Prečo to museli byť pastieri



Veľká múdrosť Otca robí ľudskú múdrosť tak bláznivou, že On zatieňuje človeka. On vlastne prichádza na miesto, kde to činí človeka tak zahanbeným zo seba, a nie je dosť veľký na to, aby priznal, že sa mýli. Stále zostáva so svojím príbehom, nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi Otec dokazuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, a robí len to, čo zasľúbil, že bude robiť, človek si myslí, že jeho múdrosť je pred Bohom tak vynikajúca, že ak to neprichádza podľa jeho múdrosti, "Prečo, To nie je tak." To je pravda v každom veku, stále to robí. Vidíte, ako celá tá vec teraz sedí?

Aká inšpirácia pre tých pastierov, anjeli zostupujúci dolu, aby hovorili k pastierom, anjeli Boží prichádzajúci, aby hovorili k bande pastierov.

Som zvedavý, či ste niekedy mali možnosť hovoriť s pastierom, alebo byť s ním na chvíľu? Ak áno, nerád to hovorím, kvôli mojej poznámke, ktorú chcem o chvíľu povedať, ale pastier zostáva s ovcami tak dlho, až sa dokonca smeje tak, ako ovca bľačí, hovorí ako ovca a smrdí ako ovca. Je to tak. Lebo je s ovcami. Všetko, čo pozná, sú jeho ovce.

No, potvrdené Slovo Pravdy. Keď títo pastieri, pokorní, nevzdelaní muži... Aká česť, aké vhodné je to pre pastiera prijať posolstvo o novonarodenej ovci. To nemohlo prísť k nikomu inému ako k pastierovi. To je to, prečo sa On narodil v maštali a nie v dome. Ovce sa nerodia v dome, alebo v ružovo ozdobenej nemocničnej izbe. Vidíte? Oni sa rodia v stodole, a na poliach.

To je ten dôvod, prečo bol vedený na Golgotu. Nemôžete donútiť ovcu, aby išla uličkou na zabite. Vedeli ste to? Na bitúnkoch majú kozla, ktorý vedie ovcu. A keď sa dostane tam hore, kde sa zabíja, on odskočí a nechá ovcu ísť ďalej. Ovca musí byť vedená, ona sa nemôže viesť sama. Tak preto to musel byť pastier, ktorý prišiel pre svoju ovcu. Keď našli Boha - dieťatko presne tam, kde posol povedal, že bude, a keď našli toto posolstvo, posolstvo posla v jasliach presne, kde anjeli povedali, že To bude....

1Zdá sa, že som tak trochu uvravený kazateľ. A bez vzdelania, myslím, že pre niektorých ľudí nezniem veľmi ako kazateľ. A dokonca si ani nerobím nárok na to, že som kazateľ; som tak trochu rezervnou pneumatikou. Ale cítim, že mám posolstvo od Boha, takže svojím spôsobom (tým jediným spôsobom, ktorým To mám predstaviť) sa To snažím prestaviť svetu. A ak by som nezostal s tým posolstvom, bol by som pre Boha zradcom a pre vás pokrytcom. Osoba, ktorá povie jednu vec a verí druhej, to je pokrytectvo. Vždy musíme hovoriť pravdu z nášho srdca. Takže keď sa na nás ľudia pozrú, dokonca hoci s nami nesúhlasia, chceme byť čestnými mužmi a ženami, takže hovoríme zo svojho srdca to, čo je v našom srdci pravdou.

2 Minulý rok, alebo predminulý, som mal to privilégium hovoriť kresťanské, alebo prepáčte, vianočné posolstvo, tu v Ramada. A verím, že som hovoril na tému, buď tu alebo vo Phoenix, na "Prečo malý Betlehem?". A verím, že to bolo minulý rok tu, kde som hovoril na "Videli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu a prišli sme Ho uctiť."

3A viete, čítali sme Bibliu a divili sme sa tým "Prečo?". A dnes večer som myslel, ak by ste so mnou chvíľu vydržali a modlili sa so mnou, že by som sa vám pokúsil dať moje vianočné posolstvo. Jedine Boh vie, kde budeme na budúce Vianoce, ak budú ďalšie Vianoce po týchto. Tak keď je to tak, toto môžu byť tie posledné Vianoce, čo sme spolu, až kým si nesadneme za iný stôl. A To nebude takýto stôl, ale bude to, keď budeme jesť a piť komúniu nanovo s Ním v Kráľovstve Otca na konci cesty. A potom nech sa k tomu dnes večer priblížime, ako keby toto bolo to posledné vianočné posolstvo, pri ktorom sme kedy boli spolu zhromaždení, v hĺbke úprimnosti.

4Chcem dnes večer hovoriť na nezvyčajnú tému, ale niekedy nachádzate Boha v nezvyčajnej veci. On robí veci nezvyčajným spôsobom, nie bežným; je to nezvyčajný spôsob, nezvyčajné časy, nezvyčajné scény; On je nezvyčajný. A chcem toto... ak Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému "Prečo to museli byť pastieri?"

5A teraz, predtým, ako sa priblížime k Slovu, ktoré, verím, že je Boh, "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

6A minulý týždeň som povedal, alebo predminulý, vo Phoenixe, "Je dokázané, že sú predmety na tejto zemi, ľudia, ktorí teraz prechádzajú touto budovou." Televízia to dokazuje. Je to v inej dimenzii; naše prirodzené oči a našich päť zmyslov to nemôže zachytiť. To nie je to, že televízia niečo vyrába; ona to iba prenáša. Nemôžete pohnúť prstom, nemôžete žmurknúť; ale je dokázané, že je to navždy zaznamenané. Mohol by som stáť... alebo nejaký človek v Austrálii by tu mal televíznu obrazovku, nielen to, ale ten človek by mohol hovoriť, hýbať prstom, žmurkať, alebo dokonca aj farba oblečenia, ktoré má na sebe, by bola tu na stene premietnutá; a on v Afrike, Austrálii, okolo celého sveta. Vidíte, je tam cyklus vĺn éteru. Neviem to vysvetliť, ale viem, že je to tam. Nemyslím si, že niekto by to naozaj mohol vysvetliť. Tak televízia toto môže absorbovať a urobiť to skutočným skrze nejaké nástroje, ktoré to môžu odraziť na stenu.

7No, tá istá vec tu bola, keď tu bol Adam. Televízia tu bola, keď sa Eliáš postavil na Horu Karmel. Bola tu, keď Martin Luther, ten mladý kňaz, hodil komúniu na zem a povedal, "To je košér. A spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Bola tu vtedy, ale my ju práve objavujeme. A je to tiež tak, že dnes večer je v našej prítomnosti Boh, anjeli, nadprirodzené bytosti, ktoré sú nášmu prirodzenému zrakovému zmyslu neviditeľné. Ale jedného dňa to bude realitou, rovnako ako je teraz televízia, a práve tak bežné. No, to je to, prečo verím Slovu.

8Ježiš povedal, "Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo do tejto Biblie, alebo vezme jedno Slovo z Toho, jeho diel bude vzatý z knihy Života."

9Tak teda skloňme svoje hlavy pred tým, než To vôbec budeme čítať. Tak vážne... Ktokoľvek, kto má fyzickú silu, môže obrátiť stránku, ale jedine Boh To môže zjaviť.

10A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami smerom k prachu, z ktorého sme boli vzatí, a jedného dňa sa tam vrátime, som zvedavý... A v tejto vážnej chvíli, keď sa blížime k Vianociam, či je tu niekto, kto sa skutočne cíti nehodný a chcel by byť spomenutý v tejto modlitbe, pozdvihol by si len svoje ruky k Bohu (bez zodvihnutia hlavy) a povedal, "Pamätaj na mňa, Pane, počas týchto Vianoc"? Boh nech ťa žehná.

11Najsvätejší a najláskavejší nebeský Otče, Všemohúci Bože, ktorý si bol od počiatku, predtým, než bola nejaká hviezda, alebo nejaký atóm, alebo molekula... Ty si utvoril všetky veci skrze Ježiša Krista, Svojho Syna, a v Ňom si nám dal zdarma všetky veci. Ďakujeme Ti dnes večer, Pane, za túto možnosť, ktorú si nám dal, aby sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme boli varovaní a vyučovaní Svätým Duchom. A Svätý Duch berie Tvoje Slová a zjavuje nám ich, lebo Ježiš povedal, "Keď On, Ten Duch Pravdy príde, pripomenie vám tieto veci, ktoré som povedal a tiež vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť."

12Bože, nie je nik v našom strede, ani na zemi, kto je hoden skúsiť vyložiť Tvoje Slovo, lebo je napísané, že Slovo Božie nepodlieha žiadnemu súkromnému výkladu. Preto, Pane, modlíme sa, aby nám Duch Svätý dnes večer dal, každému jednému, tú porciu, ktorú potrebujeme, aby sme uspokojili ten hlad, ktorý je v našom srdci, po bližšom chodení s Tebou. Sme neschopní, nečistí, nehodní. Nech to Dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo v Betleheme, ktoré žilo ten najdokonalejší život, a bolo jediným dokonalým Človekom na zemi a dalo Seba ako výkupné, nech očistí nás, nečistých hriešnikov, a privedie nás do vzťahu s Otcom. Daj to dnes večer, aby to Jeho Svätý Duch skrze kázanie Slova pre nás urobil.

13Pane Bože, v krajine je dnes mnoho chorých, napriek najlepším liekom, ktorými sme kedy liečili a najlepším liekom a najlepším nemocniciam. A predsa popri všetkých našich veľkých vedeckých objavoch, máme viac chorôb, ako svet kedy poznal, lebo je viac hriechu a nevery, ako kedy svet poznal. Pomôž nám dnes večer, Veľký Lekár, a uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú v našom strede.

14A daj nám Ducha, pravdivého Ducha Vianoc. Keď dnes, keď pohanské ceremónie, vianočné stromčeky sú uctievané, vymyslené príbehy o mužovi zvanom Santa Claus (Mikuláš) a o našich Veľkonočných zajačikoch, a rôzne módy, z ktorých má komerčný svet úžitok, nech sú odložené bokom, Bože. Daj nám vojsť do Krista, Slova, lebo to prosíme v Jeho Mene a na Jeho slávu. Amen.

15Keď sa so mnou obrátite k čítaniu vo Svätom Písme, sv. Lukáš 2. kapitola... Počujete ma dobre? Je nejaké zmena v mikrofónoch? Počujete ma tam vzadu dobre? Ak áno, zodvihnite ruku. Ďakujem. Druhá kapitola Evanjelia podľa Lukáša:

A stalo sa v tých dňoch, že vyšiel rozkaz od cisára Augusta, aby bol popísaný celý svet.

(Tento prvý popis sa udial vtedy, keď bol Cyrenius vladárom nad Sýriou).

A išli všetci, aby sa zapísali, každý do svojho vlastného mesta.

A tak odišiel aj Jozef od Galilee z mesta Nazareta hore do Judska, do mesta Dávidovho, ktoré sa volá Betlehem, pretože bol z domu a z čeľade Dávidovej,

aby sa zapísal s Máriou, sebe zasnúbenou manželkou tehotnou.

A stalo sa, keď tam boli, že sa naplnili dni aby porodila.

A porodila svojho prvorodeného syna a zavinula ho do plienok a uložila ho v jasliach, pretože nemali miesta v uchýlišti.

A pastieri boli v tom istom kraji nocujúc na poli a zamieňajúc sa po strážach strážili v noci nad svojím stádom.

A hľa, razom sa postavil anjel Pánov vedľa nich, a sláva Pánova ich osvietila, a báli sa veľkou bázňou.

Ale anjel im povedal: Nebojte sa, lebo hľa, zvestujem vám velikú radosť, ktorá bude všetkému ľudu, lebo narodil sa vám dnes Spasiteľ, ktorý je Kristus, Pán, v meste Dávidovom.

A toto vám bude znamením: najdete nemluvniatko zavinuté v plienkach a ležiace v jasliach.

A zrazu sa zjavilo s anjelom množstvo nebeského vojska chváliacich Boha a hovoriacich:

Sláva na výsostiach Bohu a na zemi pokoj, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie!

A stalo sa, keď odišli od nich anjeli do neba, že si povedali mužovia, tí pastieri: Nože poďme až do Betlehema a vidzme, čo sa to stalo, čo nám to oznámil Pán!

A prišli poponáhľajúc sa a našli Máriu i Jozefa i nemluvniatko, ležiace v jasliach.

A keď uvideli, rozhlasovali všade, čo im bolo hovorené o tom dieťatku.

A všetci, ktorí to počuli, divili sa tomu, čo im bolo hovorené od pastierov.

Ale Mária zachovávala všetky tie slová a uvažovala o nich vo svojom srdci.

A pastieri sa navrátili oslavujúc a chváliac Boha za všetko, čo počuli a videli, tak ako im to bolo hovorené.

Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnania do čítania Jeho Slova.

16No, je to... Prečo bola táto veľká udalosť zjavená pastierom, to je pre nás tak trochu udivujúca vec. Mám tu poznačené nejaké miesta Písma a niekoľko poznámok, cez ktoré sa pokúsim prebehnúť, aby som vám vysvetlil prečo, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. A možno po tomto Pán so Svojou milosťou vezme dnes večer tie "prečo" od nás preč. Ale či ste.... Väčšina z nás, predpokladám, sa niekedy divila, prečo bola táto najväčšia udalosť všetkých čias zjavená pastierom. Prečo to bolo zjavené pastierom a nie teológom toho dňa? Či neboli oni tými jedinými, ktorí boli vyučovaní, aby to počuli? A prečo to prišlo a preskočilo to bohatých a prišlo to k chudobným? Takisto, prečo to preskočilo tých učených a múdrych a prišlo to k pokorným a neučeným? V tomto je niekoľko otázok "prečo".

17A ďalší dôvod, ktorý by som mohol povedať, všimnite si, to dieťa sa narodilo v Betleheme. Pričom "Betlehem" v Hebrejskom preklade, ako sme to tu mali pred pár rokmi, "Betlehem" znamená "dom Božieho chleba". A v Písmach sme dokázali, že On nemohol prísť na žiadne iné miesto. Betlehem bol založený Rachabou a jej manželom. Rachab bola neviestkou, o ktorú sa uchádzal jeden generál z izraelskej armády, po tom, čo dobyli Jericho... A ona vierou uverila Božiemu posolstvu vo svojom stave a bola spasená. A odtiaľ, kedy Jozua rozdelil zem, z ktorej by každý...

18A tam je veľká lekcia, ktorú, dúfam, že budem môcť niekedy priniesť v Tuscone, o tých hebrejských matkách, ktoré rodili tie deti. Keď vzdychala v bolestiach pri pôrode dieťaťa, zvolala meno toho dieťaťa a to ho umiestnilo do pozície v zasľúbenej zemi, jeho kmeň. Skvelá vec, že Slovo Božie spolu pasuje. Ak by spolu nepasovalo, nie je to Božie Slovo, ktoré zle pasuje, je to tvoja myšlienka, ktorá nepasuje do Slova. To všetko spolu pasuje.

19Tak On bol Chlieb Života, ako sme to vyučovali minulý týždeň vo Phoenixe, alebo predminulý týždeň. A súc Chlebom Života On nemohol prísť na iné miesto, ako do "domu Božieho chleba". A to bolo to prečo. No, tu je Ježiš narodený v Betleheme, a v Betleheme boli synagógy; veľkí náboženskí vodcovia žili v Betleheme. Dávid, veľký kráľ - pastier sa narodil v Betleheme, jeho otec Jesse sa narodil v Betleheme, jeho starý otec Obéd sa narodil v Betleheme. Taktiež, celú cestu späť, on pochádzal z Betlehema.

20A tu, Ježiš, Syn Dávidov, je narodený v Betleheme, rovno pod tieňmi veľkých katedrál. Potom, ak sú tí ľudia učení, a hľadali Mesiáša po celé tie roky: štyri tisíc rokov bol Mesiášov príchod prorokovaný. A potom, keď sa Mesiáš narodil v tieni katedrál, prečo museli ísť rovno späť hore do hôr k skupine nevzdelaných, neučených pastierov, aby priniesli veľké posolstvo, to prvé posolstvo? A poverili pastierov, nie múdrych a učených, ale pastierov. Je to zvláštna vec, však? Ale niekde tam musí byť prečo. Je tam prečo; no, musí tam byť odpoveď prečo. A nikto nepozná odpoveď okrem Boha. On je ten Jediný, kto pozná odpoveď.

21No, pamätajte, Mesiáš bol už v meste, narodený v meste, v maštali, rovno pri veľkých katedrálach, kde najvyšší kňaz... a veľkí kňazi, a teológovia, a tí múdri, a školení, všetci tam čakali na Mesiáša. A On bol rovno tam v ich strede. Ale prečo potom oni išli na vrchy Judey k neučeným, neškoleným, nekultúrnym, najbiednejším zo všetkých? Vyzerali ako tie najnevhodnejšie osoby pre takú úlohu, zjaviť posolstvo a vyslať ich, aby priniesli to posolstvo.

22Viete, aký je môj názor? Možno to neznamená veľmi veľa, ale chcem podať svoj názor: Verím, že je to kvôli múdrosti Božej, že vedel, že oni by neprijali také posolstvo takým spôsobom, ako prišlo. Nebolo to podľa chuti ich vzdelania. Bolo to iné. Nebolo to to, čomu sa vyučovali, aby verili, aký On bude. Bolo to v rozpore s ich teologickým chápaním. Celé ich vzdelávanie, celé ich vyučovanie bolo obídené, stalo sa ničím. Verím, že to bola múdrosť Božia, ktorá vedela, že oni by neprijali také posolstvo.

23Tak Mesiáš bol tu, a musel byť niekto, kto To rozpozná. A On poznal tých, ktorí neboli zmiešaní v takej veci ako tá. Bol schopnejší dať svoje posolstvo neučenej skupine, ako by mohol dať zmiešanej skupine, ktorá bola tak usadená na svojich spôsoboch, že nič ich nemohlo obrátiť, dokonca ani Slovo Božie.

24 A teraz, kresťanskí priatelia, dovoľte mi položiť túto otázku, so všetkou úprimnosťou a láskou. Som len zvedavý, či by On dnes večer urobil ten istý čin, a poslal k nám v tejto generácii zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené pre túto generáciu, som zvedavý, či naši teológovia a učitelia a múdri, či by nezavrhli to posolstvo práve tak isto, ako to urobili oni vtedy? Človek sa nemení, ani Božie Slovo sa nemení. On je nemenný Boh, On sa nemení.

25Všimnite si, anjeli prichádzajú a .... Anjeli prichádzajú a dávajú svoje posolstvo ľuďom takého nízkeho postavenia, zatiaľ čo tam boli ľudia oveľa viac (pozemsky myslené) kvalifikovaní než títo biedni, negramotní pastieri. Pastier bol zo všetkých najnegramotnejší; on nepotreboval vedieť nič, iba o svojich ovciach. Nepotreboval vedieť matematiku. Nepotreboval vedieť, ako rozštiepiť atóm. Nepotreboval žiadne vzdelanie. Potreboval poznať iba svoje ovce, to je všetko, čo potreboval poznať. A Boh, veľká Múdrosť a Fontána a žriedlo všetkej múdrosti, si vybral takú osobu, ako to (vlastne osoby, ako tie), a obišiel všetkých dobre vyškolených učencov, ktorí sa učili, aby to vedeli. Hovorí to jednu vec, že boli školení na nesprávnom poli. Prehliadli všetkých dôležitých v tej krajine, boli tam dôležití ľudia, veľkí učitelia, Kaifáš - najvyšší kňaz, mnoho ďalších veľkých mužov, všetci izraelovi mocne vyučení, všetky denominácie, a všetci chvastajúci sa teológovia, Boh každého z nich obišiel. No, to je múdrosť Božia.

26Všimnite si, najvyššie nebesia sa ponáhľali uctiť to najpokornejšie na zemi a neučené. Najvyšší z nebies zostúpil dolu, aby sa dal poznať tým najnižším na zemi obchádzajúc všetko naokolo, aby sa dal poznať obyčajným pastierom; prišiel, aby dal týmto obyčajným pastierom najväčšie posolstvo všetkých čias. Bolo mnoho veľkých poslov. Pomyslime na Noeho deň, a proroci, a veľkí kňazi, a tak ďalej, boli v tých predošlých dňoch, veľkí učení ľudia, králi, mocnári, monarchovia, ale tu On prichádza s najväčším zo všetkých posolstiev. Aké to bolo posolstvo? "Mesiáš je teraz tu." Vidíte? A aby to dal poznať, On obišiel všetkých učených, aby to dal poznať pokorným pastierom.

27Myslite na toto: všetci tí klerici, všetci tí cirkevní ľudia, všetci učitelia, všetko to teologické vyučovanie, všetky peniaze, ktoré boli použité, všetky cirkvi a učenia a denominácie boli všetky obídené. Všetko vzdelávanie, ktoré vynaložili pre všetkých tých misionárov a všetkých prozelytov, všetko členstvo a všetko, čím si mysleli, že uctili Boha, predsa však to kľúčové posolstvo toho všetkého prešlo pomimo nich. Zvláštne, prečo? Vidíte?

28A všimnite si, nielen to, ale to najnepravdepodobnejšie miesto pre takú udalosť. Teraz boli pastieri tými, ktorí prijali to posolstvo. A teraz, všimnite si, kde bolo to posolstvo: na tom najnepravdepodobnejšom mieste, na akom by to kto očakával. A som dnes večer zvedavý, či očakávame na pravdivé Posolstvo Pána Ježiša, som zvedavý, či by to bolo v nepravdepodobnej skupine, na mieste, ktoré bolo, o ktorom by si ten veľký, vysoko kultivovaný svet a cirkev dneška mysleli, že je to banda, ó, heretikov? Som zvedavý, či by to nebolo tam, kde by sme Ho našli? To najnepravdepodobnejšie miesto, ak tým najnekvalifikovanejším rečníkom. Pastieri nevedeli nič o hovorení, iba volali na ovce; nuž, možno to je to, prečo to prišlo.

29Ale bolo tam zasľúbené Slovo. Všimnite si, mohlo by to urobiť znovu. Obišlo to všetkých vznešených v krajine. Obišlo to všetkých vznešených a bolo to zjavené tým niktošom. Všetci tí vznešení, ktorí boli vyznamenaní titulmi ako veľkí doktori božskosti a psychológie a vysoké vzdelanie a veľké katedrály a veci, to všetko bolo obídené a zjavilo sa to niktošom. Múdrosť, nekonečná múdrosť Všemohúceho Boha to urobila, aby im dala poznať najväčšie posolstvo, aké kedy bolo, "Mesiáš je teraz na Zemi." Aká múdrosť, ktorá mohla prísť jedine od Boha, ktorý pozná múdrosť.

30Všetka múdrosť a všetko vzdelanie a všetko to teraz vyšlo nazmar a bolo obídené veľkou múdrosťou Božou. Stále to opakujem, lebo chcem, aby to vpadlo hlboko. Všetko to vyšlo nazmar, nebolo to na nič dobré. Všetko to obišlo, aby Božia múdrosť mala prednosť, aby Boh vzal to nič, aby urobil niečo.

31Mohli by sme sa tu zastaviť a hovoriť o Jánovi. Mohli by sme sa zastaviť a hovoriť o Eliášovi. Nikto nevie, odkiaľ prišiel Eliáš. Všetko, čo vedia, je, že sa jednoducho objavil na scéne. Tí proroci tam späť v tých vekoch, oni boli nuly. Ale Boh to vzal a obišiel etiku cirkvi a učenia, aby urobil, ukázal, že On je Boh. On berie niečo, čo je ničím, aby s tým niečo urobil. Tým, že tak robí, že berie to nič, ukazuje Svoju múdrosť a Svoje Božstvo. Keď On najprv utvoril človeka, jednoducho vzal guľu hliny a urobil z nej človeka, pričom to nebolo nič iné ako hlina, ale utvoril človeka. A Boh teraz berie nič, aby s tým niečo urobil. A pokiaľ si myslíme, že sme niečím, potom nemôžeme byť použití v rukách Božích. Musíme zabudnúť všetko, čo sme kedy vedeli alebo sa naučili. (Prepáčte.) Ako veľký svätý Pavol, on povedal, že musel zabudnúť všetko, čo sa kedy naučil, aby mohol poznať Krista.

32Všetko ich vzdelávanie, všetko ich učenie a tak ďalej, im bolo na horšie. Nakoniec Ho to zaprelo. Práve to vyučovanie, ktoré o Ňom mali, aby Mu verili, sa obrátilo a stalo sa najkritickejším nepriateľom a ukrižovalo Ho.

33Viete, že história sa opakuje každú chvíľu? Je to známy fakt. Mohlo by sa to stať znovu rovno vedľa nás. "Ó," poviete, "keby som vtedy žil..." Nuž, no, ak chcete vedieť, čo by ste urobili vtedy, pozrite sa teraz na svoj súčasný stav, a uvidíte, čo by ste robili vtedy, lebo to istotne zjavuje.

34Trénovaní, aby verili Jeho Slovu, a potom, keď bolo Jeho Slovo potvrdené práve pred ich očami, zapreli to Slovo, ktoré bolo potvrdené. Keď Boh potvrdil, čo urobí, a povedal, čo urobí, a potvrdil, čo urobí, vtedy sa otočili a nazvali tohoto Muža zlým duchom, ktorý ich všetkých preklial. Pomyslite, čo sa dialo. Pomyslite, čo spôsobilo, že... ich vyučovanie spôsobilo, že nerozpoznali to samotné Slovo učinené telom pre ich deň. To samotné vyučovanie, ktoré mali vo svojich školách, s tými najlepšími učiteľmi...

35A vy hovoríte, "Nuž, my by sme to dnes neurobili." Ich učitelia boli ďaleko vyššími od našich dnes - vlastne kvalitnejší, ako naši učitelia, a oni zlyhali. Oni nemali deväťstodeväťdesiatšesť rôznych organizácií, ako máme dnes my. Oni mali asi tri. A v tých troch, až po tri, a ani jedna z tých troch To nerozpoznala. Len to ukazuje, že to, čo človek robí, je bláznovstvom pre Boha. Vidíte?

36No, oni To nerozpoznali. No... A dnes by urobili znovu tú istú vec.

37Človek... Zámer je dobrý; ten je vždy dobrý. A človek nikdy nemení svoj postoj, nikdy veľmi nemení svoje spôsoby. Hovorím o ľuďoch vo svete. Človek vždy chváli Boha, nábožní ľudia, za to, čo urobil, a vždy upozorňujú ľudí na to, čo On bude robiť, a potom ignorujú to, čo On práve robí. Vidíte? To je jednoducho človek; je tak utvorený; vždy bol taký. A vy, čitatelia Biblie, dnes večer viete, že je to podľa Slova, správne. Oni vždy chvália Boha za to, čo urobil, hovoria, čo urobí, a ignorujú, čo robí. To je jednoducho zvyk človeka.

38Dôvod, prečo toto urobili, učitelia, podľa môjho názoru: oni vykladali Slovo, lebo oni všetci verili v príchod Mesiáša. Celý Izrael tomu veril; veria tomu ešte dnes. Ale dôvod, prečo nerozpoznali Jeho, bol ten, že Jeho posolstvo nebolo podľa ich klerikálneho gusta. Oni... ich... ten výklad, ktorý mali o Slove, Mesiáš sa nikdy neprejavil takým spôsobom, ako vysvetľovali, že to urobí. Tak, a kvôli tomu, oni Ho nerozpoznali, lebo to nepasovalo s ich výkladom. Ako som predtým povedal, a poviem znovu, "Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On je Svoj vlastný vykladač."

39No, Biblia hovorí... Dovoľte mi, aby som vám teraz dokázal, že je to Pravda. Prorok Izaiáš (sedemstopätnásť rokov predtým, ako sa toto stalo), prorok Izaiáš povedal, "Panna počne a porodí syna." Niet pochýb, že každý v tom veku si myslel, že ich dcéra bude tou ženou, lebo Izaiáš to povedal. Ale, vidíte, bolo to o sedemsto rokov neskôr. Ale keď... Boh nepotreboval nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo, kedy to urobí, alebo ako to urobí. On povedal, že to urobí, a On to urobil.

40Boh zasľúbil, že On, v Izaiášovi, tiež, myslím, že 28. kapitola, okolo 18. verša. A tiež v Joelovi 2:28, že v posledných dňoch, posledných dvetisíc rokov, vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Povedal, "Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia. Vaši starci budú mať sny." A veci, ktoré On urobí, Izaiáš povedal, "S bľabotajúcimi perami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť k tomuto ľudu, a toto je Odpočinutie." Ale oni to nepočuli. Pokrútili hlavami a prešli okolo toho. On povedal, "Všetky stoly Božie sa stanú plnými vývratkov, a nebude tam nič čistého." A ak to nie je obraz Jeruzalema a cirkvi toho dňa pri príchode Mesiáša, je to takisto obraz dneška. Jednoducho sa to opakuje.

41No, keď Boh hovorí, že urobí nejakú vec, urobí ju. Bez ohľadu na to, čo si niekto iný o tom myslí, čo niekto hovorí, keď Boh o niečom hovorí, je zaviazaný Sám vyložiť to Slovo. A Jeho potvrdenie Slova je Jeho vlastný výklad. Všimnite si, potvrdzuje Svoje Mesiášske posolstvo. On zasľúbil, čo bude Mesiáš robiť, keď príde. A keď prišiel...

42 Dokonca, keď sa tí múdri muži na východe pozreli smerom na juhozápad, odtiaľ, kde boli, v Babylone, a videli majestátnu hviezdu... Vedeli ste, že nikde v histórii nie je ani bodka o tom, že nejaké observatórium (keď oni dokonca určovali čas pomocou hviezd, veľkí muži, ktorí študovali tieto hviezdy)... Nie je žiadna história, ktorá by hovorila, žeby niekto z nich vôbec videl tú hviezdu. Prečo? Nebolo im to dané, oni niečo také nehľadali. Ale títo múdri muži vedeli, že povstane Hviezda z Jákoba, a oni Ju hľadali, a ona prešla z času, keď sa Ježiš narodil v Betleheme.

43No, poznám naše kresťanské tradície, je to práve ako naše cirkvi; majú veci hore nohami. Idete tu von a vidíte múdrych mužov ako prichádzajú uctievať bábätko; nie je žiadna taká vec v Písme. O dva roky neskôr tam prišli, prechádzajúc cez nížiny a cez rieku Tigris. Nikdy neprišli uctievať bábätko, ale mladé Dieťa, asi dvojročné. Prečo to bolo, v tom istom čase, že Herodes zavraždil všetky deti od dvoch rokov a nižšie, aby mohol chytiť Mesiáša? Vidíte, oni... Boh potvrdil skrze Svoje Slovo.

44A keď títo múdri muži prišli do Jeruzalema... Hviezda ich viedla do náboženského centra sveta, Jeruzalema. A hneď, ako vošli tými bránami, tá hviezda (tá nadprirodzená, ktorá ich viedla) odmietla im viac ukazovať. Šli hore, dolu po uliciach títo fajn muži, bohatí muži s kvalitne pokrytými ťavami, a tak ďalej, šli hore, dolu po uliciach hovoriac, "Kde je Ten, ktorý sa narodil ako Kráľ Židov. Videli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu." A to veľké náboženské centrum, po dvoch rokoch od posolstva pastierov, stále nemalo odpoveď alebo nič o Tom nevedelo. Hlava všetkých denominácií nemala odpoveď.

45Tak to vyrušilo Sanhedrin, a povolali pisárov, aby prišli čítať. A čítali Micheášov príbeh, proroka, ktorý povedal, "Ty, Betlehem, nijako nie si najmenším zo všetkých kniežat Júdových (najmenším), ale z teba vyjde vládca, ktorý bude vládnuť nad Mojím ľudom, Izraelom." A po tom, čo boli Písma prečítané (a stále boli potvrdené pred ich očami), stále to neprijali, hoci to Písmo povedalo. Veľmi pochybujem, že by to prijali dnes, ak by boli Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené pre tento deň, manifestované. Možno vám už nikdy znovu nebudem kázať, ale chcem, aby ste uchytili toto. Stále by neverili.

46Veľká múdrosť Otca robí ľudskú múdrosť tak bláznivou, že On zatieňuje človeka. On vlastne prichádza na miesto, kde to činí človeka tak zahanbeným zo seba, a nie je dosť veľký na to, aby priznal, že sa mýli. Stále zostáva so svojím príbehom, nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi Otec dokazuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, a robí len to, čo zasľúbil, že bude robiť, človek si myslí, že jeho múdrosť je pred Bohom tak vynikajúca, že ak to neprichádza podľa jeho múdrosti, "Prečo, To nie je tak." To je pravda v každom veku, stále to robí. Vidíte, ako celá tá vec teraz sedí?

47Aká inšpirácia pre tých pastierov, anjeli zostupujúci dolu, aby hovorili k pastierom, anjeli Boží prichádzajúci, aby hovorili k bande pastierov.

48Som zvedavý, či ste niekedy mali možnosť hovoriť s pastierom, alebo byť s ním na chvíľu? Ak áno, nerád to hovorím, kvôli mojej poznámke, ktorú chcem o chvíľu povedať, ale pastier zostáva s ovcami tak dlho, až sa dokonca smeje tak, ako ovca bľačí, hovorí ako ovca a smrdí ako ovca. Je to tak. Lebo je s ovcami. Všetko, čo pozná, sú jeho ovce.

49No, potvrdené Slovo Pravdy. Keď títo pastieri, pokorní, nevzdelaní muži... Aká česť, aké vhodné je to pre pastiera prijať posolstvo o novonarodenej ovci. To nemohlo prísť k nikomu inému ako k pastierovi. To je to, prečo sa On narodil v maštali a nie v dome. Ovce sa nerodia v dome, alebo v ružovo ozdobenej nemocničnej izbe. Vidíte? Oni sa rodia v stodole, a na poliach.

50To je ten dôvod, prečo bol vedený na Golgotu. Nemôžete donútiť ovcu, aby išla uličkou na zabite. Vedeli ste to? Na bitúnkoch majú kozla, ktorý vedie ovcu. A keď sa dostane tam hore, kde sa zabíja, on odskočí a nechá ovcu ísť ďalej. Ovca musí byť vedená, ona sa nemôže viesť sama. Tak preto to musel byť pastier, ktorý prišiel pre svoju ovcu. Keď našli Boha - dieťatko presne tam, kde posol povedal, že bude, a keď našli toto posolstvo, posolstvo posla v jasliach presne, kde anjeli povedali, že To bude....

51No, počul som ľudí hovoriť, "Anjel ku mne hovoril, povedal tak a tak." Aké je to niekedy smiešne; a počul som ľudí povedať, že ku nim hovoril anjel a povedal im tak a tak, čo bolo absolútne v protiklade so Slovom. No, ako by to mohol anjel urobiť? To by jednoducho nemohlo byť. A ak vám Boh povedal, že sa stane určitá vec (vy hovoríte, že On vám to povedal), a nestane sa to, potom to nebol Boh, ktorý ku vám hovoril. Len pamätajte; tak je to. Boh neklame. On nie je nájdený v klamstve.

52Keď našli to dieťa, aká radosť to pre nich musela byť. Lebo anjel, ktorý im dal posolstvo, oni to našli presne takým spôsobom, ako anjel povedal, že to bude, a práve na mieste, kde anjel povedal, že to bude. Aká vec to pre nich musela byť.

53V jasliach, prečo? Vidíte, akí spokojní boli títo pastieri v maštali? Čo myslíte, aký by tam bol nejaký teológ? Dal by si štipec na nos a povedal by, "Vyveďte ma von z tohto miesta." Vidíte? On by bol tak mimo, že by bol nešťastný.

54Ale, vidíte, bolo to ako doma pre tých pastierov. Boh vie, kam poslať Svoje posolstvo. Vidíte? Presne tak. V takomto stave tam vtedy boli tí pastieri, vo svojej maštali so svojím Baránkom, potvrdeným posolstvom, ktoré počuli. Aké nádherné, v Prítomnosti Mesiáša, potvrdeného Slova ich posolstva. Keď pastieri počuli, že Mesiáš je na Zemi, a prišli do Jeho Prítomnosti, rovno v ich okolí, a zistili, že posolstvo je pravdivé, bolo tam potvrdené, ako to muselo spôsobiť, že tí ľudia zistili, že Boh urobil túto veľkú vec pre nich.

55No, učenci by tam boli tak vykoľajení, v takých okolnostiach, a hneď by rýchlo odišli. Prečo? Poslovia prišli k obyčajným pastierom. Možno nemohli dokonca ani... títo... Niektorí z tých pastierov možno neboli ani schopní podpísať sa svojím vlastným menom; veľmi pochybujem. Viete, pastieri, ktorých si Ježiš vybral, keď bol tu na zemi, aby pásli Jeho ovečky, "Miluješ ma, Peter, viac ako títo?"...

58Členovia cirkvi tých posledných dní, a kňazi, a dobre vzdelaná spoločnosť v tom dni by bola tak vykoľajená v maštali. No, nie som si celkom istý, či mnohí z vás chápu (možno, vy, mestskí ľudia), ako smrdela Judejská maštaľ, ako vyzerala, ako tie zvieratá v maštali, a aké to bolo. No, niektorí z týchto klasikov dneška by tam boli tak vykoľajení, že by ani nevošli cez dvere. Ale Bohu sa to ľúbilo skrze Svoju nekonečnú múdrosť zjaviť to takým, ktorí to prijmú. Učenci a múdri muži toho dňa by To istotne neprijali. Boli by tak ponížení, keby boli prichytení na takom mieste.

59No, na prvom mieste, keby sa vrátili späť do svojej cirkvi, a svedčili by, že navštívili také zhromaždenie, a verili nejakej bande nevzdelaných pastierov, ktorí prinášajú takú udalosť, boli by exkomunikovaní zo svojej cirkvi. Boli by vyhodení z Betlehemskej spoločnosti, ak by boli prichytení, že počúvajú takú nevzdelanú bandu ľudí, ako boli títo pastieri. Ponížení, to by určite boli. Ak by boli spojení s takými obyčajnými ľuďmi, a prijímali by takéto bludárstva, ako je veriť, že Boh by priniesol Svoje posolstvo nejakej nevzdelanej bande pastierov, pričom oni mali k tomu všetko pripravené. Stratili by svoje členstvo; museli by odovzdať svoje papiere, a neboli by schopní byť uznaní v spoločnosti ich skupín toho dňa, lebo sa spojili s takou vecou a nie s niečím lepším.

61Ale čo keby ten človek povedal, "Videl som jeho posolstvo potvrdené"?

62Povedal by, "Nech vám rýchlo odovzdám vaše papiere. A vypadnite z tejto spoločnosti." Časy sa menia, ale ľudia nie. Dnes by sa to pravdepodobne stalo znovu; boli by vyhodení zo svojich cirkví.

63Ale pastieri sa cítili úplne pohodlne na tom mieste s Božím Baránkom. A ktorýkoľvek dobrý pastier robí tú istú vec. Keď dobrý pastier nad ovcami vidí Slovo Božie učinené jasným a potvrdeným, toho, čo zasľúbil urobiť, ten pastier je rovno doma. Nestarám sa, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, Boh to zasľúbil a Boh to urobil.

64Hovoria, "Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je taká vec, ako krst Duchom. Nie je žiadna taká vec, ako krst Duchom Svätým; to bolo pre apoštolov." Ale nechajte To kázať pravdivého pastiera Slova, v moci vzkriesenia, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky... Peter na deň Letníc povedal, "To zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti, a pre tých, ktorí sú ďaleko a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh." Kdekoľvek On zavolá, to zasľúbenie a to isté požehnanie je pravdivé.

65A nechajte toho skutočného pastiera kŕmiaceho sa Slovom, aby to videl potvrdené; všetci teológovia na svete mu to nemôžu vziať, lebo on vie, že Boh to povedal, a stalo sa to. To je všetko. Je to jednoducho vždy Božie Slovo.

66Jeho Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nimi, a oni To nevedeli. On zasľúbil tú istú vec v tomto dni. Som zvedavý, či by sme To rozpoznali? Pyšní a múdri nikdy neprijali takú vec ako to. A verili, že ak by bola taká vec, ako Mesiáš na zemi, muselo by To istotne prísť do ich denominácie. Bola by to ich skupina, ktorá by To prijala, alebo, "To nebolo v poriadku." No, len sa dobre zamyslite. Ak to nie je v ich skupine, potom... Všimli ste si potom? Boh nikdy nevybral niekoho z ich skupiny, ale vybral toho, kto nebol spojený s nikým z toho. Lebo jedna skupina by povedala, "Vidíte, čo sme urobili?" A to isté by urobili dnes. Ale Boh vyberá nulu; to je ten dôvod, prečo vybral pastiera. Pastieri boli úplne udomácnení s Božím Baránkom medzi nimi, Jeho Slovo sa stalo telom medzi nimi. Pyšní a múdri To nikdy neprijali, prešlo To mimo nich.

67A toľko by sme mohli povedať o dnešku, alebo o ktoromkoľvek veku. Boli to tie isté veci vo dňoch Martina Luthera. Tá istá vec vo dňoch Johna Wesleyho. Bola to tá istá vec vo dňoch letničných. Ale Boh sa nezastavuje kvôli žiadnej ľudskej organizácii. Presunul Ducha rovno ďalej, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Muselo by to byť a prísť do triedy ich vlastnej rady, alebo by to neprijali. Lebo sú dnes takí tvrdohlaví, všetky cirkvi, že idú robiť tak a tak, a zjednotiť spolu všetky cirkvi. Ak teraz hľadajú posla, ktorý by mohol zjednotiť všetkých protestantov, katolíkov, a ortodoxných, všetko spolu, urobiť jednu veľkú cirkev...

68Nuž, bratia, mal som možnosť kázať stovkám rôznych náboženstiev, a vo všetkých z nich sú dobrí ľudia. Ale teraz, pamätajte, prorokujem, "Každá organizácia bude musieť prijať toto, alebo nebyť organizáciou. To vás donucuje." Čítali ste dnes Tusconské noviny, kde katolícki kňazi pomáhali vysväcovať, v novinách, pomáhali vysväcovať, v Missouri, protestantského duchovného? A kto je v tom zúčastnený? Presbyteriáni, baptisti, luteráni a Zbory Božie. Je to v dnešných Tusconských novinách.

69Ó, je to šokujúce. To nie sú tí ľudia tam; to sú tie kazateľské, vládne hlavy, ktoré tam točia tou vecou, systém, ktorý ťa do toho hádže, či chceš alebo nie. Už viac nemôžeš byť organizáciou a uniknúť tomuto hnevu, ktorý prichádza na zem, a vidíte, či to nie je pravda. Ja už možno budem preč, keď sa to stane; pozrite sa späť na jednu z tých pások. Potom, ak to nebolo tak, potom som falošný svedok. Ak to tak bolo, povedal som Pravdu.

70Oni by To nazvali nejakým druhom pôsobenia zlého ducha proti ich pozitívnemu mysleniu. Toľko dnes počujete o pozitívnom myslení: jednoducho položte svoju myseľ na čokoľvek a myslite o tom pozitívne. Diabol to môže robiť. Je len jedna vec, ktorá riadi všetko, a to je Božie Slovo. Ak myslíte v protiklade k Slovu, zabudnite na vaše myslenie. Myslite na Slovo.

72Viete si predstaviť skvelého, veľkého najvyššieho kňaza, alebo duchovného, všetci vyleštení v teológii, ako by prišli k maštali plnej hnoja a prijali posolstvo biedneho, pokorného pastiera, ktorý nemal žiadne vzdelanie, a prišiel by a povedal, "Vidíte, môžem vám to dokázať; toto je to Dieťa, toto je Posol"?

73A viete, čo by tí ľudia povedali? "Ten muž je čestný; je veľmi úprimný v tom, čo hovorí, ale je totálne vedľa."

74Videl som ľudí žiť také dobré životy, že by ľudia ani neverili, nemohli by na nich nič povedať, ale povedali by, "On je úprimne v blude. On jednoducho nevie, o čom hovorí. Boh, On by neurobil takú vec, ako toto."

75Ale tu mali dôkaz. A po dôkaze, "Choďte tam hore do maštale a uvidíte, či tam to Dieťa neleží."

76Povedali by, "Bol si okúzlený nejakým zlým duchom, ktorý spôsobuje, že tak hovoríš." A predsa to bolo podľa Slova Božieho. A oni boli príliš slepí, aby to videli, lebo ich teológia ich oslepila. Aká tragédia!

78A je To tak jednoduché, to je to, ako To múdri vždy prehliadnu. Je To tak jednoduché, že ich to mätie. Hľadali Boha tam vonku, zatiaľ čo On je rovno tu. Vidíte? Hľadajú niečo vzdialené, pričom je to teraz rovno tu s nimi: Kristus, vzkriesený z mŕtvych, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

79Všetky ich veľké veci boli obídené. Ale iste to bola Pravda, že tam bol Mesiáš. Dnes to vieme. Dnes tomu veríme. Dnes to prijímame.

80Ale potom, ak Boh zasľúbil niečo pre tieto Vianoce, zasľúbil niečo pre tento deň, a dokazuje, že je to tak, a my stále od toho kráčame preč, sme jednoducho v tej istej triede, ako boli oni tam v tom dni, keď to minuli; lebo to neprichádza podľa našej denominačnej chuti. To je to, prečo sme tieto Vianoce v takom neporiadku.

81Ježiš Kristus nie je mŕtvy; On žije. On je dnes tu. Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On povedal, v Jánovi 14:12, "Ten, kto verí vo Mňa (nie ten, ktorý sa robí, že verí, ten, ktorý hovorí, že verí)...Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť. A viac ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem k Otcovi." A ja som Ho videl vo svojom vlastnom živote robiť viac tých istých skutkov, ktoré robil vtedy, než je napísané na stránkach tejto Biblie. A ide to ponad hlavy a tých múdrych dneška, a je to zjavené bábätkám, ktoré sa budú učiť; ako sa Ježiš modlil. Je to pravda. On urobil viac než... videl som vo svojom dni, za mojich 33 rokov služby, videl som Ho robiť viac, ako som o Ňom čítal, že robil v Biblii: viac tej istej veci.

82Ale nezáleží na tom, čo On vtedy urobil, myslíte, že Sanhedrin Mu veril? "Nuž," povedali, "si zvedený čarami." Ale, zistiť, kde urobili svoju chybu, bolo zistiť... v zistení, nie čo povedalo ich vyznanie, ale čo povedalo Slovo, že Mesiáš bude robiť v ich dni. To je to, kde my dnes robíme chybu, neskúmame Písma. Ježiš im povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, v Nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Oni vám povedia, kto Som."

83Všimnite si, Boh predzvedel, že oni toto budú robiť; to je to, prečo to On musel vziať k pastierom. On vedel, že oni to neurobia; oni to prijmú. Nuž, vidíte, prečo to museli byť pastieri? Prečo pastieri? Teológovia by to neprijali. Prečo znovu pastieri? Prišlo by to v protiklade s Jeho Slovom? Nie. Oni boli pastieri, poznali ovce; a to je to, ako sa On narodil, Ovcou, Baránkom. Všimnite si, On bol Baránok. Oni boli... oni boli ten jediný druh, ktorý by ho prijal. Pastier bol tou jedinou vecou, ktorá by prijala Baránka. Oni vedeli, ako sa o to starať, a tak je to dnes, keď dostávame Baránkovo Posolstvo.

84No, to zvláštne.... Najpokornejší, nevzdelaní ľudia uctievajúci Emanuela v maštali. Naj... A v tých istých dňoch boli tam vonku ľudia učiac svoju teológiu. Veľké zástupy, ťahajúce sa zovšadiaľ, z celej krajiny, prišli obetovať, čo bolo, ako povedal Jehova, smradom v Jeho nozdrách. A tu boli pokorní pastieri v maštali uctievajúci Emanuela: Samého Boh učineného telom a ležiaceho v maštali. Vidíte, ako my, s našimi veľkými učeniami, a svojimi hlavami vytŕčajúcimi dozadu, ako že my niečo vieme, a Boh obchádza celú tú vec. Vidíte? On robí to, čo zasľubuje robiť, a On to vždy robí. Ale pomyslite o týchto nízkych pastieroch tam vonku uctievajúcich teraz Emanuela v maštali. To je to najpozoruhodnejšie. Iste je.

85Potom vonku... Potom, ako Ho uctili, a uvedomili si, že to posolstvo, ktoré kázali, bolo potvrdené, tak tam vonku chválili Boha s najúžasnejším posolstvom anjela. Teraz, porovnajte to s dneškom. Len sa na minútu zastavte a premýšľajte. Ľudia vonku uctievajúci Boha a chváliaci Ho za to, čo videli, čo počuli, čo vedeli, že je Pravda, s Posolstvom, ktoré bolo úžasné pre intelektuálnu myseľ... bolo to v protiklade so všetkým cirkevným myslením, a predsa to bola Pravda. Je to Pravda. Verili tomu. A teraz, aká bláznivá môže byť ľudská múdrosť? Potom hovoria, že anjelský zbor im spieval prvú koledu. Viete si to predstaviť? Že pastier, ktorý sa nevie podpísať, páchne ako ovčí chliev, kráča dolu ulicou, vykrikujúc, "Sláva Bohu na výsostiach. My vieme, že On je na zemi."

86Kňaz povedal, "Ten muž je pomätený. Pozrite sa do kníh a vidzte, či je členom našej kongregácie. On nás istotne uvádza do pomykova svojimi neetickými učeniami. Vyhoďte ho od nás preč. Nebudeme sa hanbiť medzi ľuďmi.

87Nuž, môžeš byť zahanbený medzi ľuďmi a byť oslávený v očiach Božích, alebo si vyber; lebo, pamätaj, cirkevná chuť tohoto dňa nepasuje s Božím Slovom. Nie je deväťsto šesťdesiatdeväť rôznych chutí toho. Je to jedna chuť, jedno Slovo, jeden Boh. To je všetko.

88Hovorili, že anjeli im spievali prvú koledu, a taktiež hovorili, že dostali od anjela posolstvo. Anjel sa im zjavil, dal im posolstvo a oni šli a zistili, že to posolstvo bolo pravdou. A hovorili, "Okrem toho, anjel nám spieval prvú koledu."

90Všimnite si. Boli vonku a chválili a oslavovali Boha za to, čo videli a počuli, a počuli anjelov spievať po prvýkrát ľudskej bytosti. Anjeli nikdy predtým nespievali ľudskej bytosti. A pozrite sa na ten zbor, ako stáli a trénovali a trénovali tie hlasy; budú spievať pri narodení Mesiáša; a všetci boli obídení. A anjeli zostúpili a spievali obyčajným ovčiarom, nie v kňazských rúchach, ale v pastierskych rúchach. A pozrite sa, kto mal prvé posolstvo; je to úžasné.

91A kde to bolo dané, nie v katedrálach, ale v pustatine, vonku v pustatine, kde prišiel Anjel Pánov; nie v cirkvi; v pustatine. On dokonca nebol ani v cirkvi vítaný. Oni si mysleli, že je, a mysleli si, že to majú, ale Boh dokázal, že to bolo zlé. "On je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove." To je pravda.

92Po prvýkrát, kedy anjeli spievali na oslave, to bolo v nebi. Ak sa pozriete do Jóba 38:7 (keďže vidím, že niektorí z vás si robia poznámky), keď Boh najprv plánoval učiniť Svoje prvé stvorenie, zem... Jób bol veľký, chytrý človek, a mal všetky druhy múdrosti. Povedal, "Keď idem na trhy, mladé kniežatá sa predo mnou všetky klaňajú, a chcú len chvíľku z mojej múdrosti." A nemohol prísť na to, prečo sa s ním tak nakladalo.

93A tak sa ho Boh opýtal, povedal, "Prepáš sa ako muž, lebo prichádzam dolu, aby som s tebou hovoril." A keď Boh zostúpil vo víre vetra, povedal, "Jób, kde si bol pred tým, ako som kládol základy zeme? Keď ranné hviezdy spolu spievali, a synovia Boží jasali, kde si vtedy bol, Jób?" A vtedy bol usadený. "Kde si bol?"

94Vidíte, prvýkrát, kedy anjeli spievali na oslave, bolo v nebi. Ale prvýkrát, kedy spievali na zemi, to bolo k pastierom pri narodení Boha, Emanuela na zemi; prvé ľudské bytosti, ktoré kedy počuli spievať anjela, boli pokorní pastieri.

95Keď vezmeme naše ženy s namaľovanými tvárami, ostrihanými vlasmi, nosiace šortky, a obkrútia si okolo seba nejaký druh cirkevného rúcha, a postavia sa a spievajú ako niečo, a potom si myslíme, že Boh to musí počúvať? On má tam ďaleko anjelov, ktorí Ho môžu zabaviť od vtedy, predtým, ako kedy utvoril ľudskú bytosť. A-ha. Vypadnú a žijú a nosia oblečenie, ktoré je ohavnosťou pred Bohom, a ako môžete očakávať, že je to od Boha? Hovoríte, "Nuž, ja patrím k..."

97Teraz si všimnite. Boh zamýšľa učiniť ďalšie stvorenie. Tvorí smrteľnú zem, smrteľný život. Anjeli spievajú v nebi. Ale tu On tvorí nový Život, Večný život pre človeka, a spieva svojim poddaným skrze anjelov: na zemi, nie v nebi. Nebo malo Večný život. Vidíte? A spieval... Spievali do nebies, keď prišlo smrteľné stvorenie, a tu prichádza nesmrteľné stvorenie; a teraz oni spievajú zemským ľuďom: po prvýkrát pastierom. Pozoruhodné, však?

98On začal nové stvorenie. Čo to bolo? Stvorenie Seba. Boh bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami. To je... Biblia hovorí, "Na počiatku stvorenia Božieho..." Boh bol utvorený v ľudskej forme; v Ježišovi Kristovi, Svojom Synovi, Boh prebýval. Postavil Svoju svätyňu z tela a kostí, a žil v tej svätyni: Boh, Emanuel, "Boh s nami." Postavil si dom, aby v ňom žil, aby skrze to mohol vyjadriť Svoje Slovo Svojim poddaným. Viete, aký je Boh, keď vidíte Krista.

99Pamätajte, pri narodení kráľa je vždy spev. Koľkí to vedia? Samozrejme, viete to. Nuž, teraz, myslíte si, že keby sa tento Kráľ tam dolu narodil, žena by utekala niekde do katedrály, a povedala, "Pripravte hneď rýchlo posteľ, a priveďte lekárov, lebo idem priviesť Emanuela na svet."? Chudobná žena z Nazaretu, najnižšieho mesta, špinavšieho než Tuscon alebo iné z tých ostatných, a predsa táto malá žena prichádza, beží tam hore k veľkému najvyššiemu kňazovi a povedala, "Zamýšľam porodiť Emanuela." Hodili by ju do väzenia. Istotne by to urobili. Určite by to urobili. Také sektárstvo ako toto, aby bolo prinesené medzi jeho ľud, to by nemohol strpieť. Ani dnes by to nemohol. Ale práve to isté sa deje, práve to isté.

100Všimnite si, tam musí byť spev. Králi boli... Jemu by nebolo spievané. Ľudia by Mu nespievali, lebo Mu neverili. A to je ten dôvod...Tu to prichádza, môžete to takisto zachytiť. To je ten dôvod, že ľudia sa dnes hanbia chváliť Boha; hanbia sa za Krista. Veľké katedrály neprijmú krst Duchom Svätým; sú tak usadení vo svojom kazateľskom spôsobe, že oni to neprijmú. Boh nájde niekoho, cez koho môže dostať chválu. "On je schopný z tých kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi," ako som znova citoval Jána.

101Všimnite si, Jeho poddaní Mu musia spievať. A Jeho poddaní boli vtedy Jeho anjeli, a oni spievali Jeho pastierom, ktorí mali vziať Jeho posolstvo.

102Kto to mal počuť prvý? Samozrejme, Jeho poddaní. Tí, ktorí mali prví počuť Kráľovský spev, boli Jeho poddaní. A kto boli Jeho poddaní? Trochu zvláštne, však, bratia? Neboli to Jeho duchovní. Neboli to teológovia. To je pravda. Neboli to denominační ľudia. Nie, boli to pastieri. Prečo? Narodil sa baránok; to je ten dôvod. Vidíte? Jeho poddaní to počuli, o ktorých Boh vedel, že budú veriť. Boh poslal Svoje posolstvo tým, ktorí tomu uveria. On je celá múdrosť; On vie, kam poslať Svoje posolstvo, kto tomu bude veriť. Najvyšší z neba poslaný k najnižšiemu z ľudí na zemi.

103Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 5, "Blahoslavení chudobní v duchu, lebo ich je Kráľovstvo nebeské." Mária, v... Ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, je to Matúš 5. A ak si zapisujete miesta Písma... To je to, čo som si tu zapísal, Písmo.

104Mária povedala v Lukášovi 1:52, keď bola pomazaná Duchom, Svätým Duchom na nej, povedala, "Povýšil ich z poníženosti [“Angl.prekl.: “z nízkej triedy “ - pozn.prekl.]." Mária to povedala, matka Ježiša, povedala, "On povýšili tých ponížených."

105Lukáš takisto povedal, "Obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali." Nie tá elita, teológovia, doktori práva a náboženstva; ale obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali, ľudia nízkej triedy.

106Cez celé sväté Písmo, posolstvo vykúpenia bolo dané pastierom a skrze ovce.

107No, musím prísť k záveru, lebo sa blíži čas zakončenia. Preskakujem mnoho miest Písma, len aby som vás mohol dostať do tejto myšlienky.

108Cez celé Písmo bolo vykúpenie predstavované skrze pastierov a ovce. To je pravda. Všetci s tým súhlasíme. Prečo? Bolo to v tieni a predobraze. A čokoľvek... Ak by som nikdy nevidel svoju ruku, a pozrel by som sa tu dolu na tieň mojej ruky, a videl by som, že mám päť prstov, vedel by som, že to odrážalo; negatív odrážal pozitív. A to je to, prečo posolstvo vždy prichádzalo k... vykúpenie skrze baránka, lebo to bolo od samého začiatku. A bolo to skrze ovce a skrze pastierov, skrze ktorých Sa zjavil. Všetko boli tiene a predobrazy.

109No, pozrime sa na začiatok. Adam a Eva, stojac tam v Prítomnosti Božej, aby počuli Jeho posolstvo k nim, zavinuli svoje bedrá do ovčej kože. Prvé posolstvo, ktoré bolo kedy počuté, bolo dané nad mŕtvou ovčou kožou, ktorú Boh zabil a zavinul do nej Adama a Evu. Po tom, čo sa pokúsili urobiť svoje vlastné náboženstvo figových listov, to nefungovalo. Ovčia obeť bola ustanovená ako zmierenie od samého začiatku: obeť baránka.

110No, ideme to už zakončiť, a ukázať vám, prečo to museli byť pastieri; a prečo to musel byť, On musel byť baránok.

111No, proroci Starej Zmluvy sa zahaľovali do ovčích koží (Vieme to. A-ha.), naznačujúc svoju vieru v Jeho Slovo o príchode dokonalého Baránka. To je to, prečo proroci...

112No, Slovo Božie neprichádza k teológovi; nie je žiadna... on je ten, kto To zamiešava. Tak je to. Nie je žiadna taká vec, ako stále hovoriť... Hovoríte, "Nuž, tento chlapík je teológ." To ho len dáva od Slova ďalej než čokoľvek, o čom viem. Vidíte? Slovo Pána Boha, nemeniaceho sa Boha, sa nikdy nemení. Kdekoľvek v Biblii, Slovo Božie vždy prichádzalo k prorokom, nie k teológom alebo doktorom; k prorokom. A oni vždy, zakaždým, boli neprijatí a odmietnutí.

113Proroci boli obyčajne tiež pastieri. Proroci sa zahaľovali do ovčích koží, lebo nosili kožu oviec, ktoré pásli. A prvé posolstvo odsúdenej generácii bolo nad ovčou kožou. Proroci, znovu hovorím, nosili ovčie kože ovinuté okolo seba, lebo tým svedčili, že verili, že prichádza dokonalý Baránok pre tú obeť. A Slovo Božie k nim prišlo nad ovčími kožami. Títo pastieri... Alebo títo proroci boli obyčajne pastieri. Abrahám bol pastier. Izák bol pastier. Jákob bol pastier. Mojžiš bol pastier. Dávid bol pastier. Všetci Boží zástupcovia boli obyčajne pastieri.

114No, ideme zistiť, prečo to prišlo k pastierom. Oni vedeli, že ovce sú bezmocné bez pastiera, ktorý by ich viedol. Oni... Ovca je úplne bezmocná; ona nemôže ísť sama. To je ten dôvod, prečo Boh pripodobnil Jeho veriace deti k ovciam. Oni musia byť vedené. Ale sleduj, čo vedie teba. Neber kozla; on ťa povedie na bitúnok. Boh nám nikdy nedal kozla; On nám dal Svojho Syna (Ducha Svätého), aby nás viedol. On je náš Vodca, nie nejakí ľuďmi učinení pastieri, ale Bohom daný pastier, ktorý kŕmi ovce ovčím pokrmom.

115No, vezmete prasa a poviete tomuto prasaťu, "Urobím z teba ovcu." A umyjete ho. A namaľujete jeho nechty na palcoch, a tak ďalej, a dáte mu pokrm ako ovci, dáte mu nejaký druh diéty. A dáte ho von na zem do, tam, kde sa pasú ovce, na lucernové pole alebo niečo také. A ak je niekde jama s blatom, to prasa pôjde do tej blatovej jamy tak rovno, ako len môže ísť. Vidíte? Prečo? Preto, že jeho povaha je stále prasa.

116A to je dôvod, že členovia cirkvi si dnes vychutnávajú veci toho sveta (Vidíte?), pretože ich povaha nebola zmenená. Oni budú jesť akýkoľvek druh cirkevnej a teologickej brečky, ale Slovo Božie nemôžu zniesť. Oni prídu a budú počúvať Slovo.

117Viete, najväčší pokrytec na svete je stará vrana. V Biblii boli dvaja, ktorí vyleteli z archy. Stará vrana vyletela a nikdy sa nevrátila, ale ona je sup, požierač zdochlín. Pristála na telách mŕtvych zdochlín a naplnila si brucho mŕtvymi zdochlinami. Ale keď vypustil von holubicu, ona nemohla vydržať ten smrad, tak sa vrátila späť do otcovho domu a k Noemu, a búšila na dvere, až kým ju Noe nepustil dnu.

118No, vrana sa tu môže usadiť a žrať celý deň mŕtveho koňa, a zaletieť tam na pole a jesť zrno s holubicou. Ale holubica nemôže letieť tam a jesť mŕtveho koňa a potom jesť zrno; to by ju zabilo. Vidíte, holubica nemá žiadnu žlč, a nemôže to stráviť.

119A keď nejaká holubica Božia, nejaká holubica alebo ovca, jediaca Slovo, čisté zviera, keď mu dáte veci toho sveta, oni vedia, že ich Majster povedal, "Ten, kto miluje svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je v ňom." Dáte mu niečo v protiklade s tým Slovom Božím, on to nemôže zniesť. Ale diabol to môže vziať a svet tiež a nazvať to všetko z Boha. Nemôžete zmiešať olej a vodu; to sa jednoducho nezmieša.

120Oni, všetci tí pastieri, oni vedeli, že ovce sú bezmocné bez pastiera. A oni boli pastieri, a vedeli, že musia byť vedené.

121Aká škoda je to, keď dnes vidíme, že sa snažia kŕmiť ovce brečkou. Ale ovca to nebude jesť. Nie, veru. Vidíte, oni sa tam snažili kŕmiť ovce brečkou. A keď prichádza Slovo, oni boli tak zvyknutí na brečku, že nepoznali Slovo. A to je to, čo je dnes, keď tá istá vec, potvrdená a dokázaná, že Boh urobí určitú vec; potom oni, tak navyknutí na brečku, a nasýtení brečkou, až kým vy... Nuž, pre nich nie je žiadne rozprávanie; oni to jednoducho nebudú počúvať; to je všetko. Pes... Biblia povedala, "Ako sa pes navracia k svojmu vývratku; a prasa k svojmu bahnu, tak robia oni."

122Počúvajú Slovo, a idú rovno späť k tomu istému starému bahnu. A hovoria, "Ó, to je fanatizmus. Neverte takej veci ako toto."

123Boh...ovce robia to isté dnes, oni musia dôverovať diéte Slova. Oni nebudú brať žiadnu inú diétu. Nemôžete im dať kazateľskú diétu, skutočnej ovci. Nie, nie. Choďte im povedať, "Nuž, no, pozri, všetci budeme spolu. No, Ježiš sa modlil, aby sme boli všetci spolu." Nedávno sme tú istú vec počuli v Tuscone, pred pár dňami. Ale to je klamstvo. Ježiš sa nikdy nemodlil... Ako sa On... Ako môžete urobiť, aby sa Slovo samo odsúdilo, obrátilo sa proti Sebe? Potom Boh nie je viac ako ktorýkoľvek iný človek.

124Ježiš povedal, "Ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodnú?" Ako chcete vziať metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, katolíkov a hodiť ich všetkých spolu a byť jedno? Môžete byť jedno pod hlavou človeka, ale Ježiš povedal, "Aby boli Jedno, ako sme Ja a Ty Jedno." No, On chce, aby sme boli všetci jedno v Ňom, ktorý je Slovo. Amen. Je "Jeden Otec." A Otec je Syn, to je to isté. A je to to isté Slovo, zamanifestované Slovo, prejavujúce Seba v tomto dni, ako To robilo v ktoromkoľvek inom dni, že môžete byť jedno.

125Všimnite si, On povedal, "Ako Otec poslal Mňa, tak Ja posielam vás." Otec, ktorý poslal Jeho, išiel v Ňom, aby potvrdil Slovo. A ten istý Ježiš, ktorý posiela Svoj ľud, ide v ľuďoch, ktorých posiela; hovorí, "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Iste, On sa modlil, aby sme mohli byť jedno: jedno s Ním, nie jedno s organizáciou, nie jedno so systémom, ale jedno s Bohom. Lebo Boh a Jeho Slovo sú Jedno, a Ježiš a Boh boli Jedno, a ty a ja a Slovo musíme byť jedno. To je pravda. Musíme byť jedno v súhlase so Slovom. Nie to, čo niekto iný hovorí, Toto nemá súkromný výklad. Vezmi To, čo To hovorí, a ver Tomu; a Boh To potvrdí, a dokáže, že je To pravda. Myslíte si, že je to len pre učeníkov, vezmite na to Jeho Slovo; choďte to raz vyskúšať a uvidíte. Zistíte, že to pre vás bude fungovať práve tak, ako to On zasľúbil. Tak veru.

126Oni sa nebudú kŕmiť brečkou; oni musia mať ovčiu diétu. Svätý Ján tvrdí, že, "Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas." A ak je On Slovo, potom aký druh Hlasu má? "Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas; za cudzím nepôjdu." Vidíte? Ježiš povedal, "Cudzí Hlas nebudú nasledovať." Tak Jeho ovce nenasledujú cudzí hlas. Oni ich nebudú nasledovať.

127Proroci, pastieri, a ovce, všetci svedčia o príchode.

128No, sledujte dnes toho nemeniaceho sa Boha v Jeho nemeniacich sa plánoch Jeho Slova. No, len premýšľajte pár minút: nemeniace sa Slovo.

129Teraz sa pozrite. Ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo. Ak by Ján Krstiteľ prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša, nefungovalo by to. Ak by Ježiš prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša alebo Noeho, to by nefungovalo. A Wesley by prišiel s Lutherovým posolstvom, to by nefungovalo. Ak by letniční prišli s Wesleyovým posolstvom, nefungovalo by to; práve sme o tom počuli svedčiť. No, Boh sa jednoducho stále hýbe. Len sledujte Slovo; uvidíte, kde sa nachádzame.

130Potom, prečo nebolo prvé oznámenie pastierov... Ak všetci títo proroci, všetci títo veľkí muži boli pastieri, potom prečo by mal Boh, Ten nemeniaci sa, zmeniť rovno tu Svoju metódu a priniesť to teológom? Boli to pastieri. Príchod dokonalého Baránka, obeť za hriech, mal prísť k pastierom.

131Pastier pozná svoje ovce lepšie ako ktokoľvek iný. Nikto nepozná ovcu lepšie ako pastier, on je na to vyučený. Tiež vedeli, aký druh potravy budú jesť. Oni... on vedel, čo budú ovce jesť, a on pozná svoje ovce podľa toho, čo jedia. Keby ste videli nejakú ovcu, ako ide von ku chlievu s brečkou a začne to jesť, povedali by ste, "Dajte toho požierača odpadkov preč." Vidíte? Tak Boh vedel, kam ich poslať.

132No, zavolajme jedného z Jehovových veľkých pastierov-prorokov, aby potvrdil, že Boh bol v týchto prorokoch pod ovčími kožami. Sledujte teraz. Zavoláme najprv, Mojžiša. Pozrime sa naňho. Jeho služba nám ukáže Jehovu vo Svojom pastierovi-prorokovi. No, možno vezmeme len jedného, ak budeme mať čas, na nasledujúcich desať minút. Vezmeme dvoch z nich, ale možno tento bude v poriadku.

134No, prvé znamenie, ktoré dal tomuto prorokovi pastierovi (pozrite), obrátil jeho palicu na hada. Druhé, jeho ruku obrátil na malomocnú. Tretie, vzal vodu z rieky Níl v Egypte a obrátil ju na krv. No, dal mu tri znamenia, aby potvrdil Egyptu a tiež Izraelu, že bol Božím vypovedaným Slovom.

135No, pamätajte, Mojžiš povolal do stvorenia. To je pravda. Zodvihol piesok a hodil ho hore do vzduchu a povedal, "Nech prídu blchy," a blchy prišli.

136Povedal, "Nech prídu muchy," a muchy prišli.

138On priviedol do existencie. No, človek nemôže stvoriť, ale to od začiatku nebol človek. Bol to Jehova vo Svojom prorokovi-pastierovi. Amen.

139Sledujte. Tretie znamenie, ktoré mu dal, nesúviselo s jeho povolaním ani s jeho osobou, jeho tretie znamenie. Všimnite si, prvé dve znamenia súviseli s ním, s ním samým a jeho povolaním. A boli to tie jediné znamenia, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, že mali hlas. To ďalšie znamenie nemalo hlas. Ale tie dve znamenia, ktoré boli dané z jeho vlastnej osoby, a jeho ľudu, mali hlasy. Ale tretie znamenie, teraz si všimnite, bolo dané... To znamenie, tretie znamenie, bolo znamenie smrti: voda sa obrátila na krv. Keby sa vaša krv obrátila na vodu, potom by ste zomreli. A kde je krv, preliata krv, tam je znamenie smrti; tak to bolo pre faraóna. Tretie bolo obrátenie vody Nílu na krv, aby ukázalo jeho posolstvo k faraónovi, že náš Boh je Bohom nad Nílom, nad bohom Nílu. On je Bohom nad všetkým, a ide priniesť smrť tomu národu. To je to, čo bolo znamenie smrti. Ó. Priame znamenie smrti: krv.

140Ale tie ďalšie dve mali hlasy proroctva. (Dúfam, že teraz čítate medzi riadkami, čo hovorím.) Ale tie ďalšie dve znamenia mali hlasy proroctva pre Izrael ohľadom ich budúcnosti. (No, pre vás, ktorí ste boli hore na vrchu nedávno, keď bola roztrhnutá tá skala)

141No, a išiel... On sa chystal zmeniť prírodu, aby to pre nich fungovalo. Sledujte palicu; sledujte hada; sledujte Červené more, a čokoľvek, čo On teraz urobil. Pozrite sa na ten pastiersky prút, ktorý im razil cestu, aby mohli ísť. Tá palica, ktorá bola v pastierovej ruke, preskočila každý kúsok teológie a všetkých tých vecí, ktoré povedali kňazi, a tá pastierska palica ich viedla rovno dolu cez každú nemožnú vec pre ľudí. Keď si faraón myslel, že vodopády vybuchli v horách a rozvírili vodu, potom to spôsobili, že sa obrátila na krv, potom Boh zoslal oheň z neba. A zoslal krúpy z neba a zoslal vši na zem, a všetko.

142Čo On urobil? S tou pastierskou palicou, nie zošitom, nie teologickou myšlienkou, ale s pastierskou palicou. Prídeme k tomu za chvíľu; pastierska palica, On to urobil. Nie denominačná modlitebná knižka, ale pastierska palica, pastiersky prút vodiaci jeho ovce, robiaci cestu jasnou, ako kráčali v ústrety zasľúbenému Slovu v krajine. Aká nádherná vec je to dnes, tá pastierska palica dnes, vodiaca Jeho ovce do zasľúbenej zeme; preskakujúc všetku teológiu a všetko ostatné v tomto svete, a veci toho sveta, a denominácie, všetko; otvárajúc cestu, a dokazujúc Jeho Slovo, že je Pravdou; pastierska palica idúca napred.

143A všimnite si, tá istá pastierska palica, ktorá viedla ovce... Veríte tomu? On istotne viedol tie ovce; on ich vyslobodil z Egypta s tou palicou vo svojej ruke. Mohli by sme o tom povedať omnoho viac. Ale trafiť klinec po hlavičke, on viedol tie ovce a poslal súd na tých, ktorí to odmietli. Tá istá palica, ktorá sa stala pre jedného požehnaním, pre druhých sa stala prekliatím. Tie isté vody z Noeho kázania, ktoré ho zachránili, odsúdili svet. Tá istá palica, ktorá viedla Izrael do zasľúbenej zeme, odsúdila tých, ktorí odmietli nasledovať proroka-pastiera. To je pravda. Stala sa palicou súdu... Príroda; všimnite si, ako Boh hovorí vo Svojej prírode. Keby sme len mali čas. Napísal som si tu poznámku: Boh hovorí vo Svojej prírode. Nemali sme čas to dokázať.

144Ale dokazujúc neskôr tým medeným hadom na pastierovom ovčiarskom prúte (na ktorý omotal toho hada, na púšti), to hovorí o pravom zmierení prichádzajúcom pre chorobu a hriech.

145Tá palica samotná sa obrátila na hada pred faraónom, a ten istý faraón sa to snažil napodobniť pomocou kúzelníkov. A tak to robia tí moderní faraónovia dneška, a takzvaní veriaci, telesní napodobovatelia posolstva, snažia sa napodobniť tú istú vec bez toho, aby vedeli, odkiaľ to prichádza: a hádžu to do nejakého denominačného niečoho, zatiaľ čo to je od toho slobodné ako je slobodný vzduch od toho, aby bol uväznený. Iste. Ale snažia sa napodobniť, urobiť napodobnenie.

146Ale, všimnite si, tá istá pastierska palica zjedla tých druhých hadov. Kde boli tie hady? Boli to palice na zemi, a len jedna palica bola zodvihnutá. "Oboje nebo a zem pominú," povedal Ježiš, "ale Moje Slovo nepominie." Hovorí to o pravom zmierení prichádzajúcom pre hriech.

147Budúcnosť Izraela takisto ponúkala... A potom ako to hovorilo o Izraeli, v budúcnosti... Tam im bolo ponúknuté vyslobodenie z otroctva smrti skrze proroka pastiera. Boli vyvedení z otroctva skrze proroka pastiera s palicou. Vidíte? Hovorilo to o Izraelovom budúcom Vysloboditeľovi zo smrti a pekla skrze Pastiera Proroka, o ktorom budeme hovoriť.

148No, všetkému tomu... Všetci, ako vieme, z Izraela neprijali Slovo proroka pastiera, celý Izrael to neprijal. No, všimnite si, oni sa sťažovali. "Ó," keď predvádzal zázraky, "on bol veľký muž," ale keď prišlo ku Jeho Posolstvu, "to bolo iné." Všetky veľké znamenia nasledujú nové prichádzajúce posolstvo. Vieme to. Na púšti sa oni sťažovali, na púšti, a zomreli po tisícoch. Úprimne, boli len dvaja z nich, ktorí kedy cez to prešli a boli zachránení z dvoch a pol miliónov, dvaja z dva a pol milióna.

151Povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, a pili zo skaly."

152A On...Ježiš povedal, "A oni sú, každý jeden, mŕtvi." Večne oddelení (vidíte?). Každý jeden.

153Všimnite si, oni sa sťažovali na Božiu pripravenú cestu a to bol dôvod, že zomreli. (Teraz, pozorne, neprehliadnite tieto posledné poznámky.) Oni sa sťažovali. Čo spôsobilo, že zomreli na púšti, bolo to, že sa sťažovali na Božiu pripravenú cestu, skrze posolstvo jedného muža, proroka, vodcovstvo jedného muža. Povedzte mi, kedy Boh použil nejakú skupinu, aby viedla. Nenájdete to v Biblii. Jeden človek, oni... Slovo prišlo k Mojžišovi.

155Boh povedal Mojžišovi, "Oddeľ sa od neho, mám toho dosť." A pamätajte, Júda hovorí tú istú vec v poslednom dni. To je pravda, "Zahynuli v protirečení Kóracha." Takisto vieme, čo sa stalo Kórachovi a tým ostatným, ktorí spochybňovali Božie Slovo a Božiu múdrosť toho vodcovstva jedného muža: každý z nich zahynul.

156No, všimneme si Boha v pastierovi prorokovi, ukazujúc Jeho budúce plány v ďalšom znamení. Teraz sledujte. Vidíme to tam; sledujme to teraz v ďalšom znamení.

157No, všimnite si, bol poslaný ku svojim bratom do otroctva, pod nadvládou, s posolstvom vyslobodenia, s Bohom daným znamením, aby potvrdil Jeho zámery. Izrael šiel za jeho posolstvom; verili tomu, každý z nich, ale vo večernom čase... Išli za jeho zázrakmi, ale vo večernom čase, keď oni - keď on dal svoje posolstvo, to bolo iné. Všetci, ktorí neverili tomu posolstvu, zomreli. To je pravda. Čo bolo to posolstvo? Posolstvo bolo o prichádzajúcom súde. Večer, vo večernom čase Boh prešiel táborom Izraela, aby zistil, či ľudia veria posolstvu Jeho pastiera proroka; a všetci, ktorí tomu neverili, zahynuli.

158Teraz si všimnite, ideme to priniesť k Veľkému Pastierovi zachvíľu. Všimnite si službu veľkého Pastiera Proroka. Pre Jeho zázraky sa každá cirkev otvorila a prijala Ho. Chceli, aby boli ich chorí uzdravení. Chceli robiť veľké veci. Jeho popularita bola veľká. Ale keď prišiel čas večera, jeden deň po tom, čo premenil vodu na víno, a nasýtil tisíce chlebom, a robil zázraky, začal sa usádzať a hovoriť k nim. A povedal im, "Ja a Môj Otec sme Jedno. Prečo hovoríte, ‘Ukáž nám Otca?'"

160On sa potom otočil a povedal, "Keď nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe Život."

161No, čo myslíte, že si mohla múdra, intelektuálna osoba myslieť? Viem si predstaviť, že kňazi, ktorí Ho mali v chráme, boli veľmi zahanbení tým, že Ho tam mali. "Pomyslieť, že nejaký človek by vstal a povedal takú vec, ‘Keď vy, ľudia, nebudete jesť moje telo a piť moju krv.'" Povedal, "Toto je ľudský vampír (Vidíte?). ‘Jedzte moje telo a pite...' Prečo, on je kanibal. Vy, dobre zmýšľajúci ľudia, budete, vy odídete od takého pomätenca ako je tento."

162On to nikdy nevysvetlil, On to proste povedal. Povedal to, aby sa oni potkli, aby oddelil Svoje ovce od kozlov. Urobil to, aby ich vyhodil preč. A potom s Ním nikto nechcel spolupracovať. Odvtedy nemali žiadnu spoluprácu.

163Všimnite si, v čase večera, Boh prechádzal tábormi a videl, kto verí. A On urobil tú istú vec vo dňoch Veľkého Pastiera. Všimnite si službu veľkého Pastiera Proroka, ale všimnite si toto, veriacim Jeho posolstvu, ale nie... Toto posolstvo večera, oni by tomu neverili. Oni neverili, že On je Boh. Oni z Neho chceli urobiť milého človeka. Chceli z Neho urobiť proroka. On bol milý človek a On bol Prorok, ale On bol viac než to. To je dnes bežné učenie, že "On je len dobrý človek, On bol Prorok." On nebol nič menej ako Emanuel. On bol Boh zamanifestovaný v Ježišovi Kristovi, Jeho Synovi, robiac Jeho a Otca Jedným. To je všetko, čo On mohol byť.

164Zachariáš 14:7 (môžem toto povedať), hovorí o večerných Svetlách a posolstve znovu v čase konca. Všimli ste si to? Toľkí, koľkí nasledovali Mojžiša, videli Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ho identifikoval na Hore Sinaj. On svedčil a hovoril o tomto ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý bol v kríku a povedal mu toto posolstvo; mnohí z nich tomu neverili. Ale toľkí, koľkí ho nasledovali von z Egypta (vyšli zo sveta, a prešli more oddelenia, a šli na púšť), videli ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp (o ktorom hovoril), ako potvrdzuje toho pastiera proroka, že je pastierom oviec. Oni to videli, a mnohí z nich tomu stále neverili, po tom, čo to videli.

165Všimnite si, ako znovu ten nikdy sa nemeniaci Boh, ten veľký Pastier Prorok vzal tých, ktorí zostali pri Ňom a s Jeho službou, na Olivový vrch; ten veľký Pastier Prorok, ten Jeden, o ktorom hovoríme, Ježiš. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Videli a počuli Otca (ten istý Stĺp Ohňa), ako ho potvrdzuje, ako potvrdzoval Mojžiša.

166Ten istý Boh, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, prišiel k Mojžišovi a dokázal Ohnivým Stĺpom, že On je Jehova, ktorý vedie Mojžiša. Boh bol vo Svojom pastierovi prorokovi.

167Tu On berie ďalšieho Pastiera proroka, veľkého Proroka, Ozajstnú Ovcu, Ježiša, a berie voľbu troch mužov, a berie ich hore na vrch Olivovej hory a tam, potvrdený Ježiš. A dokonca Sám odišiel od všetkých ostatných ľudí, povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn; Jeho počúvajte." A keď sa pozreli, nevideli nikoho okrem Ježiša. Tak je to. On bol ten Jeden. No, tým je to vyriešené, čo sa mňa týka. Vidíte?

168[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... Shekinah [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... tvár. Mojžiš bol v prítomnosti Shekinah na Hore Sinaj. To zmenilo jeho tvár. Keď zišiel dolu, musel si dať zásteru na tvár, ten pastier prorok Mojžiš; v ktorom bol Jehova v časti, len v časti: jeho tvári. On mal Slovo vo svojich ústach.

169Ale všimnite si, keď bol ten Veľký Pastier v Prítomnosti Shekinah. Čo to urobilo? Zmienilo to celý Jeho výzor. On nebol len časťou Boha; On bol celý Boh. On bol Emanuel.

170Prečo to museli byť pastieri? Pozrite sa. Vidíte, teraz, Všemohúci Boh stvárňuje Seba Samého v Mojžišovi, pastierovi prorokovi. Sledujte, ako sa Boh dal poznať. (Toto je moja posledná poznámka.) Sledujte Ho, ako stojí pomazaný v Prítomnosti Ohnivého Stĺpu.

171Absolútne nikto na vrchu, iba Mojžiš a Jehova. Amen. "Amen" znamená "nech je tak." Sledujte. "Polož svoju ruku za svoju hruď." Ale sledujte teraz tento druhý znak s hlasom. "Polož svoju ruku za svoju hruď." Nemáme žiaden dôvod veriť, že Mojžiš bol ľavák, tak on musel vložiť svoju pravú ruku za svoju hruď, lebo väčšina ľudí je pravákov. Položil svoju pravú ruku... No, sledujte. Aký obraz tu vidíme, Jehovu v Mojžišovi pastierovi prorokovi. Mojžiš reprezentujúci Boha, lebo Boh bol v Mojžišovi.

172Sledujte ho, ako vkladá svoju... "Ruku za svoju hruď." Čo za znak. No, tam on stojí, držiac svoju pravú ruku na svojom srdci (stojac takto), kde boli skryté tajomstvá vykúpenia ukryté od založenia sveta. Tu je to, prečo pastieri. Ježiš je Božou pravou rukou; všetci vieme. Tu je Mojžiš predstavujúci presne Jeho. On držal tajomstvá Otca, a ukázal nám ich. Všimnite si, sledujte, ako vyťahuje spoza hrude svoju pravú ruku udretú smrteľným malomocenstvom. Ukázal, čo bude Boh robiť so Svojou pravou rukou. Všimnite si, na malomocenstvo nie je žiaden liek. Všimnite si, znovu, to nebolo iba obyčajné malomocenstvo, bolo to vo svojom poslednom štádiu: biele ako sneh. Jeho ruka bola udretá hroznou vecou. Ako sa Mojžiš musel cítiť, keď vytiahol svoju pravú ruku od svojho srdca, spoza svojej hrude, a jeho ruka bola udretá malomocenstvom. Malomocenstvo symbolizuje hriech, nevyliečiteľný, a zvlášť vo svojom poslednom štádiu.

173Bratia, to je to, kde bol svet, keď Boh vytiahol Svoju Pravú Ruku spoza Svojej hrude. Svet bol udretý malomocenstvom, a vôbec žiaden liek na to. Tak je to dnes večer, lebo oni neprijmú nápravu. Náprava bola učinená na Golgote, ale ľudia chcú vziať nejaký ľuďmi vytvorený recept namiesto Božieho receptu na hriech.

174Všimnite si. Nikdy to nešlo pozvoľna, ako je to pri priebehu malomocenstva, ale všetko naraz. Keď vytiahol svoju ruku, bola udretá; bola plná malomocenstva. Všimnite si, čo Boh povedal, "No, vy nebudete pozvoľna upadať do hriechu; ale v ten deň, kedy budete z neho jesť, v ten deň zomriete." To je pravda, "Ten deň, v ktorý z neho budete jesť."

175Všimnite si, bol to prorok pastier, ktorý sa sám udrel. On vzal, skrze príkaz Boží, a vložil svoju vlastnú ruku za svoju hruď, a vytiahol ju von udretú malomocenstvom. Prorok pastier to urobil sám. A ten veľký Prorok Pastier, Ježiš, to urobil Sám, "Ja kladiem Svoj život; žiaden človek ho neberie odo Mňa." On bol Veľký Pastier, ten veľký Prorok Pastier, "Žiaden človek to neberie od Mňa; robím to Sám." Všimnite si; to neprišlo pozvoľna, prišlo to v minúte. Ten Veľký Pastier Sám vzal našu vinu a ranil sa Sám, vzal naše hriechy a položil ich na Samého Seba. Niet divu, že básnik napísal:

Medzi skalami a tmavnúcim nebom,

Môj Spasiteľ sklonil Svoju hlavu a zomrel;

otvárajúca sa opona zjavila cestu

do nebeskej radosti a nekončiaceho sa dňa.

176To tajomstvo bolo v Božej hrudi po celé tie roky, zakryté Jeho pravou rukou, Ježišom. Veľký Pastier vzal na Seba našu vinu za nás. Izaiáš 53:6 povedal, "Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho. A Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení." Tajomstvo Božského uzdravenia ležalo na hrudi Ježiša Krista, alebo Boha, On bol na pravici Boha; to je tá jediná ovca, ktorá držala v Jeho hrudi to tajomstvo. To je ten dôvod, prečo tie predobrazy toho museli byť vždy ovca. Prvý bol ovcou; posledný bol Ovcou. To je ten dôvod, prečo to muselo prísť k pastierovi, aby vedel, ako sa postarať o jeho Ovcu. Rozumiete tomu? Všimnite si, On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho."

177Všimnite si, prišlo to rýchlo, a odišlo to rýchlo, nie skôr, ako bola pravá ruka vytiahnutá spoza hrude po druhýkrát, tá smrteľná choroba bola preč, keď to vytiahol druhýkrát. A keď Veľký Pastier, Ovca prorok, keď povedal... Na Golgotskom kríži, keď zaplatil cenu za hriech pre nás všetkých, On povedal, "Je dokonané." Hriech bol skončený; cena bola zaplatená; dlhy boli splatené. To netrvalo rok alebo k tomu konečne došlo za dní nejakého iného reformátora alebo niečo také; bolo to dokonané práve vtedy.

178Hriech prišiel v okamihu skrze prestúpenie Božieho zákona, skrze porušenie jedného Slova. Dnes večer, moji bratia, vaša duša je nad peklom na reťazi. A tá reťaz nie je učenie nejakého teologického seminára; tá reťaz nie je nejaká denominácia alebo nejaké vyznanie, podľa ktorého žijete; tá reťaz je Božie Slovo. Ježiš dal ľudskej rase Svoje Slovo, aby podľa neho žili, a Eva porušila len jedno malé ohnivko. A žiadna reťaz nie je silnejšia ako jej najslabšie ohnivko. Ak vezmete z toho jedno Slovo... To bolo to prvé z Knihy.

Ježiš prišiel v strede Knihy a povedal, "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." To bol stred Knihy. Koniec Knihy, On povedal, "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo (vyloží nesprávne jedno Slovo), vezme jedno Slovo z Nej, Ja vezmem jeho diel z Knihy Života." Prechádzate nad peklom, visiaci na Slove Božom. Nenechajte nikoho vtlačiť do vás niečo, čo nie je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

179 Ó, viem... Nuž, oni povedia, "Iste, všetko, čo sme urobili. Všetko, čo sme urobili." To je to, čo si možno mysleli tí najvyšší kňazi a oni v dňoch toho Veľkého Pastiera. To je to, čo si myslela Eva. To je to, čo jej povedal satan, "Iste to Boh neurobí." Ale urobil, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. A to je dôvod, prečo to On urobí dnes znovu.

180Niet divu, ako On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíte, veľmi málo, "Lebo tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, ktorá vedia do Života, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu. (To je pravda.) Lebo široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zničenia, mnohí po nej pôjdu."

181Keď bol ten Veľký Pastier udretý, ten veľký Pastier Oviec, keď bol tam udretý, povedal, "Je dokonané." A v tej minúte, hneď ako bol tento Pastier udretý, bolo po všetkom. Hriech je zaplatený; nebolo viac hriechu. Boli čistí; pokuta bola zaplatená. Veriaci, ktorých mená boli zapísané v Knihe Života, predurčení od založenia sveta, bolo to dokonané práve v tej minúte, keď Ježiš povedal, že bolo dokonané. On, ten Veľký Pastier, prišiel pre Svoje ovce. Bolo dokonané; Božia pravá ruka bola vytiahnutá z Jeho boku, udretého. Potom na Veľkú noc to On vrátil (Amen), vzkriesil to znovu do Svojho boku, a roztiahol to dolu k tebe a mne vo forme Svojho Slova, aby nás vykúpil späť do originálnej záhrady, z ktorej nás hriech vzal preč. Skryté tajomstvo Jeho veľkého srdca bolo zjavené skrze Proroka Pastiera. Bolo to zjavené skrze Pastiera, Proroka Pastiera.

182Niet divu, že hory skákali a kričali v ten deň. Niet divu, že slnko zakrylo svoju tvár a kričalo od radosti. Niet divu, že celá príroda sa rozjasala; vietor triasol stromami, až kým sa triasli a triasli a radovali a skákali. Oni videli Proroka Pastiera, na hore, vykúpil každé meno v Knihe života. A videli, že ich vlastná príroda bola vykúpená. Oni kričali a skákali. A svet šiel k zemetraseniu. A hory sa trhali a skaly padali. A slnko zapadlo. A všetko sa dialo. Ako nejaké zhromaždenie, keď ti Pastier zjavuje, že je dokonané. Tam...

183Videl som skákanie a radosť, ale nikto nebol zranený. Hory sa rozozvučali a ... Slnko zapadlo, a všetko to sa dialo, ale nikto nebol zranený. A videl som zhromaždenia, kde bola zjavená moc Božia ľuďom, že sú slobodní od sveta a vecí toho sveta a radosť Pánova naplnila zhromaždenie. Stáli a kričali a plakali a kričali, ako najviac mohli, na slávu Pánovu. Nikdy som nevidel nič v neporiadku; oni boli vždy v poriadku; lebo rozpoznali, že ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života pred založením sveta... Ten Veľký Prorok Pastier im priniesol posolstvo a oni boli vyslobodení: Prorok Pastier. Nezáležalo na tom, čo tie iné cirkevné sféry o tom hovorili, oni vedeli, čo sa stalo. Práve tak, ako tí pastieri tam, oni vedeli, čo sa stalo.

184Žiaden človek nemá právo vojsť za svätú kazateľňu kázať Slovo, kým neurobil ako urobil Mojžiš: sám sa stretol s Bohom na pôde, kde potom neexistuje žiaden teológ, ktorý by mu to vyhovoril. Mojžiš tam bol. Nezáležalo na tom, ako Izraelovi poslovia hovorili, "Ó, to bol nezmysel, ty si si to len predstavoval, že toto vidíš; to je nezmysel," nemohli ste mu to vziať; on vedel. On tam bol. On bol ten, ktorému sa to stalo. A žiaden človek s teologickou hodnosťou alebo nejakou doktorskou hodnosťou nemá právo za kazateľňou, aby si nárokoval posolstvo Ježiša Krista, kým sa prv nestretol s Bohom tvárou v tvár v Ohnivom Stĺpe. On nemá právo nazývať sa poslom, lebo všetci teológovia na svete by ti to nemohli vyhovoriť. Tebe sa to stalo. Ty si tam bol; ty o tom vieš. Je jedno, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, alebo koľko veľa toho môžu povedať, "tie dni sú preč, to nie je tak," ty - tebe sa to stalo a je to zhodné so Slovom.

185Áno, to je dôvod, prečo Mojžiš vedel, že tento Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, bol Hlas Slova. On vedel, že Boh povedal Abrahámovi, "Tvoje semeno bude dočasne prebývať štyristo rokov, ale ja ich vyslobodím." A on vedel, že štyristo rokov prešlo a on bol povolaný urobiť to.

186Muži a ženy, Boh zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, že vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Zasľúbil, že pošle krst Svätým Duchom a vyvolá Nevestu bez vrásky a poškvrny. On to zasľúbil učiniť; On to urobí. Nepočúvajte týchto najatých pastierov; oni vás zvedú z pravej cesty. Svätý Duch je ten Pastier, ktorý vás nakŕmi ovčím pokrmom zo Svojho Slova. Vždy to prichádza skrze Pastiera. On je náš Pastier. Počúvajte ho; vy ste ovce z Jeho ovčinca; ak ste, počujete Jeho Hlas, nie čo niekto iný hovorí; vy počujete, čo On hovorí. O cudzom hlase nič neviete.

187Ó. Počúvajte znovu mocného Pastiera Proroka, ako sa im vykladá a predstavuje. Ján, keď stál v rieke Jordán, pozrite, čo povedal. Stál tam a kázal, povedal, "Tá hodina prichádza..."

188Všimnite si, Ján bol synom kňaza. Oni vždy nasledovali líniu svojho otca; to je spôsob, ako sme dostali naše mená. Podľa toho, čo robili, tak ich volali. A Ján mal byť kňaz ako jeho otec.

189A viete, jeho matka, keď počala, po tom, čo sa Anjel Pánov stretol s jeho otcom Zachariášom, a šiel domov k Alžbete a ona už bola šesť mesiacov tehotná. Ale ešte nemala žiaden život, ona sa bála, lebo dieťa sa nehýbalo. To nie je normálne.

190A Svätý Duch, Anjel Pánov sa zjavil Márii a povedal jej, že bude mať dieťa, nepoznajúc muža, a povedal jej o Alžbetinom stave.

191Išla hore na vrchy Judey, aby to povedala Alžbete. A keď stretla Alžbetu, povedala jej, že bude matkou. A ona tomu nemohla porozumieť, nepoznajúc muža. Ale ona povedala, "Svätý Duch ma zatienil a povedal, že to sväté, ktoré sa zo mňa narodí sa bude volať Syn Boží, a nazvem Jeho Meno Ježiš." A prvýkrát, keď bolo meno Ježiš vypovedané ľudskými ústami, malé mŕtve dieťa v lone svojej matky vyskočilo od radosti a zakričalo a skákalo v lone matky a ešte neobdržalo život.

192Meno Ježiša Krista vypovedalo život mŕtvemu dieťaťu. Čo by to malo urobiť v cirkvi, ktorá si nárokuje, že je znovuzrodená?

193A my sedíme tak skysnuto ako modriny v náleve a necháme sa diať takéto veci a bojíme sa povstať a svedčiť o vašom presvedčení a odsúdiť všetok tento nezmysel, robiac Ježiša Krista tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Je vianočný čas; vyhoďte týchto Svätých Mikulášov a tieto veci; preč s tým obchodným nezmyslom. Kde ste počuli o Svätom Mikulášovi v Biblii? To je Rímska mytológia, vôbec nič na tom nie je; neexistuje taká vec. Neučte vaše deti takým nezmyslom ako je to. Keď mu jedného dňa budete musieť povedať, že to celé bol klamlivý príbeh, potom ste klamali svojmu dieťaťu. A to poškodí vaše svedectvo o Ježišovi Kristovi, on si povie, "Možno to je to isté." Vráťte Ježiša Krista, veľkého Pastiera Proroka naspäť k Vianociam, kam patrí.

194Všimnite si, počúvajte tohoto proroka Jána, ako tam stojí. Všetci vieme, že bol veľkým pastierom prorokom. No, on mal posolstvo; Anjel vedel, že on predstaví Ježiša.

195No, on nemohol ísť do nejakého seminára. Oni by povedali, "No, viete, že Doktor Taký a taký je práve ten muž, ktorý teraz zaujme to miesto. Ty ho predstavíš. A vieš, že práve..." Vidíte, on sa nemohol zmiešať s ľuďmi.

196Keď mal deväť rokov, ako nám je povedané, išiel na pustatinu, aby sa pripravil pred Bohom. To je to, odkiaľ prichádzajú proroci. Všimnite si, že jeho posolstvo nebolo ako nejaký teológ so skvelými, veľkými, nafúkanými slovami nejakej hodnosti. On povedal, "Ó, vy plemeno hadov." Hovoril to nábožným ľuďom, "Vy banda hadov." To je to, čo videl v pustatine; videl hadov. Najnižšia vec, ktorú mohol nájsť, bol had, a on nazval tých kňazov, a duchovných a teológov toho dňa bandou hadov. Povedal, "Kto vás varoval od prichádzajúceho hnevu? Nezačínajte hovoriť, ‘My patríme k tomuto a my patríme k tamtomu,' lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove." Kamene, to videl v pustatine. "Tiež, sekera je priložená ku koreňu stromu." To je to, čo vídaval: hadov, stromy, pustatinu. A, vidíte, to bolo jeho posolstvo. On nepoznal tie veľké nafúknuté slová nejakého doktora božskosti (ktorý to dokáže celé vyhovoriť); on len kázal presne líniu prírody.

197To je to, čo tu ukazujeme: pastierska palica, pastier, ovce, línia prírody.

198Čo on robil? On mal urobiť veľkú vec; on bol ten, ktorý mal poznať Mesiáša. Povedal, "Hovorím, ‘On teraz stojí tu medzi vami. A vy Ho nepoznáte, lebo vaša teológia vás tak zviazala, že neviete, kde sa nachádzate.'"

199Jedného dňa vyšiel Ježiš; on povedal, "Hľa, tam prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta," Baránok. Haleluja, skutočné Zmierenie. Tam prichádza to, čo predstavovala každá ovca od záhrady Eden, obyčajný muž kráčajúci dolu pri rieke.

200Povedali, "Ján, ako si to vedel? Ja som nevidel nič rozdielne."

202Sledujte Holubicu a Baránka. Vidíte? Áno. Čo keby to bolo... Čo keby to bolo niečo... Čo keby tam stál vlk? Nuž, ten Baránok by nemohol ísť na - alebo tá Holubica... Boh sa symbolizoval v Holubici, najpokornejšom zo všetkých vtákov neba, Svojho Syna v baránkovi, najpokornejšom zo všetkých zvierat na zemi. Vidíte, čistý vták z neba, nie vrana, nie sup, ale holubica; nie prasa, ale baránok. Žiadna iná prirodzenosť by sa spolu nezmiešala.

203A všimnite si, keď Holubica prichádza na Baránka, Ona Ho viedla. Nie cestou, akou by On šiel, ale cestou, akou Ho viedol Otec. To je to, aký je dnes skutočný baránok. Ó, vianočný baránok, či nevieš, že Boh vedie jedine skrze Svoje Slovo? To je Jeho Palica.

204Všimnite si, že nič by sa nestalo, ale Ján povedal, "Ostatní z nich to nevidia, ale ja vydávam svedectvo; videl som to." Predstavujúc: "Hľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta."

205Smiem teraz predstaviť moje vianočné posolstvo, keď teraz končím? "Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Je to ten istý Baránok. On je takisto Baránkom dnes, ako bol vtedy. On je tu takisto, ako bol tam, lebo Jeho Slovo je to isté. "Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja medzi nimi." To je presne to, čo povedal. On sa nikdy nemení, On je Boh Slovo. On sa nikdy nemení: stále dáva svojim ovciam, a kŕmi ich skrze Svojho Pastiera Proroka, najprv Pokrm Svojim ovciam, nie teológom, Svojim ovciam.

206Oni nebudú... ako to môžu ostatní jesť. Ale tí múdri... Všimnite si toto. Ale tí múdri a intelektuálni, dobre vyškolení sveta, stále túžia povedať, že existuje Svätý Mikuláš. A sú tam všetky druhy výmyslov a vecí, ktoré uctievajú, lebo oni neprijmú Jeho, to Slovo; lebo v ich denomináciách, to im nechutí, najatí pastieri tohoto dňa, najatí od vyznaní, ktoré vás zjednotia pod jedného kozla; neverte tomu. Oni vás povedú na bitúnok. Počúvajte toho Veľkého Pastiera, ktorý sa narodil pred 1900 rokmi tento mesiac, niekedy vtedy v Jeho posolstve prichádzajú skutoční pastieri, ktorí vedeli, ako sa starať o ovce.

207Všimnite si, oni po tom stále túžia. Oni to dnes neprijmú, takisto, ako to neprijali vtedy, lebo to nepasovalo ich cirkevnej chuti. Otočili to Slovo a napasovali si Ho do svojej organizácie a oni nebudú kázať Slovo. Nebudú. Hovoria, "Nuž, to bolo pre dni apoštolov. To neznamená toto." To znamená presne to, čo To hovorí, To nepotrebuje nikoho, aby to pre nich vyložil.

208Nuž, skloňme v tejto hodine svoje hlavy a srdcia k prachu zeme a ponáhľajme sa skutočne rýchlo k jasliam, aby sme videli a prijali Svetlo, ktoré toto Slovo prináša skrze Pastiera, Veľkého Proroka Pastiera, Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

209Hovoril som k vám dlho. Možno som svoje slová neuložil ako by mal nejaký duchovný; nepokúšam sa to robiť. Snažím sa to hovoriť tak, ako mi to On dáva. Ale, vidíte, prečo to museli byť pastieri? Tí ostatní boli tak vytrénovaní v inom myslení, až to neprijali. A dnes máme všetky druhy dozorcov, správcov, biskupov, kňazov, kardinálov, pápežov, všetko možné, aby sa nás snažili viesť. Ale Boh nám dáva Pastiera, a ten Pastier je Duch Svätý.

210Počúvajte ma teraz. "Keď On... (nie myšlienka, ‘On' je osobné zámeno)... keď On, Duch Svätý príde (Duch Pravdy), On vám zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som vám povedal, a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť." To je ten Veľký Pastier, to je ten Pastier, ktorého Ježiš zanechal. A Duch Svätý napísal Bibliu; Biblia tak povedala, "Mužovia v minulosti pudení Duchom Svätým, napísali Slovo." No, mohol by ťa Duch Svätý ťahať ku vyznaniu? Mohol by ťa ťahať k niečomu, čo toto Slovo nehovorí? No, to by bolo úplne nemožné. Duch Svätý by bol klamár, keby povedal, "Toto je to, čo by si mal robiť," a potom sa otočil a povedal by, "Nie, to bola chyba, a ty rob to, čo povie cirkev."

211No, ak si počúval niečo iné, čo ťa viedlo preč od toho skutočného, pravdivý Pastier, ktorý ťa povedie do Slova, Duch Svätý, a nemáš prežitie, a nemáš svedectvo Ducha Svätého vo svojom živote, bez ktorého...

212Boh je Jeden. Boh je ten Jediný, ktorý má Večný Život, a On je Večný Život. A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má aj koniec. A ak si len člen cirkvi, to malo začiatok. Ale Slovo Božie nemá začiatok, Boh nemá... A keď si narodený z Boha, si narodený zo Slova, potom sa stávaš synom Božím, a tvoje meno je zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. A ty, farba tvojich vlasov, farba tvojich očí, tvoja postava, Boh ťa videl pred založením sveta. A On ťa videl, ľudskú bytosť, ako si ty. A hoci má prísť ešte milión rokov, nič ťa nemôže zadržať od toho, aby si sa vrátil späť do toho dokonalého výzoru, ktorý pre teba Boh predurčil na počiatku, "Moje ovce počujú Môj Hlas; za cudzím nepôjdu."

213A ak si neprijal dnes večer ten Večný Život, dívaš sa na vymyslený príbeh dieťaťa ležiaceho v jasliach a skupinu múdrych mužov okolo, neveríš takým veciam. A snažíš sa myslieť, "Nuž, ja budem dobrý. A urobím toto. A pripojím sa k cirkvi. A to je všetko, čo musím urobiť." Si stratený. Ak nemáš Večný Život, ako môžeš žiť navždy?

214Môžeš zobrať zrno kukurice; nestarám sa, ako dobre vyzerá, môžeš... Veda vyprodukovala jedno, ktoré môžeš rozrezať a otvoriť: má ten istý druh vlhkosti, ten istý druh srdca, tie isté materiály ako zrno, ktoré vyrástlo zo zeme, tá istá vec. Môžete ich dať do laboratória a nemôžete ich od seba rozoznať: jedno prinesie taký istý dobrý kukuričný chlieb ako ten druhý; jeden prinesie taký istý druh kukuričných vločiek. Ale jediný spôsob, ako im môžete povedať, je pochovať ich. To, ktoré vyprodukoval človek, tam zostane; zhnije a nikdy nevzíde. Ale to, ktoré učinil Boh, má zárodok života (Vidíte?); žije znovu.

215Môžeš napodobňovať kresťana; môžeš chodiť do cirkvi ako kresťan; môžeš si zapísať svoje meno do knihy ako kresťan; môžeš sa pripojiť k denominácii ako kresťan; to všetko bude v poriadku; ale pokiaľ ten Večný Život nie je v tebe, za ktorý ten Dobrý Pastier dal Svoj život, aby oddelil... Keď Boh zostúpil dolu na Letnice, zostúpil v ohnivej guli, ako to urobil na Hore Sinaj, ako to urobil prvému pastierovi, Mojžišovi. A keď zostúpil, rozdelil sa na ohnivé jazyky, ktoré padli na každého z nich, Boh rozdeľujúci Seba Samého medzi svoj ľud. A okrem toho, že ste to prijali, čo Peter povedal, že "Je to pre vás a vaše deti, pre všetkých na široko - ďaleko."...

216Priatelia, nepočúvajte žiaden teologický výmysel; buďte znovuzrodení. A keď ste, Duch, ktorý je vo vás, je časťou Boha a svedčí, že každé Slovo Božie je Pravda. Ak nemáte tú skúsenosť, tak sa teraz rýchlo ponáhľajme k jasliam, Slovu. Ponáhľajme sa k Biblii, preč od týchto ozdobených teologicky pomenovaných cirkví ku skutočným jasliam, do Božieho Slova, kde sa dáva poznávať Mesiáš. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, modlime sa.

217Drahý Bože, to je všetko, čo tentokrát viem povedať. Blížime sa k Vianociam, ulice sú preplnené mužmi a ženami, chlapcami a dievčatami, tlačiacich sa, strkajúcich sa, snažiacich sa kúpiť darček, aby ho oplatili niekomu, kto im ho takisto dá. Mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi sú vonku na uliciach kupujúc cigarety a likér ako vianočné darčeky. Bože, vyzerá to, akoby to hádzali rovno späť do Tvojej tváre, učiac svoje deti nejakej fikcii, rímsku, pohanskú teológiu o Svätom Mikulášovi, nejaký mýtus, ktorý je svetom ľahko prijímaný, a oni odmietajú skutočného Krista Vianoc, skutočného Baránka.

218Bože, modlím sa dnes večer, nakoľko sme odvrátili svoje hlavy k prachu, z ktorého si nás vybral,... Raz si povedal Abrahámovi, veľkému prorokovi pastierovi, "Choď von, Abrahám, a spočítaj piesok, ktorý je na pobreží."

219A on odpovedal, "Je nespočítateľný; nemôžem ho spočítať."

220Potom si povedal, "Pozri sa hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy." A on vedel, že je to nemožné. A Ty si mu povedal, "Tak bude tvoje semeno." Hľadíme na to posolstvo tomu prorokovi pastierovi, "od prachu zeme po hviezdy na nebi," že hoci je smrť v našich smrteľných telách, aby nás vzala do prachu, je tam Život, ktorý nás môže vzkriesiť ku hviezdam.

221Ako si povedal Svojmu veľkému prorokovi Danielovi, "A tí, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha v posledných dňoch, budú robiť hrdinské činy. A tí, ktorí obrátia mnohých k spravodlivosti, budú žiariť jasnejšie ako hviezdy na veky vekov."

222Pane Bože, veľký Stvoriteľ, ktorý bol ochotný prísť na zem vo forme Ježiša, aby dal človeku vedieť, kto je Boh... A Ty si bol ten Jediný, ktorý mohol vziať trest smrti; žiaden Anjel, žiadna náhrada to nemohla urobiť. Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si dal ten trest, a Ty Jediný si ho mohol spravodlivo vziať. A súc Duchom, si nemohol zomrieť. Ale bol Si učinený telom, aby si mohol zomrieť a stal si sa Baránkom, aby si mohol vziať hriech Svojich Vykúpených, ktorých si musel vykúpiť Svojou vlastnou Krvou.

223Ó, ten príbeh je tak slávny, Pane, že prechádza ponad hlavy tak mnohých. Pomyslieť: "Malý Jehova ležiaci v jasliach; musel žiť ako bábätko. Malý Jehova narodený v maštali. Malý Jehova, hrajúci sa s deťmi na ulici. Malý Jehova, tínedžer. Malý Jehova, školák. A Jehova, ten mocný.” Ty si zaujal všetky tieto miesta. A potom, Jehova, Baránok, Jehova, Prorok. A Ty si sa stal všetkým týmto, aby si mohol vytrpieť trest za hriech a dať nám Večný Život.

224Odpusť nám, Ó, Bože, biednym, nehodným stvoreniam tohto sveta. Sme dnes večer ponížení, Pane, keď čítame, čo si pre nás urobil, a tak málo sme my urobili na oplátku. Ako si prišiel vo dňoch veľkých náboženských vodcov. Ako si bol ochotný stáť a vyjadrovať Slovo Otca. Ako si nerobil kompromisy s ich teóriami. A dnes sa zdá, akoby nebol nikto, kto by sa chcel postaviť a nazvať Slovo stále Slovom a nerobiť kompromisy. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nám odpustil tieto veci, ktoré sme tak zanedbávali. A daj nám dnes večer, v našich srdciach, ako Ti ich dávame ako jasle. A vieme, že zakaždým, keď je ukrižovaný Kristus prijatý, tam je nové narodenie, tam je novonarodená ovca, tam je spievanie anjelov v nebi. Nad jedným hriešnikom, ktorý činí pokánie, anjeli znovu spievajú.

225Modlíme sa, Bože, ak by tu boli dnes večer niektorí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú ako skutočný Dar Boží, ako osobného Spasiteľa, nie iba skrze psychickú predstavu, ale skrze nové narodenie (narodenie z Tvojho Ducha), nech to prijmú práve teraz, Pane, s našimi sklonenými hlavami. A ak by tam mal byť niekto, Pane, ktorý toto neurobil, nech ich srdcia teraz prijmú radosť, a nájdu, ako tí starí pastieri, v jasliach svojho srdca, Slovo, Mesiáša; ktorý im bude potvrdený ako Svätý Duch, Veľký Pastier dňa. Prosíme toto v Ježišovom Mene.

226Kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy, a verím, že naše srdcia sú sklonené, či by si, či by si, môj drahý brat, hoci si možno členom cirkvi... A dúfam, že som ťa nezranil tým, čo som povedal. Ja... Je to v poriadku, patriť do cirkvi; mali by sme to robiť; ale, ó, brat, neodpočívaj na tom; ty sa musíš znovuzrodiť. To je to, čo ten veľký Prorok Pastier povedal, "Musíš sa znovuzrodiť." Povedal to teológovi, "Musíš sa znovuzrodiť."

227A keď si znovuzrodený, to nie je len preto, že veríš. Oni hovoria, "Ty si narodený, keď veríš."

228Ale Biblia povedala, "Aj diabol verí." No, všimnite si, to nie je to; to je skúsenosť.

229Poviete, "Nuž, žil som dobrý život."

230Tak činili aj apoštolovia, ale neboli znovuzrodení, až kým neprijali Svätého Ducha. Oni neboli dokonca ani obrátení, kým neprijali Svätého Ducha. Pamätáte sa na tú noc pred zradou alebo počas zrady, tesne predtým, ako nastala zrada? Ježiš povedal Šimonovi Petrovi, "Keď sa obrátiš, posilňuj svojich bratov." A Peter Ho nasledoval tri a pol roka a vyháňal démonov a uzdravoval chorých, kázal Evanjelium a stále (podľa Slova) nebol obrátený.

231No, chceli by ste takého Posla dnes večer vo svojom srdci? Ak to skutočne chcete... Ja nerobím žiaden rozdiel v tom, čo niekto iný hovorí; je To pravda, brat, sestra. Viem, že je to pravda. Či by si, kým je každá hlava sklonená a každé oko zavreté, nie pre mňa, ja som len človek, tvoj brat, ale Kristovi, či by si pozdvihol svoju ruku, a povedal, "Verím tomu. A ja skutočne chcem toho Krista do svojho srdca, toho skutočného Krista Vianoc"? Či by si teraz pozdvihol svoju ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobré. Aj teba nech Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ó, ruky sú všade.

232Nech sa tak stane, brat; nech sa tak stane, sestra; nech sa tak stane, môj priateľ; buď naplnený Božím Duchom. Aký rozdiel to robí, čo niekto iný hovorí? Pamätaj, to je tvoj život. My už ani nemusíme byť ráno na tejto zemi; my nemáme žiadnu istotu dlhšieho života než koľko dychu máme teraz vo svojich nozdrách. Nemusíme sa už viac nadýchnuť, je to len milosť Božia. A na čo je to dobré, nezáleží na tom, ako dobre si žil a čo... Ježiš povedal, "Ak človek nie je znovuzrodený, nijako nemôže vojsť."

233No, ja poznám terminológiu, čo znovuzrodenie znamená, ale sledujme len, čo sa stalo v Biblii, keď boli oni znovuzrodení. Peter bol veriaci; apoštoli boli veriaci; ale neboli znovuzrodení dovtedy, kým na nich nepadol Svätý Duch na Letnice. No, oni sa divili, čo sa stalo, a Peter povedal, spolu s ostatnými, "Vy, mužovia Izraela, nech je vám známe; že Ježiš z Nazaretu, Muž dokázaný od Boha medzi vami znameniami a zázrakmi a divmi, ktoré Boh skrze Neho činil; Jeho, ktorý bol predzvedený, rozhodnou radou ste hriešnymi rukami vzali a ukrižovali, Ktorého Boh vzkriesil a my sme boli Jeho svedkami. On toto rozlial, čo teraz vidíte a počujete; je to zhodne s Písmami."

