Budúci domov nebeského Ženícha a pozemskej Nevesty



Všimnite si, ako sa Satan pokúsil vziať ju [Zem], tým, že ju chcel dať Ježišovi bez toho, že by ju kúpil. Potom, Satan má stále nárok, pretože je poznačená na uchu. Vidíte? Ale Ježiš ju kupuje Svojou preliatou Krvou a prináša ju späť k právoplatnému vlastníkovi. Vidíte? Takto On kúpil nás, Svojou Krvou, takto On kúpil Cirkev. A teraz krst Ohňom ju očisťuje od všetkých zárodkov, chorôb, nemocí, dokonca všetkých duchovných nemocí, ktoré sú v nás, to vypôsobí to isté, aby to bolo pripravené, aby tam Boh mohol prebývať, v tomto veľkolepom veku, ktorý má prísť, v Novej Zemi. On ju vykupuje tým istým spôsobom, ako Svoj ľud. On to robí práve tak isto, Jeho plán vykúpenia. Lebo On je nemenný Boh, vždy rovnaký vo svojich plánoch.

Nové Mesto a Nová Zem, nové stvorenie, Mesto na Vrchu s Trónom na jeho vrchu. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu.] Trón je tu hore, na vrchu a obyvatelia sú všade hore a dole, na celom tomto Vrchu.

Na tomto Tróne, na vrchu, vo výške 2400 km bude celý svet vidieť to Svetlo sveta, Ježiša sediaceho na Tróne, na vrchu sveta, vrchu Cirkvi, vrchu Hory Sion, 2400 km, čo je polovica Spojených štátov a bude siahať do výšky 2400 km, takže Ho bude vidieť celý svet.

A všade tu hore a dolu budú tí vykúpení. Budú tam domy z čistého zlata. Budú tam aleje, parky a záhrady. A Rieka Života bude vychádzať z Trónu a potečie cez údolia a návršia. A Strom Života bude kvitnúť na každom dvore a bude prinášať ovocie dvanásť krát do roka, každý mesiac iné.

1 Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť, ako skloníme svoje srdcia pred Bohom.

2 Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační za tú výsadu, že môžeme byť dnes tu, spolu zhromaždení v Mene Pána Ježiša. Modlíme sa, aby si nám odpustil naše hriechy a ako sme tu, aby sme obrátili svoju pozornosť k tým Večným veciam a k Životu, ktorý leží za touto smrteľnou oblasťou. Teraz sa modlíme, aby si nám dal Tvoje nasmerovanie, ako sa máme k tomu obrátiť, čo máme robiť v budúcnosti a dokonca teraz v súčasnosti, aby sme dosiahli to miesto, ktoré nám bolo zasľúbené.

3 Je v zemi mnoho tých, ktorí sú chorí a majú potreby a oni ešte neukončili svoju cestu. A náš veľký nepriateľ, nie len náš nepriateľ, ale Tvoj nepriateľ prišiel, aby ich sužoval a ukončil ich život a poslal ich predčasne do hrobu. A my prosíme za nich, dnes, aby si Ty a Tvoja milosť a zmilovanie, Pane, predĺžil ich dni až do určeného času.

4 Tu na pódiu, alebo tu na kazateľni, ležia kapesníky a balíky. A vonku v halách a okolo tohoto miesta sú na lôžkach a nosidlách, chorí a postihnutí, stojaci medzi poslucháčstvom a nemajú dostatok síl, aby stáli.

5 Ó, Večný Bože, Ten Požehnaný, vypočuj našu modlitbu v toto ráno, skrze Krv Pána Ježiša, nehľadíme na našu neprávosť, ale vieme, že On stál na našom mieste a On je Ten, ktorý nás zastupuje za túto modlitbu. Nech je každý jeden uzdravený na Tvoju chválu, Pane.

6 Požehnaj tieto vreckovky. Keď budú položené na chorých, nech sa zotavia.

7 A teraz, Otče, kým čakáme na tú veľkú službu uzdravovania, ktorá veríme, že bude nasledovať, daj nám tú cestu Života, Pane, aby sme vedeli skrze Tvoje Slovo, čo máme robiť. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

8 Ako vždy, pokladám to za najväčšiu výsadu byť v dome Božom a hovoriť k Jeho ľudu. A teraz viem, že je to tu veľmi preplnené a mám veľmi dlhú lekciu. Takže som ...verím, že sa budete cítiť pohodlne, tak ako je to možné, kým dokončíme toto Posolstvo.

9 No, je tu horúco, ale my sme vďační za klimatizáciu. Ale pri takejto veľkej skupine nie je žiadna klimatizácia, ktorá by dostačovala, lebo vaše vlastné telo je produkujúca jednotka okolo 37°C a neustále vyžaruje teplo, ... a keď všetci sedia vedľa seba. Ale verím, že Boh vám dá také pohodlie, ako môže.

10 A keď sme v zhromaždení ako toto, ja by som vás vôbec nenechal zísť sa, keby som nemyslel, že vám to pomôže, keby som nevedel, že je to pre vás dobré, že budete mať z toho úžitok, tým, že prídete. A potom, tiež vieme, že nemáme už príliš veľa času to robiť, lebo prichádzame ku konečným hodinám a chcem využiť každú chvíľu, ktorú môžem, pre Jeho Kráľovstvo. A teraz verím, že Pán Boh nás požehná, ako sme tu zhromaždení.

11 A chcem vám pripomenúť, že včera som bol na rôznych miestach, videl som niektorých chorých a postihnutých, v moteloch a stretol som tento týždeň tiež niektorých manažérov tých stravovacích podnikov. Bol som v Ranch House tento týždeň, tu vedľa a ten manažér mi potriasol ruku, keď sme odchádzali. Povedal, volal ma „brat Branham". Divil som sa, že ma pozná. A povedal ...

Povedal som: „Ste ten manažér?"

12 On povedal: „Som majiteľ." Tak potom on povedal: „Áno, tvoji ľudia sem chodia jesť, odtiaľ zdola." Povedal: „Oni ..."

A ja som povedal: „Myslím, že kvôli nim je to tu preplnené."

13 On povedal: „Pane, to je najlepšia skupina ľudí, akú som kedy videl." Povedal: „Sú skutočne milí."

14 Išiel som včera do motela, navštíviť jednu mladú pani s ktorou som chcel hovoriť, jej otec a matka boli pri tom a musel som ísť za tým manažérom, aby som zistil, v ktorej izbe býva.

15 On povedal: „A...ste brat Branham?" To je hore u Oaksových.

A ja som povedal: „Áno, pane."

16 On povedal: „Chcem si s vami potriasť ruku." On povedal ... Predstavil ma svojej manželke, veľmi milý pár. Povedali: „Každá osoba v tomto moteli navštevuje tvoje zhromaždenia. Rezervovali sme to pre nich." Povedal: „Všetkých našich zákazníkov sme odriekli."

Povedal som: „Ďakujem vám za to."

17 Povedal: „Brat Branham, jedna z najmilších skupín ľudí, ktorú som kedy videl, sú tí ľudia, ktorí sem hore prichádzajú, ktorí navštevujú tvoje zhromaždenia."

18 Išiel som minulú noc k jednému priateľovi, pán Becker, tu dole a vždy som mal rád jeho sendviče. On je taký ... Poznal som ho už ako malý chlapec, poznal som ho celý život. Dole, na tom starom mieste pri Riverside Hotel sedel jeden pár. Tak oni ...Pán Becker povedal: „Billy?"

19 Povedal som: „Čo je, Domáci?" Poznáme sa veľmi dobre.

On povedal: „Hostím všetkých tvojich ľudí."

20 Asi dvesto, každú nedeľu, jedia v Blue Boar. A všade kam idem, počujem akí ste milí.

21 Táto osoba povedala: „Dole na Riverview, všetky miesta sú obsadené ľuďmi, ktorí navštevujú tie zhromaždenia." Povedal: „Sú stovky, ktorí sa nemôžu dostať dovnútra."

22 Takže, pre mňa to znamená, že ste soľou zeme. Som tak vďační, že viem, že mám tú výsadu kázať ľuďom, že dokonca hriešnici a ľudia ... Nehovorím, že títo ľudia sú hriešnici, ale mám na mysli ľudí okolo obchodu a tak, že môžu povedať, že ste milí ľudia a že si vás cenia pre ich obchod, na tých miestach. Viete, to je byť soľou. Oceňujem to, vaše správanie a spôsob akým dávate na veci pozor.

23 Vždy som hovoril: „Ak niekto príde a nemá peniaze na zaplatenie, len ma zavolajte." Vidíte? Povedal som: „Niečo s tým urobíme." A povedal som: „Vždy ich nakŕm, či majú peniaze, alebo nie." Vidíte, čokoľvek sá dá urobiť.

24 Cítim, že vy ste mojimi deťmi. Vy ste tie hviezdy, ktoré... Ak budem raz mať jednu, keď sa tam dostanem, vy budete tým klenotom, žiariacou časťou na korune mojej služby. Keď bude korunovanie, vy budete tými klenotmi.

25 Hovoril som vám, v uplynulom čase o Siedmych Pečatiach, Cirkevné Veky a veci, ktoré sa udiali.

26 A teraz, toto ráno, mám veľmi dôležitú tému. Pre mňa je to veľmi požehnané. Dúfam, že vás to tak isto zasiahne. A keby som to len mohol dať v inšpirácii, v ktorej som to obdržal, bolo by to nádherné, ale to je na Bohu, aby to urobil.

27 Hovoril som vám kde a čo sa deje a my vidíme všetky tieto veci ako sa dejú.

28 Teraz, hovorím, toto ráno na tému Budúci domov Nebeského Ženícha a Pozemskej Nevesty, kde budú bývať. A preto verím, s že Božou milosťou sme my všetci časťou tej veľkej Božej ekonómie.

29 A teraz, ja verím, že budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť, majúc svoje Biblie, ceruzky alebo čokoľvek robíte, keď budete čítať so mnou, lebo sa budem odvolávať na mnohé miesta Písma. Pokúsim sa mať dosť času na modlitby za chorých, sľúbil som to. Za poslednú chvíľu ste sa modlili za tých v izbách a naokolo, za tých, ktorí sú takmer bezmocní a bez nádeje.

30 A ak bude Pán chcieť, budem mať pravdepodobne ďalšie zhromaždenie 16-teho, možno len modlitby za chorých.

31 Práve mi začali prázdniny. Od januára som len cestoval a teraz som sa vrátil. Ráno beriem svoju rodinu do Tucsonu, a potom sa vrátim, aby som strávil nejaký čas tu v Kentucky s niekoľkými mojimi priateľmi, na poľovačke na veveričky, na pár týždňov, možno na sedem alebo osem, desať dní, alebo tak nejako, až kým ma Pán nepovedie niekam inam. Nikdy neviete, kde budete, my to nikdy nevieme, lebo to je v rukách Božích, len v Jeho rukách.

32 Teraz, táto skvelá téma, myslím, strávil by som na tom dlhý čas, lebo musíte tam zahrnúť mnoho vecí, to by trvalo týždne. Ale ja som si zapísal nejaké miesta Písma, zopár poznámok, aby som sa dotkol aspoň tých vrcholkov toho, aby ste to mohli potom študovať.

33 Potom čoskoro, možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, v októbri, neviem kedy, kedykoľvek to On pripraví, chcel by som zobrať zopár dní na zhromaždenia, na 12. kapitolu Zjavenia, aby som to s týmto spojil. Verím, že by to bolo skvelé. Bolo by to nádherné vidieť, ako to On urobil.

34 Potom, ako sme sa teraz zišli, povedal som minulý večer: „Viete, keď...," ráno, ako každé ráno, premýšľam, „Keď prídem sem, rozpoznám všetkým mojich priateľov, ktorí tam budú." Ako sa mi to podarí?

35 Tu napríklad môj dobrý priateľ doktor Lee Vayle, sedí tam, jeho milá manželka a dcéra. A brat Roy Borders a myslím, brat Ruddell, brat Beeler a brat Palmer a brat Jackson. A ó, ... tí drahí bratia zo všetkých rôznych miest! Brat Anthony Milano a všade, kde sa pozriete, vidíte nejakého ďalšieho brata. Z dola - z Arkansasu, nespomínam si ich mená, brat John, brat Earl Martin a brat Blair. A potom, ...je to nekonečné, vidíte. Som tak rád, že mám skupinu, ako je táto, ktorá je zhromaždená okolo mňa, keď vyučujem Božie Slovo, mužovia o ktorých si myslím, že sú galantní a skutoční mužovia Boží.

36 Som vďačný za túto malú modlitebňu. Som vďačný za jej päť otvorených dverí pre verejnosť. Máme tu štyroch diakonov, Duchom naplnených mužov, štyroch správcov, Duchom naplnených mužov. Dvaja pri každých dverách. A máme vpredu dvojité dvere, pre dvoch pastorov, pastierov.

37 Sme radi, že vás máme, vďaka Bohu za to. Nech vás každého požehná.

38 Teraz chceme na chvíľu stáť, ako budeme čítať z 2. Petra, 3. kapitolu a tiež Zjavenie 21.

39 Ako stojíme, ó, Pane, naplň naše srdcia radosťou, lebo čítame Tvoje Slovo a vieme, že Ježiš povedal, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú." Vieme, že tiež povedal, „Všetky Písma sa musia naplniť." A ako čítame tieto veci, nech máme od Teba to zrozumenie tej hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša, Autora tej Knihy. Amen.

40 2. Petrova 3.

Toto vám, milovaní, píšem už druhý list, v ktorých upomínajúc povzbudzujem vašu čistú myseľ,

aby ste pamätali na slová, ktoré predpovedali svätí proroci a na svojich apoštolov prikázanie Pána a Spasiteľa

vediac najprv to, že v posledných dňoch prijdú posmievači, ktorí budú chodiť podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí

a hovoriť: Kde je to zasľúbenie o Jeho príchode?

(Či to nepasuje na túto neveriacu ženu a ...)

Lebo odkedy posnuli otcovia, všetko tak trvá, od počiatku stvorenia.

Lebo zúmyselne nechcú vedieť, že nebesia boli od dávna i zem, ktorá z vody a vodou stojí vedno Slovom Božím.

Pre ktoré to bezbožnosti vtedajší svet, zatopený vodou, zahynul.

A terajšie nebesia i zem sú odložené tým istým Slovom, opatrujú sa pre oheň v deň súdu a zatratenia bezbožných ľudí.

Ale to jedno, milovaní, nech nie je skryté pred vami, že jeden deň je u Pána ako tisíc rokov a tisíc rokov ako jeden deň.

Neodkladá Pán nejako váhajúc so zasľúbením, ako niektorí majú za to, že odkladá, ale zhovieva vzhľadom na nás, pretože nechce, aby niektorí zahynuli, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu.

Lebo príde deň Pánov, ako zlodej v noci, v ktorom pominú nebesia s praskotom a rachotom a živly, rozpálené ohňom sa rozplynú a zem i diela, ktoré sú na nej, zhoria.

Keď sa to teda všetko tak rozplynie, akí musíte vy každý byť vo svojom svätom obcovaní a v pobožnosti,

ktorí očakávate a náhlite príchod Božieho dňa, pre ktorý nebesia horiac rozpustia sa a živly rozpálené ohňom potečú!

A nové nebesia a novú zem podľa Jeho zasľúbenia čakáme, v ktorých prebýva spravodlivosť.

Preto, milovaní, keď to očakávate, snažte sa, aby ste mu boli nájdení nepoškvrnení a bezvadní v pokoji.

A zhovievavosť nášho Pána považujte za spasenie, ako vám aj náš milovaný brat Pavel písal podľa jemu danej múdrosti,

ako aj vo všetkých svojich epištolách, čiže listoch, keď v nich hovorí o tomto, v ktorých sú niektoré ťažko pochopiteľné veci, ktoré neučení a neupevnení prekrúcajú, ako aj ostatné Písma na svoje vlastné zatratenie.

Vy teda, milovaní, znajúc to vopred chráňte sa, aby ste neboli tiež spolu pojatí bludom tých bezbožných a nevypadli tak z vlastnej pevnosti.

Ale rastite v milosti a v známosti nášho Pána a Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista. Jemu sláva i teraz i na deň veku. Amen.

41 Teraz v Zjavení Ježiša Krista, v 21. kapitole, čítam tieto Slová.

A videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuly, a mora už nebolo.

A ja Ján som videl to sväté mesto, nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, prihotovené ako nevestu, ozdobenú jej mužovi.

A počul som veľký hlas od trónu z neba, ktorý hovoril: Hľa, stánok Boží s ľuďmi a bude bývať s nimi a oni budú Jeho ľudom a On, Boh, bude s nimi a bude ich Bohom.

A Boh zotrie každú slzu z ich očí a smrti už viacej nebude, ani žalosti ani kriku, ani bolesti viacej nebude, lebo prvé veci pominuli.

A Ten, ktorý sedel na tróne, povedal: Hľa, činím všetko nové. A riekol mi: Píš, lebo tieto slová sú verné a pravdivé.

A riekol mi: Stalo sa. Ja som Alfa i Omega, počiatok i koniec. Ja dám tomu, kto žízni, z prameňa vody života zadarmo.

Kto víťazí, zdedí všetko a budem mu Bohom a on mi bude synom.

Modlime sa znova.

42 Pane Ježišu, s takým zasľúbením a takou pevnou rečou, ktorú Sám Ježiš a apoštol nám podali, ku ktorej hodine sa približujeme. Daj nám, Pane, tvoje nasmerovanie, aby sme vedeli, ako sa máme k tomu priblížiť tým správnym spôsobom, lebo vieme, že to prichádza. Písmo sa musí naplniť a aj sa naplní. A teraz, Pane, prosíme Ťa znova, aby bola Tvoja milosť nad nami všetkými, ako budeme zahĺbení do Tvojho Slova. Buď s nami a odhaľ nám To, prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

43 Teraz, možno by bolo lepšie, keby sa mohli vypnúť tie svetlá v hľadisku a nechať iba tie na pódiu, bolo by to asi lepšie. Jeden večer sme skoro spálili transformátor. Keby to domáci mohol pre nás urobiť, boli by sme za to vďační, keby sa vypli tie svetlá v hľadisku. Myslím že budete mať dosť svetla na písanie.

44 Moja téma, aby som to znovu oznámil, na ktorú budem hovoriť: „Budúci domov Nebeského Ženícha a Pozemskej Nevesty."

45 Teraz, ako to je... Musím teraz urobiť toto. Je tu príliš horúco. Viem, že mojej žene sa to nepáči, ale dám si dolu sako. Je tu príliš horúco. Vidíte, vy tam máte vzduch, ale tu je to také odrezané, vidíte. Teraz, v budúcnosti, alebo...

46 Vlastne v minulosti sme prebrali sedem pečatí, sedem cirkevných vekov. Brat Vayle a tí, ktorí na tom verne pracujú, to dávajú do knižnej formy.

47 A keď vidíme všetky tie tajomné veci, ktoré sa udiali, keď porozumieme, v akej hodine žijeme a v akej pozícii, myslím, že nie je nikto, kto by si nesadol a skutočne dôsledne neskúmal, o čom bolo hovorené a čo je zasľúbené, že sa stane a čo sa už stalo a nepovedal by, že sa tie veci naplnili. Vidíte? Presne to čo Boh povedal, že urobí. On to urobil presne do písmena. Vidíte?

48 Teraz, myslím na toto. My nevieme, kedy sa Pán Ježiš môže objaviť, myslím, že by to bolo dobré, zdá sa, že je to príjemné Svätému Duchu, že budeme o tom hovoriť, potom sa možno k tomu znova vrátime, dva alebo tri krát, pretože nebudem mať dostatok času, aby som to vyčerpal.

49 Keď narazíte na tému, na ktorej by sa niekto mohol potknúť, nemôžete to vysvetliť tak, aby to bolo jasné, potom sa znova vráťte k inej téme.

50 Neskôr, ak bude Pán chcieť, prídeme k 12. pečatiam ... Prepáčte, k 12. kapitole Zjavenia, ktorá leží medzi príchodom Pána a zakončením trúb a tak ďalej. Pokúsime sa k tomu vrátiť, aby sme ukázali, kto je Satan a čo urobil, odkiaľ pochádza, čo sleduje, aká veľká je jeho krása, ktorá zapríčinila jeho pád. Padol kvôli svojmu klamu, kráse.

51 Potom, ktokoľvek to chce vidieť správne, semeno hada. Urobím výzvu pre každého, kto to chce úplne normálne porozumieť. Dieťa to môže vidieť. Vidíte? Dostaneme sa ku tomu neskôr.

52 Teraz, rozumieme tu, že tieto dve miesta Písma... Ten dôvod, prečo som čítal 2. Petra 3. kapitolu a porovnal so Zjavením 21, oni obe hovoria o tej istej téme, ale Ján nikdy - nikdy to nenapísal tak, ako Peter. Vidíte? Rozumieme, že tento veľký Domov Nevesty má byť tu na zemi.

53 A teraz, ak čítate, tu v 21. kapitole Zjavenia, apoštol povedal, alebo prorok tu povedal, že „videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem." To vyzerá, ako by malo prísť úplne zničenie.

54 Spôsob, ako vždy obdržím moje Posolstvo, je na modlitbe. Modlím sa a niečo je mi zjavené. Čakám na to pár minút, a keď uvidím, že je to správne, cítim to silnejšie. Niekedy potom čakám, až to prejde do videnia. Ale keď to prichádza, som uspokojený, že to prichádza od Boha, potom idem do Písma. Vidíte, To musí byť potvrdenie každej duchovnej veci, pretože Biblia je úplným zjavením Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? To je Jeho Telo.

55 A teraz pri tom možno nájdem miesto Písma, ktoré sa mi nezdá byť celkom v súlade. Idem späť na modlitbu. Potom to príde znova a ja začnem skúmať Písmo.

56 Naša Biblia je písaná v angličtine a anglické slová sa stále menia. Napríklad v Sv. Jánovi 14 je povedané, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov," príbytok v dome. Potom sa musíte vrátiť do originálu a uvidíte, čo tým Jakub mienil, alebo sa vrátite do hebrejčiny alebo gréčtiny, z prvého prekladu. A tam je povedané, „V kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho palácov." Potom sa vrátite do času, keď prekladatelia prekladali pre kráľa Jakuba. V angličtine sa „kráľovstvo" nazývalo „dom" a kráľ bol otcom nad svojimi vyslancami. To je ten dôvod, prečo je to preložené „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov." Vidíte? A potom dostanete tie slová a musíte si ich vyhľadať.

57 Dnes ráno, z tejto kazateľne vám hovorím, že tá inšpirácia, ani jeden raz to nebolo nič iného okrem Slova. Semeno hada a tie ďalšie veci. Vidíte?

58 A skutočne, keby niekto len čítal a povedal, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov," ak by sa nezastavil a nazahĺbil do toho a nemodlil, mal by v tom úplný zmätok. Vidíte? Len sa stále modlite. Boh to vždy vypôsobí, že je to správne, ak to pochádza od Boha.

59 Ján vysvetľuje tú zmenu, ako to prichádza... On to vlastne nevysvetľuje, ale Peter áno. Ján len povedal, „A videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuli a mora už nebolo. A ja, Ján, som videl to sväté mesto, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, prihotovené ako nevestu, ozdobenú svojmu mužovi." Ale my sa vrátime ku 2. Petra, aby sme teraz zistili, Peter vysvetľuje, ako prebehne tento proces. Keď sa pozriete na to, čo povedal Ján, to je, „Lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuli," boli úplne zničené. Vidíte, to znie veľmi zvláštne. To ma tak zasiahlo, že som začal hľadať slovo „pominuli." A teraz je jasné, že obaja - apoštol i prorok hovorili o tej istej veci.

60 A tiež v knihe Izaiáša, ak si chcete poznačiť tie miesta Písma, v Izaiášovi 65:17. Izaiáš hovoril o Miléniu, tých tisíc rokov odpočinku pre Boží ľud. Izaiáš o tom hovoril a povedal, „Všetky minulé veci pominuli," a ako budú stavať domy a obývať ich. Ak by sme mali čas, možno by sme našli čas a prečítali si toto. Izaiáš 65, prečítajme si to na pár minút. A tu to je, práve pre nás. Teraz začnime Izaiáš 65:17.

Hľa, stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem,...

61 Prorok Izaiáš bol jedným z tých prorokov, ktorí napísali vo svojom proroctve úplne celú Bibliu. Začína stvorením, v strede jeho knihy, okolo 40. kapitoly prichádza Ján Krstiteľ, Nový Zákon, a končí tu, vo svojej Knihe, v Zjavení, v Miléniu. V Biblii je 66 kníh a v Izaiášovi je 66 kapitol. On napísal úplný komentár.

62 Teraz tu zisťujeme, že v 65. kapitole sa dostáva, ešte jedna kapitola a hovorí o Miléniu. Všimnite si aké nádherné.

Lebo hľa, stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem a nebudú sa spomínať drievne veci ani neprídu na myseľ.

(To má „pominúť")

Lež radujte sa a plesajte na večné veky nad tým, čo ja stvorím, lebo hľa, stvorím Jeruzalem na plesanie a jeho ľud na radosť.

A budem plesať nad Jeruzalemom a radovať sa nad svojim ľudom, ani sa v ňom viacej nepočuje hlas plaču ani hlas kriku.

Nebude odtiaľ viacej dieťaťa niekoľko dní, ani starca, ktorý by nevyplnil svojich dňov. Lebo to bude ešte len chlapec, ktorý zomrie vo sto rokoch a hriešnikovi, keby mal i sto rokov, bude sa zlorečiť.

A nastavajú domov a budú bývať v nich a nasadia viníc a budú jesť ich ovocie.

Nebudú stavať, aby tam býval iný,

(vašu farmu nezdedí váš syn, alebo niektorí z vašich dedičov) ...

nebudú sadiť, aby jedol iný,

(pracujú na svojom a zostanú tam, majú Večný Život) ...

lebo ako dni stromu budú dni môjho ľudu a dielo svojich rúk budú užívať moji vyvolení až do zvetšenia.

Nebudú pracovať nadarmo ani nebudú rodiť na strach, lebo budú semenom požehnaných Hospodinových aj ich potomci s nimi.

63 Všimnite, kde sa dostaneme za chvíľu.

A stane sa, že prv, ako budú volať, ja sa ohlásim, kým ešte budú hovoriť, ja vyslyším.

Vlk a jahňa budú sa pásť spolu a lev bude žrať slamu jako vôl a hadovi za pokrm bude prach. Neuškodia sni nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin.

64 Aké to zasľúbenie týchto prorokov, učených, učiteľov Biblie tam v dávnych dňoch, keď videli prichádzať ten slávny Deň!

65 Podľa týchto veršov by si niekto mohol myslieť, alebo skôr byť vedený, aby veril, že celá planéta, táto zem, bude zničená, „Stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem." Vidíte, že nebesia budú preč, zem bude preč, úplne zničená. Ale keď do toho hlbšie vnikneme a s pomocou Ducha Svätého, môžeme vidieť pravdu tohoto, a to je to, do čoho sa teraz dostaneme.

66 To je len atmosféra okolo toho a hriech, ktorý je nad zemou, ktorý bude zničený. Vidíte? Uvedomujeme si, že „nebesia" znamenajú „atmosféru nad nami."

67 Čo to urobí? Potom, tieto bodliaky a choroby a smrť, politika, hriešni muži a hriešne ženy a zlí duchovia, to bude všetko odstránené a zničené. Vidíte? Musí to byť tak zariadené, pretože práve tu budeme bývať. Dokážeme to pomocou Biblie. Práve tu budeme bývať. Všimnite si, bodľač, zárodky, všetky choroby a také veci budú úplne vzaté preč. Všetko toto, ich existencia, ktorá je teraz na zemi, ľuďmi vytvorené systémy, politika, hriech, všetky druhy zlých duchov, ktorými je svet zamorený a dokonca nebesia nad nami sú zamorené zlým duchom. Teraz pôjdeme do toho hlbšie a hlbšie.

68 Všetko toto existuje v nebesiach, alebo v atmosfére, a na zemi, ktorá je teraz. Táto zem drží teraz tieto veci, ale nebola stvorená za týmto účelom. Hriech spôsobil, že je teraz taká. Vidíte? To bolo stvorené Bohom, Stvoriteľom. Ale všetko ...

69 Naše telá, v ktorých teraz žijeme, všetky, boli položené na zem, keď ju Boh stvoril, pretože sme z prachu zeme. Všetko to tu ležalo. Keď to Boh stvoril, vy ste boli v Jeho mysli. A v Ňom, v Tom Veľkom Večnom, bola tá myšlienka, ktorá je Jeho atribútom.

70 A teraz hriech spôsobil, že to všetko sa tak stalo. A Boh si cez tento vek zhromažďuje Svoj Materiál.

71 Satan je stále tu. To je dôvod, prečo sa všetky tieto veci dejú. On je stále tu a všetky jeho zlé mocnosti sú stále tu. Všimnite si, preto je zem teraz taká špinavá. Preto sa dejú tie odporné a nezmyselné veci ako prelievanie krvi, vojna, politika, hriech, cudzoložstvo, všetky druhy nerestí tu prebiehajú, pretože Satan je vládcom tejto zeme a tejto atmosféry.

Poviete, „Atmosféry.....?" Áno!

72 Oboje, nebesia i zem sú teraz zamorené diablami, ktorí nás môžu žalovať pred Bohom. Ježiš je Tam, aby sa za nás prihováral. Áno. Vidíte? Zatiaľ čo žalobcovia ukazujú prstom, „oni urobili toto, oni urobili toto, oni urobili toto," ale Krv stále prikrýva. On prišiel vykúpiť tých Vyvolených, ktorých On predzvedel. Preto je to všetko dnes také špinavé.

73 Apoštol tu, v 2. Petra, druhá kapitola a piaty a šiesty verš. Áno, mám to tu. Popisuje tri obdobia zeme. Vidíte, tri obdobia. Všimnite si, ako ich tu podáva.

74 „Starý svet povstal z vody," to bol predpotopný svet.

75 Teraz žijeme v súčasnom svete.

76 „Starý svet, ktorý povstal z vody," Genesis 1:1 a teraz „svet," ktorý je teraz, súčasný. A potom znova, on sa odvoláva na iný svet, „svet, ktorý má prísť, Nový svet." Tri svety, tri obdobia sveta.

77 Všimnite si, ako nám Boh robí jasným Jeho plán vykúpenia. Ó, to jednoducho premohlo moju dušu, keď som to uvidel, ako nám tu On robí jasným Jeho plán vykúpenia. Porovnajte to teraz, čo vidíme svojimi vlastnými očami. Čo Boh urobil, aby vykúpil Jeho svet, On urobil ten istý plán, aby vykúpil Svoj ľud, lebo nemenný Boh sa nemení v žiadnom zo svojich plánov, ani v ničom. Aké je to slávne!

78 Ako nás On viedol k Sebe, aby mal Chrám v nás, tými tromi stupňami milosti, práve tak, ako viedol svet v troch stupňoch, aby On prišiel na svet. Ako Boh príde na svet po tých troch rozličných stupňoch očistenia, to je presne tak, ako On prichádza k nám cez tri stupne milosti. Učil som to na začiatku, nikdy som to odvtedy nezmenil. To je Božie Slovo.

79 Musíte sa držať čísel tri, sedem, dvanásť. Čísla v Biblii musia sedieť dokonale, lebo inak dostanete zmätený obraz. Ak to nemôžete porozumieť, len sa modlite. Sledujte to, to presne sadne. Boh je dokonalý v troch. Vidíte?

80 Všimnite si, „starý svet," ten predpotopný, „svet," ktorý je teraz a ten, ktorý príde.

81 Prvý stupeň, do ktorého nás vedie.....Vidíte, Jeho plán vykúpenia je stále rovnaký, presne. Používa tú istú metódu. On sa nikdy nemení. On povedal v Malachiášovi 3, „Ja som Boh a nemením sa." Preto spôsob, akým to robí, ak On spasil prvého človeka, ktorého kedy spasil, skrze preliatu krv Nevinného, On musí spasiť ďalšieho a každého, koho spasí, tým istým spôsobom.

82 Ak On uzdravil nejakého človeka, v ktoromkoľvek čase na ceste života, či to bolo vo dňoch Ježiša, apoštolov, prorokov, kedykoľvek to bolo, keď sú tie isté podmienky splnené, On to musí spraviť znova. To je správne. On sa nemení. Človek sa mení, čas sa mení, veky sa menia, časové obdobia sa menia, ale Boh zostáva rovnaký. On je dokonalý. Čo za nádej to má dať chorým!

83 Ak On niekedy uzdravil nejakú osobu, On to musí urobiť znovu, ak sú dodržané rovnaké podmienky. Ak On kedy spasil človeka, On to musí urobiť na rovnakom základe, na akom to On urobil prvý krát. Ak On kedy naplnil nejakého človeka Svätým Duchom, On to musí urobiť na rovnakom základe, na akom to urobil prvý krát. Ak niekedy vzkriesil človeka z hrobu, On to musí urobiť druhý krát a každý ďalší krát na tom istom princípe.

84 On sa nemení. Ó, akú mi to dáva nádej! Čo to je? Nie nejaká človekom vyrobená teória, niečo, na čo prišla nejaká skupina ľudí, ale Jeho nemenné Slovo.

Poviete, „Je to pravda?"

85 On povedal, „Nech je každé ľudské slovo lžou a Moje pravdou." „Lebo nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nezlyhá." „Celé Písmo je inšpirované, preto je dobré a užitočné na vynaučovanie." A pamätajte, že „Celé Písmo sa vyplní," každá Jeho časť.

86 Všimnite si, ako nám to Boh robí jasným. A ak to nebolo mocné potvrdenie, dobré, veľké, milujúce požehnanie od Boha, keď vidím, že už ako chlapec, keď prvý krát Kristus začal so mnou jednať, vždy som myslel na tie tri stupne milosti. Všimnite si, či to nie je pravda.

87 Prvý krok je „pokánie k Bohu." Potom nasleduje vodný krst. „Vodný krst," „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista." Vidíte, nasleduje vodný krst, ktorý ukazuje, že pokánie bolo skutočné. Alebo, „odpustenie" našich minulých hriechov. To nemá nič do činenia s budúcim hriechom. To len odpúšťa. „Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí každý jeden z vás na Meno Ježiša Krista." Na čo? „Na odpustenie," odstránenie starého hriechu, to nemá nič do činenia s budúcnosťou. To len, váš hriech bol odrezaný, to, čo ste urobili.

88 Vy nemôžete činiť pokánie z toho, čo urobil Adam. Vy ste to nikdy neurobili, to urobil Adam. Vy dostávate odpustenie za to, čo ste vy urobili. Tá stará prirodzenosť je ešte stále tam.

89 Nechajte ma to nakresliť na tabuľu, na chvíľu. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.] Teraz tu je ľudské srdce. Teraz, ....Som ďaleko od toho, aby som bol umelcom. Tu je ľudské srdce a tu je iné ľudské srdce. Toto tu má vo vnútri hada, to je hriech a tu ono má svoj život. Toto srdce tu má v sebe holubicu, čo je Svätý Duch, tu ono má Život. Toto tu má zlosť, nenávisť, závisť a to, čo to spôsobuje, je toto tu. Toto druhé má lásku, radosť, zhovievavosť a toto je To, čo to spôsobuje.

90 Keď sú vám odpustené vaše hriechy, stalo sa len, že toto je zobraté preč. Ale tá vec, ktorá spôsobila, že ste to robili, je ešte stále tam. To je ten starý koreň zla, je to stále tam. Všimnite si, potom činíte pokánie a ste pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, že On vám odpustil vaše hriechy.

91 Potom, po druhé, prichádza posvätenie, ktoré nastavuje našu myseľ do poriadku svätosti, aby sme mysleli správne. „Posvätenie" je zložené grécke slovo, ktoré znamená „očistený a oddelený pre službu."

92 Potom, ďalej, prichádza krst Ohňom a Svätým Duchom, aby Boh mohol v nás prebývať. A ten Boží Oheň očisťuje naše srdcia od hriechu a dáva do vnútra Svätého Ducha. Potom prinášame ten istý Život, ako Tento, pretože To je v nás.

93 Všimnite si, v prirodzenom narodení, keď žena rodí dieťa. Prirodzený život je obrazom duchovného života. Keď žena rodí dieťa, prvá vec, ktorá sa stane je, že vychádza voda, potom krv a potom duch (život). Chytíte to maličké dieťa a plesknete ho a ono začne plakať. Voda, krv, duch ...

94 A teraz, keď sa dieťa narodí do Božieho Kráľovstva, prichádza tým istým spôsobom: voda, Krv, Duch.

95 Všimnite si, posvätenie, tretí stupeň....druhý stupeň toho, očisťuje myseľ, nastavuje srdce, myseľ srdca do poriadku svätosti.

96 Človek môže činiť pokánie z hriechov a stále myslieť na... No, možno on je nemorálny muž, každú nemorálnu ženu, ktorú nájde, to je stále tam. Možno je opilec, stále, keď zacíti pijatiku, to je stále tam.

97 Ale potom, keď sa stáva posväteným, to očisťuje tú žiadosť z neho von. To berie tú túžbu preč od neho. On môže byť stále pokúšaný ale On berie preč od neho tú túžbu. Avšak stále ešte nestojí správne.

98 Potom je pokrstený Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. Očistený, prepálený, uprataný a postavený do služby Bohu. Posvätenie len oddeľuje do služby.

99 Všimnite si dobre, ako to prichádza, ako tie posolstvá prichádzajú. Martin Luther - ospravedlnenie, John Wesley - posvätenie, Letniční - krst Duchom Svätým. Všetky posolstvá, preto už nemôže byť viac vekov. Vidíte? Sme na konci času. Tri stupne ... Krst očisťuje srdce Svätým Duchom.

100 Ako to teraz presne pasuje. On prevádza tým istým procesom to miesto, na ktorom máme prebývať.

101 Teraz, On povolal Cirkev cez ospravedlnenie, cez posvätenie, potom Ju naplnil Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. A potom Ju zobral cez proces, aby On Sám, Sám Duch Svätý, Syn Boží mohol prebývať v ľudskom srdci. To muselo prejsť tým procesom, predtým než On mohol do Nej prísť.

102 Všimnite si, On urobil svet, v ktorom bude bývať Nevesta, tým istým spôsobom, Jeho rovnaký plán spasenia.

103 Všimnite si predpotopný svet. Potom, čo Noe, Nevesta toho dňa, činila pokánie, On dáva vodný krst, prikrýva ju vodou. Potom ospravedlnenie. Ukazuje, že On je na Svojej ceste povolať tento padlý svet z Edenu, späť do svojho obnovenia.

104 Potom prišiel Kristus a vylial na ňu Svoju Krv, očisťuje ju a nárokuje si ju. [Br. Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, to je svet, v ktorom my teraz žijeme.

105 Pozrite, tu v Písme, ako sa Satan pokúsil prinútiť Ho zničiť Boží plán tým, že Mu to chcel dať, keď Ho vzal na horu a chcel Mu to dať bez toho, že by ju vykúpil Krvou.

106 Všimli ste si, ako Abrahám, keď mu chceli dať tú zem, on ju kúpil za toľko šekelov striebra, pred ľuďmi, ako znamenie, ako svedectvo. „Nech je známe v tento deň, že som kúpil toto pohrabište." Vidíte? Kúpil to. A Satan sa pokúsil dať Mu kráľovstvo, ktoré patrí teraz jemu. On sa pokúsil dať Mu to ako dar, ale On by to neprijal. Pozrite, pretože Satan by si potom ešte stále mohol na to robiť nárok. Ale to muselo byť kúpené. Amen. On bol Slovo v plnosti. Oni Ho nemohli v tom nijako oklamať.

Teraz má byť pokrstená Ohňom.

107 Vidíte, to malo teraz ... Čo sa stalo? Kristus prišiel a volal Cirkev k pokániu, krst na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, posväcuje Cirkev a prichádza dole s Božím Ohňom, aby vypálil všetku špinu a prichádza a prebýva v ľudskom srdci.

108 Teraz, aby bol svet vykúpený pre túto vykúpenú osobu, On používa tú istú metódu. On ho pokrstil vodou, cez zničenie potopou. Vylial na neho Svoju Krv, aby ho posvätil a nárokoval si ho. Je to Jeho.

Satan Mu povedal: „Ja ti to dám."

109 On povedal: „Nie, ja to kúpim." Nech to je svedectvo. On bol povýšený, na znamenie, že On to kúpil, že to vykúpil.

110 Ale teraz to musí ísť cez krst Ohňom, Svätým Božím Ohňom, ktorý očistí zem i nebesia okolo nej. Potom, je to kúpené, takže vykúpení môžu na nej žiť, žiť v pokoji. Všimnite si, krst Ohňom ju očistí od hriechu, nemocí, zárodkov chorôb, od hriešnikov, diabla a celej jeho skupiny. On má byť uvrhnutý do ohnivého jazera. Svätý Boží Oheň, prichádza dole od Boha z Nebies a spaľuje to, všimnite si, aby to pripravil, aby Boh mohol v nej prebývať. Lebo Boh, v tom Novom Svete, ktorý má prísť, má prebývať na zemi. Vy poviete: „Boh prebýva v ľudskom srdci." Ale On a Jeho Nevesta sa stávajú Jedno a oni idú do ich Domova v Novom Svete. A ten istý plán vykúpenia je použitý pre svet a pre ľudí, ktorí v ňom žijú.

111 Vidíte, srdce musí byť takto očistené. Predtým, ako Boh príde dole v osobe Ducha Svätého, čo je Kristus prichádzajúci dole aby prebýval v ľudskom srdci, najprv musíte činiť pokánie. Musíte byť pokrstený vo vode, na Jeho Meno, aby ste ukázali, komu patríte.

Potom musíte byť očistený Krvou Ježiša Krista.

112 A potom Svätý Oheň a Svätý Duch, od Boha prichádza dole a vypaľuje všetku túžbu po hriechu, všetku prirodzenosť tohoto sveta. „Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy ..." Potom, Biblia hovorí: „Je nemožné ...", „Lebo ten, kto sa narodil z Boha nehreší, nemôže hrešiť." Pre neho nie je možné, aby hrešil. Ako môže byť hriešnik a vykúpený súčasne? Ako môžem byť v záložni a mimo záložne v tom istom čase? Vidíte? Ó, On nás vykúpil Svojou Krvou, Svojim Duchom nás očistil, a potom prichádza, aby v nás prebýval, v Cirkvi. Nie v denominácii, v Cirkvi!

113 Teraz sledujte dobre, ako sa budeme zaoberať týmto, miesta, kde budeme bývať. Pokánie pred potopou, prinieslo vodný krst. Potom prišiel Kristus a vylial na ňu Svoju Krv, aby ju očistil a nárokoval si na ňu. A potom prichádza to ďalšie, zničenie sveta, ktoré bude teraz.

114 Všetok hriech, ktorý je v nebeských oblastiach, „on je knieža moci v povetrí", on zadržiava Božie požehnanie. Odtiaľ prichádzajú búrky, blesky a udierajú na zem a všetko z nebies, ľady a dážď, tajfúny, búrky a všetko, „prichádza z hora", to je Satan „knieža moci v povetrí".

115 Všimnite si, ako sa Satan pokúsil vziať ju, ako som povedal pred pár minútami, tým, že ju chcel dať Ježišovi bez toho, že by ju kúpil. Potom, Satan má stále nárok, pretože je poznačená na uchu. Vidíte? Ale Ježiš ju kupuje Svojou preliatou Krvou a prináša ju späť k právoplatnému vlastníkovi. Vidíte? Takto On kúpil nás, Svojou Krvou, takto On kúpil Cirkev.

116 A teraz krst Ohňom ju očisťuje od všetkých zárodkov, chorôb, nemocí, dokonca všetkých duchovných nemocí, ktoré sú v nás, to vypôsobí to isté, aby to bolo pripravené, aby tam Boh mohol prebývať, v tomto veľkolepom veku, ktorý má prísť, v Novej Zemi. On ju vykupuje tým istým spôsobom, ako Svoj ľud. On to robí práve tak isto, Jeho plán vykúpenia. Lebo On je nemenný Boh, vždy rovnaký vo svojich plánoch.

117 Ako som vám už predtým povedal a podal vám to, cez všetky veky, Boh sa nemôže meniť, On to oznamuje vždy rovnakým spôsobom.

118 Jeho prvé posolstvo, v predpotopnom svete, priniesol cez proroka Noeho.

119 Rozprával som sa jedným milým bratom, ktorý tu dnes sedí. Včera, on povedal: „Jedna vec, ktorú si povedal, brat Branham, ktorá vždy so mnou zatriasla." Povedal som: „Čo je to, brat?" On povedal: „Tu je to, čo si povedal," a to je pravda, „´To bude menšina, malá skupina, ktorá bude zachránená vo dňoch Príchodu´. A my sme sa rozprávali ako Ježiš povedal: ´Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú´. Teraz, pozri, Biblia povedala, že ´tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde bolo osem duší zachránených skrze vodu, tak bude v čase Jeho Príchodu.´"

Povedal som: „Brat, ty si len..." On povedal: „Pamätaj, tam je len osem duší." Povedal som: „Máš len polovičný obraz."

121 Noe bol len predobraz na zvyšok, ktorý bol prenesený, nie na premenenú skupinu. Enoch, jeden človek, išiel do Vytrhnutia pred tým ako prišla potopa, čo ukazuje, že Cirkev nepôjde do súženia, alebo do niečoho takého. Enoch bol premenený, jeden človek. Ó, cirkev môže byť množstvo, ale Nevesta, bude to veľmi malá skupina, z čoho bude pozostávať Nevesta. Cirkev, to môže byť veľké množstvo, ale Nevesta, vidíte, porovnajte osem a jeden. Osem krát menšia bude Nevesta ako cirkev.

122 „A ak spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, bezbožník a hriešnik kde sa ukáže?" Tí, ktorí vedia lepšie robiť a predsa idú a nasledujú predpisy denominácie namiesto Slova, ešte sa nazývajú Kresťanmi a berú Meno Kristovo, kde sa ukážu?

123 Teraz, Noe bol dokonale predobrazom tých, ktorí boli prenesení. Pamätajte, keď Noe vyšiel, Cham bol s ním. Hriech bol stále tam. Hriech tam prechádzal, cez ten koráb. Nevera, pochybnosť išla cez ten koráb, prešli cez súd. Ale Enoch išiel vyššie, ako koráb, on išiel do Prítomnosti Boha. Ale Noe prešiel a vyšiel a tam bol stále hriech, predobraz na stav sveta v Miléniu.

124 Milénium nie je koniec toho. Tam stále ešte bude čas, po Miléniu. Milénium je časový úsek, ale nie Nová Zem. Nie. Všimnite si, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.

125 Vykúpená zem ide späť k svojmu pôvodnému Majiteľovi. On ju vzal Satanovi. On vytrhol zem z moci Satana, tak ako teba vytrhol z moci Satana, tak ako tú ženu pri studni vytrhol z moci Satana. Tam stál kňaz, ktorý si myslel, že stojí na Božej strane a nemal nič. Vidíte?

126 Chcel by som vám to nakresliť. Chceme to mať celkom jasné, takže sledujte pozorne toto vyučovanie [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.]

127 Teraz toto, tu je Boh. Boh, ktorý je Večný, bez... Nieto nikoho okrem Neho. Ale v Bohu, On mal atribúty. Teraz toto tu, reprezentuje Slovo, Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami v osobe Ježiša.

128 A toto tu, táto osoba, nakreslím ju takto. Túto nazveme žena pri studni. Toto je kňaz, farizej. A toto, čo vidíte, otvorená tabuľa, znamená milosť a spasenie.

129 „Na počiatku bolo Slovo. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tri stupne. To bol najprv atribút v Bohu, že On sa videl ako ľudská bytosť, to Ho zoslalo dole, aby sa stal Ježišom. A teraz, ak vy Tam budete, vy ste potom boli s Ním. Lebo, je len jedna forma večného života, to je Boh a vy ste museli byť časťou Boha tam na začiatku, nie to, čo ste si len vybrali tu dole. On vybral vás. „Všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne."

130 Teraz sa pozrite na toho kňaza. Táto spodná časť tu, jeho život za ním, jeho predurčenie je hriešne.

Tu je peklo, tu dole.

131 Táto malá časť tu, to vyzerá ako tá tabuľa, to reprezentuje jeho čistotu. On bol kňaz. On bol čestný muž. To reprezentovalo toto. On bol tiež, on musel byť dobrý človek, inak by nemohol byť kňazom. Ale vidíte ako ku tomu prišiel? Skrze intelektuálne naučenie.

132 Teraz táto malá žena, jej prvý život, ona bola prostitútka. Ona bola úplne skazená. Ale tu dole v nej bolo predsa trochu porozumenia. „Viem, že Mesiáš príde..." Vidíte, to bolo tam.

133 Všimnite si, keď prišiel Ježiš a manifestoval Slovo, pretože Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca, ako hovorí Židom 4:12, že bude. „Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca" a On prišiel ako Syn človeka, Prorok. Čo sa udialo? Tento kňaz, s jeho len intelektuálnym naučením povedal „To je diabol," pretože jeho denominácia to tak volala. Čo to spôsobilo? Nemal nič, čo by ho zastupovalo, tak to ho zatemnilo.

134 Ale táto malá žena nemala čo ukázať, ona bola tak nečistá, špinavá ako len mohla byť. Ale všimnite si, tu dole v nej, bolo niečo, čo ju zastupovalo. Ona hľadala Toho, ktorý sa mal stať telom. A keď On povedal: „Choď, zavolaj svojho muža a príď", ona povedala: „Nemám muža."

135 On povedal: „Pravdu si povedala, lebo si mala päť mužov a toho, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvoj muž. Mala si piatich. Teraz ich máš šesť."

136 Ona povedala: „Pane! (Nie, „Ty si," nie „Belzebúb"). „Poznávam, že si prorok. My vieme, že Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, príde a On toto bude robiť."

On povedal: „Ja som to."

137 Nebolo viac pochybnosti. Nemusíte to vysvetľovať. Ona to videla. Ona tomu verila. Ona išla preč. Prečo? Čo to s ňou urobilo? To ju spasilo.

138 Teraz sledujte, On prišiel aby bol Vykupiteľom. Správne? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen" - pozn.prekl.] Čo znamená „vykúpiť" ? „Priviesť späť". Prečo nepoužil kňaza? On tam hore nikdy nebol. Vidíte? On nemal žiadne zastúpenie.

139 On prišiel vykúpiť to, čo upadlo. Tento pád tú ženu uviedol do zmätku, ale Boh ju mal vo svojej mysli pred založením sveta a On prišiel, aby ju očistil. Vidíte? Potom ona mala večný život.

140 Čo to urobilo s tým kňazom? To ho poslalo späť do jeho miesta určenia. On nemal nič, s čím by začal, iba intelektuálne poznanie.

141 Teraz počuj, priateľu, ak tá jediná vec, ktorú máš, je len intelektuálne poznanie, potrebuješ niečo úplne odlišné od toho. A nikdy nebudeš schopný To dostať, ak nemáš zastúpenie. To je dôvod, prečo verím, že prichádzate z východu a západu, severu a juhu: živé zjavené Slovo.

142 Všimnite si, ako On zjavoval svoju cestu skrze prorokov na začiatku. On to nikdy nezmenil.

143 [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]...spasenie. On ospravedlnil človeka, posvätil Ho, poslal Svätého Ducha a Oheň a vypálil z neho hriech a prebýva v ňom, On sám.

144 S touto zemou, ktorú On použije vo svojom pláne spásy, to robí rovnako. Ona činila pokánie a bola pokrstená vo vode, cez Noeho. Prichádza Ježiš, posväcuje ju, kropí na ňu Svoju Krv a nárokuje si na ňu. A v Novej Zemi, ktorá má prísť, ona má byť pokrstená Svätým Ohňom, aby bola očistená od každého diabla, každého zárodku, každej choroby, všetkého, čo tam je a robí ju novou. „Videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem."

145 Stávate sa novou osobou. Amen! Nie len zaplátanou starou pripojením sa do cirkvi alebo pokúšajúc sa obrátiť nový list, ale vy ste úplne novou jednotkou. Boh berie starého človeka a úplne ho vypáli Svätým Duchom a Ohňom a Sám prichádza a posiela zhora svoje zastúpenie. „Nikto nepríde ku Mne, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne." Vidíte to? Ten istý plán, tá istá cesta.

146 Satan bude vzatý zo zeme tak isto, ako aj bol vzatý od teba. Satan nemôže znovuzrodeného Kresťana obťažovať, on môže pokúšať, ale nemôže ho dostať. Lebo Boh ho predzvedel pred založením sveta a poslal Ježiša, aby ho vykúpil a Krv hovorí za neho. Ako môže hrešiť, keď dokonca Boh ho takto nevidí? On dokonca ... Tá jediná vec, ktorú On počuje, je váš hlas. On vidí vaše zastúpenie. Amen! To je pravda. Vidíte?

147 Tým istým spôsobom, lebo svet je jeden z Jeho atribútov, tak isto, ako aj ty si jeden z Jeho atribútov. Svet sa stal jedným z Jeho atribútov, lebo to bolo na počiatku v Božej mysli mať svet, byť na Tróne, byť Kráľom, Vykupiteľom, Uzdravovateľom, to sú Jeho atribúty.

148 Tak ako aj vy máte atribúty. Nemôžem povedať „stĺp", ak nemyslím na stĺp. Nemôžem povedať „človek", ak nemyslím na človeka. A keď myslím na človeka a poviem „človek", tá myšlienka je môj atribút a to vyjadrenie je to slovo. Vidíte?

149 Ako Izaiáš, ako on mohol povedať, že „panna počne"? Čo je myšlienka?

150 Mnohí z vás by chceli vedieť, ako prichádza to rozlišovanie. Poviem vám to. To je slovo, ktoré hovorím. A to nie je moja myšlienka, lebo ja to neviem. Ja neviem o tej myšlienke. Ako by som vám mohol povedať kto ste a odkiaľ prichádzate, keď vás nepoznám? Ako by som vám mohol povedať, čo ste urobili pred desiatimi rokmi, keď som vás v živote nevidel? Ako by som vám mohol povedať, kde a čo budete robiť o desať rokov? Ako ja poznám budúcnosť? Ale to je myšlienka Niekoho iného.

151 „Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás." Vidíte, potom to nie je vaše myslenie. To je Jeho myslenie skrze vás. A vy nevyjadrujete vaše vlastné slová, vyjadrujete Jeho Slová.

152 Preto sú bratia mnohokrát zmätení, čo sa týka výkladu jazykov. Vidíte, hovoria veci, ktoré nie sú správne a neuvedomujú si, že to je Satan. Poviete „V Božej záhrade?" Počkajte, kým sa cez to dostaneme, zistíme, či je to pravda alebo nie. Kúkoľ a pšenica rastú na tom istom poli. Obaja žijú z toho istého slnka a z toho istého dažďa. Vidíte?

153 „Ale ak je medzi vami prorok, Ja, Pán budem ku nemu hovoriť. A ak to, čo povie, stane sa, potom som to Ja, lebo nevyjadruje svoje myšlienky. Vyjadruje Moje myšlienky, Moje atribúty vecí, ktoré majú prísť a Ja použijem jeho ústa, aby som ich vyjadril. Potom, čo ich vysloví, musia sa stať. Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú."

154 Izaiáš povedal: „Panna počne." Tým je to vybavené. Ona počne. Čo Boh povedal, On aj urobí.

155 On dal poznať skrze Svojich prorokov všetky Svoje prejavy, lebo to sú Jeho vlastnosti, atribúty Jeho vyjadrených myšlienok.

156 A tu to bolo, v tejto malej žene. Ona bola jedným z Jeho atribútov. Vidíte?

157 A tam bol kňaz, ktorý reprezentoval Svetlo. On sa to naučil z Biblie. On sa naučil, že Boh je Bohom. On sa naučil, že svätosť je dobrá. On sa naučil, že je zákon Boží. On sa to naučil cez intelektuálne poňatie. On mal správny rodokmeň. On bol Levita, ale on to vedel iba cez intelektuálne poňatie. A keď to Svetlo tej hodiny..., on sa naučil, čo sa už stalo, nie čo sa práve dialo, čo sa už stalo! A keď zistil, čo sa deje, jeho denominácia o Tom nič nehovorila, preto on nemal žiadne zastúpenie Toho.

158 Ale tu bol v tom čase na zemi Vykupiteľ, aby vykúpil tie atribúty Božie a ona to prijala. Ona o tom nepochybovala. Povedala: „Keď príde Mesiáš, bude toto robiť", a tým to bolo vybavené. A to videla robiť, takže... On povedal: „Ja som ten Mesiáš", a tým to bolo vybavené. Žiadne ďalšie otázky. Ona len šla a každému hovorila „Poďte a pozrite, Koho som našla."

159 Toto je proces, ktorý nás urobí čistými, chrámom Jeho miesta prebývania: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým s Ohňom. To je očistenie tohoto (nášho) chrámu.

160 Tak ako starý svet, jeho konštrukcia nebola zničená, keď prišli vody a obmyli ju, konštrukcia planéty, tá stará konštrukcia ... všetka špina, všetky veci, ktoré Boh dal na zem, to nebolo zničené, keď bol prvý svet zničený. A Biblia hovorí, že bol „zničený", ale to nikdy nezničilo tú konštrukciu planéty. To zničilo hriech a hriešnikov, ktorí boli na nej. Tá konštrukcia zostala.

161 Ale vidíte, ospravedlnenie, ako vy Baptisti a Metodisti o tom myslíte, iba ospravedlnenie, uverenie a byť pokrstený, to nestačí. Vrátite sa späť do vecí tohoto sveta, budete si strihať vlasy a nosiť šortky a všetko možné. Vidíte, ešte sa nič nestalo. Len ste sa pozreli dozadu a uvideli ste, že ste robili zle.

162 Čo urobilo pre svet ospravedlnenie? Ani jednu vec to nespravilo, začalo to znova tak, práve toľko hriechu, ako aj predtým. Tak to robí človek, keď to je všetko, pokiaľ on ide.

163 Tak by to mal vidieť ten veľký evanjelista Billy Graham. Povedal: „Keď ja idem, obráti sa ich tridsať tisíc, vrátim sa o rok a nie je ich ani tridsať." To je všetko, pokiaľ oni išli. Vidíte? A pritom istotne činili pokánie. Verím, že činili pokánie, väčšina z nich, alebo aspoň niektorí z nich. Ale to nie je všetko. Je to tu dokázané.

164 Takže tá konštrukcia toho starého sveta nebola vodou zničená. Iba svet bol obmytý. To bol krst. On bol pokrstený.

165 Tak isto zostane tá konštrukcia, keď bude spálená Ohňom. To nezničí tú zem, to zničí ten hriech, ktorý je na nej.

166 Všimnite si tu, vy, študenti Biblie, hlavne Doktor Dale, ktorý sa na mňa pozerá. Všimnite si v Petrovi, v 3. kap., on používa slovo „svet", grécke slovo „kozmos", čo znamená „svetový poriadok". „Zem pominie a živly rozpálené ohňom potečú." Vidíte, to neznamená, že zem, planéta pominie. Ale svet, „kozmos", politika, hriešnici, systémy, hriech, choroby, všetko, čo je zlé pominie. Všetko, čo raz ...

167 Boh raz zatriasol nebom, ale tento raz povedal, že On zatrasie zemou, nebom a zemou... „Zatriasol zemou", vlastne, „a teraz zatrasie nebom." Vidíte? „Lebo dostávame nepohnuteľné Kráľovstvo." To je Večné Kráľovstvo. Sledujme, ako o tom hovorí.

168 Všimnite si, Peter povedal: „a živly rozpálené ohňom sa rozplynú a zem a diela, ktoré sú na nej, zhoria.", nie planéta. „Diela, ktoré sú na nej", diela človeka, všetci jej politici a ich plány a všetky denominácie a ľuďmi vytvorené plány s tým pôjdu, keď to bude horieť.

169 „A nebesia s rachotom pominú." Všimli ste si to? „Nebesia s rachotom pominú." Počúvajte! Celá zem bude v plameňoch a plyny, ktoré sú na nej sa vznietia a explodujú. Presne tak. Biblia povedala, tu v Petrovi: „A nebesia a zem pominú s rachotom." Taká explózia tým zatrasie, ó, lebo to musí zabiť každú chorobu, všetko tŕnie a bodľač. Ten Oheň spáli všetko, čo musí preč. Pamätajte, to nebude len doslovný oheň, to bude tiež svätý Oheň, ktorý zmetie Satana a všetkých jeho, všetkých diablov. „Nebo i zem", amen, „pominú". Všetky zárodky chorôb, všetok hmyz, všetok prirodzený život na nej a okolo nej, bude usmrtený, dokonca H2O (voda) exploduje. Myslite na to. To bude rachot!

170 Myslíte, že ten malý hluk tu v Tucsone, keď On otvoril tých šesť Pečatí, bolo niečo? To zatriaslo okolitou krajinou, až sa o tom hovorilo. Počkajte, až zem obdrží svoj krst!

171 Viete, keď niekto obdrží krst Ohňom, je veľa hluku okolo toho. Oni si myslia, že to je hanba, počuť ľudí takto kričať a jasať. Ale počkajte, až zem dostane svoj krst! Tak veru.

172 Voda, H2O exploduje, lebo Biblia hovorí v Zjavení 21: „a mora viacej nebolo", ono exploduje. Toto zmení povrch celej planéty. Ona praskne a roztrhne sa na kusy. Vonkajšia časť, kôra bude dole stovky stôp jednoducho úplne zničená. Atmosféra, plyny, ktoré sú teraz na zemi, oni teraz vynachádzajú rakety, ktoré sa tam môžu dostať, je tam nejaký druh sféry, hovoria, kde sú všetky druhy plynov, to všetko zhorí. Svätý Boží hnev príde na ňu, očistí ju a zmení celý povrch zeme.

173 Mnohí z vás by si chceli poznačiť to slovo, grécke slovo „pominúť" To pochádza od slova ... Musel som to nájsť. Rozmýšľal som, „Ako tento svet pominie a my máme na ňom ešte žiť?" Ale ak si všimnete, niektorí z vás si to chcú poznačiť, vyhláskujem vám to. Nevedel by som to vysloviť, p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. Neviem, ako to vysloviť.

174 Teraz, ten spôsob, ako som povedal, keď dostanem ... Som k niečomu inšpirovaný, potom sa vrátim a hľadám to slovo. Neviem hláskovať to slovo, vlastne neviem ho vysloviť. Ale Pán mi stále dáva nejaký spôsob. Idem a zistím, čo to slovo znamená a potom to mám.

175 Nebo i zem „pominú", toto slovo znamená, že „prejde z jednej formy do druhej". To neznamená „úplné zničenie", ako by to v angličtine znamenalo, pominúť, úplne zničiť. Ale hebrejské slovo, vlastne grécke slovo neznamená „pominúť", to znamená „prejsť z jednej formy do druhej". Pozrite, to hovorí „prejsť z jedného stavu do druhého".

176 Všimnite si, Pavol použil to slovo, ak si to chcete prečítať. Poznačte si to, môžete si to potom prečítať, je to v Títovi 3:5, Pavol používa to isté slovo, keď hovorí o obnovení človeka, keď človek prešiel zo stavu hriešnika na svätého, nebol úplne zničený. Keď je človek zmenený, on nie je zničený, ale on je zmenenou osobou. On bol zmenený z toho, čo bol, na to, čím je, nie zničený.

177 Ježiš použil to isté slovo v Matúšovi 19:28, nie 28:19. Teraz, 19:28, On im povedal: „Budete sedieť so mnou v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca, vy *obnovení," [*pozn.: angl. preklad. – pozn.prekl.], vidíte, „zmenení", keď ste zmenení. On použil to isté slovo.

178 A On použil to isté slovo, keď povedal ohľadne toho osliatka. Povedal: „Uvoľnite, odviažte to osliatko a nechajte ho ísť."

179 To isté povedal pri vzkriesení Lazara: „Uvoľnite ho, rozviažte ho! Premeňte ho! Bol zviazaný, nechajte ho odísť!"

180 Čo to znamená? Zem bude uvoľnená z pút Satana. Bude oslobodená. Bude oslobodená od politiky, bude oslobodená od denominačných náboženských systémov, aby bola použitá pre Kráľovstvo Božie, ktoré bude zriadené tu na zemi. Ale tak dlho, ako je v rukách Satana, politika ... Satan, vládca zeme, on ju vlastní, jemu patrila, ale Kristus ju teraz vykúpil.

181 Raz som bol jeho vlastníctvom, ale teraz už nie. Raz tá malá žena bola jeho vlastníctvom, ale teraz už nie. On prišiel uvoľniť tie putá. On oslobodil môj i tvoj život z pút hriechu, Satana a teraz už nie sme jeho.

182 Počuli ste ma často povedať v modlitbe „daj ruky preč od Božieho vlastníctva"? Vidíte? Amen! Majte vieru nárokovať si svoje. To sú vaše práva. „Daj od nej ruky preč!", "Daj od neho ruky preč!" Vidíte? Viera to urobí. Ó! Nie zničiť to, ale „Daj od toho ruky preč!", uvoľniť, oslobodiť, nechať to ísť, pominúť. To premieňa.

183 Zem sa zmení. Politika sa zmení. Náboženstvá sa zmenia. Denominácie pominú. Politika pominie. Kráľovstvo Božie bude nastolené.

184 Čítame v Jánovi, v Zjavení 6:14: „A nebo pošlo ta, ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok." Biblia povedala, že ... Ján povedal: „Videl som nebo a zem, že pošli ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok." Ján, Zjavenie 6:14.

185 Ježiš povedal: „Nebo i zem pominú", alebo, inými slovami: „nebo i zem budú premenené". Vidíte, On tu použil znovu to isté slovo.

186 Nie zničené, lebo neskôr, v Zjavení 21:2 až 24, on videl Nový Jeruzalem prichádzajúci od Boha z nebies na túto zem. To neznamená, že ona bude zničená. Zmenia sa tie systémy.

187 Daniel videl tú istú vec. Kameň, ktorý nebol utesaný rukami, udrel svet a celý obraz (ľudských) systémov bol rozbitý a bol ako plevy z humna letného času a vietor ho odniesol preč. A ten Kameň narástol na veľkú Horu, ktorá pokryla celú zem. Sledujte teraz tú Horu. Tá Hora pokryla celú zem.

188 Tiež tu v Zjavení nachádzame, tam je povedané: „Králi Novej Zeme vnesú do neho svoju slávu a česť." Na zemi sedí ... Nový Jeruzalem sedí na tejto zemi. Takže ona bola len premenená.

189 Ty si ten istý muž, tej istej postavy, ako si bol, keď ťa Boh povolal, tá istá žena. Ale vidíte, čo to urobilo, to bolo obnovenie. Starý život pominul. Stará túžba pominula. Keď si bol zvyknutý piť, nadávať, hádať sa, byť zlostný, márniť čas, byť nemorálny, tie veci zomreli. Vidíte? Teraz si ale použitý ... Predtým si bol Satanovým nástrojom, ale teraz si vykúpený.

190 Tak isto to bude aj so svetom, vykúpený, Nové Nebo a Nová Zem.

191 Tak ako aj vy „ste novým stvorením". A grécke slovo tu, každý to vie, je „nové stvorenie" Amen! Nové stvorenie v tom istom starom chráme. Haleluja! Sledujte, čo sa teraz tu deje. Je to slávne!

192 Zistili sme, že králi tejto zeme budú na tejto zemi.

193 A znova, v Matúšovi 5:5, Ježiš povedal: „Tichí zdedia zem". To nebude iná zem. To bude tá istá zem. Pokúšam sa podať vám ten plán vykúpenia predtým, ako nedostanem niečo ďalšie. Jej krst Ohňom ju má len očistiť a pripraviť miesto pre Jeho tichých, aby na nej bývali. Vidíte? Ó!

194 Tak ako On pripravil nás, Svoje stvorenia, aby v nich býval. Predtým, ako On mohol do nás prísť, On nám musel dať krst Ohňom, potom Svätý Duch prichádza a býva v nás, krst Ohňom. Potom, keď dostanete krst Ohňom, potom Svätý Duch môže vojsť. Ako to On robí, To vypaľuje z vás všetko, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. Vidíte? To nebude veriť ničomu okrem Slova, lebo To je Slovo. Vidíte? Vidíte?

195 To je to, o čom sme sa rozprávali jeden deň, dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Dôkaz Ducha Svätého je, keď môžete prijať Slovo, nie nejaký systém, ale jasne porozumieť. Ako viete, že ste to Slovo správne porozumeli? Sledujte, Ono sa Samo potvrdzuje.

196 „Dobre", poviete, „Videl som robiť to a to." Ó, áno, kúkoľ žije tak isto. Vidíte?

197 Ale to musí byť celé Slovo. Byť Nevestou, vy musíte byť Jeho časťou. On je Slovo. Vidíte? A aká Jeho časť je to? Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na tento deň, keď On povoláva Svoju Nevestu. Buď časťou toho. Rozumiete tomu? Nezmeškajte to.

A On z toho vytvára spôsobilé miesto, v ktorom by mohol prebývať celú večnosť.

198 Všimnite si, toto sa nevzťahuje na ... Toto kraľovanie v Miléniu, v Tisícročí, nie je Nová Zem. Milénium je odlišné od toho. To je to, do čoho my ideme, do Milénia, ale to nie je Nové nebo a Nová Zem. Nie, nie. To je len miesto odpočinku, čas odpočinku, vôbec nie Nové Nebo a Nová Zem, lebo v Miléniu máme veci, ktoré do Toho nepôjdu. To je predobraz toho starého siedmeho dňa, v Edene, siedmy deň, potom, ako On stvoril svet. Siedmy deň On odpočinul v Edene.

199 A Milénium ... Svet je teraz skoro šesť tisíc rokov starý. A každých dvetisíc rokov prišlo nejaké narušenie. Vidíte?

200 Prvých dvetisíc, prišla potopa a On ju pokrstil (čím?), vodou.

201 Ďalších dvetisíc, prišiel Ježiš, aby ju posvätil a nárokoval si ju, pokropil ju Svojou Krvou, nazýva ju Svojou. V poriadku.

202 „Prídem znova", teraz ako Kráľ so Svojou Kráľovnou a ďalších dvetisíc rokov (čo On urobí?) On prichádza a dáva Svoj čas odpočinku.

203 A potom ju prepáli, nárokuje si ju ako Svoju a privedie na ňu späť Svojich Vlastných.

204 Všimnite si, nie ten dokonalý svet, toto Milénium je predobrazom siedmeho dňa. Potom prichádza Súd pred Bielym Trónom. Vidíte, stále máme súd. Stále sme v čase, v Miléniu. To je deň, tisíc rokov. To je časový prvok. Nie, nemiešajte to teraz s Novou Zemou, lebo to nie je Nová Zem.

205 Mohli by ste mi povedať toto. Cítim teraz, že niekto by mi mohol povedať toto: „Čo budeš teraz robiť, brat Branham? Už si vyčerpal úplne svoje sedmičky. Kam to budeš teraz smerovať? Ty veríš v časové rozdelenie." Verím. Verím, že aj Boh to tak vidí. „Ty si už vyčerpal príklady na svoje časové rozdelenia. Ak teraz niečo pridáš za ten siedmy deň, ako sa s tým vysporiadaš? Kam smeruješ?"

206 Dobre, upútam vašu pozornosť teraz na niečo. Nie som ešte mimo časového rozdelenia. Mám tu ešte jedno miesto Písma. Všetko z Toho sa musí naplniť, každá časť. Vidíte?

207 Teraz poviete: „Brat Branham, ty sa pokúšaš pridať niečo za ten siedmy deň, sabat."

208 Ako Boh stvoril zem za šesť dní a ten siedmy deň odpočinul, to bol len predobraz na čas. Ale práve som povedal, my sa stávame Večnými.

209 „Tak kde je teraz tvoj predobraz? Hovoríš, že veríš na tie predobrazy. Ty si už vyčerpal svoje predobrazy." Nie, nevyčerpal. Pozrime sa na toto.

210 Poďme do 3. Mojžišovej, 23. kapitoly. Chcem, aby ste si všimli v 3. Mojžišovej, o čom sme hovorili minulú nedeľu, alebo minulú ... Toto mi dalo tú myšlienku, práve toto. 23. kapitola 3. Mojžišovej a 26 verš.

211 Pamätajte, je sedem sviatočných dní. Sviatok trúb, sviatok stánov, sviatok prvotiny žatvy, ... Všetky tieto, týchto veľkých sedem sviatkov, boli len predobrazom Siedmych Cirkevných Vekov. Pamätáte si, koľko sabatov bolo medzi jedným sviatkom a tým druhým? Sedem sabatov medzi letnicami a trúbami, čo bolo Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. A bolo sedem sviatočných dní, ktoré reprezentujú Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. Sledujte, ako idú tie čísla.

212 Poviete: „Dobre, brat Branham, už si ich vyčerpal. Už máš sedem."

213 V poriadku, zoberme teraz ten posledný sviatok, čo je slávnosť stánov. Všimnite si tu v 36. verši.

Za sedem dní budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi, ôsmeho dňa ... ôsmeho dňa budete mať sväté zhromaždenie

(je ešte jeden svätý časový úsek)

a budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi, bude slávnostné zhromaždenie, nebudete robiť nijakej práce robotného dňa.

214 Teraz sme dostali „ôsmy deň". Je len sedem dní, ale teraz, keď hovoríme o „ôsmom dni", to je sväté zhromaždenie. Všimnite si, „vtedy nebudete robiť nijakej práce". Ôsmy deň je (čo?), späť k prvému dňu. Prečo, to hovorí o Večnosti, ako sa odvíja bez miesta zastavenia. Amen. Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

215 Všimnite si, tak isto to bolo s tým ôsmym dňom, s tým posledným dňom, sviatočným dňom stánov, všimnite si, po tom, po tom poslednom sviatočnom dni, po poslednom Cirkevnom Veku, po posledných úplných siedmych dňoch na zemi, po Miléniu, prichádza Sväté Zhromaždenie.

216 Pamätajte, toto je slávnosť stánov, stány, „miesta zhromažďovania". Amen! Lebo v Miléniu, Biblia hovorí, „Budú stavať domy a bývať v nich."

217 Ale v Novej Zemi, On už išiel, a pripravil miesto. Je to postavené. My nemáme nič do činenia s tým stavaním. Amen! To je Večné! Ó, milujem to Slovo! Ó! Sväté zhromaždenie, ôsmy deň. Je len sedem dní. Na ten ôsmy deň, ktorý sa vracia k prvému dňu, ten ôsmy deň je Sväté Zhromaždenie.

218 Všimnite si, sedem dní, to sa týka len starého stvorenia, svetového času. Sedem dní ... to je Milénium, deň odpočinku. Tak ako Boh pracoval šesť dní a siedmy odpočinul, Cirkev pracuje šesť dní a siedmy odpočíva, ale stále ste v časovom úseku. Nehovorím o Večnosti.

219 Vidíte ale, že nie je niečo ako osem dní, to sa znovu vracia k prvému dňu. Rozumiete? K prvému dňu.

220 Sabat hovorí o starom zákone, ktorý mal pominúť. Dodržiavanie soboty, čo „pominulo", alebo, ako som povedal „prešlo z jednej formy na druhú". To nepominulo, to sa len zmenilo zo starého zákona, dodržiavania určitého dňa v týždni.

221 Izaiáš v 19. kapitole, povedal, verím, že 28:19, povedal: „Lebo im treba príkazu na príkaz, trochu tu a trochu tam." „Drž sa toho, čo je dobré." „Lebo bľabotajúcimi rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť k tomuto ľudu. A tu je odpočinok." Vidíte?

222 Vstupujete do života nie kvôli dodržiavaniu dňa, alebo tieňa. Pavol povedal v Židom v 4. kapitole: „Dodržiavate dni a tiene, a také veci, bojím sa o vás." My nevchádzame do určitých dní a nariadení. „Prešli ste zo smrti do Večného Života," nie dní a časov. Vošli ste do Večnosti. To je sväté zhromaždenie.

223 Sedem dní, ktoré „pominú", alebo „zmenia sa na iné". Osem dní sa týka nového stvorenia, nie starého stvorenia. Osem dní je nové stvorenie.

224 Lebo to bolo ôsmy deň, kedy náš Pán vstal z mŕtvych. Potom máte iné zhromaždenie, svätosť, nie dodržiavanie sabatu, vôbec, alebo slávnosti stánov, slávnosti letníc. Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych pre naše ospravedlnenie, na ôsmy deň. Po siedmych sabatoch, alebo siedmych dňoch, Siedmych Cirkevných Vekoch, Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych. Osem dní, to je sväté zhromaždenie, prvý deň.

225 Prešli ste z času znova do Večnosti, nie k dodržiavaniu dní, sabatov, novomesiacov, a takých vecí. „Ale ste prešli," to je premenenie, nie zničenie. Sláva! „Ale ste prešli zo smrti do Života Večného." Ó, to nás učí Biblia! Vidíte, prešli sme z jedného do druhého.

226 V poriadku, tá stará sobota „prešla". Ježiš vstal na ôsmy deň. To bol slávnostný, svätý deň. A to nebol deň, lebo deň, čas, už vypršal, on prešiel do Večnosti. To prišlo znovu k tomu prvému dňu. Vidíte?

227 Večnosť, to je ako kruh. Nemôžete na tom nájsť žiadny roh. V dokonalom kruhu nenájdete žiadne prerušenie. Len idete ďalej a ďalej. Je mi jedno ako ďaleko idete, stále idete. Môžete začať ísť takto, cez podlahu, cez zem, poza celú zem, stále idete ...[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

228 Všetky veci, ktoré Satan tu dole na zemi prevrátil zmiznú, keď zaznie ten veľký zlatý zvon a Trúba zatrúbi.

229 A tam dávno, na začiatku, kde bolo predložené to nepohnuteľné stanovisko v Edene, keď človek prišiel na zem a upadol, malý baránok prelial svoju krv, to hovorilo o tom veľkom Baránkovi, ktorý mal prísť a preliať Svoju Krv. Golgota zodvihla kríž, ktorý uzavrel Starý Zákon pre tých ospravedlnených, ktorí očakávali na to. A v tomto novom časovom úseku, pri príchode Pána, na Novej Zemi, povraz spasenia (Krv, tá vykupujúca Moc, o ktorej hovorím, a skrze ktorú tým istým spôsobom bol vykúpený človek i zem), znovu povstane do Večnosti. A ohnivé jazero pohltí všetko, čo je bezbožné a nie je predurčené do Večnosti. Vidíte to?

230 Všimnite si, ten ôsmy deň, Ježiš vstal pre naše ospravedlnenie. Ten Večný Kráľ, s Večným Kráľovstvom, aby sme do Neho boli pokrstení k Večnému Životu. Nie sedem dní, to nemá nič s tými dňami. To hovorí o inom, o príchode do Večnosti, to je Večný čas, ten Svet, o ktorom hovorím.

231 Všimnite si, po päťdesiatich dňoch, alebo siedmych sabatoch odvtedy, tam znova prichádza ďalšie sväté zhromaždenie. Čo sa stalo? Svätý Duch padol na Deň Letníc, na siedmy deň, ...vlastne na ôsmy deň, padol na ôsmy deň. Prešlo presne sedem sabatov, po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, vidíte, takže sedem krát, to prichádza znovu k prvému dňu týždňa, presne. Vidíte?

232 Tam je vaše sväté zhromaždenie, to nemá nič tými doslovnými vecami. To je ponad tým. To je Večné Kráľovstvo s Večným Životom, s predurčenými, ktoré nikdy nezačalo. To nezačalo v žiadny deň. Vy ste neboli spasení v nejaký deň. Vy ste vždy boli spasení. Amen. Ježiš len prišiel, aby to vykúpil, ale vy ste boli spasení na začiatku, lebo ste mali Večný život už od začiatku.

233 Pstruh nikdy nemôže byť žabou. On môže byť s ňou v tej istej vode, ale on bol od počiatku pstruhom. Tá sieť ho len chytila, ale on tým bol od počiatku. Tam je to...

234 Teraz, my nie sme mimo časového rozdelenia, že? Sme presne v Písme. Po päťdesiatich dňoch to prichádza.

235 Osem nemôže byť počítané do týždňa. Vidíte, to sa nemôže počítať, osem dní v týždni. Nemôžete to robiť, lebo je len sedem dní v týždni. Počítajte to ako chcete. Nedeľa je prvý deň v týždni. Vidíte, počítate sedem, potom sa vraciate a začínate znova. Počítajte sedem, vráťte sa a choďte znova.

236 My sme žili vo všetkých týchto predobrazoch, ale keď narazíte na ten ôsmy, idete do Večnosti. Neprichádzate cez zákony, rituály, nariadenia. Prichádzate skrze predurčenie. Amen! [Br. Branham trikrát tleskol rukami. - pozn.prekl.] To je pravé, sväté zhromaždenie! Vidíte? A my ukončujeme siedmy cirkevný vek, letničný cirkevný vek. Vidíte to? My vstupujeme do toho svätého zhromaždenia. Vstupujeme do tej skutočnej, pravej Večnosti, kam je Cirkev povolaná, nie do nejakej stanice, alebo denominácie, ale do Večnosti s Večným Kráľom. Vidíte? Už vôbec nemáme také veci, ako dni a časy. Prešli ste do Večnosti, odkiaľ pochádzate. Boli ste tam na začiatku. Vidíte?

237 Ak máte Večný Život, je len jedna forma, a to je Boh a vy ste Jeho vyjadreným atribútom. Vidíte? Ak nie ste, vy tam potom nebudete. „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak by ho nepritiahol Môj Otec." Vidíte? Všetky tieto staré veci „pominú", ale tieto Veci nepominú, to hovorí o Večnosti. Svätý Duch je Večný. Potom, vy ste vo Večnosti, kde ste boli celý čas, len ste rozpoznali, čo sa stalo.

238 Vy ste boli stvorení pre Večný účel, lebo ste boli manifestáciou, prejavom atribútu, (vlastnosti), ktorá bola v Bohu. Boli ste Jeho myšlienkou, potom vás vyjadril a utvoril zem, aby vás z nej vzal a učinil vás ľudskou bytosťou. A prišiel hriech a prevrátil Jeho cestu. Vy síce prichádzate, ale boli ste stratení so svetom. Tak On prichádza, aby vás vykúpil, ten vyjadrený atribút, a tiež vykupuje zem tým istým spôsobom. Jeho účel sa odvíja ďalej. Vidíte? Ó! Haleluja! Ó, to mi robí tak dobre, myslieť na to, čo leží pred nami!

239 Teraz, v Efežanoch 1:10, ak si to chcete poznačiť, v Efežanoch 1:10 sa to nazýva, nie časové rozdelenie, nie siedmy deň, ale „plnosť času." A keď príde „plnosť času", vtedy je čas naplnený. Keď už niet viacej času, idete do Večnosti. Potom ako končí siedmy cirkevný vek a on končí, Lutherov vek skončil, Metodistický vek skončil, Letničný vek skončil. A teraz idete (kam?), do Večnosti, žiadnych sedem, žiadne tri, žiadne iné. Oni sú vo Večnosti, kde nie sú také veci ako čísla a časy. Amen! Ó! Vidíte to teraz?

240 Potom, čo sa naplnil čas v Miléniu, všetok hriech je vzatý preč a bude Súd pred veľkým Bielym Trónom. (To je predobraz na Ducha Svätého.) Potom, čo svet bude v ohni a bude pokrstený svätým Ohňom z Neba, všetok hriech je preč, všetky zárodky chorôb sú preč, všetci diabli sú preč, všetko pokušenie je preč, všetko zlo je preč. Čo potom robí Boh? Môže sa posadiť na zem, pretože všetok hriech je preč.

241 On robí tú istú vec, keď ti dáva krst Duchom Svätým s Ohňom. On môže prísť a prebývať v tebe a môžeme sedieť v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, pretože už sme v Ňom. Nie „budeme". Teraz sedíme v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ako sa do toho dostaneme? Krstom jedného Svätého Ducha. „Jedným Duchom sme všetci pokrstení do Krista," čo je teraz. Nie „budeme" v Kristovi, sme! On je ten veľký duchovný Kráľ nad Duchom, ktorý je v nás, lebo my sme boli v Ňom na počiatku.

242 Boh na začiatku, keď myslel na vás, na ostatných, On myslel na seba, že sa stane hmatateľným. To boli Jeho myšlienky. Vidíte? On vyjadril Svoje myšlienky slovom. Povedal: „Nech sa stane ...", „Nech sa stane...", a stalo sa. „Nech sa stane..." a stalo sa.

243 Potom, po čase, On stále hovoril „Nech sa stane...", kým jedného dňa ľudia nepovedali, „Nech nehovorí Boh!"

244 On povedal? „Budem k nim hovoriť skrze proroka." Vidíte? „Odteraz budem k nim hovoriť skrze proroka."

245 A prorok povedal: „Stane sa..., bude, že..." a stalo sa. A stalo sa, stalo sa práve tak. Rozumiete tomu teraz?

246 „Plnosť času" prišla po tom, čo sa naplnil čas. Hriech je preč, po krste sveta, potom, čo krst sveta ho pripravuje na vhodné miesto: žiadne nemoci, žiadne zárodky chorôb, žiadne tŕnie, žiadna bodľač, žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadne srdcové choroby, žiadna staroba, nič, čo reprezentuje smrť, nič zlé, všetko dobré, nič prirodzené. Večné!

247 Potom, Jeho atribút je vyjadrený, lebo tam bol najprv, na začiatku. To bola Jeho myšlienka.

248 Čo sa potom stalo? On poslal Adama a Evu sem na zem a povedal: „Ploďte sa a množte sa a naplňte zem." Všetok materiál na telá ich potomkov tam ležal, mali ho jesť a vytvárať svoje telá. To je spôsob, akým to On robil.

249 Ale prišiel hriech a narušil Jeho plán. Svet beží ďalej tak isto, čas beží ďalej.

250 Ale čo urobil Ježiš? Boh prišiel dole a vyjadril Samého seba vo forme človeka, ľudskej bytosti, dal Svoj život, miesto toho, aby tu zostal. On bol Kráľ, ale On dal Seba, aby vykúpil ten ostatok. Rozumiete tomu?

251 A keď to všetko skončí, všetko bude navrátené späť a Boží plán bude naplnený. Znova tu bude ten Večný Kráľ so svojimi Večnými poddanými, vyjadrenými v ľudskom tele, presne tak, ako to mal On, hriech je vzatý preč, diabol je preč, je to všetko hotové.

252 Čo to urobí? Táto zem teraz nemôže byť miestom, aby na ňu zostúpilo Nebo. Pozrite sa na ňu, hriech. Ona musí byť očistená.

253 Žiaden muž, žiadna osoba, žiadna žena, chlapec, dievča, je mi jedno kto to je, nie je spôsobilý vystúpiť za kazateľňu, dokonca sa ani nazývať Kresťanom, bez toho, že by bol naplnený Svätým Duchom. Nemáte žiadne právo prijímať večeru Pánovu, mať účasť na umývaní nôh, alebo na niečom podobnom, ak ste neboli očistení Svätým Božím Ohňom.

254 Žiaden muž nemá právo kázať, ak Ho nestretne tak, ako Mojžiš na tej svätej pôde, kde sa vznáša ten Ohnivý Stĺp, kde potom vie, na čom je. Vidíte?

255 Pozorujte, ako ideme ďalej. Po svetovom krste Ohňom, všetky zárodky chorôb sú preč, ona sa potom stáva spôsobilým miestom, aby na nej mohli prebývať Nebesia.

256 To je teraz znázornené sedením v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Prešli sme z tohoto, špinaví, ako bola tá malá žena, do vyjadreného atribútu Boha. „Teraz sme synovia Boží," nie „budeme". Sme atribútmi Božieho myslenia. Vidíte?

257 Teraz poviete: „Pozri na toho kňaza. Nebol on syn Boží?" To dokázalo, že nebol. Čo on nemohol rozpoznať? Či povedal: „Ja verím Biblii"? Iste. Ale on nemohol rozpoznať to vyjadrené Slovo tej hodiny. On mal iba nejaké intelektuálne porozumenie od nejakej skupiny, ktorá bola už pred ním.

258 A dnes to je to isté. Vidíte? Viem, že je to silné, ale je to pravda.

259 Tam bolo Slovo, hovorené presne na ten deň a on bol síce učenec, bol síce vážená osobnosť, ale on To nemohol rozpoznať. Prečo? Nezáleží na tom, aký on bol učenec, on nemal zastúpenie skrze predurčenie. Vidíte?

260 Len ten predurčený bude ten, ktorý to rozpozná. Len on to môže byť. A vy to môžete rozoznať len... Lebo, pozrite, to dokazuje predurčenie. Lebo ak máte Večný Život, musíte byť časťou Boha celý čas, lebo len On je Večný. Vidíte to? Ó! Myslite na to.

261 Teraz sledujte, čo sa deje cez to veľké Milénium. Všetok hriech je preč, Milénium je nastolené, teraz je čas, aby Svätý Duch zaujal Svoje miesto.

262 Tak, ako to robí pri nás, „prešli sme zo smrti do života", prebývame v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi, v Jeho slávnej Prítomnosti. Dokonca i fyzická smrť pominie, tak ako aj duchovná smrť teraz pominula.

263 Nie je teraz niečo také, ako duchovná smrť, pre pokrsteného Božieho svätého. „I keby zomrel, bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie." Celé Písmo musí byť naplnené. Vidíte? Nemôžete zomrieť. Máte Večný Život. To jediné je, že vám to Vykupiteľ dal poznať. A vy ste To vždy boli, a to je dôvod, prečo vidíte deň, v ktorom žijete. Koľkí z vás to vidia? Zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte? Ďakujem. Deň, v ktorom žijeme, vy to rozpoznávate.

264 Metodisti povedali: „Keď kričíš, tak To máš." Mnohí z nich kričali a nemali To.

265 Letniční povedali: „Keď hovoríš jazykmi, máš To." Mnoho ich hovorilo jazykmi a nemali To.

266 Pozrite, tí farizeji mali všetky druhy foriem, ale keď Slovo bolo zjavené, oni to nerozpoznali. Vidíte?

267 A keď ste Nevesta, Nevesta je časťou Manžela. To jediné miesto, ako To môžete rozpoznať, je rozpoznať akou časťou Manžela (Slova) ste. Inak nemôžete rozpoznať, že ste Nevesta. Koľkí z vás to vidia? Vidíte? Musíte rozpoznať svoje postavenie.

268 Nemôžete rozpoznať postavenie niekoho druhého. Čo ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho? A Noe bol časťou toho, ale to by nefungovalo. Čo ak by Ježiš prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša? To by nefungovalo. Vidíte, to bol iný vek, to bolo iné proroctvo, iná časť Písma musela byť vtedy vyplnená. To bol iný deň v týždni. Nie, práca na utorok nemôže byť vykonaná v stredu. A práca na stredu musí byť vykonaná v stredu. Vidíte? V sobotu to musí byť sobotňajšia práca. Vidíte?

Oni povedali, „Ó, my máme Mojžiša."

269 On povedal: „Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa, lebo on bol ten, ktorý hovoril o Mne. ´Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka ako mňa.´" Pochopili ste to? Ó! Vidíte?

270 Potom Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14: „Keď On, Svätý Duch príde, pripomenie vám tieto veci a ukáže vám, v ktorom dni žijete. A ešte inú vec vám dá poznať, bude vám zvestovať budúce veci." Vidíte, rovno späť do toho proroctva, „keď On príde." Vidíte?

271 V tej Novej Zemi a Novom Nebi, tam nebude žiadne zatemnenie, keď príde táto Nová Zem. Diabol bude zviazaný... Satan, on je teraz stále uvoľnený, on je žalobca. Ale v Novej Zemi, on bude zviazaný a uvrhnutý do Ohnivého Jazera, do toho svätého Ohňa.

272 Potom, v tejto Novej Zemi, pozrime sa na to na chvíľu. V Novej Zemi, obloha nikdy nebude čierna, nie, to je z prekliatia. Nikdy nebude čierna so zúrivými mrakmi. Vetry nikdy cez ňu nebudú takto duť. Nie. Nebudú vytrhávať stromy a domy a všetko prevracať. Blesky a zlosť už nebudú chrliť tam hore od Satana a zabíjať ľudí na ulici a zapaľovať domy. Vidíte? Nikdy viac. Nebude už viac tajfúnov, búrok a tornád, aby prevracali domy a zabíjali malé deti. To už viac nebude. ... Aby sa pokúsili zničiť, to tam nebude. Satan je uvrhnutý.

273 Prial by som si, keby sme tak mali ešte trocha času. Preskočím niektoré miesta Písma, aby sme neskončili neskoro. Musím sa ešte modliť za chorých.

274 Nebo a zem sa stretli, Boh a človek sú zmierení. Začal obnovený Eden, všetka kliatba je preč.

275 Práve tak, ako všetka kliatba hriechu je preč, keď vás Duch Svätý prijme. Vidíte, nie vy Ho prijmete, On prijme vás, lebo to je Božia vlastnosť. Vidíte, ak je To Duch Svätý, to znamená Boží Duch, a to je vlastnosť, myšlienka Boha, že On vás prijal, lebo vy ste boli určení k tomu účelu. Vidíte? Vy ste sa narodili v hriechu, ale Boh mal ten atribút a vy ste sa vyjadrili tu na zemi a On prichádza dole a berie vás. Takže ste naspäť tam, kde patríte. Vidíte? Hriech stratil svoju moc. To je pravda. Tá túžba hriechu je vzatá z vášho srdca, keď Duch Svätý prichádza dovnútra. Ste obnoveným človekom.

276 A potom, keď zem je obnovená, tým istým spôsobom, tam nemôžu byť žiadne kliatby, žiadne búrky, žiadne vetry, žiadne tajfúny. Ste zmierení, človek a Boh sa stretli. Nová Zem bude vrátená do krásy Edenu. Tá Nová Zem bude rozprestretá, po jej krste Ohňom.

277 Pomyslite, ona bude zasiahnutá ohňom a spálená. Všetky prvky zhoria rozpáleným ohňom. Všetky diela na zemi zhoria. Všetka voda exploduje, to sa všetko vznieti a vybuchne. Všetko vybuchne. Sopky vychŕlia žeravú lávu tisícky míľ do povetria. Každý zárodok... Svätý Duch Boží zmyje každú škvrnu hriechu. Všetci diabli budú zviazaní a uvrhnutí do Ohnivého Jazera do požierajúceho Ohňa, do Ohňa Božieho hnevu.

278 Nebude tam už žiadne zviera, ktoré by vás mohlo zničiť. Keď pôjdete dole cestou, v kvetinových záhradách, tam nebude žiaden had, ktorý by na vás syčal a poštípal a pustil do vás jed. Ó! Nebude to nádherné? Počúvajte. Tam v Novej Zemi nebude už žiadne miesto pre nejaký hrob, žiadne miesto.

279 Človek a Boh sa spolu zišli, Ženích a Nevesta. Nebo a zem sa objali, Boh prišiel dole, aby prebýval medzi ľuďmi. Jeho stánok je s nimi.

280 Nebude už žiaden hriech, žiaden smútok. Nikdy tam nebude kvapka slzy z matkinej tváre nad jej dieťaťom. Amen. To tam nebude, na tej Novej Zemi. Nie. Ona je vykúpená. Ona patrí Jemu a pre tých Jeho ona bola vykúpená. Vidíte?

281 Pozrite, vy ste časťou tej zeme. Je to tak? A keď On vykúpil vás, On vykúpil zem tým istým spôsobom a ste znova spolu. Môže to byť ešte jasnejšie? Musíte byť vykúpený, lebo ste jej časťou. A ak na vás ešte neprišla Krv, ešte nie ste spasený, nie ste zavolaný. Potom ju On očisťuje, tak isto, ako v Ohni. Hoci na ňu tiekla Krv, ona ešte musí byť očistená Ohňom, aby na nej mohol prebývať Boh.

282 Boh si už vlastne vzal Svoj domov. Kráľovstvo Božie je už teraz na zemi v srdciach Jeho svätých. To sú Jeho atribúty, tí, s ktorými On začal už od počiatku. Oni sú teraz vykúpení. Na čo On čaká? Aby zem vyslobodil, posadil na ňu tých Svojich a naplnil tak presne Svoj predurčený plán. Vidíte to?

283 Všimnite si, žiadne hroby, žiadne slzy, žiadne krviprelievanie. Ona už nikdy nebude zvlhčená slzou alebo krvou. Nie. Nebudú žiadne vojny. Nie. Žiadne zimné mraky. Na jej hruď nebude nikdy padať ani ležať na nej studený sneh. Horúce slnko nikdy nespáli jej trávu. Haleluja! Dokonca na púšti budú rásť ruže. „Jeden deň tá stará tŕnistá púšť zakvitne ako ruža." Boh to povedal, keď je vykúpená a pokrstená Ohňom. Sú tam teraz všetky druhy kaktusov a tŕnistých krov, ale prichádza na ňu krst Ohňom.

284 Je to ako keď človek má v sebe nenávisť, zlomyseľnosť a sklon ku konfliktom, keď prichádza krst Ohňom, ten ho od toho očisťuje. Žiadna žiarlivosť, nič takého, je to dokonalým príbytkom pre Boha. A pamätajte, to sú Jeho Vyslanci, ktorí Ho tam stretnú. Amen! Čo za...

285 To nie je len príbeh, to je pravda. To je to, čo Boh povedal. To je to, čo On zasľúbil. To je to, do čoho ide Nevesta. „Aj púšť," On povedal, „zakvitne ako ruža."

286 Satan, hriech a hriešnici sú navždy preč. Všetko je dokonané, prešlo to do Večnosti. A všetko, čo bolo prevrátené, ten veľký archanjel Satan, ktorý to spôsobil a konal to všetko zlo, bude zničený. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: „Každá duša, ktorá by Ho nepočúvala, bude zničená."

287 Vidíte ale, On nemôže zničiť Seba a zostať pri tom Bohom. Takže, ak tá duša je zo sveta, ona musí byť zničená. Ale ak je Večná, s Bohom, ona nemá začiatok, lebo je časťou Boha a nikdy nemôže byť zničená. Amen! Aké nádherné! Akí vďační by sme mali byť, Cirkev to musí vidieť.

288 Ľudia, všetko, čo ste činili, leží tu. Práve to sa vám pokúšam povedať. Musím niečo vynechať, lebo sa chcem k tomuto ešte vrátiť.

289 Všetky tieto veci, Satan, hriešnici všetko je preč na Večnosť, všetko to zmizne. Vidíte, Satan nemôže stvoriť. Ak by mohol, bol by Bohom. Vidíte? On môže len prevrátiť to, čo bolo stvorené. Vidíte? Všetka prevrátenosť s tým skončí. Smrť je prevrátenosť života a keď prevrátenosť bude preč, už nemôže byť viac smrti. Staroba je znamením smrti a keď je preč staroba, prichádza život. Všetky znaky prevrátenia a všetko ostatné je preč. Tŕnie a bodľač sú znakom hriechu, „zem bude nimi prekliata", ale oni zmiznú. Nemoci tak prichádzajú, tie tiež zmiznú. Smrť zmizne. Krviprelievanie zmizne.

290 Tej zeme sa nedotkne nič len svätosť, Vykúpení. Ó! Cítim sa tak dobre. Boh a Jeho stvorenie, Jeho stvorenia v tomto stvorení sú vykúpení Jeho Vlastnou Krvou. Očistení Jeho Vlastným očisťovacím procesom. Procesom, ktorý ničí chorobu a hriech!

291 Ako keď niečo sterilizujete, najlepší spôsob, ktorý máme, ako niečo sterilizovať, je oheň. Môžete niečo umývať mydlom a rôznymi chemikáliami, o ktorých oni hovoria, to stále nie je úplne čisté. Ale položte to raz do ohňa!

292 A keď ten svätý Boží Oheň sterilizuje zem s Chemikáliami, potom, čo vzal Svoju Nevestu, ktorá vstupuje do Nebies s Ním, zatiaľ čo sa toto deje. A znova sa vracia späť na zem, Nové Nebo, Nová Zem. Studená zima jej nemôže uškodiť. Horúce leto jej nemôže uškodiť. Púšte zakvitnú ako ruža. Hriech a hriešnici sú preč.

293 Boh a Jeho stvorenie a stvorenia prebývajú spolu v dokonalej harmónii. Tak ako nebo a zem sú manžel a manželka, tak je Kristus a Cirkev. Oni všetci sa stretnú v jednom slávnom pláne vykúpenia a sú znova prinesení na Božie prsia. Vidíte to?

294 A v tej Novej Zemi, tam je Nové Mesto. Ó! Teraz dobre počúvajte. Nezabudnite toto. Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14, že On ide pripraviť miesto. „Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce!" Keď odchádza preč, „Mám dôvod ísť preč, veríte v Boha," On povedal, „verte aj vo Mňa." Oni nevideli, že On je Boh. On povedal, „Uverili ste v Boha, teraz veríte vo Mňa. A Ja vám idem prihotoviť Miesto. V Dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov, v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho palácov." Kristus je tam a pripravuje teraz Nový Jeruzalem. Dobre počúvajte. Neprehliadnite toto. Kristus je dnes v Nebesiach a pripravuje Nový Jeruzalem.

295 Tak ako Boh stvoril zem v šiestich dňoch, alebo šesťtisíc rokoch. Ako povedal: „Nebuďte nerozumní," čítame v Písme, „tisíc rokov je jeden deň."

296 Kristus išiel preč a teraz pripravuje Miesto, ktoré je vo výstavbe mnoho tisíc rokov. „A keď pôjdem a pripravím Miesto, prídem znova a vezmem vás k Sebe, aby ste tam, kde som Ja i vy boli." Všimnite si, Vykupiteľ a Vykúpení!

297 Prial by som si, keby sme mali teraz trochu času. Poznačil som si citát, kde Šalamún hovorí „o tom dievčati, Neveste." Musíme to ale vynechať, je príliš neskoro. Vrátim sa k tomu. „On sa ju pokúsil získať, ale ona je zasnúbená s jedným pastierom." Niektorí si možno myslia, že to bola pieseň, ktorú on spieval. Nie. Šalamún bol dedičom Dávidovho trónu na zemi, ale to ukázalo, že toto kráľovstvo muselo pominúť. To bol predobraz Krista, milujúceho Svoju Nevestu. Vidíte?

298 Všimnite si, že Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14, „idem, aby som prihotovil Miesto."

299 Ó, ako to bude vyzerať? Premýšľala si niekedy o tom, Nevesta, ako to bude vyzerať? Je to navrhnuté a pripravené Božským Architektom. Ako bude to Mesto vyzerať? Teraz budem niekoľko minút o tom hovoriť. Ten Božský Architekt to pripravil, navrhol. Pozrite, On to navrhol s nežnými rukami pre Svoju milovanú Nevestu. Ako to bude vyzerať?

300 Viete si predstaviť muža, ktorý si berie svoju ženu a je zručný, ako on stavia a ukladá každú malú vec presne tak, ako to má ona rada? Amen.

301 Teraz Božský Architekt navrhol to Nové Mesto, presne tak, ako to ona má rada, kde On bude bývať so Svojou Nevestou. Niet divu, že apoštol povedal: „Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, čo ani na srdce človeka nikdy nevstúpilo ..." Pozrime sa, či sa môžeme do toho na chvíľu zahĺbiť, ako to bude vyzerať.

302 Božský Architekt to navrhol pre Svojich milovaných. Vidíte? Ó, čo za miesto to musí byť, keď Božská Prirodzenosť, Božský Architekt to navrhol pre Božský atribút, ktorý bol predurčený Bohom, ktorý je autorom Božského Života! Ako bude vyzerať to Mesto! Myslite na to.

303 Pamätajte, to nie je Nebo. Ján povedal, „Videl som ho zostupovať dole z Neba." To bude na zemi. Vidíte?

304 Nie táto zem pominie, toto je vykúpená zem. Boh nepovedal, že dá povstať novému pokoleniu, On ide vykúpiť tých, ktorí sú tu. On sa nechystá stvoriť žiadny nový svet, to je tento tu. On ho len ide prepáliť, očistiť, práve tak, ako to urobil s tebou. Jeho plány musia navždy zostať rovnaké. Teraz, to bude...

305 Pamätajte, to nebude v Nebi. „Zostupujúce dole z Neba." Je to Miesto prebývania, Miesto na prebývanie. Ako Ján to videl na ostrove Patmos, tu v Zjavení 21, on to videl „zostupovať". Ján videl to Mesto „zostupovať z Neba", ako holubica.

306 Tu prichádza Boh, dole na Svoj pozemský stánok, na Ježiša v ... „zostupuje z Neba." Ježiš bol pokrstený, išiel priamo ...

307 Keď stretol proroka! „Slovo prichádza k prorokovi". A On bol Slovo. A prorok tam stál, odmietajúc všetky ich denominácie. A keď videl Slovo, Slovo prišlo rovno k nemu.

308 A ten prorok bol tak šokovaný, že on povedal: „Mne je treba, aby som bol pokrstený od Teba a Ty ideš ku mne?"

309 On povedal: „Nechaj teraz, lebo tak sa nám patrí (poznáme to posolstvo), aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť. Ja som obeť a obeť musí byť umytá." On Mu urobil ako sa patrilo.

310 Keď On vystupoval z vody, Ján povedal: „Vidím nebo otvorené." Ten prorok to videl. On videl nebesia otvorené.

311 A tu prichádza zostupujúci z Neba vo forme Holubice a Hlas hovorí: „Toto je Môj diel zeme, ktorý som vykúpil a z tejto časti zeme vykúpim ten zvyšok, lebo On je Moje zjavené Slovo." „A celý svet povstal do existencie Mojim Slovom." Židom 11. „A Satan to držal celý ten čas, ale Ja som to prišiel vykúpiť, toľko z toho tvorí Jeho telo a Ja budem v tom prebývať."

312 Ján povedal: „Videl som to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem zostupujúci z Neba ako Nevesta prihotovená svojmu Mužovi." A kde sa to usadilo? Práve tak ako vtedy, na zem.

313 Ježiš bol časťou tej zeme, na ktorú Duch Svätý zostúpil, (je to tak?) a navždy na Ňom zostal. To Ho nikdy nemôže opustiť. Je To tam vždy. On a Boh sú Jedno. Vždy To musí zostať.

314 A tak Ján videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci ako holubicu, prichádzajúcu z Neba a usadzujúcu sa na vykúpenej celej zemi (aby urobil čo?), aby si nárokoval každý atribút, pre ktorý On stvoril zem. Potom je každý muž, ktorý je zastupovaný vo Večnosti i každá žena, vykúpený. Tá zem bola očistená a prepálená ohňom.

315 Ježiš bol štyridsať dní v ohnivých pokušeniach na púšti. Potom, všimnite si, bol pripravený na Svoju službu.

316 Myslite na to, Svätý Duch zostupujúci na zem, na Ježiša a tú svätú Krv! Teraz sledujte, myslím, že nejdem pre vás príliš hlboko. Tá svätá Krv, ktorá bola Bohom stvorená, Krv, Život, stvorenie Božie. „Ježiš bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." Ó! Vidíte to? Boh vyjadrený v stvorení. On bol Duch a Biblia hovorí: „On je počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." Ako On začal? V lone ženy. Ktorá je čím? Žena nie je...

317 Ako tu tí slepí ľudia nemôžu vidieť to „semeno hada". Vidíte? Eva bola postavená tu na zemi a predtým, ako sa jej Satan dotkol, alebo tak nejako, Boh im povedal: „Ploďte sa a množte sa a naplňte zem." Tak je to, ale prichádza Satan. A ak on bol Adamov syn, kde potom ...

318 Adam bol priamy Boží potomok a vy len preberáte prirodzenosť svojho rodiča.

319 A keď ste znovuzrodený, preberáte prirodzenosť svojho Rodiča z Neba. A váš Rodič z Neba je atribút Slova ..., vlastne Slovo je atribútom vášho Rodiča. Potom ako Ho môžete zapierať kvôli denominácii? Ó!

Dúfam, že to neprehliadnete. Viem, že je to od Boha.

320 Ježiš. Tu On prichádza, zostupujúc, a tam bol Ježiš, atribút Boží.

321 Teraz „žena". Sledujte. Boh povedal, „pretože urobili toto," povedal, „položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvoje Semeno a hadove semeno." Je to tak? A žena nemá žiadne semeno. Pomysleli ste na to niekedy? Ona má pole, nie semeno. Vidíte, had tam už vložil svoje „semeno".

322 Potom, ak žena nemá žiadne semeno, ona ho musí obdržať.

323 Vidíte, skrze pohlavný styk tu priniesol Satan, had, on nebol plaz, on mal nohy, ktoré potom zmizli. On bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat - on sa mohol spojiť so ženou.

324 Semeno zvieraťa to teraz nedokáže. Skúšali to, ale nefunguje to. Semeno zvieracieho samca sa nemôže spojiť so ženou. To nefunguje.

325 Ale to bol najbližší tvor. Oni nemôžu nájsť ten druh medzi šimpanzom a človekom. Vidíte, každý jeden, ako sa vyvinuli, od vtákov, po opice a tak ďalej, po šimpanzy, potom im niečo chýba. To bol vtedajší had, nie ten plaz. On stratil celkom svoju podobu, lebo bol prekliaty.

326 Boh nepreklial Adama, On mohol urobiť tú istú vec, ale On preklial zem, „tŕnie a bodľač."

327 On nepreklial Evu, ale povedal, že Adam bude nad ňou panovať. Odvtedy ona nemá kázať ani nič podobné robiť, Adam je jej pánom. „Po všetky dni svojho života v bolesti budeš rodiť." Ale On povedal: „Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojim Semenom..."

328 Ona nemala semeno, ona nikdy žiadne nemala, ona musela nejako to Semeno obdržať. Boh jej dal Semeno, nie cez pohlavný styk, ale cez stvorenie.

329 Nemôžete vy, slepí ľudia vidieť, že to je „semeno" hada? Ó! Satan sa tam dostal skôr, ako Adam, to bolo to „semeno".

330 Ale ona obdržala Semeno. Čo to bolo? Sám Boh. „On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho."

331 Pozrite teraz, keď sa narodil Set, alebo Ábel, on bol spravodlivý, po svojom otcovi, Set tak isto.

332 Odkiaľ ten zlý človek prišiel: vrah, klamár? Vidíte odkiaľ to pochádza? To muselo byť „semeno", lebo on bol semeno, Kain bol človek.

333 Ó, na čom sú tí slepí ľudia? „Boh tohoto sveta ich oslepil." Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že nikto to nemôže vidieť. Vidíte?

Poviete: „Prečo to nemôžu vidieť?"

324 Ježiš raz povedal Svojim učeníkom: „Vám je dané poznať Kráľovstvo Božie, ale im nie."

335 To je ten dôvod, prečo prichádzate z okruhu 1500 míľ, „Vám je dané poznať Kráľovstvo." Vidíte, ľudia prichádzajú dokonca z Južnej Afriky a okolia v tejto neskorej hodine, kedy sa Nevesta pripravuje, aby mohla vojsť do Kráľovstva.

Nemám príliš mnoho času. Sledujte teraz.

336 Môžete tam teraz vidieť to „semeno" hada, ako sa to stalo? Výborne. Niekto z nich povedal...

337 Ako ten chlapec v Tucson v ten deň, keď sa pokúsil... Možno počúva túto pásku. Ale, chcem vám niečo povedať.

338 Keď on povedal, „Eva povedala," tu je to, kam oni mieria, „Nadobudla som syna s Hospodinom, alebo muža s Hospodinom." Prečo, iste. Boh má zákon.

339 Pozrite, zoberiete semeno, zasejete ho tu na poli, kde rastie pšenica a nasejete tam burinu. Je mi jedno, to isté slnko a ten istý dážď privedie to semeno k životu. Boh má zákon a ten zákon nemôže byť zrušený.

340 Je mi jedno, ak tá najskazenejšia žena v meste a najskazenejší muž by mali pomer a žili spolu bez toho, že by boli zosobášení a narodilo by sa im dieťa, to dieťa by muselo prísť cez Boží zákon, pretože niet inej cesty. Ak to tak nevidíte, robíte zo Satana stvoriteľa, a potom by musel byť Boh. Ó, ako môžete byť tak slepí! Vidíte, to je Boží zákon.

341 Ak sa raz narodí dieťa, je mi jedno, či to bol Ezau, Jákob, ktokoľvek to bol, alebo nejaký človek so zlou povesťou, či to bol Judáš, to muselo prísť od Boha. Boh má zákon.

342 Biblia hovorí: „Slnko svieti na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých, dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých." Židom 6. kapitola hovorí: „Dážď padá často na zem, aby ju zavlažil a pripravil na to, na čo sa obrába, ale tŕnie a bodľač žijú z tej istej vody a toho istého slnka." Lebo to je zákon Boží, aby každé semeno zrelo a prinieslo zase ten istý druh.

343 Takže to muselo vyprodukovať „semeno" hada. A to nikdy nezabránilo Bohu, to naplnilo Jeho úplný plán, aby sa stal Vykupiteľom. Každý slepý to skoro môže vidieť, ak to nie je skryté, ak to Boh tohoto sveta pred tebou neskryl. Je to tak jasné, ako to len môže byť. Tu to máte. Tu je to „semeno" hada. Teraz si všimnite.

Ale, „Ježiš bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho."

344 Čo teraz robí tá žena? Semeno pochádza od muža. Zapriete to? Žena nemá v sebe vôbec žiadny život. Ona má len malé vajíčko, ktoré je ako pole.

345 Ako keď zoberiete pole a vyrovnáte ho a postrekom z neho vystriekate všetky zárodky tak, že dokonca ani tráva ani nič na tom nemôže vyrásť, potom ho znova pohnojíte a nasejete nejaké dobré semeno. Ale ak príde nepriateľ a naseje nejaké iné semeno, Boží zákon spôsobí, že vzrastú obe semená.

346 Boh to tak nechcel, (vidíte?) ale čo sa stalo?

347 Spermia z mužského jedinca prináša hemoglobín, ktorý je krv. V krvi je život. A ak vy... Sledoval som to pri krížení dobytka. S bratom Shakarianom sme to prešli a s doktormi a chemikmi sme to pozorovali. Najprv prichádza bunka zo samice, čo sú vajíčka. Potom prichádza spermia od samca, zárodok.

348 Žena nemá v sebe zárodok, ona je len vedľajším produktom muža. Takto sa sem najprv dostala a ona je len pole. Je tam vajíčko, to má úrodné pole pre tento život. A tento život sa pohybuje vpred. Je to tajomstvo, ako sa...

349 „Možno," poviete, „prvá spermia stretne to vajíčko a ostatné zahynú." Dobre, ako, kto to určuje? „Tá prvá." Bude to tá vpredu, to prvé vajíčko vpredu a prvá spermia? Nie, nie.

350 To môže byť spermia niekde zozadu, zo stredu, ktorá sa dostane k tomu vajíčku. To ukazuje, že nejaká inteligencia určuje, či to bude červenovlasé, čiernovlasé, či to bude malé, veľké, chlapec alebo dievča. Vidíte? Vy s tým nemôžete nič urobiť, nemôžete to ovplyvniť. Môžete ich pomiešať a nebude v tom žiadny rozdiel. Boh to určuje. A potom, jedna malá spermia sa dostane na to pole, do vajíčka. Ono odhadzuje svoj bičík, ktorým sa pohybuje a tam potom začína chrbtica dieťaťa.

351 Čo je to potom? Ona nemá žiadne semeno. Ona má pole, aby obdržala semeno.

352 Tak prišlo semeno nepriateľa. Kým dobrý rozsievač zasial dobré Semeno, nepriateľ prichádza za ním a seje zlé semeno. „Ale dážď padá na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých, slnko ..." To všetko musí vyrásť.

353 Ježiš povedal: „Nechajte ich rásť spolu. V teň deň budú plevy zviazané." A oni sa teraz zväzujú vo veľkých organizáciách, aby boli zviazaní do jedného veľkého snopu, do Svetovej rady cirkví. A aký bude koniec toho? Bude to spálené. Ale pšenica bude zhromaždená do stodoly. Vidíte? Oni obaja žijú z toho istého, z tej istej vody, z toho istého dažďa.

354 Nejaký citrusový strom, napríklad pomaranč, bude rodiť granátové jablká, ak to bolo do toho naštepené. Bude rodiť citróny. Bude rodiť grapefruity. Nebudú to pomaranče, ale budú žiť z toho života, ktorý produkuje ten pomarančovník.

355 Denominácie boli naštepené do Viniča. Pretože ak sa oni nazývajú „Kresťanmi", oni z neho žijú. Viete kto bol Kaifáš a on dokonca prorokoval. Vidíte? Oni z toho žijú.

356 Ó, prial by som si, aby sme mali týždeň na preštudovanie tohoto, aby vám to bolo úplne jasné - nemôžete to prehliadnuť. Teraz vynechám niektoré z týchto vecí.

357 Teraz dávajte pozor. Pozrite, Jeho ruky utvorili toto pre Jeho milovaných a Nevestu, utvorili to v nežnej láske k Jeho Neveste.

358 Pamätajte, že Duch Svätý zostúpil na Ježiša a On bol časťou zeme. Prečo? Ten Boží zárodok, ten Boží Život bol utvorený v lone ženy (správne?), ktorá bola zemou. A potom vstúpil ten Boží Život, takže „On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." A tá Božia Krv, ktorá prišla cez ten zárodok, keď bola preliata na Golgote, pokropila zem. Prečo? Aby vykúpila zem. Teraz je zem ospravedlnená, posvätená. Povolaná a nárokovaná. Teraz má obdržať krst Ohňom a byť očistená pre Ježiša a Jeho Nevestu.

359 A vy ste tie druhé časti, ktoré sú vytiahnuté z tejto zeme. Zem, vy ste časťou zeme, vaše telo. Vaša duša je časťou Boha, atribút Boha prejavený tu na zemi v tele. Telo má byť vykúpené.

360 Teraz, duša je vykúpená, lebo ona bola v hriechu. Tak Boh prišiel dole, cez proces ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým a vykúpil vašu dušu.

361 A vy, pretože ste časťou zeme, ste tým vykúpení. Vy ste teraz vo vývoji, ktorý teraz prebieha. Vaše telo bolo ospravedlnené v Noeho krste. Amen! Vaše telo, keď tá Krv tiekla na túto zem ... Zem bude očistená Ohňom, to miesto, kde budete bývať, krstom Duchom Svätým. Miesto bývania pre Krista a Jeho Nevestu, Nový Jeruzalem.

362 Pozorujte toto Mesto. Zaujíma svoje miesto na zemi. Teraz môžete jasne vidieť, ako som povedal, táto zem musí byť zmenená. To nemôže takto zostať. Cirkev nepôjde ... Svet nemôže ísť ďalej po Miléniu, bez toho, že by nebol premenený. Vidíte? Aby tam bolo také Miesto, on musí byť zmenený.

363 Tak ako my musíme byť premenení Jeho svätým Ohňom, aby sme boli spôsobilí a pripravení pre Neho, aby v nás vládol. To je Duch Svätý.

364 Všimnite si teraz, tam bude mnoho miesta v tej Novej Zemi. Ó, mnoho miesta! To bude obnovené Ohňom, ale nebude tam žiadne more. Všimnite si, to Mesto bude 1500 míľ, t.j. 2400 km široké i dlhé.

365 Teraz počúvajte pozorne, zatiaľ čo nakreslím tieto rozmery. Musím si najprv zmazať tabuľu.

366 Tu je hlboké zjavenie od Boha. Žiaden z týchto ostatných ... Týmito ostatnými sa budeme zaoberať neskôr, ak bude Pán chcieť.

367 Všimnite si, tá zem... Keď si otvoríte knihu Zjavenia, môžete vidieť ako to Mesto bolo zmerané v lakťoch a štádiách. Zistili sme, že to Mesto má do štvorca 2400 km.

368 Viete ako ďaleko by to dosiahlo? Meral som to tento týždeň. Bolo by to od Maine po Floridu a od východného pobrežia šesťsto míľ po západ Mississippi. Inými slovami, polovica Spojených štátov len pre Mesto.

Poviete, „Toľko miesta tu nie je."

369 Keď bude more preč, bude tu miesta dosť, lebo teraz sú skoro štyri pätiny z toho pod vodou. Explózia vysuší a zdvihne zem. Ó! Pamätajte, 2400 km do štvorca, čo za Mesto! A pamätajte, more je preč.

370 „A šírka a výška sú rovnaké." Takže to bude 2400 km do dĺžky, 2400 km do šírky, 2400 do výšky a myslite na to, z priesvitného zlata. A to Mesto malo okolo seba múr.

371 To neznamená, keď sú jeho rozmery rovnaké... Tam je napísané, „Jeho dĺžka a šírka a výška je rovnaká," to neznamená, že to musí byť kocka. Je iná geometrická forma, ktorej rozmery sú rovnaké, a to je pyramída. „A poloha mesta je štvoruhlastá," múry sú také isté.

372 Nakreslím to. Vidíte, dĺžka, šírka, výška. Prichádzame k niečomu, čo je tak isté, ako že existuje svet. Všimnite si, tieto rozmery sú úplne rovnaké, všetky, dĺžka, šírka, výška. Je iná forma, pyramída, tá to dokazuje.

373 Takto by to odpovedalo presne Enochovmu znameniu v Egypte, pyramíde, že áno? Enoch, ešte pred potopou, keď prichádzalo ospravedlnenie, on postavil znamenie. V tejto pyramíde je sedem stupňov, ktoré vedú do kráľovskej komnaty. Ak ste niekedy študovali rozmery pyramídy, sledujte ten siedmy stupeň, kto predstupoval pred kráľa, aby mu predstavil návštevníka. Sledujte pozorne, kto sa na tomto mieste pyramídy nachádzal a uvidíte, v ktorom dni žijete.

374 Boh urobil tri Biblie. Existuje učenie o pyramídach, ktoré je nezmysel, ale existuje skutočná pyramída. Všimnite si, Božia prvá Biblia, ... On ich urobil tri. Všetko musí byť v troch.

375 Ježiš prichádza tri krát. Prvý krát, aby si vykúpil Svoju Nevestu, druhý krát, aby si vzal Svoju Nevestu a tretí krát so Svojou Nevestou. Vidíte?

376 Všimnite si, aké nádherné. A v tejto pyramíde bolo sedem stupňov a potom kráľovská komnata. A my sme v siedmom cirkevnom veku, predtým, ako Kráľ zaujme Svoj Trón. Pamätajte, pyramída nikdy nemala vrcholový kameň.

377 Božia prvá Biblia bola na oblohe - zverokruh. Zverokruh začína a prebieha cez všetky veky. Začiatok zverokruhu je panna, tak je to pri Jeho prvom príchode. Posledné znamenie zverokruhu je Lev, Jeho druhý príchod. Tesne predtým je rak, čo je vek rakoviny, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

378 Potom bola Enochova pyramída, ktorá to presne dokazuje. Nemali by sme dosť času, aby sme do toho vošli, ale niekedy, s Božou pomocou, vám presne ukážem rozmery hodiny, v ktorej žijeme.

379 Všimnite si, táto geometrická forma, ktorú tu máme, ktorá má rovnaké rozmery, nemusí znamenať, že sa jedná o kocku. Všimnite si, toto by odpovedalo Enochovmu znameniu v Egypte.

380 V čase očisťovania zeme krstom Ohňa budú sopky a táto zem bude explodovať a vytlačí pyramídovú Horu. Na to bude dostatok miesta. Celá táto zem sa zmení. Celý jej povrch bude zmenený. Rozumiete tomu? To vytlačí pyramídovú Horu.

381 Toto bude presne podľa Slova, keď sa to satane a to sa stane. Teraz si všimnite v Izaiášovi 65:25, kde On povedal:

Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin.

382 Ó! „Na celom vrchu mojej svätosti!" Pamätajte, vždy je to „Hora".

383 Ak by tie múry išli kolmo hore a dole, Mesto by bolo možné vidieť len zvnútra, Trón by bolo možné vidieť len zvnútra. Všimnite si, bolo by to možné vidieť len zvnútra.

Ale teraz my vidíme zasľúbenie z Izaiáša 4:5. Prečítajme si to.

384 Ponáhľate sa? Nie, neponáhľajte sa teraz. Zaoberáme sa teraz zvláštnou vecou, zaberie to nejaký čas, musíte to správne porozumieť, lebo chcem, aby to bolo jasné. A potom, keď sa ku tomu znovu vrátime, ukážem vám, o čom hovoríme, keď sa týmto budeme inokedy zaoberať.

385 Ó, chvála Pánovi Ježišovi! Sledujte tu, ako Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Sledujte tu v Izaiášovi. Zapísal som si to tu, ak to nájdem, minútku. Izaiáš 4:5. Teraz počúvajte, on hovorí o Príchode Pána, ako tie ženy budú také nemorálne. Ó, on povedal, „Sedem žien ...". Počúvajte, čítajme to.

A v ten deň sa chopí sedem žien jedného muža a povedia: Budeme jesť svoj vlastný chlieb a budeme sa odievať svojim vlastným rúchom, len nech sa menujeme po tebe, odním naše pohanenie.

386 To je čas konca, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, svadba, rozvod, prostitúcia a iné veci.

V ten deň bude výrastok Hospodinov na krásu a slávu a plod zeme na pýchu a okrasu tým, ktorí uniknú a budú zachránení z Izraela.

(Ó, ako ste ušli všetkému tomu prekliatiu!)

A stane sa, že ten, kto ostane na Sione uniknúc záhube a kto zbudne v Jeruzaleme, bude sa volať svätý, každý, kto bude zapísaný na život v Jeruzaleme,

keď zmyje Pán nečistotu dcér Siona

(pamätajte, to je vždy Nevesta) ...

a krv Jeruzalema

(to je ostatok Židov plus Nevesta)

...vyplákne z jeho stredu, a to duchom súdu a duchom



[*angl. preklad „

duchom horenia

.“ - pozn.prekl.]

387 Oheň to je vždy Boží súd, keď On robí posledný súd. Povoláva ťa, ospravedlňuje, dáva ti spasenie, potom vykonáva na tebe svoj súd a Jeho Svätý Duch a Oheň ťa očisťuje od hriechu. Potom si Jeho.

388 To isté On robí so zemou, keď ju očisťuje Ohňom „duchom horenia" Počúvajte teraz. Ste pripravení?

A Hospodin stvorí nad každým obydlím vrchu Siona a nad jeho slávnostným zhromaždením oblak vodne a dym a blesk plápolajúceho ohňa v noci, lebo nad každou slávou má byť ochranné zastrenie.

389 [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Pán v ten deň na jeho vrchu stvorí Oheň Svetla, aby horel. V ten deň. A ide to ďalej a hovorí: „Bude to úkryt, odpočinok, skrýša." Všimnite si, ako presne to Biblia hovorí. Ak by boli tie steny kolmé, nemohli by ste to vidieť. Musí to byť šikmé. „Na celom Vrchu Mojej svätosti...". „On stvorí Svetlo na tomto Vrchu a bude to ochranou." Ó, spievame tú pieseň:

Ó, to Mesto na Vrchu Sione,

ako pútnik, ale stále ho milujem,

teraz a cez tie veky,

keď dosiahnem to Mesto na tom Vrchu.

390 Všimnite si, Hora Sinaj bola keď Boh zostúpil na jej vrch a hovoril k Izraelu v Stĺpe Ohňa. On zostúpil na vrch tej hory, Hory Sinaj.

391 Na Vrchu Premenenia, keď On vysvedčil, „Toto je ten Môj milovaný Syn, Toho počúvajte!" On zostúpil v Stĺpe Svetla a svetelnej žiare na vrch tej hory pred Petrom, Jakubom a Jánom. A tam, On tam bol s oboma, s Mojžišom a Eliášom, predstaviteľmi zmŕtvychvstalých a premenených. Sláva!

392 Nové Mesto a Nová Zem, nové stvorenie, Mesto na Vrchu s Trónom na jeho vrchu. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Trón je tu hore, na vrchu a obyvatelia sú všade hore a dole, na celom tomto Vrchu.

393 A múr, ktorý je okolo má dvanásť základov a každý z nich má kameň, ktoré zodpovedajú dvanástim kameňom v Áronovom náprsníku, ktoré reprezentovali dvanásť pokolení Izraela.

394 A v tých bránach, to malo štyri brány, presne ako chrám na púšti, ako stán na púšti. Všimnite si, každá jedna, oni mali apoštolov, troch na každej strane, dvanásť apoštolov. A bola vysoká 144 lakťov, čo je presne 216 stôp, a to robí každý ten jeden veľký kameň asi 20 stôp vysoký, ten predný kameň v tej bráne. To tvorí stenu okolo Mesta.

395 Teraz to Mesto, ono neodpočíva na vrchu tej steny, pretože mesto, 2400 km, to nie je možné. To je táto stena, ktorou vchádzate, ako brány v starom Jeruzaleme. Oni tam vstupovali cez ten múr.

396 A každý jeden z nich mal dvanásť základov a každý z nich mal drahokam, ktorý reprezentoval dvanásť pokolení izraelových.

397 A nad tou veľkou perlovou bránou boli mená apoštolov. Nepovedal Ježiš: „Budete sedieť na dvanástich trónoch súdiac dvanásť pokolení izraelových."? Kto sedí v tej bráne, aby súdil, keď prichádzajú ľudia do toho Mesta? Ó! Tu to máte. Králi zeme vstupujú do Mesta pred súd apoštolov tak, ako Ježiš zasľúbil. Ó!

398 Na tomto Tróne, na vrchu, vo výške 2400 km bude celý svet vidieť to Svetlo sveta, Ježiša sediaceho na Tróne, na vrchu sveta, vrchu Cirkvi, vrchu Hory Sion, 2400 km, čo je polovica Spojených štátov a bude siahať do výšky 2400 km, takže Ho bude vidieť celý svet.

399 A všade tu hore a dolu budú tí vykúpení. Budú tam domy z čistého zlata. Budú tam aleje, parky a záhrady. A Rieka Života bude vychádzať z Trónu a potečie cez údolia a návršia. A Strom Života bude kvitnúť na každom dvore a bude prinášať ovocie dvanásť krát do roka, každý mesiac iné.

400 A králi zeme budú vchádzať do neho a vnesú do neho svoju česť. „A listy sú na uzdravovanie národov." Keď budú tí králi tam vonku žiť v pokoji, keď budú vychádzať, odtrhnú list, tak ako tá holubica priniesla do archy ten svätý lístok, že skončil hnev Boží. Tak keď bude ten kráľ stade odchádzať, potom čo vniesol svoju slávu do príbytku Nevesty, tu do toho Mesta, donesie list svojmu susednému kráľovi, „Máme navždy mier." Amen! Uzdravovanie národov! „Všetko pominulo. Voľakedy sme bojovali a prelievali krv jeden druhého, brat. Vykrikovali sme, strieľali, pálili deti a všetko možné. Ale teraz je mier, pokoj, uzdravenie." Nie uzdravovanie chorôb, oni všetky skončili. Uzdravovanie národov! Amen!

401 Mesto s Trónom na vrchu. Zjavenie 21:23, „A mesto nepotrebuje svetla, lebo Baránok a Pán Boh je jeho Svetlom." Vidíte? Pán Boh je ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý nasledoval Deti izraelove cez púšť. A On sa posadil na Trón v tom dokonalom Kráľovstve, keď čas ... V Kráľovstve, ktoré Ježiš predá Otcovi, aby bol Boh všetko a vo všetkom. Ježiš tu sedí na Jeho Tróne, ako náš Jozef. Potom ten Kráľ je tým Svetlom, ktoré bude na Vrchu Sion a Jeho sväté Svetlo naplní celé Mesto. Haleluja!

402 V meste 2400 km vysokom, 2400 km dlhom a širokom sa bude rozprestierať Boží raj s ulicami a alejami! Čítajte si Zjavenie 21, či je tomu tak. „Nepotrebujú svetla, lebo Baránok je jeho Svetlom." A Trón bude vidieť, lebo bude vo výške 2400 km.

403 To nie je takto kolmé, ale ide to šikmo, ako pri pyramíde. Keby to bola polovica vzdialenosti, išlo by to takto, z jednej strany Mesta k druhej.

404 Ak chcete, niečo by som tu poznamenal. Všimli ste si tú malú skupinu tu? Oni sú zhromaždení približne z takého veľkého okruhu, aký ono pokrýva. Vidíte? Od Georgie, Kalifornie po Saskatchewan, od Kansasu až po skalnaté pobrežie Maine. Tu je znázornená tá plocha, asi 2400 km.

Prichádzajú od východu a západu,

prichádzajú od ďalekej zeme,

aby sa hostili s našim Kráľom, aby večerali ...

(Čo? „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe." Ale Chlebom,


Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici!

Musím povedať, že vo svete som takýchto ľudí nevidel.

Ó, hľadia na Jeho požehnanú tvár,

žiaricu Božským Svetlom.

Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,

budú svietiť ako drahokamy v Jeho korune.

Ó, Ježiš skoro príde,

naše ťažkosti skončia.

Ó, čo ak Pán príde v tejto chvíli?

405 To nebude dlho trvať. Všetko je to dokonalé. Geograficky, Sodoma, poslovia, všetko presne sedí. Vidíte? Čo to znamená? Myslite nato, ľudia prichádzajú do tejto malej modlitebne z tej istej rozlohy - 2400 km.

406 Prečo Boh stále myslí a tak veľmi sa stará o to malé miesto, Palestínu, hoci je to len malý bod? Ale práve tam bude posadený chrám. Tam bude stáť Nový Jeruzalem, práve tam. „Olivová Hora sa rozštiepi, časť naľavo, časť napravo," keď bude odspodu vytlačená. Oni vravia, že nie, že to bude takto roztisnuté na boky. Ona bude vytlačená odspodu, „V deň, keď On postaví Svoje nohy, Svoje sväté nohy na tú Horu." Všimnite si, na Jeho Tróne, 2400 km vysoko!

407 Pamätajte, Satan Ho raz pokúšal na vrchu hory. Vidíte?

408 To Nové Mesto má dvanásť základov, ako sme to prebrali, dvanásť patriarchov, 144 lakťov, odpovedajúcim dvanástim kameňom v Áronovom náprsníku, dvanásť perlových brán, dvanásť mien učeníkov.

409 Ježiš stojí na Tróne ako Vrcholový Kameň, keď Ho Jeho svätí korunovali, „Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov." A On je ten Vrcholový Kameň.

410 Nemám u seba peňaženku, ale ak vy máte a máte v nej jednodolárovú bankovku, tam je pečať Spojených štátov. Na jednej strane je erb - orol držiaci šípy, na druhej strane je pyramída s okom na vrchu, ktoré všetko vidí. Vidíte, oni nevedeli, čo robia. A tam je nápis v latinčine, môžete si to zistiť, on hovorí, „toto je tá veľká pečať." Oni nevedeli, čo robia. Ani Kaifáš nevedel, že prorokuje.

411 [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.] Tam je Veľká Pečať. Tu je to Mesto. To nie je takto rovné ako kocka, ale to sa nakláňa, aby to mohlo byť vidieť. A na vrchu tejto Pánovej svätej Hory, Pán zostúpi na vrch tejto Hory, tu. To je dôvod, prečo Enoch nepoložil ten vrcholový kameň. Vidíte? To je ten dôvod, prečo musí ten Vrcholový Kameň prísť teraz. A tá Hora bude vytlačená, a to bude Hora Pánova.

412 A tu budú bývať Vykúpení. Tu budú ulice a veľké diaľnice, parky a Rieka Života bude prechádzať cez to. A každý dom bude z priesvitného zlata, ulice budú zo zlata. A budú tam stromy Života, vydávajúce dvanástoré ovocie. Králi a ctení muži zeme vnesú svoju slávu a česť do brán. A brány sa nebudú zatvárať v noci, lebo noci tam už nebude.

V tom Meste, kde Baránok je Svetlom;

V tom Meste, kde nie je žiadna noc,

mám ja príbytok, ktorý je bez lopoty a starostí;

Ó, idem tam, kde Baránok je Svetlom.

413 Nevidíte, že mestá, domy, príbytky o tom teraz hovoria? Všetky tieto prirodzené veci sú tieňom.

414 Pozrite na tieň z diaľky, napríklad tieň mojej ruky. Predtým ako môže byť negatív, musí byť najprv pozitív. Vidíte, ten tieň, to vyzerá, ako by som mal dvanásť prstov, ale keď to približujete k sebe, to sa zaostruje do jedného a potom ten tieň mizne v tej ruke.

415 A to je tak, ako častokrát ľudia myslia, že sú traja alebo štyria Bohovia. Pozeráte sa príliš ďaleko do raných reformácií. Vidíte? Poďte teraz trochu bližšie a zistíte a zaostríte, že je len Jeden. Presne tak.

416 Je len jedna Nevesta, nie dvanásť denominácií, ale jedna Nevesta. To sú Vyvolení zo zeme, ktorí bola k tomu predurčení, tí, ktorí rozpoznali svoje miesto v Kráľovstve.

417 Na tomto Tróne, pozrite, tak vysoko! Nové Mesto so základmi, dvanástimi bránami, Ježiš - Vrcholový Kameň, apoštolovia súdiac dvanásť pokolení.

418 Enochova pyramída nevrhá žiadny tieň v dennom čase. Bol som v Egypte, pri pyramídach. Ona je tak zemepisne postavená a rozmery tejto veľkej geometrickej formy sú také, že okolo nej nie je nikdy žiadny tieň, bez ohľadu na to, kde sa práve nachádza slnko. Vidíte to?

419 A tam nebude žiadna noc. Vidíte Ho na vrchu tej Hory, zaplavenej Jeho slávou. Jeho Slávne Svetlo tam bude celý čas. Nebude tam žiadnej noci. Ježiš, Vrcholový Kameň!

420 Teraz si všimnite, Vykúpení sa budú prechádzať v Jeho Svetle. Spievame tú pieseň, „Budeme sa prechádzať v tom Svetle, v tom nádhernom Svetle." Niečo je v nás, čo volá: „Prešiel zo smrti do života." Je to preto očakávanie, to je ten atribút, cítime to.

421 Ste pripravení? Toto je Mesto, ktoré hľadal Abrahám. Vidíte? Keďže bol prorokom, on vedel, že to Mesto niekde je. Biblia tak hovorí. On opustil mesto, v ktorom žil a odišiel. Všimnite si, kam išiel, presne tam, kde to Mesto bude stáť. Vidíte? „Hľadal Mesto, ktorého zakladateľom a staviteľom je Boh," (Vidíte?), pretože bol prorok.

422 Ježiš išiel pripraviť Božskými rukami Božské Mesto. Božský Architekt, pre Božsky kúpených, predurčených ľudí. On ho išiel pripraviť.

423 Abrahám to hľadal. „A vyznával, že je pútnikom a cudzincom, lebo hľadal Mesto ktorého zakladateľom a staviteľom je Boh." Ten prorok, on vedel, že to niekde je! Ján to videl zostupovať dole, ale Abrahám si myslel, že to muselo byť práve vtedy na zemi. Prečo? On stretol Melchisecha, jeho Kráľa a dal mu desiatok. On nemal ani otca ani matku. On nemal začiatok života ani koniec života. Abrahám ho stretol a oni mali obecenstvo rovno na tom mieste, kde bude to Mesto stáť, tá svätá Hora Pánova, kde budú žiť Vykúpení. Ó!

424 Ten čas sa nezastaví. Nie, my sme v čase, ale zachvíľu pôjdeme do Večnosti.

425 Ó, svätá Hora! Budú tam ulice z priesvitného zlata, aleje, domy a parky. Ak si to chcete prečítať, Zjavenie 21:18. Bude tam Strom Života s dvanástimi druhmi ovocia, oni budú mať každý mesiac iné. Ľudia budú jesť tieto ovocia, každý mesiac budú meniť svoju diétu.

426 A to je len pre premožiteľov. Viete to? To nie je pre denominácie.

Poviete: „Myslíš to vážne, brat Branham?"

427 Pozrime sa do Zjavenia 2, na chvíľu a nájdime to. Zjavenie 2:7. Zistime, či to je skutočne Pravda alebo nie. Zjavenie 2:7.

A kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch ...

428 Zapamätajte si, On teraz nehovorí k Židom. Toto je pre Cirkev, tej z pohanov.

A kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom. Tomu, kto víťazí, dám jesť z dreva života, ktoré je prostred raja Božieho.

429 „Len pre premožiteľov, ktorí premôžu šelmu, premôžu jej znamenie," to je katolicizmus, protestantizmus, denominacionalizmus. „Kto premôže šelmu, jej znamenie, počet jej mena." „Bude mať právo k Stromu Života, vojsť do brány, kde nič poškvrňujúce nevojde." Vidíte? Myslite na to. Teraz na chvíľu, ako pôjdeme ďalej. Strom Života bude len pre premožiteľov.

430 Listy budú pre uzdravovanie národov. To znamená, že králi, ktorí tam žijú prinášajú svoju česť. Keď prinesú svoju česť a položia ju pred Trón Boží. Práve tak, ako jedenásť pokolení, každý jeden z nich, prinášali desiatok Levitom. Vidíte? Keď oni prinesú svoju česť z tej požehnanej zeme, prídu ku Stromu Života, odtrhnú si z neho svätý list a spoločne vyjdú. Už nie je viac žiadnej vojny. Všetko je v pokoji. Tie listy sú upomienkou, na uzdravenie národov.

431 Ten istý Strom, ako Adam, ...Tam bol Strom Života v záhrade Eden, z ktorého by on mohol jesť, keby nebol padol. Ten Strom Života mu celý čas pripomínal, že bude celý čas mladý. Vidíte?

432 To isté bude s tými národmi. Listy budú na uzdravovanie národov. Všimnite si, teraz nie pre nemoci. Budete mať to isté právo, ako mal Adam, ako tá holubica s tou olivovou ratolesťou, to všetko ... Každý kráľ si berie list.

433 Všimnite si Rieku Života, možno ju vytvára mnoho malých prameňov. Teraz na tejto zemi ...

434 Zakončím za pár minút. Na tejto zemi ... Alebo skončím, ... toľkoto mám ešte poznámok, asi tridsať strán. Pozrite.

435 V tomto živote som nikdy nevidel nič tak uhášajúce smäd, ako byť na horách a nájsť vyvierajúci prameň so svojim životodarným zdrojom, ako som o tom kázal minulý večer. Môžete byť unavený a smädný, prídete k tomu dobrému prameňu, ktorý z hĺbky niekoľko stoviek metrov zo zeme, kde už nie sú žiadne zárodky vyviera čistú, skutočnú životodarnú vodu. Ceníme si to. Zem má mnoho prameňov s osviežujúcou vodou. Keď umierate od smädu dáte si z neho dobrý, studený nápoj a to vám pomôže žiť.

436 Ale pozrite, odkiaľ prichádza tento Prameň. Od Trónu, tam naberá svoje Životodarné schopnosti. Vychádza spod Trónu Božieho, kde sedí Boh.

437 Celá táto zem, zem, na ktorej teraz žijeme, všetci, či Kresťania alebo pohania, všetci majú chrámy. Pomysleli ste na to niekedy? Cirkvi, všetci to majú.

438 Ale toto Mesto nemá žiaden. Biblia hovorí: „A chrámu som nevidel v ňom, lebo Pán Boh Všemohúci a Baránok je jeho Chrámom." Baránok je Svetlo. Baránok je Chrám. Baránok je Trón. Baránok je Život. On je ten Chrám. Vidíte, všetky tieto chrámy majú svoje objekty uctievania, ale v tomto Meste je On tým objektom. On je so Svojim ľudom. Svetlo Jeho Ducha napĺňa pyramídové Mesto.

439 Ako Peter a Ján hore na vrchu. Svetlo prikrylo vrchol tej hory a Hlas prehovoril „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn."

440 V Zjavení 21:3 a 4, „Hľa, Stánok Boží s ľuďmi." Boh si spravil miesto prebývania v človeku tým, že ho cez tieto tri stupne vyslobodil. Teraz Boh vyslobodí zem a stánok na zemi, s Jeho poddanými, ktorých vzal zo zeme. Ona skrze hriech upadla, ale ...On to nechal ísť tak ďalej. Ale teraz poslal Ježiša, aby vykúpil padlú zem, ktorej sme my časťou. „Ani jeden vlas z vašej hlavy nezhynie." Ježiš tak povedal. On povedal, „Ja to vzkriesim v posledný deň." Vidíte? Prečo? Vy ste časťou zeme.

441 Viete, urobil som z toho taký malý vtip, keď mi moja žena povedala, že som stratil svoje vlasy. Povedal som jej, že som nestratil ani jeden. Povedala: „A kde sú teda?" Povedal som: „Tam, kde boli predtým ako som ich dostal." Kdekoľvek sú, to je pevná látka, oni na mňa čakajú. Vidíte? Jedného dňa ich dostanem.

442 Toto staré telo, vráskavé a opadnuté a strácajúce sa na ramenách a bolesti v kĺboch a zachrípnuté hrdlo, v poriadku, vy ho môžete pochovať v mori, ale tá Trúba ma zobudí. Ó, áno! V jednom z týchto dní budeme premenení. Som časťou tohoto sveta, ktorý je vykúpený. Ste na svete, ale nie zo sveta. Patríte k inému poriadku, k tomu vykúpenému.

444 Všimnite si, „Stánok Boží s ľuďmi a bude bývať s nimi." „Staré veci pominuli." Toto, toto pominulo. To znamená, že Nebo zostúpilo, aby bývalo s človekom. Vidíte? Nebo a zem sa objali.

445 Práve tak, ako keď tá Holubica zostúpila na časť zeme, ktorou bol Ježiš, On bol prach zeme, človek. Boh, prichádzajúci z toho jedného malého zárodku Života, stvoriteľskou mocou. A ten život, ktorý bol v tej Krvi, vystúpil späť k Bohu, ale Krv kropila zem, aby si ju On nárokoval. Kvôli krvi, ktorú priniesla zárodková bunka od Kaina.

446 Teraz sa On vracia so stvoriteľskou mocou, ktorou stvoril Adama, On teraz tvorí druhého Adama. Tam vtedy cez tú zlomenú bunku, kde hriech -- Kain rozbil krvnú bunku toho spravodlivého, tak teraz táto Krvná Bunka ... Lebo Kain zabil Ábela, ale Ábel sa narodil zo sexu.

447 Ale Tento sa nenarodil zo sexu. „To bolo stvorenie Božie, jeho počiatok" a To vykúpilo zem. A všetok ten vápnik, draslík, petroleum, kozmické svetlo, všetko, z čoho sa skladáte, je vykúpené. „Ani jeden váš vlas nebude poškodený. A ja to vzkriesim v ten posledný deň."

448 Čo potom? Boh prichádza dole, aby prebýval na zemi. On je jej časťou, Jeho vlastné telo. On ho vzkriesil pre naše ospravedlnenie a my sme ospravedlnení tým, že tomu veríme a prijmeme to. Všimnite si, Ježiš sa v tom predobraze stáva človek - Boh. To je predurčené aby zaujal svoje miesto, aby nás vykúpil, aby všetky tieto veci boli možné.

449 Všimnite si, zvonku týchto prekrásnych múrov toho Mesta ... Rozumeli ste tomu, čo sa týka toho „Mesta"? Vidíte, to je svätá Hora. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] „Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin." To Mesto nie je kocka. To je Hora. A dĺžka a šírka a výška sú rovnaké, vidíte 2400 km na každú stranu a 2400 km vysoké. Takže to je obrovská Hora, ako pyramída a to Mesto je na tej Hore. Sláva!

450 Tam je to, tam je ten raj Boží, Svetlo sveta, to dokonalé Kráľovstvo. Nie siedmy deň, Večný deň! Nie Milénium, Nová Zem! Vidíte?

451 Zatiaľ čo to prechádza cez Milénium, to ide cez jej posväcovací proces, ale stále musí byť spálená. Vidíte? Krv vykúpila ľudí a tých tisíc rokov bude spomienka, že bola zaplatená cena. Ale potom musí byť očistená Ohňom, práve tak, ako vy, Jeho vyslanci tohoto Mesta.

452 Takže ak zomriete alebo budete žiť, aký je v tom rozdiel? Ak On príde dnes, alebo ak On príde za sto rokov alebo tisíc rokov, budem len odpočívať, ku dňu mojej premeny.

453 Starý muž alebo stará žena, nebuďte odradení. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Ak máte tu hore zastúpenie, v tomto Božom atribúte, toto je Boh, ak to máte, ak máte tu hore zastúpenie, nemôžete... ste vo Večnosti. A ak ste prešli zo siedmeho dňa do toho ôsmeho, vstúpili ste do Večnosti krstom Duchom Svätým a ste v Tom zahrnutí. Ak len spoliehate na citový zážitok, skákanie hore dole, alebo „Ja robím toto. Dodržiavam siedmy deň, nejem mäso," a takéto veci, to každopádne zahynie. Vidíte? Ale Toto je Večné. Vidíte? Toto je Večné, Slávnosť po slávnosti stánkov. Vidíte?

454 Slávnosť stánov bol posledný sviatok, ten siedmy. My teraz oslavujeme v siedmom sviatku stánkov, v siedmom cirkevnom veku.

455 V Miléniu, budeme znova oslavovať slávnosť stánkov, je to siedmy deň.

456 Ale potom, po tom siedmom dni, máme Sväté Zhromaždenie, ideme naspäť do Večnosti. Ako? Cez Toho Večného, ktorý prišiel a vykúpil nás a vzal späť. Dáva nám rozpoznávať, že sme boli časťou Tohoto.

457 No, ako viete, či ste Jeho časťou? Podľa slova na túto hodinu, zasľúbenia na tento deň. Čo je to? Navrátenie naspäť do prvého dňa. Do prvého dňa. „A on obráti srdcia detí späť k otcom," a prináša znovunavrátenie skutočných letníc, nie senzácií ... a zjaví Večerné Svetlo, to isté Slnko, ktoré sa ukázalo v Rannom Svetle. To je zasľúbené na tento deň. Amen a amen!

458 Kde sme teraz priatelia, kde sme? Teraz len čakáme, aby sme boli vzatí z cesty, aby sa Zjavenie 11 mohlo ... aby to Židia poznali. To súhlasí, čas Vytrhnutia.

459 Všimnite si, z vonku poza bránami tých múrov, po celej Novej Zemi budú bývať národy vo Večnom pokoji. To je, čo? Vážení králi prinesú do neho svoju slávu. Nemôže tam byť žiadny hriech. Žiadne nakrátko ostrihané ženy nevstúpia do toho Mesta. To vám zaručujem. Nebude tam žiadne nosenie šortiek, fajčenie, pasáci, prostitútky, klamári, modlári, ani žiadni takí tam nevstúpia. Nie, tomu všetkému bude koniec. Hriech bude preč. „Nič, čo by poškvrňovalo jej svätosť tam nevstúpi." To on povedal. „Všetko to navždy pominulo."

460 Pozrite, vonku na jeho poliach a okolo jeho brán:

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

461 Teraz pracuje smrť a staroba v mojom smrteľnom tele, ale budem premenený.

462 Poznáte tú pieseň? „Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký." On nebude vyskakovať a pokúšať sa vás zabiť. On bude kráčať cestou popri vás.

Kto to zdedí? Vykúpení. Kto to bude?

Všimnite si, ja vás môžem teraz učiť len podľa tých predobrazov. Všimni si, brat Lee.

463 Kto vyšiel s prorokom Noem na tú novú zem? Tí, ktorí s ním vošli do korábu. Je to tak? Tí vyšli na tú zem. Vidíte? Tí, ktorí vošli s Noem cez jeho posolstvo, boli tí, ktorí sa potom prechádzali na tej novej zemi po jej krste vodou.

464 Ten, kto teraz vchádza s Ježišom ... Ako sa do Neho dostanete? Jedným Duchom a On je Slovo. Stávate sa Jeho časťou. Ktorou Jeho časťou ste? Slovom, ktoré žije v tejto hodine, keď ho rozpoznávate. Vykročíte s Ním do Milénia. To bude, keď vykročíte. Všimnite si, nie nové pokolenie, ale presťahovanie!

Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!" Ó!

465 Všimnite si, ak Boh mohol vziať Eliáša pred dvetisícpäťsto rokmi, aby ho preniesol znovu späť na zem, aby bol prorokom pre Židov, o koľko viac to On môže urobiť s Nevestou!

466 Potom, čo Noe vyšiel z korábu, všimnite si, čo bolo povedané Noemu potom, čo vyšiel z potopy, práve tak, ako predtým pri Adamovi. Potom, čo vyšiel na novú zem, On povedal: „Množte sa a naplňte zem," po potope. Všimnite si, mali „Niesť ovocie, naplniť zem," tak, ako Adam prvý krát.

Teraz to tu môžete presne vidieť. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.

467 Adam mal „množiť a naplniť zem." Správne? Noe mal, potom čo svet bol zničený „množiť a naplniť zem." Rozumiete? Môžete teraz vidieť čo je „semeno" hada? Čo zaľudnilo zem? Rozumiete? Dobre. Vidíte teraz, ako Satan dostal Evu. Preto vždy na zemi vládla smrť. Nebo, zem, divoké zvieratá, atmosféra - to všetko je od Boha kvôli tomu prekliate. To je prekliatie, lebo Satan sa k tomu dostal ako prvý.

468 Ježiš to prišiel vykúpiť späť Otcovi. Aby to urobil, stal sa toho časťou, práve sme to prebrali. A práve ten prach (z ktorého bol Sám Ježiš) bol vykúpený a skrze Neho sú všetky Božie atribúty vykúpené so zemou.

469 On bol to hovorené Slovo. My, ktorí sme vykúpení, sme časťou Neho. Potom, ak to môžete rozpoznať! Vidíte?

470 Farizejovia tvrdili, že sú. Ale, vidíte môj prvý nákres, oni to mali len intelektuálne. Oni nemohli rozpoznať Slovo, keď sa manifestovalo rovno pred nimi. Povedali: „Tento muž je zlý duch."

471 Teraz, dnes, sme nazývaní falošní proroci. Sme nazývaní všetkými možnými menami, akými môže byť nazvaná nejaká špinavá vec, a to robia náboženskí ľudia, veľkí, talentovaní mužovia. Vidíte? Oni tomu nerozumejú. Vidíte?

472 Vodný krst zeme nebol dostatočný k jej očisteniu, tak ako nie je ani ich. Posvätenie Krvou to prinieslo späť a je na ňu uplatnený nárok. Ale krst Ohňom ju očistil, tak, ako očistil Jeho Nevestu. Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým.

473 On nikdy nezasľúbil vzbudiť novú rasu, ako som povedal, ale On zasľúbil vykúpiť tých, ktorí upadli. Oni sú tí predurčení, dediči, ako to On zasľúbil. A On je nemenný Boh, to vieme.

474 Pamätajte, Boh vzal Eliáša po vytrhnutí a premiestnil ho späť medzi svoj ľud, aby zastával miesto proroka medzi svojim ľudom. On to veľmi skoro urobí. A držal ho nažive týchto dvetisícpäťsto rokov. On sa má znovu objaviť.

475 Všimnite si znova, On vzkriesil Mojžiša z mŕtvych. Kde je jeho hrob? Môže ho niekto nájsť? Čítajte list Júdu. Vidíte? Satan, ... Archanjel sa prel s archanjelom, Satanom, povedal: „Nech ťa potresce Pán," keď sa prel o telo Mojžiša. A tu Peter, Jakub a Ján tu stoja a hľadia na Neho na Vrchu Premenenia, práve v tej zemi, kde povstane tá Hora, aby sa v nej bývalo.

A On ju prišiel vykúpiť.

476 Vidíte, tam je zastúpená vytrhnutá Cirkev a sú tam zastúpení tí, ktorí zaspali. Kde? [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] V Meste, hore na vrchu. Vidíte?

477 Tam bol Peter, Jakub a Ján, pozerajúc, traja svedkovia. Boli tam Eliáš, Mojžiš a Ježiš ako Nebeskí svedkovia. Vidíte?

478 A bol tam Mojžiš, mŕtvy a bol vzkriesený. Bol tam Eliáš, vytrhnutie, on bol stále živý. A oni boli obaja reprezentovaní na tejto svätej hore.

479 A Ježiš, Vykupiteľ. Keď Boh takto nad Ním, keď Ho zatienil, povedal: „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn."

480 Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, asi deň predtým, „Amen, amen vám hovorím, že sú tu niektorí, ktorí neokúsia smrti, dokiaľ neuvidia Kráľovstvo Božie zriadené v moci."

481 Čo to bolo? Vzkriesení mŕtvi a vytrhnutí svätí spolu vychvátení, aby sa s Ním stretli vo vzduchu. Keď Ho Boh zatienil a Ježiš tam stál v tom tieni a znelo „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo," to bol poriadok Nového Kráľovstva. Ó, brat, sestra!

482 Smrť ťa nezmení. Smrť len zmení miesto tvojho bývania. Vidíte?

483 Pamätajte, Samuel, keď bol mŕtvy a pochovaný už dva roky, on bol v Raji. A tá veštica z Endor ho vyvolala a Saul aj ona ho rozpoznali a ona padla na svoju tvár. On sa ani trochu nezmenil. On bol tým istým Samuelom, potom, čo bol dva roky mŕtvy a bol stále prorok, povedal: „Zajtra padneš v boji, i tvoj syn a zajtra o tomto čase budeš so mnou" A to sa aj stalo.

484 Vidíte? Keď sa Mojžiš a Eliáš vracajú späť, v Zjavení 11, oni stále budú proroci. Haleluja!

485 A tam, v tej zemi, v Meste, kde je Svetlom Baránok ťa budem poznať, brat McKinney. Budem vás poznať, môj ľude, moje klenoty v korune. Keď budú prichádzať z východu a západu do toho Mesta, ktoré je do štvorca 2400 km, ona tam bude sedieť, v tom Meste postavenom do štvorca. Keď sa usídlite na tej svätej Hore, kde prebýva Boh a Ježiš zasadá na Tróne. A bude znieť zlatá trúba, keď bude Jozef prichádzať, aby sa poprechádzal po raji a Božie deti padnú na svoje kolená a budú sa Mu klaňať, vediac, že sú vykúpení. Vidíte? Amen! Haleluja!

Niekedy sa mi cnie za Nebeským Domovom;

A za slávou, na ktorú budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta;

Ktoré pripravil Pán ...

[Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]

486 Izaiáš povedal v 9:6, „Množiteľovi toho kniežatstva a pokoju nebude konca. Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci, Jeho meno nazvú: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti. Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci a množiteľovi toho kniežatstva a pokoju nebude konca." Dokonca tam budú aj zvieratá.

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Ale ja budem premenený.

487 Budem premenený z toho stvorenia, ktoré som, keď príde ten Deň, keď pôjdem do toho Mesta. Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta. Cítim teraz spasiteľnú Moc v celom mojom srdci.

488 Ak toto nie je tak, potom som zahodil svoj život a učil som samé klamné veci. Ale keď sa pozriem dolu a vidím zasľúbenia, ktoré nám On dal na tento deň a vidíme to potvrdené a pozeráme sa na toto zhromaždenie, ktoré je tu zídené s plochy so stranou 2400km a vidíme ich ako tu sedia, vyvolení, ktorí boli vyvolaní z denominácií a rás a vyznaní viery a dogiem, ako sú spolu zhromaždení, keď vidím, že sa Slovo samo potvrdzuje, viem bez tieňa pochybnosti, že drahokamy v mojej korune budú v ten Deň žiariť viac, ako všetky na svete.

489 To príde čas! Ľudia, my sa tu nezhromažďujeme nadarmo. My len čakáme na ten čas. Je veľmi, veľmi neskoro, ale Ježiš je ešte stále veľmi, veľmi blízko. A Jeho Sláva je nádherná. „Jeho meno nazvú Radca." Vidíte to Mesto? Tam sa usadí Nevesta a Ženích a už nikdy...

490 Teraz, keď si myslíte, že je to nádherné, keď cestujeme sem stovky míľ, aby sme sa kŕmili Jeho Slovom, čo je iba tieň, čo to potom bude, keď budeme v tom Meste žiť s Ním! Keď budem váš sused a budeme jesť z tých stromov a prechádzať sa tými zlatými ulicami k tej fontáne, z ktorej budeme piť, budeme prechádzať rajom Božím s Anjelmi vznášajúcimi sa nad zemou a spievajúcimi hymny, ó, to bude Deň! To stojí za všetko. Cesta sa zdá byť drsná, niekedy je ťažká, ale, ó, to bude všetko tak malé, keď uvidím Jeho, tak malé. Čo budú všetky tie zlé mená, ktoré povedali, čo to bude, keď uvidím Jeho v tom prekrásnom, prekrásnom Meste Božom?

491 Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sa mi cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

492 Ján to videl na ostrove Patmos!

493 Drahý Ježišu, táto nádej, moja nádej nestojí na ničom inom, Pane. To je matka môjho srdca, to Mesto, ten veľký Kráľ. Bože, nenechaj ani jedného z týchto zahynúť, prosím. Nech všetci dnes znova skúmame svoj život, Pane, ako očakávame na príchod Pána. Všetci vykúpení, i tam v tom veľkom koloseu v Ríme, kde boli Kresťania žraní levmi, jedného dňa povstanú z prachu!

494 Nebudú tam žiadne miesta pre hroby, na tom vrchu Slávy. Kľučky na dverách nebudú mať na sebe žiadne pohrebné vence, ani jedna slza nepadne. Nie, nie. Žiadna navŕšená zem. Neudrú žiadne búrky. Všetko tam bude slávne.

495 Pomôž nám, Pane. Ak je tu niekto... kto je volaný k tejto Svadobnej Večeri Baránka, k tomu tisícročnému kraľovaniu v Miléniu a potom k vstupu do toho Mesta, potom, čo skončí svadobná cesta. Milénium je len svadobná cesta. Potom Ona, Nevesta, berie... Ženích si berie Svoju Nevestu domov. Ona je Jeho. Jej Ženích, Jeho Nevesta. Ó, On išiel pripraviť Dom, zatiaľ čo sa zasnúbil.

496 Nech sme Mu verní, Jemu, ktorý je Slovom, lebo On je Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa z nás ostatní snažia robiť bláznov, zachovaj nás od toho, Pane, pritiahni ma bližšie.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom,

a na jeho slávu, na ktorú budem hľadieť.

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

497 Budúci Domov Ženícha a Nevesty! On sa vracia...[Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]...na Svadobnú Večeru, bude to tri a pol dňa. Potom návrat späť do Milénia, na našu svadobnú cestu. A potom On ukáže Mesto, ako ženích má prekvapenie pre nevestu, ako ona tam bude tak prekvapene stáť, ako bude hľadieť na svoj budúci domov! A vierou, dnes, Pane, to vidíme. Bude to práve tu na zemi. Ty si to zasľúbil.

498 V jednom z týchto dní bude Tvoja Cirkev úplne spasená a potom Tvoj svet bude vykúpený, tie ostatné časti. Ale najprv si ty vykúpil Svoj ľud, ich telá, ktoré sú zo sveta.

499 Pomôž nám, Bože. Ak je tu niekto, kto si tým nie je celkom istý, nech to teraz obdrží.

500 Viem, že je to dlho a je tu horúco, ale my, ľudia tu nebudeme stáť navždy. Nebudem vždy váš pastor. Uistime si to.

„Je nejaká možnosť, brat Branham?"

501 Áno je, stať sa časťou Slova, časťou Slova na dnes. Nemôžete byť časťou Slova na deň Mojžiša, tá časť je už hotová, to boli nohy. My sme teraz pri Hlave. Toto je Kristus. Nie v čase rúk, pri Lutherovi, nie. Toto je čas Hlavy. Kristus, Vrcholový Kameň, prichádza k Telu.

502 Ak sa necítiš tým byť istý, zodvihol by si ruku tak, aby som ťa mohol vidieť? Nech majú všetci svoje hlavy sklonené. Nech ti Boh žehná.

503 Povedzte, „Pamätaj na mňa pri modlitbe, brat Branham.Tak veľmi tam chcem byť! Nechcem to zmeškať, brat Branham. Skúmam sa, robím čo môžem, ale modli sa za mňa, dobre?" Nech ti Boh žehná.

504 Zatiaľ čo na to myslíte, modlite sa len, povedzte, „Bože,..." Je to vo vašom vlastnom srdci. Vidíte, ak cítite nejaké ťahanie, pálenie vo svojom srdci, to je to. To je ten atribút, ktorý sa snaží prejaviť.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

505 Nebeský Otče, vezmi nás teraz Pane. Nech ten Veľký Pastier, Veľký Pastier - Vykupiteľ, ten Veľký Pastier, ktorý opustil Slávu, lebo vedel, že niektoré z Jeho atribútov sú stratené v tých veľkých údoliach hriechu, kde vlci a divá zver by ich skoro pohltili, ale On opustil zlaté ulice, prišiel dole na zem a stal sa jedným z nás, aby nám mohol vyjadriť Božiu lásku k nám. Tam ich On našiel, niektorých v denomináciách, niektorých v dome zlej povesti, niektorých na uliciach, slepých, niektorých medzi plotmi a na ceste, ale On vykúpil každého jedného, ktorého určil Otec, aby vykúpil.

506 A On nás poveril, aby sme žili tou časťou Slova na daný vek. A my vidíme tú veľkú reformáciu v čase Luthera v tom veku, Wesleya, letničných. Teraz my čakáme na Vrcholový Kameň toho Mesta. Ó, Bože, my poznáme ten vek a to zasľúbenie, ktoré je nám dané na tento deň, ako Toto má byť znova navrátené. „Večerné Svetlo nechá svoje ovocie dozrieť, a bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný deň ani noc, ale stane sa, že v čase večera bude Svetlo."

507 Ten istý slávny Syn Boží, ktorý sa zamanifestoval v ľudskom tele tu na zemi, vyplňoval presne tie zasľúbenia, zaslepil oči farizejov a sadúceov a herodiánov atď.

508 A dnes sa to znova opakuje, Slovo je zamanifestované tak, ako bolo vtedy. Slovo, rozpoznávajúce tajomstvá sŕdc presne tak, ako vedy, ako hovorí Písmo, ktoré nemôže byť zrušené. Pomôž nám, Bože, si to uvedomiť.

509 Pomôž teraz týmto, ktorí zodvihli ruky. Nech trochu tesnejšie pritiahnu pracky, nech sa obujú do Evanjeliom pokoja, nech nasadia celú výzbroj Božiu, helmu, nech vezmú štít viery a pochodujú vpred od dnešného dňa. Udeľ to, Pane.

510 Už len malú chvíľu a budeme zvolaní, potom nastane Vytrhnutie. Bude to veľmi malá skupina, ktorá bude vzatá, ako pri Enochovi.

511 Potom, zvyšok semena ženy, ktorí držia prikázania Božie -- Židia, ktorí majú svedectvo Ježiša Krista -- Pohania, budú štvaní ako psi a dajú svoj život za svoje svedectvo.

512 Potom, jedno veľké ráno nastane Milénium, začne svadobná cesta.

513 „A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa dokoná tisíc rokov." Potom, na konci tisícročia bude súd, to ukazuje, že Cham bol v korábe. A Cham je stále tam, v tom zvyšku. Tí, ktorí To počuli a odmietli To, budú musieť byť súdení.

514 No, udeľ to, Pane, aby sme neboli zahrnutí s nimi, ale aby sme boli medzi tými, ktorí budú zavolaní na Svadobnú Večeru. Lebo my rozpoznávame Ježiša dnes medzi nami. Vstupujeme s Ním, von zo sveta, do Neho. Vykročme do toho Mesta, vyjdime s Ním.

515 Starnem, Pane. Nemám pred sebou už veľa kázania, ale určite Ti dôverujem. Hľadám to Mesto, tak ako môj otec Abrahám. Niečo je vo mne, čo hovorí, že To prichádza. Pane, snažím sa všade rozširovať to Svetlo a volať ich. Nech ani jeden z nich, Pane...

516 Ako nádherne si mi to pred chvíľou zjavil. Sme tu dnes zhromaždení z okruhu 2400 km na jednom malom mieste a čakáme, až sa objaví to Mesto. Vyznávame, že sme pútnikmi a cudzincami. Sme vyhnancami. Pohania, svet sa smeje a robí žarty, náboženské denominácie sa vysmievajú, ale nami tieto veci nepohnú. Urob nás časťou Slova, napohnuteľného. „Stane sa to v posledných dňoch." Nech sme to my, Pane, nech sme zahrnutí medzi nich. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

517 [Br. Branham sa odmlčal. -- pozn.prekl.] Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen." -- pozn.prekl.]. Zodvihnime svoje ruky.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

518 Teraz, ak my máme prebývať spolu v tom Meste, potraste si len s niekým ruky a povedzte, „Nech ti Boh žehná, pútnik. Odkiaľ si? Z Lousiany, z Georgie, od Mississippi? Aj ja som tiež pútnik. Hľadám to Mesto."

519 Hľadám to Mesto, brat Neville. Dostanem sa tam v ...?...Amen. Brat Capps, ja hľadám to Mesto ešte dnes večer.

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

Ó, tam bude jedného dňa pre mňa pokoj v údolí,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

(Správne! Áno!)

Tam už nebude smútok, ani žiadne ťažkosti tam neuvidím,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

520 Náš neviditeľný Kráľ, v toto ráno, bude zamanifestovaný. Nebudem vidieť Billa Daucha ako deväťdesiatročného. Nebudete ma vidieť ako päťdesiatročného. Ale budem premenený v ten Deň.

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

521 Nebudete radi? Šedivé vlasy, ovisnuté ramená budú preč. Ale v kráse a nesmrteľnosti tam budeme stáť, Jemu podobní, jasnejší ako slnko. Ó, nádherné!

...pre mňa, ó, Pane, modlím sa;

Tam už nebude smútok, ani žiadne ťažkosti tam neuvidím,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

522 Na to sme tu. Koľkí z vás potrebujú sily na tú cestu? Bože, udeľ nám to! Koľkí z vás sú chorí na tele, ranení vojaci? Tucet, alebo viac. Veríte, že je tu ten neviditeľný Kráľ? Neviditeľné veci sa zjavujú cez viditeľné. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, až na to fyzické telo. Teraz, ak je toto Jeho Duch, ktorý to kázal skrze mňa, On bude robiť tie skutky, ktoré robil vtedy, keď tu bol. Ó, aké nádherné!

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

Na tie široké plochy;

Žiari jeden Večný Deň;

Tam Boh Syn večne vládne;

A rozptyľuje noc preč;

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

523 Päťsto ich tam vchádzalo do rieky, ten prvý deň, keď sa viditeľne zjavil Anjel Pánov, aby potvrdil, ako to On urobil na hore Sinaj, že som Ho stretol. Vošiel som do rieky a stovky ich spievalo tú istú pieseň ku krstu. Tu On zostupuje, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý vidíte tam na fotke, zostupuje dole tam pri rieke a povedal: „Tak ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal Jeho prvý príchod, toto Posolstvo bude predchádzať Jeho druhý príchod." Vidíte? Tu to máte.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

524 Ten istý Stĺp Ohňa je tu s nami. Uvedomujete si to? On niektorých z nás urobil pre jednu vec, a iných pre druhú. Ak budete, bez jedinej pochybnosti veriť, že On je tu v strede, v tejto budove, verím, že On sa vám potvrdí. Uspokojí vás to? Ak sa nedostanem ku každému ... Je chvíľu po jednej hodine. Ak budete veriť, nechajte Ho zostúpiť na nás! Kde je vaša viera? Vidíte, vy tomu musíte veriť. Ak nepochybujete ani trochu, to bude fungovať.

525 Rozpoznávam Božskú Prítomnosť Bytosti Krista, Ktorý je Slovom. A Biblia povedala, „Slovo je mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč a preniká až rozdelenia duše a ducha, a stavcov a špiku a je spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky srdca, zjavuje tajomstvá srdca."

526 Pozrite. Prečo, ja som tieto veci nevedel, pred rokmi. A keď som to povedal, bez toho, že by som to vedel, pozrite, čo On urobil. Povedal: „Zoberieš ľudí za ruku, na nič nemysli, len hovor, čo ti hovoria prejavy." Povedzme, „to je nádor" (alebo čokoľvek to je.) Potom povedal, „Stane sa, že to nebudeš musieť robiť." Vidíte, vidíte? „To rozpozná tú vec, ktorá je v nich." Máme všetky možné druhy napodobenín, vieme to, ktoré by mohli zviesť i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Sledujte, ako všetko ostatné súhlasí so Slovom, potom viete, či je pravé alebo nie. Ale Ježiš stále zostáva ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

527 Koľkí z vás sú chorí a vedia, že vás nepoznám, zodvihnite ruky a povedzte „Viem, že ma nepoznáš." Ó, je to hádam všade. Tá jediná vec, ktorú musíte robiť, je, len veriť tomu.

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver.

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver.

528 Ježiš povedal: „Tak ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude, keď sa zjaví Syna človeka na zemi v posledných dňoch. Keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, alebo, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka v posledných dňoch." Nie v tých skorých dňoch, stredných dňoch, v posledných dňoch, (Vidíte?) sa On zjaví. A teraz, my sme v posledných dňoch. Všetko je presne tak, Sodoma, poslovia.

529 Čo sa stalo s tým malým zostatkom, ktorý bol vyvolaný, s Abrahámovou skupinou? Bol tam Jeden medzi nimi, v ľudskom tele, zastúpený v ľudskom tele, jediac s nimi, pijúc s nimi, to isté jedlo i všetko, čo jedli oni. On stál medzi nimi a hovoril to Posolstvo. A potom povedal, „Urobím túto veľkú vec."

530 A Abrahám sa stále zamýšľal, „Je to ono? Ja som hľadal Mesto. Je toto ten Kráľ?"

531 A On povedal, „Prečo Sára pochybovala?" V stane, za Ním.

532 Abrahám povedal, „Pán Boh, Elohim!" Lebo On rozpoznal Sárine myšlienky.

533 Ježiš povedal, že sa to bude znova opakovať, keď On bude zjavený v posledných dňoch, Vrcholový Kameň prichádzajúci na to Telo, aby vykúpil ... to sú tí vykúpení, On si prichádza vziať tých Svojich. On je tu s nami.

534 Zodvihlo sa len asi dvanásť rúk, alebo viac. Verím, že Boh môže uzdraviť každého jedného z vás. Správne. Verím, že ste uzdravení. Neverím, že niekto by mohol sedieť na takom mieste ako toto, v tomto čase a v tejto atmosfére, bez toho, že by niečo nevedel, nerozpoznal.

535 Chcem, aby ste sa modlili. Chcem, aby ste zistili, čo nie je s vami v poriadku, vo vašom srdci. Vidíte? A potom sa začnite modliť, povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, zjav toto. Hovorím Ti, čo nie je so mnou v poriadku. Pošli teraz Svojho Svätého Ducha na brata Branhama, aby vyplnil to, čo on povedal, že je Pravda, v tomto Posolstve, v ktorom dnes hovoril o Tebe. Viem, že to bude Pravda. No, zjav mi to, Pane. Hovor ku mne."

536 No, je to roztrúsené, trochu tu a okolo. Len sa modlite a verte celým svojim srdcom, že Boh to udelí. [Br. Branham sa odmlčal. -- pozn.prekl.]

537 Teraz chcem, aby ste sa na mňa pozreli a modlili sa. Tak, ako Peter a Ján povedali, „Pozri na nás!" On niečo chcel a on to zakrátko obdržal. A vy niečo chcete a verím, že to zakrátko dostanete. On povedal, „Pozri na nás."

538 On povedal, „Striebra a zlata nemám, ale čo mám, to ti dám."

539 Teraz, uzdravenie, ja žiadne nemám. To je všetko v Kristovi. Ale to, čo mám, dar Boží, vám dávam - vieru, Jemu veriť. Teraz, v mene Ježiša Krista, nech je každý jeden z vás uzdravený. Verte tomu. Vidíte? „Keď môžeš veriť ..."

540 Tá malá pani, ktorá tam sedí a hľadí na mňa. Pred pár minútami plakala a modlila sa. Je chorá na štítnu žľazu, ktorá ju trápi. Je ťa nepoznám. Si mi cudzia. Je to pravda, že? [Tá sestra hovorí, „To je pravda." -- pozn.prekl.] Ty nie si odtiaľto. Si z Chicaga. Pani Alexandrová. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Teraz sa vráť do Chicaga a buď zdravá.

541 Čoho sa ona dotkla? Toho istého, ako tá žena s krvotokom, okraju Jeho rúcha, nie môjho.

542 Tu je v zhromaždení jedna pani, dúfam, že mi rozumie. Ty, ktorá si zodvihla na stranu svoju hlavu. Nepoznám ťa. Si mi cudzia, ale ty trpíš na žalúdočné problémy. Tvoj manžel sedí vedľa teba. Niečo nemá v poriadku so svojim uchom. Vaše meno je Czap. Ste mi cudzí. Nie ste odtiaľto. Ste z Michiganu. Ak je to pravda, zamávajte rukou. Vráťte sa späť do Michiganu, zdraví. Vaša viera to všetko robí. „Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné."

543 Tá pani s tými krčnými problémami, ktorá sedí tam na konci, z Georgie, oblečená v bielom. Vráť sa do Georgie zdravá. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje. Veríš tomu?

544 Tá pani, ktorá tam sedí a díva sa mňa, na konci rady. Má problémy s postrannými dutinami. Ak tomu bude veriť, Boh ju uzdraví. Pani Brownová, ver z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus urobí... Si mi cudzia, ale On ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? Zodvihni ruku. V poriadku.

545 Tu niekto leží na lôžku. Povedzte jej, aby sa sem pozrela. Ona trpí dlhý čas. Ak by som ju mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to. Ja neviem uzdravovať. Ona nie je odtiaľto, prichádza z ďaleka. Ty si z Missouri. Máš vnútorné ťažkosti. Ale ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca a nepochybovať, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví a ty sa môžeš vrátiť do Missouri zdravá a vydávať svedectvo. Veríš tomu? Potom to prijmi a vezmi si svoje lôžko a choď domov. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

546 Veríte? Toto je identifikácia Prítomnosti toho Večného Kráľa. Veríš tomu teraz celým svojim srdcom? Teraz, On určite obklopuje dookola celú túto budovu. Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? Veríte, že ste v Jeho Prítomnosti?

547 No, veríš a prijímaš, že si jeden z vyslancov tohoto Kráľovstva? Zodvihni ruku. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria. Na chorých budú vzkladať ruky a budú sa mať dobre." My sme jeden druhého, vy ste časťou mňa, ja som časťou vás, my sme všetci časťou Krista. Teraz, spolu, položme svoje ruky jeden na druhého.

548 Tá pani práve vstala z lôžka, pohybuje sa okolo, vracia sa domov zdravá. Amen.

549 Vy ste každý jeden uzdravený, ak tomu budete veriť. Teraz položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, vy ste touto časťou Krista. Modlite sa za tú osobu, na ktorej máte položené ruky, spôsobom, akým chcete.

550 Pane Ježišu, my rozpoznávame, že Ty si tu. Ty si náš Kráľ, ty sa potvrdzuješ medzi nami. Ďakujeme Ti, za túto Prítomnosť. A Pane, Ty si povedal, „Ak by ste povedali tejto hore, ´Pohni sa,´ a nepochybovali, verte, že čo ste povedali sa stane a môžete to mať, môžete mať, čo ste povedali.

551 Potom, v poslušnosti k tomu prikázaniu, v poslušnosti k Slovu Božiemu, ktoré nemôže zlyhať, my ako Tvoji vyslanci z okruhu 2400 km, ako to Mesto, hovoríme Satanovi, tomu porazenému diablovi, „Tvoj koniec bude spálenie. Sme vyslancami z Mesta, toho štvorcového Mesta, kde Svetlom je Baránok. Sme vyjadrenými atribútmi Všemohúceho Boha, ktoré vykúpil Ježiš Kristus z Jeho milosti."

552 Satan, odíď a opusti každú nemocnú osobu, ktorá je tu, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Sväté ruky, ktoré boli vykúpené, lebo veria Slovu a sú atribútmi Božích myšlienok, teraz ich ruky sú jeden na druhom. Nemôžeš ich už viac držať. Odíď, v Mene Ježiša Krista!

553 Teraz, v Mene Pána Ježiša, On je tu. Jeho Slovo hovorí, že On je tu. Vaša prítomnosť a vaša viera hovorí, že ste jeden z Jeho vyslancov. Dokonca každá geografická miera ukazuje, že je to tak. Môžete rozpoznať, že ste vykúpení synovia a dcéry Božie? Rozpoznávate, že toto je váš Domov? Toto je to, kam kráčate.

554 Preto prichádzate sem, preto prichádzate ku Kristovi, kŕmite sa Jeho Slovom. A ak môžete prežívať čas, ako tento, tu, len cez Jeho vyjadrené atribúty, čo to bude, keď prídeme do Jeho Prítomnosti? Ó, to bude nádherné! Každý jeden z vás má právo uzdravovať nemocných, vzkladať svoje ruky na chorých. Každý jeden z vás má právo krstiť.

555 Ak je tu niekto, kto nebol pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista, bazén je otvorený.

556 To je jediná cesta, ako to dokážete, poslúchať každé Slovo. Pamätajte, jeden malý úsek Slova, na začiatku, zapríčinil každý hriech na zemi. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridal jedno slovo k Tomu, nevojde." Jeho meno už nie je v Knihe, hneď len čo to urobí.

557 A nie je miesto v Biblii, kde by bol niekto pokrstený v Cirkvi, inak ako na Meno Ježiša Krista. Ak ste tak neboli pokrstený, mali by ste to radšej urobiť.

558 „Ó," poviete, „v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel." Pri Eve to bol.

559 Satan povedal, „Ó, iste, Boh, vieš Boh..." Ale, On to urobil. On tak povedal.

560 On dal Petrovi kľúče do Kráľovstva a čo bolo zviazané na letnice, bolo zviazané navždy. To je ten dôvod prečo Nevesta prichádza na ukážku druhý krát, tam musí byť Cirkev vyvolaná v poslednom dni, presne taká, aká bola v prvom dni. Ten Strom prichádza od koreňov až do koruny Stromu Nevesty, tak ako v tom čase, znova Božie majstrovské dielo, ako som povedal pred dvomi týždňami, aby bolo vzaté do toho Mesta.

Nech ti Boh žehná. „Teraz verím."

561 Satan je porazený. On to vie. On je na zemi, obchádza ako revúci lev. Už to nebude dlho trvať, kedy príde jeho koniec. On pozná svoj čas. Obchádza ako revúci lev.

562 Ale pamätajte, Knieža Pokoja stojí pri nás, ten Veľký Božský Architekt mojej bytosti, Architekt, ktorý ma postavil tým, čím som, Ktorý teba postavil tým, čím si, Ten je tu. Ak ten Architekt, Ktorý vie, ako postaviť tú budovu dohromady, jej správne miesto, kto to vie lepšie, ako ten Architekt? A On je tu, aby to dokázal, Samého Seba, On je tu.

563 No, to je založené na vašej viere. Ver, len ver!

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

(Keď toto všetko skončí)

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

564 Pamätajte, dnes večer bude v cirkvi Večera Pánova. Ak ste ešte tu v meste a chceli by ste prísť, budeme radi. Je to pamiatka na to, čo budeme jesť jedného dňa s Ním.

565 Milujem vás. Neviem ako to vyjadriť. Myslím, že ste soľou zeme. A počujem o vašom správaní medzi tými zo sveta a to mi dáva väčšiu dôveru vo vás.

566 Ale myslite na to, táto milá malá skupina sa jedného dňa rozpadne. Budeme o tomto snívať. A ak niekto z nás odíde skôr, ako sa opäť zídeme, ...

Stretnem vás v to ráno pri žiarivom brehu rieky;

Kde všetok smútok je odplavený;

Budem stáť pri portáli, kde sa brány naširoko otvárajú;

Na konci dlhého, únavného dňa života.

Stretnem vás v to ráno pri žiarivom brehu rieky;

Som často...?... dole pri rieke, s vytrhnutím sú všetci starí známi obnovení;

(Uvidím vás a budem vás poznať)

Budete ma poznať v to ráno podľa úsmevu;

Stretnem vás v to ráno, v tom Meste;

Meste, ktoré je stavané do štvorca.

567 Milujete to? „Kým sa stretneme!" Teraz sa postavme. Vezmi so sebou meno Ježiš, udaj nám tón.

568 Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Nie je nádherný? ["Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Veríte, že toto je pravda? ["Amen."] Ste nastavení tým smerom, milosťou Božou? ["Amen."] Kým sa tam dostaneme:

Vezmi sebou meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou,

keď sa nahromadia okolo teba pokušenia,

len vzdychni to sväté meno v modlitbe.

(To je všetko, čo máme robiť, kým sa znova uvidíme. Dobre.)

Vezmi sebou meno Ježiš;

Dieťa zármutku a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Vezmi ho všade kde ideš.

Predrahé meno, ó aké vzácne;

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

Predrahé meno, ó aké vzácne;

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

569 Teraz musel som niečo preskočiť v mojom Posolstve. Jeden deň, ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa a preberieme tie „ulice", keď budeme mať viac času. Sťažovali ste si, aby sa nehovorilo príliš dlho. Dnes sme hovorili. Je horúco. Nech vás Boh žehná. Mám rád ten spev.

570 Jeden sused tu, niektorý minulý večer, keď oni vypli ten vonkajší reproduktor, povedal, „Veľmi sa mi páčilo to Posolstvo, ale prečo ste vypli ten spev tam vonku?" Takže, sused, ak počúvaš dnes ráno, myslím, že máme najlepších susedov tu v Jeffersonville. Parkujeme s autami pred ich domami atď. a oni na to nič nepovedia. Takže im teraz chceme poďakovať.

571 Ó, aký je nádherný! Nech je teraz Boh s vami.

... Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

Kým sa stretneme...

572 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pastor nás o chvíľu prepustí. Nech je Boh s vami!

...stretneme sa pri nohách Ježišových (v tom veľkom Meste, pri Tróne)

Kým sa stretneme! Kým sa stretneme.

Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa stretneme.

1 Let us remain standing a moment, as we bow our hearts now before God.

2Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for the privilege of being here today, assembled together in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We pray You forgive our sins, and as we are here to turn our attention towards the Eternal things and the Life that lays beyond this mortal reach. Now we pray that You will give us of Your directions, of how that we must turn, what we must do in the future, and even in the presence now, to gain that place that we are... been promised.

3There are many that are sick and needy in the land, and they haven't completed their journey. And our great enemy, not only our enemy, but Your enemy, has come to beset them and to--and to stop their life, and to send them to a--a premature grave. And we're asking for them, today, that You and Your mercy and grace, Lord, will extend their days to the allotted time.

4 Laying upon the platform, or the pulpit, here lays handkerchiefs and parcels. And out in the halls and around the place, is them on cots, stretchers, sick and afflicted, standing in the audience with hardly enough strength to stand on.

5O Eternal God, Blessed One, may You hear our prayer this morning, through the Blood of the Lord Jesus; not looking at our iniquity, but knowing that He stood in our place, and He is the One that's representing us for this prayer. May each and every one be healed for Your glory, Lord.

6Bless these handkerchiefs. When they're laid upon the sick, may they recover.

7And now, Father, until we wait for the great healing service, we believe will follow, break to us the way of Life, Lord, that we might know through Thy Word what we should do. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

8 As always, this is deemed one of my highest privileges, is to be in the house of God and to speak to His people. And now I know it's very congested, and I have a very long lesson. So I'm... I--I trust that--that you'll be comfortable, as possibly you can be, until we finish the Message.

9 Now, it's hot, but we're grateful for the air conditioner. But, a group of this size, there be no air conditioner could take care of it, see, because your own body is a generating unit, about ninety-eight degrees, and it's constantly putting out heat, and sitting close together. But I--I trust that God will make you just as comfortably as He can.

10 And when we are in, builded gatherings like this, I--I wouldn't have you come here, by no means, if I didn't think it was to help you, if I didn't think that it was doing you good, and that you would profit by it, by coming. And then, knowing too that we don't have too much longer to do this, that we're--we're coming to the--the very closing hours, and I--I want to make every moment count, that I can, for His Kingdom. And now I'm trusting that the Lord God will bless us as we assemble.

11 And I want to comment you, that, yesterday I was going to different places, out seeing some of the sick and afflicted, in the motels, and I got to meet some of the managers this week, some of the eating places. Like, I was over to the Ranch House this week, over here, and the manager was shaking my hand as we started out. And he said, he called me, "Brother Branham." I wondered how he knew me. And he said...

I said, "Are you the manager?"

12He said, "I'm the owner." So then he said, "Yeah, your people come in here to eat, from down there." Said, "They..."

And I said, "Well, I guess they overcrowd you."

13He said, "Sir, that's one of the finest bunch of peoples I ever seen." He said, "They're really nice."

14 I went to a motel yesterday, to see a young lady I wanted to talk to, her father and mother was present, and I had to go to the manager to find out where the--the mot-... the room they were in.

15He said, "And you're Brother Branham?" That's up at the Oaks.

And I said, "Yes, sir."

16He said, "I want to shake your hand." He said... He introduced me to his wife; very nice couple. They said, "Every person in this motel is attending your services. We reserved it for them." And said, "All of our other customers we turned down."

And I said, "Well, I thank you for that."

17He said, "Brother Branham, one of the nicest bunch of people I ever seen, are the people that comes up here, that attends your meetings."

18 I went in last night to a friend of mine, Mr. Becker down here, and I always liked his sandwiches. He's such a... He, I knew him when I was a boy; knowed him all my life. There was a couple sitting there from down at the--the old place, down at the Riverside Hotel down there. So they... Mr. Becker said, "Billy?"

19I said, "What is it, Homer?" We know one another real well.

He said, "I feed all your people up there."

20Some two hundred, or something, each Sunday, eats at the Blue Boar. And everywhere I go, I hear comments of how nice you are.

21This fellow said, "Down on the--the Riverview down there," said, "all that place is took up with the people attending the meeting." Said, "There be hundreds won't get to come in."

22 So, to be that, to me you're the salt of the earth. I--I'm so grateful to know that I have the privilege of preaching to people that even sinners and people... I don't say these people are sinners, but I mean people that, business and so forth, that can say that you're a nice people, and they appreciate you in their business, around their places. You know, that's being salty. I appreciate that, your behavior, the way you take care of things.

23I've always said, "If one comes in and doesn't, hasn't the money to take care of his bill, you just call me up." See? I said, "We'll do something about it." And I said, "Always feed them, whether they got money or not." See, anything can be done.

24I feel you're my children. You're--you're the stars that I... If I ever have one when I get there, you'll be that jewel, outshining part, in the--in the crown of my ministry. When it's crowned, you'll be that jewel.

25 And I've been telling you, in the times past, about the Seven Seals, the Church Ages, and the things that--that's been taking place.

26And now, this morning, I have a very important subject. To me, it's a very blissful one. I hope it strikes you the same way. And if I could only give it in the inspiration I received it in, be wonderful, but that'll be up to God to do that.

27 I've been telling you about where and what is happening, and we see all these things taking place.

28Now I'm speaking, this morning, on: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride, where they're going to live. And, for, I trust that by God's grace we're all a part of that great economy of God.

29 And now I--I trust that you'll bear with me, have your Bibles, your pencils, or whatever you do to read with me, 'cause I'm going to refer to many Scriptures. Trying to get through in time enough to have prayer for the sick; and I promised that. Come in, praying for the last little while, in the rooms and around, for the ones who are just almost helpless and hopeless.

30And, the Lord willing, I'll probably have another service the sixteenth, just maybe prayer for the sick.

31 Start my vacation now. Since last January, I've been traveling, and I'm coming back here. I'm going to be. I take my family to Tucson in the morning, and then I'll return back to spend the time down here in Kentucky, with some of my friends, hunting, and squirrel hunting, for a couple of weeks, or maybe seven or eight, ten days, whatever it is, unless the Lord leads me somewhere else. I never know, just where you're going to be; we never know that, because that's in the hands of God, God alone.

32 Now for this great subject, we--we... I suppose, if I would take my time on this, 'cause you have to bring in many things, it would take weeks. But I've wrote down some Scriptures, some notes, just to hit the highlights of it, to where it'll let you study.

33Then soon, maybe, the Lord willing, in October, I don't know when, but whenever He will provide, I'd like to have a--a few days, just of constant meeting, on the 12th chapter of Revelations, to tie in with this here. Oh, I believe it would be great. It'd just be. It would be great to see how He done.

34 Then, us coming together now, I said last night, I said, "You know, when I..." In the morning, like every morning, I think, "When I come down here, I'm going to recognize every one of my friends that's there." Now how am I going to do it?

35To have with me here, like my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle sitting back here, his lovely wife and daughter. And Brother Roy Borders, and, I think, Brother Ruddell, Brother Beeler, and Brother Palmer, and Brother Jackson. And, oh, my, the--the... Them dear brethren from all different parts! Brother Anthony Milano, and, oh, everywhere you look, you see some other brother! From down in Arkansas, I can't think of their name; Brother John, Brother Earl Martin, and Brother Blair. And, oh, there's just... you... It's just endless, you see. I'm so glad to have a group like that gathered around me when I'm teaching on the Word of God, man who I think are gallant man, real man of God.

36 I'm thankful for this little tabernacle. I'm grateful for its five open doors to the public. Each door... We have four deacons here, Spirit-filled man; four trustees, Spirit-filled man. That's two at each door. And it's got a double door in front, for the two pastors, the shepherds.

37We're glad to have you; thankful to God for this. May He ever bless you.

38 Now we want to stand just a moment, while we read from Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and also from the Book of Revelations 21.

39As we stand, O Lord, fill our hearts with gladness because of the reading of Thy Word, knowing that Jesus has said, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Know again that He said, "All Scripture must be fulfilled." And as we read these things, may we have an understanding from You, the hour in which we live. We ask it in Jesus' Name, the Author of the Book. Amen.

40 Second Peter 3.

This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by the way of remembrance:

That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?... (If that don't meet this infidel woman!)... and since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

But the heavens and the earth, which now are, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and the perdition of ungodly men.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Now, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some man count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in... which the heavens and the earth, with a great noise... shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works that are therein shall burn up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of person ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Looking for the hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that we look for such things, be diligent that you may not be found... may be found of him in peace, without spot, and without blemish.

And accounting that the longsuffering of the Lord is salvation; even as our beloved... Paul... according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you;

As also... all his epistles, speaking in them of the things;... which are some times hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrestle, wrest, as--as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with... error of the wicked, fall from your... stedfastness.

But grow in grace,... in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

41 Now in the--the Revelation of Christ, in the 21st chapter, I read these Words.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with man, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrowing, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new!... he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. And I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountains of the water of life freely.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Let us pray again.

42 Lord Jesus, with such a promise and such stern talk as Jesus Himself and the apostle has given us concerning the hour we are approaching, give us, O Lord, of Thy direction, that we might know how to approach it in the right way. Because, it's coming, we know. The Scriptures must be fulfilled, and so shall it be. And now, Lord, we ask Your mercy again upon us all, as we study Thy Word. Be with us and unfold It to us, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

43 Now, I wonder if there could be a way that perhaps, maybe they could turn the lights from the main auditorium off, and just leave them on the platform here, which would probably be better, and take some of the current. We about burnt up a transformer, the other night. And if the custodian will do that for us, we'd appreciate turning the bottom lights, the main auditorium lights, off. And then I think you'll have plenty of room to see, to write.

44 Now, a subject again, to announce it, that we are approaching the--the subject of: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride.

45Now as it's been... I'm just going to have to do this. It's just too hot up here, see. Yes, sir. As we... I know my wife don't like for me to do that; but, that, take my coat off. It's just too hot up here. See, you got air out there, and it's just cut off in a little pen here, see. Now, in the--in the future, or...

46 In the past, rather, we have studied The Seven Seals, The Seven Churches. Brother Vayle and those are working upon those now, faithfully, to get them in book form.

47 And seeing all these mysterious things that we have seen come to pass, then I think, after understanding that, in the hour that we're living in, and the position; there is no one that would want to sit down real sensibly and examine what has been spoken of, and what is promised to happen, and what has happened, but what could say that those things are fulfilled. See? Exactly what God said He would do, He did it just exactly to the letter. See?

48 Now, I think in this, that, not knowing what time that the Lord Jesus might appear, I thought it would be good, it seemed pleasing to the Holy Spirit that we'd speak on this, then; and maybe come back to it again, two or three times, because I won't have quite ample time to get all this out.

49As where you hit a--a subject that might be a little stumbling to someone, you can't carry it all the way out to make it plain, then you come back again to catch the next subject.

50And then later on, in the... if the Lord willing, we come into the 12th seals, or not... Pardon me. The 12th chapter of Revelations, which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the Trumpets, and so forth. We'll try to bring that back, to show who is Satan, and what he did, where he come from, what's his purpose, and how that his great beauty that was give him caused his fall. His deceit caused it to fall; beauty.

51 Then, how that the impossibility for any man that wants to look at it right, that serpent's "seed." I would make a challenge to that, to anybody, see, that would want to look at it, with--with just absolutely common understanding. A child can see it. See? Now, and we'll get to that later.

52 Now, we understand here that these two Scriptures... The reason I read Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and compared it with Revelations 21, they both here are speaking the same subject, but John never--never wrote it out like Peter did. See? We understand that this great Home of the Bride is to be here on earth.

53And now if you read, just like 21 chapter, 21st chapter of Revelations, apostle here said, or the prophet said, that, "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth." Sounds like there comes a annihilation.

54 Now, way I always find my Messages is by prayer. I'll be sitting in prayer and something reveals to me. And I wait on it a few minutes and see if it's right, then I feel it closer. And then sometimes I keep waiting till it breaks into a vision. But when it begins to come, and I'm satisfied it comes from God, then I go to the Scripture. See, That is, ought to be the confirmation of every spiritual thing that's done, because the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ; see, It is His Body.

55And now, in that, maybe I find a place in the Scripture that doesn't sound just right, and I'll wonder. I go back again to prayer. It comes again. Then I--then I begin to--to examine my Scripture.

56 Now, our Bible is wrote in English, and English words change, all the time. For instance, like Saint John 14, said, "In My Father's House is many mansions," a mansion in a house. Well, then, you, what you do with that then, is run it back to the--to the original and see what James meant, or go back to the Hebrew, or to the Greek, from the first translation. And in there it says, "In My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." Well, then, you come back to the time that the translators translated for King James, the kingdom was called, in English, a "house," and the king was the father over his delegates. There is the reason they translated, "In My Father's House is many mansions." See? And then you get those words and you have to hunt them up.

57 Then, you see, from that inspiration... This pulpit this morning, I say, not one time has it ever been nothing but straight, the Scripture. That's how Serpent's Seed and all these other things come. See? By...

58And it's, really, if a fellow would just read and say, "In My Father's House is many mansions," if you didn't stop to study, pray, you'd be all confused. See? But just keep praying. God always makes it right, if it comes from God.

59 Now, John explains the change and the com-... how it comes about... He doesn't explain it, rather, but Peter does. John just said, "I saw New Heavens and New Earth; first heavens and first earth was passed away. There was no more sea. I John saw the holy City coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for Her Husband." But, we turn back to Second Peter now to find out, Peter explains how this process will come about. Now, if you'd look at what John said, it sound like, "For the first heavens and first earth was passed away," annihilated. See, then, that sounds very strange. So that's what struck me, and I begin to look for the word, "pass away." And, now, but it's clear that both of these, apostle's and prophet, were talking of the same thing.

60 And now, also, in the Book of Isaiah, now, that you want to put these Scriptures down, in Isaiah 65:17. Isaiah, speaking of the Millennium, that thousand years of rest for--for the people of God. Isaiah spoke of it, and he said, "I... There was a... All the former things had passed away," and how they'll build houses, inhabit them. If we had time... Maybe we just take time and--and read this just a minute, Isaiah 65, and let's just read for a few minutes here. And here it is, right, for us. Now, to begin, Isaiah 65:17.

And, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:...

61Now, Isaiah, the prophet, was one of the prophets that wrote exactly the entire Bible in his prophecy. He starts out with the creation; in the middle of his Book, about the 40th chapter, comes around John the Baptist, the New Testament; and winds up here, in his Book, in the Revelations, in the Millennium. There is sixty-six books in the Bible, and there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. He wrote a complete commentary.

62Now, we find out, here now he's getting the 65th chapter, one more chapter, and he speaks of the Millennium. Notice it, how beautiful.

... behold, I create new heaven and... new earth: and the former thing shall not be remembered, or come into mind. (It's to "pass away.")

But be--be ye glad and rejoice... even in that which I have created: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoice, and her people a joy.

And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, for... nor the voice of crying.

There shall be no more thence... infant of days, and... an old man that has not fulfilled his days: for a child shall die an hundred years old; and a sinner being a hundred years old shall be accused. Then shall...

And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit of them.

And they shall not build, and another inhabit; (that is, your farm, your son fall heir to it, or some of your heirs)... they shall not plant, and another eat there: (they do their own planting and remain there; they got Life Eternal)... for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and my long... mine elect shall long enjoy the works of their hands.

They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offsprings with them.

63Now notice, here is where I'm going to get to, after a while.

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I'll hear.

And the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like a bullock:... dust shall be the serpent's meat. And they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

64 What a promise, of these prophets and great sages, teachers of the Bible, way back in ancient days, seeing this glorious Day come!

65By these passages, one might think, or be led, rather, to believe that the whole planet, of this earth, will be destroyed, "I make a New Heaven and a New Earth," see, that the heavens will be gone and the earth will be gone, completely annihilated. But a close study, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can see the Truth of this; and that's what we're going into.

66 It is only the atmospheres around it, and the sin that's upon the earth, that will be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens means the "atmospheres above." See?

67 What does it do? It then, these thistles, and sickness, and death, and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits, will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that way, because we are going to live right here. We'll prove that by the Bible. Right here is where we live. Now notice, thistles, germs, all sicknesses and things, will be completely taken away. All this, its existence that's in the earth now, man-made systems, politics, sin, all kinds of evil spirits that the world is contaminated with, and all the heavens above us in here, is contaminated with evil spirit. Now we're going to go deep and long, in this, see.

68All this exists in the heavens, or atmospheres, and the earth which is now. This earth holds those things, but it wasn't made for that purpose. Sin caused it to be like that. See? It was made by God, the Creator. But all...

69And all of our bodies, that we live in now, was put on the earth when God created it, because you're out of the dust of the earth. It was all laid out here. When God Himself create it, you were in His thinking. And in Him, the Great Eternal, was the thought, which is His attribute.

70And now sin caused all this to happen. And God, through this age, is gathering up His material.

71 Satan is still here. That's the reason all these things happen. He is still here, and all of his evil forces are still here. Notice, that's why the earth now is so filthy. That's why the scum and ridiculous things that goes on; bloodshed, war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of filthiness goes on, is because that Satan is the ruler of this earth and this atmosphere.

You say, "The atmos-...?" Yes, sir!

72 Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that can accuse us before God. Jesus is There to intercede for us. See? While the accusers keep pointing a finger, "they did this, they did this, they did this," but the Blood still covers. He came to redeem that Elected that He foresaw. That's why it's so filthy today.

73 Here, the apostle, in Second Peter here, the 2nd chapter, and the 5th and the... and the 5th and 6th verse. Yes, I've got it. He refers to three stages of the earth. See, he--he gets three stages of it. Notice how he brings them.

74"The old world stood out of the water," now, that was the antediluvian world.

75Now, the one that is, the present world we live in now, called it a "world."

76"The old world that stood out of water," Genesis 1:1. Now and the "world" that is now present. And then, again, he refers to another one, "the world that is to come," the New World. Three worlds; three stages of the world.

77 And notice how God makes plain to us His plan of redemption. Oh, this just thrilled my soul when I saw it, how He makes plain to us here now His plan of redemption. Now compare what we see with our own eyes. What God has done to redeem His world, He's done the same plan to redeem His people, for the unchangeable God changes not in any of His plans or anything. Such a glorious thing!

78 How He led us to Himself, to a tabernacle in us, by three stages of grace; just like He's led the world in three stages, to come to the world. As God will come to the world after it's gone through three different stages of purification, that's exactly how He comes to us through three stages of grace. I taught that at the beginning; I've never changed, since. It's God's Word.

79 You have to keep your three's together, your seven's, your twelve's. The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you'll get your picture all mixed up. If you can't understand it, just keep praying. You watch, it'll cut right in, exactly. God is perfected in three's. See?

80 Notice, "the old world," the antediluvian; the "world" that's present now; and the One to come.

81Now, first stage that He brings us to... See, His plan of redemption is exactly the same by everything. He uses the same method. He never changes. He said, in Malachi 3, "I am God, and I change not." The way He does it, therefore, if He saved the first man He ever saved, by the shed Blood of an innocent One, He'll have to save the next one; and every one He saves will have to be the same way.

82If He healed a man at any time through the journey of life; let it be in the days of Jesus, the apostles, the prophets, whenever it was; when the same conditions is met, He's got to do it again. That's right. He doesn't change. Man changes, time changes, age changes, dispensation changes, but God remains the same. He is perfect. What a hope that ought to give the sick people!

83 If He ever healed a person, He has to do it again when the same conditions is met. He ever, ever saved a man, He's got to do it on the same grounds He did it the first time. If He ever filled a man with the Holy Ghost, He's got to do it on the same grounds He did the first time. If He ever raised a man up from the grave, He's got to do it the second time, and every other time, on the same principle.

84 He doesn't change. Oh, what a hope that gives me! What is it? Not in some man-made theory, something that groups of man have come together; but His unchangeable Word.

You say, "Is it the Truth?"

85He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true." "For heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." "All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore it's good and profitable for doctrine." And remember, that, "All Scripture will be fulfilled," every bit of it.

86 Notice how God makes it plain to us. And if that wasn't a--a great confirmation, a good... a great, loving blessing from God! When I see this, and see that since a boy, first time ever Christ dealt with me, I've still always taught those three stages of grace. Notice if it isn't true now.

87 Now, the first step is "repentance towards God." And then follows after that, is water baptism, "water baptism," "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." See, water baptism follows, showing that repentance was genuine. Or, to "remit" our past sins, that has nothing to do with future sin. It only remits. "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." What for? "Remission." Taking away of past sin has nothing to do with the future. Just, your sin has been chopped off, what you did.

88You can't repent for what Adam done. You never done it; Adam did. You just get forgiveness for what you done. The old nature is still there.

89 Let me take this board just a minute. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard--Ed.] Now, here is a human heart. Now, I'm not... I'm a long ways from being an artist. Here is a human heart; and here is a human heart. Now, this one over here has a snake in it, that's sin, here he has his life. This one over here has a dove in it, which is the Holy Spirit, here he has a Life. Well, this one here, he has malice, hatred, envy; that's what's causing it, is this fellow here. Well, this one over here has love, and joy, and long-suffering; and That's what does it, down here.

90Now, when you are asked, or you are forgiven of your sins, you've only done this, taken that away. But the thing that made you do it is still there. That's the old root of evil; it's still there. Notice, then you repent and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that He forgave you of your sins. Notice.

91 Then, secondly, comes sanctification, which sets our mind in order for holiness, to think right. Taken away... sanctification is a compound Greek word, which means "cleaned, and set aside for service."

92Then, the next, comes the baptism of the Fire and Holy Ghost, that God might dwell in us. And the Fire of God cleanses our hearts from sin, and puts the Holy Ghost inside. Then we bring forth the same Life that This did, because That's in us.

93 Notice, in the natural birth, when a woman gives birth to a baby. The natural life types the spiritual life. When a woman gives birth to a baby, the natural, the first thing happens is breaking of water, then blood, and then the spirit (the life). Grab the little fellow and spank him [Brother Branham claps his hands together once--Ed.], and away he goes, screaming. Water, blood, spirit.

94And now when a baby is born into the Kingdom of God, he comes the same way: water, Blood, Spirit.

95 Now notice, sanctification, the third stage... second stage of it, cleanses the mind; sets the heart, the mind of the heart, in order of holiness.

96A man can repent of sins and he is still thinking of... Well, maybe he's a--a immoral man, every immoral looking woman he finds, is still there. Maybe he's a drunkard; every time he smells the drink, it's still there. See?

97But then when he gets sanctified, that cleanses that desire out of him. See? It takes the want of it away. He can still be tempted, but He takes the want of it away. Still, he's not right yet.

98Then, he is baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Cleansed, burnt out, cleaned up; and then put into the service of God.

Sanctification only sets them aside for service.

99 And notice just exactly how that come, the messages coming. Martin Luther, justification; John Wesley, sanctification; the pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The messages, that's where there can't be no more ages of it, see. We're at the end time. Three stages. Baptism cleanses the heart with the Holy Ghost.

100 How striking now, He takes the place where we are to dwell in, through the same process.

101Now, He's called the Church through justification, called It through sanctification, then filled It with the Holy Ghost and Fire. And He took It through a process, that He Himself, the Holy Spirit Himself, the Son of God, could dwell in the human heart. Now, It has to go through that before He can come into It.

102Notice, He done the world, where that Bride is going to live in, the same way, His same plan of--of salvation.

103 Notice the antediluvian world. He, after it had repented, by through the Bride of that day, Noah, He give it a water baptism, covered it over with water. Then, justification, showing that He's on His road to call this fallen world, from Eden, back to its restoration again.

104Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, cleansing it and claiming it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times--Ed.] See, that's the world that we live in now.

105See how Satan, here in the Scripture, tried to make Him break God's plan to receive it, give it to Him when he took Him up on the mountain, and tried to give it to Him without the purchase of the Blood?

106 Did you notice how Abraham, when they tried to give him the land, he bought it with so many shekels of silver, before the people, as a ensign, as a witness? "Let it be known this day that I bought this burying place." See, purchase it! And Satan tried to--to give Him the kingdom which belongs to him now. He tried to give it to Him as a gift, but He wouldn't receive it. Cause it's, see, then Satan could still have claim on it. But, it had to be bought. Amen. He was the Word in the fullness thereof. They couldn't deceive Him in it.

Then, it is now to get a baptism of Fire.

107 See, it has now... What happened? Christ came and called the Church to repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission; sanctify the Church; and with the Fire of God come down and burn out all the filth, and come and dwells in the human heart.

108 Now, the world, to be redeemed for this redeemed person, He uses His same method. He baptized it in water, after the antediluvian destruction. Shed His Blood upon it, to sanctify it and claim it. It's His.

Satan tried to say, "I'll give it to You."

109He said, "No, sir, I'll buy it." Let it be a witness. He was lifted up, for an ensign, that He bought it. He purchased it.

110 But now it has to go through a baptism of Fire, holy Fire from God, which cleanses the earth and the heavens around it. Then, it's purchased so that the redeemed can live on it, live in it in peace. Notice, the baptism of Fire is to cleanse it from sin, from sickness, from disease germs, from sinners, from the devil and all of his group. He is to be cast out, into the Lake of Fire. Holy Fire from God, comes down from God, out of Heaven, and burns it up, notice, to make it ready for God to dwell in. For, God, in the New World that is to come, is to dwell in the earth. Cause, you say, "God, He dwells in the human heart." But, He and the Bride becomes One, and they go to their Home in the New World. And the same plan of redemption is used to redeem, both, world and the persons that live in it.

111 See, the heart has to be cleansed like that. Before God can come down in the person of the Holy Ghost, which is Christ coming down and dwell in the human heart, it first must be repented. It must be baptized in water, in His Name, to show who it belongs to.

Then it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.

112And then the holy Fire and Holy Ghost, from God, comes down and burns out all the desire of sin, all the nature of the world. "And, therefore, he that sins willfully after receiving the knowledge of the Truth..." Then, again the Bible said, "it's impossible..." "For, a--a man that's born of God cannot sin; he does not sin." There is no way for him to sin. How can he be a sinner, and a redeemed, at the same time? How can I be in the pawn shop, and out of the pawn shop, at the same time? See? Oh, He redeemed us by His Blood; by His Spirit He cleansed us; and then comes to dwell in us, the Church. Not the denomination, now; the Church!

113 Notice close now as we take this, the places we are to--to dwell in. Now, now, the--the antediluvian repentance, then, brought water baptism. Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, to cleanse and to claim it. And then comes, the next, the destruction of the world as it is now.

114All the sin that's in the heavens above, "he is the prince of the power of the air," he keeps off (wars off) the blessings from God. In there comes thunderbolts of lightning and strikes the earth, and everything, from the heavens, sheets of slicing rain, and typhoons, typh-... storms and everything, "comes from above," which is Satan, "the prince of the power of the air."

115 Notice, see how Satan tried to take it, as I said a few minutes ago, by giving it to Jesus without buying it. Then, Satan still has a claim, because it's earmarked, see. But Jesus buys it by His shed Blood and brings it back to the rightful owner. See? That's how He bought us, by His Blood, how He bought the Church.

116And now its baptism of Fire cleanses it from all germs, all its diseases, all sicknesses, even all the spiritual things; which is by us, too, it does the same way; to make it ready for God to dwell in, in this great age that's to come, the New Earth. See, He redeems it in the same way He does His people. He makes it all just the same, His plan of redemption. For, He is the unchangeable God, always the same in His plans.

117 How I've told you, before, and make it known to you, and by all ages, that God cannot change; makes it known, every way, by the same.

118He made it known, His first message, in the antediluvian world, by Noah the prophet.

119 I was talking to a dear brother who is sitting present with me now. Yesterday, he said, "One thing you said, Brother Branham, that always shook me."

I said, "What is it, brother?"

120And he said, "Here is what you said," and it's true, "'The minority, how a little group is going to be saved in the days of Coming.' And we talked of how Jesus said, 'Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there will be that'll find it.' Now notice, the Bible said, 'As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the Coming.'"

I said, "Brother, you just got..."

He said, "Remember, there is only eight souls there."

I said, "You just got half the picture."

121 Yet, Noah was a type of the remnant that's carried over, not the translated bunch. Enoch, one man, went in the Rapture before the flood came, showing that the Church does not go into the tribulation or anything around it. Enoch was translated, one man. Oh, the church may be a number; but the Bride is going to be a very small group that'll make up the Bride. Now, the church may be a great number; but, the Bride, you see, compare eight with one. Eight times less, will be the Bride, than the church.

122"And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly appear," those who know better, to do it, and go ahead and do it anyhow? Those who follow the rules of denomination instead of the Word, where will they appear at, yet called Christians, taking the Name of Christ?

123 Now, perfectly, Noah was a type of those carried over. Remember, when Noah come out, Ham was with him. Sin was still in there. Sin went right on over, through the ark. Unbelief, doubt, went over in the ark, carried above the judgment. But Enoch went higher than the ark, he went on into the Presence of God. But Noah went through and come out, and there was still sin; type of the Millennium, of the world's condition.

124The Millennium is not the end of it. There will still be time after the Millennium. The Millennium is a space of time; but, not the New Earth. No, indeed. Notice, in that, we'll get to it after a bit.

125 See, the earth, redeemed, goes back to its original Owner again. It took... He took it from Satan. He pulled, taking the earth away from Satan, just like He took you away from Satan, like He took the little woman at the well away from Satan. There stood the priest, thought he was with God, and he had nothing. See?

126 I'd like to draw that for you just a moment. Now, we want to get this real clear, so now watch close now on this teaching. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.]

127Now, this here, here is God. God, which is the Eternal, without... There is no one but Him. But, in God, He had attributes. Now, this here represents the Word, the Word of God, which was made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus.

128Now this here, fellow here, we're going to make him like this. Now, this is called the woman at the well. This is the priest, Pharisee. And where you see this, open blackboard, means grace and salvation.

129 Now, "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." The three stages. It was a attribute first, was in God, that He thought of Himself as being human; and that transmitted Him down to be Jesus; and now, if you'll ever be There, you was with Him then. For, there's only one form of Eternal Life, that's God; and you had to be a part of God at the beginning, not what you just chose down here. He chose you. "All the Father has given Me will come."

130 Now look at this priest here. We find his bottom part, here, his back life, back behind him, his predestination back here, is sinful.

Here is hell, down here.

131Now, this little part in here, that looks like the blackboard, that represents his purity. He was a priest. He was an honorable man. That represented this. He was, also, had to be a good man, or he couldn't be a priest. But you see how he got it, was intellectual learning.

132 Now, this little woman, her first life, up here, she was a prostitute, she was all marred up. But way down in her, here, was just a little bit of understanding. "I know when the Messiah cometh..." See? See, that was there.

133Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because the Word discerned the thoughts that was in the heart; as Hebrews 4 says It will, 4:12, that He would. "The Word was a discerner of the thoughts of heart," and He came as the Son of man, the Prophet. What happened? This priest, with only intellectual learning, said, "It's a devil," because that's what his denomination called it. What did it do? He had no representation, so it blacked him out.

134 But this little woman had nothing to present; she was as filthy and dirty as she could be. But, notice, way down in her, she's got representation, see. And, then, she was looking for this to be made flesh.

And when He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "Sir, I have none."

135Said, "You've said the truth, 'cause you got five, and the one you have now is not yours. You've had five. That makes six you had."

136She said, "Sir!" (Not, "You're," not, "Beelzebub.") "I perceive that You are a Prophet. Now, we know the Messiah, which is called Christ, will come. And when He does, He'll do this."

He said, "I am He."

137No more doubt. You didn't have to explain it. She saw it. She believed it. Away she went! Why? What did It do to her? It redeemed her.

138Now watch, He came to be a Redeemer. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What does redeem mean? "Bring back." Why didn't He get the priest? He never was up there. See? See, he had no representation.

139He came to redeem that which had fallen. In the fall, this got messed up, with that girl; but God had her in His thinking before the foundation of the world, and He come to cleanse her. See? Then He... She had Eternal Life. See?

140 Where, the priest, what did it do to him? It sent him right back to his destination. He had nothing, to begin, only intellectual learning.

141Now listen, friend, if the only thing you've got is just intellectual learning, you get something different from that. And you'll never be able to get It unless you got representation. That's the reason I believe you come from the east and west, north and south; the Word, living, made manifest.

142 Notice now how He makes His way known by His prophets, in the beginning. He has never changed it.

143[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... salvation. He justified a man; sanctified him; sent the Holy Ghost and Fire, and burnt the sin out him, and dwelt in him, Himself.

144He does the earth, that He's going to use in a plan of redemption, the same way. It repented and was baptized in water, in... by Noah. Jesus come and sanctified it, by dripping His Blood upon it, and claimed it. And in the New Earth that's to come, it's to have a holy Fire baptism, to clean it of every devil, every germ, every sickness, everything that there is, and make it anew. "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth."

145You become a new person. Amen! Not just an old one patched up, by joining church or trying to turn a new page, but you are a complete brand-new unit. God takes the old man and burns him completely out, with the Holy Ghost and Fire, and comes Himself, sends down your representation. "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Same plan; same way.

146 Satan was... will be taken from the earth, just exactly like Satan was taken from you. Satan cannot bother; or, he can tempt, but he cannot get a born-again Christian. For, God, from the foundation of the world, foresaw him, and sent Jesus to redeem him, and the Blood speaks for him. How can he sin when it can't be seen, even, by God? He don't even... The only thing He hears is your voice. He sees your representation. Amen! That is true. See?

147 By the same means, for the world is one of His attributes just the same as you are one of His attributes. The world becomes one of His attributes, because it was God's thinking, in the beginning. To have a world, to be on a Throne, to be a King, to be a Redeemer, to be a Healer, that's His attributes.

148 Just like an attribute of you. I can't say a--a "post" 'less I think of post. I can't say "man" unless I think of man. And when I think of man, then say "man," the thinking is my attribute and the expression is the word. See?

149Like Isaiah, how could he say, that, "A virgin was going to conceive"? What is a thought?

150 Now, many of you wonder how them, that discernment, comes. I'm going to tell you. See, it's a word that I say. And it isn't my thinking, 'cause I don't know. I don't know of the thinking of it. How can I tell you who you are and where you come from, when I don't know you? How can I tell you what you done ten years ago, when I never seen you in my life? How can I tell you where you'll do and what you'll do ten years from now? How do I know the future? But it is Somebody else's thought.

151"Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." See, then it isn't your thinking. It's His thinking, through you. And you're not expressing your own words; you're expressing His Words.

152 That's how many a times the brethren gets confused, on interpretation of tongues, and things. See, they say things that's not right, they don't realize that that's Satan. You say, "In the garden of God?" Just wait till we get through, find out if it's not, or not. The weeds and the wheat grow in the same field. They both live by the same sun and the same rain. See?

153"But if there be one among you who is a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him. And if what he says happens, then that's Me, see, 'cause he's not expressing his own. He is expressing My thoughts, My attributes of the things that has to come, and I'll use his mouth to express them by. And after he said them, they've got to come to pass. Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail."

154Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." That settles it. She is going to conceive. What God said, He does.

155 Oh, make known, by His prophets, all of His manifestations, because it's His attributes of His thoughts expressed.

156Now, here it was, in this little woman. She was one of His attributes. See?

157And there was the priest, representing the Light. He had learned it from the Bible. He had learned that God was God. He had learned that holiness was right. He was learned that there was a law of God. He had learned it because of an intellectual conception. And he was born in the right lineage; he was a Levite. But he only knowed it by intellectual conception. And when the Light of the hour... See, he learned it by what had happened, not what was happening; what had happened! And when he found what was happening, his denomination said nothing about It, therefore he had no representation of It.

158 But here was the Redeemer on earth at that time, to redeem those attributes of God, and she received it. She never questioned it. She said, "When Messiah cometh, He'll do this," and that settled it. And she seen it done, so... He said, "I'm the Messiah," so that settled it. No more question. She just went, telling everybody else, "Come, see Who I found."

159 These processes make us clean, a temple for His dwelling place: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost with Fire. That does the cleansing of (our) this temple.

160 So, as old world frame did not destroy, by the waters when it was washed off; the frame of the planet, the old frame, the... all the dirt, all the stuff that God put on the earth, was not destroyed when the first world was destroyed. And the Bible said it was "destroyed," but it never destroyed the frame. It just destroyed the sin and sinners that was on it. The framework remained.

161 But, you see, as justification, as you Baptists and Methodists want to think of it, just justification, believing and being baptized, that's not enough. You'll wander right back into the things of the world, and bob your hair and wear shorts, and everything else. See, there is nothing happened yet. You just looked back and seen you done wrong.

162 What did justification do to the world? Never done a thing to it; started right off again, just as much sin as it ever was. That's the way a man does, and that's all the farther he goes.

163That's the way the great evangelist, Billy Graham, ought to see. He said, "I go and have thirty thousand converts, come back in a year and ain't got thirty." That's all the farther they went. See? And, surely, they repent. I believe they repent; most of them, or some of them, at least. But that isn't what it takes. It proves it here.

164 Now, so the old world framework was not destroyed by the water. The world was only washed off. That got its baptism. It was baptized.

165So will the framework remain, though it be burnt by Fire. It don't destroy the earth, see, it just destroys the sin that's on it.

166 Notice here, some of you Bible students, and especially Doctor Dale looking at me. Notice in Peter, in the 2nd chapter of Peter here, 3rd chapter, rather, he uses the word "world," as a Greek word kosmos, which means, "the world order." "The earth shall pass away, melt the elements with fervent heat." See? Doesn't mean that the earth, the planet, is going to pass away. But the world, kosmos, the politics, the sinners, the systems, sin, disease, germs, everything that's wrong, will pass away. Everything that once...

167God once shook the heavens, but this time He said He'll shake the earth, heavens and earth... "He shook the earth," rather, "and then this time He'll shake the heavens." See? "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." It's a Eternal Kingdom. Watch how he goes to it.

168 Notice here, Peter said, "And will melt with fervent heat, and the works therein burnt up," not the planet. "The works therein," the works of man, all their politicians and their schemes, and all their denominations and man-made schemes, will all go with it when it burns.

169 "And--and heavens will pass away with a great noise." Did you notice here? "Heavens will pass away with a great noise." Listen! The whole earth will be on fire, and will ignite the gases that's in the earth and explode it. That's exactly. Talk... The Bible said here, Peter said, "And the heavens will pass away, and earth, with a great noise." Such an explosion will rock it, oh, my, 'cause it's got to kill every disease, every thistle, every thorn. Everything there is to be done, the Fire will burn it up. And, remember, it's not altogether just a literal fire, it's also a holy Fire, see, that will take away Satan and all of his, all the devils. "Both heaven and earth," amen, "will pass away," killing all the germs, all insects, all natural life on it and around it, even the H2O (the water) will explode. Think of it. Talk about a noise!

170You think that little noise out here in Tucson was something, when He opened the six Seals, that shook the country around about, and caused the talk. Wait till this earth receives her baptism!

171 You know, when a man receives the baptism of Fire, there's a lot of noise around there. They think that's a shame, to hear people scream and shout like that. Just wait till this earth gets her baptism!

172Yeah, it'll explain.... explode it, the H2O, the water, for the Bible said here in Revelation 21, "and there was no more sea," explode it. This will change the whole surface of the entire earth. She'll burst and blow to pieces. All the outside, the crust, and for hundreds of feet below it, will just simply be completely demolished. The atmospheres, the gases that's in the earth now, where they're finding these missiles that can't get through it, a great sphere up in there, way up in some kind of a sphere that there's all kinds of gases, they say; and that'll burst. The holy wrath of God will come upon it, see, and will cleanse it, will change the entire surface.

173 Now, many of you that want to put down this word, the Greek word, "pass away." It comes from the word... I had to find it. I thought, "How is this world going to pass away, and yet we're going to live on it?" But if you'll notice, some of you people that wants to put it down, I'll spell it for you. I couldn't pronounce it, p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. I don't know how to pronouce it.

174Now, that way, as I said, when I get... The inspiration strikes me for something, then I go back to find out the word. Now, here, I can't spell the word, or I can't--I can't pronounce it. But, in that, the Lord has still give me a way. I go and find out what that word means, then I got it. See? Then I got it, again. See?

175Heavens and earth will pass away, now, this word means, "passing from one form to another." It does not mean "annihilation," as the English word would mean, pass away, it's annihilated. But the Hebrew word, or the Greek here, does not mean pass away; it means, "from passing from one thing to another." Look, but, "to pass from one condition," it says, "to another."

176 Now notice, Paul used it, if you want to read it now. Put it down, you can read it later. In Titus 3:5, Paul is using this same word, means regeneration of man, that man has passed from a sinner to a saint, not completely annihilated. When a man is changed, he isn't annihilated, but he's a changed person. He has been changed from what he was to what he is, not annihilated.

177 Jesus used the same word in Matthew 19:28; now, not 28:19. Now, 19:28, He said to them, "You'll set with Me in My Father's Kingdom, regenerated," you see, "changed," when you're changed. He used the same word.

178And He used the same word when He said, to the colt, said, "Loose the colt and let him go."

179Said the same thing at the resurrection of Lazarus, "Loose him! Change him! He's been tied; let him go!"

180What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of Satan. It'll be loosed. It'll be loosed from politics, it'll be loosed from denominational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it's in the hands of Satan, politics... Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed it.

181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little woman was his property, but not now. See, He come to loose the grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon your life, and now we're not his.

182Have you often heard me say, in prayer, "take your hands off of God's property"? See? Amen! Have faith to claim your own. That's your rights. "Take your hands off of her! Take your hands off of him!" See, faith will do it. Oh, my! Not annihilate it, but, just, "Take your hands off of it," to loose it, let it go, pass it away. It changes.

183The earth will change. Politics will change. The religions will change. The denominations will pass away. Politics will pass away. The Kingdom of God shall be established.

184 We read in John, read John in Revelation 6:14, see, "it departed as a scroll." The Bible said the... that it... John said, "I saw the heaven and earth depart as a scroll." John, Revelation 6:14.

185Jesus said, "Heavens and earth shall pass away," or, other words, "heavens and earth shall be changed." See, used that same word right there again.

186No, not annihilated. For, later, in Revelations 21:2 to 24, he seen the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and sitting upon this earth. It doesn't mean it'll be annihilated. The systems will be changed.

187 Daniel saw the same thing. A Rock struck the world, was hewed out without hands; and the whole image of the systems was broke down and become like chaff on a summer threshingfloor, and the wind packed it away. And the Rock, Itself, grew into a great Mountain that covered the earth. Watch that Mountain now, in a little bit. That Mountain covered the earth.

188Also, we find out here, over in, also, in Revelations there, it said, "The kings of the New Earth will bring their honor and glory into it." In the earth, is sitting... The New Jerusalem is sitting on this earth. See, it just changed.

189 You're the same man, in stature, that you was when God called you, same woman. But, you see, what it did, it was a regeneration. The old life passed away. The old desire has passed away. When, you used to like to drink, and cuss, and fuss, and stew, and run around, and immoral, that thing just died. See? But now you are used... Then you was Satan's instrument; now you are redeemed.

190And that's what the world will be, the same way, redeemed, a New Heavens and New Earth.

191Just like you, "You are a new creature." And the Greek word there, anybody knows, said, "You are a new creation." Amen! A new creation in the same old temple. Hallelujah. Watch what happens here now. Glorious! All right.

192 Now we find that this earth will hold the kings of the earth.

193And, again, in Matthew 5:5, Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth." It isn't going to, just going to have another earth. It's just going to be the same earth. I'm trying to get the--the plan of redemption to you, before, if I don't get nothing else, see. The baptism of Fire, on it, only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for His meek to live in. See? Oh!

194Like He did us, His creation, to live in. Before He could come in it, He had to give us the baptism of Fire; then the Holy Ghost come in and live, baptism of Fire. Then, when you get that baptism of Fire, then the Holy Ghost can come in. What? As It does, It burns up everything contrary to the Word, out of you. See? It won't believe nothing else but the Word, because It is the Word. See? See? See?

195 Now, that's what we was talking the other day, the evidence of the Holy Ghost. See? The evidence of the Holy Ghost is when you can receive the Word; not some system, but have a clear understand. How do you know the Word is clear, understand It? Watch It vindicate Itself.

196"Well," you say, "I see this do it, and that." Oh, yes, weeds live the same way. See?

197But it's got to be the entire Word. To be the Bride, you have to be part of Him. He is the Word. See? And what a part of Him is it? The Word that's promised for this day when He calls His Bride. Be a part of that. You get it? Now, don't--don't lose that now. Notice.

And He makes it a fit place to live through Eternity.

198 Notice, this is still not referred to... This Millennium reign, the thousand years, is not the New Earth. See, the Millennium reign is a different reign. That's what we go into, the Millennium, but that isn't the New Earth, the New Heaven. No, no. That's just a rest place, see, a rest period, not at all the New Heavens and New Earth; for, you see, in the Millennium we have things that would not go into That. It's a type of the old seventh day, out at Eden; the seventh day, after He made the world. The seventh day, He rested in Eden, and the Millennium.

199 See, the world has now almost six thousand years, old. See? Every two thousand year it's had a--a destruction. See?

200First two thousand, the flood came, and He baptized it with (what?) water.

201Next two thousand, Jesus come to sanctify it and claim it, dropped His Blood upon it, called it His. All right.

202"I'll come again," uh-huh, now as King with His Queen, and the second two thousand years (what does He do?) He comes and gives His rest period.

203And then burns her off, and claims it for His Own; puts His Own back on it.

204And notice, not the perfect world, this Millennium, it's a type of the seventh day. Then comes the White Throne Judgment. See, we still have judgment. We're still in time, in the Millennium. It's a day, one thousand years. It's a time element. Not, don't get that mixed up with the New Earth, now, 'cause it's not.

205 You might say this to me. Now I just feel somebody might say this to me, that, "Now, Brother Branham, what are you going to do now? You've run out of your complete sevens. Where you going to do now? Now, you're a dispensationalist." Which, I am. I believe that God is, too. Note, notice. "You've run out of dispensation types. For, if you're going to put something beyond that seventh day, how you going to get it? Where you going to now?"

206All right, I'll call your attention to something, see. See? No, I ain't, I ain't out of dispensations, yet. I got another Scripture here. And, remember, all of It has to be fulfilled, every bit of It. See?

207 Now you say, "Brother Branham, you're trying to put something way over yonder beyond that seventh day, that seventh-day sabbath."

208As God made the earth and labored six days, and rested the seventh, was only a type of time, time. But I've just said here, we become Eternal.

209"So where is your type now? You said you're a typologist. So, you, you've run out of types now." No, I haven't. Let's just find out if we have.

210 Let's go to Leviticus, back in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus. Now I want you to notice in Leviticus, where we was at last Sunday, or last... This is what give me the idea, right here. The 23rd chapter of Leviticus, and the 26th verse.

211Now remember, there is seven feast days. The Feast of Trumpets, the feast of--of tabernacles, the feast of the sheaf-waving, the... All this, there is seven great feast days, that was only a type of the Seven Church Ages. And you remember how many sabbaths there was between one and the other? See, seven sabbaths between pentecost and the trumpets, which was Seven Church Ages. And there was seven feast days, that represent the Seven Church Ages. Keep your numbers running.

212 Say, "Well, now, Brother Branham, you've done run out. You got your seven."

213All right, let's take the last feast, which is the feast of tabernacles. Now notice here in the 36th verse.

Seven days shall you offer offerings made of fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day--on the eighth day shall be a holy convocation (there is another holy time coming)... holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: and it is a solemn assembly; and you shall do no servile work therein.

214Now we got a "eighth day." Now, there is only seven days, but here we speak of "the eighth day," holy convocation, convocation. Notice, "Do no work in it." The eighth day, are (what?) back to the first day. Why, it speaks of Eternity, as she rolls around without a stopping place. Amen. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215 Notice, it was also upon this eighth day. Last day, feast day of the tabernacle, notice after that, after the last feast day, after the last Church Age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after the Millennium, that this Holy Convocation comes.

216Remember, this is feast of tabernacles, tabernacles, "gathering places." Amen! Where, "In the Millennium," the Bible said, "they shall build houses; they shall inhabit."

217But in the New Earth, He has already went and prepared the place. It's built. We have nothing to do with the building of it. Amen. Eternal! Oh, I just love that Word! My! A Holy Convocation, the eighth day. Which, is only seven days. Then on the eighth day, which comes back to the first day again, comes right back to the first day, the eighth day is a Holy Convo-... Convocation.

218 Notice, seven days, only has to do with the old creation, world time. Seven days, that's the Millennium, the rest day. As God labored six days, rested the seventh; the Church labors six days, and rests the seventh, but you're still in time element. I ain't speaking of the Eternal.

219But, you see, there is no such a thing as eight days; you go back to the first day again, see, the first day.

220 The sabbath speaks of the old law, which was to pass away. The keeping of a sabbath, which "passed away," or, I have said, "changed to another." It didn't pass away; it just changed from the old law, of keeping a certain day of the week.

221Isaiah, the 19th chapter, said, I believe 28:19, said, "Precept must be upon precept; here a little, and there a little." "Hold fast to that what's good." "For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And here is the rest." See?

222You enter into Life, not keeping a day or shadow. Paul said, over there in Hebrews the 4th chapter. "You keep days and shadows, and things like that; I'm scared of your experience." See, we don't pass into certain days and orders. "You've passed from death unto Eternal Life," not days and times. You've passed into Eternity. That's the holy convo-... convocation, convocation, rather.

223 Seven days, watch, which "pass away," or, I have said, will "change to another." Eight days deals with new creation, see, not old creation. Eight days is new creation.

224For, it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised from the dead. There is your other convocation, the holiness; not considering the sabbaths, at all, or the feast of the tabernacles, feast of this, and the feast of the pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead, for our justification, on the eighth day. After the seven sabbaths, or seven days, Seven Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead. Eighth day, which is a holy convocation, see, which is the first day.

225See, you've, done has passed through time, and dropped into Eternity again; not keeping of days, and keeping of sabbaths; and new moons, and things like that. "But hath passed," changed your form; not annihilated. Glory! "But passed from death unto Life Eternal." Oh, what the Bible does teach us! See, passed from one to another.

226 All right, "passed," the old sabbath is passed. Jesus raised on the eighth day. That was a solemn day, holy. And it wasn't a day; 'cause day, a time, had done run out. It passed into Eternity. See, it swung right back to the first day again. See?

227Eternity is like a--a ring. You can't find no corner to it. You can't find no stopping place in a perfect circle. You go on and on. I don't care how far you go, you're still going. You can start going around like this; go through the floor, go through the earth, go beyond the earth, you're still go-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

228All things that was created down in here, are perverted, not created, by Satan, will drop out when the great golden bell rings and a Trumpet sounds.

229And back yonder at the beginning, where the tie post was made in Eden, when man came to the earth and he fell, a little lamb shed its blood, that spoke of the great Lamb was coming to shed Its Blood. Calvary raised the cross, that tied for the Old Testament; to them who justified, looked for It. And in this new dispensation, at the Coming of the Lord, at the New Earth, the rope of salvation (the Blood, the redeemed Power that I'm talking about, and through the same system has redeemed both man and the earth) will raise right up into Eternity again. And the Lake of Fire will consume everything that's ungodly and unpredestinated to It. Do you see it?

230 Notice, the eighth day, Jesus raised for our justification. The Eternal King, with the Eternal Kingdom to be baptized into, to Eternal Life. Not seven days; had nothing to do with any of the days. It's speaking of another, Eternal, coming; speaking of an Eternal time, the World that I'm speaking of.

231 And, notice, after fifty days, or seven sabbaths from there, again there come another holy convocation. What happened? The Holy Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost, on the seventh day... Or, the eighth day, rather, eighth day, fell on the eighth day. Was seven sabbaths later, exactly, after His resurrection, see; so it'd be seven times that again, bring it right back around to the first day of the week again, exactly. See?

232 There is your holy convocation, not have anything to do with the literal things. It's beyond that. It's into the Kingdom of God, with Eternal Life, with the predestinated that never did start. It never started on any day. You wasn't saved on any day. You was always saved. Amen. Jesus just come to redeem that; but you was saved, from the beginning, because you had Eternal Life, to begin with.

233 A trout fish can never be a gar or a tadpole. He might be in the same water with him, but he was, from the beginning, a trout. The net only caught him, see, but he was that from the beginning. There is that...

234Now, we're not out of dispensations. Are we? We're right into the Scripture. Fifty days later, it come.

235 See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be counted, eight days in a week. You can't do it, see, because there's only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to. Sunday is the first day of the week. See, you count seven, then you got to go back in and start over again. Count seven, come back and go over again. See?

236 And we lived through all these types in here, but, when you hit the eighth, you go on into Eternity. You don't come by laws, and rituals, and orders. You come by predestination. Amen! There is a genuine, holy convocation! See? And we're ending the seventh church age, church age, the Pentecostal age. Do you see it? We're entering that holy convocation. We are entering into that real, genuine, Eternity, where the Church is called; not to some station, some denomination, but into Eternity with their Eternal King. See? We don't have it at all, no such a thing as days, and things, and times. You've passed into Eternity, where you come from. You was There, to begin with. See?

237 If you got Eternal Life, there is only one form, that's God, and you are an expressed attribute. See? If you... If you're not, you're not going to be there, anyhow. "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him." See? Which, "passes away," all these old things; but these Things don't, so it speaks of Eternity. The Holy Ghost is Eternal. Then, you are in Eternity, where you was all the time, but you've just recognized what happened.

238See, you were made for an Eternal purpose, because you was the--the manifestation of an attribute that was in God, that thought of you and expressed you; and He made a earth to take you out of, and to make you a human being. And sin come along and perverted His way. You come, anyhow, but you was lost with the world. So He come and redeemed you, the expressed attribute, and also redeems this earth by the same way. Then, His purpose rolls on. See? Oh! Hallelujah! Oh, that does me so much good, think of just what lays ahead!

239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it's called... Now, if you're putting it down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh day. It's called, "The fullness of time." And when "the fullness of time" has come, that's when time has been fulfilled. When there is no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church age is over, and it is; Luther's age is over, Methodist age is over, Pentecostal age is over. And now you go into (what?) Eternity; no more seven's, no more three's, no more other. They're in Eternity, where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things. Amen! Oh, my! You see it now?

240 Or, after time has been fulfilled, all sin is gone, taken away, at the Millennium, at the great White Throne Judgment. (A type, by the Holy Ghost.) After the world is on fire and baptized, its baptism of holy Fire from Heaven; all sin is gone, all germs is gone, all devils is gone, all imp temptations is gone, all evil is gone. (Type now.) Then what does God do? He can sit upon the earth, see, because all sin is gone.

241 That's the same thing He does when He gives you the Holy Ghost baptism with Fire. He can come and dwell with you, and we can sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we are already in Him. Not we "will be." We are now sitting in Christ Jesus. How do we get into it? By one Holy Ghost baptism. "By one Spirit we're all baptized into Christ," which, we are now. Won't "be" in Christ; we are! He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that's in us, because we were in Him at the beginning.

242 See, God, in the beginning, when He thought of you and thought of others like that, thought of Himself of being tangible. That was His thoughts. See? So, He expressed His thoughts by Word. He said, "Let there be." "Let there be," and there was. "Let there be," and there was.

243Then, after a while, He kept saying "let there be," till the people said, one day, "Don't let God speak!"

244He said, "Now I'll speak to them through a prophet." See? "From this on, I'll speak to them through a prophet."

245And the prophet said, "There shall come; there will be," and it was, and it was. And it was, and it was, see, just like that. You get it now?

246 "The fullness of time" has come after time has been fulfilled. Sin is gone, after the world's baptism, after the world's baptism makes it a fit place; no sickness, no germs; no thorns, no thistles; no death, no sorrow, no heartaches; no old age, nothing to represent death; nothing wrong; all right; nothing natural. Eternal!

247Then, His attribute is expressed because it was there, first, to begin with. That's what He thought. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.]

248 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here on the earth, and said, "Multiply now and replenish the earth." Their bodies was all laid out here, for you to eat and make your body. That's the way He had of doing it.

249But sin come along and interrupted His plan. She rolls right on, just the same, time does.

250 But what did Jesus do? God came down and expressed Himself in the form of a Man, a human being; gave His life, instead of staying here. Which, He was the King, but He gave Hisself to redeem the rest. You get it?

251And when it's all over, then it's pulled right back, and God's purpose is fulfilled. There is the Eternal King again with His Eternal subjects, expressed in human flesh, exactly the way He had it; sin is took away; the devil is gone; it's all done now.

252 What will do it? This earth couldn't be a place for Heaven to sit now. Look at it, the sin. It will have to be cleansed.

253No man, no person, no woman, boy, girl, I don't care who he is, is fit to go in the pulpit, or even claim to be a Christian, without being filled with the Holy Ghost. You have no right to the Lord's supper, or any communion, feet-washing, or anything, until you've been cleansed by the Holy Fire of God.

254No man has a right to preach unless you, like Moses, meets Him out there on that sacred grounds, that Pillar of Fire hanging there, where he knows where he's at. See?

255 Notice how, how we go. After the world's Fire baptism, all germs is gone, makes it a fit place then for Heaven to dwell here on earth.

256Type, now, of sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; passed from this, dirty like the little woman was, into the expressed attribute of God. "Now we are the Sons of God," not we will be. We're the attributes of God's thinking. See?

257 Now you say, "Well, look at this priest. Wasn't he a son of God?" It proved he wasn't. He couldn't recognize what? Did he say, "I believe the Bible"? Sure. But he couldn't recognize the expressed Word of the hour. He only had an intellectual learning from some group that had been back before him.

258And it's the same thing today! See? I know that's strong, but it's the Truth.

259There was the Word, as spoken exactly for that day; and, he, yet he was a scholar, yet he was a renown person, but he could not recognize It. Why? No matter how scholar he was, anything like that, he still didn't have representation of predestination. See?

260Only the predestinated will only be the one who does it; only can be. And you only can do it... Because, look, it proves predestination. Cause, if you've got Eternal Life, you had to be a part of God all times, 'cause He's the only One is Eternal. You see it? Oh, my! Think of it.

261 Now watch what happens through the great Millennium. Sin all gone, Millennium now set in, it's time now the Holy Spirit takes Its place.

262Just like He does in us, "passes from death unto Life," dwelling in Heavenly places in Christ, in His glorious Presence. Even physical death will pass away then; just as spiritual death has passed away now.

263There is no such a thing as spiritual death now, to--to a--a baptized saint of God. "Though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." All Scripture, It must be fulfilled. See? You can't die. You got Eternal Life. Only thing, the Redeemer has made you recognize it. And you were always That, and that's the reason you see the day you're living in. How many sees it? Raise your hand. See? Thank you. See? The day that we're living in, you recognize it.

264 Now, the Methodist said, "When you shout, you got It." A lot of them shouted and didn't have It.

265The Pentecost said, "When you speak in tongues, you got It." Many speak with tongues, and didn't have It.

266Look how, all kind of forms those Pharisees had, but when the Word was made manifest, they didn't recognize It. See? See?

267And if you are the Bride, the Bride is a part of the Husband. And if... The only place that you'll ever recognize It, is recognize what part of that Husband (that Word) you are, or you can't recognize being the Bride. How many sees that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? See? You have to recognize your position.

268 You can't recognize somebody else's. What if--what if Moses would have come with Noah's message? And Noah was a part of it, but it wouldn't have worked. What if--if--if--if Jesus would have come with Moses' Message? It wouldn't have worked. See, it was a different age, it was a different prophecy, a different part of the Word had to be fulfilled there. They was in another day of the week. Not, Tuesday's work can't be done on Wednesday. And Wednesday has got to be done on Wednesday. See? Saturday has to be Saturday's work. See?

And, they, they was recognize, "Oh, Moses, we have Moses."

269He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me, for he was the one that spoke of Me. 'The Lord your God shall raise a prophet likened unto me.'" Get the idea? Oh, my! See?

270Then Jesus said, in John 14, "When He, the Holy Ghost, is come, He will bring these things to your memory, see, show you what day you're living in. And then, another thing you'll know Him by, He'll show you things to come," see, see, right back to the prophetic again, "when He's come." See?

271 In the New Earth and New Heavens, will never be blackened again, when this New Earth is to come. The devil will be bound... Satan, he is still loose now; he is accuser. But in the New Earth, he will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, in this holy Fire.

272 Then, in this New Earth, let's look at it for a few minutes now. In this New Earth, the skies will never be black again; no, that's from the curse, see. Never be black again with angry clouds. Winds will never blow across her again like that. No. She'll never tear up the trees, and tear up the houses, and turn over the things. Lightning and the wrath will never belch from Satan across there, and kill a man walking down the road, or burn up a building. See? No, no more. There'll be no more typhoons sweep down, or storms and tornadoes, and tear up houses, and kill little children, and things. Huh-uh, won't be no more. Trying to destroy, it won't be there. Satan is cast out.

273Wish we had time now. I'm just passing Scriptures, now, so we won't be too late. I got to pray for the sick.

274 Heavens and earth have met; God and man is reconciled. A restored Eden has begun; see, all the curse is gone.

275Just like, all the curse of sin is gone when the Holy Ghost accepts you. See, you don't accept It; It accepts you, see, 'cause It's God's attribute. See, if It's the Holy Ghost, means, God's Spirit; and it's the attribute, the thought of God, has accepted you because that you were ordained for that purpose. See? Yet, you was born in sin; but God had that attribute, and here you expressed yourself here on earth, and He comes down and gets you. See, you're back here; here is where you belong. See? See, sin has lost its power. That's right. The desire of sin has done gone from your heart, when the Holy Spirit comes in. You are a restored person.

276 And then when the earth is restored, by the same thing, there can be no more cursing, no more storms, no more winds, no more typhoons--typhoons, rather. You are reconciled; man and God has met. The New Earth will be put on its Eden beauty again. The New Earth will spread forth, her, after her baptism of Fire.

277Just think, she'll catch afire and burn up. The elements will burn with--with fervent heat. All the works in the earth will burn. All the water will explode; it'll ignite and blow all. Everything will blow up. Volcanics will erupt and, thousands of miles in the air, will fly burning hot lava. Every germ... The Holy Spirit of God will cleanse off every speck of all the sin and everything. All the devil will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, consuming Fire, God's wrath of Fire.

278 No beast will be there to destroy you again. When you walk down the road, in the flower gardens, there'll not be any serpent there to hiss at you and bite you, with his poison venom. Oh, my! Won't it be wonderful? Listen. There will be none of that New Earth ever mounted up to a little yellow sod bank, for a grave; be none of them there.

279Man and God has come together; Bride and Bridegroom. Heavens and earth has embraced each other; God has come down to dwell among man. His tabernacle is with them.

280There will be no more sin, no more sorrow. Never will there ever be a tear drop off of a mother's cheek, over her baby. Amen. It won't be, on that New Ground. No. It's redeemed. It belongs to Him, and for His that was redeemed out of it. See?

281 And, look, you are a part of that ground. Is that right? And when He redeemed you, He redeemed the earth with the same thing, and you are together again. Oh, how much plainer can it be. See? You have to be redeemed 'cause you're a part of it. And if the Blood didn't drop on you, you ain't redeemed yet; you're not called. Then He cleanses it; that's the same thing He does in the Fire. Even, the Blood dropped, it's yet got to be cleansed by Fire, that's right, for a dwelling place for God.

282God already took up His abode, potentially. The Kingdom of God is in the earth now, in the hearts of His saints. It's His attributes that He begin in the beginning. Now His attributes is redeemed. What's He waiting? To redeem the earth, to set His attributes on it, to fulfill exactly His predestinated plan. Do you see it?

283 Notice, no graves, no teardrops, never, no more bloodshed. She'll never be moistened by a teardrop or a blood. No. Be no more wars. No. No clouds of winter. No cold snow upon the breast of her; won't lay there no more on it. The hot sun will not, never burn its grass. Hallelujah! Even the desert shall bring forth roses. "That old, sticky desert will blossom, one day, like a rose," God said so; when she is redeemed, when she takes her Fire baptism. There is all kinds of cactuses and stickers and everything there now, but she's got a Fire baptism coming.

284Like the man was, when he still had hatred, malice and strife in him; when the Fire baptism come, it cleaned it off. No more jealousy, no more of nothing; it's just absolutely is a dwelling place for God. And, remember, that's His delegation that's going to meet Him over yonder. Amen! Oh, what a...

285 That's not just a story; that's the Truth. That's what God said. That's what He has promised. That's what the Bride goes to. "Even the desert," He said, "shall blossom, be a rose."

286Satan, sin, and sinners, has gone, forever. It's all done; blended it into Eternity. And all that was perverted, that great archangel that set there one day, Satan, that did all this evil, will be destroyed. You remember, the Bible said, "If that soul won't do as He did, said do, He will even destroy that soul."

287But, you see, He can't destroy Himself and remain God. So, if that soul is of the world, it has to be destroyed. But if it's Eternal, with God, it never did begin, because it's part of God and can never be destroyed. Amen! What a beautiful! How--how thankful, that the Church ought to see that!

288 People, all you've done lays right here. This is what I'm trying to say. I'm omitting some of it because I want to get back to it again.

289 Even these things, Satan, sinners, are gone, for Eternity; never no more to be. All... See, Satan cannot create. If he is, he's God. See? He can only pervert what has been created. See? And all perversion will, perverting, will be done away with. And death is the pervertage of life; and when the perversion is done, there can be no more death. Old age is a sign of death; and when old age is gone away, life comes in. All perversion signs and everything else is gone. Thorns and thistles is a sign of sin, "the earth will be cursed with them," and they're done away with. Sickness come, by that; it'll be done away with. Death will be done away with. Bloodshed will be done away with.

290 Nothing will ever touch that sod but holiness, the Redeemed. Oh, my! Yeah. Oh, I just feel so good. God, and His creation; and His creatures of this creation is redeemed by His Own Blood. Cleansed by His Own cleansing process; His germ-killing, sin-killing process!

291Like if anything is sterilized, the best sterilization we've ever had has been fire. You can take anything and wash it with soapsuds and all these chemicals that they talk about, it still ain't free. But you burn it once!

292 And when the holy Fire of God sterilizes the earth with the Chemicals; He has lifted His Bride, which can come into Heaven with Him, while this is going on. And comes back upon the earth again, a New Heavens and a New Earth. The cold winter can't hurt it. The hot summers can't hurt it. The deserts will blossom as a rose. Sin and sinners are gone.

293God, and His creatures and creation, is dwelling together in perfect harmony. As the heavens and the earth is husband and wife, so is Christ and the Church, and they all meet in one big glorious plan of redemption and is brought right into the bosoms of God again. You see it?

294 And, in the New Earth, there is a New City. Oh, my! Now listen close. Don't forget this. That, Jesus said, in John 14, He would go to prepare. "Let not your hearts be troubled." When He's going away, "I have a reason to go away. You've believed in God," He said, "believe also in Me." They couldn't see that He was God. Said, "You've believed in God, now you believe in Me. And I'm going to prepare a Place for you. In My Father's House is many mansions; in My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." Christ is there, under the construction of this New Jerusalem now. Now listen close. Don't move. Don't, don't miss this. Christ is in Heaven, today, preparing the New Jerusalem.

295 Just as God created the earth in six days, made the earth in six days, or six thousand years. As he said, "Be not ignorant," we read in the Scripture, "one thousand years is one day."

296And Christ has gone and is preparing a Place, that's been on its construction for many, many thousands of years, preparing a Place. "And if I go and prepare a Place, I will come again, and receive you; that wherever I am, there you may be also." Notice the Redeemer and the Redeemed!

297 Wish we had time now. I got marked here, Solomon quoting, "this girl, the Bride." Oh, we just have to omit it; it's getting too late, see. I'll get it, again. "When he tries to get her, but she's engaged to a shepherd boy." Some probably thought that was a song he sang. Oh, no. Solomon was the throne inherit of David, on earth, but showed that kingdom had to pass away. It was a type of Christ in love with the Bride. See?

298 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, "go and prepare a Place."

299Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it will look like? It is prepared and designed by the Divine Architect. What will that City look like? Now, we're going to talk about it for a few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And, look, He has designed it with tender hands, for His beloved Bride. What's it going to look like?

300Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that's able, how he builds and puts every little thing just exactly to her touch, just what she would like? Amen.

301 Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He will live with His Bride, just to Her touch. No wonder the apostle said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or neither has ever entered the heart of man." Let's see if we can probe into it just for a moment, see what it's going to look like.

302The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh, what a place it must be, when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has designed it for a Divine attribute that's been Divinely predestinated by a Divine God Who--Who is the author of Divine Life! What will that City look like! Think of it.

303 Remember, it's not Heaven. John say, "I saw it coming down out of Heaven." It's to be on earth. See?

304Not this earth is going to pass away; it's a redeemed earth. God didn't say He was going to raise up a new generation; He is going to redeem the one that's here. He ain't going to raise up a new generation; He redeems the one that's already here. He ain't going to make no new world; it's this one right here. He's just going to burn it off, cleanse it, like He did you. His plans must forever remain. Now, look, it's going to be.

305 Remember, it's going not to be Heaven. "It comes down from Heaven." It's a dwelling Place, a Place to dwell in, to take up His abode. Like, it was John, on the isle of Patmos, here in Revelation 21, he saw it "descending." John saw the City, "descending from Heaven," like a dove, like he seen.

306Here come God, down upon His earthly tabernacle, Jesus, in the... "descending out of Heaven." Jesus was baptized, went straightway...

307When He met the prophet! "The Word comes to the prophet." And He was the Word. And the prophet was standing there, denying all their denomination, everything. And, when he seen the Word, the Word come right to him.

308And the prophet was so shocked, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?"

309He said, "Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us (we know the message) to fulfill all righteousness. I am the Sacrifice; It must be washed." He suffered him.

310 When He went up out of the water, he said, "I saw heavens open." The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open.

311And here come, descending out of Heaven, a form of a Dove; and a Voice, saying, "This is My part of the earth that I have redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it, for He is My Word made manifest." "And the whole world, I spoke it into existence by My Word," Hebrews 11. "And Satan has held it all this time, but I've come to redeem it. So much of it has made His body, and I'm coming to dwell in it."

312 John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending out of Heaven, as a Bride adorned for her Husband." And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there; upon the earth.

313Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon, (is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave Him. It's always there. He and God are One. Always has to remain!

314And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending like a common, or a--a dove, coming down out of Heaven and settling upon a redeemed, entire earth, (to do what?) to claim every attribute that He made the earth for. Every man that was represented in the Eternity, and every woman, is redeemed then. She has been scoured and burned by Fire.

315Jesus, in His fiery temptations in the wilderness, for forty days. After that, notice, it was ready for His ministry then.

316 Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and that holy Blood! Now watch, and I hope I don't go too deep for you, see. The holy Blood that was created by God; the Blood, the Life, the creation of God. "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God." Oh! You see it? God, made in creation. He was Spirit. The Bible said, "He is the beginning of the creation of God." How did He begin? In the wombs of a woman. Which is what? The woman is not...

317Like how them blind people can't see the serpent's "seed" right here. See? Eve was put here on the earth, and, before Satan ever touched her, or anything else, God said to them, "Multiply and replenish the earth." That's right, but Satan comes in here. And, if that was Adam's son, then where...

318Adam was a direct descent from God. And you only take the nature of your parent.

319And when you're born again, you take the Nature of your Parent, of Heaven. And your Parent of Heaven is the attribute of the Word... Or, the Word is the attribute of your Parent. Then, how can you deny It, for a denomination? My!

I hope you don't miss this. I know it's from God.

320 Jesus. Here He comes, descending; and there was Jesus, the attribute of God.

321Now, "the woman," she. Watch. God said, "Because they did this," said, "I'll put enmity between your Seed and the serpent's seed." Is that right? And the woman don't have any seed. Did you ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed. See, the serpent had already placed his "seed" there.

322Then, if the woman doesn't have a seed, she has to remain to have a Seed.

323 You see, through the sexual intercourse here, had brought from Satan, the serpent, which was not a reptile; had legs, 'cause his legs went off of him. He was the most subtle, the only beast that would--would co-ordinate with the woman.

324A beast's seed won't do it now, and nothing else. They've tried. It won't work. See, the seed life out of a male won't go into a female woman. It won't do it.

325 But that was the closest thing. See, they can't find that specie between a chimpanzee and a man. See, each one, as it's evoluted up, from the birds, and on up to monkeys, and so forth, up to chimpanzee, then there's a "lost." That was the serpent, not a snake; every form is lost from him, because he was cursed.

326Now, God didn't curse Adam; he might have done the same thing, but He cursed the earth, "thorns and thistles."

327He didn't curse Eve, but said Adam would be her "ruler." From now on, she ain't trying any preaching or anything, Adam is her ruler. "And all the days of your life, and in sorrow, and you'll bring your life into the earth." But He said, "I'll put enmity between your Seed..."

328Now, she didn't have any seed, she never did have, so, she had to receive a Seed from some way. God gave her a Seed, not by sexual intercourse, but by creation.

329Can't you blind people see that's the "seed" of the serpent? Oh, my! Satan got there before Adam; that was the "seed."

330But she received a Seed. What was it? God Himself. "He was the beginning of the creation of God."

331 Now look when Seth was born, or Abel, he was a just man, from his father. Seth is the same way.

332Where did that evil fellow come from; murderer, liar? See, see where it come from? It had to be a "seed," because he was a seed; Cain was a man.

333Oh, where is them blind people at? "God of this world has blinded them." Well, no wonder, Jesus said no man can see it. You see?

You say, "Why don't they see it?"

334Jesus said one time, to His disciple, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom of God, but not to them."

335 And that's the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles square, see, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom." Look, fellows come even from South Africa and around, this late hour when the Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom.

I just don't have enough time. Notice. Watch now, see.

336Now can you see the serpent's "seed" there, see how he done it? It's perfect, see. Now some of them said...

337Now, like that guy in Tucson the other day, trying... Ah, he may listen to this tape. But, if it is, man, I want to tell you something.

338When he said, "Eve said," here is where they go to, "'I have gotten a son from the Lord, or a man from the Lord.'" Why, certainly. God has a law.

339 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field where there's wheat, and you plant briers out there. I don't care, the same sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a law, and that law cannot be broken.

340I don't care if a--if a... the orneriest woman in the town and the orneriest man, and unmarried and everything, would have an--an affair, and live together and bring forth a child; that child would have to come by the law of God, 'cause there's no other way. If you don't, you make Satan a creator, and then he's a god. Oh, how blind can you be! See, God's law, certainly.

341If you ever got a baby, I don't care if it was Esau, Jacob, whoever it was, or any ill-famed person, if it was Judas, it had to come by God. God has a law.

342 The Bible said, "The sun shines on the just and the unjust; the rain falls on the just and un-..." Hebrews the 6th chapter, and it says that, "The--the rain cometh oft upon the earth, to water it, and prepare it for what it's dressed, you know, to make living; but thorns and thistles live by the same water, same sunshine." For, it's a law of God, to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce itself.

343So, it had to produce the serpent's "seed." And it never--never hindered God; it fulfilled His complete plan, it made Him a Redeemer. Any blind ought almost see that, unless it's hid. "The god of the world" has hid it from you. It's just as plain as anything you can see. There you are. There is your serpent's "seed." Now notice.

But, "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God."

344 Now what does the woman do? When, the germ comes from the male sex. Now deny that? The woman has no life in her, at all. She only has a little egg, which is a field out here.

345Like you took a field and disc it all up, and--and put a spray on it, and spray all the germs out of it. And not--not even grass or nothing could grow in it; and then you fertilize again, sow some good seed in there. If the enemy comes and sows some other seed, the same law of God will ripen both seeds.

346Well, God wasn't intending for that to be, see. But what happened?

347 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin, which is the blood. In the blood is the life. And if you ever... I've watched it, in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother Shakarian and I taken it through, and the doctors and so forth, watching how it goes through, the chemists. See? Then here comes the sperm from the female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here comes the sperm from the male, which is a bunch of germs.

348This hasn't got a bit of germ in it. It's only a by-product of the man. That's how she got here, in the first place, and she's only a field. There's a egg; it's got the fertile ground for this life. And this life moves in and crawls. There is a mystery, how that...

349 "Maybe," you say, "well, the first one meets. The rest of them dies." Well, how, who determines it? "Well, the first one." Will it be the one in front; the first egg in front, and the first germ? No, no.

350It might be one egg; plumb back, in the back, in the middle of the sperm, will come up a germ and go meet it. Shows that some intelligence determines whether it's going to be red-headed, black-headed; whether it's going to be little, big; male or female. See? You can't, you can't do nothing else about it; it won't work. You can mix them together, and everything, it won't make a bit of difference. God determines it. And after a while, one little germ will crawl into that field, egg. What has a little tail, like, on it, twisting around; drops off, and there starts the spine of the baby.

351 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to receive the seed. So the...

352See, the enemy went forth. While the good sower went forth, sowing good Seed; and the enemy come behind him, sowing corrupt seed. "But the rain falls on the just and the unjust; the sun." It all has to grow.

353Jesus said, "Let them grow together. At that day they'll be bundled, the tares." And they're bundling now, in big organizations; going to the big bundle, World Council of Churches. And what was the end? Is to be burned. But the grain is to be take to the garner. See? Where, they both live by the same thing, the same water, the same rain.

354 A citrus tree, that's a--that's a orange tree, will bear, will have to; will bring forth on it, if it's grafted into it, a pomegranate. It'll bring forth a lemon. It'll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it won't be an orange, but it's living off the same life that the orange tree is producing.

355Denominations have been injected into the Vine. Because, if they claim "Christians," they live by it. Caiaphas was; you know what he was, and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.

356Oh, I wish we could have a week, that we could just study this thing out, and make it so clear you--you can't miss seeing it. Now I'm going to omit some of these things.

357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved Bride, designs in tenderly love for His Bride.

358Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which was the earth. All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, "He was the beginning of the creation of God." See? And then that Blood of God, that was there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's been sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it's to receive its baptism of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride.

359And you are these other parts that's drawed out of this earth. The earth, you're a part of the earth; your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body is to be redeemed.

360Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come down, by a process of justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul.

361 And you, being part of the earth, it's redeemed by it. You're in the process now. It's growing on. Your body was justified under Noah's baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you'll live, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ and His Bride, the New Jerusalem.

362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can plainly see as I said, the... this change, the earth must be changed. It cannot have It like this. The church could not go... Or, the world could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed. See? To have such a Place in it, it'll have to be changed.

363Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and make a place for Him to be contained within us; that is, the Holy Ghost.

364 Notice now, there will be plenty of room in the New Earth. Uh-huh. See, plenty of room! It'll be renovated, that's true, by Fire, but there'll be no more sea. Notice, the City is fifteen hundred miles square.

365Now listen real close while we draw these dimensions. I want to erase the blackboard, just a moment. [Brother Branham erases his previous illustrations--Ed.]

366Here is a deep revelation from God. Here, I'll just stop here. None of these other... I'll bring the rest of this up, the Lord willing.

367 Notice now the earth is... Well, you turn over into the Book of Revelations, you can see how he measured it by the cubits and by the furlongs. Twenty-three hundred... So now we find out that the--the City is measured, "fifteen hundred miles" square.

368You know how far that would reach? I measured it off, this week. It would reach from Maine to Florida, and from the eastern seaboard to six hundred miles apast, west of the Mississippi. In other words, half of the United States, just for the City.

You say, "There ain't no room."

369 When the sea is gone there will be, 'cause pretty near four fifths of it's in water. That right? The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the earth. Oh, my! Remember, fifteen hundred miles square, what a City! And, but, remember, the sea is gone.

370"And the breadth and the height are the same." That would make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way; fifteen hundred miles; the length by the breadth by the height. Fifteen hundred miles, think of it, transparent gold. And the City had a wall around it.

371 Now, now, that doesn't necessary mean, by being equal... It said, "And the walls and the foundation were equal," that doesn't necessary mean that it's a cube or square. There is another geographical measure, that the dimensions are the same, that is, a pyramid. Foursquare, "lieth foursquare," and the walls were the same.

372 Let me draw it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard--Ed.] See: length, breadth, height. We're going to get into something, as sure as the world. See? Notice, the dimensions of this angle is exactly the same, all of them, length by the--by the height. There is another measure, the pyramid, that proves it.

373This, being this a way, would answer exactly Enoch's sign in Egypt, the pyramid. Would it? Enoch, before the antediluvian destruction, when justification was coming in, he brought forth a sign, and in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king's chamber. Watch on the seventh step, if you ever studied the dimensions of the pyramid, what comes out to take the oncomer, to introduce to the king. Watch whose station that is standing there, and you'll see the day you're living, in the pyramid.

374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there's a pyramid teaching that's nonsense, but there's a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now, God, first Bible... He made three. There have to be everything in a three.

375Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?

376 Now notice how beautiful. See? And in this pyramid was seven steps, and then the king's chamber. And we're in the seventh church age, before the King takes His Throne. And, remember, the pyramid never did have a capstone on it.

377 God's first Bible was in the skies, the Zodiac; it starts off and runs every age. The first, beginning of the Zodiac, is a virgin; that's how He come, first. The last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the lion; the Second Coming. Just before there is a crossed fishes, which is the cancer age; that we're living in now.

378There was a pyramid after that, Enoch, which testified exactly. We wouldn't have time to go into it, but, someday, by God's help, I'll show you, just exactly draws the dimension of the hour we're living. See?

379Notice, but this geographical measure now that we have, who dimensions are the same, doesn't necessary mean that it has to be a--a cube. Notice, this would answer Egypt's... or the Enoch's sign in Egypt.

380 In the earth's time of purifying, by its baptism of Fire, there will be volcanic, such as this earth exploding, and will push up a pyramid-like Mountain. See? Plenty of room to do it! This whole thing will be changed. The whole surface will be changed. You got it? It'll push up a pyramid-like Mountain.

381 This would exactly be with the Word if it does it, which it will. Now notice, for, in Isaiah 65:25, where we just read, He said.

They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

382Oh! "All My holy Mountain!" Remember, it's always a "Mountain."

383If the walls were straight up-and-down, the City could only be seen from the outside... or from the inside, the Throne can only be seen from the inside; but notice it would be seen only from the inside.

But now we see the promise of Isaiah 4:5. Let's just read it.

384 Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No, don't be in a hurry now. We--we--we're to--to a particular thing now, too much--too much of a--a time that you must understand right here. Cause, I want to make this clear. And then when we get back to it again, I'll--I'll show you then where we're--where we're talking about, what, in our next study on this, at another time.

385 Oh, praise the Lord Jesus! Watch here, how the Words cannot fail. Now watch here in Isaiah. I got it wrote down here, if I can find it again, just a minute. Isaiah 4:5. Now listen, he's talking of the Coming of the Lord, how that women would be so immoral. Oh, he said, "Seven women..." Listen. Let's just read it. Look here.

And in that day seven women shall take a hold of one man, saying, We'll eat our own bread,... wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

386That's the end time, where we're living now; marriage, divorce, and prostitution, and whatever.

In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious,... the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely... them that... escaped of Israel. (How that you escaped all that damnation! See?)

And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that's a remnant in Jerusalem, shall... (Let's see.)... in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem, see:

Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion, (remember, that's always the Bride, see)... and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem (that's the remnant of the Jews, plus the Bride, see)... and in the midst thereof with the spirit of judgment, fire...

387That's always God's judgment, when He makes His final judgment. Calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption; then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and Fire cleanses away the sin. Then you're His.

388Same thing He does to the earth, when He purges it with Fire, "and by the spirit of burning." Now look. Listen! Are you ready?

And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a shining of... fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

389 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] "The Lord, in that day, upon the top of it, shall create a Fire of Light to burn upon the day." And it goes ahead and says, "It'll be a shelter, a rest, a refuge." Notice, making exactly the speaking of the Bible, exactly. The walls were straight up-and-down, you couldn't see it. It has to lean. "All My holy Mountain's..." "He'll create this Light upon this Mountain, and it shall be for a defense." Oh, we sing that song:

Oh, that City on Mount Zion,

As a pilgrim, yet I love it still;

Now and through those ages,

When I reach that City on the Hill. See?

390 Notice, Mount Sinai was where God descended on top of it, when He spoke to Israel in a Pillar of Fire. He descended on top of a mountain, Mount Sinai.

391On the Mount of Transfiguration, when He declared, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him," He descended in a Pillar of Light and shining brightness, upon top of the mountain, before Peter, James, and John. And, in there, He was represented with both Moses and Elijah; the translated, and the dead raised. Glory!

392 The New City and the New Earth; the new creation; the City on the Hill, with the Throne in the top of it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.] The Throne up here, in the top; and the dwellers, all up-and-down, on this Mountain.

393And the wall that's around this, had twelve foundations. And each one of them had the breast stone was in Aaron, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

394And, in the gates, they had four gates set just exactly like the temple in the wilderness, like the tent was in the wilderness. Notice each one, had--had the apostles, three on each side, twelve apostles. Each... And it was one hundred and forty-four cubits high. One hundred and forty-four cubits is exactly two hundred and sixteen feet, making each one of those big stones almost twenty-foot tall, the breastplate in that gate, making up that wall that was around the City.

395 Now it, the City, doesn't rest on top of the wall, 'cause a city, fifteen hundred miles, could not do that. It's the wall here that you enter in, like the gates of the old Jerusalem. You entered through the wall, into that.

396And each one of these, had the twelve foundations, and each one had the emerald and the different stones, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

397And the apostles, each, over that big, one solid-pearl gate, set a name of an apostle. And didn't Jesus said, "You'll sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"? Who set at the gate, to judge, when they come into the City? Oh, my! There you are. The kings of the earth entering into the City, comes before the apostolic judge, as Jesus promised. Oh, my!

398 On this Throne, on top of it, fifteen hundred miles high, the whole world will see the Light of the world, Jesus, setting on the Throne on top of the world, top of the Church, top of Mount Zion; which is fifteen hundred miles, half the size of the United States, and raises plumb up till you can see Him the world over, fifteen hundred miles high.

399 And all up-and-down here, will be the Redeemed. There will be the houses of pure gold. There will be avenues, and parks, and gardens. And the River of Life coming, trickling out from the Throne, and running down through little chasms and, oh, over the terraces. And the Tree of Life will be blooming in every yard; and bear Its fruits, twelve times a year, a changed fruit every month.

400And the kings of the earth shall come into it and bring their honor. "And the leaves are for the healing of the nations," when the kings are living in peace out there. When they go out, they'll pick a tree, a leaf off like that. Like the dove come back, that the wrath of God had been settled, and brought the holly leaf into the ark. So when the king leaves, by bringing his glory into the Bride's chamber here into the City, he'll hold a leaf to his neighbor king, and, "We're in peace forevermore." Amen! Healing of the nations! "It's all settled. One time we fought for one another's bloods, brother. And we've cherished, and hollered; and shot, and burnt children, everything. But now there is peace, the healing." Not disease healing; it's all done. Healing of the nation! Amen!

401 City with the Throne in top. Revelation 21:23, "And they need no light, for the Lamb and the Lord God is the Light thereof." See? The Lord God is that Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness. And He is ascended up on the Throne, in that perfect Kingdom's... when time... "the Kingdom that Jesus is to surrender to the Father, that God might be all, and in all." Jesus sets upon His Throne here, as our Joseph. And the King is that Light that will be on top of Mount Zion, and His holy Light will flood the entire City. Hallelujah!

402 Fifteen hundred miles high, and fifteen hundred miles square, with the paradises of God built all through that City; streets, avenues! Read your Revelations 21, see if it isn't right. See, "They need no light there, for the Lamb is the Light." And on the Throne can be seen, setting, fifteen hundred mile.

403It don't run right straight up like this. It slants off, like the pyramid. If it would be half of the distance, then that would be about run up like this, you see, from one city to the other... now if you'll notice, from one side of the City to the other one.

404 I could drop a little something here if you want me to. Did you notice the little group here? It's just about that part, a circumference it covers. Georgia, California, to Saskatchewan; from Kansas, to the rock-bound coast of Maine; that's what's gathered. That's about what's represented right here, about fifteen hundred miles square.

Oh, they come from the East and West,

They come from the land afar;

To feast with our King; to dine... (What on? "Man shall not live by bread alone." By Bread, Word!)... to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are!

In the world, I have to say, I never seen people like them.

Oh, beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with Light Divine;

Blest partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown shall shine.

Oh, Jesus is coming soon,

Our troubles will then be o'er.

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come?

405 It won't be long. Everything is perfectly. Geographically, Sodom, the messengers; everything sitting just exactly right. See? What does it mean? Just think, coming to this one little tabernacle, fifteen hundred miles square, from the same dimension.

406Why is it God so thought and cared so much about that little place of Palestine, see, when it's just a little spot? But right in there is where the temple is set. That's where the New Jerusalem will break up, right there. "Olive, Mount of Olive shall cleave, part to the right and left," sure, when she pushes up from the beneath. Not, they say, it's pushing apart like this. It's pushing up, "In that day when He stands His holy feet upon the Mountain." Notice, on His Throne, fifteen hundred miles high!

407 Remember, Satan tried to tempt Him, one time, on top of a mountain. See?

408The New City has twelve foundations, as we went through, twelve patriarchs; hundred and forty-four cubits; being the breastplate of Aaron; twelve gates of pearl, twelve disciples' name.

409Jesus stand, the Headstone, on the Throne, when His saints has crowned Him, "the King of kings, the Lord of lords." And He's the Headstone.

410 I don't have my pocketbook with me. But if you'll notice in your pocketbook, if you have a one-dollar bill, they have the seal of the United States; a eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of arms, as it were; and on the other end, it's got the pyramid, with a all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn't know what they were doing. And on there it's wrote in Latin, and you'll find out it says it, this is "the great seal." They didn't know what they were doing. Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying.

411[Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] There is the Great Seal. Here it is, see, the City. It's not just a flat cube like this, see, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this holy Mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain; here He is. That's the reason the capstone wasn't put on by Enoch. See? That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain will be pushed up, and it'll be the Mount of the Lord.

412 And in here will dwell the Redeemed. These, avenues and big freeways, as it was, parks, and the River of Life will draw, run right through it. And every house will be made of transparent gold. And the streets will be made of gold. And the trees of Life will be there, and will bear twelve manners of fruit. And the kings and the honored man of the earth shall bring their honor and glory into the gates. And the gates shall not be shut by night, because there is no night there.

In that City where the Lamb is the Light,

In that City where there cometh no night;

I've a mansion over there, that's free from toil and care,

Oh, I'm going where that Lamb is the Light.

413 Don't you see that the towns, the cities, the houses, the dwellings, are--are speaking of that right now? All these natural things are a shadow.

414Take a shadow, at a distance, like my hand. Before there could be a--a positive... or a negative, there has to be a positive. And, you see, that shadow, look like I got a dozen fingers, but then when you go to getting it close together, it--it focuses down to one, and then the shadow fades into the hand.

415And that's, a lot of time, people thinks there's three or four Gods. You're looking too far back in the early reformations. See? Come on down now and, you find, focus in till there's One. That's exactly.

416 There is one Bride; not a dozen, denominations. But one Bride, that's the Elected, out of every... out of the--out of the earth that's been predestinated to this, the ones who can recognize their place in the Kingdom.

417 On this Throne, look, so high! The New City; with the foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles, judging; the twelve tribes.

418The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. I've been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It's so geographically fixed, and in the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid. See how it is?

419And there'll never be no night there. Him on top of the Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all the time. There'll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!

420 Now notice. So, the Redeemed shall walk in the Light. We sing now, "We'll walk in the Light, that beautiful Light." There is something in us calling out. "Is passed from death unto Life." It's because that's waiting. See? That's what's the attribute, what we feel.

421Truly, this is... Are you ready? This is the City that Abraham was looking for. See? Being a prophet, he knowed that City was somewhere. The Bible said so. And he forsook the city he lived, and he went over; look where he went, exactly where it'll be. See? "He was looking for a City Whose builder and maker was God," see, being a prophet.

422 Jesus gone to prepare, with the Divine hands, a Divine City; Divine Architect, for a Divine-boughten people, for a predestinated people. He has gone to prepare.

423Abraham was looking for it. "And he professed that he was a pilgrim and a stranger, for he looked for a City Whose builder and maker was God." That prophet, knowing it was somewhere! John saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right then. Why? He met Melchisedec, the King of it, and give Him a tithe. "Which had no father, or no mother. He had no beginning of life or no ending of life." Abraham met Him, and they took communion right on the literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy Mountain of the Lord, where the Redeemed will live. Oh, my!

424That time just don't stop. No, we're in time; after a while we'll go to Eternity.

425 Oh, holy Mountain! There will be streets of transparent gold, avenues; and houses, and parks. If you want to read this, Revelation 21:18. The Tree of Life will be there; twelve different manners of fruit, one each month, will be bore on it. The people that eat these fruits, they'll change their diet every, every month.

426And it's--it's from... for only the overcomers. Do you know that? It isn't for the denominations.

You say, "You mean that, Brother Branham?"

427Let's turn to Revelations 2, just a minute, and find it. Revelations 2:7. Let's find out now whether it's really the Truth or not. Revelations 2:7 reads like this.

And he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit...

428Now, remember, He is not talking to the Jews now. This is the Church, the Gentile.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

429 "Overcomers only, that overcome the beast, overcome his mark," that's Catholicism, Protestantism, denominationalism, "who overcome the beast, his mark, the letter of his name." "He'll have a right to the Tree of Life, to enter into the gates where nothing that defiles can ever go in." See? Think of it. Now, just a minute now, as we go just a little bit farther. Tree of Life will be for the overcomers only.

430The leaves will be for the healing of the nations. That is, the kings that live in there, bringing their honor in, when they bring their honor in and lay it before the Throne of God. Just like the outside, the ten... the eleven tribes brought in, every one of them, a tenth to Levi, see. When they bring their honor into the... from the blessed land, in that, they'll reach from the Tree of Life, break off a holly leaf... or a Tree of Life leaf, and they'll walk out together. There is no more war. Everything is at peace. The leaves are a memorial, for the healings of the nation.

431 The same Tree, not like Adam, he... There was a Tree of Life in the garden of Eden, that he might have eaten from if he hadn't a fell. That Tree of Life reminded him, all the time, that his new... his youth was continually going on. See?

432Same will the nations. The leaves will be for the healing of the nations; notice, not the sickness now. You'd have the same rights that Adam did, like the le-... dove with the holly leaf, it's all... each king taking a leaf.

433 Notice, the River of Life, perhaps many little streams making it up. Now, in this earth...

434I'm going to close just in a few minutes. In this earth... Or, I'm just going to stop. That's how much more notes is got, now about thirty pages. Yeah. Look.

435In this--in this life, I have never seen nothing so quenching as to be in the mountains and find, as I preached on the other night, that stream bubbling up, its life-giving resource. You'd be tired and thirsty, fall down by a good stream; way down where germs can't go, way down hundreds of feet in the earth, is bubbling forth pure, genuine, life-giving water. We appreciate that. That's little. Now, the earth has its many streams with refreshing water. When you're thirsting and dying, you get a good, cold drink from that, it'll--it'll help you to live.

436 But look where this One comes from. From the Throne, there is where it gets its Life-giving resources. Comes from under the Throne of God, where God sits.

437All of it, all of this earth, this earth here we live in now; every one, whether it be Christian or pagan, has temples. Did you ever think of that? Churches, all of them.

438But this One doesn't have any. The Bible said, "And there was no temple there. But the Lord God and the Lamb is the Temple of it." The Lamb is the Light. The Lamb is the Temple. The Lamb is the Throne. The Lamb is the Life. He is that Temple. See, all these temples have a object they're worshiping; but, in this City, He is the object. He is with His people. His Spirit Light floods the pyramid City.

439 Like Peter and John, up on top of the mountain. The Light covered the top of the mountain, and a Voice spoke, said, "This is My beloved Son."

440 In Revelation 21:3 and 4, "The tabernacle of God is with man." God has tabernacled in man, by redeeming him, by these three processes. Now God is going to redeem the earth and tabernacle in the earth, with His subjects of the earth, which He brought forth from the earth. And through sin it fell, but the... He had to let it go on. But now He sent Jesus to redeem that fallen earth, which we are part of. "There not one hair of your head will perish." Jesus said so. He said, "I'll raise it up again at the last day." See? Why? You're a part of the earth.

441 You notice, I had the little joke about my wife telling me I lost my hair. I told her I hadn't lost one of them.

She said, "Where they at?"

442I said, "Where they was before I got them." Ever where they was, a substance; wherever they are, they're waiting for me. See? That's right. I'll go to them, one day.

443 This old body, wrinkling and falling, and dwindling over in shoulders, and aching in knees, and--and hoarse in the throat. That's all right. You can bury it in the sea, but the Trumpet will wake me!...?... Yes, sir. We're going to change, one of these days. I am part of this world that's redeemed. You're in the world, but nothing of the kosmos. You're in a different order, a redeemed order.

444 Notice, "The tabernacle of God will be with man." Notice, "The former things has passed away." This, this thing, has passed away. This means that Heaven has come down to resident with man. See? Heaven and earth are embraced.

445Just exactly when the Dove came upon part of the earth, which was Jesus; He was the dust of the earth, man. God, coming from that one little Life-germ, by creative power. And that Blood that was in that... The Life that was in that Blood ascended back to God, but the Blood dripped upon the earth, to claim it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times--Ed.]

446 Because of the blood that was brought through, from the germ cell from Cain, see; now He comes back with the creative power just like He did Adam, creating Adam, here is the Second Adam. And through that breaking cell there, where (sin) Cain broke that blood cell upon the just, see, now this Blood Cell... Because, he killed Abel, but Abel was born sex.

447But this One wasn't born sex. "It was the creation of God, the beginning of it," and It redeemed the earth. And all of the calcium, potash, petroleum, cosmic light, that you are made out of, is redeemed. "Not one hair shall be harmed. And I'll raise it up again at the last day."

448 Then what? God comes down to resident upon the earth. Which, He is a part of it, His Own body. He raised it up for our justification, and we're justified by believing that and accepting that. Notice in types, Jesus becomes... In the type, Jesus becomes man; God... or predestinated to take his place, to redeem us, to make all these things possible.

Notice, outside of its beautiful walls, of this City.

449 Now have you got "the City"? See, it's a holy Mountain. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] "Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all My holy Mountain, saith the Lord." The City is not a cube. It is a Mountain. And the--the width by the breadth by the height, are equal, see; fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles all the way around; and fifteen hundred miles high. So it's just a great Mountain, like the pyramid, and the City is on the Mountain. Glory!

450There you are, there is the paradises of God, the Light of the world, that perfect Kingdom. Not the seventh day; the Eternal one! See? Not the Millennium; the New Earth! See?

451 While it's going through the Millennium, it's going through its sanctifying process, but still must be burned. See? Which, the Blood redeemed the people, it shows this memorial that it's... the price is paid, that thousand years. But then it has to be cleansed by Fire; just like you were, His delegates of this City, the delegation.

452So if you die or if you live, what difference does it make? If He comes today, or He comes a hundred years, or a thousand years, I'll only rest till my change comes.

453 So, old man and old woman, don't you be discouraged. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] If you are a representation up here, in this attribute of God; this, God; if you have it, if you're represented here, you cannot... You're in the Eternal. And if you've crossed from that seventh day, into the eighth, you got into the Eternal by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're included in This. Now, if you're just trusting upon a sensation, or jumping up-and-down, or, "I do this. I keep my seventh day. I don't eat meat," and things like that, that's going to perish, anyhow. See? But This is the Eternal. See? This is the Eternal, the Feast after the feast of tabernacles. See?

454The feast of tabernacles was the last feast, the seventh feast. We are worshiping now under the feast of the tabernacles, the seventh church age.

455 In the Millennium, we'll be under the feast of tabernacles, again, in the seventh day.

456But, then, after the seventh day, we have a Holy Convocation, go back into the Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a part of This.

457Now how do you know you're a part? Because, that, the Word of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to the first day, the first. "And he shall restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers," bringing a restoration again of the pentecostal genuine, not sensations; and will manifest the evening Light, the same Son that showed in the morning Light, as promised for the day. Amen and amen!

458Where are we, friends, where are we? Just waiting now to get out of the way, so Revelations 11 can be made to... known to the Jews; that's right, the Rapture coming.

459 Watch, outside the gates of the walls, spread across the New Earth, nations will dwell in Eternal peace. Now what? Honored kings will bring their glory into it. No sin can be there. No more bobbed-haired women will enter that City. I'll guarantee you that. No more short-wearing, cigarette-smoking. Whoremongers, whores, or liars, idolaters, whatever they was, won't enter that City. No, it'll all be over. Sin will be gone. "Nothing to defile its holiness shall enter there." That's what He said. "All has passed away, forever."

460Look out in its fields and around its gates:

The bear will be gentle, the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down with the lamb;

And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

I'll be changed from the creature that I am.

461 With this death working in my mortal body, old age setting in, I'll be changed.

462You've heard the song? "The bear will be gentle. The wolf will be tame." He'll not jump up, and rear up and try to kill you. He'll walk with you down the paths.

Who is going to inherit it? The Redeemed. Who will it be?

Notice, I can only teach my types now. Notice, Brother Lee.

463 Who come out on the new earth with Noah the prophet? Those who went in with him in the ark. That right? That's who walks out on it. See? Those who went in with Noah, by his message, was the one who walked out upon the new earth after its water baptism.

464 The one who goes in with Jesus now. How do you get into Him? By one Spirit; and He is the Word. You become part of Him. What part of Him are you? The Word that's living of this hour, recognizing. You'll walk out with Him in the Millennium. That's when you walk out. Notice, not a new generation. A transplanting!

You say, "Oh, Brother Branham!" Oh!

465Notice, if God could raise up Elijah and take him up, twenty-five hundred years ago, to transplant him back into the earth again, to be a prophet for the Jews, how much more can He do the Bride!

466 After Noah came out of the ark, notice what was said to Noah after he come out of the flood, just like it was with Adam before. After he come out, upon the new earth; said, "Multiply and replenish the earth," after the flood. Notice, "was to be fruitful, replenish the earth," as Adam at the first.

Now you can see exactly here. Now listen real close.

467 Adam was to "multiply and replenish the earth." That right? Noah was, after the new, (world was destroyed), was to "multiply and replenish the earth." Get it? Now can't you see what the serpent's "seed" is? What replenished the earth? You get it? All right. You see how Satan got to Eve now. That's why death has reigned on earth ever since. And heavens, earth, beast, atmosphere, is all cursed of God because of it. That's the curse, because Satan got to this first.

468Jesus came to redeem it back to the Father. In order to do this, He became part of it; as I've just went through. And from that very dust (the part Jesus was, Himself) being redeemed, through Him all of the attributes of God are redeemed with the earth.

469 He was the spoken Word. We who are redeemed is part of Him. Then, if you can recognize! See?

470The Pharisees claimed they were. But, you see my first illustration, they was only that by intellectual. They couldn't recognize the Word when It was made manifest right before them. They said, "This man is a evil spirit."

471Now, today, we're called false prophets. We're called every dirty thing could be called, by religious people, see, by great and talented man. See, they just don't understand. See?

472 Its water baptism wasn't sufficient to cleanse it; neither is theirs. Sanctification, of the Blood, brought it back, claimed it. But the baptism of the Fire cleansed it; like it did His Bride. Like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.

473 Never promised to raise up a new race, as I have said, but He promised to redeem the fallen. Them that was the--the predestinated, inherit it as He has promised. And He is the unchangeable God; we know that.

474 Remember, God took Elijah, after the rapture, and translated, transplanted him back among the people, to take the place as a prophet among his people; pretty soon He will do that. And has kept him, alive, these twenty-five hundred years. He's to appear again.

475 Notice again, He raised up Moses from the dead. Where is his grave? Can anybody find it? Read the Book of Jude. See? Satan... The Archangel disputing with the archangel, Satan, said, durst... "the Lord rebuke you," disputing over the body of Moses. And here Peter, James and John was standing there looking at him, on Mount Transfiguration, right there in the land where the Mountain is to be raised up to dwell in. See?

And He come to redeem it.

476 See, there was the raptured Church then, represented; there was them that are asleep, represented. Whereabouts? [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.] In the City; up on top of the mountain. See?

477There was Peter, James, and John, looking on; three, a witness. There was Elijah, Moses, and Jesus; as a Heavenly witness. See?

478And there was Moses, the dead, had been raised up. There was Elijah, the rapture, was still alive. And they was both represented on this holy mountain.

479And, Jesus, the Redeemer. When God, up above Him like this, overshadowed Him, said, "This is My beloved Son."

480 Remember, Jesus said, about a day before that, He said, "Verily I say unto you, that some are standing here now, will not see death, until they see the Kingdom of God established in power."

481What was it? The resurrected dead and the raptured saints, together, caught up together to meet Him in the air. With God overshadowing Him, and Jesus standing there in this shadow, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm well to please in," the order of the New Kingdom. Oh, brother, sister!

482 Death doesn't change you. Death only changes your dwelling place. See?

483Remember, Samuel, when he was dead and been buried for two years, he was in Paradise. And the witch of Endor called him up, and Saul recognized him; and she did, too, and fell upon her face. He hadn't changed, one bit. He was still the same Samuel, after being dead two years, and he was still a prophet. He said, "Tomorrow you'll fall in battle, your son with you, and by this time tomorrow night you'll be with me." And that's just what happened.

484See? And when Moses returns back, and Elijah, for Revelations 11, they'll still be prophets. Hallelujah!

485 And over yonder, in the Land, the City where the Lamb is the Light, I'll know you, Brother McKinney. I'll know you, my people, my jewels in the crown. When they come from the East and the West, to the City; when fifteen hundred miles square, she'll be setting there, and the City built foursquare. When you're setting there in the holy Mount, where God sets upon the Mount, and Jesus on the Throne. And the golden trumpet sounds when Joseph leaves, to walk down through the Paradise, and the children of God fall upon their knees and worship Him, knowing that they were redeemed. See? Amen! Hallelujah!

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the glory I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

I'm bound for that beautiful City

The Lord has prepared...



486 Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, "And of His peace and of His increase there shall be no end. The government shall be upon His shoulders; His Name will be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. And the government shall be upon His shoulders; and of His increase and of His peace there is no end." Even the animals is there. Oh, my!

The bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down by the lamb,

And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

But I'm going to be changed.

487 I'll be changed from this creature that I am, when that Day comes, for I'm going to that City. I'm bound for that beautiful City! I feel the redeeming Power in my whole heart now.

488If this isn't so, then I've throwed my life away; I've taught others deceitful things. But when I look down and see that the promise He made of this day, and see It vindicated; and look at this fifteen-hundred-mile-square congregation set here, an Elect that's been called from denominations and races and creeds and things, gathered together; as I see the Word vindicating Itself, I know, beyond one shadow of doubt, the jewels of my crown will outshine everything in the world, at that Day.

489 There will come a time! People, we're not gathering here for in vain. We're only waiting for that time. It is very, very late, but Jesus is still very, very near. And, His Glory, it's wonderful. "His Name shall be called Counsellor." That City, can you see it? There is where the Bride and the Groom will settle, and never again to...

490 Now, if you think it's wonderful when we drive hundreds of miles to set here and feed on His Word, which this is only a shadow, what will it be when we live in the City with Him! When I live next-door neighbor to you, and when we eat of those trees, and we will walk in those streets, when we walk up those streets of gold to the fountain, drink from the fountain, walk into the paradises of God, with Angels hovering the earth, singing the anthems, oh, what a Day that will be! It's worth all. The road seems rugged, sometimes it gets hard, but, oh, it'll be so little when I see Him, so little. What will the bad names and things that they've said, what will that be when I see Him in that beautiful, beautiful City of God?

491 Let us bow our heads.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I go homesick for Heaven,

And its glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

492On the island of Patmos, John saw it! [Brother Branham weeps for joy--Ed.]

493 Dear Jesus, this hope, my hope's built on nothing less, Lord. That's the mother of my heart; that City, the great King. God, don't let one here perish, please. May we examine our lives again, today, Lord, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Where, all them Redeemed, out yonder in that great coliseum in Rome, where them Christians was eat up by lions, shall the dust break forth someday!

494There'll be no graveyards on the hillside of Glory. No doorknobs will hold a funeral wreath. No tear will spot upon it. No, no. No heaped-up sod. No storms will strike it. It'll all be glorious there.

495 Help us, Lord. If there is one here... that's called to this Wedding Supper of the Lamb, this thousand years of Millennium reign, and to then enter into the City after the Honeymoon is over. The Millennium is merely the Honeymoon. Then She, the Bride, takes His... Bridegroom takes His Bride Home. It's Hers. Her Bridegroom; His Bride. Oh, He's gone to prepare a House, since He's become engaged.

496May we be true to Him Who is the Word, for He is the Word. Regardless of how others try to sass us, keep us away from It; Lord, draw me nearer.

For sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And its glory I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

497 The future Home of the Groom and Bride! He is coming back... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... to the Wedding Supper; it's going to be three and a half days. Then return again, in the Millennium, on our honeymoon. And then He--He's going to bring the City into view. Like the bridegroom taking the bride to her surprise, how the little bride stands there in awe as she looks at her future home! And by faith, today, Lord, we see it yonder. It'll be right here on this earth. You promised it.

498Your Church will be completely redeemed, one of these days. And then Your world will be redeemed, the rest of the particles. But first You have redeemed Your people, their bodies that's made up of the world.

499 Help us, God. If there is one here who isn't just exactly sure of that, Lord, may they receive it just now.

500I know it's been long and hot, but, people, we won't always be standing here. I won't always be your pastor. Let's make it sure.

"Is there a way, Brother Branham?"

501Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today. Can't be a part of the Word of Moses' day; that part is done made up, that was the feet. We're at the Head now. This is Christ. Not the arms time, back in Luther, no. This is the Head time. Christ, the Headstone, comes to the Body.

502 If you're not just feel exactly right about it, wherever you can, will you raise up your hand just so I can see. Let everybody else keep their head down. God bless you.

503Say, "Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham. I want to be there so bad! I--I don't want to miss it, Brother Branham. I--I'm checking, I'm doing everything I can, but pray for me now, will you?" God bless you.

504While you're thinking of it now, just pray, say, "God..." It's in your own heart. See, if you feel something tug, tingling at your heart, that's what it is. It's that attribute trying to declare itself.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

505 Heavenly Father, take us now, Lord. Let the Great Shepherd, the Great Redeeming Shepherd, the Great Shepherd Who left Glory, knowing that some of the attributes was lost on them great valleys of sin, where the wolves and the--the animals would soon devour that little sheep; but He left the golden corridors, came down into the earth and was made one of us, so He could declare the love of God to us. There He found them, some of them in denominations, some of them in the house of ill fame, some of them on the streets, blind, some of them in the hedges and highway, but He redeemed every one that the Father had ordained Him to redeem.

506 And He commissioned us, that we would live this part of the Word for our ages. And we see the great reformation of Luther, in that age; and of Wesley; and the Pentecostal. Now we're looking for the Headstone of the City. O God, we know the age and the promise that we are given for this day, how that This is to be restored again. "The evening Light shall ripen the fruit of it. And it shall come to pass that there will be a day that cannot be day or night, can be called, but in the evening time it shall be Light."

507That same glorious Son of God, manifesting Himself in human flesh up here on the earth, making the promise live itself exactly, blinded to the eyes of the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herodians, and so forth.

508And today it repeats again, the Word being manifested just like It was. The Word, knowing the secret of the heart, just exactly the way it was, as the Scripture said, which cannot be broken. Help us, God, to realize it.

509Help these now who raised their hands. May they buckle up a little tighter; shod themselves with the Gospel of peace; put on the full armor of God; pull the helmet down; take the shield of faith; march forward, from today on. Grant it, Lord.

510 Just a little while, we'll be summoned, then the Rapture will come. Just a little bitty group, like Enoch, will be taken up.

511Then, "the remnant of the woman's seed, that keep the commandments of God," Jews, "have the testimony of Jesus Christ," Gentile, will be hunted down like dogs, "and shall give their life for their testimony."

512Then, one great morning, the break of the Millennium, for the--the Honeymoon will start.

513"And then the rest of the dead lived not till the end of the thousand years." Then, at the end of the thousand years, there was a Judgment, showing that Ham was in the ark. And Ham is still there in the remnant. Ones that heard It and rejected It will have to be judged.

514Now, grant it, Lord, that we'll not be considered among them, but will be in the call to the Wedding Supper. For, we do recognize Jesus among us today. We're going in with Him; out of the world, into Him. Let us walk forth in that City, come out with Him.

515 I'm getting old, Lord. I ain't got many more sermons to preach. But I'm certainly trusting You. I'm looking for that City, like my father Abraham did. There is Something in me tells it's coming. I'm trying everywhere, Lord, to spread the Light and call them. Let not one of these, Lord...

516How beautifully, a while ago, You revealed that to me. From the circumference of about fifteen hundred miles, just one here and there, are set together today, that gathered to one little spot, waiting for that City to appear. We profess that we're pilgrims and strangers. We're outcasts. The heathen, the world, laughs and makes fun; the religious denominations ridicule; but we are not moved by such things. Make us part of the Word, Lord, unmovable. "It shall come to pass in the last days." May it be us, Lord, may we be a considered among them. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

517You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Let's raise our hands like this.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And glories I There shall behold;

Oh, what a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

518 Now, if we're to dwell in that City together, just shake hands with somebody, say, "God bless you, pilgrim. Where you from? Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi? I'm a pilgrim, too. I'm looking for that City."

519I'm looking for that City, Brother Neville. I'm getting way over there in the...?... Amen. Brother Capps, I'm looking for that City, yet, tonight. [Brother Branham begins to hum No Disappointment--Ed.]

And its glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

Oh, the bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh, yeah;

And the beast from... will be led by a child;

And I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am, oh, yeah.

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me some day;

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me. (Right! Yeah!)

There'll be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no more trouble I'll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

520 Our invisible King, this morning, will be made manifest. And I won't look upon Bill Dauch at ninety years old. You won't look upon me as fifty. But I'll be changed, that Day.

And when the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

But I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am.

521 Won't you be glad? Gray hairs will be gone; the stooped shoulders. But beauty, immortal, will stand in His likeness, the sun to outshine. Oh, wonderful!

... for me, O Lord, I pray;

There'll be no sadness, no more sorrow, no more trouble I'll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

522 That's what we're here for. How many of you need strength for the journey? God grant it to us! How many of you are sick in your body, wounded soldiers? Dozen, or more. You believe He's here, the invisible King? Things visible; invisible are made manifest by the visible. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, only the corporal body. Now, if this is His Spirit that's preached this through me, He'll do the works that He did when He was here. Oh, how wonderful!

I am bound for the promised land,

I am bound for the promised land;

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

All over those wide extended plains

Shines one Eternal Day;

There God the Son forever reigns,

And scatters night away.

Oh, I am bound for the promised land,

I am bound for the promised land;

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

523 Five hundred walking into the river yonder, the first day the Angel of the Lord appeared visible, to vindicate, like He did on Mount Sinai, that I had met Him. I walked into the river, and hundreds singing that same song for the baptism. Here He come, descending, that same Pillar of Fire that you see in the picture there; descending down, right down here at the river, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun His first coming, this Message will forerun the second Coming." See? There you are, see.

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

524 That same Pillar of Fire is here with us. Are you aware of it? He has made some of us for one thing, and some another. If you'll, without one doubt, believe that He's in the midst of the building, I believe He'll prove Hisself to you. Will it satisfy you? If I don't get to every one... It's going on two o'clock, but if you... It's a little after one, rather. If you'll believe, let Him ascend down upon us! Where is our faith? See, you got to believe that. If you don't doubt it, one bit, it's going to work.

525I--I recognize the Divine Presence of the Being of Christ, Who is the Word. And the Bible said, "The Word is... powerful than a two-edged sword, and It cuts to the marrow of the bone, and discerns the thoughts that--that's in the heart, revealing the secret of the heart."

526 Look. Why, I didn't know those things, years ago. And when I said it, not knowing it, look what He's done. He said, "Now you'll take the people by their hand, and, don't think nothing, just speak what attribute is told you. Say it's tumor, whatever it is." Then said, "It will come to pass that you won't have to do that." See? See? "It will discern the very thing that's in them." We've had all kinds of impersonations, we know that, almost to deceive the Elected if possible. Watch how the rest of the thing goes with the Word, then you'll know whether it's right or not. But, still, Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.

527 How many in here that's sick, and knows I don't know you? Raise up your hand, say, "I--I know you don't know me." Oh, it's just, I guess, everywhere. Only thing you have to do is just believe it.

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.

528 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when the Son of man will be revealed upon the earth in the last day. When the Son of man shall be revealed, or, reveal Himself in the last day." Now, not the former days, the middle days; the last day, see, He would reveal. And now we're in the last days. Sodom sets just exactly, everything, the messengers, just alike.

529What happened to the--the little remnant was called out with Abraham's group? There was One come among them, in human flesh; represented in human flesh, eating with them, drinking with them, same food that they eat, everything. He stood among them, told the Message. Then He said, "I'm going to do this great thing."

530 And Abraham kept studying, "Is this it? I've been looking for a City. Is this the King?"

531And He said, "Why did Sarah doubt this?" In the tent, behind Him.

532Abraham said, "Lord God, Elohim!" Cause, He discerned Sarah's thoughts.

533Jesus said it would repeat again when He would be revealed in the last day, the Headstone coming into the Body. To redeem the... That's the redeemed, coming to take His Own. He is here with us.

534 Now, there is only about a dozen hands, or more, went up. I believe that God can heal every one of you. Right. I believe you are. I don't believe that a person really could set in a place like this without... in this kind of time, and this atmosphere, without knowing, recognizing something.

535I want you to pray. I want you to get what's wrong with you, in--in--in your heart, see, and then begin to pray, say, "Lord Jesus, reveal this. I'm--I'm speaking to You what's wrong with me. And now You send Your Holy Spirit to Brother Branham, to fulfill what he said to be the Truth, in this Message that he's talked today about You, I know it'll be the Truth. Now, reveal it to me, Lord. Speak to me."

536 Now it's scattered, kind of here and around. So just pray, and just believe with all your heart, that God will grant it.

537Now I want you to look at me, and pray. Just as Peter and John said, "Look on us." He wanted something, and he's just about to receive it. And you want something, and I believe you're just about to receive it. He said, "Look on us."

538He said, "Silver and gold, I don't have any; but such as I have, I'll give you."

539Now, healing, I don't have any. That's all in Christ. But such as I have, a gift of God, give I thee, faith to believe Him. Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, every one of you be healed. Believe it. See? "If thou canst believe!"

540 The lady sitting there, looking at me. She was crying, a few minutes ago, praying. She's got a thyroid trouble that's bothering her. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me. That is true, isn't it. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] You're not from here. You're from Chicago. Mrs. Alexander. If that's right, wave your hand. Now go back to Chicago and be well.

541What did she touch? Same Thing that woman with the blood issue touched, the border of His garment, not mine.

542Here's a little lady setting right down among the crowd, if I can make her to understand me. You that raised your head sideways. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me, but you're suffering with a stomach trouble. Your husband sets next to you. He has something wrong with his ear. Your name is Czap. You're strangers to me. You're not from here. You're from Michigan. If that's right, wave your hands. Go back to Michigan, well. Your faith makes you whole. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."

543 Little lady there with throat trouble, sitting right back here on the end, from Georgia, dressed in white. Go back, down Georgia, well. Jesus Christ makes you well. Do you believe it?

544Lady sitting there, looking at me, right on the end of the seat. She got sinus trouble. She'll believe it, God will heal her. Mrs. Brown, believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make... You're a stranger to me, but He knows you. Uh-huh. You believe it? Raise up your hand. That's right.

545Laying here on this cot. Tell her to look over here. She's been suffering, going on. If I could heal her, I would do it, sir. I can't heal. She is not from here; come a long ways. You're from Missouri. Your troubles are an internal. But if you'll believe with all your heart, and don't doubt, Jesus Christ can heal you; and you can go back to Missouri, well, and give your testimony. You believe it? Then accept it, and take your cot and go home. Jesus Christ make you well.

546 Do you believe? That's the identification of the Eternal King's Presence. Do you believe it now, with all your heart? Now, He's certainly made a ring, right around through this building. Do you believe it with all of your heart? You believe you're in His Presence?

547Now, do you believe and accept that you are one of the delegation of this Kingdom? Raise your hand. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." We are one another; you're a part of me, I'm part of you; we're all part of Christ. Now, together, let's lay our hands on each other.

548Right here, the woman on the cot has got up, moving around, going back home to be well. Amen.

549 You're, every one, healed, if you'll believe it. Now put your hands on one another, and you are this part of Christ. You pray for the person you got your hands on, just the way you want to.

550Lord Jesus, we recognize You here. You're our King; You identify Yourself among us. We thank You for this Presence. And, Lord, You said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' don't doubt it; believe what you said will come to pass, you can have it, you can have what you've said."

551Then, in obedience to this commandment, in obedience to the Word of God which cannot fail, we as Your delegates from fifteen hundred miles square, like the City, we say to Satan, the defeated devil, "Your end is to be burned. We are the delegation from the City that's foursquare, the City where the Lamb is the Light. We are the expressed attribute of God Almighty, who Jesus Christ has redeemed by His grace."

552Satan, come out, and leave every sick person that's in here, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Holy hands that's been redeemed, because they believe the Word and are attributes of God's thought, now them hands is upon each other. You cannot hold them any longer. Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

553 Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, now, He's here. His Word says He's here. Your presence and your faith speaks, of, you're one of the delegation. Even every geographically measure that we can show, it is. Can you recognize that you are redeemed sons and daughters of God? You recognize this is your Home? This is where you're going.

554That's why you come here, that's why you come to Christ, you are feeding on His Word. And if you can have a time like this, here, just by His expressed attributes, what will it be when we come into His Presence? Oh, it'll be wonderful! Each one of you has the right to heal the sick, lay your hands upon the sick. Each one of you has the right to baptize.

555 If somebody is here that's not been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, the pool is open.

556That's the only way you're going to make it, uh-huh, that's right, is to obey every Word. Remember, one little phase of the Word, in the beginning, caused every sin on earth. Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, won't go in." His name is off the Book, as soon as he does it.

557And there's no place in the Bible where anybody was ever baptized, in the Church, otherwise than in the Name of Jesus Christ. If you haven't been baptized that way, you had better do it.

558"Oh," you say, "it don't make any difference." It did to Eve.

559Satan said, "Oh, surely, God, you know God..." But, He did. He said so.

560 He give Peter the keys to the Kingdom, and what was bound at Pentecost is bound forever. That's the reason the Bride come into re-preview, the second time; there has to be a Church called out of the latter day, like there was in the first day, just exactly. The Tree has come from its roots, up to the Bride Tree, like it did in that time; God's masterpiece again, as I said two Sundays ago, to be taken to the City.

God bless you. "I now believe."

561 Satan is defeated. He knows. He's on the earth, he is going like a roaring lion. It isn't long till he's, oh, he's finished. He knows his time. He's going like a roaring lion.

562But, remember, the Prince of Peace stands by; the Great Divine One. The Architect of my being, the Architect Who built me what I am, Who built you what you are, is here. If the Architect, Who knows how to put the building together, its right place, who knows better than the Architect? And He's here to prove, Hisself, He's here.

563Now it's based upon your faith. Believe, only believe!

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven, (when this is all over),

And the glory that I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

564 Remember, at the church, tonight, they'll be giving communion. If you're here in the city, yet, would like to come, we'd like to have you. It's a memorial of what we're going to eat, one of these days, with Him.

565I love you. I don't know how to express it. I think you're the salt of the earth. And I hear your behavior out amongst the world, then that gives me more confidence in you.

566But, think, this little group will be, lovely as we are, will be broken up, one of these days. We'll dream of this. But if one of us happens to pass away before we meet again, we'll...

I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river side,

When all sorrows has drifted away;

I'll be standing by the portal, when the gates open wide,

At the close of life's long, weary day.

I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river side,

I'm often...?... by the river, and, with rapture, old acquaintance renew; (I'll see you then, know you.)

You will know me in the morning, by the smile that I wear,

I will meet you in the morning, in the City, City that's built foursquare.

567 You love it? "Till we meet!" Now let's stand. Take The Name Of Jesus With You, give us the chord.

568You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Do you believe this is Truth? ["Amen."] Are you headed that way, by the grace of God? ["Amen."] Until we get there:

You take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

That's all to do, until we see you again. All right.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and...

[Someone says, "Tonight?"--Ed.] No.

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

569 Now, I had to skip over my Message. Someday, the Lord willing, I'll come back and take these "avenues," and pick it up, see, where we can have more time. You been hollering about not staying long enough. We have, today. It's hot. But, now, God bless you. I like that singing.

570A neighbor here, said, the other night when they turned the outside speaker off, said, "I enjoyed the Message so much, but why did you turn that pretty singing off, see, on the outside?" So, neighbor, if you're listening in this morning, I think we got the best neighbors there is in Jeffersonville. We park our cars in front of their houses and everything else; they don't say nothing about it; we just go on. So, we thank them now.

571Oh, how wonderful He is! God be with you now.

... Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Till we meet...

572Let's bow our head. The pastor will dismiss us, just in a few moments. God be with you!

... we meet at Jesus' feet, (at the great City, at the Throne),

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet.

1 Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť, ako skloníme svoje srdcia pred Bohom.

2 Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační za tú výsadu, že môžeme byť dnes tu, spolu zhromaždení v Mene Pána Ježiša. Modlíme sa, aby si nám odpustil naše hriechy a ako sme tu, aby sme obrátili svoju pozornosť k tým Večným veciam a k Životu, ktorý leží za touto smrteľnou oblasťou. Teraz sa modlíme, aby si nám dal Tvoje nasmerovanie, ako sa máme k tomu obrátiť, čo máme robiť v budúcnosti a dokonca teraz v súčasnosti, aby sme dosiahli to miesto, ktoré nám bolo zasľúbené.

3 Je v zemi mnoho tých, ktorí sú chorí a majú potreby a oni ešte neukončili svoju cestu. A náš veľký nepriateľ, nie len náš nepriateľ, ale Tvoj nepriateľ prišiel, aby ich sužoval a ukončil ich život a poslal ich predčasne do hrobu. A my prosíme za nich, dnes, aby si Ty a Tvoja milosť a zmilovanie, Pane, predĺžil ich dni až do určeného času.

4 Tu na pódiu, alebo tu na kazateľni, ležia kapesníky a balíky. A vonku v halách a okolo tohoto miesta sú na lôžkach a nosidlách, chorí a postihnutí, stojaci medzi poslucháčstvom a nemajú dostatok síl, aby stáli.

5 Ó, Večný Bože, Ten Požehnaný, vypočuj našu modlitbu v toto ráno, skrze Krv Pána Ježiša, nehľadíme na našu neprávosť, ale vieme, že On stál na našom mieste a On je Ten, ktorý nás zastupuje za túto modlitbu. Nech je každý jeden uzdravený na Tvoju chválu, Pane.

6 Požehnaj tieto vreckovky. Keď budú položené na chorých, nech sa zotavia.

7 A teraz, Otče, kým čakáme na tú veľkú službu uzdravovania, ktorá veríme, že bude nasledovať, daj nám tú cestu Života, Pane, aby sme vedeli skrze Tvoje Slovo, čo máme robiť. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

8 Ako vždy, pokladám to za najväčšiu výsadu byť v dome Božom a hovoriť k Jeho ľudu. A teraz viem, že je to tu veľmi preplnené a mám veľmi dlhú lekciu. Takže som ...verím, že sa budete cítiť pohodlne, tak ako je to možné, kým dokončíme toto Posolstvo.

9 No, je tu horúco, ale my sme vďační za klimatizáciu. Ale pri takejto veľkej skupine nie je žiadna klimatizácia, ktorá by dostačovala, lebo vaše vlastné telo je produkujúca jednotka okolo 37°C a neustále vyžaruje teplo, ... a keď všetci sedia vedľa seba. Ale verím, že Boh vám dá také pohodlie, ako môže.

10 A keď sme v zhromaždení ako toto, ja by som vás vôbec nenechal zísť sa, keby som nemyslel, že vám to pomôže, keby som nevedel, že je to pre vás dobré, že budete mať z toho úžitok, tým, že prídete. A potom, tiež vieme, že nemáme už príliš veľa času to robiť, lebo prichádzame ku konečným hodinám a chcem využiť každú chvíľu, ktorú môžem, pre Jeho Kráľovstvo. A teraz verím, že Pán Boh nás požehná, ako sme tu zhromaždení.

11 A chcem vám pripomenúť, že včera som bol na rôznych miestach, videl som niektorých chorých a postihnutých, v moteloch a stretol som tento týždeň tiež niektorých manažérov tých stravovacích podnikov. Bol som v Ranch House tento týždeň, tu vedľa a ten manažér mi potriasol ruku, keď sme odchádzali. Povedal, volal ma „brat Branham". Divil som sa, že ma pozná. A povedal ...

Povedal som: „Ste ten manažér?"

12 On povedal: „Som majiteľ." Tak potom on povedal: „Áno, tvoji ľudia sem chodia jesť, odtiaľ zdola." Povedal: „Oni ..."

A ja som povedal: „Myslím, že kvôli nim je to tu preplnené."

13 On povedal: „Pane, to je najlepšia skupina ľudí, akú som kedy videl." Povedal: „Sú skutočne milí."

14 Išiel som včera do motela, navštíviť jednu mladú pani s ktorou som chcel hovoriť, jej otec a matka boli pri tom a musel som ísť za tým manažérom, aby som zistil, v ktorej izbe býva.

15 On povedal: „A...ste brat Branham?" To je hore u Oaksových.

A ja som povedal: „Áno, pane."

16 On povedal: „Chcem si s vami potriasť ruku." On povedal ... Predstavil ma svojej manželke, veľmi milý pár. Povedali: „Každá osoba v tomto moteli navštevuje tvoje zhromaždenia. Rezervovali sme to pre nich." Povedal: „Všetkých našich zákazníkov sme odriekli."

Povedal som: „Ďakujem vám za to."

17 Povedal: „Brat Branham, jedna z najmilších skupín ľudí, ktorú som kedy videl, sú tí ľudia, ktorí sem hore prichádzajú, ktorí navštevujú tvoje zhromaždenia."

18 Išiel som minulú noc k jednému priateľovi, pán Becker, tu dole a vždy som mal rád jeho sendviče. On je taký ... Poznal som ho už ako malý chlapec, poznal som ho celý život. Dole, na tom starom mieste pri Riverside Hotel sedel jeden pár. Tak oni ...Pán Becker povedal: „Billy?"

19 Povedal som: „Čo je, Domáci?" Poznáme sa veľmi dobre.

On povedal: „Hostím všetkých tvojich ľudí."

20 Asi dvesto, každú nedeľu, jedia v Blue Boar. A všade kam idem, počujem akí ste milí.

21 Táto osoba povedala: „Dole na Riverview, všetky miesta sú obsadené ľuďmi, ktorí navštevujú tie zhromaždenia." Povedal: „Sú stovky, ktorí sa nemôžu dostať dovnútra."

22 Takže, pre mňa to znamená, že ste soľou zeme. Som tak vďační, že viem, že mám tú výsadu kázať ľuďom, že dokonca hriešnici a ľudia ... Nehovorím, že títo ľudia sú hriešnici, ale mám na mysli ľudí okolo obchodu a tak, že môžu povedať, že ste milí ľudia a že si vás cenia pre ich obchod, na tých miestach. Viete, to je byť soľou. Oceňujem to, vaše správanie a spôsob akým dávate na veci pozor.

23 Vždy som hovoril: „Ak niekto príde a nemá peniaze na zaplatenie, len ma zavolajte." Vidíte? Povedal som: „Niečo s tým urobíme." A povedal som: „Vždy ich nakŕm, či majú peniaze, alebo nie." Vidíte, čokoľvek sá dá urobiť.

24 Cítim, že vy ste mojimi deťmi. Vy ste tie hviezdy, ktoré... Ak budem raz mať jednu, keď sa tam dostanem, vy budete tým klenotom, žiariacou časťou na korune mojej služby. Keď bude korunovanie, vy budete tými klenotmi.

25 Hovoril som vám, v uplynulom čase o Siedmych Pečatiach, Cirkevné Veky a veci, ktoré sa udiali.

26 A teraz, toto ráno, mám veľmi dôležitú tému. Pre mňa je to veľmi požehnané. Dúfam, že vás to tak isto zasiahne. A keby som to len mohol dať v inšpirácii, v ktorej som to obdržal, bolo by to nádherné, ale to je na Bohu, aby to urobil.

27 Hovoril som vám kde a čo sa deje a my vidíme všetky tieto veci ako sa dejú.

28 Teraz, hovorím, toto ráno na tému Budúci domov Nebeského Ženícha a Pozemskej Nevesty, kde budú bývať. A preto verím, s že Božou milosťou sme my všetci časťou tej veľkej Božej ekonómie.

29 A teraz, ja verím, že budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť, majúc svoje Biblie, ceruzky alebo čokoľvek robíte, keď budete čítať so mnou, lebo sa budem odvolávať na mnohé miesta Písma. Pokúsim sa mať dosť času na modlitby za chorých, sľúbil som to. Za poslednú chvíľu ste sa modlili za tých v izbách a naokolo, za tých, ktorí sú takmer bezmocní a bez nádeje.

30 A ak bude Pán chcieť, budem mať pravdepodobne ďalšie zhromaždenie 16-teho, možno len modlitby za chorých.

31 Práve mi začali prázdniny. Od januára som len cestoval a teraz som sa vrátil. Ráno beriem svoju rodinu do Tucsonu, a potom sa vrátim, aby som strávil nejaký čas tu v Kentucky s niekoľkými mojimi priateľmi, na poľovačke na veveričky, na pár týždňov, možno na sedem alebo osem, desať dní, alebo tak nejako, až kým ma Pán nepovedie niekam inam. Nikdy neviete, kde budete, my to nikdy nevieme, lebo to je v rukách Božích, len v Jeho rukách.

32 Teraz, táto skvelá téma, myslím, strávil by som na tom dlhý čas, lebo musíte tam zahrnúť mnoho vecí, to by trvalo týždne. Ale ja som si zapísal nejaké miesta Písma, zopár poznámok, aby som sa dotkol aspoň tých vrcholkov toho, aby ste to mohli potom študovať.

33 Potom čoskoro, možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, v októbri, neviem kedy, kedykoľvek to On pripraví, chcel by som zobrať zopár dní na zhromaždenia, na 12. kapitolu Zjavenia, aby som to s týmto spojil. Verím, že by to bolo skvelé. Bolo by to nádherné vidieť, ako to On urobil.

34 Potom, ako sme sa teraz zišli, povedal som minulý večer: „Viete, keď...," ráno, ako každé ráno, premýšľam, „Keď prídem sem, rozpoznám všetkým mojich priateľov, ktorí tam budú." Ako sa mi to podarí?

35 Tu napríklad môj dobrý priateľ doktor Lee Vayle, sedí tam, jeho milá manželka a dcéra. A brat Roy Borders a myslím, brat Ruddell, brat Beeler a brat Palmer a brat Jackson. A ó, ... tí drahí bratia zo všetkých rôznych miest! Brat Anthony Milano a všade, kde sa pozriete, vidíte nejakého ďalšieho brata. Z dola - z Arkansasu, nespomínam si ich mená, brat John, brat Earl Martin a brat Blair. A potom, ...je to nekonečné, vidíte. Som tak rád, že mám skupinu, ako je táto, ktorá je zhromaždená okolo mňa, keď vyučujem Božie Slovo, mužovia o ktorých si myslím, že sú galantní a skutoční mužovia Boží.

36 Som vďačný za túto malú modlitebňu. Som vďačný za jej päť otvorených dverí pre verejnosť. Máme tu štyroch diakonov, Duchom naplnených mužov, štyroch správcov, Duchom naplnených mužov. Dvaja pri každých dverách. A máme vpredu dvojité dvere, pre dvoch pastorov, pastierov.

37 Sme radi, že vás máme, vďaka Bohu za to. Nech vás každého požehná.

38 Teraz chceme na chvíľu stáť, ako budeme čítať z 2. Petra, 3. kapitolu a tiež Zjavenie 21.

39 Ako stojíme, ó, Pane, naplň naše srdcia radosťou, lebo čítame Tvoje Slovo a vieme, že Ježiš povedal, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú." Vieme, že tiež povedal, „Všetky Písma sa musia naplniť." A ako čítame tieto veci, nech máme od Teba to zrozumenie tej hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša, Autora tej Knihy. Amen.

40 2. Petrova 3.

Toto vám, milovaní, píšem už druhý list, v ktorých upomínajúc povzbudzujem vašu čistú myseľ,

aby ste pamätali na slová, ktoré predpovedali svätí proroci a na svojich apoštolov prikázanie Pána a Spasiteľa

vediac najprv to, že v posledných dňoch prijdú posmievači, ktorí budú chodiť podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí

a hovoriť: Kde je to zasľúbenie o Jeho príchode?

(Či to nepasuje na túto neveriacu ženu a ...)

Lebo odkedy posnuli otcovia, všetko tak trvá, od počiatku stvorenia.

Lebo zúmyselne nechcú vedieť, že nebesia boli od dávna i zem, ktorá z vody a vodou stojí vedno Slovom Božím.

Pre ktoré to bezbožnosti vtedajší svet, zatopený vodou, zahynul.

A terajšie nebesia i zem sú odložené tým istým Slovom, opatrujú sa pre oheň v deň súdu a zatratenia bezbožných ľudí.

Ale to jedno, milovaní, nech nie je skryté pred vami, že jeden deň je u Pána ako tisíc rokov a tisíc rokov ako jeden deň.

Neodkladá Pán nejako váhajúc so zasľúbením, ako niektorí majú za to, že odkladá, ale zhovieva vzhľadom na nás, pretože nechce, aby niektorí zahynuli, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu.

Lebo príde deň Pánov, ako zlodej v noci, v ktorom pominú nebesia s praskotom a rachotom a živly, rozpálené ohňom sa rozplynú a zem i diela, ktoré sú na nej, zhoria.

Keď sa to teda všetko tak rozplynie, akí musíte vy každý byť vo svojom svätom obcovaní a v pobožnosti,

ktorí očakávate a náhlite príchod Božieho dňa, pre ktorý nebesia horiac rozpustia sa a živly rozpálené ohňom potečú!

A nové nebesia a novú zem podľa Jeho zasľúbenia čakáme, v ktorých prebýva spravodlivosť.

Preto, milovaní, keď to očakávate, snažte sa, aby ste mu boli nájdení nepoškvrnení a bezvadní v pokoji.

A zhovievavosť nášho Pána považujte za spasenie, ako vám aj náš milovaný brat Pavel písal podľa jemu danej múdrosti,

ako aj vo všetkých svojich epištolách, čiže listoch, keď v nich hovorí o tomto, v ktorých sú niektoré ťažko pochopiteľné veci, ktoré neučení a neupevnení prekrúcajú, ako aj ostatné Písma na svoje vlastné zatratenie.

Vy teda, milovaní, znajúc to vopred chráňte sa, aby ste neboli tiež spolu pojatí bludom tých bezbožných a nevypadli tak z vlastnej pevnosti.

Ale rastite v milosti a v známosti nášho Pána a Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista. Jemu sláva i teraz i na deň veku. Amen.

41 Teraz v Zjavení Ježiša Krista, v 21. kapitole, čítam tieto Slová.

A videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuly, a mora už nebolo.

A ja Ján som videl to sväté mesto, nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, prihotovené ako nevestu, ozdobenú jej mužovi.

A počul som veľký hlas od trónu z neba, ktorý hovoril: Hľa, stánok Boží s ľuďmi a bude bývať s nimi a oni budú Jeho ľudom a On, Boh, bude s nimi a bude ich Bohom.

A Boh zotrie každú slzu z ich očí a smrti už viacej nebude, ani žalosti ani kriku, ani bolesti viacej nebude, lebo prvé veci pominuli.

A Ten, ktorý sedel na tróne, povedal: Hľa, činím všetko nové. A riekol mi: Píš, lebo tieto slová sú verné a pravdivé.

A riekol mi: Stalo sa. Ja som Alfa i Omega, počiatok i koniec. Ja dám tomu, kto žízni, z prameňa vody života zadarmo.

Kto víťazí, zdedí všetko a budem mu Bohom a on mi bude synom.

Modlime sa znova.

42 Pane Ježišu, s takým zasľúbením a takou pevnou rečou, ktorú Sám Ježiš a apoštol nám podali, ku ktorej hodine sa približujeme. Daj nám, Pane, tvoje nasmerovanie, aby sme vedeli, ako sa máme k tomu priblížiť tým správnym spôsobom, lebo vieme, že to prichádza. Písmo sa musí naplniť a aj sa naplní. A teraz, Pane, prosíme Ťa znova, aby bola Tvoja milosť nad nami všetkými, ako budeme zahĺbení do Tvojho Slova. Buď s nami a odhaľ nám To, prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

43 Teraz, možno by bolo lepšie, keby sa mohli vypnúť tie svetlá v hľadisku a nechať iba tie na pódiu, bolo by to asi lepšie. Jeden večer sme skoro spálili transformátor. Keby to domáci mohol pre nás urobiť, boli by sme za to vďační, keby sa vypli tie svetlá v hľadisku. Myslím že budete mať dosť svetla na písanie.

44 Moja téma, aby som to znovu oznámil, na ktorú budem hovoriť: „Budúci domov Nebeského Ženícha a Pozemskej Nevesty."

45 Teraz, ako to je... Musím teraz urobiť toto. Je tu príliš horúco. Viem, že mojej žene sa to nepáči, ale dám si dolu sako. Je tu príliš horúco. Vidíte, vy tam máte vzduch, ale tu je to také odrezané, vidíte. Teraz, v budúcnosti, alebo...

46 Vlastne v minulosti sme prebrali sedem pečatí, sedem cirkevných vekov. Brat Vayle a tí, ktorí na tom verne pracujú, to dávajú do knižnej formy.

47 A keď vidíme všetky tie tajomné veci, ktoré sa udiali, keď porozumieme, v akej hodine žijeme a v akej pozícii, myslím, že nie je nikto, kto by si nesadol a skutočne dôsledne neskúmal, o čom bolo hovorené a čo je zasľúbené, že sa stane a čo sa už stalo a nepovedal by, že sa tie veci naplnili. Vidíte? Presne to čo Boh povedal, že urobí. On to urobil presne do písmena. Vidíte?

48 Teraz, myslím na toto. My nevieme, kedy sa Pán Ježiš môže objaviť, myslím, že by to bolo dobré, zdá sa, že je to príjemné Svätému Duchu, že budeme o tom hovoriť, potom sa možno k tomu znova vrátime, dva alebo tri krát, pretože nebudem mať dostatok času, aby som to vyčerpal.

49 Keď narazíte na tému, na ktorej by sa niekto mohol potknúť, nemôžete to vysvetliť tak, aby to bolo jasné, potom sa znova vráťte k inej téme.

50 Neskôr, ak bude Pán chcieť, prídeme k 12. pečatiam ... Prepáčte, k 12. kapitole Zjavenia, ktorá leží medzi príchodom Pána a zakončením trúb a tak ďalej. Pokúsime sa k tomu vrátiť, aby sme ukázali, kto je Satan a čo urobil, odkiaľ pochádza, čo sleduje, aká veľká je jeho krása, ktorá zapríčinila jeho pád. Padol kvôli svojmu klamu, kráse.

51 Potom, ktokoľvek to chce vidieť správne, semeno hada. Urobím výzvu pre každého, kto to chce úplne normálne porozumieť. Dieťa to môže vidieť. Vidíte? Dostaneme sa ku tomu neskôr.

52 Teraz, rozumieme tu, že tieto dve miesta Písma... Ten dôvod, prečo som čítal 2. Petra 3. kapitolu a porovnal so Zjavením 21, oni obe hovoria o tej istej téme, ale Ján nikdy - nikdy to nenapísal tak, ako Peter. Vidíte? Rozumieme, že tento veľký Domov Nevesty má byť tu na zemi.

53 A teraz, ak čítate, tu v 21. kapitole Zjavenia, apoštol povedal, alebo prorok tu povedal, že „videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem." To vyzerá, ako by malo prísť úplne zničenie.

54 Spôsob, ako vždy obdržím moje Posolstvo, je na modlitbe. Modlím sa a niečo je mi zjavené. Čakám na to pár minút, a keď uvidím, že je to správne, cítim to silnejšie. Niekedy potom čakám, až to prejde do videnia. Ale keď to prichádza, som uspokojený, že to prichádza od Boha, potom idem do Písma. Vidíte, To musí byť potvrdenie každej duchovnej veci, pretože Biblia je úplným zjavením Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? To je Jeho Telo.

55 A teraz pri tom možno nájdem miesto Písma, ktoré sa mi nezdá byť celkom v súlade. Idem späť na modlitbu. Potom to príde znova a ja začnem skúmať Písmo.

56 Naša Biblia je písaná v angličtine a anglické slová sa stále menia. Napríklad v Sv. Jánovi 14 je povedané, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov," príbytok v dome. Potom sa musíte vrátiť do originálu a uvidíte, čo tým Jakub mienil, alebo sa vrátite do hebrejčiny alebo gréčtiny, z prvého prekladu. A tam je povedané, „V kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho palácov." Potom sa vrátite do času, keď prekladatelia prekladali pre kráľa Jakuba. V angličtine sa „kráľovstvo" nazývalo „dom" a kráľ bol otcom nad svojimi vyslancami. To je ten dôvod, prečo je to preložené „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov." Vidíte? A potom dostanete tie slová a musíte si ich vyhľadať.

57 Dnes ráno, z tejto kazateľne vám hovorím, že tá inšpirácia, ani jeden raz to nebolo nič iného okrem Slova. Semeno hada a tie ďalšie veci. Vidíte?

58 A skutočne, keby niekto len čítal a povedal, „V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov," ak by sa nezastavil a nazahĺbil do toho a nemodlil, mal by v tom úplný zmätok. Vidíte? Len sa stále modlite. Boh to vždy vypôsobí, že je to správne, ak to pochádza od Boha.

59 Ján vysvetľuje tú zmenu, ako to prichádza... On to vlastne nevysvetľuje, ale Peter áno. Ján len povedal, „A videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuli a mora už nebolo. A ja, Ján, som videl to sväté mesto, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, prihotovené ako nevestu, ozdobenú svojmu mužovi." Ale my sa vrátime ku 2. Petra, aby sme teraz zistili, Peter vysvetľuje, ako prebehne tento proces. Keď sa pozriete na to, čo povedal Ján, to je, „Lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem boli pominuli," boli úplne zničené. Vidíte, to znie veľmi zvláštne. To ma tak zasiahlo, že som začal hľadať slovo „pominuli." A teraz je jasné, že obaja - apoštol i prorok hovorili o tej istej veci.

60 A tiež v knihe Izaiáša, ak si chcete poznačiť tie miesta Písma, v Izaiášovi 65:17. Izaiáš hovoril o Miléniu, tých tisíc rokov odpočinku pre Boží ľud. Izaiáš o tom hovoril a povedal, „Všetky minulé veci pominuli," a ako budú stavať domy a obývať ich. Ak by sme mali čas, možno by sme našli čas a prečítali si toto. Izaiáš 65, prečítajme si to na pár minút. A tu to je, práve pre nás. Teraz začnime Izaiáš 65:17.

Hľa, stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem,...

61 Prorok Izaiáš bol jedným z tých prorokov, ktorí napísali vo svojom proroctve úplne celú Bibliu. Začína stvorením, v strede jeho knihy, okolo 40. kapitoly prichádza Ján Krstiteľ, Nový Zákon, a končí tu, vo svojej Knihe, v Zjavení, v Miléniu. V Biblii je 66 kníh a v Izaiášovi je 66 kapitol. On napísal úplný komentár.

62 Teraz tu zisťujeme, že v 65. kapitole sa dostáva, ešte jedna kapitola a hovorí o Miléniu. Všimnite si aké nádherné.

Lebo hľa, stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem a nebudú sa spomínať drievne veci ani neprídu na myseľ.

(To má „pominúť")

Lež radujte sa a plesajte na večné veky nad tým, čo ja stvorím, lebo hľa, stvorím Jeruzalem na plesanie a jeho ľud na radosť.

A budem plesať nad Jeruzalemom a radovať sa nad svojim ľudom, ani sa v ňom viacej nepočuje hlas plaču ani hlas kriku.

Nebude odtiaľ viacej dieťaťa niekoľko dní, ani starca, ktorý by nevyplnil svojich dňov. Lebo to bude ešte len chlapec, ktorý zomrie vo sto rokoch a hriešnikovi, keby mal i sto rokov, bude sa zlorečiť.

A nastavajú domov a budú bývať v nich a nasadia viníc a budú jesť ich ovocie.

Nebudú stavať, aby tam býval iný,

(vašu farmu nezdedí váš syn, alebo niektorí z vašich dedičov) ...

nebudú sadiť, aby jedol iný,

(pracujú na svojom a zostanú tam, majú Večný Život) ...

lebo ako dni stromu budú dni môjho ľudu a dielo svojich rúk budú užívať moji vyvolení až do zvetšenia.

Nebudú pracovať nadarmo ani nebudú rodiť na strach, lebo budú semenom požehnaných Hospodinových aj ich potomci s nimi.

63 Všimnite, kde sa dostaneme za chvíľu.

A stane sa, že prv, ako budú volať, ja sa ohlásim, kým ešte budú hovoriť, ja vyslyším.

Vlk a jahňa budú sa pásť spolu a lev bude žrať slamu jako vôl a hadovi za pokrm bude prach. Neuškodia sni nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin.

64 Aké to zasľúbenie týchto prorokov, učených, učiteľov Biblie tam v dávnych dňoch, keď videli prichádzať ten slávny Deň!

65 Podľa týchto veršov by si niekto mohol myslieť, alebo skôr byť vedený, aby veril, že celá planéta, táto zem, bude zničená, „Stvorím nové nebesia a novú zem." Vidíte, že nebesia budú preč, zem bude preč, úplne zničená. Ale keď do toho hlbšie vnikneme a s pomocou Ducha Svätého, môžeme vidieť pravdu tohoto, a to je to, do čoho sa teraz dostaneme.

66 To je len atmosféra okolo toho a hriech, ktorý je nad zemou, ktorý bude zničený. Vidíte? Uvedomujeme si, že „nebesia" znamenajú „atmosféru nad nami."

67 Čo to urobí? Potom, tieto bodliaky a choroby a smrť, politika, hriešni muži a hriešne ženy a zlí duchovia, to bude všetko odstránené a zničené. Vidíte? Musí to byť tak zariadené, pretože práve tu budeme bývať. Dokážeme to pomocou Biblie. Práve tu budeme bývať. Všimnite si, bodľač, zárodky, všetky choroby a také veci budú úplne vzaté preč. Všetko toto, ich existencia, ktorá je teraz na zemi, ľuďmi vytvorené systémy, politika, hriech, všetky druhy zlých duchov, ktorými je svet zamorený a dokonca nebesia nad nami sú zamorené zlým duchom. Teraz pôjdeme do toho hlbšie a hlbšie.

68 Všetko toto existuje v nebesiach, alebo v atmosfére, a na zemi, ktorá je teraz. Táto zem drží teraz tieto veci, ale nebola stvorená za týmto účelom. Hriech spôsobil, že je teraz taká. Vidíte? To bolo stvorené Bohom, Stvoriteľom. Ale všetko ...

69 Naše telá, v ktorých teraz žijeme, všetky, boli položené na zem, keď ju Boh stvoril, pretože sme z prachu zeme. Všetko to tu ležalo. Keď to Boh stvoril, vy ste boli v Jeho mysli. A v Ňom, v Tom Veľkom Večnom, bola tá myšlienka, ktorá je Jeho atribútom.

70 A teraz hriech spôsobil, že to všetko sa tak stalo. A Boh si cez tento vek zhromažďuje Svoj Materiál.

71 Satan je stále tu. To je dôvod, prečo sa všetky tieto veci dejú. On je stále tu a všetky jeho zlé mocnosti sú stále tu. Všimnite si, preto je zem teraz taká špinavá. Preto sa dejú tie odporné a nezmyselné veci ako prelievanie krvi, vojna, politika, hriech, cudzoložstvo, všetky druhy nerestí tu prebiehajú, pretože Satan je vládcom tejto zeme a tejto atmosféry.

Poviete, „Atmosféry.....?" Áno!

72 Oboje, nebesia i zem sú teraz zamorené diablami, ktorí nás môžu žalovať pred Bohom. Ježiš je Tam, aby sa za nás prihováral. Áno. Vidíte? Zatiaľ čo žalobcovia ukazujú prstom, „oni urobili toto, oni urobili toto, oni urobili toto," ale Krv stále prikrýva. On prišiel vykúpiť tých Vyvolených, ktorých On predzvedel. Preto je to všetko dnes také špinavé.

73 Apoštol tu, v 2. Petra, druhá kapitola a piaty a šiesty verš. Áno, mám to tu. Popisuje tri obdobia zeme. Vidíte, tri obdobia. Všimnite si, ako ich tu podáva.

74 „Starý svet povstal z vody," to bol predpotopný svet.

75 Teraz žijeme v súčasnom svete.

76 „Starý svet, ktorý povstal z vody," Genesis 1:1 a teraz „svet," ktorý je teraz, súčasný. A potom znova, on sa odvoláva na iný svet, „svet, ktorý má prísť, Nový svet." Tri svety, tri obdobia sveta.

77 Všimnite si, ako nám Boh robí jasným Jeho plán vykúpenia. Ó, to jednoducho premohlo moju dušu, keď som to uvidel, ako nám tu On robí jasným Jeho plán vykúpenia. Porovnajte to teraz, čo vidíme svojimi vlastnými očami. Čo Boh urobil, aby vykúpil Jeho svet, On urobil ten istý plán, aby vykúpil Svoj ľud, lebo nemenný Boh sa nemení v žiadnom zo svojich plánov, ani v ničom. Aké je to slávne!

78 Ako nás On viedol k Sebe, aby mal Chrám v nás, tými tromi stupňami milosti, práve tak, ako viedol svet v troch stupňoch, aby On prišiel na svet. Ako Boh príde na svet po tých troch rozličných stupňoch očistenia, to je presne tak, ako On prichádza k nám cez tri stupne milosti. Učil som to na začiatku, nikdy som to odvtedy nezmenil. To je Božie Slovo.

79 Musíte sa držať čísel tri, sedem, dvanásť. Čísla v Biblii musia sedieť dokonale, lebo inak dostanete zmätený obraz. Ak to nemôžete porozumieť, len sa modlite. Sledujte to, to presne sadne. Boh je dokonalý v troch. Vidíte?

80 Všimnite si, „starý svet," ten predpotopný, „svet," ktorý je teraz a ten, ktorý príde.

81 Prvý stupeň, do ktorého nás vedie.....Vidíte, Jeho plán vykúpenia je stále rovnaký, presne. Používa tú istú metódu. On sa nikdy nemení. On povedal v Malachiášovi 3, „Ja som Boh a nemením sa." Preto spôsob, akým to robí, ak On spasil prvého človeka, ktorého kedy spasil, skrze preliatu krv Nevinného, On musí spasiť ďalšieho a každého, koho spasí, tým istým spôsobom.

82 Ak On uzdravil nejakého človeka, v ktoromkoľvek čase na ceste života, či to bolo vo dňoch Ježiša, apoštolov, prorokov, kedykoľvek to bolo, keď sú tie isté podmienky splnené, On to musí spraviť znova. To je správne. On sa nemení. Človek sa mení, čas sa mení, veky sa menia, časové obdobia sa menia, ale Boh zostáva rovnaký. On je dokonalý. Čo za nádej to má dať chorým!

83 Ak On niekedy uzdravil nejakú osobu, On to musí urobiť znovu, ak sú dodržané rovnaké podmienky. Ak On kedy spasil človeka, On to musí urobiť na rovnakom základe, na akom to On urobil prvý krát. Ak On kedy naplnil nejakého človeka Svätým Duchom, On to musí urobiť na rovnakom základe, na akom to urobil prvý krát. Ak niekedy vzkriesil človeka z hrobu, On to musí urobiť druhý krát a každý ďalší krát na tom istom princípe.

84 On sa nemení. Ó, akú mi to dáva nádej! Čo to je? Nie nejaká človekom vyrobená teória, niečo, na čo prišla nejaká skupina ľudí, ale Jeho nemenné Slovo.

Poviete, „Je to pravda?"

85 On povedal, „Nech je každé ľudské slovo lžou a Moje pravdou." „Lebo nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nezlyhá." „Celé Písmo je inšpirované, preto je dobré a užitočné na vynaučovanie." A pamätajte, že „Celé Písmo sa vyplní," každá Jeho časť.

86 Všimnite si, ako nám to Boh robí jasným. A ak to nebolo mocné potvrdenie, dobré, veľké, milujúce požehnanie od Boha, keď vidím, že už ako chlapec, keď prvý krát Kristus začal so mnou jednať, vždy som myslel na tie tri stupne milosti. Všimnite si, či to nie je pravda.

87 Prvý krok je „pokánie k Bohu." Potom nasleduje vodný krst. „Vodný krst," „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista." Vidíte, nasleduje vodný krst, ktorý ukazuje, že pokánie bolo skutočné. Alebo, „odpustenie" našich minulých hriechov. To nemá nič do činenia s budúcim hriechom. To len odpúšťa. „Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí každý jeden z vás na Meno Ježiša Krista." Na čo? „Na odpustenie," odstránenie starého hriechu, to nemá nič do činenia s budúcnosťou. To len, váš hriech bol odrezaný, to, čo ste urobili.

88 Vy nemôžete činiť pokánie z toho, čo urobil Adam. Vy ste to nikdy neurobili, to urobil Adam. Vy dostávate odpustenie za to, čo ste vy urobili. Tá stará prirodzenosť je ešte stále tam.

89 Nechajte ma to nakresliť na tabuľu, na chvíľu. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.] Teraz tu je ľudské srdce. Teraz, ....Som ďaleko od toho, aby som bol umelcom. Tu je ľudské srdce a tu je iné ľudské srdce. Toto tu má vo vnútri hada, to je hriech a tu ono má svoj život. Toto srdce tu má v sebe holubicu, čo je Svätý Duch, tu ono má Život. Toto tu má zlosť, nenávisť, závisť a to, čo to spôsobuje, je toto tu. Toto druhé má lásku, radosť, zhovievavosť a toto je To, čo to spôsobuje.

90 Keď sú vám odpustené vaše hriechy, stalo sa len, že toto je zobraté preč. Ale tá vec, ktorá spôsobila, že ste to robili, je ešte stále tam. To je ten starý koreň zla, je to stále tam. Všimnite si, potom činíte pokánie a ste pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, že On vám odpustil vaše hriechy.

91 Potom, po druhé, prichádza posvätenie, ktoré nastavuje našu myseľ do poriadku svätosti, aby sme mysleli správne. „Posvätenie" je zložené grécke slovo, ktoré znamená „očistený a oddelený pre službu."

92 Potom, ďalej, prichádza krst Ohňom a Svätým Duchom, aby Boh mohol v nás prebývať. A ten Boží Oheň očisťuje naše srdcia od hriechu a dáva do vnútra Svätého Ducha. Potom prinášame ten istý Život, ako Tento, pretože To je v nás.

93 Všimnite si, v prirodzenom narodení, keď žena rodí dieťa. Prirodzený život je obrazom duchovného života. Keď žena rodí dieťa, prvá vec, ktorá sa stane je, že vychádza voda, potom krv a potom duch (život). Chytíte to maličké dieťa a plesknete ho a ono začne plakať. Voda, krv, duch ...

94 A teraz, keď sa dieťa narodí do Božieho Kráľovstva, prichádza tým istým spôsobom: voda, Krv, Duch.

95 Všimnite si, posvätenie, tretí stupeň....druhý stupeň toho, očisťuje myseľ, nastavuje srdce, myseľ srdca do poriadku svätosti.

96 Človek môže činiť pokánie z hriechov a stále myslieť na... No, možno on je nemorálny muž, každú nemorálnu ženu, ktorú nájde, to je stále tam. Možno je opilec, stále, keď zacíti pijatiku, to je stále tam.

97 Ale potom, keď sa stáva posväteným, to očisťuje tú žiadosť z neho von. To berie tú túžbu preč od neho. On môže byť stále pokúšaný ale On berie preč od neho tú túžbu. Avšak stále ešte nestojí správne.

98 Potom je pokrstený Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. Očistený, prepálený, uprataný a postavený do služby Bohu. Posvätenie len oddeľuje do služby.

99 Všimnite si dobre, ako to prichádza, ako tie posolstvá prichádzajú. Martin Luther - ospravedlnenie, John Wesley - posvätenie, Letniční - krst Duchom Svätým. Všetky posolstvá, preto už nemôže byť viac vekov. Vidíte? Sme na konci času. Tri stupne ... Krst očisťuje srdce Svätým Duchom.

100 Ako to teraz presne pasuje. On prevádza tým istým procesom to miesto, na ktorom máme prebývať.

101 Teraz, On povolal Cirkev cez ospravedlnenie, cez posvätenie, potom Ju naplnil Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. A potom Ju zobral cez proces, aby On Sám, Sám Duch Svätý, Syn Boží mohol prebývať v ľudskom srdci. To muselo prejsť tým procesom, predtým než On mohol do Nej prísť.

102 Všimnite si, On urobil svet, v ktorom bude bývať Nevesta, tým istým spôsobom, Jeho rovnaký plán spasenia.

103 Všimnite si predpotopný svet. Potom, čo Noe, Nevesta toho dňa, činila pokánie, On dáva vodný krst, prikrýva ju vodou. Potom ospravedlnenie. Ukazuje, že On je na Svojej ceste povolať tento padlý svet z Edenu, späť do svojho obnovenia.

104 Potom prišiel Kristus a vylial na ňu Svoju Krv, očisťuje ju a nárokuje si ju. [Br. Branham klepe niekoľkokrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, to je svet, v ktorom my teraz žijeme.

105 Pozrite, tu v Písme, ako sa Satan pokúsil prinútiť Ho zničiť Boží plán tým, že Mu to chcel dať, keď Ho vzal na horu a chcel Mu to dať bez toho, že by ju vykúpil Krvou.

106 Všimli ste si, ako Abrahám, keď mu chceli dať tú zem, on ju kúpil za toľko šekelov striebra, pred ľuďmi, ako znamenie, ako svedectvo. „Nech je známe v tento deň, že som kúpil toto pohrabište." Vidíte? Kúpil to. A Satan sa pokúsil dať Mu kráľovstvo, ktoré patrí teraz jemu. On sa pokúsil dať Mu to ako dar, ale On by to neprijal. Pozrite, pretože Satan by si potom ešte stále mohol na to robiť nárok. Ale to muselo byť kúpené. Amen. On bol Slovo v plnosti. Oni Ho nemohli v tom nijako oklamať.

Teraz má byť pokrstená Ohňom.

107 Vidíte, to malo teraz ... Čo sa stalo? Kristus prišiel a volal Cirkev k pokániu, krst na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, posväcuje Cirkev a prichádza dole s Božím Ohňom, aby vypálil všetku špinu a prichádza a prebýva v ľudskom srdci.

108 Teraz, aby bol svet vykúpený pre túto vykúpenú osobu, On používa tú istú metódu. On ho pokrstil vodou, cez zničenie potopou. Vylial na neho Svoju Krv, aby ho posvätil a nárokoval si ho. Je to Jeho.

Satan Mu povedal: „Ja ti to dám."

109 On povedal: „Nie, ja to kúpim." Nech to je svedectvo. On bol povýšený, na znamenie, že On to kúpil, že to vykúpil.

110 Ale teraz to musí ísť cez krst Ohňom, Svätým Božím Ohňom, ktorý očistí zem i nebesia okolo nej. Potom, je to kúpené, takže vykúpení môžu na nej žiť, žiť v pokoji. Všimnite si, krst Ohňom ju očistí od hriechu, nemocí, zárodkov chorôb, od hriešnikov, diabla a celej jeho skupiny. On má byť uvrhnutý do ohnivého jazera. Svätý Boží Oheň, prichádza dole od Boha z Nebies a spaľuje to, všimnite si, aby to pripravil, aby Boh mohol v nej prebývať. Lebo Boh, v tom Novom Svete, ktorý má prísť, má prebývať na zemi. Vy poviete: „Boh prebýva v ľudskom srdci." Ale On a Jeho Nevesta sa stávajú Jedno a oni idú do ich Domova v Novom Svete. A ten istý plán vykúpenia je použitý pre svet a pre ľudí, ktorí v ňom žijú.

111 Vidíte, srdce musí byť takto očistené. Predtým, ako Boh príde dole v osobe Ducha Svätého, čo je Kristus prichádzajúci dole aby prebýval v ľudskom srdci, najprv musíte činiť pokánie. Musíte byť pokrstený vo vode, na Jeho Meno, aby ste ukázali, komu patríte.

Potom musíte byť očistený Krvou Ježiša Krista.

112 A potom Svätý Oheň a Svätý Duch, od Boha prichádza dole a vypaľuje všetku túžbu po hriechu, všetku prirodzenosť tohoto sveta. „Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy ..." Potom, Biblia hovorí: „Je nemožné ...", „Lebo ten, kto sa narodil z Boha nehreší, nemôže hrešiť." Pre neho nie je možné, aby hrešil. Ako môže byť hriešnik a vykúpený súčasne? Ako môžem byť v záložni a mimo záložne v tom istom čase? Vidíte? Ó, On nás vykúpil Svojou Krvou, Svojim Duchom nás očistil, a potom prichádza, aby v nás prebýval, v Cirkvi. Nie v denominácii, v Cirkvi!

113 Teraz sledujte dobre, ako sa budeme zaoberať týmto, miesta, kde budeme bývať. Pokánie pred potopou, prinieslo vodný krst. Potom prišiel Kristus a vylial na ňu Svoju Krv, aby ju očistil a nárokoval si na ňu. A potom prichádza to ďalšie, zničenie sveta, ktoré bude teraz.

114 Všetok hriech, ktorý je v nebeských oblastiach, „on je knieža moci v povetrí", on zadržiava Božie požehnanie. Odtiaľ prichádzajú búrky, blesky a udierajú na zem a všetko z nebies, ľady a dážď, tajfúny, búrky a všetko, „prichádza z hora", to je Satan „knieža moci v povetrí".

115 Všimnite si, ako sa Satan pokúsil vziať ju, ako som povedal pred pár minútami, tým, že ju chcel dať Ježišovi bez toho, že by ju kúpil. Potom, Satan má stále nárok, pretože je poznačená na uchu. Vidíte? Ale Ježiš ju kupuje Svojou preliatou Krvou a prináša ju späť k právoplatnému vlastníkovi. Vidíte? Takto On kúpil nás, Svojou Krvou, takto On kúpil Cirkev.

116 A teraz krst Ohňom ju očisťuje od všetkých zárodkov, chorôb, nemocí, dokonca všetkých duchovných nemocí, ktoré sú v nás, to vypôsobí to isté, aby to bolo pripravené, aby tam Boh mohol prebývať, v tomto veľkolepom veku, ktorý má prísť, v Novej Zemi. On ju vykupuje tým istým spôsobom, ako Svoj ľud. On to robí práve tak isto, Jeho plán vykúpenia. Lebo On je nemenný Boh, vždy rovnaký vo svojich plánoch.

117 Ako som vám už predtým povedal a podal vám to, cez všetky veky, Boh sa nemôže meniť, On to oznamuje vždy rovnakým spôsobom.

118 Jeho prvé posolstvo, v predpotopnom svete, priniesol cez proroka Noeho.

119 Rozprával som sa jedným milým bratom, ktorý tu dnes sedí. Včera, on povedal: „Jedna vec, ktorú si povedal, brat Branham, ktorá vždy so mnou zatriasla." Povedal som: „Čo je to, brat?" On povedal: „Tu je to, čo si povedal," a to je pravda, „´To bude menšina, malá skupina, ktorá bude zachránená vo dňoch Príchodu´. A my sme sa rozprávali ako Ježiš povedal: ´Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú´. Teraz, pozri, Biblia povedala, že ´tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde bolo osem duší zachránených skrze vodu, tak bude v čase Jeho Príchodu.´"

Povedal som: „Brat, ty si len..." On povedal: „Pamätaj, tam je len osem duší." Povedal som: „Máš len polovičný obraz."

121 Noe bol len predobraz na zvyšok, ktorý bol prenesený, nie na premenenú skupinu. Enoch, jeden človek, išiel do Vytrhnutia pred tým ako prišla potopa, čo ukazuje, že Cirkev nepôjde do súženia, alebo do niečoho takého. Enoch bol premenený, jeden človek. Ó, cirkev môže byť množstvo, ale Nevesta, bude to veľmi malá skupina, z čoho bude pozostávať Nevesta. Cirkev, to môže byť veľké množstvo, ale Nevesta, vidíte, porovnajte osem a jeden. Osem krát menšia bude Nevesta ako cirkev.

122 „A ak spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, bezbožník a hriešnik kde sa ukáže?" Tí, ktorí vedia lepšie robiť a predsa idú a nasledujú predpisy denominácie namiesto Slova, ešte sa nazývajú Kresťanmi a berú Meno Kristovo, kde sa ukážu?

123 Teraz, Noe bol dokonale predobrazom tých, ktorí boli prenesení. Pamätajte, keď Noe vyšiel, Cham bol s ním. Hriech bol stále tam. Hriech tam prechádzal, cez ten koráb. Nevera, pochybnosť išla cez ten koráb, prešli cez súd. Ale Enoch išiel vyššie, ako koráb, on išiel do Prítomnosti Boha. Ale Noe prešiel a vyšiel a tam bol stále hriech, predobraz na stav sveta v Miléniu.

124 Milénium nie je koniec toho. Tam stále ešte bude čas, po Miléniu. Milénium je časový úsek, ale nie Nová Zem. Nie. Všimnite si, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.

125 Vykúpená zem ide späť k svojmu pôvodnému Majiteľovi. On ju vzal Satanovi. On vytrhol zem z moci Satana, tak ako teba vytrhol z moci Satana, tak ako tú ženu pri studni vytrhol z moci Satana. Tam stál kňaz, ktorý si myslel, že stojí na Božej strane a nemal nič. Vidíte?

126 Chcel by som vám to nakresliť. Chceme to mať celkom jasné, takže sledujte pozorne toto vyučovanie [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.]

127 Teraz toto, tu je Boh. Boh, ktorý je Večný, bez... Nieto nikoho okrem Neho. Ale v Bohu, On mal atribúty. Teraz toto tu, reprezentuje Slovo, Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami v osobe Ježiša.

128 A toto tu, táto osoba, nakreslím ju takto. Túto nazveme žena pri studni. Toto je kňaz, farizej. A toto, čo vidíte, otvorená tabuľa, znamená milosť a spasenie.

129 „Na počiatku bolo Slovo. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tri stupne. To bol najprv atribút v Bohu, že On sa videl ako ľudská bytosť, to Ho zoslalo dole, aby sa stal Ježišom. A teraz, ak vy Tam budete, vy ste potom boli s Ním. Lebo, je len jedna forma večného života, to je Boh a vy ste museli byť časťou Boha tam na začiatku, nie to, čo ste si len vybrali tu dole. On vybral vás. „Všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne."

130 Teraz sa pozrite na toho kňaza. Táto spodná časť tu, jeho život za ním, jeho predurčenie je hriešne.

Tu je peklo, tu dole.

131 Táto malá časť tu, to vyzerá ako tá tabuľa, to reprezentuje jeho čistotu. On bol kňaz. On bol čestný muž. To reprezentovalo toto. On bol tiež, on musel byť dobrý človek, inak by nemohol byť kňazom. Ale vidíte ako ku tomu prišiel? Skrze intelektuálne naučenie.

132 Teraz táto malá žena, jej prvý život, ona bola prostitútka. Ona bola úplne skazená. Ale tu dole v nej bolo predsa trochu porozumenia. „Viem, že Mesiáš príde..." Vidíte, to bolo tam.

133 Všimnite si, keď prišiel Ježiš a manifestoval Slovo, pretože Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca, ako hovorí Židom 4:12, že bude. „Slovo rozpoznáva myšlienky srdca" a On prišiel ako Syn človeka, Prorok. Čo sa udialo? Tento kňaz, s jeho len intelektuálnym naučením povedal „To je diabol," pretože jeho denominácia to tak volala. Čo to spôsobilo? Nemal nič, čo by ho zastupovalo, tak to ho zatemnilo.

134 Ale táto malá žena nemala čo ukázať, ona bola tak nečistá, špinavá ako len mohla byť. Ale všimnite si, tu dole v nej, bolo niečo, čo ju zastupovalo. Ona hľadala Toho, ktorý sa mal stať telom. A keď On povedal: „Choď, zavolaj svojho muža a príď", ona povedala: „Nemám muža."

135 On povedal: „Pravdu si povedala, lebo si mala päť mužov a toho, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvoj muž. Mala si piatich. Teraz ich máš šesť."

136 Ona povedala: „Pane! (Nie, „Ty si," nie „Belzebúb"). „Poznávam, že si prorok. My vieme, že Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, príde a On toto bude robiť."

On povedal: „Ja som to."

137 Nebolo viac pochybnosti. Nemusíte to vysvetľovať. Ona to videla. Ona tomu verila. Ona išla preč. Prečo? Čo to s ňou urobilo? To ju spasilo.

138 Teraz sledujte, On prišiel aby bol Vykupiteľom. Správne? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen" - pozn.prekl.] Čo znamená „vykúpiť" ? „Priviesť späť". Prečo nepoužil kňaza? On tam hore nikdy nebol. Vidíte? On nemal žiadne zastúpenie.

139 On prišiel vykúpiť to, čo upadlo. Tento pád tú ženu uviedol do zmätku, ale Boh ju mal vo svojej mysli pred založením sveta a On prišiel, aby ju očistil. Vidíte? Potom ona mala večný život.

140 Čo to urobilo s tým kňazom? To ho poslalo späť do jeho miesta určenia. On nemal nič, s čím by začal, iba intelektuálne poznanie.

141 Teraz počuj, priateľu, ak tá jediná vec, ktorú máš, je len intelektuálne poznanie, potrebuješ niečo úplne odlišné od toho. A nikdy nebudeš schopný To dostať, ak nemáš zastúpenie. To je dôvod, prečo verím, že prichádzate z východu a západu, severu a juhu: živé zjavené Slovo.

142 Všimnite si, ako On zjavoval svoju cestu skrze prorokov na začiatku. On to nikdy nezmenil.

143 [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]...spasenie. On ospravedlnil človeka, posvätil Ho, poslal Svätého Ducha a Oheň a vypálil z neho hriech a prebýva v ňom, On sám.

144 S touto zemou, ktorú On použije vo svojom pláne spásy, to robí rovnako. Ona činila pokánie a bola pokrstená vo vode, cez Noeho. Prichádza Ježiš, posväcuje ju, kropí na ňu Svoju Krv a nárokuje si na ňu. A v Novej Zemi, ktorá má prísť, ona má byť pokrstená Svätým Ohňom, aby bola očistená od každého diabla, každého zárodku, každej choroby, všetkého, čo tam je a robí ju novou. „Videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem."

145 Stávate sa novou osobou. Amen! Nie len zaplátanou starou pripojením sa do cirkvi alebo pokúšajúc sa obrátiť nový list, ale vy ste úplne novou jednotkou. Boh berie starého človeka a úplne ho vypáli Svätým Duchom a Ohňom a Sám prichádza a posiela zhora svoje zastúpenie. „Nikto nepríde ku Mne, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne." Vidíte to? Ten istý plán, tá istá cesta.

146 Satan bude vzatý zo zeme tak isto, ako aj bol vzatý od teba. Satan nemôže znovuzrodeného Kresťana obťažovať, on môže pokúšať, ale nemôže ho dostať. Lebo Boh ho predzvedel pred založením sveta a poslal Ježiša, aby ho vykúpil a Krv hovorí za neho. Ako môže hrešiť, keď dokonca Boh ho takto nevidí? On dokonca ... Tá jediná vec, ktorú On počuje, je váš hlas. On vidí vaše zastúpenie. Amen! To je pravda. Vidíte?

147 Tým istým spôsobom, lebo svet je jeden z Jeho atribútov, tak isto, ako aj ty si jeden z Jeho atribútov. Svet sa stal jedným z Jeho atribútov, lebo to bolo na počiatku v Božej mysli mať svet, byť na Tróne, byť Kráľom, Vykupiteľom, Uzdravovateľom, to sú Jeho atribúty.

148 Tak ako aj vy máte atribúty. Nemôžem povedať „stĺp", ak nemyslím na stĺp. Nemôžem povedať „človek", ak nemyslím na človeka. A keď myslím na človeka a poviem „človek", tá myšlienka je môj atribút a to vyjadrenie je to slovo. Vidíte?

149 Ako Izaiáš, ako on mohol povedať, že „panna počne"? Čo je myšlienka?

150 Mnohí z vás by chceli vedieť, ako prichádza to rozlišovanie. Poviem vám to. To je slovo, ktoré hovorím. A to nie je moja myšlienka, lebo ja to neviem. Ja neviem o tej myšlienke. Ako by som vám mohol povedať kto ste a odkiaľ prichádzate, keď vás nepoznám? Ako by som vám mohol povedať, čo ste urobili pred desiatimi rokmi, keď som vás v živote nevidel? Ako by som vám mohol povedať, kde a čo budete robiť o desať rokov? Ako ja poznám budúcnosť? Ale to je myšlienka Niekoho iného.

151 „Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. Nech myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás." Vidíte, potom to nie je vaše myslenie. To je Jeho myslenie skrze vás. A vy nevyjadrujete vaše vlastné slová, vyjadrujete Jeho Slová.

152 Preto sú bratia mnohokrát zmätení, čo sa týka výkladu jazykov. Vidíte, hovoria veci, ktoré nie sú správne a neuvedomujú si, že to je Satan. Poviete „V Božej záhrade?" Počkajte, kým sa cez to dostaneme, zistíme, či je to pravda alebo nie. Kúkoľ a pšenica rastú na tom istom poli. Obaja žijú z toho istého slnka a z toho istého dažďa. Vidíte?

153 „Ale ak je medzi vami prorok, Ja, Pán budem ku nemu hovoriť. A ak to, čo povie, stane sa, potom som to Ja, lebo nevyjadruje svoje myšlienky. Vyjadruje Moje myšlienky, Moje atribúty vecí, ktoré majú prísť a Ja použijem jeho ústa, aby som ich vyjadril. Potom, čo ich vysloví, musia sa stať. Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú."

154 Izaiáš povedal: „Panna počne." Tým je to vybavené. Ona počne. Čo Boh povedal, On aj urobí.

155 On dal poznať skrze Svojich prorokov všetky Svoje prejavy, lebo to sú Jeho vlastnosti, atribúty Jeho vyjadrených myšlienok.

156 A tu to bolo, v tejto malej žene. Ona bola jedným z Jeho atribútov. Vidíte?

157 A tam bol kňaz, ktorý reprezentoval Svetlo. On sa to naučil z Biblie. On sa naučil, že Boh je Bohom. On sa naučil, že svätosť je dobrá. On sa naučil, že je zákon Boží. On sa to naučil cez intelektuálne poňatie. On mal správny rodokmeň. On bol Levita, ale on to vedel iba cez intelektuálne poňatie. A keď to Svetlo tej hodiny..., on sa naučil, čo sa už stalo, nie čo sa práve dialo, čo sa už stalo! A keď zistil, čo sa deje, jeho denominácia o Tom nič nehovorila, preto on nemal žiadne zastúpenie Toho.

158 Ale tu bol v tom čase na zemi Vykupiteľ, aby vykúpil tie atribúty Božie a ona to prijala. Ona o tom nepochybovala. Povedala: „Keď príde Mesiáš, bude toto robiť", a tým to bolo vybavené. A to videla robiť, takže... On povedal: „Ja som ten Mesiáš", a tým to bolo vybavené. Žiadne ďalšie otázky. Ona len šla a každému hovorila „Poďte a pozrite, Koho som našla."

159 Toto je proces, ktorý nás urobí čistými, chrámom Jeho miesta prebývania: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým s Ohňom. To je očistenie tohoto (nášho) chrámu.

160 Tak ako starý svet, jeho konštrukcia nebola zničená, keď prišli vody a obmyli ju, konštrukcia planéty, tá stará konštrukcia ... všetka špina, všetky veci, ktoré Boh dal na zem, to nebolo zničené, keď bol prvý svet zničený. A Biblia hovorí, že bol „zničený", ale to nikdy nezničilo tú konštrukciu planéty. To zničilo hriech a hriešnikov, ktorí boli na nej. Tá konštrukcia zostala.

161 Ale vidíte, ospravedlnenie, ako vy Baptisti a Metodisti o tom myslíte, iba ospravedlnenie, uverenie a byť pokrstený, to nestačí. Vrátite sa späť do vecí tohoto sveta, budete si strihať vlasy a nosiť šortky a všetko možné. Vidíte, ešte sa nič nestalo. Len ste sa pozreli dozadu a uvideli ste, že ste robili zle.

162 Čo urobilo pre svet ospravedlnenie? Ani jednu vec to nespravilo, začalo to znova tak, práve toľko hriechu, ako aj predtým. Tak to robí človek, keď to je všetko, pokiaľ on ide.

163 Tak by to mal vidieť ten veľký evanjelista Billy Graham. Povedal: „Keď ja idem, obráti sa ich tridsať tisíc, vrátim sa o rok a nie je ich ani tridsať." To je všetko, pokiaľ oni išli. Vidíte? A pritom istotne činili pokánie. Verím, že činili pokánie, väčšina z nich, alebo aspoň niektorí z nich. Ale to nie je všetko. Je to tu dokázané.

164 Takže tá konštrukcia toho starého sveta nebola vodou zničená. Iba svet bol obmytý. To bol krst. On bol pokrstený.

165 Tak isto zostane tá konštrukcia, keď bude spálená Ohňom. To nezničí tú zem, to zničí ten hriech, ktorý je na nej.

166 Všimnite si tu, vy, študenti Biblie, hlavne Doktor Dale, ktorý sa na mňa pozerá. Všimnite si v Petrovi, v 3. kap., on používa slovo „svet", grécke slovo „kozmos", čo znamená „svetový poriadok". „Zem pominie a živly rozpálené ohňom potečú." Vidíte, to neznamená, že zem, planéta pominie. Ale svet, „kozmos", politika, hriešnici, systémy, hriech, choroby, všetko, čo je zlé pominie. Všetko, čo raz ...

167 Boh raz zatriasol nebom, ale tento raz povedal, že On zatrasie zemou, nebom a zemou... „Zatriasol zemou", vlastne, „a teraz zatrasie nebom." Vidíte? „Lebo dostávame nepohnuteľné Kráľovstvo." To je Večné Kráľovstvo. Sledujme, ako o tom hovorí.

168 Všimnite si, Peter povedal: „a živly rozpálené ohňom sa rozplynú a zem a diela, ktoré sú na nej, zhoria.", nie planéta. „Diela, ktoré sú na nej", diela človeka, všetci jej politici a ich plány a všetky denominácie a ľuďmi vytvorené plány s tým pôjdu, keď to bude horieť.

169 „A nebesia s rachotom pominú." Všimli ste si to? „Nebesia s rachotom pominú." Počúvajte! Celá zem bude v plameňoch a plyny, ktoré sú na nej sa vznietia a explodujú. Presne tak. Biblia povedala, tu v Petrovi: „A nebesia a zem pominú s rachotom." Taká explózia tým zatrasie, ó, lebo to musí zabiť každú chorobu, všetko tŕnie a bodľač. Ten Oheň spáli všetko, čo musí preč. Pamätajte, to nebude len doslovný oheň, to bude tiež svätý Oheň, ktorý zmetie Satana a všetkých jeho, všetkých diablov. „Nebo i zem", amen, „pominú". Všetky zárodky chorôb, všetok hmyz, všetok prirodzený život na nej a okolo nej, bude usmrtený, dokonca H2O (voda) exploduje. Myslite na to. To bude rachot!

170 Myslíte, že ten malý hluk tu v Tucsone, keď On otvoril tých šesť Pečatí, bolo niečo? To zatriaslo okolitou krajinou, až sa o tom hovorilo. Počkajte, až zem obdrží svoj krst!

171 Viete, keď niekto obdrží krst Ohňom, je veľa hluku okolo toho. Oni si myslia, že to je hanba, počuť ľudí takto kričať a jasať. Ale počkajte, až zem dostane svoj krst! Tak veru.

172 Voda, H2O exploduje, lebo Biblia hovorí v Zjavení 21: „a mora viacej nebolo", ono exploduje. Toto zmení povrch celej planéty. Ona praskne a roztrhne sa na kusy. Vonkajšia časť, kôra bude dole stovky stôp jednoducho úplne zničená. Atmosféra, plyny, ktoré sú teraz na zemi, oni teraz vynachádzajú rakety, ktoré sa tam môžu dostať, je tam nejaký druh sféry, hovoria, kde sú všetky druhy plynov, to všetko zhorí. Svätý Boží hnev príde na ňu, očistí ju a zmení celý povrch zeme.

173 Mnohí z vás by si chceli poznačiť to slovo, grécke slovo „pominúť" To pochádza od slova ... Musel som to nájsť. Rozmýšľal som, „Ako tento svet pominie a my máme na ňom ešte žiť?" Ale ak si všimnete, niektorí z vás si to chcú poznačiť, vyhláskujem vám to. Nevedel by som to vysloviť, p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. Neviem, ako to vysloviť.

174 Teraz, ten spôsob, ako som povedal, keď dostanem ... Som k niečomu inšpirovaný, potom sa vrátim a hľadám to slovo. Neviem hláskovať to slovo, vlastne neviem ho vysloviť. Ale Pán mi stále dáva nejaký spôsob. Idem a zistím, čo to slovo znamená a potom to mám.

175 Nebo i zem „pominú", toto slovo znamená, že „prejde z jednej formy do druhej". To neznamená „úplné zničenie", ako by to v angličtine znamenalo, pominúť, úplne zničiť. Ale hebrejské slovo, vlastne grécke slovo neznamená „pominúť", to znamená „prejsť z jednej formy do druhej". Pozrite, to hovorí „prejsť z jedného stavu do druhého".

176 Všimnite si, Pavol použil to slovo, ak si to chcete prečítať. Poznačte si to, môžete si to potom prečítať, je to v Títovi 3:5, Pavol používa to isté slovo, keď hovorí o obnovení človeka, keď človek prešiel zo stavu hriešnika na svätého, nebol úplne zničený. Keď je človek zmenený, on nie je zničený, ale on je zmenenou osobou. On bol zmenený z toho, čo bol, na to, čím je, nie zničený.

177 Ježiš použil to isté slovo v Matúšovi 19:28, nie 28:19. Teraz, 19:28, On im povedal: „Budete sedieť so mnou v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca, vy *obnovení," [*pozn.: angl. preklad. – pozn.prekl.], vidíte, „zmenení", keď ste zmenení. On použil to isté slovo.

178 A On použil to isté slovo, keď povedal ohľadne toho osliatka. Povedal: „Uvoľnite, odviažte to osliatko a nechajte ho ísť."

179 To isté povedal pri vzkriesení Lazara: „Uvoľnite ho, rozviažte ho! Premeňte ho! Bol zviazaný, nechajte ho odísť!"

180 Čo to znamená? Zem bude uvoľnená z pút Satana. Bude oslobodená. Bude oslobodená od politiky, bude oslobodená od denominačných náboženských systémov, aby bola použitá pre Kráľovstvo Božie, ktoré bude zriadené tu na zemi. Ale tak dlho, ako je v rukách Satana, politika ... Satan, vládca zeme, on ju vlastní, jemu patrila, ale Kristus ju teraz vykúpil.

181 Raz som bol jeho vlastníctvom, ale teraz už nie. Raz tá malá žena bola jeho vlastníctvom, ale teraz už nie. On prišiel uvoľniť tie putá. On oslobodil môj i tvoj život z pút hriechu, Satana a teraz už nie sme jeho.

182 Počuli ste ma často povedať v modlitbe „daj ruky preč od Božieho vlastníctva"? Vidíte? Amen! Majte vieru nárokovať si svoje. To sú vaše práva. „Daj od nej ruky preč!", "Daj od neho ruky preč!" Vidíte? Viera to urobí. Ó! Nie zničiť to, ale „Daj od toho ruky preč!", uvoľniť, oslobodiť, nechať to ísť, pominúť. To premieňa.

183 Zem sa zmení. Politika sa zmení. Náboženstvá sa zmenia. Denominácie pominú. Politika pominie. Kráľovstvo Božie bude nastolené.

184 Čítame v Jánovi, v Zjavení 6:14: „A nebo pošlo ta, ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok." Biblia povedala, že ... Ján povedal: „Videl som nebo a zem, že pošli ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok." Ján, Zjavenie 6:14.

185 Ježiš povedal: „Nebo i zem pominú", alebo, inými slovami: „nebo i zem budú premenené". Vidíte, On tu použil znovu to isté slovo.

186 Nie zničené, lebo neskôr, v Zjavení 21:2 až 24, on videl Nový Jeruzalem prichádzajúci od Boha z nebies na túto zem. To neznamená, že ona bude zničená. Zmenia sa tie systémy.

187 Daniel videl tú istú vec. Kameň, ktorý nebol utesaný rukami, udrel svet a celý obraz (ľudských) systémov bol rozbitý a bol ako plevy z humna letného času a vietor ho odniesol preč. A ten Kameň narástol na veľkú Horu, ktorá pokryla celú zem. Sledujte teraz tú Horu. Tá Hora pokryla celú zem.

188 Tiež tu v Zjavení nachádzame, tam je povedané: „Králi Novej Zeme vnesú do neho svoju slávu a česť." Na zemi sedí ... Nový Jeruzalem sedí na tejto zemi. Takže ona bola len premenená.

189 Ty si ten istý muž, tej istej postavy, ako si bol, keď ťa Boh povolal, tá istá žena. Ale vidíte, čo to urobilo, to bolo obnovenie. Starý život pominul. Stará túžba pominula. Keď si bol zvyknutý piť, nadávať, hádať sa, byť zlostný, márniť čas, byť nemorálny, tie veci zomreli. Vidíte? Teraz si ale použitý ... Predtým si bol Satanovým nástrojom, ale teraz si vykúpený.

190 Tak isto to bude aj so svetom, vykúpený, Nové Nebo a Nová Zem.

191 Tak ako aj vy „ste novým stvorením". A grécke slovo tu, každý to vie, je „nové stvorenie" Amen! Nové stvorenie v tom istom starom chráme. Haleluja! Sledujte, čo sa teraz tu deje. Je to slávne!

192 Zistili sme, že králi tejto zeme budú na tejto zemi.

193 A znova, v Matúšovi 5:5, Ježiš povedal: „Tichí zdedia zem". To nebude iná zem. To bude tá istá zem. Pokúšam sa podať vám ten plán vykúpenia predtým, ako nedostanem niečo ďalšie. Jej krst Ohňom ju má len očistiť a pripraviť miesto pre Jeho tichých, aby na nej bývali. Vidíte? Ó!

194 Tak ako On pripravil nás, Svoje stvorenia, aby v nich býval. Predtým, ako On mohol do nás prísť, On nám musel dať krst Ohňom, potom Svätý Duch prichádza a býva v nás, krst Ohňom. Potom, keď dostanete krst Ohňom, potom Svätý Duch môže vojsť. Ako to On robí, To vypaľuje z vás všetko, čo je v protiklade so Slovom. Vidíte? To nebude veriť ničomu okrem Slova, lebo To je Slovo. Vidíte? Vidíte?

195 To je to, o čom sme sa rozprávali jeden deň, dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Dôkaz Ducha Svätého je, keď môžete prijať Slovo, nie nejaký systém, ale jasne porozumieť. Ako viete, že ste to Slovo správne porozumeli? Sledujte, Ono sa Samo potvrdzuje.

196 „Dobre", poviete, „Videl som robiť to a to." Ó, áno, kúkoľ žije tak isto. Vidíte?

197 Ale to musí byť celé Slovo. Byť Nevestou, vy musíte byť Jeho časťou. On je Slovo. Vidíte? A aká Jeho časť je to? Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na tento deň, keď On povoláva Svoju Nevestu. Buď časťou toho. Rozumiete tomu? Nezmeškajte to.

A On z toho vytvára spôsobilé miesto, v ktorom by mohol prebývať celú večnosť.

198 Všimnite si, toto sa nevzťahuje na ... Toto kraľovanie v Miléniu, v Tisícročí, nie je Nová Zem. Milénium je odlišné od toho. To je to, do čoho my ideme, do Milénia, ale to nie je Nové nebo a Nová Zem. Nie, nie. To je len miesto odpočinku, čas odpočinku, vôbec nie Nové Nebo a Nová Zem, lebo v Miléniu máme veci, ktoré do Toho nepôjdu. To je predobraz toho starého siedmeho dňa, v Edene, siedmy deň, potom, ako On stvoril svet. Siedmy deň On odpočinul v Edene.

199 A Milénium ... Svet je teraz skoro šesť tisíc rokov starý. A každých dvetisíc rokov prišlo nejaké narušenie. Vidíte?

200 Prvých dvetisíc, prišla potopa a On ju pokrstil (čím?), vodou.

201 Ďalších dvetisíc, prišiel Ježiš, aby ju posvätil a nárokoval si ju, pokropil ju Svojou Krvou, nazýva ju Svojou. V poriadku.

202 „Prídem znova", teraz ako Kráľ so Svojou Kráľovnou a ďalších dvetisíc rokov (čo On urobí?) On prichádza a dáva Svoj čas odpočinku.

203 A potom ju prepáli, nárokuje si ju ako Svoju a privedie na ňu späť Svojich Vlastných.

204 Všimnite si, nie ten dokonalý svet, toto Milénium je predobrazom siedmeho dňa. Potom prichádza Súd pred Bielym Trónom. Vidíte, stále máme súd. Stále sme v čase, v Miléniu. To je deň, tisíc rokov. To je časový prvok. Nie, nemiešajte to teraz s Novou Zemou, lebo to nie je Nová Zem.

205 Mohli by ste mi povedať toto. Cítim teraz, že niekto by mi mohol povedať toto: „Čo budeš teraz robiť, brat Branham? Už si vyčerpal úplne svoje sedmičky. Kam to budeš teraz smerovať? Ty veríš v časové rozdelenie." Verím. Verím, že aj Boh to tak vidí. „Ty si už vyčerpal príklady na svoje časové rozdelenia. Ak teraz niečo pridáš za ten siedmy deň, ako sa s tým vysporiadaš? Kam smeruješ?"

206 Dobre, upútam vašu pozornosť teraz na niečo. Nie som ešte mimo časového rozdelenia. Mám tu ešte jedno miesto Písma. Všetko z Toho sa musí naplniť, každá časť. Vidíte?

207 Teraz poviete: „Brat Branham, ty sa pokúšaš pridať niečo za ten siedmy deň, sabat."

208 Ako Boh stvoril zem za šesť dní a ten siedmy deň odpočinul, to bol len predobraz na čas. Ale práve som povedal, my sa stávame Večnými.

209 „Tak kde je teraz tvoj predobraz? Hovoríš, že veríš na tie predobrazy. Ty si už vyčerpal svoje predobrazy." Nie, nevyčerpal. Pozrime sa na toto.

210 Poďme do 3. Mojžišovej, 23. kapitoly. Chcem, aby ste si všimli v 3. Mojžišovej, o čom sme hovorili minulú nedeľu, alebo minulú ... Toto mi dalo tú myšlienku, práve toto. 23. kapitola 3. Mojžišovej a 26 verš.

211 Pamätajte, je sedem sviatočných dní. Sviatok trúb, sviatok stánov, sviatok prvotiny žatvy, ... Všetky tieto, týchto veľkých sedem sviatkov, boli len predobrazom Siedmych Cirkevných Vekov. Pamätáte si, koľko sabatov bolo medzi jedným sviatkom a tým druhým? Sedem sabatov medzi letnicami a trúbami, čo bolo Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. A bolo sedem sviatočných dní, ktoré reprezentujú Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. Sledujte, ako idú tie čísla.

212 Poviete: „Dobre, brat Branham, už si ich vyčerpal. Už máš sedem."

213 V poriadku, zoberme teraz ten posledný sviatok, čo je slávnosť stánov. Všimnite si tu v 36. verši.

Za sedem dní budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi, ôsmeho dňa ... ôsmeho dňa budete mať sväté zhromaždenie

(je ešte jeden svätý časový úsek)

a budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi, bude slávnostné zhromaždenie, nebudete robiť nijakej práce robotného dňa.

214 Teraz sme dostali „ôsmy deň". Je len sedem dní, ale teraz, keď hovoríme o „ôsmom dni", to je sväté zhromaždenie. Všimnite si, „vtedy nebudete robiť nijakej práce". Ôsmy deň je (čo?), späť k prvému dňu. Prečo, to hovorí o Večnosti, ako sa odvíja bez miesta zastavenia. Amen. Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

215 Všimnite si, tak isto to bolo s tým ôsmym dňom, s tým posledným dňom, sviatočným dňom stánov, všimnite si, po tom, po tom poslednom sviatočnom dni, po poslednom Cirkevnom Veku, po posledných úplných siedmych dňoch na zemi, po Miléniu, prichádza Sväté Zhromaždenie.

216 Pamätajte, toto je slávnosť stánov, stány, „miesta zhromažďovania". Amen! Lebo v Miléniu, Biblia hovorí, „Budú stavať domy a bývať v nich."

217 Ale v Novej Zemi, On už išiel, a pripravil miesto. Je to postavené. My nemáme nič do činenia s tým stavaním. Amen! To je Večné! Ó, milujem to Slovo! Ó! Sväté zhromaždenie, ôsmy deň. Je len sedem dní. Na ten ôsmy deň, ktorý sa vracia k prvému dňu, ten ôsmy deň je Sväté Zhromaždenie.

218 Všimnite si, sedem dní, to sa týka len starého stvorenia, svetového času. Sedem dní ... to je Milénium, deň odpočinku. Tak ako Boh pracoval šesť dní a siedmy odpočinul, Cirkev pracuje šesť dní a siedmy odpočíva, ale stále ste v časovom úseku. Nehovorím o Večnosti.

219 Vidíte ale, že nie je niečo ako osem dní, to sa znovu vracia k prvému dňu. Rozumiete? K prvému dňu.

220 Sabat hovorí o starom zákone, ktorý mal pominúť. Dodržiavanie soboty, čo „pominulo", alebo, ako som povedal „prešlo z jednej formy na druhú". To nepominulo, to sa len zmenilo zo starého zákona, dodržiavania určitého dňa v týždni.

221 Izaiáš v 19. kapitole, povedal, verím, že 28:19, povedal: „Lebo im treba príkazu na príkaz, trochu tu a trochu tam." „Drž sa toho, čo je dobré." „Lebo bľabotajúcimi rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť k tomuto ľudu. A tu je odpočinok." Vidíte?

222 Vstupujete do života nie kvôli dodržiavaniu dňa, alebo tieňa. Pavol povedal v Židom v 4. kapitole: „Dodržiavate dni a tiene, a také veci, bojím sa o vás." My nevchádzame do určitých dní a nariadení. „Prešli ste zo smrti do Večného Života," nie dní a časov. Vošli ste do Večnosti. To je sväté zhromaždenie.

223 Sedem dní, ktoré „pominú", alebo „zmenia sa na iné". Osem dní sa týka nového stvorenia, nie starého stvorenia. Osem dní je nové stvorenie.

224 Lebo to bolo ôsmy deň, kedy náš Pán vstal z mŕtvych. Potom máte iné zhromaždenie, svätosť, nie dodržiavanie sabatu, vôbec, alebo slávnosti stánov, slávnosti letníc. Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych pre naše ospravedlnenie, na ôsmy deň. Po siedmych sabatoch, alebo siedmych dňoch, Siedmych Cirkevných Vekoch, Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych. Osem dní, to je sväté zhromaždenie, prvý deň.

225 Prešli ste z času znova do Večnosti, nie k dodržiavaniu dní, sabatov, novomesiacov, a takých vecí. „Ale ste prešli," to je premenenie, nie zničenie. Sláva! „Ale ste prešli zo smrti do Života Večného." Ó, to nás učí Biblia! Vidíte, prešli sme z jedného do druhého.

226 V poriadku, tá stará sobota „prešla". Ježiš vstal na ôsmy deň. To bol slávnostný, svätý deň. A to nebol deň, lebo deň, čas, už vypršal, on prešiel do Večnosti. To prišlo znovu k tomu prvému dňu. Vidíte?

227 Večnosť, to je ako kruh. Nemôžete na tom nájsť žiadny roh. V dokonalom kruhu nenájdete žiadne prerušenie. Len idete ďalej a ďalej. Je mi jedno ako ďaleko idete, stále idete. Môžete začať ísť takto, cez podlahu, cez zem, poza celú zem, stále idete ...[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

228 Všetky veci, ktoré Satan tu dole na zemi prevrátil zmiznú, keď zaznie ten veľký zlatý zvon a Trúba zatrúbi.

229 A tam dávno, na začiatku, kde bolo predložené to nepohnuteľné stanovisko v Edene, keď človek prišiel na zem a upadol, malý baránok prelial svoju krv, to hovorilo o tom veľkom Baránkovi, ktorý mal prísť a preliať Svoju Krv. Golgota zodvihla kríž, ktorý uzavrel Starý Zákon pre tých ospravedlnených, ktorí očakávali na to. A v tomto novom časovom úseku, pri príchode Pána, na Novej Zemi, povraz spasenia (Krv, tá vykupujúca Moc, o ktorej hovorím, a skrze ktorú tým istým spôsobom bol vykúpený človek i zem), znovu povstane do Večnosti. A ohnivé jazero pohltí všetko, čo je bezbožné a nie je predurčené do Večnosti. Vidíte to?

230 Všimnite si, ten ôsmy deň, Ježiš vstal pre naše ospravedlnenie. Ten Večný Kráľ, s Večným Kráľovstvom, aby sme do Neho boli pokrstení k Večnému Životu. Nie sedem dní, to nemá nič s tými dňami. To hovorí o inom, o príchode do Večnosti, to je Večný čas, ten Svet, o ktorom hovorím.

231 Všimnite si, po päťdesiatich dňoch, alebo siedmych sabatoch odvtedy, tam znova prichádza ďalšie sväté zhromaždenie. Čo sa stalo? Svätý Duch padol na Deň Letníc, na siedmy deň, ...vlastne na ôsmy deň, padol na ôsmy deň. Prešlo presne sedem sabatov, po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, vidíte, takže sedem krát, to prichádza znovu k prvému dňu týždňa, presne. Vidíte?

232 Tam je vaše sväté zhromaždenie, to nemá nič tými doslovnými vecami. To je ponad tým. To je Večné Kráľovstvo s Večným Životom, s predurčenými, ktoré nikdy nezačalo. To nezačalo v žiadny deň. Vy ste neboli spasení v nejaký deň. Vy ste vždy boli spasení. Amen. Ježiš len prišiel, aby to vykúpil, ale vy ste boli spasení na začiatku, lebo ste mali Večný život už od začiatku.

233 Pstruh nikdy nemôže byť žabou. On môže byť s ňou v tej istej vode, ale on bol od počiatku pstruhom. Tá sieť ho len chytila, ale on tým bol od počiatku. Tam je to...

234 Teraz, my nie sme mimo časového rozdelenia, že? Sme presne v Písme. Po päťdesiatich dňoch to prichádza.

235 Osem nemôže byť počítané do týždňa. Vidíte, to sa nemôže počítať, osem dní v týždni. Nemôžete to robiť, lebo je len sedem dní v týždni. Počítajte to ako chcete. Nedeľa je prvý deň v týždni. Vidíte, počítate sedem, potom sa vraciate a začínate znova. Počítajte sedem, vráťte sa a choďte znova.

236 My sme žili vo všetkých týchto predobrazoch, ale keď narazíte na ten ôsmy, idete do Večnosti. Neprichádzate cez zákony, rituály, nariadenia. Prichádzate skrze predurčenie. Amen! [Br. Branham trikrát tleskol rukami. - pozn.prekl.] To je pravé, sväté zhromaždenie! Vidíte? A my ukončujeme siedmy cirkevný vek, letničný cirkevný vek. Vidíte to? My vstupujeme do toho svätého zhromaždenia. Vstupujeme do tej skutočnej, pravej Večnosti, kam je Cirkev povolaná, nie do nejakej stanice, alebo denominácie, ale do Večnosti s Večným Kráľom. Vidíte? Už vôbec nemáme také veci, ako dni a časy. Prešli ste do Večnosti, odkiaľ pochádzate. Boli ste tam na začiatku. Vidíte?

237 Ak máte Večný Život, je len jedna forma, a to je Boh a vy ste Jeho vyjadreným atribútom. Vidíte? Ak nie ste, vy tam potom nebudete. „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak by ho nepritiahol Môj Otec." Vidíte? Všetky tieto staré veci „pominú", ale tieto Veci nepominú, to hovorí o Večnosti. Svätý Duch je Večný. Potom, vy ste vo Večnosti, kde ste boli celý čas, len ste rozpoznali, čo sa stalo.

238 Vy ste boli stvorení pre Večný účel, lebo ste boli manifestáciou, prejavom atribútu, (vlastnosti), ktorá bola v Bohu. Boli ste Jeho myšlienkou, potom vás vyjadril a utvoril zem, aby vás z nej vzal a učinil vás ľudskou bytosťou. A prišiel hriech a prevrátil Jeho cestu. Vy síce prichádzate, ale boli ste stratení so svetom. Tak On prichádza, aby vás vykúpil, ten vyjadrený atribút, a tiež vykupuje zem tým istým spôsobom. Jeho účel sa odvíja ďalej. Vidíte? Ó! Haleluja! Ó, to mi robí tak dobre, myslieť na to, čo leží pred nami!

239 Teraz, v Efežanoch 1:10, ak si to chcete poznačiť, v Efežanoch 1:10 sa to nazýva, nie časové rozdelenie, nie siedmy deň, ale „plnosť času." A keď príde „plnosť času", vtedy je čas naplnený. Keď už niet viacej času, idete do Večnosti. Potom ako končí siedmy cirkevný vek a on končí, Lutherov vek skončil, Metodistický vek skončil, Letničný vek skončil. A teraz idete (kam?), do Večnosti, žiadnych sedem, žiadne tri, žiadne iné. Oni sú vo Večnosti, kde nie sú také veci ako čísla a časy. Amen! Ó! Vidíte to teraz?

240 Potom, čo sa naplnil čas v Miléniu, všetok hriech je vzatý preč a bude Súd pred veľkým Bielym Trónom. (To je predobraz na Ducha Svätého.) Potom, čo svet bude v ohni a bude pokrstený svätým Ohňom z Neba, všetok hriech je preč, všetky zárodky chorôb sú preč, všetci diabli sú preč, všetko pokušenie je preč, všetko zlo je preč. Čo potom robí Boh? Môže sa posadiť na zem, pretože všetok hriech je preč.

241 On robí tú istú vec, keď ti dáva krst Duchom Svätým s Ohňom. On môže prísť a prebývať v tebe a môžeme sedieť v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, pretože už sme v Ňom. Nie „budeme". Teraz sedíme v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ako sa do toho dostaneme? Krstom jedného Svätého Ducha. „Jedným Duchom sme všetci pokrstení do Krista," čo je teraz. Nie „budeme" v Kristovi, sme! On je ten veľký duchovný Kráľ nad Duchom, ktorý je v nás, lebo my sme boli v Ňom na počiatku.

242 Boh na začiatku, keď myslel na vás, na ostatných, On myslel na seba, že sa stane hmatateľným. To boli Jeho myšlienky. Vidíte? On vyjadril Svoje myšlienky slovom. Povedal: „Nech sa stane ...", „Nech sa stane...", a stalo sa. „Nech sa stane..." a stalo sa.

243 Potom, po čase, On stále hovoril „Nech sa stane...", kým jedného dňa ľudia nepovedali, „Nech nehovorí Boh!"

244 On povedal? „Budem k nim hovoriť skrze proroka." Vidíte? „Odteraz budem k nim hovoriť skrze proroka."

245 A prorok povedal: „Stane sa..., bude, že..." a stalo sa. A stalo sa, stalo sa práve tak. Rozumiete tomu teraz?

246 „Plnosť času" prišla po tom, čo sa naplnil čas. Hriech je preč, po krste sveta, potom, čo krst sveta ho pripravuje na vhodné miesto: žiadne nemoci, žiadne zárodky chorôb, žiadne tŕnie, žiadna bodľač, žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadne srdcové choroby, žiadna staroba, nič, čo reprezentuje smrť, nič zlé, všetko dobré, nič prirodzené. Večné!

247 Potom, Jeho atribút je vyjadrený, lebo tam bol najprv, na začiatku. To bola Jeho myšlienka.

248 Čo sa potom stalo? On poslal Adama a Evu sem na zem a povedal: „Ploďte sa a množte sa a naplňte zem." Všetok materiál na telá ich potomkov tam ležal, mali ho jesť a vytvárať svoje telá. To je spôsob, akým to On robil.

249 Ale prišiel hriech a narušil Jeho plán. Svet beží ďalej tak isto, čas beží ďalej.

250 Ale čo urobil Ježiš? Boh prišiel dole a vyjadril Samého seba vo forme človeka, ľudskej bytosti, dal Svoj život, miesto toho, aby tu zostal. On bol Kráľ, ale On dal Seba, aby vykúpil ten ostatok. Rozumiete tomu?

251 A keď to všetko skončí, všetko bude navrátené späť a Boží plán bude naplnený. Znova tu bude ten Večný Kráľ so svojimi Večnými poddanými, vyjadrenými v ľudskom tele, presne tak, ako to mal On, hriech je vzatý preč, diabol je preč, je to všetko hotové.

252 Čo to urobí? Táto zem teraz nemôže byť miestom, aby na ňu zostúpilo Nebo. Pozrite sa na ňu, hriech. Ona musí byť očistená.

253 Žiaden muž, žiadna osoba, žiadna žena, chlapec, dievča, je mi jedno kto to je, nie je spôsobilý vystúpiť za kazateľňu, dokonca sa ani nazývať Kresťanom, bez toho, že by bol naplnený Svätým Duchom. Nemáte žiadne právo prijímať večeru Pánovu, mať účasť na umývaní nôh, alebo na niečom podobnom, ak ste neboli očistení Svätým Božím Ohňom.

254 Žiaden muž nemá právo kázať, ak Ho nestretne tak, ako Mojžiš na tej svätej pôde, kde sa vznáša ten Ohnivý Stĺp, kde potom vie, na čom je. Vidíte?

255 Pozorujte, ako ideme ďalej. Po svetovom krste Ohňom, všetky zárodky chorôb sú preč, ona sa potom stáva spôsobilým miestom, aby na nej mohli prebývať Nebesia.

256 To je teraz znázornené sedením v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Prešli sme z tohoto, špinaví, ako bola tá malá žena, do vyjadreného atribútu Boha. „Teraz sme synovia Boží," nie „budeme". Sme atribútmi Božieho myslenia. Vidíte?

257 Teraz poviete: „Pozri na toho kňaza. Nebol on syn Boží?" To dokázalo, že nebol. Čo on nemohol rozpoznať? Či povedal: „Ja verím Biblii"? Iste. Ale on nemohol rozpoznať to vyjadrené Slovo tej hodiny. On mal iba nejaké intelektuálne porozumenie od nejakej skupiny, ktorá bola už pred ním.

258 A dnes to je to isté. Vidíte? Viem, že je to silné, ale je to pravda.

259 Tam bolo Slovo, hovorené presne na ten deň a on bol síce učenec, bol síce vážená osobnosť, ale on To nemohol rozpoznať. Prečo? Nezáleží na tom, aký on bol učenec, on nemal zastúpenie skrze predurčenie. Vidíte?

260 Len ten predurčený bude ten, ktorý to rozpozná. Len on to môže byť. A vy to môžete rozoznať len... Lebo, pozrite, to dokazuje predurčenie. Lebo ak máte Večný Život, musíte byť časťou Boha celý čas, lebo len On je Večný. Vidíte to? Ó! Myslite na to.

261 Teraz sledujte, čo sa deje cez to veľké Milénium. Všetok hriech je preč, Milénium je nastolené, teraz je čas, aby Svätý Duch zaujal Svoje miesto.

262 Tak, ako to robí pri nás, „prešli sme zo smrti do života", prebývame v Nebeských miestach v Kristovi, v Jeho slávnej Prítomnosti. Dokonca i fyzická smrť pominie, tak ako aj duchovná smrť teraz pominula.

263 Nie je teraz niečo také, ako duchovná smrť, pre pokrsteného Božieho svätého. „I keby zomrel, bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie." Celé Písmo musí byť naplnené. Vidíte? Nemôžete zomrieť. Máte Večný Život. To jediné je, že vám to Vykupiteľ dal poznať. A vy ste To vždy boli, a to je dôvod, prečo vidíte deň, v ktorom žijete. Koľkí z vás to vidia? Zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte? Ďakujem. Deň, v ktorom žijeme, vy to rozpoznávate.

264 Metodisti povedali: „Keď kričíš, tak To máš." Mnohí z nich kričali a nemali To.

265 Letniční povedali: „Keď hovoríš jazykmi, máš To." Mnoho ich hovorilo jazykmi a nemali To.

266 Pozrite, tí farizeji mali všetky druhy foriem, ale keď Slovo bolo zjavené, oni to nerozpoznali. Vidíte?

267 A keď ste Nevesta, Nevesta je časťou Manžela. To jediné miesto, ako To môžete rozpoznať, je rozpoznať akou časťou Manžela (Slova) ste. Inak nemôžete rozpoznať, že ste Nevesta. Koľkí z vás to vidia? Vidíte? Musíte rozpoznať svoje postavenie.

268 Nemôžete rozpoznať postavenie niekoho druhého. Čo ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho? A Noe bol časťou toho, ale to by nefungovalo. Čo ak by Ježiš prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša? To by nefungovalo. Vidíte, to bol iný vek, to bolo iné proroctvo, iná časť Písma musela byť vtedy vyplnená. To bol iný deň v týždni. Nie, práca na utorok nemôže byť vykonaná v stredu. A práca na stredu musí byť vykonaná v stredu. Vidíte? V sobotu to musí byť sobotňajšia práca. Vidíte?

Oni povedali, „Ó, my máme Mojžiša."

269 On povedal: „Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa, lebo on bol ten, ktorý hovoril o Mne. ´Pán, tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka ako mňa.´" Pochopili ste to? Ó! Vidíte?

270 Potom Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14: „Keď On, Svätý Duch príde, pripomenie vám tieto veci a ukáže vám, v ktorom dni žijete. A ešte inú vec vám dá poznať, bude vám zvestovať budúce veci." Vidíte, rovno späť do toho proroctva, „keď On príde." Vidíte?

271 V tej Novej Zemi a Novom Nebi, tam nebude žiadne zatemnenie, keď príde táto Nová Zem. Diabol bude zviazaný... Satan, on je teraz stále uvoľnený, on je žalobca. Ale v Novej Zemi, on bude zviazaný a uvrhnutý do Ohnivého Jazera, do toho svätého Ohňa.

272 Potom, v tejto Novej Zemi, pozrime sa na to na chvíľu. V Novej Zemi, obloha nikdy nebude čierna, nie, to je z prekliatia. Nikdy nebude čierna so zúrivými mrakmi. Vetry nikdy cez ňu nebudú takto duť. Nie. Nebudú vytrhávať stromy a domy a všetko prevracať. Blesky a zlosť už nebudú chrliť tam hore od Satana a zabíjať ľudí na ulici a zapaľovať domy. Vidíte? Nikdy viac. Nebude už viac tajfúnov, búrok a tornád, aby prevracali domy a zabíjali malé deti. To už viac nebude. ... Aby sa pokúsili zničiť, to tam nebude. Satan je uvrhnutý.

273 Prial by som si, keby sme tak mali ešte trocha času. Preskočím niektoré miesta Písma, aby sme neskončili neskoro. Musím sa ešte modliť za chorých.

274 Nebo a zem sa stretli, Boh a človek sú zmierení. Začal obnovený Eden, všetka kliatba je preč.

275 Práve tak, ako všetka kliatba hriechu je preč, keď vás Duch Svätý prijme. Vidíte, nie vy Ho prijmete, On prijme vás, lebo to je Božia vlastnosť. Vidíte, ak je To Duch Svätý, to znamená Boží Duch, a to je vlastnosť, myšlienka Boha, že On vás prijal, lebo vy ste boli určení k tomu účelu. Vidíte? Vy ste sa narodili v hriechu, ale Boh mal ten atribút a vy ste sa vyjadrili tu na zemi a On prichádza dole a berie vás. Takže ste naspäť tam, kde patríte. Vidíte? Hriech stratil svoju moc. To je pravda. Tá túžba hriechu je vzatá z vášho srdca, keď Duch Svätý prichádza dovnútra. Ste obnoveným človekom.

276 A potom, keď zem je obnovená, tým istým spôsobom, tam nemôžu byť žiadne kliatby, žiadne búrky, žiadne vetry, žiadne tajfúny. Ste zmierení, človek a Boh sa stretli. Nová Zem bude vrátená do krásy Edenu. Tá Nová Zem bude rozprestretá, po jej krste Ohňom.

277 Pomyslite, ona bude zasiahnutá ohňom a spálená. Všetky prvky zhoria rozpáleným ohňom. Všetky diela na zemi zhoria. Všetka voda exploduje, to sa všetko vznieti a vybuchne. Všetko vybuchne. Sopky vychŕlia žeravú lávu tisícky míľ do povetria. Každý zárodok... Svätý Duch Boží zmyje každú škvrnu hriechu. Všetci diabli budú zviazaní a uvrhnutí do Ohnivého Jazera do požierajúceho Ohňa, do Ohňa Božieho hnevu.

278 Nebude tam už žiadne zviera, ktoré by vás mohlo zničiť. Keď pôjdete dole cestou, v kvetinových záhradách, tam nebude žiaden had, ktorý by na vás syčal a poštípal a pustil do vás jed. Ó! Nebude to nádherné? Počúvajte. Tam v Novej Zemi nebude už žiadne miesto pre nejaký hrob, žiadne miesto.

279 Človek a Boh sa spolu zišli, Ženích a Nevesta. Nebo a zem sa objali, Boh prišiel dole, aby prebýval medzi ľuďmi. Jeho stánok je s nimi.

280 Nebude už žiaden hriech, žiaden smútok. Nikdy tam nebude kvapka slzy z matkinej tváre nad jej dieťaťom. Amen. To tam nebude, na tej Novej Zemi. Nie. Ona je vykúpená. Ona patrí Jemu a pre tých Jeho ona bola vykúpená. Vidíte?

281 Pozrite, vy ste časťou tej zeme. Je to tak? A keď On vykúpil vás, On vykúpil zem tým istým spôsobom a ste znova spolu. Môže to byť ešte jasnejšie? Musíte byť vykúpený, lebo ste jej časťou. A ak na vás ešte neprišla Krv, ešte nie ste spasený, nie ste zavolaný. Potom ju On očisťuje, tak isto, ako v Ohni. Hoci na ňu tiekla Krv, ona ešte musí byť očistená Ohňom, aby na nej mohol prebývať Boh.

282 Boh si už vlastne vzal Svoj domov. Kráľovstvo Božie je už teraz na zemi v srdciach Jeho svätých. To sú Jeho atribúty, tí, s ktorými On začal už od počiatku. Oni sú teraz vykúpení. Na čo On čaká? Aby zem vyslobodil, posadil na ňu tých Svojich a naplnil tak presne Svoj predurčený plán. Vidíte to?

283 Všimnite si, žiadne hroby, žiadne slzy, žiadne krviprelievanie. Ona už nikdy nebude zvlhčená slzou alebo krvou. Nie. Nebudú žiadne vojny. Nie. Žiadne zimné mraky. Na jej hruď nebude nikdy padať ani ležať na nej studený sneh. Horúce slnko nikdy nespáli jej trávu. Haleluja! Dokonca na púšti budú rásť ruže. „Jeden deň tá stará tŕnistá púšť zakvitne ako ruža." Boh to povedal, keď je vykúpená a pokrstená Ohňom. Sú tam teraz všetky druhy kaktusov a tŕnistých krov, ale prichádza na ňu krst Ohňom.

284 Je to ako keď človek má v sebe nenávisť, zlomyseľnosť a sklon ku konfliktom, keď prichádza krst Ohňom, ten ho od toho očisťuje. Žiadna žiarlivosť, nič takého, je to dokonalým príbytkom pre Boha. A pamätajte, to sú Jeho Vyslanci, ktorí Ho tam stretnú. Amen! Čo za...

285 To nie je len príbeh, to je pravda. To je to, čo Boh povedal. To je to, čo On zasľúbil. To je to, do čoho ide Nevesta. „Aj púšť," On povedal, „zakvitne ako ruža."

286 Satan, hriech a hriešnici sú navždy preč. Všetko je dokonané, prešlo to do Večnosti. A všetko, čo bolo prevrátené, ten veľký archanjel Satan, ktorý to spôsobil a konal to všetko zlo, bude zničený. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: „Každá duša, ktorá by Ho nepočúvala, bude zničená."

287 Vidíte ale, On nemôže zničiť Seba a zostať pri tom Bohom. Takže, ak tá duša je zo sveta, ona musí byť zničená. Ale ak je Večná, s Bohom, ona nemá začiatok, lebo je časťou Boha a nikdy nemôže byť zničená. Amen! Aké nádherné! Akí vďační by sme mali byť, Cirkev to musí vidieť.

288 Ľudia, všetko, čo ste činili, leží tu. Práve to sa vám pokúšam povedať. Musím niečo vynechať, lebo sa chcem k tomuto ešte vrátiť.

289 Všetky tieto veci, Satan, hriešnici všetko je preč na Večnosť, všetko to zmizne. Vidíte, Satan nemôže stvoriť. Ak by mohol, bol by Bohom. Vidíte? On môže len prevrátiť to, čo bolo stvorené. Vidíte? Všetka prevrátenosť s tým skončí. Smrť je prevrátenosť života a keď prevrátenosť bude preč, už nemôže byť viac smrti. Staroba je znamením smrti a keď je preč staroba, prichádza život. Všetky znaky prevrátenia a všetko ostatné je preč. Tŕnie a bodľač sú znakom hriechu, „zem bude nimi prekliata", ale oni zmiznú. Nemoci tak prichádzajú, tie tiež zmiznú. Smrť zmizne. Krviprelievanie zmizne.

290 Tej zeme sa nedotkne nič len svätosť, Vykúpení. Ó! Cítim sa tak dobre. Boh a Jeho stvorenie, Jeho stvorenia v tomto stvorení sú vykúpení Jeho Vlastnou Krvou. Očistení Jeho Vlastným očisťovacím procesom. Procesom, ktorý ničí chorobu a hriech!

291 Ako keď niečo sterilizujete, najlepší spôsob, ktorý máme, ako niečo sterilizovať, je oheň. Môžete niečo umývať mydlom a rôznymi chemikáliami, o ktorých oni hovoria, to stále nie je úplne čisté. Ale položte to raz do ohňa!

292 A keď ten svätý Boží Oheň sterilizuje zem s Chemikáliami, potom, čo vzal Svoju Nevestu, ktorá vstupuje do Nebies s Ním, zatiaľ čo sa toto deje. A znova sa vracia späť na zem, Nové Nebo, Nová Zem. Studená zima jej nemôže uškodiť. Horúce leto jej nemôže uškodiť. Púšte zakvitnú ako ruža. Hriech a hriešnici sú preč.

293 Boh a Jeho stvorenie a stvorenia prebývajú spolu v dokonalej harmónii. Tak ako nebo a zem sú manžel a manželka, tak je Kristus a Cirkev. Oni všetci sa stretnú v jednom slávnom pláne vykúpenia a sú znova prinesení na Božie prsia. Vidíte to?

294 A v tej Novej Zemi, tam je Nové Mesto. Ó! Teraz dobre počúvajte. Nezabudnite toto. Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14, že On ide pripraviť miesto. „Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce!" Keď odchádza preč, „Mám dôvod ísť preč, veríte v Boha," On povedal, „verte aj vo Mňa." Oni nevideli, že On je Boh. On povedal, „Uverili ste v Boha, teraz veríte vo Mňa. A Ja vám idem prihotoviť Miesto. V Dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov, v Kráľovstve Môjho Otca je mnoho palácov." Kristus je tam a pripravuje teraz Nový Jeruzalem. Dobre počúvajte. Neprehliadnite toto. Kristus je dnes v Nebesiach a pripravuje Nový Jeruzalem.

295 Tak ako Boh stvoril zem v šiestich dňoch, alebo šesťtisíc rokoch. Ako povedal: „Nebuďte nerozumní," čítame v Písme, „tisíc rokov je jeden deň."

296 Kristus išiel preč a teraz pripravuje Miesto, ktoré je vo výstavbe mnoho tisíc rokov. „A keď pôjdem a pripravím Miesto, prídem znova a vezmem vás k Sebe, aby ste tam, kde som Ja i vy boli." Všimnite si, Vykupiteľ a Vykúpení!

297 Prial by som si, keby sme mali teraz trochu času. Poznačil som si citát, kde Šalamún hovorí „o tom dievčati, Neveste." Musíme to ale vynechať, je príliš neskoro. Vrátim sa k tomu. „On sa ju pokúsil získať, ale ona je zasnúbená s jedným pastierom." Niektorí si možno myslia, že to bola pieseň, ktorú on spieval. Nie. Šalamún bol dedičom Dávidovho trónu na zemi, ale to ukázalo, že toto kráľovstvo muselo pominúť. To bol predobraz Krista, milujúceho Svoju Nevestu. Vidíte?

298 Všimnite si, že Ježiš povedal v Jánovi 14, „idem, aby som prihotovil Miesto."

299 Ó, ako to bude vyzerať? Premýšľala si niekedy o tom, Nevesta, ako to bude vyzerať? Je to navrhnuté a pripravené Božským Architektom. Ako bude to Mesto vyzerať? Teraz budem niekoľko minút o tom hovoriť. Ten Božský Architekt to pripravil, navrhol. Pozrite, On to navrhol s nežnými rukami pre Svoju milovanú Nevestu. Ako to bude vyzerať?

300 Viete si predstaviť muža, ktorý si berie svoju ženu a je zručný, ako on stavia a ukladá každú malú vec presne tak, ako to má ona rada? Amen.

301 Teraz Božský Architekt navrhol to Nové Mesto, presne tak, ako to ona má rada, kde On bude bývať so Svojou Nevestou. Niet divu, že apoštol povedal: „Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, čo ani na srdce človeka nikdy nevstúpilo ..." Pozrime sa, či sa môžeme do toho na chvíľu zahĺbiť, ako to bude vyzerať.

302 Božský Architekt to navrhol pre Svojich milovaných. Vidíte? Ó, čo za miesto to musí byť, keď Božská Prirodzenosť, Božský Architekt to navrhol pre Božský atribút, ktorý bol predurčený Bohom, ktorý je autorom Božského Života! Ako bude vyzerať to Mesto! Myslite na to.

303 Pamätajte, to nie je Nebo. Ján povedal, „Videl som ho zostupovať dole z Neba." To bude na zemi. Vidíte?

304 Nie táto zem pominie, toto je vykúpená zem. Boh nepovedal, že dá povstať novému pokoleniu, On ide vykúpiť tých, ktorí sú tu. On sa nechystá stvoriť žiadny nový svet, to je tento tu. On ho len ide prepáliť, očistiť, práve tak, ako to urobil s tebou. Jeho plány musia navždy zostať rovnaké. Teraz, to bude...

305 Pamätajte, to nebude v Nebi. „Zostupujúce dole z Neba." Je to Miesto prebývania, Miesto na prebývanie. Ako Ján to videl na ostrove Patmos, tu v Zjavení 21, on to videl „zostupovať". Ján videl to Mesto „zostupovať z Neba", ako holubica.

306 Tu prichádza Boh, dole na Svoj pozemský stánok, na Ježiša v ... „zostupuje z Neba." Ježiš bol pokrstený, išiel priamo ...

307 Keď stretol proroka! „Slovo prichádza k prorokovi". A On bol Slovo. A prorok tam stál, odmietajúc všetky ich denominácie. A keď videl Slovo, Slovo prišlo rovno k nemu.

308 A ten prorok bol tak šokovaný, že on povedal: „Mne je treba, aby som bol pokrstený od Teba a Ty ideš ku mne?"

309 On povedal: „Nechaj teraz, lebo tak sa nám patrí (poznáme to posolstvo), aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť. Ja som obeť a obeť musí byť umytá." On Mu urobil ako sa patrilo.

310 Keď On vystupoval z vody, Ján povedal: „Vidím nebo otvorené." Ten prorok to videl. On videl nebesia otvorené.

311 A tu prichádza zostupujúci z Neba vo forme Holubice a Hlas hovorí: „Toto je Môj diel zeme, ktorý som vykúpil a z tejto časti zeme vykúpim ten zvyšok, lebo On je Moje zjavené Slovo." „A celý svet povstal do existencie Mojim Slovom." Židom 11. „A Satan to držal celý ten čas, ale Ja som to prišiel vykúpiť, toľko z toho tvorí Jeho telo a Ja budem v tom prebývať."

312 Ján povedal: „Videl som to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem zostupujúci z Neba ako Nevesta prihotovená svojmu Mužovi." A kde sa to usadilo? Práve tak ako vtedy, na zem.

313 Ježiš bol časťou tej zeme, na ktorú Duch Svätý zostúpil, (je to tak?) a navždy na Ňom zostal. To Ho nikdy nemôže opustiť. Je To tam vždy. On a Boh sú Jedno. Vždy To musí zostať.

314 A tak Ján videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci ako holubicu, prichádzajúcu z Neba a usadzujúcu sa na vykúpenej celej zemi (aby urobil čo?), aby si nárokoval každý atribút, pre ktorý On stvoril zem. Potom je každý muž, ktorý je zastupovaný vo Večnosti i každá žena, vykúpený. Tá zem bola očistená a prepálená ohňom.

315 Ježiš bol štyridsať dní v ohnivých pokušeniach na púšti. Potom, všimnite si, bol pripravený na Svoju službu.

316 Myslite na to, Svätý Duch zostupujúci na zem, na Ježiša a tú svätú Krv! Teraz sledujte, myslím, že nejdem pre vás príliš hlboko. Tá svätá Krv, ktorá bola Bohom stvorená, Krv, Život, stvorenie Božie. „Ježiš bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." Ó! Vidíte to? Boh vyjadrený v stvorení. On bol Duch a Biblia hovorí: „On je počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." Ako On začal? V lone ženy. Ktorá je čím? Žena nie je...

317 Ako tu tí slepí ľudia nemôžu vidieť to „semeno hada". Vidíte? Eva bola postavená tu na zemi a predtým, ako sa jej Satan dotkol, alebo tak nejako, Boh im povedal: „Ploďte sa a množte sa a naplňte zem." Tak je to, ale prichádza Satan. A ak on bol Adamov syn, kde potom ...

318 Adam bol priamy Boží potomok a vy len preberáte prirodzenosť svojho rodiča.

319 A keď ste znovuzrodený, preberáte prirodzenosť svojho Rodiča z Neba. A váš Rodič z Neba je atribút Slova ..., vlastne Slovo je atribútom vášho Rodiča. Potom ako Ho môžete zapierať kvôli denominácii? Ó!

Dúfam, že to neprehliadnete. Viem, že je to od Boha.

320 Ježiš. Tu On prichádza, zostupujúc, a tam bol Ježiš, atribút Boží.

321 Teraz „žena". Sledujte. Boh povedal, „pretože urobili toto," povedal, „položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvoje Semeno a hadove semeno." Je to tak? A žena nemá žiadne semeno. Pomysleli ste na to niekedy? Ona má pole, nie semeno. Vidíte, had tam už vložil svoje „semeno".

322 Potom, ak žena nemá žiadne semeno, ona ho musí obdržať.

323 Vidíte, skrze pohlavný styk tu priniesol Satan, had, on nebol plaz, on mal nohy, ktoré potom zmizli. On bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat - on sa mohol spojiť so ženou.

324 Semeno zvieraťa to teraz nedokáže. Skúšali to, ale nefunguje to. Semeno zvieracieho samca sa nemôže spojiť so ženou. To nefunguje.

325 Ale to bol najbližší tvor. Oni nemôžu nájsť ten druh medzi šimpanzom a človekom. Vidíte, každý jeden, ako sa vyvinuli, od vtákov, po opice a tak ďalej, po šimpanzy, potom im niečo chýba. To bol vtedajší had, nie ten plaz. On stratil celkom svoju podobu, lebo bol prekliaty.

326 Boh nepreklial Adama, On mohol urobiť tú istú vec, ale On preklial zem, „tŕnie a bodľač."

327 On nepreklial Evu, ale povedal, že Adam bude nad ňou panovať. Odvtedy ona nemá kázať ani nič podobné robiť, Adam je jej pánom. „Po všetky dni svojho života v bolesti budeš rodiť." Ale On povedal: „Položím nepriateľstvo medzi tvojim Semenom..."

328 Ona nemala semeno, ona nikdy žiadne nemala, ona musela nejako to Semeno obdržať. Boh jej dal Semeno, nie cez pohlavný styk, ale cez stvorenie.

329 Nemôžete vy, slepí ľudia vidieť, že to je „semeno" hada? Ó! Satan sa tam dostal skôr, ako Adam, to bolo to „semeno".

330 Ale ona obdržala Semeno. Čo to bolo? Sám Boh. „On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho."

331 Pozrite teraz, keď sa narodil Set, alebo Ábel, on bol spravodlivý, po svojom otcovi, Set tak isto.

332 Odkiaľ ten zlý človek prišiel: vrah, klamár? Vidíte odkiaľ to pochádza? To muselo byť „semeno", lebo on bol semeno, Kain bol človek.

333 Ó, na čom sú tí slepí ľudia? „Boh tohoto sveta ich oslepil." Niet divu, že Ježiš povedal, že nikto to nemôže vidieť. Vidíte?

Poviete: „Prečo to nemôžu vidieť?"

324 Ježiš raz povedal Svojim učeníkom: „Vám je dané poznať Kráľovstvo Božie, ale im nie."

335 To je ten dôvod, prečo prichádzate z okruhu 1500 míľ, „Vám je dané poznať Kráľovstvo." Vidíte, ľudia prichádzajú dokonca z Južnej Afriky a okolia v tejto neskorej hodine, kedy sa Nevesta pripravuje, aby mohla vojsť do Kráľovstva.

Nemám príliš mnoho času. Sledujte teraz.

336 Môžete tam teraz vidieť to „semeno" hada, ako sa to stalo? Výborne. Niekto z nich povedal...

337 Ako ten chlapec v Tucson v ten deň, keď sa pokúsil... Možno počúva túto pásku. Ale, chcem vám niečo povedať.

338 Keď on povedal, „Eva povedala," tu je to, kam oni mieria, „Nadobudla som syna s Hospodinom, alebo muža s Hospodinom." Prečo, iste. Boh má zákon.

339 Pozrite, zoberiete semeno, zasejete ho tu na poli, kde rastie pšenica a nasejete tam burinu. Je mi jedno, to isté slnko a ten istý dážď privedie to semeno k životu. Boh má zákon a ten zákon nemôže byť zrušený.

340 Je mi jedno, ak tá najskazenejšia žena v meste a najskazenejší muž by mali pomer a žili spolu bez toho, že by boli zosobášení a narodilo by sa im dieťa, to dieťa by muselo prísť cez Boží zákon, pretože niet inej cesty. Ak to tak nevidíte, robíte zo Satana stvoriteľa, a potom by musel byť Boh. Ó, ako môžete byť tak slepí! Vidíte, to je Boží zákon.

341 Ak sa raz narodí dieťa, je mi jedno, či to bol Ezau, Jákob, ktokoľvek to bol, alebo nejaký človek so zlou povesťou, či to bol Judáš, to muselo prísť od Boha. Boh má zákon.

342 Biblia hovorí: „Slnko svieti na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých, dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých." Židom 6. kapitola hovorí: „Dážď padá často na zem, aby ju zavlažil a pripravil na to, na čo sa obrába, ale tŕnie a bodľač žijú z tej istej vody a toho istého slnka." Lebo to je zákon Boží, aby každé semeno zrelo a prinieslo zase ten istý druh.

343 Takže to muselo vyprodukovať „semeno" hada. A to nikdy nezabránilo Bohu, to naplnilo Jeho úplný plán, aby sa stal Vykupiteľom. Každý slepý to skoro môže vidieť, ak to nie je skryté, ak to Boh tohoto sveta pred tebou neskryl. Je to tak jasné, ako to len môže byť. Tu to máte. Tu je to „semeno" hada. Teraz si všimnite.

Ale, „Ježiš bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho."

344 Čo teraz robí tá žena? Semeno pochádza od muža. Zapriete to? Žena nemá v sebe vôbec žiadny život. Ona má len malé vajíčko, ktoré je ako pole.

345 Ako keď zoberiete pole a vyrovnáte ho a postrekom z neho vystriekate všetky zárodky tak, že dokonca ani tráva ani nič na tom nemôže vyrásť, potom ho znova pohnojíte a nasejete nejaké dobré semeno. Ale ak príde nepriateľ a naseje nejaké iné semeno, Boží zákon spôsobí, že vzrastú obe semená.

346 Boh to tak nechcel, (vidíte?) ale čo sa stalo?

347 Spermia z mužského jedinca prináša hemoglobín, ktorý je krv. V krvi je život. A ak vy... Sledoval som to pri krížení dobytka. S bratom Shakarianom sme to prešli a s doktormi a chemikmi sme to pozorovali. Najprv prichádza bunka zo samice, čo sú vajíčka. Potom prichádza spermia od samca, zárodok.

348 Žena nemá v sebe zárodok, ona je len vedľajším produktom muža. Takto sa sem najprv dostala a ona je len pole. Je tam vajíčko, to má úrodné pole pre tento život. A tento život sa pohybuje vpred. Je to tajomstvo, ako sa...

349 „Možno," poviete, „prvá spermia stretne to vajíčko a ostatné zahynú." Dobre, ako, kto to určuje? „Tá prvá." Bude to tá vpredu, to prvé vajíčko vpredu a prvá spermia? Nie, nie.

350 To môže byť spermia niekde zozadu, zo stredu, ktorá sa dostane k tomu vajíčku. To ukazuje, že nejaká inteligencia určuje, či to bude červenovlasé, čiernovlasé, či to bude malé, veľké, chlapec alebo dievča. Vidíte? Vy s tým nemôžete nič urobiť, nemôžete to ovplyvniť. Môžete ich pomiešať a nebude v tom žiadny rozdiel. Boh to určuje. A potom, jedna malá spermia sa dostane na to pole, do vajíčka. Ono odhadzuje svoj bičík, ktorým sa pohybuje a tam potom začína chrbtica dieťaťa.

351 Čo je to potom? Ona nemá žiadne semeno. Ona má pole, aby obdržala semeno.

352 Tak prišlo semeno nepriateľa. Kým dobrý rozsievač zasial dobré Semeno, nepriateľ prichádza za ním a seje zlé semeno. „Ale dážď padá na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých, slnko ..." To všetko musí vyrásť.

353 Ježiš povedal: „Nechajte ich rásť spolu. V teň deň budú plevy zviazané." A oni sa teraz zväzujú vo veľkých organizáciách, aby boli zviazaní do jedného veľkého snopu, do Svetovej rady cirkví. A aký bude koniec toho? Bude to spálené. Ale pšenica bude zhromaždená do stodoly. Vidíte? Oni obaja žijú z toho istého, z tej istej vody, z toho istého dažďa.

354 Nejaký citrusový strom, napríklad pomaranč, bude rodiť granátové jablká, ak to bolo do toho naštepené. Bude rodiť citróny. Bude rodiť grapefruity. Nebudú to pomaranče, ale budú žiť z toho života, ktorý produkuje ten pomarančovník.

355 Denominácie boli naštepené do Viniča. Pretože ak sa oni nazývajú „Kresťanmi", oni z neho žijú. Viete kto bol Kaifáš a on dokonca prorokoval. Vidíte? Oni z toho žijú.

356 Ó, prial by som si, aby sme mali týždeň na preštudovanie tohoto, aby vám to bolo úplne jasné - nemôžete to prehliadnuť. Teraz vynechám niektoré z týchto vecí.

357 Teraz dávajte pozor. Pozrite, Jeho ruky utvorili toto pre Jeho milovaných a Nevestu, utvorili to v nežnej láske k Jeho Neveste.

358 Pamätajte, že Duch Svätý zostúpil na Ježiša a On bol časťou zeme. Prečo? Ten Boží zárodok, ten Boží Život bol utvorený v lone ženy (správne?), ktorá bola zemou. A potom vstúpil ten Boží Život, takže „On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho." A tá Božia Krv, ktorá prišla cez ten zárodok, keď bola preliata na Golgote, pokropila zem. Prečo? Aby vykúpila zem. Teraz je zem ospravedlnená, posvätená. Povolaná a nárokovaná. Teraz má obdržať krst Ohňom a byť očistená pre Ježiša a Jeho Nevestu.

359 A vy ste tie druhé časti, ktoré sú vytiahnuté z tejto zeme. Zem, vy ste časťou zeme, vaše telo. Vaša duša je časťou Boha, atribút Boha prejavený tu na zemi v tele. Telo má byť vykúpené.

360 Teraz, duša je vykúpená, lebo ona bola v hriechu. Tak Boh prišiel dole, cez proces ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým a vykúpil vašu dušu.

361 A vy, pretože ste časťou zeme, ste tým vykúpení. Vy ste teraz vo vývoji, ktorý teraz prebieha. Vaše telo bolo ospravedlnené v Noeho krste. Amen! Vaše telo, keď tá Krv tiekla na túto zem ... Zem bude očistená Ohňom, to miesto, kde budete bývať, krstom Duchom Svätým. Miesto bývania pre Krista a Jeho Nevestu, Nový Jeruzalem.

362 Pozorujte toto Mesto. Zaujíma svoje miesto na zemi. Teraz môžete jasne vidieť, ako som povedal, táto zem musí byť zmenená. To nemôže takto zostať. Cirkev nepôjde ... Svet nemôže ísť ďalej po Miléniu, bez toho, že by nebol premenený. Vidíte? Aby tam bolo také Miesto, on musí byť zmenený.

363 Tak ako my musíme byť premenení Jeho svätým Ohňom, aby sme boli spôsobilí a pripravení pre Neho, aby v nás vládol. To je Duch Svätý.

364 Všimnite si teraz, tam bude mnoho miesta v tej Novej Zemi. Ó, mnoho miesta! To bude obnovené Ohňom, ale nebude tam žiadne more. Všimnite si, to Mesto bude 1500 míľ, t.j. 2400 km široké i dlhé.

365 Teraz počúvajte pozorne, zatiaľ čo nakreslím tieto rozmery. Musím si najprv zmazať tabuľu.

366 Tu je hlboké zjavenie od Boha. Žiaden z týchto ostatných ... Týmito ostatnými sa budeme zaoberať neskôr, ak bude Pán chcieť.

367 Všimnite si, tá zem... Keď si otvoríte knihu Zjavenia, môžete vidieť ako to Mesto bolo zmerané v lakťoch a štádiách. Zistili sme, že to Mesto má do štvorca 2400 km.

368 Viete ako ďaleko by to dosiahlo? Meral som to tento týždeň. Bolo by to od Maine po Floridu a od východného pobrežia šesťsto míľ po západ Mississippi. Inými slovami, polovica Spojených štátov len pre Mesto.

Poviete, „Toľko miesta tu nie je."

369 Keď bude more preč, bude tu miesta dosť, lebo teraz sú skoro štyri pätiny z toho pod vodou. Explózia vysuší a zdvihne zem. Ó! Pamätajte, 2400 km do štvorca, čo za Mesto! A pamätajte, more je preč.

370 „A šírka a výška sú rovnaké." Takže to bude 2400 km do dĺžky, 2400 km do šírky, 2400 do výšky a myslite na to, z priesvitného zlata. A to Mesto malo okolo seba múr.

371 To neznamená, keď sú jeho rozmery rovnaké... Tam je napísané, „Jeho dĺžka a šírka a výška je rovnaká," to neznamená, že to musí byť kocka. Je iná geometrická forma, ktorej rozmery sú rovnaké, a to je pyramída. „A poloha mesta je štvoruhlastá," múry sú také isté.

372 Nakreslím to. Vidíte, dĺžka, šírka, výška. Prichádzame k niečomu, čo je tak isté, ako že existuje svet. Všimnite si, tieto rozmery sú úplne rovnaké, všetky, dĺžka, šírka, výška. Je iná forma, pyramída, tá to dokazuje.

373 Takto by to odpovedalo presne Enochovmu znameniu v Egypte, pyramíde, že áno? Enoch, ešte pred potopou, keď prichádzalo ospravedlnenie, on postavil znamenie. V tejto pyramíde je sedem stupňov, ktoré vedú do kráľovskej komnaty. Ak ste niekedy študovali rozmery pyramídy, sledujte ten siedmy stupeň, kto predstupoval pred kráľa, aby mu predstavil návštevníka. Sledujte pozorne, kto sa na tomto mieste pyramídy nachádzal a uvidíte, v ktorom dni žijete.

374 Boh urobil tri Biblie. Existuje učenie o pyramídach, ktoré je nezmysel, ale existuje skutočná pyramída. Všimnite si, Božia prvá Biblia, ... On ich urobil tri. Všetko musí byť v troch.

375 Ježiš prichádza tri krát. Prvý krát, aby si vykúpil Svoju Nevestu, druhý krát, aby si vzal Svoju Nevestu a tretí krát so Svojou Nevestou. Vidíte?

376 Všimnite si, aké nádherné. A v tejto pyramíde bolo sedem stupňov a potom kráľovská komnata. A my sme v siedmom cirkevnom veku, predtým, ako Kráľ zaujme Svoj Trón. Pamätajte, pyramída nikdy nemala vrcholový kameň.

377 Božia prvá Biblia bola na oblohe - zverokruh. Zverokruh začína a prebieha cez všetky veky. Začiatok zverokruhu je panna, tak je to pri Jeho prvom príchode. Posledné znamenie zverokruhu je Lev, Jeho druhý príchod. Tesne predtým je rak, čo je vek rakoviny, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

378 Potom bola Enochova pyramída, ktorá to presne dokazuje. Nemali by sme dosť času, aby sme do toho vošli, ale niekedy, s Božou pomocou, vám presne ukážem rozmery hodiny, v ktorej žijeme.

379 Všimnite si, táto geometrická forma, ktorú tu máme, ktorá má rovnaké rozmery, nemusí znamenať, že sa jedná o kocku. Všimnite si, toto by odpovedalo Enochovmu znameniu v Egypte.

380 V čase očisťovania zeme krstom Ohňa budú sopky a táto zem bude explodovať a vytlačí pyramídovú Horu. Na to bude dostatok miesta. Celá táto zem sa zmení. Celý jej povrch bude zmenený. Rozumiete tomu? To vytlačí pyramídovú Horu.

381 Toto bude presne podľa Slova, keď sa to satane a to sa stane. Teraz si všimnite v Izaiášovi 65:25, kde On povedal:

Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin.

382 Ó! „Na celom vrchu mojej svätosti!" Pamätajte, vždy je to „Hora".

383 Ak by tie múry išli kolmo hore a dole, Mesto by bolo možné vidieť len zvnútra, Trón by bolo možné vidieť len zvnútra. Všimnite si, bolo by to možné vidieť len zvnútra.

Ale teraz my vidíme zasľúbenie z Izaiáša 4:5. Prečítajme si to.

384 Ponáhľate sa? Nie, neponáhľajte sa teraz. Zaoberáme sa teraz zvláštnou vecou, zaberie to nejaký čas, musíte to správne porozumieť, lebo chcem, aby to bolo jasné. A potom, keď sa ku tomu znovu vrátime, ukážem vám, o čom hovoríme, keď sa týmto budeme inokedy zaoberať.

385 Ó, chvála Pánovi Ježišovi! Sledujte tu, ako Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Sledujte tu v Izaiášovi. Zapísal som si to tu, ak to nájdem, minútku. Izaiáš 4:5. Teraz počúvajte, on hovorí o Príchode Pána, ako tie ženy budú také nemorálne. Ó, on povedal, „Sedem žien ...". Počúvajte, čítajme to.

A v ten deň sa chopí sedem žien jedného muža a povedia: Budeme jesť svoj vlastný chlieb a budeme sa odievať svojim vlastným rúchom, len nech sa menujeme po tebe, odním naše pohanenie.

386 To je čas konca, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, svadba, rozvod, prostitúcia a iné veci.

V ten deň bude výrastok Hospodinov na krásu a slávu a plod zeme na pýchu a okrasu tým, ktorí uniknú a budú zachránení z Izraela.

(Ó, ako ste ušli všetkému tomu prekliatiu!)

A stane sa, že ten, kto ostane na Sione uniknúc záhube a kto zbudne v Jeruzaleme, bude sa volať svätý, každý, kto bude zapísaný na život v Jeruzaleme,

keď zmyje Pán nečistotu dcér Siona

(pamätajte, to je vždy Nevesta) ...

a krv Jeruzalema

(to je ostatok Židov plus Nevesta)

...vyplákne z jeho stredu, a to duchom súdu a duchom



[*angl. preklad „

duchom horenia

.“ - pozn.prekl.]

387 Oheň to je vždy Boží súd, keď On robí posledný súd. Povoláva ťa, ospravedlňuje, dáva ti spasenie, potom vykonáva na tebe svoj súd a Jeho Svätý Duch a Oheň ťa očisťuje od hriechu. Potom si Jeho.

388 To isté On robí so zemou, keď ju očisťuje Ohňom „duchom horenia" Počúvajte teraz. Ste pripravení?

A Hospodin stvorí nad každým obydlím vrchu Siona a nad jeho slávnostným zhromaždením oblak vodne a dym a blesk plápolajúceho ohňa v noci, lebo nad každou slávou má byť ochranné zastrenie.

389 [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Pán v ten deň na jeho vrchu stvorí Oheň Svetla, aby horel. V ten deň. A ide to ďalej a hovorí: „Bude to úkryt, odpočinok, skrýša." Všimnite si, ako presne to Biblia hovorí. Ak by boli tie steny kolmé, nemohli by ste to vidieť. Musí to byť šikmé. „Na celom Vrchu Mojej svätosti...". „On stvorí Svetlo na tomto Vrchu a bude to ochranou." Ó, spievame tú pieseň:

Ó, to Mesto na Vrchu Sione,

ako pútnik, ale stále ho milujem,

teraz a cez tie veky,

keď dosiahnem to Mesto na tom Vrchu.

390 Všimnite si, Hora Sinaj bola keď Boh zostúpil na jej vrch a hovoril k Izraelu v Stĺpe Ohňa. On zostúpil na vrch tej hory, Hory Sinaj.

391 Na Vrchu Premenenia, keď On vysvedčil, „Toto je ten Môj milovaný Syn, Toho počúvajte!" On zostúpil v Stĺpe Svetla a svetelnej žiare na vrch tej hory pred Petrom, Jakubom a Jánom. A tam, On tam bol s oboma, s Mojžišom a Eliášom, predstaviteľmi zmŕtvychvstalých a premenených. Sláva!

392 Nové Mesto a Nová Zem, nové stvorenie, Mesto na Vrchu s Trónom na jeho vrchu. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Trón je tu hore, na vrchu a obyvatelia sú všade hore a dole, na celom tomto Vrchu.

393 A múr, ktorý je okolo má dvanásť základov a každý z nich má kameň, ktoré zodpovedajú dvanástim kameňom v Áronovom náprsníku, ktoré reprezentovali dvanásť pokolení Izraela.

394 A v tých bránach, to malo štyri brány, presne ako chrám na púšti, ako stán na púšti. Všimnite si, každá jedna, oni mali apoštolov, troch na každej strane, dvanásť apoštolov. A bola vysoká 144 lakťov, čo je presne 216 stôp, a to robí každý ten jeden veľký kameň asi 20 stôp vysoký, ten predný kameň v tej bráne. To tvorí stenu okolo Mesta.

395 Teraz to Mesto, ono neodpočíva na vrchu tej steny, pretože mesto, 2400 km, to nie je možné. To je táto stena, ktorou vchádzate, ako brány v starom Jeruzaleme. Oni tam vstupovali cez ten múr.

396 A každý jeden z nich mal dvanásť základov a každý z nich mal drahokam, ktorý reprezentoval dvanásť pokolení izraelových.

397 A nad tou veľkou perlovou bránou boli mená apoštolov. Nepovedal Ježiš: „Budete sedieť na dvanástich trónoch súdiac dvanásť pokolení izraelových."? Kto sedí v tej bráne, aby súdil, keď prichádzajú ľudia do toho Mesta? Ó! Tu to máte. Králi zeme vstupujú do Mesta pred súd apoštolov tak, ako Ježiš zasľúbil. Ó!

398 Na tomto Tróne, na vrchu, vo výške 2400 km bude celý svet vidieť to Svetlo sveta, Ježiša sediaceho na Tróne, na vrchu sveta, vrchu Cirkvi, vrchu Hory Sion, 2400 km, čo je polovica Spojených štátov a bude siahať do výšky 2400 km, takže Ho bude vidieť celý svet.

399 A všade tu hore a dolu budú tí vykúpení. Budú tam domy z čistého zlata. Budú tam aleje, parky a záhrady. A Rieka Života bude vychádzať z Trónu a potečie cez údolia a návršia. A Strom Života bude kvitnúť na každom dvore a bude prinášať ovocie dvanásť krát do roka, každý mesiac iné.

400 A králi zeme budú vchádzať do neho a vnesú do neho svoju česť. „A listy sú na uzdravovanie národov." Keď budú tí králi tam vonku žiť v pokoji, keď budú vychádzať, odtrhnú list, tak ako tá holubica priniesla do archy ten svätý lístok, že skončil hnev Boží. Tak keď bude ten kráľ stade odchádzať, potom čo vniesol svoju slávu do príbytku Nevesty, tu do toho Mesta, donesie list svojmu susednému kráľovi, „Máme navždy mier." Amen! Uzdravovanie národov! „Všetko pominulo. Voľakedy sme bojovali a prelievali krv jeden druhého, brat. Vykrikovali sme, strieľali, pálili deti a všetko možné. Ale teraz je mier, pokoj, uzdravenie." Nie uzdravovanie chorôb, oni všetky skončili. Uzdravovanie národov! Amen!

401 Mesto s Trónom na vrchu. Zjavenie 21:23, „A mesto nepotrebuje svetla, lebo Baránok a Pán Boh je jeho Svetlom." Vidíte? Pán Boh je ten Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý nasledoval Deti izraelove cez púšť. A On sa posadil na Trón v tom dokonalom Kráľovstve, keď čas ... V Kráľovstve, ktoré Ježiš predá Otcovi, aby bol Boh všetko a vo všetkom. Ježiš tu sedí na Jeho Tróne, ako náš Jozef. Potom ten Kráľ je tým Svetlom, ktoré bude na Vrchu Sion a Jeho sväté Svetlo naplní celé Mesto. Haleluja!

402 V meste 2400 km vysokom, 2400 km dlhom a širokom sa bude rozprestierať Boží raj s ulicami a alejami! Čítajte si Zjavenie 21, či je tomu tak. „Nepotrebujú svetla, lebo Baránok je jeho Svetlom." A Trón bude vidieť, lebo bude vo výške 2400 km.

403 To nie je takto kolmé, ale ide to šikmo, ako pri pyramíde. Keby to bola polovica vzdialenosti, išlo by to takto, z jednej strany Mesta k druhej.

404 Ak chcete, niečo by som tu poznamenal. Všimli ste si tú malú skupinu tu? Oni sú zhromaždení približne z takého veľkého okruhu, aký ono pokrýva. Vidíte? Od Georgie, Kalifornie po Saskatchewan, od Kansasu až po skalnaté pobrežie Maine. Tu je znázornená tá plocha, asi 2400 km.

Prichádzajú od východu a západu,

prichádzajú od ďalekej zeme,

aby sa hostili s našim Kráľom, aby večerali ...

(Čo? „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe." Ale Chlebom,


Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici!

Musím povedať, že vo svete som takýchto ľudí nevidel.

Ó, hľadia na Jeho požehnanú tvár,

žiaricu Božským Svetlom.

Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,

budú svietiť ako drahokamy v Jeho korune.

Ó, Ježiš skoro príde,

naše ťažkosti skončia.

Ó, čo ak Pán príde v tejto chvíli?

405 To nebude dlho trvať. Všetko je to dokonalé. Geograficky, Sodoma, poslovia, všetko presne sedí. Vidíte? Čo to znamená? Myslite nato, ľudia prichádzajú do tejto malej modlitebne z tej istej rozlohy - 2400 km.

406 Prečo Boh stále myslí a tak veľmi sa stará o to malé miesto, Palestínu, hoci je to len malý bod? Ale práve tam bude posadený chrám. Tam bude stáť Nový Jeruzalem, práve tam. „Olivová Hora sa rozštiepi, časť naľavo, časť napravo," keď bude odspodu vytlačená. Oni vravia, že nie, že to bude takto roztisnuté na boky. Ona bude vytlačená odspodu, „V deň, keď On postaví Svoje nohy, Svoje sväté nohy na tú Horu." Všimnite si, na Jeho Tróne, 2400 km vysoko!

407 Pamätajte, Satan Ho raz pokúšal na vrchu hory. Vidíte?

408 To Nové Mesto má dvanásť základov, ako sme to prebrali, dvanásť patriarchov, 144 lakťov, odpovedajúcim dvanástim kameňom v Áronovom náprsníku, dvanásť perlových brán, dvanásť mien učeníkov.

409 Ježiš stojí na Tróne ako Vrcholový Kameň, keď Ho Jeho svätí korunovali, „Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov." A On je ten Vrcholový Kameň.

410 Nemám u seba peňaženku, ale ak vy máte a máte v nej jednodolárovú bankovku, tam je pečať Spojených štátov. Na jednej strane je erb - orol držiaci šípy, na druhej strane je pyramída s okom na vrchu, ktoré všetko vidí. Vidíte, oni nevedeli, čo robia. A tam je nápis v latinčine, môžete si to zistiť, on hovorí, „toto je tá veľká pečať." Oni nevedeli, čo robia. Ani Kaifáš nevedel, že prorokuje.

411 [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. - pozn.prekl.] Tam je Veľká Pečať. Tu je to Mesto. To nie je takto rovné ako kocka, ale to sa nakláňa, aby to mohlo byť vidieť. A na vrchu tejto Pánovej svätej Hory, Pán zostúpi na vrch tejto Hory, tu. To je dôvod, prečo Enoch nepoložil ten vrcholový kameň. Vidíte? To je ten dôvod, prečo musí ten Vrcholový Kameň prísť teraz. A tá Hora bude vytlačená, a to bude Hora Pánova.

412 A tu budú bývať Vykúpení. Tu budú ulice a veľké diaľnice, parky a Rieka Života bude prechádzať cez to. A každý dom bude z priesvitného zlata, ulice budú zo zlata. A budú tam stromy Života, vydávajúce dvanástoré ovocie. Králi a ctení muži zeme vnesú svoju slávu a česť do brán. A brány sa nebudú zatvárať v noci, lebo noci tam už nebude.

V tom Meste, kde Baránok je Svetlom;

V tom Meste, kde nie je žiadna noc,

mám ja príbytok, ktorý je bez lopoty a starostí;

Ó, idem tam, kde Baránok je Svetlom.

413 Nevidíte, že mestá, domy, príbytky o tom teraz hovoria? Všetky tieto prirodzené veci sú tieňom.

414 Pozrite na tieň z diaľky, napríklad tieň mojej ruky. Predtým ako môže byť negatív, musí byť najprv pozitív. Vidíte, ten tieň, to vyzerá, ako by som mal dvanásť prstov, ale keď to približujete k sebe, to sa zaostruje do jedného a potom ten tieň mizne v tej ruke.

415 A to je tak, ako častokrát ľudia myslia, že sú traja alebo štyria Bohovia. Pozeráte sa príliš ďaleko do raných reformácií. Vidíte? Poďte teraz trochu bližšie a zistíte a zaostríte, že je len Jeden. Presne tak.

416 Je len jedna Nevesta, nie dvanásť denominácií, ale jedna Nevesta. To sú Vyvolení zo zeme, ktorí bola k tomu predurčení, tí, ktorí rozpoznali svoje miesto v Kráľovstve.

417 Na tomto Tróne, pozrite, tak vysoko! Nové Mesto so základmi, dvanástimi bránami, Ježiš - Vrcholový Kameň, apoštolovia súdiac dvanásť pokolení.

418 Enochova pyramída nevrhá žiadny tieň v dennom čase. Bol som v Egypte, pri pyramídach. Ona je tak zemepisne postavená a rozmery tejto veľkej geometrickej formy sú také, že okolo nej nie je nikdy žiadny tieň, bez ohľadu na to, kde sa práve nachádza slnko. Vidíte to?

419 A tam nebude žiadna noc. Vidíte Ho na vrchu tej Hory, zaplavenej Jeho slávou. Jeho Slávne Svetlo tam bude celý čas. Nebude tam žiadnej noci. Ježiš, Vrcholový Kameň!

420 Teraz si všimnite, Vykúpení sa budú prechádzať v Jeho Svetle. Spievame tú pieseň, „Budeme sa prechádzať v tom Svetle, v tom nádhernom Svetle." Niečo je v nás, čo volá: „Prešiel zo smrti do života." Je to preto očakávanie, to je ten atribút, cítime to.

421 Ste pripravení? Toto je Mesto, ktoré hľadal Abrahám. Vidíte? Keďže bol prorokom, on vedel, že to Mesto niekde je. Biblia tak hovorí. On opustil mesto, v ktorom žil a odišiel. Všimnite si, kam išiel, presne tam, kde to Mesto bude stáť. Vidíte? „Hľadal Mesto, ktorého zakladateľom a staviteľom je Boh," (Vidíte?), pretože bol prorok.

422 Ježiš išiel pripraviť Božskými rukami Božské Mesto. Božský Architekt, pre Božsky kúpených, predurčených ľudí. On ho išiel pripraviť.

423 Abrahám to hľadal. „A vyznával, že je pútnikom a cudzincom, lebo hľadal Mesto ktorého zakladateľom a staviteľom je Boh." Ten prorok, on vedel, že to niekde je! Ján to videl zostupovať dole, ale Abrahám si myslel, že to muselo byť práve vtedy na zemi. Prečo? On stretol Melchisecha, jeho Kráľa a dal mu desiatok. On nemal ani otca ani matku. On nemal začiatok života ani koniec života. Abrahám ho stretol a oni mali obecenstvo rovno na tom mieste, kde bude to Mesto stáť, tá svätá Hora Pánova, kde budú žiť Vykúpení. Ó!

424 Ten čas sa nezastaví. Nie, my sme v čase, ale zachvíľu pôjdeme do Večnosti.

425 Ó, svätá Hora! Budú tam ulice z priesvitného zlata, aleje, domy a parky. Ak si to chcete prečítať, Zjavenie 21:18. Bude tam Strom Života s dvanástimi druhmi ovocia, oni budú mať každý mesiac iné. Ľudia budú jesť tieto ovocia, každý mesiac budú meniť svoju diétu.

426 A to je len pre premožiteľov. Viete to? To nie je pre denominácie.

Poviete: „Myslíš to vážne, brat Branham?"

427 Pozrime sa do Zjavenia 2, na chvíľu a nájdime to. Zjavenie 2:7. Zistime, či to je skutočne Pravda alebo nie. Zjavenie 2:7.

A kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch ...

428 Zapamätajte si, On teraz nehovorí k Židom. Toto je pre Cirkev, tej z pohanov.

A kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom. Tomu, kto víťazí, dám jesť z dreva života, ktoré je prostred raja Božieho.

429 „Len pre premožiteľov, ktorí premôžu šelmu, premôžu jej znamenie," to je katolicizmus, protestantizmus, denominacionalizmus. „Kto premôže šelmu, jej znamenie, počet jej mena." „Bude mať právo k Stromu Života, vojsť do brány, kde nič poškvrňujúce nevojde." Vidíte? Myslite na to. Teraz na chvíľu, ako pôjdeme ďalej. Strom Života bude len pre premožiteľov.

430 Listy budú pre uzdravovanie národov. To znamená, že králi, ktorí tam žijú prinášajú svoju česť. Keď prinesú svoju česť a položia ju pred Trón Boží. Práve tak, ako jedenásť pokolení, každý jeden z nich, prinášali desiatok Levitom. Vidíte? Keď oni prinesú svoju česť z tej požehnanej zeme, prídu ku Stromu Života, odtrhnú si z neho svätý list a spoločne vyjdú. Už nie je viac žiadnej vojny. Všetko je v pokoji. Tie listy sú upomienkou, na uzdravenie národov.

431 Ten istý Strom, ako Adam, ...Tam bol Strom Života v záhrade Eden, z ktorého by on mohol jesť, keby nebol padol. Ten Strom Života mu celý čas pripomínal, že bude celý čas mladý. Vidíte?

432 To isté bude s tými národmi. Listy budú na uzdravovanie národov. Všimnite si, teraz nie pre nemoci. Budete mať to isté právo, ako mal Adam, ako tá holubica s tou olivovou ratolesťou, to všetko ... Každý kráľ si berie list.

433 Všimnite si Rieku Života, možno ju vytvára mnoho malých prameňov. Teraz na tejto zemi ...

434 Zakončím za pár minút. Na tejto zemi ... Alebo skončím, ... toľkoto mám ešte poznámok, asi tridsať strán. Pozrite.

435 V tomto živote som nikdy nevidel nič tak uhášajúce smäd, ako byť na horách a nájsť vyvierajúci prameň so svojim životodarným zdrojom, ako som o tom kázal minulý večer. Môžete byť unavený a smädný, prídete k tomu dobrému prameňu, ktorý z hĺbky niekoľko stoviek metrov zo zeme, kde už nie sú žiadne zárodky vyviera čistú, skutočnú životodarnú vodu. Ceníme si to. Zem má mnoho prameňov s osviežujúcou vodou. Keď umierate od smädu dáte si z neho dobrý, studený nápoj a to vám pomôže žiť.

436 Ale pozrite, odkiaľ prichádza tento Prameň. Od Trónu, tam naberá svoje Životodarné schopnosti. Vychádza spod Trónu Božieho, kde sedí Boh.

437 Celá táto zem, zem, na ktorej teraz žijeme, všetci, či Kresťania alebo pohania, všetci majú chrámy. Pomysleli ste na to niekedy? Cirkvi, všetci to majú.

438 Ale toto Mesto nemá žiaden. Biblia hovorí: „A chrámu som nevidel v ňom, lebo Pán Boh Všemohúci a Baránok je jeho Chrámom." Baránok je Svetlo. Baránok je Chrám. Baránok je Trón. Baránok je Život. On je ten Chrám. Vidíte, všetky tieto chrámy majú svoje objekty uctievania, ale v tomto Meste je On tým objektom. On je so Svojim ľudom. Svetlo Jeho Ducha napĺňa pyramídové Mesto.

439 Ako Peter a Ján hore na vrchu. Svetlo prikrylo vrchol tej hory a Hlas prehovoril „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn."

440 V Zjavení 21:3 a 4, „Hľa, Stánok Boží s ľuďmi." Boh si spravil miesto prebývania v človeku tým, že ho cez tieto tri stupne vyslobodil. Teraz Boh vyslobodí zem a stánok na zemi, s Jeho poddanými, ktorých vzal zo zeme. Ona skrze hriech upadla, ale ...On to nechal ísť tak ďalej. Ale teraz poslal Ježiša, aby vykúpil padlú zem, ktorej sme my časťou. „Ani jeden vlas z vašej hlavy nezhynie." Ježiš tak povedal. On povedal, „Ja to vzkriesim v posledný deň." Vidíte? Prečo? Vy ste časťou zeme.

441 Viete, urobil som z toho taký malý vtip, keď mi moja žena povedala, že som stratil svoje vlasy. Povedal som jej, že som nestratil ani jeden. Povedala: „A kde sú teda?" Povedal som: „Tam, kde boli predtým ako som ich dostal." Kdekoľvek sú, to je pevná látka, oni na mňa čakajú. Vidíte? Jedného dňa ich dostanem.

442 Toto staré telo, vráskavé a opadnuté a strácajúce sa na ramenách a bolesti v kĺboch a zachrípnuté hrdlo, v poriadku, vy ho môžete pochovať v mori, ale tá Trúba ma zobudí. Ó, áno! V jednom z týchto dní budeme premenení. Som časťou tohoto sveta, ktorý je vykúpený. Ste na svete, ale nie zo sveta. Patríte k inému poriadku, k tomu vykúpenému.

444 Všimnite si, „Stánok Boží s ľuďmi a bude bývať s nimi." „Staré veci pominuli." Toto, toto pominulo. To znamená, že Nebo zostúpilo, aby bývalo s človekom. Vidíte? Nebo a zem sa objali.

445 Práve tak, ako keď tá Holubica zostúpila na časť zeme, ktorou bol Ježiš, On bol prach zeme, človek. Boh, prichádzajúci z toho jedného malého zárodku Života, stvoriteľskou mocou. A ten život, ktorý bol v tej Krvi, vystúpil späť k Bohu, ale Krv kropila zem, aby si ju On nárokoval. Kvôli krvi, ktorú priniesla zárodková bunka od Kaina.

446 Teraz sa On vracia so stvoriteľskou mocou, ktorou stvoril Adama, On teraz tvorí druhého Adama. Tam vtedy cez tú zlomenú bunku, kde hriech -- Kain rozbil krvnú bunku toho spravodlivého, tak teraz táto Krvná Bunka ... Lebo Kain zabil Ábela, ale Ábel sa narodil zo sexu.

447 Ale Tento sa nenarodil zo sexu. „To bolo stvorenie Božie, jeho počiatok" a To vykúpilo zem. A všetok ten vápnik, draslík, petroleum, kozmické svetlo, všetko, z čoho sa skladáte, je vykúpené. „Ani jeden váš vlas nebude poškodený. A ja to vzkriesim v ten posledný deň."

448 Čo potom? Boh prichádza dole, aby prebýval na zemi. On je jej časťou, Jeho vlastné telo. On ho vzkriesil pre naše ospravedlnenie a my sme ospravedlnení tým, že tomu veríme a prijmeme to. Všimnite si, Ježiš sa v tom predobraze stáva človek - Boh. To je predurčené aby zaujal svoje miesto, aby nás vykúpil, aby všetky tieto veci boli možné.

449 Všimnite si, zvonku týchto prekrásnych múrov toho Mesta ... Rozumeli ste tomu, čo sa týka toho „Mesta"? Vidíte, to je svätá Hora. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] „Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom vrchu mojej svätosti, hovorí Hospodin." To Mesto nie je kocka. To je Hora. A dĺžka a šírka a výška sú rovnaké, vidíte 2400 km na každú stranu a 2400 km vysoké. Takže to je obrovská Hora, ako pyramída a to Mesto je na tej Hore. Sláva!

450 Tam je to, tam je ten raj Boží, Svetlo sveta, to dokonalé Kráľovstvo. Nie siedmy deň, Večný deň! Nie Milénium, Nová Zem! Vidíte?

451 Zatiaľ čo to prechádza cez Milénium, to ide cez jej posväcovací proces, ale stále musí byť spálená. Vidíte? Krv vykúpila ľudí a tých tisíc rokov bude spomienka, že bola zaplatená cena. Ale potom musí byť očistená Ohňom, práve tak, ako vy, Jeho vyslanci tohoto Mesta.

452 Takže ak zomriete alebo budete žiť, aký je v tom rozdiel? Ak On príde dnes, alebo ak On príde za sto rokov alebo tisíc rokov, budem len odpočívať, ku dňu mojej premeny.

453 Starý muž alebo stará žena, nebuďte odradení. [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] Ak máte tu hore zastúpenie, v tomto Božom atribúte, toto je Boh, ak to máte, ak máte tu hore zastúpenie, nemôžete... ste vo Večnosti. A ak ste prešli zo siedmeho dňa do toho ôsmeho, vstúpili ste do Večnosti krstom Duchom Svätým a ste v Tom zahrnutí. Ak len spoliehate na citový zážitok, skákanie hore dole, alebo „Ja robím toto. Dodržiavam siedmy deň, nejem mäso," a takéto veci, to každopádne zahynie. Vidíte? Ale Toto je Večné. Vidíte? Toto je Večné, Slávnosť po slávnosti stánkov. Vidíte?

454 Slávnosť stánov bol posledný sviatok, ten siedmy. My teraz oslavujeme v siedmom sviatku stánkov, v siedmom cirkevnom veku.

455 V Miléniu, budeme znova oslavovať slávnosť stánkov, je to siedmy deň.

456 Ale potom, po tom siedmom dni, máme Sväté Zhromaždenie, ideme naspäť do Večnosti. Ako? Cez Toho Večného, ktorý prišiel a vykúpil nás a vzal späť. Dáva nám rozpoznávať, že sme boli časťou Tohoto.

457 No, ako viete, či ste Jeho časťou? Podľa slova na túto hodinu, zasľúbenia na tento deň. Čo je to? Navrátenie naspäť do prvého dňa. Do prvého dňa. „A on obráti srdcia detí späť k otcom," a prináša znovunavrátenie skutočných letníc, nie senzácií ... a zjaví Večerné Svetlo, to isté Slnko, ktoré sa ukázalo v Rannom Svetle. To je zasľúbené na tento deň. Amen a amen!

458 Kde sme teraz priatelia, kde sme? Teraz len čakáme, aby sme boli vzatí z cesty, aby sa Zjavenie 11 mohlo ... aby to Židia poznali. To súhlasí, čas Vytrhnutia.

459 Všimnite si, z vonku poza bránami tých múrov, po celej Novej Zemi budú bývať národy vo Večnom pokoji. To je, čo? Vážení králi prinesú do neho svoju slávu. Nemôže tam byť žiadny hriech. Žiadne nakrátko ostrihané ženy nevstúpia do toho Mesta. To vám zaručujem. Nebude tam žiadne nosenie šortiek, fajčenie, pasáci, prostitútky, klamári, modlári, ani žiadni takí tam nevstúpia. Nie, tomu všetkému bude koniec. Hriech bude preč. „Nič, čo by poškvrňovalo jej svätosť tam nevstúpi." To on povedal. „Všetko to navždy pominulo."

460 Pozrite, vonku na jeho poliach a okolo jeho brán:

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

461 Teraz pracuje smrť a staroba v mojom smrteľnom tele, ale budem premenený.

462 Poznáte tú pieseň? „Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký." On nebude vyskakovať a pokúšať sa vás zabiť. On bude kráčať cestou popri vás.

Kto to zdedí? Vykúpení. Kto to bude?

Všimnite si, ja vás môžem teraz učiť len podľa tých predobrazov. Všimni si, brat Lee.

463 Kto vyšiel s prorokom Noem na tú novú zem? Tí, ktorí s ním vošli do korábu. Je to tak? Tí vyšli na tú zem. Vidíte? Tí, ktorí vošli s Noem cez jeho posolstvo, boli tí, ktorí sa potom prechádzali na tej novej zemi po jej krste vodou.

464 Ten, kto teraz vchádza s Ježišom ... Ako sa do Neho dostanete? Jedným Duchom a On je Slovo. Stávate sa Jeho časťou. Ktorou Jeho časťou ste? Slovom, ktoré žije v tejto hodine, keď ho rozpoznávate. Vykročíte s Ním do Milénia. To bude, keď vykročíte. Všimnite si, nie nové pokolenie, ale presťahovanie!

Poviete, „Ó, brat Branham!" Ó!

465 Všimnite si, ak Boh mohol vziať Eliáša pred dvetisícpäťsto rokmi, aby ho preniesol znovu späť na zem, aby bol prorokom pre Židov, o koľko viac to On môže urobiť s Nevestou!

466 Potom, čo Noe vyšiel z korábu, všimnite si, čo bolo povedané Noemu potom, čo vyšiel z potopy, práve tak, ako predtým pri Adamovi. Potom, čo vyšiel na novú zem, On povedal: „Množte sa a naplňte zem," po potope. Všimnite si, mali „Niesť ovocie, naplniť zem," tak, ako Adam prvý krát.

Teraz to tu môžete presne vidieť. Počúvajte teraz pozorne.

467 Adam mal „množiť a naplniť zem." Správne? Noe mal, potom čo svet bol zničený „množiť a naplniť zem." Rozumiete? Môžete teraz vidieť čo je „semeno" hada? Čo zaľudnilo zem? Rozumiete? Dobre. Vidíte teraz, ako Satan dostal Evu. Preto vždy na zemi vládla smrť. Nebo, zem, divoké zvieratá, atmosféra - to všetko je od Boha kvôli tomu prekliate. To je prekliatie, lebo Satan sa k tomu dostal ako prvý.

468 Ježiš to prišiel vykúpiť späť Otcovi. Aby to urobil, stal sa toho časťou, práve sme to prebrali. A práve ten prach (z ktorého bol Sám Ježiš) bol vykúpený a skrze Neho sú všetky Božie atribúty vykúpené so zemou.

469 On bol to hovorené Slovo. My, ktorí sme vykúpení, sme časťou Neho. Potom, ak to môžete rozpoznať! Vidíte?

470 Farizejovia tvrdili, že sú. Ale, vidíte môj prvý nákres, oni to mali len intelektuálne. Oni nemohli rozpoznať Slovo, keď sa manifestovalo rovno pred nimi. Povedali: „Tento muž je zlý duch."

471 Teraz, dnes, sme nazývaní falošní proroci. Sme nazývaní všetkými možnými menami, akými môže byť nazvaná nejaká špinavá vec, a to robia náboženskí ľudia, veľkí, talentovaní mužovia. Vidíte? Oni tomu nerozumejú. Vidíte?

472 Vodný krst zeme nebol dostatočný k jej očisteniu, tak ako nie je ani ich. Posvätenie Krvou to prinieslo späť a je na ňu uplatnený nárok. Ale krst Ohňom ju očistil, tak, ako očistil Jeho Nevestu. Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým.

473 On nikdy nezasľúbil vzbudiť novú rasu, ako som povedal, ale On zasľúbil vykúpiť tých, ktorí upadli. Oni sú tí predurčení, dediči, ako to On zasľúbil. A On je nemenný Boh, to vieme.

474 Pamätajte, Boh vzal Eliáša po vytrhnutí a premiestnil ho späť medzi svoj ľud, aby zastával miesto proroka medzi svojim ľudom. On to veľmi skoro urobí. A držal ho nažive týchto dvetisícpäťsto rokov. On sa má znovu objaviť.

475 Všimnite si znova, On vzkriesil Mojžiša z mŕtvych. Kde je jeho hrob? Môže ho niekto nájsť? Čítajte list Júdu. Vidíte? Satan, ... Archanjel sa prel s archanjelom, Satanom, povedal: „Nech ťa potresce Pán," keď sa prel o telo Mojžiša. A tu Peter, Jakub a Ján tu stoja a hľadia na Neho na Vrchu Premenenia, práve v tej zemi, kde povstane tá Hora, aby sa v nej bývalo.

A On ju prišiel vykúpiť.

476 Vidíte, tam je zastúpená vytrhnutá Cirkev a sú tam zastúpení tí, ktorí zaspali. Kde? [Br. Branham kreslí na tabuľu. -- pozn.prekl.] V Meste, hore na vrchu. Vidíte?

477 Tam bol Peter, Jakub a Ján, pozerajúc, traja svedkovia. Boli tam Eliáš, Mojžiš a Ježiš ako Nebeskí svedkovia. Vidíte?

478 A bol tam Mojžiš, mŕtvy a bol vzkriesený. Bol tam Eliáš, vytrhnutie, on bol stále živý. A oni boli obaja reprezentovaní na tejto svätej hore.

479 A Ježiš, Vykupiteľ. Keď Boh takto nad Ním, keď Ho zatienil, povedal: „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn."

480 Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, asi deň predtým, „Amen, amen vám hovorím, že sú tu niektorí, ktorí neokúsia smrti, dokiaľ neuvidia Kráľovstvo Božie zriadené v moci."

481 Čo to bolo? Vzkriesení mŕtvi a vytrhnutí svätí spolu vychvátení, aby sa s Ním stretli vo vzduchu. Keď Ho Boh zatienil a Ježiš tam stál v tom tieni a znelo „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo," to bol poriadok Nového Kráľovstva. Ó, brat, sestra!

482 Smrť ťa nezmení. Smrť len zmení miesto tvojho bývania. Vidíte?

483 Pamätajte, Samuel, keď bol mŕtvy a pochovaný už dva roky, on bol v Raji. A tá veštica z Endor ho vyvolala a Saul aj ona ho rozpoznali a ona padla na svoju tvár. On sa ani trochu nezmenil. On bol tým istým Samuelom, potom, čo bol dva roky mŕtvy a bol stále prorok, povedal: „Zajtra padneš v boji, i tvoj syn a zajtra o tomto čase budeš so mnou" A to sa aj stalo.

484 Vidíte? Keď sa Mojžiš a Eliáš vracajú späť, v Zjavení 11, oni stále budú proroci. Haleluja!

485 A tam, v tej zemi, v Meste, kde je Svetlom Baránok ťa budem poznať, brat McKinney. Budem vás poznať, môj ľude, moje klenoty v korune. Keď budú prichádzať z východu a západu do toho Mesta, ktoré je do štvorca 2400 km, ona tam bude sedieť, v tom Meste postavenom do štvorca. Keď sa usídlite na tej svätej Hore, kde prebýva Boh a Ježiš zasadá na Tróne. A bude znieť zlatá trúba, keď bude Jozef prichádzať, aby sa poprechádzal po raji a Božie deti padnú na svoje kolená a budú sa Mu klaňať, vediac, že sú vykúpení. Vidíte? Amen! Haleluja!

Niekedy sa mi cnie za Nebeským Domovom;

A za slávou, na ktorú budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta;

Ktoré pripravil Pán ...

[Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]

486 Izaiáš povedal v 9:6, „Množiteľovi toho kniežatstva a pokoju nebude konca. Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci, Jeho meno nazvú: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti. Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci a množiteľovi toho kniežatstva a pokoju nebude konca." Dokonca tam budú aj zvieratá.

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Ale ja budem premenený.

487 Budem premenený z toho stvorenia, ktoré som, keď príde ten Deň, keď pôjdem do toho Mesta. Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta. Cítim teraz spasiteľnú Moc v celom mojom srdci.

488 Ak toto nie je tak, potom som zahodil svoj život a učil som samé klamné veci. Ale keď sa pozriem dolu a vidím zasľúbenia, ktoré nám On dal na tento deň a vidíme to potvrdené a pozeráme sa na toto zhromaždenie, ktoré je tu zídené s plochy so stranou 2400km a vidíme ich ako tu sedia, vyvolení, ktorí boli vyvolaní z denominácií a rás a vyznaní viery a dogiem, ako sú spolu zhromaždení, keď vidím, že sa Slovo samo potvrdzuje, viem bez tieňa pochybnosti, že drahokamy v mojej korune budú v ten Deň žiariť viac, ako všetky na svete.

489 To príde čas! Ľudia, my sa tu nezhromažďujeme nadarmo. My len čakáme na ten čas. Je veľmi, veľmi neskoro, ale Ježiš je ešte stále veľmi, veľmi blízko. A Jeho Sláva je nádherná. „Jeho meno nazvú Radca." Vidíte to Mesto? Tam sa usadí Nevesta a Ženích a už nikdy...

490 Teraz, keď si myslíte, že je to nádherné, keď cestujeme sem stovky míľ, aby sme sa kŕmili Jeho Slovom, čo je iba tieň, čo to potom bude, keď budeme v tom Meste žiť s Ním! Keď budem váš sused a budeme jesť z tých stromov a prechádzať sa tými zlatými ulicami k tej fontáne, z ktorej budeme piť, budeme prechádzať rajom Božím s Anjelmi vznášajúcimi sa nad zemou a spievajúcimi hymny, ó, to bude Deň! To stojí za všetko. Cesta sa zdá byť drsná, niekedy je ťažká, ale, ó, to bude všetko tak malé, keď uvidím Jeho, tak malé. Čo budú všetky tie zlé mená, ktoré povedali, čo to bude, keď uvidím Jeho v tom prekrásnom, prekrásnom Meste Božom?

491 Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sa mi cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

492 Ján to videl na ostrove Patmos!

493 Drahý Ježišu, táto nádej, moja nádej nestojí na ničom inom, Pane. To je matka môjho srdca, to Mesto, ten veľký Kráľ. Bože, nenechaj ani jedného z týchto zahynúť, prosím. Nech všetci dnes znova skúmame svoj život, Pane, ako očakávame na príchod Pána. Všetci vykúpení, i tam v tom veľkom koloseu v Ríme, kde boli Kresťania žraní levmi, jedného dňa povstanú z prachu!

494 Nebudú tam žiadne miesta pre hroby, na tom vrchu Slávy. Kľučky na dverách nebudú mať na sebe žiadne pohrebné vence, ani jedna slza nepadne. Nie, nie. Žiadna navŕšená zem. Neudrú žiadne búrky. Všetko tam bude slávne.

495 Pomôž nám, Pane. Ak je tu niekto... kto je volaný k tejto Svadobnej Večeri Baránka, k tomu tisícročnému kraľovaniu v Miléniu a potom k vstupu do toho Mesta, potom, čo skončí svadobná cesta. Milénium je len svadobná cesta. Potom Ona, Nevesta, berie... Ženích si berie Svoju Nevestu domov. Ona je Jeho. Jej Ženích, Jeho Nevesta. Ó, On išiel pripraviť Dom, zatiaľ čo sa zasnúbil.

496 Nech sme Mu verní, Jemu, ktorý je Slovom, lebo On je Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, ako sa z nás ostatní snažia robiť bláznov, zachovaj nás od toho, Pane, pritiahni ma bližšie.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom,

a na jeho slávu, na ktorú budem hľadieť.

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

497 Budúci Domov Ženícha a Nevesty! On sa vracia...[Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]...na Svadobnú Večeru, bude to tri a pol dňa. Potom návrat späť do Milénia, na našu svadobnú cestu. A potom On ukáže Mesto, ako ženích má prekvapenie pre nevestu, ako ona tam bude tak prekvapene stáť, ako bude hľadieť na svoj budúci domov! A vierou, dnes, Pane, to vidíme. Bude to práve tu na zemi. Ty si to zasľúbil.

498 V jednom z týchto dní bude Tvoja Cirkev úplne spasená a potom Tvoj svet bude vykúpený, tie ostatné časti. Ale najprv si ty vykúpil Svoj ľud, ich telá, ktoré sú zo sveta.

499 Pomôž nám, Bože. Ak je tu niekto, kto si tým nie je celkom istý, nech to teraz obdrží.

500 Viem, že je to dlho a je tu horúco, ale my, ľudia tu nebudeme stáť navždy. Nebudem vždy váš pastor. Uistime si to.

„Je nejaká možnosť, brat Branham?"

501 Áno je, stať sa časťou Slova, časťou Slova na dnes. Nemôžete byť časťou Slova na deň Mojžiša, tá časť je už hotová, to boli nohy. My sme teraz pri Hlave. Toto je Kristus. Nie v čase rúk, pri Lutherovi, nie. Toto je čas Hlavy. Kristus, Vrcholový Kameň, prichádza k Telu.

502 Ak sa necítiš tým byť istý, zodvihol by si ruku tak, aby som ťa mohol vidieť? Nech majú všetci svoje hlavy sklonené. Nech ti Boh žehná.

503 Povedzte, „Pamätaj na mňa pri modlitbe, brat Branham.Tak veľmi tam chcem byť! Nechcem to zmeškať, brat Branham. Skúmam sa, robím čo môžem, ale modli sa za mňa, dobre?" Nech ti Boh žehná.

504 Zatiaľ čo na to myslíte, modlite sa len, povedzte, „Bože,..." Je to vo vašom vlastnom srdci. Vidíte, ak cítite nejaké ťahanie, pálenie vo svojom srdci, to je to. To je ten atribút, ktorý sa snaží prejaviť.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného Mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

505 Nebeský Otče, vezmi nás teraz Pane. Nech ten Veľký Pastier, Veľký Pastier - Vykupiteľ, ten Veľký Pastier, ktorý opustil Slávu, lebo vedel, že niektoré z Jeho atribútov sú stratené v tých veľkých údoliach hriechu, kde vlci a divá zver by ich skoro pohltili, ale On opustil zlaté ulice, prišiel dole na zem a stal sa jedným z nás, aby nám mohol vyjadriť Božiu lásku k nám. Tam ich On našiel, niektorých v denomináciách, niektorých v dome zlej povesti, niektorých na uliciach, slepých, niektorých medzi plotmi a na ceste, ale On vykúpil každého jedného, ktorého určil Otec, aby vykúpil.

506 A On nás poveril, aby sme žili tou časťou Slova na daný vek. A my vidíme tú veľkú reformáciu v čase Luthera v tom veku, Wesleya, letničných. Teraz my čakáme na Vrcholový Kameň toho Mesta. Ó, Bože, my poznáme ten vek a to zasľúbenie, ktoré je nám dané na tento deň, ako Toto má byť znova navrátené. „Večerné Svetlo nechá svoje ovocie dozrieť, a bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný deň ani noc, ale stane sa, že v čase večera bude Svetlo."

507 Ten istý slávny Syn Boží, ktorý sa zamanifestoval v ľudskom tele tu na zemi, vyplňoval presne tie zasľúbenia, zaslepil oči farizejov a sadúceov a herodiánov atď.

508 A dnes sa to znova opakuje, Slovo je zamanifestované tak, ako bolo vtedy. Slovo, rozpoznávajúce tajomstvá sŕdc presne tak, ako vedy, ako hovorí Písmo, ktoré nemôže byť zrušené. Pomôž nám, Bože, si to uvedomiť.

509 Pomôž teraz týmto, ktorí zodvihli ruky. Nech trochu tesnejšie pritiahnu pracky, nech sa obujú do Evanjeliom pokoja, nech nasadia celú výzbroj Božiu, helmu, nech vezmú štít viery a pochodujú vpred od dnešného dňa. Udeľ to, Pane.

510 Už len malú chvíľu a budeme zvolaní, potom nastane Vytrhnutie. Bude to veľmi malá skupina, ktorá bude vzatá, ako pri Enochovi.

511 Potom, zvyšok semena ženy, ktorí držia prikázania Božie -- Židia, ktorí majú svedectvo Ježiša Krista -- Pohania, budú štvaní ako psi a dajú svoj život za svoje svedectvo.

512 Potom, jedno veľké ráno nastane Milénium, začne svadobná cesta.

513 „A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa dokoná tisíc rokov." Potom, na konci tisícročia bude súd, to ukazuje, že Cham bol v korábe. A Cham je stále tam, v tom zvyšku. Tí, ktorí To počuli a odmietli To, budú musieť byť súdení.

514 No, udeľ to, Pane, aby sme neboli zahrnutí s nimi, ale aby sme boli medzi tými, ktorí budú zavolaní na Svadobnú Večeru. Lebo my rozpoznávame Ježiša dnes medzi nami. Vstupujeme s Ním, von zo sveta, do Neho. Vykročme do toho Mesta, vyjdime s Ním.

515 Starnem, Pane. Nemám pred sebou už veľa kázania, ale určite Ti dôverujem. Hľadám to Mesto, tak ako môj otec Abrahám. Niečo je vo mne, čo hovorí, že To prichádza. Pane, snažím sa všade rozširovať to Svetlo a volať ich. Nech ani jeden z nich, Pane...

516 Ako nádherne si mi to pred chvíľou zjavil. Sme tu dnes zhromaždení z okruhu 2400 km na jednom malom mieste a čakáme, až sa objaví to Mesto. Vyznávame, že sme pútnikmi a cudzincami. Sme vyhnancami. Pohania, svet sa smeje a robí žarty, náboženské denominácie sa vysmievajú, ale nami tieto veci nepohnú. Urob nás časťou Slova, napohnuteľného. „Stane sa to v posledných dňoch." Nech sme to my, Pane, nech sme zahrnutí medzi nich. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

517 [Br. Branham sa odmlčal. -- pozn.prekl.] Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen." -- pozn.prekl.]. Zodvihnime svoje ruky.

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

518 Teraz, ak my máme prebývať spolu v tom Meste, potraste si len s niekým ruky a povedzte, „Nech ti Boh žehná, pútnik. Odkiaľ si? Z Lousiany, z Georgie, od Mississippi? Aj ja som tiež pútnik. Hľadám to Mesto."

519 Hľadám to Mesto, brat Neville. Dostanem sa tam v ...?...Amen. Brat Capps, ja hľadám to Mesto ešte dnes večer.

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

Medveď bude jemný, vlk krotký;

Lev bude ležať s baránkom;

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

Ó, tam bude jedného dňa pre mňa pokoj v údolí,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

(Správne! Áno!)

Tam už nebude smútok, ani žiadne ťažkosti tam neuvidím,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

520 Náš neviditeľný Kráľ, v toto ráno, bude zamanifestovaný. Nebudem vidieť Billa Daucha ako deväťdesiatročného. Nebudete ma vidieť ako päťdesiatročného. Ale budem premenený v ten Deň.

A divoké zviera bude viesť malé dieťa;

Budem premenený zo stvorenia, ktoré som.

521 Nebudete radi? Šedivé vlasy, ovisnuté ramená budú preč. Ale v kráse a nesmrteľnosti tam budeme stáť, Jemu podobní, jasnejší ako slnko. Ó, nádherné!

...pre mňa, ó, Pane, modlím sa;

Tam už nebude smútok, ani žiadne ťažkosti tam neuvidím,

tam bude pre mňa pokoj v údolí.

522 Na to sme tu. Koľkí z vás potrebujú sily na tú cestu? Bože, udeľ nám to! Koľkí z vás sú chorí na tele, ranení vojaci? Tucet, alebo viac. Veríte, že je tu ten neviditeľný Kráľ? Neviditeľné veci sa zjavujú cez viditeľné. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, až na to fyzické telo. Teraz, ak je toto Jeho Duch, ktorý to kázal skrze mňa, On bude robiť tie skutky, ktoré robil vtedy, keď tu bol. Ó, aké nádherné!

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

Na tie široké plochy;

Žiari jeden Večný Deň;

Tam Boh Syn večne vládne;

A rozptyľuje noc preč;

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

523 Päťsto ich tam vchádzalo do rieky, ten prvý deň, keď sa viditeľne zjavil Anjel Pánov, aby potvrdil, ako to On urobil na hore Sinaj, že som Ho stretol. Vošiel som do rieky a stovky ich spievalo tú istú pieseň ku krstu. Tu On zostupuje, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý vidíte tam na fotke, zostupuje dole tam pri rieke a povedal: „Tak ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predchádzal Jeho prvý príchod, toto Posolstvo bude predchádzať Jeho druhý príchod." Vidíte? Tu to máte.

Ó, kto pôjde so mnou?

Som na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme.

524 Ten istý Stĺp Ohňa je tu s nami. Uvedomujete si to? On niektorých z nás urobil pre jednu vec, a iných pre druhú. Ak budete, bez jedinej pochybnosti veriť, že On je tu v strede, v tejto budove, verím, že On sa vám potvrdí. Uspokojí vás to? Ak sa nedostanem ku každému ... Je chvíľu po jednej hodine. Ak budete veriť, nechajte Ho zostúpiť na nás! Kde je vaša viera? Vidíte, vy tomu musíte veriť. Ak nepochybujete ani trochu, to bude fungovať.

525 Rozpoznávam Božskú Prítomnosť Bytosti Krista, Ktorý je Slovom. A Biblia povedala, „Slovo je mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč a preniká až rozdelenia duše a ducha, a stavcov a špiku a je spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky srdca, zjavuje tajomstvá srdca."

526 Pozrite. Prečo, ja som tieto veci nevedel, pred rokmi. A keď som to povedal, bez toho, že by som to vedel, pozrite, čo On urobil. Povedal: „Zoberieš ľudí za ruku, na nič nemysli, len hovor, čo ti hovoria prejavy." Povedzme, „to je nádor" (alebo čokoľvek to je.) Potom povedal, „Stane sa, že to nebudeš musieť robiť." Vidíte, vidíte? „To rozpozná tú vec, ktorá je v nich." Máme všetky možné druhy napodobenín, vieme to, ktoré by mohli zviesť i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Sledujte, ako všetko ostatné súhlasí so Slovom, potom viete, či je pravé alebo nie. Ale Ježiš stále zostáva ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

527 Koľkí z vás sú chorí a vedia, že vás nepoznám, zodvihnite ruky a povedzte „Viem, že ma nepoznáš." Ó, je to hádam všade. Tá jediná vec, ktorú musíte robiť, je, len veriť tomu.

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver.

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver.

528 Ježiš povedal: „Tak ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude, keď sa zjaví Syna človeka na zemi v posledných dňoch. Keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, alebo, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka v posledných dňoch." Nie v tých skorých dňoch, stredných dňoch, v posledných dňoch, (Vidíte?) sa On zjaví. A teraz, my sme v posledných dňoch. Všetko je presne tak, Sodoma, poslovia.

529 Čo sa stalo s tým malým zostatkom, ktorý bol vyvolaný, s Abrahámovou skupinou? Bol tam Jeden medzi nimi, v ľudskom tele, zastúpený v ľudskom tele, jediac s nimi, pijúc s nimi, to isté jedlo i všetko, čo jedli oni. On stál medzi nimi a hovoril to Posolstvo. A potom povedal, „Urobím túto veľkú vec."

530 A Abrahám sa stále zamýšľal, „Je to ono? Ja som hľadal Mesto. Je toto ten Kráľ?"

531 A On povedal, „Prečo Sára pochybovala?" V stane, za Ním.

532 Abrahám povedal, „Pán Boh, Elohim!" Lebo On rozpoznal Sárine myšlienky.

533 Ježiš povedal, že sa to bude znova opakovať, keď On bude zjavený v posledných dňoch, Vrcholový Kameň prichádzajúci na to Telo, aby vykúpil ... to sú tí vykúpení, On si prichádza vziať tých Svojich. On je tu s nami.

534 Zodvihlo sa len asi dvanásť rúk, alebo viac. Verím, že Boh môže uzdraviť každého jedného z vás. Správne. Verím, že ste uzdravení. Neverím, že niekto by mohol sedieť na takom mieste ako toto, v tomto čase a v tejto atmosfére, bez toho, že by niečo nevedel, nerozpoznal.

535 Chcem, aby ste sa modlili. Chcem, aby ste zistili, čo nie je s vami v poriadku, vo vašom srdci. Vidíte? A potom sa začnite modliť, povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, zjav toto. Hovorím Ti, čo nie je so mnou v poriadku. Pošli teraz Svojho Svätého Ducha na brata Branhama, aby vyplnil to, čo on povedal, že je Pravda, v tomto Posolstve, v ktorom dnes hovoril o Tebe. Viem, že to bude Pravda. No, zjav mi to, Pane. Hovor ku mne."

536 No, je to roztrúsené, trochu tu a okolo. Len sa modlite a verte celým svojim srdcom, že Boh to udelí. [Br. Branham sa odmlčal. -- pozn.prekl.]

537 Teraz chcem, aby ste sa na mňa pozreli a modlili sa. Tak, ako Peter a Ján povedali, „Pozri na nás!" On niečo chcel a on to zakrátko obdržal. A vy niečo chcete a verím, že to zakrátko dostanete. On povedal, „Pozri na nás."

538 On povedal, „Striebra a zlata nemám, ale čo mám, to ti dám."

539 Teraz, uzdravenie, ja žiadne nemám. To je všetko v Kristovi. Ale to, čo mám, dar Boží, vám dávam - vieru, Jemu veriť. Teraz, v mene Ježiša Krista, nech je každý jeden z vás uzdravený. Verte tomu. Vidíte? „Keď môžeš veriť ..."

540 Tá malá pani, ktorá tam sedí a hľadí na mňa. Pred pár minútami plakala a modlila sa. Je chorá na štítnu žľazu, ktorá ju trápi. Je ťa nepoznám. Si mi cudzia. Je to pravda, že? [Tá sestra hovorí, „To je pravda." -- pozn.prekl.] Ty nie si odtiaľto. Si z Chicaga. Pani Alexandrová. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Teraz sa vráť do Chicaga a buď zdravá.

541 Čoho sa ona dotkla? Toho istého, ako tá žena s krvotokom, okraju Jeho rúcha, nie môjho.

542 Tu je v zhromaždení jedna pani, dúfam, že mi rozumie. Ty, ktorá si zodvihla na stranu svoju hlavu. Nepoznám ťa. Si mi cudzia, ale ty trpíš na žalúdočné problémy. Tvoj manžel sedí vedľa teba. Niečo nemá v poriadku so svojim uchom. Vaše meno je Czap. Ste mi cudzí. Nie ste odtiaľto. Ste z Michiganu. Ak je to pravda, zamávajte rukou. Vráťte sa späť do Michiganu, zdraví. Vaša viera to všetko robí. „Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné."

543 Tá pani s tými krčnými problémami, ktorá sedí tam na konci, z Georgie, oblečená v bielom. Vráť sa do Georgie zdravá. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje. Veríš tomu?

544 Tá pani, ktorá tam sedí a díva sa mňa, na konci rady. Má problémy s postrannými dutinami. Ak tomu bude veriť, Boh ju uzdraví. Pani Brownová, ver z celého svojho srdca, Ježiš Kristus urobí... Si mi cudzia, ale On ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? Zodvihni ruku. V poriadku.

545 Tu niekto leží na lôžku. Povedzte jej, aby sa sem pozrela. Ona trpí dlhý čas. Ak by som ju mohol uzdraviť, urobil by som to. Ja neviem uzdravovať. Ona nie je odtiaľto, prichádza z ďaleka. Ty si z Missouri. Máš vnútorné ťažkosti. Ale ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca a nepochybovať, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví a ty sa môžeš vrátiť do Missouri zdravá a vydávať svedectvo. Veríš tomu? Potom to prijmi a vezmi si svoje lôžko a choď domov. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

546 Veríte? Toto je identifikácia Prítomnosti toho Večného Kráľa. Veríš tomu teraz celým svojim srdcom? Teraz, On určite obklopuje dookola celú túto budovu. Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca? Veríte, že ste v Jeho Prítomnosti?

547 No, veríš a prijímaš, že si jeden z vyslancov tohoto Kráľovstva? Zodvihni ruku. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria. Na chorých budú vzkladať ruky a budú sa mať dobre." My sme jeden druhého, vy ste časťou mňa, ja som časťou vás, my sme všetci časťou Krista. Teraz, spolu, položme svoje ruky jeden na druhého.

548 Tá pani práve vstala z lôžka, pohybuje sa okolo, vracia sa domov zdravá. Amen.

549 Vy ste každý jeden uzdravený, ak tomu budete veriť. Teraz položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého, vy ste touto časťou Krista. Modlite sa za tú osobu, na ktorej máte položené ruky, spôsobom, akým chcete.

550 Pane Ježišu, my rozpoznávame, že Ty si tu. Ty si náš Kráľ, ty sa potvrdzuješ medzi nami. Ďakujeme Ti, za túto Prítomnosť. A Pane, Ty si povedal, „Ak by ste povedali tejto hore, ´Pohni sa,´ a nepochybovali, verte, že čo ste povedali sa stane a môžete to mať, môžete mať, čo ste povedali.

551 Potom, v poslušnosti k tomu prikázaniu, v poslušnosti k Slovu Božiemu, ktoré nemôže zlyhať, my ako Tvoji vyslanci z okruhu 2400 km, ako to Mesto, hovoríme Satanovi, tomu porazenému diablovi, „Tvoj koniec bude spálenie. Sme vyslancami z Mesta, toho štvorcového Mesta, kde Svetlom je Baránok. Sme vyjadrenými atribútmi Všemohúceho Boha, ktoré vykúpil Ježiš Kristus z Jeho milosti."

552 Satan, odíď a opusti každú nemocnú osobu, ktorá je tu, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Sväté ruky, ktoré boli vykúpené, lebo veria Slovu a sú atribútmi Božích myšlienok, teraz ich ruky sú jeden na druhom. Nemôžeš ich už viac držať. Odíď, v Mene Ježiša Krista!

553 Teraz, v Mene Pána Ježiša, On je tu. Jeho Slovo hovorí, že On je tu. Vaša prítomnosť a vaša viera hovorí, že ste jeden z Jeho vyslancov. Dokonca každá geografická miera ukazuje, že je to tak. Môžete rozpoznať, že ste vykúpení synovia a dcéry Božie? Rozpoznávate, že toto je váš Domov? Toto je to, kam kráčate.

554 Preto prichádzate sem, preto prichádzate ku Kristovi, kŕmite sa Jeho Slovom. A ak môžete prežívať čas, ako tento, tu, len cez Jeho vyjadrené atribúty, čo to bude, keď prídeme do Jeho Prítomnosti? Ó, to bude nádherné! Každý jeden z vás má právo uzdravovať nemocných, vzkladať svoje ruky na chorých. Každý jeden z vás má právo krstiť.

555 Ak je tu niekto, kto nebol pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista, bazén je otvorený.

556 To je jediná cesta, ako to dokážete, poslúchať každé Slovo. Pamätajte, jeden malý úsek Slova, na začiatku, zapríčinil každý hriech na zemi. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridal jedno slovo k Tomu, nevojde." Jeho meno už nie je v Knihe, hneď len čo to urobí.

557 A nie je miesto v Biblii, kde by bol niekto pokrstený v Cirkvi, inak ako na Meno Ježiša Krista. Ak ste tak neboli pokrstený, mali by ste to radšej urobiť.

558 „Ó," poviete, „v tom nie je žiaden rozdiel." Pri Eve to bol.

559 Satan povedal, „Ó, iste, Boh, vieš Boh..." Ale, On to urobil. On tak povedal.

560 On dal Petrovi kľúče do Kráľovstva a čo bolo zviazané na letnice, bolo zviazané navždy. To je ten dôvod prečo Nevesta prichádza na ukážku druhý krát, tam musí byť Cirkev vyvolaná v poslednom dni, presne taká, aká bola v prvom dni. Ten Strom prichádza od koreňov až do koruny Stromu Nevesty, tak ako v tom čase, znova Božie majstrovské dielo, ako som povedal pred dvomi týždňami, aby bolo vzaté do toho Mesta.

Nech ti Boh žehná. „Teraz verím."

561 Satan je porazený. On to vie. On je na zemi, obchádza ako revúci lev. Už to nebude dlho trvať, kedy príde jeho koniec. On pozná svoj čas. Obchádza ako revúci lev.

562 Ale pamätajte, Knieža Pokoja stojí pri nás, ten Veľký Božský Architekt mojej bytosti, Architekt, ktorý ma postavil tým, čím som, Ktorý teba postavil tým, čím si, Ten je tu. Ak ten Architekt, Ktorý vie, ako postaviť tú budovu dohromady, jej správne miesto, kto to vie lepšie, ako ten Architekt? A On je tu, aby to dokázal, Samého Seba, On je tu.

563 No, to je založené na vašej viere. Ver, len ver!

Som na ceste do toho nádherného mesta;

Ktoré môj Pán pripravil pre tých Svojich;

Kde všetci vykúpení zo všetkých vekov;

Spievajú „Sláva!" okolo Bieleho Trónu.

Niekedy sami cnie za nebeským Domovom;

(Keď toto všetko skončí)

A na jeho slávy, na ktoré budem hľadieť;

Aká radosť to bude, keď uvidím svojho Spasiteľa,

v tom nádhernom Meste zo zlata!

564 Pamätajte, dnes večer bude v cirkvi Večera Pánova. Ak ste ešte tu v meste a chceli by ste prísť, budeme radi. Je to pamiatka na to, čo budeme jesť jedného dňa s Ním.

565 Milujem vás. Neviem ako to vyjadriť. Myslím, že ste soľou zeme. A počujem o vašom správaní medzi tými zo sveta a to mi dáva väčšiu dôveru vo vás.

566 Ale myslite na to, táto milá malá skupina sa jedného dňa rozpadne. Budeme o tomto snívať. A ak niekto z nás odíde skôr, ako sa opäť zídeme, ...

Stretnem vás v to ráno pri žiarivom brehu rieky;

Kde všetok smútok je odplavený;

Budem stáť pri portáli, kde sa brány naširoko otvárajú;

Na konci dlhého, únavného dňa života.

Stretnem vás v to ráno pri žiarivom brehu rieky;

Som často...?... dole pri rieke, s vytrhnutím sú všetci starí známi obnovení;

(Uvidím vás a budem vás poznať)

Budete ma poznať v to ráno podľa úsmevu;

Stretnem vás v to ráno, v tom Meste;

Meste, ktoré je stavané do štvorca.

567 Milujete to? „Kým sa stretneme!" Teraz sa postavme. Vezmi so sebou meno Ježiš, udaj nám tón.

568 Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Nie je nádherný? ["Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Veríte, že toto je pravda? ["Amen."] Ste nastavení tým smerom, milosťou Božou? ["Amen."] Kým sa tam dostaneme:

Vezmi sebou meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou,

keď sa nahromadia okolo teba pokušenia,

len vzdychni to sväté meno v modlitbe.

(To je všetko, čo máme robiť, kým sa znova uvidíme. Dobre.)

Vezmi sebou meno Ježiš;

Dieťa zármutku a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Vezmi ho všade kde ideš.

Predrahé meno, ó aké vzácne;

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

Predrahé meno, ó aké vzácne;

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

569 Teraz musel som niečo preskočiť v mojom Posolstve. Jeden deň, ak bude Pán chcieť, vrátim sa a preberieme tie „ulice", keď budeme mať viac času. Sťažovali ste si, aby sa nehovorilo príliš dlho. Dnes sme hovorili. Je horúco. Nech vás Boh žehná. Mám rád ten spev.

570 Jeden sused tu, niektorý minulý večer, keď oni vypli ten vonkajší reproduktor, povedal, „Veľmi sa mi páčilo to Posolstvo, ale prečo ste vypli ten spev tam vonku?" Takže, sused, ak počúvaš dnes ráno, myslím, že máme najlepších susedov tu v Jeffersonville. Parkujeme s autami pred ich domami atď. a oni na to nič nepovedia. Takže im teraz chceme poďakovať.

571 Ó, aký je nádherný! Nech je teraz Boh s vami.

... Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

Kým sa stretneme...

572 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pastor nás o chvíľu prepustí. Nech je Boh s vami!

...stretneme sa pri nohách Ježišových (v tom veľkom Meste, pri Tróne)

Kým sa stretneme! Kým sa stretneme.

Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa stretneme.

THE FUTURE HOME OF THE HEAVENLY BRIDEGROOM AND THE EARTHLY BRIDE, 64-0802, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 210 min

1 Let us remain standing a moment, as we bow our hearts now before God.

2Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for the privilege of being here today, assembled together in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We pray You forgive our sins, and as we are here to turn our attention towards the Eternal things and the Life that lays beyond this mortal reach. Now we pray that You will give us of Your directions, of how that we must turn, what we must do in the future, and even in the presence now, to gain that place that we are... been promised.

3There are many that are sick and needy in the land, and they haven't completed their journey. And our great enemy, not only our enemy, but Your enemy, has come to beset them and to--and to stop their life, and to send them to a--a premature grave. And we're asking for them, today, that You and Your mercy and grace, Lord, will extend their days to the allotted time.

4 Laying upon the platform, or the pulpit, here lays handkerchiefs and parcels. And out in the halls and around the place, is them on cots, stretchers, sick and afflicted, standing in the audience with hardly enough strength to stand on.

5O Eternal God, Blessed One, may You hear our prayer this morning, through the Blood of the Lord Jesus; not looking at our iniquity, but knowing that He stood in our place, and He is the One that's representing us for this prayer. May each and every one be healed for Your glory, Lord.

6Bless these handkerchiefs. When they're laid upon the sick, may they recover.

7And now, Father, until we wait for the great healing service, we believe will follow, break to us the way of Life, Lord, that we might know through Thy Word what we should do. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

8 As always, this is deemed one of my highest privileges, is to be in the house of God and to speak to His people. And now I know it's very congested, and I have a very long lesson. So I'm... I--I trust that--that you'll be comfortable, as possibly you can be, until we finish the Message.

9 Now, it's hot, but we're grateful for the air conditioner. But, a group of this size, there be no air conditioner could take care of it, see, because your own body is a generating unit, about ninety-eight degrees, and it's constantly putting out heat, and sitting close together. But I--I trust that God will make you just as comfortably as He can.

10 And when we are in, builded gatherings like this, I--I wouldn't have you come here, by no means, if I didn't think it was to help you, if I didn't think that it was doing you good, and that you would profit by it, by coming. And then, knowing too that we don't have too much longer to do this, that we're--we're coming to the--the very closing hours, and I--I want to make every moment count, that I can, for His Kingdom. And now I'm trusting that the Lord God will bless us as we assemble.

11 And I want to comment you, that, yesterday I was going to different places, out seeing some of the sick and afflicted, in the motels, and I got to meet some of the managers this week, some of the eating places. Like, I was over to the Ranch House this week, over here, and the manager was shaking my hand as we started out. And he said, he called me, "Brother Branham." I wondered how he knew me. And he said...

I said, "Are you the manager?"

12He said, "I'm the owner." So then he said, "Yeah, your people come in here to eat, from down there." Said, "They..."

And I said, "Well, I guess they overcrowd you."

13He said, "Sir, that's one of the finest bunch of peoples I ever seen." He said, "They're really nice."

14 I went to a motel yesterday, to see a young lady I wanted to talk to, her father and mother was present, and I had to go to the manager to find out where the--the mot-... the room they were in.

15He said, "And you're Brother Branham?" That's up at the Oaks.

And I said, "Yes, sir."

16He said, "I want to shake your hand." He said... He introduced me to his wife; very nice couple. They said, "Every person in this motel is attending your services. We reserved it for them." And said, "All of our other customers we turned down."

And I said, "Well, I thank you for that."

17He said, "Brother Branham, one of the nicest bunch of people I ever seen, are the people that comes up here, that attends your meetings."

18 I went in last night to a friend of mine, Mr. Becker down here, and I always liked his sandwiches. He's such a... He, I knew him when I was a boy; knowed him all my life. There was a couple sitting there from down at the--the old place, down at the Riverside Hotel down there. So they... Mr. Becker said, "Billy?"

19I said, "What is it, Homer?" We know one another real well.

He said, "I feed all your people up there."

20Some two hundred, or something, each Sunday, eats at the Blue Boar. And everywhere I go, I hear comments of how nice you are.

21This fellow said, "Down on the--the Riverview down there," said, "all that place is took up with the people attending the meeting." Said, "There be hundreds won't get to come in."

22 So, to be that, to me you're the salt of the earth. I--I'm so grateful to know that I have the privilege of preaching to people that even sinners and people... I don't say these people are sinners, but I mean people that, business and so forth, that can say that you're a nice people, and they appreciate you in their business, around their places. You know, that's being salty. I appreciate that, your behavior, the way you take care of things.

23I've always said, "If one comes in and doesn't, hasn't the money to take care of his bill, you just call me up." See? I said, "We'll do something about it." And I said, "Always feed them, whether they got money or not." See, anything can be done.

24I feel you're my children. You're--you're the stars that I... If I ever have one when I get there, you'll be that jewel, outshining part, in the--in the crown of my ministry. When it's crowned, you'll be that jewel.

25 And I've been telling you, in the times past, about the Seven Seals, the Church Ages, and the things that--that's been taking place.

26And now, this morning, I have a very important subject. To me, it's a very blissful one. I hope it strikes you the same way. And if I could only give it in the inspiration I received it in, be wonderful, but that'll be up to God to do that.

27 I've been telling you about where and what is happening, and we see all these things taking place.

28Now I'm speaking, this morning, on: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride, where they're going to live. And, for, I trust that by God's grace we're all a part of that great economy of God.

29 And now I--I trust that you'll bear with me, have your Bibles, your pencils, or whatever you do to read with me, 'cause I'm going to refer to many Scriptures. Trying to get through in time enough to have prayer for the sick; and I promised that. Come in, praying for the last little while, in the rooms and around, for the ones who are just almost helpless and hopeless.

30And, the Lord willing, I'll probably have another service the sixteenth, just maybe prayer for the sick.

31 Start my vacation now. Since last January, I've been traveling, and I'm coming back here. I'm going to be. I take my family to Tucson in the morning, and then I'll return back to spend the time down here in Kentucky, with some of my friends, hunting, and squirrel hunting, for a couple of weeks, or maybe seven or eight, ten days, whatever it is, unless the Lord leads me somewhere else. I never know, just where you're going to be; we never know that, because that's in the hands of God, God alone.

32 Now for this great subject, we--we... I suppose, if I would take my time on this, 'cause you have to bring in many things, it would take weeks. But I've wrote down some Scriptures, some notes, just to hit the highlights of it, to where it'll let you study.

33Then soon, maybe, the Lord willing, in October, I don't know when, but whenever He will provide, I'd like to have a--a few days, just of constant meeting, on the 12th chapter of Revelations, to tie in with this here. Oh, I believe it would be great. It'd just be. It would be great to see how He done.

34 Then, us coming together now, I said last night, I said, "You know, when I..." In the morning, like every morning, I think, "When I come down here, I'm going to recognize every one of my friends that's there." Now how am I going to do it?

35To have with me here, like my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle sitting back here, his lovely wife and daughter. And Brother Roy Borders, and, I think, Brother Ruddell, Brother Beeler, and Brother Palmer, and Brother Jackson. And, oh, my, the--the... Them dear brethren from all different parts! Brother Anthony Milano, and, oh, everywhere you look, you see some other brother! From down in Arkansas, I can't think of their name; Brother John, Brother Earl Martin, and Brother Blair. And, oh, there's just... you... It's just endless, you see. I'm so glad to have a group like that gathered around me when I'm teaching on the Word of God, man who I think are gallant man, real man of God.

36 I'm thankful for this little tabernacle. I'm grateful for its five open doors to the public. Each door... We have four deacons here, Spirit-filled man; four trustees, Spirit-filled man. That's two at each door. And it's got a double door in front, for the two pastors, the shepherds.

37We're glad to have you; thankful to God for this. May He ever bless you.

38 Now we want to stand just a moment, while we read from Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and also from the Book of Revelations 21.

39As we stand, O Lord, fill our hearts with gladness because of the reading of Thy Word, knowing that Jesus has said, that, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Know again that He said, "All Scripture must be fulfilled." And as we read these things, may we have an understanding from You, the hour in which we live. We ask it in Jesus' Name, the Author of the Book. Amen.

40 Second Peter 3.

This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by the way of remembrance:

That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?... (If that don't meet this infidel woman!)... and since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

But the heavens and the earth, which now are, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and the perdition of ungodly men.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Now, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some man count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in... which the heavens and the earth, with a great noise... shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works that are therein shall burn up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of person ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Looking for the hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that we look for such things, be diligent that you may not be found... may be found of him in peace, without spot, and without blemish.

And accounting that the longsuffering of the Lord is salvation; even as our beloved... Paul... according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you;

As also... all his epistles, speaking in them of the things;... which are some times hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrestle, wrest, as--as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with... error of the wicked, fall from your... stedfastness.

But grow in grace,... in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

41 Now in the--the Revelation of Christ, in the 21st chapter, I read these Words.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with man, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrowing, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new!... he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. And I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountains of the water of life freely.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Let us pray again.

42 Lord Jesus, with such a promise and such stern talk as Jesus Himself and the apostle has given us concerning the hour we are approaching, give us, O Lord, of Thy direction, that we might know how to approach it in the right way. Because, it's coming, we know. The Scriptures must be fulfilled, and so shall it be. And now, Lord, we ask Your mercy again upon us all, as we study Thy Word. Be with us and unfold It to us, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

43 Now, I wonder if there could be a way that perhaps, maybe they could turn the lights from the main auditorium off, and just leave them on the platform here, which would probably be better, and take some of the current. We about burnt up a transformer, the other night. And if the custodian will do that for us, we'd appreciate turning the bottom lights, the main auditorium lights, off. And then I think you'll have plenty of room to see, to write.

44 Now, a subject again, to announce it, that we are approaching the--the subject of: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride.

45Now as it's been... I'm just going to have to do this. It's just too hot up here, see. Yes, sir. As we... I know my wife don't like for me to do that; but, that, take my coat off. It's just too hot up here. See, you got air out there, and it's just cut off in a little pen here, see. Now, in the--in the future, or...

46 In the past, rather, we have studied The Seven Seals, The Seven Churches. Brother Vayle and those are working upon those now, faithfully, to get them in book form.

47 And seeing all these mysterious things that we have seen come to pass, then I think, after understanding that, in the hour that we're living in, and the position; there is no one that would want to sit down real sensibly and examine what has been spoken of, and what is promised to happen, and what has happened, but what could say that those things are fulfilled. See? Exactly what God said He would do, He did it just exactly to the letter. See?

48 Now, I think in this, that, not knowing what time that the Lord Jesus might appear, I thought it would be good, it seemed pleasing to the Holy Spirit that we'd speak on this, then; and maybe come back to it again, two or three times, because I won't have quite ample time to get all this out.

49As where you hit a--a subject that might be a little stumbling to someone, you can't carry it all the way out to make it plain, then you come back again to catch the next subject.

50And then later on, in the... if the Lord willing, we come into the 12th seals, or not... Pardon me. The 12th chapter of Revelations, which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the Trumpets, and so forth. We'll try to bring that back, to show who is Satan, and what he did, where he come from, what's his purpose, and how that his great beauty that was give him caused his fall. His deceit caused it to fall; beauty.

51 Then, how that the impossibility for any man that wants to look at it right, that serpent's "seed." I would make a challenge to that, to anybody, see, that would want to look at it, with--with just absolutely common understanding. A child can see it. See? Now, and we'll get to that later.

52 Now, we understand here that these two Scriptures... The reason I read Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and compared it with Revelations 21, they both here are speaking the same subject, but John never--never wrote it out like Peter did. See? We understand that this great Home of the Bride is to be here on earth.

53And now if you read, just like 21 chapter, 21st chapter of Revelations, apostle here said, or the prophet said, that, "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth." Sounds like there comes a annihilation.

54 Now, way I always find my Messages is by prayer. I'll be sitting in prayer and something reveals to me. And I wait on it a few minutes and see if it's right, then I feel it closer. And then sometimes I keep waiting till it breaks into a vision. But when it begins to come, and I'm satisfied it comes from God, then I go to the Scripture. See, That is, ought to be the confirmation of every spiritual thing that's done, because the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ; see, It is His Body.

55And now, in that, maybe I find a place in the Scripture that doesn't sound just right, and I'll wonder. I go back again to prayer. It comes again. Then I--then I begin to--to examine my Scripture.

56 Now, our Bible is wrote in English, and English words change, all the time. For instance, like Saint John 14, said, "In My Father's House is many mansions," a mansion in a house. Well, then, you, what you do with that then, is run it back to the--to the original and see what James meant, or go back to the Hebrew, or to the Greek, from the first translation. And in there it says, "In My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." Well, then, you come back to the time that the translators translated for King James, the kingdom was called, in English, a "house," and the king was the father over his delegates. There is the reason they translated, "In My Father's House is many mansions." See? And then you get those words and you have to hunt them up.

57 Then, you see, from that inspiration... This pulpit this morning, I say, not one time has it ever been nothing but straight, the Scripture. That's how Serpent's Seed and all these other things come. See? By...

58And it's, really, if a fellow would just read and say, "In My Father's House is many mansions," if you didn't stop to study, pray, you'd be all confused. See? But just keep praying. God always makes it right, if it comes from God.

59 Now, John explains the change and the com-... how it comes about... He doesn't explain it, rather, but Peter does. John just said, "I saw New Heavens and New Earth; first heavens and first earth was passed away. There was no more sea. I John saw the holy City coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for Her Husband." But, we turn back to Second Peter now to find out, Peter explains how this process will come about. Now, if you'd look at what John said, it sound like, "For the first heavens and first earth was passed away," annihilated. See, then, that sounds very strange. So that's what struck me, and I begin to look for the word, "pass away." And, now, but it's clear that both of these, apostle's and prophet, were talking of the same thing.

60 And now, also, in the Book of Isaiah, now, that you want to put these Scriptures down, in Isaiah 65:17. Isaiah, speaking of the Millennium, that thousand years of rest for--for the people of God. Isaiah spoke of it, and he said, "I... There was a... All the former things had passed away," and how they'll build houses, inhabit them. If we had time... Maybe we just take time and--and read this just a minute, Isaiah 65, and let's just read for a few minutes here. And here it is, right, for us. Now, to begin, Isaiah 65:17.

And, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:...

61Now, Isaiah, the prophet, was one of the prophets that wrote exactly the entire Bible in his prophecy. He starts out with the creation; in the middle of his Book, about the 40th chapter, comes around John the Baptist, the New Testament; and winds up here, in his Book, in the Revelations, in the Millennium. There is sixty-six books in the Bible, and there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. He wrote a complete commentary.

62Now, we find out, here now he's getting the 65th chapter, one more chapter, and he speaks of the Millennium. Notice it, how beautiful.

... behold, I create new heaven and... new earth: and the former thing shall not be remembered, or come into mind. (It's to "pass away.")

But be--be ye glad and rejoice... even in that which I have created: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoice, and her people a joy.

And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, for... nor the voice of crying.

There shall be no more thence... infant of days, and... an old man that has not fulfilled his days: for a child shall die an hundred years old; and a sinner being a hundred years old shall be accused. Then shall...

And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit of them.

And they shall not build, and another inhabit; (that is, your farm, your son fall heir to it, or some of your heirs)... they shall not plant, and another eat there: (they do their own planting and remain there; they got Life Eternal)... for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and my long... mine elect shall long enjoy the works of their hands.

They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offsprings with them.

63Now notice, here is where I'm going to get to, after a while.

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I'll hear.

And the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like a bullock:... dust shall be the serpent's meat. And they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

64 What a promise, of these prophets and great sages, teachers of the Bible, way back in ancient days, seeing this glorious Day come!

65By these passages, one might think, or be led, rather, to believe that the whole planet, of this earth, will be destroyed, "I make a New Heaven and a New Earth," see, that the heavens will be gone and the earth will be gone, completely annihilated. But a close study, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can see the Truth of this; and that's what we're going into.

66 It is only the atmospheres around it, and the sin that's upon the earth, that will be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens means the "atmospheres above." See?

67 What does it do? It then, these thistles, and sickness, and death, and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits, will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that way, because we are going to live right here. We'll prove that by the Bible. Right here is where we live. Now notice, thistles, germs, all sicknesses and things, will be completely taken away. All this, its existence that's in the earth now, man-made systems, politics, sin, all kinds of evil spirits that the world is contaminated with, and all the heavens above us in here, is contaminated with evil spirit. Now we're going to go deep and long, in this, see.

68All this exists in the heavens, or atmospheres, and the earth which is now. This earth holds those things, but it wasn't made for that purpose. Sin caused it to be like that. See? It was made by God, the Creator. But all...

69And all of our bodies, that we live in now, was put on the earth when God created it, because you're out of the dust of the earth. It was all laid out here. When God Himself create it, you were in His thinking. And in Him, the Great Eternal, was the thought, which is His attribute.

70And now sin caused all this to happen. And God, through this age, is gathering up His material.

71 Satan is still here. That's the reason all these things happen. He is still here, and all of his evil forces are still here. Notice, that's why the earth now is so filthy. That's why the scum and ridiculous things that goes on; bloodshed, war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of filthiness goes on, is because that Satan is the ruler of this earth and this atmosphere.

You say, "The atmos-...?" Yes, sir!

72 Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that can accuse us before God. Jesus is There to intercede for us. See? While the accusers keep pointing a finger, "they did this, they did this, they did this," but the Blood still covers. He came to redeem that Elected that He foresaw. That's why it's so filthy today.

73 Here, the apostle, in Second Peter here, the 2nd chapter, and the 5th and the... and the 5th and 6th verse. Yes, I've got it. He refers to three stages of the earth. See, he--he gets three stages of it. Notice how he brings them.

74"The old world stood out of the water," now, that was the antediluvian world.

75Now, the one that is, the present world we live in now, called it a "world."

76"The old world that stood out of water," Genesis 1:1. Now and the "world" that is now present. And then, again, he refers to another one, "the world that is to come," the New World. Three worlds; three stages of the world.

77 And notice how God makes plain to us His plan of redemption. Oh, this just thrilled my soul when I saw it, how He makes plain to us here now His plan of redemption. Now compare what we see with our own eyes. What God has done to redeem His world, He's done the same plan to redeem His people, for the unchangeable God changes not in any of His plans or anything. Such a glorious thing!

78 How He led us to Himself, to a tabernacle in us, by three stages of grace; just like He's led the world in three stages, to come to the world. As God will come to the world after it's gone through three different stages of purification, that's exactly how He comes to us through three stages of grace. I taught that at the beginning; I've never changed, since. It's God's Word.

79 You have to keep your three's together, your seven's, your twelve's. The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you'll get your picture all mixed up. If you can't understand it, just keep praying. You watch, it'll cut right in, exactly. God is perfected in three's. See?

80 Notice, "the old world," the antediluvian; the "world" that's present now; and the One to come.

81Now, first stage that He brings us to... See, His plan of redemption is exactly the same by everything. He uses the same method. He never changes. He said, in Malachi 3, "I am God, and I change not." The way He does it, therefore, if He saved the first man He ever saved, by the shed Blood of an innocent One, He'll have to save the next one; and every one He saves will have to be the same way.

82If He healed a man at any time through the journey of life; let it be in the days of Jesus, the apostles, the prophets, whenever it was; when the same conditions is met, He's got to do it again. That's right. He doesn't change. Man changes, time changes, age changes, dispensation changes, but God remains the same. He is perfect. What a hope that ought to give the sick people!

83 If He ever healed a person, He has to do it again when the same conditions is met. He ever, ever saved a man, He's got to do it on the same grounds He did it the first time. If He ever filled a man with the Holy Ghost, He's got to do it on the same grounds He did the first time. If He ever raised a man up from the grave, He's got to do it the second time, and every other time, on the same principle.

84 He doesn't change. Oh, what a hope that gives me! What is it? Not in some man-made theory, something that groups of man have come together; but His unchangeable Word.

You say, "Is it the Truth?"

85He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true." "For heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." "All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore it's good and profitable for doctrine." And remember, that, "All Scripture will be fulfilled," every bit of it.

86 Notice how God makes it plain to us. And if that wasn't a--a great confirmation, a good... a great, loving blessing from God! When I see this, and see that since a boy, first time ever Christ dealt with me, I've still always taught those three stages of grace. Notice if it isn't true now.

87 Now, the first step is "repentance towards God." And then follows after that, is water baptism, "water baptism," "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." See, water baptism follows, showing that repentance was genuine. Or, to "remit" our past sins, that has nothing to do with future sin. It only remits. "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." What for? "Remission." Taking away of past sin has nothing to do with the future. Just, your sin has been chopped off, what you did.

88You can't repent for what Adam done. You never done it; Adam did. You just get forgiveness for what you done. The old nature is still there.

89 Let me take this board just a minute. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard--Ed.] Now, here is a human heart. Now, I'm not... I'm a long ways from being an artist. Here is a human heart; and here is a human heart. Now, this one over here has a snake in it, that's sin, here he has his life. This one over here has a dove in it, which is the Holy Spirit, here he has a Life. Well, this one here, he has malice, hatred, envy; that's what's causing it, is this fellow here. Well, this one over here has love, and joy, and long-suffering; and That's what does it, down here.

90Now, when you are asked, or you are forgiven of your sins, you've only done this, taken that away. But the thing that made you do it is still there. That's the old root of evil; it's still there. Notice, then you repent and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that He forgave you of your sins. Notice.

91 Then, secondly, comes sanctification, which sets our mind in order for holiness, to think right. Taken away... sanctification is a compound Greek word, which means "cleaned, and set aside for service."

92Then, the next, comes the baptism of the Fire and Holy Ghost, that God might dwell in us. And the Fire of God cleanses our hearts from sin, and puts the Holy Ghost inside. Then we bring forth the same Life that This did, because That's in us.

93 Notice, in the natural birth, when a woman gives birth to a baby. The natural life types the spiritual life. When a woman gives birth to a baby, the natural, the first thing happens is breaking of water, then blood, and then the spirit (the life). Grab the little fellow and spank him [Brother Branham claps his hands together once--Ed.], and away he goes, screaming. Water, blood, spirit.

94And now when a baby is born into the Kingdom of God, he comes the same way: water, Blood, Spirit.

95 Now notice, sanctification, the third stage... second stage of it, cleanses the mind; sets the heart, the mind of the heart, in order of holiness.

96A man can repent of sins and he is still thinking of... Well, maybe he's a--a immoral man, every immoral looking woman he finds, is still there. Maybe he's a drunkard; every time he smells the drink, it's still there. See?

97But then when he gets sanctified, that cleanses that desire out of him. See? It takes the want of it away. He can still be tempted, but He takes the want of it away. Still, he's not right yet.

98Then, he is baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Cleansed, burnt out, cleaned up; and then put into the service of God.

Sanctification only sets them aside for service.

99 And notice just exactly how that come, the messages coming. Martin Luther, justification; John Wesley, sanctification; the pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The messages, that's where there can't be no more ages of it, see. We're at the end time. Three stages. Baptism cleanses the heart with the Holy Ghost.

100 How striking now, He takes the place where we are to dwell in, through the same process.

101Now, He's called the Church through justification, called It through sanctification, then filled It with the Holy Ghost and Fire. And He took It through a process, that He Himself, the Holy Spirit Himself, the Son of God, could dwell in the human heart. Now, It has to go through that before He can come into It.

102Notice, He done the world, where that Bride is going to live in, the same way, His same plan of--of salvation.

103 Notice the antediluvian world. He, after it had repented, by through the Bride of that day, Noah, He give it a water baptism, covered it over with water. Then, justification, showing that He's on His road to call this fallen world, from Eden, back to its restoration again.

104Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, cleansing it and claiming it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times--Ed.] See, that's the world that we live in now.

105See how Satan, here in the Scripture, tried to make Him break God's plan to receive it, give it to Him when he took Him up on the mountain, and tried to give it to Him without the purchase of the Blood?

106 Did you notice how Abraham, when they tried to give him the land, he bought it with so many shekels of silver, before the people, as a ensign, as a witness? "Let it be known this day that I bought this burying place." See, purchase it! And Satan tried to--to give Him the kingdom which belongs to him now. He tried to give it to Him as a gift, but He wouldn't receive it. Cause it's, see, then Satan could still have claim on it. But, it had to be bought. Amen. He was the Word in the fullness thereof. They couldn't deceive Him in it.

Then, it is now to get a baptism of Fire.

107 See, it has now... What happened? Christ came and called the Church to repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission; sanctify the Church; and with the Fire of God come down and burn out all the filth, and come and dwells in the human heart.

108 Now, the world, to be redeemed for this redeemed person, He uses His same method. He baptized it in water, after the antediluvian destruction. Shed His Blood upon it, to sanctify it and claim it. It's His.

Satan tried to say, "I'll give it to You."

109He said, "No, sir, I'll buy it." Let it be a witness. He was lifted up, for an ensign, that He bought it. He purchased it.

110 But now it has to go through a baptism of Fire, holy Fire from God, which cleanses the earth and the heavens around it. Then, it's purchased so that the redeemed can live on it, live in it in peace. Notice, the baptism of Fire is to cleanse it from sin, from sickness, from disease germs, from sinners, from the devil and all of his group. He is to be cast out, into the Lake of Fire. Holy Fire from God, comes down from God, out of Heaven, and burns it up, notice, to make it ready for God to dwell in. For, God, in the New World that is to come, is to dwell in the earth. Cause, you say, "God, He dwells in the human heart." But, He and the Bride becomes One, and they go to their Home in the New World. And the same plan of redemption is used to redeem, both, world and the persons that live in it.

111 See, the heart has to be cleansed like that. Before God can come down in the person of the Holy Ghost, which is Christ coming down and dwell in the human heart, it first must be repented. It must be baptized in water, in His Name, to show who it belongs to.

Then it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.

112And then the holy Fire and Holy Ghost, from God, comes down and burns out all the desire of sin, all the nature of the world. "And, therefore, he that sins willfully after receiving the knowledge of the Truth..." Then, again the Bible said, "it's impossible..." "For, a--a man that's born of God cannot sin; he does not sin." There is no way for him to sin. How can he be a sinner, and a redeemed, at the same time? How can I be in the pawn shop, and out of the pawn shop, at the same time? See? Oh, He redeemed us by His Blood; by His Spirit He cleansed us; and then comes to dwell in us, the Church. Not the denomination, now; the Church!

113 Notice close now as we take this, the places we are to--to dwell in. Now, now, the--the antediluvian repentance, then, brought water baptism. Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, to cleanse and to claim it. And then comes, the next, the destruction of the world as it is now.

114All the sin that's in the heavens above, "he is the prince of the power of the air," he keeps off (wars off) the blessings from God. In there comes thunderbolts of lightning and strikes the earth, and everything, from the heavens, sheets of slicing rain, and typhoons, typh-... storms and everything, "comes from above," which is Satan, "the prince of the power of the air."

115 Notice, see how Satan tried to take it, as I said a few minutes ago, by giving it to Jesus without buying it. Then, Satan still has a claim, because it's earmarked, see. But Jesus buys it by His shed Blood and brings it back to the rightful owner. See? That's how He bought us, by His Blood, how He bought the Church.

116And now its baptism of Fire cleanses it from all germs, all its diseases, all sicknesses, even all the spiritual things; which is by us, too, it does the same way; to make it ready for God to dwell in, in this great age that's to come, the New Earth. See, He redeems it in the same way He does His people. He makes it all just the same, His plan of redemption. For, He is the unchangeable God, always the same in His plans.

117 How I've told you, before, and make it known to you, and by all ages, that God cannot change; makes it known, every way, by the same.

118He made it known, His first message, in the antediluvian world, by Noah the prophet.

119 I was talking to a dear brother who is sitting present with me now. Yesterday, he said, "One thing you said, Brother Branham, that always shook me."

I said, "What is it, brother?"

120And he said, "Here is what you said," and it's true, "'The minority, how a little group is going to be saved in the days of Coming.' And we talked of how Jesus said, 'Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there will be that'll find it.' Now notice, the Bible said, 'As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the Coming.'"

I said, "Brother, you just got..."

He said, "Remember, there is only eight souls there."

I said, "You just got half the picture."

121 Yet, Noah was a type of the remnant that's carried over, not the translated bunch. Enoch, one man, went in the Rapture before the flood came, showing that the Church does not go into the tribulation or anything around it. Enoch was translated, one man. Oh, the church may be a number; but the Bride is going to be a very small group that'll make up the Bride. Now, the church may be a great number; but, the Bride, you see, compare eight with one. Eight times less, will be the Bride, than the church.

122"And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly appear," those who know better, to do it, and go ahead and do it anyhow? Those who follow the rules of denomination instead of the Word, where will they appear at, yet called Christians, taking the Name of Christ?

123 Now, perfectly, Noah was a type of those carried over. Remember, when Noah come out, Ham was with him. Sin was still in there. Sin went right on over, through the ark. Unbelief, doubt, went over in the ark, carried above the judgment. But Enoch went higher than the ark, he went on into the Presence of God. But Noah went through and come out, and there was still sin; type of the Millennium, of the world's condition.

124The Millennium is not the end of it. There will still be time after the Millennium. The Millennium is a space of time; but, not the New Earth. No, indeed. Notice, in that, we'll get to it after a bit.

125 See, the earth, redeemed, goes back to its original Owner again. It took... He took it from Satan. He pulled, taking the earth away from Satan, just like He took you away from Satan, like He took the little woman at the well away from Satan. There stood the priest, thought he was with God, and he had nothing. See?

126 I'd like to draw that for you just a moment. Now, we want to get this real clear, so now watch close now on this teaching. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.]

127Now, this here, here is God. God, which is the Eternal, without... There is no one but Him. But, in God, He had attributes. Now, this here represents the Word, the Word of God, which was made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus.

128Now this here, fellow here, we're going to make him like this. Now, this is called the woman at the well. This is the priest, Pharisee. And where you see this, open blackboard, means grace and salvation.

129 Now, "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." The three stages. It was a attribute first, was in God, that He thought of Himself as being human; and that transmitted Him down to be Jesus; and now, if you'll ever be There, you was with Him then. For, there's only one form of Eternal Life, that's God; and you had to be a part of God at the beginning, not what you just chose down here. He chose you. "All the Father has given Me will come."

130 Now look at this priest here. We find his bottom part, here, his back life, back behind him, his predestination back here, is sinful.

Here is hell, down here.

131Now, this little part in here, that looks like the blackboard, that represents his purity. He was a priest. He was an honorable man. That represented this. He was, also, had to be a good man, or he couldn't be a priest. But you see how he got it, was intellectual learning.

132 Now, this little woman, her first life, up here, she was a prostitute, she was all marred up. But way down in her, here, was just a little bit of understanding. "I know when the Messiah cometh..." See? See, that was there.

133Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because the Word discerned the thoughts that was in the heart; as Hebrews 4 says It will, 4:12, that He would. "The Word was a discerner of the thoughts of heart," and He came as the Son of man, the Prophet. What happened? This priest, with only intellectual learning, said, "It's a devil," because that's what his denomination called it. What did it do? He had no representation, so it blacked him out.

134 But this little woman had nothing to present; she was as filthy and dirty as she could be. But, notice, way down in her, she's got representation, see. And, then, she was looking for this to be made flesh.

And when He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "Sir, I have none."

135Said, "You've said the truth, 'cause you got five, and the one you have now is not yours. You've had five. That makes six you had."

136She said, "Sir!" (Not, "You're," not, "Beelzebub.") "I perceive that You are a Prophet. Now, we know the Messiah, which is called Christ, will come. And when He does, He'll do this."

He said, "I am He."

137No more doubt. You didn't have to explain it. She saw it. She believed it. Away she went! Why? What did It do to her? It redeemed her.

138Now watch, He came to be a Redeemer. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What does redeem mean? "Bring back." Why didn't He get the priest? He never was up there. See? See, he had no representation.

139He came to redeem that which had fallen. In the fall, this got messed up, with that girl; but God had her in His thinking before the foundation of the world, and He come to cleanse her. See? Then He... She had Eternal Life. See?

140 Where, the priest, what did it do to him? It sent him right back to his destination. He had nothing, to begin, only intellectual learning.

141Now listen, friend, if the only thing you've got is just intellectual learning, you get something different from that. And you'll never be able to get It unless you got representation. That's the reason I believe you come from the east and west, north and south; the Word, living, made manifest.

142 Notice now how He makes His way known by His prophets, in the beginning. He has never changed it.

143[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... salvation. He justified a man; sanctified him; sent the Holy Ghost and Fire, and burnt the sin out him, and dwelt in him, Himself.

144He does the earth, that He's going to use in a plan of redemption, the same way. It repented and was baptized in water, in... by Noah. Jesus come and sanctified it, by dripping His Blood upon it, and claimed it. And in the New Earth that's to come, it's to have a holy Fire baptism, to clean it of every devil, every germ, every sickness, everything that there is, and make it anew. "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth."

145You become a new person. Amen! Not just an old one patched up, by joining church or trying to turn a new page, but you are a complete brand-new unit. God takes the old man and burns him completely out, with the Holy Ghost and Fire, and comes Himself, sends down your representation. "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Same plan; same way.

146 Satan was... will be taken from the earth, just exactly like Satan was taken from you. Satan cannot bother; or, he can tempt, but he cannot get a born-again Christian. For, God, from the foundation of the world, foresaw him, and sent Jesus to redeem him, and the Blood speaks for him. How can he sin when it can't be seen, even, by God? He don't even... The only thing He hears is your voice. He sees your representation. Amen! That is true. See?

147 By the same means, for the world is one of His attributes just the same as you are one of His attributes. The world becomes one of His attributes, because it was God's thinking, in the beginning. To have a world, to be on a Throne, to be a King, to be a Redeemer, to be a Healer, that's His attributes.

148 Just like an attribute of you. I can't say a--a "post" 'less I think of post. I can't say "man" unless I think of man. And when I think of man, then say "man," the thinking is my attribute and the expression is the word. See?

149Like Isaiah, how could he say, that, "A virgin was going to conceive"? What is a thought?

150 Now, many of you wonder how them, that discernment, comes. I'm going to tell you. See, it's a word that I say. And it isn't my thinking, 'cause I don't know. I don't know of the thinking of it. How can I tell you who you are and where you come from, when I don't know you? How can I tell you what you done ten years ago, when I never seen you in my life? How can I tell you where you'll do and what you'll do ten years from now? How do I know the future? But it is Somebody else's thought.

151"Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." See, then it isn't your thinking. It's His thinking, through you. And you're not expressing your own words; you're expressing His Words.

152 That's how many a times the brethren gets confused, on interpretation of tongues, and things. See, they say things that's not right, they don't realize that that's Satan. You say, "In the garden of God?" Just wait till we get through, find out if it's not, or not. The weeds and the wheat grow in the same field. They both live by the same sun and the same rain. See?

153"But if there be one among you who is a prophet, I the Lord will speak to him. And if what he says happens, then that's Me, see, 'cause he's not expressing his own. He is expressing My thoughts, My attributes of the things that has to come, and I'll use his mouth to express them by. And after he said them, they've got to come to pass. Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail."

154Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." That settles it. She is going to conceive. What God said, He does.

155 Oh, make known, by His prophets, all of His manifestations, because it's His attributes of His thoughts expressed.

156Now, here it was, in this little woman. She was one of His attributes. See?

157And there was the priest, representing the Light. He had learned it from the Bible. He had learned that God was God. He had learned that holiness was right. He was learned that there was a law of God. He had learned it because of an intellectual conception. And he was born in the right lineage; he was a Levite. But he only knowed it by intellectual conception. And when the Light of the hour... See, he learned it by what had happened, not what was happening; what had happened! And when he found what was happening, his denomination said nothing about It, therefore he had no representation of It.

158 But here was the Redeemer on earth at that time, to redeem those attributes of God, and she received it. She never questioned it. She said, "When Messiah cometh, He'll do this," and that settled it. And she seen it done, so... He said, "I'm the Messiah," so that settled it. No more question. She just went, telling everybody else, "Come, see Who I found."

159 These processes make us clean, a temple for His dwelling place: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost with Fire. That does the cleansing of (our) this temple.

160 So, as old world frame did not destroy, by the waters when it was washed off; the frame of the planet, the old frame, the... all the dirt, all the stuff that God put on the earth, was not destroyed when the first world was destroyed. And the Bible said it was "destroyed," but it never destroyed the frame. It just destroyed the sin and sinners that was on it. The framework remained.

161 But, you see, as justification, as you Baptists and Methodists want to think of it, just justification, believing and being baptized, that's not enough. You'll wander right back into the things of the world, and bob your hair and wear shorts, and everything else. See, there is nothing happened yet. You just looked back and seen you done wrong.

162 What did justification do to the world? Never done a thing to it; started right off again, just as much sin as it ever was. That's the way a man does, and that's all the farther he goes.

163That's the way the great evangelist, Billy Graham, ought to see. He said, "I go and have thirty thousand converts, come back in a year and ain't got thirty." That's all the farther they went. See? And, surely, they repent. I believe they repent; most of them, or some of them, at least. But that isn't what it takes. It proves it here.

164 Now, so the old world framework was not destroyed by the water. The world was only washed off. That got its baptism. It was baptized.

165So will the framework remain, though it be burnt by Fire. It don't destroy the earth, see, it just destroys the sin that's on it.

166 Notice here, some of you Bible students, and especially Doctor Dale looking at me. Notice in Peter, in the 2nd chapter of Peter here, 3rd chapter, rather, he uses the word "world," as a Greek word kosmos, which means, "the world order." "The earth shall pass away, melt the elements with fervent heat." See? Doesn't mean that the earth, the planet, is going to pass away. But the world, kosmos, the politics, the sinners, the systems, sin, disease, germs, everything that's wrong, will pass away. Everything that once...

167God once shook the heavens, but this time He said He'll shake the earth, heavens and earth... "He shook the earth," rather, "and then this time He'll shake the heavens." See? "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." It's a Eternal Kingdom. Watch how he goes to it.

168 Notice here, Peter said, "And will melt with fervent heat, and the works therein burnt up," not the planet. "The works therein," the works of man, all their politicians and their schemes, and all their denominations and man-made schemes, will all go with it when it burns.

169 "And--and heavens will pass away with a great noise." Did you notice here? "Heavens will pass away with a great noise." Listen! The whole earth will be on fire, and will ignite the gases that's in the earth and explode it. That's exactly. Talk... The Bible said here, Peter said, "And the heavens will pass away, and earth, with a great noise." Such an explosion will rock it, oh, my, 'cause it's got to kill every disease, every thistle, every thorn. Everything there is to be done, the Fire will burn it up. And, remember, it's not altogether just a literal fire, it's also a holy Fire, see, that will take away Satan and all of his, all the devils. "Both heaven and earth," amen, "will pass away," killing all the germs, all insects, all natural life on it and around it, even the H2O (the water) will explode. Think of it. Talk about a noise!

170You think that little noise out here in Tucson was something, when He opened the six Seals, that shook the country around about, and caused the talk. Wait till this earth receives her baptism!

171 You know, when a man receives the baptism of Fire, there's a lot of noise around there. They think that's a shame, to hear people scream and shout like that. Just wait till this earth gets her baptism!

172Yeah, it'll explain.... explode it, the H2O, the water, for the Bible said here in Revelation 21, "and there was no more sea," explode it. This will change the whole surface of the entire earth. She'll burst and blow to pieces. All the outside, the crust, and for hundreds of feet below it, will just simply be completely demolished. The atmospheres, the gases that's in the earth now, where they're finding these missiles that can't get through it, a great sphere up in there, way up in some kind of a sphere that there's all kinds of gases, they say; and that'll burst. The holy wrath of God will come upon it, see, and will cleanse it, will change the entire surface.

173 Now, many of you that want to put down this word, the Greek word, "pass away." It comes from the word... I had to find it. I thought, "How is this world going to pass away, and yet we're going to live on it?" But if you'll notice, some of you people that wants to put it down, I'll spell it for you. I couldn't pronounce it, p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. I don't know how to pronouce it.

174Now, that way, as I said, when I get... The inspiration strikes me for something, then I go back to find out the word. Now, here, I can't spell the word, or I can't--I can't pronounce it. But, in that, the Lord has still give me a way. I go and find out what that word means, then I got it. See? Then I got it, again. See?

175Heavens and earth will pass away, now, this word means, "passing from one form to another." It does not mean "annihilation," as the English word would mean, pass away, it's annihilated. But the Hebrew word, or the Greek here, does not mean pass away; it means, "from passing from one thing to another." Look, but, "to pass from one condition," it says, "to another."

176 Now notice, Paul used it, if you want to read it now. Put it down, you can read it later. In Titus 3:5, Paul is using this same word, means regeneration of man, that man has passed from a sinner to a saint, not completely annihilated. When a man is changed, he isn't annihilated, but he's a changed person. He has been changed from what he was to what he is, not annihilated.

177 Jesus used the same word in Matthew 19:28; now, not 28:19. Now, 19:28, He said to them, "You'll set with Me in My Father's Kingdom, regenerated," you see, "changed," when you're changed. He used the same word.

178And He used the same word when He said, to the colt, said, "Loose the colt and let him go."

179Said the same thing at the resurrection of Lazarus, "Loose him! Change him! He's been tied; let him go!"

180What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of Satan. It'll be loosed. It'll be loosed from politics, it'll be loosed from denominational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it's in the hands of Satan, politics... Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed it.

181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little woman was his property, but not now. See, He come to loose the grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon your life, and now we're not his.

182Have you often heard me say, in prayer, "take your hands off of God's property"? See? Amen! Have faith to claim your own. That's your rights. "Take your hands off of her! Take your hands off of him!" See, faith will do it. Oh, my! Not annihilate it, but, just, "Take your hands off of it," to loose it, let it go, pass it away. It changes.

183The earth will change. Politics will change. The religions will change. The denominations will pass away. Politics will pass away. The Kingdom of God shall be established.

184 We read in John, read John in Revelation 6:14, see, "it departed as a scroll." The Bible said the... that it... John said, "I saw the heaven and earth depart as a scroll." John, Revelation 6:14.

185Jesus said, "Heavens and earth shall pass away," or, other words, "heavens and earth shall be changed." See, used that same word right there again.

186No, not annihilated. For, later, in Revelations 21:2 to 24, he seen the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and sitting upon this earth. It doesn't mean it'll be annihilated. The systems will be changed.

187 Daniel saw the same thing. A Rock struck the world, was hewed out without hands; and the whole image of the systems was broke down and become like chaff on a summer threshingfloor, and the wind packed it away. And the Rock, Itself, grew into a great Mountain that covered the earth. Watch that Mountain now, in a little bit. That Mountain covered the earth.

188Also, we find out here, over in, also, in Revelations there, it said, "The kings of the New Earth will bring their honor and glory into it." In the earth, is sitting... The New Jerusalem is sitting on this earth. See, it just changed.

189 You're the same man, in stature, that you was when God called you, same woman. But, you see, what it did, it was a regeneration. The old life passed away. The old desire has passed away. When, you used to like to drink, and cuss, and fuss, and stew, and run around, and immoral, that thing just died. See? But now you are used... Then you was Satan's instrument; now you are redeemed.

190And that's what the world will be, the same way, redeemed, a New Heavens and New Earth.

191Just like you, "You are a new creature." And the Greek word there, anybody knows, said, "You are a new creation." Amen! A new creation in the same old temple. Hallelujah. Watch what happens here now. Glorious! All right.

192 Now we find that this earth will hold the kings of the earth.

193And, again, in Matthew 5:5, Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth." It isn't going to, just going to have another earth. It's just going to be the same earth. I'm trying to get the--the plan of redemption to you, before, if I don't get nothing else, see. The baptism of Fire, on it, only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for His meek to live in. See? Oh!

194Like He did us, His creation, to live in. Before He could come in it, He had to give us the baptism of Fire; then the Holy Ghost come in and live, baptism of Fire. Then, when you get that baptism of Fire, then the Holy Ghost can come in. What? As It does, It burns up everything contrary to the Word, out of you. See? It won't believe nothing else but the Word, because It is the Word. See? See? See?

195 Now, that's what we was talking the other day, the evidence of the Holy Ghost. See? The evidence of the Holy Ghost is when you can receive the Word; not some system, but have a clear understand. How do you know the Word is clear, understand It? Watch It vindicate Itself.

196"Well," you say, "I see this do it, and that." Oh, yes, weeds live the same way. See?

197But it's got to be the entire Word. To be the Bride, you have to be part of Him. He is the Word. See? And what a part of Him is it? The Word that's promised for this day when He calls His Bride. Be a part of that. You get it? Now, don't--don't lose that now. Notice.

And He makes it a fit place to live through Eternity.

198 Notice, this is still not referred to... This Millennium reign, the thousand years, is not the New Earth. See, the Millennium reign is a different reign. That's what we go into, the Millennium, but that isn't the New Earth, the New Heaven. No, no. That's just a rest place, see, a rest period, not at all the New Heavens and New Earth; for, you see, in the Millennium we have things that would not go into That. It's a type of the old seventh day, out at Eden; the seventh day, after He made the world. The seventh day, He rested in Eden, and the Millennium.

199 See, the world has now almost six thousand years, old. See? Every two thousand year it's had a--a destruction. See?

200First two thousand, the flood came, and He baptized it with (what?) water.

201Next two thousand, Jesus come to sanctify it and claim it, dropped His Blood upon it, called it His. All right.

202"I'll come again," uh-huh, now as King with His Queen, and the second two thousand years (what does He do?) He comes and gives His rest period.

203And then burns her off, and claims it for His Own; puts His Own back on it.

204And notice, not the perfect world, this Millennium, it's a type of the seventh day. Then comes the White Throne Judgment. See, we still have judgment. We're still in time, in the Millennium. It's a day, one thousand years. It's a time element. Not, don't get that mixed up with the New Earth, now, 'cause it's not.

205 You might say this to me. Now I just feel somebody might say this to me, that, "Now, Brother Branham, what are you going to do now? You've run out of your complete sevens. Where you going to do now? Now, you're a dispensationalist." Which, I am. I believe that God is, too. Note, notice. "You've run out of dispensation types. For, if you're going to put something beyond that seventh day, how you going to get it? Where you going to now?"

206All right, I'll call your attention to something, see. See? No, I ain't, I ain't out of dispensations, yet. I got another Scripture here. And, remember, all of It has to be fulfilled, every bit of It. See?

207 Now you say, "Brother Branham, you're trying to put something way over yonder beyond that seventh day, that seventh-day sabbath."

208As God made the earth and labored six days, and rested the seventh, was only a type of time, time. But I've just said here, we become Eternal.

209"So where is your type now? You said you're a typologist. So, you, you've run out of types now." No, I haven't. Let's just find out if we have.

210 Let's go to Leviticus, back in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus. Now I want you to notice in Leviticus, where we was at last Sunday, or last... This is what give me the idea, right here. The 23rd chapter of Leviticus, and the 26th verse.

211Now remember, there is seven feast days. The Feast of Trumpets, the feast of--of tabernacles, the feast of the sheaf-waving, the... All this, there is seven great feast days, that was only a type of the Seven Church Ages. And you remember how many sabbaths there was between one and the other? See, seven sabbaths between pentecost and the trumpets, which was Seven Church Ages. And there was seven feast days, that represent the Seven Church Ages. Keep your numbers running.

212 Say, "Well, now, Brother Branham, you've done run out. You got your seven."

213All right, let's take the last feast, which is the feast of tabernacles. Now notice here in the 36th verse.

Seven days shall you offer offerings made of fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day--on the eighth day shall be a holy convocation (there is another holy time coming)... holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: and it is a solemn assembly; and you shall do no servile work therein.

214Now we got a "eighth day." Now, there is only seven days, but here we speak of "the eighth day," holy convocation, convocation. Notice, "Do no work in it." The eighth day, are (what?) back to the first day. Why, it speaks of Eternity, as she rolls around without a stopping place. Amen. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215 Notice, it was also upon this eighth day. Last day, feast day of the tabernacle, notice after that, after the last feast day, after the last Church Age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after the Millennium, that this Holy Convocation comes.

216Remember, this is feast of tabernacles, tabernacles, "gathering places." Amen! Where, "In the Millennium," the Bible said, "they shall build houses; they shall inhabit."

217But in the New Earth, He has already went and prepared the place. It's built. We have nothing to do with the building of it. Amen. Eternal! Oh, I just love that Word! My! A Holy Convocation, the eighth day. Which, is only seven days. Then on the eighth day, which comes back to the first day again, comes right back to the first day, the eighth day is a Holy Convo-... Convocation.

218 Notice, seven days, only has to do with the old creation, world time. Seven days, that's the Millennium, the rest day. As God labored six days, rested the seventh; the Church labors six days, and rests the seventh, but you're still in time element. I ain't speaking of the Eternal.

219But, you see, there is no such a thing as eight days; you go back to the first day again, see, the first day.

220 The sabbath speaks of the old law, which was to pass away. The keeping of a sabbath, which "passed away," or, I have said, "changed to another." It didn't pass away; it just changed from the old law, of keeping a certain day of the week.

221Isaiah, the 19th chapter, said, I believe 28:19, said, "Precept must be upon precept; here a little, and there a little." "Hold fast to that what's good." "For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And here is the rest." See?

222You enter into Life, not keeping a day or shadow. Paul said, over there in Hebrews the 4th chapter. "You keep days and shadows, and things like that; I'm scared of your experience." See, we don't pass into certain days and orders. "You've passed from death unto Eternal Life," not days and times. You've passed into Eternity. That's the holy convo-... convocation, convocation, rather.

223 Seven days, watch, which "pass away," or, I have said, will "change to another." Eight days deals with new creation, see, not old creation. Eight days is new creation.

224For, it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised from the dead. There is your other convocation, the holiness; not considering the sabbaths, at all, or the feast of the tabernacles, feast of this, and the feast of the pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead, for our justification, on the eighth day. After the seven sabbaths, or seven days, Seven Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead. Eighth day, which is a holy convocation, see, which is the first day.

225See, you've, done has passed through time, and dropped into Eternity again; not keeping of days, and keeping of sabbaths; and new moons, and things like that. "But hath passed," changed your form; not annihilated. Glory! "But passed from death unto Life Eternal." Oh, what the Bible does teach us! See, passed from one to another.

226 All right, "passed," the old sabbath is passed. Jesus raised on the eighth day. That was a solemn day, holy. And it wasn't a day; 'cause day, a time, had done run out. It passed into Eternity. See, it swung right back to the first day again. See?

227Eternity is like a--a ring. You can't find no corner to it. You can't find no stopping place in a perfect circle. You go on and on. I don't care how far you go, you're still going. You can start going around like this; go through the floor, go through the earth, go beyond the earth, you're still go-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

228All things that was created down in here, are perverted, not created, by Satan, will drop out when the great golden bell rings and a Trumpet sounds.

229And back yonder at the beginning, where the tie post was made in Eden, when man came to the earth and he fell, a little lamb shed its blood, that spoke of the great Lamb was coming to shed Its Blood. Calvary raised the cross, that tied for the Old Testament; to them who justified, looked for It. And in this new dispensation, at the Coming of the Lord, at the New Earth, the rope of salvation (the Blood, the redeemed Power that I'm talking about, and through the same system has redeemed both man and the earth) will raise right up into Eternity again. And the Lake of Fire will consume everything that's ungodly and unpredestinated to It. Do you see it?

230 Notice, the eighth day, Jesus raised for our justification. The Eternal King, with the Eternal Kingdom to be baptized into, to Eternal Life. Not seven days; had nothing to do with any of the days. It's speaking of another, Eternal, coming; speaking of an Eternal time, the World that I'm speaking of.

231 And, notice, after fifty days, or seven sabbaths from there, again there come another holy convocation. What happened? The Holy Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost, on the seventh day... Or, the eighth day, rather, eighth day, fell on the eighth day. Was seven sabbaths later, exactly, after His resurrection, see; so it'd be seven times that again, bring it right back around to the first day of the week again, exactly. See?

232 There is your holy convocation, not have anything to do with the literal things. It's beyond that. It's into the Kingdom of God, with Eternal Life, with the predestinated that never did start. It never started on any day. You wasn't saved on any day. You was always saved. Amen. Jesus just come to redeem that; but you was saved, from the beginning, because you had Eternal Life, to begin with.

233 A trout fish can never be a gar or a tadpole. He might be in the same water with him, but he was, from the beginning, a trout. The net only caught him, see, but he was that from the beginning. There is that...

234Now, we're not out of dispensations. Are we? We're right into the Scripture. Fifty days later, it come.

235 See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be counted, eight days in a week. You can't do it, see, because there's only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to. Sunday is the first day of the week. See, you count seven, then you got to go back in and start over again. Count seven, come back and go over again. See?

236 And we lived through all these types in here, but, when you hit the eighth, you go on into Eternity. You don't come by laws, and rituals, and orders. You come by predestination. Amen! There is a genuine, holy convocation! See? And we're ending the seventh church age, church age, the Pentecostal age. Do you see it? We're entering that holy convocation. We are entering into that real, genuine, Eternity, where the Church is called; not to some station, some denomination, but into Eternity with their Eternal King. See? We don't have it at all, no such a thing as days, and things, and times. You've passed into Eternity, where you come from. You was There, to begin with. See?

237 If you got Eternal Life, there is only one form, that's God, and you are an expressed attribute. See? If you... If you're not, you're not going to be there, anyhow. "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him." See? Which, "passes away," all these old things; but these Things don't, so it speaks of Eternity. The Holy Ghost is Eternal. Then, you are in Eternity, where you was all the time, but you've just recognized what happened.

238See, you were made for an Eternal purpose, because you was the--the manifestation of an attribute that was in God, that thought of you and expressed you; and He made a earth to take you out of, and to make you a human being. And sin come along and perverted His way. You come, anyhow, but you was lost with the world. So He come and redeemed you, the expressed attribute, and also redeems this earth by the same way. Then, His purpose rolls on. See? Oh! Hallelujah! Oh, that does me so much good, think of just what lays ahead!

239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it's called... Now, if you're putting it down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh day. It's called, "The fullness of time." And when "the fullness of time" has come, that's when time has been fulfilled. When there is no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church age is over, and it is; Luther's age is over, Methodist age is over, Pentecostal age is over. And now you go into (what?) Eternity; no more seven's, no more three's, no more other. They're in Eternity, where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things. Amen! Oh, my! You see it now?

240 Or, after time has been fulfilled, all sin is gone, taken away, at the Millennium, at the great White Throne Judgment. (A type, by the Holy Ghost.) After the world is on fire and baptized, its baptism of holy Fire from Heaven; all sin is gone, all germs is gone, all devils is gone, all imp temptations is gone, all evil is gone. (Type now.) Then what does God do? He can sit upon the earth, see, because all sin is gone.

241 That's the same thing He does when He gives you the Holy Ghost baptism with Fire. He can come and dwell with you, and we can sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we are already in Him. Not we "will be." We are now sitting in Christ Jesus. How do we get into it? By one Holy Ghost baptism. "By one Spirit we're all baptized into Christ," which, we are now. Won't "be" in Christ; we are! He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that's in us, because we were in Him at the beginning.

242 See, God, in the beginning, when He thought of you and thought of others like that, thought of Himself of being tangible. That was His thoughts. See? So, He expressed His thoughts by Word. He said, "Let there be." "Let there be," and there was. "Let there be," and there was.

243Then, after a while, He kept saying "let there be," till the people said, one day, "Don't let God speak!"

244He said, "Now I'll speak to them through a prophet." See? "From this on, I'll speak to them through a prophet."

245And the prophet said, "There shall come; there will be," and it was, and it was. And it was, and it was, see, just like that. You get it now?

246 "The fullness of time" has come after time has been fulfilled. Sin is gone, after the world's baptism, after the world's baptism makes it a fit place; no sickness, no germs; no thorns, no thistles; no death, no sorrow, no heartaches; no old age, nothing to represent death; nothing wrong; all right; nothing natural. Eternal!

247Then, His attribute is expressed because it was there, first, to begin with. That's what He thought. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.]

248 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here on the earth, and said, "Multiply now and replenish the earth." Their bodies was all laid out here, for you to eat and make your body. That's the way He had of doing it.

249But sin come along and interrupted His plan. She rolls right on, just the same, time does.

250 But what did Jesus do? God came down and expressed Himself in the form of a Man, a human being; gave His life, instead of staying here. Which, He was the King, but He gave Hisself to redeem the rest. You get it?

251And when it's all over, then it's pulled right back, and God's purpose is fulfilled. There is the Eternal King again with His Eternal subjects, expressed in human flesh, exactly the way He had it; sin is took away; the devil is gone; it's all done now.

252 What will do it? This earth couldn't be a place for Heaven to sit now. Look at it, the sin. It will have to be cleansed.

253No man, no person, no woman, boy, girl, I don't care who he is, is fit to go in the pulpit, or even claim to be a Christian, without being filled with the Holy Ghost. You have no right to the Lord's supper, or any communion, feet-washing, or anything, until you've been cleansed by the Holy Fire of God.

254No man has a right to preach unless you, like Moses, meets Him out there on that sacred grounds, that Pillar of Fire hanging there, where he knows where he's at. See?

255 Notice how, how we go. After the world's Fire baptism, all germs is gone, makes it a fit place then for Heaven to dwell here on earth.

256Type, now, of sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; passed from this, dirty like the little woman was, into the expressed attribute of God. "Now we are the Sons of God," not we will be. We're the attributes of God's thinking. See?

257 Now you say, "Well, look at this priest. Wasn't he a son of God?" It proved he wasn't. He couldn't recognize what? Did he say, "I believe the Bible"? Sure. But he couldn't recognize the expressed Word of the hour. He only had an intellectual learning from some group that had been back before him.

258And it's the same thing today! See? I know that's strong, but it's the Truth.

259There was the Word, as spoken exactly for that day; and, he, yet he was a scholar, yet he was a renown person, but he could not recognize It. Why? No matter how scholar he was, anything like that, he still didn't have representation of predestination. See?

260Only the predestinated will only be the one who does it; only can be. And you only can do it... Because, look, it proves predestination. Cause, if you've got Eternal Life, you had to be a part of God all times, 'cause He's the only One is Eternal. You see it? Oh, my! Think of it.

261 Now watch what happens through the great Millennium. Sin all gone, Millennium now set in, it's time now the Holy Spirit takes Its place.

262Just like He does in us, "passes from death unto Life," dwelling in Heavenly places in Christ, in His glorious Presence. Even physical death will pass away then; just as spiritual death has passed away now.

263There is no such a thing as spiritual death now, to--to a--a baptized saint of God. "Though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." All Scripture, It must be fulfilled. See? You can't die. You got Eternal Life. Only thing, the Redeemer has made you recognize it. And you were always That, and that's the reason you see the day you're living in. How many sees it? Raise your hand. See? Thank you. See? The day that we're living in, you recognize it.

264 Now, the Methodist said, "When you shout, you got It." A lot of them shouted and didn't have It.

265The Pentecost said, "When you speak in tongues, you got It." Many speak with tongues, and didn't have It.

266Look how, all kind of forms those Pharisees had, but when the Word was made manifest, they didn't recognize It. See? See?

267And if you are the Bride, the Bride is a part of the Husband. And if... The only place that you'll ever recognize It, is recognize what part of that Husband (that Word) you are, or you can't recognize being the Bride. How many sees that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? See? You have to recognize your position.

268 You can't recognize somebody else's. What if--what if Moses would have come with Noah's message? And Noah was a part of it, but it wouldn't have worked. What if--if--if--if Jesus would have come with Moses' Message? It wouldn't have worked. See, it was a different age, it was a different prophecy, a different part of the Word had to be fulfilled there. They was in another day of the week. Not, Tuesday's work can't be done on Wednesday. And Wednesday has got to be done on Wednesday. See? Saturday has to be Saturday's work. See?

And, they, they was recognize, "Oh, Moses, we have Moses."

269He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me, for he was the one that spoke of Me. 'The Lord your God shall raise a prophet likened unto me.'" Get the idea? Oh, my! See?

270Then Jesus said, in John 14, "When He, the Holy Ghost, is come, He will bring these things to your memory, see, show you what day you're living in. And then, another thing you'll know Him by, He'll show you things to come," see, see, right back to the prophetic again, "when He's come." See?

271 In the New Earth and New Heavens, will never be blackened again, when this New Earth is to come. The devil will be bound... Satan, he is still loose now; he is accuser. But in the New Earth, he will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, in this holy Fire.

272 Then, in this New Earth, let's look at it for a few minutes now. In this New Earth, the skies will never be black again; no, that's from the curse, see. Never be black again with angry clouds. Winds will never blow across her again like that. No. She'll never tear up the trees, and tear up the houses, and turn over the things. Lightning and the wrath will never belch from Satan across there, and kill a man walking down the road, or burn up a building. See? No, no more. There'll be no more typhoons sweep down, or storms and tornadoes, and tear up houses, and kill little children, and things. Huh-uh, won't be no more. Trying to destroy, it won't be there. Satan is cast out.

273Wish we had time now. I'm just passing Scriptures, now, so we won't be too late. I got to pray for the sick.

274 Heavens and earth have met; God and man is reconciled. A restored Eden has begun; see, all the curse is gone.

275Just like, all the curse of sin is gone when the Holy Ghost accepts you. See, you don't accept It; It accepts you, see, 'cause It's God's attribute. See, if It's the Holy Ghost, means, God's Spirit; and it's the attribute, the thought of God, has accepted you because that you were ordained for that purpose. See? Yet, you was born in sin; but God had that attribute, and here you expressed yourself here on earth, and He comes down and gets you. See, you're back here; here is where you belong. See? See, sin has lost its power. That's right. The desire of sin has done gone from your heart, when the Holy Spirit comes in. You are a restored person.

276 And then when the earth is restored, by the same thing, there can be no more cursing, no more storms, no more winds, no more typhoons--typhoons, rather. You are reconciled; man and God has met. The New Earth will be put on its Eden beauty again. The New Earth will spread forth, her, after her baptism of Fire.

277Just think, she'll catch afire and burn up. The elements will burn with--with fervent heat. All the works in the earth will burn. All the water will explode; it'll ignite and blow all. Everything will blow up. Volcanics will erupt and, thousands of miles in the air, will fly burning hot lava. Every germ... The Holy Spirit of God will cleanse off every speck of all the sin and everything. All the devil will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, consuming Fire, God's wrath of Fire.

278 No beast will be there to destroy you again. When you walk down the road, in the flower gardens, there'll not be any serpent there to hiss at you and bite you, with his poison venom. Oh, my! Won't it be wonderful? Listen. There will be none of that New Earth ever mounted up to a little yellow sod bank, for a grave; be none of them there.

279Man and God has come together; Bride and Bridegroom. Heavens and earth has embraced each other; God has come down to dwell among man. His tabernacle is with them.

280There will be no more sin, no more sorrow. Never will there ever be a tear drop off of a mother's cheek, over her baby. Amen. It won't be, on that New Ground. No. It's redeemed. It belongs to Him, and for His that was redeemed out of it. See?

281 And, look, you are a part of that ground. Is that right? And when He redeemed you, He redeemed the earth with the same thing, and you are together again. Oh, how much plainer can it be. See? You have to be redeemed 'cause you're a part of it. And if the Blood didn't drop on you, you ain't redeemed yet; you're not called. Then He cleanses it; that's the same thing He does in the Fire. Even, the Blood dropped, it's yet got to be cleansed by Fire, that's right, for a dwelling place for God.

282God already took up His abode, potentially. The Kingdom of God is in the earth now, in the hearts of His saints. It's His attributes that He begin in the beginning. Now His attributes is redeemed. What's He waiting? To redeem the earth, to set His attributes on it, to fulfill exactly His predestinated plan. Do you see it?

283 Notice, no graves, no teardrops, never, no more bloodshed. She'll never be moistened by a teardrop or a blood. No. Be no more wars. No. No clouds of winter. No cold snow upon the breast of her; won't lay there no more on it. The hot sun will not, never burn its grass. Hallelujah! Even the desert shall bring forth roses. "That old, sticky desert will blossom, one day, like a rose," God said so; when she is redeemed, when she takes her Fire baptism. There is all kinds of cactuses and stickers and everything there now, but she's got a Fire baptism coming.

284Like the man was, when he still had hatred, malice and strife in him; when the Fire baptism come, it cleaned it off. No more jealousy, no more of nothing; it's just absolutely is a dwelling place for God. And, remember, that's His delegation that's going to meet Him over yonder. Amen! Oh, what a...

285 That's not just a story; that's the Truth. That's what God said. That's what He has promised. That's what the Bride goes to. "Even the desert," He said, "shall blossom, be a rose."

286Satan, sin, and sinners, has gone, forever. It's all done; blended it into Eternity. And all that was perverted, that great archangel that set there one day, Satan, that did all this evil, will be destroyed. You remember, the Bible said, "If that soul won't do as He did, said do, He will even destroy that soul."

287But, you see, He can't destroy Himself and remain God. So, if that soul is of the world, it has to be destroyed. But if it's Eternal, with God, it never did begin, because it's part of God and can never be destroyed. Amen! What a beautiful! How--how thankful, that the Church ought to see that!

288 People, all you've done lays right here. This is what I'm trying to say. I'm omitting some of it because I want to get back to it again.

289 Even these things, Satan, sinners, are gone, for Eternity; never no more to be. All... See, Satan cannot create. If he is, he's God. See? He can only pervert what has been created. See? And all perversion will, perverting, will be done away with. And death is the pervertage of life; and when the perversion is done, there can be no more death. Old age is a sign of death; and when old age is gone away, life comes in. All perversion signs and everything else is gone. Thorns and thistles is a sign of sin, "the earth will be cursed with them," and they're done away with. Sickness come, by that; it'll be done away with. Death will be done away with. Bloodshed will be done away with.

290 Nothing will ever touch that sod but holiness, the Redeemed. Oh, my! Yeah. Oh, I just feel so good. God, and His creation; and His creatures of this creation is redeemed by His Own Blood. Cleansed by His Own cleansing process; His germ-killing, sin-killing process!

291Like if anything is sterilized, the best sterilization we've ever had has been fire. You can take anything and wash it with soapsuds and all these chemicals that they talk about, it still ain't free. But you burn it once!

292 And when the holy Fire of God sterilizes the earth with the Chemicals; He has lifted His Bride, which can come into Heaven with Him, while this is going on. And comes back upon the earth again, a New Heavens and a New Earth. The cold winter can't hurt it. The hot summers can't hurt it. The deserts will blossom as a rose. Sin and sinners are gone.

293God, and His creatures and creation, is dwelling together in perfect harmony. As the heavens and the earth is husband and wife, so is Christ and the Church, and they all meet in one big glorious plan of redemption and is brought right into the bosoms of God again. You see it?

294 And, in the New Earth, there is a New City. Oh, my! Now listen close. Don't forget this. That, Jesus said, in John 14, He would go to prepare. "Let not your hearts be troubled." When He's going away, "I have a reason to go away. You've believed in God," He said, "believe also in Me." They couldn't see that He was God. Said, "You've believed in God, now you believe in Me. And I'm going to prepare a Place for you. In My Father's House is many mansions; in My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." Christ is there, under the construction of this New Jerusalem now. Now listen close. Don't move. Don't, don't miss this. Christ is in Heaven, today, preparing the New Jerusalem.

295 Just as God created the earth in six days, made the earth in six days, or six thousand years. As he said, "Be not ignorant," we read in the Scripture, "one thousand years is one day."

296And Christ has gone and is preparing a Place, that's been on its construction for many, many thousands of years, preparing a Place. "And if I go and prepare a Place, I will come again, and receive you; that wherever I am, there you may be also." Notice the Redeemer and the Redeemed!

297 Wish we had time now. I got marked here, Solomon quoting, "this girl, the Bride." Oh, we just have to omit it; it's getting too late, see. I'll get it, again. "When he tries to get her, but she's engaged to a shepherd boy." Some probably thought that was a song he sang. Oh, no. Solomon was the throne inherit of David, on earth, but showed that kingdom had to pass away. It was a type of Christ in love with the Bride. See?

298 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, "go and prepare a Place."

299Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it will look like? It is prepared and designed by the Divine Architect. What will that City look like? Now, we're going to talk about it for a few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And, look, He has designed it with tender hands, for His beloved Bride. What's it going to look like?

300Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that's able, how he builds and puts every little thing just exactly to her touch, just what she would like? Amen.

301 Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He will live with His Bride, just to Her touch. No wonder the apostle said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or neither has ever entered the heart of man." Let's see if we can probe into it just for a moment, see what it's going to look like.

302The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh, what a place it must be, when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has designed it for a Divine attribute that's been Divinely predestinated by a Divine God Who--Who is the author of Divine Life! What will that City look like! Think of it.

303 Remember, it's not Heaven. John say, "I saw it coming down out of Heaven." It's to be on earth. See?

304Not this earth is going to pass away; it's a redeemed earth. God didn't say He was going to raise up a new generation; He is going to redeem the one that's here. He ain't going to raise up a new generation; He redeems the one that's already here. He ain't going to make no new world; it's this one right here. He's just going to burn it off, cleanse it, like He did you. His plans must forever remain. Now, look, it's going to be.

305 Remember, it's going not to be Heaven. "It comes down from Heaven." It's a dwelling Place, a Place to dwell in, to take up His abode. Like, it was John, on the isle of Patmos, here in Revelation 21, he saw it "descending." John saw the City, "descending from Heaven," like a dove, like he seen.

306Here come God, down upon His earthly tabernacle, Jesus, in the... "descending out of Heaven." Jesus was baptized, went straightway...

307When He met the prophet! "The Word comes to the prophet." And He was the Word. And the prophet was standing there, denying all their denomination, everything. And, when he seen the Word, the Word come right to him.

308And the prophet was so shocked, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?"

309He said, "Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us (we know the message) to fulfill all righteousness. I am the Sacrifice; It must be washed." He suffered him.

310 When He went up out of the water, he said, "I saw heavens open." The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open.

311And here come, descending out of Heaven, a form of a Dove; and a Voice, saying, "This is My part of the earth that I have redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it, for He is My Word made manifest." "And the whole world, I spoke it into existence by My Word," Hebrews 11. "And Satan has held it all this time, but I've come to redeem it. So much of it has made His body, and I'm coming to dwell in it."

312 John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending out of Heaven, as a Bride adorned for her Husband." And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there; upon the earth.

313Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon, (is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave Him. It's always there. He and God are One. Always has to remain!

314And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending like a common, or a--a dove, coming down out of Heaven and settling upon a redeemed, entire earth, (to do what?) to claim every attribute that He made the earth for. Every man that was represented in the Eternity, and every woman, is redeemed then. She has been scoured and burned by Fire.

315Jesus, in His fiery temptations in the wilderness, for forty days. After that, notice, it was ready for His ministry then.

316 Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and that holy Blood! Now watch, and I hope I don't go too deep for you, see. The holy Blood that was created by God; the Blood, the Life, the creation of God. "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God." Oh! You see it? God, made in creation. He was Spirit. The Bible said, "He is the beginning of the creation of God." How did He begin? In the wombs of a woman. Which is what? The woman is not...

317Like how them blind people can't see the serpent's "seed" right here. See? Eve was put here on the earth, and, before Satan ever touched her, or anything else, God said to them, "Multiply and replenish the earth." That's right, but Satan comes in here. And, if that was Adam's son, then where...

318Adam was a direct descent from God. And you only take the nature of your parent.

319And when you're born again, you take the Nature of your Parent, of Heaven. And your Parent of Heaven is the attribute of the Word... Or, the Word is the attribute of your Parent. Then, how can you deny It, for a denomination? My!

I hope you don't miss this. I know it's from God.

320 Jesus. Here He comes, descending; and there was Jesus, the attribute of God.

321Now, "the woman," she. Watch. God said, "Because they did this," said, "I'll put enmity between your Seed and the serpent's seed." Is that right? And the woman don't have any seed. Did you ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed. See, the serpent had already placed his "seed" there.

322Then, if the woman doesn't have a seed, she has to remain to have a Seed.

323 You see, through the sexual intercourse here, had brought from Satan, the serpent, which was not a reptile; had legs, 'cause his legs went off of him. He was the most subtle, the only beast that would--would co-ordinate with the woman.

324A beast's seed won't do it now, and nothing else. They've tried. It won't work. See, the seed life out of a male won't go into a female woman. It won't do it.

325 But that was the closest thing. See, they can't find that specie between a chimpanzee and a man. See, each one, as it's evoluted up, from the birds, and on up to monkeys, and so forth, up to chimpanzee, then there's a "lost." That was the serpent, not a snake; every form is lost from him, because he was cursed.

326Now, God didn't curse Adam; he might have done the same thing, but He cursed the earth, "thorns and thistles."

327He didn't curse Eve, but said Adam would be her "ruler." From now on, she ain't trying any preaching or anything, Adam is her ruler. "And all the days of your life, and in sorrow, and you'll bring your life into the earth." But He said, "I'll put enmity between your Seed..."

328Now, she didn't have any seed, she never did have, so, she had to receive a Seed from some way. God gave her a Seed, not by sexual intercourse, but by creation.

329Can't you blind people see that's the "seed" of the serpent? Oh, my! Satan got there before Adam; that was the "seed."

330But she received a Seed. What was it? God Himself. "He was the beginning of the creation of God."

331 Now look when Seth was born, or Abel, he was a just man, from his father. Seth is the same way.

332Where did that evil fellow come from; murderer, liar? See, see where it come from? It had to be a "seed," because he was a seed; Cain was a man.

333Oh, where is them blind people at? "God of this world has blinded them." Well, no wonder, Jesus said no man can see it. You see?

You say, "Why don't they see it?"

334Jesus said one time, to His disciple, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom of God, but not to them."

335 And that's the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles square, see, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom." Look, fellows come even from South Africa and around, this late hour when the Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom.

I just don't have enough time. Notice. Watch now, see.

336Now can you see the serpent's "seed" there, see how he done it? It's perfect, see. Now some of them said...

337Now, like that guy in Tucson the other day, trying... Ah, he may listen to this tape. But, if it is, man, I want to tell you something.

338When he said, "Eve said," here is where they go to, "'I have gotten a son from the Lord, or a man from the Lord.'" Why, certainly. God has a law.

339 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field where there's wheat, and you plant briers out there. I don't care, the same sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a law, and that law cannot be broken.

340I don't care if a--if a... the orneriest woman in the town and the orneriest man, and unmarried and everything, would have an--an affair, and live together and bring forth a child; that child would have to come by the law of God, 'cause there's no other way. If you don't, you make Satan a creator, and then he's a god. Oh, how blind can you be! See, God's law, certainly.

341If you ever got a baby, I don't care if it was Esau, Jacob, whoever it was, or any ill-famed person, if it was Judas, it had to come by God. God has a law.

342 The Bible said, "The sun shines on the just and the unjust; the rain falls on the just and un-..." Hebrews the 6th chapter, and it says that, "The--the rain cometh oft upon the earth, to water it, and prepare it for what it's dressed, you know, to make living; but thorns and thistles live by the same water, same sunshine." For, it's a law of God, to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce itself.

343So, it had to produce the serpent's "seed." And it never--never hindered God; it fulfilled His complete plan, it made Him a Redeemer. Any blind ought almost see that, unless it's hid. "The god of the world" has hid it from you. It's just as plain as anything you can see. There you are. There is your serpent's "seed." Now notice.

But, "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God."

344 Now what does the woman do? When, the germ comes from the male sex. Now deny that? The woman has no life in her, at all. She only has a little egg, which is a field out here.

345Like you took a field and disc it all up, and--and put a spray on it, and spray all the germs out of it. And not--not even grass or nothing could grow in it; and then you fertilize again, sow some good seed in there. If the enemy comes and sows some other seed, the same law of God will ripen both seeds.

346Well, God wasn't intending for that to be, see. But what happened?

347 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin, which is the blood. In the blood is the life. And if you ever... I've watched it, in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother Shakarian and I taken it through, and the doctors and so forth, watching how it goes through, the chemists. See? Then here comes the sperm from the female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here comes the sperm from the male, which is a bunch of germs.

348This hasn't got a bit of germ in it. It's only a by-product of the man. That's how she got here, in the first place, and she's only a field. There's a egg; it's got the fertile ground for this life. And this life moves in and crawls. There is a mystery, how that...

349 "Maybe," you say, "well, the first one meets. The rest of them dies." Well, how, who determines it? "Well, the first one." Will it be the one in front; the first egg in front, and the first germ? No, no.

350It might be one egg; plumb back, in the back, in the middle of the sperm, will come up a germ and go meet it. Shows that some intelligence determines whether it's going to be red-headed, black-headed; whether it's going to be little, big; male or female. See? You can't, you can't do nothing else about it; it won't work. You can mix them together, and everything, it won't make a bit of difference. God determines it. And after a while, one little germ will crawl into that field, egg. What has a little tail, like, on it, twisting around; drops off, and there starts the spine of the baby.

351 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to receive the seed. So the...

352See, the enemy went forth. While the good sower went forth, sowing good Seed; and the enemy come behind him, sowing corrupt seed. "But the rain falls on the just and the unjust; the sun." It all has to grow.

353Jesus said, "Let them grow together. At that day they'll be bundled, the tares." And they're bundling now, in big organizations; going to the big bundle, World Council of Churches. And what was the end? Is to be burned. But the grain is to be take to the garner. See? Where, they both live by the same thing, the same water, the same rain.

354 A citrus tree, that's a--that's a orange tree, will bear, will have to; will bring forth on it, if it's grafted into it, a pomegranate. It'll bring forth a lemon. It'll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it won't be an orange, but it's living off the same life that the orange tree is producing.

355Denominations have been injected into the Vine. Because, if they claim "Christians," they live by it. Caiaphas was; you know what he was, and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.

356Oh, I wish we could have a week, that we could just study this thing out, and make it so clear you--you can't miss seeing it. Now I'm going to omit some of these things.

357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved Bride, designs in tenderly love for His Bride.

358Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which was the earth. All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, "He was the beginning of the creation of God." See? And then that Blood of God, that was there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's been sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it's to receive its baptism of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride.

359And you are these other parts that's drawed out of this earth. The earth, you're a part of the earth; your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body is to be redeemed.

360Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come down, by a process of justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul.

361 And you, being part of the earth, it's redeemed by it. You're in the process now. It's growing on. Your body was justified under Noah's baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you'll live, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ and His Bride, the New Jerusalem.

362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can plainly see as I said, the... this change, the earth must be changed. It cannot have It like this. The church could not go... Or, the world could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed. See? To have such a Place in it, it'll have to be changed.

363Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and make a place for Him to be contained within us; that is, the Holy Ghost.

364 Notice now, there will be plenty of room in the New Earth. Uh-huh. See, plenty of room! It'll be renovated, that's true, by Fire, but there'll be no more sea. Notice, the City is fifteen hundred miles square.

365Now listen real close while we draw these dimensions. I want to erase the blackboard, just a moment. [Brother Branham erases his previous illustrations--Ed.]

366Here is a deep revelation from God. Here, I'll just stop here. None of these other... I'll bring the rest of this up, the Lord willing.

367 Notice now the earth is... Well, you turn over into the Book of Revelations, you can see how he measured it by the cubits and by the furlongs. Twenty-three hundred... So now we find out that the--the City is measured, "fifteen hundred miles" square.

368You know how far that would reach? I measured it off, this week. It would reach from Maine to Florida, and from the eastern seaboard to six hundred miles apast, west of the Mississippi. In other words, half of the United States, just for the City.

You say, "There ain't no room."

369 When the sea is gone there will be, 'cause pretty near four fifths of it's in water. That right? The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the earth. Oh, my! Remember, fifteen hundred miles square, what a City! And, but, remember, the sea is gone.

370"And the breadth and the height are the same." That would make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way; fifteen hundred miles; the length by the breadth by the height. Fifteen hundred miles, think of it, transparent gold. And the City had a wall around it.

371 Now, now, that doesn't necessary mean, by being equal... It said, "And the walls and the foundation were equal," that doesn't necessary mean that it's a cube or square. There is another geographical measure, that the dimensions are the same, that is, a pyramid. Foursquare, "lieth foursquare," and the walls were the same.

372 Let me draw it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard--Ed.] See: length, breadth, height. We're going to get into something, as sure as the world. See? Notice, the dimensions of this angle is exactly the same, all of them, length by the--by the height. There is another measure, the pyramid, that proves it.

373This, being this a way, would answer exactly Enoch's sign in Egypt, the pyramid. Would it? Enoch, before the antediluvian destruction, when justification was coming in, he brought forth a sign, and in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king's chamber. Watch on the seventh step, if you ever studied the dimensions of the pyramid, what comes out to take the oncomer, to introduce to the king. Watch whose station that is standing there, and you'll see the day you're living, in the pyramid.

374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there's a pyramid teaching that's nonsense, but there's a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now, God, first Bible... He made three. There have to be everything in a three.

375Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?

376 Now notice how beautiful. See? And in this pyramid was seven steps, and then the king's chamber. And we're in the seventh church age, before the King takes His Throne. And, remember, the pyramid never did have a capstone on it.

377 God's first Bible was in the skies, the Zodiac; it starts off and runs every age. The first, beginning of the Zodiac, is a virgin; that's how He come, first. The last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the lion; the Second Coming. Just before there is a crossed fishes, which is the cancer age; that we're living in now.

378There was a pyramid after that, Enoch, which testified exactly. We wouldn't have time to go into it, but, someday, by God's help, I'll show you, just exactly draws the dimension of the hour we're living. See?

379Notice, but this geographical measure now that we have, who dimensions are the same, doesn't necessary mean that it has to be a--a cube. Notice, this would answer Egypt's... or the Enoch's sign in Egypt.

380 In the earth's time of purifying, by its baptism of Fire, there will be volcanic, such as this earth exploding, and will push up a pyramid-like Mountain. See? Plenty of room to do it! This whole thing will be changed. The whole surface will be changed. You got it? It'll push up a pyramid-like Mountain.

381 This would exactly be with the Word if it does it, which it will. Now notice, for, in Isaiah 65:25, where we just read, He said.

They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

382Oh! "All My holy Mountain!" Remember, it's always a "Mountain."

383If the walls were straight up-and-down, the City could only be seen from the outside... or from the inside, the Throne can only be seen from the inside; but notice it would be seen only from the inside.

But now we see the promise of Isaiah 4:5. Let's just read it.

384 Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No, don't be in a hurry now. We--we--we're to--to a particular thing now, too much--too much of a--a time that you must understand right here. Cause, I want to make this clear. And then when we get back to it again, I'll--I'll show you then where we're--where we're talking about, what, in our next study on this, at another time.

385 Oh, praise the Lord Jesus! Watch here, how the Words cannot fail. Now watch here in Isaiah. I got it wrote down here, if I can find it again, just a minute. Isaiah 4:5. Now listen, he's talking of the Coming of the Lord, how that women would be so immoral. Oh, he said, "Seven women..." Listen. Let's just read it. Look here.

And in that day seven women shall take a hold of one man, saying, We'll eat our own bread,... wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

386That's the end time, where we're living now; marriage, divorce, and prostitution, and whatever.

In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious,... the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely... them that... escaped of Israel. (How that you escaped all that damnation! See?)

And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that's a remnant in Jerusalem, shall... (Let's see.)... in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem, see:

Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion, (remember, that's always the Bride, see)... and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem (that's the remnant of the Jews, plus the Bride, see)... and in the midst thereof with the spirit of judgment, fire...

387That's always God's judgment, when He makes His final judgment. Calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption; then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and Fire cleanses away the sin. Then you're His.

388Same thing He does to the earth, when He purges it with Fire, "and by the spirit of burning." Now look. Listen! Are you ready?

And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a shining of... fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

389 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] "The Lord, in that day, upon the top of it, shall create a Fire of Light to burn upon the day." And it goes ahead and says, "It'll be a shelter, a rest, a refuge." Notice, making exactly the speaking of the Bible, exactly. The walls were straight up-and-down, you couldn't see it. It has to lean. "All My holy Mountain's..." "He'll create this Light upon this Mountain, and it shall be for a defense." Oh, we sing that song:

Oh, that City on Mount Zion,

As a pilgrim, yet I love it still;

Now and through those ages,

When I reach that City on the Hill. See?

390 Notice, Mount Sinai was where God descended on top of it, when He spoke to Israel in a Pillar of Fire. He descended on top of a mountain, Mount Sinai.

391On the Mount of Transfiguration, when He declared, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him," He descended in a Pillar of Light and shining brightness, upon top of the mountain, before Peter, James, and John. And, in there, He was represented with both Moses and Elijah; the translated, and the dead raised. Glory!

392 The New City and the New Earth; the new creation; the City on the Hill, with the Throne in the top of it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.] The Throne up here, in the top; and the dwellers, all up-and-down, on this Mountain.

393And the wall that's around this, had twelve foundations. And each one of them had the breast stone was in Aaron, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

394And, in the gates, they had four gates set just exactly like the temple in the wilderness, like the tent was in the wilderness. Notice each one, had--had the apostles, three on each side, twelve apostles. Each... And it was one hundred and forty-four cubits high. One hundred and forty-four cubits is exactly two hundred and sixteen feet, making each one of those big stones almost twenty-foot tall, the breastplate in that gate, making up that wall that was around the City.

395 Now it, the City, doesn't rest on top of the wall, 'cause a city, fifteen hundred miles, could not do that. It's the wall here that you enter in, like the gates of the old Jerusalem. You entered through the wall, into that.

396And each one of these, had the twelve foundations, and each one had the emerald and the different stones, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

397And the apostles, each, over that big, one solid-pearl gate, set a name of an apostle. And didn't Jesus said, "You'll sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"? Who set at the gate, to judge, when they come into the City? Oh, my! There you are. The kings of the earth entering into the City, comes before the apostolic judge, as Jesus promised. Oh, my!

398 On this Throne, on top of it, fifteen hundred miles high, the whole world will see the Light of the world, Jesus, setting on the Throne on top of the world, top of the Church, top of Mount Zion; which is fifteen hundred miles, half the size of the United States, and raises plumb up till you can see Him the world over, fifteen hundred miles high.

399 And all up-and-down here, will be the Redeemed. There will be the houses of pure gold. There will be avenues, and parks, and gardens. And the River of Life coming, trickling out from the Throne, and running down through little chasms and, oh, over the terraces. And the Tree of Life will be blooming in every yard; and bear Its fruits, twelve times a year, a changed fruit every month.

400And the kings of the earth shall come into it and bring their honor. "And the leaves are for the healing of the nations," when the kings are living in peace out there. When they go out, they'll pick a tree, a leaf off like that. Like the dove come back, that the wrath of God had been settled, and brought the holly leaf into the ark. So when the king leaves, by bringing his glory into the Bride's chamber here into the City, he'll hold a leaf to his neighbor king, and, "We're in peace forevermore." Amen! Healing of the nations! "It's all settled. One time we fought for one another's bloods, brother. And we've cherished, and hollered; and shot, and burnt children, everything. But now there is peace, the healing." Not disease healing; it's all done. Healing of the nation! Amen!

401 City with the Throne in top. Revelation 21:23, "And they need no light, for the Lamb and the Lord God is the Light thereof." See? The Lord God is that Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness. And He is ascended up on the Throne, in that perfect Kingdom's... when time... "the Kingdom that Jesus is to surrender to the Father, that God might be all, and in all." Jesus sets upon His Throne here, as our Joseph. And the King is that Light that will be on top of Mount Zion, and His holy Light will flood the entire City. Hallelujah!

402 Fifteen hundred miles high, and fifteen hundred miles square, with the paradises of God built all through that City; streets, avenues! Read your Revelations 21, see if it isn't right. See, "They need no light there, for the Lamb is the Light." And on the Throne can be seen, setting, fifteen hundred mile.

403It don't run right straight up like this. It slants off, like the pyramid. If it would be half of the distance, then that would be about run up like this, you see, from one city to the other... now if you'll notice, from one side of the City to the other one.

404 I could drop a little something here if you want me to. Did you notice the little group here? It's just about that part, a circumference it covers. Georgia, California, to Saskatchewan; from Kansas, to the rock-bound coast of Maine; that's what's gathered. That's about what's represented right here, about fifteen hundred miles square.

Oh, they come from the East and West,

They come from the land afar;

To feast with our King; to dine... (What on? "Man shall not live by bread alone." By Bread, Word!)... to dine as His guests;

How blessed these pilgrims are!

In the world, I have to say, I never seen people like them.

Oh, beholding His hallowed face

Aglow with Light Divine;

Blest partakers of His grace,

As gems in His crown shall shine.

Oh, Jesus is coming soon,

Our troubles will then be o'er.

Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come?

405 It won't be long. Everything is perfectly. Geographically, Sodom, the messengers; everything sitting just exactly right. See? What does it mean? Just think, coming to this one little tabernacle, fifteen hundred miles square, from the same dimension.

406Why is it God so thought and cared so much about that little place of Palestine, see, when it's just a little spot? But right in there is where the temple is set. That's where the New Jerusalem will break up, right there. "Olive, Mount of Olive shall cleave, part to the right and left," sure, when she pushes up from the beneath. Not, they say, it's pushing apart like this. It's pushing up, "In that day when He stands His holy feet upon the Mountain." Notice, on His Throne, fifteen hundred miles high!

407 Remember, Satan tried to tempt Him, one time, on top of a mountain. See?

408The New City has twelve foundations, as we went through, twelve patriarchs; hundred and forty-four cubits; being the breastplate of Aaron; twelve gates of pearl, twelve disciples' name.

409Jesus stand, the Headstone, on the Throne, when His saints has crowned Him, "the King of kings, the Lord of lords." And He's the Headstone.

410 I don't have my pocketbook with me. But if you'll notice in your pocketbook, if you have a one-dollar bill, they have the seal of the United States; a eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of arms, as it were; and on the other end, it's got the pyramid, with a all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn't know what they were doing. And on there it's wrote in Latin, and you'll find out it says it, this is "the great seal." They didn't know what they were doing. Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying.

411[Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] There is the Great Seal. Here it is, see, the City. It's not just a flat cube like this, see, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this holy Mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain; here He is. That's the reason the capstone wasn't put on by Enoch. See? That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain will be pushed up, and it'll be the Mount of the Lord.

412 And in here will dwell the Redeemed. These, avenues and big freeways, as it was, parks, and the River of Life will draw, run right through it. And every house will be made of transparent gold. And the streets will be made of gold. And the trees of Life will be there, and will bear twelve manners of fruit. And the kings and the honored man of the earth shall bring their honor and glory into the gates. And the gates shall not be shut by night, because there is no night there.

In that City where the Lamb is the Light,

In that City where there cometh no night;

I've a mansion over there, that's free from toil and care,

Oh, I'm going where that Lamb is the Light.

413 Don't you see that the towns, the cities, the houses, the dwellings, are--are speaking of that right now? All these natural things are a shadow.

414Take a shadow, at a distance, like my hand. Before there could be a--a positive... or a negative, there has to be a positive. And, you see, that shadow, look like I got a dozen fingers, but then when you go to getting it close together, it--it focuses down to one, and then the shadow fades into the hand.

415And that's, a lot of time, people thinks there's three or four Gods. You're looking too far back in the early reformations. See? Come on down now and, you find, focus in till there's One. That's exactly.

416 There is one Bride; not a dozen, denominations. But one Bride, that's the Elected, out of every... out of the--out of the earth that's been predestinated to this, the ones who can recognize their place in the Kingdom.

417 On this Throne, look, so high! The New City; with the foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles, judging; the twelve tribes.

418The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. I've been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It's so geographically fixed, and in the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid. See how it is?

419And there'll never be no night there. Him on top of the Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all the time. There'll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!

420 Now notice. So, the Redeemed shall walk in the Light. We sing now, "We'll walk in the Light, that beautiful Light." There is something in us calling out. "Is passed from death unto Life." It's because that's waiting. See? That's what's the attribute, what we feel.

421Truly, this is... Are you ready? This is the City that Abraham was looking for. See? Being a prophet, he knowed that City was somewhere. The Bible said so. And he forsook the city he lived, and he went over; look where he went, exactly where it'll be. See? "He was looking for a City Whose builder and maker was God," see, being a prophet.

422 Jesus gone to prepare, with the Divine hands, a Divine City; Divine Architect, for a Divine-boughten people, for a predestinated people. He has gone to prepare.

423Abraham was looking for it. "And he professed that he was a pilgrim and a stranger, for he looked for a City Whose builder and maker was God." That prophet, knowing it was somewhere! John saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right then. Why? He met Melchisedec, the King of it, and give Him a tithe. "Which had no father, or no mother. He had no beginning of life or no ending of life." Abraham met Him, and they took communion right on the literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy Mountain of the Lord, where the Redeemed will live. Oh, my!

424That time just don't stop. No, we're in time; after a while we'll go to Eternity.

425 Oh, holy Mountain! There will be streets of transparent gold, avenues; and houses, and parks. If you want to read this, Revelation 21:18. The Tree of Life will be there; twelve different manners of fruit, one each month, will be bore on it. The people that eat these fruits, they'll change their diet every, every month.

426And it's--it's from... for only the overcomers. Do you know that? It isn't for the denominations.

You say, "You mean that, Brother Branham?"

427Let's turn to Revelations 2, just a minute, and find it. Revelations 2:7. Let's find out now whether it's really the Truth or not. Revelations 2:7 reads like this.

And he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit...

428Now, remember, He is not talking to the Jews now. This is the Church, the Gentile.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

429 "Overcomers only, that overcome the beast, overcome his mark," that's Catholicism, Protestantism, denominationalism, "who overcome the beast, his mark, the letter of his name." "He'll have a right to the Tree of Life, to enter into the gates where nothing that defiles can ever go in." See? Think of it. Now, just a minute now, as we go just a little bit farther. Tree of Life will be for the overcomers only.

430The leaves will be for the healing of the nations. That is, the kings that live in there, bringing their honor in, when they bring their honor in and lay it before the Throne of God. Just like the outside, the ten... the eleven tribes brought in, every one of them, a tenth to Levi, see. When they bring their honor into the... from the blessed land, in that, they'll reach from the Tree of Life, break off a holly leaf... or a Tree of Life leaf, and they'll walk out together. There is no more war. Everything is at peace. The leaves are a memorial, for the healings of the nation.

431 The same Tree, not like Adam, he... There was a Tree of Life in the garden of Eden, that he might have eaten from if he hadn't a fell. That Tree of Life reminded him, all the time, that his new... his youth was continually going on. See?

432Same will the nations. The leaves will be for the healing of the nations; notice, not the sickness now. You'd have the same rights that Adam did, like the le-... dove with the holly leaf, it's all... each king taking a leaf.

433 Notice, the River of Life, perhaps many little streams making it up. Now, in this earth...

434I'm going to close just in a few minutes. In this earth... Or, I'm just going to stop. That's how much more notes is got, now about thirty pages. Yeah. Look.

435In this--in this life, I have never seen nothing so quenching as to be in the mountains and find, as I preached on the other night, that stream bubbling up, its life-giving resource. You'd be tired and thirsty, fall down by a good stream; way down where germs can't go, way down hundreds of feet in the earth, is bubbling forth pure, genuine, life-giving water. We appreciate that. That's little. Now, the earth has its many streams with refreshing water. When you're thirsting and dying, you get a good, cold drink from that, it'll--it'll help you to live.

436 But look where this One comes from. From the Throne, there is where it gets its Life-giving resources. Comes from under the Throne of God, where God sits.

437All of it, all of this earth, this earth here we live in now; every one, whether it be Christian or pagan, has temples. Did you ever think of that? Churches, all of them.

438But this One doesn't have any. The Bible said, "And there was no temple there. But the Lord God and the Lamb is the Temple of it." The Lamb is the Light. The Lamb is the Temple. The Lamb is the Throne. The Lamb is the Life. He is that Temple. See, all these temples have a object they're worshiping; but, in this City, He is the object. He is with His people. His Spirit Light floods the pyramid City.

439 Like Peter and John, up on top of the mountain. The Light covered the top of the mountain, and a Voice spoke, said, "This is My beloved Son."

440 In Revelation 21:3 and 4, "The tabernacle of God is with man." God has tabernacled in man, by redeeming him, by these three processes. Now God is going to redeem the earth and tabernacle in the earth, with His subjects of the earth, which He brought forth from the earth. And through sin it fell, but the... He had to let it go on. But now He sent Jesus to redeem that fallen earth, which we are part of. "There not one hair of your head will perish." Jesus said so. He said, "I'll raise it up again at the last day." See? Why? You're a part of the earth.

441 You notice, I had the little joke about my wife telling me I lost my hair. I told her I hadn't lost one of them.

She said, "Where they at?"

442I said, "Where they was before I got them." Ever where they was, a substance; wherever they are, they're waiting for me. See? That's right. I'll go to them, one day.

443 This old body, wrinkling and falling, and dwindling over in shoulders, and aching in knees, and--and hoarse in the throat. That's all right. You can bury it in the sea, but the Trumpet will wake me!...?... Yes, sir. We're going to change, one of these days. I am part of this world that's redeemed. You're in the world, but nothing of the kosmos. You're in a different order, a redeemed order.

444 Notice, "The tabernacle of God will be with man." Notice, "The former things has passed away." This, this thing, has passed away. This means that Heaven has come down to resident with man. See? Heaven and earth are embraced.

445Just exactly when the Dove came upon part of the earth, which was Jesus; He was the dust of the earth, man. God, coming from that one little Life-germ, by creative power. And that Blood that was in that... The Life that was in that Blood ascended back to God, but the Blood dripped upon the earth, to claim it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times--Ed.]

446 Because of the blood that was brought through, from the germ cell from Cain, see; now He comes back with the creative power just like He did Adam, creating Adam, here is the Second Adam. And through that breaking cell there, where (sin) Cain broke that blood cell upon the just, see, now this Blood Cell... Because, he killed Abel, but Abel was born sex.

447But this One wasn't born sex. "It was the creation of God, the beginning of it," and It redeemed the earth. And all of the calcium, potash, petroleum, cosmic light, that you are made out of, is redeemed. "Not one hair shall be harmed. And I'll raise it up again at the last day."

448 Then what? God comes down to resident upon the earth. Which, He is a part of it, His Own body. He raised it up for our justification, and we're justified by believing that and accepting that. Notice in types, Jesus becomes... In the type, Jesus becomes man; God... or predestinated to take his place, to redeem us, to make all these things possible.

Notice, outside of its beautiful walls, of this City.

449 Now have you got "the City"? See, it's a holy Mountain. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] "Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all My holy Mountain, saith the Lord." The City is not a cube. It is a Mountain. And the--the width by the breadth by the height, are equal, see; fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles all the way around; and fifteen hundred miles high. So it's just a great Mountain, like the pyramid, and the City is on the Mountain. Glory!

450There you are, there is the paradises of God, the Light of the world, that perfect Kingdom. Not the seventh day; the Eternal one! See? Not the Millennium; the New Earth! See?

451 While it's going through the Millennium, it's going through its sanctifying process, but still must be burned. See? Which, the Blood redeemed the people, it shows this memorial that it's... the price is paid, that thousand years. But then it has to be cleansed by Fire; just like you were, His delegates of this City, the delegation.

452So if you die or if you live, what difference does it make? If He comes today, or He comes a hundred years, or a thousand years, I'll only rest till my change comes.

453 So, old man and old woman, don't you be discouraged. [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] If you are a representation up here, in this attribute of God; this, God; if you have it, if you're represented here, you cannot... You're in the Eternal. And if you've crossed from that seventh day, into the eighth, you got into the Eternal by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're included in This. Now, if you're just trusting upon a sensation, or jumping up-and-down, or, "I do this. I keep my seventh day. I don't eat meat," and things like that, that's going to perish, anyhow. See? But This is the Eternal. See? This is the Eternal, the Feast after the feast of tabernacles. See?

454The feast of tabernacles was the last feast, the seventh feast. We are worshiping now under the feast of the tabernacles, the seventh church age.

455 In the Millennium, we'll be under the feast of tabernacles, again, in the seventh day.

456But, then, after the seventh day, we have a Holy Convocation, go back into the Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a part of This.

457Now how do you know you're a part? Because, that, the Word of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to the first day, the first. "And he shall restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers," bringing a restoration again of the pentecostal genuine, not sensations; and will manifest the evening Light, the same Son that showed in the morning Light, as promised for the day. Amen and amen!

458Where are we, friends, where are we? Just waiting now to get out of the way, so Revelations 11 can be made to... known to the Jews; that's right, the Rapture coming.

459 Watch, outside the gates of the walls, spread across the New Earth, nations will dwell in Eternal peace. Now what? Honored kings will bring their glory into it. No sin can be there. No more bobbed-haired women will enter that City. I'll guarantee you that. No more short-wearing, cigarette-smoking. Whoremongers, whores, or liars, idolaters, whatever they was, won't enter that City. No, it'll all be over. Sin will be gone. "Nothing to defile its holiness shall enter there." That's what He said. "All has passed away, forever."

460Look out in its fields and around its gates:

The bear will be gentle, the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down with the lamb;

And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

I'll be changed from the creature that I am.

461 With this death working in my mortal body, old age setting in, I'll be changed.

462You've heard the song? "The bear will be gentle. The wolf will be tame." He'll not jump up, and rear up and try to kill you. He'll walk with you down the paths.

Who is going to inherit it? The Redeemed. Who will it be?

Notice, I can only teach my types now. Notice, Brother Lee.

463 Who come out on the new earth with Noah the prophet? Those who went in with him in the ark. That right? That's who walks out on it. See? Those who went in with Noah, by his message, was the one who walked out upon the new earth after its water baptism.

464 The one who goes in with Jesus now. How do you get into Him? By one Spirit; and He is the Word. You become part of Him. What part of Him are you? The Word that's living of this hour, recognizing. You'll walk out with Him in the Millennium. That's when you walk out. Notice, not a new generation. A transplanting!

You say, "Oh, Brother Branham!" Oh!

465Notice, if God could raise up Elijah and take him up, twenty-five hundred years ago, to transplant him back into the earth again, to be a prophet for the Jews, how much more can He do the Bride!

466 After Noah came out of the ark, notice what was said to Noah after he come out of the flood, just like it was with Adam before. After he come out, upon the new earth; said, "Multiply and replenish the earth," after the flood. Notice, "was to be fruitful, replenish the earth," as Adam at the first.

Now you can see exactly here. Now listen real close.

467 Adam was to "multiply and replenish the earth." That right? Noah was, after the new, (world was destroyed), was to "multiply and replenish the earth." Get it? Now can't you see what the serpent's "seed" is? What replenished the earth? You get it? All right. You see how Satan got to Eve now. That's why death has reigned on earth ever since. And heavens, earth, beast, atmosphere, is all cursed of God because of it. That's the curse, because Satan got to this first.

468Jesus came to redeem it back to the Father. In order to do this, He became part of it; as I've just went through. And from that very dust (the part Jesus was, Himself) being redeemed, through Him all of the attributes of God are redeemed with the earth.

469 He was the spoken Word. We who are redeemed is part of Him. Then, if you can recognize! See?

470The Pharisees claimed they were. But, you see my first illustration, they was only that by intellectual. They couldn't recognize the Word when It was made manifest right before them. They said, "This man is a evil spirit."

471Now, today, we're called false prophets. We're called every dirty thing could be called, by religious people, see, by great and talented man. See, they just don't understand. See?

472 Its water baptism wasn't sufficient to cleanse it; neither is theirs. Sanctification, of the Blood, brought it back, claimed it. But the baptism of the Fire cleansed it; like it did His Bride. Like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.

473 Never promised to raise up a new race, as I have said, but He promised to redeem the fallen. Them that was the--the predestinated, inherit it as He has promised. And He is the unchangeable God; we know that.

474 Remember, God took Elijah, after the rapture, and translated, transplanted him back among the people, to take the place as a prophet among his people; pretty soon He will do that. And has kept him, alive, these twenty-five hundred years. He's to appear again.

475 Notice again, He raised up Moses from the dead. Where is his grave? Can anybody find it? Read the Book of Jude. See? Satan... The Archangel disputing with the archangel, Satan, said, durst... "the Lord rebuke you," disputing over the body of Moses. And here Peter, James and John was standing there looking at him, on Mount Transfiguration, right there in the land where the Mountain is to be raised up to dwell in. See?

And He come to redeem it.

476 See, there was the raptured Church then, represented; there was them that are asleep, represented. Whereabouts? [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs--Ed.] In the City; up on top of the mountain. See?

477There was Peter, James, and John, looking on; three, a witness. There was Elijah, Moses, and Jesus; as a Heavenly witness. See?

478And there was Moses, the dead, had been raised up. There was Elijah, the rapture, was still alive. And they was both represented on this holy mountain.

479And, Jesus, the Redeemer. When God, up above Him like this, overshadowed Him, said, "This is My beloved Son."

480 Remember, Jesus said, about a day before that, He said, "Verily I say unto you, that some are standing here now, will not see death, until they see the Kingdom of God established in power."

481What was it? The resurrected dead and the raptured saints, together, caught up together to meet Him in the air. With God overshadowing Him, and Jesus standing there in this shadow, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm well to please in," the order of the New Kingdom. Oh, brother, sister!

482 Death doesn't change you. Death only changes your dwelling place. See?

483Remember, Samuel, when he was dead and been buried for two years, he was in Paradise. And the witch of Endor called him up, and Saul recognized him; and she did, too, and fell upon her face. He hadn't changed, one bit. He was still the same Samuel, after being dead two years, and he was still a prophet. He said, "Tomorrow you'll fall in battle, your son with you, and by this time tomorrow night you'll be with me." And that's just what happened.

484See? And when Moses returns back, and Elijah, for Revelations 11, they'll still be prophets. Hallelujah!

485 And over yonder, in the Land, the City where the Lamb is the Light, I'll know you, Brother McKinney. I'll know you, my people, my jewels in the crown. When they come from the East and the West, to the City; when fifteen hundred miles square, she'll be setting there, and the City built foursquare. When you're setting there in the holy Mount, where God sets upon the Mount, and Jesus on the Throne. And the golden trumpet sounds when Joseph leaves, to walk down through the Paradise, and the children of God fall upon their knees and worship Him, knowing that they were redeemed. See? Amen! Hallelujah!

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the glory I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

I'm bound for that beautiful City

The Lord has prepared...



486 Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, "And of His peace and of His increase there shall be no end. The government shall be upon His shoulders; His Name will be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. And the government shall be upon His shoulders; and of His increase and of His peace there is no end." Even the animals is there. Oh, my!

The bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down by the lamb,

And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

But I'm going to be changed.

487 I'll be changed from this creature that I am, when that Day comes, for I'm going to that City. I'm bound for that beautiful City! I feel the redeeming Power in my whole heart now.

488If this isn't so, then I've throwed my life away; I've taught others deceitful things. But when I look down and see that the promise He made of this day, and see It vindicated; and look at this fifteen-hundred-mile-square congregation set here, an Elect that's been called from denominations and races and creeds and things, gathered together; as I see the Word vindicating Itself, I know, beyond one shadow of doubt, the jewels of my crown will outshine everything in the world, at that Day.

489 There will come a time! People, we're not gathering here for in vain. We're only waiting for that time. It is very, very late, but Jesus is still very, very near. And, His Glory, it's wonderful. "His Name shall be called Counsellor." That City, can you see it? There is where the Bride and the Groom will settle, and never again to...

490 Now, if you think it's wonderful when we drive hundreds of miles to set here and feed on His Word, which this is only a shadow, what will it be when we live in the City with Him! When I live next-door neighbor to you, and when we eat of those trees, and we will walk in those streets, when we walk up those streets of gold to the fountain, drink from the fountain, walk into the paradises of God, with Angels hovering the earth, singing the anthems, oh, what a Day that will be! It's worth all. The road seems rugged, sometimes it gets hard, but, oh, it'll be so little when I see Him, so little. What will the bad names and things that they've said, what will that be when I see Him in that beautiful, beautiful City of God?

491 Let us bow our heads.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I go homesick for Heaven,

And its glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

492On the island of Patmos, John saw it! [Brother Branham weeps for joy--Ed.]

493 Dear Jesus, this hope, my hope's built on nothing less, Lord. That's the mother of my heart; that City, the great King. God, don't let one here perish, please. May we examine our lives again, today, Lord, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Where, all them Redeemed, out yonder in that great coliseum in Rome, where them Christians was eat up by lions, shall the dust break forth someday!

494There'll be no graveyards on the hillside of Glory. No doorknobs will hold a funeral wreath. No tear will spot upon it. No, no. No heaped-up sod. No storms will strike it. It'll all be glorious there.

495 Help us, Lord. If there is one here... that's called to this Wedding Supper of the Lamb, this thousand years of Millennium reign, and to then enter into the City after the Honeymoon is over. The Millennium is merely the Honeymoon. Then She, the Bride, takes His... Bridegroom takes His Bride Home. It's Hers. Her Bridegroom; His Bride. Oh, He's gone to prepare a House, since He's become engaged.

496May we be true to Him Who is the Word, for He is the Word. Regardless of how others try to sass us, keep us away from It; Lord, draw me nearer.

For sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And its glory I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

497 The future Home of the Groom and Bride! He is coming back... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... to the Wedding Supper; it's going to be three and a half days. Then return again, in the Millennium, on our honeymoon. And then He--He's going to bring the City into view. Like the bridegroom taking the bride to her surprise, how the little bride stands there in awe as she looks at her future home! And by faith, today, Lord, we see it yonder. It'll be right here on this earth. You promised it.

498Your Church will be completely redeemed, one of these days. And then Your world will be redeemed, the rest of the particles. But first You have redeemed Your people, their bodies that's made up of the world.

499 Help us, God. If there is one here who isn't just exactly sure of that, Lord, may they receive it just now.

500I know it's been long and hot, but, people, we won't always be standing here. I won't always be your pastor. Let's make it sure.

"Is there a way, Brother Branham?"

501Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today. Can't be a part of the Word of Moses' day; that part is done made up, that was the feet. We're at the Head now. This is Christ. Not the arms time, back in Luther, no. This is the Head time. Christ, the Headstone, comes to the Body.

502 If you're not just feel exactly right about it, wherever you can, will you raise up your hand just so I can see. Let everybody else keep their head down. God bless you.

503Say, "Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham. I want to be there so bad! I--I don't want to miss it, Brother Branham. I--I'm checking, I'm doing everything I can, but pray for me now, will you?" God bless you.

504While you're thinking of it now, just pray, say, "God..." It's in your own heart. See, if you feel something tug, tingling at your heart, that's what it is. It's that attribute trying to declare itself.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

505 Heavenly Father, take us now, Lord. Let the Great Shepherd, the Great Redeeming Shepherd, the Great Shepherd Who left Glory, knowing that some of the attributes was lost on them great valleys of sin, where the wolves and the--the animals would soon devour that little sheep; but He left the golden corridors, came down into the earth and was made one of us, so He could declare the love of God to us. There He found them, some of them in denominations, some of them in the house of ill fame, some of them on the streets, blind, some of them in the hedges and highway, but He redeemed every one that the Father had ordained Him to redeem.

506 And He commissioned us, that we would live this part of the Word for our ages. And we see the great reformation of Luther, in that age; and of Wesley; and the Pentecostal. Now we're looking for the Headstone of the City. O God, we know the age and the promise that we are given for this day, how that This is to be restored again. "The evening Light shall ripen the fruit of it. And it shall come to pass that there will be a day that cannot be day or night, can be called, but in the evening time it shall be Light."

507That same glorious Son of God, manifesting Himself in human flesh up here on the earth, making the promise live itself exactly, blinded to the eyes of the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herodians, and so forth.

508And today it repeats again, the Word being manifested just like It was. The Word, knowing the secret of the heart, just exactly the way it was, as the Scripture said, which cannot be broken. Help us, God, to realize it.

509Help these now who raised their hands. May they buckle up a little tighter; shod themselves with the Gospel of peace; put on the full armor of God; pull the helmet down; take the shield of faith; march forward, from today on. Grant it, Lord.

510 Just a little while, we'll be summoned, then the Rapture will come. Just a little bitty group, like Enoch, will be taken up.

511Then, "the remnant of the woman's seed, that keep the commandments of God," Jews, "have the testimony of Jesus Christ," Gentile, will be hunted down like dogs, "and shall give their life for their testimony."

512Then, one great morning, the break of the Millennium, for the--the Honeymoon will start.

513"And then the rest of the dead lived not till the end of the thousand years." Then, at the end of the thousand years, there was a Judgment, showing that Ham was in the ark. And Ham is still there in the remnant. Ones that heard It and rejected It will have to be judged.

514Now, grant it, Lord, that we'll not be considered among them, but will be in the call to the Wedding Supper. For, we do recognize Jesus among us today. We're going in with Him; out of the world, into Him. Let us walk forth in that City, come out with Him.

515 I'm getting old, Lord. I ain't got many more sermons to preach. But I'm certainly trusting You. I'm looking for that City, like my father Abraham did. There is Something in me tells it's coming. I'm trying everywhere, Lord, to spread the Light and call them. Let not one of these, Lord...

516How beautifully, a while ago, You revealed that to me. From the circumference of about fifteen hundred miles, just one here and there, are set together today, that gathered to one little spot, waiting for that City to appear. We profess that we're pilgrims and strangers. We're outcasts. The heathen, the world, laughs and makes fun; the religious denominations ridicule; but we are not moved by such things. Make us part of the Word, Lord, unmovable. "It shall come to pass in the last days." May it be us, Lord, may we be a considered among them. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

517You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Let's raise our hands like this.

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And glories I There shall behold;

Oh, what a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

518 Now, if we're to dwell in that City together, just shake hands with somebody, say, "God bless you, pilgrim. Where you from? Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi? I'm a pilgrim, too. I'm looking for that City."

519I'm looking for that City, Brother Neville. I'm getting way over there in the...?... Amen. Brother Capps, I'm looking for that City, yet, tonight. [Brother Branham begins to hum No Disappointment--Ed.]

And its glories I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

Oh, the bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh, yeah;

And the beast from... will be led by a child;

And I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am, oh, yeah.

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me some day;

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me. (Right! Yeah!)

There'll be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no more trouble I'll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

520 Our invisible King, this morning, will be made manifest. And I won't look upon Bill Dauch at ninety years old. You won't look upon me as fifty. But I'll be changed, that Day.

And when the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

But I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am.

521 Won't you be glad? Gray hairs will be gone; the stooped shoulders. But beauty, immortal, will stand in His likeness, the sun to outshine. Oh, wonderful!

... for me, O Lord, I pray;

There'll be no sadness, no more sorrow, no more trouble I'll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

522 That's what we're here for. How many of you need strength for the journey? God grant it to us! How many of you are sick in your body, wounded soldiers? Dozen, or more. You believe He's here, the invisible King? Things visible; invisible are made manifest by the visible. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, only the corporal body. Now, if this is His Spirit that's preached this through me, He'll do the works that He did when He was here. Oh, how wonderful!

I am bound for the promised land,

I am bound for the promised land;

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

All over those wide extended plains

Shines one Eternal Day;

There God the Son forever reigns,

And scatters night away.

Oh, I am bound for the promised land,

I am bound for the promised land;

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

523 Five hundred walking into the river yonder, the first day the Angel of the Lord appeared visible, to vindicate, like He did on Mount Sinai, that I had met Him. I walked into the river, and hundreds singing that same song for the baptism. Here He come, descending, that same Pillar of Fire that you see in the picture there; descending down, right down here at the river, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun His first coming, this Message will forerun the second Coming." See? There you are, see.

Oh, who will come and go with me?

I am bound for the promised land.

524 That same Pillar of Fire is here with us. Are you aware of it? He has made some of us for one thing, and some another. If you'll, without one doubt, believe that He's in the midst of the building, I believe He'll prove Hisself to you. Will it satisfy you? If I don't get to every one... It's going on two o'clock, but if you... It's a little after one, rather. If you'll believe, let Him ascend down upon us! Where is our faith? See, you got to believe that. If you don't doubt it, one bit, it's going to work.

525I--I recognize the Divine Presence of the Being of Christ, Who is the Word. And the Bible said, "The Word is... powerful than a two-edged sword, and It cuts to the marrow of the bone, and discerns the thoughts that--that's in the heart, revealing the secret of the heart."

526 Look. Why, I didn't know those things, years ago. And when I said it, not knowing it, look what He's done. He said, "Now you'll take the people by their hand, and, don't think nothing, just speak what attribute is told you. Say it's tumor, whatever it is." Then said, "It will come to pass that you won't have to do that." See? See? "It will discern the very thing that's in them." We've had all kinds of impersonations, we know that, almost to deceive the Elected if possible. Watch how the rest of the thing goes with the Word, then you'll know whether it's right or not. But, still, Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.

527 How many in here that's sick, and knows I don't know you? Raise up your hand, say, "I--I know you don't know me." Oh, it's just, I guess, everywhere. Only thing you have to do is just believe it.

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.

528 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when the Son of man will be revealed upon the earth in the last day. When the Son of man shall be revealed, or, reveal Himself in the last day." Now, not the former days, the middle days; the last day, see, He would reveal. And now we're in the last days. Sodom sets just exactly, everything, the messengers, just alike.

529What happened to the--the little remnant was called out with Abraham's group? There was One come among them, in human flesh; represented in human flesh, eating with them, drinking with them, same food that they eat, everything. He stood among them, told the Message. Then He said, "I'm going to do this great thing."

530 And Abraham kept studying, "Is this it? I've been looking for a City. Is this the King?"

531And He said, "Why did Sarah doubt this?" In the tent, behind Him.

532Abraham said, "Lord God, Elohim!" Cause, He discerned Sarah's thoughts.

533Jesus said it would repeat again when He would be revealed in the last day, the Headstone coming into the Body. To redeem the... That's the redeemed, coming to take His Own. He is here with us.

534 Now, there is only about a dozen hands, or more, went up. I believe that God can heal every one of you. Right. I believe you are. I don't believe that a person really could set in a place like this without... in this kind of time, and this atmosphere, without knowing, recognizing something.

535I want you to pray. I want you to get what's wrong with you, in--in--in your heart, see, and then begin to pray, say, "Lord Jesus, reveal this. I'm--I'm speaking to You what's wrong with me. And now You send Your Holy Spirit to Brother Branham, to fulfill what he said to be the Truth, in this Message that he's talked today about You, I know it'll be the Truth. Now, reveal it to me, Lord. Speak to me."

536 Now it's scattered, kind of here and around. So just pray, and just believe with all your heart, that God will grant it.

537Now I want you to look at me, and pray. Just as Peter and John said, "Look on us." He wanted something, and he's just about to receive it. And you want something, and I believe you're just about to receive it. He said, "Look on us."

538He said, "Silver and gold, I don't have any; but such as I have, I'll give you."

539Now, healing, I don't have any. That's all in Christ. But such as I have, a gift of God, give I thee, faith to believe Him. Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, every one of you be healed. Believe it. See? "If thou canst believe!"

540 The lady sitting there, looking at me. She was crying, a few minutes ago, praying. She's got a thyroid trouble that's bothering her. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me. That is true, isn't it. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] You're not from here. You're from Chicago. Mrs. Alexander. If that's right, wave your hand. Now go back to Chicago and be well.

541What did she touch? Same Thing that woman with the blood issue touched, the border of His garment, not mine.

542Here's a little lady setting right down among the crowd, if I can make her to understand me. You that raised your head sideways. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me, but you're suffering with a stomach trouble. Your husband sets next to you. He has something wrong with his ear. Your name is Czap. You're strangers to me. You're not from here. You're from Michigan. If that's right, wave your hands. Go back to Michigan, well. Your faith makes you whole. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."

543 Little lady there with throat trouble, sitting right back here on the end, from Georgia, dressed in white. Go back, down Georgia, well. Jesus Christ makes you well. Do you believe it?

544Lady sitting there, looking at me, right on the end of the seat. She got sinus trouble. She'll believe it, God will heal her. Mrs. Brown, believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make... You're a stranger to me, but He knows you. Uh-huh. You believe it? Raise up your hand. That's right.

545Laying here on this cot. Tell her to look over here. She's been suffering, going on. If I could heal her, I would do it, sir. I can't heal. She is not from here; come a long ways. You're from Missouri. Your troubles are an internal. But if you'll believe with all your heart, and don't doubt, Jesus Christ can heal you; and you can go back to Missouri, well, and give your testimony. You believe it? Then accept it, and take your cot and go home. Jesus Christ make you well.

546 Do you believe? That's the identification of the Eternal King's Presence. Do you believe it now, with all your heart? Now, He's certainly made a ring, right around through this building. Do you believe it with all of your heart? You believe you're in His Presence?

547Now, do you believe and accept that you are one of the delegation of this Kingdom? Raise your hand. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." We are one another; you're a part of me, I'm part of you; we're all part of Christ. Now, together, let's lay our hands on each other.

548Right here, the woman on the cot has got up, moving around, going back home to be well. Amen.

549 You're, every one, healed, if you'll believe it. Now put your hands on one another, and you are this part of Christ. You pray for the person you got your hands on, just the way you want to.

550Lord Jesus, we recognize You here. You're our King; You identify Yourself among us. We thank You for this Presence. And, Lord, You said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' don't doubt it; believe what you said will come to pass, you can have it, you can have what you've said."

551Then, in obedience to this commandment, in obedience to the Word of God which cannot fail, we as Your delegates from fifteen hundred miles square, like the City, we say to Satan, the defeated devil, "Your end is to be burned. We are the delegation from the City that's foursquare, the City where the Lamb is the Light. We are the expressed attribute of God Almighty, who Jesus Christ has redeemed by His grace."

552Satan, come out, and leave every sick person that's in here, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Holy hands that's been redeemed, because they believe the Word and are attributes of God's thought, now them hands is upon each other. You cannot hold them any longer. Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

553 Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, now, He's here. His Word says He's here. Your presence and your faith speaks, of, you're one of the delegation. Even every geographically measure that we can show, it is. Can you recognize that you are redeemed sons and daughters of God? You recognize this is your Home? This is where you're going.

554That's why you come here, that's why you come to Christ, you are feeding on His Word. And if you can have a time like this, here, just by His expressed attributes, what will it be when we come into His Presence? Oh, it'll be wonderful! Each one of you has the right to heal the sick, lay your hands upon the sick. Each one of you has the right to baptize.

555 If somebody is here that's not been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, the pool is open.

556That's the only way you're going to make it, uh-huh, that's right, is to obey every Word. Remember, one little phase of the Word, in the beginning, caused every sin on earth. Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, won't go in." His name is off the Book, as soon as he does it.

557And there's no place in the Bible where anybody was ever baptized, in the Church, otherwise than in the Name of Jesus Christ. If you haven't been baptized that way, you had better do it.

558"Oh," you say, "it don't make any difference." It did to Eve.

559Satan said, "Oh, surely, God, you know God..." But, He did. He said so.

560 He give Peter the keys to the Kingdom, and what was bound at Pentecost is bound forever. That's the reason the Bride come into re-preview, the second time; there has to be a Church called out of the latter day, like there was in the first day, just exactly. The Tree has come from its roots, up to the Bride Tree, like it did in that time; God's masterpiece again, as I said two Sundays ago, to be taken to the City.

God bless you. "I now believe."

561 Satan is defeated. He knows. He's on the earth, he is going like a roaring lion. It isn't long till he's, oh, he's finished. He knows his time. He's going like a roaring lion.

562But, remember, the Prince of Peace stands by; the Great Divine One. The Architect of my being, the Architect Who built me what I am, Who built you what you are, is here. If the Architect, Who knows how to put the building together, its right place, who knows better than the Architect? And He's here to prove, Hisself, He's here.

563Now it's based upon your faith. Believe, only believe!

I'm bound for that beautiful City

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the Redeemed of all ages

Will sing "Glory!" around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven, (when this is all over),

And the glory that I There shall behold;

What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,

In that beautiful City of gold!

564 Remember, at the church, tonight, they'll be giving communion. If you're here in the city, yet, would like to come, we'd like to have you. It's a memorial of what we're going to eat, one of these days, with Him.

565I love you. I don't know how to express it. I think you're the salt of the earth. And I hear your behavior out amongst the world, then that gives me more confidence in you.

566But, think, this little group will be, lovely as we are, will be broken up, one of these days. We'll dream of this. But if one of us happens to pass away before we meet again, we'll...

I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river side,

When all sorrows has drifted away;

I'll be standing by the portal, when the gates open wide,

At the close of life's long, weary day.

I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river side,

I'm often...?... by the river, and, with rapture, old acquaintance renew; (I'll see you then, know you.)

You will know me in the morning, by the smile that I wear,

I will meet you in the morning, in the City, City that's built foursquare.

567 You love it? "Till we meet!" Now let's stand. Take The Name Of Jesus With You, give us the chord.

568You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Do you believe this is Truth? ["Amen."] Are you headed that way, by the grace of God? ["Amen."] Until we get there:

You take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

That's all to do, until we see you again. All right.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and...

[Someone says, "Tonight?"--Ed.] No.

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

569 Now, I had to skip over my Message. Someday, the Lord willing, I'll come back and take these "avenues," and pick it up, see, where we can have more time. You been hollering about not staying long enough. We have, today. It's hot. But, now, God bless you. I like that singing.

570A neighbor here, said, the other night when they turned the outside speaker off, said, "I enjoyed the Message so much, but why did you turn that pretty singing off, see, on the outside?" So, neighbor, if you're listening in this morning, I think we got the best neighbors there is in Jeffersonville. We park our cars in front of their houses and everything else; they don't say nothing about it; we just go on. So, we thank them now.

571Oh, how wonderful He is! God be with you now.

... Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Till we meet...

572Let's bow our head. The pastor will dismiss us, just in a few moments. God be with you!

... we meet at Jesus' feet, (at the great City, at the Throne),

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet.