Boh, keď sa pozrel na Neho, On bol tak nadchnutý, On bol tak ... Keď Ho videl ako vyzeral a keď videl svoj obraz. On bol tak nadchnutý, že to je to dokonalé majstrovské dielo Vykupiteľa - Ježiša, Vykupiteľa. Tak Boh, aby sám bol udrený, aby splatil trest, ktorý sám uložil, Boh a Kristus sa stali jedno, tak Boh mohol byť udrený v tom obraze, mohol byť zranený. A preto Izaiáš povedal: "A my sme sa domnievali o ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený. A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho; a jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení."
Dokonalý obraz Boha-človeka, Boh en morfe sa zmenil z nadprirodzeného na videnie. A to videnie bolo premietnuté do toho obrazu. A ten obraz bol udrený, aby tak to nadprirodzené mohlo skúsiť, ako chutí smrť. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. On to nemohol dosiahnuť v Mojžišovi. Nemohol to dosiahnuť v prorokoch. Izaiáš, ktorý bol rezaný pílami až bol rozpílený na kusy ... On to nemohol dosiahnuť v prorokoch, ktorí boli kameňovaní. On to nemohol dosiahnuť, pretože On to nemohol cítiť. To bola len Jeho časť. Ale v tomto majstrovskom diele On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. On mohol nie len stvárniť Mojžiša, On mohol stvárniť Svoju večnú bytosť v tejto osobe a okúsiť smrť za celú ľudskú rasu. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. Boh bol tak nadchnutý, keď to videl, On sa stal vykupiteľom všetkých vekov aby sa prihováral za tých tam dávno, ktorí boli predtým i za tých teraz.
1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy do modlitby. Zatiaľ kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy a srdcia pred Bohom, chcel by som vedieť koľkí by tu chceli byť spomenutí pred Bohom, tým že zodvihnú svoje ruky? No, majte teraz svoju prosbu vo svojom srdci, keď sa modlíme.
2Pane Ježišu, Ty fontána, nevyčerpateľná fontána života, pretekaj dnes cez nás, Pane A očisti nás od každej nevery a od každého hriechu, aby sme mohli teraz stáť v Tvojej prítomnosti, vediac, že je medzi nami potreba, že ... Vieme, že sme hriešnici a nie sme hodní žiadneho požehnania. Ale potom, keď myslíme na Neho, ktorý prišiel a vzal naše hriechy, potom keď je tam Jeho krv, to nie sme my v prítomnosti Božej, to je On - len naše hlasy skrze Jeho krv; Jeho krv hovorí. Ó, Bože, očisti potom naše srdcia od hriechu a nevery.
3Daj nám túžby našich sŕdc, pretože naše túžby sú skutočne slúžiť Tebe. A v týchto slabostiach a trápeniach a veciach tohto sveta, ktoré niekedy na nás doliehajú, aby nás zdokonalili ... Tak je nám to povedané, že On povedal: "Nedivte sa, akoby to bola čudná vec, že prichádzajú tieto utrpenia." Oni sú len na naše dobro a aby nás zdokonalili a priviedli nás na to miesto. Tieto veľké púšte prežití, kde sú spravodliví ľudia formovaní na svätých, ďakujeme Ti Pane za tieto prežitia. Nemienime - nikto rozumný nechce robiť nič proti Tvojej vôli; ale modlíme sa, Otče, aby sme v tomto boli privedení bližšie ku Tebe.
4A keď sú tie bremená také ťažké, že nedokážeme ísť ďalej, potom dvíhame svoje ruky a kričíme ku nášmu Otcovi. Potom vypočuj z neba, Pane. Uzdrav nás. Zmocni nás zo vzhľadu na Božie kráľovstvo.
Požehnaj dnes ráno Tvoje Slovo, Pane. Tvoje Slovo je pravda.
5A my sme sa tu teraz zhromaždili v tomto zbore. Modlíme sa za brata Nevilleho A za brata Cappsa A brata Collinsa A za všetkých ostatných služobníkov a starších a diakonov a za všetkých laikov a za tých, ktorí sú tu cudzí. Nech je toto deň, na ktorý budeme dlho pamätať z dôvodu Tvojej prítomnosti.
6Sme tu dnes ráno vo veľkom očakávaní, Pane. Zišli sme sa na náhle oznámenie. Cítime, že je to za určitým cieľom. Nech môže byť dosiahnutý Tvoj cieľ, Pane.. Lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša, pri tom čo sa Ti odovzdávame. Amen.
7Je to ohromné byť tu a byť zhromaždení s týmto zborom plným ľudí. Neočakával som, že tu budem - sotva to niekto dnes ráno očakával, pretože ani ja sám som poriadne nevedel, že tu budem.
8Práve sme prišli z Filadelfii. A tak som prišiel a myslel som si, že hneď budem musieť ísť do Arizony - slúžiť na pohrebe jednému môjmu priateľovi, kapitánovi Jimovi Moseleyovi, veľmi milý, vzácny človek, ktorého som nedávno priviedol ku Kristovi, troch bratov Moseleyovcov. A jeden z nich spadol a bol ... nedávno v lietadle a na mieste bol mŕtvy. Desať hodín bol v ohni, než sa ku nemu dostali. Tak zanechal ... dvadsať osem ročný, jeho žena má dvadsať šesť a zanechal tri malé deti - najstaršie má sedem rokov. Veľmi smutné. A oni ... keď sa ku nemu dostali, hneď na druhý deň ho museli pochovať. Tak som len - nedalo sa mi tam ísť. A len som napísal - poslal som telegramom, to čo som chcel povedať, alebo čo by som bol povedal na pohrabe brata Moseleyho. Niektoré z týchto vecí nedokážeme porozumieť, ale aj tak On robí, že všetko pôsobí len na dobré.
9Sme tu dnes ráno v Pánovej službe a vieme, že keď veríme Bohu, že veríme, že On bude robiť všetko len dobre. Bez ohľadu čo to je a ako sa to javí, vieme že to musí byť na dobré. On to zasľúbil. Musí to proste tak byť. Niekedy to nedokážeme porozumieť, stáva sa to mnohokrát veľmi komplikované, ale aj tak vieme, že je to pravda, pretože Biblia hovorí, že je to pravda. A pre nás Biblia je Boh vo forme písma.
10No, musíme niekde postaviť svoju vieru. A ak ja - alebo ktokoľvek z nás sa v živote snažil dosiahnuť úspech, v živote a stať sa, mnoho krát, multimilionárom ... Ale čo urobíme s tým? Musíme prísť na koniec cesty a načo nám to potom bude? Vidíte? A peniaze sú certifikáty, to je mena; ale nemôžete ich vymeniť za život. Jedine Boh má život.
11A tak si uvedomujeme, že my sme tu v negatívnej forme. A keď existuje negatív, musí existovať pozitív. Negatív nemôže existovať bez pozitívu, vidíte, pretože to kvôli pozitívu je vytvorený negatív. Ako keď ste mali negatívny obraz nejakého predmetu. Niekde musí byť predmet, aby dopadol ... aby to svetlo dopadlo na ten film, inak by neexistoval žiadny negatív. A tak, keď vidíme, že náš život tu je v negatíve a keď vieme, že sme obrazom nejakého života niekde, potom vieme, že niekde je pozitív, ktorého svetlo dopadlo a to odrazilo niečo tu na zemi.
A my sme len tým odrazom. Niekde je tá originálna vec. Ak nie je, tak potom som najviac zvedeným človekom na svete; zbytočne som strávil svoj život. Ale ja viem bez najmenšieho tieňa pochybnosti, že to tam je! Vidíte? Preto sme my tu.
12Keď vidím vás ľudí prichádzať z celej krajiny na oznámenie v krátkom čase a niekedy to len predpokladajú, potom to robí, že sa cítim skutočne malý, keď prídem na zhromaždenie ako toto, keď si pomyslím, že viem, že tu títo ľudia cestovali stovky míľ, len aby tu boli niekoľko minút na zhromaždení, len aby tu sedeli.
13Nejaká žena raz povedala, prišla sem raz a povedala: "Ukážte mi kde po zemi prešiel ten človek a dovoľte mi nech prejdem za ním," povedala: "A budem zdravá." No, ľudia vám takto veria a vy reprezentujete Krista, čo potom máme robiť? Mali by sme byť veľmi opatrní, pretože keď urobíte niečo zle, neškodíte len sami sebe, škodíte iným, ktorí vás nasledujú.
14Tak ja nepoznám žiadnu denomináciu ani nič, do čoho by som vás mal priviesť. Je len jedna vec na čom spočíva moja viera, ak mi veríte, nasledujte to čo vám hovorím, pretože ja verím Biblii, to je Slovo Božie. Ostatné veci sklamú. On je život. On je Slovo.
15No, viem že vy ... keď sem prídem dlho vás tu držím. Modlil som sa ku Bohu, keď som cítil, že sem takto chcem dnes prísť ... Mal som tak veľa rozhovorov a telefonátov a tak ďalej; Musel som sa s niektorými dnes ráno stretnúť. A povedal som: "No, brat Neville bude určite chcieť, aby som kázal." To bol piatok. A povedal som: "Brat Neville bude asi chcieť, aby som kázal. A ak budem, potom prosím, Bože ... je tak horúco, bolo horúco." A On bol dobrý, že nám poslal dážď a prerušil tú veľkú horúčavu a dal nám dnes ráno, dobré ráno. Prosím, aby Jeho dobrota skropila každého jedného z vás, aby ste stále pamätali, že ste boli dnes ráno tu. Nech spočinie na vás Jeho milosť a požehnanie.
16Minulý večer som navštívil chorého priateľa, brata Billyho Daucha. Nevidím ho tu dnes ráno. Nejako ... Aha, tu je. Áno. A rozmýšľal som: "Starý deväťdesiat jeden ročný muž a stále prichádza cez celú krajinu, cez púšte a cez zasnežené hory, po zľadovatelých cestách. On to nemusí. Boh bol ku nemu dobrý; on to nemusí robiť. On by mohol sedieť doma a mať sluhov, ktorí by ho ovievali, keby chcel." Ale Billymu Dauchovi sa niečo prihodilo; On sa znovuzrodil. A keď sa to stalo, do jeho srdca niečo prišlo, že žije predovšetkým, aby navštevoval tieto zhromaždenia. A potom, ak ja mám byť ústami Božími, či by som zviedol priateľa? Radšej by som zomrel. Potom, daj mi povedať mu z tejto Biblii, presne to, čo je pravda. To je potom Božie Slovo. Ja len opakujem čo On povedal.
17No, chcem prečítať niečo z Biblii. Prv ako budeme čítať, chcel by som povedať, že myslím, že dnes večer máme večeru Pánovu. A vy, ktorí ste tu domáci (pretože ostatní pôjdu možno naspäť domov, pretože musia ísť do roboty) - vy, ktorí ste tu domáci v tomto zhromaždení, pamätajte, dnes večer budú bratia podávať večeru Pánovu.
18No, očakávam na konečnú správu ohľadne Afriky. Nechcú mi tam dovoliť ísť ako misionárovi. Tak jediný spôsob ako tam môžem ísť ... Mám v pláne ísť do Keni, Ugandy a Tanganyky. A jediný spôsob ako tam môžem ísť ... po prvé, cirkvi ma tam nechcú, pretože oni chcú aby som v Afrike kázal niečo na tejto strane a na tamtej strane. A ja tam takto nechcem ísť. Nebol by som takým pokrytcom, aby som to tak robil. A aj som im povedal: "Nie pánovia, ja budem kázať len to, čo mi Boh položí na srdce a nič iné." Vidíte? A som si istý, že to nebude to, do čoho sa ma oni snažia nahovoriť, aby som učil. A tak ... trojičný krst a ďalšie takéto veci a dohadovať sa s nimi. Nie!
19Ale brat Boze ma pozval na veľké zhromaždenie, on práve prichádza ku tomu, že začína vidieť niečo z toho denného svetla, čo my veríme. A tak som pozvaný, aby som tam prišiel, ako na poľovačku. Ak my bude dovolené ísť, ako na poľovačku ... Ak budem môcť zohnať niekoho, kto by povedal, že ma vezmú na poľovačku, potom, keď tam prídem, ten doktor tam na veľvyslanectve je môj osobný priateľ z Chicaga - a len čo sa tam dostanem, on povie: "No tu je brat Branham. Majme zhromaždenie. Tak, keď už tam budem, veľvyslanec ma nemôže poslať preč. Ak oni ... Tak oni sa to teraz snažia zariadiť. Tak dúfam, že ... Ak je to Božia vôľa, bude to tak fungovať. Vidíte? Je to proste poručené Jemu. Ak nie, potom vám to oznámim.
20Chcem ... Ak to bude potom vôľa Božia, chcem hovoriť o Siedmych trúbach. A to bude asi osem dňové zhromaždenie. A nechceme byť tu v modlitebni; možno sa nám podarí dostať tu to auditórium.
21No, nikdy som si nemyslel o tomto novom auditóriu, že tu bude postavené. To je presne tam, kde som prvý krát vo videní videl Ježiša - to auditórium je postavené presne na tom mieste. Išiel som sa tam jedného dňa pozrieť. Keď som sa díval a videl som Ho, ako sa díva na východ (pamätáte sa, že som vám to hovoril), keď som tam bol a modlil som sa za svojho otca, ako malý chlapec, len chlapec, kazateľ. Tam som Ho videl. Urobil som krok, díval som sa na Neho. Hlavu mal obrátenú ku mne bokom, kráčal som ďalej po šalviovom poli, zakašľal som. A stále som sa díval a On sa vôbec neotočil. Zavolal som Jeho meno: "Ježiš" a On sa otočil, roztiahol ruky. A to bolo všetko, čo som si pamätal, až do svitania. A tak som sa na svitaní vrátil z toho poľa. Tak možno, že Pán mi dá aby som tam kázal o týchto Trúbách. Kdekoľvek to bude, Božia vôľa sa stane.
22Otvorte si teraz svoje Biblie v Izaiášovi, 53. kapitolu Izaiáša. No, dúfame, že Boh požehná naše slabé úsilia, že sme sa zišli spolu dnes ráno. My sme práve prišli z Filadelfii, kde som bol na konferencii Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A počúval som tam ich rôzne svedectvá a tak ďalej ...
23Potom som ... na ceste sem som bol ... Billy Paul A ja a Rebeka a malé Colinsove dievča, malá Betka Collinsová ... A Billy je veľmi dobrý spáč a Rebeka ešte lepšia. A tak som ... Rozprávali sme sa s Betkou. A ona sedela vzadu s Rebekou na zadnom sedle. A ja som videl, že sa na ceste niečo stalo. A keď som to uvidel, niečo ma osvietilo. A Betka, ak je tu, ona si všimla, že som prestal hovoriť a začal som si niečo zapisovať. Tam som dostal tento text na toto ráno.
24No, vstaňme na svoje nohy, ak ... No, stojíme z úcty k Božiemu Slovu, keď budem čítať Izaiáša, 53. kapitolu:
Kto uveril našej zvesti? A komu bolo zjavené rameno Hospodinovo?
Všimnite si, to začína otázkou.
Lebo vyrástol pred ním ako nežný prútik a ako koreň z vypráhlej zeme: nemal podoby ani krásy; videli sme ho, ale nebolo na ňom vidieť toho, pre čo by sme ho boli bývali žiadostiví.
Opovrhnutý bol a opustený od ľudí, muž bolestí, a oboznámený s nemocou, a ako ten, pred ktorým skrývajú tvár, opovrhnutý, a preto sme si ho nevážili,
kým on vzal na seba naše nemoci a niesol naše bolesti, a my sme sa domnievali o ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený.
A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na neho, a jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení.
My všetci sme zblúdili ako ovce; každý z nás sme sa obrátili na svoju vlastnú cestu, a Hospodin uvalil na neho neprávosť všetkých nás.
Mučili ho, a on ponižujúc sa znášal dobrovoľne a neotvoril svojich úst; vedený bol ako baránok na zabitie a zanemel ako ovca, ktorá zanemie pred tými, ktorí ju strihajú, a neotvoril svojich úst.
Vzatý bol z väzby a zo súdu. A čo do jeho pokolenia, ktože ho vyrozpráva? Pretože bol vyťatý zo zeme živých, pre prestúpenia môjho ľudu bola mu zadaná rana.
A dali mu s bezbožnými jeho hrob i s bohatým, keď zomrel ukrutnou smrťou, preto, že nespáchal nijakej neprávosti, ani ľsti nebolo nikdy v jeho ústach.
Ale Hospodinovi sa ľúbilo ho tak zdrtiť a strápiť nemocou, aby, ak jeho duša položí obeť za hriech, videl svoje semeno, bol dlhoveký, a to, čo sa ľúbi Hospodinovi, zdarilo sa v jeho ruke.
Z námahy svojej duše uvidí výsledok, nasýti sa. Svojou známosťou ospravedlní spravodlivý môj služobník mnohých a ich neprávosti on ponesie.
Preto mu dám podiel medzi veľkými, a s mocnými deliť bude korisť, pretože vylial svoju dušu na smrť a počítaný bol s priestupníkmi, kým on niesol hriech mnohých a primlúval sa za priestupníkov.
25Bože Otče, Tvoje Slovo je lampou, svetlom, ktoré osvetľuje cestu každému veriacemu do prítomnosti Božej, keď nás vedie ako lampa v našej ruke. Nezaopatril si nás na toľko, aby sme mohli vidieť koniec od začiatku a ... ale kráčam vo viere. Ale ako človek, ktorý má prejsť v noci cez tmavý les (a to je to, kde sme), svetlo, ktoré má v ruke osvetľuje cestu len krok za krokom. Ale tá cesta, hoci vedie hore, kráčajme len vo svetle. A nech svieti dnes to svetlo na Slovo, aby nás priviedlo o jeden krok bližšie ku Kráľovstvu Božiemu. Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
26Téma, ktorú cítim, že mám dnes na zhromaždení hovoriť, je "Majstrovské dielo." Možno to vyzerá trochu divne, prečítať takéto miesto Písma, o ... jeden z Biblických obrazov, kde je najviac brutálnosti a vraždy, to keď Biblia hovorí o tomto dokonalom sluhovi, ktorý bol ranený a zbitý a mučený a pri tom zobrať z toho text, s názvom, Majstrovské dielo. Veľmi divné.
27Ale ja ... rozmýšľam dnes ráno, keď sa vraciame, na udalosti z pred niekoľkých rokov. Bol som pozvaný do Forest Lawn v Kalifornii povyše Los Angeles. V prvom rade som tam išiel navštíviť hrob Aime Semple McPherson, zakladateľky hnutia Forsquare. A išiel som ku jej hrobu. A hoci sa nezhodujem s tou ženou ako s kazateľkou, ale jednako vo svojom srdci obdivujem a vážim si ju za to, za čím stála v tej hodine a za tie prenasledovanie a za všetko, cez čo musela prechádzať vo svojom čase tu na zemi. A potom, kvôli jej milovanému synovi, ktorý je mojím blízkym priateľom, Rolf McPherson.
28A išli sme tam, skupina kazateľov. A oni - nemali sme čas aby sme išli na to miesto, kde majú to krematórium a dávajú tie telá do malých truhiel, ktoré kladú z boku do steny.
29A tam majú neobyčajné veci, také ako Posledná Večera a ... Je to osvetľované skutočným slnečným svetlom. A majú tam zatvárač, ktorý im umožňuje... Keď vchádzajú dovnútra, je svetlo; a potom, keď začínajú hovoriť, stmieva sa. A po chvíli je to všetko úplne tmavé. A potom ľudia vychádzajú von.
30A oni majú celú tú Večeru ... A tá žena, ktorá poznala tajomstvo, ako vypracovať toto sklo do takéhoto stavu, no, urobiť tieto obrazy, no, to prechádza cez rodinu už mnoho rokov. A to umenie bolo odovzdávané len deťom a tou poslednou bola žena. A oni vyrábali tento obraz. A keď oni išli odliať a vypáliť toto sklo, vypáliť ten kus, tam kde bol Judáš Iškariotský, to prasklo. Tak potom, snažili sa to urobiť znovu. A znovu to prasklo. A ona povedala: "Možno náš Pán nechce aby jeho nepriateľ bol s ním na obraze." A povedala: "Ak to znovu praskne, nedokončíme ten obraz." Ale potom to vydržalo. Potom ... Samozrejme bolo to zvláštne, a ako sa to dialo.
31Ale potom, jedna z najhlavnejších vecí, ktorá ma zaujímala vo Forest Lawn, bola Michelangelova socha Mojžiša, toho veľkého sochára. Samozrejme, to je tam reprodukcia. To nie je originál. Ale to bolo také veľké umelecké dielo. A keď som tam stál a díval sa na to, páčilo sa mi to, niečo čo vyzerá - predstavuje, že má niečo v sebe.
32Umenie sa mi naozaj páči. Verím že Boh je v umení. Verím, že Boh je v hudbe. Verím, že Boh je v prírode. Boh je všade. A všetko, čo sa nezhoduje s originálom je prevrátené. Boh je v tanci, nie v takom tanci aký sa tu tancujete, ale keď synovia a dcéry Božie sú v Duchu Božom, viete, to je tanec. Ale to čo som musel dnes ráno znášať až do druhej, čo doliehalo tam z tej ulici, to je prevrátenosť.
33Ale toto majstrovské dielo, ktoré Michelangelo urobil, to ho niečo stálo. On bol veľký človek. A to ho stálo veľkú časť jeho života, pretože on mnoho, mnoho rokov vysekával ... zobral len skalu mramoru a stále ho opracúval. A aby uvidel ... jedine ten človek, sám ten sochár, mal vo svojej mysli, to čo sa snažil urobiť; on bol ten jediný. Mohli by ste podísť ku nemu a povedať: "Načo dlabeš do tej skaly?" Pre neoboznámeného, ktorý nevie, čo je v jeho srdci, je to nezmysel. Ale pre toho človeka, pre samotného toho sochára, on mal v mysli videnie, ktoré sa snažil urobiť a on sa snažil zreprodukovať to, čo mal vo svojej mysli, vo forme tej sochy. A to bol dôvod, že to vysekával z tej skaly.
34A keď chcete toto robiť, musíte od začiatku začať správne a musíte sa držať vzoru. Vidíte? Nemôžete zobrať maličký kúsok a začať: "Urobíme to takto. Nie, ja myslím ... " Nie, on musel mať presný vzor. A on mal ten vzor vo svojej mysli. A nemohol sa od toho vzoru odchyľovať. No, aby toto dokázal urobiť, musel si to nakresliť v mysli, pretože nemáme žiadne skutočné podobizne Mojžiša - ale on v mysli musel dostať nejaký presný, duchovný obraz, o tom aký Mojžiš bol.
35No, skutočný sochár je inšpirovaný, tak ako skutočný básnik alebo každý skutočný spevák, muzikant, čokoľvek to je. Všetko skutočné musí prísť cez inšpiráciu. Michelangelo musel mať inšpiráciu, ako Mojžiš skutočne vyzeral a on to zachytil vo svojej mysli, aký musel byť Mojžiš. Tak on si postavil tento veľký kus mramoru, aby ho osekával na podobu toho vzoru a stvárňoval ho, obrusoval, až kým nedostal ten skutočný obraz toho, čo muselo byť v jeho mysli.
36A potom, keď to urobil všetko tak dokonale, zabrúsil každú hranu a vyhladil každé miesto a oči boli presne urobené a každý vlas a brada, všetko presne tak, ako to bolo, on sa postavil obďaleč a pozeral sa na to. Myslím o tých veľa, veľa rokoch ťažkej práci, a ako on po celý čas musel vo svojej mysli držať to isté videnie, toho čo išiel robiť. A predstavte si len, to videnie v jeho mysli za tak veľa rokov, aby urobil, žeby to vyzeralo presne tak ako to bolo - on sa v prvom rade držal toho videnia - a ako to on musel opracúvať na podobu toho videnia, obsekávať a obrusovať ... A keď to opracoval natoľko, že dal tomu dokonalosť, že až to skutočne bolo dokonalé, on tam stál s kladivom v ruke, to ráno a pozeral sa nato, keď to dokončil. A on bol tak nadchnutý, keď sa na to díval, pretože videnie jeho mysli stálo v skutočnosti pred ním. To čo on videl, jeho predstava o tom aký Mojžiš bol, to bolo pred ním stvárnené, to čo on celé tie roky mal vo svojom srdci. A namáhavá práca a hodiny zármutku a ťažkostí a kritík a všetkého možného, ale pri tom všetkom on zotrval pri tom videní, až kým to nebolo dokončené.
37A potom, keď to bolo dokončené, zastal opodiaľ s kladivom v ruke, so sochárskym kladivom a díval sa na to dielo. A inšpirácia toho videnia, ktoré videl o tom ako to urobiť, až tak veľmi ho to nadchlo - tá inšpirácia ho tak prenikla, že bol až bez seba a udrel to do kolena a povedal: "Hovor!"
38A teraz je na tej veľkej soche trhlina, na kolene, na pravom kolene. Tesne nad kolenom asi šesť cólov je to miesto. Položil som na ňu ruku, asi takto hlboká.
39Potom čo strávil všetok tento čas, roky a roky aby toto urobil, potom pod vplyvom toho, že videl vyplnené to, čo videl vo svojom srdci a vo svojom videní, a čo túžil vidieť, bolo to dokončené. A keď to bolo dokončené, on bol tým tak nadchnutý, že až si myslel, že jeho vlastné umelecké dielo môže ku nemu prehovoriť. A on ho udrel do nohy a skríkol: "Hovor!" A to urobilo na ňom trhlinu. To urobilo na tej soche trhlinu.
40Pre mňa, tá trhlina, to bolo to, čo urobilo z toho majstrovské dielo. No, možno pre niekoho, kto inak rozmýšľa, myslíte, že tým sa to poškodilo. Nie, pre mňa to urobilo z toho to, čo to je. To ... pretože po tak mnohých rokoch opatrnej práci a námahy a inšpirácii a tak ďalej, pri tom ako to robil, ukázalo sa, že jeho námaha nebola zbytočná - bolo to dokonalé, a preto skríkol: "Hovor!" Pretože videl pred sebou, to čo ... bol schopný dosiahnuť, uskutočniť videnie, ktoré bolo v jeho mysli; a tak pod inšpiráciou urobil niečo nezvyklé, niečo neobyčajné; on to udrel a skríkol: "Hovor!" Vidíte, on by to nebol urobil, keby bol rozmýšľal. Ale on nerozmýšľal. To bolo nadchnutie z toho, že videl ako dokonale sedí pred ním to, čo mal vo svojej mysli.
41Jeho námaha a únava a dlhé noci a mnohé dni odlúčenia od sveta. A možno jedol len pomazaný chlieb a drel na tom a prišiel naspäť a: "Och, to nie je tak, ako to bolo. No, to musí vyzerať takto," a opracúval to. Potom, keď to uvidel celkom dokonalé, potom to uvidel v skutočnosti. Ten negatív, toho čo bolo v jeho mysli sa stal skutočným; stal sa pozitívom; a preto ho to zaskočilo. A bolo to tak skutočné, že on musel zvolať: "Hovor!"
42Podľa mňa, to bol odblesk, to bola poklona jeho práci, že jeho vlastné dielo ho tak nadchlo, že bol až bez seba, že ho udrel a povedal: "Hovor!"
43Stál som tam a díval sa na to dielo. Rozmýšľal som o hodinách, ktoré musel tento muž pri tom stráviť, keď to robil. Oni tam vraveli koľko to bolo rokov. Ale pre neho to bol odblesk, pretože to bola náhrada jeho veľkému umeniu, jeho veľkej práci, ktorú konal. A keď to nakoniec bol schopný dosiahnuť, bolo to také veľké.
44No, obráťme stranu o Michelangelovi a zavrime tú knihu. A otvorme inú Knihu a čítajme o tom veľkom sochárovi, o tom Všemohúcom, ktorý prv ako bol svet a prv ako boli položené základy, mal vo svojej mysli to čo chcel. A On chcel urobiť človeka na svoj vlastný obraz. On chcel uskutočniť niečo, čo mal vo videní, čo bolo v jeho mysliach.
45No, pri Michelangelovi to bola vlastnosť jeho mysli. A Boh chcel urobiť človeka na svoj obraz - ten veľký sochár - a On išiel na ňom pracovať. A vidíme pri tom, ako On privádzal z tých materiálov, prvé boli možno ryby a potom vtáky a potom to, čo sa plazí po zemi a tie mnohé veci, ktoré On priviedol na svet. Ale nakoniec, ako privádzal do existencie, súc stvoriteľom, On mal ... On nebol ako človek teraz, ako nejaký sochár, ktorý musel niečo zobrať čo už bolo stvorené a osekať to na nejaký obraz. On bol sochárom večných vecí. On bol sochár, ktorý mohol stvoriť a priviesť do existencie, to čo mal vo Svojej mysli; alebo inak, On môže urobiť materiály po ktorých túžia jeho vlastnosti.
46A keď On začal pracovať na plazoch, ako na malých zvieratách na zemi. A potom to On z toho začal niesť ďalej do niečoho vyššieho. Potom nakoniec to On doviedol do väčších zvierat, takých ako lev, tiger, medveď. Potom to On priviedol do života možno opice a opov a tak ďalej. No, nie nejaká evolúcia, ako si my myslíme, že jedno pochádzalo z ... To bolo kompletné stvorenie, Boh pracujúci podľa vzoru.
47Ale nakoniec prišla na zem dokonalosť a to bol človek. A potom On mohol vidieť v tomto človeku, že to vyzeralo ako On. Tak teraz, keď sa On na neho pozrel, on bol odrazom toho, čo bol jeho Stvoriteľ. Boh teraz dosiahol tú vec, ktorú chcel, človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz.
48A potom by som mohol povedať ku tomuto: že keď On urobil tohoto človeka bolo na ňom ešte niečo, že nevyzeral celkom v poriadku, pretože bol sám. A takýto bol Boh - sám. On bol večný. A teraz človek na obraz Boží tiež existoval na zemi sám. Tak On musel zadať malú ranu do jeho ľavého boku a z tade vzal ten kus, ktorý z toho odrazil a urobil mu pomocníčku, ženu. Potom on nebol sám; on bol ... Mal niekoho so sebou. A to je jeho veľké dielo.
49A On, ako každý veľký sochár, ktorý by zobral svoje majstrovské dielo ... No po prvé, On mal majstrovské dielo seba samého. Ale teraz, On videl, že toto majstrovské dielo bolo samotné, ako On, tak On rozdelil toto majstrovské dielo, tým že mu udrel do boku a urobil pomocníčku.
50A teraz, aby urobil tých dvoch jedno, dal ich, ako každý veľký sochár, na miesto, ktoré bolo krásne. Sochár nerobí veľké majstrovské dielo aby ho potom zobral a postavil niekde medzi stromy, alebo ho schoval za domami. Ako nám povedal náš Pán: "Človek nazapaľuje sviecu, aby ju položil pod nádobu." Keď sa my stávame Božími majstrovskými dielami, nie sme schovaní niekde medzi stromami; my musíme vydávať svetlo.
51Tak vidíme, že On ... potom, keď On urobil toto majstrovské dielo. On ho umiestnil tu na zemi a položil ho na najkrajšie miesto aké bolo, do záhrady Eden. On umiestnil svoje majstrovské dielo, tých dvoch, ktorí sú jedno, v záhrade Eden. Ako sa mu to muselo páčiť, keď videl Svoje majstrovské dielo, že bolo dobré. On ... Po tomto nachádzame, že On si odpočinul; On bol tak potešený zo svojej práci.
52No pamätajte, že podľa mojej mienky tým majstrovským dielom je ten úder, ktorý poškodil San Angelove majstrovské dielo Mojžiša v tom monumente. A to bol úder, ktorý presekol bok, jeho majstrovského diela, ktorý priviedol na svet nevestu. A teraz ich vidíme ako majstrovské dielo rodiny v záhrade Eden. Aké to bolo krásne. A Jemu sa to tak páčilo, že si až potom odpočinul; On povedal: "Odpočiniem si."
53Ale zatiaľ kým On odpočíval a dúfal svojmu majstrovskému dielu, prišiel tam jeho nepriateľ a našiel toto veľké majstrovské dielo; a on ... skrze klamstvo podliezol múry záhrady a potom zničil toto nádherné majstrovské dielo. On ho zničil tak, že upadlo.
54No, snažím sa pozorovať tie hodiny. A prosil som Majka, môjho synovca, aby natiahol ten zvonec na tridsať minút, ale on to neurobil a ja som už pretiahol tridsať minút, ale to je ... Budeme ešte chvíľku pokračovať. Dobre? No, nechcem porušiť tieto pravidlá; ja som urobil tieto pravidlá. Viete? A tu sa rušia vaše vlastné pravidlá.
55No všimnite si. Potom toto majstrovské dielo, keď sa Satan zmocnil (zvoditeľ) - preboril sa cez múry a zničil toto majstrovské dielo. Pretože to je spôsob ako to urobil. Ako to on urobil? Zobrazím detailnejšie, ako to urobil. Toto majstrovské dielo bolo ohradené múrom Slova, Božím Slovom. A majstrovské dielo, samo o sebe, tejto rodiny, bolo opevnené týmto Slovom; ale tá vylomená časť, ktorá bola vylomená z toho originálu, vyšla von poza tento múr a dala Satanovi šancu, aby to zničil. A teraz, keď viete čo ja verím o týchto veciach, tak ja to nemusím povedať. Ale to majstrovské dielo bolo zlámané.
56Ale ten veľký sochár, keď On videl úpadok svojej rodiny, majstrovského diela, On nebol ochotný nechať ho len tak ležať tvárou dole v ruinách; On sa okamžite pustil do práci, aby ho znovu postavil. On nechcel aby ono zahynulo, aby tam tak ležalo po celý čas, pretože On je Boh a On nebude porazený. Tak On okamžite odišiel do práci a znovu začal budovať človeka na Svoj obraz.
57No, zisťujeme, že ten predpotopný svet išiel ďalej a zničil celú tú vec, pretože tie zmluvy, ktoré boli uzavreté, boli uzavreté pod podmienkami: "Ak nebudeš robiť toto, alebo ak budeš robiť tamto ..." Boh, ten veľký sochár, videl, že človek nedokáže dodržať zmluvu. On to proste nedokáže. Neexistuje proste vôbec žiadna možnosť.
Pred chvíľou som sa tam v tej miestnosti rozprával s jednou osobou, ktorá je tu teraz prítomná. Povedala: "Ale brat Branham, ja mám tak veľa vecí, o ktorých viem, že sú zlé." A pobožná žena.
58Povedal som: "Ale pozri sa, sestra, nedívaj sa na seba, ide o to, aká je tvoja túžba a to, čo sa snažíš robiť. A ak skutočne miluješ Pána, snažíš sa Mu slúžiť z celého svojho srdca. A potom všetky tvoje chyby sú skryté v krvi Pána Ježiša, vidíš. Vidíš, On urobil cestu."
59Tak On teraz začína, berie človeka zo svojich zmlúv, kde bolo povedané že: "Ak ty budeš, Ja budem." A On začína s človekom, ktorý sa nazýva Abrahám a dáva Abrahámovi zmluvu, bezpodmienečnú. Stále, keby On začal majstrovské dielo, Satan by ho dostal, kvôli Slovu. Ale keď On začal s Abrahámom, On povedal: "Ja som to už vykonal." No, toto je bez podmienky, nie, čo ... to: "Ak ty budeš, Ja budem:" ale "Ja som to už urobil." No On, ten sochár, je rozhodnutý mať toto majstrovské dielo.
60Potom od Abraháma prichádzajú patriarchovia. A patriarchovia skutočne ... No, čo Boh robí? On znovu stavia toto majstrovské dielo, ktoré upadlo. Tak v patriarchoch, prvý, ktorého nachádzame bol Abrahám.
61Pozorujte to teraz. Každé majstrovské dielo je postavené na sochárskom základe. Angelova socha Mojžiša stojí na tri, alebo štyri stopy hrubom kuse mramoru. Má to základ. Tak Boh pri príprave tohto majstrovského diela, On ho položil na základ patriarchov. A ten základ patriarchov, prvý bol Abrahám, potom Izák, potom Jákob, potom Jozef - štyri uhly.
62A teraz, Abrahám bol základom viery. Povedzme, že to malo štyri základy. Základom viery bol Abrahám. Základom lásky bol Izák. Základom milosti bol Jákob. Božia milosť daná Jakobovi. Každý to pozná. Ale v Jozefovi bola dokonalosť. Na toto On mohol postaviť to dielo, nie na ten prvý základ, nie na druhý základ, nie na tretí základ, ale na ten štvrtý základ.
63Abrahám, samozrejme, zobrazoval Krista, tak isto Izák, v láske. Abrahám Ho zobrazoval vo viere. Izák v láske. Jakob Ho zobrazoval skrze milosť, pretože Jakob znamená podvodník; a to je to, čo on bol. Ale bola s ním Božia milosť. Ale keď to prišlo ku Jozefovi, tam proti nemu nie je nič, len jedno malé zaškrabnutie, lebo ten základ musí tiež byť majstrovským dielom. Keď povedal svojmu otcovi, prorokovi: "Povedz faraónovi, že tvoji ľudia sú chovateľmi dobytka, nie sú pastieri, pretože pastier je ohavnosťou Egypťanom."
64Ale keď sa ten starý prorok postavil pred faraónom, on povedal: "Tvoji služobníci sú pastieri stáda." To zadraplo do toho. Vidíte? Preto to stále z toho robí majstrovské dielo.
65No, tie základy boli položené skrze vieru, lásku, milosť a do dokonalosti cez tých patriarchov.
66No, to telo diela, ktoré išlo ďalej do tohto veľké majstrovského diela boli proroci, ktorí boli Slovom. Dúfam, že to dokážete čítať. Vidíte, proroci, nie zákony, proroci. Lebo tí proroci boli potvrdeným Slovom, ktoré tvorí to telo, nie patriarchovia, proroci. Oni boli Slovo.
67Nakoniec, ako On začal dávno tomu vo dňoch Mojžiša a prechádzal cez týchto prorokov, ku každému jednému, to nakoniec - budujúc to telo, prichádzajúc stále bližšie. A najväčší z nich zo všetkých bol Ján. Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš tak povedal: "Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy taký veľký muž, ako Ján Krstiteľ." Pretože on bol ten, ktorý mohol predstaviť Slovo. A potom nakoniec prichádza tá veľká hlava, hlava všetkého toho. O ktorej ten ostatok tela len hovoril.
68Základ bol položený pomocou patriarchov, ale telo bolo postavené zo Slova, ktorým boli proroci. A tu prichádza hlava toho všetkého; Ježiš prišiel na scénu. Tam, keď bola na to položená táto časť, ktorá bola hlavou, nachádzame v Ňom úplnú Božiu ručnú prácu. Nachádzame v Ňom dokonalé odzrkadlenie Slova, pretože On bol Slovo, plnosť Slova. A teraz má Boh znovu dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ako povedal Izaiáš: "Hľa môj služobník, moje majstrovské dielo, ktoré som formoval cez všetky veky, príchod tohto dokonalého. A tu On stojí rovno predo mnou, dokonalý ... " Tam vo svojom vlastnom obraze odzrkadľuje Boha, lebo On povedal v ev. Jána 14: "Keď vidíte mňa, vidíte Otca."
69A potom, na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo vytesané a odzrkadľovalo to, čo bolo Slovo na počiatku, Jeho, Slovo, odzrkadlené v tomto majstrovskom diele na jeho vlastný obraz, znovu Boh vo svojej vlastnej podobe. Forma Slova zostala odzrkadlená v podobe človeka - majstrovské dielo.
70Všetci proroci mali chyby. Oni všetci boli časťou. Ale tu konečne prichádza cez to, nakoniec prichádza to majstrovské dielo, ten dokonalý, nebola na Ňom vôbec žiadna chyba, tak dokonalý, odzrkadľoval samého staviteľa. Jeho vlastný obraz bol odzrkadlený v Jeho diele. Boh a Kristus boli jedno, až tak že On položil do neho Svojho vlastného Ducha; a potom ten obraz a ten staviteľ sa stali jedno. Boh a jeho sochárske dielo, jeho majstrovské dielo, keď Mojžiš ... Mojžiš bol v tom diele San Angela ... či vlastne Michelangela, bol sochárske dielo, ktoré bolo mŕtve, pretože to bolo urobené z kameňa. Ale tu ten majster staviteľ, keď On doviedol do dokonalosti Svoju ručnú prácu, On vstúpil do nej.
71Vykupiteľ človeka dovedený do takej dokonalosti, taký dokonalý, taký pobožný, no predsa nebolo na Ňom krásy, kvôli ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví po Ňom, keď sa tento z panny narodený Syn živého Boha stal taký dokonalý a pokorný a na obraz Boží, až kým tento veľký majster, ktorý predvádzal jeho život cez tých prorokov a On bol vyplnením všetkých prorokov. On bol taký dokonalý, že až keď toto Boh videl, On ho udrel a zvolal: "Hovor!" ako urobil Michelangelo: "Hovor!"
72Vy poviete: "Je to tak?" Ev. Marka 9: 7, nachádzame na Vrchu Premenenia, keď tam stál Mojžiš, zákon, stál tam Eliáš, proroci. Celé veky od patriarchov, otcov, zákon, proroci a všetci tam stáli, počujeme hlas, ktorý prichádza z oblaku a povedal: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn jeho počúvajte!" A ak oni majú počúvať, On musí hovoriť. To bolo len niekoľko dní pred tým, ako On bol udrený. "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať. Ja som Ho sformoval. Za štyritisíc rokov som Ho privádzal do tohto. A teraz je On tak dokonalý, že Ho musím udrieť aby mohol prehovoriť. Počúvajte Ho. On je ten dokonalý. On je to majstrovské dielo."
73Pamätajte, On bol tam zobrazovaný po všetky tie časy v Starom Zákone. Nachádzame, že On bol tou skalou na púšti, to bola udrená skala na púšti: "Ja som tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti." Ale to bol kameň; to nemohlo ešte prísť do svojej dokonalosti. Ale vo forme predobrazu ona nasledovala cirkev, aby z nej čerpala, aby to on mohol čerpať a dávať život tým, ktorým mohol dať život. Ale On bol tou skalou na púšti. On nebol ešte človekom. On bol len predobrazom.
74Mojžiš Ho videl, keď stál na tejto skale. On Ho videl prechádzať okolo a on povedal: "To je chrbát človeka." Vidíte, ten Sochár predstavoval Mojžišovi, ktorý bol čiastočne obrazom Krista, ako bude vyzerať to veľké majstrovské dielo, keď bude dokonalé. On prešiel okolo neho ... On ukázal Mojžišovi videnie, ako bude vyzerať to majstrovské dielo. To bol chrbát človeka, keď to na púšti prešlo okolo neho.
75Pamätajte, Angelo mohol len zvolať a udrieť ten obraz a povedať: "Hovor!" Ale pre Boha to bolo celkom inak, pre toho veľkého sochára. Keď On urobil človeka na Svoj obraz, tak dokonale, že to odzrkadlilo Jeho. Boh prehovoril cez tento obraz človeka, ukazujúc čo bude robiť. On hovoril cez prorokov, keď oni boli čiastočný obrazom, keď privádzal ten obraz ku Hlave. Ale keď On prišiel s Hlavou, On bol úplný Boží obraz. On zobrazoval Jeho samého. Potom udrený za nás ... Teraz je On pre nás majstrovským dielom, darom Božím, Ježiš Kristus, večný život. Dúfam, že to nikdy nezabudneme.
76Keď vidíme, že dni sú čím ďalej tým tmavšie, keď vidíme, že tiene padajú ... Keď predpovedám, že zostáva už len niekoľko obrátok okolo slnka a bude po tomto národe. Viete, včera, 4. júla, Tomáš Jefferson podpísal deklaráciu nezávislosti, on a iné osobnosti, ktoré boli s ním, zvonil zvon slobody a my sme boli ohlásení, ako nezávislý národ. Podľa histórii nikdy nebola demokracia, ktorá by trvala viac, ako dvesto rokov. A to bolo 4. júla 1776. A zostáva nám už len jedenásť rokov. Vydrží to? Nie! Nemôže! Jedenásť rokov a ak áno, prekoná to všetku históriu.
77Vidíme aký je čas. Vidíme v akom stave sú ľudia. Vidíme v akom stave je politika. Vidíme v akom stave je svet. To nemôže obstáť! To sa musí potopiť ako Titanik. To musí padnúť! Lebo je ... Uvoľniť miesto - jeden národ uvoľňuje miesto druhému, keď upadá. A toto kráľovstvo musí upadnúť a každé iné kráľovstvo, aby dalo miesto tomu kráľovstvu, ktoré prichádza, ktoré nemôže upadnúť. Pretože my, cez tento dokonalý obraz Boží, cez toto majstrovské dielo, prijímame kráľovstvo, ktoré nemôže byť pohnuté.
78Boh, keď sa pozrel na Neho. On bol tak nadchnutý, On bol tak ... Keď Ho videl ako vyzeral a keď videl svoj obraz. On bol tak nadchnutý, že to je to dokonalé majstrovské dielo vykupiteľa - Ježiša vykupiteľa. Tak Boh, aby sám bol udrený, aby splatil trest, ktorý sám uložil, Boh a Kristus sa stali jedno, tak Boh mohol byť udrený v tom obraze, mohol byť zranený. A preto Izaiáš povedal: "A my sme sa domnievali o ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený. A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho; a jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení."
79Dokonalý obraz Boha-človeka, Boh en morfe sa zmenil z nadprirodzeného na videnie. A to videnie bolo premietnuté do toho obrazu. A ten obraz bol udrený, aby tak to nadprirodzené mohlo skúsiť, ako chutí smrť. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. On to nemohol dosiahnuť v Mojžišovi. Nemohol to dosiahnuť v prorokoch. Izaiáš, ktorý bol rezaný pílami až bol rozpílený na kusy ... On to nemohol dosiahnuť v prorokoch, ktorí boli kameňovaní. On to nemohol dosiahnuť, pretože On to nemohol cítiť. To bola len Jeho časť. Ale v tomto majstrovskom diele On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. On mohol nie len stvárniť Mojžiša, On mohol stvárniť Svoju večnú bytosť v tejto osobe a okúsiť smrť za celú ľudskú rasu. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. Boh bol tak nadchnutý, keď to videl, On sa stal vykupiteľom všetkých vekov aby sa prihováral za tých tam dávno, ktorí boli predtým i za tých teraz.
80Všetky zasľúbenia sa vyplnili v Ňom. On bol Dokonalosťou dokonalosti. Všetky predobrazy sa vyplnili v Ňom: náš príbuzný vykupiteľ v obraze Ruty a Boaza; náš zákonodarca z Hory Sinaj; náš prorok z púšti, ako prichádza z vrchu, ako On prichádza z púšti - ako On prichádza z večnosti a stáva sa človekom, tým dokonalým obrazom.
81Boh, cez tie veky, okresával patriarchami a robil si platformu a vypestoval ich z rôznych vecí, aby sa On postavil na tento základ. On na tomto začal budovať svoje Slovo, prorokov a potom nakoniec prišiel ten dokonalý prorok, ten dokonalý základ, to dokonalé videnie, ktoré Boh mal.
82A teraz, kvôli tomuto, aby hovoril, On je Slovo - a aby Slovo hovorilo, On musí vojsť do toho obrazu. A potom aby ten obraz hovoril, on musel byť udretý. On prichádza do toho obrazu. A potom aby hovoril, ten dokonalý vykupiteľ - všetky predobrazy Starého zákona sa v Ňom vyplnili.
83Ako som jedného dňa povedal, Jehova Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového. Áno!
84Ako vy mnohí mužovia i ženy v mojom veku, po celej krajine sme voľakedy mali mnoho čínskych práčovní. Keď tu Číňania spočiatku začínali, oni prišli zo západného pobrežia a išli na východ, prichádzali sem z tej východnej krajiny, išli týmto smerom. A keď prichádzali, to boli ľudia, ktorí nepoznali náš jazyk a naše obyčaje, ale dobre prali. A oni nevedeli napísať lístok, aby ste podľa neho mohli naspäť dostať svoje prádlo. Ale ten Číňan mal mnoho malých kartičiek, na ktorých nebolo vôbec nič napísané. Tak, keď ste si prišli so svojim prádlom, on zobral túto kartičku a roztrhol ju určitým spôsobom a vám dal jeden kus a on si odložil ten druhý kúsok. A tak, bolo to trochu lepšie, než ako to, čo máme teraz, pretože keď ste si prišli žiadať naspäť to čo bolo vaše, tieto dva kúsky papiera museli do seba zapadať. Nedalo sa to sfalšovať aj keby ste chceli. Nebola taká možnosť. Môžete skopírovať písmená, ale nemôžete sfalšovať to roztrhnutie. To presne muselo pasovať s tou druhou časťou. A tak, vaša špinavá bielizeň, ktorú ste tam priniesli, mohli ste ju vykúpiť touto kartičkou, pretože to pasovalo s tou kartičkou, ktorá bola ku nej priložená.
85A keď Boh, skrze prorokov a zákon nás usvedčil z hriechu ... A zákon nemá milosti; on ti len hovorí, že si hriešnik. Ale keď prišiel na scénu Ježiš, On bol vyplnením. On bol vyplnením všetkého, čo Boh zasľúbil. On bol dokonalý, presný obraz zasľúbenia. Preto všetky zasľúbenia Starého Zákona sa vyplnili v Ježišovi Kristovi. Nemohli sa vyplniť v Mojžišovi. Nemohli sa vyplniť v žiadnom z prorokov, ale sa vyplnili v tom majstrovskom diele, ono vyplnilo všetko čo bolo povedané. Tak bude musieť cirkev pasovať do všetkého čo Boh zasľúbil. To musí byť ten kúsok, ktorý bol z toho odrazený. Tak ak originál je Slovo, tak tie predmety, ktoré boli vzaté z neho budú Slovom, aby pasovali do jeho boku.
86A tak, Číňan ... Ty si sa mohol dožadovať, tam kde ťa zákon odsudzuje a hovorí ti, že si špinavý, a že si vinný a mohol ťa dať do vezenia; ale keď On prišiel, On bol ten pasujúci kúsok na to, aby ťa mohol z tade zobrať von a priviesť ťa tiež naspäť, aby ten lístok bol kompletný - vykúpenie, ktoré Boh zasľúbil tam v záhrade Eden: "Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, ale jeho päta rozdrtí ... rozdrtí jeho hlavu."
87No, vidíme toto dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ktoré Boh dokončil. No, vidíme, že On bol všetkým, čo bolo zasľúbené, že bude. On je vyplnením všetkých zasľúbení, všetkých proroctiev, všetkým čo Boh zasľúbil: "Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu." No, On ju nemohol rozdrtiť pomocou zákona. On ju nemohol rozdrtiť pomocou prorokov. Ale On to urobil, keď sa to semeno ženy stalo majstrovským dielom, Kristom. On bol ten kameň, ktorý Daniel videl ako sa odtrhol z tej hory. On bol ten, ktorý mohol udrieť. On je ten, ktorý mohol rozdrtiť, rozdrtiť hadovi hlavu.
88Jeho život sa zhodoval presne so životom Mojžiša. Jeho život sa zhodoval s Dávidom. Pozrime sa či to tak bolo, či je On ten pasujúci kúsok.
89Všimnite si Dávida, odmietnutý kráľ nad svojím vlastným ľudom. On bol ... Jedného dňa, kým on bol ... jeho vlastný syn sa vzbúril proti nemu. A on sa oddelil a rozdelil armády Izraela. A on bol ... Dávid bol zosadený zo svojho trónu svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi. A na svojom úteku, tam bol človek, ktorý ho nenávidel; a on tam išiel okolo a pľul na Dávida. Ten strážca vytiahol meč a povedal: "Či nemám tomu psovi zraziť hlavu, napľul na môjho kráľa!"
90Dávid povedal: "Nechaj ho tak, Boh mu povedal aby to robil." Či nevidíte? Muž žiaľu, oboznámený s bolesťou, On stál ako ovca pred svojimi pastiermi, nemý, vidíte. On to povedal. Možno že Dávid nevedel čo hovorí. Ale okolo päť, šesť sto rokov neskoršie, alebo trochu viac, Syn Dávidov prechádzal po tých istých uliciach a pľuli na Neho. Ale všimnite si čo sa stalo, keď Dávid ... z jeho ... Keď sa stal utečencom a bol v exile, keď sa vracal naspäť, ten človek prosil o pokoj a o milosť. I tí, ktorí Ho bili, Ho budú jedného dňa vidieť keď sa On vráti.
91A vidíme potom v Jozefovi, že Jozef bol zvláštne narodený chlapec, posledný, tá vrchná časť základu, na ktorom malo byť postavené to majstrovské dielo. Ide to z viery a do lásky a do milosti; prichádza to do dokonalosti. A tak to išlo od nôh na začiatku a prichádza to do dokonalosti v Kristovi.
92Všimnite si, ako On bol znázornený v Jozefovi, vo vrchole toho základu, ktorý bol najdokonalejší zo všetkých. Vidíme, že Jozef sa narodil do svojej rodiny; a narodil sa zo skutočne zákonitej ženy, ktorá bola Jakobovou manželkou. A všimnite si tiež, že keď sa narodil, jeho otec ho miloval; a jeho bratia ho nenávideli bez príčiny. Prečo ho nenávideli? Pretože on bol Slovo. Vidíte ten skutočný základ? Vidíte ako prišla hlava toho základu. A teraz sa pozerajte ako prichádza hlava tela. No, pozorujte ako prichádza hlava nevesty. Vidíte? On bol Slovo. A oni ho nenávideli pretože bol vidiaci. On predpovedal veci a povedal im ich. Oni sa stali; nezáleží na tom ako dlho sa vliekli, aj tak sa to splnilo. A pretože bol duchovný, bol vylúčený z pomedzi svojich bratov. Oni ho mali milovať. Ale oni ho nenávideli, pretože on bol prorok a bol duchovný. A oni ho nenávideli.
93Všimnite si, bol predaný takmer za tridsať strieborných, hodený do jamy a bol pokladaný za mŕtveho, ale bol vzatý z tej jamy. A v čase svojho pokúšania vo vezení, ten čašník a pekár ... Vieme, že ten čašník bol spasený a pekár zatratený. A v Kristovom vezení na kríži, jeden bol spasený a druhý zatratený - dvaja zlodeji, dvaja zločinci.
94A vidíme že bol zobraný zo svojho vezenia a postavený po pravici faraónovej, že nikto nemohol hovoriť s faraónom, jedine skrze Jozefa. A keď Jozef opustil faraónov trón, v Egypte zaznela trúba, rozľahol sa zvuk trúby a bolo povedané: "Skláňajte kolená, každý jeden, Jozef prichádza!"
95Tak to bude s Ježišom. Ako On bol milovaný od Otca a bez príčiny nenávidený od tých denominačných bratov. Bol predaný za tridsať strieborných, ako to bolo a bol daný do jamy, pokladaný za mŕtveho. Na kríži, jeden zatratený, jeden spasený. A bol pozdvihnutý z kríža a postavený po pravici Božej, v moci, tom veľkom Duchu, ktorý bol odzrkadlený v Ňom. a nikto nemôže hovoriť s Bohom, jedine skrze Ježiša Krista. Pamätajte na to! A keď On opustí ten trón, pohne sa, zaznie trúba a každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná.
96Pamätajte, on bol synom zdaru. Všetko čo robil sa darilo, či to bolo vo vezení, alebo kdekoľvek to bolo, vychádzalo to na dobré. A či On nezasľúbil svojim deťom, že On spraví, aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na ich dobré, či by to bola nemoc, vezenie, smrť, žiaľ, čokoľvek, že to bude pôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí Ho milujú. On to zasľúbil a musí to tak byť. Musí to tam byť. Obrazne nám je to povedané v Ňom. On bol ten dokonalý obraz Boží.
97No, vidíme tu tiež, že keď On znovu príde ... Pamätajte, Jozef skrze zjavenie, skrze jeho veľké proroctvo, spasil svet. Svet by bol zomrel keby nemal Jozefa. A svet by bol mŕtvy keby nebolo Ježiša: "Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného syna, aby nikto, kto verí v neho, nezahynul." Boh zachováva život.
98Mohli by sme o tom hovoriť ďalej a ďalej. Pretože On proste pasoval s Dávidom. On pasoval s Mojžišom. On pasoval s Eliášom. On pasoval s Jozefom. Všetko to predpovedané v Starom Zákone, kreslilo obraz, do ktorého to presne zapasovalo. Čo to je? To ukazuje dokonalého vykupiteľa, že si môžeme dať do práčovni našu, starú, špinavú bielizeň a ísť si ju znovu žiadať. Ona je umytá v krvi baránka. Môžeme si žiadať to čo je naše. A všetko za čo On zomrel, môžeme si to nárokovať. Tak On bol to dokonalé Slovo, ktoré tam bolo zobrazené.
99Zaľúbilo sa Bohu, tomu veľkému sochárovi, aby Ho udrel a aby to takto urobil. Vidíme Ho tu v Izaiášovi, keď čítame: "My všetci sme sa domnievali o Ňom. Odvrátili sme od Neho svoje tváre. Nebolo na Ňom žiadnej krásy, kvôli ktorej by sme Ho boli bývali žiadostiví." Každý o Ňom hovorí, robí si z Neho posmech. Ja hovorím o Ňom teraz v tomto dni, každý si z Neho robí žarty. Vidíte? "Hľadeli sem na Neho. Videli sme Ho." Hľadieť znamená: dívať sa. "Domnievali sme sa o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha." Ale pre čo On toto robil? "On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený bol pre naše neprávosti."
100No, mohli by sme pri tom ďalej pokračovať, ale myslím, že vidíte ten obraz, čo mám teraz na mysli - Boh znovu stavia svoje majstrovské dielo.
101Ale nezabudnime, že na začiatku, keď On udrel Adamov bok, On zobral niečo z jeho boku. No, udrenie Krista malo svoj dôvod, aby On z Neho mohol zobrať, niečo aby to bolo Jeho rodinou, nevestu, aby Mu mohol vziať nevestu. Tak, keď Jeho majstrovské dielo bolo dokončené, potom ho On musel udrieť, aby z Neho zobral. Nie iný kus, nie iné stvorenie, ale z toho istého stvorenia.
102Môj brat, nemysli si o tomto nič zlého, ale zamysli sa na chvíľu. Keď On vzal z Neho, z toho originálneho stvorenia, aby Mu urobil nevestu ... On neurobil iné stvorenie; On zobral časť toho originálneho stvorenia. Potom, keď On bol Slovo, čím musí byť nevesta? To musí byť originálne Slovo, živý Boh v Slove.
103Raz som sa díval v Kimberley, v Južnej Afrike, ako dolovali zo zeme diamanty. A videl som ich tam ležať ... No, ten vedúci toho ústavu či bani bol jeden z mojich uvádzačov v modlitebnej rade. A všimol som si nahromadené tie diamanty o hodnote desiatky tisíc dolárov; ale oni sa neblyšťali, ani keď na ne dopadalo svetlo. A povedal som tomu vedúcemu tých baníkov, povedal som: "Prečo sa neblyštia?"
104On povedal: "Pane, oni ešte neboli rezané. Oni musia byť obrezané. Potom keď sú obrezané, potom odrážajú svetlo." Tu to máte.
105To majstrovské dielo musí byť obrezané. A všimnite si, obrezané pre čo? Či ten obrezaný kúsok sa zahodí? Nie, nie! Z toho odrezaného kúska sa robia gramofónové ihly. A gramofónová ihla sa kladie na platňu, na ktorej je neviditeľná hudba, pre ten svet; ale tá ihla je tým, čo tú hudbu z toho zjaví, to čo prináša ten pravý výklad Slova.
106Jeho život pasoval so všetkými tými ľuďmi. Zaľúbilo sa Bohu udrieť Ho. A teraz, prečo ho On udrel? Pre to isté, prečo musel udrieť Adama.
107No, vidíme Ho smrteľne raneného od Boha a zdrteného, dokonalý baránok zabitý za hriešnikov, dokonalé majstrovské dielo.
108No, za takmer dvetisíc rokov Boh znovu stavia svoje majstrovské dielo, pretože On udrel do neho, aby vzal kúsok z Neho, časť z neho, rebro aby uformoval pre neho ženu. A teraz, to dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ktoré On udrel na Golgote, On vzal z Neho kúsok. To je vlastne Nový Zákon, to je to. On vyplnil Starý zákon. A teraz sa má vyplniť Nový Zákon, ďalší kúsok. Vidíte, ten Nový a Starý to je muž a žena, vidíte a treba Nový, aby ... Starý aby naznačil ten Nový. Prichádza Kristus, to majstrovské dielo, aby to vyplnil. Teraz Jeho nevesta vyplní všetko, čo je v Novom zákone. Stavia sa ďalšie majstrovské dielo.
109Zatiaľ čo Mu bolo treba štyri tisíc rokov, aby urobil toto majstrovské dielo, teraz skoro za dva tisíc rokov robí toto ďalšie majstrovské dielo, nevestu pre Krista, ďalšie majstrovské dielo. Keď to robí, robí to podľa svojej nikdy sa nemeniacej metódy, tak isto, ako robil to majstrovské dielo, svoje Slovo. Tak On robí Svoje majstrovské diela. Pretože to môže byť dokonalé majstrovské dielo len vtedy, keď je to dokonalé Slovo. Žiadna špina, smeti, dodania, to sa zrúti; ale nebo i zem pominú, ale to Slovo sa nikdy nezrúti. Pamätajte, na rezanie diamantu musíte mať dokonalý nástroj, to každý nástroj nedokáže. Videl som veľké, mnoho tonové drviče miesiť sa rovno cez to a tých veľa ton prechádzalo po tom, prechádzalo to rovno cez tie diamanty. Nie, to nezlámalo tie diamanty. To musí byť rezané.
110No, On robí to isté svojou nemeniteľnou metódou. Nachádzame v Malachiášovi 3, On povedal: "Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením." On nemôže meniť svoju metódu.
111No, keď On začal v Abrahámovi ... Potom, keď upadlo to prvé majstrovské dielo, On začal s Abrahámom, v základe, stavať ďalšie majstrovské dielo. Na letnice začal stavať ďalšie majstrovské dielo - to originálne semeno Slova. To začal v prvej cirkvi. Čo to bolo? Semeno Slova, zamanifestované Slovo, zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo dané. Joel povedal: "Stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny; vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia." Čo bude robiť v tých posledných dvoch dňoch ... za posledných dve tisíc rokov.
112Všimnite si. A to začalo ako originál. Ako povedal Ježiš: "Slovo Božie je semeno, ktoré rozsievač rozsieval. A On bol rozsievač. Semeno bolo Slovo. A všimnite si, každé semeno, ktoré zostáva samotné nič z neho nebude. Ono muselo padnúť do zemi aby znovu zrodilo svoje vlastné ovocie. A toto semeno, táto dokonalá cirkev, padlo do zemi v Nicei, v Ríme, keď sa ona stala denomináciou.
113No, historici, pamätajte a vy, ktorí budete počúvať túto pásku, skontrolujte to a zistite, či to nie je pravda. Tá cirkev zomrela v Nicei, v Ríme, keď prijala dogmy a vyznania namiesto originálneho Slova. Čo to bolo? Boh ukázal cez tú prvú cirkev, že On je Boh. On mal dokonalú cirkev; ale tá cirkev, ako všetky ostatné semená, musela padnúť do zemi a zomrieť. No, to padlo do zeme a zomrelo, zaniklo.
114Viete, čítal som tu nedávno knihu. Niekto napísal knihu pod názvom: "Mlčiaci Boh." Možno ste ju čítali. Zabudol som, myslím Brumback ... Nie, neviem ... Neviem presne kto to napísal. Ale, nemôžem si spomenúť. Mám ju vo svojej knihovni: Mlčiaci Boh. Tam je povedané: "Boh, za tisíc rokov Doby Temna ticho sedel a nepohol ani rukou a pozoroval tých verných mučeníkov, ako ich hádzali levom a ako ich Rimania upaľovali; vraždy všetkého druhu; ženy zvlečené zo svojich šiat, zapaľovali im ich dlhé vlasy namočené v smole a pálili ich." Pamätajte, krátke vlasy začali najprv v Ríme. A kresťanské ženy mali dlhé vlasy. Tak oni im ich namáčali v smole a zapaľovali ich a pálili ich a ... nahé, hádzali ich levom. A tento pisateľ hovorí: "Kde je ten Boh?" Och, ľudská slepota niekedy! Či neviete, že to semeno muselo zomrieť! On sa ich nesnažil vyslobodiť. Oni víťazne zomierali! Oni tam išli, krvácali a zomierali, dávali svoje životy. Prečo? To bolo Semeno, ono muselo padnúť do zeme a tam zomrieť a nie len zomrieť, ale zhniť. Ale tá denominácia neveľa vedela, že ten život tam stále bol. Hoci cirkev v sebe ...
115Na tom Nicejskom koncile, počas pätnástych dní krvavých politických rozporov, keď tam prišli tí aristokrati a chceli zaviesť do cirkvi týchto veľkých hodnostárov. A prišli tam proroci z púšti, ktorí jedli byliny a boli ovinutí v zvieracích kožiach, ozajstní proroci a oni ich vyhodili von. Prečo? Semeno muselo spadnúť do zeme. Muselo zomrieť.
116Ono v Temných Vekoch zomrelo dole pod tou temnou špinou. Oni si mysleli, že je po ňom. Viete v ev. Jána 12: 14, Ježiš povedal: "Ak nezomrie pšeničné zrno, keď spadne do zemi, zostane ono samotné." A tá prvá cirkev bola tou reprodukciou, tou nevestou, tým semenom, tým zamanifestovaným Slovom, ktoré v Nicei, v Ríme spadlo do zemi.
117Počúvajte, cirkev po všetkých národoch, ktorí budete toto počúvať, tu vidíte tú špinu; to sú tie denominácie! Tam bolo ukrižované Slovo a oni prijali dogmu. A za stovky a stovky rokov Temných Vekov, moc a manifestácia Slova bola ukrytá pred svetom. Vládol len katolicizmus. Všetci to vieme, čítal som históriu. Vládol jedine katolicizmus.
118Ale oplodnené semeno nedokážete ukryť. Ono musí vyrásť. Prečo? Ten veľký sochár je pri práci. On to znovu postaví. Tak On ... To semeno padlo do zeme, Slovo.
119 Keď vidíme sv. Pavla, Petra, Jakuba, Jána, všetkých tých, ktorí napísali to Slovo a Slovo, ktoré napísali ožilo a žilo. A to žilo. A keď vidíme, že potom, keď začalo dozrievať, Ján začal písať v epištolách. On bol uvrhnutý na ostrov Patmos, potom keď ho dvadsať štyri hodín pálili v oleji. Ale to Slovo muselo prísť. Ono muselo byť napísané. Oni nemohli olejom z neho vyvariť Ducha Svätého, tak on vyšiel. Jeho práca nebola skončená. On zomrel prirodzenou smrťou.
120Polycarp, ktorý bol Jánovým učeníkom, niesol to Slovo ďalej. A po Policarovi prišiel Ireneus. A Ireneus, ten veľký muž Boží, ktorý veril to isté evanjelium, ktoré my veríme: "Slovo je zrelé!" Cirkev sa ho snaží vytisnúť.
121Nakoniec to prišlo do Nicei, Ríma a tam ona spadla do zemi po sv. Martinovi a bola zavraždená. A sv. Martin veril v to isté čo my. On zastával to isté: krst Duchom Svätým, vodný krst v mene Ježiša. A zastával tie isté veci, ktoré my a on bol prorok a veril plnému Slovu Božiemu. A nakoniec oni boli ukrižovaní a zapučení do zemi a ležali tam stovky rokov až to zhnilo. To vonkajšie semeno, tie staré telá proste zhnili. Bol som v katakombách v San Angelo a videl som kde oni zomierali a ich zlámané kosti a všetko. Oni nakoniec zhnili až ich kosti spráchniveli, ale ten život tam stále bol.
122Pšeničné zrno, ktoré na Nicejskom koncile padlo do zemi, začalo znovu pučať v Martinovi Lutherovi, ako každé zrno, či pšenica, ktorá vyrastá. Potom, keď tie semená zhnili, ten život vypučal. A to začalo vyrastať v Martinovi Lutherovi. Čo bolo prvé, čo on urobil? Odmietol katolícku denomináciu, protestoval proti nej, že to je nesprávne; lebo on povedal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Čo to bolo? Malý slabý život, ktorý vypustil niekoľko malých výhonkov. To boli luteráni. To naozaj nevyzerá ako zrno, ktoré zišlo do zeme, ale ten život sa začína ukazovať.
123Potom to išlo ďalej do stopky. Čo sa potom stalo? Vo dňoch Jána Wesleya, čo on urobil, keď priniesol posvätenie? On zostal so Slovom a čo to urobilo? Luteráni sa zorganizovali a urobili organizáciu; tak to bol čas, aby sa niečo stalo. Teraz sa začína stavať to majstrovské dielo. Čo on urobil? Čo on urobil? On protestoval proti anglikánskej cirkvi a vyšiel v reformácii ako klas. Čo to je? Semeno prichádza do života, teraz rastie.
124No, steblo nevyzerá ako semeno a ani klas.
125 No, letniční bratia vo všetkých národoch, chcem, aby si počúval, môj brat, ak je toto posledné posolstvo, ktoré kážem. Toto je moje majstrovské dielo. Všímate si, kedy tá pšenica, to pšeničné zrno, ktoré padá do zeme, kedy sa ona znovu začína formovať do svojho zrna?
126Pozorujte prírodu. Príroda je presne Boh, Boh cez prírodu ukazuje všetko čo môže. Ale od letničného prebudenia, ako si oni myslia, bolo semeno. Nebolo. Pozorujte to teraz! Ale ukázalo sa niečo, čo vyzeralo celkom ako semeno. No, pozrite sa čo povedal Ježiš v ev. Matúša 24:24, že tie dva duchy v tých posledných dňoch budú tak blízko pri sebe, žeby to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.
127No, to steblo nevyzeralo vôbec ako semeno; ani klas nevyzeral ako semeno. Ale všimnite si teraz, nie vo dňoch Luthera, ale v posledných dňoch.
128To prvé - (sedia tu farmári, ktorí pestujú pšenicu) - tá prvá vec, ktorá vychádza na pšeničnom zrne, už by ste si mysleli že to je semeno, ale čo to je? To je šupka. Formuje sa malá vonkajšia časť, aby držala semeno. Formuje sa šupka. Ale šupka nie je semenom, o nič viac ako klas alebo stopka; to je potom len nositeľ života, pšeničného zrna. Ježiš o tom hovorí v ev. Jána 12.
129 Pšenica, po klase, po Wesleyovi, vypúšťa šupku, ktorá je najviac zo všetkého podobná zrnu. Tá šupka sa viac podobá na zrno. To sa po celý čas stáva viac a viac podobné zrnu - tomu, čo padlo do zemi. A keď to vypustilo stopku, ona mala v sebe život, ale to nebolo ešte zrno. Vystupuje klas, peľ, to stále nie je zrno. A potom vystupuje šupka. A ona má presne tvar pšenice, vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno; ale predsa to nie je pšenica. Má presne ten istý tvar, úplne.
130Letniční vystúpili presne ako pšenica. Každé jedno vychádza z toho druhého, vychádza z toho druhého, ale to sú len nositelia. Oni odchádzajú do denominácii. A to je to čo urobili letniční, odišli do denominácii. A čo urobili letniční, keď sa to javí celkom ako zrno? Odišlo to naspäť ako v Zjavení 17, stávajú sa ďalšou denominačnou sestrou. To je presne to, čo ... To je to, čo povedal Ježiš.
131Dávajte teraz pozor. Evanjelium vychádza cez Luthera, cez Wesleya ku letničným a v posledných dňoch to zvedie i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné - vyvolených! Ó, letniční bratia, či to nevidíte?
132Pšenica prvý krát začína vyzerať presne ako semeno, keď sa začína formovať ako semeno; ale to je šupka. To sa stalo denomináciou, urobili presne to isté, čo urobili vtedy tu pri Lutherovi. V Zjavení 17 je dôkaz, ktorý ukazuje to isté o cirkvách.
133No, to originálne zrno upadlo v Nicei, lebo to bola prvá denominácia.
134Všimnite si! Tu ten život, ktorý bol v steble, klase, všetko teraz končí v semene. Život, ktorý vyšiel z toho originálneho semena, prechádza cez rôzne procesy, tri rôzne procesy a potom sa obracia naspäť až do svojho originálneho stavu. Haleluja! Ó! Som najšťastnejší človek na zemi, že mi Boh dáva toto vidieť!
135Pozrite ako dokonale toto Slovo a tieto ... a príroda pracujú spolu. Práve tak ako sme dokázali vzkriesenie: Východ; slnko zapadá a znovu vychádza; život odchádza zo stromu dole do ... Šťava do koreňov a prichádza naspäť a pri tom znovu narastajú listy a padajú na zem. Život toho stromu to znovu naspäť vsakuje, vápnik a draslík a to prichádza hore znovu do ďalšieho listu. Vidíte? Celá príroda, všetko pracuje presne zhodne s Božím Slovom. A tu je to presne dokonale v týchto cirkevných vekoch. Preto Duch Svätý zostúpil a nakreslil tieto veci a ukázal nám ich, tak ako to urobil. Je to presne tak.
136Všimnite si tu. Ten život, ktorý bol v tej šupke, v steble a v klase, v šupke, všetko sa zhromažďuje v semene. A ten život, ktorý bol v stopke, odišiel ... jedno odišlo, aby vzniklo druhé. Ospravedlnenie urobilo cestu pre posvätenie. Posvätenie urobilo cestu pre krst Duchom Svätým. Krst Duchom Svätým urobil cestu pre samého Ducha Svätého, aby prišiel rovno dole v dokonalosti, znovu naspäť do Slova, aby sa zamanifestoval.
137Ale to čo sa stalo denomináciou, zomiera. Ako život v Lutherovi odišiel, aby povstal Wesley. A od Wesleya to odišlo ku letničným. A z letničných, aby to utvorilo to originálne semeno. Letniční vychádzajú z Wesleya, až do toho času. Dôvod, že letniční vychádzajú z Wesleya, pretože to nebola denominácia - letniční neboli. Potom letniční odišli do denominácii. A čo to urobilo? Stala sa z toho šupka. Vyzeralo to ako tá skutočná vec. A každý ...
138Koľkí ste videli niekedy pšeničné zrno, ako začína rásť? Čo je tá prvá maličká vec? To je celkom skoro ako semeno, ale to je šupka. Vidíte tie tri stupne? Steblo, klas alebo peľ, potom šupka. A potom, zo šupky prichádza originálne semeno. Nie semeno, to bol život semena rastúci a prechádzajúci cez toto, aby prišiel do semena. Amen, amen! Vidíte to? Čo to je? Vzkriesenie. Prichádza to znovu naspäť do majstrovského diela, také ako to, ktoré padlo do zemi.
139Letniční vyšli z Wesleya, pretože Wesley bol organizáciou. Letniční vyšli a neboli žiadnou organizáciou a potom sa ňou stali. To sa muselo stať, aby to utvorilo šupku. Pravé Slovo života pri tomto prechádzalo svojou cestou potom do originálneho zrna cez tieto stupne: cez stopku, potom do klasu; z klasu do šupky; a od šupky sa to stalo semenom. Nie ... stopka, klas, šupka!
140Keď žijú, vo svojom zemskom prebudení, oni produkujú niečo, čo udržuje určitú časť života toho semena; ale keď sa zorganizovali, ten život z toho odišiel. Je to dokázané cez celú históriu. Organizácia, potom keď sa zorganizovala nikdy nič nevykonala. Bolo to mŕtve. Je to tak.
141Sledujte, ten život postupuje teraz ďalej. On ide ďalej.
142Všimnite si. Čo oni urobili, čo všetci títo urobili, história to potvrdzuje, presne ako cirkev prichádzala, nikdy viac už nebola pre Neho užitočná. Organizácia je odložená do regálu. Stále v celej histórii cirkvi bolo tak, že keď sa to zorganizovalo, zomrelo to. A tá organizácia zomrela a nikdy viac nepovstala. Nevidíte to? Ľudia, ktorí ste slepí, otvorte oči! Príroda a Slovo sú spolu zladené a dokazujú to práve tu, že toto je pravda: Ten život opúšťa stopku aby utvoril klas; opúšťa klas, aby utvoril šupku; a zo šupky to ide znovu do originálu.
143Všimnite si, On to už nikdy viac nepoužil. Aký pozoruhodný je tento život pri svojom prechádzaní v tom pšeničnom zrne oproti tomu, ktorý je v strome. Boh zavolal svojich ľudí ako stromy. Vidíte? Život v strome odchádza dole a znovu prichádza naspäť, ide dole a prichádza naspäť hore, vidíte. On odchádza dole a prichádza naspäť hore. Ale v pšeničnom zrne on ide hore od toho originálu, cez stopku klas a šupku; a tá vec, cez ktorú on prešiel zomiera a tak on sa nemôže znovu cez to vrátiť naspäť. Čo to je? Už nikdy viac to nie je použité. On ide ďalej do svojej dokonalosti. Amen! Či nevidíte, prečo On nikdy nepoužil žiadnu organizáciu? On sa nemôže do toho znovu naspäť vrátiť. Je to mŕtve! Ale ten život prechádza ďalej, od jedného do druhého, vidíte. Oni robia vyznania a dodávajú ... "Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo, alebo odoberie jedno slovo ..." Vidíte? Je z toho vymknutý. To musí byť život toho semena, ktorý prechádza ďalej.
144Ja toto teraz ukazujem ako podobenstvo znázorňujúce nevestu, to majstrovské dielo, ktoré vystupuje do popredia. Keď bol úpadok majstrovského diela, je i povstávanie majstrovského diela. Majstrovské dielo upadlo v Nicei, Ríme. Po Nicei, Ríme, ona prechádza cez proces; ale ona prichádza znovu rovno naspäť do toho majstrovského diela, dokonalého, pretože ona je časťou toho Slova, ktoré On vypovedal. On bude mať cirkev bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. To sa nikdy nespojí, nijakým spôsobom so žiadnou organizáciou ani denomináciou (s tou prekliatou vecou). To prešlo cez tieto veci, ale to tam nikdy nebude.
145Všimnite si. To semeno rastie. Ten život ide hore, nejde naspäť. Po tomto, to už viac nebude vzkriesené. Ten život ide hore aby prišiel do svojej dokonalosti, do vzkriesenia.
Všimnite si, tá šupka vytláča ... Všimnite si, tá šupka vytíska zo seba to originálne semeno. Nachádzame toto v Zjavení v 3. kapitole.
146Pamätajte teraz, podľa Biblii On nebol vystrčený von v žiadnej inej cirkvi, v tých siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? On prešiel cez ten cirkevný vek, aby išiel ďalej a urobil niečo ďalšie. Ale toto je to. Nezostáva nič iné, než to, že ten sochár prišiel znovu naspäť do dokonalosti, do Slova. Vidíte? To nejde naspäť. Aký je v tom rozdiel. Tak veru!
147Ó a všimnite si. Potom, tá šupka, keď sa ona ukázala, vyzerala presne ako zrno. Ale keď ten život zrna začína opúšťať tú šupku, aby išiel a utvoril zrno, nevestu, tá šupka sa otvára a vylučuje to zrno. Či je to pravda, podľa prírody? To je presne to, čo ona urobila.
148V Zjavení 3 vidíme, že Laodicejský cirkevný vek Ho vystrčil von. No vidíte, to sa nestalo v iných vekoch, pretože ešte niečo malo byť utvorené. To len cez to prechádzalo a išlo ďalej do iného. Stále som vám to hovoril, už neprídu žiadne ďalšie denominácie. Sme na konci. A oni Ho vystrčili von, prečo? On je znovu Slovo. On je ako to, ktoré tam vtedy padlo do zemi. On je tou istou náukou, ktorá povstala na počiatku.
149A keď to semeno Slova začína rásť, tá šupka ho odtíska od seba. Ten život opúšťa všetky tie iné formy aby išlo za ním; to sú opravdiví veriaci, oni nasledujú ten život, kdekoľvek ten život ide.
150Ako v Izraelovi, ktorý je dokonalým predobrazom. Keby sme mali čas ... Zostalo mi už len niekoľko minút. Ale v tom dokonalom predobraze na začiatku, kdekoľvek išiel ten ohnivý stĺp, tam bol život; Boh bol tým svetlom. A ja sa nestarám, či to bolo o polnoci, alebo či oni boli na dobrom výhodnom mieste, keď sa pohol ten ohnivý stĺp, zaznela trúba a Izrael sa pohol s ním. Haleluja! Keď zaznela trúba, Martin Luther sa pohol s ním. A on urobil organizáciu .... zabil. Nie on sám, ľudia po ňom. A potom Boh zobral z toho ten život, preniesol ho ďalej, položil to do hrobu.
151Potom prichádza Wesley. On videl tú veľkú organizáciu, tak on zatrúbil na trúbe posvätenia, viacej Slova. Vidíte? A keď to urobil, oni vyšli von, z Luteránov rovno do Metodistov.
152A keď to uvideli Letniční, oni zatrúbili na trúbe. Je čas na navrátenie darov. Vidíte čo oni urobili? Oni zatrúbili na trúbe a vyšli; potom oni urobili organizáciu. Ale pamätajte. Po šupke, sú tri stupne, poznáme ich, nezostáva už nič iné, okrem zrna. Ó, Bože! A potom to zrno je zo všetkého toho vystrčené. Amen a amen! Semeno, Slovo sa začína formovať a život je prenesený z ...
153Všimnite si teraz. Ak ten ženích, na začiatku, ten prvý ženích ... Toto je nevesta, ktorá vystupuje do popredia. Pamätajte, cirkev začala na Letnice a upadla v Nicei. To vyklíčilo, nie ako skutočné zrno, nie; tam v tom bolo niečo z toho života, ale to vyklíčilo, aby vytvorilo nejakú organizáciu. A to prechádzalo cez tú organizáciu. A čo to potom urobilo? Potom to z tej organizácii odišlo a išlo to do ďalšej organizácii, odišlo to do ďalšieho stupňa Slova: Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, vidíte. A ako to prechádzalo cez túto stopku a cez ten proces, stále ďalej sa to viac podobalo.
154Pamätajte, ten drobný peľ je viac - či ten klas sa viac podobá semenu, než ako stopka. A šupka je viac podobná semenu, než ako bol klas. Ale samotné semeno je ďalej za tým, vidíte. To bolo len použité na prenášanie, aby sa to cez to prenieslo.
155Všimnite si. Nevesta ... Keď nevesta na začiatku bola Slovo - či ženích; a potom, keď nevesta je vzatá z ženícha, to tiež musí byť Slovo.
156Všimnite si. Nevesta musí byť ... Prečo? Prečo ženích musí byť zamanifestovaným Slovom, zjaveným? Preto, že ženích a nevesta sú jedno; ona je len odrazený kúsok z Neho. Máme majstrovské dielo. Ono bolo udreté.
157Michelangelo to nemohol znovu zreprodukovať; on to nemohol dať naspäť. Ale Boh to urobí. On prinesie túto malú nevestu, ktorá bola udrená, rovno naspäť do boku originálneho Slova. A tu ho máme; tu máme to majstrovské dielo, tú rodina znovu naspäť v záhrade Eden.
158Ako to táto nevesta urobí? Ako to táto pšenica urobí? Malachiáš 4 povedal, že v posledných dňoch to bude znovu prinavrátené. Čo? Prinavrátené naspäť ako na začiatku, prinesené naspäť. "Ja prinavrátim hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požral červík, húsenica a všetko to ďalšie. Ja vám to znovu prinavrátim." Malachiáš 4 povedal, že On navráti srdcia ľudí a vieru ľudí, znovu naspäť ku originálnym otcom. Cirkev, my toto vidíme rovno pred nami. Kde sme?
159No, za niekoľko minút končím. Chcem, aby ste si veľmi dobre všimli niečo, čo sa práve stalo.
160Malachiáš 4 to má priniesť naspäť, naspäť do originálu. Ona je udrená od cirkvi - od cirkevného tela, udrená svojím majstrom, z toho istého dôvodu, že je Slovom, tak isto ako Jozef bol udrený od svojich bratov, pretože on bol Slovo. A Ježiš bol udrený od svojich bratov, pretože On bol Slovo. Cirkev je udrená - nevesta je udrená od cirkvi, pretože ona je Slovo. Tu znovu máte tie stupne: jeden, dva, tri. Vidíte? Presne.
161Slovo, živé a v akcii, Biblická nevesta, nie nejaká ľuďmi vytvorená nevesta, Biblická nevesta udrená a strápená od Boha.
Žiadna krása, kvôli ktorej by sme jej boli žiadostiví a pri tom sme sa domnievali, že je udrená a strápená od Boha. Je to tak Ona stojí samotná. Je udrená od všetkých denominácií, podľa Zjavenia 3. Ona je vyrazená von z laodicejského cirkevného veku, v ktorom bola vychovaná, vidíte.
162Táto cirkev bola vychovaná v laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. Ktorý je tou šupkou. Ale ak tí ostatní odišli ... Či to nedokážete vidieť, vy letniční? Ak to ďalšie bola šupka a zomrela, ak tam tá stopka musela zomrieť, ak ten klas musel zomrieť, tak isto musí zomrieť šupka. Tri stupne organizácii.
163A pamätáte sa ... vy hovoríte: "No dobre, na tom visí veľa klasov; tohto je veľa." Áno! Boli metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni, cirkev Kristova, všetky tieto ďalšie drobné veci, ktoré spadali do tohto; ale tým originálom boli tí reformátori. No, vidíte?
164Stojí samotná, ako ženích odmietnutý od ľudí, opovrhnutá a odmietnutá cirkvami. Nevesta takto stojí. Čo to je? To je jeho majstrovské dielo. Vidíte? To je Slovo, cez ktoré On môže pracovať, manifestovať sa - odmietnuté.
165Tak stopka, klas a šupka sa nikdy nestanú semenom, nie, ale po celý čas sa to viac a viac podobá na semeno. No, v čase žatvy je to semeno naspäť vo svojom originálnom živote, naspäť v Biblii. Malachiáš 4 povedal, že to bude takto prinavrátené. Ó!
166To musí mať celé ... Aby sa to takto stalo, to musí mať celé Slovo. Je to tak?
167No, čo On povedal v Zjavení 10, že sa stane? Načo bola tá cesta do Tucsonu? Aby pre cirkev bolo otvorené ... vo dňoch posla, siedmeho anjela, posolstva siedmeho anjela, zamanifestuje sa celé Slovo Božie. Tá pečať, to čo celá tá stopka vynechala a prečo a všetko o tom, sa v tomto čase zamanifestuje. Či to je to, čo povedalo Slovo? Potom to vidíme. Kde potom sme? Vidíte? Kde sme? Zostáva len jedno, nadišla žatva. Ona je úplne zrelá. Ona je teraz pripravená na príchod.
168Všimnite si. Nie, to nikdy nebude. V čase žatvy je semeno privedené naspäť do svojho originálneho stavu a ono musí mať celé Slovo, aby to bolo semeno. Nemôžete mať polovičku semena; to nebude rásť. To musí byť celé semeno. To nemôže byť len to, že poviete: "Ja verím v krst Duchom Svätým. Haleluja! Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch." To je len časť semena. Ale teraz, je ku tomu pridané. Haleluja! Vidíte, život, nie dary, život tých darov. Vidíte?
Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Sme v čase konca, bratia.
169 Stopka, klas, šupka sú teraz mŕtve a uschnuté. Je len jedna vec, ktorá s tým musí stať, má to byť zhromaždené vo svetovej rade cirkví na spálenie.
170Slovo sa stalo telom, presne tak ako On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17, Malachiášovi 4 a všade, vidíte. Je to tak. Zjavenie ...
171Všetok skutočný život, ktorý bol v stopke, v klase a šupke je teraz zhromaždený v semene, pripravený na vzkriesenie, pripravený na žatvu. Alfa sa stala Omegou. To prvé sa stal posledným; a to posledné je prvým. Semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme prešlo procesom a znovu sa stalo semenom. To semeno, ktoré upadlo v záhrade Eden a zomrelo tam, prichádza naspäť (z toho nedokonalého semena, ktoré tam zomrelo) - prichádza naspäť do dokonalého semena - druhého Adama.
172Tá prvá Eva, ktorá upadla a bola použitá v druhej reformácii - v druhom príchode, pri rodení dieťaťa, teraz sa znovu stala pravdivou nevestou, semenom, je znovu tu s tým originálnym Slovom. Alfa a Omega, to je to isté. On povedal: "Ja som Alfa a Omega." On medzi tým nič nepovedal. "Ja som Alfa a Omega, prvý a posledný." Tak veru!
173Tá prvá služba a tá posledná služba, to je to isté. To prvé posolstvo a druhé - posledné posolstvo, to je to isté. "Ja som bol v Alfe; Ja som v Omege." "Bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo," vidíte. Alfa a Omega; to sa stalo prvým a posledným. Ó, moji bratia, mohli by sme zostať pri tom celé hodiny.
174To veľké majstrovské dielo rodiny, druhý Adam a druhá Eva pripravení teraz pre záhradu, milénium Amen! Naspäť na zemi. Haleluja! Ten veľký sochár ich nenechal tam ležať. On potreboval čas, ako keď za tie milióny rokov modeloval ten prvý dokonalý pár. A oni upadli. Teraz to trvalo tisíce rokov; On znovu modeloval; a teraz, oni sú tu pripravení.
175To majstrovské dielo prišlo a bolo udrené - z jeho boku vychádza pomocníčka. A ona prechádzala cez ten istý proces. No, ona je znovu tu, zhodne s celou prírodou, s Bibliou a so všetkým iným, to ukazuje, že sme tu.
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia;
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, (Pozrite sa na túto hromadu smetí, ktorú máme!) strachom obťažené;
Vráťte sa, rozprášení do svojho.
Je to tak. Bude lepšie, keď tam rýchlo vojdete, ak to máte v úmysle. (Chcem zakončiť, už len päť, desať minút.)
176Všimnite si, to veľké majstrovské dielo rodiny. Muž a žena nemôžu byť pravdivou rodinou, ak nie sú jedno. Oni musia byť jedno. Ak nie sú, nie sú dobrou rodinou - žena ťahá na jednu stranu a muž na druhú. To tvorí hroznú rodinu. Ale v zhode, s láskou jedného oproti druhému, to je rodina. A teraz, to bolo Božie majstrovské dielo; a každá skutočná rodina to tu zobrazuje. Vidíte? A teraz to majstrovské dielo rodiny znovu prišlo - Kristus a Jeho nevesta, pripravení prísť. Druhý Adam, druhá Eva, pripravení vrátiť sa teraz naspäť do svojho domu. A celý tento obraz, to bolo vykúpenie, z tade kde to bolo, to prináša naspäť. Vidíte? Presne. Prináša to znovu naspäť.
177Potom čo ... Jedného dňa som tu stál s Kresťanskými obchodníkmi, mnohí z vás, myslím, tam boli. Keď som počul toho luteránskeho kňaza (alebo to mal byť kazateľ) vstal tam a povedal tú absurdnú vec a vysmial sa z toho, čo my veríme ... A tí Obchodníci plného evanjelia tam mali toho človeka. A keď toto hovoril ... mal golier. Mnohí z nich to teraz nosia.
On povedal: "No, ľudia sa ma pýtajú prečo nosím golier."
Povedal: "Ako vás môžu rozoznať od katolíckeho kňaza."
On povedal: "Nie je žiadny rozdiel a nemá byť."
On povedal: "My sme všetci deti Božie," On povedal: "Poznám katolíckeho kňaza, ktorý je všadeprítomný, viete, ktorý môže byť všade prítomný."
178No, nemôžete byť všadeprítomní, bez toho žeby ste boli vševedúci. Ani Boh nie je všadeprítomný; Boh je vševedúci. Vševedúcnosť Ho robí všadeprítomným. On vie o všetkom. Aby bol bytosťou, musí byť v jednej veci. Ale tým, že je vševedúci, môže byť všadeprítomný, pretože vie o všetkom. On to vedel pred ... On vedel, prv ako začal svet, koľko bude múch, vší a koľko krát oni mihnú očami a všetko o tom (vidíte?), preto je On všadeprítomný. A vy nemôžete byť vševedúci, ak nie ste nekoneční. Je len jedna vec, ktorá je nekonečná. Boh. Amen!
179A potom my ... Čo to je? To je diabol, vedúci ich rovno na to zabitie, každý jeden z nich vchádza do toho, presne tak ako povedala Biblia. A tu to je. Vidíte, prichádza rovno medzi letničných a tiahne ich rovno tam, tak ako ... čo za čas!
180Ó, po tom svedectve mi niekto povedal, ja ... je dobre, že som nepovedal príliš veľa, pretože oni by ma pravdepodobne tam zavreli do vezenia; Ja som len uvažoval: "Tu to je." Ľudia, ktorí sú učení vedia. "Rozumní budú poznať svojho Boha v tom čase," je povedané v Danielovi. Tak veru! Vidíte? Rozumní budú poznať svojho Boha; oni dávajú pozor na tieto veci.
181Ale keď som videl, že to sa stalo a tí letniční tam stáli s ním. Dokonca Oral Roberts sa takto na mňa díval. Povedal som: "Och joj!" Hm!
182Ale oni tam stoja so vzdelaním, zdokonalení, viete a tak ďalej. To nie je spôsob, akým Boh zdokonaľuje svojich. On ich nezdokonaľuje vzdelaním; On ich zdokonaľuje v pokore a v moci svojho zamanifestovaného Slova, ukazuje ten tvar toho zrna, z ktorého to vyšlo.
183No, jeden z nich mi povedal: "Brat Branham," povedal: "Je jedna vec, ktorú na tebe nemôžem pochopiť."
Povedal som: "Čo to je?"
Stáli sme tam v hale ... Myslím, že sestra Dauchová a oni, potom keď sme si s Billym potriasli ruky a stáli sme tam a všetci išli okolo, celá tá skupina ľudí, nejaký kazateľ s golierom sa pretlačil ku nám a povedal: "Prečo je to tak, že stále vykrikuješ na ľudí?" Povedal: "Tí ľudia veria, že si sluha Boží, buď ku ním jemný a milý a tak ďalej." Povedal: Zakaždým, keď ťa počujem vstávať, vykrikuješ na tie ženy ohľadne ich krátkych vlasov a ohľadne nosenia šortiek a maľovania sa a ohľadne všetkých tých ďalších vecí a vykrikuješ na tých ľudí a hovoríš im akí sú chladní a formálni a ľahostajní." Povedal: "Prečo to robíš?" Povedal: "Tí ľudia ťa milujú. Ako môžeš byť milovaným synom Božím a robiť takéto veci?"