234A potom, keď toto počuli, bodlo ich to do sŕdc a povedali, "Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení?"

235Peter im povedal, "Čiňte pokánie."

236Teraz, môj katolícky priateľ sediaci tu, o ktorých viem, že tu sedia štyria alebo piati. Hovoril som o tom s vaším kňazom, možno nie s vaším kňazom, ale jedným z katolíckych kňazov, on povedal, "Ježiš dal cirkvi moc odpúšťať hriechy, ‘Komukoľvek hriechy odpustíte, tomu budú odpustené; komukoľvek hriechy zadržíte, tomu budú zadržané.'" To je pravda. Ale sledujme, ako to urobil, ako apoštoli nasledovali Jeho nariadenie, nie podľa spôsobu, akým to dnes robia kňazi.

237 Ale čo urobil prvý kňaz, ak ho tak chcete volať, Peter, ktorý mal kľúče Kráľovstva, ako povedal, aby sa to robilo? Povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých na široko - ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh." A ak Boh stále volá, tá istá skúsenosť je pre vás, ak budete nasledovať ten istý recept. Ak toto zhromaždenie tomu verí, so sklonenými hlavami, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Potom čokoľvek menej ako To, je v protiklade so Slovom a nie zhodné s Pastierom.

238Pane Ježišu, oni sú teraz v Tvojich rukách. Modlím sa, aby každý dnes večer otvoril srdce, kto nemá Krista, Mesiáša... A Kristus je Slovo, pomazané Slovo zamanifestované. A ak sú tu dnes večer nejaké otvorené srdcia, ktoré nemajú toho Mesiáša, skutočný vianočný Dar, jediný skutočný vianočný Dar, ktorý Boh dal svetu, a oznámil to svetu skrze pastierov, o Svojom Baránkovi, Zmierenie za hriech... A ak je dnes večer to srdce otvorené, vlož doň, Pane, to Slovo Mesiáša na dnes. Porúčame ich Tebe v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

239Milujete Ho? Veríte Mu? "Hľadajte najprv Kráľovstvo Božie a Jeho spravodlivosť, a všetko ostatné vám bude pridané."

240Priatelia, skôr ako sa rozídeme, chcem povedať toto. Mnohokrát som tak neporozumený. Mám Posolstvo od Boha, a musím to Posolstvo vyhlásiť navzdory všetkému. Viem, že je to neporozumené. Ak by to nebolo, nebolo by to Posolstvo od Boha; nemohlo by byť. Dnes je príliš veľa zábran, aby to bolo neporozumené. Verím, že Boh má ľudí v každej denominácii a organizácii sveta, a to nie je, že ja som proti mojim bratom. Prišiel som tu do Tusconu pred tromi rokmi a mal som stretnutie s vami, kazateľmi, u brata Gilmora, a opýtali sa ma, či som sem prišiel založiť cirkev?

241Povedal som, "Nie veru. Prišiel som vám pomôcť." Ale nebol som zatiaľ pozvaný počas troch rokov. Ale tak isto, som tu, aby som vám pomohol. Som tu, aby som k vám pridal ruku, nie, aby som sa s vami pridal k organizácii, ale pridal ruky a srdce nad Slovom Božím, aby som sa snažil kázať Evanjelium každej stratenej duši a každej núdznej osobe, ktorá je pod zvukom našich hlasov.

242Predkladám sa Bohu, dnes večer, s celým svojím srdcom, so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Nemám toho veľa, čo dať; nemôžem priniesť kadidlo, myrhu ani zlato, lebo žiadne nemám. Ale všetko, čo v sebe mám, je, že Boh mi dal tento život, venujem ho nanovo dnes večer Jemu, nad jasľami Jeho Slova v mojom srdci, a sľubujem Mu zostať s tým Slovom, ak ma nechá žiť ďalší rok, práve tak verne, ako môžem stáť; kázať každý kúsok Toho, a veriť každý kúsok Toho; tak, pomôž mi, Bože. Urobíte to isté so mnou?

243Prijmi nás, Pane. My prijímame Tvoj vianočný Dar, Mesiáša, pomazané Slovo, ktoré potvrdzuje Tvoju prítomnosť s nami, Pane, bez ohľadu na vyznanie alebo denomináciu. Nachádzame sa dnes, svet sa rozpadá a tu stojí veľký Mesiáš so Svojimi vystretými rukami: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ktorý dal zasľúbenia, že v týchto posledných dňoch, cirkev bude tak zorganizovaná, až kým nepôjde do Laodicee. A dnes to vidíme, Pane.

244Čo môžeme robiť, drahý Bože? Čo môžem robiť? Pomôž mi, aj týmto ostatným pastierom, Pane, po celom svete, pastierom Slova, aby to vyhlasovali, Pane, v tomto ďalšom roku. Pomôž nám, Pane, modlíme sa. Daj nám z Tvojej lásky, Tvojho Ducha a Tvojho Svetla. Odovzdávame sa dnes večer do Tvojho Slova a do Tvojho volania. V Mene Ježiša Krista, prijímame Tvoj vianočný Dar, Slovo Božie učinené telom v nás. Amen.

245Milujem cirkevné piesne. Pavol povedal v Biblii, "Keď spievam, spievam v Duchu. Kážem, kážem v Duchu. Keď... Čokoľvek robím, všetko to robím v Mene Ježiša Krista." No, bolo to pre vás vysiľujúce... A cením si vás. Prichádzam s týmto posolstvom. Niekedy to vyzerá, že to jednoducho nenávidím povedať to, ale stále som morálne zaviazaný, bratia. Ak to neurobím, som pokrytec. Ak to neurobím, som zradcom svojho vlastného svedomia, a svojej vlastnej - vlastnej viery v Božie Slovo. Musím to robiť, nie, aby som bol odlišný, ale aby som bol verný svojmu povolaniu. A chcem vám pomôcť; chcem urobiť všetko, čo môžem.

246No, spievajme jednu z tých veľkých chvál všetkých čias, milujem to tak veľmi, "Milujem Ho." Viete, ja verím, že ak Ho budeme všetci milovať, budeme robiť to, čo nás žiadal, aby sme robili. "Ako ma nazývate ‘Pánom' a nerobíte veci, ktoré som vám prikázal? Ako ma nazývate ‘Pánom' a nerobíte to, čo som vám povedal, aby ste robili."

247Budete radšej počúvať najatého pastiera, ktorý by povedal, "Dajte svoje meno do knihy a pripojte sa; vezmite túto komúniu, povedzte toto, a je to v poriadku," pričom Sám Veľký Pastier povedal, "pokiaľ sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť Kráľovstvo nebeské"?

248A pozrite sa na tých školených teológov toho dňa, školených. Svätý? Čisto žijúci? Nemáme dnes nič, s čím by sme to porovnali, ten spôsob, akým žili. A ako ich ten Veľký Pastier nazval? Povedal, "Ste zo svojho otca diabla," lebo oni ne... Oni rozpoznali Slovo, ale Slovo na iný deň, nie Slovo na ten deň.

249Ak rozpoznali Noeho čas, to je v poriadku; to bol Noeho čas; ale to by nefungovalo v čase Mojžiša. A Mojžišov čas by nefungoval v Kristovom čase. Vidíte? Lutherov čas nebude fungovať vo Wesleyho čase. Wesleyho čas nebude fungovať v Letničnom čase. A Letniční urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobili tí ostatní z nich. No, kto mi pomohol v tých predošlých dňoch? Pýtam sa vás.

250Keď vychádza steblo trávy, čo je to? Čo... Keď vychádza steblo pšenice... Ježiš povedal, "Keď semeno pšenice nepadne do zeme..." Čo sa stane, keď semeno pšenice alebo pšenica padne do zeme? Prvá vec, ktorá vyjde, je malé steblo. Nie je to ako to zrno, ktoré išlo dolu. Sledujte prírodu. Nie je to ako to zrno, ktoré vošlo dovnútra, ale je to nositeľ života toho zrna. Čo prišlo...

251Ten neveriaci, ktorý práve napísal tú slávnu knihu, "Tichý Boh," povedal, "Ako môže existovať Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť Červené More a stáť počas tisíc rokov temných vekov a vidieť malé deti žrané levmi a ľudí visiacich na krížoch a vraždených v arénach a tieto veci, a vôbec neotvoril ústa?" Vidíte, Slovo je zjavenie.

252Tá pšenica, keď tá skutočná pšenica začala na počiatku, sklamala Boha. A nakoniec prišla Pšenica, skutočný Odraz Boha, ktorý odrážal Jeho celé Slovo tak, že On bol Slovo. Boh Mu dal Nevestu na Letnice, ale tá Nevesta padla do zeme počas temných vekov, práve tak, ako urobila skutočná pšenica. Padla do zeme. A prečo to nemohlo fungovať? Lebo to bolo skryté pod zemou; muselo to zhniť predtým, ako to mohlo priniesť život.

253Ale jedného dňa prišiel malý kňaz menom Martin Luther a priniesol jedno Slovo Pravdy: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Prišlo steblo; potom nasledovalo ďalšie steblo, Zwingli, a potom prišiel Kalvín a Knox a tak ďalej.

254Prvá vec, ktorú viete, je, že to zmenilo svoje steblo; prešlo to do klasu. No, to vyzeralo trochu viac ako to, ale stále to nebola tá skutočná vec, ktorá vošla do zeme; prišiel Wesley. Z Wesleyho vyšla Metodistická cirkev, z Metodistickej cirkvi vyšli Nazaréni, Zjednotení Bratia, a tak ďalej. Čo to urobilo? Padlo to znovu a prinieslo to niečo, čo teraz vyzerá ako skutočné zrno pšenice, Letničných.

255No, sledujte Ježiša, v Matúšovi 24:24, "V posledných dňoch, tie dva duchy budú tak blízko seba, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." No, keď zrno pšenice vyšlo, každý pestovateľ pšenice vie, že to vyzerá ako dokonalé zrno pšenice. Ale sadnite si a vezmite to do ruky, otvorte to. Nie je v tom žiadna pšenica; je to šupka. Ale vzadu, pod mikroskopom môžete vidieť malý drobný púčik; tam prichádza zrno. A potom, načo je tá šupka? Aby chránila zrno; horúce slnko by ho zabilo; chráni zrno, až kým nie je zrelé. A potom, keď zrno dozreje, šupka sa od neho odtiahne. Ale všimli ste si, to zrno potom, keď vychádza, musí byť toho istého druhu ako to, ktoré vošlo do zeme.

256Po Lutherovom prebudení prišla organizácia. Po Wesleyovom prebudení prišla organizácia. Po Alexandrovi Smithovi, Johnovi - Alexandrovi Campbellovi, Johnovi Smithovi, po všetkých ostatných prišla organizácia. Po Letničných, rovno ako skutočná vec, ale stalo sa to organizáciou. Čo to urobilo? Odtiahlo sa to.

257Mali sme pätnásť rokov prebudenia; akého nebolo v celej histórii. A sledujte, v týchto pätnástich rokoch prebudenia, rozšírilo sa to po celom svete, a ani jedna organizácia z toho nebola vybudovaná. Kde to bolo? (Začalo to pozdný dážď; zomrelo to v ňom, rozplynulo sa, zomrelo to.) Nebola žiadna organizácia, ktorá by to nasledovala. Prečo? Je to samotné zrno; nemôže byť ďalšie. A šupka sa teraz odťahuje, žiadna spolupráca, nikto vás nechce. Prečo je to? Musí to tak byť.

258Prečo tam bola cirkev postavená? Aby to podporila. Kde... Kto by spolupracoval? Ktorý baptista alebo presbyterián alebo luterán podporil kampaň Božského uzdravovania? A teraz, keď Pravda vychádza, čo sa deje? Nie šupka, ale Život vychádza rovno zo šupky, rovno do zrna, skutočný pravdivý Život. Organizácia tam stojí, zomiera, práve tak, ako v každom veku; robí to isté. Vyšli ste z toho von pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, a vošli znovu rovno do späť do toho. Ale skutočný Život nasleduje zrno, sme v čase konca, bratia.

259Prečo sa to odťahuje? Aby to prinieslo zrno do Prítomnosti Syna, aby dozrelo do zlatej zrelosti pre Majstra. Prečo sa to odtiahlo? Tak to spôsobuje bolesti srdca, slzy, lebo neležia na slnku [angl. “s-u-n” - pozn.prekl.], ale pri Synovi [angl. “S-o-n” - pozn.prekl], aby dozreli do skutočného plného Evanjelia, aby zamanifestovali všetko, čo Ježiš zasľúbil v Biblii, dnes je vzkriesené Telo medzi ľuďmi. A nebude viac žiadnych organizácií; ide to rovno von do bohatej Laodicee. Čím prosperujú organizácie? Miliónmi dolárov a miliónmi duší.

260A odkiaľ prišiel pastier? Aby vyslobodil svojich bratov zo zajatia. Ja neviem; Bože, buď s nami, pomôž nám. Študujte Slovo. Skúmajte Písma. V nich si myslíme, že máme Večný Život, a oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Pravde. Vidíte, Boh vymeral Svoje Slovo do každého veku. Tento vek vždy...

261Čo Ježiš povedal, keď prišiel? Povedal tým ľuďom, "Vy pokrytci. Vy obielené steny, a postavili ste hrobky prorokom a vaši otcovia ich do nich vložili. A vy ste synovia svojich otcov. A skutky, ktoré oni činili, aj vy budete činiť." To stále zostáva také isté, moji bratia.

262Ale keď jedného dňa Ježiš príde, ten Veľký Pastier oviec od Letníc, cez Luthera cez všetky tie veky, prijali Svetlo, ako To prichádza cez nositeľov (neprijali nositeľa, prijali Svetlo, vidíte?, vyšli von), On príde, aby ich vykúpil. Som tak rád, že viem, že On prichádza znovu. Ó, či budete započítaní s Jeho skupinou? Budete započítaní? Je len jeden spôsob, ako to urobiť, nie pripojiť sa k cirkvi, ale byť zrodení do Neho. "A všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne, a nikto nemôže prísť, keby ho Môj Otec nezavolal." Vidíte? To je všetko, čo na tom je, prijať to. On... to je ten jediný vianočný Dar, o ktorom viem, to je dar Boží, ktorý dal svetu, Svojho jednorodeného Syna. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, Slovo. Amen. Verte Mu v tomto dni, plnosti Biblie.

263Keď tých sedem tajomstiev... Počas tých siedmich cirkevných vekov, tam bolo sedem skrytých tajomstiev. Píšem o tom knihu. A jeden veľký teológ mi prednedávnom povedal, "Brat Branham..." Vidíte, ako sa vás satan bude snažiť vyraziť z cesty? Povedal, "Brat Branham, vieš čo? Verím, že Pán ti zjaví, čo máme robiť ďalej. Je... Bude to nejaké veľké tajomstvo, ktoré je tam ukryté pod tými siedmimi pečaťami."

264Povedal som, "Nie, to nie je to, brat."

265Povedal, "Bude to niečo, čo ani nie je zapísané v Slove."

266Povedal som, "Nie, nie. Zabudol si, ‘Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo uberie jedno slovo.'" Vidíte, je to už tam, ale reformátori to nevideli; oni nežili dostatočne dlho, aby to uvideli.

267A veky sa teraz zakončili; sme rovno tu v Laodicei. A pamätajte, Laodicejský vek, On bol mimo cirkvi, klopúc, snažiac sa dostať späť dovnútra: Eva vystrčila svojho Adama von. Bože, pomôž nám. Vyjdime von za tábor, aby sme Ho našli. Poďme trpieť s Ním von za bránami. Poďme k Nemu v Jeho smrti, v Jeho pohrebe a v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní; lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

268Zaspievajme jednu hymnu predtým, ako odídeme. Zaspievate? "Milujem Ho." Udáš nám tón, sestra? Koľkí poznáte tú starú hymnu? Ja... Ak ste niekedy boli na zhromaždeniach, milujem to. Tak zavrime len oči; myslime na Jehovu. Nikto nebol hoden, nikto to nemohol urobiť okrem Neho. A On zostúpil a stal sa malým bábätkom. Stal sa tínedžerom. Stal sa tesárom, pracujúcim mužom. Stal sa Baránkom; stal sa Obeťou. Víťazne vstal, Jehova. A ako Mojžiš vytiahol svoju ruku z hrude od svojho srdca, Boh vytiahol Jeho ruku z Jeho hrude (Jeho tajomstvo), Jeho Syna, ktorý bol ranený nemocou hriechu, nevyliečiteľnou; a strčil ju znovu späť do hrude, a vytiahol ju a natiahol ju k tebe a mne: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Pozrite sa na Neho teraz:

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

271Koľkí z vás vedia, že to museli byť pastieri, povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Museli... Prečo pastieri? Muselo to byť. Teraz, zatiaľ čo spievame znovu ten istý verš, natiahnite sa ponad stôl. Sedia tu dnes večer metodisti, baptisti, luteráni, presbyteriáni, katolíci a všetci. Potraste si ruky, povedzte, "Spolupútnik, som rád, že som tu dnes večer s tebou." Povedzte im niečo. Povedzte, "Nech ťa Boh žehná," ako si teraz navzájom podávame ruky, zatiaľ čo to znovu spievame:

Milujem... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

...mi spasenie

na Golgote.

272Zavrime teraz oči a zodvihnime ruky a spievajme Mu.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

273A teraz, Boh nemá formu. Tak, skloňme svoje hlavy a hmkajme si to teraz, ako malé deti; sme deti Božie. Nepozerajte sa na to, čo si svet môže myslieť; teraz uctievate, uctievate Krista. Len skloňte svoje hlavy a hmkajte to. [Brat Branham vedie zhromaždenie s hmkaním: "Milujem Ho" - pozn.prekl.]

274Necítite sa ako úplne očistení? Trochu ako... Niečo z vás proste očistilo všetku pochybnosť a svet? Cítite sa tak? Zodvihnite ruky, "Cítim, že všetko je očistené. Cítim sa inak. Cítim, akoby som jedol z Jeho rúk. Mám..." Ako tu brat svedčil, "Pokrm, Pastiersky pokrm, ovčí Pokrm." To je Slovo.

275 Božie ovce sa kŕmia na Jeho pokrme, "Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove vychádzajúcom z úst Božích." A toto je To, Biblia. Kŕmime sa každým Slovom, nie len niektorými Slovami, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza. Ó, nespôsobuje to, že Ho milujete, pomyslieť, že teraz máme Večný Život? Nie budeme, teraz sme synmi Božími. Nie budeme, teraz. A sediaci spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. A tá veľká televízia, ktorá tvrdí, že existuje vlna éteru, ktorá robí ľudí (osoba, ktorá cestuje po svete) známych z obrazovky televízie... To veľké Slovo Božie a Duch Boží berúci Slovo Božie odráža Ježiša Krista v ponebeských miestach do Svojich oviec, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Či nie je On nádherný? Nádherný. Nech vás Boh žehná.

276No, postavme sa len na chvíľu. Máte niekoho na požehnanie? No, pamätajte, počas Vianoc uctievajte Pána Ježiša. Uctievajte Ho v moci Jeho vzkriesenia. A ak by som vám niekedy mohol urobiť láskavosť (vám, vášmu pastorovi, vašej cirkvi, alebo čokoľvek), noc nie je nikdy príliš temná; dážď nikdy nepadá príliš tvrdo.

277Minulú noc (Je tu nejaká pani.) Bol som tak zaneprázdnený nemocnými a tými vecami, až... Bola tam pani asi okolo osemdesiatky, ktorá stratila rozum a mala... Ona si myslela, že bude mať dieťa alebo také niečo; ona stratila rozum. A Billy mi zavolal z kancelárie a povedal, "Ocko, môžeš?"

278Povedal som, "Nemôžem hneď teraz. Sú tu ľudia... Jednoducho to teraz nemôžem urobiť."

279Povedal, "Ocko, môžeš ísť na modlitbu? Poviem im, že sa modlíš."

280Povedal som, "Áno." A presne v tej istej chvíli prišla ku sebe. Zaspala, zobudila sa do normálneho stavu, jedla kurča na večeru, bola odvtedy normálna. Nejaká osoba tu pred chvíľou stála a svedčila o tom.

281Brat Mack, videl som ho tu pred chvíľou, niekde v zbore. Je tu, jeden z pastorov, miestny pastor. Veľmi drahý brat, vždy som miloval brata Macka, odkedy som po prvýkrát začal so službou. A potom som ho stretol...

282A bol som hore v Britskej Columbii; a len aby som vám ukázal, ako Boh robí všetko správne. Bol som už na koni, a šiel som späť do divočiny, kde som viedol k Bohu celú skupinu Indiánov; a všetci boli obrátení a prijali Ježiša.

283A podľa proroctva, ktoré som povedal tomu indiánskemu chlapcovi, ktorý stratil svojho poníka pred dvoma rokmi, povedal som mu, kde ho nájde, ako ďaleko bude, a kde ten poník bude stáť. Jeho matka zomierala na srdcový záchvat, bola uzdravená a spasená. A tento chlapec, len prechádzal okolo a videl to, a vedel, že... Jeho kôň sa našiel presne tak, ako mu bolo povedané, a všetko.

284Ani jedno Slovo, ktoré Pán kedy vypovedal... Opýtam sa kohokoľvek z vás, "Či On, či ste Ho niekedy počuli povedať niečo, čo mi kedy povedal, aby som vám povedal, čo by sa nestalo presne tak?" Ak je to tak, povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, vidíte? Presne, ani jeden raz to nesklamalo.

285A brat Mack ležal na hranici smrti a stalo sa, že jeho žena zavolala Billymu, žene môjho syna a povedala - opýtala sa, kde som; tá milá malá dáma a jeho manželka. A ona... A moja nevesta povedala, "On je preč v severnej Britskej Columbii na poľovačke."

286A v to ráno, akosi, nemohol som proste prejsť na tom koni. A Billy potom povedal, "Myslím, že ešte raz zavolám domov." A šiel na poštu a zavolal. A tu oni bežali späť, keď tam stál ten malý Indián, ten malý... mal poníka, a povedal, "Brat Mack leží na hranici smrti a volá ťa."

287A odišiel som, šiel som do lesa a pokľakol som. Povedal som, "Drahý Bože, tam dolu, tritisíc míľ naprieč krajinou v slnečnom štáte Arizony, v Tuscone, je môj brat, a leží na hranici smrti. Pomôžeš mu?"

288Niečo len ku mne prehovorilo, "Všetko je v poriadku."

289A keď som minule prišiel k bratovi Mackovi, aby som sa s ním porozprával, a opýtal som sa ho, "O koľkej sa to stalo?" Bolo to presne v tú hodinu, keď sme sa išli modliť.

290Ó, On... Nie je On nádherný? On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Som tak šťastný, že viem, že žijem v Prítomnosti Kráľa.

291Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, a je tu drahý malý brat, misionár, môj priateľ, člen Zborov Božích, drahý malý brat. Volám ho, "Creeche." Hovoril také milé veci. Brat Creech, volám ťa tak. Neviem, čo povedať; si môj brat a spoluslužobník v utrpeniach Ježiša Krista v tomto poslednom dni. Nech ťa Boh žehná. A myslím, že brat Tony povedal, že rozpustíš teraz to zhromaždenie, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy. V poriadku, poď.

1 I guess, a kind of a long-winded preacher. And without education, I--I guess I don't sound much like a preacher to some people. And I--I don't even claim to be a preacher, I just kind of a spare tire. But I feel that I have a Message from God, that in my way (that the only way I have to present It), I'm trying to present It to the world. And if I didn't stay with that Message, I'd be a traitor to God and a hypocrite to you. A person that will say one thing and believe another, it's hypocrisy. We must always speak the truth from our heart. That when people look upon us, even though they disagree with us, we want to be honorable man and women: that we speak from our heart, that which is true in our hearts.

2 Last year, or year before last, I had the privilege of speaking a--a Christian... or pardon me, a Christmas message, here at the Ramada. And I believe I spoke on the subject, either here or Phoenix, on: Why Little Bethlehem? And I believe then it was here, last year, I spoke on: We Have Seen His Star In The East And Have Come To Worship Him.

3And, you know, we read the Bible, and we wonder, those "Why's?" And tonight I thought, if you would bear with me a while, and pray with me, I would try to give you my Christmas message. God only knows where we'll be next Christmas, if there is a next Christmas after this. So being that this might be the last Christmas we set together, until we set at another table. And It will not be one of this type, but it'll be when we eat and drink the communion anew with Him, in the Father's Kingdom at the end of the road. And then, let us approach it tonight as if this was the last Christmas message we'd ever set together in, in the deepness of sincerity.

4 I want to speak tonight on a unusual subject, but sometimes you find God in the unusual thing. He does things in a unusual way. Not the usual way, it's the unusual way, unusual times, unusual scenes, He's unusual. And I want this... Lord willing, I want to speak on the subject of: Why It Had To Be Shepherd.

5And now just before we approach the Word, which I believe that is God, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us."

6 As I said, last week, or week before last at Phoenix, "It's proven that there is subjects of this earth, people, passing through this building now." Television proves that. It's in another dimension, our natural eyes and our five senses cannot pick that up. It isn't that television manufactures anything, it only channels. You cannot make a move with your finger, you cannot bat your eye, but it's proven to be recorded forever. I might be standing... Or a man in Australia, would have a--a television screen here, not only that but the--the man could speak, move his finger, bat his eye, or even the color of clothing that he's wearing, would be projected here on the wall; and he in Africa, Australia, around the world. See, there is a cycle of ether waves. I cannot explain it, but I know it's there. I don't think anyone could really explain it. So, television can pull this in and make it a reality by some instruments, that they could reflect it on the wall.

7 Now, that same thing was here when Adam was here. Television was here when--when Elijah set on Mount Carmel. It was here when Martin Luther, that young priest, throwed the communion on the floor and said, "It's kosher! And the just shall live by faith." It was here then, but we are just now finding it. And it's also so, that in our presence tonight is God, Angels, supernatural beings that's unseen to our natural sense of sight. But someday it'll be a reality just as television is now, and just as common. Now, that is why I believe the Word.

8Jesus said, "Whosoever shall add one word to this Bible, or take one Word out of It, his part will be taken out of the Book of Life."

9 So, let us bow our heads then, before we even read It. So solemn! Any man that's got physical strength could turn back the page, but only God can reveal It.

10And with our heads bowed now towards the dust from whence we were taken, and someday shall return, I wonder... And in this solemn moment, as we're approaching Christmas, if there is some here that really feel unworthy and would like to be remembered in this prayer, would you (without raising your head) just raise you hands to God and say, "Remember me, Lord, this Christmas"? God bless you.

11 Most Holy and Gracious Heavenly Father, Almighty God, He that was from the beginning, before there was a star, or a atom, or a molecule. You made all things by Jesus Christ Your Son, and hath given us all things freely in Him. We thank Thee, tonight, Lord, for this opportunity that You have given us to assemble ourselves together, to be warned and taught by the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit takes Your words and reveals them to us, for Jesus said, "When He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will remind you of these things that I have said and also show you things to come."

12God, there is not one in our midst, neither is there one upon the earth, who is worthy to try to interpret Your Word, for it is written that, "The Word of God is of no private interpretation." Therefore, Lord, we pray that the Holy Spirit will give to us tonight, each and every one, the portion that we need to satisfy that hunger that's in our heart for a closer walk with Thee. We are unfit, unclean, unworthy. Let the Child that was borned in Bethlehem, that lived the most perfect life, and was the only perfect man upon the earth, and gave Hisself a ransom that He might cleanse us unclean sinners and to bring us into relationship with the Father, grant tonight that His Holy Spirit (through the preaching of the Word) will do that for us.

13 Lord God, there is many sick in the land today, in the face of the best medicine that we ever doctored with, and the best medicine and the best hospitals. And yet in all of our great scientific discoveries, yet there is more sickness than the world ever knew, because there's more sin and unbelief than the world ever knew. Help us tonight, Great Physician, and heal the sick that's in our midst.

14And give us the Spirit, the true Spirit of Christmas. When today... that when pagan ceremonies, Christmas trees worshipped, fiction stories of a--a man named Santa Claus, and of our Easter rabbits, and the different fashions that the commercial world has capitalized on, may it be laid aside, God. Let us enter into Christ the Word, for we asked it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

15 If you will turn with me for a reading in the Holy Writ, Saint Luke, the 2nd chapter. Can you hear me all right?

Is there any transposition in the microphones? Can you hear me in the back all right? If you can, raise your hand. Thank you. The 2nd chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Luke.

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

(And this tax was first made known... was governor of Syria.)

And all went to be taxed, every one to his own country.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, into the city of Nazareth, into Judaea,... the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while she was there, the days of her accomplishment that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in the manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there was in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring... good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in a manger.

And suddenly there was the... And suddenly there... with the angel a multitude of... heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us go now even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us.

And they came in haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things which they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.

16 Now, it's a... Why this great event was revealed to shepherds? That would be kind of an astounding thing for us. I have some Scriptures written here, and a few notes that I will try to run over, to explain to you why to the best of my knowledge. And maybe then after this, that the Lord with His grace, tonight, will take the why's away from us. But did... Most all of us, I suppose, at one time or other, has wondered why that this greatest event of all times was revealed to shepherds. Why was It revealed to shepherds and not to the theologians of that day; they were the one were trained to hear It? And why did It come and bypass the rich, and come to the poor? Also, why did It bypass the learned and wise, and come to the humble and unlearned? There is a few questions of why in this.

17 And another reason I might say, notice, the babe was borned in Bethlehem. Which Bethlehem in the Hebrew interpretation, as we had a couple years ago here, Bethlehem means the "house of God's bread." And we proved in the Scriptures, He could not come any other place. Bethlehem was founded by Rahab and her--her husband. Rahab was a harlot that a general courted, from the--the Israelite army, after they had taken Jericho. And by faith she believed the message of God, in her condition, and she was saved. And from there, when Joshua divided up the lands of where each one would be,...

18 And there's a great lesson that sometime I hope to be able to bring at Tucson, of those Hebrew mothers giving birth to those babies. When she groaned at the birth pain of the baby, she called the name of the baby and that positionally placed it in the promised land, it's tribe. The great thing, all the Word of God fits right together. If it doesn't fit together, it's not God's Word that's misfit, it's your thought is misfitting to the Word. It all fits together.

19 So, then, He was the Bread of Life, as we taught last week in Phoenix, or week before last. And being the Bread of Life, He could come no place else but the "house of God's bread." And that was the why. Now, here, Jesus is borned in Bethlehem, and in Bethlehem there was synagogue, great religious leaders lived in Bethlehem. David the great king-shepherd was borned in Bethlehem, his father Jesse was borned in Bethlehem, his grandfather Obed was borned in Bethlehem. Also, all the way back, he came from Bethlehem.

20And here, Jesus the Son of David is borned in Bethlehem, right under the shadows of the great cathedrals. Then if those people are trained, and had been looking for the Messiah for all these years; four thousand years, the Messiah had been prophesied to come. And then if the Messiah be borned in the shadow of the cathedral, why did they have to go plumb back up into the mountains to a bunch of unlearned, untrained shepherds to bring the great Message, the first Message? And commissioned shepherds! Not the wise and trained, but shepherds. It's a strange thing, isn't it? But there's got to be a why somewhere... There is a why, now there's got to be an answer why! And no man knows the answer save God. He's the One that knows the answer.

21 Now, remember, the Messiah was already in the city, borned in the city, in a stable; right by the great cathedrals where the high priest... and the great priests, and the theologians, and the wise, and the trained, all was there waiting for the Messiah. And there He was, right in their midst! But why then did they go to the... out on the hills of Judaea to unlearned, untrained, uncultured, poorest of all? Looked like the most unfit person for such a task, to reveal the Message and send them out to bring the Message.

22You know my opinion? It might not amount to very much, but I want to pass my opinion: I believe it's because of the wisdom of God, that He knew they wouldn't receive such a Message the way It come. It wasn't in the taste of their learning. It was different. It wasn't what they had been trained to believe He would be like. It was contrary to their theological understanding. All their training, all their learning was bypassed, become naught. I believe it was the wisdom of God that knew that they wouldn't receive such a Message.

23 So the Messiah was here, and there must be somebody recognize It. And He knew those who hadn't been mixed up in such stuff as that. He would be more able to get His message to a unlearned group, than He would be to a mixed-up group that was so set in their ways that nothing could turn them, not even the Word of God.

24And now, Christian friend, let me ask this question, with all sincerity and love. I just wonder if He would make the same act tonight, and send to us in this generation the promised Word that's promised for this generation, I wonder if our theologians, and educators, and wise, wouldn't turn the Message down just the same as they did then? Man doesn't change, neither does God's Word change. He's the unchanging God, He doesn't change!

25 Notice, Angels coming and... Angels coming and giving their Message to man of such low estate, when there were man there much more (earthly thought of) qualified than these poor, illiterate shepherds. The shepherd was the most illiterate of anybody, he didn't need to know nothing but just about his sheep. He didn't need to know mathematics. He didn't need to know how to--to split an atom. He didn't need no scholarship. He just had to know his sheep, that's all that he needed to know. And God, the great Wisdom, and the Fountain and resource of all wisdom, would choose such a person as that (persons, rather, as that), and bypass all the well-trained scholars that's trained to know That. It speaks one thing, that they were trained in the wrong field. Passing up all the important of the land; there were important people, great teachers, Caiaphas the high priest, many other great man, all Israel's mighty learned, all the denominations, and all the boasting theologians, God bypassed everyone of them! Now, that's God's wisdom.

26 Notice, the Highest Heavens hastening to honor earth's most humble and unlearned. The Highest of Heaven came down to make Hisself known to the lowest of the earth, bypassing all between to make Hisself known to common herdsmen; coming to give these common herdsmen the greatest Message of all times. There had been many great messengers. We would think of in Noah's day, and the prophets, and--and the great priests, and so forth, had been in the days gone by. The great learned man, kings, potentates, monarchs, but here He comes with the greatest of all the Messages. What was the message? "Messiah is here now!" See? And to make that known, He bypassed all the trained, to make it known to humble shepherds.

27Think of it: all of the clergymen, all of the churchmen, all of the teachers, all of the--the theological training, all the money had been spent, all the churches, and the doctrines, and the denominations, was all bypassed! All the learning that they had spent on all the--all the missionaries, and all the proselyting, all the membership, and everything that they had thought they had done honor to God, yet the key Message of all of it was bypassed from them. Strange! Why? See?

28 And notice, not only that, but the most unlikely place for such an event. The shepherds, now, was the one who received the Message. And now notice where the Message was: in the most unlikely place that anyone would expect It to come. And I wonder, tonight, if we were looking for the true Message of the Lord Jesus, I wonder if It would be in a unlikely group, a place that was... that the great, high cultured world and the church today would think was a bunch of--of, oh, heretics? I wonder if that wouldn't be where we'd find Him? The most unlikely place, and to the most unqualified speakers. Shepherds knowed nothing about speaking, only calling sheep; well, maybe that's why It come.

29 But there was a promised Word. Notice, it could do that again.

30It bypassed all the nobles of the land. It bypassed all the nobles, and was revealed to the nobodies. All the nobles that were decorated with--with great doctor's divinity and--and psychology, and--and highly educations, and great cathedrals and things, it was all bypassed and revealed to nobodies. The wisdom, the infinite wisdom of Almighty God did it, to make known to them the greatest Message ever was, "The Messiah is now on earth." What a wisdom! Could only come from God who knows wisdom! All the wisdom and all of the schooling, and everything, was now laid to waste and bypassed by the great wisdom of God. I keep repeating that because I want it to go down deep. All laid to waste, it was of no good. Bypassed it all to let God's wisdom have the right of way, that God takes the nothings to make the somethings.

31 We could stop here and speak of John. We could stop and speak of Elijah. Nobody knows where Elijah come from. All they know, he just appeared on the scene. The prophets back through the ages, they were nobodies. But God took that to... and bypassed the--the ethics of the church, and the teachings, to make... show that He is God. He takes something that's nothing, to do something with it. He shows His wisdom and His Godhead by doing so, that He takes the nothings. When He first made a man, He just took a ball of clay and made a man out of it. Where it was nothing but clay, but He made a man. And God takes the nothings now, to do the somethings with. And as long as we think we're somethings, then we cannot be used in the hand of God. We must forsake all we ever knew or learned.

[Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] (Pardon me.)

Like the great Saint Paul, he said he had to forget all he ever learned, that he might know Christ.

32 All their schooling, all their teachings and so forth, was working out to the worst for them. It finally denied Him! The very schooling that they had had for Him, to believe Him, turned around and become His most critical enemy, and crucified Him!

33Do you know that history repeats itself every so often? It's a noted fact. It could happen again right by the side of us. "Oh," you say, "If I'd a-lived then,..." Well, now, if you want to know what you'd a done then, look at your present state now; and you can see what you'd a-done then, because it certainly is revealing.

34 Trained to believe His Word, and then when His Word was vindicated before their very eyes, they denied the Word that was made vindication. When God proved what He would do, and said what He would do, and proved what He would do, then they turned around and called this man an "evil spirit" (which cursed them all). Think of what taken place! Think of what caused them; their training caused them not to recognize the very Word made flesh for their day; the very training that they had in their schools, with the very best of teachers.

35And you say, "Well, we wouldn't do that today." Their teachers were far supreme to ours today (superior, rather, to our teachers), and they failed. They didn't have nine hundred and ninety-six different organizations as we have today. They had about three. And in the three, follow down to three, and none of the three recognized It! Just goes to show that what man does is foolishness to God. See?

36 Now, they failed to recognize It. Now... And they'd do the same thing again.

37Man... Intention is good, it always is good. And man never changes his posture, he never changes his ways much; I'm talking of the man of the world. Man is always praising God, religious man, for what He done, and always pointing people to what He's going to do, and then ignoring what He's doing! See? That's just man, he's made that way, he's always been that way. And you Bible readers tonight know that that's according to the Word, "right." They always praising God for what He has done, saying what He will do, and ignoring what He's a-doing. That's just a habit of man.

38 The reason that they had did this, the teachers, to my opinion now: they had interpreted the Word, 'cause they all believed in a coming Messiah. All Israel believed it, they do yet today. But the reason that they didn't recognize Him, His Message wasn't according to their ecclesiastical fit. They... their interpretation that they had of the Word, the Messiah never manifested Himself in the way that they had interpreted that He would do it. So, and therefore, they did not recognize Him because It didn't fit their interpretation. As I have said before, and say again, "God doesn't need anybody to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter."

39 Now, the Bible says... Let me prove to you now that that is the Truth. Isaiah the prophet, seven hundred and fifteen years before this happened, Isaiah the prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a child." There's no doubt that everyone in that age thought their daughter would be that woman, because Isaiah said it. But, you see, it was seven hundred years later. But when... God didn't need anybody to interpret His Word, when He'll do it, or how He would do it. He said He would do it, and He did it!

40 God promised that He... over in Isaiah, also, I believe the 28th chapter, about the 18th verse. And also in Joel 2:28, that in the last days, the last two thousand years, He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He said, "Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Your young man shall see visions. Your old man shall dream dreams." And the things that He would do, Isaiah said, "With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people, and this is the Rest." But they wouldn't hear It. They wagged their heads and walked by It. He said, "All the tables of God would become full of vomit, and there would be nothing clean." And if that isn't a picture of Jerusalem, and the church of that day at the coming Messiah, it's a picture today the same. It's just repeating itself.

41Now, when God says He'll do a thing, He did it. Regardless of what anybody else thinks about it, what anybody says, when God speaks of something, He's duty-bound to interpret that Word Himself. And His vindication of the Word is His Own interpretation. Notice, vindicating His Messiah's Message. He promised what the Messiah would do when He come. And when He came...

42 Even when the wise men in the east had looked down southwestward, from where they were at in Babylon, and they saw a majestic star. Did you know there's not a speck of history, nowhere, that any observatory (where they even kept the--the--the time by stars, great man who studied these stars)... There's not no history says that any of them seen that star at all. Why? It wasn't given to them, they wasn't looking for such. But these wise man knowed that there would be a Star of Jacob rise, and they were looking for It, and It passed from the time that Jesus was borned in Bethlehem...

43Now, I know our Christian traditions, it's just like our churches, it has things topsy-turvy. You go out here and you see wise man coming to worship a baby; there's not such a thing in the Scripture. Two years later they got there, coming down through the plains and across the Tigris River. They never come to worship an infant, but a young child about two years old. Why was it, at the same time, Herod slew all the children from two years old under? That he might catch the Messiah. You see, they... God had vindicated by His Word.

44 And when these wise man came to Jerusalem... The star led them to the religious capitol of the world, Jerusalem. And as soon as they entered those gates, that star (the supernatural that had led them) refused to show them any more. Up-and-down the streets these fine man, rich man with fine draped camels, and so forth... up and down the streets saying, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews. We saw His star in the east." And that great religious capitol, after two years of the shepherd's Message, still didn't have the answer or knowed nothing about It. The head of all the denominations didn't have the answer.

45So it disturbed the Sanhedrin, and they called for the Scribes to come read. And they read Micah's story, the prophet which said, "Thou Bethlehem, art thou not the least of all the princes of Judah (the least), but out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule My people, Israel." And after the Scriptures being read (and still being vindicated before their eyes), they still didn't accept It, though the Scripture said so. I doubt very much they would today, if the Scriptures that's promised for this day would be made manifest. I may never preach to you again, but I want you to get this. Still they wouldn't believe!

46The great wisdom of the Father makes man's wisdom so foolish that He belittles the man. He actually comes to the place to where it makes man feel so ashamed of himself, and he's not big enough to admit that he's "wrong." He still stays with his story, no matter how much the Father proves that His Word is true and He's doing just what He promised to do. Man thinks his wisdom is so superior to God, if it don't come according to his wisdom, "Why, It isn't so." That's true in every age, still does it. See how fitting the whole matter was, now?

47 What inspiration to those herdsmen! The Angels coming down to speak to herdsmen, Angels of God coming to speak to a bunch of shepherd.

48I wonder if you ever had the privilege of--of talking with a shepherd or being with one, a while? If you would, I--I don't like to say it because of my remark I'm fixing to say after while, but the shepherd stays with the sheep so much until he even laughs like the sheep (bleating), he talks like the sheep, and he smells like the sheep. That's right, because he's with the sheep. That's all he knows, is his sheep.

49 Now, the vindicated Word of Truth. When these shepherds, humble, uneducated man... What a honor, how fitting it is to a shepherd to receive a message of a new borned sheep. It could come to nothing else but a shepherd. That's why He was borned in the stable, and not in a house. Sheep are not borned in a house, or in a pink decorated hospital room. See? They are borned in the barn, and in the fields.

50That's the reason He was led to Calvary. You cannot make a sheep walk the gangway to the slaughter. Did you know that? In the slaughteryards, they have a goat that leads the sheep. And when he gets up to where the killing place is, he jumps out and lets the sheep go on. A sheep has to be led, he can't lead himself. So, therefore, it had to be the shepherd coming for the... his sheep. When they found the God-baby exactly where the messenger said He would be, and when they found this Message--Message of the messenger in the manger, exactly where the Angels said It would be.

51 Now, I heard people say, "An Angel spoke to me, He said, 'thus and thus.'" How ridiculous sometime; and I've heard people say that a Angel spoke to them, and told them "thus and thus" which was absolutely contrary to the Word. Now, how could an Angel do that? It just couldn't be. And if God told you a certain-certain thing would happen (you say He told you that), and it doesn't happen, then it wasn't God speaking to you. Just remember, that's right. God doesn't lie. He's not found in a lie.

52 When they found the baby, what a joy it must have been to them. Because the Angel that gave them the message, they found it just exactly the way the Angel said it would be, and just in the place where the Angel said it would be. What a thing that must have been to them!

53In a manger, why? See how at ease these herdsmen was in the stable? What do you think a theologian would have been in there? He'd a-put a pin over his nose, and said, "Get me out of this place." See? He would have been so out of place, he'd been in misery.

54But, you see, it was "just at home" to the shepherds. God knows where to send His Message. See? Just exactly right. In this state the shepherds was in then, in their stable with their Lamb, a-vindicated Message that they had heard. How beautiful! In the presence of the Messiah, vindicated Word of their Message. When the shepherds heard that the Messiah was on earth, and came into His presence, right in their own environment, (and found the Message to be true, was vindicated there) how that must have made those man feel, to find that God had done this great thing for them.

55 Why, scholars would have been so out of place there, under such circumstances, they'd a-left right quick. Why? The Messenger coming to common herdsmen. Maybe they could have not even... these... Some of these herdsmen might not have even been able to have signed their own name, very doubtful. You know the herdsmen that Jesus chose when He was here on earth, to herd His sheep, "Lovest thou Me, Peter, more than these?"

56"Yea, Lord, Thou knowest I love Thee."

57"Feed My sheep." And the Bible said that Peter was an ignorant and unlearned man. Still choosing shepherds.

58 The church members of those past days, and priests, and well-trained society in that day would've been so out of place in a stable. Now, I'm not quite sure that many of you could understand (maybe, you city people) what a Judaean stable smelled like, what it looked like, as the animals in that stable, and what it would've been. Why, some of these classics of today would be so out of place there, they--they wouldn't even enter the door. But it pleased God, by His infinite wisdom, to reveal It to such as would receive It. The scholars, and wise man of that day would certainly would not have received It. They'd a-been so humiliated to be caught in such a place.

59Why, the first place, if they would've went back to their church, and would've witnessed that they attended such a meeting, and believed a bunch of uneducated shepherds bringing such a phenomena, they'd a been excommunicated from their church. They'd a-been throwed out of the society of Bethlehem, if they'd a-been caught listening to such an unlearned bunch of people as these shepherds was. Humiliated, they certainly would've been. If they'd a-been associated with such common people, and being... accepting such heresies as to believe that God would bring His Message to an uneducated bunch of shepherds, when they had everything all prepared for it. They would've lost their affiliation, they'd a-had to give in their papers, and would not have been able to have been recognized among the society of their groups of that day; because they had associated with such a thing, and not with a better mind.

60 "How dare you!" the priest would've said. "You come into my sanctuary here with such a heresy, with such a foolishness, that some unlearned bushman out there that doesn't... didn't go to... through the primer. And would believe such a message, that, 'A Angel come down and spoke to them'?"

61But what if the man would said, "I saw his Message vindicated"?

62He'd said, "Let me quickly give you your papers. And get out of this society!" Times change, but people don't. It would've probably happened again today, they would a-been throwed out of their churches.

63 But the shepherds felt completely at ease in that place with God's Lamb. And any good shepherd does the same thing. When a good shepherd over the sheep can see the Word of God made plain and vindicated, of what He promised to do, that shepherd's right at home. I don't care what anybody else says, there's "God promised It, and God did It."

64They say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as the Baptism of the Spirit. There's no such thing as the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, that was for the apostles."

65But let a true shepherd of the Word preach It, in the power of the resurrection, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Wherever He calls, the promise and the same blessing is true. And let a genuine Word-feeding shepherd see that vindicated, all the theologians in the world can't take It away from him; because he know God said so, and it happens. That's all. It's just God's Word always. His Word was made flesh and was dwelling among them, and they knew It not.

66 He promised the same thing in this day. I wonder if we would recognize It? The proud and wise had never received such a thing as that. And they believed if there was such a thing as the Messiah on earth, It would certainly have to come to their denomination. It would be their group would receive It, or "It wasn't right." Now, just think right hard. If it ain't in their group, then... Did you notice, then? God never chose any out of their group, but He chose that who wasn't connected with any of it. Because one group would said, "You see what we did?" And they'd do the same today. But God chooses the nobody, that's the reason He chose the shepherd. The shepherds was completely at home with the God-lamb in their midst, His Word made flesh among them. The proud and wise never received It, passed by them.

67 And we could say as much for today, or in any age. It was the same things in the days of Martin Luther. Same thing in the days of John Wesley. It was the same things in the days of the Pentecostals. But God stops for no man's organization! He moves His Spirit right on to vindicate His Word! It would a-had to be and come in the class of their own council or they wouldn't receive It. As they're so headstrong today, all the churches, that they are "going to do such-and-such, and unite all the churches together." If they're looking for a messenger now, who can unite all the Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox, everything together, make one great church.

68 Now, brethren, I've had the privilege of preaching to hundreds of different religions, and there's good men in all of them. But now, you remember, I am prophesying, "Every organization will have to accept this, or not be an organization. It's forcing you." Did you read the Tucson paper today where Catholic priests help ordaining, in the paper... help ordain, in Missouri, a Protestant clergyman? And who was it recognizing it? Presbyterian, Baptists, Lutheran, and Assemblies of God. It's in the Tucson paper today.

69Oh, it's shocking! It's not the man in there, it's them ecclesiastical, governmental heads that twist the thing in there, the system that throws you into it whether you want to or not. You can no longer be an organization and escape this wrath that's coming upon the earth, and you see if that isn't right. I may be gone when it happens, look back on one of these tapes. And then if it wasn't, I'm a false witness. If it was, I've told the Truth.

70 They would have called It "some kind of a working of an evil spirit" against their positive thinking. You hear so much today about positive thinking: you just put your mind on anything, and think positive on it. The Devil can do that! There's only one thing that rules over all, and that's God's Word. If you are thinking contrary to the Word, forget your thinking. Think on the Word.

71"Messiah," they thought, "would not be found in such a place, a mess as that."

72Could you imagine a fine, great high priest, or clergyman, all polished in theology, would come down to a stable full of manure? And accept the Message of a poor, humble shepherd that had no education, and would come say "See, I can prove It to you, this is the Baby, this is the Messenger"?

73And you know what them people would a-said? "The man is honest, he's very sincere in what he's saying, but he's absolutely wrong!"

74 I've seen people live such good lives until people wouldn't believe, couldn't say nothing about them, but they say "He's sincerely wrong. He just doesn't know what he's talking about. God, He wouldn't do such a thing as that."

75But here they had the evidence! And after the evidence, "Go up there at the stable and see if that baby isn't laying there."

76They'd say, "You've been bewitched by some evil spirit, that's caused you to say such." Yet it was according to the Word of God! And they were too blind to see It, because their theology had blinded them. What a tragedy!

77"Caught in such a place? In such a mess as this was? In a stable?" When they had a beautiful place for Him to come, they had everything fixed for Him to come, and then to think that He would come down (and go) and not bring their teachers the Message. "And would give It to a bunch of unlearned shepherds? And then bring His own Son, and have Him borned in a--a stable? A common livery stable? Well, in a--in a manger of hay? Why, it couldn't be so!" They wouldn't believe It, because It was so humble.

78 And It's so simple, that's how the wise always overlooks It. It's so simple, It confounds them. They looked for a God way out there, when He's right here. See? They're looking for something way yonder, when it's right here with them now: Christ, risen from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

79All their great things was bypassed. But it sure was the Truth, that "there was the Messiah." We know it today. We believe it today. We accept it today.

80But then if God promised something for this Christmas, promised something for this day, and proves that It's so, and we still walk away from It, we're just in the same class them was (back there at that day) that bypassed It; because It don't--does not come in our denominational taste. That's why we're in such a mess this Christmas.

81 Jesus Christ is not dead, He's alive. He's here today! The Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." He said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me..." (not he that makes-believe, he that says he believes) "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also. And more than this shall he do, because I go to the Father." And I've seen Him, in my own life, do more of the same works (that He did then) than is written in the pages of this Bible. And it goes over the top of the head and the wise today, and revealed to babes such as will learn; as Jesus prayed for. It is true, He's done more than He... I've seen in my day, of my thirty-three years of ministry, I've seen Him do more than I have read of Him doing in the Bible; more of the same thing.

82 But no matter what He did then, do you think the Sanhedrin believed Him? "Well," they said, "you're bewitched." But, find out, where they made their mistake was to find out... in finding out, not what their creed said, but what the Word said Messiah would do in their day. There's where we make the mistake today, not searching the Scriptures. Jesus told them, "Search the Scriptures, in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me. They tell you Who I am."

83 Notice, God foreknew they would do this, that's just the why He had to take It to shepherds. He knew they wouldn't do it, they wouldn't receive It. Now do you see why it had to be shepherds? Why shepherds? Theologians wouldn't receive It. Why shepherds again? Would It come contrary to His Word? No! They were shepherds, they knowed sheep; and that's what He was borned, a sheep, a lamb. Notice, He was the Lamb. They were--they were the only kind that would accept Him. A shepherd was the only thing would accept a Lamb. They knowed how to take care of It, and so is it today when we get the Lamb's Message.

84 Now the striking! The most humblest, uneducated man adoring Emmanuel in a stable. The most... And there were people out there, at the same days, teaching their theology. Great crowds, drawing everywhere, from all over the land, they come to sacrifices which Jehovah said was "a stench in His nostrils." And here was humble shepherds, in a stable, adoring Emmanuel; God Himself made flesh, and laying in a stable. See, how we with our great learnings, and our head sticking back like we know something, and God bypasses the whole thing. See? He does what He promises to do, and He always does that. But think of these lowly shepherds out there now adoring Emman-... Emmanuel in a stable. It's most striking. Sure is!

85 Then out... After they had adored Him, and realized that the Message that they had been preaching was vindicated, there they are... were out praising God with the most incredible Message of an Angel. Now compare that with today. Just stop a minute and think. Man out adoring God, and praising Him for what they had seen, what they heard, what they knew was the Truth, with the Message that was incredible to the intellectual mind. It was contrary to all ecclesiastical thinking, and yet it was the Truth! It's the Truth! They believed It. And now, how foolish can the wisdom of man be! Then saying that a Angel choir sang to them the first noel. Could you imagine that? That a shepherd that couldn't write his name, smelling like a sheep pen, walking down the street, hollering, "Glory to God in the Highest! We know that He's on earth!"

86The priest said, "That man's out of his mind. Look upon the books and see if he's a member of our congregation. He certainly embarrasses us by his unethical teachings. Get him away from us. We will not be embarrassed amongst the people."

87Well, you can be embarrassed amongst the people and glorified in the sight of God; or take your choice, 'cause, remember, the ecclesiastical taste of the day don't fit God's Word. There not no nine hundred and sixty-nine different tastes of It. It's one taste, one Word, one God. That's all.

88 Saying that Angels sang the first noel to them, and also saying that they "got a Message from an Angel." An Angel appeared to them, give them a Message, and they went and found out that Message was Truth. And saying, "Besides that, the Angel sang the first noel to us."

89"Could you imagine?" They say, "That poor fellow." They'd never had anything like that to happen among them, you know, so it was kinda strange doctrine to them. And that's the reason they couldn't find It in the Scriptures, it wasn't for them to find It. Incredible to the wise, no such experience had ever happened to them. Unbelievable, but still It was the Truth. It's the Truth, we know It's the Truth. Think! Christ's first converts and first congregation was sheepmen, not clergymen; sheepmen, herders. Why shepherds?

90 Notice! Out praising and glorifying God for what they had seen and heard, heard Angels sing for their first time to a human being. Angels had never sang to a human being before. And look at the choirs, how they had stood and trained and trained those voices, "they'd sing at the birth of the Messiah," and they were all bypassed! And Angels came down and sang to common sheepman, not with clergy clothes on, but with shepherds' clothes on. And look who got the first Message, it's incredible.

91And where it was given, not in the cathedrals, but in the wilderness, out in the wilderness where the Angel of the Lord came. Not in the church, in the wilderness. He wasn't even welcome in the church. They thought He was, and they thought they had It, but God proved that it was wrong. "He's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." That's right.

92 The first time Angels ever sang at a celebration, it was in Heaven. If you'll look in Job 38:7, (as I see some of you taking notes), when God first planned on making His first creation, the earth. Job was a great, smart man, and he had all kinds of wisdom. He said, "When I go up to the markets, the young princes, they all bow before me, and just want a moment of my wisdom." And he couldn't figure out why he had to be treated the way he was.

93And so God asked him, said, "Gird yourself up like a man, because I'm coming down to talk to you." And when God came down in a whirlwind, He said, "Job, where was you before I laid the foundations of the earth? When the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy, where were you then, Job?" And he was deflated at that time. "Where was you?"

94See, the first time Angels ever sang at a celebration, was in Heaven. But the first time they ever sang on earth, was to shepherds at the birth of God, Emmanuel on earth; first human beings ever heard an Angel sing, was humble shepherds.

95 When we take our painted-faced women, bobbed hair, wearing shorts, and swing some kind of a church robe around them, and stand them up and sing like something, and then we think that God has to listen to that? He's got Angels back yonder who can entertain Him since the... before He ever made a human being. Uh-huh. Get out and live... and wear clothes that's an abomination to God, and how can you expect that to be of God? You say, "Well, I belong to..."

96"Where was you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me where I fastened them to. Where is the axle that they turn on? Where were you then?" You think God has to ask us for some of our wisdom. Our wisdom's only foolish to Him. He does what He says He will do.

97 Now notice, God is fixing to make another creation. He creating mortal earth, mortal life. Angels sing in Heaven. But here He's creating a new Life, Eternal Life for man, and He's singing to His subjects through Angels; on the earth, not in Heaven. Heaven had Eternal Life. See? And He sang... they sang to the Heavens, when the mortal creation come in; and here the immortal creation is coming in, and now they're singing to earthly people. The first time, to shepherds. Striking, isn't it?

98 He had started a new creation. What was it? A creation of Himself. God was made flesh and dwelt among us. That's... The Bible said, "In the beginning of the creation of God." God was created in human form; in Jesus Christ, His Son, God dwelt. He built His tabernacle of flesh and bones, and lived in that tabernacle; God, Emmanuel, "God with us." He built Himself a house, to live in it, so He could reflect His Word to His subjects through that. You know what God is, when you see Christ.

