Poznaj svoj deň a jeho posolstvo



Cirkev nerozpoznala svoj deň, ako Izrael vo svojej zasľúbenej zemi. On nevedel, ako sa tam dostal. On sa proste automaticky dostal tam naspäť. Prečo? Národný nátlak ho postavil na jeho miesto. No, chcem niečo povedať. Národný nátlak donútil Izraela vojsť do jeho domoviny. Národný nátlak donúti vojsť cirkev do Svetovej Rady Cirkví. Ale moc Božia vovedie ľudí do Nevesty. Svet núti ísť na túto stranu, a svet núti ísť na tamtú stranu, ale Božia moc núti ísť hore, Duch Boží, ktorým je Slovo Božie - "Moje Slovo je Duch a život." - postaví Nevestu na jej miesto. Pretože ona rozpozná svoje miesto v Slove; potom je ona v Kristovi, postaví ju to na jej miesto. Žiadna národná moc to neurobí. Ale tá národná sila doviedla Izrael do domoviny. Tie národné sily Cirkevnej Rady dovedú každú organizáciu do toho, ale moc Božia zodvihne Nevestu do chvály, preč z toho.

Ó ľudia, rozpoznajte svoj deň, ako vás Ježiš varoval, ten znak Sodomy, a stav cirkví tohoto dňa.

Pozrite sa čo On povedal, že sa stane v tomto dni. Počúvajte to skutočne pozorne. Znak Sodomy sa odohrá v tomto čase. Znak, ako Abrahám, ten deň pred Sodomou, ktorý bol vyvolaný. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli prorokované sa budú teraz diať. Pozorujte deň v ktorom žijete.

1Dobré ráno priatelia. Zostaňme chvíľu stáť.

Drahý Bože, zastavili sme sa v tomto ponáhľaní a zhone života, na týchto nasledujúcich niekoľko chvíľ, alebo hodinu, nech je to čokoľvek, čo si pre nás pripravil, aby sme Ti oddali chválu a slávu, kázali Tvoje Slovo, poznali Ťa lepšie ... Na to sme sa zhromaždili dnes ráno. A ďakujeme Ti, Bože, že sú ľudia, ktorí sú hotoví a pripravili sa, a prišli počúvať. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti a na čas, v ktorom žijeme, oni stále veria. A my Ti za nich ďakujeme.

2Bože, sme Ti vďační za Tvoju veľkú uzdravujúcu moc, za zasľúbenia Tvojho Slova. Ako horia naše srdcia, keď počujeme tieto svedectvá! Všetky rôzne choroby, ktoré doľahli na ľudských synov, Ty, Tvoja milosť a moc, a s Tvojim zasľúbením, si ich uzdravil. A oni sú tu, vydávajú svedectvo, chvália Boha. Ďakujeme Ti za to. A teraz, nech môžeme dnes počuť posolstvo, ktoré si Ty pre nás pripravil na túto hodinu. A keď budeme čítať z Tvojho Slova, nech by si nám Ty ukázal súvislosť toho, čo čítame. Nech sa vo všetkom stane Tvoja vôľa. Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Je to privilégium byť tu dnes ráno. Mám zo všetkých vás veľkú radosť. A brat Wood, brat Roy Roberson a mnohí ďalší bratia piľne pracovali tie dva posledné dni, aby kvôli tomuto tu urobili klimatizáciu, pretože minulú nedeľu oni videli, ako ste trpeli. A oni mali trochu peňazí v zborovej pokladnici, a dali sa do práce a namontovali to, z peňazí, ktoré ste dali na ofery, aby vám urobili pohodlie, zatiaľ čo sedíte a počúvate posolstvo. Dnes je tu oveľa chladnejšie, ako bolo vtedy. A tak sme vďační Bohu, a vám ľuďom, za túto možnosť.

4Som rád, že brat Roy Borders ... On chcel dnes ráno zostať tam nejako vzadu. A ja som mu povedal, aby zaujal svoje miesto a sadol si sem s týmito kazateľmi, ale on by to neurobil. Ako všetci viete, brat Borders nás reprezentuje na misijnom poli. Som rád, že je tu brat Borders, a mnoho ďalších kazateľov a priateľov.

5Cez týždeň rozmýšľam a hovorím si: "Keď tam v nedeľu prídem oslovím každého kazateľa, každú osobu." Potom, keď som tu, som tak zabratí do posolstva, že zabudnem takmer na všetko, tak to je.

6No, musím ísť naspäť do Arizony. Musím ísť naspäť na budúci pondelok, na budúci týždeň, naspäť do Tucsonu, dať tam deti do školy. A potom prídem naspäť. A moja žena tam musí byť skorej, aby začala - zapísať deti dva týždne predtým, ako začne škola. A potom sa sme na chvíľu vrátim.

7A teraz, toto je môj prázdninový čas. Ako viete, kážem už od decembra; január, február, marec, apríl, máj, jún a júl. No, keď bude Božia vôľa, a nebude nijaké mimoriadne volanie, toto je obdobie, keď odpočívam, moje prázdniny; chodím na poľovačku. A ja ...

8No, ak by ma Boh zavolal do niečoho iného, potom tieto veci sú vedľajšie. Boh je stále prvý, a ja chcem, aby On bol prvý. A vy chcete, aby On bol prvý. Ale potom, ak nebude žiadne zvláštne zavolanie a bude to Jeho vôľa, to je to, čo chcem teraz robiť za niekoľko nasledujúcich mesiacov, chodiť na poľovačku. No - aby som si oddýchol.

9Neuvedomujete si, svet sa nikdy nedozvie, cez čo musím prechádzať. Rozumiete? Proste také napätie. Nie divu, že Pán povedal svojim učeníkom, keď s nimi chodil: "Poďme samy do púšte, trochu si oddýchnuť." Vidíte? Uvedomujem si to každý deň viac, a zvlášť, ako mi pribúda dní na tejto zemi. Vidíte? Keď starnete, tak si to uvedomujete. Počujete, náš pastor tiež na to hovorí "amen". On - môžeme si uvedomiť, že už nie sme chlapci, keď nám minulo päťdesiat rokov. No ... Musíme mať trochu času.

10Sme tak vďační za tieto svedectvá, ktoré sme práve počuli. Moja žena bola tam včera pri pani Woodovej, keď prišli nejakí ľudia z Alabami, niekde z tade, a hovorili o tých veľkých veciach, ktoré Pán urobil v tom zhromaždení, malé dieťa bolo uzdravené a rôzne veci, a tak veľa vecí, ktoré ... Ó, zabralo by to veľa času, porozprávať to.

11A potom tiež nesmiem zabudnúť, že ... Myslím, že niekto z nich mi povedal, že sestra Larsonová je tu už dve nedele s malým dieťatkom. Nevedel som, ale myslím, že oni povedali, že to je asi jej vnúča, aby ho posvätila Pánovi. Ona s ním prišla z Chicaga. Tá pani bola ku nám veľmi láskavá, a my si ju ceníme. A ona priniesla to malé dieťatko z Chicaga, aby bolo posvätené, ktoré má na krátky čas, aby ho vzala, myslím, na posvätenie; ale jedená sa jej, aby to dieťa bolo posvätené Pánovi. A tak ak sestra Larsonová príde sme, zatiaľ kým hovorím, nech len prinesie to dieťatko, aby sme sa pomodlili zaň a posvätili ...

12A potom, možno zatiaľ, kým sa pripravuje, chcem povedať, že pri tomto posolstve som mal najväčšie ťažkosti, než kedykoľvek, keď som sa snažil pripraviť, až do minulého večera. Cez týždeň som chodil do izby, snažil som sa dať nabok svoje potreby a všetko, snažil som sa dostať niečo na myseľ na túto hodinu. A keď som tam chodil, nemohol som ani ... Moja myseľ bola prázdna. A včera som išiel do pivnice. Myslel som, že je príliš teplo, tak som išiel dole do pivnice, sadol som si tam. A snažil som sa zobrať si Bibliu a čítať, a zaspal som. Potom som vstal a napil som sa vody, a snažil som sa prebrať, a vyšiel som von, a poprechádzal som sa, sadol som si na schody.

13Niekto išiel okolo a pristihol ma bez košeli, ako sedím na schodoch, tak bolo teplo. Oni zakývali. Nevedel som, či oni zakývali ... Niekto, mohol to byť niekto tu z mesta, alebo to mohol byť niekto zo zboru, zakývali na mňa. A ja som bol tak zamyslený, len letmo som sa pozrel, keď to auto prechádzalo. Zakýval som.

14Minulý večer som sadol do auta a išiel som smerom na Charlestown, snažiac sa obdržať niečo. Zdalo sa mi, akoby mi Pán chcel niečo povedať, ale Satan sa mi snažil stáť v ceste, aby mi v tom zabránil. Tak som rozmýšľal: "Dobre, ak to on robí, ja budem len ďalej očakávať, len ďalej čakať, búchať na dvere, až kým On neotvorí." A potom, len pred nejakou chvíľou, alebo len niečo po siedmej hodine dnes ráno ... Bol som hore veľmi zavčasu.

15Včera som bol trochu chorý, snažil ... Zjedol som nejaké vločky a nepadlo mi to celkom dobre, bol som horúci, a snažil som sa dostať sa z toho. A potom dnes ráno okolo ôsmej, narazil som na miesto Písma, ktoré ma ohromilo. A pozrel som sa znovu na to Písmo, a znovu ma to ohromilo. A sledoval som to ďalej cez Písmo; a prešiel som cez to len pred niekoľkými minútami. Tak zdá sa, že Pán má pre nás dnes ráno posolstvo, o ktoré sa nás Satan snažil pripraviť.

Priniesla by si sem to maličké, sestra Larsonová? [Brat Branham sa modlí za to dieťa. - pozn.prekl.] Nech je Boh s nimi a pomáha im.

16No, minulú nedeľu som vás držal dva dni, a myslím - či dve zhromaždenia, ráno a večer, a to vám robí ťažkosti. Rozumiem, že niektorí z vás musia ďaleko cestovať a vynechať dennú prácu, a tak ďalej. Tak ak aj odídeme v nedeľu - pondelok, týždeň, ja oznámim zhromaždenie len na ďalšiu nedeľu, ak Pán dá (rozumiete?), len ak by ľudia chceli, aby to bolo - že by zostali cez noc. Rozumiete? To je - to je na ... Je vás tak veľa. Koľkí by chceli, nech vidíme, aby sme mali dnes večer zhromaždenie? Alebo radšej na budúcu nedeľu, zodvihnite ruky. Na budúcu ... Ó, do jedného. Čo hovorí? ["Dva krát." - pozn.prekl.] No, Ben ...

17Mám ... toto posolstvo dnes ráno je dlhé, ale neviem ako ... Ja viem, že pomáham zaviesť v zbore poriadok, ale tam, ak si všimnete som povedal: "Len ak sa to bude nahrávať." Vidíte, tak toto sa nahráva. Tak možno sa pokúsime prísť, dnes večer a tiež potom na ďalšiu nedeľu, budeme - ak bude vôľa Pánova.

18 No, ak nedostanete tento týždeň žiadnu správu, potom príďte na budúcu nedeľu. Nerád vás nútim, aby ste prišli takto dva krát, ale cítim, že nemáme príliš veľa času. A pamätajte len, ak čas pôjde ďalej, nebudeme mať túto možnosť príliš dlho. Rozumiete? Pamätajte, niečo sa stane. Buď nás zastaví zákon, alebo Satan vojde medzi vás a rozpráši vás. Stále to tak bolo. Vidíte? Niečo sa stane. A tak si vážme každú minútu, keď sme spolu.

19Tak teraz, pre tých, ktorí sa dnes večer musia vracať domov, bude to tak, ako minulú nedeľu večer. Mal som len krátke posolstvo. A tak vy - ak to chcete mať na páske, no, samozrejme vám pošleme tú pásku, ak sa musíte vracať domov. Ak nie, chcem dnes večer kázať, ak dá Pán.

20Včera, alebo predvčerom, som si urobil poznámku, malé posolstvo, ktoré som si zaznamenal zo spomienky na niečo, a už dlho na to myslím. Sú to akoby dve posolstvá, niečo pomedzi jedným, alebo druhým: "Deravá nádrž," alebo "Siať do vetra a žať víchricu," len posolstvo evanjelia. Teraz ráno máme vyučovanie. A tak dnes večer budem hovoriť buď na tému "Siať do vetra a žať víchricu," alebo, "Nádrž, ktorá tečie."

21A teraz ráno chcem čítať zo Svätého Písma. Sedí sa vám pohodlne? Povedzte: "Amen." To je dobre. A teraz chcem, aby ste si spolu so mnou otvorili Biblie, knihu Hozeáša, vy ktorí chcete čítať. A čítajme niekoľko veršov zo 6. kapitoly knihy proroka Hozeáša. A povstaňme.

22Drahý Bože, nie sme hodní vziať túto knihu do svojich rúk, lebo čítame v Písme, že žiadny človek na nebi, ani na zemi, alebo pod zemou, nebol hodný a ani schopný vziať tú Knihu a ani len pozrieť na ňu. Och, a tam prišiel niekto, ktorý bol - ako baránok, ktorý bol zabitý; On zobral tú Knihu, pretože On bol hodný; a tak On odstránil tie pečate. A my sa obraciame ku Nemu dnes ráno, aby zjavil tieto súvislosti, ktoré sú zapísané v Knihe, pretože to je Kniha vykúpenia; všetko čo je vykúpené je zapísané v nej. Nech nájdeme svoje miesto dnes ráno, v čase, v ktorom žijeme. Lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Poďte, a navráťme sa k Hospodinovi, lebo on roztrhal a uzdraví nás, zbil a obviaže nás.

Oživí nás o dva dni, na tretí deň nás postaví na nohy, a budeme žiť pred jeho tvárou.

A tak poznajme a žeňme sa poznať Hospodina; jeho východ stojí pevne ako svitanie rána a prijde nám ako dážď, ako jarný dážď, ktorý zvlažuje zem.

Čo ti mám učiniť, Efraime, čo ti mám učiniť, Júda, keď je vaša dobrota ako jarný oblak a ako rosa, ktorá ide ta skoro za rána?

Preto som otesával svojimi prorokmi a zabíjal som ich slovami svojich úst, a tvoje súdy sú, ako keď vyjde svetlo.

Lebo milosrdenstvo chcem a nie obeť, a známosť Božia je nad zápalné obeti.

Ale oni prestúpili moju zmluvu ako Adam; tam sa dopustili nevernosti proti mne.

Gileád, mesto činiteľov neprávosti, plné stôp krvi.

A ako lotri čakajú na človeka, tak rota kňazov; vraždia na ceste ... páchajú mrzkosť.

A ako banda zbojníkov čaká na človeka, tak spoločnosť kňazov vraždí na ceste so súhlasom: páchajú nehanebnosť.

-  podľa Biblie Kráľa Jakuba. - pozn.prekl.]

V dome Izraelovom vidím hroznú vec: tam smilní Efraim, zanečistil sa Izrael.

I Júda, aj tebe je určená žatva, keď dovediem späť zajatie svojho ľudu.

23Pane Ježišu, daj nám, skrze Tvojho Ducha Svätého z tohoto porozumieť to, čo nám chceš povedať, keď očakávame ďalej na Teba. V mene Ježiša. Amen.

24Teraz, mojou témou dnes ráno je: "Poznaj svoj deň a jeho posolstvo." Vidíme z lekcii, z minulej nedeli, keď sme učili "Sviatok Trúb" ... A teraz chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť, na čas - čas Izraela na Božích hodinách.

25Dnes máme lekciu nedeľnej školy, kde chcem, aby ste si uvedomili a poznali čas v ktorom žijeme. Dobiehame skoro do konca, ako vidíte. A potom pomocou tohoto by ste mali poznať skutočnú hodinu, a čas, a znak, a posolstvo, ktoré máte prijať.

26No, ako sme začali minulú nedeľu ... Hovorili sme o tom, že budeme kázať o tých trúbach, o tých posledných siedmich trúbach v Biblii. A ja sám v sebe som si myslel, že oni budú zlomené tak, ako pečate. Ale všimol som si pri každom jednom z týchto otvorení, že sa tam stala ohromná vec. A keď sme kázali Sedem Cirkevných Vekov ... A oni boli tak dokonalé, až sám Duch Svätý prišiel dole medzi nás a potvrdil to, a dal to do novín, a rozniesol to po celom národe, a ukázal to na mesiaci na nebesiach, a dokázal nám to týždne a mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo, že - presne, ako to bude, dokonale. On to oznámil tu v tejto modlitebni. On to oznámil tu na - v tom čase. On to ukázal na mesiaci a na slnku. On to ukázal v tom postavení národov v tomto čase, ako Rímska hierarchia opustila Rím a išla naspäť do Palestíny; údajne to bol prvý pápež, ktorý sa tam vrátil od času Petra, oni tvrdia, že Peter bol pápež. No, to bolo tak ohromné.

27Potom vidíme pred otvorením Siedmich Pečatí, ktoré skrývali všetky tie tajomstvá ... Ja som nevedel, čo som kreslil na tabuľu ohľadne tých cirkevných vekov, ja som ne ... Boh vie. Len podľa videnia som to nakreslil, ... nevediac, že to Boh, za rok a šesť mesiacov, potvrdí na oblohe pomocou mesiaca a roznesie sa to v našich novinách. Nevedel som to. Nevedel som, že nastane tajomné zatmenie mesiaca, aby to reprezentovalo tento Laodicejský vek.

28No, v novinách ste mali len tých šesť vekov. To preto, že Laodicejská cirkev bola úplne zatmená. A ak ste si všimli to duchovné ponaučenie, keď to Boh stvárnil na nebi ... Keď som to ja nakreslil tu na zemi, ja som tam nechal malý prúžok, ako vidíte, len malý prúžok svetla; to bolo tesne pred tým, ako ten skutočný vyvolený mal byť zavolaný zo zeme, kvôli tomu som to tam umiestnil do toho siedmeho veku; ale keď to Boh ukázal na oblohe, to bolo úplne zatmené. To znamená možno, že ten posledný je vyvolaný z toho Laodicejského veku; nevieme. Mohlo by byť o tom kázanie.

29No, všimnite si znovu pred tými Siedmymi Pečatiami, o ktorých som nemal poňatie, že to bude tak ... Tu v tejto modlitebni On o tom hovoril a poslal ma do Tucsonu, do Arizony, hovoriac vám všetko, čo sa stane. A sú ľudia, ktorí tu dnes sedia, ktorí tam boli a videli, že to sa stalo presne tak, ako to tu bolo povedané: Príde sedem anjelov. Potom to tie noviny priniesli, a časopisy, po celom národe: Tajomný kruh svetla, v tvare pyramídy, tak ako som to tu nakreslil a ukázal vám, povstal z tade, kde stáli títo anjeli a išiel do tridsať míľovej výšky a mal priemer dvadsať sedem míľ, alebo dvadsať sedem míľ vysoko a mal priemer tridsať míľ, zabudol som ktoré z toho to bolo. A bolo ho vidieť z tých štátov, rovno hore nad Tucsonom, Arizonou, presne tam, kde sa to stalo, v tom istom čase.

30Vidíte Biblia ... Boh nie je len ... Toto nie je proste niekto, kto sa vám snaží niečo nanútiť, ale zjaviť vám skutočný duchovný význam tejto hodiny.

31A potom, to ďalšie posolstvo ... To otvorilo tých Sedem Pečatí, ktoré rozviazali všetky skryté tajomstvá Biblii, náuky a tak ďalej, čo svet tak surovo napáda teraz - v týchto dňoch, napáda to a hovorí, že je to falošné, toto, tamto ...

32Tu jedného dňa v Arizone, zliepali pásky a snažili sa dosiahnuť, aby som povedal veci, ktoré som nepovedal. Pamätajte len to videnie o probléme Arizony. Biblia povedal, že by vám bolo oveľa lepšie, aby ste mali na krku skalu. A ďalšia vec: "Ktokoľvek (Nech je to kazateľ, alebo čo on je) odníme z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ... " Ľudia dávajú svoje vlastné výklady na to Slovo, ako ono bolo podané, snažia sa urobiť, aby ono hovorilo niečo, čo som ja nepovedal, to nie je moje slovo, to je Jeho Slovo. "Kto pridá alebo odoberie ..."

33A potom v tom videní sme videli rútiť sa dole týchto prorokov, ako som vám to vysvetlil, myslím, pred niekoľkými nedeľami. To sa všetko stane. Povedal som: "Držte sa len preč od toho." Kým ja proti tomu bojujem, tak Boh nemôže bojovať proti tomu. Ale nechajme nech to On má. On je ten, ktorý sa o to postará, vidíte.

34No, všimli sme si minulú nedeľu bolo - kázali sme o tých sviatkoch ... A tam bol sviatok Letníc. A medzi sviatkom Letníc a sviatkom Trúb, tam bol dlhý úsek času, presne päťdesiat dní, medzi Letnicami a sviatkom Trúb. A päťdesiat dní, Letnice znamenajú "päťdesiat"; a to bolo povznášanie snopu, alebo zhromaždenie úrody, bola prinesená prvotina žatvy. A vidíme, že to tam bolo ako predobraz, s tými prirodzenými prvými plodmi, ktoré predstavovali prvé ovocie Ducha Svätého, ktorý mal byť vyliaty na ľudí. A videli sme potom, že tých päťdesiat dní bol prijatý skrze Pohanov, skrze tých ľudí, ktorých Boh povolal z Pohanov pre Svoje meno - sviatok Letníc. A my sme prechádzali cez ten dlhý sviatok Letníc.

35No, v skutočnosti za tých päťdesiat dní je presne sedem sabatov. A sedem sabatov predstavovalo sedem cirkevných vekov, aby boli vyvolaní v čase Letníc - sviatku Letníc, aby vyvolal ľudí z Pohanov pre Svoje meno. No, na konci týchto siedmich sabatov, mal byť Deň Zmierenia, ktorým bolo tých sedem trúb. A tých Sedem Trúb malo privolať deň oplakávania kvôli tej obeti, alebo zmiereniu. A potom sme zistili, že Izrael - Sedem Trúb sa týkalo jedine Izraela.

36A potom, prečo mi On nedovolil kázať tých Sedem Trúb ... Bol som skoro hotový oznámiť to, mal som pripravené haly a všetko, aby som tam išiel a kázal Sedem Trúb. A povedal som: "Niečo ma tak veľmi trápi." Povedal som ... Ďalej sme pracovali, a Billy a my všetci, snažili sme sa všetko pripraviť, aby sme v tejto budove urobili klimatizáciu na tento nasledujúci týždeň, kvôli tým Siedmym Trúbam, majúc desať dní - či osem dní. Mali sme prenajatú školskú poslucháreň. Ale Duch Svätý mi to z nejakého dôvodu nedovolil kázať. A ja som sa divil prečo. A keď som išiel, aby som sa modlil ... Povedal som žene: "Idem tam." A úprimne, kľakol som si pred Bohom, aby som sa modlil. A On mi zjavil, že tých Sedem Trúb znelo pod šiestou Pečaťou, a ja som to kázal, nadprirodzene, vidíte. To je ruka Božia, celá tá vec. To sa vzťahuje na Izrael; a hovorili sme o tom pod šiestu Pečaťou, vy všetci, ktorí to máte, ako to prenasledovanie Židov. ...

37Čas pohanov sa nachádza v tomto sviatku Letníc. Trúby, pod - oni všetky zneli pod šiestou Pečaťou. A hovorili sme o tom minulú nedeľu pod názvom Sviatok Trúb, ak to všetci chcete mať. Čo to malo robiť? Vyštvať Židov zo všetkých časí sveta naspäť do ich domoviny. To musí byť tam. A to otvorenie pečatí pod tou šiestou Pečaťou a pod ... Sedem Trúb znelo v tej šiestej Pečati.

38No, posolstvo siedmeho anjela má otvoriť tajomstvá pečatí, vyvolať pohanských robotníkov jedenástej hodiny, aby dostali tak isto zaplatené, ako dostali tí robotníci prvej hodiny. Vidíte? No, Ježiš to učil. On povedal, že boli nejakí ľudia, ktorí išli do žatvy. Oni boli najatí, a keď oni pracovali - zavčasu ráno - oni dostali čas, denár za deň. A potom na poludnie prišli nejakí ďalší a išli pracovať. A potom v jedenástej hodine, to je posledná hodina dňa, prichádzajú niektorí a dostali taký istý druh výplaty, ako dostali tí v prvej hodine dňa, v poslednej hodine.

39Je to tak dokonale, ako tí poslovia prvej hodiny so Slovom, s evanjeliom, s pravdou, oni vošli v deň Letníc. Potom bol temný vek, ktorý ich zablokoval. Potom v polovici dňa prišiel Luter a Wesley a ďalší. A potom tam má byť posolstvo večerného času, aby prijali tú istú výplatu, ako oni na začiatku. Posolstvo večerného času má znovu prinavrátiť, priniesť naspäť znovu to isté.

40A pamätáte to videnie z minulého týždňa, že keď Nevesta prišla, aby bola - jej ukážka. Tam prichádzala malá Nevesta, milá, v tom videní. A ja - nemyslel som o tom, len som tam sedel a díval som sa von. A tam prichádza nevesta. Počul som vedľa seba Hlas, povedal: "Toto je ukážka Nevesty." A ona prechádzala okolo. Všimol som si ju, aká bola, veľmi milá, pekná, mladá. Ona kráčala tak do kroku, ako len mohla, nie pochod, proste v ženskom kroku, ako oni elegantne kráčali, ako dámy. Tak ona kráčala, prichádzala ku mne zľava na tejto strane. A odchádzala z môjho dohľadu.

41Potom ma On obrátil doprava, a ukázal mi každú cirkev, ako oni vychádzali z tých vekov. A och, aké vulgárne! A tá posledná bola z tohoto posledného dňa, cirkevného veku, ktorú viedla čarodejnica. A oni boli tak nemorálne oblečené, vyzerali tak hnusne. A pochodovali pri twiste a rock 'n' role. A tie ženy sa zmietali pri twiste, a držali len papier, sivý, pokrytectvo. Slovo ... Sivá je medzi bielou a čiernou, to je klamná farba. Sivá nie je ani biela ani čierna. To je klamná farba. A ako sivý papier, držiaci pred sebou, so šnúrkami - ako “hula“ sukne, držiac to pred sebou; a od pása hore boli úplne nahé. A pochodovali do rytmu - či krútili sa a tak išli s tou hudbou, kráčajúc ďalej. A povedal: "To je cirkev!"

42A keď to prešlo okolo mňa, moje srdce skoro zomdlelo. Pomyslel som si: "Ak toto má byť predstavené Kristovi, ako nevesta ... Zo všetkej tej námahy a všetkého, čo títo ľudia vynaložili, aby sa snažili priviesť nevestu pre Krista - a taká vulgárna, hnusná, hanebne vyzerajúca prostitútka má byť Kristova nevesta." Bolelo ma z toho srdce!

43A ako ona prechádzala, potom čo ona ... prechádzala popred to, kde sme stáli, držala ten papier pred sebou, točila sa a kývala a išla raz jednou stranou a potom druhou stranou, ako tie moderné tance, ktoré dnes majú, nemorálne sa zachovávala, ako pochodovala ďalej.

44Nie som zodpovedný za tieto veci. Môžem povedať len to, čo som videl! A Boh je mojím sudcom. Ale to bola cirkev z USA.

45No, ako ona prešla okolo, odzadu nebola vôbec prikrytá. A potom keď prechádzala okolo, zdalo sa mi, že omdliem a bolo mi zle.

46Potom On povedal: "Znovu sa príde ukázať Nevesta." A tu za ňou prichádzala Nevesta, tá Nevesta vyzerala tak isto, ako tá, ktorá prešla na začiatku. Vtedy moje srdce poskočilo od radosti, vediac, že bude Nevesta. A ona bude urobená z toho istého, a oblečená v tom istom, ako bola tá na začiatku. Ona má byť vyvolaná. A ja viem, že je to pravda. Ak to nie je pravda, potom, každé videnie, ktoré som voľakedy mal bolo nesprávne. A každý vie, že ani jedna vec, ktorú nám On kedy povedal, nebolo nič iné, ako pravda. Splnilo sa to presne ...

47A môžete vidieť potom tú špinavosť tej modernej cirkvi, ktorá samú seba nazýva cirkvou?

48Ako niekto raz povedal, brat Ruddel, môj vzácni brat, stojí tam teraz pri stene, že to videl ako odnož na viniči. A rozprávali sme sa o tom jedného dňa v tej izbe. A brat Ruddel bol rozrušený z duchovného stavu, aký je dnes v cirkvách, ako to začalo upadávať. Zo všade prichádzajú kazatelia, pri rozhovore sa tu pýtajú: "Čo sa stalo, brat Branham, čo sa stalo?" Ó!

49Brat Ruddel mi položil otázku: "Žijú oni z ducha Satanovho, alebo z čoho?"

50Povedal som: "Nie, tá odnož žije zo sily viniča." Ona žije, pretože citrusové ovocie ... Citrón bude rásť na pomarančovníku, ale on nebude rodiť pomaranče, hoci žije z jeho života. A cirkev, tak zvaná, je len zaštepená odnož, žijúca pod menom náboženstva, pod menom cirkvi, Katolíci a Protestanti, len odnože tiahnuce - zo sily Viniča, a jednako nesú ovocie toho, čo sú, pretože oni neboli obrátení. Oni neboli v originálnom Božom pláne predurčenia. Preto oni musia zapierať Slovo a niesť iný druh ovocia. Skutočný opravdivý strom vo svojom koreni bol predurčený, aby rodil pomaranče na pomarančovníku. Ježiš povedal: "Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty."

51Ale keď ten strom kedykoľvek vypustí ďalšiu letorast, ona bude rodiť jeho originálne ovocie. A musí byť prinavrátenie všetkých týchto vecí práve na konci toho viniča. Má nastať prinavrátenie, večerné svetlo, aby to osvietilo a dalo to do poriadku. Ale to vyjde z toho viniča, nie z denominácii, ktorá je do toho zaštepená, ale originálny produkt Slova. To má nastať v čase večera. A v čase večera bude svetlo. Na to treba svetlo, aby to dozrelo.

52Vidíte aké dokonalé je Písmo: "Deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou." Ovocie nemôže dozrieť, ak ho slnko nedovedie do zrelosti. Nezáleží koľko kážete, čokoľvek robíte, to nemôže dozrieť, nemôže to byť zamanifestované, nemôže to byť potvrdené - jedine skrze Neho, ktorý povedal: "Ja som svetlo sveta, Slovo." A tak musí prísť moc, Sám Duch Svätý, aby dal dozrieť, alebo aby potvrdil, alebo dokázal, alebo aby zamanifestoval, že to čo On predpovedal sa stane v tomto dni. To večerné svetlo to robí. Čo za čas!

53Nevesta prešla do tej istej pozícii, v ktorej bola, keď bola na začiatku, Ale ja som ju videl vychádzať z kroku, a snažil som sa ju potiahnuť naspäť. No, veľa by sa mohlo povedať o týchto veciach, o dni v ktorom žijeme.

54No, Hozeáš povedal v 6: 1: "Navráťte sa ku Pánovi." Pamätajte, on povedal, že oni budú rozprášení, a boli. On povedal, že oni sa navrátia ku Pánovi, potom čo boli rozprášení, a On ich obviaže. Všimnite si. Navráťte ... rozprášení ... po druhé boli roztrhaní a boli zaslepení. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. "On nás uzdraví a obviaže," ako Ezechiel 37, suché kosti, dolina plná suchých kostí. Ezechiel to videl, znovu ich návrat. Všimnite si potom, Hozeáš povedal: "Po dvoch dňoch ... Po dvoch dňoch sa On ku ním navráti. On nás prijme, a dá nám - oživí nás." No, oživiť neznamená "vzkriesenie." Oživiť to je to isté slovo použité všade inde (práve som to vyhľadal), znamená "prebudenie." "On nás prijme o dva dni." To bude na tretí deň. "On nás znovu prijme, potom čo nás rozprášil, a oslepil, a roztrhal."

55Viete, Židia boli zaslepení práve kvôli tomu, aby sme my mohli vidieť. Oni boli roztrhaní a rozprášení ako národ, a odmietli svojho Mesiáša, aby sme my mohli prijať Mesiáša, aby tam mohli byť ľudia vyvolaný z pohanov pre Jeho meno.

56No, prichádza muž a žena prijíma jeho meno. Títo slepí pohania, ktorí nemôžu vidieť to meno, Pán Ježiš Kristus, v krste. Je to príliš zlé, ale musí to tak byť. Židia, oni museli - oni to nemohli vidieť. Je len jeden, kto to môže vidieť; to je ten, kto je predurčený, aby to videl. Inak to nikdy neuvidíte. Židia nemohli vidieť, že to je ich Mesiáš, a predsa oni boli učenci a teológovia, ľudia s veľkým vzdelaním, čítali tú istú Bibliu, ktorú vy čítate. No, potom čo nám to bolo dané poznať, my to jasne môžeme vidieť, že to bol Mesiáš. Ale oni to nemohli vidieť. Ani dnes to nemôžu vidieť. Je o nich prorokované, že tiež budú slepí.

57O cirkvi tohoto dňa je prorokované, že bude slepá, že odmietne posolstvo večerného času; Zjavenie 3 tak hovorí; "Si biedny, mizerný ...!" Všimnite si stav nevesty ten večer - či cirkvi: nahá, slepá, a nevie o tom! Pane Ježišu, buď nám milostivý! Biblia povedala, že ona bola nahá. Ja som to nikdy nevidel, až teraz. Laodicejská cirkev bola nahá. A keď sa ona ukázala toho večera, ona bola nahá (nikdy som si to nevšimol), a nevedela o tom!

58Ó, akú vďačnosť, akú ... Nie divu, že sme takí vďační. Cítim, že nie sme dostatočne vďační za to, čo nám Boh dáva poznávať.

59 Nahá! A to videnie hovorilo - ukázalo mi, že ona bola nahá a nevedela o tom. Slepá, ako Izrael bol slepý, aby tak pohania mohli vojsť, teraz sú slepí pohania, aby Nevesta mohla byť vzatá a Izrael mohol prijať Sviatok Trúb. Tak dokonalé.

61Dobre si teraz všimnite. Potom o dva dni ... No, to neznamená dva dni po 24 hodín, pretože to bolo - to sa stalo tam dávno pred mnohými stovkami rokov. Vidíte? To znamenalo dva dni s Pánom - o dva tisíc rokov. No, viete ako dlho je od toho času? Od vtedy je 2700 rokov, pretože tu v Hozeášovi to je 780 rokov pred n. l. - 1964. Vidíte, to bolo asi pred 2700 rokmi. On povedal: "O dva dni, na tretí deň nás znovu oživí a dá nám život pred jeho tvárou." Tu prichádzajú vaše trúby. To je hodina v ktorej žijeme, deň v ktorom žijeme.

62No, oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení, zhromaždení, a sú ďaleko v treťom dni. Vidíte to? Oni boli rozprášení z Palestíny po svete. Oni boli zaslepení, aby odmietli Mesiáša. A teraz boli zhromaždení vo svojej domovine, pripravení na Trúby, aby rozpoznali Zmierenie. Ako Biblia povedala, keď to oni prijmú a nájdu Ho s jazvami po klincoch (potom, keď je cirkev vzatá), a oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tie jazvy?" On povie: "Z domu mojich priateľov." A On povedal, že oni sa oddelia, každá rodina, a dňami budú plakať a nariekať ako rodina, ktorá stratila svojho vlastného syna. Pamätajte, ten Sviatok Trúb mal urobiť toto - aby plakali, nariekali nad zabitou Obeťou; a oni Ju vtedy odmietli.

63Oni sú vo svojej zemi. Oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení - a teraz zhromaždení. A to bolo všetko pod tou šiestou pečaťou, ich sedem trúb trúbilo, aby ich zhromaždili spolu. šiesta trúba ... Tá siedma je tá veľká trúba (ako sme to hovorili minulú nedeľu). Šiesta trúba zatrúbila pod šiestou pečaťou, tak ako bola otvorená naša šiesta pečať, všetko v tom istom čase; lenže ich všetky zneli naraz, zatiaľ čo my sme boli dve tisíc rokov vo Sviatku Letníc.

64No, 2700 rokov od toho času ... On povedal: "Na tretí deň budeme znovu zhromaždení. Po dvoch dňoch, na tretí deň budeme znovu zhromaždení a prijmeme život pred Jeho tvárou." Vidíte to zasľúbenie? Táto hodina je presne napísaná na stene. My vidíme kde žijeme.

65Teraz v domovine čakajú na Sviatok Trúb, či na rozpoznanie Zmierenia, a aby čakali na príchod, aby nariekali za svoje odmietnutie prvý krát, keď To odmietli; oni sú kvôli tomu v domovine, čakajú, čo oni všetci ... všetko je na svojom mieste.

66Ako kazateľ evanjelia nevidím ani jednu vec, ktorá by chýbala, okrem odchodu Nevesty. A Nevesta musí byť vzatá preč, prv ako oni môžu rozpoznať čo sa stalo. Oni boli zviazaní, rozprášení - chcel som povedať, oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení, a teraz zhromaždení. Čo zostalo? Aby nevesta bola zobraná z cesty, čakajú na odchod Nevesty, tak ich proroci zo Zjavenie 11, ich môžu zvolať na Sviatok Trúb, aby im dali poznať, čo oni urobili.

67Pamätajte, presne medzi týmito pečaťami prišla tá šiesta pečať, a tam bolo 144 000 vybraných a povolaných. A medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou vystupuje Zjavenie 11, presne tam, úplne zhodne so šiestou pečaťou.

68Na čo? Čo to malo robiť? Toto malo priviesť dvoch svedkov, Mojžiša a Eliáša, prorokov; lebo Židia veria len svojím prorokom. A oni prídu so znakom prorokov, a ich práca bude to, čo robil ten prorok, lebo oni robili presne ... To ukazuje jednu vec, ten človek, keď vy zomriete, alebo čokoľvek - keď opustíte tento svet vaša povaha sa nezmení. Ak si teraz klamár, budeš tam klamár. Ak tu si prchlivý, budeš tam prchlivý. Ak tu pochybovač, budeš tam pochybovač.

69Muži i ženy, je čas, aby ste sa prebrali a skontrolovali, a videli kde stojíme! Pretože smrť to nezmení. Oni boli preč (z tohoto sveta) dve tisíc rokov; Mojžiš okolo 2500 rokov a Eliáš až - takmer 2500 rokov bol preč Eliáš a Mojžiš boli preč. A tu sa oni vracajú s tou istou povahou a robia tie isté veci. Smrť nerobí nič na človeku okrem toho, že mení jeho miesto bývania, nemení vašu povahu, nemení vašu vieru, nemení nič vo vás, okrem vášho miesta bývania.

70Tak aká je dnes ráno vaša povaha ... Ak pochybuješ o Božom Slove, budeš i tam pochybovať. Nestarám sa o to, aký si svätý, ako žiješ, a ako dobre žiješ, to ťa ani trochu nezmení keď zomrieš, len tvoje miesto bývania. A ak nemôžeš prijať celé Slovo Božie, tak ako je napísané, neprijmeš ho ani tam; tak nemaj strach, ty tam nebudeš. Ty ho musíš prijať v jeho plnosti, v moci jeho potvrdenia a zjavenia čo to je; potom sa staneš jeho časťou. To je len Jeho Slovo, ktoré On vzbudí, ako On vzbudil Svoje Slovo v to prvé Veľkonočné ráno. Len Jeho Slovo vystúpilo a tí, ktorí zomreli v Jeho Slove, veriac Jeho Slovu, a potvrdili Jeho Slovo.

71Všimnite si, to bolo pred 2700 rokmi. Všimnite si oni boli rozprášení, oni boli zaslepení, a teraz oni boli zhromaždení. No, to ďalšie je, že oni majú prijať život.

72A pohania sú vyvolaní. Nevesta je pripravená. Vytrhnutie je nablízku. Môžeme si to uvedomiť? Môžeme tomu skutočne veriť? Je to nejaká historka, ktorú nám niekto povedal? Je to pre nás mýt? Je to niečo, čo znie skutočne? Je to niečo, čo povrchne môžeme veriť? Alebo je to niečo, čo je v nás, čo je časťou nás, čo je pre nás viac, ako život? Aký postoj zastávame dnes ráno v tomto zhromaždení? Pamätajte to bude malé stádo, ktoré to prijme.

73Teraz v domovine čakajú na tie trúby. Teraz čakajú na odchod Nevesty, aby sa mohlo vyplniť Zjavenie 11. Cirkevný vek skončil. Pečate boli otvorené, aby dokázali, čo oni vynechali v tom cirkevnom veku. A posolstvo bolo podané. Izrael je na scéne (Haleluja!), pripravení na Sviatok Trúb.

74Ó, vy ľudia v iných krajinách, kde budete počúvať túto pásku, či sa nemôžeš prebudiť, môj brat? Alebo ťa to zaslepuje? Vyhodíš to von a nazveš to falošným proroctvom, keď je to potvrdené rovno pred tebou skrze svet, skrze čas, skrze ľudí, a skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý to napísal. Je to potvrdené obojako prirodzene, duchovne, telesne. Všetko čo On povedal je vyplnené a dokázané.

75Izrael vo svojej zemi; potiahol ich tam, zhromaždil ich tam, ako ovce. Vlci sa pustili za ním a zahnal ich naspäť do bezpečia do ich vlastnej zemi. Pamätajte, Izraelovi bolo zasľúbené, že bude žehnaný len pokiaľ bude vo svojej zemi. Boh nežehná Izrael pomimo tej zemi. Abrahám vyšiel z tej zemi, bol odsúdený. Každý kto opúšťa tú zem je odsúdený. Boh môže žehnať Izrael len keď on zostáva vo svojej domovine. A on je tam teraz ako národ. A cirkev je vyvolaná. On čaká len na vytrhnutie Nevesty, aby bola vzatá.

76Pečate sú otvorené. Je nám to zjavené. Vidíme čo oni vynechali. Vy ktorí chcete diskutovať a dohadovať sa ohľadne semena hada, a vodného krstu, a tak ďalej, ste slepí a neviete o tom. Boh tohoto sveta vás na to oslepil, a vy o tom neviete. (Nie divu, že som mal taký čas dnes ráno bojujúc proti tým nátlakom.)

77Tak ich proroci môžu byť zjavení v tomto poslednom dni. Nemôžu to urobiť cez trúbu ... až do Sviatku Trúb.

78On povedal cez Hozeáša: "Otesával som ... (Dívajte sa teraz, On hovorí ku Izraelovi.) ...Otesával som ..." Inými slovami: "Osekával som ich skrze prorokov." Tak Boh robí Svoj ľud. On ich odsekol z ostatných národov. Čím? Svojím dvojsečným mečom, Svojím Slovom. On ich odštiepil, Svoj národ od národov. On odštiepil Svoj národ od tých národov skrze prorokov, Svoje potvrdené Slovo. Tak On odštiepil Svoju Nevestu od denominácií Svojím Slovom zasľúbeným skrze Malachiáša 4, v tom poslednom dni. Odštiepil Svoju Nevestu, otesal ju od ostatných cirkví, odsekol Svoju Nevestu.

79On odštiepil svojich prorokov - svojimi prorokmi so Slovom, odsekáva Izrael. "Oddeľte sa od tých ostatných."

Pozrite sa, keď oni chceli postupovať ako tí ostatní, oni prišli ku prorokovi, Samuelovi. On povedal: "Vzal som niekedy vaše peniaze? Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?"

Oni povedali: "Nie, to je pravda, ale mi stále chceme kráľa."

80Takým spôsobom postupovala cirkev. "Ó, my veríme Slovu. To je v poriadku; ale viete, oni hovoria, žeby sme mali robiť toto." Nestarám sa o to, čo oni hovoria, Slovo je pravda.

Čakajú. On ich odštiepil pomocou prorokov.

81Čo je to za čas, brat? Čo je to za čas, kazateľ? Či vidíš čas dňa a znak pod ktorým žiješ? Môžeš tomu rozumieť? Vidíš to?

82Všade teraz hovoria, nieto prebudenia. Každý sa sťažuje, kazatelia plačú. Čítal som jedny vynikajúce noviny, ktoré prichádzajú sem do zboru, veľmi dobré noviny. A poznám toho vydavateľa, a poznám tých ľudí. A oni sú pobožní ľudia, veľmi dobrí, brat a sestra Moorovci, Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu, jedny z najlepších novín na misijnom poli, Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu. Ale oni sotva vytlačia niečo iné než ako: "Postite sa, modlite sa, postite sa, modlite sa! Zatrúbte na trúbu! Zvolajte ..." Koľkí to čítajú? Viete, vidíte to po celý čas. "Postite sa, modlite sa, postite sa, modlite sa!" Nič inšie nepočujete. "Postite sa, modlite sa! Jedného dňa budeme mať veľké prebudenie! Stane sa veľká vec! Všetci sa modlite, modlite sa, modlite sa! Ešte nie je príliš neskoro!"

83Prečo to oni robia? Prečo to oni robia? Oni chcú veľké prebudenie. Oni kričia, veria, že bude prebudenie. To sú dobrí ľudia. Čo to je? Čo oni urobili? Oni nerozpoznali prebudenie Nevesty. Vidíte? Tým, že sú Kresťania oni cítia potiahnutie tejto hodiny, ale oni nerozpoznali, čo sa stalo. To spôsobuje, že majú taký názor. Oni vedia, že niečo sa má stať; ale vidíte, oni na to očakávajú, že to príde tam v budúcnosti, zatiaľ čo sa to už stalo rovno pri vás.

84To je tá istá vec, ktorú oni urobili v tých dávnych dňoch. Oni verili v príchod Mesiáša. Oni verili, že má prísť predchodca. Ale to bolo rovno pri nich a oni to nevedeli. Oni to nespoznali. Oni verili, že príde predchodca, ktorý bude predchádzať Mesiáša. A oni mu odsekli hlavu a svojho Mesiáša zabil, pretože to bolo prorokované, že budú slepí. Hozeáš tak povedal.

85A ten istý Duch, ktorý hovoril cez Hozeáša, hovoril cez Jána, a povedal, že cirkev v týchto posledných dňoch bude nahá a slepá, a že Jeho vystrčí von z cirkvi. Oni prehliadli, že tieto proroctvá sa vyplnili. Ale pretože sú tam, oni si uvedomujú, že niečo sa musí stať. Oni to proste nechápu. Oni si to neuvedomujú. Viac ako tí Židia vtedy, slepá Laodicea - bohatstvo, teológia, nepriateľskí s cirkvou, nepriateľsky nastavení voči posolstvu. Pozrite ako nepriateľsky boli nastavení títo Židia voči Jánovi. Pozrite ako nepriateľsky oni boli nastavení voči Ježišovi, zatiaľ čo On bol práve ten, o ktorom oni tvrdili, že Ho očakávajú.

[Zabzučal zosilňovač. - pozn.prekl.] Zdá sa mi, že sme vyrazili poistku, myslím, že to tiež vyplo magnetofóny. Nevyplo. Dobre.

86Oni boli nepriateľsky nastavení voči tomu posolstvu ...

Čo sa deje je - tak veľa energie ... Každý z vás je zdrojom tepla. Nie je možné mať v tomto čase tu v zhromaždení celkom normálne povetrie, pretože vidíte každý jeden má normálne 36 stupňov. A vy nesedíte len tak; neustále vydávate teplo. Je tu teraz dosť vzduchu, aby ochladiť toto miesto, ale s tými zdrojmi tepla, ktoré sú stále zapnuté sa to nedá.

87Všimnite si. Nepriateľsky nastavení, ale ako boli tí Židia slepí vtedy; tak sú oni teraz v Laodicei. Oni sú nahí, biedni, mizerní, a nevedia o tom. Čas bohatstva, veľkých teologických učení, veľkého vzdelania, a teraz sa stali nepriateľmi tohoto posolstva. Oni s tým nič nechcú mať, tak ako to bolo v tých dňoch, keď bol na zemi Ježiš z Nazaretu.

88Dôvod, že ľudia vo dňoch Noeho nevošli do archy - to preto, že oni nerozpoznali to posolstvo, ani toho posla. To je jediný dôvod, že oni zahynuli, pretože nepoznali hodinu v ktorej žili. Oni nepoznali, že Boh sa bude rátať s hriechom, ako to On zasľúbil, že bude. On zničí ľudí z povrchu zeme. On o tom prorokoval. On to mal v úmysle. A On to má v úmysle dnes, tak isto ako vtedy.

89Ale ľudia, namiesto toho, aby boli priateľsky nastavení voči Noemu ... On bol pokladaný za divokého muža. Oni neverili, že on je prorok. Viete, Ježiš, On sám nám povedal, ako sa oni vysmievali vo dňoch Noeho, robili si z neho žarty, nazývali ho fanatikom, a všetkým možným. Ale oni nerozpoznali svoju hodinu. Oni nerozpoznali ten deň. Oni nerozpoznali ten znak. Oni nerozpoznali to posolstvo. Oni nerozpoznali toho posla, ale ho dali nabok zo svojho stredu a smiali sa z neho. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..."

90Izrael je vo svojej zemi a všetko je teraz na mieste, a to posolstvo sa tak dokonale šíri, v akom dni to žijeme, brat? Kde sme?

91Oni nepoznali ten deň. Oni to nepoznali. Preto sa toho minuli, pretože oni to nerozpoznali. Oni boli ako dnes - tak ako ľudia dnes, zaslepení vedeckými dôkazmi, vzdelávacími systémami, teologickými seminármi. A tie veci, ktoré ich zaslepili vtedy, urobili to isté dnes. To ich znovu zaslepilo. A tiež jednoduchosť - jednoduchosť posolstva a posla.

92Noe nebol vedec. On nebol vzdelaným človekom. On bol jednoduchý sedliak, pokorný, s jednoduchým posolstvom. To bolo príliš jednoduché na ich vysoké vzdelanie. Tak je to dnes. Boh to stále robí v jednoduchosti, aby dostal ľudí, ktorí budú veriť a dúfať Jemu. To je iné, proste iné posolstvo, ale ten istý Boh. A ja chcem, aby ste verili tomu a rozumeli, že to povedal Boh.

93Ježiš povedal, že oni sa vysmievali z Jeho proroka, Noeho. A ako sa oni vysmievali v tom čase, tak sa oni znovu budú vysmievať pri Jeho príchode. Oni budú robiť to isté. Preto sa faraón utopil v mori. On nerozpoznal svoj deň. On vôbec nerozpoznal, čo sa dialo. On bol príliš zaujatý úspechmi jeho vedeckého veku, stavať mestá pomocou otrokov. On bol príliš - On bol príliš zaneprázdnený, aby rozpoznal príležitosť, ktorú mal, a vyhnal Božieho prorockého posla na púšť. On to nerozpoznal; preto sa tie veci odohrali tak, ako sa odohrali. On to vôbec nerozpoznal. Keby on len bol rozpoznal zasľúbené Božie Slovo pre tých ľudí.

94A keby cirkvi dnes len rozpoznali, keby cirkvi len rozpoznali Slovo Božie, ktoré dalo toto zasľúbenie na túto hodinu pre ľudí, oni by nezahynuli! Keby Amerika mohla len uznať Konštitúciu, ktorú zostavili, nezhodli by sa na to, aby odstránili Biblie zo škôl, aby odstránili meno Božie z mincí, a sľubovanie vernosti Bohu. Ale ona to nerozpoznala. Prečo? Ona je slepá a nahá. Ona nemôže rozpoznať krv tých vzácnych chlapcov, ktorí zomreli na poliach za toto privilégium. Oni sú zabudnutí; oni sú prachom.

