo mŕtve a jeho život v ňom pominul a prameň jeho života vyschol a jej život vyschol s ňou. A jednako on sa nepotácal v zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru, ale bol silný, oddávajúc chválu, vedel že Boh je schopný urobiť všetko čo povedal. Takto dnes musíme veriť tomu Slovu. Ako sa to stane? Ja neviem. Boh povedal, že to tak bude, a tým je to vybavené.

82 Kto je táto veľká neviditeľná osoba? Kto je toto, ktorého Abrahám videl vo videniach? Hneď v tom poslednom, kde On bol zamanifestovaný v tele, prv ako prišiel ten syn, sám Boh prišiel ku Abrahámovi v podobe človeka, v čase konca. Zamanifestovaný! On ho raz videl v malom svetle, videl ho vo videniach, počul jeho hlas, mal mnoho zjavení; ale tesne pred tým zasľúbeným synom ho videl v podobe človeka a rozprával sa s ním a dal mu jesť a piť. Rozumiete? Všimnite si, sám Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele.

83 Toto bola časť jeho cesty. Toto je spôsob ako sa nám On manifestuje, ako manifestuje to Večné Slovo, Boh, Jehova sa stal telom. Ako v ev. Jána 1 „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to ... Na počiatku bol Elohim a Elohim sa stal Slovom a to Slovo bol Elohim. A to Slovo sa stalo Elohimom." Vidíte? To je tá istá vec, len sa to odvíja.

84 Ako ten atribút. Vidíte? To je v Bohu. Atribútom je vaša myšlienka. Boh na začiatku, ten Večný, On nebol ani Boh. On bol ten Večný. Boh je predmet uctievania alebo niečo také. Tak On ešte tým nebol. On bol Elohim, ten Večný. Ale v ňom boli myšlienky a On chcel aby sa zmaterializovali a čo On urobil? On vtedy vypovedal Slovo a to Slovo sa zmaterializovalo. To je celý obraz od Genesis do Zjavenia. Nieto na tom žiadnej chyby. To je Elohim materializujúci sa aby sme sa ho mohli dotknúť, cítiť ho. A v miléniu sedí Elohim na tróne (Amen! Je to tak.) so všetkými svojimi poddanými okolo seba, ktorých predurčil pred založením sveta.

85 Ako človek, ktorý vyrába alebo odlieva zvony, ten odlievač. Každý zvon musí zvoniť inak ako ten ďalší. Používa ten istý materiál, ale dá tam toľko železa, toľko a toľko oceli, toľko bronzu aby to vydalo ten žiadaný cinkot.

86 Takto to urobil Boh. On dal toto do toho, do tohto a do toho, do tohto a do toho až kým nedostal presne to čo chcel. Takto On prichádza dole. Boh sa odhaľoval v ohnivom stĺpe potom ďalej tam cez prorokov a potom v Synovi Božom, a On bol Boh. To je ten istý Boh ukazujúci sa presne z dokonalosti do dokonalosti, z chvály do chvály. Takouto cestou prechádza cirkev.

87 Všimnite si, cez tie veky, takým istým spôsobom, cez svojich prorokov, On zjavoval seba samého. Oni neboli doslovne proroci, oni boli bohovia. On to tak povedal. Lebo to, čo oni hovorili bolo Božie Slovo. Oni boli telom, v ktorom bol zahalený Boh. Oni boli bohovia. Sám Ježiš povedal: „Ako ma môžete odsudzovať, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží a váš vlastný zákon hovorí, že tí ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo boli bohovia."

88 Tak to bol Boh spodobený v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval prorok. Rozumiete? A Slovo Pánove prišlo ku tomuto človeku, tak to nebol ten prorok, prorok bol tou záclonou, ale to Slovo bol Boh. Ľudské slovo sa nebude takto správať. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Ono sa takto nemôže správať. Ale to bol potenciálne Boh. Vidíte? On bol Slovo Božie v podobe človeka, ktorý bol nazvaný „človek". Všimnite si, On nikde nezmenil svoju povahu, jedine svoju podobu. V Liste Židom 13:8 je povedané: „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Tak On nemenil svoju povahu, keď prichádza. On je stále ten prorok, cez celý vek, tá istá vec, Slovo, Slovo, Slovo, Slovo. Vidíte? On nemôže zmeniť svoju povahu, ale On zmieňa svoju podobu. V liste Židom 13:8 je povedané: „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." On len zmieňal svoju masku.

89 Tak ako som sa ja zmenil od manžela, keď sa mi narodilo dieťa, potom som sa stal otcom. Keď sa narodil môj vnuk, stal som sa starým otcom. Vidíte? Ale ja som sa nezmenil. Ja som stále ... to som stále ja. Rozumiete? A tak je to s Bohom. Ja som len zmieňal svoje ... Vidíte? To len zmieňate svoju podobu. Vidíte? Všimnite si. A povaha to ďalej zmieňa z mladého človeka na človeka v strednom veku a na starého človeka. Tu to máte. Vidíte? Len zmieňate svoju podobu.

90 No, nemohli by ste povedať, že mladý chlapec, ktorý tu stojí povedzme 16 ročný, že je starým otcom. Nemôže byť, jeho podoba sa musí zmeniť. Po niekoľkých rokoch sa ona zmení, potom sa on stane starým otcom. Rozumiete čo myslím?

91 Ale po celý čas je to tá istá osoba, tá istá osoba, Boh po celý čas. Takýmto spôsobom sa On zjavuje svojím ľuďom, že to takto robí. Všimnite si. Počas veku toho Ohnivého Stĺpa sa On zjavil svojim ľuďom. Vo veku Ježiša sa On zjavil svojim ľuďom. Vo veku Ducha Svätého, ako Syn Boží. Syn Dávidov ... On sa stále takým spôsobom zjavoval svojím ľuďom a robil aby ho ľudia poznali. On sa za niečím zakrýval, všimnite si, tým istým spôsobom, alebo s tou istou povahou, stále.

92 Boh zaclonený v Ježišovi, aby vykonal dielo vykúpenia na kríži. Boh nemohol zomrieť, ako Duch, On je večný. Ale On musel zobrať na seba masku a odohrať roľu smrti. On zomrel, ale On to nemohol urobiť vo svojej Božej podobe. On to musel urobiť v podobe Syna, ako Syn človeka, na zemi. Vidíte? On musel byť v podobe Syna. Potom keď na Letnice prišiel naspäť, On bol znovu Syn Boží. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Pochopili ste to? On bol ...

93 On musel prísť do ľudského tela, aby ... a nikto, žiadna sexuálna žiadosť. Pretože to znovu dokazuje naše tvrdenie o semene hada. Vidíte? „Sexuálne" to bol jednoznačne „sex." Nie jablká, sex! Je to tak. Muselo to tak byť. Všimnite si tu. Vidíte? Lebo žiadny dobrý človek ... Pozrite sa tam na tých prorokov, ale On musel byť viac ako prorok. Vidíte? Aby to mohol urobiť On sa musel narodiť z panny a tým je ukázané, to panenské narodenie potvrdilo ... On sa musel narodiť panenským narodením aby odstránil tú kliatbu; Protijed. Rozumiete čo myslím? Tak to musel byť sex; On to dokázal svojím vlastným príchodom, On neprišiel v sexuálnej žiadosti ale cez panenské narodenie. A On zmenil svoju masku z Jehovu na Ježiša za tým účelom aby dokonal dielo vykúpenia v tej dráme ktorú odohrával, ako Boh na kríži.

94 Tí Gréci Ho chceli vidieť. V ev. Jána 12:20, mnohí z vás ste ma počuli kázať na tie slová „Páni, chceme vidieť Ježiša." Všimli ste si to?

95 No, tí Gréci boli učení, to boli veľkí ľudia. A oni mali veľké cítenie pre Boha, ako im Pavel kázal na Marsovom vŕšku. A oni boli prví vo svete vo vede a vo vzdelaní, to boli veľkí ľudia. Ale oni uctievali a verili v mytológiu a tak ďalej, knihy umenia, neobyčajné umenie a tak ďalej.

96 Ale tento muž, ktorý mohol uzdravovať chorých a mohol predpovedať veci, ktoré sa presne vyplnili, vzbudil ich pozornosť. A oni boli vyburcovaní a tak prišli aby Ho videli. No, dávajte teraz dobrý pozor, neprehliadnite toto. A oni prišli a povedal Filipovi, ktorý bol z Betsaidy: „Pane, chceme vidieť Ježiša." A Filip s iným učeníkom ho priviedli ku Ježišovi, aby videl Ježiša.

97 No, všimnite si práve tie slová, ktorými im Ježiš odpovedal, lebo oni prišli aby videli kto On je a oni Ho nemohli vidieť. Oni videli podobu, ale On bol vo svojom chráme. Boh bol vo svojom chráme, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Všimnite si tie slová, ktoré On povedal: „Ak nepadne pšeničné zrno do zeme (Vidíte?) a nezomrie, zostane samotné. (Vidíte?) Prišla hodina, za krátko bude Syn človeka oslávený (Vidíte?) a On musí odísť z tejto zeme. A ak nepríde tá hodina, nebudete To môcť uvidieť." Vidíte?

98 Počúvajte! Prečo nemohli vidieť Ježiša? On bol zamaskovaný. Boh bol zamaskovaný. Tí Gréci chceli Boha, a On tu bol ale oni Ho nemohli vidieť kvôli tej záclone. Tak isto je to dnes. Oni to nemôžu vidieť kvôli tej záclone. Ona je na ich tvári. Títo Gréci boli zamaskovaní, či vlastne Ježiš bol zamaskovaný pred týmito Grékmi.

99 Všimnite si, On im povedal: „Ak toto pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme, zostane samotné."

100 Oni nemohli porozumieť ako, prečo Ho nemôžu vidieť. Tam stál človek. Oni prišli aby videli Boha a videli človeka. Rozumiete? Oni nemohli vidieť Boha pretože Boh bol pred nimi zaclonený. No, zapamätajte si to: Boh bol zahalený v človeku. Oni mohli povedať: „Žiadny človek nemôže činiť tieto skutky, jedine Boh. Žiadny človek to nedokáže robiť a ako - tu stojí človek a pri tom sa cez neho manifestujú skutky Božie!" Vidíte? Oni nemohli porozumieť, že Boh bol zahalený.

101 On sa zahalil v človeku, pretože On bol stále zahalený. Ale On bol pred nimi zahalený. On bol vo svojom ľudskom chráme. Boh bol v ľudskom chráme. No, dávajte dobrý pozor, On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Boh zahalený, skrývajúci sa pred svetom, zahalený v ľudskej bytosti. Vidíte?

102 Tu bol Boh! Títo Gréci hovorili: „chceli by sme ho vidieť," a Ježiš povedal: „Pšeničné zrno musí padnúť do zeme a zomrieť!" Musíte zomrieť všetkým svojim ideám. Musíte vyjsť zo svojich vlastných predstáv. Ako títo učeníci, oni nedokázali vysvetliť ako budú jesť jeho telo a piť jeho krv, ale vidíte, oni zomreli týmto veciam. Oni boli mŕtvi do základu, oni boli mŕtvi pre Krista. Bez ohľadu na tom čo On povedal, ako veľmi to vyzeralo nezhodné čo On povedal, oni tomu aj tak verili. Vidíte? Oni mohli vidieť v tom človeku ... v človeku, ktorý jedol, pil, chytal ryby, spal a všetko ďalšie, narodil sa tu na zemi a chodil s nimi, rozprával sa s nimi, nosil šaty ako aj ostatní, ale to bol Boh.

103 Tak tí Gréci Ho nemohli vidieť, pretože bol pred nimi skrytý, v ľudskej bytosti. Všimnite si jeho slová, ktoré im povedal: „Ak toto pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme ..."

104 Boh zahalený do podoby človeka, skryl sa pred ich pohľadom, oni mohli vidieť len človeka. Ale tí predurčení videli Boha. Jeden videl človeka, druhý videl Boha. A to bol Boh zastretý v ľudskej bytosti, a tak obaja mali pravdu ale vaša viera spočíva v tom čo nevidíte. Aj tak tomu veríte. Boh zastretý v ľudskej bytosti. On bol v tom tele a to telo bolo jeho oponou. Tá opona bola roztrhnutá, (Vidíte?) aby sa Boh jasne preukázal.

105 V Starom Zákone, Boh bol skrytý, keď bol na svojom tróne milosti. [Trón milosti v slovenských Bibliách nazvaný - zľutovnica, pokrývka na truhle zmluvy. - pozn.prekl.] Na tróne milosti, za oponou! V Starom Zákone, Boh bol vo svojom chráme. Ale ľudia tam prichádzali a takto ho uctievali, ale pamätajte, tam bola opona, (Amen.) ktorá skrývala Boha. Oni vedeli, že tam je Boh. Oni Ho nemohli vidieť. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa tam už viacej neukázal. Všimli ste si to? Nie je ani raz v Písme, od toho času ako ten Ohnivý Stĺp vošiel dovnútra za tú oponu, žeby sa niekedy znovu ukázal až kým neprišiel od Ježiša Krista? Boh bol zastretý oponou!

106 Keď On stál na zemi, On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu."

107 Potom Pavel, po jeho smrti, pohrabe a zmŕtvychvstaní, na ceste do Damašku, tam bol znovu ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Čo to bolo? Von z poza tej opony! Sláva Bohu! On vyšiel spoza tej opony.

108 No, On bol za čím? Za koženou oponou. Vidíte? Z jazvečích koží, za tou oponou. A keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá toho dňa keď bol ukrižovaný, tá opona do ktorej bol zahalený bola roztrhnutá v ten deň ukrižovania a celý trón milosti bol vystavený na pohľad.

109 No, židia nemohli pochopiť akoby sa ten Boh mohol zmilovať nad hriešnymi, skazenými ľuďmi ako sme my. Ale oni nemohli vidieť toho, ktorý sa zmilovával, pretože On bol skrytý. On bol za tým trónom milosti, tam vo vnútri, kde viseli tie jazvečie kože, ktoré Ho zakrývali.

110 Predtým, keby on ... Predtým, keby niekto vošiel za tú oponu, to bola náhla smrť. Amen. Ó, za chvíľu sa tu naučíme lekciu, ak to môžete prijať. Vojsť za tie kože, raz sa to pokúšal jeden z kňazových synov a zomrel. Nevchádzajte za tú oponu. Človek, ktorý vošiel za ňu ... Prečo? V tom ešte nebolo vykúpenie. To bolo potenciálne, to ešte nebolo prejavené a všetko potenciálne ešte nie je tou skutočnou vecou. Rozumiete? To ešte nie je prejavené. To bolo vykúpenie ... Hriech bol prikrytý, nie vypustený ... či vlastne odpustený, nebol odpustený. Odpustený, to znamená „odlúčený a odstránený". A tak krv oviec a kozlov to nedokázala urobiť, tak Jehova sa skrýval za tou oponou. No, vojsť tam za túto oponu, kde sa On skrýval, vojsť tam, človek, ktorý sa tam snažil vojsť padol mŕtvy.

111 Ale od Letníc, od ukrižovania, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá od vrchu dole, pre tú generáciu ... Ježiš bol ten Boh, zastretý. A keď On zomrel na Golgote, Boh poslal oheň a blesk a roztrhol tú oponu od vrchu dole aby celý trón milosti bol jasne viditeľný. Ale oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli. Ako tu povedal Mojžiš, Pavel povedal, čítajúc Mojžiša: „Keď je čítaný Mojžiš stále je tá zástera na ich srdciach." Ó, brat, sestra, to je to čo urobili židia, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá a Boh sa stal jasne viditeľný, visiaci na kríži. On bol jasne viditeľný, ale oni to nemohli vidieť.

112 Či by to bolo možné, že by pohania urobili to isté? Ó, Bože! Keď oni mali cirkevné veky, v čase Syna Božieho, ale teraz keď tá opona týchto denominácií a všetkého, táto opona tradícií, ktorú sme mali od Letníc, keď teraz tie cirkevné tradície boli roztrhnuté, to kde ľudia hovorili: „Dni zázrakov pominuli a tieto veci," a Boh odstránil z toho tú oponu a dal to jasne vidieť a oni sú hotoví znovu to ukrižovať. Presne tak!

113 Ten odhalený Boh, jasne viditeľný, oni Ho mali vidieť ako tam stojí. Ale On bol príliš obyčajný, On bol normálny človek. Oni to nemohli vidieť. Rozumiete? Tam stál človek. „Dobre" povedali, „akú školu tento vychodil?"Ale, pamätajte, keď tá kopia prepichla jeho telo, ten Duch ho opustil, ten chrám ... tie kvádre na obetnom oltári sa porúcali a ten blesk preletel dole cez chrám a roztrhol oponu. Čo to bolo? Tam ich Boh visel na Golgote a oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli.

114 Dal Ho jasne vidieť a stále to nevidia! Oni sú zaslepení. Boh, zahalený v ľudskej bytosti.

115 Pamätáte sa On potom prišiel naspäť ku Pavlovi, po tomto a ku Petrovi vo vezení, ako Ohnivý stĺp. Pamätáte sa na to?

116 Ale v týchto posledných dňoch sa On mal znovu navrátiť. Ohnivý Stĺp má prísť znovu naspäť aby zamanifestoval Syna človeka. Vidíte? Aby ukázal Slovo, svetlo. Tie tradície, ktoré boli, budú zmietnuté. Nič v tom nezabráni, to sa aj tak stane. Boh jednoducho strháva tie denominácie a tradície. Akým Duchom to On urobí? Takým akým to robil prvý krát. Pozrite sa čo On urobil vo dňoch Eliáša, vo dňoch Jána. „Nemyslite si, že môžete hovoriť, že máte otca Abraháma, pretože Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov zbudiť deti Abrahámovi." Vidíte? Nemyslite si: „Pretože patrím do tohto alebo do tam toho." Vidíte? Boh trhá tú oponu, (Vidíte?) aby ukázal kto On je. Pozorujte tú oponu keď sa tu teraz trhá. Vidíme ako to je.

117 Voľakedy, ak človek prešiel cez túto oponu, to znamenalo náhlu smrť. A teraz je smrť neprejsť cez ňu! Amen. Ak sa nedokážete preboriť cez tú oponu tradícii, preboriť sa cez tú denominačnú stenu, aby ste videli Boha v jeho moci, to je smrť. Voľakedy bola smrť vojsť tam dovnútra, teraz je smrť zostať vonku. Celý trón milosti je postavený jasne pred našimi očami, každý to môže vidieť, opona je roztrhnutá. Sláva Bohu! Celý trón milosti sa ukazuje jasne pred našimi očami.

118 Ako sa mohol Boh zmilovať nad skazenými hriešnikmi ako my. Vtedy keď sa On skrýval, to bolo tajomstvo. A teraz je to jasne viditeľné, alebo úplne viditeľné, zjavené skrze jeho Slovo. To je stále Slovo, nepretržite, to je Boh. To je Slovo, ktoré to otvára. Keby títo ľudia boli poznali Slovo Božie toho dňa, keď Ježiš zomrel, boli by videli trón milosti, boli by videli kto On je.

119 „Kto to potom bol? Prečo roztrhol tu oponu?" Pamätajte, to znamenalo smrť vojsť tam, nikto to nemohol vidieť. Mojžiš to videl v nejakej forme, to bol vír ... to bol chrbát muža. No, tu to je, krvácajúci chrbát, ten istý muž! Čo to bolo? Boh im chcel ukázať trón milosti. Boh im chcel ukázať kto On je. Tak tá opona v chráme, hore od Božej ruky, bola roztrhnutá od vrchu dole a ukázala Boha jasne viditeľného. To bol Ježiš Kristus visiaci na kríži, trón milosti. A čo to bolo? Tí ľudia boli príliš slepí aby to videli.

120 A teraz sa to znovu zopakovalo. Tradície, ako ... Vtedy na deň letníc Slovo prišlo a bolo vo forme Syna Božieho. A oni to začali organizovať v Nicei, v Ríme. A za krátko sa z toho stali metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, letniční a tak ďalej. To sú zorganizované ľudské tradície, človek nevie kde stojí. Ale sláva Bohu, On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch čo bude robiť: On ukáže svoje Slovo jasne najavo, znovu ho otvorí pred nami, (Vidíte?) tvorí ho.

121 Keby oni len boli poznali Slovo, boli by vedeli kto je Ježiš. Keby bol človek len poznal Slovo Božie, poznal by hodinu v ktorej žijeme a čo sa deje. Oni proste odmietli počúvať to Slovo. Ich tradície ... Čo prekážalo tým židom aby to videli? Čo im prekážalo? Zdalo sa, že by to mohli skutočne vidieť, pretože tá vec bola roztvorená. To bolo roztvorené za určitým účelom.

122 Prečo až doteraz trvá toto prebudenie? Ako to, že mohlo prospievať? Ako to, že mohlo byť požehnané? Nestarám sa o to koľko má napodobovateľov, alebo čokoľvek iné, to všetko ... Keď Mojžiš vyšiel, išiel s ním zmiešaný zástup. Ale prečo sa to stalo? To sám Jehova odstraňuje oponu z Boha aby ukázal rozdiel medzi dobrom a zlom. Kto má pravdu, metodista, baptista, presbyterián, alebo kto má pravdu? Božie Slovo má pravdu! „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a moje pravdou." Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, On podáva svoj vlastný výklad. On ho manifestuje a podáva výklad. Boh odhaľuje seba samého. Ó! Rovno v našom strede, vidíme jeho veľkú ruku, ako hovorí tieto veci, ako činí tieto veci.

123 Mám o tom niečo dnes večer, (Vidíte?) ako môžeme pozorovať tú ruku Božiu, čo to robí, ako sa to odvíja. Rozumiete?

124 A ľudia hovoria: „Ó, to je nezmysel. To je fanatizmus. Na tom nič nie je. To je nezmysel. To je Belzebúb. To je diabol. To je veštenie. To je toto." Vidíte? To isté hovorili o Ňom.

125 Ó cirkev a keď vyjde táto páska, či to nevidíte, kazatelia evanjelia, kde žijete? Či nevidíte hodinu v ktorej žijeme? Boh ukazuje seba samého, dáva nabok ... Pozrite, On zobral tú oponu v chráme a roztrhol ju na kusy aby oni mohli vidieť Boha jasne viditeľného a oni boli príliš slepí aby to videli. A On urobil to isté dnes, keď vystavil do popredia svoje Slovo, to čo zasľúbil. Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré je v Slove leží rovno pred nami, jasne viditeľné!

126 Viete čo robí cirkev z pohanov? To isté, čo urobila židovská cirkev - sú príliš slepí aby to videli. To je všetko. Bude to na ich srdciach presne tak, ako to bolo vtedy.

127 Všimnite si, teraz je to smrť, stáť ďalej od toho. Musíte do toho vojsť cez túto oponu. Inak to neuvidíte. Ako im Boh mohol byť milostivý? Ale pamätajte čo to bolo, čo Boh manifestuje? Čo bolo za tou oponou? Dávajte pozor čo bolo za tou oponou? Slovo! Čo ona zahaľovala? Slovo! Čo to bolo? To je v tej truhle. To bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo skryté za tou oponu. Vidíte? A Ježiš bol to Slovo a On je to Slovo a opona jeho tela to skrývala.

128 A dnes opona tradícii znovu skrýva Slovo. Hovoria: „To nie je tak." Ale je to tak! Boh o tom svedčí, preráža sa cez všetko a vystupuje tak jasno ako slnko, pred každým a ľudia nie sú schopní to vidieť. Bože, buď nám milostivý.

129 V predobraze, Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej so Slovom Božím na ten vek. Dávajte teraz pozor, teraz sme v Exoduse 19. Neprehliadnite to teraz. Exodus 19., Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej, alebo to je 20. a 21., 19:20-21. Mojžiš prichádza z prítomnosti Božej, on sa nachádzal v tom Slove. To Slovo bolo napísané a on bol v prítomnosti Božej s tým Slovom, on mal Slovo na ten vek. Na každý vek je určité Slovo. A Mojžiš prichádza z tade a jeho tvár tak svietila! Vidíte? Slovo bolo v ňom, pripravené aby sa zamanifestovalo, aby bolo dané ľuďom.

130 To pravé Slovo, Boh ho napísal a to bolo s Mojžišom. Pozrite, ono bolo s Mojžišom a bolo pripravené aby sa zamanifestovalo. On bol pre nich Slovo, on bol to živé Slovo, ukryté. Zakryl sa, Mojžiš musel klásť na svoju tvár zásteru. Prečo? On bol tým Slovom! Amen. Až kým to Slovo nebolo dané na známosť, Mojžiš musel zakrývať svoju tvár. Amen!

131 Vidíte to? Kdekoľvek je to Slovo, ono je zakryté!

Mojžiš mal Slovo. Pamätajte teraz, potom, keď sa Slovo zamanifestovalo, Mojžiš bol znovu Mojžišom. Vidíte? Ale kým bolo v ňom Slovo, nato aby bolo podané, on bol Boh! Lebo on viac nebol Mojžišom, on mal Slovo Pánove na ten vek. Nič sa ho nemohlo dotknúť až kým to nebolo odovzdané, on mal to Slovo so sebou. A tak preto, keď prišiel, ľudia obracali hlavy, oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. On bol premenený, on bol iný. On prišiel s tým Slovom. „A on si dal zásteru," Biblia hovorí, „na svoju tvár," lebo mal Slovo. A on bol pre nich Slovom.

132 No pozrite sa, ak Mojžiš ... Ó brat, toto tu bude urážka. Ale keď Mojžiš ... Ako povedal tu Pavel, v 2. liste Korinťanom v 3. kapitole. Keď Mojžiš musel zahaľovať svoju tvár s takým druhom slávy, ktorá bola na ňom ... Vidíte? Pretože to bola telesná sláva, to bol telesný zákon. A keď Mojžiš ... vediac, že ten zákon musí zahynúť. Ale tá sláva bola taká veľká, že oslepovala ľudí, tak museli na jeho tvár dať zásteru. O čo väčšia ona bude? (Duchovne zaslepení ľudia!) Tá sláva mala pominúť ale táto sláva nepominie. Vidíte? Mojžiš mal telesný zákon, odsúdenie, nie milosť, nie nič, to vás len odsúdilo. Ale toto o čom hovoríme ... To nemalo žiadneho prepáčenia, on vám len hovoril čo ste. Toto vám ukazuje ako sa z toho dostať.

133 A keď je to Slovo odhalené, ó, aká tvár to bude? To bude musieť byť zahalené. To musí byť zahalené. No všimnite si, tak ten Duch je zahalený v ľudskom chráme. Vidíte? On len hovorí prirodzené slová cez prirodzenú záclonu.

134 No, Pavel tu teraz hovorí a v tomto - v tomto význame, to Duchovné Slovo, „My sme služobníci, nie litery zákona, ale dostatočný služobníci Ducha," že Duch berie tú literu a manifestuje to.

135 To bol len zákon, vy ste sa na to museli ísť pozrieť, povedzme: „Nescudzoložíš. Nepokradneš. Nebudeš klamať. Nebudeš robiť toto, to ani tamto." Vidíte? Museli ste sa na to pozrieť.

136 Ale toto je Duch, ktorý prichádza na zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek a prináša a manifestuje, nie dve kamenné dosky ale prítomnosť živého Boha. Nie nejakú tajomnú predstavu, ktorú niekto vymyslel alebo nejaký Houdiniho trik, ale samotné zasľúbenie Božie zjavené a zamanifestované rovno pred nami. Za akou oponou sa to bude nachádzať? A prehliadnuť to ...

137 Vidíte, to bolo také veľké, že tí ľudia povedali, oni povedali, keď videli ako Jehova zostupoval dole v tomto ohnivom stĺpe a začal triasť zemou a to čo robil a videli tú horu v ohni a keby sa niekto pokúsil ísť na tú horu, zahynul by ... To bolo také veľké, že ešte aj Mojžiš sa bál toho zemetrasenia. Tak ak On vtedy zatriasol len tou horou, teraz zatrasie nebom aj zemou.

138 Čo s touto chválou? Vidíte? Ak to bolo zastreté tou prirodzenou zásterou, toto je zastreté duchovnou zásterou. Tak nesnažte sa dívať na to prirodzené, preborte sa do Ducha a viďte kde ste, poznajte v ktorej hodine žijeme.

139 Dáva vám to zmysel? Vidíte? To je duchovná zástera, ktorá je nad ľuďmi, hovoria: „Ja som metodista a ja som tak isto dobrý ako ktokoľvek iný. Ja som baptista, ja som letničný." Neuvedomujete si že tá vec je tradičná zástera? To skrýva pred vami Boha. To je to čo vás zadržiava od vychutnávania všetkých ...

Ó, vy poviete: „Ja som kričal a vyskakoval od radosti."

140 On povedal: „Každé Slovo ..." Eva verila každému Slovo okrem jedného. Vidíte? To je plné Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie Božie na túto hodinu, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Vidíte?

141 Všimnite si, keď pokračujeme. Mám tu veľa toho, čo chcem povedať, mám okolo dvadsať strán poznámok, ale nechcem to všetko hovoriť. Vidíte, ponáhľam sa.

142 On sa zahalil prirodzenou zásterou prv ako mohol hovoriť ľuďom Slovo. No, Boh sa musel zahaliť, ako to zasľúbil, v ľudskom tele. Boh ... Rozumiete tomu? Boh sa musel zahaliť v ľudskom tele a dať na ľudí duchovnú zásteru (že hovoria: „Dobre, ja som toto a ja som tamto.") aby hovoril ku ľuďom. Keď tá zástera, a to je tradičná zástera, je roztrhnutá, potom to ... Čo oni hovoria: „Aha, dni zázrakov pominuli."

143 Jeden človek mi raz povedal, tam vonku jeden baptistický kazateľ, prišiel ku mne, brat Green a povedal: „Brat Branham, mám proti tebe jednu vec. Ty sa snažíš aby ľudia ..." To bolo tam v Ramada Inn, keď sme tam mali tie zhromaždenia. Povedal: „Ty sa snažíš priviesť ľudí ku tomu aby verili v apoštolský vek, aby žili dnes tak ako oni žili v tom apoštolskom veku." Povedal: „Apoštolský vek skončil s apoštolmi."

Opýtal som sa: „Či skončil?"

Povedal som: „Kto bol rečníkom v tom apoštolskom veku?"

