Tam na nebesiach je veľký magnet, na ktorý Boh jedného dňa položí prst. Nikto nepozná ten čas Jeho príchodu, ani Anjeli v Nebi to nevedia. Jedine sám Boh to vie. Ale sú nejaké obrezky, ktoré pochádzajú z tej Biblie, Biblickí Kresťania, veriaci na túto hodinu. Niektorý z nich mohol byť nejakým hriadeľom v inom dni. Tento mohol byť nejakou inou časťou. To ide ďalej, aby to zostavilo ten veľký Boží režim. Ale to bude odliate do hrnca veľkej Božej pece a vyliate znovu na podobu Božiu. A len tí, ktorí sú zmagnetizovaní, budú zobratí. Ó, ako to... Aké je to privilégium, že môžeme vedieť, že vo vzkriesení je niečo, čo sa týka nás!
No, všimnite si, poznajte volanie Božieho Slova, ktorého ste časťou. A to je orol ku orlovi. No, keby tá matka zakričala ako kaňa, on by ju nikdy nepoznal. On by bol ďalej na dvore. Ale to bol krik orla. V tom malom bolo niečo vo vnútri, že poznal, že je orlom. A tak je to s každým skutočným veriacim. Keď je kázané Božie Slovo a je potvrdené a dokázané, že to je Božie Slovo na túto hodinu, potom je niečo v tom veriacom. Nestarám sa o to, aký verný bol jeho otec cirkvi, alebo aká verná bola jeho matka, alebo jeho starí rodičia, a či tá cirkev učí opačne, proti tejto hodine krstu Posolstva Ducha Svätého. V ňom je niečo, čo kričí. On opustí ten dvor. On to musí urobiť. Bol deň, keď to kurča mohlo byť v poriadku, ale toto je hodina orla. Vidíte? To je iné. Je niečo, že on musí opustiť ten starý kurín a odletieť preč do modrej oblohy. Potom toto zemské telo je oživené a privedené, skrze oživujúceho Ducha, do poslušnosti Božiemu Slovu.
1Je to pre mňa skutočne privilégium, že som tu dnes ráno, na narodeninách zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, tu vo Phoenixe, a že môžem vedieť, že Pán mi dal na tom malý podiel, že môžem byť časťou tohto obecenstva. Chcem pozdraviť brata Carla Williamsa a jeho ženu, brata Stromeia, a tých ostatných tu na pódiu, brata Shoresa, brata Outlaw, kazateľov a všetkých vašich fajných ľudí.
2Viete, ja som mal tiež minulý týždeň narodeniny. Ja som trochu starší, než ako tento zbor. Myslím, že on povedal, „päť rokov... tohto zboru.“
3Minule sa ma niekto opýtal, „Koľko máš rokov, brat Branham?“
4Povedal som, „Dvadsaťšesť.“ A povedal som, „Dal som nabok tých prvých dvadsaťpäť rokov. Vtedy som mu tak dobre neslúžil. Dúfam, že On ich tiež dal nabok.“ Presvedčiť ho, aby to urobil, je iné.
5Ale je to dobre byť tu. A teraz nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času. Pretože... stále sa bojím, potom, keď počujem takéto pekné svedectvá a to, čo sa deje, že... a piesne, že urobím niečo, čo to naruší. A chcel som ku tomu dodať, ak je niečo čo by som mohol dodať ku tomu. Tieto sestry...
6Ten brat, ktorý spieval dnes ráno tú pieseň, Stará sa o vrabca, ten farebný brat, cenil som si to.
7A tie sestry, ktoré spievali túto pieseň, to mi bolo pomocou odvtedy, ako som tu bol prvýkrát. Mám to. Mám to nahrané a púšťal som si to, Rád by som sa s Ním o tom porozprával. A opýtal som sa brata Dawisona Rileyho, môjho priateľa, či by mohol, niekto z nich, keby mohli zariadiť, aby tieto dámy, ak sú stále tu na zemi, aby to znovu dnes ráno zaspievali. A dúfam, že Terry to zistil. A dúfam, že to zariadil. Chcem si to zobrať, na páske alebo nejako, pretože tá pieseň sa mi veľmi páči. A túžim sa s Ním o tom porozprávať. Myslím, že všetci to chceme. Preto sme tu dnes ráno.
8No, tieto blížiace sa zhromaždenia, na budúci týždeň. Je to v poriadku, keď to spomeniem? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Samozrejme.“] Na budúci týždeň mám byť doma v modlitebni, na ďalšiu nedeľu, na Veľkonočné zhromaždenie; sobotu večer, v nedeľu a v nedeľu večer. Potom mám ísť naspäť do Kalifornie. Budeme veľmi radi, keď vy všetci z okolia Kalifornie prídete tam na to zhromaždenie. A myslím, že Billy to tam zle oznámil. On povedal, že to je v hotely Biltmore, tak sa mi vidí, to má byť v... [Niekto hovorí, „Nemohli to dostať.] Nemohli ho dostať. A je to v Eastmont? [“Embassy.“] Embassy, v hoteli Embassy. Tak ktokoľvek tam, z ľudí Plného Evanjelia, vám dá vedieť, ak tam niekde budete.
9A potom odtiaľ prídeme a ja potom pôjdem do Južnej Afriky. Od dnes za mesiac, pôjdeme do Južnej Afriky, očakávame veľký čas v Pánovi, pôjdeme asi do troch štátov. Tak skutočne veľmi prosíme aby ste sa za nás modlili. Pravdepodobne vás neuvidím, až kým sa nevrátim, ak Pán dá, že tam pôjdeme. A dúfam, že vám budem mať čo porozprávať, keď sa vrátim.
10Minule, keď som tam bol, myslím, že Pán mi dal najväčšie zhromaždenia, aké som kedy mal. Naraz, na jednu výzvu ku oltáru... No, toto sú jednoduchí domorodci. Pokiaľ viem, bolo ich tam naraz tridsaťtisíc, ktorí prijali Krista. A mysleli sme si, že možno majú na mysli telesné uzdravenie, pretože ich tam bolo naraz okolo dvadsaťpäťtisíc uzdravených. A na druhý deň, starosta Durbanu, to je Sydney Smith, povedal, „Choď ku oknu, pozri sa, čo prichádza po ulici.“ A tam išli naložené nákladné autá, jedno za druhým, plné rôznych bariel a takých vecí, a za nimi išlo množstvo ľudí. Tých domorodcov, ktorí viedli vojnu, jeden s druhým, a teraz išli po uliciach toho mesta a spievali Len ver, vo svojom domorodom jazyku.
11Hovorím vám, moje srdce bolo vzrušené. Ako... Keď vidíš niečo také, brat Shores, cítiš, že tvoja práca nie je márna. Viete, snažili ste sa. A dúfam, že Boh to znovu zopakuje, nie preto – preto, že my tam ideme, ale preto, že očakávame na príchod Pánov.
12A tak, ako hovorila tá pieseň, hľadáme tú malú, stratenú ovcu. To je to... On nemôže prísť, až kým tá ovca nevojde. Každá jedna musí byť v tom stáde. On nemôže zavrieť dvere, až kým tá posledná nevojde. Tak, bratia kazatelia, som si istý spolu s vami, že dnes ráno sa snažíme nájsť tú poslednú ovcu. Ona môže byť vo Phoenixe, dnes ráno. Neviem. Ale keď tá posledná vojde, potom ten Pastier zavrie dvere.
13[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Brat Branham?“] Prosím? [„Môžem niečo povedať?“] Samozrejme. [“Zabudol som na niečo. Rozprávali sme sa o...“ Prázdne miesto na páske.] To je úplne v poriadku. [“A viem, každý niečo zabúda, čas od času.“] Ja nie. [“Ó!“]
14Ja som taký, že si musím zapísať to, čo chcem hovoriť, takmer. Ja som... Ako starnem, zistil som, že si horšie pamätám, zapisujem si miesta Písma a iné. Voľakedy bývalo tak, že som si zoradil okolo päťdesiat miest Písma v mysli a nikdy som ani... všetky som ich prebral, ale od toho času som už prešiel veľa drsných míľ.
15Tak, očakávame príchod Pánov. Nech vás Pán všetkých žehná!
16A potom, prídete sem a premýšľate. Sedíte tu a počúvate svedectvá týchto ľudí. Myslíte si, „No, keď vstanem, poviem niečo o tomto.“ Potom, je toho toľko, čo by ste chceli povedať, že by ste o tom hovorili celý deň. Ale, samozrejme, si vás všetkých cením. Nech toto malé zhromaždenie stále rastie. Nech každý zbor vo Phoenixe stále rastie až do príchodu Ježiša, to je moja úprimná modlitba.
17No, myslím, aby sme si trochu oddýchli, povstaňme na chvíľu a pomodlime sa. Dobre?
18Všemohúci Bože, Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý si Ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych, a dal si nám Ho ako obeť a ako Pána a Spasiteľa. Sme Ti tak vďační za toto privilégium, ktoré máme dnes ráno, že môžeme stáť v Tvojej prítomnosti, s Tvojimi ľuďmi, ktorí sú vykúpení a očakávajú na Jeho slávny druhý príchod, aby nás prijal ku Sebe. Ak je medzi nami hriech, Pane, očisti nás tvojím yzopom. A modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, ktorá je v našom strede.
19A ak by náhodou boli takí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, v tomto veľkom krste Duchom Svätým, za ktorý tak naliehavo zápasíme a hovoríme, že to musí byť, podľa Písma na tento posledný deň. Prosíme, Bože, aby On padol na nás na všetkých, dnes, a pokrstil nás čerstvo do toho Tela, a tiež priviedol tých, ktorí sú vonku, Otče.
20Požehnaj nás, keď budeme čítať Tvoje Slovo a snažiť sa hovoriť to, čo je pravdou Tvojho Slova. Zavri naše ústa na to, čo nie je pravdou, a otvor naše srdcia a ústa na to, čo je Pravdou, pri tom, ako sa Ti odovzdávame. Použi naše ústa, aby hovorili, a naše uši, aby počuli, a naše srdcia, aby to prijímali. Lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša, ktorý určil, aby to tak bolo. Amen.
21Chcel by som čítať zo Svätého Slova tri miesta v Biblii. A ak si ich poznačíte a chcete si ich prebrať, prečítať si ich, aby ste mali ďalšie informácie, budem veľmi rád, keď si ich poznačíte. Miesta, ktoré chcem čítať, sú, Matúš 28:1-10 a potom Zjavenie 1:17-18, Rimanom 8:11. Ešte raz to zopakujem. Matúš 28:1-10, Zjavenie 1:17-18 a Rimanom 8:11.
22Blížime sa teraz ku Veľkej Noci. A keď si hľadáte a zapisujete tie miesta. Myslím, že tento nasledujúci týždeň je najväčším a najdôležitejším historickým týždňom zo všetkých týždňov v roku. Myslím, že tá najväčšia vec, ktorú budeme oslavovať tento týždeň, tento nasledujúci týždeň, to je tá najväčšia udalosť, ktorá sa kedy stala na zemi. Myslím, že nič ju nemôže prekonať. Poviete, „Dobre, ukrižovanie bolo veľké.“ Ale veľa ľudí zomrelo, veľa ľudí bolo ukrižovaných, dokonca v ten istý deň ako náš Pán. Ale je len jeden z nich, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych. Tým je to spečatené.
23Teraz chcem čítať. A toto je tak trochu predveľkonočné posolstvo, ak Pán dá, okolo štyridsaťminútové. Čítajme teraz z Evanjelia Svätého Matúša, z dvadsiatej ôsmej kapitoly, od začiatku.
Potom pozde na koniec soboty, keď už svitalo na prvý deň týždňa, prišla Mária Magdaléna i tá druhá Mária pozrieť hrob.
A hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, lebo anjel Pánov zostúpiac z neba pristúpil a odvalil kameň odo dverí a posadil sa na ňom.
A bol na pohľad ako blesk, a jeho rúcho bolo biele ako sneh.
A od strachu pred ním sa náramne zhrozili strážni a boli ako mŕtvi.
A anjel odpovedal a riekol ženám: Vy sa nebojte! Lebo viem, že Ježiša, toho ukrižovaného, hľadáte.
Niet ho tu, lebo vstal, tak ako povedal. Poďte, pozrite miesto, kde ležal Pán.
A iďte rýchle a povedzte jeho učeníkom, že vstal z mŕtvych, a hľa, predchádza vás do Galilee, tam ho uvidíte. Hľa, povedal som vám to!
A vyjdúc rýchle od hrobu, s bázňou a s veľkou radosťou, bežali zvestovať jeho učeníkom.
A ako tak išli zvestovať jeho učeníkom, tu hľa, Ježiš sa stretol s nimi a povedal: Zdravstvujte! A oni pristúpili, chopili sa jeho nôh a klaňali sa mu.
Vtedy im povedal Ježiš: Nebojte sa! Iďte, zvestujte mojim bratom, aby odišli do Galilee a tam ma uvidia.
24A Zjavenie. Prvá kapitola, sedemnásty a osemnásty verš.
A keď som ho videl, padol som k jeho nohám ako mŕtvy, a položil na mňa svoju pravú ruku a povedal mi: Neboj sa! Ja som prvý a posledný
A ten Živý. A bol som mŕtvy, ale hľa, som živý na veky vekov. Amen. A mám kľúče pekla a smrti.
25A v knihe Rimanom, ôsma kapitola a začnime s jedenástym veršom.
A jestli Duch toho, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, tak tedy ten, ktorý vzkriesil Krista Ježiša z mŕtvych, oživí aj vaše smrteľné telá skrze svojho Ducha, ktorý prebýva vo vás.
26Verím, že Pán Ježiš Kristus pridá svoje požehnanie ku týmto prečítaným Slovám. Vidíme, že Veľká Noc, ja som to označil vo svojom srdci ako najväčšie zhromaždenie, alebo najväčšiu udalosť roku.
27Chcem vás poprosiť, aby ste mi na chvíľu prepáčili. Nekričím tam príliš na vás, nie je to príliš hlasno? Je to v poriadku? Počujete ma tam dobre? Ó! Nepočujete. Teraz, takto je to lepšie? Nechcel som stáť príliš blízko.
28No, prečo toto hovorím, to preto, že na Veľkú Noc, On potvrdil to, čo Biblia povedala. Všetky Písma, ktoré boli napísané o Ňom, čo On má urobiť, On spečatil svoje Mesiášstvo, keď vstal z mŕtvych, Veľkonočná pečať. Dnes toho máme tak veľa, o čom hovoríme, to, že kupujú Veľkonočné pečate. No, chcem dnes ráno hovoriť na tému: Veľkonočná Pečať. To je iná pečať, ako tá, ktorú si môžeme kúpiť za svoje peniaze, ako pečať na dopisoch, myslím Tuberkulózne spoločenstvo, alebo ako sa to nazýva. Myslím, že táto pečať je trochu iná. A keď Veľká Noc je najväčší deň v roku pre nás kresťanov, ktorí tvrdíme, že sme deti Božie, chcem sa pokúsiť preniknúť do toho, aby sme videli, aké máme mať spoločenstvo s touto veľkou vecou, s týmto, čo Kristus pre nás vykonal.
29Slovo Božie bolo povedané stovky a stovky rokov pred Jeho príchodom, o Jeho ukrižovaní, a o Jeho smrti, a o Jeho utrpení, a tiež o Jeho vzkriesení. Budeme to možno počuť v týchto zhromaždeniach na budúci týždeň, keď budeme počúvať naše rádiové vysielanie, a v našich zboroch, od našich pastorov a tak ďalej, tento budúci týždeň.
30Vo všetkých týchto dňoch, o všetkých týchto veciach, ktoré Ježiš vykonal, a samozrejme si ceníme všetko Jeho potvrdenie Božieho Slova, a to, čo urobil, aby ho vyplnil: uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych, vyháňal démonov, kázal evanjelium chudobným a vyplnil každé Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal, že bude robiť, keď príde; a potom tiež trpel za naše hriechy na kríži, miesto nás, aby bol zmierením za naše hriechy, kde to nikto iný nemohol urobiť, iba On. Ale ponad to všetko, myslím, že Veľká Noc to všetko spečatila.
31Pretože, na zemi boli proroci, ktorí prorokovali pred Ním. Na zemi boli proroci, ktorí uzdravovali chorých, tiež kriesili mŕtvych a robili tie isté znamenia, ktoré robil Ježiš.
32Ale Veľká Noc to dokázala. Ona spečatila naveky Božie Slovo, pre skutočného veriaceho. Všetko prítmie a každá pochybnosť bola rozprášená v to požehnané ráno. Človek bol zavretý, ako to bolo, vo väzení, aj nábožní ľudia, do tohto dňa, pretože oni boli... vidíme veľké náboženské hnutia a vanutie Ducha Svätého a tak ďalej. Ale keď človek zomrel, zdalo sa, že tým je to vybavené. Ale keď prišiel Tento a povedal, „Mám moc položiť svoj život; Mám moc znovu ho vziať.“ A potom ide a dokazuje to, čo povedal. Pre mňa, to je to, čo to spečaťuje, keď je niečo povedané a potom vzápätí je to dokázané.
33Ak človek povedal, ako Kolumbus, veril, že svet je guľatý, a on pozoroval lode, ako je nám povedané, ako prichádzali, a mohol vidieť stožiar prv, ako uvidel loď. A to mu potvrdzovalo, že zem je guľatá. Ľudia v tých dňoch to neverili, ale on bol muž s videním. On vystúpil, aby dokázal presne to, čo videl, že je pravda.
34A Boh mal v úmysle dokázať Svoje Slovo, že je Pravda. Tak On... Bol len jeden človek, ktorý to mohol dokázať, a to bol Ježiš. A On prišiel a dokázal, že to je pravda. Tým to bolo spečatené. To zlámalo všetky pečate nejasností a rozhádzalo všetky povery iných náboženstiev, a iných vecí, kde povstali veľkí mužovia a povedali veľké, podivuhodné veci; ale oni sú každý jeden v hrobe. Ale naše Kresťanské náboženstvo je to jediné, ktoré má prázdny hrob. A to mi potvrdzuje, že On je Bohom mŕtvych a Bohom živých, že On môže vzkriesiť mŕtvych naspäť znovu do života. A táto oživujúca moc, Jeho oživujúci Duch dokázal počas tých rokov, že On je ten jediný, ktorý môže vzkriesiť mŕtvych naspäť znovu do života.
35A keď On dokázal skrze svoje zasľúbenie, túto veľkú víťaziacu moc, ktorú mal, na Veľkú Noc dokázal, že mohol premôcť smrť, peklo a hrob. „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu som živý, a živý naveky; a mám kľúče smrti, pekla a hrobu.“ Čo za vyhlásenie pre každého. A On to nie len povedal, ale On to už dokázal, že má to, čo tvrdil, že má.
36A myslím, že Boh náhli ten deň, keď my, ako Kresťania, ktorí veríme tejto Biblii, môžeme dokázať to, o čom hovoríme. Rozumiete? To je to, čo robí, ako som pred chvíľou povedal, „Soľ zeme,“ tá sestra to povedala. Je to tak. Svet hľadá túto soľ. A keď môžeme dokázať našimi životmi a Bibliou, že naše životy potvrdzujú to Slovo, že je dnes živé, že to je ten deň, ktorý hľadáme.
37Slovo, „Tento Duch...“ Rimanom 8 tam, ten 11. verš hovorí, „Ak tento Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, oživí tiež aj vaše smrteľné telá.“ Nie len to, že to On dokázal Jemu, nám, že On je Jehova Vykupiteľ a má moc nad smrťou, peklom a hrobom, ale On dal tiež nám prístup do toho istého Ducha, že my sami môžeme mať istotu, že sme tiež oživení skrze toho Ducha. Lebo ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva v našom tele. On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telo. Slovo oživiť znamená „byť oživený po smrti.“ Potom, čo zomrelo, potom je oživené.
38Svet bol zavretý v pochybnosti, počas mnohých vekov, až kým sa toto nedokázalo. Nie len tým, že sa o tom hovorilo, ale to bolo dokázané. Myslím, že všetko, čo má hodnotu...
39Ako povedal Ježiš, „A tak choďte, učte všetky národy; a dokazujte im, demonštrovaním moci Božej. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Tým, ktorým zasľúbil, a hovoria, že veria, On nám dáva jasné porozumenie toho, že, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To bude dôkaz ich svedectva. No, my môžeme hovoriť, že veríme. Ale až kým nebudeme mať ten potvrdzovací znak, o ktorom On povedal, že bude na nás, tak sme len tí, ktorí vyznávajú, že veria, ale nemáme to, čo veriacim patrí.
40Lebo, pamätám sa, pred pár dňami som počúval rádiový program na KAIR v Tucsone. A ten kazateľ sa tam postavil proti nám, že, „Toto letničné náboženstvo nie je nič iné, len humbug. Nepočúvajte to. Je to nestále.“ A povedal, „Každý, kto hovorí v jazykoch, a takéto veci, a tvrdí, že je; že uzdravuje chorých a tak ďalej, modlitbou, od toho sa má ísť preč. A modliť sa za týchto biednych, schátraných ľudí, pretože oni sú v nejakej falošnej predstave, že je s nimi niečo zlé.“ Ó, ako rád by som sa na chvíľu porozprával s tým bratom! A on povedal, že... „Že to bolo dané len apoštolom v deň letníc a to je všetko.“
41Ja nachádzam, že tridsať rokov potom, Pavol ustanovuje tieto dary v cirkvi. V prvom liste Korinťanom 15, že, „On umiestnil do cirkvi dar hovorenia v jazykoch, divy. A všetky tieto ostatné dary boli ustanovené do cirkvi.“
42Ježiš povedal. „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ako ďaleko? „Do celého sveta.“ Komu? „Každému stvoreniu.“ Oni to ešte nevyplnili. „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Ako ďaleko? „Po celom svete.“ Koho? „Každé stvorenie. Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať, po celom svete a v každom stvorení. Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať: v Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby zobrali niečo smrtonosné, alebo hada, alebo vypili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení.“ To bolo Jeho posledné poverenie pre cirkev, Marek 16. kapitola.
43Pavol ustanovuje tieto dary do cirkvi tridsať rokov potom. A povedal, v liste Galaťanom 1:8, „Keby vám anjel z neba kázal iné evanjelium než toto, ktoré sme už prijali,“ vidíte, ktoré už bolo kázané, „nech je prekliaty.“ Verím, že letnice začali bez konca. Verím, že to má byť pre každé stvorenie, po celý čas, na všetkých miestach, že letnice majú stále trvať. To letničné požehnanie má byť na ľuďoch.
44A teraz, čo je toto letničné požehnanie? To je potvrdenie zmŕtvychvstania. Niet divu, že evanjelium samo o sebe znamená „Dobrá správa.“ Dobrá správa o čom? On vstal z mŕtvych. „A preto, že Ja žijem, vy tiež budete žiť.“ Vy, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach, Boh nás spolu oživil, skrze toho Ducha, ktorým vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych. A teraz sme postavení v nebeských miestach s Ním, máme s Ním obecenstvo, rozprávame sa s Ním. Aká je to radosť, povedať ľuďom tú udalosť, ktorí veria, že to je Pravda!
45Zamýšľam sa dnes. Či to je to, čo sa deje? Privádzame ľudí skutočne ku Bohu? Alebo ich privádzame len do zboru? Musíme ich priviesť ku Kristovi, tam, kde je táto oživujúca moc. To je dobre chodiť do zboru. Samozrejme. Ale ak ideme len potadiaľ, to nestačí. Keď chodíte do zboru, to je dobre; ale choďte ku Kristovi, zo zboru, pretože musíme dostať túto oživujúcu moc, ak očakávame, že budeme v tom celkovom vzkriesení, pretože to je to jediné, čo nás privedie z mŕtvych. „Lebo ak ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, On tiež oživí, privedie do života vaše smrteľné telá.“ Aké zasľúbenie pre nás!
46Všimnite si teraz. Tá skutočná podstata tohto vzkriesenia je povedať a ukázať a potvrdiť, že Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych. Nie je mŕtvy. Je živý. On tu žije. Je v nás. „Ja budem s vami, vo vás. Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo ja budem s vami, i vo vás, až do konca sveta.“
47No, ako Kresťania, my všetci tvrdíme, že On je živý, alebo, že sme boli oživení z mŕtvych do života, skrze Jeho Ducha. A ak sme neboli oživení, potom sme neboli privedení do života.
48A teraz chcem vojsť do tejto témy, keď Pán dá, a trochu to učiť počas niekoľkých minút, ako to je, že sme oživení, a či si môžeme byť istí, že toto je pravda?
49No, toto je váš vlastný život, toto je môj život. Tam je... Ak toto nie je pravda, čo chcem povedať, potom som jeden z najhlúpejších ľudí na svete. Vydal som svoj život niečomu, na čom nič nie je, a tak isto vy. Ale, keď je to pravda, potom dlhujem všetko, čo som. Dlhujem všetko, čo môžem byť; tej veci, za ktorou stojíme. A myslím, že nesmieme strácať nadšenie.
50A keď vidíme, ako sa približuje Veľká noc, to robí niečo vo mne, keď viem, že to je ten deň, keď toto bolo naveky spečatené, pred Bohom.
51No, pozorujeme, že to je ten istý Duch, ktorý Jeho vzkriesil z hrobu, ten prebýva v nás. Ako to môže byť? Ten Duch, Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva v nás.
52To je Duch, ktorý oživuje. To nie je Slovo, ktoré oživuje. To je Duch, ktorý oživuje Slovo, alebo dáva Slovu Život, dáva krídla, aby lietať, dáva prístup. To je Duch, ktorý to robí.
53Pšenica, sama, je len pšenica; ale keď ten oživujúci život vchádza do nej, do pšenice, vtedy ona dáva život. A my, ktorí sme boli raz mŕtvi, stvorení na obraz Boží, a jednako mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, je určitý spôsob, ako Boh musel dostať tento oživujúci Život do vašich smrteľných tiel. Hovorím o vašom tele.
54No, Ježiš bol Slovo. Veríte tomu, či nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] „Na počiatku...“ Svätý Ján 1, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“
55No, ako zasľúbený Mesiáš, On oživil každé Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované, že čo On bude robiť; uzdravovať chorých, a ako sa narodí z panny, všetko toto, to urobil. To je pravda. On bol Slovo, ktoré sa manifestovalo tu na zemi, ale On toto nemohol robiť len ako Človek. Bol na to potrebný Duch Boží, ktorý prebýval v Ňom, aby oživil tieto zasľúbenia pre Neho. Dúfam, že to teraz jasne rozumieme. Ježiš bol človek, On sám, to telo, ale bol potrebný Duch v Ňom, Duch. „To nie som Ja, ktorý činí tie skutky. To je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne. On činí tie skutky.“ Vidíte? Ježiš sám bol to Slovo, pretože bol prv, ako Boh...
56Toto je zlé slovo, keď to takto povieme pred davom, a dúfam, že to správne pochopíte. Ale On bol predurčený skrze Božie predvedenie, ako bude prebiehať Boží plán, že On pošle Vykupiteľa, a tento Vykupiteľ mohol byť jedine Jeho Vlastný Syn. Tak potom, to bolo Božie zasľúbenie, po celý čas od záhrady Eden, že Ježiš tu bude. On tu bol, ako Človek narodený z panny, ale bol potrebný Duch Boží, aby oživil pre Neho to Slovo. A On bol to Slovo, oživené, Slovo oživené na tú hodinu. Prišiel ten čas, keď ste mali mať Vykupiteľa. Zákon sklamal. Iné veci sklamali. A teraz, je potrebný Vykupiteľ, a On bol ten zasľúbený Vykupiteľ. On bol oživený Slovom Božím.
57A teraz, ak sme prijali toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol na Ňom, ktorý spravil, že bol Vykupiteľom v tom veku, tak teraz zasľúbenie v týchto posledných dňoch, to, čo sa má stať; keď sa stanete časťou toho Slova, ste vykúpení s Ním, pretože ten istý Duch, ktorý prebýval v Kristovi, prebýva vo vás, oživuje váš život do tohto veku. A On tiež, v tom konečnom čase, oživí vaše smrteľné telá, vzkriesi ich, znovu ich privedie. To odstraňuje smútok, keď sa na to dívame, v tom. A to je Pravda. Vidíte?
58Tu v liste Rimanom, Pavel nám to potvrdil. Vidíte? „Ak Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“ Toto je ten istý Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho, ktorý oživil pravého veriaceho do Večného Života. Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo veriacom, oživuje toho veriaceho do Večného Života.
59Je len jeden Život; jeden Večný Duch, jeden Večný Život, a to je Boh. Boh, jediný, je Večný. A potom my, keď sme Jeho deti, sme časťou Neho, to je, atribútmi Jeho myslenia. A tá myšlienka je vyjadrená a stáva sa slovom. Potom, každý jednotlivec tu, ktorý má tento Večný Život, bol pred založením sveta v Božom myslení. To je jediný spôsob, ako to mohlo byť, pretože si atribútom. To je vyjadrenie myšlienky, ktorá sa stala Slovom; a Slovo nabralo Život, a to je Večné. Preto máme Večný Život. Na tom istom princípe, ako ten veľký Syn Boží, Vykupiteľ; sa my stávame synmi a dcérami Božími, skrze toho istého Ducha, skrze to isté predvedenie Božie.
60Pozrite sa na tie milióny ľudí na zemi, ktorí to neprijali, keď tu bol Ježiš. Ale akí vďační máme byť my dnes ráno, keď môžeme vedieť, že máme priamy dôkaz a Biblické potvrdenie, že sme zahrnutí v tom veľkom ráne vzkriesenia, ktoré prichádza, v tej Veľkej Noci. Máme závdavok toho už teraz v našich smrteľných telách. Tí predurčení sú tí prví, samozrejme, ktorí budú oživení, keď Duch Svätý príde, aby si nárokoval Svojich vlastných.
61No, to je veľké vyhlásenie, a chcem, aby moji bratia kazatelia sa snažili toto porozumieť. Rozumiete? Na počiatku, Boh, ten veľký Duch, On vtedy nebol ani „Bohom.“ On bol Ten Večný. Boh, to je „predmet uctievania.“ On nemal nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. Nebolo žiadnych Anjelov, ani nič. Len sám Boh, On sám je Večný. Ale aby bol Bohom, muselo byť niečo, čo by Ho uctievalo, tak On stvoril Anjelov a Bytosti, a Cherubínov, a tak ďalej, aby Ho uctievali. Jeho veľký plán sa začína odvíjať.
62Ale pamätajte, vy, v tej postave, v akej ste, dnes ráno, ak ste vtedy neboli v Jeho myslení, nie ste ani teraz. Lebo vy, je určitá časť, ktorá je vo vás, ktorá je Večná, a Večné patrí jedine Bohu. A v Bohu bolo jeho myslenie o vás, ako sedíte práve teraz tam, kde ste teraz. V Jeho myslení, ja som stál dnes ráno za kazateľňou, pretože On je nekonečný a vie všetko. Preto On mohol povedať koniec pred začiatkom, pretože je Večný. A ty, ktorý si syn alebo dcéra Božia, vtedy ste boli v Jeho myslení na začiatku.
63A potom, keď Duch Svätý príde, a ty si na zemi, chodíš tu ako hriešnik, tam v tvojom živote je niečo. Nevieš, čo sa deje, ale si hladný. Počul som jedného brata Presbyteriána; počul som hovoriť Baptistu, on bol Slobodný Baptista, káže, kde môže. Môj spolubrat... že ty, že je niečo v tebe, niečo, čo si tam nikdy nepoložil. To je niečo, čo nemohlo urobiť tvoje chcenie, aby to tam bolo. Je to niečo, čo je nezhodné s tvojou povahou. To je predvedenie Božie, ktoré sa tam prejavuje, Božie Slovo.
64A Ježiš sa narodil ako Syn Boží, aby bol Emanuel, plné Božie vyjadrenie v Človeku. A On Ho našiel v dokonalej poslušnosti, dole pri rieke Jordáne, kde Ho prorok pokrstil. A hneď, ako Ho poslúchol a vyšiel von z vody, Jánovi sa otvorili Nebesia a videl zostupovať z Neba Ducha Svätého, ktorý hovoril, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.“ Vidíte? Dokonalá poslušnosť, Duch Ho našiel, v poslušnosti.
65Ó, vzdorovitý muž alebo žena, dnes ráno, keď tu sedíš a niečo je v tebe, čo ti hovorí, že Toto je pravda, to je Duch Svätý, ktorý ťa hľadá, aby ťa priviedol do poznania Pravdy na túto hodinu, v ktorej teraz žijeme, nie na nejakú hodinu, ktorá už prešla, na túto hodinu teraz.
66Bolo tisíce takých, ktorí poslúchali hodinu, ktorá pominula. Ale bola hodina toho prítomného času, to bola hodina, v ktorej sa Ježiš mal zjaviť, a tam stálo Slovo. Tam stáli tí ľudia. A tu sa diala manifestácia Božia, aby potvrdila, že To je pravda.
67A ako letniční ľudia, dnes, dovoľte mi povedať toto, že stojíme v týchto posledných dňoch, kde Boh zasľúbil, že vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo a Jeho synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Lebo On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria.“ To je tá hodina. Toto robí to stvorenie vo vás.
68Ako som tu povedal, pred nedávnom, znelo to trochu ako nesväto, ale dúfam, že to tak dnes ráno nevnímate. Jeden farmár podložil pod sliepku orlie vajce. Mnohí si pamätáte ten príbeh o tej orlici, ktorá vyliahla... Či vlastne o sliepke, ktorá vyliahla orlie vajce pod svojimi slepačími perami. Vidíte? Ide o atmosféru.
69Presbyteriánska cirkev, Metodistická cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, ktorákoľvek cirkev môže vyliahnuť tieto orly. Skutočne. To je atmosféra, ktorá to robí. Ako zvykol hovoriť Dr. Bosworth, „Môžete zobrať slepačie vajce a dať ho pod šteňa a priviažete ho a šteňa vyliahne kurča.“ Prečo? To je atmosféra. A keď ktorákoľvek cirkev alebo skupina, ktorí sa budú spolu schádzať a modliť, že až odhodia všetky svoje vyznania a také veci a budú hľadieť rovno do tvári Božej, to zrodí orlov s takou istotou, ako tu stojím.
70To je to, čo si ja myslím, že táto skupina biznismenov urobila, snažia sa prelomiť tú atmosféru. My sa stávame príliš uzavretí. Ľudia patria do toho alebo do tamtoho. Pretrhnime tú atmosféru a poďme do atmosféry Nebeského uctievania. Vojdime poriadne do tej atmosféry, narodia sa orly, z ktorejkoľvek cirkvi, všade.
71A tento malý orol chodil s tou sliepkou dlhý čas, ale to kvokanie bolo nejaké divné. Nerozumel, čo tá sliepka myslí, keď hrabe na dvore v tých odpadkoch, v kope hnoja. A to nebola potrava pre neho. A ona jedla chrobáky a také veci, to orol neje. Tak sa mu to všetko zdalo divné. A on bol škaredým kačiatkom. Nehovorím to ako znesvätenie. Možno bol Slobodne mysliacim Baptistom, alebo niečo také, alebo Presbyteriánom.
72Ale viete, jedného dňa, jeho matka vedela, že zniesla vajce. Niekde musí byť to dieťa. Tak roztiahla do vetra svoje veľké krídla a hľadala, a hľadala, a kričala na plné hrdlo. A jedného dňa letela ponad ten dvor. A keď ten malý orol počul tento povedomý krik, on to predtým nikdy nepočul, ale uvedomil si, že mu pasuje, ako rukavica na ruku. A on vedel, že to je jeho matka. Ona vedela, že to je jej syn. Ona ho hľadala.
73Tak isto Boh, v každom veku, určil svoju cirkev na každý vek, Posolstvo na ten vek. A oni mohli mať zákony a všetko možné, čo chceli. Ale keď prichádza tá hodina, Svätý Duch Boží, ktorý na počiatku mal premyslené a vypovedal to na ten vek, ten Duch hľadá to vajce. A keď ten človek počuje to Posolstvo, nie je cirkevná denominácia, ktorá ho zadrží. On sa vznesie do výšok. Musí. On je iný vták. Iné stvorenie. On je orol a on bude počúvať to volanie. „Moje ovce počúvajú Môj hlas.“ Ako niekto povedal, brat Williams, „Pokrm pre ovce.“
74„Moje ovce počúvajú Môj hlas. Za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Bez ohľadu na to, aká verná je tá cirkev, aké veľké meno dosiahla. „Keď Moje ovce počujú môj hlas,“ ktorým je Slovo, „za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Pôjdu rovno do toho Slova, a môžu to urobiť. To je ako magnet.
75Jedného dňa, v Indiáne, bol som na návšteve v tých oceliarňach a zaznel signál. Všetci odložili zástery a začali zmetať do prostriedku všetky špony zo svojich sústruhov, ktoré tam počas dňa napadali. Prechádzal som tam s jedným mužom, ktorý mi to ukazoval, a on povedal, „Pozoruj toto.“ Každý vyložil v šatni svoju stoličku na stôl a odišiel.
76Tam vzadu stisol malý gombík a prišiel veľký magnet a zodvihol každý kúsok železa, ktorý bol odrezaný z tých kúskov, a zodvihol sa hore. Potom to odmagnetizoval a to spadlo do pece, a bolo to znovu pretavené na ďalší materiál, na to isté, na hriadele, alebo na čokoľvek, čo vyrábali.
77A ja som tam stál a díval som sa na to, až som nerozumel. A povedal som, „Jedno nerozumiem.“
On povedal, „Čo?“
Povedal som, „Všimol som si, že niečo sa nezodvihlo.“
78On povedal, „To je hliník a magnet nezmagnetizuje hliník.“
79Povedal som, „Aha, už rozumiem.“ A on povedal... Potom som povedal, „No, ale vidíte, tam leží kus železa.“
„Ale to je priskrutkované.“
80Povedal som, „Aha, rozumiem.“ A keď to zobral, povedal som, „No a čo sa robí tam s tým?“
81Povedal, „To ide potom znovu naspäť do oceliarne, pretaví sa v peci a prichádza naspäť a vyrábajú z toho ďalšie koleso.“
Povedal som, „Chvála Pánovi!“ To je to. Vidíte?
82Tam na nebesiach je veľký magnet, na ktorý Boh jedného dňa položí prst. Nikto nepozná ten čas Jeho príchodu, ani Anjeli v Nebi to nevedia. Jedine sám Boh to vie. Ale sú nejaké obrezky, ktoré pochádzajú z tej Biblie, Biblickí Kresťania, veriaci na túto hodinu. Niektorý z nich mohol byť nejakým hriadeľom v inom dni. Tento mohol byť nejakou inou časťou. To ide ďalej, aby to zostavilo ten veľký Boží režim. Ale to bude odliate do hrnca veľkej Božej pece a vyliate znovu na podobu Božiu. A len tí, ktorí sú zmagnetizovaní, budú zobratí. Ó, ako to... Aké je to privilégium, že môžeme vedieť, že vo vzkriesení je niečo, čo sa týka nás!
83No, všimnite si, poznajte volanie Božieho Slova, ktorého ste časťou. A to je orol ku orlovi. No, keby tá matka zakričala ako kaňa, on by ju nikdy nepoznal. On by bol ďalej na dvore. Ale to bol krik orla. V tom malom bolo niečo vo vnútri, že poznal, že je orlom.
84A tak je to s každým skutočným veriacim. Keď je kázané Božie Slovo a je potvrdené a dokázané, že to je Božie Slovo na túto hodinu, potom je niečo v tom veriacom. Nestarám sa o to, aký verný bol jeho otec cirkvi, alebo aká verná bola jeho matka, alebo jeho starí rodičia, a či tá cirkev učí opačne, proti tejto hodine krstu Posolstva Ducha Svätého. V ňom je niečo, čo kričí. On opustí ten dvor. On to musí urobiť. Bol deň, keď to kurča mohlo byť v poriadku, ale toto je hodina orla. Vidíte? To je iné. Je niečo, že on musí opustiť ten starý kurín a odletieť preč do modrej oblohy. Potom toto zemské telo je oživené a privedené, skrze oživujúceho Ducha, do poslušnosti Božiemu Slovu.
85No, keď tento Duch Svätý, znázornený ako orol, ktorý lieta nad zemou a hľadá veriaceho. „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ako sa mu zachce. Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne, ale nikto nemôže prísť sám od seba.“ To nie je tvoje vlastné myslenie, tvoje vlastné tiahnutie. To je Boh, ktorý tiahne. Rozumiete? „Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne.“
86No, Duch Svätý je tu na zemi, hľadá tých jednotlivcov, ktorých Boh určil do Života v tomto veku. A len čo ich nájde, robí to presne tak, ako to urobil na Ježišovi Kristovi, na tom veľkom super Synovi Božom, ktorý nás všetkých vykúpil. Prichádza dole a začína prebývať v živote toho človeka. No, všimnite si, prináša oživujúcu moc. Tú oživujúcu moc, ktorá prišla na Ježiša a oživila Ho, aby zamanifestoval všetko, čo zasľubovalo Slovo na ten deň. Tak to robí Duch Svätý, ktorý prichádza na nás v tomto dni. Ak to nie je nejaký duch, ktorý zosmiešňuje Ducha Svätého, ak to nie je diabol, ktorý sa vysmieva Duchu Svätému, ale keď je to skutočný, pravý Duch Svätý, On bude manifestovať zasľúbenie na túto hodinu.
87Keď to padlo na Luthera, zamanifestovalo to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padlo na Wesleya, zamanifestovalo to zaľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padá v tomto dni, manifestuje to zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Keď to padlo na Mojžiša, zamanifestovalo to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Padlo na Noeho, manifestuje zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padlo na Ježiša, manifestuje to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Vidíte?
88To je Duch Svätý, ktorý prichádza dole, aby oživil, oživil tých ľudí, ktorí sú predurčení od Boha, aby boli vo Vytrhnutí. Všimnite si. To je, ak je to skutočný orol, bude rozumieť Posolstvu na túto hodinu, ak je skutočným orlom. No, ten malý orol asi, na tom dvore jedol dobre, ale vedel, že to nebolo celkom v poriadku. Ale potom, keď počul Pravdu, potom prijal tú Pravdu. V Jánovi 14...
89V Jánovi 5:24, vlastne, Ježiš povedal, hovorí to takto, „Ten, kto počuje moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Len sa zamyslite, aké je to jednoduché, „Ten kto verí.“ No, ten správny spôsob, ako to povedať, je, „Ten, kto rozumie.“
90Vyjdete tu na ulicu a opýtate sa tej prostitútky, „Veríš?“
„Veríš, že On je Syn Boží?“
„Si pokrstená?“
91Choď ku opilcovi a opýtaj sa ho, „Počul si to? Počul si kázať toho kazateľa?“
„Veríš tomu?“
„Samozrejme.“ Vidíte?
92Ale, „Ten, kto tomu rozumie, ten, kto pozná svoje miesto v tejto hodine, ten, kto počuje moje Slovo a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má“ (prítomný čas) „Večný život. Nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Potom, keď tento nový Večný Život prebýva vo vás, To je potenciálom, alebo zárukou, že ste boli oživení zo smrteľnosti do nesmrteľnosti.
93Dovoľte, aby som to znovu povedal. Keď ťa tento Duch našiel, jednotlivca, a prišiel na teba, to je potenciál tvojho Večného dedičstva, kde Boh myslel na teba a urobil ho pre teba pred založením sveta. To je tvoj potenciál.
94Ako keby ste chceli odo mňa dub, a ja by som vám dal žaluď. No, život pre ten dub je v tom žaludi, ale musíte čakať, až kým to vyrastie.
95Tak aj my. Keď prijmete Svätého Ducha Božieho, to je Boží potenciál, ktorý na vás čaká, ktorý vás už spoznal. A vy ste zapečatení tým Duchom zasľúbenia Božieho do tela Kristovho. Keď sa Boh pozrel dole na Golgotu a videl zomierať Ježiša, On ne... Ó! On zomrel za svoju Nevestu, za to Telo, ktorým je Cirkev Slova, Cirkev, ktorá verí Božiemu Slovu na daný vek, či sú to nohy, telo, hlava, alebo čokoľvek. Rozumiete? To je... Kristus krvácal a zomieral. A Boh, díval sa na Neho, videl Jeho vzkriesenie a Cirkev vstala s Ním na Veľkú noc.
96No, chcem, aby ste dali toto všetko dokopy, pretože tu mám niečo, čo vám za chvíľu chcem povedať, ak Pán dá.
97Všimnite si. To je preddavok, alebo potenciál, oživujúca moc nášho vzkriesenia, keď prijmete Ducha Svätého. On potom prebýva vo vás, ten potenciál toho.
98Všimnite si, teraz ste na ceste, rastiete do plného vzkriesenia. Žiadny strom nevyrastie za jednu noc. On musí rásť, tak ako my rastieme v milosti a známosti Božej. Ste pokrstení do Ducha Svätého. Ako letničná cirkev, pokrstená do Ducha Svätého, to začína rásť. Konáre zomreli. Boli odrezané. Ale ten strom stále rastie, ide stále ďalej, pretože to musí prísť do vzkriesenia.
99Sú vedení Duchom, aby oživil Slovo pre vás, ktorí ste veriaci. Slovo je oživované, ako prichádzate ku prvému konáru, druhému konáru, tretiemu konáru, až hore. Je to stále oživované. Duch Boží vám to oživuje.
100Všimnite si potom, Letnice, ich telá boli oživené tým novým životom, ktorý prijali. To robí, že sa cítim nábožne. Predstavte si. No, tu boli ľudia, rybári, colníci, pokorné prosté ženy, obyčajné ženy v domácnosti, prosté panny, dievčence. To boli veriaci. Oni verili, že toto je pravda. Oni tomu verili, keď Ježiš zomrel. Oni verili v Neho. A znovu povstal z mŕtvych; oni verili, že to je absolútne Božie svedectvo, že On Ho oživil do života.
101No, oni išli hore, do Dňa Letníc, aby prijali svoj abstrakt. Viete, čo je to abstrakt? To je, keď listina bola preplatená. Oni tam išli, aby prijali svoj abstrakt. A boli oživení, ó, čo za vzrušujúci zážitok! Oni kúpili tú zem; bola pre nich kúpená. Oni ju dostali.
102Je to pravda alebo nie? „Videli sme Ho vstať, ale čo teraz s nami? My sme svedkovia. My sme stáli a videli sme toho Muža ukrižovaného. Videli sme, ako sa zhromaždili tie mračná nad zemou a zatienili oblohu. A zem sa mykala a triasla; mala nervový kolaps. Potom, keď... Položili Ho do hrobu. Prepichli Mu kopijou srdce a zložili Jeho telo a položili do hrobu Jozefa z Arimatie.
103A potom zistili, že na tretí deň On znovu vstal. A ako povedali učeníci, „My sme svedkovia toho. Videli sme Ho povstať. Vieme, že On žije.“
104No, čo to urobilo? To odstránilo všetok strach. Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, „Nebojte sa. Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, a žijem na veky vekov.“ Vidíte? To odstránilo všetok strach, keď to uvideli.
105No, ale keď prišli ku Letniciam, tam prijali oživujúcu moc, moc, ktorá ich oživila.
106No, tam, myslím, že vy, bratia Presbyteriáni a Metodisti, vy potenciálne veríte v Pána Ježiša Krista, ale ten abstrakt ešte neprišiel. To je preplatenie tej listiny.
107Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie. Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť. Ale On spečatil zmluvu pečaťou obriezky.
108A Boh vám dáva zasľúbenie, potenciálne, že to dostanete a budete vzkriesení, toto telo bude oslávené s Ním v čase konca. Ale, vidíte, musíte dostať splnomocnenie na tú listinu. A to splnomocnenie je vtedy, keď všetko, čo bolo proti vám, je vymazané a vy máte na to výpis. Máte pečať. Je to vaše. Všetko, čo je na ňom, vám patrí. Amen.
109A keď veríme v Ježiša Krista ako nášho Spasiteľa a činíme pokánie a sme pokrstení a prichádzame, aby sme v Neho verili; Boh prijíma naše pokánie a našu vieru v Neho a posiela dole ten abstrakt. A ten abstrakt je zárukou. To je istota, že všetko, čo kedykoľvek svedčilo proti vám, že ste z toho úplne činili pokánie. Haleluja. A ten majetok je vykúpený a vy máte ten výpis na uistenie.
110Nech sa vás niekto pokúsi odsunúť z tej zeme, povedať, že patrí jemu, a vy máte v ruke ten výpis. Nech to skúsi. Nieto taký zákon, podľa ktorého by to mohol urobiť, lebo máte výpis.
111A nieto takého diabla, ani žiadna cirkev, ani neexistuje žiadna teológia, nič, čo by mohlo prekročiť hranice Božieho dokladu a výpisu, keď krst Duchom Svätým nás uznal v Ježišovi Kristovi. Sme si práve tak istí, že povstaneme, ako On povstal, pretože potenciálne sme už povstali s Ním. Amen.
112Staré veci. Čo to robí s našimi smrteľnými telami? To obracia naše názory, premieňa naše predstavy. To robí, že milujeme veci, ktoré sú hore. A fajčenie, pitie, hazardné hry, veci, ktoré ste voľakedy robili, sú mŕtve. Je to za vami.
113A ste oživení. A táto oživujúca moc privádza vaše telo do stavu vytrhnutia, už. Všimnite si letničných ľudí tam vtedy, keď boli oživení Duchom Svätým. Počúvajte ma. Keď tá letničná skupina tam, v deň letníc, keď prijali svoju právnu listinu od Boha, skutočne, to oslávilo ich duše. Oni kričali. Videli ohnivé jazyky na každom jednom z nich. A to tak oživilo ich telo, že nemohli už ďalej ani hovoriť zemským jazykom. To oživilo ich telá do nebeského jazyka; do miesta, na ktoré išli. Oživujúca moc Božia zatriasla ich telami tak, že až celý ich smrteľný jazyk bol pretvorený, premenený na nesmrteľný jazyk. Čo za oživujúca moc! Čo? Niečo, čo ku tomu patrí.
114„Ak Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách; On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“ Potom sme oživení mocou živého Boha.
115Jazyky, oživení do nového nebeského jazyka, aby im hovorili; vytrhovanie, dvíhanie hore do inej atmosféry, než ako tá, v ktorej žili. Tiež, s novým oživujúcim životom pre nich, ktorý prišiel do nich; to oživilo ich jazyk. Oni hovorili novými jazykmi. Ó, áno!
116Pozorujte ich teraz. Tiež bolo určené dať im, po tomto výpise, bolo určené dať im každé zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo zasľúbené. Každé zasľúbenie z Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo zasľúbené v Biblii, tá oživujúca moc im bola daná, aby oživila pre nich to zasľúbenie. Preto kládli ruky na chorých a oni boli uzdravení. Hovorili novými jazykmi. Robili veľké znamenia a zázraky; pretože to bolo v Božom zasľúbení. A keď Ježiš zomrel, aby to pre nich vykúpil naspäť, územie, ktoré patrí synom Božím, On zademonštroval, čo je Boh.
117Ako sa to odvažujeme socializovať a klásť to do nejakej organizácie? Na to nemáme právo.
118To je Duch Svätý, dnes, ktorý usilovne hľadá úprimné srdcia, ktoré budú veriť tomu posolstvu. Všetko, čo je v Biblii, čo je zasľúbené, je pre toho veriaceho. A keď to prijmete v celej plnosti, a Boh vie, že to urobíte, On vám dáva na to ten výpis. A potom, každé zasľúbenie, ktoré je dané, je vo vašom vlastníctve, a Duch Svätý je tam, aby vám to oživil. Ó! Akými ľuďmi máme byť? Aké je to ohromné vidieť tu Božieho veľkého Ducha Svätého robiť tú moc! Pomyslite na to. Keď sám Duch Svätý tu nesie svedectvo o tejto hodine. Ježiš tak povedal. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
Ako sa to niekto opovažuje odtiaľ vymazať?
119„Skutky, ktoré Ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť,“ Ján 14:12. „ Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To je uistenie. Keď vidíme nejakú skupinu ľudí, ktorí sa držia spolu, a tieto znamenia sa sami manifestujú, to je uistenie, že je tam ten výpis, aby potvrdil, že to je vlastníctvo Božie. Amen.
120Tak, my sme tiež Veľkou Nocou. Amen. My sme teraz v našej Veľkej Noci. Už sme povstali, haleluja, z vecí sveta, do vecí Božieho zasľúbenia. Nie, že budeme; sme. To sú tie možnosti.
121To je Božie zasľúbenie. On vyleje svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch, a to je to, čo oni robili. Všimnite si, kládli ruky na chorých; všetko to bolo v Božom zasľúbení. „Ja vylejem svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch na každé telo. Vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny. Vaši mládenci budú vidieť videnia.“ A všetky tieto rôzne zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal, všetko to leží rovno tam v Božom zasľúbení. Ježiš to pre nás vykúpil. A potom, keď sa stávame...
122Alebo, ak sme určení na tú pôdu, ak sme ordinovaní, aby sme boli na tej pôde; tak, ako ten orol, ktorý chodil v kuracom hniezde. Ak si určený na tú pôdu, Duch Svätý je tu, aby ťa našiel. A keď ťa nájde, ty spoznáš Jeho volanie. Budeš poznať hodinu, v ktorej žiješ. Budeš vedieť, že tieto veci sa majú stať. Rýchlo budeš vytrhnutý, aby si to stretol, a teraz sedíš v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ó, čo za zasľúbenie! To je Nebeský Otec, ktorý nám dáva tieto veci!
123Duch oživuje ich obecenstvo s Bohom, tak, že oni volajú mŕtvych naspäť do života, v ten deň. Oni kládli svoje telá na mŕtvych; a oni ožili. Dobre počúvajte. Oni robili tie isté veci, ktoré robil Ježiš, pretože ten istý Duch, ktorý bol na Ňom, bol na nich. Ak jeden Duch robí, že človek sa takto správa, on robí, že ten druhý sa tiež tak správa. Ak jeden...
124Ako môže prísť na niekoho a ten hovorí, že má Ducha Božieho, a zapiera skutky Božie? To nemôže.
125Všimnite si. Boží život, ktorý je po grécky nazvaný Zoe, pohybuje sa cez nich a v nich, oživil ich mysle do Svojho Slova. A teraz dovoľte, aby som vám to povedal skutočne pokojne. Duch Boží, ktorý sa pohybuje medzi ľuďmi, oživuje myseľ daného človeka do zasľúbenia Božieho. Vidíte? On to robí. Pozrite sa. A ja sa vám snažím ukázať... a aby ste si uvedomili, že teraz hovorím o Cirkvi, a tiež ich oživil do života, v Ňom.
126Hoci, oni len... Oni od začiatku boli Jeho atribútmi. Ale ak Boh povedal, „V ten deň,“ tam na začiatku, „John Doe bude Mojím sluhom,“ pred milión rokmi. A teraz, John Doe sa narodil v hriechu, sformovaný je v neprávosti, prichádza na svet, hovorí klamstvo, pretože je smrteľný. Ale možno má malé náboženské cítenie. Pôjde a pripojí sa do cirkvi. Možno sa pripojí k Letničnej cirkvi. Neviem. Môže sa pripojiť k akejkoľvek. Ale nech sa raz dostane do atmosféry Božej. Rozumiete? John Doe musí rozpoznať, kto je jeho Otec, tak, ako ten orol rozpoznal, kto je jeho mama. On si to musel uvedomiť. Rozumiete? Jedine, že John Doe je Boží atribút, ktorý sa stal slovom, vypovedaným, a potom Duch Svätý hľadá to slovo. To je to. On ho volá, dáva mu večný život a privádza ho do prítomnosti Božej, do Božieho Slova.