95Ale je Niekto, kto pamätá tú preliatu krv prorokov, cenu, ktorá bola potrebná, aby nám dnes bolo prinesené toto evanjelium, ako tisíce boli zožratí levmi a hodení do jám, boli pílení, upaľovaní, križovaní - Boh na to pamätá. Cirkev zabudla na svojich prorokov; oni tvrdia, že ich viac nepotrebujú. Ale Boh vie, že On ich musel mať. On okresáva Svojich ľudí Svojím Slovom. Ale to je pre nich dnes príliš staromódne. Oni to neuznávajú. Preto sú oni v takom stave v akom sú. Preto sú nahí, mizerní, slepí, biedni, a nevedia o tom, pretože oni nepoznávajú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Oni si to nevšímajú.

96Mojžiš, on rozpoznal svoj deň a svoje povolanie, keď videl to potvrdené zasľúbenie Božieho Slova na ten deň. On potom vedel a uvedomil si čo on je, a čo on má robiť pomocou toho zasľúbeného Slova. Tak on sa nebál, čo ktokoľvek povedal. On sa nehanbil za svoje posolstvo, hoci každý kňaz a každý faraón, každý, každá autorita, nesúhlasili s ním. Ale on rozpoznal, keď videl to svetlo, ten ohnivý stĺp, visiaci v tom kríku, a hovoril ku nemu Slovo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené na ten deň, a povedal: "Zavolal som ťa, aby si to išiel urobiť." On sa nebál veľkej kráľovej hrozby. On tam išiel, aby uviedol tých ľudí do exodusu, ako zasľúbilo Božie Slovo.

97Keď videl potvrdené to zasľúbenie, on pripravil tých ľudí na ich exodus. Kedy? Keď videl potvrdené zasľúbenie Božie. Pamätajte, on sa to snažil svojou teológiou; on sa to snažil svojim vytrénovaním. Ale keď videl, že Slovo Božie sa zjavilo, on ho videl potvrdené: "JA SOM KTORÝ SOM," potom sa on nestaral, čo ktokoľvek hovoril. On sa nebál, čo s ním urobí faraón. On sa nebál, čo urobia tí ostatní. On sa len bál Boha, aby neporozumel zle Boha, alebo nejako, aby zle neporozumel Boha, on sa nebál ľudí a toho, čo oni povedia, alebo čo oni urobia. On sa bál len Boha, potom, keď poznal, že to bolo Slovo Božie.

98On nemohol porozumieť, ako taký človek, ako on tam mohol byť poslaný. Ale keď on poznal skrze potvrdené Slovo, čo to bolo, potom sa on nebál kráľových rozkazov. Keby ste len mohli rozpoznať. Keby sme len my dnes mohli rozpoznať! Mojžiš to rozpoznal, keď videl potvrdené to Slovo, videl dokázané to potvrdenie, on bol pripravený na exodus, pre ľudí.

Jób nerozpoznal, že to bol Boh. Tak dlho, ako vás diabol môže držať v tom, že veríte, že niekedy tie malé skúšky, cez ktoré prechádzate, že to je možno Boh, ktorý vás tresce ... To bol Boh, ktorý sa mu snažil niečo ukázať. Jób to vôbec nerozpoznal, až kým neuvidel videnie, ako Mojžiš. Keď Mojžiš videl to videnie, ten ohnivý stĺp v tom kríku, to bolo potvrdené. A keď Jób hľadal odpoveď: "Ak človek zomrie, či môže znovu ožiť? Vidím zomierať strom, a on znovu ožije. Vidím zomierať kvet a on znovu ožije. (Na to hľadal odpoveď.) Ale človek ľahol, vydal ducha, on sa pominul. Jeho synovia prišli, aby plakali, a on to nevidí. Och, aby si ma skryl v hrobe, až kým neprejde Tvoj hnev." On nemohol porozumieť prečo kvet zomiera a znovu ožije, ako list opadáva dole zo stromu, a leží na zemi, a znovu na jar prichádza. On povedal: "Človek ľahne, a kde ide? Ja verím Bohu; ale čo sa stane s človekom?"

99Ale potom jedného dňa sa začalo blýskať, hromy začali hrmieť, Duch prišiel na proroka, a on videl príchod Človeka, ktorý mohol položiť svoju ruku na hriešneho človeka a Svätý Boh premostí tú cestu. Potom on vykríkol: "Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! Hoci červy zožerú toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha!" On rozpoznal, čím bolo vzkriesenie.

100Balám vôbec nerozpoznal anjela, až kým osol neprehovoril v jazykoch. Balám nemohol rozpoznať, že mu anjel stál v ceste. Zaslepený kazateľ nemohol poznať, že to bol Boh, ktorý mu stál v ceste, snažiaci sa ho zadržať, aby nepredával svoj dar, za peniaze. A keď ten osol prehovoril ľudským hlasom, potom Balám rozpoznal, že to bol anjel, ktorý mu stál v ceste, snažiaci sa ho zadržať od toho, čo robil.

101 Och, vy slepé denominácie, keď Boh mohol použiť osla, ktorý je nemý, aby prehovoril jazykom, ktorý nepozná, aby zjavil kazateľovi, že je vedľa, či nemôže použiť človeka, aby urobil to isté? Slepí ľudia.

102Keby len Achab bol rozpoznal svoj deň nikdy by nebol odsúdil proroka Micheáša, so Slovom Božieho zasľúbenia pre neho.

103Keď tam Achab stál toho dňa, on a Jozafat ... A keď tam oni mali štyristo prorokov, ktorí prorokovali, hovorili: "Choď, všetko je v poriadku. Achab, ty žiješ v hriechu. Ty si nás urobil veľkou denomináciou; my sme veľkí ľudia; my sme veľkí služobníci. Tu sme; Je nás štyristo vycvičených kňazov - či prorokov. Je nás štyristo vycvičených v Slove a v teológii. My o tom všetko vieme." Tak teraz to dokázalo, že oni o tom všetko nevedeli.

104Ten človek, ktorého oni nazývali bláznom, v tej generácii pred nimi, Eliáš, skutočný prorok Boží, ktorý prorokoval: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, psi budú lízať tvoju krv, Achab!" Vidíte?

105Ale títo kňazi, ľuďmi urobení proroci, hoci to oni mali všetko tak dobre dopasované. Oni povedal: "Otče Abrahám - či otče Achab, choď, Pán s tebou. Máš Písmo, pretože Boh dal túto zem Izraelovi. Ona patrí Izraelovi. Choď, Pán je s tebou." Ó!

106Ale viete, Jozafat, on, ktorý nebol zapletený do hriechu, ako Achab, on videl tie veci trochu inak. On povedal: "Či nie je tu iný?"

107On povedal: "Máme tu jedného, ale ja ho nenávidím." Vidíte? Čo robil Boh? Znovu s prorokom okresával Svoj ľud. "Ja ho nenávidím. On nerobí nič iné, len ma po celý čas odsudzuje. A ty vieš, že ja som veľký človek. Nemal by som tu tento veľký seminár, keby som nebol veľký veriaci. Mám dobre vyškolených ľudí. Postavil som ich tam s knihami, Bibliami, a tak ďalej, aby toto učili. A ja viem, že oni sú veľkí ľudia." Ale keby Achab len rozpoznal, kto bol ten chlapík, ten biedny obyčajný, drsne vyzerajúci človek, syn Jimlu, ktorý tam, stál a hovoril mu: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," on by nikdy neurobil tú fatálnu chybu, ktorú urobil. Ale on odsúdil Micheáša. On nikdy ne ...

Ó, ľudia, rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete! Pozrite čo sa stalo. Pozrite čo je zasľúbené. Rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete.

108Keby denominačná cirkev dnes mohla len rozpoznať, prečo sú oni odsúdení a prečo ich členovia utekajú od nich, ako Izrael z Egypta, keby denominácie len prestali odsudzovať tieto pásky a počúvali ich ... A vy kazatelia, ktorí počúvate tieto pásky, počúvajte. Keby ste len rozpoznali hodinu v ktorej žijete, keby ste len rozpoznali znak času, videli by ste, prečo ľudia utekajú z tých denominácií. Duch Pánov volá ... "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, - povedal Ježiš - ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, v minulom čase, prídu."

109Ako tá prostá žena pri studni, a kňaz, aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Dnes je znovu nápis na stene. Oni to vidia, ale oni to nerozpoznávajú.

110Keby len Židia boli rozpoznali ten zasľúbený znak ich Mesiáša podľa ich posledného proroka; Malachiáš 3 povedal: "Hľa, Ja posielam Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou a on pripraví cestu." A oni tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho. Ó aká dokonalá podobnosť na dnešok.

111Oni tvrdia, že očakávajú na niečo, čo sa má stať. Všetky cirkvi sa modlia, a postia a hovoria: "Modlime sa. Dajme sa dokopy. Musí sa stať veľká vec. Vieme, že sa má stať niečo veľké; cirkev sa musí pripraviť." To je to, za čo sa oni modlia.

112To je to za čo sa oni modlili. A tam prišiel Ján Krstiteľ. Pretože on odmietol ich semináre, pretože on postupoval inak než, ako učili ich otcovia ... On prišiel z púšte bez vzdelania. On vystúpil bez naškrobeného goliera, ako by sa to dnes povedalo. On prišiel bez veľkého množstva teológie; ale on prichádza a vie skrze zasľúbenie Božie, že on má oznámiť Mesiáša. On povedal: "On teraz stojí vo vašom strede." A oni si mysleli, že je blázon, pretože nepochádzal z ich škôl. Nápis bol na stene, a oni o tom nevedeli. Oni tvrdili, že očakávajú, že má prísť taká osoba; a On bol rovno medzi nimi; a oni to nerozpoznali, hoci oni vraveli, že očakávajú na Neho.

113Tak isto ako s tými Židmi, tak to bude na zemi i s pohanmi, pretože je prorokované to isté, to isté. Tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho. Ale teraz tie denominácie v tom pohanskom Laodicejskom veku sú tak isto slepé, ako boli oni. Prečo? Je to prorokované, že budú. To sa musí vyplniť.

114Keby Izrael bol len mohol rozpoznať svoj znak, oni by boli poznali, že čas ukázania sa Mesiáša je na blízku. Keby oni boli rozpoznali ...

Viete učeníci sa to opýtali Ježiša: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"

115A Ježiš povedal: "Eliáš už prišiel a oni ho nepoznali. On už tu bol, a oni ho už zabili. Oni urobili presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že urobia.

116Keby oni len boli rozpoznali, že ten fanatik, ktorý odsúdil každú dvojakú vec, ktorú oni urobili, ktorý odsúdil všetko, čo oni robili ..." On povedal: "Vy pokrytci, nezačínajte ... Hady v tráve, vy plemä vreteníc, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nemyslite si: 'Máme otca Abraháma; máme toto, tamto, či tamto;' lebo hovorím vám, Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi."

117Nemyslite si, že stojí pri vás Svetová Rada, a že máte najlepšie oblečených členov ... Boh je schopný z tej spodiny tu vzbudiť deti, aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo - z prostitútok, z povaľačov, pijanov, hazardných hráčov. On je schopný to urobiť; On je stále Boh.

118Zaslepené denominácie, ako zaslepený Izrael, o oboch bolo prorokované, že budú takí. (Ukazujem vám podobnosť, až sa dostanem do tohoto miesta, do ktorého teraz chcem.) Zaslepení, ako sú dnes zaslepené denominácie pohanov Laodicejského veku, tak boli oni vtedy.

119Laodicejský vek má prijať posolstvo; Malachiáš 4 to povedal. Ale na čo oni očakávajú? "Naša denominácia to vyprodukuje. A ak to nepríde cez nás, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Zbory Božie, jednotárov, alebo - ak to my nevyprodukujeme, nie je to pravda." To isté, čo oni robili v tom čase. A to prišlo a odišlo a oni o tom nevedeli. Oni to nerozpoznali, hoci to vyplnilo každé slovo. Ježiš povedal: "Oni urobili to, čo bolo počuť, že urobia. Tak urobia Synovi človeka. On bude odmietnutý."

120Všimnite si teraz. To isté je teraz vo dňoch pohanov, podľa zasľúbeného písma z Malachiáša 4; o čom Ježiš povedal: "Všetky Písma sú inšpirované, a nemôže sa stáť, žeby sa niečo z toho nevyplnilo." Nie je možné zadržať Písmo od toho, aby sa nevyplnilo; všetko sa musí vyplniť. A Ježiš povedal, že to sa stane. A tu vidíme, že sa to stalo. Vidíme to.

121Prinavráti čo? V posledných dňoch ... Vy denominační bratia, počúvajte. Prinavráti originálny Sviatok Letníc, ako to bolo na začiatku; tak to bude prinavrátené pred tým, ako zaznie Izraelský Sviatok Trúb, musí to byť prinavrátené. Musí byť niečo čo to urobí. Malachiáš 4 povedal, že viera otcov bude navrátená deťom. Čo sa stane ...

122Keby bol Izrael rozpoznal svojho Mesiáša, zasľúbený znak, neboli by tam, kde sú dnes. Keby oni ... Ale prečo to oni nerozpoznali? Je to žalostné. Prečo to oni nerozpoznali? Pretože Boh povedal, že to nerozpoznajú. Koľký tomu veríte, povedzte "Amen." Boh povedal, že to nerozpoznajú. A to je ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, že v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku sa toto stane; a tu je to pred nimi. Ako oni môžu urobiť niečo iné, než ako vyplniť to?

123Keby oni len rozpoznali ten zasľúbený znak Mesiáša, znak Syna človeka. On prišiel v mene Syna človeka. No, On bol v mene, cez Letničný vek, v Duchu Svätom, Syn Boží. No, to ďalšie je Milénium, Syn Dávidov. Traja synovia - ten istý Boh. Ten istý Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý; ten istý Boh. Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží - Syn Dávidov, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, to je po celý čas ten istý Boh, len v troch rôznych pracovných úradoch.

124Tak Otec, Syna a Duch Svätý, nie sú traja bohovia, ale ten istý Boh v troch rozloženiach, troch úradoch práce, ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. Ale ako dnes, oslepení tradíciou, ako boli oni vtedy, oslepení tradíciou, oni to nevidia. Prečo to oni nemôžu vidieť? Oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť. Pamätajte, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Poviete: "Prečo to potom hovoríš?" Pre to isté, pre čo to hovoril Ján, pre to isté prečo tí ostatní. Jeden zostal tu a tam, ktorý musí byť vyvedený. Ó, ovce Božie, počujte Boží hlas! "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas."

125Tá žena pri studni rozpoznala svoj deň, skrze znak Mesiáša. Ona bola v špatnom stave. Ona sa nechcela dať vodiť za nos tými starými cirkvami, tak ako to oni robili. Oni žili všelijako, a všetko čo oni robili. Ona neverila v niečo také. Ale ona vedela, že jedného dňa Niekto príde. Ten biedny obyčajný človek tam na ceste pri studni ... Ona našla to, čo hľadala, keď jej On začal zjavovať tajomstvá jej srdca, povedal jej hriech, v ktorom žila. Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím, že Ty si Prorok." (No, oni nemali proroka štyristo rokov.) Povedala: "Vidím, že Ty si Prorok. A ja viem, že keď príde Mesiáš On bude robiť tieto veci."

On povedal: "Ja som On."

126Ona rozpoznala. Nemala viac pochýb. Ako to môžeš dokázať? To už bolo dokázané. "Keď Mesiáš príde, toto je to, čo On bude robiť." Dobre, keď to ona mohla rozpoznať pomocou Písma, či my nemôžeme rozpoznať tie večerné svetlá a znak dneška? "My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde On nám ukáže všetky tieto veci. On nám toto povie."

On povedal: "To som Ja, ktorý s tebou hovorím."

127Nemala žiadne pochybnosti. Odišla a povedala ľuďom: "Poďte sa pozrieť, On je tu!" Ona nemal viac pochybnosti. To bolo vybavené, pretože ona rozpoznala deň, v ktorom žila. Ona to rozpoznala.

128Tak to rozpoznal Natanael, veľký Žid. Keď on uvidel ten znak Mesiáša, ktorý tam bol zasľúbený, nezáležalo koľko kňazov, koľko všetkého iného ... Čo to urobilo? To znekľudnilo tých kňazov, keď videli tých ľudí opúšťať tie cirkvi a odchádzať. On povedal: "Ak niekto z vás navštívi Jeho zhromaždenie, budete vylúčení. Namieste vás vylúčime z denominácii."

129Tak je to dnes. "Vylúčime vás z našej organizácii, ak navštívite jeho zhromaždenie."

130Pamätáte toho slepého muža? Jeho otec a matka nemohli ani odpovedať. Oni sa báli, pretože oni povedali, že ktokoľvek sa pôjde pozrieť na Ježiša, alebo navštívi Jeho zhromaždenie, tí budú vylúčení. Ale ten slepý mohol hovoriť za seba. On, ktorý bol slepý mohol potom vidieť.

131Ja, ktorý som bol raz slepý, môžem teraz vidieť. Ja, ktorý som nikdy nepoznal tieto veci, bolo mi to dané poznať skrze Ducha Svätého. Vypustite ich denominácie, pretože oni aj tak prídu!

133Práve ako Mojžiš, Biblické pravdy, potvrdené Slovo; Mojžiš vedel, že to bolo zasľúbenie na ten deň, pretože to bolo podľa Písma. Nezáležalo na tom, ako divne ... On povedal: "Čo mám povedať, že kto ...? Poviem im, že som videl svetlo tu ďaleko na púšti. Ako im môžem teraz povedať, že tu bolo svetlo, a toto svetlo mi povedalo, aby som tam išiel?

134On povedal: "Zaiste, Mojžiš, Ja budem s tebou." A nie len ... On sa neukázal dole v Egypte len skrze zázraky a znamenia, ale keď ich všetkých zhromaždil spolu, On sa im znovu ukázal, a potvrdil službu Mojžiša pred tými vyvolenými a vyvolanými. Keď ich ten prorok odštiepil, uvoľnil ich z toho národa a doviedol ich na miesto, potom sa ten ohnivý stĺp znovu ukázal na vrchu Sinaj. Zhoduje sa to s dneškom. Amen! Chvála Bohu! Pre mňa je to viac, ako život.

135Ako sa môj vek začína vkrádať a ja vidím tú hodinu vulgárnosti a nemorálnosti tiahnuť zemou a všetko, potom sa pozerám naspäť a vidím čo sa stalo; moje srdce vyskakuje od radosti, vediac, že keď zanedlho tento zemský stánok bývania bude zničený, ale mám iný, očakávajúci tam. Snažím sa potiahnuť ľudí, odštiepiť ich od týchto vecí a od všetkého, vytiahnuť ich, aby som im ukázal skrze Písma, že Boh tam stojí s potvrdeným ohnivým stĺpom, ktorý videli stovky a tisíce, a dokonca predtým ho odfotili fotoaparátom, čas od času, aby to dokázať.

136Povstávajú napodobovatelia. Zaiste, to sa musí stať. Napodobovatelia povstali v čase Mojžiša a urobili to isté. Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa, Mojžiš. Nestoj pri nich. Ja ich prehltnem!" A svet ich dostal. A tak je to dnes. Idú rovno naspäť do sveta - peňažné machinácie, a všetko možné. Vidíte?

137Mojžišov Biblický znak ... On bol - on bol ten veľký prorok Boží, ktorý tam išiel, aby ich vyslobodil. A oni to poznali; Oni rozpoznali ten znak. On bol presným potvrdením toho zasľúbeného Písma.

138Ježiš bol to zasľúbenie Písma, potvrdený tej žene. Alebo, On bol výkladom. Ježiš bol výkladom Písma. Jeho vlastný život vyložil Písmo.

139Či nevidíte posolstvo tejto hodiny? Či môžete rozpoznať, kde sme? Samotné to posolstvo z Písma vám vykladá hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. To je výklad.

140Ježiš povedal Izraelovi: "Keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň." Raz keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pozrel sa a povedal, Jeruzalem, ó, Jeruzalem ..." On zaplakal. On sa pozeral dole; On videl ... Nie žeby som to chcel nejako porovnať - ten večer - to ráno okolo desiatej, keď som videl tú prostitútsku cirkev. Dole vo svojom srdci cítite Ducha Svätého roniť slzy. "Jeruzalem, ó, Jeruzalem, ako často som ťa zhromažďoval. Ale čo si urobil? Zabíjal si prorokov, ktorých som ku tebe posielal. Vraždil si ich!" A to posolstvo, ktoré bolo poslané dnes do cirkvi, bolo zavraždené skrze ich denominačné dogmy. Písmo je vraždené ich dogmami. Ježiš povedal: "Keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň; ale teraz je príliš neskoro, je príliš pozde." Tak je to s cirkvami.

141Verím z celého svojho srdca, že ona prehliadla vykúpenie. Nezáleží na tom, čo si vy chcete o tom myslieť, to je vaša vlastná mienka, toto je moja. Vidíte? Vy nemusíte mať moju mienku. Ale ja verím, že ona prehliadla vykúpenie, a to za minulých päť, alebo šesť rokov. Pamätám sa - pamätáte Chicago. Pozorujte čo sa odvtedy stalo, a sledujte, to sa ďalej tak deje. Vidíte? Pamätajte, pred tým je moje meno, to tam bolo vidieť; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Vidíte, či sa ona ďalej nerozpadáva.

142Pozrite v 1933 roku: ako bolo povedané, že ako sa budú zachovávať ženy v týchto posledných dňoch; ako bolo povedané, že ľudia ... ako Mussolini, ako on príde do svojho konca; ako tajomne skončí Hitler; ako tie tri "izmy" vojdú do komunizmu; ako budú vyzerať tie autá, ako vajce; a ako tie ženy budú nosiť oblečenie, že budú vyzerať, ako muži, ešte aj aké bude ich spodné prádlo, a oni nakoniec prídu do toho, že budú nosiť figové listy, ako, na sebe; ako to nemorálne správanie, ako sa oni budú správať v týchto dňoch. Pozrite sa, čo oni robia. Potom je to rovno pred vami.

143Keby len kresťanské ženy mohli (tak zvané kresťanky) - mohli len rozpoznať, že ten duch nemorálnosti na nich je z diabla, ktorý ich vedie do toho, aby si strihali vlasy. To robí jedine diabol. To je pre vás nezhodné s Božím Slovom. Tak ako to bolo v záhrade Eden. Čo oni ...? Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať. Oni chcú povedať: "Ó, ten fanatický kazateľ hovorí ..." To nie som ja. Ja vám nehovorím, čo máte robiť. Ja len citujem Slovo. Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať, že to je diabol.

144Oni si hovoria kresťania. Ježiš povedal: "Ako ma môžete nazývať Pane, a nerobíte to, čo vám hovorím?" Oni nemôžu byť kresťania. Ja nie som ich sudcom, ale ja len hovorím to, čo hovorí Slovo. "Ako ma môžete nazývať, Pane, a potom nerobiť to, čo som vám povedal?" A celé Slovo tu je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Ako ma nazývate Pane?"

145Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať, že to je diabol, nemorálny duch. Nejaké milé ženy tam ...

146Myslím, že toto je najvulgárnejšie miesto, ktoré som kedy v živote videl, Jeffersonville, Indiána; čo sa týka nahých žien. Bol som v Hollywoode; bol som všade; pochodil som po celom svete, a videl som rôzne druhy nečistoty. Videl som to v Paríži; Videl som to v Anglicku, ktoré je na prvom mieste medzi všetkými nimi.

147Myslím, že Anglicko bude jedného dňa potopené do oceánu; zaslúži si to. Zvrátenosť, špina, malý ... To je žumpa svetovej nemorálnosti, ľudia ktorí najviac zapierajú Písmo, akých som kedy v živote videl. Ono sa takým stalo, pretože ono odmietlo pravdu.

148Billy Graham povedal, že musel odísť preč z parkov so svojou ženou - pohlavný styk medzi mužmi a ženami, chlapcami a dievčatami rovno v parku, otvorene. Ono sa stalo žumpou. Tak isto Francúzsko; tak isto ostatný svet; a tak isto Spojené štáty zastávajú medzi nimi všetkými vedúce miesto.

149Pozrite sa dnes. Vedú ich, že si strihajú vlasy, nosia šortky, nohavice, fajčia - a hovoria si veriaci. Neuvedomuješ si sestra, či žena ... Chcel som povedať ... prepáčte, moja sestra nerobí niečo také. Neuvedomujete si, že to je diabol? Ale čo ... Ako vtedy tí Židia, nebudete veriť potvrdenému Slovu, keď sa vám Ono dokázalo. Držíte sa svojich denominačných tradícií, ktoré hovoria, že to je v poriadku. Hovoríte v jazykoch, vyskakujete hore dole, spievate v duchu - a striháte si vlasy. Mohli by ste si predstaviť, robiť to nejakú kresťanku? Videl som diablov, videl som čarodejníkov, videl som ich hovoriť v jazykoch a vykladať, a vyskakovať hore dole a tancovať v duchu, piť krv z ľudskej lepky, a preklínať meno Ježiša Krista.

150Vy hovoríte: "Ja patrím do cirkvi. Haleluja! Chvála Bohu! Ja ..." Patríš do čoho? Cirkev je Slovo; a Slovo hovorí, že to je hanba, keď to robíte!

Vy slepá banda farizejov, ktorí takto vediete tie biedne deti do pekla. Pretože sa bojíte, že stratíte lístok na obed, a že by ste boli vystrčení zo svojej denominácii, keby ste začali hovoriť niečo o ... Hanbi sa, pokrytec! Hanbi sa za to! Vidíte, že tá hodina sa takto približuje, a vy sa odvraciate, skrze vaše tradície, preč od Slova Božieho. Ako sa opovažujete, slepci!

151Či nehovorí Biblia, že ste slepí? Či nemôžete porozumieť, že ste slepí? Biblia hovorí, že ste. A ste nahí, biedni, mizerní, slepí, a neviete o tom, keď si myslíte, že máte najväčšiu cirkev v meste, a robíte toto, tamto, či tamto; a Biblia povedala, že ste biedni, ako len môžete byť, a že ste slepí. A On stále stojí pri dverách a snaží sa vám predať masť na oči - nie predať, ale dať vám ju; a vy to nechcete prijať. To sa vypĺňa Písmo.

152V akom dni žijete, ľudia? Rozpoznávate tú hodinu, rozpoznávate ten znak?

153Keby si oni len mohli uvedomiť, tie ženy, že to je diabol. To je nemravný diabol pod menom náboženstva. On vždy bol taký. On prišiel ku každému prorokovi; on prišiel ku každému svätému; on prišiel dokonca ku Ježišovi Kristovi, ako nábožná osoba. A Biblia povedala, že on bude tak blízky v tých posledných dňoch (dokonca letniční), a zviedol by i vyvolených z tej Letničnej cirkvi, keby to bolo možné.

154[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] "... ale málo," On povedal: "lebo tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu. Lebo ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Pomyslite o tom! V akom dni žijeme? Poznávate tú hodinu, poznávate ten deň? Zaberám vám veľa času, ale ešte niekoľko minút.

155Vedú ich, že si strihajú vlasy. Ó, oni hovoria "Naša cirkev na to nezvracia úvahu." Viete prečo? Oni sú slepí. "To nevadí, že si strihajú vlasy." Ale Biblia hovorí, že vadí! Je to dokonca neslušná vec pre vás strihať si vlasy a modliť sa. Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, žena má byť prikrytá." A Biblia hovorí, že vlasy sú jej prikrytím, nie klobúk, vlasy!

156Čo keby Mojžiš povedal: "Ja si zložím klobúk, namiesto topánok?" To by nefungovalo. Boh povedal "obuv;" Boh myslel "obuv." On povedal "vlasy", nie "klobúk!" Sláva Bohu! Jemu sa to páčilo, som si istý. Chvála Bohu! On myslel presne to, čo povedal. Písmo nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Neznamená len to, čo hovorí vaša denominácia; Ono znamená presne to, čo Ono hovorí; a On ho vykladá.

157Hovoríte: "Poznám ženu, ktorá robí ..." Nestarám sa o to, čo ty poznáš; Ja poznám, čo Boh o tom povedal. Rob si čo chceš.

158Keby si len mohla rozpoznať, čo to je, dáma. Och! Keby si len mohla rozpoznať - vlastne žena, nie dáma.

159Videl som ceduľu, keď som išiel sem z Blue Boar, myslím, že je to tam Piata ulica, v jednej krčme, tam stálo: "Stoly pre dámy." Zastavil som práve ... Povedal som: "Nikdy ste tu žiadnu nemali." Dáma nepôjde na také miesto; žena môže, ale dáma nie.

160Všimli ste si, že úpadok sveta začína nemorálnosťou ženy? Viete že, to tak isto končí, nemorálnosťou ženy? A cirkev je predstavená ako žena? Cirkev je žena, v duchovnom význame. Tak isto Nevesta je žena, duchovne hovoriac.

161Nemorálnosť cirkvi - aká sa ona stala. Pozrite na tie videnia, pozrite sa na tie veci. Vidíte tie videnia, dokonca to Boh dáva ... A to videnie je pravda. Ja mám svoju Bibliu na svojom srdci, vy ľudia pri páskach, a publikum to môže vidieť. Ja som to videl! Všemohúci Boh vie, že je to pravda. Nikdy som to nevedel až do teraz. Ona je nahá, a nevie o tom. Ona bola vo svojom živle. Tu to máte. Ale keď vo videní prišla tá malá Nevesta, to bolo iné. Alfa a Omega.

162Diabol to robí. Ale ako tí Židia vtedy, keď oni videli to Slovo ... A Ježiš povedal svojim ... On toto povedal svojim učeníkom: "Skúmajte Písma. Vy ste v rozpakoch zo Mňa a z Mojej služby. Skúmajte Písma; myslíte si, že v nich máte večný život, a oni svedčia o Mne. Oni vám hovoria, čím je Moje posolstvo. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, verte týmto slovám, ktoré vám Boh vykladá."

163My nechceme aby tento človek vládol nad nami. My máme svojich vlastných kňazov a tak ďalej." Pokračujte potom, to je všetko čo možno povedať. Aj tak je už príliš neskoro, vidíte. Denominačné tradície, ktoré hovoria, že to je v poriadku - oni ich počúvajú. Oni by radšej počuli ... Vy budete viacej veriť ľudskému slovu, ako Slovu Božiemu.

164Oni nepoznávajú ... Cirkvi dnes nepoznajú ll. Timotejovi 3. Ak si ... Vidím, že si niektorí zapisujete tie miesta Písma. No, toto sú miesta Písma, ktoré tu práve citujem. Čo keby sa stalo, že by mi niekto chcel povedať, ja - mám na tom ruku, môžem im ukázať miesto Písma, ktoré o tom hovorí. Vidíte?

165Oni nerozpoznávajú 2. Timotejovi 3, kde je povedané: "V posledných dňoch ľudia budú náhli, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí (Nevestou. Vidíte?); ktorí majú formu pobožnosti, ale ktorí zapierajú jej moc. Od takých sa odvráť. Lebo to sú takí, ktorí budú chodiť z domu do domu a viesť hlúpe ženy - hlúpe ženy - zvádzané rozličnými žiadosťami, ktoré sa nemôžu naučiť ani nie sú schopné prísť do poznania pravdy." Nikdy ... Oni to nepoznajú, a oni to nebudú poznať. Boh tak povedal. A slepí farizej, či to nemôžeš vidieť? Ja sa nehnevám; ja len zatĺkam klinec, aby to držalo. Ani cirkvi toto nepoznajú. Ženy to nemôžu porozumieť; oni mali ... Hlúpe ženy, zvádzané rozličnými žiadosťami - Hollywoodom, všetkými takýmito vecami, ostrihanými vlasmi, nosením šortiek, maľovaním sa, všetky takéto veci, ktoré sa neslušia.

166Či viete, že ženy odohrávajú veľkú roľu v týchto posledných dňoch? Či viete, že Biblia hovorí, že tí ktorí uniknú z tohoto veľkého odsúdenia budú krásnou kyticou pred Pánom? Jedného dňa sa ku tomu dostanem, keď Pán dá, kvôli tomu - kvôli vám ženám. Nech vidíte čo Pán myslí o žene, ktorá skutočne unikla z tohoto odsúdenia, tohoto dňa. Povedal, že ona bude nádherná.

167Jedného dňa som počul jednu ženu, ako sa smiala z jedného dievčaťa - hromada polonahých žien s nižšou morálkou než - než psia matka, vysmievali sa nejakej starej žene v dlhých šatách. Počúvajte sem, vy prevrátené ženy, ona má niečo, o čom vy nič neviete; ona má morálku. Vy ani neviete čo to slovo znamená. Vy ste ju stratili takmer v kolíske. Vy ani nerozoznáte dobré od zlého; ona áno. Ona má niečo skryté vo svojom srdci, o čom vy nič neviete. Vy ste to stratili; nemôžete to vôbec nájsť. Vy ju takto nazývate staromódna, a tak ďalej. Ona vie niečo, o čom vy nič neviete, Ona má skrytý vo svojom srdci, poklad slušnosti. Vy z toho nepoznáte ani jedno slovo. Vaša matka vás takto vychovala. Váš pastor to dovoľuje; ukazuje kde stojí. Práve teraz tu o ňom kážem, vidíte. Vidíte kde ste? Cirkvi ...

168Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť; a to sa vyplnilo.

169Všimnite si, ako sa tiež Janes a Jambres postavili proti Mojžišovi, on príde hneď spolu ... Niektorí z nich ... On nie je ... No, on tu nehovorí o Metodistoch, Baptistoch; oni sú von z toho obrazu. Vidíte? Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi a Áronovi, tak sa budú, oni, mužovia skazení na mysli, ohľadne pravdy, odvrátili sa od pravdy do dogiem a do cirkevných náuk, namiesto do Biblii. A potom Janes a Jambres mohli robiť všetko, čo mohol robiť Mojžiš. Vidíte? Ako Janes (vidíte tam tú podobnosť?) - ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak odporujú tomu títo ľudia skazení na mysli ohľadne pravdy, nebudú to mať vo svojom susedstve, nebudú s tým ani spolupracovať, nebudú s tým mať nič spoločného. Ale je povedané: "Ich nerozum sa ukáže." Keď tá Nevesta zaujme svoju pozíciu a odíde do oblakov, ukáže sa to, nebojte sa. Ako Mojžiš, keď on zobral deti Izraelove, a odtiahol z Egypta, a Egypt sa potopil. No dobre.

170Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo je napísané skrze inšpiráciu; preto - celé to Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Keď On ... oni sa pýtali, povedali: "Ty sa robíš Bohom."

171On povedal: "Vy vo svojom vlastnom zákone nazývate tých, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo, vy ich nazývate bohmi; a oni sú." Povedal: "Potom ako môžete odsudzovať mňa, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží?" Všetky tieto Písma boli napísané skrze inšpiráciu, všetko z nich sa musí zamanifestovať, všetko z toho sa musí vyplniť. Vidíte tam, oni boli proste tak slepí, oni sa tak držali ľudského slova namiesto toho, aby sa boli držali Slova Božieho. To spôsobuje, že ženy robia také veci. To spôsobuje, že kazatelia takto postupujú. Oni sa držia biskupa, namiesto Ježiša. Oni sú do toho chytení cez svoju - cez svoju peňaženku, veľkými zhromaždeniami.

172Len pozrite či som populárny. Zoberte týchto ľudí pomimo Jeffersonville, s touto malou skupinou, ktorá je tu z Jeffersonville, dajte dnes ráno tých, ktorí sú pomimo Jeffersonville von z tohoto zhromaždenia, nemal by som - alebo mám pol tucta, ku ktorým by som kázal. Čo to je? Ona je tu z celej krajiny, z New Yorku z Massachusetts, po Boston, Maile, po more, Georgia, Alabama, a po celej krajine. Oni sú spolu zhromaždení. Amen! Čo to je? V čase večera bude svetlo.

173Oni nemôžu rozpoznať to večerné svetlo; to je to, čo sa deje. Ona to proste nepoznáva. Ona je príliš slepá. Biblia povedala, že je.

174Rusku sa dostalo na svoje miesto vo svete, vo vede len teraz, nie viac, ako pred okolo štyridsiatymi rokmi. Viete, keď vypukla prvá svetová vojna, oni vôbec - oni si nevšímali Rusko. Brat Roy, to bola len hromada nevzdelancov, veľkí Sibírci, zarastení po celej tvári, a nepoznali pravú a ľavú ruku. Je to tak. Rusko. Ale ono rozpoznalo svoje miesto. Ono to muselo rozpoznať, aby vyplnilo Písmo. Vy poznáte moje proroctvá o tom, čo som povedal, že sa stane, ako sa oni všetci zhromaždia v komunizme. Teraz ono vedie svet vo vede. My sme za nimi. Celý ostatní svet je za nimi. Ono stojí na svojom mieste. Ono len rozpoznalo, že tiež má rozum.

175Všimnite si. Človek má tak isto šesť zmyslov, ako mal pred šesť tisíc rokmi. Pred šesť tisíc rokmi, s tými zmyslami, ktoré mal, aby sa kontaktoval so svojím zemským domovom a slúžil Bohu. A teraz v posledných sedemdesiatych piatych rokoch človek prešiel od konského povozu ku astronautovi. Prečo? On sa odvrátil od svojej viery v Boha a obrátil sa do svojich zmyslov a schopností, ako ľudská bytosť. Všimli ste si to? On prestal dúfať Bohu, on dúfa samému sebe.

176Ako táto neveriaca žena (ako sa volá?) tam vo Washingtone, ktorá zmenila všetko toto? Ako sa volá? Murray. Ona povedala: "Pokiaľ máme armádu a námorné vojsko, nepotrebujeme starého Jehovu!" Ja sa nestarám o to, čo máme, pre mňa to je, buď Jehova alebo nič. Nech sa armáda a námorníctvo potopia a to sa stane, ale Jehova zostane naveky. A pokiaľ som časťou Jeho a Jeho Syna, Ja s Ním budem trvať naveky, nie skrze svoje povolanie sa, alebo svoju voľbu, ale skrze jeho voľbu. Amen a amen! Ja s tým nemám nič. To je on. Dajte mi Jeho alebo ma zabite. Nech národy povstávajú a upadnú; Jehova bude trvať. On pretrval všetky veky. Keď upadol Rím, keď upadol Egypt, a všetky ďalšie; a On stále zostáva Jehova. Ó, haleluja! Cítim sa výborne.

177Dôvod, že Rusko sa spamätalo, ono muselo. Práve ako Izrael musel prísť do svojej domoviny. Boh musel priviesť Izrael naspäť do domoviny kvôli tým trúbam. A tak musel Boh doviesť Rusko tam, v komunizme, aby vykonalo presne to, čo bolo prorokované.

178Človek a jeho šesť zmyslov, išiel len s koňom a vozom, dúfajúc Bohu. V posledných 75-tych rokoch prestal dúfať Bohu. Keď oni podpisovali Konštitúciu týchto Spojených štátov, oni dali Boha do všetkého čo mali. Teraz oni nemajú ani zhromaždenie, a ani nemenujú Jeho meno. Je to tak. Oni spoliehajú na svojej vznešenosti a svojej vede, na svojej chytrosti vo vede. Banda zvrhlíkov. Je to presne tak. Celý svet je pohltený v nevedomosti ohľadne Biblii. Celý svet sa odvrátil od Boha. Ale pomyslite len, rovno z prostriedku toho všetkého, a z cirkevných denominácií a všetkých ich seminárov prevrátenosti a všetkého, Boh zobral Svoje prorocké Slovo a odštiepil Nevestu, On povedal, že to urobí. On ju odsekol od tých vecí, čo zasľúbil, že urobí.

179Oni spoliehajú na svojej ľudskej inteligencii, svojej ľudskej vede, a tak ďalej, na Boha zabudli, v ktorého raz dúfali. Spojené štáty zabudli na Boha. Dokonca Ho odstránili zo škôl, že naše malé deti nemôžu ani o Ňom počuť. Oni Ho odstránili zo škôl. No, oni sa Ho snažia odstrániť z dolárov. My dúfame v Boha. Oni to chcú odstrániť zo sľubu vernosti pri zástave. Jeden Národ za Boha; oni to chcú odstrániť.

180Vidíte, oni odišli do svojich vlastných názorov a svojich vlastných zmyslov. Pretože v posledných 75-tych rokoch sa on ani trochu nezmenil vo svojich zmysloch, to je ten istý človek, ktorého Boh stvoril na začiatku. Ale v týchto posledných dňoch, či nemôžete poznať kde sme? A cirkev sa odvrátila od Boha do toho, do seminára, a skúseností a tak ďalej, namiesto Slova. Vôbec Ho neuznáva na svojich zhromaždeniach, vo svojich školách, ani nikde inde.

181Izrael v posledných 75-tych rokoch rozpoznal niečo, čo ich priviedlo do domoviny, ako bolo zasľúbené. Oni nevedia, ako sa to vôbec stalo. Oni strašne trpeli, zomierajúc mučeníckou smrťou, počas tých trúb; ale oni sú vo svoje domovine. Oni nevedia prečo.

182Prečo sa Rusko prebudilo? Prečo sa prebudili národy? Prečo bol človek schopný dosiahnuť, keď vedci pred tristo rokmi ... Francúzsky vedec kotúľal guľu určitou rýchlosťou po zemi, a vedeckým výskumom dokázal, že ak človek niekedy dosiahne ohromnú rýchlosť tridsať míľ na hodinu, zemská príťažlivosť ho zoberie zo zeme, podľa jeho váhy, podľa váhy tej guli. Teraz dosahuje rýchlosť 17 000 míľ na hodinu, a stále sa snaží o vyššiu. On to proste rozpoznal nedávno. Prečo? Tak to muselo byť.

183Prečo, cirkev bola - stála na skale Ježiša Krista. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek povedal, oni stáli rovno na Slove, na posolstve na danú hodinu, Luther, Wesley, a ďalej. A teraz, oni sa odvrátili naspäť do tradícií. Prečo sa to stalo?

184Za posledných 25 rokov Izrael rozpoznal, že oni sú v domovine kvôli niečomu. To bolo prorokované, že oni znovu budú zhromaždení; Hozeáš tak povedal. Čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme to porozumeli. No dobre.

185V tom istom čase Nevesta rozpoznala to večerné svetlo, začala rozpoznávať. Hladní Letniční začali rozpoznávať, že ich organizácie nemajú nič, čo oni očakávajú. Oni sú tak domotaní a potrhaní. Vidíte, to je čas rozpoznania, rozpoznanie. Vy musíte rozpoznať. Svet rozpoznal. Národy rozpoznali. Veda rozpoznala. Diabol rozpoznal; to je čas, že on môže zruinovať ženy, zruinovať cirkev, zruinovať ľudí. On to rozpoznal. A Boh rozpoznal, že na zemi sú ľudia, ktorých On predurčil do života. On rozpoznal, že toto je čas, aby poslal Svoje posolstvo; On ho poslal. Ľudia to rozpoznali, čas Nevesty, uvedomili si večerné svetlo.

186Keby Sodoma bola rozpoznala svoj čas, keď videla tých poslov prísť tam dole, ako Billy Graham a Oral Roberts ...

187Teraz, nejaký prevrátený človek vo Phoenixe práve povstal a povedal ... pustil tú časť na - páske a povedal ... Ja som tam povedal: "Musí byť pokrstený v mene Ježiša," tam to bolo povedané. A potom povedal: "No, vidíte tu, tu ďalej on povedal ..." keď som hovoril o Afrike, ako oni krstia tri krát dopredu a dozadu ... Povedal, že som povedal: "V tom nie je žiadny rozdiel." Vidíte, on si vôbec nevypočul to ostatné na tej páske, len tú časť, a prerušil to, za čo by bol stíhaný; tie pásky majú výhradné právo. Nikto ich nemôže zneužívať. Račej to nerobte. Ak to robíte, ste stíhaní zákonom. Ale budeme ich stíhať? Nie. On povedal: "Nechajte ich tak." Boh mi povedal čo sa stane. Dávajte len pozor, len dávajte pozor na tú osobu. Vidíte?

188V tom istom čase Nevesta postrehla večerné svetlo. Keby Sodoma bola rozpoznala svoju hodinu ...

189No, táto istá osoba zapla pásku, povedal: "Pozrite sa sem, vy Letniční ľudia," povedal: "a vy Baptisti: Tento človek, falošný prorok, William Branham (vidíte?) povedal, že Oral Roberts a Billy Graham boli v Sodome." Vidíte? Potom prerušil pásku. A dosť. Vidíte? Nepustil to ďalej, kde bolo povedané, že oni boli poslami pre Sodomu. Nie v Sodome; oni sú tam, ako posol pre Sodomu. Každý vie, že som to povedal. Vypočujte si tú pásku. Ktokoľvek z toho odoberie, alebo pridá, tak isto bude odňatý od Neho. Vidíte? To je Slovo Pánovo, tak je to povedané.

(je napísané) môj PANE (veľkým písmom PANE, Elohim)." On rozpoznal, že to z toho ľudského tela ku nemu hovorí Boh. On rozpoznal svoj znak, a bol požehnaný Pánov. Sodoma nerozpoznala svoj deň a bola spálená. Ježiš povedal: "Ako to bolo v tom dni, tak to bude, keď Syn Boží - či, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

191No, cirkev nerozpoznala svoj deň. Ako bol Izrael donútený navrátiť sa do Palestíny, ona bude donútená vojsť do Svetovej Rady Cirkví. Prečo? Ona nerozpoznala svoju hodinu. Ľudia vyjdite z nej! Nebuďte účastní jej hriechu! Utečte, aby ste si zachránili život, inak budete prichytení so znamením šelmy, a nebudete môcť už nič s tým urobiť. Nech ten, kto je špinavý, bude ďalej špinavý. Nech ten, kto je svätý, nie bude svätý - teraz je svätý ... Nech ten, kto je svätý, nie žena s ostrihanými vlasmi; ona nemôže byť. No, to znie veľmi tvrdo, ale to je Písmo. Biblia hovorí, že ona hanobí svoju hlavu. A jej hlavou je jej muž. Jeho hlavou je Kristus; tak ona hanobí Krista. Ako môže hanobiť a nebyť pri tom špinavá? Nech tá, ktorá má ostrihané vlasy, nech si ich ďalej strihá! Nech tá, ktorá nosí šortky, nech ich ďalej nosí! Nech ten, kto zapiera Slovo, nech Ho ďalej zapiera! Ale nech ten, kto je svätý, bude ďalej svätý! Nech ten, kto je spravodlivý, bude ďalej spravodlivý, spravodlivé Slovo Božie, zjavený Syn Boží. Je ďalej svätý, ďalej spravodlivý. Rozpoznaj. Tak veru!

192Dni ... Nie, cirkev nerozpoznala svoj deň, ako Izrael vo svojej zasľúbenej zemi. On nevedel, ako sa tam dostal. On sa proste automaticky dostal tam naspäť. Prečo? Národný nátlak ho postavil na jeho miesto. No, chcem niečo povedať. Národný nátlak donútil Izraela vojsť do jeho domoviny. Národný nátlak donúti vojsť cirkev do Svetovej Rady Cirkví. Ale moc Božia vovedie ľudí do Nevesty. Svet núti ísť na túto stranu, a svet núti ísť na tamtú stranu, ale Božia moc núti ísť hore, Duch Boží, ktorým je Slovo Božie - "Moje Slovo je Duch a život." - postaví Nevestu na jej miesto. Pretože ona rozpozná svoje miesto v Slove; potom je ona v Kristovi, postaví ju to na jej miesto. Žiadna národná moc to neurobí. Ale tá národná sila doviedla Izrael do domoviny. Tie národné sily Cirkevnej Rady dovedú každú organizáciu do toho, ale moc Božia zodvihne Nevestu do chvály, preč z toho.

193Ó ľudia, rozpoznajte svoj deň, ako vás Ježiš varoval, ten znak Sodomy, a stav cirkví tohoto dňa.

194Pozrite sa čo On povedal, že sa stane v tomto dni. Počúvajte to skutočne pozorne. Znak Sodomy sa odohrá v tomto čase. Znak, ako Abrahám, ten deň pred Sodomou, ktorý bol vyvolaný. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli prorokované sa budú teraz diať. Pozorujte deň v ktorom žijete. Prešli sme cez to a cez to.

195No, On vám zasľúbil poslať nebeské svetlo, aby dozrelo semeno Slova, ktoré malo byť zasiate na tento deň. To semeno je v tomto. To semeno je Biblia. Prečo? Ježiš tak povedal: "Slovo je semeno, ktoré rozsievač seje." A teraz, prv ako môžete mať nejakú úrodu, nezáleží či vy sejete to semeno, ono musí mať svetlo, ktoré dá zrelosť tomu smenu, inak ono zhnije a nebude na nič; ono zahynie. Ale ak je semeno v zemi, v dobrej zemi so správnym druhom slnečného svetla, ono musí dozrieť. A On zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch, v čase večera vyjde slnko, aby dalo zrelosť tomu semenu. To semeno je kázané. Syn Boží dáva zrelosť tomu semenu, tým že to potvrdzuje, spôsobuje, že ono je vytláčané von pred vašimi očami, a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Rozumiete? Rozpoznajte svoj deň.

Končím teraz. Je čas zakončiť.

196A tí bohatí, slepí, vzdelaní Laodičania vystrkujú Slovo zo svojho stredu. Urobili to? On povedal, že urobia. Ako voľakedy dávno tí proroci boli posielaní, aby potvrdili zasľúbené Slovo na ich čas, tak ľudia, ktorí boli predurčení na svoj deň, to videli. Ako tá žena pri studni, ako Nátan, ako slepý Bartimeus, ako Peter, a ostatní z nich, ktorí to rozpoznali ... On bol tým Slovom a jeho prejavom. "Ak nerobím tie skutky, ktoré Otec zasľúbil, že budem robiť, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak robím skutky, hoci neveríte Mne, verte tým skutkom; oni vám povedia Kto som." Rozumiete? Dobre. Neprehliadnite tento deň. Poslal ... Muži i ženy v iných dňoch to rozpoznali, a vošli do toho, a boli bezpeční.

197Letniční (ó!), prečo nepoznávate svoj deň? Rozpoznajte deň večerného času. On je tu, a je to tu, aby to potvrdilo príchod Kristov, potvrdiť ho. Sme na konci. Rozpoznajte svoj deň.

198Viem, že som vás dlho držal. Už je 12 hodín. Ale mne chutí táto strava. Toto je život; to je - to je pre veriaceho. Rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete a znak tohoto času.

199Vidíte kde všetko je, Izrael, kde je cirkev, kde je nemorálnosť, kde stojí Nevesta. Čo zostalo, ďalšie? Vzatie Nevesty. Pretože, každá cirkev očakáva na veľkú vec. Letniční hovoria: "Sláva Bohu! Príde deň, keď oni budú robiť toto a oni budú robiť tamto." Vidíte, oni sú profesori. Oni veria.

200Ako jedného dňa povedal Kaifáš: "Nie je lepšie, aby jeden zomrel a nie, aby zahynul celý národ?" On bol najvyšší kňaz, Biblia povedala, z akého dôvodu to on povedal. On prorokoval, nevedel čo hovorí. Ale či si uvedomil skutočnú pravdu toho, (čo povedal), že on práve obetoval toho Boha, o ktorom tvrdil, že je Jeho najvyšším kňazom? Tak je to dnes! Oni očakávajú, že tam niekde ďalej nastane veľký čas.

201Prečo, chodím na konferencie Biznismenov a iných, oni hovoria: "Sláva Bohu!" Tí kazatelia vstávajú a proste zburcujú ten zástup, a hovoria: "Prichádza veľké prebudenie. Ruka Pánova bude na zemi!" A ako tí ľudia vystupujú, behajú ako ... A neuvedomujú si, že to sa deje počas tých trúb pre Izrael. Prečo to oni robia? To je preto, že oni sú kresťanský profesori, a neuvedomujú si to. Ani Kaifáš si neuvedomoval, čo robil. A oni si neuvedomujú, že odmietajú práve to posolstvo, ktoré je ku nim poslané. Amen!