On povedal: „Tých dvanásť apoštolov v tej hornej dvorane."

144 Povedal som: „Potom Pavel do toho nepatril." Povedal som: „Rečníkom bol Peter a Peter povedal na letnice, keď všetci videli ako sa toto deje a ako Duch Svätý účinkoval, on povedal: „To zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. Ak On ešte stále povoláva, tak potom je tu to isté. Kedy potom skončil ten apoštolský vek? Apoštolský vek skončí vtedy keď Boh prestane povolávať." On nepovedal ani slovo len zobral svoj klobúk a odišiel.

145 Keď niečo tvrdíme, treba na to Slovo. To je Slovo. Ježiš povedal satanovi: „Je napísané." Vidíte? To je to. „Je napísané!"

146 Povedal som: „Peter povedal, že to nikdy neskončí. Koľkýchkoľvek Pán povolal, tieto požehnania sú pre nich. Vy teraz hovoríte, že On s tým prestal. Kedy?"

„Nevadí? Musím už ísť."

147 Povedal som: „Nie pane, ani trochu. Prosím." Vidíte? Vidíte to? Peter povedal, že to je pre každého, ktorého Boh povolá, že dostane to isté apoštolské požehnanie. To hovorí Slovo Pánove. Vidíte?

148 No, tá prirodzená zástera. Boh, Slovo, zakryté v ľudskom tele. Čo to bolo? Boh bol zakrytý v Mojžišovi. Boh bol v Mojžišovi, zakrytý a prítomnosť Božia bola v ňom. On bol tak dokonale s tým Slovom, ktoré bolo takto v ňom, že až musel zakrývať svoju tvár. A to bol potvrdený prorok, ktorý rozvinul to Slovo a povedal im: „Nebudeš! Budeš! Nebudeš." Vidíte?

149 Aby dal svoje Slovo tej generácii, On sa zakryl v ľudskej bytosti, inak by to Slovo zaslepilo aj tých vyvolaných. Vidíte? Ešte aj tí ľudia, ktorí boli tam na púšti, oni nemohli na to hľadieť. V Exoduse to nachádzame, oni povedali: „Nech ku nám hovorí Mojžiš, nie Boh." Vidíte prečo sa ten Ohnivý Stĺp príliš často nezjavoval? Vidíte?

150 Boh povedal: „Vypočujem to, vzbudím im proroka. (Amen!) Vzbudím im takého." A On presne tak prišiel. „Vzbudím ... A On bude mať ... On bude Slovo."

151 On povedal: „Keď chcú vidieť čím je Slovo," povedal, „no, Mojžiš, Ja som sa ti zjavil tam v tom horiacom kríku," povedal, „Ja zostúpim a tá hora bude v ohni." Povedal: „Oni uvidia, že si hovoril pravdu. Ja sa tu zjavím takým istým ohnivým spôsobom. Ja sa tu zjavím a dokážem tým ľuďom, potvrdím tvoju službu." To je to, čo On tu povedal Mojžišovi, tak mnohými slovami.

152 Všimnite si, On povedal: „Ja ťa teraz oslávim pred ľuďmi." Povedal: „Ty si im povedal, že som ťa tam stretol v horiacom kríku a teraz prídem dole, v tom istom ohni a dám nech ľudia vidia, že si o tom neklamal." A ešte aj vedecky to môžete dokázať, ak chcete. Vidíte? „Prídem rovno dole a dám im to vedieť."

153 A keď On začal hrmieť, keď Jehova začal hrmieť, ľudia hovorili: „Nie! Nie! Nie! Nech nehovorí Jehova, lebo pomrieme."

154 Vidíte? On musel byť zakrytý. Tak Boh sa zahalil v Mojžišovi a dáva Mojžišovi Slovo. A Mojžiš prišiel dole a hovoril to Slovo Pánovo a tvár si zakryl zásterou. Je to tak? Jehova zakrytý v podobe proroka, pretože to by úplne ... A Boh povedal, že už viac nebude takto hovoriť ku ľuďom. On bude ku ním hovoriť jedine cez proroka. To je jediný spôsob ako On odvtedy hovorí. To je jediný spôsob ako On potom hovoril. Je to tak. Nikdy inak. On neklame.

155 Všimnite si, jedine Mojžiš mal Slovo. No, neprišla dole nejaká skupina, neboli to práve farizejovia ani sadúceovia ani to nebola nejaká určitá sekta alebo klan. To bol Mojžiš! On mal jedného človeka. On nemohol mať dva alebo tri rôzne názory. On berie jedného človeka. Mojžiš mal Slovo a jedine Mojžiš. Nemal ho ani Jozue. Nikto iný ho nemal. Amen! Jozua bol generál, Jozua bol veliteľ armády. Jozua bol veriaci, kresťan. Ale Mojžiš bol prorok! Slovo nemohlo prísť ku Jozuovi, ono muselo prísť ku Mojžišovi. On bol hlavný prorok na tú hodinu. Všimnite si, Slovo nikdy neprišlo ku Jozuovi, kým neodišiel Mojžiš. Nie veru. Boh jedná naraz s jedným. Boh je jeden. Vidíte? No, jedine Mojžiš mal Slovo, nie nejaká skupina.

156 Pozrite sa, Boh varoval každého aby sa nepokúšal nasledovať Mojžiša do tej opony. Napodobovateľov. Ženu, muža, kňaza, ktokoľvek by to bol, akýkoľvek pobožný, akýkoľvek vážený, akýkoľvek veľkí ľudia, On ich varoval: „Nech ide len sám Mojžiš! A keby sa niekto toho dotkol, ešte aj zviera, musí byť namieste zabité." Neprelamujte sa pred tú oponu, tá opona patrí jednému človeku. To posolstvo je jedno. Vidíte? V chráme, jeden človek raz za rok vchádzal dovnútra, pomazaný a určený aby tam išiel; nie aby priniesol Slovo, ale aby obetoval krv. Len aby tam vošiel pred to, len jeden. Každý iný zomrel. Vidíte?

157 Oni teraz duchovne zomierajú. Toto je duchovná opona. Vidíte? To bola prirodzená opona. Toto je duchovná opona. Vidíte? Oni stále idú rovno ďalej tam za to. Môžete im povedať. „Ó, ja viem! Ja to poznám, ale ja ..." Nechajte ich, to je v poriadku, to len hovorí ... Pamätajte, posledná pliaga v Egypte bola smrť, pred exodusom. Posledná pliaga na zemi je duchovná smrť, pred exodusom. Potom budú spálení a premenení naspäť na prach a spravodliví budú kráčať po ich popole. Ale posledná vec je duchovná smrť, odmietnutie Slova.

158 No všimnite si, Boh varoval každú osobu aby sa nikto nesnažil nasledovať Mojžiša do tej ohnivej opony. Mojžiš mal byť zahalený, on mal z tade vyjsť. A Mojžiš tam vošiel ako Mojžiš, vošiel do tohoto ohnivého stĺpa; a keď z tade vyšiel, bol zahalený, lebo on tam vošiel, von zo svojich tradícií, z tradícií tých starších. On videl ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ale teraz vošiel do toho ohnivého stĺpa. Amen! A on vystúpil, zahalený. Božie Slovo je v človeku, zahalené! Tu on z tade vychádza, ó, môžem to vidieť. Oni boli varovaní aby sa to nikto nepokúšal urobiť, nikto to nemohol napodobniť. Radšej to nerobte. Vidíte? Ani kňaz alebo svätý muž, ktokoľvek, kardinál, biskup, čokoľvek by bol, keby sa snažil vojsť do tej opony, tak by zomrel. Boh ich varoval. Nebudeme mať žiadne napodobeniny.

159 Jeho Slovo je zjavené jednému. Stále bolo, prorok prišiel so Slovom Pánovým v každom veku, stále, cez celé Písmo. Slovo prichádza ku jednému. V každom veku, tak isto, ešte aj v cirkevných vekoch od prvého veku do posledného. Iní majú svoje miesta, to je v poriadku, všimnite si, ale stoja ďalej od toho Ohnivého Stĺpa. Vidíte? Akú lekciu sa tu učíme! Vidíte? Každý chce byť Mojžišom a každý ...

160 Pamätáte sa čo tam povedal Dátan a tí ostatní? Oni povedali: „No, počkaj chvíľu Mojžiš, ty berieš príliš veľa na seba." Vidíte? „No, sú aj iní muži, ktorých Boh povolal."

161 To bola pravda. Oni ... každý to pekne nasledoval kým išli podľa toho, ale keď sa niekto pokúsil vystúpiť a zaujať Božie miesto, ktoré On dal Mojžišovi, ktorý bol do toho predestinovaný a určený, snažil sa to zaujať, zostúpil oheň a otvorila sa zem a hneď ich strávila. Vidíte? Buďte opatrní! Vidíte? Buďte len dobrí, pobožní kresťania, verte Slovu. Vidíte? Stojte ďalej od toho ohnivého stĺpa! Čo za lekcia!

162 Boh sa prv zjavil Mojžišovi v horiacom kríku, Boh bol zastretý v ohnivom stĺpe. No, dobre teraz počúvajte ešte chvíľu. Boh prišiel prv ku Mojžišovi, On bol zastretý. Boh bol v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, skrytý tam vzadu na púšti v kríku, (Vidíte?) podobne ako za tou kožou (Vidíte?) tam vzadu s tým trónom milosti, na oltári. Vidíte? On bol zastretý. On je stále zastretý. A keď On prišiel ku Mojžišovi bol v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, zastretý v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe. Ale tu pred ľuďmi ho Boh potvrdil tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom. Vidíte? Mojžiš povedal ...

163 No, dávajte pozor! Čítate ... Či necháte aby vaše mysle blúdili niekde inde? Môžete, môžete ... „Kto má uši nech počuje." Vidíte?

164 Keď sa Boh ukázal Mojžišovi, bolo to v ohnivom stĺpe, keď ho povolal do jeho služby. A Mojžiš prišiel a povedal o tom ľuďom. Oni tomu nemohli uveriť. Hoci on už činil zázraky a všetko, ale teraz On sa on ukázal viditeľne, vedecky a potvrdil Mojžišovu službu, že je ten istý Boh, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, pretože On sa ukázal vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa a celá hora bola v ohni. A On prišiel ku Mojžišovi v kríku, hovoril ku nemu. No dobre.

165 Boh sa prv ukázal Mojžišovi zastretý v horiacom kríku. Pred ľuďmi sa Boh znovu zastrel a potvrdil Mojžiša, tou zásterou, tým že zastrel samého Seba tým istým ohňom, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp prišiel dole ... Odvtedy ... odvtedy, tak oni mohli počuť len Božie Slovo. Rozumiete? Len Slovo, oni počuli Jeho Hlas. Lebo Mojžiš bol pre nich živým Slovom. Mojžiš! Vidíte? Boh tak potvrdil to Slovo cez Mojžiša! Vidíte? Mojžiš povedal ... Boh povedal Mojžišovi: „Choď tam a Ja budem s tebou, nič neobstojí pred tebou. Ja som ten Ja som."

166 Mojžiš prišiel dole a povedal: „Možno tomuto neveríte, možno, ale Boh sa mi ukázal v ohnivom stĺpe a povedal mi tieto veci."

167 „Ó, u nás sa dejú všetky takéto podobné veci." Povedal Faraón. „Aha!" Pastor Faraón povedal: „No, to je lacný kúzelnícky trik. Aha, ja tu mám kúzelníkov, ktorí dokážu premeniť hada na ... palicu na hada. Poďte sem, kúzelníci." A oni tam prišli a urobili to isté.

168 Mojžiš vedel, nič ho netrápilo. Koľkokoľvek oni mali napodobovateľov, to mu ani trochu nevadilo, Mojžiš stál pevne. A ako viete, oni sa tam za chvíľu plazili okolo a Mojžišov had ich hneď všetky zožral. Prečo? Ako tí apoštolovia. Oni to nevedeli vysvetliť. Mojžiš nevedel ako to Boh urobí, ale On to urobí.

169 Pamätajte, On povedal, že Jannes a Jambres sa navrátia v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Napodobovatelia. „A oni by zviedli aj samotných vyvolených keby to bolo možné," Matúš 24/24. Vidíte? Presne tie isté veci, robia také isté zázraky a všetko. Pozorujte to Slovo! Pozorujte to Slovo! Niekto hovorí, že robí zázraky a stále chce veriť, že sú traja bohovia a všetko také, niečo ako ... Choďte preč od toho. My vieme, že to je zlé. Vidíte? Nič také! Vidíte? Slovo, každé Slovo, každé Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z úst Božích! Genesis, jedno slovo ... A tu povedal: „Neodnímte ani nepridajte jedno slovo." Vidíte? To musí byť to isté Slovo. Vidíte?

170 Všimnite si. Ľudia videli niečo, čo sa už stalo. Mojžiš bol zastretý ako ... On bol prorok a Boh teraz potvrdil jeho Slovo, zostúpil tam dole. A on videl znamenia a zázraky. A potom, po tomto, sa ľudia oddelili, povstala cirkev. Vidíte? Slovo cirkev znamená „vyvolaní." Rozumiete? Potom keď boli vyvolaní zo sveta a stávajú sa ľudom, (Vidíte?) potom sa Boh dáva poznávať, že On je ten Ohnivý Stĺp. On potvrdil Mojžišove posolstvo. Vidíte? On bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Oni si to mohli hádam odfotiť, keby mali fotoaparáty, pretože to bolo celé v ohni. Ale oni potvrdili ... Boh potvrdzuje, že to posolstvo je pravda. To posolstvo bolo na blízku, všetko, potom mal nastať exodus. Zastrel svojho proroka pre týchto ľudí, ktorí mali exodus.

171 Ľudia (zamyslite sa!) , videli že sa mu niečo stalo. On bol teraz inakší od iných izraelitov. On bol iný .. Jeho posolstvo bolo inakšie, on bol iný ako kňazi, on bol iný ako čokoľvek. Vidíte? On bol inakšou osobou. Ľudia videli, že sa niečo stalo. Boh sa zaclonil vo svojom prorokovi, aby ku ním hovoril svoje Slová. To je to čo On urobil. Mojžiš bol tým živým Slovom pre tých ľudí, zastretý ohnivým stĺpom, hovoril to čo neskoršie malo byť zaclonené za tými jazvečími kožami. Vidíte?

172 Slovo muselo vyjsť prv z Mojžiša. Vidíte? Mojžiš mal Slovo. Boh napísal tie slová, nikto ich nemohol vyložiť, Mojžiš ich musel prv vyložiť. To je dôvod, že on zastrel svoju tvár, pretože on ... Vidíte to? Vidíte? Tu to máte. My by sme to mohli zobrať, zobrať to, a všetko to ďalšie tam, ale to musí byť zjavené. Aby to mohlo byť zjavené, Mojžiš sa musel stať pre tých ľudí Bohom.

Vy poviete: „To je nezmysel."

173 Prečo On povedal ... povedal dokonca Mojžišovi, On sám: „Ty budeš Bohom a Áron bude tvojím prorokom." Vidíte to? Vidíte? Tak On tu prichádza, vidíte, On sa musel zakryť, pretože Boh je stále za oponou. Ó! Vidíte to? Boh sa skryl pred verejnosťou!

174 Povedal: „Otče, ďakujem ti, že si to skryl pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, tým ktorí sa chcú učiť." Vidíte?

175 Boh sa skryl za oponou. Mojžiš zastrel svoju tvár. Mojžiš bol živým Slovom, ktoré bolo potom zastreté. Ľudia videli Ohnivý Stĺp a povedali: „No, teraz sme sa presvedčili." Vidíte? „Nech hovorí Mojžiš." Vidíte? Nech nehovorí Boh aby sme nepomreli." Mojžiš vošiel rovno do toho ohnivého stĺpa. Vidíte?

176 A povedal teraz, On povedal: No, už viacej nebudem ku ním takto hovoriť, Ja im dám proroka." Vidíte? A takto to On vždy robil. Vidíte? Povedal: „Nech oni ..." Ale tento prorok musel mať toto Slovo. Ak je on zastretý tradíciou, Boh ho nikdy neposlal. Ak je zastretý Slovom, Boh to potvrdí. Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. Mojžiš im hovoril a Boh to vykladal. Amen.

177 Mojžiš povedal: „Pán tak povedal!" A Pán urobil presne to čo povedal. To ukázalo, že to je pravda.

178 No On povedal: „Teraz, Mojžiš, ty rozumieš, ľudia teraz rozumejú." Vidíte? „Ukázal som ťa, potvrdil som ťa." Boh sa zastrel v tomto prorokovi aby hovoril svoje Slovo ľuďom. Mojžiš bol pre nich živým Bohom, živým Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Preto bola jeho tvár zastretá. Vidíte?

179 A viete, že to isté je dnes zastreté v skutočnom kresťanovi pred neveriacimi? Oni vidia tie ženy s dlhými vlasmi a so všetkým a hovoria: „Pozrite sa na ten starý model." Ženy si zakrúcajú hore vlasy takto vzadu. Ľudia hovoria. „Majú spľasknutú pneumatiku, rezervu." Vidíte? To je všetko zaclonené. Oni sú slepí. „Dobre." Oni hovoria, „Ja mám doktorát Ph.D.L ..." Nestarám sa o to čo ty máš, stále si neoboznámený so Slovom. Presne tak. „Oh to je niečo nepodstatné. Ja ..." Nauč sa prv tie malé lekcie.

180A čo s ľuďmi, ktorí hovoria, že sú zastretí v prítomnosti Božej a kážu nejakú cirkevnú tradíciu? Ó, milosrdenstvo Božie! Ktorá dodáva alebo odoberá a všetko možné, ako vštepovanie ich vlastných úvah a ich vlastných myšlienok a nie Slovo Božie. Vidíte? Čo je to za opona? To je náboženská opona. Boh doširoka roztrhol tú oponu!

181 Oni hovoria: „Nieto niečo také ako proroci. V týchto posledných dňoch nieto niečo také ako apoštolovia a proroci. Nieto niečo také ako Božské uzdravovanie. Nieto už viacej niečo také ako vidiaci. Nieto niečo také ako vyplňovanie sa toho, čo je v Markovi 16. Apoštolský vek skončil." Oni to zastreli pred ľuďmi ale Boh otvorene vystúpil s ohňom svojho Ducha Svätého a roztrhol tie veci od vrchu do spodku. Boh roztrhol tú oponu.

182 Mojžiš bol tou oponou, to živé Slovo Božie zakryté za ľudským telom. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol v Mojžišovi, samozrejme, hovoril to čo malo byť neskoršie zakryté za kožami. Vidíte?

183 No, to - Slovo, Slovo bolo predvedené, potom bolo napísané, potom bolo položené za to a stále bolo zakryté, lebo Boh bol stále v tom Slove. Amen! On je stále Slovo. On bol v tom Slove. Preto to Slovo muselo byť zakryté.

184 Ó, brat, sestra, rozumiete to? Pozrite! Či to nevidíte? To bolo zakryté cez tieto veky, podľa toho čo povedal Boh a bude to otvorené v posledných dňoch, týchto sedem pečatí bude zlomených a celá tá vec sa stane viditeľná pre ľudí, čo sa dialo po celý čas. V hodine posolstva siedmeho anjela majú byť oznámené všetky tajomstvá Božie v tom Eliášovi, v tejto poslednej hodine: ako je Kristus vystrčený zo svojej cirkvi ako Syn Boží; ako sa On znovu zjavil ako Syn človeka; ako má byť cirkev daná do poriadku a všetko na ten posledný deň, žiadne vyznania, žiadne denominácie, len absolútne Slovo žijúce v danom jednotlivcovi. „Ja jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Tohoto vezmem a toho zanechám." Vidíte? Tam nie sú žiadne procesie, žiadne denominácie, žiadne poviazania ani nič také. To je to srdce s Bohom a s Ním samým. Vidíte?

185 Všimnite si, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Mojžiš bol to Slovo, hovoril to čo neskoršie malo byť dané za jazvečiu kožu. Tak to ... Tak je Kristus naším Mojžišom. Kristus je náš Mojžiš. On bol Boh zahalený v ľudskom tele, zahalený v ľudskosti, v tele. Je to tak. A On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On bol zahalený tými jazvečími kožami. On bol zahalený. A teraz bol zahalený v človeku. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, „ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek. On je stále Kristus, zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň, zahalený v ľudskom tele. Slovo Božie.

186 To pomazanie, to je osoba. Slovo Kristus znamená „Ten pomazaný." Vidíte? „Ten pomazaný." Potom Mojžiš bol Kristus na svoj deň, on bol ten pomazaný. Jeremiáš bol Kristus na svoj deň, s porciou Slova na ten deň.

187 Ale keď prišiel Ježiš, On prišiel ako Vykupiteľ, Ten pomazaný. A to bolo oboje Mojžiš a všetko to, čo bolo v Mojžišovi a celé Slovo a celé Božstvo telesne bolo v Ňom. Preto celá chrámová opona bola roztrhnutá a trón milosti sa stal dokonale viditeľný. On bol Ten pomazaný.

188 Všimnite si. Teraz tá opona v ľudskom tele, to zasľúbené Slovo na tento vek musí byť tiež zakryté. Všimnite si! Členovia cirkvi, ktorí milujú hriech a hriešnici to nemôžu vidieť kvôli tej ľudskej opone.

189 Preto ľudia nemohli vidieť Jeho. „Aha, On je človek. Odkiaľ prišiel? Aký má členský preukaz? Do akej cirkvi patrí?" (Chcem o tom dnes večer hovoriť, do akej cirkvi On patrí? Vidíte?) A tak, vidíte, „Do akej cirkvi On patrí? Do akej skupiny? Akú má školu? Aké má vzdelanie? No, tento muž sa podľa tradície narodil, podľa legendy, ktorá tu okolo Neho koluje, tento človek sa nenarodil zo svätého manželského zväzku. Skutočne, On je z diabla!" Vidíte? „On je z diabla! On sa nenarodil zo svätého manželského zväzku. A Jozef si ju vzal aby ju zachránil pred ukameňovaním, pretože ona bola cudzoložnica. A ten človek tu chodí a chce povedať nám kňazom, čo máme robiť?"

190 A Boh tam stál a zjavoval to Slovo, volal: „Môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil?" Oni spievali v chráme práve tie piesne, ktoré im pred rokmi zložil Dávid, ktoré poukazovali na Krista. „Počítam všetky svoje kosti a oni hľadia na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky a moje nohy." A oni tam stáli, spievali to a tam na kríži práve zomieral ten Človek. A keď to dospievali a ...

191 Keď On zomrel, Boh neba zostúpil, tak ako to urobil na hore Sinaji, so svätým ohňom a prepálil tú oponu od vrchu až do spodku, roztrhol ju na dvoje, a čo oni mohli uvidieť? Pozreli sa tam cez chrámové okno, na Golgotu a tam bol Boh jasne viditeľný, tá obeť.

192 Ale oni to nevidia ani dnes. Boh v tomto poslednom dni roztrhol tieto tradície a priniesol Slovo na tento vek rovno jasne viditeľne a oni to stále nevedia. Oni to proste nevedia. Je to príliš jednoduché! Vidíte? To je proste tak jednoduché, to je tak ďaleko od vecí tohto sveta.

193 Kázal som raz na jednom zhromaždení na tému „byť šraubnutí - blázon." V jednom z týchto dní chcem o tom hovoriť, „byť šraubnutí." My sme všetci pre niekoho šraubnutí, tak ja budem šraubnutý do Krista. Pavel povedal, že ho pokladali za blázna. Skutočne, musíte takí byť. Vidíte? Aby veci držali spolu treba na to šraub. Vidíte? Je to tak.

194 Tak, všimnite si, opona ľudského tela. Poznať ... no, ľudia, ktorí milovali hriech to nemohli vidieť. Títo tradične nábožní ľudia, oni to nemohli vidieť, pretože On bol človek. Prečo? To ľudské telo skrývalo Boha.

195 No, keby On bol zostúpil ako veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, vidíte, veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý by prišiel dole a ukázal im kto On je, že On je tento veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, tomu by mohli uveriť, keby Jehova prechádzal okolo. Ale vidíte čo On urobil, že mohol prejsť okolo tých chytrých, múdrych ľudí, On sa proste zjavil tak, ako to zasľúbil Mojžišovi. Vidíte? „Ja budem ku ním hovoriť cez proroka." A On bol Syn človeka, prorok. A niektorí z nich to rozpoznali, asi jedna stotina percenta z jednej stotiny ľudí na svete, oni tomu verili. Tí ostatní nie, ale On bol proste taký istý.

196 Ale tam stál Mocný Boh jasne viditeľný, trón milosti. On zomrel keď jeho vlastné deti hovorili ... Jeho vlastné deti tam hovorili: „My Ho nechceme! Preč s Ním!" Pľuli na Neho.

197 Predobraz, dávno predtým, keď Dávid opúšťal chrám, odmietnutý kráľ. Išiel po ulici a malý, chromý človek išiel krívajúc okolo, nikdy ho nemal rád nazýval ho „starý pokrytec" alebo tak nejako, pľul mu rovno do tváre. A ten strážca vytiahol meč a povedal: „Či nezotnem tomu psovi hlavu, pľuje na môjho kráľa?"

198 Dávid povedal: „Nechaj ho tak, Boh mu to povedal." A Dávid možno nevedel čo povedal. Vyšiel hore na vrch, pozeral sa naspäť a plakal.

199 Za osemsto rokov potom, Syn Dávidov vyšiel na ten istý vrch, pozeral sa, plakal nad Jeruzalemom, odmietnutý Kráľ. A oni mu pľuli do tváre.

200 Nevidíte to? To je to isté. Vidíte ako sa to Slovo postupne vyplňuje, ako to s tým dnes ide? Stále je to odmietnuté tou väčšinou a menšina tomu verí.

201 No, vidíte, oni tomu nemohli veriť. Tí Gréci, oni Ho nemohli vidieť, On bol v ľudskom chráme. „Prečo," povedali, „tento muž sa nazýva Ježiš, On pochádza z Nazaretu."

202 No, oni v tých dňoch mávali len jedno meno, ako Ján, Jakub. Oni hovorili: „Ján z Jeffersonville, Jakub z New Albany," alebo tak nejako. Viete.

203 Oni povedali: Toto je Ježiš z Nazaretu. Všeobecne sa verí, že jeho matka otehotnela od nejakého vojaka." Vidíte? A potom, to je presne to, čo oni verili. Skutočne! A oni povedali: „No a toto je Ježiš z Nazaretu." Vidíte? „Kto On je?" Vidíte? Oni tomu nemohli rozumieť. Ale prečo?

204 Toto Slovo na ten deň, On kázal a povedal: „Skúmajte Písma, Vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život a oni svedčia kto som. Ak nemôžete veriť mne, zabudnite na mňa, ako na oponu, verte tomu Slovu, ktoré sa prejavuje. Treba dvoch svedkov," povedal: „Ja hovorím a Otec hovorí a potvrdzuje ma." Amen. Je to tak.

205 Ja hovorím Slovo na tento deň a Otec to potvrdzuje. No, je to pre vás svedectvo? Je. Vidíte? Takto to má byť vyplnené.

206 Všimnite si teraz v 2. liste Korinťanom, to ... v 2. liste Korinťanom 3. kapitola a 6. verš, ten starý chrám bol prístreškom pre Boha, kde bol ukrytý pred židmi za starými kožami. Keď tá stará opona bola roztrhnutá, židia stále ... slepí na to, kto On bol a Kto je. A potom Letnice zjavili kto je ten pravý a živý Boh, keď tá opona bola roztrhnutá nadvoje, Boh ju roztrhol od vrchu. Prečo sa tá opona roztrhla? Prečo sa to stalo?

207 Prečo dnes prišlo také posolstvo aby urobilo to, čo urobilo? Prečo to prišlo? Prečo?

208 Tu pred nedávnom mi chcel niekto zavolať, chcel sa so mnou rozprávať o cirkevnom veku, že „Boh je vo svojej svätej cirkvi," a o takýchto veciach. A zistil som, že to bola nejaká žena kazateľka a ja som proste na to zabudol. Vidíte? Keby to bol nejaký muž to by bolo v poriadku, to by bolo iné. Ale tak ... ale aký to má význam, ísť rovno tam do inej krajiny, keď kvôli tomu by som musel opustiť zhromaždenie tu? Vidíte? Tak som ich proste nechal tak. Slepí vodcovia slepých, oni všetci spadnú do jamy.

209 Tak v tomto veku, keď tá stará denominačná a tradičná opona bola strhnutá z Božieho Slova, tak sa to mohlo zamanifestovať! Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Tradícia hovorí: „Všetky tieto veci pominuli." (Nech to vsiakne trochu hlbšie!) „Tie veci pominuli." Ale v tom poslednom dni, tá tradičná opona bola roztrhnutá na dvoje a tu stojí ten Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidíte? On je tu, manifestuje Slovo na tento deň. Opona je roztrhnutá! No, svet, oni tomu stále neveria. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, oni to nevidia. Oni to nevidia. Nebolo to poslané pre nich.

210 Pamätajte, Syn Boží nebol zjavený Sodome. Dvaja poslovia boli. Je to pravda.

211 Ale sám Boh v ľudskom tele bol zjavený Abrahámovi, vyvolenému. A dávajte pozor čo On urobil aby zjavil Seba samého. A teraz, Abrahám poznal, keď On vedel čo si Sára myslela, hoci bola za Jeho chrbtom, on povedal, nazval Ho „Elohim, tvoj sluha ..."

212 Všimnite si teraz, tak to môže byť zamanifestované. Po všetky tie roky bolo Slovo pre ľudí zastreté oponou: „To sa nemôže stať."

213 Pamätáte sa na kázeň ktorú som kázal ráno toho dňa, keď som prvý krát odišiel odtiaľto, o Goliášovi a Dávidovi? Povedal som: „Pozrite sa tam na tú výzvu, hovorí že dni zázrakov pominuli." Všímajte si tie posolstvá na páskach ako oni prichádzajú, pozorujte každú jednu, ako to prichádza a stáva sa to jasnejšie a jasnejšie; ak máte uši aby ste počuli, (Vidíte?) oči aby ste videli. Dávajte pozor! Povedal som: „Tam stojí ten veľký nábožný svet, oni hovoria, že v tomto vedeckom veku sa To nemôže stať." Ale ja som povedal ... Boh, v tom svetle, predtým to ešte nebolo odfotené. Vtedy tam dole pri rieke to nebolo odfotené, oni to vôbec neodfotili. Vidíte? Povedal som: „On mi povedal, že toto sa stane, On zavolá a to volanie preletí cez všetky národy."

214 A ešte aj doktor Davis povedal: „Ty, so základnou školou, vychodil si len sedem tried a budeš sa modliť za kráľov a monarchov a začneš prebudenie, ktoré prejde cez všetky národy?

Povedal som: „To je to čo On povedal."

215 A to sa stalo. Vidíte? Skutočne, to sa stalo. To hlavné na tom je to, že On nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. On to vyložil. Vidíte? On to už vyplnil, to sa samé vykladá. Vidíte? Volá svojich vyvolených, (Vidíte?) zo všetkých chodníkov života. No, to sa zamanifestovalo.

216 Povedal som ... Ten Dávid stál tam vonku, malý, nepatrný, chudý mládenec s prehnutým chrbtom a s prakom v ruke. A aha, Saul sa pozrel na neho, ten vedúci kazateľského združenia a povedal: „Ako, veď ty nie si ani vytrénovaný!" on povedal: „Počkaj, ak ti budem môcť udeliť titul Ph.D alebo niečo také." Položil na neho toto brnenie a on zistil, že to nepasuje na muža Božieho.

217 Povedal: „Zlož to zo mňa." Povedal: „Ja o tom nič neviem. Nechaj ma ísť podľa toho ako to ja viem, s tým s čím som premohol leva, s čím som premohol medveďa." On bol takým lesným mužom. On povedal: „Nechaj ma takto ísť."

218 A tento Goliášisko povedal: „Či posielate psa aby so mnou bojoval? Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a zavesím tam hore tvoju mŕtvolu a dám ju zožrať vtákom."

219 Dávid povedal: „Ty ideš proti mne ako filištín v brnení a s kopijou a ja idem proti tebe v mene Pána Boha Izraelovho." Pozorujte toho proroka. Dávid povedal: „Dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu z tvojich pliec." Amen. Ó! On vedel čo mal. Komu veril a bol plne presvedčený, že On je schopný dodržať to čo zasľúbil. Vidíte? Tak každopádne sa to vyplnilo.

220 To staré porekadlo: „Dni zázrakov pominuli," tie múry sú zrútené. Jehova stojí stále celkom viditeľný, manifestujúci svoje Slovo, Ten odostretý. Je to tak.

221 Všimnite si, tá pohanská cirkev bola tiež zaslepená tou oponou, potom keď ona bola roztrhnutá a ukázala Boha, tá opona nábožnosti. Ako? Tým že znovu zakrýva Slovo v ľudskej bytosti. To je presne to čo Izrael nedokázal vidieť. Keby bol prišiel anjel alebo niečo také, Izrael by tomu uveril, ale keď to bol ... To nemohol byť anjel, to musel byť človek! Amen. Boh nemôže porušiť svoje Slovo. V posledných dňoch to znovu musí byť to isté. Vidíte? Čo zaslepilo Izrael? Ten človek. „Ty si človek a robíš sa Bohom." Preto Ho oni zabili. A dnes, pretože to posolstvo prichádza cez človeka a nie cez anjelov! Vidíte? Boh nemôže zmeniť svoj spôsob jednania, zmeniť svoje Slovo. On povedal, že On sa nemení. Vidíte?

Všimnite si, pohania sú dnes tak isto zaslepení ako bol Izrael. Kvôli čomu? Kvôli tej záclone. Boh zahalený v ľudskej bytosti zaslepil Izrael. Všimnite si, ako každý zaslepený ... Jedného to zaslepí, druhému to zjaví pravdu. Niektorým To zavrie oči a iným ich otvorí.

222 Pozrite sa! Ježiš sa postavil a povedal: Tvoje meno je Šimon a meno tvojho otca je Jonáš."

On povedal: „Pane Bože!"

Filip ... on povedal: „Ako si vedel?"

On povedal: „Hľa izraelita v ktorom nieto ľsti!"

A on povedal: „Rabi, kedy si ma poznal?"

223 On povedal: Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

224 On povedal: „Rabi, Ty si ten Syn Boží. Ty si kráľ Izraelov."

225 Ale stáli tam iní ľudia a povedali: „On je Belzebub." Vidíte? Čo to robilo? Jedným to otvorilo oči a druhých to oslepilo. Čo povedali tí kňazi? „Aha, ten človek je Belzebub!"

226 Táto obyčajná žena povedala: „Ja viem, že príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Pomazaný." vidíte. „Ten pomazaný príde. My sme nemali prorokov už ... Ty musíš byť prorok. Ale ten pomazaný príde, očakávame na Neho. Toto sú posledné dni pre pohanov ... či pre židov." Povedala: „Toto sú posledné dni." Vidíte, „Toto sú posledné dni." Vidíte? Oboje, samaritáni aj židia očakávali na Mesiáša. Vidíte? Povedal: „Toto je jeho čas aby sa objavil. My vieme, že keď príde, On bude robiť tieto veci, On nám povie tieto veci."

On povedal: „To som Ja."

227 Jej oči boli otvorené, oči kňazov boli zaslepené. To je to čo evanjelium stále robí. Ono otvára niekomu oči, niekomu zjavuje pravdu, zatiaľ čo iných zaslepuje. Má dvojaký význam. Niektorí môžu zobrať to slnko a pozrieť sa rovno na to a odchádzajú slepí; iní to môžu zobrať a vykročiť s tým. To je ten rozdiel.

228 Ako sa to stalo v každom veku, Božstvo zahalené v ľudskom tele. Všimnite si, On sa zahalil, tí proroci boli božstvom, zahaleným. Oni boli Božím Slovom, je to pravda? Zacloneným v ľudskom tele. Tak oni nepoznali ani nášho Mojžiša, (vidíte?) Ježiša.

229 Všimnite si, zahalený za tými starými jazvečími kožami v tom starom chráme bolo Slovo, to bolo Slovo zamanifestované na kamenných doskách.

230 No, budem sa snažiť skončiť asi za dvadsať minút, ak budem môcť, prebrať to do pol dvanástej. Dávajte pozor, ak ste si všimli, prevrátil som tu niekoľko strán aby som ... aby to nebolo príliš dlhé. Viem, že vám je teplo a ste unavení.

231 Čo bolo tam v tom starom chráme tam za tou oponou? Čím bol Jehova? Čo bolo skryté tam vzadu? Čo skrývala tá opona? Ó, haleluja! Čo skrývala tá opona? Ona skrývala Slovo. Tá opona, tie staré jazvečie kože skrývali, skrývali Slovo pred ich telesnými očami. Za tým tiež boli chleby predloženia. Tam za tým bola tiež chvála Šekinah. Ale to všetko bolo pred nimi skryté. To všetko bolo skryté. Všetka sláva Božia bola hneď za tou starou jazvečou kožou, je to tak, všetko bolo skryté pred tým prirodzeným okom.

232 Dnes je to tiež tak. Nazývajú to „banda svätých, fanatici." Ale oni nevedia, čo je za tým ukryté. Je to tak. Oni to nevedia. Vidíte?

233 Potom keď Boh, v milosti, roztrhol pre nich tú záclonu aby videli, oni boli tak zapletení do svojich tradícií, že ... stále to bolo pre nich skryté až do tohto dňa.

234 Tak isto teraz! Sláva, moc Ducha Svätého, sláva Šekinah, ktorá prichádza na veriaceho, (Teraz mám na mysli skutočného veriaceho.) to spôsobuje skutky Božie a viera prichádza do neho aby veril Božiemu Slovu. To všetko je skryté pred ich očami, oni hovoria: „Tie dni pominuli." Vidíte, oni stále žijú za oponou. Vy už viacej nie ste za oponou, maličkí, Boh je pre vás celkom viditeľný!

235 Jedného dňa brat Fred Sothman a brat Tom Simpson (Neviem či sa mu sem podarilo dostať alebo nie), niekoľkí sme boli tam v baptistickom zbore. A ten kazateľ povedal niečo čo znelo celkom dobre, všetci sme povedali: „Amen." Každý v tom zbore natiahol krk a obzreli sa dozadu aby videli. Vidíte? Našli sme omrvinku, ktorá prišla tam spoza toho z chvály Šekinah, viete a boli sme radi, že sme to mohli dostať. A povedali sme, inými slovami: „Ďakujeme Ti, Pane!" Vidíte? A keď to oni urobili, títo ľudia boli tak zaclonení, že sa z nás proste smiali. Oni vôbec nevedeli, čo to je. Vidíte? Oni sú stále zaclonení. Tak niektorí sú vo vnútri a niektorí vonku. A tak ...

236 Ale Boh je pre nás celkom viditeľný, a pri tom skrytý. Tak isto teraz! Potom keď Boh, vo svojej milosti, roztrhol tú oponu, bol vystavený jasne na pohľad. Ale oni boli tak zamotaní vo svojich tradíciách, že On bol pred nimi naďalej skrytý. Tak isto je to teraz! Všetka tá chvála, skrytá, je skrytá pre nás v Kristovi, v Slove, ktorý je naším Chrámom.

237 Ó, teraz budem musieť trochu v tomto kopať hlbšie. Prepáčte mi dnes ráno za moje emócie, ale ó, tak dávno som toto chcel priniesť, ja ... to sa proste vo mne viaže. Vidíte?

238 Všimnite si, všetka sláva ktorá je v Bohu, je v Slove. Všetky požehnania, ktoré sú v Bohu, sú v Slove. Pre neveriaceho je to skryté skrze tradície. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Ale to je všetko v Kristovi. Všetko čím bol Boh, On sa vyprázdnil „kenos" a prišiel do Krista; a my, v Kristovi, ššš (Brat Branham fúkol) sme za oponou ...

239 „Dobre, ja som v Kristovi." hovoríte. A potom veríš v troch bohov? Pokrstený vo meno „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého?" Veríš vo všetky tieto tradície a v podania starších? Nie, ty si stále za oponou. Rozumiete? Vojdite do ten opony. On - Kristus je Slovo. Ako?

240 „Ja neverím v Božské uzdravovanie. Ja neverím v tieto zázraky a v takéto veci."

241 Dobre, vidíš? Ty nie si vo vnútri, v tej opone, ty o tom nič nevieš. Vidíte? Kristus je Slovo! A keď sme v Slove, sme v Kristovi. A ako môžem byť v Kristovi a zapierať Krista? To je On, ktorý povedal: „Ani jedno Slovo nebude pridané ani odobrané z toho." Ako potom môžete z toho niečo odobrať alebo pridať? Vidíte? To vám ukazuje aká opona to pred vami skrýva. Vidíte?

242 My v Ňom ... Potom, keď sme v Ňom, stále sme zaclonení pre nábožných a učených ľudí tohoto sveta. Vidíte? Naša sláva, ktorú máme a z ktorej sa radujeme, pre tých vonku sme stále zaclonení. Oni si znovu myslia, že sme blázni a šrauby. Vidíte? Vidíte? Je to tak. Ale my, ktorí sme tu, v Kristovi, pokrstení do Neho 1. Korinťanom 12, v Neho, sme účastníci tejto slávy. Vidíte? Ale nie navonok, stále sa dívate dovnútra, zapierate to. Vidíte?

243 Tak teraz sme pozvaní do Neho aby sme boli účastníci všetkého toho čo je On. Sme pozvaní do Neho, a to je skryté pred neveriacimi oponou ľudského tela. Rozumiete? Oni poznajú tú slávu, čítajú o tom, to je tu v Slove, o sláve Božej a o takýchto veciach, pre nich je to len slovo. Pre nás je to manifestácia! Vidíte? To už viacej nie je slovo, je to skutočnosť! Amen!

244 Boh povedal: „Buď svetlo!" To bolo slovo, ale teraz je svetlo. To nie je slovo, to je svetlo. Rozumiete, čo tým chcem povedať?

245 No, pre nás to nie je len napísané slovo, to je skutočnosť. My sme v Ňom. Teraz sa z Neho radujeme, hľadíme na Neho, teraz Ho vidíme - Slovo, manifestujúce Jeho samého. To je skryté, pred tými tam vonku, pretože, prečo? To je zaclonené v ľudskom tele. Vidíte?

246 Ó, oni hovoria: „Tá banda ľudí, kde chodili do školy? Aké majú vzdelanie? Odkiaľ prišli? Do akej skupiny patria?" Vidíte, oni to nerozumejú.

247 Jeden človek povedal raz druhému, povedal: „Aby si bol kresťan musíš patriť do nejakej denominácie."

248 On povedal: „Ja som kresťan, ja nepatrím ani do jednej z nich." Povedal: „Boh zobral zo mňa túto rakovinu," povedal: „čo si teraz o tom myslíš?" To bol doktor. Povedal: „Ukáž mi kde to robí denominácia." Vidíte? No dobre. Vidíte, to je stále zaclonené.

249 My sme vo vnútri Krista. Teraz, ako vtedy, všetci skutoční veriaci Ho vidia, Slovo zasľúbenia na tento deň, otvorene zamanifestované. To je veľké slovo ak to môžete porozumieť. Vidíte, vidíte? Všetci ozajstní veriaci, ktorí sú v Slove, vidia otvorene Boha, opona je roztrhnutá a Boh stojí otvorene pred vami, zamanifestovaný. Vidíte? Boh otvorene zamanifestovaný!

250 Aby toto urobil, naša stará denominačná tradičná opona musí byť znovu roztrhnutá. Aby sme skutočne videli čo to je musíte vyjsť z tých vecí. Rozumiete? Nikdy to neuvidíte; oni budú stále pred vás zaťahovať tú oponu, zakaždým. „Ó, na tom nič nie je." Ale tu je napísané a tu sa to zamanifestovalo. Vidíte, vidíte?

251 No, čo keby niekto odmietal vidieť slnko, hovoril by: „Ó, viem, že Boh povedal - Buď svetlo - ale nič také nie je. Ja idem dole do pivnice. Ja sa proste odmietam na to dívať." Taký človek je blázon. Niečo nie je s ním v poriadku.

252 S takým mužom alebo ženou je niečo zlé, keď môžu vidieť zasľúbenie Božie a vidieť to zamanifestované a potom odmietajú tomu veriť, pretože denominácia zaťahuje oponu. Vidíte. Zatiahnuté!

253 Aby sme toto mohli vidieť, naša denominačná tradičná záclona musí byť zlámaná ohňom a mečom Božieho Ducha, ktorým je jeho Slovo. Jeho Slovo je stále jeho meč. Vidíte? On zobral v ten deň svoj meč, plný ohňa a roztrhol tú oponu od vrchu dole. On dnes robí to isté, tým istým mečom! Nie moje vyznanie, nie moja kniha vyznaní, nie môj katechizmus, ale meč Pánov. Roztrháva tú oponu a vy vidíte Boha vystaveného jasne na pohľad, zamanifestovaného vo svojom Slove. Čo za slávny pohľad, dívať sa na to! Rozumiete? Dobre. Boží Duch Svätý a oheň, jeho meč to roztrháva. Slovo roztrháva tú denominačnú oponu.

254 Čo keby ste povedali len Slovo, a to Slovo nefunguje? Na čo by vám tu bol meč ak vravíte: „Nemôže rozseknúť." Poviete: „Ach, on to nerozsekne."

255 Ale keď tam dáte ten Boží meč a vidíte ako rozsekáva, drží ho ruka na to určená. Ktorá je na to poslaná. Vidíte? Rozpára to a tam Ho máte. To ukazuje Boha jasne pred nami, toho veľkého Jehovu. To je jeho zamanifestované Slovo, tá časť, ktorá bola zasľúbená na tento deň. Rozumiete to? Vidíte? Keď ten meč, to čo je zasľúbené na dnes, na tento deň, to čo má byť dnes a Boh berie svoj meč a trhá tú denominačnú záclonu a odťahuje ju a manifestuje sa a ukazuje, že On je tam. Stále ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp! Všimnite si, to je zamanifestované Slovo podľa zasľúbenia na dnes.

256 Vidíme to ako Peter, keď povedal: „Pane, ku komu pôjdeme, keď sme toto videli?" Kde by sme išli? Do akej cirkvi by sme sa mali pripojiť, keď sme sa narodili v jednej? Vidíte? Čo by ste mali ... Do akej denominácii by ste mali vstúpiť, keď viete, že toto je pravda. Vidíte? Keď každá jedna z nich to zapiera. Každá jedna! Nepoznám ani jednu, ktorá by o tom hovorila niečo dobré. Je to tak. Je to tak.

257 Začal som tu tieto misijné cesty a na jednom mieste bolo štyridsať dva cirkví, ktoré to sponzorovali, keď som tam prišiel nemal som ani jednu. Každý z nich hovoril: „On verí vo večnú istotu." To odsunulo odtiaľ tých zákonníkov. Jeden povedal: „On krstí vo meno Ježiš." To spravilo, že odišli všetci tí ostatní. Vidíte? Jeden z nich povedal: „On verí v semeno hada. Had nemá žiadne semeno!" To spravilo ...

258 Biblia hovorí: „Ja položím nepriateľstvo medzi jej semenom a semenom hada."

259 Vidíte? Tá opona bola odtiahnutá zo Slova. Vidíte? Je to tak. To je zjavené nemluvňatám. Je to odtiahnuté, oni to vidia. Bude to tak ako to raz bolo povedané ... Je to tak, potom to bude tak ako to raz bolo povedané: „Keď vidíte ..." Keď je táto opona odstránená zo Slova, tie tradície sú odstránené zo Slova, ako raz povedal Ježiš: „Keď vidíte mňa, vidíte Otca." Vidíte? Boh a jeho Slovo sú jedno. Rozumiete teraz? Keď sa to Slovo zamanifestovalo, čo to je? Vidíte?

260 Ježiš povedal: „Skúmajte písma, vy si myslíte že máte ... Veríte v Boha, verte aj vo mňa. Ak nerobím skutky svojho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak činím tie skutky ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Keď vidíte mňa, videli ste Otca."

261 A keď vidíte, že Slovo sa zamanifestovalo, vidíte Otca, Boha, pretože to Slovo je Otec. To Slovo je Boh. A zamanifestované Slovo je sám Boh, ktorý berie svoje vlastné Slovo a manifestuje ho medzi veriacimi. Nič ho nemôže oživiť iba veriaci, len veriaci. To nie je ... To nebude ...

262 Môžete zobrať pšenicu a zasadiť ju do inakšej pôdy, ona nevyrastie. Ale čo? V tej pôde musí byť určitá úrodnosť aby zobudila pšenicu. A ak nie je ... Ak je ... ak v pôde nie je tá úrodnosť, pšenica nevyklíči, nebude rásť. Tak bez ohľadu kde padá Slovo, ak nepadne do toho správneho druhu srdca ...

263 Ježiš tak povedal: „Niektoré padli vedľa cesty, na skalnatú pôdu a vtáci prišli a pozobali ich." A potom povedal: „Niektoré spadli medzi tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré vyrástli a hneď ich zadusili." Tradície, denominácie, starosti tohto sveta to zadusili. Ale povedal: „Niektoré padli do dobrej pôdy a priniesli stonásobnú úrodu," povedal, „tak je to s kráľovstvom Božím."

To je to isté. Vidíte? Niektorí vôbec nebudú veriť.

264 Niektorí budú chvíľu veriť. Ako tí učeníci, oni Ho nasledovali, mnohí, tí sedemdesiati Ho nasledovali roky, aby zistili, asi rok a pol, alebo dva roky, len aby zistili, či môžu na Ňom niečo nájsť, niečo ... či má nejaký zvláštny spôsob, nejakú moc, že robí tieto veci, nejakú kúzelnú zajačiu labku, či nie je nejakým čarodejníkom, ako to že môže robiť takéto veci, ako môže vedieť čo je v ľudských srdciach a o čo ľudia myslia. A nakoniec zistili, že povedal, že prišiel dole z neba, že On je Slovo samo." A keď to počuli, to bolo pre nich príliš veľa, povedali: „Toto nikto nedokáže pochopiť." A odišli od Neho. To sú tí, ktorí padli medzi tŕne.

265 To prichádza naspäť do toho istého, v každom zhromaždení, máte ľudí, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, potom neveriacich a veriacich. To je v každom zhromaždení. Nájdete ich po celý čas. Niektorí z nich vyzerajú akoby boli veriaci, to je ten najhorší druh. A potom sú tí, ktorí sú skutočne neveriaci, taký vás nebude trápiť, on proste odíde preč a bude kývať hlavou. Ale tí, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, hovoria že sú veriaci, to je ten druh na ktorých si musíte dávať pozor, to sú tí ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich. A potom sú skutoční veriaci. Vidíte tam tých troch?

266 Tam boli neveriaci. Len čo On povedal: „Jedzte telo syna človeka," ó, človeče, to bolo to!

267 Tí ďalší boli, ktorí sa pretvarovali za veriacich. Oni zostali až (presne ako to urobil Judáš) až do konca.

268 Ale potom tí skutoční veriaci, oni to nedokázali vysvetliť, ale jednako tomu verili. Oni prešli cez všetko.

269 Keď tá opona, tradícia neveriacich je odstránená, vidíte Boha. Keď je tá opona tradícií odstránená, môžete vidieť, že Boh je stále Bohom svojho Slova. On stále dodržuje svoje Slovo. On je Boh, autor svojho Slova, ktoré je pre ostatných skryté za koženými oponami. Áno, je to tak. Pre tých, ktorí nemôžu vojsť za tú oponu, je On stále za koženými oponami.

270 Všimnite si, potom my - potom sa stávame časťou Neho, keď ste oponou, ktorá Ho zastiera, ste časťou Neho. Ak je Kristus vo vás, ako ... Kristus bol z Boha, pretože Boh bol v ňom, urobil Ho Bohom. A keď je Kristus vo vás, nádej chvály, stávate sa časťou Krista. „Ten kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, tiež bude činiť." Vidíte? Stávate sa časťou Krista pokiaľ je Kristus skrytý vo vás. Potom je to pre neveriaceho zaclonené, ale vy viete, že On je vo vás. Ste chrámom, v ktorom prebýva Kristus, za oponou, za kožou. Znovu opona, v ľudskom tele, skrýva Boha, Slovo pred neveriacimi.

271 Ako je napísané. Vidíte? Napísané: „Vy ste písanými epištolami," hovorí Biblia. A čo je epištola? To je „napísané slovo." A vy ste napísaným ... Inými slovami, keby ste to takto čítali, vy ... on povedal: „Vy ste napísanými epištolami," alebo „Vy ste slovom, ktoré bolo napísané, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo." Nič nemôže byť do toho pridané. Nemôžete povedať: „Ja som písanou epištolou" a potom žiť podľa niečoho iného a nie podľa toho, čo Toto už napísalo, pretože nič nemôže byť pridané ani odobrané.

272 Ako doktor Lee Vayle píše túto vynikajúcu knihu, chcem aby ste si ju potom pozreli, zanedlho. Brat Vayle je tu, niekde dole. Videl som ho vonku, myslím, že sa mu nepodarilo dostať sa dovnútra. Ale on píše knihu, je to veľmi ohromujúce, o Laodicejskom veku. A chcem aby ste si ju ... zanedlho bude vytlačená, tak teraz robíme na nej poslednú kontrolu. A bolo napísané, diskutovali sme o tom, viete, ohľadne ...

273 Všetci stále ku mne chodili a pýtali sa: „Brat Branham, tých sedem hromov, ktoré vydali svoj hlas a On povedal - nepíš toho (vidíte?) ale zapečať to - či to bude tých sedem hromov, ktoré budú zjavené v tých posledných dňoch? Sedem hromov, ktoré nám povedia?" No, nežnie to celkom dobre? Vidíte? Ale dávajte pozor o čom vravíte keď to hovoríte. On povedal: „"Hľaď aby si to nepísal." Vidíte? Týchto sedem hromov vydali svoje hlasy, vidíte, a On povedal: „Nepíš to, (Vidíte?) ale to musí byť zapečatené v tej knihe až do posledných dní."

274 No, niektorí mi hovorili, mnohí a teológovia povedali: „Brat Branham, ak Pán Boh ..." Povedali: „Či ty s tvojimi prežitiami, ktoré ti dal Pán pre jeho ľud," hovorím toto s pokorou, povedal: „ty by si bol schopný sám napísať Bibliu, tvoje slovo, ktoré Boh manifestuje."

275 Povedal som: „To by mohla byť pravda." Vidíte? On sa ma snažil nachytať. Vidíte? A ja som povedal: Ale vidíš, ja by som to nemohol urobiť."

On povedal: „Prečo by si to nemohol? Máš na to všetky kvalifikácie."

276 Povedal som: „Ale, pozri sa, nemôže byť pridané ani jedno slovo ani odobrané." Vidíte?

277 A on povedal: „Dobre, potom tých sedem hromov (Viete)." Povedal: „Či tých sedem hromov, ktoré zahrmia, či to nebude nejaké zjavenie, ktoré bude dané nejakému mužovi?"

278 Povedal som: „Nie pane, to by znamenalo niečo do toho pridať alebo niečo od toho odobrať." To je tam všetko zjavené a tých sedem pečatí otvorilo to zjavenie, čo to bolo. Vidíte?

279 To je stále v Slove. Vidíte? Nemôžete vyjsť z toho Slova. To neopustí to Slovo. A Boží Duch nikdy neopustí to Slovo. To bude stáť rovno na Slove, jedných to bude zaslepovať a iným otvárať oči. To stále tak bude.

280 Vy ste napísanými epištolami, čítaní od všetkých ľudí." Alebo „Vy ste naším ..." Preložte to, obráťte to takto, (Vidíte?) len to obráťte: „Vy ste epištole, ktoré boli napísané," pretože nič nemôžete do toho pridať, „čítané od všetkých ľudí." „Zamanifestované Slovo Božie," inými slovami. Aby sme to ukázali, Peter a Ján, keď tam prišli, oni poznali že sú neučení a prostí, nemali žiadne vzdelanie, ale si všimli, že oni boli s Ježišom. Vidíte? Oni boli neučení a prostí, ale boli napísanými epištolami, vidíte, čítali na nich, že boli s Ježišom, pretože Ježiš manifestoval cez nich seba samého, Kristus zaclonený v ich tele. Zamanifestovaný, oživený, tak ako bol v Mojžišovi.

281 Keď Slovo bolo v Mojžišovi, on bol Boh v tele. Keď bolo v Ježišovi, to bol Boh v tele. Vidíte?? Jediná vec, ktorú On urobil bolo to, že zmenil svoju masku, nie svoje Slovo, nie svoju povahu. On je ten istý včera dnes a naveky. On len zmieňal svoju podobu. On ju zmenil z Noeho na Mojžiša; On ju zmenil z Mojžiša na Dávida; z Dávida, Jozefa a tak ďalej až kým neprišiel do plnosti Božstva telesne. Rozumiete?

282 To je stále ten istý Boh! Amen! Amen! Dúfam že to rozumiete. Vidíte? To je ten istý Boh, ale On sa len zakrýva inou zásterou. Vidíte? Zakrýva sa inou zásterou.

283 On to robil v reformátoroch, zakryl sa zásterou, zakryl sa zásterou, až nakoniec to prichádza cez vek Luthera, ďalej cez ďalší vek a potom nakoniec to prichádza do Úplnosti. Tesne predtým ako To prichádza, znovu povstáva prorok. Keď sa to deje, to predzvestuje Slovo, ukazuje tam naspäť, zjavuje čo sa stalo, čo bolo vynechané, aby cirkev nebola bez porozumenia. Potom keď toto ustane, potom, ako to povedal Ján: „Ja sa musím menšiť a On musí rásť." Potom všetko vo všetkom vchádza do Neho. On je plne zamanifestovaný. Cez Luthera, Wesleya a Letničný vek a tak ďalej a tak ďalej. On je plne zamanifestovaný. Vidíte? Prichádza dole, len manifestácia, Boh odhaľujúci sa. Vidíte? No všimnite si, vyplnený vo svojich zasľúbeniach na tento deň, ako to oni mali.

284 No, Mojžiš bol Slovom tamtoho dňa, pretože mu bolo dané Slovo na tamten deň. Mojžiš. Jozef bol Slovom vo svojich dňoch, znázorňoval presne Krista. Vidíte? Každý jeden z nich bol Slovom.

285 A keď prišiel Ježiš, On bol Slovo v jeho plnosti, pretože celý plán vykúpenia ležal v Ňom. Celý plán vykúpenia neležal v Mojžišovi, neležal v Jozefovi, neležal v Eliášovi. Vidíte? Oni boli len časťou Slova, ukazujúci na to. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, rozmýšľajte, tu to prichádza, ako som povedal. Vidíte, celý plán nebol v nich. Oni na to ukazovali.

286 A tak teda po Ňom, po tej plnosti, my nemôžeme ukazovať na niečo iné, to ukazuje naspäť na Neho, na Slovo. [Brat Branham zodvihol Bibliu. - pozn.prekl.] Toto je kompletné zjavenie, nič ku tomu nemôže byť pridané ani z toho odobrané. To je kompletné zjavenie. To všetko, predobraz Jeho, ktorý mal prísť, ale keď On prišiel, On bol ten dokonalý. Židom 1 - „Boh za dávna hovoril ku otcom skrze prorokov," Boh hovoril cez zástery, cez prorokov, - „ale v týchto posledných dňoch cez svojho Syna Ježiša Krista." Tu to máte. Odhalený tam na Golgote, Syn Boží, odclonený.

287 Všimnite si, „oživil," a dnes, keď je Slovo zamanifestované v ľudských nádobách, zásterách, to je úplné Slovo vyplnené na daný deň, ktoré prichádza naspäť ku Bohu. Keď sme pokrstení v Neho, podľa 1. Korinťanom 12, stali sme sa zidentifikovaní s Ním. Amen!

288 Povedal som pol hodinu, ale môžem to trochu pretiahnuť? Dobre? Pozrite, nemôžem to tu proste vynechať. Všimnite si, zidentifikovaní s Ním!

289 Všimnite si teraz. Koľko je tu amerických obyvateľov? Zodvihnite ruku. Dobre, vy ste americký obyvatelia, potom ste zidentifikovaní s týmto národom. Musíte byť tým, čímkoľvek je tento národ. Je to tak? Vy ste všetkou jeho slávou a tiež všetkou jeho hanbou. Ste s ním zidentifikovaní. Keď ste američania, tak beriete na seba Ameriku. Halleluja!