184Rozmýšľal som: "Pane, daj mi, aby som vedel odpovedať tomuto chytrému človekovi. (Viete.) Daj mi, aby som mu vedel odpovedať niečo, čo ho obesí na jeho vlastnom povraze. Povedal som: "No ..." Povedal som: "Pane, čítali ste niekedy o tom veľkom hudobnom vydavateľovi, ktorý sa nazýval - o tom veľkom hudobnom skladateľovi, ktorý sa nazýval Beethoven."
On povedal: "Ó, samozrejme, čítal som o Beethovenovi."
185Povedal som: "On možno naplnil veľa košov potrhaným papierom, ale dal svetu majstrovské diela." On už viac neotvoril ústa a nepovedal ani slovo. Povedal som: "Keď on sedel vo svojej študovni pod inšpiráciou, on niečo napísal. Išiel do svojej študovni a hral. Nebolo to dobré, on to roztrhal a hodil do koša. Ale keď sa cez to dostal vo všetkej inšpirácii, svet mal majstrovské dielo." Ó, ako to Slovo obsekáva, ale to produkuje majstrovské diela, odstraňuje všetku tú šupku a stopku, to produkuje majstrovské dielo.
186Mám sedem minút, aby som vám povedal niečo, čo sa stalo predvčerom, aby sme skončili na čas. Tretieho júla som sedel tu v tomto centre tu neďaleko, v obchodnom centre, rovno tu naproti. Bol som v Prasačej Aleji v Ríme ... vo Francúzsku a bol som v New Yorku, v Los Angeles; ale najšpinavšia hromada žien, ktoré som kedy v živote videl je v Jeffersonville, v Indiáne. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toľko špiny a nečistoty, ako vidím medzi tými ľuďmi. Sedel som tam až ma rozbolelo srdce a Pán mi dal videnie. No, poviem vám to videnie. Neviem, či vám ho budem môcť vyložiť, ale po prvý raz vám poviem to videnie.
187Dostal som sa do vytrženia. A keď sa to stalo, niekto tam so mnou bol. Nevidel som tú osobu. Bol to len hlas. A pozrel som sa. A ako som sa díval na túto stranu, on povedal: "Nevesta sa príde ukázať na prehliadku." A videl som ako prichádza ku mne najkrásnejšia skupina čisto oblečených žien, aké som kedy v živote videl. Ale každá jedna z nich, vyzerala ako, boli rôzne oblečené. Všetky mali dlhé vlasy a mali ... dlhé rukávy a sukne a tak ďalej, mladé ženy. Vyzerali na tak, povedal by som, okolo možno dvadsať ročné.
188No, mám tu pred sebou otvorenú Bibliu. Môžem povedať len to čo som videl. Ak sa opýtate: "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na hodiny. "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na ľudí. "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na Bibliu. To je to, čo ... Hovorím pravdu; to je to, čo vidím. A môžem povedať len to, čo som videl. Neviem čo to ... všetko o tom, musím vám to proste povedať.
189Ale keď táto nevesta ... ona sa dívala rovno na ... Toho, ktorý hovoril so mnou a na mňa ... stáli sme spolu. Jej oči ... Ona bola najčistejšou, najmilší ľudia, akých som kedy v živote videl. Vyzeralo ako by ich bolo tucet alebo viac, práve ... Neviem koľko ich bolo v rade, ale bola ich len skupina. A ona prešla okolo, jemne so spevom a oči mala zodvihnuté, dívala sa na nás keď prechádzala okolo. Ó, ona bola nádherná! Díval som sa na ňu. A keď prechádzala okolo, on povedal: "No, budeme vidieť ešte ..." Povedal: "To je nevesta. No, budeme vidieť ešte cirkvi." A oni prichádzali. Všimol som si ako prichádzajú. A keď prišli, každá jedna, vyzerala čím ďalej, tým horšie. Nikdy v živote som nevidel takú špinavú bandu. A keď on povedal: "Nasleduje ..." Počul som hluk. A on povedal: "Nasleduje," povedal: "tu prichádza americká skupina."
190No, ja som američan, ale z tohto mi bolo zle. Nedokážem dostatočne vyjadriť, v zmiešanom obecenstve, povedať čo sa dialo; a vy budete musieť čítať medzi riadkami. Ale keď prichádzali tie ženy, ich vodcom bola čarodejnica. Mala veľký dlhý nos a veľké ústa. A všetky mali tu dole oblečené nejaký najhanebnejší druh šiat, ale ten vrch mal len prúžky, ktoré len ... trochu, asi pol cóla široké, ktoré sa nadvihovali a takto sa na nich krútili. A každá z tých žien mala ešte niečo, aby... Mnohí z vás, dávno pred rokmi to používali na ... Pamätáte sa, keď sme zvykli strihať ten papier, viete, noviny, aby sme si urobili vejár?
191Koľkí sa na to pamätáte? Viete. No, myslím, že to používajú pri karnevaloch, viete. Visí to takto dole, strapatý, krepový papier. Oni niečo takéto držali pod sebou, držali to pod sebou. Celá táto časť bola vystavená. A každá z nich mala riadne na krátko ostrihané vlasy a všade takto nabrčkavené, riadne nakrátko ostrihané vlasy a celé vymaľované. Vyzerali úplne ako prostitútky na ulici. A oni kráčali s týmto papierom. A tá vulgárnosť! No, ten papier to bolo to, čo držali pred sebou; ale keď oni prešli okolo, odzadu ... A vidieť ako oni išli odpredu a ich zadnú časť a čo robili, spýtal som sa: "To je cirkev?"
192A tam ona išla. A oni tu spievali tento twist a rockové piesne, viete, alebo ako sa to volá, išli ... spievali, išli ... Opýtal som sa: "Či to je cirkev?" A ja som tam stál. V srdci som plakal. A táto čarodejnica, podľa môjho názoru to je nič iné, ako svetová rada cirkví, ktorá ich vedie rovno dole, tam kde išla. Oni odišli doľava a zanikli v chaose, stále bili túto hudbu a vydávali skutočne smiešne zvuky a natriasali svoje telá raz z jednej a potom z druhej strany a takto sa natriasali keď kráčali.
193A ja som začal skláňať svoju hlavu a on povedal: "Čakaj, znovu musí prísť nevesta." A díval som sa a tu oni znovu prichádzajú. A prechádzali okolo, milé dámy. Všetky sa dívali rovno na mňa, keď prechádzali okolo. A všimol som si, že každá bola oblečená inak. A jedna vzadu mala také dlhé vlasy, viseli jej dole takto spletené, mohla to byť Nemka, alebo niečo také ... A ja som ich pozoroval. A potom, keď začali odchádzať, dve alebo tri z nich vzadu začali vychádzať z kroku. A ja som začal na ne kričať a oni sa snažili dostať naspäť do kroku. A ja som ich videl práve ... videnie prestalo a odišlo odo mňa.
194No, tu je výklad: Dôvod ... no pamätajte. Už som prebral to, čo som si zapísal, ale neskončil som, toto som si už nezapísal. Ale pri tom ako teraz kážem, porozumel som čo to bolo, tu v mojej kázni. Všimli ste si, cirkev sa ukázala len ... No, to je pravda, priatelia. Nebeský Otec, ktorý píše toto Slovo, vie, že hovorím pravdu. Vidíte? Ja viem - ja hovorím len pravdu. A nevedel som to ešte pred niekoľkými minútami, ešte pred chvíľou ... Vidíte? Všimli ste si? Nevestu bolo vidieť dvakrát. Prvé semeno a druhé semeno, obe boli presne to isté. A dôvod, že oni boli rôzne oblečené, ona bude pochádzať zo všetkých národov, to bude tvoriť nevestu. Každá mala dlhé vlasy a ani jedna nebola namaľovaná a skutočne krásne dievčence. A oni sa dívali na mňa. Oni reprezentovali nevestu, ktorá pochádza zo všetkých národov. Vidíte? Každá jedna reprezentovala národ, ako pochodovali presne podľa Slova, vidíte.
195A potom, musím na ňu dávať pozor. Ona vyjde z kroku toho Slova, ak nedám na ňu pozor, keď prechádza okolo, keď ide okolo. Možno to bude môj čas, keď bude po mne, viete, keď skončím, alebo čokoľvek to je.
196Sledujte! Oni sa vracali, snažili sa ako len mohli. Išli naspäť; dostávali sa do kroku, pretože sa obzerali niekde inde, dívali sa na tú cirkev, ktorá práve odišla do chaosu. Ale dve ... Tie vpredu nie. Tie vzadu - len dve alebo tri, nejako trochu vykročili na pravú stranu a vyzerali akoby sa snažili dostať naspäť do radu z ktorého vyšli. Oni práve prechádzali okolo mňa, ó, tak ďaleko ako tá stena, prechádzali popri mne. A ja som tam stál. A potom som ich proste všetky videl ako kráčali a odišli.
Ale všimnite si, cirkev bolo vidieť len raz, z každého národa, cirkev. Ale nevesta prišla dvakrát, vidíte. Vidíte čo to je? No, nevedel som to, ale dívam sa na to podľa môjho posolstva dnes ráno. Nevedel som to, vidíte.
197To semeno padlo do zemi v Nicei. To bolo to originálne semeno. A ona prechádza cez proces týchto denominácií, ktoré prišli do existencii len raz. Ale nevesta sa vracia znovu naspäť v posledných dňoch: "Ja prinavrátim." Vidíte. To majstrovské dielo je prinesené. Preto ju bolo vidieť ... bola ukázaná druhý krát. Ukázala sa prvý krát, potom sa ukázaná druhý krát. A ona je druhý krát taká dokonalá ako bola prvý krát. Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! Rýchlo, rýchlo, rýchlo! Život, vojdi hneď do toho zrna!
198Ani jedna z tých ostatných sa viac neukázala. Oni odišli a nikdy sa už nevrátili. Ale nevesta prišla naspäť, pretože ona je Alfa a Omega. Boh, ten veľký sochár, Mu urobil majstrovské dielo, pretože to je kúsok jeho prvého majstrovského diela. Ako to On urobil v záhrade Eden a zobral z neho kúsok a urobil ďalší kúsok a to bolo zničené a upadlo; teraz to On po celý tento čas znovu stavia. A On predviedol toto majstrovské dielo a ono bolo udrené preto - tá časť, ktorá bola udrená, bola udrená preto, aby bolo znovu naspäť prinesené to majstrovské dielo.
199Tak to majstrovské dielo a Syn Boží - to majstrovské dielo a nevesta ... A to je kúsok z Neho a ona musí byť vyplnením Slova. Slovo sa vyplnilo, a my sme pripravení na príchod Pánov.
200Ó, cirkev živého Boha, skloňte svoje srdcia i samých seba pred Bohom! Tieto veci sú pravda. Viem že to znie ako ... že taká veľká vec, ako má byť toto, bude tak rozšírená vo všetkých národoch; to nikdy tak nebolo. On nemení svoje spôsoby.
201Buďte len vďační, cirkev, buďte vďační, že ste tam, kde dnes ste, ak ste v Kristovi. Pretože vidíte, teraz ... a keď to ... Pamätajte, všetok ten život sa zhromaždí rovno do toho zrna, na vzkriesenie, ale tá stopka musí byť spálená, i ten ostatok z toho. Tá šupka a všetko musí byť zničené, a bude. Nedúfajte v denominácie. Stojte v Slove, v živote, v Bohu a Jeho majstrovskom diele.
202Potom, čo je v miléniu? Kristus a Jeho nevesta, naspäť v záhrade milénia. Amen!
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
203Tam On bol udrený. My sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha. Ale On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti.
204Je tu niekto dnes ráno, kto nie je dnes ráno v tom zrne? A ako teraz ten život odťahuje posledný kúsok od tej šupky, lebo tá šupka vyschýna ... Koľkí viete, že letničná cirkev vyschýna? Čo to je? Život ju opúšťa. Skutočne, on je preč. A keď tá nevesta už mala prehliadku, zamýšľam sa či potom tá nevesta nie je už dokončená.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
205A teraz so sklonenými hlavami. Je tu niekto, kto by chcel byť spomenutý? Ak to cítiš, že nie si ... Priatelia, je to príliš jasné. Nikdy v živote som nemal videnie, žeby sa niečo nestalo, nenasledovalo. Hovorím pravdu. Stále po všetky tie časy, keď som vám povedal pravdu, Boh to potvrdil, potom i tento krát hovorím pravdu.
206Neviem v ktorom dni žijeme, ale viem, že už nič nezostalo. Nemôže povstať politik, ktorý by napravil tieto veci. S politikou v tomto národe je koniec. Ó, Bože! Môžete sa ponoriť dostatočne hlboko, aby ste to cítili. S týmto národom je koniec - nie s národom, ale s národmi. Toto je ten najlepší z tej skupiny, ale je po ňom. Potom keď s národmi je koniec, je koniec so svetom. A cirkvi? Podľa mojej mienky, letniční to bolo to najlepšie čo sme mali; ale je s tým koniec. Ó Bože, buď nám milostivý!
207Ak Ho nepoznáte, prosím ponáhľajte sa, ponáhľajte sa! Ak cítite život, vyjdite - vyjdite z hriechu, vyjdite z vecí, v ktorých sa nachádzate, vojdite do zrna, čím najrýchlejšie. V stopke alebo v šupke zomriete. Modlite sa, kým budeme teraz spievať. “Milujem Ho.“
Teraz je to na vás. My nemáme žiadnu denomináciu, nič; my máme len Krista. Ste pozvaní aby ste Ho chválili - s nami až kým On nepríde. My nemôžeme zapísať vaše meno do knihy; nemáme žiadne knihy. My chceme aby vaše meno bolo v knihe života. Vy to môžete urobiť len skrze narodenie. Či to nechcete urobiť hneď teraz? Proste Krista o nový život, aby ťa voviedol dovnútra, zapísal tvoje meno vo svojej knihe, ak nie je. Potom môžete mať s nami obecenstvo. Radi ťa tu budeme mať. Ja...
208Drahý Bože, pomôž teraz každej osobe urobiť inventúru, aby sme videli či sme v Ňom. Ty si nás miloval. Ty si bol za nás udrený. A my sme sa domnievali, že si bol udrený a zbitý od Boha. Prosím, Bože, aby si Ty zavolal každého jedného. Pane, hovor ku mojim deťom, ku mojim milovaným a ku mojím priateľom. Daj to, Pane, hneď teraz, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.
209Nech nikto nečaká príliš dlho, Pane. Vyzerá, že je strašne neskoro. Žatva je skutočne zrelá. Ten veľký Boží kombajn sa preženie po zemi v jednom z týchto dní; slama bude lietať na všetky strany; ale pšenica bude zhromaždená do sýpky, vzatá hore, pretože v nej je život. Udeľ, Pane, nech je vypočutá každá prosba, nech sa pred Tebou zjaví každá modlitba.
210Modlím sa za nich Pane. Prosím, aby si nedal zahynúť ani jednému z týchto, ktorí sú tu, Pane. Oni sedia pod ťažkým ... Oni cestovali stovky míľ. A akákoľvek je naša potreba, daj nám to, Pane, čokoľvek čo je na naše dobro, Pane. Nie to, čo je dobré v našich očiach, ale to čo je dobré v Tvojich očiach. Chcem stáť ako čistá panna, ktorá bola očistená, napomínaná od Boha, aby sme mohli byť očistení od svojich hriechov.
211A ja predkladám za nich svoju modlitbu, Pane. Neviem ako sa modliť. Hovoríme ku mocnému Bohu a čo je človek, ako môže smrteľník predniesť tú správnu modlitbu pred živým Bohom? Ale, Pane, moje zle vyslovované slová a slovesá a zámená na nesprávnom mieste, keď si jedného dňa mohol zobrať to ABC, za malého chlapca a dať tomu zmysel, Ty môžeš prehliadnuť moje slovesá a zámená a pozrieť sa len na to čo verím, Pane. Ja Ti verím. Ja verím tomuto Slovu. A verím za každého jedného tu. A prinášam ich na ten oltár, Pane, skrze vieru, kde medzi nami a veľkým Jehovom je krv Jeho Syna, Ježiša. A tá krv bude hovoriť za nás. Keď si Ho udrel na Golgote, povedal si: "Hovor! Jeho počúvajte!" A tá krv, Biblia povedala, hovorí väčšie veci, ako krv baránka v Starom Zákone; lebo krv Kristova hovorí väčšie veci, ako krv Ábela, väčšie veci. A hovorí, Pane, o našom vykúpení, keď sme zavolaní skrze tú krv.
212Veľký Otče života, zahrň nás do toho, Pane. Ak sme hrešili, vezmi to preč od nás. Nechceme takí byť, Pane. Nie je náš úmysel. A uvedomujeme si, že žijeme na takej strašnej tmavej ceste. Ako sme povedali na začiatku, kráčame hore na vrch, cez drsné miesta; cesta je tmavá; ale nesieme svetlo. Nech môžeme vidieť krok za krokom, ako teraz ideme, až kým sa nestretneme, ako v Ceste Pútnika, až kým nakoniec dosiahneme vrchol toho kopca. Veď nás, Pastier. Veľký Jehova, veď nás tvojím Duchom.
213A vieme, že sme ďaleko od majstrovského diela, ale dívame sa tam odkiaľ sme boli odštiepení, z toho skutočného majstrovského diela a v Neho dúfame. Vezmi nás len ku Nemu, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane.
214Pane, uzdrav tu všetkých chorých ľudí. My sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že bol udrený a zbitý. Ale On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia. Božie majstrovské dielo bolo udrené. A On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia; jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení. Uzdrav chorých, Pane, teraz v tvojej Božskej prítomnosti, zatiaľ čo vieme, že Ty si tu.
215Očisti naše duše, naše srdcia od všetkého zlého, od všetkých zlých myšlienok, od všetkých zlých kontaktov, od všetkého čo je zlé. Očisti nás. A modlíme sa, Otče, aby si uzdravil naše nemoci a daj nám odísť z tadeto aby sme cítili, že sme tvoje posvätené deti. A sme pod krvou, hovoríme skrze krv, skrze Slovo. Udeľ to, Pane. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
216Bože Otče, modlím sa nad týmito vreckovkami, pomaž ich Tvojou prítomnosťou, Pane. Nech Tvoja prítomnosť bude s nimi, kdekoľvek oni pôjdu. Na čokoľvek oni budú položené, na nejaké choré telo, nech oni budú uzdravení. A čokoľvek, ak sú niekde rozlámané domácnosti, naprav to, Pane, veľký sochár. Udeľ to, Pane.
217Uformuj nás a urob nás synmi a dcérami Božími. Veríme, že nevesta dostáva svoj posledný výbrus. Bude to udrené kompletne od všetkých organizácií a potom tu bude tá veľká žatva. Až dovtedy, Pane, urob ich zdravými a šťastnými, aby Ti slúžili. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
Milujem Ho... (Skutočne Ho milujete?)
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
218Rozumiete prečo na vás kričím? To nie preto, že vás nemilujem; Ja vás milujem. Ja chcem majstrovské dielo pre Majstra. Musím takto trochu z nás vytrhnúť, ale jedného z týchto dní budem mať majstrovské dielo, ak to budem držať naďalej, rovno v tomto Slove. Je to tak.
219No, Ježiš povedal: "Po tom poznajú všetci, že ste moji učeníci, keď budete mať lásku medzi sebou." My sa máme tak navzájom milovať ...
Nech sú požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu;
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí;
To je podobné ako tam hore.
Pochytajme sa za ruky.
Keď sa rozchádzame;
Robí nám to bolesť;
Ale v srdci budeme stále spolu;
A máme nádej, že sa znovu stretneme.
Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš,
dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;
dá ti radosť a pokoj,
Ber ho kdekoľvek ideš.
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba.
A teraz pamätajte na svojej ceste:
Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
ako štít pred každou pascou;
Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba; (Čo vtedy urobíš?)
Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.
Ó vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba.
Až sa stretneme, (Skloňme svoje hlavy.) až sa stretneme; (ó ako rád to spievam.)
Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;
Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme;
Nech je Boh s vami, až sa znovu stretneme.
1 Let's bow our heads now for prayer. While our heads and hearts are bowed before God, I--I wonder how many in here has a request that they'd like God to remember, by just lifting up your hands? Now, hold your request in your heart now as we pray.
2 Lord Jesus, Thou the--the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, flow through us today, Lord, and cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, that we might stand in Thy Presence now, knowing that there is need among us, that we know that we are sinners and not--not worthy of any blessing. But then when we think of Him Who came and took our sins! Then, when His Blood is there, it's not--it's not us in the Presence of God, it's Him. It's just our voice through His Blood. His Blood is speaking. O God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.
3Give to us the desires of our heart, for we truly have these desires to serve You. In these weakening conditions and afflictions, and things of the world that's put upon us sometime, to perfect us; we've been told that. Then He said, "Think it not strange that these trials come." They're only working out for our good and to perfect us, and bring us into that place. These great deserts of experience, where righteous man are molded into saints, we--we thank Thee for these experiences, Lord. We would no mean, no wise want to do anything contrary to Your will. But we pray, Father, that in this we'll be brought closer to You.
4And when the burdens are so heavy we can't go no farther, then we raise our hands and scream to our Father. Then hear from Heaven, Lord.
Heal us, make us well, for the Kingdom of God's sake.
Bless Thy Word this morning, Lord. Thy Word is the Truth.
5 And we've assembled here now in the church. We pray for Brother Neville, and for Brother Capps, and Brother Collins, and all the rest of the ministers, and the--and the trustees, deacons, and all the laity, and the strangers in our gates. May this be a day that we'll long remember, because of Your Presence.
6We're here under great expectation this morning, Lord. Just momentarily noticed, called together. We feel that it's for a purpose. May Your purpose be achieved, Lord. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, as we submit ourselves. Amen.
7 It's grand to be here and to be assembled with this church full of people. I wasn't expecting to be hardly anyone here this morning, because I didn't hardly know, myself, I was going to be here.
8We just got in from Philadelphia. And so I come in, thinking I was going to have to go to Arizona right quick, for have a funeral service for a friend of mine, Captain Jim Moseley, a very precious, godly boy I led to Christ not long ago, the three Moseley brothers. And one of them fell, and was in the plane the other day, and was killed instantly. Laid in the fire for ten hours 'fore they got to him. So Lee is twenty-eight years old, his wife twenty-six, and--and leave three little children; the oldest, seven. Very sad. And they... When they got him in, then they had to bury him the next day. So I just... I didn't get to go. And I just wrote out, or sent by telegram, what I was going to say, or what I would have said at Brother Moseley's funeral. Some of these things we can't understand, but yet He makes everything work just right.
9 We're here in service of the Lord, this morning, knowing that--that--that we believe God, that we believe that He'll make everything just exactly right. Regardless of what it is, and how it works out, we know it's got to "work for good." He promised that. It's just got to be that way. Sometimes we can't understand that, gets very complicated at times, but yet we know that it's the Truth, 'cause the Bible says it's the Truth. And the Bible, to us, is God in letter form.
10Now, we've got to place our faith somewhere. And if--if I or any of us, in life, tried to make a success in life and become, many times, a multimillionaire, but what are we going to do with that? We got to come down to the end of the road, and what--what good is it to us then? See? And money is a--a scrip, it's an exchange, but you can't exchange it for Life. Only God has Life.
11 So we--we realize that we're here in a negative form. And as long as there is a negative, there has to be a positive. There cannot be a negative without a positive, see, because it's because of the positive that makes the negative. Like you had a negative picture of some object. There has to be an object somewhere, or to strike, the light strike that lens, or there wouldn't be any--any negative. So when we see that our life here is in the negative, and knowing that we're in the image of some life somewhere, then we know that there is a positive somewhere that the light has struck, and it's reflected something here on earth. And we are only that reflection. The genuine object is somewhere. If that isn't, I'm the worst deceived man in the world; I've spent my life in vain. But I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it's there. See? That's why we're here. See?
12 When I see you people come across the country, on a few-moments notice, and sometime presuming, then it makes me feel real little when I come into a meeting like this; to think that I know people here has traveled for hundreds of miles, just to be here for a few minutes of service, just to set here.
13Some woman just made a remark, come in the other day and said, "Show me where the man has walked, and let me walk behind him, upon the ground," said, "I'll get well." Now, the people believes you like that, and you're a representative of Christ, then what should we do? We should be very careful, because you're not only destroying yourself with wrong, you're destroying others who are following you.
14So, I know no denomination or nothing to take you to. There's only one thing I have my faith in. If you believe me, follow what I tell you. Because, I believe the Bible, that's the Word of God. Other things fail. I'm just... He is Life. He is the Word.
15 Now, I know that you... When I come here, I keep you long. I prayed to God, when I felt like I wanted to come here today. I've had so many interviews and calls, and so forth. I had to meet some of them this morning. And I said, "Well, Brother Neville no doubt ask me to speak." That was Friday. And I said, "Brother Neville will probably ask me to speak. And when I do, then I pray, God..." It's so hot, been so hot. And He was good to send us a rain and break the real extreme heat, and give us a good morning this morning. I pray that His goodness will shower each one of you all, that you'll ever remember being here this morning. May His grace and blessings be upon you!
16 Last night I visit a friend that's sick, Brother Bill Dauch. I don't see him here this morning. Somehow, I don't. Oh, here he is. He's... Yeah. And I was thinking, "An old man of ninety-one years old, and still storming across the--the country, through the deserts, and over the snowy mountains and the slick roads. He don't have to do that. God has been good to him; he don't have to do that. He could sit home and have servants a-fanning him, if he wanted to." But, something happened to Bill Dauch, he was borned again. And when it was, something come into his heart, that all he lives for is to attend these services. And then if I'm to be the mouthpiece of God, would I deceive a friend? I'd rather die. Then let me tell him exactly what's the Truth out of this Bible. Then, that's God's Word. I'm just repeating what He said.
Now I want to read some out of the Bible.
17 Before we read, I'd like to--to say that I believe tonight is the communion night. And you who are here locally... Course, the other people probably will be going back to their homes, 'cause they have to go to work. You who are locally here in the assembly, remember, the brethren will be giving communion tonight.
18 Now, I'm waiting for the final call for Africa. They wouldn't, won't let me in as a missionary. So the only way I can go in, down... I'm going to Kenya, Uganda, and--and Tanganyika. And the only way I can go in... First, the churches won't let you in, 'cause they want me to preach something on this side and that side, down in Africa. And I won't go in like that. I wouldn't be hypocrite enough to do that. So I either tell them, "No, sir, I'll just preach just what God puts on my heart, and that's all." See? And I'm sure it won't be what they're trying to get me to teach. So, triune baptisms, and so forth like that, and fussing with them. No.
19 But I've been asked to a big convention, by Brother Boze. He's just on the verge of coming to seeing some daylight of what we believe. And so I've asked to come in like I was going on a hunting trip. If they let me in, like going in hunting... If I can get somebody to say they'd take me hunting, then when I get in there, the doctor--the doctor is there at the embassy, is a personal friend of mine, out of Chicago. And as soon as I get in there, he say, "Well, here is Brother Branham over here. Let's have a meeting." So, after I'm there, the embassy can't turn me down. If they... So they're trying to work it through now. So I trust that it... If it's God's will, it'll work out that way. See? It--it's just committed to Him. If not, then I'll notify you. I won't...
20 If it be the will of God, then, I want to speak on the Seven Trumpets. And that'll be about a eight-day service, and we won't be here at the tabernacle, perhaps. We try to get an auditorium here.
21Now I never thought, of this new auditorium just being built up here, it's exactly where I saw Jesus the first time in vision. Now it's built, auditorium built right over the same spot. I went right there the other day, to look. When I looked and seen Him looking towards the east, you remember hearing me tell it, when I was out there praying for my father; a--a little boy, just a boy preacher. That's where I saw Him. Step, looking at Him; He's had His head turned sideways from me. I kept walking around, clearing my throat, in a broom-sedge field. And I kept watching, and He never did turn. Then I called His Name, "Jesus." And He turned around, held His arms out, and that's all I remembered until daylight. And so I come back out of the field, along towards daylight.
So maybe the Lord will let me preach those Trumpets there. Wherever it is, God's will be done.
22 Turn in your Bibles now, to Isaiah the fifty-... 53rd chapter of Isaiah.
Now, we trust that God will bless our feeble efforts of coming together this morning. We just come down from Philadelphia, where I was at the Full Gospel Business Men's convention, and listening to their different testimonies and so forth, up there.
23Then I, on the road down, I was... Billy Paul and I, and Rebekah and little Collins girl, little Betty Collins. And Billy is a very good sleeper, and Becky is better, and so I... Betty and I talked. And she was setting back with Becky, in the back seat. And I seen something on the road, happen; and, when I did, something struck me. And Betty, if she is here, she noticed I quit talking and started writing something down. That's where I got this text for this morning.
24 Now let us stand to our feet. If we... Now we stand in honor of God's Word, as I read Isaiah the 53rd chapter.
Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Notice, it's a question, to begin with.
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of... dry ground: he has no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of man; a man of sorrow,... acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our grief, and has carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we were healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and... was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers... dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgressions of my people he was stricken.
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he has done no violence, neither was there deceit in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he... put him to grief: when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, and he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
And he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall many righteous servants be justified... many; for he shall bear their iniquity.
Therefore I will divide him a portion with the great, and... shall divide the spoils with the strong; because he has poured out his soul unto death: and was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sins of many, and made intercessions for the transgressors.
25 Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God, as It carries us like a lantern in our hand. You have not provided enough that we should see the end from the beginning, and, but I walk with faith. But as a man would travel through a dark forest at night, and that's where we are; the light that he holds, only provides step by step. But the path, though leading upward, just walk with the Light. And may the Light shine today upon the Word, to lead us one step farther to the Kingdom of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Be seated.
26 The subject that I feel to speak to the congregation today is: The Masterpiece.
It may seem rather strange to take a--a Scripture reading like this, of--of one of the most bruised and murderous pictures of the Bible, that when the Bible says, that, "This perfect Servant that was afflicted, and bruised, and torn," and yet take a text from that, as, Masterpiece. Very strange. But I'm...
27My mind is thinking, this morning, as we journey back, I do, for a few years. I was invited up to Forest Lawn, in--in California, up above Los Angeles. My first purpose for going up there was to visit the--the grave of--of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the Foursquare movement. And I went to her--her tomb. And although I--I different with the woman, as a minister, but, yet, in my heart, I give admiration and a respect for--for what she stood for, in the--the hour, and the persecution and things she had to go through with, and in time of her being here on the earth. And then for her--her beloved son, which is a bosom friend of mine, Rolf McPherson.
28 And a group of ministers, we went up there. And they... we didn't have time to go into the--the... into the--the place where they have the cremation, and put the--the bodies in a--a little box on the side of the wall.
29And in there they have some outstanding things, such as the Last Supper. And it's lighted by the actual light of the sun. And they--they have a shutter that it gives them... When they go in, it's light; and then as--as they begin to speak, it darkens up. And after a while it all becomes dark, and then the people go out. And they have all the Supper.
30 And the woman that held the secret of how to beat this glass into this place, why, make these pictures, why, it--it come through a family, for many years back. And the art was just given to the children, and the last one was a woman. And they was fixing this picture. And when they went to mold and burn the--the glass, bake it, of Judas Iscariot, it busted. So then they tried it again, and it busted again. And she said, "Maybe our Lord doesn't want His enemy picture by His side." And said, "If it bursts again, we'll not complete the picture." But it held that time. Then, course, that was a striking thing, and how that such things would happen.
31 But, then, one of the main things that interest me in Forest Lawn, was Michelangelo's, the great sculpture, the--the monument of Moses. It's a--a reproduction there, of course. It isn't the original, but it was such a--a great masterpiece. And as I stood and looked at it, I--I liked that, something that looks like it's (represents) got something to it.
32I like art, real well. I believe God is in art. I believe God is in music. I believe God is in nature. God is everywhere. And anything that's contrary to the original is a perversion. God is in dancing; not the kind of dancing you do here. But when the sons and daughters of God are in the Spirit of God, see, that's dancing. But like we had to contend with till two o'clock this morning, up there in the lane, that's the perversion of it.
33 But, this, and the masterpiece that Michelangelo had--had made, it--it cost him something to do that--that. He was a great man, and it cost a big part of his life, because he was many, many years in carving out. Just take a rock and of--of marble, and keep carving it. And, see, only the man, the sculptor himself, has in his mind what he's trying to do. He, he is the one. You might walk up and say to him, "What are you pecking on that rock for?" To the outsider, who doesn't know what's in his heart, it's nonsense. But to the man, the sculptor himself, he--he's got a--a vision in his mind, what he's trying to make, and he's trying to reproduce what he has on his mind in the form of a--of a monument. That's the reason he's digging it out of the rocks.
34 And this, to do, you have to start off right, at the beginning, and you have to follow the pattern. See? You can't get a little piece, to start off, "We'll make it this way; no, I believe..." No, he's got to have a exact pattern. And in his mind he's got that pattern. And he cannot vary from that pattern. Now, in order to do this, he had to draw in his mind, because we have no real pictures of Moses, but he had to get a mental picture in his mind, of exactly what Moses was.
35 Now, a genuine sculptor is inspired, like a genuine poet, or any genuine singer, musician, whatever it might be. All real has to come by inspiration. Michelangelo must have had the inspiration of what Moses really looked like. And he caught it in his mind, what Moses must have been. So he set forth on this great piece of marble, the cutting to the pattern, and bringing down, and honing down, until he got to the real picture of what it must have been in his mind.
36 And then when he got it all so perfect, every corner off, and every place rubbed, and the eyes just right, every hair, and beard, all just the way it was, he stood off and looked at it. I--I think of--of many, many hard years of labor, and how he had to hold that same vision all the time, in his mind, of what he was going to do. And just think, that vision on his mind for so many years, to make it look just exactly to what it was! He caught the vision first, and how he had to work to that vision, cutting off and making down! And when he got it to where he perfected it, till it really got perfect; he stood and looked at it when he finished up that morning, with a hammer in his hand.
And he was so inspired when he looked at it, because the vision of his mind was standing before him, in reality. What he had seen, and the... his conception of what Moses was, there it was figured before him, what he had had in his heart all these years. And toils, and hours of sorrow and distress, and critics, and everything else, but yet he stayed right with the vision until it was completed.
37 And then when it was completed, he stood back with the hammer, or sculptor's hammer, in his hand, and he looked at that monument. And the inspiration of the vision that he had seen, of how to do it, inspired him so much till he... The inspiration struck him till he got beside hisself, and struck it across the knee, and said, "Speak!"
38Now there's a flaw on that great image, on the knee, on the right knee. Just above the knee, about six inches, is a place (I've put my hand on it) about that deep.
39 After he had spent all that time, for years and years, to make this; then under the--the influence of seeing fulfilled what he had seen in his heart and in his vision, and desired to see, it was completed. And when it was completed, he was so inspired by it till he thought his own masterpiece should speak back to him. And he struck it across the leg, and holler, "Speak!" And it made a flaw on it. It put a flaw on the image.
40To me, the flaw was what made it the masterpiece. Now, maybe to the--the mind that might think different, you think that spoiled it. No, to me, it--it made it what it was. It--it... Because of after so many years of careful work and toils, and inspiration, and so forth, of making it, his toil had proved not in vain. It was perfect, and that's why he cried out, "Speak!" Because, he had seen before him that he (was) had been able to achieve, to bring to pass the vision that was in his mind. And therefore, under inspiration, he done something out of the reason, out of the ordinary. He struck it, and hollered, "Speak!" See, he wouldn't have done that if he had thought. But he didn't think. It was inspiration of seeing what he had in his mind setting there perfectly before him.
41 His toils, and wearies, and long nights, and housed away from the world for days, and maybe eat a sandwich. And--and rub on it, and get back, and, "No, that's just not the way it was. Now it's got to come down to this," and rubbing it. Then when he saw it, just perfect, then he saw in reality. The negative of the what was in his mind had become real, it become positive, therefore it sprung into him. And it was so real that he must cry out, "Speak!"
42To me, it was a reflection. It was--it was a compliment to his work, that his own work so inspired him, that he would become beside himself to smite it and to say, "Speak!"
43 I stood there and looked at the monument. I thought of the hours that the man must have put, in making that. They said how many years it was. But it--it was a reflection to him, because it was a contribution to his--to his great art, his great work of what he was doing. And when he finally was able to achieve it, it was so great.
44 Now let us turn the page, of Michelangelo, and close the book.
And let's open another Book and read of the great Sculptor, the Almighty. Who, before there was a world, and before the foundations was laid, He had in His mind what He wanted, and He wanted to make man in His Own image. He wanted to make something in--in reality of what was a vision to Him, what was in His thinking.
45 Now, to Michelangelo, that was an attribute of his thought.
And God wanted to make a man after His image, the great Sculptor, and He went to work on him. And we notice as He brought up from the materials. The first perhaps was fishes, and then the birds, and--and then the creeping things upon the earth, and--and many things that He brought. But, finally, as He brood, of being Creator, He had... He wasn't like a man, now, a sculptor that has to take something that's been created, to hew an image. He was the Sculptor of Eternal things. He was the Sculptor that could create and bring into existence that which He has in His mind to do. Or, otherwise, He can make material what His attributes desired.
46 And as He begin to work upon creeping things, like upon the--the--the little animals upon the earth. And then He began to bring it from that into something else, higher. Then finally He brought it into the larger animals, such as the lion, tiger, bear. Then He brought it into the--the--the life of maybe of--of monkeys and apes, and so forth. Now, not an evolution, as we think that one came from a e-... That was a complete creation; God working in a pattern.
47But finally there came forth upon the earth, a perfection, and that was a man. And then He could see in that man, that it looked like Him. So now when He looked upon him, he was a reflection of what his Creator was. God had now been able to achieve the thing that He wanted, a man in His own image.
48 And then I might say, to this, that, when He made this man, there was something about him yet that didn't look just right, because that he--he was by himself. And that's how God had been, by Himself; He was the Eternal. And the man now, in the image of God, also existed on the earth by himself. So He must have struck a little blow over on his left side, and from there He took the piece that struck off of it and made him a helpmate, a wife, then he wasn't by himself. He was--he was, he had somebody with him. And that's His great work.
49 And, He, as any great sculptor would take his--his--his masterpiece...
Now, first, He had a masterpiece of Himself. But now He seen that the masterpiece was lonesome, like He was, so He divided the masterpiece by striking it in the side and brought forth a helpmate.
50And now, to make the two one, He put them, like any great sculptor, in a place that--that's beautiful.
A--a sculptor wouldn't make a great masterpiece, and then take it and set it in an alley somewhere, or hide it behind buildings. As our Lord told us, "A man doesn't light a candle and put it under a bushel." When we become God's masterpieces, we're not hid in a alley somewhere. We--we must give Light.
51 So we see that--that He, after He had made this masterpiece, He placed it up here on the earth, and put it in the most beautiful place there was, in the garden of Eden. He placed His masterpiece, the two being one, in the garden of Eden. How it must have pleased Him, that He saw this masterpiece was well. He, after that, we find out that He rested; He was so well pleased with His work.
52 Now remember that, my opinion, the masterpiece is the stroke that marred Saint Angelo's Moses masterpiece in the monument.
And it was the stroke that cut the side of His masterpiece, that brought out the bride. And now we see them as a masterpiece family in the garden of Eden. How beautiful it was! And it so pleased Him, till He--He took rest then. He said, "I, I'll rest."
53But while He was resting and trusting to His masterpiece, His enemy come in and found this great masterpiece. And he, by deceit, he--he crawls under the--the garden walls, and then he--he marred this beautiful masterpiece. He--he marred it, so that it--it fell.
54 Now I'm trying to watch that clock. And I asked Mike, my nephew, to ring that bell in thirty minutes, but I... He's not done it, and I've already been thirty minutes. But, it's, we continue on a little bit. See? Now, I don't want to--to break these rules. I--I made these rules, see, and I--I... and here is breaking your own rule.
55 Now notice, then, this masterpiece. When Satan got a hold of it, the deceiver, broke through the walls, and--and he marred this masterpiece. Because that the way he did it, what... How did he do it? I'll go more in detail of it. How he done it, was... This masterpiece was walled by the Word, God's Word. And the masterpiece, itself, of the family, was fortified by this Word. But the broken part, that was broke off of the original, went out beyond that wall, it gives Satan a chance to mar it. And now as you know what I believe on those things, so I won't have to say that. But the masterpiece was broke.
56But, the great Sculptor, when He seen the fall of His family, the masterpiece, He wasn't willing just to leave it lay there, face down, and ruin. He went to work, immediately, to build it up again. He wasn't willing that it should perish, lay there like that all the time. Because, He is God, and He will not be defeated. So, He went to work immediately and begin to build, again, unto His Own image, a man.
57 Now, we find that the antediluvian world come along and destroyed the whole thing, because the covenants that was made, was made conditionally, "If you will not do this, or if you will do that." God, the great Sculptor, seen that man could not--could not keep a covenant. He just can't do it. There is just no way at all.
On the interview a few moments ago I was speaking to a person in the room, that's present now. Said, "But, Brother Branham, I have so many things that I--I know that's wrong," and a--a godly little woman.
58I said, "But--but, look, sister, you don't look at yourself. It's just what your desire is and what you try to do. And if you really love the Lord, you try to serve Him with all your heart, and then all your mistakes is hid in the Blood of the Lord Jesus." See? See, He made a way.
59 So He begin now, taking man from His covenants, of--of saying that, "If you will, I will." And He begin with the man called Abraham, and give to Abraham a covenant, unconditionally. Every time He would start a masterpiece, Satan would get it, because the Word... But when He started with Abraham, He said, "I have already done it. Now this is unconditionally, not what... that--that, 'If you will, I will,' but I've already done it." Now He, the--the Sculptor, is determined to have this masterpiece.
60Then, from Abraham, come the patriarchs. And the patriarchs really... Now what's God doing? He is rebuilding this masterpiece that had fallen. So, in the patriarchs, the first we find was Abraham.
61 Now watch, every masterpiece is put on a foundation, a sculpture. Angelo's monument of Moses is on a three- or four-foot piece of marble. It's got a foundation. So, God, in preparing this masterpiece, He put it on a foundation of the patriarchs. And the patriarch foundation, first, was Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob, then Joseph, the four corners.
62And, now, Abraham was the foundation of faith. Let's say it had four foundations. The foundation of faith was Abraham. The foundation of love was Isaac. The foundation of grace was Jacob, God's grace to Jacob; anyone knows that. But in Joseph was perfection, there is where He could set the monument; upon not the first foundation, the second foundation, the third foundation, but on the fourth foundation.
63 Abraham portrayed Christ, of course; so did Isaac, in love. Abraham did, in faith; Isaac did, in love; Jacob did, by His grace. Because, Jacob means "deceiver," and that's what he was, but God's grace was with him. But when it come to Joseph, there is nothing against him, just one little scratch, for the foundation must also be a masterpiece. When he told his father, the prophet, "Say to Pharaoh that your people are--are cattle raisers and not shepherds, because a shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptian."
64But when the old prophet got before Pharaoh, he said, "Your servants are herdsmen." So it scratched it, see, that's why it still makes it the masterpiece.
65 Now the foundations is laid, through faith, love, grace, and to perfection, through the patriarchs.
66Now the bodywork that come on to this great masterpiece was the prophets, which was the Word. I hope you can read it. See? The prophets; not the laws! The prophets, for the prophets was the vindicated Word which makes the body; not the patriarchs. The prophets, they were the Word.
67Finally, as He started way back in the days of Moses and come down through the prophets, to each one. And, finally, building up the body, coming closer all the time. And the greatest of all of them was John. The Bible said so. Jesus said it. "There is not a man, ever born of a woman, as great as John the Baptist," for he was the one that could introduce the Word.
68 And then come, finally, the great Head, the Head of all of it. The rest of the body just spoke of It. The foundation was laid by the patriarch; but the body was built by the Word, which was the prophets; and here comes the Head of all of it, Jesus came on the scene. There, when this Head piece was put upon it, we find in Him the entire handiwork of God. We find in Him the perfect reflection of the Word, for He was the Word, the fullness of the Word. Now, again, God has the perfect Masterpiece again.
As Isaiah said, "Behold My Servant, My Masterpiece, that I have portrayed through all the ages of this perfect One coming. And here He stands right before Me, a perfect!" There, in His Own image, reflecting God! For He said, in Saint John 14, "When you see Me, you see the Father."
69 And, then, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God," and the Word was hewed out and reflected what the Word was at the beginning. Him, the Word, reflected in the Masterpiece in His Own likeness, God back again in His Own likeness, the Word form being reflected in the image of a man, the Masterpiece.
70All the prophets had flaws; all the ones was a portion. But here, at last, coming up through that, finally comes the Masterpiece, the perfect One, no fault in Him at all, so perfect reflected of the Builder Himself, His Own image was reflected in His work. "God and Christ were One," insomuch until He put His Own Spirit into Him, and then even the image and the Builder became One. God and His sculpture work, His Masterpiece! Where Mose--Moses was, in the work of Saint Angelo, was a... or Michelangelo, rather; was a--a sculpture work that was dead, because it been made out of stone. But here, the Master Builder, when He got His handiwork perfected, He stepped into It.
71 So perfected a Redeemer of man, so perfect, so godly; yet, there was no beauty we should desire Him. When this virgin-born Son of the living God become so perfect, and humble, and in the image of God, until the great Master Who had brought His Life up through the prophets... And He was the fulfilling of all the prophets. He was so perfect, until, God seeing this, He smote Him and has cried out, "Speak!" as Michelangelo did. "Speak!"
You say, "Is that so?"
72Saint Mark 9:7, we find, upon the Mount Transfiguration, when there stood Moses, the law, there stood Elijah, the prophets. All the way back from the patriarchs, the fathers, the law, the prophets, and all of them standing there. We hear a Voice coming down from the cloud, and said, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him!" And if they're going to hear, He's got to speak. It was just a few days before He was smitten. "This is My Son, Who I'm pleased to dwell in. I have molded Him. I've been four thousand years bringing Him to this. And now, He is so perfect, I've got to smite Him so He can speak. Hear ye Him! He is the perfected One. He, He is the Masterpiece."
73 Remember, He was portrayed all times, back through the Old Testament.
We find Him being the Rock in the wilderness, that was smitten, Rock in the wilderness. "I am that Rock that was in the wilderness." But that was a stone that had not come to its perfection yet. But in type form It followed the church, to draw from It that that He could draw, give Life to those Who He could give Life to. But He was that Rock in the wilderness. He had not been made man yet. He was only in type.
74Moses saw Him standing on this Rock. He saw Him pass by, and he said, "It's the back part of a man." You see, the Sculptor was presenting to Moses, which was a potential image of Christ, what the great Masterpiece would look like when It was perfected. He passed His... He injected, or--or projected to Moses the vision of what the Masterpiece was going to look like. It was the back part of a man, when It passed by in the wilderness.
75 Remember, Angelo could only cry out and smite the image, and say, "Speak!"
But how different it was to God, the great Sculptor. When He made a man in His Own image, so perfect that It reflected Him, God spoke through the image of man, showing what He would do. He spoke through the prophets as they were in their potential image, as He was bringing it up to the Head. But when He come in the Head, He was all the image of God; He was portraying Himself. Then, smitten for us, now He is the Masterpiece to us, the Gift of God, Jesus Christ, Eternal Life. I hope we never forget that.
76 As we see the days darkening, as we see the shadows falling! When, I predict, "It's just a few more turns of the sun. This nation is gone." Do you know...
Yesterday, fourth of July. Thomas Jefferson had signed the Declaration of Independence, him and the other board that was with him, and the Liberty Bell rang, and we was declared an independence, as a nation. According to history, there has never been a democracy at any time last over two hundred years. And that was 1776, July the fourth. And we're just eleven years left. Will it make it? No, can't, see. Eleven years. And, if it does, it'll break all history.