127Pozrite. Boh mal to isté, keď videl Ježiša. To bolo dokončené dielo, ktoré Boh dokončil s Ježišom, keď povedal, „Dokonalo sa.“ Celý plán bol dokončený.
128A keď Duch Boží prichádza na vás, a vy ste skutočne jeden z Božích atribútov, ktoré On vyslovil. No, ak nie ste, budete sa diviť a znervózňovať a behať sem a tam a všetko možné, a nikdy neprídete do poznania Pravdy. [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Ak ste jeden z týchto, tie staré veci veľmi rýchlo pominú a vy sa stanete novým a plán spasenia je dokončený. Ste pripravení poslúchať každé Slovo, ktoré vám Boh povedal, aby ste to robili. Ste poddaní Jeho Slovu. Tá zmluva, presne, ten výpis do zmluvy, tá právna listina vám patrí. Všetky dlhy sú zaplatené. Je to všetko vymazané, a tak, ako sa to stalo v deň letníc.
129Všimnime si teraz to oživenie, tohto oživujúceho Ducha na iných ľuďoch.
130Povedal som vám, že nebudem hovoriť veľmi dlho, a aby som dodržal svoje slovo, mám už len dvadsať minút, aby som to stihol v tom čase, ako som povedal, okolo hodiny.
Všimnite si teraz, táto oživujúca moc, toto prichádza len...
131No, je veľa vecí, ktoré sú z toho dané na výsmech. Je veľa ľudí, ktorí si skutočne myslia, že to majú, keď to nemajú. Veľa ľudí to robí preto, lebo dostali nejakú falošnú predstavu z toho, čo videli robiť iných kresťanov. Satan to môže všetko napodobniť. Vieme to. A ako misionári, môžete to vidieť napodobené: vykrikovanie, tancovanie, hovorenie v jazykoch, všetky tieto veci. Môžete to všade vidieť napodobené. Absolútne. Medzi pohanmi a ľuďmi, ktorí zapierajú, že je niečo také, ako Ježiš Kristus, že je Syn Boží. Vidíte? A oni robia všetky tieto veci sami od seba.
132Ale ten skutočný, ozajstný oživujúci Duch, ktorý prichádza na veriaceho, ten ho oživuje do Božieho Slova, to je znovu naspäť do pokrmu orla, presne tam, kde on žije. „Človek nebude žiť samým chlebom, ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
133Všimnime si teraz tohto oživujúceho Ducha, ako prichádza na iných ľudí, ako prišiel v deň Letníc.
134Všimnime si Letnice, ako sa oni správali, a pozrime sa, či boli oživení touto oživujúcou mocou, o ktorej hovoríme. Na deň Letníc, oni tam všetci čakali. Sami v sebe sa báli Židov, toho čo sa chystali urobiť, tak boli prestrašení. Ale čo sa stalo? Keď táto oživujúca moc spadla z neba, prišla na nich odvaha. Boli niečím, dostali porozumenie, keď ešte pred pár hodinami si neboli celkom istí. Oni vedeli, že On zomrel.
135 Oni vedeli, že On vstal. Rozprávali sa s Ním na ceste. „Ale bolo pre nich alebo len pre samého Ježiša?“
136Ale tu v deň Letníc, Duch Svätý, ten výpis padol na veriacich. To ich urobilo časťou Jeho vzkriesenia, urobilo ho časťou jeho obecenstva. Duch Svätý prišiel a potvrdil im, že oni budú vzkriesení, pretože potenciálne povstali vtedy, zo zbabelcov sa stali odvážni ľudia.
137Oni sa báli práve toho Slova, o ktorom rozmýšľali. Nenechajte, aby vás to obišlo. Oni sa báli. Oni vedeli, že On je Slovo.
138Ešte aj Židia to museli uznať. Nikodém povedal, „Rabbi, my vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha. Nikto by nemohol robiť veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh. To vieme. To uznávame.“
139Tak učeníci... Peter dokonca prisahal v Jeho prítomnosti. Všetci Ho opustili, pri ukrižovaní.
140Ale tu sú oni teraz v tejto hornej komnate, v prítomnosti Božej. Vtedy, zrazu, tu prichádza tento Svätý Duch dole z neba, a to ich oživilo. A odohralo sa to oživenie; oni sa nebáli svedčiť Posolstvo, ktorému verili, a vedeli, že to je pravda. Inak sa toho báli.
141Koľko Presbyteriánov, koľko Metodistov, koľko Baptistov vo svete dnes, koľko Letničných; ktorí poznajú Pravdu a boja sa postaviť za ňu? Som prinútený zamyslieť sa; čo spadlo na vás? Ste časťou Jeho vzkriesenia? Odvážite sa vykrikovať nejakú ľudskú teóriu a predstavu? Alebo máte skutočnú smelosť a tá skutočná mužskosť ju potrebuje, aby ste sa postavili a nazvali dobré „dobrým“ a zlé „zlým“? Ste časťou Jeho vzkriesenia, alebo uctievate nejaké vierovyznania? Ste niekým, kto chodí do zboru, máte tam zapísané svoje meno a ste mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach?
Ten, kto neverí celé Slovo Božie, je hriešnik.
142Títo farizejovia verili veľa vecí, že sú pravdou. Oni vraveli, „My sme deti Božie.“ A boli, až kým nebolo kázané to Slovo. Ale keď to Slovo bolo kázané a potvrdené, potom sa stali hriešnikmi, lebo odmietali tie veci, o ktorých vedeli, že sú správne, a boli toho svedkami. „My vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto nemôže robiť veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol s tebou Boh.“
143Zamýšľam sa dnes, kde sme? Pýtam sa vás. Kde nás nachádza toto zmŕtvychvstanie? Odvážite sa vystúpiť? Odvážite sa vziať Boha za Slovo? Ak ste určení do života, určite to urobíte. Ak si orol, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to neurobil, niečo je v tebe. Alebo chceš slúžiť niekde vyznaniu a hovoriť, „Ja chodím do zboru. Som tak isto dobrý ako ty“? Rozumiete? Ak nemáš práva prvorodenstva, nikdy to neuvidíš. Ale ak vlastníš toto právo, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to nevidel, pretože to je časťou teba a ty si časťou toho.
144 Ako by som mohol zaprieť matku, ktorá mi dala život? Ako by som mohol zaprieť otca, keď jeho vlastná krv je vo mne? Ako by som mohol zaprieť, že Charles Branham nie je môj otec? To by som nemohol. Som ochotný znášať jeho pohanenie alebo čokoľvek iné, pretože som jeho syn. Haleluja!
145Potom, keď som syn Boží, a On je Slovo Božie, ako môžem zapierať Bibliu, že nie je Pravdou, že Ježiš Kristus nie je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? A vidím hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, potrebujeme Veľkú noc v cirkvi. Vzkriesenie! Potrebujeme vzkriesenie, aby dalo moc viere, aby sa mužovia i ženy postavili za t,o, čo je Božie potvrdené Slovo.
146Poviete, „No, my máme našu Mládež pre Krista.“ To je v poriadku. Naša cirkev má zhromaždenie. Chceme toľko a toľko členov.“ Nič proti tomu. To je v poriadku. Ale to je len atmosféra. Tú môže vytvoriť perie starej sliepky. Ale keď sa dostaneš tam do tej atmosféry, ona vyliahne orla, ak si orlím vajcom. A ak si bol predurčený od Boha, aby si to videl, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to nevidel, vystupuješ vo vzkriesení. Takto sa narodil Baptista, takto sa narodil Metodista, vo vzkriesení toho dňa, ale oni sa odvrátili a išli ku sliepke namiesto toho, aby išli ku orlovi.
147Ako som nedávno povedal, keď som išiel z Tucsonu. Pozoroval som veľmi zvláštnu vec. Videl som tam jastraba sedieť na drôtoch. Jastrab dávno stratil svoju identifikáciu. To býval vták, ďalší po orlovi. On nemohol nasledovať orla, to nie, v žiadnom prípade. Nič nemôže nasledovať orla. Ale to bol jastrab.
148Kristus je Orol a cirkev má byť prinajmenej jastrabom. Oni môžu lietať vyššie, než ďalší ostatní vtáci. Ale ten jastrab sa stal mäkkým. Stratil svoju identifikáciu. Sedí na telefónnych drôtoch a čaká na nejakého mŕtveho zajaca. Poskakuje ako sup, namiesto toho, aby lietal ako jastrab.
149Ó, môj brat, sestra, vy Letniční ľudia, ktorí ste mojimi vlastnými drahými ľuďmi! Cirkev stráca svoju identifikáciu. Zostupuje dole a je závislá na nejakom mŕtvom formálnom vyznaní, namiesto toho, aby lietala v Nebeských miestach, ďalej za čerstvou mannou.
150Jastrab si zvykol uloviť svoju vlastnú mannu, ale dnes berie to, čo zrazia autá, a to, čo jedia supy. Poskakuje ako jeden z nich. Podobá sa na nich.
151Tak sa ozdobujeme v modernom svete, naše ženy si strihajú vlasy, a nosia šortky, naši muži nemajú dostatočnú chrbticu na to, aby sa postavili za kazateľňu a povedali pravdu. Dávno sme zmäkli na Slove.
152Ó, Bože, pošli Ducha Svätého a vyhľadaj niekde tých orlov, ktorí sú pripravení postaviť sa tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, ktorí vyletia hore do toho neznáma, nebudú sedieť na telefónnych drôtoch a čakať na nejakú literatúru nedeľnej školy. Nechajte ma, nech mám Slovo a v čerstvosti moci a demonštrácii Svätého Ducha. Potrebujeme Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie, ktoré má súhrn možností. Môj priateľ, ak si spokojný s takou svetskou zdochlinou, potom je niečo zle.
153Moja sestra, môj brat, dovoľ, aby som ti povedal toto, v Božej bázni, keď viem, že nemusím už žiť, aby som znovu uvidel Veľkú noc. Ale jedna vec je istá, keď skutočný predurčený syn Boží skrze Slovo Božie počuje Boží hlas, on povstane a pôjde Ho stretnúť. To je ten súhrn možností, že on pôjde stretnúť to reálne, živé Slovo, také, ako bol On. Nevesta stretne Ženícha. Ona je časťou Jeho tela.
154Všimnite si, už dávno sme, strácame našu identifikáciu. Prichádzame v stredu večer, niektorí z nás. Ostatní zostávajú doma, aby pozerali v televízore Kto miluje Zuzanu, a všetky rôzne svetské veci, všetky rôzne zábavy, aby vám to bránilo chodiť do zboru. Už sme ju dávno stratili.
155Naše semináre, naše školy, vypúšťajú mnoho frajerov s množstvom teológie, ktorí zabávajú ľudí a robia v cirkvách všetko možné namiesto modlitebného zhromaždenia. Hodili sme sa do gala a snažíme sa vyplniť to, čo sa snažia robiť tí modernisti. S tým ich nikdy nezískate. Oni toho majú viac, ako vy. Vy nemáte čo hľadať na ich pôde. Nechajte ich, nech oni prídu na vašu, tam, kde svieti skutočný krst, kde je skutočná moc zmŕtvychvstania. Nesnažte sa stavať cirkev podobnú ako ich. Nesnažte sa mať takého pastora. Nesnažte sa robiť toto ďalšie, alebo spolupracovať so svetom. Oni vydávajú lesk Hollywoodu.
156Skutočné Evanjelium svieti mocou. Orly to počujú. Oni sa nedívajú na ten lesk. Oni hľadia na svetlo. Ktoré svieti pokorou, svieti láskou, svieti mocou, to je to, čo skutočný orol hľadá. Nemôžete hrabať za stodolou v hnoji a páčiť sa mu. On to nikdy nebude môcť robiť. Nikdy mu to nenahovoríš, pretože on tomu neverí.
157Nech ten Hlas kričí z neba, „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu žijem.“ Niečo sa deje. „Ja som ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že Sa vylejem na každé telo.“ Sláva Bohu! „Oživím váš smrteľný jazyk. Oživím vaše smrteľné jazyky. Dám vám dôkaz, že vás privediem do vzkriesenia so Mnou.“ V srdci hladné orly sa načahujú za tým tak, ako len môžu. To je perla nesmiernej ceny, že až predávajú všetko, aby ju kúpili. Amen.
158Bože, pomôž nám. Priateľ, naše cirkvi strácajú svoju identifikáciu.
Poďme teraz rýchlo do nejakej.
159Pozorujte, ako sa správali tí učeníci, boli vystrašení. Oni vedeli, že Ježiš je Pravda, ale vidíte, to bolo proti tým populárnym názorom, proti populárnemu náboženstvu tej hodiny, proti tomu najprísnejšiemu náboženstvu Farizejov, Sadúceov, a tak ďalej, proti ich kultom, klanom a denomináciám. Oni boli proti Tomu, nazývali to „Bludárstvo.“ Ale Ježiš bol tým zidentifikovaným Slovom.
160A Ježiš je Duch Svätý, v Duchu. „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte,“ nie telo; Život, ktorý bol v Ňom, Boha, ktorý je na cirkvi aby zavolal synov, ako to urobil vtedy, poslušných.
161„Ja stále robím to, čo sa ľúbi môjmu Otcovi. Kto z vás ma usvedčí o hriechu?“ Inými slovami, hriech je nevera. „Čo Slovo povedalo o mne, čo by som nebol vykonal?“ Tu to je. „Ukážte mi, čo hovorí Slovo, že mám robiť, čo som neurobil. Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť? Kto môže ukázať na mňa prstom a povedať, že som nevyplnil Slovo môjho Otca?“ Ó, keď sa Letničná cirkev dostane na to miesto! „Kto ma môže usvedčiť z nevery?“
162Ó, Kresťania, buďte zidentifikovaní, nie ako jastrab, ale ako orol. Ten jastrab je poddajný, slabý, on pôjde dole. Nikdy nevidíte orla robiť niečo také. On to nikdy nebude robiť. On si poľuje na svoju potravu, na modrej oblohe. Boh ho pripravil tak, že ju môže uvidieť. On dostáva čerstvú mannu, nie niečo, čo je mŕtve.
163Židia, keď prechádzali cez púšť, jedli, pokúsili sa jesť mŕtvu mannu. Ona sa skazila. Mala v sebe krútiace sa červíky. Viete, čo to je. Proste sa skazila, zhnila. Boli v nej červíky.
164Prečo by som mal jesť potravu z niečoho, čo bolo zabité pred rokmi? Ona môže mať tvar a formu, ale nie je čerstvá. My potrebujeme získať potravu v každej generácii, novú. Tak orol hľadá takú potravu, každá generácia, pri tom, ako putujeme po ceste. Všimnite si.
165Zoberme teraz znovu nejakých ľudí. Zoberme nejakých prorokov Starého Zákona, aby sme videli, čo oni robili.
166Pozrime sa prv na Štefana, ako Štefan uprostred tej rady Sanhedrinu. Keď ho ten koncil tam priviedol, tam to veľké zhromaždenie veriacich, alebo sa očakávalo, že sú to veriaci, priviedli ho tam a snažili sa ho odsúdiť. „Prečo,“ on povedal, „vy tvrdého krku a neobrezaní v srdci a ušiach, vy sa stále protivíte Duchu Svätému.“ To je ten Večný Život. „Ako to robili vaši otcovia tam vtedy počas prorokov, tak to robíte vy dnes.“ A oni škrípali na neho svojimi zubami. Oni to nechceli počúvať. On bol proti ich vyznaniu. On bol proti ich denominácii. A ukameňovali ho na smrť. A on pozdvihol svoje ruky, pohliadol k Nebesiam a povedal, „Vidím nebo otvorené a Ježiša stáť po pravici.“ Prečo? On mal vzkriesenie, mal v sebe oživujúcu moc, ktorá ho zobrala do Ježišovho náručia.
167Všimnite si teraz rýchlo. Pozrite na Filipa, tam v tom veľkom prebudení. Mal tam prebudenie, kde bolo... nikto by sa neodvážil... prečo. Keď tam mal veľkú spoluprácu medzi cirkvami a so všetkými. Kázal na veľkom prebudení. A tá oživujúca Božia moc prehovorila ku nemu, povedala, „Štefan...“. Mohla mu povedať toto, „Máš veľké prebudenie, ale ja mám jedného človeka a chcem, aby si sa s ním porozprával.“
168A Štefan je poslušný, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, koľko kritiky. „Ó, Štefan, nemôžeš odísť.“
„Ale môžem. Boh tak povedal.“
169A odišiel na púšť a tam stretol toho eunúcha. A čo sa stalo? On povedal, „Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca, že Ježiš je Syn Boží, pokrstím ťa.“ Keď ho pokrstil...
170Pozrite sa. On bol oživený touto oživujúcou mocou, aby opustil zhromaždenia, kde bolo tisíc ľudí, aby išiel na púšť ku jednému človekovi. Ó, to by bolo proti všetkému rozumu. Vidíte? „Prečo, tu je desaťtisíc ľudí, ktorí na teba čakajú.“ Ale je jeden, ktorý čaká tam. Vidíte? A tá oživujúca moc ho poslala na Božie pripravené miesto. Haleluja!
171Mužovia a ženy, Ona spraví, že budete stáť na svojich nohách. Ona spraví, že budete robiť veci, ktoré Boh od vás chce, aby ste robili. Nestarám sa, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný. Sused povie, „Ó, ten človek stratil rozum. Modlí sa celú noc, čítajú Bibliu.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo hovoria. To je to, do čoho ťa Boh povolal, aby si robil. Je to tak. „Ó, oni vravia, že nemôžeme mať tieto starodávne Letničné prebudenia.“ Ó, áno, my ich tiež môžeme mať. Vy ho môžete mať v sebe. A vy ste väčšina, v Bohu, bez ohľadu na to, čo si myslia tí ostatní.
172Všimnite si, potom v poslušnosti. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Po poslúchaní Boha, Jeho Slova, keď splnil svoju misiu, tá oživujúca moc, ktorú dostal na Letnice, ho zobrala preč, oživila jeho telo. Na míle od toho miesta ho Duch zobral, a on sa našiel niekde v inej krajine. Oživujúca moc Božia! A ak sme letniční, „Tá istá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z mŕtvych, ak ona prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách.“ Vidíte? Dobre. Dávajte pozor.
173Zoberme ďalšieho muža s touto oživujúcou mocou. Tam dávno bol taký muž, volal sa Enoch. Keď prichádzala nejaká nová vec, keď niečo prichádza a hovorí, „No, teraz musíme ísť naspäť do starej školy, alebo do tohto, toho, či tamtoho.“ Enoch chodil s Bohom. Čokoľvek mu Boh povedal, aby urobil, Enoch neprepásol ani jedno slovo. On chodil s Bohom. Čo on bol? On bol syn Boží. On bol orol, ktorý bol zavolaný do toho dňa.
174A keď prišiel čas, on bol tak plný tej oživujúcej moci! Pamätajte, on chodil päťsto rokov alebo viac pred Bohom a ani raz neobišiel Jeho Slovo. Ani raz sa nezachoval zle. Ani raz neurobil nič iné, ale zachovával svedectvo. Všetko, čo mu Boh povedal, že má robiť, on išiel a urobil to. Nemal na to žiadne argumenty, proste išiel a vykonal to. Nezáležalo mu na tom, čo si o tom niekto iný myslel, on išiel a vykonal to. Prečo? On bol plný oživujúcej moci. A keď prišiel čas pre toho starého človeka, aby zomrel, Boh poslal dole rebrík a on vyšiel hore Domov. On ho oživil a zobral jeho smrteľné telo hore, vo vytrhnutí. Amen. To je tá oživujúca moc.
175Pozrite sa na Eliáša, keď jeho práca na zemi bola dokončená. On bol tak plný tejto oživujúcej moci; on odsúdil tie účesy Jackie Kennedyovej v jeho dňoch. On povedal starej Jezábeli, čo si o nej myslel. On povedal tým kazateľom a kňazom, čo je správne, a čo zlé, a oni mu neverili. Ale on bol tak ostro odsúdil tie ženy s namaľovanými tvárami a všetko také. A on tak plný tej oživujúcej moci, že až mu nič nemohlo ublížiť. Boh mu dal jesť z neba, zobral ho a postavil nabok. On bol tak plný oživujúcej moci, že keď prišiel čas zomrieť, Jordán sa otvoril a on len išiel, dole bol poslaný voz, aby ho zobral hore Domov, tak plný oživujúcej moci. On sa stal pravým, skutočným synom Božím. Áno.
176Všimnite si, on mal nasledovníka a jeho meno bolo Elizeus. A Elizeus mal dvojnásobnú mieru tejto oživujúcej moci. Vidíte? On ju mal v dvojnásobnej miere. No, on kázal asi osemdesiat rokov, alebo mal osemdesiat rokov. On ochorel a zomrel. No, ale nedostal sa ku tomu, aby išiel Domov tak, ako Eliáš. Vidíte? Oni obidvaja sú reprezentovaní v cirkvi; jedni svätí idú a druhí zostávajú. Ale všimnite si, keď bol Eliáš vzatý hore vo vytrhnutí; potom sa Elizeus odobral na spánok, v Bohu, plný oživujúcej moci. Pozrite sa na jeho proroctvo tesne predtým, ako zomrel. Vidíte?
177Dovoľte, aby som vám ukázal. Nezáleží na tom, či ste mŕtvi, alebo kde ste, tá oživujúca moc nikdy neodchádza. Roky a roky po jeho smrti, jeho mäso zhnilo, červíky ho zožrali. Ale raz tam niesli mŕtveho muža, hodili ho na jeho kosti a tam bolo toľko oživujúcej moci, že ten človek znovu ožil. Haleluja! Vzkriesilo ho to z mŕtvych, pretože tá oživujúca moc, ktorá bola na tom svätom Božom, ho nikdy neopustila, zostala rovno na tých kostiach.
178Ó, pamätajte, my sme telom z Jeho tela, kosťou z Jeho kostí, keď sme Jeho Nevesta. Smrť nijako nemôže uškodiť tej oživujúcej moci. „Hoci červy zničia toto telo, predsa vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Sláva Bohu! Čo... Neviem, čo povedať. Čo za nádej pre starého človeka, ako som ja, keď viem, že zakrátko môžem uvidieť svoj koniec, ako päťdesiatšesť ročný.
179Od malého chlapca tu stojím. Snažím sa toto hlásať. Ale viem, že vo mne nie je nič dobrého, čo by som ja mal, nič, čo som ja urobil. Ale je vo mne tá oživujúca moc, ktorá ma jedného dňa oživila, od vecí tohto sveta, ako mladého človeka, do Večného Života. Ó, tie veci, ktoré sa stali! Videl som videnia, predpovedal som veci. On nenechal doteraz ničomu upadnúť. Hovoril som v iných jazykoch, prorokoval som. Robil som tie veci skrze Ducha Božieho, ktorý vo mne prebýva. To je oživujúca moc. Viem, že jedného dňa...
180Môj Vykupiteľ teraz žije. A jedného dňa, keď On príde, tieto kosti znovu vstanú, aby Ho išli stretnúť na povetrí. Môžete ma pochovať v mori, spáliť ma, čokoľvek chcete. Táto oživujúca moc je večná. Ó! Cítim práve teraz Veľkú noc. Áno. Mám to už roky. Je to vo mne.
181Je to vo vás. Ak ten Duch, ktorý vzbudil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách, On vás oživil od vecí sveta jedine do Slova Božieho. On vás oživil z tohto života do Večného Života. Vy, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach, teraz ste boli spolu oživení, aby ste sedeli v Nebeských miestach s Kristom Ježišom a jedli Mannu z Hora, videli ruku Božiu, ako sa zamanifestovala a potvrdila zasľúbenie na tento deň.
182„Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Jedli, pili, ženili sa, vydávali. A tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v tých hodinách, keď sa Syn človeka zjaví na zemi.“ Nie už viac Syn Boží. Syn človeka príde naspäť ako prorocké Posolstvo na ten posledný deň, keď bude letieť ten orol; nie lev, nie vôl vo veku obeti. Rozumiete?
183Zakaždým, náboženská moc vystúpila, aby sa stretla s výzvou politickej moci sveta. Keď povstal lev, tá náboženská moc, ona išla, aby sa stretla s rímskou mocou.
184A potom, keď prišla hodina obete, vystúpil vôl, pretože on je Pánove obetné zviera.
185Potom prichádzajú reformátori počas tých cirkevných vekov, prichádza tvár človeka. A reformátori boli od Luthera, Wesleya, Kalvína, a tak ďalej do letničného veku.
186Ale v tom poslednom Posolstve, ktoré vyšlo, tam prichádza letiaci orol. To je čas orla, čas zjavenia, Slovo Božie sa zamanifestovalo, Slovo Božie sa dokázalo. Ó, deti, vojdite do tohto krstu Duchom Svätým. Vojdite a verte Tomu, z celého svojho srdca, Boh vás naplní.
187Pozrite sa teraz sem. Zisťujeme teraz, pamätajte, „My sme telom z Jeho tela a kosťou z Jeho kosti.“ Tak, ako Boh vzkriesil Jeho kosti a telo z hrobu, oni nemôžu ukryť toho človeka, ktorý má tie potenciály. Smrť ho nemôže zobrať. Ježiš povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne. Ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň.“ Ó! Veľká noc! Práve sme vo Veľkej noci. Keď On vstal, my sme vstali s Ním. On poslal naspäť ten abstrakt. My sme ho uchopili, ako krst Duchom Svätým. „On je živý naveky; ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Židom 13:8 to dokazuje. On je ten istý.
188Jeho mesiášski, pomazaní ľudia tomu veria. Čo je to mesiáš? Čo to je mesiáš? Mesiáš je Ten pomazaný. A teraz, ak On bol Mesiáš, tým, že bol Tým pomazaným na ten deň, aby vyplnil Slovo Božie, aby bol Vykupiteľom a Tým pomazaným, a Boh vzbudil jeho telo; Jeho Nevesta je tou pomazanou na tento deň. Ona už vstala s Ním vo vzkriesení, pretože, „Tí dvaja sú jedno.“ Amen.
189Prajem si, aby som to mohol povedať tak, ako to vidím. Prajem si, aby som mal vzdelanie, aby som to pomocou neho povedal. Rozumiete? Dúfam, že to vidíte. Dúfam, že Boh, Duch Svätý príde dole a dá vám to do srdca, aby ste uvideli, čo chcem povedať.
190Vzkriesenie, my sme teraz vo vzkriesení. Sme s Ním vo vzkriesení, ale len tí, ktorí majú Život.
191Nie tí, ktorí nemajú Život. Oni to nebudú poznať. Oni to nikdy nebudú poznať. Oni pôjdu rovno ďalej a budú si myslieť, že majú Ducha Svätého, že sú spasení, a Vytrhnutie sa odohrá, dokoná sa a pominie. On povedal, „Eliáš už prišiel a urobili mu... a vy ste o tom nevedeli.“ Vidíte?
192Všimnite si. Smrť nezadrží tú oživujúcu moc Božiu. Všimnite si. Smrť ju nemôže zastaviť.
193Hovoríte si, „No, moja mama bola Duchom naplnená žena. Môj otec, nikdy som nevidel človeka tak plného moci, ako bol môj otec. Ale on zomrel, brat Branham.“ Áno. To nezastavilo tú oživujúcu moc.
194Mojžiš mal tú oživujúcu moc. Veríte tomu? Nebolo na zemi takého človeka ako on, až po Ježiša. Lebo on nielen videl videnia, on sa rozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom.
195Dokonca prorokyňa Miriam spochybňovala raz jeho slová. On povedal, „Nebojíš sa Boha? Pozri sa na môjho sluhu, Mojžiša. Nie je na svete jemu podobného, v tejto hodine. Nebol nikto taký ako Mojžiš. Ja hovorím ku Mojžišovi. Čo on kedy povedal, čo by nebola pravda? Vidíš? Ja hovorím ku Mojžišovi. Nebojíš sa Boha? Nehovor proti nemu ani slovo.“ A hneď potom bola ranená malomocenstvom a zomierala. Ona potom nežila veľmi dlho. Mojžiš sa za ňu modlil.
196A Mojžiš sa vyšplhal hore na ten kopec, keď bol v službe stodvadsať rokov, či osemdesiat rokov; vtedy mal stodvadsať rokov, vyšplhal sa hore na ten vrch a zomrel a bol pochovaný v údolí. Ale tá oživujúca moc bola na ňom. Asi po osemsto rokoch; on tu je, stojí na Vrchu Premenenia. Amen. Čo bol? Bol zahrnutý do toho vzkriesenia. Skutočne bol. On mal oživujúcu moc Božiu. On tam stál.
197Pozrite sa na Jóba, Abraháma, Izáka, na tých svätých, keď nastal ten deň vzkriesenia, to veľké ráno, o ktorom Jób a všetci tí ostatní vedeli, že príde. Keď povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije.“ To bolo stovky a stovky rokov pred Kristom. V skutočnosti kniha Jóba bola napísaná pred Genesis, tak tvrdia, že to je najstaršia kniha v Biblii.
198A vo svojich skúškach, ako my cez ne teraz prechádzame. A jeho žena, ešte aj tá najbližšia osoba, ktorú na zemi mal, povedala, „Zloreč Bohu a zomri.“
199On povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena. Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánove.“
200A potom, keď Duch Boží prišiel na neho a on začal prorokovať, povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na túto zem. Hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ A on si pripravil miesto, aby tam bol pochovaný. Povedal, „Kúpime túto zem.“ On to kúpil, aby tam bol pochovaný.
201Neskoršie prichádza muž, ktorý sa nazýva Abrahám. Cirkev rastie, ide ďalej. Abrahám, no on mal tiež Božie potenciály, nekonečný život, večný, pretože ho Boh povolal. No všimnite si. Keď zomrel, alebo keď Sára zomrela, on kúpil kúsok zeme v Palestíne, blízko Jóbovho hrobu a pochoval Sáru. Abrahám zomrel a tiež bol pochovaný so Sárou. Abrahám splodil Izáka.
202A Izák, keď zomrel, spal pri Abrahámovi, na tom istom pozemku. A keď Izák splodil Jákoba.
203Jákob zomrel tam dole v Egypte. Ale on bol prorok a teraz, s týmto potenciálom, s touto oživujúcou mocou, povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu. Jozef, poď sem, môj prorocký syn. Polož svoju ruku na toto bedro, ktoré Boh ochromil. Prisahaj mi na Boha Nebies, že ma nepochováš tu dole.“ Čo bolo v tom človeku? Prečo nebol Egypt práve tak dobrý ako ktorékoľvek iné miesto? On bol prorok. On vedel, kde nastane zmŕtvychvstanie. Ono nebude v Egypte, ono bude v Palestíne. Povedal, „Polož ruku na moje chromé bedro a prisahaj mi na Boha, ktorému som slúžil, ty si môj prorocký syn, že nepochováš moje kosti tu. Zober ma a pochovaj ma tam.“
204Jozef, ktorý bol tiež prorok, položil svoje ruky na chromé bedro svojho otca. Povedal, „Prisahám na Boha Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba, že ťa tu nepochovám.“ Zobrali ho do tej zeme a pochovali. Prečo? Prečo?
205Keď Jozef zomrel, on povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu dole. Nepochovajte ma tu dole.“ Prečo? Boh je Bohom všade, ale On má plán. Jozef bol prorok. On povedal, „Jedného dňa,“ počúvajte jeho slová, „Pán Boh vás navštívi a zoberie vás z tejto zeme. A keď budete odchádzať, zoberte moje kosti.“
206Táto oživujúca moc bola v tých kostiach. Ó! „Ak Duch toho, ktorý vzbudil Krista z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
207„Nepoložte moje kosti tu dole. Pochovajte ich tam hore s tými, ktorí mali zasľúbenie.“
208Keď prišiel Ježiš... mám tu miesto Písma, Matúš 27:51. Keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, Jób videl ten príchod a povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. V posledný deň sa On postaví na tejto zemi. Hoci červy zničia toto telo, predsa vo svojom tele uvidím Boha. Ja Ho uvidím.“ Oni vedeli. To bol prorok. Abrahám bol prorok. Izák bol prorok. Jákob bol prorok. Jozef bol prorok. A oni mali zjavenie Božie, podľa Jeho Slova. A v to Veľkonočné ráno, keď On prišiel a vykúpil všetkých tých, ktorí v Neho verili, oni vstali tiež, podľa Biblie.
209Tá oživujúca moc vošla do Jóbovho hrobu, kde z jeho kostí zostalo možno už len za lyžicu prachu. Po všetkých tých stovkách a stovkách, a stovkách rokov, jeho kosti sa rozpadli. Navrátili sa a premenili sa naspäť na zemské plyny a ležal tam len prach. Ale predsa, keď tá oživujúca moc, podľa Slova Božieho, podľa zasľúbenia, prešlo stovky a stovky rokov, áno, po tisícoch rokoch, keď tá oživujúca moc bola vyvedená z hrobu; Jób, Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, oni všetci, vyšli z hrobov s Ním.
210Biblia tak povedala. Sv. Matúš, 27. kapitola a 51.verš hovorí, „Mnohí svätí, ktorí spali v prachu zeme, vstali a vyšli z hrobov s Ním, keď On vstal v to Veľkonočné ráno.“ Prečo? Oni mali ten potenciál. Mali tú oživujúcu moc, rozumiete, a vstali z mŕtvych s Ním, pretože boli plní tej oživujúcej moci, vidíte, a vstali z mŕtvych, a odišli s Ním vo vzkriesení. Tešili sa zo vzkriesenia s Ním, pretože boli plní tej oživujúcej moci. Mali tú skutočnú Veľkonočnú pečať.
„Dobre,“ poviete, „prial by som si žiť tam v Starom Zákone.“
211Počkaj chvíľu. V 1. Liste Tesaloničanom, vo štvrtej kapitole, 16. verš, chcem, aby ste si to prečítali. „Ale nechcem, bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili, ako aj ostatní, ktorí nemajú nádeje. Lebo ak veríme, že Ježiš zomrel i vstal z mŕtvych na tretí deň,“ nepretvarujeme sa, že veríme, ale veríme tomu, „tak i Boh tých, ktorí zosnuli, skrze Ježiša privedie s ním.“
212Novozákonní svätí s tou oživujúcou mocou, oni tiež vstanú, pri Jeho druhom príchode; s takou istotou, ako tí Starozákonní svätí so všetkou tou oživujúcou mocou na ich kostiach, a prenesením a mocami, a tak ďalej, ktoré Boh ukázal. Tí proroci, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, oni vstali z mŕtvych s Ním, keď nastalo ráno zmŕtvychvstania; a so zasľúbením Božím, každý jeden, kto je v Kristovi Ježišovi, tiež príde s Ním v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, tá oživujúca moc Božia príde na tie kosti.
213Niet divu, že kladieme ruky na chorých. Niet divu, že milujeme jeden druhého. Sme bratia a sestry. Nemali by sme nenávidieť jeden druhého, pretože sme napravení Slovom Božím. Máme milovať jeden druhého a mať rešpekt jeden voči druhému. Viete, ak tak nerobíte, to vám nepomôže.
214Sedí tu mladý muž, teraz v zbore. Pred pár dňami... On verí. Ten chlapčisko mal na uchu rakovinu, a on o tom nič nehovoril. On tam pracoval v dome. Bol som s ním na poľovačke, tam hore s bratmi Mosleyovcami, a tu s bratom Dawsonom. Boli sme tam na poľovačke, tiež so synom brata Williama. A náhodou som sa pozrel na jeho ucho. Videl som, že ho má napuchnuté. Opýtal som sa, „Donavon, čo máš s tým uchom?“
215Povedal, „Brat Branham, to už mám dlho. Neviem.“
216Len som ho tam chytil za ruku. Na uchu mal veľkú rakovinu. Nepovedal som ani slovo. Len som ho držal a pomyslel som si, „Môj brat!“ Za deň alebo za dva nezostala po nej ani stopa. To bol jeho rešpekt pred Bohom Nebies, skrze Jeho oživujúcu moc, to zabilo tú rakovinu a ušetrilo život Donavona Weertsa. Je to tak.
217Čo sú tieto veci? Pozrite sa sem, ľudia tu vo Phoenixe. Pozrite sa na seba, ľudia, ktorí ste tomuto uverili. Pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí toto majú, ktorí kladú na vás svoje ruky. Pozorujte, čo sa deje. To je oživujúca moc. „Uverivších budú nasledovať tieto znamenia.“ Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, tá oživujúca moc, orol orlovi, niečo sa deje. No, orol na supa, to nebude fungovať. Orol na orla, dvíha ho zo dvora do nebies. „Veriacich budú nasledovať tieto znamenia,“ keď sú obidvaja veriaci.
218Vidíte tú istú oživujúcu moc Božiu v týchto dvoch prorokoch, v Eliášovi a v Elizeovi. Všimnite si, to isté slovo; jeden z nich je vzatý hore, ten druhý bol zobraný hore. Vzatý hore a zobraný hore. Vidíte? Bol zobraný hore. My budeme vzatí hore; vzatí s nimi, stretneme ich na povetrí. „Vzatí hore, aby sme ich stretli na povetrí.“
219Všimnite si, vták musí mať dve krídla, aby si udržiaval rovnováhu. Je to tak? Eliáš bol krídlom prenesenia, Eliáš. Elizeus bol krídlom zmŕtvychvstania. Vidíte? Obidvaja spolu reprezentujú svätých, tých, ktorí sú živí, a svätých, ktorí zomreli.
220Pamätajte, oživení, aby videli tam vtedy, cez tie záclony. Ako boli títo ľudia tam oživení, aby videli cez tú záclonu, a videli, čo bude v tomto čase, tí proroci!
221Pozrite sa na Pavla, povedal, že akí budú ľudia v týchto posledných dňoch, ako sa budú správať a budú sa nazývať Kresťanmi. On bol prorok, plný oživujúcej moci, dopredu videl, že to nastane. Veríme tomu. Či nie? On dostal oživujúcu moc.
222Pozrite sa na tú oživujúcu moc dnes, predpovedá veci, bez jedného pochybenia. Ani raz to nesklamalo. Oživujúca moc; nie moc človeka; moc Božia. Moc, ten Veľkonočný výpis, vzkriesený Ježiš poslal naspäť ten výpis, aby nám zaručil, že sme už vzkriesení s Ním.
223Všimnite si. Pamätáte sa na tú malú knižku, ktorú tu tí Obchodníci... Pohľad cez záclonu času? Začínam starnúť, uvedomujem si, že moje dni sa skracujú.
224Odohrávam ten krátky úsek, ktorý pred chvíľou spievali tie dámy. Teraz už okolo osemnásť, dvadsať rokov. Chcem stále o tom hovoriť, Pane. Odísť tam a ísť sa modliť, potom prichádza tá oživujúca moc. Som na odpočinku. Dívam sa tam hore. Hovorím si, „Pozri sa ďalej.“
225Pamätám sa na to ráno, bol som zobratý na druhú stranu. A moja žena, ona tam sedí, ležala so mnou na tej istej posteli. Zodvihol som sa a pozeral som hore. A ona tam bola, spala. Povedal som, „Ak mám urobiť niečo pre Pána, radšej sa ponáhľaj, chlapče. Už máš po päťdesiatke.“ Vtedy ma Duch Svätý zobral preč a ja som sa tam pozeral. Videl som tých svätých, tak skutočne, ako stojím tu pri tomto pulte, s touto svätou Knihou, ktorá tu leží, ako kazateľ Evanjelia.
226Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Áno. Chcem, aby ste mi to povedali. Stále to bolo dokonale, na pódiu? Stále, stalo sa to presne tak, ako to On povedal? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] To bolo Tak hovorí Pán.
227Stál som tam, pozeral som sa cez ten čas. Videl som prichádzať desať tisíce tisícov mladých mužov a žien, bežali, objímali ma, vykrikovali. Pozrel som sa dozadu a videl som sa, ako ležím na posteli. „Ó, Pane, daj mi dívať sa cez záclonu času.“
228Čo to je? To je oživujúca moc, ktorá nás vezme preč. Tá veľká oživujúca moc. Tá oživujúca moc prichádza v týchto posledných dňoch.
229Kvôli tomu som v Arizone, práve teraz. Je tu veľa ľudí, práve tu vo Phoenixe, ktorí ma počuli, ako som povedal práve z tohto pódia, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Koľkí si to pamätáte? „Choď teraz. Niečo sa má stať.“
230Videl som prísť sedem anjelov. Či to nie je v časopise Život, ako hmla, ktorá sa tu vznášala, dvadsaťsedem míľ vysoko a tridsať míľ v priemere? Či tu nesedí brať Fred Sothmann a tí ostatní, Gene Norman, oni, sedia tam vzadu? Stáli rovno tam, keď sa zjavilo tých sedem anjelov, rovno tam na tom vrchu. To zatriaslo takto tými vrchmi na míle dookola. Stálo tam sedem anjelov. A hodený meč do ruky. Povedali, „Choď domov a otvor tých sedem pečatí, ktoré sú dané.“ A tam sú, to pravé tajomstvo o manželstve a rozvode, a o semene hada, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré spôsobovali neporozumenie. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
231Čo to je? Oživujúca moc prichádza do cirkvi, pripravuje Ju na túto hodinu, ku ktorej sa približujeme. Oživujúca moc!
Ó, Bože, pomôž nám prijať to. Pomôž nám veriť tomu.
232Vidíte? Záleží, aký máte k tomu postoj, to rozhoduje, či vám to bude na dobré alebo nie. Rozumiete? Musíte tomu veriť. Keď tomu neveríte, nie je vám to na nič dobré.
233Ako starý Samuel, stál tam pred tými ľuďmi a povedal, „Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Či som žobral niekedy od vás vaše peniaze na moje živobytie?“
„Nie, ale my aj tak chceme kráľa.“
234Tak je to s cirkvou dnes. Oni chcú svoje vlastné plány. Oni vám vôbec nebudú venovať pozornosť. Oni idú rovno okolo. No, to len ukazuje, že tá oživujúca moc tam nie je.
235„Ó,“ poviete, „Ja hovorím v jazykoch. Vyskakoval som a kričal.“ To je všetko pekné.
236Ale ak je tam tá oživujúca moc, ty rozpoznáš, ako ten malý orol, že to je jeho mama, že To je Slovo, že to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je to, čo Boh zasľúbil. To je to, čo bolo predpovedané. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. Sme poza každým tieňom pochybnosti, potenciálne práve teraz vo vzkriesení, svätí sa pripravujú, aby boli zobraní do povetria.
237Tak, Ježiš, tak plný tejto oživujúcej moci, povedal, „Ak môžete zničiť tento chrám, na stavbu ktorého ste potrebovali štyridsať rokov, ako si myslíte; Ja ho postavím za tri dni.“
238Prečo? Prečo to Ježiš mohol povedať? Chcem sa vás opýtať. Prečo mohol Ježiš niečo také povedať? On vedel, čím je. Amen. Prajem si, aby som to mohol prilepiť. On vedel, Kto je. On to, že každé Slovo, ktoré Boh tam o ňom napísal, On vyplnil. On vedel, že On je ten, o ktorom hovoril Dávid.
239Či vy viete, že vy ste tí, o ktorých hovorí Biblia? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Poznáte svoju pozíciu v Kristovi? Ak ste v Kristovi, ste novým stvorením. Poznáte, že toto Slovo je proste pre vás každodenným životom? Prečo, skutočne. Ono je vaše. Ste orol. To je vaša potrava.
240On to vedel, skrze moc Božiu, On to robil, pretože to bolo prorokované, že to bude robiť. Preto nebol prestrašený, keď povedal, „Zborte tento chrám. Za tri dni ho postavím.“ Pretože Dávid povedal, „Nenechám jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie.“ On vedel, že ani jedna bunka jeho tela sa neporuší. Ona sa kazí za sedemdesiatdva hodín. On povedal, „Zborte tento chrám. Ja ho znovu postavím, za tri dni.“ Prečo? On bol tak plný oživujúcej moci, ktorá oživila každé Slovo. On sa pozrel naspäť a videl každé Božie Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané o Ňom, a prorok povedal, že On ho vyplnil. On vedel, že to sa tiež vyplní.
241A teraz, na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal, tvoj duch hovorí „amen“. To sa vyplnilo v tvojom živote, keď si veriaci.
242Alebo sa držíš bokom na niečom a hovoríš, „No dobre, moja cirkev to učí inak?“ Potom si daj pozor, jastrab.
243Všimnite si. Orly veria. Ani najmenej nepochybujú. Oni tomu veria. Všimnite si.
244No, On vedel, že to sa stane, pretože Slovo to povedalo. A každé Slovo, napísané o ňom, sa muselo vyplniť. On vedel, že to bolo napísané mocou Božou, skrze svätých prorokov, ktorí prorokovali, že On to tak urobí.
245A proroctvo nikdy nesklamalo. Nemohlo. Slovo Božie nemôže sklamať. A je napísané v... skrze Ducha, že... A teraz, tiež, že Duch, ktorý vzbudil Ježiša z mŕtvych, ak prebýva vo vás, vo vašom tele, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telo. Potom, zastreľte ho, spáľte ho, urobte s ním, čo chcete, robte si z toho žarty, roztrhajte ho, zvaľte ho, urobte mu, čo chcete. Boh ho vzbudí, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. A každý svätý Boží má v sebe to zasľúbenie, vie, že je to pravda. Tak, neboj sa, brat, už sme vo Veľkej Noci.
246Pozrime sa teraz na premenenie, prv, ako zakončíme. Premeniť, premenenie, tam v tom premenení sme všetci reprezentovaní. Pozrite sa, čo vidíme dnes. Dávajte len pozor, na čo sa dnes dívame? To je oživujúca moc Božia. Všetci sme tam boli. Tam boli mŕtvi svätí, reprezentovaní v Mojžišovi; bolo tam vzkriesenie; a Ježiš Kristus oslávený. Mojžiš, Eliáš a Ježiš, všetci stáli na tom vrchu; mŕtvi svätí, vytrhnutí svätí; a Ježiš oslávený. Ó!
247No, poviete... Počul som povedať jedného človeka. Oni hovoria, „Vy ľudia, no, keď máte takúto moc, mali by ste ísť a povedať ľuďom, čo môžete robiť.“ To je ďaleko od skutočného Kresťana, hovoriť niečo takéto. Vidíte? Samozrejme, my si nenárokujeme žiadnu moc. Na...
248Ale robíme jedno. Keď sa oni dívali okolo, so všetkou mocou, ktorá bola na nich, „Oni videli len Ježiša.“ A ten pravý, skutočný veriaci, on sa nestará o to, či za ním stojí nejaká denominácia, ani o nič také. On chce len jedno, aby ste videli toho osláveného Krista, nič iné nie je dôležité. Skutočné, pravé prežitie Hory Premenenia oslavuje jedine Ježiša Krista. Ono neoslavovalo Mojžiša, neoslavovalo Eliáša, neoslavovalo ich samých, neoslávilo nič iné, ale oni videli osláveného Krista. A každý pravý veriaci, to je v jeho srdci, aby oslávil Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo sa on snaží, aby to ľudia videli.
249Nie hovoriť, „No, ak sa pripojíš do našej skupiny, ak prídeš a budeš robiť toto alebo tamto.“ Ó, nerobte to. Nerobte to.
250Hľaď na Božie Slovo, ktorým je Kristus, zdôraznený; a vyplňuje zasľúbenie na tento deň, v tejto veľkej hodine zmŕtvychvstania. Všimnite si. A to nám dáva radosť, keď vieme, že sme s Ním, že sme telom Jeho tela, kosťou z Jeho kosti. Čo za radosť! To je tá jediná vec, o ktorú sa stará skutočný veriaci.
251Oni sa nezaujímajú o nejakú denomináciu. Nezaujímajú sa o nejakú organizáciu. Nestarajú sa o to, čo si myslia iné ženy. Nestarajú sa o niečo také. Samozrejme, že nie. Oni nebudú robiť tieto veci, ktoré tieto iné ženy robia. Oni... Títo mužovia nebudú robiť tie veci. Oni sa nebudú vešať a zaoberať sa nejakou organizáciou. Nebudú sa jej držať, len aby neboli vylúčení, a nebudú sa báť, že nedostanú stravenky. Oni sa nestarajú o také veci. Pre nich je to nezmysel.
252Tam je len jedna túžba v srdci, a to je, vidieť Ježiša Krista osláveného. Ich počínanie musí byť z Boha. To musí byť absolútne, nič inšie, len oslávený Ježiš Kristus. A čo je Ježiš? Slovo. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Všimnite si, a vidieť tú istú Jeho potvrdenú metódu, ktorá dokazuje Jeho zmŕtvychvstanie. Čo to je? Vidieť tvoj život skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré On povedal, že „On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky,“ ktorý dokazuje, že On je stále živý.
253Nestarám sa, či každé dvere v krajine sú predo mnou zavreté. Že, som... Ako som povedal, mal som nedávno päťdesiatšesť. Môžem sa zrazu pominúť. Som vo veku, keď ľudia dostávajú infarkt. Som vo veku, keď sa všetky tieto iné veci môžu stať a všetko možné. No, či to robí nejaký problém? To mi nerobilo problém, keď som bol dieťa. To mi nerobí problém ani teraz, kedy bude zavolané moje číslo, a kedy bude vzatá moja karta z regálu. Nestarám sa o to, či ľudia budú vedieť, že som žil na zemi. Na tom mi vôbec nezáleží. Nemusia mať žiadne veľké pomníky a budovy, aby tým pripomínali, že som tu bol na zemi.
254Len jednu vec chcem, aby vedeli. Aby vedeli, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A vo svojom srdci držím tento výpis. A viem, že jedného dňa... Hoci môžem byť utopený v mori. Môžem byť zabitý v Afrike. Neviem, čo sa mi stane. Ale jedno viem, držím ten výpis. Haleluja! Každé dvere môžu byť zavreté. To pre mňa nie je vôbec rozhodujúce. Nesnažím sa oslavovať nejakého človeka, ani nejakú organizáciu, ani seba, ani žiadnu skupinu alebo niečo také. Chcem, aby ľudia videli, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a Jeho Duch žije. „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“
255Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, „Neboj sa. Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, ale žijem naveky.“
256Lebo teraz sme vykúpení skrze Neho a povstali sme s Ním, a teraz sedíme, nie budeme, teraz sedíme v Nebeských miestach v Ňom. Teraz, keď máme v sebe tohoto Ducha, tento výpis, to ukazuje, že všetky pochybnosti sú odstránené. Čo? Kristus žije. Nie ja žijem, nie ja, Kristus žije vo mne. Nie ty žiješ, ale Kristus žije v tebe. Pretože Jeho živé Slovo žije v tebe, ukazuje, že všetky teórie, ako si to predstavovali všetci vaši Metodisti a Baptisti a Letniční, a všetko ostatné je odstránené. A Ježiš Kristus...
257Tak, ako na hore Premenenia, všetci proroci a všetko ostatné sa skončilo. Všetky dni Luteránov, Metodistov, Presbyteriánov, oni sú v poriadku, ale, Toto je môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte. Slovo na túto hodinu, na hodinu Pečatí. Keď všetky tajomstvá tam z toho času, ktoré boli skryté po všetky tieto roky, oni sú tou veľkou pyramídou času, boli odstránené, ten štítový kameň to robí takým vybrúseným, že Dávidova hviezda dosadne na svoje miesto. A tá veľká cirkev živého Boha bude zodvihnutá ako krídla orla, bude zanesená tam do Slávy. Áno.
258Teraz, teraz v našich telách hovoríme v nových jazykoch; a prorokujeme, a predvídame; kladieme ruky na chorých a oni sú uzdravení; svet, mŕtvi, a všetky veci toho sveta. Prešli sme zo smrti do života a teraz držíme tú moc. Haleluja!
V to ráno zmŕtvychvstania
Keď budú prelomené pečate smrti.
Povstaneme, Haleluja, povstaneme. Amen.
259Nie je dosť diablov v pekle, aby nám v tom zabránili. Sme predurčení od Boha na túto hodinu. Slovo Božie sa samo manifestuje rovno cez nás. A my žijeme v prítomnosti Božej, skrze Slovo zasľúbené od Boha. Nieto diabla v pekle, ktorý by mohol zabrániť, aby som nepovstal. Nemôže zavrieť predo mnou žiadne dvere, to ráno. Pečate boli zlámané. Haleluja!
260Som slobodný. Som orol. Nie som viac v klietke, ale som slobodný. Vstal som z mŕtvych do nového života Ježiša Krista. Nie len ja, ale každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí tu sedia, každý, kto bol naplnený to tohoto Ducha Božieho, je novým stvorením v Kristovi. A si orol.
261Sme živí, dnes, a naveky sa radujeme zo zmŕtvychvstania. Pretože On žije, my tiež žijeme. A On žije v nás, oživuje nás. A ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho z mŕtvych, prebýva v nás, oživí naše smrteľné telá, pri tej veľkej Večnej Veľkej Noci. Sláva Bohu!
262Ó, zoberte mi ten svet, zoberte čokoľvek chcete, ale dajte mi Ježiša. Amen. Milujem Ho. On je pre mňa všetkým na svete.
263A preto, že ste časťou Neho, ja som časťou vás a vy ste časťou mňa. A spolu sme časťou Neho.
264Ó, Kresťan, čo za príležitosť máme! Máme príležitosti, o ktorých svätý Pavol ani nesníval. Máme príležitosti, ktoré nemali Enoch, ani Eliáš, ani všetci ostatní, teraz máme také príležitosti.
265A tam ďalej je niekde jedna malá ovca a On sa neuspokojí, kým ona nepríde do stáda. S pomocou Božou a skrze videnie a TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, idem naspäť za more. Tá posledná malá ovca môže byť nejaká čierna tam, pokiaľ viem, kde ľudia ani neveria, že takí majú dušu. Ale Boh vie, že je to inak. Idem hľadať až do posledného dňa môjho života, aby som našiel tú jednu, kdekoľvek je.
266Dúfam, že som neurazil žiadneho môjho brata, keď hovorím tieto ostré veci. To neznamená, že nechcem, aby ste chodili do zboru. Samozrejme, že chcem, aby ste chodili do zboru. Choďte do zboru, kdekoľvek chodíte. Ale nech to nie je vašou nádejou, že poviete, „No, ja patrím do tohto alebo do tamtoho.“ Ó, brat, sestra, patri Kristovi. Choď do zboru, ale patri Kristovi. Amen.
267Nech ten potenciál, ak to nie je v tebe, nech ťa hneď teraz oživí do Života. Či to nechceš prijať teraz?
268Táto miestnosť je plná toho. Cítim to všade na sebe. Viem, že je to tu, moc Božia, ten veľký Vidiaci, ktorý vidí videnia, ten veľký Predpovedač, ktorý môže povedať veci a oni nikdy nesklamú, Ten veľký, ktorý môže hovoriť, a nikto z ľudí nemôže povedať „nie“. Muž, ktorý môže otvoriť a nikto nemôže zavrieť. On, ktorý bol mŕtvy, je teraz živý, a žije dnes, tu vo Phoenixe, prechádza sa medzi novonarodenými kvetmi.