202Každá časť Písma, cez ktorú sme prechádzali deň za dňom a týždeň za týždňom, až do jej nevyvrátiteľnej pravdy. "Keď ten slepý to nemôže prijať," povedal Ježiš: "nechajte ho tak. Ak slepý vedie slepého oni všetci spadnú do jamy." Ja neviem kedy; Ja neviem kde; ale ja viem, že to prichádza.

203Viete, ja viem prečo Satan nechcel, aby som toto kázal. Včera som sa cítil tak zle. Nemohol som dostať žiadne Slovo od Pána. Robil som všetko, čo som len vedel a nemohol som ... A dnes ráno, keď som vstal ... Včera som jedol nejaké vločky, a zdalo sa mi, ako by mi ležali rovno tam na žalúdku. Bol som taký chorý, že som len - sotva som mohol vstať. Myslel som si: "Čo sa to deje? Idem tam a neviem, čo budem hovoriť. A Pane, nemôžem ani v mysli nájsť miesta Písma, aby som si ich zapísal; nič nemôžem nájsť." Nevedel som proste čo robiť. Vtedy, potom, keď to posolstvo začalo ku mne prichádzať, Satan stále hovoril: "Cítiš sa príliš zle. Bolí ťa hlava. Si chorý. Nemôžeš tam ísť. Nemôžeš tam zastať. Stane sa toto, stane sa tamto."

204Pamätám sa raz na príbeh o jednom Londýnčanovi v Anglicku. On bol len obyčajný človek. A povedali mu, že kráľ, jeden z kráľov v tých dávnych dňoch mal ísť do svojho palácu. A tento ... On nemal nikoho ... On mal posolstvo, ktoré musel vyslať, naliehavé posolstvo, pretože nepriateľ ... A tak on povedal tomuto obyčajnému človekovi, ktorý tam stál, povedal mu: "Tu máš, zober toto posolstvo, zober toto posolstvo! Ponáhľaj sa na to a to miesto, a rozkáž aby toto urobili." A povedal mu: "Zober si do ruky moje žezlo; to ťa potvrdí, že ja som - že som ťa ja poslal."

205A on si to zastrčil pod kabát a odišiel. Tí strážcovia ho všade zastavovali, každý. A on kričal: "Z cesty! Mám kráľovské posolstvo, ja som kráľov posol!" Potvrdené slovo!

206Pomyslel som si: "Satan, odstúp mi z cesty! Ja mám posolstvo od Kráľa. Ja musím ísť!"

207Jedného dňa, keď zabili Knieža Pokoja, a dali ho do hrobu, a zapečatili ten hrob, a smrť Ho držala za tri dni a tri noci, ale na Veľkonočné ráno On mal v ruke to žezlo a skríkol: "Ustúp smrť! Ustúp hrob! Otvor sa! Ja som to Kráľovské posolstvo. Ja musím vyjsť a dokázať toto vzkriesenie. Ja som vzkriesenie i život!" Haleluja! Cítim sa teraz skutočne dobre. To je Kráľove posolstvo. Rozpoznajme ho priatelia, pretože sme povolaní, aby sme sa zhromaždili spolu na zvuk trúby. Pretože trúba Pánova zaznie a potom času viac nebude.

208 On zhromaždil Izrael. Tri dni - na tretí deň On povedal, že to urobí. Prešlo 2700 rokov. Na ten tretí deň, On povedal, ich zhromaždí spolu, a On to urobil. On povedal, že oznámi cestu života. Tam ich máte, čakajú teraz len na Nevestu, aby sa odstúpila z cesty, aby oni mohli prísť, tí dvaja proroci, Hebrejský proroci, oni rozpoznajú ...

209Pamätáte sa, ako som stál v Káhire, mal som tam ísť, keď Lewi Pethrus povedal: "Brat Branham, keby oni len uvideli ten ... Oni veria prorokom."

210Povedal som: "To je pre mňa dobrá vec." Vidíte aký je človek? Ale vidíte milosť Božiu? Povedal som: "Budem čítať tento Nový Testament." Oni ho čítali. Lewi im ich tam poslal vyše milióna, brat Lewi Pethrus zo švédska. Budú ho čítať, prichádzajúc z tade i z tade, tí Židia - nie ako táto moderná hromada Židov, ale v ich domovine ... Oni prišli a povedali: "Ak je toto Mesiáš, nech Ho vidíme robiť znak proroka, budeme tomu veriť."

211Lewi Pethrus povedal: "Brat Branham, to je príležitosť, to je príležitosť! Niekto mi povedal, že tam bude príležitosť. Mám ísť," povedal: "rovno tam."

Prišiel nejaký muž a bol tam s bratom Arganbrightom, povedal: "Brat Branham, to by proste alarmovalo Izrael! Priviesť ich pred to a ukázať znak proroka, oni tomu budú veriť."

212Povedal som: "Pane, som tu pripravený." Nasadol som do lietadla (vzali peniaze a kúpili mi lístok); zastavili sme sa v Káhire; povedal som: "Áno, som pripravený."

213Duch Svätý povedal: "To nie je tvoje miesto. To nie je tvoj čas." Vidíte? Predbiehate sami seba. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, prichádzam sem, a chystám sa ísť."

214Niečo povedalo: "Hneď sa tu zastav! Nechoď tam. Obráť sa a choď do Indii. Nechoď tam ... Choď do Indii, ale nechoď tam!"

215Rozmýšľal som: "Prečo je ..." Vyšiel som von za záves, povedal som: "Pane Ježišu, čo toto znamená?" Potom mi to On dal poznať. Žiadny pohan ... Títo proroci sú tí jediní. To musí byť podľa Písma. Mojžiš a Eliáš musia prísť. A okrem toho, Nevesta nebola ešte zobraná z cesty. A tí proroci sa vrátia, a oni urobia ten znak proroka. To je podľa Písma. Tam je to potom všetko presne vyplnené. Izrael ako národ sa narodí v jeden deň. Amen! Večerné svetlá svietia.

V čase večera bude svetlo;

Cestu do chvály s istotu nájdete;

Vo vodnom krste je svetlo dnes;

Pochovaní v drahom Mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov;

Duch Svätý vás iste naplní;

Večerné svetlá prišli;

To je fakt že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.

216Sme v čase konca, priatelia. A pomyslime potom o tejto piesni o tom inšpirovanom pisateľovi, keď on povedal:

Národy sa rozlamujú; (Toto je asi z pred pätnástych rokov.) Izrael sa budí;

Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov zrátané (Pozrite sa teraz na ich špinu.) Strachom obťažené.

Vráťte sa ó rozohnaní do svojho.

Deň vykúpenia je blízko;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha; Majte lampy ozdobené a čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie je blízko. (Je to tak.)

Falošní proroci klamú; Božiu pravdu zapierajú; (Či je to nie pravda!)

Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

Oni tomu neveria. Oni majú všetky možné "izmy" a všetko, aby vás tým napádali. Ale prorok povedal - či ten inšpirovaný pisateľ povedal:

My kráčame tam, kde apoštolovia.

217Pamätáte moje videnie? Povedal som: "Ak Pavlovi ľudia vojdú, tak vojdú aj moji, pretože som kázal presne to isté čo on."

A milióny zodvihli ruky a povedali: "My na tom odpočívame!" Čo? Rozpoznaj deň, v ktorom žijeme, čas v ktorom žijeme, znak času v ktorom žijeme. Môže byť neskoršie, než ako si myslíme. Jedného z týchto dní, ten ktorý stojí vonku, nech ďalej zostane stáť vonku. Ten ktorý je vo vnútri musí naveky byť vo vnútri. Dvere sa zavrú.

218Ak sú tu dnes ráno takí, ktorí ešte nevošli dovnútra, ó, v Ježišovom mene, moji drahí ľudia, nehľaďte na tohoto nevzdelaného sluhu, ktorý tu stojí, negramotný, nevzdelaný, neučený - nehľaďte na toto, ale pozrite sa na Slovo, ktoré sa dokázalo. Pozrite sa na veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Sme v čase večera. Je neskoršie, než ako si myslíte. Ne ...

219Ženy, nechajte si rásť vlasy. Sestra, prosím ťa odlož tie neslušné oblečenia. Vyhoďte preč tie cigarety. Pretože príde čas, keď ten, kto je špinavý, nech zostane naďalej špinavý, a ten, kto je spravodlivý, nech je ďalej spravodlivý. Ten, kto je vo vnútri je vo vnútri; ten kto je vonku je vonku. A pri tom, ak spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, kde bude hriešny a bezbožný (zapierač pravdy, viete), kde sa oni ukážu. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

220No, vo svetle tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme, vo svetle tohoto dňa, v ktorom teraz žijeme, vzácni a milovaní, vy ktorí ste prišli z rôznych štátov z celej krajiny, urobme teraz, a ja s vami na tomto oltári, urobme inventúru. Ako je dnes Duch Boží v našich srdciach? Pamätajte, to je ten Duch, neodsúdený, nepoškvrnený ... Každá cirkevná náuka a všetko je úplne preč.

221Nemali by ste sa odvážiť a snažiť sa pridať do toho, alebo odňať z toho. Pretože ak sa budete snažiť sami dať tomu svoj vlastný výklad, váš diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života. Či sa snažíte povedať niečo, čo Duch nepovedal? Či sa snažíte spôsobiť, aby to vyznelo tak, akoby to niečo povedalo, alebo beriete len presne to, čo bolo povedané a takto to nechávate? Či spájate, odsekávate, dohrávate, robíte to, čo nie je správne? Máte ...

222Hovoríte: "No, ja proste necítim, že by som to takto mal robiť, alebo možno ... Ja viem, že moja cirkev tomuto neverí. To je len slovo jedného človeka o tom." Ten jeden človek je Boh. Biblia tu hovorí, že si nemáte strihať vlasy. Táto Biblia hovorí, že príde to, že ženy budú nosiť odev, ako muži, a ako oni budú ohavnosťou pre Boha. Ako Duch Svätý hovoril cez túto pokornú, nehodnú nádobu, ktorej sa prihodilo, že má stáť v tomto veku, v ktorom ten veľký Kráľ povedal: "Tu je Moje žezlo, Moje Slovo - tu je Moje žezlo, račej. Zober Moje žezlo a choď a prines to posolstvo."

223Viem, že denominácie sa to snažia zastaviť, a uhasiť, a skoncovať s tým, a vykopnúť to, a všetko; ale z milosti Božej som na ceste, kričím od národa ku národu, z miesta do miesta, z cirkvi do cirkvi: "Vyjdite z toho!" Je to nepopulárne, ale je to pravda.

224Prijmete to v Duchu, v ktorom je to napísané? Prijmete to v Duchu, v ktorom to bolo podané? Ak to doteraz nemáte, my - nieto miesto pri oltári, vaše srdce je oltár, zodvihnete svoju ruku, povedzte: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Nech vojde do mňa Duch Svätý, nech ma usvedčuje teraz zo všetkých mojich hriechov a sklamaní, zo všetkých mojich zlých zvykov, a z rozčúlenia, a z paniky, a hádok, a zmätkov a zo všetkého, čo som urobil. A viem niečo, že môj duch nie je dozretí pre nebo. Urob ma zrelým, Pane, v tomto poslednom momente. Toto môže byť posledné kázanie, ktoré budem počuť, a toto môže byť posledná chvíľa, kedy počujem to posolstvo. Dvíham svoju ruku. Bože, buď mi milostiví."

225Nech vás Boh žehná. Tucty rúk. No, len na chvíľu sa ticho za vás pomodlím. Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ukazujete, že stále máte záujem. Zdá sa mi, akoby Duch stále niekoho volal.

226Drahý Bože, Ty ktorý poznáš všetky veci. A Ty si všetky veci urobil kvôli všetkého. Pretože niektorí musia byť odsúdení; niektorí musia byť zaslepení; niektorí, ako hrnčiar, ktorý robil tú nádobu, ako povedal Pavol, jednu na česť a druhú na nečesť. Tá jedna, ktorá bola urobená na nečesť, bola len nato, aby ukázala na tú, ktorá mala byť na česť. Ale či to nie je v rukách hrnčiara, aby urobil čo On chce? Či to nie je v tom pláne predurčenia Božieho, aby povolal ... Ktorého predzvedel, toho povolal. Tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil. A tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil?

227Možno, že niekto z nich dnes tu je, ako tá žena pri studni, v špine, v nevere, v ľudskej tradícii, v ľuďmi zostrojených náukách. Možno, že toto je prvý krát, keď oni počuli tieto veci, ale niečo zvláštne varovalo ich srdce. Je tu mnoho, mnoho zodvihnutých rúk, Pane. Nech ten veľký hrnčiar vezme teraz tú nádobu a uformuje ju na nádobu cti. Verím, že je určitý dôvod, Pane, inak by to oni nerobili; oni by to nehovorili. Ja stále verím, zastávam sa ich.

228Dovoľ Tvojmu pokornému sluhovi prosiť, Pane. Dovoľ nám prosiť za nich, ako ten, kto stojí medzi životom a smrťou, ako niekto, kto v Sodome prosil za Sodomitov: "Vyjdite z toho, vyjdite rýchlo z toho!"

Nech oni prídu Pane, pokorne a nežne ku trónu Božiemu, teraz vo svojich srdciach, a povedia: "Ježišu, od tohoto dňa a ďalej, Ty buď môj. Prednášam túto prosbu teraz pred Teba, ako tu teraz sedím, kde ma zasiahol Tvoj Duch. Keď ma to tu zasiahlo, ja nemusím ísť nikde ďalej, než byť rovno tu. Rovno tu, kde si ma stretol; rovno tu je to miesto, kde to urovnáme, rovno tu v tejto druhej rade, tretej rade, piatej rade, kdekoľvek to je. Rovno tu je to, kde to bude urovnané, pretože tu je to miesto, kde si ma odsúdil, a tu je to miesto, kde si zasľúbil dať ma do poriadku. Lebo hoci som bol špinavý a nečistý, budem vybielený, ako sneh. Verím celému Tvojmu Slovu; som pripravený vojsť do toho, veriť tomu, prijať to. A robím to teraz na slávu Božiu, vediac, že môj život nie je pre mňa dobrý, nie je dobrý pre Boha, nie je dobrý pre mojich susedov, nie je dobrý pre nikoho, len proste dobrý pre diabla, aby urobil zo mňa figúrku, aby so mnou manipuloval, možno, aby som bol nejako ľudskou hračkou, na ktorú by sa dívali, možno nejaký ženský idol. Ale Bože, urob ma Tvojím sluhom. Urob to, Pane." Ja ich porúčam teraz Tebe v mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. So svojimi sklonenými hlavami i srdcami:

Počujem ako ma volá môj Spasiteľ,

(Úprimne, priateľu, toto môže byť tvoj posledný čas. Či môžeš

počuť ten tichý hlas?)... volá. Počujem

(Čo On ... Čo ťa volá, keď čo je tvoj Spasiteľ? Slovo.)

... Spasiteľ volá,

(Čo on musí urobiť? Zaprieť svet a ...)

"Vezmi môj kríž a nasleduj

(„Nedbal som na krst v mene Ježiša, Pane.“)

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

ja s Ním pôjdem

(S Ním kde? Cez vodu, cez záhradu, cez čokoľvek, dom

modlitby, do vody, kdekoľvek. Rozhodni sa pre to.)

... s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou cestou.

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez súd,

(Buď má pravdu Slovo, alebo má pravdu cirkev.)

ja pôjdem ....

Ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou cestou.

Teraz, pôjdem kde ma On vedie,

Ja som tiež zodvihol svoje ruky, Pane. Pane, kdekoľvek to je, kde má byť kázané to ďalšie posolstvo? Je to znovu tu dnes večer, tam v Afrike, Nemecku, švajčiarsku? Kde to je, Pane?

Kde On... (Kdekoľvek vedieš, Pane)... nechám sa viesť.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

229No, so sklonenými hlavami, pôjdete s Ním, kdekoľvek vás On povedie? Pôjdete s Ním, keď čas dobieha do konca? "Ľudia prenasledujú, vysmievajú sa, robia si z nich žarty. Ja stále budem s Ním; Ja stále pôjdem. Pôjdem rovno ďalej s Tebou, Pane, kdekoľvek si. Stále zostanem čestný a verný. V žiary boja stále zostanem čestný a verný. Keď spadnem, Ty ma znovu zodvihneš, Pane. Ten kto stratí svoj život pre Mňa, nájde ho.“

Tak ja pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

230No, všetci, ktorí to myslíte zo srdca, zodvihnime svoje ruky a svoje srdcia ku Nemu.

Pôjdem tam, kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam, kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

On mi dá milosť a slávu, On mi dá ...

Pane Ježišu, dýchni teraz na tieto vreckovky. Uzdrav týchto chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane. Daj im zdravie, Pane, v mene Ježiša.

A poď so mnou, so mnou celou cestou.

231Cítite sa teraz dobre? Cítite, že to je teraz všetko pripravené? Ak On ...

Trúba Pánova zaznie a času viacej nebude. (To je teraz tá posledná trúba.)

A keď sa to ráno preborí do večnosti, do jasnosti, a svetlosti.

Spievajme to teraz všetci: “Keď trúba Pánova zaznie.“ (Podaj

nám tón.)

Keď zaznie trúba Pánova, a času viac nebude

a svitne ráno, večné, jasné a svetlé;

Keď tí spasení zo zeme sa zhromaždia tam na druhom brehu;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

V to jasné a bezoblačné ráno, keď mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú

A zasvieti sláva jeho vzkriesenia,

keď všetok život pominie, a naša práca na zemi sa skončí

A budú vyvolávané mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

232Zodvihnime svoje ruky a povedzme: "Z Tvojej milosti, Pane." Z Tvojej milosti, Pane! No, my sme bratia a sestry v Kristovi. Obráťme sa len a potrasme si ruky s tým, kto stojí pri vás, povedzte: "S Božou pomocou, keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny ..."

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Na čo čakáme?

Keď tá trúba (Tá posledná!)... Pánova zaznie, a času viacej nebude ...

(Len sa v momente preboríme do večnosti, v okamihu.)... a svetlo;

Potom, keď spasení zo zeme sa zhromaždia tam na druhom brehu;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

(Spievajme to len!)

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

233Ó, či nenastane taký čas? Len pôjdete jedného dňa, a budete počuť niekoho. "Kto to je? Matka!" Amen! "Nebude to už teraz dlho." V niekoľkých minútach budete proste premenení. A budeme - stretneme ich a potom budeme vychvátení spolu s nimi na stretnutie s Pánom do povetria. Ó, v momente, v okamihu. Poviete: "Tu je brat Seward (ten starý brat, ktorý tu chodieval do zboru). Aha, tu je brat DeArk. Tu je brat ... Tak - aha, pozrite sa sem, oni sú všetci okolo mňa. Čo sa deje?" Vy proste v niekoľkých minútach ... "Viem oni sa mi ukázali. Teraz to nebude dlho; Teraz budem premenený, vo chvíli, vo chvíli." Ó, áno! Keď svitne to večné ráno, jasné, a svetlé. Všetky tie tajomné oblaky ...

234Ako On povedal, že Izrael je teraz, ako ranný oblak, para - vaša spravodlivosť zvädla. A keď to všetko zvädlo a prešlo do slnečného svetla, ktoré to všetko drží (Amen!), potom bude vyvolaná tá listina, ja tam budem. No dobre, až do večera:

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme.

Nevieme, kedy sa toto stane, priateľu. Dlho sa o tom hovorilo, ale je to pravda; a to sa stane. Sme práve teraz v tom čase.

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme; (Z Božej milosti dúfame, že o 7:30 dnes večer.)

Nech je Boh s vami, až kým sa znovu stretneme.

235Postavme sa teraz na svoje nohy. Ó, nie je to nádherné? Toto sú nebeské miesta v Kristu Ježišovi. Nevymeňte to za nič. Vy viete, ako ja rád chytám ryby, a ako rád poľujem, pretože tam v pustatine vidím Boha; ja to mám rád. Ale och, nevymenil by som ani minútu z tohoto za všetky prežitia na poľovačkách za tie roky. Jedna minúta z toho, to vynahradí.

Tak dobre, nech - až sa večer stretneme, berme teraz so sebou Meno Ježiš, každý jeden z vás teraz.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;

Ono ti dá radosť a upokojí ťa;

Ber ho všade kde ideš.

Drahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme, a radosť neba;

Drahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

(Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.)

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe ...

1 Good morning, friends. Let us remain standing just a moment.

Dear God, as we, in this hustle and bustle of life, have paused for these next few moments or hour, whatever it may be, that Thou has provided for us, to give praise and glory to Thee, to preach Thy Word, to know Thee better, that's why we have gathered this morning. We thank Thee, God, because that there is people who are ready and have prepared themselves to come listen. Regardless of the conditions and the time, and that we live in, they still believe. And we thank Thee for them.

2God, we are grateful to Thee for Thy great healing power, the promises of Thy Word. How our hearts burn when we hear these testimonies! All kinds of afflictions that's been brought upon the sons of man! Thou, and Thy grace and power, and with Thy promise, has healed them. And they're here, testifying, giving praise to God. We thank Thee for this.

And now may we, today, hear the Message that Thou hast provided for us for this hour. As we read in Thy Word, may You give to us the context of that which we read. Let Thy will be done in all things, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May be seated.

3 It's a privilege to be here this morning. I'm very happy for all of you. And Brother Woods, Brother Roy Roberson, many other brethren, has worked faithfully the last two days, to air-condition this building for this purpose, 'cause last Sunday they seen how you suffered. And they had a little money in the church treasure, and they went to work and put it to work to make you comfortable, with the money that you placed into the offering, to while you can set, listen at the Message. Much cooler today than it was then. So we're grateful to God, and to you people, for this opportunity.

4Glad... Brother Roy Borders, he wanted to kind of stay back in the back this morning. And I told him to get his chair and set out here with these ministers, but he wouldn't do it. As all of you know, Brother Borders represents us in the field. So glad to have Brother Borders in, and many other ministers and friends.

5 Through the week I--I get to thinking, and say, "When I get down there, Sunday, I'm going to recognize every minister, every person." Then when you get here, you're so took up in the Message till you just forget everything, almost, so what it was.

6Now I got to go back to Arizona. I got to go back next Monday, a week, back to Tucson, to get the children there for school. And I'm coming back then after that. And the wife has to be there early, to begin the... to register the children, two weeks before school starts. And I, then, I am going to return back for a while here.

7And now this is my vacation time. As you know, I have preached since December; January, February, March, April, May, June, and July. Now, if God willing, and not any special call, this is the season that I--I--I take my rest, my vacation. I go hunting. And I...

8 Now if the Lord should call me to something else, them things are out of the picture. God is always first. And I want Him to be first, and you want Him to be first. But then if there is no certain call, and that be His will, that's what I'm to do now for the next couple months, is to go hunting now, to rest myself. I...

9You don't realize, the world will never know, what I have to go through with. See? And it's just such a strain. No wonder the Lord told His disciples, when He was walking with them, "Come apart into the desert, rest a while." See? I realize that more, every day, and especially as my days get more upon the earth, you see. As I get older, you realize it. You hear our pastor saying "amen" to that, too. He, we, can realize that we're not boys after we pass fifty years old. Now we got to have a little time.

10We're so grateful for the testimonies that we've just heard. Wife was over at Mrs. Wood's, yesterday, when some people come in from down in Alabama, somewhere down in there, and was telling about the great things the Lord did in that meeting, of little children being healed, and different things. And so many things that, my, it'd just take a long time to--to get it told.

11 Then I also have to remember that... I believe some of them told me that Sister Larson has been here two Sundays with a little baby. I wouldn't know, but I believe they said it was her grandchild, maybe, for dedication, bringing it down from Chicago. The lady has been very kind to us, and we appreciate her. And she brought a little baby from Chicago, for dedication. Which, she has quite a little time to get it out, I think, for dedication, but she is interested in this child being dedicated to the Lord. So if Sister Larson will, while I'm speaking, if she'll just bring that baby up for this dedicational service.

12 And then, perhaps, while she is making ready, I--I want to say that this has been the hardest Message that I ever did try to prepare, until last night. Through the week, I would go into the room, to try to set aside after my calls and things, to--to try to get something on my mind for the hour. And when I would go, I--I couldn't even... My mind was blank. And, yesterday, I went into the basement. I thought it was too hot, so I went down into the basement, sit down there. And I'd try to get my Bible and read, and I'd fall asleep. Then I would get up and get a drink of water, and try to shake myself, and go outside and walk around, set on the step.

13Somebody come by and caught me with my shirt off, setting on the step; it was so hot. They waved. I didn't know whether they waved... Somebody, it might have been somebody here local in the city, or might have been somebody in the church, waved at me. And I--I was so thinking, I--I just happened to glance at the car, passed by. I waved.

14 Last night I got into the car and went up in around towards Charlestown, trying to get something. The Lord, seemed like, wanted to tell me something, but I... Satan was trying to stand in my way, to keep me from doing it. So I thought, "Well, if he does that, I'm just going to keep on tarrying, just keep on waiting, pounding at the door until He opens." So then just a few moments ago, or just about a little after seven o'clock this morning, I was up real early.

15Yesterday, a little sick, trying... I had eaten some corn that hadn't agreed with me just right, being real hot, and I--I was trying to get away from that. And--and then this morning, about eight o'clock, I happened to pick up a Scripture that's astounded me. And I looked at that Scripture again, and again It astounded me. And I went, following It through the Scripture, and I just got through a few minutes ago. So it may be that the Lord has a Message for us, this morning, that Satan has tried to keep from us.

Would you bring the little one here, Sister Larson? [Brother Branham dedicates a baby. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God be with them and help them.

16 Now I have been keeping you, last Sunday, two days, and I think... or, two services, morning and evening, and that makes it hard on you. I understood that it... Some of you have to travel so far, and miss a day's work, and so forth. So even if we're going to leave Sunday, Monday, a week, I'll just announce the service for next Sunday, the Lord willing, see, unless the congregation would want it to be stay over for the night. See, that, that's up... There is so many of you!

How many would rather it be tonight, let's see, have the services tonight? Now, would rather have it next Sunday, raise your hand next? My, that's a close one. Uh! [Someone says, "Tied, brother!"--Ed.] What say? ["Have it both times."] Uh! [Brother Ben Bryant says, "And, tonight, have two of them."] Now, now, Ben! [Brother Branham laughs.]

17 I got this Message, is long, this morning, but I--I don't know just how... And I know I help make the rules of the church, but in there, if you'll notice, I said, "Except I am taping." See? So, this is taping. Uh-huh. So maybe we will try to get back both times, tonight and next Sunday, then, will if the Lord is willing, you see. Now, if you don't get a message this week, then you come next Sunday.

18I hate to have you come twice like that, but I feel we haven't got but just a little more time. And just remember, if time moves on, we're not going to have this privilege very long. See? Remember, something will take place. Either the law will stop us, or Satan will move among you and scatter you. It's always been that way. See? Something will take place, so let's appreciate every minute that we're together.

19 So now to those who have to go back to your homes, tonight, it'll be like last Sunday night, I just had a--a little short Message. And so, you, if you want it on tape, why, we'll sure send you the tape if you have to go back home. Or, not, I'm going to preach tonight, if the Lord willing.

20I had a note yesterday, or--or day before yesterday, a little Message I'd jotted down from memory of something, and it's from a long time. There is two Messages, though. It's kind of between, one of them is, "A leaking cistern," or either, "The sowing to the wind and reaping a whirlwind," just a Gospel Message. This morning is teaching. And so, tonight, I'll either speak on, "Sowing to the winds and reaping a whirlwind," or either, "A cistern that is leaking."

21 And, this morning, I want to read from the Holy Writ now.

And are you comfortable? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Good.

Now I want you, in your Bibles, to turn with me to the Book of Hosea, you who desire to read. And let us read a few verses out of the 6th chapter of the Book of Hosea, the prophet.

And shall we stand.

22 Dear God, we are unworthy to take this Book into our hands, for we read in the Scriptures that no man in Heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, was worthy or even able to take the Book, or even to look upon It. Oh, and there came One that had been like a lamb had been slain; He took the Book, for He was worthy, and He loosed the Seals thereof. And we're looking to Him this morning to reveal these contexts that's written in the Book, because it is the Book of Redemption. All that is redeemed is written therein. May we find our position, this morning, in the time that we're living. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Come now, and let us return to the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up.

After two days will he receive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as a rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away.

Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth.

For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings.

But they like men have transgressed the covenant: they have--they have dealt treacherously against me.

Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.

And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: and... commit lewdness.

I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled.

Also, O Judah, he hath sent an harvest for thee, when I returned the captive of my people.

23Lord Jesus, draw from This, by Thy Holy Spirit, the context that's intended, as we wait further on Thee. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

24 Now, my subject this morning is: Recognizing Your Day And Its Message.

We see from last Sunday's lesson, as we taught, The Feast Of The Trumpets. And I want to call to your attention, now, the time--time of Israel in God's timepiece.

25We are dealing today upon a Sunday school lesson, that I want you to realize and recognize the time that we're living. We're just about to run out, as you see. And then, by this, you should know the very hour and time, and sign and Message that you are to receive.

26 Now, as we started last Sunday... We had been speaking of going to preach on the Trumpets, the last Seven Trumpets of the Bible. And me, in myself, I thought they would break forth just like the Seals. But I've noticed on each one of these openings there has been a tremendous thing happen.

And as we preached the Seven Church Ages, and they were so perfectly until the Holy Spirit Himself come down among us and vindicated it, and put it upon the papers, and throwed it across the nation, and showed it in the moon in the heavens, and proved it to us, weeks and months before it happened, that just the way it would be, perfectly. Here in the tabernacle He made it known. Here on the... in the time, He made it known. On the moon and the sun, He made it known. And in the position of the nations at this time, He made it known; as the hierarchy of Rome left and went back to Palestine, supposedly had been the first pope back since (they claim) Peter being the pope. Now, it was so tremendous!

27 Then, we see, before the Seven Seals that hid all the mysteries.

Me not knowing what I was drawing on the board, for the Church Ages. I never. God knows. Just by vision, I drawed it. Not knowing that God, a year and six months later, was going to vindicate it in the skies, by the moon, and slip it across the national papers. I didn't know that. I didn't know there would be a mysterious blackout in the moon, to represent this Laodicea Age.

28Now, on the papers, you only get the six ages. Is because the Laodicea church was blacked out completely. And if you would notice the spiritual application, as God set it in the heaven. When I set it here on earth, I left a little bitty space, as you see, just a tiny little bit of light. That was just before the very Elected was to be called from the earth, the reason I placed it on there for the seventh age. But when God put it in the heavens, it was totally blacked out, means maybe the last one is called from that Laodicea Age. We don't know. There could be a sermon on it.

29 Now notice again, before the--the Seven Seals, which I had no idea it was that way.

Here at the tabernacle He spoke of it, and sent me to Tucson, Arizona, telling you all what would happen. And there is man setting present, today, who was there to see it happen just exactly the way it was told here would happen, "Seven Angels would come." Then the newspapers packed that, and the magazines, across the nation, "Mysterious circle of Light in a form of a pyramid," just like I drawed it here and showed you. Raised up from where those Angels was standing, and went thirty miles high, and was twenty-seven miles across; or either twenty-seven miles high, and thirty miles across, I forget which it was. And was seen throughout the states, just up above Tucson, Arizona, right where it happened, same time.

30 See, the--the Bible, God is not just... This is just not someone trying to--to press something to you, but to reveal to you the very spiritual application of this hour.

31And then, the next Message, that opened up the Seven Seals, which undone all the hidden mysteries of the Bible, the Doctrines, and so forth. Which, the world so rudely attacks now days, attacks It and says It's wrong, this, that.

32Here the other day in Arizona, splicing tapes, to try to make me say things that I didn't say. Just remember the vision about the Arizona proposition! The Bible said, "It was far better for you that you had a rock at your neck." And another thing, that, "Whosoever," let him be preacher or what he will, "will take one Word away from It, or add one word to It!" People putting their own interpretation upon the Word as It's been given, trying to make It say something that I did not say, and, not my Word; It's His Word. "Who shall add to, or take away!"

33And then, in the vision, we seen these prophets whirl down, as I explained to you, I believe, several Sundays ago. It'll all be. I said, "Just keep away from it." As long as I'm fighting it, then God can't fight it. But let's let Him have it. He's the One Who takes care of it. See?

34 Now we noticed, last Sunday, there was... preaching the feast days. And there was a feast of pentecost. And between the feast of pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, that was a long period of time; exactly fifty days between pentecost and the Feast of theTrumpets. And fifty days, which, pentecost means "fifty." It was the sheaf-waving, or the ingat-... The firstfruits of the harvest was brought in. And we see it was in type back there, with the natural firstfruits, representing the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the people.

And we find out, then, that them fifty days was received by the Gentiles, which, "God called from the Gentiles a people for His Name," the feast of the pentecost. And we have been going through that long feast of pentecost.

35Now, actually, from the fifty days, would be exactly seven sabbaths. And seven sabbaths represented the Seven Church Ages, to be called in the time of the pentecostal feast, of Pentecost, to call a people from the Gentiles for His Name.

Now, at the end of these seven sabbaths, which has been, there was to be the Day of Atonement, which was the Seven Trumpets. And the Seven Trumpets was to call a day of mourning, back for the Sacrifice, or, the Atonement. And we find out then, that, Israel, the Seven Trumpets pertained only to Israel.

36 And, then, why He wouldn't let me preach them Seven Trumpets. I even was ready to announce it, had the halls ready and everything to go into, to preach the Seven Trumpets. And I said, "There is something bothering me so bad," I said. We kept on working, and Billy and all of us, trying to get everything ready for the air-conditioned building, for this next coming week, for the Seven Trumpets; having ten days, or eight days, had the school auditorium. But the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me do it, for some reason, and I wondered why.

And when I went in to pray. I told the wife, "I'm going in." And sincerely I knelt down before God, to pray. And He revealed to me that them Seven Trumpets sounded under the Sixth Seal, and I've done preached it, supernaturally. See, it's the hand of God, the whole thing. It pertains to Israel, and we picked it up under the Sixth Seal; you all who have that, how the persecution of the Jews.

37 The time of the Gentiles has been in this pentecostal feast.

The Trumpets, under... all of them was sounded under the Sixth Seal. And we picked it up last Sunday, under the Feast of the Trumpets, if you all want to get it. What was it to do? To rush the Jews, from all parts of the world, back into their homeland. It must be there. And the opening of the Seals, under the Sixth Seal, and under... The Seven Trumpets sounded in the--the Sixth Seal.

38Now, the seventh angel's Message is to open the mystery of the Seals, calling the eleventh-hour Gentile workers to receive the same pay that the first hour workers got. See?

Now, Jesus taught it. He said there was some peoples went into the harvest. They were hired. And when they did, of early morning, they received a--a--a time, a penny for the day. And then at noontime, someone else come in and went to work. And then at the eleventh hour, that's the last hour of the day, that someone come in and received the same kind of pay that they did at the first hour of the day; last hour.

39It's so perfectly, how the first-hour messengers with the Word, with the Gospel, with the Truth, they came in at the Day of Pentecost. Then there was a dark age that blocked them out. Then at the middle of the day, Luther, and Wesley, and them, came in. And then there is to be an evening-time Message, and to receive the same thing that they did at the beginning. The evening-time Message is to restore back again, to bring back that same thing again.

40 And remember the vision of last week, that when the Bride came to be... preview of it. There came up the little Bride, lovely, in the vision. And I, not thinking about it; just setting there watching outside. And there come the Bride. I heard a Voice by the side of me, said, "Here is a preview of the Bride." And She came by. I noticed Her, the way She was, very lovely, pretty, young. She was walking just the step as She could, not a march; just in the stride of a--a woman, how they walk gracefully, ladylike. That's the way She was walking, coming to my left on this side, and She went out of my sight.

41 Then He turned me to the right side, and He showed me each church as they've come up out of the ages. And, oh, how vulgar! And the last one was this last-day church age, which was led by a witch. And they were so immorally dressed, so filthy-looking! And they were marching to the time of twist and rock-and-roll. And those women throwing themselves just in twists, with holding just paper, gray, hypocritical, the wor-... The gray is between a white and a black, which is a deceiving color. Gray is neither white nor black. It's a deceiving color. And gray-looking paper, holding in front of them, with lace-like hula skirts holding in front of them, and completely nude from their waist up. And was marching to the... or time, or twisting, and carrying on with that music, walking up. And said, "That is the church."

42And when it passed by me, my heart like to fainted. I thought, "If that's what is trying to be presented to Christ, as a Bride? Of all the efforts and things that man has put forth, to try to bring forth a Bride for Christ; and a vulgar, dirty, filthy-looking prostitute like that to be the Bride of Christ?" It made me sick at my heart.

43 And as she passed, after she... Coming before where we was standing, she was holding the paper in front of her, twisting, and rocking, and moving herself one side and then the other side, as she went, like the modern dances they have of this day, using herself in an immoral act as she was marching on.

44I'm not responsible for these things. I can only say what I seen. And God as my Judge, but that was the church from U.S.A.

45Now, as she passed by, the whole back part had no covering at all. And then as she passed by, I felt faint and sickly.

46Then He said, "The Bride will come into preview again." And here the Bride came behind her, the very same-looking Bride that passed at the beginning. Then my heart jumped for joy, to know that there will be a Bride. And She will be made of the same thing, and clothed in the same thing, that the One was at the beginning. She is to be called.

And I know that is the Truth. If that isn't true, then every vision that I've had in the back has been wrong. And anyone knows, that, not one thing has He ever told us but what was the Truth. It come to pass, just...

47And can you see, then, the filthiness of the modern church, calling herself a "church"?

48 As someone said the other day; Brother Ruddell, a precious brother of mine, standing against the wall over there now. That, he seen it like a sucker on a vine. And we was discussing it in the room the other day. And Brother Ruddell was disturbed about the conditions of time and the--and the feeling of the spirit in the churches today, how it's begin to drop down. Ministers coming from everywhere, and interviews out here, asking, "What has happened, Brother Branham? What has happened?" Oh, my!

49Brother Ruddell asked me the question, "Are they living off of the spirit of Satan, or what?"

50I said, "No, the sucker lives off of the strength of the vine." It lives because, the citrus fruit, a--a lemon will grow in an orange tree; but it will not bear oranges, though it lives by its life.

And the church, so-called, only is a grafted sucker, living under the name of religion, under the name of the church. Catholic and Protestant, just suckers, pulling the... from the strength of the Vine; and yet bearing the fruit of what they are, because they wasn't converted. They wasn't in the original, predestinated plan of God, that's the reason they have to deny the Word and bear other kind of fruit. The real genuine tree, in its root, was predestinated to bring forth oranges on an orange tree.

Jesus said, "I am the Vine; you're the branches."

51But if that tree ever puts forth another branch, it will bear its original fruit. And there has got to be a restoration of all these things, right at the end of the Vine. There is to be, come forth, a restoration, an evening Light to light It up and to make It right. But it will come out of the Vine, not a denomination that's grafted into It; but original production of the Word. It's to come forth for the evening time. "And there will be Light in the evening time." It takes the Light to ripen It.

52 See how perfectly the Scripture is! "A day that won't be called day or night." Fruit cannot ripen unless the sun ripens it. No matter how much you preach, whatever you do, it cannot be ripened, it cannot be manifested, it cannot be vindicated; only by Him Who said, "I am the Light of the world," the Word. So there has to come forth a--a--a Power, the Holy Spirit Himself, to ripen, or to vindicate, or to prove, or to make manifested that what He's predicted would happen in this day. The evening Light produces that. What a time!

53The Bride passed in the same position that She was when She was at the beginning. But I was watching Her getting out of step, and trying to pull Her back. Now, much could be said on these things, of the day that we're living.

54 Now, Hosea said, in 6:1, "Return to the Lord." Remember, he said that they would be scattered, and they were. He said, "They'll return to the Lord, after they had been scattered, and He would, will bind them up." Notice, "Return... Be scattered; the second... They were torn, and was blinded." That's just exactly what happened. "He will heal us, and bind us up."

Like Ezekiel 37, "The dry bones, the valley full of dry bones." Ezekiel saw it, their return again.

Then notice, Hosea said, "After two days! After two days He would return to them. He will receive us and give us, revive us." Now, revive doesn't mean "resurrection." Revive, there, is the same word used anywhere else, I just looked it up, means, "a revival." "He will revive us after two days." That would be, "In the third day He will revive us again, after He scattered us, and blinded us, and tore us."

55You know, the Jews were blinded for the very purpose that we could have sight. They were torn apart, and scattered, as a nation, and rejected their Messiah; that we might receive the Messiah, that there might be a people called out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake.

56 Now, the man comes forth, and the woman takes his name. These blinded Gentiles who can't see that Name, "the Lord Jesus Christ," in baptism! It's just too bad, but it has to be that way. The Jews, they had to--they had to not see that. There is only one can see it; that's the one who is predestinated to see it. Otherwise, you'll never see it.

The Jews could not see that being their Messiah. And, yet, they were scholars and theologians, man of great renown scholarship, read the same Bible that you read. Now, after it's been made known to us, we can see it plain, that was Messiah. But, they couldn't see it, neither can they see it today. They are prophesied to be blinded, too.

57The church, this day, is prophesied to be blinded, to reject the evening-time Message. Revelations 3 said so, "Thou art wretched, miserable," notice the bride's condition the other night, or the church, "naked, blind, and don't know it." Lord Jesus, be merciful to us! The Bible said she was "naked." I never saw it till just now. Laodicea church was naked. And when she appeared the other night, she was "naked," never noticed it, "and didn't know it."

58 Oh, how thankful! How, no wonder we are so grateful! I feel that we're not grateful enough for the things that God is making known to us.

59"Naked." And the visions said, showed me she was naked and didn't know it, and "blinded." As Israel was blinded so that the Gentiles could come in, now the Gentiles are blinded so the Bride can be taken out and Israel can receive the Feast of Trumpets. Just perfectly!

60"After two days He will revive us, or give us a revival, bringing us together, the Jews," speaking on these Trumpets now. And He shall... "And we shall live in His sight, or have Eternal Life. See, we'll be in His sight." The Bible said here in Hosea, said, "And we shall live in His sight; Life, have Life in His sight." That's His Own Life, Eternal Life, "have Life in His sight."

"She that lives in pleasure is dead while she's alive." So we... promised that Israel again would have Life in His sight. She's been dead, to the facts, and to the pentecostal feast.

61 Now notice, carefully. "Then after two days." Now, that didn't mean two twenty-four-hour days, 'cause there's been... That happened way back yonder, many hundreds of years ago. See? It meant, "two days with the Lord," after two thousand years. Now, you know how long it's been since that time? It's been twenty-seven hundred years since that, 'cause in Hosea here it's B.C. 780. 1964, see, it's been something over twenty-seven hundred years ago. He said, "After two days, in the third day, He will revive us again, and give us Life in His sight." There is your Trumpets coming in. That's the hour that we're living, the day that we're living.

62 Now, they have been scattered, blinded, gathered, and are far into the third day. You see it? They were scattered, from Palestine, throughout the world. They were blinded, to reject the Messiah. And now they have been gathered in their homeland, ready for the Trumpets, to recognize the Atonement.

As the Bible said, "When they receive It, and find Him with the nail scars," after the Church is taken, "and they say, 'Where did You get these scars?' He said, 'In the house of My friends.'" And He said, "They would separate, each family, and would cry and weep, for days, like a family that lost their only son." Remember, that Feast of Trumpets was to do that. "To weep, mourn for the killed Sacrifice," and they had rejected It.

63They're in their land. They were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. And it was all under that Sixth Seal, their Seven Trumpets... sounded to gather them together, the Sixth Trumpet. The Seventh is "that Great Trumpet," as we had last Sunday. The Sixth Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal. Just like our Sixth Seal opened, everything at the same time; only, theirs all sounded at once; where, we been two thousand years in the pentecostal feast.

64 Now, twenty-seven hundred years since that time. He said, "In the third day, we'll be gathered again. After two days, in the third day, we'll be gathered again, and receive Life in His sight." Do you see the promise? The hour perfectly wrote on the wall. We see where we are living.

65Now in the homeland, waiting for the Feast of the Trumpets, or the recognizing of the Atonement, and to wait for the Coming, to mourn for their rejection of the first time that they rejected It. They're in the homeland for that, waiting. What are they all... Everything is positionally placed.

66As a minister of the Gospel, I can't see one thing left but the going of the Bride. And the Bride has to be taken away before they can recognize what's happened. They were bound, scattered... I mean, they were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. What's left? The Bride to be taken out of the way. Waiting for the going of the Bride, so their prophets of Revelations 11 can call them to the feast of the Trumpet, to make them to recognize what they have done.

67 Remember, right between those Seals, came forth the Sixth Seal. And there was a hundred and forty-four thousand, chosen and called. And between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, Revelations 11 appears right there exactly in line with the Sixth Seal.

68What to do? What was it to do? And this was to bring forth two witnesses, Moses and Elias, prophets. Which, the Jews only believe their prophets. And they'll come forth with the sign of the prophets, and their work will be that of the prophet, for they did exactly.

Showing one thing, that, man, when you die or whatever, when you leave this world, your nature doesn't change. If you're a liar now, you'll be a liar there. If you're hotheaded here, you'll be hotheaded there. If you're a doubter here, you would be a doubter there. Men and women, it's time to shake yourselves and to examine yourselves, and see where we are standing, for death does not change it.

69 They had been gone for two thousand years. Moses for about twenty-five hundred years, and Elijah for ever since... Almost twenty-five hundred years has Elijah been gone, and Moses had been gone, and here they return with the same nature and do the same things.

Death doesn't do nothing to a man but change his dwelling place. Doesn't change your nature. Doesn't change your faith. Doesn't change nothing in you but your dwelling place.

70So, which a way your nature is this morning! If you're a doubter of God's Word, you would be a doubter over there. I don't care how holy you are, how you live, and how good you live, it wouldn't change you one bit to die, just your dwelling place. And if you can't accept the whole Word of God the way It's written, you wouldn't do it There; so, don't worry, you won't be There.

You've got to accept It in Its fullness, in the power of Its vindication and the revelation of what It is, then you become a part of It. It's only His Word that He'll raise up, as He did His Word on the first Easter morning. Only His Word came forth, and those who had died in His Word, believing His Word and vindicated His Word.

71 Notice, now, that's been twenty-seven hundred years ago. Notice, they were scattered, they were blinded, and now they've been gathered. Now, the next thing is that they are to receive Life.

72And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride is ready. The Rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually believe that? Is it a story that's been told? Is it a myth, to us? Is it a something that sounds real? Is it something that we, outside, can believe? Or, is it something that's in us, that's part of us, that it's more than life to us? What attitude do we set in, this morning, in this tabernacle? Remember, it'll be a small flock that receives It.

73Now in the homeland, waiting for the Trumpets. Now waiting for the going of the little Bride, so that Revelations 11 can be fulfilled. The church age has ceased; the Seals has been opened, that prove what they left out in the church age, and the Message has been given. Israel is on the scene, hallelujah, ready for the Feast of Trumpets.

74 Oh, you men in other lands where you'll hear this tape, can't you wake up, my brother? Or, does It blind you? Would you throw It out and call It false prophecy? When, It's vindicated right before you, by the world, by the time, by the peoples, and by the Holy Spirit Who wrote It. It's vindicated, both naturally, spiritually, materially. Everything that He said is fulfilled and proven.

75Israel in her land; drove them in there, herded them in there, like sheep. The wolves got after her and run them back to safety, to their own land. Remember, Israel is only promised to be blessed as long as she was in her land. God never blesses Israel outside of the land. Abraham went outside the land, was condemned. Everyone that leaves the land is condemned. God only can bless Israel when she stays in her homeland, and she is there now as a nation. And the Church is called; she's just only waiting for the Rapture, of the Bride taken out.

76The Seals are open. It's revealed to us. We see what they left off. You that want to debate and fuss about the serpent's seed, and water baptism, and so forth, you're blinded and don't know it. The god of this world has blinded you, to It, and you don't know it. Wonder I had such a time this morning, fighting through them pressures!

77So their prophets can be revealed in this last day; can't do it, to the Trumpets, of the Feast of the Trumpets.

78 He said, through Hosea, "I have hewed." Now watch, Israel He's talking to. "I have hewed," or other words, "I have chopped, chopped them out, through the prophets." That's how God does His people. He chopped them out from the rest of the nations. What by? His two-edged Sword, His Word. He chopped them, His nation, from the nations. He chopped His nation from the nations, by the prophets, His vindicated Word.

So has He chopped His Bride from the denominations, by His Word; promised by Malachi 4, in the last day. Chopped out His Bride, hewed Her from the rest of the churches! Hewed out His Bride!

79 He chopped out, His prophets; through, with His prophets, by the Word chopping Israel. "Separate yourself from the rest of them."

Look at when they wanted to act like the rest of them. They came to the prophet, Samuel. He said, "Have I ever took your money? Have I ever spoke to you in anything, in the Name of the Lord, but what happened?"

They said, "No, that's, that's right, but we still want a king."

80That's the way the churches has did. "Oh, we believe the Word. It's all right, but, you know, they say we should do this." I don't care what they say. The Word is right!

Waiting. He's chopped them out, through the prophets.

81What time is it, brother? What time is it, minister? Do you see the time of the day, and the sign you're living under? Can you understand it? Do you see it?

82 Everywhere now, there's no revival. Everybody is complaining, ministers crying. I was reading one of the--the outstanding papers that comes here to the church, a very fine paper. And I know the editor, and I know the people. And they are godly people, very fine, Brother and Sister Moore, of the Herald of His Coming. One of the finest papers on the field, Herald of His Coming. But they hardly will print anything unless it's about, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray! Sound a trumpet! Get..." How many reads it? You know. You see it all the time, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray!" It's all you hear. "Fast, pray! We're going to have a great breaking of the day! There is a great thing going to happen! All of you, pray, pray, pray! We're not too late yet!"

83Why do they do that? Why do they do that? They want a great awakening. They're crying, believing that there will be awakening. They're good people. Why is it? What have they done? They have not recognized the awakening of the Bride. See? By being a Christian, they feel the pull of the hour, but they haven't recognized what's been done. That's what's making them feel that way. They know something is supposed to happen, but, see, they're looking for it way off in the future, to come, when it's already happened right by you.

84That's the same thing they did in the old days. They was believing in a coming Messiah. They believed that there would be a forerunner come. But it was right on them, and they didn't know it. They didn't recognize it. They believed there would come a forerunner that would forerun the Messiah, and they cut his head off. And killed their Messiah, because it was prophesied that they would be blinded. Hosea said so.

85 And the same Spirit, that spoke through Hosea, spoke through John and said the church in this last days would be "naked, and blind, and would put Him outside of the church." They failed to see those prophecies fulfill. But, being in there, they realize that something has got to happen. They just don't get it. They don't realize it. Much like the Jews of old times; blinded Laodicea; riches, theology, hostile with the Church, hostile towards the Message. Look how hostile those Jews was with John. Look how hostile they was with Jesus, when He was the very One that they claimed that they were looking for.

[The amplification system gives a buzz sound--Ed.] I believe we blowed a fuse. I suppose that cuts the tape recorders off, too. It doesn't. All right.

86 They were hostile towards the Message.

What happens, is so much momentum; each one of you all are a heating unit. There is no way to keep the church perfectly normal in those, under those times. Because, you see, each one of you are ninety-eight BTU's, normally. And you just don't just set there like that; you're constantly putting out heat. There is enough air in here now to freeze the place up. But, with the heating unit going forth, you--you can't do it.