290 Bol som s Georgem Washingtonom keď prešiel cez Delaware. Som s ním zidentifikovaný. Je to tak. Bol som s Abrahámom Linkolnom na Gettysburg Address. Ja som tam stál, bol som s vojakmi na Guam, s vami chlapci, keď ste vztýčili tú zástavu. Ja som tam bol. Ja som američan, ja som s tým zidentifikovaný. Amen. No, keď som Američan, akákoľvek je jej hanba v tej revolúcii, ja ju nesiem, pretože som Američan. Je to tak.

291 A ako kresťan, som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Amen! Bol som s Noem, keď vošiel do korábu. Bol som s Mojžišom, keď vyšiel z Egypta. Amen! Bol som s Eliášom na hore Karmel. Tak veru! Sláva Bohu! Bol som s ním keď to tam urobil. Bol som skutočne s Ním, identifikujúc sa v Jeho smrti tam na Golgote keď som zomrel veciam tohto sveta, sebe samému a všetkým tradíciám. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním vo Veľkonočné ráno keď vstal z mŕtvych. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním v deň Letníc, keď zostúpil dole Duch Svätý ako silný nesúci sa vietor. Bol som zidentifikovaný s Ním. Všetko čo bol On, som ja, všetko čo som ja, bol On; Amen. Keď sme mŕtvi v Ňom sme s Ním zidentifikovaní. Čo je On to som ja. Amen!

292 Čím je tento národ tým som aj ja. Som na to hrdý. Som pripravený niesť jeho hanbu, som pripravený niesť pohanu, keď som američan. Je to tak. A dvojnásobne od toho som pripravený niesť to pre Ježiša Krista! Všetko čo kedy bol On som ja. Rád som s Ním zidentifikovaný.

293 Tí apoštolovia, keď prišli naspäť, oni si mysleli ... ľudia sa z nich vysmievali a nazývali ich všetkým možným, oni to pokladali za veľkú česť niesť pohanenie pre Jeho meno.

294 Som šťastný, že dnes som jeden z nich, že som zidentifikovaný so Slovom, ktorým je Kristus. Zidentifikovaný s Ním! Pokrstený v Neho, stávame sa zidentifikovaní, zidentifikovaní v jeho podobe, zidentifikovaní s jeho Slovom, ktorým je On. Keď som v Kristovi, som jeho Slovom, lebo On je Slovo a to čo je On to som ja. Amen! Rozumiete tomu? Dobre.

295 Slovo zamanifestované alebo zjavené tam v tom zjavení. Čo mi to potom dáva? Ak je On tou chválou Shekinah, ja som časťou toho. Amen! Ó! Amen! Je to tak. Samo zjavené Slovo, zjavuje seba. Zamyslite sa! Tajomstvá Božie sú nám dané poznať v tomto dni skrze toho istého nebeského posla, ktorý to dal poznať im v tých dňoch. Všimnite si, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý poslal Mojžiša, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi, ktorý písal Bibliu. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý Pavel stretol na ceste do Damašku a Pavel napísal Nový Zákon.

296 Pamätajte, Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján, oni písali len to čo videli, ale Pavel mal zjavenie. On to vyniesol na svetlo, lebo on sám stretol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. A zamyslite sa, to isté ...

297 Tam, Jozef, oni všetci písali to čo sa dialo, každý písal vtedy v tom čase. Ale keď prišiel na scénu Mojžiš, on mal zjavenie. On stretol Ohnivý Stĺp a to bolo Mojžišovi zjavené, ako Genesis. On napísal prvé štyri knihy Biblie, Mojžiš. Je to tak? Lebo on stretol Boha vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa, zahaleného v Ohnivom Stĺpe.

298 Keď Ho Pavel stretol na ceste ... Učeníci písali to, čo Ho videli robiť, ale Mojžiš mal zjavenie. Odišiel dole do Egypta na tri roky a skúmal to a videl, že ten Boh Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového Zákona. Zjavenie. „Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu." Je to tak. Skutočne!

299 A zamyslite sa nad tým! Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý prišiel na tých ľudí, ktorí písali Bibliu, je ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je dnes tu a vykladá Bibliu! Amen! Ako mu za to ďakujeme! Ten istý! Aké uspokojenie, aká identifikácia! Som tak rád, že som v tom zidentifikovaný, neviem čo robiť. Račej by som bol zidentifikovaný v tom, než so všetkými baptistami, metodistami, presbyteriánmi, luteránmi a so všetkými ostatnými. Zidentifikovaní v tom Slove, kde leží Sláva Shekinah a zjavenie!

300 Ohnivý Stĺp sa zjavuje viditeľne medzi nami, identifikuje, že toto posolstvo je pravda, tak ako to urobil na hore Sinaj. Pamätajte, predtým ako vyšlo to pravé posolstvo, Mojžiš kázal a viedol ich von z Egypta ale tam predtým ako boli ustanovené tie skutočné prikázania, ako boli prinesené pečate, Boh prišiel dole pred ľudí a potvrdil, že Mojžiš bol poslaný od Neho, (je to tak?) v ohnivom stĺpe, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že ho videl v kríku a rozprával sa s Ním.

301 Ó, v týchto posledných dňoch vidieť ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp rovno medzi nami, ktorý hovorí to isté Slovo! Nie len to ale to vykladá tým, že to manifestuje a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Tak ľudia nemajú jedinú príčinu aby neverili, jedine že by úmyselne nechceli veriť a potom, „Ten kto úmyselne hreší, potom keď mu bolo dané poznať pravdu, nepozostáva žiadnej obeti za hriech."

302 Všimnite si, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol poslaný ku Mojžišovi a ku Pavlovi, ktorí napísali Bibliu, je teraz poslaný aby ju zjavil. Milosť Božia, nemeniaci sa Boh vyplňuje zasľúbenie z Matúša 28 - „Hľa ja som stále s vami," vyplňuje ev. Jána 14:12 - „Skutky ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť," vyplňuje ev. Lukáša 17:28-29 - V posledných dňoch sa zjaví Syn človeka." Vidíte? Vidíte? Malachiáš 4 - „Hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, ktorý prinavráti vieru ľudí naspäť do originálneho Slova." Vidíte ako toto ... Vidíte? Ó!

303 On zomrel aby nám zjavil samého seba. A teraz my zomrime sebe aby sme iným zjavili Jeho. Zomrime tradíciám a všetkému aby sme Jeho zjavili iným. Zomrime denomináciám aby sme Ho zjavili iným.

304 Všimnite si, ten starý chrám mal vo vnútri chválu Shekinah a to svetlo Shekinah bolo nad Slovom. Slovo je semeno, ono prinášalo chleby predloženia jedine pre veriacich. Na tej zmluve bola tiež krv; a krv to je voda, voda, ktorá oživuje to zrno, pšenicu, semeno, ktorým je Slovo.

305 Ako povedal Ježiš: „Ako Mojžiš vyvýšil medeného hada," a potom znovu povedal: „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného syna, aby každý kto verí v neho nezahynul." Mojžiš udrel tú skalu na púšti aby zachránil hynúci ľud, aby priniesol vodu. Boh udrel Ježiša aby z Neho priniesol Ducha pre hynúci ľud. Vyšla z Neho krv, ktorou je „voda umytia skrze Slovo," a táto voda prináša život semenu a to prináša chválu Shekinah, ktorá svietila na Slovo, ktoré prinášalo chlieb predloženia. A ten chlieb predloženia bol len pre vybraných ľudí. Je to pravda?

306 Teraz keď sa prelamujeme do tej opony, cez tú oponu, do Jeho prítomnosti, tam kde je Slovo, nie vyznanie, Slovo, tam vidíme chválu Shekinah, Shekinah, moc, Ducha Svätého, ktorý svieti na Slovo, privádza to zasľúbenie, ukazuje, že ste za záclonou. Amen!

Prešiel som cez tú roztrhnutú oponu, tam kde chvála nikdy neprestáva, Halleluja, Halleluja žijem v prítomnosti Kráľa. Prešiel som cez tú roztrhnutú oponu, tam kde chvála nikdy neprestáva, žijem v prítomnosti Kráľa.

307 Tá stará jazvečia koža, denominácie, to je roztrhnuté. Preboril som sa cez to do chvály Shekinah a vidím Slovo. Vidím ako sa pohybuje Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidím zamanifestované Slovo. To, čo On povedal, že bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, vidím to narastať. Vidím deti ako jedia ten chlieb Shekinah, ktorý prichádza z dozrievania toho Slova, tých ktorí tomu veria. Amen! Čo za nádherná hodina, v ktorej žijeme! Vidíte, tá chvála Shekinah bola nad Slovom a pod tým bol chlieb a bolo tam pokropenie krvou, ktoré tomu dáva vodu. Duch dáva Slovu život. A ... (Koľkí ste počuli pásku „Súdny proces"? Áno, mnohí.) Vidíte tam, je treba ... to Slovo musí rásť. Aby mohlo rásť, musí sa nachádzať v tom správnom druhu pôdy. Vidíte? A Boh dáva zasľúbenie a to naráža na to srdce, to nemôže sklamať!

308 Noe čakal sto dvadsať rokov. Abrahám čakal na to dieťa dvadsať päť rokov. Boh tak povedal, a tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte? Čo to je? To slovo tam bolo zalievané vierou, verili tomu a to prinieslo výsledky. To prinieslo syna, to prinieslo dážď, to prinieslo potopu, to prinieslo pannu, ktorá počala.

309 A prorok povedal: „Panna počne." Bez pochyby, že každé mladé dievča išlo a pripravilo si oblečenie pre svoje nemluvňa. Prečo? Tento prorok Izaiáš bol preukázaný prorok, potvrdený od Boha. A Pán povedal: „Panna počne. Dám im nadprirodzený znak, veľký znak, panna počne."

310 A všetci tí ľudia, tí veriaci, tak ako vy, oni to počuli povedať toho proroka, každé mladé dievča ... Každý muž povedal: „To bude moja dcéra. Tak veru." Každý išiel a kúpil topánočky a bodkované šatočky a všetko pripravil, pretože vedeli, že ona to bude mať. Tá generácia pominula, oni si mysleli: „To je preukázaný prorok, Bohom potvrdený, ako by mohol povedať niečo nesprávne? Musí to tak byť!"

311 Bolo to za osemsto rokov neskoršie, ale ona porodila to dieťa! „Nebo i zem pominú ale moje slová nepominú."

312 „A stane sa v posledných dňoch, povedal Boh!" Vidíte, tu sme. Svetlo nad Slovom. Ako svetlo slnka premieňa semeno z chvály do chvály, my sa tiež stávame viac podobní Jemu, keď žijeme v Jeho prítomnosti, ako On, sme upravení na Jeho požehnaný obraz, keď chodíme s Ním.

313 Pozorujte čo robí slnko. Zasadíte rastlinu, čo sa deje? To semeno hnije. Vo vnútri toho semena je život. Ten život vystupuje a prináša steblo. No, to nevyzerá ako to prvé. Tam je Luther, to bolo steblo. Dobre, steblo rástlo ďalej a potom ako viete prichádza klas. Vidíte, to bolo prebudenie Wesleya, to nevyzeralo ako tam to. Potom ďalej prichádza prebudenie letničných. Vidíte? Prinieslo krst Duchom Svätým. No dobre, čo sa stalo? Dávame na ten klas pleseň, on začína vyzerať zle, túto vec, tamtú vec, to nevyzerá ako Slovo, nie je to také ako to ostatné, nevyzerá to tak ako to originálne zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Ale Boh je stále tam aby to urobil presne také isté.

314 Všimnite si, čo to robí? To sa nakoniec vracia naspäť znovu do originálneho semena. Keď On prichádza vo forme Martina Luthera, keď prichádza vo forme Johna Wesleya, keď prichádza vo forme letničných, On mal v úmysle znovu zjaviť Seba samého, ako to isté semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme, Syna človeka. On sa zjavoval ako Syn Boží vo veku stebla a tak ďalej ale v tomto poslednom veku sa On musel znovu zjaviť ako Syn človeka. Rozumiete tomu? Dobre. Sformovaný ako na začiatku.

315 A čo dáva rast tomu steblu? Ono rastie po celý čas. To malé steblo rastie, stále to nie je také ako to originálne zrno. Ani posolstvo Luthera nebolo také. Nie. Pritom prichádzajú ďalšie posolstvá, Finney, Sankey, Knox, Calvin a ďalej, žiadny z nich, oni boli stále tým posolstvom ale čo to bolo? Oni nedostali úplné zjavenie toho, pretože to nebol ten čas. Nemôžete dostať na tom zrne klas skôr ako nastane jeho čas. Rozumiete? A potom nakoniec prichádza znovu naspäť to originálne semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme.

316 Vidíte? Boh postupuje presne podľa prírody. Vidíte? On sa narodil ako baránok, preto sa narodil vonku v jasliach. Baránky sa nerodia v posteli. Rozumiete? On bol vedený na Golgotu. Ovce sa vodia. Je to tak. Kozly ich vedú na zabitie, viete, to je jatka. Kozol ich vedie, ale oni musia byť vedené. Je to tak. Tak On bol vedený na zabitie, vidíte, pretože On bol baránok.

317 V prírode Ho všetko identifikuje. Preto sa On narodil v marci alebo v apríli; nie v decembri, On sa nemohol vtedy narodiť, v tom ročnom období je tam dvadsať stôp snehu. Nie žiadny slnečný boh ale On bol Syn Boží. Vidíte? Rímsky slnečný boh dvadsiateho piateho decembra, keď tam slnko prechádza na svojej dráhe a Imania mali cirkusy a nazývali to narodeninami slnečného boha a z toho spravili Syna Božieho. Nie, nie. On bol Syn Boží. Jeho narodeniny pasovali so všetkým ostatným v prírode. Presne.

Všimnite si teraz znovu ako ideme ďalej, zostalo nám trochu času.

318 Teraz do dokonalosti ... Potom keď sa sformovalo steblo, potom keď bol sformovaný klas, potom keď zrno prišlo do klasu, potom to musí prísť do dokonalosti, znovu naspäť do skutočného zrna. A pamätajte, to zrno musí byť opelené. Rozumiete? Ak nie je, nebude žiť. Vidíte? Žiadne, ktoré bolo pomimo tých posolstiev nikdy nepríde do života. Ono musí byť do toho opelené. Ale pamätajte, ten istý život, ktorý bol v steble je v zrne. On len dozrieva a prichádza naspäť. Vidíte? On sa zjavil ako čo? Syn človeka, zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Rozumiete tomu posolstvu

Tí Gréci mu povedali: „Chceme vidieť Ježiša."

319 On povedal: „Jedine keď padne pšeničné zrno do zeme." Vidíte? Tak to je.

320 No, ako sa On zjavil ďalej? V inej forme, v steble a v klase a tak ďalej a vo všetkých lístkoch a vo všetkom. Potom sa zjavil ako čo? Ten istý Duch ale v inej forme. Vidíte? Ale čo je poslednou fázou tej pšenice? Prichádza to naspäť do toho originálneho zrna. Je to tak?

321 A jeho služba prichádza od tých reformátorov znovu naspäť do originálneho Slova. Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi a On zasľúbil v Malachiášovi 4 prinavrátiť vieru ľudí naspäť do originálneho zrna. To ktoré padlo do zeme je tu také isté. To zrno prešlo cez všetko až sem. Ono vyrastá ako Syn Boží, teraz sa tu zjavuje ako Syn človeka a potom sa zjaví ako syn Dávidov na tróne. Vidíte tých troch synov, úplne presne. Ó, znovu ako originál!

322 No, to prichádza do dokonalej služby Jeho samého, nie nejakého človeka, nie nejakej denominácie (Ako oni pracovali tam cez ten vek. Vidíte?) ale On sám sa zamanifestoval, manifestuje sa podľa zasľúbenia a presne vyplňuje ev. Lukáša 17:28 a Malachiáša 4 a tak ďalej, Židom 13:8. V tom čase, aký to má byť čas? Keď to kráľovské semeno Abraháma očakáva zasľúbeného Syna. A všetky predobrazy sa musia vyplniť. A sám Boh sa ukázal vo forme ľudskej bytosti Abrahámovmu prirodzenému semenu pred tým zničením a Ježiš povedal, že tak isto bude s týmto kráľovským semenom predtým ako sa navráti zasľúbený Syn.

323 Všimnite si tú starú oponu, ktorá skrývala tú Slávu. Tie staré jazvečie kože, na tom nebolo krásy po ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví, tak isto ani na Jeho tele. Preto ľudia hovoria „Taký obyčajný, zhrbený človek?" Možno tridsať ročný a šedivý, so šedivou bradou, nič zvláštneho na pohľad. Biblia hovorí: „Nebolo na ňom krásy po ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví." On nevyzeral ako kráľ, stará jazvečia koža. Ale, ó, čo bolo vo vnútri!

324 A nejaká skupinka „svätých fanatikov" ako ich nazývajú, sedí spolu v takejto horúcej budove, neveľa krásy po ktorej by boli ľudia žiadostiví, ale čo je vo vnútri! Som si istý, že pred mnohými srdcami je to zakryté, vidíte. Vidíte?

325 V poriadku, navonok to nebolo nič, ale všetko bolo vo vnútri. Keď raz vojdete dovnútra, potom to uvidíte. Ako sa dostanete dovnútra? Potrasením rúk, pripojením sa? Nie. Že sa narodíte do toho. Keď zomriete, zbavíte sa svojej starej jazvečej koži (Vidíte?) svojho starého ja, aby ste sa dostali do toho nového. Vidíte? Keď opustíte tú starú jazvečiu kožu.

326 To svetlo Shekinah ne... Počúvajte, kazatelia! Kazatelia, chcem aby ste toto počúvali. Keď raz vo vnútri ... No chcem to povedať celkom prosto aby ste si boli istí, že to rozumiete. Keď sa raz nájdete vo vnútri za tou oponou, pod chválou Shekinah, to svetlo Shekinah nezoberie Slovo Božie a nezjaví, že Ježiš je veštec. Nie. Ako to robia dnes denominácie, že to je „mentálna telepatia, fanatik, Belzebub." Tá sláva Shekinah Ho tak nezjavuje.

327 Ale tá sláva Shekinah dáva dozrievať tomu semenu, ktoré je zasľúbené na túto hodinu, v Slove a ukazuje, že On je stále Ľalia z údolia. Ona rodí to semeno, Ľaliu z údolia, chlieb života, alfu a omegu, toho istého včera dnes i naveky. On je porciou pre veriaceho. Sláva Shekinah zjavuje veriacemu, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nie, že dni ... že On pominul a zomrel a všetko skončilo.

328 Tak priateľ, ak to tak veríš, ak to tak veríš, nikdy si nenarazil na chválu Shekinah. Ako by Ho chvála Shekinah mohla kedy zjaviť v troch osobách? Vidíte? Ako by Ho chvála Shekinah mohla kedy zjaviť, že ľudia majú byť pokrstení vo meno Otca, syna a Ducha Svätého, keď v Biblii nikto nikdy nebol takto pokrstený? Akoby Ho chvála Shekinah mohla ohraničiť len pre apoštolov, keď On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky?

329 Vidíte? Chvála Shekinah Ho manifestuje. Ona prináša Slovo zasľúbenia rovno pre vás. Preto On musel zacloniť Mojžišovu tvár, pretože v ňom bolo Slovo. On zaclonil Ježiša ako pokorného prostého človeka, aby nemohli vidieť Jehovu. A On sa zacláňa dnes v zemských nádobách, s chválou Shekinah. Navonok vyzerajú ako banda fanatikov, staré jazvečie kože. Ale vnútro skrýva v sebe Chválu Shekinah a ona dáva dozrievať chlebu predloženia, na ktorom sa hostíme a kvôli ktorému cestujeme cez celú krajinu, stovky míľ. Vidíte? To je pokrm veriacich. To je len pre veriaceho. Pamätajte, chlieb predloženia bol len pre veriaceho. Vidíte? Semeno chleba predloženia. Všimnite si, čo to robí? Tá chvála Shekinah nad chlebom predloženia ho chráni aby sa neskazil.

330 Pamätajte, tá manna, ktorá prichádzala z neba ona pretrvávala v chvále Shekinah od jednej generácie do druhej. Vonku za jednu noc sčervivela, zhnila. Je to tak?

331 Vonku pomimo chvály Shekinah „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Vidíte? To je všetko fanatizmus." Ale vo vnútri ...

332 Pozrite sa, v Egypte objavili v nejakej sýpke slnečnicové semeno, ktoré tam bolo uložené vo dňoch Jozefa, skoro pred štyritisíc rokmi. Jozef ho uložil do tej sýpky. Zasadili tie semená, oni žili. Prečo? Oni mali život.

333 Čo je dnes táto chvála Shekinah, vlámať sa za tú oponu aby ste videli kto je Boh, ktorý stojí pred vami? Aby sme videli kto je Boh, ktorý stojí tu pred nami? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, On je zaclonený v ľudskom tele. Ale čo to robí ... ? Čo to urobilo? To semeno chleba predloženia, Slovo, skrze ktoré žijeme v tomto dni skrze tieto zasľúbenia, tá chvála Shekinah dáva dozrievať tomu chlebu predloženia, spôsobuje že to sa vyplňuje, robí to chlebom pre veriaceho, ležalo to na stranách Biblie roky a roky, Slovo na tento vek.

334 Pre denominácie je to kameň úrazu. Pre denominácie, oni sa na tom potkýnajú. Cez všetky tie roky, Luther, Wesley, Martin Luther a všetci, Sankey, Finney, John Smith, Knox, všetci sa na tom potkýnali.

335 Ale čo sa má stať v tých posledných dňoch? Čo znamená zjaviť? „vyvolať do života." Čo má urobiť Malachiáš 4? Obrátiť ľudí naspäť od toho kameňa úrazu aby sa prelámali cez tradície a zjaviť chlieb s chválou Shekinah. Pozorujte ako to dozrieva a produkuje presne to čo bolo povedané, že to urobí. (Ó!) Chlieb predloženia na tento vek. Pre denominácie, kameň úrazu, banda fanatikov. Ale my, ktorí veríme ...

336 Ale teraz ako to zasľúbilo Zjavenie 10: „Všetky tajomstvá Božie, ktoré boli ukryté na týchto stranách po všetky tie roky, dozrú, prídu do života vo veku posolstva siedmeho anjela." Je to pravda? Čo On povedal pred rokom a pol, už to budú teraz okolo dva roky? „Choď do Tucsonu. Buď severne od Tucsonu, nastane veľký výbuch," A čo sa stane? Pečate budú otvorené. Pečate, ktoré zjavili tieto veci. Prichádzam naspäť presne ako to On povedal. Čo to je? To ukazuje, že to nemôže byť človek. To stále dokonale pasuje, tak presne ako len môže. Čo to je? To je ruka Božia (Vidíte?) pred nami. A pretože to je v malej skupine, zaclonené v ľudskom tele, je to zaclonené pred tým vonkajším svetom. On je zaclonený pred tým vonkajším svetom. On sa zjavuje nemluvňatám, takým ktorí sa budú učiť. Vidíte? Je to tak? Každé ...

337 Vidíte? Každé podobenstvo v Biblii, každý predobraz Biblii sa zamanifestoval rovno tu pred nami. Ten istý Boh v ohnivom stĺpe, ktorý napísal Bibliu, oboje v Starom aj v Novom Zákone, je rovno tu a manifestuje to, ukazuje presne čo to bolo, hneď to vykladá a uisťuje, že to je ten výklad.

338 „My máme výklad!" Nech potom vidíme, že to sa stalo. Rozumiete? To je to. Nech potom vidíme manifestáciu toho.

339 Manifestácia! Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca tak mi neverte." Vidíte? To musí byť dokázané.

340 Ale teraz, nie tak dokázané ako chceli od Ježiša, dali mu na hlavu handru a bili Ho po hlave a vraveli - „Keď si prorok, povedz nám kto ťa udrel." „A ak si Syn Boží premeň tento chlieb ..." Vidíte, to je diabol. „Ak si Syn Boží, zíď z ... „ Ja mám na mysli zjavenie, ktoré On mal vykonať, to je to o čo sa jedná.

341 Ale teraz, keď je zjavené Zjavenie 10, tajomstvá Božie sú zamanifestované, poznané, ako to zasľubovala sedem krát zapečatená kniha.

342 Nech je vaša viera v ňom, ktorý je Slovo. Pretože v Zjavení 10 je povedané ... či vlastne v Zjavení 19 ... Zapísal som si to tu, Zjavenie 10, aby som išiel do toho, ale to nie je 10, to je 19. Keď On prichádza, On bude nazvaný „Slovo Božie," ide na bielom koni a stúpenci neba pôjdu za Ním.

343 Preborte tu denominačnú oponu vzdelania! Preborte tú denominačnú oponu tradícií! Preborte tie opony, ktoré Ho skrývajú pred vami! Preborte tie opony pýchy, vy ženy. Vy ste kráľovské dcéry, správajte sa podľa toho, žite podľa toho. Preborte každú oponu! Bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí Ph.D a LL.D, ak je to nezhodné s touto Bibliou, prelámte sa cez tú oponu, lebo sme prešli cez tú roztrhnutú oponu. Teraz sme na druhej strane, na druhej strane. A budete vidieť, ak to len urobíte, ak sa prelámete cez tie staré tradície a všetko ostatné a prídete ku Nemu, budete Ho vidieť stáť, toho mocného víťaza, zamanifestované slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek. Budete vidieť toho mocného Boha odcloneného, budete Ho vidieť rovno tu medzi nami, odcloneného. Mocného Boha, neporazeného tradíciami.

344 Oni sa Ho snažili za tým ukryť, robili to veľa rokov ale čas zasľúbenia sa priblížil. Boh vzbudil raz Mojžiša a on vyslobodil tie deti z tých vecí. A On je stále ... Jeho nemožno poraziť. „Nebesia i zem pominú ale Moje slová nepominú." On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

345 Oni povedali: „To sa nemôže stať." Ale to sa stalo. Potom, keď sa to stalo, oni povedali: „To je z diabla."

346 Ale to ani trochu nezmenilo Slovo Božie, pre veriaceho je to stále Boh. Mocný víťaz, ten istý včera dnes i naveky; podľa Jeho povahy, podľa Jeho Slova, Židom 13:8.

347 Na záver chcem povedať toto, pretože je za päť minút dvanásť, chcem povedať len toto. Mám ešte desať, dvanásť strán. Prinesiem to niekedy inokedy, možno dnes večer.

348 Všimnite si, všimnite si toto. Bola raz nejaká dražba a mali tam staré husle. Počuli ste to už veľa krát, staré husle. Ten dražiteľ povedal: „Čo ponúknete za toto?" Možno to nehovorím presne podľa tej poviedky. Je tomu už veľa rokov ale prišlo mi to na rozum. Zodvihli tie staré husle, nevyzerali veľmi pekne, vyzerali biedne, všetko. Nedostal skoro žiadnu ponuku. Nakoniec niekto ponúkol dolár alebo niečo také.

349 A stál tam jeden človek, ktorý si myslel, že by to nemalo byť predané tak lacno a tak tam prišiel a zobral ich do ruky. Brnkol po strunách, zobral sláčik, natrel ho kolofóniou a zahral melódiu. A keď zahral, všetci začali plakať. Nikdy v živote nepočuli takú muziku.

Potom licitátor povedal: „Koľko ponúkate?"

350 „Dvetisíc!" „Päť tisíc!" „Desať tisíc!" Vidíte? Čo to bolo? Ruka majstra zjavila, čo bolo skryté v tom starom inštrumente.

351 Tak isto je to teraz! Tá stará Kniha je odrená, vysmiata, bola pálená, robili si z nej žarty. Ale prišiel čas, keď oni majú denominačnú dražbu, Svetovú Radu Cirkví. Oni ju predávajú ako keby nikto nemal o ňu záujem. Nastáva denominačná dražba.

352 Ale pamätajte, v tej starej Knihe je niečo, čo zasľúbilo, že jedného dňa príde predestinovaná, určená na to ruka, ktorá ju zoberie a spraví, že to Slovo tejto Knihy cez predestinované srdce, vyplní úlohu, ktorú mala, zjaví zasľúbenia, ktoré sú v nej. Môže to vyzerať ako nejaká banda fanatikov, alebo niečo také; ale to proste potrebuje ruku Majstra, Slovo, aby bolo zjavené to Slovo a to sa stane viac než fanatikom. To sa stáva takým pre každého jedného z nás, či nie? To nie je hromada fanatizmu. To záleží na tom v čej ruke je ten sláčik.

Modlime sa:

353 Náš nebeský Otče, dnes skrze vieru vidím Majstra tej starej Knihy, ktorú ľudia vymenili za tradície, vymenili ju za denominácie, oni sa ju snažili vymeniť. Teraz ju vymieňajú za Svetovú Radu ľudí, cirkví, za komunizmus, ateizmus. Dražba prebieha, Pane.

354 Bože, vystúp! Skutočne, Ty vystúpiš. Pošli nám toho proroka, Pane, ktorý zoberie ten sláčik, ktorý zoberie toto Slovo a dokáže, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pane, mnohí predajú svoje životy, odhodia svoje staré tradície, polámu tie záclony. Oni to chcú, Pane. Oni dajú všetko, všetko, len im daj Ježiša.

355 Pane, myslím, že si im to teraz dokázal. Oni prichádzajú zovšade. Obetujú svoje prostriedky na život, robia všetko aby mohli prísť na tieto zhromaždenia, robia všetko čo môžu, pretože našli tú Perlu veľkej ceny. Tie ostatné veci majú veľmi malú cenu. Ale požehnaj ich, Otče.

356 Pane, ležia tu dnes ráno na tejto kazateľni vreckovky. Možno niektorí ľudia budú musieť odísť skorej ako sa dnes večer budeme modliť za chorých. Ó, večný Bože, pohliadni dole. Viem, že si tu, Ty si zaclonený. Pane, ja posielam tieto malé záclony, ktoré sa nazývajú vreckovky a malé zásterky a malé topánočky pre malé deti. A ja ich posielam ako znaky malej záclony, nad ktorou bolo dnes ráno kázané tvoje Slovo a ako veriaci kladiem na ne svoje ruky, svoje telo, naznačujúc tým, že tomu verím. A skrze vieru každý v tejto budove robí to isté, Pane. Nech sú tí chorí uzdravení.

357 Ty tu môžeš rozzvučať svoje Slovo, Pane, ako to urobil ten huslista s tými husľami, urob to tak, Pane. Nech ono vydáva ten správny tón, sláčik v ruke Majstra, potom Ho budeme vidieť stojaceho jasne pred nami.

358 Čo si museli myslieť tí ľudia toho dňa, keď nechceli dať nič, keď nič nedávali za tie staré husle, oni ich nechceli. Nechceli ich mať vo svojom dome. Ale keď ich zobral ten, ktorý vedel na nich majstrovsky zahrať, potom oni predali všetko čo mali aby ich získali. Robili paniku a bojovali za ne. Vtedy bolo príliš neskoro.

359 Tak to raz bude keď zatrúbi trúba Pánova, času viacej nebude. A tí ktorí sa na to dívali a robili si z toho žarty, ktorí stáli pred otvorenou oponou a videli zamanifestované Slovo Božie ... Iní budú kvôli tomu kričať ale ako si Ty povedal: „Vtedy bude príliš neskoro" oni vošli na svadobnú večeru a oni boli zanechaní vonku kde je plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov.

360 Pomôž veriť dnes ráno každej osobe, Otče. Preborte sa cez každú oponu sebectva, cez každú oponu nevery a viďte toho mocného víťaza odhaleného pred veriacimi. Lebo „Hľa, ja som stále s vami až do konca sveta. A ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí ale vy ma uvidíte." Ukáž sa medzi nami, Pane, ako si to robil. Zostávaj stále takto až kým nebudeme viditeľne pred Tebou, keď sa to en morphe zmenilo a Ty si sa znovu stal Synom človeka a Synom Dávida. Daj to, Pane, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.

Kým máme sklonené hlavy a všetci sa modlíme:

361 Chcel by som vedieť, či je tu dnes niekto ... vo vnútri alebo vonku. Nedá sa tu robiť výzvu ku oltáru, pretože nemáme miesto. Ale chcel by som vedieť. Veríte úprimne, že toto je pravda? Veríte, že v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme a vo všetkom tomto chaose a vedeckom veku, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch Krista, že Boh, ten veľký Otec všetkých nás, ktorý sme narodení do Neho, že stojí dnes medzi nami?

632 Tento viditeľný Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je vedecky potvrdený, pred mnohými rokmi, keď som bol malý chlapec, hovoril tam ku mne a povedal mi, že budem žiť práve tu, čo sa stane. Hovoril som vám o tom a potom to ... Jedného dňa dole pri rieke, predtým ako začala tá služba, prvé prebudenie, On sa ukázal na oblohe, zidentifikoval sa a dal to poverenie. Po všetky tie roky som to skrýval vo svojom srdci, zahaľujúci sa Kristus, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp vykladá to Slovo, ako zasľúbil. Sme v posledných dňoch, práve v príchode Pánovom. A ak zisťujete, že ste z vonku tej opony, a to je smrť, stáť vonku, či poviete skrze vieru dnes ráno: „S Božou pomocou. A s Tvojou pomocou, Pane, chcem sa preboriť cez tú oponu. Chcem sa dostať dovnútra tam kde si Ty, aby som videl plné Slovo Božie?"

363 Nesnažte sa byť Mojžišom. Nesnažte sa byť Áronom. Nie! Buďte len tým čím ste, ale buďte Kresťanmi.

364 Zodvihnete, so sklonenými hlavami, ruky ku Bohu a poviete, „Pane, Bože pomôž mi vojsť dovnútra za oponu." Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Len sa pozrite.

365 Vonku, pamätajte, nemusím ani vidieť vaše ruky. Pre mňa to aj tak nemá takú cenu aby som ich videl, to je Boh. To len ... pre mňa, to mi len dáva vidieť, že to semeno niekde spadlo a ... ale Boh vidí to skutočné srdce.

366 Ak sú ešte iní, ktorí nezodvihli ruky a chcú ich teraz zodvihnúť, zodvihnite ruky a budete spomenutí v modlitbe. Zodvihnite ruky. Nech vás Boh žehná. To je dobre. Nech vás Boh žehná.

367 Otče, prosíme dnes aby títo, Pane, ktorí neprešli ešte cez tú oponu. Oni stoja tam vonku ako Izrael, oni to pozorujú. Oni veria, ale ešte sa do tohto nepreborili, aby videli to veľké svetlo Shekinah, obojako duchovne aj telesne, až tak, že objektív fotoaparátu zachytil ten obraz. Práve pred dvoma týždňami to bolo znovu odfotené. Ty sa zjavuješ, Pane, mocný Boh odclonený veriacemu; stále zaclonený pre neveriaceho, ale odclonený veriacemu. Nech sa prelámu dnes cez to, Pane, aby videli jeho veľkú nádheru a slávu. Nech sú ich srdcia premenené ešte skorej ako prídeme sem dnes večer na zhromaždenie. Nech budú všetci naplnení tvojím Duchom, tvojou prítomnosťou. Nech ten Majster zoberie tú vieru, ktorú majú, mihne ňou po Slove, nech vydá tón: „Ty si bol určený pred založením sveta aby si tomuto veril. Ver, dieťa moje a buď spasený."

368 Otče, Bože, porúčame ich teraz do Tvojich rúk a uvedomujeme si, že nič viacej nemôžeme urobiť. Všetko je to teraz na Tebe, Otče. Dávam ich Tebe. V mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgotskom kríži.

369 Milujete Ho?

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj vykupiteľ, sláva jeho menu!

Bol som raz stratený, teraz som nájdený;

oslobodený od odsúdenia, Ježiš dáva slobodu a plné spasenie;

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

O, Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Ó, Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby;

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

370 Koľkí Ho vidíte stáť, mocného Víťaza, Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, odclonený pred nami, Alfa, Omega, Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde, koreň a ratolesť Dávidova; bol Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn človeka a bude Syn Dávidov? Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? Odhaľujúci sa v každom veku, veriacemu, zahaľujúci sa v ľudskom tele pred neveriacim. On je skrytý za oponou. Nech Boh zláme každú oponu a uvidíme Ho takého aký je!

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, Ježiš láme všetky putá,

keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Na druhej strane Jordánu,

v tej krásnej záhrade Eden,

tam kde kvitne Strom Života,

tam je odpočinok pre mňa.

Ježiš láme ...

371 Nechcete prejsť teraz cez Jordán? Už ste dosť dlho boli na púšti, prejdime do zasľúbení!

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Zodvihnime teraz ruky:

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

lebo ma vyslobodil! (Amen)

372 Necítite sa pri tom dobre? Ó, aký nádherný! Aký nádherný! Či nie je? Potrasme si navzájom ruky a hovorme:

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá;

Ó, Ježiš láme všetky putá,

keď ťa vyslobodzuje!

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť, ...

Toho mocného Boha, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, len zmieňa svoju formu.

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

lebo On odstránil zo mňa všetky vyznania,

urobil, aby som veril Jeho Slovu.

373 Ó! Môžete počuť Majstrove husle ako ťahá sláčikom po Slove? On je ten istý včera i dnes!

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť;

Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť,

... (Jeho, Slovo!) ...Stále, stále Ho budem chváliť; (Čo On robí?) Lebo On (za oponou) ma vyslobodil.

374 S láva Bohu! Milujem Ho. Či Ho nemilujete? Nie je toto nebeské? Mám rád tie atribúty Slova, proste Ducha svätého v jeho nežnosti, pokore. Proste to mám rád. Ó, predstavte si len:

Na druhej strane Jordánu; (Približujem sa tam teraz)

V tom sladkom nesmrteľnom Edene; (Čo tam nájdem?)

Kde kvitne Strom Života ... (to bolo v záhrade Eden) ...

Tam je odpočinutie pre mňa ...

375 Chcete ísť? On láme všetky putá.

Ježiš láme (všetky tradície) všetky putá;

Ježiš láme všetky putá, (všetky denominácie, všetky vyznania)...

láme všetky putá,

keď ma vyslobodzuje!

376 Sláva Bohu! Proste Ho milujem. Nie divu, že Izaiáš povedal „On je Radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh, Otec večnosti", nádherné!

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je radca, Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby,

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

377 Ó! To rozjasňuje moje srdce. Aký je On nádherný! Hovorím vám, toto nemá konca. To ... Vošiel som do tohto pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a stále to tak cítim. A keby On predlieval, jedného dňa zavriem svoje oči, pôjdem po tej istej ceste. Amen.

Nádherný, nádherný je pre mňa Ježiš;

On je radca, moje Knieža Pokoja, mocný Boh.

Spasil ma, chráni ma od všetkého hriechu a hanby,

nádherný je môj Vykupiteľ, sláva Jeho Menu!

378 Mohol by som tu v tom zostať do konca dňa. Pavel povedal: „Keď spievam, budem spievať v Duchu. Keď kážem, kážem v Duchu. Keď chodím, budem chodiť v Duchu. Keď hovorím, budem hovoriť v Duchu." Nech je všetko vykonané Slovom a Duchom. Tak veru. Amen! To je všetko Božia pravda.

379 Vidím Ho, Mocného Boha, odcloneného. Vidím Ho odťahuje vyznania, denominácie, odťahuje skeptikov, vzdelávacie programy a všetko kráča dopredu, stojí tam. Myslíte si, že tie vyznania Ho premôžu? Myslíte si, že tie denominácie Ho môžu premôcť? Myslíte si, že Svetová Rada Ho môže premôcť? On premohol všetko, roztrhol každé puto, roztrhol peklo, strhol pečate, vošiel do svätyni svätých, odclonil sa nám, že je Slovo, ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Amen. Milujem Ho.

380 No, až kým sa zídeme dnes popoludní, chceme robiť jedno. Toto.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

zarmútené a ustarostené dieťa,

to ti dá radosť a potešenie,

vezmi ho kdekoľvek pôjdeš.

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

381 Ak sa ťa Satan snaží pokúšať, že sa nedívaš na tú správnu vec, ukáž mu na Slovo ako to urobil Ježiš. Vidíte? Amen!

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš,

padajúc ku Jeho nohám,

budeme Ho korunovať v nebi Kráľa Kráľov,

keď sa dokoná naša cesta.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno!) ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

382 Billy tu bude okolo šiestej, bude rozdávať modlitebné karty, ktorí chcú prísť a postaviť sa do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili. Myslím, že bude lepšie keď to tak urobíme. Neplánovali sme to ale keď je veľa ľudí bude lepšie keď to tak urobíme. Viete.

383 No, pamätajte na Neho! Majte Ho stále vo svojej mysli, vo svojom srdci, kdekoľvek idete. Vidíte? Majte Ježiša vo svojej mysli.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš (Počúvajte teraz!)

Ako štít pred každou pascou; (Čo sa deje?)

Keď sa nahromadia pokušenia, (Čo musíš urobiť?)

Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno!)

ó aké milé! Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké milé!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

384 Skloňme teraz hlavy. Chcem poprosiť pastora aby sem prišiel a rozpustil zhromaždenie. Brat Neville. Nech ťa Boh žehná brat Neville.

THE UNVEILING OF GOD, 64-0614M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 172 min

1 Let us remain standing just a moment while we bow our heads for prayer.

2Our Gracious Lord, we are indeed grateful today for this privilege that we have of assembling ourselves together upon the earth before the Coming of the Lord. May we examine our hearts today, by Thy Word, and see if we are in the Faith, that we might be ready, that, the hour of His Appearing. That we should be as the Scripture has said would be, "Caught up together, with those who are asleep, and meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with Him."

3We thank Thee for the true Christian Spirit that's still in the world, among the people, that they still believe Thee and Thy Word. So we ask Your blessings upon us today, that You'll shower out to each one of us that which we have need of, that we might be watered by the Word, that we might grow into instruments of use in Thy hands, for this last day. For we ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Shepherd, that we are looking to appear. Amen.

May be seated.

4 And I want to say that I deem this a grand privilege this morning of being here again. And sorry that we don't have the adequate seating room. And we are going to try, tonight, now to have prayer for the sick; today, this morning, it would be a little hard.

5And--and I was going to tape this Message today. I... The Lord seemed to deal with me concerning it, oh, a month or two ago, and it's long. And I don't have the time out in the meetings, because we allow that to thirty, forty minutes of service. And then we... Because of the people having to go to work and things, I found it better if I make my Messages short. And they didn't have time out there to record it, so I thought I'd just wait till I got to the tabernacle here and then record it from here. And it's a little lengthy, and I know you're standing, and I--I'm going to hurry just as fast as I can. And, now, you won't bother me if you're switching seats, or whatevermore, that'll--that'll be perfectly all right with me because this is a special day that we just make these recordings.

6And so we got great reports from what the Lord has done out in the field, but we'll probably give more of that tonight when we can give more time to it, have more time to give.

7 And now we trust that the Lord will bless each one of you. I know your hearts are full of joy, looking for the Coming of the Lord. And mine also, bubbling over, to see things a happening the way they are. And--and national strife, and the church in the condition it's in, and see the signs of His Coming, both physically and spiritually, and knowing that this time of His Appearing is so close, it just fills our heart with joy to know that we're going to be changed one of these days. We're going to be changed from these creatures that we are.

8 Now, I believe, if I understand, they got a telephone hookup somewhere, that this Message is going into Phoenix and to--and to different parts, by telephone. And so now we trust that if that's so... I don't know; just told that before coming in. And--and all the people out there are really enjoying good health and--and the Glory of the Lord upon them.

9 And now--now we're going to open the Word of the Lord. And what we are all here for is to enjoy ourselves and to take heed to what we are... We--we never come here and we're... No one that's present knows that any man would sit in this heat like this, and just to the idea of being here. We are here for one purpose, and that's, "closer walk with God." That's all we can do, is to believe the Lord Jesus is with us. And we're here to--to walk closer with Him.

10 Now this heat's a little hard on me. I kind of got customized to that dry heat out there in Tucson, which is... The humidity here now; our heat there is much hotter than this, but it's dry. Our humidity sometime is one twentieth of one percent, maybe, something like that, just almost like living under an oxygen tent. But here it's got the--the--the moisture in it, and it makes you just kind of feel "all wrung out," as we used to call it. So it's hard on you, so I know that, and you mothers with the little babies and you people standing, old and young, and placed together like you are. And now we are--we are hoping that God will reward you richly for your sacrifice.

11 I understand that Brother Roy Borders is here somewhere. I heard him announced, but I guess maybe he couldn't get in. All right. That's the manager of the meetings.

12So now we are also want to announce that one that used to be among us went to be with the Lord this morning, a man, Brother Jackson from Sturgis, Michigan. No one knows how he went or what about it. He was just doing fine, and he just... I think they found him dead, or something. I--I didn't get the full detail of it. And we are very grateful to God that Brother Jackson was a Christian. I haven't seen him for several years, but he set among us and he's one of us. God rest his gallant soul! Going like that, we believe that maybe that it was something, that it was time for him to go. The Lord never warned us of it, or him of it, he just went. That was the way it was. And I want to call his wife just soon as I can, and tell her our sorrow. And we all want to give thanks to God for his gallant Christian life, and what he meant here on earth, and especially to us here in this local assembly.

13 Now tonight, I've announced there will be prayer for the sick tonight, and I'll speak more about on the sick tonight.

14But for this time, let's get straight into the Word now, because it's congested and hot. We'll get right straight to the Word. I want to read from two portions of Scripture this morning, lengthy, so that it'll give me a little background on what I want to say.

15And, now, I wish that they would hold the tape, Brother Sothmann and them, before selling it, if possible, and I--I'd like to listen to it before we... before it goes out to the public.

16 Now in... I want to read from Philippians, the 2nd chapter, 1 to 8; and Second Corinthians 3, beginning with 6, and reading into the 4th chapter of Second Corinthians, just for a background. Now in Philippians, 2nd chapter, I will read first.

Before reading, let's pray.

17 Lord Jesus, Thy Word is Truth. And in this troublesome hour that we're living, nation against nation, pestilence, earthquakes in many places, man's hearts failing, fear, we see the handwriting on the wall. Now, that is in the natural realm, that all the world should see this. But now there is a spiritual realm, also, and we see the great happenings, and we want to speak of them today.

18Bless Thy Word to our heart. We know that there is no man in Heaven or in earth is worthy to take this Book, to loose the Seals, or to look upon It, even. But there was One appeared, a slain Lamb, bloody, that came and took the Book, and was worthy and able to open It. O Lamb of God, open Thy Word to our hearts today, for comfort. We are Your servants. Forgive our sins, Lord. And anything that would keep the Word from going forth with great power and influence today on our lives, take it away, Lord, any hindrance, that we might have full access to all the blessings promised to us through Thy Word. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

19 Philippians 2.

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels of mercy,

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of--of one mind.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves.

Look not every man to his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Let this mind be in you, which also was in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man:

And being found in fashion of a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.

20 Now if we shall turn now over to Second Corinthians, the 3rd chapter, we will begin with the 6th verse, and reading this to the 18th, and down to part of the 4th chapter.

Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

But if the ministration of death, written and engraved in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfast behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:

How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?

For if the ministration of condemnation be glorious, much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

For even that which was made glorious has no glory in this respect, by reasons of the glory that excelleth.

For if that which is done away was glory, much more hath... which remaineth is glory.

Seeing then that we have such a hope, we must greatly... plainness of speech, use great plainness of speech.

And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which was abolished:

But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.

But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their hearts.

Nevertheless when it shall be turned to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord... there is liberty.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, has changed into the same image from glory unto glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

But have renounced the hidden things and the dishonest, not walking in craftiness and handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth condemning ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them which are lost:

21 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word!

22Now, my subject this morning, I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that--that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been trying to get over to the Church without saying it right out. See? It's a thing, sometime, we have to say things in such a way that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to--to--to ponder over. But that's done purposely. It must be done that way.

23 Then it might be that some would say, "You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?" He certainly did. He does yet.

24He said one day, when He had thousands around Him, He said, "Except you eat of the Flesh of the Son of God, or Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

25What kind of a statement do you think that a medical doctor or a nurse, or any fine intellectual person would think of a statement like that, for a Man that had a ministry like He had? Why, he would say, "Eat the flesh? That's cannibal! To drink human blood? It's a vampire! In other words, He wants us to be cannibals and vampires." And the whole audience walked away from Him.

26 And there was a ministerial association with Him, of seventy, that had been chosen. And He turned to them, and He said, "What will you think when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He came from?" Now, He didn't explain that. He never explained how; Paul did that later on. He just said It. See? And then when this, He said, "What will you say," to these ministers, "when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He come from?"

27No doubt them man said, "Now, just a moment. Oh, we eat with Him. We fish with Him. We sleep with Him. We--we know where He was born. We seen the cradle that He--He was rocked in. And how does this Man... This is a hard saying."

28And the Bible said, "They didn't walk with Him anymore." They left Him.

29 Then He had twelve left. He had chose twelve, and one of them was a devil, He said. So He turned to them.

And there's no one could explain what He had just said. "How are they going to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood? And how did He come down, when He was born right here on earth?" See? They couldn't understand It.

And then He turned to the apostles, and He said, "Do you want to go also?"

30And that's when Apostle Peter made that great statement, "Lord, to whom would we go?" See? "For we are satisfied. We know a surely that You, and You alone, have the Word of Life of this hour." See? "And we are satisfied of that." See, they could not explain It. They...

You can't explain faith. It's something that you believe, and it's so solid that there is nothing else will take its place.

Therefore, they knowed that the Word that was written for that age that they were living in, the Messianic age, that He fit that place exactly. And what could they do to go back in them cold, formal churches that they had come out of? Said, "Where would we go to?" See? "We are fully persuaded that You have the Word of Life." See? And they--they couldn't explain It, but they believed It. See?

31 And Jesus said that to weed down His crowd, see, till He could get the group together. And out of all those people, they, only eleven of them then understood actually Who He was. They knowed that He was God, and God alone. Now, the...

32My subject this morning is to reveal, or, unveil that God.

33God has always, in every age, has hid behind a veil, all ages, but He's been God all the time. See? But He's kept Hisself hid from the world, and reveals Hisself to His Elected, like the apostles at that day. Now, that was God speaking in Christ.

34Now, man has always, it's been the nature of man, he sought to see (physically) that God. He has always wanted to see It. Man has made creatures that look like Him. They think of a... The Indians worshiped the sun. And--and we find, in Africa, different forms of animals, and so forth. And up... the totem poles in Alaska, and--and different forms that they think this God is in. As Paul spoke there at Athens that time, on Mars' hill, and told them that they were superstitious concerning this unknown God, that, they knowed He was there but yet they didn't know Him.

35 And so we find even back as far as Job. Job knew that there was a God. He knew it. And there's not a--a--a human being, in their right mind, but what knows there has got to be Something somewhere. And, now, Job wanted to talk to Him.

And I want you to notice the form that God chose to talk to Job in. God was veiled when He talked to Job. He was veiled in a whirlwind, came down in a whirlwind. You believe that God still comes in a whirlwind can come where you see? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

36 There is several sitting here, a number, that was with us the other day when He came in a whirlwind. Told us the day before, Brother Banks Woods and them, when He said, "Take up this rock, throw it up in the air, and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD! You will see it right away.'" And I picked up the rock, up on top the mountain, threw it up in the air, and the... course, coming down, it started the whirlwind, see, the suction of it.

37You have to do something to cause something to follow it. Jesus took a piece of bread and broke it, then multiplied from that piece of bread. He took water, poured it into a pitcher. Elijah took salt, put it in a cruse; cut down a stick, throwed it on the water. It's something to symbolize.

And picking up this rock and throwing it into the air, and coming down started the whirlwind.

38 The next day, why, there was a minister with us on a hunting trip. He was standing close, and he said to me, "Does the Lord give visions out like this, Brother Branham?"

39I said, "Yes, but I usually come out here to rest." And just then the vision came.

40And Brother Borders, I think he's outside now, he was along. Brother Banks Woods, I think, and, oh, several was up there, eight or ten. And Brother Banks Woods watching for this. Right on the mountain, right across from, exactly, about one half mile where the seven Angels appeared, that I left here to go there for, that come back and told the... about the Seven Seals. Just about a half a mile from that.

41 And then the next day, when this was going on, why, the... I said to brother, this brother, I said, "What's your trouble, you've got an allergy in your eye. The doctors has tried for a couple years to stop it and they can't do it. They say you're going to... it's going to eat your eye out." And I said, "But don't worry, the Lord Jesus has honored your faith." And he just dropped his gun. And I said, "your mother," just what she was and what was wrong with her.

And he said, "That's the truth."

42 Brother Roy Roberson from the church here, standing present, I guess all of you know him. Knowing he was a veteran, and knowing what was going to take place, I put my hand on his shoulder; I said, "Brother Roberson, be careful, watch, something is fixing to happen."

43I walked back to where I was supposed to be standing, and out of the air came a whirlwind, down through a canyon, from above, that was so great till it tore rocks, eight or ten inches through, out of the top of the mountain, and throwed them two hundred yards out in. And clapped three times like that, and a Voice came from it. See?

44And all of them standing there. Brother Banks, present now, came up and said, "That was what you told me yesterday?"

I said, "Yes, sir, that's it."

He said, "Now, what did It say?"

45I said, "Now, that's just for me to know, Brother Banks, see, because it was... It would alarm people."

46 But It went ahead, it happened just a little... traveling northward. A little, few days later It hit in the ocean, and you seen what happened around Fairbanks. It was a judgment sign. Now we find that--that God still... You see, it'd throw people into panics. And so then they had... That had to happen, see. It just has to happen. The things that's got to happen has got to happen, anyhow. See, it's going to happen, anyhow.

47 Moses one time desired to see God, and God told him to stand on the rock. And, on the rock, Moses stood and he seen God pass by, and His back looked like the back of a man. God was in a whirlwind, and God... while Moses standing on the rock.

48I guess you all seen the picture out there the other day, we stood by that same rock. And here is that Light, the Angel of the Lord, right there where It clapped. Standing... It's right on the bulletin board there now, again.

49 Notice, Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament. See? He is the same God, just changing His form.

50Now, someone said the other day, a--a--a Baptist minister out in Tucson, "How can you say that--that Jesus and God would be the same Person?"

51I said, "Well, it's very easy if you just let your own thinking get away, and think the Bible terms of it. They are the selfsame Being. God is a Spirit; Jesus is the body that He was veiled in. See?" I said, "Like in my home. To my wife, I am her husband. And I have a young daughter, Rebekah, I am her father. And I have a grandson, and his name is Paul, I am his grandfather. I am husband, father, and grandfather. And my wife has no claims on me as father or grandfather; she has claims on me alone as husband. And my daughter has no claims on me as husband or grandfather; she is my child. See? But yet all these three persons is the same person. See? That's God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is just the dispensation claims." God is same, the same God.

52 God changed Himself, changes His form. If you notice here in Philippians, He said, "Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man."

53Now, the Greek word there for that form, I've been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of "en morphe." It's spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek, to find out what en morphe was... I may pronounce that wrong, but reason I spell it, when if a tape is released, the people will, scholars will, know what I--I mean by it. He, when the en morphe, that means that He changed Hisself. He, He come down. Now, the Greek word there means, that, "Something that could not be seen, yet it's there, and then it's changed and the eye can catch it." See?

54 Like Elijah was, at Dothan. See, the--the servant couldn't see all those Angels around there, and God just changed; not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See, they, He changed the seeing. The--the thing is already there.

55So, that what I'm trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He--He, this en morphe, He--He changed Himself to what He was to what He is, or His mask, another act.

56 Like in a great drama. As I was speaking this morning, kind of catching up on this of Shakespeare. It's been a long time. But when Shakespeare wrote the--the--the drama, the... for King James of England, when he... the character of Macbeth. See, Shakespeare did not believe in witches; but in the play, for the king did believe in witches, so he had to include witches. See? And now, in order to do this, they change the cast.

57Becky here, in Carmen, they acted that in the--in the school where she just graduated a few weeks ago. Now, maybe one person played three or four parts. In order to do that, he--he changed his mask. Sometimes he comes out, he's this character; and the next time he comes out, he's another character. But it is the same person all the time.

58 And that's God. He changed Himself from--from a Pillar of Fire, to become a Man. Then changed Hisself from that, back in the Spirit again, that He might dwell in man. God acting in man what He really was. Jesus Christ, was God acting in Man, in a Man. In a Man, that's what He was. He had changed from the Pillar of Fire, and then had come in; which was a veil in the wilderness, that hid God from Israel. Moses seen the shape of His body, but really He was hid all the time behind this Pillar of Fire, which was the Logos that went from God.

59Now we find here, now since Pentecost, God is not acting in man, or act... now He is acting through man. See? He was acting in a Man then, Jesus. Now He is acting through man that He has chosen for this purpose. God, in the form of man, He changed Himself from the form of--of a... of God, to a form of man.

60 He came in three names, three sons' names. He came in the Son... name of the Son of--of man, the Son of David, and the Son of God; three sons' names.

61Now, He came first in the Son of Da-... Son of man, because He was a Prophet. Now, Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel and the prophets, "son of man, what seest thou?" Jesus never referred to Himself as Son of God; He referred to Himself as Son of man, because the--the Scriptures cannot be broken.

There can be nothing broken in the Scriptures. Every Word must be so. That's the way that I believe it. That's the way It's got to be, not because I believe it, because It's the Word of God.

62 Now if you notice in the beginning, one Word, page one in the Bible, in Genesis 1, we find out that the whole... All the sickness, all the sorrow, all the heartaches, and everything that's ever happened to human beings, came because one person disbelieved one Word, caused all this. That's the first of the Bible. In the last of the Bible, Revelation 22, the same God said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It." See, it must be Word by Word, just the way It is.

63 So, therefore, and just take the little thing like I'm going... someone always going on to me about the women bobbing their hair. Now, to me, as long as she does that, I don't care how saintly she does and how much she knows, she is still wrong. She wears shorts and these clothes like that; I don't care what she does, how much she can sing, how well she can preach, whatever she could do, what kind of a life she lives, it's still that one Word is broke. See? See, it's got to be every Word. Not a sentence; a Word, one Word! So, the Bible is no private interpretation. It must be Word by Word, the way It's written. We must believe That.

64 And not only believe It, but live It. If we don't live It, then we don't believe It; we just say we do. Like I... Basing back to what I said, those disciples could not explain It, but they believed It, anyhow, and they made their confession and lived to it. When all the rest of them walked away from It, they stayed with It! They believed It! That's the way we do. That's the way you got to do it. No matter what anybody else does, we believe It and then we act upon It. If you don't do it, then you don't believe It.

65 Now notice now as He came, He had to come as Son of man, because the Holy Scripture said that He would, "God would raise up a Prophet to them." So He could not come calling Himself the Son of God, because it wasn't that dispensation. He was the Son of man prophesying, to fulfill, and revealing to them all the things that had been done, and typed what He was. Then He was on earth as Son of man.

66 Look at that Syrophenician woman run to Him, and said, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!" He never as much as raised His head. She had no claims on Him as Son of David. She was a Gentile.

No more than my daughter has claims on me as husband; or, my wife, as daughter. Yet, she is my daughter and my wife, she is my daughter in the Gospel. But, earthly, she has no rights to call me a--a father. See?

Now notice, this Gentile woman had no claims on Him as Son of David. But blind Bartimaeus did, see, he was a Jew. Now, He came as Son of man.

67You have to know these words and these things. Look at Hattie Wright that time, when the Third Pull. You remember it. Of all the everything, that woman said the right thing. You've got to say that right word, the right thing to God.

68 Notice now, He came first as the Prophet, and they crucified Him. His Own crucified Him. He came as the Son of man.

69Then after the Holy Spirit came, He was then the Son of God. God is a Spirit. He was the Holy Spirit, Son of God. He lived through the church ages as Son of God.

70Now, in the Millennium, He'll be Son of David, sitting upon the Throne of His father, David. He is the Son of David, now.

71And, remember, between the Son of God... In the Laodicea church age, they put Him out. And in Luke, He said He would be revealed again as Son of man, the Prophet, fulfilling the rest of it. See? The Scriptures tie perfectly together. Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. What was it? It's the same God all the time, just changing His form, en morphe. He just change it. It's a great drama to Him. He is acting it out.