99 Remember, there is always singing at the birth of a king. How many knowed that? Of course, you did. Well, now, do you think if this King would've been borned down there, a woman would've come running into the cathedral somewhere, and said, "Make a bed ready right quick, and get the doctors, because I'm going to bring Emmanuel to the earth"? A poor woman out of Nazareth, the lowest city, the... meaner than Tucson or any of the rest of them, and yet this little woman comes running up there to the great high priest and said, "I--I'm fixing to give birth to Emmanuel." They'd a-throwed her in jail. They sure would. They certainly would. Of such a heresy as that to be brought amongst his people, he wouldn't have stood for it. Neither would he today. But just the same it's happening, just the same.

100 Notice, there has to be singing. Kings were... He wouldn't have been sang to. The people wouldn't have sang to Him, because they didn't believe Him. And that's the reason... Here It comes, you might as well get It. That's the reason today that people's ashamed to praise God, they're ashamed of Christ! The great cathedrals won't receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, they're so set in their ecclesiastical way that they will not receive It. God's going to find somebody that He can get praise through. "He's able of the stones to rise children to Abraham," as I quote John again.

101Notice, His subjects must sing to Him. And His subjects then was His Angels, and they sang to His shepherds which was to take His Message.

102 Who should hear It first? Of course, His subjects. That's who would hear the King's singing first, would be His subjects. And what was His subjects? Kinda striking, isn't it, brethren? It wasn't His clergymen. It wasn't the theologians. That's right. It wasn't the denominational people. No, it was shepherds. Why? There was a sheep borned, that's the reason. See? His subjects heard It, who God knew would believe. God sent His Message to those who would believe It. He's all wisdom; He knows where to send His Message, who will believe It. The Highest of Heaven sent to the lowest of man upon the earth.

103Jesus said, in Matthew 5, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Mary, in... If you're putting them Scriptures down, that's Matthew 5. And if you're putting Scriptures down... That's what I have written here, is Scriptures.

104 Mary said, in Luke 1:52, when she was anointed with the Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon her, she said, "He has exalted them of low degree." Mary said that, the mother of Jesus, said, "He has exalted those of low degree."

105Luke also said, "The common people heard Him gladly." Not the--the elite, the--the theologians, the doctors of the law and of divinity; but the common people heard Him gladly, people of low degree.

106Throughout all sacred Scriptures, the Message of redemption has been given by shepherds and through sheep.

107Now I have to come to a close, because we're getting time to close. I'm bypassing many Scriptures just so I can get you to this thought.

108 Throughout all Scripture, redemption has been represented through shepherds and sheep. That's right. We all agree to that. Why? It was in shadow and type. And anything... If I never had seen my hand, and I looked down here at my hand's shadow, and I see I had five fingers, I would know that it was reflecting; the negative was reflecting a positive. And that's why the Message always came to... redemption by sheep, because from the very beginning... And it was through sheep, and by shepherds, that He revealed Hisself. All was shadows and types.

109 Now let us look at the beginning. Adam and Eve, standing there in the presence of God to hear His Message to them, they had draped about their loins the skin of sheep. The first Message was ever heard, was given over the top of a dead sheepskin, that God had slew and wrapped Adam and Eve in it. After they tried to make their own religion of fig leaves, it wouldn't work. Sheep sacrifice had been instituted for atonement since the very beginning, sheep sacrifice.

110Now, we're going to close this off now, and show you why it had to be shepherds; and why it had to be, He had to be a sheep.

111 Now, the prophets of the Old Testament draped themselves in sheepskins (we know that, uh-huh), signifying their faith in His Word of the coming perfect Lamb. That's why the prophets.

112Now, the Word of God does not come to a theologian, there's no... he--he's the one messes It up. That's right. There's no such a thing as ever saying... You saying, "Well, this guy's a theologian." That just puts him farther away from the Word than anything I know of. See? The Word of the Lord God, the unchanging God, never does change. Anywhere in the Bible, the Word of God always did come to prophets. Not to theologians or doctors, to prophets! And they always, every time, was refused and rejected.

113 Prophets was usually herdsmen also. Prophets draped theirselves in sheepskins, because they wore the skin of the sheep they were herding. And the first message, to a--a--a condemned generation, was over the top of sheepskins. Prophets, I say again, wore sheepskins draped around themselves, 'cause they were testifying by that, that they believed that there was coming a perfect Lamb for that sacrifice. And the Word of the God came to them over the top of sheepskins. These herdsmen... or these prophets usually were herdsmen. Abraham was a herdsman. Isaac was a herdsman. Jacob was a herdsman. Moses was a herdsman. David was a herdsman. All of God's representatives usually were herdsmen.

114 Now we're going to find out why it come to shepherds. They knew the sheep is helpless without the shepherd to guide them. They... a sheep is perfectly helpless, he cannot go by himself. That's the reason God likened His believing children unto sheep. They've got to be guided. But watch what's guiding you! Don't get a goat, he'll walk you to the slaughterpen. God never give us a goat, He gave us His Son (the Holy Spirit) to guide us. He is our guide, not some man-made herdsmen, but a God-given herdsman who feed the sheep upon sheep food.

115 Now, you take a pig, and you say to this pig, "I'm going to make you a lamb." And you wash him. And you paint his toenails, and--and so forth. And give him food like a sheep, give him some kind of a--a diet. And put him out on the floor or out in the... where the--the sheep herd, in the alfalfa field or something. And if there's a mud hole anywhere, that hog will go just as straight to that mud hole as he can go. See? Why? Is because his nature is still a hog.

116And that's the reason that church members, today, indulge in the things of the world, see, is because their nature hasn't been changed. They'll eat any kind of a ecclesiastical, theological slop, but the Word of God they can't stand It. They'll go in and listen to the Word...

117 You know, the biggest hypocrite in the world, is an old crow. In the Bible, there were two let out of the ark. The old crow went out and he never did return, because he's a vulture, a scavenger. He set on the bodies of the dead carcasses and filled his belly with the dead carcass. But when he turned the dove out, the dove could not stand that stench, so she returned back to Father's house and Noah, and beat at the door until Noah let her in.

118Now, a crow can set out here and eat on a dead horse, all day, and fly out there in the field and eat grain with the dove. But a dove cannot fly over there and eat on the dead horse, and then eat grain; it would kill him. See, the dove don't have any gall, and he can't digest it.

119And when any dove of God, any Word-eating dove or sheep, a clean beast, when you go to give them the things of the world, they know their Master said, "He that loves the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in him." You give him something contrary to that Word of God, he cannot stand it. But the Devil can take That and the world too, and call it all of God. You can't mix oil and water, it just won't mix.

120 They, all these shepherds, they knew the sheep was helpless without the shepherd. And they were shepherds, and knew that he must be guided.

121What a pity it is to see, today, that they try to feed sheep, slop. But a sheep won't eat it. No, sir! See, they was trying to feed sheep, back there, slop. And when the Word come, they had been so used to slop, they didn't know the Word. And that's what it is today, when the same thing vindicated and proved that God would do a certain thing. Then they so used to slop, and slop-fed, till you... well, there isn't no talking to them, they just won't listen to It, that's all. The dog... Bible said, "As a dog returns to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow, so do they."

122Hear the Word, and go back right to the same old wallow! And say, "Ah, It's fanaticism. Don't believe such a thing as that."

123 God... sheep does the same today, they must trust in the Word diet. They will not take any other diet. You can't give them an ecclesiastical diet, a real sheep. No! No! You go tell them, "Now look, we'll all be together. Now, Jesus prayed that we all might be 'one.'" You just heard the same thing at Tucson not long ago, a few days ago, but it's a lie! Jesus never prayed... How did He... How can you make the Word condemn Itself? Backfire on Itself, then God's no more than any other man.

124Jesus said, "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" How you going to take Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Catholic, and throw it all together and be one? You might be one under man's head, but Jesus said, "That they might be one even as--as I and You are one." Now, He wants us all to be one in Him which is the Word! Amen! There it is, "One with the Father." And the Father is the Son, is the same. And it's the same Word, the Word manifested, displaying Itself in this day as It did in any other day, that you might be one.

125 Notice, He said, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you." The Father that sent Him, went in Him to confirm the Word. And the same Jesus that sends His people, goes in the people that He sends; and saying, "The works that I do, shall you do also." Sure, He prayed that we might be one; one with Him, not one with an organization. Not one with a system, but one with God. For God in His Word is one, and Jesus and God was one, and you and I and the Word must be one. That's right. We must be one in agreement with the Word. Not what somebody else says, this is no private interpretation. Take It, what It says, and believe It; and God will vindicate It, and prove that It's right. You think It's just for disciples only, take His Word for it, go try it once and see. You'll find out that it will work for you just the same as He promised. Yes, sir!

126They won't eat on slop, they have to have a sheep diet. Saint John 10 declares that, "My sheep know My Voice." And if He is the Word, then what kind of a Voice does He have? "My sheep know My Voice, strangers they will not follow." See? Jesus said, "A strange voice they would not follow." So, His sheep doesn't follow a stranger's voice. They won't follow them.

127Prophets, shepherds, and sheep, all testify of the coming.

128 Now see the unchanging God in His unchanging plans of His Word this day. Now just think a few minutes: the unchanging Word.

129Now look! If--if Moses would've come with Noah's message, it wouldn't a-worked. If John the Baptist would have come with Moses' message it wouldn't work. If Jesus would've come with Moses' or Noah's message, it wouldn't work. And Wesley come with Luther's message, it wouldn't a-worked. If the Pentecost come with the Wesleyan message, it wouldn't a-worked; we just heard that testify. Now, God just keeps moving. Just watch the Word, you see where we're at.

130 Then why should not the shepherds' first announcement... If all these prophets, all these great man were shepherds, then why should God (the unchanging One) change His method right here, and bring It to theologians? It was shepherds. The arrival of the perfect Lamb, the sin-offering, should come to the shepherd.

131The shepherd knows his sheep better than anyone else. There's no one knows a sheep like a shepherd, he's trained to it. Also knew what kind of food they would eat. They... he knew what the sheep would eat, and he knows his sheep by what they eat. The... you'd see a sheep go out to a slop-pen and start eating slop, you'd say, "Get that scavenger away." See? So God knew where to send them.

132 Now let us call one of Jehovah's great shepherd-prophets, to confirm that God was in these prophets under the sheepskin. Watch now. We will call, first, Moses. Let's look at him. His ministry will show us Jehovah in His shepherd-prophet. Now, we'll just take maybe one, if we have time, for about the next ten minutes. We'll take two of them, but maybe this one will be all right.

133Moses; Jehovah displays Himself here, in this shepherd-prophet. He was given three gifts to vindicate his ministry and calling to the elders of Israel, and to Pharaoh. Notice this shepherd-prophet, now. He give, always, His prophets, the supernatural sign, to vindicate that it was God in them; for there cannot be the presence of God without supernatural things happening. Never did Jehovah ever appear without the supernatural following Him. It has to be. So He always a-vindicated Himself that He was with these prophets, by confirming what they were prophesying of, if it was according to His Word.

134 Now, the first--the first sign He gave to the... this prophet-shepherd (look), turned his rod to a serpent.

135Second, his hand turned to leprosy.

136Third, to take water out of the Nile River in Egypt, and turn it to blood.

137Now, He give him three signs to vindicate to Egypt, and also to Israel, that he was God's spoken Word.

138Now, remember, Moses called into creation! That's right. Picked up sand and throwed it up in the air, and said, "Let fleas come," and fleas came. Said, "Let flies come," and flies come. "Let frogs come," and frogs come. He brought into creation! Now, a man cannot create, but it wasn't man to begin with. It was Jehovah in His prophet-shepherd! Amen!

139 Watch! The third sign He give him was not related to his occupation, nor either was it related to his person; his third sign. Notice, the first two signs related to him, hisself and his occupation. And they was the only two signs that the Bible says that "had a voice." The other sign didn't have a voice. But the two signs that was given from his own person, and to his people, had voices. But the third sign, now notice, it was given... the sign, the third sign, was the sign of death: water turning to blood. If your--if your--if your blood would turn to water, then you would die. And where there's blood, shed blood, is a sign of death; so it was to Pharaoh. The third was to turn the Nile water into blood, was to show--to show his Message to Pharaoh that our God is God over the Nile, over the god of the Nile. He's God over everything, and He's going to bring death to that nation. And that's what the sign of blood was. Oh, my! Direct sign of death: blood!

140 But the other two had voices of prophecy. (I--I--I hope you're reading now, between lines, what I'm saying.) But the other two signs had voices of prophecy to Israel concerning their future. (Now to you that was up on the mountain not long ago, when the rock was threw up.)

141Now, and going... he was going to change nature, to make it work for them. Watch the pole, watch the serpent, watch the Red Sea, and whatever that He did, now. Look at that shepherd's goad making a way for them to go. That stick that was in the shepherd's hand, bypassed every bit of theology and all the things the priests had said, and that shepherd's rod led them right on down through every impossible thing (to man). When Pharaoh tried to think that "the cataracts erupted up in the mountains and throwed the water, then made it turn it into blood," then God rained fire out of heaven. And He rained hail out of heaven, and He--and He rained lice upon the earth, and everything.

142 What did He do? By that shepherd's staff, not a--a textbook. Not a theologian's idea, but a shepherd's staff! We're coming to it in a minute; a shepherd's staff, He did it. Not a--a denominational's prayer book, but a shepherd's staff. Shepherd's rod guiding his sheep, making the way clear as they went towards the promised Word in the land. What a beautiful thing that is today of the shepherd's staff, today, guiding His sheep to the Promised Land; bypassing all theology and everything else of this world, and the things of the world, and the denominations, everything; opening up the way, and proving His Word to be the Truth; the shepherd's staff going ahead.

143 And notice, that same shepherd's staff that was guiding the sheep... Do you believe that? He certainly did guide the sheep, he delivered them out of Egypt with that staff in his hand. We could say much more about it. But to hit the highlight, he guided the sheep and sent judgment upon the rejecting of It! The same staff that become a blessing to one, become a curse to the others. The same waters (of Noah's preaching) that saved him, condemned the world. The same staff that led Israel to the promised land, condemned those who refused to follow the prophet-shepherd. That's right, become a stick of judgment.

Nature; notice how God speaks in His nature. If we just had time. I wrote a note there: God speaking in His nature. We haven't time to prove it.

144 But proving later, by the brass serpent on the shepherd's sheep-goad (that he wrapped this snake around, in the wilderness), this speaks of true atonement coming for sickness and sin.

145That staff itself had turned into a serpent before Pharaoh, and the same Pharaoh tried to mimic by magicians. And so does the modern Pharaohs of today, and make-believers, carnal impersonators of the Message, try to mimic the same thing without knowing where it's coming from; and throw It into some denominational something, when It's as free from it as the air is from being penned up. Sure! But try to mimic, make a mimic.

146But, notice, this same shepherd's staff eat up the other snakes. Where was them snakes at? They were rods on the floor, and there was only one rod picked up. "Both heavens and earth will pass away," said Jesus, "but My Word shall not." Speaks of true atonement coming for sin.

147 Also, Israel's future offered... and there where I spoke of Israel, now in the future... There they were offered deliverance from bondage of death by a prophet-shepherd. They were brought out of bondage by a prophet-shepherd with a staff. See? It was speaking of Israel's future Deliverer, from death and hell, by a Shepherd-prophet that we'll speak of.

148Now, to all that... all as we know Israel, did not receive the prophet-shepherd's Word, all of Israel didn't receive It. Now, notice, they was complaining. "Oh," when he was performing the miracles, "he was a great fellow," but when it come to his Message, "that was different." All great signs follows a new message coming. We know that. In the wilderness they complained, in the wilderness, and died by the thousands. Frankly, there wasn't only two of them that ever went through that was saved out of a two and a half million, two out of two and a half million.

149You say, "That... What happened to them?" They're Eternally gone.

150"All of them, Brother Branham?" Jesus said so.

151They said, "Our fathers eat Manna in the wilderness, and they drank from the Rock."

152And He... Jesus said, "And they are, every one, dead," Eternally separated, see, every one.

153 Notice they complained about God's provided way, was the reason they died. (Now, closely, don't miss these last few remarks.) They complained! What made them die in the wilderness, they complained about God's provided way: by a one-man Message, a prophet, a leadership of one man. Tell me when God ever used a group to lead. You won't find it in the Bible. One man, they... The Word came to Moses!

154Korah; we all know that he--he got hisself together and complained about God not being just, to do a thing like that, to make one man with the Message. He said, "We're all holy. Why can't we have a denomination? And why can't we have... set up this, and do this, and do that?"

155God told Moses, "Separate yourself from him, I've had enough of it." And remember, Jude speaks the same thing, in the last days. That's right, "They perished in the gainsaying of Korah." We also know what happened to Korah and the--and the rest that questioned God's Word and God's wisdom of that one-man leadership: every one of them perished.

156 Now, we will notice God in the shepherd-prophet, showing His future plans in the next sign voice. Now, watch. We see it there, now let's watch it in the next sign.

157Now, notice, he was sent to his brethren in slavery, under bondage, with a Message of deliverance, with a God-given sign to prove His claims. Israel went for his Message, they believed It, every one of them, but in the evening time... They went for his miracles, but in the evening time when they... he gave his Message, "It was different." All that did not believe that Message, died. That's right. What was the Message? The Message was of the coming judgment. At the evening, at the evening time, God went out through the camp of Israel to find if the people had believed His shepherd-prophet's Message; and all had not believed It, perished.

158 Now notice, we're going to bring it over to the Great Shepherd just in a few moments. See? Notice the Great Shepherd-prophet's ministry. Of His miracles, every church opened and would receive Him. They wanted their sick healed. They wanted to do great things. His popularity was great. But when the evening time came, one day after He had turned water to wine, and had fed thousands, bread, and had performed miracles, He begin to set down and talk to them. And He said to them, "I and My Father are one. [] Why sayest thou, 'Show us the Father'?"

159"Oh, brother! This man making himself equal with God?" That was too much for their ecclesiastical thinking. But it was the Truth, He was! See? But when they did, many did not follow him.

160Then He turned around and said, "Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

161Now, what do you think a smart, intellectual person would thought? I imagine the priests that had had Him in the temple was very--was very ashamed of--of them having Him there. "To think that a man would stand up and say a thing like that, 'Except you people eat My Flesh, and drink My Blood.'" Said, "This is a human vampire, see, 'Eat My Flesh and drink... ' Why, he's a cannibal. You good thinking people will... you'll get away from such a lunatic as that."

162He never explained It, He just said It! He did it to stumble them, to separate His sheep from goats. He did it to throw them off. And then nobody wanted to cooperate with Him. They had no cooperation from then on. See?

163 Notice, at the evening time, God went out through the camps and seen who had believed. And He did the same thing in the days of the Great Shepherd. Notice the Great Shepherd-prophet's ministry, but notice this, to believers of His Message, but not... This evening Message, they wouldn't believe It. They wouldn't believe that He was God. They wanted to make Him a nice man. They wanted to make Him a prophet. He was a nice man, and He was a Prophet, but He was more than that. That's the common teaching today, that "He's just a good man, He was a Prophet." He was nothing short of Emmanuel! He was God manifested in Jesus Christ His Son, making Him and the Father one. That's all He could be.

164 Zechariah 14:7, I might say this, speaks of the evening Lights and Message again at the end time. Did you notice that? As many as followed Moses, seen the Pillar of Fire that identified him on Mount Sinai. He had testified of, and spoke of this Pillar of Fire being in a bush and had told him this Message, many of them wouldn't believe It. But as many as followed him out of Egypt (come up out of the world and crossed the sea of separation, and went into the wilderness), saw the same Pillar of Fire (that he spoke of) vindicating that shepherd-prophet to be the shepherd of the sheep. They saw It, and many of them still didn't believe It after they saw It.

165 Notice how, again, the never-changing God, the Great Shepherd-prophet, took them that stayed by Him and with His ministry to Mount Olive; the Great Shepherd-prophet, the One we're speaking of, Jesus. []

Seen and heard the Father (the same Pillar of Fire) vindicate Him, that vindicated Moses.

166The same God that Moses spoke of, come over Moses and proved by a Pillar of Fire that He was Jehovah that was leading Moses. God was in His shepherd-prophet.

167Here He takes the other shepherd-prophet, the Great Prophet, the Real Sheep, Jesus, and takes the choice of three man, and takes them up on top of Mount Olives, and there a-vindicated Jesus. And even ex-commuted Himself from all other people, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him!" And when they looked up, they saw no man save Jesus only. That's right. He was the One. Now, that settles it, as far as I'm concerned. See?

168 []... The Shekinah [] face. Moses was in the presence of the Shekinah on Mount Sinai. It changed his face. When he come down, he had to--to put a veil over his face, the shepherd-prophet Moses; who Jehovah was in, in a portion, just a portion, his face. He had the Word in his mouth.

169But notice when the Great Shepherd was in the presence of the Shekinah. What did it do? It changed His whole countenance. He wasn't just part of God, He was all of God! He was Emmanuel.

Why did it have to be shepherds?

170 Look! See, now, God Almighty patrolleth... portraying Himself, rather, in Moses the shepherd-prophet. Watch how God made Hisself known. (This is my last remark.) See Him standing anointed in the presence of the Pillar of Fire! Nobody on the mountain at all but Moses and Jehovah. Amen! Amen means "so be it."

171Watch! "Put thy hand in thy bosom!" But, watch this second sign now with a voice. "Put thy hand into the bosom." We have no reason to believe that Moses was left-handed, so he must have put his right hand into his bosom, 'cause most man are right-handed. He put his right hand... Now watch! What a picture we see here, of Jehovah in Moses the shepherd-prophet! Moses representing God, 'cause God was in Moses. Watch him put his... "Hand in thy bosom." What a sign!

172 Now, there he stands, holding his right hand over his heart (standing like this) where the hidden secrets of redemption had been hid since the foundation of the world. Here's why shepherds. Jesus is God's right hand, we all know. There's Moses portraying Him exactly. He held the secrets of the Father, and has showed them to us. Notice, watch him pull from his bosom his right hand smitten with deadly leprosy. Showed what God would do with His Right Hand. Notice, the leprosy has no cure. Notice, again, it wasn't just common leprosy, it was in its last stage, white as snow; his hand was smitten with a horrible thing. How Moses must have felt when he pulled his right hand from over his heart, out of his bosom, and his hand was smitten with leprosy! Leprosy symbolizes sin, incurable, and especially in its last stage.

173 Brethren, that's where the world was when God pulled His Right Hand from His bosom! The world was smitten with deadly leprosy, and no cure at all for it. So is it tonight, because they won't receive the remedy. The remedy was made at Calvary, but people wants to take some man-made prescription in the stead of God's prescription for sin.

174Notice it never gradually come on, as the course of leprosy does, but all at once! When he pulled his hand, it was smitten, it was full of leprosy. Notice what God said, "Now, you won't gradually drift into sin; but the day you eat thereof, that day you die." And that's right, "The day you eat of it."

175 Notice, it was the prophet-shepherd that smote himself. He took, by the commandment of God, and put his own hand into his bosom, and pulled it out smitten with leprosy. The prophet-shepherd did it himself. And the Great Prophet-shepherd, Jesus, did it Himself, "I lay My life down, no man takes it from Me." He was the Great Shepherd, the Great Prophet-shepherd, "No man takes it from Me, I do it of Myself." Notice it didn't gradually come, it come in a minute. The Great Shepherd, Himself, took our guilt and smote Himself, took our sins and laid it upon Himself. No wonder the poet wrote:

Mid rendering rocks and darkening skies,

My Saviour bowed His head and died;

The opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joy's and endless day.

176 That secret had been in God's bosom all these years, covered by His right hand, Jesus. The Great Shepherd took upon Himself our guilt for us. Isaiah 53:6, said, "He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes we are healed." The secret of God's healing laid in the bosom of Jesus Christ, or God, He was on the right hand of God, that's the only sheep that held in His bosom the secret. That's the reason the foreshadows of It had to always be a sheep! The first was a sheep, the last was a Sheep. That's the reason It had to come to a shepherd, to know how to take care of his Sheep. You get It? Notice, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace upon Him."

177 Notice, it came quick; and it left quick, no sooner the right hand was drawn from the bosom the second time. The deadly disease was gone, when he drew it the second time. And when the Great Shepherd, the Sheep-prophet, when He said... On Calvary's cross, when He had paid the penalty of sin for us all, He said, "It's finished." Sin was over, the penalty was paid, debts were settled! It didn't take a year, or [] finally come into it in the days of some other reformer or something, it was finished right then!

178 Sin came in a moment, by transgression of God's Law, by breaking one Word. Tonight, my brethren, your soul is over hell on a chain. And that chain is not some theological seminary's teaching, that chain is not some denomination or some creed that you're living by, that chain is God's Word! Jesus gave the human race His Word to live by, and Eve only broke one little link of It. And the... any chain is no stronger than its weakest link. When you take one Word out... That was the first of the Book.

Jesus came in the middle the Book, said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That was the middle of the Book.

The last of the Book, He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word (mistranslate one Word), take one Word out of Here, I'll take his part from the Book of Life." You're passing over hell, hanging on the Word of God. Don't you let somebody squeeze something into you that's not THUS SAITH THE LORD!

179 Oh, I see... Well, they say, "Surely, all we've done. All we've done!" That's what maybe the high priests and them thought in the days of the Great Shepherd. That's what Eve thought. That's what Satan told her, "Surely God will not." But He did, 'cause He said He would. And that's the reason He'll do it again today.

180No wonder, as He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, very few, "For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to Life, and few there'll be that'll find It." That's right. "Cause broad is the way that leads to destruction, many will go in thereat."

181 When the Great Shepherd was smitten, the Great Sheep-prophet when He was smitten back there, He said, "It is finished!" And that minute, as soon as this Shepherd was smitten, it was over. Sin is settled, there was no more sin. They were clean, the penalty was paid. The believers whose names were written in the Book of Life, predestinated from the foundation of the world, it was finished that very minute that Jesus said it was finished. He, that Great Shepherd, had come for His sheep. It was finished, God's right hand was pulled from His bosom, smitten. Then on Easter He returned it (amen), raised it up again to His bosom, and extended it down to you and I, in the form of His Word, to redeem us back to the original garden from which sin took us from. The hidden secret of His great heart was revealed by a Prophet-shepherd. It was revealed by a Shepherd, Prophet-shepherd.

182 No wonder the mountains jumped and shouted on that day. No wonder the sun hid its face and screamed for joy. No wonder all nature broke loose; the wind shook the trees until they shook and shook, and joyed, and jumped. They seen the Prophet-shepherd, on the mountain, redeem every name on the Book of Life. And they seen that their own nature was redeemed! They screamed, and jumped. And the world went into an earthquake. And the mountains rent, and the rocks fell out. And the sun went down. And--and everything taken place. Like any meeting, when the Shepherd reveals to you that "it's finished!" There...

183 I've seen jumping spells, and joy spells, but there was nobody hurt. The mountains rung out, and they... the sun went down, and everything took place, but there was nobody hurt. And I've seen meetings where the power of God was revealed to the people that they "were free from the world and the things of the world," and the joy of the Lord filled the congregation. They stood and screamed, and cried, and shouted to the top of their voice, for the glory of God. I never did see anything disorderly, they was always right in order; because they had recognized that, their name that had been written on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. The great Prophet-shepherd had brought them the Message, and they were delivered, the Prophet-shepherd. No matter what the other ecclesiastical realms said about It, they knew what had happened. Just as them shepherds did back there, they knowed what took place.

184 No man has a right to enter the sacred desk to preach the Word until he has did as Moses did, meet God, himself, upon grounds where that there's no theologian can explain It away. Moses was there! No matter how Israel's messengers said, "oh, it was a nonsense, you just imagined you saw this; it's nonsense," you couldn't take That away from him, he knowed! He was there! He was the one it happened to! And no man by a--a theological degree or some doctor's degree has a right behind the pulpit, to claim the Message of Jesus Christ, until he's first met God face to face in the Pillar of Fire. He has no right to call himself a messenger, 'cause all the theologians in the world couldn't explain That away from you. It happened to you! You were there, you know about It. Care what anybody else says, or how much they can say, "the days is gone, it isn't so," you... it happened to you, and it's according to the Word.

185 Yes, that's the reason Moses knew this Voice had spoke to him, was a Word Voice. He knowed that God had told Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I will deliver them." And he knowed the four hundred years was up and he was called to do it.

186Man and women, God promised in this last days that He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He promised He'd send the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and He'd call a Bride without spot or wrinkle. He promised to do it, He'll do it. Don't listen to these hireling shepherds, they'll lead you astray. The Holy Spirit is the Shepherd to feed you sheep food from this Word. It always comes by the Shepherd. He is our Shepherd. Listen to Him, you are the sheep of His fold; if you are, you hear His Voice. Not what somebody else says, you hear what He says. A strange voice, you know nothing about it.

187 Oh, my, listen to the Mighty Shepherd-prophet again interpreting and introducing to them. John, when he stood in the river of Jordan, look what he said. Was standing there preaching, he said, "The hour is coming..."

188Notice, John was a priest's son. They always followed the--the line of their father, that's the way we got our names. By whatever they did, they called them that. And John was supposed to be a priest like his father.

189And, you know, this mother, when she had been conceived, after the Angel of the Lord met his father Zacharias, and went home to Elisabeth, and she was already six months in... to be mother. But she had had no life yet, she was scared 'cause the baby hadn't moved. That's subnormal.

190 And the Holy Ghost, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary, and told her that she was "going to have a baby, knowing no man," and told her about Elisabeth's condition.

191She went up the hills of Judaea, to tell Elisabeth. And when she met Elisabeth, she told her that she "was going to be a mother." And she couldn't understand it, "knowing no man." But she said, "The Holy Spirit overshadowed me, and said that this Holy thing that'll be borned of me will be called the 'Son of God,' and I'll call His name 'Jesus.'" And the first time that the name Jesus was ever spoke in a human lip, a little dead baby, in its mother's womb, leaped for joy and shouted; and jumped in the womb of a mother, and it never had received life yet.

192The Name of Jesus Christ spoke life into a dead baby. What ought It to do in a church that claims to be borned again?

193 And we set as sour as the bumps on a pickle, and let such things go on. And afraid to raise and testify your conviction, and condemn all this nonsense, make Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's Christmas time, get out these Santa Clauses and stuff, away with that nonsense of commercializing. Wherever you heard about Santa Claus in the Bible? It's a Roman mythology, there's nothing to it at all, there is no such a thing. Don't teach your children such nonsense as that. When one day you'll have to tell him that it was all a blind story, then you've lied to your child. And it'll hurt your testimony about Jesus Christ, he'll say, "Maybe It's the same thing." Put Jesus Christ the Great Shepherd-prophet back into the Christmas where It belongs.

194 Notice, listen to this prophet, John, as he stands there. We all know that he was a great shepherd-prophet. Now, he had a message, the Angel knowed that he was going to introduce Jesus.

195Now, he couldn't go to some seminary. They'd say, "Now, you know that Doctor So-and-so is just the man to take the place now. You're to introduce him. And you know that just..." See, he couldn't get mixed up with man.

196At the age of nine years old, we're told, he went into the wilderness to prepare before God. That's where the shepherds come from. Notice his message wasn't like a theologian, with some great, big swelling words of some degree. He said, "Oh, you generation of snakes." Telling religious man, "You bunch of snakes." That's what he had seen in the wilderness, he saw the snake. Lowest thing he could find was a snake, and he called them priests and clergymen and theologians of that day, "A bunch of snakes!" Said, "Who's warned you from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this, and we belong to that,' for I say unto you that God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Stones, what he had seen in the wilderness. "Also, the ax is laid to the root of the tree." That's what he had been seeing: snakes, trees, wilderness. And, see, that was his message. He didn't know the great swelling words of some great doctor of divinity (could explain It all away), he just preached exactly the line of nature.

197 That's what we're showing here: the shepherd's staff, the shepherd, the sheep, the line of nature.

198What did he do? He had a great thing to do, he was the one that would know the Messiah. He said, "I say, 'He's standing here among you now. And you don't know Him, because your theology has got you so tied up, you don't know where you're at.'"

199One day Jesus come walking out, he said, "Behold, there comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." The Lamb! Hallelujah! The real Atonement! There comes what every sheep from the Garden of Eden down has shadowed, an ordinary man walking down to the river.

200 They said, "John, how did you know It? I didn't see one thing different."

201"But I bear record, I saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and a Voice saying, 'This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in.'"

202Watch the Dove and the Lamb. See? Yeah. What if it had been a... what if it had been something... What if it had been a wolf standing there? Well, that Lamb could not have went upon... or that Dove... God symbolized Himself with a dove, the most meekest of all the birds of the heaven; His Son by a sheep, the most meekest of all the animals on earth. See, the clean bird of the heavens, not a crow; not a vulture, but a dove. Not a pig, but a lamb. Any other nature wouldn't have blended together.

203And notice when the Dove come upon the Lamb, It led Him. Not the way He would, but the way the Father would lead Him. That's the way a real lamb is today. O Christmas-time sheep, don't you know that God only leads by His Word? That's His staff.

204 Notice nothing would have took place, but John said, "The rest of them didn't see It, but I bear record, 'I saw It.'" Introducing: "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."

205May I now introduce my Christmas Message, and while I'm closing now: "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's that same Lamb. He's just as much the Lamb today as He was then. He's just as much here as He was there, for His Word is the same. "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them." That's exactly what He said. He never changes, He's God the Word. He never changes; still giving His sheep, and feeding them by His Shepherd-prophet, His sheep food first. Not to the theologian; to His sheep.

206 They won't... How can them others eat It. But the wise... Notice this! But the wise and intellectual, well-trained of the world, still desire to say there is a Santa Claus. And there's all kinds of fiction and stuff that they worship, because they won't accept Him, the Word; because in their denominations, It doesn't fit their taste, the hireling shepherds of the day. The hirelings from creed, that'll want to unite you under one goat, don't you believe it! They'll lead you to the slaughterpen. Hear the Great Shepherd that was born nineteen hundred year ago, this month. Sometime out yonder, in His Message, come the true shepherds that knowed how to take care of sheep.

207Noticing, they still desire it. They won't accept It today, just the same as they didn't then, because it does not a-fit their ecclesiastical taste. They turn that Word around and make it suit their organization, and they won't preach the Word. They won't! They say, "Well, that was for the days of apostles. It doesn't mean this." It means just exactly what It says, It needs nobody to...?... interpret It for them.

208 Now let us at this hour bow our heads and hearts towards the dust of the earth, and hasten real quick to a manger, to see and receive the Light that this Word brings by the Shepherd: the Great Prophet-shepherd, Jesus Christ the Son of God. I spoke to you at length. I maybe not fixed my words up like a clergymen should, I don't try to do that. I try to speak It just as He gives It to me.

209But, do you see why it had to be shepherds? The others was so trained in another thought till they wouldn't receive It. And today we've got all kinds of overseers, district man, bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, everything in the world, to try to lead us. But God give us a Shepherd, and that Shepherd is the Holy Spirit.

210 Listen to me now. "When He..." (not a thought, He is a personal pronoun) "When He the Holy Ghost is come (the Spirit of Truth), He will reveal these things to you that I have said unto you, and will show you things to come." That's the Great Shepherd, That's the Shepherd Jesus left. And the Holy Ghost wrote the Bible, the Bible said so, "Man of old, moved by the Holy Spirit, wrote the Word." Now, could the Holy Spirit pull you to a creed? Could It pull--pull you to something that this Word doesn't say? Why, it'd be totally impossible. The Holy Spirit would be a liar if He said that "This is what you should do," and then turn around and say, "No, It was a mistake, and you do what the church says do."

211Now, if you've been listening to something, another's pulled you away from the real, true Shepherd that'll lead you to the Word, the Holy Spirit, and you do not have the experience, and do not have the witness of the Holy Spirit in your life, which without...

212 God is One. God is the only one that has Eternal Life, and He is Eternal Life. And anything that had a beginning has an end. And if you're just a member of a church, it had a beginning. But the Word of God has no beginning, God has no... And when you are borned of God, you're borned of the Word, then you become a son of God, and your name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And you, the color of hair you have, the color eyes you have, the stature that you're in, God seen you before the foundation of the world. And He seen you, a human being, like you are. And though there come a million years yet, there's nothing can keep you from coming back to that perfect image that God ordained for you in the beginning, "My sheep hear My Voice, a stranger they will not follow."

213 And if you haven't accepted that Eternal Life, tonight, and you're looking at a--a--a fiction story of a little baby laying in a--a--a manger, and a bunch of wise man around, don't you believe such things as that. And trying to think, "Well, I'll be good. And I'll do this. And I'll join church. And that's all I need to do." You're lost. If you haven't got Eternal Life, how can you ever live forever?

214You can take a grain of corn, I don't care how perfect it looks, you can man-... Science has manufactured one, that you can cut it open: it's got the same kind of a moisture, the same kind of heart, the same materials that the grain that's growed out of the field has, the same thing. You could put them in the laboratory, and you can't tell one from the other one: one will make just as good of corn bread as the other, one will make the same kind of corn flakes. But the only way you can tell them, is bury them. The one that man made, stays there, it rots and it never comes up. But the one that God made, has a germ of life, it lives again.

215 You might imitate a Christian, you might go to a church like a Christian, you might put your name on the book like a Christian, you might join a denomination like a Christian; that would be all right, but unless that Eternal Life is in you that that Good Shepherd gave His life for, to separate... When God came down at Pentecost, He came down in a Ball of Fire like He did on Mount Sinai, like He did to the first shepherd, Moses. And when He come down, He separated Himself in tongues of fire that set upon each of them, God separating Himself into His people. And except you have received that which... Peter said that "It's to you, and to your children, to them afar off."

216 Friends, don't you listen to any theological myth, you be borned again. And when you are, the Spirit that's in you is part of God, and witnesses to every Word of God being "The Truth." If you haven't got that experience, let us now hasten to the manger, the Word. Let's hasten to the Bible, away from these decorated theological-termed churches, to a real manger, to God's Word where the Messiah is made known.

With our heads bowed, let us pray.

217 Dear God, that's all that I know to say at this time. We are approaching Christmas, the streets are crowded with man and women, boys and girls, pushing, shoving, trying to buy a present to return to someone who would give them likewise. Many people who call themselves Christians are out on the streets buying cigarettes, liquor, for Christmas presents. God, it looks like they're throwing it right back in Your face, teaching their children of some fiction, Roman, pagan theology of a Saint Nicholas, some myth that's easy accepted by the world, and they turn down the real Christ of Christmas, the real Lamb.

218God, I pray, tonight, that as we have our heads turned down towards the dust that You brought us from,... You told Abraham once, the great prophet-shepherd, "Go out, Abraham, and number the sands that are upon the seashore."

219And he returned the word, "They're innumerable, I cannot number them."

220Then You said, "Look up towards the heavens, and number the stars." And he knew that that was impossible. And You said to him, "So shall thy seed be." We look at that message to that shepherd-prophet, "from the dust of the earth, to the stars of heaven," that though there be death in our mortal bodies to take us to the dust, there is a Life that can raise us to the stars.

221 As You said to Your great prophet Daniel, "And those that know their God, in the last days, shall do exploits. And they that turn many to righteousness shall outshine the stars forever and forever."

222Lord God, Great Creator, Who was so willing to come to earth in the form of Jesus, to let man know what God was. And You were the only One who could take the penalty of death, no Angel, no substitute could do it. You was the One who placed the penalty, and You alone could justly take it away. And being Spirit, You could not die. But You were made flesh so You could die; and become a Lamb that You might take away the sin of Your Redeemed, that You had to redeem them by Your Own Blood.

223Oh, the story is so great, Lord, it goes over the head of so many. To think: "Little Jehovah, laying in a manger, He had to live like a baby. Little Jehovah, borned in a stable. Little Jehovah, playing with children on the street. Little Jehovah, the teen-ager. Little Jehovah, the schoolboy. And Jehovah, the Mighty." You took all these places. "And then, Jehovah, the Lamb. Jehovah, the Prophet." And You become all of this that You might suffer the penalty of sin, and to give to us Eternal Life.

224 Forgive us, O God, we, poor, unworthy creatures of this world. We are humiliated tonight, Lord, when we read what You have done for us, and so little we have done in return. How You come in the days of great religious leaders! How You was willing to stand and reflect the Word of the Father! How You didn't compromise upon their theories! And today it seems like that there's no one that wants to stand out and call the Word still "The Word," and not compromise. We pray, God, You forgive us for these things that we have so neglected. And give to us tonight, in our hearts, as we giveth to You as a manger. And we know that every time that the Crucified Christ is accepted, there is a new birth, there is a newborned sheep, there is singing in Heaven by the Angels. Over one sinner that repents, the Angels sing again.

225We pray, God, that if there be some here tonight that doesn't know You as the real Gift of God, as a personal Saviour, not just by a mental conception, but by a new birth (of being borned of Your Spirit), may they receive It just now, Lord, with our heads bowed. And if there should be one, Lord, that has not done this, may their hearts receive joy now, and find like the shepherds of old, in the manger of their heart, the Word, the Messiah; that'll be a-vindicated to them as the Holy Spirit, the Great Shepherd of the day. We ask this in Jesus' Name.

226 While we have our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts bowed, would you--would you, my dear brother, though you be member of church... And I hope that I haven't hurt you by saying what I have said. I... It's all right to belong to church, we should do that, but, O brother, just don't accept that, you must be borned again. That's what the Great Prophet-shepherd said, "You must be borned again." He said that to a theologian, "You've got to be borned again."

227And when you're borned again, it just isn't because you believe. They say, "You're borned when you believe."

228But the Bible said, "The Devil believes, also." Now, notice, it's not that, it's an experience.

229You say, "Well, I've lived a good life."

230So did the apostles, but they wasn't borned again until they received the Holy Spirit. They wasn't even converted until they had received the Holy Spirit. You remember the night before the betrayal... or on the betrayal, just before the betrayal took place? Jesus said to Simon Peter, "When thou art converted, then strengthen thy brethren." And Peter had followed Him for three years and a half, and had cast out devils, and healed the sick, had preached the Gospel, and still (according to the Word) was not even converted.

231 Now, would you want that kind of a--of a Messenger in your heart tonight? If--if you really want That... It don't make any difference what somebody else says, It's true, brother, sister. I know that to be true. Would you, while every head is bowed and every eye closed, not to me, I'm just a man, your brother, but to Christ you'd raise your hand, say, "I believe That. And I really want that Christ into my heart, the real Christ of Christmas"? Would you raise up your hand now? God bless you. That's good. God bless you, too. God bless you. My, hands everywhere.

232May it happen, brother; may it happen, sister; may it happen, my friend; be filled with God's Spirit. What difference does it make what anybody else says? Remember, it's your life. We may not even be on the earth in the morning, we have no--no assurance of no more life than what we have breath in our nostrils now. We may never make another breath, only the grace of God. And what good does it do, no matter how good you've lived and what...? Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he will in no wise enter in."

233 Now, I know terminologies of what born-again is, but let's just watch what happened in the Bible when they were borned again. Peter was a believer, the apostles were believer, but they wasn't borned again till after the Holy Ghost fell on them at Pentecost. Now, they were wondering what happened, and Peter said, with the rest of them, "Ye man of Israel, be this known unto you; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by signs and miracles and wonders, which God did by Him; He who was foreknown, by determinate council you took with wicked hands and crucified, Who God has raised up and we're His witnesses. He shed forth this that you do see and hear now, and it's according to the Scriptures."

234And then, when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said, "Man and brethren, what can we do to be saved?"

235Peter said unto them, "Repent!"

236 Now, my Catholic friend setting here, which I know of four or five of you setting here. I was discussing this with your priest, maybe not your priest, but one of the Catholic priests, he said, "Jesus gave the church power to remit sins, 'Whosoever sins you remit, to them they're remitted; whosoever sins you retain, to them they're retained.'" That's true. But let's watch how he did it, how the apostles followed out His order, not according to the way that--that the priest does today.

237But what did the first priest, if you want to call him that, Peter, that had the keys to the Kingdom, how did he say do it? He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." And if God is still calling, the same experience is for you if you'll follow the same prescription. If this congregation believes That, with your heads bowed, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, anything short of That is contrary to the Word, and not according to the Shepherd.

238 Lord Jesus, they're in Your hands now. I pray that each open heart tonight that hasn't got the Christ, Messiah... And Christ is the Word, the anointed Word made manifest. And if there's any open hearts here tonight that doesn't have that Messiah, the real Christmas Gift, the only real Christmas Gift there is that God gave the world, and declared It to the world by shepherds, of His Lamb, the Atonement for sin. And if that heart is open tonight, place in it, Lord, the Messiah Word of today. We commit them to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

239 Do you love Him? Do you believe Him? "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, all other things will be added unto you."

240Friends, before we dismiss, I want to say this. Many times, I'm so misunderstood. I have a Message from God, and I must declare that Message regardless. I know It's misunderstood. If It wasn't, then It wouldn't be the Message of God; It couldn't be. There's too much scruples today for It not to be misunderstood. I believe that God has man in every denomination and organization of the world, and it's not that I'm against my brethren. I come here to Tucson, three years ago, and had a meeting with you ministers up at Brother Gilmore's, and it was asked, did I "come here to start a church?"

241I said, "No, sir. I come here to help you." But I haven't been asked yet, in three years. But just the same, I'm here to help you. I'm here to join hands with you, not join organizations with you, but join hands and heart with you over the Word of God, to try to preach the Gospel to every lost soul and every needy person that's under the sound of our voices.

242I offer myself to God, tonight, with all my heart, with all that's in me. I don't have very much to give; I can't bring frankincense, myrrh, and gold, 'cause I have none. But all I have in myself that God give me, this life, I dedicate it to Him afresh tonight, upon the manger of His Word in my heart; and promise Him, to stand with that Word, if He'll let me live another year, just as faithful as I can stand; preach every bit of It, and believe every bit of It; so, help me, God. Will you do the same with me?

243 Receive us, Lord. We receive Your Christmas Gift, the Messiah, the anointed Word that vindicates Your Presence with us, Lord, regardless of creed or denomination. We find, ourselves today, the world falling apart, and here the great Messiah stands with His hands outstretched: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, that made the promises, that in this last days, the church would be so organized till it would go into Laodicea. And we see it today, Lord.

244What can we do, dear God? What can I do? Help me and these other shepherds, Lord, around the world, shepherds of the Word, to proclaim It, Lord, in this next year. Help us, Lord, we pray. Give us of Thy Love and Thy Spirit and Thy Light. We dedicate ourselves tonight to Thy Word and to Thy call. In Jesus Christ's Name, we receive Your Christmas Gift: the Word of God made flesh in us. Amen.

245 I love the songs of the church. Paul said, in the Bible, "When I sang, I sang in the Spirit. I preach, I preach in the Spirit. When I... whatever I do, I do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ." Now, being that This has been strenuous on you... And I--I appreciate you. I come with this Message. Sometime it seems like I just hate to say It, but yet I'm--I'm duty bound, brethren. If I don't do it, I'm a hypocrite. If I don't do it, I'm a traitor to my own conscience, and my own--own faith in God's Word. I must do it, not to be different, but to be true to my calling. And I want to help you all, I want to do everything I can.

246Now let's sing one of the great hymns of all times, I love it so well, I Love Him. You know, I believe if we'd just all love Him, we would do what He asked us to do. "How call ye Me, 'Lord,' and do not the things I command you to do? How do you call Me, 'Lord,' and then not do what I told you to do?"

247 Would you rather listen to a hireling shepherd that would say "put your name on the book, and join; take this communion, say this, and it's all right," when the Great Shepherd Himself said "except a man be borned again he cannot even see the Kingdom of Heaven"?

248And look at those trained theologians of that day, trained! Holy? Clean living? We have nothing to compare with it today, the way they lived. And what did the Great Shepherd call them? Said, "You are of your father the Devil," because they didn't... They recognized the Word, but the Word of another day, not the Word of that day.

249If they recognized Noah's time, that's all right, that was Noah's time; but it wouldn't work in Moses' time. And Moses' time wouldn't work in Christ's time. See? Luther's time won't work in Wesley's time. Wesley's time won't work in Pentecostal time. And Pentecost has done the same thing the rest of them did. Now, who has give me help in the days gone by? Asked you.

250 When a blade of grass comes up, what is it? What... when a blade of wheat comes up. Jesus said, "Except a corn of wheat falls into the earth." What happens when a corn of wheat... or a wheat falls into the earth? The first thing that comes up is a little blade. It's--is not like the grain that went in. Watch nature. It's not like the grain that went in, but it's the carrier of the Life of the grain. What came...

251That infidel that just wrote that famous book, The Silent God, it said, "How could there be a God who could open the Red Sea, and stand through a thousand years of dark ages and see little children eat up with lions, and people hung on crosses, and murdered in the arenas and things, and never even opened His mouth?" See, the Word is a revelation.

252 That wheat, when that real wheat started at the beginning, it failed God. And finally there come a Wheat, a real reflector of God, that reflected His whole Word insomuch that He was the Word. Then God gave Him a Bride at Pentecost; but that Bride dropped into the ground through the dark ages, just like the real wheat did, It dropped in. And why couldn't it act? Because it was hid beneath the earth, it had to rot before it could bring forth life.

253But there come a little priest one time, by the name of Martin Luther, and he sprang forth the one Word of Truth: "The just shall live by faith," there come a blade; then another blade followed it, Zwingli, and then come Calvin and Knox and on down.

254First thing you know, it changed its blade, it went into a tassel. Now, that looked a little bit more like it, but still it wasn't the real thing that went in the ground, there come Wesley along. Out of Wesley came the Methodist church, from the Methodist church came the Nazarene, United Brethren, so forth. What did it do? It fell back again and it brought forth, look like a real grain of wheat now, Pentecost.

255 Now, watch Jesus, in Matthew 24:24, "In the last day, the two spirits will be so close together till it will deceive the very Elected, if it was possible." Now, when that grain of wheat come forth, any wheat raiser knows that that looked like perfect, the grain of wheat. But you set down and take it in your hand, open it up. There's no wheat in it, it's a shuck. But way back in the back, under microscope you can see a little bitty bud, there comes the grain. And then what is that shuck to do? It's to protect the grain, the hot sun would kill it, it protects the grain until the grain is matured. And then when the grain becomes matured, the shuck pulls away from it. But, did you notice, that grain then that comes forth, has got to be the same kind of grain that went into the ground.

256 After Luther's revival, come an organization. After Wesley's revival, come an organization. After Alexander Smith, John... Alexander Campbell, John Smith, all the rest of them, come an organization. After Pentecost, right down like the real thing, but it come an organization. What did it do? Pulled away.

257We've had fifteen years of revival, it's never been known in all history. And watch, in this fifteen-years revival, It swept around the world, and not one organization has been built out of It. Where was It? (It started the latter rain, it died in its... instant, it died.) There's been no organization follow This. Why? It's the grain Itself, there can be no more. And the shuck now is pulling away, no cooperation, nobody wants you. Why is it? It has to be That.

258 Why was that church set there? To support It. Where... Who would have cooperated? What Baptist, or Presbyterian, or Lutheran would have supported a Divine healing campaign? Now when Truth comes forth, what's happen? Not the shuck; but the Life goes right out from the shuck, right into the grain, the real true Life. The organization stands there, dies, just like it has done in every age, it does the same. You come out of that, fifty years ago, and went right back into it again! But real Life follows the grain, we're at the end time, brethren.

259 What did it pull away for? So that it would bring the grain in presence of the Son, to ripen the grain to a golden ripen for the Master. Why has it pulled away? So, it causes heartaches, tears, that they don't lay before the s-u-n, but the S-o-n, to be ripened to the true full Gospel, to manifest everything that Jesus Christ promised in the Bible. There is raising up a Body today among the people. And there will be no more organizations, it goes right out into rich Laodicea. What has the organization prospered by? Millions of dollars, and millions of souls.

260And what was the shepherd come from? To deliver his brethren from bondage. I--I don't know; God, be with us, help us. Study the Word! Search the Scriptures! In them we think we have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Truth. See, God allotted His Words to each age. This age always...

261 What did Jesus say when He come? He said to them people, "You hypocrites! You whiten the walls, and build the tombs for the prophets, and your fathers put them in there. And you are the sons of your fathers. And the works that they did, you'll do too." It ever remains the same, my brethren.

262But when Jesus comes someday, the Great Shepherd of the sheep from Pentecost through Luther through all the ages, that has accepted the Light as It come through the carriers (not accepted the carrier, accepted the Light; see, went out), He'll come to redeem. I'm so glad that I know He's coming again. Oh, would you be numbered with His group? Would you be numbered? There's only one way to do it, not by joining a church, but by being borned into Him. "And all the Father has given Me, will come to Me, and no man can come except My Father calls him." See, that's all there is to it, accept It. He... That's the only Christmas gift that I know of, is the gift of God that He gave to the world, His only begotten Son. And He's the same, yesterday, today, and forever, the Word. See? Believe Him in this day, the fulness of the Bible.

263 When those seven mysteries... Back through those Seven Church Ages, there were seven hidden mysteries. I'm writing a book of It. And a great theologian said to me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham..." See how Satan will try to jerk you off the road? He said, "Brother Branham, you know what? I believe the Lord will reveal to you what we're to do next. Is to... it'll be some great secret that's hid in under these Seven Seals."

264I said, "No, that isn't it, brother."

265He said, "It'll be something that's not even written in the Word."

266I said, "No! No! You forget, 'Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word away.'" See, It's already in there, but the reformers has failed to see It, they didn't live long enough to see It.

267And the ages is over now, we're right here at Laodicea. And remember, the Laodicea age, He was on the outside of the church, knocking, trying to get back in: Eve had put her Adam out. God, help us. Let us go beyond the camp to find Him. Let us suffer without the gates with Him. Let us go to Him in His death, in His burial, and in His resurrection; for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

268 Let us sing one hymn before we leave. Will you? I Love Him. Would you give us the key, sister? How many knows the old hymn? I... If you ever been in the meetings, I love it.

269Now let's just close our eyes, think of Jehovah. No one was worthy, no one could do it but Him. And He come down, and become a little baby. He come, a teenager. He become a carpenter, a working man. He become a Lamb, He become a sacrifice. He raised triumphantly, Jehovah. And as Moses pulled his hand from his bosom from over his heart, God pulled His hand from His bosom (His secret) His Son that was smitten with disease of sin, incurable; and stuck It back into the bosom again, and pulled It forth and extend It to you and I: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

270Look at Him now.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

271 How many knows it had to be a shepherd, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Must! Why a shepherd? It had to be. Now while we sing this same verse over again, reach across the table. There's Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and all, setting in here tonight. Shake hands, say, "Fellow pilgrim, I'm so glad to be here with you, tonight." Say something to them. Say, "God bless you," as we shake hands with one another now. As we sing it again now.



... my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

272Now let's close our eyes and raise our hands, and sing to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

273 And now, God's without form. So, let's bow our heads and hum it now, like little children, you are children of God. Don't look at what the world might think, you're worshipping now, worshipping Christ. Just bow your heads and hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation hum I love Him--Ed.]

274Don't you feel all scoured out like? Just kinda... something just rubbed all the doubt and the world away from you? Feel that way? Raise up your hands, "I just feel all scoured out. I feel different. I feel like I have been eating from His hands. I have,..." Like the brother here testified, "Food, Shepherd's food, sheep food." That's the Word.

275 God's sheep feed on His Food, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." And this is It, the Bible. We feed on every Word, not just some of the Words, but every Word that proceedeth. Oh, don't it make you love Him? To think that now we have Eternal Life! Not we will be, now we are the sons of God. Not we will be, now! And it's setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And the great television, that declares that there is a ether wave that makes people (the person that travels around the earth) known by the--by the screen of the television. The great Word of God, and the Spirit of God taking the Word of God, reflects Jesus Christ in heavenly places to His sheep, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isn't He wonderful? Wonderful! God bless you.

276 Now let us stand just a moment. Have you someone for the benediction? Now, remember, during Christmas, worship the Lord Jesus. Worship Him in the Power of His resurrection. And if I can ever be of favor to you (you, your pastor, your church, or anything), the night never gets too dark, the rain never falls too hard.

277The other night (there's a lady standing present here) I was so busy, took up the sick and stuff till... There was a eighty-something year old woman that had lost her mind, and she had... she thought about having a baby or something, she was out of her mind. And Billy, from the office, called me, said, "Daddy, can you?"

278I said, "I can't right now. There's people... I just can't do it."

279He said, "Daddy, can you go to prayer? I'll tell them you're praying."

280I said, "Yes." And at that very same moment she came to herself. She fell asleep, woke up in her normal condition; eat a full, chicken supper, in normal sense. Person was standing here testifying of it a few moments ago.

281 Brother Mack, I seen him here a while ago, somewhere in the church. He's here, one of the pastors, local pastor. A very dear brother, and I've always loved Brother Mack since I was first started in the ministry. And then I met him...

282And I was way up in British Columbia; and just to show you how that God will work everything right. I was already mounted on a horse, and was going back into the wilderness where I had led a whole group of Indians to God; and they were all converted, and had received Jesus.

283And by the prophecy that told the Indian boy that lost his pony, two years ago, told him where he could find it, how far it would be away, and where the pony would be standing. His mother dying with a heart attack. She was healed and saved. And this boy, just coming by and seeing it, and knowing that he... his horse was found exactly the way that he was told, and everything.

284 Not one Word has the Lord ever spoke... I'll ask any of you, "Has He ever heard Him say anything, that He's ever told me to tell you, but what come to pass just exactly?" If that's right, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? See? Exactly, never has It failed one time.

285And Brother Mack was laying at the point of death, and happened to be that his wife called Billy... my son's wife, and told... ask where I was at; that lovely little lady and... his wife. And she... And my daughter-in-law said, "He's way in northern British Columbia on a hunting trip."

286And that morning, somehow, I--I--I just couldn't ride that horse out. And then Billy said, "I'll believe I'll call home once more." And he went up to the post to call. And here they come running back, when the little Indian standing there, the little... what that had the pony, and said, "Brother Mack is laying at the point of death, and is calling you."

287 And I got off, went over in the woods and knelt down. I said, "Dear God, way down, three thousand miles across the country, in the sunny state of Arizona, in Tucson, is my brother, and he's laying at the point of death. Will you help him?"

288Just Something spoke to me, "All is well."

289And when I come to Brother Mack the other day, to talk to him, and I asked him, "What hour that it happened?" it was exactly the same hour we went to prayer.

290Oh, He... Isn't He wonderful? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm so happy to know that I live in the Presence of the King.

291 Let us bow our heads now, and a precious little brother is here, a missionary brother, friend of mine, a member of Assemblies of God, a precious little brother here. I call him, "Creeche." He spoke such nice things. Brother Creech, I call you that. I don't know what to say, you're my brother and fellow servant in the tribulations of Jesus Christ in this last day. May God bless you. And I think Brother Tony said that you was going to dismiss the audience at this time, while we bow our heads. All right, come.

1Zdá sa, že som tak trochu uvravený kazateľ. A bez vzdelania, myslím, že pre niektorých ľudí nezniem veľmi ako kazateľ. A dokonca si ani nerobím nárok na to, že som kazateľ; som tak trochu rezervnou pneumatikou. Ale cítim, že mám posolstvo od Boha, takže svojím spôsobom (tým jediným spôsobom, ktorým To mám predstaviť) sa To snažím prestaviť svetu. A ak by som nezostal s tým posolstvom, bol by som pre Boha zradcom a pre vás pokrytcom. Osoba, ktorá povie jednu vec a verí druhej, to je pokrytectvo. Vždy musíme hovoriť pravdu z nášho srdca. Takže keď sa na nás ľudia pozrú, dokonca hoci s nami nesúhlasia, chceme byť čestnými mužmi a ženami, takže hovoríme zo svojho srdca to, čo je v našom srdci pravdou.

2 Minulý rok, alebo predminulý, som mal to privilégium hovoriť kresťanské, alebo prepáčte, vianočné posolstvo, tu v Ramada. A verím, že som hovoril na tému, buď tu alebo vo Phoenix, na "Prečo malý Betlehem?". A verím, že to bolo minulý rok tu, kde som hovoril na "Videli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu a prišli sme Ho uctiť."

3A viete, čítali sme Bibliu a divili sme sa tým "Prečo?". A dnes večer som myslel, ak by ste so mnou chvíľu vydržali a modlili sa so mnou, že by som sa vám pokúsil dať moje vianočné posolstvo. Jedine Boh vie, kde budeme na budúce Vianoce, ak budú ďalšie Vianoce po týchto. Tak keď je to tak, toto môžu byť tie posledné Vianoce, čo sme spolu, až kým si nesadneme za iný stôl. A To nebude takýto stôl, ale bude to, keď budeme jesť a piť komúniu nanovo s Ním v Kráľovstve Otca na konci cesty. A potom nech sa k tomu dnes večer priblížime, ako keby toto bolo to posledné vianočné posolstvo, pri ktorom sme kedy boli spolu zhromaždení, v hĺbke úprimnosti.

4Chcem dnes večer hovoriť na nezvyčajnú tému, ale niekedy nachádzate Boha v nezvyčajnej veci. On robí veci nezvyčajným spôsobom, nie bežným; je to nezvyčajný spôsob, nezvyčajné časy, nezvyčajné scény; On je nezvyčajný. A chcem toto... ak Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému "Prečo to museli byť pastieri?"

5A teraz, predtým, ako sa priblížime k Slovu, ktoré, verím, že je Boh, "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

6A minulý týždeň som povedal, alebo predminulý, vo Phoenixe, "Je dokázané, že sú predmety na tejto zemi, ľudia, ktorí teraz prechádzajú touto budovou." Televízia to dokazuje. Je to v inej dimenzii; naše prirodzené oči a našich päť zmyslov to nemôže zachytiť. To nie je to, že televízia niečo vyrába; ona to iba prenáša. Nemôžete pohnúť prstom, nemôžete žmurknúť; ale je dokázané, že je to navždy zaznamenané. Mohol by som stáť... alebo nejaký človek v Austrálii by tu mal televíznu obrazovku, nielen to, ale ten človek by mohol hovoriť, hýbať prstom, žmurkať, alebo dokonca aj farba oblečenia, ktoré má na sebe, by bola tu na stene premietnutá; a on v Afrike, Austrálii, okolo celého sveta. Vidíte, je tam cyklus vĺn éteru. Neviem to vysvetliť, ale viem, že je to tam. Nemyslím si, že niekto by to naozaj mohol vysvetliť. Tak televízia toto môže absorbovať a urobiť to skutočným skrze nejaké nástroje, ktoré to môžu odraziť na stenu.

7No, tá istá vec tu bola, keď tu bol Adam. Televízia tu bola, keď sa Eliáš postavil na Horu Karmel. Bola tu, keď Martin Luther, ten mladý kňaz, hodil komúniu na zem a povedal, "To je košér. A spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Bola tu vtedy, ale my ju práve objavujeme. A je to tiež tak, že dnes večer je v našej prítomnosti Boh, anjeli, nadprirodzené bytosti, ktoré sú nášmu prirodzenému zrakovému zmyslu neviditeľné. Ale jedného dňa to bude realitou, rovnako ako je teraz televízia, a práve tak bežné. No, to je to, prečo verím Slovu.

8Ježiš povedal, "Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo do tejto Biblie, alebo vezme jedno Slovo z Toho, jeho diel bude vzatý z knihy Života."

9Tak teda skloňme svoje hlavy pred tým, než To vôbec budeme čítať. Tak vážne... Ktokoľvek, kto má fyzickú silu, môže obrátiť stránku, ale jedine Boh To môže zjaviť.

10A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami smerom k prachu, z ktorého sme boli vzatí, a jedného dňa sa tam vrátime, som zvedavý... A v tejto vážnej chvíli, keď sa blížime k Vianociam, či je tu niekto, kto sa skutočne cíti nehodný a chcel by byť spomenutý v tejto modlitbe, pozdvihol by si len svoje ruky k Bohu (bez zodvihnutia hlavy) a povedal, "Pamätaj na mňa, Pane, počas týchto Vianoc"? Boh nech ťa žehná.

11Najsvätejší a najláskavejší nebeský Otče, Všemohúci Bože, ktorý si bol od počiatku, predtým, než bola nejaká hviezda, alebo nejaký atóm, alebo molekula... Ty si utvoril všetky veci skrze Ježiša Krista, Svojho Syna, a v Ňom si nám dal zdarma všetky veci. Ďakujeme Ti dnes večer, Pane, za túto možnosť, ktorú si nám dal, aby sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme boli varovaní a vyučovaní Svätým Duchom. A Svätý Duch berie Tvoje Slová a zjavuje nám ich, lebo Ježiš povedal, "Keď On, Ten Duch Pravdy príde, pripomenie vám tieto veci, ktoré som povedal a tiež vám ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť."

12Bože, nie je nik v našom strede, ani na zemi, kto je hoden skúsiť vyložiť Tvoje Slovo, lebo je napísané, že Slovo Božie nepodlieha žiadnemu súkromnému výkladu. Preto, Pane, modlíme sa, aby nám Duch Svätý dnes večer dal, každému jednému, tú porciu, ktorú potrebujeme, aby sme uspokojili ten hlad, ktorý je v našom srdci, po bližšom chodení s Tebou. Sme neschopní, nečistí, nehodní. Nech to Dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo v Betleheme, ktoré žilo ten najdokonalejší život, a bolo jediným dokonalým Človekom na zemi a dalo Seba ako výkupné, nech očistí nás, nečistých hriešnikov, a privedie nás do vzťahu s Otcom. Daj to dnes večer, aby to Jeho Svätý Duch skrze kázanie Slova pre nás urobil.

13Pane Bože, v krajine je dnes mnoho chorých, napriek najlepším liekom, ktorými sme kedy liečili a najlepším liekom a najlepším nemocniciam. A predsa popri všetkých našich veľkých vedeckých objavoch, máme viac chorôb, ako svet kedy poznal, lebo je viac hriechu a nevery, ako kedy svet poznal. Pomôž nám dnes večer, Veľký Lekár, a uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú v našom strede.

14A daj nám Ducha, pravdivého Ducha Vianoc. Keď dnes, keď pohanské ceremónie, vianočné stromčeky sú uctievané, vymyslené príbehy o mužovi zvanom Santa Claus (Mikuláš) a o našich Veľkonočných zajačikoch, a rôzne módy, z ktorých má komerčný svet úžitok, nech sú odložené bokom, Bože. Daj nám vojsť do Krista, Slova, lebo to prosíme v Jeho Mene a na Jeho slávu. Amen.

15Keď sa so mnou obrátite k čítaniu vo Svätom Písme, sv. Lukáš 2. kapitola... Počujete ma dobre? Je nejaké zmena v mikrofónoch? Počujete ma tam vzadu dobre? Ak áno, zodvihnite ruku. Ďakujem. Druhá kapitola Evanjelia podľa Lukáša:

A stalo sa v tých dňoch, že vyšiel rozkaz od cisára Augusta, aby bol popísaný celý svet.

(Tento prvý popis sa udial vtedy, keď bol Cyrenius vladárom nad Sýriou).

A išli všetci, aby sa zapísali, každý do svojho vlastného mesta.

A tak odišiel aj Jozef od Galilee z mesta Nazareta hore do Judska, do mesta Dávidovho, ktoré sa volá Betlehem, pretože bol z domu a z čeľade Dávidovej,

aby sa zapísal s Máriou, sebe zasnúbenou manželkou tehotnou.

A stalo sa, keď tam boli, že sa naplnili dni aby porodila.

A porodila svojho prvorodeného syna a zavinula ho do plienok a uložila ho v jasliach, pretože nemali miesta v uchýlišti.

A pastieri boli v tom istom kraji nocujúc na poli a zamieňajúc sa po strážach strážili v noci nad svojím stádom.

A hľa, razom sa postavil anjel Pánov vedľa nich, a sláva Pánova ich osvietila, a báli sa veľkou bázňou.

Ale anjel im povedal: Nebojte sa, lebo hľa, zvestujem vám velikú radosť, ktorá bude všetkému ľudu, lebo narodil sa vám dnes Spasiteľ, ktorý je Kristus, Pán, v meste Dávidovom.

A toto vám bude znamením: najdete nemluvniatko zavinuté v plienkach a ležiace v jasliach.

A zrazu sa zjavilo s anjelom množstvo nebeského vojska chváliacich Boha a hovoriacich:

Sláva na výsostiach Bohu a na zemi pokoj, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie!

A stalo sa, keď odišli od nich anjeli do neba, že si povedali mužovia, tí pastieri: Nože poďme až do Betlehema a vidzme, čo sa to stalo, čo nám to oznámil Pán!

A prišli poponáhľajúc sa a našli Máriu i Jozefa i nemluvniatko, ležiace v jasliach.

A keď uvideli, rozhlasovali všade, čo im bolo hovorené o tom dieťatku.

A všetci, ktorí to počuli, divili sa tomu, čo im bolo hovorené od pastierov.

Ale Mária zachovávala všetky tie slová a uvažovala o nich vo svojom srdci.

A pastieri sa navrátili oslavujúc a chváliac Boha za všetko, čo počuli a videli, tak ako im to bolo hovorené.

Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnania do čítania Jeho Slova.

16No, je to... Prečo bola táto veľká udalosť zjavená pastierom, to je pre nás tak trochu udivujúca vec. Mám tu poznačené nejaké miesta Písma a niekoľko poznámok, cez ktoré sa pokúsim prebehnúť, aby som vám vysvetlil prečo, podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. A možno po tomto Pán so Svojou milosťou vezme dnes večer tie "prečo" od nás preč. Ale či ste.... Väčšina z nás, predpokladám, sa niekedy divila, prečo bola táto najväčšia udalosť všetkých čias zjavená pastierom. Prečo to bolo zjavené pastierom a nie teológom toho dňa? Či neboli oni tými jedinými, ktorí boli vyučovaní, aby to počuli? A prečo to prišlo a preskočilo to bohatých a prišlo to k chudobným? Takisto, prečo to preskočilo tých učených a múdrych a prišlo to k pokorným a neučeným? V tomto je niekoľko otázok "prečo".

17A ďalší dôvod, ktorý by som mohol povedať, všimnite si, to dieťa sa narodilo v Betleheme. Pričom "Betlehem" v Hebrejskom preklade, ako sme to tu mali pred pár rokmi, "Betlehem" znamená "dom Božieho chleba". A v Písmach sme dokázali, že On nemohol prísť na žiadne iné miesto. Betlehem bol založený Rachabou a jej manželom. Rachab bola neviestkou, o ktorú sa uchádzal jeden generál z izraelskej armády, po tom, čo dobyli Jericho... A ona vierou uverila Božiemu posolstvu vo svojom stave a bola spasená. A odtiaľ, kedy Jozua rozdelil zem, z ktorej by každý...

18A tam je veľká lekcia, ktorú, dúfam, že budem môcť niekedy priniesť v Tuscone, o tých hebrejských matkách, ktoré rodili tie deti. Keď vzdychala v bolestiach pri pôrode dieťaťa, zvolala meno toho dieťaťa a to ho umiestnilo do pozície v zasľúbenej zemi, jeho kmeň. Skvelá vec, že Slovo Božie spolu pasuje. Ak by spolu nepasovalo, nie je to Božie Slovo, ktoré zle pasuje, je to tvoja myšlienka, ktorá nepasuje do Slova. To všetko spolu pasuje.

19Tak On bol Chlieb Života, ako sme to vyučovali minulý týždeň vo Phoenixe, alebo predminulý týždeň. A súc Chlebom Života On nemohol prísť na iné miesto, ako do "domu Božieho chleba". A to bolo to prečo. No, tu je Ježiš narodený v Betleheme, a v Betleheme boli synagógy; veľkí náboženskí vodcovia žili v Betleheme. Dávid, veľký kráľ - pastier sa narodil v Betleheme, jeho otec Jesse sa narodil v Betleheme, jeho starý otec Obéd sa narodil v Betleheme. Taktiež, celú cestu späť, on pochádzal z Betlehema.

20A tu, Ježiš, Syn Dávidov, je narodený v Betleheme, rovno pod tieňmi veľkých katedrál. Potom, ak sú tí ľudia učení, a hľadali Mesiáša po celé tie roky: štyri tisíc rokov bol Mesiášov príchod prorokovaný. A potom, keď sa Mesiáš narodil v tieni katedrál, prečo museli ísť rovno späť hore do hôr k skupine nevzdelaných, neučených pastierov, aby priniesli veľké posolstvo, to prvé posolstvo? A poverili pastierov, nie múdrych a učených, ale pastierov. Je to zvláštna vec, však? Ale niekde tam musí byť prečo. Je tam prečo; no, musí tam byť odpoveď prečo. A nikto nepozná odpoveď okrem Boha. On je ten Jediný, kto pozná odpoveď.

21No, pamätajte, Mesiáš bol už v meste, narodený v meste, v maštali, rovno pri veľkých katedrálach, kde najvyšší kňaz... a veľkí kňazi, a teológovia, a tí múdri, a školení, všetci tam čakali na Mesiáša. A On bol rovno tam v ich strede. Ale prečo potom oni išli na vrchy Judey k neučeným, neškoleným, nekultúrnym, najbiednejším zo všetkých? Vyzerali ako tie najnevhodnejšie osoby pre takú úlohu, zjaviť posolstvo a vyslať ich, aby priniesli to posolstvo.

22Viete, aký je môj názor? Možno to neznamená veľmi veľa, ale chcem podať svoj názor: Verím, že je to kvôli múdrosti Božej, že vedel, že oni by neprijali také posolstvo takým spôsobom, ako prišlo. Nebolo to podľa chuti ich vzdelania. Bolo to iné. Nebolo to to, čomu sa vyučovali, aby verili, aký On bude. Bolo to v rozpore s ich teologickým chápaním. Celé ich vzdelávanie, celé ich vyučovanie bolo obídené, stalo sa ničím. Verím, že to bola múdrosť Božia, ktorá vedela, že oni by neprijali také posolstvo.

23Tak Mesiáš bol tu, a musel byť niekto, kto To rozpozná. A On poznal tých, ktorí neboli zmiešaní v takej veci ako tá. Bol schopnejší dať svoje posolstvo neučenej skupine, ako by mohol dať zmiešanej skupine, ktorá bola tak usadená na svojich spôsoboch, že nič ich nemohlo obrátiť, dokonca ani Slovo Božie.

24 A teraz, kresťanskí priatelia, dovoľte mi položiť túto otázku, so všetkou úprimnosťou a láskou. Som len zvedavý, či by On dnes večer urobil ten istý čin, a poslal k nám v tejto generácii zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené pre túto generáciu, som zvedavý, či naši teológovia a učitelia a múdri, či by nezavrhli to posolstvo práve tak isto, ako to urobili oni vtedy? Človek sa nemení, ani Božie Slovo sa nemení. On je nemenný Boh, On sa nemení.

25Všimnite si, anjeli prichádzajú a .... Anjeli prichádzajú a dávajú svoje posolstvo ľuďom takého nízkeho postavenia, zatiaľ čo tam boli ľudia oveľa viac (pozemsky myslené) kvalifikovaní než títo biedni, negramotní pastieri. Pastier bol zo všetkých najnegramotnejší; on nepotreboval vedieť nič, iba o svojich ovciach. Nepotreboval vedieť matematiku. Nepotreboval vedieť, ako rozštiepiť atóm. Nepotreboval žiadne vzdelanie. Potreboval poznať iba svoje ovce, to je všetko, čo potreboval poznať. A Boh, veľká Múdrosť a Fontána a žriedlo všetkej múdrosti, si vybral takú osobu, ako to (vlastne osoby, ako tie), a obišiel všetkých dobre vyškolených učencov, ktorí sa učili, aby to vedeli. Hovorí to jednu vec, že boli školení na nesprávnom poli. Prehliadli všetkých dôležitých v tej krajine, boli tam dôležití ľudia, veľkí učitelia, Kaifáš - najvyšší kňaz, mnoho ďalších veľkých mužov, všetci izraelovi mocne vyučení, všetky denominácie, a všetci chvastajúci sa teológovia, Boh každého z nich obišiel. No, to je múdrosť Božia.

26Všimnite si, najvyššie nebesia sa ponáhľali uctiť to najpokornejšie na zemi a neučené. Najvyšší z nebies zostúpil dolu, aby sa dal poznať tým najnižším na zemi obchádzajúc všetko naokolo, aby sa dal poznať obyčajným pastierom; prišiel, aby dal týmto obyčajným pastierom najväčšie posolstvo všetkých čias. Bolo mnoho veľkých poslov. Pomyslime na Noeho deň, a proroci, a veľkí kňazi, a tak ďalej, boli v tých predošlých dňoch, veľkí učení ľudia, králi, mocnári, monarchovia, ale tu On prichádza s najväčším zo všetkých posolstiev. Aké to bolo posolstvo? "Mesiáš je teraz tu." Vidíte? A aby to dal poznať, On obišiel všetkých učených, aby to dal poznať pokorným pastierom.

27Myslite na toto: všetci tí klerici, všetci tí cirkevní ľudia, všetci učitelia, všetko to teologické vyučovanie, všetky peniaze, ktoré boli použité, všetky cirkvi a učenia a denominácie boli všetky obídené. Všetko vzdelávanie, ktoré vynaložili pre všetkých tých misionárov a všetkých prozelytov, všetko členstvo a všetko, čím si mysleli, že uctili Boha, predsa však to kľúčové posolstvo toho všetkého prešlo pomimo nich. Zvláštne, prečo? Vidíte?

28A všimnite si, nielen to, ale to najnepravdepodobnejšie miesto pre takú udalosť. Teraz boli pastieri tými, ktorí prijali to posolstvo. A teraz, všimnite si, kde bolo to posolstvo: na tom najnepravdepodobnejšom mieste, na akom by to kto očakával. A som dnes večer zvedavý, či očakávame na pravdivé Posolstvo Pána Ježiša, som zvedavý, či by to bolo v nepravdepodobnej skupine, na mieste, ktoré bolo, o ktorom by si ten veľký, vysoko kultivovaný svet a cirkev dneška mysleli, že je to banda, ó, heretikov? Som zvedavý, či by to nebolo tam, kde by sme Ho našli? To najnepravdepodobnejšie miesto, ak tým najnekvalifikovanejším rečníkom. Pastieri nevedeli nič o hovorení, iba volali na ovce; nuž, možno to je to, prečo to prišlo.

29Ale bolo tam zasľúbené Slovo. Všimnite si, mohlo by to urobiť znovu. Obišlo to všetkých vznešených v krajine. Obišlo to všetkých vznešených a bolo to zjavené tým niktošom. Všetci tí vznešení, ktorí boli vyznamenaní titulmi ako veľkí doktori božskosti a psychológie a vysoké vzdelanie a veľké katedrály a veci, to všetko bolo obídené a zjavilo sa to niktošom. Múdrosť, nekonečná múdrosť Všemohúceho Boha to urobila, aby im dala poznať najväčšie posolstvo, aké kedy bolo, "Mesiáš je teraz na Zemi." Aká múdrosť, ktorá mohla prísť jedine od Boha, ktorý pozná múdrosť.

30Všetka múdrosť a všetko vzdelanie a všetko to teraz vyšlo nazmar a bolo obídené veľkou múdrosťou Božou. Stále to opakujem, lebo chcem, aby to vpadlo hlboko. Všetko to vyšlo nazmar, nebolo to na nič dobré. Všetko to obišlo, aby Božia múdrosť mala prednosť, aby Boh vzal to nič, aby urobil niečo.

31Mohli by sme sa tu zastaviť a hovoriť o Jánovi. Mohli by sme sa zastaviť a hovoriť o Eliášovi. Nikto nevie, odkiaľ prišiel Eliáš. Všetko, čo vedia, je, že sa jednoducho objavil na scéne. Tí proroci tam späť v tých vekoch, oni boli nuly. Ale Boh to vzal a obišiel etiku cirkvi a učenia, aby urobil, ukázal, že On je Boh. On berie niečo, čo je ničím, aby s tým niečo urobil. Tým, že tak robí, že berie to nič, ukazuje Svoju múdrosť a Svoje Božstvo. Keď On najprv utvoril človeka, jednoducho vzal guľu hliny a urobil z nej človeka, pričom to nebolo nič iné ako hlina, ale utvoril človeka. A Boh teraz berie nič, aby s tým niečo urobil. A pokiaľ si myslíme, že sme niečím, potom nemôžeme byť použití v rukách Božích. Musíme zabudnúť všetko, čo sme kedy vedeli alebo sa naučili. (Prepáčte.) Ako veľký svätý Pavol, on povedal, že musel zabudnúť všetko, čo sa kedy naučil, aby mohol poznať Krista.

32Všetko ich vzdelávanie, všetko ich učenie a tak ďalej, im bolo na horšie. Nakoniec Ho to zaprelo. Práve to vyučovanie, ktoré o Ňom mali, aby Mu verili, sa obrátilo a stalo sa najkritickejším nepriateľom a ukrižovalo Ho.

33Viete, že história sa opakuje každú chvíľu? Je to známy fakt. Mohlo by sa to stať znovu rovno vedľa nás. "Ó," poviete, "keby som vtedy žil..." Nuž, no, ak chcete vedieť, čo by ste urobili vtedy, pozrite sa teraz na svoj súčasný stav, a uvidíte, čo by ste robili vtedy, lebo to istotne zjavuje.

34Trénovaní, aby verili Jeho Slovu, a potom, keď bolo Jeho Slovo potvrdené práve pred ich očami, zapreli to Slovo, ktoré bolo potvrdené. Keď Boh potvrdil, čo urobí, a povedal, čo urobí, a potvrdil, čo urobí, vtedy sa otočili a nazvali tohoto Muža zlým duchom, ktorý ich všetkých preklial. Pomyslite, čo sa dialo. Pomyslite, čo spôsobilo, že... ich vyučovanie spôsobilo, že nerozpoznali to samotné Slovo učinené telom pre ich deň. To samotné vyučovanie, ktoré mali vo svojich školách, s tými najlepšími učiteľmi...

35A vy hovoríte, "Nuž, my by sme to dnes neurobili." Ich učitelia boli ďaleko vyššími od našich dnes - vlastne kvalitnejší, ako naši učitelia, a oni zlyhali. Oni nemali deväťstodeväťdesiatšesť rôznych organizácií, ako máme dnes my. Oni mali asi tri. A v tých troch, až po tri, a ani jedna z tých troch To nerozpoznala. Len to ukazuje, že to, čo človek robí, je bláznovstvom pre Boha. Vidíte?

36No, oni To nerozpoznali. No... A dnes by urobili znovu tú istú vec.

37Človek... Zámer je dobrý; ten je vždy dobrý. A človek nikdy nemení svoj postoj, nikdy veľmi nemení svoje spôsoby. Hovorím o ľuďoch vo svete. Človek vždy chváli Boha, nábožní ľudia, za to, čo urobil, a vždy upozorňujú ľudí na to, čo On bude robiť, a potom ignorujú to, čo On práve robí. Vidíte? To je jednoducho človek; je tak utvorený; vždy bol taký. A vy, čitatelia Biblie, dnes večer viete, že je to podľa Slova, správne. Oni vždy chvália Boha za to, čo urobil, hovoria, čo urobí, a ignorujú, čo robí. To je jednoducho zvyk človeka.

38Dôvod, prečo toto urobili, učitelia, podľa môjho názoru: oni vykladali Slovo, lebo oni všetci verili v príchod Mesiáša. Celý Izrael tomu veril; veria tomu ešte dnes. Ale dôvod, prečo nerozpoznali Jeho, bol ten, že Jeho posolstvo nebolo podľa ich klerikálneho gusta. Oni... ich... ten výklad, ktorý mali o Slove, Mesiáš sa nikdy neprejavil takým spôsobom, ako vysvetľovali, že to urobí. Tak, a kvôli tomu, oni Ho nerozpoznali, lebo to nepasovalo s ich výkladom. Ako som predtým povedal, a poviem znovu, "Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On je Svoj vlastný vykladač."

39No, Biblia hovorí... Dovoľte mi, aby som vám teraz dokázal, že je to Pravda. Prorok Izaiáš (sedemstopätnásť rokov predtým, ako sa toto stalo), prorok Izaiáš povedal, "Panna počne a porodí syna." Niet pochýb, že každý v tom veku si myslel, že ich dcéra bude tou ženou, lebo Izaiáš to povedal. Ale, vidíte, bolo to o sedemsto rokov neskôr. Ale keď... Boh nepotreboval nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo, kedy to urobí, alebo ako to urobí. On povedal, že to urobí, a On to urobil.

40Boh zasľúbil, že On, v Izaiášovi, tiež, myslím, že 28. kapitola, okolo 18. verša. A tiež v Joelovi 2:28, že v posledných dňoch, posledných dvetisíc rokov, vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Povedal, "Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. Vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia. Vaši starci budú mať sny." A veci, ktoré On urobí, Izaiáš povedal, "S bľabotajúcimi perami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť k tomuto ľudu, a toto je Odpočinutie." Ale oni to nepočuli. Pokrútili hlavami a prešli okolo toho. On povedal, "Všetky stoly Božie sa stanú plnými vývratkov, a nebude tam nič čistého." A ak to nie je obraz Jeruzalema a cirkvi toho dňa pri príchode Mesiáša, je to takisto obraz dneška. Jednoducho sa to opakuje.

41No, keď Boh hovorí, že urobí nejakú vec, urobí ju. Bez ohľadu na to, čo si niekto iný o tom myslí, čo niekto hovorí, keď Boh o niečom hovorí, je zaviazaný Sám vyložiť to Slovo. A Jeho potvrdenie Slova je Jeho vlastný výklad. Všimnite si, potvrdzuje Svoje Mesiášske posolstvo. On zasľúbil, čo bude Mesiáš robiť, keď príde. A keď prišiel...

42 Dokonca, keď sa tí múdri muži na východe pozreli smerom na juhozápad, odtiaľ, kde boli, v Babylone, a videli majestátnu hviezdu... Vedeli ste, že nikde v histórii nie je ani bodka o tom, že nejaké observatórium (keď oni dokonca určovali čas pomocou hviezd, veľkí muži, ktorí študovali tieto hviezdy)... Nie je žiadna história, ktorá by hovorila, žeby niekto z nich vôbec videl tú hviezdu. Prečo? Nebolo im to dané, oni niečo také nehľadali. Ale títo múdri muži vedeli, že povstane Hviezda z Jákoba, a oni Ju hľadali, a ona prešla z času, keď sa Ježiš narodil v Betleheme.

43No, poznám naše kresťanské tradície, je to práve ako naše cirkvi; majú veci hore nohami. Idete tu von a vidíte múdrych mužov ako prichádzajú uctievať bábätko; nie je žiadna taká vec v Písme. O dva roky neskôr tam prišli, prechádzajúc cez nížiny a cez rieku Tigris. Nikdy neprišli uctievať bábätko, ale mladé Dieťa, asi dvojročné. Prečo to bolo, v tom istom čase, že Herodes zavraždil všetky deti od dvoch rokov a nižšie, aby mohol chytiť Mesiáša? Vidíte, oni... Boh potvrdil skrze Svoje Slovo.

44A keď títo múdri muži prišli do Jeruzalema... Hviezda ich viedla do náboženského centra sveta, Jeruzalema. A hneď, ako vošli tými bránami, tá hviezda (tá nadprirodzená, ktorá ich viedla) odmietla im viac ukazovať. Šli hore, dolu po uliciach títo fajn muži, bohatí muži s kvalitne pokrytými ťavami, a tak ďalej, šli hore, dolu po uliciach hovoriac, "Kde je Ten, ktorý sa narodil ako Kráľ Židov. Videli sme na východe Jeho hviezdu." A to veľké náboženské centrum, po dvoch rokoch od posolstva pastierov, stále nemalo odpoveď alebo nič o Tom nevedelo. Hlava všetkých denominácií nemala odpoveď.

45Tak to vyrušilo Sanhedrin, a povolali pisárov, aby prišli čítať. A čítali Micheášov príbeh, proroka, ktorý povedal, "Ty, Betlehem, nijako nie si najmenším zo všetkých kniežat Júdových (najmenším), ale z teba vyjde vládca, ktorý bude vládnuť nad Mojím ľudom, Izraelom." A po tom, čo boli Písma prečítané (a stále boli potvrdené pred ich očami), stále to neprijali, hoci to Písmo povedalo. Veľmi pochybujem, že by to prijali dnes, ak by boli Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené pre tento deň, manifestované. Možno vám už nikdy znovu nebudem kázať, ale chcem, aby ste uchytili toto. Stále by neverili.

46Veľká múdrosť Otca robí ľudskú múdrosť tak bláznivou, že On zatieňuje človeka. On vlastne prichádza na miesto, kde to činí človeka tak zahanbeným zo seba, a nie je dosť veľký na to, aby priznal, že sa mýli. Stále zostáva so svojím príbehom, nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi Otec dokazuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, a robí len to, čo zasľúbil, že bude robiť, človek si myslí, že jeho múdrosť je pred Bohom tak vynikajúca, že ak to neprichádza podľa jeho múdrosti, "Prečo, To nie je tak." To je pravda v každom veku, stále to robí. Vidíte, ako celá tá vec teraz sedí?

47Aká inšpirácia pre tých pastierov, anjeli zostupujúci dolu, aby hovorili k pastierom, anjeli Boží prichádzajúci, aby hovorili k bande pastierov.

48Som zvedavý, či ste niekedy mali možnosť hovoriť s pastierom, alebo byť s ním na chvíľu? Ak áno, nerád to hovorím, kvôli mojej poznámke, ktorú chcem o chvíľu povedať, ale pastier zostáva s ovcami tak dlho, až sa dokonca smeje tak, ako ovca bľačí, hovorí ako ovca a smrdí ako ovca. Je to tak. Lebo je s ovcami. Všetko, čo pozná, sú jeho ovce.

49No, potvrdené Slovo Pravdy. Keď títo pastieri, pokorní, nevzdelaní muži... Aká česť, aké vhodné je to pre pastiera prijať posolstvo o novonarodenej ovci. To nemohlo prísť k nikomu inému ako k pastierovi. To je to, prečo sa On narodil v maštali a nie v dome. Ovce sa nerodia v dome, alebo v ružovo ozdobenej nemocničnej izbe. Vidíte? Oni sa rodia v stodole, a na poliach.

50To je ten dôvod, prečo bol vedený na Golgotu. Nemôžete donútiť ovcu, aby išla uličkou na zabite. Vedeli ste to? Na bitúnkoch majú kozla, ktorý vedie ovcu. A keď sa dostane tam hore, kde sa zabíja, on odskočí a nechá ovcu ísť ďalej. Ovca musí byť vedená, ona sa nemôže viesť sama. Tak preto to musel byť pastier, ktorý prišiel pre svoju ovcu. Keď našli Boha - dieťatko presne tam, kde posol povedal, že bude, a keď našli toto posolstvo, posolstvo posla v jasliach presne, kde anjeli povedali, že To bude....

51No, počul som ľudí hovoriť, "Anjel ku mne hovoril, povedal tak a tak." Aké je to niekedy smiešne; a počul som ľudí povedať, že ku nim hovoril anjel a povedal im tak a tak, čo bolo absolútne v protiklade so Slovom. No, ako by to mohol anjel urobiť? To by jednoducho nemohlo byť. A ak vám Boh povedal, že sa stane určitá vec (vy hovoríte, že On vám to povedal), a nestane sa to, potom to nebol Boh, ktorý ku vám hovoril. Len pamätajte; tak je to. Boh neklame. On nie je nájdený v klamstve.

52Keď našli to dieťa, aká radosť to pre nich musela byť. Lebo anjel, ktorý im dal posolstvo, oni to našli presne takým spôsobom, ako anjel povedal, že to bude, a práve na mieste, kde anjel povedal, že to bude. Aká vec to pre nich musela byť.

53V jasliach, prečo? Vidíte, akí spokojní boli títo pastieri v maštali? Čo myslíte, aký by tam bol nejaký teológ? Dal by si štipec na nos a povedal by, "Vyveďte ma von z tohto miesta." Vidíte? On by bol tak mimo, že by bol nešťastný.

54Ale, vidíte, bolo to ako doma pre tých pastierov. Boh vie, kam poslať Svoje posolstvo. Vidíte? Presne tak. V takomto stave tam vtedy boli tí pastieri, vo svojej maštali so svojím Baránkom, potvrdeným posolstvom, ktoré počuli. Aké nádherné, v Prítomnosti Mesiáša, potvrdeného Slova ich posolstva. Keď pastieri počuli, že Mesiáš je na Zemi, a prišli do Jeho Prítomnosti, rovno v ich okolí, a zistili, že posolstvo je pravdivé, bolo tam potvrdené, ako to muselo spôsobiť, že tí ľudia zistili, že Boh urobil túto veľkú vec pre nich.

55No, učenci by tam boli tak vykoľajení, v takých okolnostiach, a hneď by rýchlo odišli. Prečo? Poslovia prišli k obyčajným pastierom. Možno nemohli dokonca ani... títo... Niektorí z tých pastierov možno neboli ani schopní podpísať sa svojím vlastným menom; veľmi pochybujem. Viete, pastieri, ktorých si Ježiš vybral, keď bol tu na zemi, aby pásli Jeho ovečky, "Miluješ ma, Peter, viac ako títo?"...

58Členovia cirkvi tých posledných dní, a kňazi, a dobre vzdelaná spoločnosť v tom dni by bola tak vykoľajená v maštali. No, nie som si celkom istý, či mnohí z vás chápu (možno, vy, mestskí ľudia), ako smrdela Judejská maštaľ, ako vyzerala, ako tie zvieratá v maštali, a aké to bolo. No, niektorí z týchto klasikov dneška by tam boli tak vykoľajení, že by ani nevošli cez dvere. Ale Bohu sa to ľúbilo skrze Svoju nekonečnú múdrosť zjaviť to takým, ktorí to prijmú. Učenci a múdri muži toho dňa by To istotne neprijali. Boli by tak ponížení, keby boli prichytení na takom mieste.

59No, na prvom mieste, keby sa vrátili späť do svojej cirkvi, a svedčili by, že navštívili také zhromaždenie, a verili nejakej bande nevzdelaných pastierov, ktorí prinášajú takú udalosť, boli by exkomunikovaní zo svojej cirkvi. Boli by vyhodení z Betlehemskej spoločnosti, ak by boli prichytení, že počúvajú takú nevzdelanú bandu ľudí, ako boli títo pastieri. Ponížení, to by určite boli. Ak by boli spojení s takými obyčajnými ľuďmi, a prijímali by takéto bludárstva, ako je veriť, že Boh by priniesol Svoje posolstvo nejakej nevzdelanej bande pastierov, pričom oni mali k tomu všetko pripravené. Stratili by svoje členstvo; museli by odovzdať svoje papiere, a neboli by schopní byť uznaní v spoločnosti ich skupín toho dňa, lebo sa spojili s takou vecou a nie s niečím lepším.

61Ale čo keby ten človek povedal, "Videl som jeho posolstvo potvrdené"?

62Povedal by, "Nech vám rýchlo odovzdám vaše papiere. A vypadnite z tejto spoločnosti." Časy sa menia, ale ľudia nie. Dnes by sa to pravdepodobne stalo znovu; boli by vyhodení zo svojich cirkví.

63Ale pastieri sa cítili úplne pohodlne na tom mieste s Božím Baránkom. A ktorýkoľvek dobrý pastier robí tú istú vec. Keď dobrý pastier nad ovcami vidí Slovo Božie učinené jasným a potvrdeným, toho, čo zasľúbil urobiť, ten pastier je rovno doma. Nestarám sa, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, Boh to zasľúbil a Boh to urobil.

64Hovoria, "Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je taká vec, ako krst Duchom. Nie je žiadna taká vec, ako krst Duchom Svätým; to bolo pre apoštolov." Ale nechajte To kázať pravdivého pastiera Slova, v moci vzkriesenia, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky... Peter na deň Letníc povedal, "To zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti, a pre tých, ktorí sú ďaleko a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh." Kdekoľvek On zavolá, to zasľúbenie a to isté požehnanie je pravdivé.

65A nechajte toho skutočného pastiera kŕmiaceho sa Slovom, aby to videl potvrdené; všetci teológovia na svete mu to nemôžu vziať, lebo on vie, že Boh to povedal, a stalo sa to. To je všetko. Je to jednoducho vždy Božie Slovo.

66Jeho Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nimi, a oni To nevedeli. On zasľúbil tú istú vec v tomto dni. Som zvedavý, či by sme To rozpoznali? Pyšní a múdri nikdy neprijali takú vec ako to. A verili, že ak by bola taká vec, ako Mesiáš na zemi, muselo by To istotne prísť do ich denominácie. Bola by to ich skupina, ktorá by To prijala, alebo, "To nebolo v poriadku." No, len sa dobre zamyslite. Ak to nie je v ich skupine, potom... Všimli ste si potom? Boh nikdy nevybral niekoho z ich skupiny, ale vybral toho, kto nebol spojený s nikým z toho. Lebo jedna skupina by povedala, "Vidíte, čo sme urobili?" A to isté by urobili dnes. Ale Boh vyberá nulu; to je ten dôvod, prečo vybral pastiera. Pastieri boli úplne udomácnení s Božím Baránkom medzi nimi, Jeho Slovo sa stalo telom medzi nimi. Pyšní a múdri To nikdy neprijali, prešlo To mimo nich.

67A toľko by sme mohli povedať o dnešku, alebo o ktoromkoľvek veku. Boli to tie isté veci vo dňoch Martina Luthera. Tá istá vec vo dňoch Johna Wesleyho. Bola to tá istá vec vo dňoch letničných. Ale Boh sa nezastavuje kvôli žiadnej ľudskej organizácii. Presunul Ducha rovno ďalej, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Muselo by to byť a prísť do triedy ich vlastnej rady, alebo by to neprijali. Lebo sú dnes takí tvrdohlaví, všetky cirkvi, že idú robiť tak a tak, a zjednotiť spolu všetky cirkvi. Ak teraz hľadajú posla, ktorý by mohol zjednotiť všetkých protestantov, katolíkov, a ortodoxných, všetko spolu, urobiť jednu veľkú cirkev...

68Nuž, bratia, mal som možnosť kázať stovkám rôznych náboženstiev, a vo všetkých z nich sú dobrí ľudia. Ale teraz, pamätajte, prorokujem, "Každá organizácia bude musieť prijať toto, alebo nebyť organizáciou. To vás donucuje." Čítali ste dnes Tusconské noviny, kde katolícki kňazi pomáhali vysväcovať, v novinách, pomáhali vysväcovať, v Missouri, protestantského duchovného? A kto je v tom zúčastnený? Presbyteriáni, baptisti, luteráni a Zbory Božie. Je to v dnešných Tusconských novinách.

69Ó, je to šokujúce. To nie sú tí ľudia tam; to sú tie kazateľské, vládne hlavy, ktoré tam točia tou vecou, systém, ktorý ťa do toho hádže, či chceš alebo nie. Už viac nemôžeš byť organizáciou a uniknúť tomuto hnevu, ktorý prichádza na zem, a vidíte, či to nie je pravda. Ja už možno budem preč, keď sa to stane; pozrite sa späť na jednu z tých pások. Potom, ak to nebolo tak, potom som falošný svedok. Ak to tak bolo, povedal som Pravdu.

70Oni by To nazvali nejakým druhom pôsobenia zlého ducha proti ich pozitívnemu mysleniu. Toľko dnes počujete o pozitívnom myslení: jednoducho položte svoju myseľ na čokoľvek a myslite o tom pozitívne. Diabol to môže robiť. Je len jedna vec, ktorá riadi všetko, a to je Božie Slovo. Ak myslíte v protiklade k Slovu, zabudnite na vaše myslenie. Myslite na Slovo.

72Viete si predstaviť skvelého, veľkého najvyššieho kňaza, alebo duchovného, všetci vyleštení v teológii, ako by prišli k maštali plnej hnoja a prijali posolstvo biedneho, pokorného pastiera, ktorý nemal žiadne vzdelanie, a prišiel by a povedal, "Vidíte, môžem vám to dokázať; toto je to Dieťa, toto je Posol"?

73A viete, čo by tí ľudia povedali? "Ten muž je čestný; je veľmi úprimný v tom, čo hovorí, ale je totálne vedľa."

74Videl som ľudí žiť také dobré životy, že by ľudia ani neverili, nemohli by na nich nič povedať, ale povedali by, "On je úprimne v blude. On jednoducho nevie, o čom hovorí. Boh, On by neurobil takú vec, ako toto."

75Ale tu mali dôkaz. A po dôkaze, "Choďte tam hore do maštale a uvidíte, či tam to Dieťa neleží."

76Povedali by, "Bol si okúzlený nejakým zlým duchom, ktorý spôsobuje, že tak hovoríš." A predsa to bolo podľa Slova Božieho. A oni boli príliš slepí, aby to videli, lebo ich teológia ich oslepila. Aká tragédia!

78A je To tak jednoduché, to je to, ako To múdri vždy prehliadnu. Je To tak jednoduché, že ich to mätie. Hľadali Boha tam vonku, zatiaľ čo On je rovno tu. Vidíte? Hľadajú niečo vzdialené, pričom je to teraz rovno tu s nimi: Kristus, vzkriesený z mŕtvych, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

79Všetky ich veľké veci boli obídené. Ale iste to bola Pravda, že tam bol Mesiáš. Dnes to vieme. Dnes tomu veríme. Dnes to prijímame.

80Ale potom, ak Boh zasľúbil niečo pre tieto Vianoce, zasľúbil niečo pre tento deň, a dokazuje, že je to tak, a my stále od toho kráčame preč, sme jednoducho v tej istej triede, ako boli oni tam v tom dni, keď to minuli; lebo to neprichádza podľa našej denominačnej chuti. To je to, prečo sme tieto Vianoce v takom neporiadku.

81Ježiš Kristus nie je mŕtvy; On žije. On je dnes tu. Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On povedal, v Jánovi 14:12, "Ten, kto verí vo Mňa (nie ten, ktorý sa robí, že verí, ten, ktorý hovorí, že verí)...Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť. A viac ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem k Otcovi." A ja som Ho videl vo svojom vlastnom živote robiť viac tých istých skutkov, ktoré robil vtedy, než je napísané na stránkach tejto Biblie. A ide to ponad hlavy a tých múdrych dneška, a je to zjavené bábätkám, ktoré sa budú učiť; ako sa Ježiš modlil. Je to pravda. On urobil viac než... videl som vo svojom dni, za mojich 33 rokov služby, videl som Ho robiť viac, ako som o Ňom čítal, že robil v Biblii: viac tej istej veci.

82Ale nezáleží na tom, čo On vtedy urobil, myslíte, že Sanhedrin Mu veril? "Nuž," povedali, "si zvedený čarami." Ale, zistiť, kde urobili svoju chybu, bolo zistiť... v zistení, nie čo povedalo ich vyznanie, ale čo povedalo Slovo, že Mesiáš bude robiť v ich dni. To je to, kde my dnes robíme chybu, neskúmame Písma. Ježiš im povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, v Nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Oni vám povedia, kto Som."

83Všimnite si, Boh predzvedel, že oni toto budú robiť; to je to, prečo to On musel vziať k pastierom. On vedel, že oni to neurobia; oni to prijmú. Nuž, vidíte, prečo to museli byť pastieri? Prečo pastieri? Teológovia by to neprijali. Prečo znovu pastieri? Prišlo by to v protiklade s Jeho Slovom? Nie. Oni boli pastieri, poznali ovce; a to je to, ako sa On narodil, Ovcou, Baránkom. Všimnite si, On bol Baránok. Oni boli... oni boli ten jediný druh, ktorý by ho prijal. Pastier bol tou jedinou vecou, ktorá by prijala Baránka. Oni vedeli, ako sa o to starať, a tak je to dnes, keď dostávame Baránkovo Posolstvo.

84No, to zvláštne.... Najpokornejší, nevzdelaní ľudia uctievajúci Emanuela v maštali. Naj... A v tých istých dňoch boli tam vonku ľudia učiac svoju teológiu. Veľké zástupy, ťahajúce sa zovšadiaľ, z celej krajiny, prišli obetovať, čo bolo, ako povedal Jehova, smradom v Jeho nozdrách. A tu boli pokorní pastieri v maštali uctievajúci Emanuela: Samého Boh učineného telom a ležiaceho v maštali. Vidíte, ako my, s našimi veľkými učeniami, a svojimi hlavami vytŕčajúcimi dozadu, ako že my niečo vieme, a Boh obchádza celú tú vec. Vidíte? On robí to, čo zasľubuje robiť, a On to vždy robí. Ale pomyslite o týchto nízkych pastieroch tam vonku uctievajúcich teraz Emanuela v maštali. To je to najpozoruhodnejšie. Iste je.

85Potom vonku... Potom, ako Ho uctili, a uvedomili si, že to posolstvo, ktoré kázali, bolo potvrdené, tak tam vonku chválili Boha s najúžasnejším posolstvom anjela. Teraz, porovnajte to s dneškom. Len sa na minútu zastavte a premýšľajte. Ľudia vonku uctievajúci Boha a chváliaci Ho za to, čo videli, čo počuli, čo vedeli, že je Pravda, s Posolstvom, ktoré bolo úžasné pre intelektuálnu myseľ... bolo to v protiklade so všetkým cirkevným myslením, a predsa to bola Pravda. Je to Pravda. Verili tomu. A teraz, aká bláznivá môže byť ľudská múdrosť? Potom hovoria, že anjelský zbor im spieval prvú koledu. Viete si to predstaviť? Že pastier, ktorý sa nevie podpísať, páchne ako ovčí chliev, kráča dolu ulicou, vykrikujúc, "Sláva Bohu na výsostiach. My vieme, že On je na zemi."

86Kňaz povedal, "Ten muž je pomätený. Pozrite sa do kníh a vidzte, či je členom našej kongregácie. On nás istotne uvádza do pomykova svojimi neetickými učeniami. Vyhoďte ho od nás preč. Nebudeme sa hanbiť medzi ľuďmi.

87Nuž, môžeš byť zahanbený medzi ľuďmi a byť oslávený v očiach Božích, alebo si vyber; lebo, pamätaj, cirkevná chuť tohoto dňa nepasuje s Božím Slovom. Nie je deväťsto šesťdesiatdeväť rôznych chutí toho. Je to jedna chuť, jedno Slovo, jeden Boh. To je všetko.

88Hovorili, že anjeli im spievali prvú koledu, a taktiež hovorili, že dostali od anjela posolstvo. Anjel sa im zjavil, dal im posolstvo a oni šli a zistili, že to posolstvo bolo pravdou. A hovorili, "Okrem toho, anjel nám spieval prvú koledu."

90Všimnite si. Boli vonku a chválili a oslavovali Boha za to, čo videli a počuli, a počuli anjelov spievať po prvýkrát ľudskej bytosti. Anjeli nikdy predtým nespievali ľudskej bytosti. A pozrite sa na ten zbor, ako stáli a trénovali a trénovali tie hlasy; budú spievať pri narodení Mesiáša; a všetci boli obídení. A anjeli zostúpili a spievali obyčajným ovčiarom, nie v kňazských rúchach, ale v pastierskych rúchach. A pozrite sa, kto mal prvé posolstvo; je to úžasné.

91A kde to bolo dané, nie v katedrálach, ale v pustatine, vonku v pustatine, kde prišiel Anjel Pánov; nie v cirkvi; v pustatine. On dokonca nebol ani v cirkvi vítaný. Oni si mysleli, že je, a mysleli si, že to majú, ale Boh dokázal, že to bolo zlé. "On je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove." To je pravda.

92Po prvýkrát, kedy anjeli spievali na oslave, to bolo v nebi. Ak sa pozriete do Jóba 38:7 (keďže vidím, že niektorí z vás si robia poznámky), keď Boh najprv plánoval učiniť Svoje prvé stvorenie, zem... Jób bol veľký, chytrý človek, a mal všetky druhy múdrosti. Povedal, "Keď idem na trhy, mladé kniežatá sa predo mnou všetky klaňajú, a chcú len chvíľku z mojej múdrosti." A nemohol prísť na to, prečo sa s ním tak nakladalo.

93A tak sa ho Boh opýtal, povedal, "Prepáš sa ako muž, lebo prichádzam dolu, aby som s tebou hovoril." A keď Boh zostúpil vo víre vetra, povedal, "Jób, kde si bol pred tým, ako som kládol základy zeme? Keď ranné hviezdy spolu spievali, a synovia Boží jasali, kde si vtedy bol, Jób?" A vtedy bol usadený. "Kde si bol?"

94Vidíte, prvýkrát, kedy anjeli spievali na oslave, bolo v nebi. Ale prvýkrát, kedy spievali na zemi, to bolo k pastierom pri narodení Boha, Emanuela na zemi; prvé ľudské bytosti, ktoré kedy počuli spievať anjela, boli pokorní pastieri.

95Keď vezmeme naše ženy s namaľovanými tvárami, ostrihanými vlasmi, nosiace šortky, a obkrútia si okolo seba nejaký druh cirkevného rúcha, a postavia sa a spievajú ako niečo, a potom si myslíme, že Boh to musí počúvať? On má tam ďaleko anjelov, ktorí Ho môžu zabaviť od vtedy, predtým, ako kedy utvoril ľudskú bytosť. A-ha. Vypadnú a žijú a nosia oblečenie, ktoré je ohavnosťou pred Bohom, a ako môžete očakávať, že je to od Boha? Hovoríte, "Nuž, ja patrím k..."

97Teraz si všimnite. Boh zamýšľa učiniť ďalšie stvorenie. Tvorí smrteľnú zem, smrteľný život. Anjeli spievajú v nebi. Ale tu On tvorí nový Život, Večný život pre človeka, a spieva svojim poddaným skrze anjelov: na zemi, nie v nebi. Nebo malo Večný život. Vidíte? A spieval... Spievali do nebies, keď prišlo smrteľné stvorenie, a tu prichádza nesmrteľné stvorenie; a teraz oni spievajú zemským ľuďom: po prvýkrát pastierom. Pozoruhodné, však?

98On začal nové stvorenie. Čo to bolo? Stvorenie Seba. Boh bol učinený telom a prebýval medzi nami. To je... Biblia hovorí, "Na počiatku stvorenia Božieho..." Boh bol utvorený v ľudskej forme; v Ježišovi Kristovi, Svojom Synovi, Boh prebýval. Postavil Svoju svätyňu z tela a kostí, a žil v tej svätyni: Boh, Emanuel, "Boh s nami." Postavil si dom, aby v ňom žil, aby skrze to mohol vyjadriť Svoje Slovo Svojim poddaným. Viete, aký je Boh, keď vidíte Krista.

99Pamätajte, pri narodení kráľa je vždy spev. Koľkí to vedia? Samozrejme, viete to. Nuž, teraz, myslíte si, že keby sa tento Kráľ tam dolu narodil, žena by utekala niekde do katedrály, a povedala, "Pripravte hneď rýchlo posteľ, a priveďte lekárov, lebo idem priviesť Emanuela na svet."? Chudobná žena z Nazaretu, najnižšieho mesta, špinavšieho než Tuscon alebo iné z tých ostatných, a predsa táto malá žena prichádza, beží tam hore k veľkému najvyššiemu kňazovi a povedala, "Zamýšľam porodiť Emanuela." Hodili by ju do väzenia. Istotne by to urobili. Určite by to urobili. Také sektárstvo ako toto, aby bolo prinesené medzi jeho ľud, to by nemohol strpieť. Ani dnes by to nemohol. Ale práve to isté sa deje, práve to isté.

100Všimnite si, tam musí byť spev. Králi boli... Jemu by nebolo spievané. Ľudia by Mu nespievali, lebo Mu neverili. A to je ten dôvod...Tu to prichádza, môžete to takisto zachytiť. To je ten dôvod, že ľudia sa dnes hanbia chváliť Boha; hanbia sa za Krista. Veľké katedrály neprijmú krst Duchom Svätým; sú tak usadení vo svojom kazateľskom spôsobe, že oni to neprijmú. Boh nájde niekoho, cez koho môže dostať chválu. "On je schopný z tých kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi," ako som znova citoval Jána.

101Všimnite si, Jeho poddaní Mu musia spievať. A Jeho poddaní boli vtedy Jeho anjeli, a oni spievali Jeho pastierom, ktorí mali vziať Jeho posolstvo.

102Kto to mal počuť prvý? Samozrejme, Jeho poddaní. Tí, ktorí mali prví počuť Kráľovský spev, boli Jeho poddaní. A kto boli Jeho poddaní? Trochu zvláštne, však, bratia? Neboli to Jeho duchovní. Neboli to teológovia. To je pravda. Neboli to denominační ľudia. Nie, boli to pastieri. Prečo? Narodil sa baránok; to je ten dôvod. Vidíte? Jeho poddaní to počuli, o ktorých Boh vedel, že budú veriť. Boh poslal Svoje posolstvo tým, ktorí tomu uveria. On je celá múdrosť; On vie, kam poslať Svoje posolstvo, kto tomu bude veriť. Najvyšší z neba poslaný k najnižšiemu z ľudí na zemi.

103Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 5, "Blahoslavení chudobní v duchu, lebo ich je Kráľovstvo nebeské." Mária, v... Ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, je to Matúš 5. A ak si zapisujete miesta Písma... To je to, čo som si tu zapísal, Písmo.

104Mária povedala v Lukášovi 1:52, keď bola pomazaná Duchom, Svätým Duchom na nej, povedala, "Povýšil ich z poníženosti [“Angl.prekl.: “z nízkej triedy “ - pozn.prekl.]." Mária to povedala, matka Ježiša, povedala, "On povýšili tých ponížených."

105Lukáš takisto povedal, "Obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali." Nie tá elita, teológovia, doktori práva a náboženstva; ale obyčajní ľudia Ho radi počúvali, ľudia nízkej triedy.

106Cez celé sväté Písmo, posolstvo vykúpenia bolo dané pastierom a skrze ovce.

107No, musím prísť k záveru, lebo sa blíži čas zakončenia. Preskakujem mnoho miest Písma, len aby som vás mohol dostať do tejto myšlienky.

108Cez celé Písmo bolo vykúpenie predstavované skrze pastierov a ovce. To je pravda. Všetci s tým súhlasíme. Prečo? Bolo to v tieni a predobraze. A čokoľvek... Ak by som nikdy nevidel svoju ruku, a pozrel by som sa tu dolu na tieň mojej ruky, a videl by som, že mám päť prstov, vedel by som, že to odrážalo; negatív odrážal pozitív. A to je to, prečo posolstvo vždy prichádzalo k... vykúpenie skrze baránka, lebo to bolo od samého začiatku. A bolo to skrze ovce a skrze pastierov, skrze ktorých Sa zjavil. Všetko boli tiene a predobrazy.

109No, pozrime sa na začiatok. Adam a Eva, stojac tam v Prítomnosti Božej, aby počuli Jeho posolstvo k nim, zavinuli svoje bedrá do ovčej kože. Prvé posolstvo, ktoré bolo kedy počuté, bolo dané nad mŕtvou ovčou kožou, ktorú Boh zabil a zavinul do nej Adama a Evu. Po tom, čo sa pokúsili urobiť svoje vlastné náboženstvo figových listov, to nefungovalo. Ovčia obeť bola ustanovená ako zmierenie od samého začiatku: obeť baránka.

110No, ideme to už zakončiť, a ukázať vám, prečo to museli byť pastieri; a prečo to musel byť, On musel byť baránok.

111No, proroci Starej Zmluvy sa zahaľovali do ovčích koží (Vieme to. A-ha.), naznačujúc svoju vieru v Jeho Slovo o príchode dokonalého Baránka. To je to, prečo proroci...