77 And we see the condition of time. We see the condition of the people. We see the condition of politics. We see the condition of the world. It can't stand. It's got to sink, like the Titanic. It must go down, for theirs give room. One nation gives room to another, as it falls. And this kingdom must fall, and every other kingdom, to give room to that Kingdom that's coming, which cannot fall. "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved," through this perfect image of God, the Masterpiece.
78 God, when He looked upon Him, He was so inspired! He was so... to see Him the way He looked, and to see the--the form of Him, He was so inspired that it would be the perfect Masterpiece of a Redeemer, Jesus the Redeemer. So, God, in order to be smitten, Himself; because, to pay His Own penalty, God and Christ became One, so God could be smote in the Image, He could be scarred. And that's why Isaiah said, "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted of God. Yet He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed."
79 The perfect Image, the God-Man! God, in en morphe, had changed from Supernatural to the vision, and the vision was projected into the Image. And the Image was smitten so that the Supernatural could taste the feeling of death, God's perfect Masterpiece.
He could not do it in Moses. He could not do it in the prophets; Isaiah, who was sawed with saws till he was sawed to pieces. He could not do it in the prophets that were stoned. He could not do it, because He couldn't feel it; there was just a portion of Him.
But in this perfect Masterpiece, He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He could not only project Moses; He could project His entire Being into this Person, and taste death for the whole human race. God's perfect Masterpiece! God, so inspired by seeing It, He become the Redeemer of all ages; to speak for those in the backgrounds, who had been before, and now.
80All promises was met in Him. He was the Perfection of the perfection. All types was fulfilled in Him; our Kinsman Redeemer, in Ruth and Boaz; our Law-Giver, from Mount Sinai; our Prophet, from the wilderness, as He come from the mountain, as He come from the wilderness; as He come from Eternity and become man, the perfect Image!
81 God, down through the age, hewing away, by the patriarchs, and made His platform, and brought them up from the different things that He would lay this foundation upon. Upon this He begin to build His Word, the prophets. And then, finally, come out to the perfect Prophet, the perfect Foundation, the perfect vision God had.
82And now, in order for this to speak, He is the Word. And for the Word to speak, He must come into the Image. And then for the Image to speak, it's got to be smitten. He comes into the Image, and then in order to speak, the perfect Redeemer.
83All the types of the Old Testament was met in Him. As I said the other day, Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. Yes.
84 Like many of you, man, women, my age; we used to have, around the country, a lot of Chinese laundries. When the Chinese first started in, they come from the West Coast, moving eastward, coming over from the Eastern country, moving this way. And as they did, they were a people who were not acquainted with our language and our ways, but they were fine laundrymen. And they couldn't write the ticket so you could get your right laundry back.
But, the Chinaman, he got himself a bunch of little cards with nothing on it at all. So when you come for your laundry, he would take this card and tear it in a certain way; and hand you one piece, and he kept the other piece. And, now, it's a little better than what we have now, because when you come back to claim what was your own, those two pieces must dovetail. You couldn't impersonate it if you had to. There's no way of doing it. You can make copies of letters, but you can't impersonate that tear. It's got to fit exactly with the other piece. Therefore, your dirty clothes that you brought in, you could redeem them by this ticket, because it matched the ticket that was turned in.
85 And when God, by the prophets, and under the law, condemned us to sin; and the law has no grace, it's only tells you you are a sinner. But when Jesus came on the scene, He was the fulfillment, He was the--the fulfillment of everything God had promised. He was the perfect, identical image of the promise. Therefore, all promises of the Old Testament was met in Jesus Christ. It couldn't be met in Moses, it couldn't be met in any of the prophets, but it was met in the Masterpiece. It matched all that It said It was going to be.
So will the Church have to be a match to everything God has promised. It must be the piece that's smitten off of It. So if the original is the Word, so will the subjects that's been taken from It be the Word, to match Its side.
86 Therefore, the Chinaman, you could claim... Where, the law condemns you and said you were dirty, and you were guilty, and could put you in the prison. But when He came, He was the Match-piece for it, that could take you out; and bring you back, to--to be the complete ticket, the redemption that God had promised back in the garden of Eden. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head. But, His heel shall bruise--bruise its head."
87 Now we find this perfect Masterpiece that God had completed. Now, we notice that He was all that it was promised to be. He's all the promises, all of the prophecies, everything that God had made a promise of. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." Now, He could not bruise it with the law, He could not bruise it with the prophets, but He did do it when the woman's Seed became the Masterpiece, Christ. He was the Stone that Daniel saw hewed out of the mountain. He was the One could smite. He is the One that could bruise, bruise the serpent's head.
88His life matched, exactly, the life of Moses. His life matched David. Let's see if it was, if He's the Matching-piece.
89 Notice David, a rejected king, over his own people. He was... One day while he was... His own son rose up in mutiny against him, and he separated and divided the armies of Israel. And he was, David, was drove, or driven by his own people, from his throne.
And on his road out, there was a man who hated him, and he's walking along there, spitting on David. That guard pulled his sword, said, "I'll let that dog's head stay on him, spit on my king?"
David said, "Let him alone. God told him to do it."
90Don't you see? "A man of sorrow, acquainted with grief. He stands like a Sheep, before shearers, dumb." They... He said that. Perhaps David didn't know what he was saying.
But about five, six hundred years afterwards, or a little more, the Son of David was going through them same streets, and He was spit upon. But notice what happened when, David, out of his--out of his... when he became a fugitive; and out of his exile, when he--when he came back, that man begged for peace and mercy. Even those who smote Him will see Him one day when He returns.
91 And we find out then, in Joseph, that Joseph was a peculiar-born boy, the last, the top part of the foundation, where the masterpiece was to be built upon. It come from faith, and to love, and to grace, it come to perfection. And so did it, from the feet of the beginning, come forth unto perfection in Christ. Notice how that He was portrayed in Joseph, the top of the foundation, the most perfect of all of them.
92We find that Joseph was born to his family. And he was by the legal woman, actually, which was Jacob's wife. And notice, also, that when he was born, his father loved him; and his brothers hated him, without a cause. Why did they hate him? Because he was the Word.
See the very foundation? See how the head of the foundation come? Now, look at the Head of the body, comes. Now watch the Head of the Bride come. He was the Word.
And they hated him because he was a seer. He foresaw things, and told them. They happened. No matter how long it lingered, it happened just the same. And by being spiritual, he was excommunicated from his brethren. They ought to have loved him. But they hated him, because he was a prophet and he was spiritual. And they hated him.
93 Notice, he was sold for almost thirty pieces of silver; throwed into a ditch, and supposedly be dead, but was took up from the ditch. And in his time of temptation, in the prison; the butler and the--the baker, we know that the butler was saved and the baker was lost. And in Christ's prison house, on the cross, one was saved and the other one was lost; two thieves, two wrongdoers.
94And we notice he was taken from his prison, to the right hand of Pharaoh; that no man could speak to Pharaoh, only through Joseph. And when Joseph left that throne of Pharaoh, and the trumpet sounded throughout Egypt, the blast went forth and said, "Bow the knee, everybody, Joseph is coming forth!"
95 So will it be with Jesus. How He was loved of the Father, and hated of them denominational brethren, without a cause. He was sold for thirty pieces of silver, as it was; and put into the ditch, supposingly to be dead. On the cross; one lost and the other one saved. And was lifted up from the cross; and sets at the right hand of God, in the Majesty, the great Spirit which had been reflected in Him. And no man can speak to God, only through Jesus Christ. Think of it! And when He leaves that Throne, starts forth, "The trumpet will sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess."
96Remember, he was the son of prosperity. Everything that he did prospered. Whether it was prison, or wherever it was, it come out right.
And hasn't He promised for His children that He'd make everything work together for the good. Whether it was sickness, prison house, death, sorrows, whatever it was, that it would work for the good to them that loved Him. He promised it, and it must be so. It's got to be there. It's figurative, spoke to us in Him. He was that perfect Image of God. Now we see here, also, that when He comes again...
97 Remember, Joseph by revelation saved the world, by his great prophecy. The world would have died if it hadn't have been for Joseph.
And the world would--would been dead if it hadn't a-been for Jesus. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish." God is reserving Life.
98 On and on we could go! Because, He was simply the match of David. He was the match of Moses. He was the match of Elijah. He was the match of Joseph. Everything is a portrayed or foretold by Him in the Old Testament, matched right into that, (what is it?) showing a perfect Redeemer. That, we could put our old dirty clothes into the laundry, go claim it again. It's been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. We can claim what's our own. And everything that He died for, we can claim it. So, He was the perfect Word, portrayed.
99 It pleased God, the great Sculptor, to smite Him, and to do it this way. We see Him in Isaiah here, as I read, "We all did esteem Him, we turned our face from Him. There is no beauty that we should desire Him," everybody talking about Him, make fun of Him. I'm talking about Him now in this day, everybody making fun of Him. See? "We did esteem Him, we saw Him." Esteem means to "look at." "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted of God." Yet, He, what did He do this for? "He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity."
100Now, we could go on and on with that, but I believe you have the picture of what I mean now, God building back His Masterpiece.
101 But let us not forget that in the beginning when He smote the side of Adam, He took something from his side.
Now, the smiting of Christ was for a cause, that He might take from Him, one, to be a family, the Bride; He might take Him a Bride. So when His Masterpiece was perfected, then He had to smite It, to take from Him; not another piece, not another creation, but of the same creation.
102My brother, don't think bad at this, but think a minute. If He took from Him, the original creation, to make the Bride for Him, He never made another creation. He took a part of the original creation. Then, if He was the Word, what must the Bride be? It's got to be the original Word, living God in the Word.
103 Kimberley, South Africa. Once I was looking at diamonds, how they was brought up out of the ground. And I seen them laying there. As, well, the--the superintendent of the plant, or the mine, was one of my ushers in the prayer line. And I noticed the diamonds, valued at tens of thousands of dollars, piled together, but they didn't sparkle even under the light. And I said to the superintendent of the mines, I said, "Why don't they sparkle?"
104He said, "Sir, they haven't been cut yet. They must be cut. Then, when they are cut, then they reflect the light." There you are.
105The Masterpiece must be cut. Notice, cut for what? Is the piece cut off? No, no. The piece that's cut off, it's made a victrola needle, and the victrola needle is put upon a--a--a record that's unseen music to the world. But the needle is what brings it out, brings out the true interpretation of the Word.
106 His life matched all the peoples. It pleased God to smite Him. And, now, why did He smite Him? For the same cause He had to smite Adam.
107Now we see Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, the perfect Lamb for sinner--sinners slain, a perfect Masterpiece.
108 Now, for nearly two thousand years, God has been again making Him a Masterpiece. Because, He struck Adam to get a ma-... a piece off of him, part of him, a rib to make a wife for him. And now that perfect Masterpiece that He struck at Calvary, He got a piece off of Him. It's just the New Testament, that's all. He fulfilled the Old Testament. Now it's the New Testament, another piece to be fulfilled. See, the New and Old is husband and wife. See? And it taken the New to fore-... The Old to foreshow the New; Christ come, the Masterpiece, to fulfill that. Now His Bride will fulfill everything that's in the New Testament. Another Masterpiece is in making.
109 As it taken Him four thousand years to make this Masterpiece; now He's been, for nearly two thousand years making another Masterpiece, a Bride for Christ, another Masterpiece. In so doing it, He does it by His never-changing method, the same way He made the Masterpiece; His Word. That's the way He makes His Masterpieces, because He can only be a perfect Masterpiece when It's the perfect Word.
Any dirt, trash, injections, it'll break. "But the heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never break." You remember, in cutting a diamond, that you have to have a perfect tool to do it with, not just any piece will do it. I've seen tons of them big grinders crash right through it, and move them big tons over, pass that diamond right on through. No, it don't break the diamond. It has to be cut.
110 Now He's doing the same thing in His never-changing method. We find out, in Malachi 3, He said, "I'm God, and I change not." He cannot change His method.
111Now, as He started in Abraham. After the fall of the first masterpiece, He started in Abraham, on a foundation, to build another masterpiece.
He started on the Day of Pentecost, to build another Masterpiece, the original Seed, Word. Started in the first Church. What was it? The Seed, Word, the Word manifested, the promise that had been given. Joel said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old man shall dream dreams, your young man shall see visions." What He would do in the last days, two, last two thousand years.
112 Notice, and it started out as the original. As Jesus said, "The Word of God is a Seed that a sower sowed." And He was the Sower. The Seed was the Word. And, notice, any seed that abides alone never does nothing. It's got to fall into the ground to bring forth its production again. And this Seed, that perfect Church, fell to the ground at Nicaea, Rome, when she become a denomination.
113Now, historians, remember. And you that's going to hear this tape, check it up and find out if that's not right. The church died at Nicaea, Rome, when she took dogmas and creeds, in the stead of the original Word. What was it? God had showed, by that first Church, that He was God. He had a Church perfected; but the Church, like all other seeds, must fall into the ground and die. Now, it fell into the ground, and die, and wasted away.
114 You know, I read a book, here not long ago. Someone wrote a--a book, and said, The Silent God. You might have read it. I forget, I--I think Brumback... No, I don't, I'm not sure who it was wrote it. But I can't remember. I got it in my study. The Silent God, said, "God, through thousand years of dark ages, set still and never moved a hand, and watched faithful martyrs go to the lions' pit; and be burnt by the Romans; assassination of all kinds; women stripped of their clothes, set fire to their long hair, with tar, and burn them." Remember, short hair first begin in Rome. And the women of Christians had long hair, so they--they dipped it in tar and set them afire, and burned them, and them naked; fed them to the lions. And this writer goes to say, "Where is that God?"
Oh, the blindness of man, sometime! Do you not know that that Seed had to die? He never tried to deliver them. They went down in victory. They went down, bleeding and dying, giving their lives. Why? It was a Seed. It had to fall into the ground, as, first, John 12 tells us. "The corn of wheat, it's got to fall into the ground and there die; and not only die, but rot." But little did that denomination know that that Life was still in there. Though the church in itself...
115 At that Nicaea Council, of fifteen days of bloody politician debate, when them aristocrats come in and wanted to inject these big dignitaries into the church. And prophets come out of that wilderness there, eating herbs and wrapped in animal skins, genuine prophets, and they throwed them out. Why? The Seed has got to fall into the ground. It's got to die.
116It died in the dark ages, down beneath the dark dirt. They thought it was gone. You know, Saint John 12:24, Jesus said, "Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone." And the first Church was that reproduction, that Bride, that Seed, that Word made manifest, that fell into the ground at Nicaea, Rome.
117 Listen, Church, throughout the nations that'll hear this. There is your dirt, is them denominations. There is where the Word was crucified, and they accepted dogma. And for hundreds and hundreds of years of dark ages, the Power and manifestation of the Word was hid from the world. Only Catholicism ruled. We all know that, as reading history. Only Catholicism rule.
118But, you--you can't hide a germitized Seed, It's got to come forth because (why?) the great Sculptor is on the job. He's going to build again. So He...
The Seed went down, the Word.
119 When we see Saint Paul, Peter, James, John, all those who wrote the Word. And they wrote, the Word they wrote become alive, and lived, and It lived. And when we find, after it begin to get ripe, John begin to write in epistles, he was throwed on the Isle of Patmos after being burnt in oil for twenty-four hours. But the Word must come forth. It's got to be wrote. They couldn't boil the Holy Ghost out of him, with oil, so he come forth. His work wasn't finished. He died a natural death.
120Polycarp, which was a disciple of John, carried the Word on. And from Polycarp came Irenaeus. And Irenaeus, the great man of God who believed the very same Gospel that we believe, "The Word is ripe." The church trying to squeeze It out.
121 Finally it come to Nicaea, Rome, and there she fell into the ground, after Saint Martin, and was murdered. Saint Martin believed the same thing we believe. He stood the same thing; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in water in Jesus' Name. He stood in the very same thing that we do. And he was a prophet, and believed the full Word of God. And finally they were crucified, and mashed into the ground, and laid there for hundreds of years, until it rotted the outside, Seed. The old bodies has rotted away. I've been in Saint Angelo, in the catacombs, and see where they died, and their broken bones and everything. They finally rotted till their bones were gone, but the Life was still there.
122 The corn of wheat that fell into the ground on... at the Nicaea Council, begin to sprout again, in Martin Luther. Like any corn coming up, or wheat; after the seeds rot, the life springs forth. And it begin to bring forth in Martin Luther. What did he do, the first thing? Reject the denomination of Catholicism, protested that it was wrong. For, he said, "The just shall live by faith." What was it? A little weak Life that put up a couple little shoots. That was the Luthers. It sure don't look like the grain that went in the ground, but the Life is coming out now.
123Then it went on to a stalk. Then what happened? In the days of John Wesley, what did he do when he brought out sanctification? He stayed with the Word. And what did it do? The Lutherans had organized and made an organization, so it was time for something to happen. The masterpiece is being built now. What did he do? What did he do? He protested that Anglican church, came out in the reformation as a tassel. What is it? The seed is a-coming to Life, growing now.
124 Now, the stalk doesn't look like the seed, neither does the tassel.
125Now, Pentecostal brethren throughout the nations, I want you to listen, my brother. If this is the last Message I'll ever preach, This is my masterpiece. Do you notice when the wheat's... the corn of wheat that falls into the ground, when it begins to form back to its--its grain again?
126Watch nature. Nature, exactly, is God. God working in nature, it's all He can. But from the Pentecostal revival, as they think, was the Seed; it wasn't. Now watch. But something come forth just like the Seed. Now watch what Jesus said, in Saint Matthew 24:24, that, "The two spirits at the last days would be so close together it would deceive the Elected if possible."
127 Now, that stalk don't look nothing like a seed; neither does the tassel look like a seed. But notice now, not in Luther's day, but in the last day.
128The first thing. There is wheat farmers setting here. The first thing that comes forth on a wheat seed, you would almost think it was a seed, but (what is it?) it's the husk. It forms a little outside thing, like, to hold the seed. It forms a husk. But the husk is not the seed, no more than the tassel or the stalk was. It's only a carrier of the life, the corn of wheat, then. Saint John 12, you see, Jesus speaking.
129 The wheat, after the tassel (after Wesley), puts forth the husk, which is the foremost like the grain of anything else. The husk is more like the grain. It's coming more like the grain all the time, the one that went in the ground. And when it comes forth, the stalk, it's got Life in it, but it sure isn't the grain. Comes forth the tassel, the pollen, it still isn't the grain. And then it comes forth the husk, and it's just in the shape of the wheat, just exactly like the grain of wheat, but yet it isn't the wheat. Just exactly in the same shape, perfectly.
130The Pentecostals come out just like the wheat would. Each one comes out from the other, coming out from the other, but they're only a carrier. They go to denomination. And that's what Pentecost did, went to denomination. And what did Pentecostal do when it come out just like the grain? It went right back, like in Revelation 17, to one of the sister denominations. That's exactly what. That's what Jesus said.
131 Now watch. The Gospel is going to come out through Luther, through Wesley, into Pentecost, and at the last days it'll deceive the very Elected if it's possible. The Elected! Oh, Pentecostal brethren, can't you see?
132The wheat in its first beginning is just like the seed, when it begins to form like the seed, but it's the husk. It denominated, exactly done the same thing they did down here in Luther. In Revelations 17, it proves the same thing, of the churches.
133Now, the grain Seed, in the original, fell at Nicaea, for it was the first denomination.
134Notice here, the Life that was in the stalk, tassel, all now ends up in the Seed. The Life that come out of the original Seed, come up through different processes (three different processes), and then turns back till Its original condition. Hallelujah! Oh, my! I'm the happiest person in the world, that God has let me see This. Watch how perfect the Word and these (nature) works together.
135 Just like we prove the resurrection; rise, the sun; setting of the sun; rising again.
The leaf going out of the tree, down in, the sap into the root; and comes back up, and--and the leaf comes back up with it again. It falls on the ground; the life of the tree sucks it right back, the calcium and potash, and brings it right up to another leaf again.
See, all nature, everything works right with--with the Word of God. And here it is, exactly, perfectly in these Church Ages. That's the reason the Holy Ghost came down and drawed those things, and made them out for us the way He has. That's exactly.
136 Notice, here, the Life that was in the husk. In the stalk, and in the tassel, in the husk, all gathers in the Seed. And the Life that was in the stalk, went, one went to make the other. Justification, made a way for sanctification; sanctification, made a way for the baptism of the Holy Ghost; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, made a way for the Holy Ghost Itself to come right down in perfection, back to the Word again, to manifest Itself.
137But, what denominated, dies. Like Life, in Luther, went to make Wesley; and--and, from Wesley, It went to Pentecost; and, from Pentecost, to make the original Seed. On to Pentecost, comes out of the Wesley, until that time. The reason that Pentecost come out of Wesley, because it was no denomination, Pentecost was. Then Pentecost went to denominate, and (what did it do?) it turned to the husk. It looked like the real Thing.
138 And, anybody, how many ever seen a seed--a seed of wheat start to grow? What's the first little thing? It's just exactly like the seed, but it's the husk.
See the three stages? Stalk; tassel, or the pollen; then the husk; and then, out of the husk, comes the original Seed. See? Not a Seed; it was the Life of the Seed, growing through this, to come to the Seed. Amen, amen! Do you see it? What is it? A resurrection, coming back to a Masterpiece again, like the One that went in.
139Pentecost came out of the Wesley, because Wesley was an organization. Pentecost came out, as no organization, and then turned to one. It had to, to make the husk. The true Word of Life on it, was on its way then to the original Grain, through these stages. Through the stalk, then into the pollen; from the pollen, into the husk; and from the husk, It made Seed.
140 No, stalk, tassel, husk, living, they produced (in their early revival) a holder of a certain portion of the Seed Life; but, when they organized, the Life moved out of it. That's proved by all history. Never an organization ever done a thing after it organized. It was dead. That's right.
141Watch, the Life is traveling on now. It's moving on.
142Notice, what they have done, all these have done, is proved by history just exactly the way the church has come, never to be useful to Him again. Organization is laid on the shelf. There never has been, in all the history, a church, after it organized, but what it died. And the organization died and never did raise again. Can't you see it? Man who are blind, open your eyes! Nature and the Word co-ordinating together and proving it right here that This is the Truth, that it is the Truth. That Life leaves the stalk, to make the tassel; from the tassel, It makes the husk; and from the husk, It goes into the Original again. Notice, never again to be useful to Him.
143 How noticeable this life is, in its travel in the corn of wheat, than it is in the tree. God called His people like a tree; see, the life goes down, in a tree, and comes back up again; goes down and comes back up; see, it goes down and comes back up. But, in the corn of wheat, it goes up from the original stalk... through the stalk, tassel, and husk; and the thing that it passed through, dies, so it can't get back through it again. What is it? It's no use any more. It goes on to its perfection.
Amen! Don't you see why He never used an organization? He can't get back in it again. It's dead. But the Life passes on, from one to the other. See, they put creeds, and inject. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word out," see, he is blocked off from It. It must be the Life Seed traveling on.
144 I'm using this in a parable now, of the Bride, the Masterpiece that's coming forth. As the Masterpiece fell, there is a Masterpiece rising. The Masterpiece fell at Pente-... at Nicaea, Rome, at Nicaea. After Nicaea, Rome, She's come through a process, but She is coming right back again to that Masterpiece, perfected, 'cause She's a part of that Word that was spoken by Him. He'll have "a Church without spot or a wrinkle." It'll not be connected any way with any kind of an organization or a denomination, the cursed thing. It's passed through those things, but it will never be there.
145 Notice, the seed is coming up, that Life is coming up, not going back. There'll be no more resurrection after this. The Life is coming up, to go to its perfection, a resurrection.
Notice, the husk put forth the--the... Notice, the husk puts the original Seed out of itself. In Revelations, the 3rd chapter, we find this.
146Now remember, no other church was He put out of, in the Bible, of the Seven Church Ages. How many remembers it? He passed through the Church Age, to go on to make something else. But, this is It. There is nothing else. But the--the Sculptor has got back to perfection again, the Word. See? Don't go back. How different It is. Yes. Oh!
147 And notice then, the husk, when it comes forth, looks just like the Grain. But when the Grain Life begins to leave the husk, to go in to make the Grain (the Bride), the husk opens up and excommunicates the Grain. Is that right? Nature, that's exactly what she did.
148In--in Revelation 3, we find out the Laodicea Church Age put Him out. Now, see, it didn't, back in the other ages, because there was something else yet to be made. It just passed through and went on to another. I've told you, all along, there is no more denominations coming. We're at the end. And they put Him out because (why?) He--He--He's the Word, again. He's like the One that fell down there. He's the same Doctrine that come forth from the beginning.
149And when the Seed Word begins to grow forth, the husk puts It from itself. The Life leaves all the others, to follow It. That's the true believers, they follow the Life wherever the Life goes.
150 Like in Israel, a perfect type, if we had time; I just got a few minutes left. But in a perfect type, in the beginning, everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life. God was that Light. And I don't care if it was midnight, or whether they was in a good selected place; when that Pillar of Fire moved, the trumpet sounded and Israel moved with It.
Hallelujah! And when the trumpet sounded, Martin Luther moved out with It. And he organized, killed... not he hisself; the man after him. And then God took the Life out of that, brought It on, laid it down in the grave.
151Then out come Wesley. He saw that big organization, so he sounded a trumpet, of sanctification, more of the Word. See? When he did, out they moved, right out of--right out of Luther, right into Methodist.
152And when Pentecost saw It, they sounded a--a trumpet, it's time for the return of the gifts. See what they did? They sounded a trumpet, and out they come. Then they organized.
But, remember, after the husk, that's three stages we know of, there is nothing else left but the Grain. O God! And then the Grain is put out of all of it. Amen and amen! Seed Words begins to form Itself, Life is brought forth out of... Now notice, if the Bridegroom, the beginning, the first, Bridegroom... This is the Bride coming forth.
153 Remember, the Church begin at Pentecost, and It fell at Nicaea. It sprouted, not like the real Grain, no; it was some of the Life in there, but it sprouted in order to make an organization. And He pulled through that organization. And then what did It do? Then It went, from that organization, It went into another organization, went into another stage of the Word; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. See? And as It went through this stalk and process, It kept coming on more.
154Remember, the little pollen is more, the tassel is more like the Seed than the stalk is. And the husk is more like the Seed than the tassel was. But the Seed Itself is beyond that. See? It just used that for transportation, to take Itself through.
155 Notice, the Bride. If the Bride, in the beginning, was the Word, or the Bridegroom; and then if the Bride is taken from the Bridegroom, It must be the Word also. Notice, the Bride must be.
156Why, why must the Bridegroom be the Word manifested, made plain? Is because the Bride and the Bridegroom are One. She is just a smitten piece off of Him. There is the Masterpiece. It was smitten. Say...
157Michelangelo could not reproduce that again. He could not put it back.
But God is going to do it. He is going to bring this little Bride, that's smitten, right back to the side of the original Word. And there He is, there is the Masterpiece, the family back again in garden of Eden.
158 How is this Bride going to do this? How is this Wheat going to do this? Malachi 4 said, in the last days, it would be restored back, (what?) restored back like the beginning; take it back! "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years the palmerworm, and cankerworm, and all these other things has eaten. I will restore again." Malachi 4 said, "He will restore the hearts of the people, and the Faith of the people, back to the original fathers again." See? We see this right before us, Church. Where are we at?
159 Now, closing in a few minutes. I want you to notice real close of something that just happened.
Malachi 4 is to bring back, back to the original.
160She is smitten from the church, from the church body; smitten with Her Master, for the same purpose. She is the Word. Just the same as Joseph was smitten from his brethren, because he was the Word. And Jesus was smitten from His brethren, because He was the Word. The church is smitten... The Bride is smitten from the church, because She is the Word. There is your stages again; one, two, three, see, just exactly.
161 The Word, living and in action, the Bible Bride, not some man-made bride; the Bible Bride, smitten and afflicted of God. "No beauty we should desire Her, but yet we did esteem Her smitten and afflicted of God." That's right. She stands alone. She is smitten from all the denominations, according to Revelations 3. She is smitten out of the Laodicean Church Age that She was raised up in. See? This Church was raised up in the Laodicea Church Age; that's the husk. But if them others went...
162Can't you Pentecostal man see that, if that other was husk and died? If that other (stalk) had to die, if the tassel had to die, so must the husk die; the three stages of organizations.
163And remember, you said, "Well, now, there was a lot of tassels hanging on. There's a lot of this." Yeah. There had been Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, church of Christ, all these other little things that fell onto it, leaves and everything else had hung onto it, but the original was the reformations, now, see.
164 Stands alone, like the Bridegroom, "rejected of man, despised and rejected of the churches." The Bride stands that way. What is it? It's His Masterpiece, see, it's the Word that He can work through, make manifest. Rejecting!
165So, the stalk, the tassel, and husk, never become Seed, no, but are all the time becoming more like the Seed.
166Now at the harvest time, the Seed is back to its original Life, back to the Bible. Malachi 4 said it would be brought that way. Oh, oh, my! Must have all! To be this way, It must have all of the Word. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
167 Now what did He say, in Revelations 10, that would take place? Why was the trip to Tucson? To open to the Church. "In the days of the messenger, of the seventh angel, the seventh angel Message, the whole Word of God would be made manifest. The Seal, that what all the stalk has left off, of why and all about It, would be made manifest in this time."
Is that what the Word said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we see it. Then where are we at, see, where are we at? There is only one thing, the harvest is here. She is dead ripe. She is ready now for the Coming. Notice.
168 No, it'll never be It. At the harvest time, the Seed is back to its original condition, and must have all of the Word, in order to be the Seed. Now, you can't have a half a Seed; it won't grow. See? It's got to be the whole Seed. It's got to not manifest... Say, "I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! I believe in speaking in tongues." That's just part of the Seed, uh-huh, but now there is added to that. Hallelujah! See? The Life, not the gifts; the Life of the gifts. See, see what I mean? We're at the end time, brethren.
169Stalk, tassel, husk, is dead and dry now. There is only one thing that has to happen to that, is to be gathered in the World Council of Churches for its burning.
170 The Word has become flesh, exactly like He promised in Luke 17, Malachi 4, and all, see, that's right, Revelations.
171All true Life that was in the stalk, tassel, and husk, is now gathering in the Seed, ready for the resurrection, ready for the harvest. The Alpha has become Omega. Amen. The first come last, and the last is the first. The Seed, that went in, has come through a process and become the Seed again.
The seed, that fell in the garden of Eden, and died there, come back. From that imperfect seed that died there, come back to the perfect Seed, the Second Adam.
172 The first Eve that fell, and was used in the second reformation... second coming, as bringing forth a child, now has become the true Bride again, the Seed, right back with original Word again.
The Alpha and Omega is the same. He said, "I am Alpha and Omega," He never said anything in between. Uh-huh. "I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last." Yes, sir.
173The first ministry and the last ministry is the same. The first Message and the (second) last Message is the same thing. "I'm, I was in Alpha; I'm in Omega." "There'll be a day that won't be called day nor night, but in the evening time it shall be Light." See, Alpha and Omega, it's become the first and the last. Oh, my, brethren, we could stay hours on that.
174 The great masterpiece of a family, the Second Adam and the Second Eve, now ready for the garden, the Millennium, amen, back on the earth. Hallelujah! The great Sculptor didn't leave them lay there. He took time, as He did through the millions of years, molding the first perfect couple; and they fell. Now it's been through thousands of years, He's molded again, and now here they are ready.
175The Masterpiece was come and struck down; from His side come forth the helpmate.
And She is brought up in the same process. Now here She is back again; with all nature, the Bible, and everything else, showing here we are.
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
Gentile days numbered, (look at this bunch of trash we got), with horrors encumbered,
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
That's right. You better get in there quick, if you're going.
I'm fixing to close just in about five minutes, ten.
176 Notice the great masterpiece, of the family. The husband and wife cannot be truly a family unless they are one. They have to be. If they're not, they're not a good family; wife pulling one way, and the husband another. That would make an awful family. But in agreement, with love one to the other, that's a family. And now that was God's masterpiece, and now all the true family here portrays that. See?
And now the Masterpiece family has come again, Christ and His Bride, ready to come. The Second Adam, Second Eve, ready now to return back to their Home. And the whole picture has been redemption. From where it was, bringing it back, see, just exactly bringing it back again. After...
177 The other day, standing up here at the Christian Business Men. Many of you, I guess, was there. When I heard that Lutheran priest, or preacher, or supposed to be, stand up there and say that ridiculous thing, and make fun of what we believe in. And them Full Gospel Business Men having that man there, and saying that. He wore his collar turned around. Lots of them do now. And he said, "Now, people ask me why I turn my collar around, said, 'How can they tell you from a Catholic priest.'" Said, "There is no difference, and there shouldn't be." He said, "We're all God's children." He said, "I know a Catholic priest that's omnipresent, see, that could be present everywhere."
178 Now you cannot be omnipresent without being omniscient. God is not even omnipresent; God is omniscient. Omniscient, which makes Him omnipresent, He knows all things. But, in order to be a Being, He has to be in one Being. By being omniscient--omniscient, He can be omnipresent. Cause, He knows all thing, and knowed it before the... He knowed, before the world begin, how many fleas, lice, how many bugs, and how many times they'd bat their eyes, and everything about it, see, 'cause He's omnipresent. You can't be omniscient--omniscient without being infinite. And there's only one thing infinite; God. Amen! And then we...
179 What is it? It's the Devil, taking them right straight to that slaughter. Every one of them a-going in, exactly what the Bible said. And here it is, see, come right in amongst the Pentecostals, and just pull them right straight just as... What a time!
180Oh, after that testimony, someone said to me... I--I... It was a good thing I didn't say very much, 'cause they'd probably have me in jail up there. But I just thought, "There it is."
The--the people who is taught, knows. "The wise shall know their God, in that day," it said in Daniel. Yes, sir. See, "The wise will know their God." They're watching for these things.
181But when I seen that happen, and them Pentecostals stand there with him! Even Oral Roberts looked at me like that. I said, "Oh, my!" Uh! But, standing up there with a education, polished, you know, and so forth.
182That's not the way God polishes His. He don't polish His with education. He polishes in humility, in--in power of His manifested Word, showing of the shape of the Grain that It went from.
183 Now, someone said to me, said, "Brother Branham," said, "there's one thing I can't understand about you."
I said, "What's that?"
184Standing out there in a hall... I guess, Sister Dauch and them, after I shook hands with Bill, and standing there; and all went around the corner, and the whole bunch of people. A minister pressed his way in, collar turned around, he said, "Why is it that you're always bawling the people out?" He said, "Them people believe you to be a servant of God, and be gentle and sweet to them, and everything." Said, "Every time I hear you get up, you're bawling women out, about having short hair, and about wearing shorts, and wearing makeup, and all this other stuff; and bawling the people out, and tell them how cold and formal and indifferent they are." Said, "Why do you do that?" Said, "Them people love you. How can you be a loving son of God and do a thing like that?"
I thought, "Lord, let me answer this smart man. See? You just let me answer him, somewhere, that'll hang him on his own rope." Yeah.
I said, "Well," I said, "sir, did you ever read of the great producer of music called... the great composer called Beethoven?"
He said, "Oh, sure, I read of Beethoven."
185I said, "He probably tore up wastebasket-fulls of scrap paper, but he give the world masterpieces." He never opened his mouth and said another word. I said, "When he was setting in his study under the inspiration, he would write something down. He'd go into his study and pray. It wasn't right, he'd scrap it up and throw it in the wastebasket. But when he got through, in all inspiration, the world had a masterpiece."
Oh, how the Word cuts, but It produces masterpieces; uh-huh, takes all the husk and stalk away. It brings forth Masterpiece.
186 I got seven minutes to tell you something that happened day before yesterday, to get out on time. July the third, I was over here setting in the... this center over here, shopping center right out from us here. I've been in Pigalle, in Rome, in France, and I've been in New York City, Los Angeles. But the filthiest bunch of women I ever seen in my life is Jeffersonville, Indiana. I never seen so much gaum and filth in my life as I see amongst them people. I set there till my heart ached, and the Lord had gave me a vision.
Now I'm going to tell the vision. I don't know that I can interpret it, but I--I'm going to tell the vision for my first time.
187 I fell into a trance. And, when I did, there was somebody with me. I didn't see the person. It was just a Voice. And I--I looked. And as I--I looked this way, He said, "The Bride will come in view for preview."
And I looked, coming to me, and I seen the most--the most prettiest bunch of clean-dressed women I ever seen in my life. But each one of them, looked like, was dressed different. They all had long hair. And they were longer sleeves and skirts, and so forth. Young women, they looked kind of, I'd say, about maybe twenty.
188Now I have the Bible open here before me. See? I can only say what I seen.
If you say, "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at a clock. "What you looking for?" I'm looking for people, looking at people. "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at the Bible. That's what. I'm telling the Truth. That's what I see. And I can only say what I seen. I don't--I don't know what it... all about it. I just have to tell you.
189 But, when this Bride, She was looking right at... The one was talking to me, and I, standing together. Her eyes, She was the cleanest, sweetest-looking people I ever seen in my life. Look like it could have been a dozen, or more, just... I don't know how many was abreast, but there just in a group of them. And She passed by, sweetly, with a air. And Her eyes up, watching, as She passed by. Oh, She was beautiful! I looked at Her, and as She passed by. He said, "Now we shall review..." Said, "That's the Bride."
"Now we will review the churches." And they come. I noticed them coming up. And when they come up, each one, look like, got worse. I never seen such a filthy bunch in my life.
And when He said, "Next," I heard a noise. And It said, "Next," said, "here comes the American group."
190 Now, I am an American, but this--this made me sick. I am not eloquent enough to, in a mixed audience, to say what was taking place. I--I--I... And you'll have to read between the lines. But when the women were coming, the leader of them was a witch. She had a great long nose and a great big mouth. And all of them was dressed with some kind of lower clothes down here; but the top just had a strap, that, just a little, about a half-inch strap that moved up and went around them like this. And each women had something on a order...
191Many of you, years ago, used to remember when we used to cut that paper, you know, newspaper, and make an old fly-bush? How many remembers it? You know. Why, I think they use it in carnivals, you know. Hanging down like that, fringed paper, lace paper.
They had something holding below them, like this, holding below them. All this part was exposed.
And each one had hair cut up real short, and frizzy-looking things all over it like that, real short-cut hair; and full of makeup. Absolutely nothing but looked like street prostitutes.
And they were walking with this paper, and, the vulgarity! Now, the paper was what was holding in front of them. But when they passed the review stand, in the back of them... And to see the way they were going on, in their foremost and their back part, and how they were acting!
I said, "Is that the Church?"
192 And there she went. And they were singing this here twist-and-roll songs, you know, or ever what you call, going down, singing that and going by.
I said, "Is that the Church?" And I was standing there, and in my heart I was crying.
And, this witch, to my notion it's nothing else in the world but she's a... She is that World Council of Churches, leading them right straight down the road where she was going. They went off to the left, and disappeared in chaos; still beating this music and making real funny sounds, and shaking their bodies, one side and then the other side. And then, like that, carrying on like that, walking.
193 And I just started to bow my head, and He said, "Wait, the Bride must come again."
And I looked, and here they come again. And they passed by, a sweet-looking little ladies. They was all looking right at me, as they passed by. And I noticed each one was dressed different. And one in the back had kind of long hair hanging down, and had it rolled around like this; might have been German or something like that. And I watched them.
And then as they started leaving, two or three of them, in the back, kinda get out of step, and I was going to holler at them. And they was trying to get back in step again. And I seen them, just the vision just fade out and change, from me.
194 Now here is the interpretation thereof. The reason... Now, remember, I had just got through writing... I hadn't finished, I hadn't wrote these notes yet. But in preaching, this morning, I caught what it was, right in my sermon. Did you notice, the church only came in view...
Now, that's the Truth, friends. The Heavenly Father, Who writes the Word, knows that I tell the Truth. See? I know I just say the Truth.
And not knowing it till just a few minutes ago, looked like, or just recently, see. Did you notice? The Bride come in view twice; the first Seed and the second Seed, both of them exactly the same One. And the reason they were dr'iff... dressed in different parts, She'll come from all nations, it'll make up the Bride. Each one had long hair, and no makeup, and real pretty girls. And they were watching me. That represented the Bride coming out of all nations. See? She, each one represented a nation, as they marched perfectly in line with the Word. See?
195 And, then, I have to watch Her. She'll get out of step with that Word if I don't watch, when She is passing by, if She gets by. Maybe it'll be my time, when I'm over, see, when I'm finished, or whatever it is.
196What? They was getting back. Trying their best, and was getting back, just get in line; 'cause, they--they was looking out somewhere else, watching about that church that just went out into chaos. But two... The front ones, never. The back ones, just two or three of them, was kind of stepped out a little bit to the right-hand side, and looked like was trying to get back in line as they went by. They was just past me, oh, far as here to the wall, past me. And I was standing there. And then I just seen it all move out and leave.
But, you notice, the church only came into view once, each nation, the church. But the Bride come in twice. See, see what it was? Now, not knowing it, but look at it with my Message this morning. Not knowing that. See?
197 The Seed fell in the ground at Nicaea. That was the original Seed. And She's come through the process of these denominations, which only comes in existence once. But the Bride returns back again in the last days. "I will restore." See, the Masterpiece is brought up. That's the reason She was in view, reviewed, the second time. She was reviewed the first time, then she was reviewed the second time. And She was perfectly, the second time, like She was the first time. O God, have mercy! Hurry, hurry, hurry, Life, get in the Grain, right quick! Uh-huh.
198 All others never appeared no more. They went out, never to come back again.
But the Bride came back, 'cause She was Alpha and Omega. God, the great Sculptor, has made Him a Masterpiece, for It is a piece of His first Masterpiece. Like He made in the garden of Eden, and took a piece from, and made another piece and that was marred and fell, now He's been all this time building it up again. And He brought forth this Masterpiece, and was smitten, in order... That part that was smitten, was in order to bring back again that Masterpiece, again.
199So, the Masterpiece and the Son of God, the Masterpiece and the Bride, and It's a piece of Him, which must be the fulfilling of the Word. The Word has been fulfilled, and we're ready for the Coming of the Lord.
200 O Church of the living God, bow your hearts and your--yourselves before God. These things are true. I know that it sounds like that, as such a great a thing as that would be, would be so spread out over the nations. It never was. He doesn't change His way. Just be thankful, Church, be thankful that you are where you are today if you're in Christ. Because, you see, now, and when that...
201Remember, all that Life will be gathered right into the Grain, for the resurrection, but the stalk must be burned. The rest of it; the husk and all, must be destroyed, and it will be. Don't trust in your, them denominations. You stay in the Word, the Life, God and His Masterpiece.
202Then what is it in the Millennium? Christ and His Bride, back in the garden of the Millennium. Amen!
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
203 There's where He was smitten. "We esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity."
204Is there any here, this morning, who isn't in that Grain this morning? And as the Life is now pulling its last piece from the husk, for the husk is drying. How many knows that Pentecostal church is drying? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What is it? Life is leaving it. Frankly, it's left. And if that Bride is already in preview, I wonder if the Bride isn't already made up, then. [Brother Branham begins humming, I Love Him.]
... love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
205 With our heads bowed now. Is there some here that would like to be remembered? If you feel that you're not...
Friends, it's too plain. I've never had a vision in my life, 'less something happened, followed. I tell the Truth. All these other times, if I've told the Truth, God has proved it. Then, I tell the Truth this time.
206I don't know what day we're living in, but I know there's nothing left. There couldn't be a politician rise that could straighten this thing out. Politics, the nation is gone. O God! Can you, can you get down deep enough to--to--to feel that. The nation is gone; not nation, but nations. This is the best of the bunch, and it's gone. Then, if the nations are gone, the world is gone. And the churches, to my opinion, Pentecost was the best they've had, but it's gone.
O God, be merciful to us!
207 If you don't know Him, please hurry, hurry. If you feel Life, get out of the... get out of your sin, get out of the thing that you're in. Get to the Grain, right quick. You'll die in the stalk, or in the husk.
Pray, while we sing now. "I love Him."
It's up to you now. We have no denomination, no nothing. We only have Christ. You're welcome to worship with Him, with us, till He comes. We can't put your name on book; we have no books. We want your name in the Book of Life. You can only do that through Birth. Won't you do it right now? Ask Christ for new Life, bring you in, put your name on His Book, if it's not. Then, you can fellowship with us, we'd love to have you. "I..."
208 Dear God, help each person now to take inventory, see if we're in Him. You loved us. You were smitten for us, and we did esteem You smitten and afflicted of God. I pray, God, that You'll call each one. Lord, speak to my children, my loved ones, my friends. Grant it, Lord, just now, through Jesus Christ's Name.
209Don't let anybody wait too long, Lord. Looks awful close. The harvest is truly ripe. The great combine of God will sweep through the land one of these days, straws will fly every way; but the Wheat shall be gathered to the garner, taken up, for in It is Life. Grant, Lord, each request to be answered, each prayer to be made manifest before You.
210I pray for them, Lord. I pray that You won't let any that's here be lost, Lord. They--they--they set under difficult; they--they--they drive for hundreds of miles. And whatever that we have need of, give it to us, Lord, whatever is good for us, Lord; not what's good in our sight, but what's good in Your sight. We want to stand as a chaste virgin that's been chastened, rebuked of God, that we might be purged from our sins. And I offer my prayer for them, Lord.
211 I--I--I don't know how to pray. We--we're talking to the Mighty God. And what human being is there, what mortal could make the right type of prayer before the living God? But, Lord, my mispronounced words, and my--and my nouns and pronouns in--in the wrong place; if You could pick out the ABC's for a little boy one day, and--and make a sentence, You--You can omit my nouns and pronouns and just look to what I believe, Lord.
I believe You. I believe this Word. And I'm believing for each one here. And I--I'm bringing them to that Altar, Lord, by faith, where between us and Great Jehovah is the Blood of His Son, Jesus. And the Blood shall speak for us. When You smote Him on Calvary, You said, "Speak!" "Hear Him!" "And the Blood," the Bible said, "speaks greater things than the blood of the lamb in the Old Testament, for the Blood of Christ speaks greater than the blood of Abel; greater things." And speak, Lord, redemption for us, as we call through the Blood.
212 Great Father of Life, include us, Lord. If we--if we've sinned, take it away from us. We, we don't want to be that way, Lord. It's not our intention.
And we realize we're living in such a horrible, dark way. As we said at the beginning, we're walking up a mountain, through rugged places. Dim is the trail, but we're packing the Light. May we see, step by step, as we go now; until we meet, like Pilgrim's Progress, till we finally catch the top of the Hill. Guide us, O Shepherd. Great Jehovah, lead us by Thy Spirit.
213And we know that we're far from a masterpiece; but we're looking where we were hewed from, the real Masterpiece, and in Him we trust. Just take us to Him, Lord. Grant it, Lord.
214 Heal all the sick people here, Lord. "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions." God's Masterpiece was smitten. "And He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Heal the sick, Lord, in Your Divine Presence now, while we know that You're here.
215Cleanse our souls, our hearts, from all evil, all bad thoughts, all evil communications, all things that's wrong. Cleanse us. And we pray, Father, that You'll heal our sickness, and let us leave here feeling that we are Your sanctified children. And with the Blood over us, we speak through the Blood, the Word. Grant it, Lord. We ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
216 Father God, upon these handkerchiefs, anoint them with Thy Presence, Lord. May Thy Presence be with them wherever they go. Whatever they're laid upon, on any sick body, may they be healed. And whatever, if there's a broken home somewhere, mend it, Lord, the great Sculptor. Grant it, Lord.
217Mold us, and make us sons and daughters of God. We believe the Bride is getting its last polishing down. It'll be smitten from the complete organization, altogether, and then the great harvest will be here. Until then, Lord, make them healthy and happy, to serve You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, I... (Do you really love Him?)
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
218 Now do you understand why I scold you? That ain't because I love you... not because I don't love you. I do love you. I want a Masterpiece for the Master. I might have to tear a few out like this, but I'll have a Masterpiece, some of these days, if I keep it right on this Word. Right.
219Now Jesus said, "This will all man know that you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other." We should be so in love with one another!
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred mind
Is like to that Above.
Let's take one another's hands.
When we asunder part,
It give us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe;
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now remember, in your journey:
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every care;
When temptations round you ga-... (What do you do then?)... -ther,
Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.
O Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Till we meet!
Let's bow our heads. Oh, I love to sing!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you!
1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy do modlitby. Zatiaľ kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy a srdcia pred Bohom, chcel by som vedieť koľkí by tu chceli byť spomenutí pred Bohom, tým že zodvihnú svoje ruky? No, majte teraz svoju prosbu vo svojom srdci, keď sa modlíme.
2Pane Ježišu, Ty fontána, nevyčerpateľná fontána života, pretekaj dnes cez nás, Pane A očisti nás od každej nevery a od každého hriechu, aby sme mohli teraz stáť v Tvojej prítomnosti, vediac, že je medzi nami potreba, že ... Vieme, že sme hriešnici a nie sme hodní žiadneho požehnania. Ale potom, keď myslíme na Neho, ktorý prišiel a vzal naše hriechy, potom keď je tam Jeho krv, to nie sme my v prítomnosti Božej, to je On - len naše hlasy skrze Jeho krv; Jeho krv hovorí. Ó, Bože, očisti potom naše srdcia od hriechu a nevery.
3Daj nám túžby našich sŕdc, pretože naše túžby sú skutočne slúžiť Tebe. A v týchto slabostiach a trápeniach a veciach tohto sveta, ktoré niekedy na nás doliehajú, aby nás zdokonalili ... Tak je nám to povedané, že On povedal: "Nedivte sa, akoby to bola čudná vec, že prichádzajú tieto utrpenia." Oni sú len na naše dobro a aby nás zdokonalili a priviedli nás na to miesto. Tieto veľké púšte prežití, kde sú spravodliví ľudia formovaní na svätých, ďakujeme Ti Pane za tieto prežitia. Nemienime - nikto rozumný nechce robiť nič proti Tvojej vôli; ale modlíme sa, Otče, aby sme v tomto boli privedení bližšie ku Tebe.
4A keď sú tie bremená také ťažké, že nedokážeme ísť ďalej, potom dvíhame svoje ruky a kričíme ku nášmu Otcovi. Potom vypočuj z neba, Pane. Uzdrav nás. Zmocni nás zo vzhľadu na Božie kráľovstvo.
Požehnaj dnes ráno Tvoje Slovo, Pane. Tvoje Slovo je pravda.
5A my sme sa tu teraz zhromaždili v tomto zbore. Modlíme sa za brata Nevilleho A za brata Cappsa A brata Collinsa A za všetkých ostatných služobníkov a starších a diakonov a za všetkých laikov a za tých, ktorí sú tu cudzí. Nech je toto deň, na ktorý budeme dlho pamätať z dôvodu Tvojej prítomnosti.
6Sme tu dnes ráno vo veľkom očakávaní, Pane. Zišli sme sa na náhle oznámenie. Cítime, že je to za určitým cieľom. Nech môže byť dosiahnutý Tvoj cieľ, Pane.. Lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša, pri tom čo sa Ti odovzdávame. Amen.
7Je to ohromné byť tu a byť zhromaždení s týmto zborom plným ľudí. Neočakával som, že tu budem - sotva to niekto dnes ráno očakával, pretože ani ja sám som poriadne nevedel, že tu budem.
8Práve sme prišli z Filadelfii. A tak som prišiel a myslel som si, že hneď budem musieť ísť do Arizony - slúžiť na pohrebe jednému môjmu priateľovi, kapitánovi Jimovi Moseleyovi, veľmi milý, vzácny človek, ktorého som nedávno priviedol ku Kristovi, troch bratov Moseleyovcov. A jeden z nich spadol a bol ... nedávno v lietadle a na mieste bol mŕtvy. Desať hodín bol v ohni, než sa ku nemu dostali. Tak zanechal ... dvadsať osem ročný, jeho žena má dvadsať šesť a zanechal tri malé deti - najstaršie má sedem rokov. Veľmi smutné. A oni ... keď sa ku nemu dostali, hneď na druhý deň ho museli pochovať. Tak som len - nedalo sa mi tam ísť. A len som napísal - poslal som telegramom, to čo som chcel povedať, alebo čo by som bol povedal na pohrabe brata Moseleyho. Niektoré z týchto vecí nedokážeme porozumieť, ale aj tak On robí, že všetko pôsobí len na dobré.
9Sme tu dnes ráno v Pánovej službe a vieme, že keď veríme Bohu, že veríme, že On bude robiť všetko len dobre. Bez ohľadu čo to je a ako sa to javí, vieme že to musí byť na dobré. On to zasľúbil. Musí to proste tak byť. Niekedy to nedokážeme porozumieť, stáva sa to mnohokrát veľmi komplikované, ale aj tak vieme, že je to pravda, pretože Biblia hovorí, že je to pravda. A pre nás Biblia je Boh vo forme písma.
10No, musíme niekde postaviť svoju vieru. A ak ja - alebo ktokoľvek z nás sa v živote snažil dosiahnuť úspech, v živote a stať sa, mnoho krát, multimilionárom ... Ale čo urobíme s tým? Musíme prísť na koniec cesty a načo nám to potom bude? Vidíte? A peniaze sú certifikáty, to je mena; ale nemôžete ich vymeniť za život. Jedine Boh má život.
11A tak si uvedomujeme, že my sme tu v negatívnej forme. A keď existuje negatív, musí existovať pozitív. Negatív nemôže existovať bez pozitívu, vidíte, pretože to kvôli pozitívu je vytvorený negatív. Ako keď ste mali negatívny obraz nejakého predmetu. Niekde musí byť predmet, aby dopadol ... aby to svetlo dopadlo na ten film, inak by neexistoval žiadny negatív. A tak, keď vidíme, že náš život tu je v negatíve a keď vieme, že sme obrazom nejakého života niekde, potom vieme, že niekde je pozitív, ktorého svetlo dopadlo a to odrazilo niečo tu na zemi.
A my sme len tým odrazom. Niekde je tá originálna vec. Ak nie je, tak potom som najviac zvedeným človekom na svete; zbytočne som strávil svoj život. Ale ja viem bez najmenšieho tieňa pochybnosti, že to tam je! Vidíte? Preto sme my tu.
12Keď vidím vás ľudí prichádzať z celej krajiny na oznámenie v krátkom čase a niekedy to len predpokladajú, potom to robí, že sa cítim skutočne malý, keď prídem na zhromaždenie ako toto, keď si pomyslím, že viem, že tu títo ľudia cestovali stovky míľ, len aby tu boli niekoľko minút na zhromaždení, len aby tu sedeli.
13Nejaká žena raz povedala, prišla sem raz a povedala: "Ukážte mi kde po zemi prešiel ten človek a dovoľte mi nech prejdem za ním," povedala: "A budem zdravá." No, ľudia vám takto veria a vy reprezentujete Krista, čo potom máme robiť? Mali by sme byť veľmi opatrní, pretože keď urobíte niečo zle, neškodíte len sami sebe, škodíte iným, ktorí vás nasledujú.
14Tak ja nepoznám žiadnu denomináciu ani nič, do čoho by som vás mal priviesť. Je len jedna vec na čom spočíva moja viera, ak mi veríte, nasledujte to čo vám hovorím, pretože ja verím Biblii, to je Slovo Božie. Ostatné veci sklamú. On je život. On je Slovo.
15No, viem že vy ... keď sem prídem dlho vás tu držím. Modlil som sa ku Bohu, keď som cítil, že sem takto chcem dnes prísť ... Mal som tak veľa rozhovorov a telefonátov a tak ďalej; Musel som sa s niektorými dnes ráno stretnúť. A povedal som: "No, brat Neville bude určite chcieť, aby som kázal." To bol piatok. A povedal som: "Brat Neville bude asi chcieť, aby som kázal. A ak budem, potom prosím, Bože ... je tak horúco, bolo horúco." A On bol dobrý, že nám poslal dážď a prerušil tú veľkú horúčavu a dal nám dnes ráno, dobré ráno. Prosím, aby Jeho dobrota skropila každého jedného z vás, aby ste stále pamätali, že ste boli dnes ráno tu. Nech spočinie na vás Jeho milosť a požehnanie.
16Minulý večer som navštívil chorého priateľa, brata Billyho Daucha. Nevidím ho tu dnes ráno. Nejako ... Aha, tu je. Áno. A rozmýšľal som: "Starý deväťdesiat jeden ročný muž a stále prichádza cez celú krajinu, cez púšte a cez zasnežené hory, po zľadovatelých cestách. On to nemusí. Boh bol ku nemu dobrý; on to nemusí robiť. On by mohol sedieť doma a mať sluhov, ktorí by ho ovievali, keby chcel." Ale Billymu Dauchovi sa niečo prihodilo; On sa znovuzrodil. A keď sa to stalo, do jeho srdca niečo prišlo, že žije predovšetkým, aby navštevoval tieto zhromaždenia. A potom, ak ja mám byť ústami Božími, či by som zviedol priateľa? Radšej by som zomrel. Potom, daj mi povedať mu z tejto Biblii, presne to, čo je pravda. To je potom Božie Slovo. Ja len opakujem čo On povedal.
17No, chcem prečítať niečo z Biblii. Prv ako budeme čítať, chcel by som povedať, že myslím, že dnes večer máme večeru Pánovu. A vy, ktorí ste tu domáci (pretože ostatní pôjdu možno naspäť domov, pretože musia ísť do roboty) - vy, ktorí ste tu domáci v tomto zhromaždení, pamätajte, dnes večer budú bratia podávať večeru Pánovu.
18No, očakávam na konečnú správu ohľadne Afriky. Nechcú mi tam dovoliť ísť ako misionárovi. Tak jediný spôsob ako tam môžem ísť ... Mám v pláne ísť do Keni, Ugandy a Tanganyky. A jediný spôsob ako tam môžem ísť ... po prvé, cirkvi ma tam nechcú, pretože oni chcú aby som v Afrike kázal niečo na tejto strane a na tamtej strane. A ja tam takto nechcem ísť. Nebol by som takým pokrytcom, aby som to tak robil. A aj som im povedal: "Nie pánovia, ja budem kázať len to, čo mi Boh položí na srdce a nič iné." Vidíte? A som si istý, že to nebude to, do čoho sa ma oni snažia nahovoriť, aby som učil. A tak ... trojičný krst a ďalšie takéto veci a dohadovať sa s nimi. Nie!
19Ale brat Boze ma pozval na veľké zhromaždenie, on práve prichádza ku tomu, že začína vidieť niečo z toho denného svetla, čo my veríme. A tak som pozvaný, aby som tam prišiel, ako na poľovačku. Ak my bude dovolené ísť, ako na poľovačku ... Ak budem môcť zohnať niekoho, kto by povedal, že ma vezmú na poľovačku, potom, keď tam prídem, ten doktor tam na veľvyslanectve je môj osobný priateľ z Chicaga - a len čo sa tam dostanem, on povie: "No tu je brat Branham. Majme zhromaždenie. Tak, keď už tam budem, veľvyslanec ma nemôže poslať preč. Ak oni ... Tak oni sa to teraz snažia zariadiť. Tak dúfam, že ... Ak je to Božia vôľa, bude to tak fungovať. Vidíte? Je to proste poručené Jemu. Ak nie, potom vám to oznámim.
20Chcem ... Ak to bude potom vôľa Božia, chcem hovoriť o Siedmych trúbach. A to bude asi osem dňové zhromaždenie. A nechceme byť tu v modlitebni; možno sa nám podarí dostať tu to auditórium.
21No, nikdy som si nemyslel o tomto novom auditóriu, že tu bude postavené. To je presne tam, kde som prvý krát vo videní videl Ježiša - to auditórium je postavené presne na tom mieste. Išiel som sa tam jedného dňa pozrieť. Keď som sa díval a videl som Ho, ako sa díva na východ (pamätáte sa, že som vám to hovoril), keď som tam bol a modlil som sa za svojho otca, ako malý chlapec, len chlapec, kazateľ. Tam som Ho videl. Urobil som krok, díval som sa na Neho. Hlavu mal obrátenú ku mne bokom, kráčal som ďalej po šalviovom poli, zakašľal som. A stále som sa díval a On sa vôbec neotočil. Zavolal som Jeho meno: "Ježiš" a On sa otočil, roztiahol ruky. A to bolo všetko, čo som si pamätal, až do svitania. A tak som sa na svitaní vrátil z toho poľa. Tak možno, že Pán mi dá aby som tam kázal o týchto Trúbách. Kdekoľvek to bude, Božia vôľa sa stane.
22Otvorte si teraz svoje Biblie v Izaiášovi, 53. kapitolu Izaiáša. No, dúfame, že Boh požehná naše slabé úsilia, že sme sa zišli spolu dnes ráno. My sme práve prišli z Filadelfii, kde som bol na konferencii Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. A počúval som tam ich rôzne svedectvá a tak ďalej ...
23Potom som ... na ceste sem som bol ... Billy Paul A ja a Rebeka a malé Colinsove dievča, malá Betka Collinsová ... A Billy je veľmi dobrý spáč a Rebeka ešte lepšia. A tak som ... Rozprávali sme sa s Betkou. A ona sedela vzadu s Rebekou na zadnom sedle. A ja som videl, že sa na ceste niečo stalo. A keď som to uvidel, niečo ma osvietilo. A Betka, ak je tu, ona si všimla, že som prestal hovoriť a začal som si niečo zapisovať. Tam som dostal tento text na toto ráno.
24No, vstaňme na svoje nohy, ak ... No, stojíme z úcty k Božiemu Slovu, keď budem čítať Izaiáša, 53. kapitolu:
Kto uveril našej zvesti? A komu bolo zjavené rameno Hospodinovo?
Všimnite si, to začína otázkou.
Lebo vyrástol pred ním ako nežný prútik a ako koreň z vypráhlej zeme: nemal podoby ani krásy; videli sme ho, ale nebolo na ňom vidieť toho, pre čo by sme ho boli bývali žiadostiví.
Opovrhnutý bol a opustený od ľudí, muž bolestí, a oboznámený s nemocou, a ako ten, pred ktorým skrývajú tvár, opovrhnutý, a preto sme si ho nevážili,
kým on vzal na seba naše nemoci a niesol naše bolesti, a my sme sa domnievali o ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený.
A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na neho, a jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení.
My všetci sme zblúdili ako ovce; každý z nás sme sa obrátili na svoju vlastnú cestu, a Hospodin uvalil na neho neprávosť všetkých nás.
Mučili ho, a on ponižujúc sa znášal dobrovoľne a neotvoril svojich úst; vedený bol ako baránok na zabitie a zanemel ako ovca, ktorá zanemie pred tými, ktorí ju strihajú, a neotvoril svojich úst.
Vzatý bol z väzby a zo súdu. A čo do jeho pokolenia, ktože ho vyrozpráva? Pretože bol vyťatý zo zeme živých, pre prestúpenia môjho ľudu bola mu zadaná rana.
A dali mu s bezbožnými jeho hrob i s bohatým, keď zomrel ukrutnou smrťou, preto, že nespáchal nijakej neprávosti, ani ľsti nebolo nikdy v jeho ústach.
Ale Hospodinovi sa ľúbilo ho tak zdrtiť a strápiť nemocou, aby, ak jeho duša položí obeť za hriech, videl svoje semeno, bol dlhoveký, a to, čo sa ľúbi Hospodinovi, zdarilo sa v jeho ruke.
Z námahy svojej duše uvidí výsledok, nasýti sa. Svojou známosťou ospravedlní spravodlivý môj služobník mnohých a ich neprávosti on ponesie.
Preto mu dám podiel medzi veľkými, a s mocnými deliť bude korisť, pretože vylial svoju dušu na smrť a počítaný bol s priestupníkmi, kým on niesol hriech mnohých a primlúval sa za priestupníkov.
25Bože Otče, Tvoje Slovo je lampou, svetlom, ktoré osvetľuje cestu každému veriacemu do prítomnosti Božej, keď nás vedie ako lampa v našej ruke. Nezaopatril si nás na toľko, aby sme mohli vidieť koniec od začiatku a ... ale kráčam vo viere. Ale ako človek, ktorý má prejsť v noci cez tmavý les (a to je to, kde sme), svetlo, ktoré má v ruke osvetľuje cestu len krok za krokom. Ale tá cesta, hoci vedie hore, kráčajme len vo svetle. A nech svieti dnes to svetlo na Slovo, aby nás priviedlo o jeden krok bližšie ku Kráľovstvu Božiemu. Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
26Téma, ktorú cítim, že mám dnes na zhromaždení hovoriť, je "Majstrovské dielo." Možno to vyzerá trochu divne, prečítať takéto miesto Písma, o ... jeden z Biblických obrazov, kde je najviac brutálnosti a vraždy, to keď Biblia hovorí o tomto dokonalom sluhovi, ktorý bol ranený a zbitý a mučený a pri tom zobrať z toho text, s názvom, Majstrovské dielo. Veľmi divné.
27Ale ja ... rozmýšľam dnes ráno, keď sa vraciame, na udalosti z pred niekoľkých rokov. Bol som pozvaný do Forest Lawn v Kalifornii povyše Los Angeles. V prvom rade som tam išiel navštíviť hrob Aime Semple McPherson, zakladateľky hnutia Forsquare. A išiel som ku jej hrobu. A hoci sa nezhodujem s tou ženou ako s kazateľkou, ale jednako vo svojom srdci obdivujem a vážim si ju za to, za čím stála v tej hodine a za tie prenasledovanie a za všetko, cez čo musela prechádzať vo svojom čase tu na zemi. A potom, kvôli jej milovanému synovi, ktorý je mojím blízkym priateľom, Rolf McPherson.
28A išli sme tam, skupina kazateľov. A oni - nemali sme čas aby sme išli na to miesto, kde majú to krematórium a dávajú tie telá do malých truhiel, ktoré kladú z boku do steny.
29A tam majú neobyčajné veci, také ako Posledná Večera a ... Je to osvetľované skutočným slnečným svetlom. A majú tam zatvárač, ktorý im umožňuje... Keď vchádzajú dovnútra, je svetlo; a potom, keď začínajú hovoriť, stmieva sa. A po chvíli je to všetko úplne tmavé. A potom ľudia vychádzajú von.
30A oni majú celú tú Večeru ... A tá žena, ktorá poznala tajomstvo, ako vypracovať toto sklo do takéhoto stavu, no, urobiť tieto obrazy, no, to prechádza cez rodinu už mnoho rokov. A to umenie bolo odovzdávané len deťom a tou poslednou bola žena. A oni vyrábali tento obraz. A keď oni išli odliať a vypáliť toto sklo, vypáliť ten kus, tam kde bol Judáš Iškariotský, to prasklo. Tak potom, snažili sa to urobiť znovu. A znovu to prasklo. A ona povedala: "Možno náš Pán nechce aby jeho nepriateľ bol s ním na obraze." A povedala: "Ak to znovu praskne, nedokončíme ten obraz." Ale potom to vydržalo. Potom ... Samozrejme bolo to zvláštne, a ako sa to dialo.
31Ale potom, jedna z najhlavnejších vecí, ktorá ma zaujímala vo Forest Lawn, bola Michelangelova socha Mojžiša, toho veľkého sochára. Samozrejme, to je tam reprodukcia. To nie je originál. Ale to bolo také veľké umelecké dielo. A keď som tam stál a díval sa na to, páčilo sa mi to, niečo čo vyzerá - predstavuje, že má niečo v sebe.
32Umenie sa mi naozaj páči. Verím že Boh je v umení. Verím, že Boh je v hudbe. Verím, že Boh je v prírode. Boh je všade. A všetko, čo sa nezhoduje s originálom je prevrátené. Boh je v tanci, nie v takom tanci aký sa tu tancujete, ale keď synovia a dcéry Božie sú v Duchu Božom, viete, to je tanec. Ale to čo som musel dnes ráno znášať až do druhej, čo doliehalo tam z tej ulici, to je prevrátenosť.
33Ale toto majstrovské dielo, ktoré Michelangelo urobil, to ho niečo stálo. On bol veľký človek. A to ho stálo veľkú časť jeho života, pretože on mnoho, mnoho rokov vysekával ... zobral len skalu mramoru a stále ho opracúval. A aby uvidel ... jedine ten človek, sám ten sochár, mal vo svojej mysli, to čo sa snažil urobiť; on bol ten jediný. Mohli by ste podísť ku nemu a povedať: "Načo dlabeš do tej skaly?" Pre neoboznámeného, ktorý nevie, čo je v jeho srdci, je to nezmysel. Ale pre toho človeka, pre samotného toho sochára, on mal v mysli videnie, ktoré sa snažil urobiť a on sa snažil zreprodukovať to, čo mal vo svojej mysli, vo forme tej sochy. A to bol dôvod, že to vysekával z tej skaly.
34A keď chcete toto robiť, musíte od začiatku začať správne a musíte sa držať vzoru. Vidíte? Nemôžete zobrať maličký kúsok a začať: "Urobíme to takto. Nie, ja myslím ... " Nie, on musel mať presný vzor. A on mal ten vzor vo svojej mysli. A nemohol sa od toho vzoru odchyľovať. No, aby toto dokázal urobiť, musel si to nakresliť v mysli, pretože nemáme žiadne skutočné podobizne Mojžiša - ale on v mysli musel dostať nejaký presný, duchovný obraz, o tom aký Mojžiš bol.
35No, skutočný sochár je inšpirovaný, tak ako skutočný básnik alebo každý skutočný spevák, muzikant, čokoľvek to je. Všetko skutočné musí prísť cez inšpiráciu. Michelangelo musel mať inšpiráciu, ako Mojžiš skutočne vyzeral a on to zachytil vo svojej mysli, aký musel byť Mojžiš. Tak on si postavil tento veľký kus mramoru, aby ho osekával na podobu toho vzoru a stvárňoval ho, obrusoval, až kým nedostal ten skutočný obraz toho, čo muselo byť v jeho mysli.
36A potom, keď to urobil všetko tak dokonale, zabrúsil každú hranu a vyhladil každé miesto a oči boli presne urobené a každý vlas a brada, všetko presne tak, ako to bolo, on sa postavil obďaleč a pozeral sa na to. Myslím o tých veľa, veľa rokoch ťažkej práci, a ako on po celý čas musel vo svojej mysli držať to isté videnie, toho čo išiel robiť. A predstavte si len, to videnie v jeho mysli za tak veľa rokov, aby urobil, žeby to vyzeralo presne tak ako to bolo - on sa v prvom rade držal toho videnia - a ako to on musel opracúvať na podobu toho videnia, obsekávať a obrusovať ... A keď to opracoval natoľko, že dal tomu dokonalosť, že až to skutočne bolo dokonalé, on tam stál s kladivom v ruke, to ráno a pozeral sa nato, keď to dokončil. A on bol tak nadchnutý, keď sa na to díval, pretože videnie jeho mysli stálo v skutočnosti pred ním. To čo on videl, jeho predstava o tom aký Mojžiš bol, to bolo pred ním stvárnené, to čo on celé tie roky mal vo svojom srdci. A namáhavá práca a hodiny zármutku a ťažkostí a kritík a všetkého možného, ale pri tom všetkom on zotrval pri tom videní, až kým to nebolo dokončené.
37A potom, keď to bolo dokončené, zastal opodiaľ s kladivom v ruke, so sochárskym kladivom a díval sa na to dielo. A inšpirácia toho videnia, ktoré videl o tom ako to urobiť, až tak veľmi ho to nadchlo - tá inšpirácia ho tak prenikla, že bol až bez seba a udrel to do kolena a povedal: "Hovor!"
38A teraz je na tej veľkej soche trhlina, na kolene, na pravom kolene. Tesne nad kolenom asi šesť cólov je to miesto. Položil som na ňu ruku, asi takto hlboká.
39Potom čo strávil všetok tento čas, roky a roky aby toto urobil, potom pod vplyvom toho, že videl vyplnené to, čo videl vo svojom srdci a vo svojom videní, a čo túžil vidieť, bolo to dokončené. A keď to bolo dokončené, on bol tým tak nadchnutý, že až si myslel, že jeho vlastné umelecké dielo môže ku nemu prehovoriť. A on ho udrel do nohy a skríkol: "Hovor!" A to urobilo na ňom trhlinu. To urobilo na tej soche trhlinu.
40Pre mňa, tá trhlina, to bolo to, čo urobilo z toho majstrovské dielo. No, možno pre niekoho, kto inak rozmýšľa, myslíte, že tým sa to poškodilo. Nie, pre mňa to urobilo z toho to, čo to je. To ... pretože po tak mnohých rokoch opatrnej práci a námahy a inšpirácii a tak ďalej, pri tom ako to robil, ukázalo sa, že jeho námaha nebola zbytočná - bolo to dokonalé, a preto skríkol: "Hovor!" Pretože videl pred sebou, to čo ... bol schopný dosiahnuť, uskutočniť videnie, ktoré bolo v jeho mysli; a tak pod inšpiráciou urobil niečo nezvyklé, niečo neobyčajné; on to udrel a skríkol: "Hovor!" Vidíte, on by to nebol urobil, keby bol rozmýšľal. Ale on nerozmýšľal. To bolo nadchnutie z toho, že videl ako dokonale sedí pred ním to, čo mal vo svojej mysli.
41Jeho námaha a únava a dlhé noci a mnohé dni odlúčenia od sveta. A možno jedol len pomazaný chlieb a drel na tom a prišiel naspäť a: "Och, to nie je tak, ako to bolo. No, to musí vyzerať takto," a opracúval to. Potom, keď to uvidel celkom dokonalé, potom to uvidel v skutočnosti. Ten negatív, toho čo bolo v jeho mysli sa stal skutočným; stal sa pozitívom; a preto ho to zaskočilo. A bolo to tak skutočné, že on musel zvolať: "Hovor!"
42Podľa mňa, to bol odblesk, to bola poklona jeho práci, že jeho vlastné dielo ho tak nadchlo, že bol až bez seba, že ho udrel a povedal: "Hovor!"
43Stál som tam a díval sa na to dielo. Rozmýšľal som o hodinách, ktoré musel tento muž pri tom stráviť, keď to robil. Oni tam vraveli koľko to bolo rokov. Ale pre neho to bol odblesk, pretože to bola náhrada jeho veľkému umeniu, jeho veľkej práci, ktorú konal. A keď to nakoniec bol schopný dosiahnuť, bolo to také veľké.
44No, obráťme stranu o Michelangelovi a zavrime tú knihu. A otvorme inú Knihu a čítajme o tom veľkom sochárovi, o tom Všemohúcom, ktorý prv ako bol svet a prv ako boli položené základy, mal vo svojej mysli to čo chcel. A On chcel urobiť človeka na svoj vlastný obraz. On chcel uskutočniť niečo, čo mal vo videní, čo bolo v jeho mysliach.
45No, pri Michelangelovi to bola vlastnosť jeho mysli. A Boh chcel urobiť človeka na svoj obraz - ten veľký sochár - a On išiel na ňom pracovať. A vidíme pri tom, ako On privádzal z tých materiálov, prvé boli možno ryby a potom vtáky a potom to, čo sa plazí po zemi a tie mnohé veci, ktoré On priviedol na svet. Ale nakoniec, ako privádzal do existencie, súc stvoriteľom, On mal ... On nebol ako človek teraz, ako nejaký sochár, ktorý musel niečo zobrať čo už bolo stvorené a osekať to na nejaký obraz. On bol sochárom večných vecí. On bol sochár, ktorý mohol stvoriť a priviesť do existencie, to čo mal vo Svojej mysli; alebo inak, On môže urobiť materiály po ktorých túžia jeho vlastnosti.
46A keď On začal pracovať na plazoch, ako na malých zvieratách na zemi. A potom to On z toho začal niesť ďalej do niečoho vyššieho. Potom nakoniec to On doviedol do väčších zvierat, takých ako lev, tiger, medveď. Potom to On priviedol do života možno opice a opov a tak ďalej. No, nie nejaká evolúcia, ako si my myslíme, že jedno pochádzalo z ... To bolo kompletné stvorenie, Boh pracujúci podľa vzoru.
47Ale nakoniec prišla na zem dokonalosť a to bol človek. A potom On mohol vidieť v tomto človeku, že to vyzeralo ako On. Tak teraz, keď sa On na neho pozrel, on bol odrazom toho, čo bol jeho Stvoriteľ. Boh teraz dosiahol tú vec, ktorú chcel, človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz.
48A potom by som mohol povedať ku tomuto: že keď On urobil tohoto človeka bolo na ňom ešte niečo, že nevyzeral celkom v poriadku, pretože bol sám. A takýto bol Boh - sám. On bol večný. A teraz človek na obraz Boží tiež existoval na zemi sám. Tak On musel zadať malú ranu do jeho ľavého boku a z tade vzal ten kus, ktorý z toho odrazil a urobil mu pomocníčku, ženu. Potom on nebol sám; on bol ... Mal niekoho so sebou. A to je jeho veľké dielo.
49A On, ako každý veľký sochár, ktorý by zobral svoje majstrovské dielo ... No po prvé, On mal majstrovské dielo seba samého. Ale teraz, On videl, že toto majstrovské dielo bolo samotné, ako On, tak On rozdelil toto majstrovské dielo, tým že mu udrel do boku a urobil pomocníčku.
50A teraz, aby urobil tých dvoch jedno, dal ich, ako každý veľký sochár, na miesto, ktoré bolo krásne. Sochár nerobí veľké majstrovské dielo aby ho potom zobral a postavil niekde medzi stromy, alebo ho schoval za domami. Ako nám povedal náš Pán: "Človek nazapaľuje sviecu, aby ju položil pod nádobu." Keď sa my stávame Božími majstrovskými dielami, nie sme schovaní niekde medzi stromami; my musíme vydávať svetlo.
51Tak vidíme, že On ... potom, keď On urobil toto majstrovské dielo. On ho umiestnil tu na zemi a položil ho na najkrajšie miesto aké bolo, do záhrady Eden. On umiestnil svoje majstrovské dielo, tých dvoch, ktorí sú jedno, v záhrade Eden. Ako sa mu to muselo páčiť, keď videl Svoje majstrovské dielo, že bolo dobré. On ... Po tomto nachádzame, že On si odpočinul; On bol tak potešený zo svojej práci.
52No pamätajte, že podľa mojej mienky tým majstrovským dielom je ten úder, ktorý poškodil San Angelove majstrovské dielo Mojžiša v tom monumente. A to bol úder, ktorý presekol bok, jeho majstrovského diela, ktorý priviedol na svet nevestu. A teraz ich vidíme ako majstrovské dielo rodiny v záhrade Eden. Aké to bolo krásne. A Jemu sa to tak páčilo, že si až potom odpočinul; On povedal: "Odpočiniem si."
53Ale zatiaľ kým On odpočíval a dúfal svojmu majstrovskému dielu, prišiel tam jeho nepriateľ a našiel toto veľké majstrovské dielo; a on ... skrze klamstvo podliezol múry záhrady a potom zničil toto nádherné majstrovské dielo. On ho zničil tak, že upadlo.
54No, snažím sa pozorovať tie hodiny. A prosil som Majka, môjho synovca, aby natiahol ten zvonec na tridsať minút, ale on to neurobil a ja som už pretiahol tridsať minút, ale to je ... Budeme ešte chvíľku pokračovať. Dobre? No, nechcem porušiť tieto pravidlá; ja som urobil tieto pravidlá. Viete? A tu sa rušia vaše vlastné pravidlá.
55No všimnite si. Potom toto majstrovské dielo, keď sa Satan zmocnil (zvoditeľ) - preboril sa cez múry a zničil toto majstrovské dielo. Pretože to je spôsob ako to urobil. Ako to on urobil? Zobrazím detailnejšie, ako to urobil. Toto majstrovské dielo bolo ohradené múrom Slova, Božím Slovom. A majstrovské dielo, samo o sebe, tejto rodiny, bolo opevnené týmto Slovom; ale tá vylomená časť, ktorá bola vylomená z toho originálu, vyšla von poza tento múr a dala Satanovi šancu, aby to zničil. A teraz, keď viete čo ja verím o týchto veciach, tak ja to nemusím povedať. Ale to majstrovské dielo bolo zlámané.
56Ale ten veľký sochár, keď On videl úpadok svojej rodiny, majstrovského diela, On nebol ochotný nechať ho len tak ležať tvárou dole v ruinách; On sa okamžite pustil do práci, aby ho znovu postavil. On nechcel aby ono zahynulo, aby tam tak ležalo po celý čas, pretože On je Boh a On nebude porazený. Tak On okamžite odišiel do práci a znovu začal budovať človeka na Svoj obraz.
57No, zisťujeme, že ten predpotopný svet išiel ďalej a zničil celú tú vec, pretože tie zmluvy, ktoré boli uzavreté, boli uzavreté pod podmienkami: "Ak nebudeš robiť toto, alebo ak budeš robiť tamto ..." Boh, ten veľký sochár, videl, že človek nedokáže dodržať zmluvu. On to proste nedokáže. Neexistuje proste vôbec žiadna možnosť.
Pred chvíľou som sa tam v tej miestnosti rozprával s jednou osobou, ktorá je tu teraz prítomná. Povedala: "Ale brat Branham, ja mám tak veľa vecí, o ktorých viem, že sú zlé." A pobožná žena.
58Povedal som: "Ale pozri sa, sestra, nedívaj sa na seba, ide o to, aká je tvoja túžba a to, čo sa snažíš robiť. A ak skutočne miluješ Pána, snažíš sa Mu slúžiť z celého svojho srdca. A potom všetky tvoje chyby sú skryté v krvi Pána Ježiša, vidíš. Vidíš, On urobil cestu."
59Tak On teraz začína, berie človeka zo svojich zmlúv, kde bolo povedané že: "Ak ty budeš, Ja budem." A On začína s človekom, ktorý sa nazýva Abrahám a dáva Abrahámovi zmluvu, bezpodmienečnú. Stále, keby On začal majstrovské dielo, Satan by ho dostal, kvôli Slovu. Ale keď On začal s Abrahámom, On povedal: "Ja som to už vykonal." No, toto je bez podmienky, nie, čo ... to: "Ak ty budeš, Ja budem:" ale "Ja som to už urobil." No On, ten sochár, je rozhodnutý mať toto majstrovské dielo.
60Potom od Abraháma prichádzajú patriarchovia. A patriarchovia skutočne ... No, čo Boh robí? On znovu stavia toto majstrovské dielo, ktoré upadlo. Tak v patriarchoch, prvý, ktorého nachádzame bol Abrahám.
61Pozorujte to teraz. Každé majstrovské dielo je postavené na sochárskom základe. Angelova socha Mojžiša stojí na tri, alebo štyri stopy hrubom kuse mramoru. Má to základ. Tak Boh pri príprave tohto majstrovského diela, On ho položil na základ patriarchov. A ten základ patriarchov, prvý bol Abrahám, potom Izák, potom Jákob, potom Jozef - štyri uhly.
62A teraz, Abrahám bol základom viery. Povedzme, že to malo štyri základy. Základom viery bol Abrahám. Základom lásky bol Izák. Základom milosti bol Jákob. Božia milosť daná Jakobovi. Každý to pozná. Ale v Jozefovi bola dokonalosť. Na toto On mohol postaviť to dielo, nie na ten prvý základ, nie na druhý základ, nie na tretí základ, ale na ten štvrtý základ.
63Abrahám, samozrejme, zobrazoval Krista, tak isto Izák, v láske. Abrahám Ho zobrazoval vo viere. Izák v láske. Jakob Ho zobrazoval skrze milosť, pretože Jakob znamená podvodník; a to je to, čo on bol. Ale bola s ním Božia milosť. Ale keď to prišlo ku Jozefovi, tam proti nemu nie je nič, len jedno malé zaškrabnutie, lebo ten základ musí tiež byť majstrovským dielom. Keď povedal svojmu otcovi, prorokovi: "Povedz faraónovi, že tvoji ľudia sú chovateľmi dobytka, nie sú pastieri, pretože pastier je ohavnosťou Egypťanom."
64Ale keď sa ten starý prorok postavil pred faraónom, on povedal: "Tvoji služobníci sú pastieri stáda." To zadraplo do toho. Vidíte? Preto to stále z toho robí majstrovské dielo.
65No, tie základy boli položené skrze vieru, lásku, milosť a do dokonalosti cez tých patriarchov.
66No, to telo diela, ktoré išlo ďalej do tohto veľké majstrovského diela boli proroci, ktorí boli Slovom. Dúfam, že to dokážete čítať. Vidíte, proroci, nie zákony, proroci. Lebo tí proroci boli potvrdeným Slovom, ktoré tvorí to telo, nie patriarchovia, proroci. Oni boli Slovo.
67Nakoniec, ako On začal dávno tomu vo dňoch Mojžiša a prechádzal cez týchto prorokov, ku každému jednému, to nakoniec - budujúc to telo, prichádzajúc stále bližšie. A najväčší z nich zo všetkých bol Ján. Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš tak povedal: "Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy taký veľký muž, ako Ján Krstiteľ." Pretože on bol ten, ktorý mohol predstaviť Slovo. A potom nakoniec prichádza tá veľká hlava, hlava všetkého toho. O ktorej ten ostatok tela len hovoril.
68Základ bol položený pomocou patriarchov, ale telo bolo postavené zo Slova, ktorým boli proroci. A tu prichádza hlava toho všetkého; Ježiš prišiel na scénu. Tam, keď bola na to položená táto časť, ktorá bola hlavou, nachádzame v Ňom úplnú Božiu ručnú prácu. Nachádzame v Ňom dokonalé odzrkadlenie Slova, pretože On bol Slovo, plnosť Slova. A teraz má Boh znovu dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ako povedal Izaiáš: "Hľa môj služobník, moje majstrovské dielo, ktoré som formoval cez všetky veky, príchod tohto dokonalého. A tu On stojí rovno predo mnou, dokonalý ... " Tam vo svojom vlastnom obraze odzrkadľuje Boha, lebo On povedal v ev. Jána 14: "Keď vidíte mňa, vidíte Otca."
69A potom, na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bolo vytesané a odzrkadľovalo to, čo bolo Slovo na počiatku, Jeho, Slovo, odzrkadlené v tomto majstrovskom diele na jeho vlastný obraz, znovu Boh vo svojej vlastnej podobe. Forma Slova zostala odzrkadlená v podobe človeka - majstrovské dielo.
70Všetci proroci mali chyby. Oni všetci boli časťou. Ale tu konečne prichádza cez to, nakoniec prichádza to majstrovské dielo, ten dokonalý, nebola na Ňom vôbec žiadna chyba, tak dokonalý, odzrkadľoval samého staviteľa. Jeho vlastný obraz bol odzrkadlený v Jeho diele. Boh a Kristus boli jedno, až tak že On položil do neho Svojho vlastného Ducha; a potom ten obraz a ten staviteľ sa stali jedno. Boh a jeho sochárske dielo, jeho majstrovské dielo, keď Mojžiš ... Mojžiš bol v tom diele San Angela ... či vlastne Michelangela, bol sochárske dielo, ktoré bolo mŕtve, pretože to bolo urobené z kameňa. Ale tu ten majster staviteľ, keď On doviedol do dokonalosti Svoju ručnú prácu, On vstúpil do nej.
71Vykupiteľ človeka dovedený do takej dokonalosti, taký dokonalý, taký pobožný, no predsa nebolo na Ňom krásy, kvôli ktorej by sme boli žiadostiví po Ňom, keď sa tento z panny narodený Syn živého Boha stal taký dokonalý a pokorný a na obraz Boží, až kým tento veľký majster, ktorý predvádzal jeho život cez tých prorokov a On bol vyplnením všetkých prorokov. On bol taký dokonalý, že až keď toto Boh videl, On ho udrel a zvolal: "Hovor!" ako urobil Michelangelo: "Hovor!"
72Vy poviete: "Je to tak?" Ev. Marka 9: 7, nachádzame na Vrchu Premenenia, keď tam stál Mojžiš, zákon, stál tam Eliáš, proroci. Celé veky od patriarchov, otcov, zákon, proroci a všetci tam stáli, počujeme hlas, ktorý prichádza z oblaku a povedal: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn jeho počúvajte!" A ak oni majú počúvať, On musí hovoriť. To bolo len niekoľko dní pred tým, ako On bol udrený. "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať. Ja som Ho sformoval. Za štyritisíc rokov som Ho privádzal do tohto. A teraz je On tak dokonalý, že Ho musím udrieť aby mohol prehovoriť. Počúvajte Ho. On je ten dokonalý. On je to majstrovské dielo."
73Pamätajte, On bol tam zobrazovaný po všetky tie časy v Starom Zákone. Nachádzame, že On bol tou skalou na púšti, to bola udrená skala na púšti: "Ja som tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti." Ale to bol kameň; to nemohlo ešte prísť do svojej dokonalosti. Ale vo forme predobrazu ona nasledovala cirkev, aby z nej čerpala, aby to on mohol čerpať a dávať život tým, ktorým mohol dať život. Ale On bol tou skalou na púšti. On nebol ešte človekom. On bol len predobrazom.
74Mojžiš Ho videl, keď stál na tejto skale. On Ho videl prechádzať okolo a on povedal: "To je chrbát človeka." Vidíte, ten Sochár predstavoval Mojžišovi, ktorý bol čiastočne obrazom Krista, ako bude vyzerať to veľké majstrovské dielo, keď bude dokonalé. On prešiel okolo neho ... On ukázal Mojžišovi videnie, ako bude vyzerať to majstrovské dielo. To bol chrbát človeka, keď to na púšti prešlo okolo neho.
75Pamätajte, Angelo mohol len zvolať a udrieť ten obraz a povedať: "Hovor!" Ale pre Boha to bolo celkom inak, pre toho veľkého sochára. Keď On urobil človeka na Svoj obraz, tak dokonale, že to odzrkadlilo Jeho. Boh prehovoril cez tento obraz človeka, ukazujúc čo bude robiť. On hovoril cez prorokov, keď oni boli čiastočný obrazom, keď privádzal ten obraz ku Hlave. Ale keď On prišiel s Hlavou, On bol úplný Boží obraz. On zobrazoval Jeho samého. Potom udrený za nás ... Teraz je On pre nás majstrovským dielom, darom Božím, Ježiš Kristus, večný život. Dúfam, že to nikdy nezabudneme.
76Keď vidíme, že dni sú čím ďalej tým tmavšie, keď vidíme, že tiene padajú ... Keď predpovedám, že zostáva už len niekoľko obrátok okolo slnka a bude po tomto národe. Viete, včera, 4. júla, Tomáš Jefferson podpísal deklaráciu nezávislosti, on a iné osobnosti, ktoré boli s ním, zvonil zvon slobody a my sme boli ohlásení, ako nezávislý národ. Podľa histórii nikdy nebola demokracia, ktorá by trvala viac, ako dvesto rokov. A to bolo 4. júla 1776. A zostáva nám už len jedenásť rokov. Vydrží to? Nie! Nemôže! Jedenásť rokov a ak áno, prekoná to všetku históriu.
77Vidíme aký je čas. Vidíme v akom stave sú ľudia. Vidíme v akom stave je politika. Vidíme v akom stave je svet. To nemôže obstáť! To sa musí potopiť ako Titanik. To musí padnúť! Lebo je ... Uvoľniť miesto - jeden národ uvoľňuje miesto druhému, keď upadá. A toto kráľovstvo musí upadnúť a každé iné kráľovstvo, aby dalo miesto tomu kráľovstvu, ktoré prichádza, ktoré nemôže upadnúť. Pretože my, cez tento dokonalý obraz Boží, cez toto majstrovské dielo, prijímame kráľovstvo, ktoré nemôže byť pohnuté.
78Boh, keď sa pozrel na Neho. On bol tak nadchnutý, On bol tak ... Keď Ho videl ako vyzeral a keď videl svoj obraz. On bol tak nadchnutý, že to je to dokonalé majstrovské dielo vykupiteľa - Ježiša vykupiteľa. Tak Boh, aby sám bol udrený, aby splatil trest, ktorý sám uložil, Boh a Kristus sa stali jedno, tak Boh mohol byť udrený v tom obraze, mohol byť zranený. A preto Izaiáš povedal: "A my sme sa domnievali o ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha a strápený. A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho; a jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení."
79Dokonalý obraz Boha-človeka, Boh en morfe sa zmenil z nadprirodzeného na videnie. A to videnie bolo premietnuté do toho obrazu. A ten obraz bol udrený, aby tak to nadprirodzené mohlo skúsiť, ako chutí smrť. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. On to nemohol dosiahnuť v Mojžišovi. Nemohol to dosiahnuť v prorokoch. Izaiáš, ktorý bol rezaný pílami až bol rozpílený na kusy ... On to nemohol dosiahnuť v prorokoch, ktorí boli kameňovaní. On to nemohol dosiahnuť, pretože On to nemohol cítiť. To bola len Jeho časť. Ale v tomto majstrovskom diele On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. On mohol nie len stvárniť Mojžiša, On mohol stvárniť Svoju večnú bytosť v tejto osobe a okúsiť smrť za celú ľudskú rasu. Božie dokonalé majstrovské dielo. Boh bol tak nadchnutý, keď to videl, On sa stal vykupiteľom všetkých vekov aby sa prihováral za tých tam dávno, ktorí boli predtým i za tých teraz.
80Všetky zasľúbenia sa vyplnili v Ňom. On bol Dokonalosťou dokonalosti. Všetky predobrazy sa vyplnili v Ňom: náš príbuzný vykupiteľ v obraze Ruty a Boaza; náš zákonodarca z Hory Sinaj; náš prorok z púšti, ako prichádza z vrchu, ako On prichádza z púšti - ako On prichádza z večnosti a stáva sa človekom, tým dokonalým obrazom.
81Boh, cez tie veky, okresával patriarchami a robil si platformu a vypestoval ich z rôznych vecí, aby sa On postavil na tento základ. On na tomto začal budovať svoje Slovo, prorokov a potom nakoniec prišiel ten dokonalý prorok, ten dokonalý základ, to dokonalé videnie, ktoré Boh mal.
82A teraz, kvôli tomuto, aby hovoril, On je Slovo - a aby Slovo hovorilo, On musí vojsť do toho obrazu. A potom aby ten obraz hovoril, on musel byť udretý. On prichádza do toho obrazu. A potom aby hovoril, ten dokonalý vykupiteľ - všetky predobrazy Starého zákona sa v Ňom vyplnili.
83Ako som jedného dňa povedal, Jehova Starého Zákona je Ježiš Nového. Áno!
84Ako vy mnohí mužovia i ženy v mojom veku, po celej krajine sme voľakedy mali mnoho čínskych práčovní. Keď tu Číňania spočiatku začínali, oni prišli zo západného pobrežia a išli na východ, prichádzali sem z tej východnej krajiny, išli týmto smerom. A keď prichádzali, to boli ľudia, ktorí nepoznali náš jazyk a naše obyčaje, ale dobre prali. A oni nevedeli napísať lístok, aby ste podľa neho mohli naspäť dostať svoje prádlo. Ale ten Číňan mal mnoho malých kartičiek, na ktorých nebolo vôbec nič napísané. Tak, keď ste si prišli so svojim prádlom, on zobral túto kartičku a roztrhol ju určitým spôsobom a vám dal jeden kus a on si odložil ten druhý kúsok. A tak, bolo to trochu lepšie, než ako to, čo máme teraz, pretože keď ste si prišli žiadať naspäť to čo bolo vaše, tieto dva kúsky papiera museli do seba zapadať. Nedalo sa to sfalšovať aj keby ste chceli. Nebola taká možnosť. Môžete skopírovať písmená, ale nemôžete sfalšovať to roztrhnutie. To presne muselo pasovať s tou druhou časťou. A tak, vaša špinavá bielizeň, ktorú ste tam priniesli, mohli ste ju vykúpiť touto kartičkou, pretože to pasovalo s tou kartičkou, ktorá bola ku nej priložená.