72 He came as Son of man, the Prophet. Done exactly. Even that little woman in all of her sin, there at the well, she recognized Him. She said, "We know the Messiah is coming, which is called the Christ, that's what He'll do." See, she recognized because she was a predestinated Seed. Then she...

Where, the rest of them didn't recognize It. They had nothing to recognize with. They were in sin, to begin with.

73 For, for His acts, He changes His form. Then He came the form of Son of man.

For the reformers' age, Wesley, Luther, and all down through, then we find out that they got it so bundled up, just like the Israelites did, till when He does appear in the last days, in the pentecostal age, as the Holy Spirit, they rejected It. They did the same thing Israel did.

And what does He do now? Return as Son of man. And then, from that, Son of David. See how close we are? Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He is revealed in the last days as Son of man, according to Malachi 4, all the rest the prophecies pertaining to this hour. No more dealing with the church after He... They put Him out; on the outside, knocking at the door. Some predestinated Seed in there, yet. He must get to them.

74 And God, in man, had emptied Himself. Joel 2:28, we find out, He said, "I will pour out, in the last days, My Spirit." Now, if you notice the word there, Greek word. I may have this wrong, but the one I could find...

75You have to watch the words. The English sometime means double meanings. Just like the word we say, "god." God created the heavens and earth, Genesis 1. But now, in the Bible, It said, "In the beginning Elohim." Now, Elohim, the English calls "god," but it really wasn't Elohim. Anything can be god, to the word god; you can make an idol a god; you can make that piano a god; you can make anything a god.

76But it isn't so in the word Elohim; It means, "the self-existing One." See? That piano cannot be self-existing, nothing else can be self-existent. So, the word Elohim, means, "He that always existed." God can mean anything. See the difference in the word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

77 Now, when It said here that He emptied Himself, or poured out, now, we would think like this, that He "vomit up," the English word of emptied, or poured out from Him, see, something went out of Him that was different from Him. But the word kenos, in the Greek, does not mean that He "vomit up," or some... His arm went off, or His eye went out, another person.

78That is, He changed Himself, He "poured Himself into," (Amen!), into another mask, into another form. Not another person went out of Him, called the Holy Spirit, but It was He Himself. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He Himself poured Himself into the people. "Christ in you!" How beautiful, how wonderful, to think, God pouring Himself into the human being, into the believer. "Pour out!" It was a part of His drama, to do so.

God, all the fullness, all the Godhead bodily was in this Person, Jesus Christ. He was God, and God alone. Not a third person or a second person, or a first person; but the Person, God veiled in human flesh.

79 First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; for G-o-d, Elohim," capital G-o-d, in the Bible. Refer it back, anybody. It refers to, in the original, It said, "Elohim." "In the beginning, Elohim." See? "And, Elohim, without controversy great is the mystery of Elohim; for Elohim was made flesh, and we handled Him." Elohim, veiled in human flesh! The great Jehovah that covered all space, time, and everywhere, was made man. We handled Him, Elohim. "In the beginning, Elohim. And Elohim was made flesh, dwelt among us."

80 What? This is His way, the parts of the drama. That's the way He's to act it out, His way of revealing Himself to us as some different person. We are mortal, and He knows that. And we only understand as mortals. We only know as mortals. We only know as our senses will let us know, and the rest of it we have to believe by faith. We have to say there is a God; whether we see Him, or not, we believe it, anyhow. See? Whether there is or not, we still believe it because God said so.

81 Like Abraham, could not see that son, no signs, no pregnancy of--of Sarah, no even any menstruation periods or anything, but yet God said so. All hopes, even her--her womb was dead, and his life in him was gone, and the--the stream of his life had dried up, and her--her life had dried up within her. "And yet he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise, knowing that God was able to perform anything He said He would do."

There's the way we got to believe that Word today. How is it going to be? I don't know. God said it's going to be that way, and that settles it.

82 Who is this great unseen Person? Who is This that Abraham seen in visions? Right at last, though, He was manifested in flesh, before the son came. God Himself came to Abraham in the form of a man, at the end time. Manifested! He saw Him in a little Light one time; he saw Him in visions; he heard His Voice; many revelations. But just before the promised son, he saw Him in the form of a man, and talked to Him, and fed Him meat and drink. See? Notice, God Himself veiled in human flesh.

83 This is a part of His way. This is the way that He manifests Himself to us, manifests the Eternal Word, God, Jehovah made flesh. Like in Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the... In the beginning was Elohim, and Elohim was... became the Word, and the Word was Elohim. And the Word was made Elohim." See? It's the same thing, just unfolding.

84Like the attribute, see, it is in God. A attribute is your thought. God in the beginning, the Eternal, He wasn't even a God. He was the Eternal. He wasn't even God; God is an object of worship, or something. See? So He wasn't even that. He was Elohim, the Eternal. But in Him was thoughts He wanted to become material. And what did He do? Then He spoke a Word, and the Word was materialized. That's the whole picture, from Genesis to Revelations. Is nothing wrong. It's Elohim materializing so He can be touched, feel. And in the Millennium, there is Elohim sitting on the Throne, see, that's right, with all of His subjects around Him, that He predestinated before the foundation of the world.

85 Like a man building chimes or making chimes, the molder. Each bell has got to ring different from the other. The same materials, but so much iron, so much steel, so much brass, to make it give the "ting."

86That's the way God did. He bred this one to that one, to this one to that one, to this one to that one, till He got exactly what He wanted. That's how He come down. God unveiled Himself in a Pillar of Fire down through the prophets, then into the Son of God, which, He was God. See, it's the same God bringing out exactly, from perfection to perfection, from glory unto glory. That's the way the Church goes.

87 Notice, through the ages, the same way, by His prophets, He has revealed Himself. Them wasn't exactly prophets, they were gods. He said so. For, what they spoke was God's Word. They were the flesh that God was veiled in. They were gods. Jesus said, Himself, said, "How can you condemn Me when I say I'm the Son of God, and your own law says that them who the Word of the Lord came to was gods?" See?

88So it was God formed in a man called a prophet. See? And the Word of the Lord came to this man, so it wasn't the prophet; the prophet was the veil, but the Word was God. The man's word won't act like that. See what I mean? It cannot act in that manner. But potentially it was God. See, He was the Word of God in the form of a man, called "a man."

Notice, He never changed His nature, only His form. Hebrews 13:8, said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." So He did not change His nature when He come. He is always that Prophet, all down through the age, same thing: the Word, the Word, the Word, the Word. See? He cannot change His nature, but He changed His form. Hebrews 13:8, said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." He just changed His mask.

89 Like I changed from husband, when my child is born, then I'm father. When my grandchild is born, I'm grandfather. See? But, I don't change; that's still--still me. See? (And that's God.) It's just I changed my... See, it's just change your form. See?

Notice. And nature changes it down from a young man to a middle-aged, to an old man. And there you are, you see, you just change your form.

90Now, you couldn't say a little fellow standing up here, sixteen years old, say he was grandfather. He couldn't be. His form has to be changed. A few years changes it, then he becomes grandpa. See what I mean?

91But it's the same Person all the time, the same Person, God all the time. In this way He reveals Himself to His people, in doing this. Notice, through the age of the Pillar of Fire, He revealed Himself to His people. In the age of--of Jesus, He revealed Himself to His people. In the age of the Holy Spirit, as Son of God. Son of David... He always reveals Himself in that manner to His people, making the people to know Him. He is veiled behind something, notice, in the same way, or same nature, every time.

92 God veiled in Jesus, to do the work of redemption at the cross. God could not die, as a Spirit. He's Eternal. But He had to put on a mask and act the part of death. He did die, but He couldn't do it in His God form. He had to do it in Son form, as Son of man, on earth. See? He had to be Son form. Then when He returned on Pentecost, He was Son of God again. See what I mean? Get the idea? He was...

93 He had to come into human flesh, to... and nobody, no sexual desire. Because that proves again our statement of the serpent's seed, see, "sexual," absolutely sex. Not apples; sex! That's right. That had to be. Notice here, see, for any good man... Look at those prophets back there, but He had to be more than a prophet. See? In order to do that, He had to come virgin birth, showing that virgin birth proved... He had to be born virgin birth, to take the curse off, the Antidote. See what I mean? So, it had to be sex. He proved it in His Own coming; He come not in sexual desire, but through virgin birth. And He changed His mask from Jehovah to Jesus, in order to take the redemptive work in the drama that He was acting out, in God at the cross.

94 The Greeks wanted to see Him. In Saint John 12:20, many of you heard me preach on that saying, "Sirs, we would see Jesus." Did you notice that?

95Now, the Greeks were scholars, they were great man. And they had a--they had a--a great feeling for God, as Paul preached to them on Mars' hill. And they were, they--they led--they led the world in science and--and education, they were great people. But they worshiped and believed in mythology and so, books of art and curious arts, and so forth.

96But they--they--they got stirred up about this Man Who could heal the sick and could foretell things that happened, to the dot. And they got stirred up, so they come to see Him. Now, watch close now, don't miss this. See? And they come and they said to Philip, which was of Bethsaida, "Sir, we would see Jesus." And Philip and another disciple brought him to Jesus, to see Jesus.

97Now notice the very words that Jesus reported back to them, for they come to see Who He was, and they could not see Him. They seen the form, but He was in His temple. God was in His temple, veiled in human flesh. Notice the words He said, "Except the corn of wheat falls into the ground, see, and dies, it abides alone." See? "The hour has come, it'll soon be that the Son of man be glorified, see, and He must pass from this earth. And except this hour comes, you'll never be able to see It." See?

98 Here, why couldn't they see Jesus? He was masked. God was masked. The Greeks wanted a God, and here He was, but they couldn't see Him because of the veil. And that's the same thing today, they can't see Him because of the veil. It's over their face. These Greeks were masked, or Jesus was masked to these Greeks.

99Notice, He said to them, "Except this corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone."

100They, they couldn't understand how, why that they couldn't see Him. There stood a man. They come to see God, and they seen a man. See? They couldn't see God because God was veiled to them. Now keep that on your mind, God was veiled in a man. They could say, "No man could do these works except it be God. No man can do it, and how here stands a man and yet the works of God is manifested through Him!" See, they couldn't understand that God was veiled.

101 He is veiled in a man, as He always was veiled. But, He was veiled unto them, He was in His human temple. God was in a human temple. Now, be real careful, now He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See, God veiled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in human being. See? Here was God! Those Greeks saying, "We would see Him."

102And Jesus said, "A corn of wheat has to fall and die." You have to die to all your ideas. You have to get out of your own thoughts.

Like those disciples was, they couldn't explain about eating His body and--and drinking His Blood, but, see, they had done died to those things. They were dead to a Principle, they were dead to Christ. No matter what it is, or how much defeat looked like He had, they still believed It anyhow. See? They could see in that Man; a Man that eat, drank, fished, slept, everything else, was born here on the earth, and walked with them, talked with them, wore clothes like the rest of them, but that was God.

103 So the Greeks couldn't see Him, because He was hid from them, in a human being. Notice His Word to them, "Except this corn of wheat falls in the ground."

104God veiled in the form of a man, hid Himself from their view. They could only see a man. But those Predestinated seen God. One saw a man, the other one saw God. See? And it was God veiled in a human being, making both of them right, but your faith in that what you don't see. You believe it, anyhow. God veiled in a human being. He was in that flesh, and that flesh was His veil. The veil was rent, see, that God might be made manifest.

105 In the Old Testament, God was hid when He was on His mercy seat; on the mercy seat, by a veil. In the Old Testament, God was in His temple. But the people come in and worship like this, but, remember, there was a veil (amen) that hid God. They knowed God was there. They couldn't see Him. That Pillar of Fire never appeared anymore there. Did you notice? There's not one time in the Scripture, from the time that Pillar of Fire went in behind that veil, that It ever showed again, till It come from Jesus Christ. God was veiled!

106When He stood on earth, He said, "I come from God and I go to God."

107Then Paul, (after His death, burial, and resurrection), on his road to Damascus, there was that Pillar of Fire again. What was It? Out from behind the veil! Glory to God!

108 He was in behind the veil. Now He was behind what? Skin veil. See, "badger skins," behind the veil. And when that veil was rent on the day of crucifixion, the veil that He was wrapped in was rent on the day of the crucifixion, the whole mercy seat came into view.

109Now, the Jews could not understand how that God could have mercy upon a sinful, foul people like we are. But they couldn't see this One who was giving mercy, because He was hid. He was behind the mercy seat, on the inside, with badger skins hanging down, covering Him. Before...

110 Before, if any man walked in behind that veil, it was sudden death. Amen. Oh, we're going to get a lesson here in a minute, see, if you can--you can receive It. To walk behind them skins... Even one of the priest's sons tried to do it one time, and died. "Don't go behind that veil." The man that walked behind... Why? There was no redemption yet, in that. It was potentially. It was just potential. And anything potential is not the real thing yet, see, just potentially. It was redemption... Sin was covered, not omitted... remitted, rather, not remitted. Remitted is "divorce and put away." And so the blood of sheep and goats could not do that, so Jehovah was hid behind a veil. Now, back behind this veil where He was hid, to enter into that, a man dropped dead, to try to enter into It.

111 But since Pentecost, since the Crucifixion, when that veil was rent from the top to the bottom, for that generation... Jesus was that God, veiled. And when He died at Calvary, God sent fire and lightning, and ripped that veil from top to the bottom, that the whole mercy seat was in plain view. But they were too blind to see It. As Moses said here, though, or... Paul said, reading of Moses, "When Moses is read, yet, that veil is still on their heart." Oh, brother, sister, that's what the Jews did when the veil was rent and brought God into plain view, hanging on the cross. He was in plain view, but they couldn't see It.

112 Could it be possible that the Gentiles has did the same thing? O God! When they've had the church ages, of the Son of God; but when now the veil of this denominations and things, this veil of tradition that we've got since Pentecost, when the church traditions has been rent, the things that the people said, "Days of miracles is past, and these things," and God has took the veil off of It, and brought It in plain view, and they're ready to crucify It again, just exactly like.

113 The unveiled God, plain view, they should have seen Him standing there. Yet He was too common, He was an ordinary man. They couldn't see It. See, there stood a man. "Well," they said, "this guy, what school did He come from?" But, remember, when that spear struck His body, that Spirit left Him, the temple... the sacrifices' blocks turned over, and the lightning whipped down through the temple and rent the veil. What was it? There was their God hanging on Calvary, and they were too blind to see it.

114Brought Him in open view, and still they don't see It! They are blinded. God, veiled in a human being!

115 You remember, He returned then to Paul after that, and to Peter in the prison, as the Pillar of Fire. Remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

116But in the last days He is supposed to return again, but a Pillar of Fire is supposed to come back again to manifest the Son of man, see, to show the Word, the Light. The traditions, has been, will be wiped away. There is nothing going to bother It; it's going to be done, anyhow. God just tear them denominations and traditions down.

What kind of a Spirit will He do with it? Like He did in the first place. Look what He done in the days of Elijah, in the days of John. "Don't you think to say within yourself you 'have Abraham to the father,' 'cause God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See? Don't you think, "Cause, I belong to this and I belong to that." See? God tearing off the veil, see, to show Who He is. See, watch the veil when it rents here now, we find now.

117 Now, and one time, if a man walked through that veil, it was sudden death. Now it's death not to go through It! Amen. If you can't break that veil of tradition, break through that wall of denomination, to see God in His power, it's death. Once where it was death to go in, now it's death to stay out. The whole Mercy Seat is setting in plain view, anybody can see It, the veil is rent. Glory to God! The whole mercy seat comes into plain view.

118 How God could have mercy on foul sinners as us, when He hid Himself, was a mystery. And now It's in plain view, or in full view, revealed by His Word. It's always the Word, constantly, that is God. It's the Word that opens it up. If those people would have knowed the Word of God that day when Jesus died, they would have seen the Mercy Seat, they would have seen Who He was.

119"Who was That then? Why did the veil rent?" Remember, it was death to go into It. Nobody could see It. Moses saw It in a form, It was a whirl... it was a--a Man's back. Well, here It is, a bleeding back, that same Man! What was It? God wanted to show them the Mercy Seat. God wanted to show them Who He was. So the veil in the temple, from the hand of God, above, was rent from top to the bottom, and showed God in plain view. It was Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, the Mercy Seat. And what was it? The people were too blind to see It.

120 Now it's repeated again, their traditions! How, then, on the Day of Pentecost, the Word came and was in a form of "Son of God." And they began to organize it at Nicaea, Rome. And, the first thing, they went to Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, and so forth. It's organized tradition till a man don't know where he stands.

But, glory to God, He promised in the last days what He would do. He would show His Word in plain view, open before us again, see, open It up.

121If they'd have only knowed the Word, they'd have knowed Who Jesus was. If a man only knowed the Word of God, he would know the hour we're living and what's going on. They just refuse to listen to that Word. Their traditions! What caused those Jews to see that? What? Looked like they could have actually seen, because the thing was tore open. It was tore open for a purpose.

122 What's this revival on for now? How could it prosper? How could it be blessed? I don't care how many impersonations it's got, or anything else, that don't... When Moses went out, there was a mixed multitude went with him. But what's it done for? It's Jehovah Himself taking the veil off of God, to show the difference between right and wrong. Which is, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or who is right? God's Word is right! "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine the Truth." God needs no interpreter. He does His Own interpretation. He manifests It, and ma-... it gives the interpretation. God unveiling Himself. Oh, my! Right in the midst of us, we see His great hand telling these things, doing these things.

123Got something on that tonight, see, of how to watch the hand of God, what It does, how It unfolds itself. See?

124And people say, "Oh, That's nonsense. That's fanaticism there. There's nothing to That. That's nonsense. That's Beelzebub. That's a devil. That's fortune-telling. That's this." See, the same thing they said about Him.

125 O church, and if this tape goes out, can't you see, ministers of the Gospel, where you're living? Can't you see the hour that we're in? God, showing Himself, setting aside... Look, He took that temple veil and tore it to pieces, that they might see God in plain view, and they was too blind to see It. And He's done the same thing today, putting His Word right out in front, what He promised. Every promise in the Word, laying right before us, in plain view!

126You know what the Gentile church does? The same thing the Jewish church did, too blind to see It. That's all. It'll be on their hearts just as it was in that day.

127 Notice, death, to stay away from It now. You must go into It through this veil, or you won't. How God could have mercy on them, but remember what it was, that God is manifesting what was behind that veil. Watch what was behind the veil, the Word! What did it veil? The Word! What was it? It's in the ark. It was the Word that that veil hid. See? And Jesus was that Word, and He is that Word, and the veil of His flesh hid It.

128And today the veil of tradition hides the Word again, saying, "It's not so." But It is so! God is testifying of It, blasting Hisself right out as bright as the sun, before everyone, and they fail to see It. God, be merciful to us.

129 In type, Moses coming from the Presence of God, with the Word of God for that age. Now watch, we're now in Exodus 19. Don't miss this now. Exodus 19, Moses is coming from the Presence of God, or 20 and 21, 19:20 and 21. Moses is coming from the Presence of God. He has been into the Word. The Word has been wrote. And he, in the Presence of God, with the Word, he had the Word for that age. There is a Word for each age. And Moses coming forth, his face shined so! See? The Word was in him, ready to be manifested, give out to the people.

130The true Word, God had wrote It, and It was with Moses. Notice, It was with Moses and was ready to be manifested. He was the Word to them, he was the living Word, hid. Veiled himself, Moses had to put a veil over his own face. Why? He was that Word. Amen. Until that Word was made known, Moses had to veil himself. Amen!

Do you see It? Wherever the Word is, It's veiled.

131 Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God; well, he wasn't Moses no more. He had the Word of the Lord for that age. Nothing could touch him till that was over; had that Word with him. So, therefore, when he come, the people turned their heads; they couldn't understand. They had been changed. He was a different fellow. He come with that Word. "And he put a veil," the Bible said, "over his face," for he had the Word. And he was the Word to them.

132 Now look, if Moses... O brother, here is going to be an insult. But if Moses... As Paul said here in Second Corinthians, the 3rd chapter. If Moses had to veil his face with that type of Glory upon him; see, because that was natural glory, that was a natural law. And if Moses, knowing that that law had to perish, but the Glory was so great that it blinded the people, so they had to put a veil over his face. How much more will It be? Spiritual blinded people! Uh-huh. That glory was to fade away, but This Glory won't fade away. See? Moses had the carnal laws, the condemnation, no grace, no nothing; it just condemned you. But This we're speaking about... That had no pardon, that just told you what you was. This gives you a way out.

133And when that Word is unveiled, oh, my, what kind of a face will It be? It'll have to be veiled. It's got to be veiled. Now notice. So the Spirit is veiled in a human temple, see, He to speak the natural words with a natural veil.

134 Now, Paul speaking here now, and in this--this sense, the Spirit-Word, "We are ministers, not of the letter, the law; but able ministers of the Spirit," that the Spirit takes the letter and manifests It.

135That was just law, you had to go look at it, say, "Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not lie. Thou shall not do this, that, or the other." See? You had to look at that.

136But this is Spirit that comes upon the promised Word for this age, and brings forth and manifests, not two tables of stone, but the Presence of the living God. Not a mythical thought somebody made up, or some Houdini, a trick; but the very promise of God revealed and made manifest right before us. What sort of a veil will that be behind? And to--to lose that...

137 See, that was so great till even the people said, they said when they seen Jehovah come down in this Pillar of Fire, and begin to shake the earth, and--and the things He done, and the mountain on fire. And even if anybody tried to go to that mountain, perished. It was so great till even Moses feared the quake. Then, if that time He shook just the mountain, this time He'll shake heavens and earth.

138What about This Glory? If that was veiled by a natural veil, this is very... veiled by a spiritual veil. So don't try to look at the natural; break into the Spirit and see where you're at, see what hour we're living in.

139 Does It make sense to you? See, It's a spiritual veil that's over the people, say, "I'm Methodist. I'm as good as anybody. I'm Baptist. And I'm Pentecostal." Don't you realize it, that thing is a traditional veil? It's hiding God from you. That's the things that keeps you from enjoying all...

Oh, you say, "I shout and jump up-and-down."

140He said, "Every Word!" Eve believed every Word but one. See? It's the full Word of God, the promise of this hour made manifest. See?

141Notice now as we go on. Got plenty here to speak of, but I got about twenty pages, but it... of--of notes, but I--I just won't speak on them all. See, I'll hurry.

142 He is veiled with a natural veil before he could speak the Word to the people. Now, God has to veil Hisself, as He promised, in human flesh. God! Do you get It? [Congregation says, "Amen. "--Ed.] God has to veil Hisself in human flesh, and put a spiritual veil over them, (say, "Well, I'm this and I'm that"), in order to speak to the people. When that's veil, which is the traditional veil, is tore apart, then the... that what they say, "Why, the days of miracles is past."

143 A guy said to me the other day, a--a little Baptist preacher out there, come to me, Brother Green, and he said, "Brother Branham, here is one thing I got against you." He said, "You're trying to make the people..." It was down at the Ramada Inn, when we had the meeting down there. Said, "You're trying to make the people believe in an apostolic age, to live today like they were in the apostolic age." Said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles."

I said, "It did?"


I said, "Who was the spokesman in the apostolic age?"

He said, "The twelve apostles in the upper room."

144I said, "Then Paul was out." I said, "The spokesman was Peter. And Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, when they seen all this going on, and the Holy Ghost working, he said, 'The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall ever call.' If He is still calling, then the same Thing is here. When did the apostolic age cease then? The apostolic age ceases when God ceases to call." He never said a thing but picked up his hat and walked away.

145It takes the Word to do it. It's the Word. Jesus told Satan, "It's written." See? That's it, "It's written."

146I said, "Peter said that it would never end. As many as the Lord called, this Blessing was for them. Now you say, 'He stopped.' When?"

"No harm done?"

I said, "No, sir, not a bit. Go ahead." All right. See?

147Peter said that it was for everyone God would call for, would receive the same apostolic Blessing. That's--that's the Word of the Lord. See?

148 Now the natural veil. God, the Word, veiled in human flesh. What was it? God was veiled in Moses. God was in Moses, veiled, and the Presence of God was in him. He was so perfect with that Word in him like that, till he had to veil his face. And it was a vindicated prophet that unfolded the Word and told them, "Thou shalt not! Thou shall! And thou shall not!" See?

149 To give His Word to that generation, He veiled Himself in a human being, or the Word would have blinded even the called-out. See? Even the people that was out there, they could not stand to see that. In--in Exodus we find that, they said, "Let Moses speak, not God." See why the Pillar of Fire don't appear too much? See?

150God said, "I--I--I'll do that. I'll raise them up a Prophet." Amen! "I'll raise them up one." And He came just exactly. "I'll raise, and He'll have, be the Word."

151He said, "If they want to see what the Word is..." Said, "Now, Moses, I appeared to you yonder in that burning bush." Said, "I'm going to come down and set that mountain afire." Said, "They'll see that you've told the truth. I'll appear here in the--in the--the same burning way. I'll appear here and prove to the people, I'll vindicate your ministry." That's what He told Moses here, so many words.

152 Notice, He said, "Now I'm going to--I'm going to glorify you before the people." Said, "Now, you told them that I met you out there in a burning bush; now I'm going to come down, same Fire, and I'm going to let the people see that you never lied about It." You can scientifically prove It, even, if you want to. See? "I'm going to come right down and let them know."

153And when He begin to thunder, when Jehovah started thundering, the people said, "No! No! No! Don't let Jehovah speak; we'll--we'll die."

154See, He had to be veiled, so God veiled Himself in Moses and give Moses the Word. And Moses come down and spoke the Word of the Lord, in a veil over his face. That right? Jehovah veiled in a form of a prophet, 'cause it would've absolutely... And God said He wouldn't speak to them anymore like that. He would only speak to them by a prophet. That's the only way He would ever speak from then on. That's the only way He's ever spoke. That's right. Never any other way. He don't lie.

155 Notice, only Moses had the Word. Now, there wasn't a--a group came down, there wasn't just the Pharisees, or the Sadducees, or it wasn't a--a certain sect or a clan. It was Moses! He got one man. He can't get two or three different minds. He takes one man. Moses had the Word, and Moses alone. Joshua even didn't have It. No one else had It. Amen! Joshua was a--a general; Joshua was a commander of the army; Joshua was a believer, a Christian. But Moses was a prophet! The Word can't come to Joshua; It's got to come to Moses. He was the major prophet of the hour. Notice, the Word never did come to Joshua till Moses was gone. No, sir. God deals with one at a time. God is one. See? Now, only Moses had the Word, not a group.

156 Look, God warned any persons not to try to follow Moses into that veil; impersonators. See? Woman, man, priest, whoever it was, how godly, how man, how much honor, how much they was; He warned, "Let Moses come alone! And if any man, even an animal, touches it, must be killed right there." Never break before that veil. That veil belongs to one person. That Message is one. See? In the temple, one man went in once a year, anointed and fixed to go in; not to bring out the Word, but to offer blood. To even walk in there before It, only one. Any other man died. See?

157 They spiritually die now. This is a spiritual veil. See? That was a natural veil. This is spiritual veil. See? They keep walking right on in behind there, you can tell them. "Oh, I know! I know that, but I..." See, go ahead, it's all right, it only speaks... You remember, the last plague in Egypt was death, before the exodus. The last plague on earth is spiritual death, before the exodus. Then they'll be cremated and turned back to the dust, and the righteous will walk out upon their ashes. But the last thing is spiritual death, rejecting the Word.

158 Now notice, God warned any persons not to try to follow Moses into the veil of Fire. Moses was to be veiled, he had to come out of there. Moses went in as Moses, went into this Pillar of Fire; and when he walked back out, he was veiled. For, he went into There, out of his traditions, the traditions of the elders. He had saw the Pillar of Fire, but now he goes into the Pillar of Fire. See? Amen! And he come forth, veiled. God's Word in a man, veiled! Here he come walking out, oh, my, I can see it. Warned nobody else to try it, nobody can impersonate That. You better not. See? Even a priest or a holy man, whoever it was, cardinal, bishop, anything else, trying to go in that veil, died. God warned them. We'll have no impersonations.

159 His Word is revealed to one. It's always been, a prophet came with the Word of the Lord, each age, every time, down through the Scripture. The Word comes to one. In every age, the same, even in the church ages, from the very first to the last. Others have their places, that's right, notice, but stay away from that Pillar of Fire. See? What a lesson we learn here! See, everybody wanting to be a Moses, and everybody...

160 You remember what Dathan and them said out there? They said, "Now, Moses, wait here just a minute! You take too much upon yourself, see. Now, there is other man here that God has called."

161That is true. They, each one, were following fine as long as they went along, but when one tried to step up and take God's position that He give Moses, which was predestinated and ordained to that job, tried to take it, fire come down and opened up the earth and swallowed them right into it. See? See? Be careful. See? Just be a good, God's godly Christian, believing the Word. See? Stay away from that Pillar. What a lesson!

162 God had first appeared to Moses in a burning bush, God was veiled in the Pillar of Fire. Now listen real close now for a minute. God, first come to Moses, He was veiled. God was in a Pillar of Fire, hid back in a bush, see; like behind the skins, see, back by the mercy seat at the altar. See? He was veiled. He is always veiled. And when He come to Moses, He was in a Pillar of Fire, veiled in the Pillar of Fire. But here, before the people, God vindicated him by the same Pillar of Fire. See? Moses said...

163 Now watch. Are you reading? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Are you letting your minds drift way out? Can you? Can... "He who has got ears, let him hear." See?

164When God appeared to Moses, it was in a Pillar of Fire, when He called him to his ministry. And Moses come and told the people about it. They couldn't believe it, yet he done the miracles and things. But, this time, He visibly, scientifically appeared and vindicated Moses' ministry to be the same God that spoke to him, 'cause He appeared in the form of the Pillar of Fire and set the mountain on fire. And It come to Moses in a bush, spoke to him. All right.

165 God's first appearing, to Moses, in the burning bush, veil. Before the people, God veiled again and vindicated Moses, by the veil, by veiling Himself with the same Fire, same Pillar of Fire came down. From--from then... From them, so they could only hear God's Word. You get it? Just the Word, they heard His Voice. For, Moses was, to them, the living Word. Moses! See, God had so proven that Word by Moses! See, Moses said... God said to Moses, "Go down there. I'll be with you. He's... Not nothing going to stand before you. I AM THAT I AM."