112No, Slovo Božie neprichádza k teológovi; nie je žiadna... on je ten, kto To zamiešava. Tak je to. Nie je žiadna taká vec, ako stále hovoriť... Hovoríte, "Nuž, tento chlapík je teológ." To ho len dáva od Slova ďalej než čokoľvek, o čom viem. Vidíte? Slovo Pána Boha, nemeniaceho sa Boha, sa nikdy nemení. Kdekoľvek v Biblii, Slovo Božie vždy prichádzalo k prorokom, nie k teológom alebo doktorom; k prorokom. A oni vždy, zakaždým, boli neprijatí a odmietnutí.

113Proroci boli obyčajne tiež pastieri. Proroci sa zahaľovali do ovčích koží, lebo nosili kožu oviec, ktoré pásli. A prvé posolstvo odsúdenej generácii bolo nad ovčou kožou. Proroci, znovu hovorím, nosili ovčie kože ovinuté okolo seba, lebo tým svedčili, že verili, že prichádza dokonalý Baránok pre tú obeť. A Slovo Božie k nim prišlo nad ovčími kožami. Títo pastieri... Alebo títo proroci boli obyčajne pastieri. Abrahám bol pastier. Izák bol pastier. Jákob bol pastier. Mojžiš bol pastier. Dávid bol pastier. Všetci Boží zástupcovia boli obyčajne pastieri.

114No, ideme zistiť, prečo to prišlo k pastierom. Oni vedeli, že ovce sú bezmocné bez pastiera, ktorý by ich viedol. Oni... Ovca je úplne bezmocná; ona nemôže ísť sama. To je ten dôvod, prečo Boh pripodobnil Jeho veriace deti k ovciam. Oni musia byť vedené. Ale sleduj, čo vedie teba. Neber kozla; on ťa povedie na bitúnok. Boh nám nikdy nedal kozla; On nám dal Svojho Syna (Ducha Svätého), aby nás viedol. On je náš Vodca, nie nejakí ľuďmi učinení pastieri, ale Bohom daný pastier, ktorý kŕmi ovce ovčím pokrmom.

115No, vezmete prasa a poviete tomuto prasaťu, "Urobím z teba ovcu." A umyjete ho. A namaľujete jeho nechty na palcoch, a tak ďalej, a dáte mu pokrm ako ovci, dáte mu nejaký druh diéty. A dáte ho von na zem do, tam, kde sa pasú ovce, na lucernové pole alebo niečo také. A ak je niekde jama s blatom, to prasa pôjde do tej blatovej jamy tak rovno, ako len môže ísť. Vidíte? Prečo? Preto, že jeho povaha je stále prasa.

116A to je dôvod, že členovia cirkvi si dnes vychutnávajú veci toho sveta (Vidíte?), pretože ich povaha nebola zmenená. Oni budú jesť akýkoľvek druh cirkevnej a teologickej brečky, ale Slovo Božie nemôžu zniesť. Oni prídu a budú počúvať Slovo.

117Viete, najväčší pokrytec na svete je stará vrana. V Biblii boli dvaja, ktorí vyleteli z archy. Stará vrana vyletela a nikdy sa nevrátila, ale ona je sup, požierač zdochlín. Pristála na telách mŕtvych zdochlín a naplnila si brucho mŕtvymi zdochlinami. Ale keď vypustil von holubicu, ona nemohla vydržať ten smrad, tak sa vrátila späť do otcovho domu a k Noemu, a búšila na dvere, až kým ju Noe nepustil dnu.

118No, vrana sa tu môže usadiť a žrať celý deň mŕtveho koňa, a zaletieť tam na pole a jesť zrno s holubicou. Ale holubica nemôže letieť tam a jesť mŕtveho koňa a potom jesť zrno; to by ju zabilo. Vidíte, holubica nemá žiadnu žlč, a nemôže to stráviť.

119A keď nejaká holubica Božia, nejaká holubica alebo ovca, jediaca Slovo, čisté zviera, keď mu dáte veci toho sveta, oni vedia, že ich Majster povedal, "Ten, kto miluje svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia nie je v ňom." Dáte mu niečo v protiklade s tým Slovom Božím, on to nemôže zniesť. Ale diabol to môže vziať a svet tiež a nazvať to všetko z Boha. Nemôžete zmiešať olej a vodu; to sa jednoducho nezmieša.

120Oni, všetci tí pastieri, oni vedeli, že ovce sú bezmocné bez pastiera. A oni boli pastieri, a vedeli, že musia byť vedené.

121Aká škoda je to, keď dnes vidíme, že sa snažia kŕmiť ovce brečkou. Ale ovca to nebude jesť. Nie, veru. Vidíte, oni sa tam snažili kŕmiť ovce brečkou. A keď prichádza Slovo, oni boli tak zvyknutí na brečku, že nepoznali Slovo. A to je to, čo je dnes, keď tá istá vec, potvrdená a dokázaná, že Boh urobí určitú vec; potom oni, tak navyknutí na brečku, a nasýtení brečkou, až kým vy... Nuž, pre nich nie je žiadne rozprávanie; oni to jednoducho nebudú počúvať; to je všetko. Pes... Biblia povedala, "Ako sa pes navracia k svojmu vývratku; a prasa k svojmu bahnu, tak robia oni."

122Počúvajú Slovo, a idú rovno späť k tomu istému starému bahnu. A hovoria, "Ó, to je fanatizmus. Neverte takej veci ako toto."

123Boh...ovce robia to isté dnes, oni musia dôverovať diéte Slova. Oni nebudú brať žiadnu inú diétu. Nemôžete im dať kazateľskú diétu, skutočnej ovci. Nie, nie. Choďte im povedať, "Nuž, no, pozri, všetci budeme spolu. No, Ježiš sa modlil, aby sme boli všetci spolu." Nedávno sme tú istú vec počuli v Tuscone, pred pár dňami. Ale to je klamstvo. Ježiš sa nikdy nemodlil... Ako sa On... Ako môžete urobiť, aby sa Slovo samo odsúdilo, obrátilo sa proti Sebe? Potom Boh nie je viac ako ktorýkoľvek iný človek.

124Ježiš povedal, "Ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodnú?" Ako chcete vziať metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, katolíkov a hodiť ich všetkých spolu a byť jedno? Môžete byť jedno pod hlavou človeka, ale Ježiš povedal, "Aby boli Jedno, ako sme Ja a Ty Jedno." No, On chce, aby sme boli všetci jedno v Ňom, ktorý je Slovo. Amen. Je "Jeden Otec." A Otec je Syn, to je to isté. A je to to isté Slovo, zamanifestované Slovo, prejavujúce Seba v tomto dni, ako To robilo v ktoromkoľvek inom dni, že môžete byť jedno.

125Všimnite si, On povedal, "Ako Otec poslal Mňa, tak Ja posielam vás." Otec, ktorý poslal Jeho, išiel v Ňom, aby potvrdil Slovo. A ten istý Ježiš, ktorý posiela Svoj ľud, ide v ľuďoch, ktorých posiela; hovorí, "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Iste, On sa modlil, aby sme mohli byť jedno: jedno s Ním, nie jedno s organizáciou, nie jedno so systémom, ale jedno s Bohom. Lebo Boh a Jeho Slovo sú Jedno, a Ježiš a Boh boli Jedno, a ty a ja a Slovo musíme byť jedno. To je pravda. Musíme byť jedno v súhlase so Slovom. Nie to, čo niekto iný hovorí, Toto nemá súkromný výklad. Vezmi To, čo To hovorí, a ver Tomu; a Boh To potvrdí, a dokáže, že je To pravda. Myslíte si, že je to len pre učeníkov, vezmite na to Jeho Slovo; choďte to raz vyskúšať a uvidíte. Zistíte, že to pre vás bude fungovať práve tak, ako to On zasľúbil. Tak veru.

126Oni sa nebudú kŕmiť brečkou; oni musia mať ovčiu diétu. Svätý Ján tvrdí, že, "Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas." A ak je On Slovo, potom aký druh Hlasu má? "Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas; za cudzím nepôjdu." Vidíte? Ježiš povedal, "Cudzí Hlas nebudú nasledovať." Tak Jeho ovce nenasledujú cudzí hlas. Oni ich nebudú nasledovať.

127Proroci, pastieri, a ovce, všetci svedčia o príchode.

128No, sledujte dnes toho nemeniaceho sa Boha v Jeho nemeniacich sa plánoch Jeho Slova. No, len premýšľajte pár minút: nemeniace sa Slovo.

129Teraz sa pozrite. Ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo. Ak by Ján Krstiteľ prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša, nefungovalo by to. Ak by Ježiš prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša alebo Noeho, to by nefungovalo. A Wesley by prišiel s Lutherovým posolstvom, to by nefungovalo. Ak by letniční prišli s Wesleyovým posolstvom, nefungovalo by to; práve sme o tom počuli svedčiť. No, Boh sa jednoducho stále hýbe. Len sledujte Slovo; uvidíte, kde sa nachádzame.

130Potom, prečo nebolo prvé oznámenie pastierov... Ak všetci títo proroci, všetci títo veľkí muži boli pastieri, potom prečo by mal Boh, Ten nemeniaci sa, zmeniť rovno tu Svoju metódu a priniesť to teológom? Boli to pastieri. Príchod dokonalého Baránka, obeť za hriech, mal prísť k pastierom.

131Pastier pozná svoje ovce lepšie ako ktokoľvek iný. Nikto nepozná ovcu lepšie ako pastier, on je na to vyučený. Tiež vedeli, aký druh potravy budú jesť. Oni... on vedel, čo budú ovce jesť, a on pozná svoje ovce podľa toho, čo jedia. Keby ste videli nejakú ovcu, ako ide von ku chlievu s brečkou a začne to jesť, povedali by ste, "Dajte toho požierača odpadkov preč." Vidíte? Tak Boh vedel, kam ich poslať.

132No, zavolajme jedného z Jehovových veľkých pastierov-prorokov, aby potvrdil, že Boh bol v týchto prorokoch pod ovčími kožami. Sledujte teraz. Zavoláme najprv, Mojžiša. Pozrime sa naňho. Jeho služba nám ukáže Jehovu vo Svojom pastierovi-prorokovi. No, možno vezmeme len jedného, ak budeme mať čas, na nasledujúcich desať minút. Vezmeme dvoch z nich, ale možno tento bude v poriadku.

134No, prvé znamenie, ktoré dal tomuto prorokovi pastierovi (pozrite), obrátil jeho palicu na hada. Druhé, jeho ruku obrátil na malomocnú. Tretie, vzal vodu z rieky Níl v Egypte a obrátil ju na krv. No, dal mu tri znamenia, aby potvrdil Egyptu a tiež Izraelu, že bol Božím vypovedaným Slovom.

135No, pamätajte, Mojžiš povolal do stvorenia. To je pravda. Zodvihol piesok a hodil ho hore do vzduchu a povedal, "Nech prídu blchy," a blchy prišli.

136Povedal, "Nech prídu muchy," a muchy prišli.

138On priviedol do existencie. No, človek nemôže stvoriť, ale to od začiatku nebol človek. Bol to Jehova vo Svojom prorokovi-pastierovi. Amen.

139Sledujte. Tretie znamenie, ktoré mu dal, nesúviselo s jeho povolaním ani s jeho osobou, jeho tretie znamenie. Všimnite si, prvé dve znamenia súviseli s ním, s ním samým a jeho povolaním. A boli to tie jediné znamenia, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, že mali hlas. To ďalšie znamenie nemalo hlas. Ale tie dve znamenia, ktoré boli dané z jeho vlastnej osoby, a jeho ľudu, mali hlasy. Ale tretie znamenie, teraz si všimnite, bolo dané... To znamenie, tretie znamenie, bolo znamenie smrti: voda sa obrátila na krv. Keby sa vaša krv obrátila na vodu, potom by ste zomreli. A kde je krv, preliata krv, tam je znamenie smrti; tak to bolo pre faraóna. Tretie bolo obrátenie vody Nílu na krv, aby ukázalo jeho posolstvo k faraónovi, že náš Boh je Bohom nad Nílom, nad bohom Nílu. On je Bohom nad všetkým, a ide priniesť smrť tomu národu. To je to, čo bolo znamenie smrti. Ó. Priame znamenie smrti: krv.

140Ale tie ďalšie dve mali hlasy proroctva. (Dúfam, že teraz čítate medzi riadkami, čo hovorím.) Ale tie ďalšie dve znamenia mali hlasy proroctva pre Izrael ohľadom ich budúcnosti. (No, pre vás, ktorí ste boli hore na vrchu nedávno, keď bola roztrhnutá tá skala)

141No, a išiel... On sa chystal zmeniť prírodu, aby to pre nich fungovalo. Sledujte palicu; sledujte hada; sledujte Červené more, a čokoľvek, čo On teraz urobil. Pozrite sa na ten pastiersky prút, ktorý im razil cestu, aby mohli ísť. Tá palica, ktorá bola v pastierovej ruke, preskočila každý kúsok teológie a všetkých tých vecí, ktoré povedali kňazi, a tá pastierska palica ich viedla rovno dolu cez každú nemožnú vec pre ľudí. Keď si faraón myslel, že vodopády vybuchli v horách a rozvírili vodu, potom to spôsobili, že sa obrátila na krv, potom Boh zoslal oheň z neba. A zoslal krúpy z neba a zoslal vši na zem, a všetko.

142Čo On urobil? S tou pastierskou palicou, nie zošitom, nie teologickou myšlienkou, ale s pastierskou palicou. Prídeme k tomu za chvíľu; pastierska palica, On to urobil. Nie denominačná modlitebná knižka, ale pastierska palica, pastiersky prút vodiaci jeho ovce, robiaci cestu jasnou, ako kráčali v ústrety zasľúbenému Slovu v krajine. Aká nádherná vec je to dnes, tá pastierska palica dnes, vodiaca Jeho ovce do zasľúbenej zeme; preskakujúc všetku teológiu a všetko ostatné v tomto svete, a veci toho sveta, a denominácie, všetko; otvárajúc cestu, a dokazujúc Jeho Slovo, že je Pravdou; pastierska palica idúca napred.

143A všimnite si, tá istá pastierska palica, ktorá viedla ovce... Veríte tomu? On istotne viedol tie ovce; on ich vyslobodil z Egypta s tou palicou vo svojej ruke. Mohli by sme o tom povedať omnoho viac. Ale trafiť klinec po hlavičke, on viedol tie ovce a poslal súd na tých, ktorí to odmietli. Tá istá palica, ktorá sa stala pre jedného požehnaním, pre druhých sa stala prekliatím. Tie isté vody z Noeho kázania, ktoré ho zachránili, odsúdili svet. Tá istá palica, ktorá viedla Izrael do zasľúbenej zeme, odsúdila tých, ktorí odmietli nasledovať proroka-pastiera. To je pravda. Stala sa palicou súdu... Príroda; všimnite si, ako Boh hovorí vo Svojej prírode. Keby sme len mali čas. Napísal som si tu poznámku: Boh hovorí vo Svojej prírode. Nemali sme čas to dokázať.

144Ale dokazujúc neskôr tým medeným hadom na pastierovom ovčiarskom prúte (na ktorý omotal toho hada, na púšti), to hovorí o pravom zmierení prichádzajúcom pre chorobu a hriech.

145Tá palica samotná sa obrátila na hada pred faraónom, a ten istý faraón sa to snažil napodobniť pomocou kúzelníkov. A tak to robia tí moderní faraónovia dneška, a takzvaní veriaci, telesní napodobovatelia posolstva, snažia sa napodobniť tú istú vec bez toho, aby vedeli, odkiaľ to prichádza: a hádžu to do nejakého denominačného niečoho, zatiaľ čo to je od toho slobodné ako je slobodný vzduch od toho, aby bol uväznený. Iste. Ale snažia sa napodobniť, urobiť napodobnenie.

146Ale, všimnite si, tá istá pastierska palica zjedla tých druhých hadov. Kde boli tie hady? Boli to palice na zemi, a len jedna palica bola zodvihnutá. "Oboje nebo a zem pominú," povedal Ježiš, "ale Moje Slovo nepominie." Hovorí to o pravom zmierení prichádzajúcom pre hriech.

147Budúcnosť Izraela takisto ponúkala... A potom ako to hovorilo o Izraeli, v budúcnosti... Tam im bolo ponúknuté vyslobodenie z otroctva smrti skrze proroka pastiera. Boli vyvedení z otroctva skrze proroka pastiera s palicou. Vidíte? Hovorilo to o Izraelovom budúcom Vysloboditeľovi zo smrti a pekla skrze Pastiera Proroka, o ktorom budeme hovoriť.

148No, všetkému tomu... Všetci, ako vieme, z Izraela neprijali Slovo proroka pastiera, celý Izrael to neprijal. No, všimnite si, oni sa sťažovali. "Ó," keď predvádzal zázraky, "on bol veľký muž," ale keď prišlo ku Jeho Posolstvu, "to bolo iné." Všetky veľké znamenia nasledujú nové prichádzajúce posolstvo. Vieme to. Na púšti sa oni sťažovali, na púšti, a zomreli po tisícoch. Úprimne, boli len dvaja z nich, ktorí kedy cez to prešli a boli zachránení z dvoch a pol miliónov, dvaja z dva a pol milióna.

151Povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, a pili zo skaly."

152A On...Ježiš povedal, "A oni sú, každý jeden, mŕtvi." Večne oddelení (vidíte?). Každý jeden.

153Všimnite si, oni sa sťažovali na Božiu pripravenú cestu a to bol dôvod, že zomreli. (Teraz, pozorne, neprehliadnite tieto posledné poznámky.) Oni sa sťažovali. Čo spôsobilo, že zomreli na púšti, bolo to, že sa sťažovali na Božiu pripravenú cestu, skrze posolstvo jedného muža, proroka, vodcovstvo jedného muža. Povedzte mi, kedy Boh použil nejakú skupinu, aby viedla. Nenájdete to v Biblii. Jeden človek, oni... Slovo prišlo k Mojžišovi.

155Boh povedal Mojžišovi, "Oddeľ sa od neho, mám toho dosť." A pamätajte, Júda hovorí tú istú vec v poslednom dni. To je pravda, "Zahynuli v protirečení Kóracha." Takisto vieme, čo sa stalo Kórachovi a tým ostatným, ktorí spochybňovali Božie Slovo a Božiu múdrosť toho vodcovstva jedného muža: každý z nich zahynul.

156No, všimneme si Boha v pastierovi prorokovi, ukazujúc Jeho budúce plány v ďalšom znamení. Teraz sledujte. Vidíme to tam; sledujme to teraz v ďalšom znamení.

157No, všimnite si, bol poslaný ku svojim bratom do otroctva, pod nadvládou, s posolstvom vyslobodenia, s Bohom daným znamením, aby potvrdil Jeho zámery. Izrael šiel za jeho posolstvom; verili tomu, každý z nich, ale vo večernom čase... Išli za jeho zázrakmi, ale vo večernom čase, keď oni - keď on dal svoje posolstvo, to bolo iné. Všetci, ktorí neverili tomu posolstvu, zomreli. To je pravda. Čo bolo to posolstvo? Posolstvo bolo o prichádzajúcom súde. Večer, vo večernom čase Boh prešiel táborom Izraela, aby zistil, či ľudia veria posolstvu Jeho pastiera proroka; a všetci, ktorí tomu neverili, zahynuli.

158Teraz si všimnite, ideme to priniesť k Veľkému Pastierovi zachvíľu. Všimnite si službu veľkého Pastiera Proroka. Pre Jeho zázraky sa každá cirkev otvorila a prijala Ho. Chceli, aby boli ich chorí uzdravení. Chceli robiť veľké veci. Jeho popularita bola veľká. Ale keď prišiel čas večera, jeden deň po tom, čo premenil vodu na víno, a nasýtil tisíce chlebom, a robil zázraky, začal sa usádzať a hovoriť k nim. A povedal im, "Ja a Môj Otec sme Jedno. Prečo hovoríte, ‘Ukáž nám Otca?'"

160On sa potom otočil a povedal, "Keď nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe Život."

161No, čo myslíte, že si mohla múdra, intelektuálna osoba myslieť? Viem si predstaviť, že kňazi, ktorí Ho mali v chráme, boli veľmi zahanbení tým, že Ho tam mali. "Pomyslieť, že nejaký človek by vstal a povedal takú vec, ‘Keď vy, ľudia, nebudete jesť moje telo a piť moju krv.'" Povedal, "Toto je ľudský vampír (Vidíte?). ‘Jedzte moje telo a pite...' Prečo, on je kanibal. Vy, dobre zmýšľajúci ľudia, budete, vy odídete od takého pomätenca ako je tento."

162On to nikdy nevysvetlil, On to proste povedal. Povedal to, aby sa oni potkli, aby oddelil Svoje ovce od kozlov. Urobil to, aby ich vyhodil preč. A potom s Ním nikto nechcel spolupracovať. Odvtedy nemali žiadnu spoluprácu.

163Všimnite si, v čase večera, Boh prechádzal tábormi a videl, kto verí. A On urobil tú istú vec vo dňoch Veľkého Pastiera. Všimnite si službu veľkého Pastiera Proroka, ale všimnite si toto, veriacim Jeho posolstvu, ale nie... Toto posolstvo večera, oni by tomu neverili. Oni neverili, že On je Boh. Oni z Neho chceli urobiť milého človeka. Chceli z Neho urobiť proroka. On bol milý človek a On bol Prorok, ale On bol viac než to. To je dnes bežné učenie, že "On je len dobrý človek, On bol Prorok." On nebol nič menej ako Emanuel. On bol Boh zamanifestovaný v Ježišovi Kristovi, Jeho Synovi, robiac Jeho a Otca Jedným. To je všetko, čo On mohol byť.

164Zachariáš 14:7 (môžem toto povedať), hovorí o večerných Svetlách a posolstve znovu v čase konca. Všimli ste si to? Toľkí, koľkí nasledovali Mojžiša, videli Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ho identifikoval na Hore Sinaj. On svedčil a hovoril o tomto ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý bol v kríku a povedal mu toto posolstvo; mnohí z nich tomu neverili. Ale toľkí, koľkí ho nasledovali von z Egypta (vyšli zo sveta, a prešli more oddelenia, a šli na púšť), videli ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp (o ktorom hovoril), ako potvrdzuje toho pastiera proroka, že je pastierom oviec. Oni to videli, a mnohí z nich tomu stále neverili, po tom, čo to videli.

165Všimnite si, ako znovu ten nikdy sa nemeniaci Boh, ten veľký Pastier Prorok vzal tých, ktorí zostali pri Ňom a s Jeho službou, na Olivový vrch; ten veľký Pastier Prorok, ten Jeden, o ktorom hovoríme, Ježiš. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Videli a počuli Otca (ten istý Stĺp Ohňa), ako ho potvrdzuje, ako potvrdzoval Mojžiša.

166Ten istý Boh, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, prišiel k Mojžišovi a dokázal Ohnivým Stĺpom, že On je Jehova, ktorý vedie Mojžiša. Boh bol vo Svojom pastierovi prorokovi.

167Tu On berie ďalšieho Pastiera proroka, veľkého Proroka, Ozajstnú Ovcu, Ježiša, a berie voľbu troch mužov, a berie ich hore na vrch Olivovej hory a tam, potvrdený Ježiš. A dokonca Sám odišiel od všetkých ostatných ľudí, povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn; Jeho počúvajte." A keď sa pozreli, nevideli nikoho okrem Ježiša. Tak je to. On bol ten Jeden. No, tým je to vyriešené, čo sa mňa týka. Vidíte?

168[Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... Shekinah [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]... tvár. Mojžiš bol v prítomnosti Shekinah na Hore Sinaj. To zmenilo jeho tvár. Keď zišiel dolu, musel si dať zásteru na tvár, ten pastier prorok Mojžiš; v ktorom bol Jehova v časti, len v časti: jeho tvári. On mal Slovo vo svojich ústach.

169Ale všimnite si, keď bol ten Veľký Pastier v Prítomnosti Shekinah. Čo to urobilo? Zmienilo to celý Jeho výzor. On nebol len časťou Boha; On bol celý Boh. On bol Emanuel.

170Prečo to museli byť pastieri? Pozrite sa. Vidíte, teraz, Všemohúci Boh stvárňuje Seba Samého v Mojžišovi, pastierovi prorokovi. Sledujte, ako sa Boh dal poznať. (Toto je moja posledná poznámka.) Sledujte Ho, ako stojí pomazaný v Prítomnosti Ohnivého Stĺpu.

171Absolútne nikto na vrchu, iba Mojžiš a Jehova. Amen. "Amen" znamená "nech je tak." Sledujte. "Polož svoju ruku za svoju hruď." Ale sledujte teraz tento druhý znak s hlasom. "Polož svoju ruku za svoju hruď." Nemáme žiaden dôvod veriť, že Mojžiš bol ľavák, tak on musel vložiť svoju pravú ruku za svoju hruď, lebo väčšina ľudí je pravákov. Položil svoju pravú ruku... No, sledujte. Aký obraz tu vidíme, Jehovu v Mojžišovi pastierovi prorokovi. Mojžiš reprezentujúci Boha, lebo Boh bol v Mojžišovi.

172Sledujte ho, ako vkladá svoju... "Ruku za svoju hruď." Čo za znak. No, tam on stojí, držiac svoju pravú ruku na svojom srdci (stojac takto), kde boli skryté tajomstvá vykúpenia ukryté od založenia sveta. Tu je to, prečo pastieri. Ježiš je Božou pravou rukou; všetci vieme. Tu je Mojžiš predstavujúci presne Jeho. On držal tajomstvá Otca, a ukázal nám ich. Všimnite si, sledujte, ako vyťahuje spoza hrude svoju pravú ruku udretú smrteľným malomocenstvom. Ukázal, čo bude Boh robiť so Svojou pravou rukou. Všimnite si, na malomocenstvo nie je žiaden liek. Všimnite si, znovu, to nebolo iba obyčajné malomocenstvo, bolo to vo svojom poslednom štádiu: biele ako sneh. Jeho ruka bola udretá hroznou vecou. Ako sa Mojžiš musel cítiť, keď vytiahol svoju pravú ruku od svojho srdca, spoza svojej hrude, a jeho ruka bola udretá malomocenstvom. Malomocenstvo symbolizuje hriech, nevyliečiteľný, a zvlášť vo svojom poslednom štádiu.

173Bratia, to je to, kde bol svet, keď Boh vytiahol Svoju Pravú Ruku spoza Svojej hrude. Svet bol udretý malomocenstvom, a vôbec žiaden liek na to. Tak je to dnes večer, lebo oni neprijmú nápravu. Náprava bola učinená na Golgote, ale ľudia chcú vziať nejaký ľuďmi vytvorený recept namiesto Božieho receptu na hriech.

174Všimnite si. Nikdy to nešlo pozvoľna, ako je to pri priebehu malomocenstva, ale všetko naraz. Keď vytiahol svoju ruku, bola udretá; bola plná malomocenstva. Všimnite si, čo Boh povedal, "No, vy nebudete pozvoľna upadať do hriechu; ale v ten deň, kedy budete z neho jesť, v ten deň zomriete." To je pravda, "Ten deň, v ktorý z neho budete jesť."

175Všimnite si, bol to prorok pastier, ktorý sa sám udrel. On vzal, skrze príkaz Boží, a vložil svoju vlastnú ruku za svoju hruď, a vytiahol ju von udretú malomocenstvom. Prorok pastier to urobil sám. A ten veľký Prorok Pastier, Ježiš, to urobil Sám, "Ja kladiem Svoj život; žiaden človek ho neberie odo Mňa." On bol Veľký Pastier, ten veľký Prorok Pastier, "Žiaden človek to neberie od Mňa; robím to Sám." Všimnite si; to neprišlo pozvoľna, prišlo to v minúte. Ten Veľký Pastier Sám vzal našu vinu a ranil sa Sám, vzal naše hriechy a položil ich na Samého Seba. Niet divu, že básnik napísal:

Medzi skalami a tmavnúcim nebom,

Môj Spasiteľ sklonil Svoju hlavu a zomrel;

otvárajúca sa opona zjavila cestu

do nebeskej radosti a nekončiaceho sa dňa.

176To tajomstvo bolo v Božej hrudi po celé tie roky, zakryté Jeho pravou rukou, Ježišom. Veľký Pastier vzal na Seba našu vinu za nás. Izaiáš 53:6 povedal, "Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti. Kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho. A Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení." Tajomstvo Božského uzdravenia ležalo na hrudi Ježiša Krista, alebo Boha, On bol na pravici Boha; to je tá jediná ovca, ktorá držala v Jeho hrudi to tajomstvo. To je ten dôvod, prečo tie predobrazy toho museli byť vždy ovca. Prvý bol ovcou; posledný bol Ovcou. To je ten dôvod, prečo to muselo prísť k pastierovi, aby vedel, ako sa postarať o jeho Ovcu. Rozumiete tomu? Všimnite si, On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho."

177Všimnite si, prišlo to rýchlo, a odišlo to rýchlo, nie skôr, ako bola pravá ruka vytiahnutá spoza hrude po druhýkrát, tá smrteľná choroba bola preč, keď to vytiahol druhýkrát. A keď Veľký Pastier, Ovca prorok, keď povedal... Na Golgotskom kríži, keď zaplatil cenu za hriech pre nás všetkých, On povedal, "Je dokonané." Hriech bol skončený; cena bola zaplatená; dlhy boli splatené. To netrvalo rok alebo k tomu konečne došlo za dní nejakého iného reformátora alebo niečo také; bolo to dokonané práve vtedy.

178Hriech prišiel v okamihu skrze prestúpenie Božieho zákona, skrze porušenie jedného Slova. Dnes večer, moji bratia, vaša duša je nad peklom na reťazi. A tá reťaz nie je učenie nejakého teologického seminára; tá reťaz nie je nejaká denominácia alebo nejaké vyznanie, podľa ktorého žijete; tá reťaz je Božie Slovo. Ježiš dal ľudskej rase Svoje Slovo, aby podľa neho žili, a Eva porušila len jedno malé ohnivko. A žiadna reťaz nie je silnejšia ako jej najslabšie ohnivko. Ak vezmete z toho jedno Slovo... To bolo to prvé z Knihy.

Ježiš prišiel v strede Knihy a povedal, "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." To bol stred Knihy. Koniec Knihy, On povedal, "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo (vyloží nesprávne jedno Slovo), vezme jedno Slovo z Nej, Ja vezmem jeho diel z Knihy Života." Prechádzate nad peklom, visiaci na Slove Božom. Nenechajte nikoho vtlačiť do vás niečo, čo nie je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

179 Ó, viem... Nuž, oni povedia, "Iste, všetko, čo sme urobili. Všetko, čo sme urobili." To je to, čo si možno mysleli tí najvyšší kňazi a oni v dňoch toho Veľkého Pastiera. To je to, čo si myslela Eva. To je to, čo jej povedal satan, "Iste to Boh neurobí." Ale urobil, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. A to je dôvod, prečo to On urobí dnes znovu.

180Niet divu, ako On povedal, “Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, keď osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíte, veľmi málo, "Lebo tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, ktorá vedia do Života, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu. (To je pravda.) Lebo široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zničenia, mnohí po nej pôjdu."

181Keď bol ten Veľký Pastier udretý, ten veľký Pastier Oviec, keď bol tam udretý, povedal, "Je dokonané." A v tej minúte, hneď ako bol tento Pastier udretý, bolo po všetkom. Hriech je zaplatený; nebolo viac hriechu. Boli čistí; pokuta bola zaplatená. Veriaci, ktorých mená boli zapísané v Knihe Života, predurčení od založenia sveta, bolo to dokonané práve v tej minúte, keď Ježiš povedal, že bolo dokonané. On, ten Veľký Pastier, prišiel pre Svoje ovce. Bolo dokonané; Božia pravá ruka bola vytiahnutá z Jeho boku, udretého. Potom na Veľkú noc to On vrátil (Amen), vzkriesil to znovu do Svojho boku, a roztiahol to dolu k tebe a mne vo forme Svojho Slova, aby nás vykúpil späť do originálnej záhrady, z ktorej nás hriech vzal preč. Skryté tajomstvo Jeho veľkého srdca bolo zjavené skrze Proroka Pastiera. Bolo to zjavené skrze Pastiera, Proroka Pastiera.

182Niet divu, že hory skákali a kričali v ten deň. Niet divu, že slnko zakrylo svoju tvár a kričalo od radosti. Niet divu, že celá príroda sa rozjasala; vietor triasol stromami, až kým sa triasli a triasli a radovali a skákali. Oni videli Proroka Pastiera, na hore, vykúpil každé meno v Knihe života. A videli, že ich vlastná príroda bola vykúpená. Oni kričali a skákali. A svet šiel k zemetraseniu. A hory sa trhali a skaly padali. A slnko zapadlo. A všetko sa dialo. Ako nejaké zhromaždenie, keď ti Pastier zjavuje, že je dokonané. Tam...

183Videl som skákanie a radosť, ale nikto nebol zranený. Hory sa rozozvučali a ... Slnko zapadlo, a všetko to sa dialo, ale nikto nebol zranený. A videl som zhromaždenia, kde bola zjavená moc Božia ľuďom, že sú slobodní od sveta a vecí toho sveta a radosť Pánova naplnila zhromaždenie. Stáli a kričali a plakali a kričali, ako najviac mohli, na slávu Pánovu. Nikdy som nevidel nič v neporiadku; oni boli vždy v poriadku; lebo rozpoznali, že ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života pred založením sveta... Ten Veľký Prorok Pastier im priniesol posolstvo a oni boli vyslobodení: Prorok Pastier. Nezáležalo na tom, čo tie iné cirkevné sféry o tom hovorili, oni vedeli, čo sa stalo. Práve tak, ako tí pastieri tam, oni vedeli, čo sa stalo.

184Žiaden človek nemá právo vojsť za svätú kazateľňu kázať Slovo, kým neurobil ako urobil Mojžiš: sám sa stretol s Bohom na pôde, kde potom neexistuje žiaden teológ, ktorý by mu to vyhovoril. Mojžiš tam bol. Nezáležalo na tom, ako Izraelovi poslovia hovorili, "Ó, to bol nezmysel, ty si si to len predstavoval, že toto vidíš; to je nezmysel," nemohli ste mu to vziať; on vedel. On tam bol. On bol ten, ktorému sa to stalo. A žiaden človek s teologickou hodnosťou alebo nejakou doktorskou hodnosťou nemá právo za kazateľňou, aby si nárokoval posolstvo Ježiša Krista, kým sa prv nestretol s Bohom tvárou v tvár v Ohnivom Stĺpe. On nemá právo nazývať sa poslom, lebo všetci teológovia na svete by ti to nemohli vyhovoriť. Tebe sa to stalo. Ty si tam bol; ty o tom vieš. Je jedno, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, alebo koľko veľa toho môžu povedať, "tie dni sú preč, to nie je tak," ty - tebe sa to stalo a je to zhodné so Slovom.

185Áno, to je dôvod, prečo Mojžiš vedel, že tento Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, bol Hlas Slova. On vedel, že Boh povedal Abrahámovi, "Tvoje semeno bude dočasne prebývať štyristo rokov, ale ja ich vyslobodím." A on vedel, že štyristo rokov prešlo a on bol povolaný urobiť to.

186Muži a ženy, Boh zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, že vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Zasľúbil, že pošle krst Svätým Duchom a vyvolá Nevestu bez vrásky a poškvrny. On to zasľúbil učiniť; On to urobí. Nepočúvajte týchto najatých pastierov; oni vás zvedú z pravej cesty. Svätý Duch je ten Pastier, ktorý vás nakŕmi ovčím pokrmom zo Svojho Slova. Vždy to prichádza skrze Pastiera. On je náš Pastier. Počúvajte ho; vy ste ovce z Jeho ovčinca; ak ste, počujete Jeho Hlas, nie čo niekto iný hovorí; vy počujete, čo On hovorí. O cudzom hlase nič neviete.

187Ó. Počúvajte znovu mocného Pastiera Proroka, ako sa im vykladá a predstavuje. Ján, keď stál v rieke Jordán, pozrite, čo povedal. Stál tam a kázal, povedal, "Tá hodina prichádza..."

188Všimnite si, Ján bol synom kňaza. Oni vždy nasledovali líniu svojho otca; to je spôsob, ako sme dostali naše mená. Podľa toho, čo robili, tak ich volali. A Ján mal byť kňaz ako jeho otec.

189A viete, jeho matka, keď počala, po tom, čo sa Anjel Pánov stretol s jeho otcom Zachariášom, a šiel domov k Alžbete a ona už bola šesť mesiacov tehotná. Ale ešte nemala žiaden život, ona sa bála, lebo dieťa sa nehýbalo. To nie je normálne.

190A Svätý Duch, Anjel Pánov sa zjavil Márii a povedal jej, že bude mať dieťa, nepoznajúc muža, a povedal jej o Alžbetinom stave.

191Išla hore na vrchy Judey, aby to povedala Alžbete. A keď stretla Alžbetu, povedala jej, že bude matkou. A ona tomu nemohla porozumieť, nepoznajúc muža. Ale ona povedala, "Svätý Duch ma zatienil a povedal, že to sväté, ktoré sa zo mňa narodí sa bude volať Syn Boží, a nazvem Jeho Meno Ježiš." A prvýkrát, keď bolo meno Ježiš vypovedané ľudskými ústami, malé mŕtve dieťa v lone svojej matky vyskočilo od radosti a zakričalo a skákalo v lone matky a ešte neobdržalo život.

192Meno Ježiša Krista vypovedalo život mŕtvemu dieťaťu. Čo by to malo urobiť v cirkvi, ktorá si nárokuje, že je znovuzrodená?

193A my sedíme tak skysnuto ako modriny v náleve a necháme sa diať takéto veci a bojíme sa povstať a svedčiť o vašom presvedčení a odsúdiť všetok tento nezmysel, robiac Ježiša Krista tým istým včera, dnes a naveky. Je vianočný čas; vyhoďte týchto Svätých Mikulášov a tieto veci; preč s tým obchodným nezmyslom. Kde ste počuli o Svätom Mikulášovi v Biblii? To je Rímska mytológia, vôbec nič na tom nie je; neexistuje taká vec. Neučte vaše deti takým nezmyslom ako je to. Keď mu jedného dňa budete musieť povedať, že to celé bol klamlivý príbeh, potom ste klamali svojmu dieťaťu. A to poškodí vaše svedectvo o Ježišovi Kristovi, on si povie, "Možno to je to isté." Vráťte Ježiša Krista, veľkého Pastiera Proroka naspäť k Vianociam, kam patrí.

194Všimnite si, počúvajte tohoto proroka Jána, ako tam stojí. Všetci vieme, že bol veľkým pastierom prorokom. No, on mal posolstvo; Anjel vedel, že on predstaví Ježiša.

195No, on nemohol ísť do nejakého seminára. Oni by povedali, "No, viete, že Doktor Taký a taký je práve ten muž, ktorý teraz zaujme to miesto. Ty ho predstavíš. A vieš, že práve..." Vidíte, on sa nemohol zmiešať s ľuďmi.

196Keď mal deväť rokov, ako nám je povedané, išiel na pustatinu, aby sa pripravil pred Bohom. To je to, odkiaľ prichádzajú proroci. Všimnite si, že jeho posolstvo nebolo ako nejaký teológ so skvelými, veľkými, nafúkanými slovami nejakej hodnosti. On povedal, "Ó, vy plemeno hadov." Hovoril to nábožným ľuďom, "Vy banda hadov." To je to, čo videl v pustatine; videl hadov. Najnižšia vec, ktorú mohol nájsť, bol had, a on nazval tých kňazov, a duchovných a teológov toho dňa bandou hadov. Povedal, "Kto vás varoval od prichádzajúceho hnevu? Nezačínajte hovoriť, ‘My patríme k tomuto a my patríme k tamtomu,' lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove." Kamene, to videl v pustatine. "Tiež, sekera je priložená ku koreňu stromu." To je to, čo vídaval: hadov, stromy, pustatinu. A, vidíte, to bolo jeho posolstvo. On nepoznal tie veľké nafúknuté slová nejakého doktora božskosti (ktorý to dokáže celé vyhovoriť); on len kázal presne líniu prírody.

197To je to, čo tu ukazujeme: pastierska palica, pastier, ovce, línia prírody.

198Čo on robil? On mal urobiť veľkú vec; on bol ten, ktorý mal poznať Mesiáša. Povedal, "Hovorím, ‘On teraz stojí tu medzi vami. A vy Ho nepoznáte, lebo vaša teológia vás tak zviazala, že neviete, kde sa nachádzate.'"

199Jedného dňa vyšiel Ježiš; on povedal, "Hľa, tam prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta," Baránok. Haleluja, skutočné Zmierenie. Tam prichádza to, čo predstavovala každá ovca od záhrady Eden, obyčajný muž kráčajúci dolu pri rieke.

200Povedali, "Ján, ako si to vedel? Ja som nevidel nič rozdielne."

202Sledujte Holubicu a Baránka. Vidíte? Áno. Čo keby to bolo... Čo keby to bolo niečo... Čo keby tam stál vlk? Nuž, ten Baránok by nemohol ísť na - alebo tá Holubica... Boh sa symbolizoval v Holubici, najpokornejšom zo všetkých vtákov neba, Svojho Syna v baránkovi, najpokornejšom zo všetkých zvierat na zemi. Vidíte, čistý vták z neba, nie vrana, nie sup, ale holubica; nie prasa, ale baránok. Žiadna iná prirodzenosť by sa spolu nezmiešala.

203A všimnite si, keď Holubica prichádza na Baránka, Ona Ho viedla. Nie cestou, akou by On šiel, ale cestou, akou Ho viedol Otec. To je to, aký je dnes skutočný baránok. Ó, vianočný baránok, či nevieš, že Boh vedie jedine skrze Svoje Slovo? To je Jeho Palica.

204Všimnite si, že nič by sa nestalo, ale Ján povedal, "Ostatní z nich to nevidia, ale ja vydávam svedectvo; videl som to." Predstavujúc: "Hľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta."

205Smiem teraz predstaviť moje vianočné posolstvo, keď teraz končím? "Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Je to ten istý Baránok. On je takisto Baránkom dnes, ako bol vtedy. On je tu takisto, ako bol tam, lebo Jeho Slovo je to isté. "Kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja medzi nimi." To je presne to, čo povedal. On sa nikdy nemení, On je Boh Slovo. On sa nikdy nemení: stále dáva svojim ovciam, a kŕmi ich skrze Svojho Pastiera Proroka, najprv Pokrm Svojim ovciam, nie teológom, Svojim ovciam.

206Oni nebudú... ako to môžu ostatní jesť. Ale tí múdri... Všimnite si toto. Ale tí múdri a intelektuálni, dobre vyškolení sveta, stále túžia povedať, že existuje Svätý Mikuláš. A sú tam všetky druhy výmyslov a vecí, ktoré uctievajú, lebo oni neprijmú Jeho, to Slovo; lebo v ich denomináciách, to im nechutí, najatí pastieri tohoto dňa, najatí od vyznaní, ktoré vás zjednotia pod jedného kozla; neverte tomu. Oni vás povedú na bitúnok. Počúvajte toho Veľkého Pastiera, ktorý sa narodil pred 1900 rokmi tento mesiac, niekedy vtedy v Jeho posolstve prichádzajú skutoční pastieri, ktorí vedeli, ako sa starať o ovce.

207Všimnite si, oni po tom stále túžia. Oni to dnes neprijmú, takisto, ako to neprijali vtedy, lebo to nepasovalo ich cirkevnej chuti. Otočili to Slovo a napasovali si Ho do svojej organizácie a oni nebudú kázať Slovo. Nebudú. Hovoria, "Nuž, to bolo pre dni apoštolov. To neznamená toto." To znamená presne to, čo To hovorí, To nepotrebuje nikoho, aby to pre nich vyložil.

208Nuž, skloňme v tejto hodine svoje hlavy a srdcia k prachu zeme a ponáhľajme sa skutočne rýchlo k jasliam, aby sme videli a prijali Svetlo, ktoré toto Slovo prináša skrze Pastiera, Veľkého Proroka Pastiera, Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

209Hovoril som k vám dlho. Možno som svoje slová neuložil ako by mal nejaký duchovný; nepokúšam sa to robiť. Snažím sa to hovoriť tak, ako mi to On dáva. Ale, vidíte, prečo to museli byť pastieri? Tí ostatní boli tak vytrénovaní v inom myslení, až to neprijali. A dnes máme všetky druhy dozorcov, správcov, biskupov, kňazov, kardinálov, pápežov, všetko možné, aby sa nás snažili viesť. Ale Boh nám dáva Pastiera, a ten Pastier je Duch Svätý.

210Počúvajte ma teraz. "Keď On... (nie myšlienka, ‘On' je osobné zámeno)... keď On, Duch Svätý príde (Duch Pravdy), On vám zjaví tieto veci, ktoré som vám povedal, a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť." To je ten Veľký Pastier, to je ten Pastier, ktorého Ježiš zanechal. A Duch Svätý napísal Bibliu; Biblia tak povedala, "Mužovia v minulosti pudení Duchom Svätým, napísali Slovo." No, mohol by ťa Duch Svätý ťahať ku vyznaniu? Mohol by ťa ťahať k niečomu, čo toto Slovo nehovorí? No, to by bolo úplne nemožné. Duch Svätý by bol klamár, keby povedal, "Toto je to, čo by si mal robiť," a potom sa otočil a povedal by, "Nie, to bola chyba, a ty rob to, čo povie cirkev."

211No, ak si počúval niečo iné, čo ťa viedlo preč od toho skutočného, pravdivý Pastier, ktorý ťa povedie do Slova, Duch Svätý, a nemáš prežitie, a nemáš svedectvo Ducha Svätého vo svojom živote, bez ktorého...

212Boh je Jeden. Boh je ten Jediný, ktorý má Večný Život, a On je Večný Život. A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má aj koniec. A ak si len člen cirkvi, to malo začiatok. Ale Slovo Božie nemá začiatok, Boh nemá... A keď si narodený z Boha, si narodený zo Slova, potom sa stávaš synom Božím, a tvoje meno je zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. A ty, farba tvojich vlasov, farba tvojich očí, tvoja postava, Boh ťa videl pred založením sveta. A On ťa videl, ľudskú bytosť, ako si ty. A hoci má prísť ešte milión rokov, nič ťa nemôže zadržať od toho, aby si sa vrátil späť do toho dokonalého výzoru, ktorý pre teba Boh predurčil na počiatku, "Moje ovce počujú Môj Hlas; za cudzím nepôjdu."

213A ak si neprijal dnes večer ten Večný Život, dívaš sa na vymyslený príbeh dieťaťa ležiaceho v jasliach a skupinu múdrych mužov okolo, neveríš takým veciam. A snažíš sa myslieť, "Nuž, ja budem dobrý. A urobím toto. A pripojím sa k cirkvi. A to je všetko, čo musím urobiť." Si stratený. Ak nemáš Večný Život, ako môžeš žiť navždy?

214Môžeš zobrať zrno kukurice; nestarám sa, ako dobre vyzerá, môžeš... Veda vyprodukovala jedno, ktoré môžeš rozrezať a otvoriť: má ten istý druh vlhkosti, ten istý druh srdca, tie isté materiály ako zrno, ktoré vyrástlo zo zeme, tá istá vec. Môžete ich dať do laboratória a nemôžete ich od seba rozoznať: jedno prinesie taký istý dobrý kukuričný chlieb ako ten druhý; jeden prinesie taký istý druh kukuričných vločiek. Ale jediný spôsob, ako im môžete povedať, je pochovať ich. To, ktoré vyprodukoval človek, tam zostane; zhnije a nikdy nevzíde. Ale to, ktoré učinil Boh, má zárodok života (Vidíte?); žije znovu.

215Môžeš napodobňovať kresťana; môžeš chodiť do cirkvi ako kresťan; môžeš si zapísať svoje meno do knihy ako kresťan; môžeš sa pripojiť k denominácii ako kresťan; to všetko bude v poriadku; ale pokiaľ ten Večný Život nie je v tebe, za ktorý ten Dobrý Pastier dal Svoj život, aby oddelil... Keď Boh zostúpil dolu na Letnice, zostúpil v ohnivej guli, ako to urobil na Hore Sinaj, ako to urobil prvému pastierovi, Mojžišovi. A keď zostúpil, rozdelil sa na ohnivé jazyky, ktoré padli na každého z nich, Boh rozdeľujúci Seba Samého medzi svoj ľud. A okrem toho, že ste to prijali, čo Peter povedal, že "Je to pre vás a vaše deti, pre všetkých na široko - ďaleko."...

216Priatelia, nepočúvajte žiaden teologický výmysel; buďte znovuzrodení. A keď ste, Duch, ktorý je vo vás, je časťou Boha a svedčí, že každé Slovo Božie je Pravda. Ak nemáte tú skúsenosť, tak sa teraz rýchlo ponáhľajme k jasliam, Slovu. Ponáhľajme sa k Biblii, preč od týchto ozdobených teologicky pomenovaných cirkví ku skutočným jasliam, do Božieho Slova, kde sa dáva poznávať Mesiáš. S našimi sklonenými hlavami, modlime sa.

217Drahý Bože, to je všetko, čo tentokrát viem povedať. Blížime sa k Vianociam, ulice sú preplnené mužmi a ženami, chlapcami a dievčatami, tlačiacich sa, strkajúcich sa, snažiacich sa kúpiť darček, aby ho oplatili niekomu, kto im ho takisto dá. Mnoho ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi sú vonku na uliciach kupujúc cigarety a likér ako vianočné darčeky. Bože, vyzerá to, akoby to hádzali rovno späť do Tvojej tváre, učiac svoje deti nejakej fikcii, rímsku, pohanskú teológiu o Svätom Mikulášovi, nejaký mýtus, ktorý je svetom ľahko prijímaný, a oni odmietajú skutočného Krista Vianoc, skutočného Baránka.

218Bože, modlím sa dnes večer, nakoľko sme odvrátili svoje hlavy k prachu, z ktorého si nás vybral,... Raz si povedal Abrahámovi, veľkému prorokovi pastierovi, "Choď von, Abrahám, a spočítaj piesok, ktorý je na pobreží."

219A on odpovedal, "Je nespočítateľný; nemôžem ho spočítať."

220Potom si povedal, "Pozri sa hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy." A on vedel, že je to nemožné. A Ty si mu povedal, "Tak bude tvoje semeno." Hľadíme na to posolstvo tomu prorokovi pastierovi, "od prachu zeme po hviezdy na nebi," že hoci je smrť v našich smrteľných telách, aby nás vzala do prachu, je tam Život, ktorý nás môže vzkriesiť ku hviezdam.

221Ako si povedal Svojmu veľkému prorokovi Danielovi, "A tí, ktorí poznajú svojho Boha v posledných dňoch, budú robiť hrdinské činy. A tí, ktorí obrátia mnohých k spravodlivosti, budú žiariť jasnejšie ako hviezdy na veky vekov."

222Pane Bože, veľký Stvoriteľ, ktorý bol ochotný prísť na zem vo forme Ježiša, aby dal človeku vedieť, kto je Boh... A Ty si bol ten Jediný, ktorý mohol vziať trest smrti; žiaden Anjel, žiadna náhrada to nemohla urobiť. Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si dal ten trest, a Ty Jediný si ho mohol spravodlivo vziať. A súc Duchom, si nemohol zomrieť. Ale bol Si učinený telom, aby si mohol zomrieť a stal si sa Baránkom, aby si mohol vziať hriech Svojich Vykúpených, ktorých si musel vykúpiť Svojou vlastnou Krvou.

223Ó, ten príbeh je tak slávny, Pane, že prechádza ponad hlavy tak mnohých. Pomyslieť: "Malý Jehova ležiaci v jasliach; musel žiť ako bábätko. Malý Jehova narodený v maštali. Malý Jehova, hrajúci sa s deťmi na ulici. Malý Jehova, tínedžer. Malý Jehova, školák. A Jehova, ten mocný.” Ty si zaujal všetky tieto miesta. A potom, Jehova, Baránok, Jehova, Prorok. A Ty si sa stal všetkým týmto, aby si mohol vytrpieť trest za hriech a dať nám Večný Život.

224Odpusť nám, Ó, Bože, biednym, nehodným stvoreniam tohto sveta. Sme dnes večer ponížení, Pane, keď čítame, čo si pre nás urobil, a tak málo sme my urobili na oplátku. Ako si prišiel vo dňoch veľkých náboženských vodcov. Ako si bol ochotný stáť a vyjadrovať Slovo Otca. Ako si nerobil kompromisy s ich teóriami. A dnes sa zdá, akoby nebol nikto, kto by sa chcel postaviť a nazvať Slovo stále Slovom a nerobiť kompromisy. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nám odpustil tieto veci, ktoré sme tak zanedbávali. A daj nám dnes večer, v našich srdciach, ako Ti ich dávame ako jasle. A vieme, že zakaždým, keď je ukrižovaný Kristus prijatý, tam je nové narodenie, tam je novonarodená ovca, tam je spievanie anjelov v nebi. Nad jedným hriešnikom, ktorý činí pokánie, anjeli znovu spievajú.

225Modlíme sa, Bože, ak by tu boli dnes večer niektorí, ktorí Ťa nepoznajú ako skutočný Dar Boží, ako osobného Spasiteľa, nie iba skrze psychickú predstavu, ale skrze nové narodenie (narodenie z Tvojho Ducha), nech to prijmú práve teraz, Pane, s našimi sklonenými hlavami. A ak by tam mal byť niekto, Pane, ktorý toto neurobil, nech ich srdcia teraz prijmú radosť, a nájdu, ako tí starí pastieri, v jasliach svojho srdca, Slovo, Mesiáša; ktorý im bude potvrdený ako Svätý Duch, Veľký Pastier dňa. Prosíme toto v Ježišovom Mene.

226Kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy, a verím, že naše srdcia sú sklonené, či by si, či by si, môj drahý brat, hoci si možno členom cirkvi... A dúfam, že som ťa nezranil tým, čo som povedal. Ja... Je to v poriadku, patriť do cirkvi; mali by sme to robiť; ale, ó, brat, neodpočívaj na tom; ty sa musíš znovuzrodiť. To je to, čo ten veľký Prorok Pastier povedal, "Musíš sa znovuzrodiť." Povedal to teológovi, "Musíš sa znovuzrodiť."

227A keď si znovuzrodený, to nie je len preto, že veríš. Oni hovoria, "Ty si narodený, keď veríš."

228Ale Biblia povedala, "Aj diabol verí." No, všimnite si, to nie je to; to je skúsenosť.

229Poviete, "Nuž, žil som dobrý život."

230Tak činili aj apoštolovia, ale neboli znovuzrodení, až kým neprijali Svätého Ducha. Oni neboli dokonca ani obrátení, kým neprijali Svätého Ducha. Pamätáte sa na tú noc pred zradou alebo počas zrady, tesne predtým, ako nastala zrada? Ježiš povedal Šimonovi Petrovi, "Keď sa obrátiš, posilňuj svojich bratov." A Peter Ho nasledoval tri a pol roka a vyháňal démonov a uzdravoval chorých, kázal Evanjelium a stále (podľa Slova) nebol obrátený.

231No, chceli by ste takého Posla dnes večer vo svojom srdci? Ak to skutočne chcete... Ja nerobím žiaden rozdiel v tom, čo niekto iný hovorí; je To pravda, brat, sestra. Viem, že je to pravda. Či by si, kým je každá hlava sklonená a každé oko zavreté, nie pre mňa, ja som len človek, tvoj brat, ale Kristovi, či by si pozdvihol svoju ruku, a povedal, "Verím tomu. A ja skutočne chcem toho Krista do svojho srdca, toho skutočného Krista Vianoc"? Či by si teraz pozdvihol svoju ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobré. Aj teba nech Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ó, ruky sú všade.

232Nech sa tak stane, brat; nech sa tak stane, sestra; nech sa tak stane, môj priateľ; buď naplnený Božím Duchom. Aký rozdiel to robí, čo niekto iný hovorí? Pamätaj, to je tvoj život. My už ani nemusíme byť ráno na tejto zemi; my nemáme žiadnu istotu dlhšieho života než koľko dychu máme teraz vo svojich nozdrách. Nemusíme sa už viac nadýchnuť, je to len milosť Božia. A na čo je to dobré, nezáleží na tom, ako dobre si žil a čo... Ježiš povedal, "Ak človek nie je znovuzrodený, nijako nemôže vojsť."

233No, ja poznám terminológiu, čo znovuzrodenie znamená, ale sledujme len, čo sa stalo v Biblii, keď boli oni znovuzrodení. Peter bol veriaci; apoštoli boli veriaci; ale neboli znovuzrodení dovtedy, kým na nich nepadol Svätý Duch na Letnice. No, oni sa divili, čo sa stalo, a Peter povedal, spolu s ostatnými, "Vy, mužovia Izraela, nech je vám známe; že Ježiš z Nazaretu, Muž dokázaný od Boha medzi vami znameniami a zázrakmi a divmi, ktoré Boh skrze Neho činil; Jeho, ktorý bol predzvedený, rozhodnou radou ste hriešnymi rukami vzali a ukrižovali, Ktorého Boh vzkriesil a my sme boli Jeho svedkami. On toto rozlial, čo teraz vidíte a počujete; je to zhodne s Písmami."

234A potom, keď toto počuli, bodlo ich to do sŕdc a povedali, "Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení?"

235Peter im povedal, "Čiňte pokánie."

236Teraz, môj katolícky priateľ sediaci tu, o ktorých viem, že tu sedia štyria alebo piati. Hovoril som o tom s vaším kňazom, možno nie s vaším kňazom, ale jedným z katolíckych kňazov, on povedal, "Ježiš dal cirkvi moc odpúšťať hriechy, ‘Komukoľvek hriechy odpustíte, tomu budú odpustené; komukoľvek hriechy zadržíte, tomu budú zadržané.'" To je pravda. Ale sledujme, ako to urobil, ako apoštoli nasledovali Jeho nariadenie, nie podľa spôsobu, akým to dnes robia kňazi.

237 Ale čo urobil prvý kňaz, ak ho tak chcete volať, Peter, ktorý mal kľúče Kráľovstva, ako povedal, aby sa to robilo? Povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých na široko - ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh." A ak Boh stále volá, tá istá skúsenosť je pre vás, ak budete nasledovať ten istý recept. Ak toto zhromaždenie tomu verí, so sklonenými hlavami, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Potom čokoľvek menej ako To, je v protiklade so Slovom a nie zhodné s Pastierom.

238Pane Ježišu, oni sú teraz v Tvojich rukách. Modlím sa, aby každý dnes večer otvoril srdce, kto nemá Krista, Mesiáša... A Kristus je Slovo, pomazané Slovo zamanifestované. A ak sú tu dnes večer nejaké otvorené srdcia, ktoré nemajú toho Mesiáša, skutočný vianočný Dar, jediný skutočný vianočný Dar, ktorý Boh dal svetu, a oznámil to svetu skrze pastierov, o Svojom Baránkovi, Zmierenie za hriech... A ak je dnes večer to srdce otvorené, vlož doň, Pane, to Slovo Mesiáša na dnes. Porúčame ich Tebe v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

239Milujete Ho? Veríte Mu? "Hľadajte najprv Kráľovstvo Božie a Jeho spravodlivosť, a všetko ostatné vám bude pridané."

240Priatelia, skôr ako sa rozídeme, chcem povedať toto. Mnohokrát som tak neporozumený. Mám Posolstvo od Boha, a musím to Posolstvo vyhlásiť navzdory všetkému. Viem, že je to neporozumené. Ak by to nebolo, nebolo by to Posolstvo od Boha; nemohlo by byť. Dnes je príliš veľa zábran, aby to bolo neporozumené. Verím, že Boh má ľudí v každej denominácii a organizácii sveta, a to nie je, že ja som proti mojim bratom. Prišiel som tu do Tusconu pred tromi rokmi a mal som stretnutie s vami, kazateľmi, u brata Gilmora, a opýtali sa ma, či som sem prišiel založiť cirkev?

241Povedal som, "Nie veru. Prišiel som vám pomôcť." Ale nebol som zatiaľ pozvaný počas troch rokov. Ale tak isto, som tu, aby som vám pomohol. Som tu, aby som k vám pridal ruku, nie, aby som sa s vami pridal k organizácii, ale pridal ruky a srdce nad Slovom Božím, aby som sa snažil kázať Evanjelium každej stratenej duši a každej núdznej osobe, ktorá je pod zvukom našich hlasov.

242Predkladám sa Bohu, dnes večer, s celým svojím srdcom, so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Nemám toho veľa, čo dať; nemôžem priniesť kadidlo, myrhu ani zlato, lebo žiadne nemám. Ale všetko, čo v sebe mám, je, že Boh mi dal tento život, venujem ho nanovo dnes večer Jemu, nad jasľami Jeho Slova v mojom srdci, a sľubujem Mu zostať s tým Slovom, ak ma nechá žiť ďalší rok, práve tak verne, ako môžem stáť; kázať každý kúsok Toho, a veriť každý kúsok Toho; tak, pomôž mi, Bože. Urobíte to isté so mnou?

243Prijmi nás, Pane. My prijímame Tvoj vianočný Dar, Mesiáša, pomazané Slovo, ktoré potvrdzuje Tvoju prítomnosť s nami, Pane, bez ohľadu na vyznanie alebo denomináciu. Nachádzame sa dnes, svet sa rozpadá a tu stojí veľký Mesiáš so Svojimi vystretými rukami: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ktorý dal zasľúbenia, že v týchto posledných dňoch, cirkev bude tak zorganizovaná, až kým nepôjde do Laodicee. A dnes to vidíme, Pane.

244Čo môžeme robiť, drahý Bože? Čo môžem robiť? Pomôž mi, aj týmto ostatným pastierom, Pane, po celom svete, pastierom Slova, aby to vyhlasovali, Pane, v tomto ďalšom roku. Pomôž nám, Pane, modlíme sa. Daj nám z Tvojej lásky, Tvojho Ducha a Tvojho Svetla. Odovzdávame sa dnes večer do Tvojho Slova a do Tvojho volania. V Mene Ježiša Krista, prijímame Tvoj vianočný Dar, Slovo Božie učinené telom v nás. Amen.

245Milujem cirkevné piesne. Pavol povedal v Biblii, "Keď spievam, spievam v Duchu. Kážem, kážem v Duchu. Keď... Čokoľvek robím, všetko to robím v Mene Ježiša Krista." No, bolo to pre vás vysiľujúce... A cením si vás. Prichádzam s týmto posolstvom. Niekedy to vyzerá, že to jednoducho nenávidím povedať to, ale stále som morálne zaviazaný, bratia. Ak to neurobím, som pokrytec. Ak to neurobím, som zradcom svojho vlastného svedomia, a svojej vlastnej - vlastnej viery v Božie Slovo. Musím to robiť, nie, aby som bol odlišný, ale aby som bol verný svojmu povolaniu. A chcem vám pomôcť; chcem urobiť všetko, čo môžem.

246No, spievajme jednu z tých veľkých chvál všetkých čias, milujem to tak veľmi, "Milujem Ho." Viete, ja verím, že ak Ho budeme všetci milovať, budeme robiť to, čo nás žiadal, aby sme robili. "Ako ma nazývate ‘Pánom' a nerobíte veci, ktoré som vám prikázal? Ako ma nazývate ‘Pánom' a nerobíte to, čo som vám povedal, aby ste robili."

247Budete radšej počúvať najatého pastiera, ktorý by povedal, "Dajte svoje meno do knihy a pripojte sa; vezmite túto komúniu, povedzte toto, a je to v poriadku," pričom Sám Veľký Pastier povedal, "pokiaľ sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť Kráľovstvo nebeské"?

248A pozrite sa na tých školených teológov toho dňa, školených. Svätý? Čisto žijúci? Nemáme dnes nič, s čím by sme to porovnali, ten spôsob, akým žili. A ako ich ten Veľký Pastier nazval? Povedal, "Ste zo svojho otca diabla," lebo oni ne... Oni rozpoznali Slovo, ale Slovo na iný deň, nie Slovo na ten deň.

249Ak rozpoznali Noeho čas, to je v poriadku; to bol Noeho čas; ale to by nefungovalo v čase Mojžiša. A Mojžišov čas by nefungoval v Kristovom čase. Vidíte? Lutherov čas nebude fungovať vo Wesleyho čase. Wesleyho čas nebude fungovať v Letničnom čase. A Letniční urobili tú istú vec, ktorú urobili tí ostatní z nich. No, kto mi pomohol v tých predošlých dňoch? Pýtam sa vás.

250Keď vychádza steblo trávy, čo je to? Čo... Keď vychádza steblo pšenice... Ježiš povedal, "Keď semeno pšenice nepadne do zeme..." Čo sa stane, keď semeno pšenice alebo pšenica padne do zeme? Prvá vec, ktorá vyjde, je malé steblo. Nie je to ako to zrno, ktoré išlo dolu. Sledujte prírodu. Nie je to ako to zrno, ktoré vošlo dovnútra, ale je to nositeľ života toho zrna. Čo prišlo...

251Ten neveriaci, ktorý práve napísal tú slávnu knihu, "Tichý Boh," povedal, "Ako môže existovať Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť Červené More a stáť počas tisíc rokov temných vekov a vidieť malé deti žrané levmi a ľudí visiacich na krížoch a vraždených v arénach a tieto veci, a vôbec neotvoril ústa?" Vidíte, Slovo je zjavenie.

252Tá pšenica, keď tá skutočná pšenica začala na počiatku, sklamala Boha. A nakoniec prišla Pšenica, skutočný Odraz Boha, ktorý odrážal Jeho celé Slovo tak, že On bol Slovo. Boh Mu dal Nevestu na Letnice, ale tá Nevesta padla do zeme počas temných vekov, práve tak, ako urobila skutočná pšenica. Padla do zeme. A prečo to nemohlo fungovať? Lebo to bolo skryté pod zemou; muselo to zhniť predtým, ako to mohlo priniesť život.

253Ale jedného dňa prišiel malý kňaz menom Martin Luther a priniesol jedno Slovo Pravdy: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Prišlo steblo; potom nasledovalo ďalšie steblo, Zwingli, a potom prišiel Kalvín a Knox a tak ďalej.

254Prvá vec, ktorú viete, je, že to zmenilo svoje steblo; prešlo to do klasu. No, to vyzeralo trochu viac ako to, ale stále to nebola tá skutočná vec, ktorá vošla do zeme; prišiel Wesley. Z Wesleyho vyšla Metodistická cirkev, z Metodistickej cirkvi vyšli Nazaréni, Zjednotení Bratia, a tak ďalej. Čo to urobilo? Padlo to znovu a prinieslo to niečo, čo teraz vyzerá ako skutočné zrno pšenice, Letničných.

255No, sledujte Ježiša, v Matúšovi 24:24, "V posledných dňoch, tie dva duchy budú tak blízko seba, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." No, keď zrno pšenice vyšlo, každý pestovateľ pšenice vie, že to vyzerá ako dokonalé zrno pšenice. Ale sadnite si a vezmite to do ruky, otvorte to. Nie je v tom žiadna pšenica; je to šupka. Ale vzadu, pod mikroskopom môžete vidieť malý drobný púčik; tam prichádza zrno. A potom, načo je tá šupka? Aby chránila zrno; horúce slnko by ho zabilo; chráni zrno, až kým nie je zrelé. A potom, keď zrno dozreje, šupka sa od neho odtiahne. Ale všimli ste si, to zrno potom, keď vychádza, musí byť toho istého druhu ako to, ktoré vošlo do zeme.

256Po Lutherovom prebudení prišla organizácia. Po Wesleyovom prebudení prišla organizácia. Po Alexandrovi Smithovi, Johnovi - Alexandrovi Campbellovi, Johnovi Smithovi, po všetkých ostatných prišla organizácia. Po Letničných, rovno ako skutočná vec, ale stalo sa to organizáciou. Čo to urobilo? Odtiahlo sa to.

257Mali sme pätnásť rokov prebudenia; akého nebolo v celej histórii. A sledujte, v týchto pätnástich rokoch prebudenia, rozšírilo sa to po celom svete, a ani jedna organizácia z toho nebola vybudovaná. Kde to bolo? (Začalo to pozdný dážď; zomrelo to v ňom, rozplynulo sa, zomrelo to.) Nebola žiadna organizácia, ktorá by to nasledovala. Prečo? Je to samotné zrno; nemôže byť ďalšie. A šupka sa teraz odťahuje, žiadna spolupráca, nikto vás nechce. Prečo je to? Musí to tak byť.

258Prečo tam bola cirkev postavená? Aby to podporila. Kde... Kto by spolupracoval? Ktorý baptista alebo presbyterián alebo luterán podporil kampaň Božského uzdravovania? A teraz, keď Pravda vychádza, čo sa deje? Nie šupka, ale Život vychádza rovno zo šupky, rovno do zrna, skutočný pravdivý Život. Organizácia tam stojí, zomiera, práve tak, ako v každom veku; robí to isté. Vyšli ste z toho von pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, a vošli znovu rovno do späť do toho. Ale skutočný Život nasleduje zrno, sme v čase konca, bratia.

259Prečo sa to odťahuje? Aby to prinieslo zrno do Prítomnosti Syna, aby dozrelo do zlatej zrelosti pre Majstra. Prečo sa to odtiahlo? Tak to spôsobuje bolesti srdca, slzy, lebo neležia na slnku [angl. “s-u-n” - pozn.prekl.], ale pri Synovi [angl. “S-o-n” - pozn.prekl], aby dozreli do skutočného plného Evanjelia, aby zamanifestovali všetko, čo Ježiš zasľúbil v Biblii, dnes je vzkriesené Telo medzi ľuďmi. A nebude viac žiadnych organizácií; ide to rovno von do bohatej Laodicee. Čím prosperujú organizácie? Miliónmi dolárov a miliónmi duší.

260A odkiaľ prišiel pastier? Aby vyslobodil svojich bratov zo zajatia. Ja neviem; Bože, buď s nami, pomôž nám. Študujte Slovo. Skúmajte Písma. V nich si myslíme, že máme Večný Život, a oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Pravde. Vidíte, Boh vymeral Svoje Slovo do každého veku. Tento vek vždy...

261Čo Ježiš povedal, keď prišiel? Povedal tým ľuďom, "Vy pokrytci. Vy obielené steny, a postavili ste hrobky prorokom a vaši otcovia ich do nich vložili. A vy ste synovia svojich otcov. A skutky, ktoré oni činili, aj vy budete činiť." To stále zostáva také isté, moji bratia.

262Ale keď jedného dňa Ježiš príde, ten Veľký Pastier oviec od Letníc, cez Luthera cez všetky tie veky, prijali Svetlo, ako To prichádza cez nositeľov (neprijali nositeľa, prijali Svetlo, vidíte?, vyšli von), On príde, aby ich vykúpil. Som tak rád, že viem, že On prichádza znovu. Ó, či budete započítaní s Jeho skupinou? Budete započítaní? Je len jeden spôsob, ako to urobiť, nie pripojiť sa k cirkvi, ale byť zrodení do Neho. "A všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne, a nikto nemôže prísť, keby ho Môj Otec nezavolal." Vidíte? To je všetko, čo na tom je, prijať to. On... to je ten jediný vianočný Dar, o ktorom viem, to je dar Boží, ktorý dal svetu, Svojho jednorodeného Syna. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, Slovo. Amen. Verte Mu v tomto dni, plnosti Biblie.

263Keď tých sedem tajomstiev... Počas tých siedmich cirkevných vekov, tam bolo sedem skrytých tajomstiev. Píšem o tom knihu. A jeden veľký teológ mi prednedávnom povedal, "Brat Branham..." Vidíte, ako sa vás satan bude snažiť vyraziť z cesty? Povedal, "Brat Branham, vieš čo? Verím, že Pán ti zjaví, čo máme robiť ďalej. Je... Bude to nejaké veľké tajomstvo, ktoré je tam ukryté pod tými siedmimi pečaťami."

264Povedal som, "Nie, to nie je to, brat."

265Povedal, "Bude to niečo, čo ani nie je zapísané v Slove."

266Povedal som, "Nie, nie. Zabudol si, ‘Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo uberie jedno slovo.'" Vidíte, je to už tam, ale reformátori to nevideli; oni nežili dostatočne dlho, aby to uvideli.

267A veky sa teraz zakončili; sme rovno tu v Laodicei. A pamätajte, Laodicejský vek, On bol mimo cirkvi, klopúc, snažiac sa dostať späť dovnútra: Eva vystrčila svojho Adama von. Bože, pomôž nám. Vyjdime von za tábor, aby sme Ho našli. Poďme trpieť s Ním von za bránami. Poďme k Nemu v Jeho smrti, v Jeho pohrebe a v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní; lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

268Zaspievajme jednu hymnu predtým, ako odídeme. Zaspievate? "Milujem Ho." Udáš nám tón, sestra? Koľkí poznáte tú starú hymnu? Ja... Ak ste niekedy boli na zhromaždeniach, milujem to. Tak zavrime len oči; myslime na Jehovu. Nikto nebol hoden, nikto to nemohol urobiť okrem Neho. A On zostúpil a stal sa malým bábätkom. Stal sa tínedžerom. Stal sa tesárom, pracujúcim mužom. Stal sa Baránkom; stal sa Obeťou. Víťazne vstal, Jehova. A ako Mojžiš vytiahol svoju ruku z hrude od svojho srdca, Boh vytiahol Jeho ruku z Jeho hrude (Jeho tajomstvo), Jeho Syna, ktorý bol ranený nemocou hriechu, nevyliečiteľnou; a strčil ju znovu späť do hrude, a vytiahol ju a natiahol ju k tebe a mne: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Pozrite sa na Neho teraz:

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

271Koľkí z vás vedia, že to museli byť pastieri, povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Museli... Prečo pastieri? Muselo to byť. Teraz, zatiaľ čo spievame znovu ten istý verš, natiahnite sa ponad stôl. Sedia tu dnes večer metodisti, baptisti, luteráni, presbyteriáni, katolíci a všetci. Potraste si ruky, povedzte, "Spolupútnik, som rád, že som tu dnes večer s tebou." Povedzte im niečo. Povedzte, "Nech ťa Boh žehná," ako si teraz navzájom podávame ruky, zatiaľ čo to znovu spievame:

Milujem... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.]

...mi spasenie

na Golgote.

272Zavrime teraz oči a zodvihnime ruky a spievajme Mu.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

lebo On prv miloval mňa.

A vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

273A teraz, Boh nemá formu. Tak, skloňme svoje hlavy a hmkajme si to teraz, ako malé deti; sme deti Božie. Nepozerajte sa na to, čo si svet môže myslieť; teraz uctievate, uctievate Krista. Len skloňte svoje hlavy a hmkajte to. [Brat Branham vedie zhromaždenie s hmkaním: "Milujem Ho" - pozn.prekl.]

274Necítite sa ako úplne očistení? Trochu ako... Niečo z vás proste očistilo všetku pochybnosť a svet? Cítite sa tak? Zodvihnite ruky, "Cítim, že všetko je očistené. Cítim sa inak. Cítim, akoby som jedol z Jeho rúk. Mám..." Ako tu brat svedčil, "Pokrm, Pastiersky pokrm, ovčí Pokrm." To je Slovo.

275 Božie ovce sa kŕmia na Jeho pokrme, "Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove vychádzajúcom z úst Božích." A toto je To, Biblia. Kŕmime sa každým Slovom, nie len niektorými Slovami, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza. Ó, nespôsobuje to, že Ho milujete, pomyslieť, že teraz máme Večný Život? Nie budeme, teraz sme synmi Božími. Nie budeme, teraz. A sediaci spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. A tá veľká televízia, ktorá tvrdí, že existuje vlna éteru, ktorá robí ľudí (osoba, ktorá cestuje po svete) známych z obrazovky televízie... To veľké Slovo Božie a Duch Boží berúci Slovo Božie odráža Ježiša Krista v ponebeských miestach do Svojich oviec, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Či nie je On nádherný? Nádherný. Nech vás Boh žehná.

276No, postavme sa len na chvíľu. Máte niekoho na požehnanie? No, pamätajte, počas Vianoc uctievajte Pána Ježiša. Uctievajte Ho v moci Jeho vzkriesenia. A ak by som vám niekedy mohol urobiť láskavosť (vám, vášmu pastorovi, vašej cirkvi, alebo čokoľvek), noc nie je nikdy príliš temná; dážď nikdy nepadá príliš tvrdo.

277Minulú noc (Je tu nejaká pani.) Bol som tak zaneprázdnený nemocnými a tými vecami, až... Bola tam pani asi okolo osemdesiatky, ktorá stratila rozum a mala... Ona si myslela, že bude mať dieťa alebo také niečo; ona stratila rozum. A Billy mi zavolal z kancelárie a povedal, "Ocko, môžeš?"

278Povedal som, "Nemôžem hneď teraz. Sú tu ľudia... Jednoducho to teraz nemôžem urobiť."

279Povedal, "Ocko, môžeš ísť na modlitbu? Poviem im, že sa modlíš."

280Povedal som, "Áno." A presne v tej istej chvíli prišla ku sebe. Zaspala, zobudila sa do normálneho stavu, jedla kurča na večeru, bola odvtedy normálna. Nejaká osoba tu pred chvíľou stála a svedčila o tom.

281Brat Mack, videl som ho tu pred chvíľou, niekde v zbore. Je tu, jeden z pastorov, miestny pastor. Veľmi drahý brat, vždy som miloval brata Macka, odkedy som po prvýkrát začal so službou. A potom som ho stretol...

282A bol som hore v Britskej Columbii; a len aby som vám ukázal, ako Boh robí všetko správne. Bol som už na koni, a šiel som späť do divočiny, kde som viedol k Bohu celú skupinu Indiánov; a všetci boli obrátení a prijali Ježiša.

283A podľa proroctva, ktoré som povedal tomu indiánskemu chlapcovi, ktorý stratil svojho poníka pred dvoma rokmi, povedal som mu, kde ho nájde, ako ďaleko bude, a kde ten poník bude stáť. Jeho matka zomierala na srdcový záchvat, bola uzdravená a spasená. A tento chlapec, len prechádzal okolo a videl to, a vedel, že... Jeho kôň sa našiel presne tak, ako mu bolo povedané, a všetko.

284Ani jedno Slovo, ktoré Pán kedy vypovedal... Opýtam sa kohokoľvek z vás, "Či On, či ste Ho niekedy počuli povedať niečo, čo mi kedy povedal, aby som vám povedal, čo by sa nestalo presne tak?" Ak je to tak, povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen." - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, vidíte? Presne, ani jeden raz to nesklamalo.

285A brat Mack ležal na hranici smrti a stalo sa, že jeho žena zavolala Billymu, žene môjho syna a povedala - opýtala sa, kde som; tá milá malá dáma a jeho manželka. A ona... A moja nevesta povedala, "On je preč v severnej Britskej Columbii na poľovačke."

286A v to ráno, akosi, nemohol som proste prejsť na tom koni. A Billy potom povedal, "Myslím, že ešte raz zavolám domov." A šiel na poštu a zavolal. A tu oni bežali späť, keď tam stál ten malý Indián, ten malý... mal poníka, a povedal, "Brat Mack leží na hranici smrti a volá ťa."

287A odišiel som, šiel som do lesa a pokľakol som. Povedal som, "Drahý Bože, tam dolu, tritisíc míľ naprieč krajinou v slnečnom štáte Arizony, v Tuscone, je môj brat, a leží na hranici smrti. Pomôžeš mu?"

288Niečo len ku mne prehovorilo, "Všetko je v poriadku."

289A keď som minule prišiel k bratovi Mackovi, aby som sa s ním porozprával, a opýtal som sa ho, "O koľkej sa to stalo?" Bolo to presne v tú hodinu, keď sme sa išli modliť.

290Ó, On... Nie je On nádherný? On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Som tak šťastný, že viem, že žijem v Prítomnosti Kráľa.

291Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, a je tu drahý malý brat, misionár, môj priateľ, člen Zborov Božích, drahý malý brat. Volám ho, "Creeche." Hovoril také milé veci. Brat Creech, volám ťa tak. Neviem, čo povedať; si môj brat a spoluslužobník v utrpeniach Ježiša Krista v tomto poslednom dni. Nech ťa Boh žehná. A myslím, že brat Tony povedal, že rozpustíš teraz to zhromaždenie, zatiaľ čo skloníme svoje hlavy. V poriadku, poď.

WHY IT HAD TO BE SHEPHERDS, 64-1221, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Tucson, AZ, 157 min

1 I guess, a kind of a long-winded preacher. And without education, I--I guess I don't sound much like a preacher to some people. And I--I don't even claim to be a preacher, I just kind of a spare tire. But I feel that I have a Message from God, that in my way (that the only way I have to present It), I'm trying to present It to the world. And if I didn't stay with that Message, I'd be a traitor to God and a hypocrite to you. A person that will say one thing and believe another, it's hypocrisy. We must always speak the truth from our heart. That when people look upon us, even though they disagree with us, we want to be honorable man and women: that we speak from our heart, that which is true in our hearts.

2 Last year, or year before last, I had the privilege of speaking a--a Christian... or pardon me, a Christmas message, here at the Ramada. And I believe I spoke on the subject, either here or Phoenix, on: Why Little Bethlehem? And I believe then it was here, last year, I spoke on: We Have Seen His Star In The East And Have Come To Worship Him.

3And, you know, we read the Bible, and we wonder, those "Why's?" And tonight I thought, if you would bear with me a while, and pray with me, I would try to give you my Christmas message. God only knows where we'll be next Christmas, if there is a next Christmas after this. So being that this might be the last Christmas we set together, until we set at another table. And It will not be one of this type, but it'll be when we eat and drink the communion anew with Him, in the Father's Kingdom at the end of the road. And then, let us approach it tonight as if this was the last Christmas message we'd ever set together in, in the deepness of sincerity.

4 I want to speak tonight on a unusual subject, but sometimes you find God in the unusual thing. He does things in a unusual way. Not the usual way, it's the unusual way, unusual times, unusual scenes, He's unusual. And I want this... Lord willing, I want to speak on the subject of: Why It Had To Be Shepherd.

5And now just before we approach the Word, which I believe that is God, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us."

6 As I said, last week, or week before last at Phoenix, "It's proven that there is subjects of this earth, people, passing through this building now." Television proves that. It's in another dimension, our natural eyes and our five senses cannot pick that up. It isn't that television manufactures anything, it only channels. You cannot make a move with your finger, you cannot bat your eye, but it's proven to be recorded forever. I might be standing... Or a man in Australia, would have a--a television screen here, not only that but the--the man could speak, move his finger, bat his eye, or even the color of clothing that he's wearing, would be projected here on the wall; and he in Africa, Australia, around the world. See, there is a cycle of ether waves. I cannot explain it, but I know it's there. I don't think anyone could really explain it. So, television can pull this in and make it a reality by some instruments, that they could reflect it on the wall.

7 Now, that same thing was here when Adam was here. Television was here when--when Elijah set on Mount Carmel. It was here when Martin Luther, that young priest, throwed the communion on the floor and said, "It's kosher! And the just shall live by faith." It was here then, but we are just now finding it. And it's also so, that in our presence tonight is God, Angels, supernatural beings that's unseen to our natural sense of sight. But someday it'll be a reality just as television is now, and just as common. Now, that is why I believe the Word.

8Jesus said, "Whosoever shall add one word to this Bible, or take one Word out of It, his part will be taken out of the Book of Life."

9 So, let us bow our heads then, before we even read It. So solemn! Any man that's got physical strength could turn back the page, but only God can reveal It.

10And with our heads bowed now towards the dust from whence we were taken, and someday shall return, I wonder... And in this solemn moment, as we're approaching Christmas, if there is some here that really feel unworthy and would like to be remembered in this prayer, would you (without raising your head) just raise you hands to God and say, "Remember me, Lord, this Christmas"? God bless you.

11 Most Holy and Gracious Heavenly Father, Almighty God, He that was from the beginning, before there was a star, or a atom, or a molecule. You made all things by Jesus Christ Your Son, and hath given us all things freely in Him. We thank Thee, tonight, Lord, for this opportunity that You have given us to assemble ourselves together, to be warned and taught by the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit takes Your words and reveals them to us, for Jesus said, "When He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will remind you of these things that I have said and also show you things to come."

12God, there is not one in our midst, neither is there one upon the earth, who is worthy to try to interpret Your Word, for it is written that, "The Word of God is of no private interpretation." Therefore, Lord, we pray that the Holy Spirit will give to us tonight, each and every one, the portion that we need to satisfy that hunger that's in our heart for a closer walk with Thee. We are unfit, unclean, unworthy. Let the Child that was borned in Bethlehem, that lived the most perfect life, and was the only perfect man upon the earth, and gave Hisself a ransom that He might cleanse us unclean sinners and to bring us into relationship with the Father, grant tonight that His Holy Spirit (through the preaching of the Word) will do that for us.

13 Lord God, there is many sick in the land today, in the face of the best medicine that we ever doctored with, and the best medicine and the best hospitals. And yet in all of our great scientific discoveries, yet there is more sickness than the world ever knew, because there's more sin and unbelief than the world ever knew. Help us tonight, Great Physician, and heal the sick that's in our midst.

14And give us the Spirit, the true Spirit of Christmas. When today... that when pagan ceremonies, Christmas trees worshipped, fiction stories of a--a man named Santa Claus, and of our Easter rabbits, and the different fashions that the commercial world has capitalized on, may it be laid aside, God. Let us enter into Christ the Word, for we asked it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

15 If you will turn with me for a reading in the Holy Writ, Saint Luke, the 2nd chapter. Can you hear me all right?

Is there any transposition in the microphones? Can you hear me in the back all right? If you can, raise your hand. Thank you. The 2nd chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Luke.

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

(And this tax was first made known... was governor of Syria.)

And all went to be taxed, every one to his own country.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, into the city of Nazareth, into Judaea,... the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while she was there, the days of her accomplishment that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in the manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there was in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring... good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in a manger.

And suddenly there was the... And suddenly there... with the angel a multitude of... heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us go now even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us.

And they came in haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things which they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.

16 Now, it's a... Why this great event was revealed to shepherds? That would be kind of an astounding thing for us. I have some Scriptures written here, and a few notes that I will try to run over, to explain to you why to the best of my knowledge. And maybe then after this, that the Lord with His grace, tonight, will take the why's away from us. But did... Most all of us, I suppose, at one time or other, has wondered why that this greatest event of all times was revealed to shepherds. Why was It revealed to shepherds and not to the theologians of that day; they were the one were trained to hear It? And why did It come and bypass the rich, and come to the poor? Also, why did It bypass the learned and wise, and come to the humble and unlearned? There is a few questions of why in this.

17 And another reason I might say, notice, the babe was borned in Bethlehem. Which Bethlehem in the Hebrew interpretation, as we had a couple years ago here, Bethlehem means the "house of God's bread." And we proved in the Scriptures, He could not come any other place. Bethlehem was founded by Rahab and her--her husband. Rahab was a harlot that a general courted, from the--the Israelite army, after they had taken Jericho. And by faith she believed the message of God, in her condition, and she was saved. And from there, when Joshua divided up the lands of where each one would be,...

18 And there's a great lesson that sometime I hope to be able to bring at Tucson, of those Hebrew mothers giving birth to those babies. When she groaned at the birth pain of the baby, she called the name of the baby and that positionally placed it in the promised land, it's tribe. The great thing, all the Word of God fits right together. If it doesn't fit together, it's not God's Word that's misfit, it's your thought is misfitting to the Word. It all fits together.

19 So, then, He was the Bread of Life, as we taught last week in Phoenix, or week before last. And being the Bread of Life, He could come no place else but the "house of God's bread." And that was the why. Now, here, Jesus is borned in Bethlehem, and in Bethlehem there was synagogue, great religious leaders lived in Bethlehem. David the great king-shepherd was borned in Bethlehem, his father Jesse was borned in Bethlehem, his grandfather Obed was borned in Bethlehem. Also, all the way back, he came from Bethlehem.

20And here, Jesus the Son of David is borned in Bethlehem, right under the shadows of the great cathedrals. Then if those people are trained, and had been looking for the Messiah for all these years; four thousand years, the Messiah had been prophesied to come. And then if the Messiah be borned in the shadow of the cathedral, why did they have to go plumb back up into the mountains to a bunch of unlearned, untrained shepherds to bring the great Message, the first Message? And commissioned shepherds! Not the wise and trained, but shepherds. It's a strange thing, isn't it? But there's got to be a why somewhere... There is a why, now there's got to be an answer why! And no man knows the answer save God. He's the One that knows the answer.

21 Now, remember, the Messiah was already in the city, borned in the city, in a stable; right by the great cathedrals where the high priest... and the great priests, and the theologians, and the wise, and the trained, all was there waiting for the Messiah. And there He was, right in their midst! But why then did they go to the... out on the hills of Judaea to unlearned, untrained, uncultured, poorest of all? Looked like the most unfit person for such a task, to reveal the Message and send them out to bring the Message.

22You know my opinion? It might not amount to very much, but I want to pass my opinion: I believe it's because of the wisdom of God, that He knew they wouldn't receive such a Message the way It come. It wasn't in the taste of their learning. It was different. It wasn't what they had been trained to believe He would be like. It was contrary to their theological understanding. All their training, all their learning was bypassed, become naught. I believe it was the wisdom of God that knew that they wouldn't receive such a Message.

23 So the Messiah was here, and there must be somebody recognize It. And He knew those who hadn't been mixed up in such stuff as that. He would be more able to get His message to a unlearned group, than He would be to a mixed-up group that was so set in their ways that nothing could turn them, not even the Word of God.

24And now, Christian friend, let me ask this question, with all sincerity and love. I just wonder if He would make the same act tonight, and send to us in this generation the promised Word that's promised for this generation, I wonder if our theologians, and educators, and wise, wouldn't turn the Message down just the same as they did then? Man doesn't change, neither does God's Word change. He's the unchanging God, He doesn't change!

25 Notice, Angels coming and... Angels coming and giving their Message to man of such low estate, when there were man there much more (earthly thought of) qualified than these poor, illiterate shepherds. The shepherd was the most illiterate of anybody, he didn't need to know nothing but just about his sheep. He didn't need to know mathematics. He didn't need to know how to--to split an atom. He didn't need no scholarship. He just had to know his sheep, that's all that he needed to know. And God, the great Wisdom, and the Fountain and resource of all wisdom, would choose such a person as that (persons, rather, as that), and bypass all the well-trained scholars that's trained to know That. It speaks one thing, that they were trained in the wrong field. Passing up all the important of the land; there were important people, great teachers, Caiaphas the high priest, many other great man, all Israel's mighty learned, all the denominations, and all the boasting theologians, God bypassed everyone of them! Now, that's God's wisdom.

26 Notice, the Highest Heavens hastening to honor earth's most humble and unlearned. The Highest of Heaven came down to make Hisself known to the lowest of the earth, bypassing all between to make Hisself known to common herdsmen; coming to give these common herdsmen the greatest Message of all times. There had been many great messengers. We would think of in Noah's day, and the prophets, and--and the great priests, and so forth, had been in the days gone by. The great learned man, kings, potentates, monarchs, but here He comes with the greatest of all the Messages. What was the message? "Messiah is here now!" See? And to make that known, He bypassed all the trained, to make it known to humble shepherds.

27Think of it: all of the clergymen, all of the churchmen, all of the teachers, all of the--the theological training, all the money had been spent, all the churches, and the doctrines, and the denominations, was all bypassed! All the learning that they had spent on all the--all the missionaries, and all the proselyting, all the membership, and everything that they had thought they had done honor to God, yet the key Message of all of it was bypassed from them. Strange! Why? See?

28 And notice, not only that, but the most unlikely place for such an event. The shepherds, now, was the one who received the Message. And now notice where the Message was: in the most unlikely place that anyone would expect It to come. And I wonder, tonight, if we were looking for the true Message of the Lord Jesus, I wonder if It would be in a unlikely group, a place that was... that the great, high cultured world and the church today would think was a bunch of--of, oh, heretics? I wonder if that wouldn't be where we'd find Him? The most unlikely place, and to the most unqualified speakers. Shepherds knowed nothing about speaking, only calling sheep; well, maybe that's why It come.

29 But there was a promised Word. Notice, it could do that again.

30It bypassed all the nobles of the land. It bypassed all the nobles, and was revealed to the nobodies. All the nobles that were decorated with--with great doctor's divinity and--and psychology, and--and highly educations, and great cathedrals and things, it was all bypassed and revealed to nobodies. The wisdom, the infinite wisdom of Almighty God did it, to make known to them the greatest Message ever was, "The Messiah is now on earth." What a wisdom! Could only come from God who knows wisdom! All the wisdom and all of the schooling, and everything, was now laid to waste and bypassed by the great wisdom of God. I keep repeating that because I want it to go down deep. All laid to waste, it was of no good. Bypassed it all to let God's wisdom have the right of way, that God takes the nothings to make the somethings.

31 We could stop here and speak of John. We could stop and speak of Elijah. Nobody knows where Elijah come from. All they know, he just appeared on the scene. The prophets back through the ages, they were nobodies. But God took that to... and bypassed the--the ethics of the church, and the teachings, to make... show that He is God. He takes something that's nothing, to do something with it. He shows His wisdom and His Godhead by doing so, that He takes the nothings. When He first made a man, He just took a ball of clay and made a man out of it. Where it was nothing but clay, but He made a man. And God takes the nothings now, to do the somethings with. And as long as we think we're somethings, then we cannot be used in the hand of God. We must forsake all we ever knew or learned.

[Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] (Pardon me.)

Like the great Saint Paul, he said he had to forget all he ever learned, that he might know Christ.

32 All their schooling, all their teachings and so forth, was working out to the worst for them. It finally denied Him! The very schooling that they had had for Him, to believe Him, turned around and become His most critical enemy, and crucified Him!

33Do you know that history repeats itself every so often? It's a noted fact. It could happen again right by the side of us. "Oh," you say, "If I'd a-lived then,..." Well, now, if you want to know what you'd a done then, look at your present state now; and you can see what you'd a-done then, because it certainly is revealing.

34 Trained to believe His Word, and then when His Word was vindicated before their very eyes, they denied the Word that was made vindication. When God proved what He would do, and said what He would do, and proved what He would do, then they turned around and called this man an "evil spirit" (which cursed them all). Think of what taken place! Think of what caused them; their training caused them not to recognize the very Word made flesh for their day; the very training that they had in their schools, with the very best of teachers.

35And you say, "Well, we wouldn't do that today." Their teachers were far supreme to ours today (superior, rather, to our teachers), and they failed. They didn't have nine hundred and ninety-six different organizations as we have today. They had about three. And in the three, follow down to three, and none of the three recognized It! Just goes to show that what man does is foolishness to God. See?

36 Now, they failed to recognize It. Now... And they'd do the same thing again.

37Man... Intention is good, it always is good. And man never changes his posture, he never changes his ways much; I'm talking of the man of the world. Man is always praising God, religious man, for what He done, and always pointing people to what He's going to do, and then ignoring what He's doing! See? That's just man, he's made that way, he's always been that way. And you Bible readers tonight know that that's according to the Word, "right." They always praising God for what He has done, saying what He will do, and ignoring what He's a-doing. That's just a habit of man.

38 The reason that they had did this, the teachers, to my opinion now: they had interpreted the Word, 'cause they all believed in a coming Messiah. All Israel believed it, they do yet today. But the reason that they didn't recognize Him, His Message wasn't according to their ecclesiastical fit. They... their interpretation that they had of the Word, the Messiah never manifested Himself in the way that they had interpreted that He would do it. So, and therefore, they did not recognize Him because It didn't fit their interpretation. As I have said before, and say again, "God doesn't need anybody to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter."

39 Now, the Bible says... Let me prove to you now that that is the Truth. Isaiah the prophet, seven hundred and fifteen years before this happened, Isaiah the prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a child." There's no doubt that everyone in that age thought their daughter would be that woman, because Isaiah said it. But, you see, it was seven hundred years later. But when... God didn't need anybody to interpret His Word, when He'll do it, or how He would do it. He said He would do it, and He did it!

40 God promised that He... over in Isaiah, also, I believe the 28th chapter, about the 18th verse. And also in Joel 2:28, that in the last days, the last two thousand years, He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He said, "Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Your young man shall see visions. Your old man shall dream dreams." And the things that He would do, Isaiah said, "With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people, and this is the Rest." But they wouldn't hear It. They wagged their heads and walked by It. He said, "All the tables of God would become full of vomit, and there would be nothing clean." And if that isn't a picture of Jerusalem, and the church of that day at the coming Messiah, it's a picture today the same. It's just repeating itself.

41Now, when God says He'll do a thing, He did it. Regardless of what anybody else thinks about it, what anybody says, when God speaks of something, He's duty-bound to interpret that Word Himself. And His vindication of the Word is His Own interpretation. Notice, vindicating His Messiah's Message. He promised what the Messiah would do when He come. And when He came...

42 Even when the wise men in the east had looked down southwestward, from where they were at in Babylon, and they saw a majestic star. Did you know there's not a speck of history, nowhere, that any observatory (where they even kept the--the--the time by stars, great man who studied these stars)... There's not no history says that any of them seen that star at all. Why? It wasn't given to them, they wasn't looking for such. But these wise man knowed that there would be a Star of Jacob rise, and they were looking for It, and It passed from the time that Jesus was borned in Bethlehem...

43Now, I know our Christian traditions, it's just like our churches, it has things topsy-turvy. You go out here and you see wise man coming to worship a baby; there's not such a thing in the Scripture. Two years later they got there, coming down through the plains and across the Tigris River. They never come to worship an infant, but a young child about two years old. Why was it, at the same time, Herod slew all the children from two years old under? That he might catch the Messiah. You see, they... God had vindicated by His Word.

44 And when these wise man came to Jerusalem... The star led them to the religious capitol of the world, Jerusalem. And as soon as they entered those gates, that star (the supernatural that had led them) refused to show them any more. Up-and-down the streets these fine man, rich man with fine draped camels, and so forth... up and down the streets saying, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews. We saw His star in the east." And that great religious capitol, after two years of the shepherd's Message, still didn't have the answer or knowed nothing about It. The head of all the denominations didn't have the answer.

45So it disturbed the Sanhedrin, and they called for the Scribes to come read. And they read Micah's story, the prophet which said, "Thou Bethlehem, art thou not the least of all the princes of Judah (the least), but out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule My people, Israel." And after the Scriptures being read (and still being vindicated before their eyes), they still didn't accept It, though the Scripture said so. I doubt very much they would today, if the Scriptures that's promised for this day would be made manifest. I may never preach to you again, but I want you to get this. Still they wouldn't believe!

46The great wisdom of the Father makes man's wisdom so foolish that He belittles the man. He actually comes to the place to where it makes man feel so ashamed of himself, and he's not big enough to admit that he's "wrong." He still stays with his story, no matter how much the Father proves that His Word is true and He's doing just what He promised to do. Man thinks his wisdom is so superior to God, if it don't come according to his wisdom, "Why, It isn't so." That's true in every age, still does it. See how fitting the whole matter was, now?

47 What inspiration to those herdsmen! The Angels coming down to speak to herdsmen, Angels of God coming to speak to a bunch of shepherd.

48I wonder if you ever had the privilege of--of talking with a shepherd or being with one, a while? If you would, I--I don't like to say it because of my remark I'm fixing to say after while, but the shepherd stays with the sheep so much until he even laughs like the sheep (bleating), he talks like the sheep, and he smells like the sheep. That's right, because he's with the sheep. That's all he knows, is his sheep.

49 Now, the vindicated Word of Truth. When these shepherds, humble, uneducated man... What a honor, how fitting it is to a shepherd to receive a message of a new borned sheep. It could come to nothing else but a shepherd. That's why He was borned in the stable, and not in a house. Sheep are not borned in a house, or in a pink decorated hospital room. See? They are borned in the barn, and in the fields.

50That's the reason He was led to Calvary. You cannot make a sheep walk the gangway to the slaughter. Did you know that? In the slaughteryards, they have a goat that leads the sheep. And when he gets up to where the killing place is, he jumps out and lets the sheep go on. A sheep has to be led, he can't lead himself. So, therefore, it had to be the shepherd coming for the... his sheep. When they found the God-baby exactly where the messenger said He would be, and when they found this Message--Message of the messenger in the manger, exactly where the Angels said It would be.

51 Now, I heard people say, "An Angel spoke to me, He said, 'thus and thus.'" How ridiculous sometime; and I've heard people say that a Angel spoke to them, and told them "thus and thus" which was absolutely contrary to the Word. Now, how could an Angel do that? It just couldn't be. And if God told you a certain-certain thing would happen (you say He told you that), and it doesn't happen, then it wasn't God speaking to you. Just remember, that's right. God doesn't lie. He's not found in a lie.

52 When they found the baby, what a joy it must have been to them. Because the Angel that gave them the message, they found it just exactly the way the Angel said it would be, and just in the place where the Angel said it would be. What a thing that must have been to them!

53In a manger, why? See how at ease these herdsmen was in the stable? What do you think a theologian would have been in there? He'd a-put a pin over his nose, and said, "Get me out of this place." See? He would have been so out of place, he'd been in misery.

54But, you see, it was "just at home" to the shepherds. God knows where to send His Message. See? Just exactly right. In this state the shepherds was in then, in their stable with their Lamb, a-vindicated Message that they had heard. How beautiful! In the presence of the Messiah, vindicated Word of their Message. When the shepherds heard that the Messiah was on earth, and came into His presence, right in their own environment, (and found the Message to be true, was vindicated there) how that must have made those man feel, to find that God had done this great thing for them.

55 Why, scholars would have been so out of place there, under such circumstances, they'd a-left right quick. Why? The Messenger coming to common herdsmen. Maybe they could have not even... these... Some of these herdsmen might not have even been able to have signed their own name, very doubtful. You know the herdsmen that Jesus chose when He was here on earth, to herd His sheep, "Lovest thou Me, Peter, more than these?"

56"Yea, Lord, Thou knowest I love Thee."

57"Feed My sheep." And the Bible said that Peter was an ignorant and unlearned man. Still choosing shepherds.

58 The church members of those past days, and priests, and well-trained society in that day would've been so out of place in a stable. Now, I'm not quite sure that many of you could understand (maybe, you city people) what a Judaean stable smelled like, what it looked like, as the animals in that stable, and what it would've been. Why, some of these classics of today would be so out of place there, they--they wouldn't even enter the door. But it pleased God, by His infinite wisdom, to reveal It to such as would receive It. The scholars, and wise man of that day would certainly would not have received It. They'd a-been so humiliated to be caught in such a place.

59Why, the first place, if they would've went back to their church, and would've witnessed that they attended such a meeting, and believed a bunch of uneducated shepherds bringing such a phenomena, they'd a been excommunicated from their church. They'd a-been throwed out of the society of Bethlehem, if they'd a-been caught listening to such an unlearned bunch of people as these shepherds was. Humiliated, they certainly would've been. If they'd a-been associated with such common people, and being... accepting such heresies as to believe that God would bring His Message to an uneducated bunch of shepherds, when they had everything all prepared for it. They would've lost their affiliation, they'd a-had to give in their papers, and would not have been able to have been recognized among the society of their groups of that day; because they had associated with such a thing, and not with a better mind.

60 "How dare you!" the priest would've said. "You come into my sanctuary here with such a heresy, with such a foolishness, that some unlearned bushman out there that doesn't... didn't go to... through the primer. And would believe such a message, that, 'A Angel come down and spoke to them'?"

61But what if the man would said, "I saw his Message vindicated"?

62He'd said, "Let me quickly give you your papers. And get out of this society!" Times change, but people don't. It would've probably happened again today, they would a-been throwed out of their churches.

63 But the shepherds felt completely at ease in that place with God's Lamb. And any good shepherd does the same thing. When a good shepherd over the sheep can see the Word of God made plain and vindicated, of what He promised to do, that shepherd's right at home. I don't care what anybody else says, there's "God promised It, and God did It."

64They say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as the Baptism of the Spirit. There's no such thing as the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, that was for the apostles."

65But let a true shepherd of the Word preach It, in the power of the resurrection, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Wherever He calls, the promise and the same blessing is true. And let a genuine Word-feeding shepherd see that vindicated, all the theologians in the world can't take It away from him; because he know God said so, and it happens. That's all. It's just God's Word always. His Word was made flesh and was dwelling among them, and they knew It not.

66 He promised the same thing in this day. I wonder if we would recognize It? The proud and wise had never received such a thing as that. And they believed if there was such a thing as the Messiah on earth, It would certainly have to come to their denomination. It would be their group would receive It, or "It wasn't right." Now, just think right hard. If it ain't in their group, then... Did you notice, then? God never chose any out of their group, but He chose that who wasn't connected with any of it. Because one group would said, "You see what we did?" And they'd do the same today. But God chooses the nobody, that's the reason He chose the shepherd. The shepherds was completely at home with the God-lamb in their midst, His Word made flesh among them. The proud and wise never received It, passed by them.

67 And we could say as much for today, or in any age. It was the same things in the days of Martin Luther. Same thing in the days of John Wesley. It was the same things in the days of the Pentecostals. But God stops for no man's organization! He moves His Spirit right on to vindicate His Word! It would a-had to be and come in the class of their own council or they wouldn't receive It. As they're so headstrong today, all the churches, that they are "going to do such-and-such, and unite all the churches together." If they're looking for a messenger now, who can unite all the Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox, everything together, make one great church.

68 Now, brethren, I've had the privilege of preaching to hundreds of different religions, and there's good men in all of them. But now, you remember, I am prophesying, "Every organization will have to accept this, or not be an organization. It's forcing you." Did you read the Tucson paper today where Catholic priests help ordaining, in the paper... help ordain, in Missouri, a Protestant clergyman? And who was it recognizing it? Presbyterian, Baptists, Lutheran, and Assemblies of God. It's in the Tucson paper today.

69Oh, it's shocking! It's not the man in there, it's them ecclesiastical, governmental heads that twist the thing in there, the system that throws you into it whether you want to or not. You can no longer be an organization and escape this wrath that's coming upon the earth, and you see if that isn't right. I may be gone when it happens, look back on one of these tapes. And then if it wasn't, I'm a false witness. If it was, I've told the Truth.

70 They would have called It "some kind of a working of an evil spirit" against their positive thinking. You hear so much today about positive thinking: you just put your mind on anything, and think positive on it. The Devil can do that! There's only one thing that rules over all, and that's God's Word. If you are thinking contrary to the Word, forget your thinking. Think on the Word.

71"Messiah," they thought, "would not be found in such a place, a mess as that."

72Could you imagine a fine, great high priest, or clergyman, all polished in theology, would come down to a stable full of manure? And accept the Message of a poor, humble shepherd that had no education, and would come say "See, I can prove It to you, this is the Baby, this is the Messenger"?

73And you know what them people would a-said? "The man is honest, he's very sincere in what he's saying, but he's absolutely wrong!"

74 I've seen people live such good lives until people wouldn't believe, couldn't say nothing about them, but they say "He's sincerely wrong. He just doesn't know what he's talking about. God, He wouldn't do such a thing as that."

75But here they had the evidence! And after the evidence, "Go up there at the stable and see if that baby isn't laying there."

76They'd say, "You've been bewitched by some evil spirit, that's caused you to say such." Yet it was according to the Word of God! And they were too blind to see It, because their theology had blinded them. What a tragedy!

77"Caught in such a place? In such a mess as this was? In a stable?" When they had a beautiful place for Him to come, they had everything fixed for Him to come, and then to think that He would come down (and go) and not bring their teachers the Message. "And would give It to a bunch of unlearned shepherds? And then bring His own Son, and have Him borned in a--a stable? A common livery stable? Well, in a--in a manger of hay? Why, it couldn't be so!" They wouldn't believe It, because It was so humble.

78 And It's so simple, that's how the wise always overlooks It. It's so simple, It confounds them. They looked for a God way out there, when He's right here. See? They're looking for something way yonder, when it's right here with them now: Christ, risen from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

79All their great things was bypassed. But it sure was the Truth, that "there was the Messiah." We know it today. We believe it today. We accept it today.

80But then if God promised something for this Christmas, promised something for this day, and proves that It's so, and we still walk away from It, we're just in the same class them was (back there at that day) that bypassed It; because It don't--does not come in our denominational taste. That's why we're in such a mess this Christmas.

81 Jesus Christ is not dead, He's alive. He's here today! The Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." He said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me..." (not he that makes-believe, he that says he believes) "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also. And more than this shall he do, because I go to the Father." And I've seen Him, in my own life, do more of the same works (that He did then) than is written in the pages of this Bible. And it goes over the top of the head and the wise today, and revealed to babes such as will learn; as Jesus prayed for. It is true, He's done more than He... I've seen in my day, of my thirty-three years of ministry, I've seen Him do more than I have read of Him doing in the Bible; more of the same thing.

82 But no matter what He did then, do you think the Sanhedrin believed Him? "Well," they said, "you're bewitched." But, find out, where they made their mistake was to find out... in finding out, not what their creed said, but what the Word said Messiah would do in their day. There's where we make the mistake today, not searching the Scriptures. Jesus told them, "Search the Scriptures, in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me. They tell you Who I am."

83 Notice, God foreknew they would do this, that's just the why He had to take It to shepherds. He knew they wouldn't do it, they wouldn't receive It. Now do you see why it had to be shepherds? Why shepherds? Theologians wouldn't receive It. Why shepherds again? Would It come contrary to His Word? No! They were shepherds, they knowed sheep; and that's what He was borned, a sheep, a lamb. Notice, He was the Lamb. They were--they were the only kind that would accept Him. A shepherd was the only thing would accept a Lamb. They knowed how to take care of It, and so is it today when we get the Lamb's Message.

84 Now the striking! The most humblest, uneducated man adoring Emmanuel in a stable. The most... And there were people out there, at the same days, teaching their theology. Great crowds, drawing everywhere, from all over the land, they come to sacrifices which Jehovah said was "a stench in His nostrils." And here was humble shepherds, in a stable, adoring Emmanuel; God Himself made flesh, and laying in a stable. See, how we with our great learnings, and our head sticking back like we know something, and God bypasses the whole thing. See? He does what He promises to do, and He always does that. But think of these lowly shepherds out there now adoring Emman-... Emmanuel in a stable. It's most striking. Sure is!

85 Then out... After they had adored Him, and realized that the Message that they had been preaching was vindicated, there they are... were out praising God with the most incredible Message of an Angel. Now compare that with today. Just stop a minute and think. Man out adoring God, and praising Him for what they had seen, what they heard, what they knew was the Truth, with the Message that was incredible to the intellectual mind. It was contrary to all ecclesiastical thinking, and yet it was the Truth! It's the Truth! They believed It. And now, how foolish can the wisdom of man be! Then saying that a Angel choir sang to them the first noel. Could you imagine that? That a shepherd that couldn't write his name, smelling like a sheep pen, walking down the street, hollering, "Glory to God in the Highest! We know that He's on earth!"

86The priest said, "That man's out of his mind. Look upon the books and see if he's a member of our congregation. He certainly embarrasses us by his unethical teachings. Get him away from us. We will not be embarrassed amongst the people."

87Well, you can be embarrassed amongst the people and glorified in the sight of God; or take your choice, 'cause, remember, the ecclesiastical taste of the day don't fit God's Word. There not no nine hundred and sixty-nine different tastes of It. It's one taste, one Word, one God. That's all.

88 Saying that Angels sang the first noel to them, and also saying that they "got a Message from an Angel." An Angel appeared to them, give them a Message, and they went and found out that Message was Truth. And saying, "Besides that, the Angel sang the first noel to us."

89"Could you imagine?" They say, "That poor fellow." They'd never had anything like that to happen among them, you know, so it was kinda strange doctrine to them. And that's the reason they couldn't find It in the Scriptures, it wasn't for them to find It. Incredible to the wise, no such experience had ever happened to them. Unbelievable, but still It was the Truth. It's the Truth, we know It's the Truth. Think! Christ's first converts and first congregation was sheepmen, not clergymen; sheepmen, herders. Why shepherds?

90 Notice! Out praising and glorifying God for what they had seen and heard, heard Angels sing for their first time to a human being. Angels had never sang to a human being before. And look at the choirs, how they had stood and trained and trained those voices, "they'd sing at the birth of the Messiah," and they were all bypassed! And Angels came down and sang to common sheepman, not with clergy clothes on, but with shepherds' clothes on. And look who got the first Message, it's incredible.

91And where it was given, not in the cathedrals, but in the wilderness, out in the wilderness where the Angel of the Lord came. Not in the church, in the wilderness. He wasn't even welcome in the church. They thought He was, and they thought they had It, but God proved that it was wrong. "He's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." That's right.

92 The first time Angels ever sang at a celebration, it was in Heaven. If you'll look in Job 38:7, (as I see some of you taking notes), when God first planned on making His first creation, the earth. Job was a great, smart man, and he had all kinds of wisdom. He said, "When I go up to the markets, the young princes, they all bow before me, and just want a moment of my wisdom." And he couldn't figure out why he had to be treated the way he was.

93And so God asked him, said, "Gird yourself up like a man, because I'm coming down to talk to you." And when God came down in a whirlwind, He said, "Job, where was you before I laid the foundations of the earth? When the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy, where were you then, Job?" And he was deflated at that time. "Where was you?"

94See, the first time Angels ever sang at a celebration, was in Heaven. But the first time they ever sang on earth, was to shepherds at the birth of God, Emmanuel on earth; first human beings ever heard an Angel sing, was humble shepherds.

95 When we take our painted-faced women, bobbed hair, wearing shorts, and swing some kind of a church robe around them, and stand them up and sing like something, and then we think that God has to listen to that? He's got Angels back yonder who can entertain Him since the... before He ever made a human being. Uh-huh. Get out and live... and wear clothes that's an abomination to God, and how can you expect that to be of God? You say, "Well, I belong to..."

96"Where was you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me where I fastened them to. Where is the axle that they turn on? Where were you then?" You think God has to ask us for some of our wisdom. Our wisdom's only foolish to Him. He does what He says He will do.

97 Now notice, God is fixing to make another creation. He creating mortal earth, mortal life. Angels sing in Heaven. But here He's creating a new Life, Eternal Life for man, and He's singing to His subjects through Angels; on the earth, not in Heaven. Heaven had Eternal Life. See? And He sang... they sang to the Heavens, when the mortal creation come in; and here the immortal creation is coming in, and now they're singing to earthly people. The first time, to shepherds. Striking, isn't it?

98 He had started a new creation. What was it? A creation of Himself. God was made flesh and dwelt among us. That's... The Bible said, "In the beginning of the creation of God." God was created in human form; in Jesus Christ, His Son, God dwelt. He built His tabernacle of flesh and bones, and lived in that tabernacle; God, Emmanuel, "God with us." He built Himself a house, to live in it, so He could reflect His Word to His subjects through that. You know what God is, when you see Christ.

99 Remember, there is always singing at the birth of a king. How many knowed that? Of course, you did. Well, now, do you think if this King would've been borned down there, a woman would've come running into the cathedral somewhere, and said, "Make a bed ready right quick, and get the doctors, because I'm going to bring Emmanuel to the earth"? A poor woman out of Nazareth, the lowest city, the... meaner than Tucson or any of the rest of them, and yet this little woman comes running up there to the great high priest and said, "I--I'm fixing to give birth to Emmanuel." They'd a-throwed her in jail. They sure would. They certainly would. Of such a heresy as that to be brought amongst his people, he wouldn't have stood for it. Neither would he today. But just the same it's happening, just the same.

100 Notice, there has to be singing. Kings were... He wouldn't have been sang to. The people wouldn't have sang to Him, because they didn't believe Him. And that's the reason... Here It comes, you might as well get It. That's the reason today that people's ashamed to praise God, they're ashamed of Christ! The great cathedrals won't receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, they're so set in their ecclesiastical way that they will not receive It. God's going to find somebody that He can get praise through. "He's able of the stones to rise children to Abraham," as I quote John again.

101Notice, His subjects must sing to Him. And His subjects then was His Angels, and they sang to His shepherds which was to take His Message.

102 Who should hear It first? Of course, His subjects. That's who would hear the King's singing first, would be His subjects. And what was His subjects? Kinda striking, isn't it, brethren? It wasn't His clergymen. It wasn't the theologians. That's right. It wasn't the denominational people. No, it was shepherds. Why? There was a sheep borned, that's the reason. See? His subjects heard It, who God knew would believe. God sent His Message to those who would believe It. He's all wisdom; He knows where to send His Message, who will believe It. The Highest of Heaven sent to the lowest of man upon the earth.

103Jesus said, in Matthew 5, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Mary, in... If you're putting them Scriptures down, that's Matthew 5. And if you're putting Scriptures down... That's what I have written here, is Scriptures.

104 Mary said, in Luke 1:52, when she was anointed with the Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon her, she said, "He has exalted them of low degree." Mary said that, the mother of Jesus, said, "He has exalted those of low degree."

105Luke also said, "The common people heard Him gladly." Not the--the elite, the--the theologians, the doctors of the law and of divinity; but the common people heard Him gladly, people of low degree.

106Throughout all sacred Scriptures, the Message of redemption has been given by shepherds and through sheep.

107Now I have to come to a close, because we're getting time to close. I'm bypassing many Scriptures just so I can get you to this thought.

108 Throughout all Scripture, redemption has been represented through shepherds and sheep. That's right. We all agree to that. Why? It was in shadow and type. And anything... If I never had seen my hand, and I looked down here at my hand's shadow, and I see I had five fingers, I would know that it was reflecting; the negative was reflecting a positive. And that's why the Message always came to... redemption by sheep, because from the very beginning... And it was through sheep, and by shepherds, that He revealed Hisself. All was shadows and types.

109 Now let us look at the beginning. Adam and Eve, standing there in the presence of God to hear His Message to them, they had draped about their loins the skin of sheep. The first Message was ever heard, was given over the top of a dead sheepskin, that God had slew and wrapped Adam and Eve in it. After they tried to make their own religion of fig leaves, it wouldn't work. Sheep sacrifice had been instituted for atonement since the very beginning, sheep sacrifice.

110Now, we're going to close this off now, and show you why it had to be shepherds; and why it had to be, He had to be a sheep.

111 Now, the prophets of the Old Testament draped themselves in sheepskins (we know that, uh-huh), signifying their faith in His Word of the coming perfect Lamb. That's why the prophets.

112Now, the Word of God does not come to a theologian, there's no... he--he's the one messes It up. That's right. There's no such a thing as ever saying... You saying, "Well, this guy's a theologian." That just puts him farther away from the Word than anything I know of. See? The Word of the Lord God, the unchanging God, never does change. Anywhere in the Bible, the Word of God always did come to prophets. Not to theologians or doctors, to prophets! And they always, every time, was refused and rejected.

113 Prophets was usually herdsmen also. Prophets draped theirselves in sheepskins, because they wore the skin of the sheep they were herding. And the first message, to a--a--a condemned generation, was over the top of sheepskins. Prophets, I say again, wore sheepskins draped around themselves, 'cause they were testifying by that, that they believed that there was coming a perfect Lamb for that sacrifice. And the Word of the God came to them over the top of sheepskins. These herdsmen... or these prophets usually were herdsmen. Abraham was a herdsman. Isaac was a herdsman. Jacob was a herdsman. Moses was a herdsman. David was a herdsman. All of God's representatives usually were herdsmen.

114 Now we're going to find out why it come to shepherds. They knew the sheep is helpless without the shepherd to guide them. They... a sheep is perfectly helpless, he cannot go by himself. That's the reason God likened His believing children unto sheep. They've got to be guided. But watch what's guiding you! Don't get a goat, he'll walk you to the slaughterpen. God never give us a goat, He gave us His Son (the Holy Spirit) to guide us. He is our guide, not some man-made herdsmen, but a God-given herdsman who feed the sheep upon sheep food.

115 Now, you take a pig, and you say to this pig, "I'm going to make you a lamb." And you wash him. And you paint his toenails, and--and so forth. And give him food like a sheep, give him some kind of a--a diet. And put him out on the floor or out in the... where the--the sheep herd, in the alfalfa field or something. And if there's a mud hole anywhere, that hog will go just as straight to that mud hole as he can go. See? Why? Is because his nature is still a hog.

116And that's the reason that church members, today, indulge in the things of the world, see, is because their nature hasn't been changed. They'll eat any kind of a ecclesiastical, theological slop, but the Word of God they can't stand It. They'll go in and listen to the Word...

117 You know, the biggest hypocrite in the world, is an old crow. In the Bible, there were two let out of the ark. The old crow went out and he never did return, because he's a vulture, a scavenger. He set on the bodies of the dead carcasses and filled his belly with the dead carcass. But when he turned the dove out, the dove could not stand that stench, so she returned back to Father's house and Noah, and beat at the door until Noah let her in.

118Now, a crow can set out here and eat on a dead horse, all day, and fly out there in the field and eat grain with the dove. But a dove cannot fly over there and eat on the dead horse, and then eat grain; it would kill him. See, the dove don't have any gall, and he can't digest it.

119And when any dove of God, any Word-eating dove or sheep, a clean beast, when you go to give them the things of the world, they know their Master said, "He that loves the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in him." You give him something contrary to that Word of God, he cannot stand it. But the Devil can take That and the world too, and call it all of God. You can't mix oil and water, it just won't mix.

120 They, all these shepherds, they knew the sheep was helpless without the shepherd. And they were shepherds, and knew that he must be guided.

121What a pity it is to see, today, that they try to feed sheep, slop. But a sheep won't eat it. No, sir! See, they was trying to feed sheep, back there, slop. And when the Word come, they had been so used to slop, they didn't know the Word. And that's what it is today, when the same thing vindicated and proved that God would do a certain thing. Then they so used to slop, and slop-fed, till you... well, there isn't no talking to them, they just won't listen to It, that's all. The dog... Bible said, "As a dog returns to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow, so do they."

122Hear the Word, and go back right to the same old wallow! And say, "Ah, It's fanaticism. Don't believe such a thing as that."

123 God... sheep does the same today, they must trust in the Word diet. They will not take any other diet. You can't give them an ecclesiastical diet, a real sheep. No! No! You go tell them, "Now look, we'll all be together. Now, Jesus prayed that we all might be 'one.'" You just heard the same thing at Tucson not long ago, a few days ago, but it's a lie! Jesus never prayed... How did He... How can you make the Word condemn Itself? Backfire on Itself, then God's no more than any other man.

124Jesus said, "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" How you going to take Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Catholic, and throw it all together and be one? You might be one under man's head, but Jesus said, "That they might be one even as--as I and You are one." Now, He wants us all to be one in Him which is the Word! Amen! There it is, "One with the Father." And the Father is the Son, is the same. And it's the same Word, the Word manifested, displaying Itself in this day as It did in any other day, that you might be one.

125 Notice, He said, "As the Father sent Me, so send I you." The Father that sent Him, went in Him to confirm the Word. And the same Jesus that sends His people, goes in the people that He sends; and saying, "The works that I do, shall you do also." Sure, He prayed that we might be one; one with Him, not one with an organization. Not one with a system, but one with God. For God in His Word is one, and Jesus and God was one, and you and I and the Word must be one. That's right. We must be one in agreement with the Word. Not what somebody else says, this is no private interpretation. Take It, what It says, and believe It; and God will vindicate It, and prove that It's right. You think It's just for disciples only, take His Word for it, go try it once and see. You'll find out that it will work for you just the same as He promised. Yes, sir!

126They won't eat on slop, they have to have a sheep diet. Saint John 10 declares that, "My sheep know My Voice." And if He is the Word, then what kind of a Voice does He have? "My sheep know My Voice, strangers they will not follow." See? Jesus said, "A strange voice they would not follow." So, His sheep doesn't follow a stranger's voice. They won't follow them.

127Prophets, shepherds, and sheep, all testify of the coming.

128 Now see the unchanging God in His unchanging plans of His Word this day. Now just think a few minutes: the unchanging Word.

129Now look! If--if Moses would've come with Noah's message, it wouldn't a-worked. If John the Baptist would have come with Moses' message it wouldn't work. If Jesus would've come with Moses' or Noah's message, it wouldn't work. And Wesley come with Luther's message, it wouldn't a-worked. If the Pentecost come with the Wesleyan message, it wouldn't a-worked; we just heard that testify. Now, God just keeps moving. Just watch the Word, you see where we're at.

130 Then why should not the shepherds' first announcement... If all these prophets, all these great man were shepherds, then why should God (the unchanging One) change His method right here, and bring It to theologians? It was shepherds. The arrival of the perfect Lamb, the sin-offering, should come to the shepherd.

131The shepherd knows his sheep better than anyone else. There's no one knows a sheep like a shepherd, he's trained to it. Also knew what kind of food they would eat. They... he knew what the sheep would eat, and he knows his sheep by what they eat. The... you'd see a sheep go out to a slop-pen and start eating slop, you'd say, "Get that scavenger away." See? So God knew where to send them.

132 Now let us call one of Jehovah's great shepherd-prophets, to confirm that God was in these prophets under the sheepskin. Watch now. We will call, first, Moses. Let's look at him. His ministry will show us Jehovah in His shepherd-prophet. Now, we'll just take maybe one, if we have time, for about the next ten minutes. We'll take two of them, but maybe this one will be all right.

133Moses; Jehovah displays Himself here, in this shepherd-prophet. He was given three gifts to vindicate his ministry and calling to the elders of Israel, and to Pharaoh. Notice this shepherd-prophet, now. He give, always, His prophets, the supernatural sign, to vindicate that it was God in them; for there cannot be the presence of God without supernatural things happening. Never did Jehovah ever appear without the supernatural following Him. It has to be. So He always a-vindicated Himself that He was with these prophets, by confirming what they were prophesying of, if it was according to His Word.

134 Now, the first--the first sign He gave to the... this prophet-shepherd (look), turned his rod to a serpent.

135Second, his hand turned to leprosy.

136Third, to take water out of the Nile River in Egypt, and turn it to blood.

137Now, He give him three signs to vindicate to Egypt, and also to Israel, that he was God's spoken Word.

138Now, remember, Moses called into creation! That's right. Picked up sand and throwed it up in the air, and said, "Let fleas come," and fleas came. Said, "Let flies come," and flies come. "Let frogs come," and frogs come. He brought into creation! Now, a man cannot create, but it wasn't man to begin with. It was Jehovah in His prophet-shepherd! Amen!

139 Watch! The third sign He give him was not related to his occupation, nor either was it related to his person; his third sign. Notice, the first two signs related to him, hisself and his occupation. And they was the only two signs that the Bible says that "had a voice." The other sign didn't have a voice. But the two signs that was given from his own person, and to his people, had voices. But the third sign, now notice, it was given... the sign, the third sign, was the sign of death: water turning to blood. If your--if your--if your blood would turn to water, then you would die. And where there's blood, shed blood, is a sign of death; so it was to Pharaoh. The third was to turn the Nile water into blood, was to show--to show his Message to Pharaoh that our God is God over the Nile, over the god of the Nile. He's God over everything, and He's going to bring death to that nation. And that's what the sign of blood was. Oh, my! Direct sign of death: blood!

140 But the other two had voices of prophecy. (I--I--I hope you're reading now, between lines, what I'm saying.) But the other two signs had voices of prophecy to Israel concerning their future. (Now to you that was up on the mountain not long ago, when the rock was threw up.)

141Now, and going... he was going to change nature, to make it work for them. Watch the pole, watch the serpent, watch the Red Sea, and whatever that He did, now. Look at that shepherd's goad making a way for them to go. That stick that was in the shepherd's hand, bypassed every bit of theology and all the things the priests had said, and that shepherd's rod led them right on down through every impossible thing (to man). When Pharaoh tried to think that "the cataracts erupted up in the mountains and throwed the water, then made it turn it into blood," then God rained fire out of heaven. And He rained hail out of heaven, and He--and He rained lice upon the earth, and everything.

142 What did He do? By that shepherd's staff, not a--a textbook. Not a theologian's idea, but a shepherd's staff! We're coming to it in a minute; a shepherd's staff, He did it. Not a--a denominational's prayer book, but a shepherd's staff. Shepherd's rod guiding his sheep, making the way clear as they went towards the promised Word in the land. What a beautiful thing that is today of the shepherd's staff, today, guiding His sheep to the Promised Land; bypassing all theology and everything else of this world, and the things of the world, and the denominations, everything; opening up the way, and proving His Word to be the Truth; the shepherd's staff going ahead.

143 And notice, that same shepherd's staff that was guiding the sheep... Do you believe that? He certainly did guide the sheep, he delivered them out of Egypt with that staff in his hand. We could say much more about it. But to hit the highlight, he guided the sheep and sent judgment upon the rejecting of It! The same staff that become a blessing to one, become a curse to the others. The same waters (of Noah's preaching) that saved him, condemned the world. The same staff that led Israel to the promised land, condemned those who refused to follow the prophet-shepherd. That's right, become a stick of judgment.

Nature; notice how God speaks in His nature. If we just had time. I wrote a note there: God speaking in His nature. We haven't time to prove it.

144 But proving later, by the brass serpent on the shepherd's sheep-goad (that he wrapped this snake around, in the wilderness), this speaks of true atonement coming for sickness and sin.

145That staff itself had turned into a serpent before Pharaoh, and the same Pharaoh tried to mimic by magicians. And so does the modern Pharaohs of today, and make-believers, carnal impersonators of the Message, try to mimic the same thing without knowing where it's coming from; and throw It into some denominational something, when It's as free from it as the air is from being penned up. Sure! But try to mimic, make a mimic.

146But, notice, this same shepherd's staff eat up the other snakes. Where was them snakes at? They were rods on the floor, and there was only one rod picked up. "Both heavens and earth will pass away," said Jesus, "but My Word shall not." Speaks of true atonement coming for sin.

147 Also, Israel's future offered... and there where I spoke of Israel, now in the future... There they were offered deliverance from bondage of death by a prophet-shepherd. They were brought out of bondage by a prophet-shepherd with a staff. See? It was speaking of Israel's future Deliverer, from death and hell, by a Shepherd-prophet that we'll speak of.

148Now, to all that... all as we know Israel, did not receive the prophet-shepherd's Word, all of Israel didn't receive It. Now, notice, they was complaining. "Oh," when he was performing the miracles, "he was a great fellow," but when it come to his Message, "that was different." All great signs follows a new message coming. We know that. In the wilderness they complained, in the wilderness, and died by the thousands. Frankly, there wasn't only two of them that ever went through that was saved out of a two and a half million, two out of two and a half million.

149You say, "That... What happened to them?" They're Eternally gone.

150"All of them, Brother Branham?" Jesus said so.

151They said, "Our fathers eat Manna in the wilderness, and they drank from the Rock."

152And He... Jesus said, "And they are, every one, dead," Eternally separated, see, every one.

153 Notice they complained about God's provided way, was the reason they died. (Now, closely, don't miss these last few remarks.) They complained! What made them die in the wilderness, they complained about God's provided way: by a one-man Message, a prophet, a leadership of one man. Tell me when God ever used a group to lead. You won't find it in the Bible. One man, they... The Word came to Moses!

154Korah; we all know that he--he got hisself together and complained about God not being just, to do a thing like that, to make one man with the Message. He said, "We're all holy. Why can't we have a denomination? And why can't we have... set up this, and do this, and do that?"

155God told Moses, "Separate yourself from him, I've had enough of it." And remember, Jude speaks the same thing, in the last days. That's right, "They perished in the gainsaying of Korah." We also know what happened to Korah and the--and the rest that questioned God's Word and God's wisdom of that one-man leadership: every one of them perished.

156 Now, we will notice God in the shepherd-prophet, showing His future plans in the next sign voice. Now, watch. We see it there, now let's watch it in the next sign.

157Now, notice, he was sent to his brethren in slavery, under bondage, with a Message of deliverance, with a God-given sign to prove His claims. Israel went for his Message, they believed It, every one of them, but in the evening time... They went for his miracles, but in the evening time when they... he gave his Message, "It was different." All that did not believe that Message, died. That's right. What was the Message? The Message was of the coming judgment. At the evening, at the evening time, God went out through the camp of Israel to find if the people had believed His shepherd-prophet's Message; and all had not believed It, perished.

158 Now notice, we're going to bring it over to the Great Shepherd just in a few moments. See? Notice the Great Shepherd-prophet's ministry. Of His miracles, every church opened and would receive Him. They wanted their sick healed. They wanted to do great things. His popularity was great. But when the evening time came, one day after He had turned water to wine, and had fed thousands, bread, and had performed miracles, He begin to set down and talk to them. And He said to them, "I and My Father are one. [] Why sayest thou, 'Show us the Father'?"

159"Oh, brother! This man making himself equal with God?" That was too much for their ecclesiastical thinking. But it was the Truth, He was! See? But when they did, many did not follow him.

160Then He turned around and said, "Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

161Now, what do you think a smart, intellectual person would thought? I imagine the priests that had had Him in the temple was very--was very ashamed of--of them having Him there. "To think that a man would stand up and say a thing like that, 'Except you people eat My Flesh, and drink My Blood.'" Said, "This is a human vampire, see, 'Eat My Flesh and drink... ' Why, he's a cannibal. You good thinking people will... you'll get away from such a lunatic as that."

162He never explained It, He just said It! He did it to stumble them, to separate His sheep from goats. He did it to throw them off. And then nobody wanted to cooperate with Him. They had no cooperation from then on. See?

163 Notice, at the evening time, God went out through the camps and seen who had believed. And He did the same thing in the days of the Great Shepherd. Notice the Great Shepherd-prophet's ministry, but notice this, to believers of His Message, but not... This evening Message, they wouldn't believe It. They wouldn't believe that He was God. They wanted to make Him a nice man. They wanted to make Him a prophet. He was a nice man, and He was a Prophet, but He was more than that. That's the common teaching today, that "He's just a good man, He was a Prophet." He was nothing short of Emmanuel! He was God manifested in Jesus Christ His Son, making Him and the Father one. That's all He could be.

164 Zechariah 14:7, I might say this, speaks of the evening Lights and Message again at the end time. Did you notice that? As many as followed Moses, seen the Pillar of Fire that identified him on Mount Sinai. He had testified of, and spoke of this Pillar of Fire being in a bush and had told him this Message, many of them wouldn't believe It. But as many as followed him out of Egypt (come up out of the world and crossed the sea of separation, and went into the wilderness), saw the same Pillar of Fire (that he spoke of) vindicating that shepherd-prophet to be the shepherd of the sheep. They saw It, and many of them still didn't believe It after they saw It.

165 Notice how, again, the never-changing God, the Great Shepherd-prophet, took them that stayed by Him and with His ministry to Mount Olive; the Great Shepherd-prophet, the One we're speaking of, Jesus. []

Seen and heard the Father (the same Pillar of Fire) vindicate Him, that vindicated Moses.

166The same God that Moses spoke of, come over Moses and proved by a Pillar of Fire that He was Jehovah that was leading Moses. God was in His shepherd-prophet.

167Here He takes the other shepherd-prophet, the Great Prophet, the Real Sheep, Jesus, and takes the choice of three man, and takes them up on top of Mount Olives, and there a-vindicated Jesus. And even ex-commuted Himself from all other people, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him!" And when they looked up, they saw no man save Jesus only. That's right. He was the One. Now, that settles it, as far as I'm concerned. See?

168 []... The Shekinah [] face. Moses was in the presence of the Shekinah on Mount Sinai. It changed his face. When he come down, he had to--to put a veil over his face, the shepherd-prophet Moses; who Jehovah was in, in a portion, just a portion, his face. He had the Word in his mouth.

169But notice when the Great Shepherd was in the presence of the Shekinah. What did it do? It changed His whole countenance. He wasn't just part of God, He was all of God! He was Emmanuel.

Why did it have to be shepherds?

170 Look! See, now, God Almighty patrolleth... portraying Himself, rather, in Moses the shepherd-prophet. Watch how God made Hisself known. (This is my last remark.) See Him standing anointed in the presence of the Pillar of Fire! Nobody on the mountain at all but Moses and Jehovah. Amen! Amen means "so be it."

171Watch! "Put thy hand in thy bosom!" But, watch this second sign now with a voice. "Put thy hand into the bosom." We have no reason to believe that Moses was left-handed, so he must have put his right hand into his bosom, 'cause most man are right-handed. He put his right hand... Now watch! What a picture we see here, of Jehovah in Moses the shepherd-prophet! Moses representing God, 'cause God was in Moses. Watch him put his... "Hand in thy bosom." What a sign!

172 Now, there he stands, holding his right hand over his heart (standing like this) where the hidden secrets of redemption had been hid since the foundation of the world. Here's why shepherds. Jesus is God's right hand, we all know. There's Moses portraying Him exactly. He held the secrets of the Father, and has showed them to us. Notice, watch him pull from his bosom his right hand smitten with deadly leprosy. Showed what God would do with His Right Hand. Notice, the leprosy has no cure. Notice, again, it wasn't just common leprosy, it was in its last stage, white as snow; his hand was smitten with a horrible thing. How Moses must have felt when he pulled his right hand from over his heart, out of his bosom, and his hand was smitten with leprosy! Leprosy symbolizes sin, incurable, and especially in its last stage.

173 Brethren, that's where the world was when God pulled His Right Hand from His bosom! The world was smitten with deadly leprosy, and no cure at all for it. So is it tonight, because they won't receive the remedy. The remedy was made at Calvary, but people wants to take some man-made prescription in the stead of God's prescription for sin.

174Notice it never gradually come on, as the course of leprosy does, but all at once! When he pulled his hand, it was smitten, it was full of leprosy. Notice what God said, "Now, you won't gradually drift into sin; but the day you eat thereof, that day you die." And that's right, "The day you eat of it."

175 Notice, it was the prophet-shepherd that smote himself. He took, by the commandment of God, and put his own hand into his bosom, and pulled it out smitten with leprosy. The prophet-shepherd did it himself. And the Great Prophet-shepherd, Jesus, did it Himself, "I lay My life down, no man takes it from Me." He was the Great Shepherd, the Great Prophet-shepherd, "No man takes it from Me, I do it of Myself." Notice it didn't gradually come, it come in a minute. The Great Shepherd, Himself, took our guilt and smote Himself, took our sins and laid it upon Himself. No wonder the poet wrote:

Mid rendering rocks and darkening skies,

My Saviour bowed His head and died;

The opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joy's and endless day.

176 That secret had been in God's bosom all these years, covered by His right hand, Jesus. The Great Shepherd took upon Himself our guilt for us. Isaiah 53:6, said, "He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes we are healed." The secret of God's healing laid in the bosom of Jesus Christ, or God, He was on the right hand of God, that's the only sheep that held in His bosom the secret. That's the reason the foreshadows of It had to always be a sheep! The first was a sheep, the last was a Sheep. That's the reason It had to come to a shepherd, to know how to take care of his Sheep. You get It? Notice, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace upon Him."

177 Notice, it came quick; and it left quick, no sooner the right hand was drawn from the bosom the second time. The deadly disease was gone, when he drew it the second time. And when the Great Shepherd, the Sheep-prophet, when He said... On Calvary's cross, when He had paid the penalty of sin for us all, He said, "It's finished." Sin was over, the penalty was paid, debts were settled! It didn't take a year, or [] finally come into it in the days of some other reformer or something, it was finished right then!

178 Sin came in a moment, by transgression of God's Law, by breaking one Word. Tonight, my brethren, your soul is over hell on a chain. And that chain is not some theological seminary's teaching, that chain is not some denomination or some creed that you're living by, that chain is God's Word! Jesus gave the human race His Word to live by, and Eve only broke one little link of It. And the... any chain is no stronger than its weakest link. When you take one Word out... That was the first of the Book.

Jesus came in the middle the Book, said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That was the middle of the Book.

The last of the Book, He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word (mistranslate one Word), take one Word out of Here, I'll take his part from the Book of Life." You're passing over hell, hanging on the Word of God. Don't you let somebody squeeze something into you that's not THUS SAITH THE LORD!

179 Oh, I see... Well, they say, "Surely, all we've done. All we've done!" That's what maybe the high priests and them thought in the days of the Great Shepherd. That's what Eve thought. That's what Satan told her, "Surely God will not." But He did, 'cause He said He would. And that's the reason He'll do it again today.

180No wonder, as He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, very few, "For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to Life, and few there'll be that'll find It." That's right. "Cause broad is the way that leads to destruction, many will go in thereat."

181 When the Great Shepherd was smitten, the Great Sheep-prophet when He was smitten back there, He said, "It is finished!" And that minute, as soon as this Shepherd was smitten, it was over. Sin is settled, there was no more sin. They were clean, the penalty was paid. The believers whose names were written in the Book of Life, predestinated from the foundation of the world, it was finished that very minute that Jesus said it was finished. He, that Great Shepherd, had come for His sheep. It was finished, God's right hand was pulled from His bosom, smitten. Then on Easter He returned it (amen), raised it up again to His bosom, and extended it down to you and I, in the form of His Word, to redeem us back to the original garden from which sin took us from. The hidden secret of His great heart was revealed by a Prophet-shepherd. It was revealed by a Shepherd, Prophet-shepherd.

182 No wonder the mountains jumped and shouted on that day. No wonder the sun hid its face and screamed for joy. No wonder all nature broke loose; the wind shook the trees until they shook and shook, and joyed, and jumped. They seen the Prophet-shepherd, on the mountain, redeem every name on the Book of Life. And they seen that their own nature was redeemed! They screamed, and jumped. And the world went into an earthquake. And the mountains rent, and the rocks fell out. And the sun went down. And--and everything taken place. Like any meeting, when the Shepherd reveals to you that "it's finished!" There...

183 I've seen jumping spells, and joy spells, but there was nobody hurt. The mountains rung out, and they... the sun went down, and everything took place, but there was nobody hurt. And I've seen meetings where the power of God was revealed to the people that they "were free from the world and the things of the world," and the joy of the Lord filled the congregation. They stood and screamed, and cried, and shouted to the top of their voice, for the glory of God. I never did see anything disorderly, they was always right in order; because they had recognized that, their name that had been written on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. The great Prophet-shepherd had brought them the Message, and they were delivered, the Prophet-shepherd. No matter what the other ecclesiastical realms said about It, they knew what had happened. Just as them shepherds did back there, they knowed what took place.

184 No man has a right to enter the sacred desk to preach the Word until he has did as Moses did, meet God, himself, upon grounds where that there's no theologian can explain It away. Moses was there! No matter how Israel's messengers said, "oh, it was a nonsense, you just imagined you saw this; it's nonsense," you couldn't take That away from him, he knowed! He was there! He was the one it happened to! And no man by a--a theological degree or some doctor's degree has a right behind the pulpit, to claim the Message of Jesus Christ, until he's first met God face to face in the Pillar of Fire. He has no right to call himself a messenger, 'cause all the theologians in the world couldn't explain That away from you. It happened to you! You were there, you know about It. Care what anybody else says, or how much they can say, "the days is gone, it isn't so," you... it happened to you, and it's according to the Word.

185 Yes, that's the reason Moses knew this Voice had spoke to him, was a Word Voice. He knowed that God had told Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I will deliver them." And he knowed the four hundred years was up and he was called to do it.

186Man and women, God promised in this last days that He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He promised He'd send the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and He'd call a Bride without spot or wrinkle. He promised to do it, He'll do it. Don't listen to these hireling shepherds, they'll lead you astray. The Holy Spirit is the Shepherd to feed you sheep food from this Word. It always comes by the Shepherd. He is our Shepherd. Listen to Him, you are the sheep of His fold; if you are, you hear His Voice. Not what somebody else says, you hear what He says. A strange voice, you know nothing about it.

187 Oh, my, listen to the Mighty Shepherd-prophet again interpreting and introducing to them. John, when he stood in the river of Jordan, look what he said. Was standing there preaching, he said, "The hour is coming..."

188Notice, John was a priest's son. They always followed the--the line of their father, that's the way we got our names. By whatever they did, they called them that. And John was supposed to be a priest like his father.

189And, you know, this mother, when she had been conceived, after the Angel of the Lord met his father Zacharias, and went home to Elisabeth, and she was already six months in... to be mother. But she had had no life yet, she was scared 'cause the baby hadn't moved. That's subnormal.

190 And the Holy Ghost, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary, and told her that she was "going to have a baby, knowing no man," and told her about Elisabeth's condition.

191She went up the hills of Judaea, to tell Elisabeth. And when she met Elisabeth, she told her that she "was going to be a mother." And she couldn't understand it, "knowing no man." But she said, "The Holy Spirit overshadowed me, and said that this Holy thing that'll be borned of me will be called the 'Son of God,' and I'll call His name 'Jesus.'" And the first time that the name Jesus was ever spoke in a human lip, a little dead baby, in its mother's womb, leaped for joy and shouted; and jumped in the womb of a mother, and it never had received life yet.

192The Name of Jesus Christ spoke life into a dead baby. What ought It to do in a church that claims to be borned again?

193 And we set as sour as the bumps on a pickle, and let such things go on. And afraid to raise and testify your conviction, and condemn all this nonsense, make Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's Christmas time, get out these Santa Clauses and stuff, away with that nonsense of commercializing. Wherever you heard about Santa Claus in the Bible? It's a Roman mythology, there's nothing to it at all, there is no such a thing. Don't teach your children such nonsense as that. When one day you'll have to tell him that it was all a blind story, then you've lied to your child. And it'll hurt your testimony about Jesus Christ, he'll say, "Maybe It's the same thing." Put Jesus Christ the Great Shepherd-prophet back into the Christmas where It belongs.

194 Notice, listen to this prophet, John, as he stands there. We all know that he was a great shepherd-prophet. Now, he had a message, the Angel knowed that he was going to introduce Jesus.

195Now, he couldn't go to some seminary. They'd say, "Now, you know that Doctor So-and-so is just the man to take the place now. You're to introduce him. And you know that just..." See, he couldn't get mixed up with man.

196At the age of nine years old, we're told, he went into the wilderness to prepare before God. That's where the shepherds come from. Notice his message wasn't like a theologian, with some great, big swelling words of some degree. He said, "Oh, you generation of snakes." Telling religious man, "You bunch of snakes." That's what he had seen in the wilderness, he saw the snake. Lowest thing he could find was a snake, and he called them priests and clergymen and theologians of that day, "A bunch of snakes!" Said, "Who's warned you from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this, and we belong to that,' for I say unto you that God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Stones, what he had seen in the wilderness. "Also, the ax is laid to the root of the tree." That's what he had been seeing: snakes, trees, wilderness. And, see, that was his message. He didn't know the great swelling words of some great doctor of divinity (could explain It all away), he just preached exactly the line of nature.

197 That's what we're showing here: the shepherd's staff, the shepherd, the sheep, the line of nature.

198What did he do? He had a great thing to do, he was the one that would know the Messiah. He said, "I say, 'He's standing here among you now. And you don't know Him, because your theology has got you so tied up, you don't know where you're at.'"

199One day Jesus come walking out, he said, "Behold, there comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." The Lamb! Hallelujah! The real Atonement! There comes what every sheep from the Garden of Eden down has shadowed, an ordinary man walking down to the river.

200 They said, "John, how did you know It? I didn't see one thing different."

201"But I bear record, I saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and a Voice saying, 'This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in.'"

202Watch the Dove and the Lamb. See? Yeah. What if it had been a... what if it had been something... What if it had been a wolf standing there? Well, that Lamb could not have went upon... or that Dove... God symbolized Himself with a dove, the most meekest of all the birds of the heaven; His Son by a sheep, the most meekest of all the animals on earth. See, the clean bird of the heavens, not a crow; not a vulture, but a dove. Not a pig, but a lamb. Any other nature wouldn't have blended together.

203And notice when the Dove come upon the Lamb, It led Him. Not the way He would, but the way the Father would lead Him. That's the way a real lamb is today. O Christmas-time sheep, don't you know that God only leads by His Word? That's His staff.

204 Notice nothing would have took place, but John said, "The rest of them didn't see It, but I bear record, 'I saw It.'" Introducing: "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."

205May I now introduce my Christmas Message, and while I'm closing now: "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's that same Lamb. He's just as much the Lamb today as He was then. He's just as much here as He was there, for His Word is the same. "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them." That's exactly what He said. He never changes, He's God the Word. He never changes; still giving His sheep, and feeding them by His Shepherd-prophet, His sheep food first. Not to the theologian; to His sheep.

206 They won't... How can them others eat It. But the wise... Notice this! But the wise and intellectual, well-trained of the world, still desire to say there is a Santa Claus. And there's all kinds of fiction and stuff that they worship, because they won't accept Him, the Word; because in their denominations, It doesn't fit their taste, the hireling shepherds of the day. The hirelings from creed, that'll want to unite you under one goat, don't you believe it! They'll lead you to the slaughterpen. Hear the Great Shepherd that was born nineteen hundred year ago, this month. Sometime out yonder, in His Message, come the true shepherds that knowed how to take care of sheep.

207Noticing, they still desire it. They won't accept It today, just the same as they didn't then, because it does not a-fit their ecclesiastical taste. They turn that Word around and make it suit their organization, and they won't preach the Word. They won't! They say, "Well, that was for the days of apostles. It doesn't mean this." It means just exactly what It says, It needs nobody to...?... interpret It for them.

208 Now let us at this hour bow our heads and hearts towards the dust of the earth, and hasten real quick to a manger, to see and receive the Light that this Word brings by the Shepherd: the Great Prophet-shepherd, Jesus Christ the Son of God. I spoke to you at length. I maybe not fixed my words up like a clergymen should, I don't try to do that. I try to speak It just as He gives It to me.

209But, do you see why it had to be shepherds? The others was so trained in another thought till they wouldn't receive It. And today we've got all kinds of overseers, district man, bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, everything in the world, to try to lead us. But God give us a Shepherd, and that Shepherd is the Holy Spirit.

210 Listen to me now. "When He..." (not a thought, He is a personal pronoun) "When He the Holy Ghost is come (the Spirit of Truth), He will reveal these things to you that I have said unto you, and will show you things to come." That's the Great Shepherd, That's the Shepherd Jesus left. And the Holy Ghost wrote the Bible, the Bible said so, "Man of old, moved by the Holy Spirit, wrote the Word." Now, could the Holy Spirit pull you to a creed? Could It pull--pull you to something that this Word doesn't say? Why, it'd be totally impossible. The Holy Spirit would be a liar if He said that "This is what you should do," and then turn around and say, "No, It was a mistake, and you do what the church says do."

211Now, if you've been listening to something, another's pulled you away from the real, true Shepherd that'll lead you to the Word, the Holy Spirit, and you do not have the experience, and do not have the witness of the Holy Spirit in your life, which without...

212 God is One. God is the only one that has Eternal Life, and He is Eternal Life. And anything that had a beginning has an end. And if you're just a member of a church, it had a beginning. But the Word of God has no beginning, God has no... And when you are borned of God, you're borned of the Word, then you become a son of God, and your name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And you, the color of hair you have, the color eyes you have, the stature that you're in, God seen you before the foundation of the world. And He seen you, a human being, like you are. And though there come a million years yet, there's nothing can keep you from coming back to that perfect image that God ordained for you in the beginning, "My sheep hear My Voice, a stranger they will not follow."

213 And if you haven't accepted that Eternal Life, tonight, and you're looking at a--a--a fiction story of a little baby laying in a--a--a manger, and a bunch of wise man around, don't you believe such things as that. And trying to think, "Well, I'll be good. And I'll do this. And I'll join church. And that's all I need to do." You're lost. If you haven't got Eternal Life, how can you ever live forever?

214You can take a grain of corn, I don't care how perfect it looks, you can man-... Science has manufactured one, that you can cut it open: it's got the same kind of a moisture, the same kind of heart, the same materials that the grain that's growed out of the field has, the same thing. You could put them in the laboratory, and you can't tell one from the other one: one will make just as good of corn bread as the other, one will make the same kind of corn flakes. But the only way you can tell them, is bury them. The one that man made, stays there, it rots and it never comes up. But the one that God made, has a germ of life, it lives again.

215 You might imitate a Christian, you might go to a church like a Christian, you might put your name on the book like a Christian, you might join a denomination like a Christian; that would be all right, but unless that Eternal Life is in you that that Good Shepherd gave His life for, to separate... When God came down at Pentecost, He came down in a Ball of Fire like He did on Mount Sinai, like He did to the first shepherd, Moses. And when He come down, He separated Himself in tongues of fire that set upon each of them, God separating Himself into His people. And except you have received that which... Peter said that "It's to you, and to your children, to them afar off."

216 Friends, don't you listen to any theological myth, you be borned again. And when you are, the Spirit that's in you is part of God, and witnesses to every Word of God being "The Truth." If you haven't got that experience, let us now hasten to the manger, the Word. Let's hasten to the Bible, away from these decorated theological-termed churches, to a real manger, to God's Word where the Messiah is made known.

With our heads bowed, let us pray.

217 Dear God, that's all that I know to say at this time. We are approaching Christmas, the streets are crowded with man and women, boys and girls, pushing, shoving, trying to buy a present to return to someone who would give them likewise. Many people who call themselves Christians are out on the streets buying cigarettes, liquor, for Christmas presents. God, it looks like they're throwing it right back in Your face, teaching their children of some fiction, Roman, pagan theology of a Saint Nicholas, some myth that's easy accepted by the world, and they turn down the real Christ of Christmas, the real Lamb.

218God, I pray, tonight, that as we have our heads turned down towards the dust that You brought us from,... You told Abraham once, the great prophet-shepherd, "Go out, Abraham, and number the sands that are upon the seashore."

219And he returned the word, "They're innumerable, I cannot number them."

220Then You said, "Look up towards the heavens, and number the stars." And he knew that that was impossible. And You said to him, "So shall thy seed be." We look at that message to that shepherd-prophet, "from the dust of the earth, to the stars of heaven," that though there be death in our mortal bodies to take us to the dust, there is a Life that can raise us to the stars.

221 As You said to Your great prophet Daniel, "And those that know their God, in the last days, shall do exploits. And they that turn many to righteousness shall outshine the stars forever and forever."

222Lord God, Great Creator, Who was so willing to come to earth in the form of Jesus, to let man know what God was. And You were the only One who could take the penalty of death, no Angel, no substitute could do it. You was the One who placed the penalty, and You alone could justly take it away. And being Spirit, You could not die. But You were made flesh so You could die; and become a Lamb that You might take away the sin of Your Redeemed, that You had to redeem them by Your Own Blood.

223Oh, the story is so great, Lord, it goes over the head of so many. To think: "Little Jehovah, laying in a manger, He had to live like a baby. Little Jehovah, borned in a stable. Little Jehovah, playing with children on the street. Little Jehovah, the teen-ager. Little Jehovah, the schoolboy. And Jehovah, the Mighty." You took all these places. "And then, Jehovah, the Lamb. Jehovah, the Prophet." And You become all of this that You might suffer the penalty of sin, and to give to us Eternal Life.

224 Forgive us, O God, we, poor, unworthy creatures of this world. We are humiliated tonight, Lord, when we read what You have done for us, and so little we have done in return. How You come in the days of great religious leaders! How You was willing to stand and reflect the Word of the Father! How You didn't compromise upon their theories! And today it seems like that there's no one that wants to stand out and call the Word still "The Word," and not compromise. We pray, God, You forgive us for these things that we have so neglected. And give to us tonight, in our hearts, as we giveth to You as a manger. And we know that every time that the Crucified Christ is accepted, there is a new birth, there is a newborned sheep, there is singing in Heaven by the Angels. Over one sinner that repents, the Angels sing again.

225We pray, God, that if there be some here tonight that doesn't know You as the real Gift of God, as a personal Saviour, not just by a mental conception, but by a new birth (of being borned of Your Spirit), may they receive It just now, Lord, with our heads bowed. And if there should be one, Lord, that has not done this, may their hearts receive joy now, and find like the shepherds of old, in the manger of their heart, the Word, the Messiah; that'll be a-vindicated to them as the Holy Spirit, the Great Shepherd of the day. We ask this in Jesus' Name.

226 While we have our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts bowed, would you--would you, my dear brother, though you be member of church... And I hope that I haven't hurt you by saying what I have said. I... It's all right to belong to church, we should do that, but, O brother, just don't accept that, you must be borned again. That's what the Great Prophet-shepherd said, "You must be borned again." He said that to a theologian, "You've got to be borned again."

227And when you're borned again, it just isn't because you believe. They say, "You're borned when you believe."

228But the Bible said, "The Devil believes, also." Now, notice, it's not that, it's an experience.

229You say, "Well, I've lived a good life."

230So did the apostles, but they wasn't borned again until they received the Holy Spirit. They wasn't even converted until they had received the Holy Spirit. You remember the night before the betrayal... or on the betrayal, just before the betrayal took place? Jesus said to Simon Peter, "When thou art converted, then strengthen thy brethren." And Peter had followed Him for three years and a half, and had cast out devils, and healed the sick, had preached the Gospel, and still (according to the Word) was not even converted.

231 Now, would you want that kind of a--of a Messenger in your heart tonight? If--if you really want That... It don't make any difference what somebody else says, It's true, brother, sister. I know that to be true. Would you, while every head is bowed and every eye closed, not to me, I'm just a man, your brother, but to Christ you'd raise your hand, say, "I believe That. And I really want that Christ into my heart, the real Christ of Christmas"? Would you raise up your hand now? God bless you. That's good. God bless you, too. God bless you. My, hands everywhere.

232May it happen, brother; may it happen, sister; may it happen, my friend; be filled with God's Spirit. What difference does it make what anybody else says? Remember, it's your life. We may not even be on the earth in the morning, we have no--no assurance of no more life than what we have breath in our nostrils now. We may never make another breath, only the grace of God. And what good does it do, no matter how good you've lived and what...? Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he will in no wise enter in."

233 Now, I know terminologies of what born-again is, but let's just watch what happened in the Bible when they were borned again. Peter was a believer, the apostles were believer, but they wasn't borned again till after the Holy Ghost fell on them at Pentecost. Now, they were wondering what happened, and Peter said, with the rest of them, "Ye man of Israel, be this known unto you; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by signs and miracles and wonders, which God did by Him; He who was foreknown, by determinate council you took with wicked hands and crucified, Who God has raised up and we're His witnesses. He shed forth this that you do see and hear now, and it's according to the Scriptures."

234And then, when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said, "Man and brethren, what can we do to be saved?"

235Peter said unto them, "Repent!"

236 Now, my Catholic friend setting here, which I know of four or five of you setting here. I was discussing this with your priest, maybe not your priest, but one of the Catholic priests, he said, "Jesus gave the church power to remit sins, 'Whosoever sins you remit, to them they're remitted; whosoever sins you retain, to them they're retained.'" That's true. But let's watch how he did it, how the apostles followed out His order, not according to the way that--that the priest does today.

237But what did the first priest, if you want to call him that, Peter, that had the keys to the Kingdom, how did he say do it? He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." And if God is still calling, the same experience is for you if you'll follow the same prescription. If this congregation believes That, with your heads bowed, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, anything short of That is contrary to the Word, and not according to the Shepherd.

238 Lord Jesus, they're in Your hands now. I pray that each open heart tonight that hasn't got the Christ, Messiah... And Christ is the Word, the anointed Word made manifest. And if there's any open hearts here tonight that doesn't have that Messiah, the real Christmas Gift, the only real Christmas Gift there is that God gave the world, and declared It to the world by shepherds, of His Lamb, the Atonement for sin. And if that heart is open tonight, place in it, Lord, the Messiah Word of today. We commit them to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

239 Do you love Him? Do you believe Him? "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, all other things will be added unto you."

240Friends, before we dismiss, I want to say this. Many times, I'm so misunderstood. I have a Message from God, and I must declare that Message regardless. I know It's misunderstood. If It wasn't, then It wouldn't be the Message of God; It couldn't be. There's too much scruples today for It not to be misunderstood. I believe that God has man in every denomination and organization of the world, and it's not that I'm against my brethren. I come here to Tucson, three years ago, and had a meeting with you ministers up at Brother Gilmore's, and it was asked, did I "come here to start a church?"

241I said, "No, sir. I come here to help you." But I haven't been asked yet, in three years. But just the same, I'm here to help you. I'm here to join hands with you, not join organizations with you, but join hands and heart with you over the Word of God, to try to preach the Gospel to every lost soul and every needy person that's under the sound of our voices.

242I offer myself to God, tonight, with all my heart, with all that's in me. I don't have very much to give; I can't bring frankincense, myrrh, and gold, 'cause I have none. But all I have in myself that God give me, this life, I dedicate it to Him afresh tonight, upon the manger of His Word in my heart; and promise Him, to stand with that Word, if He'll let me live another year, just as faithful as I can stand; preach every bit of It, and believe every bit of It; so, help me, God. Will you do the same with me?

243 Receive us, Lord. We receive Your Christmas Gift, the Messiah, the anointed Word that vindicates Your Presence with us, Lord, regardless of creed or denomination. We find, ourselves today, the world falling apart, and here the great Messiah stands with His hands outstretched: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, that made the promises, that in this last days, the church would be so organized till it would go into Laodicea. And we see it today, Lord.

244What can we do, dear God? What can I do? Help me and these other shepherds, Lord, around the world, shepherds of the Word, to proclaim It, Lord, in this next year. Help us, Lord, we pray. Give us of Thy Love and Thy Spirit and Thy Light. We dedicate ourselves tonight to Thy Word and to Thy call. In Jesus Christ's Name, we receive Your Christmas Gift: the Word of God made flesh in us. Amen.

245 I love the songs of the church. Paul said, in the Bible, "When I sang, I sang in the Spirit. I preach, I preach in the Spirit. When I... whatever I do, I do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ." Now, being that This has been strenuous on you... And I--I appreciate you. I come with this Message. Sometime it seems like I just hate to say It, but yet I'm--I'm duty bound, brethren. If I don't do it, I'm a hypocrite. If I don't do it, I'm a traitor to my own conscience, and my own--own faith in God's Word. I must do it, not to be different, but to be true to my calling. And I want to help you all, I want to do everything I can.

246Now let's sing one of the great hymns of all times, I love it so well, I Love Him. You know, I believe if we'd just all love Him, we would do what He asked us to do. "How call ye Me, 'Lord,' and do not the things I command you to do? How do you call Me, 'Lord,' and then not do what I told you to do?"

247 Would you rather listen to a hireling shepherd that would say "put your name on the book, and join; take this communion, say this, and it's all right," when the Great Shepherd Himself said "except a man be borned again he cannot even see the Kingdom of Heaven"?

248And look at those trained theologians of that day, trained! Holy? Clean living? We have nothing to compare with it today, the way they lived. And what did the Great Shepherd call them? Said, "You are of your father the Devil," because they didn't... They recognized the Word, but the Word of another day, not the Word of that day.

249If they recognized Noah's time, that's all right, that was Noah's time; but it wouldn't work in Moses' time. And Moses' time wouldn't work in Christ's time. See? Luther's time won't work in Wesley's time. Wesley's time won't work in Pentecostal time. And Pentecost has done the same thing the rest of them did. Now, who has give me help in the days gone by? Asked you.

250 When a blade of grass comes up, what is it? What... when a blade of wheat comes up. Jesus said, "Except a corn of wheat falls into the earth." What happens when a corn of wheat... or a wheat falls into the earth? The first thing that comes up is a little blade. It's--is not like the grain that went in. Watch nature. It's not like the grain that went in, but it's the carrier of the Life of the grain. What came...

251That infidel that just wrote that famous book, The Silent God, it said, "How could there be a God who could open the Red Sea, and stand through a thousand years of dark ages and see little children eat up with lions, and people hung on crosses, and murdered in the arenas and things, and never even opened His mouth?" See, the Word is a revelation.

252 That wheat, when that real wheat started at the beginning, it failed God. And finally there come a Wheat, a real reflector of God, that reflected His whole Word insomuch that He was the Word. Then God gave Him a Bride at Pentecost; but that Bride dropped into the ground through the dark ages, just like the real wheat did, It dropped in. And why couldn't it act? Because it was hid beneath the earth, it had to rot before it could bring forth life.

253But there come a little priest one time, by the name of Martin Luther, and he sprang forth the one Word of Truth: "The just shall live by faith," there come a blade; then another blade followed it, Zwingli, and then come Calvin and Knox and on down.

254First thing you know, it changed its blade, it went into a tassel. Now, that looked a little bit more like it, but still it wasn't the real thing that went in the ground, there come Wesley along. Out of Wesley came the Methodist church, from the Methodist church came the Nazarene, United Brethren, so forth. What did it do? It fell back again and it brought forth, look like a real grain of wheat now, Pentecost.

255 Now, watch Jesus, in Matthew 24:24, "In the last day, the two spirits will be so close together till it will deceive the very Elected, if it was possible." Now, when that grain of wheat come forth, any wheat raiser knows that that looked like perfect, the grain of wheat. But you set down and take it in your hand, open it up. There's no wheat in it, it's a shuck. But way back in the back, under microscope you can see a little bitty bud, there comes the grain. And then what is that shuck to do? It's to protect the grain, the hot sun would kill it, it protects the grain until the grain is matured. And then when the grain becomes matured, the shuck pulls away from it. But, did you notice, that grain then that comes forth, has got to be the same kind of grain that went into the ground.

256 After Luther's revival, come an organization. After Wesley's revival, come an organization. After Alexander Smith, John... Alexander Campbell, John Smith, all the rest of them, come an organization. After Pentecost, right down like the real thing, but it come an organization. What did it do? Pulled away.

257We've had fifteen years of revival, it's never been known in all history. And watch, in this fifteen-years revival, It swept around the world, and not one organization has been built out of It. Where was It? (It started the latter rain, it died in its... instant, it died.) There's been no organization follow This. Why? It's the grain Itself, there can be no more. And the shuck now is pulling away, no cooperation, nobody wants you. Why is it? It has to be That.

258 Why was that church set there? To support It. Where... Who would have cooperated? What Baptist, or Presbyterian, or Lutheran would have supported a Divine healing campaign? Now when Truth comes forth, what's happen? Not the shuck; but the Life goes right out from the shuck, right into the grain, the real true Life. The organization stands there, dies, just like it has done in every age, it does the same. You come out of that, fifty years ago, and went right back into it again! But real Life follows the grain, we're at the end time, brethren.

259 What did it pull away for? So that it would bring the grain in presence of the Son, to ripen the grain to a golden ripen for the Master. Why has it pulled away? So, it causes heartaches, tears, that they don't lay before the s-u-n, but the S-o-n, to be ripened to the true full Gospel, to manifest everything that Jesus Christ promised in the Bible. There is raising up a Body today among the people. And there will be no more organizations, it goes right out into rich Laodicea. What has the organization prospered by? Millions of dollars, and millions of souls.

260And what was the shepherd come from? To deliver his brethren from bondage. I--I don't know; God, be with us, help us. Study the Word! Search the Scriptures! In them we think we have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Truth. See, God allotted His Words to each age. This age always...

261 What did Jesus say when He come? He said to them people, "You hypocrites! You whiten the walls, and build the tombs for the prophets, and your fathers put them in there. And you are the sons of your fathers. And the works that they did, you'll do too." It ever remains the same, my brethren.

262But when Jesus comes someday, the Great Shepherd of the sheep from Pentecost through Luther through all the ages, that has accepted the Light as It come through the carriers (not accepted the carrier, accepted the Light; see, went out), He'll come to redeem. I'm so glad that I know He's coming again. Oh, would you be numbered with His group? Would you be numbered? There's only one way to do it, not by joining a church, but by being borned into Him. "And all the Father has given Me, will come to Me, and no man can come except My Father calls him." See, that's all there is to it, accept It. He... That's the only Christmas gift that I know of, is the gift of God that He gave to the world, His only begotten Son. And He's the same, yesterday, today, and forever, the Word. See? Believe Him in this day, the fulness of the Bible.

263 When those seven mysteries... Back through those Seven Church Ages, there were seven hidden mysteries. I'm writing a book of It. And a great theologian said to me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham..." See how Satan will try to jerk you off the road? He said, "Brother Branham, you know what? I believe the Lord will reveal to you what we're to do next. Is to... it'll be some great secret that's hid in under these Seven Seals."

264I said, "No, that isn't it, brother."

265He said, "It'll be something that's not even written in the Word."

266I said, "No! No! You forget, 'Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word away.'" See, It's already in there, but the reformers has failed to see It, they didn't live long enough to see It.

267And the ages is over now, we're right here at Laodicea. And remember, the Laodicea age, He was on the outside of the church, knocking, trying to get back in: Eve had put her Adam out. God, help us. Let us go beyond the camp to find Him. Let us suffer without the gates with Him. Let us go to Him in His death, in His burial, and in His resurrection; for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

268 Let us sing one hymn before we leave. Will you? I Love Him. Would you give us the key, sister? How many knows the old hymn? I... If you ever been in the meetings, I love it.

269Now let's just close our eyes, think of Jehovah. No one was worthy, no one could do it but Him. And He come down, and become a little baby. He come, a teenager. He become a carpenter, a working man. He become a Lamb, He become a sacrifice. He raised triumphantly, Jehovah. And as Moses pulled his hand from his bosom from over his heart, God pulled His hand from His bosom (His secret) His Son that was smitten with disease of sin, incurable; and stuck It back into the bosom again, and pulled It forth and extend It to you and I: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

270Look at Him now.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

271 How many knows it had to be a shepherd, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Must! Why a shepherd? It had to be. Now while we sing this same verse over again, reach across the table. There's Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and all, setting in here tonight. Shake hands, say, "Fellow pilgrim, I'm so glad to be here with you, tonight." Say something to them. Say, "God bless you," as we shake hands with one another now. As we sing it again now.



... my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

272Now let's close our eyes and raise our hands, and sing to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

273 And now, God's without form. So, let's bow our heads and hum it now, like little children, you are children of God. Don't look at what the world might think, you're worshipping now, worshipping Christ. Just bow your heads and hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation hum I love Him--Ed.]

274Don't you feel all scoured out like? Just kinda... something just rubbed all the doubt and the world away from you? Feel that way? Raise up your hands, "I just feel all scoured out. I feel different. I feel like I have been eating from His hands. I have,..." Like the brother here testified, "Food, Shepherd's food, sheep food." That's the Word.

275 God's sheep feed on His Food, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." And this is It, the Bible. We feed on every Word, not just some of the Words, but every Word that proceedeth. Oh, don't it make you love Him? To think that now we have Eternal Life! Not we will be, now we are the sons of God. Not we will be, now! And it's setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And the great television, that declares that there is a ether wave that makes people (the person that travels around the earth) known by the--by the screen of the television. The great Word of God, and the Spirit of God taking the Word of God, reflects Jesus Christ in heavenly places to His sheep, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isn't He wonderful? Wonderful! God bless you.

276 Now let us stand just a moment. Have you someone for the benediction? Now, remember, during Christmas, worship the Lord Jesus. Worship Him in the Power of His resurrection. And if I can ever be of favor to you (you, your pastor, your church, or anything), the night never gets too dark, the rain never falls too hard.

277The other night (there's a lady standing present here) I was so busy, took up the sick and stuff till... There was a eighty-something year old woman that had lost her mind, and she had... she thought about having a baby or something, she was out of her mind. And Billy, from the office, called me, said, "Daddy, can you?"

278I said, "I can't right now. There's people... I just can't do it."

279He said, "Daddy, can you go to prayer? I'll tell them you're praying."

280I said, "Yes." And at that very same moment she came to herself. She fell asleep, woke up in her normal condition; eat a full, chicken supper, in normal sense. Person was standing here testifying of it a few moments ago.

281 Brother Mack, I seen him here a while ago, somewhere in the church. He's here, one of the pastors, local pastor. A very dear brother, and I've always loved Brother Mack since I was first started in the ministry. And then I met him...

282And I was way up in British Columbia; and just to show you how that God will work everything right. I was already mounted on a horse, and was going back into the wilderness where I had led a whole group of Indians to God; and they were all converted, and had received Jesus.

283And by the prophecy that told the Indian boy that lost his pony, two years ago, told him where he could find it, how far it would be away, and where the pony would be standing. His mother dying with a heart attack. She was healed and saved. And this boy, just coming by and seeing it, and knowing that he... his horse was found exactly the way that he was told, and everything.

284 Not one Word has the Lord ever spoke... I'll ask any of you, "Has He ever heard Him say anything, that He's ever told me to tell you, but what come to pass just exactly?" If that's right, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? See? Exactly, never has It failed one time.

285And Brother Mack was laying at the point of death, and happened to be that his wife called Billy... my son's wife, and told... ask where I was at; that lovely little lady and... his wife. And she... And my daughter-in-law said, "He's way in northern British Columbia on a hunting trip."

286And that morning, somehow, I--I--I just couldn't ride that horse out. And then Billy said, "I'll believe I'll call home once more." And he went up to the post to call. And here they come running back, when the little Indian standing there, the little... what that had the pony, and said, "Brother Mack is laying at the point of death, and is calling you."

287 And I got off, went over in the woods and knelt down. I said, "Dear God, way down, three thousand miles across the country, in the sunny state of Arizona, in Tucson, is my brother, and he's laying at the point of death. Will you help him?"

288Just Something spoke to me, "All is well."

289And when I come to Brother Mack the other day, to talk to him, and I asked him, "What hour that it happened?" it was exactly the same hour we went to prayer.

290Oh, He... Isn't He wonderful? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm so happy to know that I live in the Presence of the King.

291 Let us bow our heads now, and a precious little brother is here, a missionary brother, friend of mine, a member of Assemblies of God, a precious little brother here. I call him, "Creeche." He spoke such nice things. Brother Creech, I call you that. I don't know what to say, you're my brother and fellow servant in the tribulations of Jesus Christ in this last day. May God bless you. And I think Brother Tony said that you was going to dismiss the audience at this time, while we bow our heads. All right, come.