269Niet divu, že v to Veľkonočné ráno malé slzy rosy ležali na lícach každej ľalie a na každej ruži. Prečo? Oni vedeli, že vyrástli zo zeme, a že niekde kvitne večný kvet. Že jedného dňa prídu na svoje miesto. Je to tak.
270Niet divu, slzy radosti môžu stekať po našich lícach. Niet divu, naše srdcia sa chvejú a trasú, keď môžeme cítiť tú istú premieňajúcu moc, ako prichádza do našich životov a naplňuje nás, že až nám dáva hovoriť v jazykoch, ktoré pochádzajú z neba.
271Sme tak oživení tam do Jeho prítomnosti, že prorokujeme, vidíme dopredu, predpovedáme, a všetko pasuje presne so Slovom. Ak je to prorokované nezhodne s Ním, neverte tomu. Ale ak je to zhodné so Slovom, vtedy je to už povedané, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
272„Nebojte sa. Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a žijem naveky.“ To je Božia Veľkonočná pečať, ktorá pečatí každé písmeno tohto Slova do vášho srdca. Čo je tá pečať? „Vy ste písanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí.“ Viete to. Ale keď si vás Boh získal, zapečatil vás Veľkonočnou pečaťou, že ste povstali s Kristom, a ste novým stvorením.
273Ak ste neboli zapečatení dnes ráno, urobte tak, kým skloníme hlavy.
274[Nejaký brat začína hovoriť v jazykoch. Prázdne miesto na páske.]... Pane. Počuli ste to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“]
275Zamyslite sa teraz, so sklonenými hlavami. Rimanom 8:11, „Ak ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Krista z mŕtvych, je vo vás, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
276Na čo máme čakať, ľudia? Čo tam zostalo? Pozrite sa na Čínu a na celý svet. A na atómové rakety a všetko iné, pripravené udrieť svet, a tak nervózni, vystrašení, kričia. A tieto filmové mimiky tam bežia, hovoria všetky možné žarty, tak, ako malý chlapec, ktorý prechádza v noci cez cintorín, si píska, snažia sa robiť, aby ľudia verili, že všetko je v poriadku. Nebuďte zvedení. Príchod Pánov je nablízku.
277Všimli ste si, nedávno prišiel jeden rybár a povedal mi, keď som sedel tam v zátoke, tu na takom drsnom mieste. A ako, dlhý čas predtým, ako zemetrasenie zatriaslo Gréckom, všetky ryby, ktoré v tom čase ráno zvyknú konzumovať svoju potravu, neprišli. Čo to bolo? Neboli na hladine. Keď sa to stalo druhýkrát, urobili to isté. On vedel, že za chvíľu sa niečo stane. Ryby neprišli konzumovať svoju potravu.
278A všetky čajky a všetko, čo žerie ryby, prestali loviť. Zavčasu ráno, keď lovia. Sedeli len ticho na brehu, odleteli z tých útesov. Lebo hneď za niekoľko minút sa more začalo variť a na povrch vynášalo lišajník zo dna. Vidíte? Tie ryby to vedeli skôr, ako sa to stalo.
279Keď som išiel do Indie, čítal som noviny a tam písali, „Zemetrasenie už muselo skončiť.“ Niekoľko dní sa vtáčky nevracali do svojich hniezd, ktoré mali v skalách. Dobytok sa nezdržoval v blízkosti svojich prístreškov v tieni, za horúčavy dňa. Ovce zostávali rovno na prostriedku poľa a tlačili sa jedna ku druhej. Dva alebo tri dni pred zemetrasením odišli ďalej od skál a nepribližovali sa ku nim..
280Prečo? Tie ovce to poznali. Oni vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie vtáky vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie čajky vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie ryby vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. To je ten istý Boh, ktorý viedol tie zvieratá do archy.
281Môžete to vidieť, Duchom naplnení ľudia? Niečo sa ide stať. Neobzerajte sa na nejaké veľké celosvetové niečo, čo sa preženie, nič, okrem príchodu Pána Ježiša. Pamätajte, len pamätajte na slová a na zasľúbenie Pánove.
282Či neprídete hneď teraz? Odstúpte preč od tých veľkých múrov. Vzkriesenie je už teraz blízko na dosah ruky. Ak je tu niekto, kto nevie, či bude vo vzkriesení, a nie je si istý, či má v sebe tú moc vzkriesenia.
283Hoci to zničia červy, hoci vybuchne rovno vo vašom strede atómová bomba, to nezničí tú oživujúcu moc vzkriesenia. Nie, nie. Sestra, brat, tvoje vzácne meno bolo dané do Baránkovej knihy Života tam dávno. Žiadny človek ho nemôže vymazať. Nie je na svete dosť prostriedkov na vymazanie tvojho mena tam z tej Knihy, kde to vykúpila Jeho Krv.
284Ak nie si si toho istý, či nechceš teraz využiť tú príležitosť? Môžeš využiť príležitosť, aby si prebehol niekde cez barikádu a nebol zabitý, ale neprebehneš cez túto barikádu. Nie, nie. Schytáš to. No, nemusíš. Je červené svetlo, ktoré teraz svieti. Prejdi okolo a zanechaj svoje vlastné názory, zanechaj veci tohto sveta.
285Poď. Buďme spolu vzkriesení v tomto veľkom Veľkonočnom čase, v tejto veľkej oslave Veľkej Noci. Či to môžeš oslavovať vo svojom srdci tento týždeň? Ak nemôžeš, či zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Bohu?
286Povedz, „Bože, nie som si toho istý. Neviem, či by som to všetko zvládol alebo nie. Pomôžeš mi? Idem zodvihnúť svoju ruku ku Tebe, Pane. Pomôž mi.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. „Chcem Ťa, Pane. Pomôž mi. Chcem byť vzkriesený. Chcem byť. Chcem mať tie potenciály hneď teraz. Chcem vedieť, že to je to pravé. Chcem vedieť, že to je to pravé, Pane. Nechcem, aby sa potom ukázalo, že som sa mýlil. To nebude...“ Potom to bude príliš neskoro. Teraz je ten deň. Ó! Teraz je na to deň. Nečakaj.
287Nedávno som kázal a bol tam starý farebný muž, ktorý prišiel tam dozadu v tej budove, aby sa so mnou stretol. Povedal, „Reverend, chcem ti povedať, že si to hovoril správne.“ Povedal, „Ja som povedal Pánovi už dávno, že v to ráno chcem mať svoj lístok v ruke. Chcem vedieť, že je správne označený.“ Povedal, „Tam dole pri rieke bude veľa problémov. Ja idem tam ku tej rieke. Nechcem tam mať problémy. Chcem to tu dať všetko do poriadku.“ To je správne.
288Máš vízum? Ak nemáš vízum... Môžeš mať pas, ale ak nemáš vízum, nemôžeš vojsť do tej zeme. To vieš. Máš všetko pripravené? Ak nemáš, hneď teraz je na to čas, aby si to urobil.
289Nebojte sa, ak ste trochu vystrašení. No, zodvihlo sa tu možno sto rúk. Tak, ak ste trochu vystrašení, dajme to teraz do poriadku.
290No, viem, že máme rôzne spôsoby. Niektorí hovoria. „Poď sem a dovoľ, aby som ti potriasol ruku.“ Iní hovoria, „Poďte sem, kľaknite si tu pri oltári.“ To, to je pekné, nemám vôbec nič proti tomu, ani najmenej, proti ničomu, čo pomôže.
291Ale dovoľte, aby som vám povedal môj spôsob. „Všetci, ktorí uverili, všetci...“ Keď prídeš ku oltáru, to nespraví, že budeš veriť. Keď si potrasieš ruku s kazateľom, to nespraví, že budeš veriť. Ale ak ťa zavolal Boh a od začiatku si orol, a to volanie ti to hovorí. Budeš veriť. Ak tomu skutočne veríš, budem sa s tebou modliť.
292Dokázali by ste si predstaviť, že by ten orol ešte potom zostal na tom dvore? Nie, nie. Ó. Nie. Nezostávaj tu už dlhšie, priateľ. Vytrhnime sa teraz. Milosť Božia je tu, aby to urobila.
293Nebeský Otče, uvedomujeme si, že ideme bližšie a bližšie ku tej poslednej hodine. Nemáme tu teraz už príliš dlhý čas. Nie čo sa týka nášho veku, ale v čase. Veríme, že tu sedí veľa mladých ľudí, ktorí budú žiť, keď sa toto stane. To sa môže stať už dnes. Nevieme minútu ani hodinu. Ale, Pane, Ty si nám povedal, „Keď budete vidieť, že sa dejú tieto veci,“ a oni sa teraz dejú už dlhý čas.
294Vieme, že už preťahujeme, podľa vedcov. Pred šiestimi, siedmimi rokmi bolo tri minúty do polnoci. Nevieme, koľko času odbíja, ale vieme, že sme práve tam.
295Ó, Bože, aby sme mali tú istotu; aby sme videli, že naše srdcia odpovedajú na každé zasľúbenie s „amen,“ aby sme videli, že sám Duch, ktorý vchádza do nás, oživuje našu bytosť.
296Bože, nech to moji bratia dnes ráno vidia. Nech to moji bratia vidia, že Duch vošiel dovnútra a oživuje nás do Slova. Nech moje sestry vidia to isté, Pane. A potom, ak vidia niečo, čo im bráni, aby boli oživení do Slova, ó, Bože, nech sa toho môžu rýchlo zbaviť. Udeľ to, Otče; to je teraz všetko v Tvojich rukách. Viem, že som v mnohých veciach sklamal a ďalej zlyhávam, ale, Pane, urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, ako to treba urobiť. Teraz je to v Tvojich rukách. Oni sú Tvoji. V Mene Ježiša, prijmi ich, Otče.
297A teraz, vy, ktorí ste tu a potrebujete uzdravenie tela. Koľko je tu veriacich? Zodvihnite ruku. „Ja som veriaci; pokiaľ poznám svoje srdce.“ Koľkí máte? Viete, bez tieňa pochybnosti, že vo svojom srdci, už teraz, ste boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych? Viete? Ó! Čo sa potom môže stať v takomto zhromaždení? Viem, že už preťahujem, ale čo sa môže stať hneď teraz? Len sa zamyslite, čo sa môže stať. Tie potenciály ležia rovno vo vás. Rozumiete? Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, urobili ste akoby prísahu pred Bohom, že, „Viem, že sa mi niečo stalo. Nie som možno v takom stave, v akom by som mal byť.“
298Ani ja. Nie. Som ďaleko od toho, kde by som mal byť. Ale viem toto jedno, prešiel som zo smrti do Života. Viem, že sa mi niečo stalo. Mnoho... Nie teraz ako starý človek, ale stalo sa to pred mnohými rokmi.
299A viem, ten deň, keď som išiel do nemocnice, keď som mal svoje veľké vyzvanie. Videl som zomierať svoju ženu, volal som o jej život. „A čo som urobil, stál som na rohoch ulíc a kázal a modlil som sa za chorých?“
A vtedy Satan povedal, „No vidíš, On neodpovedá na tvoje modlitby.“
300Videl som ju, ako zomrela, ale viem, že v nej bola tá moc vzkriesenia. Tie kosti znovu vstanú.
301Videl som tam ležať moje malé dieťa. Položil som naň ruku a povedal, „Bože, neber ho.“
302Zdalo sa, akoby spustil oponu a povedal, „Nebudem ťa už viacej počúvať.“
303Satan povedal, „Tu to máš. Len jedno slovo...“ Vedel, že mi nemôže povedať, že Boh neexistuje, pretože ja viem. Ale povedal, že On ma nemiluje, že sa o mňa nestará. Vidíte? Všetko zdôvodnil, povedal, „Si mladý muž, ešte máš len dvadsať rokov. Tam v márnici leží tvoja žena. A tu zomiera tvoje dieťa. A ty si vravel, že On je veľký uzdravovateľ a že On je všetko toto. A pozri sa, čo On robí. Jedno slovo, a On by to nemusel ani vravieť, len sa pozrieť dole a povedať. Len kývnuť hlavou, a všetko by sa stalo, a ono by bolo uzdravené. Ale, vidíš, On ťa nemá rád. On sa o teba nestará. Necháva, aby zomrelo teraz tvoje dieťa, a odmieta vypočuť tvoju modlitbu v tejto temnej hodine.“
304Všetko, čo povedal, bolo absolútne pravda. „Tak čo si urobil? Pracuješ celý deň, že až sa sotva postavíš na nohy. A potom sedíš celú noc, do dvanástej, jednej hodiny. Stojíš na rohoch ulíc, kážeš. Voláš do nemocnice. Len čo prídeš domov, sadneš si na stoličku a hneď zaspíš na hodinu alebo dve a znovu ideš do práce. Na ďalšiu noc je to to isté. A tu si, máš okolo dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva rokov. Každý priateľ, každá mladá dáma, každý mladý muž, s kým si si bol blízky, ťa má za blázna a pomätenca. Čo si urobil? Urobil si zo seba blázna. Nevidíš to?“ Bol som už skoro hotový s ním súhlasiť.
305A niečo dole vo mne, to bola tá oživujúca moc. Povedal som, „Pán dal, Pán vzal. Nech je požehnané meno Pánovo.“
Keď pominie všetka moja nádej,
Potom On je všetkou mojou nádejou, ktorá zostáva.
Lebo na Kristovi...
[Prázdne miesto na páske.]... topiacim sa pieskom.
Ó, On príde s víťazným pokrikom,
Potom nech v Ňom môžem byť nájdený.
Zavinutý do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti.
306Nie mojej vlastnej; ja nemám žiadnu. Moja, to sú nečisté, špinavé handry. Neodvážil by som sa ísť do neba na základe toho, že kážem. Neodvážil by som sa ísť do neba na základe toho, že mávam videnia. Pôjdem do neba, pretože mám Jeho milosť vo svojom srdci. Jeho milosť, preto pôjdem. Takto tam pôjdeme.
307Ó, priateľ, si časťou tohto Tela. Si malé Božie dieťa. No, hovorím toto, aby bola vybudovaná vaša nádej. Ak ste našli...
308Ak som získal vašu priazeň, povedal som vám Pravdu. A to, čo som vám povedal, je to, čo povedal prorok v tých dávnych rokoch. Nerobím sa tým Jeho prorokom. Nie. Ale vám hovorím pravdu. Či On povedal niekedy niečo, čo by nebola pravda? Poznám vás teraz už nejakých dvadsať rokov, to vo Phoenixe, odvtedy, ako tu spievali tú pieseň Stále by som sa s Ním chcel o tom rozprávať, v zbore brata Outlaw. Myslím, že to spieval brat Gracia. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?
309Pamätajte, je len jedna nádej. Dostať túto oživujúcu moc. Ona vás udrží. Keď všetko ostatné sklame, ona vás udrží.
310Niektorí ľudia mi povedali, „Udržal si svoje náboženstvo, brat Branham?“
Povedal som, „Nie, ono udržalo mňa.“
311Ono udržuje mňa. Nie, ja ho udržujem. To nie je v tom, či to ja udržujem alebo nie. To je v tom, či ma drží On, alebo nie. On je ten, ktorý vydržal za mňa.
312On to nemusel. Anjeli boli na každom strome, vraveli, „Len pohni prstom. Len ukáž; nemusíš to skladať z kríža. Len ukáž prstom a dávaj pozor.“ Vidíte tú bandu, ako sa vysmieva. Ale keby to On urobil, ja by som dnes nemohol mať toto svedectvo; ty by si to nemohol mať. Ale preto, že On zostal na kríži. On sa tam udržal, preto sa ja držím s Ním.
Na Kristovi, na tej mocnej skale stojím.
Všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.
313No, ak ste chorí, položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Modlime sa. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho, kto je pri vás. Bez ohľadu na to, čo vám je, majte teraz vieru. Ak som vám kedy povedal pravdu, hovorím vám ju teraz. Rozumiete? Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ A vy ste veriaci, zodvihnite len ruky. Nepochybujte. To je len nejaká biedna osoba, ktorá trpí, na koho si položil ruky. Niekto položil svoje ruky na teba.
314Pamätajte, tá oživujúca moc, tá moc, ktorá zodvihla Ježiša z hrobu. Teraz máte vieru v to, čo máte vo svojom vlastnom tele. To pomôže tej osobe, na ktorú ste položili svoje ruky. „Ak to prebýva vo vás, to tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
315Drahý Bože, ako tu dnes ráno stojím, blíži sa čas poludnia, keď toto je približne tá hodina, keď Ježiš zavolal, „Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Žíznim.“ Niet divu, prorok to videl dopredu a povedal, „Všetky moje kosti, oni hľadia na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky aj moje nohy.“ „Ale On bol počítaný s priestupníkmi. Ale On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola položená na Neho, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.“ Domáhame sa toho, dnes ráno, Bože. Domáhame sa toho.
316Ráno, v deň tohto vzkriesenia, všimnite si, táto potvrdená pravda, ktorú som povedal, Pane, z tvojho Slova, v prítomnosti Božej. On je Sudca, a my sme svedkovia, že On nás vykúpil. A v nás leží, z milosti Božej, tá moc vzkriesenia. A naši priatelia sú chorí, tí, na ktorých sme položili ruky.
317Ó, Bože, vyzývame diabla, uprostred našej viery dnes ráno, keď máme položené ruky na týchto ľuďoch, a ja mám vystreté ruky nad ľuďmi. Nech každá choroba, každé trápenie, to, čo sa snaží držať týchto ľudí, nech teraz v prítomnosti tejto potvrdenej pravdy vyjde z nich. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech títo ľudia môžu byť dnes slobodní. Keď Biblia, Slová nášho Boha povedali, „Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.“ A naše ruky sa zodvihli ku tebe, Bože.
318Ako každá rastlina na zemi pije z Tvojej fontány. A s takou istotou, ako tá rastlina, ktorá má v sebe zárodok, pije z Tvojej fontány, začína sa dvíhať. Začína rásť. Kukuričná byľ, kvet, čokoľvek pije z Tvojej fontány, rastie a dvíha sa hore ku Tebe.
319A dnes ráno sme narástli o pár centimetrov, Pane. Môžeme dočiahnuť vyššie. Pijeme z Tvojej fontány. Sme Tvojím stvorením, s mocou vzkriesenia v nás, Pane. A prosíme, aby si vypočul naše modlitby za našich bratov a sestry. A nech každý problém, ktorý trápi tu týchto drahých ľudí, ktorí majú túto moc, Pane, rozviaž ich, aby mohli slúžiť Bohu. A budú zdraví, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
320Veríte Mu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“] Nechať to takto? Ako to môžete? Vy sa len musíte, zdá sa, len sa musíte odstúpiť z cesty. Cítite to tak? [Amen.] Ja... možno, že len ja to tak... Ale mám pocit, taký zvláštny pocit, keď prichádzam medzi ľudí, kde takto sedíte spolu. Viem, niekde, je to tu neviditeľné; práve tak, ako rádio alebo televízia, čokoľvek to je, prechádza to cez túto miestnosť; Kristus je v tejto miestnosti. Len si to predstavte, náš Vykupiteľ! Tony, On je tu. Amen.
321A kto môže byť šťastnejší, ako ľudia, ktorí majú Biblický dôkaz každého Slova Božieho, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, ktorí videli aj anjelov a Jeho Bytosť, ako prechádzali cez veky! A počúvali Slová vidiacich, predpovedané a stalo sa to presne tak. A tu sme v predvečer Jeho príchodu. Ó, čo za nádherný čas.
322Budeme Ho vidieť. V jednom z týchto dní, On tu bude. Dovtedy, kým príde, budete sa za mňa modliť? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“] Mám pred sebou veľké nebezpečenstvá. Viem o tom. Rozumiete? Stretávam sa s pohanmi, ktorým, keď zaplatia, bez problémov vás zastrelia, tak isto, ako keby si zobrali pohár s vodou. Prichádzate na ich pôdu, diabli vás tam hneď vyzvú ohľadne Biblie. Ale nikdy sa mi nestalo, že by náš Boh nevyhral. Ja idem v Jeho Mene, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý je nádejou večného života, ktorý je vzkriesenie a život. „Ten, kto žije, verí vo Mňa, aj keby zomrel, bude žiť. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Verím, že to je Božie večné Slovo. Veríte to isté? [“Amen.“] Budete sa za mňa modliť? [“Amen.“] Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nech nás Pán stráži, až sa znovu stretneme.
323Povstaňme teraz na chvíľu. [Chcete niečo povedať?]
Skloňme svoje hlavy.
324Nebolo by to správne, keby sme nezaspievali túto krátku pieseň, či nie? Pamätáte našu pieseň, Milujem Ho, či je to v každom srdci? Zaspievajme ju. Sestra, mohla by si... Chcem povedať, že si tiež cením, že nám tu hráš, sestra. Dobre.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho
Pretože On prv miloval mňa
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote
A teraz zmeníme túto pieseň.
Moja viera hľadí na teba,
Baránok z Golgoty
Božský Spasiteľ;
Vypočuj ma teraz, keď sa modlím,
Ó, odober všetky moje viny
A daj mi od tohto dňa
Byť cele Tvoj!
325Či to robí niečo s vami? Koľkí radi spievate skutočne zo srdca...? Ja tak rád spievam tie oslavné piesne. Skutočne ich mám rád. Ale keď ste v duchu uctievania, či nespievate radi tie milé piesne? Verím, že Duch Svätý prišiel na Eddie Perronet a na tých, ktorí napísali tieto veľkolepé piesne. Veríte tomu? Na Fanny Crosby, keď ona písala.
Neobchádzaj ma, drahý Spasiteľu
Počuj moje pokorné volanie;
Keď si iných vypočul
Neobchádzaj ma.
Ty si zdrojom mojej útechy
Pre mňa je to viac ako život,
Koho by som mal na zemi okrem Teba?
Alebo na Nebi, ak nie Teba
326Či to nie je nádherné? To robí, že chceme spievať Milujem Ho. Či nie? [“Amen.“] Kým budeme teraz spievať, Milujem Ho, nech... Milujeme jeden druhého. Ak nemilujeme jeden druhého, potom nemôžeme milovať Jeho. A teraz si potrasme ruky jeden s druhým. Len stojte a načiahnite sa niekde ponad stôl a potraste si ruky jeden s druhým.
A vykúpil mi spasenie
Na Golgote.
Skloňme teraz hlavy.
327Poprosím brata Williamsa, mladého brata Williamsa, aby sem na chvíľu prišiel. Chcem ho poprosiť, aby zakončil zhromaždenie s modlitbou.
328Mám rád brata Williamsa, je to mladý Kresťan, a myslím, že je skutočný Kristov sluha, a jeho mladá rodina. Mám veľa obecenstva s týmito ľuďmi. A s týmito vzácnymi Moseleyovými chlapcami a s nimi všetkými, sme spolu, a mám tak veľa drahých priateľov vo Phoenixe, ktorých milujem z celého srdca. Myslím, že v to ráno v tom videní, On povedal, „Všetci, ktorých si miloval, a všetci, ktorí milovali teba, Boh ti ich dal.“
329Zdá sa, že niekto tu činí pokánie zo svojho hriechu, dole na podlahe, nejaká mladá pani plače.
Skloňme svoje hlavy na chvíľu, za ňu.
330Drahý Bože, je toto tá ovečka, ktorá bola stratená tu vo Phoenixe? Ja neviem, Bože. Ty vieš. Ale jedného dňa to tak bude. Ale, Otče, táto bezpochyby je ovečka. A tak sa modlím, aby si jej teraz pomohol. Otvor milo vrátka a povedz, „Poď, moje dieťa. Poď z tej cesty, kde si sa unavila a utrmácala. Potkýnala si sa tam v temnote. Poď sem odtiaľ dnes, aby som ti pomohol. To je Môj Duch, ktorý hovorí ku tebe a privádza ťa teraz do náručia.“ Udeľ to, Bože. Nech táto mladá žena... práve tu na križovatke života. „Ten, kto bude počuť moje Slová a uverí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život.“ Udeľ to, drahý Bože, tejto mladej Kresťanke. „Ten, kto príde ku Mne, toho nevyženiem preč.“ Zatiaľ čo svätí stoja okolo tej mladej ženy a modlia sa.
331Pamätajte, aj Pavol, ktorý bol kameňovaný, až tak, že zomieral, a keď sa svätí postavili nad ním a modlili sa, život sa vrátil späť. Pretože v telách tých svätých bola tá oživujúca moc, ktorá priviedla toho ducha života naspäť do svätého Pavla. Bože, oni sa určite mohli modliť modlitbu a to vyhnalo smrť z človeka, skrze modlitbu viery a priviedlo život. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.
332Požehnaj nás teraz, keď očakávame na Teba. Prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista.
333A teraz so sklonenými hlavami, poprosím brata Williamsa.
1 Certainly a privilege to be here this morning, on this birthday of the Full Gospel Business Men's chapter here at Phoenix, and to know that the Lord granted me a little part of it, to be part of this fellowship. I want to greet Brother Carl Williams and his wife, Brother Stromei, the rest here at the platform, Brother Shores, Brother Outlaw, the ministers, and all you fine people.
2You know, I--I had a birthday last week, too. And I'm just a teeny bit older than a chapter. I believe he said, "Five and... years old, for the chapter."
3Somebody said, other day, said, "How old are you, Brother Branham?"
4I said "Twenty-six." And I said, "I wiped out the first twenty-five years. I didn't serve Him so well in them." I said, "I hope He does, too." To get Him to do it will be different.
5 But it's good to be here. And now we want to not take much of your time. Because we... I'm--I'm always afraid, after I hear some of these fine testimonies, and things that's going on, that I... and songs, that I will do something that'll upset that. And I wanted to add to it, if there'd be anything I could add to it. These sisters...
6That brother that sang the song this morning, the colored brother, I appreciated that, The Eye On The Sparrow.
7And these sisters that sang this song, that's been one of my helps since I was here the first time. I have that. I got that on a record, and I've just played it out, I'd Like To Talk It Over With Him. And I asked Brother Dawson Riley there, my friend, if he would, some of them, if they'd see if they get those ladies, if they were still here on earth, to sing it again this morning. And I hope Terry got it. And I suppose he did. I want to take that off there, maybe, to a record or something, 'cause I really like that song. And that's my--my desire, is to talk it over with Him. I think we all want to do that. That's why we're here this morning.
8 Now, the oncoming meetings, next week. Is it all right to mention? [A brother says, "Sure."--Ed.] I--I to be home this coming week, at the tabernacle, next Sunday, for Easter service; Saturday night, Sunday, and Sunday night. And then I go back to California. All you people around California, be sure glad to have you at the meeting over there. And I think Billy has sent out the wrong advertisement. Is... He said, "At the Biltmore Hotel," I believe, "it's to be at." It's... [Someone says, "Couldn't get it."] Couldn't get it. And it's at the Eastmont? ["Embassy."] Embassy, the Embassy Hotel. So any of the Full Gospel people over there would let you know, if you're over that way.
9And then we come back from there, and I go to South Africa then. Just one month from today, we sail for South Africa, expecting a great time in the Lord, about three nations down there. So we--we certainly solicit your prayers. I probably won't be able to see you no more, if the Lord carries on for us to go, until I get back. And hope I have a great report for you when we come back.
10 Last time down there, I think that the Lord gave me the greatest meeting I ever had. And one time, for an altar call... Now, this is out of blanket natives. As far as I know, there was thirty thousand accepted Christ at one time. And we thought maybe they meant physical healing, because there had been about twenty-five thousand healed at one time. And the next day, the mayor of--of Durban, which is Sidney Smith, said, "Go to your window, look coming down the street." And there were van load after van load, just piled full of old crutches and things, just piled up, that they were coming behind. The natives, which was at war with one another, coming down the streets of the city, singing Only Believe in their native tongue.
11 I tell you, my heart thrilled. Like... When you see something like that, Brother Shores, you to feel your work is not in vain then. You see, you tried. And I hope that God repeats it again, not because--because we're going down there, but because we're looking for the Coming of the Lord.
12And as the song said, we're seeking out that little, lost sheep. That's that... He--He won't come until that sheep is in. Every one has to be in the fold. He won't close the door till that last one is in. So, minister brothers, I'm sure with you, this morning, of trying to hunt out that last sheep. It might be in Phoenix, this morning. I don't know. But when the last one comes in, then the Shepherd will close the door.
13[A brother says, "Brother Branham?"--Ed.] Yes? ["Could I just say a word?"] You certainly can. ["I forgot something. We've been talking about..." Blank.spot.on.tape.] That's perfectly all right. ["And I know, everybody forgets something, once in a while."] I don't. ["Oh!"]
14 I'm the one that has to write out what I'm going to say, almost. I'm... Since I getting older, I find it harder to remember, put my Scriptures down, and so forth. Used to be, I could line up about fifty Scriptures in my mind, and never even... pass right on through it, but I got a lot of rough miles behind them days.
15So, we're looking for the Coming of the Lord. Lord bless you all!
16And then you get up here, and you think. You set down here and hear these people testify. You think, "Well, when I get up, I'm going to say something about that." Then, there's so much to say, you'd be all day saying it. But, I certainly appreciate you all. May this little chapter just keep growing. May every church in Phoenix continually to grow until Jesus comes, is my sincere prayer.
17Now, I think, just to rest us just a little bit, let's stand while we have prayer. Will you?
18 Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who raised Him up from the dead, and has give Him unto us as the sacrifice, and a Lord and Saviour. We are so grateful to Thee for this privilege that we have this morning, to stand in Thy Presence, with Thy people that's been redeemed and looking for His glorious second Coming, to receive us unto Himself. If there be sin among us, Lord, purge us with Thy hyssop. And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will heal every sick person that's in our midst.
19And if there would be, by chance, those who doesn't know You, in this great baptism of the Holy Spirit that we're so earnestly contending for, and saying it is a must, according to the Scripture for this last day. We pray, God, that He will fall upon us all, today, and baptize us a freshly into the Body, and bring those that are out, in, too, Father.
20Bless us as we read Thy Word and endeavor to speak that which is Truth of Thy Word. Close our mouths to that which is untruth, and open our hearts and mouths to that which is Truth, as we commit ourselves to Thee. Use our mouths to speak, and our ears to hear, and our hearts to receive. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Who has ordained it to be so. Amen.
21 I would like to read from the Holy Word, three places in the Bible. And if you would mark these, and you want to carry them on through, to read them for further information, I'd be very happy if you would mark them down. The places I'm going to read is Matthew 28:1-10, and then Revelations 1:17-18, Romans 8:11. May I repeat them again. And now Matthew 28:1 to 10, Revelations 1:17 to 18, and Romans 8:11.
22Now we are approaching Easter. And as you're getting your places, and marking it down. I think that this coming week is the most and the greatest historical week of all of the weeks of the year. I think that the greatest thing we will celebrate this week, this coming week, was the greatest event that ever taken place on the earth. I don't think anything could surpass it. You say, "Well, the--the crucifixion was great." But many men has died, many men has been crucified, even in the same days of our Lord. But there was only One of Them Who rose up from the dead. That sealed it.
23 Now I want to read. And this is kind of a little pre-Easter message, the Lord willing, about forty minutes. Now let's read from Saint Matthew's Gospel, the 28th chapter, beginning.
In the end of the sabbath, as it begin to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
And for fear of him the quakers did... the keepers (pardon me) did shake, and became as dead men.
And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear ye not: for I know that you seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay.
And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead: and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run and bring the disciples word.
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worship him.
Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
24 And Revelations, the 1st chapter, and the 17th and 18th verse.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of death and hell.
25And in the Book of Romans, the 8th chapter, and beginning with the 11th verse.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
26 Now I trust that the Lord Jesus will add His blessings to the readings of these Words. Seeing that, Easter, I have stamped it in my own heart as the greatest meeting, or the greatest event of the--the year.
27I want to ask you to pardon me a moment. Isn't that kind of blaring out there to you, kind of a roaring? Is it all right? Can you hear it all right like that? Oh! You can't hear it. Is that better, right like that? I didn't want to get too close.
28 Now, why I say this, is because that, Easter, He proved what the Bible had said. All the Scripture that was written of Him to do, He sealed His Messiahship when He rose from the dead, the Easter seal. We have so much of it today we talk about, that, buying Easter seals. Well, I want to speak this morning on: The Easter Seal. It's a different seal than what we buy with our money, as a seal to go on letters for, I think, the Tuberculosis Association or whatever they call it. I--I think this seal is a little different seal. And being that Easter is the great day of the year for we Christians who claim to be God's children, I want to try to break into it and see how we should be fellowship with this great thing that Christ did for us.
29 The Word of God was spoken many, many hundreds of years before His Coming, of His crucifixion, and of His death, and of His suffering, and also of His resurrection. We'll be going through these services, perhaps, next week, as we listen to our--our radio programs; and in our churches, with our pastors, and so forth, this coming week.
30But of all the days and all of the things that Jesus did, and certainly appreciating all of His vindication of God's Word and what He did to fulfill It: of healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, preaching the Gospel to the poor, and fulfilling every Word that God said that He would do when He came; and then also suffering for our sins, in our stead, to be the propitiation for sin, at the cross, where no one else could have done it but Him. But above all of that, I think Easter sealed the whole thing.
31 Because, there had been prophets on the earth, who had prophesied before Him. There had been prophets on the earth, who had healed the sick, even raised the dead, and done the same signs that Jesus did.
32But Easter proved it. It sealed the Word of God forever, for the true believer. All gloom and doubt was shattered, at that blissful morning. Man had been shut up, as it was, in a prison house, even to religious people before this day, because they had been... seen great religious moves, and moving of the Holy Spirit, and so forth. But when a man died, it seemed to settle it. But when this One came, and said, "I have power to lay My life down; I have power to take It up again." And then go prove what He said. To me, that--that's the seal of it, when--when something is said and then is turned around and proven.
33 If a man said, like Columbus, believed the world was round, and he watched the ships, as we're told, how they come in, and he could see the mast way before he could see the ship. And it proved him that the world was round. People didn't believe that in that day, but he was a man of vision. He set out to prove exactly what he had a vision of, that was the truth.
34And God purposed to prove His Word, the Truth. So He... There was only one Man that could do that, and that was Jesus. And He come and proved that to be the Truth. It sealed it. And that broke all the seals of gloom, and scattered all the--the superstitions of other religions, and so forth, where great men has raised up and said great, marvelous things; but they're, every one, in the grave. But our Christian religion is the only one who has the empty tomb. And that proves to me that He is the God of the dead, and God of the living, that He could raise up the dead, back to life again. And this quickening power, quickening Spirit of His, has proved through the years that He is the One Who can quicken the dead, back to life again.
35 And when He proved by His promise, this great conquering power that He had, on Easter He proved that He could conquer death, hell, and the grave. "I am He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore; and have the keys to--to death, hell, and the grave." What a--a statement for anyone to make. And not only did He make it, but He had already proved that He--He had what He claimed to have.
36And I think, God hasten the day that when we, as Christians who believe this Bible, can prove what we are talking about. See? That's what makes, as said a while ago, "The salt of the earth," the sister said. That's right. The world is looking for this salt. And when we can prove by our lives, and by the Bible, that our lives are vindicating that Word to be living today, that that's the day we're looking for.
37 The Word, "This Spirit..." Romans 8 there, that 11, said, "If this Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ be in you, will also quicken your mortal bodies." Not only did He prove to Him, to us, that He was Jehovah Redeemer and had power over death, hell and the grave, but He has also give us the access to the same Spirit, that we ourselves can have the assurance that we too are quickened by that Spirit. For the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in your body. It will also quicken your mortal body. Now, the word quicken means "to be made alive after death." After it's dead, then it's to be quickened.
38 The world has been shut up in doubt, for many ages until then. This was proven, not only talked about, but was proven. I think that anything that's worthwhile...
39As Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations; and prove to them, by demonstrating the power of God to them. These signs shall follow them that believe." Them who promise and say they believe, He give us a definite understanding of it, that, "These signs would follow them that believe." It would be the proof of their testimony. Now, we can say we believe. But until we are have the proven sign that He said that would be upon us, then we are just confessing to be believers, and not the possession of believers.
40 For, remember, a few days ago, I was listening to a--a radio program on KAIR down in Tucson. And this minister had taken the side against us, that, "The pentecostal religion was nothing but just a sham. There was... Not to listen to it. It was unstable." And said, "Any man that spoke in tongues, and these things, and claim to be, heal the sick, and so forth, by prayer, that it was to leave away from it. And to pray for those poor decrepit people, because that they were in a--an illusion, that there was something wrong with them." Oh, how I could have liked to have talked to that brother just a while! And he said that the... "That, that was only given for the apostles at the Day of Pentecost, and that was all."
41I find that, thirty years later, Paul was ordaining these gifts in the Church. In First Corinthians 15, that, "He set in the Church the gift of speaking in tongues, miracles. And all these other gifts was set in the Church."
42 Jesus said that. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." How far? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature." They've never received It yet. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." How long? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature. These signs shall follow them, in all the world, and in every creature. These signs shall follow them: in My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; if they taken up a deadly thing, or serpent, or drinking a deadly thing, will not harm them; they'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." That was His last commission to the Church, Mark the 16th chapter.
43 Paul is ordaining these gifts into the Church, thirty years later. And said, in Galatians 1:8, "If an Angel from Heaven preaches to you any other Gospel than This which is already received," see, already been preached, "let him be accursed." I believe that pentecost began without an ending. I believe it's to be to every creature, all times, at all places, that pentecost should always remain. The pentecostal blessings should be upon the people.
44 And now, what is this pentecostal blessing? It's the confirmation of the resurrection. No wonder the Gospel Itself means "good news." Good news of what? He has raised from the dead. "And because I live, ye live also." Ye which were once dead in sin and trespasses, God has quickened us together, by that Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead. And we are now setting in Heavenly places with Him, communing with Him, talking with Him. What a joy to tell people that story, that believes it to be the Truth!
45 I'm wondering, today. It's what's happening. Are we really getting the people to God? Are we just getting them to church? We must get them to Christ, where this quickening power. It's good to go to church. Sure. If that's as far as we go, it's not far enough. When you come to church, that's good; but go on to Christ, from the church, because we must receive this quickening power, if we ever expect to be in that general resurrection, because it's the only thing that will ever bring us from the dead. "For if this Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, It'll also quicken, make, bring to life your mortal bodies." What a promise to us!
46 Now notice. The very essence of this resurrection is to tell and to show, and to prove that Jesus has raised up from the dead. He's not dead. He's a living. He lives here. He's in us. "I'll be with you, even in you. A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, unto the end of the world."
47Now, as Christians, we all claim He is alive, or we been quickened from--quickened from life... from death to Life, by His Spirit. And if we haven't been quickened, then we've not been made alive.
48 Now we're going to break into this subject, the Lord willing, and kind of teach it for a few minutes, how that: are we quickened, and can we be sure that this is the Truth?
49Now, this is your own life, this is my life. It's where that the... If this isn't Truth, what I'm fixing to say, then I'm one of the most foolish people in the world. I've give my life for something there's nothing to, and so have you. But if it is the Truth, then I owe everything that I am. I owe everything that I could be, to the cause, of which we're standing for. And I think that we mustn't lose our enthusiasm.
50And as we see Easter approaching, it just does something down in me, as I--I know that that's the day that the thing was sealed forever, in the sight of God.
51 Now, we notice, it's the same Spirit that raised Him from the grave, that is dwelling in us. Now, how could that be? The Spirit that raised up, God, Jesus from the dead, has dwelling in us.
52Now, now, is the Spirit that quickens. It's not the Word that quickens. It's the Spirit that quickens the Word, or gives the Word Life, gives It wings to fly, gives It access. It's the Spirit that does that.
53 Now, the wheat, alone, is just a wheat; but when the quickening life gets into it, into the wheat, then it gives it life. And we which were once dead, made in the image of God, and yet dead in sin and trespass, there's some way God had to get this quickening Life into your mortal bodies. I'm talking about your body.
54Now, Jesus was the Word. You believe that, don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "In the beginning..." Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
55 Now, as the promised Messiah, He quickened every Word that was prophesied that He would do; heal the sick, and how He would be born of a virgin, all that, made it. It's true. He was the Word, manifested here on earth, but He could not do this just as a Man. It taken the Spirit of God, dwelling in Him, to quicken these promises to Him. I hope that we get this real clear now. Jesus, being a Man, Himself, the body, but it took the Spirit in Him, the Spirit. "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He's the One that does the works." See? Jesus Himself was the Word, because He was. Before God...
56This is a bad word to use, and I hope you take it right, before a crowd. But He was predestinated by the foreknowledge of God, how God's plan was to be, that He would send a Redeemer, and this Redeemer could only be His Own Son. So, then, that was God's promise, all the way from the garden of Eden, that Jesus would be here. Here He was as a Man, born of a virgin, but it taken the Spirit of God to quicken that Word to Him. And He was the Word, quickened, the Word quickened for that hour. The time had come when you had to have a Redeemer. The law had failed. Other things had failed. Now, it takes a Redeemer, and He was the promised Redeemer. He was quickened by the Word of God.
57 And now if that same Spirit that was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we have accepted now the promise of in this last days, what would take place; if you become part of that Word, you are redeemed with Him, because the same Spirit that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your life to this age. And It'll also, in the end time, quicken your mortal bodies, resurrect them, bring them up again. That takes the gloom away when we look at it, in that. And that's the Truth. See?
58 Romans here, Paul has proved it to us. See? "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, it will also quicken your mortal bodies." This is the same Spirit that raised Him up, that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. The Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells into the believer, quickens the believer to Eternal Life.
59 There's only one Life, one Eternal Spirit, one Eternal Life, and that's God. God, alone, is the Eternal. And then we, being His children, are part of Him, that is, the attributes of His thinking. And the thought is expressed and becomes a word. Then, each individual in here, that possesses this Eternal Life, was before the foundation of the world, in God's thinking. It's the only way it could be, 'cause you're a attribute. That's an expression of a thought, has become a Word; and a Word has taken Life, and it's Eternal. That's the reason we have Eternal Life. In the same principle that the great Son of God, the Redeemer; we become sons and daughters of God, through that same Spirit, by the same foreknowledge of God.
60 Look at the millions on earth that didn't receive It when Jesus was here. But how thankful that we should be this morning, to know that we have the direct evidence and the Bible proofs, that we are included in that great resurrection morning coming, that great Easter. We have the earnest of it, right now in our mortal bodies. The predestinated ones are the first, of course, to be quickened, when the Holy Spirit comes to claim Its own.
61Now, there's a great statement, and I want my minister brothers to try to understand this. See? In the beginning, God, the great Spirit, He wasn't even "God" then. He was the Eternal One. God is an "object of worship." He had nothing to worship Him. There was no--there was no Angels, no nothing. Just God alone, Him alone, is Eternal. But, in order to be God, there had to be something to worship Him, so He created Angels, and Beings, and Cherubims, and so forth, to worship Him. His great plan begin to unfold.
62 But remember, you, in the--the stature that you are in, this morning, if you wasn't in His thinking then, you're not now. For you, there's some part that's in you, that's Eternal, and Eternal only belongs to God. And in God was His thinking of you setting right where you are now. In His thinking, I stood at the pulpit this morning, because He's infinite and knows all things. Therefore He could tell the end from the beginning, because He is Eternal. And you, being a son of God or a daughter of God, then you were in His thinking at the beginning.
63 And then when the Holy Spirit come, and you're on earth, walking around here as a sinner, way down in your life there is something. You don't know what's taking place, but you're hungry. I heard the Presbyterian brother; I heard the--the Baptist talking about, back there, he was a--a Freewill Baptist, preaching where he can. My fellow brother, that you, there's something in you, something that you never put in there. It's something that you couldn't desire to be in there. It's something that's contrary to your own nature. It's the foreknowledge of God, taking place, God's Word.
64 And Jesus was born the Son of God, to be Emmanuel, God's full expression in a Man. And He found Him in perfect obedience, down at the River of Jordan, being baptized by that prophet. And as soon as He obeyed Him, and walked out of the water, the Heavens opened to John. And he saw the Holy Ghost descending from Heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son." See? Perfect obedience, the Spirit had sought Him out, in obedience.
65Oh, wayward man or woman, this morning, when you're setting here, and there's something in you telling you This is right, it's the Holy Spirit seeking you out, to bring you to a knowledge of Truth of this hour that we're now living, not some hour that's gone by, the hour now.
66 There was thousands there that had obeying an hour passed. But there was a present-tense hour, that was the hour that Jesus was to appear, and there stood the Word. There stood the people. And here was the manifestation of God taking place, to vindicate that that was the Truth.
67And as pentecostal people, today, let me say this, that we're standing in this last days where God promised He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and His sons and daughters should prophesy. For He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." It's the hour. That's what makes that creation in you.
68 As I spoke here, not long ago, it sounded a little sacrilegious; but I hope it don't, to you, this morning. The farmer that set the eagle, or set the hen, and had an eagle egg. Many of you remembers the story of the old eagle giving birth to--to this... Or, the hen giving birth over here to this chicken, or--or--or an egg of an eagle under her chicken feathers. See? It's the atmosphere.
69The Presbyterian church, Methodist church, Baptist church, any of them can bring forth these eagles. Sure. It's the atmosphere that does it. As Dr. Bosworth used to say, "You could take a hen egg and put it over, under a pup, and tie him down, a pup would hatch out a chicken." Why? It's the atmosphere. And when any church or any group that'll assemble themselves together, and pray until they throw away their creeds and things, and look straight in the face of God, it'll bring forth eagles just as certain as I'm standing here.
70 That's what I think that this businessmen's group has done, trying to break up the atmosphere. We're getting too clannish. One belongs to this and that. Let's break up the atmosphere and get the atmosphere in a Heavenly worship. Get the atmosphere right, eagles will be born, and--and out of any church, anywhere.
71And this little eagle walked with the hen for a long time, but the--the clucking was kind of strange. He didn't understand what the hen meant when she scratched in the--the--the waste of the manure piles in--in the yards. And that wasn't food, to him. And she eat bugs, and so forth, that an eagle doesn't eat. So it seemed strange, all, to him. And he was an ugly duckling, he was. Not saying this sacrilegious. Maybe he was a Freewill Baptist, and, but something on that order, or a Presbyterian.
72 But, you know, one day his mother knew that she had laid an egg. There had to be a child somewhere. So she throwed her big wings into the winds, and she searched and she searched, screaming to the top of her voice. And one day, she passed over the barnyard. And when this little eagle heard this familiar scream, he had never heard it before, but he realized that it fit him like a glove over a hand. And he knew that was his mother. She knew that was her son. She was looking for him.
73So has God, in every age, ordained His Church for that age, a Message for that age. And they could have laws and anything that they want to. But when that hour comes, the Holy Spirit of God, which was at the beginning thought out and spoke out for that age, that Spirit hunts that egg. And when he hears that Message, there is no church denomination going to hold it. It'll rise to the heights. It's got to. It's a different bird. It's a different creature. He's an eagle, and he'll hear the scream. "My sheep hear My Voice."
As someone said, Brother Williams, "Sheep Food."
74"My sheep hear My Voice. A stranger they will not follow." No matter how loyal the church has been, and how much its big of name it's got. "When My sheep hear My Voice," which is the Word, "a stranger they will not follow." They'll go right straight to that Word, and can do it. It's like a--a--a magnet.
75 One day, up in Indiana, I was visiting them steel mills, and the whistle blowed. And everybody took off their aprons, and begin to sweep the... out from their lathes, out into the middle the floor, the shavings that they had made through the day. And I was walking along with the man that was taking me through, and he said, "Watch this." And so every man laid his--his bench dress up on the--up on the table, walked away.
76Way back in the back, he touched a little button. And here come a big magnet through, and it picked up every bit of that iron that was shaved off of those pieces, now, and went out. It demagnetized it; it dropped into a cupola. And was melted over, for another piece of--of goods, the same thing, axles or whatever they were building.
77And I stood there and looked at that, till I--I just lost myself. And I said, "I'm wondering something."
He said, "What is it, sir?"
And I said, "I notice that some of that didn't go up."
78He said, "It's aluminum, and the magnet is not magnetized to the aluminum."
79I said, "I see." And he said... Then I said, "Well, you notice, there is a piece of iron laying across."
"But, you see, sir, it was bolted down."
80I said, "I see." And when he took it out, I said, "Now what happens, that out there?"
81Says, "It goes right back into the mill, poured out through the cupola, and comes right back and makes another wheel."
I said, "Praise the Lord!" That's it. See?
82 There is a great magnet setting in the sky, that God one day will touch His fingers to. No man knows the time He's Coming, not even the Angels of Heaven, doesn't know. God alone knows. But there has been some trimmings that's come off of the Bible, Bible Christians, believers for this hour. One of them might have been an axle back in another day. This might be some other part. It's going on to make the big regime of God. But it'll be molded into the pot of God's great cupola, and poured out again into the images of God. And just those who are magnetized to it will be taken up. Oh, how to... What a privilege it is, to know that there is something in the resurrection that's pertaining to us!
83 Now, notice, recognize the call of God's Word, which is a part of. And it's an eagle to an eagle. Now, if that mother would have screamed like a--a buzzard, he'd have never knowed it. He'd been just as well off in the barnyard. But it was the scream of an eagle. There was something inside that little fellow, that he knowed he was an eagle.
84And the same thing is with every true believer. When the preaching of God's Word comes forth, and is vindicated and proved that it's God's Word for this hour, then there's Something within the believer. I don't care how loyal his father was to a church, or how loyal his mother was, or his grandparents, and if the church is teaching contrary to this hour of the baptism of the Holy Ghost Message. There's something in him that screams out. He'll leave the barnyard. He's got to do it. The chicken might have been all right one day, but this is eagle hour. See? It--it's a different. There is something, that, he must leave the old coop and fly away into the blue. Then this earthly body is quickened and brought, by the quickening Spirit, to the obedience of God's Word.
85 Now, when this Holy Spirit, represented as the eagle flying over the land, and finds the believer. "No man can come to Me, no man can come to Me as he wants to. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, but no man can come by himself." It isn't your own thinking, your own drawing. It's God, drawing. See? "All the Father has given Me will come to Me."
86 Now, the Holy Spirit is here on earth, looking out those individuals that God has ordained to Life in this age. And as soon as It finds it, It does just like It did on Jesus Christ, the great super Son of God Who redeemed us all. It comes down and takes Its place of abode into the human life, now, notice, brought the quickening power. Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus quickened Him to manifest every promise of the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit that come upon us in this day, if it's not a mockery holy spirit, you're not the Devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but is the real, true Holy Spirit. It'll manifest the promise of this hour.
87When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. Fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour. When It fell upon Jesus, It manifest the promise of that hour. See?
88 It's the Holy Spirit coming down, to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the Rapture. Notice. That is, if he is a true eagle, he will understand the Message of the hour if he's a true eagle. Now, the little eagle probably, in the barnyard, was eating all right, but he--he knowed it wasn't just exactly right. But then when he heard the Truth, then he received this Truth. Now, in John 14...
89John 5:24, rather, Jesus said, speaking this way, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into the judgment, but is passed from death unto Life." Just think how simple that is, "He that believeth." Now, the correct way of saying that, "He that understandeth."
90 Now, you go out here on the street and say to this prostitute, "You believe?"
"You believe He's Son of God?"
"Been baptized?"
91Go down to the drunkard, say, "You hear That? Hear that preacher preach?"
"You believe That?"
"Sure." See?
92 But, "He that understandeth, he that knoweth his place in this hour, he that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath" (present tense) "Eternal Life. Shall not come into the Judgment, but has already passed from death unto Life." Then when this new Eternal Life dwells in you, It is the potential, or the earnestness of you being quickened from mortal to immortality.
93Let me say that again. When This Spirit has found you, the individual, and has come upon you, It is the potential of your Eternal inheritance that God thought of you and made for you before the foundation of the world. That is your potential.
94Like if you asked me for an oak tree, and I give you an acorn. Now, the--the--the life for the oak tree is in the acorn now, but you have to wait till it grows up.
95 So do we. When you receive the Holy Spirit of God, It's God's potential waiting upon you, that's already recognized you. And you're sealed by the Spirit of promise, of God, into the Body of Christ. When God looked down at Calvary and seen Jesus dying, He not... Oh! He died for His Bride, the Body, which is the Word Church, the Church that believes the Word of God for the age, whether it's feet, body, head, or wherever it is. See? It's... Christ was bleeding and dying. And God, looking upon Him, saw His resurrection, and the Church raised with Him on Easter.
96Now, I want you to get all this together, 'cause I got something here in a little bit, I want to say, the Lord willing.
97 Now notice. It's the earnest, or the potential, the quickening power of your resurrection, when you receive the Holy Spirit. Is then dwelling in you, the potential of it.
98Notice, you--you are now on your way, growing to the full resurrection. No tree just comes up overnight. It's got to grow, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of God. You are baptized into the Holy Spirit. Now, as the pentecostal Church, baptized into the Holy Spirit, It's begin growing. Limbs has died. They was pruning them off. But the Tree is still growing, is still going on, because It's got to come to the resurrection.
99They're led by the Spirit, to quicken the Word to you who is believers. The Word keeps quickening, as you come to first limb, second limb, third limb, on up. It just keeps quickening. The Spirit of God keeps quickening to you.
100 Notice that, Pentecost, their bodies were quickened by the new Life they received. That makes me feel religious. Think. Now, here was men, fishermen, tax collectors, the humble little women of... and just ordinary housewives, little virgin girls. They were believers. They were believing that this was the Truth. They believed that, when Jesus died. They believed on Him. And rose up again, from the dead; they believed that to be the absolutely testimony of God, that He had quickened Him to life.
101Now, they go up, to the Day of Pentecost, to receive their abstract. Do you know what an abstract is? Is when a deed has been cleared. They went up there to receive their abstract. And they become quickened, or what a thrill! They had bought the land; been bought for them. They had received it.
102Is it true or not? "We seen Him raise up, but now what about us? We are witnesses. We stood and seen the Man crucified. We seen the clouds come over the earth and darken the skies. And the--the earth quaked and shook; it had nervous prostration. Then when... They put Him in the grave. They speared Him in the heart, with the spear, and they took His body down and laid it in the grave of Joseph Arimathaea.
103And then they find out, that, on the third day, He raised up again. And as the disciple said, "We are witnesses of this. We seen Him raise up. We know He's alive."
104 Now what did that do? That took all the fear out. No wonder Jesus said, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive forevermore." See? It taken all the fear out, when they did that.
105Now, but when they went up to Pentecost, there they received the quickening power, the power that made them alive.
106Now there's where I think that, you Presbyterian and Methodist brethren, you do receive potentially on believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, but the abstract hasn't come yet. That's the clearing of the deed.
107 God gave Abraham a promise. Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. But He sealed the covenant by the seal of circumcision.
108And God gives you a promise, potentially, that you will receive it, and you're going to be raised up, this body is going to be glorified with Him at the end time. But, you see, you have to get a clearance on that deed. And the clearance is when everything against it has been stricken off, and you got the abstract to it. You've got the seal. It's yours. Everything is on it belongs to you. Amen.
109And when we believe on Jesus Christ for our Saviour, and repent and are baptized, and come up to believe Him; God recognizes our repentance and our faith towards Him, and sends down the abstract. And the abstract is the assurance. It's the guarantee that, everything was ever held against you, you thoroughly repented. Hallelujah! And the property is boughten, and you hold the abstract for the assurance.
110 Let somebody try to put you off the land, say he belongs, and you with the abstract in your hand. Let him try to do it. There ain't a law in the land can do it, because you hold the abstract.
111And there's no devil, no church, or any theology, that can overstep the boundaries of God's proof and abstract, that the baptism of the Holy Ghost has recognized us in Jesus Christ. We're just as sure to raise as He raised, because potentially we have already raised in Him. Amen.
112The old things. What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are Above. And the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do, is dead. It's beneath you.
113 And you are quickened. And this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition, already. Notice the pentecostal people up there, when they got quickened by the Holy Spirit. Listen to me. When those pentecostal group up there, on the Day of Pentecost, received their abstract deed from God, sure, it glorified their souls. They screamed. They saw tongues of Fire separated upon each of them. And it so quickened their body, till they couldn't even speak in an earthly language anymore. It quickened their body to a Heavenly language, the Place they're going to. Quickening power of God shook their mortal bodies so, till their entire mortal language was transfigured, transformed into an immortal language. What a quickening power! What? Something that belongs.
114"If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwells in your mortal bodies, It shall also quicken your mortal bodies." We are quickened then by the power of the living God.
115Tongues, quickened to a new Heavenly language, to speak to them; a rapturing up, raising up into a different atmosphere than what they had ever lived in. Also, with the new quickening Life to them, that come in them, It quickened their language. They spoke in new tongues. Oh, yes!
116 Now watch them. It also was designed to give them, after this abstract, it was designed to give them every promise that was on the grounds. Every promise on the grounds of God's Word, that was promised in the Bible, that quickening power was give to them, to quicken that promise to them. Therefore, they laid hands on the sick, they was healed. They spoke in new tongues. They done great signs and wonders, because that was in God's promise. And when Jesus died, to redeem that back to them, the grounds that belonged to sons of God, He demonstrated what God was.
117How dare we to socialize that and put it into an organization? We have no rights to do that.
118 It's the Holy Spirit, today, hunting out honest hearts that will believe that Message. Everything in the Bible, that was promised, is to that believer. And when you accept it in its fulness, and God knows that you'll do it, He gives you the abstract to that. And then every promise that's made is in your possession, and the Holy Spirit is there to quicken that to you. Oh, my! What--what kind of people should we be? How wonderful to see the God's great Holy Spirit here to do that power! Think of it. When, the Holy Ghost Itself, here to bear record of this hour. Jesus said so. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
How dare any man to wipe that out of There?
119 "The works that I do shall you do also," John 14:12. "These signs shall follow them that believe." That is the assurance. When we see a group of people setting together, and those signs manifesting themselves, that's the assurance that the abstract is there to vindicate that that's property of God. Amen.
120So, we are Easter, also. Amen. We are now in our Easter. We've already raised, hallelujah, from the things of the world, to the things of God's promise. Not we will; we are. It's the potentials.
121 It's God's promise. He'd pour out His Spirit in the last days, and that's what they would do. Notice, laid their hands on the sick; everything that was in God's promise. "I shall pour out My Spirit in the last days, upon all flesh. Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions." And all these different promises that He made, everything is laying right there in God's promise. Jesus redeemed it to us. And when we become...
122Or, we, if we are ordained on that ground, if we are ordained to be on that ground; like the eagle walking in the chicken's nest. If you're ordained on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to find you. And when It finds you, you recognize Its call. You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen. Quickly you're raptured up to meet It, and now you're setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise! What a Heavenly Father, Who would give us these things!
123 The Spirit quickens their fellowship with God, so that they call the dead back to life, in that day. They laid their bodies upon the dead; they come to life. Listen closely. They done the same things that Jesus did because the same Spirit, was upon Him, was upon them. If one Spirit makes a man act this way, it makes the other one act that way. If one...
124How can This come upon, say he's got the Spirit of God, and deny the works of God? Cannot do it.
125 Notice. God's Life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say it real quietly now. The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to the promise of God. See? It does it. Look. And I'm trying to show you the--the... and let you realize that I'm speaking now of the Church, and also quickened to Life, in Him.
126Although, they only was His attributes, to begin with. But if God said, "In this day," back in the beginning, "John Doe will be My servant," millions of years ago. Now, John Doe is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, because he's a mortal. But, maybe, he gets a little religious feeling. He'll go join a church. Maybe he'll join Pentecostal church. Don't know. He might join anything. But let him get under the atmosphere of God, once. See? John Doe is bound to recognize Who his Father is, just as that eagle recognized who the mother was. It's got to realize it. See? Only, that John Doe is God's attribute that's become a word, spoken, and then the Holy Spirit seeks that word out. Here it is. He calls him, gives him everlasting Life, and brings him into the Presence of God, God's Word.
127 Look. God had the same when He saw Jesus. It was the--it was the finished work that God finished with Jesus, when He said, "It's finished." All the plan was finished.
128And when the Spirit of God comes upon you, and you truly are one of God's attributes that He spoken of. Now, if you're not, you'll wonder and flusterate, and run here and there, and everything else, and never come to the knowledge of the Truth. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] If you are one of those, the old things pass away right quick, see, and you become new, and the plan of salvation is finished. You're ready to obey every Word that God ever spoke of you, see, for you to do. You're submissive to His Word. The contract, exactly, the abstract to the contract, the title deed belongs to you. The debts are all paid. It's all struck off, and as it was at the Day of Pentecost.
129 Now let us notice the quickening, this quickening Spirit on other people.
130Now, I told you I wouldn't speak very long, and I just got twenty minutes to keep my word, if I do that, notice, to keep in what time I said, about--about an hour.
Notice now this quickening power. That only comes...
131 Now, there's a lot of mockery of It. There is a lot of people that really think they got It, when they haven't. Lot of people do it because they have got some false impression of what they seen other Christians do. Satan can impersonate any of that. We know that. And as missionaries, you can see it impersonated: shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues, all these things. You can see it impersonated anywhere. Absolutely. Amongst heathens and people who deny there is such a thing as Jesus Christ being the Son of God. See? And they do all those things, themself.
132But the real, true quickening Spirit that comes to a believer, quickens him to God's Word, that's back to eagle Food again, right back to where he lives. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
133 Let us now notice this quickening Spirit as It come upon other people, like It did on--on the Day of Pentecost.
134Let's notice Pentecost, how they acted, and see if they were quickened by this quickening power that we're talking about. On the Day of Pentecost, they were all waiting up there. In themselves, they were afraid. The Jews, just what they were going to do, so they got scared. But what happened? When this quickening power fell from Heaven, there was a bravery set upon them. There was something, an understanding, where they wasn't too sure of it a few hours before. They knowed He had--He had died.
135They know He had risen. They had talked to Him on the way. "But was that thing for them, or was it just for then, for Jesus Himself?"
136But here on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the abstract fell upon the believers. That made them part of His resurrection, made him part of His fellowship. The Holy Spirit came and confirmed to them that they would be raised up, because they were potentially raised then, from cowards to brave men.
137 They were--they were afraid of the very Word that they had thought. Don't let this pass over you. They were afraid. They knowed that He was that Word.
138Even the Jews had to admit it. Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know that You're a teacher that come from God. No man could do the things you do except God be with Him. Now, we know that. We recognize that."
139So the disciples... Peter had even sworn in His Presence. All of them had forsaken Him at the crucifixion.
140But here they are now up in this upper room, in the Presence of God. Then, all of a sudden, here come this Holy Spirit down from Heaven, and It quickened them. And the quickening took place, they wasn't afraid to make a witness of the Message that they believed and knowed to be the Truth. Otherwise, they were afraid of It.
141 How many Presbyterians, how many Methodists, how many Baptists, in the world today, how many Pentecostals, that knows the Truth and afraid to make a stand on the It? I'm persuaded to wonder, what was that fell on you? Are you a part of His resurrection? Would you dare scream off for some man's theory and idea? Or, have you got the real boldness and the--the real manhood it takes, to stand out and call right "right," and wrong "wrong"? Are you a part of His resurrection, or are you a worshiper of a bunch of creeds? Are you a goer to church, do you have your name on there, and dead in sin and trespasses?
He that believes not the full Word of God is a sinner.
142 Those Pharisees believed in many things, to be the Truth. They said, "We are God's children." And they were, until that Word was preached. But when that Word was preached and vindicated, then they become sinners, for rejecting the Thing that they knowed was right, and witnessed that. "We know Thou art a teacher come from God, for no man could do the things that You do without God being with You."
143 I wonder today, where we at? I ask you. Where is this resurrection finding us? Are you dare to step out? Are you dare to take God at His Word? If you're ordained to Life, you sure will do it. If you're an eagle, you can't help doing it, there is Something in you. Or, do you want just serve a creed somewhere, say, "I go to church. I'm just as good as you are"? See? If you hold no birthrights, you'll never see it, you can't see it. But if you do hold the possession of this birthright, you can't help from seeing it, because it's part of you and you're a part of it.
144How could I deny the mother that give me birth? How could I deny the father, that his own blood is in me? How could I deny Charles Branham from being my father? I could not do it. I'm willing to stand his reproach or anything else, because I am his son. Hallelujah!
145Then being a son of God, and He was the Word of God, how can I deny that Bible being Truth, that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever? And seeing the hour that we're living in, we need an Easter in the church. Resurrection! We need a resurrection, to power faith, men and women to stand out for that which is God's vindicated Word.
146 Say, "Well, we having our Youth for Christ." That's all right. "Our church is having a meeting. We want so many members." Nothing against that. That's all right. But that's only the atmosphere. That might be an old hen's feathers. But if you'll get in the right atmosphere there, it'll hatch eagle if you're an eagle egg. And if you were foreordained of God to see it, you can't help from seeing it, you're coming forth in a resurrection. That's the way the Baptist was born, that's the way the Methodist was born, in a resurrection of that day, but they turned off to a hen instead of an eagle.
147 As I said not long ago, going down from Tucson. I watched a very strange thing. I seen a hawk setting on the wire down there. That hawk has long lost its identification. It used to be a bird next to the eagle. It could not follow the eagle; no, by no means. Nothing can follow an eagle. But he was a hawk.
148Christ is the Eagle, and the church should at least be a hawk. They can fly higher than any other rest the birds. But that hawk has become soft. It's lost its identification. He sets on the telephone wires and waits for some dead rabbit. He hops like a vulture, in the stead of flying like a hawk.
149 Oh, my brother, sister, you Pentecostal people, which is my own dear people! The church is losing its identification. It's coming down and depending on some dead formal creed, instead of flying in the Heavenlies, yonder, for fresh manna.
150A hawk used to hunt his own manna, but today he takes what the automobiles run over and what the vultures eat. He hops like one. He looks like one.
151We so adorned ourselves in the modern world, our women cutting their hair, and wearing shorts, our men with not enough backbone to stand in the pulpit and tell the truth. We've long got soft on the Word.
152O God, send the Holy Ghost and look out them eagles somewhere, that's ready to stand yonder, no matter what takes place, that'll soar into the unknown, not set on the telephone wires and look for some Sunday school literature to come in. Let me have the Word, and in the freshness of the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. We need an Easter, a resurrection that's potentials. My friend, if you're satisfied with such a carrion of the world, there's something wrong.
153 My sister, my brother, let me say to you, this, in godly fear, knowing that I may never live to see an Easter again. But there's one thing sure, when a genuine foreordained son of God, by the Word of God, hears that Voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials, that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was, the Bride will meet the Groom. She's a part of His Body.
154 Notice, long have we, we're losing our identifications. We come on Wednesday night, some of us. Others stay home to watch Who Loves Susie, televisions, all kinds of worldly things, all kinds of entertainments, to keep you away from church. Long have we lost it.
155Our seminaries, our schools, are putting out a bunch of rickies with a whole lot of theology, and--and entertainment and everything in the church, to take the place of the prayer meeting. We've took dress and try to fulfill what the modernist try to do, bring them in. You'll never win them by that. They got more of that than you have. You ain't got no business on your ground... on their ground. Let them come over on yours, where the real baptism is shining, where the real power of the resurrection. Don't try to build a church like theirs. Don't try to have a pastor like that. Don't try to do this other, or cooperate with the world. They shine with Hollywood.
156 The real Gospel glows with power. Eagles hear that. They don't look for a shine. They look for a glow. Glowing with humility, glowing with love, glowing with power, that's what the real eagle hunts. You can't scratch in a barnyard and please him. He'll never be able to do it. You'll never tell it to him, because he don't believe it.
157Let that Voice scream from the Heaven, "I am He that was dead, and alive again." Something takes place. "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out of Myself upon all's flesh." Glory to God! "I'll quicken your mortal language. I'll quicken your mortal tongues. I'll give you the evidence that I'm going to bring you in the resurrection with Me." Hungry-hearted eagles reach for that just as hard as they can. It's the Pearl of great price, that they sell everything else, to go buy. Amen.
158God help us, friend. Our churches are losing their identification.
Let's quickly now go to some.
159 Watch the action of those disciples, a scared. They knowed Jesus was the Truth, but, you see, It was against the popular idea, the popular religion of the hour, the most strictest religion, Sar-... Pharisees, Sadducees, and so forth, their cults, clans, and denominations. They were--they were against That, "Heresy." But Jesus was the identified Word.
160And Jesus is the Holy Ghost, in Spirit. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. You shall see Me," not the body; the Life that was in Him. God is upon the Church, to call sons like He did then, obedient.
161"I always do that which is pleasing to My Father. Which one of you can accuse Me of Sin?" Other words, sin is "unbelief." "What has the Word said about Me, that I haven't done?" There it is. "Show Me what the Word said that I'd do, that I didn't do. Which one can accuse Me? Which one can lay your fingers on Me, and say that I haven't fulfilled My Father's Word?" Oh, when the Pentecostal church gets to that spot! "Who can accuse Me of unbelief?"
162 Oh, Christians, be identified not as a hawk, but an eagle. That hawk is soft, it'll come down. You never see an eagle doing that. He'll never do that. He hunts his own food, out of the blue. God's prepared him so he can see it. He gets fresh manna, not something that's dead.
163In the Hebrews, when they crossed through the wilderness, they eat, tried to eat dead manna. It had become stagnant. It had--it had wiggletails in it. You know what we mean. It's just contaminated, rotten. Maggots is in it.
164Why would I eat a food that had been dead years ago? It might be in form and shape, but it isn't fresh. We got to get food every generation, new. So does the eagle look for that food, every generation, as we're in our journey. Notice.
165 Now let's take some people again. Let's take some of the Old Testament prophets, see what they did.
166Let's look first at Stephens, how Stephens in the midst of that Sanhedrin Council. When that council brought him up there, that great assembly of believers there, or supposed to be believers, brought him up and tried to condemn him. "Why," he said, "you stiffnecks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost." That's that Eternal Life. "As your fathers did it back yonder through the prophets, so are you doing it today." And they gnashed upon him with their teeth. They didn't want to hear that. He was against their creed. He was against their denomination. And they stoned the man to death. And he raised his hands up, looked towards Heaven, say, "I see heavens open, and Jesus standing at the right side." Why? He had the resurrection, quickening power in him, that took him into the bosoms of Jesus.
167 Notice, quickly now. Look at Philip, down there in a great revival. Having a revival where it had been daresn't for any man, why, if he had got a big cooperation amongst the churches and everything down there. Was having a great revival. And the quickening power of God spoke to him, said, "Stephen..." May It said this, "You're having a great revival, but I got one man I want you to talk to."
168And Stephen is obedient, no matter what it is, how much criticism. "Oh, Stephen's, you can't leave."
"But, I can. God said so."
169And he went out into the desert, and out there he found this eunuch. And what happened? He said, "Has... If thou believest with all thy heart, that Jesus is the Son of God, I'll baptize you." When he baptized him...
170Look. He was quickened by this quickening power, to leave a revival of thousands of people, to go out into the desert, to one man. Oh, that would be against all reasons. See? "Why, there's ten thousand wanting you here." But there's one wanting, out there. See? And the quickening power sent him to God's provided place. Hallelujah!
171 Men and women, It'll make you stand to your feet. It'll make you do the things that God wants you to do. I don't care what somebody else says about it. The neighbor say, "Oh, that person has lost their mind. Pray all night; they read the Bible." I don't care what they say. It's what God called you to do. That's right. "Oh, they say we can't have these old fashion, Pentecostal revivals." Oh, yes, we can, too. You can have it in yourself. And you are the majority, in God, no matter what the rest of them think.
172 Notice, after, in obedience. Listen close now. After obeying God, to His Word, when he fulfilled his mission, that quickening power that he received at Pentecost caught him away, quickened his body. Miles and miles away, he was taken in the Spirit, and was found over in another country somewhere. Quickening power of God! And if we be pentecostals, "That same power that raised up Jesus from the dead, if It dwells in your mortal bodies." See? All right. Notice.
173 Let's take another man with this quickening power. There was a man way long ago, by the name of Enoch. When a new thing come along, when something come along and said, "Well, now we have to go back to the old school, or this, that, or the other," Enoch walked with God. Whatever God said do, Enoch never missed one word. He walked with God. What was he? He was a son of God. He was an eagle that had been called to that day.
174 And when come time, he was so full of that quickening power! Remember, he had walked five hundred years, or more, before God, and not one time had he missed His Word. Not one time did he misbehave himself. Not one time did he do but kept the testimony. Everything that God told him to do, he went and done it. No argument about it, he just went and done it. No matter what anybody else thought, he went and done it. Why? He was full of that quickening power. And when it come time for the old man to die, God just sent down the ladder and he walked up Home. He quickened him, and took his mortal body up in a rapture. Amen. That's that quickening power.
175 Look at Elijah, after his work was finished on earth. He was so full of that quickening power, he condemned them Jackie Kennedy haircuts in his day. He had told old Jezebel what he thought of her. He told them preachers and priests what was right and wrong, and they didn't believe him. But he condemned them painted-faced women and things, so bad. And he so full of that quickening power till nothing could harm him. God had fed him from the heavens, took him out and set him aside. He was so full of quickening power, come time to die, the Jordan opened up, and he just walked, sent down a chariot and took him up Home, so full of that quickening power. He become a true, genuine son of God. Yeah.
176 Notice, he had a successor, and his name was Elisha. And Elisha had a double portion, this quicken power. See? He had a double portion of it. Now, he preached for about eighty years, or he was about eighty years old. He took sick and died. Now, he didn't get to go Home like Elijah did. See? Both of them is represented there in the Church; some saints go, and some resting. But notice when Elijah was taken up in the rapture; then Elisha went to sleep, in God, full of quickening power. Look at his prophecy just before he died. See?
177 Now, let me show you. I don't care if you're dead, or where you're at, that quickening power never leaves. Years and years after his death, his meat had rotted away, the skin worms had eat it up. But they were packing a dead man, one day, throwed him in on that bones, and there was so much quickening power there till the man come back to life again. Hallelujah! Raised him up from the dead, because that quickening power that was upon that saint of God, never left him, stayed right on those bones.
178 Oh, remember, we are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bones, if we are His Bride. Death won't bother that quickening power at all. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Glory to God! What a... I don't know what I say. What a hope for an old man like me, knowing I see my end time right out yonder soon, as fifty-six years old.
179Since a little bitty boy, I've stood here. I'm trying to proclaim This. But I know, That in me, nothing good that I have, nothing I've done. But in me is that quickening power that quickened me one day from the things of the world, as a young man, unto Eternal Life. Oh, the things that's happened! I've seen visions, foretold things. He never let nothing fail yet. I've spoke in other tongues. I've prophesied. I've done those things by the Spirit of God that dwelt in me. That's quickening power. I know that someday...
180 My Redeemer is living now. And someday when He comes, these bones shall rise again, to go to meet Him in the air. You may bury me in the sea, burn it up, wherever you want to. That quickening power is Eternal. Whew! I feel the Easter right now. Yes, sir. I've had it for years. It's in me.
181It's in you. If, you, the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in your mortal bodies, It's quickened you from the things of the world, to the Word of God only. It's quickened you from this life to Life Eternal. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses has now been quickened together, to set in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, feasting on Manna from Above, seeing the hand of God made manifested, prove the promise of this day.
182 "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. They were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marrying. And as it was in the days of Lot, so will it be in the hours that the Son of man will be revealed on earth," not Son of God, no more. "Son of man," come back as the prophetic Message for the last day when that eagle will be flying; not the lion; not the ox in the sacrifice age. See?
183Every time, a religious power went forth to meet the challenge of the political power of the world. When the lion raised up, the religious power, it went to meet the Roman power.
184And then when come the sacrifice hour, the ox went, because he's the sacrifice Beast of the Lord.
185Then come the reformers, down through the church ages, come the face of a man. And the reformers had been since Luther, Wesley, oh, Calvin, on down, down, pentecostal age.
186But in the last Message that went forth, there came a flying eagle. It's eagle time, reveal time, the Word of God made manifest, the Word of God proved. Oh, children, walk into this baptism of the Holy Spirit. Come in and believe It, with all your heart, God will fill you.
187 Looky here now. We find now, remember, "We are flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone." As God raised His bones and flesh out of the grave, they cannot hide the man that has the potentials. Death cannot take him. Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. I'll raise them up at the last day." Oh, my! Easter! Why, we're right in Easter. When He raised, we raised with Him. He sent the abstract back. We hold it, as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. "He is alive forevermore; the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 proves that. He's the same.
188 His messianic, anointed ones believe that. What is the messiah? What is the messiah? Messiah is "anointed One." And now if He was the Messiah, by being the anointed One for that day, to fulfill the Word of God, to be the Redeemer and the anointed One, and God raised up that body; His Bride is the anointed one for this day. It's already raised with Him in the resurrection, because, "These two are one." Amen.
189I--I wish I could tell it the way I see it. I wish I had the education I could do it with. See? I--I hope you see it. I hope, God, the Holy Ghost comes down there and puts that in your heart, to see what I mean.
190 The resurrection, we are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life.
191Not those who do not have Life. They won't know It. They'll never know It. They'll go right on thinking they're getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and the Rapture will done be over with and gone. Said, "Elias has already come, and they did that way, and you knew it not." See?
192 Notice. Death does not stop the quickening power of God. Notice. Death can't stop it.
193You say, "Well, my mother was a Spirit-filled woman. My daddy, I never seen a man so full of the power as my daddy. But he died, Brother Branham." Sure. That didn't stop the quickening power.
194Moses had that quickening power. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There never was a man like him on the earth, until Jesus. For he didn't only see visions, he talked face-to-face with God.
195Even a prophetess, Miriam, disputed his word one day. He said, "Don't you fear God? Consider my servant, Moses. There's not nobody in the world like him, this hour. There's never been anybody like Moses. I speak to Moses. What did he ever say, that wasn't truth? See? I speak to Moses. Don't you fear God? Don't you say a word against him." And right then she was stricken with leprosy and--and was dying. She didn't live very long, afterwards. Moses prayed for her.
196 And Moses climbed up on the mountain, at a hundred and twenty years of ministry, or eighty years of ministry; hundred and twenty years of life, climbed up on the mountains and died, and was buried in the valley. But that quickening power was on him. About eight hundred years later, here he is, standing on Mount Transfiguration. Amen. What was he? He was included in that resurrection. Sure, he was. He had the quickening power of God. Here he was, standing.
197 Look at Job, Abraham, Isaac, the saints on the day of the resurrection, that great morning that Job and all of them knew that would come. When, he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth," hundreds and hundreds of years before Christ. It's, actually, Book of Job was wrote before Genesis, they claim, the oldest Book in the Bible.
198And in his trials, and like we go through now. And his wife, even, the closest thing to him on earth, said, "Won't you curse God and die the death?"
199He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord."
200And then when the Spirit of God come upon him, and he begin to prophesy, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." And he made a place to bury himself. He said, "We'll buy this ground." He bought there and buried hisself.
201 Later on, come a man named Abraham. The church growing, coming on up. Abraham, well, now, he had the potentials of God, too, everlasting Life, Eternal, because God called him. Now notice. When he died, or Sarah died, he bought a piece of ground in Palestine, near Job's grave, and buried Sarah. Abraham died and also was buried with Sarah. Abraham begot--begot Isaac.
202And Isaac, when he died, he slept with Abraham, in the same parcel of ground. Now, when, Isaac begot Jacob.
203Jacob died, way down in Egypt. But being a prophet, now, with this potential, this quickening power, he said, "Don't you bury me down here, Joseph. Come here, my prophet son. Put your hand upon this hip that God crippled. Swear to the God of Heaven you'll not bury me down here." What was in that man? Why wasn't Egypt just as good as any place? He was a prophet. He know where that resurrection was going to be. Wasn't going to be in Egypt; would be in Palestine. Said, "Put your hands upon my crippled hip, and you swear by the God that I've served. You're my prophet son, that, you'll not bury my bones down here. Take me up yonder and bury me."
204 Joseph, being a prophet, also, laid his hands upon his crippled daddy. Said, "I swear by the God of Abraham, Isaac, of Jacob, I'll not bury you here." They took him and buried him in that land. Why? Why?
205When Joseph died, he said, "Don't you bury me down here. Don't bury me down here." Why? God is God everywhere, but He has a plan. Joseph was a prophet. He said, "Someday," listen, his words, "the Lord God will re-vis-... will visit you, and will take you out of this land. And when you go, you take my bones."
206That quickening power was in them bones. Oh! "If the Spirit of Him that raised up Christ from the dead, dwell in you, He'll also quicken your mortal bodies."
207"Don't put my bones down here. Bury them up there with those of the promise."
208 When Jesus come, here, I got a Scripture here, Matthew 27:51. When Jesus raised from the dead, Job seen that coming, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. The last days, He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms has destroyed this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God. I'll see Him." They knowed. That was a prophet. Abraham was a prophet. Isaac was a prophet. Jacob was a prophet. Joseph was a prophet. And they had the revelation of God, according to His Word. On that Easter morning, when that One came and redeemed all those who had believed on Him, they raised, too, according to the Bible.
209 That quickening power come into the grave of Job, where there wasn't even a spoonful of the dust of his bones left. After all those hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years, his bones had decayed. It--it went back, and turned back to the gases of the earth, and just a mere ash dust laid there. But, yet, when that quickening power, according to the Word of God, to the promise, hundreds and hundreds, yes, thousands of years later, when that quickening power was brought forth from the grave; Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all of them, come out of the grave with Him.
210The Bible said so. Saint Matthew, the 27th chapter and the 51st verse, it said, "Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, resurrected and come out of the graves with Him, when He come up on Easter morning." Why? They had that potential. They had that quickening power, see, and raised up from the dead, and went with Him in the resurrection. Enjoyed the resurrection with Him, because they were full of that quickening power. They had that genuine Easter seal.
"Well," you say, "I wish I lived back in the Old Testament."
211Wait a minute. In First Thessal-... Thessalonians, the 4th chapter, the 16th verse, I want you to read that. "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that sleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again the third day," not make-belief, but we believe it, "even so them that sleep in Him shall God bring with Him."
212The New Testament saints with that quickening power, shall resurrect, also, at His second Coming; just as sure as the Old Testament saints with all that quickening power upon their bones, and translations and powers, and so forth, that showed of God. Them prophets who the Word of God came to, they resurrected with Him on that resurrection morning; and with the promise of God that every one that's in Christ Jesus will also come with Him in His resurrection, the quickening power of God upon the bones.
213 No wonder, we lay hands on the sick. No wonder, we love one another. We are brothers and sisters. We shouldn't hate one another because we're corrected by the Word of God. We should love another, and have respects for one another. You know, if you don't, it won't help you.
214 There's a little fellow setting right here, that, under this church now. A few days ago... That man believes. Little old boy had a cancer on his ear, and he wouldn't say nothing about it. He was working up there at the house. I had been on a hunting trip with him, up there at the Moseley brothers, and Brother Dawson here. We was up here a hunting, Brother William's son. And I happened to look over on his ear. I seen his ear all swelled up. I said, "What's the matter, Donavon, that ear?"
215He said, "Brother Branham, it's been on a long time. I don't know."
216I just--just caught him by the hand there. That was a big cancer on his ear. Never said one word; just held it, and thought, "My brother!" In a day or two after that, there wasn't even a scar left of it. It was his respect in the God of Heaven, by His quickening power, killed that cancer and spared the life of Donavon Weerts back there. That's right.
217 What is these things? Look here, people here in Phoenix. Look at you people who has believed in this. Look at the people who has this, that lays their hands upon you. Watch what happens. It's quickening power. "These signs shall follow them that believe." If they lay their hands on the sick, that quickening power, eagle to eagle, something is going to take place. Now, a eagle to a buzzard, won't work. Eagle to eagle, raises from the barnyard, to the Heavenlies. "These signs shall follow them that believe," when they're both in beliefs.
218 See that same quickening power of God represented in these two prophets, Elijah and Elisha. Notice, same word; one of them is catch up, the other one is caught up. Catch up and caught up. See? He was caught up. We'll be catch up; catch up with them, meet them in the air. "Be caught up to meet them in the air."
219Notice, a bird has to have two wings, to balance hisself. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Elijah was the translating wing, Elijah. Elisha was a resurrection wing. See? Both of them, together, representing the saints that are living and the saints that are gone on.
220Remember, quickened to see the past, the curtains. How these people were quickened back there to look past the curtain and see down in this time; those prophets!
221 Look at Paul, said in the last days how these people would be, act and call themselves Christians. He was a prophet, full of the quickening power, foresaw it come to pass. We believe that. Don't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He received quickening power.
222Look at the quickening power today, foretelling things, without one event missing. Not one time does it fail. Quickening power; not the power of a man; the power of God. The power, the abstract of Easter, the resurrected Jesus that sent back the abstract, to guarantee us that we're already quickened with Him.
223 Notice. You remember the little book, the Business Men here, Looking A Past The Curtain Of Time? I begin to get older, knowing my days are getting shorter. I get real...
224I play that little piece that them ladies sang a while ago. I've had it for about eighteen, twenty years now. I Want To Talk It Over, Lord. And get out there and go to praying, then that quickening power comes. I'm rest up. I looked up There. I say, "Looky yonder."
225I remember that morning, being caught a past. And my wife, sitting back there, laying on the same bed with me that morning. I was raised up, and looked up. And there she is, asleep. I said, "If I'm going to do anything for the Lord, you better hurry up, boy. You're past fifty." Then the Holy Spirit caught me away, and I looked over There. I seen those saints, just as certain I'm standing here by this desk, with this sacred Book laying here, and a minister of the Gospel.
226 Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Yeah. I want you tell me about it. Every time, has it been perfectly, at the platform? Every time, has it happened just like He said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] This was THUS SAITH THE LORD.
227I stood there, looked over that time. I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women, run, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I look right back and see myself laying on the bed. "O Lord, let me look a past the curtain of time."
228What is it? It's quickening power that will catch us away. That great quickening power. The quickening power come in this last days.
229 That's what I'm in Arizona for, right now. There's many people sitting right here, stood right here at Phoenix, and heard me tell you from this very platform, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." How many remembers it? "Now go. Something is fixing to happen."
230I saw seven Angels come. Didn't Life magazine pack it, as the fog of It floated across here, twenty-seven miles high, and thirty miles across? Is not Fred Sothmann, these other, Gene Norman, them, setting back there? Stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill. It shook the hills, for miles around, like that. There stood seven Angels. And throwed a sword in your hand, said, "Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given." And here they are, the true mystery of marriage and divorce, and the serpent's seed, and all of these things that's been fussed about. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
231What is it? The quickening power coming to the Church, making Her ready, this hour that we're approaching. Quickening power!
O God, help us to receive It. Help us to believe It.
232See, just depends on what attitude you take to It, whether It's going to do you any good, or not, though. See? You have to believe That. You don't believe It, It won't do you one bit of good.
233 How old Samuel stood there before that people, and said, "Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Did I ever beg you for your money, to live on?"
"No, but we want the king, anyhow."
234That's the way the church is today. They want their own ideas. They won't pay a bit attention to you. They walk right around. Well, it just goes to show, the quickening power is not there.
235"Oh," you say, "I spoke in tongues. I jumped and I shouted." That's all fine.
236But if that quickening power is there, you'll recognize. Like that little eagle; that's his mama. That's the Word. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's what God promised. That's what was foretold. That's exactly what happened. We're beyond any shadow of doubt, potentially in the resurrection right now, the saints getting ready to be taken up in the air.
237 So, Jesus, so full of this quickening power, said, "If you can destroy this temple; that took you forty years, you thought, to build; I'll raise it up in three days."
238Why? Why could Jesus say that? Want to ask you. Why could Jesus say a thing like that? He knew That He was. Amen. I wish I could make that stick. He knew Who He was. He knew that, every Word, God had wrote in there of Him, He had fulfilled it. He knew He was the One David spoke of.
239Do you know you're the ones the Bible speaks of? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you know your position is in Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you know this Word is just like everyday living, to you? Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle. That's your Food.
240 He knew that, by the power of God, He would do it, because it was prophesied He would do it. That's the reason He wasn't scared to say, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up in three days, because David said, 'I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption.'" He knowed not one cell of His body would corrupt. And it corrupts in seventy-two hours. He said, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up again, and in three days." Why? He was so full of that quickening power that quickened every Word. He looked back and seen every Word God wrote of Him, and prophet said He fulfilled it. He knowed that would be fulfilled, too.
241 Now, every Word that God said, has your spirit said "amen" to It, It's been fulfilled in your life, as a believer?
242Do you hold back on something, say, "Well, my church teaches different"? Then be careful, hawk.
243Notice. Eagles believe. There no question, to them. They believe It. Notice.
244 Now, He knew it would happen because the Word said It was. And every Word wrote of Him had to be fulfilled. He knew that It was written by the power of God, by the holy prophets that had prophesied that He would do so.
245And prophecy never fails. It cannot. The Word of God can't fail. And it is written in the... by the Spirit that... And now, also, the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, if It dwells in your being, your body, It will also quicken your mortal body. Then, shoot it, burn it, do anything you want to, make fun of it, tear it down, turn it down, do what you want to. God will raise it up, for He said He would. And every saint of God has that promise in him, knows that that's the Truth. So, fear not, brother, we already in the Easter.
246 Look now at transfiguration, just before we close. Transfigure, transfiguration, we are all represented there in transfiguration. Look what we are seeing today. Notice just what we're seeing today, the quickening power of God. We was all there. There was the dead saints, represented in Moses; there was the resurrection; and Jesus Christ glorified. Elisha... Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, all standing on the mountain; the dead saints, the raptured saints; and Jesus glorified. Oh, my!
247 Well, you say... I heard a guy say. They'll say, "You people, why, if you had this kind of power, you ought to go out and tell people what you can do." Far be it from a real Christian, saying a thing like that. See? Surely, we don't claim no power. To...
248But we do one thing. When they looked around, with all this power upon them, "They saw Jesus only." And the real, true believer don't care whether he's backing up a denomination, or nothing about it. He only wants one thing, for you to see that glorified Christ, makes any difference. A real, true Mount Transfiguration experience only glorifies Jesus Christ. It didn't glorify Moses, didn't glorify Elijah, didn't glorify themselves, didn't glorify nothing else, but they seen the glorified Christ. And any true believer, that's what's in his heart, to glorify Jesus Christ. That's what he's trying, get the people to see.
249Not say, "Well, if you come join our groups, if you come do this or do that." Oh, don't do that. Don't do that.
250See God's Word, which is Christ, magnified; and fulfill the promise of this day, in this great hour of resurrection. Notice. And it gives them joy, to know that we are with Him, a flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bones. What a joy! That's the only thing that a real believer cares about.
251 They don't care about a denomination. They don't care about an organization. They don't care about what the other women think. They don't care. Certainly not. They won't do these things that the... these other women do. They... These men won't do them things. They won't hang and baby around with some organization, keep from being putting out, and afraid they won't have a meal ticket. They don't care about them things. It's nonsense to them.
252There's only one heart's desire, that is, to see Jesus Christ glorified. Their conduct must be with God. It must absolutely, nothing else, but just the glory of Jesus Christ. And what is Jesus? The Word. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, notice, and seeing His same vindicated method, proving His resurrection. Now what is it? Seeing your life, by His promised Word that He said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," proving that He's still alive.
253 I don't care if every door in the country is closed to me. That, I'm... As I said, I was fifty-six, other day. I could be snapped out. I'm at the heart attack age. I'm in all this other age, and everything else. Well, what difference? It didn't make any difference to me when I was a kid. It don't make any difference now, what hour my number is called, and my card out of the rack. I don't care if they ever knowed I ever lived on the earth. It don't make me no difference. They don't have to have no big monuments and big buildings to say that I was here on earth.
254 Only one thing I want them to know, know that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And in my heart I hold His abstract. And I know that someday... Although, I may be drowned in the sea. I may be killed in Africa. Don't know what will happen to me. But one thing I know, I hold the abstract. Hallelujah! Every door can be closed. That don't make a bit of difference to me. I'm not trying to glorify some man or some organization, nor myself, or none of the groups, or nothing else. I want people to see Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and His Spirit lives. "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
255 No wonder, Jesus said, "Fear not. I am He that was dead, but I'm alive forevermore."
256"For now we are redeemed by Him, and are risen with Him, and are now (not will be) setting in Heavenly places in Him." Now, when we have this Spirit in us, the abstract, shows that all of the doubts has been stricken off. What? Christ lives. Not I live; not me. "Christ lives in me." Not you live, but Christ lives in you. Because, His living Word lives in you, showing that all the accounts of all your Methodist, and Baptist, and Pentecostal ideas, everything else, was stricken off. And Jesus Christ...
257 Like on Mount Transfiguration, all the prophets and everything else is finished. All the days of the Lutheran, the Methodist, the Presbyterian, they're all right, but, "This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him," the Word of this hour, the hour of the Seals. When, all the mysteries back yonder, that's been hid all these years, them is that great pyramid of time was stricken off, the headstone, make it honed down so that the star of David will settle into Its place. And the great Church of the living God will be raised like the wings of an eagle, packed out yonder into Glory. Yes.
258In now, in now, in our bodies: with speaking with new tongues; with prophesying, and foreseeing; laying hands on the sick, and they recover; the world, dead, and all the things of the world. We've passed from death unto Life, and we now hold the power. Hallelujah!
On that resurrection morning,
When death's seals will be broken,
We shall rise, (Hallelujah!) we shall rise. (Amen!)
259 There ain't enough devils in hell to keep us from doing it. We were foreordained of God for this hour. The Word of God manifests Itself right through us. And we live in the Presence of God, by the Word promise of God. Ain't a devil in hell can keep me from raising. Ain't a door he could shut in my face, at that morning. The seals have been broken. Hallelujah!
260I'm free. I'm an eagle. I'm no longer in a cage, but I'm free. I've raised from the dead, into the new Life of Jesus Christ. Not only me, but every man, women, boy or girl setting here, that's been filled into that Spirit of God, is a new creature in Christ. And you are a eagle.
261 We are alive, today, and enjoy the resurrection forevermore. Because He lives, we are alive, also. And He's living us, making us alive. And the Spirit that raised Him from the dead, dwelling in our being, shall quicken our mortal bodies, at that great Eternal Easter. Glory to God!
262Oh, take the world, take anything you want to, but give me Jesus. Amen. I love Him. He's all the world, to me.
263And because that you are a part of Him, I am a part of you, and you are a part of me. And, together, we're a part of Him.
264 Oh, Christian, what an opportunity we have! We have opportunities that Saint Paul never dreamed of having. We have opportunities that Enoch, and Elijah, and all them never had, the opportunities we have now.
265And there's one little sheep out yonder somewhere, and He'll not be satisfied till that one comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm returning across the sea. That last little sheep may be a black one down there, for all I know, where they don't even think they got a soul. But God knows different. I'm going to seek till the last day of my life, to find that one, wherever it is.
266 I hope I never have offended any of my brethren by saying these strict things. I... Not as I don't want you to go to church. Sure, I want you go to church. You go to church wherever you're going. But just don't let that be your hope, say, "Well, I belong to this, or I belong to that." Oh, brother, sister, belong to Christ. Go to church, but belong to Christ. Amen.
267Let that--let that potential, if that isn't in you, quicken you right now to Life. Won't you just receive It now?
268This room is full of It. I feel It all over me. I know It's here, the power of God, the great Seer of visions, the great Foreteller that can tell the things and it never fails, the great One that can speak and no man can say it's "no," a Man can open and no man can shut. He that was dead is now alive, and alive, today, here in Phoenix, walking amongst the new-born flowers.
269 No wonder, on that Easter morning little teardrops of dew was laying on every lily's cheek and every rose. Why? It knowed it was brought up through the ground, and somewhere there's an Eternal flower blooming. It'll take its place someday. That's right.
270No wonder, joyful tears can run down our cheeks. No wonder, our hearts quiver and shake when we can feel that same transforming power coming into our lives and filling us, even for letting us speak in a language that comes from Heaven.
271We're so quickened up into His Presence there, prophesy, foresee, foretell, and everything hitting perfectly with the Word. If it's prophesying contrary to That, don't believe it. But if it's with the Word, It's already said, THUS SAITH THE LORD.
272"Fear not. I am He that was dead, and alive forevermore." That is God's Easter seal that seals every letter of this Word into your heart. What is the seal? "You are written epistles, read of all men." You know that. But when God has claimed you, He sealed you with the Easter seal, that you are risen with Christ, and you are a new creature.
273If you haven't been sealed this morning, do so while we bow our heads.
274[A brother begins speaking in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Lord. You hear that? [Congregation says, "Amen."]
275Think now, with your heads bowed. Romans 8:11, "If so be that the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead be in you, It will also quicken your mortal bodies."
276 What can we look forward to, people? What is there left? Look at Formosa and all the world. And atomic missiles and everything else just ready to strike the world, and just so nervous, and scared, and screaming. And these movie mimics is on, out there, just telling all kind of jokes, just like a little boy going through the graveyard, whistling at night, trying to make the people believe that everything is all right. Don't you be deceived. The Coming of the Lord is at hand.
277 You notice, the other day, a fisherman come up and told me, sitting down yonder in the bay, that, some kind of a rugged point or something another down here. And how, that, long before that earthquake shook over in Greece, all the fish that usually feeds about that time of morning, they didn't feed. What was it? They wasn't on the surface. The second time it happened, same thing took place. He knew right then something is going to happen. Them fish wasn't feeding at that time.
278And all the gulls and things that feed on the fish, they quit feeding. That early in the morning, that's when they feed. They just sit up on the bank, got away from the cliffs and things. For, just in a few minutes, the sea moss begin to boil up out of the earth, off the sea bed. See? Them fish knew it before it happened.
279 Going into India, I read the paper, said, "The earthquake must be over." For days, the little birds wouldn't come back to their nests in the rocks. The cattle wouldn't stand around the shelters under the... in the shade, in the heat of the day. The sheep stood right out in the middle field, leaned against one another. They wouldn't go up around them rocks, two or three days before the earthquake happened.
280Why? Them sheep knew it. They knew something was going to happen. Those birds knew something was going to happen. Those gulls knew something was going to happen. Those fish knew something was going to happen. It's the same God that led those animals into the ark.
281Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something is fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something, sweeping, nothing but the Coming of the Lord Jesus. Remember, just remember the Words and promise of the Lord.
282 Won't you come on in right quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now. If there's someone here that don't know that they would go in that resurrection, and not sure that they've got that resurrection power resting in them!
283Though the skin worms destroy it, though an atomic bomb burst right in the middle of you, it'll never destroy that quickening, resurrection power. No, no. Sister, brother, your precious name is put on the Lamb's Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it out. There isn't enough rubbing compounds, in the world, to rub your name from the Book There where His Blood has bought it.
284If you're not sure of that, don't--don't take a chance on it now. See? You might take a chance on running through a barricade somewhere and not get killed, but you're not going to run through this barricade. No, no. You're going to get it. You won't have to. There's a red light flashing now. Bypass, bypass your own ideas, bypass the things of the world.
285 Come. Let's be resurrected together in this grand Easter time, the great celebration of the Easter. Can you celebrate it in your heart this week? If you can't, would you just raise your hand to God?
286Say, "God, I'm not sure of it. I don't know whether I could just do all that or not. Will You help me? I'm going to raise my hand to You, Lord. Help me." God bless you. God bless you. That's good. "I--I--I want You, Lord. Help me. I--I want--I want to be raised. I--I want to be. I want to have the potentials right now. I want to know it's right. I want to know that it's right, Lord. I know, can't make no mist-... Don't want no mistake then. It ain't going..." It's going to be too late. Now is the day. My! Now is the day. Don't wait.
287 Not long ago, I was preaching. There was an old colored man come back there at the back the building, met me. Said, says, "Reverend, I wants to tell you. I says you is right." He said, "I done told the Lord, a long time ago, I want my ticket in my hand that morning. I want to know that it's marked right." Said, "It's going to be a lot of trouble down there at the river." He said, "I--I--I'm coming down that river." He said, "I--I don't want no trouble there. I want to get it all straightened up right here." That's right.
288Got your visa? If you haven't got your visa... You may have a passport, but, if you haven't got your visa, you can't enter the Land. You know that. Have you got your everything ready? If it isn't, right now is the time to do it.
289Fear not, if you're a little bit scared. Now, there's about maybe a hundred hands went up in here. So if you're just a little bit scared, now let's just settle it.
290 Now, I know we have different ways. Some men say, "Come up, let me shake your hand." Other say, "Come up, kneel at the altar." Now, them is fine. I haven't got one word to say against it, at all, not a thing, anything that will save.
291But let me just tell you my way. "As many as believed, as many..." Coming to the altar won't make you believe. Shaking hands with the minister won't make you believe. But if you're called of God, and you're an eagle, to begin with, just a scream tells you. You'll believe. If you really believe it, I'm going to pray with you.
292Could you imagine that little eagle stay in that barnyard any longer? No, no. Huh-uh. No. Don't stay here any longer, friend. Let's--let's Rapture now. The grace of God is here to do it.
293 Heavenly Father, we realize that we're coming down towards the closing hour. We haven't too long to be here now. Not as our age, but at the time. We believe there's a many young person setting here, will be living when this happens. It may happen yet today. We don't know the minute or hour. But, Lord, You told us, "When you see these things taking place," and they been taking place now for a long time.
294We know we're way over, according to the scientists. Six, seven years ago, we was three minutes to midnight. We don't know how much time that is, ticking on, but we know we're right there.
295O God, to have that assurance: to see that our heart punctuates every promise of God with "amen," to see that the Spirit Itself, that's come into us, quickens our being.
296God, let my brethren see that, this morning. Let my brethren see that, that that Spirit comes in and quickens to the Word. Let my sisters see the same thing, Lord. And then, if they see something that won't let them quicken to that Word, O God, may they get rid of it right quick. Grant it, Father. It's all in Your hands now. I know I've failed in many things, and continue to fail, but, Lord, I've done all I know how to do. Now it's in Your hands. They're Yours. In Jesus' Name, receive them, Father.
297 Now to you that's here and that's needy of healing for your body. How many believers are here? Raise your hand. "I am a believer, as far as I know my heart." How many possess? You know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that in your heart, right now, you've been raised from the dead? You know? Oh, my! What could happen in a meeting like this then? I know I'm late, but what could happen right now? Just think of what could take place. The potentials is laying right in you. See? You, with your hand up, you've took like--like an oath, to God, that, "I know that something has happened to me. I may not be right where I ought to be."
298 Neither am I. No, sir. I'm a long ways from where I should be. But I know this one thing, I've passed from death to Life. I know something happened to me. Many... Not as an old man now, but many, many years ago, it happened.
299And I know, that day when I walked into that hospital, when I had my great challenge. I seen my wife die; me calling for her life. "And what have I done but stand on the street corner, preach, and pray for the sick?"
And then Satan said, "Well, He won't answer your prayer."
300I seen her die, but I know that in her was that resurrection power. Them bones shall rise again.
301I seen my little baby lay there. And I lay my hand on, say, "God, don't take it."
302Look like He pulled the curtain down, said, "I won't even hear you no more."
303Satan said, "There it is. Just one word..." He knowed better than tell me there was no God, 'cause I knowed that. But he said He don't love me, He don't care for me. See? Every reason thing, said, "You're just a young man, yet twenty years old. There lays your wife laying down here in a morgue. And here is your baby going there. And--and just... You said He was a great healer, and He's all this. And, look, what does He do? One word, He wouldn't even have to speak it, just look down there and say. Just nod His head, that's all would take place, and it'd be healed. But, you see, He don't love you. He don't care for you. Letting your baby die right there now, and even refuse to hear your prayer in this dark hour."
304 Everything he said was absolutely the truth. "So what have you done? Work all day long, till you couldn't hardly stand up. And then sit up all night, till twelve and one o'clock. Standing on the street corners, preaching. Making calls to hospital. Just come in and sit down, a chair, sit there and sleep an hour or two, and go back to work again. Next night, the same thing. And here you are, about twenty-one, twenty-two years old. Every friend, every young lady, every young man that you ever associated with, called you a crazy crank. What have you done? You made a fool out of yourself. Don't you see it?" I was just about ready to agree with him.
305And Something down in me, that was that quickening power. I said "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
When all my hopes give way,
Then He's all my hope and stay.
For on Christ, the...
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed]... sinking sand.
Oh, He shall come with triumph sound,
Then may I then be in--in Him be found,
Wrapped in the robes of His righteousness.
306Not in my own; I don't have any. Mine is filthy, dirty rags. I'd hate to try to go to Heaven on my preaching. Hate to try to go to Heaven on my visions. I'm going to Heaven because I hold His grace in my heart. His grace, that's why I'm going. That's how we go.
307 Oh, friend, you're a part of this Body. You are God's little children. Now, I'm saying this to build your hope. If you found...
308If I found favor with you, told you the Truth. And what I've told you, is--is the prophet said, of years gone by. Not making myself His prophet. No, sir. But I'm telling you the Truth. Has He ever said anything but what was right? I've knowed you now for some twenty-something years, here in Phoenix, since that song, I'd Like To Talk It Over With Him, over at Brother Outlaw's church, I believe it was, and Brother Garcia. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened?
309 Remember, there's only one hope. Get this quickening power. It'll hold you. When everything else has give away, It'll hold you.
310Some of them said, "Did you keep your religion, Brother Branham?"
I said, "No. It kept me."
311It keeps me. No, I don't keep it. It ain't whether I hold on, or not. It's whether He held on, or not. He is what held on for me.
312He didn't have to. Angels was set in every tree, said, "Just pull your fingers loose. Just point; you don't have to take it from the cross. Just point your finger, and watch what." See, that mocking bunch. But if He had did that, I couldn't have had this testimony today; you couldn't had it. But because He stayed to the cross, He held there, that's why I hold with Him.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other grounds are sinking sands.
313 Now, if you're sick, will you lay your hands on one and another. Let's pray. Just lay your hands on somebody by you. Regardless of what's wrong with you, have faith now. If I ever told you the Truth, I tell you now. See? Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." And you're believers, you just raise your hands. Don't doubt. There's some poor suffering person that you got your hands on. Somebody has got their hands on you.
314Remember that quickening power, that power that raised up Jesus from the grave. Now you have faith in what you got in your--in your own body. It's going to help that person that you got your hands on. "If It indwells you, It'll also quicken your mortal bodies."
315 Dear God, as I stand here this morning, nearing the noonday time, when it's about this hour the day when Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? I thirst." No wonder, the prophet foresaw it, and said, "All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." "But He was numbered with the transgressors. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed." We claim that, this morning, God. We claim that.
316 In the morning of this resurrection, notice, this vindicated Truth that I've told, Lord, from Your Word, in the Presence of God. He is Judge, and we are witnesses that He's redeemed us. And in us lays, by the grace of God, that resurrecting power. And our friends are sick, the one that the hands is laid upon.
317O God, we challenge the Devil, in the midst of our faith this morning, with hands laid upon the people, and me with my hands stretched over the people. Let every disease, every affliction that tries to hold the people, in the presence of this vindicated Truth, come out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may these people be made free today. That, the Bible, the Words of our God said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And our hands has been up in the air, towards You, God.
318 As, every plant of the earth drinks at Your fountain. And as sure as that plant, that's germitized, drinks from Your fountain, it begins to build up. It begins to grow. The stalk of corn, the flower, whatever it is that's drinking in Your fountain, grows up towards You.
319And this morning, we've growed, inches, Lord. We can reach up higher. We're drinking at Your fountain. We are Your creatures, with the resurrection power within us, Lord. And we pray that You'll hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters. And may every affliction, that's hindering these dear people here that possesses this power, Lord, turn them loose, so they can serve God. And it shall be well, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
320 You believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Leave a thing like this? How can you do it? You just have to, look like, just pull yourself away. Do you feel that way? ["Amen."] I--I--I... It may just be me, that I'm... But I had a feeling, just a strange feeling when I come among the people, where you set together like this. I know, somewhere, invisible here; just like radio, television, whatever it is, passing through this room; Christ is in this room. Just think, our Redeemer! Tony, He's here. Amen.
321And who could be any happier than people who possess, with Bible evidence of every Word of God being made manifest, to see even to Angels and His Being, as they have through the--the ages! And hear the Words of the seers, predicted and it happened just exactly. And here we are at the eve of His Coming. Oh, what a wonderful time!
322 We'll see Him. One of these days, He'll be here. Until He does come, will you pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I've got dangerous perils in front of me. I know it. See? And I meet with heathens who would shoot you, same as taking a drink of water, and you're just paid for. You come on their ground, devils that'll challenge you on the Bible, just as easy. But I never seen a time but what our God won the victory. I go in His Name, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the hope of Eternal Life, the resurrection and the Life. "He that liveth and believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." I believe that to be God's Eternal Word. Do you believe the same? ["Amen."] Will you pray for me? ["Amen."] I'll pray for you. May God watch over us until we meet again.
323 Now let us stand up to our feet, just a moment. (Got anything you want to say?)
Let us bow our heads.
324It just wouldn't be right for us not to sing this little song, would it? Remember our song, I Love Him, is that in every heart? Let's just sing it. Sister, dear, would you... I want to say, I appreciate your playing, too, sister. All right.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Now we're going to change the song.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Oh, take all my guilt away,
Oh, let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
325 Doesn't that do something to you? How many likes that real heart... I--I--I like jubilee songs. Sure, I do. But when you're in a spirit of worship, don't you love those old sweet hymns? I believe the Holy Spirit moved upon Eddie Perronet and them that wrote those grand old songs. Don't you believe that? Fanny Crosby, when she wrote.
Pass me not, my, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
Thou the Stream of all my comfort,
More than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Or whom in Heaven but Thee?
326Isn't that wonderful? That makes us want to sing I Love Him. Doesn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, while we sing this time, I Love Him, let's... We love one another. If we don't love one another, then we can't love Him. Now let's just shake one another's hand. Just stand, and just reach across the table somewhere, shake hands, one another.
I... [Brother Branham turns from the microphone and speaks with someone--Ed.]
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Let us bow our head now.
327 Going to ask Brother Williams, young Brother Williams, to come here just a moment. I'm going to ask him if he'll dismiss this audience in prayer.
328I love Brother Williams, a young Christian, that I think is truly a servant of Christ, his little family. I have a lot of fellowship with these. And those precious Moseley boys and all of them, we been together, and so many of my dear friends here in Phoenix, that I love with all my heart. I think, that morning in that vision, He said, "All that you ever loved, and all that loves you, God has given you."
329 Believe someone here repenting of their sin, down on the floor, a young lady crying.
Let's just bow our heads a moment for her.
330Dear God, is that that little sheep that was left in Phoenix? I don't know, God. You know. But, someday, it will be. But, Father, this, no doubt, is one. So I pray that You'd help her, just now. Sweetly open up the gate, say, "Come, child of Mine. Come in from the tired, weary road. You been stumbling out there in the dark. I come out, today, to get you. It's My Spirit that's speaking to you and bringing you into the fold now." Grant it, God. May this young woman... just at the crossroads of life here. "He that will hear My Words, and believe on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life." Grant it, dear God, to this young Christian. "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out." While saints are standing over the young woman, praying.
331Remember, even Paul, who was stoned so bad that he was dying, and when the saints stood over and prayed, life come back. Because, in them bodies of those saints was that quickening power that brought the spirit of life back to Saint Paul. God, it could certainly pray the prayer, of death out of... or the death out of the person, by the prayer of faith, to life. Grant it, dear God.
332Bless us now as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus Christ's Name, we pray.
333Now with your heads bowed, I'm going to ask Brother Williams.
1Je to pre mňa skutočne privilégium, že som tu dnes ráno, na narodeninách zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, tu vo Phoenixe, a že môžem vedieť, že Pán mi dal na tom malý podiel, že môžem byť časťou tohto obecenstva. Chcem pozdraviť brata Carla Williamsa a jeho ženu, brata Stromeia, a tých ostatných tu na pódiu, brata Shoresa, brata Outlaw, kazateľov a všetkých vašich fajných ľudí.
2Viete, ja som mal tiež minulý týždeň narodeniny. Ja som trochu starší, než ako tento zbor. Myslím, že on povedal, „päť rokov... tohto zboru.“
3Minule sa ma niekto opýtal, „Koľko máš rokov, brat Branham?“
4Povedal som, „Dvadsaťšesť.“ A povedal som, „Dal som nabok tých prvých dvadsaťpäť rokov. Vtedy som mu tak dobre neslúžil. Dúfam, že On ich tiež dal nabok.“ Presvedčiť ho, aby to urobil, je iné.
5Ale je to dobre byť tu. A teraz nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času. Pretože... stále sa bojím, potom, keď počujem takéto pekné svedectvá a to, čo sa deje, že... a piesne, že urobím niečo, čo to naruší. A chcel som ku tomu dodať, ak je niečo čo by som mohol dodať ku tomu. Tieto sestry...
6Ten brat, ktorý spieval dnes ráno tú pieseň, Stará sa o vrabca, ten farebný brat, cenil som si to.
7A tie sestry, ktoré spievali túto pieseň, to mi bolo pomocou odvtedy, ako som tu bol prvýkrát. Mám to. Mám to nahrané a púšťal som si to, Rád by som sa s Ním o tom porozprával. A opýtal som sa brata Dawisona Rileyho, môjho priateľa, či by mohol, niekto z nich, keby mohli zariadiť, aby tieto dámy, ak sú stále tu na zemi, aby to znovu dnes ráno zaspievali. A dúfam, že Terry to zistil. A dúfam, že to zariadil. Chcem si to zobrať, na páske alebo nejako, pretože tá pieseň sa mi veľmi páči. A túžim sa s Ním o tom porozprávať. Myslím, že všetci to chceme. Preto sme tu dnes ráno.
8No, tieto blížiace sa zhromaždenia, na budúci týždeň. Je to v poriadku, keď to spomeniem? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Samozrejme.“] Na budúci týždeň mám byť doma v modlitebni, na ďalšiu nedeľu, na Veľkonočné zhromaždenie; sobotu večer, v nedeľu a v nedeľu večer. Potom mám ísť naspäť do Kalifornie. Budeme veľmi radi, keď vy všetci z okolia Kalifornie prídete tam na to zhromaždenie. A myslím, že Billy to tam zle oznámil. On povedal, že to je v hotely Biltmore, tak sa mi vidí, to má byť v... [Niekto hovorí, „Nemohli to dostať.] Nemohli ho dostať. A je to v Eastmont? [“Embassy.“] Embassy, v hoteli Embassy. Tak ktokoľvek tam, z ľudí Plného Evanjelia, vám dá vedieť, ak tam niekde budete.
9A potom odtiaľ prídeme a ja potom pôjdem do Južnej Afriky. Od dnes za mesiac, pôjdeme do Južnej Afriky, očakávame veľký čas v Pánovi, pôjdeme asi do troch štátov. Tak skutočne veľmi prosíme aby ste sa za nás modlili. Pravdepodobne vás neuvidím, až kým sa nevrátim, ak Pán dá, že tam pôjdeme. A dúfam, že vám budem mať čo porozprávať, keď sa vrátim.
10Minule, keď som tam bol, myslím, že Pán mi dal najväčšie zhromaždenia, aké som kedy mal. Naraz, na jednu výzvu ku oltáru... No, toto sú jednoduchí domorodci. Pokiaľ viem, bolo ich tam naraz tridsaťtisíc, ktorí prijali Krista. A mysleli sme si, že možno majú na mysli telesné uzdravenie, pretože ich tam bolo naraz okolo dvadsaťpäťtisíc uzdravených. A na druhý deň, starosta Durbanu, to je Sydney Smith, povedal, „Choď ku oknu, pozri sa, čo prichádza po ulici.“ A tam išli naložené nákladné autá, jedno za druhým, plné rôznych bariel a takých vecí, a za nimi išlo množstvo ľudí. Tých domorodcov, ktorí viedli vojnu, jeden s druhým, a teraz išli po uliciach toho mesta a spievali Len ver, vo svojom domorodom jazyku.
11Hovorím vám, moje srdce bolo vzrušené. Ako... Keď vidíš niečo také, brat Shores, cítiš, že tvoja práca nie je márna. Viete, snažili ste sa. A dúfam, že Boh to znovu zopakuje, nie preto – preto, že my tam ideme, ale preto, že očakávame na príchod Pánov.
12A tak, ako hovorila tá pieseň, hľadáme tú malú, stratenú ovcu. To je to... On nemôže prísť, až kým tá ovca nevojde. Každá jedna musí byť v tom stáde. On nemôže zavrieť dvere, až kým tá posledná nevojde. Tak, bratia kazatelia, som si istý spolu s vami, že dnes ráno sa snažíme nájsť tú poslednú ovcu. Ona môže byť vo Phoenixe, dnes ráno. Neviem. Ale keď tá posledná vojde, potom ten Pastier zavrie dvere.
13[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Brat Branham?“] Prosím? [„Môžem niečo povedať?“] Samozrejme. [“Zabudol som na niečo. Rozprávali sme sa o...“ Prázdne miesto na páske.] To je úplne v poriadku. [“A viem, každý niečo zabúda, čas od času.“] Ja nie. [“Ó!“]
14Ja som taký, že si musím zapísať to, čo chcem hovoriť, takmer. Ja som... Ako starnem, zistil som, že si horšie pamätám, zapisujem si miesta Písma a iné. Voľakedy bývalo tak, že som si zoradil okolo päťdesiat miest Písma v mysli a nikdy som ani... všetky som ich prebral, ale od toho času som už prešiel veľa drsných míľ.
15Tak, očakávame príchod Pánov. Nech vás Pán všetkých žehná!
16A potom, prídete sem a premýšľate. Sedíte tu a počúvate svedectvá týchto ľudí. Myslíte si, „No, keď vstanem, poviem niečo o tomto.“ Potom, je toho toľko, čo by ste chceli povedať, že by ste o tom hovorili celý deň. Ale, samozrejme, si vás všetkých cením. Nech toto malé zhromaždenie stále rastie. Nech každý zbor vo Phoenixe stále rastie až do príchodu Ježiša, to je moja úprimná modlitba.
17No, myslím, aby sme si trochu oddýchli, povstaňme na chvíľu a pomodlime sa. Dobre?
18Všemohúci Bože, Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý si Ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych, a dal si nám Ho ako obeť a ako Pána a Spasiteľa. Sme Ti tak vďační za toto privilégium, ktoré máme dnes ráno, že môžeme stáť v Tvojej prítomnosti, s Tvojimi ľuďmi, ktorí sú vykúpení a očakávajú na Jeho slávny druhý príchod, aby nás prijal ku Sebe. Ak je medzi nami hriech, Pane, očisti nás tvojím yzopom. A modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, ktorá je v našom strede.
19A ak by náhodou boli takí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú, v tomto veľkom krste Duchom Svätým, za ktorý tak naliehavo zápasíme a hovoríme, že to musí byť, podľa Písma na tento posledný deň. Prosíme, Bože, aby On padol na nás na všetkých, dnes, a pokrstil nás čerstvo do toho Tela, a tiež priviedol tých, ktorí sú vonku, Otče.
20Požehnaj nás, keď budeme čítať Tvoje Slovo a snažiť sa hovoriť to, čo je pravdou Tvojho Slova. Zavri naše ústa na to, čo nie je pravdou, a otvor naše srdcia a ústa na to, čo je Pravdou, pri tom, ako sa Ti odovzdávame. Použi naše ústa, aby hovorili, a naše uši, aby počuli, a naše srdcia, aby to prijímali. Lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša, ktorý určil, aby to tak bolo. Amen.
21Chcel by som čítať zo Svätého Slova tri miesta v Biblii. A ak si ich poznačíte a chcete si ich prebrať, prečítať si ich, aby ste mali ďalšie informácie, budem veľmi rád, keď si ich poznačíte. Miesta, ktoré chcem čítať, sú, Matúš 28:1-10 a potom Zjavenie 1:17-18, Rimanom 8:11. Ešte raz to zopakujem. Matúš 28:1-10, Zjavenie 1:17-18 a Rimanom 8:11.
22Blížime sa teraz ku Veľkej Noci. A keď si hľadáte a zapisujete tie miesta. Myslím, že tento nasledujúci týždeň je najväčším a najdôležitejším historickým týždňom zo všetkých týždňov v roku. Myslím, že tá najväčšia vec, ktorú budeme oslavovať tento týždeň, tento nasledujúci týždeň, to je tá najväčšia udalosť, ktorá sa kedy stala na zemi. Myslím, že nič ju nemôže prekonať. Poviete, „Dobre, ukrižovanie bolo veľké.“ Ale veľa ľudí zomrelo, veľa ľudí bolo ukrižovaných, dokonca v ten istý deň ako náš Pán. Ale je len jeden z nich, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych. Tým je to spečatené.
23Teraz chcem čítať. A toto je tak trochu predveľkonočné posolstvo, ak Pán dá, okolo štyridsaťminútové. Čítajme teraz z Evanjelia Svätého Matúša, z dvadsiatej ôsmej kapitoly, od začiatku.
Potom pozde na koniec soboty, keď už svitalo na prvý deň týždňa, prišla Mária Magdaléna i tá druhá Mária pozrieť hrob.
A hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, lebo anjel Pánov zostúpiac z neba pristúpil a odvalil kameň odo dverí a posadil sa na ňom.
A bol na pohľad ako blesk, a jeho rúcho bolo biele ako sneh.
A od strachu pred ním sa náramne zhrozili strážni a boli ako mŕtvi.
A anjel odpovedal a riekol ženám: Vy sa nebojte! Lebo viem, že Ježiša, toho ukrižovaného, hľadáte.
Niet ho tu, lebo vstal, tak ako povedal. Poďte, pozrite miesto, kde ležal Pán.
A iďte rýchle a povedzte jeho učeníkom, že vstal z mŕtvych, a hľa, predchádza vás do Galilee, tam ho uvidíte. Hľa, povedal som vám to!
A vyjdúc rýchle od hrobu, s bázňou a s veľkou radosťou, bežali zvestovať jeho učeníkom.
A ako tak išli zvestovať jeho učeníkom, tu hľa, Ježiš sa stretol s nimi a povedal: Zdravstvujte! A oni pristúpili, chopili sa jeho nôh a klaňali sa mu.
Vtedy im povedal Ježiš: Nebojte sa! Iďte, zvestujte mojim bratom, aby odišli do Galilee a tam ma uvidia.
24A Zjavenie. Prvá kapitola, sedemnásty a osemnásty verš.
A keď som ho videl, padol som k jeho nohám ako mŕtvy, a položil na mňa svoju pravú ruku a povedal mi: Neboj sa! Ja som prvý a posledný
A ten Živý. A bol som mŕtvy, ale hľa, som živý na veky vekov. Amen. A mám kľúče pekla a smrti.
25A v knihe Rimanom, ôsma kapitola a začnime s jedenástym veršom.
A jestli Duch toho, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, tak tedy ten, ktorý vzkriesil Krista Ježiša z mŕtvych, oživí aj vaše smrteľné telá skrze svojho Ducha, ktorý prebýva vo vás.
26Verím, že Pán Ježiš Kristus pridá svoje požehnanie ku týmto prečítaným Slovám. Vidíme, že Veľká Noc, ja som to označil vo svojom srdci ako najväčšie zhromaždenie, alebo najväčšiu udalosť roku.
27Chcem vás poprosiť, aby ste mi na chvíľu prepáčili. Nekričím tam príliš na vás, nie je to príliš hlasno? Je to v poriadku? Počujete ma tam dobre? Ó! Nepočujete. Teraz, takto je to lepšie? Nechcel som stáť príliš blízko.
28No, prečo toto hovorím, to preto, že na Veľkú Noc, On potvrdil to, čo Biblia povedala. Všetky Písma, ktoré boli napísané o Ňom, čo On má urobiť, On spečatil svoje Mesiášstvo, keď vstal z mŕtvych, Veľkonočná pečať. Dnes toho máme tak veľa, o čom hovoríme, to, že kupujú Veľkonočné pečate. No, chcem dnes ráno hovoriť na tému: Veľkonočná Pečať. To je iná pečať, ako tá, ktorú si môžeme kúpiť za svoje peniaze, ako pečať na dopisoch, myslím Tuberkulózne spoločenstvo, alebo ako sa to nazýva. Myslím, že táto pečať je trochu iná. A keď Veľká Noc je najväčší deň v roku pre nás kresťanov, ktorí tvrdíme, že sme deti Božie, chcem sa pokúsiť preniknúť do toho, aby sme videli, aké máme mať spoločenstvo s touto veľkou vecou, s týmto, čo Kristus pre nás vykonal.
29Slovo Božie bolo povedané stovky a stovky rokov pred Jeho príchodom, o Jeho ukrižovaní, a o Jeho smrti, a o Jeho utrpení, a tiež o Jeho vzkriesení. Budeme to možno počuť v týchto zhromaždeniach na budúci týždeň, keď budeme počúvať naše rádiové vysielanie, a v našich zboroch, od našich pastorov a tak ďalej, tento budúci týždeň.
30Vo všetkých týchto dňoch, o všetkých týchto veciach, ktoré Ježiš vykonal, a samozrejme si ceníme všetko Jeho potvrdenie Božieho Slova, a to, čo urobil, aby ho vyplnil: uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych, vyháňal démonov, kázal evanjelium chudobným a vyplnil každé Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal, že bude robiť, keď príde; a potom tiež trpel za naše hriechy na kríži, miesto nás, aby bol zmierením za naše hriechy, kde to nikto iný nemohol urobiť, iba On. Ale ponad to všetko, myslím, že Veľká Noc to všetko spečatila.
31Pretože, na zemi boli proroci, ktorí prorokovali pred Ním. Na zemi boli proroci, ktorí uzdravovali chorých, tiež kriesili mŕtvych a robili tie isté znamenia, ktoré robil Ježiš.
32Ale Veľká Noc to dokázala. Ona spečatila naveky Božie Slovo, pre skutočného veriaceho. Všetko prítmie a každá pochybnosť bola rozprášená v to požehnané ráno. Človek bol zavretý, ako to bolo, vo väzení, aj nábožní ľudia, do tohto dňa, pretože oni boli... vidíme veľké náboženské hnutia a vanutie Ducha Svätého a tak ďalej. Ale keď človek zomrel, zdalo sa, že tým je to vybavené. Ale keď prišiel Tento a povedal, „Mám moc položiť svoj život; Mám moc znovu ho vziať.“ A potom ide a dokazuje to, čo povedal. Pre mňa, to je to, čo to spečaťuje, keď je niečo povedané a potom vzápätí je to dokázané.
33Ak človek povedal, ako Kolumbus, veril, že svet je guľatý, a on pozoroval lode, ako je nám povedané, ako prichádzali, a mohol vidieť stožiar prv, ako uvidel loď. A to mu potvrdzovalo, že zem je guľatá. Ľudia v tých dňoch to neverili, ale on bol muž s videním. On vystúpil, aby dokázal presne to, čo videl, že je pravda.
34A Boh mal v úmysle dokázať Svoje Slovo, že je Pravda. Tak On... Bol len jeden človek, ktorý to mohol dokázať, a to bol Ježiš. A On prišiel a dokázal, že to je pravda. Tým to bolo spečatené. To zlámalo všetky pečate nejasností a rozhádzalo všetky povery iných náboženstiev, a iných vecí, kde povstali veľkí mužovia a povedali veľké, podivuhodné veci; ale oni sú každý jeden v hrobe. Ale naše Kresťanské náboženstvo je to jediné, ktoré má prázdny hrob. A to mi potvrdzuje, že On je Bohom mŕtvych a Bohom živých, že On môže vzkriesiť mŕtvych naspäť znovu do života. A táto oživujúca moc, Jeho oživujúci Duch dokázal počas tých rokov, že On je ten jediný, ktorý môže vzkriesiť mŕtvych naspäť znovu do života.
35A keď On dokázal skrze svoje zasľúbenie, túto veľkú víťaziacu moc, ktorú mal, na Veľkú Noc dokázal, že mohol premôcť smrť, peklo a hrob. „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu som živý, a živý naveky; a mám kľúče smrti, pekla a hrobu.“ Čo za vyhlásenie pre každého. A On to nie len povedal, ale On to už dokázal, že má to, čo tvrdil, že má.
36A myslím, že Boh náhli ten deň, keď my, ako Kresťania, ktorí veríme tejto Biblii, môžeme dokázať to, o čom hovoríme. Rozumiete? To je to, čo robí, ako som pred chvíľou povedal, „Soľ zeme,“ tá sestra to povedala. Je to tak. Svet hľadá túto soľ. A keď môžeme dokázať našimi životmi a Bibliou, že naše životy potvrdzujú to Slovo, že je dnes živé, že to je ten deň, ktorý hľadáme.
37Slovo, „Tento Duch...“ Rimanom 8 tam, ten 11. verš hovorí, „Ak tento Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, oživí tiež aj vaše smrteľné telá.“ Nie len to, že to On dokázal Jemu, nám, že On je Jehova Vykupiteľ a má moc nad smrťou, peklom a hrobom, ale On dal tiež nám prístup do toho istého Ducha, že my sami môžeme mať istotu, že sme tiež oživení skrze toho Ducha. Lebo ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva v našom tele. On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telo. Slovo oživiť znamená „byť oživený po smrti.“ Potom, čo zomrelo, potom je oživené.
38Svet bol zavretý v pochybnosti, počas mnohých vekov, až kým sa toto nedokázalo. Nie len tým, že sa o tom hovorilo, ale to bolo dokázané. Myslím, že všetko, čo má hodnotu...
39Ako povedal Ježiš, „A tak choďte, učte všetky národy; a dokazujte im, demonštrovaním moci Božej. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Tým, ktorým zasľúbil, a hovoria, že veria, On nám dáva jasné porozumenie toho, že, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To bude dôkaz ich svedectva. No, my môžeme hovoriť, že veríme. Ale až kým nebudeme mať ten potvrdzovací znak, o ktorom On povedal, že bude na nás, tak sme len tí, ktorí vyznávajú, že veria, ale nemáme to, čo veriacim patrí.
40Lebo, pamätám sa, pred pár dňami som počúval rádiový program na KAIR v Tucsone. A ten kazateľ sa tam postavil proti nám, že, „Toto letničné náboženstvo nie je nič iné, len humbug. Nepočúvajte to. Je to nestále.“ A povedal, „Každý, kto hovorí v jazykoch, a takéto veci, a tvrdí, že je; že uzdravuje chorých a tak ďalej, modlitbou, od toho sa má ísť preč. A modliť sa za týchto biednych, schátraných ľudí, pretože oni sú v nejakej falošnej predstave, že je s nimi niečo zlé.“ Ó, ako rád by som sa na chvíľu porozprával s tým bratom! A on povedal, že... „Že to bolo dané len apoštolom v deň letníc a to je všetko.“
41Ja nachádzam, že tridsať rokov potom, Pavol ustanovuje tieto dary v cirkvi. V prvom liste Korinťanom 15, že, „On umiestnil do cirkvi dar hovorenia v jazykoch, divy. A všetky tieto ostatné dary boli ustanovené do cirkvi.“
42Ježiš povedal. „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ako ďaleko? „Do celého sveta.“ Komu? „Každému stvoreniu.“ Oni to ešte nevyplnili. „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Ako ďaleko? „Po celom svete.“ Koho? „Každé stvorenie. Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať, po celom svete a v každom stvorení. Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať: v Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby zobrali niečo smrtonosné, alebo hada, alebo vypili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení.“ To bolo Jeho posledné poverenie pre cirkev, Marek 16. kapitola.
43Pavol ustanovuje tieto dary do cirkvi tridsať rokov potom. A povedal, v liste Galaťanom 1:8, „Keby vám anjel z neba kázal iné evanjelium než toto, ktoré sme už prijali,“ vidíte, ktoré už bolo kázané, „nech je prekliaty.“ Verím, že letnice začali bez konca. Verím, že to má byť pre každé stvorenie, po celý čas, na všetkých miestach, že letnice majú stále trvať. To letničné požehnanie má byť na ľuďoch.
44A teraz, čo je toto letničné požehnanie? To je potvrdenie zmŕtvychvstania. Niet divu, že evanjelium samo o sebe znamená „Dobrá správa.“ Dobrá správa o čom? On vstal z mŕtvych. „A preto, že Ja žijem, vy tiež budete žiť.“ Vy, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach, Boh nás spolu oživil, skrze toho Ducha, ktorým vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych. A teraz sme postavení v nebeských miestach s Ním, máme s Ním obecenstvo, rozprávame sa s Ním. Aká je to radosť, povedať ľuďom tú udalosť, ktorí veria, že to je Pravda!
45Zamýšľam sa dnes. Či to je to, čo sa deje? Privádzame ľudí skutočne ku Bohu? Alebo ich privádzame len do zboru? Musíme ich priviesť ku Kristovi, tam, kde je táto oživujúca moc. To je dobre chodiť do zboru. Samozrejme. Ale ak ideme len potadiaľ, to nestačí. Keď chodíte do zboru, to je dobre; ale choďte ku Kristovi, zo zboru, pretože musíme dostať túto oživujúcu moc, ak očakávame, že budeme v tom celkovom vzkriesení, pretože to je to jediné, čo nás privedie z mŕtvych. „Lebo ak ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, On tiež oživí, privedie do života vaše smrteľné telá.“ Aké zasľúbenie pre nás!
46Všimnite si teraz. Tá skutočná podstata tohto vzkriesenia je povedať a ukázať a potvrdiť, že Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych. Nie je mŕtvy. Je živý. On tu žije. Je v nás. „Ja budem s vami, vo vás. Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo ja budem s vami, i vo vás, až do konca sveta.“
47No, ako Kresťania, my všetci tvrdíme, že On je živý, alebo, že sme boli oživení z mŕtvych do života, skrze Jeho Ducha. A ak sme neboli oživení, potom sme neboli privedení do života.
48A teraz chcem vojsť do tejto témy, keď Pán dá, a trochu to učiť počas niekoľkých minút, ako to je, že sme oživení, a či si môžeme byť istí, že toto je pravda?
49No, toto je váš vlastný život, toto je môj život. Tam je... Ak toto nie je pravda, čo chcem povedať, potom som jeden z najhlúpejších ľudí na svete. Vydal som svoj život niečomu, na čom nič nie je, a tak isto vy. Ale, keď je to pravda, potom dlhujem všetko, čo som. Dlhujem všetko, čo môžem byť; tej veci, za ktorou stojíme. A myslím, že nesmieme strácať nadšenie.
50A keď vidíme, ako sa približuje Veľká noc, to robí niečo vo mne, keď viem, že to je ten deň, keď toto bolo naveky spečatené, pred Bohom.
51No, pozorujeme, že to je ten istý Duch, ktorý Jeho vzkriesil z hrobu, ten prebýva v nás. Ako to môže byť? Ten Duch, Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva v nás.
52To je Duch, ktorý oživuje. To nie je Slovo, ktoré oživuje. To je Duch, ktorý oživuje Slovo, alebo dáva Slovu Život, dáva krídla, aby lietať, dáva prístup. To je Duch, ktorý to robí.
53Pšenica, sama, je len pšenica; ale keď ten oživujúci život vchádza do nej, do pšenice, vtedy ona dáva život. A my, ktorí sme boli raz mŕtvi, stvorení na obraz Boží, a jednako mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, je určitý spôsob, ako Boh musel dostať tento oživujúci Život do vašich smrteľných tiel. Hovorím o vašom tele.
54No, Ježiš bol Slovo. Veríte tomu, či nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] „Na počiatku...“ Svätý Ján 1, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“
55No, ako zasľúbený Mesiáš, On oživil každé Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované, že čo On bude robiť; uzdravovať chorých, a ako sa narodí z panny, všetko toto, to urobil. To je pravda. On bol Slovo, ktoré sa manifestovalo tu na zemi, ale On toto nemohol robiť len ako Človek. Bol na to potrebný Duch Boží, ktorý prebýval v Ňom, aby oživil tieto zasľúbenia pre Neho. Dúfam, že to teraz jasne rozumieme. Ježiš bol človek, On sám, to telo, ale bol potrebný Duch v Ňom, Duch. „To nie som Ja, ktorý činí tie skutky. To je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne. On činí tie skutky.“ Vidíte? Ježiš sám bol to Slovo, pretože bol prv, ako Boh...
56Toto je zlé slovo, keď to takto povieme pred davom, a dúfam, že to správne pochopíte. Ale On bol predurčený skrze Božie predvedenie, ako bude prebiehať Boží plán, že On pošle Vykupiteľa, a tento Vykupiteľ mohol byť jedine Jeho Vlastný Syn. Tak potom, to bolo Božie zasľúbenie, po celý čas od záhrady Eden, že Ježiš tu bude. On tu bol, ako Človek narodený z panny, ale bol potrebný Duch Boží, aby oživil pre Neho to Slovo. A On bol to Slovo, oživené, Slovo oživené na tú hodinu. Prišiel ten čas, keď ste mali mať Vykupiteľa. Zákon sklamal. Iné veci sklamali. A teraz, je potrebný Vykupiteľ, a On bol ten zasľúbený Vykupiteľ. On bol oživený Slovom Božím.
57A teraz, ak sme prijali toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol na Ňom, ktorý spravil, že bol Vykupiteľom v tom veku, tak teraz zasľúbenie v týchto posledných dňoch, to, čo sa má stať; keď sa stanete časťou toho Slova, ste vykúpení s Ním, pretože ten istý Duch, ktorý prebýval v Kristovi, prebýva vo vás, oživuje váš život do tohto veku. A On tiež, v tom konečnom čase, oživí vaše smrteľné telá, vzkriesi ich, znovu ich privedie. To odstraňuje smútok, keď sa na to dívame, v tom. A to je Pravda. Vidíte?
58Tu v liste Rimanom, Pavel nám to potvrdil. Vidíte? „Ak Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“ Toto je ten istý Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho, ktorý oživil pravého veriaceho do Večného Života. Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo veriacom, oživuje toho veriaceho do Večného Života.
59Je len jeden Život; jeden Večný Duch, jeden Večný Život, a to je Boh. Boh, jediný, je Večný. A potom my, keď sme Jeho deti, sme časťou Neho, to je, atribútmi Jeho myslenia. A tá myšlienka je vyjadrená a stáva sa slovom. Potom, každý jednotlivec tu, ktorý má tento Večný Život, bol pred založením sveta v Božom myslení. To je jediný spôsob, ako to mohlo byť, pretože si atribútom. To je vyjadrenie myšlienky, ktorá sa stala Slovom; a Slovo nabralo Život, a to je Večné. Preto máme Večný Život. Na tom istom princípe, ako ten veľký Syn Boží, Vykupiteľ; sa my stávame synmi a dcérami Božími, skrze toho istého Ducha, skrze to isté predvedenie Božie.
60Pozrite sa na tie milióny ľudí na zemi, ktorí to neprijali, keď tu bol Ježiš. Ale akí vďační máme byť my dnes ráno, keď môžeme vedieť, že máme priamy dôkaz a Biblické potvrdenie, že sme zahrnutí v tom veľkom ráne vzkriesenia, ktoré prichádza, v tej Veľkej Noci. Máme závdavok toho už teraz v našich smrteľných telách. Tí predurčení sú tí prví, samozrejme, ktorí budú oživení, keď Duch Svätý príde, aby si nárokoval Svojich vlastných.
61No, to je veľké vyhlásenie, a chcem, aby moji bratia kazatelia sa snažili toto porozumieť. Rozumiete? Na počiatku, Boh, ten veľký Duch, On vtedy nebol ani „Bohom.“ On bol Ten Večný. Boh, to je „predmet uctievania.“ On nemal nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. Nebolo žiadnych Anjelov, ani nič. Len sám Boh, On sám je Večný. Ale aby bol Bohom, muselo byť niečo, čo by Ho uctievalo, tak On stvoril Anjelov a Bytosti, a Cherubínov, a tak ďalej, aby Ho uctievali. Jeho veľký plán sa začína odvíjať.
62Ale pamätajte, vy, v tej postave, v akej ste, dnes ráno, ak ste vtedy neboli v Jeho myslení, nie ste ani teraz. Lebo vy, je určitá časť, ktorá je vo vás, ktorá je Večná, a Večné patrí jedine Bohu. A v Bohu bolo jeho myslenie o vás, ako sedíte práve teraz tam, kde ste teraz. V Jeho myslení, ja som stál dnes ráno za kazateľňou, pretože On je nekonečný a vie všetko. Preto On mohol povedať koniec pred začiatkom, pretože je Večný. A ty, ktorý si syn alebo dcéra Božia, vtedy ste boli v Jeho myslení na začiatku.
63A potom, keď Duch Svätý príde, a ty si na zemi, chodíš tu ako hriešnik, tam v tvojom živote je niečo. Nevieš, čo sa deje, ale si hladný. Počul som jedného brata Presbyteriána; počul som hovoriť Baptistu, on bol Slobodný Baptista, káže, kde môže. Môj spolubrat... že ty, že je niečo v tebe, niečo, čo si tam nikdy nepoložil. To je niečo, čo nemohlo urobiť tvoje chcenie, aby to tam bolo. Je to niečo, čo je nezhodné s tvojou povahou. To je predvedenie Božie, ktoré sa tam prejavuje, Božie Slovo.
64A Ježiš sa narodil ako Syn Boží, aby bol Emanuel, plné Božie vyjadrenie v Človeku. A On Ho našiel v dokonalej poslušnosti, dole pri rieke Jordáne, kde Ho prorok pokrstil. A hneď, ako Ho poslúchol a vyšiel von z vody, Jánovi sa otvorili Nebesia a videl zostupovať z Neba Ducha Svätého, ktorý hovoril, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.“ Vidíte? Dokonalá poslušnosť, Duch Ho našiel, v poslušnosti.
65Ó, vzdorovitý muž alebo žena, dnes ráno, keď tu sedíš a niečo je v tebe, čo ti hovorí, že Toto je pravda, to je Duch Svätý, ktorý ťa hľadá, aby ťa priviedol do poznania Pravdy na túto hodinu, v ktorej teraz žijeme, nie na nejakú hodinu, ktorá už prešla, na túto hodinu teraz.
66Bolo tisíce takých, ktorí poslúchali hodinu, ktorá pominula. Ale bola hodina toho prítomného času, to bola hodina, v ktorej sa Ježiš mal zjaviť, a tam stálo Slovo. Tam stáli tí ľudia. A tu sa diala manifestácia Božia, aby potvrdila, že To je pravda.
67A ako letniční ľudia, dnes, dovoľte mi povedať toto, že stojíme v týchto posledných dňoch, kde Boh zasľúbil, že vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo a Jeho synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Lebo On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria.“ To je tá hodina. Toto robí to stvorenie vo vás.
68Ako som tu povedal, pred nedávnom, znelo to trochu ako nesväto, ale dúfam, že to tak dnes ráno nevnímate. Jeden farmár podložil pod sliepku orlie vajce. Mnohí si pamätáte ten príbeh o tej orlici, ktorá vyliahla... Či vlastne o sliepke, ktorá vyliahla orlie vajce pod svojimi slepačími perami. Vidíte? Ide o atmosféru.
69Presbyteriánska cirkev, Metodistická cirkev, Baptistická cirkev, ktorákoľvek cirkev môže vyliahnuť tieto orly. Skutočne. To je atmosféra, ktorá to robí. Ako zvykol hovoriť Dr. Bosworth, „Môžete zobrať slepačie vajce a dať ho pod šteňa a priviažete ho a šteňa vyliahne kurča.“ Prečo? To je atmosféra. A keď ktorákoľvek cirkev alebo skupina, ktorí sa budú spolu schádzať a modliť, že až odhodia všetky svoje vyznania a také veci a budú hľadieť rovno do tvári Božej, to zrodí orlov s takou istotou, ako tu stojím.
70To je to, čo si ja myslím, že táto skupina biznismenov urobila, snažia sa prelomiť tú atmosféru. My sa stávame príliš uzavretí. Ľudia patria do toho alebo do tamtoho. Pretrhnime tú atmosféru a poďme do atmosféry Nebeského uctievania. Vojdime poriadne do tej atmosféry, narodia sa orly, z ktorejkoľvek cirkvi, všade.
71A tento malý orol chodil s tou sliepkou dlhý čas, ale to kvokanie bolo nejaké divné. Nerozumel, čo tá sliepka myslí, keď hrabe na dvore v tých odpadkoch, v kope hnoja. A to nebola potrava pre neho. A ona jedla chrobáky a také veci, to orol neje. Tak sa mu to všetko zdalo divné. A on bol škaredým kačiatkom. Nehovorím to ako znesvätenie. Možno bol Slobodne mysliacim Baptistom, alebo niečo také, alebo Presbyteriánom.
72Ale viete, jedného dňa, jeho matka vedela, že zniesla vajce. Niekde musí byť to dieťa. Tak roztiahla do vetra svoje veľké krídla a hľadala, a hľadala, a kričala na plné hrdlo. A jedného dňa letela ponad ten dvor. A keď ten malý orol počul tento povedomý krik, on to predtým nikdy nepočul, ale uvedomil si, že mu pasuje, ako rukavica na ruku. A on vedel, že to je jeho matka. Ona vedela, že to je jej syn. Ona ho hľadala.
73Tak isto Boh, v každom veku, určil svoju cirkev na každý vek, Posolstvo na ten vek. A oni mohli mať zákony a všetko možné, čo chceli. Ale keď prichádza tá hodina, Svätý Duch Boží, ktorý na počiatku mal premyslené a vypovedal to na ten vek, ten Duch hľadá to vajce. A keď ten človek počuje to Posolstvo, nie je cirkevná denominácia, ktorá ho zadrží. On sa vznesie do výšok. Musí. On je iný vták. Iné stvorenie. On je orol a on bude počúvať to volanie. „Moje ovce počúvajú Môj hlas.“ Ako niekto povedal, brat Williams, „Pokrm pre ovce.“
74„Moje ovce počúvajú Môj hlas. Za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Bez ohľadu na to, aká verná je tá cirkev, aké veľké meno dosiahla. „Keď Moje ovce počujú môj hlas,“ ktorým je Slovo, „za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Pôjdu rovno do toho Slova, a môžu to urobiť. To je ako magnet.
75Jedného dňa, v Indiáne, bol som na návšteve v tých oceliarňach a zaznel signál. Všetci odložili zástery a začali zmetať do prostriedku všetky špony zo svojich sústruhov, ktoré tam počas dňa napadali. Prechádzal som tam s jedným mužom, ktorý mi to ukazoval, a on povedal, „Pozoruj toto.“ Každý vyložil v šatni svoju stoličku na stôl a odišiel.
76Tam vzadu stisol malý gombík a prišiel veľký magnet a zodvihol každý kúsok železa, ktorý bol odrezaný z tých kúskov, a zodvihol sa hore. Potom to odmagnetizoval a to spadlo do pece, a bolo to znovu pretavené na ďalší materiál, na to isté, na hriadele, alebo na čokoľvek, čo vyrábali.
77A ja som tam stál a díval som sa na to, až som nerozumel. A povedal som, „Jedno nerozumiem.“
On povedal, „Čo?“
Povedal som, „Všimol som si, že niečo sa nezodvihlo.“
78On povedal, „To je hliník a magnet nezmagnetizuje hliník.“
79Povedal som, „Aha, už rozumiem.“ A on povedal... Potom som povedal, „No, ale vidíte, tam leží kus železa.“
„Ale to je priskrutkované.“
80Povedal som, „Aha, rozumiem.“ A keď to zobral, povedal som, „No a čo sa robí tam s tým?“
81Povedal, „To ide potom znovu naspäť do oceliarne, pretaví sa v peci a prichádza naspäť a vyrábajú z toho ďalšie koleso.“
Povedal som, „Chvála Pánovi!“ To je to. Vidíte?
82Tam na nebesiach je veľký magnet, na ktorý Boh jedného dňa položí prst. Nikto nepozná ten čas Jeho príchodu, ani Anjeli v Nebi to nevedia. Jedine sám Boh to vie. Ale sú nejaké obrezky, ktoré pochádzajú z tej Biblie, Biblickí Kresťania, veriaci na túto hodinu. Niektorý z nich mohol byť nejakým hriadeľom v inom dni. Tento mohol byť nejakou inou časťou. To ide ďalej, aby to zostavilo ten veľký Boží režim. Ale to bude odliate do hrnca veľkej Božej pece a vyliate znovu na podobu Božiu. A len tí, ktorí sú zmagnetizovaní, budú zobratí. Ó, ako to... Aké je to privilégium, že môžeme vedieť, že vo vzkriesení je niečo, čo sa týka nás!
83No, všimnite si, poznajte volanie Božieho Slova, ktorého ste časťou. A to je orol ku orlovi. No, keby tá matka zakričala ako kaňa, on by ju nikdy nepoznal. On by bol ďalej na dvore. Ale to bol krik orla. V tom malom bolo niečo vo vnútri, že poznal, že je orlom.
84A tak je to s každým skutočným veriacim. Keď je kázané Božie Slovo a je potvrdené a dokázané, že to je Božie Slovo na túto hodinu, potom je niečo v tom veriacom. Nestarám sa o to, aký verný bol jeho otec cirkvi, alebo aká verná bola jeho matka, alebo jeho starí rodičia, a či tá cirkev učí opačne, proti tejto hodine krstu Posolstva Ducha Svätého. V ňom je niečo, čo kričí. On opustí ten dvor. On to musí urobiť. Bol deň, keď to kurča mohlo byť v poriadku, ale toto je hodina orla. Vidíte? To je iné. Je niečo, že on musí opustiť ten starý kurín a odletieť preč do modrej oblohy. Potom toto zemské telo je oživené a privedené, skrze oživujúceho Ducha, do poslušnosti Božiemu Slovu.
85No, keď tento Duch Svätý, znázornený ako orol, ktorý lieta nad zemou a hľadá veriaceho. „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ako sa mu zachce. Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne, ale nikto nemôže prísť sám od seba.“ To nie je tvoje vlastné myslenie, tvoje vlastné tiahnutie. To je Boh, ktorý tiahne. Rozumiete? „Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne.“
86No, Duch Svätý je tu na zemi, hľadá tých jednotlivcov, ktorých Boh určil do Života v tomto veku. A len čo ich nájde, robí to presne tak, ako to urobil na Ježišovi Kristovi, na tom veľkom super Synovi Božom, ktorý nás všetkých vykúpil. Prichádza dole a začína prebývať v živote toho človeka. No, všimnite si, prináša oživujúcu moc. Tú oživujúcu moc, ktorá prišla na Ježiša a oživila Ho, aby zamanifestoval všetko, čo zasľubovalo Slovo na ten deň. Tak to robí Duch Svätý, ktorý prichádza na nás v tomto dni. Ak to nie je nejaký duch, ktorý zosmiešňuje Ducha Svätého, ak to nie je diabol, ktorý sa vysmieva Duchu Svätému, ale keď je to skutočný, pravý Duch Svätý, On bude manifestovať zasľúbenie na túto hodinu.
87Keď to padlo na Luthera, zamanifestovalo to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padlo na Wesleya, zamanifestovalo to zaľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padá v tomto dni, manifestuje to zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Keď to padlo na Mojžiša, zamanifestovalo to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Padlo na Noeho, manifestuje zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Keď to padlo na Ježiša, manifestuje to zasľúbenie na tú hodinu. Vidíte?
88To je Duch Svätý, ktorý prichádza dole, aby oživil, oživil tých ľudí, ktorí sú predurčení od Boha, aby boli vo Vytrhnutí. Všimnite si. To je, ak je to skutočný orol, bude rozumieť Posolstvu na túto hodinu, ak je skutočným orlom. No, ten malý orol asi, na tom dvore jedol dobre, ale vedel, že to nebolo celkom v poriadku. Ale potom, keď počul Pravdu, potom prijal tú Pravdu. V Jánovi 14...
89V Jánovi 5:24, vlastne, Ježiš povedal, hovorí to takto, „Ten, kto počuje moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Len sa zamyslite, aké je to jednoduché, „Ten kto verí.“ No, ten správny spôsob, ako to povedať, je, „Ten, kto rozumie.“
90Vyjdete tu na ulicu a opýtate sa tej prostitútky, „Veríš?“
„Veríš, že On je Syn Boží?“
„Si pokrstená?“
91Choď ku opilcovi a opýtaj sa ho, „Počul si to? Počul si kázať toho kazateľa?“
„Veríš tomu?“
„Samozrejme.“ Vidíte?
92Ale, „Ten, kto tomu rozumie, ten, kto pozná svoje miesto v tejto hodine, ten, kto počuje moje Slovo a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má“ (prítomný čas) „Večný život. Nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Potom, keď tento nový Večný Život prebýva vo vás, To je potenciálom, alebo zárukou, že ste boli oživení zo smrteľnosti do nesmrteľnosti.
93Dovoľte, aby som to znovu povedal. Keď ťa tento Duch našiel, jednotlivca, a prišiel na teba, to je potenciál tvojho Večného dedičstva, kde Boh myslel na teba a urobil ho pre teba pred založením sveta. To je tvoj potenciál.
94Ako keby ste chceli odo mňa dub, a ja by som vám dal žaluď. No, život pre ten dub je v tom žaludi, ale musíte čakať, až kým to vyrastie.
95Tak aj my. Keď prijmete Svätého Ducha Božieho, to je Boží potenciál, ktorý na vás čaká, ktorý vás už spoznal. A vy ste zapečatení tým Duchom zasľúbenia Božieho do tela Kristovho. Keď sa Boh pozrel dole na Golgotu a videl zomierať Ježiša, On ne... Ó! On zomrel za svoju Nevestu, za to Telo, ktorým je Cirkev Slova, Cirkev, ktorá verí Božiemu Slovu na daný vek, či sú to nohy, telo, hlava, alebo čokoľvek. Rozumiete? To je... Kristus krvácal a zomieral. A Boh, díval sa na Neho, videl Jeho vzkriesenie a Cirkev vstala s Ním na Veľkú noc.
96No, chcem, aby ste dali toto všetko dokopy, pretože tu mám niečo, čo vám za chvíľu chcem povedať, ak Pán dá.
97Všimnite si. To je preddavok, alebo potenciál, oživujúca moc nášho vzkriesenia, keď prijmete Ducha Svätého. On potom prebýva vo vás, ten potenciál toho.
98Všimnite si, teraz ste na ceste, rastiete do plného vzkriesenia. Žiadny strom nevyrastie za jednu noc. On musí rásť, tak ako my rastieme v milosti a známosti Božej. Ste pokrstení do Ducha Svätého. Ako letničná cirkev, pokrstená do Ducha Svätého, to začína rásť. Konáre zomreli. Boli odrezané. Ale ten strom stále rastie, ide stále ďalej, pretože to musí prísť do vzkriesenia.
99Sú vedení Duchom, aby oživil Slovo pre vás, ktorí ste veriaci. Slovo je oživované, ako prichádzate ku prvému konáru, druhému konáru, tretiemu konáru, až hore. Je to stále oživované. Duch Boží vám to oživuje.
100Všimnite si potom, Letnice, ich telá boli oživené tým novým životom, ktorý prijali. To robí, že sa cítim nábožne. Predstavte si. No, tu boli ľudia, rybári, colníci, pokorné prosté ženy, obyčajné ženy v domácnosti, prosté panny, dievčence. To boli veriaci. Oni verili, že toto je pravda. Oni tomu verili, keď Ježiš zomrel. Oni verili v Neho. A znovu povstal z mŕtvych; oni verili, že to je absolútne Božie svedectvo, že On Ho oživil do života.
101No, oni išli hore, do Dňa Letníc, aby prijali svoj abstrakt. Viete, čo je to abstrakt? To je, keď listina bola preplatená. Oni tam išli, aby prijali svoj abstrakt. A boli oživení, ó, čo za vzrušujúci zážitok! Oni kúpili tú zem; bola pre nich kúpená. Oni ju dostali.
102Je to pravda alebo nie? „Videli sme Ho vstať, ale čo teraz s nami? My sme svedkovia. My sme stáli a videli sme toho Muža ukrižovaného. Videli sme, ako sa zhromaždili tie mračná nad zemou a zatienili oblohu. A zem sa mykala a triasla; mala nervový kolaps. Potom, keď... Položili Ho do hrobu. Prepichli Mu kopijou srdce a zložili Jeho telo a položili do hrobu Jozefa z Arimatie.
103A potom zistili, že na tretí deň On znovu vstal. A ako povedali učeníci, „My sme svedkovia toho. Videli sme Ho povstať. Vieme, že On žije.“
104No, čo to urobilo? To odstránilo všetok strach. Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, „Nebojte sa. Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, a žijem na veky vekov.“ Vidíte? To odstránilo všetok strach, keď to uvideli.
105No, ale keď prišli ku Letniciam, tam prijali oživujúcu moc, moc, ktorá ich oživila.
106No, tam, myslím, že vy, bratia Presbyteriáni a Metodisti, vy potenciálne veríte v Pána Ježiša Krista, ale ten abstrakt ešte neprišiel. To je preplatenie tej listiny.
107Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie. Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť. Ale On spečatil zmluvu pečaťou obriezky.
108A Boh vám dáva zasľúbenie, potenciálne, že to dostanete a budete vzkriesení, toto telo bude oslávené s Ním v čase konca. Ale, vidíte, musíte dostať splnomocnenie na tú listinu. A to splnomocnenie je vtedy, keď všetko, čo bolo proti vám, je vymazané a vy máte na to výpis. Máte pečať. Je to vaše. Všetko, čo je na ňom, vám patrí. Amen.
109A keď veríme v Ježiša Krista ako nášho Spasiteľa a činíme pokánie a sme pokrstení a prichádzame, aby sme v Neho verili; Boh prijíma naše pokánie a našu vieru v Neho a posiela dole ten abstrakt. A ten abstrakt je zárukou. To je istota, že všetko, čo kedykoľvek svedčilo proti vám, že ste z toho úplne činili pokánie. Haleluja. A ten majetok je vykúpený a vy máte ten výpis na uistenie.
110Nech sa vás niekto pokúsi odsunúť z tej zeme, povedať, že patrí jemu, a vy máte v ruke ten výpis. Nech to skúsi. Nieto taký zákon, podľa ktorého by to mohol urobiť, lebo máte výpis.
111A nieto takého diabla, ani žiadna cirkev, ani neexistuje žiadna teológia, nič, čo by mohlo prekročiť hranice Božieho dokladu a výpisu, keď krst Duchom Svätým nás uznal v Ježišovi Kristovi. Sme si práve tak istí, že povstaneme, ako On povstal, pretože potenciálne sme už povstali s Ním. Amen.
112Staré veci. Čo to robí s našimi smrteľnými telami? To obracia naše názory, premieňa naše predstavy. To robí, že milujeme veci, ktoré sú hore. A fajčenie, pitie, hazardné hry, veci, ktoré ste voľakedy robili, sú mŕtve. Je to za vami.
113A ste oživení. A táto oživujúca moc privádza vaše telo do stavu vytrhnutia, už. Všimnite si letničných ľudí tam vtedy, keď boli oživení Duchom Svätým. Počúvajte ma. Keď tá letničná skupina tam, v deň letníc, keď prijali svoju právnu listinu od Boha, skutočne, to oslávilo ich duše. Oni kričali. Videli ohnivé jazyky na každom jednom z nich. A to tak oživilo ich telo, že nemohli už ďalej ani hovoriť zemským jazykom. To oživilo ich telá do nebeského jazyka; do miesta, na ktoré išli. Oživujúca moc Božia zatriasla ich telami tak, že až celý ich smrteľný jazyk bol pretvorený, premenený na nesmrteľný jazyk. Čo za oživujúca moc! Čo? Niečo, čo ku tomu patrí.
114„Ak Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách; On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“ Potom sme oživení mocou živého Boha.
115Jazyky, oživení do nového nebeského jazyka, aby im hovorili; vytrhovanie, dvíhanie hore do inej atmosféry, než ako tá, v ktorej žili. Tiež, s novým oživujúcim životom pre nich, ktorý prišiel do nich; to oživilo ich jazyk. Oni hovorili novými jazykmi. Ó, áno!
116Pozorujte ich teraz. Tiež bolo určené dať im, po tomto výpise, bolo určené dať im každé zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo zasľúbené. Každé zasľúbenie z Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo zasľúbené v Biblii, tá oživujúca moc im bola daná, aby oživila pre nich to zasľúbenie. Preto kládli ruky na chorých a oni boli uzdravení. Hovorili novými jazykmi. Robili veľké znamenia a zázraky; pretože to bolo v Božom zasľúbení. A keď Ježiš zomrel, aby to pre nich vykúpil naspäť, územie, ktoré patrí synom Božím, On zademonštroval, čo je Boh.
117Ako sa to odvažujeme socializovať a klásť to do nejakej organizácie? Na to nemáme právo.
118To je Duch Svätý, dnes, ktorý usilovne hľadá úprimné srdcia, ktoré budú veriť tomu posolstvu. Všetko, čo je v Biblii, čo je zasľúbené, je pre toho veriaceho. A keď to prijmete v celej plnosti, a Boh vie, že to urobíte, On vám dáva na to ten výpis. A potom, každé zasľúbenie, ktoré je dané, je vo vašom vlastníctve, a Duch Svätý je tam, aby vám to oživil. Ó! Akými ľuďmi máme byť? Aké je to ohromné vidieť tu Božieho veľkého Ducha Svätého robiť tú moc! Pomyslite na to. Keď sám Duch Svätý tu nesie svedectvo o tejto hodine. Ježiš tak povedal. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
Ako sa to niekto opovažuje odtiaľ vymazať?
119„Skutky, ktoré Ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť,“ Ján 14:12. „ Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To je uistenie. Keď vidíme nejakú skupinu ľudí, ktorí sa držia spolu, a tieto znamenia sa sami manifestujú, to je uistenie, že je tam ten výpis, aby potvrdil, že to je vlastníctvo Božie. Amen.
120Tak, my sme tiež Veľkou Nocou. Amen. My sme teraz v našej Veľkej Noci. Už sme povstali, haleluja, z vecí sveta, do vecí Božieho zasľúbenia. Nie, že budeme; sme. To sú tie možnosti.
121To je Božie zasľúbenie. On vyleje svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch, a to je to, čo oni robili. Všimnite si, kládli ruky na chorých; všetko to bolo v Božom zasľúbení. „Ja vylejem svojho Ducha v posledných dňoch na každé telo. Vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny. Vaši mládenci budú vidieť videnia.“ A všetky tieto rôzne zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal, všetko to leží rovno tam v Božom zasľúbení. Ježiš to pre nás vykúpil. A potom, keď sa stávame...
122Alebo, ak sme určení na tú pôdu, ak sme ordinovaní, aby sme boli na tej pôde; tak, ako ten orol, ktorý chodil v kuracom hniezde. Ak si určený na tú pôdu, Duch Svätý je tu, aby ťa našiel. A keď ťa nájde, ty spoznáš Jeho volanie. Budeš poznať hodinu, v ktorej žiješ. Budeš vedieť, že tieto veci sa majú stať. Rýchlo budeš vytrhnutý, aby si to stretol, a teraz sedíš v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ó, čo za zasľúbenie! To je Nebeský Otec, ktorý nám dáva tieto veci!
123Duch oživuje ich obecenstvo s Bohom, tak, že oni volajú mŕtvych naspäť do života, v ten deň. Oni kládli svoje telá na mŕtvych; a oni ožili. Dobre počúvajte. Oni robili tie isté veci, ktoré robil Ježiš, pretože ten istý Duch, ktorý bol na Ňom, bol na nich. Ak jeden Duch robí, že človek sa takto správa, on robí, že ten druhý sa tiež tak správa. Ak jeden...
124Ako môže prísť na niekoho a ten hovorí, že má Ducha Božieho, a zapiera skutky Božie? To nemôže.
125Všimnite si. Boží život, ktorý je po grécky nazvaný Zoe, pohybuje sa cez nich a v nich, oživil ich mysle do Svojho Slova. A teraz dovoľte, aby som vám to povedal skutočne pokojne. Duch Boží, ktorý sa pohybuje medzi ľuďmi, oživuje myseľ daného človeka do zasľúbenia Božieho. Vidíte? On to robí. Pozrite sa. A ja sa vám snažím ukázať... a aby ste si uvedomili, že teraz hovorím o Cirkvi, a tiež ich oživil do života, v Ňom.
126Hoci, oni len... Oni od začiatku boli Jeho atribútmi. Ale ak Boh povedal, „V ten deň,“ tam na začiatku, „John Doe bude Mojím sluhom,“ pred milión rokmi. A teraz, John Doe sa narodil v hriechu, sformovaný je v neprávosti, prichádza na svet, hovorí klamstvo, pretože je smrteľný. Ale možno má malé náboženské cítenie. Pôjde a pripojí sa do cirkvi. Možno sa pripojí k Letničnej cirkvi. Neviem. Môže sa pripojiť k akejkoľvek. Ale nech sa raz dostane do atmosféry Božej. Rozumiete? John Doe musí rozpoznať, kto je jeho Otec, tak, ako ten orol rozpoznal, kto je jeho mama. On si to musel uvedomiť. Rozumiete? Jedine, že John Doe je Boží atribút, ktorý sa stal slovom, vypovedaným, a potom Duch Svätý hľadá to slovo. To je to. On ho volá, dáva mu večný život a privádza ho do prítomnosti Božej, do Božieho Slova.
127Pozrite. Boh mal to isté, keď videl Ježiša. To bolo dokončené dielo, ktoré Boh dokončil s Ježišom, keď povedal, „Dokonalo sa.“ Celý plán bol dokončený.
128A keď Duch Boží prichádza na vás, a vy ste skutočne jeden z Božích atribútov, ktoré On vyslovil. No, ak nie ste, budete sa diviť a znervózňovať a behať sem a tam a všetko možné, a nikdy neprídete do poznania Pravdy. [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Ak ste jeden z týchto, tie staré veci veľmi rýchlo pominú a vy sa stanete novým a plán spasenia je dokončený. Ste pripravení poslúchať každé Slovo, ktoré vám Boh povedal, aby ste to robili. Ste poddaní Jeho Slovu. Tá zmluva, presne, ten výpis do zmluvy, tá právna listina vám patrí. Všetky dlhy sú zaplatené. Je to všetko vymazané, a tak, ako sa to stalo v deň letníc.