166Moses come down, and said, "You might not believe this, maybe, but God appeared to me in the Pillar of Fire and He told me these things."

167"Oh, we have all kind of things like going on." Pharaoh said, "Why!" Pastor Pharaoh said, "Well, you got a cheap magician trick. Why, I got magicians here that can turn a serpent into... a stick--a stick into a serpent. Come here, magicians." And they come over there and done the same thing.

168 Moses knowed. No nothing bothered him. How many impersonators they had, didn't make a bit of difference. Moses just stood still. The first thing you know, they crawled around a while, and, directly, Moses' snake just eat the rest of them up. See? Why? Like them apostles, they couldn't explain It. Moses didn't know how God was going to do it, but He was going to do it.

169Remember, He said Jambres and Jannes will return in the last days, see, impersonations. "And would deceive the very Elect if possible," Matthew 24:24. See? Just exactly the same things, do the same kind of miracles and everything. Watch that Word! Watch that Word! The man says he does a miracle and still wants to believe there is three Gods, and there is all these kind; you get away from that kind. We know that's--that's wrong, see, no such thing. See? The Word, every Word, every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God! Genesis, one Word! Over here, said, "Don't take or add one word." See, It's got to be that same Word. See?

170 Notice, the people seen something that had happened. Moses had been veiled as a... He was a prophet, and God had vindicated His Word now, went down there. And he seen signs and wonders. And then, all right, this people got separated unto themselves, a church. See, church means "called out." See? After they was called out of the world and became a people, see, then God let Hisself be known that He was that Pillar of Fire. He proved Moses' message. See? He was the Pillar of Fire. They might have took the picture of It, I guess, if they'd have had cameras, 'cause it was all on Fire. But they--they proved that, God proving that the Message was right. The Message was at hand, everything was, they was going to be exodused then. Veiled His prophet to this exodus people.

171 The people, think, seen something had happened to him. He was now different from the rest of the Israelites. He was a different, his message was different, he was different from the priests, he was different from anything. See, he was a different person. The people seen something had happened. God had veiled Himself in His prophet, to speak His Words to them. That's what He had done. Moses was that living Word to the people, veiled by the Pillar of Fire, speaking what was to be veiled later behind badger skins. See?

172 The Word had to come from Moses, first. See? Moses had the Word. They were written by God, nobody could interpret Them, Moses had to interpret Them, first. That's the reason he veiled his face, 'cause he... Do you see It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

Here It is. [Brother Branham picks up his Bible--Ed.] We could pick It, pack It up, and everything else there, but It's got to be revealed. In order to reveal, Moses had to become God to the people.

You say, "That's nonsense."

173Why, He told, even told Moses, Hisself, "You'll be God, and Aaron will be your prophet!...?..." See? So there He come, see, He had to veil Himself, 'cause God is always behind a veil. Oh, my! Do you see It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God is hid from the public.

174Said, "Father, I thank You, You've hid It from the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes, to them that wants to learn." See?

175 God hid behind the veil. Moses veiled his face. Moses was the living Word veiled then. The people saw that Pillar of Fire, said, "Now we are satisfied." See? "Let Moses speak." See? "Don't let God speak, lest we die." Moses walked right into that Pillar of Fire. See?

176And said now, He said, "Now I--I won't speak to them no more like this. I'll give them a prophet." See? And that's the way He always did it. See? Said, "Now let them go up." But this prophet has to have this Word. If he's veiled with a tradition, God never sent him. If he's veiled with the Word, God will vindicate It. God interprets His Own Word. Moses spoke Them; God interpreted Them. Amen.

177Moses said, "The Lord said so!" And the Lord did just what He said. That made It right.

178 Now He said, "Now, Moses, you understand. The people understand now. See, I have showed you, I have vindicated you." God had veiled Himself in this prophet, to speak His Word to the people. Moses was the living God to them, the living Word of God made manifest. That's the reason his face is veiled. See?

179And do you know the same thing in a genuine Christian is veiled today, to unbelievers? They see them women with long hair and things, say it's... "Look at that old model." Women twist their hair up on the back, say, "Got a flat tire, spare tire up there." See, It's all veiled. They're blind. "Oh," they say, "I got a Ph.D, L..." I don't care what you got, you're still ignorant of the Word. Exactly right. "Oh, that, that's just something minor. I..." Take the small lessons first.

180 How about the people who say that they are veiled in the Presence of God, and preach some church tradition? Oh, mercy, goodness! Which adds to and takes from, and everything else, by injecting their own subjects and their own thoughts, and not the Word of God, see, what kind of a veil? That's got an ecclesiastical veil. God has tore that veil wide open!

181They said, "There is no such a thing as prophets. There is no such a thing, in these last days, as apostles and prophets. There is no such a thing as Divine healing. There is no such a thing as seers, anymore. There is no such a thing as Mark 16 being fulfilled. Apostolic age is done." They veiled It from the people. But God walked right out with His Holy Spirit of Fire, and rent that thing from the top to the bot-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God has rent the veil.

182 Moses was the veil, the living Word of God veiled behind human flesh. The Pillar of Fire was in Moses, of course, speaking what was to be veiled later behind skins, you see.

183Now, that, the Word, the Word was brought forth, then It was written out, then It was put behind and still veiled, for God was always in that Word. Amen! He's the Word, always. He was in that Word. That's the reason that Word had to be veiled.

184 Oh, brother, sister, are you catching It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Look! Don't you see? It's been veiled through these ages, according to what God said, and It will be opened in the last days, those Seven Seals would be broke, and the full Thing would come into view of the people, what's took place all along. The hour of the seventh angel's Message, all the mysteries of God should be made known in that Elijah, this last hour; how that Christ is put out of His church, the Son of God; how He is revealed as Son of man again; how that the Church is to be put in order, and everything for the last day, no creed, no denomination, just absolutely the Word living in the individual. "I'll take one, and leave one. I'll take this, and leave that one." See? There's just... There's no strings, no denominations, no bindings or nothing; it's the heart with God, and Him alone. See?

185 Notice, veiled in a human flesh. Moses with that Word, speaking what was to be later put behind badger skin. So that... So is Christ our Moses. Christ is our Moses. He was God veiled in human flesh, veiled in humanity, in flesh. That's right. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was veiled by badger skins. He was veiled. And this time He was veiled in a man. See? Now notice, "same yesterday, today, and forever," promised His Word to this age. He is still Christ, the promised Word to this age, veiled in human flesh. The Word is God.

186 The anointing is a person. The word Christ means a anointed one, see, "the anointed one." Then, Moses was Christ in his days, he was the anointed one. Jeremiah was Christ in his days, with a portion of the Word for that day.

187But when Jesus came, He came as the Redeemer Anointed One; and that was both Moses and all that was in Moses, and all the Word, and all the Godhead bodily was in Him. That's the reason the whole temple veil rent, and the mercy seat come in perfect view, He was the anointed One.

188 Notice now, the veil in human flesh, the promised Word to this age must also be veiled. Notice. Sin-loving church members and sinners cannot see It because of the human veil.

189That's the reason they couldn't see Him. "Why, He's a man. Where did He come from? What fellowship card does He have? What church does He belong to?" I want to speak on that tonight, "What church does He belong to?" See? And so, see, now, "What church does He belong to, what--what group? What school did He have? Where did He get His education? Well, this Man was born, according to the tradition, or according to the--the legend of Him around here, this Man was born out of holy wedlock. Why, He, sure, He's of the Devil. See, He's--He's of the Devil. He was born out of holy wedlock, and Joseph just married her to keep her from being stoned, 'cause she was an adulteress. And that Man come around and tell us priests what to do?"

190 And there was God standing there, revealing that Word, crying, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" The very songs they were singing in the temple, that David had made for them years ago, pertaining to Christ. "All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." And there they was standing there, singing that, and the very Man dying on the cross. And when they got through and the...

191When He died, the God of Heaven come down, like He did on Mount Sinai, with Holy Fire, and burnt that temple veil from top to bottom, tore it apart. And what could they do? Look right there out of the temple window, on Calvary, and there was God in plain view, the Sacrifice.

192 But they don't see It yet, today. God in this last day has rent those traditions away, and brought the Word for this age right plain in view, and they still don't know It. They just don't know It. It's--it's so simple. See, it's just so simple. It's so far away from the things of the world.

193I preached the other day at a certain gathering, of, "Being a nut." One of these days I want to speak on that, "Being a nut." We're all nuts for somebody, so--so I'll be one for Christ. Paul said he "was counted a fool." Sure, you have to be. See, it takes a nut to hold the things together. See? That's right.

194 So notice the veil, the human flesh. No, now, the sin-loving people could not see that. Those traditional religious people, they couldn't see that, because He was a man. Why? That human flesh hid God.

195Now, if He had been a great Pillar of Fire that come down, see, a great Pillar of Fire had come down and showed them that what He was, that He was this great Pillar of Fire, they might have believed that; if Jehovah would have went around.

But you see what He did, so that He could bypass all them smart, wise people, He just revealed Himself like He promised Moses, see, "I'll speak to them through a Prophet." And He was Son of man, a Prophet. And some of them recognized It, about one hundredth percent of one hundred in the world, they believed It; the rest of them didn't. But, He was, just the same.

196 But there was the Mighty God standing in full view, the Mercy Seat! He died when His Own children saying... His Own children there, saying, "We won't have Him! Away with Him!" Spit on Him.

197A type, way back, when David was leaving the temple, rejected king. Went down through the street, and a little, old crippled-up fellow crawling along, never did like him, he called him "old hypocrite" or something, spit right in his face. And that guard pulled the sword, said, "I'll let that dog's head stay on him; and spit on my king?"

198David said, "Let him alone, God told him that." And David probably didn't know what he said. Went up on the mountain, looking back, crying.

199Eight hundred years from there, the Son of David was climbing the same mountain, looking out, weeping over Jerusalem, a rejected King. And they spit in His face.

200Don't you see? It's the same thing. See that Word coming on down, following on down today? Always rejected by the majority, see, and believed in the minority.

201 Now, see, they couldn't believe It. Those Greeks, they couldn't see Him, He was in His human temple. "Why," they said, "this man's name is Jesus; He comes from Nazareth."

202Now, they only had one name there in them days. Like, "John, Jim," they say, "John from Jeffersonville, Jim from New Albany," or something like that, you see.

203He said, "This is Jesus from Nazareth. It's common believed that His mother was pregnated by a soldier." See? And then that's exactly what they believed. Sure! And say they said, now, "And this is Jesus of Nazareth." You see? "Who is He?" See, they couldn't understand That.

204 But, why, this Word for that day, when He was preaching, said, "Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They testify Who I am. If you can't believe Me; forget Me, as a veil, believe the Word that's coming forth. Two is a witness," He said, "I speak and the Father speaks for Me." Amen. That's right.

205I speak of the Word of this day, and the Father confirms It. Now is that a witness to you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It is, see. That's how it's to be fulfilled.

206 Notice in Second Corinthians now, the... in Second Corinthians, 3rd chapter, the 6th verse, the old temple housed God behind old skins, from the Jews. When the old veil was rent, still the Jews... blinded to Who He was, and Who He is yet. And then Pentecost revealed Who the true and living God was, when that veil was cut in two, with God, from the top. Why did that veil do that? Why did it do it?

207Why did there come such a Message today to do what It's done? Why did It come? Why?

208 There was someone going to call me, some day here not long ago, wanted to debate with me about the--the church age, that, "God was in His holy church," and things like that. And I found out it was some woman preacher, and I just forgot about it. See, if it had been some man that was going to be all right, it'd been different. But, so, but what's the use of going plumb over into another country there, when I've got to leave a meeting here to do it, you see? So I just let them alone. The blind leads the blind, they--they all fall in the ditch.

209 So, so now in this age, when the old denominational and traditional veil has been rent, from the Word of God, so It can be manifested! You see what I mean? The tradition says, "All those things are past." Let It soak a little bit. "The things are past." But, in this last day, that traditional veil has been rent apart, and here stands the Pillar of Fire. See? Here He is, manifesting the Word for this day. The veil is rent.

Now, the world, still they don't believe It. No matter what, they don't see It. They don't see It. It wasn't sent to them.

210Remember, the Son of God was not revealed to Sodom; two messengers was. That's right.

211But, this, God Himself in human flesh was revealed to Abraham, the Elected. And watch what He done to reveal Himself. And now Abraham knew, when He knew what was in Sarah's thought behind Him, he said, called Him, "Elohim! Thy servant..."

212 Notice now, so it can be manifested. The Word has had a veil over It all these years, to the people, "It can't be done."

213You remember the sermon. I preached the morning when I left here the first time, about Goliath and David? I said, "Look at the challenger out there, saying that 'the days of miracles is past.'"

Watch them tapes as they come down, watch each one, how It's come in more plainer and plainer; if you have ears to hear, see, eyes to see.

What? I said, "There stands that great ecclesiastical world out there, that's in this scientific age, that it cannot be done." But I said, "God..." In that Light, 'fore It was ever taken, but once; never was taken then. It was down on the river there; they never took the picture of It. See? I said, "He told me that it would be done; He would make a call and it would sweep the nations."

214And even to Doctor Davis, said, "You, with a grammar school education, passed into the seventh grade, will be praying for kings and monarchs, and will start a revival that will sweep the nations?"

I said, "That's what He said."

215And it's been done. See? See, it's been done. That's the thing of it, is, He don't need no interpretation. He's done it. See, He's already done it, that interprets itself, see, calling His Elected, see, from--from all walks of life. Now it's made manifest.

216 I said that David stood out there, a little, bitty, scrawny fellow with his back all bowed in, a slingshot in his hand. And, why, Saul looked at him, the head of the ministerial association, said, "Why, you, you're not even trained!" He said, "Let me see if I can give you a Ph.D. or some." Put this armor on him, it... He found out it didn't fit a man of God.

217Said, "Take the thing off of me." Said, "I don't know nothing about that." Said, "Let me go in the way that I know, what I fought the lion with, what I fought the bear with." He was kind of a woodsman. He said, "Let me go in this way."

218And this old Goliath said, "Do you send a dog out to fight me?" Said, "I'll pick you on the end of my spear and hang your carcass up there and let the birds eat it."

219David said, "You meet me as a Philistine, and an armor and a spear, and I'll meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." Watch the prophet, David, said, "Today I'll cut your head from your shoulder." Amen! Oh, my! He knowed what he had, Whom he had believed, and was fully persuaded He was able to keep that which he committed to Him. See? So it happened anyhow.

220The old saying, "The days of miracles is past," the walls is tore down! Jehovah still stands in full view, manifesting His Word, unveiled One. That's right. Notice.

221 The Gentile church has also been blinded from the veil, after it's been tore off and showed God, the ecclesiastical veil. How? By veiling the Word in human being again. That's exactly what Israel failed to see. If it would have been some Angel or something, Israel would have believed It. But being... It could not be an Angel. It had to be a man. Amen!

God can't break His Word. In the last days it has to be the same thing again. See? What blinded Israel? That Man. "You're a Man making Yourself God." That's what they killed Him for, and, today, because the Message come through man and not Angels. See? God can't change His way, change His Word. He said He changed not. See? Notice, promised! And the Gentiles are just as blinded today as Israel was, because (what?) the veil. God veiled in a human being, blinded Israel.

Notice, has ever blinded one. One, It will blind; the other, It will reveal the Truth. It'll close the eyes of some, and open the eyes of the other.

222 Look, Jesus stood and said, "Well, your name is--is--is Simon, and your father's name was Jonas."

He said, "Lord God!" See? Philip...

He said, "When did You know?"

He said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile!"

And he said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

223He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

224He said, "Rabbi, You're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel."

225Well, there stood those there, said, "He is Beelzebub." See? What did It do? Open one's eyes, blinded the other. What did the priests say? "Why, that Guy is Beelzebub!"

226 The little woman said, "I know Messiah is coming, which is called the anointed One. See, the Anointed One will come. We haven't had prophets... You must be a prophet. But the Anointed One will come. We're looking for Him. This is the last days for the Gentiles... or for the Jews." Said, "This is the last day." See, both Samaritan and Jew were looking for a Messiah. See? Said, "This is the time for Him to appear. We know, when He comes, He'll do these things. He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

Her eyes was opened; the police, priests was blinded.

227That's what the Gospel always does. It opens the eyes of some, reveals the Truth to some, while It blinds the others; has a twofold meaning. Some can take that Son and look straight into It, and go blind; others can take It and walk out with It. It's the different.

228 As it was done in every age, Deity veiled in human flesh. Notice, He did. The prophets was Deity, veiled. They was the Word of God (is that right?) veiled in human flesh. So, they didn't notice our Moses neither, see, Jesus.

229Notice veiled behind the old badger skins in the old temple, was the Word, was the Word manifested on tables of stone.

230 Now, I'm going to try to get away in about twenty minutes now, if I can, make it half past eleven. Notice, if you notice, I've turned some pages here, you see, to keep from getting... so I'd keep from cutting the... making it too long. I know you're hot, tired.

231 Behind the old temple, in the veil, what was back behind there? What was Jehovah? What was hid back there? What was the veil hiding? Oh, hallelujah! What was the veil hiding? It was hiding the Word. The veil, old badger skins, was hidden, hiding the Word to their eyes, natural. Behind there, also, was the shewbread. Behind there, also, was the Shekinah Glory. But It was all hid from them. It was all hid. All the Glory of God was right behind that old badger skin, that's right, all hid to the natural eye.

232It is today, too. It's called "a bunch of holy rollers, fanatics," but they don't know what's hid behind there. That's what they don't know. See?

233 Then when God, in mercy, rent the veil for them to see, they were so wrapped up in their traditions they... it was still hid to them, even to this day.

234Same now! The Glory, the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah Glory that comes upon the believer, now I mean the real believer, that causes the works of God and the faith to come into him, to believe the Word of God, that's all hid to them eyes. They say, "Them things are passed." You see, they're still living behind the veil.

You're not behind that veil anymore, little Ones, God has come in full view of you.

235 The other day, Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Tom Simpson... I don't know whether he ever got here or not. Several of us was up at a Baptist church, and the minister said something that sounded pretty good. All of us said, "Amen!" Everybody in the church stretched up their neck and looked back. See? See? We found a crumb that come from behind the Shekinah there, you know, and we was kind of glad to get it. We said, in other words, "Thank You, Lord!" See? And, when they did, these fellows was so veiled they just laughed at it. They didn't know what It was all about. See? They're still veiled. So, there is some inside and some outside. And so... But God is in full view of us, hid. Same now!

236 Then when God, in His mercy, rent the veil, He was brought into plain view. But, they were so wrapped in their traditions, He was still hid from them.

Same now! All that Glory, hid, is hid for us in Christ, the Word, Who is our Temple.

237Oh, now, I'm going to have to dig down in this a little bit. Excuse me for my emotions this morning, but, oh, I've--I've wanted to give this out so long, I... it's just binding up in me. See?

238 Notice, all the Glory that is in God is in the Word. All the blessings that's in God is in the Word. It's hid, to the unbeliever, by traditions. See what I mean? But It's all in Christ. All that God was, He emptied Himself, "kenos," and came into Christ; and we, into Christ, are behind the veil.

239"Well, I'm into Christ," you say. And then believe there is three Gods? Baptize in the name of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"? Believe in all these traditions and things that you believe in, of the elders? No, you're still behind the veil. See? Come into the veil. He, Christ, is the Word.

240"How? I don't believe in Divine healing. I don't believe in these miracles and things like That."

241Well, you see, you're--you're not in, inside the veil. You don't know nothing about It. See? Christ is the Word! And when we are in the Word, we're in Christ. And how can I be in Christ, denying Christ? It was He that said, "Not one word shall be added to or taken from." How can you take from and add to, then? See, it shows you what veil has got you veiled away. See?

242 We in Him! Then we, being in Him, we are still veiled to the religionists and professors of the world. See, our Glory that we have and enjoying, we are still veiled to them outsiders. They think we're "crazy, a nut," again. See? See? That's right. But we who are in here, in Christ, baptized into Him, (First Corinthians 12), into Him, we are partakers of this Glory. See? But not on the outside; you're still looking in, denying It. See?

243So now we are invited into Him, to be partakers of all that He is. We're invited into Him, which is hid to unbelievers, by the veil of human flesh. See? They know that Glory, they read of It, It's in the Word here, "the Glory of God" and things like that, it's just a word to them. To us, it's a manifestation! See? It is no more a word; it's a reality! Amen!

244God said, "Let there be light," that was the word. But now there is light. It ain't the word; it's the light. See what I mean?

245 Now it isn't just a written Word to us, it's a reality. We are in Him. Now we're enjoying. Now we behold Him. Now we see Him, the Word, manifesting Himself. It's hid, out there, because (why?) It's veiled in human flesh. See?

246Oh, they say, "That bunch of people, where did they go to school? What--what education do they have? Where, what--what did they come from? What--what--what group do they belong to?" See? Huh! See, they don't get It.

247A man said to another man, the other day, said, "You have to belong to a denomination to be a Christian."

248He said, "I am a Christian; I don't belong to any of them." Uh-huh. Said, "God taken this cancer out of me," said, "now what do you think about that?" It was a doctor. He said, "Show me the denominations doing it." See? All right. See? It's still veiled.

249 We're inside of Christ. Now, as then, all true believers see Him, the Word of promise of this day, openly manifested. That's a big word if you can get it. See? See? All true believers, that's in the Word, see God openly. The veil is rent, and God stands openly before you, manifested. See? God, manifested, open.

250In order to do this, our old denomination traditional veil must be rent again. In order to really see what It is, you've got to come out from among that stuff. See? You'll never do it; they'll keep pulling that veil before you, every time, "Oh, there is nothing to That." But here It is written, and here It is made manifest, you see. See?

251 Now, what if a fellow refuses to see the sun, say, "Oh, there, I know God said, 'Let there be light,' but there is no such a thing. I'm going down in the basement. I--I just refuse to see it"? The guy is crazy. There is something wrong with him.

252There is something wrong with a man or woman, can see the promise of God and see It manifested, and then refuse to believe It because the denomination pulls the veil down. See, veiled!

253 In order to do this, our denomination traditional veils must be broke, by God's Spirit of Fire and Sword, which is His Word. Always His Word is His Sword. See? And He took His Sword that day, full of Fire, and ripped that veil from top to bottom. He does the same thing with the same Sword today! Not "my creed, my book of creeds, my--my catechism." But the Sword of the Lord, see, rips the veil down, and you see God standing in plain view, manifested in His Word. What a glorious view to look at! See? All right. God's Holy Spirit and Fire, His Sword, rips it. The Word rips the denominational veil.

254 Well, if you just said, "the Word," and the Word don't work? What good would the Sword be here, and say, "It can't rip"? Say, "Uh," and it won't rip?

255But when you lay that Sword of God up there and watch her rip, she is--she is held by an ordained hand sent to do so. See, rips it open, and there He is. There it shows God plainly in view, the great Jehovah. That is His Word made manifest, the portion that's promised to the day. Do you get It? See? When the Sword, promise of today, in this day, what's supposed to be, and God takes His Sword and rips down the denominational veil and pulls it back, and manifests Himself and shows that He is there, still that same Pillar of Fire. Notice, that is the Word made manifest for today's promises.

256 We see It as did Peter when he said, "Lord, to whom would we go, after seeing This?" Where would we go? What church could we join, when we're born in One? See? What could you... What denomination could you join after knowing these Truths, see, when they (every one) deny It? Every one of them! I haven't got a one that'll say or do a thing for It. Right. That's right.

257 I started off on these trips down here, where forty-two churches in one place was the sponsor; when I got there, I had none. Every one of them said, "He believes in Eternal security." That let the legalists out. One said, "He baptizes in Jesus' Name." That lets all the rest of them out, see. One of them said, "He believes in the serpent's seed. The serpent has no seed!" That let...

258The Bible said, "I'll put enmity between her Seed and the serpent's seed." See that?

259It, the--the veil, has been lifted off of the Word. See? That's right. It's revealed to babes. It's--it's lifted. They see It. And will be, as once said... That's right. Then it will be, as once said, "When you see," when this veil is took off of the Word, the traditions is taken off the Word, as Jesus once said, "when you see Me, you see the Father." See? God and His Word is one. Now you understand? When the Word is manifested, what is It? See?

260 Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, you think you have E-.... You've believed in God, believe also in Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me. But if I do do the works, I and My Father are one. When you see Me, you have seen the Father."

261And when you see the Word made manifest, you see the Father, God, because the Word is the Father. The Word is God. And the Word, made manifest, is God Himself taking His Own Word and manifesting It among believers. Nothing can make It live but believers, just believers. It's not... It won't...

262 You can take wheat and plant it in a--in a--a different kind of a soil, it'll never grow. But, what, it's got to have certain fertilize in the ground to raise wheat. And if there is no--if there... if the fertilize in the ground isn't--isn't, the wheat isn't germitized to that fertilize, it'll never grow. So no matter where the Word falls, if It doesn't fall in the right kind of a heart...

263Jesus said so. "Some fell by the wayside, on stony grounds, and the fowls of the air come and fed on it." And then He said, "Some fell in the thorns and thistles, which raised up and choked out right away," traditions, denominations, cares of the world choked It. But said, "Some went over into good ground and brought forth a hundredfold," said, "that's the Kingdom of God."

It's the same thing, see, some will not believe at all.

264Some will believe for a little while, like the disciples. They followed Him, many of them, the seventy followed Him for years, to find out; about a year and a half, or two years; just to find out, till they could find something in Him, some... like some way He had some power to do these things, or like a rabbit foot, a magician of some sort, what He could do to produce these things, how He could know what was in the people's heart and what they were thinking. And they finally found out that He said that He "come down from Heaven," He "was the Word Himself." And when they did that, that was too much for them. They said, "No man can understand This." And they walked away from Him. That's those who fell among thorns.

265 It brings back to the same thing, in every congregation, you have make-believers, unbelievers, and believers. It's been in every congregation. You find them all the time. Some of them make out like they're believers, that's the worst of type. And then they have those who are actually unbelievers; he won't bother you, he'll just walk away and shake his head. But those who make-believe, say they're believers, that's the kind, that's the kind you have to watch, is those make-believers. And then there is some genuine believers. See them three there?

266There was the unbelievers. As soon as He said, "Eat the Flesh of the Son of man," oh, man, that was it!

267The others was make-believers. They stayed till, just like Judas did, right up to the end.

268But then the real believers, they couldn't explain It, but they believed It, anyhow. They went on through.

269 The veil, tradition of unbelievers, taken away, you see God. When the veil of traditions has been removed, you can see that God is still God of His Word. He still keeps His Word. He is the--He is the God, Author of His Word.

That is hid behind skin veils, to others. Yes, that is right. To those who cannot go behind the veil, He is still behind skin veils.

270 Notice. Then, we, then we become part of Him, as you are the veil that veils Him. You are part of Him, as long as Christ is in you, as Christ was of God. Because God was in Him, made Him God. And as Christ is in you, the hope of Glory, you become part of Christ. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." See? You become part of Christ as long as Christ is hid in you. Then it's veiled to the unbeliever, but you know He is in you. You are temple-ing Christ that's behind the veil, the skin. Then we, becau-... Behind, because of this veil, the veil again in human flesh, hides God (the Word) from the unbeliever.

271 As it is written, see, "Written, you are written epistles," the Bible said. Now, what is epistle? Is a "written word." And you are the "written." Other words, you'd read It like this, "You," It said, "you are written epistles," or, "you are the Word, that has been written, made manifest," nothing can be added to It. You can't say, "I'm a written epistle," and living some other kind of a something but what This has already wrote, [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] because nothing can be added or taken away.

272 As Doctor Lee Vayle is writing this famous book, I want you to see it after a while. Brother Vayle is here, is on the grounds somewhere. I seen him outside. I don't think he can get in. But he's writing a book there, and--and is very astounding, of the Laodicean Age. And I want you... It'll be off of presses pretty soon. So, we're taking the last reading of it now. And was writing, and we was discussing It in there, see, about...

273 Everyone has always come to me, said, "Brother Branham, them seven thunders that the voice thundered, and He said, 'Write It not, see, but close It up,'" said, "that'll be seven thunders that will be revealed in the last days, see, seven thunders that'll tell us?" Now, don't that sound real good? See? But watch what you're talking about when you say that.

He said, "See that you write It not." See? These seven thunders utter their voices, see, and He said, "Don't write that, see, but It's to be sealed up in the Book until the last days."

274 Now someone has been, many has been saying to me, and theologians said, "Brother Branham, if the Lord God..." Said, "If--if... With your experience, that the Lord has given you for His people," humbly saying this, said, "you would be eligible to write a--a Bible yourself, your Word, if God has manifested."

275I said "That might be true." See, he was trying to catch me. See? And I said, "But, you see, I couldn't do that."

He said, "Why couldn't you? You have all the qualifications."

276I said, "But, you look, one word cannot be added or taken away." See?

277And he said, "Well, then, them seven thunders, you see," said, "wouldn't them seven thunders blasting out, won't that be a Revelation be give to some man?"

278I said, "No, sir, it would be adding something to It or taking Something from It."

279It's all revealed in There, and the Seven Seals opened up the revelation of what That was. That's what it was. See, it's still in the Word. You see, you can't get out of that Word. It won't leave the Word. And God's Spirit will never leave that Word. It'll stay right with the Word; blinding some, and open the eyes of others. It'll always do that.

280 "Ye are written epistles, read of all man." Or, you are... I translate That, turn around this a way, see, just turn It around, "You are epistles that has been written," 'cause you can't add nothing to It, "that's read of all man; manifested Word of God," in other words.

And Peter and John, to show it, when they went up there, they perceived they were ignorant and unlearned, they had no education, but they taken notice they had been with Jesus. See? They were ignorant and unlearned, but they were written epistles, see, read that they had been with Jesus. Cause, Jesus was manifesting Himself through them, Christ veiled in their flesh; manifested, made alive.

281 Like He was in Moses. When the Word was in Moses, he was God in flesh. When It was in Jesus, It was God in flesh. See? Only thing He done was change His mask, not His Word, not His nature. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He only changed His form. He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the fullness of the Godhead bodily. See?

282It's still the same God! Amen. Amen. I hope that gets through. See? It is the same God, but He just takes on another veil. See, He puts on another veil.