87Notice, hostile! But, now, like the Jews of old, blinded! They are at Laodicea. They're "naked, miserable, wretched, and don't know it." Day of riches, great theological teachings, great education, and now they have become hostile towards the Message. They want nothing to do with It, just like it was back at the days when Jesus of Nazareth was on earth.

88 The reason people, in Noah's day, did not go into the ark, because they never recognized the message nor the messenger. That's the only reason they perished, is because they didn't recognize the hour that they were living. They didn't recognize that God would deal with sin as He promised He would. "He would destroy man, from the face of the earth." He had prophesied it. He meant it. And He means it today the same as He did then.

89But the people, instead of being favorable towards Noah, he was considered a wild man. They didn't believe him to be a prophet. You know, Jesus, His Own Self, told us how they scoffed in the days of Noah, made fun of him, called him a fanatic and whatmore. But they didn't recognize their hour. They didn't recognize the day. They didn't recognize the sign. They didn't recognize the message. They didn't recognize the messenger, but put him from their midst and laughed at him. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah!"

90 With Israel in her land, and everything setting now, and the Message is just perfectly moving in, what day are we living, brother? Where are we at?

91They didn't know the day. They didn't know. That's the reason they missed it, is because they didn't recognize it. They were like the day, a lot somewhat like the people today, blinded by scientific proofs, by educational systems, by theological seminaries. And things that blinded them in that day, it's done the same thing today. It's blinded them, again.

92 And, also, the simplicity, simplicity of the message and the messenger! Noah wasn't scientific. He wasn't an educated man. He was a poor farmer, humble, with a simple message. It was too simple for their high learning.

So is it today! God always makes it simple, to get the people who will believe and trust Him. It's a different, just a different Message, but the same God. Now I want you to believe It and understand that God has spoke It.

93Jesus said they scoffed at His prophet, Noah. And as they scoffed in that day, so will they do it again at His Coming. They would do the same thing.

That's the reason that Pharaoh drowned in the sea. He never recognized his day. He never recognized what was going on. He was too took up in the achievements of his scientific age, to build cities with slave labor. He was too--he was too busy, to recognize the opportunity that he had, and he turned God's prophet-messenger out into the wilderness. He didn't recognize it. That's the reason that things went the way they did. He never recognized it. If he would have only recognized the promised Word of God, to that people!

94 And if the churches today would only recognize, if the churches would only recognize the Word of God that's made this promise for this hour, to the people, they wouldn't perish.

If America could only recognize the constitution that she drawed up, she wouldn't be willing to take Bibles out of the schools, take the Name of God off of coins, and pledge allegiance under God. But she doesn't recognize it. Why? She is blind, naked. She can't recognize the blood of those precious boys that's died on the fields for this privilege. They are forgotten; they are dust.

95 But there is One Who does remember the shed of the blood of the prophets, the cost that it taken to bring this Gospel to us today. How the thousands has been eaten by lions, and throwed into the dens, have been sawed asunder, burnt, crucified! God recognizes it.

The church has forgot their prophets. They "don't need them anymore," they claim. But God knows He's got to have them; He hews His people by His Word. But It's too old-fashion to them in this day. They don't recognize It. That's the reason they're in the condition they are. That's the reason they are "naked, miserable, blind, wretched, and don't know it," because they don't recognize the hour that we're living. They don't notice it.

96 Moses, he recognized his day and his calling, when he saw the promise of God's Word for that day vindicated. He knew then, and realized what he was and what he was to do, by the promised Word. So he didn't fear what anybody said. He wasn't ashamed of his message, though every priest and every pharaoh, everything, every authority, disagreed with him. But he recognized when he saw that Light, that Pillar of Fire hanging in that bush, and spoke to him the Word that was promised for that day, and said, "I've called you to go do it." He feared not the--the great threats of the king. He went down to bring those people to an exodus, like the Word of God had promised.

97 Seeing the promise vindicated, he made the people ready for their exodus. When? When he saw the promise of God vindicated. Remember, he run with his theology; he run with his training. But when he saw the Word of God made manifest, he saw It vindicated, "I AM THAT I AM," then he didn't care what anybody said. He didn't fear what Pharaoh would do with him. He didn't fear what the rest of them would do. He only feared God, that he might misunderstand God, or some way that he might misunderstand God. He didn't fear the people and what they would say or what they would do. He only feared God, after he recognized that it was the Word of God.

98 He couldn't understand how a man like him would be sent down there. But when he recognized, by the vindicated Word, what it was, then he didn't fear the king's commandments. If you'd only recognize, if we today could only recognize! Moses recognized it when he seen the Word vindicated, seen the vindication made prove, He was ready for the exodus for the people.

Job never recognized that it was God. As long as the devil can--can make you believe sometime that the little trials you go through is--is God may... punishing you! It was God trying to show him something. Job never recognized it till he saw a vision. Like Moses; when Moses saw the vision, the Pillar of Fire in the bush, it was vindicated. And when...

Job, in his question, "If a man dies, can he live again? I see a tree die, and it lives again. I see a flower dies, and it lives again." That was his question. "But man layeth down, he giveth up the ghost, he wasteth away. His sons come to mourn, and he perceive it not. Oh, that Thou would hide me in the grave until Thy wrath be passed!" He couldn't understand why a flower would die and live again, how a leaf would go off of a tree, down, and lay on the ground, and come back again in the spring. He said, "Man layeth down, and where does he go? I believe God; but what happens to a man?"

99But then one day the lightning begin to flash, the thunders begin to roar, the Spirit come upon the prophet. And he saw the coming of a Man Who could put His hand upon a sinful man, and a holy God, and bridge the way. Then he screamed, "I know my Redeemer liveth! Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God!" He recognized what the resurrection was.

100 Balaam never recognized the Angel until the mule spoke in tongues. Balaam could not recognize that an Angel was standing in his way. A blinded preacher could not recognize that it was God standing in the way, trying to keep him from selling his gift for money. And when the mule spoke in a human voice, then Balaam recognized that it was the Angel standing in his way, trying to keep him from doing what he was doing.

101Oh, you blinded denominations! If God can use a mule, that's dumb, to speak in a language that he doesn't know, to reveal to a minister that he's out of the way, can't He use a man to do the same thing? Blinded people!

102 If Ahab had only recognized his day, he would have never condemned the prophet, Micaiah, with the Word of God of promise to him.

103When Ahab stood there that day, him and--and Jehoshaphat. And when they had four hundred prophets out there prophesying, saying, "Go up! Everything is all right. Ahab, you're living in sin. You've made us great denomination! We're a great people. We're a great ministry. Here we are, we're four hundred trained priests, or prophets. We are four hundred, trained in the Word and theology. We know all about It."

104So, now, it proved they didn't know all about It. The man that they called a crazy man, in the generation before them, Elijah, the true prophet of God, had prophesied, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'The dogs will lick your blood, Ahab!'" See?

105But those priests, man-made prophets, thought they had It all fixed up just right. They said, "Father Abraham... or, Father Ahab, go up! The Lord is with you. You've got the Scripture, because God gave this land to Israel. It belongs to Israel. Go up! The Lord is with you." Oh, my!

106 But, you know, Jehoshaphat, one that hadn't mingled in sin like Ahab had, he saw things a little different. He said, "Isn't there another one?"

107He said, "We got one here, but I hate him." See? What was God doing? Chopping His people out, with a prophet, again. "I hate him. He doesn't do nothing but just condemn me all the time. And you know I'm a great man. I wouldn't have this seminary down here if I wasn't a great believer. I've got well-trained men. I set them down there with books and Bibles, and everything else, to teach this. And I know they are great man."

But if Ahab had only recognized who that guy was, this poor little ragged-looking fellow, the son of Imlah, standing there, tell him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," he'd have never made that fatal mistake that he made. But he condemned Micaiah. He never did...

Oh, people, recognize the age that you're living in! Look what's happened. Look what's promised. Recognize the day that you're living.

108 If the church denomination today could only recognize why they are being condemned, and their members are fleeing from them, like Israel out of Egypt! If the denominations would only quit condemning those tapes, and would listen to them! And you, preacher, listening to this tape, you listen! If you'd only recognize the hour that you're living, if you'd only recognize the sign of the time, you would see why the people are running from them denominations. The Spirit of the Lord, calling! "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him. And all that the Father has, in past times, given Me, will come."

109 Like the little woman at the well, and the priest, how different they was! The handwriting is on the wall of today, again. They see it, but they don't recognize it.

110If the Jews only had recognized the promised sign of their Messiah, according to their last prophet! Malachi 3 said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, and shall prepare the way." And they claimed they were looking for Him.

111What a--what exactly a parallel till to--to today! They claim they're looking for something to happen. The churches are all praying and fasting, and saying, "Now let us pray. Let us get together. We've got to have a great thing to happen. We know there is something great to happen. The Church has got to get ready." That's what they're praying about.

112 That's what they was praying about there. And there come John the Baptist. Because, he rejected their seminaries, because he did contrary to what their fathers has taught. He came out of the wilderness without education. He came out without his collar turned around, as it would be said today. He come out without a big bunch of theology. But he come, knowing by the promise of God that he was to announce the Messiah.

He said, "He's standing in your midst now." And they thought he was crazy, because he didn't come from their schools. The handwriting was on the wall, and they didn't know it. They claimed they were looking for such a Person to come; and He was right among them. And they didn't recognize Him, though they said they was looking for Him.

113 Just the similar, as the Jews, that they are in, as the Gentiles with theirs, 'cause it's prophesied the same thing, same thing. Claimed they were looking for Him. But the denominations now in the Gentile, Laodicea age is just as blind as they were, because (why?) it's prophesied they would be. It must come to pass.

114If Israel only could have recognized their sign, they would have known the time of the Messiah's appearing was at hand. If they had recognized!

You know, the--the disciples said that to Jesus. "Why does the scribes say, that, 'Elias must first come'?"

115And Jesus said, "Elias has already come, and they didn't know him. He's already been here, and they've already killed him. They done just exactly what the Scripture said they would do."

116 If they'd have only recognized, that that "fanatic" that condemned every double things that they done, that condemned everything that they were doing... He said, "You hypocrites! Don't begin to... Snakes in the grass, you generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath that's to come? Don't begin to think within yourself, 'We have Abraham to our father. We have this, that, or other.' For I tell you, God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham."

117Don't begin to think that you've got the World Council at your hand, and you got the best dressed members of that. God is able of alley rats out here to rise up children to fulfill His Word; prostitutes, streetwalkers, drunkards, gamblers. He is able to do it. He is still God.

118 Blinded denominations, like blinded Israel, both prophesied to be that way. I'm showing you parallels, till I get to this spot that I want to now. Blinded, as the--the denominations of the Gentiles of the Laodicea Age, are blinded today like they were then.

119The Laodicea Age is supposed to receive a Message! Malachi 4 said they would.

But what are they looking for? "Our denomination will produce It. If It doesn't come through us, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the--the Assemblies, the Oneness, there's a... if we don't produce It, It isn't true."

Same thing they did in that day! And it come and went, and they didn't know it. They didn't recognize it, though it fulfilled every Word. Jesus said, "They have did as it was listed that they would do. So will they do the Son of man," He would be rejected.

120 Now notice, same now in the Gentile days, according to the promised Scriptures of Malachi 4.

Which, Jesus said, "All Scripture is inspired, and not one bit of It can keep from being fulfilled." There is no way to keep the Scripture from being fulfilled. All must be fulfilled. And Jesus said it would happen. And here we see it's happened. We see it.

121"Restore" what, in this last days? You denominational brethren, listen! Restore the pentecostal, original feast. Like It was at the beginning, so will It be restored before Israel's Trumpet's feast shall sound. Has to be restored! There has to be something to do it. Malachi 4 said it would restore back the Faith of the fathers, to the children, what would take place.

122If Israel had have recognized their Messiah, promised sign, they wouldn't have been where they are today. If they'd... But why didn't they do it? It's pitiful. Why didn't they do it? Because God said they wouldn't do it. How many believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] God said they wouldn't do it.

And it's the same God has said, in Laodicea Church Age, this would happen, and here it is before them. How can they do anything but do it?

123 If they only recognized the promised sign of the Messiah, the sign of the Son of man! He come in the name of the Son of man. Now, He was in the name, through the Pentecostal Age, in the Holy Spirit, Son of God. Now, the next thing is the Millennium, the Son of David. Three "Sons," same God. Same, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," same God. Son of David, Son of God... The Son of David, Son of man, Son of God, is the same God all the time, just in three different office works.

124So is "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" not three Gods, but the same God in three dispensations, three office works, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

But, like today, traditional blinded like they was then, traditionally blinded, they don't see it. Why can't they see it? They never will see it. Remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Say, "Why are you saying it then?"

Just the same as John did, the same as the rest of them did. There is one sticking here and there, that's got to be brought out. Oh, sheep of God, hear the Voice of God! "My sheep hear My Voice."

125 The woman at the well recognized her day, by the sign of the Messiah. She was in a bad shape. She didn't want to fool with them old churches, the way they were doing. They were living every way, and, things they were doing, she didn't believe in that stuff. But she knowed there would come One one day. The poor little fellow up there, on the way to the well; she found that Thing that she was looking for, when He begin to reveal to her the secret of her heart, told her the sin that she was living in.

She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a Prophet." Now, they hadn't had one for four hundred years. Said, "I perceive that You're a Prophet. And I know that when the Messiah cometh He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He."

126She recognized. There was no more question, "How can You prove it?" It was already proved. "When Messiah cometh, this is what He'll do."

Well, if she can recognize it by the Scriptures, can't we recognize the evening Lights and the sign of today?

"We know when Messiah cometh He'll show us all these things. He'll tell us this."

He said, "I am He that speaks to you."

127No more question. Away she went, and she told the people, "Come, see! Here He is." No more question to her. It was settled, because she recognized the day that she was living in. She recognized it.

128 So did Nathanael, a great Hebrew, when he saw that sign of the Messiah that was promised there; no matter how many priests, how many anything else.

What did it do? It disturbed the priests, to see them people leaving the churches and going. He said, "If any of you attend His meeting, you'll be excommunicated. We'll put you right out of the denomination."

129So is it today. "We'll put you out of our organization if you attend his meeting."

130Remember the blind man? The father and mother couldn't even answer; they was afraid. Because, they said, "Anybody that went to see Jesus, or--or attended His meetings, they would be excommunicated." But, that blind man could speak for himself, he that was once blind could then see.

131I, who was once blind, can now see. I, who didn't know these things, It's been made known to me by the Holy Spirit. Turn loose, denominations, because they're coming, anyhow! "If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me."

132 Nathanael recognized it. He knew it.

133Just as Moses' Scriptural proofs, vindicated Word. Moses knew that that was the promise of the day, because it was Scriptural, no matter how strange. He said, "Who can I tell them... I'll tell them I saw a Light back here in the wilderness. How can I tell them now that there was a Light back here, and this Light told me go down there?"

He said, "Surely, Moses, I'll be with you." And not only...

134He didn't show Hisself down in Egypt; just only by miracles and signs. But when He got them all gathered together, He appeared to them again, and vindicated Moses' ministry before the Elected and called-out. When that prophet had chopped them loose from that nation and brought them into a place, then the Pillar of Fire appeared again, and on top of Mount Sinai.

135 Parallel it with today. Amen! Praise be to God! It's more than life to me. And my age begins to creep on, and I see the hour of vulgarity and immorality sweeping the lands and things, then I look back and see what's happened. My heart leaps for joy, knowing that after a while this earthly tabernacle of habitation will be dissolved, but I got one waiting yonder. I'm trying to pull a people, chop them from these things and things, to pull them out; to show them, by the Scriptures, that God is standing there; with a vindication of the Pillar of Fire, which hundreds and thousands have seen, and even had It took, before, with a camera, time after time, to prove it.

136 Impersonators rise up. Sure, it's got to be done. Impersonators rose up in the day of Moses and done the same thing. God said, "Separate yourself, Moses. Don't hang around them. I'll swallow them up." And the world got them. And so is it today; go right back in the world, money schemes and everything else. See?

137Moses' Scriptural sign! He was--he was that great prophet of God that went down there to deliver them, and they recognized it. They recognized the sign. He was the exact Scriptural promise, vindicated.

138Jesus was that promise of the Scripture, vindicated to the woman. Or, He was the Interpretation. Jesus was the Interpretation of the Scripture. His Own Life interpreted the Scripture.

139Don't you see the Message of the hour? Can you recognize where we are? The Message itself, from the Scripture, interprets to you the hour we're living in. It's the interpretation.

140 Jesus said to Israel, "If you had only have known your day." One time, setting on Mount Olives, He looked over, said, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem!" He wept. He looked down. He seen.

Not in any comparison, maybe, way. The other night, other morning, about ten o'clock, when I saw that prostitute church. Down in your heart, you feel the Holy Spirit dropping tears.

"Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you. But what did you do? You killed the prophets that I sent to you. You murdered them."

And the Messages has been sent to the church, today, has been murdered by their denominational dogmas. The Scripture has been murdered by their dogmas. Jesus said, "If you'd have only knowed your day! But, it's too far now, it's too late now." So is it with the churches!

141I do believe, with all my heart, she is past redemption. No matter what you want to think about it, it's your own opinion. This is mine. See? You don't have to have my opinion. But I believe she is past redemption, and has been, for the past five or six years. I remember. You remember Chicago. Watch what's happened since then, and watch it keep on happening. See? Remember, my name is before it. It's stuck out there. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See if she hasn't dropped, continue.

142 Look at 1933, how it say the women would act in this last days. How it said the people... How Mussolini, how he'd come to his end. How Hitler would come to a mysterious end. How that the three ism would come in communism. How that the machines would come, looking like an egg. And how that women would wear garments and look like man, even like their underneath clothes; and would finally come to putting fig leaves, like, on them. How the immoral act, how they would act in this day. Look what they've done. And it's right before you, then.

143If Christian women could only... the so-called Christian women could only recognize, could recognize that the immoral spirit upon them is of the devil, to make them cut their hair. The devil is the only thing would do that. That's contrary to God's Word for you, just like it was in the garden of Eden. What did they? If they could only recognize! They try to say, "Oh, that little old holy-roller preacher, saying!" It's not me. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm only quoting the Word. If they could only recognize that it's the devil.

144 They call themselves Christians. Jesus said, "How can you call Me, 'Lord,' and do not the things that I say to do?" They can't be Christians. I'm not their judge, but I'm just saying what the Word said. "How can you call Me, 'Lord,' and then do not the things I said to do?" And the whole Word here is the revelation of Jesus Christ. "How do you call Me, 'Lord'?"

145If they could only recognize it's the devil, an immoral spirit. Some nice little women out there...

146I think this is the most vulgar place I ever seen in my life, Jeffersonville, Indiana, for naked women. I've been in Hollywood. I've been everywhere. I been the world over, and I've seen all kinds of filth. I've seen it in Paris. I've seen it in England, which is the chief of all of them.

147 I think that England would be sunk someday beneath the ocean. It deserves it; filth, dirt, puny! That's the immoral cesspool of the world, the most dis-scriptural, denying people I ever seen in my life. She is become that because she's rejected the Truth.

148Billy Graham said he had to take his wife out of the parks; sexual things going on between men and women, boys and girls, right out in the park, openly. She become a cesspool; so has France, so has all the rest of the world. And so has the United States, becoming the leader of all of them!

149Look at today. Make them cut their hair, wear shorts, slacks, smoke, and calling themselves believers. Don't you realize, sister, or woman... Mean, pardon, not my sister; do a thing like that. Don't you realize it's the devil? But what...

Like the Jews of old, you will not believe the vindicated Word when It's proved to you. You hang right onto your denominational traditions that says it's all right. You speak in tongues, you jump up-and-down, you sing in the spirit, and cut your hair. Could you imagine a Christian doing that?

I've seen devils, I've seen witch doctors, I've seen them speak in tongues and interpret, and jump up-and-down and dance in the spirit; drink blood out of a human skull, and curse the Name of Jesus Christ.

150 You say, "I belong to the church. Hallelujah! Glory to God! I..." You belong to what?

The Church is the Word! And the Word says, "It's a shame for you to do it."

You blinded bunch of Pharisees, leading them poor children to hell like that; because you're afraid of the meal ticket, and you'd be turned out of your denomination if you start something about It. Shame on you, you hypocrite! Be ashamed of it. Seeing the hour approaching like this, and you turn by your traditions away from the Word of God. How dare you, blinded one!

151Don't the Bible say you were blinded? Can't you understand that you're blind? The Bible said you was. "And you are naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it." When you think you've got the biggest church in the city, and you do this, that, or the other; and the Bible said you're poor as you can be, and you're blind. And He is still standing at the door, trying to sell you some eyesalve; not sell it to you, but give it to you, and you won't receive it. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Fulfills the Scripture.

152 What day are you living, people? Do you recognize the hour, recognize the sign?

153They could only realize, them women, that that's the devil. It's an indecent devil, in the name of religion. He's always been that way. He come to every prophet, he come to every sage, he even come to Jesus Christ, as a religious person. And the Bible said he'd "be so close in the last days," even Pentecostals, "and would deceive the very elected," out of that Pentecostal church, "if it was possible." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

154"Few," He said, "'cause strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that'll find it. For as it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Think of it! What day are we living? Do you recognize the hour, recognize the day?

I'm taking a lot of your time, but I got a few more minutes. See?

155 Making them to cut their hair. Well, they say, "Our church don't pay no attention to that." You know why? They're blind.

"It's no harm to cut your hair." The Bible says it is! It's even an undecent thing for you to even cut your hair and even pray.

You say, "Well, a woman should be covered." And the Bible said that her "hair" is her covering. Not a hat; her hair!

156What if Moses said, "I'll take off my hat instead of my shoes"? It wouldn't have worked. God said "shoes," and God meant shoes.

He said "hair," not hat! Glory to God! He liked that, I'm sure. Praise be to God! He means just what He says. The Scripture is of no private interpretation. Doesn't mean just for your denomination; It means just what It says, and He's the Interpreter.

157 Say, "I know a woman that does that." I don't care what you know. I know what God said about it. You suit yourself.

158If they could only recognize what it is, lady. Uh! If you could only recognize! Or, "woman," not lady.

159I seen a sign, coming down from the Blue Boar, down on, I believe it's Fifth Street there, some beer parlor, said, "Tables for ladies." I just stopped there; I said, "You never did have one." A lady won't go in such a place. A woman might, but not a lady.

160Did you notice, the fall of the world begin with the immorality of a woman? Do you know it's to end the same way, immorality of the woman? And the church, represents, is by woman? The church is a woman, spiritually speaking.

So is the Bride a woman, spiritually speaking.

161The immorality of the church, how it's done! Look at the visions, look at the things, see the visions even that God gives, and that vision is true. I have my Bible over my heart, to you people on tape, and the audience can see it. I saw that! God Almighty knows that's the Truth. Never known it till just now. There she is, "naked, and don't know it." She was just having her a great time. There you are.

But when that little Bride come in view, it was different. "The Alpha and Omega!" Uh-huh.

162 The Devil does it. But like the Jews of old, when they see the Word...

And Jesus said to His, He said this to His disciples, "Search the Scriptures. You, you know, you're puzzled about Me and My ministry. Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They testify of Me, They tell you what My Message is. If you can't believe Me, believe the very Words that God is interpreting to you."

163"We'll not have this Man rule over us. We got our own priests, and so forth." Go ahead then, that's all can be said. It's too late, anyhow. Denominational traditions that says it's okay, they listen to that. They would rather hear... You believe the--the word of--of man more than you believe the Word of God. They don't recognize. The churches today don't recognize Second Timothy 3. If you...

164 I see some of you putting the Scriptures down. Now, these are Scriptures I'm quoting from right here. Where, if anybody happened to call my attention on it, or my hand on it, I can show them the Scripture for it. See?

165They don't recognize Second Timothy 3, where It said, "In the last days, men would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good (the Bride), see; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the kind that'll go from house to house, and lead silly women, silly women led away with divers lusts, never learning or never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth." Never! They wouldn't do it, and they won't do it. God said so.

And, blind Pharisee, can't you see it? I'm not angry; I'm just driving the nail in and clenching it. Neither does the churches recognize This. The women can't understand it. They're supposed... "Silly women, led away with divers lusts," Hollywood, all this kind of stuff, bobbed hair, wearing shorts, wearing makeups, all this kind of stuff, which is unbecoming. Do you know the woman plays a great part in the last days?

166 Do you know the Bible said, that, "Those who escape out of this great damnation will be a beautiful branch before the Lord"? Someday I'll get to it, the Lord willing, for it, for you women. Let you see what God thinks of the woman that really escape this damnation of this day. Said, "She would be beautiful."

167I heard a woman, the other day, laughing at... A girl, a bunch of half naked females, with morals lower than a--than a mother dog, laughing at an old woman with a long dress. Listen here, you little twisted-up female, she's got something you know nothing about. She's got moral. You don't even know what the name is. You lost it in the cradle, almost. You don't even know right from wrong; she does. She's got something hid in her heart that you don't know nothing about. You lost it; can never find it. Don't you call her old-fashion, and so forth, like that. She knows something that you don't know nothing about. She's got hid in her heart, treasure of decency. You don't know one word of it. Your mammy brought you up like that. Your pastor permitted it; shows where he stands. I'm preaching about him right here now. See? See where you're at, the churches?

168 Jesus said, "All this Scripture must be fulfilled." And It is fulfilled.

169Notice, "As Jannes and Jambres also withstood Moses," he'll come right along, some of them. Not, now, he's not talking about Methodist, Baptist, here; they're out of the picture. See? "But as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses and Aaron, so will they; man of reprobated mind concerning the Truth," been perverted into dogmas and teachings of the church, instead of the Bible.

And then Jannes and Jambres could do anything that Moses could do. See, "as Jambres," see the parallel there?

"As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these man of reprobate mind concerning the Truth, resist It," won't have It in their neighborhood, won't even cooperate with It, won't have nothing to do with It. But said, "Their folly will be made known." When that Bride takes Her stand and moves up into the skies, it'll be made known, don't worry; like Moses, when he took the children of Israel, and took the flight out of Egypt, and Egypt sunk. All right.

170 Jesus said, "All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore that all Scripture must be fulfilled." When He...

They asked Him, said, "You make Yourself God."

171He said, "You, in your own law, call those prophets who the Word of the Lord came to, you called them 'gods,' and they are." Said, "Then how can you condemn Me when I say I'm the Son of God? All these Scriptures is given by inspiration; all of It must be made manifest, all of It must be fulfilled."

See there, they're just so blind, they was so took up with the word of man instead of being taken up with the Word of God. That's what makes women do that. That's what makes preachers do that. They're taken up with the bishop instead of Jesus. They are taken up in it, with their--with their money bag, a big congregation.

172 Just see whether I'm popular. Take the people, out of Jeffersonville, with what little group is here from Jeffersonville; take the outsiders, of Jeffersonville, out of this tabernacle this morning, I wouldn't have or have a half a dozen to preach to. What is it? She is made up of all over the country; from New York, from Massachusetts, to Boston, Maine, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and around the country. They're gathering together. Amen! That's what He said. "It shall be Light about the evening time."

173They can't recognize the evening Light. That's what's the matter. She just doesn't recognize It. She is too blind. The Bible said she was.

174 Russia only received her place in the world, in science, no more than about forty years ago. You know, when the First World War come on, they never... They ignored Russia. Brother Roy... It was just a bunch of ignoramuses, big old Siberians, the beard all over their face, and didn't know right and left hand. That's right, Russia, but she recognized her place. She had to do it to fulfill the Scripture. You know my prophecies of what I said would happen, how all of them would gather in communism. Now she leads the world in science. We're a way back behind her. All the rest of the world is behind her. She leads her place. She just recognized she had some brains, too.

175Notice, man has the same six senses he had six thousand years ago. Six thousand years ago, with the senses he had, he contacted his earthly home and served God. And now, in the past seventy-five years, that man has come from a horse and buggy, to an astronaut. Why? He turned away from his faith in God, and turned it over to his senses and his ability as a human being. Did you notice it? He quit trusting God. He trusts himself.

176 Like this infidel woman. What's her name, Washington there, that changed all this? [Someone says, "Murray." --Ed.] What's her name? ["Murray."] Murray, she said, "As long as we got an army and navy, we don't need old Jehovah." Uh-huh. I don't care what we've got.

It's Jehovah or nothing, to me. Let army and navy sink, and it will, but Jehovah will remain forever. As long as I'm a part of Him, and His son, I shall remain with Him forever; not by my calling or my choice, but by His choice. Amen, amen! Had nothing to do with it. He is the One! Give me Him or give me death. Let the nations rise and fall; Jehovah will remain. He's done it, all through the ages; when Rome fell, when Egypt fell, and all the rest of them fell. And He still remains Jehovah. Oh, hallelujah! I feel religious.

177Reason Russia come to herself, she had to. Just like Israel had to get in the homeland. God had to drive Israel back to the homeland, for the Trumpets. And so did God have to drive Russia up there, in communism, to do exactly what's been prophesied she would do.

178 Man and his six senses had just come along, the horse and buggy, trusting God. In the last seventy-five years, he quit trusting God. When they signed the Constitution of this United States, they put God in everything they did. Now they don't even have a meeting, and they never even name His Name. That's right. They depend on their loftiness of their science, they, their cunningness of their science, or the lewd bunch. That's exactly right. The whole world is swallowed up in ignorance of the Bible. The bi-... whole world has turned from God.

But, just think, right out of the midst of all that, and the church denominations and all their seminary lewdness and everything, God has took His prophets' Word and chopped out a Bride that will believe. Said He would do it. He's hewed from that thing what He promised He would do.

179They depend on their human intelligence, their human science, and so forth; left God out, Whom he once trusted. The United States has left God out. They even turned Him out of school, for our little children can't even hear about Him. They turned Him out of school. Now they're trying to turn Him off the dollars, "In God we trust." They're going to turn it out of the pledge allegiance to the flag, "One nation under God." They're going to turn that out.

180 See, they've went to their own feelings and their own senses. Because, in the last seventy-five years, he hasn't changed a bit in his senses, he's still the same man God created him in the beginning.

But, in this last days, can't you recognize where we are? And the church has turned, from God, to that, to the seminary and experience, and so forth, instead of the Word. Don't even recognize Him in their meetings, in their schools, or nothing, anymore.

181Israel, in the past twenty-five years, has recognized something has brought them to the homeland, as was promised. They don't know how it was ever done. They suffered like everything, martyrdom, under them Trumpets, but they're in their homeland. They don't know why.

182 Why did Russia wake up? Why did the nations wake up? Why has man been able to achieve? When scientists, three hundred years ago, a French scientist rolled a ball at a certain speed across the earth, and proved, by scientific research, "If a man ever made the terrific speed of thirty miles an hour, gravitation would take him off the earth; according to his weight, according to the weight of the ball." Now he's going seventeen thousand miles an hour, see, still trying to climb on. He just recognized that, lately. Why? Has to be that way.

183Why, the church used to stood on the rock of Jesus Christ. No matter what anybody said, they stayed right with that Word, the message of the hour; Luther, Wesley, and down through there. And now they've turned back to traditions. Why has it done it?

184Past twenty-five years, Israel has just recognized that they're in the homeland for something. It was prophesied they'd have to be gathered again; Hosea said so. We read it a while ago. God help us to understand it! All right.

185 At the same time, the Bride has recognized the evening Light, just begin to recognize. The hungry pentecostals have begin to recognize that them organizations hasn't got any things they was looking for, they're so twisted and tore up. See, it's the time of recognition, recognition. You've got to recognize.

The world has recognized. The nations has recognized. Science has recognized. The devil has recognized it's the time that he can wreck women, wreck the church, wreck the people. He's recognized it.

And God has recognized that there is a people on earth that He predestinated to Life. He recognized this is the time to send His Message. He's did it. The people has recognized It, the Bride time has realized the evening Light.

186If Sodom had have recognized her days, when she seen those messengers come down there, like Billy Graham and Oral Roberts!

187 Now, some lewd person in Phoenix just got up and said... played that part on the--a tape, and said I said here, I "must be baptized in Jesus' Name," said that. And then said, "Now you see here, over here he said..." When I was talking about Africa, how they baptized three times face forward, and back. Said I said, "Don't make any difference." See, he never played the rest of the tape; just that part, and cut it off.

Which, would be a penitentiary offense to do it. Them tapes are absolutely franchised. No one can mess with them. You better not. You--you--you got the law on you. But would we do it? No. He said, "Let them alone." God told me what's going to take place. Just watch, just keep your eye on that person. See?

188 The same time, the Bride has realized the evening Light.

If Sodom would have recognized their hour!

189Now, this same person put on tape, said, "Look here, to you Pentecostal people," said, "and you Baptists. This man, false prophet, William Branham," see, "has said that Oral Roberts and Billy Graham was in Sodom." See, then cut the tape off; that's all, see.

Wouldn't go ahead to say, that, "They were messengers to Sodom." Not in Sodom, "They were there as a messenger to Sodom." Anybody knows I said that. Play your tape.

"Whosoever shall take from or add to, the same shall be taken from him." It's the Word of the Lord. It stands that way.

190 "If Sodom had have recognized her messenger, she would have been standing today," Jesus said, if she'd have recognized the same as Abraham recognized.

Abraham knowed there was a promised son coming. But he knowed there had to be a change some way, because he was too old, and so was Sarah. But when he saw that One Who could discern the thoughts of Sarah, behind Him, he recognized the hour he was living. He said, "My Lord, let me fetch a little water here and wash Your feet." They ate a morsel of bread. "Let me pray Thee, hold on just a little bit longer," see, here, "my L-o-r-d," capital L-o-r-d, "Elohim." He recognized that God was speaking to him out of human flesh. He recognized his sign, and was blessed of the Lord.

Sodom didn't recognize their day, and was burned up. Jesus said, "As it was in that day, so shall it be when the Son of God is... or the Son of man is being made manifest."

191 Now, the church has not recognized her day. Like Israel, forced back to Palestine, she is going to be forced into the World Council of Churches. Why? She didn't recognize her hour. "People, come out of her, be not partakers of her sin!" Flee, your life, or you'll be caught with the mark of the beast and can't do nothing else about it.

"Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy," not will be holy, "holy now. Let him that's holy," not a bab-... bobbed- haired woman; she can't be. Now, that sounds very flat, but that's the Scripture. The Bible says, "She dishonors her head," and her head is her husband. His Head is Christ, so she dishonors Christ. How can she be "dishonorable" and not be "filthy"? "Let she that's got bobbed hair keep it. Let he, she that wears shorts keep on wearing them. Let he that denies the Word keep on denying It."

"But let him that's holy be holy still. Let him that's righteous be righteous still; the righteous Word of God, the Son of God made manifest. Be holy still, righteous still!" Recognize! Yes, sir! Days not...

The church has not recognized her day.

192 Like Israel, back in her promised land, she don't know how she got back there. She was just automatically put back there. Why? National force put her in her place.

Now I'm going to say something. National force put Israel in her homeland; national force will put the church in the World Council of Churches; but the power of God will put the people in the Bride. The world forces this way, and the world forces that way, but God forces upward. The Spirit of God, which is the Word of God, "My Word is Spirit and Life," will put the Bride in Her place. Cause, She'll recognize Her position in the Word, then She's in Christ, will put Her in Her place. No national force will do it. But the national force did drive Israel to the homeland; the national forces of the Council of Churches will drive every organization into it; but the Power of God will raise the Bride into Glory, out of it.

193Oh, people, recognize your day, as Jesus warned you; the sign of Sodom, and the church's conditions of this day.

194 Look what He said in this day would take place. Listen to it real close. The sign of Sodom would take place in the day; sign like Abraham, that day before Sodom, that was called out. All these things that was prophesied, will be taking place now. Watch the day you're living. We've went over it and over it.

195Now He has promised to send you Heavenly Light, to ripen the Word Seed that would be sown for this day. The Seed is in Here. The Seed is the Bible. Why? Jesus said so. "The Word is the Seed that a sower sowed."

And, now, before you can have any crop, no matter if you sow the seed, it's got to have light to ripen that seed, or it'll rot and won't do no good; it'll perish. But if it's got seed in the ground, the right ground, with the right kind of a sunlight on it, it's got to ripen.

And He promised that in the last days, in the evening time, the Son would come out to ripen that Seed. The Seed is being preached. The Son of God is ripening that Seed, by vindicating It, making It push out before you and proving that It's right. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Recognize your day.

I'm closing now. It's time now to close.

196 And the rich, blinded, educated Laodicean would put the Word out of their midst. Have they done it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He said they would.

As the prophets of old were sent to vindicate the promised Word of their day, so that the people who were predestinated, their day, saw It. Like the woman at the well, like Nathan, like blind Bartimaeus, like Peter, and the rest of them who recognized It. He was that Word. And the production, "If I do not the works that the Father promised I would do, then believe Me not. But if I do the works, though you don't believe Me, believe them works. They tell you Who I am." Get it? All right, don't miss the day, sent. Men and women of other days recognized It, and went in and were safe.

197Pentecostals, oh, my, why don't you recognize your day? Recognize the day of the evening time. It is here, and it's here, that, to vindicate the coming of Christ, to vindicate it. We're at the end. Recognize your day.

198 I know I've kept you a long time. It's twelve o'clock now. But, I like this Food, This is Life. It is. It is, to the believer. Recognize the day that you're living, and the sign of the time.

199See where everything is at: Israel; where the church; where the immoral; where the Bride is standing. What's left? The next thing, taking up of the Bride. Course, every church is looking for a great thing. The Pentecost say, "Glory to God! There will come a day that they're going to do this, and they're going to do that." See, they are professors. They do believe.

200Like, one time, Caiaphas said, "Isn't it right that one man should die, and not the whole nation perish?" He was high priest, the Bible said, the reason he said that. He prophesied, not knowing what he was saying. But did he realize the real truth of it, that he was sacrificing the very God that he claimed to be the high priest of?

So is it, today! They're looking, yonder somewhere, for a--a great time to come.

201 Why, I go in the Business Men's convention with them. They say, "Glory to God!" Them preachers get up and just stir the crowd, and saying, "There is coming a great revival. The hand of the Lord is going to be upon the earth!" And how the people are going forth, running like... And don't realize that's under the Trumpets for Israel. Why do they do it? Is because that they are Christian professors, and don't realize. Neither did Caiaphas realize what he's doing. And they don't realize that they're rejecting the very Message that's sent to them. Amen!

202Every part of the Scripture, we've went through day after day, and week after week, until it's undisputable the Truth. "If the blind can't receive It," Jesus said, "let them alone. If the blind leads the blind, they all fall in the ditch." I don't know when, I don't know where, but I know it's coming.

203 You know, I see why Satan didn't want me to do this. Yesterday, I felt so bad. I couldn't get no Word from the Lord. I did everything I knowed how to do, and I couldn't. And this morning, when I got up... I eat me some corn, yesterday, and seemed like laying right there in my stomach. I was so sick, I just--I just couldn't hardly get it. I thought, "What's the world's the matter? I'm going down there, and I don't know what I'm going to say. And, Lord, I can't even find a Scripture in my mind, to write down. I can't find a thing." I just didn't know what to do.

Then, after the Message begin to come to me, Satan kept saying, "You feel too bad. Your head's hurting. You're sick. You can't go down there. You can't stand there. It's going to be this, going to be that."

204 I remember, one time, a story of a little cockney in England. He was just an ordinary man. And they said that the--the--the king, one of the kings in the early days was going into his--his palace. And, this, he had no one... He had a message he had to get forth, an urgent message, because of the enemy. And so he--he--he said to this little fellow standing there, he said, "Here, take this message, take this message! Hurry to a certain--certain place, and command this to be done." And he said, "Take my scepter in your hand. That'll vindicate you, that I'm... you're sent from me."

205And he stuck it under his robe, and away he went. The guards everywhere stopping him, everybody else. Yelling, "Get away! I have the message of the king." Amen. "I'm the king's messenger," a vindicated word.

206I thought, "Satan, get out of my way! I have the King's Message. I must go."

207 One time when they killed the Prince of Peace, and put Him in the grave, and sealed up the tomb, and death held Him for three days and nights. But on Easter morning He had the scepter in His hand, and hollered, "Get away, death! Get away, grave! Open up! I am the King's Message. I must come forth to prove this resurrection. I am the resurrection and Life." Hallelujah! I feel real good now.

It's the King's Message. Let's recognize It, friends, for we are called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet. "For the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, then time shall be no more."

208He's gathered Israel. The three days, in the third day He said He would do it. Twenty-seven hundred years has passed. In that third day He said He would gather them together, and He's done it. He said He'd make known the way of Life. There you are, just waiting now for the Bride to get out of the way so they can come, the two prophets, Hebrew prophets, that'll recognize.

209 You remember me standing in Cairo, to go up there, when Lewi Pethrus said, "Brother Branham, if they'd ever see that... They believe their prophets."

210I said, "It's a good thing for me." See how man is? But see the grace of God? I said, "I'll read this New Testament." They read It. Lewi sent them, over a million, over there, Brother Lewi Pethrus from Sweden. They would read It, coming up-and-down there, them Jews; not like this modern bunch of Jews, but in their homeland. And come down, he said, "If this be the Messiah, let us see him do the sign of the prophet, we'll believe it."

211Lewi Pethrus said, "Brother Branham, there is the opportunity. There is the opportunity. Someone told me that, that it would be an opportunity. I got ride," said, "right down to it."

Some man come over and set there, Brother Arganbright, said, "Brother Branham, that would just alarm Israel! Bring them out before It, and show the sign of the prophet. They'll believe it."

212I said, "Lord, here I am, ready." Jumped on the plane; took the money and got me a ticket; stopped in Cairo. Said, "Yeah, I'm ready."

213The Holy Spirit said, "This is not your place. This is not your time." See, you get ahead of yourself. I thought, "Oh, my! I come way over here; I'm--I'm going to go."

214Something said, "Stop right here! Don't you go that way. Turn on in into India. Don't go that. Go over to India, but don't you go here."

215 Thought, "Why?" As I walked out behind the hangar, I said, "Lord Jesus, what does this mean?"

Then He made known to me. "No Gentile. These prophets are the one." It has to be according to the Scripture. "Moses and Elijah has to come." And, besides, the Bride hasn't been taken out of the way yet. "And them prophets will return and they'll do the sign of the prophet." That's the Scripture. There it all is fulfilled then, perfectly, Israel as a nation will be born in one day. Amen! The evening Lights are shining!

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way, is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sin,

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

The evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

216 We're at the end time, friend. And then we think of this song of the inspired writer, when he said:

Nations are breaking, (this is about fifteen years ago), Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, (look at her filth now) with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near. (That's right.)

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying, (ain't that the truth!)

Jesus the Christ is our God.

They don't believe That. They got all kinds of isms and things!...?... true. But the prophet said... Or, the inspired writer said:

We'll walk where the apostles have trod.

217 Remember in my vision? I said, "If Paul's people goes in, so will mine, because I done just exactly like he did." I'm staying right with It.

Them millions throwed their hands, saying, "We are resting on that!"

What? Recognize the day that we're living, the time we're living, the sign of the time that we're living in. It may be later than we think. One of these days, let him that's outside stay outside still. He that's inside must forever be inside still. The door will close.

218If there is some here this morning that hasn't never walked in yet, oh, in Jesus' Name, my dear people...

Don't look at this ignorant servant standing here, illiterate, unlearned, uneducated; don't look at that. But look at the Word that's being proven. Look at the great Holy Spirit Who vindicates It to be the Truth. We're at the evening time. It later than you think. Don't...

219 Women, let your hair grow. Sister, please take off them dirty clothes. Throw them cigarettes away. For the hour will come, that, "He that's filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that's righteous, let him be righteous still. He that's inside is inside; he that's outside is outside." The little, close margin, "If a righteous man will scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly," the Truth-denier, you know, "where will they appear?"

Let us bow our heads.

220Now, in the Light of this hour that we're now living, the Light of the day that we're now living in; precious and beloved ones, you who come from different states across the country, let us now, and me with you, on this altar, let us take inventory. How is the Spirit of God in our hearts today? Remember, it's that Spirit, uncondemned, uncontaminated; any church doctrine, and everything, is gone completely.

221 You would be daresn't to, try to add to That or take from It. For, if you do try to put the interpretation on It, yourself, your part is taken from the Book of Life. Are you trying to say something that the Spirit hasn't said? Are you trying to make It sound like It said something? Or, you just take It exactly what It said, and leaving It like that? Are you splicing, cutting, taping, doing things that's not right? Have you?

222Say, "Well, I just don't feel like I should do this. Or, maybe, I--I--I know my church don't believe It. 'That's just one man's word about It.'"

That one Man is God. The Bible here says you should not cut your hair. These... Bible said that. "It shall come to pass that women will wear garments like man, and how they would be an abomination to God." How the Holy Spirit spoke through it, this humble, unworthy vessel that just happened to be standing present in the age that the great King said, "Here is My sepulcher, My Word." ("Here is My Scepter," rather.) "Take My Scepter, and go forth, and bring the Message."

223 I know the denominations tried to stop It, and turn It out, and run It out, and kick It out, and everything. But, by the grace of God, I'm on my road, screaming from nation to nation, from place to place, from church to church, "Come out of it!" It's unpopular, but It's the Truth.

224Will you receive It in the--in the--the Spirit that It's wrote in? Will you receive It in the Spirit that It's been given in? If you haven't as yet... We no room for an altar; your heart is the altar. Would you raise up your hand, say, "God, be merciful to me. Let the Spirit of God come into me, condemning me now of all my sins, and frustrations, all my bad habits, and high tempers, and fusses, and fights, and stews, and everything I've had. And I know something, that my spirit isn't mellow for Heaven. Make me mellow, Lord, in this last moment. This may be the last sermon I'll ever hear. This may be the last time I'll ever hear the Message. I raise my hand. God, be merciful to me."

225God bless you. Dozens of hands. Now, just for a moment of silent prayer for you. You who raise your hand, shows you're still interested. Looks to me like the Spirit is still calling to someone.

226 Dear God, Thou Who knows all things. And You made all things for the purpose of all things, for, some had to be condemned, some had to be blinded; some, "like the potter that made the vessel," as Paul said, "one to honor and the other to dishonor." The one was made to dishonor, was only to show forth the one that was to be honored. But isn't it in the hand of the Potter to do what He will? Isn't it in the predestinated plan of God, to call? "Who He foreknew, He has called. Them Who He called, He justified. And those Who He justified, He has glorified."

227Maybe some of them here today is like the little woman at the well, off in filth, off in unbelief, off in traditions of man, man-made doctrines. Maybe the first time they've ever heard these things, but something has strangely warned their hearts. There is many, many hands went up, Lord. Let the great Potter take that vessel now and mold it into a vessel of honor. I believe there is some reason, Lord, or they wouldn't be doing that, they wouldn't be saying that. I still believing, I'm holding for them.

228 Let Your humble servant plead, Lord. Let us plead for them, as one who stands between the living and dead; like one who in Sodom was pleading for the Sodomites, "Come out of it! Come out of it, quickly!"

229 May they come, Lord, humbly and sweetly to the throne of God now, in their heart, saying, "Jesus, from this day, henceforth, You'll be mine. I make this pledge to You now here, as I set here in this seat where Your Spirit has struck me. If It struck me here, I don't have to go any further than right here. Right here is where You met me; right here is where we're going to settle it; right here on this second seat, third seat, fifth seat, whatever it is. Right here is where it's going to be settled, 'cause here is where You condemned me, and here is where You promised to make it right. For though I would be filthy and dirty, I shall be made white like snow. I'll believe all Your Word. I'm ready to walk in It, believe It, accept It.

"And I now do this for the glory of God, knowing that my life is no good to me, it's no good to God, it's no good to my neighbors, it's no good to nothing else; just simply a good to the devil, to make a--a puppet out of me, to throw me around about, maybe to be some man's toy to look upon, maybe some woman's idol. God, make me a servant to You." Grant it, Lord. I commit them to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son.

With our heads bowed, and our hearts.

I can hear my Saviour...

Sincerely, friend. It may be your last time. Can you hear that little Voice?

... calling,

I can...

What's He call... What's calling you, if your Saviour is? The Word.

... Saviour calling,

What must you do? Deny the world.

And take my cross and follow, follow...

"I've neglected baptism in Jesus' Name, Lord."

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go...

With Him, where? Through the water, through the garden, through anywhere; house of prayer, in the pool, anywhere. Decide it!

... go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I'll go with Him through the judgment, (whether the Word is right or the church is right),


"Whether I'm right, or He is right. Is my conscience right, or is His Word right?" You're in the judgment place now. "What I have believed, is it right, or is His Word right? Do I think it's all right to have short hair, wear shorts? Do I think it's all right to belong to a denomination?" What did He say?

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

Now where He leads me I will follow,

I got my hands up, too, Lord. Lord, wherever it is, where is the next Message to be preached? Is it back here, tonight, over in Africa, Germany, Switzerland? Where is it, Lord?

Where He... (wherever You lead, Lord)... me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

Now with your heads bowing.

230 Will you go with Him everywhere He leads you? Will you go with Him when the times are running low, people are persecuting, laughing, making fun? "I'll still be with Him. I'll still go. I'll move right on with You, Lord, wherever You are. I'll still stand loyal and true. In the heat of the battle, I'll still stand loyal and true. If I fall, You'll raise me up again, Lord. 'He that loses his life for My sake shall find it.'"

So I'll go with Him, with Him all...

231Now all that mean that, from your heart, let's raise our hands now, and our hearts, to Him.

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

He will give me grace and glory,

He will give me...

Lord Jesus, breathe upon these handkerchiefs now. Heal these sick and afflicted, Lord. Grant it, Lord. Give them healing, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

And go with me, with me all the way.

232 You feel good now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Feel it's all ready now? ["Amen."] If He...

The Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, (that's that last Trumpet, now)

And when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair.

Let's sing it, all of us now. "When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound." Give us the key.

When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair;

When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When then all of life is over, and our work on earth is done,

And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

233 Let's raise our hands, say, "By Thy grace, Lord." By Thy grace, Lord! [Congregation says, "By Thy grace, Lord."--Ed.]

Now, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Let's just turn and just shake hands with somebody by you, and say, "By God's help, when the roll is called up yonder!"

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

What are we waiting for?

When that Trumpet (the last one)... the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no...

(Done broke into Eternity, "In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.")... and fair;

And then when the saved of earth shall gather to on the other shore,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

Let's just sing it out!

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

234 Oh, won't that be a time! Just walking along, someday, and here's appears somebody. "Who is it? Mother!" Amen! "It ain't going to be long now." Just in a few minutes, you're changed. And we'll be... meet them, then be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air. Oh, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Say, "Here is Brother Seward, the old brother that used to be at church here! Why, here is Brother DeArk. Here is Brother So-... Why, looky here, they're all around me! What's the matter? Here just in a few minutes... I know they've done appeared to me. It ain't going to be long now. I'm going to be changed now, just in a moment, just a moment." Oh, yes! And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair. All the mystic clouds...

235 As He said, "Israel, thou hast been like a morning cloud, a vapor, and your righteousness doth fade away." And when it's all faded out into the Son-Light Who holds it all, amen, then, "The roll is called up yonder, I'll be there." All right.

Until tonight:

Till we meet! Till we meet!

We don't know what time this will take place, friends. It's been a story, a long time, but it's the Truth, and it will happen. We're right at the time now.

Till--till we meet, till we...

By God's grace, we hope, at seven-thirty tonight.

God be will you till we meet again.

Let us stand now to our feet.

236 Oh, isn't it wonderful? "This is Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Would not swap this for anything. You know how I love to fish and how I love to hunt, 'cause I see God out there in the wilderness. I love it. But, oh, I wouldn't change one minute for this, for all the experiences of hundreds of years. One minute of this, that satisfaction!