129Všimnime si teraz to oživenie, tohto oživujúceho Ducha na iných ľuďoch.
130Povedal som vám, že nebudem hovoriť veľmi dlho, a aby som dodržal svoje slovo, mám už len dvadsať minút, aby som to stihol v tom čase, ako som povedal, okolo hodiny.
Všimnite si teraz, táto oživujúca moc, toto prichádza len...
131No, je veľa vecí, ktoré sú z toho dané na výsmech. Je veľa ľudí, ktorí si skutočne myslia, že to majú, keď to nemajú. Veľa ľudí to robí preto, lebo dostali nejakú falošnú predstavu z toho, čo videli robiť iných kresťanov. Satan to môže všetko napodobniť. Vieme to. A ako misionári, môžete to vidieť napodobené: vykrikovanie, tancovanie, hovorenie v jazykoch, všetky tieto veci. Môžete to všade vidieť napodobené. Absolútne. Medzi pohanmi a ľuďmi, ktorí zapierajú, že je niečo také, ako Ježiš Kristus, že je Syn Boží. Vidíte? A oni robia všetky tieto veci sami od seba.
132Ale ten skutočný, ozajstný oživujúci Duch, ktorý prichádza na veriaceho, ten ho oživuje do Božieho Slova, to je znovu naspäť do pokrmu orla, presne tam, kde on žije. „Človek nebude žiť samým chlebom, ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
133Všimnime si teraz tohto oživujúceho Ducha, ako prichádza na iných ľudí, ako prišiel v deň Letníc.
134Všimnime si Letnice, ako sa oni správali, a pozrime sa, či boli oživení touto oživujúcou mocou, o ktorej hovoríme. Na deň Letníc, oni tam všetci čakali. Sami v sebe sa báli Židov, toho čo sa chystali urobiť, tak boli prestrašení. Ale čo sa stalo? Keď táto oživujúca moc spadla z neba, prišla na nich odvaha. Boli niečím, dostali porozumenie, keď ešte pred pár hodinami si neboli celkom istí. Oni vedeli, že On zomrel.
135 Oni vedeli, že On vstal. Rozprávali sa s Ním na ceste. „Ale bolo pre nich alebo len pre samého Ježiša?“
136Ale tu v deň Letníc, Duch Svätý, ten výpis padol na veriacich. To ich urobilo časťou Jeho vzkriesenia, urobilo ho časťou jeho obecenstva. Duch Svätý prišiel a potvrdil im, že oni budú vzkriesení, pretože potenciálne povstali vtedy, zo zbabelcov sa stali odvážni ľudia.
137Oni sa báli práve toho Slova, o ktorom rozmýšľali. Nenechajte, aby vás to obišlo. Oni sa báli. Oni vedeli, že On je Slovo.
138Ešte aj Židia to museli uznať. Nikodém povedal, „Rabbi, my vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha. Nikto by nemohol robiť veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh. To vieme. To uznávame.“
139Tak učeníci... Peter dokonca prisahal v Jeho prítomnosti. Všetci Ho opustili, pri ukrižovaní.
140Ale tu sú oni teraz v tejto hornej komnate, v prítomnosti Božej. Vtedy, zrazu, tu prichádza tento Svätý Duch dole z neba, a to ich oživilo. A odohralo sa to oživenie; oni sa nebáli svedčiť Posolstvo, ktorému verili, a vedeli, že to je pravda. Inak sa toho báli.
141Koľko Presbyteriánov, koľko Metodistov, koľko Baptistov vo svete dnes, koľko Letničných; ktorí poznajú Pravdu a boja sa postaviť za ňu? Som prinútený zamyslieť sa; čo spadlo na vás? Ste časťou Jeho vzkriesenia? Odvážite sa vykrikovať nejakú ľudskú teóriu a predstavu? Alebo máte skutočnú smelosť a tá skutočná mužskosť ju potrebuje, aby ste sa postavili a nazvali dobré „dobrým“ a zlé „zlým“? Ste časťou Jeho vzkriesenia, alebo uctievate nejaké vierovyznania? Ste niekým, kto chodí do zboru, máte tam zapísané svoje meno a ste mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach?
Ten, kto neverí celé Slovo Božie, je hriešnik.
142Títo farizejovia verili veľa vecí, že sú pravdou. Oni vraveli, „My sme deti Božie.“ A boli, až kým nebolo kázané to Slovo. Ale keď to Slovo bolo kázané a potvrdené, potom sa stali hriešnikmi, lebo odmietali tie veci, o ktorých vedeli, že sú správne, a boli toho svedkami. „My vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, lebo nikto nemôže robiť veci, ktoré Ty robíš, keby nebol s tebou Boh.“
143Zamýšľam sa dnes, kde sme? Pýtam sa vás. Kde nás nachádza toto zmŕtvychvstanie? Odvážite sa vystúpiť? Odvážite sa vziať Boha za Slovo? Ak ste určení do života, určite to urobíte. Ak si orol, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to neurobil, niečo je v tebe. Alebo chceš slúžiť niekde vyznaniu a hovoriť, „Ja chodím do zboru. Som tak isto dobrý ako ty“? Rozumiete? Ak nemáš práva prvorodenstva, nikdy to neuvidíš. Ale ak vlastníš toto právo, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to nevidel, pretože to je časťou teba a ty si časťou toho.
144 Ako by som mohol zaprieť matku, ktorá mi dala život? Ako by som mohol zaprieť otca, keď jeho vlastná krv je vo mne? Ako by som mohol zaprieť, že Charles Branham nie je môj otec? To by som nemohol. Som ochotný znášať jeho pohanenie alebo čokoľvek iné, pretože som jeho syn. Haleluja!
145Potom, keď som syn Boží, a On je Slovo Božie, ako môžem zapierať Bibliu, že nie je Pravdou, že Ježiš Kristus nie je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? A vidím hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, potrebujeme Veľkú noc v cirkvi. Vzkriesenie! Potrebujeme vzkriesenie, aby dalo moc viere, aby sa mužovia i ženy postavili za t,o, čo je Božie potvrdené Slovo.
146Poviete, „No, my máme našu Mládež pre Krista.“ To je v poriadku. Naša cirkev má zhromaždenie. Chceme toľko a toľko členov.“ Nič proti tomu. To je v poriadku. Ale to je len atmosféra. Tú môže vytvoriť perie starej sliepky. Ale keď sa dostaneš tam do tej atmosféry, ona vyliahne orla, ak si orlím vajcom. A ak si bol predurčený od Boha, aby si to videl, nemôžeš si pomôcť, aby si to nevidel, vystupuješ vo vzkriesení. Takto sa narodil Baptista, takto sa narodil Metodista, vo vzkriesení toho dňa, ale oni sa odvrátili a išli ku sliepke namiesto toho, aby išli ku orlovi.
147Ako som nedávno povedal, keď som išiel z Tucsonu. Pozoroval som veľmi zvláštnu vec. Videl som tam jastraba sedieť na drôtoch. Jastrab dávno stratil svoju identifikáciu. To býval vták, ďalší po orlovi. On nemohol nasledovať orla, to nie, v žiadnom prípade. Nič nemôže nasledovať orla. Ale to bol jastrab.
148Kristus je Orol a cirkev má byť prinajmenej jastrabom. Oni môžu lietať vyššie, než ďalší ostatní vtáci. Ale ten jastrab sa stal mäkkým. Stratil svoju identifikáciu. Sedí na telefónnych drôtoch a čaká na nejakého mŕtveho zajaca. Poskakuje ako sup, namiesto toho, aby lietal ako jastrab.
149Ó, môj brat, sestra, vy Letniční ľudia, ktorí ste mojimi vlastnými drahými ľuďmi! Cirkev stráca svoju identifikáciu. Zostupuje dole a je závislá na nejakom mŕtvom formálnom vyznaní, namiesto toho, aby lietala v Nebeských miestach, ďalej za čerstvou mannou.
150Jastrab si zvykol uloviť svoju vlastnú mannu, ale dnes berie to, čo zrazia autá, a to, čo jedia supy. Poskakuje ako jeden z nich. Podobá sa na nich.
151Tak sa ozdobujeme v modernom svete, naše ženy si strihajú vlasy, a nosia šortky, naši muži nemajú dostatočnú chrbticu na to, aby sa postavili za kazateľňu a povedali pravdu. Dávno sme zmäkli na Slove.
152Ó, Bože, pošli Ducha Svätého a vyhľadaj niekde tých orlov, ktorí sú pripravení postaviť sa tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, ktorí vyletia hore do toho neznáma, nebudú sedieť na telefónnych drôtoch a čakať na nejakú literatúru nedeľnej školy. Nechajte ma, nech mám Slovo a v čerstvosti moci a demonštrácii Svätého Ducha. Potrebujeme Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie, ktoré má súhrn možností. Môj priateľ, ak si spokojný s takou svetskou zdochlinou, potom je niečo zle.
153Moja sestra, môj brat, dovoľ, aby som ti povedal toto, v Božej bázni, keď viem, že nemusím už žiť, aby som znovu uvidel Veľkú noc. Ale jedna vec je istá, keď skutočný predurčený syn Boží skrze Slovo Božie počuje Boží hlas, on povstane a pôjde Ho stretnúť. To je ten súhrn možností, že on pôjde stretnúť to reálne, živé Slovo, také, ako bol On. Nevesta stretne Ženícha. Ona je časťou Jeho tela.
154Všimnite si, už dávno sme, strácame našu identifikáciu. Prichádzame v stredu večer, niektorí z nás. Ostatní zostávajú doma, aby pozerali v televízore Kto miluje Zuzanu, a všetky rôzne svetské veci, všetky rôzne zábavy, aby vám to bránilo chodiť do zboru. Už sme ju dávno stratili.
155Naše semináre, naše školy, vypúšťajú mnoho frajerov s množstvom teológie, ktorí zabávajú ľudí a robia v cirkvách všetko možné namiesto modlitebného zhromaždenia. Hodili sme sa do gala a snažíme sa vyplniť to, čo sa snažia robiť tí modernisti. S tým ich nikdy nezískate. Oni toho majú viac, ako vy. Vy nemáte čo hľadať na ich pôde. Nechajte ich, nech oni prídu na vašu, tam, kde svieti skutočný krst, kde je skutočná moc zmŕtvychvstania. Nesnažte sa stavať cirkev podobnú ako ich. Nesnažte sa mať takého pastora. Nesnažte sa robiť toto ďalšie, alebo spolupracovať so svetom. Oni vydávajú lesk Hollywoodu.
156Skutočné Evanjelium svieti mocou. Orly to počujú. Oni sa nedívajú na ten lesk. Oni hľadia na svetlo. Ktoré svieti pokorou, svieti láskou, svieti mocou, to je to, čo skutočný orol hľadá. Nemôžete hrabať za stodolou v hnoji a páčiť sa mu. On to nikdy nebude môcť robiť. Nikdy mu to nenahovoríš, pretože on tomu neverí.
157Nech ten Hlas kričí z neba, „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu žijem.“ Niečo sa deje. „Ja som ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že Sa vylejem na každé telo.“ Sláva Bohu! „Oživím váš smrteľný jazyk. Oživím vaše smrteľné jazyky. Dám vám dôkaz, že vás privediem do vzkriesenia so Mnou.“ V srdci hladné orly sa načahujú za tým tak, ako len môžu. To je perla nesmiernej ceny, že až predávajú všetko, aby ju kúpili. Amen.
158Bože, pomôž nám. Priateľ, naše cirkvi strácajú svoju identifikáciu.
Poďme teraz rýchlo do nejakej.
159Pozorujte, ako sa správali tí učeníci, boli vystrašení. Oni vedeli, že Ježiš je Pravda, ale vidíte, to bolo proti tým populárnym názorom, proti populárnemu náboženstvu tej hodiny, proti tomu najprísnejšiemu náboženstvu Farizejov, Sadúceov, a tak ďalej, proti ich kultom, klanom a denomináciám. Oni boli proti Tomu, nazývali to „Bludárstvo.“ Ale Ježiš bol tým zidentifikovaným Slovom.
160A Ježiš je Duch Svätý, v Duchu. „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Ale vy ma uvidíte,“ nie telo; Život, ktorý bol v Ňom, Boha, ktorý je na cirkvi aby zavolal synov, ako to urobil vtedy, poslušných.
161„Ja stále robím to, čo sa ľúbi môjmu Otcovi. Kto z vás ma usvedčí o hriechu?“ Inými slovami, hriech je nevera. „Čo Slovo povedalo o mne, čo by som nebol vykonal?“ Tu to je. „Ukážte mi, čo hovorí Slovo, že mám robiť, čo som neurobil. Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť? Kto môže ukázať na mňa prstom a povedať, že som nevyplnil Slovo môjho Otca?“ Ó, keď sa Letničná cirkev dostane na to miesto! „Kto ma môže usvedčiť z nevery?“
162Ó, Kresťania, buďte zidentifikovaní, nie ako jastrab, ale ako orol. Ten jastrab je poddajný, slabý, on pôjde dole. Nikdy nevidíte orla robiť niečo také. On to nikdy nebude robiť. On si poľuje na svoju potravu, na modrej oblohe. Boh ho pripravil tak, že ju môže uvidieť. On dostáva čerstvú mannu, nie niečo, čo je mŕtve.
163Židia, keď prechádzali cez púšť, jedli, pokúsili sa jesť mŕtvu mannu. Ona sa skazila. Mala v sebe krútiace sa červíky. Viete, čo to je. Proste sa skazila, zhnila. Boli v nej červíky.
164Prečo by som mal jesť potravu z niečoho, čo bolo zabité pred rokmi? Ona môže mať tvar a formu, ale nie je čerstvá. My potrebujeme získať potravu v každej generácii, novú. Tak orol hľadá takú potravu, každá generácia, pri tom, ako putujeme po ceste. Všimnite si.
165Zoberme teraz znovu nejakých ľudí. Zoberme nejakých prorokov Starého Zákona, aby sme videli, čo oni robili.
166Pozrime sa prv na Štefana, ako Štefan uprostred tej rady Sanhedrinu. Keď ho ten koncil tam priviedol, tam to veľké zhromaždenie veriacich, alebo sa očakávalo, že sú to veriaci, priviedli ho tam a snažili sa ho odsúdiť. „Prečo,“ on povedal, „vy tvrdého krku a neobrezaní v srdci a ušiach, vy sa stále protivíte Duchu Svätému.“ To je ten Večný Život. „Ako to robili vaši otcovia tam vtedy počas prorokov, tak to robíte vy dnes.“ A oni škrípali na neho svojimi zubami. Oni to nechceli počúvať. On bol proti ich vyznaniu. On bol proti ich denominácii. A ukameňovali ho na smrť. A on pozdvihol svoje ruky, pohliadol k Nebesiam a povedal, „Vidím nebo otvorené a Ježiša stáť po pravici.“ Prečo? On mal vzkriesenie, mal v sebe oživujúcu moc, ktorá ho zobrala do Ježišovho náručia.
167Všimnite si teraz rýchlo. Pozrite na Filipa, tam v tom veľkom prebudení. Mal tam prebudenie, kde bolo... nikto by sa neodvážil... prečo. Keď tam mal veľkú spoluprácu medzi cirkvami a so všetkými. Kázal na veľkom prebudení. A tá oživujúca Božia moc prehovorila ku nemu, povedala, „Štefan...“. Mohla mu povedať toto, „Máš veľké prebudenie, ale ja mám jedného človeka a chcem, aby si sa s ním porozprával.“
168A Štefan je poslušný, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, koľko kritiky. „Ó, Štefan, nemôžeš odísť.“
„Ale môžem. Boh tak povedal.“
169A odišiel na púšť a tam stretol toho eunúcha. A čo sa stalo? On povedal, „Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca, že Ježiš je Syn Boží, pokrstím ťa.“ Keď ho pokrstil...
170Pozrite sa. On bol oživený touto oživujúcou mocou, aby opustil zhromaždenia, kde bolo tisíc ľudí, aby išiel na púšť ku jednému človekovi. Ó, to by bolo proti všetkému rozumu. Vidíte? „Prečo, tu je desaťtisíc ľudí, ktorí na teba čakajú.“ Ale je jeden, ktorý čaká tam. Vidíte? A tá oživujúca moc ho poslala na Božie pripravené miesto. Haleluja!
171Mužovia a ženy, Ona spraví, že budete stáť na svojich nohách. Ona spraví, že budete robiť veci, ktoré Boh od vás chce, aby ste robili. Nestarám sa, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný. Sused povie, „Ó, ten človek stratil rozum. Modlí sa celú noc, čítajú Bibliu.“ Nestarám sa o to, čo hovoria. To je to, do čoho ťa Boh povolal, aby si robil. Je to tak. „Ó, oni vravia, že nemôžeme mať tieto starodávne Letničné prebudenia.“ Ó, áno, my ich tiež môžeme mať. Vy ho môžete mať v sebe. A vy ste väčšina, v Bohu, bez ohľadu na to, čo si myslia tí ostatní.
172Všimnite si, potom v poslušnosti. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Po poslúchaní Boha, Jeho Slova, keď splnil svoju misiu, tá oživujúca moc, ktorú dostal na Letnice, ho zobrala preč, oživila jeho telo. Na míle od toho miesta ho Duch zobral, a on sa našiel niekde v inej krajine. Oživujúca moc Božia! A ak sme letniční, „Tá istá moc, ktorá vzkriesila Ježiša z mŕtvych, ak ona prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách.“ Vidíte? Dobre. Dávajte pozor.
173Zoberme ďalšieho muža s touto oživujúcou mocou. Tam dávno bol taký muž, volal sa Enoch. Keď prichádzala nejaká nová vec, keď niečo prichádza a hovorí, „No, teraz musíme ísť naspäť do starej školy, alebo do tohto, toho, či tamtoho.“ Enoch chodil s Bohom. Čokoľvek mu Boh povedal, aby urobil, Enoch neprepásol ani jedno slovo. On chodil s Bohom. Čo on bol? On bol syn Boží. On bol orol, ktorý bol zavolaný do toho dňa.
174A keď prišiel čas, on bol tak plný tej oživujúcej moci! Pamätajte, on chodil päťsto rokov alebo viac pred Bohom a ani raz neobišiel Jeho Slovo. Ani raz sa nezachoval zle. Ani raz neurobil nič iné, ale zachovával svedectvo. Všetko, čo mu Boh povedal, že má robiť, on išiel a urobil to. Nemal na to žiadne argumenty, proste išiel a vykonal to. Nezáležalo mu na tom, čo si o tom niekto iný myslel, on išiel a vykonal to. Prečo? On bol plný oživujúcej moci. A keď prišiel čas pre toho starého človeka, aby zomrel, Boh poslal dole rebrík a on vyšiel hore Domov. On ho oživil a zobral jeho smrteľné telo hore, vo vytrhnutí. Amen. To je tá oživujúca moc.
175Pozrite sa na Eliáša, keď jeho práca na zemi bola dokončená. On bol tak plný tejto oživujúcej moci; on odsúdil tie účesy Jackie Kennedyovej v jeho dňoch. On povedal starej Jezábeli, čo si o nej myslel. On povedal tým kazateľom a kňazom, čo je správne, a čo zlé, a oni mu neverili. Ale on bol tak ostro odsúdil tie ženy s namaľovanými tvárami a všetko také. A on tak plný tej oživujúcej moci, že až mu nič nemohlo ublížiť. Boh mu dal jesť z neba, zobral ho a postavil nabok. On bol tak plný oživujúcej moci, že keď prišiel čas zomrieť, Jordán sa otvoril a on len išiel, dole bol poslaný voz, aby ho zobral hore Domov, tak plný oživujúcej moci. On sa stal pravým, skutočným synom Božím. Áno.
176Všimnite si, on mal nasledovníka a jeho meno bolo Elizeus. A Elizeus mal dvojnásobnú mieru tejto oživujúcej moci. Vidíte? On ju mal v dvojnásobnej miere. No, on kázal asi osemdesiat rokov, alebo mal osemdesiat rokov. On ochorel a zomrel. No, ale nedostal sa ku tomu, aby išiel Domov tak, ako Eliáš. Vidíte? Oni obidvaja sú reprezentovaní v cirkvi; jedni svätí idú a druhí zostávajú. Ale všimnite si, keď bol Eliáš vzatý hore vo vytrhnutí; potom sa Elizeus odobral na spánok, v Bohu, plný oživujúcej moci. Pozrite sa na jeho proroctvo tesne predtým, ako zomrel. Vidíte?
177Dovoľte, aby som vám ukázal. Nezáleží na tom, či ste mŕtvi, alebo kde ste, tá oživujúca moc nikdy neodchádza. Roky a roky po jeho smrti, jeho mäso zhnilo, červíky ho zožrali. Ale raz tam niesli mŕtveho muža, hodili ho na jeho kosti a tam bolo toľko oživujúcej moci, že ten človek znovu ožil. Haleluja! Vzkriesilo ho to z mŕtvych, pretože tá oživujúca moc, ktorá bola na tom svätom Božom, ho nikdy neopustila, zostala rovno na tých kostiach.
178Ó, pamätajte, my sme telom z Jeho tela, kosťou z Jeho kostí, keď sme Jeho Nevesta. Smrť nijako nemôže uškodiť tej oživujúcej moci. „Hoci červy zničia toto telo, predsa vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Sláva Bohu! Čo... Neviem, čo povedať. Čo za nádej pre starého človeka, ako som ja, keď viem, že zakrátko môžem uvidieť svoj koniec, ako päťdesiatšesť ročný.
179Od malého chlapca tu stojím. Snažím sa toto hlásať. Ale viem, že vo mne nie je nič dobrého, čo by som ja mal, nič, čo som ja urobil. Ale je vo mne tá oživujúca moc, ktorá ma jedného dňa oživila, od vecí tohto sveta, ako mladého človeka, do Večného Života. Ó, tie veci, ktoré sa stali! Videl som videnia, predpovedal som veci. On nenechal doteraz ničomu upadnúť. Hovoril som v iných jazykoch, prorokoval som. Robil som tie veci skrze Ducha Božieho, ktorý vo mne prebýva. To je oživujúca moc. Viem, že jedného dňa...
180Môj Vykupiteľ teraz žije. A jedného dňa, keď On príde, tieto kosti znovu vstanú, aby Ho išli stretnúť na povetrí. Môžete ma pochovať v mori, spáliť ma, čokoľvek chcete. Táto oživujúca moc je večná. Ó! Cítim práve teraz Veľkú noc. Áno. Mám to už roky. Je to vo mne.
181Je to vo vás. Ak ten Duch, ktorý vzbudil Ježiša z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vašich smrteľných telách, On vás oživil od vecí sveta jedine do Slova Božieho. On vás oživil z tohto života do Večného Života. Vy, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi v hriechu a v previneniach, teraz ste boli spolu oživení, aby ste sedeli v Nebeských miestach s Kristom Ježišom a jedli Mannu z Hora, videli ruku Božiu, ako sa zamanifestovala a potvrdila zasľúbenie na tento deň.
182„Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Jedli, pili, ženili sa, vydávali. A tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v tých hodinách, keď sa Syn človeka zjaví na zemi.“ Nie už viac Syn Boží. Syn človeka príde naspäť ako prorocké Posolstvo na ten posledný deň, keď bude letieť ten orol; nie lev, nie vôl vo veku obeti. Rozumiete?
183Zakaždým, náboženská moc vystúpila, aby sa stretla s výzvou politickej moci sveta. Keď povstal lev, tá náboženská moc, ona išla, aby sa stretla s rímskou mocou.
184A potom, keď prišla hodina obete, vystúpil vôl, pretože on je Pánove obetné zviera.
185Potom prichádzajú reformátori počas tých cirkevných vekov, prichádza tvár človeka. A reformátori boli od Luthera, Wesleya, Kalvína, a tak ďalej do letničného veku.
186Ale v tom poslednom Posolstve, ktoré vyšlo, tam prichádza letiaci orol. To je čas orla, čas zjavenia, Slovo Božie sa zamanifestovalo, Slovo Božie sa dokázalo. Ó, deti, vojdite do tohto krstu Duchom Svätým. Vojdite a verte Tomu, z celého svojho srdca, Boh vás naplní.
187Pozrite sa teraz sem. Zisťujeme teraz, pamätajte, „My sme telom z Jeho tela a kosťou z Jeho kosti.“ Tak, ako Boh vzkriesil Jeho kosti a telo z hrobu, oni nemôžu ukryť toho človeka, ktorý má tie potenciály. Smrť ho nemôže zobrať. Ježiš povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne. Ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň.“ Ó! Veľká noc! Práve sme vo Veľkej noci. Keď On vstal, my sme vstali s Ním. On poslal naspäť ten abstrakt. My sme ho uchopili, ako krst Duchom Svätým. „On je živý naveky; ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Židom 13:8 to dokazuje. On je ten istý.
188Jeho mesiášski, pomazaní ľudia tomu veria. Čo je to mesiáš? Čo to je mesiáš? Mesiáš je Ten pomazaný. A teraz, ak On bol Mesiáš, tým, že bol Tým pomazaným na ten deň, aby vyplnil Slovo Božie, aby bol Vykupiteľom a Tým pomazaným, a Boh vzbudil jeho telo; Jeho Nevesta je tou pomazanou na tento deň. Ona už vstala s Ním vo vzkriesení, pretože, „Tí dvaja sú jedno.“ Amen.
189Prajem si, aby som to mohol povedať tak, ako to vidím. Prajem si, aby som mal vzdelanie, aby som to pomocou neho povedal. Rozumiete? Dúfam, že to vidíte. Dúfam, že Boh, Duch Svätý príde dole a dá vám to do srdca, aby ste uvideli, čo chcem povedať.
190Vzkriesenie, my sme teraz vo vzkriesení. Sme s Ním vo vzkriesení, ale len tí, ktorí majú Život.
191Nie tí, ktorí nemajú Život. Oni to nebudú poznať. Oni to nikdy nebudú poznať. Oni pôjdu rovno ďalej a budú si myslieť, že majú Ducha Svätého, že sú spasení, a Vytrhnutie sa odohrá, dokoná sa a pominie. On povedal, „Eliáš už prišiel a urobili mu... a vy ste o tom nevedeli.“ Vidíte?
192Všimnite si. Smrť nezadrží tú oživujúcu moc Božiu. Všimnite si. Smrť ju nemôže zastaviť.
193Hovoríte si, „No, moja mama bola Duchom naplnená žena. Môj otec, nikdy som nevidel človeka tak plného moci, ako bol môj otec. Ale on zomrel, brat Branham.“ Áno. To nezastavilo tú oživujúcu moc.
194Mojžiš mal tú oživujúcu moc. Veríte tomu? Nebolo na zemi takého človeka ako on, až po Ježiša. Lebo on nielen videl videnia, on sa rozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom.
195Dokonca prorokyňa Miriam spochybňovala raz jeho slová. On povedal, „Nebojíš sa Boha? Pozri sa na môjho sluhu, Mojžiša. Nie je na svete jemu podobného, v tejto hodine. Nebol nikto taký ako Mojžiš. Ja hovorím ku Mojžišovi. Čo on kedy povedal, čo by nebola pravda? Vidíš? Ja hovorím ku Mojžišovi. Nebojíš sa Boha? Nehovor proti nemu ani slovo.“ A hneď potom bola ranená malomocenstvom a zomierala. Ona potom nežila veľmi dlho. Mojžiš sa za ňu modlil.
196A Mojžiš sa vyšplhal hore na ten kopec, keď bol v službe stodvadsať rokov, či osemdesiat rokov; vtedy mal stodvadsať rokov, vyšplhal sa hore na ten vrch a zomrel a bol pochovaný v údolí. Ale tá oživujúca moc bola na ňom. Asi po osemsto rokoch; on tu je, stojí na Vrchu Premenenia. Amen. Čo bol? Bol zahrnutý do toho vzkriesenia. Skutočne bol. On mal oživujúcu moc Božiu. On tam stál.
197Pozrite sa na Jóba, Abraháma, Izáka, na tých svätých, keď nastal ten deň vzkriesenia, to veľké ráno, o ktorom Jób a všetci tí ostatní vedeli, že príde. Keď povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije.“ To bolo stovky a stovky rokov pred Kristom. V skutočnosti kniha Jóba bola napísaná pred Genesis, tak tvrdia, že to je najstaršia kniha v Biblii.
198A vo svojich skúškach, ako my cez ne teraz prechádzame. A jeho žena, ešte aj tá najbližšia osoba, ktorú na zemi mal, povedala, „Zloreč Bohu a zomri.“
199On povedal, „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena. Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánove.“
200A potom, keď Duch Boží prišiel na neho a on začal prorokovať, povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na túto zem. Hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha.“ A on si pripravil miesto, aby tam bol pochovaný. Povedal, „Kúpime túto zem.“ On to kúpil, aby tam bol pochovaný.
201Neskoršie prichádza muž, ktorý sa nazýva Abrahám. Cirkev rastie, ide ďalej. Abrahám, no on mal tiež Božie potenciály, nekonečný život, večný, pretože ho Boh povolal. No všimnite si. Keď zomrel, alebo keď Sára zomrela, on kúpil kúsok zeme v Palestíne, blízko Jóbovho hrobu a pochoval Sáru. Abrahám zomrel a tiež bol pochovaný so Sárou. Abrahám splodil Izáka.
202A Izák, keď zomrel, spal pri Abrahámovi, na tom istom pozemku. A keď Izák splodil Jákoba.
203Jákob zomrel tam dole v Egypte. Ale on bol prorok a teraz, s týmto potenciálom, s touto oživujúcou mocou, povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu. Jozef, poď sem, môj prorocký syn. Polož svoju ruku na toto bedro, ktoré Boh ochromil. Prisahaj mi na Boha Nebies, že ma nepochováš tu dole.“ Čo bolo v tom človeku? Prečo nebol Egypt práve tak dobrý ako ktorékoľvek iné miesto? On bol prorok. On vedel, kde nastane zmŕtvychvstanie. Ono nebude v Egypte, ono bude v Palestíne. Povedal, „Polož ruku na moje chromé bedro a prisahaj mi na Boha, ktorému som slúžil, ty si môj prorocký syn, že nepochováš moje kosti tu. Zober ma a pochovaj ma tam.“
204Jozef, ktorý bol tiež prorok, položil svoje ruky na chromé bedro svojho otca. Povedal, „Prisahám na Boha Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba, že ťa tu nepochovám.“ Zobrali ho do tej zeme a pochovali. Prečo? Prečo?
205Keď Jozef zomrel, on povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu dole. Nepochovajte ma tu dole.“ Prečo? Boh je Bohom všade, ale On má plán. Jozef bol prorok. On povedal, „Jedného dňa,“ počúvajte jeho slová, „Pán Boh vás navštívi a zoberie vás z tejto zeme. A keď budete odchádzať, zoberte moje kosti.“
206Táto oživujúca moc bola v tých kostiach. Ó! „Ak Duch toho, ktorý vzbudil Krista z mŕtvych, prebýva vo vás, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
207„Nepoložte moje kosti tu dole. Pochovajte ich tam hore s tými, ktorí mali zasľúbenie.“
208Keď prišiel Ježiš... mám tu miesto Písma, Matúš 27:51. Keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, Jób videl ten príchod a povedal, „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. V posledný deň sa On postaví na tejto zemi. Hoci červy zničia toto telo, predsa vo svojom tele uvidím Boha. Ja Ho uvidím.“ Oni vedeli. To bol prorok. Abrahám bol prorok. Izák bol prorok. Jákob bol prorok. Jozef bol prorok. A oni mali zjavenie Božie, podľa Jeho Slova. A v to Veľkonočné ráno, keď On prišiel a vykúpil všetkých tých, ktorí v Neho verili, oni vstali tiež, podľa Biblie.
209Tá oživujúca moc vošla do Jóbovho hrobu, kde z jeho kostí zostalo možno už len za lyžicu prachu. Po všetkých tých stovkách a stovkách, a stovkách rokov, jeho kosti sa rozpadli. Navrátili sa a premenili sa naspäť na zemské plyny a ležal tam len prach. Ale predsa, keď tá oživujúca moc, podľa Slova Božieho, podľa zasľúbenia, prešlo stovky a stovky rokov, áno, po tisícoch rokoch, keď tá oživujúca moc bola vyvedená z hrobu; Jób, Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, oni všetci, vyšli z hrobov s Ním.
210Biblia tak povedala. Sv. Matúš, 27. kapitola a 51.verš hovorí, „Mnohí svätí, ktorí spali v prachu zeme, vstali a vyšli z hrobov s Ním, keď On vstal v to Veľkonočné ráno.“ Prečo? Oni mali ten potenciál. Mali tú oživujúcu moc, rozumiete, a vstali z mŕtvych s Ním, pretože boli plní tej oživujúcej moci, vidíte, a vstali z mŕtvych, a odišli s Ním vo vzkriesení. Tešili sa zo vzkriesenia s Ním, pretože boli plní tej oživujúcej moci. Mali tú skutočnú Veľkonočnú pečať.
„Dobre,“ poviete, „prial by som si žiť tam v Starom Zákone.“
211Počkaj chvíľu. V 1. Liste Tesaloničanom, vo štvrtej kapitole, 16. verš, chcem, aby ste si to prečítali. „Ale nechcem, bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili, ako aj ostatní, ktorí nemajú nádeje. Lebo ak veríme, že Ježiš zomrel i vstal z mŕtvych na tretí deň,“ nepretvarujeme sa, že veríme, ale veríme tomu, „tak i Boh tých, ktorí zosnuli, skrze Ježiša privedie s ním.“
212Novozákonní svätí s tou oživujúcou mocou, oni tiež vstanú, pri Jeho druhom príchode; s takou istotou, ako tí Starozákonní svätí so všetkou tou oživujúcou mocou na ich kostiach, a prenesením a mocami, a tak ďalej, ktoré Boh ukázal. Tí proroci, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, oni vstali z mŕtvych s Ním, keď nastalo ráno zmŕtvychvstania; a so zasľúbením Božím, každý jeden, kto je v Kristovi Ježišovi, tiež príde s Ním v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, tá oživujúca moc Božia príde na tie kosti.
213Niet divu, že kladieme ruky na chorých. Niet divu, že milujeme jeden druhého. Sme bratia a sestry. Nemali by sme nenávidieť jeden druhého, pretože sme napravení Slovom Božím. Máme milovať jeden druhého a mať rešpekt jeden voči druhému. Viete, ak tak nerobíte, to vám nepomôže.
214Sedí tu mladý muž, teraz v zbore. Pred pár dňami... On verí. Ten chlapčisko mal na uchu rakovinu, a on o tom nič nehovoril. On tam pracoval v dome. Bol som s ním na poľovačke, tam hore s bratmi Mosleyovcami, a tu s bratom Dawsonom. Boli sme tam na poľovačke, tiež so synom brata Williama. A náhodou som sa pozrel na jeho ucho. Videl som, že ho má napuchnuté. Opýtal som sa, „Donavon, čo máš s tým uchom?“
215Povedal, „Brat Branham, to už mám dlho. Neviem.“
216Len som ho tam chytil za ruku. Na uchu mal veľkú rakovinu. Nepovedal som ani slovo. Len som ho držal a pomyslel som si, „Môj brat!“ Za deň alebo za dva nezostala po nej ani stopa. To bol jeho rešpekt pred Bohom Nebies, skrze Jeho oživujúcu moc, to zabilo tú rakovinu a ušetrilo život Donavona Weertsa. Je to tak.
217Čo sú tieto veci? Pozrite sa sem, ľudia tu vo Phoenixe. Pozrite sa na seba, ľudia, ktorí ste tomuto uverili. Pozrite sa na ľudí, ktorí toto majú, ktorí kladú na vás svoje ruky. Pozorujte, čo sa deje. To je oživujúca moc. „Uverivších budú nasledovať tieto znamenia.“ Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, tá oživujúca moc, orol orlovi, niečo sa deje. No, orol na supa, to nebude fungovať. Orol na orla, dvíha ho zo dvora do nebies. „Veriacich budú nasledovať tieto znamenia,“ keď sú obidvaja veriaci.
218Vidíte tú istú oživujúcu moc Božiu v týchto dvoch prorokoch, v Eliášovi a v Elizeovi. Všimnite si, to isté slovo; jeden z nich je vzatý hore, ten druhý bol zobraný hore. Vzatý hore a zobraný hore. Vidíte? Bol zobraný hore. My budeme vzatí hore; vzatí s nimi, stretneme ich na povetrí. „Vzatí hore, aby sme ich stretli na povetrí.“
219Všimnite si, vták musí mať dve krídla, aby si udržiaval rovnováhu. Je to tak? Eliáš bol krídlom prenesenia, Eliáš. Elizeus bol krídlom zmŕtvychvstania. Vidíte? Obidvaja spolu reprezentujú svätých, tých, ktorí sú živí, a svätých, ktorí zomreli.
220Pamätajte, oživení, aby videli tam vtedy, cez tie záclony. Ako boli títo ľudia tam oživení, aby videli cez tú záclonu, a videli, čo bude v tomto čase, tí proroci!
221Pozrite sa na Pavla, povedal, že akí budú ľudia v týchto posledných dňoch, ako sa budú správať a budú sa nazývať Kresťanmi. On bol prorok, plný oživujúcej moci, dopredu videl, že to nastane. Veríme tomu. Či nie? On dostal oživujúcu moc.
222Pozrite sa na tú oživujúcu moc dnes, predpovedá veci, bez jedného pochybenia. Ani raz to nesklamalo. Oživujúca moc; nie moc človeka; moc Božia. Moc, ten Veľkonočný výpis, vzkriesený Ježiš poslal naspäť ten výpis, aby nám zaručil, že sme už vzkriesení s Ním.
223Všimnite si. Pamätáte sa na tú malú knižku, ktorú tu tí Obchodníci... Pohľad cez záclonu času? Začínam starnúť, uvedomujem si, že moje dni sa skracujú.
224Odohrávam ten krátky úsek, ktorý pred chvíľou spievali tie dámy. Teraz už okolo osemnásť, dvadsať rokov. Chcem stále o tom hovoriť, Pane. Odísť tam a ísť sa modliť, potom prichádza tá oživujúca moc. Som na odpočinku. Dívam sa tam hore. Hovorím si, „Pozri sa ďalej.“
225Pamätám sa na to ráno, bol som zobratý na druhú stranu. A moja žena, ona tam sedí, ležala so mnou na tej istej posteli. Zodvihol som sa a pozeral som hore. A ona tam bola, spala. Povedal som, „Ak mám urobiť niečo pre Pána, radšej sa ponáhľaj, chlapče. Už máš po päťdesiatke.“ Vtedy ma Duch Svätý zobral preč a ja som sa tam pozeral. Videl som tých svätých, tak skutočne, ako stojím tu pri tomto pulte, s touto svätou Knihou, ktorá tu leží, ako kazateľ Evanjelia.
226Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Áno. Chcem, aby ste mi to povedali. Stále to bolo dokonale, na pódiu? Stále, stalo sa to presne tak, ako to On povedal? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] To bolo Tak hovorí Pán.
227Stál som tam, pozeral som sa cez ten čas. Videl som prichádzať desať tisíce tisícov mladých mužov a žien, bežali, objímali ma, vykrikovali. Pozrel som sa dozadu a videl som sa, ako ležím na posteli. „Ó, Pane, daj mi dívať sa cez záclonu času.“
228Čo to je? To je oživujúca moc, ktorá nás vezme preč. Tá veľká oživujúca moc. Tá oživujúca moc prichádza v týchto posledných dňoch.
229Kvôli tomu som v Arizone, práve teraz. Je tu veľa ľudí, práve tu vo Phoenixe, ktorí ma počuli, ako som povedal práve z tohto pódia, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ Koľkí si to pamätáte? „Choď teraz. Niečo sa má stať.“
230Videl som prísť sedem anjelov. Či to nie je v časopise Život, ako hmla, ktorá sa tu vznášala, dvadsaťsedem míľ vysoko a tridsať míľ v priemere? Či tu nesedí brať Fred Sothmann a tí ostatní, Gene Norman, oni, sedia tam vzadu? Stáli rovno tam, keď sa zjavilo tých sedem anjelov, rovno tam na tom vrchu. To zatriaslo takto tými vrchmi na míle dookola. Stálo tam sedem anjelov. A hodený meč do ruky. Povedali, „Choď domov a otvor tých sedem pečatí, ktoré sú dané.“ A tam sú, to pravé tajomstvo o manželstve a rozvode, a o semene hada, a všetky tieto veci, ktoré spôsobovali neporozumenie. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
231Čo to je? Oživujúca moc prichádza do cirkvi, pripravuje Ju na túto hodinu, ku ktorej sa približujeme. Oživujúca moc!
Ó, Bože, pomôž nám prijať to. Pomôž nám veriť tomu.
232Vidíte? Záleží, aký máte k tomu postoj, to rozhoduje, či vám to bude na dobré alebo nie. Rozumiete? Musíte tomu veriť. Keď tomu neveríte, nie je vám to na nič dobré.
233Ako starý Samuel, stál tam pred tými ľuďmi a povedal, „Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Či som žobral niekedy od vás vaše peniaze na moje živobytie?“
„Nie, ale my aj tak chceme kráľa.“
234Tak je to s cirkvou dnes. Oni chcú svoje vlastné plány. Oni vám vôbec nebudú venovať pozornosť. Oni idú rovno okolo. No, to len ukazuje, že tá oživujúca moc tam nie je.
235„Ó,“ poviete, „Ja hovorím v jazykoch. Vyskakoval som a kričal.“ To je všetko pekné.
236Ale ak je tam tá oživujúca moc, ty rozpoznáš, ako ten malý orol, že to je jeho mama, že To je Slovo, že to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je to, čo Boh zasľúbil. To je to, čo bolo predpovedané. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. Sme poza každým tieňom pochybnosti, potenciálne práve teraz vo vzkriesení, svätí sa pripravujú, aby boli zobraní do povetria.
237Tak, Ježiš, tak plný tejto oživujúcej moci, povedal, „Ak môžete zničiť tento chrám, na stavbu ktorého ste potrebovali štyridsať rokov, ako si myslíte; Ja ho postavím za tri dni.“
238Prečo? Prečo to Ježiš mohol povedať? Chcem sa vás opýtať. Prečo mohol Ježiš niečo také povedať? On vedel, čím je. Amen. Prajem si, aby som to mohol prilepiť. On vedel, Kto je. On to, že každé Slovo, ktoré Boh tam o ňom napísal, On vyplnil. On vedel, že On je ten, o ktorom hovoril Dávid.
239Či vy viete, že vy ste tí, o ktorých hovorí Biblia? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Poznáte svoju pozíciu v Kristovi? Ak ste v Kristovi, ste novým stvorením. Poznáte, že toto Slovo je proste pre vás každodenným životom? Prečo, skutočne. Ono je vaše. Ste orol. To je vaša potrava.
240On to vedel, skrze moc Božiu, On to robil, pretože to bolo prorokované, že to bude robiť. Preto nebol prestrašený, keď povedal, „Zborte tento chrám. Za tri dni ho postavím.“ Pretože Dávid povedal, „Nenechám jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie.“ On vedel, že ani jedna bunka jeho tela sa neporuší. Ona sa kazí za sedemdesiatdva hodín. On povedal, „Zborte tento chrám. Ja ho znovu postavím, za tri dni.“ Prečo? On bol tak plný oživujúcej moci, ktorá oživila každé Slovo. On sa pozrel naspäť a videl každé Božie Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané o Ňom, a prorok povedal, že On ho vyplnil. On vedel, že to sa tiež vyplní.
241A teraz, na každé Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal, tvoj duch hovorí „amen“. To sa vyplnilo v tvojom živote, keď si veriaci.
242Alebo sa držíš bokom na niečom a hovoríš, „No dobre, moja cirkev to učí inak?“ Potom si daj pozor, jastrab.
243Všimnite si. Orly veria. Ani najmenej nepochybujú. Oni tomu veria. Všimnite si.
244No, On vedel, že to sa stane, pretože Slovo to povedalo. A každé Slovo, napísané o ňom, sa muselo vyplniť. On vedel, že to bolo napísané mocou Božou, skrze svätých prorokov, ktorí prorokovali, že On to tak urobí.
245A proroctvo nikdy nesklamalo. Nemohlo. Slovo Božie nemôže sklamať. A je napísané v... skrze Ducha, že... A teraz, tiež, že Duch, ktorý vzbudil Ježiša z mŕtvych, ak prebýva vo vás, vo vašom tele, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telo. Potom, zastreľte ho, spáľte ho, urobte s ním, čo chcete, robte si z toho žarty, roztrhajte ho, zvaľte ho, urobte mu, čo chcete. Boh ho vzbudí, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. A každý svätý Boží má v sebe to zasľúbenie, vie, že je to pravda. Tak, neboj sa, brat, už sme vo Veľkej Noci.
246Pozrime sa teraz na premenenie, prv, ako zakončíme. Premeniť, premenenie, tam v tom premenení sme všetci reprezentovaní. Pozrite sa, čo vidíme dnes. Dávajte len pozor, na čo sa dnes dívame? To je oživujúca moc Božia. Všetci sme tam boli. Tam boli mŕtvi svätí, reprezentovaní v Mojžišovi; bolo tam vzkriesenie; a Ježiš Kristus oslávený. Mojžiš, Eliáš a Ježiš, všetci stáli na tom vrchu; mŕtvi svätí, vytrhnutí svätí; a Ježiš oslávený. Ó!
247No, poviete... Počul som povedať jedného človeka. Oni hovoria, „Vy ľudia, no, keď máte takúto moc, mali by ste ísť a povedať ľuďom, čo môžete robiť.“ To je ďaleko od skutočného Kresťana, hovoriť niečo takéto. Vidíte? Samozrejme, my si nenárokujeme žiadnu moc. Na...
248Ale robíme jedno. Keď sa oni dívali okolo, so všetkou mocou, ktorá bola na nich, „Oni videli len Ježiša.“ A ten pravý, skutočný veriaci, on sa nestará o to, či za ním stojí nejaká denominácia, ani o nič také. On chce len jedno, aby ste videli toho osláveného Krista, nič iné nie je dôležité. Skutočné, pravé prežitie Hory Premenenia oslavuje jedine Ježiša Krista. Ono neoslavovalo Mojžiša, neoslavovalo Eliáša, neoslavovalo ich samých, neoslávilo nič iné, ale oni videli osláveného Krista. A každý pravý veriaci, to je v jeho srdci, aby oslávil Ježiša Krista. To je to, čo sa on snaží, aby to ľudia videli.
249Nie hovoriť, „No, ak sa pripojíš do našej skupiny, ak prídeš a budeš robiť toto alebo tamto.“ Ó, nerobte to. Nerobte to.
250Hľaď na Božie Slovo, ktorým je Kristus, zdôraznený; a vyplňuje zasľúbenie na tento deň, v tejto veľkej hodine zmŕtvychvstania. Všimnite si. A to nám dáva radosť, keď vieme, že sme s Ním, že sme telom Jeho tela, kosťou z Jeho kosti. Čo za radosť! To je tá jediná vec, o ktorú sa stará skutočný veriaci.
251Oni sa nezaujímajú o nejakú denomináciu. Nezaujímajú sa o nejakú organizáciu. Nestarajú sa o to, čo si myslia iné ženy. Nestarajú sa o niečo také. Samozrejme, že nie. Oni nebudú robiť tieto veci, ktoré tieto iné ženy robia. Oni... Títo mužovia nebudú robiť tie veci. Oni sa nebudú vešať a zaoberať sa nejakou organizáciou. Nebudú sa jej držať, len aby neboli vylúčení, a nebudú sa báť, že nedostanú stravenky. Oni sa nestarajú o také veci. Pre nich je to nezmysel.
252Tam je len jedna túžba v srdci, a to je, vidieť Ježiša Krista osláveného. Ich počínanie musí byť z Boha. To musí byť absolútne, nič inšie, len oslávený Ježiš Kristus. A čo je Ježiš? Slovo. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Všimnite si, a vidieť tú istú Jeho potvrdenú metódu, ktorá dokazuje Jeho zmŕtvychvstanie. Čo to je? Vidieť tvoj život skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré On povedal, že „On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky,“ ktorý dokazuje, že On je stále živý.
253Nestarám sa, či každé dvere v krajine sú predo mnou zavreté. Že, som... Ako som povedal, mal som nedávno päťdesiatšesť. Môžem sa zrazu pominúť. Som vo veku, keď ľudia dostávajú infarkt. Som vo veku, keď sa všetky tieto iné veci môžu stať a všetko možné. No, či to robí nejaký problém? To mi nerobilo problém, keď som bol dieťa. To mi nerobí problém ani teraz, kedy bude zavolané moje číslo, a kedy bude vzatá moja karta z regálu. Nestarám sa o to, či ľudia budú vedieť, že som žil na zemi. Na tom mi vôbec nezáleží. Nemusia mať žiadne veľké pomníky a budovy, aby tým pripomínali, že som tu bol na zemi.
254Len jednu vec chcem, aby vedeli. Aby vedeli, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A vo svojom srdci držím tento výpis. A viem, že jedného dňa... Hoci môžem byť utopený v mori. Môžem byť zabitý v Afrike. Neviem, čo sa mi stane. Ale jedno viem, držím ten výpis. Haleluja! Každé dvere môžu byť zavreté. To pre mňa nie je vôbec rozhodujúce. Nesnažím sa oslavovať nejakého človeka, ani nejakú organizáciu, ani seba, ani žiadnu skupinu alebo niečo také. Chcem, aby ľudia videli, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a Jeho Duch žije. „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“
255Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, „Neboj sa. Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy, ale žijem naveky.“
256Lebo teraz sme vykúpení skrze Neho a povstali sme s Ním, a teraz sedíme, nie budeme, teraz sedíme v Nebeských miestach v Ňom. Teraz, keď máme v sebe tohoto Ducha, tento výpis, to ukazuje, že všetky pochybnosti sú odstránené. Čo? Kristus žije. Nie ja žijem, nie ja, Kristus žije vo mne. Nie ty žiješ, ale Kristus žije v tebe. Pretože Jeho živé Slovo žije v tebe, ukazuje, že všetky teórie, ako si to predstavovali všetci vaši Metodisti a Baptisti a Letniční, a všetko ostatné je odstránené. A Ježiš Kristus...
257Tak, ako na hore Premenenia, všetci proroci a všetko ostatné sa skončilo. Všetky dni Luteránov, Metodistov, Presbyteriánov, oni sú v poriadku, ale, Toto je môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte. Slovo na túto hodinu, na hodinu Pečatí. Keď všetky tajomstvá tam z toho času, ktoré boli skryté po všetky tieto roky, oni sú tou veľkou pyramídou času, boli odstránené, ten štítový kameň to robí takým vybrúseným, že Dávidova hviezda dosadne na svoje miesto. A tá veľká cirkev živého Boha bude zodvihnutá ako krídla orla, bude zanesená tam do Slávy. Áno.
258Teraz, teraz v našich telách hovoríme v nových jazykoch; a prorokujeme, a predvídame; kladieme ruky na chorých a oni sú uzdravení; svet, mŕtvi, a všetky veci toho sveta. Prešli sme zo smrti do života a teraz držíme tú moc. Haleluja!
V to ráno zmŕtvychvstania
Keď budú prelomené pečate smrti.
Povstaneme, Haleluja, povstaneme. Amen.
259Nie je dosť diablov v pekle, aby nám v tom zabránili. Sme predurčení od Boha na túto hodinu. Slovo Božie sa samo manifestuje rovno cez nás. A my žijeme v prítomnosti Božej, skrze Slovo zasľúbené od Boha. Nieto diabla v pekle, ktorý by mohol zabrániť, aby som nepovstal. Nemôže zavrieť predo mnou žiadne dvere, to ráno. Pečate boli zlámané. Haleluja!
260Som slobodný. Som orol. Nie som viac v klietke, ale som slobodný. Vstal som z mŕtvych do nového života Ježiša Krista. Nie len ja, ale každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí tu sedia, každý, kto bol naplnený to tohoto Ducha Božieho, je novým stvorením v Kristovi. A si orol.
261Sme živí, dnes, a naveky sa radujeme zo zmŕtvychvstania. Pretože On žije, my tiež žijeme. A On žije v nás, oživuje nás. A ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Jeho z mŕtvych, prebýva v nás, oživí naše smrteľné telá, pri tej veľkej Večnej Veľkej Noci. Sláva Bohu!
262Ó, zoberte mi ten svet, zoberte čokoľvek chcete, ale dajte mi Ježiša. Amen. Milujem Ho. On je pre mňa všetkým na svete.
263A preto, že ste časťou Neho, ja som časťou vás a vy ste časťou mňa. A spolu sme časťou Neho.
264Ó, Kresťan, čo za príležitosť máme! Máme príležitosti, o ktorých svätý Pavol ani nesníval. Máme príležitosti, ktoré nemali Enoch, ani Eliáš, ani všetci ostatní, teraz máme také príležitosti.
265A tam ďalej je niekde jedna malá ovca a On sa neuspokojí, kým ona nepríde do stáda. S pomocou Božou a skrze videnie a TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, idem naspäť za more. Tá posledná malá ovca môže byť nejaká čierna tam, pokiaľ viem, kde ľudia ani neveria, že takí majú dušu. Ale Boh vie, že je to inak. Idem hľadať až do posledného dňa môjho života, aby som našiel tú jednu, kdekoľvek je.
266Dúfam, že som neurazil žiadneho môjho brata, keď hovorím tieto ostré veci. To neznamená, že nechcem, aby ste chodili do zboru. Samozrejme, že chcem, aby ste chodili do zboru. Choďte do zboru, kdekoľvek chodíte. Ale nech to nie je vašou nádejou, že poviete, „No, ja patrím do tohto alebo do tamtoho.“ Ó, brat, sestra, patri Kristovi. Choď do zboru, ale patri Kristovi. Amen.
267Nech ten potenciál, ak to nie je v tebe, nech ťa hneď teraz oživí do Života. Či to nechceš prijať teraz?
268Táto miestnosť je plná toho. Cítim to všade na sebe. Viem, že je to tu, moc Božia, ten veľký Vidiaci, ktorý vidí videnia, ten veľký Predpovedač, ktorý môže povedať veci a oni nikdy nesklamú, Ten veľký, ktorý môže hovoriť, a nikto z ľudí nemôže povedať „nie“. Muž, ktorý môže otvoriť a nikto nemôže zavrieť. On, ktorý bol mŕtvy, je teraz živý, a žije dnes, tu vo Phoenixe, prechádza sa medzi novonarodenými kvetmi.
269Niet divu, že v to Veľkonočné ráno malé slzy rosy ležali na lícach každej ľalie a na každej ruži. Prečo? Oni vedeli, že vyrástli zo zeme, a že niekde kvitne večný kvet. Že jedného dňa prídu na svoje miesto. Je to tak.
270Niet divu, slzy radosti môžu stekať po našich lícach. Niet divu, naše srdcia sa chvejú a trasú, keď môžeme cítiť tú istú premieňajúcu moc, ako prichádza do našich životov a naplňuje nás, že až nám dáva hovoriť v jazykoch, ktoré pochádzajú z neba.
271Sme tak oživení tam do Jeho prítomnosti, že prorokujeme, vidíme dopredu, predpovedáme, a všetko pasuje presne so Slovom. Ak je to prorokované nezhodne s Ním, neverte tomu. Ale ak je to zhodné so Slovom, vtedy je to už povedané, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
272„Nebojte sa. Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a žijem naveky.“ To je Božia Veľkonočná pečať, ktorá pečatí každé písmeno tohto Slova do vášho srdca. Čo je tá pečať? „Vy ste písanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí.“ Viete to. Ale keď si vás Boh získal, zapečatil vás Veľkonočnou pečaťou, že ste povstali s Kristom, a ste novým stvorením.