283 He did it in the reformers, taken on a veil, taken on a veil. Until, finally, It come down through the Lutheran age, down through the other age, then finally It comes out into the Complete. Just before It comes, a prophet arises again. What it does, it foreshadows the Word, showing back here, revealing what's been done, what's been left off, that the Church will be without... not without understanding. Then when this fades out, then, like John said, "I must decrease, He must increase," then all-in-all comes into Him. He is fully manifested, through Luther, Wesley, and Pentecostal age, and on down, on on down, He is fully manifested, you see, come down, just the manifestation, God unfolding: See Him (Now, notice.) fulfilled in His promises for this day, as they had.

284 Now Moses was the Word that day, because the Word was given to him for that day; Moses. Joseph was the Word in his days, portraying Christ exactly. See, each one of them was the Word.

285And when Jesus came, He was the Word in Its fullness, because the whole plan of redemption laid in Him. The whole plan of redemption didn't lay in Moses, didn't lay in Joseph, didn't lay in Elijah. See, they were only part of the Word, pointing to It. See? Now notice, keep your thought; here It comes, as I say. See, the whole plan wasn't in them. They were pointing to It.

286 Therefore, after Him, the Fullness, we cannot point to something else. It points back to Him, the Word. [Brother Branham picks up his Bible--Ed.] This is the complete Revelation; nothing can be added or taken away from It. There is the complete Revelation. All that, a shadow of Him to come; but when He come, He was the Perfect. Hebrews 1, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets," God spoke through veils, the prophets, "but in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." There you are. Unveiled out there on Calvary, the Son of God, unveiled.

287 Notice, "made alive." And, today, when the Word is manifested in human vessels, veils, it's absolutely the Word fulfilled in that day, which comes back to God. Being baptized into Him, according to First Corinthians 12, we become identified with Him. Amen.

288 I said a half hour, but can I have just a little bit longer? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Look, I just can't miss this right in here. Notice, identified with Him!

289 Now notice. How many American citizens is here? Raise up your hands. All right, you are an American citizen, then you are identified with this nation. Whatever this nation is, you must be. Is that right? You are all of her glory and you are all of her shame. You're identified with her. You are an American, so you take on America. Hallelujah!

290I was with George Washington when he crossed the Delaware. I'm identified with him. That's right. I was with Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address. I was standing there. I was with the soldiers on Guam, you boys, when you hoisted that flag. I was there. I'm American; I'm identified with it. Amen. Now, to be an American, whatever her shame is in the Revolutionary, I bear it, 'cause I'm an American. That's right.

291 And as a Christian, I'm identified with Him. Amen! I was with Noah when he went in the ark. I was with Moses when he come out of Egypt. Amen! I was Elijah on Mount Carmel. Yes, sir! Glory to God! I was with him when he did that. I was truly with Him, I identified myself in His death there on Calvary when I died to the things of the world, to myself and all traditions. I was identified with Him. I was identified with Him on Easter morning when He rose from the dead. I was identified with Him on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came down like a rushing mighty wind. I was identified with Him. All that He was I am, all that I am He was; amen, being dead in Him we are identified with Him. What He is I am. Amen!

292 What this nation is I am. I'm proud to be that. I'm ready to bear her shame. I'm ready to bear a reproach to be American. That's right. But I'm double that to Jesus Christ! All that He ever was I am. I like to be identified with Him.

293Them apostles, when they come back, they thought... they was made fun of, and called everything else, they thought it was a great honor to bear the reproach of His Name.

294I am happy today to be one of them, being identified with the Word, which is Christ. Identified with Him! Being baptized into Him, we become identified; identified in His likeness, identified with His Word, which is Him. If I am in Christ, I am His Word; for He is the Word, and what He is I am. Amen! Do you get It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

295 The Word manifested, or revealed in that Revelation in there, then what does that puts me? If He is that Shekinah Glory, I'm part of It. Amen! Oh! Amen! That's right. The Word Itself revealed, reveals Itself.

Think! The mysteries of God made known to us in this day, by the same Heavenly Messenger that was made known to them in them days; notice, the same Pillar of Fire that sent Moses; the same Pillar of Fire that was on Moses that wrote the Bible; the same Pillar of Fire that Paul met on his road down to Damascus.

296And Paul wrote the New Testament. Remember, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they only wrote what they seen; but Paul had the Revelation. He pulled It out, for he had met the Pillar of Fire, himself. And think, the same...

297 There, Joseph, all them wrote what went on, everyone wrote back in that day. But when Moses came on the scene, he had the Revelation. He had met the Pillar of Fire, and It was revealed to Moses how Genesis. He wrote the first four books of the Bible, Moses did. Is that right? For he met God in the form of the Pillar of Fire, veiled in the Pillar of Fire.

298When Paul met Him on the road... The disciples just wrote what they seen Him do, but Moses had the Revelation; went down into Egypt for three years and studied, and seen that God of the Old Testament was Jesus of the New, the Revelation! "I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision." That's right. Right!

299And think of It! The same Pillar of Fire that come upon those men that wrote the Bible, is the same Pillar of Fire here, today, interpreting the Bible. Amen! How we thank Him for that! Same! What a comfort! What identification! I'm so glad to be identified in that, I don't know what to do! I'd rather be identified in That than all the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and all the rest of them. Identified in that Word where that Shekinah Glory and Revelation lays!

300 The Pillar of Fire appearing visibly among us, identifying that the Message is right, like He did at Mount Sinai. Remember, before the true message come forth, Moses preached and he led them out of Egypt; but there, before the real commandments was laid down (the Seals was brought in), God come down before the people and proved that Moses was sent from Him, (that right?) in a Pillar of Fire that Moses said he had seen in a bush and talked to him.

301Oh, in this last days, to see that same Pillar of Fire right among us, speaking the same Word; not only that, but interpreting It by making It manifest, and proving It, It's the Truth.

So, the people has not one way to disbelieve, lest they just willfully want to. And, then, "He that sins willfully after having a knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."

302 Notice, same Pillar of Fire sent to Moses and to Paul, that wrote the Bible, now sent to reveal It. The grace of God, the unchanging God, fulfilling the promises of Matthew 28, "Lo, I am with you always"; fulfilling Saint John 14:12, "The works that I do, you also"; fulfilling Saint Luke 17:28-29, "In the last days the Son of man will be revealed," see, see; Malachi 4, "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, that will restore the Faith of the people back to the original Word." See? How this... See? Oh, my!

303 He died, to reveal Himself to us. Now let us die to self, to reveal Him to others. Let us die to the traditions and things, to reveal Him to other. Die to the denominations, to reveal Him to others.

304 Notice, the old temple had in it the Shekinah Glory, and the Light of the Shekinah over the Word. The Word is a Seed; It brought forth the shewbread to believers only. The blood also was upon the covenant; and the Blood is the water, the water that life-ens the grain, the wheat, the seed, which is the Word.

305Like Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent," and then again He said, "God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son; whosoever believeth on Him should not perish." Moses smote the rock in the wilderness, to save a perishing people, or bring water. God smote Jesus, to bring forth the Spirit out of Him, for a perishing people. The Blood came from Him, which is, "The water of the washing by the Word." Which, the Water brings Life to the Seed. And it brought forth the Shekinah Glory; shined upon the Word, which brought forth the shewbread. And the shewbread was just for a chosen people. Uh-huh. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

306 Now breaking into the veil, through the veil, into His Presence, where the Word is (not the creed), the Word; in there seeing the Shekinah Glory, the Shekinah, the Power, the Holy Spirit shining upon the Word, bringing forth the promise, shows you're behind the veil. Amen!

I've crossed the riven veils where the Glory never fails, (Uh!)

Hallelujah, hallelujah; I'm living in the Presence of the King.

I've crossed the riven veils where the Glory never fails,

I'm living in the Presence of the King.

307 The old badger skin, denominations, is tore down. I've broke through that, into the Shekinah Glory, and I see the Word. I see the Pillar of Fire moving. I see the Word made manifest. What He said He would do in these last days, I see it growing. I see the children eating that Shekinah Bread coming from the ripening of that Word, which believes It. Amen! What a wonderful hour we're living in! See, the Shekinah was over the Word; and under there was the Bread. And there was the Blood, sprinkled, which gives It water. The Spirit gives Life to the Word. And the...

How many read, heard the tape on The Trial? Guess, many of you have. You see there, it takes...

That Word must grow. In order to grow, It's got to be in the right kind of ground. See? And God makes a promise, and it hits that heart, it cannot fail.

308 Noah waited a hundred and twenty years. Abraham waited twenty-five years, on the child. God said so, and that settled it. See? What is it? The Word was there being watered by faith, believing It, it brought forth the results. It brought forth a son; it brought forth the rain; it brought forth the flood; it brought forth the virgin that was conceived.

309A prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive." No doubt but what every little young girl went and got her baby clothes ready. Well, this prophet Isaiah was identified prophet, vindicated of God. And the Lord said, "A virgin shall conceive. I'm going to give them a supernatural sign, a great sign; a virgin shall conceive."

310 There, all them people, them believers, just like you all. And they heard that prophet say that, every little girl... Every man said, "That's going to be my daughter. Yes, sir." Everybody went and bought the booties and the birdeye and everything, getting ready, 'cause they knowed she was going to have it. That generation passed, and they thought, "That identified prophet, vindicated of God, how could he tell anything was wrong? It must be so!"

311It was eight hundred years later, but she brought forth the baby. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away."

312 "And it shall come to pass in the last days," saith God. See, here we are, the--the Light over the Word. As the light of the sun changes the seed from glory to glory, we also became--become more like Him as we live in His Presence; like Him, being conformed to His blessed image as we walk with Him.

313Watch what the sun does. You plant a seed, what happens? That seed rots. Inside the seed is a life. The life comes forth and brings forth a stalk. Now, that don't look like the first.

There is Luther. It was a stalk. All right.

The stalk went on and, the first thing you know, it brought forth a tassel. See, that was the Wesleyan revival; wasn't like the other.

Then along come the Pentecostal revival, see, brought forth the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All right.

What happened? We get fungus on the ear. It begins to look wrong. This thing, that thing, it don't look like the Word. It's not like the rest of It. It's not like the original Grain went in.

314 But God is still there to make that--that just the same. Notice, what does it do? It finally returns back to the original Seed again. When He come in the form of Martin Luther; when He come in the form of John Wesley; when He come in the form of the Pentecostal; He is supposed to reveal Himself again like the same Seed went in, the Son of man. He revealed Hisself as Son of God, through the stalk age and so forth, but in this last age He's to reveal Hisself as Son of man again. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, like the beginning, molded!

315 And what does that stalk grow? It's growing all the time. That little stalk grows, still it's not like the original grain. Neither was Luther's message; no, along come the--the other messages, Finney, Sankey, Knox, Calvin, on down, none of them. They were still the message but, what it was, they didn't get the complete Revelation of It 'cause it wasn't time. You can't put the ear on the corn before it's time to come. See? And then, finally, there comes back again the original Seed that went into the ground.

316 See God follows nature exactly. See, He was born a lamb, that's the reason He was born out in a manger. Lambs are not born in beds. See, He was led to the Calvary. Lamb, sheep are led. That's right. Goats lead them to the slaughter, you know that, a slaughterhouse. A goat leads them, but they have to be led. Huh! That's right. So He was led to the slaughter, see, because He was a Lamb.

317Everything identified Him in nature. That's the reason He was born in March or April, not in December; He couldn't be, there's twenty-foot of snow up there in that time of year. Not no sun-god, but He was the Son of God. See? Roman sun-god on the twenty-fifth day of December, when the solar passes its places in there and they had the Roman circuses, and called the sun-god's birthday, and they make it the Son of God. No, no. He was the Son of God. His birthday was with the rest of nature. Exactly.

Now notice again now as we go on, we got a little time left.

318 Now to the perfect. After the stalk has been formed; after the tassel has been formed; after the grain has come onto the cob; then it has to come to perfection, back to a regular grain again.

And, remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life. It has to be germitized to It. But, remember, the same Life that was in the stalk is in the grain. It's just maturing itself right back, see. He revealed Hisself, (what?) Son of man, the grain that went into the ground. Get the Message? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The Greeks said to Him, "We would see Jesus."

319He said, "Except the grain of corn falls into the ground." See? All right.

320 Now what did He reveal Hisself next? In a different form; stalk and tassel, and so forth, and all the leaves and everything. He revealed Hisself then, (what?) same Spirit, but in a different form. See? But what's the last of that corn? It comes back to the original grain. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

321And His ministry comes, from them reformations, back to the original Word again. The Word comes to a prophet. And He promised it, in Malachi 4, "And to restore the Faith of the people back to the original grain." What went in the ground is here the same. The grain is come up through here. It come up as Son of God, now It reveals Itself here as Son of man, and then It reveals Itself as Son of David on the Throne. See, them three sons, just exactly. Oh, my, again like the original!

322 Now to the perfect ministry of Himself; not some man, not some denomination, as they've worked down through that age there, see; but Himself made manifest, manifests Himself to the promise, making Saint Luke 17:28, Malachi 4, and so forth, Hebrews 13:8, just exactly right. At that time, what time should it be? When the royal Seed of Abraham is looking for the promised Son. And all types must be fulfilled. And God Himself appeared in the form of a human being, to Abraham's natural seed, before the destruction, and Jesus said it would be the same thing to this royal Seed before the promised Son returns.

323 Notice the old veil that hid the Glory. The old badger skins, there was no beauty to be desired of it; neither was His flesh. That's the reason people said, "A little old stooped over Fellow like that?" Probably thirty years old, and gray, and His beard gray, wasn't much to look at. The Bible said, "There's no beauty we should desire Him." He didn't look like a King, the old badger skin, but, oh, what was on the inside!

324And a little bunch of "holy-rollers" sitting together in a hot building like this, they call them, not much beauty to be desired, but what's on the inside! I'm sure it's veiled from many hearts, you see. You see? All right.

325 Outwardly It was nothing, but all was on the inside. Once inside of It, then you see It. How do you get into It; shaking hands, joining? No. Born into It. Dying, getting rid of your old badger skin, see, your old self, to get into a new one. See? Forsake the old badger skin.

326The Shekinah Light does not... Listen, ministers! Ministers, I want you to listen to This. When once inside... Now I'm going to take this real easy, so you'll be sure to get It. Once inside the veil, under the Shekinah Glory, the Shekinah Light does not take the Word of God and reveal Jesus to be a "fortuneteller," no, like the denominations do today, "mental telepathy, holy-roller, Beelzebub." The Shekinah Glory doesn't reveal Him of that.

327But the Shekinah Glory ripens the Seed that's promised for that hour, of the Word, showing Him to be still the Lily of the Valley. It brings forth that Seed, the Lily of the Valley, the Bread of Life, the Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the believers' portion. The Shekinah Glory reveals, to the believer, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

328 Not, "The days, He is past, and He died and it's all over." So friend, if you believe that, if you believe that, you've never struck the Shekinah Glory. How could the Shekinah Glory ever reveal Him in three persons? See? How could the Shekinah Glory ever reveal Him as being baptized, people, in the name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," when there's never a person in the Bible baptized that way? How could the Shekinah Glory limit Him to an apostle, when He's the same yesterday, today, and forever? See?

329The Shekinah Glory manifests Him. It brings forth the Word of promise, right out to you. That's the reason that He had to veil Moses' face, because in him was the Word. He veiled Jesus, as a humble little Man, to keep them from seeing Jehovah. And He veils Hisself today, in earthen vessels, with the Shekinah. The outside looks like a bunch of holy-rollers, old badger skins, but the inside hides the Shekinah Glory.

And It ripens the Shewbread that we feast on, and drive across the country for, hundreds of miles, see. It's the believers' Food. It's only for a believer. Remember, the Shewbread was only for the believer only, see, Shewbread Seed. Notice. What does it do? That Shekinah Glory, over the Shewbread, kept It from spoiling.

330 Remember, the manna that came from Heaven, it was stayed in the Shekinah Glory, from one generation to another. Outside, it got wiggletails in it, overnight, it contaminated. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

331Outside of the Shekinah Glory, "The days of miracles is past. See, it's all fanaticism." But inside...

332 Look, they got some sunflower seed out of a garner in Egypt that was put in there in the days of Joseph, four thousand years, nearly, ago. Joseph put them in the garner. They planted them. They lived. Why? They had life.

333 What's this Shekinah Glory today? To break beyond the veil, to see Who God is standing before you, see Who God is standing here before us, the--the Pillar of Fire. He is veiled in human flesh. But what does the Shek'nah, what did it do? The Shewbread Seed, the Word that we're to live on in this day, by these promises, the Shekinah Glory ripens that Shewbread, brings it to pass, makes it Bread to the believer; that laid in the pages of the Bible, year after year, the Word for this age.

334To the denominations, It's a stumbling block. To the denominations, they stumble at It. Down through the years, Luther, Wesley, Martin Luther, and all, Sankey, Finney, John Smith, Knox, all stumbled at It.

335 But what's it to be done in the last days? What is "to reveal"? "Bring forth!" What's Malachi 4 to do? To turn back the people from that stumbling block, to break down the traditions, and to reveal the Bread with the Shekinah Glory. Watch It ripen and produce just exactly what It said It would do, oh, my, the Shewbread for this age. To the denomination, a stumbling block, "a bunch of fanatics." But, we who believe!

336 But now as Revelations 10 has promised, "All the mysteries of God, that's been hid in the pages down through them years, would be ripened, brought forth in the age of the seventh angel's Message." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

What did He say, a year and six months ago, about on two years now? "Go out to Tucson; be north of Tucson, a great blast," and what would take place, "the Seals would be opened," the Seals that reveal these things. Come back just as He said.

What is it? It shows It cannot be man. It hits perfectly, just as straight as it can be, each time. What is it? It's the hand of God, see, before us. And because it's in a little group, veiled in human flesh, it's veiled to the outside world. He is hid from the outside world. He is revealing Himself to babes such as will learn. See? That's right.

337 Every, see, every parable in the Bible, every type of the Bible, is made manifest right here before us. The same God, in the Pillar of Fire, that wrote the Bible, both in the Old and New Testament, is right here manifesting It, showing just exactly what it was, interpreting right back, and to make it sure that it's the interpretation.

338"We got the interpretation!" Then let's see it happen. See, that's it, let's see it made manifest.

339Manifest! Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not." See, it's got to be proven.

340But now--now, not proven like Jesus, they put a--a rag around His head and hit Him on the head, said, "If You're a Prophet, tell us who hit You." "And if You are the Son of God, turn these bread." See, that's the Devil. "If You're the Son of God, come off that cr-..."

341 I mean, the Revelation that He is supposed to do, that's what It is. But now, as Revelation 10 is revealed, the mysteries of God is made manifest, known, as the Seven-Seal Book promised.

Now let your faith in Him Who is the Word. Cause, in Revelations 10 it says...

342Or, Revelations 19, rather. I had it wrote down here, Revelations 10, to go to it; but it ain't 10, it's 19. When He comes, He is going to be called, "The Word of God," riding upon a white horse, and the followers of Heaven will be behind Him.

343Break the denominational veil of education! Break the denominational veil of tradition! Break those veils that's hiding Him from you! Break those veils of pride, you women. You're--you're King's daughters; act like it, live like it. Break every veil, no matter what Ph.D. and LL.D. says. If it's contrary to that Bible, break through that veil!

For, we've crossed the riven veil. We're on the other side now, on the other side. And you will see, if you'll just do that, break those old traditions and things, and come to Him, you'll see Him standing, the Mighty Conqueror, the Word of promise for this age, made manifest. You'll see the Mighty God unveiled, see Him right among us here, unveiled, the Mighty God, unconquered by traditions.

344 They tried to hide Him behind there; they did, for years, but the time of the promise drew near. God raised up a Moses one time, and he set the children free from them things. And He is still... He can't be conquered. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

345They say, "It can't be done." But it was done. Then, when it was done, they said, "It's of the Devil."

346But that don't change the Word of God, a bit. It still remains "God," to the believer, "the Mighty Conqueror; the same yesterday, today, and forever," by His nature, by His Word, Hebrews 13:8.

347 I'm closing, in saying this, 'cause it's five minutes to twelve, just saying this. I got about ten, twelve more pages. I'll get it some other time, maybe tonight.

348Notice, notice this. There was an auction one time, and they got an old fiddle up. You've heard it many times. An old violin; and the auctioneer said, "What am I offered for it?" I may not have this just right, according to the poem. It's been many, many years, but it comes on my mind. And they picked up the old fiddle, it didn't look very much; looks crummy, everything. He couldn't even get a bid on it. Finally, I think he got a bid for a dollar, or something like that.

349 And there was one standing there that didn't think it ought to sell for that, so he went and picked it up. He struck it in his hands, and picked up the bow and rosined it, and he played a tune. And when he did, everyone started crying. They never heard such music in their life.

Then the auctioneer said, "What am I offered?"

350"Two thousand!" "Five thousand!" "Ten thousand!" See? What was it? The master's hand revealed what was veiled in the old instrument.

351Same now! The old Book, It's ragged, It's been laughed at, burnt, made fun of. But the time has come that they got a denominational auction, the World Council of Churches. They're selling It like nobody's business. There is a denominational auction coming.

352 But, remember, there is something in the old Book that promised that there would be a predestinated, ordained hand come one day, that would pick It up and make the Word of this Book, through a predestinated heart, to the task that It's made for, reveal the promises that's in It. It might look, oh, like an old bunch of holy-rollers, or something other; but just takes the Master's hand, the Word on It, to reveal that Word, and it becomes more than a holy-roller. It's become that to every one of us, hasn't it, friends? It's not a bunch of fanaticism. It depends on whose hand the bow is in.

Let us pray.

353 Our Heavenly Father, by faith today I see the Master of the old Book, that they have swapped for traditions. They swapped It for denominations. They tried to trade It off. Now they're trading It for a--a World Council of man, of churches, communistic, atheistic. The auction is on, Lord.

354God, step forth! Surely, You will. Send us that prophet, Lord, that picks up that bow, that picks up this Word and proves that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Many, Lord, will sell their lives, they'll throw away the old traditions, they'll break the veils. They want It, Lord. They'll give anything, anything, just give them Jesus.

355Lord, I think You've proved It to them now. They come from everywhere. They spend their livings. They do everything, to try to get to the meetings, to do all they can, because they've found that Pearl of great price. Other things are very little. Bless them, Father.

356 Laying on this pulpit, this morning, Lord, lays handkerchiefs. Maybe some of them will have to leave today, before the healing service tonight. O Eternal God, look down. I know You're here, You're veiled. And I'm sending these little veils, Lord, called "handkerchiefs," and little "aprons," and little "booties" for little babies. And I'm sending them as little veil tokens, that Your Word has been preached over it this morning, and, as a believer, I lay my hands upon them, my body, a signifying that I believe It. And, by faith, each one in this building is doing the same, Lord. May the sick get well.

357 You can stroke the--the Word from here, Lord, like the old violinist did to the violin, make it so, Lord. Make it play the right tune, bow in the Master's hand, then we'll see Him standing in full view.

358How those people must have thought that day, when they wouldn't give nothing, when they didn't give nothing for the old violin. They didn't want it. They wouldn't have it in their house. But when once picked up by the one who could master it, then they sold everything they had, to get it. They were fussing and fighting over it. It was too late then.

359 So will it be sometime when the Trumpet of the Lord shall be sounded out, time shall be no more. Those who have been looked at and made fun of, that stood there before the open veil and seen the Word of God manifested (others will scream for It, but, as You said, "It'll be too late then"), they went into the Wedding Supper; and they were left out where there's weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

360Help every person to believe, this morning, Father; break through every veil of selfishness, every veil of unbelief, and see the Mighty Conqueror unveiled before the believers. For, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Show Yourself among us, Lord, as You have been doing. Ever remain that way until we are visibly before You, when the en morphe has been changed and You become again Son of man, and Son of David. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus Christ's Name.

While we have our heads bowed, all in prayer.

361 Wonder today if there's some here that... inside or out. There is no way to bring an altar call up here, because there's no room. But I wonder, sincerely, do you believe this to be the Truth? Do you believe that in this day that we're living, and all this chaos and scientific age like was in the days of Noah, in the days of Moses, the days of Christ, that God, the great Father of all of us who are born into Him, stands among us today?

362 This visible Pillar of Fire that's scientifically proven, many years ago, as a little boy, spoke to me out there and told me I'd live right here, what would take place. Telling you about it, and then It... One day down on the river, before the ministry started, first revival, He appeared in the skies, identified Himself and give the commission. All these years I've hid it in my heart, veiling Christ, same Pillar of Fire interpreting the Word, as promised. We're in the last day, just the Coming of the Lord. And if you find yourself outside that veil, which is death to stay out, will you by faith, this morning, say, "By God's help. And with Your help, Lord, I want to break through that veil. I want to get in where You're at, to see the full Word of God"?

363 Don't try to be a Moses. Don't try to be an Aaron. Don't. Just be who you are, but be a Christian.

364Would you, with your heads bowed, raise your hands to God, and say, "Lord God, help me inside the veil"? God bless you. God bless you. That's, just look at the hands!

365Outside, remember, I might not never see your hand. It isn't--it isn't worth much for me to see it, anyhow; it is, God. It only, to me, it just makes me see that the--the Seed has fell somewhere, and, but God sees the real heart.

366If there are any others that didn't raise their hands, would want to be raised now, raise your hands and be remembered in prayer. Raise your hands. God bless you. That's good. God bless you.

367 Father, we pray today that these, Lord, who are not yet through that veil. They're standing out there like Israel; they're watching. They believe, but they've never broke into This yet, to see that great Shekinah Light, both spiritual and physical, insomuch that a mechanical eye of the camera keeps taking the picture; just two weeks ago, caught It again. You're revealing Yourself, Lord, the Mighty God unveiled to the believer; still veiled to the unbeliever, but unveiled to the believer.

May they break through, today, Lord, see His great splendor and Glory. May their hearts be changed before we even get back to this church tonight. May they all be filled with Your Spirit, Your Presence. May the Master pick up that faith that they've got, streak it across the Word; may the tune come back, "Thou has been ordained, before the foundation of the world, to believe This. Believe, My child, and be saved."

368 Father, God, we commit them into Your hands now, realizing there's nothing more that we can do. It's all with You now, Father. I give them to Thee. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

369Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

The Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;

He's saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

I once was lost, now I'm found, free from condemnation,

Jesus gives liberty and a full salvation;

Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

Oh, wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

The Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God is He;

Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name!

370 How many sees Him standing, the Mighty Conqueror, the Word made flesh, unveiled before us; the Alpha, the Omega; He that Was, Which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and the Offspring of David; was the Son of man, Son of God, Son of man, and will be Son of David? You believe It with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Unveiling Himself in each age, brought to the believer, veiling Himself in human flesh from the unbeliever. He is hid behind a veil. May God break every veil, and we see Him as He is!

Jesus breaks every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, Jesus break every fetter,

When He set you free!

On the other side of Jordan,

In the sweet fields of Eden

Where the Tree of Life is blooming,

There is rest for me.

Jesus break...

Don't you want to cross Jordan now? Ain't it long enough in the wilderness? Let's go over in the promises!

Jesus break every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, when He set you free!

371Let's raise our hand now.

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

For He sets me free!

372 Amen! Don't that make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how wonderful! How wonderful, isn't He, then? Let's shake hands with one another now, saying:

Jesus break every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter,

Oh, Jesus break every fetter, (God bless you, brother.)

Oh, and He sets you free!

I will ever, ever praise Him, (the Mighty God)

I... ("Same yesterday, today, and forever," just changed His form.)... praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

For He's (took all the creeds away from me) set me... (to believe His Word).

373 Oh, can't you hear the Master's Violin pull across, the bow across this Word? He's the same yesterday, today!

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I will ever, ever praise Him,

I... (Him, the Word!)... ever, ever praise Him, (What did He do?)

For He set (behind the curtain) me free!

374Praise be to God! I love Him. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't this Heavenly? ["Amen."] I like that attributes of the Word, see, just the Holy Spirit in that sweet, humble way. I--I just like That. Oh, just think!

On the other side of Jordan, (I'm nearing there now)

In the sweet... (immortal) of Eden,... (What will I find there?)

Where the Tree of... (that was in the garden of Eden) is blooming,

There is rest for me.

375You want to go? He breaks every fetter.

Jesus break (every tradition) every fetter,

Jesus break every fetter (all denominations, all creeds),

Break every fetter,

And He set you free!

376 Praise be to God! I just love Him. No wonder Isaiah said, "He's the Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, Wonderful!"

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

Counselor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God is He;

Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful, my Redeemer, praise His Name!

377Oh, my! That moves my heart. How wonderful He is! I tell you, there's no end to This. It, I come into This thirty-three years ago, feeling this a way. And if He tarries, one day I'm going to close my eyes, I'm going out in the same way. Amen!

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,

He's the Counselor, my Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;

He's saving me, He's keeping me from all sin and shame,

Wonderful, my Redeemer, praise His Name!

378 I could stay here the rest of the day, in That. Paul said, "If I sing, I'll sing in the Spirit." Uh-huh. "If I preach, I'll preach in the Spirit. If I walk, I'll walk in the Spirit. If I talk, I'll talk in the Spirit." Let everything be done by the Word and the Spirit. Yes, sir. Amen! It's all God's Truth.

379I see Him, the Mighty God, unveiled. I see Him pull back the creeds, the denominations; pull back the--the skeptics, the educational programs, and everything; walk forward, stand there. You think the creeds could conquer Him? You think the denominations could conquer Him? You think the World Council can conquer Him? He conquered everything, broke every fetter, ripped open hell; tore off the seal, entered into the Holiest of holies; unveiled Himself to us, being the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. I love Him.

380 Now, until we meet this afternoon, we want to do one thing, that is:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name... (Yeah, I got them, already.)... O how sweet!

Hope of earth and...

[Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.]

381If the Satan tries to tempt you, that you're not looking at the right thing, point him to the Word like Jesus did. See? See? Amen!

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

382 Billy will be in, about six o'clock, giving out prayer cards to those who wants to come in the prayer line. I think we better do it. We wasn't going to, but, being a crowd, we better do it, you see.

383Now remember Him! Keep Him always on your mind, in your heart. Wherever you go, see, keep Jesus on your mind.

Take the Name of Jesus with (now listen) you,

As a shield from every snare; (what happens?)

When temptations round you gather, (what must you do?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

384Let us bow our heads now. I'm going to ask the pastor if he'll come and dismiss the audience. Brother Neville, God bless you, Brother Neville.