85A keď Boh, skrze prorokov a zákon nás usvedčil z hriechu ... A zákon nemá milosti; on ti len hovorí, že si hriešnik. Ale keď prišiel na scénu Ježiš, On bol vyplnením. On bol vyplnením všetkého, čo Boh zasľúbil. On bol dokonalý, presný obraz zasľúbenia. Preto všetky zasľúbenia Starého Zákona sa vyplnili v Ježišovi Kristovi. Nemohli sa vyplniť v Mojžišovi. Nemohli sa vyplniť v žiadnom z prorokov, ale sa vyplnili v tom majstrovskom diele, ono vyplnilo všetko čo bolo povedané. Tak bude musieť cirkev pasovať do všetkého čo Boh zasľúbil. To musí byť ten kúsok, ktorý bol z toho odrazený. Tak ak originál je Slovo, tak tie predmety, ktoré boli vzaté z neho budú Slovom, aby pasovali do jeho boku.
86A tak, Číňan ... Ty si sa mohol dožadovať, tam kde ťa zákon odsudzuje a hovorí ti, že si špinavý, a že si vinný a mohol ťa dať do vezenia; ale keď On prišiel, On bol ten pasujúci kúsok na to, aby ťa mohol z tade zobrať von a priviesť ťa tiež naspäť, aby ten lístok bol kompletný - vykúpenie, ktoré Boh zasľúbil tam v záhrade Eden: "Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, ale jeho päta rozdrtí ... rozdrtí jeho hlavu."
87No, vidíme toto dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ktoré Boh dokončil. No, vidíme, že On bol všetkým, čo bolo zasľúbené, že bude. On je vyplnením všetkých zasľúbení, všetkých proroctiev, všetkým čo Boh zasľúbil: "Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu." No, On ju nemohol rozdrtiť pomocou zákona. On ju nemohol rozdrtiť pomocou prorokov. Ale On to urobil, keď sa to semeno ženy stalo majstrovským dielom, Kristom. On bol ten kameň, ktorý Daniel videl ako sa odtrhol z tej hory. On bol ten, ktorý mohol udrieť. On je ten, ktorý mohol rozdrtiť, rozdrtiť hadovi hlavu.
88Jeho život sa zhodoval presne so životom Mojžiša. Jeho život sa zhodoval s Dávidom. Pozrime sa či to tak bolo, či je On ten pasujúci kúsok.
89Všimnite si Dávida, odmietnutý kráľ nad svojím vlastným ľudom. On bol ... Jedného dňa, kým on bol ... jeho vlastný syn sa vzbúril proti nemu. A on sa oddelil a rozdelil armády Izraela. A on bol ... Dávid bol zosadený zo svojho trónu svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi. A na svojom úteku, tam bol človek, ktorý ho nenávidel; a on tam išiel okolo a pľul na Dávida. Ten strážca vytiahol meč a povedal: "Či nemám tomu psovi zraziť hlavu, napľul na môjho kráľa!"
90Dávid povedal: "Nechaj ho tak, Boh mu povedal aby to robil." Či nevidíte? Muž žiaľu, oboznámený s bolesťou, On stál ako ovca pred svojimi pastiermi, nemý, vidíte. On to povedal. Možno že Dávid nevedel čo hovorí. Ale okolo päť, šesť sto rokov neskoršie, alebo trochu viac, Syn Dávidov prechádzal po tých istých uliciach a pľuli na Neho. Ale všimnite si čo sa stalo, keď Dávid ... z jeho ... Keď sa stal utečencom a bol v exile, keď sa vracal naspäť, ten človek prosil o pokoj a o milosť. I tí, ktorí Ho bili, Ho budú jedného dňa vidieť keď sa On vráti.
91A vidíme potom v Jozefovi, že Jozef bol zvláštne narodený chlapec, posledný, tá vrchná časť základu, na ktorom malo byť postavené to majstrovské dielo. Ide to z viery a do lásky a do milosti; prichádza to do dokonalosti. A tak to išlo od nôh na začiatku a prichádza to do dokonalosti v Kristovi.
92Všimnite si, ako On bol znázornený v Jozefovi, vo vrchole toho základu, ktorý bol najdokonalejší zo všetkých. Vidíme, že Jozef sa narodil do svojej rodiny; a narodil sa zo skutočne zákonitej ženy, ktorá bola Jakobovou manželkou. A všimnite si tiež, že keď sa narodil, jeho otec ho miloval; a jeho bratia ho nenávideli bez príčiny. Prečo ho nenávideli? Pretože on bol Slovo. Vidíte ten skutočný základ? Vidíte ako prišla hlava toho základu. A teraz sa pozerajte ako prichádza hlava tela. No, pozorujte ako prichádza hlava nevesty. Vidíte? On bol Slovo. A oni ho nenávideli pretože bol vidiaci. On predpovedal veci a povedal im ich. Oni sa stali; nezáleží na tom ako dlho sa vliekli, aj tak sa to splnilo. A pretože bol duchovný, bol vylúčený z pomedzi svojich bratov. Oni ho mali milovať. Ale oni ho nenávideli, pretože on bol prorok a bol duchovný. A oni ho nenávideli.
93Všimnite si, bol predaný takmer za tridsať strieborných, hodený do jamy a bol pokladaný za mŕtveho, ale bol vzatý z tej jamy. A v čase svojho pokúšania vo vezení, ten čašník a pekár ... Vieme, že ten čašník bol spasený a pekár zatratený. A v Kristovom vezení na kríži, jeden bol spasený a druhý zatratený - dvaja zlodeji, dvaja zločinci.
94A vidíme že bol zobraný zo svojho vezenia a postavený po pravici faraónovej, že nikto nemohol hovoriť s faraónom, jedine skrze Jozefa. A keď Jozef opustil faraónov trón, v Egypte zaznela trúba, rozľahol sa zvuk trúby a bolo povedané: "Skláňajte kolená, každý jeden, Jozef prichádza!"
95Tak to bude s Ježišom. Ako On bol milovaný od Otca a bez príčiny nenávidený od tých denominačných bratov. Bol predaný za tridsať strieborných, ako to bolo a bol daný do jamy, pokladaný za mŕtveho. Na kríži, jeden zatratený, jeden spasený. A bol pozdvihnutý z kríža a postavený po pravici Božej, v moci, tom veľkom Duchu, ktorý bol odzrkadlený v Ňom. a nikto nemôže hovoriť s Bohom, jedine skrze Ježiša Krista. Pamätajte na to! A keď On opustí ten trón, pohne sa, zaznie trúba a každé koleno sa skloní a každý jazyk vyzná.
96Pamätajte, on bol synom zdaru. Všetko čo robil sa darilo, či to bolo vo vezení, alebo kdekoľvek to bolo, vychádzalo to na dobré. A či On nezasľúbil svojim deťom, že On spraví, aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na ich dobré, či by to bola nemoc, vezenie, smrť, žiaľ, čokoľvek, že to bude pôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí Ho milujú. On to zasľúbil a musí to tak byť. Musí to tam byť. Obrazne nám je to povedané v Ňom. On bol ten dokonalý obraz Boží.
97No, vidíme tu tiež, že keď On znovu príde ... Pamätajte, Jozef skrze zjavenie, skrze jeho veľké proroctvo, spasil svet. Svet by bol zomrel keby nemal Jozefa. A svet by bol mŕtvy keby nebolo Ježiša: "Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného syna, aby nikto, kto verí v neho, nezahynul." Boh zachováva život.
98Mohli by sme o tom hovoriť ďalej a ďalej. Pretože On proste pasoval s Dávidom. On pasoval s Mojžišom. On pasoval s Eliášom. On pasoval s Jozefom. Všetko to predpovedané v Starom Zákone, kreslilo obraz, do ktorého to presne zapasovalo. Čo to je? To ukazuje dokonalého vykupiteľa, že si môžeme dať do práčovni našu, starú, špinavú bielizeň a ísť si ju znovu žiadať. Ona je umytá v krvi baránka. Môžeme si žiadať to čo je naše. A všetko za čo On zomrel, môžeme si to nárokovať. Tak On bol to dokonalé Slovo, ktoré tam bolo zobrazené.
99Zaľúbilo sa Bohu, tomu veľkému sochárovi, aby Ho udrel a aby to takto urobil. Vidíme Ho tu v Izaiášovi, keď čítame: "My všetci sme sa domnievali o Ňom. Odvrátili sme od Neho svoje tváre. Nebolo na Ňom žiadnej krásy, kvôli ktorej by sme Ho boli bývali žiadostiví." Každý o Ňom hovorí, robí si z Neho posmech. Ja hovorím o Ňom teraz v tomto dni, každý si z Neho robí žarty. Vidíte? "Hľadeli sem na Neho. Videli sme Ho." Hľadieť znamená: dívať sa. "Domnievali sme sa o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha." Ale pre čo On toto robil? "On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený bol pre naše neprávosti."
100No, mohli by sme pri tom ďalej pokračovať, ale myslím, že vidíte ten obraz, čo mám teraz na mysli - Boh znovu stavia svoje majstrovské dielo.
101Ale nezabudnime, že na začiatku, keď On udrel Adamov bok, On zobral niečo z jeho boku. No, udrenie Krista malo svoj dôvod, aby On z Neho mohol zobrať, niečo aby to bolo Jeho rodinou, nevestu, aby Mu mohol vziať nevestu. Tak, keď Jeho majstrovské dielo bolo dokončené, potom ho On musel udrieť, aby z Neho zobral. Nie iný kus, nie iné stvorenie, ale z toho istého stvorenia.
102Môj brat, nemysli si o tomto nič zlého, ale zamysli sa na chvíľu. Keď On vzal z Neho, z toho originálneho stvorenia, aby Mu urobil nevestu ... On neurobil iné stvorenie; On zobral časť toho originálneho stvorenia. Potom, keď On bol Slovo, čím musí byť nevesta? To musí byť originálne Slovo, živý Boh v Slove.
103Raz som sa díval v Kimberley, v Južnej Afrike, ako dolovali zo zeme diamanty. A videl som ich tam ležať ... No, ten vedúci toho ústavu či bani bol jeden z mojich uvádzačov v modlitebnej rade. A všimol som si nahromadené tie diamanty o hodnote desiatky tisíc dolárov; ale oni sa neblyšťali, ani keď na ne dopadalo svetlo. A povedal som tomu vedúcemu tých baníkov, povedal som: "Prečo sa neblyštia?"
104On povedal: "Pane, oni ešte neboli rezané. Oni musia byť obrezané. Potom keď sú obrezané, potom odrážajú svetlo." Tu to máte.
105To majstrovské dielo musí byť obrezané. A všimnite si, obrezané pre čo? Či ten obrezaný kúsok sa zahodí? Nie, nie! Z toho odrezaného kúska sa robia gramofónové ihly. A gramofónová ihla sa kladie na platňu, na ktorej je neviditeľná hudba, pre ten svet; ale tá ihla je tým, čo tú hudbu z toho zjaví, to čo prináša ten pravý výklad Slova.
106Jeho život pasoval so všetkými tými ľuďmi. Zaľúbilo sa Bohu udrieť Ho. A teraz, prečo ho On udrel? Pre to isté, prečo musel udrieť Adama.
107No, vidíme Ho smrteľne raneného od Boha a zdrteného, dokonalý baránok zabitý za hriešnikov, dokonalé majstrovské dielo.
108No, za takmer dvetisíc rokov Boh znovu stavia svoje majstrovské dielo, pretože On udrel do neho, aby vzal kúsok z Neho, časť z neho, rebro aby uformoval pre neho ženu. A teraz, to dokonalé majstrovské dielo, ktoré On udrel na Golgote, On vzal z Neho kúsok. To je vlastne Nový Zákon, to je to. On vyplnil Starý zákon. A teraz sa má vyplniť Nový Zákon, ďalší kúsok. Vidíte, ten Nový a Starý to je muž a žena, vidíte a treba Nový, aby ... Starý aby naznačil ten Nový. Prichádza Kristus, to majstrovské dielo, aby to vyplnil. Teraz Jeho nevesta vyplní všetko, čo je v Novom zákone. Stavia sa ďalšie majstrovské dielo.
109Zatiaľ čo Mu bolo treba štyri tisíc rokov, aby urobil toto majstrovské dielo, teraz skoro za dva tisíc rokov robí toto ďalšie majstrovské dielo, nevestu pre Krista, ďalšie majstrovské dielo. Keď to robí, robí to podľa svojej nikdy sa nemeniacej metódy, tak isto, ako robil to majstrovské dielo, svoje Slovo. Tak On robí Svoje majstrovské diela. Pretože to môže byť dokonalé majstrovské dielo len vtedy, keď je to dokonalé Slovo. Žiadna špina, smeti, dodania, to sa zrúti; ale nebo i zem pominú, ale to Slovo sa nikdy nezrúti. Pamätajte, na rezanie diamantu musíte mať dokonalý nástroj, to každý nástroj nedokáže. Videl som veľké, mnoho tonové drviče miesiť sa rovno cez to a tých veľa ton prechádzalo po tom, prechádzalo to rovno cez tie diamanty. Nie, to nezlámalo tie diamanty. To musí byť rezané.
110No, On robí to isté svojou nemeniteľnou metódou. Nachádzame v Malachiášovi 3, On povedal: "Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením." On nemôže meniť svoju metódu.
111No, keď On začal v Abrahámovi ... Potom, keď upadlo to prvé majstrovské dielo, On začal s Abrahámom, v základe, stavať ďalšie majstrovské dielo. Na letnice začal stavať ďalšie majstrovské dielo - to originálne semeno Slova. To začal v prvej cirkvi. Čo to bolo? Semeno Slova, zamanifestované Slovo, zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo dané. Joel povedal: "Stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny; vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia." Čo bude robiť v tých posledných dvoch dňoch ... za posledných dve tisíc rokov.
112Všimnite si. A to začalo ako originál. Ako povedal Ježiš: "Slovo Božie je semeno, ktoré rozsievač rozsieval. A On bol rozsievač. Semeno bolo Slovo. A všimnite si, každé semeno, ktoré zostáva samotné nič z neho nebude. Ono muselo padnúť do zemi aby znovu zrodilo svoje vlastné ovocie. A toto semeno, táto dokonalá cirkev, padlo do zemi v Nicei, v Ríme, keď sa ona stala denomináciou.
113No, historici, pamätajte a vy, ktorí budete počúvať túto pásku, skontrolujte to a zistite, či to nie je pravda. Tá cirkev zomrela v Nicei, v Ríme, keď prijala dogmy a vyznania namiesto originálneho Slova. Čo to bolo? Boh ukázal cez tú prvú cirkev, že On je Boh. On mal dokonalú cirkev; ale tá cirkev, ako všetky ostatné semená, musela padnúť do zemi a zomrieť. No, to padlo do zeme a zomrelo, zaniklo.
114Viete, čítal som tu nedávno knihu. Niekto napísal knihu pod názvom: "Mlčiaci Boh." Možno ste ju čítali. Zabudol som, myslím Brumback ... Nie, neviem ... Neviem presne kto to napísal. Ale, nemôžem si spomenúť. Mám ju vo svojej knihovni: Mlčiaci Boh. Tam je povedané: "Boh, za tisíc rokov Doby Temna ticho sedel a nepohol ani rukou a pozoroval tých verných mučeníkov, ako ich hádzali levom a ako ich Rimania upaľovali; vraždy všetkého druhu; ženy zvlečené zo svojich šiat, zapaľovali im ich dlhé vlasy namočené v smole a pálili ich." Pamätajte, krátke vlasy začali najprv v Ríme. A kresťanské ženy mali dlhé vlasy. Tak oni im ich namáčali v smole a zapaľovali ich a pálili ich a ... nahé, hádzali ich levom. A tento pisateľ hovorí: "Kde je ten Boh?" Och, ľudská slepota niekedy! Či neviete, že to semeno muselo zomrieť! On sa ich nesnažil vyslobodiť. Oni víťazne zomierali! Oni tam išli, krvácali a zomierali, dávali svoje životy. Prečo? To bolo Semeno, ono muselo padnúť do zeme a tam zomrieť a nie len zomrieť, ale zhniť. Ale tá denominácia neveľa vedela, že ten život tam stále bol. Hoci cirkev v sebe ...
115Na tom Nicejskom koncile, počas pätnástych dní krvavých politických rozporov, keď tam prišli tí aristokrati a chceli zaviesť do cirkvi týchto veľkých hodnostárov. A prišli tam proroci z púšti, ktorí jedli byliny a boli ovinutí v zvieracích kožiach, ozajstní proroci a oni ich vyhodili von. Prečo? Semeno muselo spadnúť do zeme. Muselo zomrieť.
116Ono v Temných Vekoch zomrelo dole pod tou temnou špinou. Oni si mysleli, že je po ňom. Viete v ev. Jána 12: 14, Ježiš povedal: "Ak nezomrie pšeničné zrno, keď spadne do zemi, zostane ono samotné." A tá prvá cirkev bola tou reprodukciou, tou nevestou, tým semenom, tým zamanifestovaným Slovom, ktoré v Nicei, v Ríme spadlo do zemi.
117Počúvajte, cirkev po všetkých národoch, ktorí budete toto počúvať, tu vidíte tú špinu; to sú tie denominácie! Tam bolo ukrižované Slovo a oni prijali dogmu. A za stovky a stovky rokov Temných Vekov, moc a manifestácia Slova bola ukrytá pred svetom. Vládol len katolicizmus. Všetci to vieme, čítal som históriu. Vládol jedine katolicizmus.
118Ale oplodnené semeno nedokážete ukryť. Ono musí vyrásť. Prečo? Ten veľký sochár je pri práci. On to znovu postaví. Tak On ... To semeno padlo do zeme, Slovo.
119 Keď vidíme sv. Pavla, Petra, Jakuba, Jána, všetkých tých, ktorí napísali to Slovo a Slovo, ktoré napísali ožilo a žilo. A to žilo. A keď vidíme, že potom, keď začalo dozrievať, Ján začal písať v epištolách. On bol uvrhnutý na ostrov Patmos, potom keď ho dvadsať štyri hodín pálili v oleji. Ale to Slovo muselo prísť. Ono muselo byť napísané. Oni nemohli olejom z neho vyvariť Ducha Svätého, tak on vyšiel. Jeho práca nebola skončená. On zomrel prirodzenou smrťou.
120Polycarp, ktorý bol Jánovým učeníkom, niesol to Slovo ďalej. A po Policarovi prišiel Ireneus. A Ireneus, ten veľký muž Boží, ktorý veril to isté evanjelium, ktoré my veríme: "Slovo je zrelé!" Cirkev sa ho snaží vytisnúť.
121Nakoniec to prišlo do Nicei, Ríma a tam ona spadla do zemi po sv. Martinovi a bola zavraždená. A sv. Martin veril v to isté čo my. On zastával to isté: krst Duchom Svätým, vodný krst v mene Ježiša. A zastával tie isté veci, ktoré my a on bol prorok a veril plnému Slovu Božiemu. A nakoniec oni boli ukrižovaní a zapučení do zemi a ležali tam stovky rokov až to zhnilo. To vonkajšie semeno, tie staré telá proste zhnili. Bol som v katakombách v San Angelo a videl som kde oni zomierali a ich zlámané kosti a všetko. Oni nakoniec zhnili až ich kosti spráchniveli, ale ten život tam stále bol.
122Pšeničné zrno, ktoré na Nicejskom koncile padlo do zemi, začalo znovu pučať v Martinovi Lutherovi, ako každé zrno, či pšenica, ktorá vyrastá. Potom, keď tie semená zhnili, ten život vypučal. A to začalo vyrastať v Martinovi Lutherovi. Čo bolo prvé, čo on urobil? Odmietol katolícku denomináciu, protestoval proti nej, že to je nesprávne; lebo on povedal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Čo to bolo? Malý slabý život, ktorý vypustil niekoľko malých výhonkov. To boli luteráni. To naozaj nevyzerá ako zrno, ktoré zišlo do zeme, ale ten život sa začína ukazovať.
123Potom to išlo ďalej do stopky. Čo sa potom stalo? Vo dňoch Jána Wesleya, čo on urobil, keď priniesol posvätenie? On zostal so Slovom a čo to urobilo? Luteráni sa zorganizovali a urobili organizáciu; tak to bol čas, aby sa niečo stalo. Teraz sa začína stavať to majstrovské dielo. Čo on urobil? Čo on urobil? On protestoval proti anglikánskej cirkvi a vyšiel v reformácii ako klas. Čo to je? Semeno prichádza do života, teraz rastie.
124No, steblo nevyzerá ako semeno a ani klas.
125 No, letniční bratia vo všetkých národoch, chcem, aby si počúval, môj brat, ak je toto posledné posolstvo, ktoré kážem. Toto je moje majstrovské dielo. Všímate si, kedy tá pšenica, to pšeničné zrno, ktoré padá do zeme, kedy sa ona znovu začína formovať do svojho zrna?
126Pozorujte prírodu. Príroda je presne Boh, Boh cez prírodu ukazuje všetko čo môže. Ale od letničného prebudenia, ako si oni myslia, bolo semeno. Nebolo. Pozorujte to teraz! Ale ukázalo sa niečo, čo vyzeralo celkom ako semeno. No, pozrite sa čo povedal Ježiš v ev. Matúša 24:24, že tie dva duchy v tých posledných dňoch budú tak blízko pri sebe, žeby to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.
127No, to steblo nevyzeralo vôbec ako semeno; ani klas nevyzeral ako semeno. Ale všimnite si teraz, nie vo dňoch Luthera, ale v posledných dňoch.
128To prvé - (sedia tu farmári, ktorí pestujú pšenicu) - tá prvá vec, ktorá vychádza na pšeničnom zrne, už by ste si mysleli že to je semeno, ale čo to je? To je šupka. Formuje sa malá vonkajšia časť, aby držala semeno. Formuje sa šupka. Ale šupka nie je semenom, o nič viac ako klas alebo stopka; to je potom len nositeľ života, pšeničného zrna. Ježiš o tom hovorí v ev. Jána 12.
129 Pšenica, po klase, po Wesleyovi, vypúšťa šupku, ktorá je najviac zo všetkého podobná zrnu. Tá šupka sa viac podobá na zrno. To sa po celý čas stáva viac a viac podobné zrnu - tomu, čo padlo do zemi. A keď to vypustilo stopku, ona mala v sebe život, ale to nebolo ešte zrno. Vystupuje klas, peľ, to stále nie je zrno. A potom vystupuje šupka. A ona má presne tvar pšenice, vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno; ale predsa to nie je pšenica. Má presne ten istý tvar, úplne.
130Letniční vystúpili presne ako pšenica. Každé jedno vychádza z toho druhého, vychádza z toho druhého, ale to sú len nositelia. Oni odchádzajú do denominácii. A to je to čo urobili letniční, odišli do denominácii. A čo urobili letniční, keď sa to javí celkom ako zrno? Odišlo to naspäť ako v Zjavení 17, stávajú sa ďalšou denominačnou sestrou. To je presne to, čo ... To je to, čo povedal Ježiš.
131Dávajte teraz pozor. Evanjelium vychádza cez Luthera, cez Wesleya ku letničným a v posledných dňoch to zvedie i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné - vyvolených! Ó, letniční bratia, či to nevidíte?
132Pšenica prvý krát začína vyzerať presne ako semeno, keď sa začína formovať ako semeno; ale to je šupka. To sa stalo denomináciou, urobili presne to isté, čo urobili vtedy tu pri Lutherovi. V Zjavení 17 je dôkaz, ktorý ukazuje to isté o cirkvách.
133No, to originálne zrno upadlo v Nicei, lebo to bola prvá denominácia.
134Všimnite si! Tu ten život, ktorý bol v steble, klase, všetko teraz končí v semene. Život, ktorý vyšiel z toho originálneho semena, prechádza cez rôzne procesy, tri rôzne procesy a potom sa obracia naspäť až do svojho originálneho stavu. Haleluja! Ó! Som najšťastnejší človek na zemi, že mi Boh dáva toto vidieť!
135Pozrite ako dokonale toto Slovo a tieto ... a príroda pracujú spolu. Práve tak ako sme dokázali vzkriesenie: Východ; slnko zapadá a znovu vychádza; život odchádza zo stromu dole do ... Šťava do koreňov a prichádza naspäť a pri tom znovu narastajú listy a padajú na zem. Život toho stromu to znovu naspäť vsakuje, vápnik a draslík a to prichádza hore znovu do ďalšieho listu. Vidíte? Celá príroda, všetko pracuje presne zhodne s Božím Slovom. A tu je to presne dokonale v týchto cirkevných vekoch. Preto Duch Svätý zostúpil a nakreslil tieto veci a ukázal nám ich, tak ako to urobil. Je to presne tak.
136Všimnite si tu. Ten život, ktorý bol v tej šupke, v steble a v klase, v šupke, všetko sa zhromažďuje v semene. A ten život, ktorý bol v stopke, odišiel ... jedno odišlo, aby vzniklo druhé. Ospravedlnenie urobilo cestu pre posvätenie. Posvätenie urobilo cestu pre krst Duchom Svätým. Krst Duchom Svätým urobil cestu pre samého Ducha Svätého, aby prišiel rovno dole v dokonalosti, znovu naspäť do Slova, aby sa zamanifestoval.
137Ale to čo sa stalo denomináciou, zomiera. Ako život v Lutherovi odišiel, aby povstal Wesley. A od Wesleya to odišlo ku letničným. A z letničných, aby to utvorilo to originálne semeno. Letniční vychádzajú z Wesleya, až do toho času. Dôvod, že letniční vychádzajú z Wesleya, pretože to nebola denominácia - letniční neboli. Potom letniční odišli do denominácii. A čo to urobilo? Stala sa z toho šupka. Vyzeralo to ako tá skutočná vec. A každý ...
138Koľkí ste videli niekedy pšeničné zrno, ako začína rásť? Čo je tá prvá maličká vec? To je celkom skoro ako semeno, ale to je šupka. Vidíte tie tri stupne? Steblo, klas alebo peľ, potom šupka. A potom, zo šupky prichádza originálne semeno. Nie semeno, to bol život semena rastúci a prechádzajúci cez toto, aby prišiel do semena. Amen, amen! Vidíte to? Čo to je? Vzkriesenie. Prichádza to znovu naspäť do majstrovského diela, také ako to, ktoré padlo do zemi.
139Letniční vyšli z Wesleya, pretože Wesley bol organizáciou. Letniční vyšli a neboli žiadnou organizáciou a potom sa ňou stali. To sa muselo stať, aby to utvorilo šupku. Pravé Slovo života pri tomto prechádzalo svojou cestou potom do originálneho zrna cez tieto stupne: cez stopku, potom do klasu; z klasu do šupky; a od šupky sa to stalo semenom. Nie ... stopka, klas, šupka!
140Keď žijú, vo svojom zemskom prebudení, oni produkujú niečo, čo udržuje určitú časť života toho semena; ale keď sa zorganizovali, ten život z toho odišiel. Je to dokázané cez celú históriu. Organizácia, potom keď sa zorganizovala nikdy nič nevykonala. Bolo to mŕtve. Je to tak.
141Sledujte, ten život postupuje teraz ďalej. On ide ďalej.
142Všimnite si. Čo oni urobili, čo všetci títo urobili, história to potvrdzuje, presne ako cirkev prichádzala, nikdy viac už nebola pre Neho užitočná. Organizácia je odložená do regálu. Stále v celej histórii cirkvi bolo tak, že keď sa to zorganizovalo, zomrelo to. A tá organizácia zomrela a nikdy viac nepovstala. Nevidíte to? Ľudia, ktorí ste slepí, otvorte oči! Príroda a Slovo sú spolu zladené a dokazujú to práve tu, že toto je pravda: Ten život opúšťa stopku aby utvoril klas; opúšťa klas, aby utvoril šupku; a zo šupky to ide znovu do originálu.
143Všimnite si, On to už nikdy viac nepoužil. Aký pozoruhodný je tento život pri svojom prechádzaní v tom pšeničnom zrne oproti tomu, ktorý je v strome. Boh zavolal svojich ľudí ako stromy. Vidíte? Život v strome odchádza dole a znovu prichádza naspäť, ide dole a prichádza naspäť hore, vidíte. On odchádza dole a prichádza naspäť hore. Ale v pšeničnom zrne on ide hore od toho originálu, cez stopku klas a šupku; a tá vec, cez ktorú on prešiel zomiera a tak on sa nemôže znovu cez to vrátiť naspäť. Čo to je? Už nikdy viac to nie je použité. On ide ďalej do svojej dokonalosti. Amen! Či nevidíte, prečo On nikdy nepoužil žiadnu organizáciu? On sa nemôže do toho znovu naspäť vrátiť. Je to mŕtve! Ale ten život prechádza ďalej, od jedného do druhého, vidíte. Oni robia vyznania a dodávajú ... "Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo, alebo odoberie jedno slovo ..." Vidíte? Je z toho vymknutý. To musí byť život toho semena, ktorý prechádza ďalej.
144Ja toto teraz ukazujem ako podobenstvo znázorňujúce nevestu, to majstrovské dielo, ktoré vystupuje do popredia. Keď bol úpadok majstrovského diela, je i povstávanie majstrovského diela. Majstrovské dielo upadlo v Nicei, Ríme. Po Nicei, Ríme, ona prechádza cez proces; ale ona prichádza znovu rovno naspäť do toho majstrovského diela, dokonalého, pretože ona je časťou toho Slova, ktoré On vypovedal. On bude mať cirkev bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. To sa nikdy nespojí, nijakým spôsobom so žiadnou organizáciou ani denomináciou (s tou prekliatou vecou). To prešlo cez tieto veci, ale to tam nikdy nebude.
145Všimnite si. To semeno rastie. Ten život ide hore, nejde naspäť. Po tomto, to už viac nebude vzkriesené. Ten život ide hore aby prišiel do svojej dokonalosti, do vzkriesenia.
Všimnite si, tá šupka vytláča ... Všimnite si, tá šupka vytíska zo seba to originálne semeno. Nachádzame toto v Zjavení v 3. kapitole.
146Pamätajte teraz, podľa Biblii On nebol vystrčený von v žiadnej inej cirkvi, v tých siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? On prešiel cez ten cirkevný vek, aby išiel ďalej a urobil niečo ďalšie. Ale toto je to. Nezostáva nič iné, než to, že ten sochár prišiel znovu naspäť do dokonalosti, do Slova. Vidíte? To nejde naspäť. Aký je v tom rozdiel. Tak veru!
147Ó a všimnite si. Potom, tá šupka, keď sa ona ukázala, vyzerala presne ako zrno. Ale keď ten život zrna začína opúšťať tú šupku, aby išiel a utvoril zrno, nevestu, tá šupka sa otvára a vylučuje to zrno. Či je to pravda, podľa prírody? To je presne to, čo ona urobila.
148V Zjavení 3 vidíme, že Laodicejský cirkevný vek Ho vystrčil von. No vidíte, to sa nestalo v iných vekoch, pretože ešte niečo malo byť utvorené. To len cez to prechádzalo a išlo ďalej do iného. Stále som vám to hovoril, už neprídu žiadne ďalšie denominácie. Sme na konci. A oni Ho vystrčili von, prečo? On je znovu Slovo. On je ako to, ktoré tam vtedy padlo do zemi. On je tou istou náukou, ktorá povstala na počiatku.
149A keď to semeno Slova začína rásť, tá šupka ho odtíska od seba. Ten život opúšťa všetky tie iné formy aby išlo za ním; to sú opravdiví veriaci, oni nasledujú ten život, kdekoľvek ten život ide.
150Ako v Izraelovi, ktorý je dokonalým predobrazom. Keby sme mali čas ... Zostalo mi už len niekoľko minút. Ale v tom dokonalom predobraze na začiatku, kdekoľvek išiel ten ohnivý stĺp, tam bol život; Boh bol tým svetlom. A ja sa nestarám, či to bolo o polnoci, alebo či oni boli na dobrom výhodnom mieste, keď sa pohol ten ohnivý stĺp, zaznela trúba a Izrael sa pohol s ním. Haleluja! Keď zaznela trúba, Martin Luther sa pohol s ním. A on urobil organizáciu .... zabil. Nie on sám, ľudia po ňom. A potom Boh zobral z toho ten život, preniesol ho ďalej, položil to do hrobu.
151Potom prichádza Wesley. On videl tú veľkú organizáciu, tak on zatrúbil na trúbe posvätenia, viacej Slova. Vidíte? A keď to urobil, oni vyšli von, z Luteránov rovno do Metodistov.
152A keď to uvideli Letniční, oni zatrúbili na trúbe. Je čas na navrátenie darov. Vidíte čo oni urobili? Oni zatrúbili na trúbe a vyšli; potom oni urobili organizáciu. Ale pamätajte. Po šupke, sú tri stupne, poznáme ich, nezostáva už nič iné, okrem zrna. Ó, Bože! A potom to zrno je zo všetkého toho vystrčené. Amen a amen! Semeno, Slovo sa začína formovať a život je prenesený z ...
153Všimnite si teraz. Ak ten ženích, na začiatku, ten prvý ženích ... Toto je nevesta, ktorá vystupuje do popredia. Pamätajte, cirkev začala na Letnice a upadla v Nicei. To vyklíčilo, nie ako skutočné zrno, nie; tam v tom bolo niečo z toho života, ale to vyklíčilo, aby vytvorilo nejakú organizáciu. A to prechádzalo cez tú organizáciu. A čo to potom urobilo? Potom to z tej organizácii odišlo a išlo to do ďalšej organizácii, odišlo to do ďalšieho stupňa Slova: Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, vidíte. A ako to prechádzalo cez túto stopku a cez ten proces, stále ďalej sa to viac podobalo.
154Pamätajte, ten drobný peľ je viac - či ten klas sa viac podobá semenu, než ako stopka. A šupka je viac podobná semenu, než ako bol klas. Ale samotné semeno je ďalej za tým, vidíte. To bolo len použité na prenášanie, aby sa to cez to prenieslo.
155Všimnite si. Nevesta ... Keď nevesta na začiatku bola Slovo - či ženích; a potom, keď nevesta je vzatá z ženícha, to tiež musí byť Slovo.
156Všimnite si. Nevesta musí byť ... Prečo? Prečo ženích musí byť zamanifestovaným Slovom, zjaveným? Preto, že ženích a nevesta sú jedno; ona je len odrazený kúsok z Neho. Máme majstrovské dielo. Ono bolo udreté.
157Michelangelo to nemohol znovu zreprodukovať; on to nemohol dať naspäť. Ale Boh to urobí. On prinesie túto malú nevestu, ktorá bola udrená, rovno naspäť do boku originálneho Slova. A tu ho máme; tu máme to majstrovské dielo, tú rodina znovu naspäť v záhrade Eden.
158Ako to táto nevesta urobí? Ako to táto pšenica urobí? Malachiáš 4 povedal, že v posledných dňoch to bude znovu prinavrátené. Čo? Prinavrátené naspäť ako na začiatku, prinesené naspäť. "Ja prinavrátim hovorí Pán, všetky tie roky, ktoré požral červík, húsenica a všetko to ďalšie. Ja vám to znovu prinavrátim." Malachiáš 4 povedal, že On navráti srdcia ľudí a vieru ľudí, znovu naspäť ku originálnym otcom. Cirkev, my toto vidíme rovno pred nami. Kde sme?
159No, za niekoľko minút končím. Chcem, aby ste si veľmi dobre všimli niečo, čo sa práve stalo.
160Malachiáš 4 to má priniesť naspäť, naspäť do originálu. Ona je udrená od cirkvi - od cirkevného tela, udrená svojím majstrom, z toho istého dôvodu, že je Slovom, tak isto ako Jozef bol udrený od svojich bratov, pretože on bol Slovo. A Ježiš bol udrený od svojich bratov, pretože On bol Slovo. Cirkev je udrená - nevesta je udrená od cirkvi, pretože ona je Slovo. Tu znovu máte tie stupne: jeden, dva, tri. Vidíte? Presne.
161Slovo, živé a v akcii, Biblická nevesta, nie nejaká ľuďmi vytvorená nevesta, Biblická nevesta udrená a strápená od Boha.
Žiadna krása, kvôli ktorej by sme jej boli žiadostiví a pri tom sme sa domnievali, že je udrená a strápená od Boha. Je to tak Ona stojí samotná. Je udrená od všetkých denominácií, podľa Zjavenia 3. Ona je vyrazená von z laodicejského cirkevného veku, v ktorom bola vychovaná, vidíte.
162Táto cirkev bola vychovaná v laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. Ktorý je tou šupkou. Ale ak tí ostatní odišli ... Či to nedokážete vidieť, vy letniční? Ak to ďalšie bola šupka a zomrela, ak tam tá stopka musela zomrieť, ak ten klas musel zomrieť, tak isto musí zomrieť šupka. Tri stupne organizácii.
163A pamätáte sa ... vy hovoríte: "No dobre, na tom visí veľa klasov; tohto je veľa." Áno! Boli metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni, cirkev Kristova, všetky tieto ďalšie drobné veci, ktoré spadali do tohto; ale tým originálom boli tí reformátori. No, vidíte?
164Stojí samotná, ako ženích odmietnutý od ľudí, opovrhnutá a odmietnutá cirkvami. Nevesta takto stojí. Čo to je? To je jeho majstrovské dielo. Vidíte? To je Slovo, cez ktoré On môže pracovať, manifestovať sa - odmietnuté.
165Tak stopka, klas a šupka sa nikdy nestanú semenom, nie, ale po celý čas sa to viac a viac podobá na semeno. No, v čase žatvy je to semeno naspäť vo svojom originálnom živote, naspäť v Biblii. Malachiáš 4 povedal, že to bude takto prinavrátené. Ó!
166To musí mať celé ... Aby sa to takto stalo, to musí mať celé Slovo. Je to tak?
167No, čo On povedal v Zjavení 10, že sa stane? Načo bola tá cesta do Tucsonu? Aby pre cirkev bolo otvorené ... vo dňoch posla, siedmeho anjela, posolstva siedmeho anjela, zamanifestuje sa celé Slovo Božie. Tá pečať, to čo celá tá stopka vynechala a prečo a všetko o tom, sa v tomto čase zamanifestuje. Či to je to, čo povedalo Slovo? Potom to vidíme. Kde potom sme? Vidíte? Kde sme? Zostáva len jedno, nadišla žatva. Ona je úplne zrelá. Ona je teraz pripravená na príchod.
168Všimnite si. Nie, to nikdy nebude. V čase žatvy je semeno privedené naspäť do svojho originálneho stavu a ono musí mať celé Slovo, aby to bolo semeno. Nemôžete mať polovičku semena; to nebude rásť. To musí byť celé semeno. To nemôže byť len to, že poviete: "Ja verím v krst Duchom Svätým. Haleluja! Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch." To je len časť semena. Ale teraz, je ku tomu pridané. Haleluja! Vidíte, život, nie dary, život tých darov. Vidíte?
Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Sme v čase konca, bratia.
169 Stopka, klas, šupka sú teraz mŕtve a uschnuté. Je len jedna vec, ktorá s tým musí stať, má to byť zhromaždené vo svetovej rade cirkví na spálenie.
170Slovo sa stalo telom, presne tak ako On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17, Malachiášovi 4 a všade, vidíte. Je to tak. Zjavenie ...
171Všetok skutočný život, ktorý bol v stopke, v klase a šupke je teraz zhromaždený v semene, pripravený na vzkriesenie, pripravený na žatvu. Alfa sa stala Omegou. To prvé sa stal posledným; a to posledné je prvým. Semeno, ktoré padlo do zeme prešlo procesom a znovu sa stalo semenom. To semeno, ktoré upadlo v záhrade Eden a zomrelo tam, prichádza naspäť (z toho nedokonalého semena, ktoré tam zomrelo) - prichádza naspäť do dokonalého semena - druhého Adama.
172Tá prvá Eva, ktorá upadla a bola použitá v druhej reformácii - v druhom príchode, pri rodení dieťaťa, teraz sa znovu stala pravdivou nevestou, semenom, je znovu tu s tým originálnym Slovom. Alfa a Omega, to je to isté. On povedal: "Ja som Alfa a Omega." On medzi tým nič nepovedal. "Ja som Alfa a Omega, prvý a posledný." Tak veru!
173Tá prvá služba a tá posledná služba, to je to isté. To prvé posolstvo a druhé - posledné posolstvo, to je to isté. "Ja som bol v Alfe; Ja som v Omege." "Bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo," vidíte. Alfa a Omega; to sa stalo prvým a posledným. Ó, moji bratia, mohli by sme zostať pri tom celé hodiny.
174To veľké majstrovské dielo rodiny, druhý Adam a druhá Eva pripravení teraz pre záhradu, milénium Amen! Naspäť na zemi. Haleluja! Ten veľký sochár ich nenechal tam ležať. On potreboval čas, ako keď za tie milióny rokov modeloval ten prvý dokonalý pár. A oni upadli. Teraz to trvalo tisíce rokov; On znovu modeloval; a teraz, oni sú tu pripravení.
175To majstrovské dielo prišlo a bolo udrené - z jeho boku vychádza pomocníčka. A ona prechádzala cez ten istý proces. No, ona je znovu tu, zhodne s celou prírodou, s Bibliou a so všetkým iným, to ukazuje, že sme tu.
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia;
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, (Pozrite sa na túto hromadu smetí, ktorú máme!) strachom obťažené;
Vráťte sa, rozprášení do svojho.
Je to tak. Bude lepšie, keď tam rýchlo vojdete, ak to máte v úmysle. (Chcem zakončiť, už len päť, desať minút.)
176Všimnite si, to veľké majstrovské dielo rodiny. Muž a žena nemôžu byť pravdivou rodinou, ak nie sú jedno. Oni musia byť jedno. Ak nie sú, nie sú dobrou rodinou - žena ťahá na jednu stranu a muž na druhú. To tvorí hroznú rodinu. Ale v zhode, s láskou jedného oproti druhému, to je rodina. A teraz, to bolo Božie majstrovské dielo; a každá skutočná rodina to tu zobrazuje. Vidíte? A teraz to majstrovské dielo rodiny znovu prišlo - Kristus a Jeho nevesta, pripravení prísť. Druhý Adam, druhá Eva, pripravení vrátiť sa teraz naspäť do svojho domu. A celý tento obraz, to bolo vykúpenie, z tade kde to bolo, to prináša naspäť. Vidíte? Presne. Prináša to znovu naspäť.
177Potom čo ... Jedného dňa som tu stál s Kresťanskými obchodníkmi, mnohí z vás, myslím, tam boli. Keď som počul toho luteránskeho kňaza (alebo to mal byť kazateľ) vstal tam a povedal tú absurdnú vec a vysmial sa z toho, čo my veríme ... A tí Obchodníci plného evanjelia tam mali toho človeka. A keď toto hovoril ... mal golier. Mnohí z nich to teraz nosia.
On povedal: "No, ľudia sa ma pýtajú prečo nosím golier."
Povedal: "Ako vás môžu rozoznať od katolíckeho kňaza."
On povedal: "Nie je žiadny rozdiel a nemá byť."
On povedal: "My sme všetci deti Božie," On povedal: "Poznám katolíckeho kňaza, ktorý je všadeprítomný, viete, ktorý môže byť všade prítomný."
178No, nemôžete byť všadeprítomní, bez toho žeby ste boli vševedúci. Ani Boh nie je všadeprítomný; Boh je vševedúci. Vševedúcnosť Ho robí všadeprítomným. On vie o všetkom. Aby bol bytosťou, musí byť v jednej veci. Ale tým, že je vševedúci, môže byť všadeprítomný, pretože vie o všetkom. On to vedel pred ... On vedel, prv ako začal svet, koľko bude múch, vší a koľko krát oni mihnú očami a všetko o tom (vidíte?), preto je On všadeprítomný. A vy nemôžete byť vševedúci, ak nie ste nekoneční. Je len jedna vec, ktorá je nekonečná. Boh. Amen!
179A potom my ... Čo to je? To je diabol, vedúci ich rovno na to zabitie, každý jeden z nich vchádza do toho, presne tak ako povedala Biblia. A tu to je. Vidíte, prichádza rovno medzi letničných a tiahne ich rovno tam, tak ako ... čo za čas!
180Ó, po tom svedectve mi niekto povedal, ja ... je dobre, že som nepovedal príliš veľa, pretože oni by ma pravdepodobne tam zavreli do vezenia; Ja som len uvažoval: "Tu to je." Ľudia, ktorí sú učení vedia. "Rozumní budú poznať svojho Boha v tom čase," je povedané v Danielovi. Tak veru! Vidíte? Rozumní budú poznať svojho Boha; oni dávajú pozor na tieto veci.
181Ale keď som videl, že to sa stalo a tí letniční tam stáli s ním. Dokonca Oral Roberts sa takto na mňa díval. Povedal som: "Och joj!" Hm!
182Ale oni tam stoja so vzdelaním, zdokonalení, viete a tak ďalej. To nie je spôsob, akým Boh zdokonaľuje svojich. On ich nezdokonaľuje vzdelaním; On ich zdokonaľuje v pokore a v moci svojho zamanifestovaného Slova, ukazuje ten tvar toho zrna, z ktorého to vyšlo.
183No, jeden z nich mi povedal: "Brat Branham," povedal: "Je jedna vec, ktorú na tebe nemôžem pochopiť."
Povedal som: "Čo to je?"
Stáli sme tam v hale ... Myslím, že sestra Dauchová a oni, potom keď sme si s Billym potriasli ruky a stáli sme tam a všetci išli okolo, celá tá skupina ľudí, nejaký kazateľ s golierom sa pretlačil ku nám a povedal: "Prečo je to tak, že stále vykrikuješ na ľudí?" Povedal: "Tí ľudia veria, že si sluha Boží, buď ku ním jemný a milý a tak ďalej." Povedal: Zakaždým, keď ťa počujem vstávať, vykrikuješ na tie ženy ohľadne ich krátkych vlasov a ohľadne nosenia šortiek a maľovania sa a ohľadne všetkých tých ďalších vecí a vykrikuješ na tých ľudí a hovoríš im akí sú chladní a formálni a ľahostajní." Povedal: "Prečo to robíš?" Povedal: "Tí ľudia ťa milujú. Ako môžeš byť milovaným synom Božím a robiť takéto veci?"
184Rozmýšľal som: "Pane, daj mi, aby som vedel odpovedať tomuto chytrému človekovi. (Viete.) Daj mi, aby som mu vedel odpovedať niečo, čo ho obesí na jeho vlastnom povraze. Povedal som: "No ..." Povedal som: "Pane, čítali ste niekedy o tom veľkom hudobnom vydavateľovi, ktorý sa nazýval - o tom veľkom hudobnom skladateľovi, ktorý sa nazýval Beethoven."
On povedal: "Ó, samozrejme, čítal som o Beethovenovi."
185Povedal som: "On možno naplnil veľa košov potrhaným papierom, ale dal svetu majstrovské diela." On už viac neotvoril ústa a nepovedal ani slovo. Povedal som: "Keď on sedel vo svojej študovni pod inšpiráciou, on niečo napísal. Išiel do svojej študovni a hral. Nebolo to dobré, on to roztrhal a hodil do koša. Ale keď sa cez to dostal vo všetkej inšpirácii, svet mal majstrovské dielo." Ó, ako to Slovo obsekáva, ale to produkuje majstrovské diela, odstraňuje všetku tú šupku a stopku, to produkuje majstrovské dielo.
186Mám sedem minút, aby som vám povedal niečo, čo sa stalo predvčerom, aby sme skončili na čas. Tretieho júla som sedel tu v tomto centre tu neďaleko, v obchodnom centre, rovno tu naproti. Bol som v Prasačej Aleji v Ríme ... vo Francúzsku a bol som v New Yorku, v Los Angeles; ale najšpinavšia hromada žien, ktoré som kedy v živote videl je v Jeffersonville, v Indiáne. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toľko špiny a nečistoty, ako vidím medzi tými ľuďmi. Sedel som tam až ma rozbolelo srdce a Pán mi dal videnie. No, poviem vám to videnie. Neviem, či vám ho budem môcť vyložiť, ale po prvý raz vám poviem to videnie.
187Dostal som sa do vytrženia. A keď sa to stalo, niekto tam so mnou bol. Nevidel som tú osobu. Bol to len hlas. A pozrel som sa. A ako som sa díval na túto stranu, on povedal: "Nevesta sa príde ukázať na prehliadku." A videl som ako prichádza ku mne najkrásnejšia skupina čisto oblečených žien, aké som kedy v živote videl. Ale každá jedna z nich, vyzerala ako, boli rôzne oblečené. Všetky mali dlhé vlasy a mali ... dlhé rukávy a sukne a tak ďalej, mladé ženy. Vyzerali na tak, povedal by som, okolo možno dvadsať ročné.
188No, mám tu pred sebou otvorenú Bibliu. Môžem povedať len to čo som videl. Ak sa opýtate: "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na hodiny. "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na ľudí. "Na čo sa dívaš?" Dívam sa na Bibliu. To je to, čo ... Hovorím pravdu; to je to, čo vidím. A môžem povedať len to, čo som videl. Neviem čo to ... všetko o tom, musím vám to proste povedať.
189Ale keď táto nevesta ... ona sa dívala rovno na ... Toho, ktorý hovoril so mnou a na mňa ... stáli sme spolu. Jej oči ... Ona bola najčistejšou, najmilší ľudia, akých som kedy v živote videl. Vyzeralo ako by ich bolo tucet alebo viac, práve ... Neviem koľko ich bolo v rade, ale bola ich len skupina. A ona prešla okolo, jemne so spevom a oči mala zodvihnuté, dívala sa na nás keď prechádzala okolo. Ó, ona bola nádherná! Díval som sa na ňu. A keď prechádzala okolo, on povedal: "No, budeme vidieť ešte ..." Povedal: "To je nevesta. No, budeme vidieť ešte cirkvi." A oni prichádzali. Všimol som si ako prichádzajú. A keď prišli, každá jedna, vyzerala čím ďalej, tým horšie. Nikdy v živote som nevidel takú špinavú bandu. A keď on povedal: "Nasleduje ..." Počul som hluk. A on povedal: "Nasleduje," povedal: "tu prichádza americká skupina."
190No, ja som američan, ale z tohto mi bolo zle. Nedokážem dostatočne vyjadriť, v zmiešanom obecenstve, povedať čo sa dialo; a vy budete musieť čítať medzi riadkami. Ale keď prichádzali tie ženy, ich vodcom bola čarodejnica. Mala veľký dlhý nos a veľké ústa. A všetky mali tu dole oblečené nejaký najhanebnejší druh šiat, ale ten vrch mal len prúžky, ktoré len ... trochu, asi pol cóla široké, ktoré sa nadvihovali a takto sa na nich krútili. A každá z tých žien mala ešte niečo, aby... Mnohí z vás, dávno pred rokmi to používali na ... Pamätáte sa, keď sme zvykli strihať ten papier, viete, noviny, aby sme si urobili vejár?
191Koľkí sa na to pamätáte? Viete. No, myslím, že to používajú pri karnevaloch, viete. Visí to takto dole, strapatý, krepový papier. Oni niečo takéto držali pod sebou, držali to pod sebou. Celá táto časť bola vystavená. A každá z nich mala riadne na krátko ostrihané vlasy a všade takto nabrčkavené, riadne nakrátko ostrihané vlasy a celé vymaľované. Vyzerali úplne ako prostitútky na ulici. A oni kráčali s týmto papierom. A tá vulgárnosť! No, ten papier to bolo to, čo držali pred sebou; ale keď oni prešli okolo, odzadu ... A vidieť ako oni išli odpredu a ich zadnú časť a čo robili, spýtal som sa: "To je cirkev?"
192A tam ona išla. A oni tu spievali tento twist a rockové piesne, viete, alebo ako sa to volá, išli ... spievali, išli ... Opýtal som sa: "Či to je cirkev?" A ja som tam stál. V srdci som plakal. A táto čarodejnica, podľa môjho názoru to je nič iné, ako svetová rada cirkví, ktorá ich vedie rovno dole, tam kde išla. Oni odišli doľava a zanikli v chaose, stále bili túto hudbu a vydávali skutočne smiešne zvuky a natriasali svoje telá raz z jednej a potom z druhej strany a takto sa natriasali keď kráčali.
193A ja som začal skláňať svoju hlavu a on povedal: "Čakaj, znovu musí prísť nevesta." A díval som sa a tu oni znovu prichádzajú. A prechádzali okolo, milé dámy. Všetky sa dívali rovno na mňa, keď prechádzali okolo. A všimol som si, že každá bola oblečená inak. A jedna vzadu mala také dlhé vlasy, viseli jej dole takto spletené, mohla to byť Nemka, alebo niečo také ... A ja som ich pozoroval. A potom, keď začali odchádzať, dve alebo tri z nich vzadu začali vychádzať z kroku. A ja som začal na ne kričať a oni sa snažili dostať naspäť do kroku. A ja som ich videl práve ... videnie prestalo a odišlo odo mňa.
194No, tu je výklad: Dôvod ... no pamätajte. Už som prebral to, čo som si zapísal, ale neskončil som, toto som si už nezapísal. Ale pri tom ako teraz kážem, porozumel som čo to bolo, tu v mojej kázni. Všimli ste si, cirkev sa ukázala len ... No, to je pravda, priatelia. Nebeský Otec, ktorý píše toto Slovo, vie, že hovorím pravdu. Vidíte? Ja viem - ja hovorím len pravdu. A nevedel som to ešte pred niekoľkými minútami, ešte pred chvíľou ... Vidíte? Všimli ste si? Nevestu bolo vidieť dvakrát. Prvé semeno a druhé semeno, obe boli presne to isté. A dôvod, že oni boli rôzne oblečené, ona bude pochádzať zo všetkých národov, to bude tvoriť nevestu. Každá mala dlhé vlasy a ani jedna nebola namaľovaná a skutočne krásne dievčence. A oni sa dívali na mňa. Oni reprezentovali nevestu, ktorá pochádza zo všetkých národov. Vidíte? Každá jedna reprezentovala národ, ako pochodovali presne podľa Slova, vidíte.
195A potom, musím na ňu dávať pozor. Ona vyjde z kroku toho Slova, ak nedám na ňu pozor, keď prechádza okolo, keď ide okolo. Možno to bude môj čas, keď bude po mne, viete, keď skončím, alebo čokoľvek to je.
196Sledujte! Oni sa vracali, snažili sa ako len mohli. Išli naspäť; dostávali sa do kroku, pretože sa obzerali niekde inde, dívali sa na tú cirkev, ktorá práve odišla do chaosu. Ale dve ... Tie vpredu nie. Tie vzadu - len dve alebo tri, nejako trochu vykročili na pravú stranu a vyzerali akoby sa snažili dostať naspäť do radu z ktorého vyšli. Oni práve prechádzali okolo mňa, ó, tak ďaleko ako tá stena, prechádzali popri mne. A ja som tam stál. A potom som ich proste všetky videl ako kráčali a odišli.
Ale všimnite si, cirkev bolo vidieť len raz, z každého národa, cirkev. Ale nevesta prišla dvakrát, vidíte. Vidíte čo to je? No, nevedel som to, ale dívam sa na to podľa môjho posolstva dnes ráno. Nevedel som to, vidíte.
197To semeno padlo do zemi v Nicei. To bolo to originálne semeno. A ona prechádza cez proces týchto denominácií, ktoré prišli do existencii len raz. Ale nevesta sa vracia znovu naspäť v posledných dňoch: "Ja prinavrátim." Vidíte. To majstrovské dielo je prinesené. Preto ju bolo vidieť ... bola ukázaná druhý krát. Ukázala sa prvý krát, potom sa ukázaná druhý krát. A ona je druhý krát taká dokonalá ako bola prvý krát. Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! Rýchlo, rýchlo, rýchlo! Život, vojdi hneď do toho zrna!
198Ani jedna z tých ostatných sa viac neukázala. Oni odišli a nikdy sa už nevrátili. Ale nevesta prišla naspäť, pretože ona je Alfa a Omega. Boh, ten veľký sochár, Mu urobil majstrovské dielo, pretože to je kúsok jeho prvého majstrovského diela. Ako to On urobil v záhrade Eden a zobral z neho kúsok a urobil ďalší kúsok a to bolo zničené a upadlo; teraz to On po celý tento čas znovu stavia. A On predviedol toto majstrovské dielo a ono bolo udrené preto - tá časť, ktorá bola udrená, bola udrená preto, aby bolo znovu naspäť prinesené to majstrovské dielo.
199Tak to majstrovské dielo a Syn Boží - to majstrovské dielo a nevesta ... A to je kúsok z Neho a ona musí byť vyplnením Slova. Slovo sa vyplnilo, a my sme pripravení na príchod Pánov.
200Ó, cirkev živého Boha, skloňte svoje srdcia i samých seba pred Bohom! Tieto veci sú pravda. Viem že to znie ako ... že taká veľká vec, ako má byť toto, bude tak rozšírená vo všetkých národoch; to nikdy tak nebolo. On nemení svoje spôsoby.
201Buďte len vďační, cirkev, buďte vďační, že ste tam, kde dnes ste, ak ste v Kristovi. Pretože vidíte, teraz ... a keď to ... Pamätajte, všetok ten život sa zhromaždí rovno do toho zrna, na vzkriesenie, ale tá stopka musí byť spálená, i ten ostatok z toho. Tá šupka a všetko musí byť zničené, a bude. Nedúfajte v denominácie. Stojte v Slove, v živote, v Bohu a Jeho majstrovskom diele.
202Potom, čo je v miléniu? Kristus a Jeho nevesta, naspäť v záhrade milénia. Amen!
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
203Tam On bol udrený. My sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že je ranený a zbitý od Boha. Ale On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti.
204Je tu niekto dnes ráno, kto nie je dnes ráno v tom zrne? A ako teraz ten život odťahuje posledný kúsok od tej šupky, lebo tá šupka vyschýna ... Koľkí viete, že letničná cirkev vyschýna? Čo to je? Život ju opúšťa. Skutočne, on je preč. A keď tá nevesta už mala prehliadku, zamýšľam sa či potom tá nevesta nie je už dokončená.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
205A teraz so sklonenými hlavami. Je tu niekto, kto by chcel byť spomenutý? Ak to cítiš, že nie si ... Priatelia, je to príliš jasné. Nikdy v živote som nemal videnie, žeby sa niečo nestalo, nenasledovalo. Hovorím pravdu. Stále po všetky tie časy, keď som vám povedal pravdu, Boh to potvrdil, potom i tento krát hovorím pravdu.
206Neviem v ktorom dni žijeme, ale viem, že už nič nezostalo. Nemôže povstať politik, ktorý by napravil tieto veci. S politikou v tomto národe je koniec. Ó, Bože! Môžete sa ponoriť dostatočne hlboko, aby ste to cítili. S týmto národom je koniec - nie s národom, ale s národmi. Toto je ten najlepší z tej skupiny, ale je po ňom. Potom keď s národmi je koniec, je koniec so svetom. A cirkvi? Podľa mojej mienky, letniční to bolo to najlepšie čo sme mali; ale je s tým koniec. Ó Bože, buď nám milostivý!
207Ak Ho nepoznáte, prosím ponáhľajte sa, ponáhľajte sa! Ak cítite život, vyjdite - vyjdite z hriechu, vyjdite z vecí, v ktorých sa nachádzate, vojdite do zrna, čím najrýchlejšie. V stopke alebo v šupke zomriete. Modlite sa, kým budeme teraz spievať. “Milujem Ho.“
Teraz je to na vás. My nemáme žiadnu denomináciu, nič; my máme len Krista. Ste pozvaní aby ste Ho chválili - s nami až kým On nepríde. My nemôžeme zapísať vaše meno do knihy; nemáme žiadne knihy. My chceme aby vaše meno bolo v knihe života. Vy to môžete urobiť len skrze narodenie. Či to nechcete urobiť hneď teraz? Proste Krista o nový život, aby ťa voviedol dovnútra, zapísal tvoje meno vo svojej knihe, ak nie je. Potom môžete mať s nami obecenstvo. Radi ťa tu budeme mať. Ja...
208Drahý Bože, pomôž teraz každej osobe urobiť inventúru, aby sme videli či sme v Ňom. Ty si nás miloval. Ty si bol za nás udrený. A my sme sa domnievali, že si bol udrený a zbitý od Boha. Prosím, Bože, aby si Ty zavolal každého jedného. Pane, hovor ku mojim deťom, ku mojim milovaným a ku mojím priateľom. Daj to, Pane, hneď teraz, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.
209Nech nikto nečaká príliš dlho, Pane. Vyzerá, že je strašne neskoro. Žatva je skutočne zrelá. Ten veľký Boží kombajn sa preženie po zemi v jednom z týchto dní; slama bude lietať na všetky strany; ale pšenica bude zhromaždená do sýpky, vzatá hore, pretože v nej je život. Udeľ, Pane, nech je vypočutá každá prosba, nech sa pred Tebou zjaví každá modlitba.
210Modlím sa za nich Pane. Prosím, aby si nedal zahynúť ani jednému z týchto, ktorí sú tu, Pane. Oni sedia pod ťažkým ... Oni cestovali stovky míľ. A akákoľvek je naša potreba, daj nám to, Pane, čokoľvek čo je na naše dobro, Pane. Nie to, čo je dobré v našich očiach, ale to čo je dobré v Tvojich očiach. Chcem stáť ako čistá panna, ktorá bola očistená, napomínaná od Boha, aby sme mohli byť očistení od svojich hriechov.
211A ja predkladám za nich svoju modlitbu, Pane. Neviem ako sa modliť. Hovoríme ku mocnému Bohu a čo je človek, ako môže smrteľník predniesť tú správnu modlitbu pred živým Bohom? Ale, Pane, moje zle vyslovované slová a slovesá a zámená na nesprávnom mieste, keď si jedného dňa mohol zobrať to ABC, za malého chlapca a dať tomu zmysel, Ty môžeš prehliadnuť moje slovesá a zámená a pozrieť sa len na to čo verím, Pane. Ja Ti verím. Ja verím tomuto Slovu. A verím za každého jedného tu. A prinášam ich na ten oltár, Pane, skrze vieru, kde medzi nami a veľkým Jehovom je krv Jeho Syna, Ježiša. A tá krv bude hovoriť za nás. Keď si Ho udrel na Golgote, povedal si: "Hovor! Jeho počúvajte!" A tá krv, Biblia povedala, hovorí väčšie veci, ako krv baránka v Starom Zákone; lebo krv Kristova hovorí väčšie veci, ako krv Ábela, väčšie veci. A hovorí, Pane, o našom vykúpení, keď sme zavolaní skrze tú krv.
212Veľký Otče života, zahrň nás do toho, Pane. Ak sme hrešili, vezmi to preč od nás. Nechceme takí byť, Pane. Nie je náš úmysel. A uvedomujeme si, že žijeme na takej strašnej tmavej ceste. Ako sme povedali na začiatku, kráčame hore na vrch, cez drsné miesta; cesta je tmavá; ale nesieme svetlo. Nech môžeme vidieť krok za krokom, ako teraz ideme, až kým sa nestretneme, ako v Ceste Pútnika, až kým nakoniec dosiahneme vrchol toho kopca. Veď nás, Pastier. Veľký Jehova, veď nás tvojím Duchom.
213A vieme, že sme ďaleko od majstrovského diela, ale dívame sa tam odkiaľ sme boli odštiepení, z toho skutočného majstrovského diela a v Neho dúfame. Vezmi nás len ku Nemu, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane.
214Pane, uzdrav tu všetkých chorých ľudí. My sme sa domnievali o Ňom, že bol udrený a zbitý. Ale On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia. Božie majstrovské dielo bolo udrené. A On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia; jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení. Uzdrav chorých, Pane, teraz v tvojej Božskej prítomnosti, zatiaľ čo vieme, že Ty si tu.
215Očisti naše duše, naše srdcia od všetkého zlého, od všetkých zlých myšlienok, od všetkých zlých kontaktov, od všetkého čo je zlé. Očisti nás. A modlíme sa, Otče, aby si uzdravil naše nemoci a daj nám odísť z tadeto aby sme cítili, že sme tvoje posvätené deti. A sme pod krvou, hovoríme skrze krv, skrze Slovo. Udeľ to, Pane. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
216Bože Otče, modlím sa nad týmito vreckovkami, pomaž ich Tvojou prítomnosťou, Pane. Nech Tvoja prítomnosť bude s nimi, kdekoľvek oni pôjdu. Na čokoľvek oni budú položené, na nejaké choré telo, nech oni budú uzdravení. A čokoľvek, ak sú niekde rozlámané domácnosti, naprav to, Pane, veľký sochár. Udeľ to, Pane.
217Uformuj nás a urob nás synmi a dcérami Božími. Veríme, že nevesta dostáva svoj posledný výbrus. Bude to udrené kompletne od všetkých organizácií a potom tu bude tá veľká žatva. Až dovtedy, Pane, urob ich zdravými a šťastnými, aby Ti slúžili. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
Milujem Ho... (Skutočne Ho milujete?)
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie
na Golgote.
218Rozumiete prečo na vás kričím? To nie preto, že vás nemilujem; Ja vás milujem. Ja chcem majstrovské dielo pre Majstra. Musím takto trochu z nás vytrhnúť, ale jedného z týchto dní budem mať majstrovské dielo, ak to budem držať naďalej, rovno v tomto Slove. Je to tak.
219No, Ježiš povedal: "Po tom poznajú všetci, že ste moji učeníci, keď budete mať lásku medzi sebou." My sa máme tak navzájom milovať ...
Nech sú požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu;
Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí;
To je podobné ako tam hore.
Pochytajme sa za ruky.
Keď sa rozchádzame;
Robí nám to bolesť;
Ale v srdci budeme stále spolu;
A máme nádej, že sa znovu stretneme.
Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš,
dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;
dá ti radosť a pokoj,
Ber ho kdekoľvek ideš.
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba.
A teraz pamätajte na svojej ceste:
Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
ako štít pred každou pascou;
Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba; (Čo vtedy urobíš?)
Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.
Ó vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť neba.
Až sa stretneme, (Skloňme svoje hlavy.) až sa stretneme; (ó ako rád to spievam.)
Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;
Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme;
Nech je Boh s vami, až sa znovu stretneme.
1 Let's bow our heads now for prayer. While our heads and hearts are bowed before God, I--I wonder how many in here has a request that they'd like God to remember, by just lifting up your hands? Now, hold your request in your heart now as we pray.
2 Lord Jesus, Thou the--the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, flow through us today, Lord, and cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, that we might stand in Thy Presence now, knowing that there is need among us, that we know that we are sinners and not--not worthy of any blessing. But then when we think of Him Who came and took our sins! Then, when His Blood is there, it's not--it's not us in the Presence of God, it's Him. It's just our voice through His Blood. His Blood is speaking. O God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.
3Give to us the desires of our heart, for we truly have these desires to serve You. In these weakening conditions and afflictions, and things of the world that's put upon us sometime, to perfect us; we've been told that. Then He said, "Think it not strange that these trials come." They're only working out for our good and to perfect us, and bring us into that place. These great deserts of experience, where righteous man are molded into saints, we--we thank Thee for these experiences, Lord. We would no mean, no wise want to do anything contrary to Your will. But we pray, Father, that in this we'll be brought closer to You.
4And when the burdens are so heavy we can't go no farther, then we raise our hands and scream to our Father. Then hear from Heaven, Lord.
Heal us, make us well, for the Kingdom of God's sake.
Bless Thy Word this morning, Lord. Thy Word is the Truth.
5 And we've assembled here now in the church. We pray for Brother Neville, and for Brother Capps, and Brother Collins, and all the rest of the ministers, and the--and the trustees, deacons, and all the laity, and the strangers in our gates. May this be a day that we'll long remember, because of Your Presence.
6We're here under great expectation this morning, Lord. Just momentarily noticed, called together. We feel that it's for a purpose. May Your purpose be achieved, Lord. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, as we submit ourselves. Amen.
7 It's grand to be here and to be assembled with this church full of people. I wasn't expecting to be hardly anyone here this morning, because I didn't hardly know, myself, I was going to be here.
8We just got in from Philadelphia. And so I come in, thinking I was going to have to go to Arizona right quick, for have a funeral service for a friend of mine, Captain Jim Moseley, a very precious, godly boy I led to Christ not long ago, the three Moseley brothers. And one of them fell, and was in the plane the other day, and was killed instantly. Laid in the fire for ten hours 'fore they got to him. So Lee is twenty-eight years old, his wife twenty-six, and--and leave three little children; the oldest, seven. Very sad. And they... When they got him in, then they had to bury him the next day. So I just... I didn't get to go. And I just wrote out, or sent by telegram, what I was going to say, or what I would have said at Brother Moseley's funeral. Some of these things we can't understand, but yet He makes everything work just right.
9 We're here in service of the Lord, this morning, knowing that--that--that we believe God, that we believe that He'll make everything just exactly right. Regardless of what it is, and how it works out, we know it's got to "work for good." He promised that. It's just got to be that way. Sometimes we can't understand that, gets very complicated at times, but yet we know that it's the Truth, 'cause the Bible says it's the Truth. And the Bible, to us, is God in letter form.
10Now, we've got to place our faith somewhere. And if--if I or any of us, in life, tried to make a success in life and become, many times, a multimillionaire, but what are we going to do with that? We got to come down to the end of the road, and what--what good is it to us then? See? And money is a--a scrip, it's an exchange, but you can't exchange it for Life. Only God has Life.
11 So we--we realize that we're here in a negative form. And as long as there is a negative, there has to be a positive. There cannot be a negative without a positive, see, because it's because of the positive that makes the negative. Like you had a negative picture of some object. There has to be an object somewhere, or to strike, the light strike that lens, or there wouldn't be any--any negative. So when we see that our life here is in the negative, and knowing that we're in the image of some life somewhere, then we know that there is a positive somewhere that the light has struck, and it's reflected something here on earth. And we are only that reflection. The genuine object is somewhere. If that isn't, I'm the worst deceived man in the world; I've spent my life in vain. But I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it's there. See? That's why we're here. See?
12 When I see you people come across the country, on a few-moments notice, and sometime presuming, then it makes me feel real little when I come into a meeting like this; to think that I know people here has traveled for hundreds of miles, just to be here for a few minutes of service, just to set here.
13Some woman just made a remark, come in the other day and said, "Show me where the man has walked, and let me walk behind him, upon the ground," said, "I'll get well." Now, the people believes you like that, and you're a representative of Christ, then what should we do? We should be very careful, because you're not only destroying yourself with wrong, you're destroying others who are following you.
14So, I know no denomination or nothing to take you to. There's only one thing I have my faith in. If you believe me, follow what I tell you. Because, I believe the Bible, that's the Word of God. Other things fail. I'm just... He is Life. He is the Word.
15 Now, I know that you... When I come here, I keep you long. I prayed to God, when I felt like I wanted to come here today. I've had so many interviews and calls, and so forth. I had to meet some of them this morning. And I said, "Well, Brother Neville no doubt ask me to speak." That was Friday. And I said, "Brother Neville will probably ask me to speak. And when I do, then I pray, God..." It's so hot, been so hot. And He was good to send us a rain and break the real extreme heat, and give us a good morning this morning. I pray that His goodness will shower each one of you all, that you'll ever remember being here this morning. May His grace and blessings be upon you!
16 Last night I visit a friend that's sick, Brother Bill Dauch. I don't see him here this morning. Somehow, I don't. Oh, here he is. He's... Yeah. And I was thinking, "An old man of ninety-one years old, and still storming across the--the country, through the deserts, and over the snowy mountains and the slick roads. He don't have to do that. God has been good to him; he don't have to do that. He could sit home and have servants a-fanning him, if he wanted to." But, something happened to Bill Dauch, he was borned again. And when it was, something come into his heart, that all he lives for is to attend these services. And then if I'm to be the mouthpiece of God, would I deceive a friend? I'd rather die. Then let me tell him exactly what's the Truth out of this Bible. Then, that's God's Word. I'm just repeating what He said.
Now I want to read some out of the Bible.
17 Before we read, I'd like to--to say that I believe tonight is the communion night. And you who are here locally... Course, the other people probably will be going back to their homes, 'cause they have to go to work. You who are locally here in the assembly, remember, the brethren will be giving communion tonight.
18 Now, I'm waiting for the final call for Africa. They wouldn't, won't let me in as a missionary. So the only way I can go in, down... I'm going to Kenya, Uganda, and--and Tanganyika. And the only way I can go in... First, the churches won't let you in, 'cause they want me to preach something on this side and that side, down in Africa. And I won't go in like that. I wouldn't be hypocrite enough to do that. So I either tell them, "No, sir, I'll just preach just what God puts on my heart, and that's all." See? And I'm sure it won't be what they're trying to get me to teach. So, triune baptisms, and so forth like that, and fussing with them. No.
19 But I've been asked to a big convention, by Brother Boze. He's just on the verge of coming to seeing some daylight of what we believe. And so I've asked to come in like I was going on a hunting trip. If they let me in, like going in hunting... If I can get somebody to say they'd take me hunting, then when I get in there, the doctor--the doctor is there at the embassy, is a personal friend of mine, out of Chicago. And as soon as I get in there, he say, "Well, here is Brother Branham over here. Let's have a meeting." So, after I'm there, the embassy can't turn me down. If they... So they're trying to work it through now. So I trust that it... If it's God's will, it'll work out that way. See? It--it's just committed to Him. If not, then I'll notify you. I won't...
20 If it be the will of God, then, I want to speak on the Seven Trumpets. And that'll be about a eight-day service, and we won't be here at the tabernacle, perhaps. We try to get an auditorium here.
21Now I never thought, of this new auditorium just being built up here, it's exactly where I saw Jesus the first time in vision. Now it's built, auditorium built right over the same spot. I went right there the other day, to look. When I looked and seen Him looking towards the east, you remember hearing me tell it, when I was out there praying for my father; a--a little boy, just a boy preacher. That's where I saw Him. Step, looking at Him; He's had His head turned sideways from me. I kept walking around, clearing my throat, in a broom-sedge field. And I kept watching, and He never did turn. Then I called His Name, "Jesus." And He turned around, held His arms out, and that's all I remembered until daylight. And so I come back out of the field, along towards daylight.
So maybe the Lord will let me preach those Trumpets there. Wherever it is, God's will be done.
22 Turn in your Bibles now, to Isaiah the fifty-... 53rd chapter of Isaiah.
Now, we trust that God will bless our feeble efforts of coming together this morning. We just come down from Philadelphia, where I was at the Full Gospel Business Men's convention, and listening to their different testimonies and so forth, up there.
23Then I, on the road down, I was... Billy Paul and I, and Rebekah and little Collins girl, little Betty Collins. And Billy is a very good sleeper, and Becky is better, and so I... Betty and I talked. And she was setting back with Becky, in the back seat. And I seen something on the road, happen; and, when I did, something struck me. And Betty, if she is here, she noticed I quit talking and started writing something down. That's where I got this text for this morning.
24 Now let us stand to our feet. If we... Now we stand in honor of God's Word, as I read Isaiah the 53rd chapter.
Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Notice, it's a question, to begin with.
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of... dry ground: he has no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of man; a man of sorrow,... acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our grief, and has carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we were healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and... was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers... dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgressions of my people he was stricken.
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he has done no violence, neither was there deceit in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he... put him to grief: when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, and he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
And he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall many righteous servants be justified... many; for he shall bear their iniquity.
Therefore I will divide him a portion with the great, and... shall divide the spoils with the strong; because he has poured out his soul unto death: and was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sins of many, and made intercessions for the transgressors.
25 Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God, as It carries us like a lantern in our hand. You have not provided enough that we should see the end from the beginning, and, but I walk with faith. But as a man would travel through a dark forest at night, and that's where we are; the light that he holds, only provides step by step. But the path, though leading upward, just walk with the Light. And may the Light shine today upon the Word, to lead us one step farther to the Kingdom of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Be seated.
26 The subject that I feel to speak to the congregation today is: The Masterpiece.
It may seem rather strange to take a--a Scripture reading like this, of--of one of the most bruised and murderous pictures of the Bible, that when the Bible says, that, "This perfect Servant that was afflicted, and bruised, and torn," and yet take a text from that, as, Masterpiece. Very strange. But I'm...
27My mind is thinking, this morning, as we journey back, I do, for a few years. I was invited up to Forest Lawn, in--in California, up above Los Angeles. My first purpose for going up there was to visit the--the grave of--of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the Foursquare movement. And I went to her--her tomb. And although I--I different with the woman, as a minister, but, yet, in my heart, I give admiration and a respect for--for what she stood for, in the--the hour, and the persecution and things she had to go through with, and in time of her being here on the earth. And then for her--her beloved son, which is a bosom friend of mine, Rolf McPherson.
28 And a group of ministers, we went up there. And they... we didn't have time to go into the--the... into the--the place where they have the cremation, and put the--the bodies in a--a little box on the side of the wall.
29And in there they have some outstanding things, such as the Last Supper. And it's lighted by the actual light of the sun. And they--they have a shutter that it gives them... When they go in, it's light; and then as--as they begin to speak, it darkens up. And after a while it all becomes dark, and then the people go out. And they have all the Supper.
30 And the woman that held the secret of how to beat this glass into this place, why, make these pictures, why, it--it come through a family, for many years back. And the art was just given to the children, and the last one was a woman. And they was fixing this picture. And when they went to mold and burn the--the glass, bake it, of Judas Iscariot, it busted. So then they tried it again, and it busted again. And she said, "Maybe our Lord doesn't want His enemy picture by His side." And said, "If it bursts again, we'll not complete the picture." But it held that time. Then, course, that was a striking thing, and how that such things would happen.
31 But, then, one of the main things that interest me in Forest Lawn, was Michelangelo's, the great sculpture, the--the monument of Moses. It's a--a reproduction there, of course. It isn't the original, but it was such a--a great masterpiece. And as I stood and looked at it, I--I liked that, something that looks like it's (represents) got something to it.
32I like art, real well. I believe God is in art. I believe God is in music. I believe God is in nature. God is everywhere. And anything that's contrary to the original is a perversion. God is in dancing; not the kind of dancing you do here. But when the sons and daughters of God are in the Spirit of God, see, that's dancing. But like we had to contend with till two o'clock this morning, up there in the lane, that's the perversion of it.
33 But, this, and the masterpiece that Michelangelo had--had made, it--it cost him something to do that--that. He was a great man, and it cost a big part of his life, because he was many, many years in carving out. Just take a rock and of--of marble, and keep carving it. And, see, only the man, the sculptor himself, has in his mind what he's trying to do. He, he is the one. You might walk up and say to him, "What are you pecking on that rock for?" To the outsider, who doesn't know what's in his heart, it's nonsense. But to the man, the sculptor himself, he--he's got a--a vision in his mind, what he's trying to make, and he's trying to reproduce what he has on his mind in the form of a--of a monument. That's the reason he's digging it out of the rocks.
34 And this, to do, you have to start off right, at the beginning, and you have to follow the pattern. See? You can't get a little piece, to start off, "We'll make it this way; no, I believe..." No, he's got to have a exact pattern. And in his mind he's got that pattern. And he cannot vary from that pattern. Now, in order to do this, he had to draw in his mind, because we have no real pictures of Moses, but he had to get a mental picture in his mind, of exactly what Moses was.
35 Now, a genuine sculptor is inspired, like a genuine poet, or any genuine singer, musician, whatever it might be. All real has to come by inspiration. Michelangelo must have had the inspiration of what Moses really looked like. And he caught it in his mind, what Moses must have been. So he set forth on this great piece of marble, the cutting to the pattern, and bringing down, and honing down, until he got to the real picture of what it must have been in his mind.
36 And then when he got it all so perfect, every corner off, and every place rubbed, and the eyes just right, every hair, and beard, all just the way it was, he stood off and looked at it. I--I think of--of many, many hard years of labor, and how he had to hold that same vision all the time, in his mind, of what he was going to do. And just think, that vision on his mind for so many years, to make it look just exactly to what it was! He caught the vision first, and how he had to work to that vision, cutting off and making down! And when he got it to where he perfected it, till it really got perfect; he stood and looked at it when he finished up that morning, with a hammer in his hand.
And he was so inspired when he looked at it, because the vision of his mind was standing before him, in reality. What he had seen, and the... his conception of what Moses was, there it was figured before him, what he had had in his heart all these years. And toils, and hours of sorrow and distress, and critics, and everything else, but yet he stayed right with the vision until it was completed.
37 And then when it was completed, he stood back with the hammer, or sculptor's hammer, in his hand, and he looked at that monument. And the inspiration of the vision that he had seen, of how to do it, inspired him so much till he... The inspiration struck him till he got beside hisself, and struck it across the knee, and said, "Speak!"
38Now there's a flaw on that great image, on the knee, on the right knee. Just above the knee, about six inches, is a place (I've put my hand on it) about that deep.
39 After he had spent all that time, for years and years, to make this; then under the--the influence of seeing fulfilled what he had seen in his heart and in his vision, and desired to see, it was completed. And when it was completed, he was so inspired by it till he thought his own masterpiece should speak back to him. And he struck it across the leg, and holler, "Speak!" And it made a flaw on it. It put a flaw on the image.
40To me, the flaw was what made it the masterpiece. Now, maybe to the--the mind that might think different, you think that spoiled it. No, to me, it--it made it what it was. It--it... Because of after so many years of careful work and toils, and inspiration, and so forth, of making it, his toil had proved not in vain. It was perfect, and that's why he cried out, "Speak!" Because, he had seen before him that he (was) had been able to achieve, to bring to pass the vision that was in his mind. And therefore, under inspiration, he done something out of the reason, out of the ordinary. He struck it, and hollered, "Speak!" See, he wouldn't have done that if he had thought. But he didn't think. It was inspiration of seeing what he had in his mind setting there perfectly before him.
41 His toils, and wearies, and long nights, and housed away from the world for days, and maybe eat a sandwich. And--and rub on it, and get back, and, "No, that's just not the way it was. Now it's got to come down to this," and rubbing it. Then when he saw it, just perfect, then he saw in reality. The negative of the what was in his mind had become real, it become positive, therefore it sprung into him. And it was so real that he must cry out, "Speak!"
42To me, it was a reflection. It was--it was a compliment to his work, that his own work so inspired him, that he would become beside himself to smite it and to say, "Speak!"
43 I stood there and looked at the monument. I thought of the hours that the man must have put, in making that. They said how many years it was. But it--it was a reflection to him, because it was a contribution to his--to his great art, his great work of what he was doing. And when he finally was able to achieve it, it was so great.
44 Now let us turn the page, of Michelangelo, and close the book.
And let's open another Book and read of the great Sculptor, the Almighty. Who, before there was a world, and before the foundations was laid, He had in His mind what He wanted, and He wanted to make man in His Own image. He wanted to make something in--in reality of what was a vision to Him, what was in His thinking.
45 Now, to Michelangelo, that was an attribute of his thought.
And God wanted to make a man after His image, the great Sculptor, and He went to work on him. And we notice as He brought up from the materials. The first perhaps was fishes, and then the birds, and--and then the creeping things upon the earth, and--and many things that He brought. But, finally, as He brood, of being Creator, He had... He wasn't like a man, now, a sculptor that has to take something that's been created, to hew an image. He was the Sculptor of Eternal things. He was the Sculptor that could create and bring into existence that which He has in His mind to do. Or, otherwise, He can make material what His attributes desired.
46 And as He begin to work upon creeping things, like upon the--the--the little animals upon the earth. And then He began to bring it from that into something else, higher. Then finally He brought it into the larger animals, such as the lion, tiger, bear. Then He brought it into the--the--the life of maybe of--of monkeys and apes, and so forth. Now, not an evolution, as we think that one came from a e-... That was a complete creation; God working in a pattern.
47But finally there came forth upon the earth, a perfection, and that was a man. And then He could see in that man, that it looked like Him. So now when He looked upon him, he was a reflection of what his Creator was. God had now been able to achieve the thing that He wanted, a man in His own image.
48 And then I might say, to this, that, when He made this man, there was something about him yet that didn't look just right, because that he--he was by himself. And that's how God had been, by Himself; He was the Eternal. And the man now, in the image of God, also existed on the earth by himself. So He must have struck a little blow over on his left side, and from there He took the piece that struck off of it and made him a helpmate, a wife, then he wasn't by himself. He was--he was, he had somebody with him. And that's His great work.
49 And, He, as any great sculptor would take his--his--his masterpiece...
Now, first, He had a masterpiece of Himself. But now He seen that the masterpiece was lonesome, like He was, so He divided the masterpiece by striking it in the side and brought forth a helpmate.
50And now, to make the two one, He put them, like any great sculptor, in a place that--that's beautiful.
A--a sculptor wouldn't make a great masterpiece, and then take it and set it in an alley somewhere, or hide it behind buildings. As our Lord told us, "A man doesn't light a candle and put it under a bushel." When we become God's masterpieces, we're not hid in a alley somewhere. We--we must give Light.
51 So we see that--that He, after He had made this masterpiece, He placed it up here on the earth, and put it in the most beautiful place there was, in the garden of Eden. He placed His masterpiece, the two being one, in the garden of Eden. How it must have pleased Him, that He saw this masterpiece was well. He, after that, we find out that He rested; He was so well pleased with His work.
52 Now remember that, my opinion, the masterpiece is the stroke that marred Saint Angelo's Moses masterpiece in the monument.
And it was the stroke that cut the side of His masterpiece, that brought out the bride. And now we see them as a masterpiece family in the garden of Eden. How beautiful it was! And it so pleased Him, till He--He took rest then. He said, "I, I'll rest."
53But while He was resting and trusting to His masterpiece, His enemy come in and found this great masterpiece. And he, by deceit, he--he crawls under the--the garden walls, and then he--he marred this beautiful masterpiece. He--he marred it, so that it--it fell.
54 Now I'm trying to watch that clock. And I asked Mike, my nephew, to ring that bell in thirty minutes, but I... He's not done it, and I've already been thirty minutes. But, it's, we continue on a little bit. See? Now, I don't want to--to break these rules. I--I made these rules, see, and I--I... and here is breaking your own rule.
55 Now notice, then, this masterpiece. When Satan got a hold of it, the deceiver, broke through the walls, and--and he marred this masterpiece. Because that the way he did it, what... How did he do it? I'll go more in detail of it. How he done it, was... This masterpiece was walled by the Word, God's Word. And the masterpiece, itself, of the family, was fortified by this Word. But the broken part, that was broke off of the original, went out beyond that wall, it gives Satan a chance to mar it. And now as you know what I believe on those things, so I won't have to say that. But the masterpiece was broke.
56But, the great Sculptor, when He seen the fall of His family, the masterpiece, He wasn't willing just to leave it lay there, face down, and ruin. He went to work, immediately, to build it up again. He wasn't willing that it should perish, lay there like that all the time. Because, He is God, and He will not be defeated. So, He went to work immediately and begin to build, again, unto His Own image, a man.
57 Now, we find that the antediluvian world come along and destroyed the whole thing, because the covenants that was made, was made conditionally, "If you will not do this, or if you will do that." God, the great Sculptor, seen that man could not--could not keep a covenant. He just can't do it. There is just no way at all.
On the interview a few moments ago I was speaking to a person in the room, that's present now. Said, "But, Brother Branham, I have so many things that I--I know that's wrong," and a--a godly little woman.
58I said, "But--but, look, sister, you don't look at yourself. It's just what your desire is and what you try to do. And if you really love the Lord, you try to serve Him with all your heart, and then all your mistakes is hid in the Blood of the Lord Jesus." See? See, He made a way.
59 So He begin now, taking man from His covenants, of--of saying that, "If you will, I will." And He begin with the man called Abraham, and give to Abraham a covenant, unconditionally. Every time He would start a masterpiece, Satan would get it, because the Word... But when He started with Abraham, He said, "I have already done it. Now this is unconditionally, not what... that--that, 'If you will, I will,' but I've already done it." Now He, the--the Sculptor, is determined to have this masterpiece.
60Then, from Abraham, come the patriarchs. And the patriarchs really... Now what's God doing? He is rebuilding this masterpiece that had fallen. So, in the patriarchs, the first we find was Abraham.
61 Now watch, every masterpiece is put on a foundation, a sculpture. Angelo's monument of Moses is on a three- or four-foot piece of marble. It's got a foundation. So, God, in preparing this masterpiece, He put it on a foundation of the patriarchs. And the patriarch foundation, first, was Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob, then Joseph, the four corners.
62And, now, Abraham was the foundation of faith. Let's say it had four foundations. The foundation of faith was Abraham. The foundation of love was Isaac. The foundation of grace was Jacob, God's grace to Jacob; anyone knows that. But in Joseph was perfection, there is where He could set the monument; upon not the first foundation, the second foundation, the third foundation, but on the fourth foundation.
63 Abraham portrayed Christ, of course; so did Isaac, in love. Abraham did, in faith; Isaac did, in love; Jacob did, by His grace. Because, Jacob means "deceiver," and that's what he was, but God's grace was with him. But when it come to Joseph, there is nothing against him, just one little scratch, for the foundation must also be a masterpiece. When he told his father, the prophet, "Say to Pharaoh that your people are--are cattle raisers and not shepherds, because a shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptian."
64But when the old prophet got before Pharaoh, he said, "Your servants are herdsmen." So it scratched it, see, that's why it still makes it the masterpiece.
65 Now the foundations is laid, through faith, love, grace, and to perfection, through the patriarchs.
66Now the bodywork that come on to this great masterpiece was the prophets, which was the Word. I hope you can read it. See? The prophets; not the laws! The prophets, for the prophets was the vindicated Word which makes the body; not the patriarchs. The prophets, they were the Word.
67Finally, as He started way back in the days of Moses and come down through the prophets, to each one. And, finally, building up the body, coming closer all the time. And the greatest of all of them was John. The Bible said so. Jesus said it. "There is not a man, ever born of a woman, as great as John the Baptist," for he was the one that could introduce the Word.
68 And then come, finally, the great Head, the Head of all of it. The rest of the body just spoke of It. The foundation was laid by the patriarch; but the body was built by the Word, which was the prophets; and here comes the Head of all of it, Jesus came on the scene. There, when this Head piece was put upon it, we find in Him the entire handiwork of God. We find in Him the perfect reflection of the Word, for He was the Word, the fullness of the Word. Now, again, God has the perfect Masterpiece again.
As Isaiah said, "Behold My Servant, My Masterpiece, that I have portrayed through all the ages of this perfect One coming. And here He stands right before Me, a perfect!" There, in His Own image, reflecting God! For He said, in Saint John 14, "When you see Me, you see the Father."
69 And, then, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God," and the Word was hewed out and reflected what the Word was at the beginning. Him, the Word, reflected in the Masterpiece in His Own likeness, God back again in His Own likeness, the Word form being reflected in the image of a man, the Masterpiece.
70All the prophets had flaws; all the ones was a portion. But here, at last, coming up through that, finally comes the Masterpiece, the perfect One, no fault in Him at all, so perfect reflected of the Builder Himself, His Own image was reflected in His work. "God and Christ were One," insomuch until He put His Own Spirit into Him, and then even the image and the Builder became One. God and His sculpture work, His Masterpiece! Where Mose--Moses was, in the work of Saint Angelo, was a... or Michelangelo, rather; was a--a sculpture work that was dead, because it been made out of stone. But here, the Master Builder, when He got His handiwork perfected, He stepped into It.
71 So perfected a Redeemer of man, so perfect, so godly; yet, there was no beauty we should desire Him. When this virgin-born Son of the living God become so perfect, and humble, and in the image of God, until the great Master Who had brought His Life up through the prophets... And He was the fulfilling of all the prophets. He was so perfect, until, God seeing this, He smote Him and has cried out, "Speak!" as Michelangelo did. "Speak!"
You say, "Is that so?"
72Saint Mark 9:7, we find, upon the Mount Transfiguration, when there stood Moses, the law, there stood Elijah, the prophets. All the way back from the patriarchs, the fathers, the law, the prophets, and all of them standing there. We hear a Voice coming down from the cloud, and said, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him!" And if they're going to hear, He's got to speak. It was just a few days before He was smitten. "This is My Son, Who I'm pleased to dwell in. I have molded Him. I've been four thousand years bringing Him to this. And now, He is so perfect, I've got to smite Him so He can speak. Hear ye Him! He is the perfected One. He, He is the Masterpiece."
73 Remember, He was portrayed all times, back through the Old Testament.
We find Him being the Rock in the wilderness, that was smitten, Rock in the wilderness. "I am that Rock that was in the wilderness." But that was a stone that had not come to its perfection yet. But in type form It followed the church, to draw from It that that He could draw, give Life to those Who He could give Life to. But He was that Rock in the wilderness. He had not been made man yet. He was only in type.
74Moses saw Him standing on this Rock. He saw Him pass by, and he said, "It's the back part of a man." You see, the Sculptor was presenting to Moses, which was a potential image of Christ, what the great Masterpiece would look like when It was perfected. He passed His... He injected, or--or projected to Moses the vision of what the Masterpiece was going to look like. It was the back part of a man, when It passed by in the wilderness.
75 Remember, Angelo could only cry out and smite the image, and say, "Speak!"
But how different it was to God, the great Sculptor. When He made a man in His Own image, so perfect that It reflected Him, God spoke through the image of man, showing what He would do. He spoke through the prophets as they were in their potential image, as He was bringing it up to the Head. But when He come in the Head, He was all the image of God; He was portraying Himself. Then, smitten for us, now He is the Masterpiece to us, the Gift of God, Jesus Christ, Eternal Life. I hope we never forget that.
76 As we see the days darkening, as we see the shadows falling! When, I predict, "It's just a few more turns of the sun. This nation is gone." Do you know...
Yesterday, fourth of July. Thomas Jefferson had signed the Declaration of Independence, him and the other board that was with him, and the Liberty Bell rang, and we was declared an independence, as a nation. According to history, there has never been a democracy at any time last over two hundred years. And that was 1776, July the fourth. And we're just eleven years left. Will it make it? No, can't, see. Eleven years. And, if it does, it'll break all history.
77 And we see the condition of time. We see the condition of the people. We see the condition of politics. We see the condition of the world. It can't stand. It's got to sink, like the Titanic. It must go down, for theirs give room. One nation gives room to another, as it falls. And this kingdom must fall, and every other kingdom, to give room to that Kingdom that's coming, which cannot fall. "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved," through this perfect image of God, the Masterpiece.
78 God, when He looked upon Him, He was so inspired! He was so... to see Him the way He looked, and to see the--the form of Him, He was so inspired that it would be the perfect Masterpiece of a Redeemer, Jesus the Redeemer. So, God, in order to be smitten, Himself; because, to pay His Own penalty, God and Christ became One, so God could be smote in the Image, He could be scarred. And that's why Isaiah said, "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted of God. Yet He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed."
79 The perfect Image, the God-Man! God, in en morphe, had changed from Supernatural to the vision, and the vision was projected into the Image. And the Image was smitten so that the Supernatural could taste the feeling of death, God's perfect Masterpiece.
He could not do it in Moses. He could not do it in the prophets; Isaiah, who was sawed with saws till he was sawed to pieces. He could not do it in the prophets that were stoned. He could not do it, because He couldn't feel it; there was just a portion of Him.
But in this perfect Masterpiece, He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He could not only project Moses; He could project His entire Being into this Person, and taste death for the whole human race. God's perfect Masterpiece! God, so inspired by seeing It, He become the Redeemer of all ages; to speak for those in the backgrounds, who had been before, and now.
80All promises was met in Him. He was the Perfection of the perfection. All types was fulfilled in Him; our Kinsman Redeemer, in Ruth and Boaz; our Law-Giver, from Mount Sinai; our Prophet, from the wilderness, as He come from the mountain, as He come from the wilderness; as He come from Eternity and become man, the perfect Image!
81 God, down through the age, hewing away, by the patriarchs, and made His platform, and brought them up from the different things that He would lay this foundation upon. Upon this He begin to build His Word, the prophets. And then, finally, come out to the perfect Prophet, the perfect Foundation, the perfect vision God had.
82And now, in order for this to speak, He is the Word. And for the Word to speak, He must come into the Image. And then for the Image to speak, it's got to be smitten. He comes into the Image, and then in order to speak, the perfect Redeemer.
83All the types of the Old Testament was met in Him. As I said the other day, Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. Yes.
84 Like many of you, man, women, my age; we used to have, around the country, a lot of Chinese laundries. When the Chinese first started in, they come from the West Coast, moving eastward, coming over from the Eastern country, moving this way. And as they did, they were a people who were not acquainted with our language and our ways, but they were fine laundrymen. And they couldn't write the ticket so you could get your right laundry back.
But, the Chinaman, he got himself a bunch of little cards with nothing on it at all. So when you come for your laundry, he would take this card and tear it in a certain way; and hand you one piece, and he kept the other piece. And, now, it's a little better than what we have now, because when you come back to claim what was your own, those two pieces must dovetail. You couldn't impersonate it if you had to. There's no way of doing it. You can make copies of letters, but you can't impersonate that tear. It's got to fit exactly with the other piece. Therefore, your dirty clothes that you brought in, you could redeem them by this ticket, because it matched the ticket that was turned in.
85 And when God, by the prophets, and under the law, condemned us to sin; and the law has no grace, it's only tells you you are a sinner. But when Jesus came on the scene, He was the fulfillment, He was the--the fulfillment of everything God had promised. He was the perfect, identical image of the promise. Therefore, all promises of the Old Testament was met in Jesus Christ. It couldn't be met in Moses, it couldn't be met in any of the prophets, but it was met in the Masterpiece. It matched all that It said It was going to be.
So will the Church have to be a match to everything God has promised. It must be the piece that's smitten off of It. So if the original is the Word, so will the subjects that's been taken from It be the Word, to match Its side.
86 Therefore, the Chinaman, you could claim... Where, the law condemns you and said you were dirty, and you were guilty, and could put you in the prison. But when He came, He was the Match-piece for it, that could take you out; and bring you back, to--to be the complete ticket, the redemption that God had promised back in the garden of Eden. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head. But, His heel shall bruise--bruise its head."
87 Now we find this perfect Masterpiece that God had completed. Now, we notice that He was all that it was promised to be. He's all the promises, all of the prophecies, everything that God had made a promise of. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." Now, He could not bruise it with the law, He could not bruise it with the prophets, but He did do it when the woman's Seed became the Masterpiece, Christ. He was the Stone that Daniel saw hewed out of the mountain. He was the One could smite. He is the One that could bruise, bruise the serpent's head.
88His life matched, exactly, the life of Moses. His life matched David. Let's see if it was, if He's the Matching-piece.
89 Notice David, a rejected king, over his own people. He was... One day while he was... His own son rose up in mutiny against him, and he separated and divided the armies of Israel. And he was, David, was drove, or driven by his own people, from his throne.
And on his road out, there was a man who hated him, and he's walking along there, spitting on David. That guard pulled his sword, said, "I'll let that dog's head stay on him, spit on my king?"
David said, "Let him alone. God told him to do it."
90Don't you see? "A man of sorrow, acquainted with grief. He stands like a Sheep, before shearers, dumb." They... He said that. Perhaps David didn't know what he was saying.
But about five, six hundred years afterwards, or a little more, the Son of David was going through them same streets, and He was spit upon. But notice what happened when, David, out of his--out of his... when he became a fugitive; and out of his exile, when he--when he came back, that man begged for peace and mercy. Even those who smote Him will see Him one day when He returns.
91 And we find out then, in Joseph, that Joseph was a peculiar-born boy, the last, the top part of the foundation, where the masterpiece was to be built upon. It come from faith, and to love, and to grace, it come to perfection. And so did it, from the feet of the beginning, come forth unto perfection in Christ. Notice how that He was portrayed in Joseph, the top of the foundation, the most perfect of all of them.
92We find that Joseph was born to his family. And he was by the legal woman, actually, which was Jacob's wife. And notice, also, that when he was born, his father loved him; and his brothers hated him, without a cause. Why did they hate him? Because he was the Word.
See the very foundation? See how the head of the foundation come? Now, look at the Head of the body, comes. Now watch the Head of the Bride come. He was the Word.
And they hated him because he was a seer. He foresaw things, and told them. They happened. No matter how long it lingered, it happened just the same. And by being spiritual, he was excommunicated from his brethren. They ought to have loved him. But they hated him, because he was a prophet and he was spiritual. And they hated him.
93 Notice, he was sold for almost thirty pieces of silver; throwed into a ditch, and supposedly be dead, but was took up from the ditch. And in his time of temptation, in the prison; the butler and the--the baker, we know that the butler was saved and the baker was lost. And in Christ's prison house, on the cross, one was saved and the other one was lost; two thieves, two wrongdoers.
94And we notice he was taken from his prison, to the right hand of Pharaoh; that no man could speak to Pharaoh, only through Joseph. And when Joseph left that throne of Pharaoh, and the trumpet sounded throughout Egypt, the blast went forth and said, "Bow the knee, everybody, Joseph is coming forth!"
95 So will it be with Jesus. How He was loved of the Father, and hated of them denominational brethren, without a cause. He was sold for thirty pieces of silver, as it was; and put into the ditch, supposingly to be dead. On the cross; one lost and the other one saved. And was lifted up from the cross; and sets at the right hand of God, in the Majesty, the great Spirit which had been reflected in Him. And no man can speak to God, only through Jesus Christ. Think of it! And when He leaves that Throne, starts forth, "The trumpet will sound, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess."
96Remember, he was the son of prosperity. Everything that he did prospered. Whether it was prison, or wherever it was, it come out right.
And hasn't He promised for His children that He'd make everything work together for the good. Whether it was sickness, prison house, death, sorrows, whatever it was, that it would work for the good to them that loved Him. He promised it, and it must be so. It's got to be there. It's figurative, spoke to us in Him. He was that perfect Image of God. Now we see here, also, that when He comes again...
97 Remember, Joseph by revelation saved the world, by his great prophecy. The world would have died if it hadn't have been for Joseph.
And the world would--would been dead if it hadn't a-been for Jesus. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish." God is reserving Life.
98 On and on we could go! Because, He was simply the match of David. He was the match of Moses. He was the match of Elijah. He was the match of Joseph. Everything is a portrayed or foretold by Him in the Old Testament, matched right into that, (what is it?) showing a perfect Redeemer. That, we could put our old dirty clothes into the laundry, go claim it again. It's been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. We can claim what's our own. And everything that He died for, we can claim it. So, He was the perfect Word, portrayed.
99 It pleased God, the great Sculptor, to smite Him, and to do it this way. We see Him in Isaiah here, as I read, "We all did esteem Him, we turned our face from Him. There is no beauty that we should desire Him," everybody talking about Him, make fun of Him. I'm talking about Him now in this day, everybody making fun of Him. See? "We did esteem Him, we saw Him." Esteem means to "look at." "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted of God." Yet, He, what did He do this for? "He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity."
100Now, we could go on and on with that, but I believe you have the picture of what I mean now, God building back His Masterpiece.
101 But let us not forget that in the beginning when He smote the side of Adam, He took something from his side.
Now, the smiting of Christ was for a cause, that He might take from Him, one, to be a family, the Bride; He might take Him a Bride. So when His Masterpiece was perfected, then He had to smite It, to take from Him; not another piece, not another creation, but of the same creation.
102My brother, don't think bad at this, but think a minute. If He took from Him, the original creation, to make the Bride for Him, He never made another creation. He took a part of the original creation. Then, if He was the Word, what must the Bride be? It's got to be the original Word, living God in the Word.
103 Kimberley, South Africa. Once I was looking at diamonds, how they was brought up out of the ground. And I seen them laying there. As, well, the--the superintendent of the plant, or the mine, was one of my ushers in the prayer line. And I noticed the diamonds, valued at tens of thousands of dollars, piled together, but they didn't sparkle even under the light. And I said to the superintendent of the mines, I said, "Why don't they sparkle?"
104He said, "Sir, they haven't been cut yet. They must be cut. Then, when they are cut, then they reflect the light." There you are.
105The Masterpiece must be cut. Notice, cut for what? Is the piece cut off? No, no. The piece that's cut off, it's made a victrola needle, and the victrola needle is put upon a--a--a record that's unseen music to the world. But the needle is what brings it out, brings out the true interpretation of the Word.
106 His life matched all the peoples. It pleased God to smite Him. And, now, why did He smite Him? For the same cause He had to smite Adam.
107Now we see Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, the perfect Lamb for sinner--sinners slain, a perfect Masterpiece.
108 Now, for nearly two thousand years, God has been again making Him a Masterpiece. Because, He struck Adam to get a ma-... a piece off of him, part of him, a rib to make a wife for him. And now that perfect Masterpiece that He struck at Calvary, He got a piece off of Him. It's just the New Testament, that's all. He fulfilled the Old Testament. Now it's the New Testament, another piece to be fulfilled. See, the New and Old is husband and wife. See? And it taken the New to fore-... The Old to foreshow the New; Christ come, the Masterpiece, to fulfill that. Now His Bride will fulfill everything that's in the New Testament. Another Masterpiece is in making.
109 As it taken Him four thousand years to make this Masterpiece; now He's been, for nearly two thousand years making another Masterpiece, a Bride for Christ, another Masterpiece. In so doing it, He does it by His never-changing method, the same way He made the Masterpiece; His Word. That's the way He makes His Masterpieces, because He can only be a perfect Masterpiece when It's the perfect Word.
Any dirt, trash, injections, it'll break. "But the heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never break." You remember, in cutting a diamond, that you have to have a perfect tool to do it with, not just any piece will do it. I've seen tons of them big grinders crash right through it, and move them big tons over, pass that diamond right on through. No, it don't break the diamond. It has to be cut.
110 Now He's doing the same thing in His never-changing method. We find out, in Malachi 3, He said, "I'm God, and I change not." He cannot change His method.
111Now, as He started in Abraham. After the fall of the first masterpiece, He started in Abraham, on a foundation, to build another masterpiece.
He started on the Day of Pentecost, to build another Masterpiece, the original Seed, Word. Started in the first Church. What was it? The Seed, Word, the Word manifested, the promise that had been given. Joel said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old man shall dream dreams, your young man shall see visions." What He would do in the last days, two, last two thousand years.
112 Notice, and it started out as the original. As Jesus said, "The Word of God is a Seed that a sower sowed." And He was the Sower. The Seed was the Word. And, notice, any seed that abides alone never does nothing. It's got to fall into the ground to bring forth its production again. And this Seed, that perfect Church, fell to the ground at Nicaea, Rome, when she become a denomination.
113Now, historians, remember. And you that's going to hear this tape, check it up and find out if that's not right. The church died at Nicaea, Rome, when she took dogmas and creeds, in the stead of the original Word. What was it? God had showed, by that first Church, that He was God. He had a Church perfected; but the Church, like all other seeds, must fall into the ground and die. Now, it fell into the ground, and die, and wasted away.
114 You know, I read a book, here not long ago. Someone wrote a--a book, and said, The Silent God. You might have read it. I forget, I--I think Brumback... No, I don't, I'm not sure who it was wrote it. But I can't remember. I got it in my study. The Silent God, said, "God, through thousand years of dark ages, set still and never moved a hand, and watched faithful martyrs go to the lions' pit; and be burnt by the Romans; assassination of all kinds; women stripped of their clothes, set fire to their long hair, with tar, and burn them." Remember, short hair first begin in Rome. And the women of Christians had long hair, so they--they dipped it in tar and set them afire, and burned them, and them naked; fed them to the lions. And this writer goes to say, "Where is that God?"
Oh, the blindness of man, sometime! Do you not know that that Seed had to die? He never tried to deliver them. They went down in victory. They went down, bleeding and dying, giving their lives. Why? It was a Seed. It had to fall into the ground, as, first, John 12 tells us. "The corn of wheat, it's got to fall into the ground and there die; and not only die, but rot." But little did that denomination know that that Life was still in there. Though the church in itself...
115 At that Nicaea Council, of fifteen days of bloody politician debate, when them aristocrats come in and wanted to inject these big dignitaries into the church. And prophets come out of that wilderness there, eating herbs and wrapped in animal skins, genuine prophets, and they throwed them out. Why? The Seed has got to fall into the ground. It's got to die.
116It died in the dark ages, down beneath the dark dirt. They thought it was gone. You know, Saint John 12:24, Jesus said, "Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone." And the first Church was that reproduction, that Bride, that Seed, that Word made manifest, that fell into the ground at Nicaea, Rome.
117 Listen, Church, throughout the nations that'll hear this. There is your dirt, is them denominations. There is where the Word was crucified, and they accepted dogma. And for hundreds and hundreds of years of dark ages, the Power and manifestation of the Word was hid from the world. Only Catholicism ruled. We all know that, as reading history. Only Catholicism rule.
118But, you--you can't hide a germitized Seed, It's got to come forth because (why?) the great Sculptor is on the job. He's going to build again. So He...
The Seed went down, the Word.
119 When we see Saint Paul, Peter, James, John, all those who wrote the Word. And they wrote, the Word they wrote become alive, and lived, and It lived. And when we find, after it begin to get ripe, John begin to write in epistles, he was throwed on the Isle of Patmos after being burnt in oil for twenty-four hours. But the Word must come forth. It's got to be wrote. They couldn't boil the Holy Ghost out of him, with oil, so he come forth. His work wasn't finished. He died a natural death.
120Polycarp, which was a disciple of John, carried the Word on. And from Polycarp came Irenaeus. And Irenaeus, the great man of God who believed the very same Gospel that we believe, "The Word is ripe." The church trying to squeeze It out.
121 Finally it come to Nicaea, Rome, and there she fell into the ground, after Saint Martin, and was murdered. Saint Martin believed the same thing we believe. He stood the same thing; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in water in Jesus' Name. He stood in the very same thing that we do. And he was a prophet, and believed the full Word of God. And finally they were crucified, and mashed into the ground, and laid there for hundreds of years, until it rotted the outside, Seed. The old bodies has rotted away. I've been in Saint Angelo, in the catacombs, and see where they died, and their broken bones and everything. They finally rotted till their bones were gone, but the Life was still there.
122 The corn of wheat that fell into the ground on... at the Nicaea Council, begin to sprout again, in Martin Luther. Like any corn coming up, or wheat; after the seeds rot, the life springs forth. And it begin to bring forth in Martin Luther. What did he do, the first thing? Reject the denomination of Catholicism, protested that it was wrong. For, he said, "The just shall live by faith." What was it? A little weak Life that put up a couple little shoots. That was the Luthers. It sure don't look like the grain that went in the ground, but the Life is coming out now.
123Then it went on to a stalk. Then what happened? In the days of John Wesley, what did he do when he brought out sanctification? He stayed with the Word. And what did it do? The Lutherans had organized and made an organization, so it was time for something to happen. The masterpiece is being built now. What did he do? What did he do? He protested that Anglican church, came out in the reformation as a tassel. What is it? The seed is a-coming to Life, growing now.
124 Now, the stalk doesn't look like the seed, neither does the tassel.
125Now, Pentecostal brethren throughout the nations, I want you to listen, my brother. If this is the last Message I'll ever preach, This is my masterpiece. Do you notice when the wheat's... the corn of wheat that falls into the ground, when it begins to form back to its--its grain again?
126Watch nature. Nature, exactly, is God. God working in nature, it's all He can. But from the Pentecostal revival, as they think, was the Seed; it wasn't. Now watch. But something come forth just like the Seed. Now watch what Jesus said, in Saint Matthew 24:24, that, "The two spirits at the last days would be so close together it would deceive the Elected if possible."
127 Now, that stalk don't look nothing like a seed; neither does the tassel look like a seed. But notice now, not in Luther's day, but in the last day.
128The first thing. There is wheat farmers setting here. The first thing that comes forth on a wheat seed, you would almost think it was a seed, but (what is it?) it's the husk. It forms a little outside thing, like, to hold the seed. It forms a husk. But the husk is not the seed, no more than the tassel or the stalk was. It's only a carrier of the life, the corn of wheat, then. Saint John 12, you see, Jesus speaking.
129 The wheat, after the tassel (after Wesley), puts forth the husk, which is the foremost like the grain of anything else. The husk is more like the grain. It's coming more like the grain all the time, the one that went in the ground. And when it comes forth, the stalk, it's got Life in it, but it sure isn't the grain. Comes forth the tassel, the pollen, it still isn't the grain. And then it comes forth the husk, and it's just in the shape of the wheat, just exactly like the grain of wheat, but yet it isn't the wheat. Just exactly in the same shape, perfectly.
130The Pentecostals come out just like the wheat would. Each one comes out from the other, coming out from the other, but they're only a carrier. They go to denomination. And that's what Pentecost did, went to denomination. And what did Pentecostal do when it come out just like the grain? It went right back, like in Revelation 17, to one of the sister denominations. That's exactly what. That's what Jesus said.
131 Now watch. The Gospel is going to come out through Luther, through Wesley, into Pentecost, and at the last days it'll deceive the very Elected if it's possible. The Elected! Oh, Pentecostal brethren, can't you see?
132The wheat in its first beginning is just like the seed, when it begins to form like the seed, but it's the husk. It denominated, exactly done the same thing they did down here in Luther. In Revelations 17, it proves the same thing, of the churches.
133Now, the grain Seed, in the original, fell at Nicaea, for it was the first denomination.
134Notice here, the Life that was in the stalk, tassel, all now ends up in the Seed. The Life that come out of the original Seed, come up through different processes (three different processes), and then turns back till Its original condition. Hallelujah! Oh, my! I'm the happiest person in the world, that God has let me see This. Watch how perfect the Word and these (nature) works together.
135 Just like we prove the resurrection; rise, the sun; setting of the sun; rising again.
The leaf going out of the tree, down in, the sap into the root; and comes back up, and--and the leaf comes back up with it again. It falls on the ground; the life of the tree sucks it right back, the calcium and potash, and brings it right up to another leaf again.
See, all nature, everything works right with--with the Word of God. And here it is, exactly, perfectly in these Church Ages. That's the reason the Holy Ghost came down and drawed those things, and made them out for us the way He has. That's exactly.
136 Notice, here, the Life that was in the husk. In the stalk, and in the tassel, in the husk, all gathers in the Seed. And the Life that was in the stalk, went, one went to make the other. Justification, made a way for sanctification; sanctification, made a way for the baptism of the Holy Ghost; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, made a way for the Holy Ghost Itself to come right down in perfection, back to the Word again, to manifest Itself.
137But, what denominated, dies. Like Life, in Luther, went to make Wesley; and--and, from Wesley, It went to Pentecost; and, from Pentecost, to make the original Seed. On to Pentecost, comes out of the Wesley, until that time. The reason that Pentecost come out of Wesley, because it was no denomination, Pentecost was. Then Pentecost went to denominate, and (what did it do?) it turned to the husk. It looked like the real Thing.
138 And, anybody, how many ever seen a seed--a seed of wheat start to grow? What's the first little thing? It's just exactly like the seed, but it's the husk.
See the three stages? Stalk; tassel, or the pollen; then the husk; and then, out of the husk, comes the original Seed. See? Not a Seed; it was the Life of the Seed, growing through this, to come to the Seed. Amen, amen! Do you see it? What is it? A resurrection, coming back to a Masterpiece again, like the One that went in.
139Pentecost came out of the Wesley, because Wesley was an organization. Pentecost came out, as no organization, and then turned to one. It had to, to make the husk. The true Word of Life on it, was on its way then to the original Grain, through these stages. Through the stalk, then into the pollen; from the pollen, into the husk; and from the husk, It made Seed.
140 No, stalk, tassel, husk, living, they produced (in their early revival) a holder of a certain portion of the Seed Life; but, when they organized, the Life moved out of it. That's proved by all history. Never an organization ever done a thing after it organized. It was dead. That's right.
141Watch, the Life is traveling on now. It's moving on.
142Notice, what they have done, all these have done, is proved by history just exactly the way the church has come, never to be useful to Him again. Organization is laid on the shelf. There never has been, in all the history, a church, after it organized, but what it died. And the organization died and never did raise again. Can't you see it? Man who are blind, open your eyes! Nature and the Word co-ordinating together and proving it right here that This is the Truth, that it is the Truth. That Life leaves the stalk, to make the tassel; from the tassel, It makes the husk; and from the husk, It goes into the Original again. Notice, never again to be useful to Him.
143 How noticeable this life is, in its travel in the corn of wheat, than it is in the tree. God called His people like a tree; see, the life goes down, in a tree, and comes back up again; goes down and comes back up; see, it goes down and comes back up. But, in the corn of wheat, it goes up from the original stalk... through the stalk, tassel, and husk; and the thing that it passed through, dies, so it can't get back through it again. What is it? It's no use any more. It goes on to its perfection.
Amen! Don't you see why He never used an organization? He can't get back in it again. It's dead. But the Life passes on, from one to the other. See, they put creeds, and inject. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word out," see, he is blocked off from It. It must be the Life Seed traveling on.
144 I'm using this in a parable now, of the Bride, the Masterpiece that's coming forth. As the Masterpiece fell, there is a Masterpiece rising. The Masterpiece fell at Pente-... at Nicaea, Rome, at Nicaea. After Nicaea, Rome, She's come through a process, but She is coming right back again to that Masterpiece, perfected, 'cause She's a part of that Word that was spoken by Him. He'll have "a Church without spot or a wrinkle." It'll not be connected any way with any kind of an organization or a denomination, the cursed thing. It's passed through those things, but it will never be there.
145 Notice, the seed is coming up, that Life is coming up, not going back. There'll be no more resurrection after this. The Life is coming up, to go to its perfection, a resurrection.
Notice, the husk put forth the--the... Notice, the husk puts the original Seed out of itself. In Revelations, the 3rd chapter, we find this.
146Now remember, no other church was He put out of, in the Bible, of the Seven Church Ages. How many remembers it? He passed through the Church Age, to go on to make something else. But, this is It. There is nothing else. But the--the Sculptor has got back to perfection again, the Word. See? Don't go back. How different It is. Yes. Oh!
147 And notice then, the husk, when it comes forth, looks just like the Grain. But when the Grain Life begins to leave the husk, to go in to make the Grain (the Bride), the husk opens up and excommunicates the Grain. Is that right? Nature, that's exactly what she did.
148In--in Revelation 3, we find out the Laodicea Church Age put Him out. Now, see, it didn't, back in the other ages, because there was something else yet to be made. It just passed through and went on to another. I've told you, all along, there is no more denominations coming. We're at the end. And they put Him out because (why?) He--He--He's the Word, again. He's like the One that fell down there. He's the same Doctrine that come forth from the beginning.
149And when the Seed Word begins to grow forth, the husk puts It from itself. The Life leaves all the others, to follow It. That's the true believers, they follow the Life wherever the Life goes.
150 Like in Israel, a perfect type, if we had time; I just got a few minutes left. But in a perfect type, in the beginning, everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life. God was that Light. And I don't care if it was midnight, or whether they was in a good selected place; when that Pillar of Fire moved, the trumpet sounded and Israel moved with It.
Hallelujah! And when the trumpet sounded, Martin Luther moved out with It. And he organized, killed... not he hisself; the man after him. And then God took the Life out of that, brought It on, laid it down in the grave.
151Then out come Wesley. He saw that big organization, so he sounded a trumpet, of sanctification, more of the Word. See? When he did, out they moved, right out of--right out of Luther, right into Methodist.
152And when Pentecost saw It, they sounded a--a trumpet, it's time for the return of the gifts. See what they did? They sounded a trumpet, and out they come. Then they organized.
But, remember, after the husk, that's three stages we know of, there is nothing else left but the Grain. O God! And then the Grain is put out of all of it. Amen and amen! Seed Words begins to form Itself, Life is brought forth out of... Now notice, if the Bridegroom, the beginning, the first, Bridegroom... This is the Bride coming forth.
153 Remember, the Church begin at Pentecost, and It fell at Nicaea. It sprouted, not like the real Grain, no; it was some of the Life in there, but it sprouted in order to make an organization. And He pulled through that organization. And then what did It do? Then It went, from that organization, It went into another organization, went into another stage of the Word; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. See? And as It went through this stalk and process, It kept coming on more.
154Remember, the little pollen is more, the tassel is more like the Seed than the stalk is. And the husk is more like the Seed than the tassel was. But the Seed Itself is beyond that. See? It just used that for transportation, to take Itself through.
155 Notice, the Bride. If the Bride, in the beginning, was the Word, or the Bridegroom; and then if the Bride is taken from the Bridegroom, It must be the Word also. Notice, the Bride must be.
156Why, why must the Bridegroom be the Word manifested, made plain? Is because the Bride and the Bridegroom are One. She is just a smitten piece off of Him. There is the Masterpiece. It was smitten. Say...
157Michelangelo could not reproduce that again. He could not put it back.
But God is going to do it. He is going to bring this little Bride, that's smitten, right back to the side of the original Word. And there He is, there is the Masterpiece, the family back again in garden of Eden.
158 How is this Bride going to do this? How is this Wheat going to do this? Malachi 4 said, in the last days, it would be restored back, (what?) restored back like the beginning; take it back! "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years the palmerworm, and cankerworm, and all these other things has eaten. I will restore again." Malachi 4 said, "He will restore the hearts of the people, and the Faith of the people, back to the original fathers again." See? We see this right before us, Church. Where are we at?
159 Now, closing in a few minutes. I want you to notice real close of something that just happened.
Malachi 4 is to bring back, back to the original.
160She is smitten from the church, from the church body; smitten with Her Master, for the same purpose. She is the Word. Just the same as Joseph was smitten from his brethren, because he was the Word. And Jesus was smitten from His brethren, because He was the Word. The church is smitten... The Bride is smitten from the church, because She is the Word. There is your stages again; one, two, three, see, just exactly.
161 The Word, living and in action, the Bible Bride, not some man-made bride; the Bible Bride, smitten and afflicted of God. "No beauty we should desire Her, but yet we did esteem Her smitten and afflicted of God." That's right. She stands alone. She is smitten from all the denominations, according to Revelations 3. She is smitten out of the Laodicean Church Age that She was raised up in. See? This Church was raised up in the Laodicea Church Age; that's the husk. But if them others went...
162Can't you Pentecostal man see that, if that other was husk and died? If that other (stalk) had to die, if the tassel had to die, so must the husk die; the three stages of organizations.
163And remember, you said, "Well, now, there was a lot of tassels hanging on. There's a lot of this." Yeah. There had been Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, church of Christ, all these other little things that fell onto it, leaves and everything else had hung onto it, but the original was the reformations, now, see.
164 Stands alone, like the Bridegroom, "rejected of man, despised and rejected of the churches." The Bride stands that way. What is it? It's His Masterpiece, see, it's the Word that He can work through, make manifest. Rejecting!
165So, the stalk, the tassel, and husk, never become Seed, no, but are all the time becoming more like the Seed.
166Now at the harvest time, the Seed is back to its original Life, back to the Bible. Malachi 4 said it would be brought that way. Oh, oh, my! Must have all! To be this way, It must have all of the Word. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
167 Now what did He say, in Revelations 10, that would take place? Why was the trip to Tucson? To open to the Church. "In the days of the messenger, of the seventh angel, the seventh angel Message, the whole Word of God would be made manifest. The Seal, that what all the stalk has left off, of why and all about It, would be made manifest in this time."
Is that what the Word said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we see it. Then where are we at, see, where are we at? There is only one thing, the harvest is here. She is dead ripe. She is ready now for the Coming. Notice.
168 No, it'll never be It. At the harvest time, the Seed is back to its original condition, and must have all of the Word, in order to be the Seed. Now, you can't have a half a Seed; it won't grow. See? It's got to be the whole Seed. It's got to not manifest... Say, "I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! I believe in speaking in tongues." That's just part of the Seed, uh-huh, but now there is added to that. Hallelujah! See? The Life, not the gifts; the Life of the gifts. See, see what I mean? We're at the end time, brethren.
169Stalk, tassel, husk, is dead and dry now. There is only one thing that has to happen to that, is to be gathered in the World Council of Churches for its burning.
170 The Word has become flesh, exactly like He promised in Luke 17, Malachi 4, and all, see, that's right, Revelations.
171All true Life that was in the stalk, tassel, and husk, is now gathering in the Seed, ready for the resurrection, ready for the harvest. The Alpha has become Omega. Amen. The first come last, and the last is the first. The Seed, that went in, has come through a process and become the Seed again.
The seed, that fell in the garden of Eden, and died there, come back. From that imperfect seed that died there, come back to the perfect Seed, the Second Adam.
172 The first Eve that fell, and was used in the second reformation... second coming, as bringing forth a child, now has become the true Bride again, the Seed, right back with original Word again.
The Alpha and Omega is the same. He said, "I am Alpha and Omega," He never said anything in between. Uh-huh. "I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last." Yes, sir.
173The first ministry and the last ministry is the same. The first Message and the (second) last Message is the same thing. "I'm, I was in Alpha; I'm in Omega." "There'll be a day that won't be called day nor night, but in the evening time it shall be Light." See, Alpha and Omega, it's become the first and the last. Oh, my, brethren, we could stay hours on that.
174 The great masterpiece of a family, the Second Adam and the Second Eve, now ready for the garden, the Millennium, amen, back on the earth. Hallelujah! The great Sculptor didn't leave them lay there. He took time, as He did through the millions of years, molding the first perfect couple; and they fell. Now it's been through thousands of years, He's molded again, and now here they are ready.
175The Masterpiece was come and struck down; from His side come forth the helpmate.
And She is brought up in the same process. Now here She is back again; with all nature, the Bible, and everything else, showing here we are.
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
Gentile days numbered, (look at this bunch of trash we got), with horrors encumbered,
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
That's right. You better get in there quick, if you're going.
I'm fixing to close just in about five minutes, ten.
176 Notice the great masterpiece, of the family. The husband and wife cannot be truly a family unless they are one. They have to be. If they're not, they're not a good family; wife pulling one way, and the husband another. That would make an awful family. But in agreement, with love one to the other, that's a family. And now that was God's masterpiece, and now all the true family here portrays that. See?
And now the Masterpiece family has come again, Christ and His Bride, ready to come. The Second Adam, Second Eve, ready now to return back to their Home. And the whole picture has been redemption. From where it was, bringing it back, see, just exactly bringing it back again. After...
177 The other day, standing up here at the Christian Business Men. Many of you, I guess, was there. When I heard that Lutheran priest, or preacher, or supposed to be, stand up there and say that ridiculous thing, and make fun of what we believe in. And them Full Gospel Business Men having that man there, and saying that. He wore his collar turned around. Lots of them do now. And he said, "Now, people ask me why I turn my collar around, said, 'How can they tell you from a Catholic priest.'" Said, "There is no difference, and there shouldn't be." He said, "We're all God's children." He said, "I know a Catholic priest that's omnipresent, see, that could be present everywhere."
178 Now you cannot be omnipresent without being omniscient. God is not even omnipresent; God is omniscient. Omniscient, which makes Him omnipresent, He knows all things. But, in order to be a Being, He has to be in one Being. By being omniscient--omniscient, He can be omnipresent. Cause, He knows all thing, and knowed it before the... He knowed, before the world begin, how many fleas, lice, how many bugs, and how many times they'd bat their eyes, and everything about it, see, 'cause He's omnipresent. You can't be omniscient--omniscient without being infinite. And there's only one thing infinite; God. Amen! And then we...
179 What is it? It's the Devil, taking them right straight to that slaughter. Every one of them a-going in, exactly what the Bible said. And here it is, see, come right in amongst the Pentecostals, and just pull them right straight just as... What a time!
180Oh, after that testimony, someone said to me... I--I... It was a good thing I didn't say very much, 'cause they'd probably have me in jail up there. But I just thought, "There it is."
The--the people who is taught, knows. "The wise shall know their God, in that day," it said in Daniel. Yes, sir. See, "The wise will know their God." They're watching for these things.
181But when I seen that happen, and them Pentecostals stand there with him! Even Oral Roberts looked at me like that. I said, "Oh, my!" Uh! But, standing up there with a education, polished, you know, and so forth.
182That's not the way God polishes His. He don't polish His with education. He polishes in humility, in--in power of His manifested Word, showing of the shape of the Grain that It went from.
183 Now, someone said to me, said, "Brother Branham," said, "there's one thing I can't understand about you."
I said, "What's that?"
184Standing out there in a hall... I guess, Sister Dauch and them, after I shook hands with Bill, and standing there; and all went around the corner, and the whole bunch of people. A minister pressed his way in, collar turned around, he said, "Why is it that you're always bawling the people out?" He said, "Them people believe you to be a servant of God, and be gentle and sweet to them, and everything." Said, "Every time I hear you get up, you're bawling women out, about having short hair, and about wearing shorts, and wearing makeup, and all this other stuff; and bawling the people out, and tell them how cold and formal and indifferent they are." Said, "Why do you do that?" Said, "Them people love you. How can you be a loving son of God and do a thing like that?"
I thought, "Lord, let me answer this smart man. See? You just let me answer him, somewhere, that'll hang him on his own rope." Yeah.
I said, "Well," I said, "sir, did you ever read of the great producer of music called... the great composer called Beethoven?"
He said, "Oh, sure, I read of Beethoven."
185I said, "He probably tore up wastebasket-fulls of scrap paper, but he give the world masterpieces." He never opened his mouth and said another word. I said, "When he was setting in his study under the inspiration, he would write something down. He'd go into his study and pray. It wasn't right, he'd scrap it up and throw it in the wastebasket. But when he got through, in all inspiration, the world had a masterpiece."
Oh, how the Word cuts, but It produces masterpieces; uh-huh, takes all the husk and stalk away. It brings forth Masterpiece.
186 I got seven minutes to tell you something that happened day before yesterday, to get out on time. July the third, I was over here setting in the... this center over here, shopping center right out from us here. I've been in Pigalle, in Rome, in France, and I've been in New York City, Los Angeles. But the filthiest bunch of women I ever seen in my life is Jeffersonville, Indiana. I never seen so much gaum and filth in my life as I see amongst them people. I set there till my heart ached, and the Lord had gave me a vision.
Now I'm going to tell the vision. I don't know that I can interpret it, but I--I'm going to tell the vision for my first time.
187 I fell into a trance. And, when I did, there was somebody with me. I didn't see the person. It was just a Voice. And I--I looked. And as I--I looked this way, He said, "The Bride will come in view for preview."
And I looked, coming to me, and I seen the most--the most prettiest bunch of clean-dressed women I ever seen in my life. But each one of them, looked like, was dressed different. They all had long hair. And they were longer sleeves and skirts, and so forth. Young women, they looked kind of, I'd say, about maybe twenty.
188Now I have the Bible open here before me. See? I can only say what I seen.
If you say, "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at a clock. "What you looking for?" I'm looking for people, looking at people. "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at the Bible. That's what. I'm telling the Truth. That's what I see. And I can only say what I seen. I don't--I don't know what it... all about it. I just have to tell you.
189 But, when this Bride, She was looking right at... The one was talking to me, and I, standing together. Her eyes, She was the cleanest, sweetest-looking people I ever seen in my life. Look like it could have been a dozen, or more, just... I don't know how many was abreast, but there just in a group of them. And She passed by, sweetly, with a air. And Her eyes up, watching, as She passed by. Oh, She was beautiful! I looked at Her, and as She passed by. He said, "Now we shall review..." Said, "That's the Bride."
"Now we will review the churches." And they come. I noticed them coming up. And when they come up, each one, look like, got worse. I never seen such a filthy bunch in my life.
And when He said, "Next," I heard a noise. And It said, "Next," said, "here comes the American group."
190 Now, I am an American, but this--this made me sick. I am not eloquent enough to, in a mixed audience, to say what was taking place. I--I--I... And you'll have to read between the lines. But when the women were coming, the leader of them was a witch. She had a great long nose and a great big mouth. And all of them was dressed with some kind of lower clothes down here; but the top just had a strap, that, just a little, about a half-inch strap that moved up and went around them like this. And each women had something on a order...
191Many of you, years ago, used to remember when we used to cut that paper, you know, newspaper, and make an old fly-bush? How many remembers it? You know. Why, I think they use it in carnivals, you know. Hanging down like that, fringed paper, lace paper.
They had something holding below them, like this, holding below them. All this part was exposed.
And each one had hair cut up real short, and frizzy-looking things all over it like that, real short-cut hair; and full of makeup. Absolutely nothing but looked like street prostitutes.
And they were walking with this paper, and, the vulgarity! Now, the paper was what was holding in front of them. But when they passed the review stand, in the back of them... And to see the way they were going on, in their foremost and their back part, and how they were acting!
I said, "Is that the Church?"
192 And there she went. And they were singing this here twist-and-roll songs, you know, or ever what you call, going down, singing that and going by.
I said, "Is that the Church?" And I was standing there, and in my heart I was crying.
And, this witch, to my notion it's nothing else in the world but she's a... She is that World Council of Churches, leading them right straight down the road where she was going. They went off to the left, and disappeared in chaos; still beating this music and making real funny sounds, and shaking their bodies, one side and then the other side. And then, like that, carrying on like that, walking.
193 And I just started to bow my head, and He said, "Wait, the Bride must come again."
And I looked, and here they come again. And they passed by, a sweet-looking little ladies. They was all looking right at me, as they passed by. And I noticed each one was dressed different. And one in the back had kind of long hair hanging down, and had it rolled around like this; might have been German or something like that. And I watched them.
And then as they started leaving, two or three of them, in the back, kinda get out of step, and I was going to holler at them. And they was trying to get back in step again. And I seen them, just the vision just fade out and change, from me.
194 Now here is the interpretation thereof. The reason... Now, remember, I had just got through writing... I hadn't finished, I hadn't wrote these notes yet. But in preaching, this morning, I caught what it was, right in my sermon. Did you notice, the church only came in view...
Now, that's the Truth, friends. The Heavenly Father, Who writes the Word, knows that I tell the Truth. See? I know I just say the Truth.
And not knowing it till just a few minutes ago, looked like, or just recently, see. Did you notice? The Bride come in view twice; the first Seed and the second Seed, both of them exactly the same One. And the reason they were dr'iff... dressed in different parts, She'll come from all nations, it'll make up the Bride. Each one had long hair, and no makeup, and real pretty girls. And they were watching me. That represented the Bride coming out of all nations. See? She, each one represented a nation, as they marched perfectly in line with the Word. See?
195 And, then, I have to watch Her. She'll get out of step with that Word if I don't watch, when She is passing by, if She gets by. Maybe it'll be my time, when I'm over, see, when I'm finished, or whatever it is.
196What? They was getting back. Trying their best, and was getting back, just get in line; 'cause, they--they was looking out somewhere else, watching about that church that just went out into chaos. But two... The front ones, never. The back ones, just two or three of them, was kind of stepped out a little bit to the right-hand side, and looked like was trying to get back in line as they went by. They was just past me, oh, far as here to the wall, past me. And I was standing there. And then I just seen it all move out and leave.
But, you notice, the church only came into view once, each nation, the church. But the Bride come in twice. See, see what it was? Now, not knowing it, but look at it with my Message this morning. Not knowing that. See?
197 The Seed fell in the ground at Nicaea. That was the original Seed. And She's come through the process of these denominations, which only comes in existence once. But the Bride returns back again in the last days. "I will restore." See, the Masterpiece is brought up. That's the reason She was in view, reviewed, the second time. She was reviewed the first time, then she was reviewed the second time. And She was perfectly, the second time, like She was the first time. O God, have mercy! Hurry, hurry, hurry, Life, get in the Grain, right quick! Uh-huh.
198 All others never appeared no more. They went out, never to come back again.
But the Bride came back, 'cause She was Alpha and Omega. God, the great Sculptor, has made Him a Masterpiece, for It is a piece of His first Masterpiece. Like He made in the garden of Eden, and took a piece from, and made another piece and that was marred and fell, now He's been all this time building it up again. And He brought forth this Masterpiece, and was smitten, in order... That part that was smitten, was in order to bring back again that Masterpiece, again.
199So, the Masterpiece and the Son of God, the Masterpiece and the Bride, and It's a piece of Him, which must be the fulfilling of the Word. The Word has been fulfilled, and we're ready for the Coming of the Lord.
200 O Church of the living God, bow your hearts and your--yourselves before God. These things are true. I know that it sounds like that, as such a great a thing as that would be, would be so spread out over the nations. It never was. He doesn't change His way. Just be thankful, Church, be thankful that you are where you are today if you're in Christ. Because, you see, now, and when that...
201Remember, all that Life will be gathered right into the Grain, for the resurrection, but the stalk must be burned. The rest of it; the husk and all, must be destroyed, and it will be. Don't trust in your, them denominations. You stay in the Word, the Life, God and His Masterpiece.
202Then what is it in the Millennium? Christ and His Bride, back in the garden of the Millennium. Amen!
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
203 There's where He was smitten. "We esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity."
204Is there any here, this morning, who isn't in that Grain this morning? And as the Life is now pulling its last piece from the husk, for the husk is drying. How many knows that Pentecostal church is drying? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What is it? Life is leaving it. Frankly, it's left. And if that Bride is already in preview, I wonder if the Bride isn't already made up, then. [Brother Branham begins humming, I Love Him.]
... love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
205 With our heads bowed now. Is there some here that would like to be remembered? If you feel that you're not...
Friends, it's too plain. I've never had a vision in my life, 'less something happened, followed. I tell the Truth. All these other times, if I've told the Truth, God has proved it. Then, I tell the Truth this time.
206I don't know what day we're living in, but I know there's nothing left. There couldn't be a politician rise that could straighten this thing out. Politics, the nation is gone. O God! Can you, can you get down deep enough to--to--to feel that. The nation is gone; not nation, but nations. This is the best of the bunch, and it's gone. Then, if the nations are gone, the world is gone. And the churches, to my opinion, Pentecost was the best they've had, but it's gone.
O God, be merciful to us!
207 If you don't know Him, please hurry, hurry. If you feel Life, get out of the... get out of your sin, get out of the thing that you're in. Get to the Grain, right quick. You'll die in the stalk, or in the husk.
Pray, while we sing now. "I love Him."
It's up to you now. We have no denomination, no nothing. We only have Christ. You're welcome to worship with Him, with us, till He comes. We can't put your name on book; we have no books. We want your name in the Book of Life. You can only do that through Birth. Won't you do it right now? Ask Christ for new Life, bring you in, put your name on His Book, if it's not. Then, you can fellowship with us, we'd love to have you. "I..."
208 Dear God, help each person now to take inventory, see if we're in Him. You loved us. You were smitten for us, and we did esteem You smitten and afflicted of God. I pray, God, that You'll call each one. Lord, speak to my children, my loved ones, my friends. Grant it, Lord, just now, through Jesus Christ's Name.
209Don't let anybody wait too long, Lord. Looks awful close. The harvest is truly ripe. The great combine of God will sweep through the land one of these days, straws will fly every way; but the Wheat shall be gathered to the garner, taken up, for in It is Life. Grant, Lord, each request to be answered, each prayer to be made manifest before You.
210I pray for them, Lord. I pray that You won't let any that's here be lost, Lord. They--they--they set under difficult; they--they--they drive for hundreds of miles. And whatever that we have need of, give it to us, Lord, whatever is good for us, Lord; not what's good in our sight, but what's good in Your sight. We want to stand as a chaste virgin that's been chastened, rebuked of God, that we might be purged from our sins. And I offer my prayer for them, Lord.
211 I--I--I don't know how to pray. We--we're talking to the Mighty God. And what human being is there, what mortal could make the right type of prayer before the living God? But, Lord, my mispronounced words, and my--and my nouns and pronouns in--in the wrong place; if You could pick out the ABC's for a little boy one day, and--and make a sentence, You--You can omit my nouns and pronouns and just look to what I believe, Lord.
I believe You. I believe this Word. And I'm believing for each one here. And I--I'm bringing them to that Altar, Lord, by faith, where between us and Great Jehovah is the Blood of His Son, Jesus. And the Blood shall speak for us. When You smote Him on Calvary, You said, "Speak!" "Hear Him!" "And the Blood," the Bible said, "speaks greater things than the blood of the lamb in the Old Testament, for the Blood of Christ speaks greater than the blood of Abel; greater things." And speak, Lord, redemption for us, as we call through the Blood.
212 Great Father of Life, include us, Lord. If we--if we've sinned, take it away from us. We, we don't want to be that way, Lord. It's not our intention.
And we realize we're living in such a horrible, dark way. As we said at the beginning, we're walking up a mountain, through rugged places. Dim is the trail, but we're packing the Light. May we see, step by step, as we go now; until we meet, like Pilgrim's Progress, till we finally catch the top of the Hill. Guide us, O Shepherd. Great Jehovah, lead us by Thy Spirit.
213And we know that we're far from a masterpiece; but we're looking where we were hewed from, the real Masterpiece, and in Him we trust. Just take us to Him, Lord. Grant it, Lord.
214 Heal all the sick people here, Lord. "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions." God's Masterpiece was smitten. "And He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Heal the sick, Lord, in Your Divine Presence now, while we know that You're here.
215Cleanse our souls, our hearts, from all evil, all bad thoughts, all evil communications, all things that's wrong. Cleanse us. And we pray, Father, that You'll heal our sickness, and let us leave here feeling that we are Your sanctified children. And with the Blood over us, we speak through the Blood, the Word. Grant it, Lord. We ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
216 Father God, upon these handkerchiefs, anoint them with Thy Presence, Lord. May Thy Presence be with them wherever they go. Whatever they're laid upon, on any sick body, may they be healed. And whatever, if there's a broken home somewhere, mend it, Lord, the great Sculptor. Grant it, Lord.
217Mold us, and make us sons and daughters of God. We believe the Bride is getting its last polishing down. It'll be smitten from the complete organization, altogether, and then the great harvest will be here. Until then, Lord, make them healthy and happy, to serve You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, I... (Do you really love Him?)
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
218 Now do you understand why I scold you? That ain't because I love you... not because I don't love you. I do love you. I want a Masterpiece for the Master. I might have to tear a few out like this, but I'll have a Masterpiece, some of these days, if I keep it right on this Word. Right.
219Now Jesus said, "This will all man know that you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other." We should be so in love with one another!
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred mind
Is like to that Above.
Let's take one another's hands.
When we asunder part,
It give us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe;
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now remember, in your journey:
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every care;
When temptations round you ga-... (What do you do then?)... -ther,
Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.
O Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Till we meet!
Let's bow our heads. Oh, I love to sing!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you!