273Ak ste neboli zapečatení dnes ráno, urobte tak, kým skloníme hlavy.
274[Nejaký brat začína hovoriť v jazykoch. Prázdne miesto na páske.]... Pane. Počuli ste to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“]
275Zamyslite sa teraz, so sklonenými hlavami. Rimanom 8:11, „Ak ten Duch, ktorý vzkriesil Krista z mŕtvych, je vo vás, On tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
276Na čo máme čakať, ľudia? Čo tam zostalo? Pozrite sa na Čínu a na celý svet. A na atómové rakety a všetko iné, pripravené udrieť svet, a tak nervózni, vystrašení, kričia. A tieto filmové mimiky tam bežia, hovoria všetky možné žarty, tak, ako malý chlapec, ktorý prechádza v noci cez cintorín, si píska, snažia sa robiť, aby ľudia verili, že všetko je v poriadku. Nebuďte zvedení. Príchod Pánov je nablízku.
277Všimli ste si, nedávno prišiel jeden rybár a povedal mi, keď som sedel tam v zátoke, tu na takom drsnom mieste. A ako, dlhý čas predtým, ako zemetrasenie zatriaslo Gréckom, všetky ryby, ktoré v tom čase ráno zvyknú konzumovať svoju potravu, neprišli. Čo to bolo? Neboli na hladine. Keď sa to stalo druhýkrát, urobili to isté. On vedel, že za chvíľu sa niečo stane. Ryby neprišli konzumovať svoju potravu.
278A všetky čajky a všetko, čo žerie ryby, prestali loviť. Zavčasu ráno, keď lovia. Sedeli len ticho na brehu, odleteli z tých útesov. Lebo hneď za niekoľko minút sa more začalo variť a na povrch vynášalo lišajník zo dna. Vidíte? Tie ryby to vedeli skôr, ako sa to stalo.
279Keď som išiel do Indie, čítal som noviny a tam písali, „Zemetrasenie už muselo skončiť.“ Niekoľko dní sa vtáčky nevracali do svojich hniezd, ktoré mali v skalách. Dobytok sa nezdržoval v blízkosti svojich prístreškov v tieni, za horúčavy dňa. Ovce zostávali rovno na prostriedku poľa a tlačili sa jedna ku druhej. Dva alebo tri dni pred zemetrasením odišli ďalej od skál a nepribližovali sa ku nim..
280Prečo? Tie ovce to poznali. Oni vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie vtáky vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie čajky vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. Tie ryby vedeli, že niečo sa ide stať. To je ten istý Boh, ktorý viedol tie zvieratá do archy.
281Môžete to vidieť, Duchom naplnení ľudia? Niečo sa ide stať. Neobzerajte sa na nejaké veľké celosvetové niečo, čo sa preženie, nič, okrem príchodu Pána Ježiša. Pamätajte, len pamätajte na slová a na zasľúbenie Pánove.
282Či neprídete hneď teraz? Odstúpte preč od tých veľkých múrov. Vzkriesenie je už teraz blízko na dosah ruky. Ak je tu niekto, kto nevie, či bude vo vzkriesení, a nie je si istý, či má v sebe tú moc vzkriesenia.
283Hoci to zničia červy, hoci vybuchne rovno vo vašom strede atómová bomba, to nezničí tú oživujúcu moc vzkriesenia. Nie, nie. Sestra, brat, tvoje vzácne meno bolo dané do Baránkovej knihy Života tam dávno. Žiadny človek ho nemôže vymazať. Nie je na svete dosť prostriedkov na vymazanie tvojho mena tam z tej Knihy, kde to vykúpila Jeho Krv.
284Ak nie si si toho istý, či nechceš teraz využiť tú príležitosť? Môžeš využiť príležitosť, aby si prebehol niekde cez barikádu a nebol zabitý, ale neprebehneš cez túto barikádu. Nie, nie. Schytáš to. No, nemusíš. Je červené svetlo, ktoré teraz svieti. Prejdi okolo a zanechaj svoje vlastné názory, zanechaj veci tohto sveta.
285Poď. Buďme spolu vzkriesení v tomto veľkom Veľkonočnom čase, v tejto veľkej oslave Veľkej Noci. Či to môžeš oslavovať vo svojom srdci tento týždeň? Ak nemôžeš, či zodvihneš svoju ruku ku Bohu?
286Povedz, „Bože, nie som si toho istý. Neviem, či by som to všetko zvládol alebo nie. Pomôžeš mi? Idem zodvihnúť svoju ruku ku Tebe, Pane. Pomôž mi.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. „Chcem Ťa, Pane. Pomôž mi. Chcem byť vzkriesený. Chcem byť. Chcem mať tie potenciály hneď teraz. Chcem vedieť, že to je to pravé. Chcem vedieť, že to je to pravé, Pane. Nechcem, aby sa potom ukázalo, že som sa mýlil. To nebude...“ Potom to bude príliš neskoro. Teraz je ten deň. Ó! Teraz je na to deň. Nečakaj.
287Nedávno som kázal a bol tam starý farebný muž, ktorý prišiel tam dozadu v tej budove, aby sa so mnou stretol. Povedal, „Reverend, chcem ti povedať, že si to hovoril správne.“ Povedal, „Ja som povedal Pánovi už dávno, že v to ráno chcem mať svoj lístok v ruke. Chcem vedieť, že je správne označený.“ Povedal, „Tam dole pri rieke bude veľa problémov. Ja idem tam ku tej rieke. Nechcem tam mať problémy. Chcem to tu dať všetko do poriadku.“ To je správne.
288Máš vízum? Ak nemáš vízum... Môžeš mať pas, ale ak nemáš vízum, nemôžeš vojsť do tej zeme. To vieš. Máš všetko pripravené? Ak nemáš, hneď teraz je na to čas, aby si to urobil.
289Nebojte sa, ak ste trochu vystrašení. No, zodvihlo sa tu možno sto rúk. Tak, ak ste trochu vystrašení, dajme to teraz do poriadku.
290No, viem, že máme rôzne spôsoby. Niektorí hovoria. „Poď sem a dovoľ, aby som ti potriasol ruku.“ Iní hovoria, „Poďte sem, kľaknite si tu pri oltári.“ To, to je pekné, nemám vôbec nič proti tomu, ani najmenej, proti ničomu, čo pomôže.
291Ale dovoľte, aby som vám povedal môj spôsob. „Všetci, ktorí uverili, všetci...“ Keď prídeš ku oltáru, to nespraví, že budeš veriť. Keď si potrasieš ruku s kazateľom, to nespraví, že budeš veriť. Ale ak ťa zavolal Boh a od začiatku si orol, a to volanie ti to hovorí. Budeš veriť. Ak tomu skutočne veríš, budem sa s tebou modliť.
292Dokázali by ste si predstaviť, že by ten orol ešte potom zostal na tom dvore? Nie, nie. Ó. Nie. Nezostávaj tu už dlhšie, priateľ. Vytrhnime sa teraz. Milosť Božia je tu, aby to urobila.
293Nebeský Otče, uvedomujeme si, že ideme bližšie a bližšie ku tej poslednej hodine. Nemáme tu teraz už príliš dlhý čas. Nie čo sa týka nášho veku, ale v čase. Veríme, že tu sedí veľa mladých ľudí, ktorí budú žiť, keď sa toto stane. To sa môže stať už dnes. Nevieme minútu ani hodinu. Ale, Pane, Ty si nám povedal, „Keď budete vidieť, že sa dejú tieto veci,“ a oni sa teraz dejú už dlhý čas.
294Vieme, že už preťahujeme, podľa vedcov. Pred šiestimi, siedmimi rokmi bolo tri minúty do polnoci. Nevieme, koľko času odbíja, ale vieme, že sme práve tam.
295Ó, Bože, aby sme mali tú istotu; aby sme videli, že naše srdcia odpovedajú na každé zasľúbenie s „amen,“ aby sme videli, že sám Duch, ktorý vchádza do nás, oživuje našu bytosť.
296Bože, nech to moji bratia dnes ráno vidia. Nech to moji bratia vidia, že Duch vošiel dovnútra a oživuje nás do Slova. Nech moje sestry vidia to isté, Pane. A potom, ak vidia niečo, čo im bráni, aby boli oživení do Slova, ó, Bože, nech sa toho môžu rýchlo zbaviť. Udeľ to, Otče; to je teraz všetko v Tvojich rukách. Viem, že som v mnohých veciach sklamal a ďalej zlyhávam, ale, Pane, urobil som všetko, čo som vedel, ako to treba urobiť. Teraz je to v Tvojich rukách. Oni sú Tvoji. V Mene Ježiša, prijmi ich, Otče.
297A teraz, vy, ktorí ste tu a potrebujete uzdravenie tela. Koľko je tu veriacich? Zodvihnite ruku. „Ja som veriaci; pokiaľ poznám svoje srdce.“ Koľkí máte? Viete, bez tieňa pochybnosti, že vo svojom srdci, už teraz, ste boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych? Viete? Ó! Čo sa potom môže stať v takomto zhromaždení? Viem, že už preťahujem, ale čo sa môže stať hneď teraz? Len sa zamyslite, čo sa môže stať. Tie potenciály ležia rovno vo vás. Rozumiete? Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, urobili ste akoby prísahu pred Bohom, že, „Viem, že sa mi niečo stalo. Nie som možno v takom stave, v akom by som mal byť.“
298Ani ja. Nie. Som ďaleko od toho, kde by som mal byť. Ale viem toto jedno, prešiel som zo smrti do Života. Viem, že sa mi niečo stalo. Mnoho... Nie teraz ako starý človek, ale stalo sa to pred mnohými rokmi.
299A viem, ten deň, keď som išiel do nemocnice, keď som mal svoje veľké vyzvanie. Videl som zomierať svoju ženu, volal som o jej život. „A čo som urobil, stál som na rohoch ulíc a kázal a modlil som sa za chorých?“
A vtedy Satan povedal, „No vidíš, On neodpovedá na tvoje modlitby.“
300Videl som ju, ako zomrela, ale viem, že v nej bola tá moc vzkriesenia. Tie kosti znovu vstanú.
301Videl som tam ležať moje malé dieťa. Položil som naň ruku a povedal, „Bože, neber ho.“
302Zdalo sa, akoby spustil oponu a povedal, „Nebudem ťa už viacej počúvať.“
303Satan povedal, „Tu to máš. Len jedno slovo...“ Vedel, že mi nemôže povedať, že Boh neexistuje, pretože ja viem. Ale povedal, že On ma nemiluje, že sa o mňa nestará. Vidíte? Všetko zdôvodnil, povedal, „Si mladý muž, ešte máš len dvadsať rokov. Tam v márnici leží tvoja žena. A tu zomiera tvoje dieťa. A ty si vravel, že On je veľký uzdravovateľ a že On je všetko toto. A pozri sa, čo On robí. Jedno slovo, a On by to nemusel ani vravieť, len sa pozrieť dole a povedať. Len kývnuť hlavou, a všetko by sa stalo, a ono by bolo uzdravené. Ale, vidíš, On ťa nemá rád. On sa o teba nestará. Necháva, aby zomrelo teraz tvoje dieťa, a odmieta vypočuť tvoju modlitbu v tejto temnej hodine.“
304Všetko, čo povedal, bolo absolútne pravda. „Tak čo si urobil? Pracuješ celý deň, že až sa sotva postavíš na nohy. A potom sedíš celú noc, do dvanástej, jednej hodiny. Stojíš na rohoch ulíc, kážeš. Voláš do nemocnice. Len čo prídeš domov, sadneš si na stoličku a hneď zaspíš na hodinu alebo dve a znovu ideš do práce. Na ďalšiu noc je to to isté. A tu si, máš okolo dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva rokov. Každý priateľ, každá mladá dáma, každý mladý muž, s kým si si bol blízky, ťa má za blázna a pomätenca. Čo si urobil? Urobil si zo seba blázna. Nevidíš to?“ Bol som už skoro hotový s ním súhlasiť.
305A niečo dole vo mne, to bola tá oživujúca moc. Povedal som, „Pán dal, Pán vzal. Nech je požehnané meno Pánovo.“
Keď pominie všetka moja nádej,
Potom On je všetkou mojou nádejou, ktorá zostáva.
Lebo na Kristovi...
[Prázdne miesto na páske.]... topiacim sa pieskom.
Ó, On príde s víťazným pokrikom,
Potom nech v Ňom môžem byť nájdený.
Zavinutý do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti.
306Nie mojej vlastnej; ja nemám žiadnu. Moja, to sú nečisté, špinavé handry. Neodvážil by som sa ísť do neba na základe toho, že kážem. Neodvážil by som sa ísť do neba na základe toho, že mávam videnia. Pôjdem do neba, pretože mám Jeho milosť vo svojom srdci. Jeho milosť, preto pôjdem. Takto tam pôjdeme.
307Ó, priateľ, si časťou tohto Tela. Si malé Božie dieťa. No, hovorím toto, aby bola vybudovaná vaša nádej. Ak ste našli...
308Ak som získal vašu priazeň, povedal som vám Pravdu. A to, čo som vám povedal, je to, čo povedal prorok v tých dávnych rokoch. Nerobím sa tým Jeho prorokom. Nie. Ale vám hovorím pravdu. Či On povedal niekedy niečo, čo by nebola pravda? Poznám vás teraz už nejakých dvadsať rokov, to vo Phoenixe, odvtedy, ako tu spievali tú pieseň Stále by som sa s Ním chcel o tom rozprávať, v zbore brata Outlaw. Myslím, že to spieval brat Gracia. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?
309Pamätajte, je len jedna nádej. Dostať túto oživujúcu moc. Ona vás udrží. Keď všetko ostatné sklame, ona vás udrží.
310Niektorí ľudia mi povedali, „Udržal si svoje náboženstvo, brat Branham?“
Povedal som, „Nie, ono udržalo mňa.“
311Ono udržuje mňa. Nie, ja ho udržujem. To nie je v tom, či to ja udržujem alebo nie. To je v tom, či ma drží On, alebo nie. On je ten, ktorý vydržal za mňa.
312On to nemusel. Anjeli boli na každom strome, vraveli, „Len pohni prstom. Len ukáž; nemusíš to skladať z kríža. Len ukáž prstom a dávaj pozor.“ Vidíte tú bandu, ako sa vysmieva. Ale keby to On urobil, ja by som dnes nemohol mať toto svedectvo; ty by si to nemohol mať. Ale preto, že On zostal na kríži. On sa tam udržal, preto sa ja držím s Ním.
Na Kristovi, na tej mocnej skale stojím.
Všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.
313No, ak ste chorí, položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Modlime sa. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho, kto je pri vás. Bez ohľadu na to, čo vám je, majte teraz vieru. Ak som vám kedy povedal pravdu, hovorím vám ju teraz. Rozumiete? Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ A vy ste veriaci, zodvihnite len ruky. Nepochybujte. To je len nejaká biedna osoba, ktorá trpí, na koho si položil ruky. Niekto položil svoje ruky na teba.
314Pamätajte, tá oživujúca moc, tá moc, ktorá zodvihla Ježiša z hrobu. Teraz máte vieru v to, čo máte vo svojom vlastnom tele. To pomôže tej osobe, na ktorú ste položili svoje ruky. „Ak to prebýva vo vás, to tiež oživí vaše smrteľné telá.“
315Drahý Bože, ako tu dnes ráno stojím, blíži sa čas poludnia, keď toto je približne tá hodina, keď Ježiš zavolal, „Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Žíznim.“ Niet divu, prorok to videl dopredu a povedal, „Všetky moje kosti, oni hľadia na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky aj moje nohy.“ „Ale On bol počítaný s priestupníkmi. Ale On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola položená na Neho, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.“ Domáhame sa toho, dnes ráno, Bože. Domáhame sa toho.
316Ráno, v deň tohto vzkriesenia, všimnite si, táto potvrdená pravda, ktorú som povedal, Pane, z tvojho Slova, v prítomnosti Božej. On je Sudca, a my sme svedkovia, že On nás vykúpil. A v nás leží, z milosti Božej, tá moc vzkriesenia. A naši priatelia sú chorí, tí, na ktorých sme položili ruky.
317Ó, Bože, vyzývame diabla, uprostred našej viery dnes ráno, keď máme položené ruky na týchto ľuďoch, a ja mám vystreté ruky nad ľuďmi. Nech každá choroba, každé trápenie, to, čo sa snaží držať týchto ľudí, nech teraz v prítomnosti tejto potvrdenej pravdy vyjde z nich. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech títo ľudia môžu byť dnes slobodní. Keď Biblia, Slová nášho Boha povedali, „Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.“ A naše ruky sa zodvihli ku tebe, Bože.
318Ako každá rastlina na zemi pije z Tvojej fontány. A s takou istotou, ako tá rastlina, ktorá má v sebe zárodok, pije z Tvojej fontány, začína sa dvíhať. Začína rásť. Kukuričná byľ, kvet, čokoľvek pije z Tvojej fontány, rastie a dvíha sa hore ku Tebe.
319A dnes ráno sme narástli o pár centimetrov, Pane. Môžeme dočiahnuť vyššie. Pijeme z Tvojej fontány. Sme Tvojím stvorením, s mocou vzkriesenia v nás, Pane. A prosíme, aby si vypočul naše modlitby za našich bratov a sestry. A nech každý problém, ktorý trápi tu týchto drahých ľudí, ktorí majú túto moc, Pane, rozviaž ich, aby mohli slúžiť Bohu. A budú zdraví, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
320Veríte Mu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“] Nechať to takto? Ako to môžete? Vy sa len musíte, zdá sa, len sa musíte odstúpiť z cesty. Cítite to tak? [Amen.] Ja... možno, že len ja to tak... Ale mám pocit, taký zvláštny pocit, keď prichádzam medzi ľudí, kde takto sedíte spolu. Viem, niekde, je to tu neviditeľné; práve tak, ako rádio alebo televízia, čokoľvek to je, prechádza to cez túto miestnosť; Kristus je v tejto miestnosti. Len si to predstavte, náš Vykupiteľ! Tony, On je tu. Amen.
321A kto môže byť šťastnejší, ako ľudia, ktorí majú Biblický dôkaz každého Slova Božieho, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, ktorí videli aj anjelov a Jeho Bytosť, ako prechádzali cez veky! A počúvali Slová vidiacich, predpovedané a stalo sa to presne tak. A tu sme v predvečer Jeho príchodu. Ó, čo za nádherný čas.
322Budeme Ho vidieť. V jednom z týchto dní, On tu bude. Dovtedy, kým príde, budete sa za mňa modliť? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“] Mám pred sebou veľké nebezpečenstvá. Viem o tom. Rozumiete? Stretávam sa s pohanmi, ktorým, keď zaplatia, bez problémov vás zastrelia, tak isto, ako keby si zobrali pohár s vodou. Prichádzate na ich pôdu, diabli vás tam hneď vyzvú ohľadne Biblie. Ale nikdy sa mi nestalo, že by náš Boh nevyhral. Ja idem v Jeho Mene, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý je nádejou večného života, ktorý je vzkriesenie a život. „Ten, kto žije, verí vo Mňa, aj keby zomrel, bude žiť. A ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie.“ Verím, že to je Božie večné Slovo. Veríte to isté? [“Amen.“] Budete sa za mňa modliť? [“Amen.“] Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nech nás Pán stráži, až sa znovu stretneme.
323Povstaňme teraz na chvíľu. [Chcete niečo povedať?]
Skloňme svoje hlavy.
324Nebolo by to správne, keby sme nezaspievali túto krátku pieseň, či nie? Pamätáte našu pieseň, Milujem Ho, či je to v každom srdci? Zaspievajme ju. Sestra, mohla by si... Chcem povedať, že si tiež cením, že nám tu hráš, sestra. Dobre.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho
Pretože On prv miloval mňa
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote
A teraz zmeníme túto pieseň.
Moja viera hľadí na teba,
Baránok z Golgoty
Božský Spasiteľ;
Vypočuj ma teraz, keď sa modlím,
Ó, odober všetky moje viny
A daj mi od tohto dňa
Byť cele Tvoj!
325Či to robí niečo s vami? Koľkí radi spievate skutočne zo srdca...? Ja tak rád spievam tie oslavné piesne. Skutočne ich mám rád. Ale keď ste v duchu uctievania, či nespievate radi tie milé piesne? Verím, že Duch Svätý prišiel na Eddie Perronet a na tých, ktorí napísali tieto veľkolepé piesne. Veríte tomu? Na Fanny Crosby, keď ona písala.
Neobchádzaj ma, drahý Spasiteľu
Počuj moje pokorné volanie;
Keď si iných vypočul
Neobchádzaj ma.
Ty si zdrojom mojej útechy
Pre mňa je to viac ako život,
Koho by som mal na zemi okrem Teba?
Alebo na Nebi, ak nie Teba
326Či to nie je nádherné? To robí, že chceme spievať Milujem Ho. Či nie? [“Amen.“] Kým budeme teraz spievať, Milujem Ho, nech... Milujeme jeden druhého. Ak nemilujeme jeden druhého, potom nemôžeme milovať Jeho. A teraz si potrasme ruky jeden s druhým. Len stojte a načiahnite sa niekde ponad stôl a potraste si ruky jeden s druhým.
A vykúpil mi spasenie
Na Golgote.
Skloňme teraz hlavy.
327Poprosím brata Williamsa, mladého brata Williamsa, aby sem na chvíľu prišiel. Chcem ho poprosiť, aby zakončil zhromaždenie s modlitbou.
328Mám rád brata Williamsa, je to mladý Kresťan, a myslím, že je skutočný Kristov sluha, a jeho mladá rodina. Mám veľa obecenstva s týmito ľuďmi. A s týmito vzácnymi Moseleyovými chlapcami a s nimi všetkými, sme spolu, a mám tak veľa drahých priateľov vo Phoenixe, ktorých milujem z celého srdca. Myslím, že v to ráno v tom videní, On povedal, „Všetci, ktorých si miloval, a všetci, ktorí milovali teba, Boh ti ich dal.“
329Zdá sa, že niekto tu činí pokánie zo svojho hriechu, dole na podlahe, nejaká mladá pani plače.
Skloňme svoje hlavy na chvíľu, za ňu.
330Drahý Bože, je toto tá ovečka, ktorá bola stratená tu vo Phoenixe? Ja neviem, Bože. Ty vieš. Ale jedného dňa to tak bude. Ale, Otče, táto bezpochyby je ovečka. A tak sa modlím, aby si jej teraz pomohol. Otvor milo vrátka a povedz, „Poď, moje dieťa. Poď z tej cesty, kde si sa unavila a utrmácala. Potkýnala si sa tam v temnote. Poď sem odtiaľ dnes, aby som ti pomohol. To je Môj Duch, ktorý hovorí ku tebe a privádza ťa teraz do náručia.“ Udeľ to, Bože. Nech táto mladá žena... práve tu na križovatke života. „Ten, kto bude počuť moje Slová a uverí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život.“ Udeľ to, drahý Bože, tejto mladej Kresťanke. „Ten, kto príde ku Mne, toho nevyženiem preč.“ Zatiaľ čo svätí stoja okolo tej mladej ženy a modlia sa.
331Pamätajte, aj Pavol, ktorý bol kameňovaný, až tak, že zomieral, a keď sa svätí postavili nad ním a modlili sa, život sa vrátil späť. Pretože v telách tých svätých bola tá oživujúca moc, ktorá priviedla toho ducha života naspäť do svätého Pavla. Bože, oni sa určite mohli modliť modlitbu a to vyhnalo smrť z človeka, skrze modlitbu viery a priviedlo život. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.
332Požehnaj nás teraz, keď očakávame na Teba. Prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista.
333A teraz so sklonenými hlavami, poprosím brata Williamsa.
1 Certainly a privilege to be here this morning, on this birthday of the Full Gospel Business Men's chapter here at Phoenix, and to know that the Lord granted me a little part of it, to be part of this fellowship. I want to greet Brother Carl Williams and his wife, Brother Stromei, the rest here at the platform, Brother Shores, Brother Outlaw, the ministers, and all you fine people.
2You know, I--I had a birthday last week, too. And I'm just a teeny bit older than a chapter. I believe he said, "Five and... years old, for the chapter."
3Somebody said, other day, said, "How old are you, Brother Branham?"
4I said "Twenty-six." And I said, "I wiped out the first twenty-five years. I didn't serve Him so well in them." I said, "I hope He does, too." To get Him to do it will be different.
5 But it's good to be here. And now we want to not take much of your time. Because we... I'm--I'm always afraid, after I hear some of these fine testimonies, and things that's going on, that I... and songs, that I will do something that'll upset that. And I wanted to add to it, if there'd be anything I could add to it. These sisters...
6That brother that sang the song this morning, the colored brother, I appreciated that, The Eye On The Sparrow.
7And these sisters that sang this song, that's been one of my helps since I was here the first time. I have that. I got that on a record, and I've just played it out, I'd Like To Talk It Over With Him. And I asked Brother Dawson Riley there, my friend, if he would, some of them, if they'd see if they get those ladies, if they were still here on earth, to sing it again this morning. And I hope Terry got it. And I suppose he did. I want to take that off there, maybe, to a record or something, 'cause I really like that song. And that's my--my desire, is to talk it over with Him. I think we all want to do that. That's why we're here this morning.
8 Now, the oncoming meetings, next week. Is it all right to mention? [A brother says, "Sure."--Ed.] I--I to be home this coming week, at the tabernacle, next Sunday, for Easter service; Saturday night, Sunday, and Sunday night. And then I go back to California. All you people around California, be sure glad to have you at the meeting over there. And I think Billy has sent out the wrong advertisement. Is... He said, "At the Biltmore Hotel," I believe, "it's to be at." It's... [Someone says, "Couldn't get it."] Couldn't get it. And it's at the Eastmont? ["Embassy."] Embassy, the Embassy Hotel. So any of the Full Gospel people over there would let you know, if you're over that way.
9And then we come back from there, and I go to South Africa then. Just one month from today, we sail for South Africa, expecting a great time in the Lord, about three nations down there. So we--we certainly solicit your prayers. I probably won't be able to see you no more, if the Lord carries on for us to go, until I get back. And hope I have a great report for you when we come back.
10 Last time down there, I think that the Lord gave me the greatest meeting I ever had. And one time, for an altar call... Now, this is out of blanket natives. As far as I know, there was thirty thousand accepted Christ at one time. And we thought maybe they meant physical healing, because there had been about twenty-five thousand healed at one time. And the next day, the mayor of--of Durban, which is Sidney Smith, said, "Go to your window, look coming down the street." And there were van load after van load, just piled full of old crutches and things, just piled up, that they were coming behind. The natives, which was at war with one another, coming down the streets of the city, singing Only Believe in their native tongue.
11 I tell you, my heart thrilled. Like... When you see something like that, Brother Shores, you to feel your work is not in vain then. You see, you tried. And I hope that God repeats it again, not because--because we're going down there, but because we're looking for the Coming of the Lord.
12And as the song said, we're seeking out that little, lost sheep. That's that... He--He won't come until that sheep is in. Every one has to be in the fold. He won't close the door till that last one is in. So, minister brothers, I'm sure with you, this morning, of trying to hunt out that last sheep. It might be in Phoenix, this morning. I don't know. But when the last one comes in, then the Shepherd will close the door.
13[A brother says, "Brother Branham?"--Ed.] Yes? ["Could I just say a word?"] You certainly can. ["I forgot something. We've been talking about..." Blank.spot.on.tape.] That's perfectly all right. ["And I know, everybody forgets something, once in a while."] I don't. ["Oh!"]
14 I'm the one that has to write out what I'm going to say, almost. I'm... Since I getting older, I find it harder to remember, put my Scriptures down, and so forth. Used to be, I could line up about fifty Scriptures in my mind, and never even... pass right on through it, but I got a lot of rough miles behind them days.
15So, we're looking for the Coming of the Lord. Lord bless you all!
16And then you get up here, and you think. You set down here and hear these people testify. You think, "Well, when I get up, I'm going to say something about that." Then, there's so much to say, you'd be all day saying it. But, I certainly appreciate you all. May this little chapter just keep growing. May every church in Phoenix continually to grow until Jesus comes, is my sincere prayer.
17Now, I think, just to rest us just a little bit, let's stand while we have prayer. Will you?
18 Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who raised Him up from the dead, and has give Him unto us as the sacrifice, and a Lord and Saviour. We are so grateful to Thee for this privilege that we have this morning, to stand in Thy Presence, with Thy people that's been redeemed and looking for His glorious second Coming, to receive us unto Himself. If there be sin among us, Lord, purge us with Thy hyssop. And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will heal every sick person that's in our midst.
19And if there would be, by chance, those who doesn't know You, in this great baptism of the Holy Spirit that we're so earnestly contending for, and saying it is a must, according to the Scripture for this last day. We pray, God, that He will fall upon us all, today, and baptize us a freshly into the Body, and bring those that are out, in, too, Father.
20Bless us as we read Thy Word and endeavor to speak that which is Truth of Thy Word. Close our mouths to that which is untruth, and open our hearts and mouths to that which is Truth, as we commit ourselves to Thee. Use our mouths to speak, and our ears to hear, and our hearts to receive. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Who has ordained it to be so. Amen.
21 I would like to read from the Holy Word, three places in the Bible. And if you would mark these, and you want to carry them on through, to read them for further information, I'd be very happy if you would mark them down. The places I'm going to read is Matthew 28:1-10, and then Revelations 1:17-18, Romans 8:11. May I repeat them again. And now Matthew 28:1 to 10, Revelations 1:17 to 18, and Romans 8:11.
22Now we are approaching Easter. And as you're getting your places, and marking it down. I think that this coming week is the most and the greatest historical week of all of the weeks of the year. I think that the greatest thing we will celebrate this week, this coming week, was the greatest event that ever taken place on the earth. I don't think anything could surpass it. You say, "Well, the--the crucifixion was great." But many men has died, many men has been crucified, even in the same days of our Lord. But there was only One of Them Who rose up from the dead. That sealed it.
23 Now I want to read. And this is kind of a little pre-Easter message, the Lord willing, about forty minutes. Now let's read from Saint Matthew's Gospel, the 28th chapter, beginning.
In the end of the sabbath, as it begin to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
And for fear of him the quakers did... the keepers (pardon me) did shake, and became as dead men.
And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear ye not: for I know that you seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay.
And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead: and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run and bring the disciples word.
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worship him.
Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
24 And Revelations, the 1st chapter, and the 17th and 18th verse.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of death and hell.
25And in the Book of Romans, the 8th chapter, and beginning with the 11th verse.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
26 Now I trust that the Lord Jesus will add His blessings to the readings of these Words. Seeing that, Easter, I have stamped it in my own heart as the greatest meeting, or the greatest event of the--the year.
27I want to ask you to pardon me a moment. Isn't that kind of blaring out there to you, kind of a roaring? Is it all right? Can you hear it all right like that? Oh! You can't hear it. Is that better, right like that? I didn't want to get too close.
28 Now, why I say this, is because that, Easter, He proved what the Bible had said. All the Scripture that was written of Him to do, He sealed His Messiahship when He rose from the dead, the Easter seal. We have so much of it today we talk about, that, buying Easter seals. Well, I want to speak this morning on: The Easter Seal. It's a different seal than what we buy with our money, as a seal to go on letters for, I think, the Tuberculosis Association or whatever they call it. I--I think this seal is a little different seal. And being that Easter is the great day of the year for we Christians who claim to be God's children, I want to try to break into it and see how we should be fellowship with this great thing that Christ did for us.
29 The Word of God was spoken many, many hundreds of years before His Coming, of His crucifixion, and of His death, and of His suffering, and also of His resurrection. We'll be going through these services, perhaps, next week, as we listen to our--our radio programs; and in our churches, with our pastors, and so forth, this coming week.
30But of all the days and all of the things that Jesus did, and certainly appreciating all of His vindication of God's Word and what He did to fulfill It: of healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, preaching the Gospel to the poor, and fulfilling every Word that God said that He would do when He came; and then also suffering for our sins, in our stead, to be the propitiation for sin, at the cross, where no one else could have done it but Him. But above all of that, I think Easter sealed the whole thing.
31 Because, there had been prophets on the earth, who had prophesied before Him. There had been prophets on the earth, who had healed the sick, even raised the dead, and done the same signs that Jesus did.
32But Easter proved it. It sealed the Word of God forever, for the true believer. All gloom and doubt was shattered, at that blissful morning. Man had been shut up, as it was, in a prison house, even to religious people before this day, because they had been... seen great religious moves, and moving of the Holy Spirit, and so forth. But when a man died, it seemed to settle it. But when this One came, and said, "I have power to lay My life down; I have power to take It up again." And then go prove what He said. To me, that--that's the seal of it, when--when something is said and then is turned around and proven.
33 If a man said, like Columbus, believed the world was round, and he watched the ships, as we're told, how they come in, and he could see the mast way before he could see the ship. And it proved him that the world was round. People didn't believe that in that day, but he was a man of vision. He set out to prove exactly what he had a vision of, that was the truth.
34And God purposed to prove His Word, the Truth. So He... There was only one Man that could do that, and that was Jesus. And He come and proved that to be the Truth. It sealed it. And that broke all the seals of gloom, and scattered all the--the superstitions of other religions, and so forth, where great men has raised up and said great, marvelous things; but they're, every one, in the grave. But our Christian religion is the only one who has the empty tomb. And that proves to me that He is the God of the dead, and God of the living, that He could raise up the dead, back to life again. And this quickening power, quickening Spirit of His, has proved through the years that He is the One Who can quicken the dead, back to life again.
35 And when He proved by His promise, this great conquering power that He had, on Easter He proved that He could conquer death, hell, and the grave. "I am He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore; and have the keys to--to death, hell, and the grave." What a--a statement for anyone to make. And not only did He make it, but He had already proved that He--He had what He claimed to have.
36And I think, God hasten the day that when we, as Christians who believe this Bible, can prove what we are talking about. See? That's what makes, as said a while ago, "The salt of the earth," the sister said. That's right. The world is looking for this salt. And when we can prove by our lives, and by the Bible, that our lives are vindicating that Word to be living today, that that's the day we're looking for.
37 The Word, "This Spirit..." Romans 8 there, that 11, said, "If this Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ be in you, will also quicken your mortal bodies." Not only did He prove to Him, to us, that He was Jehovah Redeemer and had power over death, hell and the grave, but He has also give us the access to the same Spirit, that we ourselves can have the assurance that we too are quickened by that Spirit. For the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in your body. It will also quicken your mortal body. Now, the word quicken means "to be made alive after death." After it's dead, then it's to be quickened.
38 The world has been shut up in doubt, for many ages until then. This was proven, not only talked about, but was proven. I think that anything that's worthwhile...
39As Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations; and prove to them, by demonstrating the power of God to them. These signs shall follow them that believe." Them who promise and say they believe, He give us a definite understanding of it, that, "These signs would follow them that believe." It would be the proof of their testimony. Now, we can say we believe. But until we are have the proven sign that He said that would be upon us, then we are just confessing to be believers, and not the possession of believers.
40 For, remember, a few days ago, I was listening to a--a radio program on KAIR down in Tucson. And this minister had taken the side against us, that, "The pentecostal religion was nothing but just a sham. There was... Not to listen to it. It was unstable." And said, "Any man that spoke in tongues, and these things, and claim to be, heal the sick, and so forth, by prayer, that it was to leave away from it. And to pray for those poor decrepit people, because that they were in a--an illusion, that there was something wrong with them." Oh, how I could have liked to have talked to that brother just a while! And he said that the... "That, that was only given for the apostles at the Day of Pentecost, and that was all."
41I find that, thirty years later, Paul was ordaining these gifts in the Church. In First Corinthians 15, that, "He set in the Church the gift of speaking in tongues, miracles. And all these other gifts was set in the Church."
42 Jesus said that. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." How far? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature." They've never received It yet. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." How long? "All the world." Who to? "Every creature. These signs shall follow them, in all the world, and in every creature. These signs shall follow them: in My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; if they taken up a deadly thing, or serpent, or drinking a deadly thing, will not harm them; they'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." That was His last commission to the Church, Mark the 16th chapter.
43 Paul is ordaining these gifts into the Church, thirty years later. And said, in Galatians 1:8, "If an Angel from Heaven preaches to you any other Gospel than This which is already received," see, already been preached, "let him be accursed." I believe that pentecost began without an ending. I believe it's to be to every creature, all times, at all places, that pentecost should always remain. The pentecostal blessings should be upon the people.
44 And now, what is this pentecostal blessing? It's the confirmation of the resurrection. No wonder the Gospel Itself means "good news." Good news of what? He has raised from the dead. "And because I live, ye live also." Ye which were once dead in sin and trespasses, God has quickened us together, by that Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead. And we are now setting in Heavenly places with Him, communing with Him, talking with Him. What a joy to tell people that story, that believes it to be the Truth!
45 I'm wondering, today. It's what's happening. Are we really getting the people to God? Are we just getting them to church? We must get them to Christ, where this quickening power. It's good to go to church. Sure. If that's as far as we go, it's not far enough. When you come to church, that's good; but go on to Christ, from the church, because we must receive this quickening power, if we ever expect to be in that general resurrection, because it's the only thing that will ever bring us from the dead. "For if this Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, It'll also quicken, make, bring to life your mortal bodies." What a promise to us!
46 Now notice. The very essence of this resurrection is to tell and to show, and to prove that Jesus has raised up from the dead. He's not dead. He's a living. He lives here. He's in us. "I'll be with you, even in you. A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, unto the end of the world."
47Now, as Christians, we all claim He is alive, or we been quickened from--quickened from life... from death to Life, by His Spirit. And if we haven't been quickened, then we've not been made alive.
48 Now we're going to break into this subject, the Lord willing, and kind of teach it for a few minutes, how that: are we quickened, and can we be sure that this is the Truth?
49Now, this is your own life, this is my life. It's where that the... If this isn't Truth, what I'm fixing to say, then I'm one of the most foolish people in the world. I've give my life for something there's nothing to, and so have you. But if it is the Truth, then I owe everything that I am. I owe everything that I could be, to the cause, of which we're standing for. And I think that we mustn't lose our enthusiasm.
50And as we see Easter approaching, it just does something down in me, as I--I know that that's the day that the thing was sealed forever, in the sight of God.
51 Now, we notice, it's the same Spirit that raised Him from the grave, that is dwelling in us. Now, how could that be? The Spirit that raised up, God, Jesus from the dead, has dwelling in us.
52Now, now, is the Spirit that quickens. It's not the Word that quickens. It's the Spirit that quickens the Word, or gives the Word Life, gives It wings to fly, gives It access. It's the Spirit that does that.
53 Now, the wheat, alone, is just a wheat; but when the quickening life gets into it, into the wheat, then it gives it life. And we which were once dead, made in the image of God, and yet dead in sin and trespass, there's some way God had to get this quickening Life into your mortal bodies. I'm talking about your body.
54Now, Jesus was the Word. You believe that, don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "In the beginning..." Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
55 Now, as the promised Messiah, He quickened every Word that was prophesied that He would do; heal the sick, and how He would be born of a virgin, all that, made it. It's true. He was the Word, manifested here on earth, but He could not do this just as a Man. It taken the Spirit of God, dwelling in Him, to quicken these promises to Him. I hope that we get this real clear now. Jesus, being a Man, Himself, the body, but it took the Spirit in Him, the Spirit. "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He's the One that does the works." See? Jesus Himself was the Word, because He was. Before God...
56This is a bad word to use, and I hope you take it right, before a crowd. But He was predestinated by the foreknowledge of God, how God's plan was to be, that He would send a Redeemer, and this Redeemer could only be His Own Son. So, then, that was God's promise, all the way from the garden of Eden, that Jesus would be here. Here He was as a Man, born of a virgin, but it taken the Spirit of God to quicken that Word to Him. And He was the Word, quickened, the Word quickened for that hour. The time had come when you had to have a Redeemer. The law had failed. Other things had failed. Now, it takes a Redeemer, and He was the promised Redeemer. He was quickened by the Word of God.
57 And now if that same Spirit that was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we have accepted now the promise of in this last days, what would take place; if you become part of that Word, you are redeemed with Him, because the same Spirit that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your life to this age. And It'll also, in the end time, quicken your mortal bodies, resurrect them, bring them up again. That takes the gloom away when we look at it, in that. And that's the Truth. See?
58 Romans here, Paul has proved it to us. See? "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, it will also quicken your mortal bodies." This is the same Spirit that raised Him up, that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. The Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells into the believer, quickens the believer to Eternal Life.
59 There's only one Life, one Eternal Spirit, one Eternal Life, and that's God. God, alone, is the Eternal. And then we, being His children, are part of Him, that is, the attributes of His thinking. And the thought is expressed and becomes a word. Then, each individual in here, that possesses this Eternal Life, was before the foundation of the world, in God's thinking. It's the only way it could be, 'cause you're a attribute. That's an expression of a thought, has become a Word; and a Word has taken Life, and it's Eternal. That's the reason we have Eternal Life. In the same principle that the great Son of God, the Redeemer; we become sons and daughters of God, through that same Spirit, by the same foreknowledge of God.
60 Look at the millions on earth that didn't receive It when Jesus was here. But how thankful that we should be this morning, to know that we have the direct evidence and the Bible proofs, that we are included in that great resurrection morning coming, that great Easter. We have the earnest of it, right now in our mortal bodies. The predestinated ones are the first, of course, to be quickened, when the Holy Spirit comes to claim Its own.
61Now, there's a great statement, and I want my minister brothers to try to understand this. See? In the beginning, God, the great Spirit, He wasn't even "God" then. He was the Eternal One. God is an "object of worship." He had nothing to worship Him. There was no--there was no Angels, no nothing. Just God alone, Him alone, is Eternal. But, in order to be God, there had to be something to worship Him, so He created Angels, and Beings, and Cherubims, and so forth, to worship Him. His great plan begin to unfold.
62 But remember, you, in the--the stature that you are in, this morning, if you wasn't in His thinking then, you're not now. For you, there's some part that's in you, that's Eternal, and Eternal only belongs to God. And in God was His thinking of you setting right where you are now. In His thinking, I stood at the pulpit this morning, because He's infinite and knows all things. Therefore He could tell the end from the beginning, because He is Eternal. And you, being a son of God or a daughter of God, then you were in His thinking at the beginning.
63 And then when the Holy Spirit come, and you're on earth, walking around here as a sinner, way down in your life there is something. You don't know what's taking place, but you're hungry. I heard the Presbyterian brother; I heard the--the Baptist talking about, back there, he was a--a Freewill Baptist, preaching where he can. My fellow brother, that you, there's something in you, something that you never put in there. It's something that you couldn't desire to be in there. It's something that's contrary to your own nature. It's the foreknowledge of God, taking place, God's Word.
64 And Jesus was born the Son of God, to be Emmanuel, God's full expression in a Man. And He found Him in perfect obedience, down at the River of Jordan, being baptized by that prophet. And as soon as He obeyed Him, and walked out of the water, the Heavens opened to John. And he saw the Holy Ghost descending from Heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son." See? Perfect obedience, the Spirit had sought Him out, in obedience.
65Oh, wayward man or woman, this morning, when you're setting here, and there's something in you telling you This is right, it's the Holy Spirit seeking you out, to bring you to a knowledge of Truth of this hour that we're now living, not some hour that's gone by, the hour now.
66 There was thousands there that had obeying an hour passed. But there was a present-tense hour, that was the hour that Jesus was to appear, and there stood the Word. There stood the people. And here was the manifestation of God taking place, to vindicate that that was the Truth.
67And as pentecostal people, today, let me say this, that we're standing in this last days where God promised He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and His sons and daughters should prophesy. For He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." It's the hour. That's what makes that creation in you.
68 As I spoke here, not long ago, it sounded a little sacrilegious; but I hope it don't, to you, this morning. The farmer that set the eagle, or set the hen, and had an eagle egg. Many of you remembers the story of the old eagle giving birth to--to this... Or, the hen giving birth over here to this chicken, or--or--or an egg of an eagle under her chicken feathers. See? It's the atmosphere.
69The Presbyterian church, Methodist church, Baptist church, any of them can bring forth these eagles. Sure. It's the atmosphere that does it. As Dr. Bosworth used to say, "You could take a hen egg and put it over, under a pup, and tie him down, a pup would hatch out a chicken." Why? It's the atmosphere. And when any church or any group that'll assemble themselves together, and pray until they throw away their creeds and things, and look straight in the face of God, it'll bring forth eagles just as certain as I'm standing here.
70 That's what I think that this businessmen's group has done, trying to break up the atmosphere. We're getting too clannish. One belongs to this and that. Let's break up the atmosphere and get the atmosphere in a Heavenly worship. Get the atmosphere right, eagles will be born, and--and out of any church, anywhere.
71And this little eagle walked with the hen for a long time, but the--the clucking was kind of strange. He didn't understand what the hen meant when she scratched in the--the--the waste of the manure piles in--in the yards. And that wasn't food, to him. And she eat bugs, and so forth, that an eagle doesn't eat. So it seemed strange, all, to him. And he was an ugly duckling, he was. Not saying this sacrilegious. Maybe he was a Freewill Baptist, and, but something on that order, or a Presbyterian.
72 But, you know, one day his mother knew that she had laid an egg. There had to be a child somewhere. So she throwed her big wings into the winds, and she searched and she searched, screaming to the top of her voice. And one day, she passed over the barnyard. And when this little eagle heard this familiar scream, he had never heard it before, but he realized that it fit him like a glove over a hand. And he knew that was his mother. She knew that was her son. She was looking for him.
73So has God, in every age, ordained His Church for that age, a Message for that age. And they could have laws and anything that they want to. But when that hour comes, the Holy Spirit of God, which was at the beginning thought out and spoke out for that age, that Spirit hunts that egg. And when he hears that Message, there is no church denomination going to hold it. It'll rise to the heights. It's got to. It's a different bird. It's a different creature. He's an eagle, and he'll hear the scream. "My sheep hear My Voice."
As someone said, Brother Williams, "Sheep Food."
74"My sheep hear My Voice. A stranger they will not follow." No matter how loyal the church has been, and how much its big of name it's got. "When My sheep hear My Voice," which is the Word, "a stranger they will not follow." They'll go right straight to that Word, and can do it. It's like a--a--a magnet.
75 One day, up in Indiana, I was visiting them steel mills, and the whistle blowed. And everybody took off their aprons, and begin to sweep the... out from their lathes, out into the middle the floor, the shavings that they had made through the day. And I was walking along with the man that was taking me through, and he said, "Watch this." And so every man laid his--his bench dress up on the--up on the table, walked away.
76Way back in the back, he touched a little button. And here come a big magnet through, and it picked up every bit of that iron that was shaved off of those pieces, now, and went out. It demagnetized it; it dropped into a cupola. And was melted over, for another piece of--of goods, the same thing, axles or whatever they were building.
77And I stood there and looked at that, till I--I just lost myself. And I said, "I'm wondering something."
He said, "What is it, sir?"
And I said, "I notice that some of that didn't go up."
78He said, "It's aluminum, and the magnet is not magnetized to the aluminum."
79I said, "I see." And he said... Then I said, "Well, you notice, there is a piece of iron laying across."
"But, you see, sir, it was bolted down."
80I said, "I see." And when he took it out, I said, "Now what happens, that out there?"
81Says, "It goes right back into the mill, poured out through the cupola, and comes right back and makes another wheel."
I said, "Praise the Lord!" That's it. See?
82 There is a great magnet setting in the sky, that God one day will touch His fingers to. No man knows the time He's Coming, not even the Angels of Heaven, doesn't know. God alone knows. But there has been some trimmings that's come off of the Bible, Bible Christians, believers for this hour. One of them might have been an axle back in another day. This might be some other part. It's going on to make the big regime of God. But it'll be molded into the pot of God's great cupola, and poured out again into the images of God. And just those who are magnetized to it will be taken up. Oh, how to... What a privilege it is, to know that there is something in the resurrection that's pertaining to us!
83 Now, notice, recognize the call of God's Word, which is a part of. And it's an eagle to an eagle. Now, if that mother would have screamed like a--a buzzard, he'd have never knowed it. He'd been just as well off in the barnyard. But it was the scream of an eagle. There was something inside that little fellow, that he knowed he was an eagle.
84And the same thing is with every true believer. When the preaching of God's Word comes forth, and is vindicated and proved that it's God's Word for this hour, then there's Something within the believer. I don't care how loyal his father was to a church, or how loyal his mother was, or his grandparents, and if the church is teaching contrary to this hour of the baptism of the Holy Ghost Message. There's something in him that screams out. He'll leave the barnyard. He's got to do it. The chicken might have been all right one day, but this is eagle hour. See? It--it's a different. There is something, that, he must leave the old coop and fly away into the blue. Then this earthly body is quickened and brought, by the quickening Spirit, to the obedience of God's Word.
85 Now, when this Holy Spirit, represented as the eagle flying over the land, and finds the believer. "No man can come to Me, no man can come to Me as he wants to. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, but no man can come by himself." It isn't your own thinking, your own drawing. It's God, drawing. See? "All the Father has given Me will come to Me."
86 Now, the Holy Spirit is here on earth, looking out those individuals that God has ordained to Life in this age. And as soon as It finds it, It does just like It did on Jesus Christ, the great super Son of God Who redeemed us all. It comes down and takes Its place of abode into the human life, now, notice, brought the quickening power. Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus quickened Him to manifest every promise of the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit that come upon us in this day, if it's not a mockery holy spirit, you're not the Devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but is the real, true Holy Spirit. It'll manifest the promise of this hour.
87When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. Fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour. When It fell upon Jesus, It manifest the promise of that hour. See?
88 It's the Holy Spirit coming down, to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the Rapture. Notice. That is, if he is a true eagle, he will understand the Message of the hour if he's a true eagle. Now, the little eagle probably, in the barnyard, was eating all right, but he--he knowed it wasn't just exactly right. But then when he heard the Truth, then he received this Truth. Now, in John 14...
89John 5:24, rather, Jesus said, speaking this way, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into the judgment, but is passed from death unto Life." Just think how simple that is, "He that believeth." Now, the correct way of saying that, "He that understandeth."
90 Now, you go out here on the street and say to this prostitute, "You believe?"
"You believe He's Son of God?"
"Been baptized?"
91Go down to the drunkard, say, "You hear That? Hear that preacher preach?"
"You believe That?"
"Sure." See?
92 But, "He that understandeth, he that knoweth his place in this hour, he that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath" (present tense) "Eternal Life. Shall not come into the Judgment, but has already passed from death unto Life." Then when this new Eternal Life dwells in you, It is the potential, or the earnestness of you being quickened from mortal to immortality.
93Let me say that again. When This Spirit has found you, the individual, and has come upon you, It is the potential of your Eternal inheritance that God thought of you and made for you before the foundation of the world. That is your potential.
94Like if you asked me for an oak tree, and I give you an acorn. Now, the--the--the life for the oak tree is in the acorn now, but you have to wait till it grows up.
95 So do we. When you receive the Holy Spirit of God, It's God's potential waiting upon you, that's already recognized you. And you're sealed by the Spirit of promise, of God, into the Body of Christ. When God looked down at Calvary and seen Jesus dying, He not... Oh! He died for His Bride, the Body, which is the Word Church, the Church that believes the Word of God for the age, whether it's feet, body, head, or wherever it is. See? It's... Christ was bleeding and dying. And God, looking upon Him, saw His resurrection, and the Church raised with Him on Easter.
96Now, I want you to get all this together, 'cause I got something here in a little bit, I want to say, the Lord willing.
97 Now notice. It's the earnest, or the potential, the quickening power of your resurrection, when you receive the Holy Spirit. Is then dwelling in you, the potential of it.
98Notice, you--you are now on your way, growing to the full resurrection. No tree just comes up overnight. It's got to grow, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of God. You are baptized into the Holy Spirit. Now, as the pentecostal Church, baptized into the Holy Spirit, It's begin growing. Limbs has died. They was pruning them off. But the Tree is still growing, is still going on, because It's got to come to the resurrection.
99They're led by the Spirit, to quicken the Word to you who is believers. The Word keeps quickening, as you come to first limb, second limb, third limb, on up. It just keeps quickening. The Spirit of God keeps quickening to you.
100 Notice that, Pentecost, their bodies were quickened by the new Life they received. That makes me feel religious. Think. Now, here was men, fishermen, tax collectors, the humble little women of... and just ordinary housewives, little virgin girls. They were believers. They were believing that this was the Truth. They believed that, when Jesus died. They believed on Him. And rose up again, from the dead; they believed that to be the absolutely testimony of God, that He had quickened Him to life.
101Now, they go up, to the Day of Pentecost, to receive their abstract. Do you know what an abstract is? Is when a deed has been cleared. They went up there to receive their abstract. And they become quickened, or what a thrill! They had bought the land; been bought for them. They had received it.
102Is it true or not? "We seen Him raise up, but now what about us? We are witnesses. We stood and seen the Man crucified. We seen the clouds come over the earth and darken the skies. And the--the earth quaked and shook; it had nervous prostration. Then when... They put Him in the grave. They speared Him in the heart, with the spear, and they took His body down and laid it in the grave of Joseph Arimathaea.
103And then they find out, that, on the third day, He raised up again. And as the disciple said, "We are witnesses of this. We seen Him raise up. We know He's alive."
104 Now what did that do? That took all the fear out. No wonder Jesus said, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive forevermore." See? It taken all the fear out, when they did that.
105Now, but when they went up to Pentecost, there they received the quickening power, the power that made them alive.
106Now there's where I think that, you Presbyterian and Methodist brethren, you do receive potentially on believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, but the abstract hasn't come yet. That's the clearing of the deed.
107 God gave Abraham a promise. Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. But He sealed the covenant by the seal of circumcision.
108And God gives you a promise, potentially, that you will receive it, and you're going to be raised up, this body is going to be glorified with Him at the end time. But, you see, you have to get a clearance on that deed. And the clearance is when everything against it has been stricken off, and you got the abstract to it. You've got the seal. It's yours. Everything is on it belongs to you. Amen.
109And when we believe on Jesus Christ for our Saviour, and repent and are baptized, and come up to believe Him; God recognizes our repentance and our faith towards Him, and sends down the abstract. And the abstract is the assurance. It's the guarantee that, everything was ever held against you, you thoroughly repented. Hallelujah! And the property is boughten, and you hold the abstract for the assurance.
110 Let somebody try to put you off the land, say he belongs, and you with the abstract in your hand. Let him try to do it. There ain't a law in the land can do it, because you hold the abstract.
111And there's no devil, no church, or any theology, that can overstep the boundaries of God's proof and abstract, that the baptism of the Holy Ghost has recognized us in Jesus Christ. We're just as sure to raise as He raised, because potentially we have already raised in Him. Amen.
112The old things. What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are Above. And the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do, is dead. It's beneath you.
113 And you are quickened. And this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition, already. Notice the pentecostal people up there, when they got quickened by the Holy Spirit. Listen to me. When those pentecostal group up there, on the Day of Pentecost, received their abstract deed from God, sure, it glorified their souls. They screamed. They saw tongues of Fire separated upon each of them. And it so quickened their body, till they couldn't even speak in an earthly language anymore. It quickened their body to a Heavenly language, the Place they're going to. Quickening power of God shook their mortal bodies so, till their entire mortal language was transfigured, transformed into an immortal language. What a quickening power! What? Something that belongs.