237God, create in me a revival. Let me be the revival. Let each one of us be the revival, the revival in me. Make me, Lord, to hunger, make me to thirst. Create in me, Lord, that what is needed in me. Let me, from this hour on, be Thine; more consecrated servant, a better servant, more blessed of You; more able, more humbler, more kinder, more willing to work; more looking to the things that are positive, and forgetting the things that are in the past, and the negatives. Let me press towards the mark of the high calling of Christ. Amen.

That's our desire, isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

All right, let's, till we meet tonight, let's take the Name of Jesus with us now, each one of you now.

Take--take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Now let's bow our heads.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather...

1Dobré ráno priatelia. Zostaňme chvíľu stáť.

Drahý Bože, zastavili sme sa v tomto ponáhľaní a zhone života, na týchto nasledujúcich niekoľko chvíľ, alebo hodinu, nech je to čokoľvek, čo si pre nás pripravil, aby sme Ti oddali chválu a slávu, kázali Tvoje Slovo, poznali Ťa lepšie ... Na to sme sa zhromaždili dnes ráno. A ďakujeme Ti, Bože, že sú ľudia, ktorí sú hotoví a pripravili sa, a prišli počúvať. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti a na čas, v ktorom žijeme, oni stále veria. A my Ti za nich ďakujeme.

2Bože, sme Ti vďační za Tvoju veľkú uzdravujúcu moc, za zasľúbenia Tvojho Slova. Ako horia naše srdcia, keď počujeme tieto svedectvá! Všetky rôzne choroby, ktoré doľahli na ľudských synov, Ty, Tvoja milosť a moc, a s Tvojim zasľúbením, si ich uzdravil. A oni sú tu, vydávajú svedectvo, chvália Boha. Ďakujeme Ti za to. A teraz, nech môžeme dnes počuť posolstvo, ktoré si Ty pre nás pripravil na túto hodinu. A keď budeme čítať z Tvojho Slova, nech by si nám Ty ukázal súvislosť toho, čo čítame. Nech sa vo všetkom stane Tvoja vôľa. Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3Je to privilégium byť tu dnes ráno. Mám zo všetkých vás veľkú radosť. A brat Wood, brat Roy Roberson a mnohí ďalší bratia piľne pracovali tie dva posledné dni, aby kvôli tomuto tu urobili klimatizáciu, pretože minulú nedeľu oni videli, ako ste trpeli. A oni mali trochu peňazí v zborovej pokladnici, a dali sa do práce a namontovali to, z peňazí, ktoré ste dali na ofery, aby vám urobili pohodlie, zatiaľ čo sedíte a počúvate posolstvo. Dnes je tu oveľa chladnejšie, ako bolo vtedy. A tak sme vďační Bohu, a vám ľuďom, za túto možnosť.

4Som rád, že brat Roy Borders ... On chcel dnes ráno zostať tam nejako vzadu. A ja som mu povedal, aby zaujal svoje miesto a sadol si sem s týmito kazateľmi, ale on by to neurobil. Ako všetci viete, brat Borders nás reprezentuje na misijnom poli. Som rád, že je tu brat Borders, a mnoho ďalších kazateľov a priateľov.

5Cez týždeň rozmýšľam a hovorím si: "Keď tam v nedeľu prídem oslovím každého kazateľa, každú osobu." Potom, keď som tu, som tak zabratí do posolstva, že zabudnem takmer na všetko, tak to je.

6No, musím ísť naspäť do Arizony. Musím ísť naspäť na budúci pondelok, na budúci týždeň, naspäť do Tucsonu, dať tam deti do školy. A potom prídem naspäť. A moja žena tam musí byť skorej, aby začala - zapísať deti dva týždne predtým, ako začne škola. A potom sa sme na chvíľu vrátim.

7A teraz, toto je môj prázdninový čas. Ako viete, kážem už od decembra; január, február, marec, apríl, máj, jún a júl. No, keď bude Božia vôľa, a nebude nijaké mimoriadne volanie, toto je obdobie, keď odpočívam, moje prázdniny; chodím na poľovačku. A ja ...

8No, ak by ma Boh zavolal do niečoho iného, potom tieto veci sú vedľajšie. Boh je stále prvý, a ja chcem, aby On bol prvý. A vy chcete, aby On bol prvý. Ale potom, ak nebude žiadne zvláštne zavolanie a bude to Jeho vôľa, to je to, čo chcem teraz robiť za niekoľko nasledujúcich mesiacov, chodiť na poľovačku. No - aby som si oddýchol.

9Neuvedomujete si, svet sa nikdy nedozvie, cez čo musím prechádzať. Rozumiete? Proste také napätie. Nie divu, že Pán povedal svojim učeníkom, keď s nimi chodil: "Poďme samy do púšte, trochu si oddýchnuť." Vidíte? Uvedomujem si to každý deň viac, a zvlášť, ako mi pribúda dní na tejto zemi. Vidíte? Keď starnete, tak si to uvedomujete. Počujete, náš pastor tiež na to hovorí "amen". On - môžeme si uvedomiť, že už nie sme chlapci, keď nám minulo päťdesiat rokov. No ... Musíme mať trochu času.

10Sme tak vďační za tieto svedectvá, ktoré sme práve počuli. Moja žena bola tam včera pri pani Woodovej, keď prišli nejakí ľudia z Alabami, niekde z tade, a hovorili o tých veľkých veciach, ktoré Pán urobil v tom zhromaždení, malé dieťa bolo uzdravené a rôzne veci, a tak veľa vecí, ktoré ... Ó, zabralo by to veľa času, porozprávať to.

11A potom tiež nesmiem zabudnúť, že ... Myslím, že niekto z nich mi povedal, že sestra Larsonová je tu už dve nedele s malým dieťatkom. Nevedel som, ale myslím, že oni povedali, že to je asi jej vnúča, aby ho posvätila Pánovi. Ona s ním prišla z Chicaga. Tá pani bola ku nám veľmi láskavá, a my si ju ceníme. A ona priniesla to malé dieťatko z Chicaga, aby bolo posvätené, ktoré má na krátky čas, aby ho vzala, myslím, na posvätenie; ale jedená sa jej, aby to dieťa bolo posvätené Pánovi. A tak ak sestra Larsonová príde sme, zatiaľ kým hovorím, nech len prinesie to dieťatko, aby sme sa pomodlili zaň a posvätili ...

12A potom, možno zatiaľ, kým sa pripravuje, chcem povedať, že pri tomto posolstve som mal najväčšie ťažkosti, než kedykoľvek, keď som sa snažil pripraviť, až do minulého večera. Cez týždeň som chodil do izby, snažil som sa dať nabok svoje potreby a všetko, snažil som sa dostať niečo na myseľ na túto hodinu. A keď som tam chodil, nemohol som ani ... Moja myseľ bola prázdna. A včera som išiel do pivnice. Myslel som, že je príliš teplo, tak som išiel dole do pivnice, sadol som si tam. A snažil som sa zobrať si Bibliu a čítať, a zaspal som. Potom som vstal a napil som sa vody, a snažil som sa prebrať, a vyšiel som von, a poprechádzal som sa, sadol som si na schody.

13Niekto išiel okolo a pristihol ma bez košeli, ako sedím na schodoch, tak bolo teplo. Oni zakývali. Nevedel som, či oni zakývali ... Niekto, mohol to byť niekto tu z mesta, alebo to mohol byť niekto zo zboru, zakývali na mňa. A ja som bol tak zamyslený, len letmo som sa pozrel, keď to auto prechádzalo. Zakýval som.

14Minulý večer som sadol do auta a išiel som smerom na Charlestown, snažiac sa obdržať niečo. Zdalo sa mi, akoby mi Pán chcel niečo povedať, ale Satan sa mi snažil stáť v ceste, aby mi v tom zabránil. Tak som rozmýšľal: "Dobre, ak to on robí, ja budem len ďalej očakávať, len ďalej čakať, búchať na dvere, až kým On neotvorí." A potom, len pred nejakou chvíľou, alebo len niečo po siedmej hodine dnes ráno ... Bol som hore veľmi zavčasu.

15Včera som bol trochu chorý, snažil ... Zjedol som nejaké vločky a nepadlo mi to celkom dobre, bol som horúci, a snažil som sa dostať sa z toho. A potom dnes ráno okolo ôsmej, narazil som na miesto Písma, ktoré ma ohromilo. A pozrel som sa znovu na to Písmo, a znovu ma to ohromilo. A sledoval som to ďalej cez Písmo; a prešiel som cez to len pred niekoľkými minútami. Tak zdá sa, že Pán má pre nás dnes ráno posolstvo, o ktoré sa nás Satan snažil pripraviť.

Priniesla by si sem to maličké, sestra Larsonová? [Brat Branham sa modlí za to dieťa. - pozn.prekl.] Nech je Boh s nimi a pomáha im.

16No, minulú nedeľu som vás držal dva dni, a myslím - či dve zhromaždenia, ráno a večer, a to vám robí ťažkosti. Rozumiem, že niektorí z vás musia ďaleko cestovať a vynechať dennú prácu, a tak ďalej. Tak ak aj odídeme v nedeľu - pondelok, týždeň, ja oznámim zhromaždenie len na ďalšiu nedeľu, ak Pán dá (rozumiete?), len ak by ľudia chceli, aby to bolo - že by zostali cez noc. Rozumiete? To je - to je na ... Je vás tak veľa. Koľkí by chceli, nech vidíme, aby sme mali dnes večer zhromaždenie? Alebo radšej na budúcu nedeľu, zodvihnite ruky. Na budúcu ... Ó, do jedného. Čo hovorí? ["Dva krát." - pozn.prekl.] No, Ben ...

17Mám ... toto posolstvo dnes ráno je dlhé, ale neviem ako ... Ja viem, že pomáham zaviesť v zbore poriadok, ale tam, ak si všimnete som povedal: "Len ak sa to bude nahrávať." Vidíte, tak toto sa nahráva. Tak možno sa pokúsime prísť, dnes večer a tiež potom na ďalšiu nedeľu, budeme - ak bude vôľa Pánova.

18 No, ak nedostanete tento týždeň žiadnu správu, potom príďte na budúcu nedeľu. Nerád vás nútim, aby ste prišli takto dva krát, ale cítim, že nemáme príliš veľa času. A pamätajte len, ak čas pôjde ďalej, nebudeme mať túto možnosť príliš dlho. Rozumiete? Pamätajte, niečo sa stane. Buď nás zastaví zákon, alebo Satan vojde medzi vás a rozpráši vás. Stále to tak bolo. Vidíte? Niečo sa stane. A tak si vážme každú minútu, keď sme spolu.

19Tak teraz, pre tých, ktorí sa dnes večer musia vracať domov, bude to tak, ako minulú nedeľu večer. Mal som len krátke posolstvo. A tak vy - ak to chcete mať na páske, no, samozrejme vám pošleme tú pásku, ak sa musíte vracať domov. Ak nie, chcem dnes večer kázať, ak dá Pán.

20Včera, alebo predvčerom, som si urobil poznámku, malé posolstvo, ktoré som si zaznamenal zo spomienky na niečo, a už dlho na to myslím. Sú to akoby dve posolstvá, niečo pomedzi jedným, alebo druhým: "Deravá nádrž," alebo "Siať do vetra a žať víchricu," len posolstvo evanjelia. Teraz ráno máme vyučovanie. A tak dnes večer budem hovoriť buď na tému "Siať do vetra a žať víchricu," alebo, "Nádrž, ktorá tečie."

21A teraz ráno chcem čítať zo Svätého Písma. Sedí sa vám pohodlne? Povedzte: "Amen." To je dobre. A teraz chcem, aby ste si spolu so mnou otvorili Biblie, knihu Hozeáša, vy ktorí chcete čítať. A čítajme niekoľko veršov zo 6. kapitoly knihy proroka Hozeáša. A povstaňme.

22Drahý Bože, nie sme hodní vziať túto knihu do svojich rúk, lebo čítame v Písme, že žiadny človek na nebi, ani na zemi, alebo pod zemou, nebol hodný a ani schopný vziať tú Knihu a ani len pozrieť na ňu. Och, a tam prišiel niekto, ktorý bol - ako baránok, ktorý bol zabitý; On zobral tú Knihu, pretože On bol hodný; a tak On odstránil tie pečate. A my sa obraciame ku Nemu dnes ráno, aby zjavil tieto súvislosti, ktoré sú zapísané v Knihe, pretože to je Kniha vykúpenia; všetko čo je vykúpené je zapísané v nej. Nech nájdeme svoje miesto dnes ráno, v čase, v ktorom žijeme. Lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Poďte, a navráťme sa k Hospodinovi, lebo on roztrhal a uzdraví nás, zbil a obviaže nás.

Oživí nás o dva dni, na tretí deň nás postaví na nohy, a budeme žiť pred jeho tvárou.

A tak poznajme a žeňme sa poznať Hospodina; jeho východ stojí pevne ako svitanie rána a prijde nám ako dážď, ako jarný dážď, ktorý zvlažuje zem.

Čo ti mám učiniť, Efraime, čo ti mám učiniť, Júda, keď je vaša dobrota ako jarný oblak a ako rosa, ktorá ide ta skoro za rána?

Preto som otesával svojimi prorokmi a zabíjal som ich slovami svojich úst, a tvoje súdy sú, ako keď vyjde svetlo.

Lebo milosrdenstvo chcem a nie obeť, a známosť Božia je nad zápalné obeti.

Ale oni prestúpili moju zmluvu ako Adam; tam sa dopustili nevernosti proti mne.

Gileád, mesto činiteľov neprávosti, plné stôp krvi.

A ako lotri čakajú na človeka, tak rota kňazov; vraždia na ceste ... páchajú mrzkosť.

A ako banda zbojníkov čaká na človeka, tak spoločnosť kňazov vraždí na ceste so súhlasom: páchajú nehanebnosť.

-  podľa Biblie Kráľa Jakuba. - pozn.prekl.]

V dome Izraelovom vidím hroznú vec: tam smilní Efraim, zanečistil sa Izrael.

I Júda, aj tebe je určená žatva, keď dovediem späť zajatie svojho ľudu.

23Pane Ježišu, daj nám, skrze Tvojho Ducha Svätého z tohoto porozumieť to, čo nám chceš povedať, keď očakávame ďalej na Teba. V mene Ježiša. Amen.

24Teraz, mojou témou dnes ráno je: "Poznaj svoj deň a jeho posolstvo." Vidíme z lekcii, z minulej nedeli, keď sme učili "Sviatok Trúb" ... A teraz chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť, na čas - čas Izraela na Božích hodinách.

25Dnes máme lekciu nedeľnej školy, kde chcem, aby ste si uvedomili a poznali čas v ktorom žijeme. Dobiehame skoro do konca, ako vidíte. A potom pomocou tohoto by ste mali poznať skutočnú hodinu, a čas, a znak, a posolstvo, ktoré máte prijať.

26No, ako sme začali minulú nedeľu ... Hovorili sme o tom, že budeme kázať o tých trúbach, o tých posledných siedmich trúbach v Biblii. A ja sám v sebe som si myslel, že oni budú zlomené tak, ako pečate. Ale všimol som si pri každom jednom z týchto otvorení, že sa tam stala ohromná vec. A keď sme kázali Sedem Cirkevných Vekov ... A oni boli tak dokonalé, až sám Duch Svätý prišiel dole medzi nás a potvrdil to, a dal to do novín, a rozniesol to po celom národe, a ukázal to na mesiaci na nebesiach, a dokázal nám to týždne a mesiace pred tým, ako sa to stalo, že - presne, ako to bude, dokonale. On to oznámil tu v tejto modlitebni. On to oznámil tu na - v tom čase. On to ukázal na mesiaci a na slnku. On to ukázal v tom postavení národov v tomto čase, ako Rímska hierarchia opustila Rím a išla naspäť do Palestíny; údajne to bol prvý pápež, ktorý sa tam vrátil od času Petra, oni tvrdia, že Peter bol pápež. No, to bolo tak ohromné.

27Potom vidíme pred otvorením Siedmich Pečatí, ktoré skrývali všetky tie tajomstvá ... Ja som nevedel, čo som kreslil na tabuľu ohľadne tých cirkevných vekov, ja som ne ... Boh vie. Len podľa videnia som to nakreslil, ... nevediac, že to Boh, za rok a šesť mesiacov, potvrdí na oblohe pomocou mesiaca a roznesie sa to v našich novinách. Nevedel som to. Nevedel som, že nastane tajomné zatmenie mesiaca, aby to reprezentovalo tento Laodicejský vek.

28No, v novinách ste mali len tých šesť vekov. To preto, že Laodicejská cirkev bola úplne zatmená. A ak ste si všimli to duchovné ponaučenie, keď to Boh stvárnil na nebi ... Keď som to ja nakreslil tu na zemi, ja som tam nechal malý prúžok, ako vidíte, len malý prúžok svetla; to bolo tesne pred tým, ako ten skutočný vyvolený mal byť zavolaný zo zeme, kvôli tomu som to tam umiestnil do toho siedmeho veku; ale keď to Boh ukázal na oblohe, to bolo úplne zatmené. To znamená možno, že ten posledný je vyvolaný z toho Laodicejského veku; nevieme. Mohlo by byť o tom kázanie.

29No, všimnite si znovu pred tými Siedmymi Pečatiami, o ktorých som nemal poňatie, že to bude tak ... Tu v tejto modlitebni On o tom hovoril a poslal ma do Tucsonu, do Arizony, hovoriac vám všetko, čo sa stane. A sú ľudia, ktorí tu dnes sedia, ktorí tam boli a videli, že to sa stalo presne tak, ako to tu bolo povedané: Príde sedem anjelov. Potom to tie noviny priniesli, a časopisy, po celom národe: Tajomný kruh svetla, v tvare pyramídy, tak ako som to tu nakreslil a ukázal vám, povstal z tade, kde stáli títo anjeli a išiel do tridsať míľovej výšky a mal priemer dvadsať sedem míľ, alebo dvadsať sedem míľ vysoko a mal priemer tridsať míľ, zabudol som ktoré z toho to bolo. A bolo ho vidieť z tých štátov, rovno hore nad Tucsonom, Arizonou, presne tam, kde sa to stalo, v tom istom čase.

30Vidíte Biblia ... Boh nie je len ... Toto nie je proste niekto, kto sa vám snaží niečo nanútiť, ale zjaviť vám skutočný duchovný význam tejto hodiny.

31A potom, to ďalšie posolstvo ... To otvorilo tých Sedem Pečatí, ktoré rozviazali všetky skryté tajomstvá Biblii, náuky a tak ďalej, čo svet tak surovo napáda teraz - v týchto dňoch, napáda to a hovorí, že je to falošné, toto, tamto ...

32Tu jedného dňa v Arizone, zliepali pásky a snažili sa dosiahnuť, aby som povedal veci, ktoré som nepovedal. Pamätajte len to videnie o probléme Arizony. Biblia povedal, že by vám bolo oveľa lepšie, aby ste mali na krku skalu. A ďalšia vec: "Ktokoľvek (Nech je to kazateľ, alebo čo on je) odníme z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ... " Ľudia dávajú svoje vlastné výklady na to Slovo, ako ono bolo podané, snažia sa urobiť, aby ono hovorilo niečo, čo som ja nepovedal, to nie je moje slovo, to je Jeho Slovo. "Kto pridá alebo odoberie ..."

33A potom v tom videní sme videli rútiť sa dole týchto prorokov, ako som vám to vysvetlil, myslím, pred niekoľkými nedeľami. To sa všetko stane. Povedal som: "Držte sa len preč od toho." Kým ja proti tomu bojujem, tak Boh nemôže bojovať proti tomu. Ale nechajme nech to On má. On je ten, ktorý sa o to postará, vidíte.

34No, všimli sme si minulú nedeľu bolo - kázali sme o tých sviatkoch ... A tam bol sviatok Letníc. A medzi sviatkom Letníc a sviatkom Trúb, tam bol dlhý úsek času, presne päťdesiat dní, medzi Letnicami a sviatkom Trúb. A päťdesiat dní, Letnice znamenajú "päťdesiat"; a to bolo povznášanie snopu, alebo zhromaždenie úrody, bola prinesená prvotina žatvy. A vidíme, že to tam bolo ako predobraz, s tými prirodzenými prvými plodmi, ktoré predstavovali prvé ovocie Ducha Svätého, ktorý mal byť vyliaty na ľudí. A videli sme potom, že tých päťdesiat dní bol prijatý skrze Pohanov, skrze tých ľudí, ktorých Boh povolal z Pohanov pre Svoje meno - sviatok Letníc. A my sme prechádzali cez ten dlhý sviatok Letníc.

35No, v skutočnosti za tých päťdesiat dní je presne sedem sabatov. A sedem sabatov predstavovalo sedem cirkevných vekov, aby boli vyvolaní v čase Letníc - sviatku Letníc, aby vyvolal ľudí z Pohanov pre Svoje meno. No, na konci týchto siedmich sabatov, mal byť Deň Zmierenia, ktorým bolo tých sedem trúb. A tých Sedem Trúb malo privolať deň oplakávania kvôli tej obeti, alebo zmiereniu. A potom sme zistili, že Izrael - Sedem Trúb sa týkalo jedine Izraela.

36A potom, prečo mi On nedovolil kázať tých Sedem Trúb ... Bol som skoro hotový oznámiť to, mal som pripravené haly a všetko, aby som tam išiel a kázal Sedem Trúb. A povedal som: "Niečo ma tak veľmi trápi." Povedal som ... Ďalej sme pracovali, a Billy a my všetci, snažili sme sa všetko pripraviť, aby sme v tejto budove urobili klimatizáciu na tento nasledujúci týždeň, kvôli tým Siedmym Trúbam, majúc desať dní - či osem dní. Mali sme prenajatú školskú poslucháreň. Ale Duch Svätý mi to z nejakého dôvodu nedovolil kázať. A ja som sa divil prečo. A keď som išiel, aby som sa modlil ... Povedal som žene: "Idem tam." A úprimne, kľakol som si pred Bohom, aby som sa modlil. A On mi zjavil, že tých Sedem Trúb znelo pod šiestou Pečaťou, a ja som to kázal, nadprirodzene, vidíte. To je ruka Božia, celá tá vec. To sa vzťahuje na Izrael; a hovorili sme o tom pod šiestu Pečaťou, vy všetci, ktorí to máte, ako to prenasledovanie Židov. ...

37Čas pohanov sa nachádza v tomto sviatku Letníc. Trúby, pod - oni všetky zneli pod šiestou Pečaťou. A hovorili sme o tom minulú nedeľu pod názvom Sviatok Trúb, ak to všetci chcete mať. Čo to malo robiť? Vyštvať Židov zo všetkých časí sveta naspäť do ich domoviny. To musí byť tam. A to otvorenie pečatí pod tou šiestou Pečaťou a pod ... Sedem Trúb znelo v tej šiestej Pečati.

38No, posolstvo siedmeho anjela má otvoriť tajomstvá pečatí, vyvolať pohanských robotníkov jedenástej hodiny, aby dostali tak isto zaplatené, ako dostali tí robotníci prvej hodiny. Vidíte? No, Ježiš to učil. On povedal, že boli nejakí ľudia, ktorí išli do žatvy. Oni boli najatí, a keď oni pracovali - zavčasu ráno - oni dostali čas, denár za deň. A potom na poludnie prišli nejakí ďalší a išli pracovať. A potom v jedenástej hodine, to je posledná hodina dňa, prichádzajú niektorí a dostali taký istý druh výplaty, ako dostali tí v prvej hodine dňa, v poslednej hodine.

39Je to tak dokonale, ako tí poslovia prvej hodiny so Slovom, s evanjeliom, s pravdou, oni vošli v deň Letníc. Potom bol temný vek, ktorý ich zablokoval. Potom v polovici dňa prišiel Luter a Wesley a ďalší. A potom tam má byť posolstvo večerného času, aby prijali tú istú výplatu, ako oni na začiatku. Posolstvo večerného času má znovu prinavrátiť, priniesť naspäť znovu to isté.

40A pamätáte to videnie z minulého týždňa, že keď Nevesta prišla, aby bola - jej ukážka. Tam prichádzala malá Nevesta, milá, v tom videní. A ja - nemyslel som o tom, len som tam sedel a díval som sa von. A tam prichádza nevesta. Počul som vedľa seba Hlas, povedal: "Toto je ukážka Nevesty." A ona prechádzala okolo. Všimol som si ju, aká bola, veľmi milá, pekná, mladá. Ona kráčala tak do kroku, ako len mohla, nie pochod, proste v ženskom kroku, ako oni elegantne kráčali, ako dámy. Tak ona kráčala, prichádzala ku mne zľava na tejto strane. A odchádzala z môjho dohľadu.

41Potom ma On obrátil doprava, a ukázal mi každú cirkev, ako oni vychádzali z tých vekov. A och, aké vulgárne! A tá posledná bola z tohoto posledného dňa, cirkevného veku, ktorú viedla čarodejnica. A oni boli tak nemorálne oblečené, vyzerali tak hnusne. A pochodovali pri twiste a rock 'n' role. A tie ženy sa zmietali pri twiste, a držali len papier, sivý, pokrytectvo. Slovo ... Sivá je medzi bielou a čiernou, to je klamná farba. Sivá nie je ani biela ani čierna. To je klamná farba. A ako sivý papier, držiaci pred sebou, so šnúrkami - ako “hula“ sukne, držiac to pred sebou; a od pása hore boli úplne nahé. A pochodovali do rytmu - či krútili sa a tak išli s tou hudbou, kráčajúc ďalej. A povedal: "To je cirkev!"

42A keď to prešlo okolo mňa, moje srdce skoro zomdlelo. Pomyslel som si: "Ak toto má byť predstavené Kristovi, ako nevesta ... Zo všetkej tej námahy a všetkého, čo títo ľudia vynaložili, aby sa snažili priviesť nevestu pre Krista - a taká vulgárna, hnusná, hanebne vyzerajúca prostitútka má byť Kristova nevesta." Bolelo ma z toho srdce!

43A ako ona prechádzala, potom čo ona ... prechádzala popred to, kde sme stáli, držala ten papier pred sebou, točila sa a kývala a išla raz jednou stranou a potom druhou stranou, ako tie moderné tance, ktoré dnes majú, nemorálne sa zachovávala, ako pochodovala ďalej.

44Nie som zodpovedný za tieto veci. Môžem povedať len to, čo som videl! A Boh je mojím sudcom. Ale to bola cirkev z USA.

45No, ako ona prešla okolo, odzadu nebola vôbec prikrytá. A potom keď prechádzala okolo, zdalo sa mi, že omdliem a bolo mi zle.

46Potom On povedal: "Znovu sa príde ukázať Nevesta." A tu za ňou prichádzala Nevesta, tá Nevesta vyzerala tak isto, ako tá, ktorá prešla na začiatku. Vtedy moje srdce poskočilo od radosti, vediac, že bude Nevesta. A ona bude urobená z toho istého, a oblečená v tom istom, ako bola tá na začiatku. Ona má byť vyvolaná. A ja viem, že je to pravda. Ak to nie je pravda, potom, každé videnie, ktoré som voľakedy mal bolo nesprávne. A každý vie, že ani jedna vec, ktorú nám On kedy povedal, nebolo nič iné, ako pravda. Splnilo sa to presne ...

47A môžete vidieť potom tú špinavosť tej modernej cirkvi, ktorá samú seba nazýva cirkvou?

48Ako niekto raz povedal, brat Ruddel, môj vzácni brat, stojí tam teraz pri stene, že to videl ako odnož na viniči. A rozprávali sme sa o tom jedného dňa v tej izbe. A brat Ruddel bol rozrušený z duchovného stavu, aký je dnes v cirkvách, ako to začalo upadávať. Zo všade prichádzajú kazatelia, pri rozhovore sa tu pýtajú: "Čo sa stalo, brat Branham, čo sa stalo?" Ó!

49Brat Ruddel mi položil otázku: "Žijú oni z ducha Satanovho, alebo z čoho?"

50Povedal som: "Nie, tá odnož žije zo sily viniča." Ona žije, pretože citrusové ovocie ... Citrón bude rásť na pomarančovníku, ale on nebude rodiť pomaranče, hoci žije z jeho života. A cirkev, tak zvaná, je len zaštepená odnož, žijúca pod menom náboženstva, pod menom cirkvi, Katolíci a Protestanti, len odnože tiahnuce - zo sily Viniča, a jednako nesú ovocie toho, čo sú, pretože oni neboli obrátení. Oni neboli v originálnom Božom pláne predurčenia. Preto oni musia zapierať Slovo a niesť iný druh ovocia. Skutočný opravdivý strom vo svojom koreni bol predurčený, aby rodil pomaranče na pomarančovníku. Ježiš povedal: "Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty."

51Ale keď ten strom kedykoľvek vypustí ďalšiu letorast, ona bude rodiť jeho originálne ovocie. A musí byť prinavrátenie všetkých týchto vecí práve na konci toho viniča. Má nastať prinavrátenie, večerné svetlo, aby to osvietilo a dalo to do poriadku. Ale to vyjde z toho viniča, nie z denominácii, ktorá je do toho zaštepená, ale originálny produkt Slova. To má nastať v čase večera. A v čase večera bude svetlo. Na to treba svetlo, aby to dozrelo.

52Vidíte aké dokonalé je Písmo: "Deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou." Ovocie nemôže dozrieť, ak ho slnko nedovedie do zrelosti. Nezáleží koľko kážete, čokoľvek robíte, to nemôže dozrieť, nemôže to byť zamanifestované, nemôže to byť potvrdené - jedine skrze Neho, ktorý povedal: "Ja som svetlo sveta, Slovo." A tak musí prísť moc, Sám Duch Svätý, aby dal dozrieť, alebo aby potvrdil, alebo dokázal, alebo aby zamanifestoval, že to čo On predpovedal sa stane v tomto dni. To večerné svetlo to robí. Čo za čas!

53Nevesta prešla do tej istej pozícii, v ktorej bola, keď bola na začiatku, Ale ja som ju videl vychádzať z kroku, a snažil som sa ju potiahnuť naspäť. No, veľa by sa mohlo povedať o týchto veciach, o dni v ktorom žijeme.

54No, Hozeáš povedal v 6: 1: "Navráťte sa ku Pánovi." Pamätajte, on povedal, že oni budú rozprášení, a boli. On povedal, že oni sa navrátia ku Pánovi, potom čo boli rozprášení, a On ich obviaže. Všimnite si. Navráťte ... rozprášení ... po druhé boli roztrhaní a boli zaslepení. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. "On nás uzdraví a obviaže," ako Ezechiel 37, suché kosti, dolina plná suchých kostí. Ezechiel to videl, znovu ich návrat. Všimnite si potom, Hozeáš povedal: "Po dvoch dňoch ... Po dvoch dňoch sa On ku ním navráti. On nás prijme, a dá nám - oživí nás." No, oživiť neznamená "vzkriesenie." Oživiť to je to isté slovo použité všade inde (práve som to vyhľadal), znamená "prebudenie." "On nás prijme o dva dni." To bude na tretí deň. "On nás znovu prijme, potom čo nás rozprášil, a oslepil, a roztrhal."

55Viete, Židia boli zaslepení práve kvôli tomu, aby sme my mohli vidieť. Oni boli roztrhaní a rozprášení ako národ, a odmietli svojho Mesiáša, aby sme my mohli prijať Mesiáša, aby tam mohli byť ľudia vyvolaný z pohanov pre Jeho meno.

56No, prichádza muž a žena prijíma jeho meno. Títo slepí pohania, ktorí nemôžu vidieť to meno, Pán Ježiš Kristus, v krste. Je to príliš zlé, ale musí to tak byť. Židia, oni museli - oni to nemohli vidieť. Je len jeden, kto to môže vidieť; to je ten, kto je predurčený, aby to videl. Inak to nikdy neuvidíte. Židia nemohli vidieť, že to je ich Mesiáš, a predsa oni boli učenci a teológovia, ľudia s veľkým vzdelaním, čítali tú istú Bibliu, ktorú vy čítate. No, potom čo nám to bolo dané poznať, my to jasne môžeme vidieť, že to bol Mesiáš. Ale oni to nemohli vidieť. Ani dnes to nemôžu vidieť. Je o nich prorokované, že tiež budú slepí.

57O cirkvi tohoto dňa je prorokované, že bude slepá, že odmietne posolstvo večerného času; Zjavenie 3 tak hovorí; "Si biedny, mizerný ...!" Všimnite si stav nevesty ten večer - či cirkvi: nahá, slepá, a nevie o tom! Pane Ježišu, buď nám milostivý! Biblia povedala, že ona bola nahá. Ja som to nikdy nevidel, až teraz. Laodicejská cirkev bola nahá. A keď sa ona ukázala toho večera, ona bola nahá (nikdy som si to nevšimol), a nevedela o tom!

58Ó, akú vďačnosť, akú ... Nie divu, že sme takí vďační. Cítim, že nie sme dostatočne vďační za to, čo nám Boh dáva poznávať.

59 Nahá! A to videnie hovorilo - ukázalo mi, že ona bola nahá a nevedela o tom. Slepá, ako Izrael bol slepý, aby tak pohania mohli vojsť, teraz sú slepí pohania, aby Nevesta mohla byť vzatá a Izrael mohol prijať Sviatok Trúb. Tak dokonalé.

61Dobre si teraz všimnite. Potom o dva dni ... No, to neznamená dva dni po 24 hodín, pretože to bolo - to sa stalo tam dávno pred mnohými stovkami rokov. Vidíte? To znamenalo dva dni s Pánom - o dva tisíc rokov. No, viete ako dlho je od toho času? Od vtedy je 2700 rokov, pretože tu v Hozeášovi to je 780 rokov pred n. l. - 1964. Vidíte, to bolo asi pred 2700 rokmi. On povedal: "O dva dni, na tretí deň nás znovu oživí a dá nám život pred jeho tvárou." Tu prichádzajú vaše trúby. To je hodina v ktorej žijeme, deň v ktorom žijeme.

62No, oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení, zhromaždení, a sú ďaleko v treťom dni. Vidíte to? Oni boli rozprášení z Palestíny po svete. Oni boli zaslepení, aby odmietli Mesiáša. A teraz boli zhromaždení vo svojej domovine, pripravení na Trúby, aby rozpoznali Zmierenie. Ako Biblia povedala, keď to oni prijmú a nájdu Ho s jazvami po klincoch (potom, keď je cirkev vzatá), a oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tie jazvy?" On povie: "Z domu mojich priateľov." A On povedal, že oni sa oddelia, každá rodina, a dňami budú plakať a nariekať ako rodina, ktorá stratila svojho vlastného syna. Pamätajte, ten Sviatok Trúb mal urobiť toto - aby plakali, nariekali nad zabitou Obeťou; a oni Ju vtedy odmietli.

63Oni sú vo svojej zemi. Oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení - a teraz zhromaždení. A to bolo všetko pod tou šiestou pečaťou, ich sedem trúb trúbilo, aby ich zhromaždili spolu. šiesta trúba ... Tá siedma je tá veľká trúba (ako sme to hovorili minulú nedeľu). Šiesta trúba zatrúbila pod šiestou pečaťou, tak ako bola otvorená naša šiesta pečať, všetko v tom istom čase; lenže ich všetky zneli naraz, zatiaľ čo my sme boli dve tisíc rokov vo Sviatku Letníc.

64No, 2700 rokov od toho času ... On povedal: "Na tretí deň budeme znovu zhromaždení. Po dvoch dňoch, na tretí deň budeme znovu zhromaždení a prijmeme život pred Jeho tvárou." Vidíte to zasľúbenie? Táto hodina je presne napísaná na stene. My vidíme kde žijeme.

65Teraz v domovine čakajú na Sviatok Trúb, či na rozpoznanie Zmierenia, a aby čakali na príchod, aby nariekali za svoje odmietnutie prvý krát, keď To odmietli; oni sú kvôli tomu v domovine, čakajú, čo oni všetci ... všetko je na svojom mieste.

66Ako kazateľ evanjelia nevidím ani jednu vec, ktorá by chýbala, okrem odchodu Nevesty. A Nevesta musí byť vzatá preč, prv ako oni môžu rozpoznať čo sa stalo. Oni boli zviazaní, rozprášení - chcel som povedať, oni boli rozprášení, zaslepení, a teraz zhromaždení. Čo zostalo? Aby nevesta bola zobraná z cesty, čakajú na odchod Nevesty, tak ich proroci zo Zjavenie 11, ich môžu zvolať na Sviatok Trúb, aby im dali poznať, čo oni urobili.

67Pamätajte, presne medzi týmito pečaťami prišla tá šiesta pečať, a tam bolo 144 000 vybraných a povolaných. A medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou vystupuje Zjavenie 11, presne tam, úplne zhodne so šiestou pečaťou.

68Na čo? Čo to malo robiť? Toto malo priviesť dvoch svedkov, Mojžiša a Eliáša, prorokov; lebo Židia veria len svojím prorokom. A oni prídu so znakom prorokov, a ich práca bude to, čo robil ten prorok, lebo oni robili presne ... To ukazuje jednu vec, ten človek, keď vy zomriete, alebo čokoľvek - keď opustíte tento svet vaša povaha sa nezmení. Ak si teraz klamár, budeš tam klamár. Ak tu si prchlivý, budeš tam prchlivý. Ak tu pochybovač, budeš tam pochybovač.

69Muži i ženy, je čas, aby ste sa prebrali a skontrolovali, a videli kde stojíme! Pretože smrť to nezmení. Oni boli preč (z tohoto sveta) dve tisíc rokov; Mojžiš okolo 2500 rokov a Eliáš až - takmer 2500 rokov bol preč Eliáš a Mojžiš boli preč. A tu sa oni vracajú s tou istou povahou a robia tie isté veci. Smrť nerobí nič na človeku okrem toho, že mení jeho miesto bývania, nemení vašu povahu, nemení vašu vieru, nemení nič vo vás, okrem vášho miesta bývania.

70Tak aká je dnes ráno vaša povaha ... Ak pochybuješ o Božom Slove, budeš i tam pochybovať. Nestarám sa o to, aký si svätý, ako žiješ, a ako dobre žiješ, to ťa ani trochu nezmení keď zomrieš, len tvoje miesto bývania. A ak nemôžeš prijať celé Slovo Božie, tak ako je napísané, neprijmeš ho ani tam; tak nemaj strach, ty tam nebudeš. Ty ho musíš prijať v jeho plnosti, v moci jeho potvrdenia a zjavenia čo to je; potom sa staneš jeho časťou. To je len Jeho Slovo, ktoré On vzbudí, ako On vzbudil Svoje Slovo v to prvé Veľkonočné ráno. Len Jeho Slovo vystúpilo a tí, ktorí zomreli v Jeho Slove, veriac Jeho Slovu, a potvrdili Jeho Slovo.

71Všimnite si, to bolo pred 2700 rokmi. Všimnite si oni boli rozprášení, oni boli zaslepení, a teraz oni boli zhromaždení. No, to ďalšie je, že oni majú prijať život.

72A pohania sú vyvolaní. Nevesta je pripravená. Vytrhnutie je nablízku. Môžeme si to uvedomiť? Môžeme tomu skutočne veriť? Je to nejaká historka, ktorú nám niekto povedal? Je to pre nás mýt? Je to niečo, čo znie skutočne? Je to niečo, čo povrchne môžeme veriť? Alebo je to niečo, čo je v nás, čo je časťou nás, čo je pre nás viac, ako život? Aký postoj zastávame dnes ráno v tomto zhromaždení? Pamätajte to bude malé stádo, ktoré to prijme.

73Teraz v domovine čakajú na tie trúby. Teraz čakajú na odchod Nevesty, aby sa mohlo vyplniť Zjavenie 11. Cirkevný vek skončil. Pečate boli otvorené, aby dokázali, čo oni vynechali v tom cirkevnom veku. A posolstvo bolo podané. Izrael je na scéne (Haleluja!), pripravení na Sviatok Trúb.

74Ó, vy ľudia v iných krajinách, kde budete počúvať túto pásku, či sa nemôžeš prebudiť, môj brat? Alebo ťa to zaslepuje? Vyhodíš to von a nazveš to falošným proroctvom, keď je to potvrdené rovno pred tebou skrze svet, skrze čas, skrze ľudí, a skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý to napísal. Je to potvrdené obojako prirodzene, duchovne, telesne. Všetko čo On povedal je vyplnené a dokázané.

75Izrael vo svojej zemi; potiahol ich tam, zhromaždil ich tam, ako ovce. Vlci sa pustili za ním a zahnal ich naspäť do bezpečia do ich vlastnej zemi. Pamätajte, Izraelovi bolo zasľúbené, že bude žehnaný len pokiaľ bude vo svojej zemi. Boh nežehná Izrael pomimo tej zemi. Abrahám vyšiel z tej zemi, bol odsúdený. Každý kto opúšťa tú zem je odsúdený. Boh môže žehnať Izrael len keď on zostáva vo svojej domovine. A on je tam teraz ako národ. A cirkev je vyvolaná. On čaká len na vytrhnutie Nevesty, aby bola vzatá.

76Pečate sú otvorené. Je nám to zjavené. Vidíme čo oni vynechali. Vy ktorí chcete diskutovať a dohadovať sa ohľadne semena hada, a vodného krstu, a tak ďalej, ste slepí a neviete o tom. Boh tohoto sveta vás na to oslepil, a vy o tom neviete. (Nie divu, že som mal taký čas dnes ráno bojujúc proti tým nátlakom.)

77Tak ich proroci môžu byť zjavení v tomto poslednom dni. Nemôžu to urobiť cez trúbu ... až do Sviatku Trúb.

78On povedal cez Hozeáša: "Otesával som ... (Dívajte sa teraz, On hovorí ku Izraelovi.) ...Otesával som ..." Inými slovami: "Osekával som ich skrze prorokov." Tak Boh robí Svoj ľud. On ich odsekol z ostatných národov. Čím? Svojím dvojsečným mečom, Svojím Slovom. On ich odštiepil, Svoj národ od národov. On odštiepil Svoj národ od tých národov skrze prorokov, Svoje potvrdené Slovo. Tak On odštiepil Svoju Nevestu od denominácií Svojím Slovom zasľúbeným skrze Malachiáša 4, v tom poslednom dni. Odštiepil Svoju Nevestu, otesal ju od ostatných cirkví, odsekol Svoju Nevestu.

79On odštiepil svojich prorokov - svojimi prorokmi so Slovom, odsekáva Izrael. "Oddeľte sa od tých ostatných."

Pozrite sa, keď oni chceli postupovať ako tí ostatní, oni prišli ku prorokovi, Samuelovi. On povedal: "Vzal som niekedy vaše peniaze? Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo?"

Oni povedali: "Nie, to je pravda, ale mi stále chceme kráľa."

80Takým spôsobom postupovala cirkev. "Ó, my veríme Slovu. To je v poriadku; ale viete, oni hovoria, žeby sme mali robiť toto." Nestarám sa o to, čo oni hovoria, Slovo je pravda.

Čakajú. On ich odštiepil pomocou prorokov.

81Čo je to za čas, brat? Čo je to za čas, kazateľ? Či vidíš čas dňa a znak pod ktorým žiješ? Môžeš tomu rozumieť? Vidíš to?

82Všade teraz hovoria, nieto prebudenia. Každý sa sťažuje, kazatelia plačú. Čítal som jedny vynikajúce noviny, ktoré prichádzajú sem do zboru, veľmi dobré noviny. A poznám toho vydavateľa, a poznám tých ľudí. A oni sú pobožní ľudia, veľmi dobrí, brat a sestra Moorovci, Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu, jedny z najlepších novín na misijnom poli, Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu. Ale oni sotva vytlačia niečo iné než ako: "Postite sa, modlite sa, postite sa, modlite sa! Zatrúbte na trúbu! Zvolajte ..." Koľkí to čítajú? Viete, vidíte to po celý čas. "Postite sa, modlite sa, postite sa, modlite sa!" Nič inšie nepočujete. "Postite sa, modlite sa! Jedného dňa budeme mať veľké prebudenie! Stane sa veľká vec! Všetci sa modlite, modlite sa, modlite sa! Ešte nie je príliš neskoro!"

83Prečo to oni robia? Prečo to oni robia? Oni chcú veľké prebudenie. Oni kričia, veria, že bude prebudenie. To sú dobrí ľudia. Čo to je? Čo oni urobili? Oni nerozpoznali prebudenie Nevesty. Vidíte? Tým, že sú Kresťania oni cítia potiahnutie tejto hodiny, ale oni nerozpoznali, čo sa stalo. To spôsobuje, že majú taký názor. Oni vedia, že niečo sa má stať; ale vidíte, oni na to očakávajú, že to príde tam v budúcnosti, zatiaľ čo sa to už stalo rovno pri vás.

84To je tá istá vec, ktorú oni urobili v tých dávnych dňoch. Oni verili v príchod Mesiáša. Oni verili, že má prísť predchodca. Ale to bolo rovno pri nich a oni to nevedeli. Oni to nespoznali. Oni verili, že príde predchodca, ktorý bude predchádzať Mesiáša. A oni mu odsekli hlavu a svojho Mesiáša zabil, pretože to bolo prorokované, že budú slepí. Hozeáš tak povedal.

85A ten istý Duch, ktorý hovoril cez Hozeáša, hovoril cez Jána, a povedal, že cirkev v týchto posledných dňoch bude nahá a slepá, a že Jeho vystrčí von z cirkvi. Oni prehliadli, že tieto proroctvá sa vyplnili. Ale pretože sú tam, oni si uvedomujú, že niečo sa musí stať. Oni to proste nechápu. Oni si to neuvedomujú. Viac ako tí Židia vtedy, slepá Laodicea - bohatstvo, teológia, nepriateľskí s cirkvou, nepriateľsky nastavení voči posolstvu. Pozrite ako nepriateľsky boli nastavení títo Židia voči Jánovi. Pozrite ako nepriateľsky oni boli nastavení voči Ježišovi, zatiaľ čo On bol práve ten, o ktorom oni tvrdili, že Ho očakávajú.

[Zabzučal zosilňovač. - pozn.prekl.] Zdá sa mi, že sme vyrazili poistku, myslím, že to tiež vyplo magnetofóny. Nevyplo. Dobre.

86Oni boli nepriateľsky nastavení voči tomu posolstvu ...

Čo sa deje je - tak veľa energie ... Každý z vás je zdrojom tepla. Nie je možné mať v tomto čase tu v zhromaždení celkom normálne povetrie, pretože vidíte každý jeden má normálne 36 stupňov. A vy nesedíte len tak; neustále vydávate teplo. Je tu teraz dosť vzduchu, aby ochladiť toto miesto, ale s tými zdrojmi tepla, ktoré sú stále zapnuté sa to nedá.

87Všimnite si. Nepriateľsky nastavení, ale ako boli tí Židia slepí vtedy; tak sú oni teraz v Laodicei. Oni sú nahí, biedni, mizerní, a nevedia o tom. Čas bohatstva, veľkých teologických učení, veľkého vzdelania, a teraz sa stali nepriateľmi tohoto posolstva. Oni s tým nič nechcú mať, tak ako to bolo v tých dňoch, keď bol na zemi Ježiš z Nazaretu.

88Dôvod, že ľudia vo dňoch Noeho nevošli do archy - to preto, že oni nerozpoznali to posolstvo, ani toho posla. To je jediný dôvod, že oni zahynuli, pretože nepoznali hodinu v ktorej žili. Oni nepoznali, že Boh sa bude rátať s hriechom, ako to On zasľúbil, že bude. On zničí ľudí z povrchu zeme. On o tom prorokoval. On to mal v úmysle. A On to má v úmysle dnes, tak isto ako vtedy.

89Ale ľudia, namiesto toho, aby boli priateľsky nastavení voči Noemu ... On bol pokladaný za divokého muža. Oni neverili, že on je prorok. Viete, Ježiš, On sám nám povedal, ako sa oni vysmievali vo dňoch Noeho, robili si z neho žarty, nazývali ho fanatikom, a všetkým možným. Ale oni nerozpoznali svoju hodinu. Oni nerozpoznali ten deň. Oni nerozpoznali ten znak. Oni nerozpoznali to posolstvo. Oni nerozpoznali toho posla, ale ho dali nabok zo svojho stredu a smiali sa z neho. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..."

90Izrael je vo svojej zemi a všetko je teraz na mieste, a to posolstvo sa tak dokonale šíri, v akom dni to žijeme, brat? Kde sme?

91Oni nepoznali ten deň. Oni to nepoznali. Preto sa toho minuli, pretože oni to nerozpoznali. Oni boli ako dnes - tak ako ľudia dnes, zaslepení vedeckými dôkazmi, vzdelávacími systémami, teologickými seminármi. A tie veci, ktoré ich zaslepili vtedy, urobili to isté dnes. To ich znovu zaslepilo. A tiež jednoduchosť - jednoduchosť posolstva a posla.

92Noe nebol vedec. On nebol vzdelaným človekom. On bol jednoduchý sedliak, pokorný, s jednoduchým posolstvom. To bolo príliš jednoduché na ich vysoké vzdelanie. Tak je to dnes. Boh to stále robí v jednoduchosti, aby dostal ľudí, ktorí budú veriť a dúfať Jemu. To je iné, proste iné posolstvo, ale ten istý Boh. A ja chcem, aby ste verili tomu a rozumeli, že to povedal Boh.

93Ježiš povedal, že oni sa vysmievali z Jeho proroka, Noeho. A ako sa oni vysmievali v tom čase, tak sa oni znovu budú vysmievať pri Jeho príchode. Oni budú robiť to isté. Preto sa faraón utopil v mori. On nerozpoznal svoj deň. On vôbec nerozpoznal, čo sa dialo. On bol príliš zaujatý úspechmi jeho vedeckého veku, stavať mestá pomocou otrokov. On bol príliš - On bol príliš zaneprázdnený, aby rozpoznal príležitosť, ktorú mal, a vyhnal Božieho prorockého posla na púšť. On to nerozpoznal; preto sa tie veci odohrali tak, ako sa odohrali. On to vôbec nerozpoznal. Keby on len bol rozpoznal zasľúbené Božie Slovo pre tých ľudí.

94A keby cirkvi dnes len rozpoznali, keby cirkvi len rozpoznali Slovo Božie, ktoré dalo toto zasľúbenie na túto hodinu pre ľudí, oni by nezahynuli! Keby Amerika mohla len uznať Konštitúciu, ktorú zostavili, nezhodli by sa na to, aby odstránili Biblie zo škôl, aby odstránili meno Božie z mincí, a sľubovanie vernosti Bohu. Ale ona to nerozpoznala. Prečo? Ona je slepá a nahá. Ona nemôže rozpoznať krv tých vzácnych chlapcov, ktorí zomreli na poliach za toto privilégium. Oni sú zabudnutí; oni sú prachom.

95Ale je Niekto, kto pamätá tú preliatu krv prorokov, cenu, ktorá bola potrebná, aby nám dnes bolo prinesené toto evanjelium, ako tisíce boli zožratí levmi a hodení do jám, boli pílení, upaľovaní, križovaní - Boh na to pamätá. Cirkev zabudla na svojich prorokov; oni tvrdia, že ich viac nepotrebujú. Ale Boh vie, že On ich musel mať. On okresáva Svojich ľudí Svojím Slovom. Ale to je pre nich dnes príliš staromódne. Oni to neuznávajú. Preto sú oni v takom stave v akom sú. Preto sú nahí, mizerní, slepí, biedni, a nevedia o tom, pretože oni nepoznávajú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Oni si to nevšímajú.