114"If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwells in your mortal bodies, It shall also quicken your mortal bodies." We are quickened then by the power of the living God.
115Tongues, quickened to a new Heavenly language, to speak to them; a rapturing up, raising up into a different atmosphere than what they had ever lived in. Also, with the new quickening Life to them, that come in them, It quickened their language. They spoke in new tongues. Oh, yes!
116 Now watch them. It also was designed to give them, after this abstract, it was designed to give them every promise that was on the grounds. Every promise on the grounds of God's Word, that was promised in the Bible, that quickening power was give to them, to quicken that promise to them. Therefore, they laid hands on the sick, they was healed. They spoke in new tongues. They done great signs and wonders, because that was in God's promise. And when Jesus died, to redeem that back to them, the grounds that belonged to sons of God, He demonstrated what God was.
117How dare we to socialize that and put it into an organization? We have no rights to do that.
118 It's the Holy Spirit, today, hunting out honest hearts that will believe that Message. Everything in the Bible, that was promised, is to that believer. And when you accept it in its fulness, and God knows that you'll do it, He gives you the abstract to that. And then every promise that's made is in your possession, and the Holy Spirit is there to quicken that to you. Oh, my! What--what kind of people should we be? How wonderful to see the God's great Holy Spirit here to do that power! Think of it. When, the Holy Ghost Itself, here to bear record of this hour. Jesus said so. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
How dare any man to wipe that out of There?
119 "The works that I do shall you do also," John 14:12. "These signs shall follow them that believe." That is the assurance. When we see a group of people setting together, and those signs manifesting themselves, that's the assurance that the abstract is there to vindicate that that's property of God. Amen.
120So, we are Easter, also. Amen. We are now in our Easter. We've already raised, hallelujah, from the things of the world, to the things of God's promise. Not we will; we are. It's the potentials.
121 It's God's promise. He'd pour out His Spirit in the last days, and that's what they would do. Notice, laid their hands on the sick; everything that was in God's promise. "I shall pour out My Spirit in the last days, upon all flesh. Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions." And all these different promises that He made, everything is laying right there in God's promise. Jesus redeemed it to us. And when we become...
122Or, we, if we are ordained on that ground, if we are ordained to be on that ground; like the eagle walking in the chicken's nest. If you're ordained on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to find you. And when It finds you, you recognize Its call. You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen. Quickly you're raptured up to meet It, and now you're setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise! What a Heavenly Father, Who would give us these things!
123 The Spirit quickens their fellowship with God, so that they call the dead back to life, in that day. They laid their bodies upon the dead; they come to life. Listen closely. They done the same things that Jesus did because the same Spirit, was upon Him, was upon them. If one Spirit makes a man act this way, it makes the other one act that way. If one...
124How can This come upon, say he's got the Spirit of God, and deny the works of God? Cannot do it.
125 Notice. God's Life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say it real quietly now. The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to the promise of God. See? It does it. Look. And I'm trying to show you the--the... and let you realize that I'm speaking now of the Church, and also quickened to Life, in Him.
126Although, they only was His attributes, to begin with. But if God said, "In this day," back in the beginning, "John Doe will be My servant," millions of years ago. Now, John Doe is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, because he's a mortal. But, maybe, he gets a little religious feeling. He'll go join a church. Maybe he'll join Pentecostal church. Don't know. He might join anything. But let him get under the atmosphere of God, once. See? John Doe is bound to recognize Who his Father is, just as that eagle recognized who the mother was. It's got to realize it. See? Only, that John Doe is God's attribute that's become a word, spoken, and then the Holy Spirit seeks that word out. Here it is. He calls him, gives him everlasting Life, and brings him into the Presence of God, God's Word.
127 Look. God had the same when He saw Jesus. It was the--it was the finished work that God finished with Jesus, when He said, "It's finished." All the plan was finished.
128And when the Spirit of God comes upon you, and you truly are one of God's attributes that He spoken of. Now, if you're not, you'll wonder and flusterate, and run here and there, and everything else, and never come to the knowledge of the Truth. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] If you are one of those, the old things pass away right quick, see, and you become new, and the plan of salvation is finished. You're ready to obey every Word that God ever spoke of you, see, for you to do. You're submissive to His Word. The contract, exactly, the abstract to the contract, the title deed belongs to you. The debts are all paid. It's all struck off, and as it was at the Day of Pentecost.
129 Now let us notice the quickening, this quickening Spirit on other people.
130Now, I told you I wouldn't speak very long, and I just got twenty minutes to keep my word, if I do that, notice, to keep in what time I said, about--about an hour.
Notice now this quickening power. That only comes...
131 Now, there's a lot of mockery of It. There is a lot of people that really think they got It, when they haven't. Lot of people do it because they have got some false impression of what they seen other Christians do. Satan can impersonate any of that. We know that. And as missionaries, you can see it impersonated: shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues, all these things. You can see it impersonated anywhere. Absolutely. Amongst heathens and people who deny there is such a thing as Jesus Christ being the Son of God. See? And they do all those things, themself.
132But the real, true quickening Spirit that comes to a believer, quickens him to God's Word, that's back to eagle Food again, right back to where he lives. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
133 Let us now notice this quickening Spirit as It come upon other people, like It did on--on the Day of Pentecost.
134Let's notice Pentecost, how they acted, and see if they were quickened by this quickening power that we're talking about. On the Day of Pentecost, they were all waiting up there. In themselves, they were afraid. The Jews, just what they were going to do, so they got scared. But what happened? When this quickening power fell from Heaven, there was a bravery set upon them. There was something, an understanding, where they wasn't too sure of it a few hours before. They knowed He had--He had died.
135They know He had risen. They had talked to Him on the way. "But was that thing for them, or was it just for then, for Jesus Himself?"
136But here on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the abstract fell upon the believers. That made them part of His resurrection, made him part of His fellowship. The Holy Spirit came and confirmed to them that they would be raised up, because they were potentially raised then, from cowards to brave men.
137 They were--they were afraid of the very Word that they had thought. Don't let this pass over you. They were afraid. They knowed that He was that Word.
138Even the Jews had to admit it. Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know that You're a teacher that come from God. No man could do the things you do except God be with Him. Now, we know that. We recognize that."
139So the disciples... Peter had even sworn in His Presence. All of them had forsaken Him at the crucifixion.
140But here they are now up in this upper room, in the Presence of God. Then, all of a sudden, here come this Holy Spirit down from Heaven, and It quickened them. And the quickening took place, they wasn't afraid to make a witness of the Message that they believed and knowed to be the Truth. Otherwise, they were afraid of It.
141 How many Presbyterians, how many Methodists, how many Baptists, in the world today, how many Pentecostals, that knows the Truth and afraid to make a stand on the It? I'm persuaded to wonder, what was that fell on you? Are you a part of His resurrection? Would you dare scream off for some man's theory and idea? Or, have you got the real boldness and the--the real manhood it takes, to stand out and call right "right," and wrong "wrong"? Are you a part of His resurrection, or are you a worshiper of a bunch of creeds? Are you a goer to church, do you have your name on there, and dead in sin and trespasses?
He that believes not the full Word of God is a sinner.
142 Those Pharisees believed in many things, to be the Truth. They said, "We are God's children." And they were, until that Word was preached. But when that Word was preached and vindicated, then they become sinners, for rejecting the Thing that they knowed was right, and witnessed that. "We know Thou art a teacher come from God, for no man could do the things that You do without God being with You."
143 I wonder today, where we at? I ask you. Where is this resurrection finding us? Are you dare to step out? Are you dare to take God at His Word? If you're ordained to Life, you sure will do it. If you're an eagle, you can't help doing it, there is Something in you. Or, do you want just serve a creed somewhere, say, "I go to church. I'm just as good as you are"? See? If you hold no birthrights, you'll never see it, you can't see it. But if you do hold the possession of this birthright, you can't help from seeing it, because it's part of you and you're a part of it.
144How could I deny the mother that give me birth? How could I deny the father, that his own blood is in me? How could I deny Charles Branham from being my father? I could not do it. I'm willing to stand his reproach or anything else, because I am his son. Hallelujah!
145Then being a son of God, and He was the Word of God, how can I deny that Bible being Truth, that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever? And seeing the hour that we're living in, we need an Easter in the church. Resurrection! We need a resurrection, to power faith, men and women to stand out for that which is God's vindicated Word.
146 Say, "Well, we having our Youth for Christ." That's all right. "Our church is having a meeting. We want so many members." Nothing against that. That's all right. But that's only the atmosphere. That might be an old hen's feathers. But if you'll get in the right atmosphere there, it'll hatch eagle if you're an eagle egg. And if you were foreordained of God to see it, you can't help from seeing it, you're coming forth in a resurrection. That's the way the Baptist was born, that's the way the Methodist was born, in a resurrection of that day, but they turned off to a hen instead of an eagle.
147 As I said not long ago, going down from Tucson. I watched a very strange thing. I seen a hawk setting on the wire down there. That hawk has long lost its identification. It used to be a bird next to the eagle. It could not follow the eagle; no, by no means. Nothing can follow an eagle. But he was a hawk.
148Christ is the Eagle, and the church should at least be a hawk. They can fly higher than any other rest the birds. But that hawk has become soft. It's lost its identification. He sets on the telephone wires and waits for some dead rabbit. He hops like a vulture, in the stead of flying like a hawk.
149 Oh, my brother, sister, you Pentecostal people, which is my own dear people! The church is losing its identification. It's coming down and depending on some dead formal creed, instead of flying in the Heavenlies, yonder, for fresh manna.
150A hawk used to hunt his own manna, but today he takes what the automobiles run over and what the vultures eat. He hops like one. He looks like one.
151We so adorned ourselves in the modern world, our women cutting their hair, and wearing shorts, our men with not enough backbone to stand in the pulpit and tell the truth. We've long got soft on the Word.
152O God, send the Holy Ghost and look out them eagles somewhere, that's ready to stand yonder, no matter what takes place, that'll soar into the unknown, not set on the telephone wires and look for some Sunday school literature to come in. Let me have the Word, and in the freshness of the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. We need an Easter, a resurrection that's potentials. My friend, if you're satisfied with such a carrion of the world, there's something wrong.
153 My sister, my brother, let me say to you, this, in godly fear, knowing that I may never live to see an Easter again. But there's one thing sure, when a genuine foreordained son of God, by the Word of God, hears that Voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials, that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was, the Bride will meet the Groom. She's a part of His Body.
154 Notice, long have we, we're losing our identifications. We come on Wednesday night, some of us. Others stay home to watch Who Loves Susie, televisions, all kinds of worldly things, all kinds of entertainments, to keep you away from church. Long have we lost it.
155Our seminaries, our schools, are putting out a bunch of rickies with a whole lot of theology, and--and entertainment and everything in the church, to take the place of the prayer meeting. We've took dress and try to fulfill what the modernist try to do, bring them in. You'll never win them by that. They got more of that than you have. You ain't got no business on your ground... on their ground. Let them come over on yours, where the real baptism is shining, where the real power of the resurrection. Don't try to build a church like theirs. Don't try to have a pastor like that. Don't try to do this other, or cooperate with the world. They shine with Hollywood.
156 The real Gospel glows with power. Eagles hear that. They don't look for a shine. They look for a glow. Glowing with humility, glowing with love, glowing with power, that's what the real eagle hunts. You can't scratch in a barnyard and please him. He'll never be able to do it. You'll never tell it to him, because he don't believe it.
157Let that Voice scream from the Heaven, "I am He that was dead, and alive again." Something takes place. "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out of Myself upon all's flesh." Glory to God! "I'll quicken your mortal language. I'll quicken your mortal tongues. I'll give you the evidence that I'm going to bring you in the resurrection with Me." Hungry-hearted eagles reach for that just as hard as they can. It's the Pearl of great price, that they sell everything else, to go buy. Amen.
158God help us, friend. Our churches are losing their identification.
Let's quickly now go to some.
159 Watch the action of those disciples, a scared. They knowed Jesus was the Truth, but, you see, It was against the popular idea, the popular religion of the hour, the most strictest religion, Sar-... Pharisees, Sadducees, and so forth, their cults, clans, and denominations. They were--they were against That, "Heresy." But Jesus was the identified Word.
160And Jesus is the Holy Ghost, in Spirit. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. You shall see Me," not the body; the Life that was in Him. God is upon the Church, to call sons like He did then, obedient.
161"I always do that which is pleasing to My Father. Which one of you can accuse Me of Sin?" Other words, sin is "unbelief." "What has the Word said about Me, that I haven't done?" There it is. "Show Me what the Word said that I'd do, that I didn't do. Which one can accuse Me? Which one can lay your fingers on Me, and say that I haven't fulfilled My Father's Word?" Oh, when the Pentecostal church gets to that spot! "Who can accuse Me of unbelief?"
162 Oh, Christians, be identified not as a hawk, but an eagle. That hawk is soft, it'll come down. You never see an eagle doing that. He'll never do that. He hunts his own food, out of the blue. God's prepared him so he can see it. He gets fresh manna, not something that's dead.
163In the Hebrews, when they crossed through the wilderness, they eat, tried to eat dead manna. It had become stagnant. It had--it had wiggletails in it. You know what we mean. It's just contaminated, rotten. Maggots is in it.
164Why would I eat a food that had been dead years ago? It might be in form and shape, but it isn't fresh. We got to get food every generation, new. So does the eagle look for that food, every generation, as we're in our journey. Notice.
165 Now let's take some people again. Let's take some of the Old Testament prophets, see what they did.
166Let's look first at Stephens, how Stephens in the midst of that Sanhedrin Council. When that council brought him up there, that great assembly of believers there, or supposed to be believers, brought him up and tried to condemn him. "Why," he said, "you stiffnecks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost." That's that Eternal Life. "As your fathers did it back yonder through the prophets, so are you doing it today." And they gnashed upon him with their teeth. They didn't want to hear that. He was against their creed. He was against their denomination. And they stoned the man to death. And he raised his hands up, looked towards Heaven, say, "I see heavens open, and Jesus standing at the right side." Why? He had the resurrection, quickening power in him, that took him into the bosoms of Jesus.
167 Notice, quickly now. Look at Philip, down there in a great revival. Having a revival where it had been daresn't for any man, why, if he had got a big cooperation amongst the churches and everything down there. Was having a great revival. And the quickening power of God spoke to him, said, "Stephen..." May It said this, "You're having a great revival, but I got one man I want you to talk to."
168And Stephen is obedient, no matter what it is, how much criticism. "Oh, Stephen's, you can't leave."
"But, I can. God said so."
169And he went out into the desert, and out there he found this eunuch. And what happened? He said, "Has... If thou believest with all thy heart, that Jesus is the Son of God, I'll baptize you." When he baptized him...
170Look. He was quickened by this quickening power, to leave a revival of thousands of people, to go out into the desert, to one man. Oh, that would be against all reasons. See? "Why, there's ten thousand wanting you here." But there's one wanting, out there. See? And the quickening power sent him to God's provided place. Hallelujah!
171 Men and women, It'll make you stand to your feet. It'll make you do the things that God wants you to do. I don't care what somebody else says about it. The neighbor say, "Oh, that person has lost their mind. Pray all night; they read the Bible." I don't care what they say. It's what God called you to do. That's right. "Oh, they say we can't have these old fashion, Pentecostal revivals." Oh, yes, we can, too. You can have it in yourself. And you are the majority, in God, no matter what the rest of them think.
172 Notice, after, in obedience. Listen close now. After obeying God, to His Word, when he fulfilled his mission, that quickening power that he received at Pentecost caught him away, quickened his body. Miles and miles away, he was taken in the Spirit, and was found over in another country somewhere. Quickening power of God! And if we be pentecostals, "That same power that raised up Jesus from the dead, if It dwells in your mortal bodies." See? All right. Notice.
173 Let's take another man with this quickening power. There was a man way long ago, by the name of Enoch. When a new thing come along, when something come along and said, "Well, now we have to go back to the old school, or this, that, or the other," Enoch walked with God. Whatever God said do, Enoch never missed one word. He walked with God. What was he? He was a son of God. He was an eagle that had been called to that day.
174 And when come time, he was so full of that quickening power! Remember, he had walked five hundred years, or more, before God, and not one time had he missed His Word. Not one time did he misbehave himself. Not one time did he do but kept the testimony. Everything that God told him to do, he went and done it. No argument about it, he just went and done it. No matter what anybody else thought, he went and done it. Why? He was full of that quickening power. And when it come time for the old man to die, God just sent down the ladder and he walked up Home. He quickened him, and took his mortal body up in a rapture. Amen. That's that quickening power.
175 Look at Elijah, after his work was finished on earth. He was so full of that quickening power, he condemned them Jackie Kennedy haircuts in his day. He had told old Jezebel what he thought of her. He told them preachers and priests what was right and wrong, and they didn't believe him. But he condemned them painted-faced women and things, so bad. And he so full of that quickening power till nothing could harm him. God had fed him from the heavens, took him out and set him aside. He was so full of quickening power, come time to die, the Jordan opened up, and he just walked, sent down a chariot and took him up Home, so full of that quickening power. He become a true, genuine son of God. Yeah.
176 Notice, he had a successor, and his name was Elisha. And Elisha had a double portion, this quicken power. See? He had a double portion of it. Now, he preached for about eighty years, or he was about eighty years old. He took sick and died. Now, he didn't get to go Home like Elijah did. See? Both of them is represented there in the Church; some saints go, and some resting. But notice when Elijah was taken up in the rapture; then Elisha went to sleep, in God, full of quickening power. Look at his prophecy just before he died. See?
177 Now, let me show you. I don't care if you're dead, or where you're at, that quickening power never leaves. Years and years after his death, his meat had rotted away, the skin worms had eat it up. But they were packing a dead man, one day, throwed him in on that bones, and there was so much quickening power there till the man come back to life again. Hallelujah! Raised him up from the dead, because that quickening power that was upon that saint of God, never left him, stayed right on those bones.
178 Oh, remember, we are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bones, if we are His Bride. Death won't bother that quickening power at all. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Glory to God! What a... I don't know what I say. What a hope for an old man like me, knowing I see my end time right out yonder soon, as fifty-six years old.
179Since a little bitty boy, I've stood here. I'm trying to proclaim This. But I know, That in me, nothing good that I have, nothing I've done. But in me is that quickening power that quickened me one day from the things of the world, as a young man, unto Eternal Life. Oh, the things that's happened! I've seen visions, foretold things. He never let nothing fail yet. I've spoke in other tongues. I've prophesied. I've done those things by the Spirit of God that dwelt in me. That's quickening power. I know that someday...
180 My Redeemer is living now. And someday when He comes, these bones shall rise again, to go to meet Him in the air. You may bury me in the sea, burn it up, wherever you want to. That quickening power is Eternal. Whew! I feel the Easter right now. Yes, sir. I've had it for years. It's in me.
181It's in you. If, you, the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in your mortal bodies, It's quickened you from the things of the world, to the Word of God only. It's quickened you from this life to Life Eternal. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses has now been quickened together, to set in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, feasting on Manna from Above, seeing the hand of God made manifested, prove the promise of this day.
182 "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. They were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marrying. And as it was in the days of Lot, so will it be in the hours that the Son of man will be revealed on earth," not Son of God, no more. "Son of man," come back as the prophetic Message for the last day when that eagle will be flying; not the lion; not the ox in the sacrifice age. See?
183Every time, a religious power went forth to meet the challenge of the political power of the world. When the lion raised up, the religious power, it went to meet the Roman power.
184And then when come the sacrifice hour, the ox went, because he's the sacrifice Beast of the Lord.
185Then come the reformers, down through the church ages, come the face of a man. And the reformers had been since Luther, Wesley, oh, Calvin, on down, down, pentecostal age.
186But in the last Message that went forth, there came a flying eagle. It's eagle time, reveal time, the Word of God made manifest, the Word of God proved. Oh, children, walk into this baptism of the Holy Spirit. Come in and believe It, with all your heart, God will fill you.
187 Looky here now. We find now, remember, "We are flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone." As God raised His bones and flesh out of the grave, they cannot hide the man that has the potentials. Death cannot take him. Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. I'll raise them up at the last day." Oh, my! Easter! Why, we're right in Easter. When He raised, we raised with Him. He sent the abstract back. We hold it, as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. "He is alive forevermore; the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 proves that. He's the same.
188 His messianic, anointed ones believe that. What is the messiah? What is the messiah? Messiah is "anointed One." And now if He was the Messiah, by being the anointed One for that day, to fulfill the Word of God, to be the Redeemer and the anointed One, and God raised up that body; His Bride is the anointed one for this day. It's already raised with Him in the resurrection, because, "These two are one." Amen.
189I--I wish I could tell it the way I see it. I wish I had the education I could do it with. See? I--I hope you see it. I hope, God, the Holy Ghost comes down there and puts that in your heart, to see what I mean.
190 The resurrection, we are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life.
191Not those who do not have Life. They won't know It. They'll never know It. They'll go right on thinking they're getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and the Rapture will done be over with and gone. Said, "Elias has already come, and they did that way, and you knew it not." See?
192 Notice. Death does not stop the quickening power of God. Notice. Death can't stop it.
193You say, "Well, my mother was a Spirit-filled woman. My daddy, I never seen a man so full of the power as my daddy. But he died, Brother Branham." Sure. That didn't stop the quickening power.
194Moses had that quickening power. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There never was a man like him on the earth, until Jesus. For he didn't only see visions, he talked face-to-face with God.
195Even a prophetess, Miriam, disputed his word one day. He said, "Don't you fear God? Consider my servant, Moses. There's not nobody in the world like him, this hour. There's never been anybody like Moses. I speak to Moses. What did he ever say, that wasn't truth? See? I speak to Moses. Don't you fear God? Don't you say a word against him." And right then she was stricken with leprosy and--and was dying. She didn't live very long, afterwards. Moses prayed for her.
196 And Moses climbed up on the mountain, at a hundred and twenty years of ministry, or eighty years of ministry; hundred and twenty years of life, climbed up on the mountains and died, and was buried in the valley. But that quickening power was on him. About eight hundred years later, here he is, standing on Mount Transfiguration. Amen. What was he? He was included in that resurrection. Sure, he was. He had the quickening power of God. Here he was, standing.
197 Look at Job, Abraham, Isaac, the saints on the day of the resurrection, that great morning that Job and all of them knew that would come. When, he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth," hundreds and hundreds of years before Christ. It's, actually, Book of Job was wrote before Genesis, they claim, the oldest Book in the Bible.
198And in his trials, and like we go through now. And his wife, even, the closest thing to him on earth, said, "Won't you curse God and die the death?"
199He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord."
200And then when the Spirit of God come upon him, and he begin to prophesy, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." And he made a place to bury himself. He said, "We'll buy this ground." He bought there and buried hisself.
201 Later on, come a man named Abraham. The church growing, coming on up. Abraham, well, now, he had the potentials of God, too, everlasting Life, Eternal, because God called him. Now notice. When he died, or Sarah died, he bought a piece of ground in Palestine, near Job's grave, and buried Sarah. Abraham died and also was buried with Sarah. Abraham begot--begot Isaac.
202And Isaac, when he died, he slept with Abraham, in the same parcel of ground. Now, when, Isaac begot Jacob.
203Jacob died, way down in Egypt. But being a prophet, now, with this potential, this quickening power, he said, "Don't you bury me down here, Joseph. Come here, my prophet son. Put your hand upon this hip that God crippled. Swear to the God of Heaven you'll not bury me down here." What was in that man? Why wasn't Egypt just as good as any place? He was a prophet. He know where that resurrection was going to be. Wasn't going to be in Egypt; would be in Palestine. Said, "Put your hands upon my crippled hip, and you swear by the God that I've served. You're my prophet son, that, you'll not bury my bones down here. Take me up yonder and bury me."
204 Joseph, being a prophet, also, laid his hands upon his crippled daddy. Said, "I swear by the God of Abraham, Isaac, of Jacob, I'll not bury you here." They took him and buried him in that land. Why? Why?
205When Joseph died, he said, "Don't you bury me down here. Don't bury me down here." Why? God is God everywhere, but He has a plan. Joseph was a prophet. He said, "Someday," listen, his words, "the Lord God will re-vis-... will visit you, and will take you out of this land. And when you go, you take my bones."
206That quickening power was in them bones. Oh! "If the Spirit of Him that raised up Christ from the dead, dwell in you, He'll also quicken your mortal bodies."
207"Don't put my bones down here. Bury them up there with those of the promise."
208 When Jesus come, here, I got a Scripture here, Matthew 27:51. When Jesus raised from the dead, Job seen that coming, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. The last days, He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms has destroyed this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God. I'll see Him." They knowed. That was a prophet. Abraham was a prophet. Isaac was a prophet. Jacob was a prophet. Joseph was a prophet. And they had the revelation of God, according to His Word. On that Easter morning, when that One came and redeemed all those who had believed on Him, they raised, too, according to the Bible.
209 That quickening power come into the grave of Job, where there wasn't even a spoonful of the dust of his bones left. After all those hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years, his bones had decayed. It--it went back, and turned back to the gases of the earth, and just a mere ash dust laid there. But, yet, when that quickening power, according to the Word of God, to the promise, hundreds and hundreds, yes, thousands of years later, when that quickening power was brought forth from the grave; Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all of them, come out of the grave with Him.
210The Bible said so. Saint Matthew, the 27th chapter and the 51st verse, it said, "Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, resurrected and come out of the graves with Him, when He come up on Easter morning." Why? They had that potential. They had that quickening power, see, and raised up from the dead, and went with Him in the resurrection. Enjoyed the resurrection with Him, because they were full of that quickening power. They had that genuine Easter seal.
"Well," you say, "I wish I lived back in the Old Testament."
211Wait a minute. In First Thessal-... Thessalonians, the 4th chapter, the 16th verse, I want you to read that. "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that sleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again the third day," not make-belief, but we believe it, "even so them that sleep in Him shall God bring with Him."
212The New Testament saints with that quickening power, shall resurrect, also, at His second Coming; just as sure as the Old Testament saints with all that quickening power upon their bones, and translations and powers, and so forth, that showed of God. Them prophets who the Word of God came to, they resurrected with Him on that resurrection morning; and with the promise of God that every one that's in Christ Jesus will also come with Him in His resurrection, the quickening power of God upon the bones.
213 No wonder, we lay hands on the sick. No wonder, we love one another. We are brothers and sisters. We shouldn't hate one another because we're corrected by the Word of God. We should love another, and have respects for one another. You know, if you don't, it won't help you.
214 There's a little fellow setting right here, that, under this church now. A few days ago... That man believes. Little old boy had a cancer on his ear, and he wouldn't say nothing about it. He was working up there at the house. I had been on a hunting trip with him, up there at the Moseley brothers, and Brother Dawson here. We was up here a hunting, Brother William's son. And I happened to look over on his ear. I seen his ear all swelled up. I said, "What's the matter, Donavon, that ear?"
215He said, "Brother Branham, it's been on a long time. I don't know."
216I just--just caught him by the hand there. That was a big cancer on his ear. Never said one word; just held it, and thought, "My brother!" In a day or two after that, there wasn't even a scar left of it. It was his respect in the God of Heaven, by His quickening power, killed that cancer and spared the life of Donavon Weerts back there. That's right.
217 What is these things? Look here, people here in Phoenix. Look at you people who has believed in this. Look at the people who has this, that lays their hands upon you. Watch what happens. It's quickening power. "These signs shall follow them that believe." If they lay their hands on the sick, that quickening power, eagle to eagle, something is going to take place. Now, a eagle to a buzzard, won't work. Eagle to eagle, raises from the barnyard, to the Heavenlies. "These signs shall follow them that believe," when they're both in beliefs.
218 See that same quickening power of God represented in these two prophets, Elijah and Elisha. Notice, same word; one of them is catch up, the other one is caught up. Catch up and caught up. See? He was caught up. We'll be catch up; catch up with them, meet them in the air. "Be caught up to meet them in the air."
219Notice, a bird has to have two wings, to balance hisself. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Elijah was the translating wing, Elijah. Elisha was a resurrection wing. See? Both of them, together, representing the saints that are living and the saints that are gone on.
220Remember, quickened to see the past, the curtains. How these people were quickened back there to look past the curtain and see down in this time; those prophets!
221 Look at Paul, said in the last days how these people would be, act and call themselves Christians. He was a prophet, full of the quickening power, foresaw it come to pass. We believe that. Don't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He received quickening power.
222Look at the quickening power today, foretelling things, without one event missing. Not one time does it fail. Quickening power; not the power of a man; the power of God. The power, the abstract of Easter, the resurrected Jesus that sent back the abstract, to guarantee us that we're already quickened with Him.
223 Notice. You remember the little book, the Business Men here, Looking A Past The Curtain Of Time? I begin to get older, knowing my days are getting shorter. I get real...
224I play that little piece that them ladies sang a while ago. I've had it for about eighteen, twenty years now. I Want To Talk It Over, Lord. And get out there and go to praying, then that quickening power comes. I'm rest up. I looked up There. I say, "Looky yonder."
225I remember that morning, being caught a past. And my wife, sitting back there, laying on the same bed with me that morning. I was raised up, and looked up. And there she is, asleep. I said, "If I'm going to do anything for the Lord, you better hurry up, boy. You're past fifty." Then the Holy Spirit caught me away, and I looked over There. I seen those saints, just as certain I'm standing here by this desk, with this sacred Book laying here, and a minister of the Gospel.
226 Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Yeah. I want you tell me about it. Every time, has it been perfectly, at the platform? Every time, has it happened just like He said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] This was THUS SAITH THE LORD.
227I stood there, looked over that time. I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women, run, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I look right back and see myself laying on the bed. "O Lord, let me look a past the curtain of time."
228What is it? It's quickening power that will catch us away. That great quickening power. The quickening power come in this last days.
229 That's what I'm in Arizona for, right now. There's many people sitting right here, stood right here at Phoenix, and heard me tell you from this very platform, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." How many remembers it? "Now go. Something is fixing to happen."
230I saw seven Angels come. Didn't Life magazine pack it, as the fog of It floated across here, twenty-seven miles high, and thirty miles across? Is not Fred Sothmann, these other, Gene Norman, them, setting back there? Stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill. It shook the hills, for miles around, like that. There stood seven Angels. And throwed a sword in your hand, said, "Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given." And here they are, the true mystery of marriage and divorce, and the serpent's seed, and all of these things that's been fussed about. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
231What is it? The quickening power coming to the Church, making Her ready, this hour that we're approaching. Quickening power!
O God, help us to receive It. Help us to believe It.
232See, just depends on what attitude you take to It, whether It's going to do you any good, or not, though. See? You have to believe That. You don't believe It, It won't do you one bit of good.
233 How old Samuel stood there before that people, and said, "Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Did I ever beg you for your money, to live on?"
"No, but we want the king, anyhow."
234That's the way the church is today. They want their own ideas. They won't pay a bit attention to you. They walk right around. Well, it just goes to show, the quickening power is not there.
235"Oh," you say, "I spoke in tongues. I jumped and I shouted." That's all fine.
236But if that quickening power is there, you'll recognize. Like that little eagle; that's his mama. That's the Word. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's what God promised. That's what was foretold. That's exactly what happened. We're beyond any shadow of doubt, potentially in the resurrection right now, the saints getting ready to be taken up in the air.
237 So, Jesus, so full of this quickening power, said, "If you can destroy this temple; that took you forty years, you thought, to build; I'll raise it up in three days."
238Why? Why could Jesus say that? Want to ask you. Why could Jesus say a thing like that? He knew That He was. Amen. I wish I could make that stick. He knew Who He was. He knew that, every Word, God had wrote in there of Him, He had fulfilled it. He knew He was the One David spoke of.
239Do you know you're the ones the Bible speaks of? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you know your position is in Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you know this Word is just like everyday living, to you? Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle. That's your Food.
240 He knew that, by the power of God, He would do it, because it was prophesied He would do it. That's the reason He wasn't scared to say, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up in three days, because David said, 'I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption.'" He knowed not one cell of His body would corrupt. And it corrupts in seventy-two hours. He said, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up again, and in three days." Why? He was so full of that quickening power that quickened every Word. He looked back and seen every Word God wrote of Him, and prophet said He fulfilled it. He knowed that would be fulfilled, too.
241 Now, every Word that God said, has your spirit said "amen" to It, It's been fulfilled in your life, as a believer?
242Do you hold back on something, say, "Well, my church teaches different"? Then be careful, hawk.
243Notice. Eagles believe. There no question, to them. They believe It. Notice.
244 Now, He knew it would happen because the Word said It was. And every Word wrote of Him had to be fulfilled. He knew that It was written by the power of God, by the holy prophets that had prophesied that He would do so.
245And prophecy never fails. It cannot. The Word of God can't fail. And it is written in the... by the Spirit that... And now, also, the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, if It dwells in your being, your body, It will also quicken your mortal body. Then, shoot it, burn it, do anything you want to, make fun of it, tear it down, turn it down, do what you want to. God will raise it up, for He said He would. And every saint of God has that promise in him, knows that that's the Truth. So, fear not, brother, we already in the Easter.
246 Look now at transfiguration, just before we close. Transfigure, transfiguration, we are all represented there in transfiguration. Look what we are seeing today. Notice just what we're seeing today, the quickening power of God. We was all there. There was the dead saints, represented in Moses; there was the resurrection; and Jesus Christ glorified. Elisha... Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, all standing on the mountain; the dead saints, the raptured saints; and Jesus glorified. Oh, my!
247 Well, you say... I heard a guy say. They'll say, "You people, why, if you had this kind of power, you ought to go out and tell people what you can do." Far be it from a real Christian, saying a thing like that. See? Surely, we don't claim no power. To...
248But we do one thing. When they looked around, with all this power upon them, "They saw Jesus only." And the real, true believer don't care whether he's backing up a denomination, or nothing about it. He only wants one thing, for you to see that glorified Christ, makes any difference. A real, true Mount Transfiguration experience only glorifies Jesus Christ. It didn't glorify Moses, didn't glorify Elijah, didn't glorify themselves, didn't glorify nothing else, but they seen the glorified Christ. And any true believer, that's what's in his heart, to glorify Jesus Christ. That's what he's trying, get the people to see.
249Not say, "Well, if you come join our groups, if you come do this or do that." Oh, don't do that. Don't do that.
250See God's Word, which is Christ, magnified; and fulfill the promise of this day, in this great hour of resurrection. Notice. And it gives them joy, to know that we are with Him, a flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bones. What a joy! That's the only thing that a real believer cares about.
251 They don't care about a denomination. They don't care about an organization. They don't care about what the other women think. They don't care. Certainly not. They won't do these things that the... these other women do. They... These men won't do them things. They won't hang and baby around with some organization, keep from being putting out, and afraid they won't have a meal ticket. They don't care about them things. It's nonsense to them.
252There's only one heart's desire, that is, to see Jesus Christ glorified. Their conduct must be with God. It must absolutely, nothing else, but just the glory of Jesus Christ. And what is Jesus? The Word. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, notice, and seeing His same vindicated method, proving His resurrection. Now what is it? Seeing your life, by His promised Word that He said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," proving that He's still alive.
253 I don't care if every door in the country is closed to me. That, I'm... As I said, I was fifty-six, other day. I could be snapped out. I'm at the heart attack age. I'm in all this other age, and everything else. Well, what difference? It didn't make any difference to me when I was a kid. It don't make any difference now, what hour my number is called, and my card out of the rack. I don't care if they ever knowed I ever lived on the earth. It don't make me no difference. They don't have to have no big monuments and big buildings to say that I was here on earth.
254 Only one thing I want them to know, know that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And in my heart I hold His abstract. And I know that someday... Although, I may be drowned in the sea. I may be killed in Africa. Don't know what will happen to me. But one thing I know, I hold the abstract. Hallelujah! Every door can be closed. That don't make a bit of difference to me. I'm not trying to glorify some man or some organization, nor myself, or none of the groups, or nothing else. I want people to see Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and His Spirit lives. "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
255 No wonder, Jesus said, "Fear not. I am He that was dead, but I'm alive forevermore."
256"For now we are redeemed by Him, and are risen with Him, and are now (not will be) setting in Heavenly places in Him." Now, when we have this Spirit in us, the abstract, shows that all of the doubts has been stricken off. What? Christ lives. Not I live; not me. "Christ lives in me." Not you live, but Christ lives in you. Because, His living Word lives in you, showing that all the accounts of all your Methodist, and Baptist, and Pentecostal ideas, everything else, was stricken off. And Jesus Christ...
257 Like on Mount Transfiguration, all the prophets and everything else is finished. All the days of the Lutheran, the Methodist, the Presbyterian, they're all right, but, "This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him," the Word of this hour, the hour of the Seals. When, all the mysteries back yonder, that's been hid all these years, them is that great pyramid of time was stricken off, the headstone, make it honed down so that the star of David will settle into Its place. And the great Church of the living God will be raised like the wings of an eagle, packed out yonder into Glory. Yes.
258In now, in now, in our bodies: with speaking with new tongues; with prophesying, and foreseeing; laying hands on the sick, and they recover; the world, dead, and all the things of the world. We've passed from death unto Life, and we now hold the power. Hallelujah!
On that resurrection morning,
When death's seals will be broken,
We shall rise, (Hallelujah!) we shall rise. (Amen!)
259 There ain't enough devils in hell to keep us from doing it. We were foreordained of God for this hour. The Word of God manifests Itself right through us. And we live in the Presence of God, by the Word promise of God. Ain't a devil in hell can keep me from raising. Ain't a door he could shut in my face, at that morning. The seals have been broken. Hallelujah!
260I'm free. I'm an eagle. I'm no longer in a cage, but I'm free. I've raised from the dead, into the new Life of Jesus Christ. Not only me, but every man, women, boy or girl setting here, that's been filled into that Spirit of God, is a new creature in Christ. And you are a eagle.
261 We are alive, today, and enjoy the resurrection forevermore. Because He lives, we are alive, also. And He's living us, making us alive. And the Spirit that raised Him from the dead, dwelling in our being, shall quicken our mortal bodies, at that great Eternal Easter. Glory to God!
262Oh, take the world, take anything you want to, but give me Jesus. Amen. I love Him. He's all the world, to me.
263And because that you are a part of Him, I am a part of you, and you are a part of me. And, together, we're a part of Him.
264 Oh, Christian, what an opportunity we have! We have opportunities that Saint Paul never dreamed of having. We have opportunities that Enoch, and Elijah, and all them never had, the opportunities we have now.
265And there's one little sheep out yonder somewhere, and He'll not be satisfied till that one comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm returning across the sea. That last little sheep may be a black one down there, for all I know, where they don't even think they got a soul. But God knows different. I'm going to seek till the last day of my life, to find that one, wherever it is.
266 I hope I never have offended any of my brethren by saying these strict things. I... Not as I don't want you to go to church. Sure, I want you go to church. You go to church wherever you're going. But just don't let that be your hope, say, "Well, I belong to this, or I belong to that." Oh, brother, sister, belong to Christ. Go to church, but belong to Christ. Amen.
267Let that--let that potential, if that isn't in you, quicken you right now to Life. Won't you just receive It now?
268This room is full of It. I feel It all over me. I know It's here, the power of God, the great Seer of visions, the great Foreteller that can tell the things and it never fails, the great One that can speak and no man can say it's "no," a Man can open and no man can shut. He that was dead is now alive, and alive, today, here in Phoenix, walking amongst the new-born flowers.
269 No wonder, on that Easter morning little teardrops of dew was laying on every lily's cheek and every rose. Why? It knowed it was brought up through the ground, and somewhere there's an Eternal flower blooming. It'll take its place someday. That's right.
270No wonder, joyful tears can run down our cheeks. No wonder, our hearts quiver and shake when we can feel that same transforming power coming into our lives and filling us, even for letting us speak in a language that comes from Heaven.
271We're so quickened up into His Presence there, prophesy, foresee, foretell, and everything hitting perfectly with the Word. If it's prophesying contrary to That, don't believe it. But if it's with the Word, It's already said, THUS SAITH THE LORD.
272"Fear not. I am He that was dead, and alive forevermore." That is God's Easter seal that seals every letter of this Word into your heart. What is the seal? "You are written epistles, read of all men." You know that. But when God has claimed you, He sealed you with the Easter seal, that you are risen with Christ, and you are a new creature.
273If you haven't been sealed this morning, do so while we bow our heads.
274[A brother begins speaking in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Lord. You hear that? [Congregation says, "Amen."]
275Think now, with your heads bowed. Romans 8:11, "If so be that the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead be in you, It will also quicken your mortal bodies."
276 What can we look forward to, people? What is there left? Look at Formosa and all the world. And atomic missiles and everything else just ready to strike the world, and just so nervous, and scared, and screaming. And these movie mimics is on, out there, just telling all kind of jokes, just like a little boy going through the graveyard, whistling at night, trying to make the people believe that everything is all right. Don't you be deceived. The Coming of the Lord is at hand.
277 You notice, the other day, a fisherman come up and told me, sitting down yonder in the bay, that, some kind of a rugged point or something another down here. And how, that, long before that earthquake shook over in Greece, all the fish that usually feeds about that time of morning, they didn't feed. What was it? They wasn't on the surface. The second time it happened, same thing took place. He knew right then something is going to happen. Them fish wasn't feeding at that time.
278And all the gulls and things that feed on the fish, they quit feeding. That early in the morning, that's when they feed. They just sit up on the bank, got away from the cliffs and things. For, just in a few minutes, the sea moss begin to boil up out of the earth, off the sea bed. See? Them fish knew it before it happened.
279 Going into India, I read the paper, said, "The earthquake must be over." For days, the little birds wouldn't come back to their nests in the rocks. The cattle wouldn't stand around the shelters under the... in the shade, in the heat of the day. The sheep stood right out in the middle field, leaned against one another. They wouldn't go up around them rocks, two or three days before the earthquake happened.
280Why? Them sheep knew it. They knew something was going to happen. Those birds knew something was going to happen. Those gulls knew something was going to happen. Those fish knew something was going to happen. It's the same God that led those animals into the ark.
281Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something is fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something, sweeping, nothing but the Coming of the Lord Jesus. Remember, just remember the Words and promise of the Lord.
282 Won't you come on in right quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now. If there's someone here that don't know that they would go in that resurrection, and not sure that they've got that resurrection power resting in them!
283Though the skin worms destroy it, though an atomic bomb burst right in the middle of you, it'll never destroy that quickening, resurrection power. No, no. Sister, brother, your precious name is put on the Lamb's Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it out. There isn't enough rubbing compounds, in the world, to rub your name from the Book There where His Blood has bought it.
284If you're not sure of that, don't--don't take a chance on it now. See? You might take a chance on running through a barricade somewhere and not get killed, but you're not going to run through this barricade. No, no. You're going to get it. You won't have to. There's a red light flashing now. Bypass, bypass your own ideas, bypass the things of the world.
285 Come. Let's be resurrected together in this grand Easter time, the great celebration of the Easter. Can you celebrate it in your heart this week? If you can't, would you just raise your hand to God?
286Say, "God, I'm not sure of it. I don't know whether I could just do all that or not. Will You help me? I'm going to raise my hand to You, Lord. Help me." God bless you. God bless you. That's good. "I--I--I want You, Lord. Help me. I--I want--I want to be raised. I--I want to be. I want to have the potentials right now. I want to know it's right. I want to know that it's right, Lord. I know, can't make no mist-... Don't want no mistake then. It ain't going..." It's going to be too late. Now is the day. My! Now is the day. Don't wait.
287 Not long ago, I was preaching. There was an old colored man come back there at the back the building, met me. Said, says, "Reverend, I wants to tell you. I says you is right." He said, "I done told the Lord, a long time ago, I want my ticket in my hand that morning. I want to know that it's marked right." Said, "It's going to be a lot of trouble down there at the river." He said, "I--I--I'm coming down that river." He said, "I--I don't want no trouble there. I want to get it all straightened up right here." That's right.
288Got your visa? If you haven't got your visa... You may have a passport, but, if you haven't got your visa, you can't enter the Land. You know that. Have you got your everything ready? If it isn't, right now is the time to do it.
289Fear not, if you're a little bit scared. Now, there's about maybe a hundred hands went up in here. So if you're just a little bit scared, now let's just settle it.
290 Now, I know we have different ways. Some men say, "Come up, let me shake your hand." Other say, "Come up, kneel at the altar." Now, them is fine. I haven't got one word to say against it, at all, not a thing, anything that will save.
291But let me just tell you my way. "As many as believed, as many..." Coming to the altar won't make you believe. Shaking hands with the minister won't make you believe. But if you're called of God, and you're an eagle, to begin with, just a scream tells you. You'll believe. If you really believe it, I'm going to pray with you.
292Could you imagine that little eagle stay in that barnyard any longer? No, no. Huh-uh. No. Don't stay here any longer, friend. Let's--let's Rapture now. The grace of God is here to do it.
293 Heavenly Father, we realize that we're coming down towards the closing hour. We haven't too long to be here now. Not as our age, but at the time. We believe there's a many young person setting here, will be living when this happens. It may happen yet today. We don't know the minute or hour. But, Lord, You told us, "When you see these things taking place," and they been taking place now for a long time.
294We know we're way over, according to the scientists. Six, seven years ago, we was three minutes to midnight. We don't know how much time that is, ticking on, but we know we're right there.
295O God, to have that assurance: to see that our heart punctuates every promise of God with "amen," to see that the Spirit Itself, that's come into us, quickens our being.
296God, let my brethren see that, this morning. Let my brethren see that, that that Spirit comes in and quickens to the Word. Let my sisters see the same thing, Lord. And then, if they see something that won't let them quicken to that Word, O God, may they get rid of it right quick. Grant it, Father. It's all in Your hands now. I know I've failed in many things, and continue to fail, but, Lord, I've done all I know how to do. Now it's in Your hands. They're Yours. In Jesus' Name, receive them, Father.
297 Now to you that's here and that's needy of healing for your body. How many believers are here? Raise your hand. "I am a believer, as far as I know my heart." How many possess? You know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that in your heart, right now, you've been raised from the dead? You know? Oh, my! What could happen in a meeting like this then? I know I'm late, but what could happen right now? Just think of what could take place. The potentials is laying right in you. See? You, with your hand up, you've took like--like an oath, to God, that, "I know that something has happened to me. I may not be right where I ought to be."
298 Neither am I. No, sir. I'm a long ways from where I should be. But I know this one thing, I've passed from death to Life. I know something happened to me. Many... Not as an old man now, but many, many years ago, it happened.
299And I know, that day when I walked into that hospital, when I had my great challenge. I seen my wife die; me calling for her life. "And what have I done but stand on the street corner, preach, and pray for the sick?"
And then Satan said, "Well, He won't answer your prayer."
300I seen her die, but I know that in her was that resurrection power. Them bones shall rise again.
301I seen my little baby lay there. And I lay my hand on, say, "God, don't take it."
302Look like He pulled the curtain down, said, "I won't even hear you no more."
303Satan said, "There it is. Just one word..." He knowed better than tell me there was no God, 'cause I knowed that. But he said He don't love me, He don't care for me. See? Every reason thing, said, "You're just a young man, yet twenty years old. There lays your wife laying down here in a morgue. And here is your baby going there. And--and just... You said He was a great healer, and He's all this. And, look, what does He do? One word, He wouldn't even have to speak it, just look down there and say. Just nod His head, that's all would take place, and it'd be healed. But, you see, He don't love you. He don't care for you. Letting your baby die right there now, and even refuse to hear your prayer in this dark hour."
304 Everything he said was absolutely the truth. "So what have you done? Work all day long, till you couldn't hardly stand up. And then sit up all night, till twelve and one o'clock. Standing on the street corners, preaching. Making calls to hospital. Just come in and sit down, a chair, sit there and sleep an hour or two, and go back to work again. Next night, the same thing. And here you are, about twenty-one, twenty-two years old. Every friend, every young lady, every young man that you ever associated with, called you a crazy crank. What have you done? You made a fool out of yourself. Don't you see it?" I was just about ready to agree with him.
305And Something down in me, that was that quickening power. I said "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
When all my hopes give way,
Then He's all my hope and stay.
For on Christ, the...
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed]... sinking sand.
Oh, He shall come with triumph sound,
Then may I then be in--in Him be found,
Wrapped in the robes of His righteousness.
306Not in my own; I don't have any. Mine is filthy, dirty rags. I'd hate to try to go to Heaven on my preaching. Hate to try to go to Heaven on my visions. I'm going to Heaven because I hold His grace in my heart. His grace, that's why I'm going. That's how we go.
307 Oh, friend, you're a part of this Body. You are God's little children. Now, I'm saying this to build your hope. If you found...
308If I found favor with you, told you the Truth. And what I've told you, is--is the prophet said, of years gone by. Not making myself His prophet. No, sir. But I'm telling you the Truth. Has He ever said anything but what was right? I've knowed you now for some twenty-something years, here in Phoenix, since that song, I'd Like To Talk It Over With Him, over at Brother Outlaw's church, I believe it was, and Brother Garcia. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened?
309 Remember, there's only one hope. Get this quickening power. It'll hold you. When everything else has give away, It'll hold you.
310Some of them said, "Did you keep your religion, Brother Branham?"
I said, "No. It kept me."
311It keeps me. No, I don't keep it. It ain't whether I hold on, or not. It's whether He held on, or not. He is what held on for me.
312He didn't have to. Angels was set in every tree, said, "Just pull your fingers loose. Just point; you don't have to take it from the cross. Just point your finger, and watch what." See, that mocking bunch. But if He had did that, I couldn't have had this testimony today; you couldn't had it. But because He stayed to the cross, He held there, that's why I hold with Him.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other grounds are sinking sands.
313 Now, if you're sick, will you lay your hands on one and another. Let's pray. Just lay your hands on somebody by you. Regardless of what's wrong with you, have faith now. If I ever told you the Truth, I tell you now. See? Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." And you're believers, you just raise your hands. Don't doubt. There's some poor suffering person that you got your hands on. Somebody has got their hands on you.
314Remember that quickening power, that power that raised up Jesus from the grave. Now you have faith in what you got in your--in your own body. It's going to help that person that you got your hands on. "If It indwells you, It'll also quicken your mortal bodies."
315 Dear God, as I stand here this morning, nearing the noonday time, when it's about this hour the day when Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? I thirst." No wonder, the prophet foresaw it, and said, "All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." "But He was numbered with the transgressors. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed." We claim that, this morning, God. We claim that.
316 In the morning of this resurrection, notice, this vindicated Truth that I've told, Lord, from Your Word, in the Presence of God. He is Judge, and we are witnesses that He's redeemed us. And in us lays, by the grace of God, that resurrecting power. And our friends are sick, the one that the hands is laid upon.
317O God, we challenge the Devil, in the midst of our faith this morning, with hands laid upon the people, and me with my hands stretched over the people. Let every disease, every affliction that tries to hold the people, in the presence of this vindicated Truth, come out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may these people be made free today. That, the Bible, the Words of our God said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And our hands has been up in the air, towards You, God.
318 As, every plant of the earth drinks at Your fountain. And as sure as that plant, that's germitized, drinks from Your fountain, it begins to build up. It begins to grow. The stalk of corn, the flower, whatever it is that's drinking in Your fountain, grows up towards You.
319And this morning, we've growed, inches, Lord. We can reach up higher. We're drinking at Your fountain. We are Your creatures, with the resurrection power within us, Lord. And we pray that You'll hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters. And may every affliction, that's hindering these dear people here that possesses this power, Lord, turn them loose, so they can serve God. And it shall be well, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
320 You believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Leave a thing like this? How can you do it? You just have to, look like, just pull yourself away. Do you feel that way? ["Amen."] I--I--I... It may just be me, that I'm... But I had a feeling, just a strange feeling when I come among the people, where you set together like this. I know, somewhere, invisible here; just like radio, television, whatever it is, passing through this room; Christ is in this room. Just think, our Redeemer! Tony, He's here. Amen.
321And who could be any happier than people who possess, with Bible evidence of every Word of God being made manifest, to see even to Angels and His Being, as they have through the--the ages! And hear the Words of the seers, predicted and it happened just exactly. And here we are at the eve of His Coming. Oh, what a wonderful time!
322 We'll see Him. One of these days, He'll be here. Until He does come, will you pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I've got dangerous perils in front of me. I know it. See? And I meet with heathens who would shoot you, same as taking a drink of water, and you're just paid for. You come on their ground, devils that'll challenge you on the Bible, just as easy. But I never seen a time but what our God won the victory. I go in His Name, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the hope of Eternal Life, the resurrection and the Life. "He that liveth and believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." I believe that to be God's Eternal Word. Do you believe the same? ["Amen."] Will you pray for me? ["Amen."] I'll pray for you. May God watch over us until we meet again.
323 Now let us stand up to our feet, just a moment. (Got anything you want to say?)
Let us bow our heads.
324It just wouldn't be right for us not to sing this little song, would it? Remember our song, I Love Him, is that in every heart? Let's just sing it. Sister, dear, would you... I want to say, I appreciate your playing, too, sister. All right.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Now we're going to change the song.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Oh, take all my guilt away,
Oh, let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
325 Doesn't that do something to you? How many likes that real heart... I--I--I like jubilee songs. Sure, I do. But when you're in a spirit of worship, don't you love those old sweet hymns? I believe the Holy Spirit moved upon Eddie Perronet and them that wrote those grand old songs. Don't you believe that? Fanny Crosby, when she wrote.
Pass me not, my, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
Thou the Stream of all my comfort,
More than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Or whom in Heaven but Thee?
326Isn't that wonderful? That makes us want to sing I Love Him. Doesn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, while we sing this time, I Love Him, let's... We love one another. If we don't love one another, then we can't love Him. Now let's just shake one another's hand. Just stand, and just reach across the table somewhere, shake hands, one another.
I... [Brother Branham turns from the microphone and speaks with someone--Ed.]
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Let us bow our head now.
327 Going to ask Brother Williams, young Brother Williams, to come here just a moment. I'm going to ask him if he'll dismiss this audience in prayer.
328I love Brother Williams, a young Christian, that I think is truly a servant of Christ, his little family. I have a lot of fellowship with these. And those precious Moseley boys and all of them, we been together, and so many of my dear friends here in Phoenix, that I love with all my heart. I think, that morning in that vision, He said, "All that you ever loved, and all that loves you, God has given you."
329 Believe someone here repenting of their sin, down on the floor, a young lady crying.
Let's just bow our heads a moment for her.
330Dear God, is that that little sheep that was left in Phoenix? I don't know, God. You know. But, someday, it will be. But, Father, this, no doubt, is one. So I pray that You'd help her, just now. Sweetly open up the gate, say, "Come, child of Mine. Come in from the tired, weary road. You been stumbling out there in the dark. I come out, today, to get you. It's My Spirit that's speaking to you and bringing you into the fold now." Grant it, God. May this young woman... just at the crossroads of life here. "He that will hear My Words, and believe on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life." Grant it, dear God, to this young Christian. "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out." While saints are standing over the young woman, praying.
331Remember, even Paul, who was stoned so bad that he was dying, and when the saints stood over and prayed, life come back. Because, in them bodies of those saints was that quickening power that brought the spirit of life back to Saint Paul. God, it could certainly pray the prayer, of death out of... or the death out of the person, by the prayer of faith, to life. Grant it, dear God.
332Bless us now as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus Christ's Name, we pray.
333Now with your heads bowed, I'm going to ask Brother Williams.