96Mojžiš, on rozpoznal svoj deň a svoje povolanie, keď videl to potvrdené zasľúbenie Božieho Slova na ten deň. On potom vedel a uvedomil si čo on je, a čo on má robiť pomocou toho zasľúbeného Slova. Tak on sa nebál, čo ktokoľvek povedal. On sa nehanbil za svoje posolstvo, hoci každý kňaz a každý faraón, každý, každá autorita, nesúhlasili s ním. Ale on rozpoznal, keď videl to svetlo, ten ohnivý stĺp, visiaci v tom kríku, a hovoril ku nemu Slovo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené na ten deň, a povedal: "Zavolal som ťa, aby si to išiel urobiť." On sa nebál veľkej kráľovej hrozby. On tam išiel, aby uviedol tých ľudí do exodusu, ako zasľúbilo Božie Slovo.

97Keď videl potvrdené to zasľúbenie, on pripravil tých ľudí na ich exodus. Kedy? Keď videl potvrdené zasľúbenie Božie. Pamätajte, on sa to snažil svojou teológiou; on sa to snažil svojim vytrénovaním. Ale keď videl, že Slovo Božie sa zjavilo, on ho videl potvrdené: "JA SOM KTORÝ SOM," potom sa on nestaral, čo ktokoľvek hovoril. On sa nebál, čo s ním urobí faraón. On sa nebál, čo urobia tí ostatní. On sa len bál Boha, aby neporozumel zle Boha, alebo nejako, aby zle neporozumel Boha, on sa nebál ľudí a toho, čo oni povedia, alebo čo oni urobia. On sa bál len Boha, potom, keď poznal, že to bolo Slovo Božie.

98On nemohol porozumieť, ako taký človek, ako on tam mohol byť poslaný. Ale keď on poznal skrze potvrdené Slovo, čo to bolo, potom sa on nebál kráľových rozkazov. Keby ste len mohli rozpoznať. Keby sme len my dnes mohli rozpoznať! Mojžiš to rozpoznal, keď videl potvrdené to Slovo, videl dokázané to potvrdenie, on bol pripravený na exodus, pre ľudí.

Jób nerozpoznal, že to bol Boh. Tak dlho, ako vás diabol môže držať v tom, že veríte, že niekedy tie malé skúšky, cez ktoré prechádzate, že to je možno Boh, ktorý vás tresce ... To bol Boh, ktorý sa mu snažil niečo ukázať. Jób to vôbec nerozpoznal, až kým neuvidel videnie, ako Mojžiš. Keď Mojžiš videl to videnie, ten ohnivý stĺp v tom kríku, to bolo potvrdené. A keď Jób hľadal odpoveď: "Ak človek zomrie, či môže znovu ožiť? Vidím zomierať strom, a on znovu ožije. Vidím zomierať kvet a on znovu ožije. (Na to hľadal odpoveď.) Ale človek ľahol, vydal ducha, on sa pominul. Jeho synovia prišli, aby plakali, a on to nevidí. Och, aby si ma skryl v hrobe, až kým neprejde Tvoj hnev." On nemohol porozumieť prečo kvet zomiera a znovu ožije, ako list opadáva dole zo stromu, a leží na zemi, a znovu na jar prichádza. On povedal: "Človek ľahne, a kde ide? Ja verím Bohu; ale čo sa stane s človekom?"

99Ale potom jedného dňa sa začalo blýskať, hromy začali hrmieť, Duch prišiel na proroka, a on videl príchod Človeka, ktorý mohol položiť svoju ruku na hriešneho človeka a Svätý Boh premostí tú cestu. Potom on vykríkol: "Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! Hoci červy zožerú toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha!" On rozpoznal, čím bolo vzkriesenie.

100Balám vôbec nerozpoznal anjela, až kým osol neprehovoril v jazykoch. Balám nemohol rozpoznať, že mu anjel stál v ceste. Zaslepený kazateľ nemohol poznať, že to bol Boh, ktorý mu stál v ceste, snažiaci sa ho zadržať, aby nepredával svoj dar, za peniaze. A keď ten osol prehovoril ľudským hlasom, potom Balám rozpoznal, že to bol anjel, ktorý mu stál v ceste, snažiaci sa ho zadržať od toho, čo robil.

101 Och, vy slepé denominácie, keď Boh mohol použiť osla, ktorý je nemý, aby prehovoril jazykom, ktorý nepozná, aby zjavil kazateľovi, že je vedľa, či nemôže použiť človeka, aby urobil to isté? Slepí ľudia.

102Keby len Achab bol rozpoznal svoj deň nikdy by nebol odsúdil proroka Micheáša, so Slovom Božieho zasľúbenia pre neho.

103Keď tam Achab stál toho dňa, on a Jozafat ... A keď tam oni mali štyristo prorokov, ktorí prorokovali, hovorili: "Choď, všetko je v poriadku. Achab, ty žiješ v hriechu. Ty si nás urobil veľkou denomináciou; my sme veľkí ľudia; my sme veľkí služobníci. Tu sme; Je nás štyristo vycvičených kňazov - či prorokov. Je nás štyristo vycvičených v Slove a v teológii. My o tom všetko vieme." Tak teraz to dokázalo, že oni o tom všetko nevedeli.

104Ten človek, ktorého oni nazývali bláznom, v tej generácii pred nimi, Eliáš, skutočný prorok Boží, ktorý prorokoval: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, psi budú lízať tvoju krv, Achab!" Vidíte?

105Ale títo kňazi, ľuďmi urobení proroci, hoci to oni mali všetko tak dobre dopasované. Oni povedal: "Otče Abrahám - či otče Achab, choď, Pán s tebou. Máš Písmo, pretože Boh dal túto zem Izraelovi. Ona patrí Izraelovi. Choď, Pán je s tebou." Ó!

106Ale viete, Jozafat, on, ktorý nebol zapletený do hriechu, ako Achab, on videl tie veci trochu inak. On povedal: "Či nie je tu iný?"

107On povedal: "Máme tu jedného, ale ja ho nenávidím." Vidíte? Čo robil Boh? Znovu s prorokom okresával Svoj ľud. "Ja ho nenávidím. On nerobí nič iné, len ma po celý čas odsudzuje. A ty vieš, že ja som veľký človek. Nemal by som tu tento veľký seminár, keby som nebol veľký veriaci. Mám dobre vyškolených ľudí. Postavil som ich tam s knihami, Bibliami, a tak ďalej, aby toto učili. A ja viem, že oni sú veľkí ľudia." Ale keby Achab len rozpoznal, kto bol ten chlapík, ten biedny obyčajný, drsne vyzerajúci človek, syn Jimlu, ktorý tam, stál a hovoril mu: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," on by nikdy neurobil tú fatálnu chybu, ktorú urobil. Ale on odsúdil Micheáša. On nikdy ne ...

Ó, ľudia, rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete! Pozrite čo sa stalo. Pozrite čo je zasľúbené. Rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete.

108Keby denominačná cirkev dnes mohla len rozpoznať, prečo sú oni odsúdení a prečo ich členovia utekajú od nich, ako Izrael z Egypta, keby denominácie len prestali odsudzovať tieto pásky a počúvali ich ... A vy kazatelia, ktorí počúvate tieto pásky, počúvajte. Keby ste len rozpoznali hodinu v ktorej žijete, keby ste len rozpoznali znak času, videli by ste, prečo ľudia utekajú z tých denominácií. Duch Pánov volá ... "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, - povedal Ježiš - ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, v minulom čase, prídu."

109Ako tá prostá žena pri studni, a kňaz, aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Dnes je znovu nápis na stene. Oni to vidia, ale oni to nerozpoznávajú.

110Keby len Židia boli rozpoznali ten zasľúbený znak ich Mesiáša podľa ich posledného proroka; Malachiáš 3 povedal: "Hľa, Ja posielam Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou a on pripraví cestu." A oni tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho. Ó aká dokonalá podobnosť na dnešok.

111Oni tvrdia, že očakávajú na niečo, čo sa má stať. Všetky cirkvi sa modlia, a postia a hovoria: "Modlime sa. Dajme sa dokopy. Musí sa stať veľká vec. Vieme, že sa má stať niečo veľké; cirkev sa musí pripraviť." To je to, za čo sa oni modlia.

112To je to za čo sa oni modlili. A tam prišiel Ján Krstiteľ. Pretože on odmietol ich semináre, pretože on postupoval inak než, ako učili ich otcovia ... On prišiel z púšte bez vzdelania. On vystúpil bez naškrobeného goliera, ako by sa to dnes povedalo. On prišiel bez veľkého množstva teológie; ale on prichádza a vie skrze zasľúbenie Božie, že on má oznámiť Mesiáša. On povedal: "On teraz stojí vo vašom strede." A oni si mysleli, že je blázon, pretože nepochádzal z ich škôl. Nápis bol na stene, a oni o tom nevedeli. Oni tvrdili, že očakávajú, že má prísť taká osoba; a On bol rovno medzi nimi; a oni to nerozpoznali, hoci oni vraveli, že očakávajú na Neho.

113Tak isto ako s tými Židmi, tak to bude na zemi i s pohanmi, pretože je prorokované to isté, to isté. Tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho. Ale teraz tie denominácie v tom pohanskom Laodicejskom veku sú tak isto slepé, ako boli oni. Prečo? Je to prorokované, že budú. To sa musí vyplniť.

114Keby Izrael bol len mohol rozpoznať svoj znak, oni by boli poznali, že čas ukázania sa Mesiáša je na blízku. Keby oni boli rozpoznali ...

Viete učeníci sa to opýtali Ježiša: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"

115A Ježiš povedal: "Eliáš už prišiel a oni ho nepoznali. On už tu bol, a oni ho už zabili. Oni urobili presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že urobia.

116Keby oni len boli rozpoznali, že ten fanatik, ktorý odsúdil každú dvojakú vec, ktorú oni urobili, ktorý odsúdil všetko, čo oni robili ..." On povedal: "Vy pokrytci, nezačínajte ... Hady v tráve, vy plemä vreteníc, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nemyslite si: 'Máme otca Abraháma; máme toto, tamto, či tamto;' lebo hovorím vám, Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi."

117Nemyslite si, že stojí pri vás Svetová Rada, a že máte najlepšie oblečených členov ... Boh je schopný z tej spodiny tu vzbudiť deti, aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo - z prostitútok, z povaľačov, pijanov, hazardných hráčov. On je schopný to urobiť; On je stále Boh.

118Zaslepené denominácie, ako zaslepený Izrael, o oboch bolo prorokované, že budú takí. (Ukazujem vám podobnosť, až sa dostanem do tohoto miesta, do ktorého teraz chcem.) Zaslepení, ako sú dnes zaslepené denominácie pohanov Laodicejského veku, tak boli oni vtedy.

119Laodicejský vek má prijať posolstvo; Malachiáš 4 to povedal. Ale na čo oni očakávajú? "Naša denominácia to vyprodukuje. A ak to nepríde cez nás, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Zbory Božie, jednotárov, alebo - ak to my nevyprodukujeme, nie je to pravda." To isté, čo oni robili v tom čase. A to prišlo a odišlo a oni o tom nevedeli. Oni to nerozpoznali, hoci to vyplnilo každé slovo. Ježiš povedal: "Oni urobili to, čo bolo počuť, že urobia. Tak urobia Synovi človeka. On bude odmietnutý."

120Všimnite si teraz. To isté je teraz vo dňoch pohanov, podľa zasľúbeného písma z Malachiáša 4; o čom Ježiš povedal: "Všetky Písma sú inšpirované, a nemôže sa stáť, žeby sa niečo z toho nevyplnilo." Nie je možné zadržať Písmo od toho, aby sa nevyplnilo; všetko sa musí vyplniť. A Ježiš povedal, že to sa stane. A tu vidíme, že sa to stalo. Vidíme to.

121Prinavráti čo? V posledných dňoch ... Vy denominační bratia, počúvajte. Prinavráti originálny Sviatok Letníc, ako to bolo na začiatku; tak to bude prinavrátené pred tým, ako zaznie Izraelský Sviatok Trúb, musí to byť prinavrátené. Musí byť niečo čo to urobí. Malachiáš 4 povedal, že viera otcov bude navrátená deťom. Čo sa stane ...

122Keby bol Izrael rozpoznal svojho Mesiáša, zasľúbený znak, neboli by tam, kde sú dnes. Keby oni ... Ale prečo to oni nerozpoznali? Je to žalostné. Prečo to oni nerozpoznali? Pretože Boh povedal, že to nerozpoznajú. Koľký tomu veríte, povedzte "Amen." Boh povedal, že to nerozpoznajú. A to je ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, že v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku sa toto stane; a tu je to pred nimi. Ako oni môžu urobiť niečo iné, než ako vyplniť to?

123Keby oni len rozpoznali ten zasľúbený znak Mesiáša, znak Syna človeka. On prišiel v mene Syna človeka. No, On bol v mene, cez Letničný vek, v Duchu Svätom, Syn Boží. No, to ďalšie je Milénium, Syn Dávidov. Traja synovia - ten istý Boh. Ten istý Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý; ten istý Boh. Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží - Syn Dávidov, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, to je po celý čas ten istý Boh, len v troch rôznych pracovných úradoch.

124Tak Otec, Syna a Duch Svätý, nie sú traja bohovia, ale ten istý Boh v troch rozloženiach, troch úradoch práce, ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. Ale ako dnes, oslepení tradíciou, ako boli oni vtedy, oslepení tradíciou, oni to nevidia. Prečo to oni nemôžu vidieť? Oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť. Pamätajte, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Poviete: "Prečo to potom hovoríš?" Pre to isté, pre čo to hovoril Ján, pre to isté prečo tí ostatní. Jeden zostal tu a tam, ktorý musí byť vyvedený. Ó, ovce Božie, počujte Boží hlas! "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas."

125Tá žena pri studni rozpoznala svoj deň, skrze znak Mesiáša. Ona bola v špatnom stave. Ona sa nechcela dať vodiť za nos tými starými cirkvami, tak ako to oni robili. Oni žili všelijako, a všetko čo oni robili. Ona neverila v niečo také. Ale ona vedela, že jedného dňa Niekto príde. Ten biedny obyčajný človek tam na ceste pri studni ... Ona našla to, čo hľadala, keď jej On začal zjavovať tajomstvá jej srdca, povedal jej hriech, v ktorom žila. Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím, že Ty si Prorok." (No, oni nemali proroka štyristo rokov.) Povedala: "Vidím, že Ty si Prorok. A ja viem, že keď príde Mesiáš On bude robiť tieto veci."

On povedal: "Ja som On."

126Ona rozpoznala. Nemala viac pochýb. Ako to môžeš dokázať? To už bolo dokázané. "Keď Mesiáš príde, toto je to, čo On bude robiť." Dobre, keď to ona mohla rozpoznať pomocou Písma, či my nemôžeme rozpoznať tie večerné svetlá a znak dneška? "My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde On nám ukáže všetky tieto veci. On nám toto povie."

On povedal: "To som Ja, ktorý s tebou hovorím."

127Nemala žiadne pochybnosti. Odišla a povedala ľuďom: "Poďte sa pozrieť, On je tu!" Ona nemal viac pochybnosti. To bolo vybavené, pretože ona rozpoznala deň, v ktorom žila. Ona to rozpoznala.

128Tak to rozpoznal Natanael, veľký Žid. Keď on uvidel ten znak Mesiáša, ktorý tam bol zasľúbený, nezáležalo koľko kňazov, koľko všetkého iného ... Čo to urobilo? To znekľudnilo tých kňazov, keď videli tých ľudí opúšťať tie cirkvi a odchádzať. On povedal: "Ak niekto z vás navštívi Jeho zhromaždenie, budete vylúčení. Namieste vás vylúčime z denominácii."

129Tak je to dnes. "Vylúčime vás z našej organizácii, ak navštívite jeho zhromaždenie."

130Pamätáte toho slepého muža? Jeho otec a matka nemohli ani odpovedať. Oni sa báli, pretože oni povedali, že ktokoľvek sa pôjde pozrieť na Ježiša, alebo navštívi Jeho zhromaždenie, tí budú vylúčení. Ale ten slepý mohol hovoriť za seba. On, ktorý bol slepý mohol potom vidieť.

131Ja, ktorý som bol raz slepý, môžem teraz vidieť. Ja, ktorý som nikdy nepoznal tieto veci, bolo mi to dané poznať skrze Ducha Svätého. Vypustite ich denominácie, pretože oni aj tak prídu!

133Práve ako Mojžiš, Biblické pravdy, potvrdené Slovo; Mojžiš vedel, že to bolo zasľúbenie na ten deň, pretože to bolo podľa Písma. Nezáležalo na tom, ako divne ... On povedal: "Čo mám povedať, že kto ...? Poviem im, že som videl svetlo tu ďaleko na púšti. Ako im môžem teraz povedať, že tu bolo svetlo, a toto svetlo mi povedalo, aby som tam išiel?

134On povedal: "Zaiste, Mojžiš, Ja budem s tebou." A nie len ... On sa neukázal dole v Egypte len skrze zázraky a znamenia, ale keď ich všetkých zhromaždil spolu, On sa im znovu ukázal, a potvrdil službu Mojžiša pred tými vyvolenými a vyvolanými. Keď ich ten prorok odštiepil, uvoľnil ich z toho národa a doviedol ich na miesto, potom sa ten ohnivý stĺp znovu ukázal na vrchu Sinaj. Zhoduje sa to s dneškom. Amen! Chvála Bohu! Pre mňa je to viac, ako život.

135Ako sa môj vek začína vkrádať a ja vidím tú hodinu vulgárnosti a nemorálnosti tiahnuť zemou a všetko, potom sa pozerám naspäť a vidím čo sa stalo; moje srdce vyskakuje od radosti, vediac, že keď zanedlho tento zemský stánok bývania bude zničený, ale mám iný, očakávajúci tam. Snažím sa potiahnuť ľudí, odštiepiť ich od týchto vecí a od všetkého, vytiahnuť ich, aby som im ukázal skrze Písma, že Boh tam stojí s potvrdeným ohnivým stĺpom, ktorý videli stovky a tisíce, a dokonca predtým ho odfotili fotoaparátom, čas od času, aby to dokázať.

136Povstávajú napodobovatelia. Zaiste, to sa musí stať. Napodobovatelia povstali v čase Mojžiša a urobili to isté. Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa, Mojžiš. Nestoj pri nich. Ja ich prehltnem!" A svet ich dostal. A tak je to dnes. Idú rovno naspäť do sveta - peňažné machinácie, a všetko možné. Vidíte?

137Mojžišov Biblický znak ... On bol - on bol ten veľký prorok Boží, ktorý tam išiel, aby ich vyslobodil. A oni to poznali; Oni rozpoznali ten znak. On bol presným potvrdením toho zasľúbeného Písma.

138Ježiš bol to zasľúbenie Písma, potvrdený tej žene. Alebo, On bol výkladom. Ježiš bol výkladom Písma. Jeho vlastný život vyložil Písmo.

139Či nevidíte posolstvo tejto hodiny? Či môžete rozpoznať, kde sme? Samotné to posolstvo z Písma vám vykladá hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. To je výklad.

140Ježiš povedal Izraelovi: "Keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň." Raz keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pozrel sa a povedal, Jeruzalem, ó, Jeruzalem ..." On zaplakal. On sa pozeral dole; On videl ... Nie žeby som to chcel nejako porovnať - ten večer - to ráno okolo desiatej, keď som videl tú prostitútsku cirkev. Dole vo svojom srdci cítite Ducha Svätého roniť slzy. "Jeruzalem, ó, Jeruzalem, ako často som ťa zhromažďoval. Ale čo si urobil? Zabíjal si prorokov, ktorých som ku tebe posielal. Vraždil si ich!" A to posolstvo, ktoré bolo poslané dnes do cirkvi, bolo zavraždené skrze ich denominačné dogmy. Písmo je vraždené ich dogmami. Ježiš povedal: "Keby ste len boli poznali svoj deň; ale teraz je príliš neskoro, je príliš pozde." Tak je to s cirkvami.

141Verím z celého svojho srdca, že ona prehliadla vykúpenie. Nezáleží na tom, čo si vy chcete o tom myslieť, to je vaša vlastná mienka, toto je moja. Vidíte? Vy nemusíte mať moju mienku. Ale ja verím, že ona prehliadla vykúpenie, a to za minulých päť, alebo šesť rokov. Pamätám sa - pamätáte Chicago. Pozorujte čo sa odvtedy stalo, a sledujte, to sa ďalej tak deje. Vidíte? Pamätajte, pred tým je moje meno, to tam bolo vidieť; to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Vidíte, či sa ona ďalej nerozpadáva.

142Pozrite v 1933 roku: ako bolo povedané, že ako sa budú zachovávať ženy v týchto posledných dňoch; ako bolo povedané, že ľudia ... ako Mussolini, ako on príde do svojho konca; ako tajomne skončí Hitler; ako tie tri "izmy" vojdú do komunizmu; ako budú vyzerať tie autá, ako vajce; a ako tie ženy budú nosiť oblečenie, že budú vyzerať, ako muži, ešte aj aké bude ich spodné prádlo, a oni nakoniec prídu do toho, že budú nosiť figové listy, ako, na sebe; ako to nemorálne správanie, ako sa oni budú správať v týchto dňoch. Pozrite sa, čo oni robia. Potom je to rovno pred vami.

143Keby len kresťanské ženy mohli (tak zvané kresťanky) - mohli len rozpoznať, že ten duch nemorálnosti na nich je z diabla, ktorý ich vedie do toho, aby si strihali vlasy. To robí jedine diabol. To je pre vás nezhodné s Božím Slovom. Tak ako to bolo v záhrade Eden. Čo oni ...? Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať. Oni chcú povedať: "Ó, ten fanatický kazateľ hovorí ..." To nie som ja. Ja vám nehovorím, čo máte robiť. Ja len citujem Slovo. Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať, že to je diabol.

144Oni si hovoria kresťania. Ježiš povedal: "Ako ma môžete nazývať Pane, a nerobíte to, čo vám hovorím?" Oni nemôžu byť kresťania. Ja nie som ich sudcom, ale ja len hovorím to, čo hovorí Slovo. "Ako ma môžete nazývať, Pane, a potom nerobiť to, čo som vám povedal?" A celé Slovo tu je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Ako ma nazývate Pane?"

145Keby oni len mohli rozpoznať, že to je diabol, nemorálny duch. Nejaké milé ženy tam ...

146Myslím, že toto je najvulgárnejšie miesto, ktoré som kedy v živote videl, Jeffersonville, Indiána; čo sa týka nahých žien. Bol som v Hollywoode; bol som všade; pochodil som po celom svete, a videl som rôzne druhy nečistoty. Videl som to v Paríži; Videl som to v Anglicku, ktoré je na prvom mieste medzi všetkými nimi.

147Myslím, že Anglicko bude jedného dňa potopené do oceánu; zaslúži si to. Zvrátenosť, špina, malý ... To je žumpa svetovej nemorálnosti, ľudia ktorí najviac zapierajú Písmo, akých som kedy v živote videl. Ono sa takým stalo, pretože ono odmietlo pravdu.

148Billy Graham povedal, že musel odísť preč z parkov so svojou ženou - pohlavný styk medzi mužmi a ženami, chlapcami a dievčatami rovno v parku, otvorene. Ono sa stalo žumpou. Tak isto Francúzsko; tak isto ostatný svet; a tak isto Spojené štáty zastávajú medzi nimi všetkými vedúce miesto.

149Pozrite sa dnes. Vedú ich, že si strihajú vlasy, nosia šortky, nohavice, fajčia - a hovoria si veriaci. Neuvedomuješ si sestra, či žena ... Chcel som povedať ... prepáčte, moja sestra nerobí niečo také. Neuvedomujete si, že to je diabol? Ale čo ... Ako vtedy tí Židia, nebudete veriť potvrdenému Slovu, keď sa vám Ono dokázalo. Držíte sa svojich denominačných tradícií, ktoré hovoria, že to je v poriadku. Hovoríte v jazykoch, vyskakujete hore dole, spievate v duchu - a striháte si vlasy. Mohli by ste si predstaviť, robiť to nejakú kresťanku? Videl som diablov, videl som čarodejníkov, videl som ich hovoriť v jazykoch a vykladať, a vyskakovať hore dole a tancovať v duchu, piť krv z ľudskej lepky, a preklínať meno Ježiša Krista.

150Vy hovoríte: "Ja patrím do cirkvi. Haleluja! Chvála Bohu! Ja ..." Patríš do čoho? Cirkev je Slovo; a Slovo hovorí, že to je hanba, keď to robíte!

Vy slepá banda farizejov, ktorí takto vediete tie biedne deti do pekla. Pretože sa bojíte, že stratíte lístok na obed, a že by ste boli vystrčení zo svojej denominácii, keby ste začali hovoriť niečo o ... Hanbi sa, pokrytec! Hanbi sa za to! Vidíte, že tá hodina sa takto približuje, a vy sa odvraciate, skrze vaše tradície, preč od Slova Božieho. Ako sa opovažujete, slepci!

151Či nehovorí Biblia, že ste slepí? Či nemôžete porozumieť, že ste slepí? Biblia hovorí, že ste. A ste nahí, biedni, mizerní, slepí, a neviete o tom, keď si myslíte, že máte najväčšiu cirkev v meste, a robíte toto, tamto, či tamto; a Biblia povedala, že ste biedni, ako len môžete byť, a že ste slepí. A On stále stojí pri dverách a snaží sa vám predať masť na oči - nie predať, ale dať vám ju; a vy to nechcete prijať. To sa vypĺňa Písmo.

152V akom dni žijete, ľudia? Rozpoznávate tú hodinu, rozpoznávate ten znak?

153Keby si oni len mohli uvedomiť, tie ženy, že to je diabol. To je nemravný diabol pod menom náboženstva. On vždy bol taký. On prišiel ku každému prorokovi; on prišiel ku každému svätému; on prišiel dokonca ku Ježišovi Kristovi, ako nábožná osoba. A Biblia povedala, že on bude tak blízky v tých posledných dňoch (dokonca letniční), a zviedol by i vyvolených z tej Letničnej cirkvi, keby to bolo možné.

154[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] "... ale málo," On povedal: "lebo tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu. Lebo ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Pomyslite o tom! V akom dni žijeme? Poznávate tú hodinu, poznávate ten deň? Zaberám vám veľa času, ale ešte niekoľko minút.

155Vedú ich, že si strihajú vlasy. Ó, oni hovoria "Naša cirkev na to nezvracia úvahu." Viete prečo? Oni sú slepí. "To nevadí, že si strihajú vlasy." Ale Biblia hovorí, že vadí! Je to dokonca neslušná vec pre vás strihať si vlasy a modliť sa. Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, žena má byť prikrytá." A Biblia hovorí, že vlasy sú jej prikrytím, nie klobúk, vlasy!

156Čo keby Mojžiš povedal: "Ja si zložím klobúk, namiesto topánok?" To by nefungovalo. Boh povedal "obuv;" Boh myslel "obuv." On povedal "vlasy", nie "klobúk!" Sláva Bohu! Jemu sa to páčilo, som si istý. Chvála Bohu! On myslel presne to, čo povedal. Písmo nepodlieha vlastnému výkladu. Neznamená len to, čo hovorí vaša denominácia; Ono znamená presne to, čo Ono hovorí; a On ho vykladá.

157Hovoríte: "Poznám ženu, ktorá robí ..." Nestarám sa o to, čo ty poznáš; Ja poznám, čo Boh o tom povedal. Rob si čo chceš.

158Keby si len mohla rozpoznať, čo to je, dáma. Och! Keby si len mohla rozpoznať - vlastne žena, nie dáma.

159Videl som ceduľu, keď som išiel sem z Blue Boar, myslím, že je to tam Piata ulica, v jednej krčme, tam stálo: "Stoly pre dámy." Zastavil som práve ... Povedal som: "Nikdy ste tu žiadnu nemali." Dáma nepôjde na také miesto; žena môže, ale dáma nie.

160Všimli ste si, že úpadok sveta začína nemorálnosťou ženy? Viete že, to tak isto končí, nemorálnosťou ženy? A cirkev je predstavená ako žena? Cirkev je žena, v duchovnom význame. Tak isto Nevesta je žena, duchovne hovoriac.

161Nemorálnosť cirkvi - aká sa ona stala. Pozrite na tie videnia, pozrite sa na tie veci. Vidíte tie videnia, dokonca to Boh dáva ... A to videnie je pravda. Ja mám svoju Bibliu na svojom srdci, vy ľudia pri páskach, a publikum to môže vidieť. Ja som to videl! Všemohúci Boh vie, že je to pravda. Nikdy som to nevedel až do teraz. Ona je nahá, a nevie o tom. Ona bola vo svojom živle. Tu to máte. Ale keď vo videní prišla tá malá Nevesta, to bolo iné. Alfa a Omega.

162Diabol to robí. Ale ako tí Židia vtedy, keď oni videli to Slovo ... A Ježiš povedal svojim ... On toto povedal svojim učeníkom: "Skúmajte Písma. Vy ste v rozpakoch zo Mňa a z Mojej služby. Skúmajte Písma; myslíte si, že v nich máte večný život, a oni svedčia o Mne. Oni vám hovoria, čím je Moje posolstvo. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, verte týmto slovám, ktoré vám Boh vykladá."

163My nechceme aby tento človek vládol nad nami. My máme svojich vlastných kňazov a tak ďalej." Pokračujte potom, to je všetko čo možno povedať. Aj tak je už príliš neskoro, vidíte. Denominačné tradície, ktoré hovoria, že to je v poriadku - oni ich počúvajú. Oni by radšej počuli ... Vy budete viacej veriť ľudskému slovu, ako Slovu Božiemu.

164Oni nepoznávajú ... Cirkvi dnes nepoznajú ll. Timotejovi 3. Ak si ... Vidím, že si niektorí zapisujete tie miesta Písma. No, toto sú miesta Písma, ktoré tu práve citujem. Čo keby sa stalo, že by mi niekto chcel povedať, ja - mám na tom ruku, môžem im ukázať miesto Písma, ktoré o tom hovorí. Vidíte?

165Oni nerozpoznávajú 2. Timotejovi 3, kde je povedané: "V posledných dňoch ľudia budú náhli, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí (Nevestou. Vidíte?); ktorí majú formu pobožnosti, ale ktorí zapierajú jej moc. Od takých sa odvráť. Lebo to sú takí, ktorí budú chodiť z domu do domu a viesť hlúpe ženy - hlúpe ženy - zvádzané rozličnými žiadosťami, ktoré sa nemôžu naučiť ani nie sú schopné prísť do poznania pravdy." Nikdy ... Oni to nepoznajú, a oni to nebudú poznať. Boh tak povedal. A slepí farizej, či to nemôžeš vidieť? Ja sa nehnevám; ja len zatĺkam klinec, aby to držalo. Ani cirkvi toto nepoznajú. Ženy to nemôžu porozumieť; oni mali ... Hlúpe ženy, zvádzané rozličnými žiadosťami - Hollywoodom, všetkými takýmito vecami, ostrihanými vlasmi, nosením šortiek, maľovaním sa, všetky takéto veci, ktoré sa neslušia.

166Či viete, že ženy odohrávajú veľkú roľu v týchto posledných dňoch? Či viete, že Biblia hovorí, že tí ktorí uniknú z tohoto veľkého odsúdenia budú krásnou kyticou pred Pánom? Jedného dňa sa ku tomu dostanem, keď Pán dá, kvôli tomu - kvôli vám ženám. Nech vidíte čo Pán myslí o žene, ktorá skutočne unikla z tohoto odsúdenia, tohoto dňa. Povedal, že ona bude nádherná.

167Jedného dňa som počul jednu ženu, ako sa smiala z jedného dievčaťa - hromada polonahých žien s nižšou morálkou než - než psia matka, vysmievali sa nejakej starej žene v dlhých šatách. Počúvajte sem, vy prevrátené ženy, ona má niečo, o čom vy nič neviete; ona má morálku. Vy ani neviete čo to slovo znamená. Vy ste ju stratili takmer v kolíske. Vy ani nerozoznáte dobré od zlého; ona áno. Ona má niečo skryté vo svojom srdci, o čom vy nič neviete. Vy ste to stratili; nemôžete to vôbec nájsť. Vy ju takto nazývate staromódna, a tak ďalej. Ona vie niečo, o čom vy nič neviete, Ona má skrytý vo svojom srdci, poklad slušnosti. Vy z toho nepoznáte ani jedno slovo. Vaša matka vás takto vychovala. Váš pastor to dovoľuje; ukazuje kde stojí. Práve teraz tu o ňom kážem, vidíte. Vidíte kde ste? Cirkvi ...

168Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť; a to sa vyplnilo.

169Všimnite si, ako sa tiež Janes a Jambres postavili proti Mojžišovi, on príde hneď spolu ... Niektorí z nich ... On nie je ... No, on tu nehovorí o Metodistoch, Baptistoch; oni sú von z toho obrazu. Vidíte? Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi a Áronovi, tak sa budú, oni, mužovia skazení na mysli, ohľadne pravdy, odvrátili sa od pravdy do dogiem a do cirkevných náuk, namiesto do Biblii. A potom Janes a Jambres mohli robiť všetko, čo mohol robiť Mojžiš. Vidíte? Ako Janes (vidíte tam tú podobnosť?) - ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak odporujú tomu títo ľudia skazení na mysli ohľadne pravdy, nebudú to mať vo svojom susedstve, nebudú s tým ani spolupracovať, nebudú s tým mať nič spoločného. Ale je povedané: "Ich nerozum sa ukáže." Keď tá Nevesta zaujme svoju pozíciu a odíde do oblakov, ukáže sa to, nebojte sa. Ako Mojžiš, keď on zobral deti Izraelove, a odtiahol z Egypta, a Egypt sa potopil. No dobre.

170Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo je napísané skrze inšpiráciu; preto - celé to Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Keď On ... oni sa pýtali, povedali: "Ty sa robíš Bohom."

171On povedal: "Vy vo svojom vlastnom zákone nazývate tých, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo, vy ich nazývate bohmi; a oni sú." Povedal: "Potom ako môžete odsudzovať mňa, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží?" Všetky tieto Písma boli napísané skrze inšpiráciu, všetko z nich sa musí zamanifestovať, všetko z toho sa musí vyplniť. Vidíte tam, oni boli proste tak slepí, oni sa tak držali ľudského slova namiesto toho, aby sa boli držali Slova Božieho. To spôsobuje, že ženy robia také veci. To spôsobuje, že kazatelia takto postupujú. Oni sa držia biskupa, namiesto Ježiša. Oni sú do toho chytení cez svoju - cez svoju peňaženku, veľkými zhromaždeniami.

172Len pozrite či som populárny. Zoberte týchto ľudí pomimo Jeffersonville, s touto malou skupinou, ktorá je tu z Jeffersonville, dajte dnes ráno tých, ktorí sú pomimo Jeffersonville von z tohoto zhromaždenia, nemal by som - alebo mám pol tucta, ku ktorým by som kázal. Čo to je? Ona je tu z celej krajiny, z New Yorku z Massachusetts, po Boston, Maile, po more, Georgia, Alabama, a po celej krajine. Oni sú spolu zhromaždení. Amen! Čo to je? V čase večera bude svetlo.

173Oni nemôžu rozpoznať to večerné svetlo; to je to, čo sa deje. Ona to proste nepoznáva. Ona je príliš slepá. Biblia povedala, že je.

174Rusku sa dostalo na svoje miesto vo svete, vo vede len teraz, nie viac, ako pred okolo štyridsiatymi rokmi. Viete, keď vypukla prvá svetová vojna, oni vôbec - oni si nevšímali Rusko. Brat Roy, to bola len hromada nevzdelancov, veľkí Sibírci, zarastení po celej tvári, a nepoznali pravú a ľavú ruku. Je to tak. Rusko. Ale ono rozpoznalo svoje miesto. Ono to muselo rozpoznať, aby vyplnilo Písmo. Vy poznáte moje proroctvá o tom, čo som povedal, že sa stane, ako sa oni všetci zhromaždia v komunizme. Teraz ono vedie svet vo vede. My sme za nimi. Celý ostatní svet je za nimi. Ono stojí na svojom mieste. Ono len rozpoznalo, že tiež má rozum.

175Všimnite si. Človek má tak isto šesť zmyslov, ako mal pred šesť tisíc rokmi. Pred šesť tisíc rokmi, s tými zmyslami, ktoré mal, aby sa kontaktoval so svojím zemským domovom a slúžil Bohu. A teraz v posledných sedemdesiatych piatych rokoch človek prešiel od konského povozu ku astronautovi. Prečo? On sa odvrátil od svojej viery v Boha a obrátil sa do svojich zmyslov a schopností, ako ľudská bytosť. Všimli ste si to? On prestal dúfať Bohu, on dúfa samému sebe.

176Ako táto neveriaca žena (ako sa volá?) tam vo Washingtone, ktorá zmenila všetko toto? Ako sa volá? Murray. Ona povedala: "Pokiaľ máme armádu a námorné vojsko, nepotrebujeme starého Jehovu!" Ja sa nestarám o to, čo máme, pre mňa to je, buď Jehova alebo nič. Nech sa armáda a námorníctvo potopia a to sa stane, ale Jehova zostane naveky. A pokiaľ som časťou Jeho a Jeho Syna, Ja s Ním budem trvať naveky, nie skrze svoje povolanie sa, alebo svoju voľbu, ale skrze jeho voľbu. Amen a amen! Ja s tým nemám nič. To je on. Dajte mi Jeho alebo ma zabite. Nech národy povstávajú a upadnú; Jehova bude trvať. On pretrval všetky veky. Keď upadol Rím, keď upadol Egypt, a všetky ďalšie; a On stále zostáva Jehova. Ó, haleluja! Cítim sa výborne.

177Dôvod, že Rusko sa spamätalo, ono muselo. Práve ako Izrael musel prísť do svojej domoviny. Boh musel priviesť Izrael naspäť do domoviny kvôli tým trúbam. A tak musel Boh doviesť Rusko tam, v komunizme, aby vykonalo presne to, čo bolo prorokované.

178Človek a jeho šesť zmyslov, išiel len s koňom a vozom, dúfajúc Bohu. V posledných 75-tych rokoch prestal dúfať Bohu. Keď oni podpisovali Konštitúciu týchto Spojených štátov, oni dali Boha do všetkého čo mali. Teraz oni nemajú ani zhromaždenie, a ani nemenujú Jeho meno. Je to tak. Oni spoliehajú na svojej vznešenosti a svojej vede, na svojej chytrosti vo vede. Banda zvrhlíkov. Je to presne tak. Celý svet je pohltený v nevedomosti ohľadne Biblii. Celý svet sa odvrátil od Boha. Ale pomyslite len, rovno z prostriedku toho všetkého, a z cirkevných denominácií a všetkých ich seminárov prevrátenosti a všetkého, Boh zobral Svoje prorocké Slovo a odštiepil Nevestu, On povedal, že to urobí. On ju odsekol od tých vecí, čo zasľúbil, že urobí.

179Oni spoliehajú na svojej ľudskej inteligencii, svojej ľudskej vede, a tak ďalej, na Boha zabudli, v ktorého raz dúfali. Spojené štáty zabudli na Boha. Dokonca Ho odstránili zo škôl, že naše malé deti nemôžu ani o Ňom počuť. Oni Ho odstránili zo škôl. No, oni sa Ho snažia odstrániť z dolárov. My dúfame v Boha. Oni to chcú odstrániť zo sľubu vernosti pri zástave. Jeden Národ za Boha; oni to chcú odstrániť.

180Vidíte, oni odišli do svojich vlastných názorov a svojich vlastných zmyslov. Pretože v posledných 75-tych rokoch sa on ani trochu nezmenil vo svojich zmysloch, to je ten istý človek, ktorého Boh stvoril na začiatku. Ale v týchto posledných dňoch, či nemôžete poznať kde sme? A cirkev sa odvrátila od Boha do toho, do seminára, a skúseností a tak ďalej, namiesto Slova. Vôbec Ho neuznáva na svojich zhromaždeniach, vo svojich školách, ani nikde inde.

181Izrael v posledných 75-tych rokoch rozpoznal niečo, čo ich priviedlo do domoviny, ako bolo zasľúbené. Oni nevedia, ako sa to vôbec stalo. Oni strašne trpeli, zomierajúc mučeníckou smrťou, počas tých trúb; ale oni sú vo svoje domovine. Oni nevedia prečo.

182Prečo sa Rusko prebudilo? Prečo sa prebudili národy? Prečo bol človek schopný dosiahnuť, keď vedci pred tristo rokmi ... Francúzsky vedec kotúľal guľu určitou rýchlosťou po zemi, a vedeckým výskumom dokázal, že ak človek niekedy dosiahne ohromnú rýchlosť tridsať míľ na hodinu, zemská príťažlivosť ho zoberie zo zeme, podľa jeho váhy, podľa váhy tej guli. Teraz dosahuje rýchlosť 17 000 míľ na hodinu, a stále sa snaží o vyššiu. On to proste rozpoznal nedávno. Prečo? Tak to muselo byť.

183Prečo, cirkev bola - stála na skale Ježiša Krista. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek povedal, oni stáli rovno na Slove, na posolstve na danú hodinu, Luther, Wesley, a ďalej. A teraz, oni sa odvrátili naspäť do tradícií. Prečo sa to stalo?

184Za posledných 25 rokov Izrael rozpoznal, že oni sú v domovine kvôli niečomu. To bolo prorokované, že oni znovu budú zhromaždení; Hozeáš tak povedal. Čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme to porozumeli. No dobre.

185V tom istom čase Nevesta rozpoznala to večerné svetlo, začala rozpoznávať. Hladní Letniční začali rozpoznávať, že ich organizácie nemajú nič, čo oni očakávajú. Oni sú tak domotaní a potrhaní. Vidíte, to je čas rozpoznania, rozpoznanie. Vy musíte rozpoznať. Svet rozpoznal. Národy rozpoznali. Veda rozpoznala. Diabol rozpoznal; to je čas, že on môže zruinovať ženy, zruinovať cirkev, zruinovať ľudí. On to rozpoznal. A Boh rozpoznal, že na zemi sú ľudia, ktorých On predurčil do života. On rozpoznal, že toto je čas, aby poslal Svoje posolstvo; On ho poslal. Ľudia to rozpoznali, čas Nevesty, uvedomili si večerné svetlo.

186Keby Sodoma bola rozpoznala svoj čas, keď videla tých poslov prísť tam dole, ako Billy Graham a Oral Roberts ...

187Teraz, nejaký prevrátený človek vo Phoenixe práve povstal a povedal ... pustil tú časť na - páske a povedal ... Ja som tam povedal: "Musí byť pokrstený v mene Ježiša," tam to bolo povedané. A potom povedal: "No, vidíte tu, tu ďalej on povedal ..." keď som hovoril o Afrike, ako oni krstia tri krát dopredu a dozadu ... Povedal, že som povedal: "V tom nie je žiadny rozdiel." Vidíte, on si vôbec nevypočul to ostatné na tej páske, len tú časť, a prerušil to, za čo by bol stíhaný; tie pásky majú výhradné právo. Nikto ich nemôže zneužívať. Račej to nerobte. Ak to robíte, ste stíhaní zákonom. Ale budeme ich stíhať? Nie. On povedal: "Nechajte ich tak." Boh mi povedal čo sa stane. Dávajte len pozor, len dávajte pozor na tú osobu. Vidíte?

188V tom istom čase Nevesta postrehla večerné svetlo. Keby Sodoma bola rozpoznala svoju hodinu ...

189No, táto istá osoba zapla pásku, povedal: "Pozrite sa sem, vy Letniční ľudia," povedal: "a vy Baptisti: Tento človek, falošný prorok, William Branham (vidíte?) povedal, že Oral Roberts a Billy Graham boli v Sodome." Vidíte? Potom prerušil pásku. A dosť. Vidíte? Nepustil to ďalej, kde bolo povedané, že oni boli poslami pre Sodomu. Nie v Sodome; oni sú tam, ako posol pre Sodomu. Každý vie, že som to povedal. Vypočujte si tú pásku. Ktokoľvek z toho odoberie, alebo pridá, tak isto bude odňatý od Neho. Vidíte? To je Slovo Pánovo, tak je to povedané.

(je napísané) môj PANE (veľkým písmom PANE, Elohim)." On rozpoznal, že to z toho ľudského tela ku nemu hovorí Boh. On rozpoznal svoj znak, a bol požehnaný Pánov. Sodoma nerozpoznala svoj deň a bola spálená. Ježiš povedal: "Ako to bolo v tom dni, tak to bude, keď Syn Boží - či, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

191No, cirkev nerozpoznala svoj deň. Ako bol Izrael donútený navrátiť sa do Palestíny, ona bude donútená vojsť do Svetovej Rady Cirkví. Prečo? Ona nerozpoznala svoju hodinu. Ľudia vyjdite z nej! Nebuďte účastní jej hriechu! Utečte, aby ste si zachránili život, inak budete prichytení so znamením šelmy, a nebudete môcť už nič s tým urobiť. Nech ten, kto je špinavý, bude ďalej špinavý. Nech ten, kto je svätý, nie bude svätý - teraz je svätý ... Nech ten, kto je svätý, nie žena s ostrihanými vlasmi; ona nemôže byť. No, to znie veľmi tvrdo, ale to je Písmo. Biblia hovorí, že ona hanobí svoju hlavu. A jej hlavou je jej muž. Jeho hlavou je Kristus; tak ona hanobí Krista. Ako môže hanobiť a nebyť pri tom špinavá? Nech tá, ktorá má ostrihané vlasy, nech si ich ďalej strihá! Nech tá, ktorá nosí šortky, nech ich ďalej nosí! Nech ten, kto zapiera Slovo, nech Ho ďalej zapiera! Ale nech ten, kto je svätý, bude ďalej svätý! Nech ten, kto je spravodlivý, bude ďalej spravodlivý, spravodlivé Slovo Božie, zjavený Syn Boží. Je ďalej svätý, ďalej spravodlivý. Rozpoznaj. Tak veru!

192Dni ... Nie, cirkev nerozpoznala svoj deň, ako Izrael vo svojej zasľúbenej zemi. On nevedel, ako sa tam dostal. On sa proste automaticky dostal tam naspäť. Prečo? Národný nátlak ho postavil na jeho miesto. No, chcem niečo povedať. Národný nátlak donútil Izraela vojsť do jeho domoviny. Národný nátlak donúti vojsť cirkev do Svetovej Rady Cirkví. Ale moc Božia vovedie ľudí do Nevesty. Svet núti ísť na túto stranu, a svet núti ísť na tamtú stranu, ale Božia moc núti ísť hore, Duch Boží, ktorým je Slovo Božie - "Moje Slovo je Duch a život." - postaví Nevestu na jej miesto. Pretože ona rozpozná svoje miesto v Slove; potom je ona v Kristovi, postaví ju to na jej miesto. Žiadna národná moc to neurobí. Ale tá národná sila doviedla Izrael do domoviny. Tie národné sily Cirkevnej Rady dovedú každú organizáciu do toho, ale moc Božia zodvihne Nevestu do chvály, preč z toho.

193Ó ľudia, rozpoznajte svoj deň, ako vás Ježiš varoval, ten znak Sodomy, a stav cirkví tohoto dňa.

194Pozrite sa čo On povedal, že sa stane v tomto dni. Počúvajte to skutočne pozorne. Znak Sodomy sa odohrá v tomto čase. Znak, ako Abrahám, ten deň pred Sodomou, ktorý bol vyvolaný. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli prorokované sa budú teraz diať. Pozorujte deň v ktorom žijete. Prešli sme cez to a cez to.

195No, On vám zasľúbil poslať nebeské svetlo, aby dozrelo semeno Slova, ktoré malo byť zasiate na tento deň. To semeno je v tomto. To semeno je Biblia. Prečo? Ježiš tak povedal: "Slovo je semeno, ktoré rozsievač seje." A teraz, prv ako môžete mať nejakú úrodu, nezáleží či vy sejete to semeno, ono musí mať svetlo, ktoré dá zrelosť tomu smenu, inak ono zhnije a nebude na nič; ono zahynie. Ale ak je semeno v zemi, v dobrej zemi so správnym druhom slnečného svetla, ono musí dozrieť. A On zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch, v čase večera vyjde slnko, aby dalo zrelosť tomu semenu. To semeno je kázané. Syn Boží dáva zrelosť tomu semenu, tým že to potvrdzuje, spôsobuje, že ono je vytláčané von pred vašimi očami, a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Rozumiete? Rozpoznajte svoj deň.

Končím teraz. Je čas zakončiť.

196A tí bohatí, slepí, vzdelaní Laodičania vystrkujú Slovo zo svojho stredu. Urobili to? On povedal, že urobia. Ako voľakedy dávno tí proroci boli posielaní, aby potvrdili zasľúbené Slovo na ich čas, tak ľudia, ktorí boli predurčení na svoj deň, to videli. Ako tá žena pri studni, ako Nátan, ako slepý Bartimeus, ako Peter, a ostatní z nich, ktorí to rozpoznali ... On bol tým Slovom a jeho prejavom. "Ak nerobím tie skutky, ktoré Otec zasľúbil, že budem robiť, potom Mi neverte. Ale ak robím skutky, hoci neveríte Mne, verte tým skutkom; oni vám povedia Kto som." Rozumiete? Dobre. Neprehliadnite tento deň. Poslal ... Muži i ženy v iných dňoch to rozpoznali, a vošli do toho, a boli bezpeční.

197Letniční (ó!), prečo nepoznávate svoj deň? Rozpoznajte deň večerného času. On je tu, a je to tu, aby to potvrdilo príchod Kristov, potvrdiť ho. Sme na konci. Rozpoznajte svoj deň.

198Viem, že som vás dlho držal. Už je 12 hodín. Ale mne chutí táto strava. Toto je život; to je - to je pre veriaceho. Rozpoznajte deň v ktorom žijete a znak tohoto času.

199Vidíte kde všetko je, Izrael, kde je cirkev, kde je nemorálnosť, kde stojí Nevesta. Čo zostalo, ďalšie? Vzatie Nevesty. Pretože, každá cirkev očakáva na veľkú vec. Letniční hovoria: "Sláva Bohu! Príde deň, keď oni budú robiť toto a oni budú robiť tamto." Vidíte, oni sú profesori. Oni veria.

200Ako jedného dňa povedal Kaifáš: "Nie je lepšie, aby jeden zomrel a nie, aby zahynul celý národ?" On bol najvyšší kňaz, Biblia povedala, z akého dôvodu to on povedal. On prorokoval, nevedel čo hovorí. Ale či si uvedomil skutočnú pravdu toho, (čo povedal), že on práve obetoval toho Boha, o ktorom tvrdil, že je Jeho najvyšším kňazom? Tak je to dnes! Oni očakávajú, že tam niekde ďalej nastane veľký čas.

201Prečo, chodím na konferencie Biznismenov a iných, oni hovoria: "Sláva Bohu!" Tí kazatelia vstávajú a proste zburcujú ten zástup, a hovoria: "Prichádza veľké prebudenie. Ruka Pánova bude na zemi!" A ako tí ľudia vystupujú, behajú ako ... A neuvedomujú si, že to sa deje počas tých trúb pre Izrael. Prečo to oni robia? To je preto, že oni sú kresťanský profesori, a neuvedomujú si to. Ani Kaifáš si neuvedomoval, čo robil. A oni si neuvedomujú, že odmietajú práve to posolstvo, ktoré je ku nim poslané. Amen!

202Každá časť Písma, cez ktorú sme prechádzali deň za dňom a týždeň za týždňom, až do jej nevyvrátiteľnej pravdy. "Keď ten slepý to nemôže prijať," povedal Ježiš: "nechajte ho tak. Ak slepý vedie slepého oni všetci spadnú do jamy." Ja neviem kedy; Ja neviem kde; ale ja viem, že to prichádza.

203Viete, ja viem prečo Satan nechcel, aby som toto kázal. Včera som sa cítil tak zle. Nemohol som dostať žiadne Slovo od Pána. Robil som všetko, čo som len vedel a nemohol som ... A dnes ráno, keď som vstal ... Včera som jedol nejaké vločky, a zdalo sa mi, ako by mi ležali rovno tam na žalúdku. Bol som taký chorý, že som len - sotva som mohol vstať. Myslel som si: "Čo sa to deje? Idem tam a neviem, čo budem hovoriť. A Pane, nemôžem ani v mysli nájsť miesta Písma, aby som si ich zapísal; nič nemôžem nájsť." Nevedel som proste čo robiť. Vtedy, potom, keď to posolstvo začalo ku mne prichádzať, Satan stále hovoril: "Cítiš sa príliš zle. Bolí ťa hlava. Si chorý. Nemôžeš tam ísť. Nemôžeš tam zastať. Stane sa toto, stane sa tamto."

204Pamätám sa raz na príbeh o jednom Londýnčanovi v Anglicku. On bol len obyčajný človek. A povedali mu, že kráľ, jeden z kráľov v tých dávnych dňoch mal ísť do svojho palácu. A tento ... On nemal nikoho ... On mal posolstvo, ktoré musel vyslať, naliehavé posolstvo, pretože nepriateľ ... A tak on povedal tomuto obyčajnému človekovi, ktorý tam stál, povedal mu: "Tu máš, zober toto posolstvo, zober toto posolstvo! Ponáhľaj sa na to a to miesto, a rozkáž aby toto urobili." A povedal mu: "Zober si do ruky moje žezlo; to ťa potvrdí, že ja som - že som ťa ja poslal."

205A on si to zastrčil pod kabát a odišiel. Tí strážcovia ho všade zastavovali, každý. A on kričal: "Z cesty! Mám kráľovské posolstvo, ja som kráľov posol!" Potvrdené slovo!

206Pomyslel som si: "Satan, odstúp mi z cesty! Ja mám posolstvo od Kráľa. Ja musím ísť!"

207Jedného dňa, keď zabili Knieža Pokoja, a dali ho do hrobu, a zapečatili ten hrob, a smrť Ho držala za tri dni a tri noci, ale na Veľkonočné ráno On mal v ruke to žezlo a skríkol: "Ustúp smrť! Ustúp hrob! Otvor sa! Ja som to Kráľovské posolstvo. Ja musím vyjsť a dokázať toto vzkriesenie. Ja som vzkriesenie i život!" Haleluja! Cítim sa teraz skutočne dobre. To je Kráľove posolstvo. Rozpoznajme ho priatelia, pretože sme povolaní, aby sme sa zhromaždili spolu na zvuk trúby. Pretože trúba Pánova zaznie a potom času viac nebude.

208 On zhromaždil Izrael. Tri dni - na tretí deň On povedal, že to urobí. Prešlo 2700 rokov. Na ten tretí deň, On povedal, ich zhromaždí spolu, a On to urobil. On povedal, že oznámi cestu života. Tam ich máte, čakajú teraz len na Nevestu, aby sa odstúpila z cesty, aby oni mohli prísť, tí dvaja proroci, Hebrejský proroci, oni rozpoznajú ...

209Pamätáte sa, ako som stál v Káhire, mal som tam ísť, keď Lewi Pethrus povedal: "Brat Branham, keby oni len uvideli ten ... Oni veria prorokom."

210Povedal som: "To je pre mňa dobrá vec." Vidíte aký je človek? Ale vidíte milosť Božiu? Povedal som: "Budem čítať tento Nový Testament." Oni ho čítali. Lewi im ich tam poslal vyše milióna, brat Lewi Pethrus zo švédska. Budú ho čítať, prichádzajúc z tade i z tade, tí Židia - nie ako táto moderná hromada Židov, ale v ich domovine ... Oni prišli a povedali: "Ak je toto Mesiáš, nech Ho vidíme robiť znak proroka, budeme tomu veriť."

211Lewi Pethrus povedal: "Brat Branham, to je príležitosť, to je príležitosť! Niekto mi povedal, že tam bude príležitosť. Mám ísť," povedal: "rovno tam."

Prišiel nejaký muž a bol tam s bratom Arganbrightom, povedal: "Brat Branham, to by proste alarmovalo Izrael! Priviesť ich pred to a ukázať znak proroka, oni tomu budú veriť."

212Povedal som: "Pane, som tu pripravený." Nasadol som do lietadla (vzali peniaze a kúpili mi lístok); zastavili sme sa v Káhire; povedal som: "Áno, som pripravený."

213Duch Svätý povedal: "To nie je tvoje miesto. To nie je tvoj čas." Vidíte? Predbiehate sami seba. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, prichádzam sem, a chystám sa ísť."

214Niečo povedalo: "Hneď sa tu zastav! Nechoď tam. Obráť sa a choď do Indii. Nechoď tam ... Choď do Indii, ale nechoď tam!"

215Rozmýšľal som: "Prečo je ..." Vyšiel som von za záves, povedal som: "Pane Ježišu, čo toto znamená?" Potom mi to On dal poznať. Žiadny pohan ... Títo proroci sú tí jediní. To musí byť podľa Písma. Mojžiš a Eliáš musia prísť. A okrem toho, Nevesta nebola ešte zobraná z cesty. A tí proroci sa vrátia, a oni urobia ten znak proroka. To je podľa Písma. Tam je to potom všetko presne vyplnené. Izrael ako národ sa narodí v jeden deň. Amen! Večerné svetlá svietia.

V čase večera bude svetlo;

Cestu do chvály s istotu nájdete;

Vo vodnom krste je svetlo dnes;

Pochovaní v drahom Mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov;

Duch Svätý vás iste naplní;

Večerné svetlá prišli;

To je fakt že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.

216Sme v čase konca, priatelia. A pomyslime potom o tejto piesni o tom inšpirovanom pisateľovi, keď on povedal:

Národy sa rozlamujú; (Toto je asi z pred pätnástych rokov.) Izrael sa budí;

Znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov zrátané (Pozrite sa teraz na ich špinu.) Strachom obťažené.

Vráťte sa ó rozohnaní do svojho.

Deň vykúpenia je blízko;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha; Majte lampy ozdobené a čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie je blízko. (Je to tak.)

Falošní proroci klamú; Božiu pravdu zapierajú; (Či je to nie pravda!)

Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

Oni tomu neveria. Oni majú všetky možné "izmy" a všetko, aby vás tým napádali. Ale prorok povedal - či ten inšpirovaný pisateľ povedal:

My kráčame tam, kde apoštolovia.

217Pamätáte moje videnie? Povedal som: "Ak Pavlovi ľudia vojdú, tak vojdú aj moji, pretože som kázal presne to isté čo on."

A milióny zodvihli ruky a povedali: "My na tom odpočívame!" Čo? Rozpoznaj deň, v ktorom žijeme, čas v ktorom žijeme, znak času v ktorom žijeme. Môže byť neskoršie, než ako si myslíme. Jedného z týchto dní, ten ktorý stojí vonku, nech ďalej zostane stáť vonku. Ten ktorý je vo vnútri musí naveky byť vo vnútri. Dvere sa zavrú.

218Ak sú tu dnes ráno takí, ktorí ešte nevošli dovnútra, ó, v Ježišovom mene, moji drahí ľudia, nehľaďte na tohoto nevzdelaného sluhu, ktorý tu stojí, negramotný, nevzdelaný, neučený - nehľaďte na toto, ale pozrite sa na Slovo, ktoré sa dokázalo. Pozrite sa na veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Sme v čase večera. Je neskoršie, než ako si myslíte. Ne ...

219Ženy, nechajte si rásť vlasy. Sestra, prosím ťa odlož tie neslušné oblečenia. Vyhoďte preč tie cigarety. Pretože príde čas, keď ten, kto je špinavý, nech zostane naďalej špinavý, a ten, kto je spravodlivý, nech je ďalej spravodlivý. Ten, kto je vo vnútri je vo vnútri; ten kto je vonku je vonku. A pri tom, ak spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, kde bude hriešny a bezbožný (zapierač pravdy, viete), kde sa oni ukážu. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

220No, vo svetle tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme, vo svetle tohoto dňa, v ktorom teraz žijeme, vzácni a milovaní, vy ktorí ste prišli z rôznych štátov z celej krajiny, urobme teraz, a ja s vami na tomto oltári, urobme inventúru. Ako je dnes Duch Boží v našich srdciach? Pamätajte, to je ten Duch, neodsúdený, nepoškvrnený ... Každá cirkevná náuka a všetko je úplne preč.

221Nemali by ste sa odvážiť a snažiť sa pridať do toho, alebo odňať z toho. Pretože ak sa budete snažiť sami dať tomu svoj vlastný výklad, váš diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života. Či sa snažíte povedať niečo, čo Duch nepovedal? Či sa snažíte spôsobiť, aby to vyznelo tak, akoby to niečo povedalo, alebo beriete len presne to, čo bolo povedané a takto to nechávate? Či spájate, odsekávate, dohrávate, robíte to, čo nie je správne? Máte ...

222Hovoríte: "No, ja proste necítim, že by som to takto mal robiť, alebo možno ... Ja viem, že moja cirkev tomuto neverí. To je len slovo jedného človeka o tom." Ten jeden človek je Boh. Biblia tu hovorí, že si nemáte strihať vlasy. Táto Biblia hovorí, že príde to, že ženy budú nosiť odev, ako muži, a ako oni budú ohavnosťou pre Boha. Ako Duch Svätý hovoril cez túto pokornú, nehodnú nádobu, ktorej sa prihodilo, že má stáť v tomto veku, v ktorom ten veľký Kráľ povedal: "Tu je Moje žezlo, Moje Slovo - tu je Moje žezlo, račej. Zober Moje žezlo a choď a prines to posolstvo."

223Viem, že denominácie sa to snažia zastaviť, a uhasiť, a skoncovať s tým, a vykopnúť to, a všetko; ale z milosti Božej som na ceste, kričím od národa ku národu, z miesta do miesta, z cirkvi do cirkvi: "Vyjdite z toho!" Je to nepopulárne, ale je to pravda.

224Prijmete to v Duchu, v ktorom je to napísané? Prijmete to v Duchu, v ktorom to bolo podané? Ak to doteraz nemáte, my - nieto miesto pri oltári, vaše srdce je oltár, zodvihnete svoju ruku, povedzte: "Bože, buď mi milostivý. Nech vojde do mňa Duch Svätý, nech ma usvedčuje teraz zo všetkých mojich hriechov a sklamaní, zo všetkých mojich zlých zvykov, a z rozčúlenia, a z paniky, a hádok, a zmätkov a zo všetkého, čo som urobil. A viem niečo, že môj duch nie je dozretí pre nebo. Urob ma zrelým, Pane, v tomto poslednom momente. Toto môže byť posledné kázanie, ktoré budem počuť, a toto môže byť posledná chvíľa, kedy počujem to posolstvo. Dvíham svoju ruku. Bože, buď mi milostiví."

225Nech vás Boh žehná. Tucty rúk. No, len na chvíľu sa ticho za vás pomodlím. Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ukazujete, že stále máte záujem. Zdá sa mi, akoby Duch stále niekoho volal.

226Drahý Bože, Ty ktorý poznáš všetky veci. A Ty si všetky veci urobil kvôli všetkého. Pretože niektorí musia byť odsúdení; niektorí musia byť zaslepení; niektorí, ako hrnčiar, ktorý robil tú nádobu, ako povedal Pavol, jednu na česť a druhú na nečesť. Tá jedna, ktorá bola urobená na nečesť, bola len nato, aby ukázala na tú, ktorá mala byť na česť. Ale či to nie je v rukách hrnčiara, aby urobil čo On chce? Či to nie je v tom pláne predurčenia Božieho, aby povolal ... Ktorého predzvedel, toho povolal. Tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil. A tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil?

227Možno, že niekto z nich dnes tu je, ako tá žena pri studni, v špine, v nevere, v ľudskej tradícii, v ľuďmi zostrojených náukách. Možno, že toto je prvý krát, keď oni počuli tieto veci, ale niečo zvláštne varovalo ich srdce. Je tu mnoho, mnoho zodvihnutých rúk, Pane. Nech ten veľký hrnčiar vezme teraz tú nádobu a uformuje ju na nádobu cti. Verím, že je určitý dôvod, Pane, inak by to oni nerobili; oni by to nehovorili. Ja stále verím, zastávam sa ich.

228Dovoľ Tvojmu pokornému sluhovi prosiť, Pane. Dovoľ nám prosiť za nich, ako ten, kto stojí medzi životom a smrťou, ako niekto, kto v Sodome prosil za Sodomitov: "Vyjdite z toho, vyjdite rýchlo z toho!"

Nech oni prídu Pane, pokorne a nežne ku trónu Božiemu, teraz vo svojich srdciach, a povedia: "Ježišu, od tohoto dňa a ďalej, Ty buď môj. Prednášam túto prosbu teraz pred Teba, ako tu teraz sedím, kde ma zasiahol Tvoj Duch. Keď ma to tu zasiahlo, ja nemusím ísť nikde ďalej, než byť rovno tu. Rovno tu, kde si ma stretol; rovno tu je to miesto, kde to urovnáme, rovno tu v tejto druhej rade, tretej rade, piatej rade, kdekoľvek to je. Rovno tu je to, kde to bude urovnané, pretože tu je to miesto, kde si ma odsúdil, a tu je to miesto, kde si zasľúbil dať ma do poriadku. Lebo hoci som bol špinavý a nečistý, budem vybielený, ako sneh. Verím celému Tvojmu Slovu; som pripravený vojsť do toho, veriť tomu, prijať to. A robím to teraz na slávu Božiu, vediac, že môj život nie je pre mňa dobrý, nie je dobrý pre Boha, nie je dobrý pre mojich susedov, nie je dobrý pre nikoho, len proste dobrý pre diabla, aby urobil zo mňa figúrku, aby so mnou manipuloval, možno, aby som bol nejako ľudskou hračkou, na ktorú by sa dívali, možno nejaký ženský idol. Ale Bože, urob ma Tvojím sluhom. Urob to, Pane." Ja ich porúčam teraz Tebe v mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. So svojimi sklonenými hlavami i srdcami:

Počujem ako ma volá môj Spasiteľ,

(Úprimne, priateľu, toto môže byť tvoj posledný čas. Či môžeš

počuť ten tichý hlas?)... volá. Počujem

(Čo On ... Čo ťa volá, keď čo je tvoj Spasiteľ? Slovo.)

... Spasiteľ volá,

(Čo on musí urobiť? Zaprieť svet a ...)

"Vezmi môj kríž a nasleduj

(„Nedbal som na krst v mene Ježiša, Pane.“)

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

ja s Ním pôjdem

(S Ním kde? Cez vodu, cez záhradu, cez čokoľvek, dom

modlitby, do vody, kdekoľvek. Rozhodni sa pre to.)

... s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou cestou.

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez súd,

(Buď má pravdu Slovo, alebo má pravdu cirkev.)

ja pôjdem ....

Ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou cestou.

Teraz, pôjdem kde ma On vedie,

Ja som tiež zodvihol svoje ruky, Pane. Pane, kdekoľvek to je, kde má byť kázané to ďalšie posolstvo? Je to znovu tu dnes večer, tam v Afrike, Nemecku, švajčiarsku? Kde to je, Pane?

Kde On... (Kdekoľvek vedieš, Pane)... nechám sa viesť.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

229No, so sklonenými hlavami, pôjdete s Ním, kdekoľvek vás On povedie? Pôjdete s Ním, keď čas dobieha do konca? "Ľudia prenasledujú, vysmievajú sa, robia si z nich žarty. Ja stále budem s Ním; Ja stále pôjdem. Pôjdem rovno ďalej s Tebou, Pane, kdekoľvek si. Stále zostanem čestný a verný. V žiary boja stále zostanem čestný a verný. Keď spadnem, Ty ma znovu zodvihneš, Pane. Ten kto stratí svoj život pre Mňa, nájde ho.“

Tak ja pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

230No, všetci, ktorí to myslíte zo srdca, zodvihnime svoje ruky a svoje srdcia ku Nemu.

Pôjdem tam, kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam, kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

On mi dá milosť a slávu, On mi dá ...

Pane Ježišu, dýchni teraz na tieto vreckovky. Uzdrav týchto chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Udeľ to, Pane. Daj im zdravie, Pane, v mene Ježiša.

A poď so mnou, so mnou celou cestou.

231Cítite sa teraz dobre? Cítite, že to je teraz všetko pripravené? Ak On ...

Trúba Pánova zaznie a času viacej nebude. (To je teraz tá posledná trúba.)

A keď sa to ráno preborí do večnosti, do jasnosti, a svetlosti.

Spievajme to teraz všetci: “Keď trúba Pánova zaznie.“ (Podaj

nám tón.)

Keď zaznie trúba Pánova, a času viac nebude

a svitne ráno, večné, jasné a svetlé;

Keď tí spasení zo zeme sa zhromaždia tam na druhom brehu;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

V to jasné a bezoblačné ráno, keď mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú

A zasvieti sláva jeho vzkriesenia,

keď všetok život pominie, a naša práca na zemi sa skončí

A budú vyvolávané mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

232Zodvihnime svoje ruky a povedzme: "Z Tvojej milosti, Pane." Z Tvojej milosti, Pane! No, my sme bratia a sestry v Kristovi. Obráťme sa len a potrasme si ruky s tým, kto stojí pri vás, povedzte: "S Božou pomocou, keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny ..."

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

Na čo čakáme?

Keď tá trúba (Tá posledná!)... Pánova zaznie, a času viacej nebude ...

(Len sa v momente preboríme do večnosti, v okamihu.)... a svetlo;

Potom, keď spasení zo zeme sa zhromaždia tam na druhom brehu;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

(Spievajme to len!)

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny;

Keď tam budú vyvolávať mená z tej listiny, ja tam budem.

233Ó, či nenastane taký čas? Len pôjdete jedného dňa, a budete počuť niekoho. "Kto to je? Matka!" Amen! "Nebude to už teraz dlho." V niekoľkých minútach budete proste premenení. A budeme - stretneme ich a potom budeme vychvátení spolu s nimi na stretnutie s Pánom do povetria. Ó, v momente, v okamihu. Poviete: "Tu je brat Seward (ten starý brat, ktorý tu chodieval do zboru). Aha, tu je brat DeArk. Tu je brat ... Tak - aha, pozrite sa sem, oni sú všetci okolo mňa. Čo sa deje?" Vy proste v niekoľkých minútach ... "Viem oni sa mi ukázali. Teraz to nebude dlho; Teraz budem premenený, vo chvíli, vo chvíli." Ó, áno! Keď svitne to večné ráno, jasné, a svetlé. Všetky tie tajomné oblaky ...

234Ako On povedal, že Izrael je teraz, ako ranný oblak, para - vaša spravodlivosť zvädla. A keď to všetko zvädlo a prešlo do slnečného svetla, ktoré to všetko drží (Amen!), potom bude vyvolaná tá listina, ja tam budem. No dobre, až do večera:

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme.

Nevieme, kedy sa toto stane, priateľu. Dlho sa o tom hovorilo, ale je to pravda; a to sa stane. Sme práve teraz v tom čase.

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme; (Z Božej milosti dúfame, že o 7:30 dnes večer.)

Nech je Boh s vami, až kým sa znovu stretneme.

235Postavme sa teraz na svoje nohy. Ó, nie je to nádherné? Toto sú nebeské miesta v Kristu Ježišovi. Nevymeňte to za nič. Vy viete, ako ja rád chytám ryby, a ako rád poľujem, pretože tam v pustatine vidím Boha; ja to mám rád. Ale och, nevymenil by som ani minútu z tohoto za všetky prežitia na poľovačkách za tie roky. Jedna minúta z toho, to vynahradí.

Tak dobre, nech - až sa večer stretneme, berme teraz so sebou Meno Ježiš, každý jeden z vás teraz.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;

Ono ti dá radosť a upokojí ťa;

Ber ho všade kde ideš.

Drahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme, a radosť neba;

Drahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

(Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.)

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe ...

RECOGNIZING YOUR DAY AND ITS MESSAGE, 64-0726M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 131 min

1 Good morning, friends. Let us remain standing just a moment.

Dear God, as we, in this hustle and bustle of life, have paused for these next few moments or hour, whatever it may be, that Thou has provided for us, to give praise and glory to Thee, to preach Thy Word, to know Thee better, that's why we have gathered this morning. We thank Thee, God, because that there is people who are ready and have prepared themselves to come listen. Regardless of the conditions and the time, and that we live in, they still believe. And we thank Thee for them.

2God, we are grateful to Thee for Thy great healing power, the promises of Thy Word. How our hearts burn when we hear these testimonies! All kinds of afflictions that's been brought upon the sons of man! Thou, and Thy grace and power, and with Thy promise, has healed them. And they're here, testifying, giving praise to God. We thank Thee for this.

And now may we, today, hear the Message that Thou hast provided for us for this hour. As we read in Thy Word, may You give to us the context of that which we read. Let Thy will be done in all things, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May be seated.

3 It's a privilege to be here this morning. I'm very happy for all of you. And Brother Woods, Brother Roy Roberson, many other brethren, has worked faithfully the last two days, to air-condition this building for this purpose, 'cause last Sunday they seen how you suffered. And they had a little money in the church treasure, and they went to work and put it to work to make you comfortable, with the money that you placed into the offering, to while you can set, listen at the Message. Much cooler today than it was then. So we're grateful to God, and to you people, for this opportunity.

4Glad... Brother Roy Borders, he wanted to kind of stay back in the back this morning. And I told him to get his chair and set out here with these ministers, but he wouldn't do it. As all of you know, Brother Borders represents us in the field. So glad to have Brother Borders in, and many other ministers and friends.

5 Through the week I--I get to thinking, and say, "When I get down there, Sunday, I'm going to recognize every minister, every person." Then when you get here, you're so took up in the Message till you just forget everything, almost, so what it was.

6Now I got to go back to Arizona. I got to go back next Monday, a week, back to Tucson, to get the children there for school. And I'm coming back then after that. And the wife has to be there early, to begin the... to register the children, two weeks before school starts. And I, then, I am going to return back for a while here.

7And now this is my vacation time. As you know, I have preached since December; January, February, March, April, May, June, and July. Now, if God willing, and not any special call, this is the season that I--I--I take my rest, my vacation. I go hunting. And I...

8 Now if the Lord should call me to something else, them things are out of the picture. God is always first. And I want Him to be first, and you want Him to be first. But then if there is no certain call, and that be His will, that's what I'm to do now for the next couple months, is to go hunting now, to rest myself. I...

9You don't realize, the world will never know, what I have to go through with. See? And it's just such a strain. No wonder the Lord told His disciples, when He was walking with them, "Come apart into the desert, rest a while." See? I realize that more, every day, and especially as my days get more upon the earth, you see. As I get older, you realize it. You hear our pastor saying "amen" to that, too. He, we, can realize that we're not boys after we pass fifty years old. Now we got to have a little time.

10We're so grateful for the testimonies that we've just heard. Wife was over at Mrs. Wood's, yesterday, when some people come in from down in Alabama, somewhere down in there, and was telling about the great things the Lord did in that meeting, of little children being healed, and different things. And so many things that, my, it'd just take a long time to--to get it told.

11 Then I also have to remember that... I believe some of them told me that Sister Larson has been here two Sundays with a little baby. I wouldn't know, but I believe they said it was her grandchild, maybe, for dedication, bringing it down from Chicago. The lady has been very kind to us, and we appreciate her. And she brought a little baby from Chicago, for dedication. Which, she has quite a little time to get it out, I think, for dedication, but she is interested in this child being dedicated to the Lord. So if Sister Larson will, while I'm speaking, if she'll just bring that baby up for this dedicational service.

12 And then, perhaps, while she is making ready, I--I want to say that this has been the hardest Message that I ever did try to prepare, until last night. Through the week, I would go into the room, to try to set aside after my calls and things, to--to try to get something on my mind for the hour. And when I would go, I--I couldn't even... My mind was blank. And, yesterday, I went into the basement. I thought it was too hot, so I went down into the basement, sit down there. And I'd try to get my Bible and read, and I'd fall asleep. Then I would get up and get a drink of water, and try to shake myself, and go outside and walk around, set on the step.

13Somebody come by and caught me with my shirt off, setting on the step; it was so hot. They waved. I didn't know whether they waved... Somebody, it might have been somebody here local in the city, or might have been somebody in the church, waved at me. And I--I was so thinking, I--I just happened to glance at the car, passed by. I waved.

14 Last night I got into the car and went up in around towards Charlestown, trying to get something. The Lord, seemed like, wanted to tell me something, but I... Satan was trying to stand in my way, to keep me from doing it. So I thought, "Well, if he does that, I'm just going to keep on tarrying, just keep on waiting, pounding at the door until He opens." So then just a few moments ago, or just about a little after seven o'clock this morning, I was up real early.

15Yesterday, a little sick, trying... I had eaten some corn that hadn't agreed with me just right, being real hot, and I--I was trying to get away from that. And--and then this morning, about eight o'clock, I happened to pick up a Scripture that's astounded me. And I looked at that Scripture again, and again It astounded me. And I went, following It through the Scripture, and I just got through a few minutes ago. So it may be that the Lord has a Message for us, this morning, that Satan has tried to keep from us.

Would you bring the little one here, Sister Larson? [Brother Branham dedicates a baby. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] God be with them and help them.

16 Now I have been keeping you, last Sunday, two days, and I think... or, two services, morning and evening, and that makes it hard on you. I understood that it... Some of you have to travel so far, and miss a day's work, and so forth. So even if we're going to leave Sunday, Monday, a week, I'll just announce the service for next Sunday, the Lord willing, see, unless the congregation would want it to be stay over for the night. See, that, that's up... There is so many of you!

How many would rather it be tonight, let's see, have the services tonight? Now, would rather have it next Sunday, raise your hand next? My, that's a close one. Uh! [Someone says, "Tied, brother!"--Ed.] What say? ["Have it both times."] Uh! [Brother Ben Bryant says, "And, tonight, have two of them."] Now, now, Ben! [Brother Branham laughs.]

17 I got this Message, is long, this morning, but I--I don't know just how... And I know I help make the rules of the church, but in there, if you'll notice, I said, "Except I am taping." See? So, this is taping. Uh-huh. So maybe we will try to get back both times, tonight and next Sunday, then, will if the Lord is willing, you see. Now, if you don't get a message this week, then you come next Sunday.

18I hate to have you come twice like that, but I feel we haven't got but just a little more time. And just remember, if time moves on, we're not going to have this privilege very long. See? Remember, something will take place. Either the law will stop us, or Satan will move among you and scatter you. It's always been that way. See? Something will take place, so let's appreciate every minute that we're together.

19 So now to those who have to go back to your homes, tonight, it'll be like last Sunday night, I just had a--a little short Message. And so, you, if you want it on tape, why, we'll sure send you the tape if you have to go back home. Or, not, I'm going to preach tonight, if the Lord willing.

20I had a note yesterday, or--or day before yesterday, a little Message I'd jotted down from memory of something, and it's from a long time. There is two Messages, though. It's kind of between, one of them is, "A leaking cistern," or either, "The sowing to the wind and reaping a whirlwind," just a Gospel Message. This morning is teaching. And so, tonight, I'll either speak on, "Sowing to the winds and reaping a whirlwind," or either, "A cistern that is leaking."

21 And, this morning, I want to read from the Holy Writ now.

And are you comfortable? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Good.

Now I want you, in your Bibles, to turn with me to the Book of Hosea, you who desire to read. And let us read a few verses out of the 6th chapter of the Book of Hosea, the prophet.

And shall we stand.

22 Dear God, we are unworthy to take this Book into our hands, for we read in the Scriptures that no man in Heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, was worthy or even able to take the Book, or even to look upon It. Oh, and there came One that had been like a lamb had been slain; He took the Book, for He was worthy, and He loosed the Seals thereof. And we're looking to Him this morning to reveal these contexts that's written in the Book, because it is the Book of Redemption. All that is redeemed is written therein. May we find our position, this morning, in the time that we're living. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Come now, and let us return to the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up.

After two days will he receive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as a rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away.

Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth.

For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings.

But they like men have transgressed the covenant: they have--they have dealt treacherously against me.

Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.

And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: and... commit lewdness.

I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled.

Also, O Judah, he hath sent an harvest for thee, when I returned the captive of my people.

23Lord Jesus, draw from This, by Thy Holy Spirit, the context that's intended, as we wait further on Thee. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

24 Now, my subject this morning is: Recognizing Your Day And Its Message.

We see from last Sunday's lesson, as we taught, The Feast Of The Trumpets. And I want to call to your attention, now, the time--time of Israel in God's timepiece.

25We are dealing today upon a Sunday school lesson, that I want you to realize and recognize the time that we're living. We're just about to run out, as you see. And then, by this, you should know the very hour and time, and sign and Message that you are to receive.

26 Now, as we started last Sunday... We had been speaking of going to preach on the Trumpets, the last Seven Trumpets of the Bible. And me, in myself, I thought they would break forth just like the Seals. But I've noticed on each one of these openings there has been a tremendous thing happen.

And as we preached the Seven Church Ages, and they were so perfectly until the Holy Spirit Himself come down among us and vindicated it, and put it upon the papers, and throwed it across the nation, and showed it in the moon in the heavens, and proved it to us, weeks and months before it happened, that just the way it would be, perfectly. Here in the tabernacle He made it known. Here on the... in the time, He made it known. On the moon and the sun, He made it known. And in the position of the nations at this time, He made it known; as the hierarchy of Rome left and went back to Palestine, supposedly had been the first pope back since (they claim) Peter being the pope. Now, it was so tremendous!

27 Then, we see, before the Seven Seals that hid all the mysteries.

Me not knowing what I was drawing on the board, for the Church Ages. I never. God knows. Just by vision, I drawed it. Not knowing that God, a year and six months later, was going to vindicate it in the skies, by the moon, and slip it across the national papers. I didn't know that. I didn't know there would be a mysterious blackout in the moon, to represent this Laodicea Age.

28Now, on the papers, you only get the six ages. Is because the Laodicea church was blacked out completely. And if you would notice the spiritual application, as God set it in the heaven. When I set it here on earth, I left a little bitty space, as you see, just a tiny little bit of light. That was just before the very Elected was to be called from the earth, the reason I placed it on there for the seventh age. But when God put it in the heavens, it was totally blacked out, means maybe the last one is called from that Laodicea Age. We don't know. There could be a sermon on it.

29 Now notice again, before the--the Seven Seals, which I had no idea it was that way.

Here at the tabernacle He spoke of it, and sent me to Tucson, Arizona, telling you all what would happen. And there is man setting present, today, who was there to see it happen just exactly the way it was told here would happen, "Seven Angels would come." Then the newspapers packed that, and the magazines, across the nation, "Mysterious circle of Light in a form of a pyramid," just like I drawed it here and showed you. Raised up from where those Angels was standing, and went thirty miles high, and was twenty-seven miles across; or either twenty-seven miles high, and thirty miles across, I forget which it was. And was seen throughout the states, just up above Tucson, Arizona, right where it happened, same time.

30 See, the--the Bible, God is not just... This is just not someone trying to--to press something to you, but to reveal to you the very spiritual application of this hour.

31And then, the next Message, that opened up the Seven Seals, which undone all the hidden mysteries of the Bible, the Doctrines, and so forth. Which, the world so rudely attacks now days, attacks It and says It's wrong, this, that.

32Here the other day in Arizona, splicing tapes, to try to make me say things that I didn't say. Just remember the vision about the Arizona proposition! The Bible said, "It was far better for you that you had a rock at your neck." And another thing, that, "Whosoever," let him be preacher or what he will, "will take one Word away from It, or add one word to It!" People putting their own interpretation upon the Word as It's been given, trying to make It say something that I did not say, and, not my Word; It's His Word. "Who shall add to, or take away!"

33And then, in the vision, we seen these prophets whirl down, as I explained to you, I believe, several Sundays ago. It'll all be. I said, "Just keep away from it." As long as I'm fighting it, then God can't fight it. But let's let Him have it. He's the One Who takes care of it. See?

34 Now we noticed, last Sunday, there was... preaching the feast days. And there was a feast of pentecost. And between the feast of pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, that was a long period of time; exactly fifty days between pentecost and the Feast of theTrumpets. And fifty days, which, pentecost means "fifty." It was the sheaf-waving, or the ingat-... The firstfruits of the harvest was brought in. And we see it was in type back there, with the natural firstfruits, representing the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the people.

And we find out, then, that them fifty days was received by the Gentiles, which, "God called from the Gentiles a people for His Name," the feast of the pentecost. And we have been going through that long feast of pentecost.

35Now, actually, from the fifty days, would be exactly seven sabbaths. And seven sabbaths represented the Seven Church Ages, to be called in the time of the pentecostal feast, of Pentecost, to call a people from the Gentiles for His Name.

Now, at the end of these seven sabbaths, which has been, there was to be the Day of Atonement, which was the Seven Trumpets. And the Seven Trumpets was to call a day of mourning, back for the Sacrifice, or, the Atonement. And we find out then, that, Israel, the Seven Trumpets pertained only to Israel.

36 And, then, why He wouldn't let me preach them Seven Trumpets. I even was ready to announce it, had the halls ready and everything to go into, to preach the Seven Trumpets. And I said, "There is something bothering me so bad," I said. We kept on working, and Billy and all of us, trying to get everything ready for the air-conditioned building, for this next coming week, for the Seven Trumpets; having ten days, or eight days, had the school auditorium. But the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me do it, for some reason, and I wondered why.

And when I went in to pray. I told the wife, "I'm going in." And sincerely I knelt down before God, to pray. And He revealed to me that them Seven Trumpets sounded under the Sixth Seal, and I've done preached it, supernaturally. See, it's the hand of God, the whole thing. It pertains to Israel, and we picked it up under the Sixth Seal; you all who have that, how the persecution of the Jews.

37 The time of the Gentiles has been in this pentecostal feast.

The Trumpets, under... all of them was sounded under the Sixth Seal. And we picked it up last Sunday, under the Feast of the Trumpets, if you all want to get it. What was it to do? To rush the Jews, from all parts of the world, back into their homeland. It must be there. And the opening of the Seals, under the Sixth Seal, and under... The Seven Trumpets sounded in the--the Sixth Seal.

38Now, the seventh angel's Message is to open the mystery of the Seals, calling the eleventh-hour Gentile workers to receive the same pay that the first hour workers got. See?

Now, Jesus taught it. He said there was some peoples went into the harvest. They were hired. And when they did, of early morning, they received a--a--a time, a penny for the day. And then at noontime, someone else come in and went to work. And then at the eleventh hour, that's the last hour of the day, that someone come in and received the same kind of pay that they did at the first hour of the day; last hour.

39It's so perfectly, how the first-hour messengers with the Word, with the Gospel, with the Truth, they came in at the Day of Pentecost. Then there was a dark age that blocked them out. Then at the middle of the day, Luther, and Wesley, and them, came in. And then there is to be an evening-time Message, and to receive the same thing that they did at the beginning. The evening-time Message is to restore back again, to bring back that same thing again.

40 And remember the vision of last week, that when the Bride came to be... preview of it. There came up the little Bride, lovely, in the vision. And I, not thinking about it; just setting there watching outside. And there come the Bride. I heard a Voice by the side of me, said, "Here is a preview of the Bride." And She came by. I noticed Her, the way She was, very lovely, pretty, young. She was walking just the step as She could, not a march; just in the stride of a--a woman, how they walk gracefully, ladylike. That's the way She was walking, coming to my left on this side, and She went out of my sight.

41 Then He turned me to the right side, and He showed me each church as they've come up out of the ages. And, oh, how vulgar! And the last one was this last-day church age, which was led by a witch. And they were so immorally dressed, so filthy-looking! And they were marching to the time of twist and rock-and-roll. And those women throwing themselves just in twists, with holding just paper, gray, hypocritical, the wor-... The gray is between a white and a black, which is a deceiving color. Gray is neither white nor black. It's a deceiving color. And gray-looking paper, holding in front of them, with lace-like hula skirts holding in front of them, and completely nude from their waist up. And was marching to the... or time, or twisting, and carrying on with that music, walking up. And said, "That is the church."

42And when it passed by me, my heart like to fainted. I thought, "If that's what is trying to be presented to Christ, as a Bride? Of all the efforts and things that man has put forth, to try to bring forth a Bride for Christ; and a vulgar, dirty, filthy-looking prostitute like that to be the Bride of Christ?" It made me sick at my heart.

43 And as she passed, after she... Coming before where we was standing, she was holding the paper in front of her, twisting, and rocking, and moving herself one side and then the other side, as she went, like the modern dances they have of this day, using herself in an immoral act as she was marching on.

44I'm not responsible for these things. I can only say what I seen. And God as my Judge, but that was the church from U.S.A.

45Now, as she passed by, the whole back part had no covering at all. And then as she passed by, I felt faint and sickly.

46Then He said, "The Bride will come into preview again." And here the Bride came behind her, the very same-looking Bride that passed at the beginning. Then my heart jumped for joy, to know that there will be a Bride. And She will be made of the same thing, and clothed in the same thing, that the One was at the beginning. She is to be called.

And I know that is the Truth. If that isn't true, then every vision that I've had in the back has been wrong. And anyone knows, that, not one thing has He ever told us but what was the Truth. It come to pass, just...

47And can you see, then, the filthiness of the modern church, calling herself a "church"?

48 As someone said the other day; Brother Ruddell, a precious brother of mine, standing against the wall over there now. That, he seen it like a sucker on a vine. And we was discussing it in the room the other day. And Brother Ruddell was disturbed about the conditions of time and the--and the feeling of the spirit in the churches today, how it's begin to drop down. Ministers coming from everywhere, and interviews out here, asking, "What has happened, Brother Branham? What has happened?" Oh, my!

49Brother Ruddell asked me the question, "Are they living off of the spirit of Satan, or what?"

50I said, "No, the sucker lives off of the strength of the vine." It lives because, the citrus fruit, a--a lemon will grow in an orange tree; but it will not bear oranges, though it lives by its life.

And the church, so-called, only is a grafted sucker, living under the name of religion, under the name of the church. Catholic and Protestant, just suckers, pulling the... from the strength of the Vine; and yet bearing the fruit of what they are, because they wasn't converted. They wasn't in the original, predestinated plan of God, that's the reason they have to deny the Word and bear other kind of fruit. The real genuine tree, in its root, was predestinated to bring forth oranges on an orange tree.

Jesus said, "I am the Vine; you're the branches."

51But if that tree ever puts forth another branch, it will bear its original fruit. And there has got to be a restoration of all these things, right at the end of the Vine. There is to be, come forth, a restoration, an evening Light to light It up and to make It right. But it will come out of the Vine, not a denomination that's grafted into It; but original production of the Word. It's to come forth for the evening time. "And there will be Light in the evening time." It takes the Light to ripen It.

52 See how perfectly the Scripture is! "A day that won't be called day or night." Fruit cannot ripen unless the sun ripens it. No matter how much you preach, whatever you do, it cannot be ripened, it cannot be manifested, it cannot be vindicated; only by Him Who said, "I am the Light of the world," the Word. So there has to come forth a--a--a Power, the Holy Spirit Himself, to ripen, or to vindicate, or to prove, or to make manifested that what He's predicted would happen in this day. The evening Light produces that. What a time!

53The Bride passed in the same position that She was when She was at the beginning. But I was watching Her getting out of step, and trying to pull Her back. Now, much could be said on these things, of the day that we're living.

54 Now, Hosea said, in 6:1, "Return to the Lord." Remember, he said that they would be scattered, and they were. He said, "They'll return to the Lord, after they had been scattered, and He would, will bind them up." Notice, "Return... Be scattered; the second... They were torn, and was blinded." That's just exactly what happened. "He will heal us, and bind us up."

Like Ezekiel 37, "The dry bones, the valley full of dry bones." Ezekiel saw it, their return again.

Then notice, Hosea said, "After two days! After two days He would return to them. He will receive us and give us, revive us." Now, revive doesn't mean "resurrection." Revive, there, is the same word used anywhere else, I just looked it up, means, "a revival." "He will revive us after two days." That would be, "In the third day He will revive us again, after He scattered us, and blinded us, and tore us."

55You know, the Jews were blinded for the very purpose that we could have sight. They were torn apart, and scattered, as a nation, and rejected their Messiah; that we might receive the Messiah, that there might be a people called out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake.

56 Now, the man comes forth, and the woman takes his name. These blinded Gentiles who can't see that Name, "the Lord Jesus Christ," in baptism! It's just too bad, but it has to be that way. The Jews, they had to--they had to not see that. There is only one can see it; that's the one who is predestinated to see it. Otherwise, you'll never see it.

The Jews could not see that being their Messiah. And, yet, they were scholars and theologians, man of great renown scholarship, read the same Bible that you read. Now, after it's been made known to us, we can see it plain, that was Messiah. But, they couldn't see it, neither can they see it today. They are prophesied to be blinded, too.

57The church, this day, is prophesied to be blinded, to reject the evening-time Message. Revelations 3 said so, "Thou art wretched, miserable," notice the bride's condition the other night, or the church, "naked, blind, and don't know it." Lord Jesus, be merciful to us! The Bible said she was "naked." I never saw it till just now. Laodicea church was naked. And when she appeared the other night, she was "naked," never noticed it, "and didn't know it."

58 Oh, how thankful! How, no wonder we are so grateful! I feel that we're not grateful enough for the things that God is making known to us.

59"Naked." And the visions said, showed me she was naked and didn't know it, and "blinded." As Israel was blinded so that the Gentiles could come in, now the Gentiles are blinded so the Bride can be taken out and Israel can receive the Feast of Trumpets. Just perfectly!

60"After two days He will revive us, or give us a revival, bringing us together, the Jews," speaking on these Trumpets now. And He shall... "And we shall live in His sight, or have Eternal Life. See, we'll be in His sight." The Bible said here in Hosea, said, "And we shall live in His sight; Life, have Life in His sight." That's His Own Life, Eternal Life, "have Life in His sight."

"She that lives in pleasure is dead while she's alive." So we... promised that Israel again would have Life in His sight. She's been dead, to the facts, and to the pentecostal feast.

61 Now notice, carefully. "Then after two days." Now, that didn't mean two twenty-four-hour days, 'cause there's been... That happened way back yonder, many hundreds of years ago. See? It meant, "two days with the Lord," after two thousand years. Now, you know how long it's been since that time? It's been twenty-seven hundred years since that, 'cause in Hosea here it's B.C. 780. 1964, see, it's been something over twenty-seven hundred years ago. He said, "After two days, in the third day, He will revive us again, and give us Life in His sight." There is your Trumpets coming in. That's the hour that we're living, the day that we're living.

62 Now, they have been scattered, blinded, gathered, and are far into the third day. You see it? They were scattered, from Palestine, throughout the world. They were blinded, to reject the Messiah. And now they have been gathered in their homeland, ready for the Trumpets, to recognize the Atonement.

As the Bible said, "When they receive It, and find Him with the nail scars," after the Church is taken, "and they say, 'Where did You get these scars?' He said, 'In the house of My friends.'" And He said, "They would separate, each family, and would cry and weep, for days, like a family that lost their only son." Remember, that Feast of Trumpets was to do that. "To weep, mourn for the killed Sacrifice," and they had rejected It.

63They're in their land. They were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. And it was all under that Sixth Seal, their Seven Trumpets... sounded to gather them together, the Sixth Trumpet. The Seventh is "that Great Trumpet," as we had last Sunday. The Sixth Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal. Just like our Sixth Seal opened, everything at the same time; only, theirs all sounded at once; where, we been two thousand years in the pentecostal feast.

64 Now, twenty-seven hundred years since that time. He said, "In the third day, we'll be gathered again. After two days, in the third day, we'll be gathered again, and receive Life in His sight." Do you see the promise? The hour perfectly wrote on the wall. We see where we are living.

65Now in the homeland, waiting for the Feast of the Trumpets, or the recognizing of the Atonement, and to wait for the Coming, to mourn for their rejection of the first time that they rejected It. They're in the homeland for that, waiting. What are they all... Everything is positionally placed.

66As a minister of the Gospel, I can't see one thing left but the going of the Bride. And the Bride has to be taken away before they can recognize what's happened. They were bound, scattered... I mean, they were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. What's left? The Bride to be taken out of the way. Waiting for the going of the Bride, so their prophets of Revelations 11 can call them to the feast of the Trumpet, to make them to recognize what they have done.

67 Remember, right between those Seals, came forth the Sixth Seal. And there was a hundred and forty-four thousand, chosen and called. And between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, Revelations 11 appears right there exactly in line with the Sixth Seal.

68What to do? What was it to do? And this was to bring forth two witnesses, Moses and Elias, prophets. Which, the Jews only believe their prophets. And they'll come forth with the sign of the prophets, and their work will be that of the prophet, for they did exactly.

Showing one thing, that, man, when you die or whatever, when you leave this world, your nature doesn't change. If you're a liar now, you'll be a liar there. If you're hotheaded here, you'll be hotheaded there. If you're a doubter here, you would be a doubter there. Men and women, it's time to shake yourselves and to examine yourselves, and see where we are standing, for death does not change it.

69 They had been gone for two thousand years. Moses for about twenty-five hundred years, and Elijah for ever since... Almost twenty-five hundred years has Elijah been gone, and Moses had been gone, and here they return with the same nature and do the same things.

Death doesn't do nothing to a man but change his dwelling place. Doesn't change your nature. Doesn't change your faith. Doesn't change nothing in you but your dwelling place.

70So, which a way your nature is this morning! If you're a doubter of God's Word, you would be a doubter over there. I don't care how holy you are, how you live, and how good you live, it wouldn't change you one bit to die, just your dwelling place. And if you can't accept the whole Word of God the way It's written, you wouldn't do it There; so, don't worry, you won't be There.

You've got to accept It in Its fullness, in the power of Its vindication and the revelation of what It is, then you become a part of It. It's only His Word that He'll raise up, as He did His Word on the first Easter morning. Only His Word came forth, and those who had died in His Word, believing His Word and vindicated His Word.

71 Notice, now, that's been twenty-seven hundred years ago. Notice, they were scattered, they were blinded, and now they've been gathered. Now, the next thing is that they are to receive Life.

72And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride is ready. The Rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually believe that? Is it a story that's been told? Is it a myth, to us? Is it a something that sounds real? Is it something that we, outside, can believe? Or, is it something that's in us, that's part of us, that it's more than life to us? What attitude do we set in, this morning, in this tabernacle? Remember, it'll be a small flock that receives It.

73Now in the homeland, waiting for the Trumpets. Now waiting for the going of the little Bride, so that Revelations 11 can be fulfilled. The church age has ceased; the Seals has been opened, that prove what they left out in the church age, and the Message has been given. Israel is on the scene, hallelujah, ready for the Feast of Trumpets.

74 Oh, you men in other lands where you'll hear this tape, can't you wake up, my brother? Or, does It blind you? Would you throw It out and call It false prophecy? When, It's vindicated right before you, by the world, by the time, by the peoples, and by the Holy Spirit Who wrote It. It's vindicated, both naturally, spiritually, materially. Everything that He said is fulfilled and proven.

75Israel in her land; drove them in there, herded them in there, like sheep. The wolves got after her and run them back to safety, to their own land. Remember, Israel is only promised to be blessed as long as she was in her land. God never blesses Israel outside of the land. Abraham went outside the land, was condemned. Everyone that leaves the land is condemned. God only can bless Israel when she stays in her homeland, and she is there now as a nation. And the Church is called; she's just only waiting for the Rapture, of the Bride taken out.

76The Seals are open. It's revealed to us. We see what they left off. You that want to debate and fuss about the serpent's seed, and water baptism, and so forth, you're blinded and don't know it. The god of this world has blinded you, to It, and you don't know it. Wonder I had such a time this morning, fighting through them pressures!

77So their prophets can be revealed in this last day; can't do it, to the Trumpets, of the Feast of the Trumpets.

78 He said, through Hosea, "I have hewed." Now watch, Israel He's talking to. "I have hewed," or other words, "I have chopped, chopped them out, through the prophets." That's how God does His people. He chopped them out from the rest of the nations. What by? His two-edged Sword, His Word. He chopped them, His nation, from the nations. He chopped His nation from the nations, by the prophets, His vindicated Word.

So has He chopped His Bride from the denominations, by His Word; promised by Malachi 4, in the last day. Chopped out His Bride, hewed Her from the rest of the churches! Hewed out His Bride!

79 He chopped out, His prophets; through, with His prophets, by the Word chopping Israel. "Separate yourself from the rest of them."

Look at when they wanted to act like the rest of them. They came to the prophet, Samuel. He said, "Have I ever took your money? Have I ever spoke to you in anything, in the Name of the Lord, but what happened?"

They said, "No, that's, that's right, but we still want a king."

80That's the way the churches has did. "Oh, we believe the Word. It's all right, but, you know, they say we should do this." I don't care what they say. The Word is right!

Waiting. He's chopped them out, through the prophets.

81What time is it, brother? What time is it, minister? Do you see the time of the day, and the sign you're living under? Can you understand it? Do you see it?

82 Everywhere now, there's no revival. Everybody is complaining, ministers crying. I was reading one of the--the outstanding papers that comes here to the church, a very fine paper. And I know the editor, and I know the people. And they are godly people, very fine, Brother and Sister Moore, of the Herald of His Coming. One of the finest papers on the field, Herald of His Coming. But they hardly will print anything unless it's about, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray! Sound a trumpet! Get..." How many reads it? You know. You see it all the time, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray!" It's all you hear. "Fast, pray! We're going to have a great breaking of the day! There is a great thing going to happen! All of you, pray, pray, pray! We're not too late yet!"

83Why do they do that? Why do they do that? They want a great awakening. They're crying, believing that there will be awakening. They're good people. Why is it? What have they done? They have not recognized the awakening of the Bride. See? By being a Christian, they feel the pull of the hour, but they haven't recognized what's been done. That's what's making them feel that way. They know something is supposed to happen, but, see, they're looking for it way off in the future, to come, when it's already happened right by you.

84That's the same thing they did in the old days. They was believing in a coming Messiah. They believed that there would be a forerunner come. But it was right on them, and they didn't know it. They didn't recognize it. They believed there would come a forerunner that would forerun the Messiah, and they cut his head off. And killed their Messiah, because it was prophesied that they would be blinded. Hosea said so.

85 And the same Spirit, that spoke through Hosea, spoke through John and said the church in this last days would be "naked, and blind, and would put Him outside of the church." They failed to see those prophecies fulfill. But, being in there, they realize that something has got to happen. They just don't get it. They don't realize it. Much like the Jews of old times; blinded Laodicea; riches, theology, hostile with the Church, hostile towards the Message. Look how hostile those Jews was with John. Look how hostile they was with Jesus, when He was the very One that they claimed that they were looking for.

[The amplification system gives a buzz sound--Ed.] I believe we blowed a fuse. I suppose that cuts the tape recorders off, too. It doesn't. All right.

86 They were hostile towards the Message.

What happens, is so much momentum; each one of you all are a heating unit. There is no way to keep the church perfectly normal in those, under those times. Because, you see, each one of you are ninety-eight BTU's, normally. And you just don't just set there like that; you're constantly putting out heat. There is enough air in here now to freeze the place up. But, with the heating unit going forth, you--you can't do it.

87Notice, hostile! But, now, like the Jews of old, blinded! They are at Laodicea. They're "naked, miserable, wretched, and don't know it." Day of riches, great theological teachings, great education, and now they have become hostile towards the Message. They want nothing to do with It, just like it was back at the days when Jesus of Nazareth was on earth.

88 The reason people, in Noah's day, did not go into the ark, because they never recognized the message nor the messenger. That's the only reason they perished, is because they didn't recognize the hour that they were living. They didn't recognize that God would deal with sin as He promised He would. "He would destroy man, from the face of the earth." He had prophesied it. He meant it. And He means it today the same as He did then.

89But the people, instead of being favorable towards Noah, he was considered a wild man. They didn't believe him to be a prophet. You know, Jesus, His Own Self, told us how they scoffed in the days of Noah, made fun of him, called him a fanatic and whatmore. But they didn't recognize their hour. They didn't recognize the day. They didn't recognize the sign. They didn't recognize the message. They didn't recognize the messenger, but put him from their midst and laughed at him. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah!"

90 With Israel in her land, and everything setting now, and the Message is just perfectly moving in, what day are we living, brother? Where are we at?

91They didn't know the day. They didn't know. That's the reason they missed it, is because they didn't recognize it. They were like the day, a lot somewhat like the people today, blinded by scientific proofs, by educational systems, by theological seminaries. And things that blinded them in that day, it's done the same thing today. It's blinded them, again.

92 And, also, the simplicity, simplicity of the message and the messenger! Noah wasn't scientific. He wasn't an educated man. He was a poor farmer, humble, with a simple message. It was too simple for their high learning.

So is it today! God always makes it simple, to get the people who will believe and trust Him. It's a different, just a different Message, but the same God. Now I want you to believe It and understand that God has spoke It.

93Jesus said they scoffed at His prophet, Noah. And as they scoffed in that day, so will they do it again at His Coming. They would do the same thing.

That's the reason that Pharaoh drowned in the sea. He never recognized his day. He never recognized what was going on. He was too took up in the achievements of his scientific age, to build cities with slave labor. He was too--he was too busy, to recognize the opportunity that he had, and he turned God's prophet-messenger out into the wilderness. He didn't recognize it. That's the reason that things went the way they did. He never recognized it. If he would have only recognized the promised Word of God, to that people!

94 And if the churches today would only recognize, if the churches would only recognize the Word of God that's made this promise for this hour, to the people, they wouldn't perish.

If America could only recognize the constitution that she drawed up, she wouldn't be willing to take Bibles out of the schools, take the Name of God off of coins, and pledge allegiance under God. But she doesn't recognize it. Why? She is blind, naked. She can't recognize the blood of those precious boys that's died on the fields for this privilege. They are forgotten; they are dust.

95 But there is One Who does remember the shed of the blood of the prophets, the cost that it taken to bring this Gospel to us today. How the thousands has been eaten by lions, and throwed into the dens, have been sawed asunder, burnt, crucified! God recognizes it.

The church has forgot their prophets. They "don't need them anymore," they claim. But God knows He's got to have them; He hews His people by His Word. But It's too old-fashion to them in this day. They don't recognize It. That's the reason they're in the condition they are. That's the reason they are "naked, miserable, blind, wretched, and don't know it," because they don't recognize the hour that we're living. They don't notice it.

96 Moses, he recognized his day and his calling, when he saw the promise of God's Word for that day vindicated. He knew then, and realized what he was and what he was to do, by the promised Word. So he didn't fear what anybody said. He wasn't ashamed of his message, though every priest and every pharaoh, everything, every authority, disagreed with him. But he recognized when he saw that Light, that Pillar of Fire hanging in that bush, and spoke to him the Word that was promised for that day, and said, "I've called you to go do it." He feared not the--the great threats of the king. He went down to bring those people to an exodus, like the Word of God had promised.

97 Seeing the promise vindicated, he made the people ready for their exodus. When? When he saw the promise of God vindicated. Remember, he run with his theology; he run with his training. But when he saw the Word of God made manifest, he saw It vindicated, "I AM THAT I AM," then he didn't care what anybody said. He didn't fear what Pharaoh would do with him. He didn't fear what the rest of them would do. He only feared God, that he might misunderstand God, or some way that he might misunderstand God. He didn't fear the people and what they would say or what they would do. He only feared God, after he recognized that it was the Word of God.

98 He couldn't understand how a man like him would be sent down there. But when he recognized, by the vindicated Word, what it was, then he didn't fear the king's commandments. If you'd only recognize, if we today could only recognize! Moses recognized it when he seen the Word vindicated, seen the vindication made prove, He was ready for the exodus for the people.

Job never recognized that it was God. As long as the devil can--can make you believe sometime that the little trials you go through is--is God may... punishing you! It was God trying to show him something. Job never recognized it till he saw a vision. Like Moses; when Moses saw the vision, the Pillar of Fire in the bush, it was vindicated. And when...

Job, in his question, "If a man dies, can he live again? I see a tree die, and it lives again. I see a flower dies, and it lives again." That was his question. "But man layeth down, he giveth up the ghost, he wasteth away. His sons come to mourn, and he perceive it not. Oh, that Thou would hide me in the grave until Thy wrath be passed!" He couldn't understand why a flower would die and live again, how a leaf would go off of a tree, down, and lay on the ground, and come back again in the spring. He said, "Man layeth down, and where does he go? I believe God; but what happens to a man?"

99But then one day the lightning begin to flash, the thunders begin to roar, the Spirit come upon the prophet. And he saw the coming of a Man Who could put His hand upon a sinful man, and a holy God, and bridge the way. Then he screamed, "I know my Redeemer liveth! Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God!" He recognized what the resurrection was.

100 Balaam never recognized the Angel until the mule spoke in tongues. Balaam could not recognize that an Angel was standing in his way. A blinded preacher could not recognize that it was God standing in the way, trying to keep him from selling his gift for money. And when the mule spoke in a human voice, then Balaam recognized that it was the Angel standing in his way, trying to keep him from doing what he was doing.

101Oh, you blinded denominations! If God can use a mule, that's dumb, to speak in a language that he doesn't know, to reveal to a minister that he's out of the way, can't He use a man to do the same thing? Blinded people!

102 If Ahab had only recognized his day, he would have never condemned the prophet, Micaiah, with the Word of God of promise to him.

103When Ahab stood there that day, him and--and Jehoshaphat. And when they had four hundred prophets out there prophesying, saying, "Go up! Everything is all right. Ahab, you're living in sin. You've made us great denomination! We're a great people. We're a great ministry. Here we are, we're four hundred trained priests, or prophets. We are four hundred, trained in the Word and theology. We know all about It."

104So, now, it proved they didn't know all about It. The man that they called a crazy man, in the generation before them, Elijah, the true prophet of God, had prophesied, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'The dogs will lick your blood, Ahab!'" See?

105But those priests, man-made prophets, thought they had It all fixed up just right. They said, "Father Abraham... or, Father Ahab, go up! The Lord is with you. You've got the Scripture, because God gave this land to Israel. It belongs to Israel. Go up! The Lord is with you." Oh, my!

106 But, you know, Jehoshaphat, one that hadn't mingled in sin like Ahab had, he saw things a little different. He said, "Isn't there another one?"

107He said, "We got one here, but I hate him." See? What was God doing? Chopping His people out, with a prophet, again. "I hate him. He doesn't do nothing but just condemn me all the time. And you know I'm a great man. I wouldn't have this seminary down here if I wasn't a great believer. I've got well-trained men. I set them down there with books and Bibles, and everything else, to teach this. And I know they are great man."

But if Ahab had only recognized who that guy was, this poor little ragged-looking fellow, the son of Imlah, standing there, tell him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," he'd have never made that fatal mistake that he made. But he condemned Micaiah. He never did...

Oh, people, recognize the age that you're living in! Look what's happened. Look what's promised. Recognize the day that you're living.

108 If the church denomination today could only recognize why they are being condemned, and their members are fleeing from them, like Israel out of Egypt! If the denominations would only quit condemning those tapes, and would listen to them! And you, preacher, listening to this tape, you listen! If you'd only recognize the hour that you're living, if you'd only recognize the sign of the time, you would see why the people are running from them denominations. The Spirit of the Lord, calling! "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him. And all that the Father has, in past times, given Me, will come."

109 Like the little woman at the well, and the priest, how different they was! The handwriting is on the wall of today, again. They see it, but they don't recognize it.

110If the Jews only had recognized the promised sign of their Messiah, according to their last prophet! Malachi 3 said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, and shall prepare the way." And they claimed they were looking for Him.

111What a--what exactly a parallel till to--to today! They claim they're looking for something to happen. The churches are all praying and fasting, and saying, "Now let us pray. Let us get together. We've got to have a great thing to happen. We know there is something great to happen. The Church has got to get ready." That's what they're praying about.

112 That's what they was praying about there. And there come John the Baptist. Because, he rejected their seminaries, because he did contrary to what their fathers has taught. He came out of the wilderness without education. He came out without his collar turned around, as it would be said today. He come out without a big bunch of theology. But he come, knowing by the promise of God that he was to announce the Messiah.

He said, "He's standing in your midst now." And they thought he was crazy, because he didn't come from their schools. The handwriting was on the wall, and they didn't know it. They claimed they were looking for such a Person to come; and He was right among them. And they didn't recognize Him, though they said they was looking for Him.

113 Just the similar, as the Jews, that they are in, as the Gentiles with theirs, 'cause it's prophesied the same thing, same thing. Claimed they were looking for Him. But the denominations now in the Gentile, Laodicea age is just as blind as they were, because (why?) it's prophesied they would be. It must come to pass.

114If Israel only could have recognized their sign, they would have known the time of the Messiah's appearing was at hand. If they had recognized!

You know, the--the disciples said that to Jesus. "Why does the scribes say, that, 'Elias must first come'?"

115And Jesus said, "Elias has already come, and they didn't know him. He's already been here, and they've already killed him. They done just exactly what the Scripture said they would do."

116 If they'd have only recognized, that that "fanatic" that condemned every double things that they done, that condemned everything that they were doing... He said, "You hypocrites! Don't begin to... Snakes in the grass, you generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath that's to come? Don't begin to think within yourself, 'We have Abraham to our father. We have this, that, or other.' For I tell you, God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham."

117Don't begin to think that you've got the World Council at your hand, and you got the best dressed members of that. God is able of alley rats out here to rise up children to fulfill His Word; prostitutes, streetwalkers, drunkards, gamblers. He is able to do it. He is still God.

118 Blinded denominations, like blinded Israel, both prophesied to be that way. I'm showing you parallels, till I get to this spot that I want to now. Blinded, as the--the denominations of the Gentiles of the Laodicea Age, are blinded today like they were then.

119The Laodicea Age is supposed to receive a Message! Malachi 4 said they would.

But what are they looking for? "Our denomination will produce It. If It doesn't come through us, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the--the Assemblies, the Oneness, there's a... if we don't produce It, It isn't true."

Same thing they did in that day! And it come and went, and they didn't know it. They didn't recognize it, though it fulfilled every Word. Jesus said, "They have did as it was listed that they would do. So will they do the Son of man," He would be rejected.

120 Now notice, same now in the Gentile days, according to the promised Scriptures of Malachi 4.

Which, Jesus said, "All Scripture is inspired, and not one bit of It can keep from being fulfilled." There is no way to keep the Scripture from being fulfilled. All must be fulfilled. And Jesus said it would happen. And here we see it's happened. We see it.

121"Restore" what, in this last days? You denominational brethren, listen! Restore the pentecostal, original feast. Like It was at the beginning, so will It be restored before Israel's Trumpet's feast shall sound. Has to be restored! There has to be something to do it. Malachi 4 said it would restore back the Faith of the fathers, to the children, what would take place.

122If Israel had have recognized their Messiah, promised sign, they wouldn't have been where they are today. If they'd... But why didn't they do it? It's pitiful. Why didn't they do it? Because God said they wouldn't do it. How many believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] God said they wouldn't do it.

And it's the same God has said, in Laodicea Church Age, this would happen, and here it is before them. How can they do anything but do it?

123 If they only recognized the promised sign of the Messiah, the sign of the Son of man! He come in the name of the Son of man. Now, He was in the name, through the Pentecostal Age, in the Holy Spirit, Son of God. Now, the next thing is the Millennium, the Son of David. Three "Sons," same God. Same, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," same God. Son of David, Son of God... The Son of David, Son of man, Son of God, is the same God all the time, just in three different office works.

124So is "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" not three Gods, but the same God in three dispensations, three office works, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

But, like today, traditional blinded like they was then, traditionally blinded, they don't see it. Why can't they see it? They never will see it. Remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Say, "Why are you saying it then?"

Just the same as John did, the same as the rest of them did. There is one sticking here and there, that's got to be brought out. Oh, sheep of God, hear the Voice of God! "My sheep hear My Voice."

125 The woman at the well recognized her day, by the sign of the Messiah. She was in a bad shape. She didn't want to fool with them old churches, the way they were doing. They were living every way, and, things they were doing, she didn't believe in that stuff. But she knowed there would come One one day. The poor little fellow up there, on the way to the well; she found that Thing that she was looking for, when He begin to reveal to her the secret of her heart, told her the sin that she was living in.

She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a Prophet." Now, they hadn't had one for four hundred years. Said, "I perceive that You're a Prophet. And I know that when the Messiah cometh He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He."

126She recognized. There was no more question, "How can You prove it?" It was already proved. "When Messiah cometh, this is what He'll do."

Well, if she can recognize it by the Scriptures, can't we recognize the evening Lights and the sign of today?

"We know when Messiah cometh He'll show us all these things. He'll tell us this."

He said, "I am He that speaks to you."

127No more question. Away she went, and she told the people, "Come, see! Here He is." No more question to her. It was settled, because she recognized the day that she was living in. She recognized it.

128 So did Nathanael, a great Hebrew, when he saw that sign of the Messiah that was promised there; no matter how many priests, how many anything else.

What did it do? It disturbed the priests, to see them people leaving the churches and going. He said, "If any of you attend His meeting, you'll be excommunicated. We'll put you right out of the denomination."

129So is it today. "We'll put you out of our organization if you attend his meeting."

130Remember the blind man? The father and mother couldn't even answer; they was afraid. Because, they said, "Anybody that went to see Jesus, or--or attended His meetings, they would be excommunicated." But, that blind man could speak for himself, he that was once blind could then see.

131I, who was once blind, can now see. I, who didn't know these things, It's been made known to me by the Holy Spirit. Turn loose, denominations, because they're coming, anyhow! "If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me."

132 Nathanael recognized it. He knew it.

133Just as Moses' Scriptural proofs, vindicated Word. Moses knew that that was the promise of the day, because it was Scriptural, no matter how strange. He said, "Who can I tell them... I'll tell them I saw a Light back here in the wilderness. How can I tell them now that there was a Light back here, and this Light told me go down there?"

He said, "Surely, Moses, I'll be with you." And not only...

134He didn't show Hisself down in Egypt; just only by miracles and signs. But when He got them all gathered together, He appeared to them again, and vindicated Moses' ministry before the Elected and called-out. When that prophet had chopped them loose from that nation and brought them into a place, then the Pillar of Fire appeared again, and on top of Mount Sinai.

135 Parallel it with today. Amen! Praise be to God! It's more than life to me. And my age begins to creep on, and I see the hour of vulgarity and immorality sweeping the lands and things, then I look back and see what's happened. My heart leaps for joy, knowing that after a while this earthly tabernacle of habitation will be dissolved, but I got one waiting yonder. I'm trying to pull a people, chop them from these things and things, to pull them out; to show them, by the Scriptures, that God is standing there; with a vindication of the Pillar of Fire, which hundreds and thousands have seen, and even had It took, before, with a camera, time after time, to prove it.

136 Impersonators rise up. Sure, it's got to be done. Impersonators rose up in the day of Moses and done the same thing. God said, "Separate yourself, Moses. Don't hang around them. I'll swallow them up." And the world got them. And so is it today; go right back in the world, money schemes and everything else. See?

137Moses' Scriptural sign! He was--he was that great prophet of God that went down there to deliver them, and they recognized it. They recognized the sign. He was the exact Scriptural promise, vindicated.

138Jesus was that promise of the Scripture, vindicated to the woman. Or, He was the Interpretation. Jesus was the Interpretation of the Scripture. His Own Life interpreted the Scripture.

139Don't you see the Message of the hour? Can you recognize where we are? The Message itself, from the Scripture, interprets to you the hour we're living in. It's the interpretation.

140 Jesus said to Israel, "If you had only have known your day." One time, setting on Mount Olives, He looked over, said, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem!" He wept. He looked down. He seen.

Not in any comparison, maybe, way. The other night, other morning, about ten o'clock, when I saw that prostitute church. Down in your heart, you feel the Holy Spirit dropping tears.

"Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you. But what did you do? You killed the prophets that I sent to you. You murdered them."

And the Messages has been sent to the church, today, has been murdered by their denominational dogmas. The Scripture has been murdered by their dogmas. Jesus said, "If you'd have only knowed your day! But, it's too far now, it's too late now." So is it with the churches!

141I do believe, with all my heart, she is past redemption. No matter what you want to think about it, it's your own opinion. This is mine. See? You don't have to have my opinion. But I believe she is past redemption, and has been, for the past five or six years. I remember. You remember Chicago. Watch what's happened since then, and watch it keep on happening. See? Remember, my name is before it. It's stuck out there. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See if she hasn't dropped, continue.

142 Look at 1933, how it say the women would act in this last days. How it said the people... How Mussolini, how he'd come to his end. How Hitler would come to a mysterious end. How that the three ism would come in communism. How that the machines would come, looking like an egg. And how that women would wear garments and look like man, even like their underneath clothes; and would finally come to putting fig leaves, like, on them. How the immoral act, how they would act in this day. Look what they've done. And it's right before you, then.

143If Christian women could only... the so-called Christian women could only recognize, could recognize that the immoral spirit upon them is of the devil, to make them cut their hair. The devil is the only thing would do that. That's contrary to God's Word for you, just like it was in the garden of Eden. What did they? If they could only recognize! They try to say, "Oh, that little old holy-roller preacher, saying!" It's not me. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm only quoting the Word. If they could only recognize that it's the devil.

144 They call themselves Christians. Jesus said, "How can you call Me, 'Lord,' and do not the things that I say to do?" They can't be Christians. I'm not their judge, but I'm just saying what the Word said. "How can you call Me, 'Lord,' and then do not the things I said to do?" And the whole Word here is the revelation of Jesus Christ. "How do you call Me, 'Lord'?"

145If they could only recognize it's the devil, an immoral spirit. Some nice little women out there...

146I think this is the most vulgar place I ever seen in my life, Jeffersonville, Indiana, for naked women. I've been in Hollywood. I've been everywhere. I been the world over, and I've seen all kinds of filth. I've seen it in Paris. I've seen it in England, which is the chief of all of them.

147 I think that England would be sunk someday beneath the ocean. It deserves it; filth, dirt, puny! That's the immoral cesspool of the world, the most dis-scriptural, denying people I ever seen in my life. She is become that because she's rejected the Truth.

148Billy Graham said he had to take his wife out of the parks; sexual things going on between men and women, boys and girls, right out in the park, openly. She become a cesspool; so has France, so has all the rest of the world. And so has the United States, becoming the leader of all of them!

149Look at today. Make them cut their hair, wear shorts, slacks, smoke, and calling themselves believers. Don't you realize, sister, or woman... Mean, pardon, not my sister; do a thing like that. Don't you realize it's the devil? But what...

Like the Jews of old, you will not believe the vindicated Word when It's proved to you. You hang right onto your denominational traditions that says it's all right. You speak in tongues, you jump up-and-down, you sing in the spirit, and cut your hair. Could you imagine a Christian doing that?

I've seen devils, I've seen witch doctors, I've seen them speak in tongues and interpret, and jump up-and-down and dance in the spirit; drink blood out of a human skull, and curse the Name of Jesus Christ.

150 You say, "I belong to the church. Hallelujah! Glory to God! I..." You belong to what?

The Church is the Word! And the Word says, "It's a shame for you to do it."

You blinded bunch of Pharisees, leading them poor children to hell like that; because you're afraid of the meal ticket, and you'd be turned out of your denomination if you start something about It. Shame on you, you hypocrite! Be ashamed of it. Seeing the hour approaching like this, and you turn by your traditions away from the Word of God. How dare you, blinded one!

151Don't the Bible say you were blinded? Can't you understand that you're blind? The Bible said you was. "And you are naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it." When you think you've got the biggest church in the city, and you do this, that, or the other; and the Bible said you're poor as you can be, and you're blind. And He is still standing at the door, trying to sell you some eyesalve; not sell it to you, but give it to you, and you won't receive it. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Fulfills the Scripture.

152 What day are you living, people? Do you recognize the hour, recognize the sign?

153They could only realize, them women, that that's the devil. It's an indecent devil, in the name of religion. He's always been that way. He come to every prophet, he come to every sage, he even come to Jesus Christ, as a religious person. And the Bible said he'd "be so close in the last days," even Pentecostals, "and would deceive the very elected," out of that Pentecostal church, "if it was possible." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

154"Few," He said, "'cause strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that'll find it. For as it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Think of it! What day are we living? Do you recognize the hour, recognize the day?

I'm taking a lot of your time, but I got a few more minutes. See?

155 Making them to cut their hair. Well, they say, "Our church don't pay no attention to that." You know why? They're blind.

"It's no harm to cut your hair." The Bible says it is! It's even an undecent thing for you to even cut your hair and even pray.

You say, "Well, a woman should be covered." And the Bible said that her "hair" is her covering. Not a hat; her hair!

156What if Moses said, "I'll take off my hat instead of my shoes"? It wouldn't have worked. God said "shoes," and God meant shoes.

He said "hair," not hat! Glory to God! He liked that, I'm sure. Praise be to God! He means just what He says. The Scripture is of no private interpretation. Doesn't mean just for your denomination; It means just what It says, and He's the Interpreter.

157 Say, "I know a woman that does that." I don't care what you know. I know what God said about it. You suit yourself.

158If they could only recognize what it is, lady. Uh! If you could only recognize! Or, "woman," not lady.

159I seen a sign, coming down from the Blue Boar, down on, I believe it's Fifth Street there, some beer parlor, said, "Tables for ladies." I just stopped there; I said, "You never did have one." A lady won't go in such a place. A woman might, but not a lady.

160Did you notice, the fall of the world begin with the immorality of a woman? Do you know it's to end the same way, immorality of the woman? And the church, represents, is by woman? The church is a woman, spiritually speaking.

So is the Bride a woman, spiritually speaking.

161The immorality of the church, how it's done! Look at the visions, look at the things, see the visions even that God gives, and that vision is true. I have my Bible over my heart, to you people on tape, and the audience can see it. I saw that! God Almighty knows that's the Truth. Never known it till just now. There she is, "naked, and don't know it." She was just having her a great time. There you are.

But when that little Bride come in view, it was different. "The Alpha and Omega!" Uh-huh.

162 The Devil does it. But like the Jews of old, when they see the Word...

And Jesus said to His, He said this to His disciples, "Search the Scriptures. You, you know, you're puzzled about Me and My ministry. Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They testify of Me, They tell you what My Message is. If you can't believe Me, believe the very Words that God is interpreting to you."

163"We'll not have this Man rule over us. We got our own priests, and so forth." Go ahead then, that's all can be said. It's too late, anyhow. Denominational traditions that says it's okay, they listen to that. They would rather hear... You believe the--the word of--of man more than you believe the Word of God. They don't recognize. The churches today don't recognize Second Timothy 3. If you...

164 I see some of you putting the Scriptures down. Now, these are Scriptures I'm quoting from right here. Where, if anybody happened to call my attention on it, or my hand on it, I can show them the Scripture for it. See?

165They don't recognize Second Timothy 3, where It said, "In the last days, men would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good (the Bride), see; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the kind that'll go from house to house, and lead silly women, silly women led away with divers lusts, never learning or never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth." Never! They wouldn't do it, and they won't do it. God said so.

And, blind Pharisee, can't you see it? I'm not angry; I'm just driving the nail in and clenching it. Neither does the churches recognize This. The women can't understand it. They're supposed... "Silly women, led away with divers lusts," Hollywood, all this kind of stuff, bobbed hair, wearing shorts, wearing makeups, all this kind of stuff, which is unbecoming. Do you know the woman plays a great part in the last days?

166 Do you know the Bible said, that, "Those who escape out of this great damnation will be a beautiful branch before the Lord"? Someday I'll get to it, the Lord willing, for it, for you women. Let you see what God thinks of the woman that really escape this damnation of this day. Said, "She would be beautiful."

167I heard a woman, the other day, laughing at... A girl, a bunch of half naked females, with morals lower than a--than a mother dog, laughing at an old woman with a long dress. Listen here, you little twisted-up female, she's got something you know nothing about. She's got moral. You don't even know what the name is. You lost it in the cradle, almost. You don't even know right from wrong; she does. She's got something hid in her heart that you don't know nothing about. You lost it; can never find it. Don't you call her old-fashion, and so forth, like that. She knows something that you don't know nothing about. She's got hid in her heart, treasure of decency. You don't know one word of it. Your mammy brought you up like that. Your pastor permitted it; shows where he stands. I'm preaching about him right here now. See? See where you're at, the churches?

168 Jesus said, "All this Scripture must be fulfilled." And It is fulfilled.

169Notice, "As Jannes and Jambres also withstood Moses," he'll come right along, some of them. Not, now, he's not talking about Methodist, Baptist, here; they're out of the picture. See? "But as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses and Aaron, so will they; man of reprobated mind concerning the Truth," been perverted into dogmas and teachings of the church, instead of the Bible.

And then Jannes and Jambres could do anything that Moses could do. See, "as Jambres," see the parallel there?

"As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these man of reprobate mind concerning the Truth, resist It," won't have It in their neighborhood, won't even cooperate with It, won't have nothing to do with It. But said, "Their folly will be made known." When that Bride takes Her stand and moves up into the skies, it'll be made known, don't worry; like Moses, when he took the children of Israel, and took the flight out of Egypt, and Egypt sunk. All right.

170 Jesus said, "All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore that all Scripture must be fulfilled." When He...

They asked Him, said, "You make Yourself God."

171He said, "You, in your own law, call those prophets who the Word of the Lord came to, you called them 'gods,' and they are." Said, "Then how can you condemn Me when I say I'm the Son of God? All these Scriptures is given by inspiration; all of It must be made manifest, all of It must be fulfilled."

See there, they're just so blind, they was so took up with the word of man instead of being taken up with the Word of God. That's what makes women do that. That's what makes preachers do that. They're taken up with the bishop instead of Jesus. They are taken up in it, with their--with their money bag, a big congregation.

172 Just see whether I'm popular. Take the people, out of Jeffersonville, with what little group is here from Jeffersonville; take the outsiders, of Jeffersonville, out of this tabernacle this morning, I wouldn't have or have a half a dozen to preach to. What is it? She is made up of all over the country; from New York, from Massachusetts, to Boston, Maine, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and around the country. They're gathering together. Amen! That's what He said. "It shall be Light about the evening time."

173They can't recognize the evening Light. That's what's the matter. She just doesn't recognize It. She is too blind. The Bible said she was.

174 Russia only received her place in the world, in science, no more than about forty years ago. You know, when the First World War come on, they never... They ignored Russia. Brother Roy... It was just a bunch of ignoramuses, big old Siberians, the beard all over their face, and didn't know right and left hand. That's right, Russia, but she recognized her place. She had to do it to fulfill the Scripture. You know my prophecies of what I said would happen, how all of them would gather in communism. Now she leads the world in science. We're a way back behind her. All the rest of the world is behind her. She leads her place. She just recognized she had some brains, too.

175Notice, man has the same six senses he had six thousand years ago. Six thousand years ago, with the senses he had, he contacted his earthly home and served God. And now, in the past seventy-five years, that man has come from a horse and buggy, to an astronaut. Why? He turned away from his faith in God, and turned it over to his senses and his ability as a human being. Did you notice it? He quit trusting God. He trusts himself.

176 Like this infidel woman. What's her name, Washington there, that changed all this? [Someone says, "Murray." --Ed.] What's her name? ["Murray."] Murray, she said, "As long as we got an army and navy, we don't need old Jehovah." Uh-huh. I don't care what we've got.

It's Jehovah or nothing, to me. Let army and navy sink, and it will, but Jehovah will remain forever. As long as I'm a part of Him, and His son, I shall remain with Him forever; not by my calling or my choice, but by His choice. Amen, amen! Had nothing to do with it. He is the One! Give me Him or give me death. Let the nations rise and fall; Jehovah will remain. He's done it, all through the ages; when Rome fell, when Egypt fell, and all the rest of them fell. And He still remains Jehovah. Oh, hallelujah! I feel religious.

177Reason Russia come to herself, she had to. Just like Israel had to get in the homeland. God had to drive Israel back to the homeland, for the Trumpets. And so did God have to drive Russia up there, in communism, to do exactly what's been prophesied she would do.

178 Man and his six senses had just come along, the horse and buggy, trusting God. In the last seventy-five years, he quit trusting God. When they signed the Constitution of this United States, they put God in everything they did. Now they don't even have a meeting, and they never even name His Name. That's right. They depend on their loftiness of their science, they, their cunningness of their science, or the lewd bunch. That's exactly right. The whole world is swallowed up in ignorance of the Bible. The bi-... whole world has turned from God.

But, just think, right out of the midst of all that, and the church denominations and all their seminary lewdness and everything, God has took His prophets' Word and chopped out a Bride that will believe. Said He would do it. He's hewed from that thing what He promised He would do.

179They depend on their human intelligence, their human science, and so forth; left God out, Whom he once trusted. The United States has left God out. They even turned Him out of school, for our little children can't even hear about Him. They turned Him out of school. Now they're trying to turn Him off the dollars, "In God we trust." They're going to turn it out of the pledge allegiance to the flag, "One nation under God." They're going to turn that out.

180 See, they've went to their own feelings and their own senses. Because, in the last seventy-five years, he hasn't changed a bit in his senses, he's still the same man God created him in the beginning.

But, in this last days, can't you recognize where we are? And the church has turned, from God, to that, to the seminary and experience, and so forth, instead of the Word. Don't even recognize Him in their meetings, in their schools, or nothing, anymore.

181Israel, in the past twenty-five years, has recognized something has brought them to the homeland, as was promised. They don't know how it was ever done. They suffered like everything, martyrdom, under them Trumpets, but they're in their homeland. They don't know why.

182 Why did Russia wake up? Why did the nations wake up? Why has man been able to achieve? When scientists, three hundred years ago, a French scientist rolled a ball at a certain speed across the earth, and proved, by scientific research, "If a man ever made the terrific speed of thirty miles an hour, gravitation would take him off the earth; according to his weight, according to the weight of the ball." Now he's going seventeen thousand miles an hour, see, still trying to climb on. He just recognized that, lately. Why? Has to be that way.

183Why, the church used to stood on the rock of Jesus Christ. No matter what anybody said, they stayed right with that Word, the message of the hour; Luther, Wesley, and down through there. And now they've turned back to traditions. Why has it done it?

184Past twenty-five years, Israel has just recognized that they're in the homeland for something. It was prophesied they'd have to be gathered again; Hosea said so. We read it a while ago. God help us to understand it! All right.

185 At the same time, the Bride has recognized the evening Light, just begin to recognize. The hungry pentecostals have begin to recognize that them organizations hasn't got any things they was looking for, they're so twisted and tore up. See, it's the time of recognition, recognition. You've got to recognize.

The world has recognized. The nations has recognized. Science has recognized. The devil has recognized it's the time that he can wreck women, wreck the church, wreck the people. He's recognized it.

And God has recognized that there is a people on earth that He predestinated to Life. He recognized this is the time to send His Message. He's did it. The people has recognized It, the Bride time has realized the evening Light.

186If Sodom had have recognized her days, when she seen those messengers come down there, like Billy Graham and Oral Roberts!

187 Now, some lewd person in Phoenix just got up and said... played that part on the--a tape, and said I said here, I "must be baptized in Jesus' Name," said that. And then said, "Now you see here, over here he said..." When I was talking about Africa, how they baptized three times face forward, and back. Said I said, "Don't make any difference." See, he never played the rest of the tape; just that part, and cut it off.

Which, would be a penitentiary offense to do it. Them tapes are absolutely franchised. No one can mess with them. You better not. You--you--you got the law on you. But would we do it? No. He said, "Let them alone." God told me what's going to take place. Just watch, just keep your eye on that person. See?

188 The same time, the Bride has realized the evening Light.

If Sodom would have recognized their hour!

189Now, this same person put on tape, said, "Look here, to you Pentecostal people," said, "and you Baptists. This man, false prophet, William Branham," see, "has said that Oral Roberts and Billy Graham was in Sodom." See, then cut the tape off; that's all, see.

Wouldn't go ahead to say, that, "They were messengers to Sodom." Not in Sodom, "They were there as a messenger to Sodom." Anybody knows I said that. Play your tape.

"Whosoever shall take from or add to, the same shall be taken from him." It's the Word of the Lord. It stands that way.

190 "If Sodom had have recognized her messenger, she would have been standing today," Jesus said, if she'd have recognized the same as Abraham recognized.

Abraham knowed there was a promised son coming. But he knowed there had to be a change some way, because he was too old, and so was Sarah. But when he saw that One Who could discern the thoughts of Sarah, behind Him, he recognized the hour he was living. He said, "My Lord, let me fetch a little water here and wash Your feet." They ate a morsel of bread. "Let me pray Thee, hold on just a little bit longer," see, here, "my L-o-r-d," capital L-o-r-d, "Elohim." He recognized that God was speaking to him out of human flesh. He recognized his sign, and was blessed of the Lord.

Sodom didn't recognize their day, and was burned up. Jesus said, "As it was in that day, so shall it be when the Son of God is... or the Son of man is being made manifest."

191 Now, the church has not recognized her day. Like Israel, forced back to Palestine, she is going to be forced into the World Council of Churches. Why? She didn't recognize her hour. "People, come out of her, be not partakers of her sin!" Flee, your life, or you'll be caught with the mark of the beast and can't do nothing else about it.

"Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy," not will be holy, "holy now. Let him that's holy," not a bab-... bobbed- haired woman; she can't be. Now, that sounds very flat, but that's the Scripture. The Bible says, "She dishonors her head," and her head is her husband. His Head is Christ, so she dishonors Christ. How can she be "dishonorable" and not be "filthy"? "Let she that's got bobbed hair keep it. Let he, she that wears shorts keep on wearing them. Let he that denies the Word keep on denying It."

"But let him that's holy be holy still. Let him that's righteous be righteous still; the righteous Word of God, the Son of God made manifest. Be holy still, righteous still!" Recognize! Yes, sir! Days not...

The church has not recognized her day.

192 Like Israel, back in her promised land, she don't know how she got back there. She was just automatically put back there. Why? National force put her in her place.

Now I'm going to say something. National force put Israel in her homeland; national force will put the church in the World Council of Churches; but the power of God will put the people in the Bride. The world forces this way, and the world forces that way, but God forces upward. The Spirit of God, which is the Word of God, "My Word is Spirit and Life," will put the Bride in Her place. Cause, She'll recognize Her position in the Word, then She's in Christ, will put Her in Her place. No national force will do it. But the national force did drive Israel to the homeland; the national forces of the Council of Churches will drive every organization into it; but the Power of God will raise the Bride into Glory, out of it.

193Oh, people, recognize your day, as Jesus warned you; the sign of Sodom, and the church's conditions of this day.

194 Look what He said in this day would take place. Listen to it real close. The sign of Sodom would take place in the day; sign like Abraham, that day before Sodom, that was called out. All these things that was prophesied, will be taking place now. Watch the day you're living. We've went over it and over it.

195Now He has promised to send you Heavenly Light, to ripen the Word Seed that would be sown for this day. The Seed is in Here. The Seed is the Bible. Why? Jesus said so. "The Word is the Seed that a sower sowed."

And, now, before you can have any crop, no matter if you sow the seed, it's got to have light to ripen that seed, or it'll rot and won't do no good; it'll perish. But if it's got seed in the ground, the right ground, with the right kind of a sunlight on it, it's got to ripen.

And He promised that in the last days, in the evening time, the Son would come out to ripen that Seed. The Seed is being preached. The Son of God is ripening that Seed, by vindicating It, making It push out before you and proving that It's right. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Recognize your day.

I'm closing now. It's time now to close.

196 And the rich, blinded, educated Laodicean would put the Word out of their midst. Have they done it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He said they would.

As the prophets of old were sent to vindicate the promised Word of their day, so that the people who were predestinated, their day, saw It. Like the woman at the well, like Nathan, like blind Bartimaeus, like Peter, and the rest of them who recognized It. He was that Word. And the production, "If I do not the works that the Father promised I would do, then believe Me not. But if I do the works, though you don't believe Me, believe them works. They tell you Who I am." Get it? All right, don't miss the day, sent. Men and women of other days recognized It, and went in and were safe.

197Pentecostals, oh, my, why don't you recognize your day? Recognize the day of the evening time. It is here, and it's here, that, to vindicate the coming of Christ, to vindicate it. We're at the end. Recognize your day.

198 I know I've kept you a long time. It's twelve o'clock now. But, I like this Food, This is Life. It is. It is, to the believer. Recognize the day that you're living, and the sign of the time.

199See where everything is at: Israel; where the church; where the immoral; where the Bride is standing. What's left? The next thing, taking up of the Bride. Course, every church is looking for a great thing. The Pentecost say, "Glory to God! There will come a day that they're going to do this, and they're going to do that." See, they are professors. They do believe.

200Like, one time, Caiaphas said, "Isn't it right that one man should die, and not the whole nation perish?" He was high priest, the Bible said, the reason he said that. He prophesied, not knowing what he was saying. But did he realize the real truth of it, that he was sacrificing the very God that he claimed to be the high priest of?

So is it, today! They're looking, yonder somewhere, for a--a great time to come.

201 Why, I go in the Business Men's convention with them. They say, "Glory to God!" Them preachers get up and just stir the crowd, and saying, "There is coming a great revival. The hand of the Lord is going to be upon the earth!" And how the people are going forth, running like... And don't realize that's under the Trumpets for Israel. Why do they do it? Is because that they are Christian professors, and don't realize. Neither did Caiaphas realize what he's doing. And they don't realize that they're rejecting the very Message that's sent to them. Amen!

202Every part of the Scripture, we've went through day after day, and week after week, until it's undisputable the Truth. "If the blind can't receive It," Jesus said, "let them alone. If the blind leads the blind, they all fall in the ditch." I don't know when, I don't know where, but I know it's coming.

203 You know, I see why Satan didn't want me to do this. Yesterday, I felt so bad. I couldn't get no Word from the Lord. I did everything I knowed how to do, and I couldn't. And this morning, when I got up... I eat me some corn, yesterday, and seemed like laying right there in my stomach. I was so sick, I just--I just couldn't hardly get it. I thought, "What's the world's the matter? I'm going down there, and I don't know what I'm going to say. And, Lord, I can't even find a Scripture in my mind, to write down. I can't find a thing." I just didn't know what to do.

Then, after the Message begin to come to me, Satan kept saying, "You feel too bad. Your head's hurting. You're sick. You can't go down there. You can't stand there. It's going to be this, going to be that."

204 I remember, one time, a story of a little cockney in England. He was just an ordinary man. And they said that the--the--the king, one of the kings in the early days was going into his--his palace. And, this, he had no one... He had a message he had to get forth, an urgent message, because of the enemy. And so he--he--he said to this little fellow standing there, he said, "Here, take this message, take this message! Hurry to a certain--certain place, and command this to be done." And he said, "Take my scepter in your hand. That'll vindicate you, that I'm... you're sent from me."

205And he stuck it under his robe, and away he went. The guards everywhere stopping him, everybody else. Yelling, "Get away! I have the message of the king." Amen. "I'm the king's messenger," a vindicated word.

206I thought, "Satan, get out of my way! I have the King's Message. I must go."

207 One time when they killed the Prince of Peace, and put Him in the grave, and sealed up the tomb, and death held Him for three days and nights. But on Easter morning He had the scepter in His hand, and hollered, "Get away, death! Get away, grave! Open up! I am the King's Message. I must come forth to prove this resurrection. I am the resurrection and Life." Hallelujah! I feel real good now.

It's the King's Message. Let's recognize It, friends, for we are called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet. "For the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, then time shall be no more."

208He's gathered Israel. The three days, in the third day He said He would do it. Twenty-seven hundred years has passed. In that third day He said He would gather them together, and He's done it. He said He'd make known the way of Life. There you are, just waiting now for the Bride to get out of the way so they can come, the two prophets, Hebrew prophets, that'll recognize.

209 You remember me standing in Cairo, to go up there, when Lewi Pethrus said, "Brother Branham, if they'd ever see that... They believe their prophets."

210I said, "It's a good thing for me." See how man is? But see the grace of God? I said, "I'll read this New Testament." They read It. Lewi sent them, over a million, over there, Brother Lewi Pethrus from Sweden. They would read It, coming up-and-down there, them Jews; not like this modern bunch of Jews, but in their homeland. And come down, he said, "If this be the Messiah, let us see him do the sign of the prophet, we'll believe it."

211Lewi Pethrus said, "Brother Branham, there is the opportunity. There is the opportunity. Someone told me that, that it would be an opportunity. I got ride," said, "right down to it."

Some man come over and set there, Brother Arganbright, said, "Brother Branham, that would just alarm Israel! Bring them out before It, and show the sign of the prophet. They'll believe it."

212I said, "Lord, here I am, ready." Jumped on the plane; took the money and got me a ticket; stopped in Cairo. Said, "Yeah, I'm ready."

213The Holy Spirit said, "This is not your place. This is not your time." See, you get ahead of yourself. I thought, "Oh, my! I come way over here; I'm--I'm going to go."

214Something said, "Stop right here! Don't you go that way. Turn on in into India. Don't go that. Go over to India, but don't you go here."

215 Thought, "Why?" As I walked out behind the hangar, I said, "Lord Jesus, what does this mean?"

Then He made known to me. "No Gentile. These prophets are the one." It has to be according to the Scripture. "Moses and Elijah has to come." And, besides, the Bride hasn't been taken out of the way yet. "And them prophets will return and they'll do the sign of the prophet." That's the Scripture. There it all is fulfilled then, perfectly, Israel as a nation will be born in one day. Amen! The evening Lights are shining!

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way, is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sin,

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

The evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

216 We're at the end time, friend. And then we think of this song of the inspired writer, when he said:

Nations are breaking, (this is about fifteen years ago), Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, (look at her filth now) with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near. (That's right.)

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying, (ain't that the truth!)

Jesus the Christ is our God.

They don't believe That. They got all kinds of isms and things!...?... true. But the prophet said... Or, the inspired writer said:

We'll walk where the apostles have trod.

217 Remember in my vision? I said, "If Paul's people goes in, so will mine, because I done just exactly like he did." I'm staying right with It.

Them millions throwed their hands, saying, "We are resting on that!"

What? Recognize the day that we're living, the time we're living, the sign of the time that we're living in. It may be later than we think. One of these days, let him that's outside stay outside still. He that's inside must forever be inside still. The door will close.

218If there is some here this morning that hasn't never walked in yet, oh, in Jesus' Name, my dear people...

Don't look at this ignorant servant standing here, illiterate, unlearned, uneducated; don't look at that. But look at the Word that's being proven. Look at the great Holy Spirit Who vindicates It to be the Truth. We're at the evening time. It later than you think. Don't...

219 Women, let your hair grow. Sister, please take off them dirty clothes. Throw them cigarettes away. For the hour will come, that, "He that's filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that's righteous, let him be righteous still. He that's inside is inside; he that's outside is outside." The little, close margin, "If a righteous man will scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly," the Truth-denier, you know, "where will they appear?"

Let us bow our heads.

220Now, in the Light of this hour that we're now living, the Light of the day that we're now living in; precious and beloved ones, you who come from different states across the country, let us now, and me with you, on this altar, let us take inventory. How is the Spirit of God in our hearts today? Remember, it's that Spirit, uncondemned, uncontaminated; any church doctrine, and everything, is gone completely.

221 You would be daresn't to, try to add to That or take from It. For, if you do try to put the interpretation on It, yourself, your part is taken from the Book of Life. Are you trying to say something that the Spirit hasn't said? Are you trying to make It sound like It said something? Or, you just take It exactly what It said, and leaving It like that? Are you splicing, cutting, taping, doing things that's not right? Have you?

222Say, "Well, I just don't feel like I should do this. Or, maybe, I--I--I know my church don't believe It. 'That's just one man's word about It.'"

That one Man is God. The Bible here says you should not cut your hair. These... Bible said that. "It shall come to pass that women will wear garments like man, and how they would be an abomination to God." How the Holy Spirit spoke through it, this humble, unworthy vessel that just happened to be standing present in the age that the great King said, "Here is My sepulcher, My Word." ("Here is My Scepter," rather.) "Take My Scepter, and go forth, and bring the Message."

223 I know the denominations tried to stop It, and turn It out, and run It out, and kick It out, and everything. But, by the grace of God, I'm on my road, screaming from nation to nation, from place to place, from church to church, "Come out of it!" It's unpopular, but It's the Truth.

224Will you receive It in the--in the--the Spirit that It's wrote in? Will you receive It in the Spirit that It's been given in? If you haven't as yet... We no room for an altar; your heart is the altar. Would you raise up your hand, say, "God, be merciful to me. Let the Spirit of God come into me, condemning me now of all my sins, and frustrations, all my bad habits, and high tempers, and fusses, and fights, and stews, and everything I've had. And I know something, that my spirit isn't mellow for Heaven. Make me mellow, Lord, in this last moment. This may be the last sermon I'll ever hear. This may be the last time I'll ever hear the Message. I raise my hand. God, be merciful to me."

225God bless you. Dozens of hands. Now, just for a moment of silent prayer for you. You who raise your hand, shows you're still interested. Looks to me like the Spirit is still calling to someone.

226 Dear God, Thou Who knows all things. And You made all things for the purpose of all things, for, some had to be condemned, some had to be blinded; some, "like the potter that made the vessel," as Paul said, "one to honor and the other to dishonor." The one was made to dishonor, was only to show forth the one that was to be honored. But isn't it in the hand of the Potter to do what He will? Isn't it in the predestinated plan of God, to call? "Who He foreknew, He has called. Them Who He called, He justified. And those Who He justified, He has glorified."

227Maybe some of them here today is like the little woman at the well, off in filth, off in unbelief, off in traditions of man, man-made doctrines. Maybe the first time they've ever heard these things, but something has strangely warned their hearts. There is many, many hands went up, Lord. Let the great Potter take that vessel now and mold it into a vessel of honor. I believe there is some reason, Lord, or they wouldn't be doing that, they wouldn't be saying that. I still believing, I'm holding for them.

228 Let Your humble servant plead, Lord. Let us plead for them, as one who stands between the living and dead; like one who in Sodom was pleading for the Sodomites, "Come out of it! Come out of it, quickly!"

229 May they come, Lord, humbly and sweetly to the throne of God now, in their heart, saying, "Jesus, from this day, henceforth, You'll be mine. I make this pledge to You now here, as I set here in this seat where Your Spirit has struck me. If It struck me here, I don't have to go any further than right here. Right here is where You met me; right here is where we're going to settle it; right here on this second seat, third seat, fifth seat, whatever it is. Right here is where it's going to be settled, 'cause here is where You condemned me, and here is where You promised to make it right. For though I would be filthy and dirty, I shall be made white like snow. I'll believe all Your Word. I'm ready to walk in It, believe It, accept It.

"And I now do this for the glory of God, knowing that my life is no good to me, it's no good to God, it's no good to my neighbors, it's no good to nothing else; just simply a good to the devil, to make a--a puppet out of me, to throw me around about, maybe to be some man's toy to look upon, maybe some woman's idol. God, make me a servant to You." Grant it, Lord. I commit them to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son.

With our heads bowed, and our hearts.

I can hear my Saviour...

Sincerely, friend. It may be your last time. Can you hear that little Voice?

... calling,

I can...

What's He call... What's calling you, if your Saviour is? The Word.

... Saviour calling,

What must you do? Deny the world.

And take my cross and follow, follow...

"I've neglected baptism in Jesus' Name, Lord."

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go...

With Him, where? Through the water, through the garden, through anywhere; house of prayer, in the pool, anywhere. Decide it!

... go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I'll go with Him through the judgment, (whether the Word is right or the church is right),


"Whether I'm right, or He is right. Is my conscience right, or is His Word right?" You're in the judgment place now. "What I have believed, is it right, or is His Word right? Do I think it's all right to have short hair, wear shorts? Do I think it's all right to belong to a denomination?" What did He say?

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

Now where He leads me I will follow,

I got my hands up, too, Lord. Lord, wherever it is, where is the next Message to be preached? Is it back here, tonight, over in Africa, Germany, Switzerland? Where is it, Lord?

Where He... (wherever You lead, Lord)... me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

Now with your heads bowing.

230 Will you go with Him everywhere He leads you? Will you go with Him when the times are running low, people are persecuting, laughing, making fun? "I'll still be with Him. I'll still go. I'll move right on with You, Lord, wherever You are. I'll still stand loyal and true. In the heat of the battle, I'll still stand loyal and true. If I fall, You'll raise me up again, Lord. 'He that loses his life for My sake shall find it.'"

So I'll go with Him, with Him all...

231Now all that mean that, from your heart, let's raise our hands now, and our hearts, to Him.

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

He will give me grace and glory,

He will give me...

Lord Jesus, breathe upon these handkerchiefs now. Heal these sick and afflicted, Lord. Grant it, Lord. Give them healing, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

And go with me, with me all the way.

232 You feel good now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Feel it's all ready now? ["Amen."] If He...

The Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, (that's that last Trumpet, now)

And when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair.

Let's sing it, all of us now. "When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound." Give us the key.

When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair;

When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When then all of life is over, and our work on earth is done,

And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

233 Let's raise our hands, say, "By Thy grace, Lord." By Thy grace, Lord! [Congregation says, "By Thy grace, Lord."--Ed.]

Now, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Let's just turn and just shake hands with somebody by you, and say, "By God's help, when the roll is called up yonder!"

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

What are we waiting for?

When that Trumpet (the last one)... the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no...

(Done broke into Eternity, "In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.")... and fair;

And then when the saved of earth shall gather to on the other shore,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

Let's just sing it out!

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

234 Oh, won't that be a time! Just walking along, someday, and here's appears somebody. "Who is it? Mother!" Amen! "It ain't going to be long now." Just in a few minutes, you're changed. And we'll be... meet them, then be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air. Oh, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Say, "Here is Brother Seward, the old brother that used to be at church here! Why, here is Brother DeArk. Here is Brother So-... Why, looky here, they're all around me! What's the matter? Here just in a few minutes... I know they've done appeared to me. It ain't going to be long now. I'm going to be changed now, just in a moment, just a moment." Oh, yes! And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair. All the mystic clouds...

235 As He said, "Israel, thou hast been like a morning cloud, a vapor, and your righteousness doth fade away." And when it's all faded out into the Son-Light Who holds it all, amen, then, "The roll is called up yonder, I'll be there." All right.

Until tonight:

Till we meet! Till we meet!

We don't know what time this will take place, friends. It's been a story, a long time, but it's the Truth, and it will happen. We're right at the time now.

Till--till we meet, till we...

By God's grace, we hope, at seven-thirty tonight.

God be will you till we meet again.

Let us stand now to our feet.

236 Oh, isn't it wonderful? "This is Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Would not swap this for anything. You know how I love to fish and how I love to hunt, 'cause I see God out there in the wilderness. I love it. But, oh, I wouldn't change one minute for this, for all the experiences of hundreds of years. One minute of this, that satisfaction!

237God, create in me a revival. Let me be the revival. Let each one of us be the revival, the revival in me. Make me, Lord, to hunger, make me to thirst. Create in me, Lord, that what is needed in me. Let me, from this hour on, be Thine; more consecrated servant, a better servant, more blessed of You; more able, more humbler, more kinder, more willing to work; more looking to the things that are positive, and forgetting the things that are in the past, and the negatives. Let me press towards the mark of the high calling of Christ. Amen.

That's our desire, isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

All right, let's, till we meet tonight, let's take the Name of Jesus with us now, each one of you now.

Take--take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Now let's bow our heads.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather...